HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-05-01 - Newport Harbor EnsignVICKI CSENAR, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis C r.enar of .Balboa Island, is the April Zonto Girl of the Month. Vick• was &lso winner of the Lions Club local spe&lting contest. h&s pl&yed in the b&nd dunng oil ~ of her high school years, was recipient of the Ban~ of Amer· ica aw&rd &s the most outstond· ing student •n the Eng lish Dept. In &ddition to many student ac· tivities. she h&r. been &n Honor Society member during her sophomore, junior and senior years. Local merchant. aN! prepar- Ing an all-out eampaiC"n to aid national recovery by ~ratlnr In the nation-wide "BUY BOW'' drive. Klck-oU for the campalen will be a glrantlc parade Tuesday throuarh all the bu.ainesa sections of the City of Newport Beach. The Ne\I>'J)Ort Beach City Coun· cll will d1.lcu.u ott-street parldnr problems TUesday aftHnOOn fol· lowing the 4 p.m. adjourned meeting. Among the Items to be reviewed aN! the propoeed park· lng lot adjacent to the city trail· er park and the Udo Shop.' N!· quest to lease some parkJna area nt>ar the City HaJL The Corona del Mar Chamber of Commerce and the Retailers' Dl· vtslon of th'e N~rt Harbor Chamber are jolnlnc forces for • thll event. All local mel"<.'hants are Invited to enter their cars in the parade The cars will a.eemble at noon '1\aaday on RJverslde Ave., just ott Mariners Mlle. The parade will •tart at 1 p.m., going first to Newport and Balboa, then back throuch Mariners Mile to Balboa lsland and finally to Corona del Mar. Local dtgnitarles and County Fatr queen candi da~ will ride in the parade. Each business area will form I its own division In the parade. The queen's car, carrying Molly (Miss COM I McClintock. will lead the Corona del Mar Division l Frank Jordan Is marshal for the 1 COM Division, and mel'('hant.s wishing to join the parade are a.sked to call h1m at ORiole 3 I Rezon.lng, Resubd·lv.ld.lng ~~den Finch, presid4>nt of the l CDM Chamber. Is donatme a cup I !Of' the best entry in this division I CDM D •ec1 b City Plans for the parade and a enl Y I "BUY NOW'' promotion were pre· ~red at the Monday mOf'nlnc bN&kfut ~Meting of the CDM The request to .ruone 2 Corona his handline of the problem on ...___..._ D -u d u ..._I .. __ b.__.__ .__ R·" to R-3 U 1 1sJ nd ~. ....,n n emann w ....,. --.r ~ uvuo • tt e a · cbalrman for the meeUnr. and wu unanlmoualy rejected Mon· • ~lved a petition and let· jolnJna the plannlnc were Huah day evenln& by the Newport ters urriJla left turn lane and )(yn.att fol' tbe Newport Harbor Bee.ch City Coundl. si,nallzatlon tor turninr oft ~ and Bob Robins and 11w Coundl thu.a aptn foUow· Mariners Mile onto RJveralde Didt Jom.on fOT u.e car dealers, -:::-~~Bal!==bc.~PenlDsula ed dill l'eCICliiUnendatlon ol the Ave. City Manaaer announced wbo are carryina out a ""You ..... -.~~ pta ...... ~on. whleb that a request baa already been Auto Buy Row'" drive. c1 tbe JU· made to !be State Divtsloa ol ,._ aor.& did liar ~ for tbe world'• areatest oce.n rac1nc .-pectacle. Flrwt to All wUl be the arbl· tra17 and ocean radnr dlvislou. ln Claaa A. Then, ln tum. will 10 Cl.-B. C, and D. Hup crowda of •pectators will apln ptber aJona the favorite vantare point -the bluUa above the Corona del Mar rnaJn beach. Othera will view the •tart of the race trom the jettle., and alto from nurneTOu.a spectator boata. FMtlv1U. which bq'an with the tradttlonal Balboa Bay Club banquet 1aat nlabt will be ta.k~ up on the otber side of the bor· cSer Saturday rurht at the Babl.a Hotel I.JJ E:Mmada. In commem· •.Uln&lontlon o1 the Clnoo de Mayo celebration. A trophy p-.entatlon barbe· eo. will be beld Saturday after· noon In front of the h«el , .... _ ... o.Jc1 nat ........... It SIICf\. wW ..... NOW 10 ~ 'nVaDAT. IIAY L ... BCI-4 MAYOR NOT A POLITICIAN -NOT ALWAYS DIPLOMAT Mayor James Stoddard k.laed I ute heaped upon minute while no babies to ret bJJftaelf re-elect· the man they know as "Jay" ed to the N~ Beach City 80UCht carefully to pin down CoundJ laat month by CJftr 1.000 each detall of Coundl action. votes more than an.y other can· But ~ same dttz.u. thank dldate. ed this out.pobn and hardwork· He 1.1 not a poliUdan -at Ina chemJcal enatneer by a land· t:t.mes. not even a dt=-t. allde eJection Yktory. Many a dtiJim ape-out at And lay'a hard work has been City Cou.ndl -sana ILu been mo.-. than tun t:1me on behalf ot vbibly ahrtftled b7 !\Ia c.'Oftd8e tbe people who elected hbn. and aarcaarn. Man,y haw Wtta*l DO t1JM at all fOI' eJ'M!omJcal en· Natleal)t tn tM1r cb.a1Ja u min· llneerl..na ance he ftnt woo h1s CcMlndl ~at back ln l~ But haa his hard work made him too "hard on ~pie" at times! ln his hure l~llte study at his home at 2928 Ocean Blvd4 Corona del Mar. the 46-year·old may« 80U,fht In h1s <"ustomary painstaldnc manner to ~r that question this ~k. "'Maybe."' be nodded. "Maybe I ba~ been too harG. lhlt r\-. aJ· WllYS t.rt It's a cound.lman'a du · AlVO L HAAP------------0... aiMI ,......_ PM HMPA. Allocletll Ytw SUISCI.ImON IATlSa ....., ...... ,.... ...... , .. .,..,. ,. 00; -)'Mr-0.00 o-w. ., .... ......, AIMI T .. Y..,.......P.oo: -,..... .... MEMIIU Of CAlffOitNIA NEWS,.VER PUIUSHEIS ASSOCIATION All4 of tho NATIONAL lDf'TOAIA1. ASSOCIATION • -.oD beNe· C!oOk but I learned a lot J told you I'd .-Md to a llw waedWla him.: rumon that biaw ..... •~ Of CIOW'8et J haw a Jot. of fl.Y· wJtb the illole tn•t of ~nr '"-time on t~ cuatomer .Sde ot paper, ..V..... a,. . ._. 01 :W. ·e:~-'ri~= me out of the moaeen balr .., tbe ~nt bar but that R. Wt'• '1.oi'Tit.& ~·-." wtth u.e Ur'dNt i:le. QC>nvindn& my empiOyft that l MoluldR't ..m unusual ot eau. Whlda a.d beet~ OM of thi true, ilia. Wuh~, l ....... am too much of a llablllty for a n&mor. ....u.de ~ ot tM Cbk'jfO oct.:A: on ......,_, A1i1Q U. t111t tllm to carry In h1a paper. e ~Y ' ranpte,.. ot tbe ~ ot prohlbl-Oraqe c-... e~.~~~c.-... .., Not only ~ "Hop'' unlm· 0\atna the recent ~palcn l tlon. OGMd out tM Oc:::I.A ....,. preaed, he aaked tome em bar· crltlelzed Helru K.aller Cor a..l-Bob'a evaluatJon of the 8tory the Ol)'Ulpk: coa.r. ot•......, rualne questlOM of the apread-lowtne his name to be uaed aa mate~ my own. and I tlnd th1a • • • ers who came to him. One of tavortnr the name chanee. 1 of a frequent occurrence, thla ~-1'11& ~ 1 .. IIIJ Mon· them told him: "We'w aot aome· course took It for eranted that menton~ and. to be boneet. day monUnc pa~Mfft..,. liiMil t1 ttll~ on old Anct)t now tbat will he had aiened the llat. It now perhape. that 11 why I tlad b1m televtte .a.e of their ,.._ atop him." All very a1nlst~r and appears that hJa name wu UMd one of t.be lnOft reUable book away &om home. Don't -" •'::::I*C*ICI*::I*Q!I:*~»=•a•~•c•ICI•::I•C:IC:XliCI*Z:ICI:ICac::l•a:z:acx::ICICIC::ICIICI::::I*O:• mysterious but probtne by Hop without hla knowledee or hla critics alnce Henry L. Me~ dreamy-eyed at the ..-~ ft') /_ _ L. thp could elicit no more than that. eonaent_ That I praume t. con-To ret back to 1'LI'm.E CEA· displayed, becau.e that U... IIIII .,it.tJD. ·~ The rumor that we had the aldered eood ~lean polltJ~ In tbe SAK." Bob &eked the' QUeStion In move 1a no more tlwl& political -:"~ moet fun out of waa whlle J wu code of the campalan manaren hie review last Monday, JUt bow eampalan. and you wU1 hear , , , , , o: , , , , • c:a • on the City Council. A citizen ot that loa1ng propoeltlon. But many booka publiahed In 1929. more about the benenta dertwd • : : • * E tOM ln the meeUne and sounded lt Ia way below the standard of the year of publication of "LIT· from putttne the Dodtel'8 In Cb.a· e THE PLANNERS ARE AT IT AGAIN Here I'm picking on our Planning Commission again -this time because of the proposed sign ordinance. . These pla~ners are out to ?a some more controlling and regulat- Ing-controllmg the other guys property. of course. They are getting the axe ready. for a 9re~t. number of e•!s~ing signs in. our city. And they re propos1ng to do 1t 1n the s,me sp1nt they exerc1$8d in the hew zoning ordinance -changing the rules in the middle of the 9ame. They aim to outlaw signs that a great many o f you business people put up with your hard-earned dollars in a perfectly legal manner. The purpose of the control is nobly stated as providing "minimum standerds to safeguerd life. heefth. property and public welfare." It looks. more like they don t think much of the looks of your signs. I mey not l1ke the cut of the coat of some of these planning commissioners, and that could be hazt~rdous to life. health, property and public wel- fare, too. Who is to S4Y where this regul4ting is going to stop? M_a~be you ~4n S4y. If YC:u C4re. you might attend the Planning Comm1ss1on meet1ng on the n1ght of M4y 15 in Newport Beach City H..,ll. Th..,t'll be the first hearing on the proposed sign control law. e NOTES FROM THE LOG Did y~u see this: A sign on the b11d o f .., tiny Reneult p<'~rked in front of C1ty Holl Mondt~y - ' Help st11mp out c ..,dill..,cs." Those wh? br..,vely lt~sled through thot long, first evening meeting of our new C1ty Counn l m•ght be tncl.ned to mutter. ''Hurry it up.' But I must soy th."t the car~ful expiC!r>at vn of issues 1s to be preferred over the many •nsl<'lnces •n the P<'~>l wl-e, previous Councils hove whizzed through complict~led item;; w,th ~I ter disreg..,rd of the audi- e nce CouncilmM H<~rvey Somers ash quest ons dur:ng the study ses S•O"' <'lnd CounCil meel•ng whenever he •s in doubt. I hope he ~eeps 1 up .t II help the a~;dience to undersl5nd too. Pirate Day Activity This week, officially designat- ed as Pirate Week. will come to a clinax Friday with a variety of actlvltlea under direction of Cary Lewis. ICC president; Mar- shall Sullivan. activities commls· sloner and Jim Hickman AMS president. ' Now In progress Is a beard growtna contest which will end XISSIOifAJlY TO TAU Rev. Frederick Passier, the "Flying Missionary to Yucatan." Will "peak at the n<''<t mef'ting. ;\1ay 7, of th<' Wom<'n s Fellow- ship at St. Andrew'!'i Presbytenan Chun·h. Cliff Haven. IE SA UPHOLSTEIIID Vpbolateriag & Daapwy Liberty ~711 2350 Jlfewport h. eo.ta .... Friday. A WS will judge winners In three categories. the most unique. best effort. and the long· est. accordJng to Hickman. Regular classes wtll be held until 11 a.m . next Friday at which time kJck-otf assembly will take place to officially start the festivities, a c cord 1 n g to Lewis. ..... Food and pme bootb.l, spon- sored by campus clubs will elve entertainment (rom 12 . 1:30 p.m . Other activities being planned include a faculty-student base· ball game. and a tug-of-war. of.t thus: "I keep hearing rumors my code, to say the leut. Sorry, n.E CEASAR." wou..ld prove aa vez Ravine. durin& the telecat. that one of the councilmen owna Heinz. readable today, aa they were th will bou he _.._ .. an lnterat In a local paper. I'd • • • readable then. I think that we an you a t t ·~-· like to know if that Is true and. e ELECT'IOIIS could find quite a f~ of the 1129 ~=n:.u~~~ embodied ln .ame lf ao. Is It legal for a councilman Tbt.s year ls just one damb novet. which would stand pretty ------------~ to hold such an Interest?" election after another. On May atraleht under the test of belnl · Havl~ been Upped ott that 20 comes the elementary school re-read today. AUY CHU.C.. OP CHIIST Ute City Attorney had cracked board election, with Its candl· Seooplnc throueh the bite-ot JJIJ Yle ~0:~ ..... that he was "roi~ to do some-dates for the board. and a very my memory, I could nominate A tw.ftdl e1 n.. wott. C1tiH'ch, YM thine about lt." we were not lmportanCbond Issue. the followlna ~ ~11 for tbe Arwt Qwrch e1 Qriel, ScMRtilt. r. lot taken by surprue. Immediately. You may have eathered from trial: Jtemarquea ALL QUIET toft. .-.._._....._ the council chamber was trans-my previous columns that class· ON 11IE WESTERN FRONT," s-...y Schoel -----9:••...- formed Into a court the other 4 roonu should have a hteh prior-Lewis' "DDDSWOJrnl." Du BoN Su .... S... II:OOa.-. council members a~tJng as the lty over the previous bond Luues Heyward's "MAMBA'S DAUGB· Wad~ MIIIIICJ w..ti119 l~p.111 judge and Jury with poor 'Ul me recently defeated. My feellne la TERS." Rolvde'a ''PEDD VIC· ~~ ... ~tadlt at Ut5.!: the accu.sed at the bar. QueatJons that elaborate libraries are all TOfl Rlt OUS."1 ·~sed ~'!~!-..,.!•teSI~ ct..,. f,_ t.OO a..lft. to ~ ,_ as to the truth of said rumor right. but how useful wtll they rs nove · ALU..o.E#& ~&c.a Wad~ from 9:00 to 7:46 came thick and fast from the be If "Johnny can't read." MARY," which won the PuUtur Frld 9 .t 9a..... a -: ... h dl d th hi t Prl~... p.m. ay •.m. o p.m. ...-judges and prosecution (council· 1 ave stu e e pamp e ...-. Holidays. men) to which 1 gave answers Issued. and I am pleased to note This little note atarted as an The JM!bllc Ia cordially Invited to at· which were neither evasive nor that economy has a prominent answer, but It wlll tlnlah aa a .. ~~e~ the ch11~h ..Mc.a~ and -tt.. diplomatic to wit: It was none of place In the plans. The lmmedl· question; what was published In _•..ct __ ill9 _____ . ------- their business and If it were true ate need Is pressing. and the 1957 to match this llat ln. shall It would not be either Illegal or bond type of flnanctne Is the we say, "Uvablllty," rather than to my discredit. business-like method. I a m there· the long-term contract word ot Getting nowhere with me. they fore whole heartedly In favor of lmmortaU~? • • asked Hop did he mind being passing these bonds. sworn and would he answer questions under oath. He, having no objections. was duly sworn and with the council members on the edge of their ~ats. they asked him. "Does Mr. Smith own any stock In the En· sign?" Answer: "No." Queallon: "Do you owe him any money?" Answer: "No." Question: "Old he ever give you any money?" Answer: "Yes." Ah! now we're getting some- where. Question: "Was it a check and when was It dated?" Answer: "No." Question: "Well. what was It?" Answer: "It was that long green folding stuff." GONE FISHING See you when the 13th Inter- national L.labt Tackle Touma· ment t.s over. Question: "Do you now owe him any money?" Answer: "No." TO DIRE faoQIIIti&IVEI.Y Plop -the balloon go bust. They look at me wttb a burt The Shipmates of St. Andetw'a uptaalon and asked: ''Why Presbytet1an Church. cwr Hawn, cfldJit rou tell • tbJI an u. ftnit are ...... ...._ ·-~IOI•BIIw CUn· place!" Answer: "'could tee you ner tor lfay .a 8rnn.Uon.. had swallowed the batt book. coC~ne 11. w1ll be .old between line and sinker and I j ust want-Sunday .-rvlce. th1a week and ed 'to watch you wiggle for next week. awhile " ;=;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;::;;;;;;;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;; FLEAS! Tes, thy'.. .tartl.D9 apia. Doll't let them wet tbe •Jump .. OD yoa. See tbe J•· daDa cmd be tJM of tbteM The rumor that intrigued me tht> most and the one I ardently wished had real foundation was the one carried with a question mark. "Does Col. Andy Smith own stock In the Chefs Inn?" I would rather have stock in that ex- tr+ely su ccess f u I operation than to have a license to steal. It Is my favorite eating place. pMb all sWDJDer. I TOLD YOV SO, I TOLD YOV SO, I TOLD YOV SO. About 5 years ago, when Orange Cout Young GOP Meets Here The new Surt and Sand Youne Republicans' Club met WednH· day nleht at the Vllla Marina Restaurant. wtth ~ president. Cal Schmidt. presldtne. Other oUicers Include BUJ Mon- teith, executive vice-president Ann Rohrer, secretary; Jack Fletcher, treasurer, and BN~ Ander10n, membemblp cbalrman. Any Harbor Area Republican between the -eH of 18 and fl. may Join the eroup by telepbon- l.ne Mr. Andenon at KDnherlY 5-V'l'U. Climaxing Pirate W~k will be the Shipwreck Ball Friday mght from 8 · 12 p.m. "The Rlffs" wtll orrhestrate for the dance which will be held in the student cen· ter. Winners of Pirate W~k con· tests. Including King and Queen of Pirate Day. will be announced that night and prizes awarded. *CROWN HARDWARE* WE CUT EnS •A BOVSDOLD DEPAII'liiEifT ITO..-...... RIE OLD CDLOIY PAIITS ~= 1107 EAST COAST BJC:BWAY coaowA DELIIU It's true that I have put In some time In their kitchen watching the different specialists prepare the delicious food they serve, especially my namesake, head man Vern Smith, and Tommy Payne, the art.lst on the ba rbecue beef and chicken. I consider myself a pretty talr bar- • the iordans 1'£'\-SHOP 2722 E. Coat ...,......., ConGa del ... fbolles Olllole 1·3a0 ~ You'll Like Your Neighbors In WEST c LI FF \.-Quite often proepective resldenta and buyers at WESTCLIFF homes aak us about the type of people who llve there -wbo tbe1.r nelehbors wtll be. So we took one of the mlallest Independent aurwys on record, and this list re.ulted ... a sort of WHO'S WHO IN WESTCLIFJ'. . 21 Bualness owners 9 CorporaUon managers 13 En&1neers 11 Sales manaeers 9 Investors 6 Doctors 3 Dentists 4 Colonels 3 PubUc relations counselors 5 Retired executives 6 Company department manaee,.. 2 Attofl'le,P 1 Pre. apnt 1 StockbrOker 2 ArcbltecU 1 Cleri)'Jnan 2 WidOWs 1 Colleae proteaor 6 Contn.c:tor. 1 Editor 1 Sdenu.t 10 salesmen 4 Inaurance couaelo1'8 We are proud ot this 11tt of WESTCUFJ' homeownen. We t.hJn.k you would be proud t.o ~~«orne a part of this community of fine homes and One people. WES'I'C'UJ'ra caat..-'bldlt ._.-. -- EAStERN GRAIN FED PO FADID ft"''LK SP~feribs * * * wttll ,. OM pUilb fl. a at the top ... ..... ttl -otbeF..., oalcen WUI be Mm. aula, WM 1\aUu Jrooa. ~-repnt: Kra. willr lllr II. a;~ c:baplaln; Mrs. CM~ W. J:. n.bef, recordlftlleC:retar)'; .;, tM .._. an. DairoCby Urwod. co~d· WID .. iWJ lC -=retarJ: Knr. C. E. stovall. c.ta ......_ u.auNr: )(ra. ~ Hoover, reai*U: ...... ltobert Xeppen. blatGdan. and Krs. Anne HarM· eon. li bla11an. 1'1\ .. olfttwn wW be ln.sta1led at the May 28 lgncheon meetlnc In the Kewport Harbor Yacht Club. Mia IJnaon, a junior memMr of the chapter, reported on her trip to Wublncton. D. C., where abe attended the Continental Concna In Con.ltltutlon Hall u a repre.entatlve of the WlUiam C.beJl 0\apter. Thomu Taylor, 331 Grand Ca· nal, Balboa bland. 4Je4 Jut week In St l<*J)b'a BoepltaJ. Orange. He had been aupervbor and auditor for the Santa Ana office of the State Board of Equallu· tlon for ~ years. He had Uved In Cautomla 59 years and In Or· ange County 40 )'M.n. He la survived by hU wife, Donna; a aon, Don, and brothers, Edward and Samuel, of Ontar· lo; and Harry of Redlanda. Funeral .services were held Jut Thursday at the Brown ColonJaJ Chapel, Santa Ana, with Inter· rnent In JliJl.slde Cemetrry, Red· lands. C. E. Allison El-1•1••11 If .. Of COM Dies Dill 11 Ac• 11 11 Mrs. Marruerlte Rolsman, 56, of Dana Point, former reaident of Corona del Mar, died Friday In Hoag Memorial Ro.pital alter a lingering lllness. She wu a na- tive of Boston and had llved In California 22 years. Charlea E. AUlson, 66, of 513 OrchJd Ave., Corona del Mar. died Jut Friday In Loa Alamitos Sanitarium. He wu a native of Mattoon. Ill., had lived In California for 25 years and In thl.s community for 8 years. };e wu formerly u · IOdated with the Old.smoblle c1lvlsion of General Motors as zone manager. Survivors Include h1a wife, Ha· zel; a daurhter, Mrs. Peggy Headrick of Granada Hills, Calif., and 3 grandchildren. MasonJc aervlces were held Monday at the Baltz Corona del Mar Chapel, with Sea far I n g Lodre No. 708. A.JtF.M .. offlclat· Inc. Interment was In Fairhaven Cemetery. ------LEGAL JfOTICE CER'MFICATE OF BUSfNESS UNDER FICTITIOUS NAME The undersigned do hereby certify they are conducting a business as Co-Partners at 2229· 2233 East Coast Highway, Corona del Mar, Callfornia, under the fictitious tlrm name of F .It C She is survived by her bus· band, Louis Rol.sman. Hoary wu recited Monday In St. Joachim Church, Costa Mesa, and mass was celebrated Tuesday. Inter- ment was In Holy Sepulcher Cemetery. with Baltz Corona del Mar Chapel In charge of ar· rangements. New members of the Newport Harbor Board of Realtors are Glenn Fultz, Thomas Lewis and William Shannon. aJI associates with Tobias Realty, Costa Mesa; and Ralph Schotfer, usoclate, R. &r R. Realty, eo.ta Mesa. • • • Max Pope ~ now at 2912 W. Coast Hwy., on Mariners MJle ; Lillian I.e Perle Is at 21.28 Har· bor Blvd., Costa Mesa. KOIIGAX CLAJf GIIOWS Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Morgan. to· 710 Larkspur Ave.. Corona del RITA J. ANDERSON Notary Publlc in and for said County and State. ASHTON. DROHAN .It MARCHE"M'I 3345 N~rt Blvd. Mar, have a new little daughter to show friends. She was born 6 lbs., 8 oz. at Hoag Hospital Mon· day, March 24. f!Dstlll daalfled ada pt result&. r • MRS. BEEK IS HEAD OF HOAG AUXILIARY L..rgest and MOlt Complef. Furniture Store in the Are&. c.n for ~ree DECOMTtNG S9VICI lllwty .. ss .. lln. 1. A. JteeJr wu elected prelldent of the Auxillary ot Jloa1 Memorial Ha.pltal for the nat 2 yean at the an.oual meet· tnr 1ut Friday In St. Andmn Preabyterlan Church, CUtt Haven. <>t.h6 oftlceTa are Kra. L. Del· ford Fedderman of Santa Ana, f1rlt vice-president; Mrs. Martin Lockney of Lido We, vlce-presl· dent In ctta.rce of waya and means eommittee; Mra. Wllllam Dana of Corona del Mar. vice· president In ch&r~e of memMr· Doll and Toy Show Slated ahlp; M.ra. Orval Stewart of BaJ. t>o. Co v e • • vice-prealdent In charee of chapters; Mra. l ames Decker of Lacuna, recordJ~ aec- retary; .Mn. Wal~ Dabney ol Huntlneton Beub, ~dlnl eecretary; Mrs. T. WUllam Bol- der of Balboa. treasurer; Mrs. Harry Cuey of Balboa, parlla· H1use ... Gar~~~ FumishiftC)I for hom.. dubS. yec:hts. 3017 W , eo..t H!P-r ....,_.le.dl men tartan. Reoeivinc 500-bour pins lftre '::====;:;:=====! Mmea. Anne Harbt.on, Strat1ord Enrl1ht, Ra.chael Wiley, Eliza- beth Hunter, Helen Randall, Mil· ton Crier, Nadine Fink and Bur- ton Bomber,er. Mrs. Dana reported that the Auxiliary now baa 21 ln-aervloe aod c out-service committees. To· • • • tal hours for 1957 were 17,200, Llde liltS Slat C.W an lncreue of 2,000 over the oaw. 1__, _ sao VIa Udo ~~be~fo~re~·==============~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A doll and toy .show will M r;: held from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. to- morrow <Friday> at the Corona del Mar Youth Center by the Newport Beach R«reaUon Dlv. Doll.s will M judeed u the largest, smallest, cutest, happl· est, danclnc. aleeplnr. walking and most unusual. Toys will be judged u largest, amaJlest. mo.t I unusual, and beat condition over 1 the longest period of time. LEGAL JfOTICE NO. A 30885 NOTICE TO CREDITORS ESTATE OF ROBERT C. UNO- MAN, DECEASED. Tile .. Prlli ....... , .. Te '1111 ''Paal.ell'a lrllkfllt" AU •-ben o1 1M c-dellla t:hom,_ _, c:.--c., ad 1111 wlao wWa to ,...., ..,... a ......... llmtatMa to at-.s u.. ........, ......., ....... ealdat ... , .... c:....a del lla ... f"ww .. ad nd,_tL Do yoa ...._ -Y er-a-. c+aptateta. ..... ..u-.T eo.. to tbe bncliiEfast Clll4 diaalaa u.-wttb ... We 9et ~ ..wy l(...s.y • m• .. at I e'dock Ia tbe Saadt Sbop. DOS E. eo.t •wor. Jobl • tblale. •aADEif J'DCII. PI d r'eet NO'MCE IS HEREBY GIVEN to ~~~ the creditors of and all persons 1 having clalnu against the said ALL HAIRCUTS decedent or .said estate to file them with the necessary vouch· era In the oWce of the Clerk of FOR MEN AND BOYS the Superior Court of the State ot California, In and for the County of Orange, or to present ONLY $1.25 the .same, with the necessary vouchers. to the undersigned at his or her pla<'e of business, to- wit: Mrs. Augusta Barker c/o Harwood, Heffernan .It Soden 3355 VIa Lido, Newport Beach, California. within slx months after the first publication of thl.s notice. Dated April 4, 1958. Augusta Barker Executrix of the Estate of said decedent. Harwood, Heffernan .It Soden 3355 Via Lido Newport Beach, California Publl.sh: ApriJ 10. 17, 24, May 1 In the Newport Harbor Enatcn. JAY'S BARBER SHOPS (Nitlea.l Advert.iaement) Tells You WILLIAM 8D·A JfEWIOIIT a.VD.-IfEWJOIIT 70S E. aJU.80A U.VD......aAJ..80A BISTENSEN .. tile J -UDGE .. . ' . ;ll ')I -· '• H ~ · ·uu T-,...~ --............ ~ ~' I ' ~ ' f \ ,. 1 l • ' • ' --o W \ ' • • , . -. . . -· . - Lung Cancer less Here Oranae County ci&&Jette amok· us may be a lot better oU than thoee In LOll ~le. County - when lt comes to IUJ14r cancer, !),, Gurtll Ca~nter told the Hoaa U.p!tal Medical StaU last week. Dr. Carpenter and Dr. Charles McCammon. UntveraHy ot South· em Calltornla cancer rese•rch workers, said their evidence In· dlcates amoJcera In heavy Indus- try areaa are most au.sceptlble to the dread d.laease. In uperlmt'lnta with cancer· suaceptlble mJce, sald Dr. Car· penter, only 4 per cent survived in Los Angeles amo1. while 68 per cent atayed healthy In clean· er air. ti.t POilcE RollER T ues~ey 01~ . . . Sections W.tll • ICOR'DAT. &niL J1 prowler ••• Clyde Meyer, 2133 M t • ... ~~ x.. w. s.uera; -~ s.nta Ana c" ann • 1 PL. ._..,.. tepOIU ee 1 n may A~ .• Newport H.tl'lrta, Nportl truck aplWq und OD .u.et; chlldren breU:i~ h1a ..,.,. truck drlwr ~ to~ Sectiona ot the T\aM4ay Club Wlndo\n attv .ehool ... LcQ "'P ••• Pollee bell)ed live lfldarl -'11 bold tbe folJclwl"• D»etin-Btown a22 331\d St., Nf!WDOft Nlzato, 22. ot Loe .,.lea, nr.t .... ·• .- Beach' ruahed to Hoaa Hoeptt.aJ al~ 011 Corona del ¥ar ma1n durint May, accorcUnt to Mra. With ~&Shed hand ••• Huwy beeth, wbeft abe cut her foot • . . Herbert Mlller, pubUdCJ chair· Somers. 1709 E. Bay Ft., llalOO., ThJef tOOk $135 batt.el)' dtarpr man: says smaU boat 1a atnkine ofl B from Mobil Gu StaUoJ\, 227 ~ • Garden Section -10 a.m, St.; Harbor Dept. sailed to~~ St.. ~ewport S.cb •.. MD. Tuesday, May 6, In the home of Newport Beach Pollee unJta Thomu Norton, 1815 CJUt Dr.. Mra. I. t . Nance, 712 Santana Dr., ~~lied out to asaiat Orante Coun· CJW Haven, -.ya aomeone made Irvine Terrace. Cal S..wart, city ty sherttrs deputle. In Dana ott with oaQhe of $30 In dreaaer park superintendent, wiU apeak point shooting ... Nancy Crlch· drawer ~ .•• Mrs. B. W. Nay-on "Minimum maintenance of ton 214 Topaz Ave. Balboa Ia· lor, 3409 Finley Ave., Newport home tardens with reference to land reports "stran'ae man In Beach, reports someone just soil." front of house." plunked a BB bullet throueh her • Homemakers' Section -10 window from acrou channel. a.m. Thuraday, May S. In the e TUESDAY, APBJL 12 Ruth Lon&, 223 Ametnyst Ave., Balboa I s 1 a n d • also reports e W'EDJJESDAT, APIIJL ~ home of .Mrs. William Wrltht. 1600 Haven Pl., CUU Haven. • Music Section -10:30 a.m. Corona Highlands Assn. Will Elect Officers May 15 Monday, May U, In the hOI'ne of Mrs. Arthur Kemper, 3028 Ocean Blvd., Corona del Mar. • Card Section -12:30 p.m. Mlld.Nd Deaver, U20 W. Bal· boa Blvd., Balboa, complains $100 was taken from her purse ... Mrs. Victor McLaglen, 818 W. Bay Ave., Balboa, reports sick seal on pier . . . Mary Thomas, 1914 Ocean Ave., Newport Beach. spotted 2 UFO's -but "Oylng Election of oftlc-ers wlll be held of the Newport Beach Elemen· saucers" swimming, not tlylng; by the Corona Highlands Proper. ta ry School District, wiU talk pollee identified as 2 whales ... ty Onwers Assn. at a dinner about the school bond Issue to be Charles Bradley, 215 Ma rine Ave., meeting Thursday evening, May voted on at the May 20 electJon. Balboa Island, reports someone 15, In the VIlla Marina Restau. Les Steffensen, who Ia asaocl· j Monday, May 12, In the Irvine Coast Country Club. • F ine Arts Section-10 a.m . Tuesday, May 13, In the home of Mrs. I. F. Nance, 712 Santana Dr., Irvine Terrace. Pat Burkhardt, owner of Marjorie Hale Studio, will talk on "Charm and Person- ality Development." ra n.t ate d wIt h Ward·Harrington llfted his movie pro ector . . . Vice President Charles Ha ley Lumber Co. ln the development Mrs. Robert Blinn. 405 EJ Modena will be In cha rge of the business of the Cameo CUtts subdivision Ave., Newport Helrhts, reports meeting In the absence of Presl· I"-ill dl.s clothes stolen from her clothes · SWEET TO SWEETS adjacent to Shore Cl ~. w · dent Ira Smith. James Van Dyke. cuss residential pla ns for Co· Jlne ... Mrs. Irving Laby, 1220 Sweet Indeed .ls the Httle tlrl chairman of the nomina ting born to Mr. and Mrs. Clark <'Ommittee, will present the slate rona del Mar. W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa, com· Sweet, 415 Kings Pl., CUff Haven, of candidates for the <'Omlng pla ins someone placed burning Wednesday. Mareh 19, at Hoat year. Use Enatrn Cla.u.tfled ada to flrepot on her ups tairs balcony. Hospital. She tlppPd the scales Roy Andersen. s uperintendent buy, Hll. trade or exch&Jlle. (Continued on Page Nine) at 8 lbs .. 10 oz. LEGAL lfOTICE LEGAL JfOTICE Oile r ............................ -............................. ..... .. ..... ..... ...... 2.60 20.80 N 0 T I C E I !'i V I T I N G B I D S Mate · .. ............... ....... ............... ................................. .• 2.90 23.20 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Supervisors of Lt>v~ Foreman .......... · · ·-.................... ·· ··-· ·· .......... · 2.90 23.20 Orange Cou nty will reeeive b1ds tor the following work which Is ~~~~~;nan :·:.: ·:··. ·: ... :::::::·::·::::.::.:::: .. :: .. ::.::::::·:::: .. :·::·:::: .. : .. : ~:~5 ~:~ locat~ at Orange County Harbor Department, Newport Beach, Operato; .. ·-.. .. ....... . .................. .. . . .. ........... .... . 3.175 25.40 CalifOrnia Dozer Operator . . .. ... .............. .... .. ..... 3.47 27.76 Conl>trurtJon and Installation of additional boat slips. Lt>wrman ...... ...... .. . .... .. .. . ...... . .. .. 3.56 28.48 Bids are wanted !or thE' enure proje<'t. The Board of Supt>rvisors HOLIDAYS. reservt>s the right to reJ('('t any and all bids. I That the following days a re recognized as holidays: All of said work and materials. except such materials as are Every Su nday in the year eJCcropt as otherwise provided herein, DOif McKAY CaADUATES to be furnished by Orange County, shall be furnished in accordance New Year's Day, Decoralio~ Day. Indt>pendence Day. Labor Day, Donald L. McKay, apprentice w1th plans. s pecifications and form contract to be ex«uted by thf' ArmistiC'f.' Day. Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. If a ny of the chief petty ottlcer, USN, son ol .'iU('('(' sful bidder, all now on file in the office of the County Clerk, above holida ys should rail on Sunday, the Monday following shall Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. McKay of ex·officlo Clerk of thf' Board of Supervisors. be ronsidered a legal holiday. Work on such day shall be paid tor 2001 Highland Dr .. Harbor High· Plans. Sperlfkations and other contract document forms will at the Sunday a nd holiday overtime rate of the craft Involved. No la nds, graduated April 11 (rom ~===========~==~~~f;::;:;;;:f:;~~~~ be available for_examJnatJon without charge and copies may be se· work shall be required on Labor Day except In case of extreme Recruit Training at the Naval cured at the ort1cc of the Orange County Ha rbor Departmt>nt. 1901 urge ncy when life and property ls In imminent danger. Training Center, San Diego. Ap· Bayside Drive. Newport Beach, California, upon deposit of Twenty· UNIFOR.'\f OVERTIME RATES: prentice petty oUicers are chosen fi ve Dollars 1$25.001 pt>r set. which deposit Is a guarani~ that the Where a single shitt is worked, eight hours of continuous em· from the ranka of the seamen re· plans and specificat iOns will be returned in good NlndJ IIon to the ployment, except for lunch periods, s hall constitute a day's work, cruirs to assist Company Com· Harbor Engineer not later than ten 001 days a fter bids on the beginning on Monday and through Friday of each week. Where manders. The selection is based project have been opened. and Is liable to forfeiture if the drawings 1 work Is required In excess of eight (8) hours on any one day or on on Individual aptitude and lead· and speclfkations are not so returned within said time. The plans holldayc;, such work s hall be paid tor at one and one-halt times the ershlp qualities. and specffi<'ations are the pro~rty of t_he _Ora nge County Harbor basic rate ot wages. ------ District, and a re loaned to the btdder unttl bt_ds are due. The deposit It s hall be mandatory upon the Contractor to whom the con· PETE LA.aDJfEA IIAME.D shall not be const rued to be the purchase pnce of any part of these tract Is awarded and upon any subcontractor under hJm to pay not Peter Lardner, 110n of Mrs. Car· d ocuments. Bidders a re requested. should t hey decide not to submit less than the apeclfled rates in tbe ~tlon ol aald contract. ter DameU of 205 VI..\ Koron, lJdo a bid. to return the pla ns and specifications as soon as possible The auccesstul bidder will be ~red to t\un1ah a falthtul per. Isle, has been elected ruabJnt a fter su ch decision Is made. formance bond In an amount equal to fifty per cent (S()tH) of the chal.rman for the JlieJlMon chap · Each bid shall be made out on a form to be obtained at the of· contract price. and a labor and material bcm4 1a an amount equal WI of DeJta Uplllon Fraternity at panled by a certiDed cuhler'a check or a bldaen bond In a aum of provide that if the pemon or h1a .ubcontradcllll tan to pay for &111' Otdo, where he Ja a .., .. ......_ ~~the~~~~H~~~~~~bea~-~-~~~)~~~~~~~~~~D~I~~~~~;U~~~~~;·~~5~~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~~d not Jess than ten per cent (1~> ot the amount bid, I&Jd theclt or matenala (~pt •Udl matertala u ue tu:m.Lshed ~ tht'l Orante bond to be made payable to Orange County Harbor District. BJds County Harbor DlsttJct>. provlafons, provender ot· other auppll-. s hall be received a nd flied with the County Clerk of Orange County, or teams, used In, upon, tor, or about tht'l performance of ex-officio Clerk of this Board, on or before Wednesday t he 14th day the work contracted to be done, or tor any work or labor of May. 1958. at 10:00 o'clock A. M. of said day. and will be opened thereon of any kind, or tor amounts due under the Un· anrt publirly rt>ad on that date in the room of the Board of Super· employment Insurance Act with respect ~ such work or visors In thE' County Court House. Santa Ana , Orange County, Cal· labor, that the surety or sureties will pay for same, In a n amount Hornia. not uceedln~ the aum specified In the bond, and also, In case suit T he al>ove mt>ntioned check or bond shall be given as guaran· Is broueht upon the bond a reasonable attorney's fee to be fixed tee that the bidder wJil enter into the contract on the form now by the Court. said bonds' to be secured from a surety company adopted by this Board and now on file with the County Clerk. If atistactory t~ the Board of Superv.lsors of Orange County. The a warded to h im, a nd wil l be declared forfeited If the successful col}t(actor will also be required to furnish a certUicate that he blddN refuses to enter into said contract within a period of five (S) ~rfes compensation insurance covering his employees upon the days after being requested to do so by the Board of Supervisors of work to be doM under the contract which may be entered Into Orange County. California. between him and the Orange County Harbor District for the con· No bid will be accepted from a Contract~r who Is not llcenaed atructlon of aaJd work. in arcorrtanre with the la w under the provtslons ot Dlvialon III, The Contractor. &hall use only unmanufactured materials pro. ChaptE'r 9 or the Business and Professions Code of the State of Call· duced In the United States and only manufactured materials man· fornia. ufactur~ In the United States, substantially all from materials Bidders are hert>by notified tha t pursuant to provlalona of Sec• produced In the United States, In performance of the contract. tion 1770 of the Labor Code ot the State of California, the Board of The Board of Supervl.so.rs reserves the nrht toft'~ any or all bids. 5uJ)('rvlsoro; of Orange County has ascertained and adopted the PN· Dated April 8, 1958. vailm~ rate of hou rly wages and rates lor legal holldaya and over· BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF limP, 1n the locality in which this work is to be performed, for each ORANGE COUN'TY, CAUFORNIA craft. workman or mechanic needed to execute the contract awarded L. B. WALLACE to thf' surC'es.sful bidder. L. B. WALLACE, County Clerk and ex-oUiclo Thf' prevailing rates so determin('(f are u foUowa: clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Orante Per County, CalltomJa. Classifications Hourly waae Scale Carpenter ·······-·-···· .......... 3.225 Labort-rs. General or Construction .. . . .. .............. ......... 2.!50 Opt>rators lr Tenders of Pneumatic lr Electric Toola, Vibrating machines lr simfiar M~nical toola not separately classified herein .... -....................... -. 2. 71 Cribbers a nd Shorers . . ............ _............. 2.86 Cutting Torch Operator IDemolition l ....... -................... 2.!56 Drillers !all others I . .. ................ _ .. ···-··--··-.. 2.79 Guard and/or Watchman . ..... ....... .. ········-·-.............. _ 2.30 Cement Finis her . . .......................................... 3.40 A Frame -Boom Truck . ............ . ··········-·-···· . .... . 3.19 Apprentice Engineer, Including Fireman, Oller, Greaser . ...... ................................................................ 2.74 Air CompreMOr Operator ...................................... ............. 2.74 Boxmen or Mixer Box Operator (Concrete or Asphalt Plant 1 • .... ......................................................................... 3.29 Concrete or As phalt Spreading, Mechanical Tamping or Finis hing Machine Operator ............... _............... 3.47 Concrete Mixe r Operator -Paving Type It Mobile MIJcer . . ................................ _ ........... _._ .............. -...... 3.!56 Heavy Duty ~paJrman ............ ----··-.. -· .. ····----···-3.47 Pavement Breaker Operator .................................. _. __ .. __ 3.47 Pamp Operator ............................ -.............................. -...... 2.96 Skip Loader Operator -Wheel Type .. -.--..................... 2..96 Tow Blade or Grader Operator ..... --..... -.............. __ 3J.t Tractor Bl·lJlt Shovel Operator ····-·-·-·--·-·-.......... &47 Tractor Opentor Bulldozer, Tamper, Scraper or Dra• Type Showl or Boom Attachmenta -·-·---&41 UnJYfta&J EquJp. Oper. <Showl, Dr•lllne. ~rrJck. ClalnaheU, CraM> -----·-.. -··-·---·-.. ···-a.se Dtfwn of Dump Trucb of lal than 4 Yd&. water leYel 2.63 Driver. of Du:mp Trucka-4 Yda. but le.e tUn I Ydl. water Jewl -·---------·--·-.. -2.88 Ddwn ci Dump Tnlcb-8 Ydl. but Je8a thaD 12 Yde. ...... ~ ----.. -·--·-·-----.. --·--·-.. 2.71 Dah•t ol Dump Trucb-12 Yda. ba:t J.M than 16 Yc1L water ~ ...... -.... ·------·--Drtwn ot Tranlllt·Mlx 'n'ucb-under 3 ycla. -· .. ·--~ .... a1 Trulllllt·JIJ.x 'l'rucJc..-3 Yell. or ...,. -- "'-Drtwr Ma• -·---·-·--·-........ --1111 Drtwr PoNmaa -·---.-...-..-- Diem a, Mabel L. Castelx ~p ~~ty~~ Scale hbllahed Newport Harbor Ensign: April 24 and May 1, 1958. 21.18 22M 2».40 2a.33 l&AO 27.20 25.52 21.92 21.92 26.32 27.76 28.48 2'7.76 2'7.76 23..68 23.68 25.52 2'1.18 27.71 ... 21.0. 21..21 21.88 .... -·· .......... . ~.,.~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . '. ·!"-~······ ~; . .... -...····· ..... l.tcJr OL . • .s~:.:inJ .a1 Cattiftg ~ pttwer 111 wa N . TbeJ'o ol h' -''-oaJDCd ott.tog . 7 t JS JOU- T.tU lte tried (for DC"' kitks) ~Tal76 . 'No., . clri•CS be s not parr;11• •l.teo NottlGJ o · SMART PEOPi'E THEIR SAVINGS Yenr after year, more ud more nvor• switch thekmooey to-~ ••• 'They not only get the top rate of 4~ per annum, but the dividends are eoD~p~telil• a monthly batis. You11 be lllDUed -ddt fa. creases actual earning.. Div~ anl'lld • credited ovay three months. Again-white differencel Every request for a withdrawal, ,._ W opened for business, has beetl paJd • t. spot-with no questions asked. And your mooey is "Triple Safe.-(1) r.. sured of course up to $10,000 by &D .. I§ of the Federal Government. (I) s-.1_, agcment and eflcient operatioD, (3) ,.. are loaned on Fint Trwt DMda fOr 111JI!Ii; building and modernizing home~ after ... ful appraisal, in fabulous Orange CoaMJ. Open your account TODAY-Sa~ or by mail-moocy received by tho lOda..,. from tbe lnt of each moo.th. •••• MJiii B~encla Whlte of Santa Ana, and M'-Carrie Henc!enon ot Ar· eadJa u brldelmalcll. 11ley wore Jaoe aheath JOWM of lime enen wltb matcllJq ahoes and head· banda and earned bouqueta of aamet rote. and aol~n orchJda. Servin& u uaners were Donald Ryplnak.l of ~na del Mar; the Jl'OOM'a b rot.her·fn·law, Willard n.. bride Ia tbe dauJ'hter of l ohl\lton of San Lula ObJ11po; the Mr. and Mta. Raymond Kent Har· brlde'a brother, Kent Harvey; and vey fJII16 Poppy Ave., Corona del CharJea Knobel of Ankor Wat. Mar, and a ~ndant of a plo· Cambodia, who wu a Delta Up· ...., Oranae Coun(y tamUy. a.r allon ftaternJty brother at Berke- talher Ia a local architect, and ley. Bruoe Baird of Balboa was bet mother, an active elubwom· belt man. aft 1n the Harbor Area, retlres 1Jtt1e MUt carolyn Keeler, tbla apring u prealdent of New· dauJ}lter ot Mr. and Mrs. lohn port Beach Ebell Club. Miss Har· Keeler o1 Corona del Mar, and wy wo -.Jected aa Chlldren'a Doua lu Salllbu ry . .mall son of Home Society Debutante tor the Mr. and Hrs. Arthur Sallabury, 19M ball served u acolytea. Mra. castle· .8oth abe and her new husband man Smith at the organ accom· ..-e paduates of Newport Harbor panled H'-Beverly Gibbons, the Bl&h School and the University groom's aJster, who played wed· MRS. GRAHAM GIBBONS, t+l. former Mia ,.,.__, H.,.,ey ot Callfomia at Berkeley. Ml&a ding eolo. on the violin. """-, Harvey also attended Pomona Pink eamatlons, white gladioli able to be present. eoueae, while the eroom also and stOck, which decorated the Mrs. Harvey received auests in •tliCJied at Oraq e Cout eoue,.~e. church for the occasion, were le· a moss lrf!en lace sheath aown "ffle lrooiD Ia the son of Mr. peated In decorations for the with beige acceuoriea. She wore and MrL Lalle Gibbons of 440 wedding reception, held In the a corsage of golden orchlda. The Carnation Ave., Corona del Mar, church IIOCial hall. Mia Gibbons groom's mother wore a Dior blue otlatnaUy from Canada. Mrs. and Mrs. Willard Johnston as-hlft 1 ted ith GI .. L--•-a ""rtner in the Co· alated at the reception a long with c on gown comp emen · w _..... .. ..-f boa fuchsia accessories and a oorsaee rona del Mar Travel Service. M1as Kay Boardman ° Bal of eamet roeea a nd delphinium. Tbe bride cho.e a noor leneth Island and Mrs. Michael Layne own of white lace and net for (the former Connie Mangold), Following a honeymoon In En· ~er wedding enaemble. The fit· currently attending oolJ~ge at ~~~~d~o:::: ~i:: ~~n;a~~~~ ted bodice of lace was traced Tucson. None of the brides Zeta Balboa Island. wttb i r 1 d esce n t sequins and Tau Alpha sorority sisters wa_s ____________ _ Trojan Clu~s To Play Golf La111na Beach wtJI lock eolt clube with Newport Harbor t~ morrow <Friday) at the Irvtne Cout County Club. But lt'1 all In the family. Participants wUI be members or the 2 areas Trojan Alumni ........... , ....... Franz Berc~mmer ot S02 111 Poln..ttia Ave .. Corona del Mar. placed filth wtth • tlrne ot 3 hours, 46 minutt'S, In the 8S·mUe bicycle race Sunday from Corona clel Mar to Capistrano by way of Elainor. Wlnner waa Bob Tetzlaff ol North Hollywood In 3 hours. 40 minutes. Clubs. ----------- The eolf tournament will be· eln at 12:30 p.m., followed by dinner at 7:30 p.m. Banquet ~~~aker will be Ray ~rae. USC Jlne coach and for· mer Texas AAM coach. New officers wlll be elected. The tournament and banquet committee Includes Grenville Lansdell, pro 1 ram chairman; Bob WUcox. ticket chaJrman; I Mrs. Mark Soden, reMrvatlons: Paul Butler, Newport. and Joe Bushard. Laguna, roll <"halrmen; Mrs. Wilham Snyder. decora· tlons; Mr. and Mrs. William Grundy, door prize. and Mrs. William Adams, publicity. let IIIlA ····-llllty .... ..... , __ pearll, the full net aklrt was ap· pUqued with lace. She wore a diamond and pearl pin belong· lng to her grandmother and a taoe and pea.rl cap which held Cedric Roberts Elected coming soon, watch for It! Urrtif the mortgage is paid in full, your family rvns the rjJk of losing their home. If your income is terminat•d by death or disability, aiM's Home Ownership Plan will provide funds thot moy be uted to pay off the mor1go9e in the ...,.nt of your death. beT fingertip veU. C e d rIc Roberts was elected cusslon ensued durin& which the Attendln& her were Mlss Gall President of the Lido ble Com· basic subjects of concern were Fi 1 1 Balboa u maid of munlty Auoclation at the first dlacussed: future t 1 nan c 1 n g n ey 0 • , meeting of the Board of Direc· plans, Is I a n d beauttfleaUon. • honor, and the bride 1 cousin, tors which followed the Annual clubhous.e Improvements. boat All your IMA repnMMofiYe to e11plorn what this plan can do lor you. • Filii. WEEI • • • Meet1n1 adJournment. Mr. Rob· gardens and boat s torage were erts is one of the four aenJor dl· all touched upon u a means to rectora who have served a year acquaint the new directors with In office. the facts about the Interesting ••• 1111 \ Slack Trio . . -~ fJ E ~ ~ :\ 1 · > New I y elected director Bob subjects. Keppen was named Vlce·Pres1 · The meetlne closed with an dent, Mae Christensen was rl'· expression of Bon Voyage by re· elected Secretary and Ira Frisbee tiring directors George Buceola, wu elected Treasurer. Duncan McAlpine. Earl Sawyer, Burton Rombereer, Herbert Rf. Jean Pereiii·Minetti and Harold ley and Raymond Levanas were Riggs to new Board of Mae Chris· re·appolnted to the Archttectural tensen, Luelle Wilson, Bob Mar· Committee. shall. Cedric Roberts, Keith Cord· Directors' committee d u t 1 e s rey, Bob Hlll. Ira Frisbee, Larry ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •· • • • • • • J)J't. Jt$ns IIAIEBDAIIIEa 2515 l:AST COAST BlCBWAT. COBOJfA DEL XU ·----------------------------------------~ 2712-a E. COAST IIWT. OO»ollA DEL XU OBIOLE S-1211 were aul&ned as follows: House Committee: Luctlle wu. Le~~Ba~ro~n~a~nd~Bo~b_21t~e~p~pe~n.:....__~~==================::::::~~::::::~~======= -----son, Bob Hill Vlce·Chalrman. Pub· Ue Relations: Bob Ma.rahall. Kelth Cordley and Earl Sawyer. BlJ4eet and nnanee: Ira Frtabee. Bob lhJI •. ud 0\lliiCU Md.lptM. rn..t•Jt: Lan7 Le ...... ... ,......,._ and .. ebea: CGrdNj' aDd Bob KeppeD. AdYIII· or to Junior Boanl: IJwwter Cree- ly and Bob HUL WeiCOI'Ilinc: Mae c:tuUteneen. Beach Leue Stud)': lean hrelli·Mlnettl and H~roJd RJ•gs.laland BeauUfieatton: Ma~ ~n and Keith Cordrey. Boat Gardena: Boti Keppen. After the formality of the elec· tlon of oUlcen and appointment of the committee chalrmen, Pres· ldent Roberts established a new procedure by conducUne an In· fonnaJ cllscusston with the elect· ed dlrectora and the retiring dl· rectora. A full hour of this panel ~~ _Jfim · ---- I&W-llh.JO-. SOUTHERN YAMS ' • 39c ~ oa CBEUt ~••-. WESTON'S COOKIES 49c .. -IJIIIT &It SUNSHINE IRISPY CBAcn:BS--1 lb. "'TD CA1'1LL.AC ar PET I"'ODS·~ OL C.. PURR ALL TVJfA aED MEAT 2for21c CAXnELL 'S-1 lh. Ca:D PORK ' & BEANS 2 for 25c GI.OBIETTA-'f'ELLOW--!1)/s Ca:D Freestone PEACHES • aows s ITAUAJI ~/a ea. PEELED TOMATOES • 29c Ltai'\"'S--e .... French Fries Marie Calleader'-1 lh. ' -. CUSTIII PUDDIIIS ... lrnel .. 4~ tlt!W.., .T R I N A uuu.. UA.W'JSII BillfOlda, oolognes, perfumes, complete line of costume jew*:lry, stationery, manicure sets, bath powders, soaps, hos1ery atomizera, bc::mket purses -and many other lovely gifts for HER. TOMATOES ·19~ ONIONS 2 a..15( AI.IO only the best will do ••• • "·~ U. S. CHOICE -AGED .T-BONE ~sTEAK 119L. U. S. CHOICE -AGED 12 91.. Porteth'e Steak ''THANK YOU MUCHLY.'• soys Wolter Pearson, treasurer of the Corona del Mer Youth Center Boord, os Mrs. James Goodmen, chairman of the T uesdoy Club's First Annual Benefit, gives him benefit proceeds to help remodel the Center. The presentation was mode ot last week's club mMting ot the Irvine Coast Country Club. FOB SOMETIIDfC TRULY DIFFEBEJfT THIS SUMMEB Carti)oo Couatry Spedal · 6 Ra I I · roads · 4100 miles, through un- spoiled wilderness. From $295 Summer BaU Voyage . 18 Exclt · lng days including Glacier Park: Mr. Rushmore: Niagara; Mon- treal; New York; Washington; Mammoth Caves; Grand Canyon. From $575. Full Week of Trout Flahmg in Colorado, including plane, meals. guides. $345. Couple CDM TRAVEL SERVICE COIDfEll COAST BWT. & OBCBID, COBOKA DEL MAll OBJole 3·0110 IIVTtJAL TJIEATBE TICKETS Use Ensip Waat Ads for Besalb Jam. Blttl:ela1N .. .,.... ....... letllah!N'a ...._urant t o eta~ <Tbu~Wday) at tbe fonDer Joca. tion ol Bob DaJton•a 1A tM Ude Shopptrw Cefttet, wt tbeN ... maiM a qu.tion abOut tbe .ta- tua of the UM permit. The r.que.t f« appronl ol. th~ chanae·ol.-ownenhtp ~ U· eenM came up at Monday eve· nina'• City Coundl meettq. PlannJne Comms.toner Galvin Keene aatd he thoueht that the reque.t ahould eo throueh the Commiulon tor act1on on the use permit. There followed a huddle with City Attorney Walter Charamza, who eame up with the tmpres- lion that a UM permit lOft with the property and that another approval by the Planntne Com· mtaaton '-not· nec:esaary. How- ever, he aereect that it would be a good Idea for Mr. Berkshire to g~t Commission okay. L.A. Artists Win Awards NO MEAN COM'fl'ITOR, this Sergeant Red -that's the c.olf on the left. His determined componion, right. is Dennis Gault, I 5, of +40 Fernleof Ave., Corono del Mor. Dennis pions to wolk owoy from the Oronge County Foir with o blue ribbon for this prize steer he is roising os on agriculture project at Newport Harbor High School. Deadline for this and most other Fair entries is tomorrow !Friday) The watercolor purchase award Six Broken Ribs Can't Keep in the Newport Harbor High A G d c D M p • I D ~W~~ ~~n~:.h·~~ ';~ H':~a~l. oo r1ncipa own Los Angeles, for her painting, "' ''Trellis." The oil award went to Mrs. Louise Elwell, principal Wilbur Haynie. 19101~ s. Bur-at Corona del Mar School, was 11 gton Los Angeles tor his back at work today after being w~rk, ,;In the Park." The exhibit released from Hoag Hospital will continue through Sunday. Tu;~:a~as hospltalh:ed with 6 broken ribs April 22. after the car In which she was riding col· Newport Beach Friends of the Library will convene for a cof- fee hour In the home of Mrs. W. E. Fisher, 101 Shorecllffs Rd., Shore CIIHs. rte/(t Thursday. May 8. to appoint a nominating com· mit tee. CDM COMMtnfiTT CRtJBCB New offl~rs will be elected Th~ Rev. Edwin Gomke will May 22 at the annual member· begin a series of sermons on ship tea. "The Faith of Liberal Christian· ===========:.. lty" o t the 9:30 and 11 a.m. Sun· day st>rvlres in the Corona del Mar Community Church on He· llotrope Ave. Use Ensign ClauUied ada to buy, sell, trade or exchange Jlded with a car driven by Mi· ch ael Muru:, 18, of 612 PoiMettJa Ave .. Corona del Mar. Although a temporary set-back kept her In the hospital a tew days longer than expected, she attended a principals' meeting the day after her release. She will handle her COM School du· ties part-time until her recovery Is complete, a spokesman for the school said. CBJUSTIAlf SCIEJIICE CBtJBCB That sin must be corrected here or hereafter. before It l.s tor- g I v e n . Is the Interpretation placed on the subject "Everlast- ing Punishment'' which will be heard as the Lesson-Sermon at the Newport Beach Christian Scien~ Church Sunday. ''The Lord Is with you. while ye be with him; and I! ye seek hlm, lle will be found ot you," the Gold- en Tut from II Chronicles 05:2), Is the core of the message brought by the correlated read· lngs. YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVItED J.O D~CE TO THE RHY'I'HM8 OF · THE FAMOUS "BEL-AIRES r RIO" APJ)e<lring TUESDAY. MAY 6th 0110118 .. IITLY ,_ .. P& UCEIT IIOifDAft * * * DINNER SERVED P110M 5:00 P.M. TO 12.- OPEN HOUSE -----Sunday, May 4 * FROM 2:00 p.m. TO 5:00 p.m. * THE MASTERS BUILDING 436 Heliotrope Ave., Corona del Mar -Just Back of the Port Theatre VISIT TIESE IFFICES II Till ITTIIITIYE lEW 1• •• ROOM 1-D Charles W. Masters - BOOM 1-A Wilburn Smith. Ed.D. ROOM 1-C ~ Richard A. Hilliard •... , .... REALTOR .. Aeronutronic ·-..... ,.. &5·rt. A d d .. .,~~t!: war e Big ,__,dON Earl Army Pro i ect . l = ..!:: = Ford Co.'• Aeronutronlc Sya· ... .._ u CIOOic. wrne. IDe., now lA operation In •==~~--=~111\W. v .... J:l. lte new plant ftorth ot Corona • ,., .. ~.Mar-del Mar, bat rec:etved a -..an.ooo 18M. ud a.t7 Want wW contract from UM U. S. Army ...._ a. a.& 111J car, planntn1 for developlll*nt ol a mobUe au-• ..... a. tile ftnleb of tiM tomated conunand .,_t. ,.. Ud ,...nee eelebraU"I. Gerald Lynch. Aetonutronlc •-·ai r. a • w • • w • • preadent, aatd wowk on the .tudy ...... ......,.. .. ._ IIIJD•., pbue ot the f ·year project wiU -. .t • a-t~._ belln lrnmediately. The mobUe .. ...., ._ ...._. • tww command ~ Ia cte.lped to ....... II• w I • a ... AfMtF ,tw army field commanders c-sr,al; el &a.Wa -.ny mueh futer c:ontrol over dla- .._, • • 111, _. G•uy pened tactJc:al element... .... ( .............. Wr' • ..._._....._ ., ....... _ .......... .... ,-. CC.A. Fred Cole'• and Art 0.VW fO.tt. Chria Craft. wiD cnd8t down with Fred and Death Takes T ennie Klein Ma.-Cole and Art and Vltetnla Mrs. TennJe Klein, n , of lOit DII.S. aboard. Mueb excltement Topaz Ave .. Balboa laland. died ln tJae Davia lJdo Soud mena&e Saturday at the Newport Conva- • • • an~ no wonder . . . lovely Je110ent Home. 11 ... ePIM a --a , 1 ::"0:. S~n,t!tte~;~wl~~ an~~~~~~na~;eS:~t!!"~~ 1D ...... IIOGD ._ ..t June, In Honolulu. The Jueky 4 yeara, maktnr her home with lMt .. ..._ ..._ Udo .... man Ia han~me lohn Stewart. her dau1hter, Mra. Dorothy Buck. Yadtt Club ,.,.. .,. ..,_ ~-ol Caplatrano,'-an underwater Servloea were held In Baltz p ~aU ~ ....._ ..-..,.: photopapher and akin diver. Corona del Mar Chapel, with the for UYC ~ aldppiN, . AI liMA. Blll Schock'a s 22 putor of the Balboa llland Com· CNWI ancl 1enoru. TaJ;;t:S aloop, wW raee with Bill ._ akJp. munlty Chureh, otflclatlng. Helipot Plant One of I 0 Best a.et ConunodciN Herb ~ •· per: Betty Schock, cook; and aon, orated tbe Cia......_. wt6t hla lohn; Swede l ohnaon and John drawtn .. of ...ta of tilt ellbt Cuter of Santa-Monica, aa erew. raetna boa .. eraNd. 8eftora at-So nJee to ehat with Carol Cazier ley (Bee) arid wl._ ot dub of ••.• (Ruth lonea' dauJhter, Bal· flc»N produc»d .._. ct•oeuvre. boa Peninsula) ... who wtll fw the feattve ftelta. 1 torero the raee to drive down, LIYC"S CO.CUa&&, Bob and brin&lnr back the new and The Hellpot building near J:unJoe btftl'a !fewportel' keteb. traUering the S 22 sloop. Hoag Hospital has been picked wlll have u Cft'W, An~elenoe Dr. QOO'IfJ) TilE WOIU.D Df .o from nearly 1,000 nationwide en-DOn and S u • an Freshwat.r, DATI ls Ginny (Mrs. Artbur) trlea u one of the 10 best new a.Jph ADd AuJ.n Unpn~. Reaume's exdtlng news of Art's plants built In 1957. The award and old frteftclt ••• eo happy to Douglas Aircraft world tour. Art. was made by Factory Manage- -thttil •.. Cbar,_ and Ludlle one of the ahlnlng lights of the ment and Maintenance, Me· MeCoy. LadUe (MJnnle), aJwaya Service Dept. at Douglas In Long :G:ra:w:=-H:l:U=pu:b:l:lca=tl:o:n:. ==:=: tun and a~wa,. padoua, ia tabu· Beach. ls one of 7 lucky young 1oua mo.ie .tunt woman whoae men ehoaen to visit Air Foree mMft I.e llt8. Ancty Devine of bues around the world. Leaving Gla Ratbcw lalanct: Tile zwtne• per-two weeks ago, they vlalted ~r-mouT rot. Lold (meanuac .m.daJef) Is many, £ngland. Ubya, EJYPt, •ubJe to ....._ tldll trip. Sbe India, Thalland, and wUJ Include 11M 10M 1 .... tM -a '"•sloe. lap an, Phlllpplnes. Honolulu, and Ia IAtathertnl Mr n.t at a and back home. In this lmpor- loeelltGrtl•tt. tant mission, they represent Ill flll·fiiiD 1··-- TWO WORDe THAT MADE T .. W011..D · ....... ltTHE MAN IT T1111D 10 IIOIIG& t I Douglas Aircraft ln a re-lndoc· trlnatlon tour of globular baaea, brin&lng the lateat Information on certain aircraft and reeelv1ng ftnlt-hand Information from the pllota. •• •••In Glaay ._ • c::a..l " ................. ..................... _ ...... __ .... DOU8._ .... _._._. ---·~oe..u.. ............. _ ...... ..-(UI'C ....... _.., .... .._, ,_ .. ,... aa-. ... ..., ........... liD' m aLT. Ed. Warmlnc- ton'a 38-ft. 8Chooner and winner of the 1957 En..~enada Race, arbl· tray class, will again race with Ed at the helm. Crewtnc are aona Bob and Jlm; Craig Cadwalader, and Crail, Jr., and Horace Prou· lx. of Glendale. Ginny Wanninr· ton and Marlon Proulx will mo· tor down and stay at the VIlla Marina. CAPal, Udo-lltes Hertha and Lyle Harbour's luxurious 63·ft. Chria·Craft. wlll cruJse down, Hertha tells me. with guests aboard: Mlm and l ay Overhol.ler, and the Blll Profits, from Encino. TaEJfDAWA'I'. Anne and Verne Edler's 35-ft. ketch. wlll race with Verne fof the "Salllnr Ed· lers") at the helm. and erew Anne; Trav and Dr. Burnell For· cey; and the St. Cleeros and their son. onn:a U'I'C ERftJES are GAlliK, Dlek and Billie Lerner's 4().ft. ~loop: ao.o•. Bob and Bonnie Grant's 56-tt. yawl; ftADE WDfDI. Bob and Sylvia Bottn'a 32-ft. keteh; WAJO)D· LVD IL llm and Puny Mae· Donald'a 38-ft. schooner; W'BDL· WIIID. Leo A. Gold berl'• 45· ft. yawl; Z0801'A. Tom and Adon· elle Qulnn'a 63·ft. ketch. VIva Corrlda! Vlva Recata! Arriba Enaenada! Thana, Mrs. Aator, but I brou1ht my own dramamJne. Glimpses We think that Klckernlck has outdone themselvea ln present. Inc their cuatomers with a de-1 llchtful selection ot pretties this I year. If you haven't seen It yet. do come ln and Jet ua show you ! the new satin tl~ allp. It is 1 dacron, nylon and cotton, and 1 al&o drip dry -one of the new 1958 fabrics ... looks like satin. I and feela just like pure silk. It Is really one that you girls will want for yourself, as well as for your 11ft &lv1ng. 1 ............ 1 tbat moth· .., CIDd 9'ft~Ddmotben too, are Pttlat ,......_ all tbe time. ,.. waat yoa to ... tbe cute ,._. .. , wltla ~ .......... Jut tbe 119bt ltua ·-• .,..., •otbu to ~ lato ............ pttla9 fa-d Ia•~ n1 CIDd tbe ,......_. .. t t. tM cllry. n. Vida are .a ..t ..s wtU 1ae •••••d'l to do --nally pntty gift ............ ,...too. For you who ml..ed on the laat ahtpment of tboee no lron batiste 1owna at $3.95 and nerlleees at St.se5. come a-runnln&, 'eawse we have juat .-el* a new ahlp· ment ••• 10 eome pt yours. ... ~ ............. ~ ... _ ........... ..... ...... k ....... .... ..,.. .... ,..., ·---..., ................... . WI•' I Y••w Jlttl• ..... .... ....... .... ,, 0 J ... ......... 5 ......... . ~ ................... ... ....... ,_ .... _,_ ..-. ........... -..__ .......... ,,, ._.,_ .. ,. TID .._ -J'O'L NEW ,_ESIOENT of the Newport Harbof. Zonta Club M~ John ~uther, ~t left, rec.ives the 9avel from Mrs. Robert Ja~red .. retire- 1ng pres1dent. Other. new offic.rs ere Mrs. John Green, first vic•-~resl~nt; Mrs. Dav1d Chopmon, second vice·president; Mrs. AI org1t, treasurer; ~"· Jo. Hamblet, ossisfant to the treasurer: Mrs. ~oe Corver, reeord1n9 secretary; Mrs. Molc:olm Angell, correspond- mg sec,.fory~ A WARD OF MERIT for out- standing comm.-n"ty serv ce was presented by tf.e Newport HcH· bor Zonto Clt.b lost Friday to Mrs. James Aspin of Newport Heights. who mothered the Senior Citizens Club of the Horbor Area. HONORED GUEST ot the in- stallation meet:nq of the New- port Harbor Zonta Cl11b wa s Mrs. Hozel Grar-t Ki,.,q of Co· rona del Mar, pest pre~•dent of District IX. She was the ''"~Stell· ing officer of the onginol Zonta Club of Newport Harbor. . Employees to Receive Pins For Long Service with City Servl~ plna repraentln& 395 --:::-:--~------­man-yean of leTVIee for the City ot !fewport Beac:h wUJ be pre- eented tomorTow (Friday) eve· nina at the annual .ervtee awarda potluck dinner at the Newport Harbor Le&Jon Ball . Top a ward, for 35 7ea..rs. will 10 to l ohn McM.Wan, aupertn. tendent of the Water Dlvlalon. A 30-year pJn wiJJ 10 to BlJJ Covert. ,eneral eervlcea dlJector. Jim Muatard of the Street De· partment and Carl Woodmanaee city eleetridan, will receive ~ year plna. Fire MarshaJJ Bill Nol- ler wlll be awarded hla 20·ye&r pin. Other awards wlJl Include: Fifteen years -Huro Condry, l . W. Jonea, M. L. Kiddie. Mike Ordaz. Cuper Rupp and Harold Young . Ten years -Ed Bates, PhiJJip Delcato, Carl Ferguson. Ellen Fruer, Orris Funk, AJonzo HI · ruera, AJien Johnson, Frank Johnson, Arthur Mace. John Me-, Donald, A. D. Oberg, E V. Ort· ber,, Floyd P e 1 e r so n . Jaek Queentor, Gus Rltler. Charles Shorb and Henry Terel. U.e Ensign Clusltled ads to buy, aell. trade or exc:hanre. WHY I WANT ROY MAYPOLE FOR SUPERVISOR: lie t. a b-et a ...S wW-..T .. Pwyw..-., by patbtf Coaatr c..... IIMDt .. a ""sf •• bala. Siped. PraakJ81daa r-~t CDII ,.._..._ ei c-• n:oe FRANK LEE CAPRI PANTS IN TitE BEST CIRCLES ~elena's FADS AND FASHIONS JUNIOR lr :PtfiSSY SIZES ... DRESSES 6: PLAYCJ...OTI{ES 2743 E. OOA.ST IIJta"WJl'l' Oaiole 3-IIOS coao•A J)EL IIU SUMMER July 17th REMEDIAL PROGRAM to SCHOOL August 15th AlJ. FAITHS WELCOME F.-1:30 CLDL to 12 Daily St. James Day School EPISCOPAL 3209 Vla lJdo ~ MILLER'S UNION SERVICE E 0 N I N SPECIAL! 10-Year GuCII'CIIdee SO-FT. GARDEN HOSE CORONA DEL MAR CELEBRATES ITS S™ Ann·versary DIE DIY OILY THURSDAY. MAY GRAND PRIZES IST-IInD CIWSE LOUISE 21D-DELUIE YIL.PIC CAR BIG 1 FREE BALLOONS AND LOLLIPOPS FOR ALL THE KIDS BEG. us ONLy $2.99 FREE GIFT MYRON TD ILL CUSTIIEIS I Ill IITn.E CIITII W PEPSI a•a Be sure to return empti .. and recem a FlEE IIIIE II.ITIEIT SERVICE C080lCA DEL NAB e OBIOU: ~ r -·· ; i; -. .. -; h -;:;.-;.,-.. , 2POa ..... $3210 ,... =--·---=-~--=~·~==.:=~==-== ...... -Clft ______ , ________ ......_.._ IAWIWI.._ .... N E U , IUY I; ... PAIIILY ...rUT 1ty 811.1. 'I'OaiTT • WedMiday, May 1~ Wlll be 1be hazel eyes of a teen-ated ~ .. ! ... '!"~~St. ~rue:.~ honey blond chanMr ttom Nor- • ·-~----' way looked out on our harbor J and Ita beaches lut week and ::xi:iCaxia=iaar:aiCii:i•i• found th~m rood. So aooct. 1n '" ... LWo Sftopplftt ArM For • l.erc)e Selaetion of Y AROAGE -LINENS BEDDING -NOTIONS PATTERNS tact. they will rem&ln In her memory as the bJ&h point of her solo bus tour of the United States. "Your w&rm water, your ell· mate, the sand-ob howl wlsb we had them ln Stavanrer." VIvien Garpestad, who .. 18 and Uvea ln Stavan,er, Norway, spent 4 days here last week u the guest of the Fred Kustel"' 604 Marigold Ave., Corona del Mat. Mrs. Kuster, Helen, Is her thlrd cousin -s ulflclently close In VIvien's estimation to warrant a .side trip on her rrand circle tour of the nation. "Swim? Oh yes, we all swim. But not like you Americans, over- hand. This way ... " and she demonstrated what 1s more dell· cately called the butterfly stroke. "But our water Is so cold. All year. Yet w~ love lt. Only It would be wonderful If It were like your Pacific." Our Paclt1c wasn't the only thing eliciting comment from this strawberries and cream youngster. Behind that beautiful NORSE WEST ,ASSA6E: Vivien Gorpestod, 18, of Norway spons the 6000-m~e crow flight fine from home to Corono del Mar, where she was a visitor lost week with the Fred Kusters (Tad T obitt photo) DZLVD DDQRa nDY lf.IGJI'l' RICES TO IO'n' EVEn atn)Qft Kab neUNII_. early I• ........ Dcry Kotbel'a Dcry - ()pea 12 ... -10 p.a. BOYS' I GIRLS' TOT to TEEN CLOTHING facade were Intelligence and ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!1!!~~~~!~~!~!~!1!!!~~~~~~~:4~~~ depth of thinking. And not all of the America she has aeen since last September has pleased her. 3404 Vie Lido Newport Beec:h, C.Jif. , , •:•:•:•:•:•:•> • •:• •:c• • •:• Thls multi-lingual miss (En&· Jish. French and German are re- quired languages at Stavaneer schools I Is amazed at the para- doxes she finds here. "Everyone Is so polite. Men stand when women enter the room. Children say 'excuse me' and 'plea.se.' But this must be only on the surface. There Ia so much talk In your country of 'delinquent children.' I think It Is becauSP your familles are no longer units. Too many mothers have let the television ~et re-,;""'--!~:.t?-·• place them in the hearts of their ..,_.E WAY 10 A ~HEARrON ~QWISlO HANDLE EILH PlEa ~ FURHITVRE AS IF ~Wfllf. OUR OWN!" HARBOR TRIISFER I STIUIE· 3"15 £. 17th STJlEET e-ta lleecl -PIMM h-. & a-. UIMny .. ,., LJbelty .. Ufl LYON VAN UNE5 A6ENI' OPENS THURSDAY MAY 8 IUNI JHIIWI IXCniMINTI IPUI.I lAY FUTilE s.. ~. ,.,. ~ ... Pnlliln H•llca, S20,000...- SIUNiy, .., 11, f UT II E ,., w..r. ~ ... s.,..,...,. 1•1nli Stabs S25,HO..,.. 1111 iRIIIIs.ts ... s., ,._ ...... I ·U" "Olcll«f 1-n•••_.....,.,...,.., ............. children. There is not the love and the discipline so Important to building character. "You even let children under 16 in your movie theaters after 6 p.m. And you know what you see in movies these days.'' She knows. Americ-an movies provide most of the screen en- tertainment in Norway -after 6 p.m. "Your wonderful clothes. Your washing machines. Ironers. re· frige rators, automobiles. But why do you waste so much of them? Your lovely homes -so modern. so colorful. Yet the furnishing~ are years behind.'' Then her youthful zest for lJv. Lng, heralded by her Beraman· ~elly smlle, took over as ahe told of hn awe and fuctnatton with our freeways, our hJghways, the massive movement of a uto- mobiles. the s u p e r markets. { "where you can just go In and pick out anything," the stores and their wares. I She even had two words to say about rock ·n· roll. "It's awful." This is purely personal. Elvis Presley and the like are prime favorites with most Norwegian teenagers. s he says, but Vivien prefers music. Her lone travels In this country have not been without the sort of incidents one would expect to happen to an attractive girl on her own. Anything untoward? "No. I've been frightened. But I let them know I was not Interest· ed -and they Jet me alone." There Is a moral there some- where. Vivien's trip Is a present from her parents. Erling. a building contractor. and Vlvl Garpestad, who wanted her to see the coun- try where they spent 12 years before returning to Stavanger to finish their family of 4 children with her. She is returning to New York and her brother's family by way of San Francisco. Spokane. Min· neapolis, Chicago and Cleveland before sailing for Norway In July. Once home again she will begin training for a career ln nursing which she hopes will take her around the world, "all the way -by way of Japan." Japan? That's where her boy friend, Bernhard, 20, will be when he has finished his school· lng as a Lutheran minister and mi~lonary. This ls one young lady of 18 who seems to know wher~ she Is going. And how to get there. Auto Smashup Hurts Balboan A 41-year-oJd Balboa man wu seriously Injured Sunday In a 2· car crash on Harbor Blvd., juat outside eo.ta MeA city UmJta. But Joeepb Farrell, 100 W. B&J. boa Blvd., wu ~ by Boat Ho.plt&l authorlUee to be In JOOd condition ,atarday . eautom.la Hl~ay Patrolmen a&ld Mr. l'arNU wu drl~ alone. They ~lated th&t a Ure blowout ca'*Md h1e car to crub Into one canyt~ 5 Loa Aqet.a vlaltcn to the HarbOr Area. All were taken to HOAJ Botll6· tal 1« ~tment of mlnor In· jwieL .JIJDGE THE MAN YOIJ WANT For YOIJR Super-vi BYHISBEt;O As a Private Citizen! Fw 29 ,_,., Hen.z K.IMr ._ 4iltf-ilhM hilueH 01 a citiu• of o.. ... Couaty'a 5th Diltrict. His NCOftl of civic accomplithme•ta it OM of tiN very best in this area. He wat a member of the Harkr Committee which promoted the developMent of Orange County"'• Harbor. He was a member of the Orange County Grancl Jury, 1949. He has been active in Chamber of COIIIIIMrce activity, a m.,..ber of the board of 4irecton of llh local c0111munity. He is honorary chairman of the board of direc- tors of the Harbor Area's Boys' Club, ia a very ac- tive worker in this organization. He has participated willingly ••d eHectively i• the many community projects thot lwlve Mecle thit area better in many wayt, projects ... aa the fund drivn for youth organizotioft for c ... rity, for holpitol focilitiet. For many yean he operat.cltiN lay Shere Trailer Park. He is a qualified and cOM,....Rt necyt;ve who believn in economy and efficiency both i • .... tJnea and in governme nt. THAT'S WHY ~~ SAY, LET'S RE-ELECT HEINZ • • K IS R 'Home' in au·cville A IIIU ~. wUh a quJet. What about IIOclal llt.! w~ 112 H .......,....., MUre Woode indicated that he dld.ll't teel .._ a ...._ po.IUon at Or· hampered by h.1l ldtuaUon. "I ~ CIMt C.Utte. An a ·"-· have f~lt enfuely welconte4 here: ,._ ~ from 1!1 Toro. Wooda U I'm not terribly IOdabl~. It' a .. .. ....,. Jf...,o lbldent at-purely .elf-Induced. 1 cuess rm ~~· OCC thlllyeu. Jut not a IOdal bue." tall, broad-ahOUlcSered When questioned about sev· 1,.. .. _...._ fNm C&rbond&le, Ull· eral recent r a cIa 1 aldnnishea esotUed ln buketball Wooda decUnecl to comment His ~~. .ervtc:e and at reason we found rather Interest· liberal arta major, he'a tne. "I can't really comment be· '::t~~ about his further edu· cauae I'm not too well lntonned I. plana. on them." He explained that race ~ did you happen to chOOM problema were 80Dlethlne he had OOC wben you left the aervlce?'' never been involved ln personal- ..,. curtoua. "A buddy of ly. 111M in the Corpe, Jlm Embree, "I've never had much trouble. w..t here lut year, and sua· A. an athlete, I've bad my own I by it when I lett the circle of frien.d.l on my teams. ..rvice." Embree, alao a Nearo. l'v~ been aoepted purely as an wu one of the top cagernen In athlete." U51 and a top .cbolar. "I don't believe I view the race ~ Qwdllu? probletn &JIY dUterently than We ventund to uk Woods other atudenta because I am not how be felt about attending an cloee to the aituatlon." Hl.s view· aD-white eebool. whethft he had point. he added, wu strictly that ~ qu.alma about enroUJng. "I of an outalder. bad no qualm.a about comlne What about alleeattons that here," Woods replied al.mpJy. Neerw tn0\11na Into white areas :"You ~. tile situation Ill not un· were planta by the NAACP'! uaual tor me. In hieh .chool. Frowning all&htly be answel'M, beck in Dllnols, I wu one of "J had never heard that, but I about 10 Neeroes," seriously doubt lf that Ill true." SpeaJdne ot his associations "Would you consider movtng on the team. with his cl&UJ\l&tes Into a predominately white sec· In the dorms he added "I teet tlon? How would you feel about very much at home, and I have thla?" we queried. ''I wouldn't aame very eood friends here." particularly want to move Into ENSIGN CLASSIFIED . '081AU TRUCJC BODY 14' nat bed 42 .. ataket. 6 mo. old $150. Clear- ance lJthta Ind. Ph. IC 6-1291. BLDG. BEJl'(G WJlEC¥ED--Com. plete tumiahlnp, 4 apta. Jle. trteeratont a.ow., beds, 80fu. dl.aha, mlae. TenUlc b&lplna . 1325 E. BalbOa Blvd.. Balboa. HAMMOND OKGANS, USED. 1 Rome, 1 Churcb .• 1 Spinet Mod· ~J 6 one beautltul Hammond Chord Orpn like new with percualon. No 1euona needed. SAVE BIG MONEY. Schmidt· PhUllpe BJe Piano 6 Orean Store. Since 1914. 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. ~WOODS FOR SALE: Lona barrel, full • . • Bot Left O.t 1tock Kentucky rWes. Phone a white area." With a caaual OR 3-3226. smile he added, ''You know the SPINET PIANOS. All wonderful old saytne-about 'blrda of a buys; lncludlng Gulbransen, feather' ... " Ja.naaen. ~nlc, Story 6 Llttle Bock Ep&.lod.e Clark from $449, all 88 note. How did Woods feel durin& Small ll t t 1 e E b o n y $389. the Little Rock epl.aode? "'Again, Sctunldt·Philllpe, 520 No. Main, I didn't feel Involved. I'm elad Santa Ana. of Ike's stand ln the issue: 1t BEAUTIFUL CATAUNA DR. -3 had to come eventually. While bdrm.; 1~ baths; FA beat; 2· I'm definitely In favor of non· car garage. R-2 lot plus a vtew seeregatlon, It shouldn't be site . AU tor $19,750 on beautJ. shoved down people's throats. ful Catalina Dr. one block from "I've seem tremendou.a changes. bay. Owner, Smith. 3U Cata · I think, however, that we have ="'l,...ln,..,a=Dr-=.=-U,..-::o8.,·-=0556--::-~·----:-­to grow out of lt gradually. Jleo. GRAND PIANOS, llke new, two pie should see the Nearo aide of Stelnways, Mason 6 Hamlin. the question, t o o . Education Brambach. Many othe111 from shouldn't be limited because of $395. 3 yrs to pay. Schmidt· birth." PhiUips, WE SELL PIANOS How does Woods think the 'FOR LESS, 520 No. Main. problem will be solved? Santa Ana. "People are often not willing MINIAnJRE POODLES -1 fe· to acept Negroes as Individuals. male, 3 males. Priced reason· Yet this must be done -not able to sell. For add'l informa· through seeing them as a minor-tlon call Ll 8·5123. lty ra<'e-to solve the problem." LOWREY ORGAN, like new. Big Savings. Hurry on this one Schmidt-Phillips, Pianos and An your prlntinq n•eds will be hendled conveniently ond court· eously in the completely .. quip. ped Job Printinq Oepertment oi The Ensiqn, Organs Since 1914, 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. HYDROPLANE -Good condition $40. Call u 8·5225. PRACTICE PIANOS · $79.50, $115, $165. etc. pay $5 per month. Schmidt-Phillips. 520 No. Main. Santa Ana. 2 SWIVEL BAR STOOLS with brass rings. Brand new. $25 ea. U 8-8304 · OR. 3-1010. CONSONNATA Organ. electron!<'. by Corm. used; only $295. Schmidt-Phillips, 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. niE SALE 400/o II IP/o Off NO DOWN-TERMS 50.000·MILE GUAB.A..NTEE Wbole:aale prke for RetaU CUstomers .. E IYEIS UNlON SERVICE Avocado lr Cnast Highway Corona del Mar Next to Jamaica lnn ORJole 3·3320 THE ~LOIIER roa a.u.a vncn r •.-zova BEAUTIFUL French ProvtncJal $5 PER MONTH renta cood prac· Spinet, perfect condition. eo.t tlce plano; use rent u down $1085. Special at $515. Easy payment. SchmJdt·PhiUipe, 520 TenDs. SchmJdt·Phlllips, 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. No. Main, Santa Ana. IBONIKG WANTED to my borne. 'l~ H. P. EVINRUDE outboard Sl per hour. Mabel WhJtman, mo(or,l35; Boy'a Schwinn bike, fJl11 Mareuera.lte. CDK. Phone Ute, lock, $1!5. Varnl.ahed pad· ORiole 3·2'T74. dleboatd, $35. OR s.~ ""N,;:EW';;;;.;.:,;RA.MM~;,:....,.o.;;N=D___,Or,_a-ana-. -a=u REPOSSESSED S a I e m Maple models. Rent a Hammond Spinet. Cannot be told from Spinet for 5 weetc. lncludine new. Hurry whJJe It iasta. Take leaon.s, only $25. You'll be over s mall paymenta, SAVE surprised how much orean mu· 1208. Sch.mldt·Phllllps, 520 No. sic you'll play ln that &hort Main, Santa Ana. time. Schrnidt·PbiWpe. 520 No. •••• Main, Santa Ana. -...... ESTATE & a&M'TALS __. FREE IO'M'ENS -OR 3-2833. S"MJDIO APT. In Corona del Mar. STEINWAY Pianos &nd 10 other Newly furnl.shed. . Simmons new makes, rent a new Spinet hlde·a ·bed, etc. $162.50 yearly or Crand. All rent allowed on Including uttlltiH. Daya OR buy. Schmidt-Phillips, 520 No. 3·2430; eves. OR 3·0754. Main. Santa Ana. FOR RENT ON UDO ISLE 3 ftA.DE bdrm.. 2 bath untum. house. ~==---------­ $250 mo. 116 Wazters or OR 3-0996 Cor appointment. COM BACHELOR APT. furnished, kJtchen, beautiful surround. tnas, 1 bUt. to ocean and bay. 168 yearly, utilities pd. OR 3-7629 after 4. BEAUTIFUL 3 BEDROOM Com. pletely Furnished Horne In BaJ. TillE II , ....... On a new Hamilton Liberal allowance, aee boa. Garage, fireplace: modern •• c11• ........... _ _. kitchen: w/w carpetlne; cloee iMI.- to oce&n 6 bay; utlllttes paJd; reasonable summer rental OR· !ole 3-0167. FURNISHED APT.-Ground floor; good location; pleuant sur· roundings; adulta only; no pets. 610 Marguerite, COM. BREATHTAKING BAY 6 OCEAN VIEW. Corona del Mar. 2 bdrm apt.; sundeck; built-In electric kitchen. Yearly lease. Uniquely furnished. $225. ORiole 3 ·0789. OR 3·0551 . OR 3-7520. 3 IEHIII OCEII FI8IT .. E • .,..t Buell 0~ ~1DE. CLEAN BEACH BY OWNER Large ltving room with mas· slve ptcture window. Huge fireplace with raised hearth. Dining room and kitchen. Llvtng room and one bed· room <'arpeted. Built In ov- en and burners. Large 2-car garage. Stu('('O exterior. Prlet>d $25,000 with $18,000 down. Box A 21. '1-En.siRn WANTED TO u:N'T -0.,., pri· V.'-prace. Vlclnlty CCII'ona del Mar or Newport !lea<'h. OB.. 3-7814. BUSINESS C 0 l' P L E DESIRES small hou~ or upstal~ apt. Month or Aug ;>;o c-htldn>n . no JM'IS I or 2 bdrm.c: Alnn Weangartt-n Box 1210 Palm Spnngs. C'altr JEWELER 3123 E. COAST BWY ~ COM.. DAVE'S HOME SERVI~Palnt­ lng · Wa.U wasbine · Minor re· palrs · Odd jobs. Ph. Midway 6·21689. Ill ,,.... .. CEIEIT W.l Patios . Sidewalks • Driveways Block Walls, etc. Free Esumates ORiol~ 3 ·9582 PACIFIC ClAST UIISCIPIII . e General Yard Work • Lawn Care • Gardenlne Free Estlrnatea ED WHITE 1..18.()533 11111 Praj1dlra roa BRT 1-JO( loS-10( ,35-JO( ud 100( Soua.1 Pro ........ P' ASI' COLOR PJl.M SEllVICE Model A..lrp1ane SuppUea .._.Csssra-., 1782 Nt'Wpart Blvd._ eo.ta Mea Phone UbeTty S.. '70G avsDrESS IIDrTALS 1 U,.riMcell lanl•er SEVERAL OFTICE RENTALS-I Scattered Exdusn·e Clle tel Corona del Mar. Francis J I n e. Horvath .. ftealtor. ORiole 3· 7187 1 Wish to con~ntrate . Newport or ORiole 3·4!8l. Area · Exet>llent Re~rences I 2 3 · or 5 ROOM OFFICES or Uberty 8-1362 suttt>~> Cor leaSE". Nt>w MASTERS BLDG . COM. FA ht>at. carpt>t Jng and parking 4J6 Hello trope> OR 3 4120. Bl'S. OFFICE WITII RECEPTION I 1ST & PHONE SERVICE ~utta 1 ble Cor a('('Ountant. iM brokN. archtte'<'t or manufa<'tUrt>rs n"P I l'{'~ntativf'. l....acatf'd In Cast growang business c-enter Am pie parkJng. 324 N Nt>wport Blvd &<'ross hwy. from Hc>ag Hospatal Ll 8 4491 W A.'IJTED • JON'DL Y PER..c:;Q;>; to ca~ for my two chlld~n your home . while I work. ORiole 3 ·3497 ............... .... , Top Job o~ nelda. Men and Women UO T\&.lt1n--llf ewport Beacb Used Auto Parte, nres We Buy Ca111 and Scrap Metal UBERn 8-7013 2075 Placentia Ave~ Costa Mesa Electrical Cont:ractJne Fre-e E..'ltl.ma tea r.sJ.o E. Cout Hi1nw~ Corona del Mar ORiolt-3·9464 · U 8-1315 Eva Painting -Decorating P APEJl HANGING GEORGE BURlCHARDT UceMed Contractor 1897 Qranae A~ eo.ta )(..,. Uberty 8-8828 MOVING? ONE MAN 6 VAN 17.75 RR. 2 men 6 van at miD. P.U.C. rate or 19~ Rl'. wtthtn ao mi. nme atarta at ,_.ur door. We deliver min. ot 1000 lbe. up to 60 mUee aame dq r. mtn. P.U.c. ra.te. No a. dlc. tor Sat. eau Nf!W1nall u 1-22'74 or U 8-90). at W. Uti\ 1t. Costa Mesa. t.o..t .tara .. rac.s. ~I I"'Jeea .. Q iGtiCa rlta&sn:lu1D Sldl c.-•· 0 ..... ., OOI01fA 011. 11M~ OlUole S-OltO.aT .. Jl!. Olut ..... a 11111111 lll1liliii .............. THE VOGEL CO • J .. ltlr Sill ...... 81 E. Cout Hwy .. Colona del Mat· OR.lole 3·~ 6 OR.lole a.JO'll TOP WINNEJtS in the Unusual Pet Show held at the Corona del Mar Youth Center were jleft to right) Rondy lynch in the woter division for his bowl of fish; Gretchen Nielsen in the amphibious division, for her alligator; Kristy McConville in the land division, for her long·haired guinea pig; and Mike Chase. sweepstakes winner with his iguana. !Ensign photo) Harvey Pe~. Newport Beach Elementary School trustee, hu been named ctlatnnan of the YWCA . YMCA Camp Oeceola Fund Campaign In Oranee Coun· ty. Mr. Peaae said he hopes to ralse $75,000 to $100,000 for fa· clllty expansion at the San Ber· nardlno Mountain camp, which last year served 1,700 younpters. Rezoning, Resubdividing Je.t Buzze r • b St1ll Sought Dope Suspect. To Ent er Plea El Toro Marine Air Station of. In CDM Den1ed y Oty :~!;Is.::~, w:~.~;··~~~ .. m~~ <Continued trom Page One) Center Area in Corona del Mar ln recognition of the assistant postmaster's work in developing the Center. • Gave preliminary approval to beautification of West Bay Ave. beach, between Ninth and Tenth streets ln Balboa; delayed final action until the May 12 meeting to hear any protests, If any. • Denied the request of T. A. 'Peters for public address system to broadcast juke box music at the Seaside Malt Shop, 2100 W. ~an Ft., Newport. A number of businessmen In the area had pro· tested the plan. • Granted a license to Mr. and Mrs. Radford Lovell to add on·sale beer to Fisherman's Wharf license at 400 N. Main St. Balboa. • Approved revision of civil service rules and regulations giv· lng greater weight to the oral examination and technical per- formance portion of the tests. • Abandoned t be proposed widening ot 32nd St., Newport, because of the defeat of the street Improvement bond wue. • Received a progrus report from the city manager on Chan· nel Pl. Park In West Newport. to the effect that it will be ready for ball games by the end of the school year in June. • Designated a steering com· mlttee to work with the county on the County Dock leue. Coun· cilman Harvey Somers Is chair· man. assisted by Councilmen Charles Hart and Frank Atkin· son. and Planning Commission· ers Walter Longmoor and George Lind. • Adjourned to 4 p.m. Tues· day to consider the Improvement plans for Austin Sturtevant's new Subdivision near Westcliff. MAYOR NOT A POLITICIAN -NOT ALWAYS DIPLOMAT (Continued from Page One) chemical engineering consultant here came to a relative stand· atUJ in 1952, when he wu elected to the Newport Beach Element&· ry School Board. He ran for the trustee post be· cause he felt "there were too many contractors on the board In relation to bulldinc new schools." And he reatgned from that job In 1955 to take up his Council poet when he became concerned about "the Inability of the aver· age taxpayer to find out speclfi· cally what was going on" in city government. ''There was a good deal of mystery connected with the whole think. and the general ad· ministration was sloppy," he added. Jay was born in San Francisco. His family moved to Los Angeles in 1926. He re<:eived a Bachelor of Science degree at Cal Tech In applied chemistry In 1935. After a year of traveling in the Far East. he settled down to var· ious chemical engineering jobs with Texaco Co. of Calif. and its subsidiaries until he moved to CDM in 1946. During World War II he de· signed refining equipment for the vital Persian Gulf oil fields. After he moved here he served as a consultant to the Orange County Health Dept .. administer· lng the water pollution ordl· nance. He and his wife, Florence. have a 16-year·old son, Peter. Jay stressed the following as hJghlights of hls poUtlcal point of view: • Start of the reservoir north of Corona del Mar wu the most Important action ot the old Coun· cU. • Another bond eleetlon Cpa.· slbly thJa November) or a 17 cent tax raise here over a s .year period are the only means pres- ently a p p a r e n t of financing needed street. pollee and tire protection improvements. (Bond Issues to pay for these were re· jected by voters Jut month.) • The City probably will take over operation of the COM beach next year. • Zoning tor Back Bay devel· opment will be one of the new Councirs primary jobs. • The Costa Mesa·Newport Beach merger effort is "dead as a dodo" at least for the next 5 years. The merger "could hap· pen" at some future time "if It could be ahown that It would be advantageous to both cities. At present, sharing of equipment and personnel between the 2 cit· les s hould be encouraged. And besides all thls Jay was not to be denied the traditional statement of all newly·elected officials -with a variation of his own: ''I'm happy to be chosen mayor, and I will attempt to dlscbarge the duties of that ofilce with honesty -and whatever dlplo· macy I can muster." BOSSEXS CBEET aoy The Robert Rosaen.a. 216 36th St.. Newport Beach, welcomed a brand new son at Hoag Hospital Thursday, April '17. He tipped the ecales at 7 lbs., 5 o:z. luck with a wayward military jet than they have had with "fly· lng saucers." The jet nearly collided with a Newport Harbor cabin cruiser ott Catalina Island . .severing 3 of tbe boat's metal antenna in a "buzz run." Art Adair, Corona del Mar realtor. and other p&ssen· gers on the "Nevlow" reported the jet had nearly sunk the 40· foot boat. Manslaughter Trial Slated Robert Bachelor, 47, owner of Newport Arches Cafe, pleaded •·not guilty" to misdemeanor manslaughter charges Tuesday In Santa Ana Municipal Court, and his jury trial was set for June 17. Mr. Bachelor. who lives at 3336 Via Lldo. Js cllareed with caus- Ing the death of Mrs. Ethel Hart· ley, 31, of Bellflower, In a colli· sion March 23. A Balboa man Is scheduled to enter hls plea on an Orange County Grand Jury narcotics In· dlctment in Superior Court May 9. John Schwary, 18, of 4.77 Bay Ave.. was rounded up with 9 others by Newport Beach Pollee late In March. M£ET TBE CA!fDmATE Supervisor candidate Roy May· pole will be guest at a meet·the· candidate coffee hour at 11 a.m . Saturday, May 10, hosted by Mrs. Arthur V. Jones, 332 Evening Canyon Rd., Shore Cliffs. ST. AJmllEW"S CRutCH "A Christian Can Handle His Fears" Ls the title of the Rev. Harold Ogden's sermon at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Cliff Haven, for Sunday's S. 9:30 and 11 a.m . services. "' CUlT I8SII, · lllr. ICEII FIIIT U you want a real home wlth a lovely view and need room to ent~rtaln. and yet JJke quiet comfort. We Invite you to visit thla fabuloua home built on 3 Iota wlth room for a large pool. Thla la truly a borne for the dla· criminate buyw. Aa different and distinctive as you care to have it. The price La Sl64.500 and that Jncludea furnishings. Term~ are available and will conalder trades. .. .... , ...... , 2001 W. Balboa Blvd. Newport Beach ORiole 3·6210 IPEI lOUSE I•••J I · & , ... AT TIIESE 111REE LOVELY HOMES: 211& Viall Dr.-.. ,.. ... 411 Calllu •• , ...... .. 2424 111m ¥lata -...... , CL.WE 1111-·lllr 2731 w. Cout Rllhway -Uberty 8-4277 • ~ u 8-3293 lfewport Beach IIW lEIDY Fll ICCUPIIGY II HARBOR HIGHLANDS lEW FHA TEllS IVIIUII.E IODEL HOlE niH at Hlc .. a14 Dr. (Cor 20th St.) NEWPORT BEACH u 8·9477 BILL'S BEST BUYS II I IEmll 1 .. VALUE? Yes, deflnltely ao; thla well kept two bedroom home, hu very lara-e rooms, tiled pullman bath with encla.ed tub and in best ot nelehborhood -On Flower Street. Cloee to downtown -Landacaped, fenced. h&a wee beartn• Avocado tNe and Ob paved alley - I W . A. TOBIAS. Realtor MA'IT L.UOB.DE-IIanqer "'You'll Ub Our J'rtencU,y Service" 220 E. 17th St. ec.t.a Mea U 8-1139 CAcroa atreet from 'Jbrttb' l>r'q S~) Office Open Evenlnp or Call OR 3-7532-MI 6 ·1050 BALBOA ISLAND fllr 111•1 1111 lirlcL Ill .. Cellp. Dtnlng area In kitchen; newly decorated; partly fum. lahed. Full a1ze Jot near North Bay. Ample space for apartment In rear. s.t buy on the ISland on full slz.e lot. PIICE-al,&a Term. can be arranged. G8 Park Ave., Balboa laland Adjacent to Newport Harbor Aquatic SchooL 214 HAZEL DR., CORONA DEL MAlt VEW ..... ..an. • .., ..... ..,!1 .... DALTOas 351.9 E. Coat ~ Corona clel MU oa :S.ot40-E\ta. oa,..,. ---