HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-01-26 - Newport Harbor EnsignI ~A 8a.IIA& CALIFOUIA f8UIIDAY. JUVAII'l & 1•1 OFI'ICIAL NEWSPAPER 01 na. City Of Newpwt leodl ·nts InjUre ··Says THREE HAm WINtiiii:S. todlo; ICon s-.. ........ ce;vod the AI Poyno Unifying . cific An91en awards dinner at the .Villa Trophy for la rgeJt albacore for genh on 3/6 r .L .......... Is lo 'Don't Cry WoH,' He Cautions Mari na Restauran•. are, from left. Mrs. George tc!ldle tadle and v:di (Mrs. Bill) Robinson. XIJWI .Dudley. winner of the Jane Groenendyke T ro-who won the Schoolboy Trophy for the first _P_h...;.y_f_cor_l_ar....;gesTt_a_lbee __ o_re_f_or_l_c!l_d·_,e_s _o_n_3_1_6 __ m_ar_li_n_f_o_r :_!a_d_ies. (Did Hoffman photo) Be Sllldiecl ; I· T ' X rsordon Green Newport .. :=:. =... ... I P •d t f School District tru~tees have tak-. resl en 0 en the fuat step towvd calllne I for a study of reorculzatlon of "'Don't oy woU . too often," That wu the word of caution ctve n by Mayor ~ Stoddard to the Balboa leiUd lmptoVe· ment Alan. at Mond.ty's City Council meetlne. Is ·put· on Ballot lAng ing Club :~o:~~~~~l~b~t~!~ Un · I 1ty DICK 80FnlAJr , Board president Harvey PeUt· j The Balboa Anallne Club, old-and trustees Mel Berry and Mrs. . I est and larceat local flshlnc fra-LoW. Csenar were prewnt at a He was commentine critically on a lettf'r that BJTA Prtts.ldent Marvin Johnson had written to a.uoclation membeta. Rllh achool board Qe ol 55e tax over-rlct. lunda for opft'at- lnt expen-. wtll be ~ tor ap· proval of voters In Newport Har- bor Union HJih School district at the achool board el~tlon _on April 1S: ''The operation problem 11 acute," Supt. Max llu..ll told .truateea Monday afternoon. "Ad· · ditlonaJ operattna money Ia need. e.d." M added, polntlna out that rewrve lunda have been ckplet· ed thil year. ------~--------- Vot~ In 1155 'pproyed the 55c ternlty. took over the VIlla Ma· s~lal meeUnt called for lut tu over-ride, adckd to the 75c I' rlna restaurant Friday evenine Friday evenlna. Th~ requested baalc tax rate to run throuah for their annual djnner and the county committee on reor- 1185..e8. Of tht1 amount, 45c was awa rda ceremonies. ganlutlon to meet with them eanaarked for capital outlay and I Tollowm1 election of tt.e. new and wlth the Hleh School Board 10c lor ~ratlnt UpeNes. Capl· board of directors by the mem-and eo.ta Mesa Eleme ntary taJ outlay lunda In r«ent ye~ bershJp. the board selected their Sc~:!i:t:~mendaUo .. • ar .. : have bHn u.d to buJld Coata officers from the elected dlrec-.... "" lieu RICh School tors. • No WliflcaUon. Jeavlnc the Mayor Stoddard said: "11\i.s I Jetter carrlt's a strone s uegtlltton that the city is obstinate In sup· plyln« rontrol measures and I additional poli('(' for the lslanct 'l:hJs Is NOT the attitude of the Council. W e have been extreme· ly ~ratlve in the lut'wveraJ I yean~. and we have no Intention I to relax the controls. but rather I to Improve them. Just this n-e· ning we approved 8 more patrol· men on the pollee force." ' He said that the BOA's report. Vot« approval _will J?P.t In· ,The new•presldent, su<.."t.'eedlng Harbor Ana WltJa OIW bltluc:hool Cftue the tax l~d nor extlna al Grettenbere. Ia Gordon L. ~~~~~t and 2 eaem.tary clia· the lenatb ol time for the tax GrHn of eo.ta M"a bound to • UoWcatlon alona elementa~ over-ride, ~r-au..u sald. He be a hJply popular 'leader. He d'-trict boundaries for tgrades •t!mated that 4.100studenta wtll t. an experient'ed antler and kindlrearten--t-h r~u 1 h h lc h be enrolled next year and aald aklpper, who taw year1 was fa. school. creatine one ciJMrlct for Ho Se H•lt by that 146.1.000 mea money will be mou. taw ht. know-how aboard Newport Beadland OM for ea.ta U needed faw lnstructlne the addl· hll ~harter boat Mlhoney (called MHB. Tha. would require dMd· S B II tJon~lltudenta. nte student ·pop-Mahoney bJ his tolleaeu•l. al· Ina the preeent hllb school clia· THE POUAROS, J une and .Marlin, are show11 here w:th one of the prize trophies of the P4cific Anglers fishing sea$0n of 1960 -the Victor Mclaglen T rop y for c!l world record by c!l Pacific Angler for. o salt water gome fi\h-a 22-pound B-ounce alb&· core caughf by June on heavy tad le . She also WO!'I ihe Dr. and Mrs. R. H. Hoffman Trppny for fir~t albacore of the season for ladies. (Dick Hoffman photo) I of rowdyism on the bland. pub- licl.zed by Lo8 Miele. newspa. pers, are bTinJinc a bad I)AJ"De tray u et ulaUon ~. now uoo eompa~ I most •• '"" known lor' his abll- wlth 2,400 In 1958. · lty to turn a mlaor mt.atortune &~~. unlftcatlon aton1 the hlah Pie·r , .. ,.,. The bome of .Mrs. Earl M. MOM)' must M railed to paY., into a eoul·lhaJdnl eatutrophe, sehool cliatrict bounclary, creat· Is Up FelL 14 to.Balboa bland a nd are hurttna pro~rty vahles~uaJna much coMem amone ~estate peG· Harvey, 1001 Goldenrod Ave., for. a 40-acre alte for • lO!lfUl l when teiUna about It taw the Ina a a.lnll. d'-trlct tor Newport Harbor View Hilla, was hit by hllh sehool for the dt.trict on amu.nwnt ol Mlyone llaten. leach and eo.ta Mesa. with one I .22 caliber lonl·riOe ahap about .urplua Fairview State Jbpltall lq. We pnclld Gordy wtll do a 5-be board ol .11:21 a.m. Jut rrtcla~. and con· peopti"t~.-~ ~d Dun•-; ~na-up Job .. , ... new pray. ~ndatlonst:ed by or aldftable dalftale waa cauaed. pointed out. Ia .. OM, way The new .,....&dlnra lltalf ln· county COIIUDJttliie. wbJch a. Kcwpert,...srl aw. · blllldtqatuadtobu~tiWaJte. cJ..-)'JM$&.,._~_. ....._.....,. .,..._....,.. a.nw. ple. . •-nw fact Is that condlUOM have improved.. and ttw 1II1A hu' 10 lltated." be added . ln llla l@tter " mA rnem- bfts. President JottMOn criUdzed tlae cltJ'• ~· In ~ ~ Marine Aw. benCh~ than ~rnmended by thf' aasociatlon. lira. Harw, wu .tandlq In 1\ulsur aed .......,., ot ton. drlt~l•·llrWd•mnr..-..u. muat 10 to the •tate board of ecf. a front bedroom at the.alde ol boncl money fow' Corona del Mar Holllroolr. aeeond vb·.,......t: ucatlon for approval, ther) must ber bome Wben a 11 .. door waa Bllb Sdlool. tor balJdlna. for Georp Ann. tft&sul'ft'. aBel DaJ be submitted to the voterw In atrudt by a rm.De, eaualna a COita Meu Rip ~1. due to Greo~UI\bera....B. D. (AIU) n.La-each J«a J district for their de· abatt~ area llnebes In dJam-be ftnlahed on lune 30. This mat IIIJI P'ama~b. llarJUon c:Jston. 'me new state faw re· • ,.. JI«Wpart 8Mda Q(J eou.. wllkll ..... that It ,.1) not ~ dJ wtn ·~ the t"'ntrct'vftU&I CIIIUDend new pier permits for prcllbltm ol Balboa Ialancl piers Balboa kland in any area a'uit· at th• next replar meet.Jna-able for beach or swtmmlna pur· Feb .• J-.4.... LTbe IMetHtC-wHI -poiii!'S. The commlnte-rec:om· on '1\tftday eveninr. rather than men~tlon would aJiow grantina Monday. because Uncoln'a bl11h· of permit• in area5 not suitable day falls on Sunday a nd will be for .1wimming ·or as a beach. observed as a holiday on Mon-but would 'require maillnr of ad -eter.-n.e· door-waa -valued at moM1 muat 'be r.plated from tino and llllJ Jk4;sch, the other qulret~ that a master plan fqr 1135. Bull.ta ·were found In a the tax over·ride. directors. He wrote ' that this ·actio uoubles the as_~at.lon board beca~ slmiJ:ar aC'tlon ml,ht be taken by the city ronCf'rning other rontrol measures. He u ked for IPttt"~ from the mem· be~ in s upport of the BJIA ob· f d I U Hulh W. En.ljsh wa1 em· , school district reoraanlzatlon board ence an n a P~ wa C·h r I • Crlstopheraon was re-t ....._ d r h next door at 1001 GoldenrOd Ave. ployed •s a brick inapector for appointed t:xecutlve aecretary. mus """' prepare or ea.c coun· ~ives. . ._., •ho•· appa-ntl:v w ...... ta-..o the 9 major bulldln•s now un· ty t.y Sept. 15. 1963. ' • """ .. '"" 'J .,... ""' "' The ".,and Old man" of the club, from the area of the Corona "del der conatructlon at COIIta Mesa 1. B. :Mclfally, was named praJ. day. I vanc-e notic-e to all own~l"8 of The Council will take up the property within 300 feet• of thc Mar Youth Center. _HIIh School. dent emeritus. Shift Made Joint Harbor Cocnmittet> *report.*p~d pier. Councilman Dee Cook rom· mented that the Council ha<1 adoptt'd a policy on bencht"s, and sailS that In acrordanC'ewlth that poiJcy, we t"an rount on thf' Cit)' mana~er to remove the b4'nches when ne<>assary. Church . Man and Woinan Of the fear HinOricl Mayor l ames Stoddard was on df!'t'k to preM!nt the top award. th~ City of Newport Beach Tto· phy to the club champion. Gerald Garrett. The champ's brother. Marvtn Garrett. was runner-up for tM Utle. Lily Call. veteran lady angler. won tM Dr. H. K. Dooley trophy as thl' first to qualify for tt)e club champion· • L t• • COUNCU. LAUDS '1.1tTLE MERc;HANI In oca IOn "Little mf'rchant" Anna Fell. such as sw~atcrs wHh cartoons f CD~ J H• h haucr. who is just 13 years old, drawn on them. 0 lVI 19 received the blessing of the Councilman Charl€-s Hart said that th~ CounCJI could not t'11Tt'l l!orona del Mar IDtJi School. Newport Beach "City Coundl Into a contract with 11 minOT but due to open In the fall of 1962. Monday .. venlng for her ·lnitia· ad';"'d h<'r to ronta<'t ronN-S$ion will be located 400 feet west ot tive In planning a small busi· operator Crorgt> Hln~. who Jamboree Rd.lnstead of adjacent nes1 for he~lf. would "rooPf'tatP In every way to the road, trust~ ol Newport She had writtf'n to :\fayor to 5H she ran St>t up hf'r busi- Grove Beats Tars 77.-71 Mn. WWlam D. Hwnaaon, 305 OrchJd Ave., Corona del MAr, and Councilman John W. Smith ot Ca.ta Mesa were named church woman and church man of the year at the Newport Harbor Council of Churchea dinner meet· Ina 'hellclay .Wnlnt ln the Co- rona del Mar Con,reaatlonal Church. ' The retlrlnarr.Jdent. the Rev. Clifford Fuaate of the , eo.ta Me a a c.nmunlty : Method'-t Church, lnatalled the Rev. John Parke ot St. lamft ~1 CJturc.h a• tbe new praident. Other offic.ra .,. Dr. ChaiW t>lerenfleld ol St. Andrew'a 'Pres· byteriall Chul'dl. vice prftlclent: MJa Gl)'de Maynard, Corona del Mar Con,reaaUonal Church. aenejary, and Mrs. Eva lllller, Chrlll Church By the Sea, llal· boa. treuurer. Mia. Humaaon b wperlntad· ent.Dl her church Sunday school and prevtoualy tauaht In the achool. She ls pretdclent of the Woman'a Fellow.hlp ol her church. 11 choir mother and member ol the Chancel choir and 11 active ,.Jn the mother'g councU. She 11 a reaJatered nurae ,and devotes a ereat deal ol tJJne vlaltlna the sick on a volunteer baals. Mr. Smith Ia lay leader and trustee· ot the Coat a Mesa Com· munlty Methodlat Cilurt'h. He Ia ea.ta Meu city coundaman and former mayor, president of the Oranp Coun~ Leaeue of Cities. dtrector ot the Oranae Emplrf' Boy Scout Council, YMCA financ-e cornmJttHman, a dl~-of the Coata Mesa Vnlted Fund. belna ehalnnan last year. • He wa• named Klwanlan of the year last year. He Ia owner al the Smith optk:al service In COita Mesa. ahlp. Capt. C. M. (Cyl Tucker, Schen- ley Sportamen's Club repre~enta­ tlve. praented 1terllng sliver bow11 to the l«al winners of the Schenley Marlin Awards competition. Santa Ana auto dealer Harrison • Reno took the trophy tor lareHt light tackle marlin. a record breaker of 244 ·~ pounds. The other 2 Scht"n ley marlin awant. were won by a family duo. Mrs. N. Brooks. for the heavte.t marlin taken by a lady on heaVy tackle-252~ pounds· while her ton, with a 296-pound marlln, won In tlle men's heavy tackle division. · AI Oele won the trophy lor first marlin of the suaon : Hor· ac-e Witherspoon, firwt 3/8 mar- lin: June Pollard. first albaeoft; Dick Hoffman. tif'8t tuna: Bruce Blethen, lar,est fish on rod and Harbor High School Dlatrlct de· James Stoddard stating that ~he neM at tht' Pnd of t he pin" Harbor High ~hool baskt>tball d ded a t their Monday meeting. would Uke to operate a small "Wt' rongratulate you for your teamll <A-ill tanglt" with Hunting· Heavy trallic on Jamboree Rd. busln~ at the bunding facing rourage and •nluauvf'."' Mayor ton ~aC'h tomorrow. Jan 27. ar. was given as the rea10n for th~ th~ ~an. next to the cafe on Stoddard told Anna. "1 am ,-ery 1 ter th~ Harbor varslt~ los t Ti-il move. Tra fllc .. ngineers report the end of :Sewport Pier. She happy to $M' ~uC'h f'nterprise at to tht-Card~n GrovE> ,·arslty and 22.500 cars a day pass Jamboree plans to sell personallzl!'d Items, suC'h a ten<if'r ~oun10; age.\" -•Ht' Harbor jumor \'a rsity won Rd. at Ford Rd .. Supt. Max Rus -* * * 53-26 olol('r the Gard~n Grove .eU said. The school will still be • IMMEDIATE s•w aDy Daft!Or DENIED I junior \'arsit)' Tut"sday. bound on the north by Ford Rd. n..a.nn ~ Tht> j u n l o r varotity gamt> Cost of the chanee in plans will An lmmedlatr Jr:. wage In-as Anaheirri. Santa Ana. Buena a«alnst the Ollf'rs wtll start at be borne by tbe Irvine Co .• be· M'f'A.W request~d by city ~m Parle, Carden Gro,·P. Fullerton. 6:30 p.m. in the lla rbor Hlgh cause of mutual problems In· ployees to bring salarlt>s up to and Costa ~lesa. and In compar. gym. to lx' followl'd by the var· volved. he added. the county average was turned able Southrrn Ca lifornia cities. slty game about 8 P m BH and There will be no basic change down Monday cvening by the The City £mployees Assn. Cee tf'ams play at Huntington In the Jay-out for the school. Newpol1 Council. askt"d the Cou nril to <'hang<' 1 1k-ach arter .chool Frtday. . which will ()C('upy 38.14 net acres ·w e don't ~ the monev at "sub8tantlally t"quivalenr· back 'Polnt.aseo~ by Harbor ''arslty .. bel~: ~•s to the school hand," Mayor James Stoddard to "llt least.'' ll~ in the orlfinal ,play•rs In tM Ca~ Gro\'e via a perimeter road around tht' said. dra ft ~fayor Stoddar'd said the gamf' wel"f': 81'(1("kman. 12: "l"Aist. lOUth and west side will be Th~ Council did adopt a statf'· t"han~t' would mean a manda· 22: Bane. 21 : Lewis. 8; Rapp. 2. easier than ott Ja}Tlboree Rd., lt ment of poUcy, stalin~ the 11alary ton· 3,: ral~ lmmt"dlateb'. He and Butterworth. 6. was pointed out. Trustees must s<'ale ~hould be substantially · Points sron-d by Harbor junior 10 ·throu1h the lt'gal steps of de· equivalent to salarit's In compar., said that tht' Council plans to ·1 vandty plAyer~ Wt'rtt: Pt-y1on. 6: daring the 400-foot strip sur.'l able jobs In ~rlvatE' employment. make !'alory nc!justmE'nts )'Hrly. Pacl(ard, 2: Mirhaud. 6 ; Curtis. plut! along Jamboree Rd .. sell It and In Orange County dtit>~ such prior to adoption or the budget. 2; Rlttt'r. 4; Ande1'50n. 5: Marct>l · ~..C~MMUNIST fiLM . TO E SHOWN TUdDAY reel. ..... , .......... , •.. "Moftern Mlalles In the United Stat.S'1 wiiJ be the subject of a apeeeh by MaJ. Gen. Ben mn P'\ink, commandlna otflcer of NGI'di1J A1r Force Baae, at tiM IMtallation party !lf the Newport llaHiar' OWDt..r of c~ ~ ewnlne. Feb. 8, In the Balboa Bay Club. to i'he highest bidder and buy * * * · 1~. 4 ; Ra.o. 2: Andrews. 2, and the added land W@Sterly. • ,-.yn ..,'I'D • Y ~ PLAN STUDIED Carpentt'r. XI. A dHd ""tri<1 lon atat~s that '--U&.& U.IU"U. "'_ .. a-. --------- the propt"rty must M u.OO for Mayor James Stoddard arid the.> cltv. • .. II ... 8Choo! purpot'lt's for 50 years or <"ou ncllmen Hans Lorenl a nd Cou n"c•lman Ch~lrot Ran ··~ It II to revert to the Jmn«f Co. Harv~ Somers ~rf' namt-d by lnlltruned to rt"·view -the Iandi f1nt l11•1i If 'II ........ , ... . ._ ........... ... ... _...:4 """-_,.!!! L.--: ~It').~ ... ,. lltJI Commanctment Is: allall not e~ave ttly , nor. thy Mllbbor, nor wllldl.la bia, tor It le ...m man waa creaflld In the lSDqe ol God t.bat walb eNd and tree with 4lanlt7." . Tbe otb'er legal problem calls the Newport Beach Coun<'ll ~fon· ownrd by the C'lty a nd to stu~ - tor the purchbe ot tJw added day .. venlnc as a romm ltteoe to po lhle u~ of t~ land& Ftrst ~OJ ol liSl for Co· land. Plans for tht' sehool Arf' consult with the Irvine Co. on Addition a) 1 e t t e r s wert" re -mna dt'l Mar Chamber of Com- ftO'{F belnk prepared. 'nle build· the pouibillt)• of obta lnlni puh {'('1\'ed b\· the Cound l endorsing m•f'C"e l11 .t!t't lor Mxt Monday. l'nea wtU be tocat~d ln the aoutll· lie or instttuUonal land u a ~ite thE' plan"ning for a cu'ltural cen· lan. ~. at Chd'a Inn. It will be eat pprtJon of the property, the for a future cultural ~nter tor ter site. a "'"~IJI@ breakfast at 7:30 a.m .. football netd alone Jl'9rd Rd. and * * * and wU1 fHtve Mayor IUMII ~~~.~~ 1pan .!_bet ... ~ e ?a:W AIRPORT NOT BUILT YET' .. Stodc1ard ot l'leapwt a.ctt u ~ ~ B 1 s k R 1 · .,,.., ..-~· '"'""" ........ """ .......... • , •• u... llmlted IVIfSe ar OW ee S e-e ecti'on =~ bewllr~~t~nd..,::n:; ,::~<::n~::uhed~~~N,:e,; S.~re:!.peNIIIOfS v~ed. to 1 ::n~,.:;::a.,: ~~~~ Pease Says He W·.tl not Run the lootbell Deld. airport Isn't built yet." Ma)"((r Jat t ~k-wtth Supenlaor ,.... Mayor StocJclant haa Truatf'f!DonaldDuqan ..,_.d. Ja.me. Stoddard commented Claire Nelton vot:Jna no-l.n bMft UIIDfd to talk on d.te>prob· ed at the-meettnaln the a'*"<'e .._.., ewnln, on the county favor of the •-aaJJeod ""Piaa 1." t.ma and ....,wth ol Corona dtl lfn. llanal4 ..,.._ ol ..._ Wd -.... and ..., JleCardle ol ol Dr. Ed Milum, cwealdent. lll aupM ¥180ra' dedalon to stand by In f ace ot moanttna .,.."-" ltlar. lllud ba.llled 11r ,.....,~ • tile IIIP lfhool loud. In Hoq llolpltal. tiMir appi'O\·al ot )lonathenina from the l'tewport Ba~ .._... .ol 1M llcwJMWt llaltllr .,...,._ ._ IIU511 • 1M __ • • t.be ~atr aJrport nanway to Maa area. • -.& -.,; . u.... _.. --.. ... ktt .... Allll 11 .-.... 1a Jlarda n . rouaaa -. .. _ -*' * * . ,.. P. IIIIM. tl, ot 101 .._ =..=.~-=:.:-:.: .. :i~~ ~~:aar:.: ._As--:.-,: :='to~~ e WADI SU#JLT coi•&IIIE IU'R' ::--::-:.::.::.~ .... a ce ..... tl IDr N ~~~~ IIILL.a ..... 1i111t I ,_.. • Ill& .,_ .... If. Koll. lJI VIa A _.... to ....,. .ft'8 .. lllUc W.tte Dfpt .. lfaiiWJ: lWKI* ....... ,.._ ... M- • t111e Jkw.-'IIMil••• 1111117 ll~ll~ _. ...... .,_-.. ,...._, LNe W.. tw. -. -. t1 ...._.. waflft ....-,. In-and....,_._. aN Dr. u.t dllrl ., • , IY :• .. ..._. ...._ ... &1111111 tlla&M .... F. • .......,._f!n. tt. • dr=.a -~watw ~NC•a. IIDitllot,...Atua.-nle:Wb· ,...tMIR lll...,tlfala'- • IR FUIIRIIt ........ ~·-............ -~~.W;DIII. ...... :::" ~ ftiPI .. l&aa .._ af ... 119'-0..: 111 ..... 1 IJ .... K:..... • ... ....., .... --.... :!1 r,... ......... 1"' ........ ..,. .... ~-..ce.~a.a .... a ............. ._ .... ~u & •::r.Wiri~IL ..._ •..-.:,_.-. 1111-.. * • .,....... •:::1 ..... tD. I drm 0 ••u OM .~ ........... . .. ii1A Lilli a.. II rQ;'i 2 0 1 IIJir .. C. W.liiil CIGlll&t 0 a Rl a• .._ 1.-II I ••-Oltt ... .._Ct.-tiiii&:JI-... 1117-.. ... Dr.IJ.IIi_.la,...l~llllla• tzt..,..AjGI~ •tri,;J,a. .... ela. CQa••••• ..... Mlwllt. • , . s.-4 ................. c-.. ..,. c.IH. "'~ -"'· • n......, ... c-.. .. ...,, ..... Ctr of~ ...... c.llf.'OMce ~ ,w-. ,.... • ... -.. ww-.. ...._. ...,_: 2• L c-t Hltll-...,, c,-4.1 w.. c:.lf. r.a..._: oaw. uuo. n.. NIWPOI1 ~1101 INSIQN -Mf~ .. ~ e _,..,.. of ,_ _, ........... "' _. 4.... He.. A20171 of ... S..periet c-t .. s. ..... ,..,. ~ ~ -.......... ..aHW .. ,.,...... ... ,t!Wic ....... *'llh4 ~~ I AlVO I. HAAPA -------....... ----· ..... _ .. _o-., _. 'IIWkW He HM,Ao -··--------·-~ -------~&.te 1411.., I TJ!e ...... Ia tt.. OHica.J NowtfNpet' 1 ; . ef ... City ef Newpert leeeh MEMIU of the CAUFOINIA MIWS'A"l 'UILISHEIS ASSOCIATION AA4 ef the NATIONAL EOITOIIAL ASSOCIATION • 111e > 'a •• Q1111Mn ;, ..-....... .,.. ... ..,...,.. ....... .... ""''m II ...... ._ rs'OI'It .. -...,.. I • • e AJIDY •••a. 10'7 Harbor Ja. lan4 14 .. Newport lleach-...-...t abould bt! lett up to our cll)' eoundJ." P a • D acn.; 380 ?olnMttla Aw., Corona del Mar--"1 don't know." BOWAIID P. CADAJIAII, 1603 SUISCIUI'TJON RATES l11 the Nowport Herbor Ar .. : o... ,._, -ll.OO; two y .. ,. Ouhlde of ·tho HertHw Aroe: 0"• vo.tr -14.00: two ... ,. • LVCK OP TB• JaJIII 1 than their neereat competltoa. Balboa Ave., Balboa laland - ss.oo What California needs Ia a Until reported In detail, lt'a a 'Within Umlta, llx or elaht 11.00 lucky Irishman~ I mean, like a jaate bet to fiaure that J. O'D. storleL It wouldn't bt! IOOd bul· _Hop· Washington. D. C .. a"orMy-ang-I wa11n't standing short on lndl· ness to put amall bulldlnta on ier na rflt"d Jimmie O'Donne ll. I vidual aoorint. Hla team mates our land, ~auae of hlah land J'm ta lkJng a bout the 18th In-were John Larson and Harry prices, and the denalty of popu- ternatlon;ll Light Tackle Tourn-Dundore. ' Jatlon." a ment. whJch endt'd last Friday • TBAIIU. OVYII • ADD IIDIG, 1901 BayadeN In Palm Beach. florida, and In Thanks to the combined etrorts Ter .. lrvlne Terr,ace-"Hb, t don't; whic-h California was repre-of Lee Jonas. executive secreta ry we are a community which ia • WHO IS Qu·• 7 l'l:"'r'n TO REVIEW T£XTB001PC!? st'ntro by no les.c; than 6 clubs. of the J.L. T.T. AMn .. and Lee J. expanding, and our ·land ahould ~&LU ~ all but one of which h ad 3-man Harler l huh~ epidemic of ~ ~ developt>d for Ita hlghH t and I am surprised to learn that there continues to b e resentment and objections against review ing school textbooks. ;y teams. J'sl, who l.s drum beater for Slla-bt-st use. It becomes necesaary To get rid of the sa<l part first fl ex rods, a lso fished on Pacific for higher structures becaute of ott. not one Wt-st Coast team Anglers tum In Palm Beach. our rlalng Jand prlce11 and our rplaced. ,We a re. gettl,ng quite our dope a rrived much better expandln.r popula tion." ac-customrct to lhis. however. 11's than u!lua l, for which we thank . BUSSELL 1. BOIIJfSOII, 124 thl! usual ending. in Alla ntil' you both-Lee J. and Lee J. fHL I Via Yella , Udo b le-"Yo u can · contco;ts. The se-cond, thlrd and 1ourth not stop progress a nd g rowth. By The objectors are employing an amazing re- versal of logic. They are saying, in effect, that the citizens V(ho pay the b ills do not have the right to find out how · their m oney is being spent. It is a n attempt to deny the sovereignty of the people. Of course, the critics are not quite that blunt. Back to I he lu<'k of the Irish. teams are rl'lntively yo un g ke.-plng v-ery h 1 g h standards. Jimmie 0'0. Is no nt>wcomc-r In lntrrnatlonals. Seconrl Jl)a{'(' and making gradual progress wht>n it comes to feats of magic was corrallc-d by tht> Cape Hat· through a central plan·and time- In thc-JntNnatlonals. If my trra11 Blllfll'l h Club. lied by Coco· table. we will beauti fy our city. mrmorv Is correct. this Is the lobo Cay l-~lshln2 Club. Each R«"sldf'nfial property owner11 nnd third time Jim has been in the caught 14 salls. but Hatteras had city offlt'lals should J!E'I together No.' 1 spot. one way or another. n timl.' ad\'anlng('. to rlra w up this pla n. whlr h W P h,i\'1' nn report on individual Cat Cay. Lid.. hll!'l . 13 for woulrt includE' 7onlng of Cl'rtnln pNforman<'('. wher<' Jim atwavs fouri11. Nrw as n dub, II s mem. a.n'as, and dPshmlng and lnt<'g - <:hi nc••. \\o'r dn know that h<.' h<>r-anglrr!l, Brv Smith, Bob :'.tay-r.lljng t hn bulldlng11 lo ma kP an ''apt.llnNI the Ocl'an City Light tng :tnd J. M. Hulton J r .. are <'sllictlcallv pleasing whol<'. 1 TLwkll· C'Juh team, the winnahs. well-known angiNs. C'ocolobo wouldn't like 10 sci' ta ll build· ThPY N URht 16 sailfish. 2 morl' C:wy hat1 Gn~ Wood Jr. and D. R. lngs on I he P<'nln!mla. It• wou lrl They say. instead, that the parents are not qua lified to judge textbooks; that the responsib ility should be l eft to qualified experts-namely, the educators. If that is a sound a rgument, why are there ANY undesirable textbooks m usc in our school s? A group of local parents began this project of l ooking at •the tex ts in the schools b ecause they found one that they des:-r.ibed as "shock ing." Their basic purpose IS 10 expose slanted. un -Amencan textbooks Their reasomng IS mighty sensible: they don:t want to have tax money (includmg their own Jaxes) used for the' ourr;hase of bad books for the education of children. (mcludinq their own children). Certamly the pr.mcry qu -h:y o: expertness for this projec of evcluahng textbooks IS to be well- grounded m the pn:-~ciples o! Amencamsm and 1:1 the religiOUS foundations of OUJ form of government The parents who have under taken this project ap- pear to b e well qualified under those standards r feel that ·school persoz:1nel who dtsp ute the parent~ (and taxpayers') right to re view textbooks are cx- ceedmg their authority .. • • • e "WHAT CAN 'AMEJqCANS DO?" The Newport-Balboa Rotary Club is to be com- mended for tts anti-communist octivuies. President Nolan Frizzelle and director Jerry Richa rds have b een particularly effective in presenting programs that have called attention to the great peril fa cing our nation and the enttre world. A nd the weekly Rotary b t:lletin, "Anchor W atch," offers 9dditional informa- llon fro m hme to lime to keep the membership mformesi about the ~omrriunist consptracy . H ere is ~ portton of an ed1torial fro m a recent bulletin. Communtsrn is sweeping ac ross the w orld and enslavmg tis people with a speed unparalleled m the h1story of man. It no w encompasses about one- third of the population of the world. from a start of only SO y ears ago urid er Lenin .... Scouts Plan IDor t Smllh. Wh.o nrr dr finit('ly spoil th<' wind for us11ailors. W(' not strangrrJ: at l niNnatlonals. shoulrl lrv to k«"('Jl low buildings C:ar was prt'slctc-nl or I L. T.T.A. on th<' harbor sidt>." thlc; V<'nr, vou know. 'Snow Camp' • FlSHilfC WAS COOD Everyone must haV(' hilt! a New F·ar.em· en _g()od tlmP. In the 3 rlays of rompNillon. 28.1 sallfLo:h wrrc ~lrmbf'r ... ol XPwport llt>ights raught an(t tplcasc nott'l ALL B<l\' SC>ttUt Trrop 182 plan " were rt'll'ns<>rl . Congratulations. ";-now 1·amp" at Forec;t lloml' th<' _gan_g~ I,J)own Florlcta wn:v. thry W"<'k·NHI or F'f'b. 1) and HI k<'PP thrlr sallflshing _good by ~l<>mhrrs ,.r the Tr(){lp and Ex· l!i\'tnJ;: nwnv mor<' awardJ:: for th<' plorrr Posl IR2 W<.'nt on a rom· numbrr of 'nsh relt>asl.'d than for hlof'cl w<>rk -f'nct ramp-out to thr on~'S boatt'd.l ON•p Creek. n<>:u llrspcria in lhr • MAJfAJfA ~tolaH• di'SNt arra. rf'rl.'n tly. Plans. arrordlng to ~·s te l<'· Troo'J m<>mbN;; workrrt on ad· ~rnm. !lr ]lr dule the 17th lnte r-vJnr~ml'nLo:. anrt the Post ht>ld national for San Diego. this Sep· tn r~ct shooting. ThPy al11o \'lslt· tl'mhrr. Thf' 181h Is l<'ntatlvt"ly Nl thr fish hatchl'ry near lies -c;et for · Maralhon. Florid\'. orlg· pf.'rla. On!' f'\'l'ning was spent lna l !Ill<' or lhe 16th (Until the wi th skit,; and songs around a hurrlrnne hltl. and good old. campfir<'. f<~voril<' spot Ma7-ntlnn. M<'xJro, Bovs making the trip from the hno; twen rho c>n for the 19th Troop includerl Erlward Galla nt. lnll'rnntlonal. Lt'll Slsnwood. Jim Barrett. Pa ul P.S. Spent h alf an hour !phon · Gallant. Larry Sanford. Kenny lng )QC'al partlclpanl!l to liPt' how Dutro J r .. Bob Grant. Artie :\k -ttl(' <'nllfomla IE'ams really did. ('lure-. Scot Albri ght. Jim Pol-Nob()(tv home. Are in Training, Eight n<'w ml.'mb<>r11 or lhf' N«"w;lOrt Beach tire df•part ment ar<' now In training as firPm«"n and will go on duty next F<'h. 13 when the · departmi'nt's new 8.">· foot aerial la dde r trurk Is schf'd· uled to go Into servire. Fire Chief R. J . Briscoe anrt Master Mechanic Mel Kiddie lr fl by jet a irpla ne last W('f'k for Co· iumbus, Ohio. to drive out th«' new piece ot fire llghtlnJl equip. me nt. The truck Is equipped with a Seagrave aerial ladder a nd Seagrave equipment on a Ford chaMis. acconting to A.c;.•f t F ire Chief PhU Hayden. The new men now In training are Henry 'George, Warl"<'n Bury, Edward Hanlon. Don Sanford, Gerald Tarrant, Ja mes Topp'jnJC. Jay Trotter a nd Lar:rY Wt>bb. The .tl'Uck will ~bi' slatlonf'd In tht> headquartt>rs at 475 3'2nd St .. Newport Beach. lock. 8ru('(' Olander. SI«"Ve Tay· P.P.S. A spE'Cial orchid for lor and John Gallant. Boys from loyalty •to Dr. H. Kay Dooley, ex- the Po.o;l were-Larry Rupp Jr.. pr~>xy of t he Balboa Angling Bob .Olander. Don Glockner, Doug Club. Thev had no lf.'Bm in the Wrl_ghr. Hugh MrCulloch, HE'nry rontl'st. so ·Kay, as a lasl-mlnUTe Wood.". Randy Hettrick and Rob· Idea. hopped a plane. plckPd In Bovd. Dad." m aking th«" trip up a coupla' willing he~rs In ltlrlud<'rl Frank Glockn«"r. Larry I Florida, anrl put th<' BAC on thf' Rupp Sr .' Claren('(' McCulloch. roll of pa rticipating dub. Kay. Eftlnl ,...-Ilea J04' Gallant. Pete Ba rrett. Jark vou shoulda' won ~ You deserved _,., Sanford. K«"nnv Dutro Sr .. Bob io; r.rant Sr .. Dave Pollock and Dr. Funeral servlce11 for Edward P. Tuohy, 84, of 437 Goldenrod Ave., Corona del Mar, were held Tues· day In the Baltz Mortuary Chap- el, Corona del Mar, with the Rev. 'Ed P. Allen of St. Michaela and AU Angela Mlsaton, Corona del Ma r, officiating. . Robl>rt Olander. lllk llllclal Dill ... Ylllllc -... Arthur H. Meacbum, 55. first vice-preside nt of the Lincoln Bank In Va n Nuys, suffered a fatal heart attack at 125 E. Bay Front, Balboe Island. at 2:55a.m . taRt Sunday. He had been on t ht> Island 2 days~ Boy Is Trapped Under Bridge William Hollingsworth, 12 .. Los Mr. Tuohy paaaed away Sun- AnJeles., auUered..an a -: ... ,..·,-"-''+-''-~all in the HIIJhaven ConvaiH· his lower leg when he cent Home, Cllrt Haven. He was trapped between a watf'r P~ a reUred pollc.man from the and concrete support under the Ch.lcago pollee force and had Lido Isle brldte while pigeon lived In this community 11 years hunting at 8:34 p.m . Saturday. and In California for 26 years. He "What can Americans do to stop the communists tn their p rojected deadline of 1973 to take over com- pletr-control o f the world? A mericansJrUJ.st become informed. intc-lhgent and m terested. The people's apathy must be shattered. and their thinking changed lo recognize communism and 1ts subtle in- flucr.ces To combat this forr:-e, w e must know this force fo r the mu rdering, lying destroyer of freedom II IS · Amencars must be ir.st.dled w ith the founda- ltons and pnnctples on which this country was h rmed W e must educa e all Amencans. young and o ld. to belwve in thetr Country. their God. their Family, their Governmen . tbeir.l,Conshtuho n. their l.tberty and their magnificent ~eritage." Jle Is s urvived by h is wife, Mrs. Francis Me achum. Funeral llrrVi('('s were he ld ye~~tPrday at Forc>st Lawn Memorial Park. Glrndale. Local arrangement.t wc>rr under the direction of Baltz ~ortuary. Corona del Mar. The boy was trapped on the Is aurvlved by hls wife, Mrtl. Re· undersldf' of the brldJt>, about 25 na Tuohy; a aon. Ruuell, of lUI - feet above the water level of the noiR; 2 arandchllcl~n and 4 r hannel. Firemen ral8ed a 35-great . arandchlldren. Interment foot ladder from 3 feet of water wu In heine VIew Memorla.J In the <'hannel to the under aide Park. of the bridge. The water pipe was pried away from the concrete and the trapped let was alowly worked free. Firemen t h e n brou_ght the boy down the ladder lo Ra ff'ty. DO YOU WANf e ~. e "4o 0 ........... ~ ..... ,Or~ ... ..... CETS TIU8D BOLE·Df·OIIE ............. tell? t,., ~.. d .. .. fW ..... OIJele , ... • • • Hatbo'r Hi~h Student Dies hnelal ..me.. for .._. a. Rarlaa Ul. ». of 1JQ1 8oluale Doone ,.., .. lmne -. ....... ~1 .. 1t. t'IOPal a....._ .......... with tbe a.v. Bd P. Au. dati,... Tbt JOUth died lan. lila 1M Anae ... General a.pital M 1M reeult fill an auto ~t on latuntar. lan. 14. He wu a na. tlve ol !forth Dekata. had lived I In thla area for 10 montba and ' In California for 4 ~ yeara. He waa .a mem~r of the football team at Newpc)rt Harbor Hith School. "If the mount•ln will not come to Mohammed, .Mohanuned 1nuat com• to the mountain • • . or He Ia lurvlved by hla parent.t, Mr. and Mra. Robt!rt tB. Harlan .{r.: two brothers, Crall Harlan, 0. S. Army; and Scott Harlan of the home; a alater, Leah P'rancJa Harlan of ttw home, and hla pa· temal arandparenta, Mr. and Mrtl. 1tobt!rt B. Harlan ol Corona del Mar. lntenoent waa In Pacl · fie VIew Memorial Park .. BOlDA~ Mr. and Mrs. AI Cloud of 700 VIa Udo Nord. Lido Isle, are at home a fter visiting at the Pa lm SprlnJts home of Mr. a nd Mrs. Tom Qulnn. purchase of ''I· S29S ~:.diNT" slicer ••• 2f....,s edges to c~~oose.m. . . • lranalated Eddie and Bob wt.e ... "If the tala ~an't eome to Rlchard'a, we'U.t•lle lichtld'a to the tala" ... Bob ·and Eddie , are the kinta ot our home de· livery ae~lce ... Tt-elr kina· dom ia a battery of telepho.nea. a waU full of cunent apeclal sheet.t, notatlon1 on What'1 cook- Ing In the dellcates.en. tl'le lat· est dream pie in the bakery and a ahelf full ot the new fOOda that ma ke tht'ir appearance about every dny. The aala have shown us thnt they like thl1 arm chair a pproach lo da lly ahop- ping, ao we've ad~ another bright shiny new delivery truc-k to !f1Bke.the <·omlngs a nd goings taster and of~ner * Two deU~ • dGrr MW CIDd ...... bow tlley --.•• Eddi• talrea Oldera Ia tbe IDOI'D1n9 ,..._ t to II .... eM· U.en tbem tbe ~ .. , ....... J.cmagbereati.Bob.._ orders ln tbe aJt....aooa f.- 3 to ' aDd .s.u...,. ~ tM JMXt ~· IMYI.Dg bere at 10. AU but Saturday Gad Su· day. * Que-:HiOfl!l }c>U might want to ask: 'i<'=-. lhcre I.; a trel"tt>r on the trur k for rriglct de livery or lee <"r<>am anrl frC171'n foods. Yes. you may ordf'r IIJ>('cla Is from Gertie or 1 he loca I n<·W~'la pcrs. Yeo;, you ma;~o' orcJI'r !rom a ll de - partmt•nts: this lnr iudl'!l a birth . day. card !rom lhf' Home Gift Shop, mngazlnes, books a nd your pictures that haw• ju!ll i>et-n de- veloped, a bouq u<'t of fresh cut flowers, a box chO<'ola te!l from the Canrty Shop. Yes, you may write a check.' * * ............. , • ., K. ce.e llwy. c.-... _ Anothe r way the 'delivery de· partment can help yo~ and I don't k n ow why more women don't catch on to thla: Corne In and do your own shoppl~ and "have It delivered." Mighty nice not to have to haul the g~rles· out of the <'ar alter you get home. e!!peclally whe n the load Is larae. Gal:-* e ATTEND THE ANTI-COMMUNIST SCHOOL Gen. S t a n I e y Rldderhof of Nt'wport Heigh~. former NPW· port Bt>ach' city councilman. shot a hole -In -one over tht> Wf'ek-f.'nd, t~ thirrl In his ~olfi n~ rarf'<'r. on thl' 175-varrl No. 15 on the S:tnla Ana Country Club course. using a 5 Iron. "OWl •• Cruile .tlle P~ific at ietJIOnal rate reductitJM I u,.. .... ,.. ............ ............ ,.., "",,. '14· .. ...... w. • ..., .. ,_. ....... ._"' ... .._ .. tla di!IMf ..... -........ dlwldad pldde dial&. er • ,..., • . A nswenng fur ther the question (quoted above) 111 the Rotary bulletin-:-"What can Amencans do to slop the communists?" -let rhe rcm md you of the Orange County School of Anti-Co mmumsm com ing to D tsneyland Hotel March 6 through M arch I O. Top- r-:J n kinry authonties on the communist c-onspiracy '''111 be speaking at the 6-day school. ThNe will be fessJOns from 9 a r.1 to 5 p .m. and 7 p m to 9:30 pm. en. each of those days. The registration fcc is $20 :or the enttrc 6 days; $5 for any o ne cloy $2 for one session Send your a pphcahon to Box 228, Fullerton. IIEWCOIIEIIS. FJIOM L. A. Nrwromr111 to C"oron:t del Mar -nt SOl Marli!IIPrite Ave.-a rc Mr. anrl Mr~. J. L. Chappell, who havr movrrl lii'N' from Los An-ll"l<'~ Mr: C"hapfK'IIIs. an <'X·pres· h1('nt or r.lnns anrl ill a rr•tlred William had bee n hU)'Itlng with hla brothera, Jan)etll. 15, and Ro~rt 10. When wllllam waa trapped. Ja mes went to pollee to r('port thf' lncll11'nt while Robert stayed with Willia m under the bridge. Thf"y lert the !!cen.-with thPir father, Dr. Maurice C. Hol- lingsworth. Entlcln&fy reducid rates for Pacific voya,.. ere cur· rently bein& offer,ed by the Matson, -American President- anct P&O Orient Unes. Visit the exotic ports of the ....tut ........... . ...... ...., .... -.~ tlalat ••• eatasao ....... , .., .............. .. ...... , ............. .... ., ... ..,..u .... ,... .. 'II January S.pecial! ULIWP----11 11174. ....... ""IWIILOC&~-.. ... f'IN'filc mn nufacturlng live. A'ITEIID IOAT IJIOW .. Thf' Bo.·\1 Show In Log ,o\nlZt>les attracted Nf'wport Ha rbor boat- ln.r Pnth{Uiast.s. Amon.r lhO!Ie Sl't'n tht'~ 'were Bill Sf.'verance. Byron Farwell, the Edwa rd Lfot. ter Smltha and M111. Ma.ry Shep-ard. Pacific ... IYDHEY ..., .... x.iF .... ..... ... _._ ........... ... ......... ,.. .... AIId .... ...,. ........ .... * : While we're on this home a'nl, phone, tour of four whMIId I~ ~n. PIN• ft'IIWmber JOUr boat, which requl~ ewn ·..,. epedallaecl -~. Tblt ... ... LGNrq'a clepartJMnt aDd .... a I'Ml .... brssu Willa lltld wlwrs .. ..., vld•ala.,.. ~. H•'• lOt eomplete ~Mala ww-.t out VIa ca111 end drt.d fooda to laat ,. ...... -~-------=h•• ... ...... ' u..-.. u..--e..• ,., •• 10 YOU WNff e-. e .W., e ~±!?.it.::-= GOP women Told tO Work /or 19~2 Professional Di~ectory FUNERAL DIUCTORS ••• Friendly NelrhborhOod Semce BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY 110 Broadway u 8·3433lt 8·301 Coeta ..... FOB ALL OF YOUR 1:-iSURANCE NEEDS Sadleir Insurance Co. John E. Sadlelr 3333 E. Coast Hwy. OR 3·3850 Corona del Mar A•~c Newport Harbor lepubUean Women were told at thelr meet· bla Jut Thu,_..y to foeu. Oaett llahta on 1-to eotWntrate tlwlr .rron. on .putUna lepub· lloana Into olftce on the local and ... te ~1, and that 11M wm tMn s-e ~ problema. Their Informant waa lira. Pat Hltt, former Balboan, now of Or· anae,,naUonal commlttH·Woman for the Republican tParty. The JtepublJcan Women were aueata oi'J'he Ialanders. • Mrs. Hltt spoke of the flavor In Wuhlnaton •• one of cooper•· tlon at the pret~ent time. "COnarete roes easy at fln~t to leam the tiend, tO rind OUt juat how far the new president In· tenet. to 10 In oarrylnJ out what he haa prornlaed; then It lowera the boom," ahe aald. She wamed the people to think for themaelves when addf88ed In their llvina rooma ~r 1V. a med1um whl~h President Ken· nedy wm u.ae to the utmost. "If you don't like what you hear, bealege you.r Conrreuman T.41(F IT EASY' Relax··-- and .. nd 1 aDd ·~ LVCD.LE with lettera aaytna 10, ·~ abe urpd. Bbe added that letter writ. 1"-on a larte ecale Is the only weapon that 1he people ha"e, and that lt can be ma.t etf~· tlve. "U• lt to encouraae your Con· traunen aa. ·well -. to criticlze them," abe added. She ~ritlclzed the United Preu International a n d Auoclated PnM, d~larlnr them to be biased In favor of the Demo· cratlc !Party .• Ina lato oMee with 1M ~ntry ln etaao., ln the worat ot condi· Uorw. ThJa Juat lan't true. '1'1\e Jll!O])le have f011otten the Ko· rean War, Sua. Communist trooPe In VIenna. and 'Eaat and We.t Berlln. ?resl.s.nt Elsenhow· er brouaht ua tbrouth with care· ful. wl.le ,uldance. "'Jbe Jut election was 1tolen from ua. Two days of readlna at fidavtta from Texas st.aaaered me., Yet notbln1 could be done. There la no law permittine a re· count In Texaa·or Jlllnols. Tht>re Ia not a Republican court or New Cha~ity Is ·Announced ''I apent 'many· hour1 aboard planes after Kennedy speeches, In the company of these report· era," she aald. "I often was amaz. ed to hear them joklna about what they were going to write. Sometlmc.11 I couldn't believe we had been to the same mHt · 1n1s. heard the aame Ke nnedy A new c-harity Jor tht-National apeeches." Charity Lea,ue, Newport Chap· judae In Teua. 'Miey Juat threw ll out of court. In nunola, thouah. the tlfht pea on, apuned by an orranlJ.aUon In Chkaao. They aay that If lt takes 2 yeara they will IIJht to win their point." Voter ·League Is Organize.d A!pre·oreanlzatlon meeting has been set tor 9:45 a.m. Tu4!8day, Feb, 7, at the Corona del Mar Youth Center tor the proposed Leaaue of Women Voters of Or· anre Coast. M111. Rudolph Kuehn of COrona del Mar is chairman ot the prellm1nary•romm ltlee. Mrs. Marlon Frazler. southem vice·preslde nt in charge of or·. ganlzatlon for the Callromla J..Rague of Women .. Voters, be gu~t apeaker. Information may 'be obtained. from Mrs. K4ehn. ORiole 3·0685. "The loc;al and state newspa · ter. haa been announced by Mrs. pers still a rc t_ry lni to da a..M>h.: L. Delford Feddennan, pr<>HideQL she said. ··But If It comes from It ls a home, loca'ted In Costa Wuhlnjfton. cut It In ha lf, cut Mesa, tor &frla, orphans and oth· that In half and believe a fourth ers whose home life Is lnadP· ot It," shf' advised. quate. The chlldren'a agP1 range ''The Washington pres8 Is try· from 10 to 14. and all are wards .,.. II••• ••••• lng to show that Kennedy Is <.'om. elf Orange C o u n t y Superior Courts. -Pr~cU-ot-rhe htghly su<'l"t-5..~· Co Owner Of I ful motht-r·da ughtt-r Chris tmas • bazaar have been devot~>d t-nllrf'·l Kamaiina K I u b has elected L P t D• Jy to furnishing the home. Mem. Mills' ~1arle Kimball a<; its pres· a . 0 s a I e s hers have contrlbutPd nece~ry ldt'nt for 1961. Sht> will be as.sl t• supplies. Including b ed d 1 n JZ . I'd by Mrs. Carroll ,Aim, vi<'<'· Mrs. Maxine M. Reynolds. 41. r hlna. lam(>fl. linen and <'VE'n fur· prl'sldt'nt : Mrs. Gerald Odegaard. of t.16 Del Mar St .. Costa Mesa. niture from thl'lr own home~. !'ecrNary; ~trs. RobPrt PNrin, co·owner of the La fSOita Restau · Thc-Jan. 19 meetln~e 'of thf' trt'a"!Url'r. ant1 M~. Roy Kt-£>n<'. rant. Co!lta Mesa. pass~d away LRnguP was held at the hom.-of puhlld ty dlr<'rtor. sudde nly last Sunday tn Jloag Mrs. W. E. Fisher In Sho~ Cliffs. Mrl'. Ed Stro~ of Lakt-wood llosplta l. , Her assistants were the Mmes. was hostf'SS to the group for tht> Mrs. Reynolds was born In Ru~ll Lund, Charles Ha nnll, (')rctir>n meetln~. A guest for thr Utah and had been a Costa MPSa Helen Loctfler anc1 Thomas Pick· even,ln~ was Miss Rose u slie resident for 20 yt-ars. She Is sur· l'ring. Mrs. FPdderman and ~1 r~. from tht> Hawaiian Islands; who vlved by her husband. Fra ncis J. Paul Rogers. junior pas t prt-st· Is visiting ~1 rs. Robert C'hambt'r· Reynolds: 3 daughters, Mrs. An· dl'nt. poured. Ja in. na Ragan. Costa Mesa. and Nan· ~ .. "' meerlng is set for Feb. 1 nette and Judith Reynolds of the PAIITY AT iuclrES wtth Mrs. Keith Landrigan as homr; a son. Jt-ffrl'y. or tht> ~1r. and ~frs. Clar<'nN" lllgbi<'. hostf"ss. Shf' will Pntt>rtain at thP home, and her mother. ~frs. 328 Amethyst Ave .. Balboa Is· home of her parents. ~1r. and Amanda McDonald. Ka n ab, Utah. la nd. WNC hmns Sunday t'Vl'nlng Mr-.. lk>njamin Knt-ubuhl. 31 1 Funt'ril !14"rvlct>s wt>re sched· at a small d innt'r party. Tht>lr Sapphire> AvP. Ba lboa Isla nd. ult>d lor today IJan. 261 In Ka· guests, a ll from the nt>w T.tblt' ----·---- nab, Utah, to bt' followed by In· Rock Apartmt>nts fn South J..a · t~rment In Kanab Cemetery. Seal ~una. wc>rt' th<' MP. "rs a nd and Sh~ts Mortuary of Costa ~fmes. Lol's ter Jones. Fri>d Harrl · ~fPsa was In charge of arrange· .;on and Raymond Agt>r. all menu. ' former COrona del Ma r re.,lr!Pnts. THE CRISIS THAT WASN'T Today, there are many quick victor in over diaeaae. ~ ml~t be d~ibed aa a criaiJ • that cli4D't.qui\e happen -thanks \0 todaY• auperlor medldnal aceota. Modem medicine. prescribed by your pbyalci.an KO~'« amazinc triwnpha over dae..-which, only a decade aao. Wt're almc»t certain to bt'com• danaerously serioua. Preeent-day pharmaceuticals, such u lhe antibiotics. require complex 'equipment, intricate controls and hi &}\ly sk1Ued t.chniclans for production. Altbou&h somewhat biabu iD ~ actually are an inveatmeot in ecoDOmy. They dect an earlier cure and c:ut down npcnaivc sick-bed ti.me. Christensen Pharmacy 3021 £. COAST IIWTN coaowA ~»EL MAa Omoa.& ~·2550 e1 L 1M ST. COSTA MESA ....... WALTAH CLARKE'S BAWAUAJf DOn AmNica's Laraest Selffilon Rounda da Clock flawaUan Fa.shlon ()pea a ... 6 Efta. IDI NAmlfE AVL ULaOA IILAJID oas-~ A t f'P•t•l br &til ~£. Mt ~u•1 [. '" tM ""• "' b., ~ "It o, '"' hom~ 11\ P '"'""'-"~ •• wtlh p••v•t~ o.a: o• A1' l't.tVP p• ._o•t• b •H•• .,d .... ~ ,, no'~'' I -~ __..._._; -... rr:-_!.-• ~ .. ,-. ~ I 't '\I., I I .._ . .... ""' ., ' ._,..,., 1-.J I"P ~· 'c-•• t t ' t t .. ""'.A\< tn • . NEVI SAN DIEGO HOME OFFERS r (} . .//) /· / r/)· . ~ !/;'~lrll'fi.J • 'li ('11'~111 ~11 -L I I 'll~? A~D UFETIME SECURm' High on a breeze·cooled hill, with ~1ission Bay sparJ..leng bC"lE'.1!'1 V.es'cy Pal<ns ret.reiT'en home at Pa;:dtr P.eac'1 near San Diego is being built and will be ready for occupancy e'lrly next year Here. where the year rrund \,m,.t £• •!- the finest in America,· all your dreams of grac•ous rcttrement l•v•ng wtll con.e true. At the heart of .:\) .1cre \\"t'c.lry Palms is a large multi·story building. ~here you can choose an arartment "''th panoramic veew ol o•t> ., l • .,. .J"J mountains. Here, too, are the dining room. hobby and club rooms. hbrary and a che~rfu l solanum on f'.lC 11 tloor Many will prefer one of the home·like cottages wtth pr iva te pai•O$ whech comprts~ more than ha.f thr . c • 1· ~~ •• ttons. You~ll find the utmost comfort and con~enience in t!'le nine dtffcrent floor plans available Once y(lu tw " .. ' resident of Wesley P81ms, all heavy financial responsibtlittes arc moved from your s~oulders. tncludt · mt 1. :11 "" i surgical expenses. Your co.ls cannot be increased. Spend your days as acttvely or lazily as Y<>.!-1 wtsh, weth r''t•nt\ of good company when you deslte it. Owned and operated by the non proftt Method est Pilei fer Homes Co1 por ill JOn. Wesley Palms will af~ I ' new outlook on retirement. a rlew zest for living, with qualety servrces. Chrest•an care and complete llfttJrne leCUrity at reasonabl~ cost. ''.t\NSWERS 'ro YOUR MOST IMPORTANT QUESTIONS • Haw much ..... It CIIIIID .. Ill....., him.! Much less th111 you thenkl A man. aged GS or~ pa~ $36.6 79 whech. tf constdered on the remalnlnr years of ftla lift, -..ld be $2150 per year. or $179 17 per mo11th. Costs t.t other •au &re less.· at 70. $31.891; 1t 75. $27,254: atiO, $22.~ 'n.. fWyrte.,.. MMd on 1 $7.500 ''" le apanment and Include complett~ ltfe care. food. maid lef'VIce, laun· dry, medical and suraleal ~ 8nd maintenance. ror 1 hmlted number, par1•al pre payme nt. wttl\ balance payable monthly, eat\ be •rranpct. • .._. .,. ... ......., full'll ar ComP"tent '24 hour nurs•nr servtees -s rutenum care in 2 modem facilfties 1ft Ll JQ)Ia, surpry at Scripps Memottel Hospltal when needed. • C.n I cant'el my membership II I wis.hf Yes; you'in,Y withdnrw .t any ttmt land be reimiMHMd on a P'O'rlllll belfs. • W'-t eodef t.clltties are ftallablef l tbra ry, shumebOerd courts. ttobby rooMs, social rooms woth telnlsloft and re.o. proflc.toft 8nd ......... as M il as Incomparable around• fdt rest. relaUtiOn and commu'll\y 4dlv It'S .• ~., I .. ....-... ..-r ~. Fl1enda ..... ~ ean visit. stay for muls. or remain owr nlCht at cur~t cha'll.:'' Yor,o c~C'. aft,.r all, 1n your_, home. • .. II ill$ I JDIJ tlr .. INifloltameut of._.., ,..lrMf P.c:tflc Homn. 1 non·proftt corpot •lion of ttle Sou'h,.rn Califofft~ · ~ ClutM ~J. f/A .. lillttwdlat Church, the Ia rant cqane::atum of Its lund In tM couottv • . Mftt OR .PttoNE HOW for appointment to Me beautiful .,._ and efti~Kti¥!~ JNM Afthoulh 53" ·of .. ICCIRIRlafltre• II ...., Pllml hiM ....... IIIIM -~.-. you still ...,_. 1 w6dl dlolol • 111111 ·.-. WI..., ,.. prefw en ..-tNnl In .. llllln ..,...._ 0t ane ot.,....,... ._., •• ~ ... ,·r .. ..-.. peeto. ,.,, .. ,,. Cllt 111 ......... NOW, ....... CCHtpctft .,.... ............ ...,. __ ...... .,., ':II ... -.aes•. MAM~~------------------------~-----------­~------------------~--~------~- 1'• ................ ,.. ........ ,.., ........... fi'OCidurlt 6n ordlr .......... wlllllt 11111h cMicl fA Mil JUIIJli'FIItll-. . • • • A .. ••l U•Girl8 ••• By LoW. Mete. T&U'ST '111081: GIRLS ol tlw around tbe room. "OR.'' aald Tueeday Club! Since they e&JI't ~. "you mean you are co· 10 to New Orleans trw the Mardi lftl to ... the lnaquraUon." And Gru they're plannlftl to brin•· a this honelt Uttle IJrl, who could lot of the atma.pbHe to N~ have, by llbblftl, taken her place Beach! Thoee Utile Ucketa they're In the anna Ia ot fame aald aim· selllnc for tMlr annual dinner _ply, "Oh, no! We're golnc to aH dance at Balboa Bay Club Feb. my huaband'a broth<':!" 17 with the tplC'ture of Ye Olde • • • Lampoet marked Bourbon Street WE'RE TOSSING OUR SOU· New Officers Are Ordained New eldfta and dncon. ol St. Andrew's Preebytedan Cburcll, CUft Haven, who were elected at t.he Jan. 18 eoncrecatlonal meet· Inc. ~re ordained at church services Sunday. The elders are Dr. Thomas Blakely, Miles Charct, John Dean, Fred McMaster, Hudaon Saffell, Dr. Richard Underwood and Wayne Wilhite. , ' . t &WIOB •111011 I 11• NUWY. J ..... a - 0011011A -.lUI, CAW. Jl"-···· 21 FAY :::::: : :::::::::::: ::; ::: : z 0: 0: -, ~HlJRt:HI:S a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a.tso' I d rnR Otrevt Newport leach. Corona del Mar, Coeta ..... -THI Idea that COD· tlnuoua beneflte are available to all thtoUJh a fuller comprehen· aJon ol God aa love wtU De enlarpd upon In thla Sundar'• 1..-on-.ermon entitled "Love." The colden text ls from Jere· mJah, 9:24. ...... , •••• f1 .. ,.,_ 0 -CUff Haftll--a..t ft'JJJU.,_... wU. M 1M ...-oft topic ol Dr. Claarte. .,......,.... at the 1:15. 1:35 and 11 a.a Sunday 8UVIc-. • • • • CliiiNM ... -Ora• lid' all Claulla In ot..rvance o1 Youdl SUnday, the bY. l:dwtn Gomllle • • • will prneb on '"!be Concem ot Lutlaelaa Claunlt el Uae .... Youth tor the Qlurcll and tbe tw, Corona del Mar-.7h• Rev. World" at tbe' 9:30 and 11 a.m. Douclas Weuell will '()reach on Sunday .ervices. the sermon topiC', "Wantlnc • • • God," at the 9:30 and tl a.m. ....._ l.a..d lletJaedht IN THIS $CINE from "BuHerfield 8," Elizabeth Taylor proposes a toast to Eddie Fisher ond Eddie's suspicious girl frtend1 Susan Oliver. The MG~ film is cow at the Port Theatre in Corona del Mar, along witil "Majestic Island." gives t he first hint ol what is QU.ET and hope she catches It, In sto~ fot' all who attend. Seems to Mrw. L. L. Aubert of Irvine that lt'a to be a "French Quar· Tenace. As treasurer of the Or· ter" pan.y with Ethelyn Miller ance County Philharmonic So· chalrmanlnc the event. Since. clety, she devotes a great deal Ethelyn did so well raising mon-of time to a very. real bookkHP· ey for the club's community serv· lng ·Job, but never cets ruffled, I~ la~t fall a tthe Glamour Sale and alwa. ys l.s ready to jo that she C'an relax a Jl(tle now and "extra mile'' to lend help or ad- have this a "for fun'' pan . vice In 'othe r departments. You'll want to order tickets early, • • • since 300 Is the limit! nfAT PART-Y LADY. Milly • • • Tracy, was drinking coffee In The deacons are Mrs. Donald Anderson. Mrs. Lee Bolin, Mrs. Phil Clark, Mrs, Walt•r Claus, Mrs. Jamea Eymann, Mrs. Clark Musser and Mrs. ~ne Rou, 3· year tt>rms; Mrs. C. W. Hubert and Mrs. William O'Brien, 2· year terms. and Mrs. Robert An· drews and Mrs. David Fraser, 1· year terms . services this ~u~d•;· ' ClaUICil-"If I Were Younc leftetll . .,.., Abeatt.t Claurcll. Young Acaln" wlll be the Mr· Newport Helchts-Paat R G mon torplc ol the bv. God.lrey M 1 h •.•• or ·0 · Graemn at the .,30 and Ll a.m. I H r· I ote w II preac on .... ~. ur Sunday services ln oWrvance of a ppy I me Wonderful Lord" at the 11 a .m. Youth Week • 'the seventh '~ ~ COMMUNISM IN ACTION .. . -~ 11ae ILIVE~~ :H COMMANDMIIII ............. -................ .,._-~--.,..._ LIDO ~:::o~.=AT JAN. 31 'ncket. $1.00 (.50 students and service men> AvaUable, Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce • sale- ot cocktail dresses knit sport dresses formals -- capris - .up to - 50~/o off on many ar1on of b everly hills RA VI AllAif SHOPS Amen~a·s Larges t Selection Rounda da Clock Hawaiian Fashion ()pen Sua. & Ene. 209 MARIJfE AVE •. I ALae> A ISLAKD OR 3-JO:JO JUDY STORY. formerly of Co· rona del Mar. writes from her new home In Portland to answer the question: ''What do Portland women do when the goll roorses are fiooded?" She says that up there It's bowling. and s he's a l- ready working on hrr game. Richard's Coffee Shop the other day and the conversation turned to problems of rearing children. The desire to conform with other Pilldren In mode of dress some- times .posH a problem for moth· -ers, she said. Milly favors th~ Idea of mothers In a neighbor· hood getting together and pre- senting a firm front regarding what day, for lnstant'e. jean" are to be discarded In favor of short~. This way the youngsters, after cautious peeks through half. cl<>fled doors find that everyone else Is dolni It too, so why not? . Saturday service. David DeWal, 1 elchth and nl~th graden of th~ d a native of South Alrica and now church school will participate In T 0 Be . Stage attending La Sierra Collece, will the 9:30 service. At the 11 a.m. ~peak at the M.V. Society meet· servi<'e, the pastor will ln.tall • • • A GOOD DRESS CHAIRMAN Is so Important to an orcanlzation as well as to the newspapers of the community. We're hailing a new one. Mrs. John C. Shaffer. of Newpon Harbor Republican Wo- men's Club, who does a splendid job of reporting. • • • .... ,., llrlll . · l.nc at 7:80 p.m . ttUs Friday, lJn. the new oWcers of the Senior The Parent.Teacher.Council of 27. He will tell of his former MYF; Diane Harris. prealdent: St. James Day School will spon-fit~ as an atheiat and of his Charles Guenther. vice-president; sor the staging of SamueJ Tay. conversion to Christianity, Christine Carl. ~ry; Don lor's "The Happy Time," In the • • • Gregg, treu urer; Sharon Smith, Orange Coast College auditorium St. llkhael CIDd AU All9ela' worship chairman; Joel P'nu!hln at 8:30 p.m. Saturday, April 8, as llluioa. Episcopal, meetln~ In and Lorria Buck, ~Uon. and a benefit for the Day 'School fund Fellowship Hall of the Corona Mary Coane and Terri W.ldellch, drive. del Mar Congregational Church-publicity. The play will be put on by the "It Could Happen to You" will -.:.-.------ Freeway Circuit theatrical group. be the sermon topic of the Rev. Committee members working Edward Allen at the 8 &.m. sun-IIAJIY LIGII"r TO IRU on the project are Mrs. Robert day service. Harris, Mrs. John &holz. Mrs. · t • • IT MUST BE GRATJFY1NG to have lived here for years and to have the u t most popularity among women everywhere. This ~ the t'ASe of Mrs. Joseph Beek, a real pioneer on Balboa Island. Evt>ry time she is Introduced In any orga nization there is a round of appl.1use, There's only one answer: she has served them long, wt-11 and in many ways. • • • DrD YOU KNOW that in.a big house on Lido Isle a happy fam. II}·, the Paul Clemens. live. Mrs. Clemens Is Eleanor Parker of motion rplct urt's, and her hus- band a famous ;-rtist. They have two children. too. They Live quletly and If you should hap. pen Into the Burley Bell, Mrs. Hunting big game In Africa Is to be the pastime of Mr. and Mrs. Owen Carter of 121 Harbor J&land Rd .. Newport Beach. They left their yaC'ht. Mln-FIIcka, tied at dock and their home In the care of Its skipper. Art EIMy, to travel aboard a cargo liner. the Ballnas. They will go .through Panama to London. Antwerp and finally to Nirobe, Africa, for the hunt. then fly home after a tour of Europe. Seeing them ort las t week with a cocktail party In their state· room were the Messrs and Mmes. Ralph Baker, Roy Maypole, Art Elsey and <'thers from Oxnard. Mary Lfcbt. noted leader of re· treat campa, prayer .choola and heallnc mlaalona, will apeak at 7 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 5, at the Newport Harbor Bept!R Church, Fair Dr. at Fairview Rd., c.ta JaC'k Scott, Mrs. Edward Willetts, u._a.....u.t C llu rc 1t.. Co~ta Mrs. Don New, Mrs. B. F. Burns Mesa "My Q u a r r el With and Mrs. Arthur Orr. Tickets Ch ristianity" will be the sermon may be obtained from.Mrs. Wll· theme of ffr. Charles Blauvelt lt-tts at 533 Seaward Rd., Corona at the 10:30 a.m. Sunday service. Highlands, or by calling ORiole --------__.:.~ __ ...:... ___________ _ Mesa.. ' 3-0859. ••• ,nil •• .., fer .l•llr II ..... Junior High Fellowship mem· bers will be honored at a potluC'k dinnN at 6 p.m. Sunday at St. AndreW's Presbyterian Church. Attend the Church Of Your Choice Regularly DIRECTORY ST. JAMES EPISCOPAL CHURCH 3209 VIa Lido, Newport Beach ORiole S-0210 · Clemens' choice for many small dinner parties. you might see her and nt"\'er guess that she I~ ~o famous. • • • HEARD AN AMUSING STORY the other day from Eve Hurtt. who h ad been to the luncheon for the AuxJIIary to . Orange County's Bar Assn. Seems that a telephone call came for one of tht-newer members and she re- turned to the table in an abso- lute glow. Asked what the good news m ight be. since it was obvious !!he was happy about it. she said that It had been her hu!lbanct saying they would Jea\·e that night for Washington. D. C. Tht-rt> was a great qui\·t-r all larrlip CI•- WJII llcl• F... 13 Dr. Forrest Strayer, Corona del ~far psychologist, will C'onduct a C'lass on "Education for Mar· ri agc" at Laguna BeaC'h High SC'hool for' 10 Monday evenings, bt'ginning F('b. 13. The classes, from 8 to 10 p.m., are part of lht' t:SC' <'Ommunlty service dl· vision. Thl' registration fee Is $35 for. individ uals, $30 for couples. Auxili., II leet I Th<> Hoag Memorial Hospital Auxiliary will hold its winter mC'Ptlng :tt 11:45 a.m. this Fri· 11.1y, J;~ n Z'i. at the Irvine Coast C'ountry Club. Dr. David Nielsen of Lido Isle will tell of hls re• C'<'nt mc>eti ng with Dr. Albert ~·hweitzer In Africa. Mrs. Joseph I lU'Pk will talk about the plans Cor the> new auditorium at the ho<~pltal. Frllk ... a,,ellll. Frank Bret, 43, cenft'al man· age r 'of the Mission Inn, River· side. has been na med tp the newly created post of general manager of the hotel ,and club ctlvblon of the Jack Wrather Organization. He will s upervise the Balboa Bay Club, Kona Kal Club. Kona Inn and Disneyland Hotel. and will have his head· quarters at the Balboa Bay Club. He was born and educated In Czechoslovakia. became a natur- alized American citizen 12 y~ars ago, Is married to an Idaho· col· lege graduate and Is ttte father of a boy. 10, and a girl. 8. •. , .......... . John Johnson ha."' graduated from Cub Pack 8 .of Corona del Mar and has i>Hn welcomt"d as member No. 33 of Boy Scout Troop 17. The Tr()(Jj) meet.s :~t 7:30 each Tuesday evening In thP Scout House behind the Corona del Mar Youth Center. Bob CaUls Is scout- mast~r. and Howard Lind Is his assistant. A recent projert was an ovt'r· night camp-out at Camp RokJII In the San Bernardino moun· talns. Ron Elleboudt servt"d as camp cook. .. 2 c •• , .... Cliff Haven. Parents of mem-;============~ bers also are Invited. The Rev. Wayne Protheroe, ad· vlser, will tell ot the snow camp and retreat ~planned from March 3, 4 and SIn the San Bemardll,1o mountin.. There ·wtU allo be dlacualon of the project of col· lectlng old nylon h~ for ship- ment to Ko~an widows, who make toys trom the stod<lncs. Jim Fttzcerald, former choir director at St. Andrew's. wtlllead the group ln aoncs follqwlng tt)e dinner. FIRST CHRISTIAN ·'CHUBCH Franklin 0 . Bixler, Jr. Minister U 8·4778 . Parsonace Ll 8-m l SUNDAY • 9:45 ........... : ............. Bible School 10:46 ....... -...... Church Service 5:30 Younc Peoples' Meettnc 6:30 ........... -... Vesper Service WEDNESDAY 9:30 a.m. Women's Bible Study 7:00 p.m ......... Prayer Meeting W.W IIJ If PriJI' 8:00 p.m .... ·-·-· Choir PractJce .lltftl. Is ..... Nursery ~~~~ld Car• "'tocaJ chureh wonwn will Join Ftnat•Chri~tlan Church· in the observance ol the 75th an· 796 VIctoria at Placentia nlversary of World Day of Prayer C~ta Mesa on Frtday, Feb. 17.1'here will be"'------------' a noon meditation at the Costa .--------------. Mesa Methodist Church. a 1:30 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE meeting at Chriat Church by the Sea. Balboa, with a speaker on SERVICES Alaska, and 8 p.m. vespers at St. PDIT CIIU.al OP CIDJST, Andrew's Presbyterian Church, ICJDJJIT, Cll!f Haven. 3303 VIa Lido ..., ..... Set A legl!llatlve . stuCly meeting spon110red by the Newpon Harbor R<'publlcan Women will l>e held :tt 10:30 a.llt. Mond..ay ~t th.e home of Mrs. Challen Landers. 819 W. Bay Avt-.. Balboa. Leader for the firs t session will be Mrs. Isabel Pense of Shore CU ffs. well known C'lviC' leader and member of the Nt-wport Beach Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commis- sion. Newport Beach SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:15 a.m. and 11 a.m. SUNDAY SERVICES 9:15 · 11 a.m. WEDNESDAY EVENING MEETING 8 p.m . REAWNG ROOM- 3315 VIa Lido, Newport Beach Open week day._ • 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesdays 9 a .m .• 7:~ p.m . Tuesday• and Frida~ 9 a .m. tn 9 fl~'" SECOifD CJIU.al OP CHRIST. ICIEJfTIST lfewport Beach at Coroaa d•1 Mar 3839 East Coast Highway Corona del Mar SUNDAY SCHOOL SU:'lDA Y SERVICE 9:15 a.m. The Rev. John H. Parke, R.ector SUNDAY SERVICES 8:00-Holy Communion 9:15-Famlly Service a.nd Sunday School • · 11 :00-Momlng Prayer and Sermon Nursery and small child care provided TifURSDAY 10:30-Holy Communion and Heallnc Service CORONA DEL MAR COMMUNITY CHURCH COKQUQATIOKAL 611 Heliotrope Avenue Corona del Mar, Calif. MORNING WORSHIP 9:30 and 11 A.M. Church School classes 9:30a.m . Nurwry for both houn. Edwin C. Gomke Minister LUTHERAN CHURCH Church of the Master 3545 East Coast Highway Corona del Mar Th.e Jlcy. D. Wessell, Pastor Phone: ORiole 3-5022 SUNDAY SCHEDULE 9:30 A.M.-The Service 9:30 A.M.-Sunday School 11 :00 A.M.-The Service WELCOME NEWPORT HARBOR BAPTIST CHURCH The charter of Anchor Lodge 648 Va.sa Order of America. was cl~d Saturday' night with a membership of 107. The next meeUng wlll be at 8 p.m. Satur- day, Feb .. 4. In Odd Fellows Hall, 1865 Newport Ave., Costa Mt-sa. Judith Mt¥-"hlenbruch w111 show slides of South America. American Baptist Convention Fairview Ave. at Fair Dr. WEONESDA y EVOI~Jl a:rn. Costa Mesa MEETI:'iG 8 p.m. Rev. Herbert Johnson. Pastor READING ROOM-U 8-3072 • KI 5 --1610 3839 East Coast HIJhway Open week days-Sunday School ....... -. 9:45 a.m. . 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. C Clas~~et~ for All Acea · You are cordial~ lnvtted to Momlnc Wonhlp .. 11:00 a.m. SU.BSCRIBE Den 2 of Corona del Mar Cub Pack· 8 camJ)E'd out Friday night a\ the Scout Houl!(! haC'k of the Youth Center. They t'ooked their dinner at 6 p.m .. heard a ~tory r('ad by Mrs. Don Sachs. wife of thE' C'Uhmllster. then hiked to China Cove. and on the wav bat'k to "C'amp," they stopped for hot C'hocolate and dOUilhnuts at the home of Mr. and M~. Sid Shan· non. Cubs Kenny Ewell. Norman Johnson. Jptf Hillman. Willie Duncan a nd Chrl" CooJ)f'r wPrc a ccompanied by tl ads John John· son, Tom Hillman and Bob Cooper for the camp-out. . KEW .. OM& OK LIDO One of th~ few remaining ,va. cant pro~rtles on VIa Lido Sou d. Lido Isle, Is to be the site of a new home which Jim Kllro)' Is bulldJn~ lor hla family, The JtiJ. roys, who have 6 children, form- erly lived on the Isle, then moved to a new home on the Balboa Penins ula. a~ roa TBE IIJLLEU attend the Cbufdl s.rvtc. Evenlne Worship ·-· 7:30 p.m. A dauchter. Robin Carol, 6 lb. and ~ ue tbt 8acUna Room. Wed. Pray•r Meetlne 7:00 p.m. 13 oz., was born to Mr. and Mrs. 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~i[i~i[i~~~~~~i Robert C. MUier. 229% Orchid 1 Ave., Corona del Mar, In Hoatt Hospital on Wednesday, Jan. 18. VIsiting the Mlllerw ls Mrs. John Jenkins, Toledo, Ohio, grand· mother of the new arrival, the flrat child of tbc .Mlllers . I Ell -To The Newport Harbor Ensign . . • ..... 2850 E. COAST HWY., CORONA DEL MAR ORIOLE 3-0550 The only weekly newapu-per in the Harbor Area • • . IIAIL Jlf '1'1111 OIIDU .... YOU CIIKCK • CAD TODAY ONE YEAR ------ODly 3.00 Outllde of Harbor Atea ~ Ncane -------------------------------------------- MaWngA~----------------~---------­ Oty and State-.:...------------;__- I DIEP YJIIT IKA'I'DfQ fAaT PD. II The Senior Rich FeUmnhJp of St Andr-eW'a Presbfterian CbW'C'h will hold a akatlnc party Sun· day, Feb. 12. The lunJor BJcb hllowahlp and con.,. ap croup are belnclnvtted to attend. Gn!etJng old friends durln1 a one-day sail on the waten of Balboe Bay were Mr. and Mrs. Jill Whltlftl of Loe Aneelf!a. and their eons. The boya were trytnc out their MW sabot whlcll their perenta cave them after their au~~U~Wr at Camp Kadneroet Cat· aUna.. wiMn they teamed all the trldll ol the aport. ~~~~,._ ,... .... reeehe4 ............... ........... 1 '··· WIS. DOIOIHY. TAYLOI .. \A · ST. JAMES DAY SCHOOL ,., VIe ..,., N. ~ ..... OIJ.I .. ........ UiiEI in ~ Rmvel s.me.. Nlthtfy et· 7:30 tWa ..... ...ct doelnt SuncNy, .....,Jt. ~ IIIPIII1' -Mil ~ c..t ...,...,, at .. _. ... c..... ..... _.._,.. ..... 0. • .,.. A. ..,..., , .... ...... rw.llloOI-----·NI&& ~fii -.....;....;;-IMI ..... &MI~ 1'Niilllll Ul-·-----..... • • • • • • • Bride-to-Be Is Honored Capt. and Mra. Arthur Glbbe ol !f.-port H.._hta and Mra. Pnd. rle ('fMima Paddodc) Hope ot Corona del Mar .,.re haat. at a ~ SUnday at the Gibbs reel- dence honortn& MIM Mary EJlz. abeth Huataa, ftance of Mrs. Hope's ton, Stephen. The wed· dJnc date haa been .et for Feb. lL MIU Ru1tw. .la the dauahter of Thoma"' Huahes and the late Mrt. Hu1hee and attended the Blahop Conaty School for Girls. Stephen graduated from Newport • Harbor Hl1h School and Orance Coa.t Colleee and attended Lone Beach State. Hf! Ia now In the Ja..w .......... ._ ... ..;.;..,_. ..................... ~ ....... -ht._,,.. ....... .., .... __ ...._ ....., $1 ...... .. ....... • ... hillel IM' ................. hd ........ . ,.. ••• lk::t ............................. . AM.._...._, __ « •·••,•a-. -·-·ta:--r'-tsla.Mir ......... ,....._ ........... _ .... , ..... Te tva ,._ 1M , ..... el ..... d-'"lle Alld .... -...u 1NI'Id ........... Ia .......... • • • mualc department of Revu Tele· · There's something alarmlne In the J"rowlne numbers of articles vtalon at Unlveraal Studios. They ti1 magazines and newspapers ooncemln1 the number of youne met at DHI·Lu Studios, where women who are cracklne up, and rldlne to the sanitarium on the Betty was employed aa a cashier red ('arpet of mlddle-claaa and upper-cl ... luxury. and Stephen In the music de· An old word'wlth a new twist Ia creeplne Into the picture too. partment. They eaU It .. s uburbia." Suburbia, It seems. re'preaents a strata of • Miss Jill Blum Is Engaged Col and Mia. A1aa 81um ot IH-ptrom AJr Faroe Bue, Texas, and ol II&Jboa J.lland, u.nounce tbe en~ment ol their daueh· ter, ~ nu Blum, to Jtobert Ed· ward Black ot San Jl'ra~iaco. Miss Blum attended San 'Jo. State College. where she was a member of Alpha ChJ Omega. Her fiance auended the Unlver· slty of Arizona and Ia now auo- clated with Rosecrana Textiles In San Francisco. lOIS.. BOWELL •AilED Mrs. Oli\·er Howell of Bnl bo& Island has bt•en chosen as pres· ldent-ele<'t of the Woman's Aux. lliary to the Orange County Op· tometric Soeiety. The 1961 pres- Ident ls Mrs. George SaJeen of Fullerton .• Stephen's older brother Fred Ufe OC'C:Upied b)' the youna executive class, that white collar croup. and his wtle, Diana. were down educated, brilliant. and earntne enouah mon~y to put the"?, Into from Manhattan Beach, Fred 1a fierce competition for what we call "the ~ner thlnea of life. an art director at Fox Studloa. Out or suburbia, a recent maeazine article told. rome nervous breakdowns, aulclt!e. and an alarmlne number or broken homes. .. r You don't h,..ve to be a .,aychlatrb t to understand thi5. You onJy have to be a woman. If you l'few lq) and married In the late II 111... al ..... 20'a, you know lhat even then life waa asaumlne a chaotic state In THE INTYFEROMETER is being demo,stroted by David Schuck. right, freshmon student ot Newport Horbor High School, to Mr. Robert Hoiley, his generol science irstrudor, ond to J one t Riddell. o fenow stude11t. All qenerol science studeryts ot Horbo· High ore d ispl.,ying tneir semester projects-mony of which will be shown ot the 4Mu41 Science Foir 1n April. , -•J wbJch you were elven a y~datlck which to meas ure yourself a nd A "happy birthday party" was your accomplishments. Think how much worse it Is now! a recent occasion at the L. W. . lt '-aU wry well to say, In aareasm. "O.h. my heart bleed.• for Schonek reslden~. 602 Klnp these young wives today. They have beautiful homes. la6or saving Rd., Cliff Havet<. It was the birth· gadeelli, maid-. baby sltten, and their own cars. They're never day of Mrs. Schonek'• father, l. home; they spend hours on the tel~phone and bay dinner at the C. Johnson. of MJnneapolls, fiozen food department.", Minn. The John80na a~ spend· The truth Ia they've been robbed of the mocrt precious thine in lng the winter In· C..lllomla u JUe: the JOJ o1 plannine. and economizing, to achieve. Not for Ia their custom. them the tun ot maklne a dressing table out ot two apple boxes Present to ereet Mr. lohnton and three yarcla of nowered chintz; not for them the extra-thrill were 2 of his nephews and their of havin• a real dresslne table at last. when they a~ older. Not families, the Robert Douglas for them "the lone. peaceful evenlnea before the fire, with husbands John11ons of Lake Park Estates readlng and children dolnl' home work. There are places to go, and the Curtis De Boyntona of and they are caucht up In the mad, mad pursuit of meeting the Newpnrt Beach, akmg wtth Dr. "rleht" people. and ~frs. Ruaeell D. Johr1ston, Everything Is wrong for them from the start. They are thrust Mrs. Elsie Lindgren and the Into college, and elven a taste ol profession or business world. Theodore Undatedta. Few of them team, etther there, or at home. the rudlmenta ot home N•l Ill Wll••••• ID •• l••••n There are 10 new members of Jobs Dauehter1 ~hel 157. The ~Iris joined Jan. 9 and met Mrs. Shirley Common. deputy grand guardian of California, Mrs. GraC'f' Speth, Mrs. Edward Robel, guardian, and Edward Robel. aMO<'late guardian. The new ~mbers are Joy Burnham. Chris Weatherhead, Elizabeth Coeton. Kathy Bonnlg· ton. Michele Morlon. Irma Anne Dean, Patricia Anne Moore, Lou · lse Tennille, Sheron Tha tcher and Caro Purdy. "lt'a Fun to D,_ In Fuhion" 2659 E. COAST HIGHWAY CORONA DEL MAR ORIOLE 3·5030 maldnJ'. Then. by the circumataMH of falllneln love, (for which even the lJ('ienu.ta bave not learned to find sut»tltutiona!} they are drawn back Into the feminine pattern of "keeplne houae." It's a shock to team that busy huabanda take much for grant· ed, spend an lncreulne amount ol Ume away from ho~e In order to provide {DOre and mo~ of the very thlnes that are removine the \·ery savour of llvtne. - These younc wives have self confidence undermined In a hundred df!Vlous ways: they are· betlleeed with magazine articles on the pltfalla of marriage, warned to compete with beautiful secretaries to understand their hus band's work, and, somehow, to be aatldactory mlstrH8es. Impeccable housekeepers .• ·charming t-ostesses and faultlesa mothers. They' are .,delueed with books on psycholoey. warning them ~f the portent of child behaviorisms. They are warned to read thear children's text books lest Communism be taklne over In education. They are caueht up in the 101 demands of PTA, Cub or Girl Scout· lne and da.-ea to keep them abreast of the times. 'Every time they open a magazine there Is held brightly before them such an ueortment ol pictures of food u It should look when served homes u they Should look even though lived In, and dis· "sertatl~ns on "Wlll This Marrlaee Work?" that It's little wonder they are confused. They drive th~lr children to school because they •re afraid of drunk drivers and child molesters. their husbands to Uae train, and their mothen-ln-law to the doctor. ·Nobody bothers to tell them that the best way to hold a hu.s· band Is to show love for him In all the little ways that women have known lnstinctJvely since nme began. the best defense tor a child Is a mother at home. and that the Road to Serenity leads uot t]lroueb a maze of unpaid Installment credits but throueh lauahlng all the way to the bank. And rbocrt of ail, too few closely concerned with them stop often enough to say. 'What you are doing Is more Important to me than an)ltbJne else In ·the world. I love you just the way that you are." That is what they are waitine to hear, and when It comes. the beckonlngs of brighter pastures In the world outside become nothing at all. &heel N Wedding Is ~WS Anno~nced 1 · Recentl>· announced Is the Dec. I 26 weddlni of Sandra Lee, --------------------------daughter of Mrs. Burrell Palmer 1 *HARBOR VIEW * HORACE ENSIGN of Costa Mesa, and Larry F. Cov. ert. .on of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Television has made a tremen- dous impact on the llves of our fa milies and our society In gen- eral. Significant lnfluehce has been experienced In our fifth and sixth erade cluaes at Har- bor Vl~w School through the use of educational procrams prodU('· ed durtne school hours. Our chll· dren are Jeamlne conversational Spanish from a master t~acher telecasting twice each week from Los Angeles .. The children have had the op· portunity to watch special ele<."· tlon p;ograrns, outstanding sci· ence demonstration~. and excel· lent historical and eeographlcal presentations. The world Is be· romlng smaller dally through the use of television 'to give our chll· dren "first hand" experien~s In subjects formerly studied pri· marlly In print. • • • The eighth erade dance held on Friday the 13th was a great success, accordine to PTA mem · bers. The theme for the dance was "Winter Wonderland." Chris Godwin was mistress of cere· monies. and Frank ~1arshall was master or ceremonies. Adult sponsors were Mrs. Wag- ner. Marge Anderson. Mrs. Mos- teller. Mrs. Orr, Mr. Noren and Mr. Niquette. Sn1dent hosts and hostesses were Steve Ro~rts. Larry Sauder, Bud Banner. Frank Marshall. Ron Andrews, M I k e Corrigan. Allen Eggleston. ~im Barrett, Gary Davis.Bucky Moore. Joe Langjahr, Gary Dae, Bonnie Phelps, Joan Wells. Chris Moore, Xolly Muon, Linda Nel$0n, Bet· ty Jo Saunders, Diana Burgess, Alma Knowlton, Sally Kllgaus. Chrl11 Godwin, Robin Alward. Ka - ren Roth and Brenda Naples. • • • Covert, 31S El Modena, Newpon Heights. The marriage took place at ttle Uttle White Chapel Las Vegas. The bride wore a green satin sheath. • The young couple was anended by ~fr. and Mrs. P, C. Connell. After a honrymoon at Las Ve- gas the newlyweds opened their home at 19-16 Fullerton Ave .. I Costa :\fesa. / VDITDIC: PilON IOWA I ~fr. and Mrs. Dan Unnane of Des Moines were week·long guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Blakeslee, 2045 Irvine Avt>., Up- per Bay Area. The two couples are friends of long standing. Mrs. Carolyn Danielson will be Election results in Mr. Peffer's leaving hl"r Kindergarten teach · home room are as follow'S: Rob· ing position at Harbor View ert Metcalf, !president; Carol Bad· School soon to await the birth of ham, vlce-presJdent ; Mazy Grare her baby. ThI s outstanding Geortery, treasurer. young teacher came to tbe har· • • • DOROTHY GRAY .ONCE-A-YEAR SALE bor area this year after tea~hlng Ensign B's won over Tustin 24 in Burbank. Carolyn ls an at· to 13 In the tripleheader basket· tractive young native dauehter bait game Jan. 12. Mike.. Corri- who attended high M.'hool In gan wa~ the high point scorer Glendale. ('()fleg.-at 0«-ldental w 1 t h 12 points. Unfortunately for two years. t.nd romplet.-d the both the A'5.and the c·s lost. The requirements for graduation from !;COre for the A game was 38.27 the University of Southem Call· In fa\·or of TUstin. and for t he fornia. C game it wa.s 1<1·13. Cr.1ig RJt. Her husband. Dk k. Is opening ter and Roger Hartley were the his dental offlre In Me~ VPrde. high point scorers for the A H.-graduated from thf' USC ~ame. and Bob EJder for the C School of Dentl~try lq June. 1960, game. and he has het>n practf('lnsr In I • • • · Anaheim at the Childrpn's Cllni('. The scvf"nth gTade GAA squad t:l TWO l()PSTICKS shades FINAL CLEARANCE * MARINERS SCHOOL You may see Charlie the din. osaur any day In Mr. Fur('ron's sixth grade classroom at Marin- ers School. His students are mak· lng-lifelike copies of the din· osaur out of pa pt-r mache for thf'lr unit In sden('e. The Danielson~ .-njoy outdoor leaders are Corliss Hitchcock. activities. Including skli nsr. golf ~fichPit> Holmes.Stephanie Foust. and tennis. The\' "'t'rt' ahle fo Sandv Selmar. ~1arie Schorg. share thesr a('tivltl~ ocrru;lon· Linda Godwin. Terry Zander and ally while Dick was stntlon~d in Debbie Art her. This quarter they M· nkh. Germanv, with the are playing speedball. but n<'xt Army. They travrled throuJZhOut quartc>r the GAA will be playing Ge rmany ns mu!'h as timr would baskNball. · COROIA DEL MAR PHARMACY Y2 Price •. , ......... * ,.II 'IIA LIDO oa 3·3170 , . ., ............. 1. ••••••• ....... Wrl a.oiiD MOKDAYI ~~ IIIIAIIIIII'\, • • Ever heard of Pagoo? Chan('es arc you haven't. Pagoo Is a sma ll hNmlt cra b that liv<'s a t the bot· tom of the ocean, and studf'nts In Mrs. Wilder's Clfth grade class are having a chance to learn more about Pagoo and his friends from a IIJe·like three·di; mf'nslonal painting. loaned to the school by Mr. and :\1rs. WiJ. bur Tool. of 503 Poppy Ave., Co· rona dl' I :\fa r. • • • Going ·to senrl a valentine? Ju~t !ll'nd It throu~h HE'len Mor· ris' !II'I'Ond grade cla!ISroom. Coml' Va Ientine's Day, hN stu· d<'n ts will have their own post offlre. In ll'arnlng about the communltr. Miss Morris believes the ('hlldren learn more by prac. tical application. • •• • Fourth graders. with their teachers at the helm. set a coune last month from Mariners School for San Juan Capistrano Miulon. Guides for the tour were teach· era Bob Slaeht, Joan K~ther, Jean Uland~r. They skippered their charees throueh various parts of the mlulon to vi"' point. of Interest atudl~ In the daaroom previously wltb text- books and llluatrationa. • • • allow beforr N>turnlng tn Calf., • • • f~rnia to complete their edu<"a · Big game hunters. cartoon.i:-to:. tton. adventul't"rs-thest' are thf' k1nds of persons stud<'nts at HoraN' ... nl ·-·lrl PI..L.-..1 Ensign 5<-hool have hNtd in --thf'lr classrooms as a result of .. r l .....ldla.. ..... the ·interest thclt pare nts .and I ..,...._ teat hrrs han• In pro,·iding edu· :\Irs. Charles H. Tr1n is. newly ('ation..t l l'XpNit-nt~>s for tht' elt"Cted president of the :'\('wport I vounsrsters. :"lr. Rus.~ll JWbinson.j H arbor Federated Republl('an i 2-t \'Ia 'iella. Lido Island. spokp Women. has announ('('d tht> fol· to th<' studt"nts m G<'nt' Dul in's I lowing cxt"<'utlvc board for 1!l61 : c;oclal studlt's cia~~ about hi<: 1 Cha pJ;lln, ~Irs. Harold \\'k kN· <''CPf'rll'n~ with Adm Ri<'harcl l sham; membership, ~Irs. Rol>t>rr E. B~Td at the South PolP 1n 1933. Cooper; legislatl\·e, ~1,..:. Hr lt>n I Porter; Americanism, :\Irs. Char 1 leW ........ W les Boardman: auditor. ~I,..: JOf' . Seek ; prer in<'t. :\1 rs. R<w Kt>n i·j •• lllillll ... son: hospltallt\·. ~Irs. J. ·H. Ton -I cr; postmlsfrl'~<:. ~frc;. W, J. R.l New ~!dents and new buc:i Sims; ways and means. Mrs. Rob· ness owners In Corona dl'l ~tar ert Andrews; new citizens. Mrs. art> Mr. and Mrs. Jay BakN. Thl'\' Ann Harbeson; prel!S. :\Irs. John opernt<' thP Jay B.lker Co. at 281f\ C. Shaffer; official photographc>r. E. Coast Hwy .. in thl' P«'Caur Mrs. Patrick Shepard: 'elt>phone, bullrlin~. l'~l'illllzing in aci\'N · Mrs. D. J. Bla!\s. t l!!ln~ ra lcndnrs and !limil.u 1.1•• IIPI FrlllaJ , ........... The l'ff'wport Harbor Kiwanis Club will hold a ladles' nig ht dinner danrc this Friday e,·e· nlng. Jan. 27, In the :>Jewport Harbor Yacht Ctub. Music will be provld~ by the "RetrogrH~Ive Five," led by T. Dun('an Ste\ll·art of Shore Cliff~. Mrs. Ed~rar Hill will lnstalJ the foUowlne offlcerJ of the Wa· nlkl. wives ot lt.lwanla mf'm~n: it<'mq, Th<'lr hom<' is at 700 J .lS· I mini' Av<'. :"fr. 8ilkrr ict 1\ native or 111 1· nols nnt\ grrw u p In \\'a~hlngton • ~tatP. Il ls w\fr is a native of All\ska. ThPy raml' h<'N' fmm Reseda, . ...... l11ls II l1li1 •••• Mrs. Otis BU'C'klngham. 1911 E. Mra. lade Cunnlnaham. plftl· dent; lira. £\'ana Parker u vice-Third rratter. had the UN ol ....... nt· Mrs. Fred Schoepe u a ftne new ldln to fi~ lndlan treuu~r 'and Mrs.. Jade hub .. ...,.._ "'**a u.., made durlnl ~ary Ba)• Frdnt, Balboa. o~ns her honw tod•y (Jan. 26l for a 4 p.m tea for the Visitlnc N\.lrM Auoclatlon ol Oranp County. William I>Nn UnciJren, psychl· atrlst. will sp.ak on rehablllta· Uon • the ........, -. lndlaa art · ... 1llld to clkwate tiM boWb. ,_. • ..._.IC a&IWG Ud ........ ... ...... -•~ 11ta: WllUun C..dwoell ol 511 _,..,...to,...._."'-a-Mefllta nnw. tmne ~ ~ ...._. · ol AftJ' due wu c:b&Jrman ol a ~nt ....... .., ..... ldbL .... ol the .,... ~ PldJ. • • 111 laanaonk A ••*"-at tM Mrs. Lynn crawford hu no- centq notli'M as p~Jdent of the orpnlzatlon. Board mem~na In· dMe Mn.. lull ~..-.on of Mc:s;an ~b. Mb.aowrtaNd tf Costa. Meu... Mra. Otil a.. . lQ~ttam and MrL Chall8l Lan· ._ ol Balboa.. Plft ............ WIIIWA ~ tf ... WUJard Du ...... ..... ..._ ................ wlda 11 ._. Ia ateeatl._. -~-UIIJ == ...... .__.._ ........ IIM7 Lawaa • fill •qe 1 Mr .... IIN.DIIll•••••., ·=--···I tlir ... IIM:W£-............. -......... el I.Ne W. aN ....... a ........ ................. Oatntaa Alta.'" •• ••l!tJl. ..,... ................ ·~ 3121 E. Coat Bwy .. --J-u.e. Coroeo del Mar OIUOLE S·lllO • OPEif EVEJfiJIC:E 11LL 1:00 P.N. • -------- .. ~ ... Dancing and Entertainment in the Cocktail Lounge Nitely .... ~· 4 ~ t' ~ ·-.... , ~,. ·~ ·IR. ,_ i . 'i . . .. . , .. Now Starria1 • ·'Fran-ie' R•ley* ~~~ Suit• end o..c. Music * You end "f0411 Friends wil enfoy luffet Luncheon •nclfiN ow.-, in ... Mein Oiftin9 Room O¥erlooliftt the ley encllelloe hiMcl ,.. ... YILLA MAliNA • -• 1711t.1Mft-._...._ ,._aa...trLftD "Wt'II1J 1-1171 .... C .... ........ r-----"!" .. ~ : ·~=~··· ,.<.~ !:.: : ~ . . "Tbe ....; to a IIWl'a beut 1a throu&h lala .tomae.ll"~ Jt baa been ukl a.tna wawwut of a aounnet for lo! ..,_, many yean, 1 have dlacowered tha\ tr the foreaotna 1a true for men It works equally well when •ttJna a 'dainty dlah before a queen. A word of caution m ay be neceuary here. if our cook Ia a married man and beeomes more proficient In· the culinary art than hla spouse he may run Into a bit of dOmestic atrile. The little gal has been given to unde,.tand all her life the kitchen Is her very special ctomaln. When .Joe comes up with a couple of excel- lent examples of what a meal can be~ It Is all well and good. however, when she phones her friend Su'Z.le suggesting she and her husband come over to dinner a nd Suzie says. ''Wonderful. will Joe be doing the cooking?" Look out! You bachelors can pull all stoPs with the sky the Jlrn1t but don't forget the "props." They have never made a poor meal more palatable but the proper mood music and dim Jlghts. surely, but surely-en· nance an aaventure In good eat· In g . Ill .... Ulll a., O.U ._ This .brings to mind man's age. c-. .._ 1"-Ill IMil old search for a love potion. We ~;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~ 1 have one, have had ever since ·:. man put his first hunk of raw meat over a primitive fire. No mystery, no deep dark secret, it· is there for all who would ac:· cept and use it. All you gals and guys who would hope to please someone with your efforts in thr kitchen, do this: Get a small MATTRESSES •zw -DaUD.DDIG .,_...._ ln'eplar Shapes .......... -~ COSTA MESA WAnlESS CO. 2110 ,._,.,. 11¥4. Ll~ 1-IJOl a coo container with a removable top, "PEWRlT~ label it "LOVE POTION" and J. put a dash in everything you N,.ALS cook. 1~ a vf>ry short time you E 1 will be amazed at what a dash SAUS TIDE or two or Jove will oroduC't'. IIIHfA&S OtOc. laiiPil J~ . cooking, a man has ont> SPWa OBiole J-te20 defmtte advantage, In my ~sti· 1011 lf...,..-t aL •.....-t ~ . mation. over tbe fair sex. He • • _.... ,_. ........ a. • liN. ~--~ o1 eo . ....,. he .......... _, w. rona del liar .... ...._ elected ..-&dent ol tbe Democ:ralle wo. men'a Club of Jlfewport Hubor. lfr& eom.uua ~ and lfn. ues lmaataauon. uperimendna Prank no.m.. .,. vi<» • pr'fti· encllealy, t'GIDblnlq tbe moat denta; lllaa Jlfora Rooka, tiNa· Gradlna ol the alto Ia now unUkely tn&rwcUentawllhout lear. UNr; liN. John hlnleeon, ~-nurly completed I« the ftm A bold approadt can, at Umea, ,.._.dina eecretary; lira. Fred unlta of. St. lllc!bael and All An· end In a net result ot a totally lO)'Mr, l'ft'OI"dlna .enetary; Mra. pia' Mlaalon al\d Day School new and wonderful taste excur-Clara Axtater, parliamentarian; northerly ot P'ltth' Ave.' In Corona alon. So I would"aueeeat to you Mrs. Fran Bead~. leelalatlve del Mar, followlna eroundbnak- ladles that now and then. you chalnnan, and Mrs. Nels Und· lne ceremonies Jut week. foreet the cookbooka and the bere, hlatortan. Pftmlta have bHn 1aaued t., proper way; have yourselvea a the ·Newport Beach Bulldln& real fun time lettine your ·lmaa-Dept. for elen:aentary cla...-ooma. I nation run riot. DIE ~ $38,000; primal')' clusrooma, 138.· By now you should have dU· 000. and a IChool admlnlatratlon covered that this column, new II)LO I I Em bulldlne, 1'11.400. l . Ray Con- to the EN'StGN, Is not to be the .:> ~ structlon Co. • Corona del Mar usual food column. Thla Ia quite 1a the builder. true, I would like to share with FoJJowina permlta w.re luued: you some unusual ~~ orle· • IATDIIDAY, D&C. M e CO.,.A DD.IIAa inal and adaptations of the ex· Richard D. HoweJJ, 45.~pt. 819. St James Eplacopal Church, otic and eood. I hope I shall be l22l W. Cout HWy.. Newport elementary cl~ for Day able to elve you short cuts In the Beach. was chareed with drunk School, 3310 F1fth Ave., $38,000; preparation of excellent ~qallty drivina at 2:cn a.m. on Ne\MI)Ort primiry claaarooma, 138.000, and food.trrthla connection we think Blvd. north of Coast Hwy., New· school admlnlatratlon bulldlna. of the modem blendor, taking the .,1 .. nn. M c Dodd aara., .. 1/YW port Heights ... A six-foot plas· •• ,'IVU, · · • • •"'• vuu place of many hours of labor, tic Santa Claus, valued at $25, Hellotrope, $2.000; Harold Welch, some of the new canned goods was stolen during the night enlarge be-droom. 2501 ~an, in combination. one with the from the yard of Don A. Bryan $ll)(); F. R. Klassen. 2-unlt, J. other, will save lots of time mak-Jr.. 1712 Bayaderc Ter., Jrvlne story dweJUng, 323 Larkllpur, Jng sauces, soups, etc .• of .which Terrace ... Alberta Poppe, 112 $18.500. you may well be proud. W. Coast Hwy., Newport Beach. e _Ba.a.oB VIEW mu.s • • • reported the theft of her t954 W. C. Froellck, swlmmlne pool, To lllustrate a touch of bold· a utomobile from a parking lot at 1120 White Salls Way. 13.000; ness let me give yoo-this r~ Coast Hwy. and Jasmine Ave., Frank LeRran1Llence,lJCT7 White I came up with one day when Corona del Mar. Salls Way, $230; H. S. Beek. expecting. very. special guests,. SVIfDAT. DEC. 25 fence, 1026 White Salls Way. and needtng an appetizer quick-Richard B. Jones, 48. of 540 $200. ~ Jy. There must be a thousand DeA,slza Dr.. Corona Highlands. e COBOJIIA BICIILAJIDS recipes for meat balls-OK there wa charged with drunk driving Jordan and Severins, carport are now lOOt ! Try !his for a anJ Intoxication In auto In front slabs at 482-488 Morning Canyon change f~~~:its of 3 t00 w. Coast Hwy., Newport and 4&8·490 Seaward, $425. 1 Beach. at 2:t8 a .m .... Christ· • CAMEO IJIOBZS ~ 1~ .. ground chuck mas tree lights were taken off R. Forsch, l ·unt, 1-story dwell· I 7 ' oz. can crabmeat a pine tree In the front yard lng, 4527 Orrineton, $33.000. 1 ~ 5 oz. can water ches tnuts of J. L. Adams. 457 Morr11ng e aAUOA JSLIUfJ) I minced I Canyon Rd., Corona Highlands, John Mathews, porch deck on 2 eggs and were found later broken second story, 305 Sapphire. 8625; 'i cup grapenuts further down the' str{'(!t . . . Lois Albright, 2·unit. 2-story Butter . A buglar ccaued 150 dCaD· dwelling. 1.21 Topaz. $28.000; 3T grated onton age to two doora la aa UUll~· Gertrude Eade, termite repair, 2T soy sauce ceaful attempt to gala eatry 118 Gar~et, $700; L. R. Brown. IT Worchest~rshlr~ to Calley W•t. 3215 lfewport re-shlngle, 909 N. Bay Ft.. $150; I! tsp. ginger al9d.. .ewport ..... • • . E. Leighton Taylor. replace garage, 'l tsp. C'urry N. Glbeoa. 35 of -E. 1cry 20t E . Bay Ft., $3,800. Saute onion until golden in A...._ acdbocr.' waa cJaartecl e LU.aOA butter, rombinP with all else ex· wltb lDto.lcatl• la pabUc Ia Mrs. Alire Paris. wall at 1726 C'~pt . eggJJ. ~fix well, form In tbe Stag Cafe Jfewport t.acb. Miramar, $300; Darnell Develop· s mAIJ bal~. dip in beaten eggs. at 3•30 p.m. ' me nt Co,, 2-unit. 2-story dwell- Brown well In . frying pan and Ho.:Oer SmJth of the VIlla ~fa · ings at 2CT7 and 2JJ Cypress. 122.· serv~ as hor!l d oeuvres. rlna rerelved 2 arronymou11 phon~ 500 eaC'h; Phillip Lovell, reduce • • • rail~ that the VliJa ~farina was overhang. ~1240 W. ~an Ft., As long as you hav~ the gin-goi~g 10 b<-broken Into that $200; J. lt Lawson. t -unlt, 2· ll 8-·3437 "'-JOUr lelmlioa aet aeeds rnendJn$1 • caB tJae &It' A *-call to DaviJ-Brown trill briat a notiable service man to your door . : . to tis It oo the spot. or. bria« it ill for eti*'JtftCY terV ice ! Davia-Browll toper&ta • neec ol • service trucb. employs a d.tf ol faetory trained ledmicians, ma.i••'• a complete ~Cock of aeceasary parts l - II your TV tet needs rfll&lrs. eaU t··, r.a f« "Oiis'' Bron! .. W. 1ITIIT •. MITI.II .. vw. CNte.: I gcr and C'urry out hNP is another night, and requested that oftiC'~rs !'!tory addition, 2205 Channel Rd., orlainal to be used as hors 1 k J St 1 St4000 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ii~~g " k('ep a r O"C C'he.-. . . ay o · . . I d'OPuvres or vegetable accomp. tl~myr('. y:n E. Bay Av('., Balboa. e DlVIIfE TEIUIACE animent for .a main course. c-omplaln('d that someon~ forC'cd Richard Preble. divider cabin· ... "Contin~ntal Cuisine at its Vt'ry Best" RESTAURANT Ca I I f o r Reservation! 2260 HARBOR BOULEVAJI.D, COSTA MESA. CALIFOUIA Telepboae Uberty 1·6035 MUSHBOOM DELJCRT the top hll lf of a dutch rloor In cts. 1924 Tahuna. $1.000. · 'i. lb Ja rgP mus hrooms lfresh) his bar. Jav·-. lllrleaway, and e lfEWPOIIT REJCBTS 111 sma ll can Und!'rwood's dev-stole about $7:5. Don Bury. garagf'. 532 F'ullc>r· ilccl ham • NOifDAT, DEC. 21 ton. $2.000: Sol Tiller. wall. 2616., 2T sour crt'am A traffiC' aC'C'idt'nt nt )tar Clay. St50; Ed Murrlson. 1-unlt, ',T mmC'crl onion . A 11 C t H c 2 s tory dweiJing, 263 ex-t-an 1 IT mlncf'rt C'anned gre('n C'hi li I~~::~~~('! ~~·~~~ .. n lnv~~~:~~ ~~~~-lrl~~ Vi_rw, $22.900; Clady~ Sykrs. aJ . P<'PJM>r h A 1 L' d 603'1. !Nations. 5t8 El ~fodena, $3,965. 1 ScvPral fin<'ly C'rumblcd saltine r!riv('n Y rt l Ur n.ran °· · e CLIFF BAVEII 'C'r.~C'k-r~ lri<:: An• .. Cornn. :t drl ~far. :.nd I " •· ' k 0 A T John ~1artindal~. fallout shcl· .,, tc;;p. s:ingcr F'ran · m:wt:ra. QrranN:' · · · ter. 3215 Signal. $1 ,500. ,._ 1 Arthur A\'N\' ~1 Co-.tn ~1f:'sa. e LIDO ISLE • • <;;> <·u rry · · · !;alt wa-. r hargc-r!.with intoxication In Gustav Van Un.;en. altera - 2. ·II b ·,ublk in th(' 2900 hl()('k of W. " s ('(' a<on C' H ~ w rt lk'a h tlonc;, 109 Via Ravenna. SI,OOO; I P<~rmf'-.<l n ch('('Se (grated) oal'lt wy .. ' e po r · · · H. V. Smith. plaste r window op., H('nrv )1U .. ~('jma n. 2()9 F,. Ray h Comb~~~ J U ('Xkcept mushbrooAmsdd. Avr.: Balooa. f('portcti a hot wir(' c-ning, .3~6 Via Lido Sou d. $.300; .1r nn MK" rrac N rrum s. ! 11 AI . r! <;t nnrl R 1v David Cu nningham f'XIt>nd Jlv. cnough1rTumhs to make m.i.xruYl! ~ acro!'<.'~ V:lr.l 0 · · • ina room and bedroo' m, t36 Via I ~ -• Ave· thC' Erll-.on Co wa"~ in · ,. I h,.avv pa-.t(' ron~iSlency. R,.move · • · Yella. $3.000.· Harry Kt'tcht'n. r"'· · . . rormrti . . . Barnc-v T. Fa hf>r. ~ AT •INSURED SAVINGS accounts insured to SIO.OOO • STRONG-RESERVES · current reserves 11.7% .,~~m-. from mushroo,ms. ftll tops Los An~rlf'c, plll a· boat r·o\'N pair fire-damagt>, 423 Via Lido ~~::=::::;=::::;:;:::::::;:::;:::::;:::::;:::::::;::::::::;::==::::::::::;:====:: \\ 11 h mIxture. s pnn k le w I t h I'! own on 1 hf' pn Vf'mc-n 1 nt L)t h Sou d. $2.000. -;. I rhf'f'~(' 01nd top with smaltsqu.are St and Bay A \'('., Newport BNch . e UPPER BAT AHA I nf hllf on. J>laC'e undN brotler 10 · go 10 a nrari>Y f('lf'phon<' ANonutronlc, fi re sprinkler sys- • HIGHEST RATE consistent with safety NOW AVAILABLE -- For the FIRST time in this Area -- Service 01 All Gas A1111lia•ces Our Mobile Unit. here to serve you on WEDNF.SDA YS & SATURDAYS Just Call ART (Formerly from Bel Air & Beverly Hills) ORiole 3-1 166 _. IILLIN~SLIT 'S ~ ~NAirA INN R~STAURANT STEAK DINNERS FROM 12.95 Dancing Nlehtly to Hal White's SwiJI.e Trio N .. AIITtr• COttOMA Dll MAa-O.l .. e s-4170 - en you're In the mood for aood food, remember you1l aJ. ways find It here. Luncheon and dinner prepared In our spot. lea&ly dean kltclten. and temptlnlly served to you In Old World atmosph~ at reuonable prices. R 0 55 I I 5 ITAUAN RESTAURANT AND COCKTAIL LOUNGE 1115 &AIT COAST IIWT .. COIIOIIA DD. IIAil. o• 3·1171 ....... • -TIIIELID- COU'l WWWAY llf c+&••• .... o..t ..... til c.... ... -.. (-JO " ~---) ..... All-HOJ&S -MIL -StWS-YOUIS-CIUISIS f'C-N tiAV& ..:wJSTS an~l.1br()i J alowly (~bou~ t O min-booth 10 report disrovNing hi~ tem. Jamboree Rd., $25,T;,O. ut• s unttl baron ts <"rtsp. rnr stOI('n a nd rl'turnNI 10 find e lfEWPORT I WIN FATHER•50.,. E-<::oml'onr hnrl wnlk~ti away with Adolph Gi ll. addition. 3400 W. n "c.n a Orean Fe.. $3.500; Monty Rose, II •-1 htf f 221-r hi., hoiW C'OvN · · · r d 1 .JrVf'y ._.; r uss o .J r. • .TUESDAY. DEC. 27 oun at on, 2()1 41st St., St75; \1n1• ,\\(•. l ppN Bay Area, anrl TwPIV<' pil'N:'s of rostumr Wayn(' Bandy, garage alterations h1.., II ~·rar-olrl son Paul scored jE'welr Y valu<'cl · 31 $.j()O W('r~ af1d arlrtltion. 201 28th St.. S900; HI ... , r IlCht Ja<;t Sunrlay to win 1 f m a drawN in th(' mas . Lld'o Peninsula Yacht Anchorage I lh,. ( 1thrr ... on ('\'f'nt at lh(' tur-:!~ ;:d:,m in thf' homr of P('arl bathhousl', 2100 Channt>l Rd.: kr v .. hl¥11 hl'lrl by tht> South ll~>lm-c: 19..'\3 r.alat('n Tt>r .. Irvine-$10.000: Erbt' and LouviPr. 2-unlt, l'ol"l r.un Club of Corona del TNra~ . . . ~omNJn(' r limhcd ·2·':_1ory d~f"lllnJ?. 49<» N~ptune. ~f.lr. • I through a window to gain entry S2.'>.700. and 4902 Neptune. $2."i.· Ito the Li vlnsz Doll P.cautv ga Jon. 700; Thomas Ma.c;on. fencr. ~ BACJ[ FROM VACAnOif rl9 F: Co:t<::t llwv Corona del 35th St .. $450; Etht>l Nealy, al· :1·. anrl \fr~; H:~nk Lunnf'y of ~;ar b~t ~othln$Z . ,~·ac; takl'n or _,, \i, 1 flh;w,1. Llrlo IslE', havt' re· · bed Rlll'lq 20'1 Partr fir UR I•••• lla. current DIVIDEND PAID FOUR TIMES A YEAR lAGUNA FEDEBAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIAnON ~•"t• C....t,'t LertMt llldepetM~...t f.d_,el s..,... I &...11 AMMtet;. I U P1NI frr•m .. 1 fl'w day-. ()f win-dis~~ Jtia:ud Healy, ADt. 24. ~,., \' w.ll tontn~ at P('bl>l<' ReaC'h. Udo Sborea JloteL lfewport \fr.: l.unn,.y '" Dorothy O'Hara. a.ach. "POrted tbe lou of a ''"'~nf'r. -----balalde coat.aiD.IDCJ S90 lD eaab ln the Jlfewport ana • • • a SAN CLEMENTE LAGUNA BEACH- sack to the ''Roaring Twen-•1 •• El Ccaal8o IIMI 1ZZ 0... Aft. ties" will go residents of Lido 111'-.tla 1·1115 111'tltt 4·117'f APORT? .. /. • l blcyde ..._ brou9bt to tbe atatloa after betDCJ found In tbe surf at 21th St.. lfewpcwt Beach, by Cbatl• BoblDSOD. 2714 W. ac.aa Protlt, lfewport lOW THRU TUESDI Y hadl ... Mrs. PbiUp lfew-mcm. 1200 s. aery Front. hlboa la1CID4. reported tlu:rt aa abots were fired at ber SOD but be ·W'CU DOt laJured: Oftacen warDed I fa...ale boT• eout further aae of IJUDL :a nome ... · just a phone number! u •• .., ... ...... __. Howard T. Could, 44, 2t 1 Aha· lone Ave.. Balboa Island. wa~ rharged with flrunk tlrlvln~ and Intoxication In 31.110 nt .Marine Ave. and Pa rk Ave.. Balboa Isla nd ... D:~vld McArlams. 48. Irwin Apts., NE:wport ~ach. wa~ charged with lntoxleatlon In public In Cront of 109 MrFadden Pl .. Newport Bcarh. .. • WDIIDDAY, DEC. • James B. Devine. lOt-15th St .• Newpof! ~ach. ~ported nnctlq a young girl wandertna about at Balboa Blvd. near 17th St. at 1:1'7 a.m.; omce,. fina lly reunited tiM rtrt. MelOdy Luce, 3. wtth her paffl'ta. Mr. and Mrs. 'nwJmM ~. Apt 5, Ol-ean l"tont Apta.., Newport lludl, who nplaf .... taw, had Wft IMr uiMp In Md and wnt I« a walk Oft tM IIHell • • . JllriiiU D ....... 11. fllaJ .._AM Aw .. a. .................. • • ._ .......... -_r--.... ....... ~~~. ... ·= -;w ilirliiili.; ••••-••••••• f0+4Fn •• ·• Sands and their gu<'sts for a gay ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ p::trty the night or F'eb. 18. lt will ~ be held In the Little Theater n<>xt d oor to the Hofbrau on Placen- tia Ave .. Costa Mesa. Chairman of the evening, Jr. vin Nt.rri s. hu announced that there-w11i be a 6·piCC"e Dixieland Band tor d<mdng. C08tt.ime~ aro optlonable. but he urg.-. all to d r('ss In the mode of the tlap)>C'r era. Thr> J)a rty Is spon_,ored by the' Lido Sands Community Assn. Me s ,'\. ~'' . .U 1-1511 COITA 11DA ITA.ftDrG WED.. JAII.•IS Dirk Bocarde "Scmv Witboat EDcr • .. ; \ • ) ' • a.-11. 11onca K......-t IMdl. Cal1lanl1a. aaww ....-..... ' K<mCE TO aamrroa PDCDfcr JfO. I ebaU lnducle 182 A'l, Mill' .. & &Ill l'fo. A~IT121 aU tbe.,.. embnced In Oranp oaea(IA .a. .... CALIIr· SUPDIOR COVaT or THE Cowlt,r Yodq PNelnda -l'f... __ ......,. ___ ........ _...,, -- STATE Of' CALIJOafL\ port .ada Jfo. tl.l'fo. 10, l'fo. G 1 .. Qtvl ... _ 1~ lOR TH1! COUNTY or OUNGE and that ROftJon of Jfewport .. '" "" n u.: manMt prov -ESTATE or rumn M . .,.. leaclt l'fo. 51 IJ'Inl wttll.ln the bJ ta• by brient etaUnl la TOl'f, DECJ!A81!D. .ewport ... dl City ldt.ool J)la, wrtttq the l'fOUI'dt ol any ap. N<mCZ IS IIERDY GIVD to tltct. b:4i:n IAJfU.UY 31, 1911. the credJton ol tiM above named POLLING~ ahall ~ at M.ABGERY SCRROUDD ~nt that all pei"'IIM havtnc tbe J1re StatJon, lJt8 lmne Av· CITY CLE'IDt OF'niE CITY clalma a1aJnat the •tel decedent enu., lfewport leadl. Calllomla. 01' NEWPORT BEACH. are requJred to tile them with PREal'fCT l'fO. t ahall tnelude CALIFORNIA the nec.waary vouchers. In the aU tba area emlwaatd in Oranp PubJlsh: Jan 218, Feb. 2 olllce of the clerk ol the above County Yotln1 PNelncte-New· In the Newport Hatbor Enslp entJUed court, «to pre.ent them, port Beam l'fo. e. Mo. 10, No. 12. with the neceuary vouchers, to l'fo. 29 and Jlfo. 49. the underaJped e/o Harry L. POLLI!IG PLACE ahalJ be at Blod1ett, 2712 f!ut Cout Hllh· the Dortdn ae.ldence, &10 Apo· way, Corona del Mar, Calttomla, lena Avenue, Balboa Ialand, Cal· which Ia the place of bualneaa lt()fftla. 9f the underai1ned ln all mat-PRECI!fCT NO. 10 ahalllnelude tera pertalnlnl to the estate of all tb~ area embra~ In Oran1e aald decedent, within six months County Votln1 Preetnct.-New· alter the flr~t pubJJcatlon of thla port Beach No. 14, No. ~8. No. 33, notice. • No. 39, Mo. M ahd Ko. 54. Dated Jan. 16, 1981. POLLING PLACE ·shall be at LAVERGNE SPRAGUE the Corona· del Mar School, 810 EJtecutrlx of the Will of CamaUon Avenue, Corona del the above named decedent Mar, Calllomla. HARRY L. BLODGETT PRECINCT NO. 11 shall Include 2712 East Coast Highway all the area embraced In Oran1e Corona del Mar, CaUfornla. County VotJng Precincts -l'few~ ORiole 3-2830 nort Beach No.7. No. 13. No, 31, Attorney for EJtecutrlx No. 38, No. 41 and thoae portions Publls h: Jan. 19, 26, Feb. 2, 9 of Newport Beach No. 32, Bay In' the Newport Harbor Ensign View No.2 and Emerald Bay No. _____ ___;_·__ t lying within the Newport LECAL JlonCE Beach City School District. No. A-37117 POLLING PLACE shall b.-at NOTICE TO CREDITORS the Corona del Mar Youth Cen· ESTATE OF J~MES R. SWEEN-ter, 5th and Iris Avenue, Corona EY. DECEASED del Mar, California. ORDINANCE NO. 948 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OP l'fEWPORT $EACH AMENDING SEC'MOM 7214 OF THE Nl;WPORT BEACJf MU· NICJPAL CODE RELATING TO THE SERVICE OF WATER AND RATES THEREFOR The City Council of the City of Newport Beach does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Section 7214 of the Newport &e3Ch Municipal Code Is amended to read: "SECTION 7214. Rates, Other US4!S. fa 1 Bulldin~ Construction Put· poses. Sen<ice may be made 1D a lot or parcel of land on which a building Is being con· stru("'cd for construction pur· J>OM'~ only from the time tht> bulllilng permJ t Is issued until the building is completed or un· til the tlml' a water meter is • New Resident Is Welcomed JIm my lwton, a new Cub Scout from Mt. ~. llllnola, waa wekomed .. a member ot Corona del Mar Pack 8 at the Janwuy mHtln1 held In the Contrelatlonal Church. He Ia the .on ot newc:orMI'I Mr. and Mrs. Jim Burton, 225 Poppy Ave. Followln1 ·~warda were made at the meetln1: Den 1-M a r k Sacha, denner; Nelson JohMOn, a.lstant. Den 3--=Ctuia Cooper, denner; WHile Duncan, a.latant; Kenny 'EweU, bear. Den 3-Greg Semple, ~liver stars: Mike Farw.U, sllv star. Webel~ -Fred Sutto . bear, lion; Mike Wallace, 2 gold ar· rows: Bobby Underwood, lion, gold a rrows: Kenny Ot&tad. lion, gold arrow. The arrow of light. signifying graduation out of We - belos, went to all th~ 4 lads and also to'Tom Spangler. Den 1 won the blind-fold en· tertalnment. arrangt>d hy the We· belos. Den 1 al.o"put on the ak.lt. "Mwder at Midnight:• starrln'g Nelson Johnson, Dean Nichols, Tracy Davia. aul.lte~ oU-stage by Kim Davis, Mike Wallace, ~1ark Sachs. Chris Yould. Den mother Fran Davis read the story; Mrs. Don Sachs provided music anit asslstant den mother Kate Wal· lace helped behind ~nl"s. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVIJU PJUPNcr..NQ. Ushalllncludt> ttie creditors of and au·persons all the area embraced In Orange having clalm.s against the aald County. Voting Precincts-New· decedent or said estate to me port Beach No. 22. No. 23. No, 30. them with the necessary vouch· No,, 31. No. 43 and No. 53. lnst1lllt'd to sen•e 11ucb· Jot or FOR RENT parcel, Wh iChC'Ver fi rst OCCUrS, for ------------a flat ratl' of Two Dollars f$2;()01 per month for t'ach 2.000 sq. ft. of floor a r«'a or fraction thereof or such bulldlnl:{. AITRAC'nVE studio otflce on Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. Private bath, utilities furnlshcd. JS(). Jordan's. 2732 E, Coast Hwy. OR. 3·2430. l'rll In the o11Jre of the 'Clerk of POLlJNG PLACE s ha ll ~ at the Superior Court of the State the Fire Station, 410 Marigold of California, In and ~r the Avenue, Corpna del Mar, Call· County of Orange, or to present fomla. 1 he same. with the necessary The polls will be kept open bf'· vouc-hNs, to the undersigned at tween thr houra of 7:00 o'clock hill ur her place of bu.slnesa, to· A.M. and 7:00 o'clock P.~. The (bl OthN Usell. Water userl for all other purposes not here· lnbC'for<' rnumcoratert s hall he WANTED fu rnlshNI and chnl'gl'd for eitht>r 1 ----at mrtN rat"" or at a special WA:-iTED. ~ t.o 100 acres or more ratr tn hr fixe1i hy the City for suhdtvtslon and ~pecuJa. C'oun<"al urniN Sl'parate agree-~ tlon. have buyers waatin~. I wit: election returns will be can- GALVIN R. KEENE. Attorney vassed at 1:00 o"clock on April at Law, 333· North Newport 25. 19&1, by the County Super· ml'nt with thr consumer.:;.. will draw tentattvt'. ~~bd ivislon SEC110!\ 2 This ordinance map a~d do prehmtnary t-n· Boulevard. Newport Beach. intendent of Schools at 11~ West California.. 8th Street, Santa Ana, California. shall he .puhl·: .. hPd on<.'A! in the • ~lne~rlng wl,th;listlng. John W. off! ria I nrwspa p<•r of the City. Ra It)· Sur. e) or· RPaltor. .J36 wathin silt months a fter the first Deadline for the receipt of tlh· p ublirntlon of thl~ notice. sentee ballots I~ April 2-1, 1961. anl'l thl' <;:tmt' '!hall rn-effecth'<' Heliotrope Ave. Coron~ del 30 tla\' aft~> the date of its ~tar .. ORloll' 3 0.'313 An) time. Dated: January 4th. 19&1. Forms for ~eclaratlon of candl· DELLENA SWEENEY dacy may be obtained at the • 1 tl " r Assoctates wanted. '" O ) on. Administratrix of the office of the County Suptorlntend· Estate of said decedent. ent of Schools, lie». We~t 8th Thl~ nrrltnanN> was intro· rlu<'rrl :\1 a rrgular ml"t'ting of M..:_O_VJN __ G _______ _ t.ALVlN R. KEENE Street Santa Ana. California. Attorney at Law The last day for filing <k'claration 333 North Newport Boulevard L'l 5:00 o'clock P.M .. F.rlday. ~1arrh Newport Beach, California 17. 1961, In the 0 f fI r<' of Telephone: Midway 6-1221 the CountY Superintendent of Publish: Jan. 12. 19, 216, Feb. 2 Schools. In the Newport Harbor Ensign. Date: 1/13/61 E. EARLE BREWER LEQAL JfOTICE NOTICE OF GOVERNING BOARD MEMBE'R ELECnON Deputy County Superin· tendent of Schools. Publish: Jan. 19. 26, Feb. 2 In the Newport Harbor Ensign thr Citv C"oundl of tht' City of :'\t'wpon Beach hl'ld on the 9th . d:w of Januar.·. 1961. and wac; at1optl't1 on t hr 23rd day of January, 19&1, hy the following vote. to wit: 11 AY"ES. COU~C1L~fEN: Kings . lry. >\tkin~n. Cook. Stod· 1la rrt. Hart. Lorenz. Somecs. NOES COUNC1Li\1EN : Nnne A 8 SE NT COUNCIL~E;'i : None JA~fES B. STODDARD ~ayor 3 Members of Newport Beach City <elementary) School District LECAL llonCE A'ITEST: 3 Members of Newport Harbor N<YnCE OF F1UNG OF MARGERY SCHROUDE'R MOVING? 2 r ast lnsurPd movers and large van $11.00 an hour Time ,;tarts at you door ... Why pay more? State P.U.C. Pt>rmit No. 30·2792 Wardrobes and Boxes available -can- NEWMAN Hllh School Dlatrlct. ASS!SSMENT AND TIME City Clerk • 1 Member of Orange Cout-Trwl· OF HEAIUNG THEREON TRANSFER A: STORAGE CO. tee Area No. 1 Junior College NOTICE IS HE'R£BY GIVEN LECAL IIOTJCE MJdwav 6-2"\28 or J.lbertv 8-6430 District that heretofore there was filed 124 Broadway, COI!Ita ~fesa Notice u Hereby Given to fhe W1th the unden~lgned, City Clerk ~= ::::. ::us PHOTO SUPPLIES Voters of the Above District or of the City of Newport Beach. THE "NDERSIGN"'"" do hern.l ---- Dlstrlcts of the County or Coun· California, an assessment to u c.u " I TYPES OF ties of ORANGE, California, that cover the s um due for tht> work by certify that they are condu("'. ALL the Biennial EJection for mem· and improvement done and per· ln~t a flower shop business at 1 Photographic Supplies bets of the Board or Boards-of fonned-by-the eontreetor, ·under 1924 ·~ HarboT Blvct.: Costa-1'\f~. e Fa.!lt Color F11m Sen-tee. the aald district or dlstrlcu wtll and In pursuance of the provl· CaiLf .. under tht' nctitlous [Jrm I e Movie Pro~ors for Rent be held on the third TUet!lday In slons of the "Improvement AM name of Orange Coast Flower e )fodel Airplane Supplies.. April: namely, April 18. 19&1, for .of 19U", reference being made Shop. and that said firm is rom· the purpose of electing the num· to Resolution of Intention No. poM'd of the following persons ber of memberw of the IQVernlng 5186. passed and a dopted by the ""h~ names In full and places boards of the dlstrlcta u lndi· City Council of !he City of New· of resldt'nce a re as foliows. to· MEARS CAMERA SHOP 17~ Newport Blvd . CMta Meot~~ Phr~ne !,J~y ~-70U cated above. port Beach, on the 14th day of wit: Mrs. Dorothy Butters, 524 PAINTING The polls wtll be located at: March, J 960, In the matter of the Angelita Dr .. Corona del Mar, PRECINCT NO. ·1 shall Include construction of certain Improve· Calif.; Mrs. Evelyn Parker, 121'~ all the area embraced In Orange ments together with appurten· Grand Canal, Balboa Island. County Voting Precincts-New·~ ances and appurtenant work In Calif. port Beach Ko. 1, No. 2. Ko. 24, N!PnJNE AVENUE ASSESS· WITNESS our hands this 23rd No. 25, No. 48, and No. 55. MENT DISTRICT, In said City for day of January. 1961. POLLING PLACE shall be at the ~ptJon of uld work and MR!S. DOROTHY BUTJ"ERS the Newport Beach C.lty Hall, Improvement, and of the district MRS. EVELYN PARKER 3300 Newport Boulevard, New· to be useued to pay the cosu State of California ) port Beach, California. and e111penses thereof: said as· County or Orange h s FOR EXPERT PAI~IING -CALL - Sympson & Noller Newport's Oldest Established Palnterw OR 3.3630-Ev~ OR 3.5454 PRECINCT NO. 2 shall Include sessment being made pursuant ON THlS 23rd day of Janua ry. all the area embraced In Orange to the provisions and require· 19&1. before me. a Notary Pub· PAINTING CABS FOB SALE CLASSIFfEO AD ~TES-c..h wiih ord.r gr wiiWft 10 My. A B.dGAJN---I Time 2 TIMet l rem.. 1960 Corvalr 11700 cuh, black, w/w, r/h, tour door .edan. Owner leavtnc town. OR 3-0671 CDM. 20 worch or lea --· ·····-··-·--·----·-··· .75 1.25 I 1.50 21 words to lO worda ----·····--· _ 1.00 1.50 2.00 ll worda to 40 worch ----···----··-1.25 2.00· 2.50 TR3·.RO.ADSTER. jump sea:,, wire whitewall tires. overdrive. Ra dlo, heater. E'Xcellent rondl· tlon. WlU sell or trade. Phone Midway 6·5388 or ORI.cle 3-~ E.ch word over 40 worch ......... ····-····· .03 .OS JJ7 (~EE OIU>ER FOR~ IELOW FQR ~ECIAL MAIL-IN llA TES) • SJTUAnONS WANTED AUTOMOTIVE HOUSES FOR RENT PAiTLY-niRNlSHED-;-2 bidr. bath. living room, kitchen, laundry facilities. large yard, patio, 1 block shoppbtg. trans· P9Ttatlon, school.!. Near beach lovely view. 417 Heliotrope: WA.NT.ED, housework, 1:50 hour.------------ vtclnlty of Newport and Coata nwq CHECK-UP TIME ;\tesa. Havt' own tra nsportation •• ., and references. Call Uberty 8-TIRES· e TUNE-UP Corona deJ Mar. --- BEAUTIFUL HOME 3227 or U berty 8·6930. MOTELS IN CORO:'\A. DEL ~tAR • LUBRICATION • WHEEL ALIGNMENT • OIL-CHANGE • • In a prestige re id~>ntlaJ rom-SEA CREST MOTEL Herb Mtllers munity, 5 minutes {rom Balboa 2931 East COast Hwy. RICHfiELD STATION Bay and b.-aches, adjacent to Corona del Mar 3636 E. Coast Hwy. at Poinsettia ~sa Ver-de-Golf Cou1'5<' and ORiole 3-6370 -0-- nu r Orange Coast College with Wl~R RATES lN EFFECT R 3·9728 • Corona del Mar all its educational and enter-1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments. talnment actlvillt>s. 3 bed· Kitchenettes rooms, 2 baths and large !am· 1 Nicely rurnl hed JOHN STONE'S Meso Auto Wreckers lly room. A real Juxury home ln I HEATED POOL • Hurbor Estates for lease to r('· Children 6 Pets Welco_~_ ..... sponsibl~ family for S1 30 a MUSICAL Used Auto Parts. Tires We Buy Cars and Scrap Metal LIBERTI 8 -7013 month with option to buy or 1 <'an be purchased !or S22,ij(), S800 down. ~fanv r u<otom f<'a . tures Including GE !orc<'rt a ir heating, GE garbage dispo .... al. GE built-in ra nge and oq~n. GE built-in dishwa-.her, 220V wiring tor washer-dryN. Xu- tone hood. formed Formica counter tops. buJit in TV at'rlal. slidang J,!lass patio door. fir<' place with log lighter and wall to wall carpeting. For Inform· atlon call ~rge DaviP<o, KI 5-0352 or see him at the Harbor Estates rurmshed mod<'l JUSt oft Adams St. near Harbor Blvd. In Costa Mesa. S67.30 BEST BUY NOW ~ F - ~ .J :c ... e, P ,..,.f - r __ ;:: •. S .... ES 1 l ':\l'Sl'ALLY :\ICE 5PI~r:T I \IAPLE .... LTl< E :'\EW I ::: r A· B-:r 5, .... 9. ~E:J S? ',E-C?GA\1- 2 MAt UA LS -~S WOODWORTH'S 2620 E Coast Jlwy. OR 3 .;)530 2075 Pla<'entla Ave_ Costa Meea S~VICF.S _____ _ 1 MIMEOGRAPHING I STENOGRAPHIC SERVICE TYPI:"G U.ITER! DIRECT MAIL SER\"1.'/G CORO~A DEL MAll Call For Appotntmfln t ~IHER LEECH )Ul.LS Evf's. & Wf.'ekends can l\n 6 ·558S ----- ::\OTARY Pt:BUC SERVICE Da~· or r-i ight I 1 X£'at 1 · bt'droom .• unfu rni,h<'d a pr.: lawn. garagt', water pair!, close to stor<'s. Inquire Apt. A. 631 Bl'rnard, C. )f . Corona df"l :\1,,r :>15)\. ~aln. S A. Kl i ··H59 E. E. N~1AN 1~ Broadway Costa Mesa Phone Day MI 6-2528 Night after 6:30 p.m. U 8-4761. eves Lf 8-4718 FUR. 'fiSHED 1· ht'droom:·<'onv~>n­ lent to shopping uea: larg<' · yard. Corona del ~a.r.. S65. OR 3·9451. SHARE.-2-bedroom furnished houst'. CDM w1th working. lady. $60 plus ut ilities, Phone ORiole 5-1234. ext. 1225 Days. ORiole .3-69«». EvenJngs. APTS. FOR RENT UNFUit.miJED l"A'O -bedroom. m .oo month. Corona del ~far. OR 3-1917. N..9t the OO,t but , wortb the money. -----·-----1..::\rtJR.'i. 2-bedroom apt.. 1 ~ blocks from ocean. sund~k I with vit>w of hills, 319 Jasmine. CD~t. OR 3·7434 aner 5 p.m. 1 SOUTH of -the highway. thrN' bedroom apartment for rent W w <-arpeting and drafl('ry. C".:tll ORtolt> 5-C.:W5. CD~f PIA:'\0 ORGA.'i SALE-U!K'd E1ectronk spinet organs. r~t new up to $1500. now some !or $195: good...upright. pi.anos S8i up. HA..\t}{OND OR· GA.. 'iS-t:sed spinet. chuT'C'h, chord orga n, 1 n ch speclalry priced. Big selertlon of used grands: StC'tn"·ay. Baldwin. · fischN. many to choose from. some from $38i. Re· po SClkC('d and rent returnt>d spinets an Cherry. S3lem lta . pit-. Dar» ch WalrHtt. pa.y bal ance ltke rent. l«>nt a Ham- mond Organ S5 a WN'k or a k for Home T ria,} without r o st . SCII.:\flDT·PHlLUPS CO .. 1907 No . .:\fain at 20th Sr. Est. 1914. rrec Parkmg.. S.tnta Ana. FURXISHED apanment:-good Jo. w • un.c!,. • ftftiG ration. pleasant surroundings. 1 ~~~nru" ----- No children. no pt>ts. 'l<'arly C 1 L d.s lc>ase. 610 ~larguNite, Corona omp ete an caprng del Mar. • Service LARGE -attr~rtlve studio room. fin.>plaet'. !urnaet'. priva ti' bath. Two ljeparate entrance~. ne:.r ocean. $8;) month yearly ORiole 3-1893. CD-'1 fREE ESTIMATES SltH Gl'ft'n Starn~ Free delivery CORONA DEL MAR NURSEJ!Y u 8·6-130 HAVE YOlJR GARDEN -a&ADY FGR 'SI"RRNG Ted Will Do It Mow. Edge, Prune, Fertilize, Spray. Also advise you whlt to grow. Just give mt' a rlnc Phon~> HY. 43994 E. COLSTON 1 1494 Catalina St., Laguna Beach WA.'\"TED : 5<-IN"t hon-es. to.board. exerca~. ~;room. ~1odern prl· 1 v ate stable. 1 mile from ocean, nr. Sunset Beach. HE 6 ·89!M ~ Uking i-3143 n~hts; HOME MAINTENANCE EljiJ ... Utili Reliab le Maintenance Company Otters GU ARANTEED Clearung Servtces * CommeTC"Ial * PTOfessiQnJI * Residential By Call or Monthly Contract Uberty 8-4241 Why No ? LET. HENRY DO IT County Voting Precincts_ New· menta of said Act, accordlne to lie In and for ~id county and Interior-Exterior port Beach No. 11 . No. :as, No. 37, the character 'of the work done, state, residing therein. duly rom· Ft:R~ISHED bacht>lor -apartmt'nt OR 5-0160 · 2744 E. Coast Hwy No. 40 and No. 57. and hu attached tht'reto a dla· mlssloned and sworn. ptorsonally 1 EJtpert Attention Gaven on ;'iarcissus. CD~f Employed 1 Cement A: rourh caTJ)(>ntc>r wotk. Reasonable Wall go anywhere In Newport Ha rbor A~a. POLLING PLACE. shall be at 1ram of aald dlatrict as required appeared ~rs. Dorothy Butters Your Painting Problems gt>ntleman pn.oferred. Inquire the Lldo Club House, 701 VIa by aald Act. and Mrs. Evelyn PArker, known FREE ES"IniATES at 6():1 OT'C'hid, ORJole-3.iJO.; Lldo Soud, Newport Beach, Call· Said uaeasment shows the to me to be tht' person., who-~ Licensed. Ins ured HELP w·~ READ Painting-Decoratin' n fornla. amount to be paid to the con· names are sub!!Cflbed to the Ll S-O'i42 IU" 1 &;oU _ ,. PRECINCT NO. 3 aball Include tractor for ~aid work and lm within Instrument, and acknow· TOP OPPORTUNITIES PAPER HANGU.G all the area embraced In Oranp· proveme nt contracted for and ledled to me that they execut· CARPET CLEANING DAILY I GEORGE BURKHARDT County Votinl Preclnct.ll _New-performed. together with all In· ed tht> same. . ' ueen.c~ Contract« port Beach No. 3. No. 8, No. 17. cldental expen~. and shows the WITNESS my lland and orti Special ists In : Be Sure To Ch~·k With 11897 <>ranee Ave. eo.ta Me: No. 18 and No. 47. amount of each aSAHSme nt clal seal. W II W II jUNE fARRAR ENSIGN 1 ~ 8-8621l POu.ING PLACE shall be at againat each Jot or parcel of la nd LEE BOUN. • a •to-a f.rno:oyment AaP cv the Newport Elementary School. a~d toiJ)ay the same. Notary Public In and for said e Furniture f J Carpentry 14th and Balboa Boulevard, New· NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN County and State. . s -1?5-~-~=~y ~-~~/'ewport Minor Rf'paars port Beach Calllomla that the 27th day ot February. My Commission npires Aug. Jtl ~0 Jobs Too Small' PRECINCT NO. 4 1hall Include 1961. at the hour of 7:30 o'clOC'k S. 1963. II' I'.. Businea Opportunities H 0 ANDERSOtJ all the area embraced In Orange P.M., Is the time fixed by t ht' Publlsh: Jan. 26.. Feb. 2, 9. 16 I .., :..:;:::-:U:. :":: REALTOR \\'lth ~~ L \\'Jnt~ a<: CLASS I FlED Countv Voting Prt-clnct.s-New-unde~IRned City Clerk when a ny In the Nt!'wpon Harbor Ensign. ---- --::966 Pt>pPt>r TrC'e Lane · ~rt Bea<'h No. 4.,o. 5, No. 19. and all pe~ns lnte~tt'd In the . I C Cl ~~<'lntc with follu~\Jn~ tn h:~rr C"l'!'lta Mt"in. C";~hf k d I th ••me t arpet eaners offl~ In Cnron,a (i(-1 )br \\'tth ' K'"'m ... "tly ". Pl-.~ o. 28 snd No. 6 wor one. or n e a!ISC'~ n LEQAL IIOTICE . . 6 2323 ·~ ..,... "" .., POLLING PLACE shall be at on tile. m ay appear at the reJlU· I F~ E,;;tlmates Ml . yuur own rontr.wt OR. :l ll.'H:l lt no answer call Ml 6·2312 the Rltterrath C.arage, 2120 ~-Jar place of meeting or the City lfOTICE or PUm.JC IIEA&IJIC .._ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -----_ ville Avenut.", Balboa. California. Council of said City. located In Notice Is hel"f'by gt\·en that tht' 1 ...:. --~ -., •1r~~:"'c:: er:nc:;t!:::t~! ~~~~:: ~:~F:;c~~?:a~~rs~n ~~~,~ ~ c::c~~~ ~l:h~o~~tyaofp~~~~ 1· ·Mail· in Your Classified Ads • • • • Special Low Rates! 1 County Voting Precincts-New· Beach aod be then and there hearing regarding the apJ)('tt l of port ~ach No.~9. No. 20, No. 42. heard by said City Counrll, Caatleman Wilson a nd Barbarn l :;...-------------------------------------------------~ No. 56 and that portion of New· Thr owners. tho contf-artor. or R. Wl&.on. 2045 Ocean Boulevard. , I OSE TB1S 1IAJI'D1' POitM -OIIE WOD PEa SPACE port Beach No. 34 lying within its assigns .• and a ll other per· Balboa, fl'om the df'clslon of the / Check ' the Ne-.vport Beach City School 80nl' Interested In said work, or Planning Commission In the con· I ..0~'/ I I District. In the ~nt. feellnc a1· dJtlonally grantlnl of UM" P..r· ,-1. 2. -----· 3 4. 5. Proper t~~~~.!~~w-:.:! ~~~w:, b~h!nys:~:S~~~de~:":; ;.'~-~-ba~· f:,hi~h ..:::d1foc! I ·e>+~/ I t. 7. 8. ----9. 10.. C1caai.&catioa I Aftnut', l(ewport leach, Callfor· Stl"et!ta or the City Enat~r In bedroom addition over an exl81-~· / nta. ~latlon tbemo. cw who claim Inc prap wbkh has a ~ro ~et· I /-' u. 12. u. 11. 15. For S. · -·-I Pu:aNCf l'fO. 6 •hall ln~lude that the work h&a not ~ pet• badr on • 30' .u.,.: Lot 20, BlOC'k -:.a . I w..-. .. '""'-- all the.,... embNeed In Ora,... fonned acoordlnl to the contract D. Ttad l'o. 518. Zone R -1. ..: ~ .... &t• County Vodnt Predneta-l'few· In a podhoan_~-au1 Mtath n,tJaJ man· , .. ~tott~ llldbel't'bbyl ... "!.~~r a~1n1 I ' ,~ SPEaAL! 15 war• oaly SOc lor OM U..rtiaD-3 ..._ -.ly 1.00 For ,..... -·-.:_ I port ~Ncb Jfo. 15, l'fo. 27, No. 31. nff, or w "'-.. m a any por-... -N pu "' • .-nng .... W..tecl .. ,.... • Mo. 44 end Jfo. 58. tlon of tlw wort& for aay......,.. be heW on,._. l'th dAy of~~ 1 ' 11.. 11. 1' lJ.. a ......... _ ............... JI()LLillrO PLACE lhall be at wu om"'-1 or U~lly ladadtd N&JJ, ltlt. at tiM hoUr pt 7~30 ·....., ---I the RorKe Enllln ldMMil. lmne In Ute COfttniCt for tiM ....., or !~~ ~~ ~~~ I ' '-2L a. a k a ~~~-I ·and a.ur Orlw, lfctwport 8llld\. taavlq or maldna a...,.,...._ -~ --..-..... ...., -._...., , ._. .._ ·-. ca:=er xo. 1 ahall ladude :::.:.':" :r::= «!r ':...--=: C ~:-....·~-.:. '" r • .,_ • • • tN. ~--.. -~ au tM .... IIDWaeed lnOranp det8alnatloa or ........... el -Ill -· .. , ..,...,... ' •••• --..a.. .. OII&Wi--lt'8118,_.. t• 11! ua ---tu CauJy ....... Pltd1Kt1-W .... 1M ................ el ...... w '-..... ......_ J1Gft ..... lfe. a · Ko. ... lfo. II CI'J -...s--. or M7 ~ tr IIA.J!DY ICidOUDR ...... • ......_ ., ... QC)"t ... n..a aer a.. JIOU,IIIO JII..MS .IMII M at wttll 8lld ..._ eMU C:.: 0.. fJl JfiWpDrt ..._. =·=---:: =-= :.~ .. S:."&, ... c-... 1 ., r:-::::-,:. ............. Kl 5-2441 I I .....__ II (Continued born pap •• 7 A..._ ..... ,,,.._. .. ...... ............ ,,, .. .... ...... _ ...... . .................... ... en I o o 0 ....... .............. II&. C... RJ" 1 CIJ ..... tMft ........ ...,. ...... ,._ ...... _.... .... ....... A Bla Bear Lake youth, 17, waa charpd with petty theft of 2 Urea from tbe car of J. F. Pal· mer, 70. S. Bay Front, Balboa laland; otfleera found the tires in the youth'• car on Jamboree Rd. north of Bayside Dr .• Newport Beach, at 9:41 p.m. anct contact- ed hla father In Monterey Park._ who refu.ed to come tor hla aon. requeltln• he be wnt to juvenile haJJ. • TIIVJIIDAT. DEC. 8 Mn. Chester Fisher, 718 Irlsl Ave., Corona del Mar, reported finding a lost child; otrlcers took David Noel, 2'~. to his mother, Lynn Noel, 20, of 701 Jasmine Ave .. Corona del Mar ... Dee Cook, 3537 E. Coast Hwy .• Corona SURVEYOR DAL'I'Oa JOHN W. BATI"Y' · Licensed 436 Heliotrope · Suite 2 Corona del Mar Call ORiole 3-0313 Anytime CURT IIIII, llillir 1600 WEST COAST HIGHWAY NEWPORT BEACH LI 8 -9354 THAT SALUTE. probably hiding a tear. is being given by Did Hoffman, the Ensign's "Calling C.Q ." columnist, to Gordy Wevill at th• Pacific• Anglers awards dinner-because G ordy hoo ed the Bob Colliard Trophy for largest marlin on light tackle by just 12 ounces, with a 227 -pound billfish. Docs 5econd -prize entry weighed 216 pounds. <4 ounces. del Mar, reported that a shop·.-+---=--==------::::::::_-:_-::_ lltter took _. sedc containing three bottles of !K.'Otch, valued at $20. from the counter at John· nle's Liquors . . • Willlam H. lblsmussen, Balboa Island Sport· lng Goods, 222 Marine Ave .. Balboa Island, reported the theft of a box which contained 100 paper tubes of copper-coated steel air rifle shot ... James Boys-Swim tc-Sifety . When Boat Explodes A 17·foot Inboard speed boat. owned by Ralph E. Schisler, J.202 S. Bay Front, Balboa Island, ex- ploded, burned and sank Sunday afternoon ln the bay oU S. Bay Front between Opal Ave. and Topaz Ave .. Balboa Island. Two occupants of the boat, Donald and Ken Schisler, sons of the owner, went oves the side and swam ashore following tht: explos~n. the Newport Beach fire department reported. There were no injuries. The fir~ boat crew arrived and attempted to extinguish the fire aboard the plastic-hulled vessel. They succeeded in knocking down the names but each time the fife started up again, fppar- ently being fed by a leaking gas tank under floorboards. The lire llnally burned a hole through the tran110m and the vessel sank In about 20 feet of water about 25 yards off the beach. Newport firemen and a large crowd or spectators witnessed the fire from the shore-line. The land -based firemen were unable to bring their fire-fighti ng equip- ment Into use because or the distance from shore. The Schisler boys had refueled the craft at a gas dock at 504 S. Bay Front and had' traveled about 25 yards away when the motor stalled. When they at- tempted to start the motor the explosion followed. ·A ruptured gas line or gas tank was blamed for the tire. LOCAL CHAIRMEN SET FOR MG>THERs• MARCH .The annual :Mothers' March-On behalf of victims of polio, arth- ri tis and birth defects will be held here next Tuesday evenJna, r Jan. 31, winding up the January fund drive. :\Irs. Craig Great head and Mrs. Parker Dale of Bay Shores are co-chairmen for :'iewport Beach, and assisting them are :\frs. Har. old Lokan. )frs. Henry Riedel, )In:. Norman Pomeroy Jr .• MIS. RJ chard lfn11arcl. )fr~. Edward O'Brien. )1r~. John Case. ~trs. WemPr Schra m. ~frs. John Crimp. ~Irs. :'iorman Bing. Mrs. Jack Acliim!t. :\Irs. Wtlliam JonE's and )frs. James Ray for the Corona del !\Jar ar<'a; )Irs. Robert Bt>r- nard for Balboa Island: Mrs. Charles Painter for Lido Isle; Mrs. Peter Hill for Bay Shores: Mrs. Mel Berry for Cliff Haven; Mrs. Graham Jones and Mrs. Burton Rysdale fo r Balboa; Mrs. Paul Marx and Mrs Byron Batch- eller for Westcliti; Mrs. Milo Lacy a nd Mrs. Vincent Pickup for Newport Heights; Mrs. Thomas Skahill for Harbor Highlands; J.fr11. John-Jakosky for Bay crest; Mrs.• Darrell Dobson for Newport Island; Mrs. Lila Scalley for Beacon Bay and Harbor Island; )1rs. Michael Jager tor Balboa Coves; Mrs. John Tubbs for Bay- s ide VIllage, and Mrs. Roger Cook for the city trailer park. HARBOR HIGH STUDENT RATED TOPS IN NATION John )fartin Cr<>en. ~Pnior at , school nominated John GrC('n to Harbor High and ~on of -"Jr. :~nd r<>present Harbor High School In ~lr<:. Robert Crf'('n. 30R .-\polena the competition. Two tests. 3 Ave.. Balboa Lsland. ha~ bPen pi<'<."E'S or composition. and 2 sup. rccogni7.cd as one of the na tion's •porting letters from high school outsta nding studrnt~ of high !)f'r~onnPI were the bases used ~cHnol · Engli~h. The :'\atlonal by a rommittee of state judges Counril or Tl'achrr<: nf En~lish for ('\'aluating nominees. hilc; named him a 196U national wlnnN in Its annual Achieve-JIU.Ia ....... IIU-mt>nt Awards competition. I"' --.,... At thr same time. thr d<'part· ment of English at :'iewport Har bor HiJ.'(h School was awarded a cPrtificate or merit by the :'\. C. T. E. for its instructional pro- J.'(ram •·as rrvealed by It~: rontri. butlon to the h iJ.'(h quality or writing :~ncll i tNary awarenl's;:; of it~ !'tudents.'' SE>n 'iC'f'<: were held Saturday In Li\'ermorp for JO!leph Hamp- son. 80. nf 2101 Granada Ave .. Balboa. who died Jan. 17 after a lf'nJlthy i llnell~. U. Ylilllla BIW IITWI .... A Balboa Island boy, 13. has been petitioned to appear in ju- venile court on a petty theft charge involving the theft of two bicycles. He was charge? with stealing a bicycle from Chester Salisbury. 315 Marine Ave., Balboa Island, and riding it to Corona del Mar. where he sold It for SlO to Wil- liam Schvltt, 3051i Balboa Blvd .. Balboa. Mr. Schvitt told otticers that he reconsidered the trans- action and went looking for the boy, finding him on Bayside Dr. riding A bicycle stolen from the sidewalk In front of 423 Carna- tion Ave., Corona del ·Mar, the property of Nancy Scroggin. 2007 Galatea Ter., I rvine Terrace. The Balboa man took the youth Into custody and tumed him over to officers. He was released later to his father. Holliday, 410 Tustin Ave., New- port Heights. reported Jlndlng a bicycle at the Newport Harbor Lutheran Church ... Michael S. Kuras. 219 Opal Ave., Balboa Island. reported the theft of shirts; a jacket and sweaters valued at m from his home by a thief who took time to eat a bowl of 110up at the scene. • niDAT. DEC. 30 William Bruce, 616 Seaward Rd., Corona Highlands, reported that a hole was made In the windshield of his car while he was driving on Coast Hwy. west of the Irvine Country Club, ap- parently cau•d from a BB ~n . . . George Taylor. 213 Via Nice. Lido Isle. rePorted the theft or two hand painted relncleer fig. ures cut out of ma110ni te, valued at S13. from his garage door .•. Lynn Williams. 41, of 3121 W. Coast Hwy., Newport Beach, was arrested at 8:15 p.m. on charges or drunk driving on private prop- f'rty and Intoxication In auto ... Eileen Doud. 43, of 5506 Seashore ""Planned Participation In Lo· Dr .. West New~rt, wa!_ char_ged cal. Couoty and State Govern--with drunk driving and lntoxtca- mental Affairs Pays Large Divi· lion after her car was Involved dends ff!(' Management" is the In an accident at Newport Blvd. topic at.the meeting or the New-and 30th St .. Newport Beach, at port Harbor Junior Chamber of 9:05 p.m . with a car driven by Comme~ this evening Uan. 261 William S. Oklta. 33. of 2375 Red- at the Hurley Bell, Corona del lands Dr., Costa Mesa .. : Ray- Mar. · mond F. Erbe, 56, of 1813 W. The speaker will be WiUiam Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach, AJdrich, senior consultant of the was charged with intoxication In William L. Aldrich Co .• clvU a f· public at 22nd St. and Balboa fairs consulting firm for man-Blvd .. Newport Beach. agement. The company has of-• SATVIIDAT. DEC. Sl II~ In Anaheim. San Francisco. EJolse McCarty. 63 .. or 1541 Sacramento and Los Angeles. Miramar Dr., Balboa. was arrest- Mr. Aldrich majored In econom-ed at 12:30 a.m. on a charge of lcs at UCLA and took post-grad-intoxication In public after oftl· uate work In Industrial relations cers had been called to assist at Stanford, UCLA and Cal-Tech. her In unlocking a dQOr after ............... , ... fir .... , .... The third annual Induction ceremony for newly formed In- dian tribes will tie held at 7:15 p.m. this Friday, Jan. 27. In the ~ewport Harbor High School au· dltorium by the 14 tribes com - prising the Newport Harbor In· dian Nation In the Y-lndJan Guide movement. ConchlWng Y Week w111 be the H1 -Y. 1rl-HI Y Sno-Ball Saturday evening In the Costa Mesa Legion HaJJ, beginning at 8. lfEW FJU TIIVCZ ADIVES The new 85-foot aerial-ladder truck for the Newport Beach fire department arrived In Newport Beach last Saturday after a 4- day trip from Columbus, 01119. she had been locked out . . . Jack Vance, 222 Amethyst Ave .• Balboa Island. complained of cars racing alter 10 .p.m . on Balboa Island and charged that citations were not being given to parked cars In violation In that area . JIOIEIIT 8ADU RAilED Attorney Robert Barnes moved up from president to chairman or the board of Pacific VIew Me· mortal Park at the annual ltock· holders meetinc. and lohn VI· bert, formerly managtna director, was named president. BEADS En COiiiOI IU ~mblyman Bruce Sumner, who 111 a resident of Westcllfl, has been named chairman of the AAaembly Judiciary committee, coruidered to be one of the most Important cornmlttees ln the state legislature. Last ~:pring a committN' or E nglish teachNs from the high HI.' wa .. a native or WashlnJl· ton. ·D. C.. lived in California morr than 50 years and moved to Balboa .p , year<: ago from San Francisco. whN4? ht.' worked for 3.'5 yE'ars for the city as a dvil en~tl nE'er. He 1., surviVt'd by his wifr. :\faqzarN: and a niece and nPphew In Portland. Or4?gon. CRY COUNCIL NEWS ,.., il •••• ,., .. ....... rl ....... M~. Donald Steffensen wns hostess at a r<'t'ent bridal shower in her Mesa VerdP home in bon- or of Miss Nege Cyr of Newport Bt>ach. who will becorpe the bride of Freeman Coane of Bal· boa Island on Feb. 8. Joining In tbe games and re- fre!!hments were Susan Nealy, Jan Twitchell, Carolyn Firth. Tonl Cyr and Mary Coane and the Mmes. William Foote, l . Les- lie Steffenwn. Helen Firth, A. Cyr, Clinton Coane and Sheila PalM. Mrs. Jay Burrtn, Mrs. ~ Pratt and Mrs. Byron lfealy 1ft~ unable to attend.- Sl'al and Sheets Westclitr Chapel was In charge of funeral arrangements. ......... First·-..... <Continued rrom page ll the Feb. 14 agenda; a protest and from water coruultant had been received by CounclJ. JaJIH!S Monttomery's ortl~. • ~lved a ~ltJon from Council al.a: Seasho~ Colony rftldent., f« a • Revened a Planning Com· slanal at Oranp Aw. and Coast mlsslon dnlal and allowed Ron Hwy., West Newport; lrwtructed Hargrave to encroach <10 feet Into the city manager to tell the 'pe· the required 210-foot front yard Utlonera of the city's C'Ontlnulnl t~etback at Xll .._ lith St., New· efforts to tet the atanal lnctalled port Helthtl. to allow the J"f!· by the State Hlthway Dlvlalon. ~ntly completed 4 carports to • ApPI'Oftd the appUeatJon of remain In the wtbadl arM. Cedtle Robertc to corwtruct a The builder said he understood concrete bulkhead bQward ot a he had rec»Jved approval from portion o1 Block C. OJrona del the Bulldlq ~ for tile Clllln· Mar, ln front of U. fanMr Pen· plete plane for tht l ·anlt projed, ney property, where Mr. ~ lncluellq tbe t'aJ'POitL pla1111 to ~uet an apartment • ..,..,_ • ....., tram the buU41ln1• Cotral Jlcw ..... .._.. c.mn... • A__.. 0.. Ball»oa Pier lt:Y -'-'. aJ~~~GGndag a pa.ttoard eonc miDn ~ tD John KlJtE poll o;n tall 1MIIJdiDp. on Ide Mel of K ,_ WlU. a 3 R-2 Lots So. of Hwy. Will sell outright or develop with interest- ed party and share profit. Liberty 8-7112 or Uberty 8-8040. BEST BUY IN CLIFFHAVEN Now a 3 Star l!istlng at $26.500 will be Sacrificed at $24,500 3 bedroonu, 1% baths, double garage. Excellent condltlon. Carpeting and drape, Included. Landscaped, fenced. HORVATH REALTOR 3018 Newport Blvd. OR 5-1972 Newport Beach CORONA DEL MAR BRAND NEW DELUXE DU- PLEX For Sale On Choice VIew Lot-~Y Home, 2 Bd. A 2 baths With a vtew 2 bet. a~e apt "Rent One A IJve Bent Free." "MEDALLION ALL EI.IX:TJUC Kl"IUIENS'' * Bot Point Built In Oven A Ranees • ·Open Beam Llvlnc Room- Rule Fl~plaee * Forced Air Beat1"--Wool W/W Carpet. * Fenced -Landscaped - 21' by 24' Dbl Gate. * PatJoa-Sunde<:k-Lath A Pluter <Not leasehold, you cet clear tJUe> By Owner Oltlole 3-5328 - ORJole 5-1925 See at 715 PlonsetUa Ave., ' C. D. Mar c.-..... DIIUI 3 bdr., 2 ba. home, ground floor. Spacious llv. rm. Fire- pia~. 'nle kltchen. Break· fast bar. Patio A Laundry Rm. One bdr. apt. over large dbl. g arage. Cor. Jot. $35,000. RAY REALTY CO. 3512 E. Coast Bwy. Ph. OR 3-154.1, Corona del Mar CORONA DEL MAR Compad Home, one year old with 2 Bedrooms, 2 Baths, Fireplace, Perimeter HeaUng, Complete privacy, all-electric buUt-lns. Draped and ca,.,et· ed. ProlesaJonaJ landacaplnc. Many surprises -See this brltht euy.Jlvtnc home for 133.500 by calllna ••.•••... .,, .... REALTORS 406 · 32nd St.-At the City Hall Newport Beacb ORiole 3-5830 Open Daily .1 · 5 p.m. A ~. 3 br., 2 -~luxury home wlt.b the ....... mOlt ·' Magnificent ·View ID IT TODAY The Orange Coast College weekly Barnacle took a tint class rating In the spring 1960 A5sociated Co 11 e g I at e Press co~petltlon at the University of MlnnftOta, according to· Mlfs Phyllls l . Ja~~on, joumaJt.m Instructor. ~oonalble for the honors -.re last y.eu statr rnem· bers John Anderaon. ~ltor-ln­ chlef; Sharon Hubbert. ma,..tq editor: Ron Getty, feature editor; Earl Gustkey, 1porta editor, ud Dick Koehler, photorrapber. • AAJopeld a C!IIIl PfOI'UII fer llOD ...cJlb .........._ Mayer tree pIa. t ••• : tM dl7 wm 1 .... llod6ucJ .... tlaat on tile B A B s 0 N .,._ • .-r.e Ia ,.., .. rllaJ ...._ of 1M last I ,_... ,.... ............. ....... ~~a~~ ...... .......,thu .:-cu"=-~i;~e:~ ~ ':,...~~ .. , .... :W::' t.-r.-: =: ::;-:.::•••IW• bid fll 11 at T:llaa IMI •t11rda1 for an out," Vanlt,y Coaell ~ .... -•• .... .. ..... • AlP cecA tM ,. 1ncla· a.,) . .... IIIIIM ... P~·~t!ranpr 1Uctln ........... tut........ •D A .... ...._ • ...... .._til ........ AJNC& 1wr'1 ( .... -...tr I' 111 ) ....._ Ia ars.=c' ,..aa.w pnct~et wiU ltut II it ......... 011181 ...... ,_. Dlew ...... alii In .. • ,..:=r2..,,..,_ Jfcwp~~t .......... ---d , ................................ ~~....... -&OIIIt ....... c~ • 11111 ~~ CMitls .. ,.. wm ..-.a ......... • •• • &set • • W c. Dr. • -c... M Mlr .-.~...,. .... ..__... ...... ftlll~-. ................ -• Ia DMt fiiiiL I •. f • ·--~ • Dr 1'111S IIODDif, BEAUTIJVI..LY ISCOU'I'D !101m. tlparld1nc ldtebea wltb buUt-Jn eMil. raqe and d18paul. Three owrwl• llledrooml, ra.u, room. 1" baU.. With bu.Ut-la .wardJabec ln ......, t.th. fOfted a1r ...... two •puate fiNplaea. wan to wall carpet aDd NIIIOm made drapa. PAOHiUIOJifALLY LAJmiCAPm. fenead yard ln new, ~w neigh- borhood. PIDCI:D lUGBT AT 8o23,900. LET US SHOW YOU 'nOS. .. ,_ LOCA1101f. Your choice Ot two speciOUs three bed· room. family room, 1" bath homes. Beauutul carpet· Ina, bullt-ln kitchen. c:eramJc draJnboarda. one hu open beam c:elUngs A large covered breezeway. Priced to sell at $21,7SO. WELL nNANCED-OWNER WILL CARRY 2ND-SUBMIT ON DOWN. DRIVE BY 2DlO A ~16 PALOMA 11fEN CALL FOR APPOINTMENT TO SHOW. M .. M. lahrde, Realtor .. you'll Jlke our friendly .ervtce" 220 E. 17th.St Costa Mesa Uberty 8-1139 <Across tbe aueet from Mesa Shopplnc Center) ____ Ev_e_nlngs Call Ml 6-1928 • Ml 6-=~==5-----------'~ -liVEST II TIE EIITI W~ orter you the benefit of our 40 years of real esfate experlen~ ln the Harbor Area. Let ua aaalst you wlth your Investments, exchanJeS and aaJes of your prop- erty. .............. , ....... , 2072 Tustin Aw., 4 bdn .. 3 baths, 3000 sq. ft. Early American, new, and uade for? .................... $33.750 518 Orchid, 2 bedr., bit-Ina. (Trade for vacant lot) __ ........ -................................................. $21,950 535 Santa Ana Avenue, 2 bedr. home ................... .$16.500 Q Holmwood Dr., 3 bdr., 2 bath, hardwood floors .............................................................. $25,950 7~ W. 3lth, 5 bdr., 2% baths, U3xl28 lot. exchange for freedom home .................................... $24.675 225 Via Orvlf tO, Lido Isle home ............................ $79.500 all Around the Clock -7 Dan a Week Th.ree. Convenlent LoeaUona: .. 400 N. Newport..,Bivd., Newport Beach, (Opposite Hoag Hoapltal> Call Midway 6 -1675 3200 W. Coast H'Way., Newport Beach, Midway 6·3971 2667 E. Coast H'way., <at Fernleaf>, Corona del Mar, OR. 3-2020 CAMEO HIGHLANDS Slx models now open at entrance. our wonderful selectioru of new 3 A 4 bedroom homes from 134.900, from 16.900 down lncludlnc all wool wall to wall carpetlnJ and front land- scape allowance. Selection of view Jots available. IICCI CIIPIIITIII On Coast Highway app0alte Cameo Shores Corona del Mar Before You Buy - - - OR 349M See the man who Knows. -----Your Realtor .............. ....., ... _ _.... ........ ._. .... a.....-.. ....................... _..._ .............. -........ ,.. .... ., ....... _ Your IW-_llar • a Prcl••idaaai- TbereJcn ... wiD help you - - -.......... , .................... ,. VALUABLE FRONTAGE UO' Lido llle ...... float. Jnccae from atone and all ... f,100.GOO 100' c.ut BWJ. Kewport Bieda. a ... lDclaiDt ........ -.ooo.,. Clll--. ....... 100' Coat llftT. C·l Ia lA· ..................... ..................