HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-04-11 - Newport Balboa News TimesTHE SAND CRAB:- -'II ., SAM : -.. ! . . -· - for 36 yein the best advertisine' medill:fll in-the ~wport harbor distiiet -tc * * die, newspaper· that _ goes home .. Buy Bonds. to. End War IEEP _POSTEl! '1 Year -.... ••. $2.50 Quicker · ·ISLE. NEW.PORT HEIGHTS. BALJ'OA ISLAND, CORONA DEL ·MAR, COSTA MESA VOLUME XXXVI NEWPO"T ~llAC!4, CA&.;IP'O"NIA, TUIID~V, A.P"IL 11, , .... ' I at ' .. ...... 7 IIABfiOU. You can count the harbors on your one h8.hd between San. Diego and Santa Barbara and my guess ls that within the next twO years the dema.nds for ports by NavY an~ cwllian will ~ so great thai conges· tion f1lther than convenit nce will be the answtr. ThOl\e Aiten, StaBley Wfn-coune'll, J'b-rd Seat Tied .. • i>f us.in Orange County, and for .the most part. in ;this area\ are still somewhat ......,.--1P'"~IIH . miQde:d ; we ttwr.k in tenns or orangri and vege- tables and · busines.c; houses aJld pleasure 'boa'ts. ruther than In phrases having to do with shipping, va.c;t 'tonnage • and wharf. accommodations. oOly last week I heard Wal· ton Hubbard jr .. admit tha t Newport l;Jarbor was al('('lldY overcrowded an'CI that anoth· at Sunset· Beach •• • • Oil. Tkport.s thai \\'nit El- liotl'.s h\11 WC'lJS in th~1 n nt.s J'l('ar t hP river nnrl hlul f.s. haw stoppc.'li pumJ\ir.l! !'4.'t.'ms to mt>an a numtx•r of things. but m<>l'l importnnt. thnt the oil ain't: \\'ha t has hnppenro to t he slant chilling to tt>st the ()('('an structure off W~t Nl'wport? Is thnt wnitlnit on th" hlack gold from the· I flats? If Nt>wport Bench Is a wt-&lthv rrom thls I ctrillin~. ~t's nve 1 ; sufficient moncy hn!' already • beeJt' rxprnd<'rl In plans And rontrnct5 to \\'arrnnt sc:nnt- --ort of 1\,Ction. Can Walt or thc--Stttndnrd Oil nnswrt·':' . .. . t»t,.r Pandff. PraiSP be • Cor tb<> EMter hats! Tiley'~ , lofty, but tMir croWM RIT lcJoA·ty! C8AIU.E8 \\'AJLEnELD C'AD· MA-S, A-rka'a fo~t C'Oftl· pollf'F. wlto wttll ~ PaW• wtn M .-a of tile -Se•..,ort ......., ........ ~,......, ........... •• :-;-..rt ....... .,....._,. ................... . _.,.,..,.,..._r..-..· .... &. SUllo·~ 1!1• grnnd op•'r!l ''Sh:mrwi~' hi\.~ bo"'rn pl'rfomu'i1 at thr Mrt rnJ'C'Ii· Inn OJ"l('lll 10 :;.;rw YMk With ~lmt' ~o~io' f\ra~olnu ~<.lnglnj;t th" I('Aftin~: t ,.,1,, ur <"QJJMI(' C41•lman·~ nam(' · hi\~ b4'f"<II'T'M' a hou~o·hold we>rd throu~th ~u<'h ~<001" a~ "AI Da•'Tl· mi)O Lnnd of thf' Sk~ RhJt• Wa· l~r" anct ma111y .oOwt familiar !IOniP ROIIP PaJ&r will tl"' ttw-M! I aosr; PAID.\R. 11tar of t1wo a- ""PI~ l.lctlt Onfon ,.,.mpeny. wtll .eaa for tlwl 1..-.d"""' llll'ltt -Hille of tlw. s-<P"rt .Hartllor ........ ft.6 .......,. .... t ., lhl" "·f'f'tl at ,nmmar ....._.,a. ,.._..,. .. ~.w...,.... ~. . - ----+---' -c Bc-b All~n loppt>li th~ field In ooe• Allen lit entrrinK hla le('Ofld -'of lh~ llgtll.el't vclu cut In a city t~rm on the council IUid lbe blp eiKllon, when he ciUiter~d , ott vote may &'lve him th~ .;,at Q1 wllh the l~ad In till' rounc•lma.nlc mnyur, allhOUI(h It Ia not known racA Tucaday by a total or 820 bal-whe:ller tw ckalru the eoveted lot•.' · planning an active and agg~••lve Navy durtDC tbe IDCIII'Itlt of Marr h. c11mpal~ herl'. Ronald Fairbum. 111 that of wmtam Airred Hour1. ...,ltor <)( 1111!' On.n~ Dally Newa. pn ot Newpoft a-ch. acoordln&' pve IIOftlt' UltA!rullDI bl(hltj[hl• to a noport at F'. A. Oochran. ~­ on Wr Cr~ttmer'a rarHr aa did rrulter In c:flarl'e of tbe Oranp Jutl"' Drumm IUid Mr. Rlcbmqnd. CQunty NnJ Rllc:T'UIUIItr' Jlt&Uon. ~~ .. r I'Hklenta of coeta Mia.. I A .,._ .. · _, ~npr'f1 M r and Mra 'wuU&m Crow and I t.o •.ptr1tu.l ... ..._.. tlltep Ill .on 8Uly ot ...U BartiU'a vlf'tecl tan 1Ddls4 Me_..._... fill aD tnae ' ... ,.. 1Mt ..... k: ,..Diela Dlllilllll ......... 0 -··"llED .. New,.rt. .lACK IAOLKI" .............. .. ---- -. .. j -. # . ~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~. ~N=E~~~O~R~T~-B=A~~~O~A~NEW~TIM~. N~~rt ~~h. ~Hh~~~e~a~Aprilll, 1944 ....... ~ .. ,. .... Eas Re . , . . . I -.>r~~­ .A N G LING ~~ •• I AT~NGCOAST mG~AV~ W.~ __ FRONT ..... , ....... r~ .. Cit lie fall ' ter . gatta · • ...-1 .,. .. •': To Continue · ·PuBLIC NoTICES . PuaLic NoTacu 'j -----------I 8UICMOS8 Stock of merchllndlu, fumJt\Jft' ~ ... &.ttl~ -•-• •-~· ~ 17 Next Sunday A ·ROUND So. t!IU • and nxturw. of a bu•lftf'tll. ---kno~TI a~o Ida Brinkman Cafe ~ IS THE ~t.:PI!!IUOR COVRT Ot' longin~ to 111id Ida Brlnkmt~n ' and • The "('ru~~nt", «''!'nf'i! and np- ,;-' . ,.,.,.,,'fl tw Mr "nd Mt'c. J)Qn P·•t· .,,;"',....," or ~"""';-., ronif'~" . .. • rrn1lv fnr Its first run Suni!ay, \ u~tl lfl l'tw ho.,t I• r.r, t• ,,, • WII h fl 17·fw•t tv•-.-, '"T'\. • t•lt•nt v "' 11f1t•r df'<'k fur ftt<hlnl: 11nrt II, r11l•·~ I'll' y ," ~tn·~·rt ~!" I' a fl,o•l"'un • llatl. "'' !If t:q~ ,., .. ,r ,,. ''"••II top11 aJI n b•>Wi~r '"' Wf'll ~, T' th"t ul('e, tat, "' J.:"ly ''" • Vlt ~ ~ tlh a nt;:ht "" """ lt'tl thr•'<' ~.,nu'H "llh • ~ 1 1 d at"'"' sc ro· or «2\J 111 that .:11nd ' • 1\ f••nl'l••r fi"ur.-. in lh\"' ,~ • ."~~~~~; .~J 1~1 ~}~~~· 1:~'.':~· r7:h, I'll ,,.. "''''"It you. wnlt·rot '" !hi' run11bout Qwnt'<l ti"· 'Mle helpt of enthu~r~um ror the THE StATE OF CAUJ"ORNL\ locatt'd at 511 EatJ... Cefltntl ·A~ Palboa Yacht Cli~b Euler lnvlta-IS AND FOR THE COUSTY n~. O ty ot Balba, County of tlonal Recatta wa.a matched Sun-ot· ORANGE Orange. State ot California. and· , nnlv by .. the velocity of the Arttoa broupt In t~ 8aperlor th&t the pun:ha~ price thereot4 wllld. Nine eta .. • bad paid their V.rt of tile Vout1t)" of O...-p. will bto paid. on Monday, the 17th nntry fee a.nd alped 1or n cea In and Compl.a..t n~ Ia tM Of· day of .c})rll. 1944, at 511 East 'ht varloue group• but only two • flee of I~ clerk of Uae !Wprrlor Central Avenur City of Balboa, tlaue• wt're able to n ee. 'Mle re-Cou,., of a&ld Cou•t)'. County of Onanttl'. State o1 CBJi .. !{~Ita will be ctmtlnued next Sun---fornia. at 10::..> o'doek A M. That dltV en_~m:on ott the Club'• pier. !A. J. nvtST · tht> 11ddrn~~ of said ve::¥rir I!~ 511 Wltb Crall{ DQYie. former ~ Plaintiff, vg_._· Ea~C•ntral Avenue, 6t). Dl Ral· ·chat~an: Her,Jt ROty, chairman t.JLLIAN L KEAGER. 1 bolt. COunty ol ~V.t', Stalt> of of the Small u..f Dlvta•on-of t~eo !J OHN DoE and JANE ot>E. _ .!California. and t~ a~ of !lAid 1 \! Juhn fo' M11rphv of 1.•-i'l T 11, ..,...; known J.IUJ}IItouly "" 1.11thut. her· l•hlll 111 b<>in~: rl'rtttlntN'I 11nt1 r•v1•'' rfn«. All kh.<b ,,, IIlii\ wht• h 4huulll \ ET'~ r.n ,.., .. J~~ .. , I , ... · Southern· Callromla Yachting Ai. ~frndants. vtn<W Is 511 EUt Cetlt.._l A.v•· aoclatlon: Don Kemp, VIce Commo-TirE PEOPLE O F THE STATE lnur: City ot BaiOO.. ("ounty of •. 'J ~I Inti"'' nl lht' Pn;t or ~I'Vt'ft S·" tempt any ''"h ~~on•J "'" '"'' ,1•ure , ~ " 1 ' Ttll' p11.., nr ~· W'" s . • . '· 11.111 tt-~pl I' r a o l l'(l>lr h•n~; F!Joh-r•llll't' wht"rl' thl' "Nora L" 1~ ht-lnl! > • l!!f'• to.flfT. lhi&Ugt\, h&JI J)(rn lput~ By C~"ALES H WALLACE mHdt' fi"'Hly fflr 'hnrk fl~hinl: ty ~lut ~aturl.lay AI .,Orjftt 'a Hal-'' • ....,rtl"""'l •-r...-1 "" d A nt I "1\.•lttt ;111~· IL'~< ~·•ho•lagr' ._,. ~..-t ... ng ..._te v -· -al • • • Thl' ANN'Itt hrott1t'r" • l1n\'• • u.d Di na ....,., bad wonderful Ul"t'll "hH It ~~ llttlw•ta~o:t • II • fJUI't'·hn"~C>d thr• "Jnv f)fo.t" l'nri "''I"' ..-........... _ ·~-.. A-,_ .. &-fa!'MIItl"n or (' srattl'r It'• llbr:J . .__ -._.,a.r-., •a .... ,.....,, 111 OfN•rnll' It 0111 of S11n {)ll'~ro bail but and I•IIN wllh rv11ry cua. r .·a " alur on my pro.fl'•.tonal at>11-h ... _1 ,_ w i'l"f' t.,.. r unc..-a.'ftll 1\111.: tunn tom• bapp)' AJ;d ut1alte4. 'Mtl'u tty. <"11pprr. nn 1tmaaday, AI hlaael~ w111t oui As aile•:~ n.o I ~ n•l w1t wh11 IB lh'i • ort .....,.f' •t tllr bov. ud booked wc:lm Utl\t clone It, J'\l,e'Ut hlm for • AbfiUt·~ vl!fttf'd thfo 54-• ... r.....s Mae -en~ amonJ evrrythlnR Tn the meantlmt, I'm Scout 0.!14' 01j ttw Cout hi«~"'•Y w .. ~ wt.r«' twl)'buee acootera. nne Jllflna ....., eHryl)ody I k nllw Ju•t l11~t wcrkl'nd Amon,. ltw-m ""rr --~ twelve pou~ a.nd the to bf·~·l lt"l thf' right ~y Elbt'rt Oartl 8'nd Btu O.vl• ~ atblt' .. "-,._ .,... btl' barT&·. ··crul t!t.play of oric1nallty," be '1"mnff fl In ~rth La.«W\11 ~ euta fw UIHe p«ta. '.•Y• It'" :1. lie It ain't 'r1j!'lb al. 00yw cftlnt' tn lfwo bl\!lr to IH'QUII'f' we 'lnrllt 3000 plyt~•ood houaea for lh,.lr Lifl' S.vtntt 11nd Swtmmin~ Saturday ~oon '!n UM!l· the ,:nv.,mmrnt and wr put a ll the mt'rit ~. "J1wnp wu an aver· ~lod bMw up 1:!'4 llt'rew• I.D wltll a· balaJI»r. , llt!f' ttl ='-' ho)'11· a day 111 th,. bll!lf' ~ fP' ~t&tur·, "83m Bu~kter Wallat-e! ·etc:. ll'• durinc Eutf'f' Wftll. All work wa~o lbe ,...)t that Sun· a acurnloua pon(f'eil attack, U.t .. 1 doM undrr tJw eupa•rvlslon of · a-d. You Ju,lt what It... Some dl~y., anct aM:Ii <'opt R. F . Molfor. I PoWotaw Prancla .!'· 8tH~ or Al !'-lalkah ~pie -..... co IUI*ltate Ill" alrtJ, mudcl)o Ill( me _miJted up with lheae coun-_ for \he eW t._. PoUntau s B•U. a dual diAner dadce Whb .-.ueC . BALIIOA, CAUF. -<hrr' "M~n" and "Dina Lee" . ' . JW .,_,._ ... ~ 'ee Call N...,.rt Ill er .... Ao:4... <'-.. '7 ll'!el NEwPoRT TACKLE STORE~ UIWIIviJII • IIANAGD . - Bait-. Tackle-Fiahihg lnformatioil ... MJ:WP011'1' aEA<.:B SPORt FISHING BOATS ~!IJ·8&1'U80AY AnD· t8T lft'll 8Titu:T BA V LANDING · ..... r.t d.-re of the local club and F. C. OF CALIFORNIA SEND GREET· OrAnttl'. S,tet• ot Clllltomla. Brewer, newly appulnted race liNGS TO· LILLIAN I REAGF..R Oett'd April 8th, 1944 . chalrman for the Balbotl Yacht I JOHN OOE and JANE OOE Dr: j IDA BIUNKMAN. Club for the year 1&44. at the ~~torf fl'nda nts. · Vendor • board. tol&l acorn for the ncea of 1 You are dii"N.'trd to apJl<•aT 111 I and/or the SniPH and IC ~lnghlea have ton ' action brought against you ~y · q. TOE R. JOHNSON. ~a compiled. u.lnr the nvene • the above namt'd plaintiff In ttft.-1 ~ Vt'ndHt c.~- KOJii!Jr ayal~m. S upt'rior Court of tht> Stall' of Pub.: Aonl ll. 944· Final totala of the two n cea·run Calilomla. in and for the Coonty by ~e Snl~a are aa followa: WlJd or Oraf!jte, and to answer lhr rnrn·l NOTICE or. AMUSNENT ·Hate with Darby Metcalf u aki.P·I plaint thel"e'in within tt'n da)'11 ---o~ pu, l'4. pte . .; ~.;&rk II wttb BUt ,altt'r tht-suv1a> on yoo ·of -Uti!!-· BA"r ~SLAND CL~. Location l..yth•lm , 4 pt•.~ Toper wtth Keo summons . if !IE'rved witrun the ot ortnclpal omce. No. S. Bllv III• Croa n. 8 pta.; Shady Too with Bob County of Orangt', or Withm lhtrt,y and. bt'lng tM rnl~ o( K. S . Waltera, 8 pte.: Dipper II wttb Bob days lt lt'TVI'd elst'wbere, and you I Hazeltine. In tM Oty of .N-oort Andrew• 11 pta · Berew BaJI ·II arP notltit'd that unlt's." )OU llO Beach. County of Orftn ~. State · • . • . ' · lot California: !f011C'!! 19 HERE· with Dick Blattnman, 12 pte,, ~~at and answt>r as above re· av G"'..,.. th tm ot , ... ~ tn with Bob anct Betty qmf't'4-..tftto. phllntlrt will taltt' juQc-~ _u~-... at 1 ~ It Whtt.e. 13 P.te .. and Hal Tall madre meont tor any money or ~magi'S , ~~a of of0l~t1o';'..::~fl ~ with 14 pte. • td<'mandt'd In the Compbunt, a 11 ment or N inct ~/100 Dol· to '« •J ....,.,. ~ ba ruiMCS by -~· ft'l a C'Ciai.IBunlat Dlot. }Jiat'a what .at ... ----u~ -• •-th tKh _. • -·-Do ,_ pursuant 1ablt· to the ordrr o-. a.y -··-no-Oft........ ,. • ·~ •. on f..,...., ft .....,mp lo aerve temponnly 10 to the provisions or Section 3440 Club.) . ..,rfll.._ OatlaaJ , ......_.... that 1 Al•.,.wa and OT11n1r" County t to that ca.-city r h Cl·"'l Cod lh t.l • . • o .,,_ ,. . v• e ol the State ol IPublil'h : April 1}. 1944.) » • etr b~ au.t be. rttDOYed and II" r ::.• a villabl., Ule areaU011 of a FreJ C. Brew"r wn• 2JWllnl ('d CJ1tf<W"nta, that IDA. BRINKMAN, __ __ _ _ _ •-.,, the'-a f"ftt an6 other bu81-tactlul uver-•11 c:ommaW. Recoc• rae. .chaJrman for the Ball>oa ~ lntrnd" to sell to CLYDE' ~-Envy, riyalry,. hat• need no 1944 '-•-nearby at.o mu.t be ID09ed nltlon 11f lh" State Cuard'a value Yacht <;::lub for the year 1944, with JOHNSON and EVA LEE JO HN· tm'lporary indulpnc~ that they be wtthtn Ills 111011Uaa by t hl' 8 uth~m Sector ot the _StNmlln Hoar and C. V. Wurde-SON. hlisband and wire, 811 jointtdestroyt'd through sutrerina; ~~ C'halfiii&D Wlllla WanMr ot Ult W..tr1n Deff'niK' comm&~~d; and 011U1n to aerve ori the race ·nm aJ ., TIDE TABLES -· bnen1 1111111 In l.__ldtn,-Mi to ___ ,-,_"" tth Ren'lc" O'>mmand. w.fua-t!Jr n:.ittee c -· tenants. ~a~Ja~rsonlll~l'hQU)~ lltltlfd from la<'k of alr ""' -._,,... , property eonKtstlng oft and' Baker NEWPORT & BALBOA PIERS . · otnaor111ND Good Fishiq at All Times uVE BAIT ALWAYS AVAihABLE AftfUL Hlfh Low Ht-:h , Low 12 12:&1 1:32 11 :M 1:,_ 1.2 0.1 4.1 1.i Th 13 2;01 7 :10 12:4& .1 :1t 2.1 Q.2 4 7 2.1 1:27 • 4 :14 7:11 0.2 2.1 2.7 t~ t ;!Wl 10 :14 &1:10 •=• • ~ 0.% ~ 3.2 u an _.._.,. In Wuflln&l•n ll -.'Mt that the State Guard 11 bdng Mllfov~ th .. • "UIIty plan• to de-c:aDed upon rrJularly to part lei- veto; a -harbf)r nrar lh,. urda.aa~ pat,. In rr.•UH'tt\'t'rll w.t" .u my 11n1t• ~ .......... n aulfk.I&'Dlh• pr" ~-c.a ullt'l.l c .. n~tal II8YI til plc;k ...,..,.,,1 .._ a•t•l lrr lwlt"H'" Ulat 1 001nn~1 fo'rrnl'll. a tl'~ulr.r army of- ttl .. :'llav\ "'" , un•""' tb .. 1.tan• far •1th 32 yt-.ars of servll'l" llll .,. 11 'l&IKhl ,.,,nflhl ""'' h· • ,.,...,.,over lh~ wurlu. for .the puat." ~ ]'favy>.,m •'" th,. t'nunty u -Newport H~ttbor hu a company ~ron II • ~t"''"l r,.,,.,,. ole· 'to ~ Slllll' Guard C•frlcered by onlppm,.rlt f'T'•Jr&m C•pt WIIIIA. y.·hllt' Major Findlay •rvH lhf' enUre dlatrirt :o<u tfl 3 34 tt :27 1:31 11 :JO •.• 0.1 3.1 21 AHhMII>n ·~ Hlt• 'o\1\ .. t ••• "" 'l()tl I CN•• dayllrttt ••Ina 11,...1' ' of vlrtut•. "'h•'"'' '"" h ,,, • fl.,llul COSTA ME • Thl"• art' plarold I• ,.,.,.., ur '"~u,...,....., ~Wf'('l hunriltl~. ant1t•:tltll I •!II IUtl• l.ltrhl rtn,...• .._ .., . clark htru,.,.•" M. .tall• root and Mltt~n.:l~ ll:••u t•h The A 1. l'mkley.;J f'ntrrtamed • · Oa\'td ~lulltt Pa\.1)' and 14:\rll~.ra ;<.! .. mlln,~o:er antl 1 l v· ,f G d . I Betty Hand or Puatlena over the r-=-----=~---==-==::::~--=~~~=======t c ... ory ar eDeN H any man IW'f'ka r .. r Jtr••:ttn .......... r week ----;;:.... _ • -~.. m ~~ ~atnrN •nil-u £1 -xT. a.ud llt·s. ll. L. Starkey II&WJIU&T:.W•._... M&Wr~---f""11J:1I1~-~~1Jierirar---1 Fur fiiilh7'iii0he wllf fin, f,Oth -1 n C oata M,.Ae aonn to Mta'>ltah I 0 IT S E II G Rat• A • I R dnce Mun. 1 a home h1 Hemet The~r aoa, ., . . · _ _ as Jobs .gam . . .. I Oeortce al\lt f1U11'l) are-.. ,,ea...ty lo- -~~-'!!!"'-----4--•tn'""'ocr""=-*=:=--=cm-A6fain h.! · LVUi • I Mr. and Mnt. HaM")' Hurdlck oft -I J_ftAeE LEAF cal~ at San J•H•Into. Ouwta•"n1 -r.~aaa.c -8emodeliftK ~;r1111t1'(! •Pf'Cinl KAIIOIIn•·. r11111111, up . I Matrnolla avt"Dur extended F.e.ter' ·• . 110'1'08 dVICE" _ 111 :100 mlll'l' tu travt•l to 11nd from IIIDEIS day hoepltallly tn Mr.' and ¥ra.. thi'lr plnt11 tt\111 !IUmm<'r. tl"' OP Cla~nce M. Fowlt r anti 1101'1 Ra~ WPUDALL BOAT SERVICE •lllcf lncllly. nwo fol~·lng conrlt· New Stock Just RK.·iYt'<1 for I mllfld. Mr and Mr~. Ct'or~; .. May-'ftS.n tlonc m W!t two fYW't by all th~ 1 aard. all of Long Beach ._ ... ,...r Calif ... ~ Blda· who .:•·1 lht' t'Xtnt ful'l 1 1l RIL I Mr. and Mrs. N 0 , Mellhlt have -VJa 6f1erto . -Newport JIMc-h I ApJlhCIInl mu•t b<· I"('J!Uinrlr 1l n -1l li'hfletlt I retumrl.l ~ Montezuma Valley H. R. BRINKERHOFF -E. Snl 8tnlet, .. c..ultlv111ln~e an •l"f'a of at Jrn~t I '(:( after apendlnll: three weeb u \~ l'qUftl'f' ff"'•t dl'vtl'l'ft to thfo ,...-. of Mr nnd Mra Jflck lfern- JII'OCIU..tlon of ''t'ltrtllhl,.~ ;~nd his A Is o--Complete 1---r I don of F10\\•er l!lrert Befo~e hN lnbnr ntust hr ~~~ to 11~ rul· ""'h"' M~rture. ¥rt1. Mellott w-guut ll\'ntfon. ... aet ln compact siU'. suit-at lhe home of her allller-ln-law.l ~ Ht• mu~t mak•· " nl11'·~h11r-able for tmall hu..,in<"'." o r Mra. Homer Mellott, when abf' en- •nlt 8I'Tilll«t'mf'nt by Which Ill Je~l the horne. terlalned piPmbO'rll II( her card four pt'I"'IIW\11 WOJ hr C11rrlM hArk club. .,.. arwl forth ~lnrly All JdDdl of Rltl••rl F·u rm. Wr, 14ld M, •· J!lS,~tll .-.. 11rce have :\ Hf• mu~t •'hmv th111 no Ill· Stwo. .. And ~rdtl enjoy~ a ti..Wrt,..aojuum at Palm '•'l'nnll\1' ft'W'fln' nr trnnltportatlon 8orinae. ... n r•• 11\'Rilnhll' .. ' ~A w\ent'r bakr WIUI thr wei<<Jftll : 4 Tht• ..:nml'n 1-hmtlcl 1'>4' "''"r • '(:( IIIJrpri~ ft r frleonda of ymm~ Hal ph •'O{llll:h to "tht-lr"'i\'ldturl'~· ~rnr-1 ' Rea. 110n of Mr. an•l .1\l rs. F.verett , ~~~~~'"" hnnw liO th111 hi' r11n "'~" NEWS JIM A. Rea. wl'en hr tnvlteo a group' th•· t.;urdf'n nhout twiN> 11 WN•k • [§ of hl11 frttl'lrill to hill hom!' rf't'l'nlly. , 11111 1 ,. tho• period In which SOli W. Central p~ltnlllll:, I'IIIIIYI.IIin.: 1\1)11 hll~f':<l·l In~: nw~t ht• dnnc-wfihout n'loNI· • tnt.; mnr•· ~tll~olin•• 1 hnn fill' t hP ;I(!( I nut.·• pr••' lflt'cl h) h1' 'ill'l'tlll I'll " liotn l•>i:l'lho•r with wh:tlo•\'o'f mtl••- ·•..:tt '' ,., .... ,.,l,lt· .. ln h .. ~ ""1•:1!1-h ·,\ · AprJoaudQet Planning I{ .. :, ,. l•thl&.:<·t'ro•r• hll\'1' !111nl(' I'''"' II t'llll' 1" ••on .. Jdt>r tn .pl11n.nlng 'f'' tl nwnu"' Ft•r th"~" tnrntrtt "hrr ,• ~hx l..lt~lrl' ••btnmnltlr, nil "' ' '•' ·' •1'1 I • • ••f 11••7•'n fnnll and \ • • • tul•ll'> nrl' !"lint ~r('('. ~ .. ar- 11• .,. .. , lhl' Ill'"' ra··k 11'1•1 thr need Newport Bf-8 .. h · 'rrt.Lit ~ God rot ~at thln~t•· 1 With your flv~ lnav .. an.t two n.llea H~ wtll •how you a way to I~ fhc>u$nda }-lorac«> UuahneU~ RADIO SERVICE Jlomi', Autn. ~tnrm• I~ odiot RepUTed. Mnrtnt• Eh't-'1 no•r:ut Burt R. Norton lJ 11 (.'oa.t Hlf(hWa~ S t:WI'O&T BF.A<'H BALBOA MOTOR CO. f 111r t<t•u a&.:r llf'!lt'l' f r pork "f'l'r t>~t•ltj:hl l\ht111t t hl:o chanj.lr, 'IOI t'IIJW"''\N1 tc> hc>ll.l for mc>re 1 hnu 'h111 n11•nlh. \~r<·.-n bun, lll'ol 1101one "iO(i •:. Ray Aft.. Balboe l\1:1 boc ln_mo.et !DATI\W lY ~,~~1-iP.-.lrftPP"!I'f • on j'llfl the n111r~ aoran.r til\' llOI'k, .~Qt0fn(Jbit«:Pd-Marinrftepairing. 1'1111\1'"· "n'' c11rr .,. n,,, ;tue ro, 1\larino EJn~tt...&-1•8n• Aval·lablo lown .. prk'-.. And thr l.'hef of one '--'-'-f'K a ,. ••f the luaHC C.Jtrornh• 11f.tt'la ,.,, Fender R. ody Work ftafa·na"sh.in; VllN'I that Cht'rJ)t'd <clo'f\' l'nu 00• '-1!11 klo aa.Jt l'tlft ljtte comblnrd In manv TELUHON · aoupa 10 brat thf' ahnrtar;r ot dt1ed E Niji~fOIC! BkACII tt5 W'hltl' onl011a. ·orange-County's Most Comp.lete ·Auto Body, Fender ~nd Paint ~hop 9perated By the Finest Craftsmen in the Business and ·Located in Our New Annex I •••• e ~A lJ4~NISHING e Frame & Fro~t End Alignment .,".Ou_t8 -&1\~ ~Pthe~ic ~namele Body and Eend~ Straightenin& ~ ... ,_ , u v • )'._ , • ·~ ·eo··-' ••••• 8 • • -"-;.,,.. . .~ v·• • -. ~ . ' -· ;·tet Us Put Yo .. ur Car .(Regardless ·of Make or ·:;:· Model) in First Class Shape. 4o. -• I • Drive in at ONCE for. a . . -.. ----~-;-F..RE.E\ .. E.S T I M A T E '« I • j CULBEitl_SOrf ·-CHEVROLET CO. CHEVROLl;T ~LOS~B~E SALES AND SERVICE ---_, -....-.-...--~ -Huntington,.: Beach 'I I <kean Avenue at Third St. .. .. .. .. • Ume blu are alao to be upected. the recent action In' cllm&XlDI u- --. pl,..tlon d&tee OD red urd blue £xciM Tlx Net' or1 All J-etry llltampe bu been eoupt by trade An lmp~OI\ Ia reported by elrclllt "tor ~ t!me, ~ CTUteat 10111e that all je'M!Iry lte~ne are at-alncle factor lD brlnetnl' It at'lout ~ed ... by t!M 20 per cent n:c:We wu lbe dlaconry tb&t ~nany dt. taa wblcb wet l.Dto effect on lut tricta ot the -Uon ,.ere I'UJlJl1nC saturday. Here are the only of-abort of red ud blue tokene Uoled t.:11ap! wbtch an artected: In chanca ID~I'· Wllb llo ex- 1&6; ·~ olooka .Whleh retail at .umpe, tbere Ia no beed tor cub- ..._ 11: .,atheUc ltonea Ud cui-InC In et.ampe unt.ll needed. This Is Help Fight It! Yes-this. is YOUR war--and ·you can help;. HI-=_~ right here on the home front with· your time. willing-- ness and skill. At Douglas Aircraft you can help build needed cargo and combat airplanes for our fOf'Ce\8 lh~ world over. Beach -.ranks or production workers-they need YOU! Experlehee .. no~tlal for at ~ you · are pal(! while you learn yeur job. YOU'I:.L. find the werk fascinating-you'll · like the folks y0u. work with. Don't let another day pass without vimting the. Dou~las employment oHi<'<'. Thel'f''s a bigger job than ever. to do -arn:rvou art' needed to help do it! Get;Full lDfonnfltion Today at Douglu . -U. S. Employment ·Feeder Shop -..._ Service Tlllrf a~ Banta .u. Mt w. a. a&:. ,...... .u. I ' L Dl,. • I p. m. ll-., W.... a l"rl. F==-----lhii~~Y=-e-•-~-&:aLa;:s;:·-·--.. .. AVAILABILITY CERTinCATE NECESSARY ' . .. A.b S .F 0 R 8 A R G A II S .! BOA '1'8, 81 '1"1'1 .IF .. ~ , __ _ WAN tEO Rt;~L: PM" AU FUR SAIL- """ Thin( .. r. tt•·"l 1'hltlk ,,, ,rJmNmTRt; -ron H.l\r . .,.,_. B()AT~ £11'1 ~ .... 111\tl 1Ttuh•ol '· M'!rtn~ li:n1:H'•'• ""'' 1'1\r.ll •tA({lNF. ~t\ I \..A,;t-; A:<fb Jofl--t: • I'\ I ; .00 \\' l'N\11'111 \ • lth :,:~'\/\•\\' A loiH ltto'<'llnn••·~ ,..,, .. WIIJt l'll He"' nf l'(prkllllf rr·nrtllt<>JU~ '\" <'llltC"ll· ,,1f! """ 111.111111 n · t•:mrt .. ,:mfl\1 · ,l(lll N KA lll.fo~ll< \'••t.:••l lllolll 11A I.TlOA ~lMt.tnN:o~ mlltt "'"""'" 11nt1 "prlnp, 1 :-l•·•·lrv "'"'' """""" 11nt1 bow ( "I'' !nQ". bhwk~l~ tor,t•rr~a.~ n. ,.._, tlrt ~tiMI• '"'' Nt!l ·r c · home. Oe ........ 1111~-.J: Ute·"'o-n:rtr. ; •· h.t r rs•·trt4,_ fw Mle .. , e....,_ Hell" Petrick, P!" .: ;; ....,,.... ..... ~ • Alfterlctft Fat ' Newrort. ,,, .. ,, 11 t'ntu 211 ',,. \'Q H 1-lAI.J: 1'1 ,, I •• I 11' ('JI.'III· &"'illhP~ QUII;'1 "171" c;hfllntr fin• t.b, Alllo ~r~· l'fl'llt•rvf're, d t• .JIIIrk 'Wtll(ll' · · Y l • J'hnnr ..QJL .. ~........ ?7·41P boat. 2 QIIMJ. nuo.rlnt·r• ''""'1"'":1, fl.tltn,l' . f'qulflm<'n l rnn·ptrll', t'700. Rnaa ~Allo•<', 6611 .,,,.,..,.,. A.,v.., &llnow .. r C'allf, Z!l "I' ,.,, t•r h•·•·•· ••r 11'\ I hmllh~otl••ll ''''"''" ~t••rto I'IIFtiiiPHJo: 1Hl111NS , ..• ,, .... , ~n1~" nth I ~··r\'h •' :n1hl 11nd <'•·ntral """ '*"e• • .., ,., ... IMr ..._,~,.. ever, ' --------.1-.-FOil RENT f31\. near tt9th St . A* About OUT llaft't)' , , ... .._ • ~ __ ' • llttT&ct1ve tamlllhe<l apartment f\epo.tt Boaee Seabee Cited I Famer of; weal . I' .. """'"· Mttt aftd klldum '"' JOa a.AI.»-AvTo. M D• • n..:.., ttlti ---ta~.,...f;rably l'ltlf' "'' For Heroism I en tes Ill unt.Die, .. ch~n ·or ~··· ;jo2t.w ntet-cLFS-Wct. NnttC ;, -.... , .,.. pa~noc~. . vee-r•. tot ..... 1!-i Paul G. Fink, falhn of 'H I H. Ll!-lata atJboa ua 1M Martne A .... . Cb. B. B. Ollvt''r 0 . Odette of Fink of Balboa leland aDd Ed-" I ....... 0 • s.lboa ....... li·UI. at Sea-I 11'11111 ot Corona d"t Mar, dle4 Har~a Servicem roJ-1 "JrMMI&y a ii: liorne In pn_Dp a ~ P•G ttU'f I lee fftf' M~ A lowlnc an ewploelon or fuel druiD• the ace of 84. '1 ~ ~ eedan. rnmpletfiY over· which blew up an ammwaiUoa and 1 Tbt. deceawd Uved ·on.~ Balboa hauled, nt'w patnt. new top ud eupplY dum~ -at a ac.au. ·P~w:anc tlllllnd rroan 11120't'O-lt3t·wn.-hU eo.et:Gllarclln\all •• AtlllftMft radlatDr. Pnvat.a dw)le.r. Qall bue lut November. 0 • , bHn a realllt'nt of O..anc!, .lliDoe.. 8ob .... a l{trl oa ttw' I _ after 6 f m. NewpOrt. 1101-W. ,;,. ~n "-'bo belonc tD th1a com-. Buldett Harold and Edward ~ Yt'f'Y happy wlMotl h .. ..., .. t . -. . : . -~•tc paraUvely new branch ol tbe Navy . Mr. Fink Ieaveii 1118 wire, ~ '!I"JJ!d rrtm klflrnlllc~ (1) san WANTED--. have been a credJl to• tbeiDMkt• eoD. 0 . W. Jl'tllk ot La Vwne, all-Dleco. Ht' had aeveral fnrty-et«hl ......._____ aDd tD Uldr.coWitl'y '-' .,..,. fttldl fontia allld a claupter, Wu.da hflur -IM(Y• and waa a hlt' tn v!•Jt WANTED ot batUt' Where tbey b&ve .,...... Trickey of La~Una Beacb. ' hla family and frtt'ndit • LoDta ot ~rood rlean U.ft'd cew;a In thle commendation the 111e71 FUneral •rvtce. WUl be bel4 J"rt. Will pay top prlct'. were credited wtth f~Uq n,.l day att.emoon at 2 :30 p. ID, at ~ .... De Iutter THEODORJi: ROlliNS I e&~ by tbe n:ploelon, ai'YqtnJl G\Il~y Funeral home In OraDp. BIU rf'<'ently tran.itl'rl'f'd to Cnr· I"'rd ,...._...rvtc-e vt.luable material ana equlpJDent -· ,. --·• ona del Mar Naval lookout et.aUon 2Jnd a t"enlral Ave. and ~tnc Injured •rvlceiDea, HumiiJt,....eif~ where nettber from San Nichol~ !~land u(f 1 thi' Newport Beach. ..Pbu~ U . ~lte n:plodinc llbel.la, lhrapael1 vlrtut'. nor elrencth. not' r....-cout ~ 8an Pedro. Bill wlllt be · U-1~ and fl&mlnc ,..olll\e. uw prevall.-Qualtea, aeetq hill friend• and family more -,-\~ :.-. WANTJ;;o UJht .t!llht· 11&11 IQ , .. A_,.. A h "' nur Rl'lfP\.Y 1 lo'f'•••ll ll<lll<'e C.oruer h.ot. 60·1t. f ronla4J11, I · bt'dr~.~<>m h tlU ... lt!IOO. 110., l:oaat Rlvd., a,,_ del War 1'1'•1 plllnw.-. cvmfurtt'r>L Snld ran f:""'' 1't·rm• Mt·MI'Ihllt\ l'"u m \• tllr" f'>•. 211•1 nncl llr•'l'l•lway, ~'Jnla """· • IHfc l'hurw N•wport a.a.c:h t1 IIIILP WA.Jiti'I:D •·:ate TELEPHONE . f'.F.C. HJ"Y Cenover bo.\at, 12 feet booln wtth'Cl&IDpe L08T-IIadd,le -~ ~ Ia ,..,: ..,._.,_ ..,. "..,!!!:_ HarTy wu browatq artlWWI f(lf mu1 and boom State prlc.. N.-port Beach. Wr\.1.: April 6th, vi~ J,., wtfe., ,..,.,....... ,.. "\ . - OPERATORS NEEDED. Sen·ice me~ aod war worken are -aU dependlnl upon our girk at the awltcbboarfb. Gooct pay "'~ leam- ing and .-eKUiar lncre&AC".A * * * SOUTHHERN CALIFORNIA. .TELEPHONE CO. Apply: 100 E. Bay A'·e., Ba.lboa or ~Y4 Y.? No. Mala St., Santa Ana erbool Jut Wr't'k q b~t wu llnme ~. w Nmllh. :l:!t ~· lrvlnl( Oantaln.ln• JllOCM)' and Yaluab&e j .,tr'M. Dlok Drake, ••1 llle..,. orf " wMic'a lravt' from Ji1ortda. llt\·tl 1"'"' An~;..tl-.... ~~ C'allf Jl•~·ra llrtlllf' r••turn tn ''t'Mtll!t R"lboa, Callfomla. lt·Jta He 111 with thf' amphlbtoua ;orcu 29 2\1· . Tutn1111, t.ltlu t'hannrl llo>11l An-_ I In· tht· t!nKinr'f:rlng dlvialon. rhor~e. l'lllp 86. l'hiiM N .. -1 tieve nme: 'l'be ad a. proiMibl, 1 Navyman .. ,.._.n O.vla W ANTI':P 1 ,j.,, 11~1 ttntl 1111<••11 port lW 21-lft ,In the NPW~~-'MmNI B !'l'l&n Wlllt h~.-on " twenty Mil• tur ~nil"' t 'nil !'lnu1 tt """ · I n:ru~ hoUr h•ilvl· .,,,:m• !'lan J'l"«" lO.o.n t-:•••·1"1~>~"" :tt:7 Hl(l o ,.,,,.. PuBLIC NoTICES _ 1 "" ACid••.. · "••· "'"•"• Nit•· t .. ..,,,. you ajtllln, fU.rj(M Jiorf 2P-zt.r _ , "~.~;.;!'-:'~ ~:· N•••••• ,.., M erchant Marl~ Alc"•rd Clark NQTIC£ -I J r offlct'r In lht' M .. rr h""' wa-'f ..:~11 • .,,n~111,141 >' .. 111,,.1, .. 11, ,,,.,. 1,,,1 1 w111 ,,..1 '"' "'"l'~"••lt?fco r 1r hill• N. D. CASH rln<!'ll Hwh~&nJ 1. 'lurk wu vtiiiiD" 11tw11,, till· 1,11111.,,1111, ,,, "' ,.,,, ,, ''"' ''" "' • ""I ''" 1•••1 IJy J •1hn P I 0 v . "" "I " DOll at~d CAT HM,.ITAL llarbu1 lul l''rltl~tv Th .. untfllrrtl unltnur·y •m~. hul ~·•m• t ""''" lit•• ~"''1 ""'' •• ,.,. Ana IMI becomt'a him, drlf'llll'l It • lrtlll nl • ~1t :trophn,.ry t.:'•'''''' \'VIl A 1-ll!'.ll'HO:'I/ I ttl• l o Main 111 .. aa,.ta A"•· Calif.~ NEWPORT -BALBOA N E W.S -. T rM J:: 5 I'IIOSF.!i: s "r.\n•oRT 1% a II 1 Apr II, liU. 211·3tc 1 ----Professional Cellfo'"la HAROLD K. GRAVEL CHAPEL "W~ '"""elvM I he Hettui'Jerve ,ltv Ru·vlniC Othert liut" < P~one Newport H1 Coeta Meu California BUY NOW City Tax Sale Loh Directory Conrad Richter, M.D. ,..,,.elclett ..,. ._..... Office 107 !Jnd ltrMt Naw.,-rt auch H~~t~te: 10·'12 a. m . a J ·l ,. "'· Phone._offlce US i ""· 14·.1 ·. . DR. C. E. TOHILL f'HYIICIAN' i11d IU .. QilON . . ~ .. -.. ,..,.,...., ..... 't -PMfti - Offloe Jlt.W ..... JM ... It No AN_, Call NIIWIHO~t ' Dr. M. D. Crawford DPTOMilT .. IIT Y.yea JCu!!IIJ1!"'· ,.ot.-,. J"\ltod 11»1 Newport DOulevard · Phene 24l0 COITA MilA BALTZ MORTUARY CHAPEL aY THI I£A 410 Co.ul Blvd. A. J. TWIST I ~7 co~•t Hlghwa, ~hono~.a2· Cortoa ~·t M!! • . Nllwpo•! !!!!~ I C.OAONA· D£L MAR Phone N~wport 42 L---------------------· --~ (A glance proyft. th~ lndenhlp of the Newt~-'1111Nlt1) 1':=-nll~~~~ OR. 0 l.tTCAS Ut•ntiRt VOU. \RE A M 0 D E:).:-SOiOlAR I .. ' I I \ A ! .. • ' . Ufnt/1 W . ·f ',.nlrlll, ~}UM ,NF.Wl'flltT nt:M'fl • • to • WHO'S WIIO ·IN HARBOR DISTRICT M~PI ACI" J.NO MINOt t Nft WOOO II W V:t l'ltl 1 7~4 ·~r•' Hl11l . f'•••'r~ M•·"" t ·~· •I ""'"'"''' l'h, fl:'!~·.l. 1,1 Nr llJi t , l.fl'~lRAr t rjR '•'' •t• I ' 1•,· Jl ,, 'llli l 'r•••*' llhol )•t· '\ll;! l ilt,'" 11111 l '•nHirtt•il•liL I 11-..,IH I! r l)~.l',ti.N(L'> ' ,•,, \'; •• f rtf f 'f.,;:>t 01 Jt•Jt• \''J\t piJH) \'•''' hhfH"' •• l'hnn,.. 4ft. j ' I ~ I ' t "'' '" r I.. l 'hnn .. 11 •• 11 1'1,.1'!1 l lll'hY.OiV Ill ArC'hllt, (JI I II I. '>UPN IES . · .• ·I" • lt~rt .•. , l'•tloll"tJirtl' !'" l'h•"l' ~ 11 11 N• Wfl'•r l-lw-.:h, PlttNliNI.'" 't~ H~l~r l''lltll~hlnl( ''" 1•1,.,,,. •• • 12 -f.;\ N."""l .. ~ "->ll REA L E STATE, INIUAANC£ & NOTA .. Y PU8LIC- I;w 11 Wflllll•" 2JII:l W l:.rJt ral Av,nu .. ''holl" ll. J1URBEA aTAMPI--, ~ N•Wf"•rt tlarh<Jr Publ\ahlnlf Co l'twmea 12.· 11, l'(fllrp.~ ....... 1!>HE£T M«TAL WO"K- VJa.l<ll cau~nhl••• a..t ~woru, S:.O.ta M-.. ....... .au; I VA .. tllTV BTO"II-1 8ai1IO& ..... V~ Itt.. lc. \11, tic t.M ... .. ... tUl-W. ,. .· .I .· , .. . ... NEWPOR1=1JALBOA NEW~-TJMES. Ntwnort Beach, f!~lifomia, Tuesday, April 11 , 1944,.. BPW WiU Host Their Bosse~ April 13 At An.nual Dinner ana Festivities - •• II arBOr F ... emtn1ne A __ ; t. . 4t. Ebell ciub lnsP.ired by Easter Pro~ram ttC 1 v ltJl es Of BeatJ:ice_ Cr,n. Musical Narrator ' I Tbe Nn.'JIOrl H&rbot' Y&t'tlt Club a commfttff ot Mildred · Stanley, will "''th., Ken~ on Tbu1'11(Say. · prutd~nt ot th• &roup. G~U\a April 13, o•"the annual Ao""· Noght Tub~. vi<'~ p~atd~nt . Ida Saylor wbell each memb4-r nr the Harbor Mary Ln Murphy. Gladya Nor· Bualneu and Pn·'"•lonal won~~n maQ. l..o~t Slmm•na, 1-":ve w nor ... ' •Ill be hOIItf'aa to hl"r employf'r Em M'osabf'r~ ant! Dorothy Rnbln- 7 ~ Tbla afta lr hiLA taln~~tlle rf'puta·· 11011. tlon of be ng nne of the ,utatand- Ul« ~vtonit ot (hr. ttOClal cnlf'ndar: Family and .Soldiers 'Share Easter .With The Lew Wallaces ·. TH dinner wbtcb wlll he~u In tit• ·.,venlnJt'a tullvltln. will be IM'ftd at T p. m. follow~ by u neniDJ or unuwal entertainment. Plua and p~psraUona are belnJ kept atr1C'tly "olt the rt'Con1" but SharlnJt the tra!'HIIonal P:uatro tll• well kno•·n ITape·vtne brinr• !'lnnc•r wttll Mr and M r-l.rw btta that, when put torether, make Wallar·t• Jn thl'lr hnml', 306 ~:'...d". , Pf'OIIl* cf a (t'&J1d evenlnc. 1 Belbn11. Wl're J.t and Mn .n J . Even tr&rulpbrtaUoo of the bou· .UI'nllry ~0.11 o1aug~ Thl'r<'/11\ t • wtll be In the ('&nl of Jhf' cirl•. \~a Ang:dea; Mr . a nd Mra Ray·, ~ B&omqv~ '-diitrm~ of rrond Mtln~ n~r !Ul<l .thliiJthlf'r lA'W' -taM-•~ ~ an& t. belnr aided by_ ann of Coat a Mt'aa . .Mr and ~r11. C W ~ ~11;-kll-ap<1 --• ~--:---(.'harTrs nt ·:--;, wporl nnJ ()•I 11111 O."M . Campbells Are 'Llv•n~raton . r I-''" An,:C'I"" H F -d Tbt' rutlviUu tuuJ · 11 <,J.ouhh ' bsts to rlen s mt'anlnJt for,lhf' jnji'IIS Ill' !liP 111\1111 Over Easter Week c!ay nr )Ira. HC'nd,Y ... .t. v.ut•·r Catherine Easton. Society· Reporter • . A HAJI.CIIOCIITDJ TAilm.Olli • FDI HAPPY IILH¥YS o _ 1JI keeplnc 'With the Euter 1 The arttat bu cMdlcated tt.rwlr ---:----=""'------------- 1 theme, member~~ and llJUU ot toT many yean~ to br1Dpc to ltt. .r------------,"" Ebell club we~ pn~Ueced to beat .the ('~re<"ter• . <"rut.ci by the ' ResiMnce Phone 69(). W • • •f IJ&nlmo.:unt lnterf'at In the tl4r1Jor •~• 18 the enn uncement or l he maniace of M'laa )fOil& )ok. lo l•·•· to Philip-A. Hayden , Fir.t C" ,,,.. Petty Oftlrf'r in the eoa.t r·oo rd. wblcb took place at the Co&llt Guard .8ue In K•tcbUian. Alaska, on Aprlf ~th. 1 oi' w.re whl<'h revealed the """"~ wa• brll'f with tbe promlae rtf Dl"'~" tJet alia later. 'the b:1de wbo I• a rea'dent or I\'• rlh H llywtlOd. rec•otly joOmey- ,._. '" the' Alaaltan city to become tile, bride of tbe Cout Ouardeman. w " 1:. atallon'd thn-e. Till' grOom ll the lon or Mr. a.nd ra 0 Kar Woe. 1817 Eaat Cmtr-al. r lllfl~t. and l1 weU knoWn ln thla d.s'rlct Special Night a pro&nm of beautY" and ~twplra. world'• Cftat.ul poet. pel aut.bon. M • f Uoa oe n:.uraday atumooa when tn an ·un•orgf'ltable muner. Sbe eeting or Harbor Beatrice Crall. mualcal narrator. Ill poPNHd of I dlver .. flf'd n~r-1 High School n A accompanied by Grace 'JUe<~, plan-too~ and ,widl amoUooal r&nle.. • · lal, wrre preiM'nt~. The bu11Deaa meetlac prec.dlnl DevllltUl.C rro111 thf'lr uaual afternoon ~bedule of meeUnr•. the f '. T. A. o. Newport Harbor High Schcol wUI p~ae.nl .l41~r Mn Blumstein at a night gatb- -:r lng. Thurllllay. April 13, at 7:30 o'clock, deatgned to make ot poaslble for rathcra of the stuo.Jenta to hf'ar thl• t1ne •peak- ~r_ Mlu CraU ~~oet-for bt'r f ll'lll the_ prOK~•m wu preaJded oorer by number, to r ive n cerpta from the pre• dtnl, Mra. C. M. Deaklna poerre and a ahort talk 00 t~Prln wllh Mr-11. F. E. Reinbold leadlllc rolluwed by a beautiful Interpret!~ In ~he nag •Juu aDd Mrw. E. D. t I on of Joyce KUmer'• ''Trl'u". Her Qoodell reading the collect. Ht r third aelectlon waa in a llgbt· A nnmlnattng-cnmmntee who t•r vein ~·ben 1he cle\•erly lnterpre-will f:ive 8 ri'JlOrl at t t e April 20 tsted the children '• delight, "The meeUng, were r hoaen lncludl~ , Spider IIDd the F1y". J4arldDg her lllmtl. Harly M. Wf'llh, Wtnnefred I w ide range or veraattlfty. lbt' nut J,... Woldf'nberg ancl W. R. Jl'owler. I J:8VI" a aplrllual lnttrpretaation or A.n lldditional hlghll(hl Of the Majo.r Blumatt ln who 18• in Lord Edward Arnold'• "Ruurt't'C· afternoon Wl\11 the reading by the the paychol_ogy department of tloh". pl't'!lltll'nt. Mr1. C. M. Deaklna. or the Ranta Ana_ Army Air Bue. 11n original prayer for our bOYI at Is a former profetteor or neuro-Between thf' two groupa or Mt. paychiatry at the Unlverllty of C rall'• eel~loa. Mt. Reed playell -r. Mlnntaota and Ia well qu&ll· two of her own compoaltlone, The a!~moon oloaed with a lea fled to ape! on "Paycbiatry In "Minuet" and htr own varlaticlna hour In charge ct l!1mt'l. t<. V t .. e Auny". ~~~~~~~::: ~~a~ a~_ Eann· 1 g:~~~n~ E . Hel~old and C. J4. mataJia U n of o!fl<'t'rl w ill be "' ,. ~ o.Jay • _ <'Ondurtell by Mra. Albert en<"ore, ah• and Mlu Cra.ll gav~ College Students _ j Spa &kce. Dorot~y .Milu' ''What'• In a Rolw rt II Easton, mm2 t' or th7-'" I -----·. ------------t".&!!!S..· ~u.br<'~ Jl-~' l q_tests of Cadins . , -For t e;·.e<'o1id.,1>uP,Mt•'erafi,timr tiltS \liN'k. ·il_t-_.,_,.,==- One o( the many '""'U:PI or col-r.cOMING EVENTS <'ho~.t> "llh~rt poem. "The ~rple tionl'<lm tht-Ea"t and has _ ... -·-• .. __ .,lrta and Eutu C&ntlcle by cently bua tranaCtrr-ed to llder:, g~rla who enjoyed the m&J:~y WE.PNE.SDAY APRIL 12---'C'PiiM,.fll'nrTfMn'"Towne.·· .JHum~ 'OIIIf ollrr510Cia of the Harbor overl ' ' · f!it8tM--WMk,-wli•-uw·-Gftll= T~.;~_Capllla Cln;le ~mee at _ Ch· tft y College who were ·:;:_t,~~rf.MC~~o~all1deiSwlg~rt, 'BEFORE• YOU 'BUILD 'UR REMODEL T e Ncwp<..rt Clr·cle will lor d~ssert brlu~;e cm.l a meetong at 1 p. m. at the home 'of Mra. f+..W.e-4~'-ii"&IMitiiMIF-Mt~.,_~~l...;van o~:~eu. 3410 W . Ocean.Front. Vl1it our lnte~atlrlg ••mplc and diaplay .oma. Color ,guld.. planning aida, com· pnthen1lve dOck of ruga, carpets, linoleum and Vene- tian bllnde. ·your Friends (;lnd ~IiJl.e 11ln•·"''· \\Ill IX' hronpy 1 o know that I AAe ill reroverin& nicely. He1 ... 2 rtJd tok f •dur tQ lht' chee r) rornpnnlonlhlp •. ve ft\8 or nerj pouniJ 1 holh!llyll. TMy hav~ Of'~ boet• "of hl'r ni~ MNI: M' tl G f1ll ~ tlltebea fata ~-\ t.o a rouP of their I!OCI'a frienda who hll$ ~ tr~"m _.;,~ ~0 ra: Blue ~pa I 1.0 potat1 eatb) for 1a'l of whom are hl1 claumalea at ' Minneapolis to· be -~ hrr"':unt canned, frocen and cert~ dehy-Harvard Military School In Loll' throu"h th · draled fooc18• ' · t ,. • e I!Un:mtt:r· · • I Anrelea. · After a tteDdiDI Eaat.er .ervlu•! JSA~B8Ks ~0~· E8, f'8, 08. H8, Mn. M11rk 'L •• Mondy and ber1at Cbrllt Church by the Sea, Ill'. j i...s loiS NS f':o dale not Mt. • dauj:htrr. Marth11 Mae. from P'llot-1 and M'ra. J. K. Elllctt _,. ~Uuer 1 ,., ~ ~ ~ • Ud Q8, May 1 ritlat. are t' e toou•~ (\IUla,of Mnl. I ~ta of th~r a\a,bter ud .lllb• t " • Arthur Younr rrnm ~an Karinn,1 tn-law. Jir and Mr-11. Eucene De ' I o...t4ne I who open~d her home on Wut Bay ar.. of Loa Aii"gelu . I ,~oopon No. l\.. t A·Bookl 3 &a l· • Avenu" t•Jr &aater wtek The 1' Mr. and ~tn ChaTIH Artz of '":'::::=::::z::==:::-::-::-'""""::---.J --now to June 11. An eoupoaa • ' ' ' "· n..•111t bfo t'n1Joraed 011 r•~ 'W1UI lolondy11 ar., l torrrn re.-!den:a of thr 1 Ba1boa Jrtr ~aturd.,)-to~ 11 •Pclc ___________ _.111,.: · e carl p1'nln11ula ha~n,; JJnld their home1or 10 day~ at Elsinore where Mr. GtheMerle.m ZGM ~ Spedan.t I ,,,tn.,. n~mher a.nd 1tate of re(i• at 40.) •'M" RtrH-t. B&lbo8. lurt ran. ~ hopea the dry air will benefit tratlon. • Mr and Mr1. Charlea D War· h1m I ll' has nol hHn Wl'll Cor a ' Ti"' ln_,.c\lon · nf'r nf 1,.. a -'11&~1~• ttnjoyed a •·eek '''"'' ~'1"t•ks. · I Ends April 20. 1944. I I\ I tlw \,. ••·h wben they o~ · --- \heir hnmf' •t 1•1• ..-: l\ly Avenur \ C ta M N Mr•. Isbell WiU Th,-y "'"~"" J:" ... '" ,,r th('lr "•u•tt·, • 08 eu ~ws H t Ss E-beil ter ami •oo·ln-t"w t.n a11t1 Mr".' OS e . l Jarl4 tll\lman a mi t I'I,.IT two ~aJI ; OC'fll'f'nl ha\'f' been elected .... \be _ ... _ aon1 for t he F:lalltj>{ tJay rutlvltlu.l Girl Scot:t boArd., They !lrf' 'Wmu. T t.e Book Sec:tloo 'or l:bt-11 Club • C'nmln~ trnm h rr homt In De-l Adah Wille, c 1iLirman Arthur wlll meet at the hom_e of Mia. L 1 catur, mtnftla. Mre, loi&!Um: Rice Kemper, vice chalr..e.n; Cheater ..,... L. Iabell. 1~ lt. Central. BalbOa. hro.a bf'tn 'fl11ltttlg 11'1 'l)e home ctfl Flaher, ~«u&ary~-n...nald- . on Thur..:!a U, al '1 p m. Dr . .-d Mtll. G. E . Tqhlll on tbt trl'~.rt-r. New board mtmbenl -~~"""FtM-GJJ-;clude M--U...G.~. P. Uea •Ill -be Wr-11. Deana Shaw and I fprtunal e vlr\lm of the then of her 1 Joaepb. Gunning Butler, Arthur Mra. Eupne hnelon. · rail tl<"ktt hnmf' when the .,n<'tor'"' Kemper and Ra;; Kuling. ' ,.-.~-----...;·-----------·:.---------.:: cart' wu brok'f'n-lnto recently ~t Mr. and Mra. W . J . Hlnuly »or Greetlttt C.N1 end a Q,..at Variety of Unuaual Gina • the ganta ·.Ana Country Club.', 18th atrftl were hollla to t.,o ''WI: IJIIVlTIJ: YOU TO IJROW!.tE AROUND" Elena L.efltnpell wu bollt.Na JTOUp ot rnen<t• recenUy. Pia~ C. E. LOUCKS on E&ater day to a ,-roup o' hf'r w~~ laid for M'1. and Mra. Leonard .1•w•LRY 11M ITAT(ON&RY· friet1d11 at her home. 1!112 WNt 2oomer, Mr. and ~1ra. Homer eMit"'•"• ~ WatdleL· .£JOt Ae.-lr:_lllg Ocean I"Y-ont. "'MMow bidden ""'~ Jonea. Jl.lr. and Mr• 1.. A. Boomer J ..._ NMfliOrt lUI-a -Wr. and Mn. Y ·A. Ocre6lorr-a and -. Frank &Ad Jamu{ Qnta • Htf·" ~port 81v._, c.eta M-. .calif. 1 Jl'nod Mtwromb jr .. Ann and Dale Boomer, W&JIIyn Hoomtr, Mr. ud IAftlnp•ll. all ot Santa Aft& ud Mr-11. Raymond Kruertr •nd dauP- Lt. F. F Carrelon. MC. and Wn1. ur. Darlene. BALBOA CLEAIERS Garn lon of San Dte«o -======-::~=------ VIIIItlng het' aunt, Mra. Roy N. ('of' of 3t3-1Rth atl'f'et. Coeta M-. Marrltlf't Weber whn Ill aUending llarkrr 8 C'h0Cll for Gfrl1 at Pllto • Now Undet New Management ' Alto. enjoyed F:utf'r -..-lt tn tbe 1 Harbor area. Pressing-Cleaning-Mending ROBERT SCOTT, Manager l!'ormul)' ·'A«J'DA Beach Clea.nus Mr1 EHwo ld<"Bride haa rented hC'r hou~e on the l"eotnaula and haa ll'ft for M<>nlrrey where IItle wUI IIJ'f'nd lhf' 1111mmer with ht>t' 8illtf'r. F'rwnd~ or Mr-1'. N..:llll' Wllkmson wlio hll~-N-··n • c'nnlliWiT ro ,.,.,.-H ... ..,_~ ~ * At .ehlt bonk, reohon ond othen fl~d a" eHicie"t, prompt, depe_ndoble eacrow aenlce. 1he n;orett branch ..au-,• the 1pportuftity of ~,au~ -, IH>nW. I~ \"ia Cnr<lll\'8, Urt<t l!~lo•, 1 nr Hw I A !It ft•w "·r·rk~ ht'j'nu~·· 11C 1 A nffklent aupply of then ~ twe important ¥itamin i .. J • launr•r:t for-Jou u it ia io• ... chllciNft. , I FOU CAN INSURE lde- 1 ~ ..... for rou and your ~ lililll7., ... rnc tb lt t at each · •r hr t8k• a "One-A-Day" ~~clay. I bUr A lAY -IS AU-YOI TAU . _ ' r.jlt It It f \IUf dnu: aloft. -..... keae:UI, ~~ Vtiv<'8r ~1 tahliott :l'f ...... 7lf Red Ct'oas worlti-oom, 111 P&Jm. Balboa. open 10 a. m. to 4 p m ~rirr'al d1caaln.~s. · ·"I Red "C'roas workroom. 1300 l to 4 p. m., aurglcaJ dre•lnr•- THURSDAV, APRIL 13-~· Ruga and C.r...U Clea,_ Aepaii"N LUDLUM ---I Ne-wport Harbor f11gh SChool CJ U b P1' A wlll btnr MaJ. Max Blumcn-~ eet ~E'In when lhl'y m~l at 7 •30 p. m . , _ • m tl•C' ~~ehool cafeteria. :.. rs l erov Page w111 be hoetcaa KJwanla mike-up meetlrtg at· for the membera of the D.D.F O ub B Ill 11's F:lf'clru: Grill, 12 :1~ noon. v. hen It meeta at her hom•. 401 1 Red ern. workroom. 1\ 1 Patm. Santa Ana Avenue, Newport. Bait ou, open 10 a m t<> 4 p m I . Carpet \Yorks 1622 South Main St. IAN:TA ANA Height•. qn Friday eveDin,f. . I aewing. '--· · · · " ' . FAST SE~VICE! ·aE.~SOIULE PRICES!: We are maintaining as complete a line as possible of a ll the things you need to help you in your business-right here in town so as to save you time a nd tT.avel. Be sure to ~k us lf we have what you need. Some of these are closeout items; no dealer~; we reseu.e __ . the right to limit quantities; sales tax not includecb · ,_ Add Machine Rolls. asstd. si2es 1.5-20c Availab!lity..Certilicates ~Jllhea~ _Ruled-plain or printed 81.<~ x 7 .to 14 Binder, 3-rin~ 8~~ x 11 sheets $1.25 ~sh ~~r~Rons;-a:Jl mit'ks ·~ Celudex %-inch clear index tabs ~ip and Arch ~T.ds. all stzes 90c and up CUI». Bulldog and pape.r , asstd sizes Columnar and Accounting Pads. all sizes Counter Checks Credit and Debit Pads Dally Analysis Sheets. 500 /for $5.25 Dally Cuh Sheets. 500 for $2.95 Daters. 75c Desk 1'1Q_es, letters or legal size En vel~ Columbia Clasp, all sizes to 10 x 15 Manila. white. all sizes. plaln or printed Erasers-Art Gum. typewriter, Klenzo Pendl-type typewriter erasers \ E.11tima t ing S~ts . .. File Folders. manila. all cuts. letter and legal sizes. $.'tOO to $4.00 per 109 -Fife. Gu~~~tboa.rd. letter si~. 2.25 Fill<'r.o;. notehook. punched. rulro or plain GlassinE' Bags • -.L. Gumn1<'tl J..alX'Is tnrtcxes. all sizes Jnd<'x C':-.n ls/rulcrl. nil siz<'s flde~ Si~na~ . • _ nks ·\\'ritinr:. bottl<'~ or qunrts St<'nl'il. in<i1•1ihlc, India. st:l,nRi,rlg. tnvl'ntory ShN-ts 1 .<'dg<'r Jt'<ier.o;. section<~l post IYJX' (..Qgal F onns. notary. etc. Letterh€'nrls. asstd. stocks nnd rotors print..O as per yollr inl\tructions l...oose Leaf Flllers Ml'rchandlse Tas,tS Mimeograph St('ncilo;, tAk(' 81 :l x 14 5heet MlK"llagt> Note Books, memo, etc .. asst sizes, plain or ruled ~ Paper. bonds, thin papers, colors or whJte, -an sizes, typewriter, mimeograph Paf)er--cllps --- Payroll Records Paste Pencils, le~!d, colored, china marking, lndellbJe, automatic, stenographic Pencil leads Pen points, all kinds Price Book Fll)egl 8W X 11 Postage Stamp Moistener, chlna Ready Master carbon fonns Reception Cards printed to order _____ _ Receipts Ribbons, all makes typewriters Roll Memo Pads Riders Sales Books Sales Tax Exemption Cards. Fonn No. 103 s'igns. For Rent. For Sale. etc. Stamp Pads St.ation<'ry of all kinds .... Sta't~men . 817! x 511! - ,Supcrdex Roll Labels Thumb Tac~s Tyfl('\\Titl:l' Paper. ,,.·hit~ 'or c<~na{'Y St'Cond" . TrpcwritC'r Ribbon!':. nil mnkcs _· -~· .• ... DESK CALENDAR 194~-5 x·s Complete wlth holder: ~m for each da~-'of the year. Get· one _.ooay. Only $1.,.,-- .. Newport Balboa NeWs-Times ...... u ... u ....,_. ..... ..,. die............. l 1-1d IS•. _.. . 1 ..... ' ... tf aa.Aat-. , · -c~ a.,.. t1.00. r.o'l.l ~ ~~~~~!1~~~~~~~~~::=·~===~==~ U.. ad w. eel1 u::d:h~--~:··=-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ...................... ~~~~~~~~~~~ _JI___, ___ ,_t---\ -------------------------.