HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-04-25 - Newport Balboa News Times,. -. -. ,L • fH 36 ye~ the ~at advert~ing medium in dae newport harbor district 'h -tr * the n~wspaper that goes 1'home Buy Bonds to End War •1 . ~NEWPORT · . BALBOA KEEP fOITEI! R ::ew:~:;~l]·h\~S -~~) 1 ~;;~=-~ Quicker "EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA. WESr NEWPORT, S£A SHORE COLONY. LIDO ISLE. NEWPORT ltf.IGHT<;, BALBOA ISLAND. CORONA DEL M~OSTA fetESA VOLUME ~VI . NIE:WPORT aiE:ACf• CALIFORNIA, T\JUDA'V . APRIL ~ 194! " • ~ --------• .Jifl«t.-:-; · ~MaER JJ , ~:~=~~-w~kt ~~ ~~-( • 8 1· Jay Hard•·man Is Braden F·lnch Elected C hamber's Ha rhor comm it-I 0 ty OW lng contest • • Big Marine t~st Call For tee. SQme Atte nti{lfl \\'fl~ I un Now Navv Lteut. • Blood Donors • &ivt>n to the probl<'ms of I Off I El I p d f ( f ( sport nn~lt'fl' a nrl romm<'r-s Cl· . . ln "llpel'lttl annnunl't'mrn from ectri·C~ \\'llh llnll•·ir "ll'n "'"' rf'j,;I,Oir... resl·· ent 0 .· 0 . clnl fil'hermen and location~-0 . ose an ICia 11 ... t .. th 8\ftet. """" n f•Unl \1111: lllr thr Ill,,, <¥ hla u'fll't'f at 4 nta " 1 .• "' 1"11•1 """"h ,_ "'"'t'tl 111 fo r th<'m . In this t•o nn('('tion ~ / 1.-Al1!1•'1c-s. Jl•·ar Ad miral I. C. F mnkt' ,1t. Initial vt'IIIU '" thl' t ilt! com~ the thought tha t some j'T 7 fl h b d d John!lon. ll(~rt.or tlf Navai Officer • H lw•r •r-. In July, r .. ~u·11 r '"'""'" (•t D d St ~-at COI')Sideration !'bo ttld IX' ~IV· y een or ere rnwurt'mt•nl fnr tht' F.lf'Vt'nth lrm ere I,,, "·"'' '''"'11 t h l'o~tll:h "''' ~o n I y a . an ey qui s ell to a •place wh('n' n'pidi"\T a as l d ,., "'"" 111111 will ···•nttnuo• I ' lllllkl'r ' . . t 0 ~ts couJ"' "-h dl~_. J. N•vRI O•~tnrt. t day revea t :.. .... u lA" a n ~"'· "' I ,. ''"' tn p "'" r"11rt .,,"""·1111· plctUreslli.Je' ()C('Upation tha t "'--' lhrt Jav IL llorll01an, 34. ol 223 , ,. h """''h un'U Jill)·· 1-41111 ·-attrnct~; hu.n)l~ or_ ~pte Top S·nhere Hurlers A't.trsa-• Hundreds at Bal-VIa Rll,:l'na udo lalllnd. had t>een s •I •• •·· th·· '"'j:''~' , .. ,., .. ,. :-. .. ,, ·•··n"r• ..... '"'"'~· ,...,, .• "' ( 'cnJJl<'ilman l•'orred to Re_sioon u a t all t im es. \\'tth t hts rotth1 .:r ~ l'"'-., • '• u 111 "~""';11 1111 llrt)ll'nant IJSI In '' • It •' ' •~<·••m "fl thr l'~trlfl., '""'' nu•nth T11~r..lay nwml111e , s•• Chamber llead Uue to ltulinK of Attom~y. Dr. Gor- -OOn Gmndy Named fe'tn-.t Vit"e Exftlltive com £> n w ha rf from wh il'h . boa's Sportland . Owr W·eekend. Scores (II(• l'l1lh•tl ~1"1"" No val ltt'aH"rve. ('" fi>l I h• ,.,. "''"'" "''" I;,.·,,.., A f'l' I ::ith .... lito• .... ,. I I "'" they ,CfiUiri St>ll their catch • 'If be h ked Wed s.. .l" N" ht 1'"r"'~' n•portln~ f~>r llrt ve duty C'u "' •· " I • "'' • ,, "'"" '" qtt•r· I ·~•· 1 I '.)II' rur lfllrh••r r"" •••·11'• anct"'·to the 'Vrite"'s m inrl" WI c ec ~ _!l~~~ tg --a!_ 1\_!!aval ~t.Abll.abmrnl I .... 1 ~··· " I ·11·· r--11 .. I 'l''' ~ .. , .. ''" ''"'·~1··11 rlllj: In miiilr 111\11 ltltl ..hAt 1_. ~ f • IJ11rdlr.llll Wtll 1'110 I" elt' a I'OIIrllfl ol it<l• ! I .. I' o• 1'•·\"lo•ll \' IHI' ""'11 1!'11\' I h lf t.lno' lltlr\lld lllto•hntl\11. no--VG"~tt-r -~t · eou n ·u.: n -1 1 t t the f d ct h I h bee h. •· I . the Oi'nn •c CO\tnt\' bowl· '""'ttl '"''"' I r nil ' ''" a one o ed I' f', ""' ,,,.,,.,. ': .. •~·,.t ~ II•" ::n47 ''' M r" Wilt •m Purl••·•·, '"~' • Hrlll\••n 1-'lru·h. fllll}lll).:t'l' nf ttw fumnu!l K.-y F,nctl Ot-nlm- or<' tan som<'W l 'erc . So kN•_n as n t <' IIVar~ m d 'I ~ B<ltl<'. ~ . ·"''" >JII·It·nt "'.t••· .. r Ill' Ioiii. He ! ,,,.' , .. ,..,,.,.,,h's'•" htt"".,,·, .. .,,,,"'"''"r'"'"''l ruru >"'" •I•••• it~ a nd flll'tnr•.r "t''"~'P:'I"''.I'III111l . Wlll'l t .. IN•tro pr8ktcnt nl the along the Coast Hig hway-mg cont<'!'tS. sta~e<;f ov<'r the \~t>eken n t t 1c a n.•1POI1 ,,. '''"'' .''~~ ·" 1•. -~orn the Onlv~r· pllltll '•n' ,,1111 .,.1,.,10 ~tllff.,,.,1 """ f'1 turn "''"'."'I'"'"''''"' hv th:; :-.1 11 1 'h C just wryen' I d o n't k now. 1ta!'ld· that a~ o ff1c1a l ch eck Will ~ n('C('ssnry t p de<'I.C.€' the 11fty of S• utlll'rn l~<ll ornla. 1932. 1 .. 1 ,11 111., nl' Thr ,,. .... ,, r .. , ... ,.,. 11, ,1 n ,.,.,. 111 ,.t.~r 1-,,r,.• ' t'\\'(lll(t nr )ttl' ( su n l••r n( omnlt'l"\'(' Mondft~ ~ 1 w m ners a nd 1t w ill be_l~te Wt'dnesd<1Y before officials are ex· -----~ lui f>l" :~.11 1,.,.1 ''"'' 111,. '""" 1 __ __ t-:m·I·W. ~l nrtlt·~·. "'h n \\'II~ nsr .. ~J nut c'lf nffiC'\• h)l t «1ty attor-· As a n advertising as.o;;ct pected to re~ch a deciSIOn. . w--' ct r bM th p 1 . t hl•llolt"~:·n .,,w ,,..,.11fli.U -".111 bot ,.11• G h f nt•y, follnwln~ his ch-cti<~ tn_ tht> d ty c~mdl ot NfOWJJOfi such a location alon~ the . Ovl'r rive (undn.'<l t'nlhUSIIIStlC {'UI\I'SI H~· ~ !l'rno.d'" on• II 1,, "-t lar~tr<l I'"" lnl f'F'1•1'~·· nnol .... v.·nt' ~·-· rowt .. 0 ltc-swh f'ady In At~l. Dr. 'f'o<.>n lon M. G nmdy wu choltin""" h ighway would. attract <the ·,fAn~ crowdr•d Sport bind a t each of final tR ~~~~·!on /In i<;<'Orl'l' Wt ~ 0 Ice ~ p : r-.... ~.n.f tlul'nl" ~f'lt'rlt n lntJir:WI'· -\'I<'(' pn'Shk-nt nnl1 hl'l JIIMlt wlJJ hr fi11Ni l1!11 ll()()f1 lUI .. n.opott attention Of the thou.sands•of the three nights. Friday. Saturdny a.,nnounc'1'' A rnmp I'll' n•pMI 0 ' \Q 'IMIII ": rnlfH the flOfnlnMiinli( t•utmnlt· --------' . . ll'O!'t~a "'"'IJ be published rn ~ -I I . I I ....... ' .. ~ d _, 1 .. _ c _. c _._ m ot orlsts w h o have nevt"r . and Sunday. wtwn the Women ll N I . i h I ct• ldu1n I .. . I . " I );tnt'\'llfol ""V" ... ~ l'olnl'~m s h . I I h.'t' 8 1"('1(.,.. v'"'· . . r--,._ nrll ... ..... .. -. In-been either in Balboa or i Bowliv Uoaf\W or Orang<' oCunlf I.'WS·t m~. Iilii n~ I I' hn IV u c . alr•Atly htu hr(ln< hr,. "' Hllfl n """ .,... ·~~\fiUI\1& ""'onlllvt• whu ••• duo• to thr fact that atr A ... Newport and who would be lndudmg Ncwp6rt. Bal~. Costa wlnnrra and th(' team Q amp!!, entra ve IUI•I \\'tlnllllj!lun "'"I lhl'·, .... llnll' ;,• c 00 ·On , ... lllld nul bl: pn"11t'fll ., the-'""""'' ,,.,.,..yl ·n"'"'JliiC"' "'""' .... ·~ att_rylct;J b)' ~ a display. Mesa. Anah~lm, Full~rton. Santa May C~raUI • work •!• n ... ,.r,. an•on.: ·~''" "hit•· t ina brc'lluw tw liM Mna. P'll'14·h ,.,. ~~~· ;::,::•:..: : To "residents of our clty; Ana, lrvinl.', Ca~. GroVt'•: Lll· E\'1'1') cooperation posslbll' was s d . . I,. rota W"rr1HIII< II h'<'lll.lno lllollr thr M' . F I to•nc-S.-..t thl-rr•d· rwctlr -~~ •• w ...... ... ftshing boats, n et repairing, II:W'•. Bt>ach. Huntington Bt>ach. <'xtendrd to !""ke tflk I011~111'1T1Mt • ,..._ ot o~rallon •hf' atatrtl Thcov • t ra.tlon of lhf'lr pt>ndltu,..., ~ tMt II ...... lie 1\.l!ltln and Orangl.', battl~for !<U• tbe. euccne .that It tu raed ou.t 10 pee l~g w•l .. ,.,, Bn urm'v st .. rll hllllllf' anJ . esa as d h ,, ect., is an old ·s tory and not prPm::Jcv. be, statrd ullt.'ll Mno<. H<~f1l0 or ·· . · , • •u• 1r·r 111 •r mi••JJ~•mpriattnn. especially 'W1teresting. Ad· I Mayut' {)pefttl -.ourMy ,. Hunt ington Be-Itch, on~ or lh<' I Uwy alrl'lldy haH . tar.: .. ··un I 11~1• ln41nA I'OIIf'lfl' In A• I hi' rlty l'ltllllr\btllf'l. ~,.1'1 "' vert.is lng . has d one its work Mayor Clyan Hall ~aulrd thl' ~ most t'nthu.~laJtic supPort· _ ---'fer l nuy llntl •vy fillip• an<l Mal'll'mt~tU, h•• Ita advrrth•lna fund k) .a. ~ · th h ff rt flr.!l mnplt>11.on Frfdny niRhl whPn t'l'll. p~sentrd a11 olfici'I''!C nl)d . Jfhta '"'" <'OIIta ..... ICirft\entary brion 11 ""'1dc:111 tM•r, l hl• atrrrlrd Mr. a&aawy. ~ hiS t~ as an e 0 -h•• mllNt thl' flr.!t ~II at 7 o'clock host~ wlth gardfonias as a Wit!'! 'the compltllon of mo.t of 1 ----------ahool had a• eonmllm.nt •I th" hi-"' for • num• h•nllou of tht• <'"-mber poat. 'llw w en t ngs · strangers From th<'n on: J.innnswr Ll'onard tnkt>n of good will from our nl.'igh· tbe acwH work on Ct>ntral avenue~-" · · .,. '' nf lhr ,.-hoV'II YNC of .1121'f '"'" t.or ul )'f'an. tfl' """,.. rull' "ppllrd what IIAl)IQP he re. \Vhy, the refore ·a~ver· I.":Jch Mid thai nctlon was ·the bor ·city. • ~tween N•wp rt and Balboa, mo-~ yur •tar1"' with an Pftrollm•nt nf ••• rdttur ol <,)fin _ll all, who waa ~t-ef tise to th~ a lread y here? word t>Vt>ry minutP. "Tius WlB(' Manag~"r u 8ch and Mr.< uach trriata hayt ~n d~mnnetratln&" y .I'M whlrh Ia M II'Of:IP t han ''"'' lhtt uhl Santa lht> dt~tmtwr rNM" •thafl lwe ~,.. Why .not attem pt to interest lnumaml'n1." said Mr. uach "Is W('l'(' presente-d with a . be-autiful thflr ability to driVI' rarldly over • •f'r1a.l. At ,., prewnt tim• a,r Anff Jourrtltl a nfl 111-!fl. ""'' Wl\41 "'"" ,~to ....... othe rs who ar:e no t h e re,. but 'C>nt'.or the greatrs~ .IIJ)Ortlng evPnt5 satin cov~rlt't from 1h~ bowlen< as the n t'w peving and on order to re-I . "" In tJw. 11r• un· ... lfnulr• ,., pn\M' '" lhnt wt!Mt tw wu l'lfocoi"' lo u-:e cl~ whn could be influenced by ••vn~ tn , ... ,,. fll Nf'!"'POrt Har-a tnkl'n of appreciation and frit'nd· c.lur .. tht l~f'd ~ c-It)' pollc• "dt>·l Th l.lntltlf'r-,:h. fr7 In thf' lttnderlfart .. n """• In n•'WtiiJil· ~II, good advertising to rome .... Olcalbowltn ma~Rmar·sblp for tht>houn ofwor k ~evot<·\J ,~rt~Pent huelar-Wda drtn tci l ompson ll011 468 1ftt}ll ntherpadfoa.r ,n·t err "'"'"·~ Or Unuw1y. WM .... ~ here? The .hi g h wa y is l\'£l0US •Showlng, ac,:~o.rdinh w Mr. lfl lM li~llful rulminatlon or kHp lpeedera ln 'cbeck.-I' (•lpn l ~l I~·-* "th• ((•1-l'ni QI'"II " VffT pn'!lllto·nl, Wlll~iCr up . ~ed with~ such people. . !...eAch'. -I his rn:at evt>nt, !Nh,lcll thl• popu· Lll:l! Eaturday, accordln« to • 1••7"11\& data: ' I ....... nw• ntl~·r ~rh of ttw ,,..,, IV'ItJ hy Mr P'fnC-t. ee Mnrt · Thl' rompNilion wo~ ~ \I'I'Y lar roupll' contrlbutt'<l to the tout· • City JuJ.'e Jonea ·•o w~r• ""ven G h 1 'Ourln~t thew' on1 \enn 20"1,..,. 1 ol' ~~~ •1"1' 1 Wl!h Vll'r ftn••ldt-nt . + + · · ' 1 1 • · " ' • ,.. t lht• open f\lt. t.twlu tllltnt n ( •1· Ot~ ,.. .. ._. • d'"'(' lhat It Wll tx' at •'Ol)l nl\ml.'nt. L!rkel..e tor , .... tlrll'lng In \fiat ar«'!l ues ere pvplb · han enterftt our .-Jitlt)!~ . ltrl M . ·~ o.Jd th of • Wh~~!· J kn9W of no ·, -~------· ---·-. ----. I and the rourt b<>ll~\'t'll that ~ .. ot ~ 171 of '"-l"ame froaa •• ill .... ','On, n .... I llr,h tn.k.,. ~. -·. MltiiiiiC"r llllrT)'~Id\ nprtAt'd . rt , 'l b) th . 2C\ It' ud" n("oll A-U l'n mto............-tt\ltl 1\ ~ ... .._. ta-J...c» .... prope y avat a e on . e ,. HIIIOI HI~H ._HOOL PIESEIITS I thllt thorou(hfar.-le a menace to .,er.t»o<-ta In u.. ete.~... «!r1a •n•l II fn(\l'j' of tho• t lmo• "' M r """''h nl aet..• tut w"k to naeet o.-hig}lwa y (ot' auch a p urpose, U ~ eblldftn and olb~"'· c ~lallv at . •. hnv-hn" fntt'f'"" ~rtn1 lh4l Y"ar \houflh· he h111• ~ ... ,, 16bl•· tu _, .... 11,.,..;"'"" llttr~ry ~ tmo a. unl~ som e of the boat com -,-~~ AMEI. ICAI PIGEIIT-fRIDAY crowtnp an~ In the ~lclnlt~ of th•l A dJ:I,.gatl 11 ,,, F'ulfr•ton lluf•·'l froMm oth" lllal.._ ,·uti' much I)( It to dvk· "rr"''"' •trndlnc " mnnth In llaut~Wra panaes are to move~ Bu t a -II I Ota.alm&r acbool. u( Judj!4: HtH'OIIJftll ThuMp-w~ t.ve ~ '" c.bK~t ~ur 1 ..... y .. Ar two ... J.ol•••kknt ol rtu· C':allft)mla ... ---- "Fish e rman's l...andin g"-the "We •uet do ~ ~ ~ e Superlo~ c• urt wert In~: ttt: ~r. M~ of wllbt 1ary here., only on the Coast .hl(lh· c'etk. Ole nc1n1." ' '"'oUter. erhonle In oowaty, · 11ft Ml~11 P aredfos,. ht>ad o1 the thJt alrwln~t down ot n-attkl lhoUicl 1 freshly PaR:!Ia nt at NrW· Spa.nlsh ~rtm('nl. nlld Ml~s : be df•n .. lhf?rnughly Ttlht c-Ky ~· ca~ht could be boug ht ·Jl()rt Uniqn Hlt:!h' Sctlnol nn·Frlday. Marif' I ill'ti!tch, ht>nd of thl' mus1c not 11(..-k '" ... r ufco tarJt•· am~mta dlreet from the fi~her·mfn at April ~R' at .f!:OO p. m Tbr ro• will dPpRrlfl\£.nl _J)IUUR:e t'a~• will1"' ftnu, lillt> "'"mr ollwr ~a11tal ~ 1'£3SODabJe...pl=icc.-wouid bl> tlf''TIO'lf.,nh-.:Ym'f('(" _..._ bt' COmlt''· ... rl-9f.~~t.ll-l..-H.__IIrl'll.ll. nu\ 11\af war nJnlfll atid re: a great a ttraction. G ive n w-M"I'R nl. r•·nn>'>Pnlin~; t1)c Spfmil>h cfa.c;!i(',.. anti thr ml~<·<l 11trntnt" w111 ''" IIU(fit'ie11l to caUM flarry W <'lch such a n adver· hl&h liChool's contribution to Pul)· Mlorus nnd Orc"hrstra All<o. ll~l»l'l· 811tn drivl'r .. '" modl'rrt:t lhl'tr tlsing asset aS "F~he•man's lie Sc~" WN>k. will hP ·pr"""f'f!Hod ln.:. In 1~ work ~ ri"''Wiurttnn arf' "1"'"•1 tht"ll)!h tht~< c ngutcod bUll· W harf" -w hich would be rQI' th~ pu~ or p~ot mg ~t· ~~l"!t Edwart1~ ~1"" rknson. :O.t• · n· ~~ arr11 •· ' ~n by'th<.' thousands ~r m {)o t't frtl'nthhiP l:!nll Unfll'tO.I /ill<hrH! l-nl1k and Mr \\nrdl'll. ()frio"t'r8 ~urrm•·r.l! • th t -h . • d ' llt'IWI'f"'\ lh•· :.ll r•·pttliltl',. "' Sndth Jn.-irl·•nt<llly. lhl~ \~'Ill '"' ,,,. hr· j•lh (1(1<1 ·P· cars a pass Ct'<' a n Am,.rfca and thl' l'niiNI "'"' ... ' Unu llltt-fttt:h t fiiO~tmn 1o llr pn·· e <' 1... ll I ·-.... ~I"'TT!nnlll dnrnlt1.,:~1 lnn '""''''' ut lhl' hr~:h '<'IH)(rl ,,,,..,, • · t h nl·..., corntn n·t~·O · -·~-P'"R 1a10t .tnvm.: "n11 llr" •J~.tnJ( • --~ -= -t ~"·~•o.,•• • ' · .. • ~·>~•I J""· 111 l'or\llnj,: lo PoiR'r C'hl..t u re ~1\1(' uliS!nC'~s Cl'fl <'t a n anti mu,w. lh•· ul••:ll~<-011111 l'll~1•l/11~ 1 !~10. 1\hcrt•th•• .llfK'I'I'II:r ·. 111\1 S. HtldgkJI1,..,n 19th four postoffll't.'S, wou)<f ~ne-or our ~""'h Am••rir:m nf'h:hh(•l • rmaror,.· w;r, 1!"."" Ctl lll'l'l~ or fit. mUt'h mot"C t ha n· U •SUCh w1ll hr VI\ Icily rl••tn<'t•-d ;-.: .. llfTl" thf• llarlv" .&n·•• <.~n• co~thaUy m· a atfr::trtion \\'a~ l<>ertt<'d anrl l'lrm·l ha~ lu•.•n 'I'·''' •1 '" l'rtrd tn ;ollo·ml. H••11wmh••r tlw \vhe~ it· WOu ld ~ Sl'l'rl m:tkP lhi• lhl· 11ltl":•n1!111" ffill •l d:rl•• Apt'tl ::M AolJTth:-11111 f11•c• n'IOStly IJy fhe temporary anrt r•;thhilm:tiU f'VI'nf nr IIH •I how.f nnd no 1'1 ~•'1'\o•ll '1'011-. Tl•,. lhr,... hu••• Uat'd In tt~IIJ ""' 'hll•frrn to ""'' ''""' .. h•••l ""''' ,,,, V• ,,.,,. "' "'" Nrwfwtrl '"'"''h ect •• IIIP< ""'~· "' t14onal<l w ...... ;.,, !o<!i ll mllf'l ''""' 111, ••"'"' '""'''" v.tll h ii\'P, lh•• "l'l"'r 1111•111" 1:\ll'll'uaat tlt.hway,<'•~ "'''"I rot llo h• ul otnlll Ap 1l Ito! Itt tnntl v '" ""l'l"'rl I •• $1 1101,1~10. lwt1l1l All llool MaT l 'd ts f ... • \ t':lf pennancn J'('SI <'n ° Our . nw plnl ,,, thl" PllCI'IlO! 11'1•·1\•1 D~id· Holtby Commissioned; Fath·er· AUends New Officers 1 For Viking . · Saili~g Club 1· ,. "' rr,:: thl• '"'·" ll milo••, 14~1,200 .,..,,. "'hi• It v. 1it ,,.. "I' '"' ""'!' 'I" Tit I' l,tllll"'""'' l•l•nl whll•h wlU , r1 t.ltoofl turvo• ~ll•lo•n lh<' l.tllll~<•,. ,\Ill\' I III li •11••1 lll••t •·liv ,..,,y,. ,),., "' • ~tmmo~<llllr ( kln!WrprtPft and community. :m•und Ill\ Am .. rirnn r.omll\ \\ h u "'"' ,. thu 11turl ,, 110 "'"'' Ill ~f•· • r,,.,,,.,, !" h•••l • 1111•1111 n• nuw •• r•u111t. 01t ~~"' luw11r tour ........ + + + mnkl' a '"ur tltrPIICh L~'11111 ,\m· (•·mlwr." '"'-''"' .. .;,. '" lit•• '"'II,."" r,.,..., In "'''""' ,,. It• •••(t at <'nrona tiel F'o rty m"f!lbt"r" of lht• Vik 'lll: _ _ _ ___ _ __ 'l"'l'"'""""· '!''·"r'll"lt "' ,.·" ""' r.M•r tutti "'••llltl .rraw I~• that Barrt>tt Attra<'tion. Perha ps Prtl'l\, Ttll'tr t rnvl'ls tn kl' tho•m Mr. Barrett could inl'OJlX.ll'· (II''-' to Mt>XICfl. ,whr•rp thl'y Vi->11 n RRIIInjt rluh mf't nt Whlt'e'11 1'111 k p 11,,111, ,.,.,, otl ma.t,. 11)1 tr. 1 M•••l"ff, ruonmu1111 v 1111 wl'll u Balboa h . · · h ' typical markrt pine•· Nntiw m11· porate t ts attraction m IS sic, dancr~t. and 11,1110~-:11,. d••Jttct . A\•rn~t' ('llfe for a tllnnt:r mt·t!-1•11~ . 1 erml•t for l"''"t•t.·ul "f lh" .. h• ul h 11111 u/ lelall•l fur He '"1'-'t:atiCNI, Ttu ... anti 11nnual ~ltr~lon of..otfkerr lni~lt·••" ~ l lhe N,.wputt t'-twh Orammar plans for ~velopment .o f his tht~ cnlorf111 l'r•·nP on to th<' ex tens i¥e h old ings 'on the 1 w~t Incti<'s, fhl' touril'tl< 'pr••o.c•nt h igh way. No doubt part of IO thl' awlit•nC<' 11 voodoo rjtual Miracle Mile cou ld . be SC· dRncl'. romr'"'~" w11h nlltlvl' drum~ cured. So e ffectively has nnrl auth<'ntrc N1•~:ro danl'<'~ anct W ertff'been putting out pic· 'chnnts. 'Aflf'f' South Am('rll'll thP tures of boats a nd the ha r· • pnr,:l'nnt lo. l'limaxl'd ~·ith 8 mock bo~ that now the place ls bulltlrttt. with to~adon. pic.<~don<. a nd matadors! Throughout tht' ove rflowing with craft. a nd J')8g<'Ant . thl' gaiety and color nf D. W . Holt by Pl\dllr P:lrrt rlc o-r. Clark aa ""mmndon!, w•ll Thre• Preclnch , K•l ,,.,1 wh1rh wu ot..aJ.--1 fuf' a · lljl'nt tnr Nrwpnrt Rfollch. haa ju1t II'Uide tb~ jtrllup fnr the nf'Xl Yf'1r; 1 'I .. "liJJ*dl\• ro.tt.r• '"' the jWak ,,,.11 "' 100, but 111M a ...... r~tumed from a ten day trip tn Ur. Vandl'gTUt wu elected \'tr& ' L • 8 '"t••l tilt' (,.,,., o•l••t ll"" wlll<'ll I• tu1 trltlh•r• 11•1• yf'ar of 10:1:1 ~A~ Wonr~. LouUIII\nll. wh~r~ he at· r nmmndll,..; F'ellx Patel. ri:'ar rnn.• lquor ar 114' lirlol Ill I'!IIIJIIIII """ with lltr "'""''I ''"' IHI f~rced lu lklw OIVf't' tendPtl lhf' l't'ratluatlnn !'4'remonlt~ ml"'dOn-, Oc-nrg .. Rtnlmm, tli'Pt t'hfl-... I•·~·· ,...,.,, ..... r11tkt, W•ll llfl#t lntu th• Am•rlriUI vrtne ... BoJ at St'lmao F'lrld whf'n hl1 1011 Da· taln; Jott Cok~r. port captain :\n1 lit", • , ""Y''"'''IIIIV I• • 141NI vr•• ,li• ""' llul" """'"Y· tu III!Oot lt. fll't:ll vld wllA commi/Uiionrt1 8t"cond lieu-Bill Croaby.' llt'l'tttary-l r~Uitrt•r RAY-MONO THOMP· l is Denl·ed <IIIC'I If llt•lrntl ltl 1111' u~ul&l """ ""'''" Wlfy "'' ,,, lhr hll(l'l .-hoOt tenent a" a n11vigator In thl' Army F'rl\nk l.akr and Top Ha.nro..:k will JUDGE ,.,,,, "'' 1 1 d'umt•l1.,..1 •If N-, '"' •·I•••"•· n•tr tu hhtJIIfi lh4 ~ I F' lh bo .t f dl 1 10.-.. who Woll Qlv tn lun,heon .t .. t he name of Newport H a r. tht' South AJnerican J:Ml'OPI<' Is pr<" bor is so well known it Is be· "''1111'11 ''"'1dly and rt>alisllcnlly. coming fam ous. A r rc" 0!1\'i1l 111 now In Un· !lf'rVf' on e Jlru o rec orr f"•tl lh "' 1 v••Una prr~olrlll• 1 '/., J, 1 ho.a, hlttlltl l•tWC'r •ttlclel to tb• ·-. ('nln Nrbruka. awaiting forma· laclutle(l In l~e buatnne nf lhf' ....... *llh 1 numbtr oi frlenth l , f, 1i II l•11 ttlf'ft In thr ~tf(rlllf" un a(""'"'''' hmllf' • linn of Ilia crrw for fina l co-ordl· ml'f'ttng Wt rr pl11 n11 In Join Ill~ from Fu1Jer1on. W 1 1 ..., h _,1 •~>·• th,. •·Arrt•krr'a cutt•a" lnc'at•ct ' FOf"etlght of aeaN tl-1 l 1 . FCY A F: t r I tt ( (tn .,,.. "..,.-'fl' "'""' ''''' ~-h) oft · nil, I lrR n og. .xl'erp" rnm e """ ,, him from 811('r l\rr l'nlo Inti •clvl~~t••l lltlol l t. llppllotlkln fur r•·rnul ,.,, .. n t:.th .. ,_t on lhr I"OU1Ida With the ,.pldJy IM ,.....Cna an: + + • Population. Speaking of pop- ulations, note w here Santa Ana has gained over 6(X)O since 1940. giving thc-Q>unty seat 38.000. In the same ~lt'r· iod Newport Beach im ·rea:;('fl about th e ~am<' number. anrl acconiin g , to loci'll fig-ut c'f'"': has p.'l.o.;sed th<' 10.000 mark. This m eans that whilt• :-iantn Ana has gnincd about :JO f"'r· cent. the llafflor · n t'(':t hH!: climl)(.'(l more than lOll 1~r , cen t. Som<' of the wist• g~1ys in t hc'sc parts opi)lc tlw t -Newport l3c::wh will pnss the ·~·ount y metr·opolls in t h<' nc.xl • ,o year~. \\'hllc th<' more bp timis tic gi\'C us only five ycors. to rea(.'h that fig· u~. which is q uite a way· to go. B ut who ca n t<'ll? . . .. • d ·F h In Mr Hnlt by'll pocktt were two tlrven member• now aervlnll' In him tha.l h~ hrllf'v"'' h• ,..,.,. lb" , •IHith"' " ,,..1111111 11111 111 (',,.11, '"' !'l"wl••tl I IC'III'h Oram!Dilr """' 1.,.1pullllltm In ('c1runa cfel Mar 2 • • tll<'krts fnr David and hill '-''If .. to tflc Armrrt Fon-<'5 w•·t ,. n •rHI ''' ~ '' 1 I tl · rilthl man fur th~ jllh ,.,,,, ln•'•l••l ,,,.,,, Wlh ff••nlrft hy rho· •1111• · 1 ' '' , ltrtt1 "" •e 1-lllntl In view, 1be n I ~ I ng t<'turn to th~ roi!JIIl with him, but. I hi' JP'I"Ufl that h~ .. rr•rt ,.... ~·rJl'•lnl ntf'nl 1 ..... " ,, t'qllttlrUlJII•n. f••IIIIWIIII' '"' ,.,.' "''' : I ....... " ...... 1 ,,, N .. w ... luoto1 '" •r•J hu, fur • Jlf'rlllll ol ~ ~~~·' \lt~P ,.~~,:~,.~~ c~7_:.:eo~r .~h:~ , Whnt '''"tt \o\ ... I ........ ,,,. 1111' ,,, ',,., 1:''' I(' Jlrnl'"'l "' ,.,, ., •. ,. I""' , .... ' llt·H•" Y••' "'·" pr••• In• ,. fl """ "'''" .... llf'••tt Ml <JIIh loll( e•r•41f'rly •• S Count Of lontel ~n!" "llid 'r'l" j11rl.ol ·;tlh••n 1'"''" •h•• '"'"nl "' IIIIIW'rvlv.r~ Ill '''"''''•l 'ul l•tl•' Hl lltlftl't i , !l~:l '''II ''''" 1111 Mar tnwnril lhr 1'1fll ' 8 1 I&Bll nf 3f)(l who would re<'eh·e fur-, d 1 11,. n lin 1 lrn-1 ,;11,1111 ,.,..., '""' \\ tlltnlll ( ·unrtur..:hllllt 101,.1 1 •,,1, M '" 1"" "' ,.,,,,. IV. II~·" I "'"'"I ""'' 10 ""I'I'I"IU"IItltr)l ptant llh•"&ld Oat ent l•ur::h~ fnllllwlnR Rr8tluatlnn. Will! Inducts Le-_,·on '"ld hiiTV or mv pr•·•ll•llm• nl """ I h Hh••·m hurl ~ .. ul(hl '" ,, '"'"'' . ,.,., ""' !I t"'"'''""''cl ,,, N•·w· llf• ...... , .... ·r .. Jttllfl<-' ........... n .. t ktnt1 to nn,•trf -Th" nnmt• ,.. "'' lturol f• l•ltttf.:ll "''"'II '"'" 1:1 T•tll; ,.,,,, ,. J""" """"' 1''1'' W• ·".h v•ol tllk I''''"" I 7. """' "I""''" "' '''"' anti ur.•lllall •. ,. • . . W•'rl' •lrn"n frllm 11 hRl \ulll 08· Man 'nto Work lWPI'n ,,.·· ''"·' '" r· .... ,., ,..,,.,11 '" • ,,,. ... ,,.,, ~ I••J•I•••I ,,., ........ " c· .• m.l!<m .... down W .' ays vui'J< ""P Wll!'t Jll!ll . Inn fnr und~r. ' • l'ill'••r'"'' r f ... ,,, 1\ .,. "' .,., ... , (''",,','"·tly .... ,..,,,, .. 1·1., tiw I olli,'tl ··~·,St·•mp"'. ":)7 Sparu" I' ....... '"''"""" .,, '•''lltt•lrtl "" I be :'\t t :~nr1 l\t r..-llnlt I•) "hn t<'~td•• 1 , , Q ~ ) '-,..,ull1w• 1ft h.,-crr nt1 •I rrel alii I •• •I I'lL ... llr "'·····fin\ hn,. ~n rntJIII r:.~. Jfnu ·lttllar~· .• ,,., .. 'v llllwnrol Jrwtn ""' 11' '" ,,,,.,, I M A ·' , "' ,. ; r • .,,. ·• • .. ,. • • • • ~ • · "''""'' tol '""''"'"" '<11;11•" I• 11 u,ut ec•)mpany lltr ''"'''h"ll"t '''''"~'II Third llltt!e. r !h•r~••n,inllo•rvtrP l<:••nn•th wh<l ""''•·r11pnc with lh<' wnr<l "lmtlt•l 1111 lrlln\l.tc ~111 1'' \\' ~I .... ,.'"'' '"''' 1 .. 11, •. ""' '" !It• ''I"'"''''' ~ • ""'' ,.,,, . .,,,,. huiWI&V In .. ~,.11r1. --11\'!111 II !!lufktJI nt 1.':11 T····h. ·~ I'I'IW ottrnr tr·ll llll fflllr"h Rltf'ntlnn •••• ',r JN I "" 1 ""~101i'~1"' ~1 '' '';"'~ 1\llllt• \\' I .ldl••r"'" f,·ltl t\1 ,,,, ~ugar J\ppl'lca· tl.f)ns· ~····~I II>··~ I·•·~ ...... , purr... h~ Th<' l<f'f ''"'' flf' y ' n•· r nt rr.-tunr.: It:\ nlnj( Wt\h th·· 1-:nvrnr .. rl n~ 4"• nr .&·hr·n lh• 'AmnniAn ,,.., kJ•• ,, ... u~ •to I .... thnt .. ""''11' ' I " ~. ' ... , .. If ....... , • ,, "' n• ,,;, .. I • I ., ..... .. ~ '' ,. ~~' plu • nl nl ".t.,tul "'"' ••f $'4,1~ hn:&l htllll hV lilt' :-;urth Amurtl 'l'l c .. 'l·~ "! th•• Arm.v Ill Y_ "'" t•nt thP r.:l . frnm lf'nlllnn lt<IP IRod• ,.,, '\'llYII lw lp• ,, Ill hhtlo••r "" .. ' VI''• '·· ..... ·""' '"''"" '''"' .,,,,, .. II. . • • ,.. v . I 1 q •· ru ')•d f' v "' tftt l"t" httvhtl ~h'fthtil!.litll: Cn'rp al 717 t'nnl'l '"'t!ttly. whl'r.• he wrll 11nlllh lh nJ I w . un, '"'ll>htlnP•I tho· ntl'altlr•l! •nd l>t\HI l.wa" 111' '1'11'1 1 1 Jll llll-.1• nn•l (••ttn:tl ""~'''''''" I• 'I"' i I • ·" • "••·•• I• ""• '"IJ ""' t., 11 '"'""' 1 ,1 , 11 v '"' IIAitt Jl l<'lt\\:ly,\\<UII:lll!l<'hrdll;~tThur!ll-Juno· ~lr' 11••1111\' nn1l Kt'nnrlh'!! n th l•ll•• lh,.••t h-,.r d:t v '-·r•nr>lr f,,.,,,, '•• "'"'-n 11'' •fl••l '\•, "'''" lh.ol V.lllt,om ~~ "" '• 1\ ''' ""'' "''"' 1!11• "l l•ltou • ,. _ " 1\ • • ' .. 1 '•l• 1-. pl•tt•"' fln•J "fw••._ <h\· I'VPTitnlot-Apnl 20 ltl ~I'VI"n \o\'1(1 r •un ,,,, 1:" t-:a!!l fnr tht:o .' rl'· l\1 l fltHIIrrv """' h;. lnllll• I• •• hy IIIIJIJI•oriiiiJ' ·''-"11'' 'II' I I • ·,,. II• ""till··· dl ,.... ......... ... 'I I. f,,, ,,,, ,,,,., ''""''· IIIII .,, •• rt• • I 4 . • • ·~ I II I " \ ,,, tJii•tiiH ""'"'' ''" t•• ....... t .. t/Ot • n'clot-k T ... ··;o.;i'w Home·· WIU, n'umy. Mr llu!lby hat' llt:cn .n '""('\)A r Mr4jrncrrnl. natlnnA1 fl~'l·l ...... ni«v ,.............. .... II ,. '''""""''""· lfllo•t , •. , .......... I I ,;111111 1• ll llllllf'l ·:7 Ill \VII.I 1111111011 • ~ "" u 1 • If,, 1•••·1· •M"I l,.,f'.hlll: wltll h wuul ' .... onsllrl'<l hy Wmjfrl'll Mffrdr!'Wh ratlrtilltl hllkln<·Mfnr37vrllrll tnv-1<•'1 •lRr" rt.t'e AtnrtlrAn ,...,,.,,, ttnrlh f'J,<1•·f · , •. •Ill. \' \, .... ''11 , ••••• I ll•·•~•lo··l , ....... ,, 1110 I"' , ..... 1·"''11 ..... u ,,.. , •••.• ,, ..... ., ··~ • J · J ,.. t lh • ••lllfll•tolut• :ftlf l•llf'U", w 11u.l4 •·•insln of lh~ ownr.-Nlrk lllariiP-In~ l!l'rvf'IVwtth l_he ~'•Ulh"rl1 l'a· tnlrl l•mtrl. whlt'lr"Ffmflll mr mh•·•• 'ltleol In r"' ••.:ntll"n 11 1 1' "'11' ,,,,, ,,, " "'''". ,.,. """' """ '" lll" "I' ,.. (IIIU J•I Ullf' ""' t luJ~UCr I t1r011 fUHI • wirh nf ~n Pt-•lr·. cJtlr. Sioux J~ln<·l! an•! Great N<1rth· wh•J arP hlln<lh·~~~ nr crlppl•·d. Int.• -rtor bt'n• It -~,-. 1 pli• ·• ''''" I• '''" '"' ''"' '' ,,,.,,..," k iH•'•·• 11,1 I• 11 1,.., w• 11 11i. a •'omb .. ThP ho nt. tlE'"iJ..•11Pd hy Augullt ~rn. ow l Wttrk-'-. r.II·O··n~j.'al. hf' tutlol Thl ~ .. lltlt•culltJ)! ,, .. ,,, ~ o} I·' ' l'u-,·,1:·n· fr II«JUsina wit••"'" "'""'' "1'1~'111 >4 'II Ill" "''".:I-' IIIO.IUoll ••••llt .. rrum't'llff'lerla .... Nt~rtllan•l. n ~rth Amerlrl\n rngl· \o\'1111\ 1\l thr Air llR114' hhllpllnl In Wf'rl' M11y.,r f'tny "'"'~" l•aul \\ '' ) Ul ,... "' "l't·ll· ,,,,,,,, 11111 x:.11 1 ... r~""" I•Jirntl ,.., p"'rttl'ld nrrr. Is" Prr s~ln lyp«" and wtl" H bo u·· h J."'nf! llf'l\('h anrt th• <•rf"'mnny ·~· IIan-a. Hofl)f'f ll••nlll' lth llltt ol y 1< ,\1 Anderson'~ .~un II lh• 1 .. ~,., l li\1 .. 11111~ ''''"r" 111• In I .. No•\\,}flt l """''h piMC, .... I hi' powert'd by " onr-hunl'rNI and ar r tg I ~·urred Ill 'r~trrMJn p t o; thAI t;ten Wflftll•·v. Wm. \\"1\U•·rro .... :~:• J'' ..... ,,,,. ,, "''''"'I ,.,, ... "'. ,, II M .... , r 11101•1 r1rtl'rn -horae pOW~'r ••trvrrlflar ·~fth I M l t lly 1 · Thomp~, n Mr IQI.'I" "'"I '"''I'' 'I • S A Sf Jd "'" t"'"l ,,.r1 1fi•••··~ "" rnupon• ,--------------A New Car~ W-ant or ne<'d dle8t"l rnglne It Will havl' a fifty r~ n ee .. All th...,... """"'' a~ capabll' .. r r·amiJIH'll .. , Hrra I.A)Oe In.. • • ~ , '"' "'' lli11•111Jl1 .. ""'' 'NIII k•:.:IJ U:e • one? 'Tis !\Aid that by the ton capacity. and w111 .~ rrady tn throwing .. ar lla.ue t.o 11nnth,.r -r 1\1 Andrr111'm'11 amu,...m•·n' •tn 11111•'''"'''r" "'' ttl• "' UfH rethm ' Rf~OTTERS!! middle of 1945. s ix a nd on~· go In llbout lhr~e ..,~~k" 'F'1nl11hlnR w!l n • • .. 1la.l llf 12 rrlppl~. art ellrtlble to lont.a.l an• I, hu .,..,n nn er ttvr ,111t,· "",, ., 1 h• ,, 1 •' ~!0-22 w ... , t'f)llrt,h 1111 • "' I• "' •I It ,. ... 1111111 :111 P""""• ,,.., half million autos will ha\'t' :o.tard~tlfl'k Ltl Wf'll known in lh<' J> lnh :"""''JIOrt Hubor Hl~th wa" It "'"'''""with tht medlu111 of 'mu Corp• .,, F:natnftrll. 11 ~ Anny • ,.,.., brtn~~: lr,._d frnm " r•w )•• '"''" • ~l\1 .. " r•n•l lel,.r mn"' rattled to their nna l resflng Ne-cr.·port arf'a all hf' hu been mar· fifth In t!,. 01\ff"Y Invitational li lt' Mr DuBIIrl'y reeldea at Nrw· revt>r1f'd tn lnarllvr "'"' ''" .. r. 1\1,111 ""' 11,.,. u thr old Alp'l11 B••l11 .. ,/.:tor I" lwt·llf'd, .,.,ttj,.,. awt&ca.-' place. Docs' tha t m <'R n the kt>lmg hll .flah locllflly fr r aumt Trarlt Me~: ·hC'Ivl un Ratunt•v JX•rt11 "1lunnr Hooat', north or thf'l ~. 1..,.4 .acr•nrdlnlf 1,,. ,.. ,.,,1 WRr 1,1111,11n~t In ..,hJrb 11 w•a tttrut~•·d ll••n "'"¥ I•· '"""'' I" th•· It• ar•l de'iuutd for 16 million new 1mr . HI' 111 thl' IIWDf'r nr "Th• In the 1311 hlch hurdlu, ltkCor· Hanta Alia river and 11 I• a hav~n O..par1~~nt announ• ,.m,.111 , ·,.1, 1111 ~ 1,..,.11 "'*' t o Utr Ytrwt N•tt,unl "'"'" tit• l tr•l •r•t•ll• 111 ~"' 111 .., I autos after the Duration is Homf'." ,k~l \ ed w l..-P1au .>f E1 Mont. f••r cnppled war veteftnll. 't.a.ln St..phru Ia "lll'f'' ••··I '' '''''""' ll.onk I""" l,.,.rtm .. nt tty •h· Ill•• ' fantastic? W h 0 knowl'? Mr. A. M Ra.mbo. •~oeral man· and C..ok of Cbaff~y ..,ICh I:Uia . --..---ltl .hl• rlvlllan w••rk 1111 1111 '\lt ~lrt""' y111,otrrma.ah and Mr. an11 W! 1 W N•• •••t11• tlun" '"" J)lll "" tho· Bl &Jter nf I he :o-:nrth Amtrlran Ship· I In \h .. llhut put, Jnhn .. nn llhar.-d u s En " h. I r..antain fH .... h .. n'• r<'lo•IIJI•• ,. tfl .'1 l'l'lnt•e ""'"'"'' .. f ""'~"r tl .. t tnlt)' he ~ ....... ~. Robins o r S hprt y ue '( . .__ I w h h lth n. of D '4 mneer I .. .. I h . '""""' I l)ufldln~t 'nrp. t.1111 ""'~" n u . onor11 w · •'&'llf"Y onu •· • ~· ••·cnr11•nr• 'with lhr J>'•ll• y 1,1 ;It,. M r An•l .. rw>n """ ~o tUIIII oC l.hr JW' ''"' tl ,f rlnl• r~l f'n11f l•rntlll<"•••l don't. and t~y modnt y lngton. D .c .. to~ tbt' put Wf'f'lt IUid Hn.·ka r ("\»VIII with 22 ft. Back to· c.·v··· Lt.fe u fll. Army to ~llnt,UlMh .•fol'' "'I , ...... nd ~ fM ..... raJ Y"'"~ 1111 fwr lytm~ ,,.... ttuf " ltollol "': ·'l~. claim t o have t heir finJ:ter o n 1con11ullln• tor tht Navy anll with ~., lnchM. ' --"' 1''' am,,._.,. __ ........ and lllr IIII I· r~•u11ib •-r ••r•un 111 u .. utulm~Mn l " ~ -1 1141d fl"rtll"'nrl f••r wh••nt """'lf'T """'"• ...,..._ ~ ,.. the Ford or Chevy pu 9(>. t\ae Ww,...,. A.,..._.,...__. Me l n.. tlnit re'-y wu wn·~ by lrfttn· ....--ment•~ commenaur111 .. ~ ~~ollh th,.,r It'"" o )'• that hr -:•Pf'l'ta ''' '"'' fh•l • "" t..-,...,..,,..,, 11n•l I hi" In Or do they? But your guess "--lal*._..,U. tatJeUo. Newport Harbor and P~ Cap .. WIIllam ff 81•phee, wt\11 qualltlcatlun•. ~« "'''} ~=-"" l•nv•· '-• ttl'rupy the llltt' 1rrwfn th•• •IIJ•Ir• lhf' 11m""11' ""r'"'"' w•ll• i5 as good U an)'o -. 1 ..... • I ~r \)1~ Jl&.t tweoty-bee monthl I kmyr q'-t, \, ,\ no•W ,,...,.,..., ~lall'lfl l'tUmtl.., 411 ~ . ' Ju,.t l~lved : .•-p """'"'~ "' ,..,_ lh1.~1.., Kt ..... t4d~-t ... ,... l,.,. .... ,.,. Ullal ..... of ynu" .• . lloftM! .,. .,.._ N""-.'niiM"A Bldi· N-.en..._. f.:.ntrU, .., lletla ,· .. - ~ &'wo ~WPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES; Newport Bf!a.ch, ~~lifornia, Tuesday, April 25, 19~ ----~~---------------------------------~---~~~.~~~~~--------~---L~~~~------~----~~~--~--~---------------------------------------- • ALONG COAST • Costa Mesa Ne,.i ;County C11rfew :Pomona Graduate's :Earnshaw to Be Kiwani~ Club Spe~er --~~~ A N·G L·l N G A RefUND HIGHWA""" or pllrtlrull•r ll}tt ru t • to ber T Be • . Ef'" l Parents Attend ~ ~ m&~~y frlt>nd3 In Cna:a ldeaa 18 0..1 0 m 1ec .f' WATERFRONT nt•IA'A of thf' manl .... .,...,. ... , --\,..eremonies tn l'hOt'nt" A raona. e.trUer U... .u_tM..J:tl»ll. 01 the etror·a of - 011111lh of M n•. IJna Early &ad al the Or.anr• County Peace Officer~~' Mr. ami M ra.. Braden Floch of n •e "~~w F:lm,.r." built In Ta· f • 1 A --,..._____ .. _, ... tt .. _ th lm 1-. ""'m"'"" :san a na, ·-...., AuQVI&tlon. an ordnance for . a ""'uua uco -ar a tnued e • !'oma Wa.lhln&1on. rw-nteen V"ar~ ~r111 l '~ttu ... , has bt-t·l1 ~&ctlvely af. w uoJ.)'·IWjle cwf-A&w baa boND ,prNI.Ixt IT&""•t.lon c~ "" by thr Wntrm Boat Rul'llf'~!l 1 '''" wll h t" 0~ ..._ '-'' .wn up aa4 wliJ be brou«tlt to I Cf,!l\ducted at Pomona CoU•r• on I''''" l'nnv l11 havlnlf enme rrmootl· t.r "" 11 •t th.e Red Crou. n.l I !if' public eye at an early da te, &I'· Monday lwht'n thrlr daupter, ,,.,. d •nt 1•t F4 rl Tlb~t·a nn lb.C. c11uple ,..111 make tbetr ~ Ia ,· .. riJIDK to' a nt"'•rt trl)m !'lC"wnnrt F'Tancea F,nch. ~elved her B&ch-hou t Hl~rhway. 'MI• boet. ownf"l • ..-·.-d ~ •• r.t o '''"' Uut>h Pollet> Chlet R. R. Hodgkin· t>lt•r of Science egree. --t-th• 1''' ·nhbt-ta a nti ope~ed by P.etr ~:1 ,. Allwtl ~··•rrls w .. a the ,. ,.,11 S~claUzlnJ In Ua~ ,.U.CtnallnJ To II t.. ~ 1 11 1 •• 1rol lith h\• F. M Wvnc• from ~ llurtPn, I& hllvln• llll ra hln rf'hulll 1 o 'If 1 1 tl 1 t a nDII<' w .. o ·•:. "' "-' • " , pu 11' oof " lovdy 11tt at a ...._ L.a~~o· tenloreemeut and llqiiQf .. .,. t · nv •ora nc ·~ ence 0 of "'· 1 u 1 lut "l-:111 · CMntlllll Fink •un:<•r ~&nd thr ~tallt"y I.e h<'lnJ.t •--a61 ...., ··-''I d t\811 nut · •V'WI'"' .,ar· wor ,. t>tt.w whwh t·ulmlnated a rau..r. · ""trvl n'~'tncles wo rkln!! In con-dietet ...... -• "'.nell. wu atten a II ('I h •-h 1 11 •l•ohll -lo-1 • .,,.,,~,·11 from c1 ••n twolnw '" 1h" " -Ba ba y.., t.ba Balboa 'An~ n~t 11 .. Anot o·r r,.r r. " 11 <· ~ <' .. In,; rollnwlnjt thf' rerular practice 1101·q 11n with pu bhc «ho>OI author· •h•'n <'OUrat at Santa r ra now '-aiDII:' llll c•ertJfk.•t~• of bv II c; Krug~ who C'llllghl thrM Jf'o k It vyUI brtlln lt• flJW'f"l•· In rwrtcxi of Community ~. t p,. of the county hav• m•t on State College thll-.wnmer and • 11 w l••hlnv lianta Barbara watrnt bl ••Unol . ~ ~ l'port.nanablp. 8\\ urolt1ah In ""'' ay ron~ e .. ,. • 1 ltntr Mernbert of the etaotr _. l'•·rlll ~C&IIIona 10 IA'urk out aome then will take luMber work nt the A. lot&l of 148 •wurdl•lfll were Jflll 1••uno.!" aolllht•r 1111 p<ounda May 20. ' ,1,,. T Martin Br&UU'a -f or f • llin th Unlvtn~lty Q/ Wa.tllngton nelrt ,vhllf' tbr lhlrol wo:ll<!hf'tl 1~1) All • • • · -,,,.' m meane 0 cun.ro I e · landed and reron:lf'd 114111 .... ...on ~=r [I KMrr p. Vh f' ('ommtMioH • ~' h•J!!' "'"'" h nurrd .,,... Worna l )'uulh ot tht COUll\,)', ln after-dark fall . .... I l'-t 1 CKU_..l t rum the "Oitay II " rap-' II 1 t jo'• .. _ wlttl Ule flnrt ~On• l<'IDK .. ~t "" ,,, 111,. "Ill"-'" Yal'' 1 C"'t•l•. Ia r•·l whu "' ~". Yf> llf)ul1 n ... -~ hu11r11. 1141 Uu1t the atr1ngeot ord· W ltb a head tuU of theory, J'r&D• I d lh I t 1 tAint•\~ hy Jimmy ~trv•·l18un .., '" ' · 1 1 ~ s 1 M n h •~ _._ 1 tor A.I.CUI'l Ill an e •• rr • o r• • ""'"tln5! hla "1'1'\,J:ulnu lit th•· l'url "~ """. · · 1-: oor • w o .. --·•ul'll'ea or 'IDe rommunily would \'I'll and he r roommate are rece , .• N! ftah btlntt wf'lJfhl'll In Stptr·m· T he Balb<•n Anl(llnR Club •llrr•·· r ~"''"" Sf'aa Thlll Whllto,., n·~tl. '' ont>ol at suntu ~lana. • "' *'nd t ht> youth uf that dlatrlct lntt rwme practical tralnlnc. thla ber 18th, a f\111 '"" '' mun:loJO f•1r 11\f' I uno woll dl'<'ldt! at an e-arly meet· ,1,,111 hu uwnl'd t he auslluu·v 111111• • ~I ~tin M'hool r• joining t he Na. ·lr••amlnjC Into a nUI(hbormg c•nm· '~eek planolnc &ad cooklnl for a va-. In~: un p'un• '"' maklnt.: uw~tr•ll! IIIK 1110, IJ for rtve Y~lln 1,, ""I So·hn-•1 Week celebration by ., unity wh •IN' r<',!llllll.tl~tnll 'were glrla' camp In the rAountal!'l' Larl(~ tla ."",." " :{4'1 :·•·unol• r •nd kc••J•Inlo! r•·•·nnla fpr u,,. IIH4 • • • .( o•rtnc '"'I prOJtr&mt , "Naturt'l m••re leuiel1t t h tl "' "'''""'"· "' •·unltnl( tt. Frank ('r•lt'k· " Th l k f 1 1 h 1 caupt A.lllf\11111 l ll'h ,.y · r. llnrr)' ltrrtt haupt ,. pulUn11: In 11 WP•I·hn.; t 'hlmf's. lUI operetta r U •I • now ng up I e BJRTHS !lack In tO"A'n from tbe Eaat , and the mMting •Ill be cooducted Cuartt for a brief turlough. Lt. by ~rul~nt Robert tJoU~. I Uotben ol Klwani&na wUJ be f'er1ton Eamatlaw, USN. will be I aueata of bonor. at the L&dl• welcome aueat Thur.clay. Ht Ia Nl&ht...mee.till& )4.&)' tt.b.-.PnaldiDt nnw ptaytnr aome ot the role• of Bob &nnOUDCtl, and there wtn bi hi• former atorlu lo real Ute "'Ad a a>peelal rtCOIUHion for Mot.ber1J' 110meday, after the lut Jap and 01 at thla lllffttna . mate re,ward, Fenton will have a ---------- a.rman bave paMed to their uiU·I Y non-tlctloo ya m t o epln tor u1. Hl" Mn. WaJter Cole and Children. will be autat •peaker at the regu· Nanc y and Oeony and Mra. Rob- tar mNUoc' of the Newport Harbor ert Lon« &lid da~bter Barbara. aU Klwanla Club Tbunday noob at of Newport HeiJhta, were-fUUla l:l:l l) at BalbQe'a Ele<:t1'1c Grill. lor dinner Sunday of .Jrl,., Olle'a The a~aker wUI be Introduced by tatber , Or. R. C. Rowley ot Paaa· Pro~ram Ctullrm&D Char'lu Prteet den&. This IJ~ YO·UR war • • • Help Fight It! Cro .. f '1111..Hawttl()mr nn hi'-''Y er. ar<,:rt•l~try ftmtl'l 11\•p !nUt bargt at tM Rf'll<'•oll jCIV•'II by the k lnc1rrgart.cm de~· 'unty llrtiDHII<'f' W811 !Um e)l OVl'r taekle (rflftl ttlr 'Rportfh<'tln.: 1101\1 No •"-"·•nlll IA ~n· ,.tt.·rf'd f.,, t··· ····n·•tn"' ,r· ··nt w .. •trl"lltlay Ill 10 a. m., IDd ,,, tho• Oran~e•· CI•Unty P ea ce Otfl· • v .. d u 0 11 w Y-es-this is YOUR wur-&.nd you can help fi....,t It Dolphin, captain Qtff'rlo· 11!4:1 <'lllo'hl'll b<1t t•o:rtltlr ulo•" lA' III • • • i"T•orn suwvo•r" IJy the older lllU· .,., 11 A811oclaUon with f->rt'Jiton Lt. an ... I'll. ver aym"n, "Y 6" tt I ... ht g11 pr~•mplly '" e,•,.rv tur kv ftiOhPr 11 ,,, ... fllltl ~ark-l. t .. -1., • .,.,~n cJ,.nt11 1,n Thur~~o.lay at 7 p. m .. . Tur11• r, ("hl .. r IHputy Olatr1d At. 123 Olam,.nd St .. · Balbo& lai&Dd, I right here on the home front with your' time, willlng-tn~~: coer tn ln'lfl ...... ~. ,. lonf' -... • ..., I ., • I I h I at G•nta Ana Comm unity h-~ltal, ness and skU) At Dou 1 AJ ft h ..... build wu a 324 pound ...... ruflllh hn.U.J n,Mn knd II l'f'rllfiU,I•· tur ..... h fiJOh l..!tn•llnt: '''\llh .. ark•· eprned fur Mr anr1 Mrll Hrrman Barnte of II ""Y .... I' •JIUIII.D .,. v.p . • gas rcra you can e • .., by ft. 1... "'laul(hUr f •tUotl! trnm lancll'r1. hulflnf'll• Katurday, April 2:! Til" :.!llol2 Nf'WIJIIrt Blvd . It rlfbUy April 21, IIH4, a daurbter. -urgently needed C8J'g0 and com~t airplanes for our Ute "Bueno," c•ptalnt•d by Thyl•lr ' ("het•klnac nvo•r th~>lll' bo~lll whlo'h "''"" v·r .. rrt any kind ur IIIIIUkrd t•r~olld o ( lho·lr ann, Richard H Second Rounds of ' Mr. and )4~. Albert Ogden. 133 fighting forces the world over. Doug la$"Long Beach OuUook tor llahll)l: thhl , .. llr ap· brnuchl In tl'n or moore awo,rd 'latl rlllh that th~y 1'811 Jtf'1 ,. orno·s whn hu ,..c .. tved bl8 'lll1lap l Wilton 11\rMt. Coata Meaa. at St. needs more a n,d MORE MEN and WOMEN tC).joi.n·the peara ,;nod. Na\:v IT"" ro r•u-1 lhf\1 ~~ Ia not...-t that "0 1\leey II" Wllh • • • }I till rornml81tlon IJI a lleOODd lleu. NHYC Ra·ce Se •• Jou ph hoa>pl~. Aprll .21· IPH.-a , ranks of production workers-they need YOU! albacore art! plo·ntoful in •·rr1aht ( nplaln 811 venllOII. hllllll(hl In lh•· Wurk nn lhp' 1'wu Nanl'h•ll" at I .. nanl tn thl' Army Air Foret. He r es I -daughter. . a'ftit... 'Miey" do not atat•· what mo111t flab with a total ••f 21 II,. t' annf'l l!llllt C'nrrt•any at It t 'I 'wtll ':>o' "'' l~rudor at "tUema. . • --. Cblef W~l .{>tftcer and Mra. Ex_pterience is not essentia l for at Douglas you .,.... llul It t. bellf'vr<t It the q10h "1'ta:hllln,.. .. r .. u .. wert with " te•· ,.,,.,., HIJCh""v Ia ,&·••rnln.: .. I• on.,; ltf"·~nr lv ·arrlvf'<t from 8 t. Loula. ~,ltlon Sex..nltb, 151 A DILIODli:.-JJ-.---,~ pa d while you learn y our job. YOU'LL find bave t.en aJM•ttrd. It "'" n•ot lito ''"' "' 17 DtCra-<-&ptA In Th•• "'' f'ly Th•· t){~t~l I• namrd ~lrr ~I·•. Pfr lind Ml" R. A. Oi&moftd R .. •ultJO or '"" ~~e<:ond mund ot I Balboa laland, at l!lt. J oeeph tiOa>pl-the ,~work fascinating-you'll like the folks yeu lnn~t bet0f9' 'h.-fa<'t.o ur ~"nt'rlllty "1-"lll,-<'I'Jtlalnet1 loy Pf'll' Marph•><. lh" oJrlll~hl~re o f th,. two ow no ~. hltV" hf'en ''lllltlllj( MT.-and .. ,... t ~~·~n,; In !hi' :'lli"Wport Harbot-tal. April 21 . UJU, a aon. I \\ K with [)o 't ) t th d 'th t kachnL ·jill 11 t11tal oof Ill l•ol h nt whlt>h aN' ruunf'd NHnt· J1itlo• 1'\lpJo , t Jlllh and_ Whlitler 'Ht hl C1ub lm'lll!liOnal itprlng lit· Pvt. &Ad Mr11. Franlc Jl'armtr, 'Or • I) e a n 0 er ay p8.SS Wl 0U ~ .RJ;wttl .. hln.: hf'ro• '""' wrl'k t•.,•k 'T'h,. rown"r" arr Oom~n ... ., Ar1<l,.lltt 111r,.,.1,. )•rival•· ·nl~tmon<l Ia ala· 1 '"~ hrld or• tb,. dub' a pier ... 1 204 A.dama St.. Balboa, at St. 1 vlsltihg the Douglas e mplo yment o ffice. There's : Alllaco~ were plenJ.lful !WVII:V II auJtlrn \lflf'llpt'\'tN jump ''" !<\un· 'lind GUIMPl>f' 1<'1c>r~ \too11t•d at " llght··r·tha n·alr t.a.e. .. ...... k .. floJ w;on;· • J oaeph hoapllsl. April 22 •. 1944. a l a -~gger job than ever to do -and YOU are reara.._IICA--.in Soulh .. m Callfnmla lilly when thN'l' 40 pound """ hAiis . • • • ,...., for ~far~tar•·l (.'raw19f'd, optom. HhoJ.·a o•lar.~ 1;1111.~ .. F'lllmnr . .,n. I neeoed to help do It! water& ,..,.,,. .hooke<l a.nol l•t~d;-d o1n lh•· A r~··ord catch or wbli.-wa blllllf •·lrtl'l hall lwen vlaitlnl h .. r hua-•_·· "'''· S. Atltn anti Erlckaon I Cpl. anc1 Mn. C .. Jot. Huen, 173 .,.y bKamt' lr.,. and h·u Jllen· Imp. one (0( AI Ftlf'l[lt 't bOa la nul· ,.•11" n:adf' by m~mbo'rw or tht' chu-blind, ~pi Robt'ri CrawfQfd, lo .. Alhatrou .-H Bogart. ~lmpa .. n, Broedway. Coat a M~u. at St. Joa.l tllul yea.riJ, lben fur abom twplvr nlr.: from th,. PaviJI.,n·at tblbo•a t•·r l'•rty "" tht! ~"on Ita' PIIHrnlx, Anvma. whe•·e be Ia ~ r •·••x 11nrl 1-uu tll ' t>ph hoapltal, April 23, 1944. a ~n. ,..., ~f)' were alma.! n n·exiJtt. We My 40 pountiera, wne wu 42, tlr"t run Aunday, Apr1l 111 , """""K from an appendectomy. ,Snlpu t first no\'!' t White, La· Pv~ and Mra. S. Hall. ll4-22.1l.1 eoL Ill INS they •tart~ ap~ar·1 one 34 anol thr thtnl 37 pnunda Thr ownc·ra t)f thr "("rNwt•nl -· c 'Ill t •1·ft w( .. r•l 1" with I he Ar,a:y burn. Blatteman. I Second rae~ 11 Newpor.t Beach, at St. J~pb hoa· • "'-.,aln &ad bec:aiOe qutte pltftll·l There waa f"Jat ex~~ •t lbr Mr and Mra. f"aul l..orenlun. h•v•· •'•r F••rt'PII ,ottttlnnrd at Chandler. u n. 4" rt>rtulta. Jlltal. April ~ 1944. II dau«bter. I hal ADII .. ,. fOUAd up and dow1l Pavlll n when thea pnl!_e f\1111 wer<' I'Un:hUC'd a D"'C botne at 309 t-:&~~t Arlz. · · ~'•lrtln • rlrM rnrt'l S orth.l Captain and Mr11. Howard Bur·~ tW ..are o.utornla c--. 0...-t unloe<leol and Wrl«hi!d ln.• lkveriLI Hay Jo'rant. Ra.lboalalalld. 'M!f'y a rr . Mills l 'hylll• .Jnlnter and Mt. 'Wur.lemAnu. Hu k,.tl. F'trkf'r, lta_d· t .. n. 37 Bay Shorr Drive. ~~wpoPt j_...._ ___ ..!------·--------=---------:""'-J-1 GUiabera ot the n.la -re b&ndlf'd hll bte'rrac uda wM• •·aulhl aa w e ll • .,_,wn•-"' Uu Prttrdl "'lllai;w EHn, de ~.td ahatect' !Ioeiia~' ~Ar.,on•l •• . ~~17trtmepltal, &prtl Get Full Infonnatlon Today at • coa:tmerai&IIJ Uamup ~.Wj)(iri aa ~~ catcluw of ~·on all rol Ha~rllftl'ld, Calli .. wh~tl Ia fn· hnnor~t "'''''f'ntly wht<n tht!y eater· F ifk,._r. H~t~~ko·ll.' l'Ourt l}. Wadl«an. 23, IIH4. a daulbCt r. • j ~ aad 8J)Orl n.hermf'n alao 1 Newputt ~d Baltxle boat.. Woo't mou'-tor lte .teal! ~. Tbr ta lnf'<l In the Joiner home, 2178 . Dyrr lflrat .ran• I Wrlf ht jr.. Mr and Mr• Andrew Pollack, -~ lood f_I&NDC. be IOI'!tt tilt .uch biK flab ,..Ill .~Jot, t.men\.nn• Wt'n~ to Babrall~ld !';~tnlll Ana Avr., crunp\lmenUn, tl:lllott: lA'hmiLrl. Shadr. Brokau. 3702 Cout Blvd .. Newport Beach,' &.ell t<J -ord latitna Ft•nk M. t l)e U.IIUal catch Can't come too Uil" wrt•kf'nd to ·louk aftf'r thl'lr' !\l iM I.A·~th Opp. fiancee of l:dwtn I Green f S"C•tnrl racl' I Wrtcht Jr .. · •t S~ta Ana Community hotpltal, Douglas Feeder Shop u. Service u-11 ....... aD rec:orda 'tor num· aooo. nn It, boy• and ·c trt.! I'll •·llt&bllahm~nt. Olrlgt>r. w~th a aat~llanroua dow· t l.A'hman. Bm kau. Elliott. GrNn. Aprll23. 11H4. a daullller_ ber fll ..-ord't.b caqht by one ID· tw -'"1 you! ' Thl' .. c,...-.. ot" uprn'"". f:ti n 'Sha~e. ~ a a....-. A&ata .&.. Ill W. Mil 8t.. a-ta .._ . ·cltYtdlllll Hie total wu .. ··~t ~I " liWI'Ir chap tlown al llw Rl'ot'll ,Landini{. • A. R. Gr1np. wu rec.nUy .e.t. I • l'a c 14 fl (flrtit race)-Henley, ·HE LP! ........ -I p. ... .. .... w .... a 'Fri.. ~ MIDDin from 9t o 1M J>a.,Uum )•,..h l'odn~ nnr1 hi~ ctl .-a nt>w commander·of CouUIDe•l h:nton. Meto.'alf, <.:alklna, Daab. Don l!f'llter-:' 1 wu a ll!e Aver DaU7, Eseept ....._,. 1:11 a.-.. l:et.,-. pl'iUiidi .. -•• t., 8ma1teat fla!l nict' w1to· Wf•l'f' o'njoyln" lunch with Pmet of V F W Qthe~ Inducted )<;vrecklea. 1 S«•Jnd racr~--Fenton. tut •mmtr. ~--a 14 pound OGe Ca~C_ht Au.-uet AI 1111 I v•alkf'd ln. or l'tllll oq•, tho•N' Wll1l nothlnJ: ''11''' tnr tnltl ortlrf' ~err ~lop~ Wlaftpp Henley, Calk Ina, Metctlr. Dub, Diana Marcwartb: "Oh, really!. 'AVAILABILITY CERTinCATE NECESSARY i\1 tn rltt hut mvilf' nlf' to )lltn rhr• ""nlor vltr"mmmander:~. L. Colt-~S~pii~iiiklile·a~·-··••IJ!III•••~~W:h8~t~n~a:;v:o~r;!••••••••-=••;:;::;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:::iii=========~-BALBOA p~•r!" Thr• f..'\Jt'!illl Wf'n>_.Mr nnrl J\11, K••pn••l h Manhall. ..Mr unden. · junior vlcP commander IV'<W' .a ..U -a'ronh.r.n , BAI DnA, CAUF: ·, . ~ur-.lutll .'lit 8 Yjtdlt Bnd Slup P"loyd 'Holt&rd, quartermuur; R "'-'~Y _, llnlko•r'!< ('bmmllu<k-'(•r nt tho• \\' &rlmt, polll advocate; Jobn The "Owl"', "J\1aiden" and "Dina Lee" StJtlt• ur r .alitomla. ~·d··' lhHI. Thnmpsnn . ..t1a plaln: J:<. c. Brdwn., rw Jal•r.&Uua u4 ..._......, c;au Newport Ill er hi' '" • .tamp collt~ttor anq llk"JI Jnhn Uoy1t and Crorge Weber 1 ,Loe Aqelea-('ealurJ. !lnill' ,1,tun..: ""hil'h pulll him .,.01.., Yo-ith tru~tl'f•ll () M 0 ·\d•l. ••!fleer ot :'===-=-=-==========;==~=,;;.;;~=======:V. Ill•' At thu, mt'('tlntr;, I hf'Hrd thlll lhf' •l«y. K . C Brown, hlaoriall; \\'nor••n Fowl .. r had Jud tnk1•n 0111 1;1rn11 Travla, gua rd. and Floy•l II ltl'('n!M' to mak• l\llmlrlf a ruJI· JIOtfard: adjutant .NEWPORT • Get._ Your Ofliee SUpplies Today rl<'<ii'ed yachl bt:okrr. Thnt In· Tbe new bowllD( allry wu an rluliH booking chart~lf'S. too: tnrenUve fot the CDIIta ~na f'lre. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.aff l ~l"n~ W~~ ~ t r~i~lr prow<'• the memtwre gal hl'red at the Fire _ H11ll wbt rl" Mrt Cul'(\on Almond F .. KAY KDIJIAU, SPORT -F-I-SHiNG--BOATS : ' 1944 -fiDE ·TABLES AP .. IL START ~EAsoN 8AT1TRDAV APRll. I~T Hl~.th LoW Hllti\ l.,nw lOTH 8THt~ET BAV LANUINO ni. 2~ 12:21 •:o. U:40 •:u 8t'rvetl rt•freahmcnt• l<!l....anLI..l.lu. .J ta ym •--' .1-iftfltrhfttt .,f N•wphrt BlvJ., Wl're hOII\.1 _ ~ fro.•mlll wh • galht'r~ol fool ,j :1l t·"k hll kf' t n ~mor t r biMh<l:l~·· .. nnl·l '•' Hil l')', uf AI u . l!:N<l rn•H\ 8 R•lllt'r, Wra. Guy IHrby nt SIUltu An-I N ..... BMdl Tf' ... ph;,lif', 3'!8 . 3.7 O:T S.O ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~rn 1 ~-,~ u~o·-~,r orme~ho~~ien S.3 0.4 ... 2.2-G . H T h '.!7 s :o2 3:oe 7:04 uest at ei,qh ts • ... RE ., - • ~ 0.2 l .S Z.t CLIFY \' -·-Fiah1rig. Actjaaont to Pa vilion Frt'!lh ....,._lit BALBOA. ' ·•<. _l;.1.3 i ·U. 4·~ &:A71 1 ..t.S.u... ~~Mt Mol,t!llftll 11( ;>.11'W• 'I 0 1 3. t 2.7 port Ht·l~htll hall h1111 a.~ -twr ·~uul, C Nf!.ir da,Upt •n• theM) a form~r Long B !;R• h !Oo'hll I frll'n•l. tl•l~~· •~ "'"""" In O<f'!Hr-nr on'U,..n~ Yr11. John \\'tilt aotf pmn~ '''"· l.tflot flcu..-."' m dark nl[\l .. _. p m. Jiirkll', n( rtrvl'nrldP • I ,.----==::::::ro============:;:::==;:=====~··l Mra. Wut. whu-e t'IIJllllrn hill· B~V n8111NG 18 GOO AT . L· NOTES from the band'"' aervln5! with the United THE A 0 C1 8t&tea Army, &110 f'njoyt'd lwlof P VILI N AT. BALBOA Balboa Ya~ht ub , near hf'r ~usbllnd'11 lrillt>r and her lloata for Rent 111 Rca110nablc Pr.lc·-. U ve RAil Availahlo • !';unli!IY eventnr • a aoct.ble trunlly, the Jerrold E. Spanglere ot ·• NEWniRT BAYINVESTMENT CO. 11m,. at lbf' Balboa Tachl C,uh. ;;!!~b~elt <Xtan Front .. Newport .... o,_ae, · o-ral M--.er wlt~n. •n~r a day on tbf' bay, mrm· tlf'rA gathe-r to awap Allin• yams M • .-----=================:==~I Mr a.nd Mr-. Bob twftley wm· I arraage Licenses NEWPORT & BALBOA PIER. S h .. llt tn Lt and llllnJ. Btn Chamber· Ro11Ao•l .klaepb Niels• n. 22. - . l•!n Thf' a viator ltl ert.allonl'<l a t ~tary C11Lhrror.«' .\<hun. 20. Balbo&. OIX>RGE mNER ',,.,,.dnblnl f"lplol, Arizona. Wilham LaWtt'lll't' Htlnllll•lll 32: Good 11::'!-h•'ng at All Tl·m.:.. ~tr l!nol Mra. F.dwllrd Tnmaao ol Marie Otlaney Hurt, 31 N"wpurt rIB ~0 l '.i"'"'""a ~ntl'rtalllfld Mr. and Mn • ~·orh. LIVE BAIT ALWAYS AVAILABlE \\ullt'r Kuhn of MAnhattan FWach Mf'l' TumaA4• Ia ttle dau(l{htrr or Mr11. Maqca rf't Bryan Smith wh"l NEW 85-rr. 8nJRTFISHJNC. BOAT 111" m,.mbf!r or U... dub and owruo U c R E s c E N T '' II hum•• ~11 ~lh Hay F'r~tnl 11n l.rllll' HAih••a tlland: Galley " rw11t H.oom$ U\'t' Rau Th•• Bob H~· ... ,.. ~~~ In Lt. SC.lOTT'S L' AN · ""'' lll r• Harold Ac-rahtnn u ~ DING '~ r~tnt.m wh(l la rwrvln~ wllh th~ ell Oaeall ....... , ..._, ..... 1 1:~ A. \f. Nn1·y 111 11 mf'mbo'r ot 111~ C•llfor· "•-::::::~~-.:::a~~:===============::====='=======:d) nil\ Yl\l'ht Club. AWo la tbe ~ I I'"H' wrr,, Mr a n.l t.4no Prn·1' H••\'t'l nt l.i111JC Bf'Mf'h Who • .... nr olo Il l mf'mbt'rll of Uae Laar Be&cb , BALJOA ~MOTOR CO. r -'74M( E. Bay A\·e., Balboa General Automobile •nd Marine Repairing. Marine EIK"tricians Available Fender Body Work ~efinishing f TELEMIONE Nt~\\'.'()UT DF..\CI! 2~fi ................................ NEWPORT HARBOR'~ Xt:W. ('())IJ'I.t:Tt; .BOAT · lERVI .CE I Onrbaalhal ...._ PabiiJac-ICf'mo,lt-lin,: . MOTOR SERVICt~ KENDALL BOAT SERVICE Ia Former Calllorala Ind......._ Blclg. K5% ~ ~r1o J.. · Nf'WI~•rt b4-acit I ., "' Ynf.ht 11uh ' '1/DM AI ud d!CUU! ·Vitamins A' and o You must h••• V'u'"'" ,. aa .an aid 'n prot•cttnn ,.·r.•in• •nfecnont wttlch er,. .,.o r ' lrlr:ely to occur In t hP n"·~ cforQ•l .• ,. ... •ar• enol ., . .,, . • when there 11 1 dth .. ac:l" ~ ~ \l111 •11anun. , Y~u nttd V itentn 0 to I":~ •t•• .boJy male• prvp<'r u~. , tLe cal< tum and pboaplto r IS ~ , ... , d t•l. If' yo u ar• not r.e"" ""f'u(h ~~ th"• tv.•o ''""""' •ntatn\na. tak• 1 O N t. \: .. t\• and Vtt&mtft A an<l U ( •' '' ' .-n-ery dat a,nd ~~·~·urc } • 11~1 raqutn llol:'n\&. ONE8DAY. ~· .· ....._..... .. k -'Lki1 PM1 ''NI& v¢;- W Il l:: N Ft:o,·:.~>r-1 Jl.;,., , •II! 1Ja~:·ohr '1r'"s t.u ;, a.,:-\' ~,, .. lr~'""''"•• C r:t nl<irr.,•. F-, ··t:&lt;• t '· Hratll'~o~n"•" nr ::-.con nu•.Jirn'' •·l;t< int~rL rt! "1t:1 ) ~ .J r "'., h \lr ., .. ,,} )'<.l.r !;• • ,J " , !:1 o:. .. Dr. Miles Nervine (J.iq'!iu "" Fii~·· ..... , . .,, '!' • ··) X• n ••Uf' T, t,· • P1, ,,,: · ·1 ~· . .J,, rul. Jill•··~· lr• ....... ' ,. \'t'll" 1• :1""'"" c:\fr r ;1 ~ ... r '''" •• llr~tbdof' an.J' ~. n o•u• ,,.,, ~'""· 111 tnih.·~ 1'"" ~ ''• ,, ., IH•'t o• l!;,o•l \' 11 !j· '· , ' 0 1• ,,, .••• \ ..... .:'1t nn • '' ,, \\i4o.h t •r a «••"•J ,., •· -~. I• Mil ... '''''•"•' ,:c ,, ,. ·! :\!. 'J , -r1, :.1 t'ut ":r, Jr )'l'U olo f;l I I. t• flr. ",f : • , ~··r\r•r ~''' ,,. t \c·,w ,,1 ,t .• \\ 1!1 •f.• f<'r \ I. It \I tofo•1 11 '·'''"I Ill I ! '· ···I T:~l. f••rl''· 1 •• 1 t, ... ,,, ' ..... , r '! t tf'rt••·. A' f ..,,, ~ ,. L"' t nt•r'~ WilY J •Ll:"'T '''I' IHr IT ~ ~Pt ;f AI y1 1 .lru(f ' ~lvrl' LfTt'r't"''•lll tn t'••'• :.:,e and ~ 1 l.lqu1J 25' and fl •~<~". It, ~I· .t~r.-r: t1 t'na ''"d ,..,. or.ly ,. , ..J,I't'('lN. -. .I --.---·--"'Weare mainta)ning as comp)ete a line as' possible q( all the t hings you n~l tq help ·you in your b usiness-righ t h ere in town so as to !".a,\e you time a nd . travel. Be s ure to ask u s if w~ ha\'e w ha t you n eed. Some of these'are closeout items; no dealers; we reserve . th~ right to limit .Quantities;-s~les iax not incluaeQ. Add. Machine .R olls, aSitd. 'si:zt'S·15-30c Ava ila bility Certificates Billheads,' Ruled-plain o r printed 8 1f:. ·x -7 to 14 Binder. 3-rlng 8 ' ~ x 11 s heets .$1.25- Cash Register Rolls, all m8kes Celudex %-Inch clear index tabs Clip and Arch Boards, aU sizeS 90c and up Clips, Bulldog and paper, asstd sizes ' Columnar a nd A ccounting Pads, a U sizee Counter Checks Credit and Debit Pads Dally Ana lysis Sheets, 500 for $5.50 • Dally Cas h Sheets, 500 fo r .S4.25 Daters. 75c Desk Files, letters o r legal size • Envelopes Colwnbla Clasp, a U si2leS to 10 1l 15 Manila, whl~. aU sizes. plain or printed Erasers-Art G~ typewrit~r. Klenzo Pencil-type typewriter erasers Estimating Sheets File FoJde rs, m a nlla, all cuts, fetter and legal sizes. $3.00 to $4.00 per 100 File Guides. prestboard, Je tte r size,. $2 .25 Fille rs. note book, punched, ruled or plain Gl~lne·&gs · • Gummed Labels Indexes. all sizes Inde x Card!'i. ruled. a ll sties . Index S ignals Inks \\'riling. bpttl<-S or qun rts S tcn r il. incfclible, Ind ia . ~tamping. Inventory ShN'ts . L«J~~ Dinile~. !'<'ctionnl )io~t t~')'le U>gn1 Fonn~. n olnry, <'1<' .. Lettcrhcnris. ns~trl. stOC'k~ nnrl colors p rin,.tPd n~ p<>r yo11 r in~tnwtion!'; L OO<;C' LP:Jf F iilcr<; M<'rr hnncfiS{' T ngo; Mim t>ncrnph S tPncils. tnk c Rt ~ ..t l t. shl'el ~furllllg<' Note Book s, m e m o, e tc., asst sizes, plai¥ o r ruled • Paper. bOnds, thin papers, colors or white, all si~. typewrite r , mimeogra ph PaJ)('r clips Payro JI Records Pas te • Pencils. lead , colored, china marking, Indelible, automatic, stenographic P e ncil leads P e n points, all kinds Price Book FIUers, 8 V2 x 11 Postage Sta mp Moistener, chlna Ready Maste r carbon fonns Reception Cards printed to order Receipts Ribbons, all m a kes typewrite rs R oll Memo P a ds Rule rs Sales Books Sales Tax Exemption Cardi, Fonn No. 103 S igns, For Rent. For Sale. etc. S t a mp Pads S ta tio nery of a ll kinds State m ents, 8V:! x 5Y:l ~uperdex Ro n Labels Thumb Tacks. • Typewriter P a per, w hite or canary seeonds Typewriter R ibbons. a ll m a kes '· DESK CAtENDAR SALE 1944 -5 x.8 .... Complete with h older ; room for c;ti'h day of t he yc~r. Get one .today. :Only $1.4, Newport ~albQa Ne-ws~Times SOli \\'. Qatral, Newport .~ -·· .. , l Pboae 12 ud IS ,. & ... • .. HARBOR RIGH IEWS · NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS,TIMES. NeWport Bt>at>h, rlt.lifomia. 'l'ueaday. April 25, 1944 ------~~~~~~~~~~--------------------·--------------------!Spr~!.::~~~!Can'tyoutdl! ,.,.hosprin8.~1 READ CLASSIFIED ADS FOR BARG ------------, say, a YOW'lt man·sfancy lightly turns to thoughts thr ~omet'l ----------- Blind Girl 't'r "dn&·~ye d•11'• truatwortlll·j havt> been thinking all year! Ah. well · · · . ' Pueuc NoTfC:ES ·~ , tr.MPLOYJIENT REAL ESTATE FtJRNTnTIUC To .GiTe-A••-bl• ""'· . Spring fevt>r rNlly ~ts one down. W~ find little 1amt. llli:Li WANTII:D w , FOR SAI.F-FOR f!IAJA;--. -I Tbe Nallooal Tr&Nicnber'a Socl-.. eating Ivy. and tittle lligh school kids gf'lllni )azl~r and ~r otniUI . or : • . • .....-•ty for lhe Blind employa Ule blind I in the S.....!"'...time. Qf Course, the llefllors h8ve bH-fl, that way "r~l\tttSM It" rrl\l hulliM;~~''"rk 1'\tll time. WT OAUOAIN!'I Oc'eao ll'rollt JUV1CN1Ll!: rtJRNJTURF. Raby On Monday. April 28, at ~le ...... .,., 1 1 But '" •'!ttj l.lv•· In "' out llood alary 'ot, 4011110. nalbl,_ renlneula crlt.. blah C!balre, eti"'IIen~, yout.a · I .__ to make. br&llle booka lor othu a ll winter long. ( Senloritls, as Mr. Hughes wou d say·) T\1., 1'1111~1-n 111 family t04 VIa 0 o'c Ot'k-..... tween Ullrd period ud II d 1 t · ., H t ·~ Tra.-t. Sl :0.0 ('a.!\ "'" tanna. ~. t.NinettH. crib math·e-b .,___ 1 1 n peop e o reot aod ,enjoy. In do' the teachers bQg down this time of year . eawna no. . . t.l.ln r-: .... 1. JJ,h, lalP, New"''" 1 , .... _ tlal Ia tunc .. .,.., Run ck. bllnd plan n1er to nnance t~la rood work, They'rE' busy trying to teacb somethir\g (just anythlni) to l!li Ttu. ~t·t•F.JCIUK c ut'RT UY ll<·a• h 1t~lft' ~~ll ...... ~~·,·nl!'l,blthl• ~.'",• .. ,''lr~• -~..... • •· P. Y pene and pa.!a. "'' aeata.. , tat, and ber -~~-eye I!OJ. will thla ..,_mbly apd olbn• Ilk~ It students who havt> fallen asleep or are dayd~ while 11.1,.. !il! \TF cw c· \l.tt'UR'I•\ ------" " """ c-:n~r;l :::;.:n ";!~~n~u~a~\~ :·r;~ ~ .. lyn tanh• ._Natmlobnlaly ~·-~~rt ....... r~.· '~ beloc g iven all over tll~ nauon. watching• a ll the lovely grow'mg Utln.,.,. ol nature out thfo wtn· 1'1 ~'lit . ~'C~M Ttft: t'Ut'ST~' \\' AST~~Ii "'••lllan "' clean on to•u.:""" t-:tlt.•ll !\01 F.. :z• tf" __ ... B-dway. ~-nla A.nL """ '' • ., .. -= ""' •O admiMiJn wUI ~,·harKed but d y k 1 W~ll ~ , hat I' su~ til UK '"•·•· Tt"""""' l'h•mr N•wJll>rt en. AVf'. 1\all•·•& • • ..... ·-... Aoclrty for the Bllod, I crUtC'tlon wtll ~ tak~n ~~ OW. ( OU . now what W(' MC'&n.) e • reI W m •\cothln hruuahl In tiM-"ll~rlnr MrK \\'ult.,fl HlobW!rll, Jr. 21-llc 8·Ue The program. whk:h wUI ~·pre· he l\ld1encr. · Jl06f'd to say. , c·,, .. ,, nf tiM-('nunl,· nf nn~n~tf'. ' • IACflllf'ICE IAll eeott'd io the auditorium, wtll tea -~ -:::-Come pa, kids, let'• try waiUq Ull au~~~~Der for oar~ 1 anti c·,, ... ,l.,alnt fllf'd In the (lf· \\'A~T:-4 JX'IIIllnn u <'Om&•tomrt'er Nt ... hou11( fin M rt "'"'' Int. room P'OR 8AL~Ic-. bo•, v•ry J00C1 l'ODdlllon. rhoN Newport 1t11.J. ture • unique demontlraUon of Wben we !lfe wllllor to help and Uon. lt'U bf. here IIOOD ••• l'fl&lly rt wWl ' "',. "' lfw rliork nt '"" Mupl'rlur ''l"'r""'f !'o ~'f'AII!I' I'IIJ>t'rtrnrr In bull. I •t·•r ..... ""'Y $37:'14' bl'llll~. U wrll a• MIN PeiiTIIck'• o ~ ht lpt'd, d!vlne aid 1.t DMr-C'uur1 uf ...uct ('ouftly. ttrf••r•n•·•• lh•ll)' Garonttr, llal-W. J. HOlCOM. pt~ eolo. and ~ Gl lary Baktr Eddy. Mr. Davidson Hithliahu OD hi•• Inn llatbna ~2·7tc 1:111 t'\•ut lllahway ,. ------I Mee•· Alumni Harbor's Senic.....a /'' .t T'\\'l~'T WAIIITI.D t\1runa i1rl t.lar 1 .. '\.lR liALIC Completl' din..,._ J0.4tc AH. t• J M • D ft -l'l.~tnllrt. \'' A11t11 ntN"hanln Tl•l' •·aa8. Melt "Whrl't' lhr F'I•IC• trly" I art: ¥'1'ble, tla r halre. burttt. ~n ·~n en 1ft ra I Afttr a bleb l<'hool convention ---ll.n .l.li\~ .. RF:.\\.F:R. 'Of ll''tlrkllll l'••n•IIIIONI An -n-33·211' .llll'. ~"!lone-N .. port .. ~.ite"'~ h.t San Jl'nat'laco whlrh he attend-. Qlok H.,...., ~ow Ill UM J'en"J .lOll"\ !)(IF: 111111 .IANt: ll4.1F: ~ lllal "ar h~J,.;c.rx ICmplnyment. --c' •fi .-.• 4 f l .,d durin< Eulrr vacation, Mr. D&· Command, ,.,_ out ll.n C. a • l')(•(,•n1tant~ . :• ,.lth41r 1"'"' .,. or at lfuntln•tun fi'OU AALIC lAte on ~nlneula, GSSI Cur lOft • 1 vld.ton. while walklnr atonr a T.B.Y .. Dick Ia on a lkll lea.,. rm: 1'1-:UPI.E OF TIIF: ST.ft'.::• illllrh •t""' ·• "':"'','""a'"''· ~nl.l' S6."t0. l'hnn• tr :-J ·~ A J·N Til: n "' P"UfUfTTtaUt latrHl In that clty1 p:~el Richard fi"'m a eever"ll plane ctub wMII 1\F C'\I.IFOR~IA l'F:Nn <:ftF.F:T· T llt.:()I'IOHII: U0 81N8 J'I:""J'"rt 2~~-~ · ~~:41<' ITF.M8 Ct\rtll of dtiiY.ere ·~ Maritim.~ .Shipbuilding is a . . . I Cl'ltiCalladusti'.YI choose·yourwar~euential lob NOW from amoag many high- paying G'Cifts open at ... wertdltt .......... * ........... tr • ...,., ....... pro !II•-~ ltoull~ lftfoniMitloft ~ ... .. Urgently Needed .NOW ••• W clder·Scudcoca Welden Br1n•. rradualt of lbe Harbor•he w,u qltk:ally lnJured. Dkll 1:-<r.~ 1Yl· l.lLI.l.\N 1 RF:Mi.:n l"o•r-,t .~ah-• and Servin P'OB Mt.r'-At--• ._, dMU, .a 'l&~y &t _.,..._ ct ... of 1837. 1 aleo Contra.cted malaria ?'bile J OJIS f'\01-: llntl JA!'IIE !leW 0.• 2:.!nc1 art\! C'r ntral Av. . ••va • C!l\lld'e w~ Idle.._ I Alter talking J f~w mlnutee, Yr. t emewhrre tn 80\IU. .America./ f•·ndnnl• " "''"'I""' 114-~tc-h . 1'~0111' II .• I RIC'VC'I.FR' lloll1. rrnted-or ,.. r hAir"ll, tloole, Jrnnln( boanl& Davl4eon learned tbit.t Dick had Dick II a r&dto JUIU'er. &Dd ~ . H·\1~ s-Ired ·v ..,,.el'a, SO. Yala Rt. ftold 011 ltuy ,...""._ YoYat\a.'l become lntl'rPated ln ah6w bualne~~ the Ferry Commaad Y reaJly 0 . Jt. y,~ .lll't' tllrt'f'lt'(l tu IIJlllt'llt 111 --, , • Oalhl•ll IIDd 208 Yarlne Av•niH'. f"llmltu!'-C'o.. 2nd llllll llro:-4• h ... 1 1 1 •111 Han..,.. Btu bu ~ tWIID• "" tiC ll•ln hl~llll!hl IIJ:Rin'l '"" II\ ltF:LI \\ ANTF:fl \\ 1t111uw y,•ub· I ,.._1.._ 1 1 nd )I tl I way, S&nta Ana. 6-tfe w en ne apptared D a c ... pay • t" 1 · · · 1 1.__ y ·-""" • • · 1 .1 ly·two mobt~· duty oo batUnblp m• a "'V" nnmC'd· lthllnttfl '" th•· •·r. ""''\ llml' la .... a Inn, aln , _ · _ , ~y Harbor aod ~oll~f'd u:; h: ~D· X ln the aouut Pacltlc BlU .. Slll'll'l'lllr l'ourt of lh~· S t.ll•• ,,, :-11 n ... , pt.•r. lla.lboa 3:1-lre I JI'Ort HALif. 1~,7 P'ord llf'C1an WANTED TO RENT ereat aft~ IT1l ua~tn~ 1 lc N u hocn~ coovalnclnr now ~ be bad f'lllJfornin tn &t)d h.,. Ow C'c~ttnl, ... 1111 ~AI. .. : 3 r. om lh'UN, ••· Ntow ulutur. ''"''' 1 lrfta. l'h11n~ -----appe~ ;:any h1a nwt·c ... ~ a prt'tty cl~ ·call while on deck ol (),.an~:•• anct to "n "'t•r tho' ""ll;. rAIC«'. ••mr tumtturl', S:ZtiOO 30~ Nr••p.•rt 11124 -J . 38-4lc I WANTI:D Tfl RII:NT Uo~l\· I York p lh .~FI~ .. 1 mo~i r.cene duty when a bomb came near Ilia Pllllnl lhl'r-o•tn wlrhtn trn ctllyll \\'lt.-.>n.l'll \,'>OIIta lolt'l& 33·4\p 1 -_ __ f'\1 hn~. 4 ,.r 0 rooaut, lo IJ&r- 1 ~"'an ~m r~:.O: partn w ~ ':, and abrapnel bit blm OD hia ILDM. aflrr lh• "'1''~~'1' ."" ~Oil ,., II) I' IJJo:u • w ANTto:n ('ook ctown ·~ m NAU•: '37 tfudeon • wdan I bor a,... nc.e "!WJ)O•rt mi. I po Bill Ia lltaliODed In SeatUe DOW. aummon< If !Wf"\••11 14 tllun th•· ' 4 n""'' ttrra. A 1 aha~. ~~ Yn1. Pnutroef' lhniUa. ..a-t,. wblcb be l8 ar.o ...utant dir.ctot C'Oitnl\ .. r ( Iran..:••. nr 11 llhtn 11111•1 ~ •tlalr• "'"rk ,.,...., adult• M.._. C'all _,1,.1 1\ 30 &eOI A.uhotf' After -•nr Ule play. Mr. O.vld· • . • 1 da~, 1r "'IYt'd _,.1 ... .,. h•·r.·. nnct ycllt ~tnt 1 ''"'" a not •u• wun•llna• S7~ flrll''" N .. ~'ll\lfl Beach !U·Stp w KNT1CD . TO RtCNT un Balbo•• aon ~vea1~4 tllat Piek wu t!Jf.· Harbor I Honehldera •r•· nnl •lwocl thllt unl•·" ~"" ,,, 1,.., m.. l'l.t.m• Nl'wport 11111. ·lwtiUid. 2 or S ~m modena trem~ly rood ... WalloR H. B. 9-7 I III~~·IH ··~·(I ~~~·"'''I "' Ullli\'IJ 1'1~· S3·tfc ~R ~ALII: ()(·un\.o .. 'ront 3-tM'dr. "nme tor Allll .. t. l'hnne A•· 'Ilia --DOW eblfte l&-a..bot... -' . -jq lu"'rt !lio· phunlltr Will Ink•' Jlffh:· I •• • • .. -homr harotwuo(J noun~, Vflne.l• mtnet.r 04411 or wrtll aeao Aur•- lobby In San J oee. Mr. Davldaoa Harbor Hlth'e bueball olne1.-ot ""'"' r.,, ""~ mon .. l "' ctuma~i·~ MISC~EOU8 , IJllnlla, ,..,..,.nt'ly redf'C'urated &~a Roulnard. l.oe An,.•l•. 41, wu waiUnr for bla train w hl!o b~ nff t o a ~ood ll&rt by outaeortnr l drtn.•t;~•l•'l'l in th•· t•11111plulnt. ns t'O~CHF.TF. MIXP:H TO· rtP:NT lvntal In r•ar "'••·ant now, 1a· ('altfnmla -IS-4lp ...... approacheoJ by a younr man lhf' ou~,.. of Hunt~ncton Beacb by ran~otnJ: uP.·~· ···•ntt Ill I. Ill "til lip· Nrv.• .Mil'k Mtur. by dly <t[ IAI(f' lath h91J ... 6 patio. 60 n. • wbo loquJr~ If be wen Yr. o.-the ecort of 9-7. Afded by f . ..,. ply ltl lh•• ('uurt ror 11ny otlll'r rr· .,..(•t•k 1:\ JWr Jay. c,.ann•l Boal l f1 ont••• lttnrf'<l owner ~12 WANTED TO I BAD vl~n. It wu aooe otller UlAn rnre. lbe Sailor~~ erorf'd UltH I"Uft8 tll~f l11'manoJ,<(J In lhr m mpltunt · Cu . 121& eo..t Jlllbway, N-· C'lc-•an f""'•nt, N•wporl S..C!Ia. ----~ Merrick•. aleo a fonner l lU· In u c h of Ule flnl. tlllrd. and I C:l\'o•n undc>r ~~~~ hllnd llfltl Sl'lll rort Rf'•rh rhunf' 1688. SO.th· l'hllllf' 1:117 31-Uc WANTitD s or. bed,_ ...... dent •"Harbor. 1 ·rourth lnnlngt. Thr Olii'N ICOI"ed ,ot lh•· l'uJlC•nor Ci11111 ur th•• _I-. --r -wtll take Y••r'• 1-..:C to tiOO Fred wu .tud~nt body prNident their nln11 In the four1h, elsth and IC'nunt~ or nr11n.:•· Stnk ul ('ul'-80AT8, 8l1PPI.1!8 I WANTl'D per month ~e I, Ill Ia. eevl'nth. urtll"• r n .. run ort Bol• forntn lhl ... :lOth oiJt~ nf· !\lurc·h, FOR SAL&--· Loll nf l ll\lll r leao uaed care. 10IIIh lit , l..ol An1et... ~ Of Ule cl ... or 1935 and wu alan In tbe fou~·th ·Th,.lr rrmalnlo< atll 1944 • --' Will ,,.y lop Jll1ce ,. l'l_,l lTITt. . . U....tp run• came at the eapeDM ol P'l&D·j tN•nl t 11 J Snulh, . I 00AT8 nut: Bold and TtadeoJ 'riiiCOI'lOIUI! ROBINa WANTED TO BUY 1 &I'&D In the alsth and •vent.a <'llltnt) (1,.1 k nr till' su1~rn11r ..Marin• Ena1n•• and Part. I lo'urd III&IH A Bervh .. n, frame• tCoor\ of thf' S l•t•• uf C'uhfom111. JotAIUNto. ttl' !.'.'AuF: ANfl . :!2nd It ('rntn~l An. WANTI:D T0--:8-U----:Y--Ll--p--t-vu_t_· •· joumalll fJl while on, u.~ lt&tt be . -I in nnd for th .. l'u•mt) nf Ot an~;o• . MFG. <''0. Nrwport 1141at'h f'bone 21. boaf'CS ;otor and lllt't boat or • ~k It up prof-.ooally &t\ar ·p J. NoT.IC .. S • 1 R> A I. llol,·hl'tll'k, 1>•·1"'') ~10$ C.ntral Av•. Pb. :zua.w 241-llc •mall aaU boat; aleo u b. p. lon. He 1.t uow on tlle ltatf UaLIC: ~ .,. of the 8an Joee Yercury·Herald -.--.. Nou,... • Ne~ llf'ub. C&KI.;.,.tt<' ISinJAnON WANTEJ):.. fler~r1c mlltor, l'urf As-n~t.e and the proud fatber ol a three IIIOTICE OF IAlf: OF ITOCK APf>J-:,\RANCI-~ "A ~h·l ••nlfunl --'11'. and Oc .. D "'•lilt, Da!boa. 1 ... 1antl a half year old boy, 1111 •ULK , 1aPfK•urs tn an Rl'lton wtwn hr nn-~·ott ~ALJo: 14 ft. lfull IUtd JobD· IUCnN«u . tdll<'&trcl lady want. L. Jonaa SS,·J\p I. lo'red and Dick an jllat two of • t.IWl'n&, ~•'murs. M ~;lv··~ !h\• plum· 1 "•n Oulbuar•l mutor l'hon,. complet' mllJl&lement of an ea-WANTICD TO rnl v ~II"' bky: lenr&l Pf'riOnll that ~·r. Ow:t··~., l':()TJCto: ta h;;::t,. ,~Yen punu·. urr wrlth·n nolll'l' nr hk llf'JM'Ifl'•. Sf;'Wpurl Llr&l'h I 111-J . S2-2~p I duMve I'JIIh or betlf'r·l.Ype bam.. rt• Mione Newpo" t21. u.o, knt7We ·whn /lave taken up pi"'fe.J ·t th 1 1 y ,,~ 8 lion ~. or Whl'p lin attomo'\'"IClY•'" _ Own •JH~rtmf'nt and eaJary R.f. ,. ant " • P~"'" a lll\1 uo (C · r · .. ()NE NO ONJI! etf'n u L. 1alonally eom~ career ttiat t.hey bt-3H O ,,, the C:h 11 C•)<J~ ,,r the State rtcHit't' o a~PJM.'IItllnr•• lw h1m A ee• nice Wallace, Ual L08T A.ND fOVND • cume lnt.e~attd tn whUe eni"'lled · • C~. 1014. C P ) boa lnn, H&l-.oa. 12·2tc at Harbor of Califol'htl, that <..: • A MONA·r Aru<v.c•n~ or mlll"'lto ttou-.1 ,,.. U.umrtry TeadW~r· "lf you dl·l LOin' In front of B&Jboa '"*'ln It mlcht happeo t~ )'OUI HAN intt!n<l• l • aell '0 VOLNEY k1 wnl tn~<t and ltl4><1 with thl' vld~ '"' by locboe, wbat do you Savtt nrne1 'nit .. t1 Jl' P Ur Munctay nla t t. ooy'• flchwlnn bl. • Blind. Date! L. HAY' all Ulal re riMin pe~&l tCINic. ·• K~l !" . In tho N..,._'nllllll ' •·yr ... rfd wtlh · rream trim, NC• propt_rly (iOn IIIII I net . Kenerally, of Pub.: Apr. 11. 18, Z\. MJI.)' 'L. !1. lli. 8tuoJ'lnl. m. Maf. lock lew; ked on bar k of the tiXlUI"Il'JI, 1101111 Will, stock· Of 2J. 3(); June 5: )2, 1944. r -~ ftew•rd, .W-• ..._ ..... G _..... d ..... Ll k d "'•• Aoo•,•• " ·-·-~ I.e vuo•• an .. ,,. Cl'noea nown ·an '" ,...,., ..... Ave.. llaatlllp, I toO l o. Bar rr.&. dea'goalt'oJ .. "RETAIL PACK· c--• .. , 'fer • &a.lbo& lila"" Ptaofti'IIOt. ll:Ue l D<M!a be croon Ilk~ 81D&tn! he l&ll. clark aa4 ~! · Wl~b .all tb-quelltlona 8PUl· uio' Ulr~urb your head you oer· :ttc.v: orr .s.n:r. m=m .om N D CASH ~~E" and "RETAIL PA:CKAOI: • ' ~eno_,Jt-pben ~ «f ITS," .uf a liquor bloalnrN ~IOD&· & YP' · "' Ynu \ry'to' think tuw your blind In,: t'r; sa11! (' A M• nl\h&n ·~ lo- '000 o"e CAT HDe~tTAL •t•nt• Ana......, 'fi'OR AAU~ Nf'w lf,ampehinl Rf'd haby ohll·ko lfalrhlnl •II•· tal V~rtnrla HI,, (. 'n•la Mua. ·:sa-4~ TabuJaUDJ Tra.iaen Shcc~ Metal Mccbaoia aDd Hclpat datr will )ook. You Imagine him utf'lf at 301 P•lm ~lreet, Balbo" Tabulariog~ton~Srt..U~Mco -.:rn: ... ay~lx 't!'f't ~ tnct!e~~ • a""' tt. l~l~ ~~._.~_,..,_,4-...... HI•:...• blnr k wnvy halr,.4ttfl brown·-eyee., J'"'' llc-af'h. c· .. ,111:y ~of j)ranl(f' ant.l a wl;mlng ~milt>. Rt~tt<· or Cuhftlfllut, ""'' that lh•· ' .It·• a ,:ood thing you'~e doublr " pu,..-hRM' pnrr ~rr~nr "ITt '"' pn••l AP.PlY TOOAY IMPORTANT ••• BrinJ5ocial~tyCanf. Proof o~iduDshlp aod.AniWtility Ccrti6cate. .. ~. E-Ali-FOR NI-A 1lat•n~or wtlh -flnrla and her tlale ''" \\',·olnrAolay th•• 3rd <1ay •1r•~:uy .'II wlil ~euler. • '1''41. :11 ARSTI'Af"T ,\SO TITI.F. "Oh th~ doorbt-11 he's h•·1r " 1\11 lSSI'IIA:'\C'i': t'I J:\If'A~Y. C'.ty of Y••ll ''a"h to lhe dcor, Ol>f"'f.lt, anoJ lbnta AnA, f'nunty of Orl\n.:•· __ .atluldb~J( th#re. le-.ua-moet hMdr -SI.a.~ -l~ltf,.llthr-,.t :t--n'dnr-11 SHIPBUI'lDIN·G C-&RP&RAtiGN 110m I' boy you evtr aaw. Witll J1 m. ThRt I hi' thldr••"• of ""'" ;~~~~y~ffl&t-yott-uk-. ~1\+1<--r-HI· 3HI~Palm St~ fl11lbtm "Are you Jol;nnt~7" ' l'f'BI'h. L'at.tornht. l'lty uf N•'"l""l 110 Weet Aneho._ ..... venit WKMINOJON ·, ' . If YOU ChN T r,fT IN rT CALSH I p HELP WIN IT .. A r He Ulen t lowly abakte h.W bead Bt•ach. County vf Ur•n«e. S lult· ut aod aaya, "I'm ~. J ohnnie Ca!Uonua. and lh<' a<lllrew of Ratti · I \·uuldr\'1 ml\ke lt. t promleed hlm Vendrt' ill 111:1 i'~a.11t ('.,nlrlll A VI'· l'oJ Itt yo~ know. Well. set you nut• Balbc>a Bl'•• h. C'-alifomla, City latu. So long!" of Newport Hru1·h. C?JJnty ••f ; .~ I MnilllRt'. Slal~ •1f ('Rllfnrnla . , . MEOW! I OA'T'F.D Apoll 241'h, 1944. ., Warm breath on my Che(k, C. A MONAHAN. 1 1 Soft touch Q.n my, ebould~l't . 1 Vrndor UtUe face preued cloee to mlnr:l Vot...N•:v. lA HAY. . I Who let th~ cat In! . . . Vtndt'f' 1 Arfo Lor. . Pub.· April 25. UHt .... __ _:..__:.___:'--____ __.;.__..: ________ ___: .. SNOODLES (7 out ot,IO people read ,New ... 'l'lmel ClaMifled AdA.) ~.W ~'t $(~oN aS tiilte1 S~HH'f '"'V't<"e ~&S Swl'f((r;Q. AHD S~ · f'Ow MAN"( "VC~J CAN kf.to.CK OFf' DOROTHY DARNIT -~ !J ·- I 1- Servin-and war "'orfnora are all dfopt'ndlnK upoa our .. rl' at th~ AwttC'hboardA. Ciood pay whiJ~ INn· In~ and N'~lar Inn.-.,.... .i r-~ * ·* -$~UTHiiERN CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE CO. Apply: 100 .E.'Bay Ave., Balboa ()r 514'1.! No. Main St .. San'-Alia ---· A\' A IJ.ABILIT\' f 'ERTiYU 'AT F. aF.QVJaiEO \ II I Ry Cy HunJ[erford By <'harleM McManuR - .. .. I l lr , J' . -====-=-. I ' . 1.' ----·'"·---_.....~--~~ .... - ·-: ,, ._. .. ,.In at , a.,.,. Af\8, C•llf ~ I lc)IIW, ""I"· M11rinr lt11t1lna· R«'J)Itln..-1 Marino• •;l,~t rtn11n Hurt R. Norton I U I ('oaat IP•IIwa7 NF.l"l"OMT RF.ACH ...... hll I ' l'r.ofessaona Gordo~ M .Grundy;M.D. PhyaiC!I•n •"~ lureMft Ninth end Centra: A\le, Offlc:e Hre.: •10.12-e.m .; l ·S p.m. Telephone l7 LEROY P. ANDERSON ' ATTO .. Nt:Y AT LAW CMta Meu 8111 .. ~l"t .... _ 421 Coat• Meaa • CallfOf'fll• I . r HAROLD K. GRAUEL . CHAPEL "Wr Our~tlvee the Bitt« lleMre lly ll•rvtn,. Olh,.,.. llrlt" Ph-Newport M1 Coita Meu Cellferflle BUY NOW City Taa Sale Lots A. J. TWIST to7'toul Hlghwty . Phene Z422 CONO.NA D£l MA" Conrad Richter, M.D. ,...,.,,lelae a~td. fureMfll Oftloe 107 22M ltrut N...,......_ Het~rel 10.ta·e. m. & J·l ,. m .. .. het~ee-offloe 1111 ..... , .. , DR. C. E. TOHILL ftHVIICIAN alt4 IU"O.ON -c.-e~W .• .........,. ...... -~-Off'-... w ........... • " ... ·-Cell ·~t. Dr. M: D. CrawfOI'd O .. TOM.T"IIT P:y ... P:ll&llllned 01-.-JUted ITtT N~ Boulnard COITA MilA •BAL TZ MORTUARY CHA .. IL IV THI IIA 410 CMet •lvd. Corono dot M"' . "-P•rt .... ,. ... Phone Newport· 4Z J Ult (}Bf4~'r> LI1C AS J)entiMt • not'y, \\'. c· .. ntral, "'· ltM .' NF.WI'hRT BP:AOI WHO'S WHO. IN HARBOR DISTRICT . .. . ·rtnrPI AC£. ANO t<tNOt INO WOOD - I I \' \\ I t•l I 17~4 : :p• I :1 •I , I '.,1ft 11 M ''"" I ·····t·J.urul)f'r, f'h. 6~~-J r.rN rRAl t:O~T A.A f;TOA • • '··•• • "I• f " •II .•\ 'I IIIII ••n111 lllv•l I'll :l02 l'laua I""' i·,,,.llll"'tf'lhon. I UMt)t'n r.OMI'ANtrS ' . - ,.,, •• " ....... , f 1 r • ·"J,.·t ''~ hdp VhH pfrtn ,.,,,., )p"""" l'h''"'" 4H I'll,· l •t"'d·l l,lll•h•·t f '•• l 'h''"" 1 1 ~11 l 'qmlfl lltg1tw11y 111 Ard11:1 OJ'f'tr.t: SUPPI I f'\ r;. v f.••ll IJ11tl•"' l 'lll•ll"hln~r C'lt l 'h•tn~a . 12 · Ill, N"Wf'"rl ltracb. PRINTIWG ~ .. .,, .. rt IJJitl~•r l'""ll•hiniC' 0• f'hnn,.l: 12 . 1:1. Newpurt a..cb. R EAl ESTATE INSURANCE II ... OTA"Y PUilUC-·j I, •A II \\'"1111• P '/''IIi W <.:enlrLI AYII)III! l 'hVOI! 3 A URBER ST"MPa- N,.....I"'rl llarll(Jr l 'ubltehln& 0 • l"b,n .. : 12 II, Nnrpoet Bad!. &HUT METAl WO .. K- VIf-1• Plurtlhtna 6 II&IMt Ketal Wetu, Coete Me~~&. Pllea. 210. """ti:Tlf ITO"'E:-' Balboc ...._. -varte4p aa-. .. , 111. • fiN .,. ..._. llli-w. . - ' . ... ·. Comp~henstve List of ~ks Reviewed For EbeJI.By Florence Lee Ohlsen I-f! arbor I "? • ~~lifomia, Tuesday, April 25, 1944 • Feminine /Activities .•. t Business and .Professional Women Elect Offiders at Closed Dinner Meeting Qltherine Easton, Socit-1y Rt-porlt>r • lhllfl ~lub prefaced Ole dellpt· tiNI, "Y~ Art> Only Humu Once," I fUI p~ ft&turtnc P10ft11c~ Cra~e Moo"''• aut_oblocnphy, tren 1 I'(M ~ oa 'I1lunday with "T he FaCC' In the A-s>IC." by ------------- Ph ones 12 and 13 • Residence .~ 690-W ltn. Crdha TUbW . .clwol nurae c1red St.aDJey. for the Newpurt O.ach Grammar • T1le out meetlnc of the group SChool, will b.ad tbe H&J·bor' Dwu-, wW • be be&d Yay • wiUa li&N ne .. and Profeeal~>nal W~men for IC&IMr u chairman of the evenl.!!lr· the ccmln& twt'lve rnonlha, act'ord· p.--nt.IJli Ura. John Te1111rnan of 1n1r to the ruulta of etec:Uoaa held t.he 8&ota Ana Junior Collere f~· lf'at Tburlday •t • <'1011ed m•ellng 111ty In a book review. t.aebeon .. "_, by Mra. Murray Ttlomu Marlo. "The Loti \\'llek P 'J CJ W J aawu Md ber able committee. End" by Chsrlu Jacka~ "Rtrilnjolt'. I ot ass e comes Ia ttie abeenr e or t t' prn ldrnt; F rutl" ~)' 1..111\n fiml th nnll lu tly Two Service.Mem bers 1Ift. C. M. Deaktna, the> 17lf'etlnlf "A Be II ...-or A dan " by John Her· H L ••• In charre or Ura Vll'tOr aey. 001e On eaVC I Qrace. With a background vf travel \.ountv Alumni of Uld atudy, f1ort'nce I.e. Ohlaeo Pi Be.ta Ph i to 4 pve her audience a clear and rom· , prebmatve view or current t'\·ent• Note Founders Day o( the day a• ~~t~n lhMU JCh lh!' ryt·~ of ooe 'v.•ho Ia an ardl!ot liC'I '~v .. r I M r"' Thl'lfl'R~ H ,.~fn,:t Wil l ht tn the Aa:erlcan w,.y of life. ht,...lt·!l~ to ml'mh"" o f th·· I Irion ,. DelnoNrtrallng a Yllrlc-d a luUtv c;>,.,unt.v r\lunHol r\ «n('llll lnn ••f l '1 ta ber l«''pe o• bOok revlt'W, Ult' l~·t.:a Chi sn·n11!\' (on f'l11~·"., nl ..,.alter trav•rard (rum thl' l!f'rlou• l:l ,\0 P fTl. irt hl·r h"rn•· I I.> I ''" to tht' hummOIJ,_ \\l'h ~AIM' and tin IIVrn,tll·. ('o• !.1 ~t:·•u. \\h• n lho• 1 ldfo ., 0 ' 1 oJ)f'nC'd ~;roup wlll hnnr.r f P11Dr1• r.. I •· ' ::'h ~;~tin ..::.vnulo!;.~Tht l:ur-with lrmdl• "11 :and "t•••kt• tain Rlat•.'~ follo"'t•rl lry "Tilrawa'' ~hmt•." All "'''")'"'••m•·n .. \\I\•' \\h•• .u. b7 Robl'rt flhtrfVId, ~nflnltttwll in thf· 1 f;trl>l'•r nr•·11 nntl lor~> m• m Buatncu " by Stephen Bonul. ··Aa Ill'" nf· PI l\t·t;1 l'hl :•••· t·•lllh:lll) We Co aJan::hln1" by Joho P lnVilrod to :.al\••1'11 1\uutly 111.ok•· P1)'1lll. r"''<I'I'V:l I tnn< "II h "" I· ' ..... ,. Ctu .en In • llghl,.r vem. Mrt. I l in ,I 111 !\11--. \\' 11 11.111"'' OblMn ftf'~t gan "Tht' Qut'<'ll Wu 7'..!9·\\' • Ill the Kilc»JJ" by Daphne aJc. Greetlnt Carcte ancl ~ (OI'ul v~rlety of "!n•••u:arcift, "WE INVITE YOU TO BR0 \\1l'=E Alt(ll";-,:1 •. Til" pr"•"n"" ,.., <"nr'lllln l·:ttwnr•l F'ntf'hnn llntl llnrrv ('onllY~'r nf the .MI'rc-hant Murine wn11 ~&n lin· , ... ,.. nt~tl 1111rpr 11r an I r•'I'~J<IIrl' fnr t II•• ~·~~·~18 11 t 'hP f'otu t • !111$ mPrt- lntt vd1cn ll ro"t Wll "' ~·r~ \\"r'!l11"' Jo'rowlo•r. 1.1 nJI•I Mrs Frr·d \V ull· '"'rth 111'1'1/ll'ng In h• "I••M •lra!lrlO Rhnrlnl{ Hlr liP"' llr!llt (tor I',, t \•f'nln.: .. II. \\'1 .. :t r" II ~" r ......... , '' hn nnt., nn'v prr'AirtroJ a , hf'llol nf thP rrntlp hu• 1•1'11 ,. I" ...,.,... q • • .. r r tt,.. I:Rn'l' uf "\\'hr"JW~" anll \\R~"t prtt1'11•nt•••t a ca f ronJ .,,tl ' '' t "{nl!'f'I)IIJJ'IItl111: h II hor1 1 ol"l\' Cereal Entree The No· Low-Point Way . Harbor Visitors "lrrom Ecuador CRISP ebHM lfdd farina l'~ quf'tr\a. •IIJitHd onion allc:ee. ·aud a boat or Creole Sauctt 11•• a reaHtrt~ boOat to the "1111 • more abundant foode" theme_tllat'e baell or IIH! r;o•t~ruruent'a No·Polnt lAW· Po1111 l'ood Procram. Here ti the recipe fnr thta dPIIrlou• matn~llb uee of the nutriiiOUI l't!r~lllll fM· tured In the ao•ernmt~nt'a No-Potnt Low·Polnt }"110dt Protram. Spending the wef kl'nd ln the h~ld at While'• Cafe Oft Balboa I Frank Kolarlk: .. !Jlml'. 3906 Wettt leland. • Newport Beach 1 I Other• Whll will ucc·upy R uts un , Oc•an Front, were Jd r. and Mra. thf' rrast.um "' o~flcers will be J!:va 1 WCTU Meets F. Bo'ek and aona, Frank anti Lu· Moore, viet' prellld~nt; Ourolhea --· mlr nf Guayaquil. Ecuador, Snuth • Wil80n, recnrdmg 11ecretat;:y; Jl:m An all day mt etlng 111 s1ate1t tor America. Moaaberg. corru pondlng aec rt>tary thl' Nf'wport Beach W.C.T.U when Mr. Bolek te SUJ>!rlntenrlent und Durotl~y .Robip.eon, treaaurer.l t.ht' mt'mbfor11 will gather AI lht' e n.•w Maatn"or thl' E~ador Brew. ThroR-cutlng lluiir votes wer .. :hom,. ur Mr11. F.lla Goldner, 217· t>rlee In the South American city Altla Gprt n. Gq lha TuObll, Matte 3:lr<1 alr~t·l. 011 W,ednu a.lay, May 2. wit h which Mr. Kolarik ....,81 uao-Rulllnr. Carne lie K~nnt'dV. Elalnt' The K'Jtlfl apea.ker wl'l bt' Mr11 .. coated fo' aeven ye .. before com-\\'(•l'h. lfar~:uret Egl', Marie J<&l. Hcotty Ko~:at:t:ky ot s~nta A na . int:" to tl\4 Harbor llrea whi rt> he Sfr, Jfm l\!(l!lllberg, F.llaatrth Bar-t'(ounty Dlrectnr of Health. IS an r mpl ye of tile c:1ty or New· ! ta•l. lllltla Urlacoe. Lorraine port enr h j l\!oore. UorghPid Steyl'ns. EJral'~ The-tv."t son" In the flolrk f&m· Guno, Ma ry l.Aa !ofurphy, Oorothy lly. for whom Mr. Kolarik " ~tod-l'uLI.rulon. Edvthe Hc•m cr, Lydia I.J .. IC r, ..1r c b th t.v ng In tht• llnlt· Strain. Dorothea Wlta·m a nd Mil· • u Statu a t prC'8ent. Fr&nk Ia boukkl'ept'r a t Warner Brolhera, llollywuod, w. lie Lumlr I• c: .. ntln- umg h1a ~ducatlon a t UCLA. 16th Birthday for Nancy H oll inshe~d Miss Katf' TriH'Is or 1005 'Wut Crnt ral ba:~ returned ho~e from a \11!11 to Oxna rd where she wu tbe hoUAC guest o( a foro:er achool fnlnd. Ah~r.~ C)'ntb:a Donl'lty · '~----~--------~ ' " In honor of \he-ir rla ughter, r.:anry. Mr. an!! llln . R ~rt Ho'·, ..WI-r=~.-=:=~~~~IL..X.A.II~~IIt.2.("nshl'!hl ent .. rtalned at dloot'r a , ~ne Therapy, M~rtlral &la.uage, SwediMh Mas· .. Ke, Hydro Th~rapy Spc'Ciol T reatments CQr .Uv!'rw!'il{ht &. UNI!'rwcl~,:ht I ~ i.a,.1,_, .. ,, Mil • l iC'UP cnt•hH -tt .. w ., tAIIIa ••. •(lrft ......... .,.,,~.r Fa t ur Mlad oCI I ,.1(1( &ut~ect VAkiD l ,,, t,h•PtOf•,.,n •IIcea , h•,a.Hw•l va reley Cr.ule .. uc• Comblntt farina and cbkM, 1111~ w"ll 110 that ch-melts. Add Mil ¥nil pl·p~er O..t ea&. add Willa par•lu)'. onion and tabaac:o. Mia well. Sh•P" toto crOQU!lllet: roll ta , urn llaltu. Chill. Sautt ak»WI)' ta rat or meat drtppiDII turtUq &.e ltrown on all 1tde-. S_.e M ~autetod onion l hl'll wit• Creole .. uce 1 made wltb Willi~ • ..- aod &reeo pepper).#StlrY• t . -l ~trooup .,,, lht' !Nb·fiPb's frlt'nds nn the famoue Southern Call. 1 ht'r aixtt't'nth birthday m lhl'lr C rnla Valencia orange cropt h mt:t•. 111i1 F.a8t f"t'ntral. Balbna. Gene Morleghe.~ 7..on" 111c•ropist Splocia list .... -. ••• PWc 'TelepboH Ul2. SWet!lenlng 'tln the lreea and pick-, Thou wl8hlng Nanc-y "many inK to begin aoon. It Ia lnlt~~al1og more': wtre· Ule Mi)lllea v ,rglnill _In tt~:all lllal the.. !irat carload ol. B&cb.m&o, JO&IUle 1!~ and W_al- 1 orange.· aent Eust from South,•rn I tt'r Br~·n, George McKeeban, Re; <.:allromla waa ·•hipped In 1877. nalo llonaco and her grandfat e.r, Lavt year approx4Jl«t.lely · M,OOO Mr. EUiltt Brewer. I cara or Valeoclaa wle.nt Eut. SOCIETY _ · lilliiiiiiiiiiii .iHE SEJVICE' MAl'S -lOME AWAY-FROM lOME ... FIRST ANNUAL REP6R'J'-OF·~ Wives of the Orange ~ ('0:\IINr. EVENTS4 tount~ H arbor Patrol -PR L 2, 1 Byr"' WEDNESDAY. A I ...-tO Be onored at ~ Tl'f' ,.,,""" ('trcle will meet at ClfristiaR: Serv:ice Orgaftliuon t"•· t. ,. nr ,\lr• .I .If ~frOonald, r-· ,. aa a t'Orporatlon FOR~;L BAR APRIL~· 194$-t\f>R!L I, IN-4 (()prnJnr dal# of IAiunKf' June ·18, 19131 310 456 ....,.,__.._,._ ___ -----C .. £. t.OUCK:S--·------ • • , JIIWIIUtV and ITATIONERY DlamOf\41 • Watctt.1 • ,.1ne Repalr1ng '?t.o•••! :'\ ewport ust'-J 1717-H Ne ... port Blvd. Co•t .. Mru . r •l·f a.,.. a ~1 11. rwnember that two-.,_... ...... , .... the --ahoWd bt etlecwd ..... .,. ., ,_ ... ,cAt th fucun fuUJ, DtedJ. See-d, JC* ..... '-" lhaould .. .....,.., ...... )'OW pnanc ud probeYa,.....,....... ....._ n. two add ., 10 loftr-cenn a~tiaf.act.ioa. T'nounJ, r f hnmc buJm make IW't thai thei.r lqu il IUGfrr bJ anv~finl ic ac chis h.ak. Hl'rf you t<'cl'i''" l'\'l'I'J eonaiderlti"fl frNTI ~who value JOW ~Dcbhipand 1ood•ill • . lllC'n ".~., ·' .. u .• "' "" h:ml ing day to~~"'....,., Y oa a•oid the ~and dcuys of tkaling by awl with 10me d~ tant o&c.. .._ For ~·n thia benk haa m1dl' rnl ntltl' loans (indudin~ I~ ln.auted by FHA) Oft all IJpt'l of 1mrrov~J property •.. t~ ftau, apertmentt, storrt, indu•tr ial :anll 01hcr building.s. and • · farm and renge lanJs. lil'l''f you may arren~ a 103" that it baa 1u itc.l I~> )'till I prrJonal ~quitl'ml'nU. IIOTE TO aEALTOaS-Art411 b••• .,..,;,u ~w.,..~.­ Jt/'" fr-r••: ,,., "r l'lo~r~t oJ.f.,nuJ .i•!hl -lro"'rt tlw tl1',.,.•11'1 tl ~ ~ ~·· r .. ,~w ,,.J,,. ,~ ulkr •• ,., ..,..,. . I . -B.nk. ~ Amtrint. NAtiONAL H~lfcft ASs'~TlON NEwPORT-8ALBOA N E W"S -T I M.F S ·' I PIIOHU: IVKWI'Oin' U ;t II ., fi7'Pti(!!!f1~ _. ~ lJiHMO," \"uturn":_fix\'1 , • a lfllllll ...,_.,. ~ A~:~ .•• ,.. :reer In ors,... Olunty; 82.15 ..,-~ ~ 4th ~U.OIIIIf' ~ to 8th 10M. I •eer.ct u ~"<~ inatt~r st *~,m~ In !\1-wport n. nch. · CalUomJu. und~r tJM' .\d :.lw~ 3. 187' · I 1: X: JiD!YE1t • • __ • ___ • -~tt5JTOI\ ANt> T)n~'-IDI-~ LiSE-LEAF BIRDERS II x R1 ~ -fh 6 ~~" ~ A I s <r-Complcte led~r aet tn compact size. f'Uit- able for small bwtiness or the home. AD kindll ill Rulrod Fotm~~. Shffta and CardJI * ' NEWS-nMES .lOll "· O.tral Newport Bfotwoh • ,, _ ___,,,.. ··-~ ... .,_.._._ ·--·1-T .......... J' -"'?'-<-.ro..o... .. _ o,-.. ........ _ ~ .. -~ . ~EFORE YOU BUILD OR RtMODEL lci22 SC'ul '-"•In St Vl11t our lnterutlng eample and diaplay. rooma. Color guldea planning tide. com- pretlenalve atoek of ru ge. carpete, linoleum and Vene· tlan t»Hnde. ~ "up"'~ 'C.rpetl Cleaned ._.,.,,.~ LUDLUM Car"Pet Works IANTA ANA OFFICIAL PAPER OF '111E crrY OF NEWPORT REACH A Dlf•' 'fe LaoNIILzllt IIIII: ,_. 0.. II Y..n ! .. __________ _, .. ______________ ... ------~-- ·' . , ' I s.~.200 llours 2,500 llom(•s I Thr-Cllnlnltlnllllll' f\.. """"'" lin I~ '" I ho "'' 11''1111" 'In~ 11 l)f "'"""': adtlr '''"'' h:tV•' hr•rn II II no•ol in 10 "' lty R l rlt·ncl, w .. \' oll 'lu· mr"l tmpp)' t•J JIUI mhc•rll Con \ho· ma1l 1n.:: lt~l 1/ "I' cJo·,..u••rlt ' . . FINANCIAL RF3qRT TOTAL 11EC E11YfS lunsolidfed donation~ I CAPITAL INVF-STMENT anrt RI::MODEUNG . .-. OP F:RATlONAI. EXPE NSES .. ···' ..... BANK BALANCE I MarC'h :n , 11J·1·fl TOTAl.. _ , IN DEBTEDN ESS (Loamn $.1~.848.~0 t:l,141.74 .. 20.550.22 156.34 $3:l.A4R.:m :l,775.00 The a hove n>port Is arrothPr r xample 9f the Lord's wo'rk beginning in thc most humblc manner anti Jrowlm~ to tremt>ndous size. Here we find thousands of Chlis- llan people working' togt>ther In one t'Omhlon cause, forgetting a ll d~nomlnat i.on. all personal ambitio ns. a ll se1f-glo1ifiC<ltion. desiring only to present C hrist to the Armed Forces of our betovcd country. ~ In f ebruary 1943, God laid on fh<' hoorts of a few pt:'C>ple the hul'den of thoLLc;ands o( boys pas.o;ing through Santa Ant~ whn would ~rhaps r.~ver havo another c han('{' to henr th~ Gospel before m(lny of thel)1 would lay d own their li ves for you and me. It grew fm m a tiny prayt"r g roup until tooa:.-it is one of the la rgest fight inEt fronts for Jesus ('hris l in th<' whole Stat~>. In this Army at the C.S.O. age and physica l rt'QUi rc- rnt'nts a r C' not ronsidc red. Thl' only I'I'QUircment is a rtN\ire t u sct'\'C. Thousands of "pcopk a rt' pmying daily for the Slt<'<'('SS of of lhc C.S .O. . t'rPt~rl-nnr:t', ('.XU.'Pl to pr('SI'nl Christ a s the Savio us or lh<' wol'l<l. A G~pd ntt~­ ., sag<.' is g i\'en'<':tl'h (ft~y: on &it11rrla~·s .1ncl Sundays and spcdal OtT;rsions, t wo m•·s· ·s;l~CS 011"1' J,:i\'1'11. " \\'f' know lh:11 IIH• 1>0~·~ hhw ~· ·-•·•· 11 "l'i ritu<~l m cl-thcy tc•ll u~ su· lhe rnsl'l\i's. . t . Tlwy rt'ali;:co tha\ n ~anrt\\·ich :~ml :J t•t tp of mfft:'i:-. o a pal on the back is JXlUr lwlp in timP of t rnnhk•. \\'(' d(, not I rap. t n t·k . or· tm sle;arl I hPSC> nwn: we sco111 10 rt•sorl to lrit·kt'ry. T he outroml" is th:n l huu~1:1ds 11f boys h<t\'l' soug~ <1UJ' eour.scl an(l in lh<' 10 mon,hs lhc lounge has l'IC{'n open. almost a quat·tc r of a nlillion Scr·\'kc Ml'n and wom<.•n h:t\'<' a cC't•ptl"d our hospita lity . To the Readers of this Re~rt: . This Is Christi'anity IN ACTION , CHRISTIAN SERVICE ORG.AIIZATION 114 S. ~ala Stlftt, Suta A-. Calif. ' ... Everything Is Free to the Service Man or Woman at the C. S. 0. ' ' I "' . . \