HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-04-27 - Newport Balboa News Times, --- THE SA .ND CRAB S"-M ! for 36 years the best advertising medium in die newport harbor dis~ri(t tr tt * r the newspaper that Buy BOnds to End War· BALBOA 1\\:CS (~~ , ..... ' goes !wme IEEP POITEil! I Year ·. . . . $2:50 ...... c....,..~ .. N•-·,._, Ne_,.rt ..... '....::E=.:~::.:=.B:.:.RA::...:=O::N..=...:G:_::B:.:...:A=l=B-=O..:....:A:._P:.....:E=.:N...:..:J:..:...N..=.S..=.U.::L.:.A.:::._W.......:E:.:S:.....:T___:_N.:::..E_W __ ngt"<:::''lfrl_ .-..-=4~--------·_l_IDO__:_.r...:...,IS..:....:l:..:£:.:..·-=..N..:..:E:..:.W..:...:· P::.....O::...:R:..:..T.:.......:.H.:.:E::.JI·cG..:..:H:....:T.::S.:._• .::B_A:...:...::lBOA ISLAND. CORONA DEL_M_AR_, _CO_STA MESA • \ .O·u ~-.G..!. I!~ s NearlY 6,000 Voters In Harbor Area, With Greatest Gain. at Beach I 'Ne~port Brarh UrJCitdration 3500 aa Against I 236~ for <'oMta Mt>sa, Art-ordlng to County . · ('ler~s Tabulationa . · J • I '/ .. ·"' • I .. 1-.p rwo NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES, Newport Beach, ,..~,:lnrnia, Thur8d~, -A ril 27, 1944 • IlLlO I .BAIJoA ; MOTOR co~ "IOIIC.Jia.yAn......_ Genehl Automobile· and Marine Repairing. 1 . Marlae·~~-Avallable TiDE TABLES 2i 1: (' 9 :14 4:SZ 0.1 3.1 NEW, OOMPLETE ~ :.~ 2'2!'1 10:10 6 :03 . 4.1 0 3 3.S !'>u .30 2:()8 11:34 St<W J 3/l 0.3 3.1 MAY BOAl -t£Rfi-CE .' o, ...... -.......... .:: ~mode~ . !I~ I !'1-20' 12:22 7:12 t2:'59 • ... • • J MO'roR SI!RVICE "" 0.3 •. 1 2.0 l u 'i 6 23 7:j6 1:01 KENDALL · ·aoAT ·SERVJeE I • .. ........ t:lalifonJa r.cJwttrlel aaq, 39 .... OA Wet :l 7:11 1.37 . 7;~ 1:32 . ~.0 1·.!'1 0.4 4.6 I :NPW deyltrctlt .. vlnJ lln .. l Mil VIa o,.t.e . Ne*Pol't ~h Ttn,.. .,. "''""""·I" <~riSPr •tl ,,..,...,,..,"''"· . . 1 l.l«ht fllu,.... ·a. nL . dark lllr\lrn p. m. . . TAU HER To ·~ .. •• .. • 'kJitiieJ.' •. ONCE A WEEK 'I . BALBOA'.$ . REN D.Ezv-ous BAtLR·o ·oM ( Pre&el)~ • . . AND HIS ORCHESTRA SITUIDIY .liGHT, ·APRIL 29TI ·' WILLIAM G. BONELLI FOR I UNITED STA TrS SENATOR ELECTION TUESDAy MAY .16 0 Y ar avallaWe how, wUI be obt.aiQW._. I Co nt Bo' d alter the war wbeo materiala oot Aids Costa Mesa IELL Lloo HOM II . ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ Sanitary Groni\ • Mr. and Mn. v. A. Tripp have Called by tN tedous m~ ol ~~lewood. • .... l 801d'Uielr Lldo Jele bome and Mn. thftr mother and rrandinolher A Jhort leave Wf1S s~nl In Costa ---, 1 I Trtpp baa purcbued a new rea!· who suffered a ti'rollPn hip. l\frs. Mesa by EnsJp Kenneth Wells or The coU.oty board of euperv1aore dence In Beverly Wood, wtue.b &. a ~·. J. Harthom and daught~r. M r!!. the .JIIlvy who villited his· _aunt A, adopted 80 ameodmeot' to tbe part of Beverly HUla. Sbe eapec:te Wbrrl BamtL.!!.tt jn San &mar-Mrs. Paul Norman 11nd Mrs. D. K. county'a ordinance OD dumplDI to move about lhe middle of Way. ~tano. Blue. IJOunda t o permit the New Coeta Mr. Tripp will continue to operate I An old time dance will tx> hl'ld Mrs. Jo!"rph McClellan of 200 E.' Mua aanltary dt.trlct to eataWlah hie electrical buelnua bere . . lonleht ,(Thur.lda) I by the Co!.tn 16th strt'et has bt.oen visiting hrr, 8 dump 1 1\ll'lia Gran~:P in the Lq,:ion Hull. daughtl'r. Mrs. llozel CJnw110n oi _ · • The annual fubloll' abow ot ~luslc will be· fumi~h,.d by *"' Los Angt>lrs.. · · J J.. now amended: the-ordinance S&ota Marla Hl4fh Scboql wu pre- •t;rllnll:l' orcht'st r11 · T'h~> ldiP Hour club was enter· 1 p~~Uhlblte dump ina 10 certain area eented recenUy-tbe fllteeotb an· W1wd h1uo' bt't'n rrcelvrd by Mrs. tainrd Wrdnesday by Mr.!. Win· 1 near public hl(hwaye and bulldial• nual fubJOG 8how to be preeepted II. II. llt.>lx>rt of 255 East 19th nie Bakrr or Huntington &•ach. except when a uae permit hu beftl · ,frloet that ht•r husband has bt>en ------__ acquired !Jnder the couoty'e IOftlnl fii'OmOtl'<f to tht• ronk of Licl,lh•n· Co A • • ordlnanct: PAUL NORMAN Qnt and Is aboltrd 8 C61'rit>r ~>fl'k'· ast SSOCiabon Collection 0( traab aocl ratblp YACHT IAIL MAKI!RI Where In lhtt Pacific. Co •tte · N d will be the flrel MrVIcee to be pet" A tray Cl'il'bratlon was in :.tort> JhmJ es ame formed by the. new•anttary eta. for Sandra tSandy I Kmg when hl'r ~ --\riel whfcb already hu announced tal... Awnlnta, 8oat Coven 224~ 2lat St. N~rt Beaeb ~~tone 207 mother, Mrs. Jllml's King had a Prealdenl L A. 1 Dan • Patch hu Ita intent to inaugurate a comm• )lllrty for l'lt'r on her third birth• appolnt~d coD'\DliUee chairmen to olty-wtde aewace-diapoe&l .,._ • ltay.r srrve tile OT&Aie County Co• It Aa· J r---::::;;:;;;;~~~~~i,;g~~iQi;gEii~~~;~~:-----, M · _and Mrs. Devid Utter had ~latlon during the ntxt twelve l as thetr g\lt'sts r('('l'ntly, Dr. and m'onthe. There are nine commit. Mrs. W. J. Wlckma~ and dau(;~t<·r. · tees and lhe-chalnnao of each com· Diane .ol San Manno Assoclaf'<l , with the u itl'd S t 1 Jl 1 h ~-. mlttH, wltb the otflcen, conatltute I n a es "8 1 .x·r a board of direclora. vic~! th!.' W1ckmans have sJ)f'nt • many yt>ars of tht'lr livt'S In Eu· Commltteee and ehalrmu of r-Op., Mr!l. Wickman and Dian!' each are: Hlrhwaye. H, F. Ken-I f\Hing Poland jullt 30 day!! btofort-ny of Balboa: State Parke. Wll· th~ Ot'rman attack ond Dr. Wick· llam Galllenne of HWl\lnctoo I Freala Daily • Ofllcloua Be& Fooda Or, complete equipment when 'you want to caleb your own. HO~"'EN FISH MAR.KET ON CaNTRAL AVENUE, NI!W~ORT 81EACH I . • . man waa flown to Ria_ a, Norway Buch; eroelon, R. A. Tomqulet ~f during a thrt'to·hour truce Hpe-• ~cnaet Beach peglelatlon. Dana R.l claJiy m11de to allow non·l>clllge>r-, Wlll!a.ms of See1 Beach; nnance. t mt consular j)('rsonnel -and 'at· George Wheal or Hunllngton !_;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ t&fttwll of fort>ign embassil's to Beach: membenhlp, Stewart c. I:.. leave befort-th<• caphulauon ,.r Scouller of Laguna Beech: har-1 Wa.r:uw. bort l Ne'!Vport), w. M . L..onrmoor I Dinner KU••st,. '"· thl· homr· or of Newpor·t Beach: harbor• (Seal Mr. and Mr~<. Alt•x Gingras nr I Beach) E. J. Huchee. Seal Beach. Nt•wport Blvd .. Wt•re Mr. ang Mrs., A call for a meetlnl( of the board J . 1.... Sl«k~> of S11n Dic"o: Mrs. hu bee.o laeued f•r. 'tburtday, May FranciS Parsons or P11sadena lll)d 4th. at 7:30 p. m. at the Chamber Leonard Gibson uf tht• Unh1'<1 of Commerce, Balboa. Statt!S Navy. I _ _ Judge . a nd Mr.< Donald Dorl)(e Wl'rl' he~,;t>~ to a group of rel<ttiV(•s rt'Ct'n I ly. Tiws..-W(•.,.. :\l r. and Mrs. Vonaifl . Jr., <1nd children. Donald ut Long lk>ach und M I"'. Adaml' ol AU. lET,_ & 1'004 taD dar'• worlt: wiMa a ~nc Made aeheiDelb •P Oil,-. Y0111d• aoct .. .so. rou won. a.cl1 for -"..U.. tl nlu.; atlon ·and enjoJ111eot ~ peeq headache lo\erf.,... wi~ lft•tu. net, eajo,--t or n1•naiea. DIL IIJUII Anti-Pain PIUs vaually nllen not only B .... ~h. but Sl•ple Ne1ral1ia. lll-~ut.r Paine aed Faaetioaal Molllhly Palaa. Do )'01.1 uae Dr. IIUH Anti·Pala 1'111•! If not why not T Y.o1r ean r.et Dr. Miln Anti-Pain Pille at your dru~t 11torc in the ngular parkare for only a penny a piece an•l In tho N'onomy pnrknge. even C'ho ap<'r. Why not gl't a packare I to.!n)·? Your dru~giat' haa them, 1 lh· ... l <lir!'l'tions ami uae only ae l. tlir rt•·ll. Your money back if you are not Nlti~Jird. -T I··--------- Legionnaires to Ele~t Chaplain and Parliamentarian · l'holtf' ~1 14 •·rH-f'arklnc f:\?nln« at 7 :on .t 9: t :1 ~lallnH ~aturda)• at t : t .'\ r't~n11nuou• ~unday frnm !~ • M1tlte ·~· tax ac-.Total ~ 'en1c·e 281r. tax lk'-TotaJ 3$c· r hJN,..n lOr. ta' 2•-To1at 12c• """"...,. ll:!r .t 12c• nun .. ··n .. fi4at. 0,_._ Wrlt..........,oan Fontalnf'. lit-, 04.1..\I"'E E\'RF. .. Orandtatlw-r'a ••oJIII'!I" Cartoon a Newa 8un. ·Mon. · Tu~. ·Dfoanna DurtJin. t"ftutchot T-.·Pat. O'lh1ea 1D ..HIS RVTLER'A HISTU" "Ta.k Foret~" CarUJon • ~f'wa \\'f'dneaday Only "ALWAYS A BRIDY.SMAID" and ''THP: 8EVESTH VICTL'I" C'a.rtOOft a Nov~lty StarUn~ nu,.., May t "'IAPP\' LA..'IID" aiMI "HI. 0000 LOOKJS' c.mlaa: '-r1M! 8ullJvana'., "'l"he Oaal'• All Hf'l'f!", "''11e lroe MaJor", "Up Ia ~". TREATER F.Yf'Dinp at 1:00 .t·9:U l..a11t Mhowtn~r nf a D~ublt Fu· tul"f' Prn~ram lllt4rb at 11 :~.11 Adult. 311', tu 11'-Tntal H I' ~n11'f' 29c-, tax 84--Tntal !:lr Chlldl'l"n lOr, tas '!1';--Total 1%1' Tlhn·•. • Frt. · Aat. pets •lth strona hot . _JP.r:lnltJe_ · the• .a1.Ua dry salt hetore vacu- walng or s weep1ng- "'o1.her eethod tor taking care of what you have. Old-1ash- 1on•d ldee ·but 10od. •ftUIO-ttll sal» avocados cut tn half trY tillln& atxture of on• lensth•l se wl th a n• cup cubed cup flaked tuna' ~ • o hOld a1x--~onnatse ~ h apples . .... . and season •1t ture together, 1 h wlth water-lutce. earn s lemon J 1 slices. cress_ ond npP e • NAGGING BACKACHE Ca" «;l rnnt • .fnhn O~trflrttl In "DF.ATIS ATfOS TOK\'0" ('artnnn ~ Sf'w• Sun.l ~ ~Inn ''" \\ orn,,l l>"nrd.-rtd 1\ '"' ''""" i>'"' 1 '\q.;lul I:' llf-tlf' n rwl' rnul l .ukr" In "W.\T('II O'i Tllf: RHIS f:" ('nrtonl'l. k """'' I Tu~,. · "o•ol '""" •·rnt:.ln,. • '·""'' ''"~'\\Arol t~ •·nn: nnn: nt· ~ r"T I'Ot'iT" ., \r;tf,. .""''Jl&rf'l'' uc·n ' uf .... r ---------~ I I ': ~ .. . • I • -f ' Buildin.g Permit& Qlu Blvd. T M · ~= .~~nE.:.-::~:~·~ he Merchant ' · _iJri.ne; iffi ~N§~.~:::~:~7~g; :@~~;,~~~~:Wiiat· Ai.ls Its Ships?· lt.V -M8 ........ , .. .... 811,137 dwtlltnr and rarare for a ahower • 1938 -M2 ... ....... ..... Ael.H~ and laundry room, lll·llllt arert, I cc-U._.) 1940 -M2 .............. 1,040.!'2 IIIW). , 'I"M wrUer -.r u.a. _... e1 utacJM • &M .......... , Mart. .... 1941 -4118 .. .... . 1.228.48• April 12-Dorothy Phoenllt 40~ .._. Ia U.. eel"rioe for .e ~ M a,......_---=~ ... ..au.c ..... _.. 194:t -ll20 .. . .. .. .... 2e0.8ll5 1!!. 16th~ Corona del Mar. per 'otto &er. Ha lilolda &M nnt ....._ CUa1 pilot • .... , ..... • --OQdd. to put a coQcrete found~llon PIIIU.,.._ -• pilot ....._ He eom_. ..... 'a ,.,....._ NaYJ ,,..... 1943 'oundatlon under . an . · --t port ln WorN War I aM II aow reUrM u a ... ter at lllle lllo-, nt apa ..... en N..,._ A.,.,, Coroaa Ml Mar·) ,. . January .. .. .... ~ .......... : ... liS.~ and make rtpalra to Interior and , ' _ F'tbrua.... ... . .... ... . ~.••• :epluter exterior, 81~ 1!!. Central, ·~ '"....., .2~ (BJ EVOENB C . MJTCIU:LL) -~;;,~h ... ~.. · · ... ::~::::::~=:::: ~:~!! ~p;ll l~Lincoln H. NooiiW\, A. a y oUDC man' nearly forty turt.b.'; from lbe truth, "uybody May ....... 12.717 ttt Dahlia. Coron• del Mar, per year• aro when 1 wu a Junior ottl-caii-oolJiat but not fo~er. We June. . . .......... _ ................. 14,ot0 nwner to buUd a 12xll0 rarace. cer ln the Red Star L&ae antvlnr 11:uat eoa10 to lbe polat evtD uaUy July .... ........................ 7,388 1400. • and when we art CCifth'onted wtt.ll Augutt . . . ............. .... 8,760 April 17--Gordon B. H.-e, In ~ntWt'J) OIM flDe Monday morn· a COII'ple\e reveraal Of po Hy. pub- Septembtr .... ............ ...... " 2%.378 BalbM laland, per OWDer to build In, I Neelnd a terrifte jclt wb• Uc oplnJoa wtU ·baYO to be dind· Octobff ........ -................ 1S,t40 ,tllb '~ ett?rac• ud two rooma. told by our Port captata •hd our ed a 'onr eaUNly ..,, ...... t IU.."' Nonmber ............................ 10.014 421-lllet ethel. 1800. eblp wou)d not ail aaain under t"e acauate reporttar. · ~r .................... -........ ll.,ttO April 18--Fr..s J. SUlcer. 1006 Amer1cu na~ and that 1 would 1 Lerla1allon wut llaft to be_.. Total ......................... -......... 1C2,32'T W. Bay An .. per owner to conwrt return toN-York aa a ~er 16derate,' not aU ODO .. Ide4. aad -· ~ a preeeet PRJ.• lnto .a room and on Ule "Vaterlanct." lDqulry u to flnal v. m&nqemeet wUl ~". t.? · 1 M4 . buUd an 111t20 ...,...e, 11000. U.. ,..._ for Ult.a ~t out tile be piae.d Ill t.ba baDU ot mea . Aprtl 18--Dr. H. D. Hlpab, TN fact t.bat ~ f&Uure of our COD·' whoee·t,le traia1nC llaa .._ _... Ja~N&ry ............................ 111.5111 So. Broadway, ~.a. Aftlllee, per ,.._to pua t.ba aU1Mr (aubetdy) Inc ablp. delifth t.be rooa ud February .............. ...... ... .. li,TtOC owner· to bttlld 1 et.ory, s room bW made It ftOCMIIII'J to tr&lllller · pay dlvldeDda oa t.btt 111"1'0 lllWfllt. March · ........ · Sl,lTI ellk:co dwelllnc, JOG ()pjaJ AYe., Ule ..Up to anotber re,utry, never/ menta that are -.: '7 • U. AprtJ 6-~ Bowlu. per 11500. baYtq beard ot a .ubeJcSy 1 deter. Vti'J tOUIIl .. ,.,._ mtMr U.U owner, to build addltioiW ·vaiue to April. 18--Ralpb Blaekbu.rn, 301 mlDed to find out Jut wbat aort ot 1 me ~ .....,. Ia UMtlr UYOe taoed • penDit No. Mf1t for • dwell~f Emerald An., Balboa Illand. to a Ullq t.bat wu .. 80 wbea Larrtwd • I!Jip • pay roll that Lad to be 10s20, 201 Diamond An., 1500. build ll r;oom dwelllnc over p,.._t In N-York 1 w•t to t.be Ubnry met wtUa eamtnp ot the ablp aa. • AptU ~-J.or'W Meador 413 rarare .. 1500 for exterior OBJy. and be ... my I'MMrcb wtllcb bu lt.ud ot eamlap fiJI ~ Goldenrod Ave., C~ ctei Mar, . Aprtl 18--K .. A.C) H~rton. cootlnued lDtermltteaUy 0\:lr -.co. :.:: polat can not be Oftl' eaa~ per OWDer. to put a concrete foun-MOll So. Hope St.. lllJDUDrtoa In U\t.a artJcle I am etmply U · · c1aUoa aDd floor 1n • p.rqe and Paril, Jlef .Oonnd Shook, t~ c~· .,......... my op&n&on bued upon a My voice t.a too feeble to M f'OUCb.ln for lau.ndry tray ~~ vert a butldtnr Into a ttrfte room llfettme of eaperienee aDd ueoeta· beaN Ia tbt.a creat wllde~,. or April 8-Mra. A. a. ~. ~ and baUI, 224 Grand Canal, 11200. lion wtt~ men wboee Job ~t wu to forey hope. but It may tit ~ Palm Dr .. La Canada, per owner. April 20-W. J . Benbow,. per make moaey wltll ablp. rather to IOIDe yowac men wbo,.,.. ~lq to m.alte repajre to buUdln~ f(W \ ~r. to build 2lx18~ addJUon to Ulan to •pend money 011 Ul~ ~~b\!Sitd U.t We at ._ lD &M I room dwelllar, 217 Abalqne. P'-Dt dWelUnc, 3102 M&rcua Aye. ~p)e .... to have Ule Imp.-. _merCb&llt marine by bomba.IU~ 1100 1 • 1400. · , 1 •on today tbat becau.e we ...., aatement. of' IIIMD w'o . ........, April 8-RJchard Stewart '4ll)t April 20-WWiam C. llolclt, ~ a lot ot IDODey on a J ot lmow better. • · ' Woodlup' Lane ntDtrt~ per IN6 Arbutua . An,. Hwttnatoa ot ahJp. we .,.. bWicllllc a mer-No. ablp. do. not make a _... owur to mov.' A dwellill .. and Park, per OWDer to build ll room cbant marllle. Nothlnc could i»e chant martne. make lato a I roonr dWelliDc 21~ dweiJU.. wl~ 2 car PPal'l. 1511 .Abalone, S500: • ~baloDe PiaU. 11200. · owaer. 224 1:. Orand Qna!. .4-pt11 8--Aibert \Vrlrtat. lot12 Aprtl 21-Kra.-· Haniette 'W. April ~M. D. Deeenblre, per McNerney Aft., 8ouUI Gate, per Dulullnc, .~.1:. Colorado St., ..... 'W. L. McCormldl. lTOl Bayll6dt Dr. OW1ler to .butld oae atory two ~. ade~. pet·.Ralpb B. Dtmmttt. to April 6-KIM. UUian Henry, per dweUlDc and totJet room' Tl8 Or· ~.114 2 bedrocuD anc) batb oftr P· KcQmnJck. ~ -Seubore Dr. cbld Ave., lebo. · rap, li05 ~polua. 11000. April 5 -F'ruk 1:. Blaunlt, per April 10-Hany CUr, 200 Sap-April 21-Ne!-Q. Wende, per McCormick, MO Ha.a.l Dr. ~11"'1, per. QordOn a P"l.ndlar. to :;ger (o fi'OY• a 1 etoty ...,...., April 5 M. 8. Batley, per Mc· .,...U rapatre to dweUtnr, QOO. . ~. ~· Cormick, 308 Orcbld Aw. Api-u 12-Tom Canori, Newport . AprG 21-:-!/· -~· IJ&rper, :&,\1 April ~ll"raak H. Batee, ptor ~b. per OW!llr to dem~llab pc;r. ·Abalone AYe .. per Coarad Sboo'k, a.!cCormlck. 324 Orcbtd. tJoo ol dweUtnr. UMn l"''butJd ud I ~ make. a.tter:alklll to ntertor ol April 6--Harry R. TO¥ rea. _j)'!r hpalr old ·portloa. 110.n.t, i1110Ct.; cthlllilc~ 1800. _ --:.:. _ _ ll!J:9orvucac ..421. Orcb!4. , April 12--~ H .. Wade, MOO . ,AprD, 21-~ulene Boero. TO& April ~ -Wetaman, ptor M<"Cor- .. ---------·--. Sta~ Ht-.y, per OWDer to bull mlck. ~· Po&uetU., Quality Lum ..... . addtUon to b&Jie abop, $200. April ~ Lawrence v . O'Oars April 21-L. Luabb&Up, , ~11 per MeCormlc:k, IW)S Golde~. · FemJear, per owner .'to bQUd a a April ~M. A. RUCJe, per Me· room dwellf:nr,' 11 Cormick. TOO Heliotrope. . April ~A. II. Pnc., per Mc· O>nnJck, au~ LU'Upur Ave. April 11-.Jobn W . Myen. per owaer, 120 A ....... AprtJ 11-Lnlle ' J: Bu per OW11er ·to b.Utld 1 lltory C&raee prtl William Kraeme r. Apdl lt-U.S.O . per 8&m J0a. father. TU 11:. Bay. Apr11 18-A. T. LaM, per IIUa Ktn.tatber. llll Coi'OD&do. Apnv tt-ee. eout Boat Pier No. 5, 8azi1 Ktnefatber. April I._Dr. Wa.ltn T.llOIDPI-~J.II per 8&m K.lutatber, 301 AmeU.. ywt: Aprtl l t-AI ADde~. per SuD Km.tatber, t18 11:. Bar An. ~r11 a-c Ol.arlu c. np,.. ,... a.m KIMf&Uier, ttl t.artr.pur. Aprtl 18--Ralph B. Dlmmll't. per ~· Arthur. per Sam l(lnala· ther, 311 Sapphira. April ts-Bayllde• VUlt, per Sam Klnatatber. 431 11:. ~Y. AprU lt-&clmOGd Ollr8 Jr.,-,. Sam Klnafather, 312 8appllln. Api'U 3--L. V. Pbebue, per o,_. er, Ill TIMUa Aft. ~prtl h Cout Boat Co .. and ~. l2t ~11. 1800. r ~~ , SilO Ouuane . ___:t ..... ._~ .. .....__....cua.:x:a~.:u. .. &JIII.-..:..._-Iof------.{jirf1 1.8 A. M:, Stronr. J.-lf j-e.pD--tttut'lrt!ru:1'CrT~:Jar. ~ -A tU~.L,!'~i.NG !.~ITI 1 f!etu.". 32Q Anad~. • · P ,.,-,.... A. narnurton. per Ap~ll ~~-J . Shumacker .. r EL~C'nUCAL PEI,'MITI -~ t•!..••··~·~!..!.Lu..e_ ..................... _.._•••.••••••·-•r sam ltlnafather, •22 Ruby · Pf! 12 .. 1 i · ~ April l27"J ohn W ... rer, .., • F.OR B. UIL. DING INFORMATIO .. : April 19· Mre. Ella Wtltllnso'\ Agate. per owner. : N : per Sa m KIMf1lher. 128 VIa Crr: April 1 Ma.ll Hann, 1400 ka. 1 ~ • dovta. I \'IC!W Dr, per Blackbearcl. : -~-: April 19 · D. Y.. Noratrom. p• r 1 April 14 Dr Ritch ~e. 1402 Sea· t D D' ' L 'be" c • Sam Ktn.~fathtr. 121 Ruby. ,.view Dr . per Bl&ekbeard.. · .. i ! ~a rslr•c! um r -~· _ ;~ K.;:,~~:~ 2:t ~:;y ~~·tor ~f:~!:a. "";~~~cM;:C:ou;!a;:: 1 , •WAL TER I . I~ICER, o.mw . •, Ap ril 18 Harry Wtll h. JM'r 8am . Ave., per Bl&ek~rd. I N-' ' D-: h , ; I ~lfatber. 308 Moatero. I Aprtl 14·-lda-Ackt"Qyd. Uot t , .-.port ..-c: ·: A.prll 19 Conaolldated Aircraft. ·Seavl-An .. per Bla.ckbeard. It I l(ata Hlg,.WIJ PhOM • ~:v Sam Kl~alber, lOU St3lt' I April 1!4-R.obert fiorn. l40tl At The Art~ 1150 : H ay. Seaview Aye .. per Blac.llbeard. . • . . • Apttl 19-C. F.. 1'wl.t, ~r Rllm April 20-York Boat Co 111 • e • • • •. • • • • •• • • • ,. • ~ \ • 0 ~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • ._. • •! • • • • • •. Klnllfather, lll4 Top!'Z. State. Hlway, per Blackebatd April 1,-;-JamN • Tutfr~ rrr · · . 8am Kltl-'ather, 1 11>1 ic. Ce~tral. April 20-Tom Careon, tl2·22at · · April 19-Coy wa'tu per 8,.m .s t;,pfr Home Electric . KIIUtatMr, 112 11::· Oce~ l"''on' Ap#ll ~0 A. J . ~· llll O>ro- • AJirll. I.__J. K . Fuller. ~r Sam nado. per Home Elec:i rtc . . Kinatat.h~r. pen 1:. JlcY-' · iGOR DOl a~· FII .DLA Y =··' . -'Prll 18 Clarence 0"'. Jk'r :lam Corona del Mar Man Held on Forgery Count • MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR · ova 81'r£1ALTY ' Cabinet Shop-service omc. CMiae& ~ MlO OoMt llhd. 4t'710tllt k ... 401 .... ,.., M&WIO&T R 4 CB. O&Ur. IL R. BBINKERBOPP -E. 1blnl 8~ Suta Aaa 5 I Klnllfatber. 408 1!!. Cenlr!&l • April 19-H R. Gre_:ly, per Mam KlnetaUier. Aprtl 1t Bert Eaaley, per Sam Oil & requeal from Olympia, Klh.faUier, 21t. G,...,d ~· WUblDrton, oftlcla.ta. ,Manley R. April l._TrulftUI ~t , per Conly. t2, wu placed under arrellt Sam KJnatat.ber, 2J2 at htl Coroft& del J1ar bome ·by AprU 1~-Jay Dutter. 8am deput.la ~ t.a Min~ bllcl lD U.. KtnafaUier. 3M Ocean Bh • i county J&.n ~nc1tnr IMll'\lcUoaa April lt-ll. Morna SaUUI. ;.r frcq Ole nortbem city pollee, wbo :::. K_lnataUier. DlO VIa ~ My ~ fw fOI'J'e1'7· ~ RE-ILECT CLYDE.~ WATSON · Yoar :.ftWW~r,r,.._ 74da Dlwicl . E X P E.R I E N C E . EFFICIENCY ~ ECONOMY I t • • • OUR-lAST BlOGK OF . l.OlS·--~ • ~ to be sold at . I " -~IQU·IDATI(JN . P~IC~,~ 15 LQTS II BLOCK 232 . ZONE R-3-Permittina either Slnale or Multiple Realdential U1e. IE S T IICT I OIS Sinrle-Family Realden~ to coat not I~ 'than $3,000; Residential· Income, each unit to coat not leu than·$2,750. . .._ ......... _ For. The FlrSt!Jktie •, Will a·e orrelaed .FOr Sale ' . " MA-Y-7th, 19441 . . . y_our . reserV8tlons Now· ' ' . . , . the Lob front on Dahlia (private) Place.· the Lots front on Northweeterly ~de of .. Femleaf Avenue. leaf Avenue Ia a cement atreet-the ramp nmnfna from Sea- Avenue to Padfle Drive. · · ' · · · ... , .. . Ask_MR. T. F. RHODEN, Trace Sales Manapr.-- .Tr.act ~.ffic~ -on the Bluff af . ---· ·- • for the saleB prices and termL We would .quote them In thll adYet· ·, . . tisement but they hav~ not been of~itially ap)JI'OYed at tJ:1e dme thla ·we still have Business Lots-A FEW ONLY -·on Shore-Avenue. o~posite the bi_g sand beach on the Oceat. .side. Corona del Mar: ~ REMEMBER •••• ~ We have a few ideal Residential-Income Sites Ocean 'S-ide, too. .THEI TOO, REMEMBER • • •• on the sand beach. &:' • And ask Mr. Rh~den to show you the unsold Iota. we ·have in the Bay Cove. Corona del Mar.~ " · · .I ' WE THINK THE PRICES AND TERMS WILL INTEREST THE MOST . . SKEPTICAL 736 S. Hill Street U.S Angeles, California . See Mit T .. F. ,J,tiiOUI!;~, at TllACT OFFICE on the Bluff COR.OfiA DEL ·~AR ~ ·- ·- ) Na!tPQIIr..;. N' R()A NEWS-TIMES & A. MEYER • • · · EDITOR AND PRESIDENT Pltatiq .. I&Dt. .tOl'f W. Central Avenue. Newj'Wt Beacu, Calilnrnia Official Paper of the City of Newport Beach • • A De,endablo L~l lnat•tutiOfl tor 011or 34 v .. ,., It II a· 6y ~ laUihlnc, 'romping dill~ day when _!!J1ne little ,af,lta DVer the nation twqne ~ o( the May Ud ae a dream ~ lji'Ue. · .· · . · Our third ~!fly Day ot the pre.ent war wiU Jack lit~ of U. c,::olor ·and tllthuaium that makes it an .ewnt .lone an-' tldpated and lcq ~fed by the )'Oungsten. Tb~ year It will b@ to the ol4er people a reminder of our da~ ot ~)Nee wlaen tM dadl of many ol ~ caftlree little ones w~re there to.. thein lnRNd of~ at the other end of the earth. But there .til be other May Days-happier ~when tbt war Ia.~ and the dada are home to stay. lit those days, U. dOes WW look bluer and the iJ'IISI&reeDer and the laueh· t.R ol c:hlld.m1 more Joyous than ever before. Those are the ._. whldi the. ciiMIIJ11l,t now are· ftahtinc to lnlure. • · · Mantiine' the cloud or war Will not hang heavily in the a.rt. ot tbt Utu. ones on May Day next Monday. ,Draft Women? .. .()ne ot the big dlsappolntmenta in this war has been ~(.' lubwann l'eSpC:lMe ot American women to the urgent &J> pea for~ Wacs, Waves, Spars and Marines. Yet a recent Gallup poll .-eve~ tlu!t the ~a_LmaJ9_ri!l'_gf .. NEWS of the CHURCHES ONa lADY or IIIOUJ'-"T CAJl.V£1, CH VKCH lUI W. Vellt...,, Sewport lle8e. Sunct..y IJl&IMII ,., 8 and 10 a. m. ID8nied men wttb c:b1Jdral c:alled Into armed rorCes.. ntis .----------..,.------..... --lllllka It puzzl.lnc aa to'*' *are of the fair· sex have not voJ. • -----------, ta6sered for u,_ military Rn1c& ' --~-• ~~;t ~0" fNIU .. ANCK U~ 'Htmwr .1M.atmt to wbkJ1 the women or AIMrica ••11 MAlliE SERVICE 1 Howard ·W. Gerriab Ollllbibutled to Uw war eftart c:unot~ measured solely by " 1111 w. C...t1'81 Ave. tt.tiiWIIIIie w a.....,_ ~theft 1ft over 16. miUJon .,.... worbc In..,..._ Uld ln&tultry. 1bla is an enor. S.H ELL DOCK. N~ .._,., c.ur. maaa ~ owr tbe .......,.r ~· ~the aira1lft lndua-.....,.. .., trl'tbe tGtaJ of._....~ baa apea trun 4.obo belb~ Auto,..obile • Fire lbj..,. to ovw 300.000 at preemt -r· Li& "-1" • rs ..... c~own important~ ia txwnea 'A L,B 0 A IS L.A N'D Accict• • . , .·FEATURES IE·ILECT ', .. . CON G I ESSN·A N J'O H lf PHILLIPS :,..,. llldllr. llub, and llm1lar IDidtudaaa haw be. • a..:: .. -:.:-' ~ '; .. ~, .. .,. wttb ~ If!~-~~ part Uwy ----.-.--~----------.:J-----.....:.:...._ _ _J .......... ______ ...... • ) • Thursday, April 27, 1944 Are Delicioua! STATE ·.SENATOR THOMAS ii. KOCHEL WliL -PAITRI'ULL1' RKI'IC..:Sio:NT AI.L THE PBOrLB OP THIS DISTRit-r'. HONESTlY AND. FAIRLY. Vote on May ll»th To Keep SENATOR THOMAS H. KUCHEL at Sacramento. I l'U.ednr11'f'll'lf'nt 1\q bPftl donatet b)' ,.._.. fll ... lor ,,_;.. ts. Kucn.u . Soatben Pacific lraina are &lied to eapacity ... ..aat tniae are lold oat • loa1 tiaae ahead. W roti eu 't bay tlte traia tieket '" w~nt ri1ht aow-wlar .a plllt l.be traia fare iato WAR BONDSP s~p Fie lrleall1 Settiera '•clllt . . ... ~. .. ( I . -.. • ~. - , NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES. Newport. ,Beach, r.,,:fnrt~ia. 'Mtursday, AprJJ 27. 1944 , ..... ,_ Hlob~Schoo1News 1 !t~~~-~·J'~·~ -~La.ssi·FIED_Ao~ Fo··R_BARG·A-IIS!'· ~~n pre8etlted for 8 · 8 · JIOM·IIond Sales Still 1 F.MrLOVMENT · I BAit ICin'ATI: 1 "TJUf1'nJ'aB Muriel Hatch Win• .lie Scholanhip • · tl':ef~~~;.: :!t:r=~ly ud lSenion to Have Lut Wecm-iay In a !pf'et'nl ol tf'ar Below, Total HF.LI' \\'ANTf:ll Wom•n f~ FOR 8..\LI'r--ma UL&--. hU bem playtn& th~ •tolta fur Baccalaureate the 8. B. -lo&UOU Ud a ccept•! HAt H nntral tiO\IIIfWIIf11 1"\111 time. LOT 8AROAtN8 -~ ,.,._t JII:D DAVIIINPORT lln'8 ~ -.Into yean.. artee ~-_,. fi"D few tM r •:r. 'llh hiU' a woA! or buy-Uv• In or out. Oond alary. : 'ot. •GallO. BaJ~· "-&Mula .,..... krMiiller 111H -,... The .,otll&ht polnta with prtd~ A r~w weeka ago Muriel bad an-Tbt atnt.or8 called a clua meet· m~mbere. Thr • wbo were noml· tAl 11 1 ··I M11-11o11~ t ICh\n p'ane 1'\\•u rhlhll'ft\.ln family. SCM VI• 1 Tn\rt . IUlftO. C'uh <'r tenna. •t& 'l'rem.adoua _.:lllft ot to our own popular Nnlot. Muriel other wrlte.-up ln the Beacon wta.D In~ ~attrdav to di.«U. NVel'&l naled. &ftd ~pt~. Wt'N ll:e tol· coal•n~: J7.~ •·IW1 ''"'' """' h uo. total l.hlo N<~~·<S. U liO •Jale, Newport I A• ... two bualnfl .. or I"H'~tlaJ NIIMW, eovere and.,.. l!IO'dl- Hakb. . ahe played over alation KFI. lmportant pointe. l loy,•ln&: ;, $.!'\:'>i ll' ~·(I 1"'""'•1 ~hat tc••AI ln U.-••·h lt•tfl' I "''• on 11\lh At.. 11000 CUh. ·l:u>' or. '11'18 M<"MP~II 11'\.lnd• B«aua of her marv~loua mu· Muriel bu appeared w1th eever-The flral point that wu brought 1 For Pruldent Glynn Bole• ord••• I• .,.,,. th;ol foiAnr h\' lhr WANTto~n Won••n to cleall on · ltllarnr lf.llh~tt. 1'101 F. <:-.11trel tur. ('(\.. tnd &lid BrMctway, 81c&l accompllabm~nt. Murtel hu al .ympbony orcbutraa durlnl ber up wu tb• Hnlor b'N'&kfut whk h nllmlnated by JI"N'd Shand. and ,eftd "' •• ho 1 11 "'II 11\\cl' ~>ul -h1t' ThurtJ<ho . l'hune New 1 tiS Ave . Ralht•a ,..tfe Rahta An•. 12·tfe bee.n awarded a aeholareblp for I nlne yean u a vloll!W81. will be held at Whltt'l Cafe ln I Olck P'rHman nominated by Vlv·, bOII\11 In ,,,, II . ~IrA wJt .. n Hubbard ';:' 18-tl~ ------K-R-0-;.H-l .. R p• .. T-..RM •OCK·· apeelal ability, Muf\81-a Harbodte for four Balboe on May 29 at eiJhl o'cloek .l lan V'uJbn; Sift«' 1!\ """ purl'luuw••J In bon•le • to•on ~AI.Jo; t ... •l • Nl penln8ula. .,. .,. ,_ .. .., n • Tbt. aeholara}llp valued at one ye.,.._b&a beaa Oil tbe 'hoaor roU The price w ill be aeventy·flve qmta l Vlce-pret~.dent -Jim Dou&IU iand ·'"''rl'" !h " "'""\« An I $:\00 80 WANTI.O Wt'll l()l'at ... t. only 111!'10 f'?ne II!JUI. Club ahalra. bar,.l rh....._ bundre4 ut fifty dollar~J-na.blu for tbe aame number of yean. I• plate. norutnated by BIII·VM Horn: VIr· waa 1'": h;u •·•t 111•1 w~·l'lc ' Tht' ell AIIIC> n,•<'h An or._ Tup waau. 1\e.t Nrwrnrt 2~4 -W 3~·•tr wlni "halra. O('('UkJnal .eh&IN. Uolveraltr .. She revealed that abe very proud of ha and we aU IP port bac-lt to the auditorium at I Jonnle J~I\JultOD, and felt!• Nltl· aWilltlrd 1 , ,.,,,111 IO:.! with a toll•l tll•l war lntluatry Employment '"ltC'. "''IN' f\trn1turt' Ut\00 ~"' and •tfiM. aald Oft ll&ty ,..rma. · Mur1el .t o atte~d the Redlanda .1er tracner. J~ph ~,.tro. y Aner tbla tbe aenlora will re-~lnla Fernandea ~lnated .by ..,-"V" for thl' hiJ.:hf'ltt total ,..,.. of ••orkln1 c..:thllllona. AD ueen-. JI'O~ !'IAI.J.~ 3 r I'm hr u ... P · Hu.-.. a.cUOI'I of covera. coltii'W eapect. to enter thla \Jnlveralty Ill too . . . .eoecrat tiona, Mwi•l t-lvt &harp tor JTaduatloo pr~-•": nom nated ~y ICm~ ~; -ol 1::7 !Ill '4nd ""'"' 201! Ia In .. •· r lt' rr tw'N' or at HuntlftJ'ton , WTiaon ~~, ~~~~" Mnl\. 3:\·•tp I MrMilhan P\lrnltul,. 06 . .,lft(l an4l --__ ---Uc ror Secretary -.,.ua -ar~· 11 f r RC'a 'h ''""" ..,.,_~ lUll& Ana 11 U. ----e. rth lnat...i b ~ • ..., Allee • '"'1. I' l h~ ttultl "V" fc•r the 1 __ --·---___ • __ A • J Baccalaureate atrvlcea y,·UJ be ""0 nom ~ Y ·-~ moat •ntii. p~r t-.r~·• ,51011 nu::nnoHP.: HOlliNS JI'OR ,_AI.1': ftnut1f\11 rNid•nu. tt.ntlon M.n In D•aft h ld ~ ,.1 · t th Co It Pollard. and JWie Whitman ooml· T1 · Fl•r~l f'alu and Servlre -t•11r• IIVIaJ mnm, :.O,f\ '""•· PQR 8AJ..B-.AV'I'08 · • ' t' on ••Y " • e mmun Y nated by• Sblrtey tbn•moor 11 1 ,. "'• 11' 1 ~;,. • ., ronm1 nol re· • ., " Cbl.lrch In Coeta Meaa. And lor TTJu,;;' _ ,._,:-.-. c•fvlu~; ,, \' ...,1111 11 arr 220 Art 2.nd •nd C'•ntral Ave. na nllv flrflr'•r•. :\ to.ctmc~m•. on. BICYCl.l'8-SoW. ret~ted • ,. · Cl lfJ at• . 4 F Tbt''N' will &180 be a aenlor aluro· ,.,......,._ Shi•l · Nrwrort 1\t'arh MIOI\e 28 mut.r hfot'tioo\•m. l'hZ4 n wltll red ,.a ~ 1 au c ~-n • n'td&Doe ... t be notftl after tlle ' TbOIJI nominal by D&vtd CrcM. 2t·ttc J'I'IYate ~···t ub and 81&11 ahow· ~~ .. ::.~~·· .. .,..:~a:..: I T bl '"' tb . aBd DoD MlUu DOID.ID&t.l"' Carol Rtl>•llll th•l II •• r t.IIAIII arf' 10:! ---~ ._ ---Intel I .._.,,..~ •. tWilt belha. Balbo& r...... . ...... n or UHIJ' Y· e ame • eme • Woldenbllf'l'. • • -i:oKIIIh II s,:7 110 104 Nr•n· }t1':U' W ANTI!:O C~. 60Wft OOO«t tumac.. han!wo~d ftoon. ~ Maritime Shipbuildi~g Is Cl'lllc:al ladas.il'y.l ChO.se your war-e~entic.llob NOW from among many high- paying ~fts open at .......... IIR ... IM * .... .w ... ,, •••• rt8ttoll ~·~ ....... ............. ,....,... .......... ~rgently Needed NOW ••• W elder-Scu4ratt Welden -ElectricWu aad Helpen MadtiDila aad Helpen ~teDOJnpben Pipefinen aad H~pen ~y~i5ts • Pl~ben aad Hel~ T tbu.latiag Trainees "Sheet~eul'M"ediiilicl aaci"Helpert Tabulating Operllon aad Set-Up Mea APPLY TODAY IMPORT ANT .•. BrinJ Social Security Card. Proof ofCirlUa.sbip aad Anilabiliry Ccniicata. "CALIFORNIA SHIPBU-ILDING CORPORATIO·N 110 W..t Anehe'-....., ...... WILMINGtoN . ••••• rs••ei._W._......._. ........ :. UOO eotmt n.OWIIl IT,. LOI.......... . . fU f't.a AVIIIUio ~ liMN _ 11 bedc~ed for botb the ... m., Tb-8ludenta have MeD aoqa~ ,lab $11.4•1 1•1(1 C'tvk a $2'f otl lltlllr• wurk Twu a~lta Ph•u.l •ntlrr hnu .. v•ry bt'&Y)' eon· • ·w~,..TID , · ~ abo de~uued the ,ut tb Dated by Hubor'8 8luliaot Becb'. 108 1'•11ZAo.•hiJ' 119 3:'i. t'.!O. It•: Ani rttum 'ln•l lrltiTfiWI<Jina8 171\ 11tmr11on : wl'f'plnJ ron-h, .. rvlr • Lola of rood el..a u.4 cu.. W :J the ey and on Kay 2nd IJM J O&. wtU -., 1&14'<1 Srlro .. " $\! :lO 222 nor ton • l'er mo PI nre N-ron I ttl JW>n-h •n!l front pol"''h, tar,e ltv-WID pay top~- _w ve aehoot. cut. It will be up to bela ~t -tto SO; I!\ I Al~•bra U~ t n !3-tfc I ln«ronrn: at•tPn-yeu tTult t • THJ:QDORJ:l JtOIItNI . Ca~ and &owne were dlfc~ to vot~ for the eaadtdale llle •anta IS6 t:"'""' In $.7 II!\ ·•o2 l.all~ • bur'nlf. near yard f•n~4'd wltb • Ford laiN 6 .. rvae. •I by t"e l'f'O"P· Mr. O~vldaort aald _ --· . -l 2b ~-~.14~' t-:ntllloh i V $:'1 oo· IIJ-:LP WANT¥0 Ma.r'br WCIIID&Il run-proot f-ee. nk.. I•--. ltad A OMtNl .... that _., blue had been or~red. H ' y p T -L JOe 1-'n~:tt"h \'Til . $3 • to • h>an nftlt-• two llt' thl'ee tlmea ' ·-~ aDd we were vtry fortunate ln be--l· to . ut on ra,.;a ....... , h. \'1 $ 3!\, ~ • WMII. Day or •v•""'•· Apply 'plt'nty of ~rC>CI "*'·· blonmlna NewliOft Beaet.. l"boM, •.• ' ...... Ill ll X~. 2:!3 H•.tlo nnoa• rro-rty h do bl-'1 t •· ..... -t•- lntr able to a~t .lh~. 1 Meet for Gradwa . su-.: •. n; \ 'hf'mllltry 14 :\r.; Or-AI Nt'" ~t-Timee off~. lOll w. "'an . l'awn'.~ wonct":r1Ut u .:art:~ -. . ----·~ ----'---<--· I ' cb•tl·a l ll20 nov•' c: m <'•'nlral A\••. Nt'wport•&Meb. Ylfw. Chmer oftertnllhla'prop· ._..JifftD'IOatJY . T Oro F. t ~ The HI·Y will tak• uothar Jon~ 51 00 Ofl s·• 7· · Y a.:u,-.a· ~ an p an 81«' toward the t In ol bonda . . "" • '' , rrt:v AI IU.Mn. C'~r. \."1\MJ· 'W ANTSD ~ BUY lA .... ' ....,.. Ball Game to S. A. P 8 Y 1 lf At th•· '".Tc• uf ~Ale• now 'lt "''" BOATS, 8trPPLIEII!I Ina of plalu wanaAta tbe ~ -C'te. .,._.,....,._til. l64&j . • betwt'eD Ule ·atUd~nta and ltae not ho· fl'•:tallJII' 1,1 purl·hue that .at o,r.. All ruh nqulrecl al· Lut Tueaday the Harbor baM· I next Wedneeday wbfll It puta OD P ·lll hy Jl.u~ t 'ttont' on. HArhor IIOA T~ Jl, l Sll&d and Traded-UIOUih buyer \'&n a«ure a lib· l.n81' AND _._ ,ball aquad took on \.he ~~&Dta Ana Ita ftrat aa.rnaal 7th ~d 8th .,..S. don't l .. t Ill• Ctrl llwrw .('UI'I:huu•! Mutne ICn~rtnu antt Part. t'ral loan If. dc>atr.d ProPtl'\)' r"'-!l"'U 8alnla on the Salnte' bome dla-track meet .between Coata ~~~-, MARINI!; aAt.'•A•~It AMP, 10('"'"'' •I ~'I rona .dtilllar. Wdle mood. P'l&D&C&ft, Bolea. ADd ll'rel· ud Newport or..aulur ~ Peanut leapera Get ' MFG. co. Rn~r ·w·. ~' Newt.'nm•• New- tar"were the batler'lea f~ Harbor. The My8 bave put a lot out. abd __, 3090 w f'lo!lt BI A VI' Ptl. 2W-W port Beadt. . . s•-up with PklkeriDI and a.~or tile ~Met Ia .ur-t to. II!..!.. bu e auC!· Off to a f aa_t _Start Nn•port RNch CUlt - Santa Ana . Santa Ana acored four e-.,.., HI·Y wDl ru1'111Ah • hand· 1 . --• . M-U I P'Oft-tLAU~ ~D ll'roft\ ll-~- runa In · the flnt lnnlnr to lh,..,. aome trophy U14 rtl*one tn the Thf' ~· .. nnut IAillCllt' ~eot off with • · "· c home. hanttrood noon. v-.. Mine ~r the Sallor8. Weat'8 homer I wtnnera. Ttl• meet WUI be neat 11 teem• p•rtll'lpatlnlt In the run-I' on liAUC o,..n boat. 2l·tt.l bllmt.. ~cntly reci.rou.t.ecs. 111 the rtm ~IDj wltb one haAJ\ Tbunday at 8:00. Sam F orleman nina. Okk Gillum and H~trllN' 811-1 Rf'-lll&blll. Wan In M"ke Can Rental In ,_, liacartt 110'11t, ta· an ll~l In 111 .. flrllt ltt'rlud ~~·-1 h\> -n Ill C~Mel Boat Co., I Mlltl'. IAUI heR•• 6 plitlo. 10. ft. lUted l>Y (a Hi:.,ncJ Jl••rtO<I Urian Hottman 11 12.13 Cout Hlpway. Ne~rt front.... ,....._ Ow... 1111 a total of NVt'n rune ott nan&· Bnidea making a •teal nut nf It by WID· U.-ar h M·ltC: 0oMn ihoat. Ne"'JJI't ... ~. lUI ud two from Dol-. '!'1M LeaJue. a nAn& all of bla .:•mu eo far. fnl· I Phu~ 1617. h·Ue Salf!'ta aided by Mvtn erron drew trat. meet. the lowed by Quarry. Hardy. and Cra· •tAr'"· rot11tw,.d by Tacbol and'' WANTED TO RENT an eerly ltad wblch they be1d for r.dytDr; tor tbe .. r ln thai ordn, Grt .. ••• •ach ••lth two wta. hi tour ----Low .• aot ~ -.: ul .. · tbe remalndq ot ~ ~aae. &iut Peanut Lftcue In thlnl pt>rlnd Rob Onuahty I•'JamH AntJ Munla brtap up t.be WANTII:D TO 1\JCN"I'--Un,.,....._ ...at and~. 0.. ....... MA- lMdlnJt by wlnnlna tour out ot five ,...., wltb one wln. I ed hcMaae. t "" I ,_, ta ~ appocn .. to .... U.. .... el _. ~amH, fl•llowl'd by Thnmpeon Stxth pertod IM!N Marab&U aDd bnr area. ...,_. New,oft ntl. ~pe..J ...,.. M af ... ; PLA-NE Yes -yoo ~ ~ now to help build urgently needed C8J'KO, combat and transwrt our artned fo~ ~ !JS to keep rolling·rrom the p~ ductlon line. . · · Beach Plant or at one of the convenient Douglas er Shops. you. too. run sha re the thrill or helpU.g build the_ .warplanes tbal_a(t_ tu:lngiwt_ tbe~ace or tomor· row cJOS(>r. You're paid while you learn-and we'n.' sure you'Q like the folks you work with. Join the> tTeat Douglas Jlroduction army today! In Plane -Talk You're Needed Get Full InfonnatlM T'odaY. at Douglas-.. · -u.S. Employment Feeder Shop _-,. Service ,..,.. • .......... ... .. A.a t a.m..,. I . wboae trAm h .. w(m lhrH out of Mlllrr liM with lhrH out ot four' lire. Pnldf'Dc:e 8alltb. -.u. ~pt.-Mary~ =-Jate tt•~-. Wtlll~~:an , and Oonn•ll •are •ach. fullo,.,ed by Jo"'•r and WANTP:O TO Rlf!~N~T~·on~4s.~;ty.e~~~N;;wn:Yiii.-"'ii='iLM~ fOUrth -aM nnh rnpe<-tlvrly • V•urtm. fa1an4 2 or ·. ~ nMU sc~ T ommx JI:IIU. In fourth pt>rlo(t lu Tbf're•are fourt•en l&aM to be l homt 'tnr A~-..--'ntt"""',...-'-'""-..,. 1M C.al. ...... ......---=...;:: .. le&diDI with thtrf' won• h• fnur Jl!AYNI but many have' ooly play· mlnater 04tl • wrlta *'A_... 117Jh1D ~L ,..J lour' Jamea th¥11, f.ae; 1'be race \ · ola n .. ulevard, J,.oe An,.lae, .a, 0,... Nr II Ofdt'nod ~!'~() ballll of~ptoanut. and nnw Ill .,retty bo(,'WIUII no laiUD '?' ('llllfOMIIA , · Sl·•tp • • 0 .... 1 ~ A ...... 25 caa• 01-f'C"P" for thr tHtlvltiN II'Am• favorNI; alfhou&b ·Hoff· ~taut. , .. -....__A , .. 'nle club optonro 'tP lla memhf'111hlp man'" tqllllol hHlkA vuy promtlllnl( WANT TO JU:NT !I bedroom ' Q. A. Mert..._.., M. A.. DafeNI Jrlvt t .. t wel'k a.nd ~•J>t'f'la to · hO\I .. In Balboa. Inquire P1oyd ~rtnel,al ......._ .. lake In '7 ntw membt'111 In nrdrr t•1 Sav~ Time! 'J1le ad .. prai,ebl, ll•~t·, llalhl•• 1•1-d P'e~y fUI thtlr quota of 2&. In t~ NC"WS·Ttmlel M ·tt .. OPERAtORS 8ervkle 111M ud war worli•n are aU depMdlrl& upoe oar &t"" a& tlw IIWitdthoanl!l. Good .-Y whlle Wan- In,; aJid recular 18c.teuea * * * SOUTHHERN CALIFORNIA TEL~PHONE CO~ .. Apply: 100 E. Bay Ave., Balboa -.. · or 514.~ No. Mala St., SUta .U. AVAII.ABILITV C&RTincwn &ZQUIUD -- pt'r .munt h flt~or~re Ball, IO"Ih ~t l.u• Ana-l'lf'a Phune l'h•AAAnl 1711711 :t:t·•lp ..... M4 .. ..e ....... -...... ew .... •• Mer "· 000 tiN a...T ~TAL ...... AM-. tt14 ... Meho 1&.-: ..... AN, Clllf, R A i.> I 0 S~ R V I C E llntm•. Auto. Marlrwo Radio. .IWpalr'f'd. ·Man'"' Etftot~ Burt R. Norton · U II C.-t mpW&J NriPOaT II&ACII ..... tt., · Professional Direetory Gordon M.Grund,, M.D. ~hyalcl•h a"4 turee ... ~ .,.lntlt •"4 Ce .. tra: Ave. om,. Hre.~ .to.tt1 .m.t •·•'·~· Teleph_,.. '7 LEROY P. ANDERSON ATTOI'IN&V AT LAW Conrad Rlcht•, M.D. ""1·~· ... aNI ....... ... Offlee ,., . .., .. ..... ...~ ...... Hauf't; t•tt •· ~ & 1·1 ,. -.· "'"' .. I Offlee ,,., .... , .... I DR. G. .E. TO HILL PHYIICIAN ..W IUROaON ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0.0~~'·~~~-~~:!~~~-~~~~-~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2:::::::::::::::::::::: ~ AV SNOOD~ES (1 out of 10 People read Newa-11me8 (Jaulfled Ack.) By Cy Hungerlord lfT'OUt''jf . •. 'CALSHIP HH~Wtr JII .. 1 c.... M... ••"Ill lull41"t -ee...ot...-................ OffiM •• w ....... .. lfHfi"'-C.H ......... t C.ll'-"'1• ... - \ ---------------------------(A ~lanC'• prcl\'H thf' 1.-.ade~hlp of th~ N~w .. ·Timf!S) ---~ . DOROTHY DARNIT Jly Lharlrs ~rManuH L, __ f "IT,··~ ;1-;;-i'~•f l, . -;.~,.f ~ .. f..-'-J I~- r r .-,,,,, t i l••"'• I.--::. '(' ,,~, ,., .•1 . ' ~~ -,~L.:.Y<III!I+-...1....,~ ·-,;J..O-.-. ..u_ .. r:. ,, .... .-.~ • ~ (-«V\ •• ., I 1\ r ,.., •, I •,• > H ~~ r·· ~,) • ,1'1 \ ·'''''(t_ ~~· I '~ • ' ,.,r ' '/1 i ' ~ , t' • rt 1 r • t ,J I If' J/A' I . -, ,. ~,.... · r .t·' r;.JG · · · ~ I ·~~.-,1 . .. ··~ -' ... HAROLD K. GRAUEL CHAPEL "Wr ()UnH'fYM the .\Ur Ilene lly Kervlllr Othert But" _. ~li-New,.rt· Rt Coeia M•• Callfen.la BUY NOW Cit, Tax Sale l..ota A. J. TWiST Dr. M. D. Crawford · 0 P T 0 M a ·T Ill I IT l:y" lll!umiiMd 01.-,UM am "....,.,-t lloua..ar4 ~· 1410 COITA MilA· BALTZ MORlUARY CHA ..... L IV THI I&A , t 10 CMat llv4. 107 c .. et Hlohw•y Pltene 24af .W•on• .. 1 Mer • ~'~~-"""'-. ..... COI'IONA D£l MAI'I · ~htfte N-port 42 -. UR. Ol_lEI> LUCAS 1 · Jlentlttt ~ • ~v, w. t:.et~J. ""· t.'ll NP:WI'OI'IT tiF.Anl WliO~S . WIIO IN HARBOR DISTRICT ' r . nnrP~ A CE ANf> I<INOLINf'l W000- 11 -\\ \\'r ~-''I 17114 !':t•' fill •I". r·,,,,lft l'.t"~" 1'-otf l.umhf'r. l'h. 8M-J. r.FNrRAI r.oN rnA~~ ., •• I 1' " II I·" ..th·:, ill lll I ' ·'1111 lllvtl l'h :tll'l l'lnn11 Ani! Cuf'\lllr'\letion. I UMnrn t:OMPA .. IES-· • I_'"'' II '" ltrl I f r ('• .. , ... ··~ ll•·lp _)''>II r nn Y"'lr hrom ... " f\bone ., .. I '"~ I ''"' I I• I J.o11niH•r l '<t l'h•onl' I IM ( .... Ill'\' tllY,hwa y At A.J'c.ba. ()II ICr 'lUM'f.l£1 . ::•v.l .. II IIAThior l 'ltbll~hlnl( ()> l'h•;, ... n . u . NeWl'Of't O..Cb. P~I NT INC No \.\f'••r1 lfrtrl•••~ J•uhllahlnlf ("fl l'hrmr": 12 • 13, N4lwp.rrl Beaolt.. REAL ESTATE. IN~UAA'NCI: & NOTAI'IV PUBLic:o- l.,w II Wllllll• e. 1 202' W. ·r .. ntr'al Avenue, l'hone 3. RUBBER &TAMPa-. \ : • 1 NrWJiu rt ll..rbCir J•ubllabln< 0'1 ~e•: 12 • 13 Newport ......_ SHEET MI:TAL WOI'IK-~ Vlt>lf' l'lumbtn~r a. 8h .. t M~ Weru, CaletA Mea l'bon.e uo. VAI'It£TV ITOI'IK- . H&lbba J.a&&ftd va.n.tJ ·~ lto. 2lo ANI "'· ...._, IW•W • ._, • - f •• ..... \ NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES, Newport Beaeh, r ,.H,nrnia, Thursday, April 27; 1944 Friday Afternoon Bridge Club Pay Tribute To Mrs. McAlary, Four Years Chatrma~ -I-Iarbor Feminine A t • •t • !Mrs . j . E._ Spangler C lvl les Hostess to Frien~s · For Lunchean Bndge Christ <ll~rch to Have G. S. C . S. ., ,.. &II outcome of the dllltmt CUimlnat ln~t four yt>ar-; or I'U<'· ll11:h ~rl' wa~ caplui'NI ey :\1 r~ ~ M"ctlon SHRDLU SIIRDL Jfl'nry EJ:~f'M , low hv t.1.-.. W t: ee.luJ c h a1 r m a"' h lr or 1 ht• Nick«" II and t h«' t ntvl'hn~ prm · "'" Cn tht>rine ..Easton. Society Reporter • Pb ones 12 aild 13 • Residence Phone 690-W Entertaining • group of Armv 1 conclave o,f the Girl' Society of -offlcel"8' wtvu from RJYet'akte tnd Ctlrlatlan Service held ,t ~~ .. ~ ~t ion-of lhf' f'rlruty ' At· won l>y Ml•~ ~mma Bak•·• . f c· I t.-'Qoon Club ot Col;ta Mf'~. nwm · I O.h4'n. \o\h(l mftdt-n:~•'l"\'llllllf\' ·Oieant n g 0 a If ..,.. ot the ~roup Jlllld trili\Jit• to '-"'N' Mmf'-. Lnr;~ Lnk(', <' r. Jtu-. I S cout Repo rter lin. Omrley )1cAJary by a lar·~c ton. G. n Lln!oenbutd, ,,..n,tld 1 ..Texas Resident8 habel Parker Plights. Troth ~ith' ~eeettrtend8 ........ Jerroact Spanater eaaa on a.Jt~oa tlland J'l1d&'.., Make -H o me' on or 1622 w. Ocean Front ....... h~·l Saturday, alteDdf d by alx rtrlt of -.d n~thusla.~tic 11 t t <' n rt an c o• Span~lt·r. F.u~:•·nl' 1-',•n•'lnn, Erno•'l. W~nHday at hl'r host J"l'f'llng It:. St l'hlun~:~ Oar11•ll J.;mJ:, lr11 1,("''' '*d. . F L. II1111C'k. 1· II M('AIIll~. Ltwk G eorge Hiner in Home Ceremony e• at a tuncbeon ~oflowed by an I Junior high achool are tro.m..p.rta 'Newport Heights afternoon of brtege'" her homl'. Ctlurch by the Sea. a e6apter ol llrownle Qlewe .......,_._ .~nmln~ fm m Riverside to enjoy I th~: orgonlu.tlon will be formed Ill ~Jng thr afternoon nf ""'ti!., IMtmar . .r .... C""''l. E J \\o1 t..:lll a dtollclOttJ< dl'.;..-r•rt !'out"' Wlh .. : Sh,.llm;cn ( · S lltc ntl. II· tll ' ~ nt 12:30 In thr Suruoum of Burdirk, P V. l'llrkc·~. S .r 1 J;ord~· tbe Cluhhouse \\l!h :\In, I' A mAn anrl Mr-... Alwr l'lllmlllt't Chamlx•rlin 11nd Mr-.. C· L An· Ttl•• ru•>.l 11 11 '11111.: "Ill I•• It• ld d clreowa a~> ho-:11•1'• lnclrv1duol l:rl}lc·., rtw l'lllllh•"l"' ••n ~t:o v, .• :!,t 1\ltlt wen-cc:ont<'l'('d II) howls or rn,,., :\1 n; \\' 1: 'lo;rrt :t au.t !\f 1" r r "'' 1 wl\lle frn~:"r.mr ;,, ... ,I flo II' ~l;cl•t d HurJ i• k ·I' hu ''""'' AI llt1 IIIII" llr'"IA III••• 111"'' 11••'11 kn tt·ng ~an APm ardlno atreet, Newpoort ur the hom!.' of lfer parents, .Mr.1Kay .finch Ceramlcti tor sevt>ral ~ueh'rran. Mre. Allee ltlU.On aod Charlu Roblnaon of Newport Til•• kn•·•··ruhc• fnr whtrh lh•· H••<'f'nlly pur<:)lutn~ a bowie n In 1'1 pretty cnndiPiig.llt CE'r!'mony ' school, has bN•n associated 1 with a day on U!e and were Mre. Art·j the Harbor dlatrlct rulded by Ura "i 'lr•·~ "I m~tny mon• hll hall been III'•J:ht.~. Mr. an~ Ura WUUam ~tntl Mrs. G. D. Parke r·, 500 W. 'years. The benlodicl wa s in the Mrll. John Wut who fa lhl' afeter· Beuch '"ho Ia the d'-trlct •a.or '"n rt• l<>•t IIIII' "Ill lw n tt ~ ,, '"' Sntllh and two emaU dauebtl'r• I •~.;can , Fron~. isabel Parkl>r be·t complement or the lll·fatl'd Hornet In-law of the hoatl'U. Her hu.tlaml. for the &'J'OUJl. I' .. n tn Ill• ntfk e ''' Mt H. Gretha 11 ,,1 111Qkn l • r --.... t b • om!' the bnde o.f George J Uner, and was latir sent to New CaJn. a captain lD tb C _ _. Art ill · " ' ~ .. -•uo-... n erne Cl p ocr ,. . e o-, ery, ~~I Being takt'n ~are of In homea tn Tuht N. '''" l'"rr r :c·~t•lo 1:1'11nrnar 111 1•11• llurhor area. Th f . ~ IJ'l>l BS.'i ctty tccr, USNR donra from whr ncc hi' !«'rvcd with tnkln~r. m tlar trllinlng In North th<' aru. elghtv-el<>ht •lrt. attend· "rhoo••l nur!ll' wh••r•• a ll puptl8 "'11\'r 111,.r rA,••.du11111 of We'llney .,.. 01 1•n T'Uesday CYe, n.ing .. R""t-f<'nd Ed· the n11vy lq lhc~th Pacific. Hl' Ca Q) , ' ., " ~' ' atoo Tn d Good II rr I . --0 I r n&. -.-I f'd t he leAion. Among . the local nrP nnl fo•• I n~ "''II ""'' I •' dt~\\'1 _,.1. ,<>r-ltll, the 'fat .. -r ' · "ar <' 0 lc attni:. n Y IIW i!! temporarily s on~at n Pe· Harbo ru--1 I d-.. d " """ ot Ll'o _ _.J 1 t 11 d--' I ~ . r ...... nc u "" Mmt s ll'tlrlll'l<>ants were Barbara Hand, C1w mi(IICI and th•· lor ;:,• 111hlt• , :t rh'W c·h1111 man "111 Ill• rho'1 n ,, ',I •· uf(,., 1 o>t. rnay •lnJ••y 11n· s rh h 1 1 1111m~-u a c am Y atten ~. dro but will n•tum n the F"rnu t M c.1ell Rlcha r udn."•' rr ·,.m,,.',l . :,,~ • ~ted with t ••~ ThP brl~c. who chose a tt>(ll blue summer for furth('r duly ~~ the c . an, rd Ditllper l Oorl" ttllllnfts, F.lotae Owen. Della I 1 ··r cure ~~.-ny and also 1 · · h "'I k · &Dd Allee Cartrfght. all of New-Holbrook Genevieve McComb and· ,.,. .. ,. lfll lr ''" II• 111• ,.,.,.. 111 I or \110 surt. W.H "ar acCt>ssones. Pacifi c. 0 t H . 't ' rl' ~~· "'" "•I• I' " " ., 'rk urrtl• I tho.: hr~lht r uf )f,.., A. 8. Thomp I ;r thl' W<'dding. wa.o~ assistrd by I The young couplt' ""'til rl'5oidc In :e~ o;''Ne~~ ~~~~"?:"'~!; Cl'~tr11'ne Wall. '"" "'I~ IV1810oll "' M t.~ EI'Cll'll . II •• Hrr t 1 the c:oa.t •ver&l \lr'l. ThlodOrl' n uncly as matron Balboa . t . ~ d d f • oronll·~ 1'1!'1) to find a hom f f h II .... b wen •o •rt. J ohl! Wut:-!\'lgh, a nti o.wtoht t.teenhower. bern• award· Your Fr~. n s an lV Ine " .. '.\'1 (•o•tl,f• \'lntclll . • or ' onpr er ... ~ nnd. Tcchni· ~------ur E .. .. lbe Camlly · 1 ~ Th '"' 1· m eat McClellan,. aec:ood. ed two Oak Lear Cluatera lor mer!· •r •• • 1. •~ .• "'"'' .• r I .1 h .• t~ · • ''I • ••r~,:l'ont -codot'<> Bahrly Marriage Licenses Word hu ~eo received bv Pat lortuus achltvt·mrnt. Lt. Orgera, .• , . 'ro ,,, •I • Jl 1 l• "I' n( llln• '·' ----.,orvl'<f U<; ht-~1 man. Stall•ly whitt' SruongJ th h ~ • CO MIN£" EVENTS f d h b ·d ' 1 r-· er at er t tanC'e, Howar · whost• ·r urents. Mr. and Mra. Vlo-.... ----1 ,,,, '" 1111 n1,... 1 '1 ., •11' orm" 1 <• n r_'s houquct. James Ald('h White. 21. Santa Org era bcmbard ... ,. 11w M H ho · a · ter ln·ltaly, bu ~eat Orgua. ru fde In New Ro-• Enjoyln~ " Cl'" "~··ks 'nc ttll"n I"' lr iJ:h ~· H!f r .. oo. 1 F'f'"""' v . API'tiL 28-fl('W rll. uw r. w IS Ana : Marjoril• Joyce Gllberr. 17. bee a promoted .to flrat lieutenant I <'helle, New· York, Ia a flight lead. at l h,l'tr 131lw ra..l•• (1ttO)Vn c '" n· Y t ~ I• I• ~r. rtt, "' i ·t .1.11 "" I I' • ''' •1 1 • 1 11.; r .. r • . P••tl f'rmo11 workroom, 111 Palm. :rnduat(' of.N<'wport llartx>r Hi~h Cost,a Mesa. and .,11 recently sighted by c~n . .,, , IN' Air 1\lld M,.. Fr••·l J L'~ll.n of An •nue lll:<fH'n.'ln~ 11,,. •••·w ,, I I"' 11. I< ut;•r '' 1•11• •·! \1.0\ Jl:cll••a. (lpen 10 a.m. to 4 p. r.~ .. i·~==---:;------------------::::::-.;.,;;;~~:;..:.=;~~:.:::::~:~:~::..------~----.. U c!o llll t' h•rh .. ,.l •• i!.cl •,,lot!l•tr·····"·''"''h••••l 1 ••1llooj 'I\\III S•'"''"!:-. K s · l'rlrn·l~ j Mr11 F A . \' .. un.: IH<' t , t·.to·• 1 ''"'"!'·"'' 111 I'"'""" · 1'''""1 lh··· 111t•lllo rl' 1 •1 111',.. <'uuntv H¥bor Patr 1 ~~-• happy tn ,.,,. h•r up rt~lliD 11rter " ~fra ~:a tl Crutt.w 1 .•.t l ' ,, r ~!'""~· l'"••·-f 1 ~'• ;•1• ar•' d lnnc•r diUlCt' at the Balboa Yacltt · • .. ' · • · • • •le4;e oi IIID<'IUI. Dll·d . \~111 u•t1Jfll F rlli'o) I rum 'I ftyuoJ: t' "k I' I I t.•t ,, •. \lo.n• <.1ub. .. IDJJ' s . I ' . )Ira l h ""'" Mru Ponrtlcl o! HI\'• lrrp '" l'orl l!tnol "" ,, ... ,.-;. 1«1\\ "'' •. II', "''' ~ :/,111• .\ I •nt••t taln ····cl rr~. monthly rireettnr. I~ . PO, r sw.ear era!d~ "''" .tC'.tnlly ptrr<.hnllf'J a the frnrt fimc•.·lr• r 111 \\ J..l'trl•:~ •II. lhf' ,.1t•r•• rr "Jl '1 l•"ll"r oof .I nu ll non lunc·ht:.r.IJl a t U!e Ebell Cub· IMime n I 1000 llay A'venu... hu rc•<. nt y l,..n r II• fr(·r II (I IJI· t,,,. lltltl ,, I I I tl. I r ~·.' ",., k. ,\II ... I· oord 01 """~·· come do._n to open her hilUM. du11&1tt••r . .\lr 1111d .\Irs lt••lwrt I "'' 1 • I.•IAttol lol\ot•·•l tho· nwr11l•'1.1 ~ONDit.Y. MAY 1- VI.alllnjt With troer\1.1, Mr1. Zelia· Cut.»o huw. I l11•r "''""""'I r 111 1 l'lt .::rnul' t o.r I c· t\' <~mtnPII m~tlng, t p. m. at Bcndar IJ*!l uv•ral day e l hla VtrJ(Inlll Prl~v, •hllll(hl+>t or Mr :t Jll'll\' ;.t h.,.-. h <•ffl•· l lllc Cltv Hall. '- Wl'ek In Arlington and Mrs, Arthur J. l'ru .• 311 ~:111 """ r rn!fs workroom, 111 Palm. Laguna Bea-:h • C o s ta Mesa C:mlar for the weekend from ,t-rnld Utclltott l~<ht ncl wton 111 11lu "Under 20'' CJuh Will Bnlbo1a. np(•n 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 1 tllelr ho111r .tn Loll Anretea. .t.fr dt'nt a t Bantu Aua Jun1•1r < ·,t·r~:o•. I I!UrjrlC'al dre!'l'lnga. _ £Ad .J.fn. Sc:uylu SoulhllldJ wUI hal bein nll l l•f •».:lroul lhla "'""k Dance A g ain Soon lUll. C:ION werllroom. t806 -• .. boullf' gue•ta or tbe Rob Ca111t'1 wlth a ll'riOU3 lhroar lnfel'tlon 'Ol'f'lln IJivd .. Corrna del Mar. open ;. . There's a Cto8et Full et Coron .. del Mar. • .ldr J A II dmru,. 'l''hO hru bl'rn Puc· '" lhr m~:t'tod ~~r 4Rt'lll'lltr• I In 4 p m .. aurgical dre.nnp. ~ Ito IWu·w~k at ruggle to.l cuatodtan ''' lhf' Nrwport l k'at'l! thnt lr(l\c· tw•·rr oo lhO..nllf'no.Jur ur TUESDAY, MAY 2- ahrotr lilt Ul•. flu. J.fra. Maf,Jt An· Grammar St ool lllncr t~l' nt w t111 l•11 • ani! ~o:triJI w n ,nri mem-' r.land Circle me.tlq at liar de~ Of JfUa' lltnet, N...,por1 bulld,lng wu built. h .. bo'•·n awu~· bl'111 "· th,. ''\'n,rer 20 Club," lt ha." C'IWla on Balboa x.lanc:t; brtn~ a BMch, bN ICIM &1> be with ber,.l from hre duttfl .dUl' to tttnea• 1 brrn llfl'rnt•or wise to "'" t. untrl a aark lunr h. daupter, ,.,.., Robert P'\:lot~. lD Retumto~ altt'r tWI) week• •pent 'date In he ann!Junrl'tl latt'r for the Rtd cro .. cla.e tor Upedant N~ ........... WJ ib relallvu tD Oa1Wulc1. Att.u. ...JlUL CYcn.t'__ a!ntbrra Bad C.... f'eOm. 11r ' l'l..!rley J~..n.80n, • yeu o&d ,.. J . t "••u•r ,. a t . h« hom!' (In • -r Storl'y' butWlng, ~. 2 to a p I daupttr ot ..... Ray JobnecJft oi Vilt lle ~ Sce:sa -D onaldiion ! :·· Mra. E.mUy ReiDkln'~ ID..tnact- -Ttll lltrett. Balbo&, wu n&abed to Mr. anti .wra. Georce Goltlner of N . J S d · I! tiM boq> tal Jut ,w.U wtt.h a blgb 33rd at!"fft a~nt put of'~'· wnk uptla s atur ay I. ~etl C'rol!ll W~kroom, 111 Palm rever ruult.fac rrom an unknowu •n Outa rlo Ln bualntSJI and v11lt1 nf · Ba lboa, opton 10 a. 111. to f p. 111., -~e AI baa ... n the ~ With thl'lr dau'rhlfr Whu ta k < rf'tJtry 1n C IJJd h surglral drei!JtinJta. enerai otbtr Harbor ruldeot.e, th.t ,tht otflcl' of Chaltty Junior Col·' 1 1 'm...?"an th 1 11h"bu'N' t an_ ,usuthal llnrb<1r L1ona Club meet. at • , n ~r• .. , tn ,. 11r r area. 1 e. He·n Ba tner aubeided ("&dually and Sblr-~lec«'. lmJI•'ntl•n~ "'rtJdln-= Saturday a fl.l 6 3o 7. Kall!f'r'l yahore Ca!e. leJ t. DO'Il' .able to be hom. qalD. The Clyde U~Cocnbe of 2710... ~'rn<,m at 4 30 In ~t John Vta.nne p m Her tat er til •rvtnc wllb lh•' \\'. Ocu n Front. IIJIC'nl the wel!k· rhiJTLb 911 llalboa lala(1d...wb41A ~ Harbor Rotary Club IDftLI at. .AniJ ,..... II art ~-•ow oa I « rwt 'W'ittr Mr. Mt<:um. tn Oat.erto. "'"II 1:Ynnll'tt'I!On wlll• two<'ntl'll" th?'bltt J PIUk A Vt!DUe Cafe, Balboa hrlclr ·of A lr ('acftot Jnfl n N Set> I II~ IMhmd. 6 <IO P m. Bowlers t o Be Feted Qy. County Association Newport Beach Girl On Santa Ana J. C. Graduate List ' tr d the· Vlc·t .. nllll' Army Air -----.-- f ield, ,Red Cross Life M1 COII~le wbo competed In 0~ thl' te~taUve llat of grad. Saving Classes the 0ranp Countl Womftl'' ualn of Santa Alia Junior Collece IT S &c.wun. UICidkUoe matehts 1\t'ld announcrd nc:entty by the board 0 tart ot ta the name o ltm· be ..-ta •t dtru~r ol the ma qaun~ BowUnc u.odatlon . on Ne~por1 ..... 7 ....... at the Ua1ft -------- R~Kfatr11t1on for tted Cra. Jun· J tor anti ~nlor Lire Savln~t cl&lllles wfll IJe aC<'tpt~ S.turtlay, A pnl 211. betwefn II a. m. and 12._noon cateteria b San~ Ana. ·r Red .Cross ' At Olla tlnw,, winMI'I will be • ~ ,..b~lotl• Cla.ln Cral~r •. ina: nut~. at tht aouth l'nd or C rAI ~lro· .. t on Ralboa h lllntl Oan Ps w111 boo ar· l'1lllltf'd .,d Jllart .. ,f lmmNhnt•lv ,._.t.ct t~ tropti~e~ ~ «"n· . m UMaaium f« t.hla .,vent wa !I all ~ ~ ('OIDDlf'~l-for l.ha-lac t ''l1t. eonUal y-._u"« of the that It wu lht' finn trmc many o f H11rbt•r Hi' 1 < 'rnll8 wnrkl'l'l will be the Womt'n bad bowl<'<l in a mat<'h held at th~ Ebt.ll <'lubtruua.-. 12 • noon luncheon on ~way. Any abli · """'lmmrr "r &Dvone ~r~•ho ha11 h111l tht-Ret.l C'roA~'Im· Tbe ahM!y of Ood'a word, for the I m<>r'll f'<~url'l' Ancl ta 1:! l'tars ell! _....__~ nr uvc•r 1~ •·lrl('tl•lr rnr lhr Junrnr ~~~~---~ of dtiK'overtnc God'a wtll,l U • ....... I M k• ta t.he _.,...t "'actpltne wblt h w ' RIVer~ a Ing I'OIIIk Thl' minimum Ill:" r .. r ap· P!lr~nta t r th1• JOI'nlur ,·,,ur"" 110 17 tOra:ed \.he ~utut c:baractua. Bay Movie Here J. W. Aloaodtr. 1 Vl'nrJt "' uvf'r. alfll<'ll Jo'r11nk Cro<'k· • r. yrlt r·llrnund I <'.1 I II( !ht-• um· -·.,-. ·•<~• 4 ...... •1 ,._ TO THE MAN OR WOIIANWJIO UVDALONlt tr cur 1nytlun~o: h;~rr:cns to you, docs anynnc knmv whit lotu.l nf ( uncul ar· more ~cc of 111111d If> know tha.t evcrythtnl: yc•u w.tn~ clont u w n u cn J,1\\\, m b&nck and whttc 1nd oall the ~ provrJc.J (or, At very low rost )'OU c.tn 1'1' protcettd h): a plan JU~t hlc thc.-a pl1n rn whrch .-11 "r ranttemrnu iH l' !!('t I 11rt h .wJ thlt lnL'hrdc• I ull f'•l)'llh'nl (or. the lyre',,( tun.•r,ll ,.,.u ~elect In tlw rnt.·r c~t PI l~t ter scrv1~c. w<· w1ll I~· pk.tSCd t.a te ll yt•u hoyt y 1111 111.1 1· "'' U.tn thrs p rCih 'Ct '"11 f pr rn rormattOil StmpJy f1JI m .111J DQ&J the coupon b.:I11W MAIL THIS f'Ot·ro;,· ., • TODAY ---·---JLUIOLD K. GRArn CIIAPBL ... .,..,...a,, c.u ..... ~. .......... ...... ....... ...__,..... __ t , • _ ............... ,.,...._,.,, .. .,.., .. ._.,. .. ,.., One· I rat man 111 1\ m,.mher 111 It nu t•f• "1 lrfo• '""'In~ Jl11ol water _4 ~ ...... , .. ,........, ,., ,,.,. ··-,_ cut tfiat Ia maklnJl' a movtn~: ph'· Mfl'l Y -... ~ Ho • _,.... 0 '", .. ~ ·-.. turc em the b&y at Ualboa tor Unl·j MI"Jt l'rul.: 1A hll w111 il'l<'lt lll•' 4 ............ -.... .,·e4oe•••A4~,~....,._ I .......... ,. ... ~~~e•dt4 .... ,. "'r!llll l"u I urea and wll Oon H11tl "ll.lult•J! tlr •~· m1ttlmum hHurs fn· :.============~ In tht teau nl{ role Thf' Ur1lbo&n 11lr\1rttnn, Altt•ntlril NRtltonal Wnter 1 Ia Bt.rnard MLNally .ad he oper· Raf,.ty Rrhoul 111 l 'twur tf,. All'nr. a~a 111 a .member oC the harttor · l.tnh". l1111t. l'lrmm .. r. 1 1 f'Ci.lke The ll('enu IU' .. lluppollf'o1 to Rc•f!l•'r Llf•· Ravo rs wlfl bt' '••hgl- ' he Ill let ln"San Dlerr:o -tote In 11\k<' lh r tn~t 1'\WI~>r ,. r<•UrHI• I McNaUry UJ~ratra a ratr1 I b<lltt l 1" ~ant11 ·Ana Ia If' In llay. M ll he lookll quite nAtt y ltl hll • I unllorm. are 32 mf'mbcorl l nrn,..••co . . +t .. to flnllb U!e 1 · .1 lind M"" P w11:ht Srl•r 111~1 1 .ll~h ~ln•N. ~•'1\I)Ort O.·ru·h. ar S r. r-------------"\ J {'<;f'JJhS hct'JJIIal, Attlll :!1, 1914 ,1 ~n. EXTRA SPECIAL .. Pvt :-rnd :\1 r-. I,,., I'M 11m on ~'001 • E <'•·nlr,rJ. 11.111""' .11 S l Jo: S<'pl" ho-.p1tnl 1\pnl _'t 19-11 a ,.on Pre rw tl ~1 1 ~ \\'lllo.om \\'llrrl ~~~~''~' IOi :-.;" n:-r~ "''"n' n.rll• ... l•lllncl, Il l Solnla Ana ( ·,llllnllml! 1 ht"llil<rl. 1\pnt :r. 1!1:111 .• ,,11 • Mr nnd :\lr' ,J,1hn 1 : .. ., n t7•t 1 l~rh '"'l't'l ('""" M····• .• 11 :o;r 1,. ~•·ph' ""'Jillnl. A111 11 ~'6 1'•11 >(111 Piano lnstrurfl()n Gustave Linsenbard Qradunt~> Ll'i~io Clmlt'rvntory PupU. Accepted lk~nlll'l ~ n SJX'('ialty Phone Ne"·port 1903-W ZOINI TINirapy, Medfra I Musqt>, Swedish MBII· ~·· llydro Therap~· SJM."<'Wtl Trcnlm!•nt~ rnr Ov~rwt•r~thl & t 'ntl<'tWt•rt:ht Gene ·I\Iorleghem ?.on<' Thl'rnpt'l ~l"'('l,oh•l RaJ~ Inn Rltl~t Trlt•Jllltlnf' '!UI'! PADD .LE Greetong C.lr<fs .and .a Gr~.,t V <t-r1~ty of Unu~u.ll Gotts '\\'!<; 1 1"\'IT~· \'1tl' Til 1\1 :11\\~r: \IHII';\I' C. E. LOUCKs· BOARDS LIMI.TED StTPI~I·.Y· ~nil&blf' *()W. This lA a . O<'ar~ lt.-m and up f() now lmpoMlblf' to ~~ 01:1' \'OtJRS N~l\' "' 8ALBQ..l I.SLAND V·A R I.E T Y STOii ·E JEWELRY and STATIONERY '>to1monds · W.ltc he~ Ftnt Rcpaorrng a•t, .. u•· '''" l""1 1r1:m·u 1797 99 N~.-port Bl>d ... ~,t,1 Mrs.1• c.1r., BEFORE YOU BU~.LD OR REMODEL ..... Hls>t our ,,;t~r· •\l''t' J~m~~~ ano1 dll PI.l y rooms Ct '"' Qu•du pl.ann1ng a1ds, c:tt"l preMnslve sto.-• or rug s. co~rpets, l•noleu f_ln n bllt1 d.l ,·ur, r nd C••~h Cre•ned ep•ll"fd LUDLU~1 Carpet. Works ,. • - oft 'rricks in a sm,rt . BLO U-·SE ,. . - W-ARDROBE See what you can do with just a ·S uit--or even -a sjn · le ski ~and several pretty blouses ! Y o u can be equally well-dressed for the of(ice -for a matine~r for cocktails and dinner and dancing! A fine -bit of tailoring and handsome detai l have gone into each of our' pre-s pring se- lections - .' . ~por.tsWear: ~ S~Op Now O~n ai,Costa Mesa WITH A~ ~SSORTMENT OF WOMEN'S WEAR Found Usually In Large Cities . .. SPECIAliZING IN WASH DRESSES AND SLACKS In Large Sizes '· .. · · . H 0 S I E·lt.Y 89CTo $1·.22 $298,$650 ---'--~Rai:Jit¥1yon-and celanese Tretty--on,your,Legs · ''TRIM FIT'' C E LA I E S .E H 0 S I E R Y 94e ~ SIU"S R% to Ill, L eg Glam_our Hose: 'fo l ···: p rize f o r .dress-up. FINE SE AM ED QU ICK DRY INC ··.,. BL·OUSES • FOR EVERY OCCASIO ' . . . See our extmstve line or bl~ in all styles -Fwlsy Celanese-High. Neck Jerseys ...!. Shirtmakers ~ l\ll· Over Prlnla-:-Glnghams-Seersuckers and many ot.h· el'l. Prices from-/ $2.58 t4 $4.91 , ••1'-t•••• .. ••• .. "•;•••uo, .. -7..' .. . . .. ·- ....