HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-05-09 - Newport Balboa News Times•• . 11 SAND. CRAB .. SAM of the . ln gather- ing. otJen ~·attract 'flies .and should be ·kept dosed. We hoot at the sanitary con- ditions elsewhere, but we _ have OIW o..r tw~ of our own ~that lend themselves for· thoughtful oonalderation or aU, lndudins householders ~ + ... Tr . ' for -yean the bel* advertiainc _..... · Ia-&M· newport harbor distriet * tt tt the . newspaper that goes home I Bay Bonds ~:;!==~ar=---f_c-1=)\. t;~l EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA. WEST NEWPORT,. Newport Gra •j IEEP POSTEl! l Year • • • • $2.50 .... "'-* ~..!!. NDW~t·n-, ,.....,.,. ..... NUM81" 11 Old ·Law. V tlted in 1933 to Fil'ht Rlvenide and San Bernardino, Said to De Ueeleee Tax, to Be. Banned,· if Local Effort. Prevail · seems to meet with general ... • t A natlvt ot Mlchllf&n, ..... WIUt as b\AI ( __ Qf C. HeaJ raame. change for . dty Rulings o'n. Ca d employw Ullllona ..-.cy, . I N approval by all sections. The s Resort r~ I ne s t'Dlph yNt .. a clerk "' UM Dalbue • _L_YY Chamber or COmmerce's idea The Ci~t 'annual ~'pot"t H&I'-GeFk l<i'.M+: 120 yttf'd. low hu~ ummer . . g . .,.,.. ~ce. opwoidlld"T1ia&t J"fftt&l -· to fiist.·ascertain the proper fbor H igh School trackmt'ct for thr l\frtf<'~~~ INOI. A•i'll'n INA). Ui..mes C' ....... CJ•r1• d ' · • bualnt>u and ., .. om~yed ~~ thl' . • , ,. -. way to make the change, is ,erammar scllools !wa!' ht>ld la!<t Wnlton IC'MI, Ford fCMl ;-mot J&U . ~ e \ y h s -ld Ball1()1l l'•vllloa OOG'r ... ny btoiWPI'II llrA•Im FlnQ...WlilLiutuwn Hat• IJII'f'r1aln lilt w~ld .. ,...... .. most commendable . Sugges-Thur.ld&y un~r tht' SUpt'rvision of JJUI • llorrnll INRI, C'l;u k ( ('~ t ~ a· c t 0 lli07 anti 1911 If• lert to tllkf' a lo<•r lno"lnrM "'""· wu fllniMJJy ad<.pl ~ Dame (t( Mowp~~rt ....... tlon by one dlrec'tOr that :t the Ri·Y. !\l:1nom 1:--IUI. \\'C'alhNwny tC:\11 : If ow~ra or ruort properuu1 poa•tlun u a maU c:an1er ID Loa tndurtrd!'• prratclrnl or lhr ('ham· bpr (ot a almllar ~ tl t.M could be changed to Port In th<' o\'l'rall ml'et th!' ~'~'"l~<•• r . hll:h jump \\'htl•• 1 :'\R 1. \\'all on · l\Vr <"eurd rl'ntmg lht'lr <'abl(lal · . • 1 i\ll_~t••lrt~. 1.-.qiH'nlly nlumlnJ tu ,,.... ••r I 'lmmrrc-" Monttlay at tho .,._,,.,,. '!'tNt' In tto ..,, Mr. 11.,.. "Pik<'S!t't!< tramplro 'thl' Cru.la t C~l 'ITa~ lin,:::-. I NIH : r<'lay -or tM>ach 1 ntta~tee during on., the • p I vi"'·' •klrtn~r the rollowlnl '" Y•'ar" "'~""" a:t,ro'l.n" ul dfrl'i'tura In I•J _,d Ulat liM lut 11611 fll U.. Orange. did not meet Wi!h M<'sa OUtfit 79 to_62. largo•!) rlUI' '" Nt•14'!"11rl, co~t., Mo·s:.o, hlo:td JU01Jl aummer m•mlhll and . now are at eyton s Ito· Ia au rvlv~d.-"' oddltlttll '" " • urt "!"""''" hr . thanltl'tl the pr-.nt UUt '""'d .. -~ the favdJ' that Newport llfll"-tht'ir supt'riori(v in.~ht' vanoH~ 411 •• ;\h'('allum INRI. llorrall H:~1 1. t('fltlng lht'm tht' yeiU' 11muod the hi" tor .. thf'r, by h .. wtfe, Gr""'' oof lw•11r<l ror llor hunur Hr aucc:f'eda rrv~~~ Nl'wpd 1. and ~ ..,.._ bor carries. Port Orange, vlsron. Nt'wpnrt rft11pro all I hi' 1-o rll I('M 1. Jt.tlh•'ll 1C':O.I 1 Of' A will nnt p<>rmil rl'tflm tn the I ~ , 1111:!•, ~~ l..oule otroel, Lr .. An lo:.1rl Hl~ry, whu ,rrlllan ... l wllltfl and tlutl aO the o.ellolaa ..._. a .reljc or early days, doc . .; not first place positions nnd a ll hul 10 Final V III'!' ~1'\\ flllll 55. l'n>olll htgh R•'tls•mal tf>nt nl: I -1:" ··~ .. 1111\!Jal •rvlcu ... ttl ..,.. 't" wrnl IJfl I hi' rtty r uurwll. ta. taarflqr ..ad ... u r«aa tWr ~have the ad\lt'rtislng value as ol lh(' oth<'r thrN• JIC•J.ill'ln M<'~ll t!l. I Hcwt'vcr, arror·lln~ to tnrortna-Mkhael O'Rho·v. • 1'1 IJtnry h••lcl .. 1 I I' m Wf'dnNday al In wfwu Rlu llunlap. ~a4 ot UM nam••· audl u N•wport.' .., .. would please all factions a'nd oUt contc-nr!('r of the ffi('<'t , h<' r an willh I() cnnt'nue chatglnlt low. Cetltly purchued 'The Ball" from 1,•" Arlf' h•11 In r bar&f' of arraD(f' Arnrrhon l..r~tlun, wbu wu ~&.cl · ~\r., aJ1C1 M .. otiJMIIri, would, til• .J t does Newport Harbor, \\'hich Johnny Gallagh<'r was th<' l'lanll· I t on r<:'leuro today, Jnndlnr"ll• who wrltf't for Cnlll~r· !!""'"''• ;-,.. glc·v."''V· v.lllt r lt'n:f' llmthrra uf N•·w1~ ol ll•rhfl(, l'•..t ur tM hal~l& Jalai&. ~a dill ala(. aJso .mcel the approval of off with top honors In Htt> 50 nrftJ (. raemer • wlntt-r and high MJmmer ral~ J~n ~ne, the vllltln t•IK,Ying ml'!l~·-\ c-tJ leo l.l&ke ldr. ~y:a pc;oM .. a.. .... ~J. ·. CoSta Mesans, who. after all, 100 yard dash'H aft(! aT!Io ren 8 In rrttv ~ttlon CPA ror nr&Vlr.,.-trmrtr«tor. and trtt•~ ~ . • •ttn-<'tM."IItatlllt • wou111 aa llw ~,ft.,.liiaJ Uoraee in.&P ot·u.. ·----IN . r N rt H r Vttal century on thl' winni~g n>lay . l ment of • e<:hfldule that will -vary !:milt at Ptyton'll "Thr ll~ll" WM M . Fi h Ar ,,.,., I<J ,~ Wr. lilarllt~Y'• tlbou,. Jllnrpott ..... Om··ar ....... ~ ~; e nt= to ~n: team. This eavE.' h.lm the hi,;h \llnth the Ume of year and allow built or1A'Inlllly 4• a t'lltl~r rl~ In ' 0_SqUJt0 8 e Mr Jo"'ncbJedantd that "~ ouUI .. d lilt plall~ o1 t.M ...... sideratl'on rot (heir efforts point m<'dal. Gallagh.-r "'all also v· . •t T . Mlnlmer NleaM from tbe '"cold J9Jit by t.he Muller J~<>Rt Cnmp(lny PI I.Jo.d to A.d '"" Of 1111 't>Uid till hla . .-a ..... or rooale to tM •rectAid ....... title ... elec«d captain of lhE.'4 whining lSI . 0 _wlnt_u mQnlh _bargatn." . 'at !An~ BMch. rotlfomhl Rhl' I an~ I at l~aat l ." • ' ljnct votoct t!M UOO,OOO In ..... ~achievements. team and was prt'Rnted with thl' The celllnga 011 rea1rt utabl· wu ,...._,lit at thr wnmtnlf1rn Ab t t Err _..n Dr.-Onnlun M. Orundy wu ud UJo ~ber ••t oe NOON + + + handsome trophy ror h ill Alma·Ma· -llthmeata are baaed on tha amount Boat Worke al Wllmln~l!lri. ('all· a emen 0..-~.e t•lrrlrol llr•t vice P.....tdeDt IUid In ndorwtn. UN projac!( ........ Television. J H S t h OW ter. ·Final Varsity score, 5S·19. H' · b I o' ~Ia received for the llptCitlo., romla, Ill lt2t; lhla tlroe ~~ . __ ~ Wnllnn lfubtlard, Jr., aeoond vko the 6oclatlon o1 ~ t\6 acne.,.,._ quickly after victory teleYts-Coeta ·-.._ W1• I ar or propert~e! qn, II"!Cb I, INJ, 4at.t convei'Wcl Into a ~ho!>nel---. ·s A:-.'TA ANA F: F: Frt•hy.! preakloonl. -ll• ... UMIIIe .......,edir)'-tiM a:-..~ ............. lOb -WtU-come tnto general Although they tnn.cS In tht' . . I ollKe rent freeze. Itt~ bouahiKl O'!lhey plana to hll\e hill hoftt h•·MI "' lh'l' Mnftllllon .,.,,....u nr l•n•l, IYWID( In ~-· • ed on Dahlia aad eu..u. ....... Ute Is anybody'& guess. But varsity' ll¥' Meuna came· up with a unit wu not ~ted for the tlret fH)uiJt to flaul carg" frt•m llff"xlro. thl' r.omtly I!MIIh drpartl'nf'fll, r•--1 ctto.,..-' flfame I Q..eU Ule cuWt ,,.... c.-. .. re are seve t stAkt of 7 fin~ts. Bob Hay was tilt> I . ~tttul Cra.emer. publ •h~r or e 1·tbe ftrat rtDt received muat • be which will M hauled t .. tht' rn-nx*!llllo flllh haW' a-n 1,1antf'd In JM"t or chanrtac Ule II&IDe ot U.e ,,. pre,..U. AM 1'1-a .. the ra1 large man dazzling ~·tE.'am that took 5~ -.--1 tb time uat~ the freeu date. Th~ C&rJrO will r• ""'"' 11r , lam" 1.,11 , .• , I•~Y th11t "I'· tu 10 000 1 . Ttlr Cham'" took up the aub-Mar toward ......_ AM. ufacturers ready 0 Q(..1bf U&btles.-t•mmnt 2 fln~t J Pran~tt Nrwa and a member of I conaldered the le~ral eelllnc price. •rtor.Fooda COmp•ny lmprm:o:o· toro·o·ol111a,: l~lfltloc omd ln1catlnn city •nd on lbe OUftUUon ot Mt I Wf'f'k W•y·l•·tl, wUI 11e Wldlft&la. production 01'1 television "Sets in the l~yard-dub and the brood tbe .tale railroad '!mml•loo, WU unlea It Ia adjulted on a but. o( llleDU wf)l lncludr IMtlllllna a nl'w thld1~ lind IMI t0 milf"ll of drain· Wrl<;h II Wao d«ldfld,Co ftra.t <'00· 88 Ia 1111 aM,...UC -.aner Jt WM ~ as soon as· conditions jump. • local vlaltor IUeadaJ', In hla nota cbarce4 for almll&r a.ccom-Budt dteeel en,.lnr · nrw ru .. l tllnk• ">:'' "''' 11··, tol14f I'(ICintl.-tmall l llll't ~~ atate ,.,papanc board w' •t&Uct. . •. pennit. Prices now are ex-The Ol('('f was 5UCC'E.'5.~ful and I campaign fM the Unite Statea modaUone In the dlatrict. wblch wtll KIV" thr bt~at 1 ntn•·· 1~·11,. ·'"'I "tJOiholo-." h•vt lw'~u l --· --· . - pect.ed to range from about I will be carried on through th(' .oate. He wu • gueat C1f tht '1'1 .• " "llh w l to kill off moo.· I F h 8 $50 upward. with ..the most years by the Hi·Y. Win~IJ of th~ Rotary club at their rt'gular m_eel-'I''' I Itt I V1W I • • 0 pot;lar m~· ~~ing a'?'J1 j ~r:~ !n~~~~~e';;'y ~~~~!~ !;~ :~~,v; 8 r~ ... r_t'mArk• on SIEPPIID DECUIES IOlCOTT ·,.,~·~ .... :~,r~r:::":n ·~IJ~~ .. ~::~r"1 IS 1ng oat wners ~ ha~l~~J/~no ~t snappy freshmen gtrb, m~ch \0 Thl•l• riot the flrwt Yllllt of Mt;·EIISTS a•atiST SMALLER PU"'. fiTS \I ." ··I l 'rrr<or Kt"tl'htnn, •. llllnl· E . • t thE.' t'mharra-'ISI1!t'nt of the ~tnner!'. • l.oo \ on•l•"·tnr Onr loc 11 tnr•lt in bringing "motio n pte llres · ReMalt. of the Vllnlty , l q w 11..: '"lor>hNf tl)l lhfo lll(rh.,ll l)y air" up lo its present Fift rd da!'h -Gn •• , 1 1 1 ,'i,._~ It "''"''• '"t-stag~ .<fevelopnleJ;!t_ ahd )\; . -Sfn,t!l'r w;!"r "[111m~ In th~flhf' 'natlOfl llpt'f'ifil'llll\' ''"" .. , .... I ••• I lu wlto•-. "' wulf•r A ...... u I II I"' An$!Pir~ nntf Or11n1w l'nunl.v :lr<'ft Chnrl~ E . W IJI<n'-J )o111,;1ol \I • .. , manv-mil ion s more WI JOe Ml'tf~ss<'l INBJ : 100 yard Galla-" 1 ,, •I I ,, k Ill"' , 'I: 1~ •·ton h·ot hy lh• " • h thn h • J · c M ""' hfomg "hoyrnt.lro" tiy r1N .• ~~,,. •An'.K ~t••l•t•nt •rt•• .. 1 1,;; •• 1 lald out tx!for~ It rene cs .. 1:: I')' IN 81, am(' s I '· .... "" "~ .. n I• " "·• ,,,.,,, .. n.t ~~~···· '" IIIII .I\ " r ... vl'l'll " ... m ....... 'II "' fiWIII'rN """ u.,.-;r·llllora who repre· degree of (l('rfe<:tion holi.l:llllf'S, ((')11 ; 4•10 )ard RI'P!'I' linn nl llw r.-glnn a~< 11 c·rilil'lll In· "WIIIIOn ," Shl·l•l'tlltl .:,,, ,.,,,, " l••r"l' trllll'''''"'llrf•' '" ~~'"""""''" ""'I"''""' •mllll ''"" ••tol '"""""' Tlor nfl l,.•l .llf tht" a. r INRI. A~tv>n INRI, Shafer tCM '· l)'lr •htollfll.;f' ror<·n. II' p;tll or li foiPI out h,-....-, trll~ Yllll ........ 1 11•11 I \ ' ......... 111111 IN'" vltllllllfllo· l'llhlrnllun or. 'l' ·-rof ""''''rn mnnuflll'ltlrror• ,,, ll;ol · pJ,. YOII orr, Wh/11 II IIIII' , •••• ' ., ,, • I • l(•ol 1 .. , ••. ,,, I '""I l•'rlollly nlj.tht llll•l t.1 , •I tl1111 "'' onrtt;ll lll '''" , 1,. tw••·rt ''-"'"''""'''· l•h·toflool'l' 11rv1 TnJnvffiion j):; jus! one 0 H G' T ld -J.l•n S•H.IIIH'I n C'lthrnrnltt'~ l'('llnrtmit• ,,.,, dol no nntl til<' II ,.,, •. ; I 'I • I , I lool " '" '"'' I ,,,,.,,,.,I hi ··1•110 1111( .. .. I ouse roup 0 . l!it 1'1 trh if jltp .. filt\P h lfl ft H"ffll j 'llfltt)l ~' tul 1 1\Utf~t HUd ,.y,,,~y ""''''r' the• m ·,tn.'' "iant~ in em )r.:o. li'IJI~·· afll'l lht• ''nr. IU•p. Harry H \Vn,hlnf'ton nnll ,.,11, ,,,1, .,,, • • , • , .• ,,·,,,,,,, .... , ••. 1"''' •Jr 11, lt.,,l ''"'"'''""""'"'''"II ..,.,111 lftt• 1 ·' ,... 'I I I ' '' -" WI I '•' ·1'"1 f , •II • lu od•l 1111• rr~pl•• w,n~~c·~x~~~ ... ~.~~~~c~\1~0 ~~'::~~ i~ lor Change in War ~,';;~::~/.: ;-,~~~,.';:.n~;.·.~··;~i~~~~::~-~ Ill II hll~:~~~~r;~~IHI:·:I·~II•· ... : ",'.1·1 ': •'I• II ,.. '": ','' ,',,.:01;,:~ .. ':·:, ~~.:~.·~,.,'' :· ~ 111.;:~~::;: .• :;'' 1 ; ~;·1: ~·· I·"'"' ,., ... ::.;1·:,."11 ''II'H11< """ k ""' th .. lr ,., .... ... f I II 0 d . 'l·:tn I 1!1) Hlr.n~.; Wllh lh,.. ,t"'"·· tloorrnl· lnr.rwm:oll"" .... · " I I over. Tht• hillinn~ {) ftl ;r~~ Contracts r er.. . ( -l • I. I '"'"'' of "'.1 "' lo• II,' ,.,. ,. II ! , .•• , \1 . I '''"Hill•·•. I lou-1 n r~l ..... " ,,,., ltll'ol Ill th._t \\''tJJ be fC"Ull'Ctl. \(1 gt•l •IT\It no h" 111111111 fl•,oWo•t •IIIIo!. :o"ll·m' Arl~tln~ rrv•rol 1111 I oh•o I •• t -, I I " oot •• "'''"'I' . .Ito~ I. '•"\' It"' "'I'"' lfll l<oor l"l'fl•olo l:,llt a "i • ~ h+r• ,. "'"'' (:'t lf't J tJ4+Iit \+• '' ,., ••• rlt·~h:rnniit\n "'' t ... , '' tho1•frl, 'I ,, , ''"' ,, , ..... , . the~' inclus lril'' ;rfhlal ftn:ln · \\' .\ <*, II 1:'\. T,Trt:'\ ('h~llmrtn ·• I• 111ol '1'111<'.111"11 or in11111••"~1 11n a rt••hl fvt It '·•·t•• 1 111"" "1 It• '' '" '' 1" '"' •lloll""• lml I hill wiUI I I t · c.-D 1~ •'1' ,, ,.,.-•• ,, .,.,., "'' ''''' P'• .. f • ' ... 1.,, 4 f f tt t n..rHhttHJ·' t 1 1 1 1 ciall\', In I'C'fno \\'nJ' pan~. l.l:t ~1n •' I 1 1 \\.osh .. :,( a lltHI"" 11\"IJ.I tl 11lil1 If "'' 1'1111 IIJ'I' ,, 111•11 lliV<'I'XIfiO 111 '"' 11, •0: "" . fl oil I• oool· , 1 I I , 1,; I l '"ldll:t••ll 'If ' 'o•' '" 1'1' 1• I I• Iilii' l(lVCtl to h_uy n r_ '.''. equipntC'nt .. fo_r !On'. AI' hll!<tllc::oo~ _.lllr "m. 1(11! I,.,. •rucl I IIIli Uolon'"'" •. ,. \.\lv·t .. II I' n~·· •I· ,, o•l n ninnufRI'IIIi•·.. I' I, • 1 , • • • I • .. . "I " •I• • • •• I I -~'. .II Jl• I • "I J I"" 1111 " • • •• I. I /1' \ II .......... '""' lllllll•'rly I I 'l·tn 11 I h f•a••'••t •'!i••ntn~ft,nl,o't.ult t,nll! "'•hltt' UllltiC'S anc • s· h~ hA d b<'Pn noollftf•l tho• \\'nr l'r •. I ,. "" 111(!1 101 ,,,,, Ill r. "''' nlri'.Ady 110•1 ,. ,,...... ··I ,, • 111 '''''''""1" ' •• t"" II t t • • '' "' ., 'j'' \' ,, ·~·· ,,,. ~ •• ~ .... ... portation.lino. .... it~ \~ c a s II lhor I ron Hll/1!" u•:ll .,.~., ..... , I nl• r m :IIIJ• t\\ o·l ' I• II I ··~··· ,.~1 ''l'lll \ (~)I I 1111() II) $rtt~l ',~ ..... ,I I • I • II II ., ". '" ,, • 1·1 1•1 ,. II . .,, 1'1· " .. 'I•• "''"'' Ioiii II··" • I N•·w .... l I Pro\'lll" fl)mls fi ll' t'""t'Jlll •. ·\1 •fro•r (o\•••Towl'll:o\ r_•l tnlltlllt: ~111iiTI Shopp,ol <l !<!lol •1;,1,11"''1"1''11 ~l•url" H l'•ood 1 ··• ·I I',. "' 11,. 'I "'" ,., ,, , ,I o•ol, 11 llo 1 11 1 II " Jl •f w•t 1 l nt II l I I II I 1 I ,... -'' ,., , ... , ,,.,,,,,,,,,,.,,, ttlflf\Uit fur mun.l''t'p,~l 'tmpl'CI\I'Ill"Ot>;.\\1 hu:otn<:'~~ :II D li iO :'\•• I <r.lt<lll l.t· J '1 1 '1 ' 1i' Ill' I " 1' ~ '' I If' • 11 11''11' 'I • • · • • 1 o 1 1 J II , ' '' ' (;. f t ''••' ,. t ttl t' t•" •tf •' ,,,,, r .,. ~~''''. t".af rtiUtlt.•H C jUSt aboUt thC' bi~g<,:sl • 1)/•r nr<'a." ''" lht• \\·r~l f""•"EE"l \f t • ,,,, '"' fl~ , .• ,q , tr\ n l.trt11 ,u fua, I nut,'•"''• kat;l lh•· 1 ~, ~ .... • ' , ... , 'I'' '..r"'& tt~l ,,,. • \t ~t). f tt ,, ,.. •' '' '' J ,,,,., ,,ft a• ,~ t~mc financing job in -to •I dtr••('\ly nn \\:O r r on 'NHI!! Cia• n ••r 'lu I!,IJI ~··olo•oll In f:'ll'l, Ill hRml"'' >~'111,111•·1 \\:ol r•L•fll ,, 11"1 rorCf' In lh· I ••• I .• . I • r \ •• ' ,\1," '·'""'I' ow .......... ,1 ,·.~ t •• 1 Tho• r.r.t• r. Jnr )S~•n I'RI•l. \\Ill ap-'""'"f.: lhro "·''' ""' :, hl 11,, In '"" S••lll lri.on<l I•• pto•\<•nl !lo• 11 ·ol· ,, hort :lO.(W11 I• • , • • I ph· t•• a.t1 ftrTTl!IS ' HVtn,::: ;.I• Ptn· .(" .u LY ~.. ,, .. , •I \t " .u. ~~ r•· '' •' ••ns;: rtunl• ,, lr C'''"'' nf~t' ,I Iff I . t , .... , ,..,.,nt nf I h••. ''' ' ' -· ' ' ''·I "'''" • 'til • ' ,. 'u' ).: ' I I I' I tl I "'"' '" lh•· •l•·tllm• nl' llf •. I · th•: hA~r llr<•ll ''"' I• II ' • • J)·tlh •a I ' d . f r --~··r,. nr f)JIS n I r '~ ' tan#!· '.. • ... ( h , •• I .... f'•l •• , ..... \ f)f'•,t 1! I I HI ,, ... , .. ,,, ,., ... "'I ' .,·u )c c,· s an . .. TaUJetule Rrd". ()nc:' o ... I ll t t... I I • h h•-il fotm• ''" thr nlhr·r •1•.'• "I lw l nt hou"lnl: u'n•l" ' r•. r uoP I riJUI ~·1 n -r.-qou,.... '1 "Ill• un.( lito ·1 .. " IJurtnR lh• • nt l)' ' ·~It lf'n V1ot; t h,. '"'"mll •l {)ff" ·M· • test ha7 .. ,rd!< o os-b , u 1 rr t l<.·ndJc-tnn ltlv·· '. •t -~.,, '1 J(•er ~~ Jncr ( kjg_i:;jn". {0 yO\J) hilS I'll ml lP r I rll n 3r<'.Jt Ill J'Pil • •rt I'' H' " 1'<1 ltrlllllll tl••v• •tp· r"<'l'l••l-" I hAl h:o \f' hfot•n ~~~· I 1'1 mil ••Jy •• ()00 I I Ill ' f, •Ill lro '"' 'Ill"• I I I; II INI It ' I i;ls ,., ,.. '\' ror~olltlrPI! mrnl l'tftl·m•·r nlv.IIVI' lVUnl\l• 1 t,t llt•m,.,_..uAI"'Prfl, l li·~rtl\" t'l' v .,,. '""·t:10)'Jne~l ln:t:r~;~~:~: ',:1,'',', 1 •1,, loooll•llllf.: .. r " ,,,., k · \ Oerlin)ainn:.~~~.-,~',·,·c'~~\;~;h p<'('. I solvent is applied. '""''" llll' I. I •MI , lh~ ,.,,.,,tv lllllt rrJ>IIrb 11\1'•11 r "" 111"1"111 hiol ·· fnwn lhi''S'I.olo •IH·ol·· • " ( ...... \1\l l•h will ll'll'fWV<Jntl .. !lor loo11 I "''I V.-:·v•ll I. K····-..... , ".. '" s l:l r hi I hill .. harho., h•·r·· """'·I ""' ",. lllllo· ~llllht ttl m '. !TIJI)(I \lUll Ull'. hi•H~ obtltinlnl; .•• , .. ,, '· ,,.., h . ·<~•-•·.· II ...... J .. t ol.lfi!J ,,, f l V•· llh l~·~·. 1•1 "''i I• ··n•" ~~~Ill A""l' not:leave "lattlctah:>" red The creator ~ t s _n~w _,y ~ th¥1oott-llll~ Mll'r Ill .... ;(1; oprn •n•l nnl 00(' ,,, lll'l IIUft'lmer. II·· '-lt lll '" I• ... ,, •I' 'II" '""I Will I•· .. ,....,.,I'd rro.m .,,.. ,., I •• ,, '""I l•fllt•ll'tl -Itt•'" .. , llu-C:Jieel( of (he male re· j "snf~ deVlce. &aT,<i that ft "lJurln,r th'" put fry, "'tot• 'It 'I" ' Ul•• c:tn<hdolr• hu 'raughl ron· •ul· 11 -'IIUUof'l to ttw lnl.ot ~111,nu~e•· m •I• k lo'o'l"' O'Hh•)' 1nteotltl tJ• •lr I"'' 1\l•l~"l''" llr~ll reptort.Affi IIIIMin« . . . ·;......, 1 hU-1 0.. *-MII'M-Hr ., .. t ihfl ....... ,., lMl Mal& o{ milady's. caresses. I ~·m not be ready for publ~c. he -It! .... hiiVI' hart M 'lfllll'rtll fll'lently bl rtrtf'nninl' U!f H!lltnlltl' phrl"&{ li!lliit. )N04Jlrl ho ,.,.,.hlt<lo "'"" " ,. .. ,11.-Uon ory.Um, • In ... w•hnl lh•·•l"r• vf mllll.ary .. ,,_ thi.S pennanent lip-sale until after the war IS mty ton llkr A llllrv~>y "' J\1!<1 whl\l r•rMJit." llnl'nl ot two 1()-~lr Mhlll• on ,,:,r I h• !IIlii"' wlll.hau~ tblrtJ l(A" ..... 11<11111, II r War Ofop&rtm""' 1\0•1 . I N ..... ..,_ ....... n ot• ,be alfec'ted by I ov~r. 5c?· until t~en, the Ro-!111 '" thl' mlnd11 of th,. """Pie of Mr r.raemer wa11 takrn over the, plnnta lnatted of th~ NJ:hl·l•lm1 "' '"'«'• Hhf' Ia ltlltlJ·fln fBfll n•)o•nt:ed yNtel'dlly In IIA lalto..t I ,.._.,.... ,_.-.. -, ... ,.. ........... , .,,_ .drinking .or smoking. m .• eos ""!~ -~tmue ·to be the lllate and I flncl tr.ey ..... htUfl .rtt.tr1rt by hill ltxal ~eor. A B.,perlodl, W'tlkh he 'eattma1M WII\Jitl . "'"" •o.verall, ....... *'-" fO(•I c&Willty flat Lt. KH-•rv41d In o.tnrL --. •. CIOII* ~f( only when n I !fl8rl«!d men . l lmprea.ed with t he r.~aiitetlc l ~-tncrea. product.Jvlty :u per cent twl.,ll li nd, ara ~· loot draft I th# 'l':tlr'ttPMIJ tbratn. ::.-__ ;;.;;;;;;.;;;,;;;;;::....;;;;;;;;;;;...=;;;;;......:;.__, ',' l. •. . . .. I .. ..,... _;,£~~ ANGLING AROUND 1111 PAVILION AT Illata .... W..t at ~ Pr1cr• Uve Bait JmWftHl'l' M-Y .INVI'.8I'IIf;N 00 . ... o.....,. o..enl NEWPoRT & BALBOA .PIERS. . • QIX)ROE lONER . Good Fishing at A·n Time& UVE BAIT ALWAYS AVAILABLE NEW -.r.r. 8PORTFI8HING BOA'I' "CRESCENT" ~ GalleY·-~Wet 1\oerns -Uvt' Bau -. SOOTT'SJANblNG .. o..i ~· .._,.. 11• A. II. • BALIOA SPOil FISHING FLEET .... F INQ UJ·.BOA. CAUl'. n.e -ow.-, "Malden" w · "Dina Lee" J'wl p _.._ _. •• 'L c.a M...,..n Ill or .._ '-7-- NEwPoRT tACKLE 'STORE D 1L0001m ·• IIANAOIUI . Bait· Taekle :. FilhiftrlnfonRation ~BEACH I .. • • • •• BALBOI .·MOTOR co~ '708 E. BaJA~, B!J.,. Genital Aut~mobile -and M~ine Repairing. Marine Electrician& Available TELEPHQNE NE\vPoRr Bt:Acn 225 NEWPORT I~RBOR'S· NEW. COMPLt.."ft: BOAT SE-UIC .E ~ulla~ -Pabltlas -Remo,i~lln.: · · . ---MoToR SERVICE ' ~ ~ .KENDALL BOAT -SERVICE · Ia Former Callfonla lact•triM Bide· ... n. ~ -.«ewport liNda· ,.. ' t 4 ·. • J r NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES, Newet BMeh, California, Tunday, May 9, 1944 . I SAYS POSTWII , ....... u... liiM ......... Harbor Loses to • Orange. 10 to 5, lin L!L~!~~t~~e Oranv lil\1'1 II A nil J·:•u tlw:nr /1 n.ah.lrn )lir•:l'"rl w. \.. 'J It , ' .. ••• ,. D~ Ser~~ct·MIII .SEIYUH Y·OUI NATION'UIOIU ' . ' \ FIONT IN YOUR NEIGHIOIHOOD AT ~ 11M pay is acellee~'<_o·worJ(en ate friadty ud you will 'enjoy 6at'.rorkiog esu~slitiou. AtowmodemuaiU.,~,oDcao beooee IUably skillcd in akwerestiag wCU-paid pose· . war~e. • llnl aid on tnlisponarion pioblfau aod boUJ- ioa iAformatioa are offered. • Clio.. JMf ..... fill till IIOW tr. ..... ~ Wtit·pay .. crafts, 1Mh•1 .. hlewllt &.iiiRca11aoJ ••• t-.lt'l''l'll'lans anri II<'IIX'r.; · P\pe Weldl'rs and HrlfX'rS Pirl('fit ftor.; anr1 Helpers Plumhc'r~ anri l!t'lpt·r~ Sh('('t MC'tal Mec·hnniNi ;mfl ling Tmint'l'~ IU'l'h OUS4c'rllt'J1 ""- I fc•Tpt't~ Tn'hulilling ()p('rntors anci 5\t•t-rp ;\1t'n ;\i;•rint• :\tiidlinists ancl Ht•f1·~.,.., ~PPLY TQDAY IMPORT A'NT ... Bring Social St'curity Card,-.. Pro~f of.Citizrnship and A' .ulability Ccnificatt. · •• • , ·--;.~AL~FO·RN·IA ·lHIPiU~lDING CORPORAT10N ~ . . . . 110 w .. t A".•"-'"' t..aevard · WILMINGTON • ·. • ' IOTED WilT£ . . qulrecl to 1.1'011 out dltt•~ be· I tw .. U.. two • .....,... To PMt-P.LAIIIII SIOILT STICI TO FACTS :s:.~o:.c:o .~ .. ~ • lndHd. FIL1.1NQ •ooL ,Get Your Olliee Suoolies Today --.. . I -I .~ ---we-are maintain(ng-as-complete-e-Une-as-po!Wiible of all the things you nee<i to help you In your business-right here in lO\\ n so as to save you time nnd travel. Be sure to ask us if we h<K'~ wha~you need. Some of these are closeout items; no dealers; we reserve the right to limit quntitie~; sales ·tax not included. I Add. Ma~ine Rolls, assti:i. sizes 15-JOc Availability Certificates BlUheads, Ruled-plain or printed 8 th x 7 to 14 Binder, 3-ring 8~ x 11 sheets $1 .25 Cash Regist.er RollA, all makes · Celudex %-inch clear index tabs Clip and Arch Boards, ail sizes 90c and up Cll~ Bull'doc and paper, asst<tslzes , Columna.r and .ACCOunting Pads, all sizes Counter Check5 Credit and Debit Pads Dally -Analysts Sheets, 500 for $5.50 Dally Cash Sheets, 500 for $4.25 Daten, 75c Desk rue.. letters or legal ~ Envelopes OoUnbla Cup, aU -. to 10 x 15 llualla, white, all sbes, pla.in or prinled Eruen-Art G\Dn. typewriter, KJenzo Pendl-type ~ter enl8el"!! Elttmating SIM:ets Flle Folden, manila, aU cuts, letter ud lepl mea. $3.00 to $4.00 per 100 P11e Guides, prestboaro, letter abe, $2.25 Flllers. notebook, pw~ched·~ ruled or plain Glassine ·aa~ · 'Gt.unined Labels Note Books, memo_. etc~, ass! .sir.es, plain or ruled Paper. bonds. thin papers, colon or white, aD sizes, typeWriter, mimeograph Paper clips · PayroO Records Paste ......fmP,1a. lead. colored, chi.oa mat~PD~, fndelible~utomatlc, stenoeraphlc Pendl .leeds \._. . Pen points, all kinds Prtoe Book Fillers, 8 Yl x 11 Posta&e Stamp Moistener I china Ready Master carbon fonns Reception Carda printed to order Receipts Ribbons, all niakes typewriters Roll Memo Pada Rulers Sales Books SaleS Tax Exemption Ca!:ds. Form No. 103 Sisns. For Rent, For Salf. etc. ' Stainp Pads Stationery of all kinds Statements, 8% x' 51/2 Superdex Roll Labels Thun1b Tacks IndexH, all sizes Index· Cards. ruled. all siZE's, · Index slgrtals Typewr:lter Paper, white or canary seconds ' I Inks . . Writing. bottles or quart't ·. Stell'CU. indelitille. India .. ~atnping. LedgefBinders. sectional ~t type · Legal forms. notary. etc. Letterhearls. asstd. stocks and colors printcrl as per y,our instruct ions L.ooSe ·Leaf. Fillers Merchandise Tags Mimeograph Stencils .. -tak~ ~ 1 :: x 14 sh~t Mucilage Typewriter Ribbons. all makes DESK CALENDAR SALE 1944 -5 X 8 ·• Complete with . holder: ' . room for cact\ day of · L the year. Get one today. . Only $1.49 •• NewpOrt ·uatbba · News~Times . . . ~ ; . .:.. - · .. SOil W.' C.tnl. ~ewport Beadt ' PbOIIe 12 ud 11 • v • .. . ' ~·· . . too. IUch foodl tum out to ce...-1 ~ tndt or fNit alter the aerviefo on you of a&AL IBT&TE · be tbe kllld euiNt to ~ep&re aDd I julee for ,.... wlltcliq up wb •• \lllllnOM. It aerwd within PO& u•· ftt tnto your dally menua! muntu. ron. or eotrw calla h'OIII County o1 Orana• or within ---~ .---- "nlere'a aotbiq that cbeen a the baker. • days u llt'rv«i .~here. and you P'OR . BALE -New 1-lledroom. 0( ... o.., ,._,... a... aeo w•• Ort••· ~~an li&&rtlw, '*· ~. Wrtte Bert Neu-..r. -IT·f .. IU. 4 ......... AM"'M8. Call-WA!IIiWU to ..... forl\la. U-4tp ------• --WANTED ~or 4 ~ -... L.08T Dot. baU Pwkt... uc1 will take year'• ..._ Uf t o •• ball toy toa. AU four teet .,.. pe.r aonlll. C..W• s.D. lll II. wll.lta. .--en ..._ ''MIM". 108111 St .. Loa AnctiH. P11oM t.o.t 10 daya aco 1a down~ PleM&Dt J71lt. .._.,, Ba11Jc!L ~...... n1. 1:4p-cim.DaDra e&a--- wat•r. Balboa. K.ak: I'OUND Wrul wa.lch 1A N~wport.. Owner m&)' eac:un tt by proper wtenuric:atl• and paymeot tor t.be c• ot thla a.d· verUMmtlll. ..........,, .u eo. ilp..U.C, Loa ~-VA 1101 • ., .. .. lELE,aOIE . ~tfe Ulte a meal tbat'• quick \ And beca~ tbe bNk' breaJr:fvt are notified that un!Ha )OU 110 bomee. located In So. S&nta Ana. to nx. but tbe meal tha.t can be 11 quick to prepen. dob't be de· a~ar arid an~w_,.r a• 11hovr ft'· .,.. ·e.--·..1--~ 'tuldlut of eO ~ ortia lllo« ·oec-jJuded Ulto tblnJdDI' that It mUIIt bt quired tht> plalnlirt will tak4' Jud..:· A.n. Near marllt!t. ~ and NEEDED lected-&n<l theta breakfut. 'Jlle. deadly dWl. On the contrary, ment for any ITIOfl(')' or dama.:vsf truwportaUon; 16 min. from the •."Jut" Ia b~a.kfut with the help you've-tll aon. of chance. to em· dcmandc.'Cf m t!)t' Compl11mt, u 1 Har$JOr $1.000 d«Mrn ~)'IIMIIt of tbe n~ratloned cereal breakfut brolder the tbt'me. Slmplut •·ay ari!>lng upon contraC't. or will ap·1 Bal. low mo. peymenll. Only rooct. ~an really mean what It to .dQ It 1a to keep avera! ldncS. of ply to the Court for any otht>r N ·· l.h<>w enp«ed In •·ar JIII'Ork will aounda Hie. and without eacrlllc· cereal In t"' cupbe&rd for varit'ty lil'f de1l.anded in the ~omplqint. • quahfy Wnt• or call Henry C. 1 lng .. ,•or lor •Pftd. • 1u )'OU want lt. Given under my ha nd and so>all Cox CoMtrucUOII Co •• 220 At. Brnkfu t ehould provide a rOOd It It'• tbe ready-t.o-.at ldDd ,... or tht' Supenor pour' ol thl' h•ntl<' A V4'. lAn. Beactf: Pbant •tart tor ~ dav. wh.lcb me&M want. five your famtly ahredde.d County of Oranae. Slalt> or Cnl!· L&ma-Beach Mt16. S7-ltc -. ----------.. NEWPORT ~BALBOA FOR QUICK SALE I NEWS -TIMES . -FurnishecrHome on Banioa Peliinsula 1 . -PHONbt NltWPmfr IJ 6 .II I .. Six-room modem stucco. 3 bedrooms, double ·garage, P n • t t~ ,..,., .. ; _, ..........,., Aft.!'!n•. v.a-XDVI lath hOUR, _barbecue, excellent condition, completely SublaipUoll P~able' in Advanee :--$2..50 per :rear .ift ot-. Coun~; furnished-$6750.00 . t:r.15 per )'Hr to Ctb ZOM; 13.00 f+r ,..,. to 8th .-.. En~I'M M llecaD4-ea. IMttft' at tM Natotftce Ill Newpoi't ~ I I Cal1foi'bia. UDder the Act o1 Mardi a. 1m See John E. Sadleir, 302 Main Street ! . ' ( A. REI I!W • • • · • !i51nm ANts ~RESII>ENT . --c.llfonla . OJ'nCIAL PAPER or '1111: CITY OJ' NEwPoRT BEACH "Let Jac~ Do It" AD' ................ , ........ Oww .. y_, SNOODLES ('7 oat of .10 people .-d New.'I'IIDM CIU.uw 1\dL) I ~ ... lelvtce-.ucl war WOI'ken are aO depelldbla .,.. . _,.'pia at the twiteb-.,._ ·Good.-)' while...,... . .... ad ,...alar llw:rt ... * "fl tl - SOUTHHERN .CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE '.; CO. I A,.y: tOO._: llaJ Aft .. iwa- or614~ No.llalal&.. ... ta.U. . ( A YAJJ.AaiLn'Y oaiTin(;Aft ~UIIlD , .. . ___ ,.;...___ .... ----..4 -.. By Cy Hunrerford w~to~· .... u••.- w .urr TO uNT -I _. •• ftii 1Aii r;a: •••• ....... . .... ........................ a-. IDIIIMII& ...... .. a..-............ .....,, ..:.., ···~· . ··- ROOW W AJfTII:D.. Wo.aa wuate ~,....., ro.111. .&n.et. n-'\ won, 8oa 'A.' ,.. N~ N..,. por1 IIMdl. ..... " ........... ---__ ..:.;. woac ·~­~ ..... ..... ..l w. oa.llll ....... ...,......... . .... -~-.uy ......... T..-...M. ......-.-i J ,.................... --· R.A D I 0 8 E R-v-1 C E -· Honw. Auto. Marine JYdkla R..patr.d. MartM ........ Burt R. Norton 1111 (,.... ~ N&WPOa'l' II&ACII ..... 1111 Profeuional Directory Gordon M.GrvaciJ, M.D. ~,...._aM iu,.... I om .. H,..: , .. U a.m.; a-t '·"'· T.-~ 17 . I raoy P. AJiDUioN ATTOJ'N•Y AT LA.W ~aM ....... k ........ ....... C..U M.ii. .... .....; .. HAROLD K. caAUEL CHAPEL "We OW"MM•• lM JIIU.r .... By Bt"'-C OOerl ...... PtteM.NII Jill"* Nt e-ta..... c ....... BUY NOW Clt, Tax Sat. Lote _ A. .J. TWIST . fin ce. .. Hlpway "'-Mit CORONA o•L MAR ~ Rldat.r, M.D. Pt.y ... ._ eN IUIIIIR om. ,.,....._.,.. -_..__~ ....... -...., ... ...... H...,..l , .. " ~ ... & ... ,.. ... ........ Of"'* flit ._ ,.., , Dll G. · TOHILL PHYIIGtAN ... IU .... ~ _QeMI ............. ...... _ ..... _ ' Of--· ......... .. ...................... or. 11. ·o. Crawf.M O .. YeM.YIIIIT ~ .,... __ ..., '*-.... "",. ...... a c sw• ....._-.. eDnA MlaA. BALTZ MORrtJARY CHAP.L aV TH. a8A .,.c.MI ..... ~-··lr . .......,. ..... "'-Hew""., -WHO'S . WIO Ill~ 111101· DISTRI~T .. # • f'UU:PLAC[¥AHO MINDLINQ WOOD- II )!.' Wrl~~;ht. 17114 Nf'lt tnvcl, eo.ta .MY~ UMd LumtM!r, P'tl. M&-J. GENERAL E:ONTAACTO .. - (; .... I •• n 11 f'ln'\lilv. :141'0 o-.t Blvc1. Ph. 302. Plana and O!WultrUdloll. LUMREA COMP'ANIE~ •• , rnoo1a "'"•" J.hr r fl" "lA 111 h•lp· ytJU plan ynur hom-:." P1tone 41. U11v r ollf!rlot Lumbfor.Co. Phone. 111'10. ~ Hlpway at An~¥1L O~~tCI: IUPftL1Ea-• . N•-wJ ... rt ll.rbor f>Vblllhln.r Cn. Mlnnea: 12 -13. N~ a.c.IL Pr'I INTING-'t-/o WJlnr"l ll.rhor rublllhtnr Cn. ·Phl'lnHI; 12 • I I, Newp.t ~ .. [AL [STAT£ .• INIW .. ANCE & NOTA .. Y PUILIC--. . J iliw JC. WJLIJ&c;e,.. .2.202...W.: Oltnt.n.l AnD" .. UII£ .. ITA ... ta-- N-port 1f~ Publ'-bllal CD. ftoftM: 11~-11, lf..,.aft ..,..._ IHEET M.TAL WOttM- Yielt 1'1umbblc ll a.t K.....a Werlla, Oalla ll-. ,.._. ao. """'•Tv ITO"&-· · ..,._ ~ Ywtaer _.. Ill ltc,:. ...... ,._. ftfa•W. / I. ./ I .... Patrtcta Nell Anderson Becomes Bride At Formal Ceremony in Laguna Beach Al a -..1 ......_ lD St. Cllmp Ptndlctoo with the bride. llary'a ·c~ ctnardl, lAfUD& JTOOCD. NEWPORT-BALBOA NF.W~-TIMES, ... 1944 • Activities First Post-Organization Meeting Held By Newport Harbor Nur-Ses' Aide Chapter ~ llaturda;y •••Inc at 8 A· r~eptl~~n fl)r 12:1 per.ona In e'dek. Jloa4rie&a N.U A~ n thco ('1\ureh parlore followed tbf' ._....._of llrw.. ~~ ADcser-ceremcny. Pvt .. and llr• Sm!th -. .ae .._.,..rite --nue. eo-~Ill ltve at 132t Catattna lit,_~ --~"'Jilt.~ u.e11rtfi ot T,AtQna Bearh, while he 11 at.atlon· .... 1 .. • . 1 \ .. • • r ~. Jun .. Ha~U.!I-""' ecS at Camp Pendleton. Mr8 G. U. 8. )hrtna Cor,.. Smith will contlope her po11lti1Jn n.e _.... wllto WM a Uf2 rnd· at &.he But& An& Army Air 8lljlle ,..'-~of N~ Harbor Unlon RIP edlool, .,ate btr vow• IDa • COMING EVENTS loftly Ivory t.a' fet.a JOWU. fuhr a...ct ~ klftJ bodice. Ioili polnl· WEDNEIDAV, MAV lG-.. · .. ........, ~ neckline, anc;t H Newport Beach Clrdr of Chr\_f fall *trt eJI4iDI In a tralD. "' t"'hurrh by tht ~u w111 m .. f/i Rt ~p nU wu eau(ht to an lh~ home or Mra •: S. l''unk· aaUque cap of Dueteu la«., a.nd .... eamed a wblte prayer book hau81er, 1612 Ocea~ Frbnl. "'''"' ~ a waatt. OldUd futaecl to IL port Beach, at 1 o clock. Fnllfl"-• ---lng t'e11841'rt-luorhf'on, a pruj(mQ' 'nle ReY. Helll")' W. nwD read ami Rl'd Crou work will fW'"riiJIV ate .ervt~ lw whlcb the brtde'a ' m!'Trllt'ra. ~ brcthtr, Lt, .Quy H. Anderaon new Rrd CroM w• rkrnom Ill Palm, b'oat bill .-t at Wather Field, Balbo&. OJWn 10 a m to 4 p m llacN.Inento. to J ive ltla .uter ID •urJtlcal drrulnga aaarrtac-. Rf'd rroe" wr.r1u·onm. 1 :litO Maryaret Henning• of _Tw1t1n IX'u.n boulrvartl, Curun,, tft•l Mnr. waa lbe br.ide'a only attendant, In llf•t'n 1 to • 1, m., IIIU"S:""nl tin•.-. a .ott piDk taffeta frock carry-lnJ•. lnl a bouqut't ol ptnk camatloo.a and blue delphinium. Mra. A!J· d~ tte bttde'a mother, wbo played the WeddiJII mlllllc. WU JO'I'ftad In blue r•o~Ue,. and wm prdeftlaa tn ber1J&l.r; Pvl. Bmlt.b. the .on,. of Mr. ud Mra. Patrkk Harrle of Kaoafleld, '0 .. waa IMYted by Pte. HarTy O'BryaD, who II · lt.atloned •t ·Perry-Davis Wedding Set for May 21 JJI'rftat.IGDI !!aYe baa '-'ed few 11M ~IDJ •addiac of Oer- .adiiM Pu9'J, 4..Pt.r Otlllr, and lin. 0,.,... ... rry at Loe An· ...... and Hqp Davt.. aon of Mr. ue1 Mn. ftoJ D&Yia, tua Hanor THURSDAY, MAV 11 - EtH-11 Book S~tlon Will mr('\ at tht-h' me of .t.f ra M. B. DeiM!Jl bug. 1701 Bay1lde drive, 0Jrona tll'l Mar, at I o'clock .for dl'lllk'rt, fol· lowed by program. Htd .Croa llh tkroom. 111 l'stlm. BAlboa. open tO " m l•• 4 p m HwUll. Newport Harbor Klwllnl8 C'hch f:lettr1c Grill In Balboa.. at 12:1:, p .•. Couple Depart For Arizona Post Lt. 111<1 W.ra. Richard Uamco11 HemdoG of eo.ta Weaat for LL ~I THE ARCHES CAFE chid avenue, Corona dd Mar, wUl be boateaa at tbe met'tlnJ, at whJch the t&lk glveri laat w !ek Lo membere by the Rev. Dr. Perry ·~. Sct rock .of Santa An,, Congre- gational Church will he rev1e9o·ed. Ute meat, lncrrue• the alz.e o1 lbe Mra ~ynn Kepp.•r, 706 Park Ebtoo ba. been wt.erln.; from a Ana CAnyon bome May 3. elo.'nl" M~lng. and •tretchM the meat avenul', Balboa Tei!Uld, •i report-lltrep throat for ttM put 10 daya. II ·life be«'Jn In her KTandfather:a NUIIractlc>n or thr mfal. 00 t o .X: c-.mvalel!('lnj:! llllliA(at"tor-Pvt. Dan MeMllla.o arrived borne .adobe home at Yor ba. then one ofJ • 8 p rk chopll lly In Santa Fe Hospital. L..oa An~ Maqday.' n.ICht for a .aupr.lae Y'-ll ~~=-large8t o( Ita kind In ~l(or.j t eoy,tart applor •ttce gelel . to1tnv.'1JlR " IJrL ua opera··~-~ ~ pannta, )Jr. and M•. 1 rup c~rker crumb!~ I Uon ~rlf!rmrd Fnd:w· ji<"r l1lll~ Jobn D. MtMiljan, 5.o RMlancla, It I& aald that her grand'atbu l rur 11oft brf'ad r n1mbs lfl>n H• nnu• I!' vlalltnlt Mr anJ . Newpcrt He~ta. He came trom Jut We{n~IKlay In P&Sld~na. The 14 ·,.,.;, 111t-1Lc:d dripping II Mrw. Han•lc~ Fink. 203 Lll~m~nd • Fort Dix. N. J ., on a !he-day tur-brldt 1; thl' daughter or Or. and 1 log" cwNI)H', •hcnng lw• ntnlh••r11 lll·l lc:urb. 'Ihe McMillan• recently ha·d . .. 1 Ml"ll 1-1 C. l.lnd11oy nr San Mnrlno. I 1 t••a.orrn .. n salt . • nu•. aa Ulelr «'JMt tor 10 l!ay• their who bo\•e VllratlonccJ. at theJr col· I ,._ t"ll"fl"''" p••pf><'r Mr:o F:tlwA~(I 1-::J l,.n nntl· s .. , I nep,..., Corp. 'fal~ . Halea, who 111~"' r n Park avenue'" for a number Will Close Every Sunday and Monday Until Further Notice JOHN VILEbL& Proprietor .\oo • Have petrk rhllpl rut thk k With Jack • r 41)3 J!lth ~ln·c·t. :O.r•vporl Ita.! now returned to tal• poet at ~f •eJLSOnll. Mr. w ('ollen I• the ·a 11h11rp knlf•· · !"UI n pork•·• 1•,; llt>nc h '"'' urnl.l Sntur.•:~v from an Love Fld d, O!llJu, Tex. tvln or !tire Myrtle \Voolle.n abd mrh"" lunr;: Clfl lnRidl' or ('ac·h rhop ovem•~:ht trip I•• Pn!f:l•4t-na. "'h• rr )fn. Ray Alford haa retumect Flank Wooll rn 11r Mlnnellpol'l. 1 I C'omhlnc· n•rr ftmlng ln c rrtlll'nt/1 f••r thty alt<'nolrtl t t' Rprinl! c nn•"l'r\ to bar bome at 1018 Ocean Front. Mn. Wl'ndrll Calk ina of Balboa 11tuffln~t F'll1 puckf't In rht pe.wlth " th•· Ill I I I'll tlepHrtm .. nl "' l'asll· !'llewport Beaeb. alter 1peodiD~ a Ialand hu returned" to her dutlee l!tufflnr;: 11nt1 hmwn lllrllt nn both dena Junior CoiiPJll'. In whu 1• week" vlattlng her rrother, Jtira. •• hew of Red Croae 1-fome Serv.l a' elf's t 'Jvrtr Jllln and ronk slowly ~. f!O. 1-:lllt·n" -d>t ll(;hlo•r lla,·tM•"II WUII&m. E. Rela, at the Huntin1·' Ice, after a month" II Ulne811. j In moderate overt ' (33C)•F.) tor paniC IJ1AIO!I u a ml'mhc•· nr lnt ·too Hotal, lD Pa•clena • Ape~ Blon;uju"Urt Cit Balboa, about 1 hour If thert 1111 mor" A· C'llr>dla f'hnlr 1 Hc.ceyu.oonln& on .uaJbca laland lalanj hu returned rrom a four 1 aturflng than fft't'de<i to CIU cbop11., M.n. .Pa.u1 Swan n( :ll\q t"'• ~ 1' t.1Ua Week are Kr. and lire. Rk:b· w_eeli:lr' atay In WlamJ Beaeb, nL, plac~ It to O!V' enl~ of baking cJIAh a nnw•. Ustll>• a h l!lnt1 .. hs~ . r:m n.l ard llertU WooUeo (Donalda Cam· a.od hu reaumfd ber duties In the ~====:::;:::;:;::;::;;::;:::;:;:;:;:;::=:;::;::;::::::~ 11n<! rook with the meat ServN e .. f'c.l frc•m 14 ~lx \\"f'<'l<ll" \"l~lt t .. ·, ... I eron Unday), •ho were married falmer Real Eatau Company . .1 j -· ----hu~IJund 1n :O.t•w \"ork ' f . . . _ __. --LE&It ·-FORMS . . .. FOR EV·ERY IRIISACTION W~ have made It conwnlent for you to Insure compliance with all requirements ol"the law by carrying a complete stock of all fonns" anc:ttpnpers needed for the completion ot every transaction. 0 • \ Rtme...:ber, -too, that thj~ m-g.an •u tton Ia ) rud'-to hollldl~ .any ind ·a u of. your '- • pr1nt1ng probl~m• '"om a complete four- colo;.' co.mpliC,.lltd prlnti'IQ P.Jo~l!m to the ( PI•NI~ . .an~ publ•1hl11g !fl t N'WI• ·Timwt of your o~dverll••ng. No . will be . .ajf.Jth~d tq ~our lnfohnalron of_ any kind. _ .flEWS-TI .MEs · To he' tru•ttd II a ~ater com-\\"N•krntl 1-.'UNit .. ( Mr 11nt1 ~~~~ GNatlnt Carda and a Gnat va~)' of Unu•ual Glfta I pltment t han to be luvf'd. G4-'o~l' H S I. ~·neta..: rm BAibn;i l~t't•ntl ''WIC INVlTI: YOU TO BftOWtiE AROUND" MacDonald · 1....-a/1 Mn Lllhsn H Pllrm"'•·r ,.,.. C. -E. LOUCKS · I · rl'l\tly ~r lluntlnl(lon 1!••11 ~w JIWII:WV IN tTATtDNE"V ._ · -I or "Loll AnKtlr• Dlamorlft • Watctlel -Fine "epalrlnt '·HOw MUCH IS ENOUGH? I M r~ (" ~' ~I IPstkHI!f hfl~ rt•l •l\1lt'CI I ..._.Newport 1411-R ' • I II• hl'r h .. m.· nn lttlltl\01 l ~lll,ll•l f •l·t t717-" Nawpoft alvd., Coeta Meaa, Calif • ..._It-"~-A _,_l lnwtnj( 11 thrt'l' WC't'kl" vl~•l wllh ------------------------......1=:.--=-• I D. .,OCIOH .. -.... _, I h I I ...... __ 11, .._ M.a.e .._ .._1 ,.r 1wn l•uttn~·· ll pre-;n ... I.Crll stu ... --------------------"""!!!!~·----.. I ,... .... ,_ feMilp ... e __, 1Jtont at lhl' l nlV41r111ly n( ( 'lll•f,.r . .,...., ..t ..._ .1 ., .,..._ nt.t. At &rk~l<'y • BEFORE YOU BUILD OR II,....... • Mr1, J • hn Sa•!lt.-r Willi ~ft!'t~l!l!l It• 11•• Ill~·;,."' h·' l1rldl:~ • h•h F"rl· 0 NE DA" ·.day 111 IIC'_r hor; • I ill '> \\'rst flay , . ~I ,',"''nth .' 1'\\ 1'"'1 H·· u tt :-:1u .ng f ·~'''I ~.,, I• ""'"" ••n l•tt• hntrh""" **'"' **"'M'"48 t:•t~l·· .\1, u '' •, , • •~nt 1n hh1•"•1 l ~" -o.-A.o.,.-tor-n<~ V·••-'ft ~lr~ J \ 1;,,,,1 • \t r~ A' DT•hl• ,._.,.aJwu "'1 • Hf>n•klv·nr.t ,,,,·. II1P itl \\,.l.••n--..A~o ,...,-.,,.-•rwl u,... hun: :II•• II \\oil ~~ ... ~~-;.r~~~~U~ ~::.~~·~·,.:.h \\ .l \ "• • J••' ,·~t f '!1• ~P"••I Slan·l•oola I ' II 'I \~I c:,.,.,.,.,,."' -y ,t-\, t•~ _. ~.t... ,.,.., '...! • I •-1 t l , ; tabt.c • "•" ,.;,,,. '" v.,,.,. . I .. \It '.: .. 'I ,.,., -P..., f'\ t . h t•t ~ I ...... \.., 0 ' n 0 -. \ f el Y tCe men A •not ~t" lt'tt t•f '''"' "'tt,, l ""'It 0 I" a•• tn ra•• "· (, I , o;.,p te"• ... ·n ...... , ,,.,:, ~.· ·,;-. ··~-' • •-••· -.I ·--- , ... 0 ,.. 0' n· . ~·. . ' . . •••J•tfl••' .1! I • I . ' . ,. ~ ~~ •I . ' • ' .. .. 1622 Iouth Main St . Vlait our lnteroeatll'lg umple and dit play room1. Color guide• ptannlng aida, com- pf'ehen,Jve ltOCk Of "'98, ca rpels, linoleum and Vene- • \lan bllnda. ~· Rug• and C.Jrpeh Cleaned Rep;rited .LUDLUM Carpet Works Phone So~.'lt.a An;a 2806 SANTA ANA The World'A Nt'w~ &e-n 1'hrottl:h THE-CHRISTIAN SCIENCE l\IONITOU An IHICrn.JIIllll<ll n .. ulv l\.~11 ,rJ;•CT · r .. ,,,,d.tJ ,~ . 'THf CHRIS1"IA)o( "SCIE.\CE PL'RUSifi\C ~OCJPT'Y One. Norway §tr'l:'et , u.)~lnn ~I:J<'Il'"hll-~'lt' le ~~1--<Jonetruetlvf'-llnbla!llf'd-FI"ff' from Sf>nutlonl\ll~m Kdltel4a.la Are 11rt~ly'alld ,n .. tru('th·t an~ II' U11ll~· .,. .. tu"'"· T..-C:!'r wtUt u.' WfoC'kly Ma,rulne Sec'tlon, Makt the Moolt~•r .. n Ne•n••pe-foe t.M a-. · . Prtee 112 ... Yearly, or 11.00 a ~lol)fh. lla~ baae. tltdudfnc" Mapdne ~tiCIJI. l 'l.en a ,·,.ar. J,llt.1'0111el01'7"()tfM, • 'Satanta,. IMuh U (.'"'!I• : ~=+.e.i. atc..n.u..-Sclen~ Readl•~ Room 'fll EM& Oeetnl A.._.. .. Tby l &lid Thy love reaeb ea.rt.b,l open the p.r!a:Jo to tbem that are bound, con.ole' Ute Innocent, and throw ~Ide Ute gatea of beaven.--1 Mary Ba,ker Eddy. · S~al Tr't'at!nf'nts ror Overwei&ht It Underwtight Gene Morleghem -'--·-----2oM Therapist Special•~• · ~uld rtde for many mllea between ~rona and Newport wltbout en. aalng his own b~unda.ry II~ Fun~al ~rvlce• ror Wlu Scully were Held In St. Edward'• church, Corona. Salurc.'ay morning. HERE·soNE . 8 I G REASON WHY TELEPHONES ARE SCARCE .. Jt•a the aew 4S,OOO.ton U.S. S. ~iMOuri, moet powerful fi ghting ship aOoat. It will carry about 1200 telt"phonc1, 350 milea o r telt'plaone wire.· and a ehip-wide battle announcing ~-~lrm. .I • ' R em ember th.tt tlnrle ~am ·Jm"trir hed 568. wanbipa l a•t year-that lantl f-orce• lcn~thrn 1hcii: c~mtnluniu­ tiomH'V«'ry m ile thry och·anc:c-and tou will rcalir.e whf thc tt·lq•horw 1(1'1~ clrq>C'r intnthc;. wanlay l1y day. Thr \ rmv nnol \' :1,:,. nrr•l ,.,.,.p lhinl! t),,. n.-11 ~·•trm f'nn mn!.r -not jtr-1 tr lc·rlu•nc I'I)Uipmr nt, Lut ruavy J,.incl• or f'l'_r'fl'! t•l('c•lril'al \q •apone n• well. l'i.or~1alh·. we .. ;,.<' rr•rn -r ·fat·i litil'•. Dut ~inrc the • ~u'tiorutl O~·fc:nsr prc1;.:rom ~tartl'd in 1?-fO, the uuml•t'r of IIIII ~y•trn~ trlt•phoucf in H·n·it'l' hae inncaflecl hy m orr than~~~rniiJron. The• rr•cn ·N arc ahoul·ui'Cclup. !here·~·~ ~ailj~~ .Ji•t n ow-ancl "'e're cloin!( every- thmp: (l\)tll'lhlr to Jccep that li,t from gc!tin~t longrr. FM narupll'\ wl'"rr erowilinj.! ,wj1rhLoar1l1 beyond n ormal capari~-~·.' Rr noralins: c•tuipment that,caa't be ~ l'eplact-cl. Puttmg every fari~ily into ~rvi~. I ~ II ~ou have n't ~n able-to ~t't a 1telephoM. ~ aorry. \t~·u 6tl-your ordf'r u aooo ae we e.Ua. -- ..._ ..... Oaltl•nda IOUfNII, .. CAUJOINIA~ TIL~PMONI COMPANY ·L ... . . 0 • \..