HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-05-16 - Newport Balboa News Times- SAM , I. .. . , for• newport harbor dilitrict ~ ~ tr the • that 1• ' ~I home . IEEP POilU I ton Hubb~'s ·Dea VO~ FRIDAY ·~ FOR $100,eel GRAMMAR SCIIOOL AT CORONA DEL MAR Head of So .. COast Co. Passes S~ddeniY; T w~ Services HeldT uesday 36-Y ear-ew Preeid~nt of foncem CoYII'IJS. 21 A~ree Had Bul)' Career with Qaft•~ Tuk o( Pl~nlnr for: P~ar Perlocl _ 'C '0. arry .., n s-pirit 'At Launching .. ' ' • . . NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TUI~, Ne'!J!!I't Beach, c,Jifomia, ThW"Bday, May 11, 19" ,>r~~ ANGLIN~ ·:AROUND ls.ilors Lose to Recket Can l•lvo ~saints 6 to 3 TV IIOe . ..-or week.. Old bull! fo'leh'f.rmt>u .,... leam'n~t Ku Weat~f'T hal' bffl1 two\ldlngt tru.t ther.• &tt• bll:' 111 a trouL ball· >;..".!. but an• I ••ror<kl'l b<-lng r auj:'ht herl' u!! 'o rue. wann Wt'l•~ • MY ~alOft. w .. thluk '" t h11l AI lo'q•· ~ermen haVf' It)' ktd' tor· glt's Jive .hlllt totnke' attract lhl' ward t-Ple watere warmlna Ill" big flab. C me • n down to Bill· liN tM wtllda c:&.la':IPJ t!own. F.v· boll and try for your•lf, I'll be ~eiJII you' ----et'J ,..dll'l 'l?" _v.•u Jnr a 8\\ t'll .-k an.& on" of rcon<l fl11h•n~r Well. lhf' tla~ng wHil nnl h<ul r \'fll • ALQNr. COAST tbou<b tht> '"de did hlt>W ""'' HIGHW A Y'Co:' the watt ra ere not w11rm n ar· 9 ~ raroda aft hr-rf'. b<·-u ""'' ~tr111 WATERFRONT el'lll ,ou IWt'-Ct iiU' 1111d ':::rt 'rm --· -- I. In • ~·m~t INII':ur r,amc· piAyt>d on th•• homr diamond. N11~< · 'rort 1111rhor S11llon< loo-t t•l th .. Snn111 An11 S~tlnts. f; rn :l 'Jlli .. mr11ns th<' l11trrr •·111 k~'< r• thl'll hold on ll('('ftnd pl.u ,. 10 lh·• f.t'ilf'liH Snm w r .. l Jtnwk IIIII 14 of lh•· T ill' and nllnwc'lf mil). four hit• c•nc' 11 d~hl,. h.v Van clc• Wn•l'r 'f ht• ~IHIII~ put IIV•'r IY.II IIIII• L',ll'h Ill ti\P fll""f, f...,n !h :tnd '1'\ • t•ot h lnnlnl:'· Whill· th•• T lll> 'l'rtll•d no•· 1n thr ""'0'1rl nNI t wu rn th•• fifth ( lr .• ng•· krl'lltl its (..-agllt' "•~•rtl uuhh'mi~hrd I y crormg 11 cm<'·,..lcl••l vi.-t111 y uvc•r Jo ullerton, 9 to 0 J-;\(·r•l,1n1 anrl An11h•~m 1•·· ,ffi!IIOt'fi f'l :1 til' fOr fh i•lf plhf•P 'J11• l'tl•lh •l••ft•.•t•oJ H otnlln;:t"n Rt•M'h 10 htl•• tlu• C'nlunl,~l>< "'''"' 11111' Kaota Ana ~ _,.. ta•rtv bl«~fnu. too I,n.t • Two llOIIDIIirw lw\.'11•. not• I~·· 8aturday .• the Imp tioalll•rt a ('filCh In~ r·nmpl•·l~ nntl lhl' nthl'r Hnilf·r \V•~tld.,'l :.!II o• OVf'r 100 l('llOIUI. M rl AI For-IA'IlY nf-,1 llf'm•• m:HIP for lhr I.IIV I 'hr ISt 'n 10~ ~ ty~d W&nf'n Fny.-Jer felt pn'tl)' P Alkln'()fl C'~•m<l'lll) b\' lh•• V•k· 1-'l ll'nd. ,. _..... N Wlllte ind Ill• cuetomi-ri '"~'A Port .Aft-Eft'tHn ,,_..,Cr t'<' \\' _... ,__~ ~ I h I I r "~t • p . 011 tbe Owl did pn-Uv gn •I t oo. '"" nnr·v • 1 " nrxt nm •-<" nr !\ffiJ:Yl'n :ih ab r h " :l :.! I I () I ' (j 0 I II 2 I) I 0 I 0 I 0 0 0 :..! 0 4 u 3 .!. 3 0 • 0 J I 'J I 3 0 , In fart. all the O.lbol!l "p.'lrtfla~-q11 Port Th1' Is' ~tlsn fnr lh!' Guv Nll'lllas. lr .... ~. tJojate bfOU&'ht In iood I'. AI kln~c•o f'ompuoy nnrl will l:w I' wk. d ~ • _ • u!tl'd fM ~u"eytfls;: purpo!!i-s. Dll't r'h rf , W..,...t R&rtlor now bout8 a ThP Cnrw Q)l1 liMy wi~l bf' 10 llollt~. lb ----- and .... ~ Neha:...~*' PZ-ecl I ........ t of a a.. ~t Due to 2ti 6 7 1 --P• · ~ I' I' Lt. IUb UN c.ater et a.. &co.t ac· I Annther Mryice wtfe ......... To an e Be•,.h-'I tiYitlee for all ol Bouthe ... OaUior • .,-...cS t1Ht ot ~'lablng boata ...... rr·l't lon~: 11nrl h~vl' 11 f1vt> . fMt , IMildecl bJ Al Forril'• OHt. then 1"11'11m. ThP roundtng boftl!l wtll bP Tot!IL! ..... J.. B&rTett'• w .. .._. 18 f.Ht lona with a "'" foot beam.! .... .... .... . .,., ~............. _._ toda. ~D KlnJ'a I.Ancllncr · • JuHWI yuk of Routh ~Ait•. Van dl> Walkf'r, ~b IIIMa CNt tM bl• Star AJteter .... huj ~ecfF: h~ .~eolk ~~10~ Obl•rtu, p 'Yalencta wMe RaJ Klmball'a lttb ::,ru ,;;· Wflf'": :.• I he· 00:~ hi~~lf l McCorkell 3b _,... ~ Ia c,., the ~ 'vef11 whictl took trim a )IMr to rom· l.Jingmadc rf -~ well t..te u DoD Pat. pl•t.a. , He dl• a fiM Jot! oa: bar, Jo1annara'_1. It .. ....,, .._.. _. ea ttaw:tr. tr-• -•"-BOIPS. di. . .... IMie II HW .,_ for frllllb t ~ "Mitlda.'' ~ "Yolk>". IJld I Sp~nk. lb ...., ...... ud tMn .,. ·Iota thf' "Man~ftlto" .,. bPtne OYI'r-ct· of •• 4 ...... _,..., ..,._ .., haulfd and l't'pllred at "'" Olan= c ...,. -. ........... for you ~ come MI. Boet Compeny at 1215 Coal!l x·Bames - -... lftll Ill a -'I epot u4 Jflghway. ,. ....... llllt ... ·~ wW ... , • TN .. ,JI" l.s hmAC twr lop-Totals -~ -. .-..., JeU -.a ·l ..tdt Dlld bectllftl ,.'"'eel hy lwr -- -• . OWNr, Homer Pwkerd, at Dlc~J's Or....-... Ill • ...,..... le e.. *' t~ Dock at *>1 CD&sl Hl1hway. Shl• ........... -.. til feuad I• It a popufar·type ot Cl"\ijaln( boltt Ski~. 3b -..... .,.... a .I'IY· .. and wu built faur qo ~t thl' Scarbro'h, r II " corr.e to enjoy Ule eootllla• .,.U-tt'-nia. 1 ) I tr ... of Newport Harbor ID ... ~ Meaa Stoots ,..,.. preeat al Uae -u. .. 1 1 0 I Hoce ot heT eulp bun,.M ~ llJ)el'*d RolliN, T. L. ~lea. Har· 0 0 0 It Krv'l111 ln·t.he Putftc r, ..... 1. ,. --· -··' old ID. Ohri•\ter, Q, J . ~~ J J 01' F.. Olmlttman of _.. ~ A~ meetiat o_. Scout leaden of Hatch, C. y ,. Ne'-»11. Kenarl 0 . 0 I 0 wKo 18 tta llouaa au-t flf ¥n the N~r1 Beacb aa4 au.ta r KeenJ ud Hup M.. Wtleoa, 0 1 31 Georlf• Wbut ot N~ ltllud. W•a area wu heltt at the Cllun-I Scout euc:uUve . 0 1 0 Hrr~ Mn Dlmlttman 111..,.. tn t.r Of Co~DGMrca la Bal~ re---..:..·-·-~--- 0 0 0 rut and ~~ .. '"' J.U ......... c~ntlv. .,. new d'ltrtct eommltt.M Mrs. D . J. P•t•t_raon 0 0 0 1~tne tor ,wtiiC'h -fl~ are pu..,art.d to admlntAer Ule altaJ.ra ol Uie k t 0 0 ·0 tn be lainoul let'• bope It doe.'t Boy Scout provam Ill thla am wm· H<lst D. D. F . _ tall u.e waa .orl'&nlud. M 8 PaU. ...,,. :16 3 5 4 . Tbeodo fto • re. mer ,_,11 ."'141 opeD Cueltl wtlO came to the llolae . re blu .,.. elected I bn-11... 011 Ne1Jport w.a4 • of Velma Barber -•r u.. ..,._ chalrmu &lid ·o. E. HatcJt. vic• ~ ".-iN t.o .......,. .... erut while bar two llaup~ ~ cbalrmu . Re.v. o.rt V, J.-.oa. _..... ol Uae D.D.~. _,.,,ct.tJ . Mlaa Millie KoltiT&f, of ~e wu appobata4 cam..._ c:b&1rmu.j The JUtta... "' the ,.,..,, ....a, and Q.tty ~ e1 ud Judp D. J. Dotp, tlftuoe beld tM ....... fit ... cba1riii&IL Mr. RoiNw Unounced dauptera. Mre. Job L. a.NDo -attee ould a. and lira. ~ lr. ~IM. h . I t ..._._ w ma4e ~t an . . U . II. W. Cal«*t, UIWJt. 1e ear Y -· II,.. • ._ ... ~c.er. • Death Calls James Moore .; --.~ Janw11 Bhijn Moorl', 6:!, was :HurhDimit I Leases Newport Meat Businep · Hup Dtmit t. betq welcomed by alone of t 11 old lrieDde 1a lilt Harbor dl.ttrict. foUowm,. bia ,.._ ~ot leulnf of the meat depart. ment In CO"ftTe's llarkft at 20t.b aDd Weat Cent,.) ln N~port Be.IM!b. Dlm•t , who opetated a cafe for found dead at his home. 2424. San· ta Ana Av•n\M'. C011t1 Mesa, by hit widow. Eunice Moore and son. Leonard. when t.hey r.tumed from work. A natlvl' of Mlchl&an, Mr. Moore hod bf'en Ill {21' ~ tlme He had made Costa M~a his hom<' (or the ~11t six yurs. Services will tM' held on W~y at t p.· m. at Harold Grauel chapel with intermt'nt 'in Fa.lrhavl'n cemetery. many yeara on....the ocean front, -~-1 re<> .nUy "tunled from eome • • 4 ~· aDd ctuclleu were IDtr. 1 yeara· I"MMdence Ill Arkauu, uct ' : du.c~ In Ule South alta lai&Dda bJ the market opened under tUa name em'lraDW lrola .._ on MciDd&J. * · At tiNt ~nk, reoltort . and athltf find on efficient, pra~npt, depeAdoble etcrow servic•. The nearest brand• weleo~M~ the opportunity of Mrving 1041. ~ ------ THE ·ARCHES . CAFE IY:W Lt eoaa.a-..r ....... ....__ ..... , The .... or..-..uoa w1U ... Joan l>atGnt anct DDpaa ... at· :l ' . ~ ...__.., ~· lmOWD U tlae ~ Dtllrtct tend .. -..__. te l 1 :J Ia on duty !..a.a.rd ~ Na_yr ~1 -~ttt ~ ~-;...:.. -. _,_=c..,_,_ --!-J-"--1 In U.. &oufti Pa.clllc Wbllit ble wtt•' •-, .. --·fill-_.. . ·-Jfont 2 1 1 aod thrH clauptftw. .....,. ClaJ I o,._.e l:mp&re Ana Oluadl, Jac-1 Dow _.. .. 0....,. • ·WillCioae Every Sunday and Monday Until Further Notice 7r I 7 deny 111d Dorta Aaa, t,tve .t .to06 ~...._;;:~~·;•:•:.:":-=··=~· :'•:.:t.be=· •:~==•••••••••llll Channel Pla.ct, Newport blud. j Tol&ls . ..._ --···-······ .. .......... TACIU I STORE -·~-IWf~ Bait· Taekle • Filhln« lnformatio~ .. r 11 .,.. Baney flobtiiiCft of J'\iliar-a 0 tDil and her aqaall .aa ..... ~ s 0 ~~Jftle ot ber •Later, MN. Mel ~ 0 0 Harbert. on Oc•an l'rollt,. a.n... 2 0 0 I Mr. ~11blneon ,Ia tratnJn• for ~- . 2 0 1 1ft with the Mere bCill .,.._ at :1 o o C.tallna lsl111d. Hie 'wife &Dd 800 3 o 1 will move to ~ next door IMII'b· 1. 0 01 bon of t.be Harberte Ia JUDe. 1 0 Ol ~ tn ~e -rmth or New· 2 0 pI port Harbor' a· aun over Uae ~· 1 0 . 0 ~nd were Ml• CynthJa Doaona 2:\ 0 3 ~mpaey IUid Ctllef f>!tlJ · lflnu of the !;~111>«1. both\)( ~ ~W..-t 1-.-siancunr • 'I Huene.mr. 'lllf'y were the ruee&a W. L Pcot. of Mlaa Kate . Trllvle of 1000 Weill I Oranat> ... .. 3 0 1000 {:enteral. • -- Snntn Anq ' 4 t .~ .1\tr_ ·and loSr~a. E'l~ -:1 :750 lhl'lr fou~ t'hlldrtn WI'~ ha.ta 1o Annhl'1m :l 1 .750 Mr Baker's mol!ht-r, !Ifni, Charte. Nc;wJIOrt 1 3 .2501 Hayward of LoA AnJI:I'If'" on tile '------=--•=---=-'•-=-=--tc=-=:-=:==c:::===rU Fullerton I 4 .200 Boker'!< ytlt'ht 7.N' Tl 1no"rw at lluotlnrton ReACh 0 4 000 ltlc:har<ht(ln'a Anchorage • j . -IRViN"E0"lAKE I Jack Hillman .. Y• home newr U . Jay B~ncf', brott>e r of Wra lonkl'd 10 •ood lA It dl ·h be 1 I Jurl'ftl Lorentuo, baa bf'en " 0 \\ "" .JIIOU:r 8&118 CA~UE GILL ........ _ ..... ,...._...,,A........._ '1...--·'1 hi JO da 1 1 rrtum~d fr.,m threl' w•eka 111 1 ptou Qg a y eavr n re11t G d 8 . ... and r"Piul!llon at his slAter' a homt I on . amantau where he under· on .~ t B y • . WPnt an operation llr Is report- 1 -AI a · . j ed dolor nlrely tlY hia .wlft . O!Afte, ftF 8 ; Tr ..... Onllp ..,__.,.6, w IAe ........ PA IIU leasing lhf' boat ~ shares durin;: but will ~-taking It euy for enme · thP albac.'on' -I'On. Anyon!' in· th:ne to comt. . . Y GOOD AT tef'l'~ll'd· may conta~t thf' own<'r Ill I Pollcl' C'hltf ~. R. f.~odlfkln~ 11U&1 •AYIUON AT WJlBOA I hl11 Coll)Nl del M.ar home, an!! Mn1. H~ptnao_n are l:oete .u. • .. , ~--::F-".. 8h Thr "Brtda•l" wes built in 19201thelr tlalb<·a lllla.nd home ~ u..e \ ........... at.._. ...... .........UW ... t Avallable and il' a Columbia rln•r boAt. She fonner Patty \\'lllt.on or Balboa. a&WI'OWI' B&W ~ 00. 111 14 lt't't long •nd ha11 11 \~foot now -.u. F. L; '\van .. wboee cap- ........ IIII! __ .;•:•:•:_;:G:•:••:.;.· .:o:•:•:u:lll:.:•:, =•=•:_ _____ J 1 b<'am. taln hWiband 11 rrct>lvlnr tralolnl' .NEWPORT &:BALBOA . PIERS ~ i .. • a~ Riverelde, Patty, who 11 a gn.d· ................... .----...illia_.. ____ ll::!:::~ • A Star boAt w•s rN-••ntl) r)Ur-uale n! llarbor Hlllh school ~ <'hlll'Cd by J. A. Brt'nnan who Is wei' known In tha ....,. &rea. wUI , ha\,"1 It p~~lntro u d rt'<'ondltlool'd I f'l!m llln htrf' when tru huabaDd · O~EIUMD · · ~ Plahbia at •11 Thnee -UYE BA.fl' ALWAYS AV AII..ABLE • llorl rt'fittrd 111 thl' Port of Srvrn l lllart11 hla ov~rMu duty. Olplala Sr•M. ShP waa munl'd th<' "Pa· W11ll who t• a l'l11nta Ana boy. bu pop." • • ·· I IM't-n lltAllull~d at the Jl't WorUI • H~ ia o COIT«'Ctlon to a at Marcb Field. _ •-[Army !'lr F1el11 ~fore rf'port~Ac statement mad.-in thi~< column In Mre. Jal'k .,._ ..,.tto wttll Iller the ~ay. May 9 ~ttion of tl!ia dau.,t~ter Jft~ and 10M Barry a.DII ACKL! TOR! PUI!ft'. It wa1 11tatf'd th11t th• Denny, have b!'en IOjoumlnl' ta 1 "A~es E." D"'nN by H. C. Erlrh-Bremertt~n. Wunlngton. wh~ OLDTT~Ie-iS ;;:. ••. _. -lot)n, won. thl.' PC chnmpton~hlp ln Jack l~tatloned w.lth the oa.,., UK i ~P42 ID a rart from Newport I<) have re ru~d to tbe Southl.uld. j'II@-ITI•t s.Jt W t.e'l' Tldtle San Dtelf'?· Thel'f' ""' no ~U<'h JO&n will ma.ln on Balboa lalaa4, ......... aA.JiOA. C • -.. • .... M. d ll<'l' lnstrar1, tht• "A.,'fle~ E .. · won lhe Wiwon'a fvrm~r hnmr wtth .. --~~-lllli-...ii..,i:iiiiiii. _____________ JJ1 the C'hamplon~ttil> •·f N<•l4l~rt' Mr1. M. A. Abbott llnd dtl~ght.l' ------~---------­ ' ' · j tlnrhor In th!' 1'\',...a•~ f1>r tht> 1 Ptlgy. ilre. Muon and thl' bopl yrar 1941. 0 K no". M r · Erk h-. wUI jOin ber pareata for Ula .., IALBOA ·· MOtOR CO. .· ,_ &. .. ,. AV.:,·_.,. ·' I ~~Automobile and Marine Repairing. · _ . ·' Marine ..Electricians Available F~der Body Work ·Refinishing ftUPBONE NEWPORT BEACH 125 iOi iSEi.ViCE . ~ o..~~~a >c . ...:_ PaJatt~t~-RemodeUn~ IIOroB SERVICE mt~~A~!!,!ICF; U fta,.ota..... . Newport ae.dl . . • ~~~n ! rt~alnljt>T of the acbool year. ' Att~ntion ALBACORE FISHERMEN! Thll~acwe wilt IIIVf' a full~l'quipped b.1r~;e .nchorc-d on the 'l~ of roint Lorna to receh-e ~Jbacore cau¢1t In loc~tl 100 Muinn •·attn. You will bt paid lm!M<Iiatrly 1t the barve and 11111 rtttive top ceilina pnc:n. 1 - We. will <'arT}' aupplies fer )'Oil at the bari'e. ~\'11\1 )'ou • trip into the inner • harbor. Aleo. the comp..1ny'-'tlu just purc~3..oed a twin ecnw tendl'r. •·h~eh will be aveilable 10 all our albiiC"'Ore tahnmea nJ,btor clay, in pon or at IIU. onct. We are doloa thla to ine,.,. timt. When the ·lh~core are runnl111 that means more mooey fCC" )'IIU 1114 n101t li•h for US. Pltue write Andrew Sanfilippo, our plant aupuintt ndenl Or, if you pre. frr. phone him It Franki)'D n 4J. Mit the operator" to rc'·use ,the char~ JACK CRIVELLO Prt!li4eat .l General Mal!..., Sun llarbo~~ l'ackln~ Comp~ny ~Hayfroat,S&o~2,CII. .. NOW OPEN JOHNSON'S CAFE FGN~erly Ida~·~~ 511 E. CENTRAL AVE. BALBOA $1.50 -$2.00 Dinners· "BALBOA PlATE" DINNER 11.00 SAMPLE MENU. Qlicken Noodle,Soup ·t;··~ .. Slll.'rbet FR~D SPRING OUCKEN WJT11 COUNTRY GRAVY~ BAKED HAM WITH RAISIN SAUCE ANIJ CANOif=D YAMS ROAST PORK AND APPLE SAUCE · ' ROAST BEEF AND BROWN GRAVY ~ Potatoes But!~ Pr as ond CatTOtl' (Garden Fresh I Hot Rolb a nd Butt<'r Olo6cl' of ~<~erta : Kfik-Tt>a Coffa- The above prkt> ipplvvt'd by O.P.A. W& BAKE OUR OWN. Pl£8, CA.KU. ETC·. [EGIL FORMS ' , . . . . .-FOR E·VERY· TRAISACJIO.I We have made it convenient for you to lniUre compUanct with an nquiftmentl ot the law by carrytn& a complete-stock · of a1l 'fonns and papen needed for the .. completion of every tRn.c:tsoo. · ' ftememllter, tM. tNt title ....-ulatleft le ) 1 • N.4y te hanlfle any and •M· ef J*lr pl'tntlng pt'Otlt.m. frwm a oompletw four- colo,. complicated printing probt•m to the 1 '\( plat~~tlng and publlahlng In the Ne~ T ime• of JOUr advanltlrtg. Ne ob7t tton ) will be attached to you,. phOM cal for lnfo~n of any kind. , • • / ,NEW.S~ TIME$ ' I ) ~ .. • ~OH~ ·VIL~LL~, Proprietor • I _r __ while you · learn ~ POSTWAR CRAFT U . . ,.-y .,.. Of....,,,.. CALli"' ........ ,:,.,. .. 11 d ... ~·· ttcv~ort1 In ..,_-. . Weldel'-Studen . and Helpers · W eldei'S i Machu,~;; chin\sts and orattsmen ~ · Manne "'a ograpbers Helpers d Helpers Sten p\pe Welde~Ke\pen ~tine~ p\pef\tters ad Jte\pe1'"3 1'aarehousemen 1 rs P\um~rs.!f MechanicS' and ""~tr\dans and Jte pe sheet '"''e -.a ~ u Men Helpers . operators and Set· p rrabUlatlJ\i &t cllll'' .. anlta\. ,.,,,,,, .. Jll 10UI C tMESE aeUilllf.S . · · . l\tf.S10U trtloiDJ ecboolJO\l CSA beeoe- e "' ov.r anodera · . ..a useNl pos"'ar ~ lkilltd io a.weU,paau, d ~~ . f1ltioD probleCDJaD • JteiJaid OD u&DJpO Jt for tbe askiDJ• .. iilforanatioo.,. yo\l .1 •·aroiDI'; work· U ~ lt"YIIl wb• • ... ..Lart eTb• payls e~ce ell aad •out co-wo.-- d. • I._ p\taJaAl I . coo ,uon' ,.., IDI . ·are fri•ad11· ' · Social dey APPLY t0DAY1 . card. l MPOllTANT .:. Bung Uabili c.JU6cate· r rCimeosh•p and An Proo o . • • ' I • I ~~~~~~::~cOIP~Ri1lOM ......_.._...._ ..... 110 .... An•--__..,ott ·• .. I . . . ' I NEWPORT-BALUOA NEWS-TIMES. N~wport Jhach. C~al~if~or~n!!ia~, !Tu~e~lld~ay~~· ~M~ay!_21~6!..,• ~19~4~4 ____ ......_ ___ ~.;....___:_ _ _..;.. _ _......_..:_~=-=-= No Excus eCOMINGEVENTS :s id Pu•uc.::.!" RE.AD CLASSIFiED Ails FOR BAI8AIIS! e WEDNEIDAV. MAV 17- 1 .. r ge ov~r Pfe. •!til -_ __ ~-------- Di bl d Hlp ldlool ..__.. • .,.we ....._. 8 ----.,_ ••-nw .,_ I _ ... _ -~£2 11-• Sa e . bly In lbe I!Ct.orl:"u4norlum. 10 a. upper ay .. Df 'I'II'R lltTPICIUnlt oc:MJ'W'I' 01!' liJIIU ... o•··. Lllr.ct EIIIPLOXNEN'I' I REAL....,.,.... j' ifOi"'llis-.,. m. Clevo dance routJne by ~ho· Tim 8""4ft OP' CALI'I'OilHIA flOATS H t. ~"ld and Thd.d WANTED FOR SAL&-T(i a rrore lfirf., varletv llbow and a • IN A"fD rna ~ ~VJifft ·'-IAriM Fn~nf'a aM. Pa-ta r....ot. trl .C'OCI rltu \IRd ciU'IL . J'OA aAL&-Oeeaa ~ a.-ctr. TH,-tl .f'OOMI ,UitNf It I ~ V ed ~..-t play .• &how ~ "' o~ d OP' OllANOB MARIN)o, ~·!·;Auf: AND Wtll p.y top pr1ee. hotne. ~ood noon VMa ~~aCIAL-'fweRl)' .............. ,ts ne ,,,,.. Ht!lf'l'l PI'-'? of the achoo' sc ss, Ae.._ ................ I•NrtW MFr:. <'0 'THI:OO<lllE ROBINa bllnt"l . N(totly red~onte<J :0':":!"~~,.: =~)' = ~ · blc11i.tl df~artment ud ~ IOJ)b· I U ~ O.rt., tM,...()Mat. AI lOGO W f?n~"'l A "~ Ptl 2W·W For-4 aa1e. 6 S.rvlce Rf'ntal tn re6r Vat'llftt now. p · . 1 _ _,u..._ •·-_........ 'Ill L omnf't' rTua .,d wttll tht~ a1d of • aa4l "-.......,"t nw .. tiM! nf· Nrwr<>rt llc:acb. C&Ut 1 Hn .. 6 "'-tr.l Ave. I t ttou • t to 60 ft. fOOIIl _. --t.41"1. Jn.an Peplto and ber wo .. cl-'"' ---ftcooe of ,._. co•ettr ., tile....... " '"" "~· attl • pea • • 41ave~~port wtllll ........ ..._ ...-., 1 . 11-ttl' Ntwpl'rt Rurtl Phone II rrontaa•. renrl'd. Owner SMI ... .!lr _, _...._, • ...._._ ..-~ Tbere 11 at.Jiutely no e:~~cuM fal"''l\ua down ~u.,,nd, M?. Pep1to. E&rty cGUtders.tton of plane for • c-o.t1 "' llllld c-.tJ. -_ _ · · · 8 h r -. -• orr--· .._. • _... ze ttc Ot'f'.ao Jl'rnnt. Ne~·port .':'~tt~ f-Ia .. •-. en"' ._..,_ ... -••~ for a dlaabled or dlac.har~ted vet· ~ ern.. wo?kroom. 111 Palm. a h'fb level brtd~t~ a r rou Uppe¥ 4 . J. TWIS'l' "'·It RAI.t-: 1 1 1 Jl\lma n ro"'. 1 ~ ~ .,..... -.. --_ .. _. el"'ll belnr In nnd. accordlnr to Balboa. o~n 10 a. m. to 4 p m .. Nev.•port Bay. cw a wn&J to P 1l ln11ff. vc bout with J••ht\liUII outboard mol· ·wAN-n:n Wnm.an '" t'l .. n on __:_hone l!\17. · • tlv~ kll f'IC· M"'*' _.._ II .... Oeor«t Howal'd, chairman or HW'nlf. arrve the iauie purpoae.•le lndlcat· LfLUAN l REAOER. tor p lllol'llo Ul4_\ "''". a:n:. C'an 'nlu,....y Phnfte N~ 813. )o'OR 8Al..ll Jl'cw Immediate poe-fT'f'Ufl tnmad• fUll ... ~ .... the Red Crou HoJI)e Service Bu-~ · Red Croaa. 1SOO O«U Blvd., td tollow!Jijt t.bL C ambu ot Com· JOHN OOE and JA.N&-00£1 t.;" IM'C'n, nt ~'00\l . F: n'l)· Fn'nt, Mra Walh•n Hubbard. Jr M·tfe, ee-'M. attractiYW l ·etof'y tur-ltv fo1t' t.ndl aM atnw . ._ reau. ~ronA df'l Mar. 10 a. m. to 4 p. trf'l't'e II'Htlna Monday. n--rf'ndf\n t• l ~lbu r h.•or l"twpnrt ~M -I nlal:lf'd hou.M. ,,~ lo:e. l.lD O<'MII ot dra-n.. au. ................. Mn JfO'tfard po1Dlt out the m.~. wrgtcal dteulnp. I Bucb. a project wcul41 npedlle TAE PFJOPt.E OF THE ST~ _ S:'l·lf··~llt.:LI' \V ANTJI:O Wt'tT\ tn walt I Blvd., 111.000. math ..... patr ot bed pUlMN Ud manY ·waya In which the covem· traffic oo th• Cout H lrbway, iUid iOF CALIFORNIA SEND GR • on tahl,. Ratunlay nllf a In prl· 1. w. f'Rilt•l8 btanket, JW tt.. <tlftetta &II lll•nt l'u rovlded for theee "'en THUftiDAV, MAY 1~ • It •u pointed out at the meettac,INC:S 'f9· t.JU.JAN l. R£4GEil MA RINF: ~1 '11\'~:YING lur·lniiUr· valf' h1"mf'. No cookt rttone1 l'tlnnf' Nrwpnrt UeaC"tl 110 al t?~llv' table and four aaatcb- and ~ :. ln wbteb tbf' Red Ebfoll C'ub cuaral aseetln« that It would bfo of adv.,t&IJe to• JOHN DOE and JANE DOE. no.-anr o• ""'' l'n•Aflt"l'tl\'f' nu:vtor•.l Nl'wpnrt 1\AA . S&-1\tr I TU tc, ('t>ntra1 Avf'., RalbiWl lnJ C"halra. Hera'• ..-1 ¥111M at -,-. · 1 ON-ntn.-"'1th a lunrbt'Oil at 1 p. ~·~Ill• tbe requut with prope? .tate I fHidant!l. I. 'IIJ'I !'•.t lloll'r•t '••r. 3~01t C" at1· -36-Ur thle •l*'lal price ot Oft!)' lift M. C1'0M , .. been empowered and D-In thf' OubhouM. wttb llrt: K . v. 0 tlctal.l •• .JOOD .. paM bla ID I You a~ dll"f"'tf'd to lppelr '" Df'l 1"1111'" :-.If'\\ fHirt ~UI'h rtlnnl' MAN w A.NTFf' l"nr l)f'nnllfttllt y..,., paymenta an •ly an• .UUcted to help lb.em. D'llt •• cbatnaan. Mn. Larry Ol'clar to eecun cU"tful conaiden· an action brou~t ... ilut you bJr J~7.J ~-lie I J<'h st )<a:v Ftn••h Ooramtre C'o-roR RAI.JI: Dupin o~ <W•an rer moelh. We la.tta your a. ot kin claht>l, death CQRIJ)f'n ... rtett" ~cl Will aa.o review the ! the naaaa of !ucb requallle •pec:t.d Su,.rtor C®rt ot the Stille of ron 8A'I. .. ; l!..'·'l'llt Jllldtlle boAI'I 1t .. mph~···· In ..... ntlal tndiJI• N•wport *' TU lt. C.ntral McMahan~ 0.. . . Dt.&bled veteran • claJma. next Jobne wt.1J I've tbe play, "H&r· tk n of U.. roblem. thua avoldlnc tht> abQvt-named •plaintiff In the ~--·1 ., "''"• df'l Mar AH Mr rln,r h. Front L. W ltrtrp. Phone •~~«tlon. tiona for wtdowe or ctllldren. ot lat•• turnnt playa to follow the cloee f>l the war . California. lft and tor , ... ~ Phone Ntwpv 1 IW 39·1~<' try dn not apa•ly. ( !e·lf~ A •. Balbo-. 16-Uc tnd and Bteldwa' ...-vtce men. or parent; cl&JDY,, Huber Klwalala Club m..ta at I ......_ mit t .... _...:.. of,Oraf\lt•. and to ana-r tt.. C'Oft'l• -----~--_ljMJl!WWI...i~llllllll~------dJII applleatJON for acrrued benefit., Ba'boa' ... I:IJCt,rtc Gr'll 12·1& nooa ·-ea. tt• on .__..,.~a· plaint thenoilt within tftl ciQs B.Oli8EHOLD WANT&D I ron ~~~U: C»m~y.-~ delayed or diverted allotmerite. R.d en.1 work~ lll Palm. • UGD wu aakecl .to ooafer wWt U.. after the wrvt~ on you of t6la WANTED TO BUY Au~ ntf'l'han1n . 1'nf' war• a. RMt ed houat tratler, abollt· 16.-ft. IIDod l~rance. are all eullleclt up-Balboa, 0 10 L aa to t 'I Irvine Inter.• ... and the Cou.nty aummona; If .. rved wlddn tiW _ nf •·orlllna C"<'ndltlona. An ~-aleepe two. ,_.sy for 1tC"cur•· ron UL&-Martaet natu,.._ i oa wblcb the R..s Cr'OI8 t. ln'orm· IW'tkal ~... . , p. ID .... arbwC~Iaaioa ca tbe project. CountY/Or~. or wtthln tNrv .WANT TO HliY Glul cuptx..rd U•l· war lndu.try Emplnvment tton. Non·plln~ture IU~I!· A .J. Jlland dleplay ltUCII; 1 ........ ed ud for which the pfO!Mr appU·I Red c,.. workroom Wlllte'el ~ wW be d lncla41 to t ,. daya lf serwd f'lwwtleno, and )'db or r upboanJ wHh rtaN donn t r f'lt l'n htr-.. or at Hunlln,ton Twill, toT ('>Ul lllfliwav, Co-lied cooUaa toww; tal•..._. cation blanJu and torma are avail· ear. baaaquet ?OOaa 0,..; lt a. 18 Ulllt.ad Statu h":.t.e Comm~ I an· nottflf'd that unlna )'OU 10 lAUth... l 1bon. Newport BMI:h Bf'~h •tf\,.. . mna d•l War ('boat N~"'Jl 'rl , ... table •nil. tt·bl • 61-ta. ·able "··tJM Red cro. ol.t\ce. to t ,. m., e~&r,tcai........... ' Wlllcla Ia now COOII ""-Uw • 8PPMf and 1~r as ebov• f'P" ltTt. Si·21c T'HJI!OrlORJI! ROR1N8 2422 3f·lfC t.. W ........ Tit 11, Olllllltral 'nte Rome ~e Buftau of ~. · ere Ul4 Harbors BW, to nutllll ap-qua~ tbe plaintUf wdl take JaMie-----l"nrd Sale• and 8ervlce ----A •• , Ia!-l'llloee N"'PQI't local Red Creaemay.J!oW a ~r 1"-. ·. • proval, laYin• Ule ArmJ Boar4t lnwnt for·....., nMIM'. y or 41amqte WANTED C'llttrlzli In private 22nd and C11ntral Ave. J'OR SALE .. DY oW'ner. att,.&l't9 ·,0. .. tie o1 attoruy tor a Mice m .. or '4-r&!ft ~JatJon of ~:qtn-.. to det.enai.De ~ _, c~ema.-. • ,._ Complalftt, u bom~•. by tbe hour. l:llpertenc-Nf"Nl!!rt ~~h Ptlone 28. Balboa llnm•. 7 rnoma. unt _. h1l famJiy ud aot fOI' tb-. · S)f U.. project. aPI)I'Wed -.al -........ upon contract, or wtll •p-eel Rf'f~ru:e. Colof'ed. 1331 · -.Jtr twn •t,t, twath, N&OO. l"tlone..,.... ii£a11 .r•l llliiCII tw your nere Ia macbi""Y Ud Ulere Meets M•• J7•L lmoder1.&&eo IICiW or l&t.w. IAtten lply to tM Court for uy other.,._ W. 4UI St • Santa Ana., Ptlooe Good cook anll polrt 184. 6·W aot. Undo Av.... Mlacllm. ..odin a1mlft wtUa . an rueu, 111ot11 pvemment ant A La J "'' · 00 t.b1l matter ~U roJO"'barre-, lW drrndld a. the eamplalnt. 0811...1. lt-4t.p HJo:l.f' WANTED Balboa. II·•~ ...n ....,... aacl wttll ..._.. RH ero. tD .... ~e p__..._ t guna Bea-h an Jolin Pbllll u well .. ~to otwa WMier my ..., and ... ---... .----aome ~nf'ral boUMWMtc 1M ----• '-'dera. wal1oUI -......... ' • ._ '-Ben&ton .... Bna of ~ •·--"-01u11 ot tJW "".......,.IOI'M (),\Q . Julj ~ AUJUIIt oa UdG '"'· P'OR IJALE A raaJ home, I Met· 'of Mnrlce men and their fuatu•. . __ JobdmD I -·-_ _ _ . . I Nice room. 'lood pav. Two day• rooma. Pr1c.1 I'TOOO. IIIUDHiate framed mlrTOn. MM1 .......... Ia aa.o.t &aJ' Ilk..._, wllktl VtmYra ot the-Qralll'e Cowlty . . Ooun1¥ of Oraap, 8tat.eo of c.IJ JiiDO~ llll'd lady will care for oft each WHil. Me ... 'wrtt.e . pa-Millft •Located la.. A dealraalle Ud -"-1 lift. may arl• laaldent ta UM wu, .,.. CoNl AlttodaUaa wUJ ~ ,.m foraia. tbil 30tiJ .a.,. .. of Mudl, • dUJVen. niJhlt. Pboa. Newport lira Lout• Brtttlnfbam. lttO 'part a6 ~~ a.a.dl. ....,_.. t.ena ~~~ ,._,. boUl Ule JDfttalll•t au the .... wed!: at l.aCU¥ liMe~. aecordtlw yboun(l C&fe ~aU • 8. J. Sink' tm. M-4tp W•.t Orlv•. San MariJto. Olllf. ·~~ ~.'!_~~ u .. -~.... :Zta ~ 1111 ud ~ C.O. want them tD kaow ..._.. to a notice "'' out by L. B l--!--..1 Count¥ Qerk • ot ttw Superior Wll.L CARE •~ ._11 cbM411na lf·T"' ~ -~ ~ '- and bow. wtlllncly belp may be ob-Patch. p,_.tlenL -n. UfiJIII"tiMIU Cowt ol ~ 8 ...._ « C.Uienlia. ......_ daJ. Adeqote tactUtJt,a. -·--------~ --UDROOM n11Uf1TUR.8 _ ~ ' ta1Md. wtn be held oo WeciD • ¥41 a.ne. C\AffCII'd SwaffOrd who b In &Dd 1~ tlw oe.Jy of ()rup 2lt Coroou.o St .. Balboa HJI!LP WAN'n:O 8h1pcarpenter, WANTICD TO a&NT____ ,a.t. _.. ar odcl ,..._ ... M ColllplkaUOna aria~ tJ'OIIIIl -17th, a cbanp tram rec»lu la ctaarp of tbe Oftyboullld -ll,y 4 L. HJt~k Depu~ · ... t.c alan ma.n for ,_.,,,.1 wort! .. Bal-. .,., .. ,... ciMMa. -.., MP& c~·e ot ,...._., ma.IIJ~ Olll rreettn~r nJ-"l 101'. t.J1w liNt Aat6oa Mill ea/e at thi Areh... . ' • . boa Yacht Baatn Jl .• tc and een41nc fcwme for .. tatanc•~ ll8ftllte.l ,_..-~ ,._. · 1~ dM '-* a1 1M .0. braba &M lD!CiallaUcc oi all ll:tDda. 111 d&J& ~~open ud ilb8ut • in ricaftttt~~ a~ Jill an -.:U. when tw u · u-.-,.cu . Ia a..U.Ie ud t ~b wW M'Y"'P ... 81111 1\UD ......._ fNID 11M ..,._ awe,., dmlun or etves tM plata· Kn. Howard ua th.at h• tralD-en of u.cb ot t.be CQburlll· 1uppty a,. UDder dw c:Mear. ~U.m.~. ~ ... ..,, ... 1111 ~ @H ~~ .... 01' .... -ettonw)r ~ --.at" ~Gt U. ~ ,. f • t~IM ...,., eMc.wn aad notJce of &p~Jearano. fOI'. ~" they are pnpara41 to balp. Roa~. H. P'. J(alpl)'; pe.rt&a. ou ~ Ia ~ IOUI!ht. . (Sfoc:. 1014, C.C.P.» · ~ lltate. Wm. H. OaUieane; H~ · • Answen or clmWrrtra ~.till. _R.ID.: ___ W_.AHT'ED __ -ioww. wtla. Island "Man, Joins NeWport Beacb, W~ ... Lonpsoor; $6 • -' ~ in wrltl.nJ, and llW wltb tM ~ ride to CIIIO&F.-llllve HartkJe' lleel llacb,_,LJ. Hue!* --: rR&,.III -etft'k ....._ a.A41 drtva. Pia-..., ... Ma D--tp· . ...a ... •: H~km'ul: ero~~~Oft. a.~ HI.-..,.... Pub.,·Air, u . ~a. 2!\: May 2.1. Y. port ...... a~-ne .· IICII Tomqat.t: flDance, OeorJ'e Wheat; .. U~ll a. "-30; luna IS, 12. lMC. u&-lot Brother ........... p. at.ewart c. 8eouller: •• • .. ... ----liiCYCLI'S-aold. ,..,1.14 ... .. II-18 leg1alallon, Dana R. Wllllaftll; . 81 G , .. A uau ~· Vocel"e. 104 ... .... J.Wor Collef•· Jud•e ·. Doaald None-41'0 ~ri'«NUJ ,_,_ BalbO. u4 201 Martae A¥ea\ll. L08T AND fOtJJ!JD • Becau.e be waJJta to belp tu. Dodp; wu.. E. L. QraW'for41. • 1 EITA1'1: OF RACHEL CJl~ Balt.o. 1111aD4. ' 11-Ur LOST-R .... d, .... 1 .. ...: Te--.• ,. brother wbo Ia a Marine ~ DIDDw WW bl • ....._. TW1ST abo i.~ "" _, , _ rT'"' , pUot, LawreDu"Berum Broerllic. tf'l IAc'una at •==~eel at the Ho-.,.... •"""' I C. TWisT. DECtAS~. WA.NI'ID TO BVY mal11. collu wtttl one .ll«· t..o.t JT .• ot fOT North Bay Front...,Bal· NoncE ts HEREBY GIVEN ......-------lfom Udo Ill• ·Monday Re- boa Ialud. receDUy enwe4 the ServJ. 1 to Ow creclltora o1 and all pai'IOIII WANTED -Mattre. lot' cJouble ward. Phone Newport tott. 710 Unit~ Stat~• Mulne Corpa Re· I cea I Of haviD& clallna ap.i.nlt IM .. w.. bed, In rood condtt.lon. .... Udo Nord. Newport Beach. MI'Ve. He l:o~ to be placed ID R' tl d M.. ~tor~ eet.at• •• tile U.. Newport 214-W. IT_.tc •1\A: ·., aviatJoD .,round ~. e re esan with the necesaary voucMn Ia the .---------------------, PTivate Broertnc • Ia a forme? olf'cP ot the Certl ol the .......... Unlvenlty of 8ouUieru Calltdrftla ~-~~~~ol~the~~~~~ot~~~~r-----r-----=J=J:~II~ ---------BUY WAft BONDI NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS -TIMES PHONES: NEWPORT 1! A IS Jiiibllahed EYUj ~ ... -,..;;,g..·---:.vs..:-='~ ... -,.-.-.-~v=-oa=-.--....:.,_=xxx"-='_=~-= SublctlptJon Payable lri Atfvancl:~» -,., ,;.. -41r~ County; S2.75 per year to 4ijl 'zon•;· S3.0Q..pe_r YNl' to~~ --.... --~~ I ----Entered u Second-claq matter at. the Postofflee in Newport ~ach, Callfomi&, under tM Act of Mardi '-1B79 ~MEYER toi'J'QR AND PRESIDEJIT OFFreiAL PAPER OF TilE CITY OP NEWPQRT BEACH ___ A' ~aWe ................... ,.,. 0... .. "- SNOODLES * .· * * 'SOUTHHERN CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE CO. . Apply: 100 B, llay Ave., IWboe or &Jt~ l'fo. Mabt 8t., S..~ .ba w AN'IJ;P 10 ftP"' -,.,., of ft. car<.-......_,,,_._, t'hlld. \0 rf.ftt C..e or twO.bld· ,_ "-?. a,t. • ...,_., N•· drtnkera. Wnt. llocl 'R' " Newe.ll't~ N-pert S..Ch. · IT-4tp ---·----wANT l'O R.J:NT-Iruma.bed 2· bedroca ~ by Jufte lltb. GordonM. ~thyekllan Ninth at~ll centra: Ave. .. ' Office Hr&.l 10.12 a.m.; I ·• p.m. Ttltpllafte 17 LEROY P. ANDERSON ·ATTOftN~Y AT LAW CMtl ..... Balik BYII41htt "'-'... ' o.ea ... HAJtOlb K. GRAUEL CHAPEL "We' Ou,...••tllle ..._81ft'• 8Y ae"~~~a· otMN a.t .. P'heM N~~ M1 Geeta M-CetlfM"t~la BUY NOW City Tax Sale Lota A. J. TWIST ~Chat Hleftw•1 "'*" ,_ COftONA DaL MAft our llke 1\ WOWd ....... ,..... ..... -~ ..... ,._ tw ..,. .... - ~ , .... ,.,.. •llwf7 . MeMabaft·• rumlt.n o. .. · 11M and lllrMdwa,. ..... A-. CAM-,_... ...... Conrad Richter, M.D. ~thy • ..,. ..., au,..._ Offt.tOT ... ....... .... , .... ... .._,..: t0-11 ,. "'' • 1·1 ,. "'· fttte!!~ffloe 1UI ..... 14-J DR. G. E. TOHILL P'HVIICIAN eM IUitOaON -c..-•• ..... ......,. .... _,......_ .Off ...... -.......... " .... ~ C.ll ......,. • Dr. M. b. Crawford OP'TOMaTitiiT .,_ D ... aa..... n~ ITt? N..,..t' llou....,.. COITA M81A BALTZ MORTUARY CttAP'8L 8V THa .. r 410 c.Ml,81~ «*_,., ... , . ~ ...... ......._New,.,. 41 DR. ODED LUCAS., Dentilt · • "" y, w. Qaulltnl, "'· .... NEWPOaT BJ!Anl WHO'S-WHO Ill HARBOR DISTRICT F'IA£PLACE AND I<INDLINO WOOD- Jl W Wrl~thl , 17114 Npt lllvd.~ Cnltla Joff'H H~ J,urnt..r, Ph. 8.'\&..J GENERAL r.ONTRACTOA-r:nro~nn 11. Jo'tnt1l111v, :l411J f'<oaltl ntvd Ph 302 I'}IUl• 111nt! Gtlfl"tnu•llon. L UMBE R\/:oMPANIE&- 1 ("()IIIII 1tf'oo•111 J.lor r·• "IA't 1111 h,.lp VO\I J'lllln your hnml' .. l 'hnnl' d . ~:;;:;;~~ Hn v 111..r rlrt J.•Jmh"r rn.. f'hon" 1 i M. rna~ tlla;thway at A rcht~1, OFJ"IC£ IUPPLIEI-1 I ._ . - -~------- !':rv,·rHirl llllrhnr r ublllitltnr 'Co Phnnn : 12 1· 13, Nl'wpurt .Ikacb. PRINTING-.. \ N"WJI(Jrt lluhor Puhllahln• r.o l'h<lnl'l: 12 • 13, Ne.,art &ea.ob, 1 nEAL ESTATE, tNSU"'ANCE & HOTAftY PVBLIC- 1 ...... If. Wallare. 2202 W. Central Aveoue PbOAe 3. ftUB8£ft 'ITAMP._ • I N""P''rt .. arltlor f"ublllblac Oo. .,.011ea: 11 • U , rt_,art ......_ IHIET MITAL WOftK-_,S~~~~...J l Tlele 'Plum~na 6 a-t w..-. OMea Maea. ....._ ... ¥AftliT't-IT~&-... ._ ..._.. ......, lie, 110 ...... ~ IW•W. Beach, Califor11fa, Tuesday, May 16, 19« c::j 11a•DonCharlesHonorMothenat H b A ~· •t• Two"'rchestra Groups Present Program Fatlv~B~kfast In True Restaura~t Style ar . or c 1 VI leS To ClO!Ie Grammar School PTA Year _::.__ ,. col I , A ipladid Pf'OIT'&Jft ot Of'CbN-Mn. Stuart Dlebl, lla.pltal: lira. WD Doa. a.....-~• ta tndi· CarTytq out Ule cSalntf ora Catherine Easton, Society Reporter • Phones 12 ani~ 13 • Pbone 69().~ '"' -nell' tof'ir!l'lK"Ud the flDaJ Ed•ar HUl, membenblp: Mn. JC. tllaal biP d..re bat u4 ..coe•l ol P*D11 ... blue. tM \UlM ...,... ~ o1 N.,.,ort Beach Oram· D. Nunan. m.aau•oe ud emi!Ma: .......... .Ad .... .iue eNp t..tlve, eacb place marked by a ltOUYenlre! •. . • I Ebell Book Section Cos~ Successful .. R T . c 'lrar School Parent-Teac~J_er Aa?-1 Mn. Ralph JUdl.ardMil. ll&IDIMr Ia .a waAtnW -*ftt, Mr. u4 MJ'I . .bWDorou. 11MDU from wblcb Ul aring t.be I\ID .._ addl·; . are fe&t 10 ~tore ' et,.tlo'l Vondav a'terDOOD In tbe rcwld·up: Mn. LMlie Btlftwoa,-_Dia~ol 101 .,... ... ~ ::::.eo:O::W~e:e.r:! u~ t.b~ ba.t IUld hoata wc;re iYear With Election of New Officers For Ebell Members ~ =~u; . .tudenta wen ~~!~on~e;"'~1:R':~~ ~to·.~~!, pf1M .Tile fU'IU tell wliUJII1y tbe boocred moUIUI, Mra. ~-J~l At Closing Meeting ,_nt.d ~ Thomu L. A'len. or· art: lira Jobn Tubbl. ·bealt.b; ~ ~ ~ ......,.. 9r/ IDt.o .Uie lp'rtt of a naurant Cbarle and Mrl. ~:~: .. ~~ ltDundlng out a llit_.. .... c b' treuurer rnpoa.CbptU.. ·-W1tll a 'f'IM ...,.,tatlon .,_,:..._ chertra teadler. A aelected rroup Mrs. ~p Ellerbroeck motiCIII ......,.. oa,. Touac Doll C arle meal, leavtq t~l tor tbt ~aitreetl ll\d Ulelr t'u•~lliC. CbaiW aad year. tbe book .ctJoe Oil Ute Jlir.. At tit• d'*"a •• 011, Mu. ,.. , 1:-r-·--:-~ o' nttb gnden offered a warm-up plcturee; Mn. Roee I.AJCO, cat.. .. ~ t. ,_ilia. ....,..-ot 1b• under tbe pl&tee and ev9 a[tempt· and Mudaal• L. 1 bor Ebell Oub I.W tbe lut -.1· , .. ··ne f"arrer rave a comprelle:t· • 'lrhor d •tr1d exerctee aDd a eborale. T~ ... .tu-. terta; Mrs. Reory !!g(ftt. tllnK: ._;. &a Ute role ol watu-boy. lng to take bome tbe .Uverware u Ed"''\11 Day. llng before the auDJDer ,..,.., ~ .:1ft rn1.., of c:unoenreventa fol· f"' ~ eha.rm and akllJ' In l"e'Vleow· 1 dent. all beainne•e '"~ or"h"ltl'll 1 )dre. Ha.1ter RJng. courtuy; Mn. , . ;4t ·. ..... . ~ ... MR. AND MRS. DAVID B. BRADBURY ------- t and ~~Ut future P"Owth pf the ~EWPORT ltARBOR -area, t .BE W»rrERN AUTO-STOR~ .. HAV-E . opened a ·store at ~ta Mesa ~n charge of Mr. and Mn. David B. Bradbury. .. , ... 'lbe welcome and reception ~eiyed prove . . ' . , the wisdom · of this move, and we wish to. extend oar thanb ~d · appre(iatio~. .. A most cordial invitation is extended to all Costa Mesa and Newport Harbor. residents to visit this complete store. ------- --~ MR.~ MRS. DAviD B. B~BURY. .. tht• bo re ot Mn. B. o...n-. • lowed by two book ~--. Mrs. I ;".~~c. f "'TV .John~ will m11k~ are the tweleu. o1 Ute poup t.o Robert AUen. room mother, .apd f'ay~de Drive wltb Mn. H. 11. I'll "1 -~ t"" ~'l ••-t n-be m eq'lgemat to delJclatljG'n the junior hllfb achool orchea-~lfr'11. J. W. Peytco, CUb Bcouta.·_ Welah .,-.d Mr11 R. lt. Holdea ...... opttml.tic· ''Oerlllua:r Wm T17 It :.a nrr &lid the.lr gutlb at the tra wiMD tbey enter ebrth grade. P'ollowtor a:lnutea oL the pn1\- ' mg boateutl boDan wtU!o -Again" by Blgr t t.bult · wh 1 a 1 00 ,!.,:g ot tbe £bell c;ub T1M junior hlp . .ebool ,roup. ou. meeting and necutlve board ' on~nter~t. I "ht ~uch J~. UIWeUl cBmlQilDc '"~ " t rmer · ac:U-eaa from ,.,_ cOIIIDI'UIDg mort thaD a acor-e cf meet1Dg read by Mn. Harold 'I'M El Toro llartDe a.. -.,.. wben -"'· n.. It rev ew. y rk and Hotl oocl '\-pupla., opelled t.betr procr&m with Holta, eec:retary, Mn. II. C. M\11· ul ,wbtc:b Ia now reeetvlo• bocllu eel the de'lgtattul ·~ Wu. lD ofo •veral p'ay:' lira -;~u~ a man:b.' "Tte ·Valiant KDtpt," Una, treuurer. gave the annual ,._ from lhla ~P. pun:b11ect w'tll the KJtcbeo" by MeVlcker. r ···•,. •.• t.,• pin "Parr1ett·• d ptayM wtt.b' eplrit aod enjoyment. port. H. 0. ~P~ pri.ac.lpal , funda rrom the .Uver t.u at UM The nut a:eeUnc ot Ule puup -'"a ~of eu~t tbeaU:.. "A -Utt.le R01raoc:e." a _lyrical wt-o led tbe pledge at allec!ance ; clcae or the m«eUng8. II lDcleM " wW be bel4 In, Octotler. pr-0Ctac:Uon11 \o form a Pf'OI'J'& ol. number, wu followed by an J:ng.l to Ule na.g to open t.be meetlq, 1 fortunate ~lplent u Ute ~f'd great lnterat. Tbe artlllt wl': be llah ,rfouP laclJ.'d'ng a "llelodte", allo addreaeed tbe l'fOUP on the fllr t e put year lbow!l a t.ot.a., Mrs. P. A . Palmer rea:embered wben abe pve "Lady and 'Olt, Dear. _Wbat Can \lie upco~r ecbool bond electloo Ud I ~~~ =k·~ven ~~.~~ .... ~-Serves on Cou~ty In tbe D:u-k" 10 r•p&r ... lv t thll Matter Be!" Sprtct~Uy "Blue Bella ukecl for volunteer~ to. circulate u.me IT'OUP Mve,._. ,_,.. qo of BcotlaDd'' lect up to the atmp11· petiUona t.o ratae the amount ot mt'nted by current boou dot\at.d Wave Commi ee The program will be ~ nect bu~ weu;cscr .. "Ave Verum ltllte •venue tor the acbool from 1 by mtrrbere and lbelr tnendll. -~ __ by a luocheon with Mn K V CorpUI, a p eU'lng number eyl· 1841 t.o .$80 . N~ly-C"Iec~ of:lc:er'11 wbo wiD CorrpoiKd o· clvJllan vcluntaey Dllt. ln charge. Tboee ~~•~•ln;t dently a favorite wtth the young Carl Fllber'e elght.b grade roca I j:llll1e the IIJ'Ctlon tcr the <'CII'DIJt& recrultln u.11t.anta. 1 ·er.l 1 t t o attend are ur•ecl to call In t.betr a::ualc_lanl, cl~d t.belr program. woo t.be attendaDce award. \t'Rr are 4Mrt. Harry Wtlab u • · 'l c: en " h 1 d M Don Dou..t•• cormrltt.ee or . Oc:anp County reaervetlon either to Mn.. A. E 1 ll'ltut fr.der'11 partlclpatlnlf In· At tbe uecutlve board meetlq r n mw n an ra. •-wqmen are •rvtag t.o Ull.t In Bamett. t~W>4W. or Mt. Marc\a duded carol Bmlt.b. Rorer Ward. whlcb lmmedJately prececl£d tbe wl.o will take over tbe ~eereta~.' carrylnr out plan• and eolvtn• cOombe, 23Hil. Donald Btqlts. Jamu Smlt.b, 'Don· main meettnr. rrac!uat·on pla.u 1 • -.--problea:• pre~ented by Ueut. aid GonMr, Glenn Griffith, [)baa)d were completed, and a telephone , N o rthern Clergyman '~farton Wll10n. WAVE racrvltln&' ~hape1 By the Sea Btetten.on, Beverly WIJite. Henry campaign to atimuJate vottq ill H b V . . I officer. and Jerry Hover, recruJter S . f Q . HUI. Ma,...,..t Dtebl, aod Jack P'rtd&Te bond elecUoo wu map-, IS ar Or ISltOr l in cbarge ct Orange County. ettang Or Utet Bmltb. , peci. • --~-:a.t:ra. P. A. ~lmer of Balboa Wedding Ceremony The junior blgb .ebrol orc:hestn Tea..,.. eerved to the molllen Attending the Sout.bem CU1fCII'. Island aa a membel of the ad· IDcludel: Jam• Steffenaon IU\d at Ule cla.e of t~e meeUnr. wltb I Dia Coo uence ot CoqT,..u..a vi8ory--board ot J~le rroup, att.nd-8 da .. Oenevteve McOMabe. tlret ylollne: Mn. J'.·w. Peyton aod Mrs. -"N.' If. On un 1 afternoon at • 11 -'1 · Cook N w-....o and · mlpla}era ID 8&D Bentardiao, Jlr. eel a meeting held receoUy ba -&an· o'clOck. Mt. Mildred Dack of an YD e, ance .. ,. Truety preilldiDg. Harley H. GIU. eupertntendent 'ol La Ana wbere abe leamed tbl\t Rebecca Smith, aeeemd viollnl; __ _:.... ___ _ the Northl!rn CaJIJom4& eonpep..l Ueutenant WIIIOI'I will be Ia sao. ~::rt ~~~~ ~ ~.: Cat.bertne Blabop. viola; Patdcla t 1onal Chun:hee. wtt.b lat. otne. ta A-. May 15 t.o lt wtt.b com, Welcb, Ann Taylor and Stephen In Sar:l Franclaco, tu been tJM plete ·eervloe tor Ule pro.pecUve In the pretty C!lapetby the Sea ill Hope. cellae; I)U..le SmiUI and gueat at hla dalehler-ill-law ...s · ppllunt from lnform&t'OD t.o Ute del Mar. 1:be eand)ela.bt AMe Freemao .. bUI viola; Katb· Newport Circle to Hold Monthly Meet cnndc:hUdrea, lira Cbarlu C. O.t.h of Allegtanee. B,tep up, ctria, aemc:e wu pr.ceded bJ orr&A _. ertlle Rabbitt, nute; C:lnatance Newp-Jrt Beacb Circle ot Chri.t Gill aod of ber pannt.e. Mr. ...S and releue a man tor acUve eerv· I«Uona wtt.b ~-MarSoa KIDg at Shook, Mlle. Ketteaal a.nd Mary Cbllreb by the Sea wtll meet Wed· t.be COMO!e. Tbe aumben •ped al· Redl 1 r1 ta Lore Wl..e a. ~.ra. A. E. Uamelt tn Balboa. Dr. lee. ly rtqUelteCl wen ,.1 J..ove 'You," ng,. c a De ; n ~ nHday at 1 o'clock wltb Mr11. Gill •-well known in the ... _........_ • Rogn Welch and VJvlao r.. .... ver, s. -·-'-"'a"-r, 1•12 Ocean Front. .. ._._ "Always" aDd "'Baa 1 • ~ r ........ ~ " area where be ,_... a r-..ptte l Joan Zu be Fetes '"'-couple W1aole ......-.,.. aaxopbonea; Ralpb Noble, Jamea Newport Bee.ch, at 1 o'clock. Fol· from ble clei'JY duU .. ~ 11 Corbin, 8blela Howe and Michael lowing deleert-luncbeon. a pro- le pouible. Scout Mates on read Renreod E. D. GoodeLl. Btnlth, trum e upy meb:lbete. D. Mattolt ot o.t& Mea and ae. Or. Glli'a, eon, Colon_el Cbarlu companied bY the bride' a pe.re~~ta. Mr11. Lealie Stepbeoeoo. pro- GIU. were excbangecl and enjoyed --chairman, wu In charge of The thlnp you no lonK"N need by the family. Ctl. OUI, wbo a.' Fcllowln«.the 111111\lanc:e~ clever Mr. and Mn. Jl;dward R. Dack ot arr'IUllftDlent. aod lnt.zoduced Mr. ,.re the thin'gs that we do not need- In Ule Army Medlc:a1 Co...,. Ia tM Invitation• f:o eaeb ScoubDate at Loo~ Beacb. AUen, who apoke brietly before .--------------, · r-• the prevloua Girl Scout meeUna-, The groom who hu made co~a.antllna ottlc!Jr ·-of • ~. Mn. Ect ZUbe bOM"rM 1l8' dauP· home~ for the p..'t YMr. ta tll• p~am. 'Plano lnsfmdton he»plt~ which wu organlal4 Ia t J be 13th bl ~tat.ed wiUt TeWtnkl~• .Store. ~ Durt!lg the bull-meeting Gustav-e Li~CIDnbara Arkan-.. and hu been qUODed er, oan. an r rth~ conductt'd by Mrs. Havihind G. &fto In England for aeveral moat.ba. .,··~tb .. PllftJ not ,oon to be for· J\o1era. ne.wly lnat.alled pretldent, Graduate. .Lolpsic Conse.rv.atory -------·--gotten bv t.be 32 &irl• '!bo ~re Lorentzens Hosts the committee chairmen· tor the '~cnptt'd Cantanao Club -,~-=-::~ retWarmeett .. _ place On 4th Anniversary. coming year were ratl!led. They ~iMt'l"ll a SpeciAlty -are Kra. Leo Bemer, publicity: Phone Ne'tfpO.ri 1903-W Sings Here for t.be locale, Mra. Zube ~-lld~n:·.:Eat::b:e~r ~H~--=K~u~tbe;rr~·.·=et~fare=~: .;.iiiiiiii.;· iiii-iiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~ Nut Monday a.lpt briap popular C.tudo Oub eo .-.. t.o \be Neo~rDOrt. Grammar Sdloo.l formed Use buDdiDc illt.o a p.y. The Jurgen LoreDtzeu of Bal· I! c:o&ol1ul lltat b1 Ute 111111 ot aceeota boa took enoqb time otr from at Ol'llllp lD tbe decorat.loGI. Tbe ti-e fine job Ul~y are do~ -.aUI ta_.. WU laJd wlt.b a 8Ciilall*l t.be R.ct Crn• and A.W.V.8. to .._. .. ...._ e.Mer ot OP\In t.be·lr ·Puadena bome when 9fclaal cup - d1n6 ·annlvenary. I The gueeta ~ere In a ~-pal'tv 1 at.ate of CODtulloo u t.o jua whlcll annlveraary 'the tpurth wu. Katie Peachy 11ald It Willi the '"11llk an ..I nlverary" !?tJt~\·e .Lee BJLDUt ou~~de...Hlllbteye;ms4.Kaey Cole, abar· 'J.trult•Aml-4lewert'-~d eo ect tbe r.ttvttlM -wnlt OM Jirta.l they all hove 'to and turned-the Tboee wlnnJDC prtua In the pmee Lorentzen home Into a bower of r durlq tbe atte~oon were Maryl potted plant11 and tllllhu of cut 111'1re t J relax for an ~ve.nlrtg of ~ VJ,.UU. -.Henry Pat polfl• bearing carda ot well·wtab-1 grand mu.ic, at,Dd Ulia ou~l&Dd· Wtlab, Pqay 'Abbott, CyntbJa1 ers. ·• l l~lt event. · BanaJ.ng. Su .Ua Howe and Joan The feetJve affair happeoecl to 1 Newport Ha r '· Klwanla, ZUbe. _ . coincide wJth an lmportant I throug ' llll pru ent. Roberti A.W.V.S. a:eetlng taking place In Ho:lilllhead, and rman Jack D ht f B Jb town which Mn. Lorentzen at· Raub and Dr. Obe4 u, are to aug ers 0 a oan tended and ~log. detained. the 1 be c~..mmeDdw tor tbe e contrt· To join Navy Hubbies hc•t.e• wu gnetect by ber gueata. ' butiOill to tb.s city ot our 'et.ar AmonJr t!}PK' preeent wf're"l I event.. wblch compfi4ed e Town Awa!Unr word from ber h_u.-Taftr'Dir wbom they ...,.. a1acl to Hall Seriee, ~Hin&ing the following J-Dd. J o.bn L. L&nan, Bm 1/c, welcome about a:ter many moftthl ra.rnou. pe'!_Onallllu ber• in per-att• llJe--t!_ftfftl at • ~ ba• to of llln... Dale Taverner'• btrth· ' eon: John, f.:. ·Hughu, Wancbmer w111cb be Ia a.c eent, lira Lar·J day falling 011 t.be aam~ jiay c.d'led~ Boddy, Dr. Theo Polyzold~a 'and IDil (Roeemary BaJil<Wbo bu.been for tlve caodlea on tJae cake, t.bU. I naJiy. th~: Cant.and<Y Club oo .-41q .,.. Ume wtt.b ber cau.lni everyone • to uk "boW Monday ·evening, May 2Znd, at mother, Velma Barber on Oc:ean come.'' Comdr. Bradoer Wdla 8 J~ o'cl:~ck. A '&old out bouae 1a J'roaat. Balboa.· wt1l ·joill ber h1.. Lee Jr. wore bla little "1t.ormy anticipated and Klwan.a .. uggut1 baDd at the eo-Car undlaciOHd weatUr eap" ud took pleoty of your evly arrtvaJ. deiiUD&tJon. L&non' 1lU bHn eta-ribbi.Dt. • Kurt and Peggy Rewnt· Uooed at tile ~mall craft Tralntn6 low 'tftf"f"~rged to tell of their u · Ot)en-Tooa)i--: BALBOA MEAT MARKET -AND DELICATESSEN , ''GIBBlE" GIBSON-Proprietor 708 E. Ceatral Ave .. IWboa COMPIEI'E LINE OF ME.,TS \ •I • Cu~y ¥Uri~n Swift's Pref11lum Tobin Morrell Honnel ---., Zoae Therapy, Medical llaMap. Swedllh Mu- eap. Hydro 'nH!rapy ·C.ter at Terminal Jalaod during c:ap;e trom France at t t e outaet wlllcb time be wu &!lie t? be wtth of the war and u aoother re·l !;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:iiii~~~iiiiii:ii~iiii~~-~ Ide wile tnquaUy. mlnder wblcb none ot Ull need to Kn. Barber W.. fortuu_te. t., know t.bere a. a gr1m coontct oa. baft ller other da'-'6hte~. )4n. youog Lt. Jay Spence. broUier of Ran')' PaJDe. Jr .• (Setty Balli of the boltU~t. lett after dl.nDer to 1 • I Special Treatments for Owrwel&ht a:· Un~rweight Gene Morleghem Zone Tht'raplst SJl(.ociallst Balboa Inn ftldc Balboa m-daJe ~ bel' at tbe IUDe report ta, duty. Utile. Her buqnd ta al.o ...,. --------ea. wttb tbe Navy atatiooed 'tn Ah. but a man's reach should ex· Baa Jl'nD(:a.co wllere Mn. p.tue ~ his rrup. or what's a Heaven , wtU eoon go to attempt -t., ftnd a ror! roo(·UM to eall ber own 10 that abe maJ bl uar !Mr huaband.. Mra Paine hu obtalDecl a leave ot abeence from ller work at I.oc:k· A~. I ------------~-----2~----------------·' I Greeting Car~s .t~nd a G.-.lt arfety of unueual Gln.t . 1 --wJ-: 1!1;\'IT'C.Y(~ LoucK5E AROt!ND" JEWEL RY and ITATtONE"Y Diamonds -W~tche8 • Fllte "•pairing 'lfoM Mud dl~ Vitamins A and 0 , Phone s_,.n 1111-a -~11117-H-~ewport'llv&; cau ..... catW. BEFORE YOU BUILD OR-REMODEL •• •· Vllk eur IMenetltte Hmple M4l tllaplf)" reome. Color ,....naive lteok et "''., · oe,.,.U. lt...-m 8M v.-. ..... ~~..- P"-t .... "-- .You rnuet have Vltamm I .. .U. ahl .. protection a.:IJ;It, '"f-'ctloaa wbt<b are m or • lilleiJ te oc<ur In th~ nM- throat. ., ..... r, and 11 !\'1!.~· tlaie -IIPiui-Dia. YCMI eeecl Yltanain 0 tn tt .. :. lht bodr ..alre proper ~,tie o· ib• calce.-ud pboephorua 11 pow •let. If r•• ere ••• c•• t : n 1 ...... ef ...._.~Import;;,, .......... tal!e a ONE-A-DA 'I .__. Yl-ui A &ad 0 Tat- 16: ..ery .. , •d .lnaure yo~' ~~ ..... · ONES DAY FlEE LECTURE . OD Christian Science ' Subject ............... , .. "Christian Science Pro- . claims the Gospel of Freedom." 4 Lecturer .......... !.. MARGARET MORRISON, ~S. of ChJea«o, D~ . Plaee Time NEwPORT HARBOR UNION • ·mGtt SCHOOL. AUDJTORJl.1M 14Ua &n4 lrviDe Btreeta, Colta .... .. Sunday Afternoon, M 21, at.3 o'Cioc;k Vadier u.e A......,. of F1rwt Claurdl of Cllriat.. 8dMU.t. ot N-Port Bead&, Callfo,.. ~ ~ CORD~Y INVITED !o ..