HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-05-18 - Newport Balboa News Times'. To which 1 apolo- gize, but my f'L'S('rva tiun. is • that I was not pannmg • Washln&ton so much aa tlie system m vogue. Ir Republi- can Barry is. no mo~ ~ffi­ cient than the wa,y hP hu handJect his office in the case mentioned. then e r r o r t s mould be made to leCUJ'e com~tent workmen,. regard· Jess Of part)". who have the brains and lntellllenoe to do a job prqpcriY lnateAd of carelessly. . + + • Stnw....rt.. You knoW the PrWe Control put • ceiJ- -Oft tr.b strawbel'riM and for 36 Bay Bonds to ·Encl War Quieker I Pt"Qmptly they disappeared from· the markets. Why? well fhe growers said tl'ley rould not aff<>RI to pick them. at the pt'ire they must wll and let them spoil Jn the fields. You can find a few now and then .. but they an.- higher than . the celllng. Wonder who wotks out th~ price _program.~? MUBt be"" eome college genius who took a COUt'le In star pz-tnc. ·followed the path of 1M "Blg Dipper" and put his ~ on the gleam that hlt the 'Strawberry row! vote In ion on school matters. ln adriiflon 1o the $100 900 for l'chex>l buildings at Corona del Mar, electors al~ ·cast their ballol<; for tn.&!tee for the Grammar school and ·two for the High school. Now read t.hc,followlng carefully: To votto for trustee EVEkYBOOY must vote at thP Careta,ker's Garage on 13th street, in,he rear of the Nc" · port Beach Cranunal" school buil<fin&. In addition, all persons residing Jn Balboa and Newport areas, voting for the bonds. must vote at the ~takcr'f! Ga~. I All thoee Mdding on Balboa. Island who YOte for the boqda will do 80 at the Flre station on Marine avenur but 11 you ~ to vote' for a ti-wrt.ee y'Oli MUST vote at lhi' Caretaker'• C.rap over on 13th street, Newport. · AD thoae realdlng In Corona del Mar must vote at Rlt~ &e's RMl F.Aate office on Cout•Hichway. · Polllln aH prednct.t open at 6 a.m. and cloae at 7 p.m. U ~do nQt ~ thia, pleue ~It ...... - harbor distr~t tr tr -tf the that home I Year . • • ~: · tz.ll_ ...... Clllllll ... no .. N.,...'l'lllllllllt,.eapsul81..a 7 NUMaaa • . of C.Ha~ OuR .• ~~!~ • Shoreline Association Ignores Orange Co., Which Started Work ity Name ommittee hkt!,n " •l,.c•r lnl••rf'Jtt Ill 11·11 '"" act"vltl••,. lOIII •• " "·""'"'• ·.f 1ht• Coa.t AA .. H ~lltttt At thf. r"l!'lllo( I<IWafll• m• ,.llnl( t.hfa 'fhiH'IIIft\' nt• •tt. \\' tr 1\ I '' h t liU'M voratlonal N'hllhlhlllllttn ,.,. fleer. """" th,. "r•rltkl'l ·r h• l'""" ea~~!ront In, ht• ., '"" '" • "" "' tlae m•ll'l 1W'rluu11 In t•,. r•·lll war ',..,..,.., a~l h•• t"lk "''" llolrn .. •l 1 to Wft~ ~~~ tttna lntnr~t hy • lui) ,...,be,.. Mr. Dntlr "'htt lA "" ent r •I•T""'I by ""'cramC.:llshmMn t'huolt•" l't ~<••t tJrrd all dtJIJII. U l "'""" '"''' lt'llll· ... h01lllf'fl t.1 rl"ll"''"'" wHh lhlR JII'O,Ject In .... ,tinct r••lurn"'l ,...rv. ... •en In nndln« Ull!m.,.lvee ... ot u.a.. eta~ lbe ..,..aJcer, ..... NibaiiWtaUcm. ei~r j)hyalr • -Of ... nt&Jty. but n:i~~et 11ll cl Coast AMOCiation PMaident Tella Memben of Lark and That City Enrineer Patienon, lt~xpert on Ero1ion, Should Attend Meet " Mort' thAn ~ mcmbc•n~ nr the-Onm(lt.' ·county Coai ~ dutlon twan1 Pt .. 'Aktmt T1ftn Palc'h Weodrf'ldly nllbt at t.. Rem·h. mi .. nhj(>rtlo"" to ttw m<'thoda o1 the SboftX• n~ MIIOCtatlon lu lgnortna ttw rount,y, wblcb ...... _ wor'k. um1 falllnac to haw-noprNW~tatlon tmm fN1 • ~ a Its rort~ltlt:: c•(lftwntlon , '" Chkqo. ---. ...... '*-r~tne. a. t.: r ... tch dft'la.-.d tMt-UM -'d tMt he ftnt •• tM .._.. luJh'I\J man l o Rnd to t.be •Mlo to d&.niYe the ...,._ .. a. Ma,.llll J . f':loka~ lniC ahuultl be R L. J>M&a._,1 New•"'''lll• Md M ~·= I l'{twport O..CKII c:tt1 ......... ., ... ----· fll •• , Ttt~lnlnl at lhl' lJ t;t. •t"r•·hant wht»e a bllltl• Ill "'lard to-... llle 8Ad n,.c .._fUJI .,. •J 5 ., : no'"'' A•·••lt•tn)•. '' "IC'• l'nlnt. nollic n aod plumlllc had Mea wlltl!tl U.. a.r..a.ton ...... ~ L na h lsncl, N,.w Vnrll. alnr .. lui oiUIIIImllnc: lhfl tor r-dt• .... ' · ~ ·t•t<'mb , to. 1 11 J IUdulrd trtl'la up and dOwn tile cqut ._.. H..,_.., ..... • ' • ( r · .,.. "' nl'ciHt..tl lOCh •tfnrt. UMI UIM ~ ac...r .. ~ ....... :~ 1tnldu1la In June u an En· 1 ,. peral.t,.m-. uf Ule COUll ._. ... 01 Uae ...., F.nJIJottna In Pl'ptmllwr. IDU. 1 l'latJM had ttnally ....wtoc1 111 11M 1t.Utec11 ta ••• .... 1 "I In, llol" .:ntat wurltt all'llgl'lr 111•• """r l•rU.r olnnalf'd ''"lay ltV \\' r· l •n·w1tt wu "Y'Ifl hy 1<1, IA iliiiiUI Tit"'' M r fl:ltO)' An ,..,.,. •. lrnl allrndAn•·~ Jtr,.•lrlt n-~· "'l'" \' H•';;i. ti;ar1tnl-. n-m~m.,_,r l mttrtv Kine -cf the ~,.,. nt I' •• •l"y ,.,........,, Rnb •nlllnl lo~u•t I" "fi!IOPd aa llll\JaJ ... t1i. ,_. I'd r rom ""ort• ot Ula llfewpiM!l ICA.rlour ChArr llO'r ot C<llllln~ \1• ·~OOoctJ w..U t• dn away -.ith th4' ~ 0Nnl)' brl--." • ~ ll' • Wlll'r i.llatnct ~~~~t1 Willi• w.,...r, M"10f' Talbert MIW _.•..._ ..&..hatm1an uL~ f.IL~·-•'!.Jft nft ~ ~:~~~~==~ vi .. ora •·I!J" lf'd tu riYJ.IflJ ll ._)ut•d -n bou.r f ...... •• "u.,.lrlla dllllrlct ·· th-clartnl( that W ••t U1Wherw, tile ..... ..... ot mlaht I urt thoo f,...llna• of aomr to Rame a _.lit. .. .,_ l"'"l•lr a11ol UH•I hr hiUI llf't'll hf'llol .~Uh ltlf' CfJUIIt)' hi.,..., ~ ut thl' hr•rd lo r llvr )'I'UII u.. mrnt no l"-ltlbjac\. 'ftle .... IM·II•·• •·•ltlloo """""' •h•"rlol ""a,._ m .. tm,r ot ln. ... .-lllttc. wUl ~ lnl u pt•lty c..,....fully twfurf' •ffor1a 1 l'lil t>tUiy In June •t ........ . e .. ,, •••olv4' """'~ t.IJ&4'n fo.•l f'ale n•ar ,....J ...... . ·r'lt•· Mrot~or Min,. lj4w•·•·r,.·r ... MJ. II IN! Lo (t'O 1k1wn I tit' wilya at Routh c·.,.,., l'omJ~ nn !Haturday. will I• llmnctM-tJ ..,.,..,I"CCinl' to p:!u u l•ol•l In Tut~.ttl)''ll l'dttlr.n of Ulla I,.J)f'r. The llblp. whU.b will .Sip Into 1 hr watn af 4 30 In ow aft.Prnoon, Bo-Ow ~ will 114' ltpllftat•I"Pd by y,.. Hobert at ners to 1 .... Do"' wtw, .. hlllltJMd •• twad.of M t M d 29th th" <:•cpaay'• rhf'ifu.llnc depart· ee . on ay, ~ .. t. Thoor,. will lw a ..m.Un• ut the 1JUihly •U•u-tl hy thrlr . • :.rr mnc I" I ttahlntt QHll ""'n•re ""fl. It Ia VI l ht ln ~lallrlf'l Monday, Mey 21. ~-,.. to alt.encl. 7 :10 p m ; al whlc'l tlmft ~,.raft Tbl piaU t1t meet Ina wW be an • ll(llf>l,.m• wf'll t» ~. Thr I nrtt&ne:at 1D ""-1111'• Nnr.·TtmN . a.xlaUGn'e plait will bl Uuor ·l It •u lltate<f. WALTON HUaaARO,h .. ~ tHAt ef ._.,., c...e C... .. ., r. ...... ,.., "",....,. ........ ,., ...... ., ..... ,.,...,.,. "r E D I T 0 R I .~ 1 S ftat Prite OPA? . it. dde ~Price A&nlnllttatJoo ~u tel up originally 'r ~ to protect t.tR American people -buyers and ..,pq"-·:-~ tbe daJwen ot UllCOI\troUed price increases . ~ tram war oondttSoN. Aei at, has IUOCieded Ill thJa pu.ll)Oie ln many -JI tJ .. IItllft~. But -.ne of Its practbes hav~ caused ~ ~te to U.O. ~had ln mind. I M. ~ -the H1&hest Prkle LIDe Umltation Order ........... _. Under WI clirectJw a mm:hant ta .., sa • ... .._ at pr~ee le¥ell htlbtt' than thaee he .., a I • fn Jiards 1942. Of c:oc.LIW, the Intent of thls was tD -...... down. But what happened! •i.!-*btitbrJI'ftll"•-a WubtnltCll'l hrartng by • . " aierator in a anaD mtd-weste~ toM'I. In ... wu .w,. cotton ~ at $1.98. ShortJy '*-me ..... vattal*, 10 ~ put rn a new Une ~eWng i1 'l'ben came tbe Price ~tation ~-He was ....-to • ._. hll priot, 1eU al the dreues, and drop out ... ....,. ...... tab ... r ..... t.n.r CUitOmera JDU1t travel aomr mjles to the W.._ ,_ ~ While ~ they a1lo shoP for other the whole t MJf- A. bra.Dcll ot Tbe M~ Cbureh, 7he Flrwt Cllurc:b of Cbn.t. Sd· entiat. \n Oolrton, w-chUMtlL 81.nday School at t :30 &. a. Sunolay f!lervlce at 11 a m . Wed· nc-•lay Tnllmonlal WeeUnc at 12 • we are 001'\vfnced by UU. time that the blessings Rudin& R-located at 711 ..... -.. • ...e • t • I Eut ~ntnl Awen\M, Balbo& Ia! coold be dnne ll\ t..,.. 80fiY •·~ !af flw4an and democ;racy can no longer be taken for o~n daJiy from 1 P m .• 0 r, p. m., Nrw we were har10UIIIJ t.rytllc ----'-..- &.c:llm.t.IIUe ol appiJtac .oot~sJnr &o· an. ••••nc J'OUI' ebeek. I ' Are Delicioua! .• f'O" IN~~"A.NCa -r· HowaniW.~ Htl W. Cefttnll Avoa. Ne~ -..oh, CaJif. ~MM46S Automobile • Fire Accid•t • Life ~etdnv ... i. ahout tile ollly tiae aoat ..w. ..... ha.-e to oaJl. Then u... .... l'Uah on l.on4r DUt.anoe liaee ..._ oP-s-. . unl MatioN aM-air huM. \: Yoa ap help ~ lea'l'ing the lmM.JN- .-...... to lien b tlae Mrrioe IUD. ,........_ .... .. ---,/' I ..,......._ We haw leenled through bitter experience that U-~xr~pt S•andaya and bolldaya na-w caleb up. StraJchltn1nc IQ ~ IIIIOt an lnheritancr but a 1lorioua prize that m.ua.t be UOOAJiy r'-I"Yt'd. !•cbln« back. 1 rem~ · .aal))' tiCh l'ftWration wtth Its courage. drtermlnatlon. and The puWic Ia cordially In~~~ to 1"_:·:-,:h~r:. :~~~~~ !,~ thtU· -fti1 is ~ 7,01 jllllinnarJ •tund the cban:b een~ ...... u.e • IJI. ..C: II ry, Ita blood. the ReacSJni Room. '"I o( tlM ltnf bolft of hard .on ~ for America la rneuured not by what we say but · cultlfallnl to k"f thl8~ lllo. . VENT'I8TS bduUital and prochlc:tnf a~ ..,.. , Jr we U iltdifidlala ~putting our lhoulder Sf!VPTB DAY \D ly. •d vi tbe Kbe Ill ria1 .... ' oltht war effort ln buytnc 'IOOds. ualne aruollne c.n-~-;;-._a--...._ wken Jt~llll _. .-,... _. · did~~ ob..:=~:t.!to ~~Cross, ln~~o·::' lltcHQ 1tw1m·, :;-..!''i.~ oe.t-:.: • _ ~. w • . , ~ ~e are ~~.Lla.a P, .. .._11 _.,. •• .... - ! 10ft owntij and out' ln Americans. . He worked on a IU\; wb.Da b. I • ~ W ~ pl1ptml came to the "flldeine. that ON& LADY el MOtnf'l' CA&Xf!L 'for. h• ~plied : "BUt they may ba 1·~-O.t ~ aUiht ~ tJWlr ~Ia lW.W. ~........... ~omc ~)' Jral~ ... 'nlen. tery eaiU)', ' · ~y rna-. ~t 8 and 10 a m It they r&D t I&H It we will tlad jfl • $ '"' fll ......... ...S tile """'ef tM lndivtduaJ. ~ --. . 110m4t one wbo can " We l'ell alea& m..__. ftuei\Aihla '--tile vw, ~ ol our ex-fT. lORN VIAJif1'lfft eBACJ1 lhtnktn«. :.-v lit...,... • ...,...._..._. ''Tbey may be boliDe. Uley aa., , , • Sunday rnMI ft 1:30 L m. be bome " rtn« In my e&rl I •• -• ......... thll* el our CGUIIb)' U a ~t nation. my 11r1•·. wlvh of my ~ Obct .. • ~-CB&I8'I' CIR1IIICII 81' TID: 8f!A • :!l£-. ·lt .. reMIII\ ~t only •-. UWJuu\le to () _ IIMI • 1 more at hol"')e t nJnytnC home cht• I ·I • ' ~ .... taJbtJft ~ aU f'8Cf'l ... ~ &. D.~ 'P.!..r Uta, an<.l -.·orkin« wltb m.e In ~ ... bor.. _ __. 8lek bette unde Eu\y morn1Jw ~lp 9 ·30· .ntn« w.-. Our many bo~ ol liar'~~--" to r _r-:hurd\ Schoof clua. 10:t5'L 'm.; •·ork li•Ju•t hf'r •~ amoniJ my a«~• ~ .. 11ttjtlf& .. fl ...... lan*. M~ wonhlp. 11 o'clock. Tmtra. We tft)oyed I( and U.. 1 V fleD"'-cl 111lball ~ ~ "'-'" to say . Sunday """*'c ~. 1 :30 memllN• ar" pr.ciOUL -..,.-J; octock. All lboucht or weana.. "' -U ~. M.ld-wftk pr8)"ft' ~.Wednn· ache. aDd paln11 van18h~ t1Ay: oowl"fd eM cllnMr. 6:30pm. mar bf' illlclalto'" WIUI a eonr JOb Barometer ory my hNrt I knelt down &lid ~ '"" pl&nUnJ once mont. LUC!ll:'nA. WA. Y. . · • now is to !'lay on thl· jol),. I Wldl tblll employmeot drop.off in certain industJi(•s. th(''=------~---'-----------~~ War ··~ Commission .ts still buslJy recruitin~ mOJX> ~ rww.. fer ..,edflc categories. Yet the number of (X'rsons ~ ·~t insurance and o~ ~lal lw..>n('fif~ .· ......... lbu.ltaneeusly. Of!!deh c:barpci with the conduct of the' war art' giving ftdVIa. ..... 'UW>' uf.ge war workers to stay by t.h('ir lllllldl,_._,.a DDt to~ .tampeded lnto seekidg other work · .._ e ,... 'that ft.r plants will 8000 shut down. ThCJ'l I iella tiME adana~ job ot war production to be donc--'-t. · ~ ~tJon away from. war planta at this Um : ~ ·MODERN MARIKE SERVICE SHELL .DOCK .......... to Jnbll tbf ~• and delay the day when th1 I • J , .......... -'**to~ CondltJona. . ____________ .-, ______ ...,: ·aALBOA. ISL.AND '• -. '. af tU lolda Spike ~ =:::--.....__--~ ./ .. e •• lmt ~ ~~'t .. take time . oat to: celebrate Ontiurily n'cl.m~e cpite a fcue o:nr raalt. aa neat • the ?Stla aaDi..enaq of Aaaeric:a'a SnttnaacoDtiaeatal ~cl-:-of·which SoutheriJ Pac:i&c la a part. We'clllaq a "Diamoacl Ja.bllee." with eeremop.iea. cdebratioaa. bua- cpeta mel all ...., trimmillgt. · Bat Sa May;-194'4. !6attiera faci~o peopli Will line little time to hoaor the mea who bUilt the fint.n.ilroad aerou Ameriq aad dro•e it. Jut apike home oo May 10, 1869. We're too baay keepill& tlae war t.raiaa rollius'Oa osu 15,000 mUee of liDe. The biatoric liae that roanded the aorthera cad of Great Salt Lake l~ Prolflootory, where the Coldea Spike wu drino, •• repl.eed by the Lacla Cat-o~. The olcl "nil• ba.-ten.,-aiace beea to ... ap aad eeat to war. Bat if it were poeaihle to ~d • maeap back throa,-. the oorridon ofT-. wtrwoald and die pteful than Ita ef. railroecl• WU' to thoee ~ -WM OODo 1-ncla.MSiern75~···· . ••• to Lelucl s·taaford. Mark Bopld.. a..t .. Crcaet .... ~ P. ~IM-..1'.-~ wile peoW ... daeU aleader raoarcea. ooaYiDeecl eo.p.. da.t.c.ut. , Ilia •a:tt be liakecl lty nil with the other Uai&ecl S.... ~cl paalaeet trae·nilroecl~h ia 'Ph• of~ iDs obetadea. • · •. • • • \9 the thouadl of Chiaeee workmea wlo heJpecl lift t,be lioe o.er the Sierra.Nencla with ao.t.laioJ·~ wheelbarrowa, pich aad abonla, aad blaek powder ••• w~M? h~m tlae eli&a i~ batketa aad chipped the road- bed oat aolid sraaitc. They helped build a rid road that helpa iaa aow . .. . t~-e-e ... ,g..,...,.! ..... -.-o-m...,•,-ta-r-re-rn-:-.s-:-h-m_e_a_w....,. b,....o, oa April' 28. 1869,1~.~d tea mtle-and 56 feet of track m a •insle clay- • recerd that bu never been equalled. Tlie railroad they built';a ~ow a Yital liak in Am~riea'a Apply liaea for tbe war a~aiaat Japaa. The railroed mea and women "·bo "keep •em rolling" today aalute the me.a . who accompliahed 10 much with 10 little. 75 yean aco. S·P 1)1 fr-111-IJ laatbara raciflo * • NF.WPORT-BALBOA Nn&-TOIIS. lMC Fihal Meetinl To HearP~War r• P-Em UL I• lOt . ·· . -f·T_, ·--'RIIY II Wll Blonde, PhttY. flWY fe-et two ~a' I Troop 28 bu Ow onlv dnlm and Planniag, June 2 I lftebee tall, BfUye Alktula Ia U.. 11uf1e corpe • U.. PacU1c cout. . . - cmly woman In tbe Unlt.d BtalN Tiley pve-ibek..mt1Ual perform· Plau. tor U.. ....,._ ..uq wt.o ta • leader of a lJoy Scout uee Karch 10 uadel' tbe a..cser-to b., h'IV II. ~ vt tM b'oop. Bbe took onr u u.~ataat .atlp o1 Duutaa T. eowu, ,_ Uolnntcy ol CaU'fclnlla em tM 8e0Utmuter a year .,-o tbt. June leader of the Newp:r1 Harbor aabject ol _llerelt.aAdtM ,wbklb to ._P Troop 2S tn Baota Ana Hlrb Scbool baDcl. He co.spoeecl N-oport Harbor bu to •"· maln- IOtnr bite ber bU.tlud, Tbomu t..be Troop 21 11arc1a wblc:b U.. ly Rec:re&Uoe. ban bHn ~Dade. Atkln8on, a petty officer 111 tbe boye u. u tbetT own. I ~Cj!loc UW 1DeeUft& Ia J'r'4ay. Naory and now tn ~ !ootb f>Jct-1 'nree fotmer 11cout. troa uaa. JUDe llMI. Uld-' t• S. Ulre De .-l· ftc ar•. t. &'One. BIDye AtltiA· troop an In tbe armed f<m'M.I tu ril be be1d at tM lllctrk .,.. lteepe up tbe• advD.DComclll Tiley .,. Jam• Bart.U, a JwUor Ortll, B&Jlloa. at •:10. proi"JD and carriea Oil wttb all .-at.aot acoutD!&at«, now ra41o H. r . "-1· cbalnDan or · the acUYi~ Ju.t u ter buaba~ did teehDJclan tblrd cl&aa, ataUoned at ll"onuD Ci-lttee ID ~ ot .''I can do an)'tblnr my Scouta Tnuure Ialand. Ban ,..._ct.co; tbe ~-baa ...,..ted ....-.J do, IJI.cludlnl' cllmblfll' ropes '1 abe Keoa.tb ~tarT• a. nret clue 8oout, new' worUr-ap b&l CG~~a~ttee. told t.be Newa. Ttmea. "I feel tbat at&tioned-~t Camp Farrqut. lda· naty_are N,a.,a ~OI'd. ~""""' I, am dotnr my part, even t.bou&''l bo; and Jo.pb PdJen wbo &a an Oerritb, lin. L. L-...._ Kn. I m act • member of tbe armed Air Bqu&dron leader at La Man 111art W. atanleJ. ~ V .... aDd foreee. I wtab more wlv~ ot neld. Ollf. Al Allin•• · · .coutmutera would plteb tn ar.c BUiye At.lltn.on t. uaiM.ed In Thfa w~U M tbe t.bird and n-at belP. wblle tbelr huabaDde tn t.be her work by Georre Elbert Bar· m•Uac of t.be Wakeley a.n.. •n1ee. Then an no dlftkuJt ,._ t.eU, father of J&D:.,. Barhll. Mn.. trh!eb ban been broucllt about at qulremeot.a; a l'•nulne tnt.ereet LD Atltl~ t. not n,.aat.ered u full no COlt to tbe COGUDualtJ ltJ H e t.be work and a love 0( camplnr acoutmut.er u abe t. ,...rvioc com.mlt'-ot UM a.&laber ot and otber upecta ot ou.tdoor Ute t.be bonor tor b.er b\IIII&Dd wbo Oommerce. an au you Deed." wtll be made K.uter Scout upon Tile t.opk: ,ror ·t.be clOitq .. lon . Tbomu AUclneon, huaband of bt. return. S te bu been worklq ahould prcwe of tntei'Ht to every tbe woman Scout leader Ia well· at tbe Barr Lu:Dt..r · Coqlpaay In local marchut and bu81n... man known aloor t~ e California cout Banta Ana .. .wttcbboard oper, and tbe meetln&' t. Clpen to all. u be announced for all cpotorcy-&tor for alaioet hyo yeara. Tile R .. t-ntJone lbould be made tn cle racu and t. tbe 4!flctal all-BarT Lumber Company t. tbe adv&Dee and Ucketa are DOW ava11· nounc:er for tbe Or&IIJ'e Motorcy-aponaor for Troop 28. I able at tbe Cbamber tit Oam.eree ele Cub. Hie W!fe, BWye, accom· -or from ID&IIIben ol t.ba ~It- ~ /lim on au of tbaee t.rJpe. na. man w11o doee bJe wwlt,l t... 01a11er wW N fl.Ja per per· . Juat ai * wu wttb him In aU oll &DJ work, couelaGUoualy, mUIIt. eon. ~ are ~y IDYit.d. b&a Scout work. alway• llle 1ft ooe -a .,.._t I · · • · · mao.,-llulock. Sprinter Fame THE cu~mt;sc;~;::ONn'OR For Chuck Hopkins An ~~~1 D.i'~ N•tu.aHf>er ' f!W,Ijaljtcf by ' 'THE. CHRIS<rl~ SCI~Cf PUBllSHING SOCII!rr . . · o.e; H~1 atr-.t~tca. N• 1 rh-.ttl · • .. ~tnacdhe • tra...._.. P.f'ell ,.._ a....ar "=; MtertalrAre ........, ... ~ ..... Ita Dab F•--. Te- ............ WeeUrMs .. IMe .............. ...._ .. .._.r•m•.-rw•......_ -P1tee tuM Y-'7, or ..... a ll..tla. · .... Wa ,_, .. th rwhliJic .... ta. c...n... 8de•ee ·~ ..... BecauM vt t.am -.aane.· 1M baa ru ... a. . .., • .._ noc. lltrNied u.. balt·IDJle. au.,._ vortt ewat. althoqb tile eoa.c:bae . ~ ..... O.W....._ b,.9Uue Jut .JJ1U 'IIIP"*'••t• two ====================== IDIIW&ae wbea be'• c:aDed upon. Ill U.S flnt .-l ~ ~D Acadellly. be ran ODiy tbe't40, 0a '· • .._..., .. ,. ... -nllltped Ill In M :t ..conda In ..,tte 0(. DO 'com- peUtloo' to preee blm. The PuJJ. "Dreaming aboui a '!1lOtlern . a!L-ekctric IUJihen?" " \ "Yo.t an do 180ft chin jast dtn.m. me'am :.-. whr aacllltt ro ~the onr kia:bea JOU wane to haft f!tet tbe war? NatutalJy, J'OU will want ir to be equipped wim all cbe modtm rime and • .ork-saYing el«triaJ apP.lianca tbar will be available-range, ~frigera&or,' wi1u balir, clilb- wuher, mixer, gub.ge dispoal uair and all the Odten. · ' 8uc JOUf ~must be properly wiml! The Edison C'.omo ptny will gladly help JOU plan the ~j. lllf 'o*' ... 111 BtUsbtt o~• for fMf• · M/~" I I man ~. CbJaJeo. m.-t &bowed bow fti'C&Ws Cbuclt t.. He wu eecODd In tbe 100 y&Td. ftret In ~ tto, ftrat Ia t.be belr ._.u.. In t.be meet qaiNt Hyde Park, Cbt-e.co. be euecJ up m u..~ t4CI,...., dub, wblell ba, ·ran Ia N .l. Ud ~ escc.4 Ill ... lla1t .... U..IIIJ ,.. .... ... !<>:' :~::.~:J.~ M I held at tbe Newport Ctty Hall t. betnc made aftllable to I all ~t~nt and p~Uw. m-· ben of Uw Polle. P'on:e AUSIII&ry. I Cllf1"''llUJ ·beade4 by Ca ~tr- Dat lltgellan. . I' Betnc-,ven ID ave:n I • tbe COUial ~I oplll .. 1 u • ftooiD T:SO to 1!80 p. m . Will conllll~~e n-ery other w.ek _unW Aucut lilt. Tile opeNnl' m lD&' wtU f•tun elecUon o( +n follownd bJ an ouw.n. pf tJI:e \~ coune, t.be ~ ot a lie~ for Auxiliary m«Dben to lidoa wtth ~ meabere ot Uw rotc. aDd a talk by Cblef H~kla.oo. The June meetlap oecurna, oa ~ &D4..20tll dJ fl/lffJr Rot.ert Jadwtn of the ,n o.p&rtment In a rn~-of ,rat Aid u pen by blm In a prft1Gu. eou,... JulJ 3rd and 18tb meetlnp wUI be de· voc.ct to lnftltlptjoN coaitudect by A..taant Chief K. W. Gorton. The Jut -loDI on July ~ and 1 Au&'Wit 1, wtJI lltrae fln&'erprtnt.., 1 tbetr typee, c..._.fteauon. and I rene~ value con<tuct.ed by Offl. eer HarTy lACe. 1 Detail• ot. report WT1tlnr and 1 conduct at the acme, of lrW•Ura- 1 ttona will be handl.-d 1 at each i ..... "' ... ~, ........... . DNEm~AY &Ida •Oae·A-Da)'" brand b1JDr ICD.owA'IT, YHrll r1f1iM $Mf1.,.1 .I..Ua A Mel D Tablet i1 ..,.Wal•at I. Vlt.,.la A u4 D ,.,._, te ~Mil o,...hall lt,.fi!'M/rlh --.1 Co4 Li.,, Oil .-•••tl•c •lalaaum Ualted '0UTHIIII CAllfOUIA IIISOII CO.,AIIY-L1J~ lta,tta PW~Mcopaial Stan-..._/ ,_ ___________________ , A ..tfld•t auppl1 of tb ... ... a.,.n-t ~--.ins 11 •• •IIIIITI'J f• 10U • h • for RAJU)WA&E J; 11. Ems PLUIIBINO ............ I GENERAL ELECTRIC FOU CAN IIISV~£ ·ecS•j ~~~-~~Jour , ....,.., ....... ltthlttaeb 1 &A..,_,OF.S • -....e:s~..... • *A& t • I r ..._ • "'OM-A·O.,· ~·.u--.·UDI08 ....... ....,..,. a uau a liT 1 u •na ( ,._..ne .. .. E·PORTED . SALES Consii1Dri1aied at . , . . Orona de·l -Mar I' ~ -BLOCK • --urr ~ ldlldaiGaJ bulkla& lite ai1 the North--t~rly ·~ of lAI'Ialpur Ave., betwten Padtk . . .. Drl~ am Seaview Aw .• ---~~ ot 30 f~ on Larkspur by a depth ot 118 feet to _,. ~-Purda~Jiedhwll ~-nted by Real F..lltAt~ Brok~ W . J . ~b; 8tller ~T.F.~ . B'l nrv ill __ LOT~ thert)'.IO r.t ot Lot 'n..,... lftldenu.i lot frontJna 40 feet on~ Nofth..t· l..A-"1~ • e~ly akk> o( Mai'KUftite Avenue. approximately 80 feoet South of Pactnc Drt~. about 2 b&ocka back ' flbm the Ocean fi'QIIt.lalllff, by a dlplh of U.lleet to an allt"y. Purchalf'tt by • WhltU.r, C&lltomla, .. . ftlklent-both ~rand a.u.r npnnnted by 'Tract Sanman T. F. Rl\oden. . Dl ~ A-IS _ LOT I-A residential beMtl lot. trtaacu1ar In ibJPe~ frontlna 44.6 feet on UN-Northmy ilk:» ot · ~ . "H" street. 60;68. foot diDth taaMtaa to a~~Proxlmat~ry to or 1~ feet at rear. Puf'duuled"by • Bev· ' . " · erly HUla ~t~ PurcbU8r ud 8lllr bela& .,~tftd by our Tract s.Jeunan, T. F. . ~. _. .. . ~ BLOCK D_..· _ iDrs ts .-~ I"WWkkential.._ ._._ • fnlataae··or 30 teet an "A" Strftt ~ throuah 1~ teet . VP ) to tbe •w· ltnltTSr fa•' •. P\11 rt 1 a 1wldMt of a.wrty HUla, Calttomia-and S.U.r ,.. · r rmlatb)-Mr.·M C '· - BLOCK m--~!-a residenttal k,c at 1M Nol1heuterty corner or Dahlia Plaet' and Seaview Awn&», .. across Dahlia Place-from U.. bloc* ln which PALISADES TA'li:RN Ia Iocated. Frontqe oft30 fwt . . ~Dahlia Place by 118 feet on Seaview. P\an:baarr, an Alhambra, Calltomla. neldelt. wu npre.. tented by W. J . Holcomb. Brabr, and Seller by Tract Salflman T. F. Rhoden. · . . -BLOCK 232 __ LOT 4--a residenUal lot. frcnh 30 r.t on the Euterty lkle ot Dahlia Plam by a dlpth ot 118 teet ' to an -..y. Pun::hul'c(·t.y an flllante, Caltfornia, 1'81dent who wu ,.-ua'lted by RaJ Elltate Brokt'r W. J. Holcomb. Seller wu ••-•ted by Mr. T. F. Rhoden . BLOCK 23Z __ LOT 1-A reidden&l kJt at the Naitta=-edy c:onwr ot Ft.mlc.t A Will» and Seevtew Awnue. fiiD-. . top lot. fronting 30 fM on Femllat bJ 118 feet on SNvtew. P\l.rchuft', • Corona del Mar .......,t. · LOr 1 3 5 7 • and ~ repreeent.ed by Mr. Rhodia • . -~a cllplh ot 'l& ~to .ft'-..kl ~ ... alley whkh hu to 40.47 feet. P'\l.rc:h...t by e ·Pz traa XI II ~alb ~--and SelJe.r repret~ented by Tract s-• wn T. F. Rhoden. ...;.------ ' . ..... ~ .... SI,000.00-8o1d . . . . . . . . . . . ................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '900.00 750.00 ~ -. 750e00 .- LOT . . 2 ........... 51,000.00 aolcl 4 ....... ·-· . . -1.00 .tel 6 . . . . . . . . . . 700 .. 00 8 . ..,.,., ftA . . . . . . . . . . ~~ • 11 ....... f ••• 750.00 1,000.00 .. 12 .......... 810.00 13&POr-•. 15 14 & Por.l6 ... 1,100.00 ·. £ __ ___. ' I ~ ' I l L 9t;o c. K 231 50L.D r r r · I ----f«~MIP-- ... ~· ... .... -.~ ~-···--~--~ G:: I r< ....... A ·~ . ___ ..... ...., ~VIEW AvE -r r 1 r tr SEE OUR TRACT SAI..ESMAN, MR. T. t'· RHOUJ.;N Tract Off.ice.--on the RluffR CO'R·ONA DEL MAR I - lli!:MEMBER-We .ato hue Badful BUildla~t HH. ... 8ud La&a.,. &lie Bhdfa ~ 011 &ate-~.._... • Wit -., .. , ud Oc:.u llidM fll Oanaa •a llat .... BU$1Nnt8 LOI'II-KUIIJ£NCB IDI'8-..... ~1,-IN()QIIBIAnll. .... •.•• 't ....... _ ..... toJoa. I • Te~~ MAdilcM 7211 • , . .. .. .. .lo-a-... ~ ... !. ~.?:; .. }AJ "-:; I • ....... ~? L-~------~----~~--.. ~~------~------.-.. ------------~~------~--~--~------- / ' .. r r .. -. ·I ' NEWPOP.T:-B*LI:tUA NEW~-TIMF.~_. N2Jt ~each, ('alifa_.rnla, THursday, May 18, 1944 p L~d Paid For Theft • 1 ~ra t.beawelvu oul ol Ulelr. allowaac. 9'" 01 money they were to earn. With U118 coaditJoo they 'tA<-r# returned to parental care The-plan worked well. Ml'lht>r ot ·ne ~he ooya att~•ltt tu thiJI c. wit~¥ her Jo·tter. Ill whJcb ahc- t caya : .. Aitbt:.u"n I r.-.ret vf"l~ 8 ' k ·r•rtrh Wat my ao, be• amt lnvulv· Y W. or ,·ng cd _ln nny IA'olj' '-'urtn:.: ~_v~· • • t o:o I tHI tha~ 11 wlu a cheap • ' IN \,on IUij) I "' ah to' • nullntDd you I on the \\·uy you hllndlt••l •:ur.e-. J F.uter V¥&tlnn wllh rt11 conllt"· rto wnnt vou to knm~· hu., •·"''''' t qutnt ~·n•w<ll'l brtni,M !lf'lld:L..hM t lv I u.~o~·n·dutc y ur ltu.~n v uru) a few ol our ••ltll Jl~ But once huw gntl~lul 1 IUD t. r 1111• o <J•<II f.n a a·lule c<•m<• A "vr'tb while f'flr•r lind "lilt'""" ... un"-1 \•>1.1 ~"'" m~~ u f:t>r tn'llruv .. t hta nne the' ooya, . r.ceJved rece-ntly I y l 'Jl> _ J udge , "I UHnk Ult'\ ~.1 1,. •lll.Jl ,. ,. :1r· Jooea. · ~ lu d t'lt l 'l und thry'l'lrr ••I'.:.A"'•· ,.,J rt bappeoD~il thiA \\ r•:v 1'\vo It 11•• 1!,1,. , rrtt•·•l t111~ 11 uno v •" r youngftA!rs brought t)('ful'f' th1• jur-1• 6 rl1 111 .t 111111 IJ•'''" !lo I'"''"'' .. r •t for fftl~vlng lln ll•1;u•nlng t'ar : 11111 nllowunr i' t'<lr ..,,,,,.n w .... k~ ll• ot ,._,lloe, tA t•rt' ~~~~~<I by thl' pt'r \'••tr• tn11 tr n t h•n .. judJe With f'Dl' 1lrrlultt' '1111puhtliun ... · hup .. "' 11 \\Ill ,.11 1 (., 1 1,,. lbat t.be tlf\<l' mWII ~ J*l<~ by thl' • r ,.._. In """"'"'"#:" '"" 111111 r fr ll'l . HOW MUCH IS ENOUGH! . uJI rr-ct•tll" tl• ,,,.,.,,,.f!llf! lh• hn• ru·vl'r •~··n 111 ll"'oUIJJ<' ll<.•fl•r" an.t I hup.•, "" 11111 IIIOUI• r,. h•• II• • 1 wilt t... ltJ.rltln 'Slgnt·ol Or OOUilSI NOT. Tbia dey, oi aay eotaaaaley, could oot niJt looJ• wi6R~Idtooia 149CMioe it the binbriJiat of nery Americaa. aad ow f'IIWk...,. .... pen orm. 'Yety'foaadacioo of democracy. .. ...... n.. ~ of dW c:oaeuaiey are cle•otiaJ cheiJ' ti'Yet to lhe work of • a+cs .. DL TIMM ioltnlaon;che ldaool edmiaiacnron aad the local.t"ou.oey Mel .... edaool boMde deeern much of the credit fo1 the ability of our JOG&I .. aacl wOGMD co feu the world aad carve out successful caners. Ow pGb1k edaool IJKHI b the 6aat ia the w9rld. It is oae of the tbiegs dw,...,.. 6pU, c~a; to maiacaia. Jlialaway ttaa~porutioa is abo ooe ·of the 'Yital futon ia A m,ericaa pro~ h aakes ou.t aatioa oae g~at coi'Dmuaity. You could u ••eU pimin daia dey witbou.t edaoob u without 'automobiles, trucks aad buseL Maay ec:boola. o( c:ourw, depend to a large eneot o a buses for uarup'orta.· - ,/ Gnyb~ ia pan ol da1a coDUDWliey aad its ptoJfC$1., We are belpjliJ'. to ...U.ca.ia ics eueatial wartiJDe coaaectioru with ot4er t"Ommunilies dt.roathout the aatiQCi. Al\4.-, are lookiDg ahud to peace ,..ben ,..e caa . . ...... ..c aew hiJh. tta.oduds O(bigbway ~spor:tatioo. ~ GRE-YHOUND . _s.e.tlu. Sell•l• ""d/4 ~ . . .. -• ..,.<~"....-., -~,;· --~--.· ,.._. a. ............ 1 u. CJ.c'·) ..... .lone.. NeU a--.~ c.rna. olulli-Fortlell, EWe -. .._.. ....... llloUy ~lnt-1, . .u.ie YW... ,.__. Knlpt, o -,.,._e ...... ~ .._.,, r:uta Daalek, DeretMa Moore.. Loee&la llodm:~.-. A.pea' ..ae,. ,11 ... ;, fliP 'lfr1¥' a :Ol' ,...kl~•t• of n.e --..~r dl11· t rlc-t . IEMIIIIL FOI WILTOI ·IIIIIID, JI.ISSUED IY COMMEICE IODY Tbe toUowlD• memorial to Wal-Ieee 110 Nlldlncl. aDd a .meeft ac- ton Hubbard, J r., wu '-led to-lmowledpmeDt of U.. werkft"e day bY t.be Nnrpcrt HariiW Cbam· f'H1 worth and IUrlJ.Dc c:baracter ber of CGm.meree: be made. W~nEAI!t, tbe 8uprmle Ruler NOW, THEREFORE, for tbe baa tum trom ua. one Walton coa~m6tty, -. the dlrectore t rubbard, Jr .. who u cltW:o. lead· mel!" bflr, and offlcertl of tbe N~w: r and friend of thla city and com· port Harbor Chamber cf COlli· ~U~Jlty, hal In 10 many waye cSoJJe merc:e . l'l r:u,c • to advance the wei are of RESOLVE that we hereby pub- t'le c.ty end it. harbor. and the llcly a<:knowled~e the value ot hf' -.·o.epedty or Its pe pie: to all at-• work performed and ~~ervtcu 1 80 t ent lon to 1tJ1 advantage~ and t or oblv rendered tbe time an* ·c 1ld tn .its development ~n a broad·~ 110 'treely ~llded on our ~h ";: "t at"a't and , whJie domg ao, haa l a nd the tnte ne-11t taken In thl' :tl: . nrrl~d on nn Important and val-rare ot our Harbor <area b ,!!able part In thf' natlon'a war departed friend and Cc:Jio~-w~r:~urr "tan11, tlvou~:h t'le con.tructlon cf Wulton Hubbard. Jr. · veae1a of varioua t)'PU. all o! WE FURTHER R~~SOLVE t"at whkh a re u cred t to the builders. we n:preu to tbe widow and 'tam- and to thl' community where r.IY. J nthis their h<¥Jr of tm\ ril and built. ~ I AOTrOW. t'he deep and abttlb g ~- WHERE AS. ln the depanure ot I pathy we all ret'l, at thlll lhl'l Wilton Hubbard. Jr.. our friend, ~reatn lou. In whiCI\ wr abare~ f~llow wnrker &1\tl leader. the cltl. and we pray, tbat their l>urden o( I aeo• and the contmunlty ol New·' aorrow be gently lahJ and that tb p::rt Harbor and the nation have AII.Wi,le and AJI·P~erful Rule~ L'UJ'fered a greal and aeriou.a 1081. of the Universe grant the ndded and • j .trength and cuurare with whlc.b ,,. J;t· '·. t ' ----,,,h~f • ., .. , }•' ~ '"'· "fbie m.a.u tlu• p .... tura ...,.,.,.,,.._. _; ... l,, U:.u • ..,_ ........ • .,., ... :,, . .., .................... ,,,, ... .; . .,, ..,.,~,u~n•ft£. •I ~ l\IRR AME'HCA :\1EETS PEFENSE ~~~ !!•ll•d," rl'phe-\1 th .. ()fJA "W:o~h · , .t '1 re<· :fniz• l . • um•tut· 'r··~~rurtetr n ' problo-m ....nr~ nK fn lll' tl'>l' UOIIIIIJB 1y btOI\ol al't'll.' 0 :~oul h .. ,.n Call for In, bul lnnl'lls· .t.:h<•l lirar kl':... '"·:H wh1tt•r "ht."n l 1· .trurr. • n .. 1.1 '" .0 Nllflply may I· 1 J! "1 ol• 11 ~~ :11 ·r Uran It Is ~· s-r··~··nt The r.111ky W~y liumrmllkl'r!l y,·ho'v,. ·••I to l'lll Wllr llf't'dll w 1l1 ;11•1bllbly b1in~ F H b 1 I j11, f:w II\'':< 1 0( rfl C>l' ~:e• 'f):\ll l't r costrll'tlOn!l Oil 1 \"illan lltiJl• ormer ar or It ol alt•lv ~ttl. be> ,:la.J to bear 1>11<'• bo•'u"' rnor "1111\lllnl' <flU, tA.• PJ be L• ted Itt •• : •'••lr"o rv II l'Q In mu!lt o:ltlee ,,., ... I) , r Ill'<' in .th .. r .. : .. l!y 1':11 ... . urn r IS . '· .• ·'. h•·.:.n tr;l.lli~ e"tru.' .. n.-rs for ·---. --MI.SSI ...... ng ··n Act~n WHEREAS. among ~IUun11 of they may ca.rry tb.-!r burd<!n of a COUUDUnlly It 1a flttln( that due: g rlef. tu1d proper recognition be made Dated at Newpcrt Beach, Call· before all men, of Important and fonda. w. llt.b day of May 1944 valuable aervlee rendered. and ' · WHEREAS. DO mater tribute I NEWPORT . HARBOR . can.be paid to anyooe tt aa•-a pub-CHAMBER OF COWlO:RcE. lie and wholehearted expreuloh •f • Brade.D Finch. PneldenL t•·r rp~reclaUoo of t.be tiDe _.. Harry Welch. Secretary. ~ Harbor Pack.il\8 Company JS9s Bay Froot,Sul>qo2,Cal. ,.__ ' -. - A~N ••• Dl£di-.;r~pd Service Mt•l a 1eyou rna POSTWAR CBAFT ·AT ! , 1""~1\'\ n w l'rt•A!ff w .. ln & any • Caltfted .Yevetabtn . av,-. • 11 1 .•. , t'J·on 1t hU t)'> .. n but "to~· T hr nt•w blue pornt yiLfut· , 1 1 1 .... ,, " .. 1• ••ntha "' h•;uJt there ChiUIC~• gllVl' Mrs Arr~rlca el«frt .• t.:l.,:ntm fmm t~ \\a.r d e·j "1ol t~· 111.,1,, nt It n:•cauee 110 Dt'W point fre-e ba~aln11 lu talk purtmt•ut lnfqrml'J Dcl~rt B. For-rnr~o to ru1Tk 1\,ll lie ·Jir•·•hlt'e..l do{:. about. Stoc k!'l or <'&nnl' r tum~tln•·•. tun .. uf 3602 Co11tn Blvd . Newport'' lnJ! .\::ov :>ntl June th•' War F'oocl pea.t. com . MparB~. bt>t"ta. 11p1n-Uo·a··h. thnt bra brothl'r .• tMf ~~. \•lnrrm:<ttnt1,.11 hua •·uppr-..1'' l'lvU-I a<b. map bean!l arul ~ear bum:u 1-:~t rl W. F'"1tune i.!l .f't'J"'rlt'd mlu·j ,,1n ,111,.,11~ '"' tllnM month• Ill) 251 were madt' point fre~ a11 thry must ln~t follu~l".t: w. bomblnl{ raid over ,,.,. t'l'nt m101,. n!'am. butter m be moved Jn4> the l:an of con· German). r he sergeant v h11 wu , oltl:IS:<' l'h•'""1, unol c"• ,-:ntut~ mtJk l!'\lmera o mw.kl' room I ware-alucal plumbei befort: enllai.tiir. ra n bl' hold. houeee for nt w IIUppll~a. And OPA hu two brot hcnr In tb•· Army. S(t . aleo remrnda th~ w~ put up Dar.-Fortune lllatlor.f'd In the And ~ct CNam home-canned vtg~tabl_p for aale United Stall'!! and Pit' Lambert: .\J.,,,. an.! r1rher Ice cream a. lhlit aa t.be ~lght can11ed ve&eta.. Fortun~ •·ho received leg lnjurle. ___ . I!'~• E_rnmli ... d hv tht' WF'A duri¥ blu meDtiODt'd above were reduc-In a parachute jump In Loul•lanal ... 1.' and Junr. Makers are per· ed to aero polht value 6n tha com· 1 and 18 now home on alck leav~. 1 .' :l'lll1•o.l r!unn~e thl• period to ... merctal polnt ~rt fkllil meen. I "" •• of help, .. ,. CALSM" need• wnc;anY ty' \olslftcadont: tkV\oriY ln the tcUowln;:ldet-Students • • .... a .... uf~ir volume 10 per c•t tbat t.beee fooJI can be .tid or ---- ----- '"'" u!lvan1'f' the amount of creaa-~ven away fre. ftom rauorun. 1 Every Bloomin'. Sailor ,.1 but t~rfttl Yrom 22. 'to 24 per NltftcUOilll.-The tarrc amount ol • • 1 , I cr nt · ho&Dt'-c1UlDed food tut year 11 Ev~ry blonmin' n ilor. • JMt,rlly reeponalble f~ the preaent Accordlo' to report. The F~m11y car no-p(Mnt. low·polnt valu~a on moat , Hu a dltrl'rent -eeu~ ··lfuw ~ut gu!''. wu tM ve,.etablea. A· auhetantlal c&nnln• In .very different pbrt. I"'" r·y or m~ny foiOt-whry whee procnun tbll --..mmer wlll help'! An4 U Ch aallor • aweetlf' U1t.> m~at ratlonm.: t-Rsed off. "Not Jde.P proceand foodt opt or the You can bet-your aocu • BALBOA MOTOR ·co. 7!,)6 E. &1 Aw .. Balboa Gt>neral Automobile and·Marine Repairing. :\Iarine Elertricians Avaflabie Fendt•r Body Work. <J Refinishing ~ n ;t .t:r•un~t: ~EWPORT BEACH 2%5 . .. • -I ·' ' · v\ · r ' 'I ' II I I II II ~E\\ l'HJ:T-'IIARR08'8 NEW, OOM~LETE BOA l 'SERVICE Ch i'rh:tul in~ -....... -~IDOJ~U•• )IOTUR &maVJCF. . KENDALL BOAT SERVICE .. In Furmc·r CaUfoela w-triM Jlld«. • 3-1.';2 \la Oprrto ~.-wport a-<-h Hu a different eweetle On eo-very ahlp that docklt.' • . ...._ I ... l:!cout J~·. ..\Vbal'a become or tl)e Hlkfrtl' Club." I I Scout •Jim: "Oh. It dl11bllnded. I Ia .., .. ,.tun, too hard to ptor· 1 auade pualng motorlsta to ph•k ua up and Ktve ua • ll!t ... When Your Back Hurts- .I and Helpers ("'Welders · Mac~\n~;~ch\nists and Draftsmen Ma r•"'" 1U ographers SeJpen and Helpers ~ten \stS . '· P\pe ,,ctoers d Helpers y~ tiJ\g -rra1nees p\pentter' an Helpers Ta :()UiiCTllen rs Plurn~!'\~echanics and E~;rlc\ans ~ }lel~ sneet ,~,e t Up Men 'tte\pers rators and Se • Tabulating ;ope .. JDI &t C&llllf "CI\1\Cll \IDUitlt tDUI ·~ tilt$£ &DtlltlltS . · · llUS 1Dul . l ov caa beCOIIW · tnioiDJ tchOO 'f • At our modcro . M ..-ewer uac!e-· tkiUed ia • wcU pasd, \aJC r--· d bootiol --rtation problems aD el\«&1 aid oa uaaspo for lh• askiDI• ~aformation are y~urs b'l leuainal: •ork· • Tb• Plf is nee \lent (nee 'fi ~;~our co .-workcrt . . eli ·ons uc ptcauat • ' ID~~~O U _..ocll,. APPLY .tOD~~SecUricy Cud. •11..1 T !ran a Soc a a • c. 1 ·.t pQRT '".. · · • .1 bility Ccrtuacat•· • { f Citizcalhi'p aod A-t a• a ., . PrOO 0 CALifORNIA \OM StUPIUilDING ·cqaPOIA1 110 W.., Aft•..-auln_. __..,- ( ~ .. ,. .. " u E d tl • lJ n T d p J , dl el Ct 01 ec A u fc pi K •e be dl Pf gl ec lo w Cl fo ld PI th ... , f) I Oil pr WI "( Lt sit I /' Kiwanis TOwn · Hall Presents · Cantanclo f fub Male Chor~s .. Event Takes Place Monday Evening, May 22, at. Grammar School Auditorium, .. in Newport Beach . The concert next Monday night. r.~·1:· 21. l5y u~,, C:;.nt~ndo Club ns tht' final event on thl' P"fl',lh:-l(i,·;a~is 'J'own Hall Series brings this season's pro)t.• 1 :1 • I ~.:t'. nno i<; nlso the concluding procmm for the Cantando Club St>ason. Tht sam.: program wu prue nt· td lut Thclld&)' cvtnlng at f!a~~ta Ana with lbe addiUon here of the Harrroncttra, a...quarutte oJ yoWlg ladles who &N' making a re-al r,•r· uta tlon tor thcmatlvu Herbtort Blcl;el. mualcal dlrt<'l· t . w ill cc n· dud and C'hrllltlne Rtu wtll bto at the pi&T!O. The T own Hall Smea bu pre-- IM!nted,tnrre.le_.cturea and the Can· tan do C1ub pr!'gram wlll bto t "e mualeal attraction on the wrlea Thrte of the n:oat ouut.andlnc ra- dio commentator• of the day wtre prevloualy preaented, Including 1 John B. Hughu. M~cbeater Bv<l· dy and Dr. Theo Polywldea Tick - et. fer Monda y 'evenlng'a <'On. cut may bto purchued at the door of the Newport Beach Oramniar ecbool on the nlcbt of tbe coocert. Adult Uckeu are •uo lrJ.cludlng tax lind u a tpi'ctal opportunity for atudenu to bear th'• ln!&t ptC&'J'&D\, tt.e Board of Dlrectora ot Klwanla o!fer •tudt>n l tlcketa a~ 45<: lncludlnc tax. Thta prorram beln~ of a very poular nature will draw a Jarce lltudellt ~rroup. A n · ~lty <'I'Owd 11 expected ' ........................ ._ .. • ... of thf' t lnt Methoctt· • P •it·•·•• Pf "-'* AM IUMI effktal IM'f'OIIl• . panl .. t for '"" ('ulaiMio t'lub.. M h R_.. "'UI bf' at thr r hmo fttr t.IMl Monda)' nlaht c-nnN"rt tn two Jri\'f'n a t S pwuorl 1\ral'h tiramn1ar ""hool •.ucUolrlum at • 8:10. Friends And ~tine tnnv11le nt•a r !l illrKt' 11rmy • Am p It' 1nt rr.JurN1 Into hl'r ah'"''·~'Y"d WHAT'S COO KIN'? Rev. M. C. <:ronic Low Point a .. oon Gooct Meat au, Will fouduct Last ,.xtatf'nrf' a hAndMlmt )'•llm~ prl· VIlli' V.hO 1\~0mpAnlf'll, hill Wid OW· • •I mot hr r un a \0ltnt In J anle'l Thr fllf'i thAI !>no"" I' p•llnK UIJ • t 1\omr . In l'ltOtt'll dnplto· it• "j'W'('IIIl une I Vespt'rs Sunday 1utnt J>f'r !""Unli tll ltton r~l• '""I I 1(1 the face of the out11poken •lu•· h th t nnly mean thal America'• hun~•" · 1 ta rt t wl\'t'l' llff' UlliiW»r.. nf b,,.,.., 1 , 'lr•r rovnl • t ,., parents, e wn . , I For ffl, 11"1 '" tn••rl'fl•• '" or thOOI pan and • II' a pa y a l'hllrg(' "' lito• \ ··~tH'I '''" "'''' ho•lol ber home. whlll! lhf' a•lult m t'm· !Jounti!UI ma'n .mt'al tnt•·"'~ each SWILL.L I nih<• :O.~ifli( u ... , ..... hen o( tJ\1. family vlalt lhl' cuun.-rntlull! ba<'on ~A"lll1' rtlftl\lJ,. ot ltw ''''"'"""'" ('lturrh "' ('u I try <'lub. Th• party Jmowb&llll to hrellkfallt , that'll nu ri'U'n 1" ,.... rona •1••1 \far H•·'•'lo·n•l \I r , BALBOA'S undreamed-of prnportluna, wtth strict It lu lhf' ftr·•t m•aJ "' .the CroniC'" o1: ''"'""I' 1 hi• Ill• I ''"'"···I compl.alnln~t netchbon and w te day. Bacon fila Into dinner "'""111 on Sunrln1 111 •1 1} "' ,,, rm parenta vlaitlnJ their wrath upon whr r.. Ita •moky-"wert , fla\'or Ia .vam Will l•·l•l ,11 ,. ,1 •• ,.,,1 11111,11• l the merrym11kera unexp.:'Ctedly 111w11y• wekomf' 11nd It • haooD 11nd ~lro.:Hi• ",, t. ''" ,,., 111.,11 ,.,111, I an~ In unexJ'>e('tf'd ra,.hlof1. but thllt J(IYe" ·a tow.p .. tnt lin '" tM "\\'ill C'l l ' '''' ,.,,, c "" \\ "' k Playwright• J~phlr1t' I:JtnthllD\ lunrhl"'ff ll&ndwlch or platf' Thl' S1,,,,,,,,. ,, lt•••l •H•ol•·l rlu• ell IUid Hf'rllrhel W flltam11 l{l't hrr nut Bacon Jll!nballlya rf'C'tlnn •·I lito• < ·.q11 11 .. C'ttt I•· wrrl of her predicament very neaOy 1 pound hac t~J. In I ptec.. M n. .1 1\ c '"""r "' ,,.1 11ntl'n lllld to the gre-.\ enjoyment u( the 2 largf' onlnna. o·hni•J•td J flt•nt. \Jill ""''"' · .•• "·'"·" l'lnn audl~nce • 3 cupa riUln ('cl n r ruw •II• ,.,, ,,,.. will be· '"' nuol.oto·•l "'""'"""l•·h '" ' mat~ 1lht• C .. rtl:l• >:•'''""·" ''""' '' •· lurr l• j A mind ('un~~eanua of lnle1r1ty IIK'um.e 111 aa,y more thaD It mea.~:W 'to perlonn.·-Robe~. Burna. 2 Jr"'f'n pt'pJM'rll • • 11Jif'•l l it 111'\\ :-.; Httl.t\ ~ h•••l II ('.,t til fl•·' 3 cupa <'(J(•k••l rtr" M111 lln•l 1ol tt t.el•·l dnt• !-unrta.' Sltlt and J*pper. l ln<'•MHOK "''"""'' ~rll hf. '"•ndu•·tr<t edt bacon In "" lnr h r ubf', fry In the t 1utpc·l B~ ltw ~... •viii• in aklUet unW browned on all S11n t11 ~IIRIJI.l' ~IIRIJI.t ' S ill: •Ids Ot-atn on abeortwnt ,,..,.-r. Rl.>vrrr-nd I'""'> F S<-hm.-k " Remove all but 2 tableapoona ta-18an t11 An~ H~ lhr \'l,..rlln·• 1111\tor oon ·drlpptnae trom llclll•t BnJ'I'ft I, •••••••••••• ~ onlona In aklllet Add tomat~ J1 R E N·D-E Z vous· green peppera an..! rice to onloM. IMtx well. add bacon. C(lnr· mm- mu &lowly 30 mlnutea . .Urrlntt .,.. cu looally. ' sM.rn ~rv,., t1 t Bacon a nd Ett l•lad "ollt I 8 at r pe cold crl~rp ba.con 1 B,ALBOA TREATER l:"""lna• 'at 1:00 .t 0: I~ I.Aat lllhowlaa nf a 1l<H1ht,. ,.._. a..-. r,...,.,. llltar1' "' II.,_, BALLROOM PreaeriP ) and His Orchestra SATURDAY NIGHT MAY 20 e hard-cooked ~ I I cup diced celel")'. I • ''> rup maynnltAtAo! nr •a!~td d,_tn~e. •-. leup<HIIi dry muai Kitl f'f'w •lr•lflll tahAft•u. Salt and pepper. ft lon1 110ft rolla LeUucr Paprika D lf"'•' 'hAr n n ~fl "K1(.. • ••mt•lr.e 4 wllh Cl'il'ry. rraynn"-'1111' .. r 4•lad dr,...lnll Arwl -·nln~ea. loiht • tlla )Pnjtthwhor In <'l'Oif'r nnt ,t' na t l1n.11~h t .. h~ttt .. m ~I''' on •Ito ll~ehtly. 'If rtellllred, lli'lth 1•111 cor, mar~nt "''' ,.. n,uvt • n:11 Ill! "l:lt Rn ol hAN•n mlxtrrr~ '" 1 Ia; ~tAmiRh wilh'l•·ttur f'; irpdr.l<l• •UI paprikA S(orvr 11 & Thu,... · t 'ri, -Mat .lwlr.., ('OGpf'r Patrit'la Morn-' la "WHF.Rt: ARF. ''·4U:a '·m•.ruy: ~ .. ahoo "C'H ARI.It: f'II.\S I~ Tttt: RI':('RF.T MF.R\'1('1':" ~lth Kldn,., Tnl,.r ('arl~ton A ~ ..... ,. 1'411n. · Mun. PMt A,........,_ · ,..,.,,.,..... ,...., In "fl,\1' ... ,. 1.,\' U", ,.,.,, "!'l.t:t:l''' I. \C,flll' •1th oludv c lUI'''" 15 f ••r fnnn It ~ •. ,."' Tur' \\H I f..alw Ran.,.r · \\ nt 1\••11!1)\ In "H()"T ~f.t:"" .,.... I '"lfi':Rt: ('U'ft:'4 t 'l "f tc" ")I AI f"pa"'" · f"rtmk \jloolt•"" ('ttr t•"•n ===--:--:--- "t •r11nc Tflllr• ""'' ·:·, ''Tlft'; OCf'l .l .I\ ~' .;::..__ ('nmlnt:: ".lanr t:H•·" "Mill l))•ftamltr" •"" "1 "" \ '""'''" Mu," '."T'hfo ''""I'' \II II• '"" ,....,.. l.ondon " .. . ' \ · I Lido Isle Lad On Texu College l H~nor Roll · Eaet.er A~y at ...... .,._ ............. ~ .... .. lf ye&fll ol .... .. la .... b 2 "tB yea r at tbe W\l..,...t7. a, wUl •nter a b...ne!l ot UM· ...W. Ia Oet.-.r. Lt. Colonel .,...., bM been <'OGUIIalldiAtr Olfloer ot Ultl PUot lkhoo.l at Ba.Dt.a Aaa A~ Air 0.. few tM lut II mont.M. • ~tiQII)J\~. llUW~K\, .-h .. waa l'f'nt~nllnatf'd .-·ltht•Mt dllll • ..... ,. ••r I'Rilf'd ................ ,. -----------------------1'11<' I au.:hty "''"I"'' , .... ,.,, •miff. f'.l •ll••l"cnlully ,.,. th\' tiny '"'""' ""'" •·ut In .. A fl1l J ll•t '" hy <h•l Yf'IJ hii\'C' ltl • ut In whrn t "'" \lkne·inl! •· •h•• ouqulr~··l nOUittl)' ' 'I~·· tr ... llarutn hu1111 11111 hr111l , "~,II )'. MA'am. but I'm ""'Ill Ill( 111"'' way thr••U&_!l •·••11•·11" ~tnol Y'"" p;vtno•r v.·a• "••·tnrc a lh•r t.k•ll•r 1 btll 111 ml' .r 1 \Ymulf'r liOIO' 1 h•l ,; .. t tntu th1a ,., lumn f'tea.w. 111'11· 1 h•ra, I hosw Uwre'e no ba ni fHI I'"'• '· . iiiiiiiiiiiii TBKAT&a ...... tilt ...... l"a"' ... ~ .. 1:et. t :ll M.U-. la .. PIIay at l 1tl r .. ,....._ llluMa7 ,,.... I s,. nu .... -rrt .. 111ac. .,._, ka.J• Ia •tJP IN AaM"" .... .,.... .... ,. M.,..ll of,_ • "So. ~ .,.....,., .. Vu1-. NMA "-· . M-.. '1'11t... a..MI .. ~ F..... Ka.t~MilfftJ Ia "NO TDIE f"()a LOVF. .. "Na.ttt I• Mttatre ne,: ('art-a Nrwa W.._...t OaiJ ,_ ""'"" AaMt o.-........ "'TTll: cacN!NI or ~r A1N ...,.,.. \' .. ,..._., 1'11rtlt.d tile WNW" ''"-a s .. - 8&arttq ,.,.. ........ , "' ".IA('K LO,NDON" «'onl&llc:..,.... 1.-...r."JO'f'rtltw Dodor'a 81,_...1 (.'.,...\' "In OW Ol&a...-", "NorUt Mtar", ........ ~"·. W IJN hM ._.n rec"f'ivf'tl trnm th• t lntwl'llty llf 1'fo1ru that Rob- rrt t-:.twant U:. Hrt~< '"Y. 11011 of u (."'oiC!IM'I ancl kra l"almf'f' Urad· I Jok .. That Jolt . I••> " l'U lJ.kk) Nord. Udo tale, ta Ute atn't aJ1 )'OU wu\. lfut lt'e lno•loul"'t Jn , t h• winter wmNtter all vou ·a ve, ao ·a ve It ; aUcll a """'" 1ull from tlw Coll•l• ot, rt•'tantum tn ynur 'a t and be 'appy. Arico ""'' ·~l~nt·l'a 1 lAliiN ll001e JIJW"'l&l. Hllvlnl •radua tetl from Philip . OPENING ABOUT MAY 25TH WATCH FOR OUR ANN.O·UNCEMENT ' HARLO'S KITCII£'1 Newport Harbor's New, Ultra .. Modern REST~URANT "lluff•t Style" Self IJenlce ~.t .... (New ta tllleW_.) and :COMPLETE MEALS . TO lAKE OUT TO YOVR BOIR oa BOAT ............. .. CAMICROLIC CAaTORI• In whk-h rnMll ~ hP warrnect 1ft ·'tb.· CURI'Okt cartOI'TI" • • • ln yGt.U' own • • ~--Peed~ lfiii.==r • COME IN ANn LET US EXPLAIN OUR SERVICE TO-YOU . • HARlO'S KITCHEl 111 -113 AGATE AVE. . BAI~A llUAND o.e.Half Jllotoll N or:th etC TAKE H'ER TO I • I'"* ......... •ouee ratv ONCE A.WEEK Jack Spnr could cat no fat His ·wife . could cat no Inn_,~ Then OPA took meat away .•• (Bur they have EASTSIDE every day) Jadt aruJ 7'btJ li111 J hi1 wift · tiHir •fill tltnt't wt/11 • ;, · 11 llalt ~/ t0111111bi~l •bJ;,', - , .. ·. ... ,,. tl•le• _,. t6h., -,.. ,. ,,. ,..., ,.. ,,, , . .., ~.,,,.,, ... , -.1 .,.,., ,.. _, ''· ,, . '"'' , .. ,,,,, ,..;.. lid, .• , .... BAI.TIIDB •••• . -. ·. ,. • ...... ~-BALBOA~ ~'!IlL~ -~.:_Thunctay. Jlay 16, tM. ~~~~~------------------------~-----------------' . ~----------------------------------------------·,111A' I • ·••••••••••••• . ~iraie-Paalita ~ec!~~«~Uean-tJp Drive ::::: ....... .,.. =r: I ::··::::::::::~ ...................... ... , ...wMijT~AcH ~~·=· .) ~Gives Advite on , ~ -.• . ~----·-........... aaa.07• Kay 11-IL .,_...,... ..... ODI-, H dl. Waste , -tos . ._-....... , ...... ftT,..O pte Bt.. lAe A.Dce'-. per ~r. an JOg -C ---~-----··---· -.-. to build .. ~AMy. a room ctwe.ll·l ' -.................... 008,016 ... 08 ,_,. ol lot, liT 8apfb~J'e, Doa't t~t-;;; 11 Cl~an-Ur· Dllllt -......... .. ........... tll.aT P.IOG. . U and Sahral'e Wuk s-. -Ml ·------~.tU Ma7 &-Dr. c. M. Beebe, 4140 ,,.. PreY~ ;-' 211t but · at leut. ltNU -bU _ .............. _._1,0411 • .:.22 ~--ett BIWJ. Loe An,.J•. per 1-May 14 0 -l-ontinun whv 1161 -Ull --···---........... 1.228.U. O'W'1IW', ~ buUd a 1 ft. e IJl. • 10 u tonr u Ulf' war eek a.~ 1D JMJ -..2110,116 ......,._"-._ ---.. f .,.,..._ lt"f 111&11~ MKV W ---'!!l!L. .......... -~ ... uon .., u-... ... .-ar .. _. __ wtllc:b we cont'nu&Jlv elean·UP 1M3 Juuary ····· .. :..... . ......... -·· 16,236 ~ -· -·--····················· t.&ll ~ .. .... ---··········· ....... ::-"T,tn .APril ...................................... -t ,166 llll&J --~---~-----------· ........ 12.12'1 ~ -----------·-·--:!~-----16.010 ., ... , ------· · ............... : ......... , .. 7.AIII\Ift ...... ---·-----·-··-.......... :. I .TtO . a.t-~~er ···--····--·--·--···-.. 22.17& ~ -·-·-------·--··-Ja.l60 :)lone...-----·---·---·------· 10.014 J)wo;olb& -·-·-·-···----11,110 ,..... ----·-·----=------1CUZ'7 ,....., ......... _ ..................... lla.MI ~ ............................. 11,160 ,,Jiarda -____ ......... : ........ ~·-··--·"' •• 116 A.lllil ------·---·--····--·-··· ... 40,611 'l'tltal fov ------'-..... IU6,2M roeaa, 1101 M. Ba.J J'root. B&lboa wtllc:b le Of'le ot thl' .bett nn p~· Ialand, SJOO. -vtntloo rrf'tbode end alao do ev- Kay 11-H. V. ~~. 318 l'f'Yl~tnr we can tq aalva«t every E. 2nd atreat. Loe ADreiM, pn .._,... Item ot value for the war I OWDer;-\o alter tnc:tudtftr n~plaee. _,,..,f rea~• batbroom .and enlargt P~~d 111_ NeJ.aon knew what bed room, %20 Peart. 11,000. I doln wtw.o be called oo 1 III&J &-lnD l!lcott. t!ICOttle'l • ~~ ~~arar!_ re ot the nation to oak. ..,._.~uata Ana NeGII ~ hf''O overrol1'\t th~ llhortall'e of 00., to erect 4 metal neon a1pa, I .J. P1 • ..., wute paJ)f'r I gul l'..da'ewater ace . ......,. 1 On tbe IIUbjfft of .,.,..r. thla May 11-:llfnry Mayera. 2444 v,..r R,OOO noo tnna ot wutl' pa~r' 8Uver Rld&'e Ave., pe.r OWDet", to will be n~t>ded u raw mat~rlal tt• ~ bi&IJd a 1-~ frame, S·room I k~ep paperboard and paptr mill• dwe'liJlc. llt Abalone, U.OOO. tl at wartime produrtinn Mar 16-1burman E. Well-. 427 opera ng ....._.._.,_ to ltvtlr . ....... ~.... a•mue, pu owner ' Once the rtghltnlf man get.. build a 11 X r.J ft. raral• attacb•i Cl\'f'r.eu f'IJtbiV·OOl' lnftlt Of I UJ>- ed t o dweumc. ~00: plll'fl ,..re ne~dN'I e&<'h m'*'th to May 16-W. E. Metc:her, 1M S. keep them theN' lftld "'"' I'''P.t Halatead at., Paaadena. per owner )fore than 700.000 lte~M from to build a l•ltory, S-room dwell-nHdlf'll to l)l<od o'811mR a n• wrrq• I lAC. 601-~th 8lr-Ht. JSOO. ped or packa~ed lD paper I I ...,.. to:-WIU1ala :a. Bellprd. May 1'~ E. C. Gaynor. 704 Onn't tor~f'! tn fll' n~"",... ft 101 ~te. ,.,-..,_. to build, Broad llreet. per owner, to. build hunrfln. Oon't leave them looee. 1 a 2 I"'NN ~Uoe te dweWfte, a UXll flddltloa to pruenl i2WeU.I t.o pllu IK• they twcorrf' !ll'!lltf'rf'" 1100. J.nC, 12110. . · and unal~~:htly u wNI u dltrlcult PAUL tm8MAN YACHT JAJL MAKI:III ...... A ............ c:..r., May 1&-Jda Ackroyd. Corona.j to rwaove. del Mar,-,..-owur to make _a] Keep the supplv r--lllng If ynu I'VOID ewer the ,.,...-a lato a I· haven't a larse euoplv _hold thl'm room apatmant. 421 Avocado, until you can 111ake up a bundle 1400: ot •ultablt •J~ tor handllnjt. then I 1 place it In the alley or wtlert It 1 IM" IJ.a & lli ... t .._.. ftLUMMNO ftllftMITI c~ be plrkt>d up wlth t,ra-ah. ,.,...,.., llay ~rdoo H~. J)f'r OWB· ~ember everythtnr ,..,. do u ef. 4%7-Jllt llti'Ml. . part of th{4 campa1p lll&kn for r ~ .. -----------... 11 · a clt>aner. ·brirhter and bettu • M&1 16-*IM!Io At.km-, per city tt bel,.. to win th~ war and Q.lil)' L· •• ... ............ CNtner-, no ruDen.oo. ,_ Kay l6-lda Ackroyd. ~ owa· ll benefit. ua all at o.ce s11rtcUy 1 er' per eoe, •• A~. IJl better fl~ tn.n.nce ratea. tn' cleanlloeaa ~d hea.lthtula-a4K' 1 I:LI:CTfUCAL ftl:ftMITI lk7 1~ Bowlu.e. 208 o..QIQI, ,... IIIM*a-.rcl. Ia peece ot mind. I Doa't · torcet JaOW and at all UIO---ciMD·Up u an a·d to add· May 16--cbarlea Jl'tppa. Ill t..rtupur, per Home J:lec:trlc. May 11-Stewart. 102 Golden- rod, per' lfta¥beard. · Q)upc)n Dates and Data ~· RaUoll '\'a~ for pen"CS be· ltlllllnK May 14. tt44. -' wu ftatlefl taoek 1 lllamp No. 1 oo "&Jrplant'' llllut (1 ,.ar .... , ~ to ddt Dot lit. · lt&alp No. 2 oe ''&lrpi&De" .~ eet (1 patr -...1-;-How c. elate •ot 81t. Talre book alOIIJ' to make purcbue. j NewpcNt S..ch .~ttl ..... Mttha~ . ..,_.,.. SUGAR a( loeaJ OPA 8oard1. ApPIIcat.loo, wben filled' out. muat be aec:om· panled by IPAR£ ITAM-P 37." t At Tw. A,.._ 1150 • • ····~········;·····························~····· 'PliO .. 7G· .... % . WI-HAVE -DESKS, CHAIRS, a. ... _, ..... ,._e( ..... ....... .... _ .. !Jh r=• ................. .,_ ........ \'lilt '!Jfi'Ma .. ....,, . ADDING . . MACHINE Red lt&m pe t 10 po&nt. Mchl IM meat. moat edlb\e olll, cheeeea and canned milk: · •' mut, canned flah. moat edible olla. ~~~ &!'~ cann~ ~ttJt: .u. It, (:j, Dtl u . n. oa. JU. J1. •lea. L8, W.l. N8. PI, Ql. IU. ,.l!nll ft.-Now to dale DOt. eet. til, va. and ws Juo~ 4 to da~ Ml-ar.... ltonua -Butcbe.n wlU pn &1114 tokcu for..,._,, JlO'lDU fl ........ kltch~n f11ll recetved. a.I&Ulpe t 10 potata each) for ....... -tto&l'n and c~rt&ln dthy- •ttd fofdl: .u. -. a . os. a . n . oa. HI. A. D. La. WI, Nl, ·ps, and Q8- ...., to .. te aol aet. I M. A. 1'8, U8. and V8-Juot> 1 to date aot aet. I Gaaollne Cout'O" No. 11 (A-Book) 3 &al· I Jona. no.· to Junf~s . All coupon~ I asu~t bt t'n•lnrlft'cl on rae~ wltb car licenllt' numbtr and atalc of n~J1• I trallnn. su-.;~ ~·our tlrc ln!rpe'Cllon l"e{'OrclA. i11~y must bt> prCMnt.-d Whl''l "-J'plymg tor a tf'nf'wlll of 1 Ra.• rattnn,. · T "~ 1 napectlon Sa\'t• yuur 111•' m~J"'CIItm rl'· cord.~. Any t't'11UC'•t '" 11'J1l:tl'•' nn~ pi\..Ci'-t'rt).:•'l ~ .. u t ilt r1111:-.t ,,. ... :u·· rornpan~t·fl h~ :cll '"'I"'('! 10n rt" rord~ nml n n"'' ·wtat•un 11om un' authnnLI'II u''lh~'t"r 1 h.11 u nc'" 1 llrt' ._ nc'('tll'rt. aUY WAR BONDS ------~------I Watch Your Kidn ' s/ . .. _ .. And • To .. . este~m -AUto Store\ . I ., . . .. B. Bnidbury· . (\ And ¥re and Mn. James Kinr . ' 1n eo&ta Me&at: .. .: And .. • , I I Your ~Fellow Merchants ·w :Et--C .O -ME YOU • ... ALPHA .-BE14 MARKET. DR. M. D CRAWFORD Optometn.t JEWELRY ·AND ~~ONEAY -. OltKIN'S-DEPT. ··sTORE ·-POLLY APPAREL R W B VAWIETY ORE. TE .NKLE HARDWARE .· --( . - .... .• ···········"············· -· ===-····~····:···································································· .... ' ,....................... ... •••········ ................... w............................................ .. . ...... J ... . . ···············································-~·· ................ . ;:::::::::::::::::::::::····::~:::::::::: ...................................................... :::::::::::::····· ........... . ••••••••••••••••••r •••a!:!:.-•••••••••t•••••••_.aaaaaaaa.aaaa• .. ••••--·•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••aaa:::::;:•••::::::~, .. -- .. , .,FI&E LECTUIE . . oa C~ristia1 Science Subject ............... _. "Christian Science Pro- claims the Gospel· of Ereedom" Lecturer .. MARGARET MORRISON. C. 8. of ewe.,ro, Du.ola Place NEWPORT HARBOR UNION IOGH SCHOOL AlTDrt'ORitJII UU. _. lntne 8'"'"'- Coeta Meu Time ...................... Sunday Afternoon, May 2li at 3 o'ClOck Vader tile A...._ el Fl"t Clnlrda of Cla!W. lldeltdet. of·Wew;.rt a.cll. C..Worala (U....W ., Ue•--l Tablete) N....,oua Tenaloa eara make 700 Wakefel. JJlterJ, lnltable. N~l'­ 'lt'OG8 Tenaloa can caiiH Nen••• B~ aad N~ 1-..lir-a· deL Ia t.l-like U..... we aN, .,,. llkelr tlaaA 111ul w becosnt • .,.,1rl"'qbt aad n.nou and 'to wlah f« a rood. Md.atln. Jfr. •u.. N.,.._ • • .-·...s.tm -mlW bat •ec:ti•e. II ,.. do IMit -. Dr. MO. Jf~ ,.. eaa"t a.w wW ·a will ... f« .7!L It -• Ia LlquW aocl Ue~ TeWeS fora. Wit ~ Ne&laJ ..... .............. .,.......~ WBT DON'T YOU ftT rt t 0. It .t 1nr ... ...._ may ~ le't at the office of Ed- WIU"d E. Cra:v. Attorney for uld Eucutor, at 318 2nd Avenue. Up·: l11nd, Calltomla; or may. t» dellv- e rPd to Aid Exfl:utnr at 404 N 2nd Avenue. Upland; or may .,. nted In the office of the' d erk of lhlll coort, at eny ttrre alter tht ''"' publlcatJon of thl• notice and be'ore maklnr the l&le. Ttte beeutor rewnH the right to I'Pject any or all bll1e. JOHN JL. CllAJO, E1recutor ot t.be ~~;~~tat. ol Lola I. Crall. Deceued. EDWARD 1:. ORA T , 3111 N. !ad A•-· Upland, Calif . •AttOf'IWy for ~ J:uc:utor. Jl'lnlt pu'blleatloa: May 11. 1144. 1Aet publication: Juae 1, lMt. ... -TELEPHONE ' ' .. IEEDE&r 8ervb ._ ud·war worlu)n are all clepetldla1 apol! ov atria at tbe aWI(.(-hboarch. Good pa~"'htae leai\- IDJ aad ftl\llar lacreu. *; * ~ SOUTHHERN CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE CO. Apply: 100 &. Bay An .. ...._ •114~ No. llala.ltL. &uta Au F'OI\ IIAUI t .. ..._lS.C ...... WAJCTaD 'rO ftD'I'-,.... • •ood 1D04oT, 1ood Ur-ea,.-.~ U\I'M '-drooa f\amii!Md ·...__ a'ler ~ p m -1:. IC. Coa. 1M a. ..... £:o..... L.A... ....., .• l ""i'..:: ....._-pwta., t8lb at., eo.&& .. e.L to-ate OWMn o1 _.. ·a· 111 ..._ car. ww '-tak-. ......,. KJ---.w.u.._ • ...,...._ von I'JAUt tNt U.k e.cs.. etta, 2-1-ll'"ft, pr._, ur-. radlo, ll•atar. ct.,..._, .,.._. -~. .... ... diUOfteCl, A·l e.c!Jttc,.. 111 &. r-~---------.... ... , ................... :10 .. .. cnmpUmant te ofttn ... fit U.. atronlf'llt f'f\('ou ..... •naenl a &ncl tn- c,nllwa lo U\a dltfldalt u4 ..U· •lletnurtrul ~oe Dtwarda. o. "'· DOO aM CAT M~t!tAL. .. _ANI- ttl• ............. ..,... ...... Oetlf, R A ll I () . 8 'E R V I.C E ·- . t:lfM, Auto;-Jii'itne ICidJCii RiPil..... ~Wine !!WtridUI Burt R. Norton 1111 c-t HIP_, JliflrWPOIIT NAC11 .,._ 1411 Professional Directory Cordon M.Grundy, M.D. ~hye~lan en~ lu~ Ninth an4 C.ntre: Awe. ,Off!M H,.._;...!o..4ti,"'.J 1·1 ,....._ Tela~ If LEROY P. ANDERSON AnOIU~taY AT LAW Coaracl Rkht•, M.D. ~)'alaiM aM hf1tMI\ Off ... ,., ...... ..,.. H~~­ Hewes tO. tl •· "" & 1-1 ~ "" ... MI..-.4IIrflt~ ,., .._ YW . DR.' c. E. TOHiU ~M'ItfCIAH .... IUAMON -~~ .......... ..... ... , ,J ALL ARE OORDIALL Y INVITED =-=-:3~~.-:._.-.a:: ~!!!!!!~!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~u=~~==~7=~-~~~~,~-~~~~~~~~·~u;v~w_A __ •_•_o __ N_oe ______________ __ SNOODLES (1 eat., 10 peep~e n..a Newa-'.l'llla Clullllecl Ma.> ~·-. ---.By Cy Huna~rford Ceah ..... hltlc .......... ..,..... . .,. eoeu .,... Cattfeft'la Oftlae :f.·~ ;. ... .. If-C.H ........ I DOROTHY DARNIT T C6T"' R•OO\.£ T.Hf';T ~V\ T ~UIT~ 'lCU .... ---· By Charles McManus ------~---------.. \ , . . . , --~: ~ I / ' \ llj •" I / HAROLD K. GRAUEL CHAPEL • ..,. Dureii¥W 1M ........... 8)' .. ""'. ou.e,. BMt" ~--N...,_...Mt Ceeta ..... ~I,.,_M BUY NOW Cit, fa Sele Lot. A. J. 1WIST · ttnC....Hipwa, ~Ma COitONA IJIL MAR ~ Dr. M. D. Cnwfon O,T~MIT .. ttT l:,.a l!e•bs1 ae...,.... tm "*•"" ~ ~ Mle MITA MilA CNA"L 8Y THI tiA .,..c..t ··-c:.·-·--·· . ~ ..... , ~·N-.-t41 UR. OBED LQCAS Dentist · • nn "• w. c:..tral. ft. 1411 Nr.WPOBT BF.ACR WHO'S WHO IN HARBOR DISTRICJ Ft.:I[~LACIE: AND KINDLING WOOD-, • H ·w Wrl.ht. 17'~• Jllpt. Blvd., Collla ... ,.,. •. U.,.t1 Lumbf'r, T'h. fi~!\-J. GEN£AAL CONTAACTOA-• r;,,rtlt~~l II f''ln•fllly. ~41 0 C~ Alvtl J>h. 302 J"laraa lln, O•natMJetlon. LUM8£A COMPANtn- f'l"llllt a M"~" l.tor (•,, "l..n 11• hf'lp )'IJIJ pt11n y•nor tlmn,." l"ltnne •11. flAy P llllrh·l t.umtM'r Co. T'hone 11110. Cnul lltchw41y at Arc.._.._ OFFIC£ IV»Lt£a-. N''Wptlrt JfartJ(Ir J'11bllehJn~t Co Phnnn · 12 -1:\. 1\lf<Wpoft BMcb. PRINTtNO- N_,trt ff•riMw Publ'-h'"l' OJ M111nn · 17 • 13, twwport S.Cb, AlAL ~ltATl, INIUftA!i.ec 6 N01AIIW PURLit-" f.rw H. Wall&f'~. 2101 W, O..tral A.--. ,..._. I. RUI.l A ITAMPa- JII-J)f.rt tfar~ P\lblwlb\1 OJ. · PboMa: 11 • lJ. Newpcwt ....-.. IHIIT M.TAL WORK- 1• VIele f'lumbtllr Ia IIUet NauJ WotU. C.,.. M.-.. ...._ ItO. -' -=\, _ VAfU.TV ITORI.-----------------~--....... v.,._, .... 11. 181, .. ...C .,. ..._. IUl·W • Four Generitiona foregather in Heights Home • I NEWPORT-Bi\LBOA NP.W~-TTMF.R Ne-=.rt HP~tch, r.alifo~ia. Thursday, May 18, 1944 ~~·~ E~Lia·rbor .wu a IU&er &Dd ber tluaband. Wr. r . aDd Mra A. W . McP'a.riand of lD· • FemiBine ·Activities I ,._ Ottt Drt-.. ..._..of Mr. ud M'n. · Jolin Taylor wu Uw • JIMrood. 1 Cath<'rint> Easton. So<·1ety Reporter • Phon~ 12 and .13 --=----------~-. --..-------~------------. -. ... _ i .. .J ~ -ot a p0wr111e ot u.. claD t Pepitos Seek Rest • IIGCMrw' ~-'n.. ..._._. • I A PIAl .a FOR ill Jllhilj~ ID r .. Jhl; All inJR I, High School Sophomores Present . •bad.,..,.... ... .,. ~ .. tt~ta ....... In Harbor Home two at Ita -.albent wW '-" eoon to •rw ..rt!l Ule Navy 1-..._ _ . _ :!J Oytstanding ssembty of Schoo1"'Y9r 11o11 o.aald UMI bla wile c&me I Peplto. ""'OW:ld fa.m~ clown .. d "-' J._,l..ood. Now employed comedian. and hla t'l\&nnlnl W\/,· .. at Doui1U AJrwaft. DDruUd tau 1 Wbo baY! appt'ar«< to~ther on, liMa e&lJtd a114 wW .lola ll\e Na.y. Am•nC'ao llla¥t"a •• a htrhly •ur - Dauatat.er LoJa wbo Ia a Leacb• Cftllltul tf'IUII tor 16 yeua. alway11 ta tbe eu.ta w .. Khoola and ao-return to t~f'lr Nl'wport Harbor otbet WR. R&lph ea,ton Of 0111-home to rut llOd relax betwHn tCJII ~omplcted t.be Lmmediat.e fUll-enpaerr:tnl& Rlfh\ now. Peplto Uy '.picture. Wt. Gut!Jn &ad the w.ho hu bHn "'tKI\nlc•l diN"t tor tw• cblldrell, l!lbeF71 and Jacque-for Pa~ount for the put year. IJne...,. to 011 u.. fMllviUea, too. i ta, able to mill hla bual.nl'• •ntl ._.____ relaxation They rulde on G.>ltJ· Mn. A. II. ...__...., mot.ber 0( eared to Corona del Mar. ----------------~~ I . ..--AIUioucb u Amerle&D elliS.n To the Man or Woman Who Live. Alone la ~ anything ~ppt·n~ t.o yoU, -. &o) ON' k no•· wtaat kind Ot 1\mfonl a.r· ~ J'OU want ca.rrW'd out! WOUld It not five' )'OU ~ PMC»~ ~to~ that ewr)'tiUac you waat dane Ia yrttten --.. In bl-s and whit~ and all Uw •IJ -.....,w.d .fer,! At ~ low ~ 7041 can ... ~-.,..plan jut! Ia. tha-a plaa 1ft ,which aU an • au ar. wr forth ... .... JndudN tuJJ pay- --lai-. -t)'pP o/ hliwm ,..;. .-et. Ia t.be lnwe.t ~ ~.-...~wUJ~ ,._.. to .... )'OU .. )'OU .., ..... ..... prof~ rw w--o. Ump~y "" .... ..a ......... baoow. ........ _ ...... ......... : . ....,., •: usn, ............. -+-~-f---.... now, f't l•llo wu born '" B& t •· kma, f pa&a, &114 'duri~ b a col.oL-· ful ca.J"ftr whlch bea-n wl\en h" wu •xtH'I j•f'at'll of a""· h•··' hll" hrou"ht Jau"hle,. and fun to • hll drm and .rrov.'ll-upa t c worl,t nvrr frltnC11 end «'II • won out In Oilatlaulll8 \bell' RM era. ed In the home r f ).fr ud' )ln . .ec\lcn. for ~ve~ yean . Ia tM race .. rrice the lllaDd Clrde ol c. w. Crnwl In Corona del Mar to At the meetlnr on Wedoelday, teeboa. ewer tbe YillaiD, Mad-U.bi..,OONI Lpry. OombiDe broWn ".a.c.S. wtll -t at Mar C4.M h~r Ahafflfl Crowl. I> yean old, May 24, wblch will ope~~ wltb a m11tan Q. ~ played by I Ngar and aalt and .prlnkle ~tr • ~ A boc-luncb 11111'"ilor , aocJ Palrlcl.a ft!~ble 1 ~ old d-rt at 12:30 til the S~nroom~ . • . • . 1 potatou and oranrta. Cover. Bak~ • ta oNer w&tb coUea arved lly·t.be dau~ht~r of •fr a~ra. ~a or the C!llbbOWM:. th-to cbrl COMJ~G EVENTS In bot oven t400" F. I liO mlnutet~.' .. "i';::-r-+-------------~t+t-t....-.r:f--tll_..,. r:·-'l'he-;aAw-._.f~:!'Jc W E:. NlckeU and • 4 ' Rtmove 1-ovl'r and bake 10 min-• aoon wUl bt llpll!ll In "•wtq for plano . AI. Harry A.l tl\1~ time, --• ·ut.,. ln(U"e. tu~ potatoU. • Name --··--· .. ___ ,., I the Red ~ S.1th llttlf' ~tlrla &rf' puplla o! a ""'' chalr:man will be t'lt't.t~d ~''UDAV. MAV 1f-Servu 6. t.f'•" ),far.-aret L R<'hllrlt, plano ----• I Anllual Service Banqutt at the lta<'ber In ('fltl na drl Mar Sharon Your friends ~d mine RJ~ SchOOl. Wt"11. Jolin F~ley as ~ ....... ··---··-····-- . ~ ..... , lt'a I'OOd t.o learn that . Jrvlll ceor.• Gordoa I• able to be up ar~ at\.er a vlc:loua attack of tbe nu.. OPEN SATURDAY MAY20th . t-.o'lrn her ''"clJ"" tn January of mt.tr'H'II of l't'rtmt>nln. and an ·.a and Patrfrla thf' following t.trs Vrrlnr r.nn•nn n v.lsn hu ou~dlng program or mus1r an<l :---------------: April , not b.-en llble to rrcover from & apeaker11 Plano Instruction At lhf' c·l,..... IJ( thl' JlrottnUTI fall upent'DI't'll IIU!l winter, hu . Red C'tON workroom, Ill P:\; .. ,. • -Gustave Linsenbard whlfh fi'Riur•~ two ~rrnuJll! nf duit ,.;turn,.d ''''m a \'llllt wllh twr sort. Balboa. open 10 a. m. to • p. m • Graduate uip!'ic C'onservntory nurr hf'r1 All w••ll alt ll<~lo M'le<:Unn11 ~tlllllt'\" lla~tnn and hla tanuly In ••lDI'. p ll A I'd hy bt-th ynunutC'rll and a rh~trm· luj.tblantl Pnrk. r .. rllnJt ._.,1•11uy Ttte D.D.F. ca rd rlub v·:;: bt' Be-gl~~"~ 8 ~~ialty tnr.r clurt "'rl h Rhart n and Jler omprnvNI bo.tn8M by .W1"11. F.lmn Patter-PboDe Newport IOOS-W . mOih.f'r AI Ul" rlano pufl('h a nd GUC'lll!o In lhe \',.lma Barhft 80D Oft Newport lllland. rook lu Wt'rf' lll'rv..:l home In &ltw>a ar .. Mno .lttnr.1 B. aUNDAY, MAY 21- Ml'Cllrtv or Alt~t•lrn11 ' Rntl Mna .Plu:lflc 14-t oot Dlnghif'lr Wi!1 ~ Harbor Girls Marry IA.G·ABOI .D HOUSE Soldiers in Double 1 Wedding Ceremony 1 Thnenil~ Hllclf'br;on or L.-.~un• ltart ~rlu of tllei.'IJ for lhl' ::lo!Arll Burh llfr") Mr l'nrty wns l'dllnr Healy trophy o;r Balbn11 Yacht M the Altatl~na Pro'"" un111 •t wu Club pier, l p. m. re<:ently 110ltl Perry-Davl• wedding. Cotltll "Pop" ~mall. rorm•·r pr ,.,., ... n: w ... church, ll. p. m. I or tbe Ca.IJfurnla Nt'w"p&J'f'rJI'ub-Bacc:alaureat wrvtcu for Nf'W· II h•r A ., I t ·• · ._ Harbor Hllllh S<>bool .,...adu. I Mlaa Billie Will And Ml• f'.illllt' " ~ • " "-'" r .. n, •a ·~·nuttl~ a ..-• ... " • HOIII{'h t'how a doublf' wf'ddiTtlf" week her" rntlnt and ll.llhll)l: ate•, Coeta Wr1111 Communl:y . I cert'monv wl'f'n thf'y bf'cam" the Nlct' tn hliVf' Ray Joluwon heck dlurch. 7 :liO p. m. bride• ot Corpor-.1 Roy Uttlea and al!'aln. HI' hu return~d with lht MONDAV, MAV 22-1 Private Lout• N.-wklrk. Hayward Lurnhf·r r·•lmpany. "'••rk· Red CrOu wortcroom. I 11 Palm. The two coupiM who )oumeved lng In one or Ill•• hrlinl h. yardll ~lboa. open 10 a . m . to 4 p. m., ~ to Laa Vejl'U, Nt'vada, were mar-~ no•u Loe An~t~>l"" __ _ ~al =~;~rkroom. i3~ YOOB EY1J1 AU tRz r1ed no Sunday, May H Both rtrt•l Oeean Blvd .. Corona del Mar. open I UGHT OF AIIEIUCA lllve .~ thtt.!!-YH~~ a~# Aff em-POLLY APPAREl 1 to 4 f. m., turaical di'NIIIor•. . .• tlw tlrit to mllat In at; Women's S~rtswear p O)'= • "''~ •~....,. ~t'. I ~ TU•IDAY, MAV 23-lines ot duty to win the war. ~----------------------------------~---~ fu~rt c · ~d Ore~~ ~&CR wffi ~·~yooreyes~w~k I Bur \'. r E•' rnl'tt ( .-t at war 'cua. Balboa r.cand. dnerw tptda1 conaidtTatlon FINALLY We Got the Carpenter --- I •' So-. the Electrician-·- the Plumber --- and all ..• "QUIT CRABBIN' GIRLS" f I / LEE'S BEA.UTY. s~0P • 18 ---OP.EN ~ . .--B"SINESS I ~ ...-:---------· 105 22nd STR~ ~. Newport Beac /-~. ( ' , SORR)'/ NO PHONE AS YET BUT SOON ' . I 1 bas I~ a.t noon. Red Croaa ...• UK-y ctese~e tcS ~ clven ,..._ the e~ elWnlnaUon ano I • DR ESSES Harbor Uona Club weekly fittlnr extended to aU OUT • surrs 'mMUIIJ &t Htlnz Ka.I.Hr'~r Bay-patrons. • ~~»on ear~. 8:30 P m. DR. 11. D. CRAWFORD • COATS Hartlor Rotary Oub weekly OPTOME'I'RIS:I' , '-...tJnr at W hlte'a Park Avenue, l'ft1 Newport a..Jeyard • ~I.A\K~ rod SLACK ~l T T'S • SUN SU ITS • \\ If \\ ', •I j• I ;~'!-.! h --~ • / • POLLY .. \PP:\REL Pottt' Olllrl\ Uullolln~: ('O~T \ , ...... \ Ju.,t ~iw•d l.Mp Stllprtlf'nl of DESK RI..OTrt:K.q 8lus 111\~l'-IOr aa-thM-'!0.0 Ne•-s-11tnM Bid~. Ne~rt IIINdl ..., .... Balboa leland, 8:30 p .m ., Coar. ,._ Plloae SUO Reef Croaa 'A'Otkroom. 111 Palin, Cmflt. Tenns Balboa. o~n tO a. m. to • Jl m., Brokt'n Lcn11es Duplicated aurJtca.l ~tfUlDJ•. _....;.._,;., _____ ....:.,. ___ _ G~tlng Cal"dt • Great Varitty·of Unutual Glfh ,"WF. lNVI ~'YOU TO BI<O\\'f=F: A.fl.OI'Nn·· c. E. LOUCKS I JIEWIELAV and ITATIONEAV Dlamonda • Watchu · Fine Repollrlng Mione NtQ*rt 1M9·1l 1797-H Newpor1 Blvd., .Co•t• Meu, Calif. aEFORE YOU BUILD OR REMODEL Vls•t our rnttrntlng aamplf' •nd dcaplay rooma. Color guldu . plannlnJI aida, com- prehentlve JtoCk Of ruga. . car~l1, linoleum and Vene· • ttin bllnft. "ua-anti C.,..,et• ,!:lta"-Cf "'•palr'M ( LUDLUM Carpet Works ,. Fran-Fran Lina Of Perfumea Opeu On Balboalaland I Gene Morleghem Zone Ther11pist Spl'CI&list · Balboa laa JUde ro 'QUI glass. flower vases· which , --have be~o~~ encrusted with brown scum, soak them 1n a tio_E_gt ho~ vinegar, t1'\'iD wash in clear water. They'll not . oril y s parkle-they'll • s • e 11 s we t t. an~ fresh. too. stro~g solu· YOUI tA111 lant to•a'-o•• • ltW'S Tit UMl '-0 P u carrots • beans.-squash, be~etiuce, sp1D-. corn. So,s1•• ach.•eloqs~ aar4en your Vioto., • fUD- rull play. 1~ s A1la it • s l\e&lt Y· too it's patr1ot.lc. 4• M when too tbese 4&75. tor 'lio-15 t1ght1nl \.Ot'T• FlA VOI-FRESH · .wttu·s •-vor-rresn "htt~ Bread he b.t t rrtth 8PPeal that ....... 3 a tla. t all ap --••s a bl or t oast en ~-t~eU hs. Per -.. . J. t 's ext r <2. saodrr.tohes teet n ·our·.tshJD a-t.rlched to • Alao, Serv ... Pl .., • r •ztr · " ent,. · thisdeltci 9t • ~ s a t .1 s t o~s • it r.-o bread at ,. 1 n B ."\ . ••&1. evei'J' .. '1 •·•a Balboa