HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-05-23 - Newport Balboa News Times11 SAND CRAB ., SAM I OND8 Cd&Y. PuTap of the Grammar School , $100.0QO bonds, whk:h wu a f~ conclusion, becau.e lt wu betieved the 1l1and and Corona del Mar could eully ofteet tM rest of the d~Rrlct. w1.ll bring partial relief to a ldtuatlon that has become critical. In .ome quarters lt was felt. that the new buUd- lnp wW only care tor the present and that sufficient bondJ oouJd have been voted ·to provic» additions for fu- ture &J'()Wth. However, the trustees cna not leel m ore ~ ~ nec~saary should ~ l.mpoeed and also that a post war slump might reduce the e n r o II m e n t. Whether there will be a slump 11·as &ood a juea..fo r one as for another; thll writ- er betleves lt will be llllht and only so lone .. to ~ ride for tM lnt.ertm between converting plants from war . to peacetime production. + + + .. '1'1111 'l'nleT HN.rd today · Sbat a tank tnlck loaded wtth paroleum had been con~ ,~ to 'the E1 Toro bale arid that' when the tnlck ar- . rlYed the driver was aent to a1 clltaJit l!pOt wtth lnatnlctionl to dwnD hll Jo.d; that wben be arrfwd, there be found JeVeral otber trucks ~ tbe aame ~ Such a re- port bearl lnvstiption and if true the public llhould be a.rou.ect u never before .. Re- ... cently 1n congl'ea a report was made that the 8tao(&ard Oil had been se~ ps and oU to Japan up to the time of hOstilities an<l that most ol the product came from eau- fonua wells. Also that no ef- fort was made to stop the aaJe untU the government or- dered the company to do so. And we talk about a lbort~ , .. for 36 Buy Bonds to End War Qakker .. tbe IWwport harbor diltrict· ~BAI;BOA Hi. the IEEP .POITEI!-· 1 Year ~ • · •• $2.58 ..... Gtlelll .... , .. ~ ........ ,. ,.,.....~ ~EMBR~~A~C~IIt~G~ .. ~-~~...._!:!10~4~. !P~EN~I~N!SU~LA.~JW~IS~Tr__!NE~Wro~~·~T~ ... ~s~u~~~~~~~~_!ISU.!!:!~-~M!!WPOit!!~T!1H!!&I~CHTS.~!:!-~·~~~i.iK>A tsLA.rio:·coRONA DEL MAR. cosTA MESA ... WPCMIT a•ACM, CALI"CMINtAt W.IDAV, .. AY .n , 1144 ~ . •··' -----~ ------- Grammar schOol bonds of $1dO,ooo voted Help, Help! The Sick Need Radioe =~=.., Boat. EXplosion ROcks --·=·:.:.-:-.;:•!'" 0 :::-: ... ,.. ... E_ arl's Landing,· With-.3 .,...,. tN "-'-' JaM _.. the Hen'" .. w ........... ~..... •• , ........... H ·c ft B d ~tut..._~.:. :-.~~~":"' • .-ooa ...., ...... .mw. urt,·.· 2 -ra urne ef t...m eN UMW. .. -., ............. wtl f.-ow tMir .. eM If lMY .... a at ~~--... ·-· ~ Deeieion Almoet Unanimoua--516 to 27 in.Fa· !::.,~ ::::::: .. , \o :n .~·;;~~et\t:"'o~ ..:,::.:,:;-..a,... Alertneuof Cout Gu~ Sencla Fire V_l .. : vor; GOrdon Llndlar~~ Without .. •.;.~~ =;":.."":! ':..:: ~ ~~":C _: "!.!::: . 1 • ~ne and freven·ta Pa.tble rill II" lid ~....., OppGjlition to hool . ~~tt': ~.:!!.~aM -..t..:! ~ :=~ ~; (l~C~ ::! ~~~~: Anaheim Pub6sher . amap ·• 'Phat chlldren of the Newport Beach Grammar School dis-;:"' ..:':!. r:,a.::,.aott.=:: ·~~ t~·~: ~:S~~~IY to~ s.iiR Own Boat · ·I An explo8lon Nrly 'l\8day Mominc at laiftl'•....,. trict will not be'numbered amonc ~ .. foraotten tenentlon" tfte ...... TifMa effloe, .,,, w. !bu.t ta lhf (lr.t thu that tM To Vietorv Here 1711 Cout Htahway, ...-.tM ~rt.e.d m A&" ........ durlna the 1tre1a ol MU"tlme, II clearly manifested by the al· c.t,..l, ,..~ ._. we•u • etA IMti t aect n• pno. a . • .1 ,..:Uon, inJured thl'ft peoolfJ.... damapcl two aoaft _. •••a.. roost Wl8JlimouS vot~ which wu cut 1n favor of the $100 000 ~ ,...., · ,_tht.rn California. 1t ·waa ut.ct . --1 havoc and C'ONI!Pmatlon: 'rM ftTh1nl cnft. .._..,. WM school bonds last Friday. . Tl\8nka,. mlltlefll ~UIOIII thf' •lllh t-. be &tf.rt.d Ted K~. puWII!Mf' ot thf compl~t~y dNtroyed and three ot Cht enw ...... a L l clleol Truatee lllluulte cNJdren from Corona ct.l Mar and N.rnl'uilll. lla'lbu.t, •bile ... A_...lal a.wtl.e. •'• ralee• two to the tw.pita), _ • Re-elected wltbout opp:a1Uoa to Belboe lal•nd. To t8M cere .ol· f Mulc•n baa. ~ IWI and ora~~,_, but ._ Me ,• llukertna K. II. ....., boet owner. lAftc IIMdt ,_ _. ..... ~ t.IM board of t.IM Ora.IIUDU aool this CiOWded condlUon at Ow pne· IAatest WUI 0 ... be• lt •• caaa.ect taat for Ula brtlly ..... Ia a...,.. time O..d\, faCP bum•; .... -....... , Gordoa B. nod~Q, &oea1 bu1Winc •t tlire. four rooma 8N Ia \188 • • ...... wfll be cut at leu( ao per de'• • II« al ...... W1UI late VI· 1• O"NMI a-t&¥, 52l 1M BHnar- 1 11w .... ~ ,.... a.--=.-e!:t :_·Uta~ bod~~~!=.:~~ .. ":. ~=!·Walton Hu~bard,. ;!l !:, .. ~:,~~ :=:,:, = -:·u..--=:.;·.=.:: dt':z~.f~bu0mah._ ,_.. ~1:.!'.'::.:-i\a.:'.:l Ulie. .,.,.._ . Havl"----s u the ~rk:an l.AIIon Hut located neer Uw Jr Is MiMmg . ii" baa bHo briq'q trom • ':.u' t ~ub. 1w r ... •• ttrwt ~ bum. 'I"' ......._ Pwtll,· ... ...,. p~t cf U... board. t.be put Newport ~•ch IIChool. 't1w f<nMr 1 ., • te.Dta. will '-ci!"..,..S \o f e liJit aJ _._ wtUI IAn'J I . ..,., ........ ._. .... ... . • ,. ..p.r,.nc:e 91 Mr nncaay wtU nnaetww baw beftJ IOid ud the ---to JT Nota.' · Whftlar __., ~ Will.._. 8hanl) •rt« I a. -. ........, .M IIW • ...., .. ~-pro.e..., ~ Ia .._ ded • .,... ~n 8ft dtm&ndiaC tbftr Mra. Myrna u-a Ru*"-' • ...._ Ule cue of lilaJdGU white lbiN ... lnu Ollie. ~Marth All ltnor1\l(al, tiM---wen ...._ at~~ ..... ...,,,. - aioaa pandlnJ · • pw;opert •· ~rdlq to Prtadpal ow fill U\a laSe Wattoa "".._"' -U.. pnea wtll '-from ,.,. t.o toor ~-w1'* It __. fill ""* 10 10 ou\ ._ ,._ ...,. ....... ..._. .. .., · ............ ;. .. ,, .. K...,j -()·-· . l">•···-... t « loulb ,_ £;~ It 1o-........... -· --fto---"' hodaot--10o-l,lo--ilo ..... II .. ' • •-v• .U.... u=s I • Oolllpaay, wbca deatll a w..a . • ~ta brill Ia ftnll "-mil... j nltlld .. tJw ......... etart.i. .r.n _. ,._ • a. bou'd wen WW&rd KalJott of EYeD II Uw IChool Wft"e able to aco abedied Ule .tiN 1111.-.r -ura"!fn '-t.uad 10 In a.. ~ ....C. 11 aU• n.. ft'a" ..... ~ 8tnJUt ._ ....... -~ M.ea. a bW.IclliiC eollt~tor JWt anotMr buJ.Idlnc, It would not ana, stated ta a petftka tn... 11'l ftDJe.ci ...... a ....... fill campa.teb' IMI qed ........ -~trice: 111 '"";~~be ·•tllladory 'frqm an educe· nor 'eoart ~ proll&le~~-• s.t ~· ,:':'..!::-" -'--,:: lila .a.. a._ a ,-eo n.t-.1-~ ,_ ..... ..,. rtiCllfWa F ·--• OWMr Uonal atendpotat ,lw atat«<. end ... ._..._ Mr • -Ia •· I ' wtlo 0&1 ,_. 1 t wtUI W1leeler ...... .ut WIIUama b)' llnllth ..., .. uy wu Siftt to store ln Newport Beadl Who to-plana bed been completed before eea fill PGO.OOO. U..t taw,,.,_. for ..!t-.w,. ao."' .ce;.; by • halt ......._ Cole wu Wrd tJW ...._AM Cllf'nmunlty ......... t&ied 301 votea. ~Ul Dew t.arma the wer to enet ~ achool, and wtdaly-lmowa .......,_,..., ·and Kuetlal 4UL. t•l wtttli ottw ~. M ._ 4-r- .,. for three yeara 8oth •• Uw lend· for whlch hu been ac-aacuted·a wtll ~ ~E· PGUM oa .. .,. .-nd u.., . . -~~ -I ~ Mft ...--d •oa UU. ..., for a-qulfoed 'throuch JM foniJibt o/ the ...... bla Wlfe AD iiJi' p ... ta. ~ Tria ' 1....:. »-..-~ 't1w c..t Qu.erd W11lCh OR a ~~·~:==:.:~~=&~_;_;~ fOOd many yeua. Mr. -,~~trick board t1'Wr a p.rlod o( ..wraJ aad n to ble u,.,_,...w ........ ~ft: &. IVJIII'I.,y -;_,Ide .... M .... Be)";"""' -~l .... • ranldnJ eeCODd In ..Uorit)' to yean yara. Martlyn. ~--.Jibe wbllilieiJl R d G • 1'9'---l -:.1 alert, cllecowf"C'd fhr .,...... and lNft, RjJ ...,..., ..... ,-...,....,. Judp Dodre DOW .ervlnr ., Retuma on Uw t'l«tlon show the a .lara• _... ""-bar ...U. ' • "~'~~" IOIU 8fl'tt•thr .flrt-boet Jo tt. ~ be-Communlt.)' hatptlal chairman. I • totaJ vote on the bondl puWnJ 511 aDd wOJ .... .udftl' IliON." I , . ross 8 Do' dek s• ... -for,. rail• bqan lo CIIIIW In ,..... ~ ~ ..... . Plana For lcllool vot~ for and 27 &Jeinat. Nt'WpOrt I Tille wUJ, llat.ed Mre .... ...,., ~ UJ8 WI~ por1i-c the ·~ N-pon ..,. ln ·a.n ... · AMI Tbe Dt'W ec:bool for wblcb ~ Beach ~" voted 1458 yes and 15 .... )eft wtUI Mr. Hubbard'• ,.. d B k --. -r • and apecltlcaUona are drawn up, no. 16 C«on& del Mar and Bal· tter, Dr. Welton HuWI&rd ot LM OouN4r .. unonc t~>e .... -... t will be located betWet'.D D&hlla and I boa laland.• the enthuaiurD ... \ .............. placed It Ia a .... 0 an Des.loe.at'-e. Costa ........ ,. H I CaruaUon 11treet. jua aouthetlllt of Mil more 8pparenl with ~ for· dr&_,. at * boma. ,.._ • "-~ ale .... • t-......__ -ar 0 0 tbe ma1n hlpway In CoroDa dal mer rqlate.rinc 215 vota few ... ..-t able• lilu bMo aoat.,,..._ · ~ I ;J Mer. Tbe bu1Jdlq wW oootam a Cllll7 8tfbl apiDIIt.. Tbe ltlland bf7 .-.,.., '-n ~ ~ .. ~ h ne ..,....., pc ' q, at .... , o· llJncSu'prten n~Gm, to r:ecuw-count revMJed 133 for and four veiUBQy. -. es ~re ..,._., N.Wport' 8 Jln.n _. · c&a.room.a, edaalDJ.traU.. ~. aplnat. tiM banda. , · A wm d&W·Noe rw •· . ~ ...,.._ ,........_ ..., .... u, a . COID~ID4lloD cateterta audito-ll8ilt OMela 0 . L•• awle to 'Gellr ....... W . 'f. zrt - f~r COrona del . Mat riwD and .no ~ona Ia ~~~~~~--;i~~ijii~-.~~ii*===~~~~ti~~~~~~--~;Z::~;.;;~-..;~~~~~~~ji.~~~~~ tom1a! Why not, when one l lawa. J.. of u . u at a. ... u.. aetat. to tat. ,...,.. r.-ua" ......_ July 10. o... ,, tM IM8t ..._ ......_ .;. ,..... ., • ... • of the-leading purv~yors ~ral.ely two and one-half 8IC1"M wiD dw 0tiaa1 CommUt~ to obtela A.a1W1c .~etten fill ..... ,.. an ...... ..,.,pleted tollowlntr a atlon .......... ..,_ ... 000. ,.._. lo .-Mn Ia ,_,.., .. Lb1 ............. .. shi it b d' aurround t.tw bWidlnJ. . lpriorttift oa mew,ub, ••••• Uon. 111M ..-ed U\a court to 8llt a 111._ lileld rrtclay. May tltb, Ia AIUI~ ._... da&le an In -•n•k• It• bow to Ule ,..-., ... n. r.a~ _. 1ae .... ps a ~ + + ~ to 'reuev~ the c:Onges~ School Principal Horect-Ena1cn. Ume for provln.: '.the feet 0' Ule &veal Reel .c!re• htadcfuart•"'· t"f'OW. Uley .,. ~ 1o bf! eom· •onmlnr ,..,,...,, w""' · Harlo'a ~--=~=~~~SI~~~~~::;~ J10il cT ~I:Jtftt'nt, Gfam mnr ~ piMA J .. rwm..-. ~ ~ric. d+tltrif't ptl'tPd'Wtttl ttttlla ~-• -l KHO'ftm. /111 11~1'1'-.qfle i'riiiiii,l HeroW Sold by a Cat.. . Tbe ~ey I school Iocateiii in Nrwport BeliCh Sc:hool H~ PJannln& CommJttl!'f! Th• peUtloo I IU tH a...d fill Ule fJionl1 Bonftf" l'#rvlct'. tn lhf ntJter deal. Or .,.,....,..., 8&1_,. Jel.ud . ..n .. r UM' O..ll ftn:;y hu .......... t pn•lt81• l'eed._Stpre Abbott of Cblta which hAS capacity of 1!00 studn~ts in Sacramento nnd thfo Boan:t or tertnJI or the t'lltate: Rep! ~ liNt wtt11 Jurt•n lAr,.ntun, 1 ........ <..'i-awfont, .,.-en.t . ....t bn • u., ••·•'I · ~o-111 lflart ..,.,Ina mMI& ..,.,. at ra,__t ,..._ ,_ Mea persua~ Miracle Mile but whlch now has ·an enrollft'lent School Architects ror their 0 . K. ty. W .OOO: money owlnf, NO,oi»; R..r cr.. chatmran. •hl.l mrmbo•I"'J hu•banol, r fll. ~ A. Crawford I Ttl# rellt4UII"'lnl, whltb Ia bo1~ yf.-t~.t• aiWt pnNII .... eo if" ... J efterson to sell that triangle I or OV('r 1000. th~.lll\e or tht' nt'W A 'meet in& or tht' grammar ~hool' lltocka. $168,0QO; otht'r pnwallal C1(--.n~. who will hiiVI' .. din I ~&.nil Sift ""d Mra Arthur Newlun '" • bulldlnr rec'enUy JM.Ir1·~ Hartl., dl.trkt ..... ,, .. at all DeW' \he Alpha Beta,' has just litructun-Is the logical. pl&Ct' due board wiU be held on Friday at 11 property, 17.!W)O; probabl• unual chi,.. of arrang•m•·nl• •rf Blllhf'la ldand h•vr JM.Irrl Ul'd I.•V Jll11.vor '-1YaJI Hall, hu boo••,.,. .u-a .... clwtf 1e ....... . come to light. Now Jeffer· to thr fact it would can' ror p. ~p. 1o canva¥ tht'.~t ~~te. jlnCOIIll!, ll.MIO, lire.. VIctor Gran • will ••·t llJI Ula propal'tJ. • 1at.11 .. ,...., •n•l m'"''""''·ln cnra.l ~d _while, with fonnu urown ~dill, ..a.. • 800 is an ardent lover of cats --~-I dla.-&D for thl~ "P'"' tal Hl'<l !'I riA, .. rt llouln ard, IK'C'llpl••l for "" '-blu lA war1-rolora and .....• pUIC m&at•r of u. eu1IMr)t ut. and dogs and has been T c . 5 II H So th Co ~ t Co C... nnt. and will bt· uMa\rd " num'"'' ul ,..,.. b)l Albt!rt • ""'" ••.la llona f•n 110 d or,.. Yo< d Mr 8c-hwarta bd..,_ tMl Ill .. -known to stop his car and . • U 88 • I by Mre. Qlkl\, Mn• Ray Alv .,-,1, Out1fok'a fWd aod Wblu Qroo,.ry •• .,.,.,ad catelerla ltylt from' 811111· rtv• U.. ~ of IN ..... 0. ~ succor a starvmg kitten. He--om I arson e s . IS I La h YMS 451 1 clWI"'D&D ot NUTHII Alltii'Jt Mr• Hlm'f' lJr. Crawford who ..... : '"" monrl lllfllal n .unh•r•. wiLh a ,_,. .. Mar, Balbo& and \Ill ... cently a Utter 01 .kittens ar· ' ~ I unc es wc.t 8taaley, co·rhlllrrnn .. , ,lhr trf'nlf'ly npUmlatle abnut lh. fu· .s. ... p ··ont.ainf!r '"' rnld dl.t!N, llllt'fl ol u.. Hattlllw ...,..., rived In the rear of the feed F 5 B . . . C..'-Corpa; and Ml'll Jao. 1111'" .. , that are. .... annoruDo·..J l••l'kf'fl In 11'1' '"'" .. ll!rior hu llntlllpt aecP.tftc:tetlt ...,..., atOl'C antl Abbott, t.•~·uy and t • . I With Mra. Rc;bert L. Boyd o1 s...-cara... cl;laJrmar~ "' ,t .. rr u · lh•t plana "" 111 Ute ~~~~If tor ~n alt.rlll.:Uv•ly -..,...,.. ...... -and• 1\ta ptalt I• lfi' .-.a ,.. ,_..-~lUI amous ag USiness I Q)ron& dei-MJr, .. "PIII\IIOr, South MMIIta. rf'motl~llna ol OM build ... with •• WI><Jtlfn rut -uula mal'!• b)' l'llOrdl. Lh• .n.mu.n and ..ne ...... smUlS •. ~lde:erethe, brougs•-~~~caredanimaColsr • 1 Oolult Com.,.ay W1't Mother M~41 ..,..., Ia a rath•r 1111",.'"1 run. J.>o•rllf'" •t u• liM' complett. ,.,_ '"Y· 1rve lh,. name l.n .WI• lattera. •vntll lata In UM ......... Pl ..... '-U&~I.U I tor 'Mint' !wf'e~r down the W&)'8 • .,,...... to lht' Hnlwtr tl_llll.rlt-t," lomf'try otftc.. Mr. ~>\adell will Whllll thla. •• tbe nrat C&fal.e11a lty t.o lila •• ,.., wan .. ., -- them . This ·so touched the Tom Cl.nlon for lDO~ than Ul prt.e. btlt modteUy •Y• Mr. Blla on Saturday, ltlra. Boyd who ..-..,. Mr. u-ntun. "br<·•u'"' th~ r11nu1111., to occupJ U.. "nperty to r•om .. hue, anothe.r fMtUN t.b&t Y&Jua to Ballloes.:.... Ha .... sympathies of Jefferson, who 1 ted · t th eorDe ._ Ule one wtlo tmow• bGW to nm tb-, wile of th• bead of «hedullac ' Oeor Ualt. arr cl<*'l)' IJ(IIIilf'd for untn Jllly 1 • .,.... .., npect. to ahoulol appaaJ to hitndr-Ydll, ~ t • sta1.ea 1ae wtU ......_ • i1 a member Of the sheriff's rea;; OC& rt ba e: eam~ al~ · t.be ~ at the yard. wu a.llll&.llted by litllael tht ......... Cftllera" 11&11,. a Wf0 ..,-...s rftlt • I "kl!•ftllt .. rvlc• nr" ea-rol• Car· Moada.y8, Utut • ~ humane squad, that tJe J.Ls.. ~ ... ~ · beu: ~ P with To Canon hu been a plctur· l'!Jwanda Jotuaeton who •"ed u l I'IM 1ocaJ R.cl Crou ~ r.quu t· . _ ~ -' lon," which lea conlalrMtr ~·t t an w11a •II au._. _,. .,.. ....._ tened to' the importunities of wtat!:e~: to~ u:;:r~f "-e.qu:cltlzen bere tor years, .tart· her matd-of·bonor, 'MM ablp wu edtlllat a unit comf' her? And ...... : 8o t Owne • to . -• ~~bo~t~~y!llm~m: pt. ht. variou• ~~ anterprlllt'e, ln.twiiJ! :~;:o~= :.d ~ c:~ r~t!t!61~ paid UMI :u:::a~~: fo:'.c!~d':' a n c d Cl 9 c . . Since the ale Abbott has ~ s~ur:."'= .!:Ill~.~~ ~oct ~eo.J bouknrd oppoatte latf Walton Hubb&n:J by Hubbard! .... tMt appolntm..,ta l'&n ~Meet May 29th antan 0 u ·. oncert beeJi offered rofit h' of BelltlQ,Yer tt e McFadden pa..rklnJ pl&ce. He Howl!. J~ra.l manacer for tbe ....._ . , ~ --. tJ.eP uu! :::e ~ Tbe pure:~. whlcb lpclude. did not care to dlvulre ble future company, who a.cted .. muter~-na. unl,t wUI. ht' In llw Harbor 'nl~ dal.e ... ~ for boldlnl( c· I d T . Hall deal, and ~ ' the f llq ato botel and plan• but Damt' Rumor ay• he ceremonl... Mr. Rowe -.td be •• ,,.,_ 10 o clock until 2. Ju 11w --' met~~U~W of Ute Boat OWn· noble ldndneu .to anlma1a II cock~~l\u ~d to~ the loor· hu ~IJ)e defln. ite ld .. Ia. ~-knew lhat WaJtoa would waat ... IJ, ad eu •rve twenty appoUk· el'll" ~ .... ·a-en naed, lt. one u es own most apPe8llng, one must not eat tn the c~t)'. · dou 'not Include n-way that be· wtll annouace eryoot' to c....-ry on and u-. ~ .. -. at • ~mt'. 10 thf' quarte~l wu ann~ '-Od&J. Tbe plac:• • for&et that both paries'to the th• re&lty but the new ownere libortly. The Star comer ta ,.. Mt memoi1al to h1lll ,rould tit to .-ell wtll be a.t up ltl lite N-· will lw U\a A-nc:.a LeciCifl hut transaction dJd not sutter ln have a tbree-yeer 1-00 the pl'ded • one of u.. moat popular flnta tbe Job tba~ bt bad lt&rt.ad pit ~h Grammar SCbool.1 1 at Newport &Dil &be da&e .. Mon-With th•· 111•1 not«' of tti,. fln•l .. Th,. Tt'\UTI ter'' br Db, ~ a monetary way. About time bulldlnra. with opUoo tor 20 yean in the Harbor area. wlga all:'~ aae,.t•. . ~d wbo wtll. ~a:'•'," bl:;' t!: •y. May .._;!.T:IO p. m . Dla· Ml''"''' Ill th.-C.nl•ndo d uh'a 4.'0n·iof the .,,.,: .. by 0. ... ..; and =~v:e:k?~e·Kind·to-Ani~ ~~=:.:·te:.r~:n:..te !:e~:: • 1 ~~\A.,.at tb:-·fo':!~oa-"~~~: IAI ~ ~ :,ft!e ;v~ Ull!lr j ~:~·b<:t •-#!.1"~~~, ~;,~~~~;~~.:~v:!:l~~~ ~~~!~~= "~ ~~!U~~ .,; a..:.a.:· + + + Southern ~ .. In santa Ana. the Navy Wtves Can '::'~t!~,wldow, Mrw. Mynaa Low ~~ ant!rll ~blf' ahuuld ·bnaa flftty _._. Lu tb• nrhh•YI'mt·~·· of lhto Nt'Wport Hn· Dldc.rl p,..,...,.tad • =-.; 8oiDe llaeer. Ted Kuchel Brue Rail at Laguna Beecb ..id IN G ( Fun~ d It;; · we~ on U.e platf6rm lor e nwn • . llfllllllon. • • • bur Ktw~tnh• l'luh, r .,.,.. '" " •\Jc•·lhlah IOC'hool telrl• rrona a..c. Alia. nmT as good a race as h is U'te Buckaroo al &llnower: ail of OW e . 8 'I Ct'T'eDICifllea. • ····"lui ·~vmplt•ll;m knltWtl .. ,. lla"'**t'(\ft. 'l'ht7 betler kOOwn brother, Tom· which be cll8poMd 0( before enter· I From HullbJes • • . p lam t···o on Popp"-Day ( 'l~·nlnll "" f'l•hruury 1111, wlllt Wf'ff' Jllf'ulna both In ... anct·· m_v, just'rl'e-flected to the I~ the army nearly two yeare l Patnc'Ja Parkl:' roc a n. ~~ ''"' 'll•l•'fiiUill't' "' Juhn "· tlul(t'N .... l)f'llrii.OI't!, Audr~ ,..,..II ... It " te ~ l a.,o. -I e n11''"1 , .. ,1,,. , ... w. ,.,.,rrwntatur un•l lhr 1olet10 r ... t1wm, 'ftw quert.-tto state 9eD8 • newspaper· Mr. Hila wu • phyaklan ud Wlv .... and famllltl not tom~· Elected to Office I WHEREAS. thr W orld torlnv II' nt ttw I'I"'!UUf"flllll~.. llt'W'i itnlll)\f, 1111• Tuwn llroll lift' l!t mnl1(' Up o/ M•rjorlf' ~. man won a sailing rvent ~un· Joined the medical corp•. &ut wu Uon the aavtnJ• a.rcount In tht> , I awaJtJn., 1\ rlerision tx-twN:'n th~ nnnlf"ft oJ l)rnlfw-r;wy "'nl•"l '" olul1'•·~>"1,,. "JliN'IIr,n..·,., t ·,.rol Jl'fln burrowa. M" r Io n day .. not becauae he Is a I recently given an honorable d l•·l net.hbothtii"Ct bank of mt'n ·In 1 At U 'S C ~ , ~ f twtt .•·•h•·• l•lc 111r•·"· Murwl~t·•••·r (;. .. ,r,,. 11nl1 MarjrN'Ifo MaJtb)'.1lN>tr member of the ha rbor comJ charge due \o age, Mr. Zalfl.row Navy IM'rvke may now gel l!Oml' • • • I ~ntt'd lly thf" Unltf'rl Nntlrms. nnrl lhP f'Vil rnJ'I'f''\ 11 1\•tll)'. ··•hltll lit lht• 1.1111 Alll(t•lt• .. 111111 """lP W IUI partk-ttlllrly ,.,.. missio n, bu't because h e put ~~ ald ln caring for th~ .enter-of tho,. gr'('"nhacka the mt'n ovt'r· --tQ.talltarinnlsm l"'('prt'SPn tm hy I hi" Axi!'J)OWOI'l', I h•• llllf • 1 lltth .,.,.,.., un1l 1". ,.,, .. 1 l't•ly· Juy•'<1. l'iM'IJII~tlna at "0...-fl Putplf'" m ore verve a nd en ergy into I -. . --~ -~u ll~ Itching to .-pend bill h&Vt' F:ltctfd Vll't' pr~dent of .....,_ ('f)f1'le of whlrh w ill nrf('(·t our JivN< n ntf f'Xiortf'nn• fl)r II 7•llflt•l' 1 '1111•' t'tti)Hillll~l unrl no•h·· It)' Jl••trr lit• ttl~. "Wh,., Johnny ·the race, than his 'opponents. J • t• S •t notblng, to buy wltb tbem. • lalt'<l Women Stu<le.nlll at the thousanrl yt'ars. stnri . . ,.,,11111,..,,,,,,, :0.:•· 11lh••r .,.11,..,n ('nm•·• M11r1'h ln" Jlr"'w" .. nIt Ted s Anaheim ~.ttte is DJUnc 100 Ul 1't\P Nflvy_ Departmf'nl hu !let IJniVf'MIIIy , Southern Callfom1a I WHEREAS. I.n m('mOry nr lh~ mf"Tl wt'iC/ ~liVe Uti•! I ............ ,, ""''" 1111•111'1/1)' rtr IJtllhnnl "Rmttk': G~l .. In Your Jo:yr ... " Ule oldest ih the tounty and Fi;'led' A • t up ~ ··pe·l"'lonal cu h remltta.nrl'" 18 Plltriclr• Parke. llau~rhtt'r of. Mr. lives to Amrrlra's f'alj<;(' In lh•· Fil'>f W nrlt1 War. lh•· ·t••lfk•·r' I" '"'' ll'l'''"'' I''"'""' llt~hfll(hlil t•n Ill" t 'llnlrtnclft dub h I I r th gains l!ll!rYICf' by wl'lrh re(Uiar .n~t·l •nd ·Mre; F . J . Parke. 104 VIa wearing o f the M('morlnll'oiiJIY wu-. alluptf'(lll.'l a Tlttin~ '""' 'lllilftotl lottll •·•lts•·rtllllfllt l "'' }lmlo(lltlll lndwlt'(l "A I.Jtl&. (..'k-at,• the e lder Kuc e e t . e F•fth St. St . mt'nta and family aJlowancea may \'I'll a; Lido 1•1~. Newtl(>rt Beach. and effective WRY o f k<'f•pin~ thu'" MMnory bri~ht .Hml l"•llllflf) \ I"""''"'''" iiS· t h ,.j r llnnnuny" ".Y ( :t>offtt•y O'IIIU'll boys a heritage that h as re-I ore ~ &Ugtnf'nlt'tl by' pe"'oollt'l fiVI'r·l ~. lal#ll Womt'n Rtudmta I• I""'" .,,. 'lb,l•on• "' II•·IA. .. {'.'1'"'' whlfoh tlw ·.·l•tlt rt'lf''h\l•il •lu .. to r n· veaJed stamina and charac. __ .fr l aea•. . . tbt' rrovem1n1 body which handlea dear. And "·" 111 ''~··II '"1•1•••· Ju~llflt·utlttn ,,, •;uf'f'. L~ th4 •]uJ All 1)4.1y on tfw:- t.er In Tom and Ted. ~ ..FUtb. Sl.tftt Stot:e... bOl. Navy. CoUl GuardGDen and "" m•ttera conumlnc w~ WHEREAS. our prcscn A LL.World WaL.ll(cJrt ...-~ ""' • ,,,., •·'IJ•·olh·rl 1111 1tu· T(own ~rnlrlv l•y 1111\111 Wt1•"1 1'hfl ac· ~ • ~ • South Broadw•y. Lo• Angelta. to. Manne8 1'~CIYe '&IIY QUrtiulfenllt whlr.h doee not coaM u*r quirett the &arne ttnMI•Ifish rl••vntlrm llnd potriotlun whkh JI,,IJ "'''''~ · I•'C1Ion~.ll "''' l!kl11humu" w~~ the Poppy Day. flll'bis ann\J:Rl day wu made ddeedllnt In a r ov· tll•bur111n,t'6ftlcer ten ~-or• the autbttr1ty of the atudent_ bodf• 6ur Anned F ort'('S havi• 1'\'1'1' rl i-;playc'Ci, und whkh •~ Au• I th•• t':.nlrw•lu "'"'' , .,11,.,.r1. Vt!lt·,.,. ,,, u1,. tl11m 1•.n•·ll,.a M~ event put on by the AUJ(il-emrrt'nt autt uklnf for an ln· mort', In mu1tlplu ••f 15 and rill prelrldt-nt antf Ill c<mpoet><J •Urely again evidenced th'roughout I hr Worltt; 'llltllt"l"ll ''" "''n•·" w11 h fit I ~~n~· "'~tin.: ",,,. '""'' wt·ll ynjoyed. 1ary or the American Legion. juacUon acatnet vtolaUoo of mu-out • 8lml>le form ot women. I NOW THERF:Fnrn:. I. Cl)an II Jlall . MAyor or flll' ,., .. llfttl•·l IJu tlllt"''""' ,,, ll••rlH•rt ('fl .. rlt•\ ""'""''''' "' ('atlm~an'.tt I.'Tf'at . . raises funds Cor a mast lmum prlrl! ~ruJatlooa Tht' com· Tht' fonn le forwardt'd to the Mla f'arke.,.la. member~ Del· Ctty ol N~ BMwh. ht•lh•vin~ that t~ Ml"mory or "'' kt•l Wit• It III'W lotlh polnl In ''"' c•hmul t'tlmto("''''"'' "t:lory" wu worthy cauae and when the p·alnt tru IUed in U. 8. Dlatr1c:t P'lt'ld Branch, Bureau ot &lppttea la Gaauna eorortty, PllrateM, Sacrlnce on beh rtlf of thP Naljon ~nuJd ht• kt'l'l t•vo·r I Jt~~l•or l'lulo'" tnU~<kn l ''liiM•rl•·nc·t• I•UfllC will• ull(l•ll Ilk•' t.onf'a. ladi-come-around this com· Court by the Ottlct of Price Ad· and Account.. OevelaD4. Obto, YWCA, and tbe eopboiDOI'e aA4 bright and clear fr)r tht' lnsplrntlo n rlf UJi niJ , c1o U'l(f' nnd T01t rnlJI'h •·n~lll runnut llf' I(IY••n Thr f~tfll&nm c'londudo-d with tJMo "'"' mlllt.atratlon. I where a ch.c:k 1e d\.epatched to tbe 1UDior'l cluba. A• t. a ...... _,;_1 to ll l d A · t (!it tht M l'r•·•lr1f'nl flltbo"f1 Jt•,lllnwad anrt "I.>!IK'""'" <l1on1A" fr-om w__. • . ing weekend do not t um In .tbla flnit aucb actloo ••aln.at dealpated ~Yt!'t'. member fill tbe 80-Red ero. .an,t 8~ 8 8 n<-el"'(' an I nit' rTli'M('tiM 0 w r ' I'· hi~ t11r•·•·tor•. 111lf! ... ~tally ~~~r,. "T onnhiiUIM'r". 1~ d'* bad • ..._.. .a-•• but buy a Nd ... · and 1 -·--moriaf Popp. :&toh Frirtay anrl Saturday, May 26th 11nd u.au uuwu a 111a)or dep&rtmeol ~ tn '11M. ra~~ltlallct' plan abo pro· I a an.,_. Am&801l. Uau '1119~ . ••1 .._.._ to Poppy c .,J .Luca11 11nd J~t~•k R.llub, fOf' lhf' ~tUC·I t II~IIIIHilC" In thlll arand ....,. poppy .a.od help them swell "IIOut.berD C&llfomla. OPJ.. antorce-videa .for. the purc:bue at wv ElecUne ..-&~I.e were _, 61 giv(' 018 l'(enerou.-..y as &Uifllt', bled-~..,.," (..,.,.. ·ot th«' T11wn lfall whlr-h h&A lbrr of lh<· lf•rmunc.-uea. It "u t8e fwld. mant attorne.)'8 cb..,.,e Y.• eatab-1 bonde, which are e1uMr -t to a May tt. Jnata.llatlon ot . Ji\andl lch go to war 's llvln~ vidima. ~ Yeter· hi'Y.Uiht mon-thAn 11500.00 Into th,. • acrand final .. lo a ma.t t"lliOI.t.nt " Uallment wtU! aelllnJ utJclee• at I desipatt'd ,.,_n 0• beld tor ..r .. wtll be Mid JUDe 1. ..,._ and ~t famllk-tl, nnrt ful'thft' to th.lll end 1 l"lub'• tn"'IJJUry, In •~tton to ,llf't·l proecnun • llllEADY FCH' WOIIIlK J'l'¥ea Ia ace. of tapl mu.bDum kt!'t'ptq at u-. ~ Raer-ft ' J do hereby proclaim Friday. and Saturday, May 26th llniC • pt~t fOf' f'lvtc nuhll In • ----- I &ID· patfeetl.J wtDiq 1o tab ceUiq pr1cN. l Bu.k Ia Clavel&a4 and 2"fth, to~ Poppy Da)'l' in the Newport HaJbor area. Nommunlty, ~-I Oonnec:tf'<l w1UI t.be o--.tter- m '-l f1/l't ._ tt.e ...... but our jolt tt .. aJeo cbel"ft''1 UW..the Nf'e • __ 0.'-d at 1M Oty of Nft'I')Of1 S.m. lla)' 23rd, 194-4. Undl'r t.hr , dll'f'Ction of Mr l •ld fnr thl' put two IDOftOie et ._ t~y ta to lake 9Ur ,coat. off 1o f.u.d to uee prtoe control racula·l 'Mre.. Harold W. Jl'eb tBarb&ra 'nae ea~~~erae ln .,.. # CLYAN H. HAU.., Mayor. ~k~T,~nd wllh Oviathw• Rft'fi ut •• mt~nlh,. Mlj oum ID Ool&.a the ~ . ......(Wt c . llolt. (llmall Uone to ~liM It• ~ DuQ&ap) .,.. am..tt In PIIQMel-"UptafJIC'' "'U. Att.l: ~~· lh~ club ~ IU w-. Mnt. Pbllllp DtcU. aDd war PII:IU ~· w ... Jpncw ~ euiDIIIOdttiale ..a.~,1 ~~ 8be baa jo4ned her bu. I caD,~ UN VranPr L. ~rt. Clerk. ~-.J Ha.-..1 __ .~'!...~~ •1 ~ N~1.~ve ~.. t.o u..tr D. c. . er.d or oa....s for .... b)' tt.. band. to ~-· .......... ,........ ... " ....... n ... ._...-.. ~rn~r• """'" ... • ..... ,.r, -~ ftP'I'· . . . \ / A IA'C1ure - F ... titiNJ a. ..... tatt 14-if'h•·•: Ptnf'felm• . .-;_...,.., "' ,~ ..... .. , liar,.,.., Murri .. ..._ C .. S. el (ltif'lll.,• lllhmie .. --------~~~ ·ANGLJINQ .AROUND CaiJey -Rest Roams -Uw Batt SCOTT'S LANDING IAaftl I:Jt A.JI. NO" OPEN IRVINE-L a.w ..... -Motor ......._ Bait AftllaNe GR.L tun-..... Oruce.I11S·J ·•· or Loll Aap~.PA tJQ --BAL&oA ·~MOTOR .CO • . \ . 1'0111. Ba,-Ave., ~Whoa Gefteral Automobile and Marine Repairinl'. Marine Eledriciana Available FendeF Body Work Refinlahinr . . ZoDe Tbera~pMiy.lllll•ecUiricai=llr"­~~.uup._..., . l \ •P· Hydro 'lbenp,- Silt'dal Trftlmt'nta for ~rweJght A Undf'rwtldu Gene Morleghem 20M ~rapist ~Jill IWiboa ... BNJ Teleptnaa tUI I ' l \ ILEEIEI TISSIIE •n .TilliE. • .. I /~ -----'-----...,.....::._.......:~-----------1... ...... 'ftll wu llbowa • a oa.aty, ~ •• ~a-.. ,..... • ..._......._. ,..,.._ raUoo 'F.port -...cs . to. ~n••~ft • • • ./ day by PauJ B4tbdale d'OIT, OPA. lnJBJI:CT to tiM ~-1 te, , ~ fit a. ..._ ol 1.-Pum.tC NoTICU ::,:--.,: lie tall •. eondltJorw. J"Nee'\'&Uolq'" N-• --· Dee=. ~JI~YURNID VITIRAN$ e t,tiN 26 AND OVER e ·M.IN ·JN ClASS ,4·' · . ' SERVE AMERICA AT ~ . . . dJ.utct raUon chief. Give DoUart to Uncle Sam wi\Ut' I )'Oil eur Buy ·wn Bondi! "'"· AIU,.... ~~~-~ ...... · ttl Narcl-• .Aw. New~ 1t11 CaroAa hi Mar N.D. CASH D. Y. M . DOG aftCI CAT H0...1TAL. &anu AN 1141 1114 &a. Main ft., &attU AN, Calif. , ~rlcUona common to Ul .. -... .,_A.RD 11: OR T -----J---.--KJtell ... lll·ll Apte A".; ... • ·--. _ .., -. .. A. 'u 1 nd ....._,11 fomla, ttlbl 30th. oay nt M~. · · u'Cteflned Iii· the deed h'DIII the ••• ... _.. vnue, p a . ~ . l!M-4 '"-lllaad. ! .O..t. ntwt ~ It iav1D1• 8&Dk ot A~y for aald ll!ur utor. I St-all . • R J . Smith, FOR· iAr"i · .\tJioa - Paadena far Lot 21 1a ~ ll'lrlt p.tlikat6on: May 18, 1844 C'ounl)' CJrrk of 1hfo Sup-riot ~::-:::-:-:~------- "1", ~ol'l!ed tn Book 4to, Pace' llut publication · June I, lHt. ~ourt ot the Star~ o1 CaltfomJa, li'OR IIAL& -1111 IWU&o ...... 124 of I>Hda. recorda ot <>rap In lind for thf' ~ounty of Orllnlf'. I • pod .aotor, pod,UrM, •. C&U County, California. 8UIIIIION8 By· A. L Hltch('Ut'k, [)pputy. a lter 11 p m. Jt. 1t. Coa, lJa m, I Vacant lot. I Jill e . C!lll Jill..._ lltb at,, Coet.a ... -. 60-a&. :rERMB AND CONDITJONB OJ' APPEARANCE: "A deff'nct.nt SALE: Cub, lawfUl =oney ot U...IJif .,_ IR7PEJII08 COmrl' OP' I IJPHrl In an aC'1lon whf'fl =· li'OR 8AL& -ltU llulell ...... United 8tatea; eertlfled cheek f(W ftiC ftAft OP' CAI.D'O&NIA ·~n. dftnun. or JlYf'r t'he p1 • etta, 2·tone ,._, pre-war U.., 109'.-·to accompany lacb. bid. and IX. AJfD roa oTd OOITMTY tltf writtm not~ ot hta " ,... ~. "-'•· ~· atrooaa. WilL C'AIUD raft ..a diiN,_ ........ .,. A ....... ,.. ..... tit OllroMdD at .. · ..... .. .... WIU. CAM J'Oil ~- • ...... t .. **-.., ..... PboM ,,..., .,.. • ,. .; A* f(W tr.diltta. Ill ~ ..... .. balance on conttrmaUon at .ale. or 0&.\MOJ: anc'f', or wt1ft1 an attonwy p" dllloned. A·J eo.cliUIIft. 112 11:. --------------"---------...._ ....._.. ta tile ....,.._, nqttc:. Of APJM'IItllnt'f' for him " a.7 Av. ... W •"-I :IO,p. OMit et ... C..t)' of Oftllp, I 5«. 1014, C C" P. I -. . 40.1(p . port.... . ........ ' _, Oa Jl&lat f1W Ia ... Ot· ~n (W drmur1'Y'n m~t t. P'OR ' ._ et ... elerll ., tile _,..,.., In wrtuq. and tiled with thfo IALI:~JNI · N.-...... ~ et .at c-ty. C'Jtork. Good tlt'M. lood _..u.a, MIG. ~~~~~~~ .......... ~~ ·Attention' ALBACORE FISHERMEN! ,..,... ......... ..,~ .............. '!!.._ol Nil& 1.-............... Clllllk .. 1DcJ1 ... .,.._ ~ T• w11 ..... b ,. 'tlrfllllll ...... ................. ,.. ...... ~ ........ ,.... ... _ ... ...., ..... .. ......... ... of TWIST 012 l'feowport ..... o.ta ...... MO ........ IC~-. Pub.: Apr. 11. 11. 2!\; MQ' 2, t , 11, ..._. Jlf.arpolt lllao:W~ U.~ K a...._.. PlaJntltf,. VII. 2:\, 30; JUnt' 5: 12, tM4. · -c..&-. ... I QAJAJ!f I. R.EACER. n>A 8A ............... "'J a....... • .... -·oL IOHN DOE and JANE DOE. Jlfe. A lllfl ~ ..... au... ..... ~ o.t ... ta. , • NOTICI: '1'0 CDUI'I'OU clarall6e .......... ...._, ... -:W::' t • •• 11m PEOPLE OF' TK£ STATE F.STA'I): OF RACHEL C'ft08S r-t.ber·upllollrleioy.,.,.... ott ..a W OFCAUF'OJUIIIA ~END OREf:I'·ITWIST • ..-kMIN • RACHEL a 7 -·. 111 .. , a. ~ ' 0. A. ...... •• -,. .. IH-TO ....... ,.,r a c 1Wt-,_.,_ ... won -.-v ''t.lllt=f ~ .. .._ : UU..IAN I. ru:.o'""l:oft, .. oa., ... ~ .. ...,. M-. · • U ·ll· '---r__...---., ____ .......,.._,., JOliN DOE and JANE DOE, 0. NCJnCE IS l!£REBY 91VEPf ,--------------------~ lti.danta. to the credUora ol ud aU,..._. -- 'lou ..,... dlrf'<'lt'tf tu ap~f ill havlna ~lrm ••nat tbe ..W ._ R A D J Q 8 B"R V ) C B • 8diaft brouaht apl,.t you by ~~ or Mid 111tate to II'-U.. lilllw, Auto, a~art. .._ ......... .,.... 1111111* "--.,... ~ • ,.,,,-t abow· nanwd plaintiff In tJw ~t·~ ~l ~;ala:= . Bart B. Norton . . ....... d ' ftu' Or. If jiia,.;. ~~ c:'~ot(c!~.,.S~ Caur1. ott~ ~OWl~)' tt;; ~. lUI o.i.IC ......, .... ,_., -~ .. ....... ... Cllllblt ...... t 1 • .. .. .... ...., ........ ,.. .. .. ..... t(f, .......... 70'1 ............ .... ..,.., Alae ... .-..-.. - ;.,., •• a twta acmr .....,, ...._ ....................... .w.,..... ..... l\ *fti&.M ~·andto~hcont-..._at Call~. • to~t ... .,.... • ....... * ~. thrrrirt within • ., .... u.. _, wttl\ Oie·-...-.,. Ptof ... ·.;anal ni__..1, . .L--· the ..me. on you ~ thlll Y'OUC.'hen. tO'Uw ~at ttw ~ u~""" , If wnred wtthlrt thP undf'nl • aar ol buaSJWN. to- t¥ I ac a-.1~ · If...,...,..._......_ ud.,.ou ,BtAiet .... ta ~. Callt .. wfthln Cot;loaM.C..U..,,M.D. 1ua Mllilllr ~ c 0 , . 80llf..S Uwt .._ you ao aalonx ~~~.at~~ flnot publica· ,._,...._ &N ..,..., • _.....t..L........_.c...-ftrdtM and a.-w•r •• abo¥r rto· t "'hna not-. .. _ ................ , ... .. _,.. .. ., ......... ..,.,_ -.,_ tM ...-.ut wtft talu-Judi· 1 O.ttd Na7 15th. INt. ,....... M4 ~ A• lor .., lnCIWJ or dlsmlll(" A. J. TWDn", IP._.._ _______________ ...,.. ___ .,IJII hd 1 f!l_ tt. enrnp&.inl. u .. Executor at thr I--~. ur ~II ap-El.tlllf' ol uJd drN-dfom • • • • , 1• • _, CO a.. C:O.rt ,_ any oh1' rw· B. Z. McKlmwy BOAT OWIERS ~~,;;~~7;:=~:-;Z~·-· ,/ OJuatt fill Oranp, Stall• of Call· Pub.: .M•y Jl, 231""30; J\uw I, JM-1 10-TICE! There will be a meetinl' bf the Commercial Fishing Boat Own- era' Aa.OCiilimCM'onday,. May 29, at 7:30 P. M.; .at which time several 'probleiiUI will be dis- discussed. Our plan will be thor- oughly discussed by our attor- neys. It is to your interest to be present · PLACE LEGION HUT NEWPORT BEACH . TELEPHOIE OPERATORS IEEDED ,. ..,,tee 111e11 aDd war workfon are all &opeDdlaK apoe ._ &fda.at the nrikhboar~. Good pay while lesra- . , Ia~ and recular Ia('~ *. * * ~UTHHERN~CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE CO .. Apply: 100 r.. Bay Aft., Balboa or 514 ~ No. Mal8 St., S..ta Au AVAILABILITY cannc Aft 'II&QUIJII:D LEROY P. ANDERSON ·c..ta ..... ...... ·"''~"' ~-... C....M .. C:allfemta HAROLD K. GRAUEL CHAP£L , "W' ()ura~lv .. the Better Bene Ry S•rvlnJt flthen heM" Ph..,-;-N~.W,C," 'NT Ceeta Mau California 'BUY NOW Cit, Tax .Sale Lota A. J. TWIST 107 COatt Htgttway ,,oM 11122 COftONA DIL.-MA" I ' I c:...rN ltlcla.. . ' ~ "-Yt~fl'• .., -........ .Of,._..,...., ..... ., .. ,... .... H..,..1 .._tt a."" • M ,. ..i. ........ OfftM ,., .... .,..., Dlt; C. £. TOHILt ~ ~HVIICIAN .... IURG.ON -~ .... ~ ...... -"'---I Offloe tlt·W "• JII-R If .... "-Call ......... I Dr. M.-D. Crawford O~TOM.TRIIT l:ye• l:umlntd oW:.. ;,t...J -lDl:JI~ ~ ...... 2410 BALTZ MORnJARY CHA~IL •v THC IIA 410 C...t ···-· Cvro"• _., llhr • N-•..-t ...... ~h~· New,eft .. ,r.. . "'· . ' NEWPORT-BALBOA NBWS-TDIBI. Niwpa t Be.a, cautomta, TueidaJ, llaJ28, 1844 I - J 0 .P ·E N I · N G ! !· rbursday .EVea·lal • I 1 E .w: P -cr·t y-~·11-a· R a o·:ft ' s·- .. _.May ·2.-5tb ~-·--tl-------~a • F I frE ~it E tl A U R-A ·1 J- , HARLO'S K .JTCHEN " 8 U F F E T S T Y .t#: ' : S E L F CO-MPLETE MEALS ·TO TAKE · OU ·T ·rao.rNew II . . 111 -113 Agate Ave. One-Half Block North of Ferry Landing Balboa Island • ··wE WOULD S I N ·C ERE L Y A P PR E .C I ATE YOUR ATTENDANCE , AND I N S P E C T I 0 N ' ·' · • Repreeentatives from Sister· Oubs Y.t~ Installation Rtt~ for B. and P. W. · lfiarbor· Femiriirie Awards at Annu uet ' 0111¢ *1 ... ..._....._ ~ l&ol~ Step"-. ~-8tn1a. -.,__ l2 and l3 Tbe am~ual • •l'Yiee buquet, OY.n.J...... Mr. Bn~ I'Wia -fill• ,_r, • •sus fill.......,. ~ -...,, 0nt111a hbbe. Catherine Euton; SocWt)' ~rter • ~ ... -•· Raic:lenoe Phone 690-W whkh wu attadecl b1 the tup-.;b 'b; bebalt til ltM 8G&cd til ..... 7 &t• 4( »1'-... ""M-. ._ M 9 :a. Dwo------------------pW~t '•rvlee .tudent. of Harbor,,.,..._ " .... , 7 •-... ,..... ., ,.......,.., . ., • ....,. .....,, M P V P k Friday Afternoon Oub Installs' New Cect'lt'an s.·n ·gers ,. .. beld laat J'rldlly ......._ •'I ~~. .. ,. llr .......... ,._ fill flllft-lllary lAa M.,., ClllbertD Oan. n. . · ar eS 11:1.6 o'clock lD t.be cafet.rta. Tbe '!be Amertcan IA,ton awarda, -.............. fill ....... ApM m plllt,--....... Luncheon Hostess Offt'cers t'n Pretty Sp..:.Zng Ceremony Entertained In t:beme of t.be ~ ... IDUIIe, wbleb were ........ ted to u.. ldP -...... ....... .t ... ~ ~-Ada ..,._ M b II r aDd t.be cleftr decOia lllx. *-P*l lJ $•tp -~ wen -o.i-!i+"'"!"""---1111111.-.-t•--.. •• 3iillr. l)i:~riactaD. Mraa-iiiNbe,. a.iC!i!i To Board em ers-Ste fensen Home art department earr~ecs out Ule -by Bal1lua etAJvan aDd~ __.. wtUI IIU'Itl& Weod lllllllta. Man. ~ Prec.cted by a luncheon ...,_ were pneeat. wtlDMMd tJae tn.t.al, m.otil. lin. RoMI.De Feeley wu KuaiL. 1"1MM awa~ _,.. pre- Ill' .. _.., ..... a ...aa•-We" OLrMil K IIJ, Mu.n. ~n1 a very ~c:cudul term the Waya and !'a&ft8 Coaualt· tattoo ot Mra. P. V, Partl~ u Wn. IAelle Stetfenaen opened toutmt..tru. for tlae OCC¥Jon. l •ated by ltr. A. J . Hayman. If 1 .., -_, -.r -~--· ·-...,._ _ ....... t f tb P"rr lth u A J Lu-ft_... t .u ,.,,......, ber-Corona de1 Mar t\ome to mnn-'nle mtertarnment ror the f'Y&-Tbe .aiOT awsrde, -tees to _ __ --¥"-, "pnw>veft e e Y • tee w . .,,._ · · ..-U ..... --; -ra. '--.._ A.Dder.on I ,....~ .. ~-...-, a.... ......... ~,..... ~'tee aad ~ RonMr. noon aub Of OMit& w--. wra. P. cb&Jrman, a dellfbtful procram til u flnt Ytc:. ~t; Mra. GUD· ben or tbe Cedll&.n t!ln.cere of nlng Included two cnupe ot num-Ule h_lfb point Mnlor ch1 and boy ..... Ia _....._ ......_ 61c· n.... wt11 DOt be a rel"alar V. Parll• etertalhed mem~ra of aiumc: featurlnar Mi• Rutb Gale. lll.Dc Butler u MCODd •lee gra~, which ahe 1• a member. f~ t.betr ben by Murttl Hatcll1 vtollntat. for a foor year period, went to ..... ... ...... .....UU. ot uM · l'l"eUP ~~r~UI rail. the ueeutlve boerd ud ehalrmm o.Jran:.aue coloratura eoil'-ao till dent; Wra. C. H. IU&ey u trua--annual lnataJiatlon of otrtcera. and a croup of modenl plaDO ee-Jue Gra.c~ and Claire Craie. wbo Ae 1'1111?r91W ,..altt1P1. .MIJCIINd ·o. J~meiUl, tiM .-ua1 pleftle wUI of lt&Ddln« commlttm wbo have a-eta Mna wbo made b• ct.Wt urer; MIM ~ G&niDer u Tlle b~•-.. t.ated by btr lec:UON played by M&. Helen were Ued for ftnt pia"· and !"Ted ~ ._ pc IIFlMI wtUt IMr be beJd al 'wbJeta time I-. lo ~~erved With her durtq tbe -put wttJs UM RIYenlde Opera ColD· eecretary: wr .. J. o TaUmaii .. mother-In-law, Mn. J . IAalle Stef· Plrer. Studaat ·~•n '""-1D Shatld. Ea.ch wu fiven n,.... JMl Jl n«t 't•e .... M ..a M a Ute ati•IIIIIDI eont.at wtU be year, Wn. Park" be,tn. a nt!W pan)(, and the Brua Quartette, audltGt and Mn. Reubeo Day u 'enaen who pou~ ...... ed • buf· order ot thelr appe&raDCe. Vl~Wbda lara In war atampe. 'nlrw dollara px 7 ttft ..,_ U.....,.. ...... hnl't I te U. ........ '-al t.rm u ~t ot the orranlu· pllrt ot the Newport Hlp llehool p&rllaaMDtariaD. fet auppe'r which f•IIIOWed a llhort Smlt!l. whOM aub,ect wu . • ue In '''ar at.amp. wue (iveo "to Dl- -.... ._.. _,.. wD a.r. a .tMil ...._ Uoll. baDc1, Jed up tQ the tmp...-lve ID· Tbe club will not meet un1_11 rellearllll. , Theme In Our,Sympbony of U le"; 1 ana Yarparth and Bob Ray- 0'" 1 ............ ..,. reoetnac , 1 U.tJ11' tbe auoroom at the Clubs at&llaUoo ,eremoo._ whicb autM ~~eat taU. 'Mila g-roup of wom.4!1D alnren, Emeat Owen. who apoke oo ''Tbe mood, who received the hlghut ..... : oNUaa or,...., Mrs. H . The·uret Home twu•. the bo•t•• Nnte~ tbe the new otncen tM u..· rnd&y "'hkb c:O!"'eapond to the C&llt.ando Lip~ Nlltlt1f', and Mally A:Uce numtwr ef-po;et. "4o~ltrit~-,,..~--l Oollt.a Male Chnnaa, pruenlf'd a coacert Pollard, whoee aubjeet waa ''Tile ~ar. 'nle~~e five Cloth wtlkb COYtred t.be • • Wlakb -" uM4 .... t pau ln Al"'lly Air Eue on 8wlda.J attar-Eb }J S L ,.,..... 8han4 wait pruent.ed .,llb cltlteat.e putel bu... a-wbere p~ poem. "8alutt aDNKaDA Y, MAY ~ DOOil and ..ur at tbe llouUI Cbapet e to tage ast & aubK:rtpUOD tQ ..... ,.. Dlgeat Jlotber of ODe of t.be rour.atar about the du~ roCIIIU wen ... A.npl Of Peac:e." .... IIICtloD of u.e 'P'riday dUrtp(' the evnlnc eervlce. Brtdge Benefit for for havlnr the hlpMt ttebolaatlc bloecn .. Mr& c. ... ".Hu4 ....... • Otooaln.t .. e&Ua Wy ol Att.noon Cl\4b of eo.ta Mea will y Club Hol,ds I Building Fund avera..-. ed. crlora from an um .. iA play ln the IUDroom of the • 1be foUowtnc llludent¥ namea 0o bebalf of Ule JUNU, Mra. ....... ~ ......., llrl. Clubbouae at.artinc wtth a 12:30 M hi M . I were placed on t!le 1 .. S,44 honor Jibe .wiled tW'O Of llw IbM farnll Pal"kea. wu pruented a IOYely an UUitalolng ohlcer, rave '-'t, followed by card~~ In Ule 00f Y eet1ng Wltb Mra. W. D. Merle&.& U f iiCI"DU for baYlnc ~ 00 tbe bonOJ' ..... Od'8IMr 11.a11a1 W1aiU.j . y. IUDcbeotl •t by Jolra. Clyde OttAJ. new ottleer a nower alter alterooon with Mrw. W. E . NlckeU chalrm&D, Ule Newport Hllrbor rc U for four eonaKutlve quarten: _, ~ ~. aE ot ..... A few day• ~th ber d&U&'bler, '""-b6ddtn IDcluded Mra. OttAJ. ahe took her pla.cf' u a Pflrl of the &net MrL Harry Burdick u hOIJt, Memben nf the Melody Club, Ebell wW ban the Lut buUdlD(' f>aul Anderwen. Pat BuUer, Muriel •: ~ ......_ ·~ Pft. J__.ta ~t Bond. WAC. Mra. Gunn1nc BuUer. M&. Fran, IIU"p V rormect on 'the ~ta«e. -. .. all plano pupUe nf Ml.aa Marcaret lund bl'tdfe party on Tbur.day. Hat cb, Fred ShaDd. Richard OHk. • w.-: Lllllll ........ ~ wbo bad tbe miJortUDe tQ be In I CN Oardner. Yn. D. E. Hatcb, The eo member. &Dd fU~ who Olplll• Circle v.•tll be 'welcomed Sc·harle. met fnr the. reiUiar Alay 2~. a d-rt at 1 p .• Ill. m~. )II~ .. .-. JUDe Wl&'hts OltNr • ud <:llllr7t ,..._, all ot tba liloepltaJ .wtt.h JDeUla at ber Yra. C. H. Ridley. Mra J. 0 . TaU-'t' Mra harlea Kyle In her home I monthly meetlnc at the bome of ~II mem~ra and frlenda ~, mln. Ruth Aldrfdare, Alan An· &...-..... It~ Otntlla and poK. n. Dee Motnu ..... -. man, .. ~ Rft.lbe. n Day. Mn. Jobn M~J·o_r and Mrs. Fr'y Slt ~bl<l. Olmna del .War. 'N~f Patrtcla Rltcble. Memben t&klnar cordially Invited and are. urc.f'd to! d~WI, Jtanne Edlell, and Jamee ..,_. ..._. .,.... ,..... . ol ~ Mra. Tbeuret • con-f'. Wtbeter. Jolra. Andrew J. Lup-_ olftcera wW be !natal led. part In the mueleaJ prOir&JII were call In tbelr ruervaUON tQ letber Rubel. ... ·-· ,.. l VI~ that Uncle 8&m baa bl.a too ........ Sam c ra-1'ord. Yra. Entertain Guests Red Crota workroom. Ill Palm.•!;haroo Crowl, Marp.ret Dtehl. ''"'· A. E. B&rn.ett, l:!Of-W . or Tbe followlnc etucStDt. received 2 1.-1 _... f'.-l ..,.. t)'e oa Ute IIM!tb ud ('eneral wei-Ha.rry C. Burdick. Mn. R. G. lla1boa.. open 10 L m. to 4 p m Gary ,Ro«en. Joan Nunao, Peter M,._ Jolertckel. 2J87,W. . memberahlp ICrolla tor the Na~ far. Of t.be lfN -~ h1m a.t.o. Skllea. Mn. Ctlarte11 L. Andi"\'Wa. Vlctl. ug~ tht' Ortucera' .arrtcal d~•ln~t1. · "l9 rat-am. Sualf' F owler, Pern lAe ~ 111 Honor Society: NeU Farlow, ,... proud mother wu (iven a Mn. Ralph Vle.Je. Mn. ~ank t the Santa Ana Army Red c~ workroom, 1300 Abbott, Judy Sleeper, Patricia Thrift Shop Open Shirley Lonpoor. Marp.ret Stark, ' royal -Jeome and e•trwme bo.p.. KnaCJer, Mre. W. G I S.. -..-. aetU.np for d Oeeua Blvd.,· Cbrona ~~ Mar, open ' Rltcble aDd Norma Manhall. • R.kbard Beekman, June WlJbt, ·DNE A R&". tallty at UM camp. o. E . IAwta. wr.. rre a&«an. h<Hited by Major and Mra. 1 to 4 p. m., aur(icaJ dreaalnp. Mualcal gamu an!'J refreanment. Wtth Successful Da I man. Ruth AldTiqe, Alan AD , WA • .AD tnt~nc contact wu Join. Gau Grable, Yra. Ales m.n. Jo'rv ~ 312 Eut Ocean 8enlor .U.mbly 1a u. Hlp ronowed the pro('T&111. M&. --drewa, Ardelle KenneU, • Caro1yn ~ three Poltah ~lrla, mem-Yra. Mabel Caa~~el. Mn. J. C. when they entert.aln«S for Wr &Del lehool auditorium aner el.xth pe. Bc:harle wu ualeted by Mn. Wltb proceeda fnlal alea -u u.t.on, Jamee Rubel, Katbert.ne ben til the Polllb o,.-utaatlon Paynf', MIN Allee Plumer and Yra. Howard H Younr ot Boa.. riod. Ritchie. Mn. Wayne Crowl, Mn. over •100 on Saturday, the Tbliftl eunnan,um, Fred ...._, LoweU ... •O..·A·O.• ...... ~I" to our WACS, Wbo Mr•. L. 0 . Bflmf'nl. llt&Jio &Jid Mre. ·John R ' Benlo r·aJIUIIDA dance 1a the Everett Nunan and Mre. Haviland Sbop lD Newport Bncb reopened North, RobtQ Qui.,.,., B&rbara ........ A .. D ,....et le are .~ &t tiM .fort. The• , A ~~~pecla.l board meellntt fnllr_.. .. of ~ttle. · ~hool cafeteria. 3 :30 p. m. ROf'MW. • after two week• or ln&ctlvity In Stovall, Janet Orocb. ,. ......... r,_,. A ea4 D rtrla bad ..,.nt two ot tbtlr three ed the Juncbeoo. .. y ho ~ -- --whleb Ume the work eta eorted and ~ people were eu,tiiU for =r~~-~ ...WI yean ..r'Yice ln.._._Oermaa eoneen---'---r~ ...... ouna. w accompa THU .. aDAY, MAY._.. News-"~'imes Secretary+rearrao~ tbe fte>CIL Jl"loom DOW memberlblp,but.,.. aar.dy-.-..;-a--_;;s;;gJi ......... ~ tn•r:-----y E\-.1-... _ d M. ~ b .. _rn.t OD. • llu~ln(' ti-t..» Harbor Blood Bank a&y . ..__ . ., Oil --.... _.. ........... .-_---...... -. '¥ 11 ., ... £1H, ou .;;: = ...... of Ute WAC8 our rncftUII&ft mel r..oe AD.m• ... a "-ter 0( Yra. trW be provided tranapOrta~~ Says ''Fishing Good'' day ____ .. ,..-·..--,.._-~__,.. lltN: Paut Aft--.. Pat IIIIUN:..--·"''•& •1•1••• Ulih•• 18. •-rue aU that )'OU 1lraat. but --I Fry. wbUe Mra. Rlc:bard• bean! laata Ana by tlae Red croo. Jolo---· Under tbe dtreeUoa of Mn IC Murtei'Hatdl, Fr-.cl lnlud, Marta ...... ~ • II. II!~~ ..... eat &II J0U take.-PYt. Bond ha.a Tile W. 1-Jordana nr· ~aJ u , !' the ame relatloo to Y&jof' Fry. tor Oorpe. Ollnt&ct the l!ed 6,-. Nora Wad.. M~retary at tbe IC. Boudlnot and Mra. HtDr)' ·J:c~ ~:n:.UIM Edlc:k. 111\4 CUl· .... lilDce betD traN!fet"Nd to J1Wt 0.· tate fame, Wbo tptJJd tbelr tlme Enroute Mn. R~c~ v"-lted her to alp up and ret lnlorma.-Nnvport Harbor Publl.abtn.c Oom· prt. the lhop will bt open ,trom A .......... -.IY ef ._ ~. Oeari'L betweoen Balboa and Ol~ -. Pre.~ R.lc:JaardA. lltatlort-u.. pany and N_..'nmea wbo. wtth 2 tAJ 4:30 TUeaday t.hrouJb Satur- ..... , 1 1 ........ as ia • n.e tUlent ltmtt at bn-trip City. an here for a few daya be· td at Camp Befle. Hubor IOwanla Oub -u at ller huaband Uoyd. hu retur'Ued day. = !t .. ~ .. It .. '-took lilra. 'l'bturet to Pttt.barp ro~ Jeavln, for LU Ve~. Ne-. Btalbo&'a ICiectnc GrtU,_12:16 ooon. from •veral days hahtnc up above -:--------- ._,___ , 11 -. ~ . ~..,..,.. ~-....-., ...ut· ....sa. "'*'cr.. war~~room. tn Palm. El~. ~porta tooct ftlblilc a.nd Sh Cl b H FOfl CA. lftfiU .. "' -. DonrtiL I C'llrpor&l Robert ci-aYo-fnrd ... as· ft.a,-HE Balbo&. t>pn 10 L Ill. tQ 4 p. Ill., a floe r.t. rine u olds =. . .. rt•turntd to Wllllama ,eld, Art-RIIR'-..-tq. Houi!UIC' Ia the aame old tiU:Jtry Annual Decoration • · ...... '-,..._. JO'll ~LATINUM f'OXIE• _,._ alter tlpt'nd:lq a turlOI.IP CM A Red en.. workroom, Whlle'e there-;-DOlbiDC but a couple of ........ h diet eecb wtth tu. wife. Or Marpm Craw-18 .U ~ llla..Qquat ~Balboa laland, aleeplnc bap eully «>lved that Day Event · ••••••--••r ...... a -o...A·DaF'" Fos rarmera and blolortJrt,a a~ 1 fnrd nf Oleta YeM.' Or. Crawford 1 . • • 'I G oP-10 L IlL to 4 p. m ., aur(icaJ problem for the Wadea. ,...... ....., ..,. tmable tQ .aCOOUDt fnr tiM odd tart , Yo1tl be hneteu on SUDday to Mr. . ell ad..-. On Decoralloo Day, Sunday, ........ ' 1 M J k H be anc1 Jf May 28. •t 9:30 L m. tbe Or&D(e ....u j liT 1 M1. f11 TAU tbet Ute rare platinum fo·na, a anc n . 8<' u r ra. • ..... • 'llll... were b!dckn io the home of Mr. County Sbrtne Club will hQJd their C , 811 , , ...._., •anatlon of the blut tos. are found Louie MfKH nt ~ wt~ w• •-Wr. and Mra. Raymond Eutman Harry Burdick reeenUy. Scorl.nf annual out(\oor breakfut at the ...___, ...... ~ ......_ ~ ,• 1 _. oo the Bert.n~r •a lllclt of Attu II · 1 •·hnm Or C"rawfot'Cfa motber. uunded fareweU courte.y to Lt. In brldre play y,•ere Mn. Richard - -•&· • I M M ...... 0o 1 " <'llnvr n home of Noble W. C. ;•=·=~fi~A: .. ::._~====·===·=;r •land. while oo the Parlftc .. d .. only r11 a ..... l rr. •·II n-turn Aft-~ l!l&muel Plummer recently when Dittmar, hlch: Mra. Ed Morrill, HaweD ln Modjeelca can-PI , the ordl".•rv blut' foxu Af'f' rnund I f'r l'pf'ndlnr: the ••tk with htr --t.bered 1D tbelr home a -d·· ,.._ Ho-r u •llott t ,-... ana -.-3 _, •--..vo• • -no. ~ -~ · rav-for the event a.re beln made b r-----------:-----:----r--------·-, lillllltht'tr , fT'OUP or hl1 •rlenda. Lt. Plummer' elm, M d Mra. Emut Mc:-Ciellan.,l E R l\1 C d g y o..tlftl CaN~ •fMI 8 GNat Va;lety of unuwal Glfta c-:u!'C'II! In lhr Luther MnrriJi l w1D .leave aoon for duty oveneu. low • I · · c oy. preal ent, and C. H. •'WJC lNVlTJ: YOU TO DROWSE AROUND"' hnmr on BAihM IIIlAne! ov"r thP · 1 Bnb 1 RobiMOo. RC~tary. C. £. LOUCKS 'wl'rkPnrl wrt~ ~tr ~tnd ~r11. !-"rank. j JKWELRY and ll'ATION£"Y . Flf'tor. Mr11. 1-:mmA 3nn!"10 llnd Mno 'DI1monlfa • Watohea . Fine "epatrlng Jc•nn•c M• rrlll. 1111 <•f Loll ADJtf'LI!'•-~ rt.oee Newport ISII·a Mr" Mnrnll \\'Ill rcon11\Jn for thf' .. ,. 1'717-n Newpott 81vd., Coeta M .... Calif. wr.•k . . • Mr Allt1 M r~ lll'r\ Bn-wcor havl' A'LL SET for a cood tun ilaJ"a rf'<'f'nlh· rdurn~t fNm lht'it win-worlt when a nall'cinc bead, BEFORE YOU BUILD OR REMODEL trr t·n~w m f'hl/f'nlx. Dm'tnr: tl'lf' '· ache aneab up on )'vu. Yo11 eder 10h m•llllhl' hi thr F:RJOl. th .. Br .. w· · lli'M! ao d-~work.. ~~--~._--. r ~-1 U lb I I _... beadat'ht int.rf-with J'OQ'r fila, 'nn " OA "a'"' ~ tllljoJ1111'1rt or relaut.ioa.· • CLOSED FROM TUESDAY, MAY 30th to JON.E 6th FOR AL TERAnONS v"iiot our lnterntlng aamplt and dlaPiay I'OOml. Color guldea planning alda, com· preh~ntlvt 5tOCk Of rug1, t arpeta: linoleum •"d Vene· 't la n bllnda. • lltu .. IM ca,.,.t. Cltii'M ,.,.,. '"'"IIN.I l"•·w Ynrk. They havf' . ~1 lor.~ nenlnc of ,relas- 1 opt"nN! tht't:r11onrE •t "004 so.1 ation UIL ~nt-a ~ New'Y o rk Visitors .,.,_IIIU8 • , Spend fortnight With Anti-Pain Pms M G W d •ua.Uy "'"""' DOt 011ly a ... . ' rs. race oo y MM. ba& au.,a. N..nlrla. .... . nlar Palaa a.W Faa«tioaal ·E L·· L .. , -a I,.. LUDLUM .Carpet won. I Yr and Mn 1':. W. l!:l\lt of Clovemlllr. Nf"Yo' YMk. hAve l!pf'nl J the put t'lllrO wedla v.·lth Yr\. Grve Woodyl.D Co.ta )of-. Tbe YlaltoN are th• JI&I"""O or Lt. E. B. Die Wbo n-bere 8tWnll mOD~ &CO to talle Velma. WOOdy fOf" .b .. bride. Ko•tltly PaiM. Do yoa -Dr. KilN A•~·Palli Pilla f U not WhJ aot T l,oQ t'U ret Dr. Jill" AlltlsPaia Pilla at tow dna •ton ia the nculv l*bct lw ..s, • peDAJ apt,N and ia the_..,, ftltU.. e+.n ~)er. WbJ aot 1ft a pactt.,. todut Yovr ctn.uill a... thttll. Reed dlrt<iJOM and ...... ., .. dirttted. Yov ......, hecll U ,.. .,. eot -u.w. OORONA DEL liAR . . RE-OPENS WEDN~DA Y, JUN.E 7th With Dinne~ As Usual _:_ 6:30 to 9:00 P. M . NEVA AND LAR~Y 'BEAULAC ,.. • • Lt. &D4 Mn. D.~ who an pOYo" 1ft ,..RtftnHt Wbe" ... '4 atatS.ed I t~ ~ ,..... 1M.. ,.._... ..... ~ -lA-A ANA .,_t 1\Meday w1tb liln, Woody 1. ........ ~--~------------~------__.~htr~ · .................. ?,~ ........................ ~,~ ........ ~ .................... ~ .... ·~· .......... 1 .. __ ... NEWPORT-B~LBOA 'NEWS-TOlES, Newpat Beaeh, California, Tueaday~ May 28, 1944 Mrs. Larry johns Delights EbeJI Club With Reading o f Mary Martin's N.Y. Hit , 11-Iarbor ·Felninine Activities Engagement of Miss Frances Harvey to Mr. Alexander Carlton Sherriffs Told 000.. ,.__ of Vttn""'" lolA'}' I ltfr• A H HaJJp,·k. county p&r• llarUa'e C>OIIledy brt now rwlJllq ll~ntana.n. wbo trd the n att aa· • Ia N-York wu broucbt to the lute Mn1 F. f• G•>~•Jell In thP Catherine Ew;toll. Society ~porter HutMw 4Uetrk't w.._ loiN. LAITy lfluup unu,m ~ t.l Ul• col-. . fobu, ac'l i"MI! nf Ho:tywOt><.l and It'(! Thl"rt' w~rl' aMual reporta Fmal ExpresS IOil .t~:ew ..1c.rk an.t author o~ aeyUlU_b)· MrL SWI&ll-~crt...ut. tr-.... Of Farewell (~wen DI&Ya. pve a ~ac11na ot thla pop·. ",.r, »nt1 Mn~. 1-J. 111~ll. auditor. • ular production at the lut ~"nerll.l~ ~ltu<l•'lll nvr,, fror the IL!tHnoou By ~-Se n 1.ors -.eUnc of Harbor E~ll Club hu lull• <I ··Mav ~ \••ntng'' p'twl'd nn ' Mn.. J ohu will bto remftllbered lhl' paano by Mra. n G . Miller. UJ 'f"h,. l111 ol '''"''"l'h ••I t ht '"'"~·I wtth rrrat piCIUIUrl' by lhur ml'm· """"d ub n.f'm!wr ··f thl' ttwnt· )•'•I '"" I"' •·Ill· .I '\•·eliot -.It\, Mr1l wbo ~~o•ere tort.unate e.nouch lnt:lun ~~~"'h lotjlantull•,n Mr1.' :!4. h)' 1111 ~:ndu tlltt); .,.,, .. ,. to bear ber lt')ll'ra l yeal'llll«O w••en In" llhort ,.,,,.., .. nv uiH·ftt>d ltV 'lltt· t•ru••·lll:tllt•ll 1 ... k "" ''' eepve "Lady-tn .lhl'Dark " Tht' Mra 1': H ~ntth HtUnly pn·~l· 11'1 111 1•1 .. lltlll•ll'o: ''" \\illl .to ,ueet •peaker ala(> $raVI' ntWII Of 1lt'nt to( lo't•dl•r~Jird \\'ug~tn'll (,ultM lo•f to~·ul(ll'-<~not d .. lk I' ' \\lth ,I tbe th(attr thl' fullowln11 1Ww ut!ll't iN "''rt' ,( th• 11 11111111111:• •I' I'•' I• '"''1 · Tble 8Jlltndid pr"'gnuD wu prt'· rniJlllllrd · !'.1n! Var-tnr llr&rr, ""'"' r~·l:wl .=uo •l I •I •' •' J•l •'•' l•'•·oJ oe6td by luachMII wttb MN K. V. hJt'DI . Mr11 W11yn,. llllrj>t-1, vh •• "'"' '' ol I tl1' I • •II • 'I ll1• 1 Ollt. u 'hotttt u with hl'r nblt rum· Jlf"I'ILit•nt . \11 ~ lil1t•l Lu• ""· r1· "'"'''"'''In Ill•· ''"" · .. 11o,t• I II"" ntltlee, J'rtJllrt'd by that hare;!• t I rchnl( IJt't'r .. trl rV M t~ llnwe Mo 1'1•' ;\!110 ~.I!I'••J I ·1 • h 1 II 111 1 worlcln~ but lltUr l111u.k d Way• llru1·· c•t•P•·•roun•ltn~o: "'I''"' 11\ 1111" htl 111lll I•• 1 "lilt" 1 1'1 1"·" 11' &Dd lle&D• Commlth•t' "hlch h1111 Mr• l:'uMun l:u.thedoocd, I I'I'IHIIII<'f d l!c!·•d 1""'1:'' .,.,,,,~, I I.Hlll• lht put on all luncht•OII~ thlll )'lltr Mr11 L. L lst>t>ll 1111111tnr, M r~ I-' !toll lltll 1-'ltll II II' t: '., 1 :-.,, '11 • :rc.~ Cro\11 1nctuJed !llr11 \\'lnltr~1 ~; lt<>tnhc.l·l no•\\ dor•·• t•or. Mr>< ~: ·"'" 111•1".' ollie i; 1 '111' 11111111~ 1 ~·t. c~··;m~~j,.n~.rr~~IO KI!:.Wrt~-~~.J ~~~:~Ill; ·1 \1" •;I:.~:~~~~~ ha;;,:~:;~n ~:;•l;','.'~:~~.tl ;;','~~~~:•: .', ~~~ :,,~·;1';::; 1 leer, W A K u k \\ It ~ll'rlt'kt•l "'"''·'"·'11 f '" '"'' ''·11 "'II .. 1,·1·" '''""II•" aDd Corutanc·e Ja~·n~l I t ur·~t rlt •• IIlii• ' • I Ill I r•. I,,. u ·• tt'• ttt ,,f .,, •tid I •• ,,1' Tbt bua nea~ mt'o•llnK l•f••_.., Ill• •I Girls' Society of W .S.C.S. Formed Mrs. E . j. :pa rterc;o n Hnsrc-ss.to D . D. f . 'J Ill 1\lt· ,. I. lllj ''1 Ill• •'I· I· •I '""'"''rl'"t'' fT1 .,., ... ,..,'". rt .• -""' • fbOIICI' 12 and 13 • Bridal Couple Establish Home In Balboa Mr. and lolra. E . lol. Harvey of -----------'--- l&lboa t.lucl-.re &DnOUDCiq tile PI Coli' .,,..~emeat of t.Mtr clauttster,l ummer-lOS ~:' =·!: ~ ~.!:. N 5 updtialsASfet far_ The betrot hal wu Ni"~aled at tb~~ un ay ternoon bome of Yn1. H . L. CI'MCh ot P alo Ut.o. ~bera ot Trt Delta IIC)o 1 Mlaa Ruth Ellep Pluauner, rortty with which MI. Ha rvey ''I c:tau,hter of lol r. a nd Mnr. A. K . ·Home from a boneymooa at lfftlla ted. a nd other frlende. Plummt r or Balboa. len by train Santa Barb&ra, Tech. SJrt. and Mia• Harvty who w ill ·bl' grad· Tbureday for Mtnn~apolla where Mra, Cloyde Br~t Md hie brtde. uatc\J f rom ~t.t.nford Un ivt>r1ity ln abe will bl'c:o~e the bride SundAy Ule formu loiJaa i:le&nor J ean 'une, •• a mt mbl'r of CAp IUld , nfttmoon of En.tgn William Bray. Taylor ot Santa Ana , have eatab·, Gown Honorary Society and pru-tm Collln11 In the chapel ot th~ lllehrd their humr 1n 8&1boa Jent of her sorority _M.,r fiance Naval Air Station with the Navy Marrlar~ of the two took plac< 'I I rrrclvt' hl8 ·Ph. 0 a t lht' srt n.1· Chapla.ln n-aeang the vows. In lhe lu.tne of Reve rend Gerald unlverl lty. T. 11 t'tren;~ony so m&Dy mil• E&8l\, paetor of the-Flret Qlr!Cian Weddln& plana ar(' l)eiD&" ma.t .. away, unitea two famll•ts proml· church In S&nta Ana. wbo read tht ·ar July alter which thr cnuple ' nent In the flay area. Ruth E llen service. ·I II llvt> on the Sta nford ~·IUllpu.,. was g.raclualet.l trom the achool• The ceremony wu atltndrd b~ v.•bere FTIU\Ct'l wUI continue bt'r here whale ht'r liant't' llpt>nt murh thr bridt''a fatht r, F . E . Tayfor cl iT&duate W I rk. f has boyhoo.><.l a t Balboa. Ht IJt Santa 'Ana, &nd her l ll lt'r. Mill! tht• ~eun •1t Mr11. Hetrn t;llltne of B 1 T 1 r h S d) · S&nlJi Ana 11n1l B. W. Collins ot ern ece ay or a nd lhe brtdr· 1 0 I') a et f S Long Ht'ar h an<l Ill I' grandsun of I t;rO<'m·• l illtt'rt, M'laa Glenna Brant p h H . I and .Mre. M. Black of Loa -\ngtt~. urc ase-orne In lht> bulldt r of Colllna llll&nd Sgt.· Btant le t e .eon or Mr. and 2orona del Mar -A• a mrm~r of t he Ftrry Com· .M 0 c mund. t-:nstgn (."vlhns will rom- "'· · Brant of Cary. lnt!lan · lofr and Mn1 John :1acllrlr • ~tnr' p'ell• h 11 IIJ1•·<'•111 mtsS.on an !.Iinne· ---famltv will move BOOn from 1CJ16 ltf' I!! lht mtdtlle uf Junt' at w~trh -.,..._:.:...,.;C:;...;:O:..:MJNG ~VEN_'[S W_ B~y Averou". to the new ht mt tlmr lhe couplt' wall ~;o t9 -wtr!MI I l'y na\'~IIJI1"d rrorn' bus. o io~ tr, .. tnllt~;n'• r CApt nnd Mrs. Eugrnt Mitchell base. Pa lm lnralr•l at 218 Narc IIIIUI, Corona p. m : d~l Mar. Jdajor' 1111d Mr11 A .1 South Acreru·a . !'tlr. a m:· Mrs. R. H unnicutt an now occupying tht , W. U&tr ~o~.·all occupy lh4' Bay Avo- • J hOUIII' • nut' h<WIIl' whrrr lht> ~adiPia s ha vr· Mighty Important Jcb lhasa Days -. ,,.,.,_, u.; .. , -~""'"lfMi IMtWorll ot ,. .. .,ftOfte wfre1 •"4111 cable• tllat llnllt tile ................ Day after ._., J" etor111 i lul fire aM flood 'IP "' ttJe olr CNMI Uftd.,. .......... tMtotl-trROWt~t~ , ..., !""'f tlfocvlt h M!Hed tor war • I n...-..lt le l.,.e;tanl for...,..,., ............ Mit~ .. ot ..... ................ ,.\ .. ~ ... ..., Mit talltl~t~ ~ . .5 .:........_.._.loft, ObloMe clrc~o~its .,. ewy ... w.or. ....... T.I.,nM I•' • ...... -...wt4t• &..t..-'-. _w.,....,,,.,. .. I . I ,. f<or ADDI· TIONAL CANNlNG suo~ al \ nl,llt\~d. at the cluh an l hiU t'VHY·I prn.lucer for IIUCb Pr:u<IUCUOM .. I kical QI>A Boarct.: Appllcatloo, l,hlnr will bto ready rnr \ht nr-· "2tt U t Ue Workln~ Olrla," aalfled Mr. aft~ Mnt. Jurgen ~n~~~ wben ftllect !Jill, m uM ~ accom-lng, whl('h tnr ludea 11 dnor-v.·ay bf'.1 by k nchellt Hud-. comdy mov1e I of t,be Pentn1uta were among lhe Jlllllletl by IP~RE eTA .. P 37. 1111:' <nt l1l lhf' v.·u t rolt.lt' nf lhe lll&r, wnt continue to rtve Rbumba1glH!IIll attt'ndlnfC the wedd1ng Bat. I ~·trill ,Pf!rlod appltra11t nil may ~' -·. • • : I -·and Co~~ lo...the...~urtt.)'-411~--'-t~ H~~ .• li~tmm Wcty -16 t<>J uly 1:. ~-~WHAT S COOKIN ? wbo ar~ a t the club em Saturday ,da ughter of Mr. and Mrt. Stephen ond . Pf'rlod appll<'Jitlnl'l.l may ~ · nlf ht. Thf'lle 8eAione have proved WhUlu Royu M tbe Huntington . ftlrd lrnm July 1:l to October 20. VEftSATILE .RECIPE very P' pular lllld lht !Je\>.'11 that I Hotel. Pu adena. when ah~ f'X· HNI IIUIII:Ip1 410 polnta each) for SIJITABLE FOR BREAKFAST, \hey Wlll tc>ntlnul' II' <twin~ grt'C"tl'(l cllang~ VOWI wllh Enslp WPIOic•\• m f'&l J1H)Il\ rc11hlt pU11, rlluHp And ' LUNCH AND SUPPER with l'nlhu,.tum B.B. Hadden. Cout G uard. In ~. CAnnf'd mtlk : Thl" wrMttlc-1,.,.,1w fur c'.,lf•~ bc>auUful candlelight ceremony In m .. a t, UUlnl'<l llah. moeto eJlblt ol~. r m mb (',.k1 .. 111 ,.,, 0 w nna:ht 11,.11. C3pill a Cir<:Je All Sa ints F.p1acop111 church In rhi'PIW'II a nd r &nnf'd milk : ''l"'"' lhnl tt.·r1(n , rtAih· ,. "'" &.• I . I f>IU'Sdena. Al!oo. Sli, ~-n8. ~8. F8, G8. Hit: R tlt'l'~l·rl fur 'honl hron .. r •••PI"'f ns talls Officers •tr. and Mnt. Rnyce are well J ft .. Kl<, U.. ,MI!oo. NK. PI!. Q8. R8 . .U "'•'II n!O 11 lrn·.•kfMt 1r,.111 Thf At· So.cial Mee.tin t! known In t~e Harbor art a when• ~. &lid 'T" Nuw I I• olrtt(' ""' lk't. a l'tlltlnn .,f .... (, ,. lilt II na\'111 ln~t > they have befon frequen~ guuta 'I trll, VR nnd \\'1< JunC' 4 t .. •Ish• ILIIcl ""Y" 11 .. 111 11111k,•k 1 h " r••• If'!' tht Lorent:l!eM lo Urtlr home. ~ n11l· •~'l. 11n1111u{llly rnt"''"'ttnl( \\'h~n 1 . .,m. Mrs l' 1-: Kytt' ""!< hnste8!! In EMt Bay Front. <~r.·IUH' honue • . Outcht•r• w ill.. bth'-1 .,.1t h ,. n,.," ,, ntnJ! fult-tw.11.,1 her hnm•· 3 12 • Or<'hl1l. Comna dtl. _.._. ctv~ 2 r~ tokenll for t'Y~.'.(IIQW1\i t'Up of t'•l(.lt~• )'"'hoi\~ HI} unbo•t<l Mar. ln mtmbera n( thr Ca pfUa Gharlu ;.,·Oennl8on of ~rt ot lllllvaJred kttrhPn f!lte r«t'IV~.1 ah)" r • lllhlnntl•'n Hn •· l!l 'lh•· rt · Circle c•f lht' \\'emrn'a ~oclety ot l Beach b,u return~ from Ule-Den· I Blue 1talnpe j 10 J)Ointa eacb) t or riJ>I' fnr f'uff••r l'ntmb l'rlko• Jr'e rAmmun.•ty ~l'rvttl' wh .. n rlew of · DillOn'• cabfn' at Oeaert . Hot canntd. froun anti certaJn deby-tl'llttd. of cnune. flc:en~ wo>re ln!'taJitd fellowtng a Sprtnr• wht>re he wrn~ td ovuaee dratt'd food•: Coffee Crumb c.-Itt !lbort bullineaa •aaion and period aeveral lmproveminta belnK madr A8. 1:!8. C8. 0 8. Ell. F8. ·as. H8. 1 •~ cul1fl '""''" n 1111r · 1 ill obeervance of Memor1al Day. I thtre. • J8. K8. LA. M8. N8. P8, and Q8-1-, cup ~t~l)'ll ~t~ftf'tl flour WIUI-t.tra. J. A. Cnrbln In charge Now to date not eet. 1 ('UP bruwn 1111~ear ot m.t&llaUon, e&eb ne'IIV ~leer R8. 88. 1'8. US, IUI\1 \'fl Ju.nt 1.., te.upoo•n AAil C:.&IDI forward 1.9.ncelve a dainty} to date not ~~et. 1 tc•cuoJXWln rlnn11mon ~ of eprtng nr wen~ and G .. ollno I 3 cup "hnrto·nlnl( fema fuhloned by Afn!. Fl-ancla Coupon No. 11 CA·Bookl 3 10:&1·' ·:1 ll'tupoonl!l~<ktn~t l'"""'1 Old. tile Prttllident re·t lrcttd for loha. now to J J111e 21. All coupona 1, ll'llllf'<'"" ~·win lbt,..&OIIlln~ year. who apokt brtefo~ muat be endorRd on race wltb car l l'~fC-ly lo •!lCh on ~Jer re•pon•bUitlu lk~ number and trtale o~ rep I i~ r up • nhl '""N' '" be•· new capacity. Sht Jtkenrd tratlon. Save yowr tire ~lion 1 1 •3 cup 1 hoppe<l nuta lbe fl'OUP to a cha in wllo• ~rd8. Thty m u•t be prN~enled 1 Mix n nur .n,,. n .. 111 hrnv.·n. •tr.JUI l1 only that of i t. weak· whrn applylntt for a f't'ne•·al of I R\II(ar. M1t an<! 1 1n011mnn ancl •art f'at Unk. eu ration.. ' lnJo!"l hl'J ('ut tn .. h .. rl•'nlnar unlit A e~'e ln the day of mtetlng TIN 1napectl8ft mlxtur,. 111 M tan•• K!O , nmmt RI WU Y«ed upoo ao that_ It ~uld Sav" your tire II\II)('Ctlon f't'· M,.a,.urt' •-: 1up .tnol ,, ,, "'" r1,1 not coofllct with the R.f'd Crou cord.~ Any roq_UC"St to l"''placc An~ tuprtn~ Tu lin· rPmau .tH nf \nco ~~-dre•lng day tn .~hat lOCAl· rpll."-'-l'n.:l'r car tin• m ust b4' lie· mixture-. ""•I ltllktn~: l •·"ol"r ,,,111 tty. •nte nt w IIIChetlule will raJI ~mp1U11ed b)' all hu~tlon l't"" 8• .. h• ""'' max 11 "'"'·~l•t\ "tlh lor the 2nd and 4th 'l'huradll vs In 1.-onb itnd a nl'w notatJon frurn an fnrk Af'RI r~:~: R•l 1 , ,..,,, 1,11,1 rac:ll montb. t he ~t meeting to nuthora1Pd lnsrx'<'t or tha t n nt•\\ 11111 '"', ""'" "·'"''"' ''"'·' 111. oe June 7 at tht' ~mt' of Mr!l. ttr• 11o n•'\odM. cl•p ph· pr.n un·l "I,, 11, "''II~ •.. .lobn Knox, 223 Nart'll~ll;< • · Truo•k l trt• tT·hnok J rtvt'I"CCI l!•'r\'t••l OIIJO.I t:a•· 1111 ,,,, 11 ,1~ '• YOUR EYES ARE ~ UGHT OJ' AIIERICA c'\'~·ry JOIJ< m .. nlh" ur f'\'f'T')' ~.ooo ~tkt· nl>.•ut •. '"·'I• •, ,.,,.1 •111• h· Thl'• Jdf'el On(' Annthrr Club -•a ......, IlL, .. ,.,.. .,. m.tr ,. h o•l ' •vrn 1•111(1 F wu eote rt&tnt'cl' bv ~Irs. Frnnk ···-~-~~~---••••••••••··~--·-••• 1 \'Jtle of Han11lt. n ;tr••et. A mon~t . • • Ow tint to enlist In a iJ lin" ol duty to wfn \.he w ar • Therefore your eyes a t work des«w 1pec:ial• con&ldera t I on ... they ~scrw to be giVI'n the , expert exam ination . anu fitting ~~ttendcd to 1111 our patrons. .~ ~ C L o·s ED ~ I ' ~"'ROM TUf;SD,\ Y, MAY. :JOth to Jl!N~ 6th FOR . AlTERATIONS ' IIW ,ue11t1 Wtr·e Mmt•s F.!!tJt'Y \\'11· 1 am« 8\1 rl nn. llt•n rv P&\'1!1, Oil VI!' ~r. IC. 0 l'~>lln. Ralrh ·VII'It•, I tulc:ta Ynun~;. J .(" Mclntnsh, l,eonard St•hwnt'tltc:'r of AJlnhelrr. •nd )tf~ Mnl'y Ann C1 ark. Dlt. M. D. CRA WFORU . OP:I'OI\I ETRIST 1101 Newport Rcmlenrd Ct)lta MeAi rhoiM' 2!80 Crrdlt 'fr rmr. Orok r n Lrn~r~ Duplk ntrcl BEFORE. YOU' BUILD OR· REMODEL .. H ·U R L·E,.,i Y ·~ . B 'E L _L VIsit our tnteru1tng u mple ~nd diiP}•Y roo!"'•· · Color 9vldu ·pl~nnlt~g •Ids, com- prehenalve atCIIC'k of I'UQI . carpets, ll11oleum: •nit Vene· tl•n blind.. .. CORONA JlEJ. M~R " RE-OPENS WEDNESDAY. JUNE 7th .. ~ With Dinners .As Us ual 6 :30 to 9:00 P. M. NEVA ANO LARRY .. BEAULAC ' . . . _______ ..;•;.:,·.. . ' R1111 and Car.,e\e Cluned ~epaiNd LUDLUM · Carpet Works ~hOfte lanta An• 2101 r ·. Rf>turnlnJt soon fr~m Colombia . het•n ilv~nJ:. If Jll UIJJlU OD. your carpet ••••per are beginning to wear short and won't p1ck ·up dirt, try wind ins adh~ive tape around t he r oll- ers: fhi s-le t s ~t he br1ls h do~ ••• an<l sweeper will wo~k like new. Easy to do, too. ~j. L-h .._ ,/_ --' i!) ·~~ • HAVl roci d 1,. c . . • . l oatP I t .. overed Your r c er•s En r iYo .. u dha ven't Ye t tolily i dea l t c"e Wh l r < d IV b o dG so. ·F"'· • t e Ur end e -or ,._ and "' 1 t s del.tcJ • be s ure i s h.t ng v n\. .:. -• . ous f •l av- n a t u r Bl ues . . w h 8 l . t 0 • , ~a.·-~ ~ Ole-srai · · ·--; ;:1;;u>~~~ •· ~~r~al.a . You•1~ ~ ~~ .•• .j• 0 it i deal . t' ~ 1. t•:-"~ ~.. ~' . '