HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-05-25 - Newport Balboa News Timesfor 36 Buy Bonds to End War Q.Pcker ------~----- the best harbor diatrlctthe that home IEEP POITEI I 1 Year •••• U LIDO ISLE. NEWPORT HEIGHTS. B~l-OA ISLAND. CORO~A DEL M~R •. co$TA M1SA · Swift ·~.'-·NUMAR41 iSpecial Services . tO Be·.1 Held T ~es. by .:L~siO.~·: ·in M~m6ry of H.erOes ·: -------. . . . -Citiun~ of N!wiX!rt Beach an~ €oeta ·Meta ·tit · l lmte W1th ~lofta t 'losinr In· M-~ Whiltt Parade Is. in ~r.orrest~ . :: ·· ·, :. ~· :;~~ ~ -------. Nt:W--n·~~s--- ..,~q~, ~ ll. u . "' ····~~--~ .......... YekHM 1CXXIY sa 1fj ft ln. E : auo per ,._ 1a ann1a County~ to ..,.; P .OO ,_,...,.to l&b aone . ....,._,. ~ .. "er ILLM..~ !I! N~rt S,.Ch. ...... tbe Act Mardi'.. tf1t. - "" .. IIK'Ril 2 2 • • EDITOR AND PRESIDENT ,_,_ fOil w . t.ra1 Aftftue N-Beac:u c.Jllnm . e port I& Offid•' P..-of the City of Newport Beach -A D .. l •• , .. Leoal IMtltutieft ,., Over J4 Yaa,. ~-----I N E\VS ,l -of the I CHURCHES I PIIIM-FOVUQU.UU: CIIIJaut l QY COSTA MESA ((~•re• el IIW Hll""'ayl I ..... 0 . Willard 8tu,.a. l 'a-wr . Balboa Island ~ar{ne Promoted Flnt Ueutm ant Peter Vander- burg. wboa lt1J'e. Jeume, ·llvea at BalOO. l.tland .• bu been ~oted 'ftre Worlcra New a-'l'laroaP -THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR t\n lntC'm4&ional D4ily Ncw•p.pn Publuhcd by 'THf CHRJS'Tlt\N SCIENCf PUBUSHfNG SOClf71 One. Norway Stnet. &o.ton, M•ll.l('hu.ett• Ia Tn~U~Oa......_..,_ "-~Ue-·" Edltoltala AN 'ft....,. ... ...,_.. ..... Ita DUly ..-tu,_, Te-c:r _. .. tile WeeldJ ......... 11eet1aa. 11aD tile II_._ -Ne~lertllea.-.. • , Prtoe IU ... Y•rtJ, er ll.lt a IICMltiL Sat¥rday ....................... 11eeU... liM a Y-.r. bt,..atory otter, I llatiU'daJ ...._ U 0.18 <*al ..... at: Chrt.tlu 8dellee ........ Boom -....... OD Mother' a o.y from her .«.--. prtaoner 1n worship, 11; ~npi~t'lc -~rvk-e:j 1~~~d~t. wbblcb •boWel_ '!rot_~ ~ up -rt~~ ~enc.y .IJt u~raotnr tralnlnr u a , . 7:30p.m.; MJd-wHk pray('r mft.t· lo<Jkt'd. eve I(~ ta._. lit! lid. Eild ......... f ' boma,.r pilot. a. ........ ...., .... ~tiar'dlrr on a F1ytng For1:n!&S. '"• on W~y. '7:45 p. m.: In tb~ dilpute lt.aell. Ave~ may • . Ot • mleelm onr Bertbi tht byr lhlp wa1 hlt and mortaUy r:oun~~·· t'Van~l!Jtk wrv1~ bnv.· a,.~n rl~tht or wr nc. ua.l ··~ .. ~P.I!~P!I!~~~!IJ.III"'-II.!PII!W~~~,~~~~~~~~~II!!IIJ wuUnd.tf. The boy balied out. ----~~ ¥. 7;45 ,p; m. j U~Uon may hav~ ~n rtcJII «I , • !'"rong: lht' <."rJmp&ny may h&Ye . 'lb him the!'!"~~-~ eYen U a captiVf.' 0( the c Rl'l"11 \' ~t'H:'t t' I Ill -Ill llt:)C ht-Pn rlght or "'ronlt Tl:ere an tiiiiDy ,be WU lltilJ mln:dfu1 of tJie litt~thlngs that WOUld ,.,,., r:nlt1~o T •·ll In lh•· Sulloht~ at.Ul cuurta lo dechk tb.tft t.h1np, lldablfen Jail ~ holne t.houland5 of miles 8W8y. l.l'•t<u ll "••r&11nn In 111 br"O\I'h•·• n1 Rut the "'nnt~tom4'ry Ward ~ .._.... _ • , T h" ~torl1"r ('htllo h 'f'h•• 1'11~<1 mu~ a,. l'onl'ldered In <."OnDf'CUCia --~a h week.a-a&n the ca.sh1er of Bank of Amen· , ..... ,,. .... r t 'ttrt .. !-Orl•""~'-tn u.... •1tb th~ J nbn L. Uwt11 <."..e. aac1 al'l maiD~ otfloe found a po.tcard on his des~$. It '""· 1• '''1111 l!•)loo 111~ .. , """'1' with thr Searll Rneb\IC'k (1~ I -.-...:... ...._ bo ~--·a.ed that bouq t of --' . "-'""1' )'1111 ",,.,. uoln t h;or "'loo1·h I• In• Mle IAwt. caM, .,, rar u I -...-u vc-'Y· ~ .-a . tJe n.~ rose5 lA." 1'#\f)•l ""'~ •ltupt. ,., ... , .. u' .. ,., II ., . _. ~·hll ~ .. 00 Mother's Day and the cor;t deducted '"" ,,, . ,.,., I or .,~ , ..... , ,n ru ,, •• :. <."an wt.· lb,. only re"l tll!rer .. nc:. .......,-~ . ' ' ·"'""n un•l• r )'"" ,, ... 1 . "'"" 11,... wer~ that J «thn L . r....-w11 .had bja ~ 8CC:Gurll It II not dllftcult tD tmaglne What that "Anrt•·m u<1 M • .,l.•rn -... .. ,.1,.111nrll'y, nrrtce In the l'lld UniVt!MIIly Club .............. nanltohillrnother. !'"~'" M"''""•t•rn .111<1 lt '''""lt~m. building In Wuhlngti)O. whlrh be .-..._ f)o>nounr•·tf" •• rt.~ ~•·II ····1 bought rnr the Unltt'd ).11nt \Vortt· &U. .cary~ the que1tkJn: [)o ft dvUiaJ\s appre-•1 lUll l ht' ll~:hl of rtu• •nrld." U8 In 1936: bl!' Wruh't Rltlln~ lJl a .;.:...;:._;;.-;;------datt tl-. .,.g-of tb!-~ ..Utkla..to the .}"8r ef-u~··rt• J•·~u• 111 J'.'1'0 " t:"'l'"' Mnt1 mint abatt. H1a mJ.nUII ......... .. ft.':.~---• .. ~ I"JIJ"11J'li'J . "''" ,,.,, rurtow~ lt -fort! I.JO we realble what a U«~e thlnllike a pint of blood can nit' ~hall not .... t~ In "'rlcnf'~A. but were on •rtke. Olber tban Uda .._..to a WOW1ded ,.akBer, how a letter to a boy "out there" •h•ll h11w rh" ltl(lrt or ltf" .. Th~ (he prlnclpl~• were lhf' A&me, \be- . ~~ • • l'hui"M'tl ~•Y unto hl111. "Thou rondltlon• the aame. Jllhn L. Lewta cml • . .,btoal'f'•t l't'rort1 or thy""", t h> n•c-ell' fled lbp · board: ht' df'rlf'd UN llfl Wa_r Loan Dr1w .W be .ta.rting. It wUl. ~rd I• nnt rhll'" J•·•ua auw .. ~. Prutd~nt nt tbe Unlt~t State. He c:d for a IIUI(Ia... W,..oldl:!:!-lalr to OUJ' braV~ 'Phu~.~&h I bur: rt•LO.r:d of m.yll4lll . wu ant~ out •.J &ny:wtte,..._· ~ . • . yet .. , ,..rortl 1• I ruf': ror I know 1 h~ 110lcJI~M1 were left to tht' job f~ IIIBIIII'tbe~ ~ Yel8011le o1 our ,UUJe_ ~"""' I r11m1•, anol whit her I ~ru : whl b lb lt.led d-• _.__ . __ u_..:::!.. ... r .~ .. lhh l .. hiC'h I ""''" ··~· c ey f'D or Wf l't' nuv .-.moM ... ~ 10 that • can buy an e~tra •lth Dl' ..... ,.f'l'. "n" ,,. do that I t'd: tt-at or ~eftln~ rMidy to beat .baad!• ~ Utde ..atnce., make wtll help brlnl ~ctOf)' which.. r• ba''" a""o with JD.ut tbe-dayll&bL• ~l of the A.XII &ad :;tm.eA._.= '-"-"' ol--" -•nt-ol f11ther .... \"e ""' or -your fathet 1 J apan Thf' ~dent did notll .... ~ .,.-r-:-~ u:u ~ ....,...._.. IOnS lllfl dntl, aod '"" lull~ JOUr I Tb~ SeaM! Roebuck u .w '-111_.. lit ' to• ten a 'fUture Mother's Day. rr~tber ,. wtll do.· · tnt~re~~ttng. At tb' vrry .... HOW YOU CAN I~ VI FOOD • , Ma, Dak4'r f:cJdy writ"" n "Set· 1 time C'~nl!'r.U Hl<tdiP W&JII l'b~_._ ,.. 1 I _........_ roc:e aact Hulllr •llh Kf'y to tlle ·~~-"YOW CO"",..,.,,.,.,. "-r_. iln,._..,~ V · E' • ftcnpt.-e•:" ".IHua or n r tattmatl'cl 1 up Chlcaro Hill, tbe SIJttb Rertoe· ........... wAmi.ly n-_-'-.-Jllortb'' thll.l God made a dnll, bill h .. dtd Ill War L6bnr Board. also 1J1 a.&-• . -.• ' ~.WI: 1J • aa,, ·v~ arr or JDUr flthl'r. the <'llgo, ruletl that Sears R,..buc:Jl • -....... fMIOv tame. U" •ts doctor's bllla at the dnt.l.' All LhHf aaJIDIIl were te wru "not uwntlal and cannot w. ..,. ......--, .r .., r r 1lllew ~t miiHI ID matter Ia &a. .., qf~&· , ~ ~~ II apt toW JJke .. qatl~ debt, aulbor ol lta~lf. an.d II 11m1•11 a I FollowLDr tbe lltn(tac · ot .._ '-: --;--....,., over tu&un ea.mlrwa and altering I flllltJ aad llluaton. . Star Span.cled Bannn. whlcb cu. flii'J! ' evidiiDat that the medkal profe.sion must be a tomartl)' o~NI ~b mee~. ape-0 tl• I JIJ • · r1od of alienee wu 1 beerve-d In ...., aDd distribution of care is difficult. But it mu..o:t bf.' a.-. We bave Kot to Cind a better rt)e thcXJ or dittributing _.,.,care. 1be l.nlurance principle must'bc applind to the problem. And physicians, not politicians. must be in C'har~c." Wheo a loved one ls Ul and: in' desperate nero or medical ald. the doctcr je llkely to be'eonsi~red wortl1 whate\'cr tw miD at the tJme..-..bowever ditricult lt may IJe when fhc bill -CDIB ID. fiK:IIw tlftdent. aoaewaWe medical care within financial ram ot aU dtblm in tM Jq(icnl ob.ljlwtion or n m;ponsible. modem eommunlf¥, even though the process is liable to sa-1 · ..._ ~ poUUca aDd .ubwnlon by patronage. p ca USIODS rremory nt . Watton Hubbnnl . Jr .. Topic at Rotary I :~:n~e~':!:-oclate ot many ., The progTam W&IJ In c-bar~re ot OptJcal lllualona· wu lbe .u~ Lincoln Norman. arlually -t~1th tile fyl!, It mere • ly prC'vldu a plr tu,.. of lmagt. "hll'h i1 lnterprt!ttd by tbe bratn, and lhe brain c&n be dt'Celved In '·artou1 't'llYI! Into lUI lmprc•lon t nt 111 not an 11r 1u;1l fact DIP6.1C" ITO"V T hr mur h · • "· , .1 prorr.saor walked Into t hf' h~t r llhop ud •t 111 a cb&lr next to a woman wh w ns hn,vlnl( her t a ir be~bbed. "lllllrrut, plea.M;· ordered proreuor. • "~r1alnly." 11ald tht> biH....,., would you m ind tiffing orr bat!" .... 'Mle ruJit omer horTirdly remov«d h i• hat. •·t '!ll "' rry" h<• llf>Ole>gls- rd 1111 he lonlcrd ~ro•o: ,1 "f •l•da"t know thtre II a lady prea~~t!" MODERN . MARINE SERVICE SHEL-L· DOCK wu ... w.._ -.... -.....4-p,../ ~rves fNrn and tomaton on cop ol ps ran,r ac berlrn1 lmlPfraNre. AI de-ep. covtftd contaJrwr fot jan u n«essary. ' Dry I-. -"Cv•fl h•~""'-''-A •UI\fattory mcrhoJ for proccu-an~ (Non t nJ • 9afr one for procns•nJ non,.o(hf fe>c>ds of ·• prnsurNanner 11 ncx ••••lal-le. ,..._ c.--A pres61Hf canoet with an acruuw prftlllrc-,.u,r. it eswnual f<K home<annonJ. any non· actd ~smble, mear or fish The pres· ~&~r~ .ctnner providn the ho~h" rtm· PfriNrf ~td to prfvent boculism or food po•sonrnJ . The direcuont whrch c~ .. ,,h • preu l.r't c-anner thould be artfully folio~. ,_.... eA4 fnlt 1-'"•• jeUia, jJml and pack In can br procnted on rou r pJ n n!r by •aronw mnhods. Add•1•onal informat•M an.l r«rpn can be ohu ontd by caJI.ng tM Home SrrV1Ct' DepaN· Dlcnr of rour JU company. I ~ eam U. ~ ~ ot the mediatl prorcs-: ... Ulf prcllrUD b' bettB' dlltrtbutlon ot public health fa- \ c:mt:t.. ..-be l'f!IDCJWd from paDUcs by pubUc demand. And tD a. worib to tbe a~ tamJl.y wbateover ita C06t may lx>.' BALBOA ISLAND •••••..., for ecoltOIIfY, ltetrt-co,.irol anJ •peed IHI MAGIC nAMI TH~T WILL IR~GHl'iN \'0~~ f~ TURE ••• ' I I . I / &8Ut be kept out~ Pofttb in the .me way. • ------------------------.. ~..-.w--.-. ~---· . . ' .~ Gos Compo a. y ofl•rs •••• ca••••• INFORMATJ'OII What are tbt bat cauioa method~ fot the diffeftoc fnaia aod wp tablet? What equipmeoc do yo• need 1 As a pra~tical seni~ to home~annc:n, this teaJOn yckar g31 company offers free Tekphooe to- formation, Printed Information aod Recipes. Lecnrra for ~o~o·a _Or· ganizarioru-and Canning Oasses ia certain affts. For furlbtf. Jtlt~ils, r.U JOIN WI c..,.,,., H"" StN:ic• o,,_,,t111 . .. \ IOUTMIIN COUNTIII • OAt COMPANY ......... .... - . \ ' j . e • ' • . -. .. . . DUring the Many Years that . The ' Stag Has .Served the Publit,. its Employee and Owner, - to Sh~w Our Appreciation and Thanks for the Conftderice~·Giren ~~· We Hope You Will Extel)d Tltat· Same-Support to the ·New Proprietors.--· • .. .. · THE·o~ GANG at ~e . .., . ,\,, STAG ·.CAFE ~ .J-- • \· . . . . . . . . ·STAG AMUSEMENT PARLOR -. • • • -0 • . . . > • • STAG·· LIQUOR STORE TOM CARSON, 'Proprietor JIM O'HARE · EDDIE BALDWI.N HOWARD WHITAKER BERT ov•w '• ... r - ' --___ ·· J __ f • . ' •• -.. ( "· ,. :. EDDmW~N -r.~Dm~RBH&D:~~.--~~~---~-------------~~~--~~~·~-~ HERM~~ TAYLOR oiJco RICaARD80N . ·a.E:BRbWN ·~ :. -... .. -------. NI:W~~Es • .. iii.;~~~·"=· Y...._ XU IY • ...I¥ . a d = ftlll ~: •u o ,.r·,._ a~. pounty; tfJ ..-.: P .OO ,_,_,Co IUa 8Qae • ... .,. • ., a Cll• aatter at Ole JUtamce ba N~rt S.C:b. . --~ .. !' tbe Act ot ~ I, 1JT1. . ._ ~ .-nla · · , · EDITOR AND PRESIDENT-~ ,..\. fOU W. OeDtral Avuue, Newport Bead~. Calltnrnla ·, OfficW· P~ of the. ~ity .of Newport Beach -. ..., ___ .... ....,.._, • ---r -~ N E\VS of the I CHUR CHES nJI8T FOua8QVW CHVRLH OF C08TA MU A (CIMI,.,.. el I~ lllciMaJ) .,, Q . \\11a.nt aturM. Pa•lnr. llae ._.,.,... Co·a--&.ur ...... ,, ..... . 1 MODERN MARINE SERVICE SHELL DOCK. . BALBOA I_SLAN·D W lf ... Wetw ..... Mettle4-Prt- wrYn fNotJ arid tomarott on lOP ol ps ran~ 11 boolona '""Jl'tiiNr~. A J~p., COvtftd COOII IM'r for jan it n«ruatT. ~~ ... -"C•~• lva~IN"-A Ulo<ftii<H Y mtlhoJ for rroctU· '"II fru1u anJ • 1afe ont for rrn<t~ons llQII•A<tJ fu.-.ls 1f I rrn.$Uit <tnnn' IS noc avaol•hlc . ,.._. c--A ptdtllr~ canntt w•lh .,. ll£curarr , pcNUr~ IPU~ is · rwnual for homc-<annong ony non· 1t1d Yt8tuhlc. mcar or fish. Thr rrn· sO'rr canntr ptov1dn 'rhr h•Ah" rnn· perarurr nrt\ltd to prcvtnl bot~lism or food po•son•nJ. T.ht dirtcllons wh1ch com~ "''h a pr~rurt canntr should br cartfully followtd ,.....,_ ..... frwlf lwlcea, itllin, i•IID an.l pocklt~ can br r ro«-sK'd on voor jlaJ ranjlt by varonut mt"thods Add.roonal •rW>rmaroon an.t r«lpn can br ohraontd by ullon,l! rht Hortt &rv1er !:X ran· lfltnr of rour ssu comf'2nYo u...,.lfe4 fw economy, ~oftfr.,...nJ .•peed , . 1H1 MAGIC·FI.AMI THAT WILL BR'GHH N \'O:.;r! F'-JURI ••• J f · I t I e -~~---.. ~.-. ....... •••• CANNI•o INFORMAtiON What a~ the best CaiUlinl ~tbodl for ~ dilfvem. fruia aod w ge- cablu l What equipment do yoa nee'd? Aa a pnccical' acnice to homc<anocrs, this tcuon your g:11 company. offers free Telephooc lo- fo rmation, Printed Information and ReciP.CS> ~res for Women's Or· ganizations-aqd Canning Claucs in a ruin areas. for juri~ dttails, c.Jl 10'" G•s COMpatt1's HtHJU StN'KI Dtpmt,.,ll, · .. • I OUf HifN COUNfiU e AI COMPANY •• 1•, ---~ • } ---... I ·. ··-. . ·. •· ·' ; •• I • I . : ·' ' Yo·:u_! Thank . \ \ ·~ e . . ' -, ' ·. \ . . 'During tJte. Many Years th~i The Stag Has Sened the PubUt, its Employee and Owner, . . ' Show Our Appreciation and Thait~ for the Confidence Given Us. .we liotJe You WiD \ . . -· ---~xiend . That· ~-=support-fo-tbe -Nevi -p~ -__ ._, .. _ --·-. \. \ . -,__....--. I .. THE OLD GANG at the • \. --' . J_. • • .,.., --...--~I - ·~ ·.STAliLA·FE ~ ---. . . • .STAG. AMUSEMENT .PARLOR . . ·- . ' .ST·AG ··LIQUOR STOKE • ·. -' • I TOM CARSON,· Proprietor JIM O'H.ARE EDD,re BALDWIN ·BOWARD WHITAKER BERTOVATr . EDDIE WILSON GJnRGE REEn . ' HERMAN TAYLOR . . oiJcAR RICHARDSON R.E.BRbWK I . I . ,. ~ , ... ,. ; ' / --., ~ .( -.-. /, I I I I I ,. • 'I NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIM~S. Newpc;rt U .. adl. Califomia, Thursday, May 25, 1944 RED.CROSS • Activities l tnya. and the children rave $277 '1 1 to th~ Red CT-. • drive. Women of th~ ~ Guard Temporary Re~rve Twist to . Head Girl ScoUt Building -Eund Service Ulen'a• famlltea IUid avll-1 tan. too. are reminded that t er.-'==-==I:Z===="""==--,._ 18 a vlJdthiC nune wrvl«' avall-j ...,.. Uu·ou1b Ow fled Cro.. ~ are tr&Uied nu,... and aleo addl· All Red ere-pt>r110nnrl. &a weU qonally traint>ll t 1 aM111t In homu 1 t.. aJI ciU.na, aP! beiJic W'l(ed to wherp theno 1a lllneaa IUid lt.a at· atted t.be Wemnr1&1 U..y ce~ tddant probltl'llJI If you need thla 1 aAe. aL Ule end of the Balboa Pter ~CI' and "'member y<JU, are en· ~y. Way 30 at 10 o'clock rrtrec:t to It, /(all ynur local Rt>d Never ha.w th~ bf'rn a y~ for en-. &117 at -. wbea -havr owed ..., WIUi y ot our buale.t Rf'd C'l-011a mueh t:~ ao D'!Any. and Yf'ftlor1&1 wnrkera l&rl' wlvt-a of 1r rvlce men Day ~uld bt lUI opJ><>r·t unity with "'"tl"n•-d In thll I\ rea. Ofl1•n theM ·a p rlvllf'Jtfl ol rubllr Jv r,.m.·mhf'r· w(>rnen mc..v.. a way and tht~lr la«-and-.·flA¥1-nl t rlbUIM ltl hUr p•.,,.,.,. mull IH' 18kf'n by t!lherll. nJ!l~ men. 11 yuu kru1W 11f Y/oll'lfn In thtll 111&Jv for l?.JUiood O•.nur I 'nit ''"lllll:III\IIY whu havl' NunM•a A1t11• here, JuJy 10 are betniC c'()fll!oleted T1'iunlng .• or a re Gray, Lad u . or &Dd pi~.-U'1te all ynu ean reach· w ai!O t n lw alaff -...I.Canla, or help to .lip up now for appo1ntmt:nt.a "''Hh H• m• S.Orv•u·. "' !.ltlt .. r for that day. C'•1rp11. u k th,.m to vt.lunteer. A ..,aeDdld report cornea trom And wLtiP WI' ArP all 10'10• rniJO•r· tbe Junior Red Cn.e A rrp >rt nt lng .Mf'mnttal DAy an• I I h<' hl)i a year of lovinJt antl produdl\e fllllf>d, [)(.nt•r P ay. It·! ,,. not relax '"'ork on t t e part ttl • ur 11•·houl uur f'fforla t (l I(Pt out ll rr al am1y ' <"blldren, undf>r lht' ahlt' AUI>f'rYI -rot wurl!rrll fur th .. hl'l(lnnm~e • f 1 111oo of· Mn. Grelha 1'\thbol, who l11r nt·w 11ur~e••·al llrl'allii\J.:II 'IIJ' ln I lnr ldrpt•Uy la complelln« ltrr third j th1· nn•t ..-.. ak tn June. ~1!:" at thbl flpe job u.f 1,.., VII•· The Hu_m,. Nur•nc ('\&M. '"' • A lon« I tel of itrma t·.~ j(lvc ht~JWfully plannc'<l. haa noi enough I c:heer and entertaJnment '" IIN'Vil'f' to beKm. Many muther1 who want m.co, la c:ampe and hn8Jllt.AI•. huj iUid ne~ l blf eounle llavt younc CltJIDe fT"om Ule banda u( th,.. <'hll· r hllrlr,•n and ao arr krpt at home. dren, Including ("hrlltn a. ~u. • Are you a nrl~thl.or of ont' rf I car(a, and trfl' omiLitll'llla, I(IUJII"a,1 j.ht-llt' young .,other• and could acrap boolu. puulr u. utility baj(ll, you t Kk., <"ar..-uf hn <'hlld a ftw favon tor .pt'<'lal day•. a 'ld 'll.'th t"••ura " week, 110 11'1e cu t~ana ·a1 THANK YOU f . appreclot• the vote my mony lrtench gave me 1ft the ...,_ .. Mo~ 16th ond rhe c.onlodenc. .._" by lhat v~ JOHN PHILLIPS ~otlft "' (;gngre11, 22nct Ot~lriCt. ·. ------- ·STANDARD ~ I ' . r . ~ . In makLDg the fiTIIt cootrlbuUon to go! to tbe Harbor Girl ~out buUdlnc Gin Given WI 111\emorlam t und and conHntlng to htad tbe ' In a<Wltlon to bla ctlt of $~ to •om n:lttee oo bulldlng. Mr. A. J . tbe bUilding fund. &iven In plt>m- 1 'f-A' lilt of Corona del Mar hu &"iveo ory of bla wife w ho paaeed •way th~ blgg.;st lltl to, acoutlng for earllio'r this month a fter a lung Ill· 1 g~rJ11 t hat lttl¥ area baa had In n~l!ll. !\tr. TwU.t h11 ma.de a BOund rr any years. l ntercsh•d tn noy lovt!slml'nt In fuiUf\ enjoyment I Sl·outlnJ( fur many years. Mr. fvr the Ktrlll -by glv_lnJ them a 1 Twlat waa a. maa.ter htrc from 11ianw at'Ound whtch to center tbnr 19:!2 to 1933. actlvlltn. Started Cuba In Wut Value Great In War Time f'ln<!ing thlll younger bruthcra Thrre are· two troop. of Girl who bad to be cared f, r. were ~outa an the Harbor a rea u · well I kHplng hill Boy S<'outs from &t· lUI two Browmr t roopa whk h cor· t rndlng met-llngM. Mr. _Twllll con· respond '" cub' ll<'uutln~ few the c~tvt'u He idea of organizing a boys. Tht' ll'aJ.-rs • f thellt' J(T"Uptl "Lilllt' Brothers" club In 1923 tq rt'allzt• the bewilderment that coo- mtet at the erunt> l tme and pillet' frunts the youth of to<D.y \':llh th .. aa tb~ Scouts. Fr<>m then oil, the i}u!labilltle~t o>f war. Tbr body IUld problem y.>M aolved and from that chara<"ler· training of t hl' Scouting flrllt g rmtp of little laua grew tl'le program maku for liner Amcrl· C\fb Scm\1 organl:aatloo In the -ana for bdth war and peaC't'. Wtat. T he Ingenious ~~<:hl'me uf Th<ll't' ·l .. a dlng Rnrt 11111111111ng with U)e local leader received, rl'<'ll(:lll· the Harbor Scouting program art' lhm· from the nati?nal Boy Seoul !\tmes. Hubbard Howe. FriUicu hudquartenr and now Cub IICOUI· 1 Graham, l..onnle VIncent. Ev~t lng 11 tbf' recognized tiut stt•p fur ~unarl. Willard NurCh. Walt"r the future Buy Scouts of Amerrca Col<. Jack Ma110n . .Marjory Hub- Feeli ng of Achievement h·y Robe'} F.Wit on and Miu Duro. Realizing the bent'fit.ll 11f II<'OUl-t ht>a W1taon. • , lng for the youth u( Am~rtLI 1111 ' I the lack of IMilng uf ar~ti'Vt'mt-nt WtlhOill ll pJaCt> llf thl'lr OW11 to crr~t. the :>0 Ha rbor Girl St·oul.tl l and ~() Bn•wnlell &r<' lndef'cl fortu· nute to llavt> the tnlereat !illd en • I th'u.tum of Mr. •Twtlll •llrecteu to- 1 ward thdr work. All Mr. Twlllt exprt'NI!d 11. '"To do aomethln~. 1 • ne muat havt a meeting plot•e. To ha~e itucb, t here must be money HN.I a l'ODlribullon. no matter bow. amall. 1.11 aeceptuble " Anyone 1 Wlll'llng to add tn thla fund may • 11" 110 through Mr. TwL!Jt No Plal)e to Meet I . Hft'l'bor Girl Scout s mel orlgl· 1 nally i n th't-Newpcrl Beach GriLitl· mar school until cQJldttionll moved "l'm wurln~ my old undlea and savtng my new expen-lvc: onea." "Wha.t for ~ A rainy day?" '·No, deark a -wlody day." Piano lutructlon Gustave Linsenbard" Gradual~ Leipsic Conf"rvatory Pupils A~pttd Beginners a Spe<"lnlt)' Phone Newport lOOS..W Zone Therapy, Meet leal M&M&~te. Swedl"h Mas- sage. HydJ'o Therapy ' them out. Th .. y then held their l m~nBB In the hom~.._ ~.!f---':w!~!L.!!!:!.!!!!!:!!.!!..!(o~·r!:...__-1-~ 1 the f~r~t ~11-l h" ~'•·UP Qvffwei~t ofr U~~ Gene Morleghem OFFICE r.1• "-· ,.11ft llf'n'f'll at l..oc-al c-... ,., c.uard quartr" en Coli.'-...,,. .aJ•tea -r rel1eclloa Ia UN-•w....._l mlrru r. 1 nllurl'l'-rurnl,ht'd b) tiM' ('oael U•rd an-.Amllar tu llitooir .. ora by tht· !'i&*"• mala dffferPI> "1-ludr ro,al blue •hlrt. and brMI<t , a ,,...,, ''") h!ou-::•rri~Win aljl 11.ftft fmtr·ln-IIAnd tk'. 1 ,.:rew too lar~·· to ntllkc \htll &r· rnngement pradlcablt• ~ tht>y rl'· tum td Ill the lk'hOOI. Ullin~ th~ 111rand annu . where thetr •chedult- ron(.llcu with ·ct1Stod1an .Juilu 110 , that , as bad luck would htlVt> ll, "'""craJ rainy mel'lhlJ!' dll)'ll rave tound tbe gy ls locked ''"' ot till' bulhJ•{l.¥.,.....---What to ~J! Where Zone Thl'rapist SJX>dalist Balboa Inn Blclrr • . MADE· TO GOVERNMENT SPEC I FICA TIONSI • _ _,_1fiESE AlE. NOT VICTORY MODRS ... We .... .W. .. MCV ...... ly tweftt'f·flft ef theM flM ..... .,.., ..... If yev ................ li . SCRAP PIPER DIIVE . TO BE .IJITEISIFIED -Ill IIIRBOI DISTRICT .. ; . . I 'A nat~ quota o• ~trrht m l!o:1 t na o. \',:\JI{"'fl'lr'"T1 " '>•· \Ill \'IIJ::I'd I hilt \'1'111 'All l)'•f'n ~~ Oy ttv \\'"r Pn .. turtlon Bo&rd Th111 mrnn11 that f'v~ry poalble • : •1urt •' uf waatt-m\[st be w &rThed -!a not t h r pnprr '' h :tl'r<l • ! A ITt'ml'ntlmUI lilt 1 l':tl!<' in r·111t fHt\' P•'• ~ "' t::h'f"'n ._,. thf' rrh .• •un tor u r!rlng evrry cltt.un Itt ct hill I"' t•••r 'f'rY ut mulfl 111 mal(~ lhi11 1 war driVt' a auCI'~'II~ 1-:,·.·n • l'h~ lo tl:ov l"''••ni Y·IWfl lhl tlllllnll 10019 IUIII · murr mu~t he !!lltll<'r'N.I 1111,1) rln<l tt .. "'"'' hlll'lc lulo ~.-rvil.'o' lh n•ugh th•• Jlllfl''l mtll11 flrvrltlp your .. wn ml'thod nf .., ll~tlnJC Pf'rhar 11 ynu ,. m t1t10• .. ,.,.r ""rr•· plan ~hkh w ill hr lp othf'no. · On•· ""''''' piJUI 1t111t '"'"" pn>-P< .,..,1 IJy t h• War l'roc.lui.'Unn Uol\r•l It I~ "'' ~•mplr f'VI'ry onf' c·lln ""'' 11 l ir l ll l>ti.J>rr l'&rtun and 0 ''" put In K•·• p •~r , n ,~~ ''118 J tl Uw t'llrton will ti 1,1 no more. Tht-n J'lll th•· I'A '"t."n :~•,.-~ w ith othrr P"IW"' Pll for !l'.lh'3~t' 3.Dd ~1-.r' 11. 1'=""'10 ,. I• I n,; !lrrap pa· • Jlrr 111 K """"' rnrtnn llut "h,,,,.,..,., you "" ~ave pPper Rnll 'r\'f'l '1 •un~ r ~um '' h Jl:lflt'r • 101 lJ, • ..... ,. !llll~lf7.1nP8 of an, ktnd '"' · n ·• dt I• i 111 :;''" 1'•1 I J lllthnt I 'nntrllltlff'• "' • tlu1 a:•· ••' l"lflt'r ~tall'otJ.;•• nppcala t (• •lV•I! \ , n•· vuung an't •>It! to • lp Ill • ,II I •II'J.: OJ; lh!8 b g j>art, .. r Jlh· ".1r I'' .turttun pmgram_ I :c•fll••n !o•1 Alii Ill' Of 1111' UIICH to .. hlt h 1111~ WR~ll' p8flt'l u• put It JZf14'8 11\111 . unlalnt-rll rur ''"")() plu- m• r~<prr rrn:t-T1n~ (l•r •ht'[la .. n.! l;_•mtt• p'l fll'l" Jfl\1 II• hill•·~ ror dl'tlppln~ 1Ufplle. anti for inaula· It n ft•r Arm,· hula rr .. m rc .. I&Ad ,_., lh•' ~(-100)• .. ,""" 1 pul In a rnnvl'n lfnt pl&ce wl'lere. 1e vrry btl nf M'ror• papc•r l'&u bt• , I pu~ tnln IL W hc•u A aupply Ia put • MRS, AM EJUC ~ , In t h" rllrton "'"P "" It to prC'IIII It • .• s ---- SP·ECIAL .SCHEDUlE For Collecting Old Pa'11ers and :\'l&gazin·es , . ,. \'OUr if-f'·~. Sf'wpnrt ~2 for ormatinn._ Put ~·our ""'':"'J::F:·N :tn<! m::r;~;::n.rs ou~ thf' da~· be· fnr1' ~,. "'n -.h Co.lrrtor b d.lt'. , .• · .I;. :.1 m abc1ut on.- 1 r141f thl('k bundlf-!1. _ ~ ··t::N~St"J .'\-~RAI.B(),.\: • From i !h St: ~"'t t11 ·h·tt~, :.;uutby :wtl Thursda~·. 1 :.\~T !\'t~\\'I'OU~ ntKl :._1::\\ in;:';: Sfo\·..nth str~·t wtost tu ll41th ~t.. Tttt'!>itla.\ and t'ricla,·. \"t't;$T ~tWI>f.Jj(T: . -. . Thlrfif'th lil~n·t·! west 1u ~aut:~Ana rilt·r. Wt•<ln.-sda\· and Saturday. · ' U.\I.OOA ~~-.I~A~O-Mnnda\· and Thur~,·. IIAUBOf( I~LANI)-1\Ionday amd Thur..wiv. 1.10() ISLE-ru~y anct t .. ridin . • · .· REACO.N BA V -)fonda\--and Tfturstla ,·. • .. o\RCHES, t :.1.ST to CIT\' \'ACIIT·CI.t'l~ i\~C'IIOIMCit: --.-Dally -. <'ORONA DEJ. MAR-TuMida~· and Saturda~·., Nt;WPORT II~IGHTS-Tu.-~~~~-and ··rida~·. BllSINESS, mSJUICTS-(Nrwpurt, Balboa, Balboa L<il· aad)-Dally. J • P~-KNp Thl• 8<-hedulf' for Reff'reace Telephone U8~ 706 E..S.y An., Balboa General Automobile and Marine Repairing . ·Marine Electricians Available Feildet Body Work Re(inishing TELt:PHONt; NEWPORT BEACII 225 BO_AT' OWNER.S- .N.OTICE! : ----:-r • -MEETS DEFENSE-of points Thu~ only "str w ml·ar· ;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; · lnt ni' 11"1· ful t b I nu &ht' 'f''IUti.Jt t" ·------r prt'pa rt'd rr·onf s 1 Nl k or I'Oll s 1~ ro .. kn w ~ ' llamt.urr.:r r quln• ·!lllrrt'ndf•r ot IX''"'" rlunk hav.-ht'l'll 1r)llkl nl: foT tl' on lite W;l) A tol:al or I\\U nullinn nf I lh••m Will I"J m:~nuf.it·luro•d rturtu~-_ I!IH unU•·r th•· f'oinpll'l•· tkn~ram wurk•'<l out h" thl' \Vttr Prod.ur· tlon Roarct-S('Veral mon· manu~ There will be a meeting of the ~ommercial Fishing Boat Own- ers' Association Monday, May 29; at 7:30 P. M., at which time several problems will be dis- I • LEGAL · FOR -MS FOR E'VERY . . - TRANSACTIOI \ ( / . We have made It ronvenlent f<>r you to lnsuf"(' compliance with ·.an J"{'Qulrements or the law by cnrrying a complete stock or all 'rorms anrt .papt>rs needed· for the completion or ev~ry transa'Ction: lt~member, too. that t'tll1 ol"gaftlratlefl It ) re•dl' t o handle any and all of your .{ p 1nt •no p;olllema I rom a· complete four· c:otor co•npleco~ltd pr•nt•"O problem to the pi.l""'"O •nd publ eh•ng In l ht N•..,•· T•mu of your advertlt•ng. No obl•o•tlon ) will ·be athchtd to your phone call for f lnformatlo, of a ny k ind. -~ NEWS--TIMES ~-- .. • -· li I l . I If you •·an hl'lp tn Rny way wllh •\II 111,, t h ,1 • ,\m-atNk 111 point frt't•. This anfoam:~· thla Home Nurllln~ pm rram will 1 1111 au·s.:· 1 lion ~~ (iVl'n by OPA an an.~w.•r "' y .. u t•all lofr" 011rla D<>rMy un Bal-rrwa ~.~' •h·pl:t} rrl 111 11 '' • "1 the-many lnqu irle:< mad<' sinet' th•• r('· bo•<t laland or tht-lnf'al ltut ("n1u httll·h··• '11"1'" 1' "11 1"0 1~'1111 r~. Ct'flt I"('(''V81 fi"'m thl' rotton li~t or office 7 °"1~ "h··rt •tu• hu~"' ' "' • .. r i~f all bt'f'l except !ltl'ak s and roa!'l, n·'lllll lnt: 1 .111un P'""' r>tl u~lc:!l l • l:lec'trkl lroiuo IO h it\,. II Cl •~litH1 rlo••· ·I 1,,1\'•• IO ' Th'at t'lectric iron hOU~t•Win•~ "'"I") .11"'"' rh""''' I' . 1 • n'd ''"'"P' til ft\kt'f\!'-' 1•1.-' I• ...:.•a11· ~ltlll< lorhtd lltl' 1h•1•l ' • I 1 :• IIJl , .. ,,,,\\ llh'.tl" If :\l1 ;\llh 'IClt n,k• lhal "'I•·•· m••al '" • t' .,,·, to h••r "1""'1111 oad•T. 1 •·n I•"'U m:1) nnl~ hi' c·HII····••·tl tl 111, • .1 oC mPa1 \\OUid l 11tfllll• llh -• BOAT SERVI:: ~h·f'rhaullh~ ·-PalntinJ: U4'!111• lt•lin~ ~toTHI( ~•:u\'ln·: ·~ENDALL BOAT .SE:RV~CE In t 'orme•r ('alifomht lnrltL"'trir"' fttd~. · 3-1.)'.! \'iu 01wrto Xf'\\ port B.-ada ===- NAGGING ·BACKACHE I W II EN Functignal Nt-.rYOUI lJtaturboncrs such as :o;l•<'ll• t-•sn•s•, t:ranl.in ~~~. Esrilahility, lleatiM.~nu~ or ~cn.P&tt.lleallache lntnfrr<• wt' :1 ~···':r 'l(l'ork or spo;~il J'OUr 1:1'1•·•' l.• , !', t:.!.e Cr. ~~:~s rlervino N,·r \,,a:' r '"'~" :1 ,·ar. n•a~,. ~, u "':tl.• (ul, J 11.. r), lrllt.d•l£· . r· , ••• ua T~·~•~• Hl t ,.\"'l C"au.:t• ~ ~~n flU\. ll~td.•rl•e Ill •I :OO.rnuu'\ l r I Unn. In tir'•' luH' tl '-f', )\·,. Htf 11\01"11 Jikf'ly t ,,, 11~ 1:>1 II' l evttn\TOUjlht llnrl nrl"\'1>"~ 011 I ., wi~h (,,,a ~····! Ft.• •• \r \•'. Jl,·. Milf"l ~rn i.r.t• ":t l'••oi!.~.J.;'J,e -mth) b)lt I 1ft I : . f!, II )•c\U ,r, , .. t llfl' n r. ··ii~··s Neni '" )OU ca:.'t J.n •• w \\1 •• ~.·It ••II •lo f,r ' t. It ( ,. ··~ :n L:'lui•l •· ,1 t"tfc•n·,·3>"Pnl Tnltlo>t l omt, h ... h elj .. n11y ''" •I 1: ltl t.nsl' an•l •o, ·:·I' r•·n~ht nl .. • WUY DO'S'T YOL' TRY IT ~ DOAN~s PILLS ·, Get It at yout druc stnr <', !:«en·~·····llt 111l'lrtll 3:lf an.! ;:,,, Liquid 2a•· ancl $1.00. J:cl\ii d1rec· ..._ aiMI QM ~,. .. 4ir«Uid. facturcrl' wc-1·e a~"'WIN1 thrt'r ' quota& thts wet•k an~ they r"llmatt' tpat th<' from: will rE'nch r<'tall j' 'tort"< in (\uantily by •'arfy fall lnrldl'nll\)1). "nv('r 97 pt•r crnt or ... . discussed. Our )llan will be thor- oughly discussed by ()Ur attor- neys. It is to your interest to be prese_nt th•· fin .. t :nt).(Ul m nnufucl uN'd will·l be• hou~t>holrl modc•l~. and lrl's than • jthn•1• JX'II cPnl commc'rdnl moods. IWfrtrento k • Thr outlook for n~w l'lo U!'I'hold. m•••·hanical l't'friKI'raror.; i!l not 1 l>ll hfll!"tfl \\'htiP lhl' l'IOCkpiiC rr· rlUl'••d to ahout IS 1-rr N'nl o/ illl , oru:ln:~l <:iTI' •·arl\' 111 1942 11nd no pioii'P enn h mil.rll' now All Itt¥ • .. m.all n umh. ·• t'••m;'untn~ t• h<'irr~: · ollrt~•atNI It• IIJiltlo~ry. lu.-pllal a nrl oth•r' •'~!'•·nt1:d v••'"' npphcuuon~ lrnrat andi\'Hit1:1l• cann11t bl' j.;l\'1'11 (;l\'PI'Ithlc• t·nn ... ld••r:altnn. l !lt\\'I'VI'r, I'Vt'l ~ t'ffn1·t' 1... h.·mt: made tn m 1111l f11n .tntl kt·•·p 111 ·~•'1'\'1<'<' llw (llf'4'h~illl''·d l't •f l l~i I ,1 1PJ'' illl t'atJ~ '" hon,,... 7\h\!t' t\.1-'tttr-p ru '' '"'' lu•m".: m!HI•• I<'•' J't•fd~<'l':l lott•. lw· ~nt: pn)(hll'• d II .II lu\11 lltt•'•' I ln1•'' 1111' 111•··1•.11 ral•. :11•• ;w;nl:1bl•· 1\ llh" 11 1"11• I t••' 1~ 11•111 :o t,ll \\Ill ,·n•t• n~t•' I J,t •} .• tip fut, tht• l:tf"k •• r lll•·•·lr•llll!',ll rrfn~··r'llol• rm h"' • hu'd ., .. ,. thr-.: ~unln,••• \n I I h•· 1 "· • 11 tk \\ h11 tl••• iclt '' ·,o '' tt ,1 ~. ... , .t J••tn.~•·1 .•1~ 1 ''"""•' lfl n H'hll:· \ '!Hrr!l r·),.',tf1• 1 .. t I\ • "\\.P o' I . nd• ol If ll 11\•"1 .... ,I,) .t! t h It .. .ill' ·.,.llhJt'l'l It J' t' o 'I I ,\f • o I p ,,I)H1111..; lot ,,•)I !' ttl\ I" II\ Ot d p h I \ I .r ... , u'J, I· l·''d·r ,,, .nt.·.•n !t'H'n ,(h•·; I · • 1.111. ,......._._~1•1•<~1 ~~~ II • Ill ~ ,,nd J •• ~t. 1 •• : iho 1: It\ h• th• 1 I' •lh 1 (.'it i\, •I .. f "''·' I .... Ill'\ I• 'lt d . !'1.c•h .t I fl,•, J.. •·II ), J' ll'• \\II. I' t \ • I\ I oUl\ lh •"·' • • I• 111 )•Ill l""'"'hl,' ·• 0>11~ ' ,, ool I til 1'1 lho· !,1\l , ' PLACE LEGION HUT N~\V-PORT BEACH •\ Attention A"LB.ACORE .FISHE.Rl\IEN! bar~te anchored on tbe lee cif l'vif\1 LOrna to recch-,: albArore c:tught In local 11nd -Mexical) wattrs. You ~·ill . -be pnid immcdiattlptl the bnr.:e and will rtcti\'t top ceilin~t prieta: We will carry aupplirs for )'1'\ft at the.. bar~. Ill\ ing rou a tnp Into the innt'f b•r¥r. AI!OO the comp.1ny bat just purc.hised • twin $CTe..; tender, whidi will ·be an il ablc to all OW' albacore tltbennen nlabt or day, In port or 11.ta. onre. Wt-11r .. ~ning thla 'to u~ you timt'. Wht<n th'e albacl•re are ru·nnina that means _nwrc money for yoo UICI more f~h fer U!l. Please ~Tite Andrew Sll,lillf!PO, our plant SUJX'ri.nrl'ndtnt. Or, II you pre. fer. phone him It Franki)'D n ft. A* the operablr to revene the charwa JACK CRJVULO Praldent A CeneaJ M&A~~W • Sun 'Hartu hddni CompanJ • S., Frooa.Sul>icoZ,CitL ;· ttt•k lilt'-•T·Iwx•k dll\1'1''·' ,.v,•a y ,h, month~ or t>Wry 5000 I Qlilcs. I • • - HARBOR HIGH SPORTS Harbor Finishts Its Most Successful Sports Seaso~ in its Brief History Lut Friday brought about thJ' l aport.l year read It yourwlf and conclualon of one of Harbor's moat ~e what you lhlnl<: .ucceaaful, it not the moat .ucce.. The football team·. un(er the dl- ful. apcrt WlUOn. Two varalty 1 rt'<'tlon cf the new coach. Ua Mil· crowna were brought Into the fold. ler. atarted q :f the year'a aport and the Beea wert atrontl in thu I!CIIl'dule. The first came ·of the baaketball rllC'I'. T~eae facta bring III'Ueon wu playNI wllh the Hunt- ua to belttvt that Htubor hu just j lngton Be. lit h Ollera on thear home t~lebM lta .. belll athk!Uc ~uon. field; t·e Tal"'l rllml' out the vlc- flere Ia a brle( ,aynopa'a of the tors with the acure 6·0. 'nle ~~ 11111111 01111 game, wlth the Excetaior pt. I lfll S, t'DIIl'<l With the I COn! 14·0 ln fa,·or cf the 1trong Pilot ·team. LIDO -Th" Tara th.en played th<' ftrlll TREATER Phone !114 P'ftft Partdn~r EYenlnc at 1:00 A 9:15 Matt-~tanlay at 1 :4& (:ontlb-Sunday from ! :~ Thura. · Frt. · 8at. 8-.. Huwar-4 . Mk'laael O'She• ln .. l ACK LOSOON" Ca rtoon A N'I'W• Sun. · Mon. • 1'\M!a. Merle Oberon • Geo.4AN~e"'· Ia "'1'111': LODGER" and a Short Wt'lltem "ROAR~O OVS8" Cartoon A Nf'W!I WediH!IIday O,.ly Waner Baxter · RoiM!l H obart In "CRIME OOCI'OR'A 8 ftANOE8T C~81':" a lao "8\\'INO YOtJR PARTNER" <'artnon night game fJlr aeveral yu.r1 with th.-Orange J>anthen ln the .Santa Ana bow l. Thi1 game proved to br the bt'at g&JTe tlf the uuon for th S:ulur eleven by dropping t .. e I Pa ulhera 26·7. I T he•:oll.wiog week Santa Ana • proce~ to <lrop 1.be Twa in a • ~~- hard fougtlt ga me 19-6. With lhelr C'han piunship h•'I>U gone lbe aquatl !lroppe.J auc~v• aam .. to 1-'ullertoo 7-0 ILild Anaheim 7-6. 1 The Beu celebrated ooe of ~he 1 most surcesstlftl 8\'aaona ever m · JOY<'U by ft H"arbor Bee lea.m .. Al· t.t.ough they lost three lea~e garr. .. ti. they wer.-a !l clult' exrept Ole An .. heim game. Don Miller led the allac.k I rom the taalback poai- Uon, leading the aqua..l In ·ruMiog, Rlcklng ,and pualog. The beat buketball team that: ever hit Harbor came here lo 1840. That year the bcya won the· Dee "''· ··"· ,.,. 1,.._,,. ,,, 1'n"'"1'"''"n "tj·~·v ''"'' \,.,_,,. t4h'•' ''' r•'''""'" t ., f\f th• ~~~ ,., 1 '" M",. • ''th '"'' f ur t"f'r hnrr,. hl ,,,,. At""•''•'" ~· ,. '''K" -4,;U'l''•Uwt .• ·., I ll .. "''""'tt''"''. ~ .. tu he ft.\ ............ nt httt •'(.ltt Uht•\r k1ra _h,.•,t , •• , \• ,.,,,,.'" l~•· •tttttt \n f'Ot\· r.f'r1rtttf,. Jlr"''f'• ,,, ,,,..,,.,,. 1"'"' .. '" 'n"'' .. n \' '' ., t ht~ ""F'''"r tne'rt \n• A ,.un \•••• hnr"'n f•t ~ ... , ""•' ~• • Jill "' t• ,. l• ""' ·''''Ill"~ l(oftt•~r"•ttf'n ••' "'" .._ ... ,.. l ll'l' t1 •· ,.,. nf '''""''/"' thr llt'!r-• rtu1, 1'1"''" f'l'ltwo" ll\ ~I J nll,.l'h hor f'.;: " "''"'•'1"" t•t\lt '" ut•tl'nln~ " ~· .-.u•t--1 ~·"" :'2 I'MI!TI\111 ""' l'w-•'11 ooi rf'~ hv Onlnl[ In ~~~n l"•lw .. , tl• .. .a· lnll'l'f'Aif'tl n .... ,.nt "'""" ~··II J ,, "DftflUnf'C"''• ''1 '""' JY''111f'lf\11 nf ~· .... .,..,.., t11 th4' ~Uf\llt lttrnlni! \'•' rrNnll Will lnnk tn (',.It-friPnolll .. """ .. ,., ..... ·~ .. """ "' liM b of rt'lftlvrll an•l fnrnlll n• II 1''111',. to m<'VI' In TI\P .fllr k Ptlkln•'1••n• •n nt .. n I ...,.... ,., rmph•vmf'DI. \' .. n•nv .... ,,. .... ,.. t>l'ltt<t tf\ Mnr ~ ..... Mae- th .. nH•n~ ~~~ ""r1"'1 Ol'l•>r111nltlf'l !o•lll•n ,.,.,.r thl'• w01rk-rnoi for rl., r\'111 vn a.Dd to lalu u p ...,,._ ,..,1111 "'""" Nf'••l•nf1 r>f t.ona rran•rt' "'""'"n"" hM 1111 tof'PC't on 1~.,.,. .. ., 11,.nt l h,. ,.,,..."""''' •..tth h,.r lhf' Hftrlw•r·A t\ttun•_ hroth,.r ""11 .,,., fiiM'I'' '"" ••,aria ,,., """''"'' lunr hf'<ln Wl'l lw N,. ... ,.,.,,. nf !lh•wpori ''"'<!!hla 1 t-1'1•1 111 lhl' Nrwr<•rt ~larhqr Va t•ht ll'~t nl'rll•• anti l"f'Nl•'llllnl[ I• in rluh 111 t:.' ~~~ arHI mKn\· pr •mtnrnt ..,...,, ..... ,..-to•n•' M .I '''""'lln of ,...,.. "'"ltnr,. (Him varuttUI Bl'l'tl<m• of A!tlr'r'r• I• ,.1,..mttn~r tw" Wf'i-lt11 a t ' Or"l'll(l' ''"IIIli~ arl' I'Jif"'\:ttod h• Ill· t. .. r 11p11 rtm,.nt hnllllf' nn V11,.111' tf'nd ,.,,.,.,. ,, r1'f'ttna th,. ~t~•rlll!r fr••h•n· !llo·Wtourt l111rtxn will l't'tllln 1!11 lnl( "'" prt'rrlr• · l'""lllon u thl' ltl'!•t Mlu P:lalt NI'WIIInc1 w11a a ml'm· rerrt'llt h•nAI harbur on Ual' C:O,IlJit. bf'r 1,, " parlv nf frt~tllla v.·h•• ml't but ntl\•·1· ore'!-'· pt"rhllJ.S. "''"'" In •n Rlln\ll Ana T''III'WII'II V frnm Oran.:r • uunt y, ma y lw tt...vf'I~>Jlf'•l · whrn1·,. \hPY wrnl In KI)C'tl'a n .. rry for u .. h,,.trial·t·ummo•t-rh•l , .. .,. F'•rm fnr ~ hlrth<lllv lunl'hf'fln poeea. t•trr•·t"' 11 in aoltflttun ·to mur h Willi thl' o .... ,...tav r ... •unt, wh11'h othrt 'bu••n,.. .. will elt!l'l a aerund W illi kncK'k"'' •hrwn '1 1\ ltf'C'OIIi!.-hy vtce·prt'fiHit•nt tu fill "'" v111·a m·y f:IPnn F.llt•. Kl'lth Rtovlf'r, AI BLOtTERS!! ..... , ~·"ed . .................... , ........... ~.~ Tom McCor\teU Naba. Swat Cr.own .... " ..... .... '1\•nl Mo·( \trkf'tl ,..., 1\ """' •••tlu I ,,.. ... r.t "" !Oiu.:..:tn~: ••itt " """' 41111 1 Ill I'" flllll•• I• rn I.AIIImllllt' h•hl ~-· ........ , ....... ... nf you" ... ...._ N oltlee th,. J""'''"'l~ ri'\'HI'\1 N ... n .... llld&· N_,..,n..._.. c:ftt,..a, -r ..... ME MORIA ~·DAY WILL BE CLOSED Monday and Tueada~, May· ~9-• 30 Tn g«'t n much f'lt'Cdc>rl m~t , AM lt't ftll· or ua join In MMnm1nl Dny Mt!rviN'Il THEO ROBINS·# t'ORO SALES AND II£RVIC•; ' I N_,.n,._.. 8 tarth11r Thu,.,, ~114M' 1 "'N Ol-0 OML.-HO"fA" l champlonablp. • the next the CM , C:./'1,. A. t~~e .• ~m-• .:.. lut year the Bee &DG-.wJl&.ll...I.ZU:J4-::::-,.,;.0 rit nlaJielrndor .will r.-i,cn wht'n ths:. fpz-tlvt nobi:NJab ovtr ·.~t WM 1l Tt~m . r'as:~dt•na sladnnri to Wt'l<'Omt' IW'IYI'ral l\i.inci~ Mu.-~a.me Up to varsity tl'll year they l!'lo 1•11' ,\ncit'nl Aruhu jOnlrr Nol:iiH of tho•.Mystir Shrine Potl'f\1:.:• did the aame. wmnln& 15 out of F . ,, , ;\ Sll'llrn' h:as pl:acr1l O!rt'r lor Jo"•ph W RriJ;a n<'f' in 1 •·ll ~~~~~w.~~~~~m-~~~~~~U£------~~--------~~------~--~~~-------------------­AIIhu1•~th t11• ttul•ht .. t 11N'ond, Comlnr : .. Nort• 8tar," ·~ Hldlu, ......... to Ma.-lfiN", "T'be fltl[tlttnc Sea._..._ •• ..,. ..... on. Harveet M-." "T''IIe lleav· enly llodJ'". TREATER Evl'nlnp at '1 :00 A 8:13 l .11•t lllhnwtn~ of ". Dnuh'" ,..,. •. ... turt~ Procram S tart. a t 8:3tt nun .. ···rt .. !'lat . 116 encounter• to ...gr.ck,. I,IP 2t 6 Cll(lfl'•' .. r th1~ Aruh11· "I'I'('IIH'Ir Inn.: I•• 1>1' ••·m••n•IJ••ro•rl h) th•l"\' :,. •• polnl• lO the Op~tlon'a 178. tun. •· "r•ouch In hn\r lhr n:~'<'wnTd tn II• r,.,.ll\l(i(',. An old (a~hh),,-J' ~ ~ 0\'f.t 1 2'07 1611 2 IM 176 ~ 1~11 17M ~ 1911 233 li 173 2il ~ t:.g !!61 Shrme u .. u U..•rul' "'111 lffl'C('Ul' tht• uuttaljun. tma7.zy hardware. The b ya thtn Review of 'HarbOr' a t oUI'ed to Huntlogton Beach a~a111 to brm~e hurre aomt' mort' t ,, Nl-j 943-44 lntramurala Hubllllr.l J r 'Win-Meet by l '·z Pta. At C. I. F. ,Div. Me-t;. r kf'll WIIJI Mllllllnjl al(a"ll\l lh,. bl'•t hurdlrt In thr I • I .. Tummy Wtll f\ln Al(lllll ni'Jt1 ~atur••l"y "" rmocm In the l..o•• An~:rl"• t •illl· .. •um In th,. c~•lltllhtf'(l l' I to' ..... ,.. The-T"r rln•ll'rpatfwra ha..l' • Allltl'lf'a n ty "'"''' arul v.•ill hav•• field d11v iaat ~turday u lh,.Y ,. •·hJt.nre tu t,...ll .. r hla m"rk ot ljroke t,!lret• nocunla lln_d v.nn th,. :-: .. tun lny ,{,111,.m•n Ia unll<ouh\· lltt E clwn oC tbL .mttL-b¥ ~-..My t.,._ t..-.t ~ llftn\ VUH_. WAR WltOOP pplnt• T •m .,M~·C'urk••ll hru k .. th,. l'aJifun lla. Jlr outilla~l tu. Ana pn-e ~ ..the:locala wt:lo tlu mPel ; In doing 10 they· df'feal-ht~rt~ hurdlt' ,........,nt nr Of\'111" 1wan ·at "' mprtlloor t.y 11 ft and 33-31. Bewldea lalung .the league ~ 18 other IKhoola from all of the 1 The annual \\'arv.•hoop between U oyu'a b)l 2/10 uf " ·~· untl, wh .. n . w811 h..rotry wum,.,l "'' whr n fur•·· 1 champlooahlp the varalty 11111•• cap-~· uthem Counuu . The nnt one the fruhmen and teOphum nl't'a wu he took tht fll~eht lu 1 h" ro .. ·urtl ,.,, ._, ,111u N .. xt ~11tur.h•Y hf' will turt>d the &.uthPrn Counllt>• Tour-un the llat wu the Brea Relaya,' hl'ld In J=;eptl'mbl'r in or(l,.r to ke~ ttme or . I!') 6 ~~until< tu "''''"' up 1,.-"""'"'"" utur .. .ta .. ta an1t al\ou hl : ney at Huntington Beach. TWo of1 ~=~~-r a~~~t ""'~:::: !more hard-th•· l r ah from belnl inltla~ by R C<Ind tn thto m..,.l. a n_d ~it tum-r<·hr•••• '"" ,., ,.. .-... unl .. r r.:l rt CHRJSTJA"N'S HUT lht' Tare received hOn01'8 o n the I 'In I II bo the leaK~Je \he upperdlll!lml'n;· thl' frellhlea ed out ..... r ond In Ute l .... I ~11\IUI· I Ill Slllll IOHtl•• hltn .. •lf "'" unly Balhna. eaurnnlla all·lOtllnament tt'ar.t there, They rhs, I 'allr rTC'hom,lng Q.~:.. ... on top \\t'rl' rt'f!ultf'<l lo win three out of em Callf~omla ). R&rta ... ,'ltlt'man A llt 1; ttt t11'('•11i;r 11 1luu\llr wlnn•·rJ 0 'tn J"'IS ~ ~AJJ D&ft rt l d G ofteegue. e,eam-.... parell ,._ l th lh .... • t 1 ., t-:1.'-'"' r'"'"·•·'-·'"--"• •DI' werto Bud All • Rt' an rorge b ~ . F' 1 ln the five evtonta. • nl'~ event. con· kD e • nt IH ft •''"' In "'' In " bv ''"JIIIIrlnK u1,. htllll•l JtllliJI Ill f)JNNERS BANQUETS 's plnk at r.,rwtud anJ \'entu rl'· Y ·~~7 ogle::;"; tea~~-'· whD ir.at .. d 11f the b&g ruah. •teepl~l pay dirt to bettl't that recnnl by 20 tt It •, Ill whll'h '"'"lily ''• • ::· .. II , ~ l am u ,. .. of e n • accre y e -d th f .,.._ ... , · . • Annl' fl"'lfll'r • Th"" Mlt,.~ll In ''TifT. 8VI.LlV,\N!il" 'l •pc\'lively_ Three of t e boy a "1~0rf' th po3. 6 opol-.. ul nng de a:b. aaotbo. cha~~e, Pa ul Reven'a rtde, tt-e en 2"' fMt. 'nle Ullrll rt-,·ord to fall · 10 11H 111 thr ~·h•ll•l ,._..,,,..1,' LeonArd~nrahaU,. Manaat'r were on lhf' A .'-""ague e ; 1 Y It 1 Ill tl 1 tallied ln111. an e tuc o war. r .. uq -. ---l'laun •••• cllpturMI IUWl\her ~ we-rt' Tom MrO rkell and Dud Atl· va:• Y n i' e na 1 were to wtn Ole .requlre4 eveota. Ule riod e team. For the flr•t time ~o blue rtbboo ~Y r~nntnr aoc'-cw --------------------~~---...:...------- riugt> at tbe forv:a.rdl 11\d •GeQrp by &ea. he &e• that b-truhiH bowecs to the m lp ty.,.... &It ..-~ team wu Nlect.- .. O""n "'"""" • -'""" Pnnt•l-' In ".t ;\ ~I': F.VPF." 111M "Tift: 0000 1"'1:LLOW8" ~~ ... ---}~;·-- "'-· -\\'f'd, .. "m n'""·" \tnT." a nd ''THY: \'OOUOO MAS" f'"rt'"'" ~'"rlln'! 'Y'hn"' .. .font' ''Tlllr. ~~'Wl'COI A l .l . tU'AF," r"...,fn•: ".1 "f" k J .. nn 11 n n.'" "''1n...., 0\·l'r Ito~ P11r•,.~., ,.,.d ",Inn-It' r., .. ,,,.lldf'". •All ftaba ,.,... •~ 44' T'h,_wM", '"'l'hr CrtlM nf· IA!Tf'ln4'" ... ~ ... M\nl' tn ft#· -'wor" aftd "Sllve.r Spun," "Ufeboat." ·TAKE HER TO I • • ) ONCE A WEEK BALBOA~_s E:zvous •• (;I ·B.ALLROOM Presents. . I . . v and His Orchestra BETTY LYN N Soloists SATURDAY .NIGHT~ M Y 2~ • LOOSE-L£AF BINDERS 1J X RH -f) X G Shf'f't .. : fr A I ~ o..-C'nn:trlrlt> lrrls·f·r srt in rnmp;lrt !\i7.l'. ~til'· nhiC' fnr ~mAll husinP!tc: nr th" home. All klnfi~ f)( Ruf~ F'or·" sh~t11 anti ('an1s -'· .. NEWS-TIMES 30ll w. <lelltnJ Newport Bead~ I. S~ond Sit lng Alo \.hU•t•~r I"Z .,. ... , J'" Nlnl""' Ill T'hnm t ~ Juwrr (" •tllkf• til" r••rnr•l 110•t hy .F:Oio1ie 'lrr Bnh ll11v. t 'IMiflf,. C'nonC!.., IUltl l ll.l.tv 1111 t .,j I Ill'' ._ . fltlwr '"'Y"' ttuat 1•• ••l~t~My fl llllll· • tlf"•t (,,p 'thr , ... ,.. Au.,:• ... ,. au•·•~t '" 'r• At 111•1• r ,,..-...... ·~· It~;. lfiWI \hto • .. nlut'y T..,-, Mn 'nr tc;rll In I hi' :t:W I \\II I"•UI" Mc.oll11 In lh" • jump 1 ullll•tul(ll ••Ill\' Q l "flll hf' lo "l>t"l :Ill (t ~ In 1 llu,: lltllhulllH' quMhflr11 hy t"ktn~ ,.,., ""'' m tht' (' htllh Jiunp nt :, (,.,, 11 In • ··~ e •1-FUINID VI·JIIANJ .. · •MIN -26. AND OV~·a . ----;._ e M.N 'IN .ClASS 4·' SIR'll. ·A -M E-RIC~ Af" • • I ~ .. .; .. ~ Bailding~eimits NJW~ .. T a&ACH NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES. N"'POI't Beecb. ~ ,-,A);forriia, Th'unday, May 25, 1944 ~b •m 1 HARBOR 'HIGHIEWS ~~du~~N~-~.~~.-AW~N~G-OO-~-T~.~~~~/I ~~. A~.J-r~;;~nth• 11!!:~ • ,Or ... TboM Four Yean I HIGHWAY'S ~~~ Of JuLY OIEEI I' IE / lle6 --. ...... .... ..... W .O'i. w.e,. 18 lolr1l. L.uclllt-E. Rom· _!.,___ t \Vcren't Worth It! . I WATERFRONT IJ 1111111 8111 IEICI beau. 3tt e.y Blvd . s .. l S.at'h, Senior Breakfast-Bacralallreate ,.,,.. "RONJ QI.O ,, _ ..... -.......... _ 1 ... -.. ··-··-···· ·-.... Wf.«< pw O'lfDQ' to buil4 a one etory • p . d L t Sv-..1--cor-~• .THAT claJ wbea J'OU tear "., --., -..ww 1--ua ... _...... .. TM.on ~ trame and brlcll ctwenu.a.l To Be Monday reaen e •• _, JD .,.11ool to make tlM 1:00 L m. l::!cll1cllt, Ia u.o at U.. Port of ,,.., -!MIS . ... .. 001.010 71'7 lrla. 12.000. I)( o1 '. h . l'l'r"-t! ,,.,.~ ,__.,.,sn£l'l'e tha' L~ lor .~HY ae .. ,., borioc rep&~AtM lukle Tbe ~I&Dtin(ton Be&cb Cb&mberl queu wU1 be crowned cSurlDc the ~ 1fl&. -... ............ .......... tll .IST ... -............................. uu )lay l i-C. c. Dullb&r. !llT Be· On the 2tth of Jh ,y. ~tm ~ ;r~rt1·nt"" _, • .,,_. ..,.1 Nlfl ..._ ~-and oo•._. D:ura lia4 you and 'o'tl Till• bclat Ia ...-ei.d -ol Comm.uce voted uunlmoual,., •t~t ot Jul1 boUdar• ia'lbe'beauU- u.o·-5tt . . . . . 1.o.o.m r orua ~ OW.'DU' to build addiUtlo·l the. ~ntlll' <le.•· are P annlng t ' dw evl'ntng. May 21 , ID the~ 1&111 don't llDOW whldl ltlte 0" the r---~ to c:&I'T)' an t.IMir SO Y'8, tradtUoo• tul·Pav-&~Oft Wt.-and tM a1 ~room to 'preae.nt buJidtn1 pt lolt-theor for e bru krut fo'or ~·,..,, r·01 • unl!v Cburda at 1:10. ,..,t you m&reb lD oa. Arter...._ a C!Nyelw Aee enc{D. aDd Ia by •*Uilc a ftb ofTufy queen. 1 ~AD6el~ Wir F'IJ\&Dee com: ltU -... .. ... .. • 1.221 .... ~ . ' the t rat lime lp a ti'Ut ~·JIIr y.,arll. . • ~.1 n'l' .. •n orcan .... -•n •l you .... U8berect to the n feet loa( b.)' a ..,. '* lila AJUaoup tbla dty wU1 Dot boleS mitt .. wU1 Ullat with tbe War stu -no .. ~ ... ... . ...... 110.w · · t I thl~ n•Ati)IT' wtll bt' obllerved. • • be. ""' m t ,..t 1ou cap bleb beam. It , wu buUt tn 1.. .. __ .. ,_ u 1 Ma,. t8-Mar~aret MacConnell, Whtt,.·• Park A\·enue ('aft>. on H••l'\ .-0 fli!O~ ~ tbe -.. prof)f'r1v roo 0 • r · a bA( lndepeadeoce ~ parade, ........ ....,rona 011 ceremooee. 1QA,. 1710 f>ultlc Blvd., Hu.ntJncton n al'"ll\ J•l•"tl " t h~ rlacl', und n•ng·a u rv·<"e. The lnv~ ..,_ '"d j!I)Wtl, and tben you are lho.~ and Ia a Gar Wooct ovenllpt ~ and celebratloo, beinc cancelled A.D arm.y or navy band will play ¥-p 11 lo 11 ltera "' "~· f::'' en hv r evtrcnd r.ooc~en, a-. .. ""t 'the door with tbe tlnat wll~ aeCOIIlalodate l our .,.ople. until tbe war end... tht-tradiUon tbe coronation march with meo of January ........ ... ·-·. _ .. U ,2M ar · pu 0111·ner, rn• • • · tn,. t mt b' 11.:10 All ~'~•'nll,r• or•• r 11 d b f rtl 1 wcrd.e. "Be bere &J E lt!rld(e Ia lbt ownu Of '"Tbe Ul be ~........ ... . .._........ • 133 tiotw tp preav~t tJwelltog fOI' &D· lnvll•<l ·"·' ur"td I<) l\tto·n1J t' !B cl:d lv owe Y Ul ~ ('Of" '' n...,t 1 ,.. Heatber .. _0_ u .... t·•--t R w llept &live In the future the armed forcu tormtor a ~ ·-, ' th 2 M 1 1400 • ~·" ,. ~,.,.. tp· the l'•ewport = f ·30 tl)nl ... or e •· . ' ..,, -.. .... --and Preeldect H. M. Hepbum w id of honor. Famoua Hollywood X&rc!b • T.I7T 0 er apartment, '16 ar ne. · !.:'a la a·ra tr Tht' vrlfr will bt' I!I'V· ('holr. The complete ~ v.,11 rr•• throulb tbt"ttOnt door boet on thla cout. "Tbe H•tber'' tb& 1 Aprtl "'!'... 1 . 9.U tl May 23--R. W . Othner, per O\\n-•·nly· 111, 1 tnll! t k uHd to belonr lo Ted"'JohDaon now • dla:et lo'Y'lut nlcbt that the celebriUea will officially crown tbe ,._,. . 12.727 er per Kl 13nswtorth, to rer.of a Aft,.1. 11,. l'lr••ukln:<t , ~. I :! 1111 ~ilOJ:' lw· hvmra "Onwar. ~-ot h me &nd ear opeD your pa.c • a lleuten~t In the Na d hu Cb&Jnber uf Com~rce would queen being till' winner of lbe 6f.ll JuDe .. ... .. ... 14,()jl0 dwelling, 312 Alvarado Plac ... SCIO nrw1n Hhnr I' tht·r~ "1·1 lit' 6 pr~«'· twn 81)'d1'-''1'' and ''Tbe D&J te •«~' to t ake • good lrok at your been wrllten up ln ... v~ an rta 11p0rwor the namiac of a queen of , Wa r Loan dr .ve. Tbe treaaury de- July .. . 1 .398 May 23 J A. Toowhe. pt"r 'llr t• t"r g rndulttlun I'Xt'r" ~,.11 10 Uvtn~ In the w~.-:' E rnie Owe 'cap 110~ ~~own OGiy~~ diiiCoy~ and _.1 boet IDalfUIDee. apo the ADnual Oruce County 4th of partment will wnd •pecial repre- A&a(U'l ... __ .. -....... --8.T60I ~o~wnrr tu bulk.~ ~td<lltlo6J to rl!ar or Ull' hlllh •• h ul uutJttur 11,1 I' 11"J'd " tro ·b~'le f:::o ''T' • llclly th•t I~ at n~~r ltb ;'~m:'.b • • •0 July celebration ju.t tbe Mme. Tht-' sentatlon and a long willl cit y of- September 22 3i R rJWt'Uin~ r .. r a toilet ruom. I 19. A t IIUgh II Wh~ ( IIIUIIII~rt'll (•ltY'' whtrh ..... -.cl "F a. tllt'V riJO w J4e& for the 4th 01-' J uly continua-fit'lala IIJ\d c~amber of Commerce Oc'tobfor lli.IHCI 2!1lh S50 rul htor uuurtuHI l••r Ill~ e.-nil r d aM No'\' [)l•rt Put'" Cbolr lfinllac l',..!e nn you'r:e e~tactly •lx feet Tbe Q bo&t "VIte" Ia ln t he Port Uon goee to tbe newly appolntell dlr~tore a moat uauaual ceremony Novem--· 1001• "Stalt-ly Manalona." tall .o••, w'e. now you dlacoverl ot Seven Sea& bel~ rep&l.nted by d1.rector, Delbert E . Burry, who •·' 111. •ntlcrnat--'. --~ ~ .. 1o huvc a brt·akfast It w1lt prtoh· .. h taJt b 0eo .. -· ..-.,.. Dlclmber ......... -.... ... .... • 16,160 ELECTRICAL PERMITS nbly hf· nrlr "' t'••· ln.'lt 11011,8 that~ P ntll the C llta ... eea lllld New. th•t v•he1l you ave en )'Our er owner rce R. 'Miompeon. the Chlllrtnan of the War Finaoce'l -------- Totat . ··--........ .. .. 142,327 thl' l'!llsa Will ,.,1 1~ 1 1~..,.p, r_ Jl"rt Urarh cho re unr "An Te balr down tt drope over one .,.. Thla auxll~ ~we~ aloop ta Committee for Hu.ntlngtoo Beach The gent:ut U1lng In the world • MAy 18 t-; M CariMon 11011 \\'l~h lhl' ••nr,.urlig<'lnt'lll on•l '''"'~" TI-ll lht-me wu e~ 110 thut #when ,.ou etlcll Oft your the nwnber oae ~boat on the ~~ba.ndllng tbe 6th War Loan dnvt. Will ovfrrlllt' the etrongut )944 • N rth Bt<y Frnnt. u 11JIH>& J.tand lllt•~l "llrk •·C 1 ht• 1wnlor·s m••rr ut·nn hv Rt-vt'rend Carl B. Jolla. rar 11 glvb the lmpre.-loD ot YCMU" cltfc coaat. Burry pro~d that tbe 4th of .... To remain gentle Ill to be lo· po•r 1111mcr 11,,nl ' 1 ·.,~, 1111,. t~r·lllkl~~~ wrL .. """ whn <lr)ivt'rt'd the •rmon. en-P'1 tf'acher wltb a bolt on btl.f ' • • • July qu~a may be aelected by l vincible. Ta o Tau. 1111.11&6 May 19 Al re r.n.lly (',.~<h;lr•• m• ,,. l"'"'uhl•· r r 111,. , 11,811, t tl•·d "Tht Chal'en1e." Rne.....t ._ed. . 1 1 tt h I Scott'• Landing and the Port I namlnc the youog l&dy w~o wu1 18.740 202.:.wth 111 ll·cl .l•'r Hh•• kt..-~trd •1 tu ,1, .. 11 "'"'"1'",. 1,, bt' <JUII• .II hns"n a~ de'lvered tbe beDe-w .. ·t you dflnal ~ ea. ::0. j :u: I Crance Fleblng H'ote both report the moat war bon<a from June 8 1 P-----------.. ,..,,,,,.~1111 ~;,,•lh nt .. nt•·rtuln •l11l1un wh c~ concluded the .,._ at 1 ~~an r tac ec ua -ell tlablng <lurln&' the lut tlw lto J uly 4th. PAUL NORMAN , . t'ml' to make the lut b&ra of the daV. 01 lut k Th Qual be , Pl.U ... tN~RMI T& l mmt a t;:,~ t•,_nt-1 lhulub-h nm&s 8l'rYICt'. -··'--'-·-Lb~ o~•.. wee · elr boet. ApprmdQJately 12 g1rl1 w ill be YACHT SAIL MAKERS •) ~ it-Lum r \ -,....,..11 and L_....,... · ~-&a ~ w6UI Mrn.e_ .. ____ ... _.__.. .. • •1 . , thr r·tr .. rlll ur 1 ~trnl \\'ur't""'-"''IZ " • • , eatrh up with the dUll. Ae you . --......,......~M t o t nte?' the reee and !;vel -• -~ and ... , •• .. ...... "'''''" , .. , s. ···' , ...... ly " , .. w .. ,,. ... , .. ~ Suu ••: 5 S•n•on • "'" ... lop of the etace you --baae. • • • l l}nlxman of the MI.Lady'a Shoppe, Salta, Awnlnga, Boat Covers 1 E. Eatun, 718 On·hld. tr• rn til• • •nh>r ~h•·"'· In promptu ..S.ya Pn apal trl m t hoee three loch beele and [ a vt ttran promoter or queen con-2:!4~ 2tat St . Newport ~ach Bui ldiDI Material• I lo1uy"l8 Mtrha••l Kotan:J. per ~ "Jl ,., ',.,. \\111 IJI: n•llshl·tl lly thu~\f' I taS ~lat on your face Ob what Run by a nlntty honepov.-er Wt11, wilt be named by Burry to Phone :NJ F:, r.aton. 714 NarriMIWL 1 rtll•·ndlns: • or .4 you are about to an tntranre. . · Grab Y Manne en~tne, tbe "J immie" handle this oulllt&ndlng evelft. The I lol uy ~~ 111n1 1 t N1elarn l"'r s ,.,,., It••· ltr .. Bkfll!llt lhrre w1ll nail!'! ' ' u Ju.-been cornplett'ly repaint· ~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. ... E. HOI T£TLE" ~ .. • ' •' • • 1 ,,.~~··· us. We of tht-faculty haft You clo manage to aleep throuJ'h ed by her owner c J Brtndl t r E Ealun, 711 .t.iert.:old. I>•· 11 , tr'111•,.r~•rt ''""" too thr· high r nns"i••nt1'1u81v gf'Crn of. OUJ' .,_ tlu' ~tree. but tbe blc e\febt Dlck'a Dock at ·80·1 ;..___ eHY1·:!. !ll~ty Ill ( 'hnrlo•ll fo'IJlf'l< pt'r l' Ill' hill' I llfl ~f'flllll P "Ill tl(' l•hllf:t>ol I b be di 1 Ia ~ 6" If: E~tton. '" run11~1o th1•1r uwn rur ttw s:nul· <'ffnrtlf t hat you m g · t equ~ com•·s when your p oma paa-wey. The "J lmrnle" Ia • cab10 Mav l jj Kenof'lh R. Swil l '"'r t tl rnr the battle of lite mentally, 11'0-I ed tu you and 110meooe mumble• crul~~er made by the Hunter peo-• . .-· 1 ua 1"" prac ce , ~ttlunally and elthlcally. aon1<'l hlng like. "muJA'bellak fie_ et• pie. She Ia twenty feet 1 b I J. II r.lllll8, 20~J Ah&lool11'. Yctu have done n ceediDJ'J ..U lldjjt" &nd you IU'e DOW & ·•womanJ an el(ht tool beam and wtl~n~ y 0~~::. ~ ~~o~v=:abcuck. l"'r R o d MacMillian In your tour year• of hlp ...._ of tht wDrld." • I four peGQle. She Ia five yeara ::. :============~:::.::.:::..::. ___ ~ Next Beacon Editor In your mtd.-a re many ncelllat -----Brindley who owne tbe Santa An student., top-notch athW.. Ud .~nion Now Servin1 !Show R~bulldere In South Gat: u "''"' yt>ar'11 lkat>on t'dltnr-ln· nr effort. Ae a c1 .. you baw , montba · G 0 I I ·o·l B ·.FIN· I L-A y j ftnd MllC'UIJir!lll ha• bet"n Ch0114!11 leadera In leveral dJtfe reDt ..... In Armed Fon:ea Callt., hu owned htr for ten chll'r. !'.111111 Hlll(t-nbmeh made lhla been con.wtructlve In viewpaat. . .,," .alor claa La craduatlnlf, · OO!n'IIAOI'Oa _. BUILDD 1&11Jl()Uncl'm4'nt rf'<'l'ntly and a id and yr,ou have ,demorwtratad yoai with tht txt'epUan of a f~w. ----1-ID .... that R O(t"flt vtcy capable of bol~ ability to rarry re~~~poneiiiWty. 'MlriN' .,. t hl' boy• tbat are wear-.,... ln&Uie,pw!ltlc.a.and U.'-"pec~. With 1\11 my li•art I wtllb you lng t.bt ollvedrab and any bl~. TIDE TABLES MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR --.,.~ ~ShopSatb .......... ,.... ~~:·~ .... A -• .. - Lhat he ••Ill do "n H {elll'nt job !'-" -..rc-Keep your chiDe up and Tbu,. bo)'l who would be (T'&duat - .dltor · your 1tandal"da bleb. Ra.rtMw lng a week t1"'0Il toda,.. 'I 1be poe6Uota I'll fourth P-1~" Ht~ wtll aJwaya be proud--ef J"'U. IM fdl ll wu tbdr duly ud .pnrte edltrrr hu 1 ~n tilled by 8. H. DA VIDeO,.. .:uul.t not 1tay." I Rod W&clrllllltn tbt. y•ar. and he---~ PA'nUOTIC HNIO"I P'. U w111 cootlnue tu take char'l{e of S . B. President Thew are the eentor ~ Wbo tblll ..-.r"· Kod hu &l•·a,e been ten «.hool cturtnc ~ year to jofn 8. 2'1' vt-ry.lnte"'~·lf'd In apc•rUI and thet Leav-es Harbor lhf' dlffe~t brancbee 61 ow arm• apec:UIJ 1ntrrt'8t hu helpt>"d hlnl do 'Mila·~ 11Uppoeed to be a ,.,._ ed !lll'rvice. TheM boye w ould be Su. 28 HJct. Low 12:S6 1:40 •. , 2.1 3:54 1 :00 3.& 3.0 4 :51 1:57 ................................................... • • a marvelowt job 01 Pdltin«' fourth weU' __,.., ~ 1 doo't UU tbe ~nulu&Unlf ·'<lritb t.he RDtor eta. ~· • "' d f U I t' J--~ --" .~.("'"44 : • ,K . 21 wor al"t'we · 80 e 1 '-...., A"MY-"ICHA"O DIMMITT . MAY H'-b Low 2 :31 7 :30 ,_. --o.s 8:2e 0.0 9:26 e.s 10:22 0.0 1:32 •. 2 2::wt a.a 4:14 S.l 3.7 s:o &:41 11~ 4.0 2.1 'l'baab You Most SIDcereJy for the Flae Patnlaqe Aeoordea It oa Ita Opellia« -Nilht 11naftday i roll BUILDING INFORMATION ' Tbe ouwr Jlla«t editnre, thl' M -thil a "good-bye-for-now ~ clety editor. and the n ch&ng• edl· .. If,. .. 1 mey ~rraduate pbyltc.U, Pvt. fUc:bard Dimmitt Ia DOW etf. 1 TU. 30 tor will be c~n not vear Pet th'· b t ot *•"-• tiHnt'd at Camp Hood. Tnu. Dick 11:14 O.T 1:14 12:2tl 4.3 • 2.1 ' We also want you to try our l)ew • • • • .. .. -S..-~ . I .. yt'ar. u o m•~-bool I F b f ' Butler ba.tl dont' ?cepUooaUy flne have too many niemorlee U'OUD4 ltft ec Nt e ruary or the 1 (N-daJIIIItt MYin• u._, wort& u edltOf'·ln-<'.hlt'f. and Rod I thew old hal a. llt Harbor to ~-" •rmy. . I T id• are placed In or4rtr of~ • • • e ,Bay Pistrict"Lumber Co . WAL Tl .. t. IPICIIl, 0... '• Ia ~p«Utd to lin up to. that 11.l,npl<'trly on May :u . , A•MY-I Lllltt ltpNe L m.: 4arll "-",... p. aa . ltallCSard. I ' . ' JAMEI AtHLEY W"IGHT ------)Ja.ny frlendahlpll a rt' m.adt' a Our own J im-Jim Wrlpt 1a -~ • 1 . • --. 1 blp ~ that .,.. carrie4 on a bllc:k-prtvat.e •rvtnc to • of ServJCeS fOr N.-~.Beacla · Bon VoJale, Senaon-, lhroult'h lifr . All the eenlon ba'" t he br&Dclle. at our armed ~ Co M four years fnende h.-re at He l;,bor whom tbe7 _ the Arrlq. · Jla ta u.elft( bla. Sta . esan You .Will ~)oy Our DeU~ Mfa~S to take bome. . FreJa Daily ~ ... ,._. Or, eompleU eqUipment Wbftl ,.ou wut to eatcb ,.our OWL HOlMEN RSH MARKET- ON CKNT .. AL AVENUE, NEW~"T aEACH AMEIIICA NEEDS ·youR H£-._p - TO BUILD VITAL WAR PLANES! t • • • Never before has there been s uch an opportunity for high school • atud~nb to be of REAL ASSISTANCE to our country's war producttpnand at the same t-ime prepart'themselves for a future 1~. the ever-growing a ircraft iDdusry. · GMDUAT1MC SlNIORS-1\t OIIU).!• lu Lo.\c. Be~ch Pbnt "" • r.:u round joh you can Mglll your ca •. rur in illlY one of the mafly hno of work i nd trades tM /\1rcraft" lnc.lu~· try hu to offu. # . UNOERCR/\DUATES -•1\ V 1ctc>l)' V.lcatulO Wilt Mlp wu rn>c.luctulll, 1;1w • f1'11 villuablc cxpcncncc and a _ft nan•l.tl r<"tum , thAt. w tll twlr you m your (tuure ,·Juc~t10n. a.~a~ and Flying F.ortresses bemi' built at the DQugta. Long Beach plant ·-...~y ~by the ~ Fo~ all ovl'r the world, Your help in buUding U.. vital p&.nes la ~ most imP<?rtant job yoo can do thl41 summer. '1\am your va- ~ Into a real VICTORY VACATION. See your !1Choot ~llor or apply in .,.._.. at the 'Douglas Employmef)t Offlct> tOr work pennH. Proot ~ • 1.s ~- D0V0LU tJNI1'ED STATES Mlfr..& AJifA ft * 'CP 8BOP ~LOYJRNT ·sERVICE· ._.. AM. c.llf. ao1 w. ........ • ..... .u.. o.au. .... p. ... " .... ....., a "'*'· ••• &. •· to a:ee ,. .... or AV~ aaQ1JII&&D .. may not -for quit" eome time, at a Ja a Eddie' a. BARBECUED SANDWICHES Are Delicioua! Moore's·Confectionery 2100 Oeeal\ P:ront Plione 13 ~ Newport e..,Cch . Howard W. c-riala Mtl w. c-tral Ave. • .,eft .. ate ... ~llf. ~­~bil· • _FiN \. Accidnt • ur • \.· 'uo--u d ~t '\ Bolide Wrltt.a · . -' ' . . . \ ( ... Open 3 p. m. to 8 p. m. · _8undaf'• Noon to 8 p.' m. Harkts Kitchen -111-113 Agate Ave., Balboa bla~d -(OM Half Bloek North ol Ferrv ,.,...,) COSfA MESA MERCHANTS --- ·close Memorial Day _ • MAY 30th In · Honor of Those Who Given Their · All for Their Country Have . • • • ALPHA BETA -MARKET •"KING'S SPORTSWEAR • MESA LIQUOR STORE • • ORK.IN'S DEPT. STORE • STUART PRICE ~AF.,EWAY • • •• • • TeWINKLE HARDWARE • WES'tE~N AUtO STORE • RED & WHITE MARKET • BARROWS DEPT. STQltE .. • POLL f APPAREL \ • R W B V ARIETY\STORE . • • " #. ,.. • • •• -- NEWPORT-BALBOA 1 NEWS-:IMES. Newport M-h. falifomia. Thu1'8day, May. 26, 194f fl!! !9r! ~=~:::,:::-• ~~;~~;,~;:~ .. );·;~~;;:~~;.=READ CLASSIFI ·E_D ADS F.OR BIIOAIISI r IK'rtbfod u followa: Bton; Btq-Amuaurent Parlof', at 110\,-s. ~1•f,r1 .lf:li' F.MPLOVVENT RFAL I:&TATI: _ ftemajor....,.,. ot tate eout •Of ~ UqttM 8tattt .. ,...,. UM PAR~L 1. Lot 8 ln Block lOt 2lat Tlar~. ctty of N~ -!'... FOR SALE-I nJlUQ'ftJU are cle&Tl.na' thlr decka tor a <'lt·l otber. A4&11,nt 01"MI\IIlade ..w. "0" or -me-t zoce. rtl8" u ebown IW!\c-h Oran~r~ Omnty, catttc:wlllle. UOAT$ IL t ""•hi •nd n.ded I HF.LI' WANTEU-. Woaaaa to walt 1 POR ~ALB- 1DIJCt4c ~t. altBeM-.. • Tlaua. alf&IA, be ~ _a.uwu lD en a )(ap ~rordf'd In Book tT. · The plare of r.oa'<kooce of a&.14 Toa .. arm .. ~'"II'"•'• ""'t 1'•-l~o (ltl tabt. 8aAurt1"y ntr t• In pr1· J''Clll ~ALII! ~n1pltt4'1y tumltl\ .. TH,.&a ROOM I II'URNtTURII battl~ ned doea, and allpln,r auppoatUona that UUa cout will pqea M . 34. 36 -and 3& of :w... r11ntm ~r '1':-Garaon It lUI"-lolA I: I!\~ ~"' ·.""'·A:"~ II Yair b• 111r No <'t>okln J'hone r.l houlll' tr"ll~r. Abc•uc tft -tc .! themNivea In ma.t advantaceou. be ln lbe mld8t otwa_J:wlth Japan rrllaneoua Wap11 recorda ur C'o•at D•u•e,•ard. Ctty of N~ Ml-'11 1'1) j Nrwport 1\D!I !1~-llh' ,..,.1,. lwo, l"f'a<ly fur ,..., ... 1.,,.1 ~•etAL-~ty Mrl'aon ....... an-ay for oltau6vt fllbUnr. >Tbe wbtm the Ati&Dtlc rout Ia ru•"lnl Oranre County, Callforn•a. ee~h. OI"MM~e County, catron'&. 10110 \\. <'<·lll r~oi_A ,•· • l'h :l~-.11-\\' ....._ • • t•on Nnn runrltll"' tubH. A· ·J NMnUat pi~ ot 4tUellt,-tund· plana of ~~etJort for tb-..,.._t back In to Ule aetlviUee of peace 8liBJI:C'T' to tht C'OvenanlJI Thf nan'H a.Dd aclt'rt ... of U. :--;,"I'"'' lt,.,.,.h ('alu I U t-:L.J• W~NTII:l> fh.o.l i'O<'k anol T'Wt.C , AA'I 1'\-wlal Uljlhwa v, (', •. · lure t o llfart your bolne. &.1,.... ahorebound ''mother ablpa" of Ole 1 Saving of ft~palr Time ' C'OIIdltlon•. noNrvatlona and ,..: lnllndtd .]'Tanlt~reea an<! VaQdMa 2fl It•·' 110n1e l t'lltnl httu .... work '"' r\n" J rl t.Jar I'I<Of\t' Nl'wr••rt • ,_ IIH'Ju4N .. ,.,. ID«*nn ....., Pacific Ft~t are bt-illl laid out by r A<fmJraJ GrMDt.lade aaid Usat atrtctlona COirmon to \bt lhla I ""' Fn\n\C· A. m· .. 240! O&k.,Oilt F<IR !',\ 1.1' 1:. I .l'fl'tru< n ;:;;. July 1111<1 A~ljtll81 .... Lith) ,.... 2.22 111-l(t• davl!np!'rt ...... ...ae..... ~ Ule n~w olflce of Paeltlc COaat <»-'Ul~ eD" .... U4e w'hteb baa bMn tl'al''"· a• d•fln~ In t ', dNod ror I ftno«. Santa Ana, Oranp Ooua-1 ...... , 1 Nlrr rP\1111, Ill} .t PllV Two dll.n thalr, a.Uo ocrut.-1 e .. ll'. 0111- 1 .,... """ "'''' "h"~'" <'lllh .. ant mo-t-"'(ltt 8liA: A 1 h ' ordlnator of Naval ~Ira. VIce. ~ven lo 1hlp ..,.re~lrtnc on tbla v t 2~ In Bloc-k "1", fr()m Firat t)'. Call omla, and c. L Z..U.C,.., •tor p ·n. 1 , '''" 11,,11 I Zi:\ ('an otf ""'' wuk l'll'lllf' wr t,. rt.ll•m• l'rlr,. ,t;::OO, ~~~m~d~~' fH table. nd tUlle ••ct att,.._ Admlra.J J~ W. Oreenalade. coaat thia yea.r b .. not u y~t re-Truet a nd eavtnr• Ba.nk of p 18• :1~0 C'u'rltoa StrHt, ~·tnowtt', boo "''' r ,, .'IIIW t-: 1.,"' 1-'rlinl Wra.. 1-oul• llrtttlna ha.m, 11\t~ tlv.•. tt•)2 1"\11'. Mat~hed ......._ Water ( al"t trowded. lbore ~ wlttod In any· .tapering o ·r or new aliena to Mtnnlc Haacnjaer rf, Loe AnJ•'u c ·unty, Cai''CM'1l1a . Balh·•ll 1,11,,111, ~"~"" J•url :Ill'! · "'"•' llril ~. ~an "Iarin •. t'MIIf P"1 ..... •11\ IAK"att,t In I he bt'tll j lfOUP lnc.lu_. n&llal .. Met, YU• fa.cUIUta, ahipplnJ and raUra&da' abip conatructlon. Such a taper· reC'Orded In Rook 490, l'&ato 124 Th~ lind of l'cenw, Intended to -., .... lfc ·.,~ !\'T-711· put uf Uunt1n1t0t1 IS.ach S.. fty wi!JI blnt'JI and alrfoor, eiMit &re ap)):torently operattDI .. t near ~J ott may be noted bet ore the or o.ed•. Rl!<'nrda or Oran~~:~ he> tranafnred ar~ On-s.Je D'• 1 1>""'11111 • II~ Ida n f't . lluntlnJ-or •tra..,.ra. Blmm..,. apr1at' ... c-.apulty-&~~d .UU tbe peale or d · yur I• cut, be Mid. Counh. California. t•'led !lf'lnt• ~: o..1a1e MAJU.'\~: S\ 'H\'t:\'.INl! for lnaur· Ht:u• W AN'ffo~D tthll' nuprnl.,, h:n U.al'l\, 'Cit.utomta 3•·•tr j' ... u,...., .,._., of....., ,.Uoww Md fort lie. ahead. The co-ordinator Rt'palring ehlpe on thja coaat ID~fll'nr; .. ·tth rumltu~. a t PMr and Wine Ueenn : Win~ 1k't-IIJI•~ 111.1 l''""l'f'll lll'. Jt1;y.,r• · •l•u m•n fo>r a•nr r.l "'ork Dal-' 1,,0 11 l'Af.E 1 3 b btUllrwt. J'w' U.. ....... • uya 10· lna~ad ot wndlng Ul~m throuch 21%6 Miramar Orin. I t'ln1 a nd Paeka(1nr l.lt't!n.; "--' Cat I ~~~~ lloto•r~l .-r. 3'10'1 ("" an· h..a \'al'l<t llaaln 311 u ,• ,.., I h ~ a~re.-' -~ 0\&Mf=. altracUn tabk aaG1 teur .. ~ Ad.mlra.J Emut J . Kinl. COlD• tb~ Panama Oulal to r~palr yarda PARCJI!L 2. Lot ~ In Bl~ts ta'l ,.Packace Off-sate Bf'ft' lJMI M I I'IKI ···~"''"purl llt'lh h l'h(\1111 .. ---r raM UN 'flO b or Ullnf\ St.. cball"'l H.,.. •• r...a vahM .. ma.nder 1n chter ot tbe United e~wh~~. may •v~ from 40 to 80 HL'' of ''Tract No. 1118" u ltiOWD Win~ U r ,nw: Retail N ell.,. Off· 1667-J ,..,CH c WANTii:l."l Klt4!! an .. tltipera,. bc~a , ~ yon Drh'e, ~ ,., .. , t le apec~l prke ot...,._t.• Stale• !''1eet ; Admiral Cbeater W. daya tlm~t In ltle return or w ei\ oe a Wap recorded In Book 11. Site BHr and Wine L1ceMII: 1'e-b.!ya or J lrla. <llahwuhera. ful_l • ;::;ulon now IJy OWner Yre: .. 11D .. t. a,.~.,. alfM Nl~llz, c:omma.Jlckr of tile Pacltle ablpa to duty. ,..._ SS et aeq.. of ,...la'ella· tall Pack• I• Off·Sa\• OlatOMd \\' AN'n'l 1 <"'lltntnc tn prtval~ I or part tune Peel worklnl con-I P. _-•O·•tp ,., IIIOIItb We lnUe )'otaP ..., ,_.t: and Ad.mlra.J Wllllam L. Althoul'b more ot the water-hOUI Jolapll. R~ ot Orazrwe Sph1ta Ut'na. • br mf'a It) lh" hour. •:xp.on~l"' t.UIIona Jiarlo'• Klt.cben, 111-,t•"tlR AALY. F.;;;"r ·be<II"Mtft-~ ·~ttnn. Malay, Jr .. wboee new ~nt front IJ!t'Ce It neecled for rep&Jr County, cauromla. 'T11t addl"f'• ot the pnma.. to "' n .. r .... ""''t' C\lh'r...d t S3t l 13 ,Ap le Av. .. Balboa. 1•lan4. twu bath., tumla' I'd, lai"J''' 104, M«'M&MII ~..,.. ar,. lA the Pacific: &rea hu DOt bee 1 )'IQ'da and oCher taciUUu re'ated StTBJIDCT to Use CO'Ienut., 'wbl~h t.be UcenNa hi\'• been . ..._ \\' f iJI 51 Santa Ana Phonf ' 4CHtc nur 8ouU. a.y. tlalb&llt 1~ lnf aa.t-......,.., anbounced. btid coafuence laBan to cOCDbaL Admlr&l Greauladt" eoaf1Uol\f. ,...._rvatlona and re.. aued t. lOt 2W Pla.c:~. div ot OfiJS-J. Si-t tp HELP WANTED Womaa or Jtrl, IO,M)(I, -r.fllla, l"hon•.O•rl~ Banta An' Olllfort\la lt-tto ~laeo r«anUy. SlmiJar:' m..t· ddea not expect to -uy of t.be atrl~tlone common to tht. Tract, Newport Beacb, Oran~ Coua\f, J'Oft RALE u -ruot pad•lle boar<l 1 l'•rt-t lm• work. mak1n1 up eM-A. Waldrnn, Nttwpof't U4·W --·--f~ • -~ban bMn ~ ID&n)' ~ new ~ODilrucUQa ujfe'lr!ecf In thf"~d trom U. California. -U14 Ka)'a.ll ApPly tcH& w. Day ! ln& l'ruar vn .. t., ·!un. aa4 40-3\c-JI'OR f!A.U:~:="' .. ,.._ nary to 1ft&\ evtata a.Jo~ ·the yart4• crowdfd out. Firat Trullt 6 BavtDp Ballk of n, date wben Uld the p1a.ca ·Av~ .. of rhon~ ltlt-H. 41-4tt" llton Oood .,...pe, Pboor J'of...-. -• -_,k~ .,..__ Padfk nlbUD• ~. a.n4 til "'1'be OD.I7 tbJnr that wt.ll croWcS Puedena for Lot 23 In Bl~. w t ere the c:ouidnaUon ~~ c-. y 1 port s oT. 41.;u ron IALC •o· or M acr. at lurquotcle ~c-. llt l\u'»1 • ..r. lnllk&UO. polat to n-·ieUona out Use yarda Productna mercbu1t "l"', record~ ill Book 4to, Pace tnrw'er of the" l'ce~WN '-to "' J'OR tSALJo: Bf>at •qutpment. I . --I noo per acn. Ntnt beton-oa boa llland Of PboN .... w. eooo-aa -.... ... Kale. i •'lpe Ia n-• that we ta.w enoqtl IN of o..cta. recorct. of Oru,e paid If IJ>e JOUI 4a,-ot Juae •. lHt I fe jJrlltll. two water pumpa IIP.LP WANT'I:D-P'tt·tlmt tee-Use 1narl11t. Juat wNt ot c-o.ta 41-4t. Tbe three ra.nktnr a4ID1ra1a are •blpa," he aald. "W~ are .UU a Count¥. C&llfom la.. at ... bour o' taD o'elod1 A. W. aact ~ a.rrt..oritf, Ulle aad rrta~, for oDt' ur lW<I daya a :w.... All on rtlhta 10 wltb lbt ----- kaoWa ~ i'Vfe4 aclv~ qf. bit t-hillod ~.,e<lule.''-QirlaUa.a I Vacant tot.) ot tfJ~ day, at the t..w Oft~ .. o( tac:kle rwo flll\lnl Jlo4t\1, tol Wetok, Wullt be typlat. Apply l&Dd now ltutd to a .major oil ~ft a•L& Lawn, twaaa; ,,..., PKtflc ...,. Jllan Which WIU '~ Science WonJtor. 'J"ER:wl!!l AND CONDfTlONS OF. Ro4-.CS Ttu,.,.paoo, Room 210 a.llcl 2& tl tone. rta4J to IO '1'wo by t~J~11hon~ MT4-W In a. m. Cl,OQipaC'Iy Land &I level and outdoor t.b&&r, C.IM Uti ..._,, tM ..-tlkt &Jwa1••tD the um.tt" ' :4 SALE: Cuh, Ja.wtul money o1 t.be 8Pt•I'J"" Bu•ldt~~c. 1n tbe City ~ tlectrtc tr&tna. Cheap. OtiJ ti·4\C roll na hllla.. U..ulltul bulltl\na aruc:l ... P-.. a.Ma Ana 1111. ~ ~~-~·•Jtapan.on HI .. Uee~~~~ 8 Costa Meta NeWII United Stat~•: <el'ltfled check tor ~~a. Oourltv ot p.raap. alttr £ I> m. 301'-' Alvar&4o w NTEO Hll'! ~~ehool lirt fM lit-f.turUOfl ol PI"'SSUtJ bul ' 41-Ue -•·--•vum .. 10" to ac-oompany eacb bid. and SlAt. rt California. • l t., BaiC~oa.._ u -np :ttm• wnrll u 1notlller'a .. c:ellfnt v._ or c-out·llnt and lt.nfW A1!D MA!ft Pi I"~ , balallc:e on eonnrm.atJon of tale. n..t tb~ a111ount of tbt co_. -oceao. Bllfer C<outd IHYWe blto J~~~~~=.;..n~~:_~~~,..!!~~~~--AI\alrn to f'l"t ..... After an at~Hnoe of ever ~ ,.Eltea.rtor wlll tumllh ruara.ntee entl"" for tbe traqfer of ...., J'OR BALE 30 h. p Skaudla Ma-l r durin• aummer. PhiiGa' .nailer parcela, . to be mid at . WAHTJID ROoM AHD BOA~_. 'nitre '-no popular ~ u yet ~Oll"i lln. Herbert ~(elf~," of title ehowlDI merchantabl~ He~llfN t. the atm ol 145.000.00. rtnt Dlftllll, latt type, IIJIJ• •t·lte much 1\iaber prtc•, Now dandy Junior 0,~ Bl ..,_,.... :, .. ~~C::':..!n~ •day-~ ~b ::;:~d ~. ~;.:::•4..u. uue and propnty fr'M t.t~it clear Dated_ tht. 22nd day ot II&J, ::!u a~,:~·~~='~ !OR I =~ :'• ::,:,u :=: ~~~-~-wu ..,..:n-... alble Tnl.k da. -·--~ 1latl011 .,_. lCiaml Florid ,:!l of. all enforceable ~ncumbro.ne~a. Ji-44. t3 or write 1208 W . *-U..., FOR BALJI! .. a..t •-~ ..... 'ut •-o-·-W.__rt•-.-;: •-ft y, u ._... da¥. V&rt· .,_. a. but atbject to rtrht.-of-way e._. TOW CARSON -... ... ·-· .. "'' • .... aDD&It '4ay, or n.. P1illlpplnee ~e U\)ec:d lflb' tv aet b~r b menta. conditione and ~lt~c:tl.aD.a "'-:-.. ............ • .... ,_.a lao Bernardino, c.Jif. U ·ltc r ood motor, 1 County &oda.y • H · daJ• 4ay of tnvuton ~ Ia. I n~w van da.urbter. Da.ucb\tr q( ~ OOID., ..... ·---.. D-~ I a'ter 1\ p "' F: eo. 111 1: ,. ... 0 A. ITORaY ~ ..... Newport ..... J~ u tlb con . • 14ra. Jlc.Vurtry and her b\llb&D4. or ~d. All currtnt tana to ~ lOt 21at Place BOAT FOil SAUC Ftablnl bo&L .. , . , 411..._ No, W.U. l'"-t ,I·U. W b•ft-~ ...,_ from I Wr. a.n4 Wra. Ro~rt Luekhard\ prorat~ at time of conllrmatlon N-port Beach, C&ll'ontl.a . 24-ft. • 1·h ., r abin an4 two 18Us St. ~ta Wea&. _•o·~~ .. u ~ ..... n and-the Pac:Wc c;Jo-d ' ol lale QTATE OJ' CALIFORNIA) tKmka $~60 Ph l~t2 J FOR RA' • u ..... lanta AM. ONtf, CIIILDIUCN'II CAD• tlaelr Yery private conterence,'•were boata to 41• CaU!onU& •W-All bfda muat be In wrtttnr and ~ . one • -. I . ._ ..,areu'7-a_ cw,.. Ptlone ltiO. eyq&np tW A~(.ral Oreenatad,, recentlJ ,.._[tor. ' . may ~ left at the otttee ot Ed CQUN ~~ •2·1\c C'ualom macM. t'ir~qe tat~ 41•1\11 Wu..L e&aC ~ CIIU---- Ured u commander or tbe . lltb BqJl SkJJu who wl,th bt.•orcb"" 1l'ard E. Orav, Attoi"Uy tor ••ld TV OF ORANOit ) FOR ~LE-lt-n. 814, ud "hrome ~ah. rWIO.-....,.,, .,..i ----.....,.. t,. ...._ ""'._... Nanl Dletrlct and Weatun Sea Ira. baa ·retumecf to tbe tt\UlUnl· Eueutor a t 318 '1M Avenu., Up-C'N ~IS 27nd day of lfay, Trallfr 337 Day st .I C"'• .. ta lft-t.bf!J' u.,liolatery. Trade or lab TRAPI: V&('!!t, Dew, ,.,H,A.:t ,....._ llOI-J aft.-a p. a . A* Frontier, t4lld n.ewanen IOme~U)· ton ballroom, and 'lira. Skilll Wtf'! d · . .r-1944. ~ore rr~. the un~ w~.. ( t my equity. 367 Day St , eo.&& b.drm 'floi&N it -· lAlt , r~ ~. 111 ..... , N ... or the ouUook from h1a new bcnored ru~•ta at a ''wel'tOIIW .lan • Callfom.la, ~ may be deiJv. a Notary Pub'lc-In and for ..._ • ' Z·l P w .. -. · •1-Sfp for ~r equtv .. •T.CIOO. • port ...... -..tp ~ .. 'co-ordJDator of naval l()(U~ bad:H cliaoar llven·by Mayor and ;,.red lo •td ~~u~~r at 404 ~ C runty and _Slll~. peraonally ap-L 0 A&8 JiQit fi,AL:E IClJtt •• r,~ MI8CELJANilOVJ boa Ia pi'Oper1J .••• w . ..__ .J,_ ______ _ "We worry a lltUe . too h Wra. Thomu 'fa.Jbt!i;t of Hunttnr-d venue, p ~ ' or Dl&y ~~tr.od Tom Caraon, knOWD to ... lt. c:entu-bovd aall b a\ built 86th 1'1.. A. U , Calif, fJ·"" WAJiriD ro ..., about the wut ~ ca an:. ton Beacb. fll~.d -tn the etnce of the clerk or, lo ~ th" Pt111on wboee name ta by Tom Dltta:ar. ueed ~ ee&· In ••eel--~ wtuU load at. wa.n!A tb~ltlc:... A rrowp ol bridle et1lbualuta t hla court, at any time altf'r Ule f .,becrib4-d to the foreJO'n.r lrwtru· lOCI. 12 lt. Wtldwood ce.ater-ltnt ndltlon N.wport 2314-k , 11&.\L Ell'l'Aft ~ANT '1"0 falllfT I ._.... I& h~ aa.ld "The eut cout and ot.b lin. EmU Greener ot Newport t1~-publlc:~lon :'~notice &lldl iN'nl and &('kno..,lad«ad -to -boanl. $1~. 1H 2 Snipe.. ~-~ .. TUN . Wf'd , or 'nnlre., WANTED = =-=~....,..,.,.. er pa~ yt the naU.on wiD be abl; Boulevard 1.1 a vl.l tor lD Holly-be ore mall I l ~ tale . that '~ UffUted ll!t aame. • holany bull. Rail• rnr all In .&1\ r, p, m., ••r -8rt J ohn RI:AL I'!IITATit WANftD-".;.sy ..... to divert more and mo~e ot't.betr ' ~ood. tbe IU"l of Mr. and :Wn. to nttjec~et-utor re:;;: thto .H~ht l WITNP:SS my hand and otflclall l ood 5ondltlort. lnqulrt! VIII~. H• r 112~ Rapphlr. M .r 1J.a.J-tt• rourrh"""' modern 1 or 4 ~ 16-u war effort toward Japan u the Richard Rund~l and Mra. Will re any ~~~ B ·CRAJG •ea.J. • Marina. U;Uc: 1 bba 111~ol, U ·ftc room Bay ,_.,., b-• WJ)h ...... WA1f111P , fO ~ w sltuaUoe In Europe I I.Jnmera . Braventer. Tht !deaa resident ··I ' ' . R0LAND T HOMPSON DOG-8 c•TS .. fL / ' I~ • l llllabfto '"" year-round real-t.h·,... bedrooas Qam. ................. J " H'· ,.. rt'Cuperat!nv from an alt&ck r Exec.utor of the Eli! ate ot Lola I Notarv Public In and f th ; ,. • fil'l). 1,1\ 1'.~ X 'K F''OR AAI..F. 8ma.JI -D&lbo& lal&Dd A-----.. ., own. ..., une rat er than ht. • e . o 1 J. Cnl«. Deceued. , or e _ _ __ / rl<lln Tf'tepbone N--dPn<·"-Will s-r up to UQ,OOO .... -----. word8 lndlcated tbe thoUC'ht Usat plt'llnJrY. • F.DWARO E ORA y C' unty of Oran1t J'OR 8~1 m11le-Sla.tni'H k it· I· port _.2 l tc f<•r plan tl\at wlU quality Write oWDtra ot ~ ....,.,... 1111' the •lmmerfng proce• aught ~-Sergc!&lll Wltltam Anderaon, aon 3T8 N. 2Dd Avenue, 'upland. Calif. State of Ca11tomla -r -un..---a.. old, Pllonr Nrw--• "'' partlruiAra \o &. lOa, lla..l-r'ar. wtU ... .... ltatiO'• g1n aoon. 1 of Mr. and Mra. J. W. Ander-. Atl r aa1d ~ t Pub · Way 2~ and 30UI. 1044• port 1166-J. U -lte RTA110N" tar,., c..•a.ur. 4:1-llc Kill''"-111-a At&\' Aft.. ..... . haa bad lbe plea.ur~ or tavlnr hla orney or ecu or. ___ ._ · I ·---boa~ • . .w .. :rtoope, auppllu and equtp. pnrrnta v.alt him fll ha poll In Fll"'lt publication· ~ay 18· 1944· NOTICE F I -~tllt Ol thf' Lotd mu•t mcvcurl-Suld, rttnbct -,~ ~ llltlll for In lndla and Ardmore, Oklahoma. Lut publlcatlcn: June 1, JOH . 0 DIIIOLUTION : but bt-renlle t'mt<t all paired. Vc lel'a, I04 :W&ID IL, to teac:b, paU•l-11--Bat~ a ad 201 Mar1M :a .._~~a MORnM!R SCHOOL ~an 10 ae l"t'adily rrom one eoa.atj PUBLIC NOTICES TAAN&FER ALCOHOLIC aEV-thto ro-partnerablp h~rrtotore 1111_ _ • . EftAC~ LICENIEI, ETC, latlnjt' bt'twfton CLAUDE VICTOR --.. ~~ "'4o. 1S517 --l!Ar;AN. n 3;19-F.ut 18th Stn-~t. IJJ .J/! I •I "'40TI~E OF EXECU~OA'S SALE NOTlC"'F. IS I;JT:r.F.nY f;JVF.N C"'ort11 J\11'Rit f'rnn~:f' County, Cl\11-., C44 /.Lf.~i-:_ _d'f_~~ OF AE_AL EST AT~ AT PRI. tharf:tir Lii'C'Dt>P< hcr(,lnllfiPr nnm-ftirl' 1\, 1tnd Arv1 ~.')NY Jl', $Al1F.L V• . A • VATE SALE. - -• ~><1 tnte-nth• ·In scll .to WJ," J rll.nlt-.. J;o&iA \\',•111 •;•lh Nt"""'-LN Au- It '\m r '1$ ... ., d Q I" the Superior-Court of ttle State fl:'rr<·11· h.-r .. mntll't nllml'd' tit(' ro~-~ ff•·'•• r--wnrn•n. rnnt'tlf'ti!TR" -" U -• • U il ~ I of California In and for the lnwin.~: t1 Rr! lbo t1 p r I" r1 v, to-'w•l hu~ttrlt'.o" r r nmmtorci"J flahiiiJt Yo~ mu•t tutvt V t•"r''" .-Cou~h of S~n 8 trhardlno. Thl' turnllur•'. f•xlurc!l, I'QUp-\~tlh " l'nlun l'r llt:<••r :-;, 27A 'o;t"I-U ~ aid tn p ro tO!C'Int' • .,;,.,, In thr !.Jailer nf tht> Errtnle nr m.-nt. m•·rt'hBI!d !1", :JIIJfl•llr!O, ~··~•l'lnl! ="" 1>:!41 1111ol ctro!nl( tHJAI- i nfe<flona wt1 1cto ••" •r ·•• LOI!" I <"'H.,..H;, llr•·ca !ll'tl I:"Hll-wil'll.n<l 1:n •1-nllmf' u( tht• "'~"""'•~ lh•· flttlll<ollll (trmnllm<· hk•ly to CK(UI tn ,,,, "'·'. 1 !'\OTIC"'F. H'i 1-tF.I'f.HY (:JVF::"II. 1111:1 no•."l'lt'fl n trrlrtl un Ill tho' lind l'llylr i1f ":-\ngllh·l..l'tone" at """ thr04ll, t'}'I'!S.. ~., .. ,.,,• ,1 lhnt J~hn B. rraig F.xeC'utor nf :-:o·wporl f lag Call! Jl)9 21lll An~::••J••ll t' •unty nn.r f\1 N,.·y,,1l!>rl when ,.,er• ,. • t1•l l\l<•••) , the F'..~>talt••tlf Lolli I rrallt, [)1'-p'acr:. !"ll\).: AmU9t'l:l'lnl l'nr'or. I', tt•ll <1rnn,::,. rflunty. Calltomht, thaa Vllolnltn. ~···r Mol. will ... n nt rrh·att! .anlc, to · 211[• <"<»till noult>v::oro.l anrt Sti\R , v. n~t ll'll~t·•lvrd 11111)' !liP•. 19H. ltV -t ho' h l(hl'!!l lw l.trr ur~n thl:' ltonnll Lltlllllr !"tflrf', 21 I I Cnast. Bnule-r: Ill IIIli I t>nat'nt • Y ou n~rd V itlll'nln 1.> ''' h r 11nl1 <ondtl lnn~< htr~lna.ftl'r men-vard ~ no mln.~r i-inti!IP knt•wn 814 Nf'tlhPr of AIUtl r•~>llnf'ra v.·l'l llf'l · the body ~JU~Ir~ p• ov•' """ . I 11 d ... one . ll~d I!U.._,«>c-t to con'lnra· 2,llfl•, C"• 11.111 Boult'vllrd; •11 In l't'.Wporuuble t r any <.lebla, ubh¥•· th• calcoum and flhOtol""'' ""' ' tlnn by aahJ &bo\·e tnllll'<.l l'Ourt, th~ C•ty of NewJ>f!rl Bfoach. j llflllll or ll&bllltlf'll lnrurrr<t tiv .,..ll•l your dt•t. · on <'lr after r.f(lhday, the Mb day Orante County, C"nllfomlll: lf>-indlvldufliJ or under u.1.c1 !1rm If 1 o u •r • not C e • t1 n · of Junt•, 1944, all tM right, Uti~. geU er with two On-Sal~ Dlt-•.tm ... ~ no or alte r •ld data. .,..,6 of t~ two t'mpor-:11 lntuut and tlltatf of Ule aald Lola Ulll!d Splrita Llc~naea, one On· f, That all claJma nr tnd~btedn .. n . Yltamin, take' a ONE-A -D A • I Craig, D«e.IMd. at the lim~ of Salr Bru llnd Wine Llrl'nM. ·If any, '«alnat lllltd rvtnerRhlp twand Vatamaa A and D T .. 1 t~r death. In and \.o the ~al prop· Wlnr Bottling and PackaKinl' , are to~ pr-n~ to Joba A. GO· 1.: t'¥ef'J cta1 and maure yv .... ~l'rty hnelnaftf'r ducrlbed, and aU Ltcen.IIC, Retail Packag«> Otr-J ligan, Room 637-8a South ~ ,.._'"ren•en'u. l lhr r~l. till~. and lnt•rut that Sale Beer and Wine U c-tonae. SprlnK 81re~t. l~>a Anrelta u. , ~ lhl' .,-t<f utalf' 'hu. by opentlon Retail Package. Off-Sale ~-' ~a!llomla, wllbln thirty daya from 0 A uf law, or olhtorw••~ a r qulred. tUied Spirit. U cenR· aiJ 11tand-1 the diUt ot ttrta l'Ublltatton. N E DAY 1 other t.ban Of' In addiUon to that lng in the nam~ at1 T. ·c.ntOn Datl'd: thla lOth• day ot May. of •ld d«uAied, at th~ lim~ of berelnaltu named. 1944. llif!l:iiiW *'RAW I her d~ath, of, ill, a.nd to tbcee cer-The name of the Ucena.H and . Cl..AUOE VlCTOH HAGAN -lain pared• of land, •tuat~ In the Vendor .. Tom cara n. AOIII~llmea I ANTHONY F S'ABEL SNOODLES < (7 out of 10 people read New...nme~J ~fled A dt.) ... DOROTHY DARNIT. . . - OONT WA.NT You TO PL"V ~•TM TI4"T c~ue !.w•PE!) oov "'\ ... Y !""OIU,t ~ y .... Ntx·' • (A ~~;lan~ pro\'efl the lnd.-nfUp of th,. Ne~s-TimH) J41~ f"THtR tiA~ A B.-.1) C'~U O F KlEPTO'-'\~NI ..... -- WH~T STl~T P~PA ?' - ... . TELEPH--E OPERATORS·-NEEDED~ _Servlf't' mrn ancl war wurkc•n. art~ all df',..ndln~ upoa our lirb at thf' IIM'ff('hboartiJII. Hood pey M'hlle leam· • Ia~~; and ~lar lDrl'f'UMt * * *: SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA / ~ · mEPHONE: CO. Apply: 100 1:. Bay Ave., ~boa or 514 ~ No. MaJa Sl., Santa Aaa I By Cy Hungerford . ;. hy <'harleM McManus c ..... 11(, IOIC....I, ...._ ....... ll A It I 0 8 E R V I e-'E . I lorn,., ~ulo. M•rln" R.ef1lna Rl'f)llf~. Marine El«tr~ Rurt R. Norton 1111 C'out lfJalawaJ NEWPORT III:A(J'W ..._ .. n Professional Oir.ettory Gordon M.Crundy~ M.D. ~hy1klla" and au,.., ... 1 "'41nttl anti C•ntr•: A"•· Offb Hra.: •o..tJ a.m. 1 1-1 ,,,.. Tele~ 17 ~. LEROY P. ANDERSON ATTOflllfKY AT LAW, . . C.-ta Me• ...... aut141n8 ......... Celfta M .... Callf-"'1• HAROLD K.. GRAUEL. "WI' O..~~~!~llarw ~ ny •l"rinc Oth•ra l~at·· ...._.H.....,..., ~-· Mtaa Callf1rnla j BUY NOW City Tax Sale.Lob A. J. TWIST 60'7co .. t Hltflway ~h-~ tO,.ONA OE.L MA," .. Conn4 JUchter, M.D. ~h)'tkll•" .... '",.._ om .. 101 "" ttiwet .. ......... .... .. ..,,.., fO-tl •. "" • •·• ,. M; ,~,._a.--Offtae 111( .._ 7W DR. G. E. TOHIU . ~·~HVII~CIAN aM IUJtO&ON --c..-.. ......., ..... ~ . . oi ..... -; ........ It .He A-r C.U ~ I Dr. M. D. Crawfonl OIIITOMITJtiiT . Toy•• EumhMd ~ ~ 111'T "...,..._ ~ ~....._ MJO coat.-Ma•• BALTZ MORTUARY CHA~IL •v THa IIA ~1o ceaat a1v•. Cor•"• 4el 'Mer -H-"" ..... • ~h4Hie "'4-,..-1 oU J DR. QRED LUCAS ./ • Oe~tiat . ttft 11, w. c .... tnl. n . 14M NF.WPOilT ftEM'JI WHO'S WHO .IN HARBOR DISTIIICT FIR£PLAC£ AND KINOLINC WOOD-• It W Wrl.lfhl 17"• Npl 1m •I , C"'J>..t., t-1•'"" 1 ·~··•I l .umll'r Ph', "115-J. • CE."NERAL f;ONTRACTOR -'. • r,.,,,,,,n It lrtnlllnv :1~ Ill,.,,,.,., nlv•l l'h .102 J'lana nnt1 t'o•nlltnu~Uon. LU~fAIER COMPANIES~ r<~ttl ll Mru Lhr n "l .ft "" h"lrr VIlli plnn vrm r h"m"" Phun• 4~. lln v llltflrl•l l.umllf'r t'n l 'l'llllltl liM ""'"" llll:llWIIV 1\l Arth•'· O~rtt£. SUPPLIE ~r-v.·r)<•lt ltttrh•lr I'UI>IIal)ln.lf r .. l'hnn•• 12 -H , NI'Wp<Jrt Deacb. PfHNTINC. IV "Wffl'lrt tll\rl111r l'llhllalll"• r., l'hllt•••· 12 • 13t Nawpcl(t Baacll. REAL £STATE, INSURANCE A NOTARY PUBLIC-- 'J-ew II Wall&t'•. 2202 W.·t'..entt.al Anno-l'tlflflto J. ,_UIIII£,_ ITAMP~ ~~port H~rbor I'Ublt•htn1 Ou. f'b011N: 12 • JJ, Newport a..aL &HliT MITAL WORk- . V~le Mumbln1 It llbeet Metal Weru, eo.ta M-. J>tloae 210. VA .. IKTY ITOft~-- ........ ~ VutetJ ..,._..~ llo, 20o lind tiJ> ...._. ll~J·W •