HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-06-01 - Newport Balboa News Times11 SAND CRAB . , ~AM ~UOVSI"A The town Ia II p~tt.y well stirred over the advent of ~ of the hoUses from the Seal Beach .area-a regu.lai' 3-decker put down beside a neat stucco in El Bayo. The re's not much .one can do about It, as the ·building ordinance pennits such movings, where a rest· dence complies as to under· plnning, durability and ll· oense fee. The owner. a Mr. Chue of the G. E. Co., Ia within his rights. T o change th~ the council must Dewapaper that goea home . Buy Ronda . IEEP POilU I toEndWar . ~ .N Qukker-• == '-·· _t . .1 Year • • • ~ tz It ~EM~B~R~A~C::!I~NG~BALBO~~~A~P~EN~IN~S~U~LJ~~~..!W~!S::!!T~·N~E~WPOR~~T~,~S~L\~SR~OU~~~~~U~DO~I~SLI,~.!N~E:!WI'Oit~~T~H!:U~G~HTS,~~·~~!:,;LBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR, COSTA M(SA VOLUID DXVI .. • Memorial Exercises .~ 7 Naw.-o"T ••AcH, cALtlt'OftNIA. ™"~~Y. JUNl '· tM4 1 ~~t : AcJ' Pioneer Grocer 1·9 · t M f · ( . · I Lt. Meritkel !Home After 14 r~ews Charles Way oa en. orm o-op. A . 1500 'tP -_J JMonthsatSea ~-~~' T ,~_ BreabAnn T D . s I . r-. ttra~t . a . ~raae 1=~~...;:;:r-=:.~··~'a':l ~Ke.s :~2~~i:-r.:;: o rro~ect e.vtt.f. rrom and Serv1ces at P1er ;:~~·:.~~;~==~·~! w f1eld !?~~~~.::=:::.:;:~.;:i low Pncesas8oatsldle · vUlt to tbe Bay an& ID ~ two y~re u adwrU81nc at thr C"lbl•w I . Newport Harbor Pays Homage to Departed I n\onlha In which llme be bu bMD ot Ule New•UQI ... I . lTndcr th\! rar. 011 nr. Or'\lndv. Seventy Men Orpaiae iato A..elatlla and--it.:. the sa.me old situatlon-nc; body holle rs whe n 'the ordl· nance is passed,• and when aomething that i.s grotesque, but conforming, hits the vi· cinlty, then the voices rise to high heaven-after It is too late. Allo understand there- strictions as to stucco have expired in that tract, and if you want to know what to do, now Ia the time to orient condltiona and present the flndinp to the council to pre- vent repetition in the future. ~ Heroes As Many unit 8 Participate in aerv.nc In ('I nvoy duty In tbe N... o&l~ad N Vera hie COD-... l8 d~ nicely w1th hie •r"' Prnnn..d •• ')J{ 000 Bond ·-._ , S< uttl AUantlr. ~~ wMJll'n<l lQ aaawme a In • tlpt banda,ce. whlcb 1M' • '\4'8 :,.. • -~-*vt -._ ceremonies Under Diftclien of Loc.,ai-Poat: s.n;.._..tt« • ~._._.., ....... OA a w-*ly nm,.Aila hl ~~-vary~ Ia lk) -Facalltia 101' Dockia • ..aACI ·'li·-~A--_...;.-o;-~-- . , , tht' aea whtn hr apent hie 'eum· pi" e&AJM.bra Wr; Uo:llln-.ad meantlmr. Mar~ le dOinc • r-_a.n.t _--. , J oining· Americans whereve r the"' were a ll over tht> wo rld m«"rw on Newport Bay In ~Ia 8DOW·I p:.U tit c:.oa..r h .. r .. on ~turdaya )0~ ot carT)'Iq on. I "Wr ar. _ _.._.. in ......_,._ ol our u... • Ill./-~ I J ' btrd. Lt. llertckel enlieted j.n lMJ to bt •llh Jla flllnlly al Bah»oa.l -- -... ,...,.~, • ~~"~_, U'J -II;-,~-_. t Newport ~!' m~mor:fallzed Its departed heroes and gave •llll•t ~tPf' •nt~>Miv• tra&nYJw. ,.. ~ t..o lla nrw <luUu uu lzt" • f!AtheJ.,Vft • mopenti~ .-,datiaftt.. ... . . t reverent. thought .f'!r ~r sons ~d ~aughtt'rs w~o have m ade 1 pocUd for duty later tJecomlnc 1 M~ . ·o K 81 LaM"y FWler te 80f1lP 70 OO.t ow~ •t a mur." -I the supreme sacnftce t.n our nation s wars. Cltnen~ of both I"Rflllln of the a hlp on wb'ch tw I Mr. llalltnahra.t ram .. bne I rom u e l'tic.tn L.rKton hall Monday ~t. We have tbe llill. .• I Newport Harbor .and C:OSta Mesa paused for a n ho ur and a bad eerved u u ecuuve otnur. ~ lit&ch, where be had put • • our akW of thr t~ and Ow publk'l dlm&ad ap 1 • h~ from 10:30 a .. m . til nooo in hOf'llage. More than 1500 , .. Hal£111& utabllebed their bom• 00 al ~lxr ct •ucce.-tw coa·l , lUck\ but the ~ at ~ pte·,.. -lit .. wttnesaed the affalr-.. _ ....------~ In Burb&Dk b. oH bla enllat111ent, ~ J1t dld Ole aamt ttun1 beN s II t Pfl•· H. da1mll tNt • two 'C'eflt ma.J'IIIn Pfl' ..... II' J 'ft.• • I UnCer lhe'"&ti.,ptcJ of .tbt' N ew· .the LACiou Pa.t lntrt'duced ~ t .• the lll'uler..ant'a wife and .yoWl( wtua .. "'lnrert l • by tbe .... ~ e s 0 I ci~t for him tAt.,.... I -~ ,~ ~ . . po. rt Harbor American Ll'gfon d •tiDrullhed 1'\AI'Ita HpHRnt~ •• n have Hln&JnC\1 c·n In the home. ~ a numbe.r o( nO\ eel art-,. I ''J'O ~r boat. an &d ... Md l-""1 tar llond tor .. ~ M .... ,. the varloWI organi&&Uone. M.yor I ·· ' ' -,.,.._ ot wtt '• fill Q -Pa.t No. 291. an lmpre .. ve and. a an Hall Major dordon B Flnd· Mrl. w. D. Merickel wll .,. a I ... tala Harbor d.atricl bu H 8 F. vital nnt to a.aamuaiU• M uu. r• I 1$ <. memoraltle ~ervlee r penlDg with a Y • · I'UIPit of ht r. lOll the. coml~ week· ne.w taeepU\• t.o alfain ot · •1 t'r.Ucal .... ot ttN .-,, ,_-. 8&1 .nee. ' :.,.· \L, pole at Ule foot of the Balboa plet Ei To,..;rMarlne· Al:rSe:tor~ t.l p wllh Ult •·tU&UoD by p I • • llfkl'a jrum llllb•~•·proclucer \0 A boM ...... ......a....:............._...,. •• +' p&ftde'whtch marched to Ul~ nac ~y.~tt. ~ta;: ~ua;:· gapt. ~; end. · uaa~ m wr. Holtlnllbe&d com· ·• 1rm , .. , .. led. Tba OPA .._ ,..... ... , ,,....._, ~ where reP.r•entatlvea of all or· A'bert W . Ecgen, Calif. st!te 8 lb -~ ...-tl 1or l •.,N-•Ttll\.. _ _ I:I'IIIIUml"r whkb we Uatok 1e fair I ~U.:.ql-* ~ ~: !r&.Dl&&U~I -partlclpatln& w~re Guard Adjut&llt Cenera.l o :nce; r ~ lD fll'lt p~atll<a OD a ~I· A'tt.•r ~I yean In bu•a-In all alt .. tba UDa. ,alace, ...,...._,, dollu .~ ....... .... UQUOR. That announce-l caUed upon to place I floral deco-Capt. Harold A. Nel.an, U.S.A,. a oa man .,.,.,.. . . N-porl 1\caeh. D K. 1"8horty"l l the ....... u.. a•• c~ , ........ ""' • -~ ... t:.. = ment by the d11ti1Jen • and ~Uon upon. a •J~Ki4Jiy conaruct· llCIUI t:avalry from BennlDr Park, · · I ;l]U. belt tr1buta .J1nn I rtu" .. one of tba beet lUted mea bHII 10 WI \A lri"'IIP1ar ~ tl• M .... '.:. 1e ..... Wholesale liquor dealen tQ ed ra.ek. Captaln Oramonde S. WtlmiD(toq. Chaplain 0 . 8. Brown, , 8 . ' . bla ~ dvk a.cttvlt,d wu In tile automobile pma. hu ao 1.1 Crom yeoa.r ~ )'e&J'. -~~~ ..... I~ · use. the fiu.ld ln eelllng the BrOWD, ebapl&iD trom the Santa Capt. u . s. Army AJr Corpa San· • t writ ., Ed OoodeU, whlr h •• hll Olrvmlet ..r-ocy aDd ,.,... for. 1M! a ~ ... ) I . -. . ...... · ol bondi · Ana Army Air. Bue. wu Ult ' , ge s ron z e u · : . .._ ... >lutkle t& eur ,._._ lla -.: ... M • -~-• 5 • next Ja6Ue War , lS a ~a. t thla I R ta Aaa Army Air Sua; Laut. ~ II Ot:s ~~ I 1\" I bu~•MU tn tbr CUI'berta•a Oln~ •-·-I~-.... .....,._ l~ .... '-, bit offside. Just why they l.,_-er or occu.on. ev. Taylor, U. S. Navy; LL Harold • 1 rea • av na l~t en of WvnU"(t.oft &r.ctt. Th•Y ~ _, -•-Mr ll+t---7 fl-• -· lhould 'ck Balboa which !!d Goodell. paator of Cl:rilt BJOm•n. U S. Cout Ouard; Rev. s M d I N -Bladl, and *bllt n'<O&· I uk ,.._lnn T ",...._,, '~~~ t.o-., ~&ale(• ,...._ . .....:::::::.._!=*' , ~ p& , • ' Church by the Sea. pronounced thtt1 d Cocddl Oran Co . t ta . ~be dJd ~~~any tflln&r .n -1 nun• Wb&rr. eur ~ ~ ..,.... ., __ 1, - bas enough, g~ knOWS, ,l lnvocatiQb and benedictloo. • ,.!~n Ed . • fe un )' ' r e a D.AIIJ' e.&di!Mre, I b.lieve a word ldt Ulur put In 6'4 yMre wlttl pla nt, and dUitrl~·~apa...t, nWt ......... ~=· in the past to hye down, is-a II M n Unlta March ~rvlaor lrwln Ceorge Oopion ~....-. lli KlwaJ\.1 utlvltt~• Ia lh• P'ord , .. ,....ow~ .ttY TMo.t· at u ~ llOet /ll fl-.ooo Ul4 ~~~ ~ ...... tough break. True, liquor • Y and Mr. J urgt'n Lol'ftlt.zen. chair·' I tD ciNw . •l"r" l~obtru~ and than wf'Dt Into 'I hr .. un .. t le lo ~ ,..._. ~ ~ .....,., . •• bas become a l'lii'C commod· Tbe parade -.arted It 10·30 Ia mao of N~wjxlrt· Harbor Rtd . ---• ' bii .. Ofllll t ur b lm•tt. nve yean •ale ·.J bunda -•tU. ,.,. ......... =-.,-.. -· 1 bu th · still •'--.-·m . ~Atvua.:ro ano \\'ia{ Cf.n·"'boaa. I (Tbe' following ltDry wu wrtt~ 84* ..... N-pun .Jiubc;r 10_-l•tu "" tMJtt !)Ill l''""'"t ati"Ut'lure . . ~I ..,_ ......... ttt ty, t e re ar'C J-1'0\l.!! t.:al a vt"nut' In Bal~ an<S man:h· Followlntt the mvocatlon .by t~n .by 8tatf ~TTeant floklmoo ws.n ...... 111 Ule 111mm,.r 1 t 1~42 at lOth and Ctatra.l &Yi'ftUP anti NHf 10 ... .....,.. 1'1» ...,_.. ~ •!ree .... ft ands ·of people who a,re able 1 ed """t tl• lh«" nag pola at the foot Rev. Goodell. Chaplllln oramond.-Blecfnnan.' JllamatQiler k, N. Y., i aDd ~ fall w~ tlto..lld ••• n ... tr11n1 th,. tint tim,. h,. 11w thtlt "Tha o,IMnaeft'a .~rall.._ .. "p6dtW" eanatlleiab' .. ....... - to ~y bonds who are not ~ o! llle Balboa pier. ~eadt'd by the !'!. Brown t rnm Santa Ana Army M11rine Corpt C!>mbat <..wnep nd· ~ lary. IMI1BninC' hl1t "':ork In 1>~-t'or n,.r b~ alwaya dnoa.:~ed o( .ucli' h" cvotln~.~ed, ''buwever, IDiall MYei iDlo Uw tton. 'wtau~el U11e _..., familiar terms wlttl. the '"; multi~ natiooal rotor• and e~lnr Air BllM. flrllvcrt>d a Vl'r)"''br'autl· ent.t • .• • j l C!U, ~r. A lft~relary • job Ia a Inn unJ•·rtalclnc Ill• drta.m ramr a mlulolwn tot fltty lllaaaban , t.o lftU'I ~l.rutlr· .~· toxicant. Why otfend the~-l l(ll9rd of the ll. $. Marine.-~Orpll. ful a.n(l ln•ph1ng Bd.Jreae, alter !';omewlrerl' In lhr !'Iouth P•cl· bta -ID • ~rvkr club but he trne • . llelln flln<'\krrt&nl In ~ llat:b 1Jr1C8·fla&Da po&Aey. ... .. ..... ... Wets and drys are ~~ _m and followed by the N«"wport Har· which ('t•mmtuHier J'unl11p· u lled Ill' •D_el~v~"<ll Marine t.feut~ te tt tM e~~ran• 1P·0~: .. ·Mr mu .. wiU liMp ~1011 of n1•"!ber ~~·~· bl-~ t..1 p&Y 1er1 llratt~allr ~.,...., _. thethe wthear--ond e g~L'phm1?ttx>s.1 ~· r Ubn11oo H1 1,g_h Sfc~~lubansd . .:_he,upon the vartou• orga.n'~tlona t l ant Colonel Carl"y .~·· R,&ndall. wu e .colll_;'01·li!·~~~~n.r 'bla v1t1u•bl~ J•">prrty trnd hu en· 'unto U..d ~ooe:~u~ 1\Mt GM Ua•ll-..,asa IIJri!'-"!*S I · .. 0 r oesn 1 e tquor marc nl' un.., o "" · · -a-decorate In memory olthe.dep&rt· whow wife, Mary, live• al 204 " iteH<J lntn • IMII .U"J• conlraet . ltMIIMII ~· • .._ C ft ,.,. lotJ ............ ~~fy1J:. n~t~~~i~ :lnce:~J~t ~~:~ ~~:~~:J ~com~jled~th:~ orgaaiU· Seventh ::::c1:~· ::r ~':lT~ :.-t:o•· ~:r~~ ~'!~,,~ ~= ~~·-="011.!,~ =~:. ::-;,uC:: M w: ..-~'C% ;: .... alry IIM!dwl'-1 unit of • K-11 u.. ehd» n,.. Ia ..._ are w .. -..... • ~ .llt!J~·· on Boatdi•llll ~g~ r.elr 4t t.be foot at tbe n., pole. Mftral bourw. altlloup hla c--~ m)'.,, · Cb&rl• Cad· dl"ffrrfte. bol II will uw ....._ .. WTUtha were placed by the N-·' mand· poet wu conUnually under IDAII, ·Mtee ROM Dald.,-, Mr. Rob· thin« to dlt with .._._, tbe -..ct. Uw eo-opa,.ttw • _ .....,_ Cllllfc.rnla State Guarol. tht' ·~-IJ'l'rl Harbor P(lal and A~l'lllary, 1 flre ·,~ J ap&nrllf' 7~ yal'dll· IIWily . .'11 11ordn!', K~,rlh ·~.t ~.•r· lnJt of wtuch "" dNr1y ICI'¥f'a. He at lhr •·Oftvrn&eM<t f/1 tM -bat. gtonnalru or N~wport Hari>Or I"• 811tlln, f'o~t of the V F.W .. I hi' 1 The citation. •lltlled by Admlra.l l main AJt•n and lr llttrt•ltl (,<'I· •Y• he hu much work tu 1Jo •hlp vutr. ... tr .. .,.... ~L. ADd LllL-m.em~ of th~~ ll.ed.. CraM. K!Vtn J)l'r. W-.F.JI&laey, covered tilt' ~r nd man. A 1 ~t t.ha.·_o~!,! "1 1,11 ""''n t>W1d..b'-.~port Uallrbt. hom,.• "OuJ' l"l&l ~..ntatJy.; a. H. C~t,..._ "•t,r...Jitlli ,_... ... , C ttn.st hnl' T'm!l t•f • t-h~ Veterau oJ. anoally by A J Twlllt, ll'rnottu·y . from Noverr ber 21 to 'Drc.-mber f'lllt•ryran frle.nd&hlp• "''11 .., "hrr" 1 t h"d hop.'d to rettrro whrn tt .. t .. h•u•. hu •• &fTUIIed l~Ml co. uut ttt. · aMA!ftlllblftc-ftiGi JiiM a •ti F reign ~ carnc.d_.tbclr bin-lb.e Boy Scou~ and C'ubta. Ult'_Cilll· ~. 1tk3. aqd ~ In part: • IIOmelhiDI to 1M' remo·All .. ·r•·•t 1' r , lu• ",.., fifty and hr aUII hAll "l'"rlll iVf' RlUJI that Do out.ll» 1 t.rp l!WJn .. r o1 ·•-•11•..._. .. nPrs a nd Wt'r~> acrompMietl by thl" I fnmla :-;tutP CuS,d rnrrp&ny of "Lieutenant -'' l"olnnf'l RAndan ma.ny • year by ua d thr '1"1' · li"f'('• •1•1•11111 • ,n l'lilf'r tn ~t ··~.ot.....r" wllhuut ~. tleh --~ 1 + + + l la<ht'l! bC thr Awt.llla n t-l! lhP motor ~""''J>M1 Harbor\ the KlwMII c~mmandtq oJfker ~(··a Marin~ ln. the fall of 1114 3 1:"11 "u-' o r hr•, htldl"f'n.· ~~ nt''"'· 111111', l ru111 lh,. m .. mtrnohlp Nur h•v': dfo&Mrp h&Yf! baen -.~Jtrwnl< .ad • f the . Rn<l llmhuhln••r rurp!'l nt thr Aml'r· ('Ito b. lh•· U nn" n ub, and Rotary battalion. dlaplll)'ed unu.rrulll tnllttt· l'IKtrd rr•l~t of lla.• '11111 · 1111" v. "" k tll .. rt 1n an autn arr h ... nt ''"' I lor hutt~lhul•Wn~ a ny vrJt.ina power ~&C!I!Ut( tn ~I"MM\d-tG ct. .. T~ift ~hop. O ne ~ · • I<M ltt>d f'mu n ( Newport Hnr· Cluh <>f N<'wrr•rt Hatbrlr and the tlv~ an•t ability In leA<II n'Jr; I Ia J•tb hr ~ l.llled v.otth th,. •run,. Ill& hi" third yr.~ar In medrra l J ul r1111r1 ,,,. ru-u,.-rattvr .llball re-1 v11lrop lhP lllland . lie\. .... ,1 sturd~est httJ.e ~tc"?n~ t.n · t)tor and 11 good turnout ot B<•y ="'<'wport H11rhur Ct.amb.r of CT>m · trrnpa thrnuJ:b Uu• molt d rncult rnthlllla.ID ~ the othl"l.ll II •· "' · I"~"· t'l~lll yrar. -..rn (fa ylnr•l 1111111• In at.olut•· ~"'¥'lrvl of U111 t•-l'lllt•ll,. &II 111M l£¥man~t~to• ... ,•, the ~rbor distn c t 1.s the op-I &nuts a:n~ Amerwa ml'rr l' trrrAin In 11\Jt·~•tv~> advanr rl'l to . KlliiiMS! tiM> 'Town 11"11 ... n,.,. I• ~~· • .. rroc:w•l In tha army In •->niC-tl.,ot •owner m .. mtwn \ AlltS. )"N DtUrrnll•ld. ·.and b.l .... at.-..ltOt. era.uon of ~he Thrtft Shop . AtJ lhr perRdr entc-rt'd lhl' C'our l ' Honor Tr.-Loll1 at Sea th~ btarhhf'lld """· llnd In tllr•H t-""'' .,.., aonally at'I'IMI'tl Ult' "l'l"'•f· l,n ..... n•l J r rry, •«f'il n . hrlpa hill IH·~" lr av .. &h .. ......,,..,.~, tlla( un·j llllltv ... ,,,.,, .,.,. Without ,..,.,.. ·' which uses &ts funds f or the 1 of l''rtPntl ... ip io f rnnt or thr 111111: lD IJ'I•mnry of l htlflt' whn hav!' Ill« hi• b&llallnn In attack• agatn•l ancu nf Jobn B. Hul(hn . ),1an· .trod "hll•· wra. UIIH! wn11t1 a ll • •·1 I 'alll•m 11" law. no 'membl!{ Ia •nd ""'f'lv .. tleh .nth a9MltJ -... common gOod. Ever so o ften cJ>rle. Capt. 1-'if•lc'll a •drd by AdJU· loet their llvu at ~a -th~ m tlrr lht' ,.n,.my. rht.t .. r Boddy, Dr. Tht'O 1'"1Y n ... tno.f thf' l,.w •ntf'f'll"'W• llnl•lr la·yi.n.l Ulf' unrttwiu-nd ~-I ll II ,,,.,r~ ~) ..... -,..,.. CIC'IIIt:· • it has to close tf) reorgan tze 1 tant Andrew Jarkaon H11yn1sn., rnmpany nf t he u . ~. Cout Guard "Durtntt the I:Mlttlt' of f'lva znlde• and tbe Banta Ana t,:rul-_ • ... , \' .aona. • . its merc ha n dise' an d when J)lfl('ed ~arh un!t b.tween thr marrhed 1,, u1,. .,0 1.1 11t thr p ier. rnf.: ,.-ork ... he l"~ta.hll11hrt1 hl.ll rnmm11m1 1tando Ctub. ' I J ~ d. · L 'Jlrwj full-1""· Pf'lla'-'"" ...,... the doors a re again thro"!n palmi! and ~ed all lhr natrona! ht ttit lr mf'mben~ ciUil'!llt their JlOI!l only 75 yanl• from the JafM · Wr Klwaai&M ottu • •,:"' ~:" , A · • t P -1 u~ ·by L.,at,_. ,.._ · -f: ~ thl' sai("S .at t.imes run rolonl and organlzatloh bannenl wr~alh upon the wattrll o( the Pa· nue Jfne• .• a nd undrr lntr nM' m;·.l ;;.'Crd .. orlll:~lallnn •nd r ·If" I . u ge . gainS 1'7ens·e. Mr. t\,tltntwwe .. ,.,. ·oe ... ..u,. Into t hree ngures daUy I on ef~~ f)f'"t~. IJO that t itle. When Rtl drconllmm• hlld ,(')tlnr ~n llftd rtflr fire.-pt'T1ImT • r IJJ wAG~ d<Jne-arurtl . • • . • ~ I .. ~Jot " rn,....ll• ....... .... C~nnan Boudt.not and he~ I the unlfr rmed ae.rvtcerpen, and tl)ll' tleen plared. the order to aalulto '1y malnlRtned r•miA.Ct' with and fnr 08 ' IN u B 'II t:'flftl" • '• rot,.., IIIlo a ... .._ sta f of able feminine work· 1 color• flying In lhr br~u. WtH tht~ dead wa.~ gtvl'n and a \•olley tt. IHrtf tl thf' •-ult rompanlu ot l ed.la.t.e E . 0 · 0004EI~L. I · . -t • 1rraai1ry. but 11 a BOD·PfQHt or-., -d . I did job tA.Cing thr ll~ere' •t.and behind .()( thl"f'~ aho't. ...... fired wflllt alii hill balt&llon In a flrr ttpt ' oi l' fmm r ut P"aldeat. N. Il-l ow p 0 onne I aanlullnn fmm whlllt t.be ...... I i are Olf!g a Sp en find . the malri flllg, V.:llh the hlgli tJCh()(ll In ,lllend&J!CC' atood at attehUoiL llll'ven houn'. dura lion. • klwa{lll Oub. .. , ' . lMtrt ltf!rt'a dlvfct. ..... U.. t_. suggestl~ was to a band forming to t.h~ right ana tM The ctremony clo!IM· with lapl . "Dtl plte .the l&e~ nf IUppOrttn~ . . . ,., bon-ltf!..-cttat .. u.. ll on a main tho roughfare, firing' equad to lhl' lt'ft oft be 11emr· ·blown by the buc'ler· of the 'hlgti . wt>apon• hta bct.tallon tnfllctrd · Ch h . · amnunt nt rat.rh b1 ..... .__,. e,rect .a su~table ~ el{cle •• creallng. V4'Q' IM'auUful 'rlehoo.buld. ·Tb. colora, tlown a~IK'VI" .... ~~-<'II on t.hr e~emy and 1st ' ' . . ·''!''~ ... f'ranlklln J (~1'. lllfllnl.:lllll In ttw> bc•rd AndC"AmnJIIIIII~·· a.Ddarl4-UinMIP .... ~ with an antiqUe shop Oil one picture tor the M~mori&J and ~-halt mut until noon weH rallied I fnl'l'ed th.-m to ..,.tthdraw (rom urc Ill fi'Wff'C' 1n tM hf'irint( nt 1h•• Hr1rJ,.III ff!lf' f:Nil ~r ll.'ar ._.mt*r ........ a '-at .... iide and a Ulrlft place o n the nratlon IM!I'Yice., · by stt. a t A nne ·G;u: T&JJUlllll and thPir poetttOft. Ht• effte~f\t and . proh.'!ofll arsnth'll •. 16quor .Jk"n"'' c ;.:.;,.• ';.. L.J\~c~•~ rl~::;m.1:.!,"•:::. •r brine 1n tw..ty . ..,.,_ f1! f'tltl 1ft other, and re.aU.y go .to. Jo:wn Dlttlngullflt4 Guaat. the audience joln!d In the 11lng1ng c-(Ju.ra«e<ru• lead~rllhtp and devn M trnn.,rrr to O.ta M,.., ll.-111 low Ina •tatf'fnl'nt : '"nnl• 11, 11111 11 ("'" mnnth, and tiM ~aw·e ' on sal~. Thls Jd~a. &S taken Co.mmander Stuart T . Dunlap of of lhf National Anthem. lie.-, to duty In the f&ee or dlttl· t• g t Thter"ltll). Ml(y 18, hu FrnlfYl·l Clnlll IIN1r~lnn hy ttw> lll•rd. n. I# protlt)l\, Ulat aioetll 1e ... o.nt from a pattern I'll E ngla nd --------c~lUell were In kfeplnr with the ee In a mo"'''dto(J to t.hr ltatr bnAnt "'IIIMrd will &l't an t._• flw11J11:~ • potiM, t~ boat __,. .... .. where many Mlrlooms . are 1 G G p b..,.... tradlllon1 of tbr Unttrd _.. , anti ,.,...,""rrw-nda'kln.• •• • l~tt•·r tor that a.JftUI .. t401. II t.be . the • · • Sl&l.N aaYal HrYice." ' 1) t'CfUIIIiahun lhlll lhr 8t'V'If'lllollf1 1 · . .u-...,.,U, two IIOld at fancy pnces, I eo . .. c D M -B· •t)(' dl•rrk-d ,.... ,uta ~ matte-r ,..,,. Wrtllm •lb,....llnn• Iff .... .,... pn,.._ ,, that .... money all going to ch arity. rupe . IOneer . . I, . . tlndlna~• may lw "'"' •l•h lfl·· ~·halt cent. a ...... u.. "-&· + + • 1 / N d 400 19 Th~ 1Wa.• arr '-':klfta thf" l""'rd II ~" wlthtn nw -""' ~t. Ut JliNftt Ill ... Two Skies. There are I I F M' D ee . . . •, . muvf'mPnt ........ .,_..., ronc;.our&~:· I'IIIY~ .. """~ th4' rnaJJinc rtl lhla .... rntlftlh uW llr1.-a ... ., - two sides to this business ot owa· r •t . . --,. .. tly t.h• lllllllJ.alrp......_ ,,, •v ....... 1 membanlla~ ,. '-' ..... . .·ul . an, I e~ ! -. Thal Ulere I• • reaJ lntere•t In prt"'lattom 110 (hf" .pu't of th•-M ......... cCIIit<-ru. liN · ('l~lllf1 ·1 •hi)' rtUt.'rtpboft t .. r • u... II ...... renting houses to service ~ F 81 d I thf' or,..U.uon ot • (.."nnj(rt'jtll• -.•hu IOitt'n\lrd ..... Huaday'e ... rv pr r lur1w'f1 tWrr -juJf1 Whitt til.-bonn II. lrtplt .......... .... men. Landlords say there i.s . I or 00 l'tlnnal Churcb ID the Newport I••· ),flt ny ot the ... WIIhlpptora !Jtllll'fl Will lkl, •• til.-llflflltl'll ll<m olooht&ll, ::t::::ty .., .... 1 •• difficulty In getting 1~. Geot~re c. Grupt', who, for morr th~ hanana bualn•·ll· llhortly alter I I A#lll'h~ K...a •no• ...... d<'m· Y• I• ..... It. t>pt•lnn lbat then-"' • h••-bl>••n .... , .. ,. ,..,,~. whkh 1' .,.,, Thr cw I ............. , s;e due to·thc fact th at th e men I han ~ years. wu one or the lh!' Civil war. I llDIItratad by tht ~-tn th~ ,,.,.1 nr...t ror • llhrral, (llf'Warol .. tru n~:•· '"'"''ltll'rtn~ tllllt It I• 1\!•llr mltftt . ,., a ... en. ~r.Uft must leave on a moment's mniJt Actlvr and llJ:!rf'f'IO!IIYI' "'hOI I'-" Wllft In Junt , 1943, that Mr. 8 k H llllnfiUnc•ment thllt a III'I"YII t' Wttlll•l l·•·kln.: and lf<'miW'ratll' l'hur;·h Ill ~f' nlrmy ntr hnar """ lhr fttr1hrr that ·.n.ll ..t •• llta8cllarf ror • n otice a nd cannot be h eld fo r l!lll]l' fiN dOI'f' ffi"O '(If IOWil, p&IIIIPd IIDd Mrll. Grupe Cf'lebrAted tht"l r an re lloo llrld IIUit Sunday .At (:0ri)OII o1d 111111 ,.,... 1 ... ·~ Mr. t4(•hr•o~ k ,,,., .. r ltl•·k nf , •• u,.,. prutooc•thlfl Il l ,. ......... drnl,...t -~ h I • • e ....... ' •-h Ill I I I l h•· ...,,., .. , l ... a.,ard,. with a ""''----.. ....... the bala n ce t at accru<.>S. a • a)'·ay Sunday f0\'(•n1ng nt lhf' .SAn· t1Ctl4'lh Wl'<ld.ng' anniVf'fR8r}' Ill MAr .-.. .... "('\lapel by thr f•·A. ""H IHIU•Y lro .. no .... n w ,. IC "' __, ...-- though J¥>Wadays It i!' n o 1.3 Ana Commumty ho~p t~. llJ:ed . \heir home. hu e. On~ 8'rm. Grnrg~> 1 • 1 "'"~ filled t<~ ''"fl""":V l'•"•pl•· f••• riot• '•r&~or1WlltJ tu ~ar him l 'r•~tnln•·nt rlr .,o•rr~o lrllllf" "" 1' '""Unn ''' a panmt or.-ataa~ trick to rent nny kind o f a i ll. anot fu n.·ral Mrvl•'•ll .. will he !l . Jr . rt•t~ldr• at f'OI!Ia Mull, ---1 rami' from •II Jl"rtll of 1t111 ll:o rl•"' "II""' 1"'"'''"1 "1•to"'""' ul tho Jud.rr'" •I· th,.t' th"tl J!f'rmalfrntly ....,~ • shelte r . On th<' othCI' h;tnci h•·t.l ft r him Raturdn,. at 2 p m. "'hll•• thc •Jt hcr ,..n. William A., .~ome 4110 l01·al clll!'-l'nll are n.,,..,._ a ro·lo 11 lt.hool(h m•1111 o( th,m """r•• • l'l••n '*•htiiii!'Vt fl•h t.ndu.try. ' the arm y o r na\~Y 01. air f«:,l· a t r hf' H~~rolol r.rau•l < "h11pe1. <'<••· 111 tn hu11t0 ,.1111 at narten. c nnn., t•<l to 1111 ·the qunta C<1r tit" m•1bll" t11•1n r.:omha Ill' I Mar ., Riteg for (A}sta .. I ·r' .I \II lq11•• rk'k ~iaf•l ''""'\ 1 C'ttlll~,.V:.,." With Ufttoft lo"'S ..... ,in j'us t as much of a tn ~11'811. ~·un,.rlll M(lr\'h'I'K ..... rc hrlol u~bln~ank. whlt:h C•lml'll tn tllf' 'rht'' Rev. P f'rryo ,.. Fkhrur k, ,...... ~ ., .... l•l••rt •• r J llt4:• ('•·I·· Ill •l••rt)'llllj ,llher .,.ntcutarly ... ... " A Maw>n tnr .,,.arly II hlllf. rrn·' I'""' lnf<! '"" Rrrlval In add lr"n N .. WJ)(Irt t!,.,.,..h Grllmmar t~~·brnol , .. ,.,,r.lar-of the l"on.,,....,,.u •• n,.l Mesan, ReSJ.denl I• ,., .. n lnr " ·····k•"il '"""!.:'' "' atr-tt """ pnlnt wblrh he quand'll''' HS the hou~ own· I ·-" " ( • 1 '' 1 11 lllmnrty ""JPha•rt. .... Thr ~ • J tu"ry. r1p m1 !M'rVI<PII will IK' C:O!l· .to lhl' I)• rt·nv••d whlo1w, ttlr1'1'1 1~.tuly '"from HI tn 2, lll'{'(lrotln,~C l 't•!lf•ren('e hr Sc.utlt,.rn ()olll•,rniR " " ""11 '" "' 1} '''""'"''11' 11 ''' • .. ,.,.., ... -....... e r . They didn't comc·h r h:• o f durtc•J by RMla Ana F: 11nrl A. tot ,::ranllr hthJrrn 11urvlv,., Jt-rry, w t1o t., Mrto VII lt~r r:r-ao·r, <'hlllrm&n rot 11ntJ th• Southwut. 1\lm•turi"'' ·•h•• L,Of 21 Years 1'1'1 0" 111""' '1""' ..,,.,,,1 1•flv•· ,,..,.n '"'11"'' ~111 wnrk tn C!lllllplflte har· the ir own vulilio n. Anyw~ly, l I N !l41 hI I I rit Ill Ul J I r ··~···· '''" ''"''''I ''""'"""n" "' 1111·~· ltluny Willi "'" ft .. flnnen·· unSon, f l '" ltf' • ·•· . w 1 e n ermP w 18 a pi lett In tr11lnmg at thr Army , e 'r w• , ~t<•r-vtr~ and prrrtl'hN1 "I'''" it" ,,n .. ,.., h,. P"l ,II, "It .Ia .01.~ .~,.-'t '·-h OO\' wall 0 '"S tf) rtlN' "'-h Jd 1 B 11 1 h 1'111•1 I 1111 11t1111k• 1111· •Ill•· It~ lho· •• ~ • .-a •• 1 IX · c . ., "' '"' t' n ur ng.ton. OWII, w t rt Air blu!f' to Textul, Ccor,::~; A.nna.l \\'hliP that I'YI'nt 111 mnrl' th&n touhjl'!'t, "8nm4'ti,1Dit tu Hu1ld c m · th 'l tlon squarely be-h .. ~r 1 0 t i'I"A fl!fl" Th . • lt~llor<l t•l '"'"''"""~·~-11n•l M1 111 .-'"'.""''"'-'WUh thfl unlf111 u t"a•. · e Sl u a • t w~s ..... n n. r ,.,.,r, . " " bo th M!_fV!: r hlldrf'n rt Gf'Ot gl' Jr ;' a .mr.nlh away, .,n. Graef' aay" Mr Schrock will l"""''h IlK"'" t-'nnk ,.: Mtratcht l'llf'lt •l hilt 0,,111 . 1 .. nr.. fllf'I,..Lhtrly rtpfl"ktnc. we cause these waniors' 0~ to-I cam11)' hospe bere It tl 237 Opal l!!fd .Otal\a.. tbc-., 11&11g_. btu or Wll-thAI ~ople ah.· uld plr-.-fl'~latrr nrxl Runda y al th• urn•· plllt'l' ""'' '"'"·~ t:m Vlrlf'nla,l'l&l'l' In ( .... ,. • I ._.... th It ns B lbo I I d 1\ I l'lnk I \ •In • •I I ' !'til' u• "II In tb(' a&ine _boat; .and the day . can easi y IX e C lZC ll\'t nue.. 1\ ll ~an · W,ht-r<' t e ll•m. I at onr f'. 110 their .namn ran ~\At the amr hnur Iff' I~ b<'ln~ M"~' M!lnday It<' wu 74 Y"""' ' ,. II:K ' ' · 1 of the h arbor distr ict t o m or· had ru·ded with Mr11 Grupt> and Thf d•'~"!'IIAI'd j<1ined thr M~UM>nlc1 tiled and Ulelr t omr ualp,.d '" lt~11nl!ll by thr Conltl"''tr•llnn.rll l 'nn-"'' •II•• A uaUv,. vi Wt-.urt, lhr 1~''1( '1''1'' 1' 111' 111"'1:''"'' r.,,..,,.ll "1.,1"'1 protlt. t, the . CMe ' mMIUI · I' ( 11 1 192• · 1111• kltl• In l•.v.n 111111 I" toni' lwn Ill<' llllt1ro•l prolltll t11 lh<' od.r. OW row. 'Thev could just a s we.. am Y "net' ... lti(!KI' 111 Cl'dtr IUplda, wu a 32nd thrm Apply at Red CT0111, 'phonf' t• r• nit' to .... ,., Lh• ,.,."'"" •1•1 ,.,~.,.,.,, 1 ltd """''" to Owl& ,.,.,. ' be th"' on"es who miaht buy .Mr Grupe retlrrd ln.J!)23 Whl'n dPttre~> Muon IUid ll ~hriner. 11\'. Nf'wport 1116.''1 Thr unit •hlrh Mnr epon.aou In trt'ttina th4' """ :l l y~•r• IIJrO. • • rl11101" 11100 1 lho• '''"1'""''<1 l'<tdCinll .......... Ill lair play llll_~,.;nd." • "' ~ 1 l , ··-1 d , h•m~:•· Hlf rh,.,r lo.loko·. nml llll• A1)pr1111lmalrly ullfl·thlrd rJ1 (be the• residence they leased •~ cllme o .......,. Angr el! an Jt>nl(lntt to 1-:I·Kahlr Tf'mple. He romu tro~ tAa A.ngelea with r hurth lauMIMod. . !!~" 111•~r• ""' hla wllr, ll'lnra, ••f fl'""l ,, llw ,· .. mmunlly, 1 Nl'l"'' w vrnly boat nwnrr• In aU.end&Dee uoort~>rday. -Let's/gr·.\·o ' an d bought a h.,_m .. at 827. South Hau-had hrf'n lUI F:lk lllnc-~ 1896, alpp about ff1 .toctllrw and nur••· will tlt,fllfll a.t~aa. th,_ ..u~. tl&r~oltl c: J""..._ " .. , .. Th d _ __. • _ .-h ,_,.. l'ihf•· Ita•· 1\1-tl•lfl uf J wllo(t' ( 'ulo· lfl •l«n<'•l UfJ fur thr r~oprl"&"vr. lfal· filet ... vu e• c-c•~ wu vlre In '<-'edar rt.pldto Hill dea tb will bandlr 30 pereonr t'V~ry 20 min· "•" wei& over 110 pttUn•la. are ••f (;wnol~. I"~ of .. hamwln ~''"'<tmrnl·nlhn..: I hill thf' Ill''"""'' f••r t hulll ... m wu 11·un• ~ lft tile take. folks. Pl"f'lllrlt'nt nf'. thr Llaf{omarctno· ~ mO)Jrnrd by hundred.l ot l'<lr· utea rlllfi"£-:U. u..-younl[n m1111t l'u lt flll tl Willard ,•llo 1e aPrVtnc + + + Grupe Co. ot . BuTIIn~n. Iowa. rowing frtmdl! I Peoplr from 21 tQ -.o ~an and -ur• COIN!eht <If. ttu•lr , ... r . In fl~ IJnttad ~-Army Air " ,.,,.ktll ll ll.tllll.!'" IJt· cll·nll'fl .. I hn.r:ty lllld rrt,.nCIIy dlaU..Ione an '!bey Dlcllt. I t really ·was and hid 1:'1 bra.nchea throughout . """· I ..... lllated ltf'trt-tratlt.n For•,. lllaUnn at "-~I. Nrw V<•mj• "'1111''11 Jlltt• lh~tnk ... .,, tile noor. Ttlece ... 110 ~u,.. one ot the best Memorial Day ttl•. crt&\#. l..&ter Mr. Gru~ elllab· • llf .. M will lllart lhl• 1-'rulay. MrliiiU, two ..... tara. ... '"'r/<tmni\IIUiy llf"• •IIJII• ~r lk·· I)Jipt" ... tlnn Thr· fMIIft« fiiWYRIIt<f parades e ver held here and • • L. ISTEN! PAPER TO BE. C(>LLECTED n•·n . ""'I ttw ~ ..... M .. t ... ,,llt"7"'J'"'· t ha t tn .. l.toat ~~~.,y·• f(._._u,. ll1lted a Jooolng houllt' at Crdar 0,u.t and two wm•k,.ra wl" b<' at f;I,.•I.YII Mae Mt,......t and .,,.. ·.·-r-·-. 'b) .. "' '"' J•••la~•· C'ttlt>'• ,,,...,.,.,n~'ntlatlon h"'l mll•le a .IIUCMMft:lt' b.rtantnc. • .. tbe three fellows responst e . Raplda. The fl~ waa 'one ot th~ "oneeuoe f W .. W! Pillle ... M tt"' U~,Jo Ule&trr to t.Ue· th,. n~~n~r• Y.llllt t,.-oth of o.ta .. _, l"i«tlt that u Llt'COM' 1_. ~kotl. Th• de*· _ . ~---- for Its •succes.o; were Andyd • tltet. tn e~···· the {rult dllll.rl~ N"'"I'Ort w wtll lie 1111 (of~-: ........ .., ..., I {,1\J' ., ()f "'' M who -ill·rf•r thfolt bl•o'od f{rAn•lo•hlltlr"" .-ell •• flrrHI\ prVIltlniiiY ... , It !Jilt,. ,a lUll) church, "'nw· l.rtt'k Ill l•.!k-r pr•~lon. tn Ha~ Stu Dunlap an I bullnea tn tho• middle wut whm one lnlA!~tUntc n•ot .. I• tn~ rr· jCrll'l"ltlt hlll1 It nil I tv• ,,.,., thAI lhla l."'r -.oui(J ,,.. I hill Cit~~ til .. ,_ arH ol ""''r idoo WUlis Fields. All three have .th~ flder La«om~I.Do enpeect In· WKD~A'r-AII a1 Ne.,.rt ' ........... ,.... ..._.. ,.,rt thar au t~ trtrla at Ulf' loca l .,,maraJ •"''-_... !Mid Wrod· ui., nr•"rv"'t hilT tn ttw n<·lacht,.•rln;c ,,..,,.,n.tl<lfl, rnAkH :ludJtf' Coll"t1 ~ tU.Ies In front of their n8Jile'!\. ! I ~;.:;~~~ ••• l-i-..... ...:.... ... h-'"Mf'-f'llcbln,t b&Yt! alped , ,, .. IICJ,.y af\p~ at 3 ~'dti!Ck wllh air IMuW WI1Uit1 rnatu• II \f~r}' Ufl'll .. ···llllot1 Vf'rY .. ~... w .. ,.,. but to the Sand C rab they ldo tl\elr civic bits in addition ' .,. Coraaa ......... ~, .......... ...... ........ "" 100 .,... Cf'et, wtlk'h ••• ~ H .. v ('&rl J,,..,_ ~tin •. )n-lllrllhll•.. ICNIIUI"t" and t.hllllk ltw Aoard ol are just 'a trio of hard to their own work. So credit ' I (P'N tutiiMw •rorwwtto. .....,_,. N_,.art ft -1111) ,..et of .... p p&Utlnt•On tJ• ('hlllr·l t•rm,.,t WI&J! ... l"al1111lwn l'f'mfO· ,It w 0Br11nt·, l•r"1'ltlt·nl n.ot~trr tJ.AliJIIIillllkln "'"' Mt. hcww-111, ,,, working gu~ who want to "·hel"t> credit is due. mill one.. • tary ) M'"'" ( 'tln"'lw·r "' (\•mnwfi·•· lho·lr ,.,.,,.,,. Ill lhl.r. tnllttC'f'." ~ ·, ' .. I • .... ,..._ N~8A~OA NEWS -TIMES -....,Hal NEWPOIIT II a ll · deat. ~· We don't that e--. boUI • .. )llllll..,-wbo need tc;a'be taM ..-In ~ we are ftghting , bea4Quanan ..... :x..c-ID 1>..,.., tD I*~. Mary ~~Jer, aW&uy.-..,bwlll~:·.~._, ........... _.. ... ........... -..--~ 1M .,...,.... ............ , ......... I .... •-d 1 a Wttitr wrttt.. by 8Gb itaytnler, 23. stal :::=--::;. .. ""1!_1111 ~ Tb'e letter follows: ~ ·.--+--"-~ ----------_ _ .. w .. hltli\011 "Dear Mom· We're wa.ltlRg for an attack.-l1's below t do beN tb•t t1tlalld lltnt ........ ~ ..... loVIJII. &aJ trl"'d l had latoft Ill Altluqtwrqoe. ~t ,._,. ..-..,~ around \.h~ l'fliMltr' liM Cl'labra ... h~r~ and thtr~. madr loob tf -· Hlvu and had a vtoncSufuJ Urflt. .. ·- • Am~ril•an ollie ar• most hlthJJ 111!1'0 and I'm ~ frozen. 1 cuncl'ntrat~ 11 a tuTVt)' ••&ht at "You know; Mom, out hl"re ~ have lolCI o( time to IUI'Icht•m• or · ta'-elttmoon --'--too-uch' ........ .,ti-Well anyway the oth<'f' 1 Am~ncan wu lor -pour out ol lh• .,. ... _ m ~ .. ~ .. ~. . . bulldlnl • In " On 10,. ltrt·~-" day·( go to thinkina about you. f realize now more than · an Enallahman a and1 out aa tncon ewr how much you really mean to me. 1-' think or YOll l 'ruoutiJ •• h• would In North · Platt• N.O 0. ul'ft~n and ~ra aft the time, ewll during bat~. and W ACt and D ... abound ux ~Dow now what 1 am ftgbtlng for. I am fighting Two ttllnJ• \.ha emu .. t.bt' Brtt far the cUrt 111 your hair .00: tM tendenws5 of your I''" ar• m. "pink' uo~uu our ol'ft • Jd-...L.---d f . dJi_,.,.., c~ra w~ar and OU SW'lWluiJ IIIIIUt tGul:b. I unfllbdn& for your rJUJ~_ an nen . ·~-"'' l•ftlhU.W that you ma.y 10 on worshipping God ln the TIM ~~maa .,.., • ..-"' . t-.dful w~ Mom we Can hear ~ planett atrk't ..... .. • •• wra. E•· .-pe .. way. . ."..., ................. . t I .......... d.~doR. ........ .. ..... ~ "MIIib-.,.. • .._... A ..... ... , Bob." ..... , .... . .. . r ftat'a -.1 America Ia ftlfitlnr tor -·~ and -Mw% , fw 1M llmple, aa'fid th1np that mothl"rs teach thllr -;,_.tile rilflt to llw llbd work and wonhJp, u free ...a ....._ • boJ aa the ftalll!rW front can wrttr hie mother a.t bict oiiMtlir, juR before he aoee Into battle, certainly "'• .._..._front. have no c:au. to grumble or q\18t.ion. ....., .. e..ow ... ,. P...ae ... ettell .. .. .,ft ....... . 0. ... ..... .,. ..... ., &-..--.................... ::...:::,..:. ,:; .• :-::=:. A,..._._, .. ,......,~ ~ &htea.-.............. .. ;.,...._a . ,_.._ ...... , ........... .. ,._._._?J .... .. ~-~~ ""-... '-'-wu~oalyua-.,.....on.tbe .,......,..... · •r~• ~ .,...~ uuuaua -r"'' .... ,,.... _.. .. ~ .. .._ .. -. _. fJl .......__ Today· Dunkirk standi u a sym-.1 ..-IIIII Itt"'-...,._ ... , ..... ,..,wt~anddeteftnln:Btion. 1 ,:,~rill •• ...-., .... " ... ·-U.. •lta andy~ tn Uw early daya of June They'ft ~trtd • ._.. ,,.... ben , .... ,..1110 that u.. ot thoR rare. lneredible draJnl'l,~ too. You haY8 to ••• , TfAU dr•u ·(}l~W.. ~-Many people caDed It a miracle. Tile btou .. and •tUMr pink• or ••~-' · arnn dl'ftl o-ounra. • EnrybodJ ~ · of Uw Low Coun~ was drawing ~tly to a lonkl Ju.t -and eucU, Wte ct-. ~ IUIIdiD .w ret.,. of Belgium's Klng LeoP,old had •v~JbodJ elM •. .._..... h erftical plight o(The Brit.lsh and French Into a ck-s-1 &6--.llt 1 • ..;.~ •in ,..~ .. , perate retreat \owiard the Channel. • •hl'n I 101 ht're. lor all my c.'Jt>t.he1 . Before • .._ Jay th~ tnoaoy,' forbidding waters blocking tht> '"'"'"dun for lh~ rlnl tim~ tn u"""'J' ""' ~ n•nAiht B~l I lladn t r•cl ont'd Willi 8lcape to Dlgtand. ~hlnd the m came the hosts of Hltkr, thf' 'hu dquart•i't aln,llsphere. 1 lbe ~fatal mllitary machine the WOrld had e\'er SCC'n, lntt-nt ltR\'t' nl'\'t'r ~ .. n atartd I I 10 much Oil -.r'-'-umlhilation. How could nee.rly 400.000 mf'n . or' tn m y ltfl' .. durtll( my nttl lhrH ~ .-...... • da\ s h('rf' any ree80118ble par1 o( th~m. h()pe to ~lude the ln\p of blazing f'or 1 bAd on • Brollth battle ~tee~ that was closing relcntlcs."IY around th<'fl'l? ·,ack•·• u ., p1111u nnd '"'•"try c.--"y the. beeches at Dun.kir)< were bktck with t~JOps. """'• Thr> h"d r.l'\ ,., ..... n ""''body II'~ ctn·~&ed ltkr' thai ~fur,. ,_Obflc:IJ 1bey could_ go no farfh('r. Th(' md SC<'Ill<'<i immll'lj'nl. Th~n. ""''"' .,.h~t ut, ''""'~~ ""'Hmtlon Captain Mac talkl'd a lot ..._. Ron . and frlt b4-llrr lor lhr ta..,, and tw didn't do anJ crytnJ! oe ~~ ahould~r H• IC'O"It llrmiJ t.hll .._ wUI ~· back. ¥ he llnowa ...,. that I he ll«v•r 4on h• .. tall~ tt.' Eftft \hOI;Ip he II Ul 111tlllaMe - lrtmd ol mt:M. I CMrid•r him - of t.h• lnnt 4tumpln I ltmoW • wbat p.-opl• tlri aN-must do ..._ · ;:.ace41. a,.-~! :·Jia ti4IJ .. I .................. ~ ... .. , "--tbe M~l&rrnn«all. It WM tr.cll -.. •be "flro&CJI" boJ'I .. C.aablanu \.hat l wrot~ ,fbowt - tbe AfiiEI1tlll·bcund IOidlrlt ... • • hit a dnd..,.cl '''"' aDCI W 'bHtl lluaa up In Can tor IQ ..- wben r ran ln\o t.Mm. 1-••1. UMy &ot a dt'CIIlon ?" .. ,. . flit•. aut It • 11 'th• wrona -. 'nlrir Klloollna propam ·-• c: .... . oti. UWilr lr8t'llf~ llemt wu etaa. eeUH. and ttl~ ....,. order~._. to tllelr orllinal oulftta The lee. HJI: I .. ,, -• '"" dr"m •nile It ........ ~~ II' I OV('f now. W~ beft .._.. rtdlnr m. F~rtJ·•nd·Eipu , aDd blttlnl ttl~ rC'planrmtnt d~ -aad yclla bow wtl1t Ul11t m .. ne. I _!"''M oel7 thln1 thaJ rnft, ...... Ia tllal -· didn't c:atcb 1M m .. ~u we m tl ht hen cauaht tt ·w lied '"" 'tomrbody' toorwr ... ftiOUP of thle cr;rln1 In your Scott~~. l:mle We will n~ you auln ,_ diY Ant. q ain. thanl.• a mallloll trorn all of u• .. · U wu a rra•l aod •l:up,. ..... bel ........ ht Ulat It U... ••r r~al Mldlf'ra &all• 1\ TN arntJ Ia M bl1 liLa& thin&• llllt &hat are. .._... &a ~a•~·· • l'lut ll••• allotaldn'l hap~• Joe aftf'a .. S...ll I tiiiDI bad llap~ntd 18 ••~ al \.how bM·• four um,., 18 ,·.,. yr•'l'· F.v.-n th,. bhl ••~ dl~r ran'& II a• r to" n1ach Ill• roan ll'ml'DI and 111,lllutl- mf'nt bt'a,..d apon htm. unbeUeYable things tx>J;tnn to happen. A whit(' \CiaJ I of m tst -. ' feft provtdentlRlly ~cr t}le Chanm~l. Anci out or that mi~t Classlfi~. Ads bring results came bundredl or small boats to snatch the rondernJl('(l from -------~------------~ the very jaws o( death. l'or scwmi days th<' rcscut> wo rk .-t OIL When It wu finished, more ,than 330,0001r.td t~" aped. , When most of the Ollttles or this war hnvt' faded from. ~ when time tuls rel~ated the t'V('nt~ or our gC'nf'rH· tion to the rrrusty. vaults o( a ~y-gone century. Dunkirk will .tend out In bold relief apinsl the background or tht' agl'S._ 1be world ltoOd sWJ during that great crisis. Had the in- c:.ncti* not· oocurTed. the world ml&;ht have gOO<' back a ti.ousand )'an. . . Dunkirk was one ol thoR thinglthat limply couldn't hap-. ' . ' ~eM .- MODERN . MARINE SERVICE~ SHE~·l. DOCK BALBO.A fSL_AND FREE 1 :·w ·. • llnil&-. r··--: taWl. TMIS COUt'ON TOOAY-·-··l . . t loMe &.. W ...... DlrectiL ~ : , S.....tltea.....,.....,_ I , 0 ae...o-<11 1 I ~ ,4, Celt..,_ I . : I ----~ . .... . •· I I City _......_ ___ , ... ______ ----------:-__________ .. '::' RAnOIED FOOD ITEIIS r& .............. (l)Mllk .=:.: 2::1 .. (2) DalewoOd 0::.. ': 21-----· (3)Soup L~:-' "!., ... 1 .. (3) Soup"~V.::';:· 3 ,~..._17- (6) Tomato Juice ~ '!: 1 .. 147....-o CIM, )Jc, ... Jl ..... hi (6) T~~~o!~.:e,... ~~~;: .. (2) Here's Heal~ •:: It• · \/~table J~~tc. Cod tan . (30) Catsup -:':.." 'l'Mrc are dozens of fine ~ats av.ailable at Sale-way. It'• Jood ro know that you can mlk~"'a1iM mnl •ith Afty of thtm-apec~Uy if ~ hnCIU ration poina enough for a sirloin steak, or if a fa~, oven roan doesn't fit into-f.OW' budget this ~•cck. Ecst of :11!, it's good to know that every piece of me-at that you buy at Safeway is gu11r11".~eeJ to please you 100%, or your mor/y back! CAll& fOOlS Kem -~~ ........... _ .. u_ ... ,.,., Tomatoes ...... •2~12-. ..... -.... -if 14 -.~a.Jt. Gardenside Peas -: 1 .. c-ell4-SUJ. Su9ar BeUe Pea~ '!. •I te e-ttl 24 -. U.Jt. Highway PeeD.,";.-:,.-:=-12- Garden.aide Com -~ ttyle ......... ,.,au AID ROUI 1Cell099'1 P,p Wheaties ... ,.... a•--21• . ......... ...... BlueBeaut~ee !: 11• CalUomia =: !: 1• Cake Flour ~ '::' 20' . CornMeal=.,=., a::1 .. 40-poc-.,llc. TYPICAL SAFIWAY PIICB Airway Coffee =::: a: 20-·· Nob Hm Coffee :;:... .. a- Edwards Coffee O.il• Ot •·•·,.... f9Qulor ..... ,- • F>N·flcrvofod b'-"d, ~POCked II\ glou. Canterb\lcy Tea ~= ~':: II• Vrib, 4Jc; '•·•· 2Jc. •"'o ot ,~bot., IJct Frn.>t ICf·s loll Mo.... 1,1 ... • ...,,. .. K .. J MaiOf\ ....... 18- ll l'tnt JO.a, 6lc, Mann' al~e Kino 1te111 ,,_, 1 .... 21• ~'-" O.""G•· 1 '/b , ISc IH Prunes . Cello ·Pack l rorld •·•· OSJIIe lto.e~h•t• ,.,. ..,. .Prunes s.,.,_,"' Suoor -'110 ,,._ 11• lfond. Lotro Loro-,.. Betty Crocker Soup 1!;~ .. T,;grodiW\11 for dil~ ""IAA4'4IIMIU -- Victory Dinner':~ 2~ II• n-,.,_. ............ , ............... s.....r ....... . SAFEWAY Chili Mac :::\!':!. ·~·II• Pirates' Gold =:, '.: I,. .. """'__. ....... ...... ... I NEWPORT-BALB<IA NEWS-TIMES. Ne..-llacb, Californial Thursdl)', June 1, 19« HI PUBLIC SCIIM. PIOILEM HOW IIUC" lS ENOUGH! ....... i-. ... ~i. ... 0. «lfOOON a. -· ._ _, ...,..__117 .... W•lle-IMt ,_ .... ,.... '--"' ..... __. ~ fll --. r c .., ·-.,....._ ·a"EmaAv ... ' \ I ~sh to take this opportunity io pre'sent the new proprieto~ of The Sf.ac En-. ' t terprises and commend them to the Public as men worthy of your confidence· and support. Mr. Frank BHa of Santa. Ana is a veteran restaurant man nd knows how to give patrons the best i~ food and drink~ His long experience in· other partlJ. of the county give~ hi~~ aefinit;e u~derstandinl of the ~s of this comm~nity. His partner, Mr. C. D. zJtrow of Bellflower, · 888ist ~m in-the management. .. , ... Sincere~)', Tom Carson I The new proprie~rs .will retain the Qld· Gan~ at the .. • Stag Cafe • ·stag Amusement~rlor \ ·Stag Liquor Store .. GIRLS' AmLETIC ASSOCIATION ELE<:m OFFICERS FOR '44 -'45 Balboa Yatht Club Issues Race Invitation~ .. All noc'tl«'!a..d T~ht Ctu ... ll'lem~rw t>t tht 8oulb'"' Olllfor- nla TAI'ht~nc A.oetattcltl, aN t. v•ttttt tn JMlrliC'tpat• In the ...,__ Taclll CJub'l ~uaJ 8H.,-. t)~ntnc ,...._, Wei ..... G.A.A. Pr.. Ct.in Crai1 BH1-Adic' --- blfm 'nil• .tar Ill '"" J"'f'aiHI hnflt>r • lflrl , may l'f'\'f'lv• In hl'r .. , ... ,., .. I at....-r Thl• ., .. , ....... J(• lhr lflrl whu h•• """''l'f'l1f'll In lfl!'· t1n11: all hl'r •trl.-l'f'VI'&ll'd. all .. mhlf'l\11 anti haa flYer f h undftd t: A A Jl<•lnte ~htt'lry had ~­ &11(1 ahc< dfOHn''!lll 11 loti ut ptallll' A lthuu.h Mhlrll'y, rf'<'f'IVttt1 a knH tnJitry, aht• dhtn't •~~'•r rnmtna ool "'"'" nt~tht f•ltHully t '.•1\Cl"tula· II•"'•· l'lhlrl"'" Altjrl"Y lleu1n'• nam" p1 1111 tt11• t: A A """ ••t t~nnur l or tut ·''' '" •lth a tnllll "' ~ ,...,.,,,. I'"IIII:Y_ltlo'kf'lwa ll'• IIIW'Itr w111 bf' r nt•·t"•'•l f•lt lhl• \'r11r'• lwnur mil \\ llh " ,, '"' .. , \\11 J'ctlnl• BLOTTERS!! ~-.....:.. ....... , . ., ............... .......... ,.. ........... ... .,,_.. ........ ..... '·' · . . ~T:rttmON! Jun" •· Two ........ 'Will "" "'"· tiM nl'lt J•tUna ""tt.r "-7 at 1 p. a ,.,.. nr "'""" t>oet. C'ftft81tttut. a -.. c,._ In "'"• W111Cfe IJtafll, N ,. "" Vtlctn.r-An~•: ~lit· and Pat-lfh' ••·ft. IMnP'-uii1S Ban,... fltn~;t~t• .. A mHtln• ol OWl ~ ..... llln .. t.v ...... llltllln .-wit" eom,.. dDN -1! r . 1trwww ,.,......, at • rh th r .. l' .. wlnjl lb .. I'&H oe a:. '"• ~·lftd In '"" .. ...-~ I ''"'"""l"r" Marti HeaiJ • It w•• •1...-IMd that ""'t mftD.,.,_ ,,, thr ,._,.,n,. u -n. O~t~Py ~ r tatlnn wtU be ,.maUled to dlra- f't'll' In ,...,..tual ~ nl tlwo 1'1rlflto 1•·-ft. ~ In lhf' l'l«'f' on BllndaJ n "-" lf'l\ ,.art""'· ,., *' by 01r11 Jl'pnton wu n...t, J •t wt.\!1 ltltw ~. ~; "'""· l'ob "-le7. ~ ... 34 Wllh Lt. 1\aJ a..... auv WAll .... ·ME" ·2& AND 0~ iETURNED VEIERAMS . "" .. liEN .Ill DUFT CIAU 4-f -;..-.r;--W.•&n~ wtUI 0 A A J -:trl• and 'f'IUt ~ caWtwt. h .. Choo• your war-•••ntl .. lolt NO~W from amon8 me~~~ .. -Jt.P.. G'dl open •-·-: . . . . I ruthlully bMI6 U.. __. ..njhylblf ~ n y 4aar ~ al......,,.. -t'Y" ldWaJa lrfoen ~I(IU.It of lh" run and c Uiat Ill ~·'""tl ..-utc r..A,.A... pn.rtiCH, lllld una y~•r I ...,.. w .. ·.,,. all tram~ tiUe ~~· not rorpt It - ,.or cou,... 0 A.A. ,._ farther than ,_. ~ ., * fteN, and 1 waat' -..... aJ1 tM eabtntt m•rnbftow!: ~ ',atUcls-t- fld In ~ ~ d6d aucJs a _., Job •w ..,.., ~- IIIC Ute~ '-lb .... ~~UW7 •-In 0 . A. • 81111. wW .. , ·out nat U.1 '!"lh lh«lr OCb· H acU'riU.. n h-.s aida ll IWill ::::.. =,...,7:J!~ ton 'IWI .. ......., ., ..... ,_ -.t .,...., ... ol luck. ··~~ I I uullt .......... .__, ..... • .. k..._ ........ _ .... ·--1 nlar ...... _, ra .. tteaal l .. _..,,...... I De~ ........ .uu.PaAa l tua.f u ... ,., ... , '--I .-Dr ..... A.6 ..... .. ,_..._ ................ ! nfw..tpa~ ...... ... -&f.. .. ..... aw-n ---c ........ W'w8111&1i'·a,_ .... ... ,, , .............. u.... ...... wc1 ...... -.... , -• .ur.cw.. , .. ~ .... If,.. .,.. ... ....... 'I' . . I • ...................... · .. ,.. ........ ..... ,, trnbtM • • .... .., • ... ,.,. ,..._ "•"••• _.., -· t 12 t JVI¢1 ....... Urgently "eedecl ~~ ,,. IIACHINJlli'I'R ma OIIOVIUNO ( 10-lar. -~­'7% paJ-hoan for aeo.llr . ..,., PIPE rii I Dill -.1 Jif...,,. 11.\RJNt P'..I..I'£TIUCIAN8 Md 8ef~ . AINl: W~lclfor·MI.uct.ta, Wt~klen. ~. w..- hOGIW!IIM!a, ~ Met&llledrd• ... lli!lfrra. Plpp, Weldftrw ud Belpen. PhuD._. uc1 ..,. ..,., Mariftfl llu.hl•ta ud .. ~ ud ... In \'lrtually all e~ralta. APPLY YODAl 'IMPORTANT •. : ......... ......,.~ CAi.IFO~N.IA 'IHIPIUILDING C91P0RAIION 1.~ ; ItO w ... Atq 0 ... , ll•rllll ... •ll •rs•••• --., ---- .· . I NJ:. W 1 oHT-HALBOA N~WS-TIMi:;S, )lewport Beach, California, Thunday, June 1, 1944 -.1. ------------------ M F dl C II I of their own· rountl.ee, Tb.a any-' T p . . c· .. f -111101 1181 IUDUITES 11& a)·. in . ay in · a to !o~wn~~ ~~.c·::, ~u!:r~:n':·~:, 0 -. et1t10. n tty or -..-~ In lmpres~~lve exl'reiMti held for ot trustt'ft pN'Ift'ltin& ttw diplo- Re·crul•t State Guard ; th:y.;:;k::~t~:.~~~~~~;~:~·:. '=ornna _j -1 Ma-' r D_ ,· ,r ~lr 1:1::u;,: ;~~:~ ~SI ~~y~·.,:>&,~~lt:!, Folk .. bave you ally old ra-cta .. ttroucbout U. lut four \:; V . ae • r::. ~ ln\·ocatlon and R.t>vrn>nd Carl R. clioe.. In good or bacl aha_., mnntha lh~ ICX'al J'Uard unite bor ~gh School Wedn~ rv~ Johnson ot tht> COlla Ma.a Cqm· ~ the houeef Help, Help! The Boys Need Radios b ~ m a I(Tdl fal'tor In th.. 'nine an thr school auditorium . .,. munlt)' churdl the bmt'dkotlon. Well, the wounded lacta at the n.---, Major nDdlay captalm •-... o1 _:<:~~rtty00or 'uur ICX'al , .. mmunlth·a. l'elllaon:< art' In eln:ulatloll. to· pv<~twar aViation will be the object ~~~~~ce of over llOOhpeoh P!~ lwl\·, -.,. . ..._1" _ _.~:.._ ~· ,· ...... n1· .... 1 A. c:aU to ctuty fw all ~-· • . .__., ,-.w h t ol a rnee•'·-of leeftt&ritos and ~ a ~n>mony w IC ... , war '· , "~ .., ,,,. .. -., . ,.... "'' .. rsoltat up at the Army ~lr ..... t)' .., batw-tae .... et lbe AdJutallt . Oweral • Depart-Ttle Army Ia Yf!rJ anloua t a do~ IL'kan.: tlw c.1ty counctl 10 eon· ...._ tlrM, wu lntenJ~ifit'C:I 10 its i.olf'fn· by f\Gber1 )• •. ve thn't' ....... ~ a ~t of'oftMr. lcNM • II &ad 14 wu a-.d ~ by meat wUI be ltl lbe COUDty cNrtq 1tnew unl'-In Orancr C'ounty he , .. ,,.r th•· maut•r of "tablilhlac 8 ~~= ol :::-0NY•ral chambPrs nity. pll'a~in& favqritn.: foll~·t'd b) .. au· o them •re u.n•llt• to leave Map Gordon B. ll"llld&ay, com-tbe neat two weeka to IMlp la t.bel brouaht up to fuU atrf'hgth, be· pll·r nt ('rorona dt-1 Mar and a boot ' ~ .range coonty, to 1 The pros;ram was conductrd by dents who dlSC\l.'ioSt'd JOmt' of lb.· tMir Mda and If they had a . ' . -' ·-· .. .. ., ... ..,, ottlcer of &a. OraAI'• .recrultlna PfOC"&'D· 1 c·nu~~t• u thf' lt'l•nl t'aku Mf'r thf' ~~~a~al:cs .,:nl~~l' c::!~r future by student&, with PrlnCIJ>bl Sydnt>y H. pE'rph.•lting probl('ths of • lasain.: few more radio bOxH, they~,.. Qlulat)' Ballalloe ot ta. 0UIIom1a Under t.be mew C&lllomia State duty of· gu~rdlDI """I lnlltAila· 111"1 N'I'VIC\!, 10 and from ~boa. 1:\:cc!uru' ~ ot tb~ Davldaon pruentln~ the ct ... : o. peace, Shirley Longmoor Nl·ll Fnr· would be app...c:lated. 8ta&.a 'Guard. u M a..u.cbacl a Guard plan, mao enli.ltlnc for eer· tfl'ln• 11 noll..vn morr Ar!ny trt~·r,. t•• ••n~~hll' qulrkt>r ll'llffic commt•nr· j~~a ttee cham IJ. Dod&t>, pn-sidl.'nl M tht> boanl low. Fred Shand and arol Wt_JI· Evef\ If the lnatrument Ia out ._,...._ &o ..... to DOrmal vice wtU d.rt11 aDd trala for two tt~r l·urrbat duty nv .. r~~"" t'>tllhn h•·two..,•n hnth ~t~ 11w · • denbt-rg, Carl ()b(orto d Mun.-1 or repair, the'y ~n ha¥e tttem ........ tM .-. ClOIIIpaAiee 'ot and a ball bo..,_ each week. Tbey t:vact .. nc·t that I hi' lll"" '' ,,,,' '"hjN'I ... ,, thnmughly dieew~l'<l The 19"J voted . to n>qul'St tl'nded .thus assunn't ttw NNtsl Hat~h addro I'Tlf'asur ly to thl·. fxed. 80 pl~te dig them out of uo calitont.Aa f1Me Guard 1D will be called t.o 114li¥e duty. ONLY f'''""'lnl"<l In thto_ raparl tll'vf'IHf>· .,, tho· tlln~·tr.r~ rm.octinc of t llr •II•• Stall' Hirhway department to, f 1 1 hi •h· mwucal program opt ed by Ro· the attic or baaement and turn 01raap ~· In r,_• of emer,_clea. and can ml'nt t>l thK<· rump:tlll•" '' ·h••" 11 riHJmh1•t of \oHTlmt>r<.·~ Mondu~ r .. nduct a study of thl.' feasibility I area ~ 1 . pact> n po!rtwar 1: bl'r1!1, "Pomp and rcum'!Oln<X'" them over to Mill Mlchaeti of w~ .. c:oopeonticm wtua eot M ..._.... a.o d&&ty ou.UWk by tbc hdp &Jvt.;P ttw c;u.11tl ~nil• .on•f s.~ ro·•:tt') llarry 1Welch ,ou "' a . S:d Cro$1ing ?f NPWport wafs!:':S~~~n-Clydt• Watwn n~ and c!o.sing with "Ma h Nubl<'." a the Red Crou. Her ph-Ia BALBOA MOTOR .CO. '701 E. ll!aJ AYe.. .... .._ Gefteral Automobile and Marifte ~pairing. in ,,.1uipml'nt nnd 1 r~olflln~ r .;11 h •h•trt7•~ rn ~rrrt pM11 arm. 11,., 1nl f1"0m the> .-x~stlnc Coast vil'We<l thl' ag<>nda for lht> impc'nd· .• Bach. cborale well :t'd by thl' NewpcWt 731.J . l.w•rd11man IM fumi•ho1! full una· " Tl nuu ... ~•·llo· f'n·~lt\ent Br"· I l11:hway brid&l' to serve an altl.'r· 1 • . 1 1. f th 1 1 orch~tra un<tr•r th dar.'('tlon of ..... •nka • mlltl-l I · II K 1 and __ _. 1 ng specta ml'f.' an~: u <' il a l' . • ... _ -· -tonn~ of ttnny 0 f)'s nhd ,...,n, .. n, (~•·n Flnd1. l'lllt a !l('r olh· l'ntl' coast ,....,, It was brouaht 1 lslatun> whkh 11,. rcdkto'<l ~~-~Th~om~ru=s~A~I~It~'fi~.J:======~;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;:;:;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;~ rifle· &l')d havnnN 'h••ll•·• huh'" ••1, '"'llt•\'o••l a hal .. uch a Wh11r1 ••Ut b)' H. F. Kl!nny, chainnan of 1 l'fC ld ' h 1 1 p k m,.,., ,.(\~a. ·rartr;d~\: h..th . enn· """lrl I"• rho· 'nu:v~ing link' 'tw•· lh<' charnbeor'll committee on hlgh·!7oouda rons~m~' P~' ~',lj. a WI~' ~ l l~·n~ .... ~ ""• nlll'k' -•·~·1 lwl '"~"·n rh•r av.u c·ommunltiea 11n'1 WHys, that first on thl' list for nn:<t· 'dY_:".:_.. host 0.d 1 { 11sllfu~ ". 1 •·• · · ,.... · " · "' ,...... consa ...,,,, I" saa ca or ~r~t·ca;o I rn1•t • a uth;•r no'<'t"'"-'f'Y ~~I'"P' ~·nuld do mul'h lo Wl"ld tlw an· y,ar hiehway 4t'.vl'lopmPntll by lhf' .. 1·. · · · nwnt , .. ,. .• ,,. "' b<.th t'IOMr t.c,.wthH <I fill' 1a a ,.propolled inland highwn)' lap!ropruc 1'0'.'s. 1 1 h 1 In aho• tn11nln..: fit'l1l. lh•· """~ l\t•lh AI Fu1~11 and 'J B. McNall~ "hich would link . San Dle&o and Walt;~~~~~~:nt ~~~~ 1~1~d 'c~~f~~ hlU• :""l.:rwd 1.1 (',II .t ... n.e•l•lll II h""'' l'"'m'"od tn}tl boat llft'VII'' I hi' ~ lt'nn!nWI of a . high· ~·ntinwnh of •·nl'uUrli't'nl<'ni t~ Sn•oorwr nl ttw 9th S•·•'h'•· •~11w 111 1h1• l''•·nl a pwr 18 built. '()C"t'd traffiC &rtt'ry, providmg a th ... _. f 11 ~ I 1._. ,... ' • -An' 1 hi h 1 P U\'*r-c•nv,_"U nnl ' '-''H:-o ;u ua, t-u. NE . OverhaaJIIIc -.. Pallltblc -ReiDOdelta& . . mend ",. t••1fnnl.mt1.rnl wh" lu" • Uth4'r Matwn rtllllt• to ....,. ~ee t'll w c t'tiU fl , Jamo•.t< Irvin' 11...,;n,·r of OIUt'h --..:111J--~ , .. ...A,~u·o··· llcliiiiOL' "'"'"'" ,,, ,\IJ'Vo tl\• .onol hll'llWII)'II --'cloorl lw lfiiVl'lt'd In two houn~. • . uA • ,'r N rt II I Ua4~ ... ~-lt1i1,. • ........._. ~ -· -_ ~> • ., ... ~. -.rNI(<' m tW ••WJlO a.T KJr Lht• u.,. A~o·l••• ,.11111 .• In n-nnn~c·n li\fllr< nf rta~1tln <In the~"'" A.. ~L lOl' & .&Uid)l..ot ~U • a,n. :-R rdl .· See I or ·Marine Eledrici.fna Available Tender-~ Wlri --IIO'J!Oil SERVICE 'TELEPHOIE . .. OPEIIATORS IEEDED * ~ 'tl SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE CC). AfpiJ: 110 E..Ba1 Ave....._ •11(~ No • ...-sa.. SutaAu AYADAali.I'IT -C&&IMCATI: IU!q1111U:D . -..t ~ ,._ad Gifta :-Q.Rte GIFT SHOP ·- ·, e ·Here you will flnd the Gift you are looking for Odd ~nd unusual items from all parts of the world. · You.Are Always Welcome Ann~1rro"' 'Jlw,.o• l'lio,. .... -h·"• h·~·n ul rtw l't~hth .1nnl\•'l'llary o# lit•• .tnd practicability of another cross· th 8 ·Fu1°1 w,a ~'"· .. ~ l't'f ttCI'} · • 1 · 1 e er on -....am .... •r .o om· l'ilnltul'tf'fl h> thll-t· """' oolla•···•" "''""'"!~ ••t :-.;, ... pmt Harbor. '"K wi I pi&Ct.' th<' issUt'IQU&n'ly up . d 1 C bl' • ""'"'!.""'"' fnom tht• ""'" 1, l'l•lnt~••l ( ·.,n,od••r.llion .. r lhn't• ph&leto ol tn "tlttl' authoriti~. ll was oon ·'mciaJ<'rce, 80 1 8 fi')UI~ >o•r '' 0,t r.~~l·•·· , • JP.Il'1! ll· 0 .. 1.' 11(.'('8!1100 -t'l'\' Stll••n•·r·, ,,,,,. In llil:h~lllll ''" ICI't't'lt'd II) Rrnd.'n Finch. vn.,J· tlw• ... • '•·ho•lb, lo•·ul ,\oil!\ So• ""'' ' ' ' Sf)( ICING THE MAJNBRACE dent c·unuu~•nfh tv1v••. ""'' "'til • ••nt ttiU• 6.. ..._ .._ ~ _j • '" t .. ·l•''1'"" ''"' •·· ·" "'"'' '" 111' at the Newport Harbor Yacht Club .t .t .t "''t.,:rHrn•nl ... •t•\ ,.,, tl••'llt h~ t t,. • ,11rmy . Jn 11ddltlon to work '"'' h 1 I)•· t By Drane Hillman) thto Jobn Roblnaona loold ng in oo army. t~ C.u.al"dlanf>n an• '"''"1: 1 Thf' 11umm"r IM'III'"n wu olftcaal· thf' tun .. ~ COre ~mabaw t,ack .tralnt'd for duly to a~~ll'l thr low.al ly ""'·ned Raturday at the Ntw· from vlalUn• Lt.,,. In Wublnr-I Shl'ntr and .,.._....offi<'f•J"5 In r·rn••r· l'~•rl Harboa Ya•·ht Club, with (.on . :. A.Dn ~n looking fori ~neler.. • nai .• rar•lnJ: ~remonlea &D th~ Mary Condon· wbo wu down for Evt-ry Guard company jn thf' 1 attemuon. to..Uuw .. d by a ..-pUun the wedl-eDd . . Nell and J im I rounty nt'f'dll f'f'C'n!it~. m'm wi.,h· llOd ollnn',.r tlancr Tbe ebGrt din· Rodce.-...-,111 ln .. et> &bowing th~ ing to enroll an> Ukt"'i tu •·om · 1 n.,r .!rca.u• heltl a la.rce ma.r~tin 1 younaer ~Y• up ID the dancing tll flf'o•r an ttw1r londil) from evllknce. 'liow " marvrluaa ~t h to Jurw 19th rndu><lw 11"'1nl o·iutnJ:~-C..tl Ia thf' oftlctorll .71WI ''' 10:011 p.m. Guu.n:bm•'Tl 16'•11 tiu,.rr•· ur ••mwthang 1 c:&ll't I&Y partlu y40t. • 1 NIVINT fOOD DllYitM OUT. ltw nn ti\JI>' to tnk:r t>nh~tmHit.' .10'"1 Utat th1• >~hoort drt'll~l we,_ If'• Rounct A boo&. Tbf' li:loft BnlwoaJ l..IUMI~TI ~ TaAHIIIL "'"plaan an mon• rl••tuil tlw nl'll\'illl'' Jlll4!•l•ar1T.tnjt ,,1 lht• galll. taking a Iaiit look at tbe cool bay I nf Jh~ GuunJ "Mr11 Hill Hult>r wu lo¥eiy an before thtoy took off t.u Phoenix 3 liDUCI OPDATIMG COST. Ci!mpaniN< •n· lorH!o>tl an Onw.:•' 1" ruvbt-rry numt>rr that dJd her tbe t..mp. Ia 98' dtogreu down thert 1 4 'lUiaW NICtOUS VITAMINS. t C'r>Un))' 1tnd •n• commanckd 11>' • vroud ('omm"d"r" Bill B&xt.,r,.'now ... w,.. .. , Humphrey Uogart ~ ' I llt>ltdqullrtt'nt~. Sllntu Anu, Mil • who h8A donP MUI'h " grand Job, ltmplnl' around wltb ber leg in a : ·~ CU1' DOWN ...,IOITING. Jtlr \.m'(1on H: litndllly; ~rv!<"' <14>· IM't'metl tn think 11he looked right cut which ba...'t detract~ rm m 6 .UMA.HTUD ,TWO YlAu. IJI<'hmt•nl, santa Ana. <.:clpliffn filM' t Pat )!Of'Ti.a loollln thl! «Jamour "'am's a bit . . Tht'' • ................ . I Frt•fl Ri'rf; mrchc:al olt'lllc'hnwnt. · 00 . . g " S I A (~ 1 1 p ·1 .<~ G I ,.xlffnwlv .... u m all W1t1t. . :-. Jilek,. Perkt'tl takln~ lultef\ 011 t.~ Hn It na, UJ, a n uu \•. 1 • • • 1 • I Com.• A {' . ~-r-1 1, Wn Jav •lnln~ 11 mf'ao rumbe and C' ub derk . ,., . Notbln1 aerlbull I '""I'll'· pony · )IJI 1 ,;.,, ' 1 •• ltb T W bill !loin Adolph St n •mplf• ('omjlull\ gen .. rail~· tatvrn.: wnnder'ful Ume w om l' er for . which WI' H Nf-JltiM Ualboa (:;,tmun w ri·' Th .. Lyn~~tn f'KIW•·II'II ~ing are glad .. Mllll~ Oulhrtf' I·>Ok-h~ M Jo'i••lot'. com1'1110, e, · (..'f,.lu , t'lll'h u\h,.l 'thall Jllsl une ~<orf' lrtjt' Juat ICr;and now 1h~·• arOJund ~l.•·•ll. J.&PUto•nant Cly11o,' t: Saovllll, quart,., "'"ulol ''" tht trick IP. S again ... Bla~ch Hftrvf')' All· l"utnt)IJny F.. F:l M tl(l••flu. ( 'api,IIJI 1,1 tiHIII 'I • I 11 untl '-1&·~· Grun· n!luncrd l'"rtulCt>J! ""K"gem .. nt .tu Ca una S. IW...:.:ull , Ct>lllt.on) F , t.w dy h••kl'lJ.: \'o:ry hjll'l'>' 11b0ul. b•v· Alex .Carlt.un Shf'rlfJK Mar lha ~.I· ~o;u11a 14o•arh. Cl1prt11n :\la:>o.\4 o•ll (J ln)t vuun.e Hall with them .. , Aa ,lm F1aber down for a vuut \4oth Burn,, Compnny (;. <'lranr.;t• l.ao•u· fur Rill ho< l•1t1k11 \'t'l)' ""'ell In hiB ~~II and Hlippy Sta.hlf'r nit" l••rucnl Rc•xfont S. Ml'4flll, Con1· . Mllrlun Aif'X&no.ltor , tn , •. , ho>r' r.rt•und uu1 tuwn aa•to ! pnhy I. Suntu Ana. <"~tplllll\ \V~tr-~··eU1a:ul a!!!;!_ h~r 'lonr 'ume again JIO/tn. 1'-lm. Captain Luct'ln N. WL'*'r. J · Ad anti. Maldrl'tl uuriPy Cnmpany L. Jo)JJif'rhWI, O.lltaJn 1 aDd Clnnw Pallet~ r h8tllnK 1C1111"f'nC'l' J . S tull._ frlllndJI R•od Ftnt! ~~~~II Bum· I N~wpnrt fkoat·h. May 31. 19H ! TAill CA.U C. WMA.T YOU MA.VI lefftt-0-M.~tetw•'-.-... ... ......... u ... .., ............ . ---KENDALL 1 .... 1 ._ 2 M'r •• ~, .... ir Buv wA~ BONDI ham ~·tt~J: PWI ~m~ to ~al! ~~u ~itM: . l·••••••••·~~·••••••••••••••••••••••~····~~-~ • wilb th••lr Palm Sr• ll'~" t11n nlc~ "'"· tl)~ umlPI:~~ignt"\l., • c:ltlzena to b4ve you.. bac.Jr. 1tolf<lnd and rfnterll. "''"b to.-pr~t wbat • -~ 1 Mary Jt!_\' •loin~~: th~ Jlllrly rn f£ we corurlder 11.n lnju!ftlt't' In th~ 0 PRO -· -----~__..v-· · 11tunnln~ ~h11rl blll•'k . . C'arot l payment 11f . rental" A 11 of aa ar.. M ( llllo1 HOI•k· fkoardlllry• tht'lr UJ!UAi i llvlng at "VI('Iury r .. urt," ~lb _. -. . • IS[. ME . / o·harm1n~ ,..,y,.,. . ~tarlon Hndl·l Wral C'ent)'al &Vf'IIIIP, run' by June '~IIUII'In 1\nol ~or,thy Y11rdlty hav-ftnd F.mJrl'lt Knapp and lll;t' .be· In!{ a vtry amusing convri'IW!tlon 1 ln~r d :argeol S 10 ~· "rt•'k tm· a with Hod~f' HodgkiniiOO 'hnver. i .. au cabin. • 1\ I• lng ciON to hill brid,. Hukj Therr art' T of tb,..r •mall cab· erJ . .) I"Hrllo. dullng'"l F'no~m"" aD4 1 lila. J0xl2 tt. ln ·eau . and aomf' or', I I pay mon fol a ~anltl1 1A1 fo:v Mnrris ktoep-j ua. with cbUdren. ~~re requlr4'd to ling ~vrrynn~ ·tn J:Ood ~plrllll . . live In "t~at 11pace. Rl"C'ently we I Te~ (')odnn trlllnR ''"~or hl11 very I Wf'r• n..,fled that attet duM 2~' 1 tunny·~<t.orlu . : Th., :Jal'k HaleJI our r'ftlla would ~ rat~ to 13 a mue a ~t parr •. Tom aDd. day, becauae 1umm~r folk• would I Mrt1. Wet'Jater. Without the!IJ. DO! pay that much. In addition wller~ I • opftllnr would br romrlt'lt' ditto two peo_plr were llv'ln1 In th~ tor C&pl Solland . . Mr aiiCII houM, It would coat ll for eacb Mr~~ ~nt P'ulmor,. on th.-dedi extra peraon. " I drlnkiDJ In lh~ trf'lh "'r . . Ber· In t.be caw of ooi family, Wr. nice ,!UI<i Waller Franz malclnr a e.DCt Mn. Leo Koetecky tUi:d two 1 roe4 lonklnl <-OUple. .. uaual c.bUdnn, tbey would be compelled I to p&J Jl~ a month for tbl! Umll- Equipment Taken From "Marauder'' 1 ed a ttOmmodatlona tb·ey rec:el~~·l '"'• Rent O>n~rol hu prdtnt.ed . they would lnvuOpt~. It ... ..,. " R&d rrv~latlluL wbUe .:>me are the wive. and . ,.__ . .::,._.............._ __ . TIIAT VOU \\llL~I\'E l:S .l 'SEnJ'L Glt""J1S-things that ~iii help us start a hornt;-Ptts tha t are as·~ble as the.Y are h>autlful. AND· as a bri<W who-has leamro the value of money, I'U give yoo. ~ ti~ makeTe WINKLE'S your first stop ~ ·---for GIFTS! .. ----------.. •·• .... 1 11»1 ........ . I I $I •111_.1 fenoaal .lOan Geor rr S NHlf'y. 21)'7 Nlt-t!'. ot ~ot.bera o( wn>lce men. arid It ill Moat or .a art' defena workl!n, j 11t0n« ~h. whl!n he arrlvo-ol fo e&elll~ moat unfair tbat 1ucll con- tile wt~k -l'nd to rln.J .hill IIOAI "Ma d.ltiOfta 1abou1d bt". alloww to I!XIat. ~ KIT(HE N r lfTC SHOWP< U I J Includt>s Meat Platter. Vege~blt> Bowl, Creamer and Sugar -GRILL e Newport Harbor's Favorite Eating Place _) .Headquarters ·Newport Harbor Kiwanis Club . . .. • I :I • .... ·than the . Bukof baerica rate ? • '--~lmf"'!'!tt ·-YIIC:.f f--• raudrr." a cabin <'rull!lf'r nu10red Mr. and Wr1. WarTeU Cramer. I at tbr-A11110elalann :Maran~ ll•IC • I ' • Mr. and Mre. H. Hon:un&n, barl ~n l'llnaackr•l anti numn...U. .. r. and Mn. L .B. Smith. P~<'~ll of valvablf' equ1pm1"n1 lak: j Mr a rid Mrtl, Ll!o Koetecky. I en, lnC'Iudlng thf' llhiJ>'I' parM'r'< JUtd re~lltralaun No d r\lo tu 1111• 1 uJ. On furlou•b from her mlulon-1 pr1t hu bHn found J fJ'Y dull~ ID Calcutta. India. Mn. AmonfC lhe othrr Uun~" ,111-, H<-C. Lone and her two daurbters l lnr; are a 1Up4'r Wt7.Ar o1 l>ulterJ, Julve Jult tennlnat~d two '!"'eek•'j j •teerlnr "''heel. mrl"l And w >od ltay In (belr ~~wport Beacb'home 1 Inlay. C'ompaa. flrl' ••xllnt ullt:-tat, on ~ lltrert and bav~ returned llfr pl"i'&ervnll an <I ma 'I r '''"!'> ,. I !0 Pomona. 1 --._ ~-·--I , \ Attention' ALBACORE FISHERME·N, Thl1 Yf'llr-will hll\'f' alu!h ('()UI('J" ~ ba:rrf' aochort'd on the 1 .... t•f l'.unt Lorna to r('('t-ivt Rlh~C'nrt C'au~o:ht in. local •net l\ftxkan \\atrr!l You "'II bl! paid lmmf'daatcoi) at ahr b~ri;f' :~rnf will rr-<:ti\'t' tn(l cr1l10~ r rad&. \\'e •·ill e<~rr; surr•lu·~ l••r YN 111 ~~~ ~fl>r, ""'1111' ;ou • tror Vl:l'lh~ in•1rr h:ubor. Al.,1 a+.to (no· J·~rv 11.-~ JllJf pur.._ha.wotl•a 1\' Ul<lt>t.'"''" 1~>1'\Jn, v. t.irh will !'It ., ~•bhlf' to nil N>r ~ih:ar •e llshM'tlll'n n..:h• o•r d '.' '" I••L' oor ~'"A.. .. We UTif )ou to tr) th~ "'""ire Jua! . once. We en doinl thll to .n. ,.,.. ~ Whet! the albacore are runni111 that means men IIIOOeJ for JCiu alliS IDOft 61h for ua.. Pleue write Andrtw 6inlilippo. our plant euperintendf'rft. Or, if rou pn., " fu, phone him It FntnkJyn 7741. A..~ diC q~entor to ren,..e the ch~ea. JACK CRIVlltt.Q Prftidf'nt "Gf'nc'ral rob~~ Sun Hubor fackinc C4mpanr JJ9a SQ t'root, Sao l>ifiO 2,Cal. . ·. '~oLAM . ROLLING PIN <:( ~- 59c I I DoDo PA~Ta\' CWTH8 ·a&c. ~RESS CI,.OTH 69c CiL-\~!>l ROASTERS Oblonc or • Squal"i' $39.') . .... , ... . .,. @ Ol.AS1'1 Ul'T('II CH'F.S to m,.l,•h 1211.\ "~Tt:n~ tiOI.I.\' 0 \" f( \\ ": t: . '74~ Trrt:,, If dr,lrrd! • I I lletratar ., .. .., SPECIAL at GARBAGE CAN with l'OVer u•t to t•tomf'r -s1.9& ~. W!f. Betty Bright SE~.'-.WRINOINft MOP i'ii i it>11ally Actwrt iS<'<I .. " $1.85 # •• P) rl'\ t'lunlf'" &N' ~.'{'('L' P\~ •• -~ L I • I . SKILLET SET U..t: ... hr~blr hr~lldlr f'Rn t .. tr o·al nn "2 ~~· "" ~t ,, •, TBJ:ATI:S ~ .. 1:10 & 1 :15 Laat 8bowlq of a Doullle Fea· hare ~ Start. at I :Jt nu,.. · Frt. · Sat. AUcle Faye • C&rmen Mlr&Dd&. ,._ r.ut-la wn1E GoUIG'a ALL JIEBI!:" c.n-n & N'ewa 8ua. ·Mon. MJelaMJ 0'8hea·8usaa Hayward In ~lACK LONDON" Mart'll of,_ Cartoon a N-·• Tu8. ·Wed. FraaJ&, Buc:k't ",1\JNGLI: CAVALCADEU ~08 OVER THI: ' PACIFIC" Startl!lr '111'!"·· '·-·• .. AU BAllA AND TRJ; .0 THII!VE8" . Cona&aa: "C'~ of• Lor.,..ne". .. Ufeboat", .. Liltt'• FM!e It". NOJ'ep Man". ~Ill n r D r. Deatll", .. p~ fo Mar· ..Uiea,"•G .... Ho". , na,.. · Frt. ·Sat. lohn Wa)'lle • MarlJI& 8c'ott In "IS OLD OKLAHOMA" Mal'\'11 of 11DMI -.Ca.tlo.OB • !"f~ Sun. · ~on. • ,.__ Ann Ruter • oa-Aadrew11 Wallf'r Huatoa·Ana Hardlq In ' "'THE ,NOR~H STAR" t'arloon,.a !llew• Comln&: "P--.e to ManUIIea" "'J1.e 1'\PUar &e&bMII", "8Ww OD, Buvat Moee". "'111e Heav· fl a I y 8 o d J'', . ..-" r o .a d w a Y ~·. '"St.Udblc Room Oa!J'' • ----- C A S 1··1 .. 0 C· a··F E . ' Louis Verwey ·~eady for Summer. Season .. ., . ·' COCKTAILS , Balbo'a"s Popular Night Spot . ....1 · Chuck Hopkins Scores Again · and hl' held u cond pt&rt' fur tht' M,... Loul8 Rinlth WMII h1>11tna to ·H O with a tlrlh' or ~2.1. Jn th<-mcornb4>rl9 "' t hr lJ~lan•l !'lrrle 11f h1ltt>r ht' wll,. ~aten to tht' lapP lht' W umrn'.o li•t<'lt'•Y .,, Rocllil hy &. atrld~ hy Wenn('r, who h~e•l l<•·rv(<·e In h<•r h11nw "n But~ 1\ bettrr kll:k.• . f h•lwwf A llpt't'IAI 1(1Jf'lllt of lhr I Runntntrnn tltr 880 nolay tt'llm.' aht"f'n<ot1n '"''II" Mr" 1'11ul .l.i lo'tnk 1 C"hul'k hf'ld flrat poaitlon &nd jt&Vt' ot OrArtl l'. w lo" o•n Jnyi"' llt'C'I~ I hl11 malu ·~~ :1 yd. lu.d. La.k• Fn r· muny uf h•·r f olo·n<lo< rna.ll' .Ju~IJ\1( 1 nt Academy won the ~lay. ~ utlw"r vuut.s "'llh h .. r a .. n and tar \haa ~aeon. l'le b-. won •s"i dau~o:hlt•r·ln how. All and MN point.a. H arol,f Jo'lnk on Uult..,R hiiMIJ. I All oftlcf'a fur 'tht' l'umlnl tenn The man (II lpte(Tity la on_e who w ill 1M' hl'I\J' b)' th•"lt' of the p&.c maktw (t hie constant rule to fol· onr• ~xcept that Al f ~rl't.ry whlc:)l tow thl' road of duty, according u wlll bt' tllletl l•y . Mt'll l..r·•ILMtd Truth and lbe volce oT hla cop.-Harln'&Vt'8 .'n\u.,. ~·tlt'cte.J a,... • aclence point It out t o him. Mary 1 lotrs Ltrul~~r Smith: pruhlent. Mr11 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::"r~E=d=-~··~' _______ j rnnaRu~~v~~~~nt . Md' · .Mra. Harold Fink. treu urer I Aid •wlilr occupied the work TAKE HER.·TO ' .. ". ' I boura of 'the mHUne, The (l'OUP I • .• .-. iJuluteA "<l • . ONCE A WEEK ~ -• I • B A L. IB 0 A ' s ........ ' ·RE·N·D::EZVOUS BA~LLROOM Pre.enta OO·[lt and His Orchestra r. ) BETTY LYNN ~EORGE KELLOGG SOloists SATURDAY NIGHT.h JUNE . 3 I will bold two more Maalon.: ~hf' next will be on Jun~ 6 and t hf' lul. l·a pot :luck aup~r i n· the J»lllo vi 1 ~·~thf'·M~vl ... h.''ml', nn Junf' 2o. f Yacht Club ~eric: · · Of Early Summer Round of Parties M ra L. L. i<nblllll• •II •tl U •l• 1 '"'" wato hruat~all to a ICT'OIIP of ""' frlt'11da at the Newport Harbtf Yacht Club rer f'nlly when t hry wcore bidden for a •II'Ht·loo" lorn• h· f'on followMJ Jur brldg~ : Thr Jrllf'HI..< W\'rt' ~a~t'U 1~l two 1 rorund l&~ln C• ntrr~tl by b 'WI11 "' Ntlorf\11. m l:rtf'd llj)rtng n nwf'nr Y. our friends and mine Mr and Ml'll \\'f'Riun Jay W•·rr 'hrlllta t.o an lnY~:rmaJ codrta ty ln their Penln.aula home bf'f• r~ lhe dlf\Jier and dance fc1nn111ly OJtenlog the Nt'Wfl<lrl Huto .. r Yac ht Club Mr onol Mr.o F:Vrrf'tl Jo-onk hOUIIf't ~hn have ma<lf' thrlr h•11• •· lor V~e p1111t two Y""~'8 111 11\12 '' O<'ran f'ront in Newport S..tla, h11v1· lrn f•1r l hf'lr lnru ••r "" ~ In IIRlltno.:~ N••hrlll'kn Mr ,.-, ... k .. h"""''l" hall IJ<·•·n ,.mplnyr-t 11t ·~uth Co1111t Sh•pynrd M~11 ,..,,, ~ houllt'r htut bf'l'n llr tlv•• ln w· o k IU C • rl~l ( 111111 lo hy lhc Hf'll w l1· re h•·r lny~<l ''"I Jlt•rt In 1111 acUvot 1~1 ~woJI llf' 1(1'':1:1;· 1111~~ •I I A "''n Wl\ll·h'lrn ''' Ll untl ~·,. ,.,.,,n,vtl llrll :IIIIi ~llfll'hlrfll avn •t 1 AaJII<lll hlarfd, &l SL Jc.epb hOflpl· lttl, on May 211. · f', NEWPORT' BALBOA fEDERAL· SAVINGS' A-ND LOAN ASSOCIATION ~King ·· , ·, ~portswear ~ • . r ShoPH Costa Meu Ladies' S p _ 0 R T S W E A R . . 1a E A C H WE A R • \ BL~~U}ES SLACKS ~~ACK SUITS. SUITS JUMPERS HOSE .SWIM. SUITS' '150 Te '298 To '61M\ '39K $11995 T u •• - ' SUN SUITS COTTON & RAYON DRESSES .. D. B. BRADBURY CAR BATTERIES~~~ !!~=:c.,•7u WIZAKU tlltPt:K PO.... Wt4l .. .-................ J....... .... v ~':::-MOTOR OIL .-72c LIVING ROOM SU . ..,,.,.....,.._....,...cwr ... PLATFORM ROCKY . ' BOX SPRING ::: Mnu- • ·"··~·I'~ BABT-cJIJir':-J -tr " r.r U'..AIIn' ANT ... MATn&ERI!I . . , ~__..". . ... MEN'S SPORT COATS '4 .... '12" LADIES'SLA~KS ~·"•r .. •s• MTOP IN AND sr.r. ...... -ITOU WITH THE WIJ* Y1 I I . . OFM~~· . CHRISTIAN'S HUT . IWJ1)M. OdfDnla- DF.U CJotJS FOOD ... COCKTAIL BAR DIN~ERS ... BANQUETS Leooacd Mardu\11, Manapr ' . r · ·Bond - • J .. DANcE a-nd I ·-., .. AUCTJO" MONDAY; JUNE. 12th SP~ M..TiU ' • RENDE.zv-o.us . ' . . Ballroom • Balboa .... Several Hundred Quarts of Whiskey Will Be A4ctioned .0([ to . . War Bond Bidders STAGE J.~NTERTAJNMENT HPONHORF.D RV 0 R A I G E ·c 0 U fl T Y LIQUOR .DEALE'S Adml~-.lnn-~ Wnt· Ronrt P11rr·htr!!t'fl ~o·rom Any Qntni(P Courrty Liquor Dt-Aicr. or a t thr lJoor ' I ... .. .' t.. NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS.'I'Dtlci. Newport a.da. C.H, Ja. California, Thunday, June 1, 19« • ALONG COAST I lw RED ciOs• 11 Building Permits ... , 24-8. L ~·· 117 ~· .>r~~ ANGLING AROUND I HIGHWArS II • Activities ' NllWf'o~·•aAett :_~:~'::~:.-j W \ TERFRONT ~ ~'red Weba', &TOO AvaJGa, Lo. • ~ ==-19S4 -~-.......... _ 23&.01t Ancel-.. per otmer. to buDd J hi d f.-. M". G. \.. AMfwwe 11SS 40.1 -·-· ., ...... ,.... ttT,..O r-. -cl b&lb ower -t --~ Th~ "Thelma Kay... t r ..... I r--_ -• 1936 ~%3 .... .. · 7M,08t race. Ill No. Bay Fraat, S1000. liD« bo4ll to lfu dD""n U\( WfUI -Waa:c ri&l Day WU for ..., ~ tMI8 tho· Nnrlh Am•rh:an ShJpbuUdaa& ~,.,, rr ~ft work~r• a rout•ne ..__ tt:ST ,OIV May 26-81d Ba&C'kbe&N, 211 f f the _,. 1~\~ ~8 .. -.. -· ··--·-1111,137 ~bid, ...-owt~er. to buUd an es-c 'Qrn.1rulleon llinn the n at o nf wnrk but thoee wbo C0\4Icl lea-o...o2 ... 1 r -· '"" ,, A 1 ... 1931 .,. · ... -.. --.. -1•.4) teDalon to tbe •arac~ aDd aU&cb1 I year wu laun<·h~<.l .t.l .. nuuy, pr. t•·.-•r v.h" llttfnded the vwv ftae :>42 1040 •?2 •.•·-· ,,'t l ••lat I' 111 Th<' tradlll .. nt.l t t' d ot ... D.l 1940 .... _ .. ', ·-to the hOUM. $200. , ltf'd ~"f"l''''" a e en ~·• . ....,.._ 1~1 41S9 .............. t.m.ts, May H Earl W. l!ltanle)t, Bal- r ru.n pa~n.. '"'Ill• "''" orn · 1'1• r A beautiful n ora! pece wtGt 1nc:: 320 ..... HO.I:S~ boa laland, per Powell 81..,. and • 1 .1')' In carrylnc 00 tht'lr )oha 1.n but .. tJOUJHhlllJ.: 1u~rt y ~·'' 1:•'''11 a RC'd Crou on a wblte b&•k---/ Tu'-1 'cbt'ft•, 819 ,.. _ _. .... Ht•b- war planu. 1 1 tllo• t ''" 111 Ul• \arJ Tile ~·oooun<.l. Willi pr.-~~ented In the......_ """' ..., ._ ....,._ " ~wport and R&lboe. SporUiah-; Bay flahlnl( hu been wo11dt'rful. ·'1'. elmll 1-:U\ • Is OYo1l1'0 hy E I'. ,,f th•• Red Crr u by A. J. "''wwlt. 1943 wly, ST •. t.nf' boala bave b"\'D luade.t Wlth too, n pet"aally at the Pavilion at 1 ·~ , 1 1 • ,,,,!< 1, ) 1 • .t 1 who •• aecret&ry ot lM &oe.l I &II"•' 1 y --........... .. 16,2~ May H Nell Cary. 901 E. Cal· •Ku and enfj.UII~•IIc fl,ttlenr!'D B8lbua. Tht! tlmr \n ~:o 11 fr<HII S'•· 1 f 11, , .• ,. , , .•• ~ •• , hnurtl •'H ,ol)' ·-.. -..... 4.833 tral, per owner , to repeJr fouDda-~ tbla lut wet k u th"Y haw tuft 6 t W 'a. m . GOOd a17<·tl 81'& li"I\Jl. t I I" alt<l '·" 1: an.: to~ "' p .. wer•tl The Army and Navy han an-\.a '" . - ,..... ... ... 7.'671 1 tlon and mak~ alteratioG and re- tMir va.r\llU• moortnK ph•e"• aod txg h"'llbut an~ hun•'Tt'•lll uf 'roak w.lll " ,.,,,. I""""' ,•,. ••ht '' ·~·-ll"""''l'<l that they ne~ 10,000 Apo ' •. ,_ 1.1461 pain and m&Jc~ two apart.menta. Oil Ole mum 1"1' 1\av• boo~f\ lutld· •r bav-conlt to "r11•r a t t11t8 __... • J 'I I • Tt1~re ru .. re nur!M'a at one~-If av o1 \all) ·; · .. lt:i2'l $300. ' t u w-~ ..-. "t,.'" f"'"''••r f ;udn '• • *~ •\n~·rw 1 lun.. 14 Q6Q. ,..,_ 27 B 8 Hlltwrt 7304 W 1 ,ed with thok llllm" l'nlhua aa 1c R.oM C:rttl~>y s r<1w 'tl'•Uill "''' w 11 bo• " ltllllv,'"'' ll~oo·••i"'· ''' ,.,., hllVl' tnrd to let a DUr8e n -" ' -•Y -· · · · tarla plua bundrt'd• u4 liM-b '!Available At mn•lt•rAt•' rut~·A, and ,11trq .dlnr •'nt.lh"' I" rii'T tilt' ~rntty you k17ow wbat tbe lit-. Jul) · · ........... · .... !·~= Oc:e&ll .rtool. per owne.r, to bu.lld tws. we mean bllrra. ·Hill. halibut. vou ·-plat·t•t • l)' •JO!fl r•·d rof '' I lttnr t "" •ur '1\ llillnl II , and bow .._ \u"u•t .... ... ·;........ • -&II. additional bedroom to dwelling. A -· ~ ., I • ll.lool ,,. "· IL -Y f ·uber ... ... .. ..... 22.3·8 S600. Jl • Balboa ASSOCIATED ·station USED CAR LOT Bring This Ad and Buy , The Following Can at Kelly BLUE BOOK SELLING PRICES 1911 J!ODGE. Excellent motor;~ tires; new j.lnt .. 1931 WILLYS 4-dr. Sedan~ new rings; good paint. )'ea, and lh~ df'l!lrtoble h<'tllta, Coo<l catch Tlwy trll n.•· t .• thtol -.;,,1 "1,,~,, ,11• to~.1 ... •·nttv It ~tun! It i.~ tor all of ua to know '"' 1.,r U IWO too •1 ~-t·a Ball)()a Sportfla!l-1 t ' · II 1 tllar• 1,,,11• t<• t·nr" tor our o-t·-w.. • May 2 VauJl White. Balboa. 1-pacvaDD Cou,..,..·, "'""\"' pa1'nt·. "'""W f _ront wheel . .. r w•a· t;eur.:e lllnt•r s II \I lh ll .. •'"" Hl).;l\t"l II 1'01 t•,t•l or to• Ill I "' ~ .... -... n~r 10 Olt -Ill ~ .~ '""'.. • ... ·-nt~ ~-~,. In I!Vt'IY <.l&y lut . I • t I I Ill I 811° j)t a~clc•·nt or lllo-. 111 ............. .... ......... • -r C1aud S"weetman. to build ad-bushings, water pump . ... , on. •--·· pt..rt Pier h8a lw .. l• luran~; lluiTJI' 11: .,, 10 !I I'll,. "' too 1 1111111 ll11U " ' • •~ -1 ber • 11,160 ..-"' k -Rd 110 rar th • w~k 111o'lth 1 11 T 1,1,. " T "at 1g. ., hy th· ...... .J•ort ,_ 1t'1 '" ........... _ ........ ____ diUoD&J value to pennlt 6706, 810 wee -· · 1nllbut c 1111' o·hup •1• '"f• II " ~ "' t.•:••a.; • •I· "' "" '' ·' • ~ ""• ~ ,. Total 142..327 ood bbll' -----'· l.boe Umlt caleb !or •ve.ry t\,8ber· puuno ltUrrat·utJr• r ght olfl lht• I'.' tl.• f l>l ,, ' I ,, ,,, I ' ·~ '"~ lot '" nj; nll\lh• h~re to lllart a HCJ~Dr ........... ==·---··-I E. ~y~.:.~·~Crabam. 1138 w.l 1936 PLYMOUTH Coupt>; black; g ru ;eDi; ·~" ~ Your •~rlbf' """" ~. 30 an• I I IIJIW It ftl F:•l S•·~ unlll's ~ ...... I'' rt I• lou II Ill I I ,. ~·· I'' ··t •• ,.... :-.\If •tn~ (hiM. Tht> Red en.. ,.... lo.... ... valve inserts; $100 under Blue Book se ing. 32 pound baUbul. lltrlnjt'l ot biJ Tat kle IIIMt [)nn't ml~ll tnl" ll.nll ThP l"tol\ \n \'rtf"' ~li'JIIITll•! I \I t'\<'IV trained peraoo Ia that ...... -98th Plal'e, Loe AnJelea. per,own· laolt' PYIIOUTH A .. _. Sedan·, motor O""rhauled in ._ __ ,_.._ ~•llhlnr up to 11 tc• 14 •. 1 1 h t •.. ocd -Rd ba n1aa -----tr, to butld a 011e .tory frame p -"'""' "PUU ""' --~-.. • . n! l'atrhlng """'" Ill th,..... ull: an~ ('ooj , ... , til •II I OS I : .. o'l);l'• .. II !! "'' \I uoe g . ~ •• • J.u. totry ·-· ................. 11,66:5 ..... e. 3304 Warcya. ·~oo. . March. -Has ·excellent rubber; new brakes. pouDCS. e-.c:b-ancf aim~ every nne !I flow Rl'l(out .:mug f111111n1: 1,;1 1. or. , • ,, •h. 1 • .. l:tko• • 111 • • .1 1 hi' rultl regardltl& the Dumber Fo lru11ry .......... ........... 18,Ttb ·-. ., • ~r M4 at 1.-t lotwhl ~h~ th1a week. I'll bfo &et',OI: ~ " I IlL ru.MI I f ,,,, ng t ••••• I·U'"I-"0 I.•S" ';,···-~" .,t: . .\luo,jj •. a ;tn .. L~-r--AL-.-.--H--LOiili&.. ....... DJI:...X.AI.U..oLJL 'CoU.Pe; 5 •" tires: radio. heater. 'l'bia t._u... )rlgd o1 (e a ........_. --:. -. ~ acoUrM ~9 -.,._ Ia -I ~" I ~ ~._ 1 " ._, '""'",.." • Excellent motor. ~ lana IDAIIY m1lrJ t o jtet 1 1944 n•as , • • • • .. ~,. .-nslt!lld o{ that lllany ...._ At;, la.l fou;--~~tb,~·.:-:--.:~11-;::~ May 26-•in. Karrlet Demlllg. .. U.r ~Dare cf lhu~e .w•ll flab. I ~ .1 ,. r: •1 1 , 1 , \ n .. r th•· 11 u w rc are any who would be 305-Apolt'oa. per Sid Blackbe'ard. 10 O'niER GOOD USED CARS 'ftUa. follla. 1a food for tht' tabl•. TIDE ·TABLES at •t•l•nt ~1,..:, ••• rr•· ,., • • '''ll•lv 1 .. take lhla conc~ntratect .\lay 24 ·E. W. Reynolda, per Kay 26-Ariel Hoecee, I I L;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;o;;i;;'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ food t.bat a. .a needed t4 conarrvel 1 ,. , ,. •·~ ••a: hoo;~t 'Th•· •••unit• plctu~e call Ule ,loc:&l QftW O"n•r. t.o' reroof ctwenua. ....tUa M'arc:ya Ave .. per owner. • -a. aiWI otter rooda for our JUNE \\' rl•l T' ··~ 1 , \pr:l :•·: 111 Fl '"'I ~'"" yuur name and t,e'~ ('ompo. 101 lai&Dd, SUIO. May· 26-V. S. 'l'erry. .2 ~ KIJI.afatber, 800 E . Ct'ntrt.l. W. Cep traJ. AnDed forcea. n-ftltbermen. ),IIW ml'r ·HI"III• k llv l# ·~ thl' hll!lfll• numbf'l' ao'that Mn. DorU 0..,, May 24-~eafey 8mlt.b, 1501 E . Pearl Ave .. per Sid Blackbeard. May 29-Douguuo wara. .,er ~~ ~Or. H. 0 . Hip.b, per wiiUe LIMy are baylfl& craDd aport' ~~~~'lh !::: ~~':'~ 12'12 ta,.l •wtt~~.,. .. '' "'' 1,.,. ,, ull h:• 1.11 '1•1~ ',n": ... ". ~~~~·,,, •~Ill gM•v~·th~cou-........... <'• :otral, per Otto Dodd, to put loo May 216 Keneth lkudd~. Sl8 Sam Kina: ather, 305 Ea.t Bay. Klnllfa!tler, 203 Opal. ... ,.u.tA4 mor~ llrfti(UI fo r I Tb. o -, • ~ ~ ~ ~ '--a ,.one~ foundaUoo and n oor Ruby An., per Sld)Biackbeard. Wa)' 29-Home Electric, per May 5-T. Woob~ry, per own- _.. 'fM,aJ wartime Jobe, .,.. _..., U ir~ 7;~ t :IIY.I Th,, t-11 ~a, l tf'<1 up at f.arl tl\lk O\'er plana wllb you. f.,r ruture buildiD&', PGO. May H Set. JObn V. Sauen, owner Pft'-"'Sam KiDatat.ber, 300t er, ~18 ~. caatrttnrttnc to lbe war effort. We F" 2 7 -~ 1 ,•.~ · &.2 1.2 T'il•tlC't• ,.,.. t ~ <;oaat Hllf\way and R•mtmber wben I tGid JqU 211 Amdbyat, per Sid Blac.kbeard. - ::' ,:.!':~M~·:l~lad:~~~ s. s 8 ~i. 2 ::lO 7:&1 1 :ll ~~~~ ~ DO~;('(~= ~.::.·· :~:.t <.!~:.::;. ;:::.., ~ ::; "Why Fon. " of .C.:;~~ per"::.,~ectrk. 300t w. ~ ft8benl:• eGUld be,a1ftll a,..._ 3.7 2 ~~ I~Z~ z:'o: • • • t ben 1 also told you tbat It mlctst May 27-Haoa Dlckm.&D, 2912 -a.ie UDount (11 IM'., Utat Bu. 4 8 .~ Mn H T t irail&ID ol tbe Gra· llC' teveral weeb WON ... ..., RatJO• nm• g "'old I.Afay.tte, Jl!" Rome Elec;tric . •• .._ --"'cl co ...... ,;._ --ot•-·, 8.7 -0 I !1.1 1.!1 .. "l • • •a"•• q· ...... •• __ ..., .__...,to-.. .1' -~ ..,...., ~--__... --2 1 1\am li&Jt an-. Ta,. e :--t .. rr '' . .!< • ~ _,._---•-_ ·J .. ,..put tb&t ....--I'Mlla-... ~ i :42 8:29 I :U :4 bt-<'n rt-1~ from LIM La Capanoe Um~t~gb? So pl-lttand.., a6d Rotary CJu·b ... tllat .,. eboulod ..., n liT -0·5 I.O '·1 Ct.l t d llC' d thin l.b JMxt ...-....; H--•· , ....... II ..... " ... lm-'l'u. e 10 .26 4:07 I :JO 3:1!1 hOIIfllt&l at ~~~~ I ·, ~nA 18 t r~a y ""to' co to ework. ., or •-~·· -_.._, l.f ........ U 1.1 1 VU IUn& wtt.c .. tr aa ... t-r n ...,._ n· en uaya ,.u.& to tile _. ....... .,-. .~1 &t'IU toT a. wHII or ten daya Tht Balboa lal&nd work l"'CCm s. ,..... \-::; -• ..-IN"' d&riiPI an"• .__ • • • . will mov~· wlthlll t he wedt to tboe ~ p .. .... ... ;,... an •1...-4 lit~~.._,_ S<ale oot&bl~ qual• Uol.lt lbt buUdln& near tbe nre 8taUoD on ...., '8 t ..... ,.. ~ .... LAtllll new-a. a .;.,_,._..,. •· ... rvea bekl a t til• ~ewport H.artlor Wadae-.A.ve ... ~~o·hkb wu ~y u.t t J*hl ........ • ~ Tacbt Oub lut Sunday Ira JP'ul-occupted ·by OonaW BeeQ Kiftr. more wu bt'&l'd to l"t'mark Batur-~aJcb fur the &nnOUDC-IIIt ot .. i:UM.ING 1PE .. MrTI Ma1 -ft.-Vl.ncftlt lrvtn Wc Man- Charlea G. ,Seott. diaric:i repre-lpl, per Bam Klnata~lwr. 506 8aD ..-ntatlve 11f lfU.e lorltJeac'e RaUoa B«D&rdino. Sotarcll.n '-Anplea.~ to _Ule l&&y 3--.W. W. 'nlo~. peT N~wport BaJboa Rotary Oub on Kin.atfalber, 11, ~arlne. GORDON B FIIDLAY oolriaAoroa ... BUILDU MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR OOB·~TY Cabinet Shop Service 01&8 c.hlaet 811qp MIO c..t 111Yc1. ' 40'7 IOda St.: Pit.. 402 Pia.> !188-1 Staae'1 ,_. PICk Llrjii&~Yean day ~fore tht-racq that "If dataa and boun. Harry w "'mea about In the Sally Sa"'yer wbo bu ~ aueb etartln~ lint' &J:aln and hnllt ra ann. Job u c.ba1rm&D ot tM ._.. ·atarboar<.l Ill ••ok hm ·;..,. F'ul-Blood Oooor Servlc..·bu ,....._, 'rneeday •nfttn~.-Tbe ~of Mar~lne B. W~. the talk wu an e:sp&anatklft ot the per Sam Klnlfalher . 323 Coronado. nKeaelty of bavinl mtJea.ce ra-Kay a-Dorothy PboeDJx, per 11nntn«. ,lhe thrw mam retWOna Sam Klnlfalber. t 16 Eut Central ---.. IM'Ifl&' llntly the tact. that Do DeW May ~Roderlck Elurnbam,per --118111!~11111!!'--------------~!fllll-----.: JQW'POaT a&AC., <:AID. can hav• heeD -utaoctured for Sam Kinafatber. 106 VIa ()rvieto. : •••• e e •• e •••••• e e ............................... . :!.,. yean. wltb ~ !-day 1olq May 29-Harold Schwartz. per • WA8HDfQTOM.-'nltl ~· ...... pedl ., '*' t.btlt ,_,. .. With 1~ ..-rvatJ~ alfta~ mnre wu al~~<• h•;a.rd In u y "the (,lue lu Wnue lo ber bOGM. Uld made -d the I)Mdllnt' oeariQf. RhtA.Iu liad hfottrr wa tC'I'I out, 1'11 iltrw Uornthy )tiller Ia actJac u an*o tae eerap beep.,; the c Belli KINifather. llO Apt.e, ! now runnlllc maat be ~rved. Way 29 V 8 , Terry. per sam 1• FOR B~UILDING INFORMATION the ~ ·-tbe r.rcorcl-"'-11- ... lMO output. the OCftDI Cfl \be UM»rdlaator of ..................... today. ProducUon cturlD• tiM ffrlt lour -tba of 1t4t .... ,..,.., • pet' member• of tht' Balboa Yacht Oub ,..In •nry raC'• " t<'mporary chaJrman. an anUclpaUn~ the formaJ OJ>C'n· . • • • After Jun<' I Yn. Wa.rn11 Inc ot tJw lleUOD •t for Saturtla~ Ht're 11 • hard luck .tory tb&t wbo bu bNit lllt&C\Ilh'e ~ Dlftlt. Coclrta1la tollowf'11 by \JIOs will IM'at them t.ll Thl' "Astrnlol''l f•>r lhe Oranr;t' Cnuoty Red en.. oer and danclnc 111 lll'h,.dul..ct fur l llmrM!ft lntfl Ran P•dm Fr1<lay ('nunl'll. wlll IIC'c•1me e.JlecuU.. ~ Ule event. 1 nljl'lll ~1th tlJ•I V~oupt for anotb•r l"t'laa'y for th.-,Snuthf!m ~ NauUcal ·In 1 ht'me: t.lfoenratl •rut halt hour anc,t a atnry of bad luck Cnunty Ch&JJto·r, wh ich lDcludlte planned and n K ut.!d by Dr "''d which Ia one tor thl' booka. On h~r our local group •. Sht-wiU be aMe Wrw. Harry Undaay and • lbelr way beck. fn.1tt1 Mexlcn with a loed to ttl-vole mort! l1me t o belplll• a.F committee are putun, tut mlnuu of C'lama her enpnt room l'!"Jftl\ •·hapura tn lbla t-Dd <"!I l~e ~. touchet~ to table and banquet room tll"t'. 'I'tll' crew finally put the flrt' aJI of wll.lch are becocniDc ~Dc:ne.­ f•tu.r.. ' out and heaved a ~IJh of relld lngly buay. due to conce.ntraUoa (11 -See-· ~ay District Lumber Co . WALTER a. lfttC«R, 0...... ~reoodly, lb.-creat demand by tbe .Ktulather. :l1i Ptoarl ! arm.-d wrv~ for Urea and ru~ Way' 29 Paul Kellt'r, per Sam • two. r meana that ewn-wl\b addttloa-Kinrrtather , 302·34th aJ.rfl't. ,= Ill IIUppUea of ayDtbe~• beln« d•-May 29 f:Cobert Murplly, houae : vetqped, tbe amouot. avall&b&e for ooly, per Sam KlAatatbeor. 1107 E. • ' •vii tan uae 1a tar leu than Ill pre. Ce.otral. ! : Wllr daya. Th~ availability ot new Way 29 !J. Coard, per ~ • NeWport Beach ·: tire. l"k•DUy announced 1a t.em-Klnrrtalher. 312 Sappbl~. • • • ....--t by tbe fact that It meanal Kay ~Lee'a Beauty ,Parlor, : ~11 ltate Highway PbeM • -~t atea.d ~ ..... tbt J"eeiCCI' .us. a'tt,.P Ule tuM flMt I&W • ..._ a-,.....,.,. ............. ~·of ~~"'"''-., __ K1 _ _. t.b -nd ...__. •" At The Archea . _· 11&0 : ooJy about oae Ure for e.cb ve· per -...... er, 66 • ........,.. _ 11 tM .laJiwt aDd .... boa&a ,_... .............. b&cle ·ID tbe countr)'. And tlnally. lo4.&y ~-Vawt Wblw. per Sam l••e••••••••••••••••e••••e•••••e•••••••••••·•••••- IUtecl two daya aad -.car t'wmty-nve Jll1le.a· beYGftd I wh•f'f' tht'y had atartei!. Durin« UlC' lltnrm lh~ Jolt tw() ancborw. t.at•r they put Ill at Enaenad&.. C&ltt., and were -IYtn'g alonpide t.be ~ of .-oUDe tor clvtl- nf ~ dock anll thl" rrw•ll• of Ute JtiOI"t'' tu(uouocementa will tw car- -r.mmf'd tht'm Into tht> dock rlfd In lhlll column. STORE whleb lltoved In tht' pozt . a1'iJe ot l Local Home S..rvlr~ periiQiloel ur~wiBAIT TACIII r tlM' bnM. Out•lde nf th•.w mloor w~ hlcbly pral.le4 by ....... w~ n5' rrv ~ hapJ'ftWir lhl' lrlp WIUI Dl('e_, ren lU\ Wt'f'k Wbt'n lb• &1\f)nUOI.ed ED 8LO()()IIB..-. IIANAOD , • • • _!bat witb a paid awt 1Dt1D11er Bait. T•.lr'-• li':ai.&..-Jnformation A J-llah ~lr;hln~t nn• hun·, httrt'. and aucb u cellent wort~: hav· ~ .. -.. I drtd IUld t••nl)'·flve """'"dll .... ·,mg ~x-en tlooe. lhla branCb baa "&WJO&'r -.uJII r·-'•----=------..---==--===========~ rau~tht by HAnk Herwy and &-ot-'benl ~l\•eo more d.lac'rellon and l"t'· ty·!toke.a, 'l'llufl!!l!ay. lorlay 25. Tb.-apobalblllty lhan f:!1911t local r h&f>" NEW -.n. 8PO&irliiHJlllO BOAT partne" werP tl,ah1nrc· fur Mlt~..rkll t""' have C R E 5 C E N T" lin Uu•lr bnat 1 h• M'Bu ~.. uff " _ • Cat.llna am1 'the J-. fleh t'Ot on I Save 1blw! ~ ad Ia pnlbablc7 o.lley_-RIM Raaina _ I.Jorp BaJt • f the lin• 'nita wu Hefwy't ftnrt \.;,1n~U.~!!iNWI~~,..~11~~~~~~~~~·~!!!!!!!!!!!!!i.!iU~Y~W~A~It~·~ON~~DI~~~ ,. . SCOTf'S .LANDING, . =:.lah. Stoku hA• C'&Uftlt ,..,. 1 = • fiVf' JJC*I'IIa, MEN • WOMEN -.:.a•_ .. o.. __ .......,_.,::::~=:===----=· =-·====~==·=-='=:·-=A.=·=·=·..J/1' Tbe flab dreMNi ou1 IW'Venly· 1 I Harbor Fiiherma.. llt••E Gives Lift to . ~ - ..... Crashed Fliers JobD A1be~n ol N•wport COITINUED ··PROIUCTIOI Beeorh. wbo pllota a flllhlnc boat 1 · out ot the ~r. PVt' two U. fll rl!R nt•" who had eruttecs-land· e4 off oaaa PoUlt. ow nret lilt on 1 tbalr J\ltcb-blkt' froiD lbe ~• of I the acr ldent bet k to the EJ T oro I Marine~ 8tatloll. I Tbt tllnl.. 2at Lt. ~e N 1 Jackaon Jr . pilot ot a Martu I .~ .... AB~LBOA Pl£1$ Corpe dl.v•·t.nm~r. and Sit.! ,_w.lUftl Olarlt-• Gata. IWi ~cunrtfr , , · OllOBGE 111NER 1 we~ piC'kl'd up almoet lmmedlatl'· -· th~Dl to BrMtnld Bay when lbey GoOd Fiahinl a1 All Times I,, by .Afbertaoa wbo lhen took ·~BAIT ALWAYS AVAILABLE lnnat•d t~lr Ull-ratt. p~~.tllll,.;l 1 -!l;!l-a!§l!l:al:;:;:ifl!llfi=,..FP.II~=-=;;;;:::;r;::::;::;~~-;;.;====-:-.. rtl 1 ...... and ~Jimbt<l a cliff to t h•· , ~~----==================~==:a ........ ,.~ "~ .. ~· . I CLIFF's TACKLE ST'ORE I Ottppln~ ~rt. thry wrr~ otft>rr<l a ·ride hy an 'unltJ•nUfll'dl woman curr VOM KENNELL I Dlotorlat who ntu!"'l&d ·tum COJil· I · FJshin "" kl S • I' t P'• .... ttb lttt ract, tc> .thetr l>•l"' '. g 1 ar e P~la 18 ·~ · TJ\ry .... ..,.f' un injured. · ··' . .....t to ,_vWon -~It and !>ak \\'atl'r Tack le I r~ t11 · BALBOA. \:AL•t·. -101 Mai• 8L I Two al•men ..,attecl a c<t- • 'l~>qtlf' I"CMI\tna down t~ 11tr""' I • . 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 11 t t 1 .,,.,,. o • • o • • o • • ,, • 1 • • • • o o , • , "·• , , o ·• o4a11 •• ~ ....... 1 "He look a Ilk• "" million,:. ••d tbl' : · -· • ··· . I tlr.t, "u though fl• 1~ •t•ppt'd 'ALBACORE RSHERMEII t l ou~V\~~a~~·" tht R rono.l. m-1 • creduloualy. "do they h&v• m t'n tn · . l Eaqull"t', too!" wi no •'CINCH" that Albaron-will be v.ith us again this ~ ----,.,.,but 1ft know It's a ciiich you v.1U beo ryedy and so· ~ , •uv WAR ltONDI wm-. .... · • . IMDMIE el 8q,ha .. UIJDI: • ,_..,. ... ft...., ICataJiaa .......... Anloe IH; I --~ ~lll AvtiL C~ .. 1:11-JU• : 1 -..... . th'lt •-e.re;. c.Mr: i ......_...._.., ~·•· ;s ... .,... .... ~ blud. c.Hf. ! Eddie' a BARBECUED SANDWICiiES Are Delidoue! ..-.az._.,_.....__t • I · V • w,. •. .a. SEA POOD COMPANY, Inc. i NMH'• CoQfectionwy AI"~ 2100 Oceafl .,,.._, J-•• .,. ...... .-elf••. ro• ••cTo_~_Y -l .. ~•1)•-... ~ ...dt' Jl I.,. I I •••••• 1114 ....... ~..-~,rtu ........ ._..,.,._ 'VITAL -U ... CillO PLIIES 8\ .. \\'ORIONO A 4= '• •• tilt DOUGLAS. fEEDER SHOP tw~ular AlrC'rsft ..._of Pay: Frteaclly, N~chborlf A~ Connnhoat Locrtfoe Actual AltC';..,f p .... ~ Work Oaly ~ ...... Daly. D.Ot:GLA" . · '*li'&D ftAID . Mln'A ANA ftt&nr:11 ~tlor til &. ... 81.. ~ All&. ('alii . 011117 ~ 8ulllla1 I:IIL IlL to 5:10 J'r.~· . ~YIUJft -YICK .. , ................ ~ . ,., ';,aP~Mq ... a.-.. 1:11 p.'- Limited Availabilil y ~te Required , Freala -Daily Buildinc Material• • COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. , • • • . A'VARDED A 1944 . P u I it z 8 r .P r i z 8 ~·. ,. .· . ••for distinguished correspondence during the year, the 0 • j test being clearness and terseness.of style, preference being given to fair, judicious, well-balanced and well-: . . . inf.ormed interpretative writing~ which shall make clear the sig.~tfi~nce of the subject covered in the corre- . spondcnce or which shall promote international under- standing and appreciation." ' ,, . . Read His War 'Eiperiente~ as a Weekly FeatUre in the J ,. ... - _ NEWPORT·BALBOA NEWS-TIMES, New.,wi _., California, Thuradq, June 1, 1944 Pllt ..._ P-u.-LIC -No--=-Tacu-~Pua-Lic-No---T;cE-• -puj~~.c:::...::No~nc~ES ~~ ::R:.:.:..::::a~...:.=,~M:.=.:.•=-...:.:.:..:a..•;.L.=:.~~-~.....:-E AD CLASS I F I E D A D S F 0 R B A I 0 A II S !. 81JIIIIONI coodlUona, ruuvaUou aDd ,.._ Tbe n ..... _.. .od~ -' lbl l C'UMAic maM, Canoe .. N .. &Mit nrtct1ou comma. to tM tb._ lntellded Tranllt...._ an4 V.._ c~;·· radio, Mat•. ,... -• --'"'"· ......... "' .......... ·~ ...... A. Bt>a. ,. .. """'"'"'' ... ........,. ........ :~ ..,,,., II!PPUI!I!I I EMPLOYMBNT REAL D'I'ATE lfH '1'111: • .,.,..,. OOUK'T or Let 13 ID tuock "I", ,..,_ nret El""t· Banta Ana. <>ran•• COWl· my equ .,. ., ... ., at., ~ L': ----FOR 8AI..&- 'I'IIZ 8'1'Aft OP-NJ.IPdaNIA Tru.lt &Dd ~vlllp IJUIJr or p-ty. Call!oml&. and C. L. Zutrow, c, tt· -n 1., t. ~u'ld and TYaded l WANT•D ------•or AND ,_o,_ OOUNTY adena to MJDD!t Huenj&tpl'. MO Curltoe St..-«. a.unowtr, -==y y -.,.,..ItA~ &ad t'~ lAta ot I"•'OCI rt .. a u.d t ara FOR SALE TH"U "DOMI PU .. NITU ... t or OLUI• . ~Of'llted 1n Book 410. Pal'e 12• s..o. Anrelu o-unty, eallforuJ•, 1 .__ • btUNh. "u:•Ault AlfD 1 wm .-, tnp pnc.... Fine Beach Home •~tetAL'-Tw.e\1 ... ,.. Is •· ~ ...... Ia t111e a. ~ of o-18, Recorda ot aran.• TM ldDd olii'*MWa llltenck!d to • lo!FO. C'O TH~OI'ORit R011t'H8 ._Ual ~ et...,aiiJ rw.a. c.ut e1 tlllia on..-._ .... = County. cauromla. be trul.ternd are Oa·Sale Die· k -W 1-'\·nll'lll A\'t Pb. DM·W I P"at'd ~-6 •~ ON DAY 11'!\0MT tunt to art,_., ...... U.U. '-"' -. ~ Nf' rt 8 h catif 2 d .. ,.._ tral A !'lis hfodf'(\(\lt'•. thntt~ beth•: fUr. · ,_ _._ ...._. ... 0 en••..... .. ... IDWttllq with hll'llllure. at tilled flptrtt• I.JCf'IUIU; On-8•1• WPORT SIA SHORE q "'Jl<' Mr . • . 'l n -..... n va. nlthf'd. <"M-rU-nry so daya. ..... Incl..-_,... .......... -...,. _. ... ._. _. • ......,r Z12e Mlr&ma.r Drtv•.t Beer and Wine UnnM; Wllle But. • _ • M;Ue N•111·port Otoa•·h Mione II I r-dav.nport wtll makta&af ·~~--~ eo..t el _.. o..d7. PARCEL 2. Lot 5 Ill Block t 'lnr; and Packactnc U c.-eMe: Re--• : _. I 'f(,R BA 1.1-: 1 ~-It JohNI n nJW· i 2t\ \tl" ~t" lnduliH two Iota, pin aDd aalatr, &lao •ea . ...., eMil'. ool· A. J. TW8I' "L" of "Tract No. 618" ulbowa tall Pack .. • Oti·S&» 8ftr and P'OR a.u.&--1131 Ford Dalua~1 ~ ••th .loohfWI•n outboard_. H.._Lt' WANTY.I) ..Qoad co;k ao.1 1 d .ttl' '" table. ta4 taW• Md aune- PiaJnttff, Yl. oa a Map recorded In Book 11. Wine U u a.: R.at&U Pac:Julce Off· coupe, taT&. Oood condition, ,... tDr, p1ar th:ally n•w. U'llt c.n 1t0m• rn•ral ~-~~ fw A 0000 ltUT u ... t11ll "'I· Ma&ettd ......._ LILLIAN I. IUtAGER, pacea S3 et -.q .. ot Mta:ella· Sale ~r and Wine Lk~n•: Re-dlo. Jltloae Newport lUll. 1300 lilt AI'Ml at ?(loe p; Bay Jl'rGnt.l July and AWJU.C -L.We ttl.. ITOUP lncludee ft&ll .... bed, fta• ..JOHN DOE~ JANE DOE:. n~oua Mapa. Recorda of Oraqe ,...tat! Packart Off·S&\e Dlatllle4 E. Otntral An .• Balbc!&-tl·ltc IWllf'oa r he>nf' Ne••pnrt aM. I Nl<-• ronan, .00tl pay. "rA·o M)'e f22,5()() l,y wtlft ... nt'b and •tnvr., o....e ~fendants. County, Calltornl&. 8ph1ll Uc:aut. • -~ , S6-Ur ott _.1, w"'"· J>)•-write W L )u d .. 6t drawers. 81mmont .,rllll' ud 'Mf£ .,_PLI: OF THE STATE StJ'kmcr to tile coniWitw, ·• •rtie-aM~• ot th• p~ml .. l 'to 11111CJ:1..1..A -~ _ : Mra. ~'-Brttl.._.laua, \ttl · · r an lllat..._, patr tJA _. pWoww U4 OF CALIFORNIA SE!CO GREET· condiUon.. reaervatiON and re. which the tlcenau 1\ave been Ia-FQR UL&-a~~kl';-~-~ IA!Ji~ l4·f!l''t peddl• board I Weat r>rh'e . .fan MariD•'· Calli. 1~ .C. 0111~· 11&1_,. abtlut_"_!1.1u-tftrta .... • ~ .. d t~~..:. lMGS ro: ~ I. RE:AGER. lltrlrt~Jr<l"uaoe to U. Tract. IIUed 1e lOt ll.t f!l&et, C!tv Ol lll'd Ka.\'ak ~pply 101!1 W Hay ST·'f\.c FOR 8ALX 1 &('rt, 3·roaat bou.. ._, • uo ...... -Jf~ndaHNn'•~. E and JANE DOE, De-u deflllia ln the cSHd from \M Newport Bta.ch. 0ranp CoulllJ, l.nt concttUcMI. Newport :aMoK. A-..., or pnnnt• 1fl._R U-4t"].-_ 11\Nt Ilk>~ aoru. of WllaMLL tq c:hatn. Ha"'e ,_. ftiiM Ill ~ ... ,rwt Trull 6 SavtQp BaU of CallfornlL MOA., T\Mia., Wad., or Til~ WANTED Kltc:t'm btlpen. bu.a tht• ~aJ price Of Oft'J .,.. You are directed to a~ar in Puadena for Lot 23 Ill Block • after 5 p. n: .. or eee S,t. John POR lALor. ao h. p 8kaudla Ma· "''>'• or rtrla. tU.hwutwr., fUll ~~= n?.~~·· B~n!~ TN, p&Yift•'-are • ., fi?.M u action b,.....t ,...an.t you by . "I", recorded ta Book teO, hce Tbe date itobtn and the place Howe. 112"' S.,phl.nl lt .. Sal· I ""-01-1. lat• t)'llt. Md4 or part time B•t workl"-('t)ft· p,.m111M. fO.ftp pw month. WtMft• 1fNr ... the above nllmiCI plelntlft In thl.' 12.4 of Deeda, reeordll ot Oraace wtere tht c:oiWddalion for the bca. lalaD4. • &J... .,--.,. atr lank, etc. l't..-dy to llltlllllt Harlo'a Kitchel\. t \\· _ ~.' S rl Calart et the Stat r eaw 1&. tranrer of the· J•oenaet~ 111 to be ---....U Call 8ll Bamardlll IM-1 ta A t A • Balboa Lfl~d. WANTED 'IC) &EN'I' Vdlalwl J\lrfttture 0.. • upe or e · o County, om ... ld ._the 30UI cla.""ot, Jwae, l M4. DIAMOND P'Oft IAL&-1 'eanl · • " 0 • 1• e v • --------aot ~omla. ~ udto lar tlw .._<:ounty 1 Vat ant lot.l • U the bour ot taA ,_,0 elodl A. M. perted. flaw I-. westa .tta---e ar •·rit• 12011 W 11uttU..I-Jt~ I _ .o-4tc W AN'I'IID TO RJtJ'f'l'--r. or lftd aM ~ '-'~•nee.-.....,. --com· T!:R.MB AND C0NI"''oiTJON8 or -'d h ~-Wrttt Ball 202. N-· a-elL .... BaroaNttno, Calif. 'I .. \a AM. Qllforala a -Uc plaint tM,.. wfatn tell days 'I" of ..., clay, at t e lAw vu""• tit ._..,.... • S Up HI:U' w AJ-ITIDD -ro.ft.U... .... tllfte bt~ f\lmtllbtd bOUM. ------------ alter the ...... qn ,._ ot thia BALF.: Cuh. lawful money of the Rolu4 'JbomJWOD, Room 21D t • IIIJOATI FOR SALE -11 ft. a a" "tal")'. for ~ or two a,. a Ban.. bland . pmerftcl. By nM aALa·....,_rlltlltlo ........ . IIW'iunons. II· ~ wiU!ln the United Statea; c:ertlflad cback foe lpur:pon 8u114~. Ill the Ct\y ot PDUIONAL a. eeater-•rd all b<'at but't w~k. ltuat be typtat. Apply ewt~are or ""' tM&.m.... .,._ ~tkltlal Clt_.rf'le'd Dtv--.~ of Orata-; Gil' wUhlft .W.., l()CJ, to -:ceom~ taeh W, and' San~~ Count)' o!. Oran ... ---~----_ ~ IIJ Tom DlllJr>ar, uaad c.---, by tel•pl\on• aii~4·W Ill a 8". u"' will be taktft. Harto'' hl"luolee eolof. Ill ltabJ, 111&-·Gays,tf·ae~ elsewhere, .an~ you '-~~• on «<rrtrrmatren-----or-.a.. lltate of Oililot'nta.. "W'iir 1\UR ANY iliieAl _.....,_.. -... tt-n. WM•..t ........ -_ •s..u Kttchea. 111·11 lt.ptf Aw., 11&1· 'tloa WUd • PboM ... W. ar. nottiW that unleu yi:JU ~et"utor will l\lnslab ~t" 'naat lbt aJDCMU~t of lbe eonald· as-rt~Mnt bou.ae or ho&.al fw ,. .~. tlbO 1M2 Bnlpt, IDA• ---=-~---------iO. "'JiliW -..._. . 10 ot title abowta• GNrcbaDtabJe ......._.)' hull. .. .... for -•t •-, WANTI.D a~ and answer as lbove re-.. erallcft toc the t,.._,tr .t ·.uct protlta, David Riebl. 422 J:. --· ...._ .. --qlllred tM-plaintiff Will take Jude· Uti• and propft'ty "'-and· clear Uce-ta tbt IIWII ot M .OOO.O.O. Bay An .. Balboa. U.fte pod rOIIdtUon. lnq\llre VWa 1 Auto met" han lea. Top w..... 'RMl ment for &n)' money OC' da~ of all ent_oroeabla enewabr&Dce., Dated thta lltnd clay ot Kay, __ l'artna. t2·Ue ot worktnr condltl-. .Aa ..-n· dftnanded In the Com lalnt u but JtUbject to rt1bll·of·way, e._. lNt. '· Mtt>oi..l: AGED ~ ,.,U _ _ _ _ __ uat war IDdu.ttry. J:mplo)'IDMI artatnc upon c:ontractuml wm' ap-menta .. conditlOM and. reatrtc:Uou TOY CARSON at.are Colt& M-. home wttb f'Oi' SAL.E New· ll·n. CalMA l elt!:tr btrt oc at Hwau..,t. ply to ltw Court fDr ~·other re-or record. AU current ta1et tD bt do~ wr-. u St.ac Cafe educal.ci man. •J>tione · Uawport CNLMr for outboard motor~· BMcb .toN. · W AJIM'I:D '!'0 ftJ:N't -"'"' . Ape. OP.tt.n•. Hualllalld ttl ""· 'lf'to. .. .............. "" ...... 14. l'hUt plaoea Nft)Qrt lllt.R. ...JtG Uet demanded 1n the complaint prorated at Ume ot conttrm.atlon lot 2~t Place 123'7-W. or wnta Boll 0, ,r, JIMvy l"oo•trucllon f<W ocean THJCOOO'Rit 1\0IUNI Glv~ under my hand and ~al ol aale. Newport Btacb, C'a.lllonsla Newa-Timea, N_,ort Btacb. JOtn&. 512:1 A b&rc!UA. 381 Ford Sal• u4 a.ntoa JOa ~ P'Oft IAL&-'I"Wo Ma, .......... tJA tht Su,aerior Court ot the All 'fda muat bt lD wrtUJae. ud STATE OF CALIP'ORNIAI tl-~ Del Mar An · eo.t.a M-2Zncl u4 o..,..t ... ---tattl ~I at , .. Malak. ad· ·Oountr ot ~. Stat• of caii-ID&J be ten at ttae om.. fill M-I• SWill fiii8TRUC'n()N--Pbont Newport .. 221t-J . t3-1tp N-port Beacb. no.. sa. 1 ROOM I'Oft IUINT ...nouble rw I .._ ....... fonda, this· 30th day ol Mard\, ward E . Gray, AttorD&7 for ... COUNTY OF ORANGE 1 -------. •ttc l ,..,,,...... _... .. P1i .... ._. tNt. 'Executor, at 318 2Dd A..-... ON THIS 22Dd ~' ot May. 8WlKMJNO bt Ul-,_ Ia...,..-n.a. A 180<"'1 A. TED nJJH~lUIAN . -.---.-·· on Bat~~ • .._. """· FOI\ IIAL&-Whl\e IJO.l-., ~ (sNJ) B. J. Smith. land. Callfoml&; or m&J' bt ...... ltU, before me, tbe undlllt'lltroed, Yld ~pt. 8..._.1 ~-, WANTED Ha~e IOOd. deiLI -'tth Olltl.S W ~NTEP hwslajn at. ~ port a..dl 1106-W. . ...... " ~ -.. tWa liar County Ce~ ot th~ Sul)f'rl« ered to laid Executor ~ ... If .• Notary Public Ill aDd f<W aid at foot ot M•two at... BAM~ea.l or-wltbou\ lloat. Boa ... ~ \end&nta. UalDtoe• AO. t)lptrl-Roo. AND MA&D ...:~~ ... ;. .. :.. n; ·Ooun ot• the State ol Otlitomia, Jnd A•..W, Upland; w ID8IJ" llle County and St&te, pe~y ap-t3-2tc: N""'·Timn . Newport Bnch •ced IJ&, for tl-br . ..,..IL ~ , ~ ._,._ ....._ a..ltl ·in ud for the County ot Oran~. tuM lD tbe ~oe ot the c.ltftl fill pe&l'ecl Tom·~.~ to •• .... ltp be, wUJ'-1 to work aawnsa,._ WAJITm:) IWOM UfD .o:Aib= ;__ By A. ~ Hitchcock,. 'Deputy. U.ta eaart. at any" Ume att.er 0. to bt t.be ,.,_ wbc.e name 18 111:1.1' WAMI'I!D --8~ &ad t-Oitda¥., &114 al&er-J....,. O oU... ......,_. •'!'*lllliiiliOOI.-oift 1 f111t ,..... flnl pubiiD&Uan Oil ttl .. notiH .... aut.crtbed to tbe for .... &utl!u• Pu8LIC NoTte•• ----nat. work.la. lat• Dltb&. .• ,.,, 1ft H.,... -........... ... APPEARANcE:' "A cWmct.nt btfo" maklJ\1 tbe Ale .. · mul aDd· adaaowladpd to.. BOYS BOYS BOYS Mr tua-ooct. .... •PIIIIN cat., ,..... tw .._.__ •• ..... ~ ·~ PO.,_ . .,.,.,. In an actioft when 1w .n· '!'be ~utor ~rvee Uw: r1111t t.bat ~ ueeu.ted lhe aame Santa Ana, ~llfoM\Ja. • • aero. frulft t'\an Zaoa. ~ Wrtta va,.aua ..,_.t, ._ q., ....,. ...., ~ ..._ . ....., swen, ~.or civet the piUI· to rejtct any qr all blda. WlTNEaS my baDd and. otfltlal Pub.: May 16, 23, 30; JUM 6. lN4 Ne;_ed.t"'o bo>'• at Oa~ cw ,apn .S-Ite "' N-.,__ N"'PIIft -...... ... ...... •odiFAt ~ --.. _,.. ttlf written noUcr of hh apprar-JOIUf a CftAJO. eeat. I'OUt4oa .ta Balboa.. ~livery Ill -t1•tte alp ,._, ..,.. ~ ~ _&nell, or when an., attorney ··lwt Ehcutor.otl the ltlt.at.a fill 1M NOTicE OF JNTENnONI eondftp, .t o tbe ~ball cJay Hl!:LP WANT1U). Mu to laJ ---· -o.n-Dllwt._ -i" ..,~ notb of ·~~ for him." 1. CreJc, Deceued. RON~~PuD ~lco~and~·or ... e TO ENGAC£ IN-THE. llert'l a cbanrt un nut !lOme I ~rttka.Bal~ullr•,_!..,l'l Ama';_'t,.ti ·LOST AND fOVJifD . naahkiU. "-........ xap. (Sec. 1014, C.CP:) EDWARD E . GRAT. -r-:r --" .... llpmCS!na money euy. Pt\oae · .. ve · -8 ..._, h ·ltc Lcs.t -· • ----tea Bultble -~ W11M .... ... ~" or demurrert must be 3'78 N. 2n~ Avnue, Upland,~· Cowlty ot Oraace SALE Of ALCOHOL-Newpoct 1208-111. Wr. J:at-. TilE P'AIUUCR8 IN8lJI\ANCI: -cu ,.,bt, an bMctl. about lulh•e ,_ t .... .,._. in --'Unr. and filed · with the Attom--for lf&'ld !:lteeutor. Blatt of CaUiornla IC· BEVERAGES. 43·2t.c: onu z WMtlla •JO· end Olinbl• Bt.. -. 0. ........ v--a...r -... -J Pub.: May 25 and 30th. lett. a~ P ~ u optn1D• for an No, Bay.,_,.._ fll1uld. l'taln ..__ Clerk. · ,,.t publlcatlpn : May 18, 1,.., _ __ May 23· lfK4· HD.P WANT11!0 Wao or woman ambtttoua mlUI. either Cull or and l'bl'f'klld. Jt"'•"' m ~ -.: ,...... ...... ,._t,.,.... Pub.: Apr. 11, 18. %\; May ~ 9, 16, Lout publlcatkm: JuM l, UIU. NOTICE OF L~IN MOLD.It To Whom It M•y Ceftot"': for p&rt·Ume work. for botal pa.rt·tlme No •C• Ullllt. ICa-Bt.. 11alboe lalaftd, Otr 4'1&11 or •ua~t ........ ~ .. 23, 30; June 5, 12. \944. IAL.E Notice t. benby .,nn that nf· eJeanlnr and ~ nonn. BaJbaa ffilf'ftt-poat war p.-oai~''Y· I .22k.ll.. .. U,.ap food. ON .,.,_,, --.a,w--" N 0 TIc; IE 0 F INTENT TO teen da)'• alter the above dale, the IAn. Pllone Newport 1&0. 4!-ttc will pay you to lnveatlpte. a..mp~QD, Acee, a.--. ..... No. t55t7 T"ANIFU ALCOHOLIC ·~V-undtralrned propcaet to .. u ale~ ---_ _ __ • · _ C'heoey A a IINJ>Ie. Dlat MIMI., J..ORT lAdy'• blf(W"al Jl ..... In daJI'• ........ tl'& ....... .._. NOTICE OF EXECUTO .. 'I IALE ERAG~ LICENIEI, ETC. On June 14. 1944. at 10:00 a.m. hollc: ·bevnaau at theae pre.ru.-, H1CLP WAN~D Youn1 Jirt or 307 No UmatJway. Santa Ana. Nrwport ,nder plea• 1'9tum fOr KIUy. ODma. 8114 ..,...... OF REAL ESTATE AT PAl. at 3001 W. Central Ave .. Newport I ducrlbed u followa· , woman c:ompanlnn to ~-yr oil! I c tn Mra leva Krn.tfy, T43 Am•r· Uual lhoptMrd'• ,..t ~ ..... VA TIE SALE. I NOTlCE IS lntRP:BY GIVEN Beach, CaliiOI'llla, I Intend to ~II Boat .. .,._.wit", 1135 Coul artrl-~>~lone Ne.,port MO. Bill· ·a.~u Phonf'_•M03 •3·3ll' lean An .. Lone S..Ch. or rail to A a p Mkt., lAf\ma a.Ml. · -that the Uce~ hl'relnatter nam· to the blgbut bidder at public Highway, N~rt Beach, C&Jifor-boa Inn, Apt. 100 ta..Uc • S ITUATION WA.N:TJI'..D Cook ~nc ~acJl 1111111.. at.wanl, We ara e~ botla '!'b..,_,. In the tuperlor Court of the Sbtt ..MI lnteoUe t'o ~~~ to the TraNI· I auction. a 1934 Chevrolet c11u~. nla. · and tmtlu, f'Xperlenr NS, d••t,. ' t!·ltc and •uo4&1t, all d&J. tl•l'h .. of C•llfornla . In and for the ferna hereinafter oJ~amed the fol-Ucena No. 69 R 831, Enfine No. Pur~ua.nt to •u•b Intention, the TRANSPORTATION l'mploymPnt In bearh rf'all1f'nc,. County or San Be~na,.dlno. . lowing ducribed pr-~rty, tl)-wit: 4333934 Tony Miller, dereued, under~ed Ia applylnJ to tht mCYCLI'S-Bold, rented or ,... for aucnmer or permanent Mione "•• Md.... ""· ~--MORnMER SCHOOL Ia the ldatter CJl the Eat.t.t.e_ orl1 The Cumlture, thtture.,. equip-I owner. ,Slate Board or Equallutloo for p&lrecl. VCJtl'a, 104 Main 8t. Banta Ana Mto·R. A•k for I Ill N• .. l-~.... ........ ... -c.NI, .. ._.. ....... 1.018 I. CRAIG, Dec:MMCL · ment, mercllandiH, . •u~l.... Tbla a&le Ia fo-r the pur-pc»e of taauanct or an alc:obollc blnrq. ... 1&1~ aac1 JQI MuJnt AnDUt. Bamey. tJ-~\P j C.•e.t• "" •• --.._ .. .,DOL GIVEN. good-will and go;A-name of the uu.ty1nr my lela on car. llc:-eMOr . (or llcenaeal tor thue &aJbo& leland. U ·tf• o.-- tllal John t>Oe linn ... • ... m .. th•·r·• I t•IJ"'r Wh,.n-r tUI ht j ,.,.,. A .... .,._ oonr .. r !AIItll\' \\'rll .. H1111 11. •, ;.__.....,. ... M_••-"-'-'·-·-•_• .. _•_•_A_,._•_· _c._•_••-· N!'WB·T,II'It•·•· Nt•WJl<ll't U~···h. lr-_____________________ ._ __ _ 43-411 the EAt:.te of Lola I Craig. Dt·,.. Newport Sta~ Cafe.· 109 211ft Pub.: Jup~ 1, 6, 8 and 13. 1944. On aal~ beer. s:eued. will ~~ell ~l private aale, to p'at e: Stag Amueerr<'nt· Parlor. So. A 11811 Ahyonr dulrln~t to protut the · tht" hlgheat bidder. uprm the Ierma 21 1~ Coast Boul~var<l. aod 8ta1t SOTJC"F-TO CRt:DITORR lssuMrr of I!Ul'h lll·en~ ~y file and tondlllo~ her~lna!ter men-LIIJunr Store. Zlll O>ast 'Boule· I a 'enf1t•d nrott~<l with the Elate ro BUY Olryrlf', Mnall., for T year nt.l r hlltl Muat I'W' In •ord rnodltlnn \\'rill' B•"'· 0 , ~ NI'WII·Timl'lt, Nl'~·f'Mt !WactL 43·2tp -liOfled. llnd-tfti"bjeet-to ~nHt'ma-v..rol; ~~ Houa-known .. ~A·I'E OF "RA\llEL CTtO!'~ Br·anl nc Jo:quallzallun at Sacra-~ lion by said a~ve entitled .c:o~. :.!tlr.'if CO&It Bouh1v~; all In !nV1SJ-. al!tr1ufO\\.'TI ·ns-. {l(\CHt~J.,-~t~e'!!O, Callfom~a..._atat•ng v.ound•-,.-..__ _____ =o;.._-_...__-...-· -------~---:-:::_-.... on or alter Monday, the lith day the Clll( or Nrwport ~atb, 'c. TWIST. DECF:ASp)--r. ~ .de~l~ &JJ pr~v1.Jr;rby law. RAUIO SERVICE ~ of Junt•, 1944. all the rJght, title. Orange CCiunty. California: to. 1 NOTICE JS JIF.RF:)W ljJVF::": /'N':'. A MAl-. Met 'OL..1STER. lnterist and ~lltate d thl' sallj Lol• ~ti-er with two On-Sale Dla-110 lhl' c·r('S:Iiton~ of lind all Jl(I("'OnQ 30it,., F-<h:ewa_ter I Craig. Deceaeed. at tbe time of tllletl SplritJr l..lcen~~ea, one Oo·· havmg rlaim-.·aJ::'Ilii'ISt lhP J<ntc'lrll'" &.!boa, l"allf her death. In aod to tht> real prop-, Sa.ll' Beer and Wine l..lcen.lt'. Cl'dl'nl or l>llld e~ttHr to filr tt\rm l No 'l676. erty lle~lnaner drecribed. and all, Wl.ne Bottling aotJ Packag1n! J w)th the rit"CC'l!Mry v~chers In ~e . l'ob June I, HIH. the rtl'lt. Ulle, Md lnttrul that l..lcl'nae. Retall Pac'kage Ott oft)cY> of the Cll'rk of lf\e SUJ'II'rinr .------------....., tbto aald tatate bu. by operation ~air ~r and Wine Uc:e~~~~e,, 'Court of, Jht• Counl)' o1 oran.:•·., FOR INSIJRANCI: IIEE uf law, or -ot~rwlae acqulre...t. Hetall Pac.-kagt Otf.Salt !>~•-· State of 'CaJifomia. or lo ~nt t other than or In addltJan to tb&t II lied Splrlta UceTt~ :· aJI •t.anCi'-t the .amt. W\th I.Jie neceua,Y of !laid dec"eAa(ed, at ~ time of lng In the naml' ol T. Canon vouchtani, to lht' undl.•rsignl!d at thf' her death. of, ,in. and to thoae cer-hrrelnalter named. • •, uniterslgnt•t:l's place of buslnc.>~"· tn-1 ta.tn parcelll or land, all'Uate In the I :rht name o( lbe Uce~ and 1 wit: 309-312 First National pank city ot Newport Be!Ub, County ol Vendor I• Tom .c.r.an. aom..._ Bulldtnr. Santa .Ana, Calll.1 wjU.in I Oranp, State 6{ C&lllonl.._, cSe. wrttteo 1'. Canion. dbtDg bu.r1tneaa sUt months after thr f:irtt 1pybUca· kHbed u follow•: 1 u Stai Cafe: 8t&,r Retail UquOI' Uon ot thh notice. PAf\CEL. 1. Lot a Ill Block I Store; Stag Amua«nent ·~I<W. at Dated M8)' 15th, t!kt. "0'" ol "Trafl No. &18" .. llllow1l lOt 21at P1ac.-e .. Ctty of Newport Jt.. J . '!WlST, <>n a Map r:ecoided In, Book 1'7, Be.Ac.b, o,._np CoW\t)', c.ILI1fomla0 • at1 f:uc:utor or ~ • c:eiiiLMoua ~aJIA. recorda ('J( II 0anpn or T. C&reoft ... 21111~ B. Z. McKinney Oraap Oowlty, CallfomiL eout Boulevard. CUy 0( NeWliOf't A.ttorJWy for ~tor - Howard ?N. Genaab 21" W. Central Ava. N.wSH»rt ... ac:h, Calif. Pltefte 4~J Boat Sales and Service Marine Ways e Marine Salvage Licensed. Y·acht Bro"er · Harry Gartler, Owner 1 Pboee: Newport MB Rl'J Cout llllhway Nr.wport Bead~, Callf. pa,_ Sl, 34, 311 and 38 of Mt.-1 The place of.realdenct Of 11ald Tom' E.ltate or said di'Cl'dfont. SUB.J'J:ICT to U. connanta. Beadl. Orup County, Calllonale. 309-3\2 Plrst Nat'f Baak BJd& .. ----~~~~~=---~·~~~~~----------~L------SNOODLES <1 o..t or 10 ,_,..reed N-.TbDee_Cirftj...,ecJ .U..> By Cy Hunprford ~--~------~--~~--------------, r-.. Gc.AO IT -r,,~S' f fOt.4E 900 t . ,---- Jlomr. Auto, lf~l'ln1P JUdJOt ~r.d. Martne l::lft1.l1du Rui1 R. Norton II II C.Ul Hl-"waJ NEWPOaT a&AOH P~of et~sional Directory Gordon M.GrundJ, M.D. .hy_ •••• " .... ..,,...... Nlntll atrt• C.tttra: A~~a. Oftiot ~ra.; tO.tJ a.m.: 1·1 '·'"· ~ ........... J1 LEROY P •. ANDERSON C-. MtM laflll• 8UI .. Iftl ........ HAROLD lt. GRAUEL CHAPEL . "W• OWNh-liM .tt. ...... "' hnlDr oua.,. Bait". ll>tt-..a fit~ M' c ... a Mtaa Callf....,.l• BUY NOW Cit)' T •• Sale Lots A. J. TWIST 107 Coaat Highway ~.,.. Ml2 CORONA DEL M.A" Conrad Richter, M.D. "',. ........ "' ....... Off ... '17·11M ....... N~ ...... H..,...: 1 .. tla, fit. A l •t ~IlL ~ 1111 ,._ ,.., DR. C. £. TOHIU. --c:. ................. ..... _,...._ Offttte-·W / • ...._ ... .. If He A ....... C:.ll ......... I Dr. M.D. Cnwfonl O~TOIII.T .. IIT EyN &Mia .... ca... ..... l'ftT M"'fal\ ....._._. ~NM MM COITA M.IA BALTZ MORTUARY CNA~·L •v TH. a•A 410 e.a .. llv4. ~·••"• Ml Mat • ~ ..._ ~h•"• N-~ 41 . I>R. OBED J,UCAS:I Dentist .· • 11ft!!, W. l'Miral, ..... tW llfr.WJ>ftllT RF.ACII WHO'S !WHO IN HARBOR DIS!.RICT F'I~[PLACE AND KINDLING WOQD- 11 W Wr l(ht. 17144 Np> lllvt!, Cut\. ltf'llt IJ,...,, l.mnllf'r, f'tl. M~-J G'N£AAl C~NTAACTOA -' '; .. ,,1,,,, I! 1-l~o•lttl v :14 111 ("•lllaf nlvcl Ph :\02 l'lllhll """ 0hnllt.rucllnn. I UMAFR COMf'A~I[8- I't,,.t II M•·~ll I.IJr I.,, "1,..1 ua tllllp ynu pllln Vl•ltr tmmf'." rh"n,....f8. llft v ltll'lrlo l .l.tw ollf'r r· ... l'lvme 11M C toallt llllfhWAV a\ Arrhet1 OFFICE SVPPLIE._ N ....... ,,.,,., I ""'"•r l'ultllahlnt (•, l'hnnu 1 'J • l :1. Ntwrw•rt Dta.eb, P r.lliHING HtV.f""' llt~rl,.,r l'uhllllhlnt f'rt 1'1111111'8 l:t . I I Ne•P"ft Beub. AfAI ESTATE, INSUft.ANC~ a "'fDTAIItV' ~Uitt.l~· l#w ll W~<IIIV "· ~:ttn w. c-ntral A<~eou"' f'hl"'" I AIJ88EIIt ITAM,.I-. N•...,..Jtttrt lfarhor l'ubllahln~r O J Pllo .. a U . U Newport 0.... SHEET M~TAl WO"K- Vif'll' Plumblni a 8b..t ....., "•ka. o.ta lofeaa ~ 211. VAAIIUV ITOftl-llal-....... Y~ ......_.., ll*, .. Lad .,._ ...... IW•W, .. .. r .. Geraldine Perry Becomes Bride of Hu1h-B. Davis in Pretty Church Rites . -- NEWPORT·BALBOA NEWS-TIMES, Ne~ Beach, California, Thursday, June 1, 1944 a.oc .. Ule o.ta w ... Com· 1 "lbe new Mra. Davia !.a a crad-I auaJty CIUIIU Wlllcb WU t:ru.. l u:ate O'f Newpcrt ~arbof Hll'l IIarbor Feminine Activities ....... ~ ............. ,.,... olt .ehool. ~ J. c Ud leUpp --;;:--~1 Ca~ Easton, Society Reporter Phone 69()... w e . ~ ·~~~.:..-:::-&4: :~ c;:.~·e s0fa. N~~owln eS:::I':;,NJ ua:;. Assistance League "Launching" Breal(fast 642 ~oses Wire's from . =-~-;;.' ... ,.,. ~~.~~n can· nr~atere4 a~ne with lbe Pa.c:tt~e Reports 9J6 Service Of pram mar and High • ~~. ·· ~ ·····-_ _.1,~::~: ~outh Pacific Arrive ......_ ... GeNidlne PerrJ. muemnlty eua.pany IJ1 t..o. An·. H L M h ~ c· J M ~bter ot wr. uc! ~~n. OI"Cmmr1rlu.. Tbe brldrwrOOG) wu ~. ours ast ont By Pilot Class of Chris or arc e eet c. Ptft7 ol Loe Ancelta. ncb~-t arwuated from Ul~ lo~al "'-"I ' 1 cw~ '* \ eel vowa wl.., Hup B. Oa\>:a, .on ecluol. l&ter attendlnl' J"utlrrton , · ) Membtn ot the Helrbu Circle 1 D ...... J c and 1 aow wiUl Loc........ ronttnuln~t th.-lr tt~>rl c"rnllS ban· Cr&duatee of News--t a...clt. Haley. Carol Woldenberg. Kalh· f W C r ol Ur. and Mn. Roy ,.. a... · · a '"' IIAI(o• fooli!lng 111 l ht 1'11l botl\ work· IJtJU..t .• ar ~ht..ol ud karboe H.llb II' r• ~adl,.tr. Shlrlev H&M ·llnd 0 .S. ·8· who met with Wra, R., lftf tlar~r p!vd., ~'ott& Jo.taa,l Aircraft CaaiP&D7· n~"" m,.,...,r~ of l'•t til• II" r ,. ~~ l>o..tluol ~unnected with Cbrloll Jl'•anelte Shook. Tboae from th, P. Ban-ett r:t Newport Boulnard, lriUa ...,_t...s Catl Jobll100 per· i ~ ('UIIP•• ·•·1 t ur 11 lml'f lllatanc• Lu~ntr werr l••nr1unably Llillti,M. by lJte l:;ea, were bouor Gt ,. m11r a:-hool iTBdllllil .wer<! knew lbat their ptherlnr waa In fCII'IIIibla' 1M cer.mCIIl)'. Dr. L)'m&ll h6nt'ymoon, the brltle I '•Tnr away rmufl wh,.n 8 r"f" rt "'"" rt-~td ,l:lv· ~t.t·.w T~~ot My ... u.l u: bnt&Jda.t .. oat· r f• 11ll't' Owl'n, AM Tav'or, O.vtd He thourhu of their 'hollteaa· hua~ ~ ~&.rd fit Loe AJ~eiU wu at I tn II. traYeJ.na Ct..llume ut U.:ht In~~: II t tal ,, !llfl ~,.rv., htlllfll co tJ)' U·"'•·~~<"ra Ul we .t-UcK c.-. PIIII I'IIIOD, Loren WlliOn, Mary band who Ia aervtng with thf' Sea· 1M~ ol ~ organ. blue &t,bar~e accented by navy 1 .. 11, th,. "'"'""'" h11v .. ,........ ~n tbe h""-' 10l u w .. ,.IOI'oG. I'• • <'a'r-ntt. John Keith S&d&elr,: ~-u ln4ilte South Pacitle !or on TIM briM wu rowned lb Lradl. Llue a.DcJ wlule acc:euorlea. T. ey mQnth nr May. ThiH ln~'urfPll HP11 tl -.w. <.o.Lo..u a "I...AuDchio,c n• n s B:ll'ne;a, Barbara Hand. the bul'et wu an exqu'-lte bou· tJodal wbH.e Mlm trimmed· with W.·ll make llu•lr llouJe In Loa All· rrns" prndurt ttn rttmrnunltv IINV· t-a~u--.~n u...u Ill k•P&nl lW•Lu .'P""' "" Mll'tr, Sur Hume and quet r f ~wo dozen red roeea wh1ch eeed ,..n. and ta&b.looed wlt.b tea ae!tA~. "'" llnll 111U\f'l'~ 8JlllnMrPo1 hv thr lloc """"'"• lUI Uti.UI'au~ "' .... Ill Cons tance Shook. bad ~n timed pertectly in their 0' muttGn a.HYM, aweeLheart .uc.ll· J:rnur fnr amhuhtl rv patll'nl" at t...c tuou\a••• wwiA-~cr w;w blu. a.&d (' .r ·mlttrea_rrorr the Pl'ot C1aa,' arrival. Mr•. Agnu Wtaaon. rro\h·l lt.De Uld lone tra.in. Her filmy. Officers Invited ~ l h··· ~llnla Ana Army Air Bue \oil Lt: llbl'U an liU\oot:r• ~Wd !Alp ... W~() Wl're rtaponalble for uu. very n of Mra. Barrett. u.lattd In wiUbe ttqertttf .atl a«ent.ed t u To L. A. Party tt•lflpll&l. ,, ·'·") ..... 1 11o:L UlLO a 1rap.u.ut s , ~·a ·'a I affair were Mmea. k . aervlng the gueata a dellcloua lo'YUU..... GardeDtU and aupono-1 th .,.-•• all ......... .,u ~•cu '-I'"-"· A '~ nru-I' • · a·n J_ C. Btrlnga •od 1 --n luncheon couree. The afternoon Th" jl'rnul"'·~r··n •' no n rP ~~ r -.,. .. ~ 1 tu made ber brlde'a bouquet. A I P<Id old get-l..ogether like _,.1 1.,,. N•rrl' nr !l'r" JA,..,.s lt••'!'r" ., ...... ,. ""'-"' luue a.ru.J.a t.-s waUl r •rJ:'Il&nn who were In the kJtcben. waa drvoted to Red Croaa aoewlng. AU.endina l.be bnde •• matron tb011e at home, wtlh prt·lly g orla ron F:djrt-WI\l!'r whn wu '""I8IP•I •• .. atc ••Ooonll, : t • 1-'rrd Wopdworth and ber Tbe bualneaa IM'Nion waa hf'ad-1 of honor waa Mn. Ctar" Cbl.abolm a JUke box aull beer fur 1 ., lll&llg, .,, .. \1rt' 1,.,hn Pt~rkll 11nr1 Mrfl Hnb-•· ,,,, .. ~ -~v-.naud u pr~at uan mlll~e of Mra. Herman ed by the prNident. t.fra. L.eon ~ ut.er Of the pooaa. wllo t. lbe kind o. purty .,l r. r 1-'nJay .,, p.,..,...tl Jr •·· \u~ • '·"' '-•~ lllve We w.J. I i•rn.,:· Mr11 CVrua MIUer and FerJ)aao. followe<t by dt\'Otlonalt ..... --.... m.,.. ... ,a • ...IUll1 £&[· ·n?rttnr at-ttu:t11!tm~ fl~ 1ft Olwul'-lfln Ill .t'"fo tmr~ -k ~., ~w J.& ..).t,IIO••JI l>t9~· WI~.: &Jr.a. Gua ..Ntrm~ ~ &Jld_.lec1 bv Mrt.• H . II... Kine. WhQ ra:ve I ~ Ta.taeaa ~ JiliU Alme: Ule t.o. An&elea OUI~cta Club ln .. r,.,,,.,,.a lh•l 'til" cr "'' w•ll ,., .. ., ~ .............. .,r.u~ t~r we ~·I 11-r nttrac:tlve tablea. The In-an lnter~allng t alk r n hrr work OWe.ep&e 0( Loe An&elta, r own Viali.Uig ui!Rera ,.re 14•t·lcmn<' to lfPntl 11,.w ht><'•k~ to :~n Aln11kun nt· •·•~II 11.uvvo Ktvup w.th '·tt.,u fl(l rtn(; program w'lcb launched u a mlaalooary In Bulgaria. She 18 m.arqu&.etle a a!.. wu hn J Ia In the tun. lo bt> enJOyed by 1,..~1 1,,.,p.., 111 0 ,., •I ••f ,...atllnc n'lll· :-.-. .. uvl ._ .... p, ..... t.u .. •:· iillbiU• t"" J:onduatea In thtlr new flrlcJ. clo.d wlt 'l the Lord'" Prayrr In llnd-~ld C::..,rvt.nr:; ::•l una: candle-hgba! aroon\1 l.ll.bll'll ~ovuecJ 1,.r Th,.1,. "'"" "" hit''" •a tmll•••l h iiJIU •IN"" .ur t.ne ~ra&aA..AI ••f ••no1t>avor waa hf'at'ed by Mr: the language of Bulga_ria. ..... k olm e · · with rf'd and wbltf' rh~-clul, w.th tltltJklt tor tt1,. .!'lAAAII hMrta) -un-....... "I ••uuuut ... • wiUI "nil" l'•Oorald. Place cant. and pro-! Report of the nominating com- Na'Y)'.H Carry~g :' ~er g ut.Jea a b&r·len<kr tOIDp.ete w1l.1 hucJie-111 r~>rf'ntlv whro th" llhl"llry w11~ ~ •.hUvl .-. .. v.uol.u...... -.ua.c: '"'"' ''', 1·' s·r lis were made l:ly. Mn .• 1 mitt~ revealed that officers wl'l ...,. oward re or an •eao. bar muat.ache. tttkl'n "v"r bv lht> Armv Th,. we ... uur ~u .... n"IJ ot ~o. 8tliua \\ II Trulrty and Mra. M. C. Mul- 1 remllln the ~e e~cf'pt tor thl' 1 IAunJ 8botw.U ot El .Woot. &1\d Thl.a Ia Ute flrat of a _.rt .. e uf l:rr•ll[l llrr Ill~·• fo,•k'nl:" f r a n~ uy l.Jvt<:~ ~;a,IUat;a auu 111011p a.D!I· I n11 I vice pruldeota ·~at which will bf' Waltar MUJ.r ol eo.t& Mejj; 'Ibe "old collrcr cane" parlin fnr lh" pru)t·l'l th"t r11n h•' workl'tl on by '"1: w .t.J• "'""· o....l4.oe ~-•• held by ~ra. H. B. King. Otflcn~ table !MOle reception wh c waa boya and gtrla In aervlcf'. pla.anrd All "' th~' memhen~. lito: VI!Wu. . The Eu?ene Fenelons ~wbo will aervr ·anothl'r term are ! baleS ln t..e clwrcb chapel, wu cen-I>Y the Junior HllllleN ca w1Lh Ia· Mrll F.dgu Hill wu wr••·Qm•·•l h •l:•l 11t:cwo1 c raduatea wbo wer.: O N H I Mn. Leon FerKUaon. prealdent : tared b)'-arrancement of wtUte bel Faw(ett,of .the Stanford I'IUn• a~;" ni'W ICUtllalnlnjt. mf'tnbl'r ()th-t.l.IIUICO ""r" \llvl&.D Va~DJl. ccupy ew orne Mra. W. H. Truaty, IIO'Crl'lary. andl r-.. pua 111 Palo Alto aplltllght~ u ••r• prl',...11t wnt Mm .. ~ Hnlll'rt l..laliKI .. IIJl ~lt\!r, • red 8baa4. DOu On the Pen insula t.fra_ Henry Harrla, treaaurer. mtatrea. af ceremooltll, l'owrll Vlrtnr r:rllt'r', F: P.: Tlnw.JJ. -'· , • l A communlcatlcn wu · read Door prlua for Anny, Navy And nnf ('• L, Thom, Willard Kllllrn. L 8 Jd f d ---from Mn. E. P. George, a mem· .... ~ .W&ritlee, aDd tbe debu~ o! "abort-H R Hr.td~tkln.on. Sllllfln Ruther· aSt U i . ing Ufl Mr and . Mn . Eureqe fenelon ber who, due to Ill hnlth, hu GutaYe Uneenbard anortu" beer mura. a collection ' trmt. H K. WILikrr Dixon Smith. tsenetlt Closes t ~ll•llle end, Gene to their many been unabtr to attend mutlnga a~r. ,J.Aiplk Conaervator)' ot alt.avlnl' mug• lo ~ autograph· Jo: T C1l•pman. ~Offltl' YardiPy. E 11 "' . \v/ k frlrndll l have aold 'their home lo-ThOIIe· attending w~re Mll'lel . · P\aplla ~.cl 1 e4 and fiUl on dl.aplay, ano among F F.. Rt'lnhold, P.:vrretl Gardfner,1 be ·'I ear S W Or r atl'd nt 1704 W . Oce.an Front, In Maynora Lobell, H. Q'. K.Jnflt, E. n: ............ • SpedaJt}' lbe 'pla.a.a for the party. Houra ·J . n. Parka, M A Abhott .lamr11 Newport Beacll and are DOW occu-~II. Henry Harria. Edw•rd --N~ ~-.,. ,.._ • to sa. aDd all oil lura . .f\~ Hlf'hllr'd WlfW'kl#r aDd Tbl' lJ•m\.1 Buylll~. Benellt.;' pylnflt tht'\r n rwly-pun:b.ued home Hart, Gua Nelremburg, Fred "'"~----:--~-----..J , bot.b men aD4 wam&A. are IDYl~. w~ J ay. 8[JimiiOreJ through the yea.r by at 1721 Mlr&Jnar, Balboa. Woodworth. LeJin Ferguaon. J~ C . ..... ___ ...., _________ 111!'1 __________ ...,1 lt;bt·ll. uune tu ou IUcce..tW d Olt Having lived ln tbe Ocean Front-.'BIIllnp. H. o Enaign, o. 0 . Ber-~ ' a..t L L J b )) · recUJlly i...·r.el\ Mn. \W. D. Mer· l)ouae f or over ftltea~ yeara. tbey I nard, W. H. Tn111ty. Ge.,rge Afore-B!FOit£ jYOU BUILD OR REMODEL . . . 1Ur5. . . s e . I k kel .. -I hairma.n. &aiiUled by .an will be greatly mt..ed by frienda I Iana and tbe bolltUIII'I. 1 Attends U SO Meet . abl" culnmlltee, ae.rved ~ to Md n~•h"hbcr• &like for wt:om they The next meeUnr of the group Vlett our lflt-tlftt aample an4. ••-'•r reema. Col., ..eu'-• pia""'"• alA, cOm· '""e}talve .teck " rvta. carpet&, llfteleum and VeM· tlan ttltncla. · "uge anll carpdl Ctune41 ... , • .!.~ IIIIDY $TOlE COSTA II E 8 A S E.C 0 I D A 1'11 -·V-E R SA RaY Paper N apkina •. OMal~ 13liJ3 whitt' satin finish. kPkg. • Envelopes ..... lnl.. 11:11; ••• ,. f"'M quality With or Without C.O.ta "lott'U rf'tUm 5c Pq. Cookie Jars ~~ .... In usoned W(X'I, colors1 and rtma. Somt• Smflt>y Pi~glt' t)'Pf' 9 to 11 ln. hil'h, $I.ot. Electric Wire a.10. Lamp C'nrd ln ru~r ln~<llh\lllln ; ht'nvy c"()l• ton underbraidtn~; Brown nnl~·. 2 feet, 5c GaiYanized Pails ·~ ~; e~rtly galvan· ...... ....,..., au.tf+ finish. ......, $1rable. IOeea. Steel Wool .,.. ................. .. ----·t::'*-... -.. 2f•5e·· I ' Novelty, Tuntblers ·~·0.. .,_,..., Tqtaa.lers .. BeoeuUful. thin 1lull; Ooral pattem: di11tlnctlvE' And ex· Jlt'Mive looklne. 5c each Plain Glus Tum bien ........er,.w rna. Half fln~tt"r nutt>. 9-oz. alzt'. rr 3 for lOc · Kleenex ~<Jeu•t.httDwta Wlllte onl)· Limitt'd lll.lllPI> UMIT · 2 for 25c Gar~en Tools 8troq MeW ~ ... a II._ Long, painted nnndlt-1< nf fint: qunllty work. ·89c I===· == Rugs I 8eat~r Rap Some "Ait h ( rinpd Md!O. (I' If f.'d with ht"avy burlap back. Ju!'t right for the bfoach cotta'«' or ~umtTM'r hom!' . Size's '17x7'2 · Z7x7f 89c and $1 .49 Curlers '11p-Tep C.rtera 1n J and 31, ·ln. saf'. Ruht}rr 1 mdll: all f\lt'lal construction ptrfonted for quick drylnr: . 5cea. , • lurgl' ll.lld enlhu.tutic P'OUP of have &lwaya bad a belptnc hand. will be 'wtt'l t.fra. Cua Nlf'r~mburg 1 memlwr.!! anti thl'lr gueau whO on Jun«' 22. Rl'lumln~ rr·•m a dav confer. 0 kJ E h •n""' nf .,.runtllry 1 r ~ 0 w .. rkua I gatb"r"d 1"r an attemcon ol car11a QU u e ig tsome i --- "' tr .. F:mbauv-lltltl'l In U lll All· llJ\J aodiLibthty lo 01«: clu~-Guests of the Eggerts ev.•nlng lllllDIJ: lht• summrr .. ln. Mre 1. ·L 18btll. an aitlt'nt The..• brlntls are t'ar-marked for lh•r~r Wh11 w •h u pt"nrll pt>rtralt It 1 buth.llng allt•r lhl' war. • workf'r In th(' NI'Wpoort rPoter. 1 All <llolt>t 1\ h'<'S nrl' urJ:I'II ltl Bl · l'a.rrP hom•· "•llh """' ln"fltratilln Tbe .una II Iaiii,•• aro~d wbtrh An mtormaJ evening of carda Ia to:nd thf'llt> ",., kly gt'l·lngetht'rll snd 'hll!h hnJM'll fnr ••xlt•nth;l1 l'f· Uu.• talayo·r~ ~:nllt~rt'tJ for ~rt " llfr·tlllvt>r In lheae hectic war 'thPrl' Ill alwayro a lot of tun in 1 fort.ll thrf•u~th hf'r branch. "'"''' ~<J:r'1111 1"lll pretty with daya. Onl' recrntly l'njoy~ wa.a store ·Ill! IA•f'JI tta tnterl'!tiQit Mt.l • •1 'fn1J0(1•0111 """ all hall ~•m•·· fiJ'rlniC """'~''" At lhl' ci~ or ltoall'd by Mr. and Mra. Henry worUlwhilt> prograrrut. lhinlf m t'hmmnn •Ill fie ulty In lho· llflf'moon Kta;r••ll ~He ' t&JIIt'<l 1-:~ttp;ert In their Ot'ran Front home K"llln.: VIJiunlllry Wltrkf'rll," .l!o&ltl 1 IUltl prtz<·!f ttwttrt.I•·•J. F.llc;b Winner In Ne•'}>Ort. The 8'-ll'BlJI blddrn t.f n lab~ll llptm tl••r n•turn The wu gwrn a DWllbt't which corrt· are member• ot a club which conff'rt'llt'l' w1111 lltllgt'<l for I.Atll f.n· l\'jiOthh·al t • numbt-r'lt ILif•xed to lilt• tned.a frequen.tly u tl:e 11plrlt workrrt w 11 un Invitation many tnlrlgum pr1ze11 tiona'*! by m._ovee them. 1 Spec;olal Treatments for Ovrrwt'itht A Underwel&hl · Gene Morleghetn Zont' Theraplat SJ>f'Clalist ... ................. .... 'tdep ••••• s.a JEWEL .. V and ITATIONERV Diamond• • Watchft .. ~lne Aepalrlnv Plto--sewport ISD:R Clear VL~on for a Bri1ht Future Make certain of )•our child's good vision by havtnJJ us u· amin.-h i& eyes scientifically. tr nt"eC~ry we will pn•l'('ribe fnr·and fit him wlrh glas..ws that wUI Insure improv~ vi· ~~. I DR. II. D. CRAWFORD OPTOM E'TRIST 1n1 Newport Boulevard C..&e M-..._._ tfM ~~ Terma Broken Lenaa Dupllca~ I hee .. .....-y ...... ....... --It.~ .. .. . 1717.-H Newport 8 tvd .. Costa Mt u , Calif. I ••••• I •••• ' ' ••••••• ' I ••••••• I •• I ' I I ' I ...... : •••• ' ... I: . I ........ -....... ..... ..... ,.... .... -14 ._ • • . ft11e4 "' rldt tl• eflclty ...... ~­ ..,, of "'• «Nf! •.• • nf .. Summer Is Here .... I and Our Stock of • . ·f WOMEN'S SPORTSWEAR . Is Complete SLACKS . ... • SL~CK SUIT·s BATHING St'ITS Suits • Bresst>s -Bags Costume Jewelry ORKIN'S I>EPARTME~STVRE ,'( .. " COSTA ~A I . • I • Wtl ... fl•tt•t••~Ht•!fl t fl f'l t I' I I e I •11 1''4 lt i,l <1 .... 11 I It I I I e I ii' 1t1 .. ltif 11 t fwto '' 1 t I , , .. ~~-.... ,-... --. -_, .... 1 ... ·-• .... n..t " .... Me~ .. ,.,_... •~e-..... rl ...... ·~ c_lr.,.l }~.· ... IU~OU, PA-'UUMU U •11111e OtHU COLUMIIA DIAMOND liNGS UP TO $2JO .,._. Polly Apparel . .. EVERYTHING TO WEAR for -WOMEN/ CHILDREN INFANTS ''Exclusive. But Not Expensive" • •• Potty Apparel · 1811 Ne111•port Blvd. cOsTA MESA P~t Office Bldg. rf Jtnf do1ns your dry cleanina at hoe. ~. dar!t-rrub TOur ·haads 8Dd • wrists •Uh v1nesar after us1ns solvem. this •111 stop the saart1ns. (We don't believe you have 8.DJ rubber sloves lett by no•. "e haven't) • --- .. i ~~~~~~;;~~;:~:;~~~~~~:=:;~~~~~~~~~~g;~;.~------------~------!---~~~~~~~=--=~:2=:~-------. ______________________ _: __________________ ~~-~~~~--~··-~--~~ ---------·-----~----~·--- r Geraldine Perry Becomes Bride of Hugh B . Davis in PrettyChu'rch Rites . l ... NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIM~ Newzort Beach, Oalifomia, Thunda)', June 1, 1944. I-Iarbor · Feminine ActiVities · Olcxl.tDc the eo.ta M-Com· I Tb~ o~w Mn. Davia lt a JTad· ' auarty auarc!l wtucb wu t,.... uat~ ot Newpc.rt • Huboc Hlp t Caijlerine. Easton, Soctrty Reporter • Ptlon£>S 12 ttnd 13 • Residence Pbane S90-W • ,......... Into a ...-tl.able larcs.ll ot ecbool. FuUuton J . C. &lid KAapp • --_ -! ..: .. __ -. ~Jad~GU, ltock, abut& _..,N, oul· ColleJe of NunN in Santa U&r· .,. 'l h " B Ml ................. A6l.7~ t~ ...... ~ -~ bra&.n. pal!N &114 ....... sa. .. now employed .. A ssiStance Leag ue • aunc ing rea~ fast M2 .... :. 1.04o,:.:•l tot<oses Wires from =..,-="~~~~~: ~~e=•~ 6.':~lhmlb~ac_:~.R eports 9J6 Service OfqramnJar.and High ~: .t.~~ ...South Pacific Arrive claqbter ot Wr. and Mn. Oronr I ~lu. The brldtllOOCJI w .. .u.v l H ours Las t M Qnth • By Pilot C lass of Chris *or Circle Meet c. Peny ol Loe Anrelu, n:cbanr·' a raduated from the lo.al~ hlfh . 1 Q.t~ • WI / ed vow• wil.b HuJb R. Pa":a. IliOn ~tehU>I. l&ter attenc1anl' Full~rton 1 Membt t lh H 1 o1 Kr. &~~d Mn .. Roy L. Davia, J . C. and Ia DOW with Lookb.-1 f"ontlnulng thrlr H••rl c"rn~s l>~~n· Cn.OulltU ut Newport a..dl Haley, Carol W olden bur. K&lh·l ra 0 1 e &btl Circle 1 ~ Huber Jllvcl., \,:01~ lo..ua. • A1rcr~t .Coaa~7· d81:•' t~ol~lng 81 thr I'AI!)o•A wM k· l.io11 ••. 1.u.r ~n· ol and harbor Hi&b I• r ~adl~lr, Shlrlev Hann and 1 of W S.C.S. who met with Mn. R.l .-6th Rev.....S Carl JobJIIOO per· 1 T~ ruup., .~.l f<>r A l.rtd romn m,. ... t,..r~ llf ""' lfh t '" r '~-~n•oi·l lonnrd~ walh Chr .. t J• "ln~ttt' Shook. Thoee frq.m the P. Barrett c t Newport Bpulrvard, 1 1_.. tM ctNmOil)'. Dr. LYJD&D hOn~ymoon. tn~ bruJe goln~r away ·trl•tanrr J..Aoagu,. w•ro· pArrhm•hl~ t '''""' t.y lllll IS~&. were bol:lor C:r ,,. mAr ~~~hool gracluatu wert! knew tbat lhelt' ratherl.ng waa In ft.. ~ard of Loa AJ\Iet~ wu at In 11 travd.Q& c~oatume of ll&ht proud when • rtJN rl wu r•·"LI ~rlv· ., .. ._.. • •L -'Y•~u..l•c br.._,ut •OIIt· 1 1~~~~ ~n. Ann Tavtor. Davl<! H e lhouJble of their h011te11' hul· u.. COIWO .. of the or1an. ! blu~ l•b&rdlne acunted by navy lng 8 I tat~ IIIII ~pn·lrf' hl'lllr" cu h.) u..~.IJ\'~UI we A-Uot C.&M l'atteraon, Loren wu.on,.-Mary. band who 13~prln,g with the Sea· ,. bride wu &OWfted In ~-l.t\H &A<l while ~.uorlea. T •. ey. ,,."' th,. womrn hll"' llf'~ln ,..,, lh ,,., Ill Lut: Luurcn. I ' . f'a'r 'llt. John Kellh Sadlelr, bee• In th~ South Pacific for on tJoaa1 wbit.e .~&lm trimmed wkh ' w.ll lb&ke their home 111 Loa An· month of M8Y Thl• tnr 11.11~11 1!1'<1 .t "'w. ~.~.LU 1 "IAuDeaun& nr ria l!!ll'np, B,l"bara Hanel, the buf'•t "'' an nqul1lt~ bou· eeecS ,.,.U.and tu.b.lon~d wllb ler &rite-:-----I C'rnall prndurt·on rnmmllntlv N'N· t-t ~""'~liL . a..u m kMPUll w.w t~·orwtf ~ Mll'er. Sue Hume and qutt r ( two dozen red roeea whlch o ' mutton a.eevea. llll'toelheart neck· "'" 111111 danrrll lii"'IOIInrNI hv thl' II.•' u."~·•. ••· ut:<.ur&LIU1.4a ... Ill Constlnce Sbook. had ~n timed perfectb' lo their liDe ud l~ train. Her fUm.)'. Officers Invited l!r<Hifl tor amhulllt rv pat•rnt" at L•·" ""L.L•~•· .... ,u .. er w,w OW. a.W r r-mttteee frorr the P1'ot Clau arrival. Mra. Agnn Wf'son. rroth·' wbite tuierUtf we\1 accent.ad t.er lh•• ~anta Ana Army Air na~~e I• ·• l" "'""' .u l•v"""' &.W ..._P~•• v.·t-n wl'rf' r tlponaltjle for thia wry er of Mra. Ba~tt. aaelsted In I lo~ G&rdealu and atepooo-To L. A . Party 11nsr11al. " t ... , • ..... 1. 110:t w.o a ~rrapeuo.tot s • ('IP't I .affair were Mme.. tt. aervlng' thP gut'III.JI a · d~llclcue tu made ber brlde'l )Jouquet. Thr fo(rollp ~~~~·nt thl' nn n rfo ""~ ''""·1-'"1""0 ''"'" p .... .,. •ue l'•u· t• Y.' •·n. J . C. Dll'lnga aod Leon lunch~on courae. The afternoon I A.ltAindiJll lb~ brkJ~ a a rualTon A i oc.d old l(et·l•J&rt.ber like lit t"~ "nrr,. nt ~~ rs Ja~rs\ H"'!" r~ h' u. ... lt """' ""'"" l .ru.UI Lea-WoUI F't rg1Json who were In lhe kitchen, w .. dPvotPd to Red Croll eewlng. of ~on9r wu _..,.., Clark Cbllhollil lh011e at home, with prt'tty l •rll, on F.dJrt'Wilter ~ hn WAll <iio~•"'"•l '' ... t,· ••llWH». ~ • q F'r;od Woodworth Arid heP The bualne .. ef!BIIIon waa' head· -Brown ~ Of Ule ~ wbo 11 Juke ~~~ami beer tut l e &IUig, h•• !olr·,. .lnhn P11rk11 11nd Mr" Hob-•· ''''"'•·• -... u .. nald U · pra£ckot f iW mltlre of Mre. Henvan ed by . the pruldt nt. Mrs. Leon WOn. Wbotl marqu;Mt.e •and car· 11 lhe ktoo 0 • party a.t L.c 1-'l w.ay-Prl l'owe.Jl Jr 1'· '"" • '·"' '--•u.l>li &&ve '-'-wtl· I H rnl'~·. Mr11. Cvru1 Miller and r erguaon.· followed by devotionals ~ T~ ['ORA.. .M.I.u A1mll. evPnin& at the Ulltmore Hotel 10 O'""'"'"'"n 11t ,.,. tw111n""" m"•'l· ,~,.~, •• c; -lu t...e juw•¥ PIIO"d W IL · ~'r!'l r.u11 Ntrenbtrr. tte.rved and Jed bv J.fra. H B. KIDJ: who gav~l 0~ ol Loe ADitlea, I UWMd tlle Loe An grin orne...... c.lub onP r~\·~~~···. I h •t l l!f' l!r 'un I' 'II •. ll'o.l ~·~JlhJ ll'lllr\'Tt:Tm" . t v.r tilt' rrt '"~ lrttracttve tablet The In-All lntUuUne tllk .en h~ worl< .Ill marquiM.tte • •·· wu her V.ellJD& nlfol l!rl, nre '"' lcum, to iorn•l nl'w hnnlfs In ~n Ala1k;m '11t· "'t;" 11~""'" t;t vo..p w.l.b 'ri·¥" sp n ng program wt.lch la"nched •• a ml .. lonary In Bulga tla. S ht -tlrid..,at.ct fHf-vtfta ,u beal mu j olo 10 th~ lUll. t•J ~ t!nJoy~ol. by l'<'~l hllil1v In '""" u ( r••a•hn•• 11'111· :,"'"''' l..-'1'•'-••l·v·••." l:lar~.., ,~,. ~notluntu lrr thtlr new ttelda clotted wlt'l the Lord'11 PrayE"r in wu Clark CNabolm ot uae u. s. '<anule·ll&bt, e.ruuntJ taDie• cover~ t••r Th•·~·· won ••n hn\'<· If' II"'"''" "w•u apv .. c .vr Ule ~r~ ·!II( "nrlt>twor waa hf'i~f"d by Mr. the language of Bulgarta. Navy. Canyinc out uaber d.ul•ea wllh red Arid Wblll' Cht'ck.t. w,th hnuk11 fnr I hi' ~/fA AR hfll'll t11l 11n· ..... v.l '-':.uw..CL.II Willl ... ~" r'< Oorald. Place carda aocf pro-Report or the oomlnating com· ...,. Howard Gre~of Ean 01~&0. a bat·troder comp . .!)e Wlt.l haodJe. 'til r .. ('l'ntlv whrn thl' llhrAry wa.~ :ouuol ""V·•ul.u.~a." "'"u&IC • 111r ,., t'' s ·r liB were made by Mra. mlttee revr&ll'd that officers wl'l r....W'el 8tlolweU El lrlont.e and. bar IJI.uatacbe. · lnlct-n uv,.r hv th,. A m;IV T.h,. I lor a.IIUt' L 0 Y11•11.lrl.l of pl&ao IUII.III \\' 1-1 Trul!ly and Mra .. M. C. )4uJ., remain the 8&me txcf'pt tor thl' Walter Miller ot t.a Mea&. Tbe .. ThU.,I• tlot• fir~~ of " .. rlu vf g r("'P tAr" 818" tn••.k'lllo: f• r a n~w Ly lJuo.,; t-•·111'1>" lliiU al'oup a.ua:· Ins · · . , 1 vice preBI!lent'll •ea t which will bf' I table for t.be rK eptloo whlcb wu old. t:OIIt'i " ..I'Uii partiu fur lhe prh)"rl lh11l r11n ho· wurk,.•l on by uf¥ llo .lu '"''"· •-!4 •1\P h~"' "' •. beld by Mre. H . B. King. Officer~ laeJdl.ot-ecburcbchapel,wu cen· boy• and r •r1• In aervl~e. planned All "' \h" mtmtw,.. u • ., 1'11inu. The Eu~ene Fenelons twbo wUI.If'rve anothf'r term are tared by ao arranjement of wbJt.e by the Junior HOIIteure wet.b IN· a.t,... F'.dgar Hill wu ,..,.,,.om'i·ol lt•to;u ~tcnoul. "rlil.luatca wbo wert 0 • -~ Mrll. Leorl' Ferguson, 'Pruld~nt : .......... bel Fawcett of t.be St&rlford l'&m· Ill a nrw IIU.talntOJZ m~'mllf'r nth· I.O..IIVII:U ...... ,., 'iiVI&D va~.~~on. ccupy New Home Mra w . H. Tnrt!ty. IK'Cretary. and ----, pua. In PaJo Alfu apbttl&hted u · rri .,..prurnt WC'r!' MmPJit JlnN-rt l...loii~O...an .ll..olu:r . .lo red Shand, bOll O n the Penins ula Mrll. Henry Harrl~. treaaurtr. I mlatre• ot cerempotu . Powtll. Vlrtnr r.r"r" E P: f~•ulll· • • A communlcatlr n wu read Door prhea for At-my, Navy Arid nQI e L Thorn. Willard Kllllrn. 8 d f . • from Mra. P:. P George. a mem· ............ Guata'Ye Linaenbard Martna. &lid the debut ol "&hort· R R Hodgklnann. SIIIMn Rutht'r· Last uil ing und Mr and ~lr~. EulfeDe Fenelon her who due to Ill ht'slth hu aoorttr" bMr mup. a cOlfecUon fnr•l. H K W8lkt'r, Dlxon Smith. benet It Closes • '~tnlllr and Gen~ to their many l bHn un~ble to 1ltt~M mettinga -~~--• .._ .. -11p4a..ihlfill,.le-_.eo""_. ... ~ • .&oi~H-'.t...llb4•Yi.q mup t.o._bt aulfJcraph·, E T. Chapman. Gt-•>r~te va rai<'Y E bell "ear's ""''ork fnPndlll have. 110ld th~lr borne to· Tboee attending ·wt're Mmu. ~ 1 td and put dllo-dilplay, ar~ among f'. F.. R.l'tnhotd. F.vPrett Gardlm·r. I W r at"d nt 1704 W @cean F"ront. Jn Maynon:"to~t:-tt-tl ----~-Becil In a· Spedalty Ute plane tor t.be party. Houre, J . B. Parkll. M A AbboCt. JIUJIP~' 1'\Pwp<>rt Bea~h Arid •r. Dow OCCU· Goodell. Henry. Harrl1. Edward .-._ N ....... 1101-W an troal 8 to 12, aDd all otllcen.l Rn~t'en. Richard Wtm·k lf't"' anll Tht ll .. n..a BuylnJ Beftef1ll. pylng their nt"Niy·purchued home Hart. Gua N~lrPmburg, Fred , both men· an~ women, are Lr}vl~.1 W..uton Jay. , ~~J111111n·J Ul.rvup l.be )le&r b)' .1t. .172l..klram&J'. BalbOa. -W<)(Wtworth, LMn Ftf'l('l.o&On. J . c., . II-. b.· II. l ame t(l a •ucceMNJ eloat Ha.vln,; lived In t.be Ocean l"ront Blllln~s. H. 0 Ensign. 0 .'G. Btr·1 .COI:'OR£ YOU BUILD OR REMODEL Mrs L L J-sbeU rtr<~Uy wr ~n Mn·. W. D. Mer· hooef! for over lllteen yean. l.bey ' n8rtJ , w. lj Trllll'ly. Ge rge More· DEor • • • . lrkel u chaorman. uliltt.ed by an Will bf-RTetally m'-<1 by frlen<a I land and the hoatfS~~~. --.• ,.. Vlalt our lllttretllllg ump .. e11411 411P11y rooma. Color tii~ '''""'"' eld\, com· pNtleftalve· ltC!Ck 0. Nil, ear..te. llnoteum 1nd vene· tlell bllride.. .. Ugl al\4 Carpet• Cl .. ne4 ,.e,.lred S·ECOND: . ... • . . . I • A 11·1 V .. E R:s·a R Y . . . Paper Napkin1 •c.-&Napldae 1:3xl3 whit~ atln finlllh. 9c Pkg. • Envelo~ ....... Wilt .. Dn .. epea P1M quality with or Without Colli Mesa N'tum I '·COokie jan CNdtl_,. I..,.. 'in ~rtf'd lhlpc'l. colors, end rima. Somt> Smfley Pigal~ IYJX' 9. 1o 11 ln. hiwh $l.09 \ . . Electric Wire lla7M ....,mp Cord bl n~bber i'ru~ul&tu•n ; hr~wy ror· ton ur*rbra1dong Bro\\Jl on1y. 2 feet, 5c . .(;alnnized Pails ~~ Waf-; expertly galvllfl· t.4 Briaht h11ter finb h. . !fti'OIIC. durablt'. '&Oeea. Steel Wool p .. ................... ,_~~ 2for5e I Novelty Tumblers t ~·()a. OfocloraW Tunalllen. BNutUul. thin KIL•t~•, nornl .pattnn: dlsthK'tiVf' IUfl1 ev ~~ive lookmg. 5ceach Plain Glass Tumbler& ..._,. c.-,.tal 01- Hilf. flnK"" nutt 9-n.z -'iz«'. 3 for I~ Kleenex t•Cou•t. hit ~"' White onl) Lim I tl'd ~UJlJII.I UMIT \ .2 for 25r Gar"en T90ls 8troq Mc<CIIJ Rate,..· & llo;; Long, )ll\tntro hnnclll'l' nr finl' quAlity work. 89c f ======= Rugs , Seat~r a.,. f S<>rM •·lth frinaol'd md~. ft'llt'd with hE-avy burlep ba<'k. Ju~t right for t~ bt'l<'h C'Otl&6:t' or !lum~r homf'. · Sh:"" '17xil · 27x74 89c and $1.49 Curl~ n.-,-. o.;. .. ,.. •n 3 •and 3'y·ln l'izt' Ruhhfor 1 t'nd': all m4'1n.l constn.tetioo perfontt'd for q·uick dn•ln~. 5cea. Attends U SO Meet J abl" cummettel'. ~terved d-rt '''· Md n.,lj:."ttb-ra alike for wl'om they l The nut meeting nf the gt:oup 1 1" lurg .. lUlU' cnthuaiaatk IJ'OUP of have always bad a ~lpiog b&rld. will b4' with Mrl!. C:u11 !lllr rem'l>urr· Rf'tumtng ·f r •m It ,,,.,. n .nrer· n~t•mbt-rll and tbetr· JUUU who on Jvn«> 22. tnr~ of vnlurihorv t· !' o ~ .. rk"rs j JCalbt•rt>tl luran Hltern .. ~ ol C&n1t D o uble Eightsome 1-- t Ill rr .. f:mbllllsv.lfulf'l In """ An· and Mlnllttnhty ID the cl~llbouw G ues t s . of the E erts l-e,·rning· dur&nJ: thf' IIUmmt r grlra, Mr11. a... I. lsh<-11. 11n a r<ll'nl 1'hh.-b<mds a re· ear·maraed tor gg tho st• who v.· ~~~ a P•'nlll nortralt I ii '. ,_ , t ~· . • , t 1 houJ.Jmg artrr I hi' ·war. . . . ,, . .v. .. rk~r In hi' ,><I'll. l'"rt ', 0 ('r, . All 1'1\dl'l \I'IV•·s ar .. ur,::t-I I<> Ill· h . th . 1 1 Thl' sml\11 taiJil'& around wblrh An 'enforma.l ~venin .. ut Cllrd• ill ' I IUTP om• "'' n;o~ ru•ptrfll nn "' lt>nd lhl!l!ll! \\~UU)' gct·t .. gelbers and· hll(h hna•·• for •·xh•ndt'd E"f· Ill•• J•lr•y••r" ~utherl'd ror c:s-trt lift'·lla\'"' In thette hectic war Tl 1 . ... •-t f 1 w~>r•· frK"raut iHHI pretty -·•th tlrt..,... 0 tl<> J l<.'rl' 111 a"·'~· a, "' 0 lun n fort~ thr""Kh h•·r brunrh ·' .. .. J•>. ne rect>~ J r n oyed waa •torr ns wt•ll ''" tntPrl\l!logg-an.t "I fnuntl nul ,..,. ull hiHI IV•m•·· sprorolo( -:ll"l''•·r·:& At Hu: clotte of llcstru by Mr. and Mre, Henry wnrthwhllr p r•:a:,'TaniS • thin~ on rnmmnn <lllru•uttv 10 Uk Hi t('m .. {.n, I!( .. r .. s Wt-re talhed · Etcg"rt in lhPir OrciU'I l"ront home · ~:••ll lnl: vulunl ary wurkrno " Mill lind JlriZ€'11 11~ llrJ)t'.J, Jo:ach wtnMr In N~"'1><>rl. Th~ -gueBlll bidden ldr11 I•bt'll IIJl<ltl h••r" n-turn T ho· .., .. gl\'en a number wblcb eor~ ar~ mc<mber• of a club whkb ton(prc·nce Wftll lltBI(~d for' Lc,oa AD· "l)(itl•ll'd t o uumWn~ 8lf1Xt4 to tilt' ffifell frequPntly U tJ:p ~plrit workna with an lnvlt.a mnny lulnl(ulng prlzu tiona~ by movee them. Is Complete .. SLACKs- SLACK SUITS • BATHISG SliTS Suits • Dre~es • Bag!il Costume Jewelry . . • Clear VL,Ion for a Bright Futu~ .· Milke Ct'rt~i9 or your child:S good visiollfby having u" f"X• umine h is rYCS SCientirically. tr nl't'C-5¥1ry we will nr<'!'<'ribe · fnr and fit him with glas.~<'s that wlll Insure improv<'d vi· SIOn. DR. M. D. CRAWFORD OPTOMETRIST 1n1 Newport Bo~enrd Coeta ~-Phone %410 Credit Temu Brokm Ltonaes Duplicated .,... .. ...., ...... ....... -l ... lte~ .. .. ---·~ ..... .... ""'-'"'-.... _,., ._ • . • tty!M Itt rich tl- IJIIcity .•• _...by-.......... crefl ••.• llf .. 'tl-c ... r..,. 1e -~~ -.... Ioiii ... ,_, .... ,.... ................... C.Iw•l>le oli•-d ,; .... -. • .... c-.trvel 1-Uttl.f PAYMINU If llllllf I ~ I .. • OTHia -cOU)MIIA DIAMOND liNGS UP TO $2.50 Louck's ORKIN'S 1: DEPARTMENT STORE -: r i . . COsTA M~A· r .,,, ..... ··r""'f.-JJI.>'t l l ltf••t '1 I• 11 I I I It I 4 tt I ~tli9f'ti!4 I 1t ·<f I I 4 t 4 !I fll 1\ t .. J I twt .~ ... . . ' ' ,. v Polly Apparel Harbor A,ea 'a ..... Complete Shop EVERYTHING TO WEAR for WOMEN CHILDREN INFANTS "Ex<;Jusive. But Not ExiX"nsiv£>!! • •• Polly AppareJ l.&ll~d Blvcl. COSTA MESA P ost Office Bldjt. II YOI'II doins your dry oltiapina at hoee these days. rub your hands and · .wrists wi~b vineser · · after using solveot.--· · Th-is •11\ stop thlt ~!'!'~!~~.,. smartins. (We don't believe you have any rubb~r •loves lett by noe. We havfn' \). eal place tor WtMll All aaeltinl a ~lut TodaY the {fieeselv~in.=~ tor :.ore .«AVIS 1s urgent to release men to tll8n our ships. Th• pay 1s good, the rating high. Join up tnnuire at anY no•· ~ t nevv recruiting s a- t1on.