HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-06-06 - Newport Balboa News Times--------------------------~---------------- " THE SAND CtAB for 36 yearS the best advertising medi1im in tb• hewpott harbor diltrieUhe newspaper that goes home BALBOA IEEP POSTEl! . , Buy Bonds to End Waif -Qaieker b\-BS (~ 1 Year •••• $2.50 · ...... Qieela ........ .. f!f...-,....." ........ .... SAM EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA. WEST NEWPORT. S&A SHORE LIDO tSL£. NEWPORT HEIGHTS. BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR, COSTA VOLtJIIE XXXVI NEWPO"T &lEACH. CALI"O"NIA, TUIIDAY, JUNE. 6, 1M4 HOU8~ This business of bringinghouseslntotown F fth w L D j w II Is is a serious one and the • -• • .council. rightly. \s bcsttrrtna 1 ar . oan . riVe School Needs I ey . ~lf on .tfte subject. Future C llarry lVestovrr Given· Confederate Cross of Ho~r structures will h~ve a hard T 0 -M d lass Rooms f d ' ~ ~~g~!'m:e~t~rn; o pen on · on ay,· l)Mpl~ .... fad ... ine $2 50, criterion,. City·A t t orn e y • bondl havf' bHn \'oW. lt la H<>o Hany WMtov•r. I.nt"m"l Thompson-holds that a lmost 8 h $3 5 000 lfbw kirow'D that IN'W ....... L 1\f'Vt'nll .. rhh•f and IOf'al rlll ... n. h t 7 • aJiable b no ~·cense WU One 01( lhtt main "!lt'Akf'l'~ W':.t'it: .~~%.;';.<!~ eac quo _a ' I I ~ ~. -=~ ';,:~clpal Ho~ r:~7~':-:. .. ~ .~, ~·:~~,!:;~;~r:;" II:~ is commendable that mor<' • ~ EnM~ 18 dMpera~l)' Hyt·amur,o t:ruve. At ttu•l 1111>1' care will be exercised by th e 11,. f' k l n Jt IM"t'GnunodaUOOil Lhll~ ,. '"'"'1 .,, • t\•n n•l thlutlu w .. r"~ t1•nol•·•. 11 city officials. ·Protests h-eard Committee Meets to Discuss Plans and Will for "tudf"nta fot IN'xt (all. uae 1n11,~1~1~Y~ .. ~;:7;:;.' 111 1,..a,,l ... ·h~n "" htut ~"'v"'"""' ,,.,." at Vte council meeting Mo n-Name Local Chairman tOn Following ·llo~ nf'f'd!& .t redta~ Wilt ,·~ntrHI .. N""'"'r' ,, .. a,·h.l "'"'"''1.-.1 ""' ,.,,.,fe.t .. ,.t .. t'n•Aoo M pr6~y valoes ~lire. Resignation of Jaek-f'ar..ke--adequate_ play JU'r&,_.... ~ I'UIIIJ' tu ., .... ( d\a. foo_r . t'"11 "•1 I\IIUjlhl"'11 n• C'•1•fflml• fur • ........ 7 (ouncil Plans To Cur Mov~ng HonleS to City._.-4 After Protests are Filed. and amund town reveal • • a ce, l fO<llll!l, 2.., X S:t ftoet.. ldth wiUidtrw Ill• nnt jitlltllv "'''" Alhl l(unul 111 II f' l'lliiVf'nllun r f fhr ·when buildings are m oved . _ "'Uil!f to kno"· If any ·are cnct. A,.-;.,,...,-him. th"t "' pr11•·· '111• dttll't4 tn WJWilf Wt!!_L~_ in no matter h o mu h ls N · h • aJlabl h If ~ tkillt .. " (tf'('tnr Wltll1•ut " Jl. "1100 ., .. ,. tn ht. IO'UI•Ifathf'r •""" • • • w c . ammg of a c ainnan for the Fi£th Wnr Loan campaign &\' ~' rrf' '?' · ~~~-' ln.: '" th':' C'lvll wu SUf'llrl,..•, C'(lf'l~trrnnllon lltltf ck~tt·nnlnuCion wu ~ttc!n spent· in revamping the in the Newport Beach area, will be announ~ thic; w<>ek . rot-who know of !WC'h q~n ~j11~111 .. 1;~~~~ ".1~;·.:·:,.~;t:.; M"'" ~"rtQI.t .. ••untc•>nlf'f"V 1,f. tlw r'"""" C\r nu~,'lty rt~tU1cil Munduy wtw-n ttwy ~tt'd .... houses. Restricte-d rcs.lden-lowing a meeting Monday in w him plans we-re discuss.t>d for would thr~· roatat-t .hlm b)• ll'rldly K11nt:• A.na. ""'~•,.J~q_ a aun1nu·~ C'\IS.>;~'fl unci t'( • .mft•mrw~t rtlt• hrinKii\art In -ot hot~..-. ' tla1 dist,ricts s uffer. a nd the the drive whic h opens June 12. This city's quota ha~ llct>n l•honinK 23. 'n! .. uthl'r 1,111111111 ,.,., t••rth 111 " h;•m .. 111 1111 IC. l"ntr1U. llttlh· a . fht> onc--tn 1-:t, Huyn ll'tll'l--tuMI tk'f'ltu'f'<l lhlttt ;;;"""~': whole subject is one for the I raised from $.'350;060 to $375,000, ac~rplng to w. s. Spicer. Plf'aoV ~ .. t ·~ touC'h "itll ~rla:nt tfWOm ,,. tJv lhr ~la(\• """ ...... ,,.,, lltAIII """"ltlf'nl, and wouftt hl• ~IVI.'n In tht' rutu,. to nn• t --1·.~ ~ planning corrimission and general chainnan. who stated that J . F. Parke. who h nndlt'd him. at On f' ., plaaA must 8oal'd uf M..Ciral 1-:t.imhwra· en.J """ .,.,._ •I~~<~ oown for an ~·· pntC'th'(' Towun1 th, •nd f, tt" · ";t ~uw• "' a tbe citizenry to beeomt> in-, the Fourth War Loan drive so successrunv. would be unable "-' ~rff'C'if'd to t.akt~ can of stped by MayneroJ c. Vuunjt. "''lhr rlrnl<' ,.unc.ta y. .. ... ~unl holct . f . ', nd I r ·11 l (' ~·UnK It Will dfd~ tD t.erested in NOW. to head the·drive this summer , owing to press of other duties. the lnc·~ attt'ndaaoe wb.kb tnclud*d """ rur v1t1lalln.. c omur ~w thai at the , •• , ... mony 11 11 ,,~ 1 n nn~ " nov ('W the• '' tin' llllhjrct ol lb. .... + + + t f II " hllf'nnnc Juda, We.tOYfl' hi• eon on ruuwc. -·-. . Principal Horact' Ens1gn or tht' • 'lllll a · ~ butt• and ea.r .. ly 11><lr of tb~ and Mra. W..tonr attf'nll"'l lh" '!l'f ntltlll'r '~~~'IU. tlm .wn ~lfM"' ttwlt "'".., a ..,_... ~· a:Wiaa Liquor. Distributor Brin-loca~ .Grammar sct'OOI. sa1d he had th~> nation's t>Cfort to ralst-' 16 btl·l 8&&te. all~aed Weaat prac,t t"f" and •rvh•" In ad!liUori tu WI , ~i . wtifon 11 lt•ttll'r ,WILli "'a1t rmm ~n. to t unlfonn t.llldJrw COIM \1 Rrho(f eave h is version or l"t!('t'IVI'd word {rom thl' Doog,las lion doUars in 8 month !IIX billions . t . anolbtr for prartlrlna ... " dll(•lftr J f • I .. h .. "" v () WroOih· ""hiNl Nld thA If •l•'tl • ........._.. .... -..... _1"' . I f I t th t a~A7 I I I H bb d ......... \ . 'lk' 1111\11 " .,an a ,.na •• •lall'r . . l ,... ..... ...,... ... --u~ JQUOr use tn sa es o wa.r Pan u a .... pursu t P anr ol which must come from tht> , .,,_ a .tate lll'f'nar, wt<rl' · · l .~t Jnlht. ('Mill . ow . u ,,1 _..Ita, ~.-...· bonds today and pointed out had ~n naml'd for ttw. school .• in pockets ol tndi\'idual AmN'ican.<~. u ar s ~ Al Use twanna nn Mav • --JuM lat,' I!H4 trir 1 wlr11\j, .cc:., tw-... that in the Fourth War ~nltiOn of the StKIOOO ral:<fii F1ral ,,.,. . 11, trial .... -for Junf'fl'll"' lhf' Services Held for '1Dt~"r S it . -how .... haullt .. Loan drive the National Ll-. by . tht' chtldren dunng ~t' rn.,~ I For lhl' first timt>. a war -loan • ·w·.· iII Q; .. wu ..uJecl f~..,. ..... . . "tin lltJr VIAll h.<-1" h•lft.Y l'fl• brne ' ln. \aftk!M It ....... quor association was second campafgn. Vanous pluns \Wfe dl~~ I driVf will be oprnl'd .from a city L t Mr. wn~,. wbo came 1\c!ror luiiN! Mrs Kate Saegel I routr ..... n. ~ortj,l w. _, .. ron· '" 'Y """"""· ............. " to "th .. . ............ , in I cussro by th<' .commJitl-e but lh~ ther th W hi t;1 D c OS ~a Je.t aco, tint occupied lbe • j ,,......kod on C~tntl aV.:JII.M' .,... W1tUinnt ~ IROftCL e movie .. mu~,.J j will be held In abt'ya~ until a ~hen Sec~ta -:r ~hl'onfuuu ·; . ~ OD tb• comer ot Oc•an ---r~ w.,.t lOth and lith with • Th .............. ••••--.. ,._ ~rtiq~es. f.oBrlnkirn says chainnan . Is appomtE'd, II W&li Henry Mor&e~thau Jr· CO/fl~ I . d4 -.s lltreet. Hawport. and e&J1. 1 M~ K"• •-· • ..., • .,~ •• ,~ )n .. hGu~. lwl.,. .. ,,.,..., 1\. 11 ..,..,. ..., J. ft.~ ~·&&.16. uor st ulate fstated_. Mrt' to ak on a' nati~ I D-.......... a.M. New:pod EDler-lim, rutc1mt ot o.c. Wto.& ... •llf'<l UJI fnr futunt ON'\IJIIU'(')' n.~ Ill I N-ptlf"t t() ...... aale5 l& dpne generally Over MorceaU&ao Co ADnOUIM'f' cram be~ 10 ovent'a.~ list<'~ n . 1•spute ...-J ~)tal Ill bll p&&n nC Thurwtay I" her IJU1.a ~1\ll,llln~, tt~ ,.,., htot .. hl tho-~-1.1 Jh~.UboW!f, .~ ...... the U. ~·.and seems to have TEX"ARKANA tArk.·l:,cx.l as wf'll. The 5th War LOOn 'Vic· I · . ..u.., medical •rvle .. oa an au-116 ~"'''" n rdl.,at ttMt a•il' tlf dt . Wc-t~t 11th and lJtru' AVt'f\11<' 11ncl wr~ t~ wtttt~= " the sanction o( the Treasury. Tt'xarkana, naml'd for 1 h r~ e tory-<:~ "Back tht> Attack+Bily • ..._ eantnct b&IY, 1114 u.·ea14 (o· A natl" fill "! ...... Oil .. ty. £lltl.W'C"t to build u ..oofl u war t_...., ·ate'd IWV the .._, "We intend to beat 1he l stllt('tl and ~traddhns: two of them, M<>re Than Before" will ernnnate 1 a.a1i .. ployed ~ral doe~ for K•nlul'ky, Wra. Rt .... bad lived ~lion" r••m1ll, w .. httvtt buill ••r ltd ,..,..lit. · '"'" movie fellows in this-cam-1 wh~ ftghting liOns ~lute-d th(>lr frot:'l a town of 50.000 'population S AN1'A ANA.-~Itlan liu. * bualne.. •'-lcb apand.rd I'" <'natA. Ml'aa fOT Jl ,_.,.. prtor '"''l hnnw" 110 ~~ RVI'nuc< "' thr mund"""' • pa.ign,'' ·he stated, "and we 'w11y into Salerno, Antio and oth••r 1 which ha." already i<turtl'd 00 Its dr·wl"f'('d 10 th~robatr ol a 10111 eo 1 that I~ quarten J '" hf'r ~· Ia Ae county ' hllvt• •lw•)• trlf'd "' INOd mandrt mtW't· lnformatloft do not believe it wUl hurt the bt'uchht>ads, wUI t,.• civlllan Am-~th war Loan attark · '~~~'Ill, reponl'd to have bo't'n rJuo · 1 .. ,. ~aDd Nv...-..1 month• cr11t ~ w"' •a mrmht-r tlC' th,. ~'""IIIII Co liMo "''"'mUIMI)', tiM• tWo J"'IIC'mf'n tlf'Omptl~ dty in carrying throu~h out· t'rkll't; , ... _rum on .lun(' l't from t Or.!nn Wt>llf'll, of radio. stago altai before, his dl'ath.b\• the.laL11 ..., lbc bulldlnc (01"111eTiy O.·Cv· (11.-tMllan ~Un'h. • 111'l1h<"'' ,, ....... lun AI\)' mov ... , In ~~~-l.~ ...._ .. =~~' . I . ..d . 1 whkh S•'<'I'Tfary 'Of thl' Tr·f'asury ' and M!n'f'll will wrtlf' nnd produc·c• Walloo Jlubberd. jr., president f/1. ,._. lty P'. Roy OrMnka(, ;.nn· f'urv~nre ..._"' ,_. -· K.A., ~~ lii!Uilli) n-!.luq-.. \'Ill~ lA ... _.. ......,.... _. . ,.,... program. t IS s_~r I ea to ll•·nr)' ~111rJ:f•nthau, Jr .. will "!lUnd I the> progrnm which Will be brt'll~-thl' South Cna~l ('u • ul ,.,.,.~port I tractDr, ()If Ccntnl •••• pul'<'htl-. , .. ,., nf Newport . "•'l'ltJI w11n ••• , ~: l:lltiJ~ '"lfiVTlUnlty, ,..rt ol ttw dly to ttftOUwf', -. give· Newport oeac h full I thl' e>:11l '"' D·rl<•} un tlw homt-cast 10 ronnt'<.'tlon wllh lhr Wnr f\l•nrh , A ll(l!ll!r1n rn d••ny the ••t· atYtac hla a.Mr~ .,_, 12063 "mrlny .. d wJth thfo r lly; Jnl\n, ntiW A numtll'r ul >''""" ll,rtl wh,.n clly Alllln\cy -dcoc:tu.d that t credit for all bonds sold at front 'Loan OJX'Ilin~:. mL'<Iilon Qf rhe l0t1t instnun<"nt to 1.-, ~h Boul~varoJ, £ynw•>Od. r"••lllln~t tn HAn\a .AnA ·'-'t f!ltmf'r· ""'' ""•;n • ~r~ll,nr In 111&¥ our fln.t rally it llhOtttd ,.,.._no clrt ~ the Rendezvou s n ext w~k." I From thtb C'nmp:lrllll\'c•l} ,mun • Tr·xnrknna .. 11 culorfnl Amf'ti· pt'•.Ut\ll' ·Ill" lx·•·n lilt-d fn ~upc.•rlor Mr. WWey pi~• to COIIllnue h'-ly ._letaol r iiJ ..,..""" ~ l!"''l•·ny hrl'l" """ uk)od •• th.-C'•11.1mil RMc1 -"' tht ..... + + • cummunit~ m rC'aluy '"'" muntl'l· ·l·an back~o:rnund for lhf' "D" day 'rnurt h~ Mr,.. r."\'ntlulyn Milrwr IMdluJ lnllnl•«.'acr~f tu fr""' I~ l~ 11HJ: I l,.v.; nf rM:imbnc:de~~~ ol ttw C\ly ln~~t hed ..._,,= Blood Baak. Tha t Mobile palllll'S, T••xarkana. 1\•xa:., anfl on tho• hom•• lf'lmf w~L" ~l•'<'ll'<l 11,: C't1o~\\Ttl:hl nr J...M AnJ:rrl'll, H•tb-,..._ .---llobba. N-II•Uco. ~·~ hllll. wM 11\4-t(, '!"d 1.18 thai b1 r~ and IMt IUC$\ BJood Bank due here July 10 ITt'xnrkiiM. Arkan~1l• thl• 5th War th<' ~lh -\\'ar Loan ~pcarh~ud us 11 be~'• fln!t wire. In bt'holf ol her -.mr"'-••~ t ... llartnee ltw-a.t orolnance 1'0 on. COWd otr ,..... wtU. ~ ~ interest all of us. LQan bufiiM·ry. "Rark tli•· Atht('k result nf months ~ot pliUlning In IS'>'••Iu"''id duu~.:hlo•r. Man I) n MH-=nt ~OUSe to the lcMith Pac:lne. Otfi.t an~·1 t.aUI '\ 1.1"~ for mG~Yiftl In a tk!lla ...U ....e Cbai[man Grace says regis--Buy More 'Olan Rl'forc.". wtll l the Tuarkana. Bow~ Miller War nl·r Hubbllrd. vlvnN .,. a ..._.-.,, y,.. . or "ttl ~ lbP tratlons are coming in at 8 thunder to t•very h11mlet and ml'-F\IUIJ')Ct' tt~. ln the fall of Shortly a!lt"r th" dMth of thl' n....:ft -8l.aneM . .,._. -. ., ...... we haw ,.... • thlll and Jafnt'tl Younc lhlpbuUd« on IIJ»Y 13: M.t'IL Jl~ -'na; a .ua.r. lti'IL Dla. a.ca. ......... ,__ 'tlllflr r-cc....~""" . ..,..,..,. m.r • .......,. quota ol is far from fille-d. Now is the time to give your blood for the boys • on the front line. es)'X'Cially so-as-"D" day .lias liFI"lVl'd and its . usc will be more sorely nl"E'Qed than ever. Please phone the Red Cross. Newpo11 1865. or contac t Mrs. 'Grace for fut1her ini . formation. ., • • + Junl' 12 will be a dny. to br I~ Crmgr~o;man Wrl&hl P11tman that remPmbrn'rl 'Olr . ~oV('rnnl1! p r a war loan dr1 vt> br OfX'fiNl from Tl'xa.-. Al'kun ... as, Oklahomn, Lqu· thr bordrr c·ity, Cona:rt's~man l'al- rslana nne! f\.'{'\'' Mrxil'(>. Will l~t• mun ll).:rl"·d to lny lhl• groundwo1k -hf"f'f' tn ~ft;:>.S/o('r~tH"Y ~~......._ Wa~l\inllt.on and-rCCL'I\'cd ade- TrNI~UI') Bus1nt'"l-anrl 1nl1u1>111 .. flll~l ,, fLo;sli-1 anrP rrum loc:·ul '11n.t and d\'il' INH"'n. "111 pl11y lh<'lt' 1!1~1 111'1 wnr frrmnrc: I"'mmrtl~ imrurtnnl N•"'" in n hi>.lvt) ·mnk· nnrl wnr hniln('(' adnun1~1 r11101 tn Jng Jl~rflm, dP!-1,1;111'11 til k••,\ 11111t• fht< "''l:lfln. Via Lido Sooth. t'ICWJlOrt chll4req. . &nch. 'fil<'d II pc'llliO(l for probatl' I Ruvfrea w...-.. lleld 01\ Wnll•hw vo·nnll• IJCAued. w~ know ol ~ bul that dty of o will ~otw ns~·r11-d llubharct had TW..ty mem~r~ of "'" A1>11rt ,,.,..,111 ""r lit f!ra•wl ("hapcrl ,..111, ."lhl'r' l'iiJM' cc11nr Y•"'n. aao wtw-"' • titbit by Its ......,__,. "-" ....... modi·. tn wtHdl h<' lrrt hlot l'nllrt' abcont Ownera Au •l"llt111 repre-Rn r.. o. f"~ll In c:l-arc',. 111 1~1-rnll '" "''"',. • l~tlll"'' ••llhln ll~t• lniJC.OUI " houafo If ltJI own.r _. c ... trlh', ··~tlm1JI•'11 nt mnrt> than wnlln~ the "lut trnntlrr , f Soutb 11,rn1,.111 wu a l•• pr1¥atf'. c'tl)' Wlu• tlf'flif'tl Hrwt ~ lhlttlt 11•11••. M~ HaJJ, (Aulid"'- $:.!00.000 "To hl'r tt'1t &*JJTOIIUd """'"rtJI" mf't to ___, '1111111Y "'' Ill u ... ,.. ·"'""' lui l"w ~tnnl•') nnd Ala,.n •U ...,..cl IW Sht' AAitl Itt<> 14•llJ had been Jcfl drat:t f!!IIDtl J>l.an "'hl'r"\ty l llc 0\lU'IY Th.t J1U\.lru:!1y r~( lbs-I'N'III't>l loo l"'lfflllll 11111< MIM llf 1hniJI, wrwl ~TTTr ~ hr ._. ... a , lll'tlh h1!< lflltwr ttnrl ·fn\llhl'r, Dr. ~Wrvlce famlllt • "" "'"" b t h~ '" a_.,..,~d tn '"" autrJ"Ntl>~n thAI vn,. II nnt .._...,. n•Jl , l•ct llw 1'"''''1'1-k.lfl tnvtJun ~llc'Ct tty l~ namhiJIII nnd Mt~ · Wa ltnn ll11bharll !n •l.,ol.. catl~nlat. who, f•..-yi'Artlo ""v.r hnlt nt ih,. tntal quart.rw nf ,.., h "' lr11'11J rlfll••n• mul i"':"''""""' 1o '"lf'""lflt,.• Nlf"pliiii'CI ol 11.,..., ... An.:o•lt ... , lln(l I hilt afll'l" young tcnown t.lifl arf'a A8 a I"V<IIII'f' lliiO'Ilf'r l>f' ,..,l_, Co llll!nlrl'mf'll anol , .... .., ... n •• Ill,.. • .l~h··ll ""'' n wlmptWlf\ I<) htotp tN L' o· · ~ lluhhnn1'c f11'flth n "''nn·h tuHI plco11•Ure lpot. could br ..... ur"'l thr1r (1\mllln at the wlnt .. r ralr, "\Vo· lhlnft th•• ("utlflt'tl lu.-II'"'" lll~l•·••tctt In th•• futu,., -._ ~ ~ t to . PaY. . . lalll'd 10 lh~riO!ot• th•· "'"""'1'11\,wlUI> IIVIO« quar1el'8 durlnj! '"" illflllllg , .... fl thrr hAlf helnr avAII•hlr '" ··nllrd) ,.,., ··~·· In hnllllnt.: II II Witt~ Ill•· ...... ..,. wa" unltor.-cl flk'cl 0 Wners In nf lh<' m~t..n.tml'nl Sht• \lllid an IIUrlllllf'r. Tht>j... a.tt .. mlln~ thr; \lll'nlloonl•t• fur a .wartlmf' holl<lll)' 111ul•lln~.t ll''tllt•ll•llll', ~· \hl•l lllf"• ,..,..._ ........ . ' , l'nrll•·r wlll, lf'BVtnll lhl' bulk Qf lhfo rrr~tinJt re_pn.IW'nl•••l uw11..r11 1 '"' • Sunclay nooo t o Katurd'y nnon •·tty "'"" 1u11 fl••td•~r With dwup,l J.aff'l' In ltw-•·lltlllon ('nunt'ilmua I · · ,...,till•• '" Or Uubhunl. hlld ~n in£ &I'Cnmmndllllnn" lnduolf'ol 111 ill 1\Jll'nturr ntt,.. w1l.h th·.-•• "''""ul") hull~lltl.t lh•• ill''' fc·l4-St1111l•·r hnllll(hl up ttwo IUbJlld fll Ad f P • found. an, lmqina~ clrcl,. •lrllwn r1 ,!j~,.11mr 'IUArf,.r• tn bf' 1~ by n1,.11 1• 111" """AI JH'fiJtlf' wiU belwllt l(llrlll(l· IWIII"'"' hy M)'lntC that .. Vance Or avlng In lhf• ''f'prl"llllln f.ll'llllon. Mn~ t:oth l lreet In N~wl)llr1 Hf'al'll 1, In eervlr .. for 8alurday nltlfht hy II nnc,l ,.,. c·nn ..,.,.,,. Yllll 1h11t kno•w o ( lnatAn.-W~ a~ . . , .~Chi'N<t'WIIJ.!ht &~··•ttld thfll 1f llub·. LA.:una iWa('h antJ ,.mh,.rlni!C "II 1-:.t All""· ~wner and ~Cor oil "'""If' 1ll~t11o c. 1n llw dty ...,,. 111" w"" hlll14,1"f'•r u IJitrllllun ~ I hnn1 mhtl•· 11uch 11 Will 11 m~J thf' roa.ta.l arf'a. arrnrrHn..: , 1,1 lhf' Balb-IA Jnn, wu pf'l'wnl al th" n"w erm1••nonly llvlu..: 111 lutv•· arut I he plat.'f' r11ntt~tl u 11""'- Curf~w. That proposed or - dinan«' on curfew s hoold be followed closely by a ll par- ents, because' it will have IIJOf1'l(" teeth in it-that may ca\lse embarrassment. The plan is l() ka-p· the young· atcrs oct the .streets and out ol other public places alter 10 p . m . if ~hey ~ve n.o good excuse r or being tht're and are alone. 'nle claUR An unlqul:' !Ul•l mn!!L (l'a.~lh:r \'ICinity drNigf'd tlll full l('nj1,1.h. hove• hrol'n r,t-vnkl'fl lind dt>"IWYM J~n P'. V~l. 1 mw.Un •. u wu CNinc-r llyf'r, and will bt• vitally lul•.,·l•'ll ttd· qu.artf'l'11 He tald IIJCh prllt't"-~method nr ICt'ltlng 11trHII Jl&VI'd J ntut Callatum aid Ulal Ul•, hy h1m bt'fnre ht" ~t-ath. Stu• J'81d -----_ , __ ___ V••n..dy In thfo IW'II li"W yc•Arll MIU' ..,.,.,.. wr•oriUDIC Ol'r1Ain port lana ,. 1 wu ,Pn!Bfnttd tn the, city c~rll dr~ge matenal could be emptlrd 'Jo.hl' ~rv~ th<o rJeht 10 COflll"'1 p ~ uk -·thai If lbcJ'r! '-"" r" lh•• d l7 fl1ld bftl,.~ •n .,..... about leaving the chlldi-en ftome alone after 10 o'clock Is also one to study. ~·t wait until the horse has gone before locking the sta- ble; you will do more wall- ing after it becomes a law than JlOW. ,It's the same thing that ·hapj,enecL to mov· lng in houses. Nobody paid mbch attention to the zon- Ing until it ·hit us in the eye .• .. .. .. lin. Fred Beck ha~ this to say in her Fanner's Market colwrut: "Alter tht> \\.'ar and whe n Be<:k gets his dis- charge from the Wav~. we're going to go d own and'. start a paper called lh<> Ln- guna Bcal'h Bugle. ( ProiJ· ably run Sherm Paddock's paper out of busin£'ss.)" .•. Deat· lady. d o you know there· ;u't' two, other (lapi'J'S • in La~ t>csldc Pad~k's? • . . • uth Coasl NC'ws and e Mi eo t hrot\ away. And m ost · 1 sucL'Cssful publishers ~y th e paper alr~ad~ es- ta · · t}ed insteFt'rl of gomg gh the grief o f -S1.arting ' . \ new. ones. ·' ~ + + + lla':r1)> Chaadler. Fifty years w~ded is a long time for tfie Harry Chandlers of the L..os Angeles Times. No finer gentleman in the craft ··exWt.a than ·Mr. Chandler. who has done ~ to build The 'l'imes ·and Loa Angeles than Ul{_=~r oife dtmm. ,..... in the twilight ol bia years ia a !IOlli'Ce ol cheer io b1a lePon of friends. . who reJoice tba&. he sUll can .... ancl wttnesa tM &rowth ol tile Soul.h&and. • •t<ndlly, when a pl!tltlnn algnet1 by Into a dt~ep CUllY nearby ~d that' lhl' wJIJ If II Ill lldm.tttt'd lo pro-d c f ' H •t lllrll'tW\n el JIN"Nnl, 111111 >'"'• I"'JC• """'' ehuulct IMP _. f• red.li 6:1 property OWDef'l offerl'd to put th .. b d bH t'Ut(f t th lbHJI', I I ropose ur ew I s an on:S.IMIJI'f' prohlhll tn.: II, We lh. condlttoa .,... -aUomcr up s~o a.lnt (or tbe pavtnr ot eev-OY:·: ~:a' brn~~ _::~aua~ . ---=----. .,... ·~, frnm '""' ('11ff1nW'nb ho·IU'd aHid . ltM-buUdl~ ~: :::: eral,atrfft.a In W.ut l!il'\o\'JJOrt .. The l'_'g bad odor•. Thl' mst'\er wu Co~ona del Mar K d s -H-. today In our ttrt.t vi~ll hl'f'l• ft\111 ,tum -~ any ... a. ..... t plan met the favor or lbe botlrd n tetTed t.n Ute engin~r to do U)e . I.· • . t t & f'Vt'ry "-"' lhlntlintc l'illll'n wtU ,not erwJriMWI Uld ......... tl .. ' The petition t.abd fur 2··1nch pav-~oer-._u'd' •~t. ~re ava.lla~l· trom :Churth Peop_le. .. I s on ree . orne ~:'~ r~".r;;ar',1.~N'~·tll,.,,~,":;r;:. w; ·:= :::•!,=.: ing on Club Hou• avmue. Sbort UJ " .~ , T M t ,., ht ..._ •• t!otafonn I I hill c-Ity ntndaJa I O· tnto a ..... elnet, 34tb A{ld 361h lftr~r· and A number nf awlfcatlon• for I 0 ee .1 onJg n,, AllnrNY 'nlllfniJIIOn ,ultf'd ff'n'fM"r on '""' r,nUn-aub~ .Finley avenuf!'. and 1l w,_. uplaJn. buaine•• U~• w,re ~led. , _ _ ~ to ~~eeond ~dln~r •lf • nuw In an otnnr's ...,.._,be Ql· fld by R. H .. fWcent t.Aat tl wu amon1 them belnc oae to J ohn H. A mHUfl« of aU tboee ln\e~· propo.d Cllfdtn&nc:e on a rurlfrW ,._ pl.anoed Ill pavl' all tho.e atr'ftt;-Harter a\ 306 Palm; Clyde R . .ed In oorranl.:ln& a cburch at Oo· law aa.ll!ac 11 a mladem_, for 1 Mr 111_.,..,., tladared Ulat dlt· tO)Ward the: ovl'rbead croutnr at• Ootteon. bll E. Central; a Spanlah rona del War, wUI be beld Wed· tern•! rllndltJona .. ,._. bera, ~· Tbe Archea kllcben In Balboa; eale of lDSIUr· n...S.y evelllnc. JUia ! 1. at tt.e any IIUDor under 18 to bf' on thco to lhe fad tllal '*'-... a --.ell It wu ltaled tbat beto~ work ancr buslnes• by R. H. SUmmentl bome of Mfll Ceo~ Jl.:. ~Awls, lt.....t. or a public placr, unai'Con •. and recnii6iieal eeatn, while would 8ta.rt aJI lot ownera W~)IJicJ.• to<l!Jobn S.dlelr. 304 Mangold Av". at 7::10 p. m. p&nied by AD adult, bd~ 1h" Me yor Hall. ~ Stanley depoell the m09_ty with the city A ~qu,et from thf llate n.ll-.Th~ purnn~ 1a to d!acUM plan• 1 .... II ~ ht ,.__ « ... -~ hou,.. ot 10 p.m. and 8 • m , 11n 1 ""'I ,.,,... -·~'« up _._ ma•••r lnuunr and it wu revealed that road cocnmlaelon_ that Uie sta~ a.ntl ele('L t"mporary officer• wbo t hlld 14 carl Erosion Board Heeds County's Protests City Eng1nt'f'r Patteraoa, who wu Hnr be a~dnned rrom Palm and ,•hall ~rve unUI•·per1J'Ianent or· atl'lfl ~Inc It unlawful fnr P"l .-;OT .. you;;:..-~~~r.::: bome• n,~ lllflnt to a. beach t'f'l'llllon met'llng 1n Central, Balboa, to Jo(arloe ).ve canlr.alton lt~•rormed:-enC. to '-"• chtldr~ un•lrr 14 wu nna.ll.y dedded ~ ... IUIC. th,. C1tJ Kf\rJn••r It 1. t••ttrrtt•.n. t"t11nty r~~p,,...!Uit.• In lla •-· the mlt1dlt' wnt, hlld wnrkrd O\Jl and Hl~thway 101. beynnd Balb<lft Con(ftl&tlonal e("l'cea wue •looe at bome durinK th,. IRIT'" rnaltrr In JWoCOftd ~ •• dur1n• htom,. loo<IAy frhm " , un!rr•l~>~:!' In l lfllv• tlfltly II wu fett Utu Ita. lhf' plan and had aniv.,erl at 111" l11l~d . .., .... nrpollf'd anti 11 hi'Rr· h••ltl ~undll)' In the L"hapt'l by lht' nr~t•r& l"l'llll~ In cnn1011Jc•rftblr •II~· "hi• h lutrnm, full dteeu•hln c 't1l• •If'•· wll h 1.1111 •orflo IIlii •1n lhr • na.•lal •lr•,.lopment• ~ltrt ~ .. roil! ''" lh<' J3D lot ba11i11. "thf' r nun· lnlt demandNI. all Ita Willi hlll<'vf'd S••11, undH "'" dltN·Lion ot ruv. 1 u11111on. ,.,111,1 1.,. 111111 unci mJin> 1,,1111• 'I' I"""'"' of rr•uoln11 ""''I lh11l Wll ">UIIIy ""'I 11t ,...al ,.._,.b lhouJd rll dN'Itletl Ill Jrivf' t hr lui nwnerl! 11uch aba.ndnnm~>nt "''lllld aff)orl I'"' rr F Shrrwk. mlnl8tl"r at larce·l 1 'il :A Th / t1 tr?ll"" oul ''" W111ri"r • luun'""' • f Ill, '"'"'11 1.. lh '' tn with a d4t&It.d ~ llld y day11 tn make · D'f¥>11 lhf'lr trafllc In th,. arl'll lndlrsl,.•l A 1\llmiK.\' '" h'"'l h1t10 '"'"" funr· ·, wa)IJI a' toml'fy lln~l,rlVln <111 1 1'' 1 , f ""1"'""1"''"'· wll h w~1••m hr •I i••f Ill•• prohl•m• wbtdl .,.:.,, ~ " · 1 IU'II unn ,11, 1n 11.,. , I' A ~1111Uar altuatJon ~. fl"'•mu.,, anti l'pr.kr~man ltngl'r.oo A n>qur.oot fmm thP <'hnml"'r ro( l holllnll: fn r ""'"'ral montha An•l h~·l befn lhnrt~u~thly ,1 rllrl'flllly '"""1: ""' """'" lin.,., l'am• llfl In tc·rHI,.,I In,. lliM•Iht..: pr•·•·nlr•l "'' f1""'"'1 thf' 1nunty'1 llhora- lwltrvPol ll \\'• 11lo.J lw lhr ··•p•'nlnl! ("t~mmrrfl' to , jlf'n lrllff1r h!>lh whlll' it hilA h••r n un•lrn .. mlnRllnn . ..,, rk"" fiUI hy mlln law ·•It• n• ,.. ,1.,,1 ·, 1 1,,.,1,,111,.,1 .. ,,1111,.n,,. ,.,... . ,,.,,.tv ~ , ,,., un•l 1t10k•·•l 11111 '"'"''' 1.,,..,,. In vaat Y"•r" lflr the bllt .. wP<'J!f' to l:l'f ••lh"r ltf rPf'll In that way11 on Palm 111111 ••l ~rr ,.trr••l,. 111 yl, ol I• uro•IPrllt•WlC't that It Will Th" 'lrlllnan•" , 111., p•·rrnot "" I'' ,..,.,1 1,y 1.,11,,. Juo~r .I"""" 111 I•• fil• l•l .. t••lfl wlllo: Ill•· SHvy '"'ll...l"'"'"'""'lf•• AfVI Jllll<tanr• "' ,,., """"' p11ved Ralhl.a, "''.,. rdt·rrf'A t-. lh~> lltrPc>l 11''\'lllll' 11 1111rl ol lilt· Jl~'"l"l"''" • r •J·"dr•-to 1 11 1 1 , 1 1 ""' IC"''"OOf'"'""' 'Ill 11 ... K••11t 1\<'llo'll I w•• 11all•n1AI •••gunlzlltltJna W _._, O~ Ul(' r11J••• '"' I''' ' ''' 'f l u tIll 1 V11l,hj(lt f'r,. "frt l'rl• r tn lhll' lln•.th~'r p<•tltJnn •lo•pflrtnwnl Willi th•• 1\PP''"'III nf .:anl7l)IJoon . fl••d with Kn '"'"" If '' t II' I ••f " ludoll ,,. •·nt"'Tin\tt lhr hr m..,. ''·"1••1 I''""'' Ill I bcarln~t 0311 ~lunalur•·~ lu<k Pol '" th•• I"'',,,,,.,.,,, 1'1••· , . .,11n•ll .. ,1 J-:v',.rptnr ln\•·n ·"L"l "' ur$:tod I•• 1 1 t.1 1 l'.,q,.,.,,., Jtll(ll•ol llllcl A SeJ fee E tr • "' " Jlllrf'nla ..,,>llltl llf• ho·l•l ""f"lll•lll• ••I It "'''~ 1111• nt•lj: lll'•rM flllll'l' ' ec 8 n am ha1·c• lhr· 1t1v•l Altn In thl' ~~am•• 1uurn•·ol .-111,. ,,,. ul '•ml tlu· mef'l1n~e tomorrow 1 11 1 11 k 1 u •·•·llllll "''VI llold WI"• llu· t1 M ,., l any '"'It•·•· ur•r. • r , ""I" 1 "~ "''' • • • I'~~~ ""'' I"'' '" """ '""dn""""'YI . 1 h ' H•·11•11 r~n·••,. ll•·•u ·l "'"I 11rn.,,,., for Ft. Ma~~Arthur '•I• IIUrh ty y nr a.:frl 111111 tllk" l illltr f'•llt•• lof Jlr IIW rra.. (:Ounclhii.IUl '"''" J _lLuotrrnTl'n 1111 '1111\rm•n. '- A , IM •t•. fth F" tCh h r· t•Jth ..... r .. nl aWhf'IPi h•Vf'lll •'•"· , ........... l lookllo'Aiflhr ro i.\OtiC • nnua. ee ang 0 e Irs urc 0 m"l"' u'n,_tll" hc·•rln" ... ,,,. It• 1•1 'l'lio• itrll•·r lht ,. lol''1"' "'''""' iiiO ,,, Ill•· From Here Fr.tday .. " .. ~ •·•I " "'",. luw ..:••v,.rulnK that ,.u. 11111, rio ,.,1 llo·ltr h 1.,.,1,.,.1",11 All•n· Ch • s 0 • B M J 5 1 Ko-· •"pliA I I • 11 1 j 11 I lo1ol l••11 111\ol "'hll h l11 'a fl'l1111v lt1 t t t, t • -.. ~ .,, •' " '" ' r•'ll •· '' ' , 1"1 1••11 1111>1 h f'I'VI"w 1\llk•••l •1f lh,. ·· · riS Clen IS OS on, ass., une I ll••mf' •Inn<' " tfru• ,, '''"' • ,.,,,,1 • "'""·" h ........ but t"-p ,,,. .. 'hit'( 'TWrnty ""Ci~• rnnr• ,.,.IN1rd 1: t ... ,,,.,,. r-'•••fOiu•nt'"'".,"' Ufl f,f\h tJ" lmpoer<L 'Hl '""'"r"lf hy AA)'IIIIt lb•l It w••• 11 lt•f<l '''l:•"•lli•.r .\llllh••lnl '"""" l .lll'nl Ronrfl Nu l71 rntr111nfod \\'hthl tl(lldm~t m1htary miRht "nj.~hl•'flll.' \ll'lc1ry untl~r armll Y.•11l l I This bro1u .. lll 11 ~'"''''"""' ,,,,,,. ''"' 11tl•·wla.l....l..l1 '""''"" such tfl1 ln: · Fflrl Mul'l\rtlllu Anny ~ ,. · , ln)C, ll11tl llf\W l•n•l•il'lllll 11-.A~· · f/1 l'!<!.rnfHtl '" HI!' vu·tnry or nlll•·rl not ~ufflrl' In a;:ua.ranlf'l' frN'tlmn 1 .r R Oruno~tt.o thlll ,. 1.,111111ltt•••· 4C• nf ut,.luur~i hul nlfht'r l•• rr •n snll '""' ,..1 ... ,. ,.,11rt all••ullt 1~ l'c•nl1•r unrt(•r !h,. l~hlp nall(lfl~•m o•r I hi' nn11·Chn~1 l'hum~ to mankm!l " t,.. n&mf't.l to lnv""''lt•l,.· "1"1 1,1,,.r1 •l1t•" Ill,. pomt•'lmrht rr "'"' 1, .,,1y,. lh•·m 11,. ll&hl Aa l.ankfrird f'hrt111o<, .r,., at Nt!Wpad. M mju't If" and mlt•l•·rancc·. Thr Announrc•m .. nt., ""'R.• mad(> by brl~ lllll'h a jllw ,.,11,. ••l'>pl•••l It wu riled t~t man)' tiM"•· Th•~~o•• MltrAiftf'll w••n•: · •• Chnqlllll SC'II'ncl' Uoard (lf 111-thr lllrl'l'lfln. "' lhr• appotnlmrnl 1 p 11 Ch ... , 111fllr••11 ,,, ,_Mr• Lt~t>lr th,.fr ''"rlln<" w"JC JClVt'll thlll thl~ wnul•l l flnlh1w1 l111teml· Mnnoin t:. Mt'J'fl'. ' I ,., ce ler Hodi{J<IIliOn th~n "" .... ''''"" ·"!'"'"'"All foormlll Jl"''""'" (',~'" M·-·· JIA...£.., ... I ..... ..:a I rN:·tor~ l&l:1y tolrl th1· aRnll\fl j or P11,ul Stark SN-11')', nf C11m· )-~ '"'-t h ~• _. Y''""IC trlende wlUl them. but Uu•l , -~· ··'"'" • • ~ ....._ I Th M ,...,. ' ...,_ ....,. I " PN•,.-v ''1"'""0 ',. w .. r,. f11"'1 Jr , Jc· .. n R. (,'fiX, f'-f••trlo M. 1 -ml't'l ng ol ,. nthl'r ..._ .. urrh. hnrtgl', Ma...,•utchu!'f'lb, liS PrM~i· ...__ ,.. 11 't r1 nd __. _. lUI "' ... , .._ Tht' f')~t Olurch of (1\rl~l •• Scirn· l d1·nl of llw Mnthl'r ChUN'h fnr --I .1) ~• (h 1 1•1t lhrlr kn<JWif'd-and w•r• A' "' r " ...,.,._. hu ,._, 01• IUbj .... t nf 01111 h •II•· " •·r 1!'.,. " • '"'"m><v w Til,. l'allfrtml& Ah,.relln,. l't.n l.l•""n L', Mnl•kinll,. .. , .............. ~ • I .. _ M h l f"U--.a n ... p&rtA ('n •• l'folln .y ., ' .~ ~ ·~ ' ' "'"• (;.or.al ...... wbll'h ...-nw ...... llr4in n. Marlc,.,.a • I t st, tn av:-lon. ltr;!'.llc UtiettJ.. lhf• ·cnsu n~ Yt'ar, suc<.'N'dtnat MM<. nd --·-d 1 -.1 tlu'"" tll~t~·r1v•r"'t -_.,....., whfl .-""" • • that ff"t"t'(fom is I'SIM'ntially a ~pir· O..t~lll' D S McKl'n:tll' · 11 ........ an cone~< •rau" re· _, ., ... I'F'•..._,• -th# en-. lltale, 1.-- llual gift "to 1M' rl'aliLl'd only ~lf•y, A.CMICiale Editor or I hi.' ... "rc" done: thai \h~ lAw 11"'1 1"'"11 fiiUO•I 111" y .. un,. ..... Wf'r,O, •tn• '"';." •• , ............ , .. ,...,, .. , ..... nn 0."11'h . (,.... T ..... thi'O\Igh ~~ntual undrr ~<landine 0\nn.l&ll Sclt>nce pt'ri~la. driiWn by the -••ta.nt dllftrl<'t AI · VI •lltutrfhl,.,.. rJf ~ nejphof'l -"'--"~" ...._ .... Jllrt ~YH .and atuunment.," .. ~wr hn ThP ~ t.omiJ'. If• .uct It 'We• Mt ID"Ant "n•J rn~-...,J dill DOt -.. Drla ..... 'IIICNn•t• ....._., ..,_ "-'" AJW· ._, & ~ &>fore M aud•cnre or MYH'al )!CJI!jt~. a .. tlvf' fll ~hlllrs*. to .. _,en.~ .. tbt le,tt .. r. n, 1"' ,,.., _.., en \Ilea. At "".,. rsN>M ...., .,d r<lllt.-aua ·~o,tl JL ..... Ciadllt-~ thou.'llnd Chmuan &11'nl1-1a c .. N-Yoric. ~ a _.,..r o1 wu It ._.. ton ._a .......... • nt ._" fM]Ia. ........ _. .. w__, _. ra~ """' WOhmt 1\. ........ • ~ lftlliaJI)' local rn rharacttor duo to ~ Jlpt~ Church !n 110t.. wtaUr a ,.....,.."" wbo .Md lawf\ll1bu&.: tlM ltwpe~ -.u11. .,. .. • • 1...,..~1 'r th# t~ -' .... r . W}'lllrDff, ••••• C - wwtlme ~nrtlon,. upon tran"· a stu4al Ill flarv_. ....,... ..... I ••01. 8TAR• .R8tE' ~ on tho at,._l wh,.n almw rad~ '-* Ia ........ t.beJ eoull vWif• t. ..,_d lhe ~ • ...,. .. .._. f': G.._....._. L ,.nation. the Thrri'ton cilt'd tht' He~ t .. d"i"'"~~ Ill A. a. f~ ..._.,. · "•ldfttt -' "-""* Mit ll ~, ... ,... authority to be llroutr?tt lllltJN tile cety Jutl .. .,.,.n It.., .. lafl!ed •t a.~~-.,. \JNVrr:ql dl'tl'rminAtton to win ttw Pr1~eTnn and u..n. fn 1m ll.ar·l Chu~ of Orittt. lklt'fttl-, la ~rnc.n to lalle .uefl JOUftpWY' In on • ml,...., .. _ c:Mrp. Thla fnmtA .~.,. .. line p&annln~r r:nmmll·l .san (;t,·~le: IJavld & ~ ~cc a.o; advMct• n;allzatinn thRt van:!. Bolton, ll~••tto . j d!.,... Ito MM:ll .. u.~ty wu w•a Hl'n puMd t.o . .cond ru•llnl( t..,. h~t•l faiiOJtl w lncludP Orup WHtml~· Orwl A . ...._.. If, : • ----·~--- r i .. Tl SAND CRAB for 36 years medium in It! newport har~r cliatrieUhe newspaper that goes home ., S" A ,M Housr.s. This business of Buy Bonds to End War .._Quicker VOLUJO: XXXVI NEWPO,. •EACH, CALI"O"NIA, TUhDAY, JUNE I , l N4 ====================================== BALBOA M.ES(~ is ab~A~~i~~dto~~ F•fth w l D . I w·ll I • council. righUy., is bcstJrrlna I ' ), ar • oan. •. rtve, School 'Ne,eds I ey s Harry Westover Given Confederate Cross of Honor =t~h~b~~~ :U~~ T-Q M d Class Rooms ~~~g~~m:erst:nrn; • ·o ~ pen on -on ay,a • Deef"~~ ~ feet .... , fined ~2 SQ, criterion,. C ity A t torn t' y bonda hav.-bf.f.n 'loW. l' iJ6 ll••n Harry W""•wn. lnt,.ntlll Thompson-holds that alm ost 8 h $3 goo qow·known u.at ntow IMIUd· L ltrv"n"" rht .. r IU\d1 IIW'al <'lllltf'n, h · be I ...t .. ...t t 7 5 -b • wu 111111 vf lh11 main .,,.altf'n• any ?'lSe Can eXC U~1 eac quo a fD~ ••UJ DOf bto anllable Y no l •cense ~·undav al a l"!•·nlr jr!vru by tltr for failure to confo rm. a nd It . / . , 1 Ml.f fall, and l'rtnrip&l Hor· 11,..,to:hlr ra .. r t h• ,· .. nr,.,1,.r,.•·v 111 is commendable that m ot•c ae't' EnMIKU • JM'ralely ~~··nm .. r .. ,~ro~ At '""' 11,,,. care will be exe~sed by P•e ",. f' kIn,; M'C'Om Uoaa &.r.u •• ,,.,11,.Y f,.rmc·t 11.,,"1 .. r fiH-utal __th<onll• w,.r,. '''"''~', '' dty officials. Protests h eard · Committee Meets to Discuss Plans and Will for "tud,.ntA for ntox f,al. t-.. tMu•trtal "•'•Jll1 .. 1 ,.1 ::~~.,,~o_.wta..n h,. had pnovt .. u•lv , •. ,., at the council meeting Mon-Name Local Chairman at Orice, Following flo~ n~ .a rt'C' uo.. W• ,· .. no nol N""'' .. "' Ho·a,·h'. ""'""'''' "'" ''''"'~'~'"nl'" •:n· .... "f ·day and around town reveal rt~"· 28 ~ 32 ftof't, "1Ut wlttldn·w 111,. "' 1 !:"'"X J •lr" 11n1t · """''' "' tt·,. roov .. ntt ... , • r fho• that property vatues dedire . R~signation 'of Jack Parke , ~uat.ft paa,· ......_ ..a ~ 1111111 y '" """ "' ,,.,. ''";;. \'111trtt ,., .. ~rrtaLa~uJ runua mr- when building s are moved "·an~ to knuw If any are cn 1111a "'"'n•t hun , thnl "' ''"" "'" rff••rh In World War I . "'"I ., ' IEEP POSTEl! 1 Year • • • • $2.51 ln. no matter how much is I Namlna of a ('hainnan for the Fifth Wnf' Loan .<'\\OliNti••n &\'aJial_tif'· hf'rf' ttr If pt'Ople tkllla u n ""' '"' ,,.,,h,\ut " '' "'"'' '""' ••• hla Jrl"'ln•lfalhr r ..,,..,. . • __... · re · th ,., ,... 1 k 1 h ___ _._ ce~ .• ft,1 1,,,,,1 .. 1,11,. ,, ••. _ .. ,,, •n 1111: 111 thr divtt .... , SUfllri,;.•, t'Of\~<f('mntlon 11n1t •k•t('nlliNttl., ..... ~. w_.t•--· .._ .. tc tn vampmg e in the Newpor t .Beac h a rea·, will be announetxf thi.; \\'<'E'k. fol-"'1o nnw q """ quanc:n ~· " ' ' • !'.1 11 r f h 1 ._,..,. n """' h n t . ted 'd . uJd Ch hf b ..... t JuiiP• tl A .••. ft .... I 01\ltl 1•·1 .• ~ .. c: .. ~tnl•lf' ..... "'*''""''""· .. r 11' lln'!!l 0 t f' !' t:v I"'IUO( .. , Mf-·'·av ...... _ , ...... A-a-,_.. ....... ouses. ·~es n c rest Efn· lowing a meeting Monday in whic-h plans \\'('!'{' tliS4'\IS.<;('(i rm· \\'O ,.,. '('Oftlat't m y ~~v ~· "' -~""'" Aua, "''hll h"• a f01111111Wf i'tiS.';t"CI nntl ('Oflrlt•rrilll'\l ltk• brtn'"~t~· ~ 17,'~ .. :::!~': t1aJ districts suffer and the I the drive wlli('" O""ns Ju!W 12. This citv's quola has Ut'('n ptu.ilin~ :!:\. _ -~ ,,111.,,r ,.,,,11111 .,.1 '••rt" 1,, ,, '"'"'" "' ~11 1 1-: <"ntr"'· ''"'" "· tl I 1'1 J•· ·--·~~~ h •-b' t . f th '' ,~ J PI C • h ,... ,.,, • .• w 11flt• n ·. ..ayo lnll't-MlC1 tle't· ni'Nt that ••net -·= w Oft!' su JCC ts one or e raiSt'd from $.150.000 to $.175.000. according to W. S. Spin •r. ~.,... ~ ,n touC' "'"' eOGifll""" -(•r11 ,,. .," '"" s tal•· ".Iff ,.,,..,,.,, ~t•l• r rutol,.nt. ""'' W(l\tlrl ht• .:ivl'tt In th<' rntun:• to pn'Vl'fll ....-&Uon ;,~-· · planning commission a!ld general chainnan. who s tatro tha t J. F. Parkt>. who handl('(l him at oa ~ u paa. muat Bovd l1f Wl'(!trlll t~umln•·r• ""'' ~~~ .. "',.. alii() ltnwn fnr a n aot.t.-.·"• J>nt••tlt"t•. T~·•m1 lht• e•nct of lht-. fTk'C•tln~"it";..,.. decided : the citizenry to become tn· ·1 the Fourth War. Loan rlrive so SU('('t>SsfuUy. w ould ~ una ble 1M-JM"rfN'tf'd ~ ,_,. f'&l'f' of •lfl*l 'by -t.faynar.t l' Yo•IIIIJt, "1 '"" rtrn,,· t4unday. Mt•• Mnol hnl$11• t'tlllft•n •m..-nncf nwlc•w th•• t•ntln• IIUb._.. _, • ..._ _....._ terested In NOW. j to he-ad tbe drive this summt'r, owing to tu'('s.._c;; o f oth<'r duti<.>S. the IIK'N'&M'd attf'ndaaef' wbkh tnrludcd '-"'' t11r vt(llatht~o~ a unu ry •1•1 that •1 lh• , ... ,...muny ontfnllnt~. _ _ _ JC'.' "' u~ --. • • • ' Principal Horae<• En,.ign of lh•• -. 'l~:d fall. tM bull anJ aafrty ""'~' uf th• hl\flnr1n« J'td,c• w ... '""' hla .,.,n nw ~\ll·r "'"" ·thrnwn t,.wn thltt IIIIC'h • ""'-' "''* ....._. \ Liquor. Distributor Brin-I local Grammar school. sa1d h" had the nat wn·,: t•fforl to r81~ 16 btl· uw. 'aU•c•d Ulfcal prat•t ('r "n" and .,.,... WNtcw.r attf'nl1rol thr wl'wrl " l••tJrr wu ,.,.1111 rrom Mn. lfl 1~ unlfnnn bulldlna C'Cide ... lcrrhof{ &ave h is version of rt'Cl'IVt'd word h-om the Douglas lion dollurs In II month ~IX billion:< I H bb d' anqlber for pral'ticlniC ,.. il ..... tnt •rvlr .. In a ddiUon lo ...... Mill• v tl Wmnllt•. whiff' aald th"l lr ~Uf-h a ~ ...... the nquor use in sales of war I plant that 8 B-47 pursuit pl~:~ne of Whi Ch mUSI come rrom I I'll' • w"-'«Nt a nate hC'f'n... "''"f't' wlm"" uf "IU\Ja Ana. hi• a,.,,., l..n Jnllll, t"'allf . luwrct. "" ,,. wtllll\, ~ .... bonds today and pointed OUt had h<'t-n namt'd for the school. i n pockets o( tnd1viduaJ A'T'eTll'Rn."• u ar s flretl*i. At t.be hf'anna on t.lay Juno• l ~t . 'tf144 lrlnl wlflnll. Me., tw muJc1 .... that in the Fourth War I recognlt ion ot the S8) 000 rru:-•'<1 ,,., Tlnw lJ, _.... wu ..t fnr Junf'll h••t I lie Sem• H Jd f •·t ~t-ar :-«tr ...,. how aUdt a ,__ oeiW .. NatiQDAI Li by thl' ctuldren during ttw IlL, I "" 1:::: ,. I I CI M -• ces e or ''t )n ,I(\, vtltlt lwn-"•lAY ••n-bn .. lltlt In Uftlfta It ........ ---- quor associationWVu~nd -:~::'~::;,;,:.~~::: ;~.·~h~.: dri;:. ~iii·:~;;;· ~r:n,..,a ~ . ll~y wb ca e neh 011Jf4'. Mrs. Kate Si~el t'OUir antn~ Nnrth •.••. ,.1. ron-In rwry ~ .... ~ =-. to Ute movie industry in I will 1M> held In abeyance until a~tht'r than Walblncton. D c.. ost I ~ ~· ~~~~~~~ -·-__ . -. ,::ni'd w: .~~ ·,:~l':u:'"a WDUkt ntlt lltriMWCI. _ _..,IUJ.l.-lA &ales.. "Brink" sa""-1....___ • ... --nt......, 1, ~~~. on S«relaJ')' ot the 'l'rl>llllll'}' ~ _ • v Thho bi'OUIIM atat..._q "'-,-''"'"--.,--·.. ""' -.-.~· ~ ' -~ -.. h J • .... JIM,.._. Newport. and c:&.ll-Mr~ n.ale lll ... el, 'a tormrr lnna "m;w.d lrf' follll' IW'fno -t"h 1 R 11 n-·-net J R. ~ ""'"""... liq uo r to stimulate s t&ted. · -~ "'Of'ient au. r.. rom .. :-. I D · --~-. . • .-• '" . ..,.. ~ a . •··"'""6 I j ti 1 k t 1 • .. lale plaa lbe Newport El'ntr-t tmf' ,. ... )df'nt ot r..-.., w .. , ... ·II~ UJl fur {uiUn' nn,1PI'.;.... ft1~ nl w,.111 Ni-w•••n 10 uw l8les ;., done generally over ere o §ptoa on a na 1ona J)m-l _ t Th ... 1 ... .... _ U~S: . d h Mo...-u.ao tAl ~ I rram bealm'd to overscaJI llsteQI'1"5 n ., s p u e . .-cy boepltaJ. lA llw plan or urwtay In har llaatA Ana htlnlf, f'l'fttl)' WI' ht"-&Khl lhfo .mnwr .. r lh"l • tw.ua., ~ ,.., ..... UM:' •• an seems to ave -l"I::XARKANA •Ark.-T('x.J -8.'1 WC'II The 5th War Loon VIc-. .u-. Dledlt at•N/Yk:ta oa an ••I-Ill\ Rnnlh ltrt'h .. at ttwt aa .. (l( lit . w •.•• lith •ad lllly a9t'ftll .. nfl\1 W.•n · lk"C1 .......... wtUI ....... .., the sanction of the T reasury. 1 Texarkana, named !or_ t hre e l tory-cr). "Back th<" A\tack-Buy I ..-.. oontra.et 11&111• M &. aid to . A native ot W~ Oouaty, f'XJII'('I 11• tMJlld ,it,. ._'" ,.. w~r tw.n IOt'Mifd rwv the Udo .._. "We intend to beat · the slate~ and ~traddhnJ: two of thi'JTI, Mlln> Than Befort'" Will t>manatl.' .....,. fll'ployed .riff'al fklc..,.._ for Krntucky, Mra. AI .... Iliad llv~ ll'(onc}illol;t~o IJI'l'llllt. w .. hiiV.-I niH I ,.,. and r.tJuUt. · '11*1 ..... movie fellows in this-cam-wheN• f1ghtmg sons blastl.'d their J rmm 0 t~M'll or 50,0011 population SANTA ANA-Oppo!!lltnn hM • ....... ·bualne. wblch up&llded 11n f'l'lflf" ..... ror 15 )ear"ll ·Jlr1or 1"-"l hom • .,. tlfl 1\lty tevrhUf" n11t1 am,.,,..l ttw> munrllmeft wM ·• p&lgn.'' he s tated, ''and W<' way 1nro &lie mo. An1.10 and olh<>r which hru: alN"ady ~turtt'd on its '1\t•,·o'lop'tl In the probatr ol " lo..t 10 n plclly \.bat l&rlf'r quar1ftniJ'" brr tf'aldf'IK" Ia die . l'l')u.nl)' I hit VI• niWII.)IO. lrtf'(f '" lMaiW •t.lwm "~ mAftiW nY>f" lnfornw.tlc. ...... do not believe It wUJ hurt the • I:M-nchhC'.llds, wtl! I'M' ctvHJan Am-1 !ith Wnr Loon ott ar k • ·w111. l"''{)oMt'd.. tO' hove 1~-c<n rx•· •• Mei ... ry and w ve,..h lloinlh• ~' ~· "'"' • "'""twor nt "'" ''~"ltl" '" lh4-rummun1t7. nNt lhr twn l'"''lrmrn IW'UmpCiy ,._. dty in car~ lhrou~::h our t•rwa·.. f••I"Ufl'! f•n Junf' I :.I from Orson W<·ll"'· · uf rnrllp. ."'IIIJ:f' r'llttd lx>lort.• hh• drath .,, ''"' IHtf' 1-.o I be bulloUna formerly oK ''" ( ,,,"'U•n f"'u,...h. I "'lllk•1• ''"''"'''"" lin)' rncw·~l in l•h•"l · Whf'h uk.-cl wt..U..r a I I 'd whu:h So'('rt'll~l> or lhf' 1'1WISUI) Hnd ..cn·en. Will writ I· lind prodUCt' Wultoo llubberd. jr .. ptellldttmt ol ""' ~ ,., Roy crftlllt.r. ··tm• l"un •l\'nr• ., .. t(Mtf' IIONI, l(a.n, "'"'"''' W<Ul.tll) N'IJU.,, .. Yl4h ..... In htii&M' C'lould hlt t!WW'd h>am ... p rogram. t s our I ea to ill'lll') ~ltii'J:I'nt hllU. Jr .. \\Ill ...... unci ihP p~r:tm \\hl~·h Will lx' bru~tcl· th•· ~ll h coa. .. t Cu "' "''"'tlbrl l tractA>r, Of! l'l nlt"111 ... ,.. purrn-.,.• , ... ,., .. r Nt"WJ)Ort H•lah\a whn •• lho• ''"'"'' .... rnmunrty • , ..... (II thr f'ily to another, • give N ewpoM Beach full I tht• rnll fur 0·1L-1~ ••n: th•· homw , t'll~t m connt-cllom "'"h lhl' \\'rrr' n.•,.rh A rc·tlt-1"11 ti1 cl•·n)' thr "c1· GJvlDI hill •dtlr-l'ea u 111~· •·mpl•'Y"t' wtth lht' city: Jotln. ~hw "A nurnho•t vi Y•''"" "~'' '<o\h•·n dl y 1111urrwy drci!U'M~Uutt tedtlil- credit f or· all bonds sold <t l fmn1 Lt,>an opo-ning mlAAion ot lht> IOM. instrument to ~ Bcoach Boulf'VArd. Lynw•iud. ...,,IJn~e In Manta Ana but 1nm .-r. W1' "''It' ~o~tltntt ttl buy our fln.t tally II •houkt mMw liD cltt..,..._ the Rendezv ou s nex t week." ,.~rom lht:-. enmnm'lltt\o·l~ •m.tll To•xnrkuna . ,. colorful Am1,1.1. Jil tthlt h: hu~ lll·•·n tllt'd -l" >U()l'rior , ..... Wtl~y plana to c-ontlnu• hle ly a .. t.taot clt7 ~nf'f!'r """" .1'~""1"'"' 'h••r.• -..... ... ~ ... t nt u,.. ('IMtnl'lh•VIn ..._...ad ttW......, • • • • I commun1t~ m F'i'Uilly two munk1· can l>lll"kl:N>Onol for I hi' "0 " dn) Niflrl lly "''" c;..,,.ndoi)'n Mllnl.'r I!Mdlca.l \Mlinlnlt. &<'cordiJ\1 \to ,....., r t .. 21' In 1~1: t 1•••!1 nf l\111loltn.: '"'"'",'"''nl of ttw C'lt)' ~~~ lru.f"~tur hl!lll Ot'dln to ,. Blood Ba.uk .. That Mobil<' paltlll'll. TI•XlJt k nnu. Tt•xll.. "nd ''" thro h!Hn" rm nt wa., SC'If'Cit'd 0~ f"h, .. ·crwr tr.:hl nf.J...no< An~·lo•,c~ltlh· pan.. . • Nl!w Mealoa, llfld ~ t111ll «h•t ltwn luld ua thAt b)' fltn'f' rnovlnc land lMt fiUdl._ Blood Bank dUe h ere July 10 1T•·xorknna. Arkan''" lht' Slh \\ur· lh<' 5th \Vnr L~10n ~JX'Rrhttud u:< 1; bard'a flnt wife, In b<'half rl h••r j --.....:... wbn WrYina wtUt UM ~ loc·nl Of"''litwmr~ ntl onfl c:oWd ob-,_t ~ wt\h ...ua. _.. interest all of us. I Loan battlt'<'l). "fl:11·k thl' Allaek ,_ult of months ot planning h> lh'l'lll'old dilut;hlt•r, Maril> n Mil· m ~ Paelftc.. (}ltW aut-••In • po·~t fdr ~n~Wttltl U\ a ~ an4 o.w..t.,_ ....a Mort-Than Befort'." w111 .,.,. ._...,, Of' l¥ftl ._.. " ......... Uw cs.r. WWlt ..... ·II .. tropoiJa ill the l!Uld. -Df.3, WIUud SUnntona •nd :j;,:.v;tJ~JUQif'liiiU&iiiiNildet'"" Maoy U. ~~!JYIIIII ...... I falrty iood l'ate, For Bowll' 11nd Mltler countiPS. R. Bryant. chalnnc'n, ru~tt>d to ·lfubbnnf. Widow, ot I R taJ p)-~~~~~~ quota or 400 is f a r from J Un(• 12 Will tw• a d 10)' to be Jon~ f'OnJ:'rt'l'..<:man Wright PalmBh thai ~th, NI'WpOrf en an • flned. Now is the time to rt>mt•m!'l('r.'C'I Thl' ~O\'('rnnn• It( ,, wur lnfl n driVf' bl' OfJI'fl('C'I J1•om 11 pt·tltlnn fnr Jlrfibutr ~ . , • t!1rvlt'"" ~,.,. llrltf .., M••llo hov #give your blodft for the boy~ T<•xas. Ar kun,.,us. Oklahoma. Lou-lhS" h<•r'tlt•r f'it~ CvnWN<!\man Pa l: .Jt:>"''rll'd Jluhhnn f hacJ ' T'wftlty mf'mbrr• or th4' At n rl fr,1,1 tt..r J1t ~~"'""' c11,.1,..1 ,..111, orr'the rr ont line. especia lly ,!<t.,n:'l :mrt Nl'\\ lllt>X~ will lw· man ar.:n .. ~l IO ln. thl' l:'.f'11Jrfc1\looll k tf.fl'l\1<: cntJt,-mtnt Owller• AD .... uon f't'JlTI'-Rf'¥ p; n G~ rt-an:,. ,,, so as "D ''. d ay • has a rrivc.'CI ht•rl' 1o .:,~,, I I'll' S••t·rc•rary u( lho• !n y, ;1,h1n~m and rt'('f'l\'t•<f ut11.. ••rod at tm'rl! lhnn IM'nlhiiJ-the "lut fruntll'r • r ~nul h 1,.,.111,.11, "''u •alllfr prlvalf'. and its US(' will bt> more-Trt·a~ul) Bll,ih•·,.., and •.n1l4,.•11~. tiUtt.h' us:.~l$tanco• I rom. r01·r~l ;,nd h~1 • O»lll'• P'*Yifrounrt "'""rlll'' m,.t '" ' • - sorely n~ed tha n evC'r. <~nci 1'1\'lo' ll':tdo•t-,. lA III pill~ lh•'IJ rli,lnl't \lo l\f llnlllli'C I'Oml't\l'tlt•••' ~hi' Slllll ho• _Will hntl '"'''n It'll draft aome plan wht n•hy lh .. i-nlln_\1 Ttl,. m .. , ....... , ,, lh,.,. Jll"f'llf'nl rmf)fJrl11nl rr•l•· 1n :1 hi'IU!\'Illak-11nrl ""r fln'tnf'<' admmt•tr;'''"''" w tt h hi\'''' ••r lltl!l mulho•r. llr ~rvlce famlll1a •• "'"" II.• lh•· \II •K~"'d tu t t ••u«lr~'•tl ·ll lh•l ''"" Ple ase pho ne the Red C t'OS.._, 1n1: .J'rl,_r<~rn. tlo•~t).!n•••l to k•'} nul•· rh•· n·~ton nnd l\ff:o~. Wnl lluhhtittl 1n Lt ... utlnnl.t. Who. f11r y,.a,_ till II•• hnlr •"' lttt• tnt111 quart.rn ut .. "' h Newport 1~5. or <'Onta<:t An~-:"'•''· und lh l :tfll•r )nun~: kn••wn thla ar-•• 11 '"""~'"" ,...,,,,., 11,. '""""'' 1,. .. rvk•mrn """ ~onn. a~o.'n'ce. ~ ro.r r.urlhl"l' in· Lo-·t Ow' ners to Pay lluloh:ud', '"'"'" a "'lll'l'h hlul plt':•wr. tlpOl, could bf. ..... .,I'd llt••lJ '"""''" "' lht~ wtnlf'r r•r ... a· u • huJ•'fl to clt~dn,.o· lh•• "'h••n•ahcllll• hv•n.r qumrra durtn~~: t l\,. "'1"'"1: thf' '''""' h111f tMtln« •vallahlr l•o In or ttw 111•trummt • Shro 'llllrt. nn •nmmu. Thoae altentU 11~: tho· \II• "'1''"'~1 ~ r.,, a war11mf' 1\ollll ny . Curftow. That pt·opoS<'d or-•t>lll'ho•r w~ll. 11'11\'lnl! till' hulk nr I hi' n tt•llnJl rrprr ... nlf't\ ownf'rll I II\• ~un!Jay nnnn ,In f4•tun1ay n .... , dina ilL't' o n curf('W should be ., Ad '"''""' '" Or Jlllht)ltll1. haft ~'t'n lnl! al'rtJmmodMIONI lndwl•'•l IO ·'' ltUfllOlt't '"'"" wllh '" ,.,. fo llowed closely l.iy all par-. · f p • fr~md 11n lm•trlnary rtrd• dr"'wrt r, ""' ~"m•• qurtr1•·r~t In 1,..-ua.ol hv '"''" t ents,,becaU&'_ it w ill hn\'t' ' vance o· r av1ng In tlw llfJ()f'l'iu ,,n lll'tiiiOf\1 1\ol.n! l'•th •tre,ot In N4'wport Hl'll<h tH In llf'rYII'r fur fl•lurrlay nl«l.ol lh 1 1 'Che""""''lll.:ht l.l"-~•:•~'<l I hilt If ltuh-t .. l{una &.rh and embft.rln,JC nil h i M lr•u uwn,.r alld Gpf'nllor ot some tee tn t t1at may I ban:l rrutd•· !!uch '' ~II . 11 mu.st , ... ,. .............. , ar•a·, -~c~ltn.. 1,, h R 1 ba Th 1 .. , -~ -"'. ,.. I f' aiM II Inn. WU ""'""'" at thf' cause em £1ClSSment. ~ I An unhJ,IIf' Anti m1tl't ,,.llllth~,. \'ll'lflllY dr!'I1Jr(!<1 11!1 full lrn~h ltnv.-bc.-.•n l'l'\lolko•tl a ~·'tiii'O)'Ni .lolfrt ,., voc,.'--Dlf'rlln~t ••• wu Craln .. ~r llyf'r, .plan is to keep the young-method of grltlng 'ltret>ta pa\'NI J ohn L'll.lhLha n •tel l hat \hf' ~Y h im bt•rof!' hi" do·ttth. ~ht• Qld aters oU the streets and_ out I wu preanutl to the city council drt'd.ge material cuuW ~ emptied h<' n-rvo"' I hi' rtght to ""t p or other pubtic places after Mt May. Whl!n & pt'tliiOn lllgned by Into a drep gully nearby and thai ,· ~('.Will if II ·~""'!''"I'd tu .~, . r·,oposed Cu·rfew' . H. ,·ts" 10 p. m . if. they have no 6~ pro~rty vwnera offt>m.l I•> put the c-anal t.ad t>Hn filled f rom thel _ _ _ good:excuse for being there up 130 a lot fQr the pRvtng of aev· ovnflow of a brok~ ttfWf'r. cau.- and are a lone. Tile clause eral etree!AI lo Wut Newport. The lnjC' bad o<!ora. Tnt' r:au er wu t (A) rona 'tiel Mar K ~ ·s H . ~~ .~vtn:fte~10C~!~= ~~-: pe~o~h:u~a;;;·~f;f 2'!i:c~;a~~ :~:;r~-~ :;':~f.jlaa:ie~r::-Churth People· . ias· o' ri lr~et & ' orne 1s also one to stuQy. Don't lng Of! Club Htlulll' a venue, Sbort the bud&'et. · M T • .. h ~ w ait WltU the horse h as alreet. 34tb &nd 36lll atreelll anoJ A n~~r or ap~llcatton• for To eet orug t -at )w-,.,_ ~ bPrn mtWc!'C'IIn 111nlt t~>•nnli" l'<toltNI W1• know ut """ 011 h••r 1"1\"'' .,,.no• )'•"""' qo """""' " hi bit hy 1111 onttn~ h-om 11-.p l••nnH tu """''1 • 1..-. wUW.. u ... '"" ta1t .. ..._....,_.._ _,.... _. o·11) ..,,.,. olo·ttlt~l untl ,.,,. I lt1t1lc pll1'11 Ml'f'lt' lfall, c:nun<-~1,_. tii(UII,Y ,.., , I• Uu•a• lt<JW IW law >'IMftl<') 41-nd AJk" ~~ a1~ tMI fu fJi ttlllftll lfu• "'''I ul l htll~ illlll "'""''IIIIOit l>h<Mdtl IJC••cJonc-•· a 11 '"'' "''" ""I l•1r Jh•· l''"t•·t•fl•ll• mutl"" lll'f'VIIiii'Cf by tWnalhJ .. II .. r '"''Ill •'Ill"'"' IIIII I rr•rm lln••nl II "oflllltll ..... l'fVtiJlnA'"1 Ill M.-. ~~~ttl•·nl ~ h· •• • 1•1,.·11 '""I ··n uwnp•<WI 1n tw-lp ~ \\'•• 11111111 ,,.,, '··~101'11 IJ·" lw•" lll'l"'''lttl lfl lht• ruhll"f'. ,.. t'll II 10 1\ 1 "II 1 ·o I 111 h"l11i111.: Ill> \VI I • •lw lo•tl<'r Willi llf'rlt•ro"f flkod. luul•luor.: lf•'ll h'll<tll~ . ..,; tllnl tltt• ,..,..._ "- o'll) "'"" 1111t II•••""' Wilt\·, h••u p l o~~t••1 In llw-,., • ..,.Inn C"rll!N'IIm&l\ I• llll•""" v h•-t•ltl~ 1l10• llll•l f••W S ll!lll••v llf'UIIIo(hl 1111 thr 8Uhjlte't ~ '''"~ l~w AI J•e•:l.''" will~· tenr•u.:•· ""'I"'"' hy M)'ln~t that_. hv It ltlld ,., ''"n '"'""''' )"'' thrtl krlt'w nt lnJtiiOn ... -. whe-n• a a•,... "'"''''' lfi~lrll 1, I~ fh•· dt\' W1' /Il l' Wit~ lto ull, hltt•F' II t•trllliiWI Ill~ nuw l••ml••l liJ II)' lllllttl( lu hnw· a1111 lht· plat'" rf'nltd ·u U,_ IUifi Will ht• VII&Jly ll!lt~ lt•of ltd qo~~l "l"'l .... Nlft turh prw-tJta \'l'(''ll•ly In 1/tl' n .. lll (t•W ~l•ttf'll )ell,)' WO'II' WN'fiUU8 l"f'rt•ln llUf11ont al '*'' uk ntYW. th"t If lho•n· 1" "'' I•• lh•· d l7 rmrt brtii'Vf'tt •n .~ ~tnrt lon· at pro--.r. '""' )1111 , .... ,. mrnt ahuuld lw ~ t• rec!tiCJ ,.,; 1..-r1Jnnnrr p~Ohlhlltul( II . w .. ttw condlttaa ""-~ atf,omo .,... "',.,.. fmm ttw ,.,;,,11"'"'" ltt•nnl llltll1 ltw-bUUdlna. IIUipf'C'tor ~ !(dAy In IJUf brtt'f 111~11 "''"' lh1tt turn down llll) plaiUI tw felt cauat f'V.f'f")' r~1 'thllltttnlt l'llfn·n wtU , not CD\f•,. ~ ._. ....... fll U. •Pt""~ yoc1r •lflml•tl~ tK·tkln I t'tlflll"fNt•ncy WQ U. au a;' • flf for pratllbltlon. for 1m• fulur•· ·• 11 IIUCC"tlc• ~ Ow .tt)' at ...... ,.._ lll•t C'tt•r•rin thAI city tttt'IM•J• llt> Into • _. (,t.r Attorrwy 'Oo(•mtw~n 'tultod r••r.•nt••• on tho• •-nUn-11ubjrd. gpne before locking the sta-Finley avenut. and it wu uplaln· buatnra• lie~ yrere &'r&nt.ci. I ~·'to Reoll~ readlnll M a no" In "" nff\r •r'• banda,~ 'lltal· ble; you will do more wail-ed by R. H Ror era that It wu a.mon« th•m belnr bile to John H. A meeUnt or all tbcea lnurut-pro~ .-.tiD&nc:• on a rurfpw K. E B d H d lng after it becomes a law planned w pavf' all thoee •treet.. Harter at 306 Pal~; Clyd, R. ed In orranlztnr a cburtll at Oo· Mr 'Minmpeon tt.elanwf Usat d((. • • than now. It's the same toward lhr overbe"d crollll6n, at Oottaon, I'>J'l E. Cedtra.J: a '.R(ulnlah j rona del Mar. wUI be be.ld Wtd· law ID&kiq It a au.demeanor ror ,,.rent r_ondiUou n l-.d It•.-.. dll" roston oar ee s thing that happened to mov-~Tb• A rebel!. • k llrhen In Ba.lboa: .. , .. ot loan-bMday f'Yf'Dtnr. Jun : 7. at t~e an)' miDOP undf!~ J8 to bP on 1/1,. to lhf' fad that Utw ..... ~ lng ln ~-Nobody paid It wu •tated lbat before work anc.. bu11nua by R. H. Sum .. era l bome of M,. Ce.orre E . 1Awt1, llti'Nta or a. public: plac•. unaC"C'nn,-and f'IP('rf'atfoeal e.nltr, -whll• c . I , p ') much attention to the zon-would llltart all lol OWIIer"ll would to John Sadle.lr. ~ll<14 Marigold Av ... at 7:30 p. m. p&nled by aa adult. brtw,.~n lh•· Mayor Hall. ruu.ca-l'ltAnley . . t t t depoelt I hr money wllh the city A ~unt f rocn lh4' lltate rail-Tbe purpc••t' .. to dl.IICU.. plalllt hou,.. ot 10 p. m. and ' a m . nn ', ",,"·t, ... ',.,, ..... !,~'n ~ ........ y~· ..... h'n:p .. tb··· ~ .. ~~~~,.= 0 u n y s ro e s s ing untiJ 11 hit US in the eye. lruaurer and It WIUI Tf'VUied t 1\Jll road commlaelon l"-t the llt&lfl', and plf'rt lf'mpor&r)' officer• who ,1 , ., ~--, "I . ' + + + Clly EnKme,.r PattrriiOil. who wu lUll' be abandoned tro.m Palm and llh.CI •rve unlit a perm&!lenl ot· "'~n ~Inc It unlawful for JliOI· tor ynnnr:l!l' rflfldrf'a 111 bomu It Mn. Fred Beck ha s this to Knt tn & be&rh eru11ion mettln~o: ln Central. Balboa. lt'l .Manne Ave «antr.Allon 111 formed. -,.nt.. le leave c:blldrl'n un<IH li wall finally d...-t•led t.o adYanr" th,. nty Jenrlnr~r fl J. l'atl .. rJt•"'· t 't 11nty r~~-In IC. •-- 88)' in h er Fanner's Market th!-mlddlt wu t. had wnrkt'\1 nut and Htrhway tO I. ~y<;>nrl BAlboA O mrreraUonal wrYtcea wue al•llle al home dur1n~t lh,. 1 1111 ,. mall~r In _.00d ,..,..un1. dun nr h••m<' ll••la y frum ot • ''"'"'·'~" ln l ulln II(}Oiy II wu f•lt that "•• collUT\ft : "After the war and fh• pran s'nd l:ad arr1vf'd "t the IJ!Iand. wu op~d anti a · h'hr-ho·l•l ~unohty m the l'haptol by th,. h•,.•ra. ,.....,,~~d In conlllth·rrtbl•• ,11• ,.111, 11 111t .. n m. full dlaculllllnn 1 111• Ill{'• will! hl&ll •·fill I a la "n th,. 1, •t~~•tMI •lt·v .. lupm..C• 110r11t ol - when Beck gets his dis-f'O!<I 110 Uw.SJO lilt bll~18 Thf· .. ,,~n·. In~ dl!mantll"d, Ill! "" W811 t)rllf'\'1'11 /~··u .. untl~r u ... dlrl'o·tlon ·of Ht·v , ....... lon • •·uld '" lt.ul .• ntl fllllll\ '"'"" '\'11•1111••• "' ,.,. ..... ,,. ""'•I IIIMt Wll I "'"''" "'"' •• 14f'al. n..uh llhould Charge from the-Wav~.. ell ll1'r ttJ .. d to ~1\'1' lhr lnl I)Wn 4'r" aurh e hAndnnm.,nl wnlllol Afft'rt l'rrr)· fo' Shrrtt k, AHniAirr all&r~. tr-,.t1 out h• ,.,.,.,,..r • tu11r111111o , f l h" •~·""' 1~ II• •I It~ with a fl~rtAia-d ,..-vt.w "" •':lly Altom -'J'hnm"~nn •!.•'"'' .,.. • -• we'ro going to go down a nd 11ixty day,. tn makP lo(f)(~<l lhttr trr~tflc m l hr 8N>Il Indira ,.,, A ~1rnd>tv "' ""''' h,.,. IJ<•f'n tum·-,, Wflll 11 uni·f~•rm 111 .,~~,.,,.,., , , A """"" •ltuaUnn bfo:ar:tnc • r ""'" rvl~''',. w il l\ ·wh••m ,.,. "' 1, r "'" '"""'•"'• whlr.JI llate ~ start a nn rv>r c nlled the La-(trt~ml .... llnll Sp<lk••,.ma n l<n,l{l'flO A f''flllrJII frnm I hi.' f'tllonth<'r "A l lnrunl(" r .. r ,...,.,.,,., rno;nl hll o<,.tntl 1•11 ' ~·n lhnruujthly IUid , .• ,,.,.,lly ·" '"1: i .... ..,.,,. .. llltra. C'lti'!tP lip "' ,,.,,.,.,, "'• lll•·••ltro..: l"''••nl•··l "'' II""'"" "''' , •ru nly'a llhorw.llla ..,.. ..-. h••I><Vo>tl It W • ulol II•• lhe "11i<•nlfl" ("r•mnwrt,. In r'"'" trnfrl•• tooiiJ whll,. II h1L1! '"'' 11 llllll••n~omlnntmn k .• , 1 1 ,,,,11,1H/I• , •• ,,.. • '"'rtl \''" o to•r-nn•l n"""'' hr• """"" .. , .. ,.,."' 1-' lf""ra 1.-., I he ~ &•a dt . .Hug ll'. ( ProiJ-.. • · · • 1 '"" nut try rnanv lrtw Ill'• n • • " • .1•11·1·"•· • ~ .... .,,•~:(' tf\ V.PI ••UH•r lll rf'l'\1! In lha t Wrt\'lO o-n r•nlm llllil "" "f IOin•••ljO lfl "' ,, Ill llrtd•·rlflr~"' that ll Will , ..... nrlln I I I I ' •. I "' , ..... ' ,, .. ,.: .. J""r" '" I ' fll• ,.1 .. 1• •Ill ""'"' "':: "'""' ""' ''''""""'"'" rtnfl ""'•lanr .. ,,, 1 ... run S tfenn Pltflrlock'~ Att'l\ paved. TlAI"hua """" t<•lo•rr•·d t ttl<' lltrrlt '""'•lilt'.; purl"' Ill•· prul"'""'' f t ·~ldr~· ,"~"· "'"~II• I'''"'' ,., ,,. "' '·· .. ,.,, 1'""'11•1•··· "''•'• ,,,. 1(11\•t nu ... ut "" "''' l'•·nl ll••ltl'll ,.,.,,, .... u ...... , IIIV,hnlzatl•m .. paper out of IJusiB>. s:_s.l"... l'rl• r '" ,,,,,. "ln·rh-r ''A'''' 'r• rim""' ..... lh t I I '"IOI•r•llon . . n f) lr !•n ... )Ill•·•. ''' ,.,,, •• , , .... ,,,,,... • ' I I." • ,, •. •. "" 'o• H ',. Wtrrl t' npp lo\'a '' .,, , • l"d With I<O tttlotll I( " I I' • I 'I r I II loll ,. 'nlrflnl( II••· h• 1111 ~ I>car . lady. do you knu w ~Arlnji!' 3~ ~IJllllliiJif•J!. ll•k• d '" tfll' r"''",. , ... ( Th•· I IIO UlCII rl·l t:Yt>rytln<' tnt• r·····, ,,. llfi!"•J ,.. I 1 Mr I'HII• '"''" ,. ....... , "'"' " C' •• l t E t • there :HY' \WO 01 h t•r Jl<I JI('I'S hli\'t' lh•· 1~\VII A lin Ill lhr AAmf' J••Urn• .. ~lilt' ''" ltl't'lltl "" m•·..ttn,l{ lom••ri'IIW l•'•l'f'nb WOttt•l ,,.. It•· lot II ., .•••• ,, '· •• j • ~I ........ , ',''''11 ".:;;'" I ttl,,,,. 10 "'llnl' v '"' lu•l•l W•lll lh•· II H ~ ec ees n raiD itl Laguna bes idt• Paddock's ? t\\t•thl"r<0\11)'1 ~~! any fl())lt o· .. ,.,,,I • ''"1'1 ,,. I .," ' .• , ''I! Wll ,.,.,1 ~"' 10 1""1 ,,, .... fo l~r .. wl•" 1( .. , .... 111111 l;t n""'' for 1.'4 Ma~~Arthur ..• South Coa:o;t 1'\t>ws and 'I' 11ur h ,,.. y ,r l(lrt nnd tuk••, '"'', ·~'''' ,,, 111,. .. wn•·l• c uunt'llmllll 1,11,. .I 1,11,1,1,11111 "" , '"''"""" I' L. " Annual Meetl.ng of th F. t Ch h f t•r the porent,. "',"'' lh, \',Ill I ,, • t ,, ,, ''· k tt •\\ If t h ... ,.... "'''"! fll11t•t 'h· ,. t.:ulr.r "' """' ,,,. ... , tt.: L' H F .d .. llll!IX.'O l hro\\away . And e Irs urc -m~lQ until " t\0•1\rll•l: "'"" II• lol ., '. l l • ·"'. ~ "'"' J.;••Y'"IIItna IIIII I "" ... ,,.,, .. "'' , ......... f'lt ni •···O•uo All•fl· r rfJm ere. rl ay m ae;t SUCL'essfuJ puolfshers Ch • t S • • t, Bo M -J ~II.IJ\e aJlrllrc~ '" '1\lt•lt ,.., ,, " ··• ' '""" "'''I "''"'" I" • r .. , •• ny t" ''"'''' • '"'''" ,,.v,, ..... "•k···t "' rtt .. buy up the pape r alr't'ady es-riS Cle. ntis ston, ! ass., une 5 ,,. rnf' "'''"" A tint•' ,,, ')loll ' ... ,,I , ,., .. , II ,.,,,I..,., hut th .. p """ 'hl~r I I '1, • II .. I ., ....... nly ,.,.~~t rnnttl ,..,l'f"l:l: 1: • • ..-.ttl t fit 1" n n l trH "~" ••n• utt ,. l tabJished iru;tead Of g o mg t1<' tmpottl'tl IIIIIN>• rf.ll hy ""YIIllt lh . ..t II 'lo.'l1• J7 11,411 11,1,111,111111 Altllht•ltt~ l~lltol lh'nl Ac:N1m ~· 171 Mltrrll throu~ the grief of s tarting Whtl•' huldm..: mJhtnry· mrghl "rrfJ:''""I' \ll'torv unrlrr 1\ ~ "'" !'hill l)r••u~tht 11 ,.11,1, ""''' f.,,.,, 1•.1 "l•'lld•·•l t•• 1nvr.tc,. t~owh "'''" 11 1 , .. ,,,, Mm·Arll"'· Arrtfy ~-1 I '" 1'-• f II I rr ' .. .:,,1 rnf'tl ll'lrt'a ... ,, ralhf'P ,,, ,,. IOf(, 11"'1 Jlt"" 1'1'', t•rllfl 1"'1 llrlfl I I u rt r I , __ .....__.... _. -new ones. ~:-!'n HI . .,,. \;lf'oOI)' " 1\ lf'l 110 ~u tl'(' '" J.;URr llnlr'(\ I N'llllm I ,, R. d runnl{lf' lhl\l " '111/\lloll \t'•• .. ' '" • ..n a n•l ""'' .... IIi~ .. ,,,,... NI••UIII ,,. I'll l'f I) (' ~ ,__.rvup - + -+ + natll'n' O\f'l' lh•· anii·C"hri~l rla1m .. '" mnnktntl ·· tl" namf'd to lnv,. .. tlgrtl•· ""'' ,,1,,ff ''"'. 11..-F'""',.''"""' r n ,.,,.. l" .,,1y,. 11,_,11 11,. """' ,.,. l.llnllf,.rd f'hrfMJl<; .rr . at N~. H Chudl r I' if t y of inJu•t u· .. anti inlt•lrornncv·. Thl' AnntlU nro<•m•·nr wa.~ 'm tiP b)' ttrror. .urh 11 law wu ,.11,1,1,,,1 It w10• t:lled thai ,.n.,.y tlmr11• .,.,,,,.,,. t'fltrllllftf"(f w.•,•: 1tl1')' e • cnn~lt/ln S('lf'n('(' ~Jrd nf I II lhf' Dtrrrt or ,.. ., • ,,,,.,,.... ,,, ·--~.,.,.. ll'tlik I .. , lllttlcno .. w"" I(IVrll '11'"\ thlll W•lllltl I 1\Hihun bllln<l Mnrvin .... M-..-rc wt'dded is a long time ' . . Of' rtl' ltp nlmt·'l F'nllce Chlet Htrdl(lc ln•un lh•·n ,,,. ·-h r .,,.. •l••tll• II ~"'"'" ... '"nnat I•F'Illf'ICIII ,., ... Ill ... ,_,,. Jlr ...... -rt • -~!;".::.;. .r~-~ f('('lor" l(l(lay t nltl lh•· nnnunl 1)1 Paul St11rk S...•I"Y ·n Cam -1.<1-...... t >'""" .. frll'ntl<l wiiJi them but that ,., -,.,.. ._ -. for ...... Harry C handlers of . r ,..,.. .... \bto IJr"l"-'' nrtl tnlln•" .. . wrr .. fll•·•l Jr . J• .... n·R. ''o•x, R•fu•'o M. •-u~ m('('f tnJ: of Th(' Mr)lhl'r (liurrh. I hn<t~;e, Mns.~C'hUSPI L~. n. Prl'll>l· j 1 1 rn rl ,.,... 1 tJ "' ..... • •· "' ...__ ....... Los Anaoles Times. N o Th ,...._ h r ,..... . .,_. . hU bee th4' llfltiJN"I r,( mu•h .... ,, .•. , I 1'"-f'a • um ... WI l Thr l'allf••"!'" AII<Witllnr l'tllll IJuhn .. ; Mllt!kln,. .. h , MJ----· ~ ~::.r genU~~ in lM crart c )o'IM:I ..... urr tl .. n ,;t, ~· .. n· I dt•nl ol ,. Mmh(or al't'h frtr ('11..-oa In an ptlrtJC n1 th,. I IIIlO\)'' '"'' th .. lr 'knt .... ~fle and Wf'l'" "r nine Cni'IUIII ....... *hlf'h ,._ntl'd .... .. ... "'....,.. AUIII:: -liM. '" l:bton. lltU I\.t;aChUSC'tll\,,lhl• l'nlllllng )'l'llf, •uct ns: M~ land 8tat.P and ronlllilt'l'tlt.l•· 'f~\ ll!llf'l dl ... ttvf'rPtl bJ -~,... whn "''" -.. ~ • .,·lh,. ,.n .... 8lat.t, ·-nrtln n. Ma rkll, r 2 a ext.ta than M.r. Chandle r , that fn'('(lom IS f'li!W:'nUally a !llJltr· n.tiM•Itf' D ·S McKenziP ' r· ~ who ha.s done more to build ll ual ~ift "to · IX' rrfllizrd only ~lt·Y. AsliOC't&tc Ed1 of tht' ,.,...rch done; that th .. 1•"' 111"' 1"''" ''"1"'1 tltr Y'•Hn~ _.,.~,. ••n• w•• able to ... r,. fiiiiiiii!MttrJ-~nit UMtf'h ·· C:la&6T. a..,, 'llw 1\mcs and 1....oa An eles lhrouroth spmtual undl'r stanchf\i Olnsuan Scie~ p-riodtca111. drnwn by-0. ... l.ti.&D'I 11 ~~"~'1 111· "' '1"''11h1"'" "' ,._ Mtlllbur• ~ ... '-uh ....._ ........ Loylt g • and 8tlllln.t]\Cnl .. Ollwt> tben Thr ~ Scit!nct> I.OMMJ. Ho ..sd'tt -· Mt mf'Mt liM frtl!n • ..a -IIOt -.. UIJ. ....... """''•...,....... -~~~ Afte; .... a ....... pum any other one d h ten. &fore IU1 aut1Jrnct' of ,_;v~ M<llltt<W, "Utlvr ~ P IJUihtlerJJIW, C. ..... -...d .. U.. lrti,.T Mr liP t•rn _....en ~-At ,,.. ra,.,.,. lt1IIJ •1•1 ,. .... ltllaU-.,,.,...H II . .._. da ... ~ That ... llulks in the twilig ht lbou.'l.ant1 Olnsttan S<:tl'ntu•h es-JIII'W YOf1c. ~ a ~mtlber o~· .... a ..... 'til -~ ....... • Mit -.:h ~ ,._ -. -'-w~ _. ~a~ .. ,.,. W llll\rd R. ...... ~ ~t.o' ~r. }esion.is a osourcef __ Aof, lffttiaJiy lonJ '" charart('r du• to ~ ..,, ... Church In 1IOt, whUr • ,_,.hr who Iliad t.wt\.11 b~ lhlr ~ -rt, . ..... " ... ·---~·1 ., fh,. n.~ ill ... ,. ·~tr. ..... ...: c u~ -IIIIIC'IIU3 ...,.time mtr1Mton~o Upon tram ~tu·t .. HarvtiN lAw lcheal I ,, ... IT.Aitll -ILE-•• on the et'"'"' Whf'n •'""" miJdfy s.. ....... lNJ eouM .... , ... --~~ thll ,._..,.,..,. •...... Y.. c-.....-.. L -ho -""'..-...... t he still can . . . -a . v• ,. .. -• .,t .• ----aut'"o-, ·-be lllrtl'UI(M w... ~ cltv ........ .-.. n tt ........ m ... l .. t •. a.Jt. -• ,... '"'~ ~ ..... alton. the l>!l"f'<'tor'l\ Cltt'd thf' Hq .... IM ~fiJI A. & t~ '--'"• PN14MRt ., ,.. ,M ~._, •-·-" '" .., ' ~ 1 I --roo enJa&' and wttnell the growth \JNvl',-,.al dfotf'munat1on to win ttw PrinceTon &nd LL B. from llar-1 Chrdl ef CJ1rt8t. ktmti.C. lJI nlfte.q to t.aa. IIUCh younpter In ••ll a ~~~~ tt~Mrp. Th&. r'lrnl• ~th.,r•ll•• ••'•""lnJt r.ommll-SM O..rnmte: O.vld & R(llllla tM Southland._ ptNCe ll~ ad\•ftnet• ro•alization tha t Vlln:l. . &,ton, .. _duaaett8 'ell...... Mo 11\Wb .. UIM11)' ... wu thrn puMd ..., ~ N'lllllnl( ''": hful. fall•·• Ill fncJu(j,_ Oralllf'll w ... tmlnatt'r : nnn A. M ........ ----_.=,;;.,_ __ ~-- .. ~ .~ -a .._..b~ C. PtrTJ . ed vowa •· CJl Yr. &Dd ~ ~ ttar~ \ .... "-....... , ! . ' w Newport Ice and Cold . Stor.-~ Co. _ _ 410 ThJ,rtleth St.. ~wport Bem·b .. Ph~. Nl'Wport Be-arh 157 Dr. D. M. Crawfor~ . 'Optom('lri<it l'r'97 Newport Blvd. C<ltita Mesa · Phone: Newport Beal'h 2430 Sportlafld Bowling Center· Main Stf'('('t Balboa PhonP: Nt>wport Beach 2402 I I R. W. McClellan-& Sons Rocks and Trucking 2617 Wettl Centn l ~\'efttlt' Phone Newpor1 BeaC'h 1 :.!:J , ... _.. Conrad Richter, M. D. .. . ' ,; '• Physkian & Surgeon Off~ 107 2:tnd st: · Residenl'('-717 W. U>nlnti·Aw. Ph. OH. 1:~1-H<'S. 74. Nt•" JJOr·t U..•ach Bayside Fish Market· 28th & Lnfayettt' NeWJ,1011 &>ad t Ph. Newport 8<-ach 615 • • I Ex'celsior Creamery · Santa Ana California · -~ _ --llickey'a RearEstate · -- , 305 'Palm BaJbou · PhOII(' Nt>wpor·l Jkadl 1~. -· Richardson Tooling Product~ 210 Munne l ~tlllOO l 'h.Qrw 1'\t•\\ Jiorl lkuch I:: I Reed's Super Servi«:e Ga.----oil: . At·t·to:;.-.vrtt•.•-h"• 2920, W .. CcntrnJ A\'~. • Ncwpc:n1. 8<-ach Phork' NC\\'IIOr·t Bt•ach X'-~ · Boyd's Gilmore .Service ·Station 1500 ·wes.t Cmtral An•nut~ · Phone N«-Wport aeach !)H5 Lowman Boat"' Builders 485 Newport Btvd. . --c-osta ?.Tesa P hone 'Newport 501 Casino Cafe 102 MaJn Strec.-t Balboo, Cali r. ; Phone Nl'Wport Beach 779-M / Richard Seeley · P hotographer 218 Marine AvmlK.', Balhoa Island / ·,Eugene Elliott Real E8tate, · Ph. Nc\\-port &-aC'h :t.~ :501 E. Central, Balboa. F:"tab . .1 ~12·1 McNally's Boat Livery . 705 l}i1x FrQ.Jlt _ __. __ Vhone Nl•wport 13t'nt·t) 40ti , Market Spot Anton I lcrsh('y. , 200 Marine A v(•., 41. Bn~bol1 h;land Phonc N('wport Beacn ]J)OO . . . Wanda's Beauty Salon Y'll ~ -Toni Blanton. l\1;tnaJ,:l'l' _m~ Marine Avc. Ph. NC'\\'J~r1 .B.>ach :\tiS A. B. 1\~ecol m _ . L.ido . c · . . e I / ,. NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES,•Newport Beach, California, Tuesday, June 6, 1944 wo ·u : HERE IS a toug h j ~b.-With long hours. No pay. Arid little thanks. ~ Yet ma ny a man· and many a woman Is g ladly gi ving_..u p spa re ~ime to take it on_ · The· Victory Volunteer. Starting June 12 he'll kn ock on your door. -or stop a f your desk or ·your rna-' ch ine, swall ow once. or. .twice, and as k you t o buy extra Bond~ d'uring this Fifth War Loan. Wh y does he take the ·t ime to _do it ? Certainly Port nf :-\t'n'n St'as Bncat I JC1ndjng .· .. , ·. • 0 ~t ~oul~_be m_gre pleasant t Q ~sitting a t. home .. smok..-. mg a p1pe, r~ading a paper, or tehding the garde-n. But. thjs Victory Volunteer is burning inside. He feels the crisis. He knows that now is the hig h · point. N9w is the agony. Now is the last turn o f the screw. Now is the time to buy the Bonds you. ca n't afford. The count is 3 balls and 2 strikes. The time is now. Now. NOW! . . ' I So when the Victory Volunteer .comes to you, welcome him. And buy double the aQl ount of Bond s you bought last time! We've got to! 4 Will You Be a Victory Volunteer? ~ . . lin:tl :-;.tit•'· :\-l;tl'lll\' \\';ty~- >'11 c.~'"' llt·:h'"'~ ::-.;,.,,.11(,rl n ..... h l 'lh•tll' "\t'\1 11111'1 B<':tdJ !'I~' • ~lariy patriotiC' men RJ18 womf"n ha,·r alrrnd~· siJ:llc:cL "I' In :\Ct ._. \'lctory \'oluntHI"!l but morr nrf' nf'f'clt•cl. As a \ lctor\' \'oluntf"f'r, \'OU ,\·ill Sf'M't' \·our·rnuntn· in mw ctf the 'most Important mls!dons M'~r' ~ln•n tn ci\·ilinn" ,in wartlmf'. S Pf'nd an hour or two-a 'da_,. in ~ mrr em n · l~land Ht.lalt~· CQ .. l:t•:tl I ... Lift•. ll',lll.!lh,:t•. :\'1•1:11'\ I 2111 i\j.:.th• ,\\,· • B.llho,i ),J,llld I • ... . r1r·i~hborhood. Th..-ta.~k Is lmllOrhint-th.-rr \\:ucl-. ~r,.:at, for ~·ou will ha\'l' th«> satil' s t:tinn nf lwiJtin~ .\m- t·rio·a toward \'iC'Ior~·. 1-'~n full ctrta il~ ~~~ J,)ll:t~ tn till' ( Hamber or Cornmt'r<'t'. S o obli~atinn_. or C'OIIN·. . I .. • • .. • IS • Corona •• Mar Cafe . Fonnerly ROASi's Hill Coast Highway Ph.,Nwpt Beach 1~7 "The Arches" "Just a Little Better" Cocktail Lounge and Cafe On Coast Highway at Newport Blvd. Nt>wport Beach P~. Nwpt. Bch. ~1 Balboa The·atre Balboa. Calif. Lido Theatre Ct-ntral Ave:. N~port Bead\- Van Camp's Sea Food Co. Inc. Tt>nntnal Island California Way's Market Phone 85 :~01 Main. Balboa Stag Cafe & Bar 21 ~t Pl:tN.~ and Coast Blvd. Nt>wf><>r1 ll<'al·h California Food Basket I X 1:! NP\\'por·t Rlwl. Cp~ta M~ By Sc'rvlng Others &:~t" Phonl' Nrwport 561 CO!'ta MeAA , C;:Jiifo mia Gordoh l\1. Grundy, M. 0. · Ph\'..;idan nnd Slll'!!I'On Ninth anrl Crntl'7ll .-\\'<'. 'Ph: ~\\·pt. Tk h. 37 Cal boa Y (H'ht Basin ,.. n. i\. l la IPv l':tli~,rl••, Hn:.~d I 'h :\t'\\'J1011 Rt•:t~·h 500 Bay Short' Camp & Cafe I !rin7. KaiS<•r Phon(' :\P\\ por·1 Bc•ach 1\:!H C'bast lliglmay Newport Beach . . Sawyer SJ>Ort ~hop . Phon<' Nt'.wpo rt &-ach :,71;. :.?07 Mar in('· i\\·c. Balt>Oa lsland Robert V. Staats Co. ~h ipbuilrt<'~ P honl' Nl•wport Beach 2541 625 Coast lligh}\'ay NewpOrt Beach J: S( B,arrett Construction Co. C".cn<'ra l Cont racton; 1300 Statt> Hig hway Ph. Npt. Bch. 2464 S. & F. Sales Company· 2139 South l\tain St. Santa Ana Sherwin-Williams Paint Co. Bolboa Paint Store , Phont' 1'\C'wport Ika<'h 101 ·100 E . Bay A\'<'. Balboa The Doll Huuse N<'wport · Balboa Palm Springs Frank Showalter Santa Ana Cali fornia South Coast Co. Yacht and Shipbuilders Costa :\lesa Lumber Co. 'Co!-.ta :'-IC'!-.a, Calif·. •• ar · .-oQ s a.r ~s u·"e 12m . , . This Is a.n O ffi ctal U.S. Treasury Ad ve rtisement-Prepared Un der Auspices-of Treasury Depa~tment a nd ~:ar Advcrtisi~g Council I •' . .. . . ---·~ - •. NF.WPORT-BALBOA NEW~TJMES. Newport &ach, California, Tue~ay, June 6, 1944 ~:: :~~~;;G .. :~~m.:::;;:;,~~ 1 p:.~~~ .~;~::;~··· j ~£i~~ ~ i R E A-D--~--L-A..:.._·;..s;..._s __ I_F..;___I_H_.,.~--~-.-D--s·-~--.-.0--R--:-. -_.·--~--~--G--A ...... _I_I_S __ I·. lllank we can u y that lbe·.ummt'r 13111 Stewu t'a '"Cbubuc.o" v.·ent co -I -ltFQ. CO. H•:I..P WANTED .I !';MPI.OYJH;NT I REAL 1!:8TATE P'OR 81\LIC--.&UIO& I aeiUIOn •• o!tu:lally, uf.h:la.ly open· " •p.ctat trip Lucky Pop Kirk to On Jun~ 14. 1944, at 10 :00 a. ~-3~ W C"r!'tral Av~t. PI\. 2181-W I . . j· FOB SALE-rmt ttALE 1121 J'orcl ~ l a\r b<'en able to IG &Jon& at 30Q1 \\ C'C'ntral Avr . Nt>Wport j Ntv.-port ONch, Ca)tl rAT:\'TF.R~ \\ANTED S.. Mr. IIF:I.r WAN'Mtl\ 1'arl tlnlf' e4't'· ---• ~ - ed. Tilt' optonln;; ot lhr Balboa Gill Evans b:lVU\.1 a w~ektnd va· 11-•·h. l"'lllf{()m l•. I lftlt'nll In wil l M-tlt' l'."•l~ty, 1:!1\ Apolrna, Hal boa "lAry. h •r on• •»' two olay• a ,.., Ill RALE tlo>u• to br nlm·ed. Mtlt• r l uoll run nina coacUUaa. Yacht <:tub adll~ th.-II•'C~ond o:fl. I 1 k •t 1 A 1 111 • ''"'"'"a lf'l Wu Phone Ne"" Hr•a~ New bettery ,. 1·atlon fr1 m lht' Army. With• hta 1<' lht' hl~ht•l bl,hlt>r "' public , , , . slllrhl 44,4t.· '"'" .. 11M '<' tvp1111 pp y ' ·' • clal, anll a very lil'l\'t :: op4!nong lt uurllvn a 1934 C'hi'Yflllt'l 1, upt' FOR SAL!': 1~·.( J uhna. n row ''' h·lrph••lh: ~'1174 w 1n a 111 l'••rt 1'2lloll 44 '21<' tnu~port•llun. $12~. WWI too. ,Tht> dinner tablt'll were bt>aulltul gl't!'st danr Zenith at hi• I . • ' • • . bc>at With J nhn•lll outbpard mo· BOYS soyc BOYS 4\·U ·· !\I .. Ancl W. l'C'nt ral Ave he~t._-Only lhl' Anny could fet!'d .ltrn.,. N•• 69 R t-37, t,;n~tn•• No.I .. ,_ft -.~ • FOR "AL E decor~ted with QlUitl·col rl'd miD· d 1 k lh t M •• 43331134 Tully Mtl h•r ,1 .. , ... "--<l h•r. pntr tll·ally nr'ol', $.7:\ ~· ~ .... ,, '"" 1••\'1• 11t .,111·r 1ur P"l"'r T ilt: FA itl•ll•:l<~ 1 1"1'-IIHANI '~; _ ~ . 1•urt ltra•·h lature 11\lll>oata and bouqul'la or 8 og 1 e 8 now · · · · ary ... c. ownrr · · · tw ~~e•n at :!009 I';, Bay Front., ' 111o·~ 111 1V.t""" lll'lt\'rry 111 1:-· u l H I It ... k ,.,.. k bo Callup:~ baa been havlna a bout · • n lbo nh N w rt .... ......t~11t' """ "" • .,,..rwn~¢ '"' .. n --r-tfl~ -neRC I · orne l"t1ti ""LJII --rtact1tt.r w 1 e ... oc •· 'a e a w .t..lre. • Thl" a all• ht fur thr Jlllr"'"'" ,,, • a . "' OOt' r po ...... 11 ••rn1111:" '" I hC' ll('AI'h all dAy -Gra , G d 11 th 1 h t wllh a bug lal~ly-Ola..l to aay 1hr .--S&·tfr , 1 ""'1•11 h•luo '""" l'llho·r 11111 ,,,. liN HA \' .~ltPNT II 11'41. a 33 000 mllf' ce rt'rn. an a e g~r • l a h , eattafyln~t my ll'ln "" t·ar • n· ~ " ~'~"""'•' "' •u•kf' "'''"" I II ... II II ,..,, Sl •·-I II b II t nt~ ·' tl t•-hdped you got t c better uf laid bug ... Car· D K HLUF: ' ........ -o ~P•·t~ohn.: uto•IH'\' r""-" 1'ho•lll" pnr n·•· '"' "lo:" Ill . ll ,...., ''"'"'•· ll'f't' " Ia, \lr· • C' runu nn, rat"'· " ..... ~­. · mellta VIncent ott to L..oa An~>elea · · · FOR l"Al..F: H ·f•"'l J>Ad•llc! ...-v ,. 1 1.,.,_1 •1· • l'llrnt I"'"' "ur I' •thtlll \' It l'l"hr•l 1 II •'Ill'"'"''" :111 •••v• t llf'l, 13,000 l'honr everyone In a g&la wplrtt tor the for the w~tekend-A1ld of couriC' · • 1 -an.l Kllyak Apply 1 u '~· .,. 43·:llt' \\Ill ""·" ""'I '" lnv ... ttll"lo• l'rko• lth'hul~ta twu "''"· ph·r 11.1\11 ,l:tD4·W Cununodore Mark Healy put • .. Pub. Jun .. I 4\, ll ""'' 13 1944 01 .. , .. n-y •"'" , ... r .... " 1\tr .-:.t .. n. . . I . evening lOrry Mrl. Healy wun't Lonme II 'ol'urrying thalllht>'ll h&,YC' Sn. A Hill Avr. or phone 1'1H9·1l. ·1·•tr I 111•nry "' ~; lln plr Pllll IIIII I M' "'"'' ---- -___ ___; I d ti Th .... OTICr.: TO ('••""ITOa.. 111'1 1· \''A"T"'Il ~1 m :\tl7 Nn Hr-"'"'"'"" MIUltn Ana. ••. •to· n iKNmTRt: able to join lht tun ... u . VInnie 00 gO<' a me ·~· e AI~I-Aitl'l' .~ .• --. I BOAT~ ron S ALF: 16 rt It n-. , . ,, .... r . .. lln nr W O IUl 1'1\li( """'"' ~!111:1 4:1 31r A tlOOJ) Htl\' •.• • YOR HAl£..-. Healy and hi• channlqr ·wit~ new League I• welcomln& Mmett. Ar· tt c~n~r·bv.r\1 e!Ul b. at '''I 1'1"' '"' ,. wnrk. fo•r IH•lt•l -'-I • ,· In from Tucaon for the tutlvltlu tblft But, W . P. Durkee and Don T\~:-~¢J'l': Ot' RA<:'HEL C"ROSSi b~; Torn UliiO'IH, uwd oo~t ~lrnntl\.: 1111'1 lh''ak rC'Ill'f 11"11",. !"ITt' A'l'h II'>: \\' ANTI':Il n "•k $22}100 •'flit -RAI.IC M~t..m••tl<' 3·pl~ ... . tdre. Lt-1 Jebell look lOg very McCallum .. active membt-rl' . nlso known Ill' rtACIIEL nn 12 ft \\'t'ldwo.ld nn , ......... Nrwp<>rl lltHI 4:1·411' Jllltl llllll••r ,. I•<Tif'llo'lt\1 .lui.-. w. L. J ordari I lll't'll• nal ("bl'lllerft•ltl l>l vaa- wdl In a black and white dinner Mn:u. Edgar Hill. lot. I). Eame~ C T\\'JST, OF:C EASF.D ~-rd $1 ~ 1114" Snipe wANTE.O t'fi'Jlluynu•nt In bt•a r h t•••hl""''"l turiJIIIIIH ••ulnr ''' Huby, IMI-dr~ ... Mrs. Clyan Hall belno and Har\'ld Crilller u aulllalnlng NO:ICE JS IIERI::BY G IVEN I huga~y hull Sit.lj• tor ~I Aut•• nto·rht\nh·~ Tup "'""''· 114-111. torr ~umml'r Hr .,..nnanrnt. l'h .. nf' 7110 Y. t '."ntral. llalt.,,. h.•• 1••fl<l ,.,. Phone JH.W. " members to tht cn'dlton. or and all p~>r'sons I d 1 1 1 VIlla .. patriollc In red. whltr and blu~. . · hav 1 1 , · 1 th 'd d g1>0d <'on II on. nqu re \\torklnlt ,., nlllttora An n•·n· ~IUIIK Ana l\11111 It A~k '"' ,.'\lit ~At.tl~ ,.'llrnllltt(•l du1•lf''11 at 42-4t.o ., Mayor ti. all "bu··•n., about .. ·. l nterutlng eldellght on N-port ,_,'"1: c" m~ agam:< I' ·5111 ,.. Mar1na 42·UC: I 1 t 1 F~ 1 t' 1lanl")' H u,, 1701\ w o.·,.,.n F'runt N·w~..o · --...... • Harbor Yacht Club on.iun _ 1 Ct-u<'nt or sa1d t>•tat! to fll<' th<'Dl _· _ _ _ __ "1H ntua ry .lllp llynun •· · ~ •-·· rott SALK LA Jane Calkm• a da rling In brightly r-g wt\11 tbr nl'<'<'ssary vouchf'n in thf' ~ •·r hr'rC' or at Huntlngtun I lt..ao·h {~n alternuona lhla rp white ~"\anew tlowend lklrt wl!h white top Th~ttr eervlce nag bu one .tlundnod orfiet" ot th<' n .-rk of thc-Supc•nor 1 ••on SAU~ Uodrl tOOL J~ W•IIIK \\' ANT,.:II l '•>llra" atu. ,.,.,.11 1 n••n"r ,111 pnoml .. al TWu IU Nnf• b<"ellent cnodtU.: ' or coune Weodrll looked plea.aed forty llara an~ two g old •~r• ... Cour·t ot tht' Cpumy of Ornn~;<'. Sea t orw Outboard. vert ':0::: •l~tnt •·lluhl llkr '""'I"'"' u lhrf'f'·t».II'Oilm unlla, unr o'Wl\Atr '2 metal arm)' t,._ bad&. I ..t- ... Mra. E&rl St&nley looking tor Which remind8 me •Have YOU •Stall' of California. or to pt"t'tot'nl t'undltlon. $40. 16·ft. Fullen m"th~r·•. l'r ll"'' \\lhrr• <'an bP I t"'<'upl..,,.., no ,..nt t'Ptllna ODe t,.._, 11t os-1. ...,.._ trlend8 .. : Mn. Jobo Allen .tun-Jna.dr an appointment for the tht aams. wl\11 . the-nrcf' ... ry typr Kaya.k. excellent cooclttlon. , "nf' o-.f t,.mllv Wrllr llua H. r; l"'f'nted yearly 1;.x,.1 hl«'nmf' lala.Dcl. 'Phone 1106-W. .,_... nlng ln a ~·oW number wblle John Blood Bank lbat will be ben July vouc:h.-n~. to lht• und<'~tgnf'd et tht' 120 413 •~mleal Ave., Ooroaa II<'&C"h. Phone 2s N•-.·•-Ttnl,.., Nrwf")rt ""'..""" I l•rvperl)'_ f")ft IIAba ,.._ M"r ~':ti:it looked pnlly dapper !lim.elt ln \he ~lh 1 How'.-ab&ut it~-un~tgnf'(fs plaCf' or Builn.-ss. to-tk+ Mar. Calif-"-2tp 26-1 tc 43·•t•· --•acb Nl a t 104 Main It . a.a- bil white d4J.ner jacket . . Lt. wit: 309-312 Fin.t' NAtional Bank ~ --I TDAN8PORT .. 'I10N I WANTED ro ~ .,._ u-- Eurene :rolfl and Lt. Grorgc Wat· P: E Rail Building. Santa Anll. Calif . within FOR S~Diead powered··-WA Man or hoy for part· .. " " WANTF.I m I ~N 1'\1 -----·---·----.... aon rrom lbr Co..t Ouard . IJir • • way -!'IX month.~ aftl'r lh(' rl~t publica· ft. ftablng ve-l. i!ilcepUoeal l I nlnj[ .!;ummn or I mr\'Ct.r8 l'llld, r.nt.f.d ur ,... • I l • T m'-had wr. ARJC IPIDCIAJ..l.,.. llf &Del Mra. Don Pedel"80n hr~. ~ Resumes'Se-"ce Ilion or lhis noli<'t·. buy. Thr ~yt.on co .. tol oaut J'bune Nt'WJ)()rt 3~' pall't'd V<'lf'l'a ~ MaiD 8t.. ~~ 01' ~ HuabaM In .. ,..,. THRICII: ANO J'OU'R ~ group t row Vlkln .. '" Port ... Ilene I. 'fS Datf'dMa) 15th, 19«. Hlghv.·ay, N•wporl Beach. 1\13 W I AYI', Ualbua 44·:ltc l Halbott "nd :4011 'Mar1nr Aveeu.. Mu~t boo 11\'allabfe by Jun• Ol1T1"1Te ltave aa att~ • A.. J TWIST • U -4tc llalboa llll&Ad ll·lt• l6. l 't•UIII pbl-N-pnrt thr..-rooe. outltt eat ..... ta R1chard.an lov~ly In white .. . .. In pt>nni!<!lion ~:rant I'd to thl' 1 · • Vlollll. l lt1& n U ·ltcl .. · P~&ul and Mre. PI\ mtr-doing all Paci(lc Elrctrir Railway sywl<'m. 1111 E x*utor of lht' oor •ton for '1VU to -- right ln \be dancing .dept ... And P . ·E. rail :servtcf' which ha!' for .., z . , · ' · v an1t Mt f'l nlaypr•. fur for 7 yrar uhl <'hlhl Muat t.l r" T • ,) Rtr.NT ~ •'-b ' 1 EstAte-of Mid, dPCt'd.-nt CRUISER. 28'x9'. factory~ buill. % accllrdloo \\'ANT TOe 1111)" llh•yolr , .-nail. W •N "" ' Ilk. It would look la •ClUJ' 111o.e when did you •come !rom Wr years. canil"d Los AnJ:I'Ie,; busi· n . . Mt Kmnl'y J Ctlryller marmr moh re. erj ,. Bob Uve."· In Jth ol ••unolltlun Writ• ltc-.. llrniAhf'<J huu. ur apt No c bll• tWehty.one ~ .. fot' lnt.M. Ky I , ._ ... ~ • · ness ml'n and womt•n to and from Attomry for Exf'Ct,ltor nice •h•pe lhrourhout Sacrtnce ,1,.n ••r·Jlo'IJI Writ lloa Jf .... l .. •w•at tM1na. rr.. del.....,, 110 r, · -y .... ery 0 pop..-o · · 309 31'' "" 1 N t'l ..,_ k Bid •3 000 , ...... n r n .. --rd Sal "' (; Nll'w•·Ttmr•. NC'w..,."t · e ' ,. ...., M-.. • -· t• '"'h d h ~ It ha ..-their beacH ' .homM~ at Nf'W"''I1 • ~ r 1"" a oun g., • ' . v .. r " ,...,. . • ,-New•·Ttmr• N•w..-u-ch.' -c -an II • u"' ~ure 0D · 1M .. o &D w y . ruuat v~ bern . . . ~~ I . s Sli 1311 Balboa u .. a\'11 43·2tp ,....... t.l IJnMMhr f ood while It laat~d! More Inter-Ha~r, will~ I i?t'&lnrdlits summer t1J.n RVMMON8 Y~~htp Ha~ln P . 44·2t~ FOR a a •.. 44·1tp ~wnla &)', Aulta Ana.= eet l.t t lgbt by rounda were 'l1V rt' on Un(' • a ceo ng to authon· No. 4%111 ~. "'".....,...._ ~\\1M INMTRIIC110N . . -----___._ • Round about-Ann kreike I e ~ n11i~n by the State Railroad Com· r W ANTI!: I> TO RE NT 3·l»<lroom . ook mission. A chartt<' of :.!5 c~nt!l IX'r IN Till!: SUPERIOR C'OURT OF f'OR SALE •"'nr aall boat, 8nlpe Jo'UI( SAl .. : Two ~\\'IMMINO In lhn'l' l•-•na 1>-· huu ... In UalbOa lthnd or LA· l..o8T A.N1) rouND r-------------'.---St'at an trno p11rlor car was grantt>d. 1 THF. STATE OF C ALU'ORNIA claaa, 11kr ntw. c ... mplete with \'•dr ~· rth-rt'a, 1 vlot Hlaht ~wlmmln• lnatNC-tor 1 ICIIrta ~ach, :l WHile In Jul)' or LOitT ear roiN,-;.. beech .• ...._. 21:·~~!:~,..-~~·;u,l Th~" grant (J('nnitt~ two• 1nhount1 ·IN AND FOR THE COU!IIT\' r.alt.' 2(>7 Ed~watn. llai~~t 1Nollar fur <'IH\11 at ,,,.)( o1 M"n~coro HI , Ual~IA Alll(llllt aMI r•wa r.t for lnfur· 2 wNIIa a•o,'4ftd Collin• II},, • Cor0 ,.8 41ol ,.., tr1ps to Los Angt'ii'S an tht• moln l· 1 OF OKA!II(lE "':4·• P 0'""J~•rt flli:l altf'r ll P 43·:llo·l "'"""" lf'a•lln• t.• r.ntal 41t No ,...,, llll&lboa lal&ad ....._ N D CASH . tng, two outbound Ill tlw aflt•moon Ae!UOII broupt In tiM' 8UPerior -Wall 8t . u•• A.D....... l'b-• aM 't'hH'IIfit, Rcwant u.a _ap.r • •o."·v. M. _un week~-.and on td p CJtrll Court .1)1 J.11e c.watr ot o-ap., p NOTICES T'r1nltY 11101 u .. w M . Balllt• taland. or c:aU 000 •nd CAT HOSPITAL wny Saturdays-and Sur:'d!~Y!< dur-aM Complaint nled Ia Uw Of · UBLIC B 0 AT s '2%1'4·"'· Q.~ Sant• ,.,.. U4l tng th~ sumrrwr month>.. · 1 .1.nee of the C'&l'rtl of tiN' 8uprrtor . • • • • W AH1T.O lmml'dlatrly apt)llca · 1114 se. ,..,,. lt., .... ,. ""•· Collf. The-pennll ~:,rantmg n~•umpllun Court of Mid ('-ty. qutrf'd tht> platnttff Will tnkl' jud~t· I tlutu~ ''' rPnt I'I&Mrooom •a-c• f•Jr LOIIT Hat • .,.--or at a.a-.. i.iiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiloifllra~i~l iSt'i hi 'iclc>li"l'alsl giiY<'n aftl'r I'.F. A. J. TWIST nw nt for any muno•) nr t1nmagt';ll ba!t...ta)' •-nn ""•' fall tor I Ya.rh\ Club. ye&low aftd tUctl '706 E. Bay A'·e., Balboa Cenerai'Automobile and Marine R.epairing. • Marine Electricians Available Fender · Body . \Vork Refinishihg Tt:l.t~J·UONt; Nt:WIJORT BEACII ;l25. Platnllff ,., d<'m3nrlf'd in tho· Cnmplamt. •• S ., ho\QI ruom• N"'d at lrut • ,..,,tll, Jl<>c'ket bonia ,.._rei. LILLIAN I. REACER, amnn1: upon rontrllc\, or will ltp-, N.PE -m~ r«!f'llatlun nouma, 23a!t:l r .. t. .l'hone N•wpot1 IM4 u .-. J OliN DOE and JAr>:E DOE, ~ly 10 thr C'ouM for any othc•r fC'· Starwt., ~tuod. $1'75. with an~Unll.autltt'll'nt tor play ,_ _ I Oi'rC'ndant~ hl'f d<'mandc<d In thP rom tll.lftnt. hrao1n" whn 1u1w aUC'll ,......,m11 ROOM AND IIOAaD , TilE P EOPLE OF TilE STATE C l\·r n und!'r m} httnd and !l<•al 1 IIYa llablf' or knuw of IW<'h quar-1 WA""NT,;n llOUM ANO tJOAft.D-Of CALIFO R:o-;1;( SEI"U C rtE ET· of tho• S upo·nor; <'ouM of ttw t 1 INC.S TO · LILI.IAN I RF:AC.ER. C'mtnty or 1 lrun,:•·. S tnto• or Call· ~1 11 li P..,. ph••nf' l'rh~t·II1AI ~i;n· Junlt•r C'••ll•r• lltl.ldll'nt wort! ... J(IJIN lJOF: and JANE OOE. ·o. .. (omm 41hl~ ;lOth day uf March, PORT OF s N . SEAS. all¢11, N"""'l~·rt 32 U·2tc'l hi Uarhur ._,... WUII• tx.rd and rendants. l~t I FOR RENT ,..M ,m fur aumn••r '" O.lbo&, 1&•&11 B J Sm llh. 1 ..., I >''rllro Vltlllllll llarMit, Uoa Q., \'11u aro• fl11•'<'ll'd. to ll!lll<'nr ln ·an uf1lc1rf brnu~;ht llglt,in•l )"II ~~~ Co~tml y Cl••1 ~ "' . tlto' • SIIIM'nnr H• H •tot "'Ill Ill•: NT l•u1n11,. fur 21 '": Nf'wa ,m .... NPwport lt.tu'e.. llw 1\lMI\'•' Utlml'll Jllalftttll 10 1111, C'u11rt uf thr St ~1l•• ul I u ltfumla.• • · llnrr'Y (iartlf't'. " tkittiC •'"• 111 Jlt-lvool" hom• 4l•thl !'utM'I'Ihr lOIII-1 or~~h·· Slfllt• .. , .. •n nntl lnr tho• ( 111101) ... r Ornn~;(' ••II u.n ...... I~IAI)ol l'hnrt .. N•w· f P:KH() Cultforn111, 111 11ml l11r tho' Cnun1 ) ll~ A L lhtl'llt~.,...k. Do•put y. Kl'7 ('U~U~t lll~t-hway I"·'' u ... , II 2111fl W 4:1 2111 • ' ::N';:'A:->"L~-::---:---:---- or Urun~;o• a nd'" an,..wt•l tlu• n m1·-NotkoP 1 WII..L ltiiN ·AN\' abaent ow..,..a th;·rt'in . Wlll;in tl'n day!\' API'EAfiANC t-:: ."A ddr ndnnl Maryi'X' Wuys . apartm1nt b..u• "' 1\ut•l few ~ n in on nt•tlon wh4»l hr :ow prottt.a. 0.¥~ RICh\~ 4h .. \summon~. It l'f't'Y<'cl within ,swt•l'll .. ------<ounty or Ornn~:•·. or wllbln lhlrty Jlff wnttMJ "!''it'~' nf ht, 11f'lflt'"'" .~~---~~----~~-~~-----~~~~-~. t ,~)~ tf '~r~~ o·l~\\ltt ·t •\ ft ttll ''"' ~n~~ nr whrn .on lll t"l~~y ~~~~ ~--~----~~-----------~~---~ Wkto.WIIr .... lit•• O•ltlfh.:cl thil1 unJ,.,, \nU 'f' nt•fH't' u( itf'IW'.tfant't• fur h1n\ ;q P• ·II ancl an~"''~ ,,, .. 1 .. ·,,,. ,, .. t.S•·r· \1)11 ('("I' I ...: ;Attention • . ALBACORE FISIIEUl\I.EN! onC't. We are doing thi1 to aave you tJme. \\'hrn the albacore are runnina that mtaru more money {or you an4 more fiWI for us. An .. \-\• tt.t ••t d•'rtHitfttr·~ rnu~t '"' 11ltro t.rl• •.1111 tluo~ tlrd IIIII h;JVl' Ill 1\ l'l'tm~ :mo l fliNt \\lilt th• • llullt:h l)llt'lll i'l ~lfil . ....,JIIJIIIII'III I" l 'lt ol.. I"'"'"'' 11ldllt"t"l '""'' • 11 , \ 1'••11 ,\J•' II ·11-_., ;\l.o) :.0. !I I• 1 till ' t-11 1111!1•. ··:·t 'UJ Jur•· ~. I~' 1!14 1 !' ••• ' ' •• ' •• '' •• ' •• ' ••••••• '.' •••• t ••••• t •••••••• -ALBACORE FISHERMEN·~ Thi~ )'C'at\H~ 14 ill h:l\t :1 fhll) C'tjllij'lped bara~ an,hur~d on the Ice Q( l'uint Lorna 10 lt'C'fl\'f' albacore cauchi in local and M~x•~an ,. atl'rs. You will be paid immed1atth at the .barer and will r~eive top Ct1hna ppcea. • It's no "CI ~CH " th:\t Alh:tt'O~' will ~·ith U!-: a c ain thi ... : ~·'ar. hut \\'(' k 1111~\· it's a <"i nd1 you \\ill).><' n .•i.Hiy :111d ~u : "iII \\'l'. . . . .. • ;;?. Pita~ write Aridrew Sanfilfl>pcl, our : plant superintendent. Or, If you pr~-l.ot•atinnl'l •>f Bu~·lng Station!'~: We ••ill c~ry IUJlplles for )'OU It the bar~. r... •irla }'OU 1 trip intO the inner llarbor. Also the company has juat purchased 1 I.., in ~Crew tender, wt)lch will bt-available to all our albacore 61hennC"nn~htorday,inpor1 orat..;L ' r .. " "' We urae you to tr)' thla eeryi~ jl.llt frr, pllone llim It Frankl)ltl 1741. Ask the operator to revenre the charau JACK CRIVELLO ~dent & General M•naii'PI' Sun Hai'oor J>acllil'll Company ~&yfroot,San Diqo2,Cal. / : ~ .... ,.;,rt 1\t&A·h , l'h '11.\ .... t · l ('ataUna l"la"d f'h. "''alnn .)to: • S11n Ol"k"• l'h. ~taln :!IIH ;\\>Ita. ('aut.. Ph. J J 'l • : • San Slnwon l'h. ('amhrta :!7'\'U Montf'rf'y. ('_.If. • I: ""torta. Orfl., 1'1\. H6 w .... tpurt. Wa•h. ~ MaJn OfrlN'-Tetmlnall!iland, Calif. J'buoe .. llarbor 3617 -ttrr:rt~o'r 61W.1 VAN CAMP SEA FOOD COM I,ANY.Inc.·, -lEL.EPHONE --, . . . OPERATORS NEEDE !Wn•lc·r mrn and \\:t r \Hrrkc•N a rr ull clt•t•r1ulln~ ttpon our ~rh' at tht' "" it•·hhmmlt~. CicHtcl 1•n~ "hiJ.o'lrarn· In~ and rr..:ul:a r ln•·rra.M·'I * ~ tr SOUTHERN CALifORNIA TELEPHONE -CO. ' Appl~·: lfN) lt. Bay A\'!"·• lla.lhna or 5141~ No. Main ~t .• ~nfa Ana • A\' AII.ARII.ITV f'P:KTit'tc ,\'J;F. KF.QIJI MJ;rt I ', ·I ·~ . ' By ('y llungl'rford II ,;t /-I / ,' / ,./ I· ,'; /: ) I I • ~ • / r'· ( II ' ... 'i!-:;7 ~n 1111 _)/' )I / I. J " ~ J I .. ·~ ' ~ J • t! (~ "-~·I I,,., I "~/I :J J ~ )· / • • 'I I ~ • / ) / /t ·• ' <';. ' • 1 1" ·• / f , • ~· I tl ~ • -:: / • . '"''/' \ I' ·: ---/ .. ' J.f t\ ;• I ,l ........ ,--' -.:--·,_. ~ / I / ., / / / ~------- :::.on.t..A l'•11 lr111 """ ""~• "r'"' t ·,.. ,., '' 1 ....... , ,,. .,.., Itt! •' •"' "lllta Mr • J')()me P<luo·•tl'd m•n f'hl'lne 1~ 1~17·W, 11r wru. ~ fl, -., No VIa 'l'trnra, NtJwpurt l..,af h t3·21f U A I ) 'I () S E ll V I ( ' 1-; ll•lrttt·. 1\utro, M lilllu• lttt•lt•"' 11<1Witlo•ol MAIIIlt• Jo;l .... ·lllclllll Burt It Norton II II C """' flll(h" II)' ' NF." rnfCT ftF.AC'II tO.I2. • m ; :t ~p.m. J7 LEROY P.. A~DERSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Cotta Mn• B•nt •ullcfl"g flhOfll 42t Coet. ~e .. C•IJtorftla HAROLD K. CRAUEL CHAPEL ""'"' nur•~h,..l hr ll•tt•r llerv• fly K.,rvtn.l( t lth#ra ll(ollt" PhOftt Nh.,por1 ~1 COtlla Mea• Callfor"l• BUY NOW City Tax Sale l o ll A. J . TWIST 607 Coaal HI1JIIw•y-.Pt.ofte t4U CORON A 0£L MAJ4 -11)(/Jt .... ll.lt~~~(l)'i!_ .Conrad Richt•, M.D. ~ .. ,. • ._ lftd ,.,...._ Oflloa 107 22"Ct ........ Ntwper1 hach Heure ~ 10•12 •· "'· & l ·t p. "'· flhCW~e-c>fftce 11:11 "••· 74·.1 DR~ C. E. TOHILL fiHVIICIAN a"d IU"O.QN IIOt ce .. t ., .... ,_,.r1 ..... " -flh•M - Office 21t W "••· fH." II Ne Alle..,er Cell N. ..... i-1 :\ Dr. M. D. Crawford OJITOMIIT "I t T .. ICY"• ..:xamlnfld Ol&MP• ,ttNI 17fl7 N-pt1rt llou111varcf Phillie 2410 COtTA MiliA BALTz, MORTUARY CHAPEL BY THl lilA 4 10 Co-.t alvd. l>lt OBED LU I )(·ntitd • !t0'%11 \\'. , ..... ,,.1, MI. ;\ P:WI'f lkT hF.Af'll WHO'S . WIIO IN HARBOR DISTRI.CT r1R~PI Ar r A Nn I<.INOI INI'", W()OO - II \\ \\1 1•lt 17'4 'I•' 111,•1. f '••l'lt"A M•·"" 1 '~•·•1 l .•wol•~'r, Ph ll~~.J CrN£R &t CONlRACTOR- 1 •''''' " J I 1 ;II " ··11 11 I '••nat I !I v•l I'll :lll2 l'lltroll nt!•l 1 '"n"l nH'tii)IL liiMffJ R ( I"'MPAN1[8-• (•,.,., • \'• ·' 1 • • ,. "'r~t ""' h•lp vt1u 11,,,. v••\lt ._,,.,,,. •• r•h,,n_. 4fll. 1:11, J '"'"' t I •• b• 1 ,., l'h•.n" 11:,11 f'•u•lll IIIJ:IoY.IiY a t ll.rrlle'l. or, 1<.r c;u r r•l•rs . r..:•v J• tl llllrl•or l'llhllallln.l( t '" l 'h••n"" l'l 11 N~>Wf"•rt ~ac:b. PAINl tNC, :""'f•'l t II lrl ••r t ·ut•IIAhln~o: I 'I l 'l1••11r~ l:l • 1:1 Nro\\f>ul1 BM.c:A. RrAl Et;lATr INSURANCE & NOTAA 'I" PUBLIC- I .rv. II ,Y. "fill• r 'U II'l W. t,;.onTr~l ~ VtiDUtl I'll-II. I RU88F R ,&TAMPS-- :"•"A tr•·tl II•HI"•r f•ut•ll•hlnJC r., l'llnnrl 11 • II Newport ........ SH,E[T MfTAL WO"K-• . ' ,' I VIM,. l'lurnhlna It Meet Matal W.,lal, o.ta .,_ Pbc:-.. J .... VA .. II:TV ITO .. ._ ' ~lboe ...._... V..ne\J ~ 1~, llf ..... ..._ ,._. IUI·W • . ,. ... . ' ~ ........... ' :J NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES, Newpott Beach, California, Tuesday, June 6, 1944 Balboa Yacht Qub Opens Season With Gala Dinner and Dance o~ Saturday · 1-Iarbor .Feminine· Activities Dorothy Mae Beardsley Weds Lieut. Robert Giles-in Home Rites -ftlnn.•e•es~ ·"z-p.B•a··...,.. --11)..-._,.JY &,..cW nM~,. 101' • ~1/"U~t Gene Morleghem 7Aw ~~ Spt'daiJ~t ......... _ ... _ Tlp1 n1ual ., a.r.tl"'' c;.,..,, en41 .1 G,..•t Varktf. of y,.,.,.,,, Gift. '""W1t IMVrnt YOU TO BRO\\ SE AROUND" C. .E. LOUCKS .IRWI.LIItY •"" tTATIONI."Y Di&~ • WtllotMa • f'l~te ~~~;..-lrlftg ...... N~l-·& e..... C...llf, IUORE YOU BUILD OR REMODEL Vlell .,.r h'lllf'Mt...._ ump6e ''"' ..... , ,...,..,__ c ..... tY14M j$oftl'lf'lt al4&, .,..,...~- ~,.."'"''YD atock .t tv.-, w.-,et .. ,lm.lollr" oM VIM· tloft """"- ~ ~ LUDLUM Carp"et Works SANTA ANA COl Mat·lo:••nt.u• ~:111,.,1 ht.• boHL 'S..<'hi'm" •n th..•'o(' ""'II · 'trn; 1n lh•• n•cau n four ~<'II"' ;II,"' AI''" ... h,......~tnl: tho· f'lH'f"< "'n~ Si<"'<', 1!11•·~1 fJJ Huh 1~·~•1. II \\~·tf·kf'l""'" ,\010'h l•1111111 ' •l•·•u.;nl'r. hal tn~ ,,, .. Iou th man~ t~·;:utt tCul HU.RLEY .BELL D' (,'ORONA DEL MAR FOR BUSINESS JliNE 7 WILL RE-OPEN WEDNESDAY, Tap ROOm and Cocktail Bar Open 5 .9'C~k: ner• M U-1-6:30 to 9:00P.M. Neva and Larry Bea~ac ' \ ·' r 1 I ' I • .. ~ NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS -TIMES PHONI':Jt: !'\'!:WI"'itT I'! a IS Pl.llt'laMd r.:Ven-TU<'!flda)'_ aat!:_ n _!._!!Uy Afte moo""•"•==='''' •"•"•~-=•xxx"'"""VJ" Sub!lcripi.ion Pa)'Dblr in Adv:tnce:-.$2.50 pt•r )'t'llr in Orange County; $2.75 Pf'r y<'ar to 4th zonr; $3.00 pt•r )'t'8r to 8th zone . • Serv~ with the Navy's -ME-DICAL CORPS! . .. . ' lecom·e a NAVY NURSI . Th~avy Nurw 'Corps olfrn )'OU tbr opportuoiry ''?serve yOur councry wich recognited professional sruding as a com- . miuioned ~fJi~r in th~ Navy. Thr Na".r, Nurw •;g;o:;•c;y-se~ 1:iaH bospiti.ls o-verseu and i.n ~the ' United Sr~res., Oo.Nanl tramporu _and H~i­ ral Ships, aad in Ho1piral Corps Training Schools. The pre·sent ~•val expansion b., aused ao u.IJelll demand fOr more and morw Nary Nurws. • If you ire a registcnd nui"K' bet;:o'ec-o the •gt:! of 21 •nd -40. -tiagle, l}ld in good heahh-you are needed. APPLY: Bureau of Medicine •nd Surgery, Nary Depan- meot. Washington. D. C.. your local Red Cross N~rse Pro- curement Oftiee. or 703 MarkC'f Street, San Francisco. GREYI:IOU _ND SERVES, TOO · G~yhuund providt's t~anspona riOn· for all branchet of Americ.'1 · military fon:es. includinK Navy Nwvt and Hospi\&f Corpi~Waves. on du.ry ... o'n lt'avts and furlough)o Practic&lly nerj cam_p' and rr•ining center throughout the ~:ountty • whe~ IC'nrt~ mea and women U't' aiuioaed d ter'fed by GMybowuf. ud oftea we Oft c..u.rd upon !or 1perial emerseDCJ M:r'fice in uao~ ·rorti•l wouackd o(botb Army and Na~ tO millwy ho.pitUa. We Are pro.ad of 0fo1! i.mporuat wai ... on. oe 1M hCNIM &oat aow ..... ,~.~f!wetai.abwU'&Oipor.CO., ..... ~&.woa.. ' -1 ' Join the W .. VEl NIJIJIITAt II tlllt111 ..• America'• pioneer women looded guns for their mn in the JtrvJgle to esublisb · out COiitinenL Todily me Na.y's Medical ~putmeat needt your help in "k.eepias u m•ay men n u many gun• U many dayt U · pot1ible." As a ·Hosp'ital Corps -~A 'J! rczu wi~~p O\ltJiis.ablcd.6ght. ingll:lea to resain their hn.ltb ud •pncl them back to Krin ~~~ty ..• rdeue auk corptmca for Viral w"'ln in comN'r arus ... help 10 ahonen the war .. _.lay the foundariQft fori post·WII cunr. ' . The nnd ii urgebt.:.ifi 701.1 on benreen to ond 36{ fe-el tem~rament.Uy suirt'd ro humaaiu.rit.n w,.,.icc, ·~ aGe ena:aged in ~ati~ war tvork. ... you na fill an inter• enin$ ond •pt"cialilt'd job in the Hospi1a.l Corps. Previoua e:wpc-rit'ace unnt'Ct'ssaty. Apply today It any Office of Naval Officer Procuremcn1or Navy Rircruiting Station. •., ·GREYHOUND -' ' ua·lfiNe JHI ~AriON wnH iltfltlliiti'lll.t- ' '--------------------------~---------\ '