HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-06-08 - Newport Balboa News Times. ~ ........ --...;>>---·· ... --......... ._ __ ....... • ........: -· ....... ' for 36 years the best Ja!lvertising medium in·~ ne~rt harbor diStrict • • • the newspaper that goes home • THE SAND CRAB SAM ~nds .NEWPORT . ~ .BALBOA . . ~? . ~w . t::...... .,. -. .... KEEP POSTED! I Year • • • • $2.50 Malu• t-..... Pa,...._ .. N•-·11"'"-; N-pel't ..... roQ~~:k:a~. (~~ N E-W.Sili~.l :1 MES I EMBRACING BALBOA PEN.JNSU[A. WEST NEWP.ORT, SEA SHORE CO~ONY. LIDO ISLE, NEWPORT HEIGHTS, BALBOA ~~AND, ~ORONA DEL MAR, )COST A MESA i N~WPORT aEACH , CALIFORNIA, T RtDAv. JUNE-B. 1cw• .~~ •• 1 '1, NUMallft 41 ~==================~, VOLUME XXXVI ~-=~::==================~====================~===~~~==================c:~ SLOW DOWN! R eports I ' 8 from ~t'rt' nnci tht>n> incii-IN w H 125 D . • f 'cate thnt war plants are lay-arne . ayne arper ·. own, . eware 0 lng o ff men. !':o t on!~· cto I • . . . _275 to Go 1 p t he!':<' rt'f.>OI'I!'; rom,. frn m c h f h w 1 ~~1~. r~:;;;~.~~~~tn~:~ a1rman o St ar ea~:~e!'~o0: •• ~~t ~:~!n:f ~~· i etition -to ~~~:::::~:~.~/~;:::~~~::·~:~~:·~~:: from nur owo a r<'n . wh('re 1 mlnda. -are 1 1 1 t 11 11 1 1 Island Sergeant Receives Awa~d :;r~~~~~~~:P.E ~f~~ Loan Bond Drive Here ~~~::f:.:i:;:~~;£~:~~~ laid Soldier :Y;~:::~~~:Y.i:~;~l~.:~.:~\~ County :. Health Dept. QuarantineS Balboa lsi. on Dogs against .. Ra.bies tightenin~ up prOf•('<;~ is ciu<' vls.t to Ne,..port Harbor .011 1 tlw " ml1c "'"'k In th'f' ~uool ,,., fO e<'c:'I"'Omy in productio n o r . • July 10,"muat have 400 donore -l'"•lfh A A II r hamplnnllhltl{! llt'lol h k H d C • W"' '} to mat-e the trip down from Loe Clr>n~llll· 1 .. r ·• t•·loll•••• • ltunwd It\ n1~ ('oollel'lltn 11'" t lont• 1llt>oo 1 1) t e[X'il'h ns i'('Cnr'{':l('h{'(i is WeiiKnownlslanderto ea ~mpaagn ~··e Acogeles-we have g uaranteed to ~on~····h··ll•llto•wldto o •.:··· 11111 li ...... H.:,t l'ooA t'•lprt VJ• r. immn iN'inl-t he main point • ln~ .... ~ 1 .. ;dw ard UuHHdl, Aftt'r Conference With• Local Polin· und Otht•r AKt.'RdtAtt r•uta Ban on A nimal~ Aftt•r ('hild is Hitten_hf. Dor M G I A d S Former Nnowapapnor t h;>t tno\ny. S J Wl' must pr'odUCC. •-r~ II 1•1111: I'I~~~·.J 1\III,UIIol 11111'1\ hl'ltl lhr lll'llllol l"ff\'Uiol (Ill lho• iS fhOf it i~ Wi~ t O trim OUI' rs. • Jo' n rew ' · ~ '-Wt>at better or mere tang ible In V&nOII~ !OI'<'IIooll• ••I llu• 1'\ly, ac;-1, •h· II III• h hr r'AII Ill 3 min • snils I) net not get too fn r 'at \Voman, to H~ad Publicity w.ly to fnl Wl' are doing our I n mlina '" rrp•'I IJ< ..... II ···I •·•Ill\' ... I sea in rmr husineo:;~e<; :mel <'n-. holne.front p;u-t than to sJJend I 'l'lt& ~'"'"" rl'""" h•· '" ··m · -n 'ltllo " ,.l ... lo•nl 1\l Oe·o·l.t.•nt ul ·tlC'il\'01~. \Vhile ttic irvns ion ·a halt hour of our t11ne giving Jloyt'd 11 ""' •· •• ,. I • ol 1'••111 I C'oo'lo .:•· ,',.:t l'm\o•'l wou a n 1tll Fw· llh' fll"<l 1ocntc• In 11\:tii,Y .\'C'III'); ll qunmntln.• h iUI bfoen e. will l'l'f•llil't' large :O n'nlm ts of I \\'aylh' lla qK'r. who has lll't'O in th(' h a r hor arC'a for sonw a pmt ol blood to •ave ;a aol•_ I tlcu, lllut hi ....... ''" ....... I ,,1 IIIC~IIIol ltllli..to· •l""'lnll7lnjll Ill l:th li .. ht'tl Ill this ""'"· Wlh'll n .· I·:Ctwnt'll I A'f' 11\1!'1!\eU, ""'-'nly eqlliflr.'lrnt nnd supplies. o n e fivf' \'<'ar,.; anrl n.-sidcs on B a lhna lslanrf has IIC('n n aml'<:l-doH ' 11 ~ ma•tnw '""" '"' n • "' 11 1'11•· troH'k II•· "'"' ttllou c·"r~.a n , f lhr •. ht•a lt h nffi,,•r .• 1f1t•r 11 •·nnf1·t'\'lln• w1th 1 ~e•:tl nnrt other'~ ~hould l't'mf'mlx>r fh"l thr I ('h a i;ma n o f fhC' Fifth \\'ar· L oan l':trnpaih'Tl. u•hkh OJ)l•n s IIC'.Xt Due to t t>" trem enctoua 1 petit ("' 1"~ '111 1" 1" '"' '""' '1' ~, • """'"' '"""' A phylll al f.ll''· 1JI:u'\>t t :1 h:tn nil ull d1 ~" lc'll\'111~ nr c•n t erin& Balboa t h u lk o f Sll<'h materiel i~ a)-l 7 1 G I ci ;m·ount ot clcn ,c:a l w ork ,.;. I (.ft "Ham .. ~1 ~·J!.:• "ln. n ""·•• "•IIH nlloon "'""'" h~ l~tu..:hl In II •· t ... l:tncl !cot' fht• llt'\1 !~tl d:t,\'" ·nit• :wtinn was btken _,.. __ It 1 :\tq nday. Thr local quota is $:1 3.000. !\ rs. •· ~· An 1'\"\\'S, L l··ed, ot 11 ne~Laaary t o """ 011 tha •.•• 1 1 11,,, 1, .• 1,,. 11,.,, 1 A 1 , 1 1 ,_ • 1 tu ~JCC l't'Rciy o n th~ g rounrl. Also II k f "' . I . I I f (' ~·. ~ .. ~ .... .. ..... nl(r: ,.,. ,., ..... •:v•U"m ""' \\'Ill< found !hut II clcl\,! \\'hll'h llllct hiltc•n II <ilild ·-----v had nt I e country s muustry ha ., . rk•f n tc• m lie'S. • • --th h • • ...1 W{' 'tlO\\'n OI'Tl1('1' rc\\'~JX1pt'l' \\'1'11('1' all( a I'('Si( rn Q • o-up .aa lOOn Oll ponlble. AI· I Sot!'A • I th ...... ·'1'1''""' .......... , ... ,. , ..... , ro•tollllfll\l ollrt'<'lflr for t ilt' I I I 3~~un, has l)('('n "uiJcting t h OUS:I ~Js I'On a d l'l !\far , Will have C l'gE' though 12!» donora have already .aid Ulat I r l'•'ool•l•• l'in·ullilln.: o'll )' Hf l '11lvr r, ('II y r•rH>r l u rill t'l 'Ito, ..tollol. II! 111,11111 ,. ooiJ, uf .,1 r •••I 1 f'"nln Ill hrt ,. tor tb& ... feW ·~ '>f publicity. . pultluoly 1" a r< Hmpl!fth lht· tuk 1igncd, ""~need 275 mol'i!. tbe pe ol 1111 •111 11 oH 11 (oll'lll of 11111 ttu· IOt'rvl•" tlfl<l Ml" .I \\' C.'dt•l•·\ ,1 :lllol <1,.~.,. ""'' •ll r••••t a ~to-bou.t of.ship~ and pl;:m es and I at I . ' a h .•ac.l Mra. Viclcr Crace, chair man, lata l J \\'Itt\ hlllf.lfr Allot h'o oi ··hllolto II, r I t --"'U our s tock pile must-run into Mr. llarpt'r . t Rl! btoo>l1 1\ re~~d··nt . . Dlatrict Chairman I ' I'\IIIIIIUh ,. (pr l'<'lt•riU\IO All M linn ow••no~e• 1-lo~ll h ''"·"••l•·n .. I e'MII',;.,~· .. 11"1"''' Of'e ........ •• .... or lAs AnJ:t'!es for reveral year!! . ..epc rts, that I e following widowa. The•y Ill ill 11\fn "'"'"'' IIIII I( ~6;t l'"w"t '"""lu "' 2:lll I' pal, """ wrllktnk II Inn.: II of' CICIO hind~ I fy lliofll "'' ,.,,. uf can..._ UIAt u n to ld quan tities. 11111,·1 .n:•· 1., lhis s:llfo• ,.,.111 ..:-u.l Ct her .<'hnlrm t·n are: \\all~r S. g toupa ha ve alg ned u~ 1bo%-abcullht 'rownaonol piiUI. Bnllo 11 l•l11n11 th 111,. 14011111 lt"v fr••nl. wWh "thry n tt~tl '"' c·untlneol to ~ + + ~ ho. HP hll~ bN!n pree dent or th(• Spicer. 10 C'hargc o( wur rmanC'· Te'ephone Clrla, Cra mmar Tbere ,,,. t···h Otol l'o•'IUIIOIC'~ r .... , ~il' .. \\IOO•fl It ,,.,, ''"'"'" lll"ll.:l•·•'''"'"''-Milo( ··Ill nt•t be ~raJU.d I n \' • !II I 0 n. \J,'h)tthe~ Gtwi I Cryll'lal Slh ca Co. or Loll Ang~lu Hlt.:; ~·ommltt:"· t:ha ormnn C<'r&ld School at aff, Poloce a nd Fire return~ '"'' ''II•• n, n '""' !h~'""""/ • , .. • H J• .,, ko\r llh"J•Ih•lll "'"I"''' nut alhl '" n~sa unlr•t a'ric:Uy • ....... Wurciinger h ad a premonition '' • ''' v.·t.,·s anJ srend.l! muc.b ot R ill hi<' ror Corona del Mar. Stu Department. In ~f m ho " •IIIII•· j;oo•>tl •ICtal M -·,.JIP'f~•·h· In• l'rllt••l ~,,. • hll•l. whlr h by a l'f'epnnalblf' Jler.i!ft. M U.e I hill lim'e lit (..C'P&n8 lit'. where hill PnniBp fnr 13alb.! a llllnnc.l . Lea P ut your l'arne down on the . wdtare plan esa· as I h'\"1 !W"n 1'1111'111,.: tol t::i Huby "y" l ata no I hu tu·n~ ot ... Ia tC. or a hig hball. it's h arrf to I company 0~~a't?a a lara;~ plant . Stefren.aon fn lnduatrlu. Jat:k II at NOW by ulllng the R~d I C ttM,oa n.. 1\lHih·•l 111 • n•~td ··I "'"' ,,,. •wtt.i"l 11,.,. rlln 1., 1 .e ouflnr·• l h• l!lN:atrat rare wtU bl' say, but hP did have the •H··,.·..r.J .II .1l Jl6 Abalu11e and hu1 l'tlrke !ur LIJo lal~, .\Il l! llornld Cross., l86S. l ca.nt\&11.111d llC' _,Jrt. IJf• rm• aii{O~ r· h t••toll 1111·1 tttlr1ok•••l1111 lf\<'l'llturt ... l f'BI'nt ..... t lflo. -1n1r that tile qu&l'- jurop on a !! o f us w h r n he a dynamlc pera·nal•ty that .aucun \\ohlenbug l or Ba 0011 Inc u y poolllloon. th&l' 11 .,, a.onu· 2 · · t 1•1•·•" \\hh '• """ foorn h11Jty. TbO'l'l anllnr '' •ntui'Cf'Cl. : I All county anc.l C'omm\4fttty quo• I thin. *Ood IULII II.UC rur lloU> w hut.• . ea er 11 Ioiii 111\clo I " I• f'r nlhl the ... ,lt.... ~ A'""'-..... said the. invas ion h ad st a rted taa a re ~pproxiD'latrly 20"', luger -Jbo I _. . ·-Pr It 11 1 .... t .......... _. t> befort' r eports wei"(' l't't"Civro than 111 any pre\' lOW! tlriVI'll, Jue L·ong r.·me Ba ~ alate. A 100<1 rul·· Wlllo r••t~nrol l" \\ •'lo• I 1\Jit·ol l lflio'••o .llll'k Sum ........ a en .... -·~ '· llniOa Uve ""lill 11 "\\'1 1 ""'• ~ .. nlool thr ,1111111,. M d oohrol t• llk ht.-r halt advt..d lll8 u.., h e re. Tom A llen is author--'" l1't• ·act that lht• nol •c)DRI qutll.& • . ,.... I " .. ~o·n II s· PI II Jllllcthrr 0 hlt.l hi.d btf'n lliiU... INl ity fo r the s tatem e nt that lhl~ tim<' Ill 1(; b•lllrrn lit ljnrl!, .. Residents Leave any ~OUbt aa~· ''1\oo " lte ans ItA nllmt~ wu not r'f'f'Of'Ciecl end -G II f Bo cd to 1• IJ Ill ) d II I j ----·round W•th A .able• • us tot a grou[.J 0 y con par , • '11 n Arll n • I• huP..•J t ... t an)'tlfte knowtq .._ Scout!-i before 9-p. m. Ulat lht• l"ourth War Loan cumpalgn. ~'r nrft\ Mr" AI Hnth~o:t'ry, 1540 F'-~ J S• • I i 11•· • ,,,.,..,. ""~ ''"" "'"~"'' '" And wh"'" •U1e rhlad .... ....,.... the invasion t1;.td s tnrtl'd. Th<' Svuth<'J'n C:allr .. rn.a'l! OVf'f'·llll ¥1ramsr, &lboa. w ill depart by I euera avtngs I -; lOll( I Allll '""' llfl ,.,.tnlnaii<NC ·r n •m!JIIy n(Otlfy 1h ... J)911ce .... 11. first l<'let ype n ews was qoooolu hHS betn s"rt Rl fol 2 m llllu....-.. ,ort \o\'r nol'tl:oy (tlr <:rnfl('ln, T p o· .d d to ,.,,. l••ron •rrl lnfi"Y th"t (' .... , .. 1'1111'11""' rothl•ll t>~l•t ···l ~· ... re.l m•nt lrl 1111' l'etUnl)' "--U. olft,.. picked u p by O f fit'(' I' H a n ·y I dt•)larH. V.lll<·h l!l 7'1 n IIIII 11 ll<lilllr!l OhiO. Whl'rt' lhry will IT!lkl' thrlr 0 ay lVI en ~·~'VIIIN llro• I 1•11-ltll'rllljt I he• ,......... • ~~~ .... ,. 111 '" 'tiUfOhl .. orol lha( Ill l'iala t-:arl•n•llun .. IUict ,.._ 011 'lliClr•· lh!ln .n tow '""" olrlll'. Of hnmr 01'111 ~lr Hfllhl'f''\''8 llrothc•r On June Tht~rt ,· oth loo ol ,. oo( t\\oo llo•· .. lo I ...... ,. I r lloo• It• •• II I"""' 1" Nt'W('"11 l}fao h bow to ltrtHI nabl«il wtU ....... Lnc:t' \\'hO I'CJ.ti111 C'd hi!' ra-I I •I' 'II.J ;a, lnd lvtJualli " ... lw l'X· AI Ill " rf'rmo·r Bnlho'l hlllllni'M '-...... , (o!IIIF'I' T hill ...... ,. ""•l ... UCll'o• w~nt lnl•• a to aU oor own ..... It ... ~ dio h ad ~i\'en hjm tlw flash I pc'( lo•c.l In t•y 246 mllllnn dn'lnrs " nn II rei """ I·•·· D A 'te·Sido·nt th~rt ..••••.• · .. o( I" ..... ""'"tf'ol tu I lor 0 ... ,,. ,, ... • IOII•·nolt'CI 17)' l'ull..-Ur. u~u •MI Ull6l .... at 11 : ti p. m . :'\('il h<'l' rt'-In ho.onolll anol I HF(>I•ro tlOnll 21)6 for many yl'aTII. I iDit-l'<'l"rs n( lh• '· .. ""'' Hlllb tit n• I h nf tv .. Mo•l\l\ """'""-l'rntrr • ,,1,., tt• ... lo:klll .. '"· l'oli<le Cummla-ttrat ~lm• in' fOiolr ,..,.1M&.- port h :ul anythin~ to rlo \\i lh I million I n .,tht• littol c.lriVC lhf' Ill· 111 tlurlnj; ln\o•n:tll! In I hi' fll\11'1. F••Jer&J 8avtuu 1'111\1 I·· on AN!\11• ,. h••lo• 1111' 1'111111 l'llft Ill f<t(ll("'l MUOio r Alh·n lln•l nt J . B. Bowen, I fll "'"'~ b••'-4'-c , ... . lh<' l k rli.rl s ta tem l'nt •. but •11\'hlll.d .4:JW•I.e \\a!O :.:or. miiiUIO I C'l~lon •l-1llel 1111· ·IIIlo{ .. , . ,, ..... Urlrto•re lind rr.c w KMac I ua. eo:ut.t .............. -J Fo tl ::31 l\\n Vf'ar M. ~11 H•olllj,;•rv hn11 ~··n r mun II'!• un•l ,011,11,11-tlvP Af'N'• on N-· 1 til · •· '/. -- \\'.1S SlJ.flf~ to lx> from t he • oll trl!, an r ~'~'"~'' l&looln e· nfl.l1<'d.tu ~~ .lu"''l•. he "l'·llll t or \\'ednt'*' '•uthoror••<l Ul" nlfll~l P"-t l""~''""rd boun•!e•l by lllth l or rtr belna <'~ atnc. .... • ~. U.. ~ .......... Allies. Who .can beat tha t? rnlillun. tll••pa9,11"'"'''''k~to nllwl11bt.•re· eewi-~J di\'IJeotl •ofl 3•. IJCr ,1~t a nl1 trullertoo avf'nue and •,ultaryan,l otber .......,.~~~-8- ~· UQ.t\. ~ ·' Lt.-Coloner 1n tne Army Alr F oi"CC6, writes greetin~ from W ashington headquar- t~. ·M ike says: "It is indeed a p leasul't' to get the Ncws-Tim<'S twice a-w~k n nd to rt>atl of manr.v of thl' al'li\'itics in al} H -Moli'CtNT~AV, JA .. Secreur,y of Trea,ury, who will Q9en SUt W~r Loan Dr1v~ In Southern· Callto..rnl• llUl. 1fon. day. • "''<'II for thl' l!li('C't'l!i'l o t lht r).rtVI' M111. Andrl.'\\'8. whn hM bt•!'n In , hill'~·· nf H1•ol f'rnR9 publldty lwrc, undl'rstnn(l~ lltc• v11lul" unol net•rl o. mnv~d by nmhuiR.nt t' to lh~ 1raln llnot~ to ,be Plid J un••. 30: . l'lowt'r atN'f!l a • t~ whlcb .... u. • Md -~~~ In J tlll An~ele.s. Pr"f'I~I·P. A. PCLID'ler ~poi'Ud purdla-.cl -, Orit'ftth C"A., CWMn Dr Ru ...... -..ct that · ........ "JJJ!r .... The Miramar total l.rt eJW-.t It-tO,· ol U4o '*· w. 1\.. M.Jra-., • "' 1 k .. r,; n' 't lo'lvwo.HI Bcowl • n a prllj.:l"'lnl Rf ~IOI!n;·,o(j In hiR hPI1•tr by l h•• \\'nr fo'lnanr·1• ( 'oommlll•·<' .. Hits an t~ Kjll Seals Odd. Snag . but "' tluo ~nukf br t.&kfltl lit prMN'nt Mr Mlr1uo • 1'1111'1 eht•ft llo"l Ill• f it m 'w;., u p• rn tlnt~r 1 hr l.Jilo'.,"~. a.t.er_ olur. to lbe IIII}~M ul H J S I• r Til•• pllorr •'" I• •n N""l••ll I t•UI••Illf•l nl, 17111 •tro• .. t. Whldo II" ••\\ u••J \V T .Jr frr,.on ,u,,hl ta tJt• tnt• t ·,,n,.ttt~f"(' ,,,, " th,.,.l,.r ,.,,,, Gram mar · Schoo~ ,.,,.n '''' I''""'"''"''""",.,\''" htlltlli It'll ,oootf t'ltllltl IIIII tf1111 a r o u n"o Ncwpo11 Ha rbo . The fd<'ndly n ttitude of yo~r pa[l('r m a kes N ewpot1 &·:r:.h s&m H lo t closer to \\"qsh - ing ton tha n it rH·tun lly is. PleaS(• gi\'(' m y kinlfes.t 1'\"· .~a1'ds to m y m a n y frit•r.cls in th{' d l y .managtc•m e nt: s udt as; FrJnk Rinch::lrt. Jim Gant . C h ie f lloogkinf>on .. Path•t-son. etc.; a nct--with Church To· Burn Old Mortga~ on S~nday 1-:1'1'11 thtlllt.:h T o 11'-ho·m w n (l'oollo tm" cli-t•u•1 ·••·•rw··•·<l 1"'111111• '" k1ll o..o•al• \\llldl II lllloonl~ olo '""' l1 h. n•·l... ;mol <•tl~o·1 • '1'"1"''' 111 f\ltnl' nl tho nl h;l\'t• IH 1•n I 'lid( lo\ 1h•• .... _.,.,. ft,h :uul t!''"'l ('1*tU.tu '.,u,m. tl\ll' Ill :0 lrlllo• .Julco•l Ill I It•; pn W'f'•lfitn::'- '"' i • .. f'' ~1t"IW\ ~1r -'•·fft•r,."u fhJfwq ftttu lh . .r tfti f '•untlll' t••tt ,t J u '" t•rt'lv pun hJt ,.,.ft :lfl "' ,..,.. tt .~ h'u t In tit•' I'·• 1 \4 tll•t• ·•·d t•'• ~rt•t.d ,1.untv ~~tl,t••d ''"'' hh•""'' 'fli ,., tlltJf I!IU I ttl ',j h\ do •d ' I \' 11t1ld 'ft f f f It f J"'lt,_),. ff~tlU t •' 1Jor1• nn81U•. '"' "" II h· II h I l'' ...... '•,.,,,,," • ···• ~,,., :1ft• I , 1u ur..: n rl·u· "''' In \ '" •·f tl,, ) ·••· 11u, It• :u t1 "',.,,,. th,. •u•,. fttr• •htltt' tit I•· •h •' •II· f ••111UU ""1'-4' f' "t H t It "''''''' oll rlll• i u l•tr• '• t' h;ul tn tl1•• h·tr:·•na•1,' l• I• 1' 1 ~ ,,1 f, .,.,,,. l hr ~;1flCtt At\1\ nr•·, 1tth11~·~ in ,.;(tffn11tn, llh I t lu" '='1r f••flt'tiCttfl n1JII•• ,.,,.,,,, lhftl 1 '1"' \\b o lo '"''1 1'1 1111'1'1 1'"111 lolllldoh' \'ooolllol h .. hf'ld In ni•·V th• lfttpni '''"' ,. 11f a~ttultaat••f4t ttt t 11 .. ~,.. '\;••\\ I"" 1 I \P:tt It f :r nJtlfttllt '' fl,."~t 1•'•1•11"' '' It• • ',., 1'1\'• 41 rlv 11 d•r•l,ln ,..., Itt lit• "'''-1•,1 tttld t.fnt lltttt ,,,.,, d ·~ 1 \••nttw flu· t.tto~"'""' ~I< ·ll•·n" 'II " I I h All IIJJPrf l'f11dj- l<;lll'llt'IJo """btln11, nn.l Ml• Clant l'.llo·n Sr•·lltllton nt th1• piAno, ~~ana ,,•lo·t'lllfl" r ..... , '"''' wrll·known filii I l••fiiCIIol t•:OIIIIfl If' num lt4'NI, '\\·· \111~1 II•· Vo"llnnl" 1\ntl "lltl" · f, ~f l C '~tiiiOII\" ti t t\ff tu l•tl\• tfl• '-t lll w•l I Hffh =--'t••rftrt'-f'fl, t ht~tirl\ AA 11•• P'''l't .ult f•J• n• •t \\lilt 1\\•• \ el.,f,, ltlll;tlt ••f lht• c•l:t""'· •1•trkr Oft tHifUIHif' I•\_ I h1 • It•• •I "I ' h• '-I t ,I l .. •lt.ltl t'\t hi" t'lll,_,ttlftlt~. tn •ppn ._. otllcil I lloo ollloo lloolt "' '111.,11tol• o\1 o l•tl lttll tof lhr k nuWir•fij.!t' Und /'<)Ill• lo" i'"e"l' .ouol l 'ot•'utoo 1 011• • """'"""'''II 111111 hurl l)t•t•n mndfo 11,;.,,., 1,, I II'·" "'"I 1( .. • looool u vuolulolo• Ito thr•m ilurln(C .thfolr 01\ nroxt Sumla~ .llln•' 11111 ·•• kimle)oo.t personal J"<'gitrdS to thP 11 u'r lc)l:k wm ~hlp ttw rnollt · you. I l't'main . ~a~1• whll'h ha,. -~~~•1 .1~;111n-.1 "L. T. BRADBURY: "C1nl•t ChurC'h ny rh,· ~ •.. , .. 1 .. 1 ·, Lieut-Co lonel". more 1)1!1/1 II y~;u:-'~•"'''' hllmo·d. + + • <.'C'IC'tiiUIIOl.: I ho• f:t\'1 I hill I ht• do ·ltl " whnll~ J><'lloi Proud. Jfm Gant rt'ports n w hfllrk1· Iff tho• m<•l l~,;.og·· :0.11 t hat t h e s m a llrs t delinque nt A. Ou~h St c•\'o•n~. hall 1\f:r"' t1 T'tn1 tax roll s ince 1 !)~ is heing IJ:Ifl (or the hUilrllna:; ill tho• e·om· prirtk.s:Lfor the Cit y of New-pl1'11on nf lho• \hurch ... r ~~·.000. port Beac h and Audit or , whrn lh•• de•hl wa" all p:llll In Gant k.r.ows whereof h e Rcld•t '"" to t h•• a:;ift lh•' •·hurl'h h;" h tJce about $4000 lOW:tl'cJ lhl' Of'V. loUiirl· llpen~. because e has . n I i~ JO;O lh;l! mon• fhllll ~:a.ooo hil• C h a s i n. g t ~ 0 !'lfe t1ax hro lls 1 1 h('<'n ple'do;t•ct 11ntl p;ml dwm~; 1 h•· llround h 1s o f fice or o . t esc pa~t IH mflnths. m nny years. This mrans th at , I Mr. ll;,.ry L p1,.1T, .. or Lo• A ... taxes and a~c;cssmcnts nrc It"'""· nrrlutcct , ha• pr1·pw·o·d prt>tty w e ll patd up. Can re-1 p r,.llmlnlll) ,.k,•lrh··~ ctf rl10· ro•~·· member wh~;~n they used to I JX)!'r ci rompl~"t•· hwld•n~: ''' I" on• •::,1 run into tho usancts o f ctol-ntlf')•r· Iars and h undrros of fll."'pl<'. {;r·<'nt ITI'<ht f1•r • ho• 11no· .. , .. but the ('Urrt'nt 1'011 has IL"'-' ('utnph-hm•·nl n( I h•· I"'' 1' •II I• than 11)0 nnm<'s:'~kh is a rhw 1" l it ''""" h ·lldolt ........ · f · t llo• 1\ .. o; ol 'II :\II"'"" Ill I 1111 ,. SOI~r:'' o f rt'al saltS aetso n n d·•lphoo "'"' o·onohu too l .o I"' iol•· offiCials. fo•1 tho IHouohn:: l..t·l .' •-·" • • • •·:d\\,lld ]I ~ ·'k"'' d ... If,. ~ R u r n It. l\P:o-1 Sunda~· r'"'''"'' n• 111 .• , tlo· , "'"'to 1"!' ..:., nhc•ru l In VII'ICin <m 1 h•• e•1tl1ro• fnr· llfonJ nrot.:l'nm.' llr· lwliJv~·' thul I ho· J.!flo ~I IH'Ojll<• of :"1'\\ port I \o•lll'h '" 11 ~i'IJC'lfl I Ill~ no•t•flo•d lol"fi.Jf'CI anti h•· ,,. attxl"ll' thut all wh·~ aro• tnl<'ll'"""' If\ 1111' fli OI:II'"' ur lhr• <'1111rr•h )oh:.ll tx• lh-r:<rnt Ill I rll' /'I'I"VIL'>' nr·' I Sunda) American Legion Makes A wards 11 "'I'm' thAI 110 mt••nm lo·t.:• l;o I I\' I' f'ool1lnllllt•e• h• ··II tnt.: h• lrl h• I• <:o•vo·rnl mtonlh' 111;11 a n•l \\h u h \1 •• lo!to•nolo·rl hv f'\:;111' f' !\tilnru II"''' t1ronl or tho• C'rtmllll'o'l(lrl, lllidll Ifill 11'1 C'hnlrmion ('l\'doo \\'nl..,on anol uOil'rs ; fhf'O (jroo;t rurt Inn hy .,, ... ,~ 111 I hro.r Wlllo'l ~. C'flmo• 11r1 for rfl...,'ot~· ""'" WII h I hi' rr•'otfl I hn I l'to••lol• nC M1lnor agrt't'rl tn '4'ntl 11 n.·1mo1 In kill lhrm I<• :on}Olllf' whu applto·d :"ow 11 OflfJO•a r' that l h•• '1•1•·•· I inn nf r••mov1nl( 1 h<' rlo·arl.,..nun.ll~ hit.< an«·n nnci 11 lo•llo·r (rum lllf' 1-'1"h and c;,.m,. \nmm1""'"n "·nl Thr Mn<'nran l,co~!tn IOC'hda r · lr> A"Sf•rnhl}mnn \\'"h.rm1 """ In 1-hlp 1w .. 1r(! Wi ll be P"' ~rnlctl tn 11 lum ~-:avo•. 11 to (" A lo;nnwltnn I' IH•V 1\nri n g-.,1 nttC'n•ll•lg tho• Nf'W· !l'nm pllrll iiDI! lhf' 'lllllllloln Ttm ,.,.;l l~n.rh .'Gr'arrmnr ll('tnol at 11'111/1' lnllqw• 1 h1• ;:radunt1on •·;ou·1·• 11or•s Jnn<' ~ San Jo'runr'l'l'fl, l';ohl l 'oorrrrand•·r ~trw"rl T l•uniBJl .)IIIII' I , ~~~I I nrljut:tnt (or IIH• N 11wport tin rllor I '••~ :l!ll 1\Mt r11 .10 VJIWO, woll rtl.tlt•· lilt· ;•o ,.,., nl nlloon~t \', hi• lo "oil Jjl)nOI~Ihl<' Cl)rlf' A \\':tl•ttll ;,.,:1 :" "'""''""I Sllf•••l. r •1 :OOI-!1', ( ';oh(nl rua , .. ,.,.,,., ''~'a • r·rt tft• stl <' 11nol 11 ptn lJcoar \l~rlo• ( r l'll<'h ~turlf'nl. th<' lwu Will 1 h;o\'o• lho• rrol''" '' eol lh• I •If ,,.,,. Ar<' '•o•· llfl l'lrrlllllll' lhey "' llv · lll11o ;oo1 "I \l.otlll• l o h•·o•·• 1 .. t '"I'' •,. "' '• llt•· J.!llltluotlng lool "' II] .h•:• ... U •Ill(', 1 olotrnl')lll', , •It , "'• f• '""·•:."~· ~ 11 •: :•n t•n ~her. :<''r·\'lt,. hh ,t 't.urH• ,,., ftfl fht .. lfU;IIItUl \\lilt If. If 'I: I lit• 11'111111 • l•'ft!.l''''•d lt.) '11• f lo o ,.,,,~,. Hf Nt•\\lt1J' I H· If ,, '"" I .,, I I lt•1n 0. Y ou :111 ,1\\ Ill I l 1ftl 111. pt•lh ll I"" "' 1 11 11 .,~ 11 :o td '''•lflrJIII ;o,:ll,ol !Coli 11l I ,0'11ool" \'1111 lUI<,. roor llol' ftr<'IOf'nl • '\,ttiun ·,,,.,i•lu•' II h'"' ,,..,," ,.... \Yftrfll,.., "'" nuvr m rnrnl V..'fiiJII'I '' .. ,~,ry h tt U'-'" d•·h ·t nunr lu•\4. I" rnu ' .,,,,,.,.,.,. • nnllltnJ('IInh I• ""' 1111 .,.11 ll••l• 1.,11 1 .. 1 ,,., .or,. ..:""'1: 1,. knrown roll•hlllll!:'h It IIIU lnnkr·ol wlllo '"'''" • 11 ,.;,, h huiiiii"K" In '"''"" II' oiO~flO"<'d ool 1\ loo•oo "·· 1.;0\ o• 1"'1 · 1!11'• for kiiJoro~; lltt•lll Wh• II• lfunfl 1'·1~1 11n11 l•r•JVfofo;;f A• Mlnn ,,. llw l•'llllutt "''' It" t••I•Uittllo n loo lnr~'"' noou•~o i'• ,,,"(j fnun ~11 \lt h.11111• k lw•fll /\14 ""' ru•n u( "''''" JU't '" '" t• l! th f-ll•tmt'"" IJ~ :\~1 fttt nttH•f .... U( '" fUI.f'tl ,1111\,:tt tt( ll"ft1 .. 01~'-•tfUII l( lt.-unton v. hoi V.l•h•·•l Clo 10lo1mn Ill •• " nonll•·r "' 111-ul,.loo~n "" '" •hlldllftl IIC:'rrtlll' Ill kill the• "'" lolo • lo \\Ill oolar1 r1roo1 lo"n', Mr M•·lo;1t ltlf'k "a'-o·•·n· lo .. ll'tl hv lh•· nwml"''' "' n, .. '·~lth•·m · C'alll<•lrllll ''"'' e,r tlo• llun•ou llf Mnnrw F "h··n•·'· '"''I ·~ "'''" PXplninr•d Ito lum l't\:ot IJ• '"'' h• l ol n 11• k•'IOI llot\ll'rt "" th;11 lloo I WIJI ftt•l t •111'~' r• W.t-.l.t~!•• nf ff~h ••t ' •• ,.,tt tut•· "4Urh a ""'"'""''t.• t•• th•• f I It• I nl• fl \\ •' rlu hll\'•' IP l1• tht• f)('rmiL'\ •·uuld 'lw• l'"'''''d, "''' ,11 , (qf fl,."'''"•'r. nut tu .,, .. ,,I" 1 \\',olt t lo1 \\•••""'"" A· Ill• ·~•'''" 111 lloo• No•wJ'Inrl M'hool. "Tht< '"''' 111ool t.:lol~ '"''''' ''""' tl~oot 1;1•·•·11 C'nlhr•oiml" 11nd "My O wn p1,,.,., "" lloo· 1:11:•. looo >i loo 11·•1: J\nwl·to·u" w••rt• df•llahttul IIOf\KII '"'"''' ·l··ol h1 ,,,·,. .. ,., A•l01•oo.: P"''' ••ll•·t••1l loy ttul 'rhchth ~tnutr rtr!A llo 111 wl llo•· l'lll<hlulon,.: •·loo-.. t lu·o" (..Jwllo·r~·· lu llw .,.,_,.. we•-flv- "' '" 1111 oil I 1.l e•l.,,.,..,..,,,. i\ll)HIIo•rw loy I 11 IUdonnl Rl.tlh•y Mllf'111111, )~· 1 ~ oo•lllo "'"'"' I ho'loo '11o•• 1:1rl' Ill 1111 t•l llh.)'filollrlt(i~l •nd ~(If' ol I••• I •II•·•" · "' •oolo<l. I'"'"'' 1111· 1•'11•1 l'.,n.:rc•.:fllhln&.llld!Qnl In •lo.o•l•·• lllu•l•: '' 1 ··••• Hlolt· II""' ''1 l.11~11nn ll•·lldt J >r Mur1ran rnn.' ' ~·"'''" -.t • .. ,.,, t·~u h ,,. .. , "'•u •· •fu•·t•"~l n "'tt"'''"''J.I' rou,..... urwlf-,. ,, "'Ioiii· l'•olll• 11111 Ill h•·l hull lo /\dill I ~:thWIIIiun tn thr lwiJOr ,•oil ''""' Ito•· I' I' A '11o•· I••>' 111 <•11 111~1 ~~tlnlo•r "''"' ""' looq•ooll• 11 '1111''1 1"1 Tho• twu l:lnfiUIIh.., tr1 l'f'('C'ivr '"' 1~·~1 "''" 1ft• ht.-:t l ,,. .. k"t uf th•• htt••~rtt'IHI Lt"~triun AWl\"" ,, .. '"' lo ·1• '11 '"'1 "·•' ·• •·c 1'1' wloll•· '"''"'IIIHlttll:, nll·uruurvl work \h lootto•llio l•lli,.f, '1 IWOIIOC~I.; 1:lft fltolll lfoo• f'llo;hllc j;rllllf• Wt;rt' uk.<_'() 10 tll.tf "1 '-'·"'"·'11"" ·J •·tuu•• tur wnr •I WUIInm Urown l .. lt.1tl lr> hllvt• "'"no· J"~llllotol• t h.ot 1~w ('arru~~.~ ..... \\oulel lw fli'P"''''" .. r A1thnu~:h ~I• M•'"""" k lo•• \'al..,ll<'l .. rtan 141"'"11" oorotl l ll~le• l.r•t• Smith w••n • JCIYMI 11111' "'"''"'' t1111kuu: "'""''I'""' ll• ''''1' "" 1 I 1 c;,~~1''11 l:rt ve• 111''1tll•• ~o wro r1l' hy S lt•wnrt OunleJI, nit· looll lool liN • fiii"V'''nloolll ul t••ll'llt•ot; Ill\•• .oll•••t looll""' ol 'L' hoollo 1"11'11' o 1 1 11 1 1 A J r -~·n ~nt tu 'ft•tl t \f.""' and l'l\' H ....... rnr(Jnnntr•tn "')• h .t\1' ;, ... \I' , ... ~dvPd nu ftu Itt• t "'•t•l ''"'' I 171 flO \Ill' m.ol l• I I hi~VI' III~I IOH'I ql lho I\ II• ·"' ool · t:•nnf' Ft,h•·r ..... '" .i~'·•"' , ,,,.1.1'. • '.fr Mr·Toi11 1 11• k tlo•l 11ol• • 111 I•J"• • I rf"fJUIH '"'ttl' 111 Hll , I.~ ···I \\'•• ar• "' t ;, o)\1••·1 ff+; 1 ~wrrnt·n ,;, "' 1 tl~.~· tl•• r 1 l1• 1 1011 1oro oo oo• If''" .,m•·n!'nn -r ,,( lht• ,,. ·"'"''' otfid JttJdl• "' f 111fltr:•: "' ~ttu• "''',.: a!lllfl J•uHt Nu :IUS . I :J·;roi(I;EI' Mll.lll! '"'' "' ,\111'111 '1 Jloo•<,lo·o•dlllt Ml i t (I l•:n~lt.:n,prinrlpnl of ____ .....:_1 _:,~•·:.:_•~,:.:•:.:_1:_: IY:.:.•·....:..S:~··.:.• .:_•:_ ''':....:.:' '_:' __ _:1.:,:11.:_1'.:_1'_:1_;_1:..:,11'_'.:_11_1_ ''-'-'-' '." .-·-·l_\1_,_' _l_.r_·•_h_• t tO· "''ht•tl, Jll '''''rl t t'ff tht• rllt.IJl to I , 1.1 ' -. r 1 r·= .. ·· ~ 1 ~~rt-, I -ll r -' -] r.~R I _ lr-L-'1'1 r-. .-rn ... I I , .. -· ~-- ~11 ~. I M'"""· llf •''lllt·nl uf lh4t ltu~tttl ,,f ftltq ,,, ~hi t t:UV(• f'IU'~ .. 1!1 tt(tlltloo· lo" dopltolllll 11• h~r or ~~,.. "·•fl 1tl •'' ,., tlu ~r.l.tg•· '(llt•·ln•· • l•t • 1\•' l ~t ~w•.uu t•lntt~"CJ wtt tt ttu· I .... 1 ......... ,. .,.J .... ...-· KIVIUt( .. ~ •• ., ... " l,•••f '"' i\oooooowoi" hy l'lollllft" • ,,,. lt l1 • 'l'h•· l••·u••du·tt,,n \t\.IJII l'tlll11'" " lhrillin.).! nwm••nl in the• ll\1'~ of ~t'\.'l'l'll l ht11111t·rrl GnrJI-t, •, 11'1 nl! .s11Ub, \\ 1.••11 1111· o ltl m nrtg ag •' o n . t h<• ;\I. 1·:. r h urd1 "ill llV I1UI'Ill'd. :'lion• tha n 11 y1•ar s a g o tlw grrnnul l11'1'aking f·<•n.·monll'" hrCILH.:ht d ignitnri('S fm m the Southland to pa rl ll'tpal!: nnrl Rrr. l{us~ll Stroup. \\hO or- ~anizrrl the IJUjl<1u1~ pro- J.:ram. g;l\ c'. a s h o s1 Jti,tm ·y of N'lig ion in :'\c•wpot1 lk :u•h . Now HI'\'. Ed. Coodr ll. as 1 finf' a gC'n t IPman '' h o cvrr • ~rnrro n pulpit. \\ill rto t hr I h o nors. as his wori< wns 1 lttrgclv in!'tnJmental in wip- Ing otlt th e deht. ~~ t hi~ sturdv h.:md or worshipf)('rs art? takin~ on a n C\'('0 gf't'i'l l· cr p~rnm and who is thl'rf' to !'nY that sttrt"{'S." .will not crown t~ir cffo11s' m mu('h ~ tim <' t han ttl.-fir.-t Pn- tl'l'pri!t4.'! Architect's ·sketch of Proposed .£...._ Newport Beach Church ... ... ,.... . . ' f ·: ... ,1]. ]. . ,. . ,.Z:~· I ...... . ~· -. • • • I I ~ .... _ I ~-·.;u l ·· 9,'"···. , : ' 0 ~ ;• ' I ~ I r-· .... -... 'J I•'''''"'"'' •·d lo\· It•·'" '""'' < ;,~-lr·ll I J t ,., ••t.tdli.tt••.., Ulf'l•tdl·-. ) 0 nt~l•t MlaH1s Rt triP KN Win lri¥ii'JWII\M ru.Rjlr w .. .. ·. r 'I f _._ J 1 ·I L i·~-~:1 _) ,, ---....... lloo\\ 11ol :'l'lo 11:111'\, .l'llllo Willi•·. ll.o\"'1 (',tl lo•o•toll lt••lot •fl l<llldo•l' 11 loololo I, ollltt;lll 1 llootolllif ·~lllo 1111 1 It ol1ol o ltooo" k' Artolootooloo !\1•,. ro.ot" Ill oil I !.oil I >contolrl 1\lt C 'Ill· Ito oro I ott I•·• A loo oo, li••Vtl ll•orl d l, 1~.1 .. ol 1.11o11 .. ~. • It••'"'' 1 IIi llufl, lotooo Sn~ol·r . Ho•h.tt tl .lfl\11•·1, .' .1. "" t ;ll•lo . fo.,,.,ofel 's r·o,!l Milo·'! ,\!1 I l o ,,,, • .I tiC tot'' H111 II k , It to ""I ol ll··•ol••). I '"" ll••ll'\, l';olll l'•111d, l l•on,oll( :'11•·N••il tr, ('lllol 1<"1 r 11'111 •11111, IIIII Joit Nroltl<·. nnt)l·rt Wlo yt'r•, I .r11·•·n \o\'lo•"'· A lVIII Shnrl'· 1""' .l••llro' ;.I Arol(\'11, .l•tltn Surllt•Jr, lttoloo r I llll•llltl;'. Jo I 'nlllrt,; ('hn•· i I"'· I ;,.,,11!'' \o\llfronntlo, l-:ol11o111ol I ' -. I 'lttrll. I k.ruoltl Oh k•·>. W1llia111 llo ""''""• .lllltt•'' ('too l om, 111•101/Uo L 1 \\ l11h . F1•·fl ~ .• k l• y, M l .r•ul•" _l '1111• e•( 11•>11111•· :-;,,.. lloltri•·. ~.· hd /\ron Am•.... 1-:11/.IIM•tlo l l•~t•ktrooc ll••toklll,, l\rollt1;o1n•• Til) lo,e, l'.otll D... I llh \\'o•lho•r , ( 'ttllt•OI'III' 1\11!.1""'' I '• t n f'ri-a"' fl-pl .... ftf lnt.foriur ul I(TettJttel rlttflf aNf cllacram hf llllftt•r .t.or)' uf P"'Pr_.. _.., N•wl"•tl n.-., II r tftrh•r • • .. .,. .. ' t .. -... • NEWPORT·BALBOA NEWS.TtM!lJ, N.wport Beach, California Thursday, June 8, 1944 -----~~~----------~~=-~~~---:~:-~--------~==========~2==~==============~~~~~~--------------------N ~;S'"--.;~~0~ 5 With Ernie Pyle at the Frune NEWS I RED CROSS 1'25 YEARS AGO ,Youngest News PIIOSD: S IEWI"'R'r It A II t -./ I Of the • Activities -FROM OUR FILE~ 1 Editor-Publisher ""*'leltM ~-,. Tuutlfay •net Tllurwda y Afttrnoone Volume XX XIV I How a B-26 Bornbt.ng Crew ·~-~:::::=:=~s===== . G t. B lbo. ---c H u R c 8 E s -Two or m(lrt -pl&n\'8 may vt• ues In a a ~-l•lli1IIWIKI"~P'~Ica~~PQ~~·~bl~r~ln~·7\'o1vT:Ln~c~.,r:-:$;2~.!)0~Jlt!::r~v~t;;.-·~ln~o~,~n~s:=,~Cou~~n~t~yj_ Mra. o. L. Andrewa Itt Nr...,'J)Ort Beach tllla wt!l!kend lt ,2.16 per yrllr '" •fl. Vlne, u '"'pel <ew• to '"" ·~A• Sp-end s Its. -w. orking---Jli~H:IJR,...""==:::::::=:-=::::~======~ Th~ ':lUI big job. ror all ot U.:J the plana of Chalnnan J .P. Gr~:e-Service with the akHroopere lD .,..t..-.ct u ~d·CI..-.,alter nl lh• l'r>•t"'"'" Ill :>e" ~rt lkach w t?o are· lntf'rn trd In dolDI our, ley. and lh" balance of the bnttrd \be AltutJan.a 18 only ooe ot tile c.Jif< f"lla. u1 •l«'r tr... .\ct ut March 3, J •711 1 COn' A ~U11C~ bHt' tor •~rvtceu:cn, and that muat ot trulteell, materiall.ul 1 colorful rxpe.rleocu of )'OUIIC' &_A..._IIEYER____ -,--EDITOR AN~ 1-'R-J::s--ID-ENT ' Finlltinf!. '"' :-1 ir lf(tr ~lf'nns Routine; Carl .. ' b• .I IIIIIWer ~-~ all Of ll8. II to get t he blood Plana l or the tlne ne-.· clubbolllt' Gra)'IOil Mlch.el (MicktyJ Ilk· Prtatlq' J•Jaot. .JOlt \\,' l'entrlil Avt!nur, ,,t'Wpurt lwllt II. Olloft•rnll\ n IU IE ....... Pia. U16·& donort ate-ned up for July lOth l for the Newll2fl Harbor Yllt•bt Carty Jr .. wbo Ia v!JIIUnr Velma Men •JJork' A lmul Two Hour$ a Day ('burch School, 9 :45 •. m. Wbaa the mobiJe unit ~\lea Club wtre a-tveD the WI&DimoWI Barbtr of Balboa. friend or ~~~~ .official Pa~r of the r.••• ,.f New"nrt B~ch I Mornlnc Worahlp, 11 o'clock. here. rclldy to work, at 10 o clock, 1 llpprov•l of the m~mbt.ra and work !'&tent•. from Altadeoa. Beneath A De .. ...-b611 L.... ,.,. 0vu M v .. ,.. By Ernie Pyle Youtlt ·rroope, HJah School. In· Jul.' 10, at 'the Newport Bnc4 on th~ new etru,·ture wUI be com-tbt> uniform which be&NI' two iol'rv- tur:o('(ilate. Adult. 1:30 P·, m. Gran:uoar Scbool, we mu8\ ha mtnctd within a wee.k.' let rihlo,(\ne, beala tht• heart .0 r a A 8-M BAR& llll £."1£iLAJIO -"lry crt.;. ol t•·o ollie..,.. ... .._ }:;venin~ i't~:30 o clodc. four hundred dODore. Mlu Jeu k O'Howell and Albert tad wh at 17 took over !be editor enlult.d men have bf'tll nylnc IOtethu II tum ln U\elt B·• ._ ,.~~..Z :.30 P and prayer. 1 Up to date, about one hl:ndrecl S tevens culminated a romance of and p~. bhthl'r ruponalblllt'ta ot -11~~~~~~~~!] .· : a inn belor• tu vln& AmfriCI mMe than • year 110 \ nt! y, · p. m.. h ave signed up. )fra. VIctor Grace.! over 1 year ;vben t hey became' Ule Lamandll Pet'k Herald,' L&· "" t::very one of thrm It now tar beyond hit a llotttd numMr el ..... ~FIA IT CHURCH OF CHRIIT, chalrma a . and ~ra Norm an Call· man and w lte. • ! mandll Pnrk. Ca lifornia. That year bat "Hn lnnt ICIENTIIT · l•h. a.latant, are buay every -Wa x ftelchenbat'h Ia ll(&in bat k 'at t.hc unnual convtntlon ot a -• Every one o1 the•n Is ptrfl'ctly wiiUnJ ~ ao through another ..... Lido Theaetr, C.~ttral Avet~ua 1 whert ln t he ,arta a•111 thty need In hla •hop "tuttlng alfalfa" att.,r pe,pern~om. Mickey wu acclaimed :. piPt• \A)Ur nf ml•aloru If rt can )uet be home lor a montb. I Wiewe anti V&a L.. 11 your help Wall you algn \.$ your. a m~tb·• at.ence. Mr. &k~r.~ th~ youngest edttor _and pu_!lUaher t.he aamt th•nl It true of almntl ~-------------A bra nch of The Mother Cburcb, .ell and Jd othera. Ellbet call, who b'd cttarre <!f the •hop. r<'· In t.he atatt'. ftftb Loan ·Facts in Nutshell everybody a1 t.hl' ttatlun And ,,., wu ~ ....... u...... _11 f"1~t Cb b ot auut Bcl·f Mn. Gract or Mra. calllab 6f tele., turned to Loe Angt'let. A . gmduate of 8roW11 KOlt&l')' a new up~r•tnce .. a~teet tar. "at.,.DJ. M -~ • e urc • phooc tht Red Crou office at l . 11 all "OM: Fifth War Loon Drive 1tarts on J~ 12, ends July 8.! tJG.! II S16,000.000,QOO, or wt\teh M:OOO.OOO.QOO m~ I ror mf'. bet·ause ,.... .... rta'llt at tWa ....... t8 rntllrt, In ao.ton, W....C:ht&Mtta. I \ISM Among the vuutura ln N.,w}'Urt Acad.,my,~ )flckey ttr Y wu moat of \II~ ~· _.. ... , ,..... ......_..... Rt.nclay School at t :SO 'a. m.1 After a ll m ur rna ou to on Mtmorlal Day were Dr. C. H. born with ntwt~paper In 1118 h&ncl, bat m e n I've sunday IJeMrlce at 11 a. m. Wed· t yf , .. 1d ..... / Wimp,._ and loU&I Gale Schnlt. hla fatht'r, G. M. M,cCa rty, havlll6 aJers a,,.ee,... ... ...... ' comt out o oou re..,.n!8. we r1 o-n With ~ton.. iMt 1...-, ... -.._ ....._ p-s&y T'eaUmocl1al Meetlnc at 12 b&v lb t It 111 be ker of Uplllnd who ~~pent tht day beten a t tbe head of va OUI p&Pft'l c-. ,.... ..-to tncttvtduals. I ~ emphuis Ja placed on the need ot meednc the ••nted w t ee I ~·clock nOon. · ., Lt.o .&IUlOunce • w a wtth J . J . Scllnftkfi aDd· liO&l. :~ JD&Il)' Yt'U';I~ Until a yea r &JO ftn11htd rorevtr • ~=-.. :.:..~ ~.: l<tadlnf Room locat.d at Tll ftw more daya before lbt new Hea Ul. wbea he dlfod. he edlttd and pub-"-,_, • -.,_,,.....,. 1 K3t!U a llotmtnl8 arrive. But llabtd the Altadtna Prt'U • Wblell qu01a for individuals. _ I wheu lh~Y wenl nwraa ll.tn ...,_ .. *" .. Eut .... "'nu-... ¥enue, --.-. 1.1 ple~U~e ke+p 10 touch wiUl your A lar&e llouat' party of frltnda !lome lq .. _ a. an-w _....._ opeD dally from 1 p. m. ~.o 0 p. Ill. I work room• and be ~dy to be· .pe.nt tht w..ekend ln tbt Wchd· hi• wile carried on until J~ re- ,...._. .lWIIt 12 to Junt" 26 only sales m ln'dividuals wtll be I '"*led bJ thr -rre.,.ury, although sublcripUOM will bl' I'E'- ~ tnJm all nonbenklng Investors during the e ntire period _ ... drtft. .,!Y""7r .. :.e ha~ : • • nr~pt 8tr.Dda)'a &Ad boUdap D&· , Cln worklnr hard JUllt ~ the I den place on Ctntral avenue. cenUy •·htn Jt wu ,llcld. "'"'· IWI c.aat..: wtle ,... w ·ttons lty ttb~WI'Yed. mld6te bf 11me. Tht Mil»ee Armi~!L ,cave a Wickey wu atatlcned lJl ~ the dot\ln&ulthed &lie aaac el a id, Ia what Ia .....,. The put.lk: 18 cordlalJJ laYited to W e havt a flnt ltltt1' frOM an houae party at t he bortn!' of lbtlr rado tor bie Ml tralnln~ before K'* PT~ I YIIII u ott and u a ''!lot pilot... •tt~nt! the cbureh .ervlcee and UN American Army A ir Foreu offl· alster, Mrt. Phil Snyder, In Eut ~rvlng-In ~t" Aleutlane and llOW =~ to eeD to individuals wtU be supplemented .,._ f6 with a n Intensive caQlpaign to sell all other ~,..._the quota for which Is $.10,000.000.000. At ~ for Sav.inP Bonds and Savings Notes ..,....... fly the FedH'el R.Nerve Banks between JWle 1 and \M a I r medaL He uatd te,lk a ll,&ter pU., _. tht' twadlnc Room. err, 'Vbo waa lm,riaoned ln Stalac Nf wport, to ~~evtral of lhrlr girl hu bem ~rre for m ort tra~. •llh c:luattn They llave had flak lit' handJn h.ll Marauder ....._ u . -----Luf 3, In ~MD&ny. I w18h we trlen<le over the WHkead. Ht> will rtport fe r further duty at UUl>U'*' lhtlr plane numervua lhourtt It ....,. • I!PWt H. II,.,. sr:VJ:NTB DA1' \DVJ:N'118'1'8 could publlllh th• •ntlre letter fnr L. 8. CaldweU and family of 1./Jt> conclualon of hla furloup . UmH . but n011« ot them ht1 ever _.. ....-... ... ......_ • ~ " tnc. e .... .., .. ,,..,.,..,. ea.--• C•Ner Waa..& ... ~.... be tell• In creal detatl or tile w.y Arizona frit'nda of ~. and Mra. =n ':;,~ :•;,,:';t:'~.':u~h~: "~bar•r\er," ""'' lu. ""' ..., ~ .._ the Amtrican pnaon.ere Jive. and Bay Webeter. have purchued tbt', e Costa Mesa News anal~ ._. •" It over wlt.h. • r.~~auc:al faith Ill him. Sabbath 8Clhool: I latW'CII.y mom · about their food. clotlotnr. gam~•· Conl'l&nce ccttage on ·~and. I ' Ollrl Ia addlc:tM le ....._. tnl . 9 :30 o'dodt. Mr_ and Mra. Fr·-" L. Doda t Jlmm~e :.t.ltxantltl', ao;aman ~-ln U\t paet they hna ltllaiiJ tlown , P rcad\lna aei"Ytr-1 1a m. and hoollnr condltlooa. But what .... · •vu \ve ac:uun wben tbe7,.. • 1&11. · ' · ar~ arwndln& .... ~-k 1n • -· An· nod et.ua. t:.S N .. •~n of Mrs. li1f1. 31 ..m be credited to the Drive. --ona min ion • day over Franc'e, wllh nd .... bo l"· 10.. t .......... i ahould JT&tlfy you, &f\d u~e you ~ r-.. ,~ ~n .....,. a -e :71 -• -• ........ "'l'lea aMI Clarem. onl,. vll1lln1 f1orenct Alexander. ~71 Plummer, e«ulonau, two •• tha tempo of • ~ ... -b d ,_ ..... --O!lia lADY ef MOVNT CA.alll£L to (ft&ter etforu. Ia fila .often re-., 'n..ecwiUes to~ offered: · 8 ""'"" ·v-m ar er -... ~ ·-•• (),.....,... frienda. bu reporttd to San Dlt"'O for Cur-the aprint·bumblnlt mcreaHd ut h d •-• th h 1h -1a _.... _.... .....,_,.. pealed 8la tement that th-.e boya ,. a -· rOUI w-. p ne ·-....... , •• UJ • .....__._ .... ___ _.. ....... Gilmour f•-tly w-r-· d-·n thf'r duty' after •-ndlar lea-.... E. F. and G Savings Bonds .. durin& lhe lhVU IOn \lltJ Will prob-•-f \ t 1..... b l -" ..... _ ~ -'--.. _ ... -.-.-.•-owe· tvirythiDg to th.t Red Croe8. '"~ ~~ ~ ~ v-r-·~ -~ 1 '" 1 00 0 ..... m. 11 -"" -Sunday mauee ~.t 8 and 10 L m. over tbe weekend to t njoy tbelr With hla moUlea:.. J immie who wu abl) 1M 1\Jlnl dlree ..... tomet mH het been wuWlded. Let 'a do mon of all the Ullnp we . . 9llrt. C Savtnp Notes. 2~ per cent Bonds ot 1 965-1 ~0. 2 per cent Bonds ol 1952-1954. 1'4 -per omt NoteiJ ot 1947. . four mlt~l_?"f • daJ. When they tlnllhed tha&r ~ IIJT. ~OliN VL\JOI'&y CBtJ1ICII c:&n do to kH&L\hHe .ervlcu n ow· dell~thltul vacation home. accompaaltd by a matt'. Sonny 'AeJ wtn tMJ. U.. atr Nf ... e number ol mlu lon•-wbletll .... te lit....,... A-.,............. lng out to our boy• evtrywhere. 1«. J . .Wyrehn wu a ppoint.d by McG~tb of Rt'dondo lkacb, hu daJUIIIIt .., III4'J lriU ee-l l•e Ulem an automatic llrtp te Sunday rn&M at 8 :30 a. m. Lt Lou111 s. M•ana Ia the author lht' Bolir'J uf Supervlaora u a di· completed 7', monthll duty on .._. rr.-...., IUC • ..._ Ameriu , but doesn't UIJ morw _ of' thl• letter. Ht' hu been aent I rector In the Newport Hel(ht.. .fr· Attu. " Per cent Certificates or lndebtedriess.. after U4. ~' wtll p t.w 4aya Ollef buut'd the bome leW Ia eel• CHilUIT CBl7IICB al' Till: •1:• hnm~ pn an tltc~ beca uae of riga tloo dlatrict to aucceed L. G. AI lht hou.~~e "'""' nf former u4 ••rM -kl • a rr-w bratl<lft ot ~lr adlleveome.&. C..._,tr ........_ hie ht'alth. He concludea hi• lttt~r S14'alu, who hu aold a ll t.111 prop-Co1ta Mf'tla ruldenu. Mr. and _..J Dedine· and Fall of Rome rMtllle. nU.C ...,.,.1e4.1, lie-He 10, thai old a.• ........ 1a ..... E. ~· <-..... ... ._ wltb thlt atatement. 1 trty In the dl8trict Wra. Vernon Coyne!" In San J&clll· ••-• ...._, -k~• • I~• a •tffp l hde.' ~•me boomlal •-Early ~worahlp, 9 :30; "Abovf' all wnd plenty or pk · --to, lira. E A. RandaU lnJoyed a M ll1lUtary history wtU rerord If. th(> faJJ or th(' ltall:tr ~ to AJUed f0f'Ce'5 5\Vf'eptng up rrom Anzlo and conve'1!· tC at 1ta pta from south and ee.st . will be tht> s tory or th{' .,.., the fllcht and the capt ure. .. afti e1 we&rJ aHf'' at aa.ttL at tJw nmwa:r. leveled ott .. foat M~~~ wol'lh 1 Jc':~ L m.; I turea and ph~to«npha of the tolke ,...,.lvate and Mra. J~ RodriJYu deaert aojoum. •114 ~1a1 •• aad al M a1aa. •bove the .,.ounc1 and ..,.., aereoa• Sunday rv -~: 7:30 ba<;k homt. 1 think the ft'llow• I lnbtl klvtrat are recelvtnc fell· Mn• C"har'• ~ Bo<-one of Santa Ntlrt .,_,.,r da,llcllt a. all•tlk 1n1 ac:rou the llrld at J50 mJift u o'~:lock. worry more about you Ulan they f'italtona from .tbelr ffic>o<lll folluw· Ana. furmerly uf Coeta Mtaa. wu .ber" aa4 t•~ .,.,_ tltr ella• hnur-onJy • fool abow 1M~ ~hd·wH'k sw-y•r wrvi~.W~-do about Ulemwlvee." tr}g t.helr rectnt marriag., 1n Yuma hustcaa fot lun•·ht'oo to .Mmee. HI. Tlor) aM -.ellt.atHb el ..._ ~ ~ way And at 1bt ume IJme tl.1y, covtrt'd dish dJnMr. 6 :30 p.m. It ~~eem1 tt'Q'Ibly Important to The brtd~ Ia t he daug•ller of Mr Pelt• J vhna n. J fl Carter and 0 . era llll.e Utem. lit' hid to thoot out aU ._ ted imprtu upon our.clvu, an..t all we> anti Mr11. Jrw ,Rivt·ra F: Gor.Jvn . • • • ftar•• be' bad In thr plan• n-7 ••1 • U l:l~1t\\ .. , 11 ~• t. • lit IC( Ht~' mHt. the ra~t that tbt mn.t bHte,. f'lrllll"l IHUrlp .. air war-at II loollrd llkt • Chrla\mu Lrte b ini "I ,,111 ,. 1,, ""' ··•"It th,. l.o rtt. phaaea of thlt war bot h In Eutn~ 'ftR.wortct that watched the Italian drama ovl'r th(> yNm· .. n::rh~mber that t tK> ran of Rome began tong ago, just a! .the arty 'Roman Emp.IJ? l"fldUI1!d 8 pPrjod or ck>cllrM' ~forr n. tal. For mocte-m ROf'l'lC. the deca<k>nt years began wh<'n 1 Uua 1111<' ht'rl' h~>t bf'('ll uv lu ouw-down lhe run .. ay 0 ,,,,. 111,., 1 ... ,111;,1"''''" rrnm 1 and Ule Pacific, are beKtnnlng and Ia 111 au"'t v.~ys 10 rou1111r thai II IJ Chlel usrd lu bt • cletll Y1UI tbt ; .. , . oo11;ot1 " 11 •·· • · ... t:n'•l•·u -r .. xt 1 th3t work and mort work art' thr Ilk• runnlnr • b11 busonr•t Attn& Lift ln~uran~e eom~n' 10 ,,, .. :ouu•l,, 1 , • '" .;, , 111.,11 0,, ordtr of the dav lor all n ( u,. U•ually • B·:le rrt'wman "works" back 10 hit llome town of .. 1'11.,.. "t: ... J •1•• I'' • ""' '' \I '"' •n llf1 Lrtlll ollg tn harder than ;ever at only aboul lwo hour• • d•l' Ht ,.,.. Ce~~a. Jte II 15 nov. and duetn'\ lulo. lu~ 'l~t•• "' I •" \1.,, ,., l'tooltl'l•. Ule Juba we &rl' alread ' liotn' ('Iller turna to I hft lhll II llfflll' cion to ..,t\elhtr he v.•lll t o barlt l.o ~ ~ t '"' ~·,,~, 1'1•·· t h ur t l.n•t, l't'!l;u ut' d \hi be t) N ~ -......._ lodl _, f and dopted th U'ta . tl _____. r •oran~ .. job or O•ll alter the war. Ita I 1•1. '" II••·""' I n more ng'll. l t r O'A .u ~ u. . ~ a e m 1 n~ (' Cn .,"U 0 ag· • n•Jrno al on<' Ther~ It no around • • 1 th t•~ t 11 .. · d ,,.,.. It dl'jl('nds on how mucb t.htJ \ ~-· ·· "' :o • h • • "''' I• ,.,, f)t• 1 · " ~ ,...e 0 rca Y "pour ll <"~n IU: J!JnifiUif h is shrt'wder l)t"lghbor, Adolf H itler. war to confuee hlr'!, or lllurb him oiTer him. • I·'"'""' ',.,,,, ~ I""'""" "~ •·all~"<! u the boy• aay. ,And t ht' rf!'allr ..t,.:__ d __ ...,b)---'· h~ or t vt'n lnaplrt 1•1m W'ftlot lu h•trror. • • • • , •II 1•,•·1. ~~~·•·~ '"I '"' ,, II•"'" . effective t.hlnltll w~ can all do are , ...._ 'hal wl~ hunat'r and sa lle!IS <UIIU' tJUU.'\ '''· til• war I• hl&hl:r technical, bl&"ty -l 1 Lle•l. Jt t•l AroeW '-lite-NJ •hnu atoull n•" "'" l.n111 '''' t:o.t rl(tlt b~ne al home. For tfv)se who ~~·Fucist dim· or111nlud. and In Ia way .-newllat call 'led 0.,1 He .. only a.· aJ.. wll h "" thtu .. ~~"~"-"'"I """ all ~ not In defeoae wnr\a. u.e~• •IICier.lt ...at·v--• 1low<ft--~--•-,.C'I'Ifwomte. • ---,.-..,._~ .__._ . 11\:r "''ul, 111111 •llh Mil thy mll!hL al'oulc1 be hour• 4!\'f'ry wetk ot • (,;Jj , ·--unr-•n-.. j ~·\1111! ol ~· ll Ia e&Q l.o l et maucn .... ~m,-HIV"'JJ l'ltdt!!' 110 ,.,., Ql'l 'h~.,...~. "'hlt·h I cnnmu•lld I It eM muMl'o/ tyrann,y, on batt.Jr under banr.t"t"S Chosen , not bored An air -wman hu Jolt of He enJ .. tt'd In tilt army aim-~ flll'f' th111 tby, t~h:ttl .,_Itt ttnn .. • lome kin(! Of, fte<l .Crc• work for -iht Italian people. but dictated by 8 Gennan madm an. 1par• tune on h~and• N;ll,fltr lht yn n 1110. wbrn II~ wu Jull out 01 .,,..,, An•l '"'"' •hut• '"'"''" '"""' In M aU1f'r Wily ra.n WI' bettt'r -.._ -..a f ( b f h .. "--n nO olnrert ""' lh~nh'lt'd fllt'n ha':e htch ach•>OI Hf' "'U en lnfan&rymaa tiiiiiC••nll\ 111110 !ill l'liffllrf'n 110<1 l'f'BI'h OUt lfl ut.ir bo~·~~ with II h••lr- &111: ~lne 0 Rattle over a f!!W rl(> yen_rs n,.. ._. any duto\'a 1\hDit Vl'r otho·r than fty· tor a ,.,., and a halt belert ba •hnll ,,,,II nf ihl'iil """" lhnil ~,, ln~t hand All phtUt'll tif H t tl /"ri),. ~~~~dramatic, 00 Jess tragiC than the )Ong dcdiflt' Of itS ('f'Tl· 111.. IIHally V.f'lll IO IJOm l.rardler tt hool 1•••1 In tl1111•• h•l•t .. ~ ~n•t "tu•n 1~m1 I W<•fk make Ull thlll brlplnl; hnn.J ,.... ,c.ntur'lell qo. Whrn n.ll llylnl the) eother luAf and ""' "'I nit• rur '"' c:belt ...S "Plk··-• I• I 111" " '' •n•l." 'r:" lllou Lo•t':o. blH'k ttwm 11p t'hJt' .!lummt-r . eround lht'll own hull, v.nttna l~l· b•tts lm hh •h rhlrrt 11"~1 110" 1/· ""11 "1'"" 'hnq """'1 If \'oul "'8111 lt1 h••lp rull lhr of;il'r ""'lUI & vyo::-l "lo.&n I"(! \1.._ ng S eft 1\.~ Y 0 OI"S."\ ~ (.' ,1 • ltrl ur pl .. ) !ttjl polker Hr ju.sl I IIIIIIIC fir ft1lllf'• lh3t •~ a ...... ,.. lhy "'"'· lh,. I nroj , 'l'llllll<llil~>r1 an,l f'illol ~'IIUT.!Wlf II Jlliltt• nn J tfml' ~ ... n..-nt,..a , 1 t df tl t r k t h v tl I "I' . . , h··n ,.~ •• , ...... -··~ unto can under Olf('rs ol Nnzi "protC"Ction". nnd with int'l'l'H~ing aid In h ollit _or ""' nre talklnjf or' f')~.. •~r bt ha.• "-111"4 lltoeuJift .. • •• '" ,, ' ·•" ,, . • ialt,l••• In-f•"!l t<> "' ric for •-AJJles "nnnm~·frorn t}\(' flaJian Undergtound, tlw lhry IUkl' 1"·"'' for 8 lev. h ura. ond Grrn>an•. and br \lljnlla It Ia u lf10• l.mol '"" o;,.t '"' •,,.,r-i!Tood ~""' "-~' ~~ . , . , 1010 lhf' 11o·tH IJ7 vrlla)ll'• ThO')' !'an """Ut•nt ''Q"'"•1•11 He U )a •1-.I•P lhal ,,,. rul\-loo 1•1• ·t'l"' U1' I fall 9f Ronle .... t rorn NaZI hands II' V1("Wed by ltahnru; S«'<'kln t..: 10 to d311C"J nr sit In 1111• foc al f'UliJ tht tlftt•l beiJ'hiDI' ..... ~1M alh·· ... II •• ~· '1•'• ol o\ Boat Coii.IS.IOn to llfct ln the liberation Of t heir country, not as a Capit ulat ion and talk llu evr:t llld •a• •M>• t.lleJ !\l;n\ II •I.•·• ~:ttrl• • "• to "Sri ·-d ~ h .. ~. OM-larlel ...... , ... """" nOtl II···"'" .. lh 1\o·y 10 l hl' I . r 0 . but •• -....... That &s the manner, we are confident. ln "'' O:Vt'l")' l>•o ... Chi I ey l ell'o\0 OJU es ne &.._.,~ days' lf'MVt Tha-t •~t.,ln 11 111melhll<l ••ltr at'ridf'alaiiJ IIIII a ••nwt'b !{crlplprt'l " "~l~n "P n'll f'rPllll'rt whklh twOiicf history wiJJ ~it. new lO Ut who have bl't'O in lhr fiJI ef Ge-rman u .. .,. H4 "'W front & ml\l••rl,tl bA"h. IIOr hioirlf'O mall)' e1 &hem. tn obPy mar .. rlal 1111\o Ydolr(, Splrtt Medtlt•rul'~"n • lkwn thrre. fllt't • 0,.,.,.r rnatll·. hilt 1,r01•1nroe 1• ID do crt leave ~ lfO \0 ret! ramps. a.-d 0 •1 11 frlndtJ &lid caJ •Pirltual JOiatul ,.~. ID tlil' hi.ICh .. r la'tl' Ray NeiAon. 11k1pprr of tht' PQW· er r raft Gr~y Dawn, SIJfr{'rt'1.1 a rru11h~>•l hantl when his bual waa hit by tbe sailboat. Y .M, :'1217. Jltalts for Peace and •ven to !own on<'f' In I whtle ••• r et 1M le a fMda-•au, of Mind ... . . II t.hert' " • tov.'T\, but tl'lf'rt''a noth· .ert.u maa •lite tal" * _,. ~~ o( Britain. Russia 1\Dd Chin a. at the invtta· Lnl .-.1ular or au1oma1or abuut IL a. !Man. Tit. ~&llaW -el tkM 'cf 9tefttary fA State Cordell Hull, are scheduled to meet l ,_. boJ• ~ hr.re. aet lheJr \wo !,~ • .::,-.. ",J,. ... , ~~ ':... ~~ •'--· daye' lr••• tw1c• a month jual like -whllltllr rntatJves ol U te' United States 1n our natlonaJ capi· eloc.-kworll They u n do anythina --....... ., OIW c... ... 1 tal cluing • neaT fUtUrt' ror tht> nrst m ajor•diSCUWOn!! in 25 Ult y want ... lth II 'heJ an ll _, ,.,,, lit ~ ---b Ol'pnlzatlon of an U,teomationa l agency to I "Moat of thtm I O to London Oth· .,. •a .............. fr~«MJ, .. ~ en ao t.o nurby cltl" where \!ley Y ............... . ..... ., ~· n pron)lses to be a momentous meeting. fo r bave madt ecqualnl•nc.-t'l Tht )' 10 • • • the world'1 tee:Urity fo r ~enerat1ons to COI'Jlt> may l"'l'!!l, to 1.o da m·•• and oir ht club• and ~ ertent at lea.4lt on tht> dedlions reeclK>d Qlld thE' pn--1 &howl Tht1 ~lnl th• ~,.., &1\d , ' blow off t tum u any •rUve man lllnlnarJ fl"UUleWo rk. established. wllo ll\•t t danrerou•IY muat do now 'Frwn President R.oofleo\'elt and Seocf'l"btry Hull. In nd• and &hen Th•Y malte friend• amon1 ..act fll tJ1e Big Four <."'nference have come Indications th nt the Brlllth ~pte. and &hey lac* up • thaw u me fTlend• oo the nut U'lp Odl' IOf&ilftle'nt wU1 g o Into the meeting pn>pared to trupport ., town. a wodd orvanlzatlon petf.c..med alter tht> Ltoap o( Nation~. They do a U!Ouaand and one U\tnr• .....,_.. tha N • d on tht~r \taove. and It doea them bill 80 ~ and conatru\.~ t alioos COld work to-pod Aleo, It IT•dua U., rru tea an 8!ther'tomaintaln world peoaep without sacnfidng their indi-undtntandu._ betwten· the two -= ~ty. There ls no thought , appa~tly, of pro-peOSJI• that the oU\.u It au rl&bl --a..~ ....... ___ t .. __ r "' .,, d J lll bla OW'D pewllar WIJ. a_._. ugaru ... rnen prognun "''~" \.A"nnan..,. an a-• • • .,.n haw ~ vanquished, and plans for a ~lied intl'r-A.f\er • urta tn number of mit · •aon.l poll~ fOI'CP, !-~ IIUch, 1\180 ~-to hllVC ~n a han· alone e cl'9w It uauaUy 1 iven two w•ekt' ln Ye Muel ol tht!ru spend II doDed. tnvtlina Our n1tr1 often tour Srot• Tbe ~lzM ~at('11lents which ha\'£' ('manat£'<1 from land on thnt lu vt•. tr e •m•un1 WUiblngt.on thus fa r it'ld lcat£' thnt thr \Vh itf' llnu~ anct the> the n11('nbu nl men who have betn ~--to li:dlnbur&h and v.ho love \II~ ..... ~ uu•r:ut fnvor n fonnuln for thf' tt'M' of fnn't" lo sup-plnrt The)' hove vlt~tl'd Walu and ~ war, but n fo nnuln u n der whi<'h (•nch Nation would 1'\'-North lrtlanct' and tht rug.:l!d aouth .• taln ftnal authority over iLo; own troot~. plan~ ;mci s h1ps. nncl •·utrrn c:oait. '"d thtJ know th' "woukt assign n o d irrct JlOWi'-~ over tb£'m to·lht-\n tcrnntinna l ~~Iandt and"'" lotUr to"~" ot Ena· agency. The WOrld OI'J!ilOi7Hi t't.n. II('(.'Ot'rlln~ to this plan, tHUid Thr•• ta·e.,.,,.,,k lr nf'tl doD'I J:eC(IIJUTlend but n ot. Ot"fl~'r thn t a -mc>mht'r n ntjon ti'W it:-: fl't><•p~ tlbaulut. Ia lhr lllen• m ind for dn ~ ., a lllp barll I• Amerln, Thai'• for lntematl aJ poliC'l'. rtut y. F~tt-;h nrmon. hnwt'\'(11' ~· \\'0 lllr1 1111 til.") th·t rar. nan what • rna)ce a blndlng comm itnw'nt n~t to II~ it~ HITllt'(l f1H't 't'' in thr) 'alk ahn111 n1n .. el lhr llmr. .....a • 1 J • • f 1 A 1••1 Ia wh.at aayoae •••r• foreign territory. ('XC'Cpl in n c'\'Om fliH'I' \\'II 1 C1t'\'lstons 11 t II' TN ,aaae•• f'•llaH-r..,.._ II Si t. Eu1ene G•ontt of New Orleaat. He It dlaUnct trom the reat beet~ tw married a Brluah flrl Ia• 0. Hmber. Tbey b•ll'e a UUie apar\mrnt In a &own el1ht mllu from the ftt ld h· er) ITinlnl Galnu ridu hit bkJt>at bo11\l!. N )'l UU about mldnl.:ht. \he n du bllc:ll to the alr1frome For 1oe .,.,er D'low wtlen JOU ma7 be r~ out •• ' a. m. en an eariJ' miN .... and you must be on hand _ j It \&Ilea him about 45 ml.nuW:t • ride Uta el&ht mllu . al)d lit baa made the round trip nl&hUy ell •leo ter. lll t.t!a blac:koot and thrnuah • dttcr lbllble atormt. Surb u .. cour., cif'love. qalnet II a Q.Uif'l anrt afnr ... JO<IIll man of .24 Ht "'.1 s Q r) rpeno ttr btfort th, war. and he lliu,... that v.lll be a prtll)' l ""d tr.!lle te 1t1rk lo atler \lie war Ou1 1f a tt. prrHoon does t'llmt ht h .. , au aca m lh' holt Hr hu ~ far"' .11 l'rart Rh'\"r, I.a., and ht' llaurl.'t lhrt w11b I fl!r m 10 tht b,u•k.:r••Utld• I ol\1 rlQ ''"' a)'J hf" "''" lllld .mdt'll~>• "''"' G:11n rs ,. .... ,. • l!l,>on •Hdtltt:~ r1oa on h,, 11'11 h•rld 1'\e n,•t ,.,,, th4l a lot ,.f th~ 11 ntril'd ,,,IJtera '""' 11ue wtar v.l'dlima r)n&L IDternaUonaJ agt'nC'y t o maint:~in ~·:we. WJthoot rercrerie<' t o the> m<•Mt uf thi.; parlin1lru· plan. nr any other plan which may he.• prntl(~f. it i' immt'<li:ttl'l'r :tp- ~ . parent tO~ coon.rernE'd th:1t \h 4 need a h U:Iwr nt~kr nf Jn~tttillt'll'l int.f'gl"it y thnn "'" h :t'l' l1.1cl hef(.ll'l' if lhN\' I' c-.assified ACis bring results , .. to be an)' hope ot,la.~lrq:: !"r:l('('. Wr need nations t hat wi ll k('('l' f"<•H•nallts. 1\S ",•II ,1 .. n mko• them. Thf" pt.""OJ))('S Of the WIII'ICI, a:-1\f'll .I.• thl• 11111'1' tof 1\. • ttona. must. ha\·e th • "iU to pl'll(1' -nnrl mu~ m~i:o;t t h :•l htm••l. among · nntions he m:~de 1\.!1 pt'W.NI an 3lh'thlltf' "' IWfllll IIIIIDflg JDl!ll. Jf t h<' pt"<JJ)I<' or the:-l 'nitf'ti St.rtM ltl\11 Rr1t.1tll, ... ...S....Rllllt.'l and Chin!f. hold t o thnt hi..:h t"l•suh·c ... t ht"ft lh•' lorihooftlln8 Wuhlngton-confel"t'iW mny-tJrt 1tr-fon-runnto•• · fl tlldurtalr peace. But Without that .. l'f'S()h 't-a ll ('O\'f'NU1t!' ·will be eqq and aJI oonfenttk*_ wU1 fail. .. MODERN MARINE SERVICE S.HELL DOCK 'BA-LBOA' ISLAND •, 1"1JLL 008PEL CHURCH elef'rtd by F:mwlnft Glt'lll' ln thf' ch'ann"l of 19th 11treet. 1 n ..... a..-. e-ta ..._ , Sunday .chool. 9 :45; m orning According lo report" .• NPIIIOn . won.hip, 11 ; Evan&• listie aervict', gave .right or way for tht nllboal 7:30p.m.; Mid·Wet'k prayl.'r ffl('{'l · whtn the latttt came about caue· lng on Wf'dnesday, 7:4:'t p. m.;, lng t bt colllt!lon. Nl'lllnn wu glv· young ~···• evan&tli.ltk' k rvic:e I t'n tnf'dlc&l trealmtnt . on Friday,• 7:~ p. m. . ; _ I . . ' ..... .,, .. ~ nuT P'OUUQUAR. IE CH URCH 1 , Friday, 7:30 p. m . worship scrv· 1 OF COSTA MESA IICt'. Rtov. Ma. StMma In choqcc. (~rdl ., tw Kl•b"-a.t') Sunday 8dlool. t :JO a. m. lk¥. a. Wtllarll ...,_, ......,._, Mornl"g "'orahlp. 11 e. m . Spc"c-M• 8teenae. Co-PN\or htl muak:. putor's a.rynon. " •AI Eyes Are on TIERNAN'S. For Announcement, on what's a v a i I~ b le to malce office worlc more eHicient- 1fAd~ ~~ Y~····· AND HERE'S THE BIG NEWSI Thl' lollowlnl ltl'm~ m11y ~ lt'Curfod by any l)lllce ln nefod ot snme b)' a ppl)'lnl at 1'1emon'1. ~ ·OFFICE DESKS ,..,..,. ff'Otn "\'IC'tof'7 Mndel" \\'ar J'lnw R4-qulr•mrnto • DUPLICATING MACHINES • FIREPROOF CHESTS • ADDING MACHINES e. FILING CABINETS • OFFICE CHAIRS c::a.u or pllon~ ;r'if'rnnn's t.oda)' for lnlormaUoo. lve sworn ojf"Wire Pul(ing'? ''f'vs LBARNBI> that the 6rsi rule for tak.ins care o f lAmp and eltctcical appliance cords il,· 'Don't P*IJ ''" w.- griiJp tht piMg uihm you tlisumftl&l • l.ttmp or li#linu f rpf11 the &Onll~t oMI/eJ/' This Wei W cords Wt longer and may prevent fuses from blowins out. II the insulation o n the cord ,Joe~ fray, don't leave ~ wires n posecLit's •iUJ lo "Pilir by following lhvt/otw sl'fJs:" IMPOITANTI "'" dlJconned tlte corsl from tlte outfeti 1. Oean away fNyed ore rum· bled p<~n. of 'insubr oon. --..-=:--= 3, r.Jre c-ach wire :~er.u.l:l.'ly, USIO}: clC'<ITil'JJ.O·s r.lj'C' II• II arlht ~~~·c. fxrt"cd "1rr~ must noc touch CJt h uthcr. 2. Scrape clt'3n the czposd pan.of wircl. 4. T.1 r<' rhc rwu r J red v.•ircs Wt;lthcr. ._____, 11:\ROWAn E J.H.ES!US GE~ER:\L ELEC TRIC Jl,\SGF:S e RF.f'lUGF.R \TOR~ 'e \\'-'~trt:Rfi' DISH\\ A~HF.R~ e R \010"4 .PhOM 116 ·/ . / --~---·-- NEWPORT-BALBOA HEWS.TIMm NeWitO!t Beat"h. \aJtfnrnia. 'thu~ay, June 8, 1944 SALES CO .-RONA DEL · MAR DURING THE .. . LIQUIDATION -SALE . OF OUR .L RE-M£MB£R This-report does NOT in- . elude our numerous other Corona del Mar Sales. PRO-P-E-RT I·E S .. REMEMBER \\'o• ,1111 h tl\'t' 'ltfll<' I;'""' 1>11\'11 In Hll&ff Lo•IM :o<n"'1 l.flt~ "" '"•ttl tlw u,,.~"' and IJil.y !i.Hin• ~ -PERSONAL- I-Wonder Why .. I ~· .. I ·Say: .BeCause of - ~ .. THE TERMS OFFE-RE·D • THE FACT THAT I -WAS NOT. SnNGY IN .THE USE OF . ADVE~RTISING .-SPACE ... --_I~ -_BClTH' OF THE ' ' . . LOCAL IEWSPAPEt·s .. '. 0 • ..... , • ..t ' .. -.. \ . . SOLD $6,000---FUll Prlc~ SOLD "OF COll RSJo~ IT SOI..B AT TillS PRICE" V~CANT LOTS FOR SALE-BLOCK· 232 · . · Only 4 Left "Detter lfurry" LOT IDI' 1 .·: · ·. t . ,N, .$1.,00&.00-sotft-----Z -,.....__~ .... ~·~~~~IO~Id~_j 3 .. .. . .. . . . . 900.00 Sold 4 .·. ... .. .. . . 821.00 5 .. ~........ 750.00sold 6 .. :~·...... 700.00a01d . 7 .... 0 .... ·:·. 750.00sold 8 ~......... 700."aoW 9 ... •. .. . . . .. .750.00 10 ....... : .. eso.oo· aold 11 .. .. . . . .. .. 750.00 12 . : . .. .. . .. · 150.00 aokt. 13 & Por. 15 . . . 1,000.00 J4·& Por .. 16.. . . 1,1~.00 ~· , .. 0 9J..OCl K ~ ---2~! .. \ ~~----~ ~----~ ~ 2 ~~--~ ~--~~~ ('( '4& . ... 5EAVIEW Ave • -· •. •• 0 • ·THE . HONESTY OF OUR TRAer· SALES MANAGER; ,.,. • ..,.,, '''" ~'~I"'' loti a•,._•nl • !llr• "'"'"'"' · • l',......•nl !lor"" Mt~al ftlk. l..col )'>111<•, l'rlo·•· ..,,.,,., l'rh-•· Rlk IAl M-.1,... 1',...,. MaJ,... l'rl•+ IIIII l~ol ,...,,.., l'rlo... l'&&lr• l'rifto A·~ :! • '!,;!;;4).110 I,INMI.IMI ll i\;~ '211 !M"I.IMI fJ(Mt.IMI ICI ~nl;l 1\·:tfJ II) 000.00 IU Hold . . \ . • THE ~OOPERATION OF THE 'REAL . ESTATE BROKERS ··' . ·1' ' -. . ; • THE FACT THAT THE PUBLIC KNOWS WHEN THESE LOTS ARE SOLD .THERE JUST "ARENT ANY ~M.4lRE" UNlESS THI:Y BUY THEM FROM "OUR PURCHASERS" · Will You Be One ()f Them? JOHN SHERROD HARRIS ... -. REMEMBER~We aiso. hav e Beautiful Building Sites a~d· Sand Lots on. the Bluffs and Qn the Sand 'Beach on both the Bay.and Ocean sides of Corona. del Mar. BUSINESS LOTS -RESIDENTIAL-IN COME and SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE LOTS. Better hu\ry over and "get one". \ ' ·. - I . See Our Tract Salesmanager, Mr. T. F. Rhoden Tract Office --on the bluffs ·-C 0 R 0 N A D'E L MAR 1.36 SOUTH HILL STREET . -. LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA o S :!,t;,CI.IMI~ l ,llf~.UO II 21 . G7a.fMt . t'.CNI.IMI JU !'4uld I!H ~.flfMl.OU fiOQ,OO Rl 8oW 4 2,1MNI.IIU !~MUlCI II Sctlll 22 !kNUHI fWMI.OII lif 14fiJCl --IIi} · 888.89-IU Soli - ;; ,2,1MNI.IHI !~)11.110 II Sulll 23 fiirt.INJ fUMI.fMJ It 12 I ,J\'71UNJ 1,000.00 8 ·. 6 · .. 2,1MHI.IHJ !~NU"I ll ' 2·1 !NMI.IHJ fifHJ.OII It Sulci 14 I,SlWI.OO 1ftQ.I8 8 '7 2,U)(J.flll I,IIOU.Ofl H 2.5) I,J't'tlUMt ' '7/WJ.UQ ll Sulci IG 1 .1~.00 700.00 8 M 2/.CHUlll l,fNIO.fMJ U Sctld 2'7) Kr,(tftO ll Sulci ' I M 1,1 ~.00 IGO.OO 8 8eM 11 !f9CI.fNJ fiCNJ.Ufl IU Sctld 2G) R :W) · ) 1-2 9!NUML 600.()CJ JU Sc•l•l 2H) I l•uc'f'l :l,lfHt ll ti) l,.'\'7lUNJ )· ~ '700.00 8 8oW 13 9!10.00 fiOO.OO IU Sold 29) U l•or; %4) ' ) 14 900.00 600.00 IU Sctlcl 1\-:Jfi. I R,'7r.CJ.fMt 6,000.00 ·R Mokl 26) 2,4'71\.CJO) I~ 990.00 • fiOO.fNJ Kl Snkl 2 2,2li0.0U l,fMNJ.QU U Sulci :p4) 16 OOOJIO GOOJKJ IU Sctld ~ Z,U)(J.UU 1,000.00 II 10) 17 -9fJO.OO -600:0ft IU Sold 4 %,UJO,fMJ BfMt.OO H Aold 12) 1,11&.00 18 900.0U · GOO.OU Kl Suld a -%,:Ui4t.fHt 9fNUJO R RoM 14) .19 990.00 fWJO.UU Ill Sold • 6 2,MO.O() 1,000.00 R Mold • • "-"_._' ._._...._.... Rl ......... u.. In,;.._. Only J2Left "Better Hurry" 0 · v"' -~ . ,__,.,6. -c....·-IVI c-<>I~ ..... ~ ,.,. u~ o-" ., ""'., _ _,.,~ ,. ~ ,._ . Nor~~& ,_,,..,~ ~r A r ~~ .s4CII .. .,7"//JW$ ' , ·. 100M a -··· .... eoo.eoa -··. •• t .,._~r -- • .. ' . • I Pale Four a1 •o• ·. .>r~~ ANGLING 'AR_OU~ NEWPORT·BALBOA NEWS.~ES, Newport Beleh, California. Ca liforn_i.::.a.:.., ..;;T..:.h..;;u~r!Kl~a::::y..:., ..:J..:u~n..:.e_8:..:,_1_9_4_4 _______ --:-------:----------- 1 • 1 L, H. CraJDer, N. Ba)II"Pront. ~-.~,~ ... 8~~~~.~~~:::-:::~:~:E .... w)Girl Scout. 1 1 Bu~.~:~T ~::"ts ~f: ·:-M:;:::·.::.:: ALONG COAST HIGHWAY'S \VA TERFRO NT ••V•·r 11ur rKcJloe waiUac few "-W~>ll• r unu ~ernlce Franz bad a PI F 194! uwn~t: 36~b til•l'l (il'\\8 rtf th.-lnVIUIIOn. or ~alii-, ,ll.<ourd Cur II. Nil &rOWlcl uie e..:a or January 1111.!11\~. Jun .. 6 E B. Chue. per J, H. Hay Jun\'B '" .:•vtn.: 111~ ·' 'hllll'· , ,.,11 8,. , Vt't)IJOc •• rellt!\'ed, bu\ l1a1 • •. other nlgLl ... The muak '-f Peobruary 18 740 F:!·tu 11 \\', Central Av6. 1'11-a rtJmplf't .. ov .. rht.UI a.l lh\' 1 .... ~· 1 .. uplt~ 1 have talked to an ,,~ ~•-·WY pr.uvu..led by G.U Burn.. · t.lan 11 38.17~ Junt 6-NeiJI 0 . Wenden, per 'J 'uri uf S..vrn Stu llf' 11 rt'!Jollr-,... rnr.J 111 ul tbf' cu~Uea that '·"''' T he 11n¥1ng by l'al Ator-L d · ~ay •5 473 IA'"IlCr F'cmlerf AVt . ..., ln.: .... r fur f·urumrn lltl f•lfhtnl( \\\ "Ill ~II}Jtaln. Lel'a bope tlla7 ,,. ~· ldrt•d Gurley, Mary Jay~ ea ers ' Tt~Lal fur )<'Iii ll:J9 ';'c;9 June 6 w. B. Harper, per OW1r ~ ~~-flu~ 1~ IIIII ltrM a·tt'Otlll otl lloffi• "II I" lUI I j,(ht 118 18 poaaible, j, .. l. \'It t' . . T'l\t: C!t'Wlng by • l c;r Aba-oone Ave. -----.. •·r··rnl la"lotnt( 1 1 \\ torl c• a Ulf• "''"'' l• frelrh r.n )'OUr "•• .lay, F:v Morr.a, Ad Gurley, . 1 Jurw 1 A J Ourot•her. :}1101 Jural! 6 \·\'. B Harper, per own- :'\11111 1 ....... \.\'all'rwrtr h IUid many 'Ill•· h••hl '" '"''nly-u.no• ',. not call Mra. VIetor l.l I "' Wn Vl.:e aud R.d Uurn. Har .... ··r G"'l Seoul MaNnu!l Av.. poor ul..-ner. to _.a~.t' \'r Abalone Av~. "~ t l•·n•· "·" a "'" fll''l twu111 ""'' '" kt• thrtt appolntm-t ha11, Nlt't' work 11 you can ae~ Wllh -.. uv " lJ t 1111 .. rtor 1 f ·'••·rllln" 11\h• r be.ata lnrlu.ttn~: a num.,..-r C> ,.. ' -.. .,.. 11llera un u , u , • ~are tb~ dll\'11 •I "n ''P r·t· 1 l it 1~owo·n·ol IJy • t 'nl\o•o93l r. •1'"1'' , 1 .t a1t.,· 111\h Tht' plnt of blood 1 'l'hc Ulll J uyc<'lll haH n:.ov-lru P» (ulJ lu l'apaclly anti II walt-EL~CTRICAL PERMITI t f .-1 dout•·r (lllrtlu. ami t'\•ery boa · ,-1 0 Md 1 log het made nece••try only be· $lOO. rdDJI H I ?7 tt.bln& fiUUI ~ bcjrlltnllllo( 'l «' 11.,. JIU'k-j.l(}t. it'uuun~ ran• trum all •·t•l(ln<' tu;at ~"II ll••nltte \\II ~ pul to a. rJ uolu the · vc:ny 1uu.ae oo d June 1 s C Olen, 2~ 8tb ~lay 3 1 r;, 031 e. •-~ na1 ur&'!' ln !t" foah 11>1 !"N'f' t:wu-.r.llil wrrr • • • rt·lh·nt IJ!!If' u y1.11,1 well know. ao &..•..!• l••r the :.ummer ... A.arlou • IIUIIC' lh<'l"" art' not su! lch!nl lea • St .. Rivers tic. Call'. per O\\'ner, to 3151. -an,Uac Ia r?RI 1 y 1 ' I rl~ht nnw ~·~~;'ur.t~:·~:::• :·hr· , u ,, llc·s. Thea.· T•... 'null hu ;:I! "l'r<" h•·'•l .. t ,, hilt':· "'II" log you back? · Lort,;k ,n,...n haa b&d to s-tve up era. an eamul apptoal for more lltlllt.l one etorv ~reo: roon: dw"ll· M 11 31 Thurman Latl~n. 222 and down' arouotl Nf'Wport u<S "'k' ,r,n., 1, 111 n t rm.y lh .. :-ltw · ttl•· H••lil rt \' nuut .. 1 -..,n, auv ur 11 •lll 1 ff !.11·pt. Oladya Tbomp. ll\1 l<co.J t:r~ work -teo mucb leadera ha• been 111:1~~ byLo Mr~. ,lng :>:!O Dahila A \If'., u , 2 oo. • · Gra!.•l CaiHll, per Btacli:beard. Balboa the boalll All' 1 om•ng In llnrN•r ILr<'a. but frt•m AI . 7to!• 1 ·o.a•. I tl;:h""'Y. L•~l w .... k l'h~ 8 •rl "'"~ t11lt' of maoy WOUl('D to I• ,, '"''"" . lt'a goo.! to aee 10hhl\rd Howe and I'll. nne Ji.tn., !'I Jamra RoriC'k . 3201! Juor 1 Dorothy Miller , 114 E :n>m .. .., ocean trip "llll 1 &l•a<·· b&lll~ Glendale, ~adena, Lon)( lttu~'h 11~:,. 1,f lhf' I'll k,.t H 111.J1 th•· , ,. oHtlt•• 1 I•• work Ill tht' USO 14 ~-> ,.,.. Loa HubtJarjl looking roo VIncent, oraulz\!re or the f1rat ~·an·u• Ave , Jlt'r uwner. to bUJid Central, p~r owner. It)' 1~. llrnll" f• r v ·r " 1 w AI •. 1 "" Allj;t'l•·•. llully"""'l r11~ h•u urrdN th•· ""lupuny s Haltua Sll•· t11vk t.V..r the ditrl-.,.d 1 .. Tommy Webeter .oa.kmg Un1"""'" tru pa x years axo Both storage shed. 429 aOth st r .. ,.l. n :.. June ~ Cbet Still, 616 NarcU,. ~·t'a Ua.lbvu SJIO ' ' 11 IC l-1~'<'t and nearby cllree a uth .. An11• tht.r\1 , oonltlu t .,. ... re h<' <I .\Ia} :!fl , t.ll J"" l'if hnustug and em~-up .-.. \. e lillll anti trying to gain wu.1 en are .'ll II t·nt: Ullla.IIUc lead. June 6 Bob Murpby, 809 F..aat aue, ,....., Bl:lckbeard. dowa a t Uw pavilion ·• I •ll• •• are he om, t ullrrton, s.tlt.a A niL. LA· :1nd ~ 11 • :1 1 1U'Ith boai.A "~nt ,.. , 11• ,,,, 1 h .. IU!.rvlce meo and U...., 11 n t' WI'Hihl bt O!" l.te '""'eJ ta,r a:rlt 1n thus tlilltrlct. 1 Ctontral A\•e ~r 'uwoertt, 10 buald Jun,· 6 To,m Car110n, 110 22nd ,..U II& t_ l"f'&l plat) I h.~ tin..• A~• .:una li4-ll< h, f'tc lito\', 11 tl, ,. 11y11 al 4 ·JO p m "" o•11 "'"rk1ng conl •nually IUid tli. ••~&.~~t c~. Altha ugh prrvlt'lUII experience Ia a rrof ovt r c-nncrete walls fur ._St.. ~r houa& Elect . *lppera r.t&lly lwow l"h•·r,. 1 " lf you anglcra have ~n walt· Mr~. t-:ra•lll!u Klni(. ar•·rclRt ,. '" · •"tfn•ldv fur th.l' _pael two )lean. valuable, It I• not ueceaaary and store room; 112~. Junl• 6 Nels 0 Wenden, 3~ ftlb are. Your ~~tribt> lttut •"";: '::! lng fur \he .aood flehlnJ -days th•· :-: .. vy tMJtl'( tur llt th .. l-t""ts ~he 1a one of tbe few that have Death' ComeS· h1111 been dtmumstrateu that new June 6 0 H. Hemmer. ltl30 E . Fernleat. per owner. .n.r kMid Of biK batrllCul · u ne...:l wa.l.t(i nv lunl(er th.~y are I' mp;•hV •·hrllftf'nl'd l h•· llrllt 11.u• k I. uut thrO\lg 1 gcod Uu:.. anti enthu.lul•c leaden brlUe C:lr:vey,• El Monte. per ownef. to r-------4 .... .., ~.uam.e. in "'jlb !!J• -~rrrTtJ;"'t ,;Jw anol rAy. a.dvl.cc. la -l~ ~ u,. wltnts&t'l.l ma,..-a---nd LAtl, und b&a done an &dma.. T-o r.·ny-lnfant the gap Of •iwxperat'Oce ID • ahort build lhrc:t> 'room apartiz:tnl over ~,.. weartnc • bro""' " 0111 e 1., makf' up a p~nj and go t shtnlf loun• tn.:. hut hu ~vcr bf.:on··ahlt• '](II> We.~ tb•-... -~cu.;-.... · . -pl'esent pn1gr.-~~ '31Stb ~t.~- ot ~action. u l .... •t v .. r. d" nut fur.:tl llual you 1•:ir,ll'.ll·alt·rl rn onr. w m••n Ill lhe eervlc~. abould Up Captain Eddie Rlckmbacker, In I $2 000. I .. • Ia ~ ...,._ ot UAMttled CCID• rniUit havt a ('out Guard f'IIM tn Thr ~ ... ntJ w 1111 a yarll launch· our hall! a nd ny, 'Tha.Dk )'OU. ' Jur.u JacJui n ~lcAJary Jr., adlfre•ing 'thr 34th annual mett-~ June 6 Mrs Andrew Brown, cOtlt.M WilMa r.Ur..e ar~ uv "" ,.u .,,.t nut nn thO' m•ean Thrrf' ·l• In~ U •U wt>r~ ilrawn am(lnJ: th~ Gl~c:ys. f•lr u hard job. weU done." 8t \ cn·d&S'-old premature baby ayn 1111' or the Nallonal Council ot Boy per owner, to burltt une mom adt!l·l "the, OUI to~ Wl~l• 'lll"'lr thta ~f> dl(fll·olty ab ut tiiiA, Jr.l.lt tuw,. JD. ~11 ln \hi• ynrO tn •rlf'<'t lltf' m~-Hou.tW About An_.Yone that eal__lf..~ _.:.....t.. an.,t t.J..r!; }&ml.'.l Jack.aon SC:OUill. 11!.rtrayed the teen·agl.'r Uon t.o rear of dwelling !M a beti-1 ..,oFt ol IIIIi Ia " Ff'BI ml'nlal lhro·l' t r,..K ''"~~ loch ldl.'nU.Il:etlon wh<~c w1,r wnu)tJ l'l•rlsiPn t knnwll what tun It 1.1 .tD a1J -' We Alary, 1~1 Orcngt Ave .• t:oata IU<.II.}' .... •·wander~ tn tbe world room. 1409 l::ut Bay Ave.~ S4Q9. ' .-d ~ I'C'IIL&I<llUn Th,. IICI'&II pholna mtule T&kl' them to th+' btollt 1'111' wltr of llr l'rt·~· 01 M. Il ls; hi UfJC.'('Ially when a:~meooe liD. !.Ita&, lolll a val.ant tight w».ged or J>ewltc'rrnru" and "ruUc:u and June 6 \\'illlam Com purl. <631 ' -...... are .tnvt~wr~&tlll( t •_ run l'lllllll c;uard and lhey will hf'lp HI•• klnl(. 3 wnrk4'r on tht' rrwu~ anr IK•Drd hn~t w.n ac('ordlon and playa 1, •h>ltura and IK:Itnr f' when hr fnl.atratt'd, 11 b~ 1a w1tbout the 311t lllreeot. per ownt't. t o C(lnvrrt oli&DcUac a 'blr f1ah !LIId thf' 1tood y11u <In lhe rut. The-y 1tre a grand· lhop. wu u1,. lucky ... n:tl"n u rd lnatrumeftt v:ell eo you lmow d t:<l at \he. Santa ADa Commwlily 1 n:-nnoenoe or Wt!ll-d!reeud gar11g" Into bt'droom. S75 ,.!io1nt1Jp o! a crowtJ of fnl.k• whn bunch ot fellow• lndudlng j.leu· ~~~·r "'"".:l·a•ola :>nd S•·•,.n·l 'p, I •·••B,.Ital \\cdnesdlry morning. adult auidance." PLUMBING PERMITS and Buildina Material• • . - COSTA MESA. LUMBER CO. .. ,., U.la IIPcrt a• rr uch u we-, •. , :conant' Toin, wbu enjoy, r.la·rnc were ~rvrd tit lhr m~>n lo lhr Corona del Mar l~urn at , 1'1\ ami one-half Sc-ou.Unr Ia War n me June 1. Sood~~;rasa, per L. tf.l r• ... .._. ltftOI'\ethhl~t to ,ua. It, .juat a. much u yuu do. So, hurry 'al ol and I hl'lr !r lt'nd• allf'r lh~ • \ r nntha. t,he baby weighed one \\'Jth llw in('rcasing Jibllt'nl"l' o( Cramer. Pearl Ave. .. P hone 41 .... • ~ ~' ':i,'._ :-port!.': m.w ano.J let'• ''' ' 181 .' 111 1: 1 ' 11 lit' ; ··rer.10ny Church OrganiZed; pO'un!: ~ed.n a~d da three;le=~: par,•nts f!'Qm hom ... -i~ war tUTw.~ 'J~u~n:e~·.!,l _!l>~r:_~c~ .• M!!...!Be::!e!be:·~pe:r.!::::':::::::::~ ........... 0 ""' · • lrrlng ')'0\C l · · • • • • • 'UDl'"'•· an yell cr Y a routmg mu~t I"M' pra·partood 10 lakl' J "" ... '• a ,..,. IOnic ror enyone. . Til .... ,., :.SI •!Ia.'' owlu•a ~y, th~ OffiCials Named "'a. reported boldine hta own 'hl' plac(' of Cathers who havl' ~WI~ at Balboa III'U ooe y h A Jt d .,.locn he wu taken from Lhe in· Out Ssau e \.'Kl\ 'C'au:p Ht'K Ftl('...l • mpany ~Onl' to war and mo~hf'l' Whit « lbe 11M ~ far ot lbe' aoea110n. twd ekrpper+d by F;dward A ~,,.. T~>mp• rnrv o!!lcera were named u.b lM t•• t•,• ,,, .. ~ '"-·' hnvl' gon£' to work. Rll'kcnburkt•r A. E. HOSTETLER' ---..--() ... 1. •tald•ft. !'\t~lry. Ia I.Jtoing a·mnJ.h t~ly ro·l•u!tt w. tlnfl!lliK." lll"ht at t!\e ln.u.J l'tl\'llte funeral l!errv•cu were, Wl'nl on to say thai dlsclpllnt>, th!' • '" ~· 111 th· Vla·*.o""' .SI tpt uiJchnt• t..:or· ·' " b ~ondurt&.t lhurtttlay at the Harold v;1luP of t'ducntion. a n>alizaljon of 1 ' -'. 1944 TIDE TABLES ~ • ·~ "' ,., buetncf·:~ nu•ellng of a c urcb 1 Cotlt.a w Rev ' ,.,'rat on uo 'th'~ Ct•IUI lllt;hw11y 1 hkl t ~ G rauel chape · -. · industrial t'COnomy a11d .an ab· Har•lld· lloYTI> nf Olfd•H. ('ahf . "hlt'h ,,. be-Ing et~tatil,.a a G. WUiard Stea.roa of.lnatlng. •n· hllrrt'net" of clas.' hatrtood urt• loe>ma· a,;l' •lx~f'rn. \'/aut usaulted IJy an 'rhf" ltJot<l wiU be La«'d tn "'lfUnlm<'r Pl\ del !ltar The ll't'Nion -.,·bead t\!rn.~ wu 11'1 ,.'ulrhaven ceme-o( th.u '-••••~< • which >-~:WI in" , rrr:n ~arlv Weolnf't< !ay f<lr tending albacono !rum lhr al· at lht' h m~ of Mrw. Georp Lnrta •-.. _ .. """""""" " ,.,, rn•• n • l\IJ y Uteldea bt• paren... "'"' trach£'5 young Amt•ncan.~. mornlllc. K orrt. r~ported Utili blo•ure grounda. nn Marigold aven~e an.d wu pr. lt•avu hie paternal trtandparent.. Over 100 MemMn l thr Ia "" ha.t blen (olm•·lnJot ·him I Thr "l'riiiCIIIa" lA fllrty-f.tur 11.11<1 atlle<l over by P..ev. Petry Shrock .••. ,. unll ,\,rs. L .• a.r ell ~.eAiary, Then' <tn' nolA 50 Carl S<:Qut and JUNE 'and lltrurk lim On the-rh;ht l!hiHII· a .hJl1f ,,,,., lung by 11 llturt~~~~ Mr. l'\tlmck Y.ta. eleet!Jd J;DocHf·l l'••lf a· Mt•sa . mut.,rnal gran<!ra~er, 60 B~•nr~ ri'J:I'h 'nood Wi th Nn· Hlp Low Hloo:h Low •'t•r WI It n hf'IH'Y •·hja·rt 1'11e U · I fudl ~am. lt. nd tonnagf' f.a • utor an,t the following other o!n -' t 'h"t lca (.'•~e. Loa Angelea and llnnal ht•adqi.IIU'\('rs from this area r. 'I tl:tt 8 :1t 11 :15 7~ aault ~urN'<! on the <Xea.n Froot 1 t•tn an\J lt.A C~ tonnal(e 1• <'IAIB, nam.:ll· Oerk~ Mt.. Ceo. n•utrnHLI gran,hnuther. Mra. Eliz.-With fl Jhlrd 115 mnn) on ·lh<' wnit· GORDON B FINDLAY CONTRACTOR aad BVlLDI:R .. MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR OUR SPECIALTY Cabinet Shop Service • _mnce Cabinet Shop S411f Cout Blvd. 401 SOth St. Ph. 402 Ph. 2383-.1 '1.1 1.0 ,_. 2.$ '" front of thr City flaJt {Tv.•o or e•ghtcf'n 'and a half. Jt Ia puwer· I LP~IA , tr(8_aurl'r. S. A. Meyer: ab••t h t:Ol', C sla Mew ing 11~1 1l)r locaJ srt·up Is budly a. 1t 1:06 7 10 12·30 1:30 llorrl .. · frleonda took btm to Dr. eJ by a ~ryaler Ct~wn t'nglne lru&t!ft. Gwlla\·e Gru~. C . KnOll In nN'd of a lt•ad('r (or a Rrownl<' 1.7 -4.3 3.3 2 7 Tohlll'l hnmf' rur an namlnatJon.j "11 h a ll\'e to ooe reducl.lon. Jt 1 anti ll q. ltt':t. deacopa, Herbert 1 ~"' 00 llalb<xt i~land a!\ ,..,.11 a.-. 1 _________________ "'!"' ___________ _ • '5 9 9 I hlrt I h Alld ll Kl A I M-•A•-ea H J Lo t •V'·r •••••••••••••••••••• • •• •• •••••• •• •••••• • • • ••••-•a 8·~ 3:1.. 7:$ Morrill hu ~n l!taytng at I :l I 11\a a l Y·•x II(' IICI'~W I n~. ...-arone19114! ' -e p ca e (Ill(' '" wort;< Wllh th(' Brown!~ . • ~.1 3.1 2.7 l'>l l•nu 1-'r nt Nf'"''JH)Il 134-Bt'h 1 t!~tuble. acor1tmt I K. A ~taucll. W_. ~~get, Herbert whu ha\'1' JU~t "flown up" \nlu FOR BUILDING JNFORMATJON • eu.u ~TOaT BEACH. CALIF. II. l2 J ·at t :oe 4:14 t :ll I • • • l-l•n.:. • :ulllUVI' r.rure.: 8Uilday Delinquent Men Scouting. 4 II • ~.2 4.2 2.!t 'f'hf' 'W.ute:r Coif' famlJy oa N...-, Tht• "f:tjna ·~Ill'" WL'! launched IIChl .. ll IIIUp trlntendent. M~. P'raD· nw huildtnJ.: CUI')d storl('d 1'\'' ~ U 1:00 10:01 !t:OI 11:10 rrort llt'lfl t.a '·' ,.. , lui Wetlnt•lklay, May 31. at lhe cis Cox; mull<: coomlt~ee. K,.. c·••nrly by a S50 -donalion rmm A U I.J ·-.7 2.0 and Mra. Ktnny AAdr,QieD and Ulsnnel U. at ('om p&l\)' The boa', ~ak<>. Kat leen Gor1ken. Mr& Ar· T lw follnwlnJ.: lulle-d JJ1t'O art' re-J Tw"t who Wlli4M'a d tht• fund. :N•• dayl~l •.t"• U..l 1 11.tda en Brent and carilp freal wa,.,bullt compll'lely by h.-r own-thur Kl'mper. P<lrlr·IJ 1" be tll.'ltnquc>nl by l..o<'al would b<' ha ppy 10 ha.VP any ~Ill Tillee aN pl ... ...s on· M••·• .,, ... , ... .,n..._ l';nulh t;alf'. , 1'ht lnla.Mtn enjoy-···r. t-:mllf' L. Lorelllr Wllh lht' Tho• nnmc of the church wUI 1M l'lOAril No l11. l"~wpurt Beach. no mall or how small. AllhuuJ,:h a, Ulltlt "-",_ ._ •·= dan"-",.. p. a. .,., ·a 11•w <on thf" hll". I pntnlhlg &lltl 11lht'r tJet&ll.ll <lone by 1 known 011 Coronu dl!l War Com· Cuhfumla. &crurdln~I to A. J . Hay-new llin .wlurr 1:-not possiblt• now. -See ~ Bay ~istrict Lumber· Co. h•'l.,wl, ~. aJtt r whom the boat wu mun·ly Cllltrt'h., t'ongrecaUonal, man. J•htef clerk A~nne knowin~; It 'mny he lhlll an old on•• or a nlll1W1J. Mr•. Lor~llle chttlllleneJ buLl• aubject to cbAilge lf c~r tht• wht?reeoou'-44 of u.ny r f thfllt' room may b<• a\'llllnhlt• Cnr lh•· N~wport Beach ·: • tht' l~t-.at wit h thr t ra.:lltw nlll ct\&n,. r. e~bl.l!l dnlrr. 1l. Plan. fOt' a men 111 reqtH•stt?d 1" cunlacl thla g1rls to Ux 1111 n11d call lhl'lr o.,.n 1 ! • 1 p~tgn,. bottle, Phurch building and a bllU41q iDr Lot•al Bo11ril a l 'nr,., or notify , !118 State Ho')hVJil)' P O,ntte : BALBOA WAl TEA 8. SPICER, Owner Thl! "Edna Belle" le fillY ft'eot ; u,., Sunday lK'h•> 1 were dt.cu.ad. 8\lt'"i olf'ltnqurnl rt-i!lllllrant to tOCP At. The Al"ehes 1150 • '""" a.nG hila a lh.rtN!O and a halt I . l:tl l tt.c> Local Soard oiflce lm· 99 G d t at I : . ~ • .. -. . Bo 1 m t<Jia:ely: ra ua es .............. --.................................... . ~~~"~~:l .:;.;~~=-:~ ·~ \';~· Fifteen ys rrnarto Napolt'l Pern . Gram.mar Scho' ol I . -:---!~~-.!~~~~~:r~;,~~-1.'=1 Leave for Navy ~:~0 =: ~~o. f ---w-h' I --.R . I NEWPORT TACKLE --STORE and ww uae a fPUr man crew 1 kage·l Lol'ra VattntUt'IL t Cont IOU('( I t11om Paf;:<' I I • 1 ~:wy fUinl".: ' ll(•aU tli'C' lylnJ fo"ittren telt'i'l~ll of Local Boaa j 'Salvador Garcia .lnnn A~hrto" II, Jn,...•phi~e 1..1~•• r e e 1 s e y Idle 1n lbelr al1pa bt't.'aU&e nf lht• No. 17j t'ntralnetl from the New. fltt~·rn• ll•lu 1 rll/ llt't•·~:~ !\lo •,1£•hnm. l:l••lti\I)Jt• t\ll.cnlr hirk , • • 1 , I I II uf 11 II'IUKII\UI).t' markt't Ona· lll•ll Pnc•lfj(' 1-:lft Irk nauw,y De· R.lllph Hu<.ll'tqu••s :1\;11'~ Lou I><' Poultn.; ()"''' i\nn • ft!thf'rnuul wa11 ht•urtl 111 r••mark 1,,,, fur llt•hu·l nn In thl' t/ 8. t>::tv"' DaYIII \-\'ps l h h'rHt•\' 1 r J Gtltl< ll 1f 1\altt'l · ::>11o1lh [loll' 1\tl Ill~'· ;\{,,,. o,.lott~-:>.•• lltut wht•llf'\'1'1' thP buy<•rs llllll'l tu 'rhurt<<llty n "'"Ill~. June 8: ThiJ n.·aulnc, ll\llt~ I.:IUIIt', ll.tlolil louy: 141''11 lllll rt ttl Clsh l>t~rh \'lln· I :oil ... lUI flllf'tl uy rr~latr&nll all F rr.lt•rlt k l'.l.o.Q" !'lhtlt ho•\l. Btfl\\0, .lanw-Sl•ll• n-··n Jl I ~·n· ED SLOVOIIB • MANAGER . . . Bait · Tackle· Fishing Information NI':WPOaT lti':A('H t k A1lrlbt·r1 Uo\\ 8 .1~\111'111 JW....,W 65-Ff. SI'OK'J'~RINCi UOA'J ~ " I '"' '1\tl,.;hl ll'l•tl antJ 1\ en Pnrr ,0 f \\hum \\t'rr votunl<'O'rB. nw 1\.• 111 tr F •:onk·\\ ,,11, Fl mi.. t'~~ U cREscENT'.' tt! \\tlJiu\lt ll lni'M Il l lh•• l•tll f'tl tho· Th<' u:<uill hurwcll <l'rtrnnny J elluA SJ\rU.ht•7 \\',\lin•. Rll'hlt.tcl \\'tnf'kh•l. J ,omo•'. . ·.. ' Roc'""'' "h'''3' "t'' l:<'l.lln.: I <>k flllh ,. conctu< !4'.41 by totmi>Pr• {'I ;u;; . .-J;,hn Totl •llu. c~·•·:tld l'rtpp ~ Gnll<·y JU.-st.RQOMS -Llvr Ban 1 t 1• J.,,,., pooSI, !ollnwrd by cor-tORONA DEL MAR COMMU· \\·,.,,,11 Cl'f··k,•r . l.•·nullt hllllo·, SCOTT'S LANDING'· Es.tate fre n•1 1lout~tumla acrved \o sr-N ITV CONGREGAT.IONAL Jo•:on1•t '" :'lltllc·r . Arn .. lt.a J, .o n koo tooa, lhclr CIWlUie.a nnd (rltmJs CHURCH . Phlllt("-. Annl' Htl ~"r, · Eltltl!'"' oft o-at lllce.lll•a) l.rav...i 8 :SO ,\. M. _f!oes to Probate hy lhl' Hr•l Crol!ll Emt•rg•n•y "LlvlnK ~laJ:lllftn•ntly \o\'llh•,ul {'h\,•n, C'nn..,lant"'' Shuok. rJ;_,rh:rr•t '======================:====:====~ V t'antrrn t tnlt undrr the dll't'tlhlD GaJWhnr'' '"'II be' the ,.1hJKt o! lllllhou,_.., ·Af\)11' Ho•o•\·t·s !:,;)lulo-~ r-- -• ----------Th~ "til .,, lhr latr LHUt~ t • u: ~tr.• ~tlltlrt .. d ::tantry. a.asL"tec.J lho Rev Pttrrv F. ~,.hruc"'tt•s •~r .. B••;u'h. S-..ra I lt'mun~h:tu.... «HI\ •. l<nc·hst M t'QI\Il MP!!a, hl\.l to, ••n by ldnl, Htlrn Randel. moo at the e'lll\l'l'l tly the S!'a," Ann,. Fra· .. m:an, Putnclil_ \Vt'l)oh, flh•d f"r f'l'(lhlllf' tn 1\IJWrtnr l'o>lltl Tllr nl'xt ~lrpnrl!Jre C'f'reinmin ._10 Coat1t Highwuy. Cnrona del lkll~ B••11n, 1\lar~ Anr\ Stalauko·, "1 1 ~l.t\•·. 'ttll."latlll,~;" t>f tin 1111: •· ln whiP!\ thr public are rord.ally Mar neJCl Sunrl.'ly mom.ong at 11 :'1-tnry fll•tlm$<. l'o)nnn;a Barno·"· NOW OPEN IRVINE LNKE 'I'JIOV't_.BA.SS-CATDSH-CRAPPJE-..BLt 'E OD.L ll.ew ao.aa -Motor Botta-ltalt Anflahlto Fw--...._ ......_ Of'IIIICW llU·I ·C, or 1Aa A-.reW PA tla% BAY FISIRNG 18 GOOD AT THE PAVILION .AT BALBOA &o.tl for Romt at IUasonabl~ PriCH-Uve Bait Available ~RT BAY INVESTMENT CO. .._ oree~e, -o-eraa ........,.. NEWPORT & BALBOA PIERS 'GEORGE JUNEK I , I•)'• :tf,ol fllll'l:ll u•·lnj!~. VlliWu lnvll~d will he• held nn !'ltomlay, . ll~k V\'im>~ Jn fK'Un~ Patr'll'la Lunn<(n, , at, a l •tuJ 11f I I 400, w~ lo•, I lu hal! June 2Glh. • 0 cMr Scb k . ut.o al large of M<tf) G <J) Calcot t. K a l h •• r 1 n t> "'~"r. :.lnt 0Hnlf'4' Rtldl •t f.. ~tit U.·y~ luvtn~: w.-r.. the C~rtT:att~n~l Ct~n•rrenre of R<<t"VI'S Sylvia :"<i•·W~an. \''''"'"."'' "' r·"~'1"na. who ,.. ... al•o r~~tmcJ Balboa t-ta.rry w r~lhby Southern Callfnrnla and the South· Grovt·r. Alene Sul~ora, Ruth 1'Ulk. f'<ter.tlt 111.. !\far-Dolorl'S Manhall, Elt.tnbt•th. Colt>, vln J . Juricll. well!.. AI. a mt'mlx'r ('If t~e con· E\•d .., M . 'Tim~rlakr. Glnnu ;----------------,1 Cos' a M t:!.'\ Jerr-y L. lla!'ha'"t . fer.ace M.&Jr he-lJ uelstmg thl' Prlc:' D<-lln J l•un. Beal. Ur.nrll<' Gt'nl! v. Hachu, twln.:r. people of Coron11 dt'l Mar In t'•tab-G· 8. ., . •II J , Rubrl Do· FOR INSURANCE IEIE Howard W.·Geniab 2111 W. Central Ave . Newport auetl, Ca lli. Phone 4~3 Automqbile • l'·bl Co 1 onal ':11 h ol)', 1m1 r O"t , Bill . El Mnnt1• Jam•ll W llathcock, .. ntr a nwrg:r ' " urc 1 .,. Yroun Glady~ K•>ll'W llenjamln R. Ullard.. 1n that community Hla aoervice La ""' · g. · Oran~~ 1...<-wls A [) 1t~~11n Ill arwwer to r4!quut ot a group K L d • SIUlla Ana Aul11r F; Allh('r&!t, ot Corona del Mar renple. The at-iwaniS 3 ieS Jr , \\'arrrn c &-hoolr~· Klcha.rd tendance. at the RundJl~ morn tog Night Honors A. \\'rl,;ht lt•ader llfntlcett Ia very gratltv1ng tn Ole B b H 11 h d Ruut fl l.a~~na Bf"ftdt IIIII M apolltOtll o! the IIIUV••Mrnl I 0 0 ins ea Rohn ----- AT THE \Vt\1{ B0:\1> 1>..\l\;('E .r\1\)) Al.CTIO~ Monday, Jurie 1 2th -~ P. M. Till- REND.EZVOOS BALLROOM I .ALBOA Several .J lllnO('('O Bottla ~ of \\'hi~key Will·~ Given Away to War Bond l3irldl•n:. ., J I . 5 ACTS .STAGE ENTERTAINMENT SPONSORED BY Good .~ishing at All Times UVE BAIT ALWAYS AVAILABLE Accident • Fire life l 'unnt:r ~I kuto!W'I I. ~l~tooc .. y. Walmm~"" • Legion Post No. 291 ~"Ana''" E,. .... n•tn. In Nomination Meet Thr• regular monthly l11dle .. 1111:' l uf Hat boot K tW:\nl" L1ub 1 .. ~~--~-----------------------.. Orange County Liquor .,Deale~ CLIFF'S TACKLE STORE ('U t'F \'0~ KI:~NJI:U. FiRhinJ;r Tar kle SJ)edaiist e\4JI~t to Pavlli!'n -1-·r r«h and Sail \\ a11:1 '1'.11:~1,• e·nunr· t ill II \l.UO.\, (';\l.l t'• l'INI ;\lalu ~1. ~~----------------------------------------· Attention ALDACO u E l•~J.S II E j{'~l i:N; 'nih ynr '1ft '11'111 h~•·t ~ f:·l') ~ ,;~l"'d a.,... .anchortd on lilt Ito;: d I' t 1 La!na to receh-e a'4.•rMt c >It, 1 1 '" local •nd Mrlucan · 1~ Jlrrs. ' c•u ", I lilt paid lmmt'dt3tt'l) 111 11 .• 1 ·'('-' :t~ ..W ~J.ve tnro rtili~ rnrH- We will carry JUPJ>ll~s fur > '"' 111 th~ ..... •"i"'l you • tnp 'mw I hi'" ,,.r .. bor. Abo the .comfl.'")' 1.~, JtlSt ~a t111 in left• tl'nd('r, '' hi1 h .. be _pallable to all our all.>;~rore M T'll£AnWI!t.Prd.1y,_ln r"""ul~a. .. ... ,_ ~ U)' li* loQ' lte Juat t"l. r \\'r 1\~r ,. ~. n.i, '" !,1\'(' \'OU lU f' \~' f '1 11 I' ; \ I tt1 Hf' t .1 ...... '11 11111 I , r-t.. I'', ~:,,.A to',,.\. ... t I' , \ (\Ur I 'I I" I ,,., 'I l it, 11 \ ,li ft'· (fl . 11 ,. t •. "' •" t I , ·" ~ '\ n •. H \ k ];\C'I\ t;l\ 1\ 1'1 I 0 l'reident & ~nl'rAI ~l~n~r Sun Jiari>Qr f'a~~"1S C_q:n\1..::!~ 1M~ front. San Ooqu Z.CiL On-~on. }o'h•y•l f', F:nrll', !'~trran1f'ntn u.:~n•c and Cnntr11ct llnnl!S Wrttlt'n F'rnnkhn 1-: llrtnlt•,\', 1\lams.:h Nom. 11\tlllii!O fur IWW ooi'(IC"I'll fllr the Amrrlr an Lo•j!tOIII r"~l !'\oo :l!ll 1-.. all~ (ln·...:•~n , , , , , , t , , , , , , , , , , , , 1 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , t t , , t , wrrt' h• lrt Tuesday •'l'o•mn.: at lhe ~ ALBACORE FISHERMEN • Le~on HuL Tht ~<'t'ttn<l nnmlnn. • 1 t:nn n l'<'llng walf.h•' h••ld Jun~ :.!0 : Aa July 4 Is a lt•~;nl holulay, this • · b.tlng lhe (trill 'I ll•'·'''"~· pf lht· : Dlt'lnth, \\hkh '~ t !h' r •'L:U,:,r t lmt~ • • J<l'ho·•ll•lctl I •' ' lo' t 1oon "111 lh· llf'I.J It's 1111 "<'1:-.=CIJ" that Alh:lt'<)l't' will )li' \\ ith ll' :t~=::•rrt lht ... • July 18. l nstall.lltoon 1 11,.1, ''"' • \ a•:1r, httl \\'(' k)lO\\' it's :t t'll1l'h ~\Ill ~\Ill l11• t'l'.td~ I lid ''' • , r r10 "1ll I'(' lr•·lol .\ , "'' t • ,, til \\'(' .... l,orntlons et( ll~\ inJ: Station<~: • :-IIIII lllf•&:tt, ' l'h 'l:tln '! 1!11 \\lin. t IIIII , l'h : -, •• , •. l"'rl n •. ,. ..... l'h ,;:;I .r I ('1\lnlhlll l 'IDIIIII'h • "'"' )oof/ur•t•ll l'h ( llltthrla '!~\II \lo•ttl••r•••, I .a\\1 : \,t.,rln. Ora·.. l'h :llifJ "''''l"•r l, \\tt•h )lain Off in·-Tf'rminal hlancl. <':alii. l'hnn.-.. llnrh"r :4fil 7 -ll:lriHtr ,',•1"1 •• · Tall. Bark and ,'.~--~'"" ·':"-Happy, Tom Allen • ~ rn tl .,,_ ~ ft t ~ 1 ,,, t' ,. •'' Jl 0 1 t I ,, I \ J1 II •' I ,,• f ,if f• ' ~~ r , \.l~·k on lhe thrme of farewell wh••n m•·mlwnc 1\lloJ thrlr w1vcs bid I ~""'" to l:lnb llolllnshend. pre111· rl•·nl , f lilt' l lllh whn has scverl'\1 lttl' '·' un•••'ltnnl' Ill ChiS <!111trh t II• a11•11rnt• nc•w t1Ul1'1'1! "1lh no'\\ l'•pa· I" •• 111 •• \lhan l1rn and Holly"OI~tl ,\ f· ,., llh· •lln11o•r l'l'l'\'ell by tht' F:J,,..t, u· (:nil, 1\ t<hoorl t•o•n•muJIV 1'1'\'lh'tl \\ h••n llo lo 1111 llt d lht• I:IIVt;l "' ,,, t•• .la11 lire~<"''· rurmer vh·c. 1 t u1 hn! "h•• ''all II<TVl' as llw I ...... t t ohf • \ • ,1 I•·• r• 'l~ 1-ft l ho• tlt•JIIt l 1111: \'1 • -<dt '11 \1 rl"-1'' •"' '11 ol 1\ tlh a , "' • ,,,~ •· , ·'f h•"' · '"••r ~tt· \ ~~ tr~ I· • ' ~ , • ' 'I, ' .. . t I :•' . ', S1 • 1\• • Ill I.,, ,\lt lltlans 11 • I•' ) u\ :, f ,\ J 'rt f.a• l• t U ,,n, t 1r.ttlL• t•,a ,, •• • • 1ft t l• r ,. ' ,, ' ' • :• '.I ,. ~lr«. Utili I:<) I '• o IJ • [ ,\ I 1 o, I ' 1 , ... \\. , .. n ~ t r • ~ 11,, p , • 11 I•PII• I t h• 1l .. \1\d X,,,,, •• I''"· ' I I I , .. , .... l 1111n r f r ; . ' 1 ,of 1;11:1 I l llt II I \ '1 II II I Jlti'J)' I 1 I It I I 1 I t • 1: I • t. fI t It I I If t t t t t t t f t f f tIf t Ll t t f I f 1 0 1 I I ' .. · .No"N.~~~~~T!7····~~'"','. I • h , otu p • '• , ~ I' 1 t , '-.~~\.~' \' '·• n ' u \' ,, 1 r , •t .. \'1'111r , .. , 11 e, .. ' ' ·~ HORMEN FISH MARl~ET :; ~ -·-. ~ ~ ON CENTRAL AVE"NUt. N~WPORT BE.~c.tj ; !'................... ... ,,;, ......................... l&aaa ~ -· ..._....,., II .. !lf'r \ ,, ·~ r ' . ' " . ;••'l I • II •II h,· •: j nil) !'o' • I ., unlo: . ' ., '. ,.. .... ,. .. ,._ j ..... :--on. ' ·~lhl \ r t .r l 'h l. r. II l~rah:•m. ' "''" ol I M I \ h ~ • Mra. •I ~'"' •• \t t ···fl· \\ ··:-:1· •rTl ""~'• n •'. \ 1111 II , 1h; '' c r I ·' 1 ..... '\!.,lr.~~n,..·· I l~ H'41 t•:.. • . I t •• ,,-~ 1\U t h(' rc·••l'"'n' I l' I' \mo r lUI l t'Sfl• n Aw .. "l lll'•'h ,.;r:,.tu,,· ... n r nnl N "'\ · •· t • ~ t , • I I. I. '' tt n -•r1ol Znrrr Tlta•r:t ~~~-, "r •li1 al ,f:t ,,:q,.:•. ~" l'lli'h "=~'· '~~··· II~ clro Th..r:lp~· :-:, r • ,, f '· " hi \ . t •• ,, ...... ,' . C('nc.• 'lur~('ght'm ;: •. ' r '1 f-.' ·~pr•t r ..... Ul&Jb<~a lnrr ftlda ~.·hool. -cl~by witl bro ~~ Tfflop~M)rtf' :!I~Z •I rrtn~ lh• .. a·m • .• r r.l I " l(AIO.•II ~ l'adat 0Yb. ) .. --.-----~~~~~~-... It's Am•rlcan to Support /. 5th WAI LOAN DR lVI I· ' / _...-:-j / ~. Brrnuf&f' .. aa tit~ h• ig ie bl'nl, the "tree'• inrlinM" the ta~k nf Phopin~ the mJnd• of 1003) '• )Oiatb ie a rltallrnge to our te.uhen • •. a challense they are m('eting aobly I ~nMB . .the beer with the ~ high I.Q.(u~ -=~-~-.914'-.~~·.,. · · -fl:-R. BRiNKER HOY~ -~ ntnl 8t. -' ...... A-. c.at. .. k • .. v;:' ,- THEATER Phoae %11• • t•,_ Park1D& £vetUac at . 1:00 a. 1 :15 MattaN 8atu1"4ay at 1 :4a Conllnuoua 8ua4ay from ~:SO nu .... t•rt,. 3at. , Dorot.hy Lamour Dick l>owell · VIc Moore In .. ~IDING HIOH" alao "G"N TO GUN" . (.\art-& Ne"• Sun. • ~OD. • Tue.. THEATER Evf'.nii)C'tl at 1 :00 .t II: I a Lut 8howtq of a Double t'ea· lure Prorram StArt. at 1 :10 Thura. • t•rt .. 8at. Malta Montn • Jon Hall In NAU BABA • Tau: t'ORT\' THIE\"£8" ('.rtoon a ~ "". Hun. ·'Mon. Jeaa Pierre AI&OIOnt OeiNI Kelly Ia .__..., Nt."WPPRT·BALBOA NEWS.11MES. Newport Beeeh, Callfonua. California. Thur~ay, June R, 1944 !OP A to Fix Prices 1M F' c ~~::~:.t: ~~ • ~"'~'"·•ll J '"'''"" 1'1 fll On Or 1":\nsumers Sdl;"."":·l·l.lh .. l\ a U O.vt~. \\ ollo,1111 •: I An OPA dir«tiVI' v.-htch bfo., ''FIIhf'mlf'll muat be ,-uar~tHCII ~t'f'hn,• 1t I' I · f t I II~" ' ·' "·' 1-t•omea f'ffKtlvf' Mond~t.y .• flxu ••on· lh<' OPA maxlntunl or e r • 114hl J f'ff Kobre, IJo'AWA rt-pr••D· ; !U~ON 8 TUACT UW 1 aumer prll'u f••r flah bou~ht at lutlvt-, "on on!f'r tv tonUnu«' o~r-~ Tllod,.:.•tt. ••"'I ~:1,1 ,. t«'S,.il. Stabt.l.zatlon o~ prllu to altona. Produl'cr maximum prt.·u · 1'1'tllh«'rmf'n ror mark•t fl.ab at OI'A art' at't at th• IH2 averaiJt' pnea ..,...... • 11 1, Ann;A(it: · .. ,-n, ... •n\\ :• ' '"'"''"' 1 o l ~~\ ' ·: & 1 ~'.\ Jtl l,.•t :l. rlt>vt'l• will b. aough4 at & mt'~llna: ~ 1 .. , el IUtd 11 tr lmpoaablr for flah·t ' :'H·f> 111 :o-;,.1 :>:I\ ,.1 111111"'" lA\1 BlOf'k 1:.0 1:\ 14 16 14 ;I 16 Humpbrt'y &trart Ia "PAS$AGt : to 1'1.\HSt:ILL£8" "THE C'RUSS of LORRAISE" and Kl'nny Bak.er I• "DOUOHR0\'8 IN UU:LASD" Cartoon a Newa with lht' Soulh•m Call ornla olul· frmt>n to 1 ~rat• on •arniftl• ---1 1~1 l<l.' ~~~-\'tlfu \\ t.U' E\1 , er11, called by the . International low thnt )'t'ar." Klbn-wam(d that tl ',\lt<"FI :-.: .. ~'JI Fl.t••rmen and Allied Workt'ra of I Utt' umon was "tlm1ly reaolved tol Thpp. \'o•r·•~o• 1\ I• "'I: l1•1 111 • ""' :•o n '\\'I A1":'1tor1ca. tor Saturday at the I ullt' all peaceful muu' ln pulbl~ f;'' "' \1)!).1 :\!'14) t i ll ~!Hi·ltl " Car&ooa & Newt WNlaeeday Ollly "HESR\' AWRIC.'H HAU~TS A 'HOUSE" '1'-.. \\ed. aoy llopra Ia usu .n:K ~PURH" alltO f..Ahumen'a rnr.n«'ratlv~ Bulldln•l ita paO~Ilm mto (tral·tlce." Wei · ·' :'\\\'1\ ·~ :14hh St 1-''1 I "" """""' • ancl \1:.' 4H' R\\'1) ol l'••nt rnl In San Prdro. Attt'ndlng thr mt'ft· havt' er.~tbf'd pric• at.abW.a&UOI! ' A w ~ lnr on beb&Jf of "the fill nmea will In a I otht•r main producing areu • I be a join~ commltt~ reprNentlnjC 1 of lhe coaat, aDd there le no p&· F.t\ST Nlt:\\'I'ORT1 .. ~ "III!ADL't' FOB fiOD'!j CDUSTR\'" ·('artoon "80MF.ONE TO REMEMBER" ('artOfon all ·porta from Suta Barbara to at n why Southern Callfornla SIJ!IIvan, M1ory t-:ll,•n ~an Diego. ah< uld be an ex~t'pUon," Mid the I Bur,;,.,~ \\'ull,,..,. I> t•t al In a letter to all dealtora, tht' union reprnentatlvc. Sub. of Blk. A unJon auertt'd pr1ce .tablllzatlon .. , he 7~ tlanera:en w t o • (Dad C.ooct.. .. •ll. n.-, n Jr I 1~ 19 1 R 8&artaac nun.: olu.oe 15 '"THE FIOUTISG Sr:A.Bt:t:8" StarUnc Thu"'·· .lane 15 "UF'I':BOAT" "Ia tht' kt>y to a pr;ogram of coop-requutrd &all authorised the ln· VQ(('I. Juhn F .. eratlon and teamwork for the ln· lt'rlU'IIooaJ F tahermen and Allied du».ry u a wbolto," The leiter es-Work«' II uf America to act for and , Nt;\\'I'ORT BA \' TRACT A A Cominl': ushlde On. llarvMt Mooa". "The Heavenly Body", "Broa4way RllyUun", "8t,uMI· Inc Room· Only", "The Mlrack' of Mora-·• Creek." • pJ&I.na Ull,t 7M) Southern Callfor· l"t'pre.ent them tn netoUatmc a ~t'r Antht•n} K· :l nra market fl .. ltormen have au-~t'&btliR.ahOG ~J'MJ.IU'IJl. on all lljom ('r. ~~thcon:v K 4 lhorlzed the unloo t.o negotlat• for !ruh and ca.nntry ttah. w1tb a11 t JlN}ll; em• 16 unl~orm prlcea. Tht' uQJon alao lah llt'lllt'rl rrom Santa Barbara I Sub of Blk .• c. N•wpor1 ·~)' Tnt-t 3 3 • '.Ult'd that It wu lntereated m I to San Dtrgo: and plf'd.ed that c"Y. l. "' I 47 ' p.tahl.D.f a joint prorram to p~ Uwy ... 111 ab1de by auch atAblllaa· VI~ tor volume b.an~llnt! oJ ttab,, ti1 n agr..emtot, and that, ift ,.,. N TUAf'T HNWl 1 In provlnJt auallty. .ecur ng addl-lkulor. UU:,)• .wlli only deliver •o I'Wfll>li ltllrhur ro., I I Uonal taciiiU-. and etartlDC a auch nah dealto;.,:u are p&rt.l.. t:A"t Sklf' AddJUOD to ~boa Tracl • ll&;t'l! prumoU.n camr~lgn. I to Ute ·~cement." I (and ~an Fron~ Adj.) DELl ... QUE11T .TAX-A 11 D~ ~~~~· ~£:~~ ;i\IIJ '"''' 7 &' \\''-, \~·~~~ 'Hl ~ n n _ n 1';\\'ly 45 or St-;ly 1~· ASSE. SSMEIT LIST TRA('T 51M Ctty of Newport Beaeh, State of Callfonala NEWPORT BEACH OITV TAXEs AND ASSESSMENTS --~-»~QV~TFOR HR~>n. "•'111101'111' ~nt Tr & Sn• Jlk or l'n,:ulo•nn SEI> t, I Flnt Tr. & So'' Ilk 11f l'll~tlllo•tut F1nt Tr. & Snv Bk of Pa,lld.·tut Bonham, Ednn F11y~· Hillman, Duuw w Lev.-ricti. Mr111d~ mctlcy La brow, A llwrt TRACT '7'72 I H 2t> 13 FISCAL YEAR 194~-44 SEASHORE COLONY TRACT STATE OF CALIFORNIA } . Cothran, Cttnrlr~ D COUNTY OF ORANGE ss. Cothran. Chnrlo>~ n l CITY OF NEWPORT BEACit • Dontanvrll<'. AII'M>rt F' Putnam, IV•rmoml w. • I, R. R. Hodgkinson.o~s Ex.Officio Tax ColttY.tor, In and for th•' City :rtiiRI)I .. hDmON I of N{'WfX>rt Jlt>ach. County of Orangt', Stfll,. of Cnlrrumia . 'u" IIERF..BY GIVE NOTICE thut. ddnult htt\'tnl( 1~·1·n mn(ir in thr Tabcr; P.krlo> S t•t nt .. SE 1~1 or N~ 20' • 5 7 7 l' 4 11 .. , Fl M 8 46 paym<'nt or tnxrs and a"'"('ssmc·nt., du•• to th•· Ctl)' of Nt•wpon !koch ()('EAN .~UONT TRACT for lh«' ris~al )<'Or cndmg Junt' 30th 1!H4. upon.thl' pruprrty h•·rt'ln· !'>:l afll'r ~nhf-d. and that. unlt'«'l !Ultd tnXt'S und ""-"''~m··nt ~ •o dt'lln· Lothrop. Mnn·us :> .. 1 •.c~ .. . . IIWn hint l qucnl. l~t'l h<'r wtth all pl'nalttl'~ and <'O!'t.s rlul' thl'l"f''n tw• pnrd ot thl' Hamillt•n. Flw•r·an);a II :.;, • 1 Tax Collector'!< Office In lhc> City Hall. on or ht•forr Jo;rlrlny. Jun,· 30, JonJan, Wilham \\', 1'1 ul r. "" i _, ....., 1 1944. AT TEN <)'c:r.ocK A. M. (>( th:tl day, all or 'f!id fli'OfX'r1Y de•· • , O ~ .,.•, 'lUlU" ~rlbed In thP wllhm list nn which ~;atd IIIX("4 111111 ~~~~··s~>mt•nt ~. Pf'MI· f1R8T ADUmON TO Nt4\\PORT HY.I 111'8 1.6 h t1cs a~d cosl!' arc> tht'n unpaid. will on thl' dati' and thl' huur abovt• IIIII, IWy L !'\ :Z:l IWI · -~lf1NI BY OPERATION OF' LAW. be 50id 10 tho• C'tt\' of NI'WJlOI"I Muon•, Chari~ t: 10. :.14 .. ~ ach. and that such AAic> will tw made in lh<' 0 1-'rlCE OF TilE TAX j Naylur, Samuel F. :.!:\ ~ ' iD rp QIIU COu.ECTOR or·said City. _ • 1 To aCT 919 -- . , R. R. WODCKINSON I .. ...... Ex'-Qfficlo Tax Collector of Nt>wport · lk-at'h OIWomia JuvC't, Nlcholu K. 7 1 • , Wr:ta:flt, Thomu a a NEWPORT BEACH TRACf · ,'\\'II!IOil, \\ illlum II Est a to• 4 :1· ~ .. gratdUJ (w na;ydWtg the ~lephoee opua10n are doiaa to get 'thaD a Loai l>iltux:. lioe to home. They will thank you, too, if you lene the Loaa Dilanc:ewira from aew:a to tal fcx the~ mea. .. 1bat ia the bat time DWl)' of than have to calL .., w ..... -Yidlry A~ Owner Landridd. F. L. T(lt~ti · 1'1'<1t•f'lll•n. Donald D. 4 4 ----DeUn· ':-''lkr, Arp111r C . . . . I ~~ . J:0r, IUnr 11ut rw\· ~ttt; t-'tt~tp N~V r.J:ul7H~ S,l--6.38.7H ie.\· ~-- :'l:aylnr. Ida P I :'\Ia) lor, Ida P. t':•)loll'. ltla P Naylor. Ida P I • Rafl'. Roy F:mt~l Huyl .. ~ n wmus D . :\Ja~k··y. Hnlph I' \\'iJIJnm,on, Hrrhf-r1 t-: At.;nrw. Erlwurd C , Nu('{;ciJ, Mane E. I LAKE TltACT All ,, . .,...,, I CANAL SECTION ;Jt :.18 I 16-11 Nl',_l5(1 o\ Sl I I.:.!Jol Ul ', :.0 , .... 130 110 4 19 7 M 9 1!'1 :'ft K.! 1:1:!:.! J.:."t li IH ~,!I,.. ~· r C. AS IN · d C.A FE . Louis Verwey IOUTHIRN CALIPORNIA TELEPHONE COM.PANY Patt•·n;on , Elmrr PattN-son. Elml'r LANCASTER ,u)DJTJON I 'J :\.11 :t:ll ,. ·tu Palm 81 .• Balboa • Tf'lt>phone JHI I TAKE HER TO ··'kJ~. ONCE A WEEK BALBOA'S R.END.EZ .VOUS BALLROOM Presents .. I · .and His Orc·hc5itra I J ' RETTY LY~:\ Soloists SATURDAY NIGHT. JUNE 10 Eddie'• BARBECUED SANDWICHES Are Delicioua! Moore'• Confectione_ry 2100 Ocean Front ---------- Ready for Summer SeaR«m COC KTAILS Halboa'R Popular Ni~ht s,)Ot Tnt. I I,.. lin· qi.INU')' ti I~ ,;.1!'1 - A.--4 0WIM'f TRACT 801-UDO IRLE ... 1; 1~, hlwll .lo>hn C ~ ~ w"""'"· c I' ~.·wnn1, J,.,.,.,,. N t> I~ Ml11'h1 .. 1\lhv1l \\', liN I I~. J\j,,. ~ At: I"'' .,~ 1(,1 'H"""· 11111 ,~111 n Ul U!'l 1~1 .201 :\~Itt tW:t 970 t.=. • I \\ .llllo•ll c I' \\ .111fo•n, 1 ' I 1 -IX.'I lhl1'k \\'ilhlll 11 llo hk \\llhut (I IIIH'k . \\ lllt111 \1 ~~·~· lhh k, \( 1111111 ,, S\\'1) !\' All In S\\'1)' ~>'I S\\'1> ,., 11~\1 l071i ltl77 11177 ltl7H IUX'UKU SllR\'E\'-BF.AOON BA\' (Imp. Only) :14~ ~".'I :\11\17 f'nlmroi·r . f'l"""'',.. l'. Hl l;>lli.:llh•H. \\ ulto•r :.1 1M <'lntk. l1uu t.·~ t J :zl! A('RY.A( ~F. F:v11n1, Ru~"<t·l C ') "«' in HI <'iH\·111 11<1 • t\ Wb-~ l'lly l.umh>, h)' t:l Mi'"' Tr. . t-:h· Nty Sl)' by l ll.:hllmd St f:111 · -CORONA llF.I. MAR A l'111v 1\ank ut l..c111 An~tf'lt,. ~·,.lf7 Cllltl'n' Nnt'l Tr :l'l •. , · ·'· I l'ttll•·n~ Nnt'l Tr All tIn<' pur. llf lltlt•y adj I t\ SIIV HnnJi ot l.oto Anat'lt'' All line. por ~~~ Rllt•l(,oactj ) .t Snv Bnnk of l.o-An&f'lf'a All 1 Inc. por. 11# allf'y adj ) II Sav Unnk' of 1.n. Anl«'ll"ll All I Inc ror f'f 11ti"Y adj) li ~i1v 1'\1\ntrnf ,,. Anll'f'"- AII C Inc. JWlr. ot 11ltf'Y adj ) 1. ··~ ~'0 10 Clll.tt•ruo Nat'l 1'r t;l:\7 t~ I N 'I ...... IHI~I lll<'fla 111 ,, nn,.~n~ N/11"1 Tr :J4~1 I I Rt~-Nl l8. OF COIWNA DEL liAR ltl7 7!1 1\urt.·w. Jo'n~t E II ; I.Ain'«if'tt, Hn-nvlllf' A Sr_ 18 l.nn"tt•ll. t ;"'11\'111•· A Sr '20 "' \'oHIIll:, t-; M . NEiy 10' 14 . I Yolltnl:. Jo: M 11 .t1 1fl II"~ 11 Punrnn M I !I ~'.1, t'-•Ytl, Jlunc•ltn M ~Ely 10' 2 ' I"· , 1111' 'lt.·ulnh N•:ty :l'J :r 11l ~{r"thlt·. 1-~ t. NEiy \4t 18 . S ruhlo•. t •. L. 11'1 1f-t'\j\ I •I .''.!. . . OORONA DEL MAR lllttl C"llllt'n' Nat I Tr A S"v llank of U. An¥«'1H : 14 ~... NEiy 10' 1• 6(i (;0 C"1111o'•ruo Nat'l Tr. t\ S11v Jll,nk ot t..t. Anll'f'lft 11 4!> t'IH C,llu•na N11t 'l Tr A s .. v. Hank ot tAa ~kott ti Clltl\'11' NRI'I 1'r t\ S~tv llltnk ol LoA Anlf'lc. ~ Cltltt•n• N11t'l Tr. If S.v Bank ol Loa 1\"J'.I'Ic. 1 ~~l • Swly 10' 2 R1 ~rfhm,_t, AnrU"' V. IItty, V•llnt•y I. C II Junr .r Nt·w1 .. wt l~ch 16. ('Itt) uf No•lfl>'llllrt 114-tll'h Sl') lllf'Mir, Jt....-llh II ~ 1:\ ('\ly uf'Nl•W(Mtfl Jk•CII'h :l 67 An•l••a'Jio>n, Jo1ui'(•Jlt'f' II<•HII. C 11nrlo•' I. . l\t•11ll. <11nrl•·" I. 19 ~1!l tit• 111 Turn•. All•hofltw d•• In Tt•rn·. A ll~'"""" Jlrown ( )"'"' ( 9'71 City uf Nt•Wport l~rh IH l*i ('II) uf N•·~ 1111r1 t l(>lll'h I!U f.! Sn'llth Juhn llnrt')' Km.:, Mnnun '""'''~' 1 C'tty o..C N ••WilCirt lt.·nd1 !l7fi Cit)' ~ NI'WJIOrl l~lll'h ti (}t I .o•vm• . JOhn 3 :ll Allhn11•. Krnnrth 1. . · I Althnu~ K.-niM'th L. City ot NI"Wpllrt. JWI~~eh J 2M n I)' of N t'~ llf'tw-h ._~ de Ia Torn~.l lphon!W' 7 H 1 d#o t. 'J'bn9~ ,.,_.. 4 O'J &-l~;lo•. Juhri 4 :l4 ~d~;lt . J•~ll· 'r1 •I!> Srlt;l•• .. l11hJ1 Stmwall '""' !'I Slr t•rtllhlln, 1 1!11"1'. ~teo( 'lllo'hllll, :oltlh II .• TRACT S2i (CnMna ct.l liar) . ~ 3G ~ ~= 1311 138 14() 141 141 :!'9.05 54.~ •10.'-1 19.07 7.90 1H.~ I I. :J 91 1118 ~n '!1961 'JUO uo tao .• uo uo 1.10 P~tt•h••·k.J•,....•·tllt U rtnl All Ct•x llw)CI I 4-'· 141M I . . . M •••••·~ \\ •11111111 M ••rl l''· \Vtlltlltn l h•oUt•· I :.u'h• t;, TRA(~ 470 ((:.•rttna dfol liar) Alit••" llwyl I All ••. ~ IIW).I' 'i '47 . 1·'"1 "'''· llllrv•·r .I St:ly :1.'\ uf NW :\4~)· t No.. ut I 'u Hoi I IIH•JI~hln· ""'n•• lrr•·l! I"' '/"'r ,, •·lo-.· wAy • • • J .. ,, .. ,d ' h•: r"'V"IY hy tttk A A II ~.:n JIJIIJ • 564 H.99 . 1·1, N\\11f' OY\ •·•t Wly lint• • • ol l~·,c•Jt•"• Av. _ • fct:-st·n . o•· KYA'TION l-BAl..OOA IHI..AND - Klrka: dalllf' S cl AI 18 4 11 .~ N•""'' ""·"'• l .u• 111 1 • ~··t nl 7 11 36.~ SY.('TJ()N 2-BAIJJO~'I8LAND Sti1l'"· !;,.., \\'·· · . • ~~ lllur!v 1\ 1/ ' II SECTION I-BALBOA ISLAND MoliN, l htrry II e . Sto•v"'""· J 1'11111 JH Mu"hall. ltJo( V HI llltuo•r ~:u~,~,., ... A :lO t::~ ... lo•) J l l<·tl o•l ul & ('lllolwo•ll. MJIIIIucl 1\ 'J'~ HY..cTIUN 4-RALBOA I.HLAND 3 9 1~ 16 1 111 ~~ 1' R37 20.M 9.41 41.:110 3693 . IH.N 19.71 23.81 ~uylt~l . ~I llllk 3 1 I 'J'7 93. l l.on """ .l;ono· W Nly 1<, ·~:z 11 1:1.51 All prup•·Jty h••r••utiM'·r•,rt• t1•·"~~'flh• .. t 111 altuoll'd In tlw I'Urpvr~tte l!nur "I "'' t rn c tl NI.WI'OHT llt:AC'II, ('()lJNTY (Jt' t )JtANfiE. STA '1'1'. I IV ('I\ 1.11-I IHNIA i'rulr~t llw. •·•.:loth •l1•1 "' J.urw, 1!+41 A' It It Ill JI)(:J<INSON, T ' 'tlltrt" f'"• t 'orll••c·ruc . Nt:wv"n l14•flc'h , C'1tflfumiL I Pullll~lwtl .) un•· II, t: •. 'i:./ :.1~1. W14 • .. .. -' . ' ... • , c ' NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS..TIMFiJ, Newpert Beaeh, California; Thursday, June 8, 1944 • 1-n oman J' 0 • '' . _8Jl1111and_ Bolflinl' .een'ter • Main St~t a.lboa P hone: .Nl"W'PPrt Beach 2402 Dr~ M. D. Crawford Opt~tttst---- l.797 Newport· BJvd'. Costa Mesa ~:Newport Beach 2430 R. W. McClellan & Sons RocJu And 1'rucJdng :1617 West Central Avenue Pbone Newport Beach l2J · r..uwJ Riehter, M. D. ~&SW'Keon Office 107 22nd St. ~717 W. Central Ave. · P1L ott. 133--Rea. 74. Newport Beach Bapide Filh. Market ala 6 LatQette . Newport Beach 0 Pb. ~ Beach 615 · Excellioi-Creamery a..ta Ana California , Raweon•s·cate 1015 Cout Hlahway, Newport Bea~ Ph. Newport Beach ~-J . Rlehard8on Toolinl' Products 210 Marine Balboa Phone Newpod. Beach 131 . Beed'a Super Service · ~A~Ioe 211!» W. c.ntraJ Ave. Newport Beach ~"""""'~-~~ ~ Newport. Bach 826 ' . . :: Lewman Boat Builders. • Ntwpcwt ~-~· Carta Mesa ~ Newport 501 CuinaCafe DIIIJD Street' .. ..Bal-..boa.--:-:;:.t----=Cal~lr=-. -~ NewpOrt &ed t f!9·M . • 0 . 'Riehard. Seele~ ~pher . . ~ J4u1De A~, . boa Island· -.. . ~ne Elllott ._. &ea•. ·, Ph: ~k Beach 38 101 E. Ceiltnl, Balbo&. . Estab. 1924, 0 0 .' . · MeNallv'a Boat Liv.,. · ~ $Bay Front ...... Phone Newport '~Beach 406 \ Market Spot Ant6n Herahey IDO ~ Av~. · Balboa 1lland Pbalw Ne-wport Beach 1000 Waada'a Beauty Stlon Tbni Blanton, Manaaer ~·~~~artrw Ave. Ph. Newport Beech 368 Trickey's Real Es"te -Palm ~ Balboa Phone Newport Beach 158 '. /A. B. MeCoUum Lido ls!e ~Ice and Cold ' I Storace eo. · ~ 11*~-St., Newport Beach '··r-~·;~-~ch 157 · ~\~~·' \ ..... ·sea Food Cafe -~~~y ' \ I • , ,I WDU · H ·ER E IS a t~~g h job;· Wi tl1'1 ong hours. No pay. And little thanks. it Would be more-pleasant to be s-itting at home-, smok- ing a pipe, reading a paper, or tending the garde n. ~ -Bu~ this Victory Volunteer is-burning inside. --, Yet ma ny a ·man and many a woman is gladly givi ng up spare tim.e to take it on . He feels tfie crfs is. fie knows tha t now is the hig h point. Now is the agony. Now is the last turn of the screw. Now is the ~i me to buy tqe Bonds you can't a fiord . The count is 3 balls and 2 strikes. The ti me is now. No~. NOW! The Victory Volunteer. Starting June 12 he'll knocl(on your door or stop a t your desk or your ma- ch ine, swQII ow once or tw ice, and ask you to buy extra Bonds during th is Fifth War Loan. So when th~\Vic.tory Volun'teer comes to yo u, welcome him. And buy .double the amount of Bonds Why .does he take th e tirl\'o/to do it? Certainly you bought last time! We've gQt to!. · . · Port of Seven Seas Boat Landing . Boat Sales-Marine Ways 817 Coast Highway . Newport Beach · Phone Newport Beach 949 leland Realty eo~ Real E.ta~ • Inaarance • Notary 201 Aga~ Aw. Balboa l.aland r .. : t I Will You Be. a Vidory Volunteer? Kenneth E .. Wilson Co. . · . Chris"-Crnft Chn·sl(>r Marine En~i n<"S Many patriotic men and "·.-~~Moe alnJady lll~f'd ap Run..bout!'. l 'taht\' noaa!'. 'cnu~"'"'· :O.Imt\r Y:ar ha , to act. as \'lctory Voluntftorw W 11110re Ah' needed .. As 9~5 Const H~h~ay .Ph. N('wport &nch !1~·1 a VIctory Volunteer, you wli ~ )'our oouatry In one . · . of the most lmportut ·••-ever afven to chillau · k . , ' In wartime. Spend an hov ... two a Clay in-your o"'11 . Or m s Department Store ~borhood. The tuk t. ........... t-the rewards 17!1:l Newport Blvct. Costa Mesa peat, for yoa W'IU ban·'the .....,..,.._ or helllfn« Alii-: . erlca toward Vlctcwy. F'"' ,. .... 10 today lo the Balboa Marine Hardware Cbuaber of ~. No 1'1p&s. of ao.ne. 911 C08St Highway P h. Newport Beach 184 • -ft: . .. • -rs • Harold K. Grauel Chapel uw~ Ounelves the Better Serve ', By Set-ving Others Best" ~ .. Phone ~ewport 561 Costa Mesa, Caltfonua "The Arches" ' "J ust a Little Bette r" Cocktail Lounge ·and Cafe On Coast Highway at Newport Blvd. . . Newport &ach Ph. Nwpt: Bch. 361 Balboa Theatre • . BaJboe... calif . Lido Theatre Central Ave .• Newport Beach . ,. Van Camp's Sea Food Co •. In~ Tenninal Island California Way's Market . Phone 85 301 Main, Balboa Stag Cafe & Bar 21st Place and Coast Blvd . Newport Beach California The Doll House Newport . Balboa Pa lm Springs • Balboa Yacht Basin ·0 . A. H:JI('y Palisades Road Ph. N(>wp011 Beach 500 .Bay S)lore Camp & Cafe . . Hetpz K•rser __ Phone Newport Beach 11 28 Cout Hi~way Newport Beach .. • 0 ., . . Sawyer Sport Shop Phone.-Newport Bcoch 576 207 Marine J\,ve. · Balboa Ir.land · Roberf V. Staats Co. Ship6uilc!C'rs Phone Newport &at·h 2:-l-1 1 625 Coast Highway Ncwport R<-ach J , S. Barrett Construction Co .. · · Gl"n('ral Conrractor!' B OO Stat(> Highwa,y .11h. l':pt. fkh. 2164 Food Basket · . 1812 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa S. & F. Sales Company 2139 South Main St. Santa Ana Sherwin-Williams Paint Co . . Balboa Paint.Store · _ Phone Newport Beach 101 · 700 E. Bay· Ave. Balboa Gordon M. Grundy, M. D. · Physician and Surgeon Ninth and Central Ave. Ph. l'ftrpt. Bch. 37 Frank Showalter Santa Ana California Walter S. Spict>r , Doing Rusiness. a.-. Bay Uistrict Lumber Co. 518 Stat e Highway At the Arches "\. Costa Mesa Lumber Co. Cps~a Mesafalif, Corona del Mar Cafe Fmml"rly H~si's 1611 Coast Highway Ph. Nwpt Beach 196,7 SQuth Coast Co. Yacht and Shlpbull~ers . . . .. 0 0 • ~ • TbialauOfllet•J U. $. Treaaury Advertisement-Prepared ~nde~ A.lpt011 of Treasury Depat"~ent and War Advertising Council · ---- -' • -·-----• ----~ --r -----------• __ _....._ ,, .. -\ .... ' ·-. . ..... .. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~N~~~·~~~R~T~-B~~~~~~~A~N~E~~~~~T~I~~E~S,~N~~~~~~h,~California, Thu~ay, June 8, 1944 II Wll IEU£f II HIVE ~~u.ucNoToca P~.'::"!~.~~:::.oo.-REA'D C"LASSIFIED .A.DS FOR · BARGAIIS! CLOTHES, COLLECTIOIJ PLAC!S N~~ ~. ~~s"::a~: lALII BOATS. 8t'PPUI'.8 \ I.OYMENT 1 RU.L DT&TE n rllNITVD TlpN OF IIAN"'AAY IIF.\\T.RA On June 14. lH•. at 10:00 a. IlL F.MP •"'R MAL&-FOR KALE-. lire. lAdla Bti"'lMr. the woman 1 pecldnr the clotbinl. AND APPVa"'NANCKII IN at SOOl w. Cf'ntral Ave .. ~ BOATS H• t. Sold and Tf•<l~l THill' FAilMEitS INStmANt'lo: 1-"'it SALE 11-00-.-t.o-be--m-o_Y_K._ .pQM s'A'Lc. 11.,;.\.; .. ..._ eb&rce of Ule Ruul&D War R.-lire. l.Adla StroUier. bead of lbe ~:~ \~~~j:, "::!. lie&t'b. Caltfomla. 1 Intend to "11 M•rln• 1-"n~lnu •nt1 l'a 'VI f:ltClt •r 1\ .. an opoontna for an 1 111 <'orona ""' ldar Phone New. MC'th•nal o .-ernekl Dt;;;= Ia Oranre COunty, wanta to drive In Oranse County. lean IJ\. LEY&. A8 C'ONTEMPJATED to thf' blfhMl bidder •t public llfAlll :O.:~. S.'!:.·A .. F. ANI' amhlt'1''"" man. f'lth•r tull ~or 1.,,1t 12~ u .2tc lurquuiN t'olor, llt Ruby.~ enryoae wbo 1\u contrtb-llllrut'tor lD the Ru•lao laoJU&&e BY RESOLUTION' OF INTF.S· auction, a 1934 Chtvml~t coupe. 10110 W C'rn~~~~A:~ pRrt tlrr l' Nn aJt' limit F.x-t~~ .. li'&Dd or Phone Ht-W. clolblnc to the driYe to det.e. lD Santa Ana JWiior Colle&• and TION NO. tal AND OP' TilE Ut'~neoe Nu 611 R 837, Enrlnt No. J>h :!~~-W ···-lh·nl v-•llt \Uf' P •lblllty It FOR SALE U-4" rem!nde u• that Ulere are •till at· tht Santa Aaa ArlDy Air Due. TIME AND PlACE OF HJ:AK· 4S~311S4. Tony Miller. ~ Nr"rort lll'l!<'h. C'all( 1 ""Ill pay ynu tv tnvnllaat•l more weeu •eft In the drive She i• a native of R.uula and '-lNG A'8 TO RAID WOKK AND ownf'r. ~ ~ _ 2fl trc l l'hrnry ,. u l'nt•l•. Ulllt t.l••• · Fine Rea),h Hnme that any kind of cloUIInc will tb~ wiff' of a dlablt'd ~nierlcao AS8ES8MF.NT. Thla aalt' I• for the purpoee of FOR RAI.t: Ho:: 1 Jllhl\l n r11w . 3117, ~"" llro .. ,l ... ·ay, Mallta .,..... P~ ItA Y 1'"1t0NT appreelated. Contributloftll !Kidler o1 Workl War"-1Jl ~, __ aaUatylng my l~ln on car. boat Wi th Jtohni0<\11 fiUibl .. rJ 0,0., I ""llf 1\h""" !)30.' t_¥t~ Sill t .... tt .. nma, thrl'•• bath•: fur· be fairly clean and, lf poe-~ firat war •be wu a ..aldler and Pun~uant to llatutt>, noticr Is D. K. BLUE.-tor. l''"''lh a lt v "''"'• a:J7:1 Can ~IT\ 1 t\ TION .. wANT ED , • .,,,k "'"""'~ llN"UfMillrY ~ 1\,an', put into cartons. later a nurw . ht>~Y glvt>n that the :;upt'rin· Pub.: Juue 1, 8. 8 and U . lH4. ~ a«n "' ~009 E llay •'ront, 1 1 ed 11MI 1' l'rkt' ln•'hul•• twn lot a, ('lfr ahd u ... u,.,. .. for Ruula may be left Thle '• Oranse County'• trnt tf'ndmt of Strt"t'lll or thr City of , NOTICIE OF 80ARD OF Dllb.>a l 'hunr NI'WJ><Irt !)1114 :~~:.~~~~;~t ~:~:.:.r:; ..;•ltt•n:l fh>At ' t.be toUowtnr placee: I opportunity lo bt'lp the Ruulaoa. Nt>wport '&ach. havlnr: medt-an EQUALIZATION MI:IETING 3:1-th· f(>r aumm•r nr swnnanenl l'hnn•• A r.OOD RUT S&nU Ana: Y.W.C.A.. J~ Thtir war ia al.a our ~o~~·ar. Each asaessment to cov~r \he CO!IIli and 1 NoUee 1e he.rtby ~ven that 1M --S&nta An& ~Lto-A .uk rur 122,500 Uere ortlce. rlre ataUona. Ru .. lan life lo•t meana ooe ltte l'Xpt>n!i4:'5 or tht> eonstructlpn ol City council ot Ule City of New· ~t~,~l\bo~,~~-Y~1118b~t "b~l~ llamry •~·•tp W . L .. Jordan P&llftii#Dt of the American Lecloo aved of our American men. That sanitary MiVtl'l and appu.rtenanct'!l port Beacb wUI m«t u a Bo&rd &1\d Rankine Dry Goode Co. !'• why we m.u.at hf'lp them. in Central Ave>nue ~nd othl•r of . Equallaatlon com~nelq at by T<~m 01110 lllr, uw.S one "'"' wonK WANTY.P t •,,ll.-a• •tu· 700 F. l'"ntral. n.lb.• I Newport Beacl1 : Ftre ala--------lltf'e('ts and a.llto)'S In aaid Cl\y, u 4:00 P. 11. on Monday u.. Srd da)' ace. U rt Weldwoi'<l ••t nlrr·l tll'nt wouhJ Ilk• P<,.ltlon a• U .4u home Of liN. Strother. Met. Costa MAG• New& cont~mplatt'd by Resolution ef In· or July. 1944, and wiU coallnue La board. 11M 194:.! Rnll"'· ma· muthcor'• I •lper Where can be> rott ,.A IS. 11'\lrnl .. ••d lfu...ln at avenue (aear b!(b . ~aa lt'nUon No. 2851, ~dopt_t'd hy lhf' adjourned ~ooe lrom JO A. II. hoc•n'y hull S&Jia fnr all In I onl' Of family Writ• ~)(.,, tA. •; II" )., • --ICity Council ol aatd Oty on tht to 12 Noon each day tbereaft.er t.o loocl n•nl!>liun. lnqull'f' VIII• N"""" Tlmn. N•wport Bearh tT06 W tl('un nnnt. N•wport lD Balboa· Tba W. I:. Nk:keU famlly. ~21 9th da,y ol Aucuat. 1943. rilt'd tht Saturda J I I 1144 ~ Warloa 4Hfc 4S·4te tt.arh Opt'n aft•mooa• lhlll --1"(\f( ~AU: l.&rT• white ..,_, a•• rlllll't l:llc•ll•nt roodltCoa: J mttal army t,..,a 1)41()•. J ... t-t,.-. 11e ()1*1, ...,.,.. lllland. Pbone 110&-W. u..-. ------~ W II!: A 1\& III"IDCI AUIT8 IJt TIIRit:E AND rmJR ROOII OUTITI"S-J!An aa alll"'dlw th,..·room outltt •t up ben a. uur etOC't for J OU to --)1M& Uke ll w. loolr. ~ h ... twenty.one pleoee'lO.: ama Lt>WMt ter... ,.,.. dell..,, Wr Waban'a J\&mltllre Ot., .. u4 BroedW&J, ........ 0.. tomla. •tt• ~ta. llr. &ad lire. Carl Loeecb o( June. 1944.. ban ~ ~Ut.;j ';, ..nllld. ro~SALF: Modl'l lilOL JobftiiOJl BOYS -BOYS -BOYS lllrH·t.droom unlta. OM OW1Mr' POR ·~.. a..-... ....., .... · Broadway, ~ eQjoylnr u lbelr l5amt> 1n my offiCf' on tht 7th day or untU~;.e ~t~•_:• ..J ~AMI 1 "'""" cownfT on pN>mlllul. ~o at SL Louia. pan.ata ol Ura. -t hnt"bJ ftlt Monday thf. ard da.v -. ---r ol ..... ,__ ONM8 ol -Outboard. very roodj Ntt.d lwq bnv• at onN> Cor paper orrupted, eo no rf'nt C!e&lll'f. ODt rou• •t. 1"4 ~Jolt; .. 11 Nl '-U Th 1 _ _. al tt ...o • ~~ ~ ... _..., ~tlon, "l40. l~n. Tu. ttmnn n:11 --;-,_11 r. -.....W-.............. ..,.._.. ~ cat · e r .... , wu m.,.. til July. 1944. J!l the hour ol 4:00 the City o1 Newport BeacL t K' • routn In -:-. """' nry m r -' .__ lll'aadloaal ntf1a ..,.. = eo that th~y ml(bt attend the o'clock V.~.. and tht Council ....a .. "'K • .......... u .... T, 1)f a)'ak. u• ellent roodltlon., mnmln"• • .,·,,. t'•• bolao•h all Jay l'ropt'rty. • ••·ltp ........ --·. -•--ld ---·~· .... ~n•~ IJO 41 3 Frrnlraf,Ave .. Corona · . " · · .. , ... r---·-craduatlon ol their (1'&ndd1Uih· Olamber Oity ~Rfll fn Clerk of Ule Board. del Mar Callr U ·Zt Her• • a l'hanc·~ IO make 80111e Nf: ~)' OCC!.......a ....... tar, II&M Myrtle Nickell, who re-tht City o1 Newport &nch. u the Pub. June 8•13. 1t44.' _ · , PI •JWnll.na ftlGn .. y NU>)', PtiMe l('OPONA DEL MAR 11004 eoedtttoa. Ill -.; 7 celved her diploma from Harbor place, when and whtre all persona roR SAl.£ OteM'I powered U · N_.port t20d·M Mr tr..at011 \ a.-.., Mar, o.ut. ..,_ H1rb &-boot 1ut werit. intl"f'ntf'd-in Ow-wonc daM> or"' tt. tt-'-....... --•l tA BI:'AUTI ~lJ I WIDE LOT Caeta Ilea: Community cbun:h.. tUvlnc completed hH fre.hman tht> said ~nt will be hNU'd tioned Rftolutlon ol Intmtlon. blty. -.;: .=·eo-:--::Uc:: .-. r J . ·POl\ UU1 -~o-pa.ce u.-, Tu.ltln Union Htrb year at St. Mary·• eollece. Brent. by the said City Council. Proprrty Dated his 7th day ol J~. aM. Hl(bway. Nf'Wpoort &~cb. . WANTED TO RENT Ovt.>rlook~ Ocean ,_ .wte; larp .._ , .... • I wood . .Miall La Noma G ... uel ~ ownen~. thl' contractor or hill u • FRANK 1-. RINEHART, t dlo; 8upertlaee otl ~ CSot.bmc may &J., be lett at arrived to 1pend Ule aummer witb siena. and all other. persons lntf'r City Clerk. U ·4 c wANT TO-RENT Couple wt.fl · $2026.00 lito.. UICl .,._: 6wt\e 4M. t unLnam'a Batt aad Tackle Store her parent.. Mr. and lire. HarOld Ktt'd In aaid work or uld ,.,_. Pub.: Junt 8th aod l6th, 1H4· CRUts•:n 21\'llll', tat't!'ry buill, :.t fumlaht'\1 1\oua or apt. No ebU· ftR.MS thalrw·Uid ta.... 11110 ~ 1 Cout Hlcttwa;y. Grauel of BroadW'&y. mt>ot, fl'('Jing aaerteYt>d by any art -Olryall'r marin• moto ra Very dren or Pf'U. W rite .Boa H. ,., IJt .. a.t& 1111&. ... ltf -roOm at the Newport Harbor Her bouee pretty wiUI ~Y or dt>tt>rmlnatlon· of tht> S~l)('rln· ~~VI a.let •h•p.. thr<>uJhout ~·t·rtnce Nf'wa-nmn. N'twport a .. ,.b 1 Uertrudt' A. Waldron .cllool baa been eootrlbuted pulel-hued "j)rlnc flower&. lin. tl'ndt-nt of Stf'e('U or the City En· ' - , -----•. • nooo Ow. ner c•n board SaL • t . 44·1tp I a pt.ee to eton. 80rt and ~' Rlcbard DJttmar Wf'ICOID.. ber glneer In relation thereto. or who FOR SALE-Itleetrtc lea llelde, 8wl.. P m Sljp 1M, Balboll.,----MAL UTA,.. c~ Two l&r(e t.ruck load81 bridi'e clUb l"ei:enUy. A pot-luck <"labn that thto w~rk tuu not bfoen Electrlf Juicer. electric piAU. Yadlt 81181n U -?tp WANTF.U TO ltENT 3·~roolll 1011 Martn• An. u&lboa 11_. h&Ye arnnd already. lira. o,_ dinner wu Mrve~ prior to t.lle nt· pt>rformed ltc-cordanr to thli <.'01'1· witb 3 beata. Pbone Newpert ----bouee Ill Dalbo& 1aaAd c. La· • \ • Pbun• 2S •. It b.M been worklnf day ·and nlJ'lt ntns or ear<b. · tract in • cood ·~ substantial Ul. · 46-Uc FOR IALE Flnt' .. u boat. Rot,... runa Reaeb, 2 -b 111 JUly • .1\) 46.2\c r------------.. CompllmenUDr Ura. Luelle WU-manner. or who claun that any c&ua, 1111• new o ,mplete with I Au,.uet. J:\0 reward for tnfof· I 11011 aod lira Marlon Brooke, ){,.. portion ef the Work was ror ~y FOR SALE -Two pair ·JOld bl'o-.U.. !l07 Edl l'wat•r. Ualboa 111aUoa le&IJIDC to relltal. • .. PA. UL NORM .au ·· ..& • • reason omitted or • Ulega).ly 111· ........ n.>rtleree· 1 a-blond wolt .... t t Wall .... • ~ • 1 no. ~ "'.. Ran>ld l!lteck w&a hllllleaa ~ ~ eiUdt'd In tht' contract ror tht ~~J tor ciotb coal. Pboa.e ..... P l ....... .,.. nne• .._ ..... - YACHT IAIL MAK.,.I JTO\IP of. fr:leudlr. • The ruett Uat SAml', or havin .. or maJdna ·•nv J'OR SAU-: Snttwlllrc..l. n.;., ·and 1'11111\y U 01 U-6lc aalta, Awntnga, ... t Ceven 124~ 21et 8t. Newport Beeeb ,.._.. 207 I lud .o M.Jn Albert o...r~ J cS • ·~-v Ntwport 68~ &Jler ~ p. m.. 44-4t.c: ne e,. H . aweD, u -objection to the corre<:t nt'Sll o the a.lla In txcellt-nt condltloa. 124 WANTED lmCDedlatelJ app&iea· 1100 Suther\&nd, ;lam" C&rroll. as.'lel>Smcnt. or dla~. or othtr TRAN8PORTAftON Orand l'anal, Balboa 1111and tlllNI tn rent d -,,., .... tor Howard Cr-owdtr and lldvfn John· act, detenninatlon or proct't>dlng --------· t!Ht• halt-aay _...Oft nyt fall fOf' eon. . lor tht> Superintendmt of Sti"Pt'ts BICYC1ZS.-8old, rented Of' ,. ecb(ol rooma N..d at leut • i~iiiiiiiiiiiiiilllliLuiiriedilliolt.beiiidii-rt to tbe or Oty Engan~r. shall, prior to paired. Vcser a. S04 Ma1D 8L. roR 8ALE -t2·ft. Wl'i'dwood rKitaUon room•. 23a.3:1 fe«.l th da t ro t ... _ ._arin<> on thA Batboll iuld ~08 llartnt AVeDYIII, ......... ). board Nf'WI"' nalntf'd ~ Y M r ""' '"' " " r-v 1 ,... watb around •ufllclt'nt for play. ll.SSeSSmf:nt, ap(ll'al to th~ said City Batboa leland. U-tlt Pbooe N~rt 1301-R. 900 ~. CQUncil by brieny stating In writ· -------Bay FTont Ualb a l•IIUld. 4~1lcr ~r .. me whu have aucb f'OOIII8 lng t he groundA of ·~aJ. For a Wllh Pueblo, Colo.. u tbe?r ., -----I aYallable or know uf eu•·b quar- . description of said work reftof"f'nC(' ddrllnaUon, Mt ..... lla J ean ancl J11:LP WANTED I tn-e. plraa phune Prtm:tpal IC:n· --aiKf\. Newpurt 32. t4·2t.e ill ht-f"f'by ~adc to lhl' abovc>·mrn· Joyu Ann J onu, cSaurbter ot Ill'. P.UNTERS WANTED S..-Mr. 1 ---__ __ ----- 1 and Mra. Jpbn J onee ot Orad're Pool~y. 12!)~ Apvlena, ll&lboa Wll.l. I'"Y Y""~.• r•nt In advance! BALBOA ·· MOTOR CO. '701 E. Bay Ave .. Balboa IIIUIMcliat. p..,..ioft . t ·room b~. nNlll.nt eoodlt.loll, tnt •tnk. n...,tac.. ~ue. unfuml•hf'd Oil ~I&Ja. Price S8750.00 JOHN A. IADl&IR Bm~•r 302 Main Kt l"hon11 \46 2 Beclroom Stucco $4500 Terme Ceetl -N-v ... nt W. J . HOLCOM8 \1\11 (''nut lll!(hway warmUI Of lte eun were Mr. a nd I Ave., have lefl to apend a monUa lal&nd 44·4tc for a•ra ~:•' nrar Marin" and ldra. Emil Greener ot Newport w1th their brothtr. Private Flnt ---l'rork ltAit.._,. 1• Ph. NWJ)l.\ boulev ard ~l.l • penren Smllh of 1 Cl .. • Rlchar<1 JQne. of the Army I HELP WANTED Wan or -woman Lk:h 2202 W •~·21 • 1 Rocneaur. • Air Forcee. . fo r par1·'•m• wvrk. for hotf'l 1 General Automobile and Marine Repairing. Mari~e Electricians Available Oomna dl'l Mar "Wh•'" th• .. , ... ,,.. 46•3V Fender Body Work 11111. Pbon(• New\)Ort 660. 43·4lt' FOR 8ALJ:..-AUT08. · I dtanln& and dt!jlk r•h,.f Dalt'IOa VOlt RAU: Ocean l"ront 3·'-*1· room hm..a U&l'clwood noora. Venflllan bllnde .. rear rental, pe· ~A.NDfOUXD LOIIT l!aL ne . ...,. .• at ...... . Y«" au~. ,.._ ... ..._ reptile pot'ket "-k. ......,.. ?'tloee "............ .... ... ------------LO?IT ................. ... tae .,... .... .,. ,.... - ·~··" ...... ,....,... ... uk for 8taa, ........,, ..._ll, u:»JT 000 MOnck.)' Ia a.- 081 Mar ................. an- ham, ,_,.r Due*_., t -. al4. ........................ . ....... ~ .._ .. r~ ora~~ua. ,.._. Qt.R. a&AL lftA'III roa •.tra-- ....... rott .. A:L& ....._, ._..., • aa-. 1a eo,.. dill liar. ~AU~ b-. IIWrlmer ,_ wiUI ...,._ c.u.. double raracw. .._..,.. view Of oceu. toNe 11-.toO. laqul,.. Oor. et ....,.._,.. _. Cout Hlebwar. • -a "...,... ITS-W. · .._, .. ---1 1-'0K SA t~t: 1'\chliiU' 8NianttlA1, WANTED Man or boy for part-I 1a41• " 23.000 m\1"' rar, very Ume.. r~enlnjf. Summer or Dll'e runeS \lon. ra•llo. very aood tlo, b&rb.-c.·u" and aar .. e . Two :-----........;;..... _______ _ puuautmt. Pbone Newport SM.j uru. ~.UOO I"'IOft• Ne'IW1'0f\ IU W. 8&)' .AYf'., Batboa. 4··2U I 12t·-W 44 21p 1'Mtn iiCJA.NS W ANTF.D VIolin --• ------- l • .._. ttddl~llf'f1on,. eN••.rdt<~n' WANTED TO BtTY • -and .tco~11fu•Jitr ·t•lroV4'tlt l .. r • f WNIA'rtl hand. l 'hiWW il<>.h LIVI'· W ,\!'IT 1'n Ill ' V 1 '11~"''1 nl••t F'lor•1 IOTICE TELEPHONE loU f~ed. r"tlone ·ll~tT or - owner at W2 W ~an rro.t. · Nf'W'J'OI'1 ~a.ch •IJ-Itl' BIJl' WAR BONI.Jtl AND ATAIIPS ........... "-. .,.,~·~:: ........ ~ N.D. CASH D.v. •· __ _ DOQ • ., .. GAT HC)tPJT~ .._111M .. '"• ........ ,., 11., .. .,.. Alta, catlf. ly a(t••r 6 .30 II m •. l hllllln.:t,,n or I'IVIIHJII\It I•'"'" pr••l•·,.•l I n...--'-4117'' ~111>1 .-. .. Ill a:"'' '"fl•litlnll ~------------------------'--• ._...., .. 44 411 I l'tlnn•• ~t'\Ypcu f d$14 tw ,,.,,, n" u . - . OPERATORS NEEDED COPIE~ OF THE ORANGE Sen·ic'f' rrwn and war "·orkrrs a~ all depending upoo our girl\ aF the swltchboardll. ~ood pay while learn- In~ and re~ar Inc~ *· ~ * SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE CO. Apply: 100 J;. 0.,. Ave .. JWboa or 514~ No. Mala St .. Sutta Au AVAILABILITY C&KTIFICATE lli!QUIJIED IJOROTHY VARNIT 5TA'(?? WHAT . County Delinquent for the fiscal year Tax List I 943-I 944, Don S. Mozley, Tax Collector, may be secured at o f this newspaper. the · office' Ne-wport News-Times SOll w~t Central Newport Bevh t:-. t ,, UA UIO SERVICE 8UY WAR BONDS Jlomf'. Alllrl, r.brlnr Jlac11o. RA·palrrd. Marine Elf'Ctrlclan ·Burt It Norton· I I II ('nMI lll•hway NF.WPUKT IIEAC..'H . ...._ Jt1'7 Conra~ Richter, MJ). B_OATS .FOR SALE ·Prof essio~al Directory .. . SNU•t; -t:XCF.I.J.£NT'. $275 8&arW. ~GOd, $1'75. SUJt Ra)·. "'lth .~raDrr, $175 Gordon M.Crurtdy, M .D. Ph,aiCian and lv~..- Many Othf'n Ninth end Centr•: ""'· "hyalcl..-•n4 ltlreMA om .. 101 ~ ,,,.... PORH!~ ~rt~r ~!!!~~:!~~~~ i '-:-'E_"~-·()_"_~..;....;~-·~-:-·~-;0_;,_~-~-~-'·-:_,· ATTOJtN~V AT LAW Cotta MeM 8alttl 8ullcllnt 81'7 Cout HIKhway Mtoae, Nf'wpurt S..a.r.h tH9 Marine Ways ... '· Marin(' Snlva~::•· ~-·--BrcYHungerford ·. · \'u. ''"' " -l>EiM'M£MT ~iTeM IT • J ~""'' 4a ~oeu ..... C•llfernle HAROLD K. GRAUEL CHAPEL "W" Ou""'l"•'h• Bett•r'lle~ fly ,.«rv Ln If C ltb tta Delli." ~tJ.W.e NeWJH»rt Mt COtta Me.. C•llfornl• BUY .NOW City Tax Sale Lob A. J. TWIST 607 Coaet Hlghw•, .,h.,e 2422 CO AONA D£L MAR __...__;;;_-~--B_t'~~ IJ!1i Newpet1 .... ,. Heuret . 10.11 a. "'-a 1•1 ~ M. "lten~fficle tl)l .... 74-1 DR.-C. E. TOHIU PHVttCIAN u4 aUfiOilON _c._ ....................... . -~- Offloe IM·W "-... lfNeA-rcatt~l Dr. N . D. Crawfcwcl OPTDMilT"IIT l':y .. EUIIII.Md 0.._ P,tl*l 1 Tt'T N .-port llouJo¥ud COITA MlleA BALTZ MORTUARY l C.HAPU ·~ THil a~A 410 C..et 81vcl. Corano dal Mor • New"" ...... 1 ~ Phone New,.rt 42 UR. OREO t.tJCAS Dentist • %20! '!, w. (;,ntral, n . lUI NI':WPOR:r ftF.Af'll WHO'S w·Ho IN HARBOR DISTRIC.T· !'\.\... PLA.Y You A CAME OF POKfR AS lONC. Ac;, '(oU LIKE DO Y OVr -~ :WANi 10 N'O • I VE I PL..A.YED . E.NOUCH ACAtN~T 'fouR HAND· f,) rtRrl'l .AC:r A NI'> t<INOLING WOOD-. r . II \'.' \\1 I' hi 171(4 ~:p• lll\11. C"tolrlA "'"""· tl""rl L11mher, l'h. ftM-J. ~ENER AL ~ONTRACTOft~ • • I ( .. 1 •'•'''''" H l·•wlln,v. 't4 Hl r· .. a•t lllvtt l'tr. :102 l'lana autt Cnn11trurtlodl' _ I U MRrfl CnMPANt(S --- ---·-- !'to~~ln !\l•11 n 1,1~ "f'•t •·r..rt u•~p Y~'~~Lfr~An yuur hnml'." Phone 41:. l:nv l rllflrlr t l.lltlllrrr Co. l'l•ililiiiiM-;-I:Out lfiKhway •I Arc"Jiii£~ Of'FIC£ SUPPLIEa . • :"'•-v.pnr,t llflrt,..r J•uhllllhlnl{ f'll P'hnn .. : 12•. 1:1. NI'WJI'lft Reecb. PRINT INC- :"• Wfl'orl IIIHIHor l 'llhllllhlnK c;., l'hone•. 12 . 13 !llewptort 'a..~~. REAL ES~AT E'. IN8tJRANCE & NOTA"V PUBLIC- I l,w II W"'"" "· :i:.:02 W. c-tnt AveuYo~~. Pbone 3 • I RUBBER STAMPa- N•-wpo or1 t111rt;~,r f•uhllablnr 01 l'boM•: 12, . Ill. Ne~ Beu.ll. 18H££T METAL WO"M.- VIf'lf' Mumbtnr A &beet MeUI Woru, a... ..... PIMU .... VARIETY aTOflll- ........... ·~ •C? ... -........ ~ •. '!"" .. ... DIM NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TJM~S. Newport Beach. California, Tnursday, June 8. 1944 ~:e~ntty!ga~g~~~:C~e-~t-e:_:_~_in.-;r~-;-;:_;_sp-~-;-;y------:--;-n-~I~a~~r~b~o-:.:.:.;.=r:..::..:..::.._:.:.::F==-,-=-e::_._m_;;,;_~l::!n:;.:..::...-=-i-n-.__;_e_-:-A~-C---t~i~--V~i~t-I=-.-e-s'~~e~:~~:;::L~:!~·~~::~!~~:;: t ... , Announceml!nl o~ the en~;Jge- A Wrtii•Y party wblcb t.uru~d Augulit 6 111"1 "'·Ul bt' h~ld at "~ C:at'hcrinc Ea!;ton, Sodcty Reporter • Phon!!· 12 and 13 • Restdence Phone 690-W ll'l'nt of tht.r Juug!lter, Shirley lDto a IIUrJirUe ee~ra(~meot an, Woodlll~ 1 'llapel In Cor na ;I<· I • JaneUe, to Lt. Cuy Andel'80n, -..n ~eat party wu &I~ -1...• :War. • of .:ura. i'I~Jr Cnlc Anderson, 428 Bttty~ku of Balboll by hf'r 1·"'e"t• 1'"1t•··1 to the atla•r G t'rl Scouts R ecctve e COMING EVENTS D tstin guish e d G u est s Grammar Scho ol :warguel'l~c. c ,runa dl'l Mar, w u ,..__~ at ... ,·,.n•ll ll;ltirH.I Y.'a rranl . talher. Ftre Cbler ............. er "''" "' re • • I . • Ente rtained in H o m e Junio r R e d C r oss made at a taru•ly dlnnu In the &&eetm Grlll M.oocl.ay Jlil.'"ht. Tiny Officer' ljgr. Hulb Hulton. ~r A w ards a t P retty FRIDAY-Anderton tome Saturday evl'nlng. wtalt.e ecrolla ann~ced ow ·com-, anJd ~~·,.. .~IIIIJ T,r,appl ST .. v.~.~ Cer emo n v and Tea I!··. l'r••l!ft wnrkroom. 111 Palm. Of Lido 1 s l a nder:s Clos e s Fine Year Mr. &Dd Mn .. Wrlcllt. fonnerly • lllc-DUUTia ae of the ~rl to Tee h-I lln "' n " urn ~an ay. · I l 'altMoll 111., n to a. o;. to 4 ,u:ln<·d• d w1 h the New a-Tin: ea. · Ideal Sa t. J~pb J . 8« Temple 1 r·u.nt Off•lor 1 J~ 1· and the honor-• .,.:, 111,_. • p. m 1 Jl: t and !'.11 s. twrnard H. A rcconl. envla~·e and oul.tand-ure nuw res dtn(; In Arll'sla, wb...-re pnora wtnp anii eopuniMioa kt WlUI&n:a Field. Ar~ob&. Jut No- \·embu following wh1ch be took rurther tralnin;&" at La Jun:a. Col()- rado. He Ia now •tatlonell a t Mather Field. Sacramento, where he Ia a B-2~ ln~tructor. and wu lwrue on 8t'ven days' detached ser- \·ir<' last wt-rk i rturning tu Uw northern city S day. MillS Wn~:ht. · o waa 11 t·!ety ol Houat an, Pennaylva.nla.. T .. r t•J J:UUt. lktty ('rockt r and 1 '"' r !'ift (ilrl "' ''"'" ' .. ·: fll'l~Hfl: MONDAy -PI·';,~,!Po wrre 1'111111.11 t o n J:n up nf ~~i:'th:~a;u:;~~tl~:d10er1~:, 1~f ~~ lh~:y are pul;l13hns ,,( lh<' A rlt·s1a w.dd.lna dau hu bHn eel for Tp~;t.ml al S gt J"~•·ph J He T\'m : ~:: 1 11 .·~. 1 1 1 ;;,1 '~ ·~1, ~,·;;, ,~1• ~~.: ·~,.:: 1:1 l.•·ol ( r .. ~~ "urkroom, lll P&Jn. t.llj.:tllllli<·J :·u .. ms 1io Wednl'l· pot t Bt'IH'h Cram mar &·hoot wht>n Nf'\\·s 1 I 1 1 1 u 1t ~·, 1 r .rum~tr 1',,11,.,,. twn LO a. m. to 4 p. m •' ,.,,.ntn~. 10 lh•u !lume o n Lh!o u nrh('tS and puJ>IIil roopnated I M('mbt>rs ,,: bt•lh '·,•miles pf('s· ATTEND MEETINGS • ---HI t ,, 1111' I ,, I " I • • • I!:; h ... '" It"''"' t .... ~ .. to hi ~~~ 1:. •tl dl'('li~IJIJ(S '" ,. With b~rll. Crt>t ha TublJII, llpoO!Hor 1'01 Cor the oXI'ftHiun Wt•re Mra. An- H. F'. Keno~ or tia.lt>oa etten~ Natalie Lowe Is Nlrrrl'ft 1,.,. tt-t•""' ·" 11 1.1 ~: ,,.,, ,~.~~ "'''""' ,._. rl.mom. 313 lla· I :n , . ., "'"' la·ol "'lit<> lll'llc~t~ua .. r rtw rhaJ)t tr. tu hri:lg &lJrt~al do•r~<otll . ~II' a n 1 Mo!! Edwin ~L Cbe m~liOK of Ult' \allfumla--1!. d d H a t OOIII ..: ... h ••II•' ···l•r• ~-., • ril .lll) r ill" A\ •. I .. n~.a IBIIt.lltl, 10 a. Ill : nn .. r pr( p:Jrl'll by llarlo'e K •b:h· pre IS(' from Orang~ O'unty hf'ad-1 WlllhUIUI &n<l F:tlwin AnJ...-r&U.I of -8tau \.:hamtler of Comml'rce In ftCCOr e o n o r s hnll t ~ .. , "l•rk 11 t • I,,, .. ( Ill• '" 4 r rn . 80'\\lng. '" I -·~.nllrllllt und Ctl"rt·rs. Il l qunrtcrs U!l welt as from tht' Santa l•nruna del )Jar, .>18) r &'I" \\iioll'r Lee An&'elee, altllng m nt lht' are-Anaok ia Sch ool ~111 ""'k;ll . "' 1 1 · .. ,. "' .tttl 1:. •I ,.r .. ~~ w. rkrnom, l~uo ,, , t•· A,,. l'ut:..ua IHhnJ. fur Ann art'a of which thle <'haplt·r C•ioc! .. nf (.'o~rnnu . t.lr an•t ~trs. 1 •ll:"r nf 'thc Nev. 'nmc's 'sst sum- 'lrl··r wa~< 1'\J tur of her achool pa- l>f' at lt••th :"'eW[l(Jrt Harbur and Sunta ,\.Ill. At Juniur College llhe wu~ a'sn 8Jfti•K'iate editor 1 f Tav- <'m r. at and a mell'ber of Tavt'rn TaltiPr, college literary publica- tio n. .. -. oo hlghwsye. Ol f'fl &tii'Od· • l•·•··t. r• ~I f~ · Itt k \1 •-""'1 1 r.' •I I•· "" Ill\ t1 ( 'nruno dl'l Mar, 1 tu l' <J •l "'' .rut ~lrz <.: W. Thom~&.-t, is a part I Jame~ II :<r.uth uf La~na l:ko\l h 1111' wtre w a_.er i'Tanz uf I h,. \\'h'lr• •·nntln,.•l t" lot·r hnmi' w1U1 lilt: fllr ~It ~ 11 .,1 . ., 11 1 """'' """ 4 I' 11 , llllll.;tt uJ drus1nga. • .tJ•I:.ul ,,,,d :.\rs Ge ,r~, Gl'lly. Pc-om the annual Red Cn u111 Rull and :: r a ud .:. " \\'11ght of Ar- 8outh eoa.t Compe..oy. who at-11 caM or m.-aJlc~< Natalw 1.11w•· "'"" 111 "'' " 1 ,, , ,.1 .. ,,,, 1·-tr o1 th•. 1 Ll ESOA Y-1 l .. ltl·•"•kl .ttH.I ~Irs .. H .. nry B<'lz-~(drive w wh n••tteJ .,ver $277.; tl'lflll . De.lt' for the wedding baa not t>e9n set. &ended eeul<>n• on lnduatry: Bnt-'.t '''l:hlt r 11f Mr 101d ~lr11. c;,., r ~:•• s. ,,.11 , n tlw ,.1 l•·n<IJ•I ll'••rk ·lh"X :-; •. ..,. pr.rt l lt.rl)or W.S.C.S. wt.l n • r, .\!1 untl .\I'!! .\\'•llin.u Jt'n· S 100 was eent to the National lnfurmfll 8nn• unl'l'ml'nt \Vlloll c1en Ftnrh, pn.>aHitnt nf th,. r-;t'w-M. l~lwe. 31U c· r11l, UuiiJ<II\ "'' ,. 1,.11, 11 .• 11 n••l ul ('ltru•l s Chur ... b by tl • no:~;:. l t)UD Jr und .\11~ Ceor.:e <'hiltlrt'n'• Rt>hl'l F'und 10 l'llta bllah O'ati r y•••tPr•I-J,· l\'•·~tn~t ., .. "'" r F'ru•n•!s uf .\Its Shf'I'"T'tul \,'est of Nt'Wport llelght..s ran l:lf' 811Sur-('(! that slw i8 "doing nicely" at !"1•ntu Ana Communi\>' ho8pttal &Iter undergoing a major opera- tion. 1 -• port Harbor Chamber llf C'uDl· l"lan•l. who1, 111 llf\tl!lt lllK 1\Pr fr··~h 1 ,1,,.111,1 • \\ II• 1t .. 11 q: •al11t•" So•a 1-•thrl:< nut.St'l')' sehl)(llll for orphRned ch1l· \\'n :;ht \\hen llht• pa11111~t the trntt1- .. n:~. t-:&rl· \V R1anlt'y, council-m an y(lu at Annaklll Fe ' •••I fm f• 'I \<, d ,., . "''' f; 1 t ~· ,.,, J•r .. m · :O:t udv I;, ''''I' 10 :10, Me&d~P~ < niH Thnl"'!all IK thP H•mmarld· t!rt•n 111 war-r.t r1r lwn ~:ountrlt•:. and t lunal hox of c·hoc latt•ll to · mcm- aan: &l!d Cbarlu Pt'yt_2n. -(tirltt tn s~nta A1111" u .. k,. 10.1•~ ·-~11 • ..:.1~ , 1n .. II\" lll'••rH·· \\• olh• rl••rol tnt! Bakt'r ho.te.a.:.~ 111_. .. 1 "1•r ,.( tlw rw"IY lomrn111-g ,o went '" tht-fun•l ,t., t'Shtblt9h ~ra of I' lt•te"r". ~nota Ana Jun- . -t ""'''" t1 that 11h•· had lw•·n • towwn ~·~~•a:• 1 ·,., o1 H• II~<" nntl 'I m rn ft lnn,.n -Hm•tn,..., ~ an-.. ;<.nul t: S. CullS! tiuur i it••-sunruoma fur Aursc.s' q.wl.rlt>rll at wr ..CO.U•·~i!. \\'o~n'a S\'r.'to·•· C'luh MORTIMER SCHOOL lht• mo11t oul.Ji\Hnd•u~: 1:1r l In Lit•• 1 '"' 1\ Ill: ~ :-;an · 1 h•· fn ll1 h••rn~ pr ~''"Ill 111 1 :Sil I,,. d•···r ''t-::•llt \\'ftld." t'apt. Gclly titt• Suntu Ann A 1r llast>. fullowin.: ht·r graduation II'OIII the 302 c oral ... lboa 11tand • ·~thn<~l a ••~:nJi hun r ; .. r ~tnly •• ,,11,. ''" 1 r••UIIII I • I lJt~-..~ ""rkrnom, Jll Palm I. t'l; • llf lt•" 111n a111 •1£ ~he l'orl ltnn<.ltc·ra ft ,,(all kmlls wa11 car-ach~ol l.t. Anoterson 11181 attend· ~ 8CIIOOL '"'•hn ll n. 1 hr f••'luwln~o: •la_v "h' I-I.,, 1 'lt•JO., ···.llr•l \' •'n' '" llrtlto ... , • l"'n IIJ " ut l•J 4 p, u.· "' I '"" i\iij;;• • s lltl''lltm Wtlham rll J on by t hl' pup•l:-to reo~~ult 111 cod l':wt.o '-'na 8 nd both art' alumni Piarto lnl'tru<-tllln 0,... J..tl' 6; • wu eltcle•l pn·.,.<.lcoot of th•• ••ph· !-'h·"'' II••"'' ~-, .... "" ,i!.,,., a\\la.rd "111 ;..1 "' i.Jil!IH IIJ-:5. .l•l•fl ll).!,. lt:an Jr .s ,~Jectur uf an a.ma.z1ng-Rllppl_v ,f r.-•'r•·:llional of N ewpvrt Ha rbor High School. G L' b d 0,.....: Collec'e. Prep. .. murc 1181111 (M nr•1Cl Y•'IH tn l·••lrl\1 I•' ... t:.•,. 1\\"lt'•l• l H•ll I '•••"" Wul'kmuw. 313 .W~t-1.1-LI.:!, l.os i\n<;t:h-9 and a ht>u and n.>m ort urtlt'ltlt Whlch th08t' Fnllu"tng J unlur Colleg(', Lt. _~ustave tnsen ar ... ,._ N-..._ a-rved Thut ~thooloiJI••· ''pu k-up ' \'n"lll:h tn•luol•·•l 1 loolhfl•l' 1: tl '•• ~·'lr r·u· 1\\• 1:1 hua ta:and. open HI l•'<LIII tnn an,t.•r-In the Tt'o pu-yulHlJ.;el>'r" hllVC' st·nt t u boapital-And~rann ('Ohaltd 1.n the Ar my A ir C:rndu:~t,. 1.•>-ip«ico Coni;t>rvatory c...~-lo4o•tl~r. M. "'~Oil ford II• put y 11 !,I, V""' f•~·t ua.;~tm lvn c·., .. k, (;1 ,, .. , 1 , II• 1 1.• ~1\'n • u. ~ "1111: r .r·. I.• • \ • ::. l ' S l'r.a:Jt Cun ni. tZ<'ll pult!!ntll at th<• Atr Uaa,. 5th F'o n·t·l! unfl was ull'ril tu dutt• 10 Pupils Accept I'd ~rlncipal Phone 652 ' l"!ilalh·' · ~,, 1 "'1,. 1 ,,, ••l'\\' , .. .,, ... ,,t ~hf'llu • '<•t.tl!oat;o!,·r IJ•·tzml'r rs 11~rsonrwl und t)th gn11lt t'htldl't'll-'made l'rO!Ill l Januarv, t943. taking bia pre-BP~tnn<'I'S a SpN:illlty ANNOUNCEMENT """'' Mal\' 1 :"'~""-p ~~·· !'rl'tlh M o n thly Sewing • •' · r. I' s . l'mut Guurct, Long word punll'e, b11und book-lengt h 1 n1ght tt !\ininl{ al-,tht> Santa AJla. l'hone Newport 1 ~3-\\' nn<l :"~:an• \' \\' tt•l S••n I• •· l'ln~ l'•· ... h novc'ls unt.l Jr.!le boulUI. t.r two UJI· Armv Ah· Hall<•. H .. recr iVt'tl his !..------------+-1---.....: FLOWE R.S tnr ~~. t '""'" .,. IC••.t ('rrtttt< ..... n •· •· CJ u b M eet s JM.'r ~:Ta,te" at·wPd gllll"e a.n.J ditty ~-· --_. ,._.,,... RWII r·h·•l , .. .\turv l:t ltln,~. lrl Cost a 'M esa I F 'w·· . bngll T hl' teacht>ro. untlf'r gilld-, Sholl t I I"''·' t;,-,.11 C"r••k"r. .OSer S e t e lOne r S anc(• nf Mr!l. Tutbl!. ullli:tP what • CAROLYN'S will open soo~ with a fine line o f CUT FLOWERS, FLO RAL DES IGNS POTTED PLANTS, e tc. - Balbna IAland !";UI_ '\' \\ lllol J .. ·~h·n·· ~:\'o•rt•lt, . I n B PW Con t est I frN! ltme Ill BV&IIable tlur~ng the I Shcr•n~ l•••nt• !'lS hnnor• for lh<' ·• Mr•n lvn I'•• ko· 1'•'>;1''-' Abhr,tt, co • uuy 1 r.-nnthlv mt·l'l lnj;; o< the s-lnl( At h ( th )1 1 0 tit h ·'""" Zlll• ttn(f I'• ~L''o I• "h . co.• M k It b Dd 1111• l'li.<ln•·S-" Rn•l PT'<>fi'S!I IOillll cac r. I' o I ayB rOOg . Ht•r lpiPOi ll ~1( I tl•• I '\•t I -c 111\<lt.:t' ( •Juh, Mr&. "~ tr 'lV C a Mrll I I lht• yt•ar. II (&VOl Ill placetJ 00 Ult' w••r•• I~·V•·t 1•·\· II• < h'ol•l :.larv Jnhn M• r.fllllln l!nlt'rta lned ln Uw \\'••t <'n" C'ltrh hPitl ll'l an~ua .trav u( ear h hoy 10 lht' hospital I 'C'"'"' rlnl' l'r~<l~ P••r.t·v llfl'hl ltnmP "' It,,. (or ml't nn Rocb•ter l''•nH' nt !'nnltaj;;n I":Trk In ~-Uw~ •• are dt':;lgnt•d and mack by flhvll,. \\'l4tl'tn_. llnol Knlht•t n•: Mr< ••1. ("f,l'!tll Mea&. ._ " Ani• 1''81 Mnnolay night t' lht·ae ard .. nl Jll.DIOr wnrkt-ra. At'l' I u'at•h•lt -1-'tM "AI• I, l :r~.kl! ('r(Jt kct' M fll FrAnk Rrlmonl or Ana elm strak ltakl \".3.1 hrtd aL fl•X thirty the Yuletull'. t ht>-C'hlh.lrtn gather- ' nn•l Ntulr \' \o\..,_<l_. !';wlmrnlnj:. Wll!< Wf't.·nnwtl Ill! a n~w membE-1 s·trr wtnrh h<~fthfWII w~,.. c-•1 lrt'e nm:tments, mlitr> d('Cflra- n re,n• ('rut k•·r : lntrritor Jlrr_••ru· and "f"'I"RI J!li~At hnnora were ar-r l•'h~ll mu!lll'al r air~ wns !Jiav-lionll /•lr thrt't' rn••ss ha\.111 and ~~;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;:;;;;:::::::::::::::;· """· St\1'111• lfnwf' .\1111111'1011 l.llrll ~""rclf'ot Mr~ Hf'lrn Perkl.ru. a as-Pol ROof " l'tlnj.! (t'St \YII!l hl'lcl . madt-n ower .holdeN 'from oiJ tin. la Vln•·• nt f't•r!l nl\l llt•nlllt, llnr· t.>·r 1n-lnw nf 1111(' n ( the member~< ,,,,. I'" nu '·"~ tt11• < 111 lU-"1011 <Jf 1:1tna • I l'l!hv Fuv. 1;.r S1tlt \\'lllt•r Uh• 1 Lo\'l•lv I<Jlrln,; flower-a uaetl nn kli <~<l;tn•••• •'Ont••r.l "hi• h Willi BEFORE YOU BUILD OR REMODEL Vielt ou r lnter .. tlne aampte and dleplay rooma. Color guldtt pllnnlng a ide, c:om- prehenelve atoc:K of ruga. carp«te. linoleum a"d Vene- tian bllllda. ~' ~ R~gl 111d c~rpetl Cluned Rtp~lred LUDLUM Carpet Works_ 1-,.. k 1 .. y ahnut tht' h•"'"" 1181l paatel IWef't· h•·!d durtnJ.: thl' past V\•ar , lhP t-,nrlf'r. l\!llrt yn" o ,., u.n1 .• f'llr -• '\ · T l'lll" tu 1 ln{<rt hv F'owlrr Rht'llll• I'' 11~ ltlli'tl In thl' C'l'•lt'rpiece fonn-I•• .n~ ~I• I•· ~ 11 In~!' I ht> ph nli hill I M · 1 z ...... 1'<1 8 nrl'tlV hn• k"r+ 11nd for a dr " .... II •· ln•l nw..tlnL: unltl l hlll llnv.~t. J unn· a:cuA, • "'"' ~th.JIII"t ,. ~ l\!11n· Ruhlnlf, IA<rttlR ViOI'!'nl Rnrl lklot.~~t chit-ken lln<l irplllfbeltl 11111 1 ,1~1,.. Rlf'lth lunch•-.on ••·n •••l lty t he hn~~teaae!' Th,,..,. :~tt•·n•hn~ ttw p r ttu r :lrl~ rr .. rn Mrll 1-''rnn r.raham'" T tw rtft•·rn•, .. n W:'\.8 11pent In •v. II • r• !<t .• tll' K;o ~··r. l-:\'1' !olnolr,. Aft t t:c.,t-.n l·:fitU'£' \·\"•·,,t·. 1-l~tr· Tr""fl r.., "(''"'!: fl\'f'lttllc \\'<'rt' .fur. tn~. ~ ... """ C(nlOJ' ' rnr·l••l ""· J•~tn I h""'' ••Ojoo\' lit: lhl' oce&lton ,., I ' :.t" "'" ... )1, I 1111. II ' Ill, Atla ltv•· I linn \\'• l<tlt\kl' 1111,1 I. urn MR• "•'r•· Mrr..-lt Hunalf1 McDonald I •II 111''••:1 .\Jan• Ehl .. n ' .\nJ .\Irs Henry \\'tllrox mv1lPd, a J!r"llf' nf 1 rll'ntlll to her Ac-acia !lt n•••t home In l'uronu tiel .\tar for luru h·· n 111)<1 an art.·rrwnn (of sew- 101{ Th•· ~~~· 10\s t llrn•••l honor~ and p1 t'SPIIlNl tl\t'lt hOI'tl'!lll With It I ''illltlilll a: ill 'n , .. ,.,. l•lolol•·tt t.• t'lu· lunt hr .. n in· 'htolnl .\In"'" Allwrt r trq .. •·r, Low· I .,,..(· lo•l•l • '•IR.r•. l!llll"t' An-' ( •·•r•k 1 Th~tmH~ ,It sklo.' L• will Merrill. F.• I l •nr• "''" \\ th"" I It rt~tll\' llnb-" , ........ ,., p " 1 1 "0. ··It ~t•\\ h)n, t :,. J,:•H .\' Buttun, Stan·, • 7. t'A 1 1n1 "' C"....'"""' E d---" J ., ...... 1). l ""tn :\1 :·:tlt••r•:. ~tnr_,. , ll•ult:•·. Mllr"llnll !<tc•rt'\' And ·11 "' • ; ··~ r. •r • _.... ( '!lr-••. , I:. fur" ll.oll•ltl ("ampl~t•ll llfld 1-:l~ttw• Cl\\<115 "'"''"~I P•'l'-IL"Tl .on<l \\'all•·r• \\'ullr-l'f'••h• and Ult' hrAt \l• '1•11• \lllo.tt·ol l .lotkltarl i-'r .tll l;raht•m. • H••KdiO~ lin·h·•'lC • ~1i"'~ n ... Ht ''' ru-tt•h ~l.u •··•••·l E t.!c ::>~rJ<t m•dln~ ,f tht' gToup wilt Flt~-•h••t 1:.,:-tfhd Hiltlll llrllll lll' ,,. 111 thr· r .. rm ol a pknlr In th• ~;,-• 'n HI l••t', II•" ~;tllloi !'lt>ph•·nll Ted K no~Jton ""·'..l"'•m-nty Parlt '_>"JUly e. ~•·•··· J: .. lltnc S tu· 11•••\uth A ~:- A W . 1 B 'd llf'S lllfln,rtlllll l••n•• :'ol ••rrt" v.h(l rri vcs It l rt e• ;:m •. , r.;;-;;bnut-I hrl'<' yoea rw a.nsl \\'II.~ ra~l Y•'llf 't~ ""'Sidrnt 1\llol Will Ted Kn•ll\ltron ha• 1.rr.v"d hru< JU~l rf'turn•··l tri'Jm the Solo-,,.. n·m •·nl h<·r••d i~< ln•no· ~tanlPy, • hom,. with hJII bndr. t ... f' fnn~W'1"-mon1--t.:.IJtt.lC.. II"'" n Gr l't ha Tubbl!.i, 28QL _&A.NJ'A ANA -ltttlh llur~h··tt of Mldll\nl'l, f'1'nn-l Th .. yuunre eouph· were man-ted L.flitl f;lmmonJO Vlq~1n11l ~hit ll'y. 11yJvanlft ~n 111 In _,..rtner.Wp. ln Ftll!'n~·ny, W fat 'Vt.rgtnl.a. aDd Mlldrco•l !-ltantfy, Warlan .McCht•l ,.~ ... ,, .... PALM-P'ALM ... DRIVE INN ,CAFE OPEN 7:30 A. M. to 3 A. M. DINNERS PREPA.RED 8\' II. V . 80\\'t:R Former Chef of Rolle A.rbor ud ldyll\\i ld Inn , . Mr. Lee Jay, Speed Ball King . Ni~hl Mnna~cr . I • • Steaks • ChQPs • Chili and SandwirheR Fountain and Car Service . ICE CREA.M AND SOFr DRJJ\"KS A ~PE('IAL T\' Our \Vaitres.~ On> or Hw Finest Kr. aDd MrA. M. C. MC'Kay, t•rop. 1184 Newport Blvd. ('osta Mesa, Calif. Phone 2410-J, Newport with hll• faf~Pr In hta Ylll'hl If• nf'ymooncd a t thf'. Van Dun! n,.y lmrt Kl\y t. "rant lit II Oroke.riiiCt' bultlnl'lll at 30110 W H(1trl ~~w '~rk fnr twnweeu ('entraJ Avfl.. NI'Wp< rt Ue&cb. f IX'fnrt-.,.,-..1v1n~ nl N•·wport M 81'111 will ..... us d alf'<l with ll<'arh ton "!)" Oily T~~,, wt.l1 ari n e T a k es B r id e Knnwltnn .. l"un olllrln~: hiiO . rur-..... a t hllr.-tf' l l\ friend!! a l 408 In Quie t Cer embn y ll'llljth. YOIIhl{ Knuwl ... n ...... ho f'n ' C'l~t. HII\IRI' .\VI' ""''"It lht• nell.t tltl ••ngini't'r In lh•• Mrrc·ha nt Ma-. rrnnt h ----------------------- Letters To The News-Times At 11 '1111<'1 \\• <lohnj: Tw·~•lny t'Venrn,: ·'' ' '' • l•oo k I 1 '111 ~~ .\lr- Lt-od. I ~·lit. t :· ( :, •'II n 1-•1 un I. r-; ~-v.;: THE L IQUOR ISSUE AND TH I; S ALE O F WAA BONOS port H•••u h. ll•·• 1 m•' t II·· Itt '"' .. r Corp J c•hn 1 ~1111'11• Itt lr t · !'; I nntl brln~: hR• k t hP!If' precloua boya }darlnl' r·,rr" I ,#-\\ lw '""''' u .. t 111r.-nlly fllled,Jtravea Th(' lt.-1· ~;''":or~ I . 1 • ·, ;.,(,.1•·11 Clear Vl!llon for a Hrlght t .. utu~ Mak~ ·cerlam or }OUr child's -J:OOd vision by hnvm~,; u~ r x· «mini' hi!' ey.:s s<'lr ntiflrtuly I( nP<'C"-~:Iry WI' wall prP<.rrtlx' ror and fit h1m "llh J:lilli!'C'' that will insure improvl'd v1· SIOO. JHl'\'1m<1 thl' w nrlfl nnrl nn whlrh the Jll'rlnrmttl thr ,.,,,,,"till\' :\t <'hr1•11 !"•·", uri ll•·ll:hl.· .lun•· 7 t!l44 !'1111 •·-Ill n•·V•·r '"'l I 111\\'f' . .,~"TTed Church t-v 1 h•• ;-;.., Atll·ntlnnt11 1 DR. M. D. CRA \\'FORD l•••1u l·:•lll•T Tit•• Hthl•' ~ay.l' 111 up (or n•y lllh IJI.<JoJ •lnna.twn [wd·t Sylvia(' llut.r1 ,.1 :'l:•·"r•rt t OPTOMETRIST. ltnth'"',. 14 'L'.! • llnppy t• h•" tl1nt 1 11111 l'<'nchnl: St••·rl'\.1ry l\tootl:••n. Bcnrh tlntl ~~ .1 1\Jl;: 1 ·aul•·.v "'I 1'7t1 Newport Boulevard ,. nol•·mn• lit' lltll 111111~··1! In l Ill thau II t• ,, l:nllll 1\Akrn,:: him If It P ortllbf', \\'18 I'll\ I ..... ~ Ill the-1 Costa M~-Phone 2.a30 tllin~: \\ht•h ht• alltoi'P•th and 1'1' I l!o'lllt•· lhttt hill <lf'p:tr'nl<•nt "''nc-Santa Ana Armv Atr Ha""' Thl'l' Crl'dit Term.~ mul<t ~Ill' II k up lt<n'l I h• n· ''"ml'-t 1 Ill< wh111h•·y ()liCittona to 11.-ll WRr brlt.lec-ruom 1~ 10inllf>llf'ol 111 Rl•n Brokt'n 1...<-nscos Duplicat('d tlun;: \\totn~ wtU• "'" Annrc-nn-t>t;m•t10 r .. ll'l lt1lp ua No (\111' •·IH Oiegq. :....---------------· ;l~lll \\lll'll ""l' hOI'c tu ~t•n·twn ••tr <~Ill l tur aurt• I am not a J:lrrmol' :------------:-.-..;... ________ ...,... _______ --; " lu~kl'y In Ol'lN l'o II<' II wl\r J:lll hut I wnultl J!lftdly It IV<' "iJI \ll•n!l!l ~ httlf <lu)'!O R "'•••·~ l•l 'ltt•ll bon•ll! It M\' aon hM rut t\11•, t>f hltl IIlli· JIOm~unt• wc•ul<l f'\'t' rn•• n bo ••tb 1\rV ·It-~ u ~t ,ol\1.\t '.! l In WAr btm•ll IIIlo! .. ,r.-tf' lltl\'l'rlfltO~ "I' h••ut ht•nt'fl l ' r \~ hiAkC'y 1\UC· h .. }'• u think ltl')tJOr J••altnt Ate twn S•·•·n 11 •m 11n111llt<'l\t to say nu-r•· pntr ••lu lhlln nl'\\'l'IJ'"'"'' ed· th<' lf'a8l wh~n t'<'rry\' htff' folkll ''""'" ··r ooUwr 1111110\'~" nh II • Are 1\rf' c•n tt~lr lln•••• nr "ilh huwNl \'"" hl"lf'lllf: II" II l~>nd!l or Jill'\ lll•y· tlf'R<I" nflk tng ~.•d a lwlp fur our m.: thttm • HARLO'S KITCHEN ·. FINE DINNERS Complete M('als to-Take Out lri our • , bt•Y• whu ~tre oUt•r,n.: lll,.,r ho"hf'l lA•t Thurlldav 10 t'l\nta Ana a ~;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;::;;::;~:::;;:::::::~::::;::;•" willing ''" nflt l' IUhl llll'n !tnl'lfo frtt nt~hl "Pt> >'"II hn\,. I<• hM'e ; f11lkll with Wluekey 11.• U1ey will Whlllltf')' aut II• '"" tn 114'11 l><•n•Llt Jo buy bonda. 1'\.c•v. ~11 • !'hartw n Y"" , .. COMPLFrE LINE ol WOMEN'S ESS .-SHOES WOMEN'S SPORT.SHOES' CHILDREN'S SHOES Both Ration('{! nnd Non-Hntiom~l MEN'S WO~K and D~ESS SHOES BARROW'S DEPARTMENT .-STORE ...,,,. • .,.. ... d. ~ ~wport~-- J arn llclrng t'\'Prytoln~t I know I am h~>artalrk •>\rr l h1.l M d 11.11 a ho•u•t•\\t.l' to hclp till' w ar t'C· v.t>n<h'r 10.1\:ll ••ur "'''~ "Ill llun k (;•11 ' \\'1• havP 11 !:•IOd ~;arJ<>n I uf "hlllko•y h•·•n;: .,fl,•r••-1 "" n ~"P "l"'n•l frn'm on,. 111 lhrf'f' houra a l11 hu\' l••n•" · I -1·• n• t · • w lo dav In It Tn dlll<' I flO\'\' ha•l Ztltl two M ITRI 'It' "' '""l"'r 11oot1• l tl ,,.,) ~ 111 my holll<' bt•m•h·ro ». mf .. r t 11110 •~ t n11~ " •I· ••·· rn' 1 n n• It I Uli'lr WlV<'Ir nod mn.h••rlt tn tnral• l ' ~-.·Y.IIrt 111< lllll'ol S.• .'.1.1-Wllr r\1\tl SJtlurd11y n ll t I h1t~e IO.rtt-I• 1u l• \\llh n \'Ill~"'' I ... • •1111' I• n H\'t•r n· thHIIIIIIOol l••llt'll! to I hi' I nn•l .1nol a holt•l 111 t!to "II • r ~lr \\'&\I'S. ltlntth'1!'1 nnd S\\t'\thf•:tf l~ o ! 'l<tlt1k• rht•(1 h.•s. r t \t'l, l ~o \~ :·...,~~n: l lh ~• u·•·tt :ftn••' l ··a.rl tlnrl~·r thr~ 1:ra u n•• JlllT•t••n ..... 'llan)' \\ollld '' tllln;:l\ J.!IV•~ t'\"• r\ dl t'P t'f \\t f~tt' ,,,. ll•••ol II II \\o\l.ol >1 I' lilt• \\llf :LOUCK'S Costn l\1(•st~, Calif . ..,.._, PAftiiNTI II DUll. -. ' . . . I ' ,, . Hou p P Sundays: 1 p. m. to 9 p. m. CLOSF.D Tt:ESDA YS EX PE CTANT MOTHER'S STRIPED CH1\IBR4\' Go.,•\i, yov"g-.;t1-..v'll ••or H ... .,., .. h•re, tt 1 cwt to tfftor tty ef- • wo•d•rf•''' cool, oohl, ·thad ... tvbbobl .. (hoMbror ! fw:llt' o dit.ntoble l S1••• 10 to II. ~"'" C('IIOH d .,,.,.. •• •B.U r-::--7• \Mall w,.,,. ~·"'""'fllla4. (o-4 .. •••• •• ,.,. •• om .. l ...... ..-4 ....... , ....... &. ..... Milk-- fO SAVE t he heels o(; y_our precious patent leather s~oes , paint .the~_ with colorless nail po~!sh. Met al tri~­ llliogs on be 1 t . purse !i or other such met al ornaments will al so keep t he i r .bright- oess it t h J.ol..y coated with t his same liquid magic. · , •• , . GtHG-eoor. l{ns orE bunch ot shred. Melt thre~raw beets. then s poons or bacon r or tour table-it~« PAn th at i p a hea.-t • eo add ~, IT-tightly and SiiiiiiJ ra• beets. Cover t•enty lllioutes. ;r s lo•Iy tor about Servin.. easoo J ust b • ... •tore SAVl fA1 · .. at t. ~ cl gt u: ~ I .. rt • t p. 3 ~ fn fi4 yo .e'J th dll ori ch an I I tw do nu , .. • ... -,_, --~ ' "t -KEWPOBT-BatBOA· P ·RBSS AN lNDIP&NDINT UxAL NrNSPAPD IDYUell 1111 llmU NiwJoaT . HAUOR DJSTIUCT ==~====~====---= VOLUME V. ============----------=--- 8tJcl. ~ua Paving -.;-:;:: -~-:;._-~ -=.. NEWPORT SUCH, CALIJ'OJUIU. !J'HURSDAY, tiUNE 8, 19U ~-=-c--t . E~-Jiospltal Manager! '~.~l!.JO& ~Learnt. OS S Enten Quilty Plea of Husballd•a Death ••• 'fteatre Slated .. Qrtffltla Project lt7 T. "· (....UCK") O.uNU Pledged By orer Gorby, who pa<'ka tlala. 1 ~ bette• than he playa pi· DOchle, Ia 1011\1" to have hlmael.f LHlle A. wu~y. tormt'r man· In Tarawa a.tt.le Conflrml"-u IIIIOftldaJ report art'r ot Newport lnduatrlal hoe-pu~labed In lut Tbl&nday'' pltal, wu tlMd UfiO wben 1M ap· Mre. Non~\& 11~boft. 110 l'ao•aa, lh• Orlftllb oompany to- a la~ or ~me 10rt or ot:h-p t • t • •r neat Wedneaday. Tile widely-e I I 0 n e rs known bo,...man and tomato· NUMBER 16 :a ~-- Newport Harbor's Quotftirl Fifth War Loan Drive Placed ·at $375,000 &TOWer bu developed a craft ~eUUna-amaller lha.n thl:' Nor· mandie and .omewhat largt'r than a anowblrd, and abe'• go~ng to make quite a aplub at the hlp · Ucle ceremony, I unde.ratand. JWared before Jude'{ 0 . A . Jonea 1':, Bay a.vemtt. 1ut ~,. ~ day revnl.cl p!uw t~ UN .,_. and plea~ ruflty to IN'~ cdvtt..l • tt'lt'~ from tM War U."' of a ~ .lbMtn ~Mall~ ml'dlclne without a llqenae. Ttuoee ,ft•part~nent lnfoiiiltlar lwr that h•r •l C'.o.l& 'Mea&. 'nM projeet.. ... uth"r count. of malpractice. tU hu.~~band. Uo)'d J. HII'IClrtciUort, cord~to the ~· ~ •·t..l under Section 241 of the B~l-had a\K'Cumbe4 lo WOWidl IUtftor-1ep nt&U\'e, P. A . ......,.. tftU rwu a.nd PI'Qfdllon&l Codt', wtie ··t..l In lbe eaptllft ol TarawL Mr bt-1ta d u eooa u ~ ...... ., A nut her alt>p forward In the ollsmiiUM'd by lbe judge. ' Ho•ndrlck.on. _.. WU In the am· t'ufljlll\MlUoll .. ,_..._ _.., _,. .~u ... ot U.. Newpert Ralilor Wu ,. pl!lnnN1 lmprovem•nt of Wut Wlll~>y, who wu alattd tor trial phtblan ~ell tilt~ had l hllt' ,...tnotial;la. Archllec\'a..... weU ~r wa.y and ...t ........ l'Oft\MRU.. No'Wpelrt WB.s propnet'd thll Wtoek 1111 June e. appeared In al.lvance b<•en oye,.... .CI 1ut taU. Tea .,... at,_, ln a fonaa.Uft at.,. '1 ~ Newport ..... O..tsh .... _. by 61\ flrOik•rty IIIA~ra of that uf th" ech~uled dalt'. Wt'ekl &1'0 be -.c:U\e the ,....... tol r rallne, eai4. ., ......... OOIIUIUU. .. . U the bay rlae1 a foot or ao -.lona-about 'f:31 o'dock on. ~'cd· Deeday, you'll know hl1 myatery ,:raft b&J! b.J\ the water. And If )'OU bear. anrullhed ecreams a moment .later, you'll know 8ht> kept rtlf\t on colng under. B11t I 11,.,·tlun "•ho off~ to pay $30 of a baby Mint. ~t'td ClwW. Tbe buUdlq wiU be located on u.M .CU. ~ a ..... a t1 Mr. H.,..• ..... tl8 ... 1..-r lot tow11rd the coel of .ur-1'01..1()1: AC'I'IVJTD:8 Mre. "$ wllo II a ·lht company'a ..n-ly purd, ... od t t : 1'o ...a t.M _. ....... --.p~na wtto wtD ......a tn-rtn,:r -rrrtain ~a wtth u-au~ IJ\e ..naonlb of ..KaY. the l.lauKh~er of ~:. ~ Cbu tract at N~ buua.vard and t•d ,uoaa .. ...,.._ M 1111 M .... ...__.,.,.. 1ft U..lr ....,.au .... ....: r llll lt "'"'''11::111• 1 _ ... " ""'"" -et ....... uup.io)'· th al.nti, an(J wtll be t ~cal or wu ~~ ._ 'l'b date. ._ w1111 llleft ,. -pol ce dtopart.mt'nt &~WWer .... .,14 ~ ...... Co .. ..~ ~ -111 .. Th~-<u,.hfaro•• l~lud-.a In , .. , I U I t I'll at tbe _..., . In t hm• rlaburetr Orlrtllh IYPf' of ...,. N&1 ·· 0 ') • tO~ IS lltUitJ "'V " a •~ '<'U Ul ('1\) a, reaUJ 1\( n 49 tra fiC ar• .. k ...-: ........ -.,. rrr•pn~nl nre <~lubhouae avenue. reste and 2& IJTt'lla for otht r of-l.o.w Anp.... wee endl ''•·lul)nornt, It II undtoratood. \'.uti,..... liBel to .. rrvMa. .,.., f . J, P'acfle, ._ -• O..W ~h••rt lltr<·el. And that portion of fel\llt•a, a ccordlnl' to ~pdf\ of Po-with he.r pueatf _. dun"-the III'OvtUelr ol vohla .... ~· W. lttt('hle, 0.0.. *' Jler; a. "1'. 14th. 15th anol :l6th atreeta lytng li ce Chlet R. R. Hodc'kiMOII. One Wt'~k aharea a Lpl Mfrlra apart-ISKTALLINO· NEON MiON waa W.,.. B. H.&,.., 11 lllr&t ~ ...._·Mull: 'IDe. J .. 'lOrth,.Mtt'rly of P'lnley avenue. ltulen auto, valu~ at $600, waa nwnt with ber ....,, Mill Helen ICarl W. Stanlry hu bt'\•n lMu~ nat~ JIMad ,........_ WM ... ..._ 1-....u. J1UW JeiMd; J. Dick. Roger•. Clubhoute avenue ro·c·overe.l, u well u other prop.' Ktlaey, who .. ala employeeS ln " P''rwllt to tnatall a tT& neon ~rnoe u tllalrm&n e1 .U.. .. &.-... • .,., ....... Adl•nna..a --• bope abe doean 't ! -• • • nroJlf'rtY owtwr who ~preeentt'd .rty to a value of UO. deft'NN' work. l'lro•trtc-•len at b1a nl'w real t'a· the nftll .. ., Loan. Walt. a OD , .... IIUIIMrd Howe, llouU. nm Xenn~y. my rood friend the rwtttloncra at Monday'• meet.-t~tt .. <'fflce, Ill Cout hlahway. 8p.O.r -llnue u cbit.a,_ o..t a IIGcer Wooct. wlilo eo- Ou& ANDIAL DEPT. who operatea where rapa and lnj:' n ( the rlty l'OUnrll, uked that VF.BFUM& 11M OPEN'D .............. CN'-t ..... w'fM1I ltl&m.a Rout uaed to pUih out 1111' City "'"al .notification carda to ca.u·rch to Cele ... rate ON' ILU.80A -..uD ,1 Curfew' law Passed riiO ·IU·--·-.. ,.. ................... -It&Uan food, bu ball b.a.rd luck. 111 tnxp11y,.ri In that area and ITU U , One of OM ~ -'w;alljW MO\'• ua'I'UJif ft.Afta til ~ of ...e1-.. ,.. Re'a lo.t b.Ja dog. lt'1 a pollre 11uggc11tl'd that eo da}'ll ~ allow-·• • In tht' Hanor .... II a perfUme Aft..r IRUJ y..,..· ,.., .. noe at ....._ froonl ..... -• ~ q about tbl! alr.e of • nlONing "" In which to coiled tht m ort-Mortgage Burntng bar whiC!h llal i ~ opened at to Second Reading llal~. Ji,. and MN. AI~ w.orll•n, Mra 0. I. ........... van. only It · bu four lep and «'~' ·He a leo exp~ the opln· Wal\da'1 • ._... .,, 1111·1 l,.ft y..-tefta)r momt'W fw ~· Cotuna del Mu, Mil ..,.. .... , • bark, wb.Jch • moving van hu-IC•II that If thue llreet.a were pav-t s nd> 'R•t Marine a---. , .... , ........ B c· c ., but '*"' ftt'N u.., ..... •'to ciSre<>tnr of puWtdt7. a ·t.. "fi 11 would l'ncour•re • better a U ay 1 es P'owter and Jllrt. ~•: Ac~atr: y 1ty OUnCI h••k• u...r tutu,. bome. 11r. aoua. <>rMI't ecNilty·a .-. ,. u.. It an)'On.e lbould IM!e euch a l'h•!<s or ~ulldln~ In that area. , The youne ..._.. t.ave lloclted ' . . . .. ,.1 y, wlilo ~~~ beeft ~ut Ma41 clri.,. II SlCt.IOO.OOO ~.e'*'· I • pooch. eapeclally one with the Thl' plnn w11 appro~ by the I Ana-to'-.... a.n.d al10 1,,,, lodlwly UAder .._,.\al tnel• Mr a,. wtto •llPI&IMd tMt Upe of b1a ean lOre from nea · 8 Nut Sunday, June 11, Ia bt'lng llld "PC~rt. '"'" d t y l'ouno·\1 on Monday ''"'"t [or U. ,..t two ,_,.. WM all MU~~ty and MminunltJ qunt.u bit-l•t Jim know, bub~. 'utm rll. • awldh'd II ont' bt the-n>d -lt'ttcor .. met ..... tb .P•Afll•tl to a"' oml rt'adlna an ' ..... 1 to •-•·--..,.. a-I'OIIItnae.~ 10 -r Nftt -~ ftmkhf'ed ~W ltla 1 the .. , t Cb . · .. , · , l~tk••n DY am-anoe. ..--·· ..,. r • • • Y• n ,, a ory of rt1t good rea~ tht-lhort rlnt'talt!~Y.-.\'Urfrw o •tllnance no\11 1, . ., where he ~ a w.la. ·.,...a(er U\&1'1 ln an pr.viOUII driv•. IIOU ABOUT ANDIALS Cnmplt'llon of the 'Lido brid~re Charch by the Sea. On 'that dat<', tlmt' t!Ry have under col\lhli'rAih•n by c-ltlea Abo 1 t.b · • U.. Attrnctl"-t tie nraanlutleft bulkhead waa ,..ported In a com-a•·rnr<h ng to the Rev. E D. Good· The 2roprle ,,.. botJl m~ ·~ro\ll'huut•tlrantre county. . •. HuthJC~r)lll =cl = ·-::.uUNI ll\Htl"-w•re ·w~fer ·aptc-r, ~ Allen, the city counrllman. r •urikatlbn from Cit)' J:nrt.neer ft. !'II. thf' congregation will wltn~N ,.;~ to enu.Mcl ... at lul& ~na PrnJ'OIM•tl u a lt)~afljl uf !'urb!ft« 11,111r al -I Ill. · • ..., ... to ~•yn• B Hal1"'r. Hutlllud c. who won over thla ae~ent In lr· Patter11on who wu una.ble to the burning of~~· church m ort· Army Air SUe.-hwlec: wu ju~~nllt' ~llnqueney .• ~lc;h-. thf' r.to 111 Col. ellt4 ~,..... P. lfow•. "-ll'h ~ .... Y. H•rt.lt a c\t -(ivlnl'·•way derby, but he tk! pr('aent at the meeUJll'. The ~~:age which' hu been agalnat t.be formerly a ~· wrtter 'tor Pl'dlnance path ~;A . out, tlu. 110 In· I\ 1 klnaon Wt\o "-•• elMe CI;CCNPCed K•nny, ~lhtr ~ • .lAIIIe won only becau.ee he hedgl'd a bit hulkh• r1ol, ;~rcnrdlng to' bia report. propt"rty for more than 11 yt'a.ra. BurN and Au. e.c1 ·Mi. Aclatr crc&al!d ~ t~ become a ml.'na•e 11 t•rJor to IM\Iiq for _.. mt.a\ lll!'frf'niM'n, ·RtM•yer. .Jia"J wl\en Bfllle. th' boN of the family. rs i 8 f•·et lon,:. of reinforced oe· A. Buab Steven• of Puadena 8 IOn&" writer -Toaun)l Dor-,to tbe ~rvatloa of ~llr "~···ua.lboa couple ..ad U\•r ,..... Well'h 11'\d w Hltcllunan. decided to keep two nf thl'lr ~t~Are nwn1 ·cnn!'ro•l•· aheet pile con-holder of the mortgar;e ~d Rl lal&tit-. • .,1 pt•a CC" .. fety. ht&lth. mc.rala kno1 . felln. becau.ee they'were 10 c.Ult'. <otruCtllln, &nl.l waa bunt by croft 110me time ago that when the aey. 1 '&II"• ~ waa n w .. ira~t,".the law would prohibit •ltuct' at IIWI aa...v ~~ · ClDiea ~ or aomethl"-.' · ;w <l !llo·vlllP at " roet of tl&~. luan. wu Jlald In full he would the Blue of .._..." ' peranrUJ under th• IYft' of 18 ye-.ra 1•1"'' tn th• Atkl~ wliiO ._ C'wa ......... quota Mil '""' Tbua Bob-&nd Ule Allen ca t. Op"l at•~tl! of t he Santa Ana contrlbutP s50oo to a runt..l to corn-NOMIJifATIOII; -I NO f.~;pm ldlll'\f or pia )'II)& Qn Uv !"'"" to mov• to UM ..., ,......... rtnd at MO.obo. aroordtfta to D. of co~hu made three peo('l.le !';tngl' llnl' m\•l oppoaltlon from rlcte the church t-t11flt't'. In addl-•tt-~la or th publlr phic .. a bftw~n unll will ~nt ltle oGler pa.e& J Oodct!, r halrm&ft. It a. wwllf'o Jiappy with a 1m~U <'It to tur lh•• ruunc-11 In a plea to 'abandon tlon to lhll lfltl the chureh haa N~wport ~ .Amerteaft Le-the houra of tO p m 110•1 8 1 ·m . • --. atnod that tlw! Oranca wtlt tall• cfDwn tb~ drarea.· '!l"hlle this dl'pt. 't p<~ftlnn or lht' preaent fran-cnll('Cil'd anntht'r $4000 -toward ~ton met ~1 lliCI't for the un'-ac'companlcod by an adult -\\ Afl.AIU..& C'IATVIIIC*II · kn artlve part In ~"« UM baa handed out two to lucky pt'o-r hiiM!. While the council felt there 1the new. buJidlritr proje<'t. more purpoae · or ......,.....,-otftcerL or on lawful bultln•M ICX~t.-•1 ~ IUUJIT BY ~ c-llfftftt cunpalp at tiM M-. pie. Tbt're llJll ire at leul a wu aome m.uit Ill the pr.ta ana 1 than $22.000 havlnl[ tbua bcu Jo~rUu>r nomtit f. f 1 wOJ 1M lllacle from th.ll ordrr wr>uld bt' mem· \ W11nt•d Vour rooma INitabl• ------~ ol 8p&re'na at our bouae. wtluld have ortered an amended· plo>dged ·an4, paid durlng the put on June 20 alld ~ wtV take Mn ot the mtittary t'lre• _..r f••r c;l~ • • • OOMP'I:IUIIJfO OM PUIJ..DilifO It an,.OO. Ia overrun with mice, propoaal. City' Attorney Ror.tld ~~8 montba. "-· place al tiM lrll1 U meetln&". tbe ace of 11. Th" ordinance .a.IJio ~ll('h le. "'-appeal \aat a. be-WNU\er U.. 110Udl1 ot aooe1 .or bu drapea wiLicb like to be 1,'homplltln ruled that the pita Rev. Mr. Goodell, irl expreulnr IICC'ordlna to ..,..._. A. J. pn>vl4ea that no chlhl under OW It tit ~~ -.1 , Newpol'( a-da ......._ ~UoM ... U. ch .. ed. mu.st rollber be appro•~ or de-cnnfldt'nc:e that the cburcb wt.!l Hayman. TIM -t ~ will ac• ot U yean Ma.ll be left In IC1 amrnu ~~ dtlftaaltJ of ..., n a 1 tan tl' ~ lut I '•• ot lbe latelt nlt>d In Ill t-ntl~ty. Tbe" re.ult o &bead to vtet.ory In t.be bull6-be omitted ·~lfl7, U.. borne. unattncled by an .-u 'M\e -. __ _, '-P1t11-~ 1a '!!f!i ...... ~· tt .,.. ella~ wu cknial. oa ·~ .f" Ooun· tnr ~ ..,....,.Uitat a11 ,.r. .Mr...JI.,gr .. n •• ,._. ~ . q,.& ·~• .,.,. -. ....... ....._. t•• ltto Jlllltr .,... • ..,_ 01'1 ~ !'n8'a.n '11:61 "'Manley. aona. lnterHted In -!he pro.,..._ of Com~ · P" Ovt'l"<'r'OW«if'd Ill' In« Nw1111ona. nhl,. .bY Wp(im..,_ .,.., .. , .... a qU.etjOfl w1lJclll ~ ....... --..alaa4. A.nd. lncldent.aJiy, Dodd On beh11lf or thP bualnea.men thr church en~vor to ~ pree-thll t'vtnln~r J>r·-nt ~«i.:!,.m::-pf'1!Mnrt nf nmu••Nma ''"'"IC"rll "'""" •r• to bt' ~dad when conCM!m to nwmbere o1 tM C1tt7 ..,..•t looklq any too hapPy of Balboa. Har~·y W elch J)cutton· ~ .. nt at lbe nwSrttratt• burnln& ~er-als t~y ~r •·-u •·, nn•l lrlln•l•·ntll ttnd t ho· ,1.,.,,1,., •• h• .. •l OJH'N ror 0.• "-te"". courtC"Il e~M~at the •ltuatlon, eltht'r. I'd th•• t·~)unril t•• <Jflt'n Palm andj ,.mony. which will be C'onoluct4!4 1ft" -.. ~-.,...... rnunmar o<rfl)rt• "'qulro·a t,. P,...,.,.,1l nl>-•· •:···""'""~'" rrnt wiU be paid lty Wllll• Mf\Mdflrabl• 1t,...t c:ortU- • • .• -~'n.~h•n!.'1• .,.t"t'ls, to two-way 181 lhl' ll n'clox·k wnr10hi('T •w rvlrt'. l'<'huol Whll• 1" attJudl'olcl to ha.ve '"IC" wu<• l'll•·d ""' th<' ,:hi• r 7,.11 I •h•· tlnol rlrt ami _net:._....ry altera· rlam hiUI lat•ty bef-n ltlrecled to-~ ~E truff1•' 1nst••nt..1 ,ri onP-WIIY at at Harry L. Pl!'r<'<'. Loa Anj\'ell'a l lbc moat Jl!Jbt~cllnr r.cord. ~ttmll f~ makiJl~ n.t·c••J•IIIIry 1111,.11 1 11"~" 11111•~<'. hr ll&ld. warlt thfl butkttn~r tN!pldM'I ot• Ralph Wa\A!rlue's j!le bullh'llt Jlrl'l11'111 Only by ~tO doing. It was 1nrrhito•ct, ha11 prPpU(•d pr.-liml· 1 ( 'lin 'l"rtAOTI An nrdlnnnrr 1 tw ,.., li.av.m,r perml\tf>d 11 a. man on Balboa Island. wht"n trnr-<If•• ln1 ~1. •·nn ,.,~''"'" h"''" full uae nllry skett>hl's or the llu•lrllng AI' I r._ .a Uf' 4 --..,.-0 " wh .. n 11 wM ~uJ:l(''""''' thAI Stnnmrr Rail Service r"h .... '" mllvr a ra•ll•r unhalld· ftc Ume arrlvu. He's polite, too ... r I h~ ,.,,.,. P••rktn~r lot on thl' I It U! plann•·d for rnlnflll'tlon. The ~ "rtlllng thl' <'enter of at.trae-tr&:m• nf t h" "I•IIIIHIII'• "' r•• ''"'I' \\'e. If D~numed By aomr hnwM~ frnrn 84-al OfoiU'tl to •peclally for a poll<'ernan· nc•·A,n front. It WRI! a110 ~ueat· C•·ntral .a vl'nue f rnnt&g<' 111 •hnwn t :"n; Ill th,. Donham borue. 132& Mvrr" 11nt1 ,..,.,,1,1 "'''' k a hur<l· IM,.. th.. 11:1 Hayn trar t. th• matt•r Now that ·tt'e c_ettlng alt)n~ to-r•ll thnl nrhlltlnnal al~tnll 1H' poet·, 1n t he akl'tch ApJ!"ttrln~~: on pagt> t 1-. t 'ntJ Ill "venu~. Ia 11l~le M'-Mlp 'ln y~run~o: lll'"l'lr •·II)(H~··•I In J•:u•ifir t;le:actrlc wu thrt1Wn lnln I he I)J)f'D wh•n "._, -ordtllh .... .,.n.· '--t my Mt In •lln•rt nlOtortm to thl' -rk·j • llf lb .. 'lallut' .. • !' S1•· I til JoMnP nunham who wu . l'hl t a lrlt•r '"'"' ~ra. V. (J. Wrooll• "' ~--.. UO<" •·-7 fk&a1de b lt.aJ ll'jr11_!!!111.1r bwolt,..n Prrllt·r• ,. 1 .,. tHend Frank Linnell f1 grltlh~ 1'11: 111 ''"· Qu,•~<t,.•n•·d ronccrnlnlt't · ---h"m May 1 At Wlp ' R R Huol~orkln~rrn "'"'"'' th~tl II . i\rr'""'11~'K • lu 1 n•pc•rt frtlll'l wu re&lt al Mnnt1ay·a m-tln« ot llcb')r feet ... Saw Mamll Heinz t1'tfo p:up<~AI. T'nllr.., Chief R. R Property 0\VOers Ask Lorn..-lk·nrh. ThP haby, who W"llth· wu nnt thr '"'""'I"" •·f "''' lw• ·"' ,, "'""•ntn, th•· Htate Rallw•J th,. •'tlllnr ll Kaaitr loo.ldq for a t&bll'l'lnth Hll•l~t~ on~<on !lAid hi' saw no rt'a-1 o•d II r•IUn<la i o\uncca at birth. II llrr lt,.pt '" .... r .. r•, ""' ''"' \ · .. 1'""'""'"" h~t• grantl't1 rw-rmta-Mra Wr•"•llt(a rummuntratllln the other day. She got one. too. :<<~n whv botb slrl'\'ls 11hnu.ld not ! City to Complete 1' o.J.•III:htl'r of·Mr. and Mrll. Aua· ln~tnr• •. ,., th.-to<~to•1 " '"'" lh•ft •t•m 1" lilt' 1'"'''"" l:lrc:trlr On. ,..h•r~~r••l th•l lh" mov•l.l-ln h~ Bill Jobna, who'• a very good po-h•· lhtrrwn ••rrn tu twn-way ·traf· . "" .I nunhRm an•l a vantltlaugh· anv youn~'"''' """ •·rrulol • ""' ""''' .t.. • Mt,.hll"h lflll'n.trban Mrvll'" ''""11•1 mat,.f'IAIIV r"•turtt~ flMJM'rtY. uoe elerk, hu launched hl11 el<'· '"' . ' Cabal Dredging t•.r "' Mra. Bl'tly W:fatt. 811\0 ''' pullrl' llfflf•·H• '""' '"' """ lr·l(tt "1""" N•·WIH•tt lk-llrll and r... .. Vllhl"• In that .,.r llun of town, a-ant tlahlrig boat, thua getting a Sub,l'l'l to Wnr dPpnrtm('nt ap-' Jlkt.lhua 1 nH~II' rr118(on '" "'' "'' lh•· ,.,,,..., 1\ll~··l••ll Anol, 111 r'11nl'111111nn, aakl't1 that liNt jump on· Gorby the tomato man, nrrw:ll th" rnun~"il nkl'hl'd twn rt-· I 11\lrl")'_:f'lj(M P""flHIY -owowrA. ----.--wntth1 nnt bo> t.rrouoll'd. 'j Tl ' ufrtl'l~tl aulhurl&atlnn !tat. •'IIV r·ount'll rnarl an •rorttlnknc:e 8peaklna of pollee .clerk• •. hun't 'l'" ~<Ill rn·r bny IOIItnllntlnnll The • ..,., l~l! Canal II'('IKln have pl'tltlnn· I llalboa ·~land Dogs ThP r rufl'l"l'tl nr•lln&o('r will I" .. ltlf\flllnll •~r" ln ,,.,.. An ... r rrl)lJJtltt ruttrre tmf"'rlaLIOA of anyone found a hOUIM! tor Chtl.rllt frrl<t, \l'hlrh • \\'Ill' ftiP<I by· C'om-'d lhc city <'nunrll to rtHnplt'\1' ~ •·111nr h•·f"'" lhr l'hunrll f ur flnnl 1'' 111 111'' '""rl1lnl(. twu outbound hulltlln~~r• frr1m nutai•S.. anurr,.. Prteet yet! ... Wherc•11 Muacll'!l rna nolo f s T nunlnp on bt'halr ~~·· tlro'<IJ:Jn~t or ~tn·u A lin r~nal .Quarantan~d for 1 ""'''"It 111 II• . .luly :l ,,. ••l••n an•l '" 1 h 1!"' "'lt'-'11 "" Wl'rk •1•ya, r•tt v Mlnrnry ltullln•l Thnmr-•n Shook. the necktie 11napper, bt>('n u( lh·· ,\mo•tll'tln (,i'l:'fOn, Jlllkt'ti "lVII' the rlty drt'tll(e 111 llllll 1\\llll· • rlod 11 ~tnprtiVI'tt at thai l hro•·. will lt'l "'"1 ""'' 1'11' ~••h way 8atur· •It•• IMfl•l lh•l thr hou.,. In qu.N· • 1 1 d • uhh• lr1 that locality. 00-Day P4 ,. u 11 1 v a n 1 h 11 ·'-ya dur lately! ... I miN hill bt'llnw julll '"'' •11 "'11'011 1•1 ex r•n 1mpmve-Ju · • ,~ tnt" •·fr•,.t lmnw111atrty "" It ""r· '' '1 • "' " " • ' • " ... • • """ mu•t hnv" ''''"'''rl""'l Ill the . aa rnuc:h u I miN Wayne (D ie-·"'' nt~< t:l . f··"l h•·y'lntl th" plrr . l'~tAI~h t!h IO(I~InJC. llf.fton thl' prclj-t:rro..-Jh•• .,. nf -tDclay, rl•·• "n Nl:l•·r~ert~•·v l'lau••· '' j( ,,,. ~tmu .... r mHntha -nt. t'IIV tmlltflnl' rntS.. fir It rnu(d n(Jt cord) Harper'l plano piJiyinJ:". ho ""'""'· nrprnxlnllllelv 200 fCot't ' ,.., .II llflPnrt"n~ AY.f}r, ml'm.. I,., ''"'""· "'""r<lllljC tn rrporl. hllVt' b .... n hrnu~thl In •• u all Ounntr OunderiiOn. wh~'ll' one of "'' ~• ,,, l:)th !<lr,.rt on thr ,Aml'rt-lwrl! nt thl' <"•JunPII ''" M•mdu~ all tlor n"n' .......,. , • .._. ...,.. ......... f'.ntr)' Jnt ~ ',fl .. , .. note h ll June 11. •truduru 11111111 flrt~l .,; a ppro•· ... _ .... t drur-'e'-In B•lbo• .. J'llllt It I . I h lit t•ltpr,r•aiO('d ·•••llhl t( llllffirlt·nt mRn-Ill .... qt.,..,. II~ for • ,.-rtod A I lin flAIOJ• •I '" "''(""'' '··noltrtr I'• '' '""'"" '" (••Mil Ill" rail ... ,... t • n Ul~ ""' .,,.,. ... " a ' 'I •• j:!'IIOO •·Ill'•' n .. r I.HI da:r" tlllriA. wtlk'h u,.. "'"" Anutho•r fllvi"'""'L ••••• ,,.,,. ,.,, hv lh,. hull•liiiiC lnaJ'I"I' ur fl b 1 I h Tit" ~~l'llnrl r~'l)lll'l't Will' ntrd by f'OIA't'r ('I}Ult..l tM' llbtaln···l to tlo lh·· ···-) .,.. -·t ·-...... -rmt•·--I . . • .• " .... rlo••tlv l(ro,nl•tl art.r Ill... ,..nr .. _;, thr untnlun thal like John Alltn's a 110 utr Y l " F: wvrk rn ronrh.uwon lhl' J>••UUron • ,_ .... -,...... ....., p11ovl•lltfl( thnt IW V .t" r•rrtf ,.,I~·· 1 11 1 h 1 h lh 1 ,. ,. belt on Balboa tal and. Ia M rhl'l'ry .~'~fr;;", ~~~~k~~~·~,."~hnl ~illh!'d ~~ "'"·~ ~ .. r.-rrl'l1 tu Cit~ EngiOI•t•r R . nul uf th••lr nww ,...sa· un'""' lniC t h•• fl'"'"''' 'I"" ''''I~ ,,f ",. 'I . ...',' ,::.'," ~" .. ~" •·n:•u'~";n mot~r I h,. , • ..,.,w~l "•h~oul•l l "'"I,"I.Jttll!ar•.: u ever ... Speaking of BRibnn, . a "'' " . no arges a 1 •. ~attrrl!()n IA'ho waJJ ~1v•·n IIU· un ,,,. .. h ""'' """'"Jiaflld by a ••lit• r woth,.ut l"'r"~'~~•·•n nf lh•• , 'l'llf•rtu·lot '" "riiVIIl" "'ldl· tv IIndo fl It• 1111•1 nl( flaJ>"r nr baven't teen John Vogcl riding A2:1 F. Rn Y F'rnnt, and 1\1110 lo 1 I hi _ h 11 1 ,. 11 , _. 11 1• '''1 ,. A (I"" """"'''''rllh)lo tll"ruulvn. I 10 h ... 1 b 1 "' lhnrll.\' to go ahead If ~ dl'('med rf'"l"l"" " 1""·-I•WII• • • " t•• ,.:111 V " , .u11111,, r •• ,,1, ,. 1,11 r •latt11 .. any of hll blkea yt't Bnl urn a Y .. ,. fWlt a~c m~..-.... f r ,. "' Jlalllt'lf'"'"'' In IJI)lh b y the eoun-, . . . • ··;~.· "' th•• plt>r. tl fl'RIIIble. llaA .. nnll•:~~ •• ·.·f'f,',""',. 'p .. ':: _ _' ( .... l~ff,.,.Rt, •l•·m••un .. r 1111•1 ~ulot•·\,1 '" " Ill• •·••II• • I'll Kn•l lu•·ll•ll"r• ••f tlw IIIHIII'nt'f!, ~~~ell'~:: ~~t.W~~C~U~~~~:;· ;~~~~ . f\on•ll !\f l'[>rn• •'r. !IUfl"rlntPnc'l, C"nn\s!'ll'tf lttt••r, Mr Pal l ~'rl'tlll -.,_... n r llo( l :)ll(l ••r Ill' ltr ~~~~ 1)10\'~ In Jutl I,•JI' 11••1 ,.,,Jn V •lltll'l'rnlnjlf t h,. ('roun<llrlllon J, I, lallt•ll WIUI nllm· ' ( I fl h !'A hi lht' pr011prrt WIUI nrJt rnrtt!'· I R. lludrkln"'l" -I'Nult of &It In ''''111•'•'1111' ,lh• 1'''""111'•· nl .' • 1,..olrll" 1\j("lll II W 111111 be aucUoned off at a war bond 111 " F: nn•· n r.rnntll' at A7.U· tllllrlv "rlrrht "'"rau!lt' nf l~<•lh th" "''''uro•n•·•• ,,,...,,..,. '" wtll«"h Ill 1111• h ''''''""I·' • r·t,.. f ""ol,:ktll . t "'' butl•liiiiC rnnlnol""""'"r and II aale ... Had a brttf and alm011t ~~~. fiiNl II rRthrt rompllrated rl'· " " " • "" '"' ha•l r•·• ~lvr•l "'' •.rm· wa• t1N'Itl,.ot . thRI 1 ht· ••ntml'll. o,,. profitable mecotlng with OlliE' 'Jill'!< I rn whir•h h,. 1\0UI:'ht pl'rmiM· rnnnJl')WI"r llhortagt• an•l a IOI'Rrl'l· IIHn"'''"·"''' trlrt " ... hUWII hy · .••• , I''''"' ··ol ''"' 'h·•J "' 'h•· ,.. . • I ' ,,,,,, 1111"11 (1••111 ,, ... Nompany <'I I" llltllrtii'V IHlt..l HIP hutl•lln« In· "ampbet'i last Sa_turda~· Thrrr "J"n '" ~ .. IJ th•• urr•'r hnlf n( hill ly uf fliP" At pro·~tt·nl. h•• snld,l " I""' ,.,,.,lc,.r ~I lnr .... w ''"' tim•• I" r••·n~ "h•• '"' "."' ~~ I Ito" till h •• k n,.w •ho•UI lh,. I I r h II ,. I f• r • ron· .... ., . • ll rfonul'd<•rahlt" qunntlty !lf th•· 1\ lth rahl,... Tllf' rhUd, a claurh· •••I frrr ••rtl•·l lrtl' """' • 11)•1•'•1 """'' ~ ' t h h I h I • .,., ,, • • ''" '. '•••• , t t t hlllfl rrnnt•rl\' t~t C"ornnn drl Mnr J " '''" _..,.,, "''" •• "' ""r' f• r,.n•··· nt nn •·ttrlv 11111r bu beeJr 1 nicE' run ° 11"11 rnu •'II v. '11 drrdu,. pine 111 bl'ln•• UR•·<l t•·r tof .1. \\ c "~,.,... 1~1 Rtlhy ••r ~II rAJ.:• • "" ll""''h •·' ~" I' '•"1\' 1 1 I " lately ' .. 1-llld "'ni<'P tnlk wHh Th•• 1111\1 l<•r wn.~ r~'f••rrNf In lht' .., ,. " '''' " l'h I l,.. llfll"rJtr'l'l"' A••kl'•l thht '""' "'"« ftor a · l•·m""rllrlly whf'rr a br~>nk rol'rur· "'""",.· """ "-.1111•• w1U. hrr o,h• II• r l)nd Wt lh "" "''' "' "" ••I one '0 t my ra,·orlll' prop!". g,,.,.,. •tl\' pl:tl'lfllnl:' rnmmis!llon. ".. "'"'''""'"' o11 th" r'h~t~~<• h•u••"· "'·•ni-At .. _~_... 1 r<'•l r<•r,.nlly in Ull' cllv II~'W•·r lin" ~:ranolfllllll'r """• tiN! a&tal'k,or· """'"1'1"1: ''' "1' "'"'~' '" vllul 1' \1 lit',\ ltOI,t~ UARAfiP:' ... .,,., 1 Smith, tbe other dll)' . \Vnnd••r , • ·-....,.,~ ~....., I t 1 1 I lit• ,... llnl rltnl( ln•l"'' lttt N,.J,,ll •l,.o·lllr-nrn r 1111 junrtlon with. lhr jtllnt • urr,.. · lloiiJOI 1' 111 ..... , " •·• "' ·' ' 1 1 1 I( • ":11111rt v" lit two, whrr h11• how the planning rommiMion """'' nr \ r 1 ti t II 1 1 1 •-•-•--•-... • 1 ·r·1 , "''· ''I hav,. ""'"'"IC I" ""Y" "11101"" "" nnl! 11 A lln 11 tout fall 9t'W•·r At thr mouth nf Lhe T-"'• •1-•.r "I"' ........-.. ,...,_, a, ~~ '"' hur .:1<" \' '"" '"~ "" .,, 1 ,1 .. ) II• 1111' ••••l•rlfllltlvr tmal· ~ h"' CAn tell (nlkll how i n ' 1 KP:TI'K!Iir.ll YKIIM f11U'AUU can get along until Nnv•'mbl'r. ••ur··d •II\' wntr·r .tnr AnothPr Santi! AnR rll•rr . l 2111 "'· t\A ,I tr•t~~t ""'-two",.. "hl•h '""'' "" Iott i•'"'"' thato " •· • 1,.,, l•·r '' "''"'t"'l ,f v•·arll. ~ ,., '' lh•· r·nunl'il linl'lnJ:" I'OINI At lhr timr lh•• brrllk <>r.t'Ur· r\hlhltlnr drflnlt. ala-of""-ptnrok ""'"'" ''~ t•·q••''''~"l 1'11 1 "'" ,.,,.,1 .. 1o1 lr""'IC''""'' <'~!.~~ \,~ hll~ /~;" .,;~~";z:~~ '"'·'~1111'1'11~ rtflprn\'AI nt lt\r llnnuAI r••ol, nr F,•lwnrti l..t'l' ftliiiii"IJ. Or-In« "'fJIUI." I'R ...... ......_t.o •ff,.,.t I \' •o( " (• 1••11\' ht•ol ' 11' 1'' 1 111 1 1 , 10 r 'IIIII) W I 'Moh AI II VI' II II" • '11 111' Rlll{t' rou11ty health nfflrf'r. rt'· •·&~•tuN' In lilY •-.......,., I·•• t.: I• "" "' 111•1'11'"'" ''' ,., , '" """'' ('h••VIttl,.t r;,.. 'ot '"'" ' •n~<r npp ra nnll Wl'rP ('lllrl~>d that thr OCI'An ·watl'r Wl\11 thl' animal " ... - -t.... Th•• 111 '''"''"" v. ''11 ' ''''' r 1 11 , • ,., .. , H••ll• h 11 w"" lo•arn. on the htland. An\,' takrnt"' ...... It 1 11 tl I _.__, _ _. .. _ I I I · body w..,rta know &nythlnjZ P ,:;,.,." I<U h )Prt' to 11pprovRI of lh~ Nontnmlnatrd for a t\.alr-mlll' hoMiy hr"llllfht 1.111 tiM! pollefo ata-I• t:ul • 111'' """ '"' "1'11 ''' .,. "1 • 1 ~~~~· _.,.,.k Th~ h11ll•lln• hmui. ut a• hort~u? A11k Jack Kt'n-h tt h rrt o f h til ...un 111 " Y ... Hav,n't gnt thr hrart ''11 " t'l'r "" n t ellt', • 8toulh nf th,. brf'&k 11n11 thl' r lty tl<on "h''"'' 1'\anrl • ahnwHI I•~''""· Afltllltrt•·nl• •I••'• fii(M, IC" , 1, 11,, 1,,11,1,1,.,. .. w"-r••la1Mt1 hy I ~hv R ll\' n ~lln•lm·al. rn\'!'rPd nf :'l:•·wrw1rt was Alllrl•?l tb 11tatlon nahlr" '" ,,.. tll'llhlwly P""""''· '"lo:"" nr Hl h•·l """' ''"' • .. 1, 1•1,1, ,.11,1 wtll hi' lrlUif'tl tn \ tell the etory about JudJCP J nnl'll n • f'llllt!lh kltnhl'n t() bl' loratrt1 l{llartlft lllnn~t thro benrh 10 pr.e· Th.-\'lrllm ... .,. ruahfod tn thr p,,,, Ito lhl' ''""l'••lf\Hol tl••t~llllll! q,, 11111111,.1:'1,,11 ll•"'''h •·nnl'f'rfl 3 hll muddy f«t · In I hi' fortnPr-l'iVIltlln dPttnlle Of•l vrnt bathing In l hat arta. 1 • ht"'(llt&l 1\ ho·r•· afHI Ill aadflr !Ill URtlhn th•• lll"llHI ''' 1 t1f111111 \' ••f t• , 11, •I• 1 •l<•ltl I hill tl\4' f'1rm"r • • • , fir" ror• ~f••F'ndriPn plllt'P ThP tlth-In thf' ,,.,.nt that lhl' l'llri0\111 ,,...,m .. nl. 'at·flnl ·hfom''" try )11\'••fllf~'• lou• . I' 'I'' Ill fill I'''"'" tfl !Jt·v•olr m<lrl' I 1VE ()()II' A TIP • r . fliNt ll\' John lf. Rardrr, Wlll llttfflrultJt'a ran bl' llurm•JIIntNI, "'u far ""' kno,WII oftl1 Ollfl h•·•·n· tn• r~nl!l"l1 •t••~<rlll\' ~~· ' •h• ' ' ' Ito lh•• hr,.,·•llnJC •ntl ralalnllf A lot of n~WIJ111prr~ ~eot 1\ rl'nl f••r n "(m•rl" rll~tj'\l'nsllry .tn bl' Ill· f:ngln••"r r>attt'MI(In lnt11rRl"!l t hnt Phlltl """ hlltN bat It ....... fllnrt •rf wllr nnol .,...,. I""''''•'"' 1,1 ,. 11,r••ll hnvllll( 'l•tllllf 'flab- Up on The Jnvaaltln from tht' '''1'''1 "1 1f'ir• T'nlm llli"<'PI Appll-lh" 'lt•·•lltl•nK might procred, M llr,·o•ll ,;...,.,lhl~ tlllat MJr1' lua\'" lv ~•1 •horlri'J.: .f-:n~tl•' \I""' 1 11, lltltl 1,,,,,,.,. .. ,,.n &II • hnbby Treuury Dept. Advert.lllrmrnta , llllr·n nr r R JohniiOn to OJH'n ti'IJU~IIt('d .....-n altark<'d. l'hlrr tfO\IICklnll'm ""I" • plui-rtnl' the Fifth War loan wt're " ,..~, •IIIAnt 'nt rtll f. CPntral ~tent out to Iota or p&perl. They '' "~"nr•rr"''"'l hv lhr c-ounrlt. tbe wer• to be relei!AI'd June 5 Th":V • tll(' .• t.h~hlll"nl hAI'tn~· prPvlnualy mentioned prominently that l hf' 1,.,., h •I l hi' Ukl'h nf H•I\Jth 0 ff1· tnvulon wu on. Which 11ho~ rl ••• r Ktn.c: that aomebody kntw what h t".AvU I. \' T' •"hua " mt>mbrr of th!' talklnl' about! . ... ""U<·· fllopartm,.nt tor the _put -----:~-/..,_ two \'I'R tll, llflJ'I\Itd tor lt'ave ot IIO\'INO TO &Ai"ca RO'ME ~.,q,.,.,~o,. tn rnl,.r lht' &rml'd tore- ,.~ \\'h,.n It w~11 p<')lntl'd out that Mr. and Mra Ben Cope of Cor-h" hnd l)l>•n wnrkln~r under t.h~ ona del Mar are movlnl' to their .:,~ · . C'IIIV" t~'mporary clau.ee ranch neu Blooml~l'lon, t.!allf. t hr•ousrhn••t' hill ...t.wo yl'are' Mrvle.•. th,. matt"r wu referred to tbe 8aft tor Vktcr)'l '1'\am In JOUI' ~wtt 11rrvlrt' cnmml .. lon for a rul- _.. ~ np. ....-. ,..... tn_l' on Q\e Nq1*i&- .· . ' -:·,- -. ftS lllfiiiUOII rG!f £~·11'170. D 011 Dl u.Ima'r;. .1'111"-111'-BO .... IIIfla'l' ~IN aiiFIIItiW .. .OIID. The vreeteat eveol in the haatory the "!orld. ei.Dce the ad went' of J"u~ Chrl•l on e~~rth, beqen on June 6th.when Allied ''~I•• landed Oil the ihorea'of conquered Europe 1n •; cruaade lo lib•r•t• the ~ople h om Germi\D tyranny. Our valiant troope haw• I he b.cltrnq of llberty lo<rlnv ~pie •••rywhere. • 'But preye~ and qood wi•b•e are not e nouQh fo1 the Wtnnlnv of • modern war It take• wupona, m"nltlona, equlp•ent and food-b tnmna- ol•dollera' worth of them. That'• where we ~tey-•t·homee can help. IUY WAA IONDSt -- '" l.ttf At. Rr;KIUF.NTM I t. \\ r. f''UR t'NPf'(T1HN • • ''"HI l•· .. t•l•·nh l,.ft N~'wporl •· 1 •I• ll''i thl" tlli;rnlnJC for V'll· 11 1 -~~ \ l11tlur t llm Into th• ~'vy, ,t ...... r,.,.,,rt,.t1 by A J. Haym~n .. , ,.,. ''" •I tlr•rt bt)ard. l'r, t•·r lh,. I"~"'J'Ip of IUI'h• r I II ... Wrl~eht nf N"wport S..Ch. •I • .,,, tn~e,.nt lnr hldf-11 ,Jamf!tl W II •' h• •l"k, form•r actl"-P'*· .,, ,.,, r At r o-..ta MMa: Jerry L .• , f fi~>nl' HarttH. e-ta M._ I.:A.ut" 4"d Ha"J W. UMtJ a1Mt M~trvlf, J Jurtc"· ~of~ r 'II v fo~11t.;ln••• 1 It n•lltrn•••l Httll'lnv •·v•·nlttl( frflm C'hl• "lo:'• who·r,. h,. ~tnol Hup,.rvlw•r WIJII" If W~tr11r1 hrorl r••J•t''ll••nt· '''' lltllfiJ.:fl r~olllll v Ill tor•..-ltnjlfa M I h•• A nto•rtr·11n Rh••r". ~tn•l rwadl l'r""''l v" ll••n A 111111 . anti I hr P'•t1· ••r11l lr.rolll•r>l II"'"'' ~:nl(ln••rt Pat. l,.foto,·,, {",'l"•rlrtt llolll It Willi v,rry h~tf "'"' •nil ry ltr t hi' fl:aal anrl th11t l••lnll ,..,.,,, •·1••w•l•·•l 11lmt111l ll"V'''"' ••oitlllrtln• "· , hui1•lr•••l11 uf fl"rl"'"" hdnK ·r •• r, •••1 '" "'""'I In 1hr llll'lr• Who•n lhl"r•·· Willi no lrong,.r "v"" •ta11•lln1t r11urn •vall- llhll' '•I• I hi' I r•ln. •"'•r!'a <of wuultl · l)r tr .. v,.h•rt~ with ll<'kr l./t 111,.1111V. fl'lrr hiiAI'rl, w••r" lrrt "" th•• pllll· fnrm• "' •tatllma "" rui1 tr ' ~~~~F.U f'flNnNUP:NT A mt11•d rnnttnr•nt uf I" men l,.n N•w,rt Hoo'r h ~t y~•r­ day momlnlf llllmr lllatl'ft tnr Navy .,.rvlr ... annrl' hrlnk h•attood fnr lhr A rmv. an'•t •liP nth,.ra ., •• U.., ft:W \Nir flral Jlftr•ral ,.,... f"'UP wu In charrt-·of 1!. J:. Ill· flott ot ........ - • • ' I I I ~ ' ., I . . • • I ' • • ' • I ' • , .. l'· r· . ' I , ., I ~ .. .. .... _.t Betty Crocker Am Engagement at Bi A ~Lrtbday party wblcb &Dto a IUJliMM enN"emt ~eot pe.lty wu J l. Bett~ Crocker of Ba.lbo6 father. J"lre chid crQCiter &Mclri~' onu woo~y n11o:h wt&Jte IICI"'lla aDIIOUPCfd U! ... marnaae ot t.be ~ h Uea1 8Jt. JOMpb J. ~ ol Houatan. Penl\8ylvan ta woeddlnf tt.u hu be#n 1 ATT~NO .. £ETING H . F. l<enny of ULiboa • U.. mHUIII ol lht <"1 MaU Cham~r of Comru• J.,ca AJI&eldl, alttlnJ In at I6Do oo blchwaye. Ot l'r• &ac wtrr Wa .f'r FriU\% ~th Cout Compuy. w ~ w•ton.a on lnduatr 6tn Finl'h. prult!ent nf lh port Harbor ·Cbamt:M,r of ~-Eari-W ~. . .an: and ~· Peyton. MORTIMER SCH 302 Cont. ~lbOa '''· tRJM.n:a ICIIOOJ OpeM 1Ul1 6; . 0,.._: Coetep a PI .. btell N-llelltc l&ee ~.A .... Ot ll,...r, M. A:, 0 ttrleclpal Phone AN.NC CAROLY witl opens CUT -FLOWE pOrr taK llarWe Ave. _1 , JSEFORE Y~U .I I , .• PAl ··DR.,. OPEN~-· r~?'! -. . ~r, ~ Jay.. S) ' . . Stealu • Cho) ... Fount. ICE ORE.UI ANl Our \Val Mr.ucl 1184 Newport 1 Phon4 COl • I ORE ·WOMEJ MEN'S WO\ . -· l'agc 2 ~ Nli:W'POftT-BALBOA PRESS Launching Breakfast EXAMINATION DAYS ay w. ta:E MAXWZLL Honors Members of Ill tbe .ehool roon\!'1 ttbout. thU. time of year. ~he chil- Graduating CJas• dn:n are t..e and wurrk>J. Tht:ir routine is broken by the Nt:WPOB ... ·IIALBOJl PRESS Plllllt•h~·~t every Tbun<.lay t'vt<nlnr at Newport Bt'l<"h, r altt"m.ID .\t• mhH fl 11( the fl'cNatinl Ol'\leal of uaminutwns. Th€'y are confronting a test-a {ltf1r1• ""d Prlnllnc Plant at 2211 Cout Blvcl.-TtiltpbonP Jill 'I , ''",. "r :-.lt:wport Harbor UIUOil trial that CUl't bt• t•vadlod. 1-:x1·uscs are not valid. Bluffs J::nt• ll'tl ,.,. ~~~·nnd-cl;;. -mat!A!-;:-J;;'n" 18. ltHO, at U\e po~~t otrh··· Ml llo,•h '" h•••l and Nt•wport ~ don't count. Tbe ClOIY t htng to Ju. i1; to meet the test and do .., rt (I h c-· f l .• lh A~t of .... rr h ~ 1"711 I ;, '"'""" ·~hool. who are al.o . . ~ .. wpu ••ac_ , .... o_rn a, unuer e , .,. .,, " , ..__ 1 . ,,,,. 1s ••t thu sun•tny Scbool at on(J a -~ LarJ-t ,.U rl"'uatSoa I• N .. wport IWtlo! .,... 4 • ~~~ ''hun:h by lh~ ae.. were Tbe ~ that <·t1mes with t·xamination tim& is u~er- 'Pop.Ja' rp~ o( ~~ 'Pwplu I ,, •I ··d Sa tur.jay at a "Launch-tainty . .....__ UD""rtatnt." comes from a consriousnc~:~~ {hat ___ .......;__ 1 , Ht<'ukfrtllt" arrun"~d by liM &QIC ...... • \\'111 A Maxwell and ·w. H. Hltl'hm~n. owner• and f'ubllahPr8 1 t 1 •·~~n poorly done or not done 1 ·1:.t~ , wu. a grea many thmg-:. llt\'t' lA.... • • WM. A. MAXWELL, Editor ·, h• •~n111r1 wcrl' welcomed by at -'l. ""--•-;., 8 ~.-h"w·dCIWII ', t'l brings out all the negli-w. H.JUTCHWA.N. Circulation and Ad\'erllllng ., u .ac ._".., ~ .., • NELL MURBAROER. Local New• E<Jitor \·. · 1 ~frl);mald, clad pruldent. genoe &Dd enor that have crept into the e veryday work of _ __ _ ___ __ _ _ r ,1 •~'>Jill; wntch Fred SbaAc1 o1 ( 1 'The p,_ hu Men ad~ect a newa,..,_r ot rencr&l CU'C.UlaUun by Lh• 1111;h KMol gradual~ claM the achoola, U we were !lure <If t!1c past we sho uld not ee ~··4'1'1'e or tile Superior court of Oranl't' County and II fully (Jualtfl•'ll j.. ,. ,. u brief talk on .''Hlrb ScMol BQ much ..__ .... of the future. Examination holds no tetTOnt to pubUJib &II lUnda of lepl notlc:ea and advt'rt\al'mf'nl.l t W I " Barbara RaAcl, ~ hi ... >~";;, 3 ... n;~ ~11duate,. Ulan an-for the pupLl who knows he hiu; done his work thoroug Y 8UB8CRJPTION RATES ~-.. ,... In I ll.lllj..'•' C'->unty, $1.60 per ~ar. Out.aldl-o( Oran~ C11unty f :! ()() ·' ,. ... \\llh "li!l:h School A..plr-:;nd Well from day t o day. ··= •1....... t;,·uup ~>lll~lng wu led Tbe younptt-rs lnbor unrlt•r· :tn innocent delusion that Att ~"'-......_, Robt I· ~''"· L.u.lle Hummack. h h I . t ' d wiU be 41Tnt•y vo:n ... _ . Kenny i.aauea the foUowmg I 1\lh"l gueata Wl'rt VIVian w en they are thrhu~h sc 00 t'Xanuna wn .ay~ . I l mwly warning: "WatCh for aplitting tactica. Guard a~ain:-l \.;' ·~hll. Kllngu1an .Miller, Fred a ·thing of the pallt. li\lW li~tlf.' t~ey kno~ ~f reahtJes. All tht• laiJ .. r hawr. Wat~;h the man who makes wisct•.ratks :-1 ""· 11••11 Halt-y, <:ar<il Wolden· our Uvea every one of us JR fa<·ang peruxllcal seasons of ..... l II J N C h ll H . I, IO:. Kathlt>cn Sadlelr, Shirley. ~-'--.. • f t h .. •h I "'lm are but play ~~~~u H' ew. egro or at o c. e la a Hitler guerrtlln." 11 1 111 ruHI Jean .. tte ~ook, of tM ~Xcua~woa 4DU the tesL<i u l Rt oo r.,. -• •. 11 llr hno1. a rrrt-Eiotltli j§ beside tttc. that come-m the-round::t of the workaday . That w&.a a greweome joke the black .market rackc· I•• , I l'.llt••ls''"· t..oren WI ' world. I ed . • \1, ,. •, 1)' Cuf••ott. John Kel · t ' t l:'t.•r::; Jl ay ·on the women who thought they were buyln~ , ••.. 1 u., h1,111 Haml Dorta Bl _ LUte clUJd.rton in s<·hoot, we clread these testlllg 1mes g<:nuine nylon itocki.nga at fancy prices. The hol'llcry wns ·•. r.w1·h;a M1llo·r, s ue Hume, chleny beca.e of a consciousnrss that we ha\'en't learned l;oKus. but the dear l&diee could not kick without admitting 4 · · '1·" Shook. nnd 4nn Tay· our lee~ u we should. We know, when the inevitable lh h d ~ d 1. . t. · , 1 h !'TIIIuntar school. t th price Tbu.nday, June, 8, 1944 / • We don't want an ''INYA~ION" -but we do want you to step over and inspeet our choice MEATS • " GEO. TAYLOR, Owner . 2UO Ocean ·Front •·y a ~.~Wn., ea tng with la..,·brea.king 'dcalcn;. , ,1,11 ~, all• n·lm~; "'~re Corp. ~>how-dotm comes, that we are pretty Rurc o pay . c . ----• 1 ~,,., LMe H.wuuaek, Mr. and of ne«llrmce and trifling a,nd truallt•y. \Vp have a f~ling :==:::=::=;;::=:=;:=;:=;;;;::~;:;;;::==::=::~~ \\'ht•rt· is· Benito Mu880li.ni ? W~ were jus( wondl·riw: "' \\' 11 Mdl.uudd, Rev. and that aomebow or other there i~ goin~ to bfo an exposure-1 If Ill' Jlt.~p<'\1 ~ut of !Jle_.do,g hoose to aee U.e Allu:~ annn·: ~~~ .. ~-;,.:~~/:;,;::·•~t rR:~t~d,..~~: to ouneln~~ at least-of o~r o~·n rccreancy and shortcom-BADJO' IBBVJC£ mu1 d1 rntn Home. It ~u f-our Years ago this WL·t·k that ht· " ~:11"11rn ings. So we hate our t>xammat tPn days; but ·we cannot es-1 rlla•k tlllt• p f ~is ~mltfatic epeec~ (rum the p.duct.· b. II· 'I ol•l• ·•·• nratlool;~ "'"r" in charre cape them. '1-. HOME a AUTO • MARINE II h. • • \1 1.• \\'111 T111~t v an!l M,... M. d th' t C:l•n.\' !11 It· as people .they w-:re to atab France an th1· huck ~11111111,. , ... rvmg, Mra. Fred Here .. a young fcllow w1th :1 big heart an a u·a RADIOS' REPAIRED nnd J'"'' ll1tkr in dividing the spoils of conquest. • ,, .. ""'1 th, ~11" Ht•rman Barnee, for. pleaaure. For a time hi' i;; pruOigate in his spending. MARINE ELECTRICIAN ' ----• lli 1'y1 us ~t1ll~•. and Wn. Oua .rec~ in bia indulgences. H 1• l'hnseR the wil\-o'-the-wisp -_ The situation lri J•-fy giv-the paU"nt IU'('P'" '·'' • " • '1'1 r$1 . pmf.:fllm, ilr. MCDOi\. . --d t Aft -a W~<! refearnrenm\!nmtt' tatt(' ~-~-----. ·---• oa--............ ---~~---. uu· ...., " ..... ~ l'liD· • I ,on tl klr•'h•'ll Mr1. Leon R. tn MallOn &D OU · er ''"'" " A .. , A qucrcd nationa an ina'ight into the diff€'rence lx•tw(-.•n (;t·r· 1 . •"l!<•lll M r~o H · c owen and day. He fhmb; ana findR out that some RtUdY, ,m~st be · • ma_n 1Uld A.meriQn methoda ·of wqing war. Tlic Gl·rn1an" '1 .I <' Blllln~ors. 1' given to the laws of nature. had looted Italy or ad vahiablee and atripJ~t'd it of lo ... 1. but Here -ta-tr'~mnnest~ mnn trtnling the ·dolla r a~> ardently whC:'n Uie Allied troope came in they brou,;ht with t hl'lll What! No Tree? as a f-ox·hotmd on the scent. Vacations are fnr iul~r.s. So- trainloads or food and medical eupplie1:1 an•l proct'f'olt•l 11, ·' t c • '" "' t rrm~'ntloua m-.. clabillty ia ·a mark of weakneSN. Civic mat ters are ' fo r re ('St.~bliMp orderly civilian .uove~nt. ''1 1 ~~~~ 1'' k··w·t.l thr •l•·cllnln« formera &Dd fanatics. A family is mere ly· a but:~ len t o be 1!> •l" .. r l'1•1•1ln thr l'ldo•rly. ee· --...:....-• . 1:1 1!1• ,, , ftlr•• ''"II of The carried--eD obligation to be Jischaf'ged by a checkbook. The la test GaJJup poU shows Pl;lblic Oftlnlun nlmw<l 11 4 .,, ,.rwul I r Jt•urnal. H .. Somtrumee he d£>fers examina tion day, but he cannot es- t·\·enly divided on the meritB of Franlclin D. Rool'Cnlt and ' ' ''''1'. ,.,, rv m•lml~ upon cape it. Wl.at a failure· he makes-this man whose wisdom r ,.; •1 Tht• J"urnl\1 Mfk:e for t• u 1'hnmus E. Dewey as presidentiaJ candidatl's. FIJR ll'lldH-,, . w 11 ... ,.. h·· ls r•ruployed u ~u hil pet OOJlCe~ and whose c~ntempt was all for those m t}lt! South. with its 148 e~ectoral v~tea,-while l>C'wl·y has .,, "' t.!••·•t•·r •·~ "II who ent4!1' who falled to keep hie pace! After all his years of exper- n ,.It~ln l~ge in the Eut Central, West CenLral nod Horky 1 • · 1'" fll•rtaht. •• a. rouu,. ience he mu.t atart in .at the bottom and l~arn something ;, 'I" r \t•·rt uf th" •nu'll but -weU-.M uuntnin states, with their 187 electoral \'Ott's. Thts indi-,1• ,., 1 11" 1n trnnt ot An· about value~~. t<ak.i that the main batt~rounft of Ule campaiJfn wiH hi' 1 '"" \1 ••11• ~ , . .,, tul:\l~'B"·Amer-Here i.e a girl whose heart is a s lave to ''anity and Phone 2417 1111 Coat Highway NEWPORT BEACH COME IN AND SEE US! IF . YOU CAN QUAUFY WE WIU HELP YOU MAKE OUT YOUR APPUCA- TION FOR A TIRE CERTIFICATE. • a long' the at a tee bord~rtng the Atlantic and Pacifir nrc•an1«, "1~' \~· ~ : ~~i ~;~ndtt?;. ';~= whoee ~hta ate centered on frivolity. Other girls have whil h have " total or 196 votes in the electorul t·ollc~t'. Rut 1 :~ •. 1 It· "'l:llfl"r•·4l tn"rrdullty, foUowed the aame broad highway t o sorrow and shame th(''*' IJCil'nti(ic gue15fe8 may be '-changed zten·rul tarnt·S Itt•· I J ,, ..... nt, lh• II hl\tl'r lndlgl\a• since th(e beciJuUng pf time : but she is "different." Ex,am-LYLE POPE J nn: November. I'' fl urHIJ: 11"" ni~:hl thr tree ina lion day eomes quickly wlth girl.e like this. And society 1 1 h· , n • h"l•(•• •I down Sporll)'. A880CIATED 8E&VIC& ----• "1 1o.l• nt n h'tH'"'" .. r wholeaale sometimee refUMI8 them another chance, e\'en when they ~~=======:.::::;:::;;:;;::::;:::2::;::::~:::===~~ Thn~ who may be war-weary and incUnl'<l to yidd t11 · l•l.wtul._ ra~h"r lh~n t~ ,., .begin at the foot of the claas again. • • -. ~ '-.1.. ,,,,If'~· I~ offo•rln_~: lht )\IUijSaome un.., • I h " b k " 'th t mpul IDRII~IOUS propaganda for a nelfotiat.ed pea~ tlftOU)d ftnol 't'\' •rl rof 00,. lArK,.-~~ ro . ~ -n--a-Y are n SO ~_oat ~0 · e ~C .up _WI OU CO _ - hUUilra tion and courap i.D tM wonderlul reeord o' ~(:hi -1.-r..,uWion l.l:A•IIng t9 a btte m llton on the ..... and 11plntual atdes-of life? Why o o we De&! people" who have "been at war with the Japan~ in· lh· '' ~.: f•o(' th•· ln\'""~"lers.tP van · try to dodce all4 pojltpone perpetuai!Y the Ulating time of . . . ''"'' whn r•·mn\'t•d hll fiiVOMU h , A ut•'-f ill h lth d . hu...-v;ng \'afftl.rs ~or aeven years. Repeatedly, dunng th1s long Jl(.•tltHI t··, Hvnl'8-('l•·•rn·ater J oumaJ c a racter. .-symptom o · ca sen s us .. f". or a nguish, China has.aeemed on the verge of total •lt·r•·:et l · __ to the doctor , and a word of warning pu'ts us on an even nnd the Japs ha.ve moved in for the kiU, onlY to run ~h>~1d· 1.mn nnw.: Rt~allJ.AIUzr-D keel again. A bad we-ek or a poor month on the ledger starts ~n mto a new Chinese oHerusive. Considering tht•ir uiC'k .. r "' toi'~>O n\\'SJ:R'!4 AMEN~ uH hunting for the accountants to -find the leaks in our bus- moc.lem righting equipment, and the . f.ac:t that thl!ir ene-; \1 \\' Oat·I<Jjll'\n, 92!) VIa Lido ineaa, and &-bllanoe sheet gi\'CS U.S resolution to retrench mil's hovl' aJl the weapons of mOt ll'm warfare. the rt-C~.>nl '-'1 · 1''1•urt•··l 1!' 1'011"" F!''lay or increaae our efficiency. But the really vital examina-. h i th11t •"nw \loll' ~·tw.-~n · . . ( ~·f .~ h<' valiant Chane8e is remarkable indectl. , ,,. :!\ "'"1 lhnt dll t .. h tll rnl· tiollll of our moral anct spantua-l stRtus we re use to count c~, Ru~ and Upholstering 'CLEARED A COMPLITI UNI Ol FLOOR CDVERINGJiJ. lOll YOUR R!OUIRININT~ LUDLUII CARPEr WODI SANTA ANA 1622 8. WalD St . ._,...,...---• , • r. ... l b•···n t>ur.:larl~~:••d -and worth while, · With no desire· to'T'"snipe" .at the GO\~('mmt'nt ·~ fun·i~o I 1' r lhll' lof'll uhll\lnl'd Accord· We ought to take our lx•aringg once in a while. w~ ~---------------------.--. --1 . . . . . .., l" t \'lol•>nro· urw•n·rr<'•l by In· d d f d t ;::;::;::;:;;::;:;__:;_.;;,;..;:;,.;;:__.:.;;~=.,----=~~-=-.--:.; pnhry, whtch u a btr: JOb beang WE'll handled by St·~·rl'lafy . •·•llll&:;-•tlll~ Mflfwtc. thcrt wt re ought to put ounelves on the witness stan an IJl ou Hull when there Ia not too much inlt'rference ball('fi Ull<•n 11 '· .... , th,...•· I'•'Mioo• tn"olved who we really are. We ought to make a rew comparisons pt)litic-al exJ:M'dien.cy.'' we beline the nation·~ rt'latillnR with ' ·1 '11• h1.1~larv wi{h lut year and ten years ago occasionally to ascertain . . ""''"""' "'"'"" lnrludl<d a jfl'ren · ....... 1 a;. • • ·11lli~l eountriee could be improyed if a Jot of unu(f~aal ,.,,1.,,,,1111,. "l'"ftJ J"r ket, P"lr or wheU•er we haft gone" ahead or s hprou uack m our mner ~1':<'8mm were kept at heme. 'the-viJUt ol an Am<.'ric[ln ~~~~~~ .1:11~· n. ·~"'·l'•l fllr•n..ll.elll.' pair J ev.elopm.e.nt. ,. ~ - pncat w RlUIBfa to ru-uu the Polish QU(>8ti()n waa follow-I .... l~, .......... "'""1 hltlllk.-fs. t•ltTtnc' Examtnation da'y.. after all. a re only yardsticks to de- ~ . . . R . b E . • • • t• .1111 fr•·t'Z•·r. 'll"lrt or !::rotrh · · h •.o~ d ··•I IAlH Wet'k w1th a specch-makmg tour m USSIR Y ~nt·· , 111 1 ,,, ,.,.111t.,,11 flUI\Tl or a1n. tr rrnine hnw much we have grown.·Whcther t ey are urea - Jnhn~>tnn. president of the Chamber of Com mer<'<' (I( tht' • 1 ' 1 •'} ~-~~ r -1·"" g,.,·,·rAl 1:•111•1 II N1 or w. eknmed II up to ourselves. And it iR a .. sure axiom l 'n•t<·•l States. Other "uno.l(icial" representatiVl'S of tht• 1 1 ~· 'Pr!11U! "'''''' nbt"11•1Pd. that when we dread them worst we ~ced Uiem most. l .S A. a rP gi\·in~ advice in various parU of tfle world. and ; "Ch~C'rk up" occasionally. Your grade card may be J I t 'l '11 . I . t bl I ( \It TIIIF:t" .\I'I'Rf:IIF.S[)t:U h l d w . tin M ••wr 1 •r a Q1' .1 WJ u.vo ve us an r ou e. 1 w o etKJm<-an UIIWla g. • • , -· l'r• I • ,. l ~ hlwo.l• h•·r . of Mlrl\ !11 ol ;\1.tllll· .\•r ll••·'"· wll.'l ar-1 -11 Wkfl fo ur yelln ago this month that th€' trnppC'ol ,.,., ... 1 , ,,., ~~ ..... 1,,,. nh•rolnll •m . --·------! . . . bl I . b'bl' I '""'•" h 111 '" l'"~'~··~~l!•n (•f nn IU·Il 0 , ~ ~ · BritiRh army of nearly 400.000 mt'n made its m iraculnu~t lt.lto ... J~l.••ul \\h•r•· l••rt~l pnll<'l' I 'u.~ o« I'RC:\(W _from Dunktrk-a maracle compRra e to t ll' ' I· 1 • ,1• llv ~t .. 1 . ., ,. .. , HrnuJ:ht tn i U4c,. r~tl story of the parting of tht' wat€'rs of the R€'cl ~-a. an1l ,,h,• ,, ll •·•n. h·· ,,,,,. lnt"r tumed 1 · ma,ll' pofiMible only by 8 providential cha ng• in the. wt•ather '''l'r II•. I ~·~~~ ll··!ltll 1\Uthori\lt•!l Exclusive 'I.adies' Sportswear. th~t ))('rmitted m<l8~_,or the t roops t o take to hundreds of r . . --. --: - smnll boat.N and move throu~h the miRl aC'ross thl.' c hanri1·l 'lll~o ts ~ ot TJSO g co l .. d f t 0 k. '-th h I k I ~nn b . t-.unl•t r•,.l•l•nl~ "' Wl'llt Ylr· U~ t o ,.,ng an,, an sa t' )'. un •r~. o~g \!0 £'< UJ ~ a.:'""' wtll h••l•l "". nll-•lay plcnlc · J4M~J. Hr4 Nn1.i braggarts as a great German \'Jctory. mny well ht' ,, llrtl .. u J1111• 1' 11 ~yl'anmrP l regardro by historians a.s the'lurning point in ~h~· wnr.:. f·:r · :, .. ,,. r·•rk. J.-... •\n~k•. 219 Marine Avenue 710 Eas.t Central if the British army hacl been captured nr nnnlhtlnt(';l 1t 1:-1 1 . . , .alboa Ill••• ·~~· d btful if Britain could hll\'t' held out until America <'11· t """ lh.lt ~ 1•1! ·"'" f'•·WI'Y have ____ _....;·;.....-------------------4 OU . jO::"t 1 h•• •l••lllllt.ll lntl ~~~w••d up. -tere<l the war ~d the RuSIIO-Germrln alhancc WI\S brnkt'n. 11• n Ill tho\ J.:"lllj; to derldt ----------=- . ., • l ll•tll•r ''' nm ~ :-------------------------- One of the problems conff?nling th£' !IJ't••·i :~l ~\·~~i•'O ~r the Caljfomia legislature concerns thr r:ul'ing-,,f Hr h•'lil te~chera' plariea an.d libera.liution of the lt':wht•rs' rt't irt'- ment (unci Jaw. The lllwmak~nl are indin<'li h 1 tnkt' ~10\<' action toward equallizing th~ pay of teacher~ w1th that or other workera and wilt doubUeu do so un)cRs thl' Califor· nla Te&chen ~iatJoo. wllicn hu become not> Clf the moet menacing pree~~ure groups in thf' state. kill11 thr J!OOS(' that Jays the golden egga by demandin~ t no mul'l1. Thnugh I teachen' aaJariM have be-en adt anccd fr•'"' time t11 tin'le, they• have not kept pa~ with ad,·anccs in ot ht'r linrs· Clf w~. It may be aa.ld with crt'clit to the tea_chin!'t prnff'sRioA that many mnaU .cboola•would have .been rloRl'd hn•l it . ..not heeD for tM Joyal~ of ~achet'fl tn thc CIIU~t' nf publi(· 1 education. Spe.lrine of tM pror,oMI to incrt>a~ ~tAt.• n1J f elementary eehoo1a froiD 180 to s-80 ~r yrar J)('r Jfupil. t:: ~ecutiVe eecretarY of tbe UIIO<'iation sa id N'~ently '1f DINNf:.a8 TELEP~~ERATORS ·NEEDED -· Service mea and War Work~n qre all depending upq~ our girl• at the switchboards. Good pay ·wJtOe learning and· regular increases SOUTHERN CALmNIA TELEPHONE CO. .... 7 • 100 E. Bay Ave., BalbOa , OR · 514i N. Main St., Santa Ana .!t vai/ability CerJilicate Rlqulr:e</ ' . CONRAD SHOOK_.. A.ND BUILDER P_ o. Bo• 2 0• For Building an airing Information Bag Dlllrlct bumber Ca •. WALTSR S. SPICER, Owne._r KE .. OB'I' BEACH J II It•.. Mit~•.., '""'•",....•• .. ....... II SO -------------.-~~----------------------------.------- Elegant Gifts. Diamonds • Jewelry Pearls e Watches e ·Clocks Silvervia"te e. Dresser Sets ~ ·At H. R. Trott's Sycamore at Fifth Streef SANTA ·ANA 1 Phoile 5618 . .BUYU. 8. WAR BOND81 f&U to apeDCt the 1D01MJ to prepa:re our·yo'uth properly ;: the .eh~ .. wm .,...s tt -"ral times over t o support the 00 reUef, Ill retormatlarila or ]X'nit~ntlnries. Th ere Is ~untllll the erl8ll tJaa1 fu. our grade ~hoot aye; =..: It eaa't do tbe job. If tt.t. ct.ied adequate rupport.'' CLOe1iD OM JIO!ifDAft ' ' ~---+----~------------------------------------.J_ ~ ~·~ ........ -• • ; f • ,_I : . . -. . . I ' ' , . '\ ·..J....-• Tbureday, June 8. 1944 NitWPORT·IW.BoA PRlD8S ·• Pap 3 ··-·-. . ......... irt••··· .. ·•·••·•· .. ~ .. ~··;,s; .. ;s .. A._._. .. ;a. ... ;a.._.., M.'l.ll .... fl: .....••.•.•• ~.« .. :.. .. ~ •• ~ .. ~~..u.; . :.: :•: ............... : .... . I • PERSONAL-- .. 7 I--WONDER • • I ·.-- . . Dl ··· W• ,uu hav• 1om• Qood buye in bluff and eand lota on both Oc.en and Bay aid ... · A f•w "top" l•v.t lota, too $6,000 _.,;.. I1JLL ..... . • SOLD ''OF couaa II' IOLD, &'I' ·YW ... cr ·- I V&CAII'I' Lcrrl FOB SAI·E··IILOCB 232 LOT. , ONLY FOUR LEFT. LOT. -.nnR HURRY" 1 .. : ........................................ · ......... $1,000.00 SOLD S ................................. -.................... · BCM».OO ,S()LD · 2 ;_;.... .... .... . . ..... ..... . .. .. ........... $1,000.00 SOLD 4 .... :... .... . .......... ....... 825.00 I!JOLD I SAY rms· SALE -HAS BEEN SO SUCCF.SSFUL 5 ............... : ............................. ~ .. ·. ... 150.00 SOLD 1 ........ .' ....................... ...... ..... ... . ... 150.00 SOLD 9 ... : ........... : ................ :... .. . -~·-· . . 750.00 6 . ....... . . . . ........ . . . 100.00 SOLD H . . .100.00 SOLD 10 ................................. ,....... uo:oo· SOLD • BECAUSE OF ... "' THE VALUES OFFERED; / THE TERMS OFFERED; ~ . 11 ........................ : ...... ·-· .. . . .... '750.00 12 .. .. .. .. .... 850.00 SOLD THE F-ACT I WAS NOT STINGY IN THE USE --.... OF ADVERTISING SPACE IN B(RII OF . THE . LOCAL NEWSPAPERS; THE HONESTY OF OUR TRACT .SALES MAN- AGER IN OFFERING. THE· PROPERTY ~B SALE; • • mE (X)-OPERA'.tiON OF-THE REAL ESTATE BROKERS; Tlie Fact That t he PUBLIC knows· When These Lots Are All Sold, There Just Won't Be Any More at . T\lese Prices .. ·-..-BECAUSE: ' Buyers Will Th~n Have to Purchase From These·~ar­ sighted' Folks who H~ve Been Smart and Bought F(om Us During This L~quidation_ Sale. . . /, I Said Before This Sale Began-Yes Before the N~w Zoning Law Was _Passed-That· If· the Set Back. Line on th~ Blutf Properties Was Not Removed, I \Vould Be Forced to Sell These Properties in the Best Way I Could. ) · . A -. . ·Then I Adv~rtised I Had Formulated Definite Plans of P rocedure For the Sale o~ All Our Corona del ~ Mar Properties, \Vhich Procedure· aas Resul~d ~ In the Prices and . Terms Establis~ed and Sales Made-Both In Those P-roperties Inchide~ In the Liquidation Sale and Our Other Properties. JOHN SHER~OD HARRIS ..... , ...................... REMEMBER-We still have··Business Lots A FEW ONLY ... on Shore Av~nue, opposite the big sand beach on the _ Ocean s ide,. C~rona del Ma~. REMEl'IR~R--\Ve have a few ideal ·Residential- ~· Income Sites on the Sand beach, Ocean side, too. TIIEN TOO, REMEMBER--As k Mr. Rhoden to show you t he unsold lots we have iQ the Bay Cove, Corona del .Mar. PROPERTIIS, IIIC.. 'l'eleplao•• ..-•hO. 7au 'Jae 1_. IIIII II. I ~ ......... Ce"'· I -. See .Mr. TJ. Rhodlit, Tract Sales Manager . . . . . YJoact Otflee ·•• ..... .,. ... 'coao•a ....... IS & Por. 16 ......... :, .. . . 1,000.00 i-· ~ 14 & P.or. 16 . . ........... ................... ~,100.00 ...,.._. Bill. Lot &..,.. l"rtcle . A·U I uao.M • • 1,25 .... • uoo ... 5 u ...... ••• 1,800 ... , .UM ... 8 ·t.MO.II II '') 990.01 I! -·· .,. !190.01 .. 990 ... 15 !IIHI.ot' .. !l()t ... .., !1!10.01 18 000.01 .. 9!MI ... II ~·I ' '11 - ' ' PACIFIC l) R J\1£ - 9 t. 0 '(. ~ ~3/ ~ . ~ ,z32~ .. • GO s.(U;P 5-EI'tVIE'W AvE ·r , r . ' , , J , . ,.,.._., s.-w ~ r-• -J>t "' ........ ,. .... ~ .. ,.,.,. Jiba. ·~ ...... ........ H-~ ...... l"rtcfl 1111&, ........ 11 A-13 tfl ano.oo . 100 ... aa Mold A-M II) 1 ....... 11 !I .. , .... ........ ,.... .. , ...... ...... BRoW . H 100.00 eno ... u..w 16) -teo.• II (!Jold ~!I tl11\.CNI · fiUO.OO R " 1,1115: .. 2t IIM.II(I too.CMI R Meld H . ...... tl\) 1,1\11\.CIII 1M.OO R Mftld •• 1,121\ ... %1) .. ;...oo a MOld '" 1.1111:00 ...... a ........ a 1 ....... 11 ..... IIO.eo IUMold t lh R %It ) __ .. .,,.... . !Il l ... .., ... , VltO.OO R u, 1-,3111.001 !If) . R l'ur. U ) , I 8. ,: ... Oil fl.fljiO.OO R Mftld H I z,nii.OOt 2 ' 2,2!WI.IHI I ,fNifi.OII R Mflld lll) ) ,, t .'lr.ct 011 1.114111.00 " 10) • 'l.tl\ll.IMI 111141.011 R Koold ftl 1,1111.041 II 2,2/Wl.OII lt!HI 00 R Koold .. , 8 ti.fNt,flll I.IMifl 00 fl. M11kl ...... aiHold ..... UMold A ·!141 lot.M UMold ... ..... UMold ...... UHold ....... u !Wld ...... U Mold ._._ ---~ .... RI-Rrooldrnllal In•._.,,.,.. '"''' I t l,.ft.-';IIF.Trr.a lnlaaY" . 0 v..J tJ Nor;r r~,."~,--_,, · A r LOCAT/ON-3 ..sAt:>wN 7i«V/S No . ' I . L --- •• I r -N-........ IWMPrtN ............ ... ........... ............ .......... , ........ ,.., .... . .,. ........... 100.10 ....... ., ..... a ... .... ... ... a ...... a ...... .) ~ II· 2.51 ' • ... -~ESA 41 .,. __._ , t:- >n . r~ d~ :ltlee Wu 1CIIIn ·R~ oool -~ t. . ... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ...... .... ... ... 0 wCII . ---. uu. • p ·-.... ,,. ~ ··"-, .... ........ , ~ .. .... ....... ..... ~-. . ~cl ;-· zs N_. ... ... . dMtcl ... ..... niD ....... n. . .A ea.;. .._ ...... .. 7" wtlt ~ • ~. --.. ...... ....... d. wtU. den&. ... ..... ,, l .... liFt --~=-=;...___ __ Berty Crocker An Engagement ad:li ... Wttbday party nidi tllto a .up,.._ eqapiQt -·t party .... ~ Betty Croc::ller ol a.a.. tathu, Jl\A-Cbld Crack~ Kleo::t.rtc GrUJ Wonct.y Dill ntt.e IICroU. ann~ u ... ID&n'lq:r of tlfl :tft t -'cal a,t. Ja.epb J .• fill Hou.ta.a, l't'OfltylvUIJI ...sdtnc datA' hN ~ ATTI:NO M£1£TINO H . 11'. J<t'nny of H-.1~ '· tiM lllH>lll\f: at lhr 0 .. t.e Ch-.mber or Coa:r.m•. Ln AnrelH. .atunr m at ~ OCI hll'hW•Y•· 0 \ ert ..... wfre y..'a .• rr ·1-'Taaz 8outh Gout Comp&ny, • e.,ded ••lon•· on lndlilt1 den· f'lnr h. prnl<lo:nt ot*. •Ctw.m brr 111 ANNI CAROL} will open ! CUT FLOWI 1+-~-t-""'·. ·~ --P0TT- ·BEFORE ,YOU I ' PAt ~-.) DRI_t /)PEN:_, PI Chef~ JaY..-s- Steaks .. • Cho: Founli ICE CJILUI ANI OurWa ......... 1184_ Newport :_ / Phono em I ' ~/ ORE ,, WOMEI I - Pap t ebrist Church .r.r-... , ' . . by the Sea Reveals Plans For Important Building.PrOgram . . . ' . 'Pr~p~sed /lew Uurclr . . DN Hl8 DAY Ju~e 18th is Father's Day. --------·----+ TA~HERT<;) • ·ro WOMEN WHD CAIIIIDT lET Mfll To Do Paimi!lg & Decorating Lola of I..diea are doi119 1om• pratty anappy lobi of r•decorai~DQ today with the Ali"''ut Aid of Old COI011y -. ·,uJiy applied pal at•. Phu out ab~lity to ten fhem what th.,. wtU a..d to do ~--QI.,.u jobl Let · ... help you. to b.lp . youraelf_t~a_color~hom._.!._C~IJII iD I -~s from 10c up 2 51a.8dadoABo._laab$J 95 8 • .,...., 55-45~;.. ••• • 1 ·: Ollaon ho•' lOc Stanley Magic Glilve .Protecta the ht.nd1 hom paint, &'c . 2 sizes, 39c-&9c ~·Putty Knives 39c: Scraping KniYes 19c i'airtScrapers 25c &.ei'JIIIIngfar lila Paint ~lib! • • .. ONCE A, WEEK . Old Colony Satiitkote • JfOR INTERIOR WALLS AND WOODWO RK C AN B-E WASHi.D LIKE T I L E OR PORCELAIN! $3.70 per GaBon • H••lo•n ~xton, t2G Ja(!e 1 ~~~~;·~-~':'.~h~<latrl!u Ji"rrday at a or Qranp county rH-IIa ·Jam. E. Swaine h l11nd wu welcomed m<>mbU . l.<>onarrt 1)"1111:'. 107 E. Ct-ntr&l u surrerrd a def.p c:ut on ":hion he wu atruck Pl'"nmg by a ~r-lrl on 11. T r,.niment wu lldmlnla- h~ "", 1""'•! phy.Jc:lan: P 11ul ("ofman and -ona. Jlnuny, who hAVe been at :111 Ar>olena avenul!, J,.rt lc······"'''' for Ln VInKton. N. M .. "'h;•rl• th~1· WI!! join their hull· h:.nct 11n •l f11lh~r Capt. Connan. lhr•)ld R llnJt.&, 308 Apol~na :w .. nur r<>lo·brn.l ed hll bi rthday nn nll···rurv nt a dinner party r1t1nn.-o1 h1· Mfll. Holta. Ouuta W•·!P Mr -11>.J ~fr1. Earl Doane of r .. r .. na d"! ~hr ~tnc! Mr. and Mn. l'•·ro·,.. M11rpl,..~· B&JtKJ. Ialand. Tlooj. -..-.. r.. ~.,.tUng ,;,. tolop"- "~*..,__ .. clai.g to pc: "'-. • 1..oag DMta • .... ~. ·--~ """' ... -,..., -. if,.... ..... "'" !-I " ~wine h. .we to-for the tervice mea. l'iootit .. ,_--ol.-"" .. lo .,.u. .., .. _ ... ...., \ 1. Ot'&ti·•••r fraye-d orcn1m- bled pan of insu.Jirion. ~.Tape eacb.wi~ Jr:-r~rdy, '"inS electrician'• rape, nor adbni•e. El'poled wires mu.tr DO( touch each orher. 2. ~-r.1 pr-<[~C":~n rhc-uposcd pm Oi ~~·ireS. · 4. Tape rhe two raped wim together. aANOFA·e UPW.IOEILATOM e W.-\811Ea8 ~r . . ormiw.uuu -. aADI08 Pte .. \l'&lltadli al"'!! read tty U.O... n... Ill ·N-,...t ....,. .... ~ ...._ = ... .,. -·· .,.,. ......... ,l.:~--=-=~--==--~:-"~~. ~=----....1 · . '• • Tbunday, June 8, 19« Join fhe StAte Ourd. PTo~t Your .Community . J oin t.be callf. State Guard. Kn. lAroy An~raon, 208 M~&g­ ilolla atreet, Ia apendlng a month w lt.b ,._r mother at Woodburn. Orqon. . Mlu Wilma Scher) of }\ock!ord, Dl., Ia a hou.eguut at/the, home of Mr. and Mn. F . J . Dudley, 211 22nd at.reet. MN. J'-.aie Arm. 1.50 It: I 18th atreet. wW be boateu tomorrow at a mMtJnc Of eo.ta Mea W.C.T .U. Otncen wiiJ be elected. Mra. Betty Ba.D'ett a.nd daug}l- ter, Jo Anne, )10 JC. 19t.b atreet, lett ''1'\aeeday for Wichita, K&IUI., wJ\ere t.bty wtll vlalt Mn . Bac- Ntt'a ~- Albert V. }\'bite of Coata Meaa baa been t•ued a county build- -~&.o uecLa $l.!Wl0. dw.eU-m. on O«Je l tr.!et eut of Or- A ance avenue. Mr. and Mn. Conrad Louch, ot St.. Loula, have arrived for a vla- tl wU.h t.betr aon-ln-law and da~ter, Mr ' and Mra. W. E. _ Nl~kell, 221 Broadway Cbu~ Cumming•. 223 F.. 19th atreel rellirned home 15\VId&y from S&nta Ana Community h oa- pltaJ wbere he recently undt'r- went an appendectomy. Tbe W. G. Wal1tt>r home wUI bE' N tUnc next Tueaday' for a gar- den party Arranged for mrmbf'rt ot tbe ~d cratt.l aection .or Ooata Ilea Friday A ft•rnoo~ dub. Mn. Helen keeler wlU be bott.l at tAe atfalr. • · Mlu Elaine QU&JTy ot UH5 ~alllO Ano avenue, Ia apendin&" a ,,., 1 k with her I'"U'dmot.ber, Mn. Mt•ry Willi11m11 of San Bernard1no ...... l>or& RobiNIOII uf Lom~ • . r---::tt aui!II.Nr.ae ae~ch 11 apendrn~ thl' w•·•·k w1t h • ~. ··:<t reAltor l8 Uk Harbor htr pa"nt•, Mr. aniS Mra, R. A, ,11 .1 18 A. W. 01~11 "'"" &a 1., Baker of 3tll .. lith atrHt 1\f' nuoctatecl !''I~ Dlancu c llfn. X~lvtn JobNOn of 11:1 &-· )l(acK~Mie at 1101 Newport ~lll­ a:undo ylalted t.bia week at the 1'\-ard. Jtlr, OIW.OO lQo wu ~t · Harry· Kin&': Harold Steck anct rd a MlHm&a'a ·111't'tlle thla ll'ct'lt R&ymond a:ut.man homea. "111 11110 c:onUDIM' band1tnc ~ Vlal~ol"'l at 'u.e Harold Steck llnl't' Hla H yea ,.. ill the fUian- home durtnc the put week -re clal Cleld abould bt Ul utet to Mr. StN:k'a al•ter and ntphfW boUI hlmatlt and Ilia cllrntAI. Mta .•• ~rce Wllaon and aon, t:~T \Tt: ~,:a;- 1\tr ""t.l Mn. L. W. Jruria. tor-St.-\·en, of Hollywood. mr ly llf Norwalk. h&ve moved to Mr. and Mn1. w. M. Tallman ·: "' Beralee Roc.bat Kalt ot 1!172 N••\\(lOrt boulevard. Mr. Ftr· 323 E . 18th atrHt, on May 31 c@l-1 I 11" wu named eucutrtx rls 111 ••mJllolyNl by the Chevro-••brntl'd tl)eir !lht wt>ddlna &Jinl-·•11 I "''"' bl'netlclllry In the will )tot 1:•11'111:•' at Laguna Beach. ,,.1.,.acy. Tbe Tallman• were mar -11••ft hy b er brotbt•r, Louta P'. Ro-~1 1"' J W . White.. 2091 New-rh•d at Harlow, Iowa, In 1893. 1 rh~<l. promtnalt Co.ta llbaa i'"J t boull'vuroJ, \1 expected homt Mr and Mn. C H. RIJio-y have 1111 ··h!•r v.•bo palt(•d away recent· lhlll W•·rk from Miami, FIL, llllld their home at 1918 Newport f1Y f<tiiOWIIIJ' a brief lllnNII 'Mir 1\h"''' shl' hu been' vtalttng her boultva.rd to J . J . Huesan of Ul1 \'Ill, which hu been nttd for pr<~­ husbnnJ. Lt. White of the Army San Jlernudlno. av!'nur, Nt•wport I balo• In aiiJ)"tor eourt. ltat• u .\ir Jo'nro·•· HPighta. The Ridlt-ya pl&n to mo\'t' Mr Rorhat'l Mt&l~ an automobllr M1ltun Andenon, 18-yeu·old to their Or~njte a venu" property IUlll $1400 In poetal N vlnp ~on or Mn1. Marti' Anderaon. 3811 J uhn C Nerce wu •· w~k C'nd MARIUAOE tOLD• A1'0<'ado 1treet, I• receiving hl1 vl~ilor at the horne of hi• bro- r.aval indoctrination training at tho•r-tn-law and alall-r, Capt. and Announcement hu t!Hn madt· lht• U. s. Na\'al Training atatton, r.lt s. w. s. Goldr n. 170 E. 18th •lf tht marrl~ or Mt11 Dorothy C:rt>at Lak,•a, Ill. Mr N l'r<'t' 11 l ta\lont-d at San Dl M.t<• Oearlllllef, dall&'httr ot Mr. SJlt•ntllnJ: " month at Pueblo, •'):" with the Navy IIJ'ld txpecta ·•1111 Mra. Jay B<•ardat"y "' 190 Cnln., .art; thf' Mlaaea Ila Jean tn soon bl' ualgnt>d to a ahtp 2:tr.1 ~<tre..t. wbo on May 30 bfo. toll I J ll)"i:•• ,bnn JOnl'&, tot6 Mr. -and Mra. Jame1. Reading 1'111111' the bride of Llrut. Rl•bo·rt 11n~t' aw11ue. \\'llltc tht-re they whu ror Ule put Y••r resided at T,ynn Otlee •... -41 Mr. an4 ,.,. Will vlsrl their brother, ~c. Dick 1660 Newport boulevard. have nu·hulll Gllc-• or 01nac.J. Thl' .l .. n•·R uf tht' Army Air Forcea. nH•\'<'d a honac to their bul14Jnc n:ro·IIIMlY took pia··~ at th•· brl1h·'1 Mrs Rttymn'n·l Horalmtyer, 275 lvl at 267 Flqwer llrt'et , have re-. J,llnll' wllJ) the llev Cart B Joh n- !': ) 9th street. hiLl · received wont ""~llld the at.ruc.ture tbrougtl· """ n((lclaUn.c. 1111111 h•·r husbAnd that ht' Ia eon· 11Ut and ·are now making It t.btlr Llrut. snd llfN. Otlt~ will n-- forwll to a hospital In New . Cale-home. ~ltl!' at W\akOCft'. OkiiL, wht•,ro· •lonra. Mr. Horalmayu bolda t.be Boy Sc.out hea.dquarten~ on th~> the brldeJToom Ia llatlonf'd. 1at.• or motor machtnlat mate Cummunrty church campua wu - f1rst t•fass tn lht' Navy. n·~<'nlly Improved by the laying of IUTF.8 ~roa 11118 I UN1USM \'11 .1t1on . B1bll' achool op..ned u -new root. The wor!J waa per· 1-'Hn<•ral aervlcu lto'tre cnnduf'l· ~I' ·o.tny at thr ~II Goape1 cbun:h fonnrd by C. M. Nelaon. Jud~o;t' · •I Raturday afte1 noon In Santi! '' I• • •· l'llll'll• ~ w1ll bf held from E>. J . Dod&'e, J . c. LJonbargt>r '' 11 • ftlr Mra. Sarah Junklna. 83. :.1 • • ••x lhttlu.:h FridAy for .'the C'heatl'r Flahtr. D. E. Hatch ·and whu dh'd Thurtday at.l\.l'r hom!'. :1· \t ,.,.,·,•raJ w.-~k•. There will tht' Rev. Cacl B. J ohn.on. 2!'120 Santa Ana 1\'mu... Mn1 ,,,. ''"lli JWh•n t ~<'ll<'hn• (L>r all Richard R. Caclaon, who cradu-.runklna, wllo wu. a nat~ ot . ~.:•' ~;ruuos. It wu atatl'cr. r,tl•d from Harbor High IChool bl'· Gct>rg-la, ball-been a realdent of Jt•in th.-Gu::u-d, T~y! rure movlnc to ,S,t.n Diego with Ctlllta Meaa for two y~sn1. Sur- hie puenta, Mr. and Ml"'l. Georg-e \'lvnra • Include two daughtr ra, R. Carlaon, hu joined Ule u. s Mr11. Leola Rlddlea. Colta Mraa, Marine Co~ accordlft&"1lo .word llD.d KrL Om Wallatf, 8r.nta Ana: f\'Ct-lvtd here. The Carl.aon1 form-nlao Ill CI"U'de:lllldren antt 8111 \ .I • - , Army Induction Call /I/•--~~ _ WJlf•£RFJIO.._ Include. Nine Men .,..., U.. n A From Harbor Area It UA\' ..• ~liNIC I ~""' k/ce,l "~n. aclrdell for ••'1\'h··· In Uu• U l!l. A"'\1. left ln\·ulon m-wa pour. ovttr Six Racln« Cl-es u.. In Sunday ContMt 1-'11•1"~ '""' niiiJ fur Fort MacAr-n1 r •tlrrtn_.c )'<lU to about oc-ery thur Arruy R~Jllhln Center un-"' Jlt'ay, t o oJo anythlftC but all oler th,. lea4en~hlp (>f Vlr~l Ph•· h\ a typew"t•r and poun4 out but. Jr ~ of Nt>WJIOrt S.ad l. ll w<~r..Sa ah1'1 yea.ct to u-1 leul po.. wu illaeloeed b)' A J Hayman, •·ht..r ,.l,.rk or th,. l~al 4ran board Jthlt• lnlJWlrtani'" ·So you walk on 'T'hnoot' tube llltfut•t.-.J are•Marvln lht" brat•b ana look toward cata- ~.· )of't')•o•r. &IIM1a lllan,l, Vlr~ll~l 111a ILihl IUII.lenly t.be 1c•a ·II rib· l'h·•hua. N••wrurt. tJHbf'rt L. ,,..,1 ~t•lth .ull4 ~~... ot abtpl)tl\f Bhlrd. Jr . Juhn R C'"(lll, Ruf'llf1(> 111~wfna towud Ule lll.&lh\C co&lt M IA'<•n. John 11:. Marklntaeh, tlt'ynnd, Plann nu Ull' aky lljle Mh hat•l l'rdu. Martin B Marka " 111n1t1ru , "'\'Olvll\l rutout p.t- nn.t l'u 1n11•ro toe IA'(m. all of eo.-~o•rn and Uwttr tbun.Wr u. cle&fen· ta Mo·h Tht• rontlngi'nt aleo ln- .-llj•l<·.t 18 ••th.-r n\f'n ttom val'1oua I ofliiOIIIIIIIIf'l NIVf'l"f'd by !kiMtiVf' St'l\'tl'" Boar.S 171 Fullowinjt roll rail by Mr. Hay· ru"11. C'ommand.•r Stuart T. Dun· lnp of Nt"WJX>rl H-,rbor American L .. •;:)un f'OIII jta\'1' lht' aelf'C'tHI a flnnl fan•wt•JI talk and dtatrib· 111•••1 Ill th,. n11'n tht "P'all·ln" 1\to(lkll'ta publlahf'd by tht' Amerl· , ron l..t>iclon. lliK Thrn Itt. vs.ton od thl' IOUl1d ·It·• "w"y and lhfte Ia only an • niJ>t_v b)u" ally and a ... wtt.bout ~hlprt sm1 a friC'ndly lltUe laland I•< thr dielanOf'. On th111 blltorlc day our llttl• 8 Ia d UI4'A llf 11&11111( c ran pal'-o ttrlpatl'd In u-e • .,...,., .• openlftc rae" h•lcl 8unday under auapiOM of Balboa Yaoltlt ctub, wlt.b Race. C'halrman P', C. Bnw~r In ch.....-. A .. t•ttni' Mr. B"'wer wera ftobt. L noyt.l, Jr., Dillon Bmlth and ~fllln .... ndl.-. Two raf't'l Wl'no aallt'd by Ule f'lllo'olll f'lua with Lowell North plat·ln& tlr•l In NO tlJ. -c. V. W ur;komann'a Dunny ,eame In aeo- ond. ~&•ltb Doat 30 and Madl(an'a M"'' ~Jrll)n. t)'lna for third. 8&1, lx•a oUntJll,.a aiao at .. t'd two ,_,., "· M.ral\all Oratn JII~C'tnw ftret. Mni'J'Ir Mnrpn tn Yf'llow JJIC)IMt, lc'N>nd. nrew Oraln'• Lltlle H•r· miUl,·thiNt, and Jim lmtth'a Dtm, Jta fourUs. Th,.,.,. w•re ellf)lt at a rtf'n · In the Vlkl"-rau. Bnb R~»e came In flral In Ol"f'y a.--; Humpi\Ny Bocarl ll&llln( bla Albatro., l!llurlflr l, plaeed ..-Nifld, and IAr· · llu:....Amcrh:an Rf'ol C'N\111 l:mf'r- lo:•'"•'Y Cllnto•t>n IUlll. undt'r lllf' 1!1· o IIIIII IUIIIIY na&tll'd bttwten tJit .:•·nt h• •urt and the quiet brown litll• and bukll\l tn UM iall ~I'""'~~' •ur\llhtne -rna all too •· 1 '''"' anrl ae<'lu~ And y.t -hr"'" .:tven t.b• ~at -had t~ ry WJ)Hiu In Wtrtet, lhlrd. A. L. w•t-J lhrl day oar~ -Oranr rlal'l'd fourth. Rllodea and 1 •'ll tun o f M 1"11 Ho•lf'n Randrl. 1.'0. •'h111rrn""· a••l•t,.tl·hv Mra Vlrlfln· lit H01\\ •·. -w;•rVI'd rotro•t• and IIOUI[h· nut .. I•• lh. p-wn, th&lr. 1!UllUira un.t frlo•n•\• Ar tlng "" f'olor bear· nnoJ """""'"· t he flnMI ehlpe. our 1"r 11flJIJM'rl ~--., to ""''"' o•putd burl(~ our money and falhlrl' fl'our boat• ltartf'll: nntt 1our hi ~kJI No•w we aild our fer-fall••d 1\l flnllltl, twn aallf'd t.be •·••11,l !Jra~ , and Jlro~e.r, the; wn.•fl& courw &nd on~> rHmpl•t..t , ... ,.-f••rvt>nl! • thfo ,.._ AU, ~v•r, were dla- quallflf'd. .·r, . {..ej.,'1t•nnslrf' J M M Lor<\nard ~u-.t. lhc nU l<• whlrh lA"ICI•ln· co nlltrl'l •nd ... 11'<'11'1'1 jolnt'd fn .... np()rtllshlng Center lut,'~··tudf'd lin lhl' rail. Wl'rf' 1; 1'-nder Consideration Japanflar .n•~tl~trsnte of ··th,. lo<'al w M l~nlfTlluor, rhalrman ot • bo•ll rt1 whc> wn t• ordtrt!d for In-"l'''''lal rommlltH named by Ul• •hwthln fn•m th;> Vll-rlnut-rl'l()('a· 1 1h11mb<>r of Commen:1 to lnv..U· llton I''~'""" anti midwo•et.·rn I'll · ~fit •• fo•u tblllty of a 1oea1 -.ott· t••• who•ro' lhl'y nnw ruldt-. llt<luna cent,.r, 11 maktna arranc-· --nh•nta to rail a mMtln( of UM Fishing Information ""m•u• ., .. rtfllhln• boat op.r.- \VIH B.-Broadcast ;:r:.y.'' an Mrly datf', be Mlcl .;;. Yacbtlm~..-'Celebrate 22nd. Annual Opening ttalbna YttC"ht C'lub on 8ahar- ,tay ... v,.ntn' t•lebrated Ita Und an1n1al ·-·· ope.nlni wtth dtn· !'"r and danclr'( The c;lut.hoWII wu atr-Utlqly cleoont.S ta a nautical motif w~u-c,..pe ....,r atrl'&~n•n.. aprtnr nowen and ran.tl .. N~mbtnecl· to tonn a ltJCil; ly attra.cuve •ffect. · IN. B. c. l'rly realded at 171 E. 18th atreet ~rt-al· Ktanclc:bUdren. • Mr. and Mn. Ralph . Scherle 201 Broadway, &re t.be parentAl of a baby boy born Friday at St Joaeph hoepllaL N r. Schorle l8 l>l'rvln~ In the Navy with' the rank ot fl,..man ftrat clue. Tlie chlld'a maternal grllldpacen .. are Mr and Mn. Everett Rea of Ooata Mea. The Rtv. WMiey Edwarda, pu- tM nf the Free Met.bo&t church. Mtlclat,.d a t t.be lut rttea. en- l<lmb.mt-nt belJ!C made at Melroat- 4 bbt'y maueoleum. Th--..u: DaD .J.ll.• c.rc.tnt~POrt to U... Cbam· ree A am..S Y l .. lr of Con'"'" roe. Mr. Lonl"fttOt' C'on\ml'rf'l al tlaherm•·n w Ill •li•l•·ll t hat thf'r"@ ·a,.. ~ or rnof9 ho•rcafter b4' abl" to obtain tl•h· 1'~'hl l ltNI that m Jpt be avall- llljt Information on a broallrut :obi•· In the . n...-tvture lor ·a tQ b4' rnnduct•·d dally at e a m . ,,..,,-ttl•hln.a <'f'nt.r. At Uwl p..-. 12 nO<on; and e p. m .. by 11 B. '"' time, operaton <tf ~rtfta. C•JIUl Guard Radio Statton. L.on~t 111K hoatl a re 11<'--,tt.-.d over t.be 1\••lll'h Announo'o•ml'nt t o thla f'f· 1 lllrb<ot fmm nnf' end! to UM oUMr f'tmlmnctMoe Marll Re&lJ.,-wllo " aevl'd u • bot.h boat ancl mut .. r M r1remM\IN, lnt roctue.d t.bt ftac nffll'ent of UM club and U.O ape- rial ruHta .. atl'd at the aom· modo"'' table were Vtoe Oom· mMore and Mn. ~.W Jtemp, ~ OommocloN and Mre. "*· ~ Badio Service •awroa'l'-ULIIOA-COSTA IDS& BRANCH OF IIdia· light ••d _Saund ... llllrllarg · OF LOS AHGUU • Acalltl D-is -.• Expert Wo~ -~---SAcl rut D..Please Yod Thun41ay., F~aya, S.hm.ay•,.ll M. to 5 P.M. .. • tr '' t,.nnlnal for t,hj pvtlal Mn~ Boyd, Lt. and Mn . .,_,.... Totft, Mra. Je .. le Barnard wu boa-fo·• l ...,, .. made i n the lalnl otrl· t th ,.. t o _. -..•~• ~<oollolf\tlon of u-, .....,ra ........ -.,, ,. "ou • ua,v au __ ... ,,. ,,,.. lut Thunday afternoon at rial Nol le,. to Mannen reteu.-.1 -,..... ~ .. _~ .. , ~ .. ~ n- '"""' bf' pmvtdtl4, It would prove -· an.. ...,. anu •r&. -•· Word hu been received of the " stork abowu rtven tor Mn1 hy Cart. W P' TJ)wle, Tht bmatl-to bf' a bllf attractiOII and at Uii Wallol\ of t.be Cout Quant AWl• macrtA~e or the rormer tubel Dorothy JacUorl, the ,rtatr beln& ··rurt will bf' ms~ by tatllo tl'lo·-•IIIIH' llml' would provtcle addf. tllary P'1Hl Captain and Jllre, lllvera, daughter of Mr ... ana Mra lll'ld In the home of Mra. c<Alkf Jlhf•nl' on 2182 klloc-yrlu. • 11,.n"l moorlnp for commeretal Ja•·k OrMn, U.Ut. and Mn. Vln- Joe Rivera, and Pvt. Joe Rod· Nlr,•nbl'l'l'. 1110 Oranre avenue. I.Af'atlona of flah IW'hn~)ll "''II hf' l•oNot•. thf' rhalrman ~larecl. r,.nt H-.1)', Oomft\allder and Mre. rlguea, the ceremony havtng tak-l.onrht'On w.. aerved on tablet n•portf'd In accord&ncf' with Stall• Mr l.oncmonr'• commlttM. J nhn omencler, and I.A.. ancl M,., to n piece tec!!nUy al Ywna. The uttral'tlvely Mcorated In plllk and of California, Dlvllllun of Fl•h whto·h hu alao been _-'"'ed U.. Frank WlahOII, _,.. aJao UDCiftC new Mn. Rodrtcuea attended Jo-wlllte aweet peu, and the after-and Gaml'. l"llhl'rlu C'h11-rt No tllak of lqlfMtln'l ~ loc«Uon tor the tOO peNON p,_t tor UM cal ~ noon wu <levoted to pmea and 3. It wu atated. " n"l ttryln( (Tound for CDmMer• affair. . Mr. and Mn. FTank Vaughn ronteall, tint prtaea ~1\1 woe by rial flabennen. a. eompa.d of Dtrwc:ton ol UM ala . .,. ~ 281 W. Wllaon atreet, are Ule Mn1. Armat~~/aJid Mn. Vema I'IY:I: WIIIUE1' OP"FF::lED Wattf'r Bpteer A B ao.-ne meet ........, ......., at wllklla rroud ~randparenll of a younc· ("lemon•. ot IUlnola. Ul4 laow b) "'Aa BOND BUTmut I.A'w H. Wall~, ·J ... Jldtall7: lime 1\ W ........ tMl r paft atn born May 11 to their adn and Mn. Jacc~lanil Mn. ltu'l An· J'ree wblakt'y, ae\•eral hundred F:lltl W. Stanley, L. L IIIIMO. J, Maptldll Wftl '-.,......._' daughter-ln·law, Mr. and Mra '~t'I'IIOn. M Y lovely_ lfittAI w~re ~UINI of II, will b4' .ri''l'n aw11-y II Milia and 1Je1na K.a-. PhiUp Vautrh" ef 1 i'l't'lv~d thl' honorH. 11baolutely fr~ .. to war hlmd bid· ~ __ PhHtp t. at pt'HIPftt et.atlofwl4.-wlt:h ~n a~~ t~ previously uf'rs at thr Kala auctlun, oiMrf' \lARlN_,: PILOT ~ W.. CAllAS SlOP the Army Air COrp. at su-Kn-llll cue-u ~ .liM· ~-Hoii)'WO(l\( l!l£ ah!IW _!.{ 8 I I T 1: Cr t of tonto, Tuu. •I Harr, Cl&lr Wrtlbt. p m Monday o•vomni -f uM Ull'f M: 1 ~-amp.:!. J:l Tw8 ..... • a..&,Qnww • Awa.IIIP. A Betty Bam-. Zeno In tho• Rf'ndf'zvnu• Ral,lroorh, BaJ. Jl "r1 ",t·, ...__ wbu bnroArl'lt tu ~ ... ~ ...,._-"ih.__ K. C M~·"n of 405 40UI atreet "~ nn, .. r y an rmJ -· .... -- J !' ynard Lobell. RI.M'I 00. '"'"' "''ent I• btotna •ponrwr,.d 1 ., ·~u• IO'T ' Nl'wport, hu purchued the J . B 11 ff 1 M K ___ 11 "'"' ,.,,.frmtay ._n .. ,_ art.r lala Phone .... liM lk e r-n' b"Uae at 1817 1_2 N•wport " nr• · D. •C. ac •·-an by tho• (lrango· C'uunty l.lquur 1 h .. H-_...._ L~ y • ~1 · ~ ~-J h I'"'"' ... cruhed two mil• ott ·-.-• -._, 1 rd d 1 · lt•f'r, of Co•ta --; ~-o n olo·lll••l'lf to rrumot•• the 11ale nt 1 •.vU t'V& an p llnl' to move Ule t.unotl•. Long Bf'ach; Mra. H~nry .)o'lrtll W~tr LI>Kn Bondi! ·"£1""' Rf'•ch. Plrked up by a lltrul'lurt> to a lite on Hamlltun \\'•·d•'•wellu. Ha,.otJiome, and Mtu fiHhiiiJ: hollt """ mlnut,., ettu he ·-------------~ •. 81 d C ..... lllr•'t't nl'a~ Thurln avenue. Mr Th~> fam('IJ 15 r to·rf' •winK nr-"" •k th I th ldl' 11111.-IMipart u as•-. Ul'lty Crvckcr, Balbo&. o•ho •lllrll frum lhf' Sllnla Anll Anny "' .. wa ,.r, .. &C'C nt Wal ~ at w 11n•l Mrs. Jack Nrlaon. who are · r•·ro••r1•·.t In lhf' ro..t Ouard aub· lm·•·upylng lhl' pro"-'rty at prea Air Hue rlllllll produrllnn unll. l'"'n•l hue a t Ralboa and ... ,. For Your SignA ,.. • .Tt'T(,RJNO 8('800L Ill I f th d 1 Th T.-"' ~=~:;::::::::::~::::::::::· :::::=~=======~ o·nt, expect to move tn 1828" Or· ...,. Pay or 1 ' •nr 11 K ,. • 1 ""h hoat dlltll.trhfd. -----TH OP.EN .lf'LY I I~" ahow lnt'lud"f-lh,. fnllqw-/ -----·-------Ionge avenue. , • • All ,...._ .. _ lll'hOOI and hi .... lrol( tnr--notrh VflU!k'vllll'. lllartr rr .. ~ ./ant ............ _ -·Ita. · M.r. and Mra Qua Nlrf'nber~ ,.._. ... -..,iLn ...,.., ..... _ ·-.. ""h~t I!Ubj ~t •·Ill ..... trea•-d In -''•hr\lnn and J.,•hll. htMltMr•ng . __ ~ • • 1886. Oran«e. av,lo'nu•. hsve Ill! -'"' e. I "" ..... n --IJII'Ir houaeguull t h I a weAk ~<p••rt8l llumm••• cl.-. to be con-IIIIIIIUil -"•m antl BJU'bua. H~ --,iiiiiiiii"'i~iiiiiiiiii:-1- 1 the ,rormer'a aon and family, Mr tllii'IPd st BalbOn Tutortnc l!khool r•1mf'dy tlanc,.r• P•ul Oar d,.n. ~"'11.--.;a l..lt ..... and Mn. Avery Nlren"-rlt and by Mr._ R011r1nt-f't!f'l•y IJ)d Mlu I rtrk and fll!li'Y hlo•yll•t, rlloro·""'l ~ '(" IT,.,. .. ,.. p.,.,.,,,.. II ... announcad Anti_ J.fl''"il'y tan ""nf'f'rl rmm lh .. IIOhll, Slcipp4'r tnd Krnnl'th nf I " n • ~-~ -•• s t Ba b ~ tllflnv Gl•·nn M11ll'r and IJ11h f'ro,.by •ncww an a r ara; -ra. Ntrenberg'll l R,.· .... ,,.~tlnn ("r tb• cia--"II h B b d A If I h d I PIIOO" :. 1--'-.. nl& UOH IIlAH .......,.,, J ~AT unTI:UXO mnthrr, .Mra. Anna B Weber of "''" " '' ~ ~· .,., 10 owl!, "r Y 11.n n ·' "11 "I bo-t ween J1 ano4 ·• • tltla ._, Gh•ndale, and Wlll'nn Dotteo ot ' h·· t·unrluctcd ,lulv 3 at Ule £bell h~<nd pl'rrh llrtiRle. G•· .. rg•• Wo·llt, N"WJ'IOr\ Phone 120 Cnmp San Luta ObUipo. 1 luhhi)Ull" In R11lbna, the c1._-lloUywuml mu lo·r •rf •·•·r•·munh·ll ... ~.------''-----------· l h<.llllo: t~rhNIUII'ol to op..n July II A rruf.f'll•l,not.l Kll<llun!'l't Wltl l -----====::.:::::::~:..::=.::..:.:...:..:=~·=:..-"l • I OPEN .~ .............................................................. . <, ACAIN ......,.., ............................ ,,.,, ......... ,. ...... ~ .............. . Tap :Room and Cocktdil Bar Opens at 5 P.M. . Dinn~r served from 6:30 1:o 9 .............. , .. , . NEV A-3Dd WRY BEAULAC . The Htirl~y Bell· CORONA OIL MAR Mr and Mra R A . Bskrr. 34~ hfHI rnntfnu.-•. Monday lhroup &f(nrtt t Vt·r yt•n•• pr••JW•rU th"" ttf''· i - t: l Slh atr~et. h&Vf" be-en entf'r· F rltlnv. unt Jl AUK. 28. 8HI10n.l ~lrtunu .v uf bld•l lrlK n t1fl ·wlnntnK ' tulnlng Mr. Bakf'r'• IIIler and h 1 ... 1 1 will h•• h"ltl m11mlnp only. I " b•1lt •••I In """'I -111111 l•tul• '""""· Mr1. Eug~>nl' ShO<•maker In Atldttl11n lo lhe ICbool aub-"l'llrH11 whh-h Will h•• 1111· 11•111• tl o•ft and Mrll :aul Graham or Kcndllll-J··· '-"· MII\A Pf r•Hiea W111 au-rvtae Ill on•·, tw•l, IIIX h•ottlf' "'''' .J'II/1•' \'Jlle, Ind. The vlalt marked the .--' lill ull hll:hl lruu1ea In convetla-'"'" tr• th•• l11•ll\ ldunl pl•·ollo(ln~ot th"l first tlml' In 44 yellrl thtlt t.be lt11Ml SpMIII~ nntll of the teach-lhf' J:f!'lll••"l Affltllllll In Wlor hrl'llher snd aliter had m .. t Mn1 r;1 ahsm's huab11.nd 18 811 a'·lsllnn ' r,. '" •· mo·~b••r11 of t.be faculty hnnoJ Jlllrl'h""''" Th•• whh•k• \' "ill ut Ttnrbo.c._ hJ gh IICbool. ho• RWnnlt·ll lr•t' uf l hllll(f• ··ad~t al lh~ loe&l Anny Air Bue ~ Mr. and Mr1. Carl Baker, jr., J••rn thP Guard. Today! !'pvnl the week end at Ulf' home t~f his brotf~er·ln-law and. at:at.et. Mr snd Mn. Waynt DY<'. 272 Flt~wl"r street. Nr. Bakf'r, who le K f'h&rl'llacl•t male ~Oftd clue, ri'C!'ntly rl'tumed from Ouadat- ""nsl 11nd Ia now . slalloned at C11.mp PPndlf'ton. Mra. Balcer hoi"'• to m&ke her ho~e at Coe- lll Men If Jiving &ccommodattona ran be found. • W. T. Scott of t.bt • Army Air Corpa, a former reeldcnt of Weal Wllaon atreet , 11 atatloned "eome- wht:'r"@ In the South Pacific," ac- I ~~----~~------~~~--~-------~ OPENING,1 SOON . I CAROLYN'~ FLOWERS 22214 Marine Ave. BALBOA ISLAND Serving the Harbor Area cording to word ,..eelvtd by hl1 --·-------------------------.. brothtr, Forreat Scott of 188 20th atreet. Flah1nc Ia apparent- ly good In hla partJculac aecUon of t.be world u a recent letter from him h.ad encloaed a number (>f plcturea ahowlnc enormous I GRUTIMG CAitDI •trlng• of flab. • NEWPQRT SOUVENIR na IO~r th~~ ~C:. Dj,!p.";;~t11:: 1 _ • • • AND J. GIFT ·sHur W. 18t.b atreet, and alao two rent·' ,. ' "r propertlea on adjacent land ThP home place wu purchued by Mr al)d Mn. Oar"'-11'\M!!T of Per rlll, Calif., and Ule realdencee 11t 1130 and 834 W . 19t.b atreet by 1 Mr. and Ml"'l. M. W. Oren of 2213 Newport boutllVU'd. Tllel Swopea .have already trtarted erec• lion nf a n-houae on loll own- td by them at tlM comer at La-1 ~na avenue and Balboa • .u.et. Ttt.. atn~cture a. to co.t about •• 800. ABALONE PEARL Rings, Neclclm:e•, Bracelet• and Pins ~ . - SOUVEfllRS "AND GIFTS OF ALL KINDS OPEM SUNDAYS PHOME 11168-W "The Store of a Mlllloa ArtlciM" I .Y••I W• Wrap Gifta • ' Shell Marine Products AT THE SHELL DOCK MAIN CHANNEL Just received for your inspection: A new ship- ment of Marine Hard- ware for summer outfitting. .. ,.II Coall Blghway Plaoael84 '-'----------------------...... 1 Jotn tM lta&l au.& I -:--- I • ---II ue· I ... -.tESA " =- '"· I!' d~ :itiea wa. 'Mtlln, . nen.. ecl at ~ I ---,. ... ...... ...... ~ ...... III'IL ""'-"1 .. , ..... ..... ...... ~ 0 .. ~ u• ·-.... "·· .... ··~-;..: ~ .. ..... ....... ....... ..... ,1. ZS · died ... t.HP ..... .... r&A a... .... ....... .. 7" wilt ;::: f. ' .. ~ , ~ ... ·Betty Crocker Ar Engagement at B A lrirt!lday party ..ad blto a aapn.. .......- DDUDC"emeDt party wu l Betty Crock er ot Bal._. , tatMr. P'lre'Cblet Crocka- ~c Orlll Monday •II wtatta ~eroll.J annouocfd I , lrlc'IIWrialt ot thl ~r1 llkal sat. .J<»epb J . ~ ot. Hou_.L~. PetuUiylvUl .-.ddh'\1 da~ hu bHn ---------ATTE ... O M~llTINl H .. F. Kmny" of ltalboa U.. meetlna 0( the C -..te Ch&mMr of Coma 1.0• An,eln , llittm& In at t60a 00 ltlpWllyt. (Jt 1'0 lliiC wtre wa .er Jo"'ra.nz 8outb COUt Compa.oy. ' tallckd wulo~ on lndu•t dMl Flnch. ·prt'l ldenl of t • port. Hvbor ·Ctlam ber 1 .. rce, Eul W Stanlt-y, au; &Dct..CUr~ P~on A-NN CAROL, will open : CUT .FLOWJ · POTl .PAl DRI. OPEN. DINNJ;R8 p Former Chef c Mr .. ~· Jay,~ Steaks.· Cho Fount. ICECUAMAN OurWD Jllr. and 118-1 Newport Phon ·-cor ORE woME: CHill Botb Rj I 1 MEN'S WOJ . ' Paaee KCWPOft'l'.JIALBOA PRESS Thursday, June, 8, 19f.f PROFESSIO NAL CARPS Dr. G. E . TohUl P HYSICIAN and 8UJtOIIPN nit OIIMt ............ T .... llru a otrkle: 116-W -~ ~· If M ........ .a Jlf...,..t I Dr. ()bed Lucu D~. C. J. CARTER ........ Roon-Pl&w a lip rst ._, PhoM 1111 lMO Newport JUri.. OMta .._ Dr. M;-D. Cra.wford OPTOIIa~aa•~ Ef•• Dt&mtMd ca.-..... 'I PiloN a.. tom-N'~ ••...,. • votrl' .& liD.& . Zqne Therapy Clinic Mf'dksl Jll _,.. tfwed._. ......... H~~1 v..-.... • l1n1 IDDrllglllm· Znnc 'Mierap18t llptdalilt 'ftal'-laa ..... ..... P&RMANSHT8 8L\DilT'8 Bnr 1111 Beauty ., 11!1 ,._,.... 8h<IL c.· ... ,.._. ,.._ .. I DOINGS OF THE ~!H!!~!~ c ;as ('onlpany Offers j:n-.. Service In T(•sting Gages ,.;,,11th•·rn f'"unllt•l Ou Com - : ,,._. ·~ u .. w pn•r>ared to Wt ,. ""11' ,. roYk••r 1('1\gt'll for cu.- By J4R8. 0 . L. ANDREWS . 111 •·n• 11 wall unnouncM today Tht nut b1« job f••• :.11 ur \J:-. 1 v Fr• 4J G. K erker, compuy whn ar4! 1nt crcSlt-tl "' dooonK ·mu 1.111 h t mn.nu"er 'It will be ne- l)t,et ror ao>rvl t·••mcn. anol t11'•1 • , ... ~ary to ha\•e the' cook1r1 mUll~ be all of Ul, 18 tn l:''l til•• I r•111Khf tn!O· frllll t-(rmpany offlcee bl(lod tl•m or• algllt•d up fr>r J ulyl' ,. thl'lr ""''1l<'!'11. ht ~ld, aa t.ra.M- lOth. "''»II"" and ml\npowu ~ort- 'Wh,.n lho· mntJII (' u nit r11·n 11'~'1 •• ,. pr•·hlblt a plrkup and' 4eUY- IM!rt', r.-ady to w urk 111 IU "''" 11 ,,. ,., n1ct-. ~. " J uly 10. •at tho• Nt!wpon 11rH• h Th•• tl'stm~ lll'rvl~ Ia fNe ol ~mar ach ool. \H' m ust htt\ ·· 4W ~~~· 1:'•', a.nc,t 1" ~ing offered .u donor11. · • ,,. c:•~ ~''lmfl!lny'a contribution to Up t•1 dnlt' about 100 h:." .•r~:n· n;,tl<lllal o·ff~>rt to atlmulfte •·<l up M1 11 Vll'tnr t;ra• • • h.ur· · •1 •' , onnlnj;< .,( fnoda. 'Mle tut- II0#/1', &nd M rs :\11t IIIII II' l',dlr·h 1: r• "' l'llllr l' ,Jlff•·1'11 from otli- a.PJalanl, are bull)' ,.,, "'"' h• •· 111 ... 111 that 1t •~ unneceual'1 to tbe arr•a &nd. t ho:y no·•·tl '"'" h· lp '"''' •• tlw gagr from the cook- Will you ah:n up r••lll~· If ttnd,).;'• 1 'I Ill urJt•r to mak l' tht-tut. N•. oth••ra Etth•·r f'ltll M l• t ;, "'' "r 'I•·• li•·r· •h'rlare<l. .Mra. Callish Jlr tt-J.or•t•'•'tl' th•· lh·•l Th'*!'•' ·wiU\llng tl'all made are Crc>M ottir•· at 11\6:\ •k• I tn hrlnA" tti«>tr coakerl. to Allt·r all lil Y urgr11~; ''"" 1" ''"I"'' • ,, n•·.rr•·st );Ill!. ~·ompany otft~. out to ruf\1 dreasTn~~ WI" tm..-.-'" • , , r;.t otiYfl '~IS. 'be ~red- qnn<run<'~ that II v. ill h• n r." olt•• ·, h·• t•·st. (lnd the ownen more day• bt·~ore lh•• n•·w l:ltlll• It· 11. a~k••d to j>1ck up the le.l• ll\lolmo:nll arnvc. Uul )'I• ·•~·· k•·•·J• I :rp)'lo:tnt'l' 11( lhr ottlc1. It It tourh wllh "'•Ill' 11 nrk '"""'~ ,...._ •l~~lr••<l. only tht top ot the 1U\d be-trad y •lO bo j.."in \\'ut\(lnt.: ,o,k<•r NoOli\Jnlnjr thC' gage need hart! Juat attN th•· rrrlolrll•· M ),. hiJ•IIKhl ln. :111 thl' ~I'll w iU be Jun~. • • . . ~ .• .! I uoftfl• •! t o th .. ~II.Rf' alone. \Ye haV<' a fuw I• ll••r r'""' 1111 'rttl\' rnok.,r·:~ thnl are equipped Anw rlc&n A ir v ... ,., .• "ffl• ··r. wh" •· tth ort•h• at1n1: Ilia! gagee ol' WIUI lruprtllun• t1 ,, St.rl.o ~o: l.11fl ! •'o•l•· l.:lll:"s 1nll b" teated. Kr. In Gr rma.nY I wr.oh .,...,, •'t<lllo l foUl)· \1 • r k· r ,.181•'!1 that \hi' gu com- ltsh lht-l'ntH•', lt-lt"r (nr h•· 1•·11,; 1 .,,., 1• unnhlo• l" I'XRmlne or teet rn ~rf'at tlrtnll •1f lhl' ,,.,,y til•· •_t, .. r •1••\'r"«'M 0111 lh•' rooker or Am«'rh'll'1 pot,..•lwrs Ill •. t•l• I ... mhlv pnrl.ll, and cannot. un- a bout Ul~'tr lr•nd, t lut htn~.:, ~:u m• • ·I· ll'lk•· to tlo any repair work. a~d hnuaattlo: • '"' lltluru• 1~•11 11 h •I 'l'h•· 1·omf>1\nl', of couree, .. wn,- wou111 .:r11l1fy '""· auol 111 1.:''. 1 "'~ , , r r:.pnn.,lblhty 1111 to the cor- to ~"'"' Pffl"'l l>'. '"'· htll "ll•'ll 1 • 1 nrrmt lt~n of thl' c:-oolcel' after n·~at•-q lltntl'nwnt th"t th•·ll• rh.• 1:"~" Ill '""t••d. boya OWl' o•\'o·rylhllll:' 111 lh•• ft• d r-rou . Lt•t"J •lu 111or·• -1 •• 11 th•' thm~ra w .. ··nn "" '" k··· p t h··~·· '''1"\'ll't'l'l tlot\\ 1111! IIUI too o•IIL h "\>1 t•vcrywht-tC' Lt LQul" s o+.ro·••n" ~~ t h•· ,,,. lh11r M thle I• lltr II•· h.,. ""' n II'Ot honw on nn "X"h'llll:" b••· t•ruuw> of h111 h~'alth Iii' ,.""' lu·l• ot hill ll"llf'r With thl.o Hl.ai<'IIIOill Plannin~ Committee to St~t·k Adoption of Industrial Zone 'I'''" ••nf'(lrtnnt romS'Ilteea have t. •" o~l'l'""''' J by Pr«>sldent L. ·A. r • "', ~'" tr h nt thl' Orange Cowl- ' . I '••·•"1 .o!'•fllllllllln, with lnatruc• """" 1 ro h•'l!lll wn;'k u e.irly '- t •~'<•lollhl·· i\ • "litlllol tl•r• to r onfer with the ':A boY<' 1\1\.· hr•nd J'll••nt \' .,( Jill'· turl'll '&nd phutn~rnpli'< n( th•• fnlke ll_at·k hntllo•, I think llw /••I· low• wurry nrf•r•• Rh••ut ~-,,., lh·•" lh••.v "'' about I h••IJI!!I'h 'f'!!." II "''<'ltlll to·r• ohlv 1mpu11nnt '" Ill IH;.:• • "'lillY planning eom.mt. lmpr••a.o UJ'Wlll nur,..•h '•'" 11 n•l nil 11 ,. "'"' " ll• ·••lo'ti by Mayor T'. B. nw<'l, the {act thltl lhl' 11111"t btl· Tt~lh 11 nf lluntington Beach and '"' phiUit'.'l or Jlu.• 11 11 r. hut h In "" lu·l• • ttl h•·r nw mbe1'11 u followa: NOWa.eEIVEDI Non-Rationed An-Jo Wooden Clogs Fine Hand Made Costume Jewelry from Mexico and Peru Lea~er Goods froin Cuba '• COlliNG/ Non-Rationeq Huaraches from Old Mexico -C~~UHa V. Jl~ . BALBO&_ YELEPBOIIE 1.3V B o n .d s for W '44 a r 1 n . - •. •sA •1A • A •'A • A • A •• •• FREE WHISKEY! .............. Daace•n4&aclloa -MONDAY NIGHT, JUNE 12 \ 8 P. M . TILL -? Rendezvous Ballroom BaLBOA ....... ~~--·~7 WW ... GIYeaAwaylo Wu .. admdden &~~dM•mem , . ' SPO.NSOREO BY ORANGE COUNTY LIQUOR DEALERS ... . . .,.. ¥ tr ¥ tr ., • ............... ., , Serve with the Ncivy's . ~ . . . MEDI~AL CORPS! J';tll'npt• .anol 111 tho• p ,.,.ifu• nr·r S If :-; .. ,J nf Sunlll't BPach : Ran- ht'jelnfllng Hll•l t h:ll ""' k 11n•l •'ttlph Jl;tlnbr1d~~:<'. Laguna Bead\; morr• work III •· th•• ''""'' 11f \til' II .1 Mo·C>~rt, nnna P oint : Mayor da y fur all nr ItS l;•t'.o •ll~r' In t·J,·.on.lll\11, !l.'o•w port Buell: Wll- har.Jer than ,.,.,., 111 th" j11bll w•· "''"' (;nlllr•nno. Huntington Beach; llrt' aln•ady ci"'"K l. • ..t•11 •1o 111nrl' II Clny K .. Jio).!g. Garden Orove; thlnra. lx-ttrr Nnw 111 tht• 11111•· It \\' R:~rtlnC' nf Costa .Mesa, and ,..,., -Tln.rU~U ot Sa.n Clem!n.::.-t~•·.-::' -z+--' --,t--.,..J&l!-ArulJ.llL a lly ··If~··· Onr nr thP m&ln nbjecta ....... ,~lll o.e-T.. ..,...,.,.,, OMia .,._ thlnJ:II w,· <'nn nil olu ,.,,. w• i'filiinnn~~ rl,l'ht hf'rr 11l h"'"" F11r thooll•' hr 1111: abou t lS thl' early adopUon whn Ill'«' m•t on ~f••nso• w nrk • •I n 7.onln..: r•lnn tor the county tt\('rt' ahnulrJ bt_• hutJMI I'V<'rY W••••k t Jill I J'd~fo O'f tho• J'liRn b.•Jng tO ct.• nf aome k tn<\ of R··•l rru11~ woor k f~:nAt•• lhn.!tt' nr,.nll In the c:-ounty tor In n<r ttlh"r w11v •·Bn wo• h• t · '' h11 t'l w oll h·· nvnllnhlr tor lndua- lc-r rcoach uut to ~ur l>t•yll ll'otl1 I• 1.<1 I Jill' \1 h··••· II will not lnte r-licensed Yehtinnn Mndl'ns C..fiiiGittJ ~It 11 h•·lpln~; hRnd. All phn,.,•t~ nf ll1•.t ·,,,,,, w ith. r•·~iilrntlal or .,.ncul- !Omal'l .\..abMI ... 111 ... \lllllal CrOAa work m&kl' ur. thnt hrlr · I w 11 Ar•'M . 0vf'r 20 ye&rl ~-Ul ong han•l L•·t's baric tl\t'nr IIJ') 1 • 'h.11rn~nn Talbr rt h1111 betn uk· lralln( l&ree aad ~ Jhlll .lllllnli'T f f 'Jflll Wl\lll tn ho•Jp • d l 11 I'IIIJ thl' ~rfiUJl together a.nd A.N1KA.L8 n \11 tht uf.ft<'e and fm c\ y .. ur•••lr '" nwlc" 4!rrang~'mt'nll with the BO.tJIDINQ -_.84'1'11Df0 n pl&cc and lin~ to work plnf)lllll~ rommll!l'llon tnr a joint fn"UPPPNO -Cl.a'I'DfO ~1'..-~i~on Thr ntrll'r rnmmtttH, on Or. s. H. w•LK,ROIM' A. J . Ourocht'r ls doing l'llll!lltl· "~rnl'lon," hllll alrt'a<tr held one loot o....t ........., f'rablt rt-ntodelln~t ·on the lntl'rhlr nr••••ting. • oon.a Dill Mar of hla tloml' at 3901 Marcua A\'C·I · __ PbO-:-.ne--:"='-"-:,.,.="'=...,===-~-"u_e. ' __ .f:ngin~~rs Are Asked Baha'i World Order Program Station KFOi (Long Beach) 12800 Kilocycles SUNDAY. EVENINGS TO JULY l& 714S to 8 · P. M.· Sponsored by the Baha'is of city Los Angeles. June 1 1--Biu .-pnnte F-or World .Pe~er June 18 The Rebir-t h of Rellc;pon. June 2 5 · A Ne.w Age Ia Born Further Information may be oblatned fr om Mrs. 0. T. Johnson 219 · 2 h t Sheel Newport Beach IIESI IIIQUOR SHOP om a . •••• A.UI0-- 8&88 IIIXD8 c.urDY Gmt ao~ ~·UJDe tlltz• 1 s .. "pt. Bhct .. <""''• ~.._ l'honl' S 1'\\1Wir1 U • S till ,o\,·attahll' Thl" )\'f'ftc f-3th• Quar1" nR.\ Sill' •·~lh" Quart• fC''~ 4-~lhll Quart-Tt:t~l'll.l •. o\ a-3U.ll Quartfl nmKA '·lith Qt. llllJKifli'ct Unuhl•>nn t'htho, T.-qutta .,_.,.,. s·uu l'lnt11, lanll'hatk• .\'1odka ,.,,ot And A a-1 T,.,.at t"rom 01.1) ~i:XIf'O T-.pt~ 11.\RAl'\t:Ro ~up"'ml' h '• !'!nl~th-fry It! Old ,...,.tllon• ,-eo.kt&lll tll«h ... IL. -Snu"' ALSO t-iS f:ST otroRTF.D Utfttl. Quut-rort, li\herTy, M--.tel Jlnpnrt...S and Do.--tlo CH.UIP AO~'E to Stu4y Crossing I on · Coa.'it ~ighway ~:n~;llwl'f.~ "' th<' Stat<• high· ,, "" d••pru.t lu•·nl have h('<'n W!ked 1>1· :-;,.,,I'"'' 11.11 tt.1r Chambrr of ,.~lt., rH• •~, \•I J.:')\•· • u r•~ful study l" ..... h rr• ~· nt nnd futllrt' traf· • •• I'' nhl,.rw• 1n r••li~l lnn to the • ·., •'I h iJ:h"' :oy •·rns.~ln,; On Uppf'r :-;.''I"'' I Bay . ' I l tlr••t'll\r:~ nr thP Chambt>r, at ·' r .-..,.,11 ""'"' 1 n~;. alt~o urged thr 1 """~''~ I r<in•p•>rt lit\ inn rommlttet• ·~ ••''"'~4illh• .OW proposal tor a _ )':l;ln.-:'1\' ·t<> rn• hwll ·nn a route r rr• "'Wiliii <'IY hnlfway betwetn th( prooJ•, Joool S1wla An& F reew ay · w ·l th•• rr··~o·1il ~\t rouf.. lnrp••tlant •' <•f <'Arly atuohell of h•~h\\'tl~ lilt• • \\'nil ·atrrssed, p&r·l 11• 111.1rh• 111 \ lo'\\' nf tht f'rfl'rt ll'hu•h ·,",,,;,1111 y rJ,•rnAmlll will havr I , n !utltr<' r••Rd l'nnllt n1cllon In 1 ~•>Uihf'rn Clllofornln. El\.lle of ac- •' "~' h·•t wl'•''' lh·· Harbor area and ~ht r••P••IoMn L••• Angelf't wu pn ont ··ol ·n'11t ~~~ 1 h" maJn object to 0.• a<"hlf'\'l'd, · Mack's Photo· 104 M~111 St., Balbo. Coaat Guard and Panporf for Jde rthlica tion. 1-hour aervice Portraits at aeo1ibl• prices. Baby Photoa, Ea1arqemeott and Pboto•t.attc Copt .. • WI INVITI TOU TO VJSJT Mack & Black' Collt of Friendship GIFT SHOP Dlrec111 Acroee the_ Str .. t ·~· 4, L ·•· ·-aecom·• a . . . NAVY NURSE ' . . • I fhe Navy Nu.rse Corps offers you the opportunity to serve your country with recognized profession~( standing as a com- miuioned office r in rhe Navy. The Navy Nune serves in base hospitals overseas and in the United States, on NavaJ transports and Hospi- tal Ships, and _in Hospital Corp• Training Schools. The,,presen.t Naval expansion bu caust'd 111 urgent de"!,and for more and more Navy Nunes. < • • If you &te'A registered nune between the ages of21111d 49, single, 111d in good heaJth -you are needed. APPLY: Bureau of Medicine and Surgery. Navy,Depm- ment,.Wubingronl D. C., your l~al Red. Cros• N~rse Pro- curemeot 'Oftice, or 703 ~,arket Street, %An FtaJJcilco. GREYHOUND SERVES, TOO Greyhoaod pro-rides traasporution for all braocbH of A.merica'a milirazy (o~ .. irt~uding Navy Nurses and Ho•pital Co~<ps Wa.,e-. on dury •.• on le..,H and furloughs. • • . Pracdc:ally nuy camp aod uamiog C'eoter thro~llhout the .country wh~re llU'rioe meo and wo~eo are atationed it terved by Gl'eybound. ' ~d oftee we are called upon for •pe~al emergency Mtvice in ~ -purtinJ woaDde4f of both Army ao~ Navy to military hotpit~. . We are proud of o ur im_porflllt war work on the home frpot now and ll'e plaalniDJI new eH iD but tnotpotut.iOO wbeo victory.if.Woa~ GREY-H 0 -U-N . - Join tlte W·~ UfllltJS.I'ITAl ft r · ftJIJII ••• America'• pioneer women loaded guns Cor their men·io the ttruggle to establish 'out cooti!lelit. Today thl' Navy·~ ~(t:dicaJ Dtputment n~ds your help in "kccpi n~ as many men at U man)' gu01 a! many day• as possible." As a Hospital Corps WAVE you wiU help our Jis;lh}l'J fight· iDJ meo to cegaio 1heir hulth inJ speed theta back to active dury ... release male• corpsmen fo r vital service in combat areas ... help to thorteo the war, .. l:ty the foundation for a pott·war·carc<.:r. Tbe need ia urgeot ... i£ you are hct wun 20 and 3_!), feel te~peramentally suited to humanitarian aervice, arc nnr l'ogagC'J in ~ot.ial war wo rk ... )">u can fill an inter· ett.iog and speciaJi:red job in the Hospital Corps. Previous experience unnccts5ary. Apply today at any Office of NavaJ O fficer Procure,Ueot·or Navy Recruiting Station. SI'-~1-HG 1HI HA 110H WI 1H DI,IN'OAILI. raANI,OarAJION . ' .. .... , -- ' .. 'fh~y. June 8, 1944 l~oo~.,. It'• IBBP'I lor LUCIO VI .......... OYDSYuFFED aauua-aEU • 1135 Hlghw., 101 Jl&lt Jut of The Arcb•• Q ,.rpa .. WQRK BASKET .. Belea N. Oallaper ..-.pee~ Gooda uc1 Y~ • I'~~Ordl .......... ~ I'Mee,lm t111f ...... ....,. ...... .u. roa~ai:~ Howard W. Gerriab ., "· 0111111.1 .... .............. a.M. ...... 'Vl'OIIOBILB ' • . · PIIIB AOCIDEN'I' • LD"8 .1.1 ... ·O••tr..e ............ -----· --~-__ ,:.___ LOUCKS IBWJ:L&Y • STAftONEIIY Watch lr Jewelry Repairing G~tinc ~.For AU Occuiou Watebee and Encacement Rinp on our ltuy . ~t Plan 1m N..wport Blvc1 Ph. 1M8R 008TA ~ -· MacbiJie .work .c __ . 80~ _..&JIIIllfO Vlrg's G"arage ... O..tnl Plloee 1146-W ROSSI CAFE o-a-.,.. ... Flae rood · Cec~e''' -.......... mDIE MOORE makes Better Ice Cream ftiY JTI· Moare's Confectionery 2100 OCIAN FRONT Pboae 73 FOR MEN aDd BOYS • ........... mARL W. STANLEY "-ltor ~otary Pu~ P'ti0Ml'T'7t ' . -Ka$1! B&lbcla ~ ... , ; -. .., -:t=:::::::-~=------------------r----------------------------~~~~7 are ~d ,._ than tlloee ln othf'r • ~·of the .tate. If tnM, an aJ· J~Ytmtat woWcl _...tot. 1a or· •11 Nn.&.. Mu,.•.aeaf' cler ..• Ll't rnt> be thankful tor the IIDOW'· • • • toppt'd hilt. ,..,_ •• ~ M CIOQIMCttOil t.- Till<t ' gh•am ao wltlte UoYe the tween tM two eftftta. INt It ._ .tlatont platn, teem that about Ule' ume woman Making a bac"'rround to UM ap-~ eaaw b\. IMft'l courteey plt•'a bloom ; went out ... The wundl-r of the .prtnc·Ume, ......,.. lftOdlt'D women, qutte on~·~' again. &ble to 8taftcl on t.belr own teet. Th,•lf•'· the unchanctnc tn a woftd make th~lr OIW1l tt.tnc aD4 fiCirt • •f cha.11ge-thrir own batUee, MouldD't expe_et Th,·sl' shall remaln. any tpedal conalderatlon trOm "nrldget -Evane ~ mm. I wouWa't "-about Uaal- • • • I Ollly !mow that It II .-etU~ a Rel'f\ember Kn. lltUe t.)'Of\d buman cSeoeney and Mary AMman toleran01 wben men, boy. and who lived tor eo YOIUlC rtrt. rern.&1n rtued to Ulelr many yeaq 'on ·ee~t. ....U. motben w:lUl ~)IN Balbo& bland II} their e.rma and elMrly IT&Y· and only mond haired women are forced to etand to BUt& ADa In the aa.&e of a lurc:I\1J\6 bul tor atter the deatb 10 inn~ minute&. ot her eon, 1114. It yOu clon't believe' that hap- who UMcl to pene. mllter, Ju.l try rtdSnc the pilot u.e acrGM Newport-santa ADa bWI at any the bay on tbe bu.ey ~-PNferably. pound II leland · fen'7f o'clock •... WeU, ber 10n, • • • . Tht"<k.lorP, home from the wan. ,.._ "-Y..t a.,._ -,,.. ._ lewe lui Sick f ~ Which reca1lt a recent equlb ln a..... '-" a.-••.-4e4 LIM S..ldltn· MM.! fw •~laf ."t~':. ..... a war COI'I-.poDcient'• column :-:.= :,~~II l'urt .M•r..b. '' P111ua. [li.,...aordl"l •• H o··s U chi.-! ahlpfltter, 1t 1'0U pk ase, llna hu earn~ mori dee-r, at11>ns than Admiral Von Tlr- JIIIZ ... A PreeldenUal Unit d· l."l•on, a ytctory Medal. an Am- <'t lcan 'Area bar, ~ AeiaUc A~ \\'lltt ttn'fe .tan;-and ~ 1-:xpo·llatlonary bar ... fl'onl~d-;-;v ,\-(--Mr'..W.U ~ _ _. ._ UIID1Untti ... aad p .. liae_ t:pl AJotJ..IJ J. -.ne-lt:wiA1 Lelw...a.-. 1M a-......a..ct lo lk rt'~ bow cone-tee! the com. cr-.. . If• ., 10 ., ,., IN.y r. ~ __ _. L-u ·-. muter"• tram l&&cl been 'that mom--..._ . u s r ...... ,, o.~-, tnc. "WilJ," lle aalcl. "tbat Ualn ~~~~========;=:======~·-~=~ wu eo friltattully crowded eYen ~ · ot. _u.. AJDertcan IOidtel'll were etanctmil" -szy.za.u.....JIICW D"'I:LUNO~ r· \(u·rc• UllE\"HOl'ND UNF.f' NOW UNDD OOS8Tat:'C'TinN l\llllil N .\ \'l'. MF.Ifl(' AL • • • A~'onr 1111aU new hOnt<'l cur-":o;•'r''" ":Jth th•' N,.,.y M•••lh-~1 r<ently. under CC?IVtrut:tlon ie " ··•ri'Ul." urjot't•11 Parlflr GN"yhound I thrc.-•room dwelling 111-lng built 1.111"'. HI th••lr rurn•nt · ad\'l'rll~-1 ~tt 1120 Dahlia avenU(' by s. c Olt'rl toym t r••lr!tMI'd In mt>rC' than 1100 "··~l··rn no•w.,pn1•••r11 Thl• 111 an·; ( SINCI 193~ ) Balboa Balboa island "T,·LI" aervt>d In u)e NaVy from Hll8 to 1921. then went to work f<•r • Lht• Sta11dard Ott Co . •. . R ···•·nlllt<'d In the Navy ln ltd. WaH llll")>t"d()('d.ln mid-ocean, Mrv· •·II at Guadalcanal, and tielpect hmltl t h<' fll'llt marine rallroad tno•rf'. tilling materlale ~ 'ftll'lll an old puah-car rallroad on t'tk·uanul plantat19n , ·~. _,nally o·nntract o·d tropical rheumt.uam- :111•1 now he's back tJ San Dte,-o, wiLh. as he 11&)'11, • "enoucb fda· hs>IJ.' l'lt~f'n« to lut a _w ... Mra. Herbert Ktna of Udo ble IJ*It many yun In nt.te.!OClll')' work In Bu.l&arlL 1be cburc:hee there, lbe report.a. baw only a f- eeata tor tbe acluatve uae of ln· vallcll. All a!lle-boclled 111embera of the COfti'"CaUol\ mu.t eland . whicb rftuat be t. eouroe of eaui- fa cUon ~to the, preacllere, tor ,t lt'Ut one doae't JO to 'eJeep WilDe he .. etancUnc. Anotber practice tn Bulp.ria. wblcb would probably ~ with l1Wa favor llU'e ·.' pracUcally all ladle• oeme church baretoot.cl· .•• or R lverelde. 'Mie atrurturr Ia tel coat' 11200. ltevetl L Bali&K•' ur U 7 30th eireel, Nt'"''JIOrt, Ia aleu bulldtnc a three-room ht•uiM' at ~ 2!Yt ll~t at &n f'llllllll\ll'ol <·oat ot Stoot),"-an<rP'tt<ll W~b'!'T q( Loa ARJ'elel II bull~1n.: twu r·oom• and batb ov~..r thr prrlt'n\ • •I he·r ll tlv .. rt u••·nlf•nta In Partrlr I :ro•yh~tun!l'll airlf•A Ill l'f'WI(Wrtrltun 'llh !he• rt'l'r\.111111~ J'fiiJC riUll elf 1 h·· 111 nw.t .ton ·•·•. l'hlrfiy """''•I at l +----------------:"""':-.:...---..:../...;,,:;,;.;;;:::,.__:._ .• ~·I t tn~ "'"'n•·n 111 •·nluot In t h•• I r . .,r,.nq •rm\(nnal'l l'll ' rllhr nr . ,..,.,,. ..;~ •l)o·• B. Mllrln•'"· Y.'a''''" ar111 \\',u•ll I . ~ . , . . J 'I I c I time " • • • "BMchll the next time Jud&e · · Jtruc.ture. at IU N. Bay Front, at to a coat or 11000. B. 8 . Hilbert. TS04 W Ckf'an F'ront, 11 buUdlnc an addltlonlll l>e!lrooin at a ca.t of ~ an.t Nell · Cary, 1101 a Central a ve· nue. 11 expendl~ 1300 pi.. altera· ttons and n~re to make two apartment.. H. -a. Graham ot Lo11 Ancelee II butldiAC a fra.moe rar· ~ore at 3304 Marc:ut elrut at 11 c.'?"t 'of~- Th1~ lal••(l d\'l'rthw•mr nt (l'fe· 111ro·,. l)foth tho• :'\Ill")' NuMit• ~nrpA,.. :::.....::::::::::;::;:;:;:::::;~:::~~::;::;;I;:~;;::,. __ l o I"'" til VH\I!o•ol nurar•. ~tntl thr \\'avo" lltlllf'l1 111 I'Of1111 whlrh 'ur~· o•ntly IH'(•<1J, nthf'r WIIITH•n tn M f\"1'' Ill t h" n,ll\'lll hMPitllt., . clrrlral fle><IJ:P holtl.'l a jury trial he'U !Lave • • 0 '" whi8llt· long ana ·loud for fur· Some· folka ftnd It ~!cult 'to • rs ... Local folka, 10 r ve beard undenitanc1 why Newport .H.arbor'• tt-11, W•'ro•n't overly ·happy about t'JtceiJ.ent troop of~lrl:Scout. wu a N'Ccnt Jury t rial ln whicb.' (bey allocated only •100 to carry on \\'•'ll' oblaJ;rd to epencS tour 4aye thetr aeU.ulee tor the. curTent 1n rourt I at St 50 per day) tzytnc ye.r , when the propoeed btldtet " <'fUll' which dtctn•t an. 1.1r thll for all Hartlor Scout work wu l.'•" nsl}lp Rnd In which no 1ocal SlliOO • . . Alter all. there are r • rl'('lll rtgur!'d . . . oRly four waye to lpllt the loot_:. ln<:lil,.ntlil\y, I'm told ·that Jua-Boy Scout., Cube, S.. Scout. and 1 "''' ··•·urt jurora In thll eec:Uon 0\rt ~ .. ~ lt UYere.ll t. valid ..:_ elrpi&A&tt~n. tb1l commenta&or ::------...;.-----"!·1 will be &1ad to enupun tht' pop· on the why-fol'll · and tht' CBAPBL .. .. ... . , , •.. .~. . . =-·J .EJI. ... e .. .eewU 8~ MOBYICIAK 410 Cout Blvd. COI\ON A D!L MAR 1~~.2 D.A Y AND NIGHT ~Nil,ueota ~. • . • • • • What cornea to mind .. . V-tr· ctt PIMbul, one ot tM belt cope N~rt BM.cb. ever bad, y u IUilOI1& ~ Jea~ wttb the lat· eel ~rmy tactuctlo!' croup lut Frl4ay ~ w1lJ be n,t.M~ ed . -:-. and bow .• ~ A. c. 'H ott- man, wbo Jceep. booka and t.U recordl for all and · .uhdry, ..we he'e rotnc to lnet.all two I&J'lrr hop,_P.er-ot uplrln ,.on hll front counter tor the· exelu.etve uae .o; empJoyera wbo have to file ~ new "almpllfted" tax forme '· .. Grandut uhlbltlon of gl&dlolu that I've eeen tn many moqn• 11 colorful Jonc row at the II.. R. Slerka' pla.ce, J~Mt -Santa Ana avenue ... .NeWport Ht.rbor KJ. want. club tormert1 tined mem • bel'll ...U ft.lled l4 llbow up for meeUnp. Later .that 1y.tem wu abolllbld. attendance wu put on a loyalty bull, and the dub 1dopted a a)oian, "Loyalty Rathl'r Th~ Penalty." It II workinr well . . . which mtpt be a rood sug- guUon for tbe OPA to adopt · .. MAAY AQAIN Mary had a lltUe car. She drove with mlrbt and main: She toolc a curve at tlfty.flve !-nd never drove ac&Jn, +-----------------------------------------------· l ......... Cinll ........... ....... 'BALBOA · GIFT SHOP • • . r : ~· • II J'tll'tlh•l'l. llntl . u ho'IJM'rl In lho• •''llrtl~. lllboratorlr• and phannar- ••·to M u~h iof thllr9\\'ork 11 'now b<> • tnj,! dnnr by malr bol<lpltal M rpll· •Jien. 11ntl wom<·n ran l't'lra. thi'M •nrn fnr duty on the tlghtlng rrnna . AT T H E A EN D E Z V D U 81.' . HU\'ICE8 aa.D roa MM. llAft IIDOEL S•ltl F W Ar k,.rman. vlrl' t•r••lll<irnt uf Pllrtrlc C1re•yhnun!l l.lnl'll "A nynn~ who hAll bM'n ln th" N,avy, u I t)av!'. will appN'· t'llltr lht' n••"d (nr wnrlwn In our military hn~~pltala J wrll r.l'mtm· twr thl' mfln ourM• llf the l.ut• war, they. weft' ~apahle enough. • 'I ..... .. .. . Prtvatr eervlcea were held Mon· dAy ror Mr~~. Kate Sterel wbo dltc1 Saturday at ·ber bomr, f18 South Birch. atnoet, Santa Ane. Ml'll. Siewel, who wq n yeanr of ace. wu a naUve of WM!Iter CCM~nty, Kentucky, and prior to IIWWlDc to Banta Ana had Mea a ' J'lllll-t"'llbla,l......libolllhl have aa fal' u f'08flblfl thf' care or wornPn dent .of Coat& Wdl fbr JS'.)tean: 8UTVt¥Ora lncluM ·four eone, John Sluel QL~nta Ana. form· n uetetant rlty e~r at New· port Beaeh; i..loyd, ot R.obbe,· N. M., Krl\neUi. Ne~rport lle&C:h, and C,h4'11ter, U. s. Maone · Cof'l)a. Onr dau~thler, lotrt • Blanche Bieri Smith of S!anta Ana: a a.trr. Mr11. Eula kud,. OleneO. Okla .. and IIIX lfl"AIIil~hlldren. S•·n·trf'• wM"e COI\dueted at H&fofeJ' K: Grnuel chapel with the .R«"\ E D. Gnudtll ott1elaUnf. t•. and. t\lrlh••rmor ... lhf' mrn ur~rl'nlly nM-dt'll to lief"" on lntttff'tmut e. ~':~~~.,.,.,-+t~,..._~~·-..:..-~._ __________ :_-r- hllppy to C't)Of>f'~lltf' by m"''lnll nr ! ~ J ~ ~ ~ ~"' ·~mmw t hl• lltfvf'rtllll.njC wlttl tht r,.rrUII · , 1111{ :of. WIIJlll'll (Of lh~ Rnlll'rl fort'· ' f'l' .w" l•w•k upn'n 1 h'" 11tf\•o•rttla-[ · til~ ll..• 1\ fav thrr r•l•·~>~~lton nf lhl' II Hnllp .. rtAlloon '"'0'..-u .. ;,._uro• Jll••·l • .·. • 'l•hJU: f.,r lh·· A n11Y 11 n"•l :'1111"" .. l'll t'ifl•• Or••vhnun•l r.1m·A· 411'1'\!IIIJ 1 1i w;>rn o•n In· "''I"\' I' ydl h' I h•\ ."Noo ,-v.' M o•rltt·"l r.orp11 nn p111(r . 1\ of tu'. •·•.v·• l'rC'lla. . . 'WI.TH , ... • • ,. - SPU'IA\. !U'~iUUN8 Su·<>nl l()('ftt--nlen were In at· trndancl' -at "f>t'l'll\l ....noft• con· tlUl'ted In Loll 'Anji(t'le& laM ThUI'II· dAy by. the Cal!'fomla litate Cham. b<'r. 0! Commrtr.· Attend1DI the .ICA&Ion on hlj.:hWaYI WU H ."" f'. Ko•nn}:: Waltl'r 1-'rW of iJM So. CMI!l Co nttPn•Jed the · aeeelorl. f'n lnda.i11try: Braden Fblcll. p,_.. df'nt of lht• jnral C~t.IY)ber of, Com· m••rce, 11n!l CqnnrUm,an IC&tl W. .Stnnlt•y, wen• pr•~llt at the,dla·· ru~<-•lqn.N on bo·no·hea and parke Chllrlr.N f'eytton, • ftainnan or the ri\'IRtlnn rnrnn11ttee; a ppointed Srcrr•tary Hury Welcb to mHt with thr tran~ortatton commit· tee-and gd a rrport on avtatlon plan11 11n<1 prngrarne tor Southern C'allf••mla. l.rAllt41.An\·r. M"nON •'• ·Iiiii lalllllll 118 •.. ._ .. ~- 110~1: BCROLAIUZIID P'nd K. Ky~.-n3 OpiJ avenue, r<•pt)tted to pol~rt> Sunday that biA rr .. tlll'nrr h&•l bet'n burclarllt· •·11 b,.twN•n Jun,. I and thaf datf'. Entry wna Klllrwd by picking a tor rPI'n lork Rn rl rorctnr a patio wln1low, h" ~nl•l. I/IOt Obtained In· rlwlt••l f•••H lJI•t II··• or Hill and H 11l whlllk"Y nn•1 llill bolllee of F'le•iJM:hmRn·,. g in Other liquor Willi I..Ct unt••u• h•·ol. AJrltl'n"bi)'TTTltn ·dy.,..:.. ..W-&Uun hu 11dvJ~d ;'ll,.w ptorct • Uarbt~r rhRmtwr nf • C•liiiJTif'fl'o• lhal hr ' Will IOUbm ll' tn it' f'!OJIII•• .l)( all h)llft tH 1 "{!~" h!>r .. r•• th•· ·,.p,.rfal ,.,.,..,;t-m 'u( lh,. StAir l..i'gllllllhirr whtr h ·''Jl'•no·•J Mt'mdJtY Thill" will 1 riAhlo~ 1111 JR!t'lto•!ll•·d ·Jl• o•••IIM (r) .. xnmln_r thP pnopr.,.,.,l 11'1(111111· tlnn lwfnrt-It b•••'''"'''" lo•w Mr , Wl\l.lltoh · "'"" n..:r•·••<l Jn 111:11ln m••••t with I 'hantfwr <II"'''"'" 11ft •·r. th,. ~N·itd III'IOMI•.n t11 1:1\'o• oo•oiJI'' tnf••rm~UU,n 1111 Lh•· loiiiM ''"'" r•·•l TF.LF.PIIOSF. IICit'R MT .\R..~ "T o•IC'phuno• ll"ur" ~t"e" In l,un•• who w111 bl' hr•ft rol 10\'• r KFI nl ll p m M•oriii"Y"· wo•rc 11110I•Uite·,.t1 lhla WN·k hy C J Mr P t,nRirl. H"'" th••rn Cllllf<om lll Tr•lo•ph•on~ ('.,rtt· pany •llllt r1rt mnnll~t• r. 1111 P.•oho•rl CIUIIIdl'liUII, Frl'lu:h piMI~l oo n•l rt•mJll-.r, Juno• 12. 8 11111 H"Y"" Rrulll4n .Nin~,..r . .lun•· 111 nn•t MAr11ln · Antl"rlllllt, •l•lHal•·•l , . ., •·1111111, .run•• 26 Th,. •·•·I•IHI 11· ~ will h•· llf'o·urnp1111lo'rl bY 1 h~ ro7 I pl"r" R,.U Syrnph .. nlr nr• h•·~•• fl rr!ntlurt,.d hy f)tonaltl V,,.,,,,, ,.,. I 'tl-· • A 0 Se O .. S~ Radio Tt'rrel Jupr r of '01 24th et., I'll mllurnlng lh" •ll'ath of hi• •••· ter, Mr11 8arllh A Altderaoft. wbo dies' Friday Ill hr r hocne In San-and ta Ana. Mra Anrlerion, who wu ·M y!!are of •R"· waa a natlv.. or T~•u and hrvl ~en a l'fttdent El t 'I c or R&ntll Ann fn1 a halt century. ec r1 c 0 F'unrnl aen·lc-•·ft were held Mon-• da y at SIUitA Ana with Inter· • ml'nt at F'lllrhA\'••n cemetery. RAI.BOA ~A S MtTI!D Radio Service -cLOSJD ON MONDAYS .. . Harold L. Hamm / .ta.;llllll .. • 'I ..AT..TH~. .. .· ·BALLROOM Sat~rday ighl IIIII liTH ... -.... l _ .... • • ~Aa&IIOAWW · -.& ....... pllatJ o6 tboiiD &t1 .............. bop ............ At.llie r~.·L•••t•g CharglllK lhnl he had r~Yed only parllal Jllf)'llo••nt for 12t Ito&- "" AbalonPI •l~ltv~red to Cbarl .. Plu1nmr-r lul :'\11\'t'mber, Luther Tlplon hu n lrd tnlft lft ' Banta Ana juAll~"'" • "ll rt tor 1312 t.ller· f'd due him Plummer, b& l&ld-. wu to pay h lnf S:l per dosen tor th,. Ahl'llflllh. but M'COrdlnC to btl Ct>mplalnt. paid ronly .-T& of tbe Redlo Souod Te c hnlc1AO PIIOHE 'JIO .. r n mn'le ltl1 0out lll'fd. . \ J317 owed. ......... i . . .. .. ~· •.. ~ ( .. ' .. .. ~· • ,. .. -...... II 2M ... -.tESA .. .,. ....... I. t I • '"4 I~ d~ ;I tin Wu ..... • Ren- edot ,(Ml if. ... ..... ..... ..... .... •• ...... .. -... r -• .._.._ ..... .. .... ...... D~ ~ a a. w. ... ad,• .... ••&t• ~= ,.. .. a -.a .... ...... ,_ .. (:.·. 1 I dfrlla ~ ... .. .. .... n.A "'r ca.). " 11-. ~ .. ,. I wUII = /' Jtllir, / ..... ..,.. ... Uda .t ... tM wtu. cWrll._ _..... ·~ ., ) pll! 8 Russian war· Relief Gets Good ~po~ Mra. t edla Strother of Newport Helghlll. chairman of.Ruula.n W" RI'IIPf rn Oranr• county, .reported today lbat ahe Ia meetlnc wl~ rn. .. , l't'Aponae In the currint ctrtve tor ul!t-d clothlnr and that two 1 .. r·lo(~ tr~k.loadl · of ..,nneall till\'e alrea di ·~ ledured. ·· • r • N&Wi'ORT-BALBOA PRDS Lt:AVINO roa ANNAI'OU8 JSll'uAnoN8 ·w~ FOR 8l:lft Bin R.eav11. · 10n M M.r. liJ\t.lf wl\l>l'fl\:0. Root ~ra. ~-J.'~R ~-ltoon-;;-C~t-wtv;. I • UNCOMPLETED DUPLEX lAd A SWELL CORNER quarter a* at cOtta Meaa, $1500. Pbo11e H 71 or call 1516 TIUa ~beclrooiD lWNM OD Mra. C. C. WurdemlLI\n, 209 Huby ou pent.er jobe. c.tl att.er 6:10 preferii£" iJ7 Aga(e Ave., Bal• avenue, ~nlly recPavt·d nn ap· 1, na 252 22nd, Costa Meaa. Pit ax. lalaacL Ph Newport 2S3-W. • polnlment to Annapqlls Naval 2330-J. · • 1Jo · 1JU Santa Ana ave., Co41t& MeiL Ocem Front an4. two ~ 15U will make you &D Ideal home. Academy and expeC'tl to lt·ft ve - for the Eut nut Thur11day. Al»o ir.\..NTED r olnc f rom Newport Harbur Ill . _. --- F r ank !!llmpiOn Ill, 110n ol Mr. WANTED -small l1) c,uada' and Mra. Frank Slmp10n. Jr., outboard motor. Pbooe. MD. 1102 w. Oc4an Front. Thl' boy• 1Jtt W A NTII> -congenial man to .. \&N ...... with mlddle-apcl wldpwv. Box G. Newport·Bal· bo& ....... f,ltt 1tlll have .t.o pua their eniA'an~ . A'L"TOS I'Qa_8.A.LE • IMMEDIATE POSSICSSION. Fur· nlabed two-bedroom 1tucco bM. and one-half acre. Near Cowl· ·try C lub. Full prtce ~. PJOO · do~n. R C Parker, liOt New· nort Blvd., Coeta Meea. 1Jtt Ther~ Ia a 1tnall ap&rtmellt In rear. a.rac-. Full Price. $6850 TZIUI.8 R. a pAJUtat 1806. Newport BlvcL, eo.ta ~~- exama and If •ucceutul In thnt .WA!':TED -Uaed b .. tnet wltll -• -$1000 down will buy a beaaeul endeavor, •Ill 11001\ ~ !ull-tlrdl:· I ad. 1425 W. Bay ~ve., Newport '42 HUD80N two-door ted&n. hcune In .fine location. One-half ¥ ed cadet.. J!(>ach. , lip 'Cheap.~ Stanbury at C08ta acre. Garace. Move rtpt ln. Balboa Peninsula Thunday, June, 8, 194{ Ever Drea~ o! a nice ranch tlome butlt ju.t like you want It? WE HAVE THE LAND! 10 Acre•. Nice VIew otUpper Bay Splendid Water, .Cheap Rat.ea Full Price $5000 R. C. PARKER, Real\A:Ir 1806 Newport Blvd., eo.ta Mel& TWO ACRI: TURKEY. RANCH • ---·- .t.ut S&turday, throuP ~ aa..rangement. with Jalncr. o.orte Kin~: ol the Broadway theatre -at Santa Ana. .cbildrin wef'! ad· mlttrd . tn-e to the matinee per- w .\ :-;n~D TO BUY -.Steamer Meea Trailer ·court, Newport Full price $4960: Monthly pay-NEW MODERN HO){J: "1" >ID , .. ;~ "all y, .dUI of 1' lle) yt.o iCI •• I BO . 6; • •• .A,. Phe rN -ou ... 1ft. lt. ___. ' --. ll DRI PEN WI Chef ! Jay. • Ch ~oun· AMAl OurW Ill'. aa wpor1 l>ho1 co formnnef' upon "~yment" ~ .a bundl,. of clothlnc. A part.icul&rl:r larl:'l' amount''tlf uaable materl&l 1\',11< lhUII II'C'Ur!'d. lAndii\C ipeCial IUCI<UI481lf'(l e t the theatre con.c:• tlon Willi .t.leut. Hunter lAacJa. ot , Uw Santa Ana pollee ctep'it.rt.maat,'. and Sttmnt•l R~~•l•tenie~ o( PM · l nt r•rn11tlonat .A 'Jan. 10f· 'nieatJikal Sta~4: ·Employee• and Motiort PJ~· I 11r" O('('rn tori, ll)e ch&lrman lal4. church. Dl·rectory· trunk. Good ·condition. ~ BlvcL · ·.... _ • Hp 'llcnli.'Jt. c ."Parker, 1toe Nt'f'· ~;. B 1518. 16tf HOUBI: Tlt..ULER •·. 2J -feet. 2 port Blvd., Coat& MeiL 1k - --r, ~I \·::-\,:-ln :n Girl's bicycis . M. c. I beda. IIUofany llnlah inllde. -- na8'1' 0111JacH or.~•~ :-tuii•J)II:"'206 Apo!ena l ve., Bal· rCovehcl W~on Eutern Built. Forty Acres-L~nd 8CIENTI,ln'' . l~iM_Iantl Phr.n(''2~9·J. ·u~tt '1600· A. W. Barnes, 27e Eut CLOSE IN A bran~ of The Motht r Church, .'ll .. . ;r 18th. Ooirta Meta. 15c • 1'HRI:I: • BII>ROOK HOJOC COMPLIITI:LY FURNliiBJIID $7000 • W •. L. JORDAN ·,.. P'lrat Church or Chriat tr•' ~ rbu. -Cht!vrol•·t~ Plymouth $200 pe~~Acre Sclentll( In BoltQtl, Mua.' .' ' Fnrtl pr·,.f~m·d. Muat be In B0A'l'8 nit 8A.LI: R. C. PARKER 70Q E . Central Ave. a-m~A-held tn the 'Litio thtalre, . 1.: ••d 1 ondataun. Phone 894· be· ---ISI)e Newport Blvd Coeta M-•. -' N :--' rt ai h '~ , · I or.· no<an · · 15U F(l8HlNQ BOAT, 24-ft. X 7•ft., _ ., C ewpo ac . ... · ---c&biA &ad two bunk.t. PliO. Pb IMMEDIATE POS. Nice comer In FOR.tSALE • J..ot .Illy. clothing may be lett at . nnv flrf' 11tatlon 'In "lht City of ~ •. wpoa t 'o t'aC'h : at''Mra. Strother'• honr ... · 546 Et' Modena avenue, or at fl!lriOWI Oept. .t.oft, eo.ta '. Swiday Kllool' .at 9 :30 •: m . \\',\:'\Tt;U -· Cu,h paid for 8IDaD 13n..J. · llc Huntington &-ach. Good loca· Sunday. ~rvice at ·II a. m. 11'<1'" 'ra.dloe. S.O.S. Radio uad FI'ne n.:.ach Home . :reaU"'onlal m.eellng each Wed· . l .it'ct'rac · :Shop.. 21• ~----A W .......,.... lion. Cloee ln. Two ho~. t-DC n ...... y at 12 o clock 11oon u ---J\•, 6 ...., TO BUY~S or &~ft. rQOm an<t ;r-roo.m . .Both tUrnlah· · ON BAT FRONT e-· A ''•··· ualboa bland. Uti Dlncby In Wood condition. Ph. Reacllftf rc11011l, 711 Eut ~ntral _ · . .1~. 18p ed. Two. p rage1. Full prtce. Slx bedroO,ma. three balM; ~-: avenue, OS'm dally 1 to 5 p. m. . ,. . . ~. $3600 cuh.,R. c . Parker, .l•hed. Occ:upancy 30 daya . .ctoeitd Sun!S&y•. and . holiday• W ~TE;P 28-FC>Cir Commercial fllhlnc boat. 1806 Newport Blvd., Coela Meu Prtoe tncludM two lOt.a, pier ud otJoeally ol»erved. • ·.··· • Jo~ully· equtjlped. 116~ ·29th St., -Ooat. • , Me ..... · ... MARil~D AT 1 ~.·--' -The·.,_., Ia corolally Invited L•JI~ of g~ sJean ~.can. Newpo11. · · · · · · ll~p O~~ER OOOUPIED. FUlly •lm· Christ ,Church by the Sea wu to attend the ·14!rv1cra . and· uae \\'all pay top price.. '---~ proved turkey rancb with l\11"" on ·Ttwsday....pight Ute IICene of the re&dlnc room.: THEO'DOilE ROBfNS .. 19 tt. OPJ:N runabout hull and kt•ys. AbOut two acre~. All fenc- an 8 o'ciOC'k' C'l'remony wblds unJt· ' · · ' · r-· · tralkr' fbr I&Je c:beap. 1317 Cor, <'d. Small home, n-a.nd mod-<.-iuuwr CHt1acH JIV nu: SF.!\ F6rd Sal.~· li Service. al .avt,, BalbO&. 'lllland. . 15·18p N n. 1!\111 price SIIGOO. with all ·• t'd .' In ma rrla~te Corp. Jolln I. (eorilmunlty Methotll.ltl 22nJ •.l CUltral .Newport B4fiiCia I t. R C p k 1....,. M~Jyfa .. ld. Jr .. and Mtu Dorta M. ....., 28 , D.IES-PO-.. ED '"1-foo· t flah· equ pmen . ar er, ...,.. --1:. D. GOODELL. MiniRier .-..one • -...,...., '" ' Newport Blvd.,' Co.ta MM&. A GOOD BUT $~2,500 W. L. Jordan 100 r:. ce~tral, Balboa . . . • '# • McL.,•<od. 'l!l08 1"2 Ocean .. ...,.,t, ....... ly worahlp aervlce, 1:30 a.m. in.r ·v...et_ l:xceptloual buy. The ·· 11c ~N"""'I"•rt Tilt> youn« people w~re · ~ ' ""-•.. 1 c H ....... • oureh IICbool duaea. .)0:15. HJR S/\ · -. . Peyton_.\,;0., to1 Cout JJighway, Income nrope· rty attendl'd by Mlu Sy.., a . u...,r · · r ot Nt>w port Beach. an_d 8 _.. lobn Momlnr worship. 'II o'ciOC'J<.. -. ·• • ~-·Newport Beach. · 15t4c SE;E THIS B~UTIFUL borne on· a~ 1!!venJnc wbrlhlp, 7:30. ;-.;~;\\' HAMPSHIR~ hatchi~g tCP Orqe-aven e Co withl30· Three Unit. • Oooci,Loc&Uon ., G. Ca uley of Santa Ana ArmY Wed ada 1 tlurk f<>l ~.II yr.-tori a st . Costa Meaa. FUR BAI&-&-ft. by 3 4 '.-lr ft. land· u ' mer · --.. r-AI....-.88M'. :rba R.e.v. LD~II · ne Y even ng. J?0 • . I tt t. H . _,_ foot front&Je .• Five-room bou.ae, YEARLY INCOME ,1310 oll•caated. . . lewlhlp ct~ at· ..6~"3.0......)(1dwrrk ltp. I nc o:a . eavy co,~tn.tc:Uon, . 16vely ground~ -nowera and (Furnlabed) · M~ at 1:30. ' ' •. · · .. • cloU"'-~' ..2110 ~aye.tte. •..,-1brub...._. o.mer --'--"-hAl. • Corp . .M»:(fiPid Ia 1tat1oned at tn:tJ FRYERS Ready for ~ St Newport. Phone 820 15tf ""'3 ~~wr•"""" $7500 nl>l'qe Wlttt ttte-th 8. Madae ...D11JI'..LAJ)Y. O.L._I~f.H'NT~ J).Ul. l1MlB N,J'wport .!!!Yd. Coeta ., . . . prtce $7000. ,4000 down. .R C Corpl. . . . • • . ('IAJURI,. OA'JIIOUC C1U'RCJJ Mesil. ~-l;u 1938 CR~_,...2f·tc',ot 'oY~r&ll, ~::rM ·1~ Newport ~·~ w~· L. .JORI;:>~ -""""' • · • • ~ .... P. J. BEARY, Prlt'l l · -' ~-loot beam; ·~J . Chr)'ller mo-eaa. Bal~. O~RA~E FIZD BARN TURKEL . HOUSES. and • ·SHELTICRB ELEC'J'RIC INC UBATOR .and BROODERS PASTURES Al..L FENCED (5-~. hlCh heavy win) · Water Line• to .ALL Potnll Thl1 Ia ~ocated In the Bll8T Me- llon of Colla Meaa · and Ia the flne•t 1mall .ranch that you can bux. ·. Breeding stock and ~yeral bun. <!red young turkey• go w ith It, some chlckena. • Price $9,500 • R. C: PARKER, Realtor ' 1806 Newport Blvd., ~ M.a This is one of the ,Finest Ranches in Costa Mesa Sevtn and one-hall acre.,' all fenced with ~eel poalll. · Larce boule, Ratio _and gl.!I'St houae, double garage. Ch-Icken equipment tor 2500 ch lckE"ns. Tb.i.a Ia owner occupied and owner will move l:11me~iately. lAt us show you thl• t>eauUtul· place. L.... I D. . o· . Sunday ~ at a. )0 .anll II Wllii'Pl :--JG CREAM, nn. Jene1 tC?r. C.plet.ely re~ Stn.. F URNISHED DUPLEX at' 1706 7~ E. Central, ~ . : . • • L ... I • • • • •• , ow. goqd milch roat, rabbit leu ltM1 ptiey, tOilet, bunkl, ·Oc.Aan -..-Front Home · . rryo'IS. Phone 2878-M. UU · ·dinette, blllil plate JtW. In ·Oy· W. ·.qcean Front, Newport B. ~ 8'1' .. lORN \1ANNEY (Catboll~, • . . bpe~n 'a!ternoonl thil week. FIV,E BEDROOMS Full p $10600 ·Sl1 Martne~Ave.'.'Balboa l~land · HAIHO Majestic ltyle. ~ondl· Inc brt ... Owner mu8t aell ·(Ow r on premiaul. Two 3-(ShoWn by appofntmeDt oaly) fiCe · , . ~. P . J . B~R'Y. Priett lum,·d anti rn fine ahape. ~. , .t!!Ui Weeki bed m unit•: one 'owner.oc-• $5000 . ·.avnda'y·¥aa at a:30.a .. m: · 315 t;. 18th. Costa Men . 15tt • · it@ cupled 110 no rent ceiling. One Only $8000 Down! -....... ~· .. , ,..--'----· Phnn,. ! I I 4 -y;... · Paltdq -r.:~ u 1:tl _. tall . ~lallnflf' Haturda7 at .I :tl · _, 'untl111-Hull. ,...,_ 1:11 Thu,., • t"rt. • MM. • l)Qr<•Lh>e. L.&mour • Dick POwell and VIe llloon ln Riding High·.- · ·OUN TO QUN earteoa'· New~ ~c-L .... ,"'.:s:"~s~...:.l.., .. F .... ..\...I.~E··..:~o"~·~···· ~t<f~~~n;::;~~se 3~~~~:~.\1~::~: ~~A"!!~~f?£~2~d~~ rented. Good Income prope~~·p 700 ~~-c~.t~~~ORD~boa 1806R.N:;~R:.~d~· c:::t:el& · ' Brllboa llland or phone 2tf.W . OWNE6 ,M1JST L.EA VE # Will --'- , · . . · · • ·.• loU CUSTOM BUILT .'party : launch sell 3~t>edropm houae, fuml1hed. Near Newport Harbor Yacht Club BU81NE88 PROPr.:&TV-For a.le . . --; . from ODe_ ol the·. ttn,at yacht. one . acre ground, neow Celllpool Two Houaea on 'nlree Loll . ------· --iu'11:s to~ ,Claasftlcd A.tls ln. thl~ H'.' nthll ~~· TOOL.S.h ETCG_..::, 7 t~ under t.be American nac: 35' tt. garage, chicken . equipment, (one rUml.lbed) GOOD BUSINESS CORNER 72x 8 point type are 5c per hnl' fi•r "'1~ n youn~ Pac · .... "en oo.. Jo f.tt. .beam 1 d about 18 with sane c;hlcken1 . and geeae. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY . 90-rt .. Cout }llway arid Orance ~ lAMrUon. or approxlrun't.t'ly ,h~n~;hultl KOOdll. etc. ~ .. B. ~-k~.4 Ro. Ja1 cr!: Ory,ller Full price $2508. Term•. ~. c . $10'000 Ave., Seuhbre l::olonx tra.c:t. ·~ ~-1¥0rd; four IQ.ted Inns or • lr• · • 07 • 27~ ~~., • Ne~rt. ·. m~~ 110 ·b. . Dell ed · b Carker, 1,806 Newport boule-. , -Newport . Beat;h.-. Hou.ae on -..au~O{ prfce of th.rf'<', · ·.• · • • t'bott 1 • ~ . 111 • y " c •• ..._ · · Double Pate& tor boldta~ ·'t 'Jif':· . .-.. _ __ or ~~~.\built · by Nevlna, City \'8rw. Oil& ... en .···· 1.,.. W L JORDAN property woUld ma,)(e &ood . clouble ·iat.te tor 14 ~lot ·~·i'• .. Y.AMS ,and· .SWEI;f· P.OTATO . .' tal~~· e, cedar Pl.ank· ATTRACTIVE h OME -Jmmed-• ' sandwich •hop. Jnq. on prem~. 'Minlm\4fllocaarge tor AJ:IY ad ri.·. J:llaou. · Key :W~. Puerto ~c·. ·tnc, t.U P ·~·· ~·~on 926 . Jnte pob~>sslon. Located tn cor· 700 • E. Clntial, , Jla!bOa _ ~ ,,. AlJ Cl&MUted Acfa mull be {,l>ttd an. Y~llow , .kraey. · T~Uow .Cout b11tJ • Ne\\port·Beach. ona del Mar. 2 bedroorii hOu•e', --~------'...,-----__: ____ __:. __ ~ ----· ·. .. s-....... ,...... .......~-Humphrey · JiOiii't. In P8888.ge. to Maniem., ·In ...snac. unit"" advetUIIt•r 'hall Nancf'mond'· !'-nd White, ·1~ · V ... 8 .. TwiT,· phont! NeWport Jtara,tCr.• sh'rubbery and la,td·. · · •.. A WORD .TO. THE WISE • >: · a ,...Wat acc~unt 'fltll lh• :-lewport J;\h•d .. Colla M-. ~r . 317-~ . . ' . 16tf ll('aping. VIew of ocean. Full ~·· -----. -'-·l1Jli-46Ul .at., .Ncwpor,t. .. B,acb.· · price ,450()_ Terma. R o: Park·· C .. c .c .'·(cllfiJ. Tatum, the de.:., of ·teal e~tate .:nen .present at· a re· · ,. ··· ··· . --. . ---. REAL IC8'f'AW WANTED . . 1806 N ""'rt a:rvd -. <:OftffJPUteei :reMIII'ieW •Mt Ill U.• 4'1 yaaq...of b ja eJI)>t'riei'Ult....sl\lt:'_...........,._~ . , --' c.rteM • N ... L08T AND FOUND · • C:Rii:E:--J • MO:-.lTEREY· 'bedro6rn . . ~~sa. · ew,~ _v :· .·.CO)t"& tng ·llthldl he baa witneaaed a number of "booms." Utia 11 the tint ___ · ·· "'''· gOod • C'Ondltlon. Broadloom ~..A liTE!> TO i*)T-nree bed· _ -one In \\ofllcti' tlleft· an 10' comparatl-tely few loll being 10ld. He \\'e4 .... , 01117 LOST-Saturday · evenmg. Itt or rugs. · 9xl2 apple green with · roor,i hou.t. til H.-port Hamor H AVE YOU S75Q to-pax down on atrongry a,dvllle.d b)Jying loll now beCJlUIIf! ·,·arant property pricea near Balbo& YaC'ht'· Club. yrllmo,: pad and 6~9 ro11c · taupe. ~110 area or In eo.t& M~n. Will this home? TWo Iota In New-are not 'hip like Uaoee o! booming residential prO(>trtlu. HIS UON· H~nry Aldrich llaunts A . Bouse. .&nd black _ r;_eptale pockd~k t~~.tnoj;'nny ocrruuorial tabl~ Cood pay ·cub .. ~ r. New_po~Bal· por t Hrlghta'wllb one bedroom CLUDINO REMARKS WERE A WARNING TO SF.l..L THE < •LD Reward. Phon~ 1964. 15p rnndillon. 602 Begonia av~ .• Cor· Boa P,... . lfc hse. Rrcrntly n:.modeled. Hard-HOUSES BEFORE :-JEW CONSTRUCTION IS UNDER WAY. --'nn'a '"'' Mat. . I uti ~ ··.. .___ ll':ood lloor. Garagt. Full ·price' R c pARKER . • LOST ~Monday, F eUx M('ndo•IH· • · WANTED! -$:1250. R. C. Parker, 18e6 New· • • ~ . . 10hn Graham 9 mos gangt•r Shores Rabb't L.ISTINGS 'OF PltOPI:RTii:s IN !".p ort Blvd., Costa Men. REAL. ESTATE AND Ii"JSU~ANCE ltt:AUJI\ .. t'O~ 000'8 OOUNftY :· llacbahund. AIIO . an.l!.~':l'f8 In ~I I ry CORONA DI:L II'AR DISTIUCT ' 15c 1806 Newport Boulevard, Costa Melli\ California ~ name-"Repularvr .. {>lf'nJrtf cnll · · · , Phone w. B . Kafl&rd. 1 -AUio-- Peter Graham. 428-n . Ro·warfl 1·2,10 . 16th St~eet Costa M~ Newport ~ 172-W 2-Bedroom Home ~mrttll« ~,_ II . . . . · ltir 16th. and OrtDge · Th~ Fightln,g sea IMMw HELP WANTm . !R· !NearBI.hei~TblgFwaRtertanEk) . ('omlnr: 8IIJM-. ...,_t -...; WA~I;.~. c~n~r. · al110 : A B · Y R S I NEED YOUR LlSTINOS. Have cuh · buyer• tor ~roperty in ·Newport Harbor area and In Coeta Men , Oeofl't Fellow•. iSO. Newport Blvd, Coeta Meaa. TIM-lffllinalr lloclr: 11~1 man • tor .reneral w<;~rk. Box 1 Phon<' YO\Ir order .in · early IUiytJun: ~tudlu ..... ~: 214-A; Balboa I•Jand. 12U I d .11 h . 't read f . t.C nw Mt....-lfo of Mor.-·1 • ~ • I an we ave 1 Y or WANTED Boy to hl'lp In 'Kar· you . , .. Phone:' 423 Buy War Bond• aDd Stampe at . den .. Good pay. Mrll. Kuhrtll. 201 1 -Listings Wanted! -----~:.!!::·"'··--~· ~~~~~v~;~;: L.ldo 181 "· Ph~~~ 'IISCt:~I~ANt:ous · . . I WANTED Man or woman -to~ II AT~ CI.Et\:-\1·~0 lutd blocked. List your p~ Wlua ua tor QUICK SALE · · · ''fl&rt-tlme work to.,IM'Ip with ho-I 1 ,,. L<.,,,.,. Sp<l•'111 Broadway .alb Oa f t el clu .ninlt and. deak rell1•f.1 ('lr'l\tWrM. 121 ffroadway,. COlt~ W e have lnqulrtea every day for HOMF.S Iti HARBOR ARI:A! · Balboa Inn. Phone MO. H t2c ~1' sn R. c. Parker • -. I , . -··-1808 WANTED -Wallreaaea, long or 0 11. Y CLES -Solt1. rellt~ or ,.. Newport Blvd., Coeta ~~- 'I'IIKAftS abort houra. Al10 dlabwuhera. pairep. Vogel'•. 3~ llaln St., WE WANT l'lleee M • men, women or high 1chool Balboa , and 208 Marine Ave., ~:Hnua<ts a t 7.00 .t t :t5 boy•: C'all 511 E .. Cel'ltral Ave., llAiboa . laland. Jtt REAL ~STATE L.ui !'lhnwln~t of a double featun Balboa.' 1Dtt .rrottr&m atarta at 1:30 L Aw:-; MOWERS SHARPENED LISTIN.GS ,. .. "' • 1"11. •. 86t. ,.,.., ut M .. ntc·& • Jon Hall In Ali Raba and the · · •"orty Thieves ('a~. N.w~~ Ku•. -Mon. l;fl•rr.• Aumont • Gene Ktlly -In- The Cro8s of Lorraine -ancl-;- a nd Kenny Bakf'r In D<JUOH~V8 IS JaELAND , Canooa ·New. ,...... • w..a. ~ Roy Ropra In -SUver Spurs -alao- eo~NJ: TO IUUIJ:IIBD cartOOII J aa.rt1q Tlnus.. 111M 11 ·Ufeboat . PAINTERS WANTF.O St•t• Mr. ·Pooley, t:m ~ ApolC'na ft\'i'nllf'. BAlboa llland. 15-Uk -WANTED -Ml'S ICIA:'\S. Bill'!< \'Jolin. ltt'f'l jt\lltar. pl11rn \'lolin. aC'C'ordlon 11nd 1axorhone tor Wutrrn bantl .t'hon,.. H1lnUll~· tofl. BeaC'h 4972 llfti-r 6 30 I'm: '· · · · 15t2c nnd kl'pt .. .aharp one year, $1. fl .tamn -M. Gallagher. 2003 H.,._ bor Hh·d.. Costa Mt'aa. ~P I'A INTI~G and paperhanctac. -•ln..J.b~ NEWPORT HARBOR COST A ME!!IA DISTRICT Phon(' for $41• Service--Frn e1tlmAte1. lnauranoe car· raed . A. J. B11rton. n• Newport Blvd .. C01t.A Ml'l&. "lion, .1H6W Ear} W. Sfanley 225 Mrtrinl' Balboa fal~d Ne>A·port 117t HOYS! BOYS ~ BO\'~!-Nt'rd two WA:--JT ·.to RENT -Prom~ ~ Rt:AL Ji:STATE (For Salf') boy•. at once lor paper routn In would leue nlc<' home between ---··-· Balbo•; .. ~~echr lnalthl edamor~ln.ft~· Halboa and L.ong Bea ch. Want-TWO LOTS FOR SALE ln New· 1'0 to """ ....,a · Y· t're 1 · ,.d to bu : Wubln macblne. · port H,.ights tract. Phone 382. a chancf t o make .10me •Pf'ndlng Phone 12~-J. C lftf money euy. Pb. N'rwport ------'•~-......,---- 120e·M. Mr. EAton. tfc \\'A :'\TED 1X) RE:::rf' l)y Nrw· :I-ROO~{ HOL"SII:, aome out bullet- --p'nr t Bt>Rrh S<'h<>ol Dlatrtct. 4 m~~ L.ot Mx2N feet. Full price WANTED. roo"," a \'arlllbh' lor cl~ be· $2200. S800 doWn. R. C. Pall'k· Auto medlanlca. Top Wa&'el, gtnn}ng in SPJ'I. Contact li:. I. l'r. 1806 Newport BJv lL,. C~ bMt of working condiUoftl, an ~f<~<'rr. phonr 73. · 16tt .Mua. 13c -nUal War Indu•try. Employ-·• -· --ment either here or at ' Hunting· \\' A:-:TED TO lENT -.. Cltan 3·BEDROOM HOU81:. Very cietlr· ton Beaeb llore. braC'h house. bedroom•. July ablt> IOC'atlon. near bu.llnea dl•· 1 through s,, t. · 15, '300 pay· t rlrt Full price paoo. Tel(ma. THEODORE ROBINS nblr jn ad,·anC't . Reliable fam· R. c. Parker, 1808 Newport Ford Sall'l .l Sef''lce aly Rrfrrt>nCC'I!. Rtr. 1. Box 40. m,·tl .. Costa MeiiL 13c .t Central Ntwport Beach Pa!<.tdcna G D Kllmtr. · 18p Phone 28 ' ti..\ · II A : WantC'd t~ renl! Five I~I~IF:PIATJ.~ PO$S&SSION a•il'>m houl!c r;i'n Collta Me~a or __ .,:-; .. wport BeliC'h. Pl'rm&!lent. rea-l hlt'nlll. Rcu onablc r~nt. not '-':_, 6-mom hous<>. e-xcellent cond Uon, 22nd HELP WANTED!, -for - ON BALBOA ISLAND -IFUtnllhe<!) .$7500 IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY W. L. JORDAN 700 E. Central Balboa· LOVELY ' 2-Bedroom In CORONA DEL. MAR LAth housl'. summer room with barbi'C'UI'. double garage BEAt..:TIFU L. VIEW OF OCEAN Price $12,600 InfJ Corne r of Marguerite and Col\llt H ighway or call 872-W FOR SALE 2-Bedroo~ Stucco AT CORO:-:A DEL MAR Price $4500 AL.L CASH XOW \"ACANT \\'. J. HOU::OMB 1517 Con.'!t lllway, Corona del Mar "Where the Ffap Fly" An Inv.estment Opport~nity! ~tw.port Boull'\'ard Hu a REAL. FtrttiRE! •· We ha"e for 1ale an acre of g-round on·~t'wport Blvd., for only I $1200. 1Euy Term•) ~: C. PARKER. RealtOr 1806 :-.lewport· Bh·d., C01ta Mel& s~oo Five acree and borne at Cos a Mu a . --, MODE 'iN HOME cl01e ln. Im· medi te poaaeu ton. ~. IN THE NAME .OF F.t\IR PLAY To pr01pe~t1ve buyer~~ ol r'<'RI estate: If. and wht>n, you call uP<>n a teal estate orne~ for uslirtanC't> in linding a prop.·rty to buy, and In 110 doing ~uct ene o! the salesmen In that of(IC'(', pl<'a~~e con· u nue wltl'l that '}>articular llli.lesman Instead of chau~tnK tn another member of 'the 1ame orga.nlzatl.on. ~ l R . C; PARKER REAL EST A 11= INSURANCE 1806 Newport Blvd. Co~ta Meta ------ Dress . Up or ·Play with \ . Equal Charm · An-excellent selection of lovely, white, SUMMER -FROCKS ·-. in eyelet· etnb..roidery- ··w•Jf~e w~ave pique with diatiJtctive lace - r.~ .;f-t~l ~r:....\. ' ·~"'~"' Q ;,;\ \ t \ . ... J i~·\.~. ·t d IJ_; \; ~··· ;'. . I . . . . •. ·DESIGNEo·fOR ACTIVE SUMMER DAYS Catalina Swim Sui~ and Play Clothes. '-. ' All New and Approval-Winnina. 1 ·- I . .. • . \ c -'-•' .......... 1&1 en-Dr-~ ~-~-O.J ........ ... SODA FOttNTkfN- experitnce prr!rr11ble . no~ neceuary 1'0P WAGES but -·bOOrn" tn'mt"mbf>r.-thU..:. -nn r::_~nllula~ Ule link, flrepi~e .po8siJrillty ot A "buat" alter ·It' I b.1'1 b••cur .. untumJ&Md. Set J . MODE N . Newport ·,Beacll 'l.'llt1me, nMr-O<:Hn .--QIOO. .:. __ ·_, ....__, --~ 1ns ......... ,._.. .. = ............... ......., ,, ..... ~--·----~---· ~ ..... ' llftlt~-;oo-c: • . .....apply: Dodd's Malt Shop 211 Martne A\-enut ~boalaland . 1lde --------. -~~ I ... m·f'¢~-Box QKM.-Prua. F. Sntllt"it. 302 Maln St., Balboa f~ , l'h•me 14~ 15U EN\~PJ~ 8<>A&CI: .. '' But we ~~ lent:r of them -- At tile PH• Pnft Shop. Price. Good prtn~ at · tM p,.... u c re..Onable. %211 C0Ut BS•4. •hop Prtoe. ,...,....,. .. 110e Nev.-porf 8l9d. .. ~ -- ' \. BROAD WAY home, Coeta ~en. $5500. )(QDER" ho:ne 100 ·ft. front. Cloae n. $4500. 11000 cub. - D. C. lacKenale, 1801 Newport Blvd., poeta M.-. \ . ,. - ·. - DEPAR.TMENT ITOA! -........ _ . COSTA M5SA , I I ... ----- .. ' G. " .e th ~ ·re l>. ~ ·bE ·~ In lr fi :Y· e· li d 0 e • ·t c •• 1