HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-06-22 - Newport Balboa News Times.. -. ..... J. A. ..... , • • • Pinkie Bcott. mallaraJU. of WIUt.e'a eaunc emporium on llai- ., bo& bland, .... a rMW aalad ·ctre.- IJIC wllldl'd make a atone lion drop. But tiM ptnk-dlee.kecl oper- ator ol tiM •l&blJabmmt won't tell· bow or wtth what lt'a made. It lie won't tell, I'm ,oln« to ctn 111m, tree, oqe of my exce• c:at.e! . . : A WI'!LOOIIK VUI'I'Oa _ Capt. 8&m Maxcy, who until he beeame an Air Jl'orc• «UY wu a newwnan khown about the South- land, Ja n.caUonlna In ~ parta --..d. Ilk• lt. Not bec&UM lle'a "recuperatl"-'' from the climate , at 'WUIIama ntect In Arllona. elth- .,, He Jwt plain llkH our'llarbor cb.ltnet. • • • ~--,. Bank Will Co-operate on Mesa Bond Quota .. _ ... ....... '"'S• .... ·e II Ia Crt":: ,..,.,..,. -ea.-...... ..... ·-...... ....... I I'WI tD ..... to~ • at u. turthar nleOM- Ifl CttJ. t .-.• .. • Page 2 NBWPOa ... .;BALBOA I'BBII £It~~ &.OCo&L J(·~~-­ PubUAbed ewrJ nuandaY tvenlnl' a$ Newport Beach. callfornl& Otrlee and PrtDUal' Plant at 2211 ..opMt Bll'd.--r.lepbe)ne Ml~- J:nll'--;,.d u eeeoncl-d&M mat~r June 11. 1MO. at tlM pc»t otn8~: a t Newport Beadt, C&llfomla. under"tM Ad of March_ 3. 1 . IArl"t ..... ..,_..._ a;N_,..n a.,...,, .,. rrop.Jar rp~ of tht '1'toplu OEOROE K. sRAFFD and CHARLES F CRAWFORD Qwnera and J>ubllahl'ra -NI:W'PQaT.BALIJOA PRESS Roy Mather Family Locates oiJ Island BE STILL, AND KNO-W By W. KJCil JU.XWilLL Now cuppina tu. ....... I.e U.. new• o1 the world .,... a ~ nat~ad of atraintna IU8 atte.UGa ...,.._ of Ute and death. Egypt had ita utrolopr-.- •• a prut.-u lonaJ open. • ROlf BeN,. ita 100ths.ayens ; Chaldean interpretera aDd Chi· f.' Mather. ni'W ruldent ot 11111-"-•--a. ked the futile questions that puule the ,,..,. IJiland. wbo w101 Mrs. ~ -ers aa 1ook up permanent ~ 1a bra~~~. ol our ultn&-modern ..E!!i!Q§Q~~"Of ~~ many oht• borne be owna t.bere .at 11;1 boob t.bere iJ no end.'' wrote the commentator of sacred t myx 8''1'ni.W! thla week. Mr )(a.. wrt1 •a.-.... bef h · · · •h··l n·•lgned u tele~apb ~tbr .,....._n<k of years ore t e bme of pnntihg presses .. r The Loe Angeln 'nm• ,two and raOvable types. Acres of shelves would be .required to v1·o·k• ag{). ansS tut w•k com-hold aU the volumes that have been written in the pursuit ••ll't••ll aal" of, Uu~lr 10-room borDe aDd •&.-ch f l'f • · ._ -------_, 1 1 b "' Olen"•'*· -_,. or 1 e s meanmg. 'Mie ~ hM ~toMe a4ju4led a newtpaptr of J<'ntrou clrcu at ,,n Y ·-II dt'cr•~ of the superior Court of o ,-anp County and 11 tully qualified "1'e ... albers have ~ ,.... trlldom came of conning the wor'da of the learned CJ!X>ROE K. SHA,..'IlR, Editor And Publlsh~r N~ MUl\BAftOI:R, Loc&l Newa Ed(tor t.n publlah all k1Dd8 of le,al 1\0tlCH and ad\·ertt.emenll ''' f!)ilow the war rwwa eloeely DO -.a W' uJd J r · . ' ----fll.r trom the former edltor'e du~ Uc • 0 net~ to lve til-Ignorance or doubt; any pub- sUBSCRJPI'lON RATES: • •2 00 ••·II. tnr onr ot their eoNI, Bob,, ll • .....,. wo_ ul_d open the way to certainty. All that the In Oranre County. JI.:SO pe r year. Outalde of Orange County. • W1le ba .1 __ ........ _ =-_ , ·vllh th,. Na"y at Cuadalca.nal and ve a&Ju m many centuries is open to the perusal of Pm.,_ let .. nuthtr 110n. Bill. Ia with t.be ~ the t:w.bUeth century sch lbo · y J( anyone think• there is no-inflation . of .,.... toe•·8, a1ao In the Paetne. the · . 00 .. Y· et men are no nearer ttim try to buy a piece of real estate. Roy F. Mather. Jr.. aldeft ot ~ or life and death today than in tbe day of J ob's , • 1 hr three aona. Ia a ckpartmeDt unaMwW«! query : ."If a man die, shall he live again, .. H t• I k , xl'('utlv~ tll Lockheed Atl'a'aft tn ~nee hu tau ht th t h . . The plan..,teeently propoaed by Sec;ret.yY aro10 c es J'lurbank. and 1 Newport ~t.or ~-. . g US · ~ t ere is a wisdom which " tc 1 give the Government'• 18 bUllon ~ worl;h of war rro•qutntly aa the pre• of bll . IIOt by etnvmg -and _scekmg, ·but by the process of . plants to service men and women aa ~ bonus haa been anal· r!utlr·• permlll. The Mathe,. have ~""Ptioa. Thrrt: Iii a tle)n~ of truth which overlaps the • fiJI IJI«'Ir current cueat, Mnt. C tnteJiect aDd ·m · I( · yzed by aome obeervera u a toe:t.ilatlc scheme to put the 1m11~ ot on1o. Mra. Inner .. ~: taint bo 1 preSk& 1~ upon the soul. There is a C·er- (;nvemment into buaineu on 1\ big IC&.Ie. M~Ath~r·a mother. Y m of faith whJCh all the persuasions of reason ___ ,.,. \ _ . = ~pate. Some things ~e know simply because we • .. Tbunday, June 22, 19U End the War in '44. Invest in wa·r Bonds llnl then see us fo;r . MEATS • GEO. TAYLO~~ Owner 2110 Ocea~ Front • A writer with i goo<l·mem6ry for maxima says modern 1-T~ 1. c. TE&WIU.IOI:JI "T&Dd lhl' accumulated philosophy of a tho\l8&Jld g living is not ao easy, aifioe a man mllst keep bla baclr t o the Ql'ALinJ:D AS Pll.m era~ cannot. undo .the ·knowing. en-w~tll a nd hiS ear tp the gro~d. Then he'a expected to put "";1·1;1~~~ ~-h~;"";!~~~;~ ~ 1 u!e ia a crym~ evtl of our times that men and women ~;:::::::;;:;:;=:;:;~;:~~~-=-~~~~~~~~=====~ his shoulder tq..tbe wheel, his n~ to th_e grindstone, and \rrnv Air Force. Tralnlnl' Com· ao~ moat part rcfust-to gi.ve .this faculty of perception r RADIO SEBVICB t)l)th fl'ct op· (be ground-with hl8 head m the clouds. rnand'a tour-f'nginr ·pilot t.ranlll· • We are 80 bent on fmdmg truth in conformity to ----• 11on ('ourse at Hobba Army Air a preconceived pattern, su intent on vindicating a seco. nd- ' F ... t•l, In New Mexico ~nllne hand opinio L --~mtmy has released another of he.r highly advertised Ill tht> announcement . ot Colonel I -n, 80 O..-:ssed by the vanity or our own intel- ''89crct weapons." This tJme it i.1 a self-propelled incend· fl'lll•·rll P BILIIt'y, command!"'' of· r':~~.-at we gi~~ over o_ur days 'to fruitless research and . y bo b 'th hi b ..... _ N . b '--t u· ftro·r at Hobbll Field. CompleUoll ~ tboortzmg whtle th" tat t . ( .rur m , WJ w c UJC ~ ave IJICOII:n ormen ng ,., hi• transition tralnlnc at Hobbe withio • " en spnngs o wisdom England tor the put week. The new weapon is not of mil-Army Air Fltld quallfiH the ~~ o~lves remain · untouched. In this chase after ita.ry value. Compared to our DeW giant B-29 air fortress 'al m&n lUI a Flylntr Fnrtr ... com· superficial wiedom we become too bus y to think-too ab- it ia a mere·popgun. m~nlM'!. th" announ~ment aa1ct. sorbed to pause long enough to make. a silence in which ~ . Lt. Terwilliger waa eotnmlMion· the wbiapers nf true wisdom can be h·eard, HOME • · AUTQ .• ~RINE RADIOS REPAIRED MARINE ELECTRICIAN BUBTB..ROBTQ .• Pboae 2417 ----• h i lUI ll'Cond lleutenut and re-1111 Cout Hi9bway Polific&l strategiat.a are *ondering what the anti-• ~"•';t>•l hi• r •tot'a wing. at. Ft. · Tbere is a trtut of memory with ~hich all of us have NIWPORT BEAGH fuurt.h-term revolt in the Sofid South will amount to. Texaa, somner on March 12· had experience . Cudgeling our recoUection to think of al~::;:~:;;:;:;:;;;:;:;~~~~==~~~=~=~~~ South C&J'9lina and ~~everal other Southern states are in name or a fac.t we find_ tha t tho harder we strive the great. I; ,.pen rebellion ag&inat the New: Deal and in caae the No· ot\'IDt:ND or.CLAU:D cr our eonfusJOn. lh vmg memor>y undisturbed to itself f Dlrl'ctor• ot Bank' ot America a moment th" th h. or • vcmbcr el~tion .is cloee it ia nnaaible .that they will switch . • " tng we ave sought presents itself. Thl8' 1 ,---:-<. T .tr s A have-dt•~;lared rei'· tnv 1 ••""' ( thd r votes in the electoral college away ftom the Demo· ular dl\'hl••ndll tor \.he CUJTent. . 0 tan_.,.. al'Uity variously man\r .. sts itself in the work· an-t tb · · • v.-crallc nominee. Moet of the old timers, however, think the •··u•I-Rnnuat P'''100 on both UJe . e-0 e m!'ler bcmg. It speaks to us with reaasura.nce · rc~lion will !iule out. 'umtn(ln anti thP U cumulaUv.e 1D bou.n .ot perplexity: it comes to whisper wordless com· J•ref••rrl'd 1t0t"k. payment to · be fort in timel ----· mnrlr nn Junf' 30 lo lhanholtk.rw or sorrow: it br<'11lhes 6-lessages df hope in The imme~ productive power of the United StAtes of rt-cord lUI ot Juno· 1&~ daya of darkness and despair : it wartls us silently but oer- hBll been demonstrated by ita mi.raculoue OUtput Of &hlna pl\'1\!tnd tk t'1RI1'd on thf com• ta,inlf, in the fat'C Of l£>mptaliOn . . _t-. . ,,_, . mon ~nc-k ~&'lLII t1 20 for tMJ lbr Wh II · h planes, tanks and othtr lmplementa orwar in the put two l ..... nthtt 11t the n.-gular l'ate ot-· · . Y It t at we so lk!rsis tently ignore this iJ!pate years. The Germans and the Japa did' not lh\nk we could 52 •0 f'l'r share.· ·. and liDI~r source ~f <visJom , to muddle our wits and d~' iL Nei~he~ did they think we could open a big-ecale of. compUcate our probll'm~ .in t.he diri of contention and the !enRive in the Pacific before the Germana were forced to DANGt:IWtiK MUVEND m~ of endJ~s theunzmg? Wily are we a fraid of th~ surrender--but we are doing 'it; and u IJOOD aa the Nazis A Haul\\•ood, Pa.. 110\dt~r solitude and the silence. whl'rl' wisdom whispers her · ae- are nnlishoo oft we'U JO. lD up with Britain t ... th J hr"u~ht huml' ' eo-mliUmet.er creta! ,... 0 P-C aps llll"tler ahl'll aa a 110uvtne!J and "We · • back into their proper p&ac.. , ron,tt.tJy placf'd It ln -the Uvtnc ..lie-m U10 lap o! an immense intelligence " sa. -• room where It' would abow ott to ~enon, ''w~ich makes us organa of its activity ~d re- Wilh the exceKion of the ten-year apurt which mark· ~·~dv:"~k "!:d 11~,_. .,::;::. ceavera of itl ""th. When we discern juatice, when we 'dis· ~ the growth of Oklahoaaa in the eady '90'a, California wood . ~nltHer Ia In UJe ,..t.al cem truth, we do nothing of ourselves, but allow a pusa.ge baa enjoyed the greete.t deYelopnient of any alate in the "''th a rmwtnr determination to ita beams. It • ask oorselves whence this comes: jf we l l • N t . • .. _ "boo da ., f . !hRt when h• gell out be w1D aeek to pry into the ROUI that cau II ta h . mon. o even URJ. m YJ o twenty year~ agCl ··nll<>rl nn more tXI!Ioelve eouve-. · ses-a me P yates, aU f'qualled tht" riee. in population aDd· wealth' that has oome n1r11 . . philoeophy 18 at fault. Ita presence or its absence js aU we tll th£' Golden State in the put ~-years. Cautious pco· can ~firm, Every man discerns between the voluntary acta p!e who feu.r an economic co~ptle after the _war may be nnp~11AN ST1'DV OIIOUP of mmd. and l1ia voluntary pereeptiQJUi. And to his involun- Jtmtifted in their peulinillln, ~ industrial leaders ,.,.r;N~ NT.W 81rtt.n.CI' t.ary perccptiona be knows a perfect re11pect is due. He may predict that Califomia'l upward .wi.Dg win eontlnue-un\.il :M<'mhfwn ot tht' atudy CTOUP of err in th! t'X,Pre.iOn of them, but he knows these things It is the greatest atat.e of the 48. ~~u~~e~~tt: s ~ s . ~ 'a.re so. like da~ and night, not to be disputed. AU my ac· ----~• Chu.rrh by tll~" Sra with Mra. rvan tiODA and acqui.aitioDA are but roving: the most trivial rev- The po_ titk&l aituation which bu been developing be-Gnn,.,.r In charge The nt!W atudy eries, the faintellt native emotions, are domestic and di· tnptr .. ,.or All ot Life " wu tn· · Th htl · · tween the French and the other Allied powers calla Cor t rod~cf'11 by Mra. oo~r who o -vme. oug • ~ple contradict aa readily the state- real ttiplomacy, it It ia to be negotiated Witpout aeriously r t•lned thf' al,nltlcanee ot Ole ~t . of perceptiou aa o_f opinions : for they do not dis· diArupting the Allied cau.e. Admltting that General Chas .• wte: That Chr1•tlan work ahould tang\llsh between perception and notion. But the petcep- d G . 11 . : mlnllotrr to all phu~ll of Ute. tion is Ollt whlmaical but f t 1 •• c uu e JB tmpetuoua and ~ng, that Is no reAson 1 tn " llymro1111um which follow ' a a.· . · why Ante rica and Britain aho'4ld allow their relations with ! Nl. Mr!!. H.«'nry HIUTia told of . . Th£> InJunction of H oly Wr1t IS more thAn a command; Lhc Ji'rench to impede or poetrone complete victory over ont~llionAry work In Syria: Mrw. ~~ IB a plt:>tl~e u well. "Be sUll, and know-" If a man will the N~i hordea. Recognition of de-Gaulle as the real ·~~~:.~~~"';,~~ 8~.~; ~"!.~~ hst.en,. ~Will learn.. . B & C BOOK HOlDERS AU NOW J:LIGIIIUI roa NEW TJaUI OQME IN AND SEE US! IJI' YOU cAN QUAUFY WE WILL HELP Y-OU MAKE OUT YOUB APPUC&- 110N FOR A TIRE CER'IU10&TE. • LYLE POPE Carpets, Rugs anCl U:Phols)ering . C:LBJI.BD A COWPLITI UN'I or I' FLOOR COVERINGS . FOR TOUR RIOUIRIMINTS . "' -----LUDL~ CARPEr WOBBI Pho'u 2808 SANTA ANA 1822 ~-MaiD St. CONRAD SHOOK CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER CO"'!.PLI:T£ BUILOIND SE:RVIC£ fiHDNit NKWPO"T 10:14.1 at a..,.,....-·...,.., ,._ o.-&o• 11-0 .. ·-"L•o • 18l..'N0, CALl,. Fn:lll'h ieader surely could be no more dilitaaterut to th£> ~·1¢"" ron~oro Mr• J c Blll· O~r weakneea. ia that we drown out the voice of wia- champlons of democracy than their endoaement of s uch l in~:"" lnM of thl' l'""'"r of the dom wtth l•Ur own clamorings. with the tinkling of coin and dictato rs as Franco, Prince Umberto and other hang-overs r;~~~~~~ ~~~ ~:~dl~ra an~· :~ the rattlr nf machine ry and the clatter of traffic and the (r(lm the monarchial age. MI!L~toMry .. A roundtable dia· laughter 1Jf foUy. • ~====::::::;::::::::::::::::::~=:::::::=:::::~ -----· '~~~~Inn (nllnwl'd. . Let us take a little time now and then io r Solitude an!! t ~ --- Mrll. Hnltby. rhalrmllh ot mta: Silence J t · I · F B "ld• nd , From all over the country come reports or vastly ~lfln&rY etlurntlnn. llnnouneed that . . .e Ul gtve over ogle for a space, anq listen. or Ul lOg a Ren~n·ng Info tio m<'••...,J bank d•poaits, lncreued ooaleo by retail ato""' "" '"''' •~'"'' ''' ~otvod ,p.. l,kl '" "be otiU, and know~" I"" . rma n lind ,,ther cvidenct"s of prosperity. Most of the wealth is riAl r,..c,gnlttnn trom the confe-r-••• •. , ""l' for work compll'tetf by Ill WIIITt' ('01 • a. n W nt-crulng to people who are enjoying their first experience ~tudY. ct... • ' ,!!.JAn OltKERS lagl11• e.;..-··-bar ..... with Aurplus funds. Obeervation leads to the belief. how· Jl'rom Caltfomla. ~ Rev~-'U-1111 M IIU c\·cr, that where one family is really· getting ahead and ·pre· :'loT.\\ 'PO ItT Jtr..Ant w.".C.8. • . • Thc ~;ffort in Congress to permit salary increases paring Cor the inevitable "rainy day" a dozen others are RA~ Lt'SnD'.ON MEI:TINO I Without J:O\'l'mment approval, tn whit«! collar wor1<ers -re- squnndcring their income& and wiU come. t o the end of the Thr Wom,.n'• gocll!'tY nf Chru-rci\'in~ It'"-'~ than $37.50 per · week, indit'ates an awaken- WALTER S. SPICER, Owner .E .. OBT aEACB see St ... Hlth•.,. at Tlo. Area... , ...... 1150 l·asy mon<•y period with nothing nrore than_a few gr w-gnws 1 "~" 8"""'1~'" or"""" 111 June mf'et· tn~ h' thl' plight of the IV'Oplc in this cat~gory tn~r wit h hmrhl't>n. Mra. 8tev•n . · r~-.. · .md 1\ lot o f extravagant habits. F olka who are really wiRe \\'••nthennrd 11nd Mra. Mlnnl t lndustnal wages have soa!"-~ far bcynnrl peacetime arr "making hay while the sun ahinea"-whicb means, Hnker t>oln~t co-hc>eteuea to 20 Stl\nctards, but the salaries of individuals working in the --...:::._ -:-:---------------------....-...-..-..-! putting their extra .money into United Stat" bonds or other "'"mbl'rw anti F:'lrall. Pt"na wen lower inonmc J'oba have increased but L'tll , d mRfif' fe>r af'veral llltmberw of Ole 1 c un er govern- gill-edge investments. ' ~roup to attrnd tht dlltrict eon· ~ent w~g~ restrictions,. ~d they find themselves caught ----• . ,,,,..mce bf'lnlf held today at Pua; m the mmu~ flood of h vmg cbsts without any means of That those who fear th~ people's con;titutional rights d~na~d M:-~:.~ ;le~~!~:l'lan:~ k~ping thetr heads above water. It is to be hoped that are being nullified by bureaucratic edict.a are not merely ~~.re N•wtand aa w.a.c.s. dele-S\)me practiral help can be quickly extended to these "~ing things under the bed" il proven by t he many strange ~lltf'. Chapll.l~ and Mrw. tvan people. . · official opinions handed out by the United Statee' Attor· Gho n•r: 8 1nd •e1'rrstl ~~me~tUJet In spite of present difficulties. however the white col-. . r urc., 11. 10 Jl &n o ""' p • .-... a I k . . . . . • ney General. Thts fear 18 even more toreefuUy justified by tflmormw'• .-.!Oft. _ar wor er haa eeen h18 condltJOJUI 1mproved over the years som_e ?t the recent 4iledaiona of the Federal courts. While Mrw. J. A. B4'ddome wu ap-m a number of ways. Time was when he was at the mercy fbe OPA ia the moat ·~i · c1-•-•-i'-th 't rntntNI. llf'C'tl'tary of literature. tlf loan shllrks when he had to borrow mo · · . -e·-ve an ILUlUUg ..., au on y rrr1ArlnR Mrw Jl'annette BedcloO\e . . ney m an emer· aupenor to the law and the courts, the War Labor Board ·whn 11 In the Eut on a prolof\l'l'd gr ncy. Ht' wu forced .to pay exorbitant ratee of inter- and varioua other ap}>ointive bodiee appear to be era\'ing \l!ltt. Df',·ottnn• weN. tlOildup at. aometimea .&a much or more than the principal p( the abeolute power. OPA adminiatrative officeri have bN-n h~· Mrll Ella Dt~~Y· who ~ 11 loan itself. th 11rr llli'~Uf'<'t, . ~r. Down Th' i getUn( away wi criminal pr,oeecution.e in their·own ''kang· Thrnn~rh the Are•." . 1s s tuation wa.s ch•nged ~~then California banlis be- aroo'' eourta, w~ere the OPA official acts as accu15Cr: pros-Th,. rm.n-am wu cnndur~ ,, ~an itfakin!! pei"'In&l loans some y~ar.s ago .. The banks• ecutor, judge and jury; and the defendant hu no recourse ,"'r"h .Gonll«'r who trt~~wed ~~ low intE'N'St r:atce make the cash available t o borrowers at , ~11'1 np l! n11'11J!IIjte n u•• ~Mnw od . ~ of appeal to the real eouru to' protect hia right.a. OPA '·•nf .. r• nee At Kllni'Atl ('tty. follow-m rrate ro.st .• Some Idea or lhe extent to which indh;du- prtDted ID8tli.tetiooa to Ia employee& direct t))e~ to dill· '"'!! wbt<"h tour nutltllndlnr aub-als now borrow from banks is seen in the fact that Cali- obev any n'--'• or other court order to produce fit-t-rlll ""~"' r"!l'ent~cl. lira R. H. fomla'a Ja1'ti'Nt branch banking inatitution-h-already ' .......-· · """• 1-1'111 IIJX'k• on "\\'llr:" Mra. WM· • ..,. . ....,. record8 or otW papen ot t.be bureau. The attorney gent-r· ll\t-rford. ..Atl'obol:" vra. J . A. l .aned O\'t'r a billion dollars m all types of personal &oana. alaya tbe eowta lboulcS Del IDterfeft-with uy presidential tlodmAn, "Racf' ~ttfNI;" ud White collar workt"rs art' d oing their bit.-.nd more- edkt da~ ... the .tOft)IIDIIlt of any order Laaued by the Mra. Df'nny. ''VI8atona." Mrw. Jolul in support or tbe war effort. They are .deeerv'"' f ha ~....... Elllott aleo told , lnt.....un,f)' of . a.ug 0 W t· Yarioua ,_... ---. mllllonary work ln run1 x..seo. .ev~r l!'flprovea their condi.tion . , "· ·" • • Elegallt Gifts -=- ·Di~onds • Jewelry Pearls • Watches .• Clocks Silverware • Dr~s~er Sets · At · H. R: Trott's .. Sycamore at· Fifth Sheet SANTA ANA Phone 5618 BUY U~ 8. WAR BONDS!_ .... ., -. . ' .. .. ' t , l .. '. .... I .... ..._.. ....... ...,_ --......... --· ------, ..... ,, -· -.,.oUywood Distinctive Photoqrap~ AT RI.AIONABLI PRIC!S Viait Our Portrait Gallery ........ ~. flalboa Bakery -Sold ln. Slalrley Wiese ~'R.". aEYNoLDH sUIOioJO:D i''m nd, will be ~rieved to IM111 By Eugene Beben; Married S.tprday .. , the death ot ~~n. JWa aq. 21!1: ..,ea:r ~-n ..... ~..._._ _ _.ol..J. nulda, former .CO.t& M ... ..-icleDt, ~· VtTU~U a.u• rD \' ho puaod away early Uala montli Alter h&VIJ\C been e~ aa llllltl:r LGW.ae Wll'IHl daul hler rt the home Qf a daqbler, llln. th~· ume bualne•e a t Balboa for tlf lfr .... Mra. Arlhu; Wine ot ~l;;:'c~Y;::~·~h:lw::".T ~ mure than a quarter cent uey, v •• 210 ft..&..&.._ __ ~ av•nu4! became · · J----. -~ · or age, wu for 91any yean pt'OIR• ""'I MMI. Eugene Reber ot tM U.. ..._ ffl Lt. JameJ Boyd San· 1 tt>ntly ldl'nUfled with actJvtU. ot p,or~noe bakery thl• week ,.,.a. ford ~ a -.uutul home wl'ddll\l ("(Jsta Meaa Community chureh. o1 that they had 110ld thelr _. wtuda t.e1r placl!, Saturday e~e-She moved to the Southern city tnhl~ent to ~r. and Mn. ICeS-~ It 1:10 odock. ,1buut three yean -co. "' •rd Flrbank of New 'York Qty. ,_ -.-ony. whlrh had been A fto·r being clo~t~ed owr Monday IJIMdld .., from an anUclpaud u11d ~•day, t he bakery opeoect Jwy ....... due to unexJX:cted LEG'AL NOTICE ... - panlt'd by hb ~ t:rer parant, ruar-r,'rnanded to the JuvenUe Coart . dian or ott~r adult ptr801l havlaa Any parent. (U&l'd&an or o.a..r the c:an ... cuMo4J 91 -.14 taiDor ad&l1t ._...._.vtq ua. .,.. ... or w.,_ aaW IDiDGI' Ia u,. ea aut~ ot • ..a.or ~ ....._ em•l'ltoa tf01l4 or lel,tUmate the provUlOM of tJ\Ja or6wlee bWift-cllncted by ble or W who Viola~ Ml of ~ pi'O¥Iilaaa • paretlt, .....,..._ • ~ lldlllt hereof atsah be ~ eoe mon penon havtq. u.. can aM cua-than 1100.00 or c:Gilfta .. Ia ~ tody of lllld m&Aor. Countx Jall for not mor. than ' Each vlolat.loa of U.. proyWou 110 cSay. or pwliiMd -both auch of t hil MCtJaa ahaU conat.ltut.e a nae and Lrn~t tor ~~~ ~~par.te orr-.... oft.Nte. It 1haiJ not CQftatJtute a def-... SECTION 8. REPEAL 0 F GRACI SHATTUCK BAlL Musician • Composer • Poet > • 1t erday morn Inc under t.be uw A,_,. . ...... wu p<>rformed by Mr. F lfbank II a baker ol ...,. ,.,..,.... ~td with CJ'"n fo-NOTICI: INVITING BID8 ln.ana,cerMnt. tbe .... & D. GoOdell before a "'~r1enoe and expecll to CODduet u..c-, .... rtadlolU and Madon· Seall'd propoaall or bldl will be the bUIIneM In m udr ~ MIDI na W... ~teen ruull were In t•c-elved by the City Council of the 11.11nner u have the ft.be,.. atln1'eN City of Newport Beach. CalJfor- "Pt\e rellrlng owner~, wbo bave on.. ...... who wu unattend-nla. at or b4!Tore U(e hour of t :OO hereto t h:at .. ell paret, ruarcliaD CONFLICTING ORDINANCES. AU t>r other per ... h&vtnr the cere tldltlnl ordlnancea of Uw Oouaty and cultody ol a m1Dor eonsJiar of <>nnae are hereby repealed within the proVlaiOM Of t hb 'Ordl· ln.ofar U they may be lncon- nance, did noJ have lmowl~e of alltent with the provtaiOM of lhll t he prewnce or lllld minor In or Ordiftance. uwn any atrwt.l, alleys. hlrhways. SECMON 9. SEPARABILITT roada, pubUc: placel, YIICallt tote or OF PROVISIONS. It Ia the lft. other un.upervt.ed placft In vtola-tenUon of the Board ot Super- lion of S.CUon 1 hereof. vtlor8 that Mch aepuat e provt- SECMON 3. Every law enfo~ alon of this Ordinance shall be .nent orncer i1 htr8by authpril:e.IS deent~ed lndepenclent of all other and empowered to demand troll\ provtalona hereln , and It Ia any ~non whom he hu reuoa-further the Intention of the Board able cauie to believe com• w1thlll of SupervlloMI that If any provt- .he provlllona of thlll ordlnallce aiOill of thla Ordinance be de- and who 11 found &otterlnl, ~. c:la.red Invalid, all other provl- wandtrinc, ltrolltnc or playtnr la alona thereof lhaiJ remain valJd • Accredited Teacher PIANO VIOUN STUDIO': 10'5 -18TH ST. NEWPORT BEACH v~ t:ilouu· Exclusive Ladies' Sportsw~ar $ JwMfH(J~ 219 Marine. Av•n~e 710 Ealt Central ... ltoa ... _. ...... ••l~·ratc>d the ~p the year U'OWld a4. ._ ....,._. tn while 11lk cut u'rlock P M on July 3rd. lNt, ~1·1<-'t! purchulnr It In 1111. ban on ...... aa.. and wore a cor-(flr a <'Ontract covering the pub- h••u~ht a 1~-acre ranch at Hemet ..,. oC wtalte 1tadlolu and Chll· llcallon and prlnttnr or all .. ,al r. 1d t'XJ)I'Ct to taM ~••rllpa e&D ......._ At uu.• ·reception nnll!'eJI rf'qulred to be pubu.hed nl10ut July 1. Their new atar-•wllic!ll ~ a beauUrully dec-In a ~a~r of general clr• rrlse Jncludu acreare~ or o~ orated ....an1 cak.e wu cut by l'ltlatlm\ printed and publlahed In walnull and olive•. u -u u 100 the ..., Jllra. Sanford who Uled i the City of Newport ~ach. for <.hlcke.na, and, the embryo farm· a __.. earned by an officer In 'hi' ~lscal year endlnr June 30th, o•rw are making 'biC plaNI lor the nr. World war. ~~~5. Blda ahall be mbmit~d for lhelr "back to the 101l'' mcwemeat. Lt. U4 Kn. Slnford atlend{lli d~ht I 8t point (Brevter) type echool ~r tn Jowl. follow-~ publica tiona. lnl wtddl m e 'attended Harbor All ·bldl ahall be eneloeed In Corp. Charles Gage Hlp ..... JTidUattnr In ·1M3 ... ~ed envelopea, marked "Bidl I lome, From Europe Durin&' U.. put ttrm ahe ~u lnr publication of legal noUcea," a lit~ at Whittier collrgt>. Lt nnd addreued to the City Coun- Being greeted by hll many Jo-Sa.ndlorcl .. a 10n of Mr and MMI. rll of the City of Newport Beach, n l rrlenda 1, Corp. Charlee 0qe J. Ward 8ealord of Milford, towa r'1ty Hall. Newport Beach, Call- and WM ·a .tudt'nt at Morning-furnla. , ..-.·hn arrived home SWI-Y fOI' a aide -.n...-In 'sioux City when I The-fnrf'~oin-notlcc ahall be 21 -U.y furlough atter putttnr In -· ... -ea!Jat.ed ln thr AI!_ <41rpll Hf' I rubliShPd In the , .. ewport-B&Iboa mote than two ynr8 In onreeu received ..._ commlufO'il'thJ• year ~··w~·Tim•·s and Newport-Balboa ll••rvtce. Corp. ~e. who 1, 2, rear-ot and Ia now ataUoned at Ll-Moore, f'r"M. onr!' a Wffk for two con- ttl{e anti a native liOn of ~ C'.&llt. Tille JOUnr p400ple ldl I'll· "~·utlve WE>ekr pr1o, to JuJy Srd. n edlat.IJ aftu the ~ervice Cor litH by order of the City Council Jnlned the Air Co,_ ID JanUU7, that -nr th" City of Newport Beac.b. l!H2. In May of that year be wu ..-. ,.... --;!:::::::::::::::::::::::::~~~~~~~~~;;~::::~~~~ran~11~re~rr~e!d~to~-~E~n~v~l~an~d::an:d~IU~b-~~~~~~-~~~;=~lil~--Jl~O~Aitf'~ Ju~ ~th. 1ro4. " PRANK L. RINEHAR'I\ rhonlc thNlu~hnut thr y •Cink ef tho! etly of New p<>rt But'h. 1111 ~IQIOR SHOP Jlft'i Newpt. ....._,O.ta ... ...... N....,t&t AU10 nNEft WID ........ ~llleny. ....... . • RUU AvaiiUie Tllla Weell ......... ~ . ·-···· II&ANDJ' ._ .... ~ .. aUII ....,_... _. IID"•-•*"ae CILUIPAOQ A.LIM)..- BEI:II.I!I IIIIJXJ:II8 CANDY OVII aGA.a ............. ······ TIDQ1JIIL.A WU. q..na ............ VODKA u.a. Qt. ....,... ..,.._..... ..... ~ ........ . .......... t"mV ... ..... ~ ............ ..... . OLD ,..von ....... IIA&UIDo ........ .... ...........,... .•• tt OON'fMISS THE INVASION ........... ~ ......... . doelli'IWOI'k WI HAVI A FULL LJlfl Of RIPAIR SUWLIES AND CAM GIVE YOU 1-TO 3-DA VSERVl<:;E • -~l J __ C. RADIO_.._. .. III_I)S ll•flrl . IMie, Variety R W-B Slo re ...... Jute Ruqe, felted oa burlap b.ck; beautiful colo ra, petteraa, eoae &uaq.d. Siu, 27 by 72 inc h•• floral J:acb tl.49 "··· ..... Aaorted IAape -1f\tla ittracti•• ahadee la ptatel colora: qlau hue;-, il lac'-.. to 15 iDch .. hiqh; 3 -foot cord• . Bacb t3.98 / ---------------- La•p Iliad .. A •arie t,y of ahapee aad ala .. in white aad'p .. tel floral p •t- tenaa; b raid trlaalaqa, with eo~qe metal reiafo rcY!c nt isc to $1.19 .. Pillows r .. ttaer Pillo... ataadard . ~ Ooral uckiacj f 4a welqiat. Wlll Vi" ..a.Ueat Mr.ic~ I QO~ lor Bacll.tLS9 . ltwawBats Nea, Wo.;ea ud ClUJ~••· IAdl .. ' hate Ia attractive colortDqa; estra laJ;9• briaa for t~at 1ummer aun aac 1o eac Bacb Vadet7 B W B ltol'e nv·nts In Nnrth Africa, Saf'dlnll. ~trlly and Italy. t n c••lt'b~at ion of hla 1U"r1val hOmt', hill father, Floyd G&l'e Of l~!t Miramar drlvo!', wu holt Sunolay at a family reunJon at- t••ntkd bv a hrnlhPr ·and family, 1 hr Haroid GAII:f'l of Han~rd. and two l lat!'n , Mra. Edith P eleraen 11ntl •laughter, and Mr11. Ma~ l.AP't'rlr and ~l'l. all of Balbo&. M n~. p ,.t .. n !'n's hWiband 18 a mutf'r U!j;l'lllnl stationed In Eng- lnnil with tb•' Army Air Corp~ 11ntt-MMI I...APerlt''a hUiband a t"t'hnlrlan rtrth gnde with the C"OA.IIt Ar1lllt'ry In the Al~utt~. The-O•lrl' family, which baa ,._ ~Ilk~ At thl' Miramar ad~ for t~ pa111 fi ve y .. an~. Ia on July 1 mov1n~ lo 41~ Santa Ana avenue. Nl'"''port H r ll(hta. Balboa lsla.nd Youtho Deco,ated In l~y Open Studio Here Bernard S o m m e r 1, JWidely known · In the photog raphic art world u "Bernard or Hollywood," h&l laklen over the former Chap- man atudio'ln thc Olllboll Inn ar· cnde ud plana to ~atablllb a 1\lKh-cl&M atudlo ot photognphy and portraiture. Du.f1nl' a&x yean 1p1ent In Hoi· lywood, Mr. Sommer, phot.ogTaph· ed MOrtell of top-ranking mo~lon plt:ture llt&.n &nd celebrlt~ and hla portraJt 1a1Jery II filled with remark&ba. e&mera atudlea, Pdor to comtnr to Baltloa he w u lo- cated at Palm 8pr1nga where .bla atudto wtU IMre&lter be operated by an -..oc:t&u . Mn. Nancy Haul Huty, a rea- ldent of C&lltom la 'for the put 20 y_..., ~tied at hrr borne, 1008 Cliff drive. De wu Ill yeant of Second Lt. k urh E . Dunlap, to. ace and a naUve of Loulla. coua- ,.on of Mr. and Mra~ 8uwut T. ty, lowL Ounlap o1 120 Abalone avenue, 8undvoMI Include a daueftt.r, BAlboa t aland. hu be4!7l awarded ·Mn. Jean Rambo of Newport the flrat 'oak Leaf Clu.ter to lkach ; two alaten, Mn. Eva Day- thf' Air Meda.l. accordlnK to an· t on, Io...·a City, llld Mn. H . L. nounQ4'ment try the 16th Army AJr Coffman. Wayland, Iowa : ' bro- f"orl'e. ther. Y. C. Of'eene, Ackley, Iowa, Lt. Du nlap. a bombardier on a and a grandda~ter. hneral 11·24 Liber ator bomber. received ~ervlcta were conducted Monda y th~ nwarl , accor~t~ng to the clta; afternoon at flarold K . Gr.uel lion_. "for merltortou'i .achl~venwnt rn.a~l with the Rev. Lut.ber AI' In arrlal n•~eht while pi r llelp&t• Utur of Hunt~ BMc.b aap.. '''K In ausllllnrd o~ratlonal ae-t11t churrh offlc!laUnc. Int.erment thlfic·• a.~ai!Ut the ?JTemy!' -wu at Wutmlnltal!. Tht' lnca.l man, who II ataUoned T ----- snm .. where In Italy, entered· Ule EI.EC7JT.D oDU:C'i'Oil llt•n:tre O<:t, 22, 1942. After at-Poatmutcr Herbert Kenny of tl'ntUng ttw! Air Force Bombar· B11lbntt wu ~lected u a diNctor ltt•r llf'hf'1(11 a t C'htlclr~u. Tex .. he of lhl' State Po.tmuleMI' -'-r rt•rt•i\'(ld. hla wings .IUld con\ml•-d ation At th!' convention held re- "'"" Au~ ~-1943.. <'t'ntly In San Joee. Puhll8h J une 22 and 29, 1&«. OKOINASCE NO. nt A-.; OR[)f:-.IANC"E OF THE C'()liNTY Of" ORANCF: REGU· I.AT lNC. T HE PRESENCE OF Ml!'l()RS I'NOF:R THE AGE OF HI \'FARS IN PUBLIC ST}\EETS ANI"l O'T'II EH PL"CES BE- TWF:EN THF. HmJRS OF 10 P M 'nnd 6 A. M . DEFINING Ol!TIES Or PARE..NTS OR OTIIEHS TN f'A HF: OF" MINORS. P RO\'In!NC. FOR ARRF..ST AND PENALTIES FOR VIOLA· T.I()NS TlfF:RJo:OF, REPEALING ORDINANCI::S IN CONFLICT THF.RE;WITH.' AND DECl.AR- Il':G AN EMERGENCY. • -WHEREAS on emergl'flcy ex- 1~1 ~o h> reason or wartime c-ondJ· t l~n~ nr1w rn•\nllln~t whlrh have 1)\'('f'lll~l·ll the lnw r nrf\rcement !tf;;!'nc~ ,,, t hP c-ounty or Oran ge be(oauM! or the mereaM in popu- lation, OVI.'r!"rowded llvln• condi- tions, the presence of numerou• stran•ers and tranalenll. tran• porlallon .. lrregular1Un. speilal n f'nl-n ~ '1'0-prPvt'flt threat- en"tl Mhotoge, bla!'kouu, darkened ~t rf'{'ts and public plaC"es, and the like. and WIIEREAS. due to thete war• lime rondltlons now prevailing, ju\'l•nllt' dt'llnquency hu so In- creased In the County of Or.nee os to bl'<'nme a menace to the preservollon of publlr pear•. u rety, h!'olth. moralt and Welfare. The BoarCI ot supen1sors o1 the County or Orange do ordaJn u ro~towe: . SECTION 1 LOtTERING OF MINOR.•; PROI;IIBITED. It shall be unlawful tor any tnlnor under the age of 18 years to loiter, Idle, wan~!'r. sl mil ()r play In or upon hP publk .>rtr(!('ts. highways, roads. nJipy~ parks, playground.~ or other f'Uhll!' ~mun~s. pUDIIC' phll'f.'S llnd public huiJdin l[s. pla<'!'5 or llmUU· . ht ltiJoJU lll!'nl nn~ !'nlertol!lml'nl. vAcllnt ~· ~ or tre<pass on prh•ate property A .1.IA e9 loU. .or u1.heJ:.. WlSUDU\'lsert plac.es ~l\\t•t'n lhe hour~ nr 10 PM. and Ot vill.t' W. Dant or th!' Archei Sgt d M "' I . 81 IJt r, J\. \I .or I h!' fullnwtnl: day. pro· · an . r8. .._..., a ug e r, 'lrlNl. tl~tWP\'r'r, 1 hnl the prcwlslon~ 1111 n~<llrt •'•I bu~lrwaa In Lc:wl lo 8 Monday. Mr nn•l Mrs BrAden Flnrh. :1:14 Hazo•l drl\·••.17\rf' addtng a new sun j')Orch on lh•'lr home. Anee-302 EIL'It lentral avenue. are the o r thl• s~lion ~hall not a pply to pa rt'nls or • .on born Saturday n minor at·r_ompanle<i by his or at St. Jn.~o•ph hoeplt al. hl'r Jllll'f'n l, ~tunrdinn, or other Th1• Cl'<'tl ktt Ue home at 123 ndull JWI'S<\0 hn\'lng the r are and 28th st rH't hu been ~ally lm· • u•h>dy 11r satd 11\lnor nr when 2Sth rr.w o·d In llf1pt•arance by complete 'll fd •minor Ill upnn nn rmergency rrpoln!tn~ 11r the ex terior. The t•rrAn~ Or lt'gtllm nlf.' . busineSS ator-twv·slnry residence wa. one of tllrc•rl•'d hy his or her puent, thr first hnUAel buJlt In Newport l:lln~rllnn ur olhflr n~ull Pt'non 1-'rnnk Ll. Rnb<·rtson, 201 101 n·•·t, ill f'rr•t·ll~ ll amall "l't~ bullo hng ot hla home. ~fr. nml }.{ rs. C'hriter P'otlft of · ha\ 1n1t t ht> rare ond r ust oily. of Burbank Art> liPi'ndlnf the WMk \\'tth Mn1 Wtlll.llm Sykta, 428 Be· ~lllllll a\'t'nUe. f"nrr llnd Mrs HPnry Wilcox. :;oo Anwta a,·~nu... are t.be par· I IIIli nr ll tl()n born Mon~ay at St. ·'''"~'Ph ho1pltal. p,., · 1\nd Mr1, Donald Weber. z:w Orrhlrl a.venue. art the proud pRN'nlll M f\ baby girl born I!Un· ol!l~• a t St Jo&«'ph ho.p lt&J. . r rr Walter Souder. who Ia ~tallnllE'd AI Fort Knox, Ky., II Anjnyl.rttr a (urlough a\ the bomt M hl1 parenll . .Mr. IUid Mr8. Jakf Soudrr of 403 2i.th atreet. Gt>or~r A'ndrtch of Balboa ~erv· r (f IUJ ushoer a t the weddJna ot Miss \'1\'lenn!' Amoa and David •': W••ttlln, jr ·. which t'ook plact l':unda)' at the FtMit ChrtaUan 1 hurrh of Oran(e. MMI Erfll'lt WAitae, 1&30 Ocean "''"'"''llr~. waJO Amon~ ,uea'-wbo ll tl!'nd!'d a bridal ahower (1ven !'~tunlay for Mllll Ptl!gi'Y Sebe of l trAn,.;f'.• the hoet n e bel~ Mr11. lll'nry St'bA of Santa Ana. C'art And Mn. Sam Mule and fllmlly are amonJ the rueall cur- rt•ntly domlc~ at B&Jboa Potnt HoUle. C.pt, Mule. wbo II on two WM"kl t'Urloucb from bll poet • t 1\Jc.an. Art&., wu tonDI!1y l t<:retaty or the chamber ol corr.- Mnr Dl'llll\ld 1!i. Ka.worthy re-snt~ m1nor. eently rf'lurnt'd to her home at En<'h 'lulnllton nf I hi.' pro,·lslons 203 Sapphtrt avenue, Balboa Ill-or lhls S<'('lton shall ronstltute a llln•l. who•rf' ahe 11 convaleaclng separatt' orrcn~. llflt•r 10 <lily• apent at St. J 08e.ph f:E€TlON 2 RF;!'PONSJBII.tTY hntpllal where abe Wlderw~nt a flF PARF.l"T~ 11 ~hall he un- lllfljor OJl1+11liOI). l:t\\'(UJ ftlr Itt!' parl'nt, guardlllll Mr. an,l Mr11. H. H. Benjamin nr ot hf'r 11dul1 II~'J'liOn hn\'lnl( the and two Nl.lns have arrived from ;·nre an~ <'USlrl1Y ot 11 mia or under San n10.~11 to apend Ul~ mmmer I hr "!-" nr 1,!1 > t':tQ ttl knnwln~tly t t h 1 JlPrrml ~urh minor lo lol\er Idle a t• r Bnlbba borne, 1020 Eut wnndrr, liln•ll nr play in Ill'. upo~ C'rn l ral awnue. Mr, Benjamin II t h!' puhlk ~~ ret't~. hlghwti}'S, roads rnnnrrt!'d "tlh the Bank of ~in-Alleys, p.'lrks, play~rrounds o; f'rtrll at ~llll oteco. ot hf'r puhlk ~trounds. public plac's Mr and Mr11. 1. H. Ferguaon1 nnd puhllc' hulldinl(~. pl11re' or 4:\3 S11nta Ana avenue, had u llmusf.'mrnt and t>nterta lnl"f'nt, wrl'k t'nd gurata the lat~r·1 bro-\&rant lots nr (lther unsupervised lhrr·ln-law and aliter,. Mr. and J'IAcPS, or. trespaM on pr1\'ale Mrs Ct'orge crtder of Lakewood property between the houn ot 10 Vlll'41't On Sund&J U!ot Jl'erru f>.M. an~ 6 A.M. 'Of the tollowlna • dll)', pnl\ lded. howe\'er. t hat the snn• • al~ tntertalbed Mr. and Mr.-Rou C Owen 111d Mr. and Mrs \\'m H McDonald, of Bal -boa laland. M r and Mn. 0 . 1. Archer and IK!Il, Nolan, 1061 W . Central ave- """. h""r ~~n entertaining ""'"' A r•'hl'r'• Sl81 ,·r. 11!'1. 0 . D. H ut t. ll'lol Miss D"IIY ~Canedy of Loula ,.,u... l<y The &aaternen~. who hwr ~l'n hl're tor two weelu and r·<~rt to rt•matn antJI July 2. ar. nl~o \'ll!lt tn g ·M .... Rutt'a 110n and ).lt4 ltfnnl'dy'e nuce, ~ Don· aid It Hutt. wbo w ataUoned at Ca.mp Pendleton IM&r Oc:eaNIIde P \'b Hutt expeet.a to luve eoon tor O\'frHU ct.t:f. . I p rm islnnN of thiN skllon lhall not apply wht'n the mtnnr Is ftccom-. . TAKE HER TO , • -- ...... ~~----------~~----------•1 mfl'ce at Ontuio. (More JWI"'CCUUa • ,... T) . I ~ . or upon the publli: llnlll. • ..an.dJnf~ble. waya, roada, a11e11-parkl, play-sECTiOJr'"'IO.--riNDINa OF ITOWicll or other pubUc IJ'OWI4. EMERC~. Thta Ordinance II public: placel. pubUc buUdiftra. pa.ed u an ernerceney mMatre. places of amuMmlllt and lllttr-and the Board of Supervl.on c1oea talnment, V&Caat &oll or other un• by the vote by which thla Ordl· su~rvtled place& or t~ on nance 11 paued. hereby declare prl\·ate property without hiJ or -that 111 emer1ency exl.U: whJc:h her parenll. guardian or O.th•r makea it lm~ratlve that tbll adalt penon havtnr the can and Ordinance ahall become effec:Uve.- cultody of .uch ptr801l, bet-. forthwit h, t.he n~ture of tald the hours of 10 P.M. and S A.M. emeraency belnl u followa: War- of the foliQ.wln& day, that auch time condiUona have owrtued pel'lon •lve hil or her name, the la w enforce ment qency of addreu, parent.a' narnea and tllr-the County of Oranr• .o that It nlsh proof of hil or her qe or Ia nt!CftUry to preaerve ~ public . proof that he or ahe II upon an· peace, safety, hMlth, .}'ftOnll and en•ereenr y e rrand or leattlmata welfare by l'fttrlctlne t he pretence bualneu dlrectt'd by hla or btr of mJnon In the'ltreeta and other porenll. guardian or other adult public plares for the purpoae of pei'IOn havtne the care and cu• curtailing ju\'enlle d~llnquency by tody of such penca, U4ll maklne t hla Ordinance eff~llve Ole fallure of auch ptr801l to (1ve lmmedlattly. ln· SECTlON 11. Thl1 Ordinance rormatlon any IUch of leer • a me e ecrm Immediately hereby aut'hortud and empowered upon lts•pass&le and pl'lor to the to take auch per801l Into cultodY expiration of 15 •YI after t.he and take him ·or her to hla or her paKSage thereof, this Ordlnanc, home, or communica te with hill or st\.all be published for one week in hl'r pannts, guardian or other the Newport-~boa Pt;ftll. a· new .. adull pei'IOn hu lne the care and paper printed In the County of custody or IUch ~r110n and de-OrAnre. State of California, to- mend the informaUon hereinabove •ether with the namn of the required to be. &lven. It auc:h membeMI of t he' Board of Super- ~non 10 t,ken Into cultody Is a \'lson votlnr for and against the ~non comlne within the provl· llftmf' . sluns of (his ordinance, any such . WTLLJS H. WARNER. few enforcement officer Is hereby Chairman of the Board of authorized an'd empowered to de-Su~rvlsara of Orange County, mand of the parents, guardian or Callf"rnla. other adult per801l havtna tht care ATTEST:' and curtody of auch minor; that B. J. SMITH, they take auch minor to hla or her County Clerk and ex-i>fflclo h11me. The failure of any IUCh Clt'rk of the Board n1 Super· p.1rent, guardian or other adult \'lsOrs of Orange County, Cell-• peraon hninr t1re care and cu. fom la. · tody of IUch minor to fum llh the Information hereinabove re-ISE-\L • • qulred or to take 'IUCh minor STATE OF CAl .TF.ORNJA I . . home when 110 demanded by any I u. such law enforcement officer II COUNTY Of ORANGE I hereby declared to be a mlldt-1. B. J. SMITH. County Clerk meanor 'and lhall be punJihed • and ex-otndo Clerk of tht Board hereinafte r provtdtcl.. .Furtlwr pro-of Supervttclh of Orance County, vlded, however. that the provlalooa Callfoml1. do· hereby certify that of thll eectlon lha.ll not •PIIlY to at a regular meatlnc or the Board a parent, l'l•rdiu or other aawt or Supel"\'i*>n held on the 13th penon ·Wh~N tlw mb\01' Ia lepli,J day ot June, 1944, the (Qre~Qb\1 married, but llald minor, nevenlw-Ordinance. rontalnlna eleve'l nu less. ihall re~n IUbJtiet to the tertlona. wu ~lldered ~tel ion bJ. provlal.ons of tfili"'SectJoa. wnlon, and' t~t the laid Ordl· SECTION 4. Jt &hall be un-nance wu thftl palled and • lawful for any pt.rftlt, ruanliaa adoopt.M a• a whol~ by the fol,low· or other adult perd havlnr· tbe inl vote: care 111d Natody ot anJ mAeor ATES: !lUPERVISORS ·mVIN un~er the aee of fOWWift ,_,. CEO. GORDON. WILLARD to lta\'e said m.lnor at t1We or SKJTH. JAMES A. BAkER. any oUier place without the .,_..: AWD WILLIS H. WARNER. vbfon of a ~tnt end ,.._ NOES: SU.J>ERVISORS NONE. sponalble ~raon betwftll the~ ABSENT: SUPERVISORS !iRED of 10 P.M. and S A.M. of the C. ROWLAND. • followtna day. . IN WITNESS WHEREOF , I SECTION 5. Provtaton1 of thla he \'e hereunto ~et my lfand and 'ordlnanc~ shall not apply to any atnxt'd the ofnclal ~eal of t he minor In the military. aervlce of Botrd of . Su PfrvlsoNI 'of Orange the Unitt'd States. County. California. thl• 13th dar SEc.-noN 6. For the purpoM of Jun•. 1944. of this ordinance, any peraon I SEAL I undtr the u~o:f.' or 18 yean lhall be' B. J. SMlTlt. d l'd County Clerk and u -ornrto ~•m a tmnor Irrespective of Clerk of the Boord of S uper· the marital sta tus of aid peraon. VIIOrl of Orange county, SI-.:Cl'lON 7. PENAL-'MES. Any Callrom lll. minor vho latlnc any of t he provl-Published Newport-Ba lboa Presa. """" o{ s~tlon 1 hereof &hall be June ~~ nnd 22. 1944. CALIFORNIA . STATE GUARD Co. B, Jst Bn., A9tb Regt. . 109 P•l• II., B~boa, C.JU. • ...... 1853 Capt. Willis M. Fields, Phone 788-M Firat u: Robert H. Reed, Phone 809 Second Ll Harold V. Hall, Phone 1436-J • ' . -. - 'kl~ • I ONCE A wEEK ., . I, 1 .~ • Thunday, JUDe 22, lM-t Mra. N.a.on 8pelllnu ot ~ Mr. and Mra. Hor~ C¥ney, panp Ia vlaltlne btr mother-In· ~03 Wl.lloo •treet. art' the plrenu law, lin. Helen. Spellman or J:ut ,,, a aon boro Saturday at St. lith .tneL Jowptt hoqltal. A ~Dalftaee Uoen.ee wu IMued Capt. and Mnt. Samuel Brown at Saat.& ADa to WUI.ard Stine IV .• IUO Newport boulevard, are aDcl Olad)'l J:, Bl"ow7tm1Jler, botll thl' pArent. Of a daupt.er born of Coat& .,..._ Jun'-' t at St. Joaeph hoapltal. Mn. RaMI Claw10n of Loa An-Mr and Mrw. Anton Waeek, ...... Ia ~ two weeki wttll 281 Mqnolla 1lreet. on Iunday her JDOtiMr, Mnt. J. II. MaClellan Rltendecf the rolden w~nr an- 200 1:. tet.b atreet. ' nlvl'raary of Mr. and Mrt. H. c. Mr. and Mnt. P'rank v..rsa~. Welu of Lonl' lkaeh. 333 Del Mar a venue, are the par-Mra. J ranne Robia of HoUlton, enu ot a d&upt.er bom sunday T~x . Is 1 new employee at the at St. JOHph hoapltal. • • Wt>KIN"Tl Auto Supply ltOJ'Q. Mrw. Knt. Out Nlntnberg. 1885 Or-Robia'• hu1band 11 etaUoned at an,.e avenue, wu •chl'duled to tn-th•• local Army Air Due. t.ertMn-today for mem~ of Mr.. Gertrude ICdlck of ~­ N.wport Rel~t. circle W.!J.C.S. nolla avenue left recently on an Mr. aftd Mft. Don HaTdeutt~ .atl'ndl'd vacation trtp which will stS II. 18th 1lreet. are the par: tnrlude atopovers In SOuth Dakota eta ot a eon bom June u at &nd at Yl'llow•tone Natlon&l p&rk. 8&nta Ana Community hoapltal. Forru t B . ..Owen, 20tl Nnport Mr. and Mnt. Roy J . Rlclul, &11 boult.>vard. w... amonr; deleratlll W. ltth et.reet. are at Banta Bar· ottt>ndlng the annual California bare. where Mr. Hlck'a lilttr. Mrt. ronference ot tht ~ternal Order J:thel R. CaldyeU, 11 -ertoutly 111. nr .Eagle. which wu concluded Membent of the Secon d Houae-Sunday at Ban Frartclaco, hold 8ectlon of Santa Ana !:bell Mnt. Helrn Shtlley wu elect- club haJd a recent meeting at t}le I'd chairman of Coata )lea& Home- Jt.obert J:. ftou beronla gardl'nl makr nt club at the June meeting 011 Old Santa Ana road. of tht ., organiz.aUon. Otlltr offi- D . 1:.. Coleman, 248 Flower at.. "~'" named were Mrt. Olady• llu been lai\Jed a county build· R•·hmt, vice chairm an, and Mrw. tq permit to entcl a carpenter'• Gla<.ty• Griffin. Rcretary-trt u ur- llbop on P'l<nRr •treet aoutll or ~r. WeetmJnater avenue. • TKe coat Pte. IJ(onny lkn&he, who form- will be approltlmat~ly 11000. nl~· re•lde<! At 18th and P!acen-tla avpnuP, 11 now .ervlng with thl' Army In l)ll'w Oulnea. aecord- • ....... Clanin In~ to word recel\'ed hent by • frh•n"s." p,·t. lknabe. hu a very CLIAMIMe 'aUSIMG P .... i~tt Whtle You Wait Hat. ClNoed aDd Blocha 121 lltOADWAY COSTA 1!4UA J'l'rl!onal ~ lnlcre1t In lhe war agAinst Japan. hll parent. &nd oth••r rclntlvu ~ln~t betrn tak· "" (lrtiiOnt'rll by ·lM Nlp1 In the conquept nt th·co Philippine.. (OlUa111 •~-<;-~ .L.t, a-u-. .. N&WPOM' B".BOA PR1:8s ' Mnt. J OIM'phlnr Kf'~l. tH w.·~l Ll nt ,.,..,. Kal•ht 19th ~t. returnl""' to work .. t 1 e . a Braddy'• t..auty ahop on Monday ~~illed 1D Aetl01 attn apendlll&' a month wllh hn illter -ln·law, Mnt. Dale lknMnY Lieut. J..-P. Kalc\t. who By IS\TE HITCHMAN I"" Shadow doH for a q'' MJ8 o f Santa Ana ~· fonnet'f.J ...... at ta. l lrri'l l'lo•nly of w,•at wln..S SunJ11y rur lt"l: "I'd bft a pnlu.." • . .CIItfofd U onbarcer, who w .ta-and Whittier a,_ue, WU klUed ••vrr>'Oih', A .. ·agull'a vl..w ,,, lhl' • • • tloaed w&th the Army at Ard-In acUon oo AJ!ftl 2t, &cOOrdtnr h~tth.•t w.1uiJ h""•' b.•o·n lnh•n•llt· NON-<'IlU~ WB•aNM mort', Okla., hu bt'en promoted to word .-.t..cl lly ** frltnda. tn~: " bnyful ot l)oata raptllly Th•• J une INu. of ~Inc Mo\of to H~ant. accordlll&' to word HI• ellA~ ~ lA U.. South Wrlt\'tng -an tnh·tl"atr J•allrm wtth lklat contain~ an artk&e &boUt rt'<'tl~ by hla pa ntnt., Mr. and raelnc wiMIIl M wu wound;>d onlll•hm• ,.,,.r lnulolnrnt but .omr-new pla~tlc whem. wllk\h Mr1. J . C. Llanb&rp,. of 2•0 whtlr e.,....a Ia COIIIMt nyt111 huw avut..S.••I •'"Ill with th.-uau-tra t••• th~tlr ln~tf'UC'Ubl• quall· Broadway. ,.., 1 wu uaalale to kU out ot hll ttl t! II n day an••rn'""' t rArrl'' t y, ," wrltl'r ciNcrlbH the t.Ma, .No dam~ wu NPOrted u ,._ .ltil'\btcd plane. Hhu•h•11, PCa. Vtkllll(ll, •Aiblltn. .... .-..•1111' c•t whl<'h I believe_ ... oon· 1ult of a r rUI tll'f' whlt'h occur· A brother, liltiDDitll ll KIUtht, ,.,. tUlll l'lb rill'<''' at tht• """u> •lut'll'd hl'l'l'. u bru~. ror one rtd Sunday afternoon on the Ir· t1 chief IMia~ lllate on a l""''· thtn.c. a 11 foot wtle,.., wu vine ranch nt ar the bulldinl' form-aubn~ ~. In un•· , lu• the ltrJt 1,1111 v h• ••ru•h•••l tlat N all •nvelope be· 1 rly occupll'd by Mona'• eate. ,... 1 I'OM thf' •tarttn~r luh· waa 111,.;,11,.J '"''"''" • t"ar and tht aide of a Cnlta J4Ha fire dl'partment an· Stork Shower Given rb)' • nrw ('1'\'W In • nt'W boat v.•htt l>ulldtna ," wooden membera, llwt•red the eall. _ pr••va-.J t.Mtn<Wtv... r->ur.-.Cul. "f ,·,•urse, apllnte~ but UM pau. Mnt. Oraee KI'HI o( Newport for Meaa llatron \\'hlh• tht> aklj'IWr lt'k.lk lh•· llllo•r lh· hull, whttn u.. PI'MWN .... boulevard left re«-ntly for Drain. nthl """ rrrwnlan wnrkt•<l th•· Jlb, n•I••AHo.l, popped beck Into IU Orc>g., whent ahe plan• to •pend Mnt. <>rna hftk .... rompll-" ... ,., ... d a"N'wman wu uatJCnrol m•rnllll ahapt ahow1nc no lllln ol tht• •umml'r with h t'r aon-ln-law mo•ntcd 8unda1 at a layette allow-lu low.Jk uul lluty anll tll•J nllthll\j!; Injury 'n.nd daupttr. Mr and Mnt. Mor-rr jl'tYt'ft by Mra. lmG~WM St.Prllnlf hut walt·h ~tnd rt'port ttvo tartlc-a rll Pter.on who formerly ret~ldrd or Santa Ana at the ~of ,.,. •·lllployC'J by tht• t'I'I'W ur tht' boat Uob Henley U11---r Ill 1857 Nf'wport boulevard. F'Un k'l moUMr. lint. R. J. Coome• •hr•'l'tly aft Whrn tht' ~'<'on..S "uun:l Nt>w C<Mtta Meaa re1ldt>nt• are of 1701 Newport lftllue, c01ta lw.•11t ea .. •d thl' main. nattcoiV'tl th .. Of .Healy Trophy Mr. and Mrt. OouJ'Iu B. Crough-Mt>ll. Jl'oliowtq lundleon lhl' art-Jib nr fll'l'parl'd to jibe', thf' flrat M. formerly of 421 Slit •tntet. r rnoon wu cWrated to p.m ... and bonl tlld llkf'WIIIl' FuJI<>wlnac thl• for Paclflc-148 • Nt'Wpot't, who have moved to inl pecllon ot tJae hOIIOrte'a many :<lntplo· but utl•fat'\flr)' ayatrm, ttobt'rt tNnley wu cSec1ared tbelr recently purchued home at lovely ,uta. · lh•• . n"w rrt'w. In the nrw boat' wlnnn uf U.. 0opunoc1ora lllwk 1829 Orange· avenue. The latter Pruent ._.,. Ji....ame, OlPnn satlf'd a COOil Nlrl' llnd rlarf'IJ. ••aly tn•rhy for Pao&fto ••·toot pro~rty ., .. prevloualy .owned Funk, J:llla etodr. JUDe~ Nel.eon 11hrad of thrlr unwtt UI\If coach uln~:hh·• upon conchiiiiOII of tM 11.nd occupied by Mr. and 'Mn. GAylord Blue Dorotly • J hJ\80 · tr thl1 10rt of romn.otitlon t'""' ltl'l•ly ~~trl.-a, lunA·-. u _. __ ..... _ Sam ~apper. • o n, ,~ -., -• ._ Mnt Orac• Kume; 2001 Ana-Mabel Ulva, C&My llhll, Ma,..ar-llnue1. tn>phl,., may tt.v.-to be r .. v •. r.. ltC'ortnc a,.t.m, Healy helm ·a venue, hu been •njoyin« t•l McClellan, CU1 Blwyckl, M. z. rrurnLI'<l to th" llkl(lJM-r whl'lt' lttll,.hcd with 21 1 .... potnC., willie Marlul, IC. c. Woodl, and Mlu IA<.'lll'a arto moat eut•rt·u full.v lnt· r•l•••o• Wl'und wu Okk ..... -• vl1lt from her dau~rhter and 1 r ..... t:rranddaupther. Mnt. R . lJ. Me-R<'tt)' Vd.lnde, all of Oolta Me .. : Ita It•< • I"' •th 27 1·4 potnt.a. an4 Wrcl, Ca ll and Patricia. of Ev~rftt. Mrl. Ape~~ 1'\ank, JII'L D. K. Blur • • • .. ~ktp .. Calk•na, wU.b M l-4. Wuh. Mnt: Rume recently be· and Mra. W . Tartii'O\IItl. Newport HAl. IIOMAN'fl IN1T.R.Lt'~Lr. " Hunnl'rw ~q~, pl&clll&' In onier came the· .,..eat-l'f'1UldmOtller of Bta('h ; Jleec!IIIJnM 0 · A. Hill, Kath-On Wt'«'kdaya Hal HumM.Il'll 30 otan~t•d. w•"' Bartloara lllaualf, IT a baby boy born t o Mr. and Mrt. lrrn Hill, Thelma BJ'fleld. Mary fuot kl'tch INTERLUDE rtdrl at flttlnta; Cla\.11 lpredllea. tl; Ra t.t'1ter Bell of Lonr Beach. H.tll. C&rolyn MJt<:h@m and MI .. h•·r m~•orlntt• In lhe Balbua Yarht Urandl, 48, and Oreon Hunt., IT. Don Elam. 100 of Mr. and Mnt. Patricia Kill, all of. Jkll; Mrw. f'lub art'a but l•n Bunola) .. Mmr t:ompelltlon for Ole Byron rw- Ople 11:1am of ltlt Harbor boul-J"n nle BIU, lllnt .. Betty Dudley rllln or ahlnt• or chtlly Julll'. Hal w.-11 p4'rpt'lual trot*1 for Pactnc !'YArd, hu joined the U. B. Mer-l\lld Mn. MJrtle lllltdlem of Hunt-hr•·ak• h•r out ror a · 11&11 "81V' t•·tOOtf'nt will open July 1. Vlk· rhant Marine and Ia noW tn train-lngton Park; Mra. 0 . L. Ludwick ne•'dl paint and varnlah," Ill)'• 1"1Cl and VCa will ~n ~lr lnlf on Ca tall.na t.land. Siner he and ¥nt. ~ Nay, Compton; h~tr own .. r "but durlnr thr w1'81 Mummer airtee at BaJ~ TacJs'\ 11 only 17 ytara of age. It wu Mrt BeU Mea.na and Mrw J ohn I havrn't thnl' (o apply th.-m and l'lub nu t Iunday, It wu Ill· nroeuary for him to obtain a MachliiiJ', J..acwla; Mn, Dora Oe· J h111.t to mlu a Sunday aall." uuuncad. wnrk permit from eehool author: lt•rk~mp. an4 Mrs. Danny Cordell, Thr lN'T'ERLUDE wu cko•IJrn· ill••• befort' tnll1tln1'. Santa Ana; Jtra. Jaell Cromwrll. •·d lpt'l'lflcally fflt nrtllhortl' •ati- S.vrnl n-commltt-chair· :.=.tre~: 8he'::, &JI~~ Tf'd mg by -;!t1~n G Hanna, Ru<lckor men h aVI' bMn appointed by Judge -er, • • -Mftl, 11hl'UtM 11 -wnt...,........,_.. 0 J . O<ldge, hrad of thP Co-la Iva Brown, Jln. Oloril Brown II a mo•mbtr ot thr Oulfwf'NI.riiUIII MP-. chapter of Red CroM. They And Mrt. Osro HJII, Loll An«tiH. whlrh numbt'rw 10mr 300 hoall tnrludc q r. P A. Chamt..rlatn, dlllrlbutf'd about thr wnrld On diii&Jitl'r relief; Mrw. Harry C. f'l":z CIAMD Al'fllfOUNC'ED lht' Eut I'OUt Gui!Vo·l"l'dl arl' nr- Burdlr k. Rfl"('lal voluntl'rr lt'rv· FOil EXPJ:OI'ANT MOTIID8 ganl&tod u a r l... Lorftl 0111;. 1;.1'11; Mrt Bllu McCorktll, nuntt'l' Mr• Bllae .llleCorkrll. 1'\'CenUy Wt('dl wert about to or~ranlu aide~~. and J oh n F . Wt>batl'r, tlntt oppolnt.ed dlalrman of lhf' Ylllt· whrn thr I'Vtnt. of Pnrl Harbc:lr ald. _. ing nunee Hrvtce at eo.ta MMI. lnll•rruph•d their plan• ·Th"r" ar•· SI'Cond Lt. Cha rll'l AttrldJe 11 today announced Ule f6c;m tl f nnw four In lh.-harbolr · Hurn«'r now 1t.at1oned with the armed tM flntt ca. tor 0~~tnm:. Par kard'a FtJl. U f'Utena nt B<'n fore~ In I~land. arrnrdlng to , thrrt. Btr,.'e MERRY, ... ul lAm It'• word received by hi• parent•. Mr. NOCTURNE .and tNTERl.tJOE and Mnt.~ C. c. Altrld•e of 1112 Claaaea wtll be held at 18111·2 " N rt bouJ ard 'nVI QulfWf't'd alat<'l'l llrl' 30 fef't E u t 1tth atreet. At thl' Jlri"H nt r wpo ev every TuM-long with 10 l oot ~ and lime, he wrote, th.-111n' Htl at ttay anamooa ~ S o'c*k. ,.,.._ Ill he h f draft. of 4 fet't 8 lnrhf'a Short mldniJht and rl.ea at 2:3{1 a '!"· w · no c ~ or thla lnatrue- La•a ... ....t •Ill .,_ Uon "'and It 11 bellevtd that t'ver)' rlltltl'd tht"y att df'fln.lt.toly llflt U ('· ...,r on, .... e con ... Inn "" ..,.., r1'· .f'ra but •wiU l'Uay th~t IH'Ven ..... Six~ BOat Sllpa Nearing CompJedoJI StlllMil ~l allpe belr\1' built "' l~th •lr.et and Bay P'I'Wit by Uwt Am•nean Lac1on eorpora. t•on of Newport a .. eaa, .,.. pn.c- lll'a lly complett'd and will aoon ll•• avall~bl• for rnoorllll' ~ ··•. &C'rordlnc to Or. P. •· o.&m· lwtlln, etlrporaUoa p,....dent. • IJuau up to aa feet an' l8fll't.b "'">' be acoommodat.ed In U.. allpe nnd t't'ntal prtorlly wtll Q. rt'Nfl tu IA (tol\ mem.,_nt, It wu It&t. ,.,, lloth commanttal and p&euunt .. ,.n, ~tU be a.coapc.ca rw· ...--. -.e. .. .. .Oil SUJlSlJJJl!? . .... ,.., ...... ............. ........... W~.ea yen erret~t• • ........ ~,..,...-.. ..., •• r~ ...... ...._"*' ..._ ~ .. -'""~~..._ nght ..... ,... If~ .. ~·--. ....... .n ..... .... .......... ""' ...... .. AMerr..lWIM.l ... ,.., .......... p. ...... , .... ........ .., f'HAI• .. 'YI* ~-.. .. ~ ..... .., ........ ~ .. IY .......... r. ......... ~ .... ... .. -...~~ ..... ·--·~-·---··-~D'-"' .... 0... f., Letfo, A-lc•-lllei~ ........ JI. _., .... , ..... -_,My ver.ed wtth o4arkneu rtdom!· wnman In need. of IUC:h help wtll nant ...-p taler advanta,rt of the opportunl-A('(•ordlnlt to Mr. Hanna. rwVI'r· · t y to attend. rour "'._ conaU al of them have ma~ world r rula- Mnt. Angelini' ~lien, ~427 Or-• e• and onf' rodt out a Ylortda .AnnUal m.ellnl' o~ 'Uw eorpot- nllon '-'til be held n .. t Thunday ,l~n" It, at tile IAc\OII 'Iuat. N~: 1taat1on and. eleeUoe o1 otncen will .,_ cond\lC!ted at that UJM and •IIKUIIIon made ot otlaar Impor- tant b\1111-mal~ ..... .......... --p~ ........... . ................... .. .-ell......,-·· ••••• rw • .,.,1••" .. ......, ... .. LOUC.KS l-'ftl7 ... 8taUaaeFJ. More eo.ta ., .. ail t!h ...... j .,. ·"-It hatl' the complete COliNe re av ue, .. "'" o1.ng a v.. . · hurricane when other yacllu met from her 1ln<tr. Mn. J. E . Lew· ln addtUon to lhtee eta... tiM violent mda.. • ton, of ':ora.t O,.e, C?rel' .. and vl•lt~-nurw. .,ve beclllda care Hal .iay. hi. utahAa buutltul· tM latter • Jr"Uiddaurftter. Nan~)' on lUI Kourly be.fY ""~ ftUndtee ly b&Janced, work• to wtnctward 1ean Lewton. The , vtaltont plan t o of both clvlllana anCJ. Hrvleemen without coynN& and In thtt day• Island Sldpnar Home he Mrr for about a mont h. Mre. ~ho p-e In "t"e4 of akll'led and wht n tw oould aall around th 1 • r"' All en'• many local frtendl will ll(' lJrofe81onal nu,...nr ~. For lan<ta. hr often trlmmf'd hr r :;..,~ From South Pacific ttlad to lrarn tha.t ehe 11 ahowlng I further lnfnrmaUon .......,.ctln« Ull' thr mlr.un Alon<' and fl'ft 1'111' l Ill :or_~ 8atl•factory I'I!<'.OVf'ry rrom a re.,llt'n •fct , call either the Colla MPaa ,.1111 hq iN'If for hnur.' at 11 t~m,.0. """;clc at hla Bal-'-'and bonMI crnt fall In which ahe wfff'rl'd a R,.d C~ At 102-W ~ lfn. ~<'· Shr'll 1 ·one man boat ,. .,. 1~pmpt.tln« • eucce.t\tl YO)'· broken hlp and 11 now abl,. to nc· C't>rkeH. 177&-W. ,... "' tbe S.UUI Paclfto combat uu lnn11.lly lr1we M bed for a Thl' hUll of thl' JNTJ:RLITOE 111''1• ll C.,t. J . A. a..lr of U.. wheel·c)lalr jaunt. r f'ATIID'R RAY DINNZII PAilTYiwAa built at lhf' Afk,.rmatt J)nal A"."Y Tranapon Command -=---------:--:----;--------------..,-----'!-----_:_.:;·__ Work1 In' AlhRmhrll In liHO llntl ( llpt BMk, Who wu NOeDU)' Mr. and.Mra. C. C. Attrtcltfl, ~tt wu br.)Uifhl tn th,. Rnuth f"wuot Jllll lllf>trd from U.. ruk' of oom- E lttll 1tr'f'of!t, w_eN ll'atller'1 Day ("nmpany for rl~gtng IIAI built ouan<ltr. lf'rved u c:ommodoN of hnau 1.o • l•llf• CTOUP of frlendl hn hnuaf' hlm••·lf Rhr '" JW'WI'T• II n .. et of nine ablpe In b .. 0011• and ..elatlvee. Oatlltertnl' at the •·•I with a lltht 4 ryll ntll'r Or1ty ''">'· a poeltlon which lnvolv.ct AttrtcSr"e hom~t for dinner """"" nuxtll1ry Sh•• hu two full tiUnkl 1(1'1'111 rHponalblllty and fore- Mr ~tnd Mnt ll:mll Moahnan and nn•l a tl ln,.tt•· th•· .... lA of wh lr h lh~tujftlt Aft.rr a IIJ\ort turtoup Mllll! Lelia ~lhlnJ. Anahtlm. Mrw rull out tn nuok ... " thlr•l hunk tn 1<l hnml', h.-U J)f'('la to put to :Ruth Mnalm'lul, 8an Bernardino t hr n111nn•<r J'l( " f'ulln111n bt•rth ""~ a,:aln. · I nnd 'Mnt Ch.arlea AtlrtdJt'. (XI' an A n•l 11h" hu a pip,. .,..rth fnr an · VJiow . Latf'r the party WN Jnlnl'd , 11lrn fllUUII'Oif"r Rhr I• : lhnr· \tANZANtJI,A PI~"NIO hy Mr. and M~ Wm, ll"rr<'nd and uu~rhly !'nmf,.rt,.hlr 11••nht•lll ""' lf'f•rmrr rral,...nll (If Manunola tllll.ter, 1\jdy. 0 ; Ll:» A,.tll'll; VA('hUmf'n will trattfu whn h•w• 1 • I • ,.. ·• ~ "". ar•• lnvlt~d lu lh~t annual 1 Mr lllld Mno n 11:. Kl'lly and 1.unmpanll'd Hal on ~~~··w"r f'ntl~-11J•·uh' I'!'Unton ... t tnr !'Iunday, thrte clllldrf'n and Mr. and Mnt. rl around thr <'h11nn~1 l•l•n•IJI ..... ~.~at Anaheim park. Ana- r Slpa ..-nnm n ~l~fUl~J 'tilE aiUN MAN .... Ja.I&JI IIOAT Lr.TTF.JU.NO Mt. L., Friend. Santa ua; Mra. Arter the WilT Hal t'X(l''"'~ tn llf'· hi''"' Ed Oau ltnf'y, Mnt Jimmy Hehn comp~tny thr r•·~t ,., thl' Nrw1~•r·l ~........_... -'-·---------~ . ... ' ON IHI HOMI FRONT, 1001 ' . UITI Tbu l1 the blJ pub• • line beeD wailiDI (orl • the "1110 bour''l Our 6Jht· ... aea ua retdy-readylo I trike ~IMre ••• al_)ytime .•. aayhow ... LU NOTHING! YM&~bcNt ,.., Ale,.. r•cly •IMitil cb1a •plric with yoar~"" ... ,.,a.ue.r l•ery a.ocws yoa IMiy II 10 muds aore power .,._ biOd 1ha bi& pueb ... dla.,. 'l tMc wiU eend Hider aad TOjo lato ob- lhion. Get behind 'fha ID~oa drift I IDYitt MOllE 1baa 8'9U bdorel Doable •• .'triple ••. wllat yOtt'ft doae ia aay pre.fiou• clri ... The job I• blJ-Jou'•• pc to tilt! !JtMII/W~/-IUY MORE THAIIEFOiE NEWPDRT·B~LS~~A PRESS, ' . 11n•·t1 t1~tught.-r. J~y. Ml')l. Lllura H1rbor n,.,.,· •m th• lr ""'"'"" I" f"r••lliPr and Mrw Mun,roe NttlWII. 1~ Rnulh 8 f'ltl, 1\11 f"' "" M•·'ll"• r•ll nf Cnllta Meta. flOd MJu Jtann~t 11nd lh••n •·xpl••r" lh•· ,.,,n,.llln••l Ann Gtrrllh, ~rt. n( l..t1wrr f""llfnml~ nl 1••1111111' H11l """" hnm ''" Lmo~: l 11l11ntl Rr:Tl'R~A P'lloOM LONG BI':Af'R 1-ft• f11th••r lln•l ~rrllntlflllh•" .... ,.,,. Mnt Jamt• A. Herndon, who •ll'•·r """ y11<ht''""'" """ ,.1 !h• hl\11 bl'l'n llvtnr at Long ~ac-h. n~re nf """"n lfl,. 11nll wn t••r 111 hi~ hAlf N'turn.-d to eo.t.a Meea to vf'ln• round 11 m•••l(um In " IIIII,. •nnkl' ""' home w1th her par.-nu. r "" cvllnt1•·r "n11pthn ""'""h" Mr llnd ~nt. Oeorce Bla'-d('JI or whlr h h,. tlrn\'r "'"""'' II'•• ~nt111tl lflj)tl Pla_!:f'ntla ,!veft\111.:. S~f' WU Jlc baa llv•4 111 C'.allfurula 1~ v,.,.,.. rwrt)mp&nl~td by I J1rl fr1eond, Ml• whtrh mak•'ll htn• ~ """""' "'"' F:w•lyn Waa'TII'r of Nebraaka. who ('lr"f"'" 11 tn th" F:lllll r"'"'' will a lii" 1'<'111/ie at the Blallldrll (lor• uf t h,. mnln ntlrNIII""" ,11 homr 11nd btrth blrll will contlnUI' l h,. JNTJo:RJ.liPF: IN Rhntloow 11 1" !h,..lr P~Hnt poeltlona with hl11r k ,.,,..k,.,. wh" I• m•ll• fnll h with UTI' Navy Supply DeJ>Ot 1t ful 111110 Unl'll 11wn •h••tllw f>f'llro Mrt. H,.rndon'1 h111band. llmmy. 111 nnw •ervln~ln f!urn· J'l'lln WA\1'1'11 llbn&rd a WbchjUM!r _\'tl'!n~ ftl)VflOOD ROMZ W If F rtttA. 1~2 Oranlfr ave- """· hM rl'tur!lf'd from a month'• Rnjnurn In Krntueky and oUirr purlll of lhf' P'.ut. Rl&'tlll«''t of lh,. trip wu a vtalt to ht1 boy· hood homt In Tndliana w1llch h r lut aaw ll1 yeaN WON. Thr preunl ocrupanu ot the houH In which h.-wu bom pwmltted him tn pwplnrt throueh all tile room• 11nd hi' found nmart&ably JltUI' rhanlt'e from Ule way be had l't'· mrmbel'l'd lh,. pl~. TIM weather in lhf' Ebt ht lald, Ia .extremely hot . ~0 INIUIUF.I!J• Only property dalftaCe .-ult.ed In a rolll•lon which OCCUJT9d Sat- urday ~tvenl.np; on Newport boule· vard ju.at north of o.ta Mea&. auordl.nl' to a rapet\ of U.. Cal· lfornla R l,mray PatNL Drtftn ot Uw vehlclle ......._. ware Joabu& W. ~ 11..11 1M 0.. etl ptace. OGatA ..... .. '9'lctM •. llroWft. ........ . ·-' .. r auAr h~ 111 nlwnv~ "' hl11 ""'"'' r'a 11111,. wh••lhrr nr ""' !ht• •un "' "'""" .,.. ahlnlta~.t !'h11tluw '" I"" 1 nwno•r <),. lh•• .lnl• rht'll) nu ,., .. I tu11l m01\l>y trnnAA• 111111, Y"" un· <lo•rRt~nrl, hilt If rrt•l" In ll ll<llll 111111 ah•rln~t l1f•· Rl>'tllr" '"''"" nnythlnl(. RlHI•II •w '" p11rl IIWil"' H,. t•am,. 11ht•nrtl wh1·n h~t Willi 10 dll'y11 ntd and for U~rr,. Y''"'" tlor Jl\'TERLllOF. · wu hill hnm,.. boofnrr Hal mn\'rd Ill f"orllnll •1,.1 Mu H~ r"rfl'l'tly . und,.rllt~~ll" lhllt 111 all tlrnl'll A ht>11t mUJit bf' krpt 1plr and llfiiiO W'hrn lllfti'P· lnlt' aooari1, In th•• mnmlnlt'1' hr wnuld I!Wim uhnt•• ""'I th..,, 11..t1lm blll'k '"••In llnll lll'rflmhl, ur lhr br•An11nlt' l••lft4.r ~~~lllnc h,. knnw11 by lnaljf111 whf'n f111l I• 111'K111t tn llll'k .and r rqa ... ,. to thr wlntlwar•l 1td" Ilk,. th" al .. rt rrrwman hr 11 "Jt I lcntw u mur.h f()r • man fiA80U) L ICMJi.,. ~== bltWaee ....... -Ulte .. ) Newpot'l -PboDe U0 ,.. ----,--....,....J ·---- ___ , Shell Marine Products AT THI SHELL D.OCK MAIN CHAN~EL - Just received ·for your . in.spection: A n~w ship-: ment af Marine Hard--·--ware for summer outfitting. -II C:Oall Highway Plloael84 . . .. .. ,. . .. . ._: .._ ........ = Z:.,.~ ....... ........ •• t.t• ... ., ..,. ...... .. ~ ·~ 5 • 11 Ia. 0 •:; IS~ L ..... ,:;: -00. l--...... .... .. ... ........ I ·,_ ID ....... to .... • at .... ~ • • Pagt 6 PROFESSIONAL c~- Dr. G. E~ TohW PlfYSlClAN IUI4 8URcmOM %* o..t ...... T .... IE I Offtf'f': tM-W ... , ... If no_., Mil~· , USO 'H08pital' Unit to Be Completed · or Summer Use :f~r a month'• CS.•Iay. Ol'e&· 11loned by a ch•n~t~" of plan~~. wnrk hu ;>e.t-n ·n•eumt•l un th•• IJSO'a n•·w , rt>IT&ln~tat wn unit un lhe Balb•~' b~ty rrc.nl. The job. which Dr. 111 b<•an~t '•upt•r\·tar d by Cmtl rartt>r 1Jvfn C'~or~e (",ordon, l• ••xp••Ct• d Obed Lucas_ 1 to b<' rully rumpll'te<l by Jwly, 1 pEN'I'II'I 1 ur pNhllJ'l• earlltr. ~ tlpnn complo•tlllll t hP unit will pmvldt' five ahu~~o en. •"rvh t•d by. ,. n larg~ hot wat er tanll .• a dry: I lnjt' ,.....,m, aml a commodl'b L-------------luungl' whr·n• wnlklng rQI'IUBitlt-1! DR. ,C. J. CARTER ........ Roon-Pia._ a a~t7 Phon• 1&. liM NMrpwi ..... ()ej • .._ mny n•11t nn rtll14 t~uppll•••l fn th~t purJlf•lll' flt'Mh urnhro·ll<tl will 111110 tx• 1n ·:•llnbll' fur hay rmnt UM. It 11 alii() plannl'll to l'flttlr tht• ll•hllh!lltat)on unit with hobby rotntPrlal ""~ nntu~~<·ml'nt JrOOdl'l. In rharl{~ M I hi' fJihl ,. will h <' Arlh111' \\'lnl••rhllltl'r. nl'llll•l llnt dl· ro•r tor flf Dulbon ljSO, whu h&s Dr. M. D. Crawfora ,.,.,:-;~n,.llot'lntNI with lf'r'\'lt• m• 11 r .. r thP. put r .. ur yt>ArA nml ""~ " ko-en iniPr•'¥1 In 1111'&•· who hav•• ht·romp lneaparltlllo•d. PIt hI' r O PTOII&Tal81' F.yt's· l!xamlned o.-rtu.d lhn'lugh llln~111 o,... w ru m<.IJo. Bulk 11( thl' ni'W dt'Jlllrtmrul'l! wpahM· ~'ll*'" will 1>4' from thr lonllrltnl unJt at Santa An11 Army Air RaM. but walkln~: CIISIIhlt le~< frnm Corona and c;amp Haan will Rlsf• Phbne SUO 1707 Newport Boulnarcl 0081'.& IIUA L---------------· bl' received. . Zone Therapy Clinic )lf'dl«'&& ....... Mw...JW. M-.., · Hydnt ,..,_., _.!:!PO"~ • G1aa1DaMgll1• Zonr Th~rariAt Bpec:t.u.t Oal ............. l)onntlon nf 1\ r nrtlrularly wcl· •·onw JliN'•' 11f ••IJulrmrnl Willi ,..._ (lorll'd tor111y by UIN'rtor Clydt• .Ailh••n whn ~tlll<.l that F'rrd H•·nl")l. r rnrcalonal bUO'\ball plllyl'r, hll<l p)llCI'd a 20·fOtll nwtorb<tlll at thl' >~l•poaal or t ~ unit. I ~ will br nvallable at all tlnwl! fM b!lY crul~ta_aild ehtluld pnt~·lll•· .f!Y~-ny l)ouri of healthful amueemt'nt ·for lh" tOn\'alf'IH"I'nta. · l'pon c-nmJl k'l ron of thl' n~w quartt ra, ~".» rurnll'r USO llhow- ,.r and loc~r room 111 DallY>& Pll\'lllon will b<· mad•• IW!tllabll' t~x~ptional Ronon Grecei'J Gorby Host .~\warded Women for at 11oM I.euncbing Red Cross Service aad Bnaktaat uucc lvc.U wvml'n have beeJI o......,. O..,y, ahlrbulldn ex· • ,. ·•I "" u u' 11U , •• 1 ccu.,rnallon for tr~. a..t Wednesday play· , ···d CH>-"ll p1 ,.Juett on work, lt ed ._ to • l&r(f' numbttr ol . ,,s rt•l'l•al•·d thul w~,1oc:a1 ft.._.. .._ ,alh~rl'd Rl the So 1.•·•1 l.'r uS!! ho·a•ltju"l5t.,ra. COUit ...... , tor the htunchlng ~ .. I " uun1mun1 or 100 hoa.n or Ida ... a-rnot commercial ,. t. t·.Hh year lor tour COI\MC• n*-•' a.&-llar 11 -oil' )'t'IUII, llfJ<'llll.l chevrona will ,_...a. ..... t'h Mr r.•.rby ad· 1, .. lu Mr ... Uco<g•· Conklin, 100 mlttecl .... '"UM flr8l W•· t'\'t'r at· 1, C '" un I-' runt. Ualboa, who bu tempted te ._..d." Wi'nl 1nto the ... 1 k•·<l :wvo huu111 In the put wat. at 7:tD L m . olhl! chrl•tt'n· . ~'!!e..~tu:o, M•":' LIIUIUI Linden! lnc ._.. Pll'to~ by Jacklr roo'l'jil'r, 6H ". 0cau1 J'root, .Hunt, .,. • ., alhtfr of "" em· • ·•~I tiuur», and Mra. lrvln 0.0. pi~ .. Ollltornia Marine Pack· 1-''rJun, 1111 w. ~ntra.l avenue, lnC ~. 1rt1o Ia credited with . ,, p .. tt, :.!:.!IJ() huure. maktn., -tale flneat 11.11tl l'leanut M • ~ ::;111111n Kutherrorcl. Red •wlf!C wt~ In a long whll!'. '"·'" l•ludUl'liUO ch&Jrman, t\&r· AIW· -..uon or th~ boat, ,,. , l""n~cd out tbat the" are h~ aM .-u adjourned to t••t~tly ••·•vr<.t.-<1 huura and lb&t-HeiNl lltaAaar'e Bay shore cafe " 11 v( lht''"' w<mlcn ~ put ,tn tor mu.t.nt where they were re· •"'>' mu••· 1w111 K ur unrecorded gated 'Witla aa Impromptu and , .••• Sllll•'. du !1\r u known, hlchly ~ng •lrstrlpUon· ot "''I•' "' c nvt mur,• than lbree C)f the boat aDd Ita building with 1• :.e cv\'•·h ·d ch,·vn.ona worn I~ 110me .,.aeJ .-nph~i:l on coal. :-•ulta A-lltt, It Ia do:c•d~dly aome-bea.a. ....,. -" )l(r Gorby, th• • ""'!: uf un h411ur Md a matter gl'nlal muter ot c<"remonlea. WII.L f!8F. REUOOPTJ:IUII The roof of a hure lnduatrlal t.ulldlng planned tor New York C:lly will IM• dt~llllfnt•d u a land· wg laelt1 tor hcnooptt'r alrplt.Jf•. Commutera wtll be able to ny In from OOWII.ry eatat.M ta IMUtiJ ·'"'llt'Y a.ntt Connecllcult u well aa Long lalflld and upat.ate New York. landing· within a few blocka rrom the center or bualneu. Hell· • opt era have puaed the ~ .nl'ntal sta.ge. but commercial de· velopment h.u bela bal4 up b7 the war. To the PeoPle of thla ~alty 'JbJe b • home froat eommUDl· que on the moat vital .,.r ac:UOII now In pro&re .. In .tery com· munlty ol the lanci-Uie J'tfth War LoaD. waanact. YanelnJ OD ou, obJet· , \.lve. J!ow• eYer. we must make ' c.rt.aln that we rea eh • nd p a 1 • our aoal by July a. Thla can be don,e n,,•al pnd<~ tur thr~e to have Tbe Cl'att., wblch Ia powt'red ••· ''" uwurde<.l In the Harbor area. with a~ 1Wy111 t'nginl'. hu 11 f'.,r the msp1tttt1on ot other 1~ --. •• anJ a cargo ca· , • .,,.~,,. u .. n W•H kt•rll. Mra. !luther· Pa;ctty fill 12 toNI. lt every ooe ot us puta aomethlnl ~tra of ouuel~• Into the ll&ht. l••rol uJtlctl thtll t•\'l!ry one ot the" Oueete .,._t 111 the launch- ''"',. tlrd,·s8 wvrkl!rJ Ia contin-tnc and ~t wer~ Mayo'r " 111-: h,•r • lfw til an<.l 11 on uie Clyan )1. RaU. Oouncllml'n 0 .B. ,, . .,. t" • .trill II!: th.. r.rtll • year Ree4. Robert 4llen. Earl Stanley o il 'I'"· and IAeter llbtll; Harry Gartler, ~ra4en J'tnch, actw. Moore. Harry 1'wo Hundred Donon Welcb. Walter Spicer, Max Gor· by, Oordoa l'lndlay, Judge D. J. 1 !\ eeded to Complete Dodce. Lt. J:ucene Toln. Kent • Hltcllcock, 0 . W. Bullett. W. H . • Ulood Bank' Quota Hitchman. a. A.. Meyer. H. o . Tb•· f1ghtlnK men and the Red r11188 nre· rountlng on 200 more l•·•ul Cltl~ns to \'Oiunt~er • for 1:1"'"1 Uuno1 l>lty," July 10. Of t h•· 4W ~,rtutrnntt·esJ. only 'halt h .. v.· r··~t~·rnJ to <.tate. Noone needs to remind you Ulat It Ia an American trait to fo Into • sprint With the I OAI In I aM. We t lnrted thit push June 12. R~porta tr.lm every c:lty all4 town in Amerlt'n teU ua that the D~· bu of Individual buyen ot vrtra War Bonds today bu reacht'd an unprecedfnled total We aU !mew that In additioo to numbttu we nl'ed fire JIOWer. Your extra War Oond Is absolutely eumtial. The l!rntc:r the stod:plle ol War Bondi, the euie,r It will be tor us to aet th1s war over. Thll very moment our boya are wa&ln& • hfe-amt~eath atruc&le. Every nlldtt•onal War Bond you buy will tllay Its part In the out. conie. LDst month'; War Bond, laet wrelt'a War Bonet. ye•ter· day•a War Bonet are alftady In ~embattled fo'lholft. Today 11 8DOther d•y for the home front Just u tqlay II another day for the bo71 on the battlefronts. THE EDITOR. DIVIDDD NOTICB n. JUteeath couacutin nemi·anaual dividend at the rate of t.br .. per ceut (3 111 ) per annum for the nellli--aJl.Dual period eadiDq June 30th, 1944, hu bMa declared by tile Dueotora of tbia AaaociatioD ~d will be paid JuDe 30th, 1944. ' AMOLUD 8&l'ftY FOB YOU8 rulfM EACH ACCOUNT INSURED UP TO $5,00~ 'l'olal --....c. .. lbceu of teoo,ooo .............................. 1811 lla1n ·laacllllan ~ 3333 Vie LWo 'Phone r.soo Newport &.ach, C.li,.,.ie DIRECTORS J. A. IIU S. A. WlYIR. W. A. WIAAWS P. A. PALWU WALUR S • .,IClR . C. ~WINKLE W. A. WILGUS SHELL .. N OVELT 155 NEWPORT SOUVENIR AND Gin SHOP AU£01#B PUIU. Ringa, Neclclaces, .Bracelets and Pins "SQUVENIRS AND GIFI'S OF ALL KINDS OPEN SUNDAYS PHONE liU·W "The Store of a Million Article•" Yes! We Wrap Gift• ·--==:~====:========:Ito un·lrrwuml'n. who 1\l prt•JM•n t _ tonjoy no eurh fArllllln fn Balboa l ll•tll'fll IIIUI<t t·onform to the f••~•WIIIl: pnllt·rn-Th•;Y muat be I" I \\'r'o ·n lht' hl(•'ll. or 18 and 80 > ••nrM. m ust wt•lgh at laut 110 I"'"'"'" ami b•· In good health. 1 Thotw bo·tW•·•·ro 18 and 21 y .. n 1111111t pru\'li.k the <:oll.lt·nt of par· "Ills ur guardht.n 1. Nine montU 11111st han: elapst·d sine~ any op- 'rrtl1on. YOUII,I'. T. Pr1dmore, VIr g II Wreka, aft. Jobruaon. L .' V. Phtt· bua, John Cooper, Roland Thomp· aon, C. a.. Ackerman, Clyde Den· lln•er, Rubbud H owe, Cbarlea Peyton, Pr1~eyton, Supervlaor lryln <Jeorce Gordon, Mra. H . D. Younc. Jr., lira. H. o . Young, •r. Mra. H. A .. Jalula. Mra. Donna Hunt, "Doe" 8Wfo'rd. Mra. Khra· lton, Robert Calli« G~rald Lib· crty, Roland Wrtght . Mr. Ma-· gruder, Walter T)Jtnrr. F . Kenne- dy •and II. t;. Hendrlcka. --------------~--~----------------------~----------R&W•• ILeolrnra .. P11:RIIANaNT8 B&A.DDrB BneriiiiBaltJS.., ~,. ...... ..... ('oata ..... .... - Mof1gage Is Burned as Christ Church Cleared of Debt fl'or th•• fln~t ti~TW In 11 >'"'trll. Fnr· l'i~hl hnurs utter the dona• Chrlat Chun·h by th•' Si'l\ 111 t·n-I lion nn donor shoulc.L. cng ... In tlrely tt,.•• nr encumbranrr, th"l h:orll work, or In l!'e ca.ae of m.U· mort~ta~te burning cf'rt>nwny hav: I II "Y JWI'II•mnC'I, no nytll,l' or lnlf ~n ob!M'rvt'<t by n \ugr nnt1 h· "vy ""uclaa. IIJlprrrlaliVf• congnog~tllun Rt'KIBtratlon may be made .at 8pN'ial mulllflll nurnlo"OI ar·i ll··ol CrOIUI hi'Adquarten In the r&ngcd for t he P\'Cnl lnrlutl•••l Sl••l'\•y bUIIthn.c. BAlboa ; at 8aw- "Oh. Lord. Mt'lllt Holy." by th•• yr r ~~rt S hop on Martne a ve- <'holr vo'lth II()Jlrllllo 110lo 11rul ob-l 11ur. llnJboR lllland: at the nre . ll~tato by Nra. RlliJlh Honrd. and >~tktlun In Nl'wport; w1th Mil• I CCompanim tnt r.n thr phtno u.nd Ruth Simp11on. 2M Heliotrope, violin by Edna W11lkf'r llfld c.!< 'uruna dt>l Mar. or with Mn. V-Ie· Donlcer. "Open t he Oatl'a of the 1 !lor Orscl', cha irman or lira. Nor· Trmple" wu ~vrn lUI a Jllano llll\n Calllllh, co-cha.lrman. lin. R. Emergency Hospital Sold ~ Mojave M. D. PurcbaM of the N~wp<•rt l!:m!'r- r~n'-'1 a.o.pttal from lA'~<Iir A \VII· try hu ...,_ UUIOWI('4'd by Gtor· aid RaUM; 11. D., Wh•• hM tx•Pn conoec:tecl wtth a hoapt(al nt Mo- jave for the pe.at two y•·ara. Dr Rauaa Ia •Uau.lutlc about the Harbor .,_ aAd bellevn there Ia a Koo4 opportunity .hl're for an .tn•tttutlon Oil UU. t)']><'. The hoa- pltal bu Mea oloMd ror the put mofttl\. Mr. WIUey'a piau -re not dl .. c:1oee4. Gro·w MORE .• ~A 1 P'IIMMie N_,... .. 11010 ·by lira. A. J: Rultt-r, and t' :'1/l't'ley Ia In ChUJ'e of ,a '~ f...._T,.. 18......_,, 0.. .._ '"DINa the Lord. Oh My So~l" by "•·1'-"n up" t11ble locat~d at the the' choir. 1 ll.orok or Am"r lra In 8&1boa ev~ ..... J~ T'l . ~ ., ------------- Lic-.dY .... ' )lndfona ~,....., • m c "'; 1 I Small A ...... 81 Qll'llll On•r 20 •Yf'&IW •per• l:N'&tlll,l' .laTP utd -a ANI:M.U.a R()AJlOI:N() -8A.'111DfQ tn'IUPPINO -a.II'I'DfG Or. S. H. )VALK'IROIHii loot Oout .... ......, -Oorou Del Mar •. I'Mne Newpll't 1t11 lmm~dtat,.ly rr.,,· .. c.lrnl:' thr C~'r· ,,.,\' twtwi-en lhl! houn of 10 a. amony wu th<' rrj,'lllll r prNu·hinJ! "' .ontl 3 p. m . by the ftf'(' F. J) r,.....,..tl'll. fllllm•·-Th,· r<•gislrant will be uked to ,.d by a litany M prRil\1· An;l d••tH-ot n I•• his Jlrf'f••rt'nc~ of tl~e be· Cllllon wrlttf'n ''"PPl'inllv ffl r rw>rt-I \l't•••n the! houra of tO and 2 f.l\11'1' burning r~>l••monlo'll • "o·hwk on July 10 and will later l<"irr wu th«'n IIJthl<'(l In " 111111111' lw 1111ttfled of the exact ll~ oil fur.na4 llroultbL Jroru lJlc Ur· _1 h.-dorJallon Will._ be tAken. '' ll'nt by a bn'Wh•·r uf thr Ito•\' )II". Ooodtll. Th~ mfort).(nj.:<· wn~ IJ:'IIIt-.\RM\' UROt'P .. TO LIP!AV& rd by Dr. Obf'd Lu<'nll, rhnlrmnn ~t~XT MONDAY MORNING etn'ltLOPF..8 AU llqAaC& • But we have pl•ty Oil them at Use Pn• Print 8bop. Pr1~ are I'MMI~able. 2211 OoMt Blvd D~NCE r. 'fte 8wiaa AM of •Uie flnanr" rommllt•'•·. who thereupon pro8•·nt•·•l tht' hln7.1n~ 1k>cument to J ohn K F.lllutt, rr··s· ldf-nt of thr b<lnrtJ nf truJot•···~ Mr Elliott hr ld lht• pnr"'r alo•rt until It wu fully ,run~ll1111'd hy t .. ·•n-lng Newport lkach depot ,,, "tl Monday morning wtll be a ..... 11-'e Ut • •lit! lng-rnt of mf'n alai~ Jor Army ,,•r\ II'••. It WllS dlscl~d tlll8 ,,..,., .. ng by It J Hayman of U\~ ..... tl •lr11fl boarcl. · AMitliCANIIM,, . I&ACIWII lUCK MAIKIYI ••• IVY AND IAVI WAI IONDI ••• DINNEU BA.MQUEI'8 thl' namea. 8Pvrral out-of·tnwnPr~. ~ ... , ••.. r them ,fanner membc.n! ur th•• t"n· g~rallon, wer~ llrnt•n~ th•u••· Wlf - nl'lutlng thf' 1'\'rnt Th••v 111.-ltlll•••l Ju~e and Mr11. 11111,:1 y \\'• •l""''" and aon. Harry, jr . n ( I;•• An· ~trlr•: ·or. Nl'al lr••liln•l ~Ill'• tlll· lt'ndent of thr PRI'tlu• (I hi , p,.,_ plr'a )lome. and Mr~Jr••lnn.J nn•l 110n. John. or L<l11 'lll'n.-•·1··~, :O.t r~< Nancy Alwood. 1'pluntl; Mr!" John Ell11worlh. Or• llll•l ~Irs. Ralph-K Hollrd. rlo•Arwut'rr nn•l A. BtLih Sl~vrna of Pllal\tl•·na. lhl' In :\(i•ht Inn, sn unciiUNiffled • • nllllj..'••nt' o( 41 ml'n will IMve 1 •r lllolur ttnn Rl nu(on, -July 13. Th•· lntt,.lt grnup will ronalat only • r r •'S:I~f rnnt11 undrr thf agt of ~·11 \ • ·~ w1 th nm\-rather• to be MArn MALNECI OL08to ON 1101m.AY8 Mack's Photo 104 Mala St .•. Balbo. Co81t Guard and Pa .. port for identification, 1-hour aemce Portraits at aeuible pricea. Baby Photoe, &Dlarqemeata and Photoetattc Cople• e WI INVJTI ~V TO YJiiT Mack&Black Cllif ., Fn•••h-o•" INOit Directlr Aoroae tM .._. ---.. J-- rhl.ln'h'a formt'r 'tredltor. Nr. Bt~n• h~td p~ .... l#r,.•l " ~"<>n­ trlbutlon of 15000 '" tho• nrw bulldlr11t fund IIJl<ln r~yn~o•nt nf thr old mortKil~t· He• ""'1•.-:hl thr mont')' w ith him In •·llllhlcr'l! c heck•. Save for VIctory! Tum In 'your .crap metal, ,.,-.. paper, grr-"'. ••• lis Drnutr• SATURDAY JUNE 24 I ok•·n hdorr fa lhrrs. Sclec~ea 1:30 till tz:• ,. & • •lllj'l llun.: tlu &:roup will be U· 81XTU STKEt."T ~GN oi!IH'•I In lh•· hranrh ot aervlce BR0.\0\\A\' AND ~'tCAJIO.KE • ho r •' m •• ,., no·o·;J,;~ without being-• ,;"''" nn npf>.•rt untty ror lndlvld· SANTA ANA >r d 1 h•oo•·••. II WAll 8111d. Tlw t v·ft\'1' mr n hound' 'fer t.o. \ "1.:• lrJ< nn•l t h•·l r prr·lnducllon 1·h' •1•·:t1" lo·rt :-.:o•WJll)rt tut 'nlun~­ .: o\' lllhfl11nJ: cmoll'r lht> l~lldPrJhlp .. ( ('h;u•lf'l' El·tnrlnjl. le.t.l41r c:am.a:c-_ ·' t I h•· =--••wpnrt fWll!tOrfl~. Adn1U...ul\-lle a &MIIee· ... • a A Fi>nfnre Of The ·Allied Nations!. 't:w I'ROJH'(TlOS ll()OM STRE l: T FAIR ll.tlh<'>A r .. lnnd'lt R··d C'rOIIII pm· tl..'> /.01\t: ..:/_ -~ dn• '"'" , ••nto•r fl! now opPrallng \\ Ull t. t.l.t.I'KAN'I' &lit: I au~ Ill 11. Ill'\\' h•'t\llflllllrlt'rl at 313 .. t 'UIU l :'toll: r&I:A.INU \fnltrH' nv<'ntll\ lh<' bulldln~t hav-·••·al en~ t ..... n-~l'IIN'Ii hy tht' group from l'••hn Brown. public accountant. l'n•tlur t wn or •urg1cal drr .. lnp THEY KEEP 'EM RILLINiin · TilE /IA/UIIIA/11 A•E~THE IA&KIDIII Dl DIFINII ~tpllo TO "TOUI AMtAICA" CHI Tout fA-nl .... C. lTAT-IYUY t..&Tti .. Al J P ... PACifiC W.U J- Doa Wlulow of ahe Navy . , lA. c.-.. l'r-aak ........... hn~ lnUIY flllll'n ott &nd atnc~ th<•rr Ill l!ll<'h ''ltlll nt~>d tor this n'lAII'rlllt. lal11nd workers an urg • I'd to cl<'\'otr f'\'t'ry mlnutl' ·poe· ~<lhl<' to thl1 work. Orrulnp an make ur dollatil/lllfo' America m11cll' f'II.C'h Wrdnractlly and Tfiuni- dlly. from 10 J. m . to 4 p. m. so MOBILS: RLClOD BANK In or!ler Jh11-t thr t'ommunlt y'• rull rffnr t mR\' bf' tumt'd towa.rd ~•'l'llri n~t sutflclr nt' volunteen tor th,. Blood 0\lnOr Day, July 10, • 1 ht>r•• will bt' n•' trip to th,.c Sa.nla An" nultlllf' blood benk ID-~IUier lunr nr July .. It wu annountf'd 1 hi• wf't'k. Ordtnartlr u.. N~w­ port Harbor contll't!nt roe• to Snnta. Ana ,on the fourth 'nlun· d11y In tht' month. AS AUIY OF j~J.'IITIU A aun·rv ahowa Uil'rr are 18.000 Pillion In ·u.. navy named Smltla. :100 of thf'm wtth th• -.me nnt an<t middle Initial: ulit 15 per e.nt of all ov.,.... m&J1 Ia .,.._ ~11 or tna4equate17 ~•U ~tl ~ . JUDe 22, 1~ ........ lor UJCIOU8 .,nAD ... OW-Yu##&D .... U.GDS • usa H1p•aJ 101 J..t 1ut oi n. Aloia•• o..~ WORK SASKET JhllaN.a.nap. • , •• Qeo6l ... y.,. • Wt# .... llii*Mtlt• .oatil .... 2 ... a',... .... -&11 ••.• ....._, ......... ...... .Notary ~lie · lor Your Convenience We h••• two Notarlee lo ow office. R. C. PARKER a-1 ._..te ud laeuraaee .... .,..,., ... ~~. Oaata .......... L. ....... tK , ...... ~, • ._ ., ore..,, ,_.,_ CW l'l&lfO Ora w -& < , a ..... , M G Jpmt .. &,_ a.-... -I'IIOJQil JfswroaT .... ~ca.-a& ~ of u Dlll1nd f-DUCKB ~ • 8'1'-''DONDY w.&cla Ia J-elly ~ OlwtiiC cans. J'or All o.c..IQNI • w~ &D4 J:npccmmt • IUDP oo our Euy Budlet Plua 171'f lf.-poft. Bl•d. P1L WtR 008TA KaA Machine Work ROSSI CAFE o.-Dtl-. -r•·· rood Cocld•"• filE IOORE lUkes Better Ice Cream ftiYftl ...... c.tectiaiiiY 2WOOCUM noNT n-73· -... " ·Sa~ Sr»J g~u;.p ·---- FOR MEN and BOYS - • .., ........... aA•MA mLAlm ..... .,. ..aL W. STAHLEY R.altcw Notary Public Pbolll 171t -ll&rtM Balboa 1ILaad IISUIEJtWpa- >-111Hw~• \ M--4M~ ~ ... ~ .u ....... uu ~tacl wttbout U\t JIPreadlnr. Ull.t a pudd.l• without ...ace. Like a matu-without ~. Like a cait wiU.OUt a ~ Lll<t a door WUhout a lateMtri.DI'. Like a fence wtthout a eWe. Lil<t' a dry ancl balftD creek bed 11 :1 faoe wtu.out a .mae. -l.Jb)mow1L • • • 80Unded a llttl~ euapld OWI, th radio ..eail ,..ulted . . . lin. 0~ w.nt lmm~MP· ly to Ana.bltm wttel"& etwt wu Joyoualy meted by a tunny lit· U. pooeh . . · . al\4 now llbe hu a very 80ft. 1p0t In her bean for obM~t polte. o~ wbo taU Ume out t.o notice bOIMiy little d6p ud Netore them t.o their • • • lin. Ralph Bcborle, d&u,bter of the Everett Reu of eo.t:\ If you could Ilea&. the other day &'ave blrth ret FelbC lleh· to a bouncm. boy. 'Belnc the tlnt de'-olt.D rrandc:b11d, It Will naturally a ham to talk he peat eveot t.o the Ra.. . . . but .would cloubU.. It would bad t.o be at leut quad· teU a Npleta to l'&1n . muat ~lion Inc from the Beborl• . . • . for tht're Inc are already 14 rrancScbUdren on ~ draft'ed that atde of the lamlly tNe . . . to Anaheim • • • a n cS he In r.ponae t.o a query publlall· t.eU. too, of ed two weelu ..,-o In th.la col, aubeequent • wnn. J . t..!Je Steffen.een, chair amazing reaeue by Aliabelm man o1 tM N4rwport Hart>or lie". But Felix lle.ndeluobn won Scout committee, now comee t or- talk-and t.Mre'a ~ J'OQ w&rd with .arne lnterutlng It«· nor I can do &bout it . . . uree llhowlnc how the Harbor'e The very tact that he'a back UIIOO Scout fund wu apportion· with the family acaln .. aum-ed to the Yarioua troope of the cll'nt cauae for rejolelnc In the oomm~ • France• Graham bome at 010 Of the ~ amount. MOO went Acacia avenue, .COrona del liar. tJie ,eneral tund t.o main· About two weeka aco Mn. Ora-aoou~ 1n &outhtm Orallp NE'WPORT-BAI.BN. PftE88 AMERICAN HEROES · It Mr. and lin. rreact. Olecllner, 128 PC'arl avenue, aN U.. parente or a eon bom June 14 at Sl Joe. <'Ph hoepltal. f'vt a.ntl Mre Charlu Rnbln.on. 117 21!th ~lrC'I'I. art' th1• JlRN'nta .. r a ann, ~rn lut Thureday' at St Juetph hoepltal C'apt. 1\n<J MMI WilliAm A 'F'Oll. Pap T ( StNCI 1932) Balboa Balboa Island h.am lnforn1ed Newport Be~ JfO-county and for natJonaJ cont.acte. lie~ that her eon'e ~u dac.b· ('nlta proYtdM for the malnte- sbund, F elix , wu AWOft. He nance of Camp RokiU and other wu, lhe eald. a .orery good n&· completely wortbwblle projec:te). tured little q , but a terribly Boy Seoute·of the community re- homely oM: extremely bow-lee· oelved 1100. and UIOther 1100 ~f'd. ~<lth a lower jaw an Inch each werrt t.o CUb acoute and Girl shorter than ble upper Jaw. In Sooute. s.a · Scouta -re allotted race. abe collrtded, he wu ao Jt2S plua another 11215 for apeclal hom«-ly that he &Jl.fi'er~d to the equipment. OM hundred dollan name ''Repulalve" u well u t.o wu earmarked for malnt.alning Sgt. and Mre. Du Verman. HM W. Bay avenue, are ~ puente :>11:1 E Ua)• 11\'o·nuf'. art' th<' pmu.t 4 llllrt'nt.s ()( 1\ (tllllgt\t.•r born JunP ··-··------------------------~ hia JX'dlgreed name of "Felix the &<:out hut and· l2tWI. beld for or a daughter, botal.m J~ Jllt>ndelaeohn." th -..,,_d. ..a.... r _ St. Joeeph ~pi 14 at , e emerr-eN!Y ..... ·1-nua. ..- Time marc.hei! on · · · L·a • t I pointe out, It Ia quite evident that A marriage llcerwe wu la•utd Wedneeday, Newport pollee &'ot a the Qlrl Seoute were not ellgtlted, at Santa Ana to sAmuel HU'(•I•I radio eall from Analldm. lfad In any ~. lA tbe .appor:tiOA· SpQnltller and PbyUia Evrlyn anyone here reported a m._lng ment. Foeter both of Balbo&. wlwrf' !ht'y pllln f•l mftln" thMr-111• ---dach•hund? A tearcll of the lor Loc.aJ Boy S<:outa ~nUy rata· ' • showed Mre. Oraham'e report of ed 180 for their troop by, collect· L t. Comdr. M. H. Calcott hu 11 week previoua. inC .and eelliq coffee jan and returned from duty In the South 11_ 1\t 81 Ju,..•ph h111pltlll I Mr Knol M rt \\'IIIRrol North ancl 111mlly. ft~r>n•·rly or 000 H Bay \ F"lllt, hR \'1' llh~\t·tl In l'nlut u 1m11 lor•• hnmC'. Jler Nnrth 111 ILU<'><'IIll· _________________________ _. • <1 with <.:onJKJIIdah•<J Aircraft at · Dt'lk Sgt. Char11e Pne.t pboned tbeh cut.. added Ml t.o their Pacific and Ia apen~ 30 d•Y• Mre. GrahAm . . . She rot In treuury by the M.le of eaJvage turlou,b at hta Newport lallllld touch wtth A.nahe.lm. ve.c.r1ptlona ~r. home. · Sltfl Dlrgo. Vllltttn.c at th,. L W 8pN~~~ard l>c~me In NPwport arr Mre. Spe•- nrd'• tv.•o dau(Chter• from Mont· ru•t.l. Ark , Mre O.·nw'ICI Hun· l•m IUHI liOn, · Jlrnmlc•, lllld Mre Oma OardeMhlr# ancl chlldN'n, f'l'llr5n' and Ronmr Mn Oardt'n· 11hire phll\1 to rrmaln a t San Ot· t~n whllr hrr hu11hand 111 et.-kln· I'd thn• In the Martnre ancl Mre 1 Huntnn will return to Arl<aNIU In a ff'W day. A I !WI a rfftnl ¥1•·1 ltor a t lht' 8Jli'N&rd hnmf' wu a ~ere uehancect. It' wu undoubt· 8o .. • .. 0 •. eeem. t.o be no i!dly the mleetnc c.anine. Certainly altemaUve. p1a .. Y'~otta fO to no other animal In the world work . would WA« hie taH· &M leek --- P<'Clantly when you addrMMd him <'llher u Fellx Menckt.Obn or Rl'puleive . . . ' The etory W&fl thle : An Ana· h,.lm offlr t"r had •potted the litranJ{•' llnim&l. Havtnr never be· fnr<' llf'rn qui~ 1uch a dO(. he aaked the apparent owner' where he (9t lt. 'Ibe "crimei'• eald be had been ~n to the beach and the dac.bahund bad eUmbed Into bla car • . . ..u tb1a apl&D.atson S. 0. S. Radio ;-and Ete·ctr~c · Co ... Radio Service' • -CLOS!D ON MONDAYS- Harold L: Hamm Rad.io SOund Teelmici&D PHONY! 710 21 S Nbiae, BALBOA ISLAND .. ... .. -- "N. B. C. R&dlo Shop" le the new na.me that L. W. Ewen hu contemd upon hie Newport boul- evard radio h~lta1. OoDtrary ·to what you may have wrmt.ed. o -ald, the title doean't et&nd sor "Na~loe&J Broadeuunc co." The lnltl&U a.._ U.O. of U\e tOWll'l to be een1oe6r-Newport. Balbo& anct Oo!lt;a llee . . . •••• W1lat oca.. t.o lllind • . . Mn. Brtek O&laee, 10 I UDdentand, ba.1 a aeedline eama~ w-hJcll pro-d~ blooma of tbret dtftlnct colo,.._yetlow. l"nk arid Whit~ all on the ¥IN etalk. She 11 now etartJnc, tome aUpe ()f the eecen~ tnc _,plant-and 'tw1ll be lnterHt· In&' to tee ~bat develope ... Mr11. .$ M. lfattenon, who quit Good 01' Balboa for .a horne In Alabama WJ(t.ea that It le ·&'ettJn~r very hot at Bbmtncham and ahe wlatlet ehe wu b&ck on Ne~rt Bay .. 'Which reealla the etory of a 10ldier In New c;Jalnea who re· cetwd throup the mall a trafttc ticket lllwed for a perking viol•· uon when be had been In the Stat.. eome weelu before. Ana· wertnc the oomplaln tw wrot~. "Dear Judc'e: I only wlu thAt I wu rtpt now parked · approxi- mately 10 feet from that eame fin! hydrant!" ~· ... IIO.UI()K But •• llaft ,._ty 011 u.-at t.be ~ Pltal llbop. Pria. .. r'M«<IIAble. 1111 Oout Bhd ...... Clnll ~ .... .. .a •• .,. .... . ....... ..... liala a .......... ll BALBOA GIFT SHOP AlllleFenyLe••••g J Mr. and Mra. Lealie Miller or San Bemudlno _a'veDue; ~ave ldt for Kanau wheN tJ»ej will •J>4'nd the wmme, wtth Mn. )(Uit r'e p~~ren ta. . M4", and Mre. Gard Grout ot Puade'na hav~ acquired a J!_out~e At Sa.lt;Ga. and alter redtcontlng tt, 'p)an to move dOwn for U\e 11ummer montha. " l-Mre. H. L Demlllc of Loe An· d&UKhter · In · lAW. Mre Mad~tfl \ gelee apent Jut wee.k at the Bal· bott home of ber cS&uPter. Mre. Ben ~n. 'J~ aile wu join- ed o~ l"rtda7 by Mr. DIJNaC. Ba.rki«-Y of Loe A l'IJtf'le:e . • Leon Yale Building Pureba•ed For U•e as Machine Shop Mn. J:Uen Tbomu left lut Thunday for ber 1\ome In 8outll D&kola alter ~pendlnf the wt~at.er ,.., I .l(lhn~W>n. whc• ror thl' pu t j Y.'ith her JtOn•ln•JaW an4 daupt.eJ', le\'frAI ~'l'llrll hU lll"•rRft•4 lhl' Mr. lllld Mrw. W. F'. Shannon, 115 f'lt)''ll IM11lnJ: mal'hln,. 11hnp Ill 23nl atreet,. Newport.. 2810 l.nlll\~·11<' rl\'•·n•..-. 11nnounl'· ~ thl8 """''k lhnt hi' lln•l rmr·. Robforf B. Powell. tlt W. ~an rl8,.,J \h" l"•f•ll,. YI'IIP hullrtin« 11t Front. hu been promoted from 11 VIIIR Wny. nn•l WAll 111rr11t1v fh !'II ltPULPnanl to capt•tn In the ovlnf( hht Ntulr n•• nt tu tlw' n~w Army Air F'~ree. Capt. Powell, l~lltlon If<' rxr><'• 111 '" tw ,,.t fur whn •• at•tton4'd at Vlct.orvtlt. CIJl"ral iun hy .July 1 ' Army A~ FiekS wbue be Ia Th;o two-atory b\rlltlln~ rnrm,.rlv trl&l judgr advocate, wu a law-b<'rupiMI by Mr Jr.h""''" w1110 r,.· yer prior to t'nter1n« the eerv· C4'1!tiY purch&M'd hy rly•l,. H11rt1· Ice. 1 II ton or Lc111 A nJ:••l••8, who plan~ Poetmut4'r. ancl Mn. w. t.o o(X'rall' " rn11rh1rv• ~h••r1 th<'t<' Adame of Newport Beech retllnlr At th,.· prrsrnt tim,. Mr Ha mil · td lut week from San JtWia ton hl'll•llo a .cnvr•rnriii'Jll rontr11• I where Mr. Adame attended t'hr. for AlrplllnP work nntl II Ill uncl,.r· State p01{n1utere' convenUo . lltnod h•• will cnJ:IIItP In thl11 lin~ During . thPir brtd eoJoum In~!'~ The hulldlng """" rr~vlt•"''v uwn· SAn F"ranrleco BAy area. they ~ ed by Pat Noln n vieiiC'd relallvee at Mountain · • · View and 'other pointJI. IA\'Y;O t"RIJ" ur..Ant l,r.AI: Edward C St~ph,.na, 110n of Mra Hr len StephPnl or 430 l:ut Bay avrnur, will luve IOOD fot' Asb,ury Park. N J . where he w ill b<'Jrln training u a Navy of- fl<.'t'r He hu latr ly tll'~'"h enroll· I'd In the Navy training pi'Ofl'am at Orcldental collrgr with the r alP or apptentlcr Kea man. Mra. Gall WIIIIA!nl, daug!lter ,., Mr. and Mra F. P. rA'OI"(e, 40'7· A <'rnw.l. ~VI'JI turn• •I upw:or•l to tht-lc)Jl nr ll rh. "' nrv •l,.rn ,, m,.nt 111 or<', .:nth<'r-•••1 ••II n •lpv. 11 town r .. urlll\'lllr •I r•·• t \\'tl•~ 'I• ftl'd \hl'lr gl\7,1' WAll A 1111 If' \'IIIIHIII et&lldlng "II th•• '"'I:'' .. r tt..-, .. ,.r aM>rtllnjCI}' Ahfllll I" I 1k-~Ill rldl' II'IIP Y.mplt~\•'_. ,.f lh•• ~'"'" r'U.IhPd to !hi' r•11>r All II hill>• I I h• Object Of th,.lr I'< on• I' I II I" )1 .. Ioiii\' an un•lrllp<'d clr,.,.,. f•1rm Sl'lon-atnet. hu bPi"~ t.,...,.,._ .., ___ ...,.....,~~~----: N'd f rom Wuhin~rtnn, 0 C. lo a WAVE trAining ··~rhnnl In Loe An· 1(1'11'8. Thr yi•Un~ot womnn, who holtllo lbl' railn,:t or ~l'llnllln nnt rl11as, Is th" wlrl' l'lf Squadton Ltot~tler Wllllnmll whl'l •~ lltatton- t'd In EngiAml with lht• Hnyal Ca~ nadlan Air Fore:" Mr. and Mr11. A. 8 Rtrharcllon of Bayelde drtve Are the proud grandparente ot 11.0 tlght·pouAd hRhy hn)', ICdward Alh•n, ll:ho wu born 8aturdey to th,.lr eon &ad daul'hte'r·ln-law. Mr. A11d Mre . .._ ward Rleh&m.on ot Balbo& n.. father, wh.o 11 a flret .riUI petty Officer. ~ured a two-day *" 'from ble elation at San ~11'«0 and wa. able to be preeent ror tM b ig event whlcb ocrurred el Bear elde boeplta1 In Lona Bearh Mr11. Qrace Shattuck Ball and her two nepbrw11, Rnl11n1 , and Richard Homby of T'alllld,.na. ara a.&'& In toeaud In lh',.lr Sf'WJI(Wt I •"Ummer hom~ at 1M l~t~ 11tr..t. Mra. BAll, who IJ w,.ll knnwn .In 1 Puadena muatra.l t'lrrlfll. hu lllt4'1y -n devottnjt 'nnJ,dl'nlbt.l tlml' lo wrtttnr v,.raf' 11n•l rf'l'ent· ly ~lved nnrt .,rill' In tb4o Lu, r ile Palmer radio poetry cnnt.Mt rnnducted ·owr ltaUon KYA<;. Hf'r entry. WhldJ wu ~nl1Ue41 . .,.. ee. liMO/' wu wnttMI ~ er a beaell walll a~ Kewport. ·If \ .. ~.- CHAPEL bylbe SEA .t •oancu7 410 Coeet. ~lvd CORONA OIL AR ~J.,.I.M.,~ DA T AND NIGHT . ' AT T tt IE . ~ IE N D IE Z V c;J U 81 •• •• • ;z • M ft :t t 'AND AT THIE BALLROOM BALBOA ight ..... ,. ------ Ill alllr ' -· .. .. .- I •• •• NIIDI ............ .. ............ . COSTA ..g. NU1f8a • -s-t of o ships . Coast C&•-.rkit ~~~ \ ' ::r . .w: ..... •ttl»~.: tor~u .. .......... _ as-:.= Ltl!,t c-.:*·• ....... ~= tea •. ...... ·-.. ·":== ............... ...... .,, ...... ......... ~ ... .......... a ~---'· ,.. ..... ;::~ ~~.,.., . :.d. • .. i . ... 8sttw · .fa.I\'W• rfll ... .._._ ...... ~ .. --1611 .... ., ...... .. -~---.­~.~------~~~ ...... a.-.: ,....... .. __ IO 0,. ..... ant.d to -U.t hiW-jabwd tJw ~~ huaJwQa ... 1\M'h a club, ,_t lwayaleft •,... rrioua Idee lMt it tM ,.. ..... F1'llnqulatwd U. ·~a-. m lft iJw Ora-A· •ttnc nnt ~ •lrtctJJ ...... *' .... ,..,., ... u:::,. oa:== b CalMa ...... '..otaey ,...m tthM .... ..- .,.,.~ :base zd Y4 ... --. .,._ .~ ----~ r u.a. ,....,_. .., ... ~ .......... ......... · ......... -. ..,... ... ... _. ... net .. ,.._._ "t ol . t.be -- IM'ntecs to u. ~am bar at U. 11 for rurua. "'. ~-,,. 1.1\e (,,t, I••• ·---..... / j .. ,. Page 8 bWPORT-BAI.BOA PRli:S8 Ttlunday, JUDe 22, 1964 Pflots Cl888 Meeta at Newport Helghta Local Trio Sojourn South of the Border WANTED -llxpe~neecl .._,. WAJft'ID 90-ACRI: MTN. RANCH I ndM rN CORONA DJ:L liAR. Nearly M t:J)t'r tor two adult. and .. ---- -north ot 8&n Be~. 00 IMW, OM ~ hawle. 1 W! ' Forty Acres Land · CLOeiiiN child 7 yn. old: pod COOle~ prtw.. W4NTI:D TO BUY ~ Steamer acrn vineyard. PboDe Newpollt lou on comer. llbower and tub. 11l•• room. bath and racMo; DO tlwsll. Good condltJon. Pbone HO·J . lip 16100. UOQO down. a. c. Park· t.{cm bert of the PIIOU d .. mrt Frtday ev~n.,.. at UM W. B . Tr\dty home. ~ 8anta AU a- nue. +re Ml"'l. J. C. Bmtnp Mlllat\'d In hoetree dulls. Ehtplortnt \AI! my•t~<rl..a of M.cx· leo Cit)' are Mr. ant! Mrt, Rodt'r· lc.l& D. Burnham. 5H VI& Lido Nord, and '1'. Wu ton Jay, 1 HO Pl&4& del Nort.-. who lr(~ FrltlAY nl&ht by Amerw an Airline•. ar· rlvlnc at tbelr dulln&tlon Satur- l~<ur~<.lry; July ana A~ Nf· N. B. 1611. 1~ -------------er, 1101 Newport Blvd., Coeta erencea; ll&1ary 'lJI.. ..... . -UNCOMPLI:TJlO DUPL.I:IX aDCl M.... 11c $200 per Acre 1t. C.P~ :'-Oo·wport 124l·W bet.._ 10 a. "A.N'I'IlD -CUb pU4 trw ...U quarter acn at eo.ta M-. ------------- m and 8 p. m. Ue ........... 8.0 .8 . B&cllo ... ..!)()(). Phone U71 or eall UUI What Will You Offer 1101 N.wpolt 111ft., 0oMa MMa Thr evenlnc wu devoted t.o playln~: "Yacht;• wlt.b nrwt plae· .,. tw-1nr won by the Rev· &. D. Ooodell and Ml"'l. WJn. McDoaald A:)d low IICOte by Lt. Fred Woocl- wnt1 h Mr1. McDonald al.o cap- t ur••lt lhl' noauni prtse. Wanted -.ctne llbop, Ill llu1.lle Santa Ana ave .• oa.ta 111-. 4,._,, ...,.,_ IUD4. ltU 16U to, UU. rucll tn e-ta Ill_. T cORONA DJ:L llAA lncome ·Property day mo~lnr. A~r ~eral daya at thf' cap· It&t It wae l.belr lntrnllon tn con· SL!!nopapllu·Typ~ P•·rmanr nt Rdlcknt ~ Aft& 1f4N'I'E0-12 or U·tt. boat with ,._.rd Law.on motor. Xuat be pod eftapt'. Call L. A . Mlchlfan ... T or RY 1-8260. Call collect. FIVI: ACim8 RICH aon. . . . 3-ROOM HOUSI:, eome out llu1J4. Fenced Wlt.b Bee WIH . . . lnp. Lot Mx2t4 feet. Full priee Good water and platy of p......ure 12200. MOO down. R. C. Pull· Houae bu two ~ and 18 er. 1808 Newport Blvd., eo.ta tumlabed. tneludin&' electrtc re- Four complete ud aep&l"&t.e hom• on I Iota U. S. Civil Service One Unit J'Umlplled ner~ahmenta -re .er'VI8d to lht• Rr v. and loCI"'I. Goodell. Capt. anlt Mn1. ltd P"ruehan, Lt. and Ml'l. Woodworth. s.t-and 1111"11. Mr•tt Ooodf'll. Mlae J:lale ~­ l,.n•t. M•·tldamt'a ~rre Zlmmer- nutn, Ray B a r r e t t. Ht'rm&ft Barnu , W R Fowler, and Allee Nlr .. n~rg, And Meael"'l and ..... ruu tWs R C Owen. W H. IIIIo Donald. and Oecar Moe. Unue on to Acapulr•, for 11.0me J•H 694 -Aak to'r Mr. HaJIDU real deep aca rlahln~r nn.l t•t "'"" make aeveral 11tlr t r1p11 to point~ " 17p Meaa. 1 lie frt&'erator and rue-. All have wall and floor tu~ Each Unit Hu Two Bedroom.~ Income $182 oer mo. cwnn !aH ELF.crr.D AI tl\-f'lr Junf' meeUnr. membel"'l ot Coata Meta WCTU N>·ele~ted all pr<·Mn) lncumi:M!nl..l. lncludlnc Mrs Minnie V. Rcold. pi"Mident: M r1. Lola Purl trman, vice prul· fie nt. And Ml"'l !Ja'Tah Qonant. &<•rr .. tary-tr .. uurer. Upon t&klnc oH it'«' for thr new ~ar. Ml"'l. Reid loJIJl<"•lnt•·d thl' t ollowlnl' dii'Ktol"'l: M , a Ida Lewt.t, c:lalld welfare; M••· G rar .. Hume, Chrtauan cltl· t.•·n•h•p: Mn1. Altce Teaney, evan· ~··ll11l11'. M ra. Lucy Sm&lley, ell· hiolla; Mra Minnie V. Oeaklna. flnwl'r mlt~alon an<.! relief; Mlee !'nnant. International relallona r~~r ~•oe: Mrw. Purt.eeman. lltu· a turt'. Mn1. Evelyn Updike. pUb· llclty: Ml"'l. Mary Bennett. l clen- tlrlr ttornpt'tf'nrr lnlltruc:tlon; Ml"'l. Ludt.-Clark. ·~h cont.Ht: Mn Nt'lhe Homard. Un!Gn 11111al ud Yuun~t cNaader. ••• LI·DO • r ot lntereat In ttwo vlrlnit y "' Mrx· WANTED IIPIDoiAL N<n'ICES ·--------leo City. Return trip m ay be Auto "lecbanlce. 'l'vp ....-. DUOL and BUO • GI:TA for mact. by tramp at,•tunPr. It wu boat of worldftl' con41u-_ • ..,.n peal..l. Wben you l'et tndicated. ··~st•nUal War tnctu.tly. •til~ l1d ot tbtm, eome In and look · Ml"'l. ,lay. whco hi•cl originally 1 nH·nt either here or at B~ o..r our rarden toot.. Between ••xpect~d to ac·l'un•pAilY lh•· gn •up 1 .. n Beach atoA. ,.._, why not &1ve tbe houae a but wu prevl'nt••d f• u111 <ioutg 10 THJ:OOOU ROBIH8 OIIU of paint! We have plenty by laat·mlnu~ developm•·nl&, re-I Ford Salee • 8enioe ot colora to eelect from. Kn.ox rf'IVed a cablr Su11•lay lnfurmlng 2::nd It Central Newpon ~ Hardware. 1718 Newport Blvd., ht'r or thrlr aar .. · arrh·a l. Pbona 21 O.ta M.eaa. l7c . LEGAL NOTICE \rANTED TO RENT ---Nmt:E oar HAJ.r: \\'A~TI!:D TO RICN'I'--'by N..,_ purt B•·ach School DtftJ1ct. ' Under s~c.:tton :JU U l:tVtl l:uolll roorna available tot' el._ be- NOTICE 18 Ht::Rt::U\' GI VI-:~.~ lo;'lf<nlng In Sept. Contact IC. L lbat Albo.'rt J.JuJ .. k 11.111.1 Ldtt .. Uu-~tuorc, ~hone 73. 18tt \lek, huab11.11d an<.! wtro·, v.lln-e aJ· _ dre• 1.1 17V BrollJWK)', l'W~la l W t d t R t Meaa. Oran, .. l:oUt>ly. l:llltiiiii/IW, an e 0 en •ntend to aell tu Rot>.•rt A t:raw· lk ll< h Hou.ee on Seaahore Dr1Ye. lord and Marapu rt U Ct av.lurl.l, :!-b••tlt•>Ornl -July and Aucuat, buaband and wtr". whwj•• ~tJJro·s:i through Sept. I 11 222 Eaat IIIII) .JilH•d , C•>ei.Ji $300 M""· Uran¥" County. Cultfurrtlll. and Arthur 5 . N<Cwtvn 111111 lr~·no: E. Newton, hulbluuJ IUIII Wife', wh<-a<.l<.lrcu 11 l I :.I •-. Otamvn<J Street. Ba.lboa l»lan.t. UriiJl~W County, C~tltrcJrnta, tt.ll l~ etw k. RELIABLE FAMILY sv· 0·1718, Bolt 40, Rte. 1 _ G. D. KILMER, PILA&dena- groceflt'a, ltxtur .. •. t>qutp111cnt and •'OR SALE ~r10n&J propt!rty In thll t rer llltn grocery 1tore known u l hc Re<.l and Whit~ Grocery Slore, lucsteJ at 17t2·J7tt Newport Boult·varJ . FUR SALE r~Ackard·Bell table ''""lt·l rBdto 218 · 35th St .• New- purl Bt•ach. lTp Coela Meaa. Orance COunty, Cal· f:A RriE~ TRACTOR tor ule. 531 lfomla, t!xcept a rolllufl tltt~k. Rtwrarde A"'' • Nt>wport Bea.c:ll. chair. tl'pt'Wrtlo·r, r hi'l'kwr rlrr Rll•t Phuno• ~t'wport 710·J . 17c n oor aate. That t~ aale will bf• WHIPPING CREAM. tine Je'1fl7 -~· AWOIPOa~ '3t PACKARD Deluxe four-door 110; radio and overdriv-e. '786. Jttt Tu1Un avenue, COIIt& Meu. 't l ou:v. Car Radio, 320 E . liQa St • Coata Jlea&. Phone 111. 17c lt• J'ORD COUPE. new motor. IIUftl and brakea. 13116. -328 aca.tero. B&lboa. Phone 183 durt.nc tbe day. 17p FOR SALE 1N7 LINCOLN ZEPHYR SEDAN Black with llt'at covel"'l and radio. An excellent roomy car, PRJCEb TO SELL! Buy now while you can . . . Ratsontnr may not be far away! P'UU. PRJCI: S725 Be 8W'e And Buy War Bonde ! ! 1'1UOOR.I: ROBINS J'ord 9alel and Bervtce 22nd and Central. Newport Beach Phone 28 J·BEDROOX H OUSil. Very ciMtr- able locaUon, near b~ ca.. trt~;t. Full prtee naoo. 'l'enaa. R. C. Parku, 1801 Nnrport Blvd .• ~Meaa. Uc l'OSSI:SSJON IN 30 DAYS. Hied· room, atuoco houae. nnplace. patio, nice lawn. Cloae ln. Full price J8000. it!IOO cub. R. C. Parker, 1808 Newport Blvd., Coata Meu . lTc IMXICDI.A.'I'I: POS. Nice comar ID Hunttncton Beach. Goocl loca- tiOn. Cloee ln. Tw.o bouiNe. e- room and 3-room. Bot.b f'UrDWb- ed. Two caracea, J'\111 prtcll $3000. '3300 cuJL R. c. Parar, 1808 Newport Blvd., eo.ta M.a SEE THlS BICAUTirUL bame Oil o,..,.,. avenue. Comer wtt.b 110- toot front.ap. nv..room ..... lovely fl'O\IJI~ -tJowen aDCl lhrubbery. bwnar occupied. hl1 prtce nooo. W>oo J!t;rwn. R c P&rker, 1801 l)lewJort BIYcl., • Cotta ·111.... Uo A TTRA.CI'JV,Jt H OMIC -lmmed· late poue.lon. Located In Cor• on& del Mar. 2 bedroom bouee, carage. lhrubbery and land- . acaplnr. VIew of ocean. J'\llJ prtoe $tl)()(). Tenna. R. C. Park· er. 1808 Newport ~vel., Colrta Yeaa. HAVE YOU $760.to pay doWn on thl• home! T'Wu loll In N-· por t Htlghta with one bedroom hae. Rf'cf'ntly remodeled. Hard- wood noor. Gar..,e. J'\llJ ptice AU ll,..tock l'Oeil wtt.b deal DOII!DlA Til JIIOUMI!ION Phone Nftport 8eKb tTI·W lTU J'OR BALl: in Corona del Mar New attractive 2·bedroom boUN, ~ llll(JCDIA Til P0881C8810N $5750 Call m -w or IDqu.lra PRICE .20.000-'ri:Juu Call 872·W or tnq. at Cor. Marruertte It Cout BJway, .Corona del Mar lTtt Ever Dream .. ol a nice ranch bome llullt ju.t lUte you want ItT WE HA VJ: 1'Hil LANDI 10 Acrea, N\ce VIew ofUpper kJ Splendid Water, Cheap Rat.,. Full Price $5000 Cor. Marcuent.e and oout H.lway, Corona del Mar. R. C. PAR.KJI:R, Realtor ------------~-7-U 18011 Newport Blvd., eo.ta ~-" 3-Bedroom House ON CI:NTRA.L A VZN1)J: DDIICDIA Til: OCC't1P ANCT C::OMPLETI:L T FUR.N'I8HEI> . $5500 2~Bedroom Home · ON BALBoA I8LA.ND ( Fumtal\ecl) $7500 W. L. Jordan 700 .1: . .Central Ave Bal..,. . JlDfEDlATE OCCUPANCY W. L. JORDAN For Sale • fNCOJOl PROPJ:R'I'Y 5 rentala. II'Umlabed. CION I~ INCOJOl ,11!1.00 PIIR 1110. · · Full Price $8500 'I'ERM8 700 E. Central Ocean Front Home FIVE BIIDROOJO Balboa t Shown by appo&llem.t -a;,) $5000 • N R. c. p~ ' W. :_~~-Blvd.,~ Meea 700 IC.. L. JQRDAN on Newport Blvd·. ~t.ral., Balboa Near Newport Harbor Yach( Club TWo HoWM on 1'llree Lou (one rumlahed) DOOiiDlA. TIC OOCUP ANCY ~ conaummated ant! 11\,• purch!LIIe price paid at the otrlce or Lt-ruy P. Andnaon. 1816'• N••wp<>rl •·vw. gootl milch cou, rabbit 8041'8 1'0& SALE rry~r1. Phone 2178-111. llU - ----$:12110. R. C. Parkf'r, 1101 !11--·~ port Blv~: Coeta Mea&. 5-room bouae, 2 rentala, com- m•tclal one-balf acre. ·nne .oft water. Nearly new build· lnp. Double J'AftC'e. $10,000 ....... Itt& • Boule'.;ud. CoetA Mf·.a. OrRng~ ,.,_ ........ County. C&IIJornla, un tlw' :Jrtl FlaRING BOAT, ,2t·tt. a 7-lt., lk <'I FTE P UPPtES Part Cocker. calMa an4 two bunlu. f3DC). Pta H. J. Sha.trer on Myel"'l .P1aee UIJ..l. llo -;-.1-R----------- urr W.' 19th, Co1ta Me... 11p -------------A ~lYE HOME -lmmed-ICu hll .. ':tl _. t aU Mall-M.ai&Ha¥ .. l~ Cot1tla-Mml. y,_ I :M Wm. Powed -tWy Laman tn The Heaftllly Body aleo a llbort WMtem - -wELLS ,..., DAY8" {....._.N ... day of July, lHt. at U\.t' ho'ur flf 1 ft. OP&N runabout bull and tate poueulon. Located In Cor• traDer for aa1e cbMp. 317 ~= ona del M•r. Two bedroom llae, a1 aYe., Balboa Iala.nd. 1~18p garage. lhrubbery and landacap- ln~t. VIew of ocean. Fumiahecl FOR 8.ALil 8 ft. by U ~ tt. land· Full prtc~ S41)()(): Sll)()() down. iiiC-.Ao&t. Heavy cout.r:uetloAr R. c. ~. "'1108" "N~ ·double bottom. 2810 Lafayette Blvd., Coala Meaa. 17c ntne o'ciOC'k a m Datrd tht• 2111t l.lny ur Junt. f\TAMPS ror collecto,.._Set. and 1H4. tungk a. llc to $3. N.B.C. Radio ALBERT DUDEK Shop. 1 8381~ Newport BlYCl., LE'M'J1I! DUDEK, S~llt'rlf C08t& Mua.l lie ~ -------~------· = ~ n!:!!alJ'ORMIA IIH. HEAIITIFUL nt'w hand quilted -·-lnrg!' 8t:t•· "French pattern" St., Nnrport. PbOne I20. 15tf IMMEDIATE P088Esst0ilf" On thla 211t <.lay ur June, 1944. qutlt Can be llftn at 3202 ~ befurt" mt~, Leroy P. •A·nderAOn. 11 l'lltllll Bh•tl . Newport. 20p li'OR BA.J..&--12 ft. hydroplane- Nolary.....Publlc In and for atlltl type boal, 1• ll.p. J~n out-H l'OU are lookinr fo.r a amall ranch. let w ahow .YOU. UU.. County, ruldlnc.. the rein. uuly ()~ 1\C'CflU NT OF' stCKNE88 board -.tor; alee Ua!ler with ftua. • ...._ • "-. commleeloned and wv.•orn. ~·nKm· am rnrcetl to sell one acre to-two ,_ U..; 110. llt Undo TWO•betlroom howe, ftNplace, g•rag~. chicken equipment. Rab- Full Price $9500 a. c. p ARKI:I\ - 1101 Newport Blvd.. eo.t.a-x ... L . JORDAN • w. 700 11:. Cen t.raJ. ' A MA'TTER OF CO'tJRTEsY U you Ust your property tor aale with a real catate office on an. apao ~. but 1aUr on -.n It youraelt or t.hT'Oua!i aome other ottlce, you owe It to the flrat .ortlce to &1ve notice of the aa.le. '- R. C. PARKER R&AL 1181' A '1'1: 1801 Newport Blv4. Gt'O. Murphy • Olnny llnuna ally appeared Albfort 'oud(k a n,l 111at0t'1. ready to pick: aleo one ann-, ........ lt-llle Tummy Dui"My and o~tra In LetUt' Dudek. !)l'riW'>nlllly known ar rc '"""~'t corn and beana. W. 1~311 CRtaaii J4..foot ov 6 -" ' to me to ~ thto (\'"ro<On& Whlllll' T \\'O<)()y, 21\2 • 22iwf •L. eo.ta "·6 ---. bit hutchee. lncludlt~e rabblu . .-------... ------------------. Splendid water. Aft fe.nced. Broadway Rhythm namd &rf' I Ubacrtl,..d to tht• wtth· M• SH. 17c ~foot ....... ~ aa,... mo- l I . I , uw. ~--~6.,. ... , •. ._.. .. atn.. ('arl-. 81Nt~ • !If.,... n natrurnrnt. an•l "' 1<111>w. tl~o:o·ol ......_- to me that th"Y """"•·Ute<! uu• SET MATCHED OOLF CLUBS lellll ateel ,.ale7, toUet., Maab, R ichard Dtlt In The Whistler -aleo- E8CA.P& TO DANO- bqte'h ... ·OU... .................. ..,.~-... ~tanding Room Only C'emlq:,.,.. ....... Out ... w .. ume. ., ... an<l l••aU\t'r bag, like oew. JIM) dinette, Wue plate ~ tn n y. IN WITNESS WtH:n J-:rw 1 12 n &:leln SwMd'tllh ~1. &00 Inc br1dl'&-OwDer mu.t •U havt' h~t'unto M·t nty hRI;hl ,.,n,l yol!l :11J-11tr lin,. and hickory U\18 weeki afflxt'd my .ornrlal ,.,.111 tho• tlrtv 1"•1·•. $175. 2H 9 Tu1lln Ave.. •1000 aJid yur In thla l'trt1n r11w r1r~t l'n!lt& Meu . 17p VIlla Manna, Balboa l.lland, or <... "'It SOS Radio and lllectrtc, 116 Kar-auove w., t'n. • • ...-_A_... N0'1' YAM.S IUJd s ... .,.... ~ .. "" ine Ave., Balbo& llland. l2U f • ARIAL SF.ALI planta. Key Wut. Puerto RJc. LIIROY P ANOF:RS<lN. nn Yellow Jeraey, TeUow Notary f'llbhr In and fur 1111ltl ,_~nccmond and W!llt.. iteo County and Stair l'l:t'wport Blvd., =:'eea, or • ' "-~ ............. _. ...... N ................. I ~I 3:1th St ... N a.cJl_ .-. .. B c p ; ..... ah<•r; n.. CLASSIFIEif x~,;~~~:~n c~,:t r~~te;~n~l~~~~ CUSTOM BUILT JIU'l7 launcb from OM ol t.be ttnat yac.hta under t.be Amer1can fta&'. m ft. lone. e-n.. beam, apee4 about 18 knot.. Royal Crown Cbryeler motor. UO ll.p. o.tped by GtPiow, built by Nevtna, City b land, Oak frame, cedar plank- Ing. teak top aide&. Locallon Hl5 Cout hlrtnray, ·Newport BH.ch. ,.,,..,..,. o~ lllhrpa'e O reek; "•·lac f'"""r ... O-cway hr 'l'ornorrcM'; I• O.r 'I'IIM RATES for Clautrlrd Ad.s In thla I point type Brtl 6c: prr lint• for each lneerUon, or approximrti.<'ly 1e per wont; four IIIA<'rllnnll o( eame copy for price or thn1e. . l'un>pl!'trly O\'ethauled by Na· L•unlll C'uh Rrgf•ter Co. ot Santa An~. 1789 Newport Blvd. ....-- Buy Wu Bonde ud Stampe at th.l.a ne.tr •. .. .. ••1ticf'ol flll • . .... .... BalbOa ftmaftl::. ...... F.v .. nln~ at 7:00 a t :ll Lut Shnwlnc ol a doubM fMtun prQITillll etart.a at I :JO Tllur.. • Fr1. • 86&. I onnntd O'Connor •!uAnna ru.tel' -In- Top Man -aao- f:ALUNO Da. D~ftl wiU'r Lon Cllaney a,._, can.o. • N.,... Mus.· M-. • ,..._ Humphrf'y Boprt In P8Mage· to ~neWe A NIGHT lN !IIJCUOO <n'Y (~-Jif- \\'Mat I¥~ The Matx S.Othe111 In • •• ,.... ftr:u..-,. ,_ • 0-Bo Oa\'I•I ..B 81'1\<.lbury, W eatem Auto S tore> lie Doulale rate. t.or bolc1lace typu: F S l t double rate• tnr u ~><''"t tn•' -Apricots or a e . Ml.nimunt c:.Mrp tor 1\ny nrl :?:-.. · j \\'•· ~l"'''tttllz·· In-l rre·rlpt'nt'd All Claattled Ada must ho· I'"I<J n .. , t1 "ptlr .. t!t rur hnrrtr rannlng In advance unlo>u AdVt'rl ltlt r luut, \\'til •t 11 t J'l • kinl: nh .. ut June 29 a recular account with lh,. 11,., .... tt :!:ltt•l nntl 2:lrtl streets p,_, 11n Till' I Ill a' ••rw••. C'n1ta Mel&. 'LOS't AND FOliNO 18p ~NO Tueaday~l\tht'"' olillltlt)Od Shores Rabbitry rinK 22941 Cent rtll A w . Balbt>R.j Phonr 2102. r11ll for 1'>"1 T••n-210 · 16th Street Coata Mesa I'\Y80~" 191" 16th ana Or~ec: 81TUATION8 WANTED • Nt•ar the big watertank) ~ V. 8. Terry, phODe Newport 387 ·I\. lGtf --~------WANTED! Lll'lT1NG8 OF PROPI:R1'1E8 IN CORONA DCL MAR DI8TRICJ' Pbone....w . H. ll&lla.rd. N...-port Beadl 812·W Listings Wanted I hRve CUlt! buyel"'l for properly In lbe Newport Harbor area and Coata Meaa George Fellows 1804 N.wport Blvd. C011ta Mua W ANTED-Ronr rt'palrll. Small R A 8 8 I T F R Y E R S e&rpenter' Jot.. Call artrr 5 .30 WJ: WANT p m-262 22nd, Costa ~fraa P h Phnn<' your or~er in early I.R E A L E S T A T E _ aaao.:J. 1.Je ·and we'IJ have Jt ready for HELP WANTED ~ PAINTERS WA:-.'Tt-:u !'l,•t• Mr. Poolf'y, 1~'1 Apulo•nn a\'C'IIUI', Balbolt lalaml. ll5·18c WAN'r1ao.-8hlp'• ra.rpentr~ man toe ft'.ntral wnrk. Box Zlt·A. Balboa leland tht W ANTtO \\'<>man for h••~~At'wk and p.rtlal C&tf' o ( b&b\' Call .Nf'WJ)Ort Bnch 1310•J,C.' lie WANTED-Malntt.'nanct' m11 n And pa!ntn'a tu•IJW'r Rlt'hllfdaon Yaeht Anchorage, phone ~~w·. ~ ~. lie you . . . Phont: t23 L I S T I N G S !\IISCt:U.ANEOUS -te ua&- NEWPORT HARBOR . coa"I'A MDA DISTRICI' __ ..,.._ tor 8al• Bemc~ IIATS C'LEA~Ii:l> an<.! blocked. Earl. W .. Stanl~y 22:1 lilai1M Balboa Ll&nd Ntwport lTTI p ,, Lonal' Syetem Broadway C'h•ant'rl, 121 Broadway, C011ta _.;:=====;;..;:;;-:-;;;;;=....;-;;;.....=;;._ M l'IB • OIC\'CLES-Sota.. rented or ,.. peltf'4. v~·._ 30t Mala at.. :I·ROOIII HOUSE on acre. Vlriv ot Balbo&. and 201 11ar1ne Aft., Bay. OWner occupied. Poaeee- B&Iboa lllan•. Itt 11on now. Never ~n rented. PI1Ce peoo, R. G. .chami:M!rl. 2100 Newport Blvd .• ~ta Meaa 1,.\\\'N MOWERS SKARPilNilO 11nd kept 1harp one YMJ', a1. J•mea M. Gall~. 1001 Bu-- · 17c bor, Bl\'d .. COlt& Men. 28p A SWELL CORNER R. C. PARKER 1808 Newport Blvd. Coeta Meea IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 6·room tiouw, excellent tondltlon 0~ PENINSUL.A Tilt• 1ink. ~replace •. barbecue Unrumlahed $8750 . See: • ' 1 J • E!. Sadlelr, 30.2--M&Jn St., Balboa l'hot» 1 f.5 IN CORONA DEL Mt.R -Com· pletely fumlahecl 3 • beclroom home. la4'1'e llvlnr room, nre· pl&ce. dinette. kitchen, 2 batbl, elec .. tf'l.. cu atove, 2-car rv· aJtt, aundeck. Poueallon July 16. S7000. Terma. Inq. comer Marcutorlt.e. and Cout Hlpway, Corona del Mar. or call New· port Beach 872-W. ON OCE.A.N BOULIWARD Balboa Peninsula • THREE • BEDROOM ROMJI: COMPLETELY FURNIBHEO $7000 • W. L. JORDAN i O<I E. Cenlral Ave. Balboa FOR SALE 2-Bedroom Stucco AT ('ORONA DEL MAR Price $4500 ALL CASH NOW VACANT W. J. HOLCOMB 15 17 Cnllllt Hlwlly, Corona' del Mar "Whr rt' thl) Flap Fly" An Investment Opportqnity! Newport Boylevard Hu a REAL FUTt.TRJC! ' We ha\•e for aale an &cA ot ground on Newport Blvd., for Ollly $1200 fEuy '!'erma) R C. P ARKI:R. Realto, 1808 Newport Bl,yd., Coeta 111M& FOR SALE • !c'ine Beach Home ON BAT FRONT . ~· ···-... , ..... 1 c-.-. .... ....... --...... ~-4- WANT!l9-Man or •·oman tor put-Um• work to help wtt.h flo- tel cleantn• and ckek relief. Balboa Inn. Phone teo HUr PAfNTINO and pa~, Free u Umatn. inaurance c:u- n•d A. J. Burton. U4 !II_,_. BI\'J .. CNta Mt';M Ptlone IIIIW 1'ldl ~Mdroam ._... on e>oeu rront and two Iota ,rtD .wre you an lciMJ borne. ,..... • a amall apartmet ln..,..~ Six bedroonw. tllree '-U..; ,_.. 18bed. Oecupuct JO .,. .,...,.. ...... c -..... ...... ... ftllil .. ...,.., n, -.... ., r a ., Gilllllll .... .., ... ._. ...... .. ~ ..... WANTED -W&Jtr-e, lone or abort houn. Al.a dlallwuberw, men.. WOinftl or hlp ecbool ~; qaD IU &. O.tnl An., ...... 1011 B "<~HELOR Bundle Laundry and Drv Clt'antna. 3 1o 5 day ~rv • ·,~'<"-Ro)''a BarlN'r Shop. ll'eftt. 101 MeFadclen Place. Open I .JO to •. Ill Full Price $6850 IL 0. P••JrP 1101' Nae.,.t ..... o.ta MMa -.-- Price lneludM two Iota, pier ...t floet. A GOOD BUT $22,500 W. L. Jordan TOO 11. O.tnl, ..a. .DRASnC REDUCTIONS on~ur High.er Priced DRESSES MANY BEAUTIFUL MODELS LEfT ORKIN•s D~ent Store Coda Meaa · 11 SAND CRAB t ., .....--c. SAM j • .· .. Buy Bonds to End War Quicker ...--- ' t • • • tlae ne!lplper that 10!1 ~ ._., ·~ BALBOA.~ ~) _ --M:E-S ~~ 1 !;;?f:f:"' EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA. WEST NEWPORT, SEA SHORE COL()ffY, LIDO ISLE. NEWPORT HEIGHTS. BALJI9A ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR. COSTA IS•• . . -NEW~~tT •aACH, cALifi'O~tNIA, THu••••v. JUN£ n , 1 .... en ... :;~~~Bii~:1=2~v~;,;LIJIIE;;;d~XJ;;;w~~~YI===e=e=-k====o=f=B=o=n=d=====-;;:,0::=u=•~.JG=.~c.~!~~~~~J~n-o-=.=N=o=. =r=e=k==;,=~=~=~~=t~===-=r~~::::::~=-r-=&=8=-at~l (=-o-n_t ...... ra==-c-=·t•=s='f.:...'o-==-r-F-irs...:;::'*=:=f.:..· telary Welch believes there • • 1' L . . • !$i§fi~ rive reveals workers · aunches· ~-~~~:~~~~~~-~.:;;,Several big c;argo ships ~~~ons~~=~s a~ Take Task Ser·l·ously Endeavor ~:.,.~~~~-~~~~~~Y~IIr N;'~~n~~~:~I Recel·ved by So Coal st cooaervattvely figures that t;~~;·~:;: ,:~~:~~~~"'~~;~~:;~,. ~~::;~1 . · • 1 · the growth bas doubled since ._ 1.,.1.,1"\. b.•ln.: tumf'd nvf'r 1., 111,.1 thrroemfed4600en\lt'o~8500,o;11s. 0p' a1tt<l4er~ In•""nsive Effort Being Made on Quota for In-Ia J,_ ~~· beb)' pul"c··~rnrr nil\')', "''" rhriciC'nf'fi h~ l.t I til II .. · Two Refri•erator Boa•· 128 D~ L ............. 'P tc --Wlll t'r ln.ltt)'. followm..: Sotalt' ll \\ 11\t' Vlll'"lh>nln~: In lht• I . " ... r~ ... .. son pretlents more deflnJte dividual Buyers While $141,000 o.f the En-laWMN• ":',..,.nlOnt"" "~'d ,111""'--hart••• ''"''-"'' Built Here and May Re(ate = llill data deduced from city water; day -'*'.: at !!'10th < uAst. wi.l h t.:,.1,, ,~,.,t.1,, A ll.•t·k .. 1 ,,.,. • • · conne<"tions whirh hf> rom -tire Total is Reported as Subscribed Nre. ~ ~ •t~n·n~. •tw nt:-w Am1, 1-rnn~rw>rt commal'ld. 1\nnw Navy Orden Have Been D.._ · •• · pules from the high point Of flahllll ..,.,, F:n!lo•avur -on h•A\1' IIIIC'r duty In th<' !jo1tllh· ~ J uly. th .......... years ago. He I As the second WeE-k o r the War Loan Bonet drivt> romt>S I ~ ~·n.: bt lllt .• h."'JI h~ W~t f'Ht'llk .. .1\Jdrf'1&M>il I hi' 1:"'111' C'hc ... •rful J'l('WY( tn , .. _ ....... t ..... Jld'-, t-•tu . .UI' ... 1 "'"' • I ' N-.. f'.nctt•ll\llf 6(11., fi'tl t•l 1'111'•1, 1111(, "'l'fkl'" "ht) ,.,. • ... uutl .... "• ra ft'nly ... = . ·says· the May 1944 meter into its final stage, reassuring reports from aU se<'tioqs of the klftc •• a 11 foc•t hl'.tm, wa~ <If-· "·mltl•·•l ''" '""' htunt-tllnt:. tl'lltn.: /'L"t 1"\'C'•Ivro whfon tht-South Cc"lf\llt Co .. th~ Ita ... readings and tum-ons ex-harbor district reve.aJ thlt the w orkt-rs are takjn g their task a.lpMI "r Norek tn bt· suttr•hl•· thl"n'l"thnt "'' hA• ..... n Nt'""l""'' ntlon~t offkiltt, F.M>ret Morrta. announc-.d thafh fll~ oeeded the volume .uSed in 1 'ousl d th job t.a tl hil th h 1 1 few .......,I tmd lllllillnf'lll tn tht· hmlt hoot• In 11rtlon 11nlC)nt: tht• t•rntt·mrt In the Khltlle ol two laJ'Irf' r.frtierator ~ \ ' that month. 1H e calculates :-en Y an are on e cons n y, w e e ome~ fall, W tar '""" nnll nlhn~"oon· l~lt1nrt buM-, and that lh4' wurk •1 1:..~ ft'lot•l lott.C. will he• built -_. :=r ; that betweE-n 10,500 and 15,· "' cooperating to the fuUest will ~ N'd· thla ~r and "''" u~11hl,. lllf' ht•N> L~ "" tm1)()rtant mntrlhuth1n ht•n! for ttl.-nnvy. j· Aa ~ • tM IMtl ef .. - 000 people are residing with· C'XIent. · hcrto a nd our QUOta c lh&rtl~ P'Ordrllh. ..n rt ... rhn,·h to Tokyu <"nJII. Ttl,. ... h•w •·ontl'llr t., '"'" n.-,... _ .. ""',.. now :!VSU'Jtlf It in the-confines of the munici-Of lhe $200.000 quota expt>Cttod It~ ld RJt hi t ld _., romm!t FLOYD E. McQUEEN •1 tM W .. on h\lltalllnll:' thf' 115· llo .. ·k w"" 111trod~ hy ftobt•rl V. "'t'tw.l In •·lnna unw. wlll'n-tutt' flit the"""".., Plir .. ..., pallty. lo come In from individual buy('nt ~I M c ~; .Jh el f c:,; u . ._ 'MartttnMI Servt,.. ..... ,.,...~ ~ C.trfllill.r dh>ll4·1. and Staal .ro~t'lllltrnl uf u, .. romJ'IIny Pf't'\'kiWI atalflnW'fllt thllt th4-ann1 ...... wW e. a.ld ... _... + + + S67.031 wwth · h~C' . been pur· tee • dC'I M "'· h .. ea Y e t 0 him ~ ....... .. A...._ .. ,.,.. , .. aoeommodllt•· 1400 1£&1· And navy had ._n r~trKlf'!Unc eon· 'ftda wtD ... lit ..... -* • C D M F 0 th chilled 10 far. 1'h# senea E bondll ::::: volunl.::~ W.oo sell~ al'ld a.terru.,c.d by • ~~~ &u ect4&i6ol IGDII ftl Aiel. Ml aln•atly bclo(Un I ,,..,.," to ltw tunallt'f' nnn .. and • It wu at-.., ,_.. .. "'-- ' subject• 'or ~ feerryrry frn,;' Cor~ are the smaller bonds, and lht> .... ld that abe le doiD.r • line __... thlt7· W ~ txptoeta to br at thtt A t M had ~ t:•III'M'''nlt .. tlf\1 ttwf!' ,,. a,.. Uw ftnt '-.. ._. a.. .. •y type which are mt'ant for thc II& M Wh h lud I .,_.... et rlahln& withm thl"f''' p en fnrt11 witt! lhfo larpr plant .. While t'-llllftJI a..t 0t. t ona del Mar to Balboa, Oty lar&er majority o( Individual pu,... Job. d"'i · dyte ~ .. ~olar ~~~ Reveraln• the.. u.ua.l proi:HA of _..... ~, · • II I• tnw that wwral o1 th'. 1o-~~ ...,..,.. .. r•anc );",..ft.,._,r Patterson points ...., • t'very r ve an sa} a .. "' P~....-. .. , • I hi m. h.cl ....._ I .....__ ~ • OU&;M'6t" th"""'e difficulty or esta~ •:uers. 0 ° to do her s.harrthat .,., fl.nlabJDI' lra.lotnr ud theft •hlp-u .... I*UlnK'IIon lllnCt' Jnn· WIU s ~ ,~ . pya .,_., a ....... an few aJ~ In ..... Walter Sp1c.-r. chalnnan of War Q! ttl J .Bedl ~ fmm ply_ ou ,~ E. M«'Quf'~n 11. !.1M')'. • ..., ~~ beet ha-l fiWft. tt tw a'ho f'I'W •• ~ to ftla ~ .. - IWU.ng.a 1and1oa pier on the_ Financi.ll&..-and Wll)'De l:l&Jller. ~lnp ~. w~ •• our 'boys~ do-the u-:-.s. MartUme Service hu MC 1 ° UoNa for Non-l('s cr..w I ee planl ottk'Uda. thet Uw ·~· 000 hea ... r •u•·• .... rocky fonn.atlon in that vi-chalnnan of the· [ti111 • .~war;, ~ Inc~ takJne In ttle junel~ fl&ht· been tran,rerred from tralnt~ ot ...., ,._ hclpt'd him build tier w.-,... ' .ort ot -..dine out pru-Ina lhe .....,. •• ., ....... 11 Ill .. =Yj,eop'";;~ ~r~:a t~~ =e~~:~:f~ sta1i:~ l'~~&·~r:~ "!~ ~ ;:::11:: ::~~ :! ~:.al~tn an~e ::.:m She AI ~~~~~.~:,t',~ ~~~ o· p '-:"' • d =. ·~ •:::, :;: .a::: IR~ =..!:.:=~'!a~ it ia conceded that that sec-that nes 58 " Bl't' ag I ~ bl& moment to k~p tM auP.I McQu.en ltvee at lOT 'I'Wftlty. ~. ~" X 2~ Inch Ollk A al othfor dtfrnw wuck. "' .. Oranet ~ ........... don,is destined for &realer ~~gvi~~<!u ,Th~rre th~: t"Vt'ry plln roiUne In Ia now .. nlntb ltrwt whert" bla wife. the ~ i1tt1 Cftller.. Ht-r pro-_ .. _. a.-w "'"'IJMoy c.-..,.., .. ........_, growth th th & U nto ~sa~ I · Deedly Be...;_ 1 former Bernice Truax. and .mall .,..._. _,... ~ x 34. I ' Mr. MorTia atattd ttwlt tour aaMOC •M'Md .., _, Ia Oat t 4 an any 0 1 er ~r-lngll acrou~t ~a ot~n "4 'The eencral atmosphera in IM tbree-yeu-old daupter art" waJt· t. ..... the new bnat "F.n· I 11,_ •• muc-h tum~ Ill ......_ ,.._,, It ._ •at• '1'1111 .. • tion of the commun ty. ue 'thr" "lonlh !' -ary to commlltce WL~ one ol enthualum I'"C for blm lD com~ home ..,.... ~ N k &o.,.rt·~ Tht• South C'oul Apartmt•nt ""-"' In ltw rww ('AJ'IO boau ttwla dPr wNd\ ball • p IM "* to the high land, the amount Jmore of th~ bonds. and dea!1ly IW'riouaneu and • ce,... 'Thourrh be was M l ._,. tn ~ f1Wn ~ ,..:J:. ~. att.,-l()wnto" ....:Uttlon wUI *PI"'"' to lhu ~UNCI in ltw '"~ ~ I, • ~,. to "-·• ltlil •ot vacant teiT8'in and the ~ .... 8elllq tamty lhnl lhtt, pt'Opje ol NC'W· Harbor.,._, McQueen hu worked Mn. ~.partner and helper ln !M OPA for ... t.ue ol thlll an-a f'f'll AM thAI whiiC' nru,.,.. _,... llmlta ttw number fll-.... - fact that ~I ra't~r than Corpo~tton purcha.'!t'~. that '-"···port Bcactl would nol fail tlle boys a round h~re for the put tee boat ~ al'ld fhttlln . Still"\· "'~'"' nontnl ...-.tn cllon• ton ttw I not aovAIIAblr "" 1o . cc:atJI, 1 ... bP ~ It ._ wtda-~ sand, would attrad more of tht-b1g .bonds bought by the I now. 1 yt'an. He worked u Weietl·! 1 ...... diP "Enn" In l~. Nor· ~"•undJ> thA I thl• I. 11 """'''' til•· ltw ot•lnlon I hilt ttw)o would Nil .. hara, and t'-ltlldl.._ fl ..... thousands.. Trend of h a rbor companrt•s thcmselvt's, have 110 fm 1 Th 1 rt t thl . 1 t t t th Jtall Ca.n and :J ~ 1 11. fl · tnct and, th~rt'fore. not am•:nllbh• hh.:h u mlnt'tiWf'f'l»"' nnd ttlat 1ft nrw C'Ciftt.-.rt.A )8l !'••-•" ....... 11a · JJ 0 amounted to $74.000 and are corn-' e mpo an na 15 0 ec mu er a t' an ary ·...,...... A am 11" r.rure Ill 10 dt·({'n~ rentAl NIH. ' 1 hundl"f'(hr nf lhatta~~ndlo of doll•"' I mind. ttwll Uw "* ;c ...... glt)Wth genera y moves t mt .in -u, it il' at'noun<'t'd. thl' bond~ tJou&!ll and to ~t'l all wc . n~t a (l&l.nter at the South eo.ut Uw '.~' fb•hln~t M't'O\' In Jvbn Vus-cl an oUt(.'('[ Ollhc ur· _,,.m1wt .. od lhfo mniD!fl!.. _ anlldpatt'CI • ~el a... hlgtler ground. Not a bad Ju. far u po!'Slblc. th«' local W M nr"t'd and mort'. 10 I hat the boys ~'"~'~" rany Ht' ":"IU probably -.e tW "nlo ~ her-StJ('('l'Slmf11 tr~tni7Alinn. uld today I hill n llf'lo' t · __ .__ _ :....:~-;..=~"-:=-::-:=-::-:....::-----411 idea for the council to con-l..oan corrunlt.t~ wiU ~·to 11 tlmt wrll know 11. So ttwy will k~ •cnt '" .:horl In Lon1 Bf'ac:Ja t01t thpy Of! their lot 111 1717 rullna hy 1._. OPA had n-d\K't'd ,... • . Bider aJ'Ulexing uninhabited a h()I.I.S(' to h~ canvass is muctc W(' u,..,, backing them. So t':'t'> al~ monlh• tralntng· upon hla ,... w• O.tnl, Newport [)(>ucta tbr vle~latlon o( the nun·wtllful L• ' R t I tall Corona del M ar and from blt>s 1n kC') spots m tht' area. , .. -~~; ra. '''"'u~ u 0 un.ua Wll lot lhtt owrdwrp, wtddwvn """" 1 ./ • areas betweeA the d ty a nd and tttey plan IO !W'I up St'lllng Ill· ::!~~ k~c:; ·~m~!~u:U"~ on,~ I tu~: ..M-" 0 b 0 ;.... ._ .... ~.II l~ ~NCttc;nch~ I pi'Nllly IO 125 00 or lo lhe amount IOns 0 ary ns Bay Shore . camp west to-~r Wood, wtro I• ~Wiling I and. h•lp en and whe~ they era. Harry and Don TNax wbo wtU. t ~~re::;"'ta ot t-he OW 1111AJJ«, Aile a .._tal ...,._t· ' . ward the Santa .Ana rl\oer. bondl a\ South Coast Co.. came LO l1ft'd them for u IOI\Il aa they need an Ill tM IDftllloll ol .. f'OIIe. , ftabenDtn. llllftt ror.:~:--.. stplaa ~a ,., ~ fGr flko -.tnw. meetJnc on '1'\.ac.· tbmL .... ~ hold up our ~ 1e • ..,.,... •• the~..., .... 0 ....... for ...... -.....,. .... -tlltrOP4".. ~er• Enough lal'ld to pt day wltll ~ lll1d $1000 bon(h ~ ~ ~ ~home~ and Doe, •~o .... eent to En«· ~ fc!Miirid ""'oo.m ''"' that cfjtl ......... euc.t. ,..,..,. ;.,.. -· ·'-~ . at least ~~. ~le. sticking out oC his pocket. He had mu!lt 00 out to 'Jaad b)' Loelrhef-d nd JIIM n!Cent·l w.,.. bP ebendanlld wtwN wuwor-.ry • • • solrl $10,000 worth dur:inr tt\f pft-·1 now. WIIMe to IY. .. joined the Navy by mlt.t.lnJ · a• II\ tt... c.-ol ~ ...-on. , · l..lcea8e. M~ ~a bit· vl011~ wE't'k--lnrludlng ~.wort h off"-'" &.7 nd . Jl ov~r tbert'. · I W•lt VIctoria at,...et. ,.,. wu A.a thh .acctlon hu las thlln I l'lwl llf'I"'IC't' C'lut. will~ ~r ~ 8. 0.... .. llr. a.-. worried about the artion the 1\.l,~!lnr momln.~t: Jle .~>ald lhC'st', 11 At~ all JXllll a 111 • . aettvt and tonk a part '" t·lvk ,.,. 1,..r n-nt ,, ""'tal• to df'fl'tt"'' til ~ ft.,tall•tlon•.en I~IC'S' olacht and I Owton ..W U.t ,......_ '-- ,B<?ard of Equaliza~ion will purcha~ .. wr rt' ovM" and ahovr I b 1k. · ~ I}(-. ·F'C'dco 1 p• M 77 fatno up tn ,u, .. lim• "f Mr• akrl""'tuntl wnrki!OI rrtCUJAilun ,, "' tht• "'""'' tim•· "''"' 1\wadtty '-''"" thr lUll to ttw ,....... 0 take on the liquor hcen~· to pay ~~~· ~tiOnl' and hi" t-md s I th(• 0 .. r~rl ach,.l I ra Joneer esan, ' f:viU.. tJtalh ltt\'rn l Yf'llU 111(11 n'l:rtttlt'<1 .... unflllr Mr Vnj,!f'l ''"' t'\t•nlr1~.t. II W/1, lt•nm•"' ltxllly. 'mt't•llnl: hut hr wan~ 10 ea1 ..... , C M . . . II\ IOJZ~ 11nu ......,n a.'."CX' at on. on I · I ' I I I I h I n . .__ o. ....___ W....t ....... be decidt'd at osta esa. Wllh prll1•• "Tht•y nre J)a\lnl: ('Hl'IJ Lit I I !1 ( w I s I p t Gl d I wh•n he _,., .. IIVI' 1\llh . hu• .... hJUJ thJtt hill Ofl:ltnlzallon Yo tiUitl "tt•n I ... Jnn" t'll .. nt rvlltlry ..... W8JI neppy lo ........, -:-~ -- Two heartngs resulted-in rm thrm 0 Tht•y art' buyin~o: lht·m. R 10 '"·.;;." (''"?mw 8 tl'rH p ('('r asses a en a e; adopCed -· .. m (o' ~hull, at , •. ;,""" '"' n •lt•Alll' '"'"' ttu• It' I'IUh Will hrt\'1' .:nln tN"\'"'It"'" lrMI tlurlna lht> Oorttr.........,... negative is.c:.-uance ,of' a per-And the\' huy them hi A:·~ 1~ l..om r All~ boo ;~nc rl ~! S • ' S t d En• '"'''"· HI• ",,.. llh•tl ft~r ,, , ,. . ..,,tfl, 1 • .. ,.,,t M,.,,, · N•·v.·t••n ''"' l••r tlun Whllr 1<-vtty haa a.tw.y. ...... m.l·t ·. The -I"Sl h""n'ng ....._ Sad Bor•f'l'tlt>r nnd Gt'Qr,;t' I Ill II Ahalo.,n7t'. ,...., ~I tlpn : . ..,. < ervJces a or ay yeart ~... f l,1nn' wrll n{,.,"'l It I lht• Wtlmllrt'" a fnltjtlf' ,.,,,. In IUI't\ a dub, ,.t .-.. o uq-· Mu,.kl'\. ,, 14 , .. nnnr I !'ow· -.-· I I . ~• ._11 I 1._ I 1o 1 (. ..., I • ,__.,., ~ Bur-n had N)ld S50()) worth nf •t•l'• 0 0 h s d Bot I 0 320R --In 14J!1ollon •.• h i.. "''" thrt•t• b H I w· . uh ,.,., ..... In ( ..... 11 m f'""· w,. t• I ... -~·~I 'fl ;cw •• , a Wa)• ........... fore J udge Cole gave the ,,.., t-': lx?"'"' In Wt>Sl l'.:t•V.port ci:nn'~~A~I -~cv. ,.;,..,.~;~h . f' 'Wilham Hf'nr.• F.\'llnll. 77 ......... , ... ,.. aurvh>t• Mill .. :11~ II· It . Ro t. en ey tns "!I'" I'"'' llurhul it41lttr)' dull will ol lbtiiJtchl nr. lf'rioue ldli that dsiOD ·to the antis. but when "-' tn Quotu K Park•' 11-;,. Vm ~lla Lrdo i~trr:-' or lb• plnn"""' -of 0 •la M•"'t llflll Mn~ I..Aurtt TrWw .. tv ,J M k H J Tr h j.!.otllu ' ut llw lktlll'lfl Yn•·ht duh WIIUhl n-mAin w1!h thr mHitbHW .the Board m et June 2 no ac-·nw qup,lffln Wll' rlll~i'cl ro•~o:ard· • C• rr . 0 0 dJ d "'-'n I t u ,.., 1 I ,.,.,.,,,,,on · !'.lrto :l.l lllh· Srnallt uf ar ea y op y l ll,lllllttllttlt "' ttHit•t•ro, f•lf' ..... ltll'ltc atlrr hi• had nollnceu6atwd ... • tak I t d · J I.A''"'' "''" ••n .. •n Ack('nnan e "II"U rtK ay a '" • • t•m" • . · · · · 1 \" 1 1 1 ...... 1 -..~ ...... t tion was . en . ns ea • ins: I he> Amount of quota.~ (or dill' .,_, ·,... 0 • .,.., .:.. ld c ~ll ltarj h I r I . l'or'lantJ On 1 ...... , ~Ill .. 1 ... ,. I, .. ,, .. "" 'lltt ••• ,••v·· I " • wa .. ~-na C II. 0 h . r . ,_,...., ... 0. onrl :,,"' ltlllri).!O n-0 n urn "' If' lln~ra rl •.• • 0 I .. 0 , I I ...... --..&. Torn 0 tns. tn c arge 0 Ira•·•-Wht•rf' rnanv ri'<Hknt!' wnrk 0 0 0 -II ...... -··· ., I • .,, ,. r,. 14-f ont ttlnlhl ., llloll ,.,,., .. ,, "'· '"t'l,'l'tlllll: ... t •"'111") .. , 'It' ynun ... r """' "u..----- k....l . • · · ronu Q••l :'<1ar Jluhhard Hnwr · "1 ""' ...... v ''"'""'rr ay .!lflt'mn.•n \. 1" 11', 1 t ' 1 1 ll 1 11 M 11 this dis~'rict . was as l..'U t o In· out .. ld•· lh••ir rlt'fllt'll'. nn<l 1111} ~>Uth Cnst-.1 (;o and 004 Avo: Ill 2 30. -.t tht' r.rauf'l ("lu•rwt Mri I Ralph Zlmnll'lfllhll ...... tlh·ll lrnal 1"111'" SundAy, Jun·· IK. ·~·· ''· " '" "' I'"'"" t• 1101 • I "'. tll"' I tl lrt ~ vestigatc. The boarfl mt~ts lh•·ir hnncl!-wh••n-thl') wurk. ;\lr ;.uri() Coron·l . d~l Mur· Roger Rf'v F.dwa.rd G<)('l<lt'll of ('lu·tal '".,.,,.. vt•tttnf: '" "'" """'" "' h•'l I••• I h•· Cumnw..-lou•· Mllrk 11••,111 \ 11111 '' "'111•~1 ~ ·~~,"'' ll~"'"' Ita r~ • ..!."'"'lt ~ ,::!t;"' ledllttt next wee:k ilt Sac ram e nto Spll'l'l' I''!PI31fl('(i I hill nil qUnl:o;. Wood South coo~t Co 0 R I Cnl· f'hii.ITh by I hf' R<•u In ChAri( I' In· IIIII< "'"· Mr flnrl ~,,.. A ~· 'I"""> ,,, lht• '"'lbcw Y"t'lllt d talt .. , honnr," Ill I~· ( l·n L·,' .,'.'"" MlllC, I "h, ....... ,.,'atw t ~ .,=. d i ted d 'de nr~· sN. takanS th~ conrtlllon" ''" .,.;.; '"'th St N"~rl. ,.;···ach ·I IC'rmt'nt will llf'. at n-dl•t-N<'l~on lW)() \V•· .. tmln.ttt.·r ="•'"· ,·n wu "'·-• "'111'11. will lw• fttr rlw •· .. mn~'"',unt I" ht ••,·,.rl •. I urhl ,1,11 n, "tk .~ I!., o ••r,._l bW an 8 ex~ to eel one I I All o<>nds ho\Juht 0 ""'' .... .. \ -· .... .... • ' I ~· ~ "'"· 0 I I ,.,,.. "" Nl'l' w II ~ "'I"" w II !l ,.1. ndW a u .. c w~ ., th h I . I lfl!;f or tef'l' ltn( 0 • • • .. I ,,. "' "U' I'IM'I' -nr .. I "I " It' w " .......... -y to t"'e othef as to ad vis-'"" nC'coun · r· " 1 Nl'lwn Stllfforrl 465 Snnto Ana Oregon port H••-ht.a. r .. r Llw p!Uit r .. w II}'''"' ~:u wt•U P"ll. ~t~tun ''"I' •> 11 1 11 · • .. 1 1 f tl 1 11.: ou .........._ Dodd. ~ ability of. penni tin ga cock-rou~ IIC'{f :, 0 to our lltC'III Avr 0 Nrwport H('l~:ht~: Jan Rri~t· Tht' 'd~d WIUI born In ··~YII 8~ hu '"'''" ""n hl'r whwh lll"l.:ln• Julf 2 wtlvrtlt•H tJf lila t'llfnmtrn<l ... fln"'lftt•nl lkJb" ... tail bar. the 6 nly one tha t han~s 11 ; c~ l~mg hc•rt• whn, Coc. Balboa F"ire Stallon and 450' Spnng-ltl'ld. Or~((nn and (·ame tu htutbllnd et C"ttmp Ahl>nt. 1 •r'"K"" I ll••-.aolt-. uf thf' "'"' Wt•rt· It~ l••l · 1\t llw 1 '""~ nll~·llu~: 1,~1 Ttr•·~· rha,...-of ttw Rotary ,...m would ever have been grant-~uo a ~";_o l'f r hcmd" bou~t I SliD lll'm nrdlnn. Newport JIC'Ightll; I C08ta MeiiB aome 20 year!) "K" Rnd Ia leavlnK F'rldMy for lhflr !"""'' 11./ltW'rl llmlc•y Wit• th•· wtn-"•>' um• .,,· th•· tlrwar trlllllll'• ••vt·r l whllf> U W u.-tt hall a.. ~ ed te Co8ta .Me53. What .to-~aV(' hrf'CCIP ~ !I~ -tho!<~' Tf'<'Mpt~:.t.Mrs. Jucha II~UIII~. Har-bor 1£J,. ret~ to a lllltall ruteh at 72~· lh•mll '" .... ll ... fl. nt•r Wltll :ltl" potnta. Wllna..Jh':,. "': j ,~l1tf li n nrrl?'lllf wu I hill tclVI'n ••)' ""-'• ... • t...lont -...nJ. ~ere. can · ·· ·~and: w . -H~Jlltct~man. 42 Bcaconl vt·a-...· ~«·urlniC ay.tC'm. lhrk rt•n _ • · do? I ---Bay; S. ·-r. Dunlap. Earl Stanley Inn waa llf'(-und •lt.h :t7"4 Pfllllt' I + + • lisher of the South Pasadena Rl'al E.~llll<' o'fflce, Balboa bl· c • A • .• Thll~l wn,. lt.Arbllra M•'tc·nlf :"'"" R ·· b •td s s b Fred Rokas. Mr. and Mrs. Review and when his heart la nd. and 120 Abalone, Balbola bl-1 ompetatlve Vlatlon :17 I""Jl'" lind fourth """" ( !11"' e Ul ea cout as• Fred Rolens of 'South Pasa-~~t ~ecr~ ·o~1:1!r~~~ ~~ ~~w~~~r~~~ch~~i ~~;~: ~~~~·. · ~~~··ft.'~'~'n:=;:, !~':'~::,h ~~~~~;.:: ~ ~t~~: o~~~~n~:. dered him to the beach and M.tlla. 212 19th Rt., N~•-port I c w t d "''"' <.''""' Jtuntrr •llh 57, .. '"'" I If $15 000 I R • d th ) be ch h t be Bcach n t t an e '1'11" I'C' ~tnd VlklniC .1t'l•l Will ' I!' ~~~ ~o~:t ~~~~~~ ~ f~ !as ~e ~·s 0own On<: or lhf'IW' peopiC' Is your oun y no brJCin ,,;lr IIUinlftrt" ~ Sun<lll\ I 0 s aa~e Rolens. J'"'l ~ve.ring from on the Island so Fred has neighbor. If you will call on him IJun•· t!> • """ 1 ~"' 1 . ' H , he will tak(' your bond appllca· ., a bra.kdown after seven I been hving there. 0 e s a I lion. Outlook for aviation In Or-.n~tl"l mmmiaakJrl ot five> mt•mho'" With Ca . t H s A r•• 'ltnmendaUon Uuat UM'l latAtr ..anta~Be4 ... 14 .... montba, was rated the o ut-great guy and topsJde as a The offlct' of th~ Nt"WS Ti~ county a.ftf'r thf' )!Var waa fuJ!y I rt•prrMnUllon fntm •·arh ,, ... , ... n I piS rano . . l 'LY l(rant ll nf'W '""·""' for Ul.e ...... u..t .......... ~ --~man or the year tn ll{'WSpapennarr: lind ttle Clamber ol Comme~ dl-u.~~ .... al " lunch~ lin of ·~ mantr. M lcolm T-11.;. ' "'" ........ ,_ .... .. his district. Fred is pu~ + • + Will also lake your application~~. ~ _... . ~· ..}nft It llle 8J)Hkf'r ~l ntf'fi lht·n· Willi a Kl.&8 I ij,.,. Rl •out ''--"11 'tltl•llllull lh&lj ~ CMatt.ar ot '>-PIFM eo.. Rfotum.inl Refu~. No-N('JCI W('Pk the commltt~ ho~ atte~d(t(t by memtxon of thr boArd ~:ood proiiPf'CI rnr hnnrlhn$t Vlml' T Be h Rota " (un•l .. r ll~,lltlll ,... ,....,.d mltl•• ,..,.,.. Utilt ..._. e&.- bodv knOWS hOW manV ~ tO rl'pOrt lhtll lhf!' local QUOta of Of I'UJW'rvi~n!. llf'CrPtarlf'!l Of !WV• or tht' COUnty'~ lllfgP Anf1 VRIUnlrlr• 0 ac ry lhf"IIICh"lll Jo(lntll\t'l 11 f'Ahfum la Ill wit) be n~~ ,f.o ~ -... To the People pi~ 'h ave hee.n tom • from 11$375,000 hll4l been ov~nrutll!crlb<>d 1 ('raJ county ctlambt-ra and othc>no nrru11 C'nlP hy nrr. Rnrl thnt whll" • ,,,,,1, th,. ~o~t11r with •utt•hl• l)ulld· ,111et• .,.11 wall. etc:., ud tile - of thil Community th · h om es in this )Var and an!1 1'1111 ROing. "' ~lboa Island Wt'dnf'!lda)·. m.oJOr airport~< ..In thr rnunt) m1.:ht 1 s Mul• .. 1m. Vtt·,. prtn• '''"' ••I 1111:11 "'"' 1,.,,.1 '""'""""""•· wu l ~toaut commltt-..,_.. a. Plr . . . h ---P nncrpal IIPf"llkl'r wa.• C'hn rlr~ 1 ... '""'liM in numlwr, rh•·••· "'"'a lh•· ,.,,.,,~,"~"" 11111:11 .,,,_,,_ "t"•k• 11 ,,.,, I•) 11 ,.1,., ,,., , """""'"'·' •rf , """-'"" bull!1tn-------There ar' mnny urKrnt n·a~nns :u"f> n ow h\•tr1a m ot Pr areas R. n... .J"'• l 1 1 ·, •-.... -._ -for buyonjE War Bonda F•r~l. th~ ' . "' . . Mrs AMhur 0f'ftl of 209 Topll:t. . n :ylon. ChAinnAn of the Avia· f.ovOrAblt' 0\V Innk fur •••l uhll·hiJII' loo u,.. :>:o•Wt,.lr1 I"''"* t" "'" Lt10 :-,:, • .,..1.,,, llltrl•••r ('laMrnl,..l ••f trAil tban ,10,000 and may ,_ ID lnvasaon n~~d• monf'y Bond~ Ql" oth('r <'Olin In~ .. ()n(' . ~r Bnlh"fl IIIIMtl ret um .. d W~dnl'~t-tioo C'OTTimilt('(' of thP Nrwporl m •• nv 11mnll••r ff't•tlf·r lllf1tl•l '' '''"I • ltil• "" "flu• Worl•l'• 1 !rt•llt••..t 1 ·,,111 ,.,.n·•• "'"'' h Ill• lll•l"tl 1· A tii\,OINI. Ttle "'"''" r.rf tbe et... pay fllr planes and ~~~~l~t~lntttl :.~h lhf' m0!'\1 C'OnSCrv_aiJV<' ~~I· tlto\' nl~hl I rnm Wltt.,nnvlllr whrrr• If arbor C'hamhl"r of C'ommrr<·t•. lllllflang lllri)'l'l. l't uh •I) v. hr• II Itt• n~fll•••l ''" II" t·1.t111, 1. W M l"'"l:lu•••r, J l.r• 111111,.,. wll 1.,. Jjrt.,.nled lD U. I "hl rh to m~t!ls placcsJ~e.ftgu~ a~ 91"1 llht• h tlll twr·n "'llh h!'r hullhc).nd . whonutlinffi th•· mllln (A("IOI'S l(tl\'• (lah• n ... ·ko·rl ,,, Sanl.l "'"' c·,,, IHnlv ' VnrNtlll•·• Ill IH'l-11 II· s •. , .. ,,,..,fl .,. \-\•·tfl •ul .hy 111111 '"'''''"'" Hf II .. C,'taam her at u. hrn t t h t' mtlltnn-30 mtllton tn f.UI'· She 111~~ vl,;•ll'<l hrr mol hf'r lo l'mlng thf' drvPiopmr nt nl ttvan · ( .. unrll, tu.h1f'fl nua11~ '''"'"'''' """ \11 ~~ ,, ... ,,, 1"" •l u•l•·nl "'" ,. 1. l'nll•·••••ll ,.,,,,,.. "" '""''"'' 11,.,,. r"I>C'''"" ""'"''"•. rur rurth• Ax '' Ou r ono and ·{l() million in A~ia. r.nkland. lion Mr P1•ythn '' n·~~,.,l tlu· "'"'l'l'llllng '"1.:1!•"'' fl•n' ''' 1 Ia• rl• ,1,1,11, • • "''' Ia"''''' y. 111111 Ill• I'' • 1 • • 1. 11 1 ~ ~ 1 h~h' ''~'l'lf"n I ""'-I f , I t t I lk I n q q \' ••IU)• 'H • f'tl , I. uu ,. , • .,, •• ".~, .. ,,,,,. hrtor., • rfJC(YBI .. 1ll ll•1h:IYC! HI"IUI'Tling th(~ millio ns l.n nf'fof rar 1:1\'lnJt !'llfi'IJ ''"'>' ,., '•'I'•'' lin< 1'011\lfllllll.; '" fll • hl!l.t\IHfl "' l ilt• ~··"J•···· ••I••Y". "'"' l•t•• .. ~·fll ••tl l·v ....... ,t•l M It ''"'""~'"'''' thl"iJt.· honli"S. or \\'hat jo:; lr ft thr prnhlt·m <1f ··~ll•hll~hilll.! an •• "'"t1 hy Mr 1'•·\'''" ·'"" ,.,;,.,, 11 ,, "11 , ''~'''' ""'' '"" kl!'"""" 11 • 1111,1.1,,,, 111111 ~, w,1, ... ''"" '"''lldn\1"'' '" tnillh· t.n U111 <.:tty ,,,, .... f''l•l;p. f ·--· h· ,. ·rt rthP\\''11' ()ram::r I'Oitnl y lldt•fllllllo· IM•alltit'< """'llnn~ofVII.Ii HIIJ'"''""' "'''' 'II·'''""'"' v .. rndlt•" 1•·1 ''" ,-,,,,k ·.\ft.ltt '"'""" 1111 "' ollllf II () 0 I wtr. ~)ITltCS. rl e 0 • 0' I fill' h;omiiiRI.! lhrt•t• "'"'"''' lr •·a~:ht . 1"'"4'n1MI II') lh•· •t•l•k···· "'"' ... ""'' ,.,., .. "'"" .. f 1:'1•·111 I"" • ' -------------- " Ill' '" u~ \\'til h<' ''stupendous l<tsk •tllf p;a~ ... •·n~.:r·r unrJ pri\'atro fly•n~.: "' rf' fully lln'""''''l Il l ·I ',,,,;1, '""I '"''' WI· llr• "" . .., .,.,,, • av ,_.,,.,,., '' . ,.,,. •II ,,.,. ~ I 0 Jr'l lllt r t• I. y•v or<e• 10 ('001J1lf'l(' ' \•'lit~, "!:". );II\• '' 1•·11~•· ''" ''"' r:~IILii~·-"l''""' r r<>· nlliY ·:1"<' !'"'·~. . . · f n ""''"' roml"''''"'" lt•·•Yo··••n l'rf'o,irll'nt ft,,,.,,, , .. """ •·f '"' ,. 'l·••r t11• "'"'" "' 111111 ~:••11 1 Cll ''"I" tha.. Th l' s ttttalton ·Wi ll IK' stmJlar rnmmun•ll··~ at v.s.-. '-~Jio:l!'''l•·<l 1h111 ('ltumh•'r ,.1 ('.,,.,.,,.,.,, "' 1o ""'' 11 '·'''k1111.,. < ,..1111 •tal•••l At~ .. t , .,"t "1 .,,.,,,,,,.' 1'" 111'' I''" I'''~' A st>cnnrl rr:~>nn "Lh.-·n?rrl' t h' h lrl ·~l 'f 1 · r .. , · ,.( ~•·11~1111111 ,, sl'·l ~···sut llluw 15:1 ~hllrt:r~:r nt ltlllltl~ M\\' l.~ll'r to I 1al \\' J(' \\'Ull ('XI. I I t le ).IIUDIIIm 10 • Jrun~·· l'tiiHII ,v "''' vlillilltro, hiHI I .... ., ,,,. "" •.• • .. I ......... , ···Illy "' ... , ••. 11. ol ' II I I on lhl'tl' "'til bt pknly fnr "'""' 1\,\'0 owl of t•V('I'Y lhl'f'(' fi<'O-I roult111f> _IJI•-t hitnfllo·fl ttn a f'ljl!lll~ 11•.: hnd hl't·n II' I Ill~·· tl :ol 1111 '"I' VIII• II '•1111 ·l•tWn fr"lll \llr v···v •• I• ~11 1111' itl .......... 1'1\••11 • S w I h II h th ' '" Ito• llll(h ,.. ltto••l 11•1 IIIII (o•/01 "' a;ondr•arr~ 11\.o•nr,vrulonlo\\nr ptr>inthe ·U nit('(! taiPSW<It'<' "". "'" lrOI II.: '''"f•"1'""'' 1!•·\llnn•uf th,.('fa.onol u r '""'""' 1 • .,,,,,.,. "'liMa ; .. untry. ,.,,. ''""'""~. ~~~~~,~~"','~,;~,~~~~·;~~!-~h~r;,tt•·;,; hundrNi..; oa· thous:tnds of llppoantin~: nn av~r~ta••n lwuutl lot ,,, ''" A\lhll'•" '" ,,,.,.' ,., '''"'~" '' •·~~•·•• .,,, '"" '"I""" ••f •·~·· ... ,.,..,,.,,.,,. \',.,.'",:,,",ll:;:~·t•;:~·;l ,:·· op;1n hf'n. to•o. ond thr "ni'SI OliJr•S fro m hOm<' and w ant{'(i , a ll lnlt•r<•'l' 1••~-:••l h• I l"r '"" odl., ! , 1, • I :-;11110•:•• Mr MA l• •olin I• ""' 1111, Jllll l••r•t tH ll1t• M•'ft fltlt" ta\ltd IIIIW may hatch 0111 to aet the ...... a t on~. Evf'n p~ F D I d lll>fl. "''"'·"" ... 111\V tlutt hlllflry ......... ~ Cnmmt-'rra~llv U1rn ,.., '" t t • ,.... J " ~· '•"t" '"' " l•ltiOt' '" 1"' "I"'" In th"l -'nns not teJJ th" ~. to rV 0 0 ea e """'' llll••n• an.; "' I• . ''l~·r flllft t•••lll •: Willi lillY toalhtfl I•• '" 1110 v put antn Wnr Bonds n '""" " ~ ur e aye uti ~,,.,, 1-(1 '''''" oro ~""''" "' t 'ull nftw ;til br dPprtvt'd of IU cur· 0 f ')'t' 0 "'"'N \\'''"~II W:t tn•·• •lllurtnllll, " II ••••k•• ..... IIIOIIlll•rn "' '"'"' " rlh s_inct' tra_nsportatlOn _<~.<'.I I II"!': •·r .... Rr:,wl·rn•l lr,1n ,;· .. ,, •• ,. ,;,,,_ I"""" rrnt' tl'ntaaltly as a part u · ~ _ I r " •· ... 1 hr " riot nau•l ha Y,. on:,.noall••n.d 1 cau~l'• of rnOntoon ''t"KI "111 b~ m .Amen ca are-beeextenSJh\C'rlP :-tn1 ( . .t•~n. \VIIII•rt1 Srnlrlt •'"'' .1 ,, H.•-,, '•I" ,,,11111 1,. •t .. m u1,. ,1 .,.,, "'""''" "'''''""'" '"'''r""'' d t to ... ,rtt •tnbala• h t t n touc )y r • "'' ,1rwo1 . 1 rtol• vtthahlll•· 1•1• <t• ttf nan~ _your pa r "' . 0 ... B\'(' no y e ·. A s)in..up in cuts has C'alL'5<'<i postnnnf'mf!.nt or thn phnto k• r. 'l>nh• I lo'f'k<•f ~ S;onl,, ,\n:a .., a~·· '.u ..... vf war. Willi h "' •. r ani~~ mont') .atuatlon by buy-bombs. In Europe and Ast.l '' . ·~··· oc A P&trh. r••·-.ul•·llt ,,, •h·· '"·"·~· .. I I l'"'l"•rrv II •• ,., '\"' l(r•mt• wtll l,o•l lnl Btlnds in•tNdlhofdd"'lndtlnl thn _ _..ns .nf tran". por1Ait'on ft•aturc S4'h<'rlulcd to stnrt tooay an 1h(' News-Tim~ by &r· c·ounty ('n'"' ''"'" •·•'""' ,\ II lmprrtAII..n. Ma tta.n•m. '"'' •· ''''""'' I•• •l••mllfatrlr.•te that It I aV>ck'\-Thnt 11 a rr rnson. " rnt.'U " .~ !4u,...r :-.:attr.nall.., . . ~~ ~.~~~. rr.~~~~f. fr'R~.h~ either were inadCquate t o be· nam or Hollywood. ltoi~JUI('IIf'. lluhhr;r<l """. c· .• ,.l ....... t'!olll~ t•rutc l'llm -, tutlrllltul \Oolll llt ,""'''l""''''v ltllltrloVtotl anol now ltl~~ 11 no beUfr ln•~5t· gin 't'ith or ha\'~ been bactly h 'led th Snm M~txry, \\'rllutm''""'" "'' 1111,,.,,.,,,1 1 tl•• ..p•allf'r ., an nt•l m«nt .th•n war Bond• ~r~ IJ . hfod b n>peated aerial The p o tO!'\ wen> m at to e engravN'R last Monday 1nne : s.-rr•'tnrv \' 11 JniH ''" •11 trl•·u.t flnd t '"'""'''' thnoul(hnut ... ufrr l'eJI"III.,.., for ,our !\ITlaS y 0 0 0 l rrom the loca I po!\tOHICt' huH hus far h ave not arrived a t their ,, AOI(f'. ~f'f'ihry ll:t II\ ll.ln't'll one,. By bllytnt Bonl1a >ott ltf'. 1 blows. All. th1s IS JUSt A_n- 1 • !'nnt.a Ana: SNT••tarv . Jltll llrtr· hh1 .:hoot fi&.J'W. • •torl!ho&dn In Ill~ srronar· Qthl"r reminder tha t whtl<' dcstmafion. . rnuth, F'llllf'rtCin , n .... : l...lttrd. AnJI· • .,...,,,... 11,.,_,, thl' c:luh'a IJ'•"" -"foln~" C:IW\Cern 1" lh• worll1 the problem~ of war are I 0 ° hr•tm ; Sc-crt•lll Walllllm (~Sll· tlllllrlf>lllj,' ··•JI"r1, j.tri'tt"lli.Altl " II"W ~~~iu. • ,unt~E ~:tti~o~ h a m . the problems which I . It L'i h oped to be a hie to start this splendid r"ture, which ""nne, Hunlln;;on •~·urh ~tn•r •on( (I) lhlll ctult. tn ~. tunf'' 'It ' romt" a fter the war may be "'111 print a photo or SOITlt" local gtrl or mAn every w~.k. next v~tary Hany Wrlch. Nrwport "IJ"""' 'l,at· ltu ~-n. wbh-h h rde 1\tt"ffdllV. Bnldl. wlllt 111v••fl hiKh ar,•lalm a r. . . , Ht:l IU\II Mr• M••rrttt ~101!,.11 ••·"'' hall)' ,,.,. 'l'huntc.lrty mllrTIInl I••• Hllrk,..lfllf' F t,.l•l, Kh,..,.vf'JJOrl, I"".. art,., ~.,..n•llnl( a tw•1 Wf'f'k '"'""'"" wit tr 141rt q,,.,,.u.. par· ""'"· lh,. H,.v lln•t Mr11 Y. II I i••rllffl ...... u ... , ...... Manila FOLDERS II ..... at; I C..'Ut. .. .,, '316 , .. ...... , .... , ........ ..,.. Alplaabet GUIDES •u w. ~A ... 'hle .... au ;...,... II . . .. NRWPORT-aAL.aOA NEWS-TIMES I'IIONU: Jlfi:WPOilT n a ••· ' .. a a a..... ~., ... ....,.,.., ..... --,-.-.--y-.. ---_-u __ "'_\'_1, ~ ... .,. .... ln Advance :-12.60 per yeu Ill Oranre County • . u.n per y•r I? tth 101M; aa.oo per '1e&f to 8Ul -· I ~ u Beeond-CI-1natter al,lhe PNatottlc:e 1n Newport S..oh., c.ulo..U... ~ thr Art, ot M.&rcb 3, 18711 ... A. lttiETEit • · · · EDITOR AND PRESIDD(r PI ..... ~ 1011 W central Avrnue, Newport S.ach, t:ahfc•rnf" Official Pa..-of the City of Newport Beach A Dlfl fate L .... a..ueuu.. l'w Over 14 Vu" NAT1~EDITORIALf) WI ~S~QCIATION . . IUII'I .. /fC:J,.._. . . /1 With the .. douds 8Cat'Uiy aettJed after the latest KW'· ............. ~ Ja.-., Tojo surely Ia aotng to have to ~lse -. NEWPORT-BALBOA HEWS-nMES. NeWDOrt &aeh, California, Thursday, .J~e 22, 1944 t 'ilh Ernie Pyle al lire Front , j NEWS 25 YEARS AGO • LAIMIIEIS II Doolittle Meets Doolittle,·· of the · -F'AOM a..uR F'ILEs •ooN~•AH MIIIPI ........... ' C H U R C H E S Mn. JNn Mcl'iaJ4t has returned Wba.n I c ... to-1coocru. J de-for IOIIIIttime, &ltbcM.IP baw Son Drops In on Father ~~b'~:w'=i~o~·~ ~!d::yt~:.~~t:~;:u~ak~ ~:=f::~r:.·=:.~"';.! SEVENTH DAY \D\-.:.NT18TS few e~ecbea; le&rD alJ I .could. I would Uk my mora aperieDced T k 8 I • H [/ S 'll A •L-Mrs. E. Douelua ol Eut New· Lut wHk I broke down and a.e. friencb whether t.tey haw nw 0 yo Offl )Jilg er 0 (JS fl nDwteT Co,.. W~-:'.. C1M&rda ~ port I• t'n jo)inl a much lll.'t'dro capted ao Invitation to appeu on eHn a pertKt &awT It Jawa art N k G · S 8 h A' F, St-'>~th IChool. :aturday mom· vacation vWting her fnt'nd. Mn. th~·"American Forum of the AJr" not perfect wbea they an wrtt-(lfll(!S(J '(! tO rPel HI ame f lr orce tne. 9 :30 o'clock. B~-._d. In Riversldt> an\! taJk about the renewal of ten, Ia It not ript to bellna that P I'Ndllna aervil-, 1 u . JD. r~~·"' Mrs. Frank Smith and the Price Control Act. The temp-amendment& may be made t o thla ___ _ son, .... :ymund. art' at their hOITK' ta .. on wu too ......... t·, u1at·a th• oth 1m th 'I 1 d f •• •·-~ Jaw. aa to ent. to prove It! OU8 lADY OF MOUNT CAJlMEL 1 on e ll a n or the summer. Ray· act under whtch the OPA o))lr· No -rt of price control hu ,,,,,,,.,., "'"'-' ""' 1,. ,,.,.,,,.., .. ..., J•l.tro,.ll"*''" ""fly ''"..,.._,.,.,.,,.. CHURCH mund has his boat almost n.oady t o •lN. Tbe date wu the 6th. r-d all ... __ """ d··~,...,,., t:,,., I', I•'• ~"' ,.,...,,. "" '+"'"'""'" .,, "''lin e.., JW r_.A,J lUI w. Celltra.l. NeWaort ~ try 'the flshlne &&me. ., operate moN unaqu Y .......,. IAu ""'"''1 1 ,.., /••//.,.. ,,, J,,1,.,tclt .... _,,.,. 11•/vr• '"' .,..,..._ .,.,,,, • sun<jay ma.aaee a t a. 16 11: 11 L-m. G4!'orwtt' M. F.u~nk 15 it new Du you recaU what happened rent control. We have u.e ' 1 •· ---a..a..r of , .. _ Na port .,..m~. on lbe 6th! lnvulon! No broad· wht'rc reot.a have beaD dapruaed LONDON -tt..y wurlt''l•-lh~re J'w been aall vlinua' a,_,. with "'' ,.. "" ~ .. ·~ 8T. ~OHN VIAH"IIIEY CRU&CH_ J~A.l .. U'• -tum•,.. W...t--..a•u l'Ul. l rtee tD ntmark that I'm pt lor t o the war and theaa dt-Jiruteuanl aener•l• liKam It tilt. knp1 up I'm aotna •o loea 11'17 ama\eUI M ....,....,, wo '" ,,. ...... ..,....., .... Ill b bl Do I IU .,... A..._ Bal._ ..._. aftAm,.__ from f .... • 1 · ... tOrT)' not to ave been a e pt'eaed rentale frozen. Wt have 1tandml n 111 tlmf' It il Jtmmy olltt e. who II 1ttll the aama mauntft· ..., d t 8 10 d 0 " ....,.... a ew uays v lilt " .,un ay m.,.. a · an 1 a m I wt h hi · ' · to aa ~.acne queeUona of tne hOURI of '""Ual val"•, where one cenl auv with thrt>e 11ara Ofl hiJ lhl•ulder til11 he uled to lie w1th 1 · · · I 8 lUSter. Mn . L. A. Tl~· "J ~.. -• ... t , _ A 1 Congreumen on the other aida. renta for $1211.00 a mooth, an4 caJ)IIttn'l bAll CIIIII8T CIIUKCB BY THE 8EA mons., 0 ....,. nge es. ' ~ ....:::e .,..,_ncv Price "-trol • -t Ceneral Ooolottle rutos Hte Amrr~can EtpUI •lr force. It Ia a ~run · 1 Dr. Conrad Richter and wife plan ~., --' '""""' ~ the t ouee nest door reDt.a for and 1tupeodou• JOb. t;ut Ill' manaau to kHp Ult ramou• Dootlau.p unit ~~:'~--=.r I to leeve for a month to slx wet'kl wu aat up b_y t.he eon,.... to $211.00 a month. T'bat Ia not tq\Ml· ot hllmor 11oout 1t • Early mornl~l 9.30. trip to the mountains. They have •land between Ule cltlzena ot Ule lty ol aoU-lnflaUOnal meuuru. Doolittle. a Y"" knuw. '" ,-.t.hf'r Glad 1oo.t.,·<'aiiM!, Captalll. I'U look ~urd\ School clau. 10:11' L ·m .i not deci<Wd jw;t where they ·wtu United Statu and mnauon. There are two a'dtt t.o reDUDc abon aod aetMn1 almo1t IJ~Id Stnce rorwe~ lo •aetna JOU." Momlnr worship, 11 o'clock. I go, but ~lCPt'ct to wave U,. tint Whether or DOt It •hu done eo, bouau . ODe Ill the aide of the I h H Sundau ~-ru·na -rv•-. 7 ·.30 ot next ..-k. aod whether or not It hu dooe a reoter who want.a lbe prc-rty al anlvlnl In Enal•od fr~'m Ita Y e e wa1 )uu, ready to bane wp , ..-• ..-'""" "'-" -......-U.C r-hu dlabnhrallJ 111r1rd • coupl• ol when tbr vot~e ~•m• becll pla..ltlttYf o'clock. Mr. an<! Mrs. John Bush of An· • actory job, 11 wb&t we were a f&lr. and Dot lUI lnflatlooarJ By Ernie Pyle ~ .. ~feiJWetation ot such events to the home fol~ It is Q~ ...... haw mud\ longer It wUJ IUfflce to explain blandly W a _. II'DUIP ~ Americu ftyen got )(lll_t and dumped "* tww ~Dada •~~ctateo their lhipa -never SU~Pf'<'tlng talae rumnr1 clrc:uletlnl about linn· ly ovf'r tllt phone Mld-w~)'ft' aervice,Wedtft8· aht'lm IJ't'nl tb~ w~kend herP vb-to dlecuae that evenin&. renL Tbe other Ia the elde of tbe wll. "But Dad. lhle 11 me. Doa't 1ou day; cow dlah dlnner, 1:30 p.m. itln~r'wtth Mr. and MrA. Gus Wur-'nM people mu.et · underat&Dd property owner, wboae eatl~ Ill· • One 11 "'-' hll ntdmame u1MI to rKOinlu me• I've lot a ,.clu1e dineer. on the-Helehlll Th~y a~ that alJ ol tbe aJ'IUIDeet about come may coma from rantala. Uld .., were tqpllde tl Tokyo! . n.t waaM hi! no lea at.urd an explanation than others tlllend e.c;h time the Imperial fOI'C.."eS suffer a heavy blow .._. ~ ar ao. face at tlw banda ol AlUecl fi&blln(c men .... dlla,.._ t.haD tbetr recent ftnlt ~ on ~ Nor· ~ lllln ldta: ..._AWed troopa haw landed. but are 00\\ ~ loftecJ to retrat. inland. •l • ,.. Nip IDIItuy propapnd1ita may (eel that lnslatent .._., ~ t•triartty, howtrwr unfounded, eiiCBJlle all ab-*.. • linl • OwJ are told ln Japene.e. But the peoplt-C ltilm ..... IIDOD bt8ift to IIUIPM that IIUCh ~ are t-!' 1ft .......... ••• ilot facta. be "Curly," and he occe~tonaiiJ ror you trom Mom." f"17U. oo.PZL CII111ICII the ptl"f'ffts ot Mn. Wuntlncer. •ubtld.lee aDcl all ol the •tate-he or abe may not be ptl"'llltt.d Ulro.-. h11 ~~«•d '"'-a.-raJ nplodecl: .._,u wi\J UM ... .:...., o.ta .._ 1 Mr. and Mn. G4!'orgt" McC'atn menle that eubtldlee lt&Dd be-by OPA nf\llaUou to ,.t eaoup back 111 thOul h 1n !!eU didn't you .. , 10 ta ._ lr•' Sunday IChool, 9 :45; momina and two cblldl"f'ff pf Pomona spent , tween Ul aad lD.tlaUoo, are DOl out of the propertlu to pay the ~.e»una. hatr out place'" 7W,0 30nhip, ~lM; ~llatlc. ae~. the week-end at Balboa ~WI In" I, only Incorrect, but often deUber-tncreulnr cMt.a ol taklnl care ol · P. m., pra~r meet· .. •-1 1 · ot hll .,.u Htl It wu Capt. Jtmm)l DooUttlt Jr .. Inc on Wednnday '7 :45 p m . with his brothl'r, J. C McCain and a ... Y ocorrect. them. • olh~r cia 1m 11 • B·» polot 111 Ule NIDUI atr tore•. )GUnl people'• f!V~IliUc .;rv~ family. • 1 It We Wlderwt&Dd that, then we I have held that . price cootrol that 11« u1rd 111 n1e ,._,., ham't JD' ......, y.t orr Friday, 7 :45p.m. I The section of tbe"Coast BouJe-cao talk tllteiUceDUy about the u now Mt up Ill entirely too ~ 11• fl'l!t tall 10 H«lnl lbe othtr c...-0oo-Vard.Mtw~ 27t.h and 30th stf'ft'l Act wbJcb r'Mlly dotll work broad for Ita own fOOd, that 1\ but haa worrte<f htlle. 1ru prubabl)l tum • to bt f HMll4TU!'C SC'IE~rl l:Huacau Is now practk:aUy c:omP'eted and arain.et lnnauon, aod wblcb 0>~ alnlla undn lt. welcht. Tht 1\imaell down \o b11 broUier jlr aumcUIIq. 1 NCbrlltll8 Acleaca" wlll be the ~ady for traffic. Thl"f'(' ex-tru (THS will wl_thln the next few growth ot tbt black martlet Ia hte prr••nt 1mall • • • aub)P('' of the SunclaJ IAsaoo· teama bes.ldetl t.he two cit)' t~ams daya ut.ned and Improve. The the United 8tat• Ia nldtnc:e ot het&ht In the put 11M 118, Ume 1 ._. Gt .a ~ .. rnooo lo all bn.nchaa of Tb• haw bHon woridne on the bn· Price Coatrol Act wu approved l lmpertteUou In the eyMem. 1 llve montba. Ooollltle wu eomt 11--:,&b -Nnt h .. r Churt!b, Tbe Ftnt Cbarcll provement. Stret"t Superintend· JIUiuary ~. 11142. Thb le Ita re· bellne that J .. .,.._ t.ba -u. . J immy Oooh\· ... __ 1 ... d ....! ''0• 1 "' Chrlat, 8elentlat. In .Boetoa. The ent F, J . Kn)aht hu ruahed tht.> newal. I have bte.n mak'ft-law• I ment of Con....... wb.a 1 •'1 ln. way ......,., a u•t ' nen a..-..roma 0 ld T t _.. ·-I rk f .... •·-· Ue hu mor·t I r 8J k Ul ed ~ ..;,._ 0 tioD et , "'"oa"n uvm aalab, WO U Ut a s popiblt•. Th~ new -that It Ia the feeiiDI that price ..... n an -~ man .. a1 1 ""'lht to be e!o • re on • It--aahare. • Nlllde · "0 tloon of~ _. -st-1 wtll -11·-th c t-' 0u bltwee4 with Hr hu bHn ,.ne ot .,..c•n bomber fMea ._, .. , plllo 1,;,. l.ord." trafJic which hertlofo~ occurn'd cao ooly w.&Jt and pray. bUt you the Price Control Act abould be Amtrlu'e JrttUet pilot• for more ttrlnt TUnlll•n porta. "l..et aot JOU r bH.rt be troubled: every IU""l'ft' In the alley MIWt.<en mUIIt ntver lmow our feara for renewed. that amtndmente ehouJd lllan • ,eera H• II bold and com-c-~ 1 Ooollt••-•aw ,_ -· a• '·' Mil••• Ia God. lltlelleva alao Ia 24th and 30th ltrft'tl. .,. yoo I.DUI you ntwn. be written Into ttw bill, and that pleteiJ harlaN Alont w1UI that ~·~ , ... u --·~ IV .. Tb r I "'-·-lnd nd emoan r6fn the ru .._.nl lr-• ma. ue com on 11« wonlll tf • r •vm th .. minute on I \\'ill hold I whUe price control may DOt be IMIIIII~ .. ftlwe h IOUn:. ot the giant., new 8 -29 ?SI atlhllt t' .. ~ Japan froln 6-m.Ue altltudea. will not atop :-. 1111 ,_..., miDI any raon than they w.re .aopped by J' lelllll* fill lntlnnation on that other d:ramatJc OC'Ca.'llon ~ P J DIDclltdt led his pllant men out of the clouds .. ,..,._ .. Ala lalaDd a.. lmlle'Where' in the China-Bur- • IF S .,_ .... _.. u 111m a lead for the Japs u theoy _.. able to ...,; from captured pilots In the Doonttk> mid. ........ rail CJD--With "ftii!'WI" that continues to lNVC' the >• I t. tiiDI'oactt -tporanoe, v• 1 --" " I wf when bt ••• ~~our I llnd itt u1 W'llk Ia lb~ liP''~ ·~ '"' ~n ~ onces"' r aone muet tlfbt while we control fhould be cooUnuecl, that ~~~~! :.~~:ed ... !:'~::l: .1ft·"".~ ctroma Y4Nka lee .......... ~I J•u• to 1111 41ad ph·· ere ladudect Proudl~ l w-11. my ~"•d bifh .. a hero'• mot.ber I doing the JOUll job that tht people n--~,.... • • bet b 1 Ia • Bittle panue from Jobu. He .a.JIL reMaW . '-II~ Haler ~~w.1 ~-it &a. -.ub•l#u lt..Ja .,_ n •Ul On! .. tn ,. crew _,.. fw eontlnuea NV .. r11)' YeTUy I •• , TO BON • In eddltlon 10 hll profru!Oflal •IIIU Ult c~pllot bad beeo ...._. Ill a Gar: uato Y~ H,. th~t beOthoetb oe So you mu.et I " m 1 blto, my eon Ia 011 hia way! I preMnt bar a~r&lalt 'he d&fteer men bombiJIC et Ult Y.a. laid. -lbe ~orb that 1 4o eball 1M b bt 1 __ .,,' f '1 -· Proudly I wtll Jll'lllk Wltll you ot IDOaUoo, and u eucb _.. $· he 11 one til the mowt ~na•ttna hu· • t OUI wu ·~Y or thle but return LUCRETIA lolA y 1 off rd to &1 tt mana you nrr ran wcrou Hil HI• crew h•d manned._ flant'l do aleo: and neater -wprlla thaD wt.aft 10W' me.ar-e came I found .-• not o •• up. vntn 11 <'I"•' end llno ht tallLI auna Willi It aut too ltlat. _. th• lb ... Mall lie do ; Me&UM 1 .. l wu not 1 tron'm aDcl • woUI anomatlon. and hll tone tat· made a Nil lor an old ....._. cniar aato •J htller. · · · U ye Jon -· tomatlcal.l lwu t 1 ' --·w rid' N a~ _ ___.. ~ keep m1 CIODJm.&DdllltDie. Aad 1 au Y wen on . thoui!J •!R' 0 a ewa aa~a ..... ~ r ~' • 1enM' ol quick and naht de-h :'':1 ~wey f 1,1 :.••ot~~ UloM will prty lht ratber, u4 be aball my mind forrbt my work ao~ THE·CHRJSTJAN SCIENCE MONITOR n.t J..-. JIWII!lllbl)', wW learn that the Americana have dlet'aled ~ pla.n8 10 large and pcJ~WrluJ and long- --that eM, can .. wortc out ol eStabUstwd Allied lxt."'-'8 lftdkaiiY c:.t rovlrlc a.lgnment against Nippon, only when .. J ... p I I lo:iaplre. mch b)'" l.nct\, (eeb the wftcht of the ... they bftnc. e •tn l' rl rea tnl H • -luciL at.,. JOU aaolher Comfomr. Ulll dwelt on you. H•l• '"'• ut th/ •rratl'st or alnr1'· A bomb hn Ule crater Ju.tc U th•)l he m•y abide wllh you for •Yfr." ,. From-Infancy on I aaw you lflll'r. llr •• th~ 011ly man ·r" r~acMd It, and · blew tblllll •II ·ID Mary Ba~er EddJ •rilet~ ID "Bel-''Sunny Jim" rvnyune called y~ k h I II I I II pl«u. ~ aDd Health wltb Kt1 to tM "•h II evtr n-.u .. 0 r•o f' 'fir u a General OoQlttUe hal wrlttafl hun.. Serlpt11~:" "DhiDe Sdea~ de--"' you were Cia · Sucb 8 ""'""'I t.ontt ~uri "~' N It> II ooe drl'CII. PKhapa 0\ounnde. ol lettf'fl rh .. Ita aaadlon rrom 'b" Bible. bappy amlllnr be by you were. ' •u Yf hr~rll ""'"'" "" rao t•ll to peopl• wbq havr lntt IOaa w bua-and lb• diYine orll:lu of 8elenca Il l Your little nlnr moolhe uld 1101'1 tiJf'n• In '"" "'"'''ft ''''il S ... t>dlsh band• In hil a1r rorcea_ ~ 0111 ot clemoaatrat41d tllrou1h •II• boly Ia· remtnd.a ua of you; hf 11 a 1unny tu l'htnrn • • • Ulr men In th•t crew wae die hud thleaoe of Truth tD bnllaa 1lek--boy, too. He wtll not un~r.tand .,, aubJecl he hu ever be4 to wn~ -aDd aha." • that I he daddy he 110 adore• 1 Ill ANn all lllf' loH• t• ~II atlfiH llomr abou\. Hf're 11 tbt rtteon----....-away ~i&'hllng ,for him aDcl us. oo him••'' I'• ,,. t• •o ~ll. .. mnll' Y.'hm he led the lalliCIUa reid oa FIIUIT P'OUWAQUA"r. CRUII(;H A.l I reviewed your life. 10 pre· . Draf D--1 at • f Be ••a at • t-Jyl•l tertrHI lila~ Tulo)'O. OooUtUe had e moa..tk who Of' OOM4 M"E84 clou1 to me. my emotlona ro..l t ~·ft~. • I one lf\ernoon wh<•n llit pl.or·t~ were had bftn wllh him a '-c Uma. a.(~=..:',..'~ Rl ... -;.:.!, I bad proml.lled to tak11 lbla u a ~ eomCna beck In M1ny I'll them had OooHUie wu • ro_l_l tiM& Tho I· "·...;,. Rt•rwi. ~~ nr. bero'a mother abould. and I tried, "" lntcnwtl0'141 Datly Ntwsf>aP.tr -Publuhtd by 'THE CHRJS'TIAJI.l SCIENCE PUBUSHING SOCIErr One. Norway Stret"t, Boston. Marehuaetts u Tn~t..-u-ua......,._,.,.. ,,..... .._""•"- Ut.ortah An 'I'INely ... laet~Uve aJI4I Ita DUly F•tu"" T .. ptller wttit tM Weei&IJ Mee-t-8eeUoa, lhlle &lie MMI&w ·-ldal Ne-,_per for Ute H-. ·Pttae &n.lt YNriJ', or fl.lt a ,._tiL S.hardaJ 'l-ue, lncludlac; Mapdne -Uoa, tt.• a Yeu • latrod•torr Offer, I Saahtrday laiUH Ia Veeca Ob~at:. • Christian Science Readln~ Room 111 EM* O.tna A ..... Balboa. Calllorala • eo. .. Elut W811'1!ft: ln his comparatively short tenure 1 been pretty badly thut li p and had mechenlc went on ... ;;\;" ..... 1,._., • bel.eve me. Pent-up grief taka• 11 ............. Mhd a ~t reclOI'd~p-..,ounftd men ~aboard \ with bl.llf. • 1 ~ ... 1 :30 p . m. wc:rsh.lp ~rv-Ita toll ,and Ia the even in&' J wu .. __. ... ... .lllo........:.n --'--1 • ._~ --1b1 ,_,., waUIId up tt one You Nn\ember dlt *tafll ... lkooe. ft4o¥. MN 8t~11m11 In cha.. akk. You lmow bow I ret at f G . K ~Y .---U 01» u. Ullll:' D Witft plane from whldi the U f W had jim raid. wtlleh have Jn4ua11J SUnday ldlool. 1 :30 L rn. tlmu, dear. ! • R :aa .. we lllaw hlld In INUI)' years. He h u brought or· 101 oul The uvper part ot lhe tail out. .nte planea ware be411~ .. '-Momlng wonhl'p. 11 a. m. IJliPC' A a J felt better, I twa an to 1 '!'"'-------------------------~ ;.--=---•-fll di.GI tn -te atta.Jn and has ln!Cplred <."'"'fJ<kon1·~· IUD Utrret '""' e!:ut av. II)' Gtncr•l tctcd Some were ahot doWII ... , lal mU!IIc, putor'll wrmon. I realize \hn~ wl'rc olht'rs In pain .. tbe lllillntial 8DUndneu and tnt.egrit ol our Sta te Govl.'m -1 o.~~llttle llld Ill thf tatlaunntr. Jap.ttnen lf'rrllory OU!en ,... GUt -------. I over yuur II: lng-YOlV' tllth .. r l , Y Wert you tn there """"" It hap or 111 Somf' ,, the rrew1 Mlled 008TA ~~'fMt7NITY who lovu yvu 1111, lr><>k'.-d tln••l _. ' P''n• (!•" out Othen lantif'd In Rus1la. Ttla ftn.l drawn Ynur tlrar \•.trr. I:Ont .., ............__ .... _.. u I <'•Pi ft. ~""'"..,"· Mhl""'' MODEll M~ARINE SERVICE BALBOA ISL·AND we~ thp majority of the jleople of CaJiJo m il\, Wif~-Th" l uuotr I 1>\.llr I)C'I"\ lahly, re-ff'mllmnt'r lfllllll'rn.o th,.mlel¥• I fU £. totll "t. ""· !418•" ~ll ber mfl\hcr tu lpend the 1":"'1) aut fti8J'CI tO thetr party alftllatiOI'\5, would likl.' tn !'('(' E .. 'lrf Jlllt'd . ovn thf' r~" pndl11l'l of China. I ~urrh ~nnl 9·4S " m. ""Y"· and you. dl!fltng. wit h '"' . ··v,.. ttr " • 1 Th"t n•aht On.,llttl• w11 ...,., Momln~r Wol'llh ifl, 11 o't'lock. one to gQ to. ltavlng all Y•tu h•>ld Warren con~ with his etln)eSl, wor~nnlike joh as gov-A• th .. r.t•nrral •ulk~ll ....... y the tlo"lO hf' hlld .. , .. , l~f'fl h··rore .. bia I YOtlth JlT'O!Ip!l llill.h St'hool, Jn·' •lt.~ltr ..,.-,and would llncerely ~t lMlng his M"tvie'l"S. N o r ('Ot n "'""'>'I'd auw f'r twutd tu a fellow I hfe n>.-re "'"'"'t• ilny hum• In tt nnf'CIII\It'. Atiult. f\·:10 p.m. I 1r we cuuld know where you .. l.uipurtaa ol the -~hi ... in. tb1s crit.laU rlod h.. crrv.,man and u ld 111 a lr}ud vulcc Lh_r wnrlrt rnr hom that nts;ht Itt Nl ~ EvtniQi l('rvl~. 7·30 o'clock . are. It aema. ll would help. But 5""~ pc • ' "Wh"'" to thf' hell dtd he Ulmk J wolh h,. head d "n and Uloualll te ,MidwN>k t.(!lnwllhip and Pt!~er,' you wtn knov. v. heu wt tu e ant! ~ted. We have IP't'8f net'd of an able. ('OOS('1f'n-wu, uut buyt''" 1 h~m u rld"•ch•" hom•f'lf "~"Y· 30 p. m. I we will alway• Jo all we ca.n t .... pemol, it we are to cope sucoessfully with the prot.: A frtcht"""d )uol or olnur. ff'~r· h. \'ou hav~~lll'd llldp lhf' b~d I CORONA OEL MAA kHp thle hume:~ )'OU knov.• I~ c anC'e any.,."'" ,.,u f'VI'T" -"· 111D1 ~the yan Jlheed. ln·r. tl\" arnrral moaht have o•er Vnu have orurf' Ol.td,. 1 mru of thll COMMUNITY CHURCH . When we lnok u Wt !'Rn 88Y. "Jbtft II An.eY!f'l ~ter rlf'f'd, however. for men of ability hrard. •••d """'.' Vott'\'1' 1flll mllat o! tour C4ngreQitlonal "Thill ~ky Ia OVPr him too .. •·-~ ·My c .. d. man. ri•>n't you knt>w Th R p F S<!h k ..S CICIW-.p and 'IOlnt m1nd lD oUr 1\ational.feadershlp today wllu lhat wa•'" planu Thl' "'h''1" thine ,.., 1 mi .. mtnl•f't-"tnv ch•e_.:;, roc · • erablf' fatlure You'll SPf'od Ult re.t • ~ ~ .. ~ llld.we haw reached the conclusi~ot without great reluc-"!>urr I know." the 1111 cunner of ,.our hff to l.nvroworth rnr ,...,., Won hlp ~rvlce every Sund"Y ... _ ..... r ..... w I. ----LUI ln w --'-i th IOIJtpf'd. "and I don't "lve a damn d .,. I k I r I .... r:aornlnl' at the "Chapel by lht - -....,, U1Wil .. ~ more a&~& n,gt.on an That wa , a lturld quh tlun .. an U<' ., .. o lf't out o I a.. a __ __._ W t..-u--euy" lka." 410 OMut Hl~tbway .. at 1\ -~. e IJIClK"Vll:' the Republican party td'lould Woth "'htcb Jamm.Y n '"'lottlr. tlle A• he sat n,~,.. this ler•r•n,_. a.m. 8ttb.)e<:t or M-rmon. "Hnw draft Gwanor Warrm u Ita candidate ror ViC'l'-Prl'stdent. 't lull IIUpld of ~opll'. fully •areea ~h•nl.c <'\mf up and u ld: Mey We LIVe With God?" DliY>t· IIGitlJidf ...__,.as Rlectlon would great}y ~en ~ v.heo ht •el .. lbe l \ory "Qon't feco l •o bait •!?out ~.C.. fled .wonhlp. Independent t!olok- ._......._ ~ and I W I • • • nel " lnlf. fl'ellowahlp .• ....... _.., ~ like Y result in m06t Of the ('St<'r'n Oonllltle p11 1.1 tto altrntton But ------ ..... _......._ JlmmJ ttlll lhrte atorlu ~ondrr-· --· under the GOP banner, but because we be-fully. wHh m~trt test •od humur lh~. ·~raunl kl'pl al ,him. li~IICOPAL • ....... JQirt ....... If elected would be a tower of streflK\.h ln than I can pill Into thfrn aeco1.d. It 1 not 11 bad 11 It t eema ...,, IUMMER IIIRVICIII tllit ....... calla'' ' handt>d A1 be u yJ. thf tTe11 n . ·I'll be' JOU that within • yu,.., .. ·a llllell Clubtlou•. N-port aaactt ~· I bruk1 and tr»&l'dl•• or war aom~ have • Conl[rr~•oonal Mfdal f• II I!IWid&ye: June 18 tbroup Sep- -.........__ Cov•nor'W&qen baa u.ld, with Laldoubted slnct'rity, that umu push all your l•lety down end be a brt~tadtf'r 1enrral" tember 10, lHt. 1ii woult .. ,.. -.y at tu. P.reEnt iob and see It through. I Into tlle drp•hl But It • flll n can ~~tl~·~u~.IM"'It>d .. 8:00 L m.-Holy CommuniOC\. ~ ........ j.t-M& _..._,_..._... Uw drat h keep • lf'TII~ of the rldtC'uloul about e · you an. tht ~ 11:00 a . m. -Momtn1 PTayer ---.. <P_....~ I"DD'VelllteDt to t lm hlm1rlf he 11 111 rlaht.. Jimmy 0oo-aunt u ld "And I'd llkt lo •* and Sermon. (f"'nt Sund&ya. Holy -......... te tor Vke President. but we believe he could il<'· t.ttle cln. on• Ulina AI lt'lll .. you're..,.. CommunJOO..) -' ~ ........ bWty with good ~ lt he l!\ I • • • , I'd Iilla 10 be Jour mf'Chanlc .. . The Rev. llobert II. Hoprtb • • That enau,. t ot 1n1tele ~ M. -· .. -that ewftt. we rn6cht loeP-a spletMtid gov· u... o... ""'•' DwiUdt', 11ft aloom. Somf'body h.td conAcSe~ a A .. 1n. , ... t'e 1n tbe ee.rt, '-..t ..... .,. ....... n&.v. iD W ... h&..-ho would •-f of the l:tt hlh air for~• ovv haft, ~. Itt Mtao 10 bucll U lila Palm 8prillp. All Welcome! ~ ,..,_ • -....-· -...... on W "'"'' O nottcfocl Ofle dey In Ow ro1ter ot bfft. uld· · up ....... filtii••.We 8ll6llig both California and~ nation Mfely cen at bla 1talf hu dquantre Ult .. s.. 11 lont 81 l'v. (ot 18 ..... FIRIT CHln'CH OF CHRIIT, SHELL DOCK .... -............ sx-t·war years. name of • Capteln Ooolltll' plana JOU'rt It• mrrhanl~. ev.... ICIENTIIT • • The name Ia not • ver, ordinary we U•e ID be a th1>U1and yur1 .... .. Ll~ 111Ator, Coftt,..l A"Yeflue 'TQd Army" one. and he made • ment•l note • • • IIMI VIa (.._ • Ulat aome da'/ he ••ou\.1 look the rei· A bra~~cb of fte Mother.church. 1o'w ~ ror • lllllt ~hal. One da, A• '" 1111-· he ... rei • C.. ':'be P'lnt Churcb of Cbriat. Sel- l o.l7 tDur _. •on active duty today hold the n'"k of not roo1 aht>r the I h11 phone rant 1~nlonel Medel of llonor. and ... --.:...lo6--1 ... -a..al cAJ1h , , ffd Ult \'Oit'f at the uthtr end u td. ht bU not only one lllr boll [ .. enUllt. In Boeton, a.r ... chueett.a. ~--•----:--nuu~NU , Ma ur. ElaenhO\H'r 1\r.:: . .,.,11 11 Cap(aon noolltllf .. thr«e or a lleutro•nt cenfra\. W Bu.nd&y 8chool at II:~ L m . 11.--o~A a..e • ...._ n·---"-r may ..._ '-~......t ~hn~ly in h<' • Ulat..aer1nnt. who d•vot-.. hi __ _.. Suod&y Se"lct at l1 a m , Wed· There was a young gentleman (That's what we hear) · Who Jived upon nothing But vicJUals and beer; ,-a--· . ~ ~ .,.,_ u.=-ua.,;n ... ~ " u.o I'" "Oh yra." u ld tht' l t'tlt'rtl. "1 ' "' ,_ _.-fu~ w;ornen may be included~ ./ . h•d no.,crd your name an'd J mrant to Colonel O..Oitttle thet mlltrtW. no~clocaky n~l.mo~lal Meetlnc a t 12 / 11 11 . nil hl out thert In China. w11 ttiA ......,, But dan't pt excited~U (' Sam's milita ry machine is Ito Cl >'.OU up IOtnt' me . Gt>neral ''[)uollttlr'l mrt'hlnlr .. Rtadlnr; Room hlealed at 711 DOt _ __.___,....,.. --• h Th ( / ''I'd ltke to con•• tn and are you," nlt ht they I~ d d t \' k It· .......... ntral ~'v•nu•. ~-h·-. l·a . w.-.:··--· a n:YUI c ange. e our-star j:!'<'n· l ntd the \'!>Ire at thl' othf'r •nd. • n ~ I ~~ I lu Ba... ... """' ,. ~ ~ DalUVOI _._ _ .. n ..._ ~'---o( the ''Thi..rd Ann " the d iCTn t' ln F'ebruary or IP43 He wu .. bpen dally from 1 p. m. •o l\ p. m . ..,._ .... .,.. .-• ..-.. · Y -es'f'> .. a JOn "Why yra. do 111ft I ... lh<' &enfral of tile m~n wlw ron tor tilt she:l !Mil t'Xr.~pt SundllYI and t:olldaye na· =.the "anny" dl California retaU workers in both c ha in a nd ntd . 'Trn ""tty bu~y th<'se day•. lha.t ntRht tlonally l'bllervtd 11-IWIIM'IIIM'IIIden,._~lt lteree who have been organizro to back lh<' n t-:>u~ I U swotch ><'U to my aide end Gf,nt'ral Doollt!lt> had to -.rite.. Th€' puL:It' le t'Ordlally ln,·lted to • he II mak• en .,,l,.llntment ror you. letter to hta par<>nts • ._,. In tbe Ji1fth War Loan Drive, Beginning Junt.• 1~. ette'nd t he rhutr h arr:vlrra and un ~ ~" the Readlnr Room. Retlt.llfn poUlt out that there are alread y two ,.... :r' ann1es In active aervh.'t>-The "First Anny" is our J'l"'gtllar E rnir :\1t><'t8 Anothl'r Oltl Fric'ncl II•• that h11~ tltt• l ntth 111 hi~ I ..Wtary foraes. 1be "Second Anny" (s composed o f 01c "a r heert nl't'd nr,•·r fNir thr want t•f ~aDd others at home who an> producing the W<'apon!; Ill reamlnl arooutl• lhf' roantr, I Thl$ ill lhr hi~~~ !~I m• frlaed p«'f'SUasion on his lOniU~· lhf' uthf'r day I r1n tntt> Ltl'ut C<'l , LII'Ut Mar' 11 ' !'u:ln ., ,·, nostoa fJl vSctory, . tl.ltam P otllllt Sr . ,.hom I u•rd t.o u·n~d 11 lh " r r.r ~I , ... ,, ! liP ' Now 00118 the "111ird Anny'', It wiU be designro along• I.-e t>ccr\~"'" db to "' , .• a o·d '•clly as chi•·t n f)l •t II ,, ur t Tl I .. heo I tr.ditJonal mW...,..., lines. 4-t Ole start 1.'\'Cry m an nn d woman Jioa old uotttlt "~~ rtw nr s1 h >Itt:. I I dr 1 pcJ on · •·•, hr 11 1 ; s ov·l -~ un•t ashorr tn thr Aft ,, :011 t• 'Hh•tl. erN1 th~l l.t< '" •· • ~ ,, 0 hid wm be a btJd( private. Sale 0( the fln\t bond "iJI make th(' lanrllll~ i'l d,l\'1! "" t> 1\,,, l'h!,')'41re I .:unl' Oa.•J.. If' An <I ~ 1 11 n r)e ol l trOfker a prtva1e ftrlt class. At tt1l' ~ mark -th e srlcsnmn to proud .~t tl, .. t rf'<uul that they'U munllls aj;t> &~eoo~nea & J1rlt (Muteflant. an<f at $500() a (our-star gt'OCnU. ._., your e)'l'l 01<1 AI thf' sh~htt's\ t Shr v.t>ll J r·•r• t>d lu tl.l to.• Sllte • 1 • • lllltmatt .m \hilt you re confutll>l h ... t bet'·• "' f'tSrnt ,1, ~~I)' tt.r .. 1 Eddie'• BARBECUED SANDWICHES Are Delicioua! ~ ~ploye wiD be &Warded an insignia Similar tO lh~ " . ., IIIIth thf Sf'C<'IId Ullll IO land ) r ,lrJ ~ In the regular anny which will denote rank. , ----~--'--. · _ Moore' a Confectionery • ~ ~~ .aDc an example which aU ol us m ight men i~ th<' Fifth War Loan l'antp:t i~n hy purchn-;111g all tw .2~00 o cun FI'Oftt ' v.ihuals :rttd beer were The chief of. his diet Eastside ( of course )- li and when he could buy it. - Ft "' ,..,, leJuJ 11..1 II II .. ; .~ .... ,, ,.,,.,, , .. ,.. , .... ,.,,u, .. ,_, .J .... ,.. -· "· ,, ., /lrrl ,.. ..,, -"""· ,., ..... • IASTSIDI •••• • ,.0 follow. With a .-1 ol $16 billion-the hi&hest yet -ca n and e nrouraging o thE'rs to ctt> fikewi~ In this <'at.We ~hone 73 _ l'tewport aueh ~:----~ ctu.a ilioutN Jam the aatiOnwide ~ ot bond &al4'$-eve~ shoulft b.;_ a four-star geRe~. --LOI -••u• au •••• ca. &tot •••na ,., .. . . , . ... / 1 91 Sportland BowHnr Center Main Street . Balboa Phone: Newport Beach 2402 . Bayside Fish Market • 28th & Lafayette Newport Beach Ph. Newport Beach 615 . Excelsior Creamery Santa Ana Callfomla . . Rawson's Cafe 1015 Coast Highway, Newport Beach Ph. Newport Beach 2084-J Croft and·Neville 1201 Coast Highway, Newport Beach . "' Richardson Tooling Products 210 Marine Balboa Phone Newport Beach 131 ·Reed's Super Service Gas-Qlls-Ac«'SSSries-Ice 2920 W. Central Ave: Newpol"t BeaC'h Boyd's Gilmore Service Station 1500 West Central Avenue - Lowman Boat Builders . , ... , . _Anie.ric-a - He's Doinc His P1rt • • For him the terrifying grand climax .of the war is at hand. The supreme military risk -bloody, costly in Ameri,- ~Jiyes; . ! • Our boys know this. They don't have to read the. heart-rending headlines or casualty lists to know what is expected of them. . . They are IN it. But they are not flinching ••• not)tolding back. They will see the grim venture through._., the bitter, victorious end. 485 Newport Blvd. Cosra Mesa -Phone Newport 501 '• And if, for your boy, or some boy you know, the price of Victory is «teath, you. can be absolutely certain that he did his part courageously . • • for the cause of Casino Cafe 202 Main Street · . Balboa, Calif. Phone Newport Beacti 779-M Dr. G. E. Tohill Physida:n & Surgeon 2209 Coast Blvd. Ph. Newport Beach 286-W • -Ricfiard s-eeley Photographer 218 Marine Avenue, Balboa Island Eugene Elliott ~ Real Estate, Ph. Newport Beach 38 501 E. Central, Balboa. Estab. 1924 . . McNally's Boat Livery 705 Bay Front Balboa Phon<' 1'\ewport Beach 406 Market Spot Anton Hershey 200 Marine •ve., • Balboa lsland Wanda's Beauty Salon Toni Blanton, Manager 215lh Marine Ave. Ph. Newport Beach 368 Q-Rio Shoppe Jewelry and Gifts 205 Main St. •• Dr. M. D. Crawford OptOmetrist .Balboa 1797 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa Trickey's Real Estate 305 Palm Balboa Phone Newport Beach 158 A. B. McCollum Lido Isle _ Sam's Sea Food Cafe 2501 Coast Highway Seal .,Beach ~ lsland Realty Co. · Real Estate -Insurance -I:'Jotary 201 Agate AVI!. Balboa .Island I ./ Lindt's.Pool Hall For Aol~en( & Relaxation • --Play Pool Orkin's Department Store 1793 Newport Blvd. Cos~ M~ Balboa Marine Hardware _ 911 Coast Highway Ph. N~rt Beach 184 R. W. McClellan & Sons· Rocks a nd Trucking 2617 West Centraf Avenue Conrad Richter, M. 1>. Phy sician .,nd Sw-gcon-1 07 2:?nd St. Residence-717 \\'. Cl'nl nil A vc. Ph'. Ofr. 133-Res. 74. Nc\\'port Bcarh ' . 5 MORE Reasons for• buying EXTRA Jlonds mt•nl In thn Morhl! !. \\'ar Hnnd10 rf'lurn you 11 fitr n ·rry 1!1 In 10 ~·raN. s. War Bond!! hrlp kf'l'p pr1<'f1' down. &. War oftnd!l will hrlp M1n thtl P~ by In· c~na-pur.-haNna-powrr alter ttie War. ·Freedom. J~ . . --· • • - T-llis ~Is It! We : Must J . Do Our ·Part! . . I For us, too, the t(lrrifying grand climax of the war is at hand. This suprl'ml', d('sperate call for American dollar8- 16 BILLIO.NR OF THEI\1-is to enabl ... out fhrhtlng men to carry through the grim, bloody a888ult to a 8U<'fl'ssful conclusion and \'it·tory.· ~ Not just Am~rican dollars but the dollars in your PGckl't--in YOllU savings account. You 1\JlJ~T buy War BondM now! At liast TWI('E - u much aM you bought htMt time. If you 8ft al~ady bayina-BondM on a pay-roil Mavings plan, buy EXTRA Bonds during this Urivl'. Your (iovernment. iM counting on you. Your boy- and your neighbor't; boy -Millions of THEM -are counting on youJ Just as desperately u you ar ... rount- , inr on them in.this fateful hour. .. • Balboa Theatre BaJboa. Calli. Lido Theatre C»nt ml A w ., Nt>Wport Bt-adt 301 Main, Way's Mark ... t Phone~ Balboa Stag Cafe & Bar 2l!itt Pln('(' and Ctllult Blvd. Nrwport Bt'4U'h Callfomla The 'Doll Hou&e Nc•wport · &lbon Palm Spr1np 0t"ean J.l-ont Mark ... t r .. oo. l"t>trrMn Geoo. Taylor Gnwo.•rtf"S M~t• Culbertson Chevrolet Co. Otto C'\llbrrtson, Owner .... Balboa Yacht BUln 0 . A . .Jinley Pnllsnd~ Rouci Ph. NCjWPOM BNt:h 500 Bay Shore Camp & Cafe lltotnz Kaller Cdlud lllghway • Newport ~ Sawyer SpOrt Shop Phone Newport BMch 518 ' 207 Marine Ave. Balboa lalaDd ~ Robert V. Staat. Co. .. . Shlphullderl . 625 CoMt Highway ~ewport a.d'A J. s. Barrett Con•tructJon Co. C~nerel Contnu:t.orw 1:\00 State llbthwRy • l?h. Npt.·Bch. 346(. Focrd Basket. - 1R12 N<'wport ntvd. · eo.ta a.- S. & J.'. Sale~ (A»mpany 21:l!l South Mnln St. Snnta Ana Sherwin-Wllllam1 Paint Co. lllllboa P11lnt Stonl' Photl(' NrWJlOrt llc>or h 101 700 F.. Hny Avr . . Balboe Gordon M. GrunclJ. M~ D. Pb111daft aDd ....... . Ninth ~ Central Ave. Ph:Nwpt.Bcft. Jt· · Frank Showalter SJcnta A'nM 'C.nltromlll Wnltf'r S. Splcw, OoinK Bwdllf"M u Hay District Lumber Co. ~ 1H St11tf' I Osthwny Rt tht> Arrha Costa M~ l~mber Co. Cusln Mr'l'lt , C'ullf. ( 'orona del Mar Cafe r orm••rly Hns~ei'K 1fi 11. {'()list ll i~hway Ph. Nwpt lwn•·h 1967 ."The Arche1" "Ju11t rf Lltt II' 11c>ttttr" l'fK'kln Van (~amp's Sea Food Co.. lne. Tf'nnlnul l141nnil · CaU!omla South Coa1t Co. Y~cht and &JllpbuUden Newport Ice & Cold Storage Co. 410 Thlrtlf'th St., Nt'WpOrt O..ch ' -Kenneth E. Wileon Co. f:'hrt~-C'ntft ~k>r Marine ~ Runnh<llll•. 111111ty llMtll, CrviiW'n . Molnr Yac:hhl m \Unlit lll~hwuy Ph. Nt"Wport Beach 584 . ' W. T. Jefferson :.!12 ()<'f•lln Blvd. · Comn~t ~I MM Vallely Boat Uentala Jo:tiJ :•·wall'l' al 1'111111 Ave., Hull.1011 Opltl llt· South Bay 1\ltll.wll& IHJanrl B'UomeH ·/ Addi•· ,1(, f ;•·w·J:•· l~'fhlornc• ' :.!:.!CIO (,J(•c•:m Jo'rnnl , 1\{f'Wflurt Bc'f&ch.· Port of $even SeaR Bnat Landing Boa r S;df'l.; M11rinr• Wnys ).(17 <l'tlftsl IJiJ,.!hway N•-wport lit'ach (;hannc l Boat (;o. l:ll!i <'ul•sl l(iJ,.!h wuy Ph. Npt. Lkh. 1686 Harold K. (;rauei'Chapel 5. Wu Bo111b --rduc·atlon for your ehJid· ftll, _,-tty for yc.u.. fiiJMb for retl~t. • A ~ontribution by the Patriotic Citi z~n! and F.irms Listed on This Page "We' Oursrlvt>S t'ht' Detter Serw By srrvlng Othen~ Bi1rt" I 'hont> Nrwport ~ 1 f'ooa Mf'M. Calllor'Tdll 4 -Than Before • , _,.. . . ) P.l!P I"nur TIDE 1rfBLES .IUNII . 'fttp Lmr HI '!'I lAw \ •.• 0.1 4.t 1.71 CNe• oJ.,IIehl, •"tl'l 111 .. 1 TUM a.re pl~ed In or<l•• of U«\&~ 1 Llllol fll\1,.... &. .. ; dark n~rw p. a. 1' • I NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES, Newa:wt Blacb. Calltomla._ Cali fornia, Thur:sday, June 22, l 944 ~--~~~------~------------------------------Bw.Jding Pernu••ft owner to buUd another dwale. 8&pph1n .Ave .• Bal. 1a&aad Tn.ct. 1.8 ltaJae It a two alory fao.ily W\lt. Juae 12-Mn. liar)' li!W. Sam l:>US Abalooe Pl:lce. .1500. Klaal&lber, NarcU..U. Ave. NEWPORT BEACH J U'It' 20 C. Taucher, -423, Poppy J une l~Mike Rolud·M.lla fto. 1934 -291 . -.. -....... 235.014 Ave .. p.r owner to lruild two laod per C.S .• Narc~ .Ave .• F'; ss 12:8 1:15 u.aa ., ... .>r~~ A N-G.L IN Q AROUND '9thAnnual ·snoWbird · Flight Due. 193~ -.0., ... 4Wf,UO I story add:ttoo 1:.1 prc"t!nl 3 muma.1 JWle J~Dr. R. R. HIUtMn 1936 ·-!\23 . ... 768.08t 11600. f owner, Dahlla AY~ - l ;f -o.o SA .. ,. '!41 11:58 12:07 1.1 ~.2 411 .... 1:40 1:31 12:112 1.7 0.1 •• ... 1:11 I :U 0.0 u .... 1 :111 2.1 7:11 Saturday ye e.-rll..-ro ,.... • I r .. t lllld then eerve It to •7 1, (td lho• t·ra•·k of olawn. • r•· .. to~tl ly Alhtunbra frl~ndt 0.0~ and F'rum one tu a hundred and 2.t 1 :4' I 2.1 1937 -!W\3 008.080 June 2G-cart Stahnke, Til t> I J une 20-R. C .• LcJw, Avac&do 19aS ~8 IJU.IS37 Coallt Olvd., per L. R .WUaon to Ave. 1'13!1 -... :.! R{'\.745 convert a buUt..llnc Into 6 t hree 1940 :>42 1,04u.!n room apta. 9.897. t94i 4'-9 t .:nu.•s~ 1942 320 '26o.9:u; 1 PLUM81NG PERMITS IELICTRJCAL PE!)'IT'~ June 20 Mllte Rowlknd. 714 No.rcluua Ave. OWDcr. per R. K. d·.velr. [11v. llkf'nt'd the h'-"'"''hnlol. ""' ' · Siilly Wf'Aicer. who COnduct a ne yean~ 111 tht' only age Hmlt ~;.;;;;....;;;;.;;._;;.;;;.;,..,~~:=:=~:.=====:=:=:'~=:=:==:::::=:=:==:::=:::::::=\'! J!"lht'r the old te.Jthlul ""I .... J li\\t'll tar<.l, gltt ILOd ~p ahnr (~~r tht' Ninth Annual "Flight ot ' January BALBOA SPORTFISHING fLEET rt••l 11not IU<'kle box snd t• "k olf h• 1'' That ''"''" the tale ot tn~ th.-Snowbirdt" to be beld A~ l''l>bruttry _., l:M t :07 4:42 10:41 1943 J une 12-Br aden Finch owner Cout Blvd. .. 1~.235 r June 6-E. M. Baylca owner •. 633 June 17-C. F. WL'ltcread, 10()1 No. Bay Front, Home Elect ric, H. K. dwellf. t<J AI 1''urglt'11 at ttw llBit-toa l'll·J I:! ~~~nd halibut _tl_t}l at 1;30 on N.ewpor:L .Hazbor,1 ~ctl .. OCBAN n8HING BALBOA. CAUF. I \'thnn ; M'll J.:TIUIO to r•nme hAck to Hal· lll:t.:Or<.lmg to Walter K. uwla. April The "Owl". "Maiden" and "Dina ~" . A't .. r t"f' uaual l ' .. :u<l c;ut\nl ""·1 ,., ... ry Wo<t'll·eDd -Ju-t Ilk<' "'tHI lu•&dl! thl' commattee hand-May • 8aKn n~e prnreu w&Jo all '"'' un Vt-havln~; 11 w"ekly vacalloo an11 hnrc lhta yt>ar1a notable Yachtlnc June Fwlaler•'\I!M MJ4 l'k...._IN Ca.ll N-port Ul or I t I J I t .... " ... ~lur)' m• K ..... 1 llhlp <)wl, pllut•••l fond '"''fl• I' I'!! Ill •. , ,VI' " Mee .my fUDJl7 anti f'V~n.t. u y herdt'd by one ot tn .. ~ran(1o·111 oltl ·• "·: "' familiar tacu ot bt«nol,. lmrt-ased aW&I"'lll are offered. Augu~ t.ara who ever ak•ppt''"'l " ll,.hrn.: \<h 10 I pr1u very blpiy. AI· T'rOJ>hi<'K ~" to the tlrsl tl'n t l S('plt>m twr ~ ACKLE STORE tx• ,, t~ll Yhlt" '" '"' 111r111ltllr a ria• ,... I'll bt' .eemc you! ttnlllh 1 h" rae.-Added apo:clal Octob<"•r II£WPORT T al~;ht no the Owl 11.'1 Ah•· Lfll•·.,ln·~ trophlea are. to the f h•at ctrl to November ,.. ED 8 LOCOIIB • IIANAGER pte ture on our penntt•ti ~:d. ynu Los AJlae)es IJV::n(J'-ttnlah an award given .by Mark December ran bf>lleve be knov. • J•ll•t whl'rl' ., .,. Ulb Healy. ·commodore of the &I boa Total .. _ T.&'TT · 9 14~ 1'!.7:.!7 1 U .OiiO I 7.398 8.760 22.378 1 13.9401 10.014 1 ....................... 16.180 ........ -..... -............. 142.327 ~GORDON B FINDLAY OONTRAOTO& ...r BUILDE& I MAINTENANCE AND RE PAIR OlJR SPECIALTY Cabinet Shop Service Office Cabloet Shop Bait -Tackle-Fishing Information to t:O for the tlch II lhi'Y are not Costs Up 12 P-t.· Yacht club. An award ctven by NEWPO&T BI:ACB there &om.-t hlnc Ia wrqng < • " Commodore Albert Solland tu the '=---======;,:;==============:41 w~u Saturday wa.& one ot ~ays StatJ•stJ·II·· \' ungellt girl to flnlah, a.nd Pa.llt-J anuary ,---==~=::=::::==::==:;:::;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;=;=;;=;=;=====t~ ·th•*' dav• atartf'<l out tn thf' J '-U c:ommodure J W : Con<!on ot the . Feb~a~ 1944 $16.1113 18.740 I su o Cout Blvd. • 40'7 sofh ~t. Pb. 40! Ph. %S88-.I JUWI'O&T BEACH. CALIF. Ji1SW -.rr. liPOIUfiSBING BOAT early morning u calm u a lake. --. Newpurt Harbor Yact:t club will March . "c R E s·c EN T '.' but attrr· a few huurll blt'W UIJ Living roell! In J;;:a ~-ad give • apeclal award to the olde.at quite a wind and .,_ t•ourte the vantt-d one and two-~ per· Sklpp4'r to tintah the .-.c:e. May . 45,4731: e • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Gals.,.SCOTrSRftt RoomLA•NDU~BaGtt OC'~an ~a bit ruu,.: ~ w,. 11''•P· ::~~/~~!~;: .. ~ae 1~Y ~r1~ Tel encourage the hlllldl"\ld or; June 14 R~ Plcger. Box : FOD BUI LDING INFORMATION Jl('d at Uana Point. but no ftlh -. tt.l f ' W'llll. ao more aklppera uaually entered, 16:1 COM per O\•'nc:r to build one • ._._ Lht"nl. Jo':d , decided nnly onl' U1lnr n• \l"('<•d 11 ay •'Y Cbarl .. A:: Rou· medal• will co ro the 11th aklpper . atHry 5 rl'lom dwel 700 AvacBtlo ,• _ Ct-_ fill OIMI .....,., .._ •• l :lt -'· M. t , do and off we ••enl to ~n ma.-·t. Lush AnJtelea price ec:on· aod therea!trr c.ne to every tenth Ave J3200 1 ~ 0 t ...... 1 Sa l.l ntt' urna t ror l l' U S. BuMau ol La· kl tl 1 <. R 1 h ' ,. 8 n~ rf', ""'ow o emt' ,,.,, Statistics. Thi Ia ..t • a pper to o '"· u ea tor t e ' June '14 .q.s.o. per Georgt [)" l " l L b c We hit .om• filth there, my . . • t . -th. race will be d.-.wn by • COlli·, Gordon to m'~ke sltt'rlltloru and I ay. IS. fiC . u m er o . • ""lf'k ~came welfhted with a galn hrlnr,s the bureau • IDdea to mlltee of the Newport Harbor . . • • I all halibut -about I~ pound• a ntw wa r-time hl.t~h. ~ tll· " tt.a taU ADd U.. repatr» tu bullr!lng $4600 WALTER I . I PK:IER, Owner un roof'<hng thr prt'ViOWI top ~ed ega a.-oc 011 ace June 14 Br:ldt•n Finch. COM I barra.cuca and a ·few b&aa. plua Jut Nn.•ember. • I Umlt of one to a bu11dred and on.e I per owner to build llun pc)rch to N D--h annthef' halibut a larger onf' "{...'hl,.ny reapon .. ble fOf' thril l yur. Ia the flrat rule th~ com· dwell In&:. 334 H~ Or $ 17fi.OO ewport ~C w.h t'h I hooked on the. way back, month'a rtae•were ..,.,..,_ ot mlttt!t! h~ made. I June 14 N:.'\\'pot~ lc,e Co, per!' 511 ltate Highway , Ph~ Ju~t ulf Lai'W\& way.. It wu a nrorly 8 'Jt'TC'f'nt In hou.turntah-Servlne-with Walh•r K. Lewlll Roa ll1'd Barrows to rl'root lc.-• At The Archu • • 1150 sv.l'll tlay to me. for I ~ Juat . 1 • • I are Henry B. GrandUI and Jamu r nrl ('rid stor"l(c plant. •to 30th.\: th~&t tl)rt of a tl•herman t":at Jt'l"lll lnjtll, 2 .. J>f"'t'ent In fooda snd Webater, Newport Harbor Tacbt $:>00 , • • •• • • • • •.• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • •.• • • •• I a kick out r•f f96ng out ln. almoet J r lub, Commodore Mark Healy. ""· J ... C"t'ntraJ Ave . Balbo:1 per any weather, PAUL NORMAN Fred Brewer and Kenneth Mor-Claud ..:Sweetman. t•l build brick Ttw 12 pound ~I but waa kf'pt · M •KJI• gan, Balboa Yacl:t ctub, · C.XO· nnd cont'r~te Cl\fe •12.000. on h'l" and aomebow or othl'r VACHT I AIL " "1 m .. ·•or~ Al'--rl Sull•nd. Paat-• ·om· ' • vu ~ "" n "' JUnt' 15 Hal W.ll Smith. aaj.j flound Ita way ba~k to Alhambra l a.lle, Awnlnga, ... , c.v.n modore J . W. Condon, CARt • .J. A. _,_ latanit, Jll'T "''W''Itl" t6 &Jte.-.. -. r , with me wkrot, Mtlt"¥e It or not, N-......:.._b B«k, H. R." Stwart and Leoli tloo• and repalra to dwel"'. $400. &fter I cau,tat the dam thine I 224~ 21•t St. ·-r-•-Heaeman. repre~~enllnc the R.e· .. ~ 2CT7 June 17 -C. F. Dennteon. 928 1- NOW OPEN l i.om IRVINE _ LAKE ••• CA'I'ni!III~BLUE GILL ........ _.~._.._a.ttA~ ... , • • ..... Onllp ..,._. ... er a-.uplea PA 1152 ~MY nBIIINO m OOOD U -TilE PAVILION AT BALBOA ._.. llr .. a& a .... ON!IIa. Prime Uve Bait Avatlllbw ..wJIOin' B&W INVE8'I'IIBNT 00. _-...,....,o-.1 • ... . 3&,175 ----------------------...: Attention: •---------~--==---===--==-======9\1 had t o clean It, fillet It, roll It ln Phone galla accoslatlon. Furthu pla11a w. Central Ave., per ~ NBWIBART & BALBOA PIERS com me~ and drop It In deep fer the l'VPnt win tre announ·t>d ild addltlcn to dwelc. for a l • it1 JrV . shortJy by General C."halrmiUl bath rollm and make alteration GI'X)IIGE .IIINEB Lewt•, who will appoint Judrea to lntenor for a bedroom. $700. arttl "other offlcera for the blr June 17_7019 Georgia Ave .. : T11111yar .. 'lrillhanafullyequlpped .. Good Fiahin• at All Times yal•htlng f'Vent. BaJboa. owner to bulld two-room t.ie ucbored 00 the lee ol PoW • Dellcloua Sea J'GOO. LIVE BAJT ALWAYS AVAILABLE Or. complete equ,lpm~nt • dwelc . .11~ Se:~~hore Dr ·$600. Lcaa ID .recdwe alhlaan ~t Ia once. We are dolftl thla • ant ,.. time. Wbea the albecon .,. 1\llllllllll .Wnm you want to ca~h ·Latest Biltmore June 17 Frank D. Hohert.8 n, 1oc:al aJid Mulcan ••ten.. You will Your' own. 201 28th St .. 7 by 10 atcr3~t bldK. more flab for ua. CIJ~S TACKLE STORE ......... PI t Be "Good I J .. paid lmmedlat.dy ., the batJe and HORMEN FISH MARKET ay 0 onJ~nl'1~ uso . 113 ~1:\111 St willnceintopcriliJIUrica. PleuewriteAnchwStnflllppo,OW' I Nl.ght Ladies"' Pnwf'il Neon Sign to ert'ct a plant IIIPCriatcodent. Or, it JOU Pl9-• . , ml"lal nl'•Jn' IIIJ;n. 71::; EAMt Central We ~IJ carry auppliea for yow at the 1 A vi' s 120 barp. u vinc you tt trip Into the inner feT, phone bim at Frankl)'117741. A* CLIFf' VON «&.NJ'If&u. · Fishing Tackie S~ialist MJr•r•t te Pa.m. -FreiJI and Salt Water Tackle ....._ Ill &\1..804. CAU l'. ... Mabl 8 t. All captivat lntt o vnm•t>' u( cha r· June 19 Jren.. Toualey. use -~-Alto t.he company hae jUit the operator to rnerw the charpa. L~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ach•no t>v.,.r oorn m thl' mmd of 11 Sll 1 8 1 d Pla.,..,r\aht will "'h,• ~N'n on t hi" V• r ake v · L. 1-' per owner pur_chued I twin~ tender, 'li1licb # •• .. , to build 3 room frame dwt>l~ .. ~ st'\J.:I' of thl' Riltmtll'<' thl'ute•· bt•· 351h St. 11500 will be anlleble 'to an our Ill~ JACK CR(VELLO President A Ce_ne~ Ma.napr I I<Jht te .. "''' • .....s ..... ,~.,, ~· ~···:··,,~,., ...... ,, ,,,,,,, Saving ~nd conserving to eliminate.: every possible waste is .. a part·qE cvc:ryonl ·, contr ibution to V ictory. Ever y d rop of .. :-:waste: far should ~ .: '·l":lf.l'tl; ~:H"ry 'icra p of paper is vital _to the war cff.!'n . (.,' t Ojl im!·•,rt.a '•<: roo, is the fat·iug nf -.._::: mn11ey, w hen we tl\1) ,he n .. .-,~,~;t , 'nf life. And the l:c:s t invesrmenf fo r ~...~.; ., n .,~., '" i:1 i · ~ \\'~r l oond!'l. W hen you arc 0u n.: :uod, ~-.,,~,.,, ,., ·,low pri··(c '':rmit you to makC' wen.·.-... :.ile ,,:•.; . ~. l.u:.!Ji.)t~ .dy. A cum · parison of prices •.. !I _.ro,·c th i .... 0 CANNIDFOOtS CEREALS & CRACKlRS TYPICAL SAFEWAY VALUES •n.u r •n"" au POt.n.rani Raisin Bran ~ ......... • •o· .. ·1D- Treeswe ~t -'"'9' Pcx• 46·•• 21-8•0"<1 • .-.. Apple Nuggets T ;;::;;··· t;; u~· lginnlng Monda). July 3, in "Gpo<! .lune 19 A'ln~ Bell Grave. 834 tiahermLnnlahtorday,lnponorat teL Night Ladle-i," the smuh comedy 1 Lfdera St., Puadena 161 Calif., •·--:-r ... cet"!!S whJch rnn for 100 we-t>kll pl. ~· 8.. fl'lntllay to build •, Wa wp )'OU to try Lbil KfVice Ju.a Sun Harbor hcklna CompaoJ 1995 Bay froDJ.~ Oiqo2,Ca1. ·jto comple!e ~IIGIJI~ -In Chicago. ) I'Oc'm dwt',jg w 'th garage on 111 Producer!~ Howard Lang and AI noor 3808 Rl ,. R 1 •4000 Ro8en ciel<rrlht-"G<vxl !'111gh1 La· · v r r \ «' • • .. (diM' 'IU ~ hlll\r.ious. nuu.l and flur· Junl' 20 \\'lllr:t:n (.' Moldt l>f'r ing piny -ha~,.,i on t:1 J.:('ntlrman·s ----..., phobia of ~11ntily dnd ·fpmnl,., A lory:<• r;l~l of ,.la c•· nnt1 '•'r•·l'n I playen. mcluflms:: Jnhn I Juhh:r rei. \\'vnnP Gah,nn Ru~" Hr• '" n. C"l:11ro• I n;rlrton lln\1 l';oy LIIHtkl'l' ···II piny I hi' pnnr opal r ul.l·~ In 1 h•· IWOmmront l'UJlportm" a olo•" will lw ' C'lll lr't• M••ltdo•. rr•o•d Sh~.:rmun. I ~C't'll\h Sft!M-. Juh 1.) nm'. Uzabc>lh SIICrr, ~Ia f) [)a" II'~. f Barbarn Barnl'• and !ilf'Vt•ral nth· rrs who niT I'Xpt."C1<'d to srt nl'w box oCfic<' r't't:ords '" r .. m,.dy lilts for tht' Los An~;clt•!' B 11t mon· 1 ht•Ol· · ter. I two-tenths ot a pl'rrcnt In meacel· laJWHNII II em a... report.s ltoumu:. wt. "An advance or r.rorc than 7 pel"('ent on tree fruita and ver· AHention: Returned Veterans Men 26 and over . . . ) Men in draft~clas• 4-F Men not novil n. essential in·dustry . . -c.,~;;·,~v;.,o, ... ___ Com.Flakes ' ~~Jowt •:.:•·13-~~~~~----------~~~ Rcflsms ~7.:" '~:· 12• m-una~atconnaa larce part fer thla month's higher 1 'food ro.u. SUI:IItannat fa·na1 Town House c..u;:::--·· _::: ~ Clapp's Cereal ~ 2·~;-27• TCOW•' I 1 con• JJ H • ••«oo•..s Co•.of"' o.,-,~,.ol Old South o-o ... .,.-" vau.•· .. ·• ..... 1a-B Bale -So.t.. 17• , ..... ''""'""' ... usy er c·<><~··· •. Treesw~~t ':;:::: '!:•• ,. '1 'b .,., J • Hi H_. o Crackers Diced c~ro!s "..-;::;· .. ";: 111• 1 .. .. "l ,.,. I I 1)1 __... FOILUNCHIS Del Monte Carrots ",: 12- C".<wel •(ow nf '~ ' Hiqhway Com l0-·12• ... Cr~ S•,•• •"·,. •C.U"' Gard ;;:r. :-ido Peas r;:' ,,. of 14 ;;.,, U H• ~=: ~~ IIVOAGIS AirWay Cof!ee "';:;: •• Nob Hill CoHee ;;::., tdwards Coffee ~~~ :. Vot'~ go.. , ' ,_ 0 ou Brealdas't Cup • •:,.;· l:l• Ripe Olives Relish Duchess l tC '-"' !.-~rt ;.,ell'• l"'"""Qto StJl.:Jrd o~._).)•ro IQuott ,,z .. JtJtl ·--··25• ... l •l<l'• ·····15• S•.J•~ I ••" Party Pride s~.~._," 2 ··.:,.:· 15• Beverly r .. , .... , '·"' 23• e~•·r, .... Peahut Butter ';: 23• Snowdrift "-"".. ·~17· ~t\Qti..,,"' ,...... Royal Satin v-•01"" •..,·"' .. ,.,. Shotte"'"'G ..,- Fluffo Salad Oil ..... 21• Fruit Jars .. '"a;!, ... .;;:, ::: &2- Fruit Jars .. ~; .... .;.=, ::: 71• ~, ., BAKED . EGGS -' / WITH ... c. ·-'' SAUSAGE Arran~t~ in w~ll·ltf'ftwd individual cuwroln, } rntally COO~td .. U .. tlt link• Oru on~ or two till• onto. n ch u •wrolt ... Tor w11h • It file crram or mtllc ... ~•.on. Bakt on mo.lc-ratt O'l'~n 0SO' f .) l) mtnuttt Or unrd ,tl. ~3'lAT~i~ -l U. !. NO. 1 Gf\AJ;: . \ VHtrE ROS~ lG J1..,~:~nd.r· ~ 4"' Thl·~" prirc~ on ~.tf{'"'J}' Guaranl('<'d Mo.lt~ will Sl\'e you n:otll'\'. f .ll iu:m" liql·d ~·Xl'l'j'lt h,·d r11.1~1~ .trl' t'oint free. _:' .. !':h.: .S .tfc\\a)'S J, \ rr~ :t'tf grJJl'S. ~--------------_j ~ ... ~. ,.,,..r KlonJol.f' ... rtt't). f•~'l -Jon u a.-r.nt~. .... • ~""' -,.,_--~~ R~fi'""'~ C.rcdt AA. ,.,. •• Cr· ·, z~--, ,. '-111 · l or A ~ ,... I : I 'W \WI IIi -.-._... ~::.'"" rb .. lb V ~ .. , .. '' honr r,,,,,, of Guu .tnU'<',I lkd. .- were recorti;od for carrola, OJ'&n6U. letturr. cabbage, prunu , aDd white pot.atou, wltb erp and rolled ~J.:lll a l110 higher. "8m&.ll decllnea occured onlcna. lard and butter. Lower pricu on chlldr,en'a abou fu.- (ured • modut decllr~ In clothlDI coat a." Tile month'• atrtklng advance In houwfurnil!hlnga wu attribu by Roumauet to ttt. remtroduc: tton of aprlnc·filled npliolatered llvtog room furniture, an it,m w'.lcb baa not been dn the oarket for 110me time. Higher taxu fir· and in u lncrea.e of telephone blhs. thua controbu~ng to t he p1n In ml..acellaneoua famUy llv- lnr ca.t... -..J Quality Lumber . and Buildifi Material• • • COSTA MESA i.rUMBER CO. R. E. HOSTETLER Phonr -'8 F'O,. INSUR'ANCE SEE Howard W. Gerris h 2611 W. Centrill Ave Newpor:t Buch •. C.-Ill' PhOn!' -l5J URGENTLY NEEDE·D NOW ••• MARJlliE F.I.ECTRICJANS and llf'IJN"rs . ).i\CIII~ISTS a ncl llrlr~~ PI PE nTrt.:RS a nd Hf'IJN'"" \H:I.Ot:ns tmd llt•lrw·rt. flJ.l"IUBt:ltS and llf'IJ)f'rll lm.\l;"fS)tt:S Sllt:t:T )l t:T.\1. \\'UUKt:ns a ncl III'IJM•r" ('(HII;,.(Htt:n:n OI'F:t:ATOW<i St:S JOR K t:\' Pl 'S('II Ol't :l{.\ TOr.s .\1-.•• a fl'\' "l"'nin~"' fur nrfit·l' "urkt•rs ASO ~u;s IS \'IICTI 'A U .\' AI.L Cl t U IS -\ ;' APP LY TODAY IMPOITANf .. , Bri ng SociJf S.:cu rity C~rJ, r . ~;.[of Citizenship and Availability Certificate CALIFORNIA . SH iP~ 1 :LD i KG · CORPORATION 51.0 WIST ANAHEIM lrOULIVAID ·WILMINGTON ;' STAIT ~TODAY TO HASTIN V-DAY .-..AT CALIHIP •••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Plio_-• ISO : · • .. • ) F .• , - NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS.TIJIID, Newport BMch, Callfomia. California, Thunday, June 22, 1044 .y, June 22, 1R44 'lf044 Mud JltUJa Vitamins A and D • • • .THI[ ,-l ni:I:NTH CON81:CUT1VIt 81tto41·ANNUAI. OIVIOI:ND AT THit-aAXL o,-THitl:l: ~11:11 Cl:f1T 1:1.-ol ~1:11 ANNUto4 ,-Oat THI: and LOA N ASSOCIATIO 33:13 VIA LIDO TELI:~HONI: 1500 NEWPORT BEACH. CALIF'ORNIA .I. A. 811:11:1( Dllti:CT01t8 a , A, MaYII:It W. at. to411tAM8 ~. A . ~ALMII:at WALTI:It 8 , 8~1CII:at W. A . WILDU8 C. W. TCWINI(LI[ GERALD RAUSA, M. D. Is now occupying the Medica l Offirc. knm", as the Newport Emergency Hoopit al. l--or the prncti('(' of MEDICl l"lE AND SURGF.RY 28:10 Wegt Central Ave, S f'Wport Beach BALBOA · .MOTOR CO. 706 E. Ra~· .\vt .• Ji:ilt>oa (;eneral 6.\utomob.ile and Marine Repairing. · Marine Electricians Available Fender Body Work Refinishing ·TELEPHONE NEWPORT BEACH.!26 ' ,, ·A· HEARTY dinMr, or mid-j nlcht lunch, a ~ttle too much smokln1, .,.rhape a cocktail or tw~reat fun to- ni&"t; ·a miserable letdown. hudachey feelln1 tomorrow mornlnt. You ~ople who ocualon.ll~ at. tend • party and •njoy 1ood f•l· low1hlp 1nd 1ood food, olt~n .,.,. nut ciAJ for llw full you had WhJ do~'t you try Alk~ ~ liLor for thai "Mom•nc Ah~r'· I• ~I• net Allta-S.ltrer l1 one 1 • loron~ u ... ful In th41 rtll•f of "'""" ,. .. ,..,. a•lmt nta b.rauw Alka • S..ltur comb•~ 1 r•l•ahlto analr-••c /,.•n· r•llever w•lh bufl••f.d elk• "'riCo U lt£ • Try II ,.,ht (lf v•r you hl\•e tfrad- •rhe. A tid ln<ll«""""· f "ld s, "'P· ~''"''· \Ju,rul•r t •II eut. S~urolr1a. ~IU'<Ular rain• AUra-~hur 11 non-1•••1!''~. 111d pl•uant \o lAke Yo•lr di•IKitl ~II• Alka -S.IIt.r by •h• 1lu • II .t>11 aoda founta :1 and 1n con· . , , "•"""t p.r~ocu lor h•lm~ ~~ u-. Why not ••t f pac,~lt. •• ~ tlw rwat lim• )ou, , .,. In • dru1 .51 : 11ore I . Ba WuJZ-Try ;\lka · s~ It 1 .t .. r ny !tlaking This Drea Yourself ES CLA 'SSIFIEI OPPORTUIITIES lor£ Save Money for War Bonds R-p 10 FiT e e USE FOI .IESU L·TS • • ---~·~lr::::""r' ,Back the .. · Rt:Lr WANTED REAL ESTATE ~·A ST'F.P f;'<llftl•nr.-.1 hnuN I FOR SALE- 7 y•• , 1.1 1 ;.~ nook I'Tivate "'r aputn,•nta, T~alt8 n. on keeper tor two a.tu lta &n•l clUt.l,l GRAND Vlt';W 1.0'1' rnuu! loath &n,t r:l•''" l':•l la un .. laf-~trllf' AYf'. 1'01'0111 dt"l Mar •lry .,.,,r July and AuJ H•f•• I u ,ooo. •nr,. Salary t 12!1 J't"r n•o R4'• Till• •t t l11<'1' 1 h 11r NI'\\JICII I 1:l41·W brlv.'t'l'll W. J. HOI.CO~a -10 am ar11l 6 p rn. 411·21<' 111 17 l'uut Hl.ll way f}:J,I' W ANTEU Uoy or n\an llllf'l't"•l Nl In v.·urkln;; In a nun. ..,.,. Ne>rrTan lllur,...,l,.., 1!107 <'t:>e•t tll(hway. t \>nul a del toiAr 41Hfc (' "''IIA drl Mar. ('llllf. ''Wh• .... th• n ap Ji'ly" 2tr FtiRN1TURI! FOR MAL&-. WIC ARE 8PilCtALitn'll I'N THREE ANtl J'OtJR 1\00111 Ott1TIT8 Have an atttlcU'N tllrw· room outnt •t up b.re ta Ntr 11~ for you to ,...._ .Ju.t uu ll wauld tooll lll )our Jlome t w•nty.one plerq tor UTt.OO. l.owe1t term.. FrM dell~,. Mr Mahan'•' I"Umtture Co, JDd· and Broadway, Ballta Ana. C&U· fomla. a•ue R MALJC UMd ---r t~M7. buao. 110. a Edlww•t .... DaJboa •w iw· '\\1 Al'ITEil {;trl for 1en· wa1 uffll'e work, 8 to II Uer- &hl Rauu. W U , 28SO W. Cea- tral Ave.. Newport Ueach Fl'lR :-IALE In C'omna d•l War. '""mpl•lely 1.\JMlllle\t'd S·~ronm hou... lArl'• llvlnl( room. fir•· plac-e. dln•U•. kttrbea. 2 IMIU. elK .... tn .... .to•n. 2-car ...,_..,, eund~k. ~.Son July lit rrtr• JT OOo Twma. Call N-· port eu:w ot lftiiUIN Cor. War- ruerltr ud Q)ut IU1hway, <::oJ· ona del War. · tT•ltc ..OR SALlt Beauv&Q8 AJUIJii. • -• •t•r Nf, tat2; a'-up wa.he Phon• 10lltl ••nc OsT AND FOUND >T-- FOR SALI: In Corona del Mar, n • w allrarllve 2-bedroom hot-. rumrlet'!ty tumlell.cl, '-· mf'\llate p<iMe.-ltm, 16.1&0 0.11 872-W. or lnqulno Cor. Mar· I(UI'f1lto and c .. aat Hllh'llllay, CorOGa del War. 4~c .... _-- FOK 8ALir. On• hunllted tNt fr-.u•l"'f', t1t1 hway 101. N.ot lar from Ttl-. Archu Ji'llc-t ory or atm•• •II•. 1"1,000 . D. C. MaoMII\tZIII 11108 N•wport Bhrd .. C"'wta Mta •••tt· I"'H. 8 AUC. Att~Uv• water fi"'OIt .,..., .............. ~ -•· .o-n. pnvate ~b. 'wltb pWr Md all!). l·bedi"OOID& and maid'a I'OOID, I batba, woa• !Mrtul loratkln. 1"11<-e fll,aoo. URtUnll8tlecl. EARL W . 8TANI..I:T DI~A.Y&.-a.111aa Pbooe Newport tnt lrt~n ~ wUb ..,rlllp &D4 ...... lNM. Artbery •L Pblllle H ... portltT. .. ... J'OR l.u.E-Upriatat p&uo. oaD • •v•D&nl& 230 Ooldew'od A••·• CW.. clel Mar. • .... roa SAL&- ~ J'OK BALil -lAdtM U4 .-t .. Of\Mft Wrt.f WeteiMe~ a.I8D .. power lei ... .,.. PIMine ,....,. ,on .......... 10 ..... -• , ... V. J.laJ, IOl Pa1a 8\., ........ ····~ ----.6-,.,.--__, __ ....,~~~ wtf~~~~ enta fw • bolD• -.... • ltarl pklkl"f JUM JT, .... ._ Hnd end Utd ll....U oe 'n..u. Aft., Owta M.._ ..... , .... Allti·P•II ..u!IJ...U.W_.~ ..... ............... "..,...... .... nler Pal• ... l'ueU•~ ................. o.,.. .. Dr ....... ~ .... 1'111.? U not wlilr _.' YM -· f'l Dr. MUM AaU-Pala Plu. .. rour drq 1ton la U.. ......... ,.WU,.. for ..a, a ~J ...... aftd Ia the .__., IM~ ... ..... ,.. wa., .-,.._ • ,...._ =' You dftriW -. tWa. 'dlreett.m, ........... ~y ... ~~ll,_ . .,. .. •Uta... 'I' ~CREAMERY c·o. We wi .. to·•.,.U. our sincere appreciation to our rnanr ~usto"'lrs Gncl frleileli fOi - the · part they have played In building our buunesL 25TH IIITHDA Y \) -. ( Jun~ 1919 ... June 1944 ) ·. I -~· •• The Very Best Today.' •• And' Tomorrowl1 \ Invasion · BUY WAR BONDS Buy More Than Before • .I ( L r:, • • I ' ··-·- STATE · liiiiD ---Co. 8, lit Bn., 49th Regt..-- 1G8 ...... 8tnet -·-....o,w. ..... ,...,.,. ~~eaa tau ~ W1LW M. PJI!.lJ)S ,....,.. .. ' ... ~ louaT H. I.Do ..... . . • s-....1 ~ HAaou> v. HALL P1M1M lW.J ' _,.;;.~_.--1WIEIE ........ ~ :.-=: .. • ... CLEII. WIIIT&Da I cans, aUhoup Ina oertaJn ot thftr !,.=" lflillillijr --..e 1UW • Ia · Even ln lb. welter ot ftnaJ Pf"eD-alate, ~ve an idH Tom Dewey ~. ftlllllillnl' tM a.. .... "'"'lion" rnr the ~bllcan 1nd 1 wOJ prob8bly come out top man, T Ill lEWEY CElT Ill; VOTE· •s IS OIDT. C'OUid proiiUIJ riM to berate I>·mocntlc N11tlonal CIDI!Yeft&M, wtth Q ~ IIC*IblUty U.t' art. ...... ~t! will otndaUy 111\Jneh u,. Calltomi1'a Governor EArl War- Jut we .,..•t tbere. We are 19M campalana, top-rankine partv I nm Will ~ •lect.ed 8! h1a nmn.lnc tome JOinl' ebout our peaee~W, chlcftAin" llf't'm mo.... ~rnE'd I lnate. ....,., .-ryday dutlu In Idee "'"'-''"'I"'OtU11""11h1el! In thla reais That mudl Uw II\IJde •tnt.ciata lie ..atb.-r. political oequaUon thin lhflv ,.,. are wUllns to ventuJ? with an air Pe are ft«hUnl{ thle war JWit.,. nwr the 11electlon ot nom!nees and ol conlt~. but on Uw •. bi"'Od ICb U tbe boye at the fi'Oilt I r,. rf'"llftln~ Of niAtfnrms. • Ql.leltlon of the VOlina electorate ~ are, tuat uked to d'l' up a One reason for thla eondJtinn. -:-&nd how It wUJ dJvl4r on elec· ., doJiara for aome boDda, to rl"·,·h~rn. 1• th"t the· two pertv IWm tton ~-there Ia ~ ~r v 11ome if11n1 t r (he boya wtao <'Omm11nds feel f11lrly conrlctent certainty and confusion than 1t e them, and to &lfll up to Ae that they know In actv~ who any tlrnr since the hotly-fought ,, pint ot blood tn aave 1 Ute rhl'lr ~Pf'(:tlve c:onw11tlons wlU and narrowly • .dectded Wilson- a bnv who ,t,..pa a oermaa or rwmln11te. but 11r~ rar from con· Huehft flcht dunnc World War 1. Lpanf'~~e bullet or Pllvonet. f1d1'nt about the outoome In No-Aand World War II, with the 11 w about It We juat h&•e to \'l'mht>r. !1/t>lther sl~. of cou~ drutic . shirts It hu b~&ht In h thl T.h n-..t ,____ ,.,,..,itc to such u~rtalnty pub-population 1nd In economk: condl· , 1 e~~e n~ea. ,. ....,., ..... _ tl 1 f a1 1 1 · h 0 b lh A and Na llclY. because that Is not consld· oru, • o courw, m n y reapona -1 ' ar~er v r rmy YJ prl ,.0"'1 oolftil"' ble for the many lmponder1bles lth tbr collecUon ot ~o -~· Democ:n~. ~xc.pt for a ~hlch have entered Into Ow> altua· >.ooo.ooort ..!'..tntba 0 1' bloodk to U...rh.,nr1 ful or I'N'Rlcitrants, aN> all Uon. For exampl~; cwpo ....::ac 1 u P.,. 111t 400 plot. t~ta ._._ ~rfd to pitch for another four 'The Unitf'd Stiles. alnct> ttre war . ·~·t od Ilk t much..._; ~rar~ or Roosev~lt and W~lace, ~an, hu experienced the ~at· ! eou e 00 and are not lyi•g awak~ ruehts est shirt In population In its his· The Rf'd Crou corteeta De worrying about ·any poalble u~t tory; more ,than ~3.000,000 men lnod and tum. It lmmecHet+ In that program. 1'he ~pubh· ~ wornrn"7mo.t ot them voters --e--., ----1n nonnal um~ -have pertlcl· ''~"; t.n the ~rmy , and Ntbeavy .. meklnl{ thf' g~at extra amounts ~ted in this uoprecedentf'd ml· ra&A.I'&a ..._IIU .. ..._......._ 8s A>lis .. 7ttt A 1:11 ..._. • ....,a&I:U 0. ....... .....,,.... !:II n.n., ........... ........ ..._a....n .. ........ HEAVENLY BOor• .._aa.rtw-.... "'WKLL8 FAIWO DAYS" o..rtoa. a Neww ..... Moe.. T-. 0... M.,.., . OAIUiy -~.,__,.~ .. "'laaADWAY lllfYTIDI" ~-~-N-.. W'e4 ,., 01117 ...... Db .. 'TID: WIIDTLI!II" a1ao "'UCAn TO DANGD" ,.....nrw.ac.n... ......... n.ra.., .... "'li'I'ANDINO aGOM ONLY" o..aaa.: ....... HeM;• C"-" • --w ... Ia Boedlace". "JJ&Uo•· lac'", "TTie MlrMie of Morpa'a Vreek", "8wt.c .. __... -o~­• .., for To_rre_.., ... .. .. Oar"'-"·. BALBOA r•&£1'aa .. , ...... , .... : .. LMa ...... ., a DelsMe ha· .... ....._ ..... at 1:11 ftua. ·Ylt. ...... DoMN ~r. I ..._Ia "'TOP IIAN .. , alae "'CALI..DIO DIL. DUTil" ~·&II ._ Cllue7 .,._., eartoo. a NeW. Sua.. Moe..~ u....,.,.., 8opri Ia •PAUAOI: TO IU•••n.a.z~ .. A Nldlt Ia Me.doo CI&J" ~aN ... We4~ Oaly Tile llan: ......... Ia ..09 WEST", &lao "AT DA'\'X WE DO:" o.rtea. s....uac nun.. la.ae tt -GUNO HO" rn · rlee. erea ter, 1 ~ o1 drealnp needed. wfi/it you arration. The QUestion: "WIJJ they ou give 111 prc.ceued IDto ~ ~rive aome boura eacb week ot vote!'' And ff they vote: "How ackaged, and ablpped out to -.Ill ynur Ume ? You wllJ, tlnd the wUJ they vote!" Involved In that vlth the tlghttnc men b)' U. ac-hedule of workroom bou.rf In question Ia whetht>r their Improved ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \rrr"y and Navy. Ita value Qa· tbe c&deDdlr of tbla paper. You 1 economic ·status 'will innuenCf' w t be ovt're.stlmated. ADd '-" will ~. welcoc;ed at any of tbe their thlnklnc ;abo whether their :nly place they ean pt ll. Ia thl'ft local WOf'krooma. And you I poUtical complexion will be af· • • rom· you. will rertve •U•~actlon from 'ac-fl'<"ted by their place Qf reRidence. Call the Red ero. office Mid tuaiiJ worldnl' wtth your baAJa There's the matter, too, o1 what tlgn up for July JO. .. tor ~e boya •l:lo are . fil'btioc a sudden tum. In the war mi&ht Th~ new au.rclcal dr -a for you. do to the elecUons. The more t~ ;Aul!f'" la rea"ily, .and ~· wortr... More •nd omore Nunq . Aide• t'~rta llpt'CUI~tt' on that the ~ Lrc needed. It dneaft taka •acta will be needed. We hear that conluaed they become. • maglutlon to know bow ...-... thouaaade of wounded mea Ire Then, ,aeatn, there are 7.88Q.OOO y the need to.r. drea:llnp '-•· belnr brouf!ht hom. and many ot rnrn of votinc a,ce In thto lli1Nd ·re-lnJ. More and moroe -thoae will come to Soutbem Call-forces, nearly hail ot them over- or,.. being Injured on all ,..... tornla. The abortare 01 nureea ta seu. Will 10 per Cfllt ol thla vut and will be, from now on uaUI lllrndy acute. Tbere WID be DeW abRntre anny vote .or 30 per cent r of e taau ~ Wlay not Join up? 11 you already Last, but not leaat, f~r the ril"l!t I ,. day of victory. --. -~tT'amtnr da.Re' ror Nurwa Aidea I _,-so "'"' cmt! tt• the civilian volunt«ra by UN havf' training. call Kn. •Ray AI· time In th1~ nation 11 hi!( tory, ------------: 1 Army a.nd Navy Ia t.be ...-fill rvrd or the locaJ Red ern.. ot• womm votPn outnumber the men _ i -. -· . tlrf. · and thP wut ut -by about 600.000! Accordlnc lo wor' Y P you to the Cf'nSUS bureau, the cotJntry DELIIQUE T TAX A•o II.. • now has .w.62'J.R86 womt'n o1 vo•· • . I • n ~Ia ~~~;~· ~~~;,; ~~rg: 'g!V~U~ ~! ~~~~~ t!-4;~!~h::~:~ ASSESSM-E•T-LIST Ek"'::=·E·.!~:.:~:~:..r:::~; ~~~.:~::~ ~::~.~ ., )<rrnl drt'lll'llngll work room11. Let'a j . ll 's pond~>rln~: 1h<'<~l' imponde r-City ot'Newport Beach State of CaJJfonala tlllntl UJ• 1n lhl' t1t&nda 8Jld cbeer able-and trying to dttt'rmlne ' Ioiii' learn fiVH f• r a toul'hd()IA;'h. who they wtll f11vor ttiat has both NEWPORT BEACH CITY TAXII:S AND ASSESSM~NTS Nuw Ia tht• urne tor ur blgg'!st DeJOOcrallc and RcpubUcan lend- . DELINQlTENT FOR . Pfrr rt Let'll all Ret ~-b~r and I 1'11' lost in a fog or doubt 3!1 lh('y ~ FISCAL YEAR' ,1943-44 pul'h ~Pilrt' ro,. lh<··1944 t:WI'I'~· TRAer5t8 )ta.rrt.on. Jeannette 1 A 16.60 ~ATE OF CALJFORNlA { Flnt 'n'. A S.v. Bll:. ot Puadena, SEiy ~ 8 C 4.22 6 S... Bk. ot Puadena 9 C 10 01 COUNTY OF ORANGE as. · 6 Sav. Bk. o1 PU&df.'na. 'T1 E 14:98 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH EciM Fay. ·. · 28 E 66.60 I. ft. R. Hod&klruon, u ~:x-Orrldo Tax Coi.Jec1c':D/" and ror the at, ~f!nan. Diane w, · · -'TI P .... 450R of Newport ~.ct.. County ot <>ranee. Stet~ ot oml&, · • TRAer 772 HEREBY GIVE. NOTICE that, ~fauh ...hiving been made In the t..Yertch Maudt' RJc:twy for thP fL"<'al )('ftr ending June 30th 1944, upon the property herein· I paym<'nt of taxt'll and assessiTK'nt!l due ro the .City of Nt'WpOrt ~adl ubrow, ·Albert 26 13 4 11 155 :!.81 T H AIJS, · .. T ILA I K S·! , We wish to take this opportunity to thank our hundreds of friends in the harbor district for their · long and continued patronage .at The Florence Bakery . We also wish to commed to your kindly consideration the new owners, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Firbank of New York. Mr. Fir- bank learned his trade in the same establis hme nt as Mr. Reber and we know hi s .products will equal if not excel our bakery goods. Pre·ase giye them a trial. MR. and MRS. EUGENE REBER 305 Main Street, Balboa, Cali f. nflt'r dctlcribrd, 11nd that. un1H.~ Mid taxl'l'! and L'ISCSsmrnL'I 10 drlln-· SEASHORE COLONY tRAer , qu<'nt. IOKtlh<'r wilh all J)('naltles and rods due thereon. bC' paid at the 1 Tnx C'olii'Ctor'!< ()ffrct' In th<' City llall on or bl:'fore Fnday, Jull<' 30. O>thre~~, Olarlt>S D. ~~~~~~~~================~·~1944, AT TEN O'CLOCK A.M. of that day, all of said propt'rty de-O»thran .. Charlt'tl D. ; ~ribt'd In thr wrthrn list on which saad llUCes and 8S8('SIIIll<'ntl, penal· Diontanvllle. Albert F t--------"'!'-----oe:----·._-........ _,_ •• tle~1and costs '"' thc>n unpaid, will on the date snd the hour·~ f\ltnam. Raymond W. _ I llpt'Cirled BY OPERATION OF LA\\', he sold to. the Cny of Nl'wpoM -t-SE 15' or N Fi 20 4 5 7 7 16.30 ___________________________ iiiiiii;jj ______ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I fU~ NEI~ 10' 14 ALBACO I E FISHERMEN t St-ach, nnd that ~UI'h sal<' will be mad<-in thc OFFICE OF TilE TAX THIR_D ADDITION • COLLECTOR or lUml \ity 1 ~. Merit> ~- • ' - -R. R. IIODGKINSON. ' • . · Ex·Offrcao Ta.x Coll('('tor of Nev.·port 8(-ach. Califorrua.l ~ OCEAN FRONT TRACT • a-' I Lothrop, Ma us 5 52 lt'a no "CINCI" that Albacore will b@ with WI again thuo : NEWPORT BEACH TRACI' Hamilton, f.ranga D . 3 54 . ,.r. but we know lt'a a cincp you wUJ be ready and so • Total 1 Jordan. William W. t't aJ 6 56 '46 . 2.67 , Citizl'ns NKt'l Tr. & S:av. Bank or La!; Angel<'.!l 16 Citi.£1"1)!0 l'pl'l Tr. & Snv. Bank of Los Angclt•.!l 19 -Cillzf'n' N'l\l'l Tr & Sav.. Bank of Loi .A.n~k>s -25 19 59 Citrzt·n~ ='lal 'l Tr. & Sav. Bank or Los 1\ng\'11'); I , Swly 10' ~t'lhon;t, AU!;\ISt V. 9 74 I lay. Volney L HUl6 O m ·oll Junl' 19 R2 City or Nc>wf:lort Beach 1 ~ :1 97 :1 19 ~T.S 1 :.19 1:1.91 "71 wW we. • • · ! A-.d o.r-r Lot BJork =~~ FIB8T AD~mON TO NEWPORT HEI.GIITS : Landflrld, Jo'. L. 3 ·28 S 16.11 ftoy_L.__ _ ~. _ _ 5 23 . LAKE TRAer oorr.--ctuu-~ 10 24 I City of Newport Beach &>ymour, J~ph D. ~ 76 1 a.t.y of .Newport Beach 6·<» Ande~on. F1orence 3·21 IIJcall. Charles L. II 44 2 52 :l.52 6.12 7.75 10 130 4.19! ~a)'lor, Samu<'l F. ... . :.!3 35 · Beall. Charlt'S L. 11 130 4 191 -TRACP 919 12) 130 7.84 ~·'1:tQI&ILK._.......,....---,,.,.....,~---=::----·?-~~----A~~i~~ArliH~rl)---~YH} r W~~ 3 3 C a~ a • s•,_ON WU.., wuu.= H. ~tatP 4 ~ 3 rko Ia TOI'T(>, Alphonse ~de Ia Torre Alphonse ..t o?2 ' . Brown, Osc'Arr c:- 1}.30 :144 3.44 i ltlfe, Roy Em e«t 8oylt'5. Thoma.~ D. Ma~key, Ralph P. ~"'.no.&. EA.Jaa 9•49 f"fdfnrn. Donald B. 4 ~ 2 339 . · Lflter, Arthur c. 1 " 8 340 ~~ abftb. PhiUlp NW 1~.18' ol SE 638.78' ~x-A ~ m IJ ~ NE 1SO A: St.) 1.28 ac. 2 431 6.411 -• Williamson. Her~rt E. a 1J ~ • 0 a a a 0 Pf D 8 r 0 a V I () !_O a _Y --• Aant-Edward C lilly. 36' 7 635 5.94 L;;;;;;;;=;;;;:;:;;.;.;;::;;~~-~;.,_~_.~,;, _;;-;:,,.;:;1 -;-;I 1 e::-t< 1 • • 1 t • t'\1 1 Naeti'U, Marie E. -~;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;~;;;;~~~;;,. LANCASTERADDmoN A use •• Owaer Lot Bloek . I Patti"I"I!Of'l, Elmf'r DO YOU NJ:~J)·A N~-Plll<'rson. EIITK'r ~ DUPliCATI~n ~3'lfiNI A.--.d o-r n Card~ F M • AIPH"'F CH~ Glll'dnt'f. F M e .a AA~t.tG .... .a "'""'NE Ingi'I"'III, JOM·ph t't nJ ~uut ,..,. Sch(l('nWI\Irt, I larry e Fft.ING t'A•'"'ef Davas, \\'rlluun t:. - • OFFICE CHAIRI nr n.;,. of Tl·n_. 'lAR n:--.~n .. SECTION B TRACT 626 ACRt;AGE I.INnl.P:I 'M TOP OOVETAII. URA"'t:ll8 Sdu~•n\\ nlrl, flt•,,.to' 1-A•I ~~· "C ::'·11 !'l:\ In LAI 3, .!~H>·Ill s.-xl' ~~~ n( llud-nn 1 '3.11 2 331 Lot .... 12 430 13 4:\0 14 434l 16 431 ~ 5;j/J I 3 Ill !) .. ,h1l ~~~~ hy \'rll:1 \\ IIY ~""' • .......------- FLAT TOP DESKS "'fJEENAN'S HAS 'EM" . PHO•JE 743 TODAY •• " ···--lit '*""-' .. ., .............. .. ,..... ..... ... .. ......,,....._1 • II'Aftt:EL :-.;,, :.!~'\ ' T1'rpp, \',•rn•• A. I n 1'1~ )otr 111 1uw ::o· 11 \\'l r11•1 111 1119-1 1;>11 (I 11 ~'!-H;·IIJ !1;, N\\'ly 1•f :lOth. ~t. ~;\II ,111ol ·!1..' 4~ S\\ ly of Ct•nta nl An·. ' EAST ~l"ORT Sulh\'lln, Mnn· Ellf'n IS Hu!bt·~~. WaUII<'l' 0 ~· nl ~!I 1 Sub. of· Blk. A, Eut N""'POrt I B J 16 I Goock-1-11, Rt'x . r. Voerl. John F. 91 NEWPORT BAY TRAer Plurnnwr: Anthclny K. 3 PIUJUNtr. Anthon)' K. 4 ~. P.rcy c. .... ~6 0.,, L F 8ab o1 Blk. Q, Newport Bay Tnct 47 TRAer 1080 Newport ~ Corp. . IDMt Side ~ to Balboa Tr'Aet . (ud Otw!MT.-oatap Adj.) Poet«. Edwtn ' Wly % • ~ Potter. Edwin IAdl LoU 7 6 w~ 1At 8) v Poeter. Edwin NWlv 45' o1 SEI)' 110' ... ' ' . - A A 3 3 .. c 20 20 I ~·IJ I tJMlJ. John C. ,._t., W.,_n, C. P. o..a&a· Seward. Jeut. N. qwaey Mltehdn, Alfred W. I Btttla, Mary Agnes 6 I;. ~. H1rold R. 6 l!l Warden, C. P. 6 If; Wan:ktn, C. P. ~X'.! a.c:k, Wilbur 0. tit:; Buck, Wllbl.tr 0 . Buck, Wilbur 0 . Buck, WUbur 0. :r; ' .. \ TRACT 90'-UDO ISLE SWiy5' All lex. SWiy 5'1 SWiy ~ 11 145 179 201 308 69~ 970 1031 !076 1077 1077 107R ' RKCORD SURVEY-BEACON BAY (Imp. Only) H\ 1~ ,1 P1lmorl', Clart'n~ (', · · Longmoor, Walll'r l\1 Clark, Charlt"s 0 . 1~ 28 ,·, ·~ ACREAGt~ '2 :t!'l in I~ :!tH'-10 lxl. Nl~ .. ·., . & .\\'ly by Cit~ Limits. ,Sly h~· El :'llnl'ol T r. El) 'by llr~.:hlnnd St. Ext. CORO~.o\ llEL MAR I t,llzt'n!' Not'l Tr. & Sav. Bnnk (\( Los An~o·l<:~ 12 ' All 1 Inc pur. u( nllf'y artJ I '1, -~ CllizCn~ Nat'l 1'r. & Sa\', Bank or Los Angl'l':.; 14 • ,.~ A II 1 lnc. poe. of nll••y ;uiJ I Cltlaen.~ Mlt'l Tr. & Sav Rank or Los An~.:dl'~ 15 All 1 1nc. por. of alii')' adj l .:>: <:-; 0~ !1/at'l Tr. A: Stlv. Bank of Los AnJ:I'INI 16 All I Inc. por, of alley Adj I - 1 '1 ' 1 Ot.llms !1/at'l Tr. It Sav. Bank of Loll Amtt>lt>S 17 1 AU (lnc. pot· ol aJII'y adj I ~ ~~~ 1 BE-SUB. OF CO~N A DEL MAR I~ 1'11 a.tlw. rn-4 E. 11 IIAnldell, Crenvllie A. Sr. ~ LuldPIJ, Cl'ftlvtlJe A. Sr. NEly 10' 14 ·.!4 ~~ Y~. E, M. · 16 I Y~. & )(. 1 Hr; :\1 _.. tx.tcan ~· " SEly 10' 2 l fi~I::: . N~t:~· ~= s .... L. tfl :\4 41\ • • L. . 9.21 1 i 001101'fA DEL liAJt 1.42 1 at1 ,.,. .. _ .... ~ _"' ':" : •' ·JS 1\·35 A·:\5 A·:\5 A·35 ·35 35 1~ 136 1311 138 140 141 ttl 4. City of !1/t>wport Beach 7.S1 City ol Newport ~ach :·g; SmHh, John H11"'>: 'TI·45 Kmg. Marlon Louase City or Nrwport Beach To•-• City of Newport Beach ... Levlnt'. John Delln· Althaus. Kenneth L. qlleiM"f l Althnus. Kennt>th L City of Nt'wport Beach City of NPwport Beach 39.39 de Ill ToM't', Alphonse 8.09 1 de Ia Torre. Alphonse 1.82 &>iglt>, John A. 29.05 1 St>lgle, John 'A 56.54 St'agll'. John A. 4Q 43 Stranahan, AgnN~ S. 19 07 Stranahan. Agn<'s S. 7.90 McCutchan, Edith B. 13 20 22 7 20 20 11 4 20 22 15 11 19 21 18 20 2'.! 4 6 I 28.:.!51 1 14 J.!)l 19R TRACT 323 (Corona del Mar) P nrtliC'Ck, J06<'ph 0 . et al All II')(. Jlwy.) 4 t\lor~rt·~. \\'rllin m !l:'l 71 l\l"<lrl'~. \\'rllrflln 71!1ti:t I h>n n1• Earlt• G ·:t.J r.o TRACT 470 (Corona cJ.-1 Mar) All I f'X. llwy I I All (I.'X .'IW),I ' 2 ol7 ACREAGE Fnrlw>. llarVl'y J SEiy 35' of NW 5 15' t:-.=n. of I''H:' Cn: Hd I ··' 'Hro)()k,hll'l', \\':1yn1• lr ro•g. lot (f)()r of l'lt'l', \\11~ .1h.111d. I hd' S\VI) hy lllk. I 1. l'\\'ly by I'XI WI) linl' uf Ul'.:onia i\v, 540 543 ~ 1>36 637 643 643 736 736 737 737 737 737 731 737 737 739 739 741 s 1\ A II Jj 1 5(1 IU;.S('B. OF St.:CTJON I-B1\LBOA ISLAl\'D l'rrk•. C:llll,• S .(•! :II ' H\ 4 I ;'M.J l'I'WI'omh, LurJa (' f'l nl 7 II 1i)() 1.50 150 Srnrth, Gro. W l~lu·•l, A. \i . ~·.:C'TION 2--B.-\LBOA IS LAND 1:> 11 • SECTIONS-BALBOA ISLA..~D Malls. HarTy B. 6 Si<'Vt'rs. J . Paul 18 MtU"Shal.l. RAy V. 16 Bauer, Euaene A. ~ Easley. J. Bert t'l al 5 1! ~ Caldwt>ll, MiJlla~ A. 22 3 9 15 16 18 18 19 19 1 344 3.62 3.44 1.41 2.04 408 3.44 132 1.59 204 2.04 2 04 16.25 :l-.()4 1R.87 2 31 1 91 9 88 200 14 94 :l:i 37' II R9 ~. {)IJ II 15 :11.:>8 -41 37 :..'0.84 9.41 41.20 36.93 18.94 19.76 23.66 21.04 SECTION '-BALBOA 181AND ~·~ Naylor, F'rank ' 3 • 11 27.93 17·R9 1 HnrnliOO. Janc W. Nb' % 22 14 13.S6 5,RI I All prorlel"\y hereinbero~ described Is altuated in the corporate 1 :\.!2 kmJu of th<.' ClTY OF f'EWPORT BEACH, COUNTY OF ORANGE :.!....,,STATE OF CALJFORNLA. . • , . 4 60 Datt'd thi' l'i~thth day of June, 1944. -._ R. R. HOOOKINSON,, I Ex -<>Indo Tax. Co&J«tor, N"'POC't ae.ct\, Calli~. CPubiUiwd June 8, l!i, 22. 29, 1944.. _ ' • 6R 97 19 ~ 29 l -i NF.WPORJ ;,BA LUOA NEWR-TIMES. Newport !!!· C_al_if_om_i•..:...· ...:.T...:.hu~nd.;:.;:.;;a:Ly!..., J;..:u::.;n;,:.e..;:2:::.2:_• .:...:;19;..:4..:..4 ________________ ,._ ... ,;::.~·i...e•~ •TIIIIEI a•E •• AT -~~~~::. •• J::L:~~·~:a_,~,£WS-TIMES CLASSIFIED OPPOITIIITIES MESIIEFOI£ -EIVIIOII ._ ._001. .oJ(M I fMlorfftc, or ...tlutldtftl of~ • I · Oranp county board ol .. .u..r P'O'I*l when u~ve&Mbk .,nater ae.w ~ tor the pur-~~~~~~.-.:; _•_•_.R_E_l_D __ F...::..O_I_...:..P...:I.:..O.:....::...F..:..I..:..T_•_•_· 1=-S.:....=.E_· F.:.....:.O..:.:I:....--=1-=E:...:I:....:I:...l=-T.:....:..S_•_ vilorl plaN to vialt t~ lite o1 the laJ would be IOI'ted out and eold. ehaw ot IChool bon&!. In the mm ,dloal buildinp with l'\lmltu,.. or ncently . Htabl~ dumplnr and that 1M~ would bejot 1100.000.00 cl ttw N.-port JMC!8UI'Y appllnt\IS ol. ,..-rna· 110.\1'8. St"PPU!ll n-· ...... ,._.,. ...... _.,_ lf'OU"d on 19th St., a 'lhort dia· worked over lnto the ravilw and BeKh Sehool Dlatrict ot Oralalf' nent natw-.; ttw penNUM!ftl IN· 11'4&4' "~"' • .., ~ DD&ft&so tanct' wm ol Monrov1a Aw .. i eowred ove.r. County, Cllllromla. will be re-I pl'O'II~nt o1 the IIChoel ~ .OATS II. 1. ~·ht and Tt&ct.d-w ,., N1'1':0 ~rtrl•nct'd hnl .... J FOR 8ALIC- wblch !. be1nc proCest~ by aboUt Supervilors ,..fused to take ac· celv~ by the Board of Supervls· 'rie pi'OCHdtnltl for the 11111\1•~ ltarhw 1-:ntr~nn an<t l'aoota k f ad Ita d cb kl 80 families rnld1q within 1000 1 tioll on the pJ"'pCCHd revocation ol"' ol Oranae County, Cal~i•, o1 said bonds will be aubmlttf'd for IIIARlN~. S,i !.".'AuF. ANn 1 7 Hper ~~~ 11 110t4.811 r 1 1 t ' ORAND VO:W LOT Wll! AR& IIPIICllt.UBT8 IN yardl ot the pf'OPO¥d dump. until aft~ they have vi~ the up to u.o'clock A. M., on the 5th I approval to O'Melvf'fty ud Myers. wro A'O. I yn . 1 ' <' • ' va e P'or a,...tment., Yaana n . on T.H~Inl AND POUR ftOOII A u.e pennit wu ~t~ *' alte. They plan to study the C01ta day of July, 1944. 1attomeyt of Loll Anaelt'tl. Call· 1010 W t'~nt rat A'" Ph 2SM·W rnom. bath and r;atllc•. No laun. Uarruj>rtt• Ave . Cnrona di'J Mar. Ot1!1TIT8 Havt an att.raeUw month fo rthe aanltary district to Meu lltuation._n dexpect to take Each ol aald bonds shall be•tomla, and thfo opinion of sald.-t· Ntwport ANu·h. Calli dry For July and Au&. Refer-11.000. ttl,_.,_ outnt •' up'*'-Ia h t II H If t ctJ I th I t1 o1 da ~ J I 1 lfM4 nd ah ll I llhed r,-tw enr... SalU)' fl2~ per mo. 8H Tht. at ()nee t t t ..... UN t e wo an a a ·acre trac 1101\'M! a on a e coni nua on t u y 11. • a a 1o~ wUI be l'\lml to . 2t.tfc I 1 11 11,. NrwJl<•rt l:l4I·W belwr.-n Otlr 1 01'1 or '10U o ...._,_ for a dumplne arround and the ~ ~rina ~eheduled tor 2 p. m· bear lnterftl at a nte of not to 1~w bidder without ch-.r'P· W . J. HOLCOM8 like It would looa& lD rour llMM • dump wu placed In....,.. early lhia next Monday. .ext'ftd five pei'Ct'nt 15~) peri AII bida mu1t be unconditional. BOATS F'OH S ALF. 16 rt. a b'-to 10 am. ami 8 p.lil. •~·:llr IMT Caut Hll way • tw•nty.one pa.e.e fw am.IO, month. Rt'sl~nla In the lmmt" annum. ~able annually for the A Clllrtlfted or call!\ler'a check n. ctnttr·b<~ar.l n 11 b, at built tfli:I.P WAN'f'Ef). Doy or mall C ••ona ckl Mar, Calif. Low .. t t...,..., n.. clillvtl')'. dlate vicinity lut week fiLed a pro-Supervisors Give Unt ye~r the banda have to run for a IUm not , ... th-..:t thrH per by Tom lllturar, ullld ooe .e•· lntr~'<'lh•d tn .,.,1rkln1; In a nun. "Whe"' t.he P1ap Jl'ly" :rtr Mc.Maban'e J'\lntltuN CD., llld tHI petition aaalnat-Htablllhment Jhd lftrii·aMually there a.f t e r,' cent (311.) fll the par value of the aoe. 12 ft•. Weldwood cenler-ery Nnrtran Nureerlu, 13th I"'R SAL.& ln Corona del Mar. ud Broadway, ..... AM. <:do ol tM dump. and yesterday the au· Beach Life Guard which nte ot lnterftt shall be de· bonda bid for, payable to lhe order board. Sl:\0 11192 SniJ'X', ma· C'out H\p¥o•ay, (\)rona del cnmpletely f\lrnl&M. S.bed..-tomla. It-t!• penrlaon call~ a hMrinc on poa· tennlnf'd upon \M ..W ot aald o1 the 'l"'reuurer ot the County ol laopny bull. lalla for all lD Mar 4t-tte uble revocation of the use' per Patrol' Cooperation banda. at the of~ ol the ,.,..... ara ........ muat M't"CCmpany each bid. lood condition. lnqulno VIII• I -=· c:=~:. ·~:~c.~:· ... n.;:: ro.!_l)',,., ~.10~--...... --... ~. nalt. urer o1 ~County, <;allfomla. .. .:-~arantM that t.tw bidder. If Yvt~~a. U ·tfcf "":u · WANTltn o 1r1 for 1en· ..... -......,. • 1lw superviaora' meetlne room --Said bonda a,.. OM hundred ~ will accept and pay tor enl ofllce work. t to ~ U.r· el«. ~,..._ .. lllove. :r-oar ..,...., • -.IIIlo&. ... wU nearly fUled by the protftlt· Expanaon of the 11'eru&r4 fa· (10()) ln n~. ol One 1llouaand aald bcJnck ill~ with lM IIPORT FlSKERMit.N ald t~. M. D., 2110 W.O.. WndKk. ~a.toa· J uiJ Ia. II'Oft BA.L&!-a.u•U'U A:a;di: lUlU, Wbo Weft r.p'IMftted by At· c:IUUM ol nve OraAp COUD Dohan 111,000.00) each, payablf I temw ol ukl bonda. and audl .lt.'l"nUC''tWE 32-n . C'latom tnl Ave.. Newport U.ach. ~~·.:~::0~ = ~: "..~ Iter nlf· tall: ... llnl" ...... tomey Winthrop Gordon, who u · beacb cltla will .-t" comp'et. u follows: check Mall 1"1'11\Ablln UW banda~ buGt Sport Flahnman. Bull\ 1-'tloot IOU ••ltc r--.._... "" • --~ bed WllUl ...... tad _.. tHUd the IJ"'UDdda had bHn es· and adequate patrol for b&t!MN Bondi N011. 1 to 5, lnclualve, ukl 'I'rMaJftr untJJ all ol aai!l 111'7. ~ood condlUon. 12-cyl. -----1\Mfila u4 Oout HAP-Y· C'ar· tn•. Arellety-. ..._. ,...,.. tabllshed In the IIM6a1ol a~ aloa~ the l!llt1ft -' U.. W U.. o-11tousand Dollan NCh.. t~ bancll are pad far. '"-Board ol 14'coalm;: motor. l've bait L08T AND I'OIJND ana del ~~-__ • ..r.ue J10rt 11T. ' , .. residenUal area. lD wh.ldr many ~ement offered by the board run 1 ~ar: ~ ;wwnn * ri&ht a. tub. 2 fl'thlnr cbatn , alee~ LOIIT _ hoot c.ar llcena plate P"'R BA.LID-Ia OorcMa del ar., pei"'Iftt ud ~ aublt.anUal la· ot IUpentl.on .. acceptJd.. ~b Bonds. Noa. 6 to 10. lnclualve. ...J-et MY .... aU w.. . br. PtiC!' $32:10. Tbla .. a wWI OMcer'a lleeue att.cl.ed, VONtment. and that their proper city baa been Ulllpecl a ~Uk C>ne 1boul&nd pollan each. to I 'ftw totaJ ..... UOII ol taxable faod buy F. r turth~r ll\!<lf'm.· betW«tD 8 lt.,lt..A.D. .,. N-· 11 • w attnctlve. 1~ tiH were beUic dli.JMpd by ~ terTttory to .upervW. &D4 protect run 2 Y"": pnpeorty .,...... ..W Newport tie IH Earl w. Stanlr., 223 port. calllonla Ue•l'lllt· ~ .b~. rompletel'1 ~ •· prewnce of a public dumpine t.brourb enlar1em111t of Ita own Bondi N011.· 11 to 15, Inclusive. Beedt Sdloal DUtlict. In uW ~· An . Balboa bland. Newport litO--ft.. tf..at.o m.-.late P ' alun, 56.710 . .Pall crounc1 facilities. The ntft eoet will be 1 One 1bouMnd Dol1&n Nch. to Q61ty o1 Oranp. Stew o1 cali· ~ N~wport 17,_ 2lC _ _ __ •. _ 8'72·W. or .-.uare Car. iGr· J'Oa 1.\1&- Gordon uked ,..~lion ol the bome by th'-cOWlty. run 3 yean; fonda. Ia J:Sewe Mllllaa. NIM ---· _ TaANSPOilTADON «"nil" and Cout Hlp-.r. ............,.. permit on dte ~ the dump Tbe cout line. whlcb anaually Bonds Noa. 16 to 20, Inclusive, HunclrM St-wnty·Slx 'J'tlouU,nd, •at. R£D WING M<i>TOR -• eor.a deJ Mar. ~e J'Oft ~1..&-LAcMM Mel ....... would be Uftlichtly, would redUce entert.alna miiUona ot vial ton, bu 1 One '11\ousand Dollan each. to ...__ Hu.nd_. JVteen J)oUara N•rtv new With acea.ort-BlCYCur8-8o&d, ;;tad cw-,; · ......... ~ -.....a W ...... ~ • .__ ... ·-..,... • P'Oft BAI.JI!· One bun..__.. ,.._. "'~ "nR •-: -the t"Sthetlc and COI1'1Jnerdal value been divided .. follow•: -sea n.tn 4 ye'an: (..,.. -•~a.oot, and that the t~ C:.U. Wallace, Kendall'• Bnat paJr.d. V~l'a, ICM Malia 8t... ~ ._ -1 • 1 .,.. ----N I .. _ .. _ 21 -lncl -• ., .. _, .. ,..,. • ............... __ ......... M ... _ • trunt• ... HJ-wa'1 '01 ... ot .,._ pow-.--..... of thf' homes n the nel&hborhood: Beac~. u. lt..D .. IH CouDty l&ae DUI1Uill Noa. to ~. . u .. ve, atnoUnt o1 ttw outatandlna bonded •ard oear lt.n:hra, or 102~ W . ....,_ '""" ..,., anae ".--. -..· ... • ,.. ,,... ~ ... 1 ....... ... ...-t ld t da •-'""----·---.a Do"--h -.. ,.__. D-1'---,.,._....,. •• ... frocn Tbe lt.rehea. h etorv -- -a.& -· ,.-. wou crea e a nJ"rous menace ... erly to Lo• o..t:~~~ Rd. to tbe VI"" • ........,... ....,. NC ,to lndebUdnea o1 •ld khOOI ..,... ...,_raJ A\t,, Ntwport Beacb ---· ........ ., •• u .... --·---. • ..._ h alth th h I -.~ • ,. • atore elte, ••,010. .._, -.._ -- to e roue attract oo ""I w..t jetty or the But& ADa run "yean: trict Ia <>ne H\andred leftn Jtp .. _.,._ nts: and that It would create un-IUnr; Ne!VJlOrl Beach. S&Dt& Bondi NOll. 26 to 30. lndualve. 'Iboul&nd Dollan cat07,000.00), aAJW REAL IB'I'A'IS D. c. -~·Nil& piHIIant odonl. H• dlaraed 'that Ana fth,.;r t.O and tnducliDc ~ One 1'bousand Doll&n ead\. to By order el 1M Beerd.,...,... lt.lNS --Gu li4d ba.lt tuu: 108 IAL&-1801 NewPort lllw4.. ~ type of lnatallatlon was not ln· tal Cove Beacb: Lapna Bead•, run 6 YNI"': viiCift of ~ OoJ.tf'lY· Call· ,.. lAd rerla; bra.N and ral· o.la M•• ••uc ·WE IP'illdiAU!IIf li ...........----.._ h.onded to be placed in ~ rnidat of Cryat&l Cove Beach to o.-Bonds N011. 31 to 3!5, lncluslw, tomi&. June 6, liM. = pipe and pipe tltUD&. roR ISALID-N-t-..-.._.., eete .... ._. ana-... a valuable f'Hidenllal ana un~r Point· San aemente Dana PoUlt OM 'nlousand Dollars each, to (SEAL) B. J, SMmf. • •Marine equlPfPenL UOl 13e 4th at .. a..l .BM.eb. Ia· FOR aAU: lt.ttncUve wat.r llart l*kllli JuM If ..i - the county's zonlna ordinance. He to &n Dleao couat~ llDe nm 1 )'MI"'; County Oeril ud ex-otfido ODut Hlrbway, Newport qui~ Mra. DoroUay MacDauld. =~ ...... .0.ft. '!:!'!.~-••• -..S::: tbd ucl lint ...... -'hi: u~ that the sanitary dl_atrict_ The bouDdri•• w·-· deter· 8onda NOll. 36 to 40, lnclualw. CS«tl d the Board o1 Supe~ lleacb. tic: lOU W. Bay A¥e .. Newport r··~-,..., OoJta 11-. .....__ ith '" obtai I d I ' ~· ~ ,...__ ---~--... ,..,._,__ h IMKh. llp wtU., ,.., Ul4 ...... a.~--' -e e. n an n ~ mol"f' mtn~d a~ a epeclal meeUn~ or tbe ...,.._ • .-....,....~ N C • to o1 <>ranee County, C.Uf6rnla.. roll llt.LE Collw buUt, No. teo · ·r ---=:-:-:~=:-::=--=-==--_: L.o;;olat~ plas:e or that It should board of .t~upervllora wltb .Frank run 8 yNn: · Publllh Newport-Balboe N~· ract111 bull, wlt.h, tntler and FOR Blt.U: ~room coualrJ and ..Ud'• 1'0018, I llatllla, .._.. W~ tD _, · u: lan~ In lu own sanitary dis· Crocker. N ewport lit" JU&rl On floJ\da ~41 to 45, Inclusive .. nnws June 13. Ul. lQ, 22, 77 and U... N60. lin.' Puler. at home. ~ ac~ Mule a11d fU1D :!:lion. Prtee 111,100. -~~ .. rf_..., ..... ___ _.;;;..;o t ct. e sanitary dis trict II not chief; Mayor Tboma. B. Talbert e Dolla.rs . Mcb, to 29, t!M4. • Bay Sb~. Loor Beacb, caltf. equip. P~IIJn •• eooo u Elt.ftL w . .,. .. .,. -y ..... a....._ • _. .. _... ~~Ja~tt_looutht.e dwnplna ,rounds. and Clly Attorney Ray H. n......r. run 9 yean: ,..... --41-ltp d alred Prw:. e-_..... OU'I,._ · _.... .._ '"" ....,.. • ..,. k H ""'"' Bonda Ncla. 46 to 50. lncluahfe, ~~-tNVI'I'INO BU. • _ e · ......,, '4 -.. .,..... Aft. ....._ a-.. & lprt 'rd Cll&. .... 1t. number of rftidenU of the ac er of unUngton Beach. One 1bouaand Dollars· ead\, to """''""'... FOR 8AUt-10-tt. boat wlt.h oul· b&l 12~ per-mo. R. 0 • C'b&aa· ....._. Newport 171t 4&1 fCIIt...... ..... ..... al"f'a also apok t th board In ....._ 10 llloal'd ot Good :"tl be" 111)0 Ne. wport"Bivd.. o.ta ---··rM ¥ e o e ..,.,. • ND yean: . SNJ~ ~or bldl will be m or. ef'CI ... oa. Mea or owner 24U -ru.t1D ~R 81t.Ut-No •-•at•-n .... t _; J'Oa~--ADIOI jrcllon to the establishment of the 8UY WA" aONDe Bondi Noa 51 to 55. ~~ve. recelv~ by the Oty Council at Ow 101 ttb 8t .. Balboa. ••up .... , "'' -.._ ::' dump. One said a dUR)P had been (g ~ _Dollan e-.:n,· to City ol Newport 8Mch. ealifomla. NOTte• An., CoM.& Ue• ... ltc value: A bome Uld ....at M,.. I"'ft ~ ~-It' I *• ... maintained .In that &fta about 20 rUIIU. yeal"', at or before the ~r 011 4 o'cleell 1.aAdJorde of Balboa Balboa 16-•'OK Blt.l.E Corona del Mu ID· ..-. ll6,19'-elM.: tlfl. ~ ,....,.. 411'7, yean aao. and that rats had been z-'ftlenpy, Jledkel ~ Noa. 56 to 60. lncluaive. P. M. on July 3rd. lfM4. ror a con· 1ua Co · · come property. four eompMite · · D. C. M•K&NZt& a. a a.eri.oUa mma.cr at that time. aftd M·-p, '8..u.ll ..... C>ne Thousand Dollars Nch. to tract COYerin .. the publication and ~ S:nha ~l~r &lid t.-UtJ _,.,. ... h~ oa uu-.. IMetN..-port Blvd., only recently had bt>en ellmloated. lap. B,..tro Tberapy run 12 yNJ"'; ' .... •--c n ..... -.ed In lbfo loU. 0.. unit· f\lrntaMcl. au Ca111a .... ' ••uc J'OR a.Jt.La-•• ,.... _.... ... Ddmdln~: the choice of the lire Bondi NOll-61 to 65. inclusive print rna or all leota! not~ ~ Bou~ CloUt Apartment Owner& ban wall 8111.1 nOOI' rum.a.ce • -w.otw. pUll\. = .... U.. ·u the tsest available wel"f' Le-Spedal Tnetmenta for One ~ Dol1&n ch t • qull"l'd to l>t' publish~ In a ""''11· lt.MiodaUoo. writ. Box~-. Bal· ... __ .. unlt ltoa.a. two __... __ ·. WHAT WILL YOU OJ?al few .... .. tere.. ~ 8 • 0 p a p e r of aeneral circulation ...... calif ........ ·.-, ._.._ .___ lN lOY lt.ndei"'Ifl, attorney; F. a. Ove;wel'""t. Underwe•'""t ND 13 years; -. • .. 1t..c 1nCOCill' ··III:JOO -r mo. o..~e \hie randa tn. CoMa .... , • .--..... w . ........ ... ,.., print~ ancl publlshed In the Oty • ,... • ...... t Owen, secretary, and C. W. Te· Bonds NOll. 66 to 70, lncl~lve. ol Newport &ach. for the flkal 111'11JAftON WANTED--520,000. Tl'r u.a Call Newport ac rae of rk!h aoll, ~ to -lJI-....-::.iii.ta. ..,0. •on.l ..._ Winkle. l"'"'deru of the sanitary Gene Morl-hem One Thousand Dollara Mdi to di ~ -JOtll lNS Bkll 6'72-W. 4t·tfe. wUb boc ..... lood wat« ... --..... -:: -· DD ---district. "8 run 14 yean; ' ~ar en na.. .. une · · WORK Wlt.NTI!:D-I:Itpe~ ''lenty ol pre.u"'· "-1\u ~-...., •-•• -_. Zone Therapist Spedali.lt . ahall be submltl~ for elcht 18) 1 ...._. ___ ••d ,_ •·mt..-.. eudor, tft ...._ .. I J 'M etr. Ancterson said the l'il.e is the be· 1 Bondi N01. 71 to 75, lnclusave. point 1 Bn'Vier) t.)'Pt' publicatioN. rall.able J1rl will can lor child. FOR 15/t.UC ~·rm. modem bouel, ~ -· • "' --. CllllliUile., a8d .,.... arwu-ae &innin& of a dct•p ~lly which has 1 ... .._ IDa..._. ..._. One Thoull&lld Dolllll'!! each, to All bids must be ~claled In rea put··-)' F4 eyftl1Dp; ..a.o double lol, nice locaUon In Cor· lndudlnl «.tee. "'"laenw and wtUa a.partaa.&t\7 w:• been UM'd as a.t;1 unolfldal dump-nm 1.5 yeal"'; · ae~ enveiOIJ" mark~ "Blda for do llpt hou.work. Call N-· ona del liar. M". Ma;, ,..,.....", ra~~.,-: .All ll¥NtMk 10 wltb · · .,. 111 _.._ .. me arounda for ycal"'. He ,Mid Bondi NOll. 78 to 80. Inclusive, bUcall ol ~ notlcft." and port 223t·M. :rtp TOO Heliotrope. l'bone 4TO.M. , deal. lmmedla~ p •••too, the sanlt.ary district pla.nned to I TeleplloM Mal One Thouaand Oollan each, to :Uddreeaedon '\o t'he o. t)' Cound1 ot _,..RK WA............H•-b t6-ttp ...,_. Newpon en.w. ••tfe hau.l the truh collected to the run 16 ~an; ...,.., , .. • ._,.... .. eebool Bondi N011. 81 to 85, lncluslw. the Qty ol Newport BMch, Call· ~-wanla ~ cia;, wwk taktq J'O& lllt..L&-S..Cb .._ 12100. 11'01\ &lt.L&---OO.ft, fJGM • 'JC..,. One 'lbouaand Dollan Nch, to r~:· fort'golna notice shall be ~ or cblld"D .. PboDa N-· Tenna. peri 81¥11 .. eo.t.a Wt!:~a. ~ TELEPHONE OPERATORS NEEDED l r:u~·~.t~~:: 86 tcl'90. Inclusive, I' publlabed to ~~ N.-port Balboa -~ 1411-.l A8·1t~ .'~'U':.:edho~:~;~';;l~~ =, locaUC: ~~O:·aNZI& One ThouMnd Dollan; each. to Nrw~·"nmt>s ana Nt>Wport·Balboa WORK WANTED Job carinr for $:.1800 00 • 1808 ~.Wport Blvd. run 18 yeon;: • Prt-s.": tlfll'<' a Wt'('k for two con· cblldren durin,; July and lt.uc. ·0 . c. Mect<ENZIE en.ta M•aa •t·llC Uond" Nns. 91 IO 95. 'inclusive !'<.>cuuvr wN'kt~ priur to July 3n:l. Balboa ~~ Balboa Jala~~d. Dox 114011 N"WI"''I Ulvtl.. ~-------------------------. ~rvt~ men ud war workers are aJI dependlnc upoa o._,. &Iris at the switchboards. Good pay "'h!J. ~Knl· "-& ud ~r lntnJUet~ * * * .. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE ~0. -~ · ·· One ThooMnd Dollan; ··ach. to 1!»4, h) urdt•r of the Oty eouncu I 184, lofonltbc'Jio. C&llf . 48·2k' I 'OIIta ..... 411 n. run 19 yt>an<· of lhr Caty or Newport &act! I Bo d! N • 96 100 1 1 .·. I dah'<l June• 5. 1~, I ,-----------------"""!!~-----.. I On.-n ~ou:~d ~llan.' ;~~~~I\<'~ I ~AI'-'(..~1 kL frcti~EIIc~RT.... TO I AY'S. BEST run 20 yrnl"l'. ... tl y •·r " t e aly "" . N•·~110rt IJ;>n('h · Thl' bonds wall b<' sold ror cush l'uh Junt 22rul and ·:.19th. IIH4. . only, and a l not ~~~ than par a.nd accrued inlert'lll Each bld ni.l$1' MO"£ WANTS stale that lhc biddt'r off~par k n.rnl I'On11umr r ~tnnda ..urveye and accruro lnlel"f'llt to the datt' of ho~.aebold ll«'m,, <•a.aed on re· 1 of delivery a.nd r~tate M>p!lnltcl) epon11u ot lklme •~ natlunall)' .. rooT IIRJOOE DEC& M'HOOI"'ER ...... Ia ... 1 • lh<' premium If any. and tht> rate ~pr«'ttentallvr (amUlet~. llllow lm· or lnterftt offered for said bonds. mediate needa and futun dulrn Each bi« shall be at a llingl~ rate of Mn. A.meric._. Thla lnfonna· •P'OO!' t'AN·t'AJL ol .ln1.ereaL ~ bid Cor two or. .t._ w.a~ ~· .. e -plde Ia fll--i J'IUIINO 110.&% ____ --(IIO&.D) more rates ol Interest will be l"f'• n1ng production tnc~ue~~ u tacll· j('ct~. 1lle purpose!! for whkh lUes become av.U.ble. t18.1d bonds were vo~ were and Apply: 100 E. Bay Ave., Balboa -+---'JI& ----~·"'*No ..... ~ --.,. fOf' ~ -pulp(I->-Ol-llallllD,II~ money -for the .puri:b&s.ll\&_ achool lou: tht> bulldinr or pur chasing or school buildings; the OF SEVEI SEAS . ~'f. ewt¥~ YMIIt Broker ll'J Cout HJCftway Phoae, Newport B4!adl 949 AVAILABILITY CEJITIFIOATE UQUIRD • IJIAJUNE Wlt.Y8 ... IJIAJliNE 8AI.YAUr. I maklne or alterations or additioN! to the AChool b4lldinr or bulldinp. other than suet! u ma,y be neces· IIAC ~ !........-----------------------! aary for current maintenance, op·j.;~~~~~~~~~~~.:_~~~~K~THE~~A~TI'~~A~C~K~~· ~· ·~~8~U~l'~II~O~RE~~BO~"~D8~~ SNOODLES <1 oat ot to people r..t Neft.n.e. CIMIIIIed Ma.> ~Cy Hungerford Go..t..'t' ! NEVtR ( ~ KRoS DOROTHY DARNIT _ _,,I """..,=-u ~ t -:-5;: v.r A MAN RuN 0 \/Ef\ MI~S£LF (A glaace proves the leadenhlp of the New.'nme~J. B~16is "fiLL. "" lslr lo ~ 'fA fW\ITE HAV A t1RAt<€ oow.-., --------~ ·By Charles McManus R A D I 0 S.E R V I C E I lonv, Auto, Marine RAdloe R.rpall"t'd. t.cartM DeCt.ridan Burt R. Norton 1111 oe-& HIP_, ..._ ... , ' Professional Dirrctory Gordon M.~ndy, M.D. Phylkl•n an4 lureeM Ninth ani Centra: Ave. OffiCe Hri::lo.tt a."'.; 1·1 ;."'. Yelepllone S7 LEROY P. ANDERSON ATfO .. N&V AT LAW CMt• MeM aank 8ult41nt ·~ """-.in coeu M-. c~lfentla HAROLD ~ CRAUEL CHAPEL "W" OUrwelv• tbe a.tter larN .'BY &.rvlnr Olben BHt'' liltheM Newpert Mi C-.t• M-Callf-la BUY NOW City Tas Sale Lob A. J. TWIST 107 co .. t Hlthway lltttene Mal CO .. ONA DKL Mit." ~onrad Rirht•, M.D, lltllyelal•'! •M lu....- Oftlee ,01 ..,., .. ..... ... -, ..... .... Heu": '~" a. m. A f.a It· "" lll'tiMea Offlet , II 1 R... 14-.1 DR. G. E. TOHILL PHVIICIAN •':"' IURQ&ON .. C.•t .1¥11., ........ ...... _ ........ _ Of''-•·w ,. ... •·R If Nt._ C.K ........ I Dr. M. D. Crawford OPTOMitRtiT Eyee Ellul... 01.-,_.. 1m lf....,.rt • .... ,.,.. ......._ MM COITA M&IA BALTZ MORTUARY I CHAIIt&L ay TH& I&A 410 CeHt 81v4 .• c...... •. ..... .._~ ...... llttl-"e N.W,.rt 41 DR. ODED LUCAS -~ Dentist • Hft'/r w. ""'~'· "'· .... JIQ;WPORT IIF.AC'II WHQ'S WHO II HARBOR DISTRICT FIREPLACE AND KINDLINQ WOOD_... tl W Wrl.ht, n-. Npt. Ulvd., C::t>llt& ..... a 11....,-t .. umbf'r:. Ph. fiM-J GENERAL CONTRACTO"- r;•,r•l•m II Jo'lndiAy, :\411) C..ntUt lltvd Ptl &02. f'laua and Onnlltn1ctloa. J.LI MBER COMPANIE:t-r·,,.,,. Mr-"" !.tor r.. "fAt ua hlllp )'OO r lan your hnmr." Phonr 48 1111v rrllll rltt J.uml)l'r C.o. Phone 1100. Coul tt~«t~way •t lt.rcboll. 0 ,-F'I C[ IUPPLI~t- N•-wa;.>rt llarhor f'uhl .. hlna Oo. Phon .. · 12 • 11. N..,;,port DMeb. PRINTING-• N•-w.J>t•rt Harbor Pubtlahlnl 01 Pbonf•: 12 • 11. N-powt 9Moll. "EAL KI'TAT~. INIU .. ANCI & NOTA"V lltU8&..1C-,\. lAw H. WaJI~. U02 W, O.tnl A..-... ...._. I. .. u•·~· .. ITAMIIti-NfW1111Drt H.,_. Pubttllb ... 0.. ~: lJ . 11, M...,.t .... IHi&T M&TAL WORK- Y\ele .......... --............. 0... ............ DO. VA"I.n noRa-' ~ ~ v....., ... -. *· ......... ,._ au.-w • . , - ·I . ---- r: , t._ lllllt NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES, Newport .. ch. California, Th\11'8day, June 22 1944 ----------....------------------------------, ----~-=:...:_ __________________________ _ Elsie Newland Announce~ New Officers -----At Meeting of -Newport Circle Held Wedn~day IIWe N.wland, c~ at Ule llle ot WUUa.m Jacu~a. U.. .m~ IIOI!)lln&t\aa ~ttee of tbe lion&r)'. rrom ~ Look The Blind lfewpcrt Cll'cle. reported t!-e tte-Earle or Bumia. ........ ot tbe foUowtlllr otftcer1 ldrL D W~ Ho'tby. 1!)18 Ocean tor tile ~Ia& ,.a' ~ Froat. Newport Beac:b. wu ha. Hy I , at tile 11Metf111 or the teee to u~ Mu(amu E. D Govd· Orde beld JUDC lt. 11M oew, ell, ·LADe Hammack, Je»epJ Bod· I ~ 'lllllt I!I .Mn. Jo.pb ~. IliAD, 8. Wethert.crd, WWiam EUit , .tee ......... l llra. W. 8. H... R. H. Hill, E. R. HUla, Ivan .-kl'l" •. ~ lt.ra. ft. H. HOI Qoawr, and tbe Mle•u Wilma ... tr.alnt' Mn. J. H. MUlL Bybee and EWe Newland. After tlaM M~Dt WU 1=-Iarbor Feminine Activities Virginia Barnett, Society Reporter • 'Phones 12 and 13 • Residence Phone 1220-W ----------------------=--=.:.:....:........:.._ __ 287 Down 113 to Go Wltll •II of ua ke~ing tun~d Western Cowgirl, Sculptress and Artist •• Finds New Outlet for Talents Here (BT ........, L. BENEDICT) to tile tateat word of the In· WC'Sll·m cowgirl has found a no·~ vaaton, we ue acek•ng ne.. IIIJtlt•l Cor ht'r love and Uftdi'r-waya to t o our there •t home. Urgent Need For Workers at Red Cross Room Badboa Wand residents are ~eod to patronize the ~tew R('(t t crou IUrgic&J dreuintt room whlch ia open from 10 a. m. to ..... ~ -rM4 from co . liN. J. J. Atwood cr Uplaod and e MING EVENTS Tile Blood Billnk Unit which slunding for hnn:~>s, In the i)ft'fl'c- .a. Alice Hucoa or At.I&DUc .OitJ. 11M "hJtll Jar," wbleb .. P'IUDAY-~ to Ud wHb current e&peUH. Red CTo. workroom. 111 Palm, 1 1 will millkt 1t1 flr..t vlt lt to I 1'111 of form In her moc:lels on dll·· Newport H•rbor on July 10, 'play at her &1ft pottery shop, 600 muat h•ve 400 dcno" to make C'ntl'il Rlvd., Corona del Mar. the trip down from Loe An-lleor s<'ulptun'<J horses have •·oo gete-we t evt quar•ntecd •·~·fll.:nltino In Chicaco and Ne~ 1 4 P· m. at 313 Marine avenue. The room is open on Wednt'lldayt and Thursda)'!l. Attl'ndance is slackenlna and the nt'ed for work· en is areat. Make it a habit to tpend aeve ral hours a week at this work for our boys. WM OIIIIMd and Jtdclecl 1%4.06. Ba.Jboa, opm 10 a. m. to • p. m , "fte ......_,.._ •• -naJ boll •wlnr. -~·ud fouact to C(O'I· IIONDAY-.... P _..Ida w ill be ueed ~rd fWd Crou workroom, J 11 Palm tiM .,pport or the Bible Woma.a Balboe. c pea 10 a. m~t,o • p. m., Ia CO: IDa. • IUrfieaJ d,_ID(t Otber aettvttiee lDeluclecl ftJllnr R~ Cro. workroom. 313 Ma· elll a b1 1 hlp c&l"d with lDdt· r1ne Ave .. Ba'boe leland, opea 10 tllet many. ao._ we muat pro· ~','i.~:f} ~~~..:.~~~: ~~ ~.: du~~ Whillt "'11etttr or mor~ ld 1 f _ ... _ , 1 · 1H1r . n ormt'r )t'Bn .,ov le\J,p· tangible w•y to fee we are tllrPd in MC'Ielstone, a oompoaltlon Its Retiring' President Ebell Board Honors Double ~ing Ceremony Unites Betty Crocker and joseph De Temple . a.u, ~ller and ncb. Set. I Amonc the rupta Included were J~ph De Temple were united Staff Set. &Del Mrs. 1..-lw BeD· nett, Mn. ~ lA Perle, Kn Sunday, Junt' JS \n a double rinG Nela Olaea Mn. Hertl llbeuw . ceremony al the horce· of Rev. Ivan Hot ~rd. lolra noyd Holt~ Edward Goodell. 300 Oeeaa Ave · u.rd. Jofra. Robert L. Jacluon, Mra. Newport Beach. The br1de 1.1 the Homer BarteUea, Mary Fox, Re· daufbter of Mr. FTaM W. t~ecca Kelly, Rutb Hou.toQ, Mn. Crocker ol ~boe and the groom Rotter Ward, WeatoD Crocker le the aon of Mra. H . De Temple VIvian Grover, Corp. and MrL 1:' of Hou.ton, PeMeylvanla. , J. Tr'app. · Given In marr1a;;e by her father, the bride wore a .white C · T · faVanllne lft.llt with While &CC'I'!I· amp-1ng flP 11qr1~ and • corage ot rardrntu Plans Discussed and wblte roaebudt. Mra. E. J. Plans for a late Juty camplnc Tnpp Sr .. of Balboa. wu ~;D&troa trip in .th(' Sa n Bernardino moun· ot honor In a navy blue dru s and cains were dliCUSied by memben ca.rrytnc Whitt' gardeitlu . Mra. or thf.' Girl's Society of 0\rlst.ian Roger Ward. ai8D of Balboa. wu ServicE' which met at the home-ot brldumald In navy blue with a Mrs. 11.' A. ltObert.on, Thursday rtd fox fur and carried white Jun~ 15. gardenias. Sgt. De Templt .. kt'd Thl' program wu ctven b)' Doris W. 0 . William Bun:l3y, ·, 'I< L 'Dillings and Katherine llbhop. A but man. W. 0 . J ake \loll&nd ot praver led by Mrs. RDbln8on eon· ...._. ..._... Wbteli wu eent to 4 p. m. ~Inc. . te a fenr:er ~DeB~ber, Kn. I:Yer-Red en. workroom; 1300 e&te ,........_,.. Wbo aau mOftd Oeuln Blvd .. C"..orona del Mar, 1 to to IIMUq8, Nebr. Mn. D. w. 4 P. m .. wwln&. doing our home-front part ~ uf ho•r own Thl' careful detall 10 thilln to apend • half hou~ of ho·r work and the ac:tlon depk\t'Cl our time giving ill "'7~ of bl~ In tht' !llat ui'S makl' them tet•m t9 uve • '\oldler'a 1 e. l'f':tl and olav!'. Visitors to hra• Mre. C. Jof. Deaklna. oulgolng , Boetm . MauachUMtt.a. wu .tH~ dudfd the nw.tlng. ' ' pree dtnt ·or the Newport Harbor . uaber. ' I------=-------- llalt~. tiM boiiC-. nce~ecs a TVUDAY- An yo,.. thonlolng of algnlng sh11p hnd her gracious, polMd a nd up allould do 10 Immediately qutl'lly c·unfidrnt. beeillute of the clerlc•l work ''\\'ht'l'f' thl' water dripped und<'r Jnd time limit Involved. At. lho• 11ld rypr<•ss ta nk and made lh<' though 287 have algned up, we lnwltt·~t mud, my brothftoa, als· Etx-11 club .. was hocored gur.t at Mn. De-Temple gradua letl from I MORTIMER SCHOOL a luacheon at the Newport Har-Harbqr Hl&h In 1941. Sgt. 0. 302 Corel, Bal"-lalancl bor Cacht club Weda.esday, and Temple attencJI'd 'Houeton .choole.l SUMMER 8CIIOOL ,..... ..... 7 ~t "'-U.. Red Ctcl8s workroom, 111 Pulm ....,. Ave .. Balboa, 10 a. m to 4 p m , wee pl'eaented with a gift by The brtdt plane t~ jolo ber bu•· Ope•• lull 6 : m~mbera of bt!r beard and the In-band In San Franctaco In ebout __ 0 1radetrt N:' Co1!3!_A•Prep. .. lin. lfta GoMer ....ww.d the •urdcaJ dr~lnW~. Red Croq workroom, :\13 Ma· I ... ..-... e. OW --11119 coming prealdent, Mre. Victor two weelul. De • t mple left Bal-G. A. Mortimer, M. A., OxfoN Grace. boe for h ie new peat Wednesday I Prlnclp•l PhOfte HZ . need 113 mDre. I•'~"" ancl I. in our early )'ftl'!l. Put your name down an the m;ut .. r rud11 images of the anlnwl ttat NOW by calling: lift· on uur rutht>r's ranch." LWR" 8 OOFPEY te .................. rine Ave., Balboa bl11nd, 10 a m to 4 p. m., ~WWing. Mra. VIetor Grace, Chilllrman Ttw rarh :.O!Jihi'CJ) volC#! el M~ · rt • IIIOdej -n 1)f the Amerlc•n Rtd Croaa CoCfo·y rt•count£'d when ukrt1 · :'% ~~ Oorona del ;; r. open Tht guuta. who were membera mo,-ni.ng. 1.·--..:.·-------:-----' GaataYe Lluenbard 07 a.,. IAiplle O..u'Vatory . '-*-AawtUd I Jf 1 a .. J:Iel~ ......... part ...... Newpo rt Beach Duo Travel East War Fund Drive, phone 4~. wht•n the ur'\e for modetm. wa..~ · · . • Mra. Norm•n C•lllah, co· ltw·n in hc•a· injUries while vacatlonin& in the :hetrm•"· ph-Ul. Hrr ltfe·stze palnUnp ol hones mountains of Arizona. Robert Jilldwln, NewPOrt unci rows can be seen aJona the . However, ahe happily recalled 1uc:h Fire Sl atton, phone 16. ha~:hway, of Texu, u ~-recently, after breakfastlnc with Mn .. D. W. Holtby and du~:htl'r· 'trwnts for tht 11~ Shc her husband and the other ranch ln·law, Mn. Kenneth Holtby ~(t Taha'tJ·a·n Dl'nner tau~:t~1 art in public and ptfvah' hands of the Irvine cattle ranch. Sunday for New Ha~n. Conn. to M'hools in Sweetwatet, Texu. She &ht' mounted her buckskin horse, be prftle'ftt at t~~elr aon and hu•· Recalls M e m ories of has art m'<~its from the m~a· Bartender. ed rode with the boy• band'l trn~ctu.Uon eoxercillft t run tlona1 Corre~pondence School and until the roundup was comple ted. Yale unlwnJty on July 13. Happy I s land .Days as$astcd an the droductlon Wllltra· !She saJd as she rode &he aan&. YO!UnC Holtby will be-a Sfo.cond Uoo.. at iLs. lll&Jl. at ~ 'lep Air· "Back in• the Saddle Again." it In iM TietinJCil En· .M•moriu o7 happy day;~ thl' craft Cofporatfon in BurtJank, Mf11. O>rtry has two sons in the cllwrtna corP~, upan bla cradua· lt'ancle wi rt reneWNI for a IJfOUP California ,,. I u. s. air force. 1-ier eldest. Lt. t.Jon. He eompleted almolt four of Pf'Ople who m•l Sunday evl!'nln~ nw wid<' opc•n spaCl'll ol T.~.~. W.illiJlm G. Coffey .. is at William.<~ yean ol atudy at Cal. T.ctt and h h rod h rvbadc 11 "" ld ri h of the executive bcardt and cbalr· men of corrur ltteea. Including Joln. Gl'lee, Mre. Dealdna, Mre. Wayne> Harper, .Mn. .Winifred YoiADI, Mnt. Percy Wlleoa. Mn. Suaza Rutherford. 'Mra. Margaret Nei- meyer, Mn. Leeter labc'l, Jofn. Ob«t Lucu . Mn. • Woldenberg, Mn. Jack Parke, Mr.; Cameron Th~. Mre. Relnliold, Mra. Harryl Welcb and )llra. Harriet Under- wood.. Ralph Myrehn Promoted to Chief hat beoen •• Ya.lf' ror ~ nut 10 for a T'tlhtllan dlnnf'r Md hoUif'· w l'rt' s l' (' 0 • at a ·I r .e ' A zona, Whlll' t I' youngest, monthl. He made-an eXCYI~ wannl.ar ~t"r Mtu Boonle 8tewarl1 c-all to hcr Sht' has not been ablr Ed Coffey, jr., is at l,owry Field, Word bu been received by Jofn. it ~ lldM>Iutlc: record' at both lru~tltu·· of Balbot a nt'W .va~abonct Sh p, to rtde for a ycar after -tainln~; COiora~o. Elln Wyrehn, ct 113 Ea.t Sevea-·r· ~ A craduateo ol Harbor JIJah • at· her .homt' nn Wl'at Oily avenul' • tee nth etreet.. Coe\a Mua, that ~ Holtlty wu a reserv1et In th~ "Mamtta" Rpll:l:. ,.xportl'r anti ~~1:1, SPLICING THE MAINBRACE ~~L her eon Ralpb bu btoen promoted army aJr corpil fo r N-veoral year!' wife of lh.e rrayor of PaP,.rtf'. from lilt Clau Mplor Jofa.cblniAit bt<f~ ht' Wl.tl calll'd ln. pnpared the dll)n.•r of ~""*"'' fo1h DIANE HILLMAN to Chief Petty Officer. R.alpb ta l ~ · F. A . C . Bridg e Section Meets Wed put and . rurr1e.t rlrt• whlrh wu part ownrr of the Myrhm Bro-. .a I'll hav.-to ronff·;..~ .that todfty the tim•'· Yuu'll nt'v(•r mass th~ :'1 R rved et a .i ahl4' tlt'i·orllt,•l wiUt t t r's Service atat1on on the •or-• '• wa.~ onr of tho-..· da)'!l~ Ju. I pint or blood )OU -donate-, but some fl< wen . Natlvt> tlllm"• and 11 "li!" gu,y m:l) l\'l' . au~ you , 00 Sl'vl'ntet'nth 3 t r e e t. R&lpb'e aud recordl.o,::a of Tllhltl&n muaiC propl<> wt•ro• doan~:, nothtn&wenwd manutr.; off 10 gwc at. ~u II nevl.'r . brother EmU -the olber-bt!t or .~ lapn rloth, rarnnut11 ancJ tropical .. 111 clown In l:l\1' nut with what r bi'C 1 k 45 ner of Newport bt Oievard and ..,., \ .J ._ In rlick no nnl' ~ro•me'd tp Plavt:• mlti the Money you put Into \\·ar th , h't . ~ l )ln. J. P. Coop4fr &nd )Ire. ent~r1111ntd thr lof'll'""'. anti ·"-lr ''""'' an\'lhms:. or If thry bad thry Bonds, hut sum!' G. I J O(' will I t pnr.nt•rs r. Ill taking rare of iii; .. Elmti'T ·Wr~rht wtll be'co-h~-t'allfa~d Mr.. Perce Motrr\1'11 111111 "11 w(•r.,n't · tl'llinl! So. if you'U for· bles.'l you wh<'n I he bomb~ or guns ' the bull nell8 wblle 111• brtther 1• .t at the nnt m~Unc of t he F .A.C. and Mra F-rt'<l llunle aho"'·~cl l,!iw me I'll JU't ramble alont dear out a particular(_> tough doinJ:~ hta · part fo~: Ull. Anotbt'r ~ brtt'&e teeUOD 'IIFl lch Will be he!d colored motion plrlur!a of na tl\•t• anc1 intlul;:t• In a hat of fl8C wava ,spot. So how's about 11? You'll p br(th r, Paul .• It a Navy Cau l l '"' 1 ~ In the 81AD Room at ... e F .A.C.IIIre In tt e ltlandt. In~:. f~l better II you knoWO'that l>Om(~ and Ia lltlE'ndlng l"ew York State. ·~ Qub boUH Wecb.-day, J110e 28. Amonr the ~fiJl~. wert> f'..art t.m•klng out ~<'ross the ~. how )'ou've nlade.,this bitte r stru&· • -~atlona ma.y be obtained by 8cllenll. author of Come Unto a(Xlrklin& In the sunshine It·-Pt Jult a halt a second shorter. Guests Entertained .:· 1 cal1tfta Mn. P. V. Parlw. pllofte• Tbeee Yellow Sanda.'~ and . Mn. hard Cor me to Imagine that Now that I've IIOUnded off, ~ Q F h .,.D ~ liTt-.1 Scbenll. or !Uta llon&ca.t_ .OIP ,Mny .. places of this II ttl!' ol~ WGI'td pi'OI1dw It .won't happen aaaJta, and n at er S ay · 1lM 'atraJr Ia op. to the public. Dupont Manley, mairaJ ~ tor or our men 11nd hoy.. are ~ I hOpe you'~U forifvc my "'an---- -M . .0. Ill .• and tier bueblftd, Bur-through hell-fJ.'ghtlng 4~(X'.rate17, deririp on Wednesda)• In I Mr: and Mn:. F. !· Callin en-.._ · . ,..--------~------------------.,. nell Manley;. catlt. E Jd&X'ft'ell of and dyina tragically. Walchlna June. ,. tl'rtaml'd guests at danner Sunday, l Qr ....... c..' M4 a otMt Yartety ef UnuMtal Olfta Ute S .A.A.B., who l• the cartnroa-tht> plant'!< bunang around In the FAther's Dlly. Among th~ prt s· . ....n! DfVITit TOO TO BROWSi: AROUND" let ""F.max" r f Eliqulrt and· Th.t-c;ky. 1 Mtnrt tryinl} to rt>allzl' haw y F • d o•nt wert' Mr. and Mrs. Charles c. E. LOUCKS New Yorker. &ad Mra, wait-ell; our rien s Is M d M c F G J.rr and ·J.tra. Fred Hunla of it woulcl look It IWf• 1o th"" wa nson r. an rs. ., . al· J•w•LRV ~ ITATIONII"V ~ thOO."Bnd.~ plan<'~. wrl'f' lhl'rl' In-And M• lpwpy nnrl thrt't' dnu~hl~. Lu ~ • ·wat&Ne -l'lft& ... ~lrlftl ~~na, Beac·h. Mr. Lntl Mn. Hal l'lra!f or .fivl' or !'>IX. ~onwhGw me . J••lln. Marty • a nd Ourlc.6-. Mrs. ,._. NewpMt tilt-• . r. and Mn.. Eft Mtller. I ju\1 can't va~uolizr H . nnd J ,PMIIrr Howl<'l l. Mr and M rs 1'797·" New ..... a t¥4 .. e..ta Meaa. calif. Mr .. and )tfre Ptorce lolarple .. Wnt. ·tJ:li!'lk fr w of us run Th•• lowly Ml• Maldred Chrlath-r of Wll· J nck Lone ancl ~~"". La\\TI'n<:l' Jal'li Htllla &lid Mra. Margar•l i.atl hoal•. lhrlr satl' hrh:ht pakoneta. Ohl.l, 18 a new rul<!_ .. ll t W1lkin~on. • A~NOUNCEMENT ~pit&. all of Balboa 111lfU1d ; C'11pt. A~otAinM itw bl~ of l"'-' I"'Y· a oL ..Balbo~. lll.aru.l. A Cor.mer Mrs. C..tlin'$ 110n. C. F. Gallo-~~~ <·•·nr~otl!' l.ehn~r of U tln !.alE'; Htov. hurruly t:rNiktn~ lht• ~.llo•r \\'tlti teacher, ~he plan:t tn chungl•,t1er way, was·atso prrscnt at thl' din· '•·I • , Oa.rcua or Corona; ~mit& Lu· soli mu1111uran~o; ll<HM'"· 1 lr~ to work u .~·rll a.a her n•11h.l mre. •nt•r. lie visll•cl tht•m for a fl'" 1 , •• CAROI .. YN'S FLOWERS will open .soon with a fine 1ine of CUT FLOWERS, F~ORAL DESIGNS • th,..•p and Br bby Kr .t nC Nrw-1 par lurt' the' th;,11~arul~ ul hofttl and will be ILSl!Ot'lalPtl with n···· day11 on his vacation, l<'aving ' .., port; lofr_ and Mra. Heyward that C'lH\tr'fl our nwn nnu•" the brot;er. H. F.. Ch r 8'\lt'r, )It "Ttoe ~Vcdnesday mom lng. I We~tlak• and M~a. flllly Flett' .~~ F:nl;llsh n-..mnr'l n w lat~ ···ace blander," the ls!ILnlt'll attrac:twe I ' t t Corona dt>l 'Mar 1·nncl'wc•ll hl'in~o; thnt un1• ~-1, 1~ an( gtrt a nd book ehop. I on lhr w:1 rm ~nrl ancr lwtuin& "lolr. at\11 Mr11. Paul S\\•an . .Of l-~t 1 fnant !'manti' from tltf' wnvo'' and Ba.Jboa lt!lantl have m,,ved to New I bay. I lry In th1nk what 11 muat York for four monthll. Mr. riday, june J6 sound Ilk(• whrn. humh,. nro• folr-8wan'a "''wrk wilh Oouglu . Air- ing and n~ B!:~:J'QII_!lliOt. _l him o tht Eut a t that I fail on all of my coa.t. POTIED PLANTS, etc. -----~~~~~~~~ 8EFORE YOU BUILD 0~ REMODEL eur tntereetlft1 Mmple aNI lhaplay ...-me. Co* gul4ha planning alcla, COm· preflenelve etOok .. rvta. carpeta, llneleum end VtM· tlafl ....... 0\urcll·by·the·S.• met Friday, mmtal wand4-ron~. Mtaa Barba.ra Reinhart of La Junt' 16 a t tht' homto of ~. 11nd War lif'f•mr. 110 fur nwily from ua Habra will be at Jofra. Marple'• M~. W. H. Trusty, 3.10 Santa Al'la .heft' only bt>rnu!C<' gun!<, arr blaz· VIL(&bond HouR f or the aummer. Ave.. Nt'wport Helchts. Mn~. -J ln~o;. mt'n nn• Cigh11ng onrt rl~••na. Mr. J ack Jofuoo of 118 Cryet&l C. Rlllinp wa..' co-t~Qo!t~. •!,.-tht' 11nd plan~ Dl'l' fl )ing h) tht• thoue•. An . wW return home Satutday ptherlnc. Aftt'r the I)Ufltn~ll!l ands far a""·a r -, lho•n 1 wonder trom Belllncham. Wub. where rneellnc. ~hlc:h wu conducted by why prople h11v.-to ,.,.. prodded be bu ~n stationed alnee he ~·- club President W: H. McDon11ld. 'Into buying War Ronrt,. . ..:1v101t a returned from H month8 at ,. leuth Mal"· lt. d~· .. ~ ,.u .. ancl Car.,peta Cleaned "•paiNd LUDLUM Carpet Works SAN-TA ANA thr cam(' .Yac:ht wu played with I pint ol blood ~>pc•nrtm;: a fc•l( houn Guadacanal. Rev. C".oodcll. wtnnln& firl'l prize making bAndaGe'~. M> thlll thoee IC!urlcn Rodney MorriiiOfl fltw a nd Mn1. Mc Donald wtnnlnl{ fin~t euys far.nwa) cnn 1:1'1 h:11·k 111 the out from Wublngton. D. C., •to prlt!' for the-Iedin. Lt. Fmt !X-!'t !'hapc> pos.<;ablr•. nntl an the ..,end the wM"k-end with t la WncldwoHh won low and .M~. Me-11hortc.>1<l l'piiCI' cff 11nw I thmk .it mother, Jofn. Harold Ahrendt. Donald~ w.·on the Uoatml pri.U'. mUIII bE' bPI'au!l4" tlw whnlr thnla ... Addte LouiR Martin or ~ms !'(l n •mol•' nn lho•,,• 'ummcr Pa8adepa wu aJao a gueet In the I da~ nul I I hmk lf ~ ClU JUst Ahrendt home. lrl your mmd \\llnd~·r oll''lllnrt nnd (M_._ 11..-le T~· "-lh\flk nl hn" j:rtti..Cul "'' ,aU' el c.ul.,.., !lhOitltl 11(' that wo• t'lllt '1111 lt1• an lhf' !<lin. '''" "<~Ill 11111 1~·••1". :md DANC'E stall bo· '·''' rr•'lll .111\ llo•ll\ olf o•nc·m~ '""""" n~:ht lwr: ~·1111i l:<'t lltlldlo: .. , Ooldf'ftM "--YC111r-t•ln ·-IIIL;I'III•'I' .outl ''" "'ml'-lJIMie~ r!MI !41era Coroaa del •••' thin..: Marpret L. 8cbarle PHOJ\"'l: NEWPORT ,1041 t ;l\'t' .I ''t1U('I1• ttf htHfJ , t \ ''••k .folthn.: h.uul.tj.;•' lh.ol •I• ,0 "''I ··I~ ll>•t•tl.-ol ~ •'II II II I I I'll'' make MATTY MALIECI .uidollars Rill for Anierica .... ,f( ' . ,; .. •ad· lis lrcllestr• SATURDAY JUNE 24 11:!111 till I~ :10 p. m • I I ~IXTH tJTKt:t.'T Bt; fWE~N ..U"UW~Y A~D ~l'C'AJIOU SANTA ANA ,, A""l---ltlf' a 1J11W1re • • • • • .A Jt'f'atnre or The Allred Nations STREET FAIR ... .. ".~11: - -..,.. ..... ........ lllt..a:a'I(AN'l' 6'-'· UUft II'UMILJIIII.' l~U .... ~ ••.••• ..,..I .--aa•~••r a• ·J ') • \ .. ··~·-.M ....... :. '4TBI~G SUIT T--.-.--'1 ..... 1 c.,. ........ -fioltw,. ............ _...,....,..... a.-_......, __ ....._._. __ SloeoiO . •lt•t•l1 .••••• 5 ~-~·-~-...------·-·-.- "' .... rr . . . 1\l ltil'\liH ~ .. IJI E IIIIIOAm-t-'"· LOIIIO IIEAC H Ml No lllo<ko n c•"'• ,..,.,.." ...... . • t01 ~o ....... d 11~4 . Ol ... f•a. i. .. --- ~~ ·WlSiitK y-our ch '1j t : ~r:>nes and s li p C)V3 :-.J, t r y a~<l !t1g a small a~c: .. ~·. ot ~n:-::.tt in t o your no t t hin':; 'or :h . This not only re- stc ;-o!l ~he ~laze but h ~·~s ~o keep ar- t" "':i :. om c ollcct - 1't:~:; du:;t so r~at.lily,