HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-06-29 - Newport Balboa News Times.• of ,, r - . "·A..,.. h ·" : •• n POBI'· ~~::~~==============~============~=-~:::;~~~~~~u;OK~~TRU~R~AY==.~~~==a=7=t=~==~=----~~~~========~~~-=~~~~.n=-~Da 18 ~V~OL~~~NZ~~V~·======~==============~=-~~========~~==--~=-~ ~u~ 8tM:I. ~.a. C.D.M.Beach :;:~::;..~..;.: Harbor~Quota HarborManDr~wns ::~~iS-City -AdVised • .,"--"· (.....;...) (WJql o.. sed ~~~~·~:Short $88;000 as In Effort to Save ~:.!~~::.':..::: :co:-=.~ .. ~.:. r 11opo -as-ltnlm«Dt ~"torran two---..=:,: oeaanileitears Rl ..... p· Ti;:.fft;et l·cfim ~~=t~~~ ~i.n~ 0 Appi~Jor ... er for ,._ cat.l, now 1a .,..tdeDt ~ betw.D H.-port a..dl u4 • UC Y local ~ wlt.b a a.o nc\ol'y J l., of u.. RotarJ elub, b&~ ... St t p k HUDUqtoft Beacla ptera. ,... WIUa ... ., .... E War "Greater love Jliath.no mUith¥1 OVU' t.be COWlty IMt olub. HU'· State Funds CIIDclld to u.at IMJpt '1'\Med&y a e a r ltntcb, wiUcla Ia eu.cUy ftYI, Bondi .UU --abort or the lhla, that a mu Ill.)' down au. Ule bor pl_,.n pU'Udf&UIII &a UM niP\ W... be ~ UM pval m!~ 4iMaftce, bu bMD u.d for poo,OOO ..... ltwport Harbor'• rur hll frlencl." . toumanaent tDclu~ M..,. WU· from 111111 8t&n1ey. ADd alJ'Md1 apeecl teeta. on numeroua occa-war ~ ~tt.e today Ha.rrv L. a-neer, 71-yeu--Oid Wubu, Y~. ltoiiiMU., _. .. __ lmoW1l Dodd a1. liona. A. few IDOIIUY ap, DoUtr· ~ -·, r-Hallowell, MuteU. ..... •--u Con&>mn&Uon ~roeee41np 1u A.Jn:ratt'• -A.-M bolllber wsecl Ull&t ........-emphula be u -ftanau, l&&d down lUI We U&Nea.o. u4 J-.,. N-port Harbor'• putJct,.uoa ~· pi'Opll17 aionc UM and M~·1 ''Bladl Wlckra-'' latd 08 ~~ ~ "unlll l'uftlday' ~moon. 8ut It wu not Jobn Mut.U, ldt W•t 11a7 In variowl alate f\&ndl conoet ... I ~ be'l JOb'L.\9 ba-& ieod del Mar .,utf, p&rUc:ul&r. olpr"'ftllaw made tM&r 1naht• t.be •-' ... • Web of lh4! for a trlmd. He rom. UM .U.,ntme av.aiH!, Ia 'prM&4M\ ot U.. tMm. with the hltul"'l llf\prowment of ......,_t, altlllouP one co_uldn't ly lnvolvtnc bucll at.nlcMI -teat fUPt.l ~ tM two e&nlpalla. , .. crtnce few a ....,...r, a ~ t.u &t '1'\Med&y nlpl'l meet.Jnc Wlder b&nJt owne~p. wu ad-. Corporal.loa ..... ._ have al. l irl who bad become C&QI'Ilt In a . hlpwa)'ll and harbor, aW'&Il41 oalJ becaule be ....Uy couldn't perfom1 c:ate4 b7 Councilman &art Btu-pte~. rMd7 10M ..,... U1e top with np.Ucte IOUua ot Mewpcsrt pa.r Free h .... r CcMu'lle thia commanlty'l aettve attention la tM .,_t ltotu1UI tradition, on ley at •a Chamber of ~ 1113,1100, ~ftllt rlty'l t~lal aJUi WU bel~ carrfecl to ... an4 .... ., a t Wbk:b, ~ to manJ putk. 'aooouat ot Mama Dodd wu there meetJnc on ICond&y. lslaad Man Sb.atten .U. '-0 _.. ~:ra wlth,two almo.t eert&IJI de&tll. to OpeD •-J a tilyman Clyde Wat... u4 wu watclalne 11!4 u.teatq 'l'be OOUDCilmaa'• all v--. __ ,_._ weeu lUll to,.. TIM ell¥'• qut~-Tbe ..... DeU' vtc:Um wu lAa ..... .......___ HI a-a..--.1 1 to a~ be 1&14. ~ oU an &DUCeUe ~ ftiiO'Wil ~.-ua ta wu plaCed lit ~71,000. Cronftlbe*1', 10, ~ aa.JIA Puk. ....,.-...,.-~ • 01 U.. .tate'l tsi.OOQ.OOO ....... Be'1 _,. to be a IUCceM at UM wlllch, accor<11q to ra&Q7 put6o.. for llalf-MIIen WeJ\lolne _.. at 'nateday'1 ~ wu playtfll lA OM wrt with ~~ July a,. u4 ......... ...mWyman ctt .. M Ill ,_, lwlwe,..., blcatlll of 1M ftM tpa.nta, may prove u.. pntai:le to eoiJUIUtt.M ....... cam~ rrom Betty Lunona, lt, .&.lao ot BIH!na for u -• Nm-r "'••-.., for IUP••Ja and ....,.._ ~ ~ wpl wan 'wtUa ~. a eoneerted move tw ..:Uoa: 8o fu-u reoorclld. no maa &a Paul A.. PalJIMI: wllo IMOWlced Park, and Merle lh&ckalford, 11. c1 ..... will .,..m M bead at Mew-ttbft, UU. ttty "'IMNNd ..a• ,_ ~ -II.IPt'• eelebr&tiOII DJuatnttnc ~Ul 1 1arp .au. the biaU»ry ot ~~~ tau ... , '!'at the OrttftUa Oomp&ny, de-ur Fullerton. Both Lola and Bet. port ~ HJp lclac*. MOOf'd,. llfl portloft." M ..ad. . wu a YMl IIUCOell. It wu ·eo chart Mr S~le abawed UY walbd u fUt · u lltatf 811-Jadr v~n of ~ lilt, had boupt ty Wt'n cau,h\ In the rtp..Udt '"I to Prtnclp.J a. H. O.vtdlon. Hll advtce wu Llw ... ,... vut t1a&t Bub Rowe ud Jack acope' of ~ a1/ ted d Powell of ae Opal avenue, Bal· a 1100,000 bond ~ the N-· but ~ Loemona 11r1 m~ &o h •l trucuoo· and bnaa-l.tp tllllft. repl'd to t.be ...... ,......, • Cole. .._ boatbulldiD&' py, Mid IMl.ed for offlclaJec conal~ra: boa l.lland, wbo ~Uy lit up por~B&IIIoa ,..._ lavlnp and tree hel'llllr an4 COl ubore. When 1n1 will be offered &a t~. tund ot 1100,000,001 _..... • ta. nloe ...._., ucl ...a. 8AI&UI4 tbat mp. be ~ UDcllr au. t.IUrd wortd'l reeord tD a.. LoaD UlocJtUoD. 'nle pUI"Cba.te lbe •m.nu.. LeMa IU'HiM4 lew ehort.haocl. Jltookk_,.,.., nu... teadld to cUIIIUon U.e ~ W~ dldll"t Ump uy BJ~Y.o..2lo taken toward &equlrtnc t.be • than • ,..,. nwJtecl bl • ~ t.oo.t for heir. tbe ddmy ~ JlolWIC· and otnct •-4'e-BoQ ..,_ period ~ .....U.. ...,._ pr. ,_ aa Idea ol lwlw Wap ed f J:lnea IDCIOU.. aco. lilt-Pow-tbe oorpon&.6oa ..._ ed to IMr naeut. .e)K)ol .t.,..t. u4 .-&141 .,.. e&. ment.. and U.. Plrtod ~ .... ..at. J1n4eD rtnc1a, CIUI' ,I'OOd area or • pubUc lt&t.e park. .U b~ a woricf1 NCOI'd ol • Other repocia Glfcl at the -l· JvrryUal~ · ~u -.aJut . bJ.m. 'Ctble to atlaftcl, u waU u ,.._ ~--I.N ..... wt111uli4 ._ --;--~~;:=';;;;='i~~~~~=f:;F~r.er:1''Tbe~Mp~re.tlltlll:n:-"t'11dl1lt.ay111-ownedM•n11Rtn~p1•ofRJfn_ar::-~ bJ ~ 006-lD&' ~boWed .Ua&t ,*f..,. tor A.r. particularly hll .,., and tbe ..u. mar acbool I""W't• J)'M'4•-. t--. ,_ a half ..U. Ia I 1111a. I -.e. Ill llJI &on hnna uve ... "3711 worth lnlt'ndrd t'ffort wu to no avall. Cl.-wW be tle bead ..ca. '"nle blalrt-r ttU. I.N alw&JW, oaDeet ftDea ln. It w,.. an elabor. In Ute property for WbJch con. mo.t' r«lQt attempt. wiUcb wu or boDdl to ~ CUitomen la 1'tlt'. would. be I"HCuer wu ctrown. mornl~ from 1 to 11 'o'cl41d&. on the Job, l~ pl u..tr II!I&N, u4 ataly..._,.t.ad prt.y ill&de from d..-mnaUon 1• •UII'Mted." Mr. 8tan-at -u.t Puadena Gam•. be cov. thla arM; eaaplo,_. .of ConloU· ed .In hw endlavo, to I&Ve u.. Monday ~ J'rlda1. 'l'bera • more Ulan their ....,..," U.. ... day, COIDplete with balt-IDOOD. 'n ley explained. ·~ enUre ~ ..-.ct U.. 111ne clllt&nc:.·tn 2 mtn: -datM~• jUftftft Corp. at rtrt no tuJQim -. ... ,........._ .,. utel'a-,..... •t&UM ...,_ ~ eYI~. would be deeded to the •tate, aft· M.l 110., tllereby ~ UM Corona del Mar.._... ~l •lrtl Mtenwhll~. other tOWl'llmen ar-be reqU11'114 to ,....... ...,_ ..,. "'-• "Ia liM ClUII ot N~ ...,._ .· To llbow JOU Wb&t a I'OOd mood er wt..tcb the enUre .,.,.. would nrat human ewr llDoWn to bave worth ol ..,_ • .._. ud Bob rlVI'd on Ute -nt': Jack Onfnt.b, tranaport&UQCJ. TiM oaa.. wW 1111 bor, UM".,.. • nwnbu ol laiPlY U. a.otuiaM ,..,.. ID. .Tu• •ev.ut t.6 U.. dl.J'a -trol. 'nadia ~ • MU a&Je &a a.. t.MD CWltU~ ol ..._ Tldlt Ua-\'X·IIfep&rd ot U t lJUa ~ 1.11 cha:rp ol L. L. ,.,_, , ..u a.t,Um&te MC1 mueh ._.. JML. 1-. Pout wbom m~ l&t&r, th!='ltat.e would 11&7 l or Ufecuarcll. Uli'M tntmat... lltn, h.u aolct .llTII WOI"t.b to bMt IIWIIln out to UM 11r1 at u.. rid of llae com.m.rda1 -..n-t tell to Juallly wa~ wiLIU.," I'Ot up rtPt Ia ~ and told f~r lteepJnc the bladt dean. ud 'l'be local A.rmy maa, wJao a1eo owrtera. of bll own Ute, ~d 111 r,_. ..My 1'11008UMn4aU. • le MYI wll&t • ieod club UM Klwanl&n.l ror addtt.lonal u,areep ... ...-. boldl UM worict'l quarter-mOe r 11-..a a·s AWt.c lnl' hu rrom UM clutclllnl water. Goodell .... d •obeeon a IMU rM4)< lor Ute ~ u..: ucl 1111 .-·t 1ft 1IQI'I'ed. =~~tt:::: ~ WGUI lllaYI ~ record of 1 min. lT.t 110., b&l • and brouitat ber~hore, valuable -• -~. lllllna an aPflf'OPrlaUoft ...-..rtl· ·Net.'.CIDOI. . • '• ~ u.. ~ ltrtde of t~r and or,a .. half fee~ In addition, a I"I'IP. ot pam .... t.tance t~et111 11nn In t.tre ,... to Coatlliae Ben l.ftiJ 'Wtaat 1a ......., ... ._ Medici IW • • • In order to accomplilla U.. BAe-and eown U.. f'OWld at appi'Oid· mar ·llcbool , e.ldldr-. wllo _... cut' by Ann 8uttora, It, UOt W. . . Ole Oout biCWay twlclp, or tM o••••= acq~ of tiM ~ dll mately 1T mil• .-boW'. He 1llolcll ll&la lMnlMI,.. "-rrlt ..,..,. L.uee Central avenue, and Racer and U M.. E. Puton tunn.l." TIM .... ._.,... .. IUf M AJrD ....,.. ,bluff Area &I "a ,_ awet UM po1t ol athleUc tn.1tn1Ctar at ,YIJI& Squadroa." U.. aOJd PIOO lJ&rb&ra .Hiln.ou.t till 'Court ...-ct' beartJiy wtCil tile ...... Tw.lidddlll are In fOr a treat and Irrevocable ~ ....,.._ .. ll&nt& A.na A.nny A.Jr Baal. In Be,.._ & bondiL WtnUn, Wldtr lt~L arona to ~VI! Mr. &pen. Upon conclllllon• ot tM 8ou~ Uo11 ot 1Wlmut1r Hertlert ... ~ ..a. rtl t.ell J'OU wtty. Mr. Stanley -.pla.l.Md Oilt=e-tllll Ute dlrac:UOa ol W: 8. HUcllmUI., ~r pro..d ttwU.. rrn C&llfomt&·A.rteona M~ '-Y of UalboA. u,..tq ............ A.~ lilt ICO .,. ~ 1 "pr• for the ~ wOIIIW lla~ to~ IJoa8 (] b--Offb whoae ''put-,_..~ conaU.. Tbe decrued, who wu known vunferenoa !Mid Jut -.rMil ucl tWI~t,_. on Ute IUI'YIJ tw U.. .;a. cx.tML _.,... aept. I&J4r laC.N,_eed bt tlle~t. ~ g fB tut~ U. ~ lfllt !II tM l.lt.eet1clft&t.ty Mn u ...,...-Otcr lhla week. ~1•4Ma, 1t 1nL ~ ~ Idee, Or 'lnlblle It wal A_.mblyman Clyde "•"-411 fDatallecJ 'l'aeeday; ~quadron, U.. ...... r )'~· ~r." U..d at 111 •ua lllrMt moun~d ~t. UM Rev. a D . QoM. ...,..,.,_. 111M .,.,.... ,.._.. --GllJti ,&JMiut. 11m Slenun~ Oranp, wbo wu pNNilt Mill lliJ.; . .. . •ten Include DeMit lt.tt--. ~ wu emplo:r-cJ u bait c:at.c!Mr l'll bad ~ DUilld to -:-aa.. II.,.. t.o U.. Pf'OJect. an4 ..._ ..._ i11f.. ~ • ·tile lii&D4. Ill f&CJ, lMed to ODanctbn&a 8taall1'• -. DoUI Ward, CbaL K&rpnt .__ ....., for Racker an4 PonUnC• tackle olhft', ,_, •~ ,..u. crt Mt1!N1t lA .,.. ......,. ""' • .,. pna' .. P*I .It one 01 tM beft. plan&tloll, --..14 tb&t be. tJ1oaPt ~ t.IIUI lOO. Llona ud tliiU Ore,ory ·llowll, iitqr.: He .. IIW'Vt.-.d ~y bfl wile, Church by t.be a... 'fte Rft. '-' tlala fUtwa die II$ .•t. tM • JUattt . &W&J ow. ~. Ute Ooroaa cW Kat -..... ~ l&dMa ,_.. ,....... , .,.._· Lofttta ~t Malta. AlJoe. uc1 a ....,, ll&mJe. botll B. Joau-wu &.lao NturMd M ..... w,.... .W M WOIIId 1111 .... ....,_ we aJ4 WoN " l ,,oDd ect woald •Pf'O" f11 lnl-lloaD at ::..,. ...U..,. 1 Ia Ooaea •vvaa ~ -· ot' ....._ "!lnlat«r ot Oaata ..._ O..• to apon10t a ,.... 11411. _. tM& ~ ..,.. 'It 111e DO~ ~" OOGnole· to ~ wbole Ort.np coun~ CIOMt,. 11_: .,.....1 et t' ._,. ....,.. ~ UMtr _. It)' ell"'*-· · la 111M = It ...W ....... ~ .wNa .aM ph=•• ~--.I al areL He turther. clecland Jlle a K. 1kz, •• ,.a J8 I t ~. to Of lilt.nlt t.o in&llJ local ... Ml t.o &t D1 ,.._a, .. .... .... out a roar eo Joouc1 Ulat Wa,lld be &1ad to ln\r9dl101· UM """ --,_! • ...:......_ c"a:l .. jl I S I IQM ~ M Ule· .. ..... ...... ........ a IIlio · ........... _,.._.. ........ :MD..... 2 • ---==--• I 0 . u.M~ ...... .,.: ............. ,....~_, .. .... • 'Ill! • .. a. =• --n f..,. u.. Qllder 20· Chait ... u.. · _ · · put .ut ,...,. ....,......._t ., -.. ... ,.., .... :W ~ ":!:m~ ~ ... ~ ILLUJIDfAftD WELOOIIII: 1,...... • ,.•••••'-... ~-Red ·ero.. ·A.erordtw J.o ~t Gnv'L Houalag Plan the San DMp cliatl1ct.. ...a ..._ ·-'"fV' • . lu "~...., wtll ...... ~ I .... ~....... ,_, .. --: .... ;I. I "_..:... I d b Dr •• -.. H·--.... eo .llldp JOMI wu ~ mumJqaUon of U.e clty'' wei· b7 E.-.u a-.. · ..._ prsJC"*l. P &n.l ....... en ..... "" • --....--· &~~at tuted &.AJC~Uiy r"p ~ Y · .u........ --• 'citJailaltt.M ot tUM to act M come 11f'ir at the 801Dth end ot and H-.i-d W. Oernab. Meret&ry u to J>U~. fort!l muJCe .ud ~ · ,. l>r. Lyor_w wu nU.ed u putor ,...._ 1a ~.onlall . Corona &>I Mar 10 11 to attract and u..,ar.. ~ Dttt.mar talk to ;ua.•c'efld tMI ~deiltl fOf the First Time .. r the Jotrat Metbodlat olal&l'dl ot Be t.Qo1r .U. ~;p...nhnent trace.. a,ltenllon' ot tranlonw burt~ and DeluUI v~ .. -. ._ lftdud,. .and F'ourtll _P~ July YUII&on to U.. . ltc-dland.. fwaT· Ia t.c!t, be ~ at u.e northward on .111• Cout blpway, «< u tM =~ laland will haYt' ..a IOOd qoppor. W o1 k KOl 'un<Wr way lhla w~k ___ _..:. __ dlaDciL But ... &ppende4 .... COD• wu reren-td to tbe ~~~~ tunlty to cc.-tebrfl.e ~ J'ourth ... on ('h<JvPralon nf lhe Cui St&hnkt' F p u nLI-f clltaoo. Tb&t ~ dlpl 'Print any. commttt.e of N Bu1MJr Ret!~ ,......t, a,.,. Oorby tht' bNl ~ble 'RY.. AJdlJI& .. bulldlnK at 7MO Cout hiJ(hway ormer . 0 ce '-'IUD • ...... _ ... waated to ... lald. ,..., __ ...., Co ~ praentecl Uone club CHUneat .. a rTIJl&eme!lt..a&re W1¥f!e Harper thr r. tJ•·P'Ill (OVI'rn m.-nt'a (lrat .,. Accep·•-·-·· .. d pfta• -, .............. , ot . mme~ at • cltrec-"f awal'd to ... _, ...., ..... end. 'W-• • ~ w . -: t all tJi ..., aa _. _.., A. .,....,....,. 11 a promlae, ,ad ton' meeting lut ;Monday. 'nae "" --.. t.r· ap.~r. . ·n... HJtchmali l'mpt to l'vlalf' " Harbor we're I'Diq to keep It, juat eo · tted with out.lt&Acll"-wor'k dvr, ri!ld:Conrad 8hook area'• dr&llllc-hoWling. 1horta1" J,..._ J _._ allfn, now belnr painted, could be IDI tbe put yeu-. 'rtaoc.e eo hon· N.w naml'i •dded t.b'· w k to lnltltut.-d undPr thn •uv,-. · -'!' CIDII -.. lby of Ubel. tqUip~d ·with Neon IJpf:JJ\C and red 'nNo Rcia.t I , ·... .. ee ' .. .., BuT~ JUlia 1a rot~ to·..,.. the lllumlnatttin pf'OVIded DJCaUy 0 were M. &. · 1ht' 119t o_r workerw ln~lude , .. ,.. mtnt'• .... ·vtn-yrar Ita~" plan. prt1e .Uaf· ~·~ ·~ ~ tor~~ Or 126 a month, accordlnt :.~i. ~"'.,":·-.Jf~d Diane Rlllmltn, Mill. P'. A.. ~OWll thl' prnj,..rt will ,.•ull In lh«' rorm. ~ tllla column nat week anlt t o a n!po1't «1ven the dlrecton. '1· · and. Mrw 'T .. W• .. ton Ja:f who are H "Chm"•" hoWM'" bt'lntr convert. . u.. 111e f!&ll .q,,... JWuelf any , -• · · ='i.. ~ ~ and aollciU~ on the frnlnaula. cd lnlc. six mlnlattH"e aputm•nt. W&J a.,_ W'ant.l, ~t no .,..,. WCTU 8LA~ IIIIZIUfO Spnker of the _...tn, wu at a roat of 1118117. Euh apart. wordier. . . . NeWport ~acb ·WCTU will ca-. J--w . Llmrtc of Santa RU88 'Ciothin,g Dri'"e ment ~Ill COI)allll of klt i'Mn •• l>f-<1· Wben U.e J~··~ wander. m t M t Wedn ..... I tl ... .......... • room, llvln{ I'OI)m a,..d bath '*"' a.roqn~:.l~lllq a,t ~na. J ~ x ee,._.mom 1"11' • Ana Army A,tr Bue. Beven mual. Meets Good Reapoaae Plai\JI r .. r th,. work w .. rt' drawn fnJPt .polllt out to. bltn U..t ~ne :~e 'r1 ho~t' 3~ ~ra. S~ephet W ea..l cal nu'll'lben wen p..-nted by a hy All><'rt F'r .. y, 'J'~tlm Sllrln~e• ot my apl• bu NpOrted th&l e or •· yara 0 pace. . ITOUP ·ot local artlat., lncludlntr On.-trurkload of warm cJolhtnr. •rchlttrl. • t.h .. r•mlltnJctlon c-on. Col. • 1\oberteon, the blf'·lbot at -Ruth A.rmatrona". ptan1~; Har• dt tt.l lnt'd for Ullf' or our npunr 1rac-t ha"I"IC bt•t'n awartiNI tn L. u.. A.mly AJr bale., bu • nne Dog Ownent Warned! nett Wood.. barplat: Fay Spicer, Ru..lan altte., hu alnacty left R Wll110n. ona on Udo 1111. ,.. • vibllnJat, and Dempeey Pride. lib-the Harbor u ea bound for Port-. Whlll' l~ jtl./w•rnmf'nl 11'...-Ia But wbate,er be doe&. remem. &ginning lmmedlalt'ly v1olaton lolat. 13114, Ore~t . whett' It •wllr'be load. drawn rM .... v,.n )'rar• It inay to.o ber that Dat week 1t'l Judf'e of Lho! Balboa lllan'd .ciOf -quar. Otnner wu aerved by women ,.d aboard a Ru.alan.bound lhlp. r•anrrllt'd at lhP optlrm nf th ... Jonea W•ll II far u Utla dlpt. antlne.,.wl)l ~.aubj~t to a mini· or ~ P'rtd!J.Y Att.emoon Club un-Two more truckl~ are In the l•'UI'f•, wherf'upun th" 11ruh ur,. Ia concerned. And If be doeln't mum fl.ne or ,26, WarRinl to der the eb&lrm~p of Mn. Otl• f"'ul'lle of lorllnr and packlnl. wt(l rt'Yt'rt to lh~ tJwnu t<l~ti'Ulrr t hla t'ffect wu 1111\Jed thla m~ Wealberwu. A.rr&nremenll tor lth 11 · tum In the copy, rm -'"1 to · R .. port to thla effect wu' maA-w a tmpruvrmrnt• m a "r evuo Inc. b .... Jlldort' 0 . A.. icmH·. ~ the auec:..tul_ alfalr were In ""' .. _ I • lt&rt '_,_ ... ,_ eunft··-that ~ .. • . t•ldlly by Mra t ·dla s•-·'-·n of ,,..,, •. on. Thl' butldlnjt, Whll'h 'Wb --........ .,_... •·eltt'rllt.ed that all llland dop char'f'e of o. w . BA-tt. wtth Lei ~ .. v....., U. trV7 eaa't write weU enoup Newport Htl~thl•. local chairman mn"td ,., lt. prl'at'nt •It,. lll'v•·rttl muat be· kept on l.eub or COilftn. Steffenaen acUnr u ma.ter ot nen. to 8lp bla name! • of the Clo1hln•.ror.R .. -•-A•-. )"al'll "K.,, wu rurmrllv ua .. d hy ed until further notice. cer-emonJ•. " ..._. ~.. th v • • • palgn, who <kclared that public I! t'lc-rana of Purel~en W11ra Thnmu McMullen. formw dllef • .r JliJIICe otf Oran1e and one time h··tHI uf thf' Oran1e Orowe.n' J>ro.. l •·c·uv~ A..oclatlon. on Monday •~t~~um•d the dulls of patrolman llllol IU1chman for lM udo laU 1 • .. ,,munll y A-~elallon BertFI· 1ol111ot .July Ill h,. will alao ~~erve U • "' "'•kr r .. r ""' UCS6 clubhouae, '' l'""lllotn whlr h hu \Mlttn fl}led l'•r I h,. JtUt IW'VI'n yean by r red llrii:ICII ~llhrou~th Mr. Wr Mull•n wW "''I \ • lndlrt>Ctl)' with lh,. Nt"Wpprl II• ,,, h 1"~11,.,. ""P•rtm .. nt, and wtll v .. ,., I hi' bad«" 'lf that or~ranlaa.. I"'"· hill aalaty W1JI.• be paid by l ,l•loo J•rul"•r1y nwnl'rw, It Ia un· "''',.,, .. ~d. M r H n<l 'M r1 Rri&'JI are mak. H1~ Hnanl( .. mel)t. lo •moYfl to 1 h••ll IIIIII)IJe homP, aft,.r which ~t1 1\nll Nrw M•·MuiiPn will take "I' 1 ~l·t-·n<'l' at the tlu~. c~a .. ,. ... Doe• Doable Daly al :£a.u.c••·•· Bll•• r•·11pon~ hlld bt-l'n mo.t ,.,.ury. tng. Spe<-1111 t ribute wu .-ld by Mn1. Stmth~>ra 10 the Ackerman 0()111 rf)mpany which pro~Jded a I ru1•k t;, hnuf' lhe flrat load to Loe An,c-11'11 for llhlpmt'nl, and t() the NeWJIOI'I •••I Jfaelll BIU'~I' Ia U~ B. II., Ba~ Geael'~l 'I 1 Ct»lll .. "t ii·NI'wport Harbor U ona c-lub. whlrh ~tav,. valuable .. 111.-00( Ill th•• l 'nllo•ol !'IIIII~•. "'"I ltY .. M. C. Dodd lnt~talled u Chief of Rotarjr at Allaual Meet1D1 INI\allaUon ot otftcen fMtur • I'd Ole annual mMUq f1f UM N~port.OaJboa Rntary C'IJolb hot14 Tuf'ltilay evenlnK at Dalbt,. 'Yactlt ~u~ . Accc pllna the 1av~JI and the ,.._ l!ponllbtlllll'l It entalla wu War. lon I>twJd. Ralboa Ialand malt ahop propr1•tM. wbo wu ln~~lall. f'd (n ortlr• by ('art Olubr'flrwr of OraiiJP Mr Olub,...nPr acted ,,.. "" aponlllir fit u,,. IO<"al ~lub at It• ruuntllna llt'Yrral y .. a,. aao. llpon t akin" • ortl•···· rr ... Jc.lent n.•1d lntru•lurr•t hla nrw bo"rd ()f dlrt'<'lorw r•mallllnJt ,,r C lA-w .. Halla, II<Jh t"allla, Wayne Harper, fi:F'Win Rplr rr, Ja,.k C:<ll" a nd flo. la nrl W rl~tht ft,.tlrlnK rrf'•ldenl fi:a rl W. Hlanley l'njo)'f'd • final rlln~ nr rlnlnl( lhl' rnl'mbf!rr bel· for... rrllniJIIIIhlnt hla pua1 Mwb hllllrll y waa rvlot•·nl In the pr,.._ f'ntatlttn uf Jl ft. '" the outcotnr otttr•r. r tnlll'y ftr(tft, In rhatJI' of din. nrr anti t•ruaram arran""""""la, p,....,.ntf'd Munthlln a nd Morna, xylorphon .. trarn ftorn t .. lll A"f'fliM, who,,.nl,.rlal~•l lh,. HntarlaM !V'd ·lh,.lr Iaiii"• with 11 var1nl tfiJM!f• lulrr of mualc&l nunobt-ra Mar. 0 . Rulollln• •1r Karolll A lllt 11lau ~rav• a ahort talk nn I h•· nvanln~t •1f fto. Lary. Ptnlde Bcott'1 looklnl ·~ theae d&yr, tllfl't be! A.lt WbJte lan't, any more . . 8&w AJ DtKon In &ant& Ana the oU..r day but be wu ao bWiy 'looltlnl at the hlp buJldlnp J eouldn't · catch· hi• eye .. Gee, • Ted Wrtpt'• a quiet Pr." '-R't ,.., .. Jpllnnt• Set~ loou ~ efficient u ever . . . Oua-OUI Tamplla and VIc HatCher -.ure .,.. buaJ p)'ll. t.beae ~,.,. eape. etally on Saturcla)'ll,. . Lo9lu like Ull albac:ore are eom1n1. Get nnr,. to lhl' •drive. Aiding In preparauoh ~f uae flf'llt 11hlpm,.nt waa -Kn. P. ·· V. Parkea, Mrt. W. P'. ·Ooleman, Mra. Jolm Jone• Md M!'l. Mellie o,.on. Mra 81 rothPrl al10 expi'Mied ap . pre<-llllll'ln lo Barrow'• department alorl' at Cnata M ... a and l"'upat. rick':o ,: p11r1rn,.nt -tore. at N-- ~ """ Balboa, fo'r two Jarr" boVII or ni'W r lolhlnr donated by thlll'a w9r•J rF'IJnr ," aourr,. that" l.t~~.:ln•·•·r l'lltl"r•"" 1h"n trold GraHK .~lr• Hazard offll'llll, hut Suprrvt .. •r Willi•, • ;. rl KlnjCman that Nl'wport 8Pal'h ~ , NadJ~ ..•. Mext'U be 0ae .~rd. t\111 an~ rrank Linnell .. · A•k Bob Allen about b1a MW loud .puk. er lyftem-'-'10, and rm not talk- 1111 about lila wife. ettber . : Saw TollJ ~. & fery 1004 ITO- eery man. the other htp~ ... But bawn't. aaen Jim ,Brown •. Jim x.nn~. w1lo almoat bad a lltunk tor a pet, 1Ull hun't found Jill 1* q . . .uri> CbarUe Prteet. u. poUceman. U..'t fOUDd • bOUae. ettber . . Jhlp I . • Bu anyone -n a eouple of Jolt armadllloa T Or perb&pe JOU wouldD't recop~ OM II 101.1 I&W Jt . . &. r. Luctwt~. au lOth lt.~t..~ed pollee SaturdaY mom t bl1 two pet arma.. ~ wen AWOL. Tttey woukt !"* Ukely, he lald. M .located In IOIDI bo&e or ~r. a 4la$ ...... ,~eut. Oil 1AU1M C1. aous-of La Habra. Wbo aponaored tht' tatrlt cout patrol boa( launebed by UM ltoMrt V. 8t&ata Com. pany, clr1nlu a cllarnpacne tout to UM lblp wtaJcla 1111'1. Robert V. St~tl. ncttt. eaupt t1'0m the broll111 lM)tU. ftleb ctlrt.ltened the ,_, fl«"rUn, craft. The unique pracUee ot catcJWaa a c:up ot cb&mpacne an4 clrtaiUn& • tout to Mdl lblp laM been d'11"ed 'Y Kn. lt&atll • · ..... crt .._ ,.,.ra 11 , • .,..,.,. t}Jrm 'to th,. r aUM. Harbor Area Facing L~f..-guard Shortage .. w w .. uld bf' very clatt t'J hav .. him J• Gr · w1 M / &mPr and <:II)' En{lnt't'r R L 11 "'"'' IWO'k &(aln u a (UUl. "' 0 flJt ~Q8C~· PAltf'riiQn had t u t rav .. l two.thlr.S.. AI whkh Ol'n, Klnrman. rt• Fire Chlef;~ar of the way acn••• thr rnuntry In 1,,.,.,1, r •rtly 1o thl'. N.:wport rtop· · h•••r lhr wror"'· ll""ken With advance lhf' aun1m•r wo ,... · ~""lllflltvl''• lrl)'llatl(ln. and pa rtly " Th k Rrl n llf!AMrn, " drt~ flr11 h,.•-rd 11 f' IIJWil ••r WAll 1(, >l'l'n Ill 1\la ct•lll'~, Whl) lncJY&Id -iiiiVrlnplnK lp h,. No·•wJYrrl ll,.l•hla J ohn .J f<fngmMn, 11 14 A , hl'a<l Ill w n,.n Rlrharil Hall', Bnr " ot th.• t:nllrd ~hair• &-ach p;ro. r: .. n WarTPn' T Hanum, Rf'ar Ad· and Co '1"1 M~r """'· It wu l ion Board, · '"'' •I Rl!!f'lc .. nhua. IJHN. r•ll,.d, clecl ll>~lay by l'lno Chlf'f P' uk < 'r•~ k"l Gf'n Kingman. ""'"dlfl~ thr uf. l 'rc,r p;Bn.-n of lhe Unl~rally of "'""~ ttl,. tJr,. •IPpartmf'nt Ia fialal.sroup whn to•1k up Uranl(r t'nlll••l "1"· ""'1 ••th,.,.. "V~~ wuetuUy wo.J.rmat~ It Ia r-r·- count'/'a prohl••m11 or •hnr,.llnr 11''' '' l•t Jlrlmllar l<) Pntt';i::.,~.:;:e tlr•ufarly tn1ar<•rtllnl lbat lffiM prolt'ctlon. utt,.,.../1 'hi• compll. ''' t:•l '"'' h1trk 1'' vlalt, t'WI)f)r1; Jlr•·• "" hi>ltl "' 11 mlnl,.uno l'rll<'- m,.nt tn N .. w...,..rf llllrb<or 11ft,.r 1111-I 1 "" •••rm .. biiU.k . IM1'if .-nt•rtaln 11· 11 11 th ,... I r _ _.c .. ,. y a •• rt•IIIJit uf car('II'U Ad•hll••nAI llf~(Uardl for ~ lf'mbllng hla ltrOJip M gl•neralll, '"'"' 1," thr ICI'J><'<al •ll!ld "YOJI burnlnr. a nd "" no•ult, C:hlf'f ~ummc r """."" II Of!e of the clty'a ~mlrt~la. a nd n;otNI Pn~tln,.,.ra t•, know. 1har Jlfrwpm1 Harbor II Crrttkf'r '-'arnrd that ll mll(hl bfo. m,.t tlri\J!tlr nl't'dl, It wu (lr. Jlllcn to lh,. (Jr•n•P "•unty non. lhr I>Hl yacht ~T1»or In UM £ " ,. .. ,..,m .. nr~••r;r 1n mll kl' ~ c-n•rr" rlar.-<1 t o•lay b)' P'lre Chlet Ftuk ll'llf!nlallw•• al thl' Am,.rlcan •·•n~r~try for uUn(Uiafifn~r •lll'h bi&Ma :and \\' C"rrn-k•·r : , &11rh anti 8hnr11 Prreervatl<rn 1 If d • arn.ce to an••lht~r' a prop.rt y With ltv-~uotlal llferuard ~(atfnn m,.•Un{ In C.."biMJ n ~ fU.IA!'tftOl'f UI:I'Q(JN rPaulted, tboM rnponrtbre may I Pat• ,,.l f,,, Y"•terclay, only nine tariiP~ lhll month , . I A• ('flnd Lleut Bull "Bill" Wll •• ~vt'n be h.eld Jlablt~ ror <10\Jrt ac. 11ppllr11.nlf 11howed up, four of 81fP"rvi~MT Warn~'r. who Ia jUJit tlon · thrill' hf·lnlt "ftlfll.lfed U Claaa A bllt'll a ahnrt tflnl" ft'lm lh,.,. rnn • t'"'""1'0 • l], fl. Army Corpe pilot, W.h. 11 , ... • • ' -• r1 f 1 e Ul• &>partm .. nt ta buay •nol four, C"lllu B. ,.._ numbfor, fer,.nce. In hla V~'rbal rl'p<~rt l<~ I "" ho .. •n apenltlnlf a b ll eave an.wertnr I ·'I , ,....,..., ,.__ • 1 an un mporlant ,.,. ... ~<rt·•orr, 11R ,n ..,,,_, "'""'""ker I• thr Oran4• County Coul AUtl· , •ll h hla par"n.la. Chl•f Wrrrant tl,., lack of flrp. proll'eUnn ma w•••·rullv ahort ot U.. req~tred elation. told hnw O..n Kln~tm~>n '•ttl• •·r and Mrw. Harry H. Wll. rMult.. Jn a tire IIMNI !Jf .UioWiantt! qw.tnlll Y told ,hiJI mlltt«U"i of lhP 0 ,.11.1 lttt rllll'•n nf Bat boa The )'OWII of doll an In llllllhf'r part of town F.oth,.r m~n 1, WOIII«ft, II quail. Lak"• an<l Atlantw (•<lll.ltl .rea.a, 11111n'a fat.Mr. who came up from thf atllef polnled out ' fl,.d, will be Nil4ered for UM "Wt~ all lhould ~an an apprecla. 81111. DlelfO · fm UM occulOft, ,.. Re.ltdtnl41 an wa~e4l to hoe ~ltlon. Uon ol WM& Newport HA111or In turned .to lJ. lt&U. .....,, ~ awa1 from outbulldtnp . .. .. 0 ,. T • • • • • -· • • • • • c • • ~- • • • c 8 1 G G • ~ , DaqhterofM Becomes Bride '-" _,._ wtl ~,,....._,Kurt. ..&7 .......... Mr ...., B. Dt01 5 41, lean ...... ....., • -&o ..... A.rn ..... C11 t.be U.l . --. n.. ...warw t --Ne&pboi'Moci Obi ,_ ...... wttll ., -.a.. t..Wu ot \be ,..._ .Ia atteo+taca. ..,...,.... t-. oerea ........... bJ ~ MRL ARNOLD A .. .......... -'llr.-._....._,, ....., ........ ,., ............. 1 ........................... ...,.. 114 Ulll a....- ...,a.wt·ftirallllcw ....., .......... ,..,... te Teii!WWD ...... ~ ... . ,... ......... .,.. ...... ~ ..... ~« .... ...... ~ ..... '--_ ...... UIIIU ~at----· ............... .et A.a. ......... ....... .... .....,. ,... Wtdlt•-.. .a.fiiiiUtlcrJIIPI .... ....,. kll •. ~ .............. .......... ,..97 28 . Nwpwt._ J ·a~·YOI 1111 ....... .. .... f • ... . 2 PIP Island tG Be Served TilE WOOING OF RfNE R&li•U'I•IIJlLaO.!..PaBII By Bus Une. Under .,. w. DZ MAXWJCU. · .. ,,.,.,., L4CAL,...,. Compromise PlaD ......_ Ia ~ about a perfeet June day that re-~ ever~tnc at N.wport a-ch. C&Jttornta bube d U. .... tenaiona of our civiliaatioD ~.aDd ..,..,,nda Pu~:: .:n.u.UIII Plant at 2211 COMt Bi.cl.-l!'elefli!OM 1111 :wuunc Friday ~ = \1.1 ot ~ ~ of our ao-ealled culture. Tbe great Entf'«'d .. NCOIId-dAM matter J~a~~• 11. l~i :: ~.,:~ ~;: at ~~ad·~=..':~n.~lty ~ outdoiol'w. WfUl it.l m.illion miracles, callB upon ua to be N~WJlOII'l ~ Calltomla. ~a~~der the c -' - -and Charlu P. Rhlnard. OWMr OUI'Ieha to pve the 'real man or real woman lnaide f.ree ...,.._ ,.w el.rft' • a l8 N..,_. llllftOr.,.. nf the Santa Ana·L&a'WI& Beacll ftfMp aDd full expreuion. The world of nature aeema to ..., f ht rpeopk_, 1talge llne, &JTMd upon a COlD· -v: . rp~, l"~ O l _ --promised 11Chtdule for tranaporta. --., IDOROE K. 8HAI'FI:R and CHARLES F . CRAWFORD uon servlt>e to Ba.lboa bland. '·'I bow, ob .man, that you are powerful and great of 0 o.mera and PubUIIbe,. Tht 1ta~ coMpany h&d aeveraJ int.Uect. I do DOt forget bow you have chained D)y, llght· OlllOROIC K. aHAP'FJ:R. IW.Itor week.l aco requea~t.ed permlaiiiOD "''"•• •-•"'-____ _. N1ClL llfUJUIAR()Cft. Local New• Editor _ to abandon the Ba.lboa IalaD4 por~ --. .,.. .,... .W. of iDduatry, hameiiBeO my element. to do ___ :_ ___ --'·:.._------:------n b uon ot Ita franthiM. lD .uppoft the Iabar ala bWion lllavea, utilized my own immutable lawa The ~ bM been ·~ J .... ..,.~::::~ ~=~~lne~' or thta req\IHt. Mr. JWMrd alt-for ,.,.._ ...Wt my whima, aDd improved upon my decree of \be &...,.nor ot ·--~---and advert&.ement.a led the lack of UM, dltfteuau. a&-~ork ID • ·"" .... -... wav.. t.o ~ all kind~ ... ---tPndlng fury ~np· t., tM . -. •• uu .,- 8U1I8CIUP'l'ION R.ATICS : lurgt buuea n.ow In UN, an4 tiM ''I do aot forget the eyes that see through human Jn o~ County. 11.60 per ,ear. Out.tde of Orance Co~a~~ty. ~·00 extra timl' con.aumed. fleab, aor tbe voice that spealut acrou the d.Wtanoe, nor ' ---"1"r conalderab!e ~ the ~·'!'a• that girdle the globe. I do not mlnlmire your Haa the German luftwaffe jomed the Japanese navy ~~;~~~~e~ == ~t ~ wdrb or 10V proweu, ob man. at Shangri-La! Caty Attorney Roland ~ ''If Ia J'OQ wbo forget. ----• preMnted a compromlae ftklll "80 1 ........ .. · .. __ _._ tt ood Rtr provided that the bua ltJie would .. , W I bring you u.ck to humility with the Our non-partii!&D Governor w.uc • pre Y i lnetltute ~ ptan to ctve JSaDaaa ~ chutehc ol my wrath ~ the tornado that anapa your publican ..,eec:h. land the aame amount ol Nr9ice lfaDt bl'tdc-Ulle twigs, or the earthquake that burlll your ---• It now ~lv• and at U.. aame •~ ,_ llmr avoid; the .,...I'Ud cSela,._ ....,_. au llilaNW~tlcaaw-I make upon the face of the earth . 11ie G;().P. convenUon cbaplt'" uked God to bleas Mr. 'I't\Ompeon'a plan propo.d ..._,,. w I woo you to adoration with a apar•of everybody but a.oo.evelt. Maybe God WW keep on bleuing that tht> bu.a trom ~ pro.. molt. .OW. atretcbf4 acroaa the curving boeom of ~ him an"how cHd !J;t~m the J~a~~cuon of lhriiM -. or a _..._,_bt ,~.... epangled with myriad world&, or a " ' -a\'enue and eout hlchway 101-A -.. •:r ' . Thunday, JUDe 2D, 1M4 .· End the War· m '44. Invest in War Bonds llnl tlien ae~ us for ME AT s- • GEO~. TAYLOR, ~er 2110 Ocean Front .,.,. ,_,. • 3 3 ---• tu Ma.nne and Park In the Jleart blue hlneeoaa Ill a bed of mou . When Adolf Hitler wrote in. "Yein Kampr' that a· two· nf Balboa Ialand, circle a block •'But mo.tly you forget. In the conceit of lnteUect and 1~;:::=;;::;::;::;::~==========;;===~ r"'e •b dld t d there. return to 101·A m liar· the f ri h . d L front war would be d.iautroua to \,R:nnany . e no ream tne, and c.ontlnue over lOl:A to . ~ o c ea, you Ignore , me an cea:ee to re- that his country would one day face ita enemies on three lh,. Arc.hu. . member tbat.t ·am .a part of _you and you are but a part of fronLH , plus formidable attack& f,-om the a.lr. The plan, which would eUm!aat.' me. .. . • ' '·. . . · · · a fei'T}'Ing aeroa the bay. wu ~ "Let 118 he reconciled a while fQr it is June!" t ' l)ffiml'nded to Jl(r. · llh!n&nl "' · ' 1 It waa Grover Cleveland w-ho aaid "It ia t.he duty or Examiner Chtua-of the Ra1lroad H01F we laave lnultlplied the complexities flitlt our re· the people to ~pport the Govemment, not the duty of the c!)mmleaJota. The bua opera&or lictoa "WWUch cllatOrt.t the Sermon on the Mount into musty · Gu\rernment to supi>ort the people." A blt o! wisdom which :~;::~.a.J tow~ry &T~te~ro~ ~ Ubra.r* of mere words; with our statute laws which ex- IUIDIO-VICB HOME • AUTO • MARINE RADIOS REPAIRED MARINE EL$CTRI~ seenu~ to have been forgotteo in Wuhington. dlcated tht aclledulea would be pa.nd the olloe&Je Law into uncounted pages of verboeity; -a no\'tsed promptly to provtde tor with our eodaJ conventiona which mould our words aDd PhoDe 2417 1111 Cout Hi9laway No WOtldu they ~~ Cbicaro tbe ·~Windy City." Dllr-th~;'::!~n~~co':::~tty at actiooa after. common j>attem and substitute etiquet for NIWPORT 'EACH . BUBifB.KOBifOK .. mg June and JulS' mo.t of the wind will be releued at the t.he hrann.r. which wu eonctuc:tecl co~y; with ow: educational systems which skim the ~=:;:;:;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;~~;;;=====;;:::;:;::;=:;~ two national oonventJo~tbe t.radttJl>naf brand of hot air at the city ba.ll, wu City Attor-ahaJ1owa &Dd lenore the . deepe. ~ ; that poUticiana 4J.Ipenle to a patient public. ·. ~Y s~:::nci ~:~~:,' 1!;: . 8omettr1• it takea the strong arm of nature to remind . • o A: Jonta, H v .. Kinny. clWr• \1.1 that ·meo. ~ter ·all, are brothen. In the cataclyBDUI of : · The prelude t.O in'tlation. is an old atr.ry. In 1633 John man nf u'" trtnaportauon co!*'-' earth ·we . are atripped bare of rank and fortune and ~ . ..,... .. mltt.e~ of the Cham~r ot eom. ---L. ..&L.-.. _ , Wh Ti•--t .ft L. h ln \Ymthrop, fil'llt rovernor of Ma.acbu.ett. Bay· colony. m!'rc·e. and Secretary · H.,.,., ~ \A.UIIJT -we are. en a LAUJC meeuo uer our wrote: "The K&reity o( workmen bad cauaed them to ra.ise Wl'lch. m.idnOCeaa, the ltDker ln the ~old discovers that the mJJ.. th'elr wage~ to an exceMive rate .. : &CcordJ.ngly thoee who · . llonain Ill the tlr'lt:cabtn Ia. like hJmaelf-a man. When the had com.modjtJe8 to .ell advanced their price., sometimes JPCAL O'""CI:&'S liON earth I"'Cb "!th the exploeton of "mine d4Jnp," the man dou&&e." AWUDED RJOR HONQa ~ tbe otnc. 6coven a hero ln the boy who drivea the . . : • -' Q~: ~dc,~i~~~~ ~ mule. ~-~y ~ nout .~ criaea-Ja that ~y a·&c•.a£RS AU•JfOW~ ..oa .. 'IIU:al. ... G011E -IN AND SEE U8l D' YOU CAN QUA.I..Ift -WE WILt IIELP YOU ''IIAKE OUT Y.OUB APPU()& , ___ _.. , ~H ll'Oii A 'IDE C&a'l'II'I()A • • The woaaen folk&. are go1nr to have. their aay in the the. ~ua.J bono,. ot :p;...ou,_. to throw al;l thl. ar:tlficlal convention& of Qlan'a making to 1944 electiou. Ttiere are 800 0.00 more women registered hJ• aon l!'e DlaUnrutahed "ytne wineS aad rellue to action the man inside. Only in the great . . , • · Cf9&1. t))e honoT haviiiC been con. _...._ of Uf ...tt d • w rUe bo th ah 11 L--.. PO'--•· . ''Ol~~. Qtan rr_sea and it Ut MtJm•ted m~re men thAI) w~ fened "for tktrao~lnary aehteV.. e·-•-, e, eeema, o . e a ve e .... • ow •... ~- DJta Will be abient from the voting bootha in Nov.ember. So ment wbllt partlclpatiAC In ur· ru._ \bat np-. and 8tultify our II()Ulll. ~TI:D BDVI~ dO not be surpriled if much qf the 10ft aoap put out by til flight.'~ '"'11 aon, Capt. w. A. ~. ·Jtule Ia U... a~pt of nat~re to woo, rather than ~~=~:;::~=~~;;=:;::;:=;::~=;;;;:;:;;:;;:;::;~ c&Detida•~ is .... ,~ .. --~ ·-the ,_ ... ,~ ; Rober1Jio!', Jr.. who wu &mOll& coerce -· ..... to our hoDMt .elvea. It .. her· appeal to the .._ """""".-& .... .._._, . the ncbter pilot& who helped. ... . ' . • • · tabllab the la.lemo br1dph•d.. bieber pec~y that ~ lD lqrite of all the bandJcap .Carpets, Rugs and Upholsterinci The powera that be aMert that it would be "unwiee" ~ prevtoualy been awarded u.. laid upoa • llr our compla deme of Hfe. lngenol ODCe "'' to courtma.rt.W Admiral Kimmel and General Short "at ~'.:..!..~ an~ etpt ou ~ 11&14 that tM Mnn ~by perfcet muaic caine aimp- . ' tJiia time'" lor dtrelection of duty wbkh Permitted the The F1yiJl6·,croe. ..... p,_t-ly hom & .,.._ ~tioll aroued ln .ua of.the pertectio~ :.~>earl Harbor 4AIIUter &; Thn......._ baa .... ~ d . th I'd In eeremonJ• at Jlanta Alia for .whida we Jaaallcl· bUt could not ~ttain. In the same man- . , C:LB&IiBD . . . . · •·~ ,_... an e Army Air hue where Cot Rob-the ~ tllat ·weu up tn the heart when June Presidept_ hu ai(Md ·a bill. po.tponiDc the· lnvestigation riuo11 ta commancUnc otnoer. oer, · · • m.i 1 . t . d . till next Dec.· 7th. WeU. t.hat will be alter the election. • · · spreada out for ua her panorama o,·, . rae e pam mgs aD ·.; a . : ·~ wiDtaGa ...,._ ...-., lulla ua witll ......t odon and 10ft ~ds. are at once a · · · tritxlte to our tDmo.t up.iratiooa and a reproach to our A CONPLITI LIJQ Of FLOOR DDVI:RIN.GB . .fOR TOUR boU~ Wit.ll'-peraiatent talk about our country being a .. democ· · NOrJCJ OF~ cw .J n.crlect of them. .it tru.M~me aucb ep:a.oUon .. u this which racy~ are apt -to torpt. that til reality tt k a reputmc1 t>EUONl\.1. ·.-o~ -A1f 8221 aw.lt. .. '"' . . -. :-iOTicE. IS H.EREBY OlV&N prompted Je&t:~ Paul, gulng out ln Ma· old age acrou the ftou 2808 SANTA A ~ 1 . • founded upon a wntteo conatit.ution wbJch proyides ·for that Ken.sa.lr, Boal ~tervtoe c1a.lma reacbet of the &tar-flecked beaveJUJ, to cry o1,1t, "Oh', daye '-----------------~-~---1 LUDLUII c:a••EI'· wo••l -. • 'rep~tative ~ovemment by three distinct . branches-a lien tor atorace and labOr em. . th ......... , .. ·legislative exe<:)lU\#e and judiclaJ...-.and tliat the chief func-ployed tor the proleeUoo ~ -.te of my you , , ..... --.. ' · ktl'ptnc of that W• know aa tf by lnat.lnct, when w~ get out into the . tlon of the ooo8tituUoo t.· to protect tlte filht.e~ and Uber· . 2o.toot cabin runabout bc*t 0 ..... , o.L.-.. _11.-'AA d-not thrive best within tbe cloister -!. • t • • I all :th.e ----.1... (mln rit · 11 ' · 't ) ·. 'N\Unber 27AIU7· · · r-~ ·~ .....-~ tea 0 • l""'t-0 Y .UJ~ · u DUlJOM Y · • wtUt;h at~we and· 'labor 1a lA 11M or the dimUt temple, but in the groves where birda and ' · • amounr of 563.70, and DOUce .. th h b'rda d Th 1 f th o--. r _ _..1 , . , hereby tfYeJJ that on the 1.2th d&7 or the dimlit .temple, bet in e IJ'OYetl w ere 1 an ( . e ..MJ es 0 ~-~nate, are e ... " c indeed. C~hfOfl118.8 nC. July; ·~·. a.t the bour of tM nowen praiee, or ~ the deeert wllere Omnipotence speaks jlJnior eenator mana~ to have an amendment adopted o'cloex a. m. 'llt 34~2 VIa Oport.o. ILro•t•h the ai'-cea. We know, u we stand atop a mighty t h d bt f' 't bill b.i b ~ -'-' th b f an the Clly of Newport ,Beacll, t.D -1.::&1 on e ~ . .-· un, ., w c u~ e ca aret tax rom c.tunty or-Orange, State ot Call-mountain of roCk &Dd ~-.nd, that God cannot be oompreu· 30 per cent' to 20 per ceDt--a matter that 'kllB germane to turnaa. ·U\(. underalgned wW .. u ed lnto ·any at.urd technical definition of a "triune god· , . ::. CONRAD SHOOK ~ • CONTRACTO~A.NC>'BUILO[R ~-·. ' COM .. LI:TI: BUtLOIND .I:A:•ItCI: ~. '· . • y .. HDNIE NKW~O•T 10a•.J • ··.,:; •• t •a a ...... , ... Ava. P. D. eoil ~ 01 '• • .. . ,. e1LeO ... I•I.AND, CtL;'".' . the subject.m~tter of the bill onl}: by a wild stretch of the :~,.j~~~~~:t~:i. ;::re-= ~ head." Nature mUM out phraae creeds ridiculous and ~ur imagination. Maybe the tax reduction will help our junior • 101 <Jay• h·u elapaed alnee the lip .ery{ce ·a mockery. To-our idle prattling& of theology ~~enator Win the elec:Uon, but we doubt If it will ht>lp win =~~~! ~~ ~a:.rm'::~~;:, 'c:! and our· multiplication of doctrinea. the ~ys like the voice ':=~~~:::=~==~~=====:=:::;;;::;;~ the war.· the protoKtJvn and aate-keep~ of · -o.m d kn th t I am God 1" : ---• •a•..t -boat became due., out of the cloud: "Be •uu. an ow a · S.Aid auction and aa.le -1U be The finest tribute that June paya to man is het recog· ·Following the precedent .et by Ka.iaer Wilhelm in 1918, madl' undl'r and ~Y virtue of a.c. niUon 0., hlB emodoa.i. She remiljds him that. after all, it is F H U -taun• JOM. mt. and 3002' of tbe !.1 d euhn-r i er is keeping hirnaelr out or the litneli,ght, c1,11 coo .. ot the s tal-e ot cau. the spirit that movea aDd ntles the destinies of mankin For Bolding .. and Repairing· ·~· Wlu•ther this aetion is voluntary on d~r f~uhrer's paft or rornta, IUld for the purpoee or -and show• b1Jn tmJDiata,kably that this spirit peniata in · d ' t....a b th Pru-' I rd h ld k sslasfyang t.he lirn of the ~a~~der. .,. th t b -..a •s. tree 11.-u Y • . e ~an war o s s o~ . rna e lit.tle Slgn~:d on lhl' aatd penon&~ prop. apite of all the en.t of form and cuatom a aa cove.~ difference to Allied leaders. The ~rman m1htary machme erty. . · hilft with the p..tnc oenturiee. At other times, the may is going to be crushed thla tim~. mistakes of 191 R ,..ifl not 1 9~:,tl'd t~~· 27th ·day ot .J~a~~e, humble, but in tbe fullneu of June she exalts and inapirea. lllgllllrlctllundl~ GJ~. be repeated. Se~timental~t. who advocate "gt>nerous" ~E~o,.;u;s BOAT SERVI~ Th . monopoly of June. It ia yours,.. too .• .treatmf.nt of the Ger,:man nation are ent'mies ,of th~ future Ry Ja,·k K•·ndRII, Cl&Jmant. ere 111 00 , . peace ()( the .wol'.Jd. ~> • • l"ub Junr ~9-July e. tH•. <Jet out into the open ~d take your sh~l9da.Y~ __ __,_. • N<YnCE OF ~ or New.a rep<)rts from.\.the Pacific indicate· that Japan has PEMONAL P.OP.-rt' t. II • band aA d-' (, h t . l . f • NOTICE IS HERICBY otVEN prac 1ca y a on""4 'laent~e o er. o\1 cr .c1rc e of orti· ural ~endall'• Boal service claim• fied positions and ls·dtgging tn to riefend her home islands. a lll'n tor atorag~ and Iabar; •m· Sh · tJll·d · ·th jo f h · ployt cUor U\e prdtecUOn and'.., .... e 1.s. •S evotmg e m.. r part ~ er mlhtary strength kr-l'ptnr of that .. to the conquest pf ·China, where the Allied PoJVers have a.s JO.toot Sl'a altd boat N~ • • · . . bt-r 27 A2t2 · yet put up httle opposition. Even lf thf' JapanCSf' arch1pela· which 110~' and labor 11 tn u.. go is brolll!ht to ito k":..tmerican and·Jirit .. h .. air and amount of SM 00 anc1 notlee '&a . 't ·n be . to drfv th J ( Ch ' ht>rE'bV. f1\'en that on the 12th sea po~er, 1 W1 n . e e apa r~m I• dai of July, ~~··· at th~ tlour of nese soil. for there can be thought pf abarldonmg our ·t..n t>'clock a. m. •t I4U v-.. brave Chinese .-Jiles who hlve held the Jape at bay for 0110rto. In tll~> C1ty of N~rt , , . · Bra<'h Coynty ·of OranJ'8. II~ ~~even long yea..ra. flf C&ltfoml.a. Ult undenl~ • • • • 111'11 at public auction. the a'bo•e tlrtcM'bed bo•t. That more Ulan The Hynes-Cieawater Journal aaya. "If you h&ve a Jot trn 1101 day• hu elaplled 11noe . ' ~ ,, 11101 Anllallle ·ftla We* ......_ . ..,.. .......... IIIU.JfDT ..... -~ ... -............. IAJII, ...... ..... ..... :, .... ~ "nQmLi..A .............. -.,....VODKA '• Utlt·.-Qt. ..... ,... DnUua ......................... ............. v ....... WALTIR S. SPICER, o-n.,. ••••oat' •••c• ·· · .. ... Elegant .Gifts ,... ,. .. !~~ondS • Jewelry · P~ls •:watches •· Clooks SUve~.Ue • Dresser ~ts 4()e-. t · kill d ·it d ln th' . lhl' lllllount ~I' u oompenaaUofl 0 . time to , spen o g aome mg ueeful Instead of fnr atnr&«l' and labor ~mp1o,-ed At H R T tt' ' in 8pe<:Ulating OD,,the relative merita of radio commentat ors In tht' protet:tlon alld at•.Jreep.. • . ·• •·. . ro s •-ben the w1U -.a h t th tng ot •ld boat "became due. · · aa 1..v w war a.u or w a e next J:!lO\'e of the Satd auctJon and aa.le wm be .<.:.·A a.l twM ~ Ol.D~ i.DY&Idon forcea will be. They have no more tnaide inform•· made uridt'r and by vtrtuf of teo. Syc··more -t~ F· .iti Street doll than the state ~nator from Podunk Creek Atk.ansU tiona SOGl , sd&ta and 3002 ol u.. AUG--~-v. liUl , • • ..1. • C1Y11 Cod.P of the lltat-e of CalJ. IIED8 or tbe kid playing with bia yo-yo on the Lincoln ::school fnrnla. and tor the purpoae of •t. &lAO ·~ ww .SANT ' ~d.' Franklin D. Rooeevelt aDd Winston Churchill ~~~:! 0~~e11!:1d o;.r:~ll u;:;: ~.::.. ~~ -. • ..-, •1~ a..,, A ANA .... Joe Stalin and Douglu Mac.Arthur and Ike Ei.e'enhow· l'rty. · · ot111 _, • • • " .Phoae 5818 • Csowt ,IIDow yet when thew.,_ wiD end, and they will be Dated .thta 2'7th ~1 ot ~· ~·M ............. D 1 ,. • ,· ...., U.:. drat to know. So turn ott your radio and call 1~~NDALL'B "BOAT sa'Vta& n••()"M :· (BAIII'AGD ·' -BlJY-.tJ. 8f WAB BOND81 ., tile ~ ad order &Dolb.r War BoDd." By :Jack Kendall, Cl&lmut. L. __ ..,... _____ _._...,; ________ ~ ;..,.-------------.....-------~ . Pub. June ~\llf I. 1~ ______ ..__. --'· l. \.... ' \ F , .. .. ,. •• . ' ... Tbunday, JUDe 29, 1~ . , .&o.J ..l P••••••' lluP Dlalt_ cat ~ .. .t.tU.. at tile ... ol a dllaP- ter ID Veloe. 1ft ........... Wal~ ~ mall ol Pomona .... ~~ at tMlr "-eel ....... 111 ITUa ..... Lt. aDf lba. Jo,.. JldPa. 1106 w . ...,. a..... .... dM ,.,.t.a ot a -....,. ......, at 8t. Joa. ... bolpltal. Pvt. RA*II't .watt. JM~alaer of tM Newport Beads po. lkle ~t. Ia DOW 1t.aUoiMCS at ou.p -....u .. tile ~ ,. Mr. ucl lin. a. T: . D\&D1ap, fonDertJ ot 1JO A.Mk~De aftlllll. .... .....-4 to tM BltduDU property at t1t lappb1N a-msue. ~t ......-alloard tbe Att W..t.enDark J&Cht. 8e6 'Hawk at N.,art Banor Yadat club, were Lt. WU. Bat, U1INft, uad KrL Ruat.. TIM W. R . W~ ar. a- peetacl to antw trom Berklllley Wa .. k &Del wW ISMD4lB-JWD· .. at •w• 'nell ..-, 11 Jle&. COD Jl&y, ~ Mary l:llaabet,ll BnmlnC ol lTOO &. Ooi&D J'roDt; Balboe., . _bu IIMD aocept.ec! for _.rvtOI' In U.. WA~ uad wtU leaYe '~ tor• tra1DtJia'. -- ..__, ~ at tbe .._1801 ,._.. ... .._., IU I'Nl .trMl, • .,. act. an4 Mn. RJehar4 'l'or· NDCe aad -'n. Joe IJ~ of Lae AApl& Mr. uacl Kn.. Jolul 8. Qrtmth ...... oroa s •-a•-•-a• DUBIRG · UQUI.I».&ftO •. UI.B ····:11-1 • 1:1., . -'· .. • LOT -. _· . . . . ENTtRE -sa;C!~SD~D ·/1.. . 11aU~cioeeMOT ~ ·--L·-'•'--n"--···'-·~·eo ... .:..:. .. -.. 1~----·.. . ........................ , ........ .1.. ............ ~ ••••••••••• $1,000.00 SOLD 2 . '· .t •••• ao' LD UM,;IVQ .,_ -··----. • .. -u. _...... . . . ........... 7 .............................. _ ................ ~------ 5 .. .-.......................................................... -·~ 8()[,)) 4 ............................................................. -· IOI.D ............................................................... 'JIO.OO SOLD 8 / ..... ..,. BOLD . . ............................................... -... -... .......,., . .·i I :~ I . .~ . •' ....... '*-" UMtr llul Manno ..... tor tile "'"'"r ucS ..,.. -.pia loeat.ec! at, 1101 ~ Bay J'roDt, Bal1lo&. \ --..... , .. ·. ...... ; . . .. ...................... 1 .................... : ......... , ......... ::-·..................... 110.00 8()LD 8 .......................................... ~................. ,_. BOW 9 ....................................... : ........ ~ ... =. -,-ao:.oo S(}J..D 10 ................................................. ___ ... IIJUlblt-;-0 • • .. : -; 0 .:. -1'-• :+ . ... . , .... ,.._ty,ftve Girl 8cOub trom tbe Newport Harbor troop lett Tlaee4ay tor Camp A.lptne , where a pJeuant WMk'l ncatson .. M-· .-·~elliaw• ·JcP.-'.-ie 7el -. . .. aa. aauclpat.ec!. · •.. Mr. uacl x.... 8\nell L. a.a.ce . . . . . ~7#LE~:! . -iytifiii BuDding -~~s ~ IIUdNd ·am.uu b8 · ar- .-Ef~?:-:$·r! and < Sand Lots ori CIUiltler, of tbe .lalf.l\d,in · 11ft • • · .~~~~;= 'the Bluff an·d-·on '· ·N«·a. ...-raJ daya with . ~:::·: ~::::--:-f _ Jhe~aftd -B8ach 011 ~-·eorw, left .. ,...rd&,. . . ··=a:~~ both · the····· foNta wSUl IWI p&re&ta..''Xr. and lira. ll. 0 . ~ 0~ ~ ·Poppy aw.. . . ODroDa del· au.~onet . ._ · il ~~%::s~ ;~ -BaY .and<Otean · · tM Padfte Mortllweilt . . • · ·E::f1~~~.-.cth~.~~ -~· --s1·des of·. oout~ Ou&rd. . 11 ~pen4tnc a ' · Jeawl with b1l wile here. . . - OrMUnc 1oeal trtenc!l.lut 0 d I M ~~~aztJ ........ ._. ; .... oro._. na e . ·ar 1ft llll montJY. R.opr, who bien In UM Merchant Kartne. u.. P¥t ,...r and • halt h&d CIIIIDpieteiCI.,~ yq~e ·~ Ute -P1iet.tle. ...... » ... ' '.· :\ 0 ·· -ore:.~ :orcs .·trien41 .._t .u.eir ~ IWtimer bome tut ,...lc . end were Lt. Feltx r&rwen· -of ..the v. s. Nava~··tt..erve, and Km. ..,_,1. J111t back from e.et~voe ~mce ln the South Paetne, and . -w:lf# (M)uM tor a new poet If! • OeorJS&, Lt. FuweU reeenUy un. 'c~trwent an 'a.ppen~ 81)1 ,JI'rancllco. Capl and Kn. IAcma.r4 8. Roireben'J of Balbo& llland are b01MJII'O(Iftlnc tn Mexico tollowtnc · Qetl' reenl roam..-. Kn. Rowen beft"J 11 the tonner Laura Brorri- -ley. l"ontatae, cSaua'Jiter of Oeorp A.. Bromley-ot 8altnu. bapt. Rowen berry, a IOD of Fredertek · Joeepb Roweberry of woa•ton, l:ftcland. II a nttred Brt'Uah Army otacer. llr. and Kn.. J:rllclne Jollnlon, ·-Welt Ard 1treet, Lae ~­....... lla•e botictit a lot on Lido Jlle and .enpced arcbtteetl to draw planl tor buJI41ftC Immed- iately attar the war. Kr._1.Jolul· IOD con4uctl a 1\lPUy raaao \IDUI ID Lol A.ap~-. Ia a oolump-.s.t for the Lae Anfelel' Dally ~ and a110 Lae Anrel• r-..pondpnt tor the ~per Dlterpr11e ~Uon. o·. 1L Greene · and .on. Phil, baM opened their . ..-ldence at 1101 a. Bay Front aM are en· JoJinc •ftr&l ¥71 ..Utn• .tte-t«e Pbll'• return to Oee14ental " c:oUe,. where be 11 enrolled-In th NaYTI V-JJ tralnlna PJ'OI'r&M u b &liPrthUoe M&li\UI. Mr. · OI'Hne, wt.o bu for the put MY· •raJ mooUIII made bll ttome at H\lfttincta Hotel ln ~na. now apecta to ..tablilll perma.. nat ....SdiMI oo tM lllancS. BahT A.. Caldwell. wt1o came to Oal'oDa dll lll&r ._. a ~d lieu· t.Mnt ~ ... ltd ... ,..did Ulere 'for _.. Ulu a Je*, .._ '*" ,. OlD bid tiD ~ !'Silk ol ... . ,., ....... 5'&. to ~ .... , .. a... tldl W'Mk. )f&Jor , ClldWID II ..., eucattw olftolt ol a taera. tor . ~-8quadroll ........ .......-. 1D ~ )(n. Ruth .. ... :. ~· ·,. -··tisid8nce _ Lots 1 • • ...... ~ ·" • • .. . -. :R8Sid8ntial Income . Business lots , laadllaePdcetue ·Biglal B ..... ..... . . ..... . .,, ~ ~ _, ' I • .,, • o.... Tewa•a• U.·tb018 yoa llaoald Hke, too PROPERtiES,-, INc. See Mr~ l F. Rhoden, . . . . Tuct Sales Manager · . (_ ..... On til Bluffs· Jt . eor.. iii Mar 11 ·········-····---·--·······----··:···u-······· ............. . ,10.00 8()LD 12 . , -.. .,. ,00 IOLD. . ................................... v...... .................. ...,.,. IS a Po-:. 15 .................... -............. 1,000.00 $()LO_ 14 ·a Por 18 . ~ ~00.00 BQ• n . . j ~ . . ' . . . . . . . ... ............. _··---··· -. . . -·- . . Z.,.. · iJ .'_ · -I · ' I t ' :C . . ., -· .Lj ., . Lot • • t I • , • II II II •• II •• 11 II It . , .. . . :f,T . ' .. ·• PAC I'F.IC ~lti.VI - 9-l..CLC.K "i31 Sf)i...D .. : I i ~-~---~--: ... ~ ~~~~~~ .~ a ..... --.. .............. tt: ...,_..,... ... ~. • , r r I I -. . ., r BLOOil A-Ja ow H.. ....... OM ........... 0111 .......... Lot ...... Prk'e .......... .... ..................... --Prb .......... tt ...... ... ........ It) ........... ....... I ..... -• tt l'tUt ............ .. , ........ ........... ........ ·'C::: ... tt ::: ............ ·~· ..... ...... ........ u ...... ·:: ..... ueue• ........ .......... u ...... ........... ....... , ..... ........ ...... JJ) 1,116 ... , .......... •• ......... .... . ........ 1 .......... 11) .. u ...... .. . ...... ..... ..... . ....... .............. . It) •• ...... ........... 18) I PAIK'l':L ! •• ., .... .. , • rABCJ!CL ......... ...... ........... !I) • ~· ..... ........... BLOCK Jt-16 . ' : ... -..... ........... ·J .., ..... -............. -' ••• -I PAIICEL ,... ...... ........... I UMM ............ ..... -\ ........... •• l.fae ... ......... ...... •• I PAJIClKI•~.-.a ................. • t ,UO.M ........... RoN ., ................. ~~ ~. a 't,ut.M ............. II). IPAJiall. ...... ........ ~_.· • UOO.it . ............ M) ··-· • •• I .... a. IIN•driN'f' .. ......... ·--- ~~---· --· _____ ___: ____ ~ ........ ...:...-~---------.. . '0 N · ND r.C · . ,_,., ,-,~IC 4, 'r " A r ~CA r~.J ~,.,1'1/.,_,$ '. . .. 4 C&lclweO. Wtlo became b11_ tM ay Won tMJ 1ocate4 at ~ 6d Mar. .. ~ ~ ~CIJtiCilKJCICIJCIC~PI~JCICilc.~~JCICIJt~CIJCICIJtlclitiCICiiCICil£1Cia£1c.~~ei6KJCICilEICiliJCICiitiCiiiJCI~iCICil~! ........ ~ - .. t F .. ' .. .. ... - · . .. -Daaahter~ • Becomes Brldt -.., _,._ wt 7 • Q _.., ,,._.. of Mur• • ~ ......... of .. , --., H. DtniiD" • Tt • . '-"' ... ,.... ~'1 -ao l:u&P An .... 0( ~ v.a • .. • 0 II • • s • I. " • • c • • II ,... ' -I ~ • ( • §_ • G • • I • ... • .. II • ~ n....w~.,, .. Ne&pbortloocl @ ....... wtUaOAJ: ._. taaWu ct lbe ,..,_ a attr dt"ce. NlotriDI UM een ... ptff...S bJ I ...... A ... CM.D A. .._ ....... .t Mr. •" ........... ,: ~· ........ .. . tllllfttl ... .., aiel Da.tdtloalt. a weddlnt ....... Uae ..... ...... left ,_ • IDol ..... "'.....,... .. ~ to Y0nt.owr ...... ~-· n. "'*· an-..,. ...,__ lliP. au..cs. ,....ct ..... .... ~ ...... ~ ~~ ................ ac: ' A.'8. ...... SMC;; -~::::C:=-=~.~ ~- • • .... • I II 1 .... .. .. .• fte lliridelr-. &a · ·-..·at Banor 1Jt1b ··---~or.-•. OMipa. . ...._,. M reo .~ ........ ~Kayj .LA VIII a .lilidDiJ •l!t .._, '·· . :·;·.~~ .......... -·~=.:-. .,.-BariM ·, ........ ~ ... -. ~~C.r .. . 1~\. .,I· ·l J Olam 1?11,!! . ·i I )' GE II now oc ut.M )() . 1· BEFORE YO , ......... ll11ft 1 .. : ......... , ... .. ..., ., .... • \1 . " • ~ul. .~k. puta an end to ptttl fut. • Will not epot Of e~la dra~a. walla or fuml• ture. • H.. a pleaunt pl...., • like fraiJaQCe• e Eny to u1e1 COftYI• nient. • Carrie• the • lht.ld Of t.he Flyinr Reel Hone and Good Houeek..,. ...., ...... 11 ..................... ,...._ .... . THE SUPER INSECT SPRAY lUll \ 1<11', "''' <J• ,.,., I«JA!HI'> ·ANI \ • MOIH\ xw the ,motltwonDI that dam- .,. dothiac bJ limply ~­ inc theM p&euantly-ecmted 1•1-o~rw..t.at. In .J'OUI' cJoett, R~ J'OUI' moth •aporben with Bug-a-boo MOTH camMJ·· Sold In 1, SandS lb. 'eontatn~ with tr.. Mporiaen inclu~ . . . JtWiNKLt· HARDIAIE T•a.p~-• R-port la25 COSTA ,liiSA ,.·• ·--. -. . . oA~tea ·HARO'fiARE AND HOUSEHO LD DEPT. STORES. i-} -. .................................. ' -., .. ,, . . •' ol Bolly.,ood .. Distinctive Photograp~s AT UASONABLI PRICIS .· . VSalt Our Portrait Gallery ............ " ... ·~·-------............. ~. "-- lCW*"'$8+t.B()A P1UC88 ThUI'IIday, JUDe 29, Real -Estate Matket-Aetlve !"':1 ~:.!::...--:'... Apolena &YeDue, .,. U.. pi'CIQd As Mariy Non-Residents =~··!.::::.::.:m~.£:; St. Je»eph boepttal to Ill' ..... seek Homes -Here ~~:.-!'· .. :·"~:~~ ~ •. chlldrtn. Pamela and BIUy1 of ~ ...... ., .. .till ...... lave ~· ol ~~mADS. ER~I~.IIill-· ... w.at · F..:ll · Pltlll llisil · SID twill · Eg lnlll · IJI JW .................... ~ ... d ......... Local realton ' put lJl aaotMr e~, 11M Ora.ace avenue. hU Santa Ana, are lpendlq' .nwaJ busy week and could eully .._.,. puroiiMM tale Jame• Hathcock weeka vacatJon on Balbo& lllaftd. ._ ... ,_..... ~ _, o.ea .._ .loubled their Nln volume aoepl MO'dnn "• BroadWay whlcb Prior to h1l mani.,., Mr. Twilrt ~::===========::======~~~§~ QDALii'V UKBR'I' t•1r the unprecedent.d IC&I'dt1 1a at ....._ occupied by Capt. had made hta. borne at the Rutlor uf l11llnp . Practically eve17 ol· IIAcl Mn.. L. a Malmlten and for many JMIS . flh~ today reported the eune. ~ c:bt*-. ~ and l:dward. Robert Lone. wbo rec:enUy re- u .. tton -an ever.lnc ...... lafta capt. M·t 1 I bu been ttallon. t urn!d ltome attn makln&' a t.r1p ,.( proapectlve home ownen aDd ~d at &-. "-a Army Air BaM to the South Paclnc wlt.b tbe u ~tJve dearth of avall&llle s;racUalll,r ..... Ill openlJlC Merchant Marine, hu been crut- l1ropert.lee. Ill' .... Kn L. w I~lud, ed a llhert leave ot abeence ud "Such a oondlUon meu. ~ ronaerf7 ., ~ Be~ have I• eettinC re-acquainted wtt.b h.la on•· thine.'' one prominent rMJW bouelat tile ~om property at wife and dauptar, B&tbua ot 1l•·•·lart'd. "people are not buJIDI HG a 1IUl ..,_t and will occupy 426 AII.JO avenue, Newport Rp. '"' apeculatlon-they are bu,._. U.. pr ' 11 Mr. Ireland '-con. Local frlenct. will be happy to (ur kH pe." DJCt.d .... De wu.hJre Ol} Co. )earn of tbe blJtb ot a bally liOn . a to Mr. and lin. WIWam R . lo(u. JloYlq tp .._ Oz -Pllloce Sold' well, Jr .. 1111 &. •It p'Mt1 Lae 1>. Parker and the ~att .. 'l mob.. maay wtaten In the Harbor area Ht'nry Ma.xweU In. Both Mr. and WORK '·CLOTHES Str0119bold Whit• Carpeateta Onnl11 sa • .,• ._.._,~,. •• , ··a.:l;!a.e•, saA• · .. wo.. n .... ea-ldlc •• . . Deld •L•a laaloriMct ~ aWt&r7 etys.,. tri~ ltitohcl, wu!.-proof hltou S3.1• 8pllt ........... GloY• 7tJc COSTA WUA Amonc tranaacUona nportad Ill'. aad xr.. Boyd Roberlt qt AncelM. The JOW\Pler, who lhta WHk WU J&le Of tJie Jam. Pro9o, u..._ ~Ve bo\AI'ht tbe made h1J antYal at S&nta AJ\& ~<-<i&nn ruJdence at 2M &. ~ t.ome ot u.rt. and Mr•. L. c. Community hollpttal on June 21 • &.l.r~ .co.ta MoNa. which wu pur-Cauthau at -Eut ~lth ureet. wei(Md .even powuit M4 ODe 1 <h<UI<'d by Mr. and Mn. CboMDa.Je Mr. IIAcl 11n.. ROberti have 1pen~1iounce~alld hu bMn named Wm . .·r, M r1. Harriett Cro~ ot 101 aad are now convinced that no Mrl. Muwell are cr&duatn of !!; ~nlral avenue, Balbo&. TIM ot.hu ipot 'Well quite the aame Newport Harbor Union HIIJ'h r~t·w C?wnen plan to occupy ~ appeal u a ,_,.around realdence. JChool. Mr. llaJr+'ell'• parenlt pt •·mlJeJ. • r. Mr. Roberta, who 11 a brother of havln&' for many yean re~tded at ~e deal wu hanaJed by Uae lin. Belle llanot of Balboa, Ia 12t W. Bay awnue. Balbo&. ~~~d~~~rert~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~~~~~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ also rl•ported that Harry Jilla». ~aeh. · · f ~rgu, m~r ·of J(.nox ~ •r. aad llrL 8. W. KII}Jley, who war" ~l?re, had pl&l'dlued Uae recmUy .a4 their home at 101 Jl. tormer N. C. Lamberton ltome at OenlNI aftftue, Balboa to AUJUn 22:!0 Old Santa Ana I'Md. from Dunham. ha'ft purch~ th.e 'y ~~!Jion Helmwood of ~ ·L. Daftte18 ._.. and half acre at lki\Cil. Mr. Holmw~. ~UJ aaa ·a.t 'iTtlt atree~: ·Mr. and ,..,IJ hll pro~tty at 28M Cyp~ ~ra. De.aSeJ.. who tla4 been rut. u\'t'nue to Mr. and Kra. WllUam ctente ot eo.t.a loleea fdr many TAKE HER TO .. • • .-· IRodntan, nuw re~kn!nte o.f O&d yean, ~aa,. raoved to Be11YtUe . Newport.. ro~4, and hal purdaul4 Tnu. lJ'~CJ'ej!.lD th~. Newport. BIIPU llrs. ·Dan PaRa. forme-r own- an'& 'f~om. ),(,._ J . L. Fon~ ,.r of .c&brtUo auto court at~ o~~'CE A ,,,.,,.-,.,; H.;:~ Wataon, who roeceaUy V...,. ..-Uy .purdla.led a ~' YY ~ ~~-~:~u~~~~~~~~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ B.-t na o. &\'tmue. ewpo .._-~ J)Orl......., aa4 will bulld u 110011 hu l'urchu ed .the. ll. C. W . U po&IIW.. At the preeent Ume pn•twrty at 1110! Orance &WIIIue. abe Ia lft8ldlw ber home-wU.h her ClaJre M. NeJ.jon, tM Bemard b ...... _ •• .a ...._.., _1 Ia ~ d . t bo h t I •-.,._,.. nAIIIIIIIT -_, n. w, -r. an ~tree. ug t wo o .. on~ ~ B. J' ll&yMw of a4os J'ln- way from the G14fe ellale1 L. 'f. le)' a~ Ttffany of Lone l!each p~ ed the M~far'el Maclru\la p,. ~~~. .... rtanaPn ~ 111'1. • rty at 211 Konte V\Jta .!1DIL ,~ · ~ have been Uvtnc . . -n t.be Dkk Roprs rMSdenee at ~ oa OttlllrUio 1M. • 168 J'loww .treet, ban ~ Mr. 'and Wn. Charle.a Kalli.1 ed u.e· II; » ty at -tell lh.t __ , 2377' Elden avenue, !)ave pur-bouJnv4; at ,......Dt OCCN1IMd by chued a bou.ee ucl two 14* • the Val ...._ f,.ui, aDd ~ C&bril&o l~t from· A. J. _... moft u ~ u IIH·l. daa .m&J ton ot : Ut Newport bouleftrd. be ......... •· ~ ~ Mr. Burton ~ eold a 1ot Gil Ca. plaa to N ' •.1 bl u..ar· ...,_•1 brillo tO o.o,._ r. amJtll a¥ ~~tnet-....._ .fte ea1a ,.. JldY· another lo ..,., . luafar4. ateiJ wet' hi . . •. . 2 . All pi-ece41nc tnnaetSoM ..... Sarnuel • 4 8peecer ot .. - handled ..tJu'oultl U.. ft..U of,. bGe ..... t ~ OM'-balf ~ flee. OD Pl...a:ta • .,... from Dr • Stoveral privalel)' .,..uatecl Caroline IAtte of .Puadena, t.be uilea bave ~ bee!\ CMJUn•••· tnct .,..... tiM .IOGUl hall ,of Lot ed In recent daya. JamM W••· 11. ~elusive Styl~s BLOUSEs~-~ .. ·. • COITA ... & Reasonable Prices -HOSIERY Marrie.d Q.t Laguna In Sunday Rite.s ManaK· or MJ.& o..r I'D80N.U..~ ~CE JS H&R&BY G~ ~~~::::::::::~::::::::::~::::::::~====~::::~::::::::::::::::::~ At a qulet ceremony att.tded that Kendalh Boat Semca clalml only b7. memberJ ot the lauDe4-a Ueft for .Jtorac-e aad Ia!M>r em. )ate famUtu, M181i Mu.rlel Outdo ploJed tor ~ protacUaa~d _, .. son. daupwrof Mr. ~ · lin. "-Pine ff lbat S . H. Davtdlon of 1TS3 SUta Ana lJd Center bou'd All l boat; ... •wt•nuc, on Sunday altemoon be-which 1torage and labor Ia lJt·tie Nl·l'ne the bride o~p Arnold amount of 137.10, aad notJoe II , Arthur Ch'rtaten. JOn of Mr. and hereby ctven that on U.. lJtb ' Mr11. Arthur ChrlJlen of · 1111 of July, 1A4~. ·at· the hoUr of Tuslln avenue. o'clock a. m. at St62 VIa Oporto, The ·marriage vow1 were read 1ft' the City of Newport ~. at the Neighborhood church of County of Oranp, lltat.e of Cali-fornia. t.be unde~ wtU .ell Laguna Beach by Dr. RJebard at public aucUon, the above dJ. Rtl<IPy Mor gan. There were no acribed boat. That more than te• ollt•ndante. (10) da)'l have 'elapeed atnce t.be Following tht' ceremony a wed-amount due u compenaUon for ding sup~r wu held at the H~ •tor14fe and labor emplOyed tn the tel La.guna and the younr couple· protection and aatakeeptnc ot Nld lrft tmmediately for catall.fta ~ boa~ becrun~ due. land w h.eTe they are now ~pend· Bald •uctlon and aa~e. wtll be tn£ their h oneymoon. made under and bJ vtrtoe ~f Bee-• l ron. ~1. 3051a and 3062, of the I Buth F;nalp ~~~ Mn., Olriaten Cl\'11 Code of the Stale of Ca)l. arr j!"raduatra of Coeta Meea fornla. and ror tbe purpoee of aat. ~-:ranJmAr 1chool and Newport lllfy!llg the hen or t.be unde~ ... Harbor Union Hl~th echool. lira. an the •am~ perwonal property . C'hnstrn gnduAted from the Un. Dated thl1 11th day of June, •wrsl~ v. of Califor nia at Berkeley 1~4. Ialit Frbruary. KENDAU.'S BOAT SERVICE, A ft••r r"t'el\'lng hi• A. B. de-By Jack B. Kendall. Cia!':" ant. J.:rl'e at CRiifo'l'nla Polytec)uilc at Pub. June 29-July I , 1,-... S11n L.ula Obispo. 'En.lrn Chrilten •'nli~t..t~d I!' the Navy ReJerve, re-NOTIC'E OP SAL& OP t'l'l\'lng hill con11n1Uion at North. PER.'WlSA.L PIIOPDTI' wf'lltl'm Unlveralty In Ollc.,.o. He NOTICE IS RIIR&BY oiti:N hnl! Alrea.d'y put In conJiderable that Kendall'• Boat Sftvtoe clalma spn ·irr aboard a mlnMWeeper tn a lien for ato~ and labor em· thr Aleutl&fl• and hu now been ployed for the protecUoD and ..re-keeplfll of that I 1'1'-RII~Igntd to the Mine Warfare u :foot cabin runabOut boat Sf'hool at Yorktown. Va., where • Number 27C31· , he Ia to report July 111. Mn. which atoragt-aNt JAilor Ia In t.be C"htfstt'n · wm·· a.cc~mpany hJm amount of J34.10. and notice 11 II here.. ht-reby K(ven that .-the lith day of July. 1944• at the bour ot ten " NT.W BABY ;DAUORTEJI o'clock a. m. 'at'U02 VIa Oporto. In the City of NJIIIII.P.Or\ s-ch. ~rr' And· Mn~ Don Stafford. 422 County of oranc-. at&t.e of Call-~" ~rn4tdlno ~nue, on'l(on, fomla. Ute undel'trfi'Md wtn.U at rlAy became the parenU of a bebJ public aucttnn,' tie .,_ deac:rib- drlllgtller,-Donna Ruth. wl\o made ed ~t. 11uit man titan ten (10) hrr arrh·al at St. Jc*plf ~tal. day. 1\u ela-peM ~ U.. amount Thl' lltUe ml•. who -~~'*~ elpt· due u compe *Uaa 1M atoftl'e .. _ 11 f and labor em~ Ia OM ~ pqun..., an our ounOM, hu a tlon and aate.~ a1 aaf4 iOat niM.year.old "rother, Nonnaa. bec&nle due 1 Said auction Uci aale wtD be R--"-~~ L made under and b)' 'fllt1M ol&ee-~ 8 TO BOJ<fO ULU tton. 30111. SO!IIa aDd IOU ot the Artelo-iJWndlftC .a -.day 1eaft Civil Codt oi U. ·lltab ol eaJI. wtlh htj parente. Mr. and loln. fnmla', and for tbe JNI'P08Ifl of aat. ~eiiQl\ itanord of till Santa. Ana f•tytn« tht> Hen ot tile ~­ "''"nu•. Capt. Roy Stafford baa ed on tht laid pari ... property. returned to Honolulu when 1M Da~ thta •lftll -ot JWM. ~',111 take up 1dl ctutt• wtt.lt tM 1':c~ALL'I .oAT -vtell. Anny AJr Oorpe. IInce be laU al-By Jack· 8 KwtrD NeelY completed Ilia requti'M 10 Pub. J\U\e --e_ 11M. miiiiOM o..r eMmJ tJirtt'-;71.. . .. .. , ' In additioa ·to ICICin& 1bat craiG·· ...O.cmcnll elleDtial to ~ cioiDC flm-1 s-u. Fl ,.,.,., .. "" rtll tUJIKIMis ,_ ,, ,_, flltll ..,.. ll,OOO,Ooo •I r ... B..u ,.,., ...,., ' . . We bow chere il oo·~,..,lot ~ to beck up lhok wbo M~· tbe' coupe. job ol t11'1o' tbiJ·ditocy ~t~ miiJiont. of·~ ..-d WC*Ctl ill oat 'Pdal fo«a. lopoQ of cbem are b-. SMta Pc employa.. ,By bayina Wat Boadl'aacl kCCJ'ial "Loeded for Wd' cn.ial roWar,. we bow we are ladpe laJ ~o briaa otil •ictorio!ia forca lso•c quicbr-aed protidiaa ouacm. wida ••• .. (or ck ~ ol,.... a.c, No .......... ,. W'Cft let• .. cUt. ........... ...t.., ... .., .... - SANTA . fl SYSTIM LIN II . ....................... ' ..,_ --...... . ... , . I t wUJ DOt M ,.,....,... tiO _.. TIM PNill d W I ...... • _ ...... ___ ~ ..... -~ ... ---~-.....,;-.....,;-----~ ... ------.. -...:. ....... " .......... , ...ttl. .. . . •. ·'" -- • • ,, Tluanday, Juoe 29, tNt PBOniSJOMAL CAitDS Dr. G. E. 'tobtll Pll'nlCLUf u.s ~ -OIM* •• , .... --• 'l't' ut a C81ea-.w _,_... a • --. rall'...,_.,.f Dr. Obed Lucas _,_ • -K w. o.tna . ..._ IMI I N&WIOBN'1 .804 PRES PapS F1w JIM= Resident. 1//•--U,. WAlfBRFBOft Rule~~ Bel_nl Drafted ~ve for the Army .,.,..,., for Snowbird YIIKht 'nw riiAF•· or C..ta *-.,_,. ~ ;'!!::~01 -=~~-!':.,~!: for Aupat8 _,. ._.. ... lD a COnllllf'ent ot 'Maat then-18 mo" than 011e rot«tord ba t.b. tnt.l"'n1aabaa · Atm7 ........ c61inpr1alnc UM way to catch a flab m&)' oot 1M ~lnl tJ<l'.::.A, nultUQc lO Ntow rultot and new tropi\IN Cur 'lut IIJIPfe" ... call w M ma4e an a1Sa41e bUt it 18 a denwtwtrat.td t 1 lb . pt )"'N Sou\Mrn Callfomla ;yad\llnc e"- ' · bJ ta-kleel klet'tl\•c a.mee tart. Harlan Qowen wbo llvee on "'n.. ~ ": 1 ;=-.. ~ 0 lhu.luta who partlrlpate In the Ml8a LaNoma Qrauel U. -. M._ IWea W.W. ot Ule &. JIOanl. a.....nar. It wu polnte4 Eut Bay Front, LlttJe laland, want to~~ ~.... It~ ~ nlnU',IUU\Ua.l "nl«hl ot ~ Snow· rolled ror the nmmer unn at lit. Parker otrloe .,_t two .,. qut, tadiiiCUaa ordt-re will rMd. and eewral younc eer~u~ tl"'Dl "''r of vc~teran -..,. l1U tJlMD. b4r41 to be held A...-t t on St. Marya cone.t. -~~ at Palm 8prillp. "tor -~ ia lhl' land or nav-thl' Air Sue who apttnd treq~a~~nt ;i"v .. c:an all a~ 00-,~ ... N.wpnrt Hart»or, _,.. an'"*M· Membera or lht JcDe Hou.r elu~ Mr. u4 Mn. l!lroplaM C.IUIIIOI a.1 toreee." eM •lette.t wW 1M W~('k en<Ja at U\e Gowen home and eatdl noUll dll)'w..U. P • "d thla W'Mk by Waltn K Lflwla, IJlet yeaterday at lbe bome ot of Oc:wta ~~-..,.. tiM pannt. ot rtveu no ..._ of LM bnuacll or hatllnc, -lmmlna and aquaplan. tel be l:borl pt JWIC chairman ot lA• rom mitt.. In Mra. Minnie Boyd, 1110 JOth ltntt. a .on bom Sunday at lt. J_. 11 rvloa to ....-they will be at-h11 btohlnd Harlan'a Oar Wood :on':"~~~ ,':t 111 nc an: "": ch.aree of U\18 y .. r·e ev•nt, epb taa.pltal. .~ l)eoWoD 1.n lbe matter MARY LEI:, on a l'fl\ent Iunday other Y ()lle aD An ... limit of from one to Mra. c .. le Blue, ut M-.nolia . wUI not ,..& wat.b ~ llratt board d••cldt'<l w do a mu.. ft.ablnc In 1'h · o&A. 101 Y"ara wu the llrat rule ,.. 1treet, bu apent the put two loJouminc at Palm llpi1Jtp but will a.. •Uftly In lbe b&nde thl' ordinary way, "nley dr&pt'4 1 • ban\llolne Nor.a&. &N V-tabltllbed b)' the C!Onl&'\lttH. othar ~DA<B weeka In Loa A!!~!l• at ,Ult 1t1ome and OlendaM OYer UM w .. k _. ot the I.DdUCUOa at&Uon two po&ea over the end of liM pier ~.wblcb you watcll pow trom a ruiN IU'e to '-drawn later, Lewta ~===========~ or relaUvea. ... wu Mn. LotUe LIM&U ot lUl Local ..-leavln · and lf rt tMm, hoptna a oou_ple of • to a Pl&"lii&Aer 00 ()lntnl repot'U. ;:. Harbor bouJeTard. 1 Newport blc onea would l"Oml' alona In A vt'nue, Newport, 18 -Ued at A nllmbfor of ni'W tropt\IH ct.- Bobby Gill, eon ot Mr. and Mrl. S.ach depot oa Monday were llr-aba4-nll Cal t.l.arlne bavlnc a 1111 bp cat.-alfllt'd to allmulat" lntereet In liM DR. 0. J. CARTER ....... •• a XJIIa\!lla~ 1'11aMlAII ~ ....... -....o.ea ..... J b Gill .. ,, ,_._ ~---~ M J ~-----lTUl Mat J . BaM, J1oyd H "nlel&ft.l. a, t•rptllar dtt~MI IMta1JK 1 b -•-.......... o n • .... .-en a I\UIUIMr _.., -ra. oe -~-lltdwtn C. IX..-r 0eo -But lnatt'ad alon• ralne one or •~tai'U ar ennt ",. ..-.. _..,n poeltlon aa me. ami.lt.&Dt at Ule and WlllttMr, ..,.. tiM partDU ot d 01ffol'd' H t1e W. lplnk lh~ boata which are navlaated announred by 1Awl8. '"'"' lncludlll Army ,Air Bue. a 10ft boro KOIMI&7 at eaata ADa the ~ .... UM tatt~m:!,~1a11 :;._ with merry abandon aJfb rowed tft,l3,000 Improvement tthrop.blu .tor lhe 1~.rat ~~to .. ""!~ COmmunJtJ a.c.p&t.al. ,~....,-lhl' linea ~~ the poa .. a Into "'~ f' rae•. a 1poc ., tro .... y .or ... Pvt. Paul 0 . Shafer, 610 &. pointed --::::._~ the r roup. De-the water WMn the bo"'" rt· Of a--a--ut D---tlrat ~rl to tintah awarded ~1 15th at!'fft, Ia now undercolna ,._ J. C. 8boree. JIO E. ltlb at.rMt. ~ e..---.. ea Wf tf' conduct-· .,. ~ ~ ~ M ll H 1 odoN ot a.a eru.lt trabun&-at eae Mu1De COrpe returned Monday.frooql Bt. Joeepb ed b CIUef A.. J H &..-turned DO flab, no linea DO polee ar HI '1· romm • ;:===========~J b San Dt ho.pttal wbere be rec:au1 undlar. rton 10omJDa,Ddlr at ay"',.an. Tbt'y bepn d,...&U\1· ror Up; 18 l'ecommeaded boa Ta<:Jlt .(;lub; a •IN'da.l award _s • ue, ero. and UIU't · Dwl-polea Wtlb ~ppUna booka and for tba youncMt rtrl to ftnlall ot. Mr. and Mra. J .J. H~. went a major operatioll. lap . ~~a Frank W. wo·r~ &etUnc a little d.l8rouraaed A reeonunudallon bJ U. f f'r.d by Commodore AIMrt &. Dr. 14. D. Crawford o•~o••~•••~ .,_ .... ...., oa.-ntw . ...... 1630 I 117 Newport Boulnard 008TA 'IIUA formerly ot 411 San Bernani!Do Mr. and Jill'e. ~ DJ'tr, .. ~k~-:! JiA, Mth M. Leonard. wban a .,......l booked aome S<·out rommlttee ot UM ~am._. sotland; anotlaar ror lht ~t avenue, Newport Hetptt, Uft Vlctorta atnet.,..,.. tiM proud par. ~ men lnvtnc th1tlc and leYfl"td It to thl' aur: or Commf'rct to Ule d~ ~ bo1 to fhtW\ ~ b)' 1. M. moved to 1918 Newport blvd. t'ntl ot a bai»J eoa. bom lhlad&J fYoom Ulll =Y· a numMr or Ia~ "Oot a yvbola achool of f!A" au.-ae•llllf ln. counc:Umen I'll to. Webe(n and one tor tl\e oldHt at st. Joeepb .._.,.tal Japan.. r~te of ,Loeal he .dmund. What the ~~erreant had acth•·r wllh UM lea laouU . oa aklptMor to tlnlllb. alven by 8tatt l(r. and Mra. Frank P. BJCMk ln """ 0 ~d to report wu an old torn Ure but ln.alde lh": baala or the llooutt ...-... CommCMtore J W. Condon ot N-- hllve moved i-0 thtlr n-IJ pur-FollowtD&' aarrtca1 t.reabDIDt from their ,....,.cUve relocation hl•lplt'Miy nJ about we~ 1:1:1.000 for a Me wall ud port Hai111cw Yacht C d . ttY addl-chued property, the L. £. Ben-on Monday, OaJI ArtloiUL ot 1118 centera in the mlctwe1t. t n .. __ pplfll · work In Improvement ot u..tr tton: m.4ala wtll be ,.--nteel to n....."--,_ ~--.,, wo ne -· . . l'lll!tl realdenoe, at :12111 o,..,..e ....... __ avenue, --~ .. ea..... • • • lotle.t baM>. wu ~qade •t a..t tba 11th P"NOn to nn&aaa and to av.enue. factory reeovery trom a palnt\lliY IIIIO'I'BICIUI AU UllNJTI:D NvnllaJ'a mf't!UI\I' ot Cllamtaer ot ewry toe,... elllpper to ftniltl mteel..ed ear. nuT '1'1111' IDICt: INt nt~CLYMAJr ('umn••n-e illrectora at a.ct.rtc liMrtal\er. Mlu Mary Ellaabeth J)OUCbton ~===========~ or Mangban, lA., and Mlae Kath- erine BILI'ban1 or Oakrld,e, La., have arrived to tpend the .ummer with Mr. and Mra. Gerald Bolee. ~ &ant.a Ana aven~a~~. Mra. Danua LoptJea, "'MAP" Mr. and Mra. B. l.. Cllll,lenden. Clyan and Mar&e Hall'• CLY'. Orlll. ' • ------ ot Orldn'a department afore, lett 137 J:ut liUl etr~t. have been MAR 18 their third J>OWf'r boat 'Ttl" r...oommMdaUon tollcJwM a 61 Ft WN bl D--·t u ... , __ .. bu8inem tllljoylq a viatt from' their two bt•IU' that fl&mf: ~ tlrat wu a rrport b;r LN ltatfeu.n and C!Oft.. • • .. 18 DK &MJ-. Zane Therapy. Clinic ....... .._... ... # ......... ..,....,~ v..-..... • Warren Colllna recently IILUp.. ped out for Navy duty t.n U. South Pacific. Durtnc 1\18 ....,_ bla wife · wU1 reelde lrith hia p&l'- ent.a, Mr. and Mra. 8tepben Col· lina, 1831 Orange avenue. rccen y on a com........ (j Pl·yton cnl'i't, tJv ~ond a Cbrl8 ·•·•-r·abl• ·,................. -•1 ot _,..... La hed B N Jm d 1 trt to.,____ eona, Lieut. I I Eugene H. r'"" ~ ~--·., ---n-y o-an p euure p -Chittenden, and Chid Stcoa.lman Craft and the current erua..r 18 ""'ulted In a eoneeM\11 of the dl· ._.,. a., ~ 18, upecte4 bome about xue-· ~u..ten. Wbo NtentJj a 36-foot Wbt!t.lu Playmate. Buill f'f'Ctora, tncr.wulna tM ~-JoiLD ,~ pmmtnant ftati.r • returned to 1M duty il'teT" their Tn Brooklyn Ill li~S8, -wu form. llll'nded t~«Ure from tba '111,000 man and bolatbullcter of NeWl'Qrt Allred CraM. Ill IL 1Ith atntt. ftr~t NU,kln . .U.eto 1938 •'rly . owned by Clark· O. Noble or mtonUonl'd In a report made Pub-84-ach, but TburadaJ look.ct on wu on J"rtda7 DJcllt bttt.u by a ' t.t. CldtttDdan. 2!1. command-PU&dtona and Balboa and called llr lut WNk, to ... 000. proucSly u ,... n-commerc:&al doe reportedlJ OWMd by Sam Inc' otftaar o1 an Infantry la~~d-BIJANDI Ill. -Y~ may remem-ln the meantime. liM coundl flaJllnr boat, ICn<~Mvnr, wu pi.C. Steltel ot Balboa. '!be t.njury wu ~nr c..n. hu eerved on virtually ber 1\f'r dckked at. the pentnaula will have u part of UM ,_.,. eel In the wa1er at t.ba' Iouth treated by a Balboa plly.lelan u4 every type of lbtp from the tam-with U. 8. Army pat.nted on ber rn .. ndaUon, the 0\amber'a .....-Ol ... t Company yard. '"'" l'rat\, ll'le q placed t.n qUnu~Une. ed l.CJ'a to IJ.reTart carri~ and •ldn for at the outaet of the war g••allon U\at Ult uaaun. ~ wblch ... buttt at lTIT W. c.n. covered pretty much of the p .. •~ wu voluntet>red to ae'N~ u ml'nl. with ~ _8ea ~ta 11\U.. tral ~-by NONk and a &roup wiiu.am A. B&meti. ut Bemard cine War lOne, bla ctullfl t&lc:tnl n C'ruh boat. She had been out ot lnac u.e I\Ot OniJ of u..tr Of'tl1a~ or h18 frtende and rwolpbon, wu •treet. hi. ~t.td from him u tar-u llldlL He wu at ('omm1811on about a y~ar whfn :ally allotted 100 rHt, but W... brau,tlt te the lawlctunc w.,. Naval AJr ~"naDllne oen-Purl _Hartlor t& cSay or tile ~t-apn boua:tit. ~,. ~ U.. ,._ aJ'-"d Ole PJIAMtllw adftDto by 'tnldr. • ler at ~ Okla... .&D4. dl bua¥. otftoe ot Y&ea.t Broker ~d afe of u.. hlp ~·1 aa\IIIICI 81at1-one ,.,., In leqUl. u.. -... -ellber be, ..aped to a IIUp MUton, u , baa been 1n 15 m .. Cro.l~r. 100 t .. t. be conUJIUid tor ODe deavor baa a It-toot.. .. tMit .e-m or to anolber lb,qra .t&Uon for jor battlM, tnctudlnl lhf lon,ut CbiLI'IIe ~yton round her hull nm re ,..ar iutd wtll draw ""n tlit o1 .,..,. P•aKAJf.N2'8 ....-n ... .._ ...... t.natnacUoli and wOrk. battle 111 all Naval h~torv-tllat aound 'bUt u llhl' had been eloa· HUJ'b M, Wllcoa, oountJ eoout t.-r. 111\e wai ebn.taneel ~'1 M,.., . Mia:' CMrYI Lynn Norman, ·" d t th .· ....,_ of ~-..6 Kom•".._ .. ,_ In th• Al•utl'"•. " or a ~ar WI out bfondlt of t•aeM~Uvt, b-·-t tM matt. to Norfk. '""-ent tor the launclU•• agt"d 3, cSauctater of Mr. ancS Mrl. Oeorc• ..J. Ben ........ aoe _. · v• -·--.. ' ~ _._ II 1 '.,.... ... ............. ·. <.-.... ~- N. w. Mqrcan. undetVent an op-and ~fl. AQCUa~ 1ifmcWn. 1152 'n\e bo~' faUler 18 e ntfran of ''l!nt t~t on. IIC'&ma In ~, auper. rnrma.l attt"ntlon ..-nUJ. Ht ,._ were Mr. and Mr1. J. W. NOf'ltll . uaUon on her eye. ~l •·J~ Santa ·Ana aftlllle, t*e!IUJ com. World War I and wu ~a.ed and •~t ure ra~ ~d abe nH'ded ''"'lvrd .. uranC8 on all aldie ol a nit Mr. and Mra. B. I. 8mit.la. Be~h h~ltal Lut TbW"'CCay. pletecf bta , ~Ual work at the lbell llboc:ked In J'r&noe. He 18 P nt everywnere. With the help '"" l'lty'a tnt~ In promot1llc .,.....nu ql the Norak.e; ~ She· Ia now conva.leeclna at blr Naval Ali Tedm!cal Traintna•m•~•en• commander ot Ja.c:k n.JI. ot Tommy 'J'!Iompaon and deeplte ~~ S.a 8coutf#aetj.•tlJ. Jimmy Morek, U\elr eon; ~ heme, u5 'short .treet. ~ter. Norman, Okla., and wu er chapter, Dtaabled Amertean wet "wlncll !Rich bofled down th~ .. Mrl· Jo., Martt.n, Mra. ,...... rtven the raUn& of aeaman ftrwt Veterana. •' l&lldt"-p~. CIJan hu lll'r IIOAT .UIIOLAMIWBD ry Bu~ .. M~ l.loJd llliMDft. . Mr.. -.oct lilt. w~~r Muweu ct.... · ~· renovated; M&nU~ nn. L. w. McDowell. ~ ancS U\e ~'conatrut"ttOfl ·,-'e.,.,," or Ul, 21it .atreet _have at.art.d_ ·· ROILSE 'I'IIIJIVa A""ao.lD hi..-,......_petnt hwtde and ,,( 1"'e Volun•-r -.....-I..JQyd :MIIMOil •. H~· Bu~,:.··--. ,..,..~ . ..:_4""'anw e·~ ~~ . -new' linoleum and C\lllbloiUI ........ v. Ul -rvn "'~-conetrueUon, ot the'• new bo~_ne . Jltr. an · .~w. -" ll'oD-1 .. • a ·-rt nltd ... 011 • ..,.,... natrol, tnt~ ~.,1-1 --P1l11flt ~--~ ~. • lAW-. t • a\ 2078 Orange aven~ ne Max-of 1'ope.nto apent '\h«· week an4 ::.., v-·;: • ..::-;::.. w-u--~ ere4 I" w~ab1e ·rect ·J .. ~r by •,·,,.a ~on.._:·:':':'t ~-C!•.:...,_r~ .. rflnt't', Don Touq, Rarold cair · t ... _ h of Ul t r' -Y mom~ .. ~~~ ,. . .., ........... ,. Omar. ,Interior -.. -•-a-....,,, .. -, ~ n• ·--wella ,recently mo"ed to Coeta a ._. ome . e orme ' par. W .. Wilaon att.et. Sberltf ..-.~.. '"' ..-~rn boarded bver U.e -k and and Aael ~. Meaa from . .C~ella Valle'1 wtaere ent.a, IU. and M,... Tbomu MODk-ICIII tt 18 conlllde...,• UM blu~. TOJ*dH _... Ia Wbl\cl ~wtth at Ita anc .. --near Balboa t. ------ they had lived for '28 ,._,., man, 201 IL lith .a~t. ·~ 0 ••• bi"'WWI and marlne'·blue trtm. J'ol. ·--· their vUIIt Ult eldtT Monkmana abllltf ot clrat't!q Ule Lone K&q. lowtftl a popular tran4 Oyan baa land. Loot «*la.lned taeluclecl a (Jood : ~ at ta-.... Set. and Mra. Job.n Nuum;, 1• t.batr 28Ul weddifte ar and bta truaty lltll -..... f&.....S paiat to ....,... Oft un. $1'10 radto ua w ..... 10 and 11 abop. JOrte.a ,._. ... E. l.B!Jt .treet. returned UU. nt"rar7· .. : • . ~ouna Walton. wM -to ~ ....,_ ._._. It llpl-tallone ot ........ ...._ .,.. 1&- rrom w-Vlrrt.nla. W1Mn Uaa7 Ult N.-,oft ._. ,...._ ltatlall ,011 U.. labor ot uplleep: phnnecS fro. Ule lanll. 'nM ~- had ~nt eome time. Art.r a . P'rulk TrtclleJ, Balboa ~ e.--at 1 :.0 a. m., lntonMd. otftoen At ~ BUAN'DI m abe wu l11r wu a.,.,....Uy ,unllurrted u few 4&')'11 wtlh Mra. Nuzurp'a par. tate .. en~ b.. move4 twq dwell· U...t be bad riddeD O'Nr to 11!1 ued fOr ~ bU tw h,. lt•ft evtclmc!e ot ha~ amok- ._ entt, Mr. an~ Mra. Job.n om. tbey lnta to eo.ta M .... tOc:at1DC lbem Collep lltnet to ~ u. ~ claaJra. Pole rack: Ad llt'l'eral Cta'&Nt.a w..U. aboar'4 .......... , 0..... ......... -------------N~pect to conUJiue on to Banta at &II and 1JM W . 1ttll ntna. W)lOf' be WM lll U. ~ a tara-e aft coclrplt. 8h~ ll'l• ~'""· ........ v..,......... ----,,...----------Barbara where S(t. Nuawn 18 to R.emodeliJIC" DOW under waJ u4 lb•re. be •aleS, lOCUM unprtactpiM lleipe lla· two Ill the wheel ......,. llf JIM" ll.tt a !:le etaUoned.. It 18 Kr. Trtc:keJ"a plan to ,oc:c:upy ao-Uicl-ao had ~-~ blad ~· boule, &air~. ami<Wit,. where din-l.rAliOH OOLOU 8'IOLIQf ,._.. ........ s.. ., ' ..... .. . ' one of the atructw. u 100ft u -an .n._. ette aeatt tnake up Into a --,..-,. ,, • . -----l~b~la:e~k~w:l~~~~-a~.::~~~~:~::~la~~~an~d~law~•~r~be~~~~TO~~~~~~~a~lft!~~~-~n~ol~p:~~~~~~~~~~.nc~~to~i!~~~~::::::::~::~~~::~~--~~:JI . Mr. and MN. 0 . A. Moore, tsl ron:hud and w~te Iliad teet. ltH I Ialley 0yan hu added a A•IJutant A. J. Hayman. Ia a -• -~,. • Mack's Phofo • 104 Waia St., Jalboe Cout Gurd ~a P ... port tor ideatilioattoa. 1-hour Mmc• . Portraits • at Mtr.llbl• prlc ... &by Pbotoe, IDlarv•m•Dtt ud Pbot«Mtatic Copiea • Wlllt'VIft YOU TO VISIT Mack & Black c.t If Fri••••lil · .. n IMOP- DINIIIIJ._..Di.._. ....... ---~---- CLiAMIMe P•IUtMe ,~ .. Whii. y.., Y"•it Hata Cl•ued ud Blocked . E. ltt)J atrett, ba•• been receDt N-potrt ... ~,..ct:...:'lln'edom tbt cablnl't to hold thl!" ablp'l attraeUVI' l't'JlMI to pollee on M~,.. A& ~. or Voar ·. to Mra: Moore'a brotlw!ra, matter o ... .., T--• ,ce. woodenware.' Suvlct platu, boWia Jul~tnl Hayman Mid that fbi Le- . J. Burna. ruarman Udrd etc. IU'f natural alder with bord. ~elun na,p bad bHn ltoltn hom no-. It ..,d <mp. Bernard M. Buml. Vrsftoll8 HOHoaD 1 ,_.. hit d d th•' hut .at Uith and Bay, the ~ [ ~ I~ 1 ~ l 121 IAQ~DWAY "nle N•-inail --AntJJ ... ..,__. .... d ~ N W M era pan~ w e and, ,.rt>rate . . .. 1 . ., . .._. -~.-.-. ·•r. an -··· . . pryu. wtUl •llflal nap apellln,r out lhl•fl O('rurlnc eome Ume l»etween · _.1....----out tor ove ...... aervke ancS eorp. Uft Short at~et. were tto.ta SUD-'"Wf'lecme aboard." Alder, r tram. M.•fi!IITJal day .an~ June •. . • :. . . .·, .·••· . COSTA WII.A PRINT PORTRAit A ,., .•. ~plaa1tr ptfot ~t' • ·oool to lool. at ••• p~.ttJ to wau. ·StStcL.d ancl Styl.d in CaWonua• iA tbe cla.ic .~ et1le. Si .. • 12 to 20. aum. 18 .ttU at ·.~e Moore bQme. day at a 4tnn~r liven In honor of ed. u.ed tO ~ lfllport.ed from · • ' S-n..,. H H'--r eon of Mra. Floyd Lyon aDd t~auPt.ar, northern Walahln.ton, It anme. ~fl~>'~tNO IN AfmON •·· ..,_.e · ....... · J~annlnf', or Joplin. Mo. ~-. ... Mra: 'MUI.rue lea& 'Hew-..... what 100fter than' maplll ~ut take• H~et William D Holder Ia mlal· port boulnard, lal\lJ'rmltttimeci+L~y·on II In s outhern Calltornla a ·•lmllar lfOiden 'flnlab. InK an 'll<'llnn 'tn lhe European com· mil UOif MAJf I It I .. b 1 -< eer JlU~'tet" of vial~ four '"'" Cl.YM.(R Ia nnoa.rred wltb hnt 7.1\nr. arrordln.a to announctt• _ .. ,, • ..• " a '1 Wnere I! 1 an en •• n alatere and "•Air famlll• Wbotn ·~·---· gunner In a B-2a Mftehell bomber ahr had not '::n ---...,. ---. twin Cbrytl~r R oyall, 2·1 redur. lll"nl tly thf' War departme.n.t. ~11 IIOAT LETI'ICIUJifO enuadron D..tor to jolnln• the '" 111 ~--tlnn. Hp 11 rat .. d at 12~ n rh but "ll•·. Mra hiAnrhr M. Holct.r, re. ·a-"lr .,._....; "s "'.,. H''ner -':.em 'Dinl'lll!r wu tfrved on' taa.l• art u thr ,.n-'nra havP ltnub~ car. ~•·I··~ "' 1'1711 r•lummu atrl"4't. --· ,..., •·· -.. -• undf'r tree• In tht attraetlve Mor-"' -__ ...... ___ .,........_ ..... _ ... _ ... Ploy_.. by ....,.,,.lu Aircraft at burettlln. thr eallmal" Ia prob. "'" ~-•an 'yard. A. ttrndlf.• the reunion , .. Long BeaclL " ... 1bly loo l-oniiC'TVJ'tiV" c"'m111na :--------------------------w~re 28 'but.of:t.own trlendl and •JW'I:l It prnbahly 12 tn 14 knntt hi . rMponH to a . telerram tn. relaU\Iofl, .. wen .. NOnnJe, Clyan ,. nnw In JlffK'PIIt of ltnlnr •j rormlnc her' of the ~tb or Cb!'ryl and Dt'nnl8 Korw-n, c:bll-the Pna1n" bed w•lh thl,.k al•hll 1 brolber, Freel WelSeter. Mra. J. H. dr.-n or •he hoat and boM.em. ot lnaulatlnn whtrh ahnuhl "" a EUdy ot 125 Santa la&btl at~t lo~y -towartl ~tlnlnl' th•·t ld t by plane tor SWHtwater, Tea. 0. J. 8TF.AaH8 SI.SO'I'I:D aounlt •nit rhl"'klnR thr \'lhr•llnn Mr. Webete.r, wbo made bla home LEGION COMMAJifDD nf thf' bllf "n6fii'Y'I bo·l""" tht> with the EucSJt tor many yeara, 0 . J Sturn. 1\u bMn elected wh,.,.l hnu.r bad reoenUy been dlaclltJ'I'ed from eommandrr of O.ta Meaa Amer-THUmony th11l ah,. 11 11 wflrthv the armed ron:ee due to an tnjltt)' lrllll L<>Kion poat. In Jrblch eapacl-.,.a bnat Ia hllr ~18t .. r !)ton Alii Nuff'ered u a child .. Hla dealh wu t y hP will 1uc<lHd Ottb Dodd. aon'a HOALOftA. v.•hlrh flu pN•b due t.o an acdclent. Oth•·r mf'l'Tibtora of U\e otnelal ably won m•ar" r,...•ilrlr•l lffl( '""""I boa rd Will lnrlud4-K4!1\MUl Houk, t han any IIX'al rllnl••ntl,.r Announcement baa ~n macSe 1 1 A.. w-••-f rat v ~ romman....,r; .,..,, '"'" Cllrla Cr•Ct pr••,•lt~uoly """"· nf the. en1acement or Mia. Doro-W.tllt , IW'<'nntl vice commander; ,,., by thf' HAlla W•'nt to Sail thy Sb&w, da"...,ter of Mr. and .. ,,,_ 0 _.. John Jnn.,a. Cnap --..; o • I Lak.t. H,.r nrw trwrwor il•y• thai Mra. W. B. Shaw ot me COUe~ Qrablt, flnMre officer; Joeepb th"' fortunat,. boatt on RAil lAic~ avenue, and Robert Dunton, ton Tu k t • --.o ., rr , Mrl{f'l.n -a .... arma, ..... ... art' n,.V,., •ttarkrlt hy ll'rf'•loa or Mr. and Mra. Wm. C. Duraton, A. Rea, hl•toriA.n Appotntm.nt of or mar1nl' ~owlh u nnthlnl' ttVI"I 3IS Avocado atreet.. July I 18 Ult tbc adjutant and conamtt.t ... beada In ttlat 1111IIM anlullon r nn•"· datA eelect.d tor tile nuptlala wtll bft · announce~ after U\e 'lllrntly th,.rt" .,,. ri•1 w•v• 111 th" whleb wtU take pl.aoe at the Lit-new otflrHI art" IMlalled.' ll rf!a Anti Whf'n I Wflflc mUIII hf' Ue Ourch of 'the Flower. Ill ltonf' b<>low lh,. ilt.l,.rllnr, 11 tlt\Of'r Loa Ancel•. Kr. 'ouratbn boldl HAMT.D ll~NDICJL\.PT OIIRP 1 the raUn• ot ee&nl&l\ tlral cl... 1" en.,a~f'<l I'-.... N-.. a-. George Tl'aneJ, vetera.n Bo'1 • • • " ~.ne • ., Scout ll'lllt"r of Doat.a ......_ w1ll · Mr act u handlrratt director at Camp CWOP Paul V. ParkM, Jr., ~ ol · Ro-kt-lt whlrh 18 ICbedule4 to If. Ilk,. Wayne Ha rJHir, ynu'r,., and M,... P. V. ParkM of f'rn .. h 0 h mot. opt"n July 7. It wu announeed rna•• ~tbrrut ... a r anlf'va, :v•m ranee ....-enue, u been pro today by Huktl M. Wlllloft, 0tance llhflultl ~ar lh" VlrtM H"rhl'r1 ed to the pa.\ of c:htet 4MJUJ of. countv SMut D8e\lbvt. rf'rord "All Hant!a" plav .. tl hy lh" nee, lh tJM Na17, aceorc~~,. to Mu~h ni'W t:qtaiPIDIIIt ~ t1 a. NIIVY band. Jl rnmpa word racet'llled bJ Ilia ~ta. fta at tht eamp, Widell ta to. U'lf'CN111 R•ave Ho ancS .&aJIINr. YOUilC niU. ~ wu at ~ 8aa 8Atllnc and breaka Into a rnlllclc.l Harbor at tM Ume 'ot tiM attadl. u ted In the . 1lan\anllnO rnoWitalna. IU\d a ....,.... tftJ"'Ol-Inc aa.llon ' bompiJlt' with an un. wu recent17 retunled to tiM U~ ment Ia anllcl,_t.ecl A,Uc:aUoN 4erton• that eount!a llkr hornv eel 8tat. for a.ctnllcacl tn.ln!aa· tor tnrollml'nt· ,..,. '-m.a4t at feet beattn~ a tAll)() on N>dc 1r Upon c:omplatJoll ol tiM coane be 1.. • -vnu can tit qulftly thmorl! that W .. ~t o....-lt to .....__. .. _...__ __ .. k ouL nea<Squarterw. ._ ~n _., -r~· neo-----,, ....... • .. _._ homplpt' rl'ncSIUon, you had bf't. hu ·-•n ~--Ilia o&d _ ... .-. bulldln~. nan-"-or .... .._ .. --.,.,_ -.--any Beoutm~. t"r mnve lnlalld ... I know w1tere to pt nut t'ff th,. Shell Marine Products AT THE SHELL DOCK MAIN CHANNEL J~t received . for yout inspedion: A new ship- ment of Mai'ine }ford- ware for summer outfitting. PoUy ........ 811Coe•IJigllway ......... 4 lSll M•wport 81-.d . ••••• ..,. .. w ... COITA.._. -. ... _ ....... Ulla ., · -none no . ·•· .· • 0 • . T · • .. v •• ·c ~ .. • • • • : • • I • • • • • ~- -~· ' _I .. •• ( ... ' ~· ........ ------Daughter of M Becomes Bride ...., _.,... ... ...,. ,,._.or Mud ..ty ... _..or 10 ...., a. Dt~ •liarD llae ,.,.. .-.uY I *7 to &ulp Ani ...... ot t.be u.s. ---,.. ....wa~• tlileN~~. ........... wtt.ll ~ liMe tUDWu ct t.be •• JI'OOID Ia at...,.ctenC. J'o11owtn1 tM cere ... ~~~~by I ..... A11NOLD A. DMIIMM ef Mr. aa ......... ,. IUIIq ....... .. ~ ...... oil De~ a~ ....-atu.. .................. ,...,.... toy~ ...... ~ .. n.~.AIWP: llanlr ... au..M ,...Ct ..... ~ .... ...-.rt ....... ~ --.....\M' -. Ctt.Wam&a at ....... .......... Uid. • A.B. ...... a- JAMa·PMta.aa~·. .. ~~~---.~~~ ----, . 'nie. """-t•o!iiar It ...... • ... , II _.. ot Haner H ... ..... f'oiJ ''he .. I .. • I GMapo. ..... ,. 1M ,.. ... ~&M.Na., ~..:~c.. IN' J, Oliff ,.,..,. .. I ,II r l Gl llnoiwo uthl .. ~ ,. .. ~ .. . I lEFOR£ Y(-. .. .. Baha'i Wortd Order Program StllilllfDX (1.11& led) 12100 Klocycles .aY. EtDINGS TO liLY 16 ., ........ .. Sponaored by the Baha'ia of otty LOa Angeles . Jtdy 2-lalaa'u'lWt-World lduc•tor. JIJiy ~A Patten for future Society. Jall1&-n.. IMU'l Teaple,Symbol of Tomorrow Jurtiaer l.DlormaUoD may be obtalDed lrom Mrs. 0. T. Johnson 219 · 2ht Street Newport Beach TELEPHONE OPERATORS NEEDED Servicemen ancf Wat Worken are all d•pending upon our girl. at the •witchboards. . · Good pay wbile learning CJ!ld regular increases SilmiRII ~ TELEPHONE-C~ .. &1917 100 E~· Bay. Ave., Balboa ·OR 514i N. Main St, Santa Ana . Certificate Requiftld Electric Grill Lo8es J i25 to Burglars; frio Suspected NEWf<aT.atr.BOA PRE88 tUl'.UJr1WiiUi Nuq ~-.U~2, UlO Rive. r t#"~•_..,iio.ft.l-1"fmnle;" · ...,. to tM Army Ak ..._~tor lnjwiea IUf. ft'red ._ .,.,.._y attamoon )n.· (J t the 'largu t bur~lartea wb~ .... ... lltnaek by a hit. 1 un c11111111r. 'n. aec:ldent wu re. Membera of tha South Cout .. 1>1 rur lnl'ally 111 several yean, r-nt'ted to pollee by Mn. P . V. Apartment OWnera ~laUon, ·••tl••tl $7\!l\ In cash to thieve• who Mnlloy, 111 tt.d atreet embrael"l ~. Balt.o. blancl. , IIINNJ thr Eler trlc Orlll In aaJ'. · del Mar and Lacuna Beaeb. I'!", <luring the early houra of ltAU'ra 041'11 tiOLD aee aome ray of hope In a report .. , 11111v momlng., Sal ot •-lccently releued by the OPA to Ral.ph Maall, ,)wnt>r ot t.he cafe, e -·~• cafe at 820 J:, the ett.ect that rent control may ,. 1 Viq{lnla Anllt·lch. 3()(l 1.2 J:. Bay a~. -.ao., Ia beln« con. be abandoned In areu not qely ~ wtth HarTY B. Le. Inhabited by defenae worken. 11· )' o\'f•n u•·. -hl'ad waltreu, cloeed Orand ot ._. Ana trarwferrtng John Voael apokeaman for ... a • h • ~>~ctabhahment at ap,Proxlmate. ownel'llllp to ,..___ A H t • .... •v 12:40 a. m .. Mau told pollee. · -•~ · enry 0 uaoclatlon, •tated that a peUUOil Anabetm. Mr. -.onnd boqtlt the 11 to be Immediately tllld aet•• .. • n... burjtlary wu dlacovered at propert, .., . a abort while aco forth that the tern tory em~ 1 "' a. m. by H . C. Ru-.ell, .01 from H11ft7....., of eoata Meu " "'I'"' t bloult·,·uru. Coeta Meaa. · Ia definitely of a reeort nature 1, r a t th•· caft•. and e.hould not be pvernad by NJI!WI'Oift' ~ I:LECT8 prtee control• placed on· defenae Thn a'f". arl'ordlng to report, ll•nl b····n pull('d from Ita plaee NEW OJPIIU.iL IIOA&D areu. In aupport of web elalm ,, d•·r a t·uunt.-r and dum~d on Mn. J. A. llodman wu elected It will be pointed out that t.be th · floor where It wu opened, prealcSent 01 Newport Circle WSC8 J:"OVernrnent, lllelf. doea not rec. ·l'~nrrntly by someone who knew at tha .June~~ at the ognlze the South Cout area u 1 h · •·ombfnatlon. lnveatlptlntr of-home ~1). W.-Holtby, 111i8 11 defenae zone. •lnce war bull~ h• ··rs l!tat~ that l'ntry wu raJn. W. Qceu. l"raet. Othu etttcen lng Ia not permitted. d through a JoVInctow on the aouth elected for Gil ,..r belfnnlnc Balboa landlon» .have qUite ~1·ft> ·or tht> cafl', a car ~villi July 1, ..,.. Ill& W. s. HUD~ia¥er, g.~ner&Jly adopted a policy of ,., ul<''\tiY be{'n puiiNI up In tront vice p,...d.at:· Kn. R. H. Hill. rentlnc one.haJf of theJr unlta to ..r the window to conoeal the aecret.&r)', Uld Kn. J . R . MUla, year-around tenant.a at willter mov~>menta of the thlevea. Ttre tre_....... • ratn. the oUMr halt belnf ,._ prlnta wt>re tak.en at· that point w....,_ ,_.. read from two f<.'rved for vacatJonlata and ~­ hY Tom McCaH. head of U!e Or. former zqe"berw, Kn. J. J . A.t. •Rnte. Tl'analent rate• are elaars· .. ~S:t' county Identification bureau. wood o.t Uplud. ·&ncr' MJaa' Allee ed on ·l.he latter acc:ommodaUona. Ml!<s Andrich reportejS that Oft ~·anc:oa ot AUaaUc, IOwa.' Kem· th . prl'\•toos ,.,.,.nlng t.hree boya, ben..., .JOtiied·tn tUIIn~ a rrtend. Early Balboa a..:.u.ler cla d In lr\'111, hatd bren pla)1nt a •hlp card wltll meaaac-to · be ~~~ . n1•;kl.. mnehlne only A r.-feet •ont to Krs. brett Jrunkho118er Summoned By Death. 11 .. m the safe. F'rom time t.o time who reeenu, moved to H-.unc•. .' I h·· t ··to broko large billa. laklnc Nebrulta. • -. . . . Funeral yesterday , ntv ll f,•w nic'kl~>s l'll<'h tiiT)e. Tbe The "Faltll Jar" and Sarah · · tails. she saJd. w.:ro tarrc eno\&,11\ 1./.'11'~ lie~ box were opened 'ldra. Ca rrie Sellatad, who for tu fol're the waltreu to go to the and yle1decl 114.00 and as. reiJI"!-36 Yl!lin o~rate4 an Kpartment ,._,,,. for change ath.l It t. Ytol.l(bt Uvely. De~ were conducted l)ouae at 811 E. Central av.enue, 1 ,,,111bk t'l~t lht>y ma y )lave .warn. by Mra. ~·who uaed u ber Balboa, died Sunday at a re•t , J th•· rnmbllfntion In thla way. theme, "-n.. ~one Command. home on South Birch atreet, San· Thr lnot. 11cc-onJtng to Mr. Mau ment." KI'L I.._ Gonaer reviewed ta. Ana, where •he had made ber c·ll'l~l~t.·d oJ $i0 In .rollt.'d dlmee, ''The Blind JDack of .Burma,"'. the homf.' for t.he paat year · and a <;;'::0<1 in r'urn·ncy. $30 In halvu. life ~ry at W1Wam Jackaon. and halt. tall In silwr dolldra, $50 In nlcldu, thf' tam. ~ £the attnnoon Mra. ~e.~t.a.d. who. wu '78 H O 111 quurtt'rtl. $15 tn "&Tt'&ae" to m~ la7'8t~ for a ch1ldren'• year .. old. came to the United nrun,•y, $~ In onl'.dollar bWa home. Slate• from Norway at t.be ..,e ano also a ill\'H aonar WJth a nine.. She Ia aurvtve4 by Ul.JM hc.Ja In tha Ct'titer. Oood .... R._ ~-at tha llOnll, Juliua !!., Detroit; B. Oood-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;~;;;;~~~;~.;;;;;~~~;;~--~~~~~~l'·~u·~-~~-~ .. e~~;~;;~ "1n, Brooklyn; N. T ., and Altl.on C .• ·Alhambra; two dauchten, Mn. E. D.· Trickey, Santa Ana. and Mn . Vlct.orta Naar, San Dt. eco; aleo 11 · crandc.hUdren and 18 -&Te&t·crandcblldren. Funeral 8ervlcea' were conduct. ed yeaterday afternoon at Harold K. Grauel chapel, the Rev. E. D. Goodell offlclatlny. Interment at.· Eair~veq cemetery . ' Tbwwlay, JUDe 29, 19« " ' Lend the e%otic touch to your beach costume with our Tahitian Shell Jewelry in pastels--or Pikald Shell Ornaments from. French Ocectnia . ~·· bltll•• ,.,.,'Nml ,.,,,..,., •MU ...,_, • •arlode'• ftl.p /JMM4. '(1. ctll~ ~·BALBOA -w'•L•••o•••3• Bonds for War . 1n '4 4 DON'T MISS THE INVASION JIUi l.ece ... yoU l'adlo doeiB'twol'k • fO W&.HAVK A ruiJ. LINI OJ UPAIJl SUPPLIU AND 't:AM GM YOU 1· TO 3-DAY SIRVICI •• N. B. C. RADIO SERVICE PIU.SONE& OF WA& Second Lt. ·Everett L. Kee8ee, F~=~~~~~==~~=~=~===~====~ who wu recently re~rted u mlu- .. • 116:t-OFF ON Ill$ '''r.Y•PIPrN MI$Sitlll 1Duc be goes again-out to pour more datruction on· the Axis -once more to fact the death of en~my fighters :anJ tlJkl He won't hesitate to so out on his fiftr· aixdi or hi.s hundred and fifty-sixth mission. He\nows be might "ol come back, but he keeps on going -giving moruodmoreuntilt~Hi\lw ;and T ojo crews are ready to "call it quiu. .. T his il·only your fifth mission-and a mis~ion which is mighty easy in compari- . IIOn"'With the ontS he makes "''try tntk. Stay in t~e fight bywelcofl).ing tho Victory Volu nt~r~at lrasl double YQ.Ur Bond pur- chal>ts and then keep on. Your buying means ''bomb. away" for the Axill • 81« fle,fll"dl-BUY MbRE THAI .BEFORE CALIFORNIA Miii.NE·-PA~KNG CO. ' . . . . WEST ·COAST PAC.KING ., CORP. . . . WESTERN :CAN·NERS. COMPANY I • lng In action In the European area. I• now known to be a prU- oner ot ~the Oerman government, nccordinK to word received from the Wu department. Hla wtte, Mrs. Cathertne C . .Keet~ee. w!\o . 1 rHidea at 121 Marine awnue. Bal· bcMl Ialand. on June 11 P" blrt.b to a baby dauei\ler. 8ha w .. t1rat lnformf'd that be w,.. mluln~ on AprtJ 13 .follow1nc a rald over en· t!J1\Y ·terrttory on Mardi a . Funeral ~rvlCel YfUe held Frt. day In ' Orantfe to.. Robert 8. Longmoor. 81, the father ot Wal • t.er M. Longmoor ·of Beaeon Bay. Mr. Longmoor. who wu a retired rancher and •tockman. came to the United Statee 70, yeara N'O from Qutbcc and Uved In Arizona for ·IIO year• before m&v1ri~ to ·Qr. anlft' county. l ntenrumt waa at Fairhaven cemetery. BOY 01\'EN n&sT AJD Jackll! Porttr. 114 E. aay. wu gtvrn tlrtt aid treatment at t.he Balboa tire atatlon Jut Tftunday whf.'n ht' waa lnjurf.'d 41\ a fall ht• btcycle. 'J't!e accident occurred, according to Jackie, when-he wu chued by a dog betwee n A and Me.ln atref.'la. N!!BWilA PICNIC Nebruka State Society will hold tu •ummer pldtlc In B4!by Park, Lohg Beach. on Saturday, July 111. Dllt. ,o\tly. Fred N. How • aei-. a .naUve of Nebr~ka. wtll be the principal •P,t"&ker . LEGAL NOTICE NO'I1CJ: rNvrnNO ~ St'aled propoeal• or bleb will be received by tht! City Cou.ncll of the ctty • of Newport Beach, calllor· LLWAAk 8AIITIM8 CAADI SH&LL N .O~~LT I& S NEWPORT .SOUVENIR · AND GIFT - 2102 Ocae~t Fr.t, New,.,t S.uh •.••1.0 .. P,QRI.-. Ring•, N~ilace•, Bracelet. and Pin• OP&N SUNDAYS PHON& 21U-W "The Stor• of a MUUoo Articlea" Ye•! We Wrap Gift- Electdc Weldlag • Acetyl••• Weldlaw BaHeiy lei'VIce atut ... aad Geael'alol' ~rvlce -We cu t~e cue of yollr trouble without delay- IUlLPB'S GABAGB .................. 'IJ~· dlou4e Exclusive Ladies' Sportswear g J.MoM~Mp~ 219 Marinfi Avenue · : 710 lut ............. . ..... nla. at •or before the .hour of f :OO t;==:=i::===~=E===;2===========J o'clock P . M.· on July Srd, 1H4, r for a contrat't coverln~ the pub- lication and prlntla~ of all lepl notice• noqulred to be publlehed In a · nlw•paper of · ~neral c:lr· culatlon printed and publllbed In the City of Newport Jleac.h, for t.ht' tiecal yur t>nd1nc June 30th. 1845. Btdll lba1l be .ubm4UH for e~t (8) point · (Brevier) type publlcatlona. All· btda &hall be eneiOMd In 8ealed ennlopH. marked "Bidll for publication · of lepl notlcee,'' and addreeMd to the ctt) -ooun- cll·of t.be Ctty of Newport a..da. etty Ran. Newport BHdl. cau- fomtL ' '"'' torqotnc · notJce lllla1l be publlaiMd ta tiM !feowport·Jiallloa N~W~-Tlmee UMl N.wport•Jiallloa PreM: ~ a ,... tor two .... MCUUn weeki prto, to ~ ltd. 1t« by order ot UN City ODuDdl ol U.e City· of H.-port 1IMdL Detecl June Mil. liM. ) CALIFORNIA STATE GUARD . Ca. B, 1st Bn.·, 49th Regt. 1oe •·•· 11., Balboa, c-•u. ..... 1853 • • • Capt. Willie .M. Fielda, Phone 788-M lint Lt. Robert H. RMCI, Phone eo9 Seooad Lt. tlarQld V. Hall, PhoDe 1436-J- rltANK L. IUNI:IIART. City Cieri! of Ole Ctty at 'll~ii----~~ .................................. ~~ .......... ~.............. ~ ~. • Publall JUM D. ud II. lM6. • -·- .. . . . -- E ISS • lor ......,.,. ........ OWWVUWID waaua..- • usa 11&91lway 101 ,_. ...... n. ...... O.erpue .. WORK BASKEn' ..... If. oan._- Dn ••• &.-... ! .... • W A au• k£1 ~·-ca..-. ........... ,. t> .._._ .61.1 ••• ..., ..... u. .... .&, _.,.... -_,...., LOUCKB ~ ·• ftA'JIC)!f8Y waa. A J...-., lt.palJ'tq Qreetsq 011.* ror AU ~Ooee*­.......... ....-.t. R1llp Oil ~ IDu7 Budpt Plaa l"" lf..,..-t IIIYci. ft. lata oo.r A. JllaA. ....... .. Meohlae Work 8GB JmP.AimlrG VIr&'• Garage . -OrrMIIII ..... UM-W R0881 CAFE aa-... a. r••• rood CecW-D• .... zFr -~---~ ~ .. ( .... Bettlt Ice Cream ... YI'II -- FOR .MEN ~ an~-BOYS • --b:ZIIV'l --....... aABL W. ftAMLEY 'a-Jtor Notary· Pabllc J~MMlTTI -........ JI6D)oa Wa.Dd S. 0. S. Radi · and~\ Electric Co. 'Radio Service -CI.()IG) ·ON MONDAYS- I . - Harold L. Hamm Badlo loaad Tecls••ciaa IWI)Jd- mater1al tJUna' OM OWM.-WJ\,•n U..t uaa. ~ ne&U..r rae. nor ---tltfi."L ttUMAMn Don't look for t.be nawa u go t.broqh llfa! cned DOl' color ID&tten . . • 'I o-y I 1'0U eo.ta K---.motliler, tatbU aDd The AaloaJO ~-Gt-H -• - And •ven when you find lbeiD It .. wtee and kllld t.o be ~ what bUDd n .. ~ICM\17 Ja.t 1"'7• ~ wt Utetr u..a. ou-u. CCIIIUiluaitJ euDe to tbe ~ And look for• t.lle vtrtuee ~ tbem.-AAon. • • • e\le wtU. .......... ~ .... pocerMa. ,..... ......... .... qWI'enloeftt.a .... preU)' well taltal can of . . . 'nM ,.._ter ae.d. at A.lt.boul'b ltla p..-nt. Ia tor butlclbtC ID&&enal pneral . appeu. .o eome 80I't of a liMiter · ma1 be oorwt.nlc!W. ance wu U..t A.a,JOIM wM a... recentl}' tried of a Oerma.n to IM&y lumber kiiiO'ft boW cMtft. ~ ,_. cult 18 t.be propa•ttioiL A.Mul tllil eraUbn1 of oalJ ICihaUoD 18 ..aoadllud hlm- malamut. Mr ... 'l'benfaloe. lf 1'0U II&" a • , ......... -aD old ~ tllat ~ ........... ...1 eaa be lnCrf'ecl or W'Neked. WOG't '"""'-'-~ J09 malta U.. mat.nal a.......ae ...,..._, to Ute ~ famUJ T 'ftlelr pict ure M..Seui trMDdi aDd ~ an 4 OOIIIItant II&" apMCl to buiJ4' Uae -... lf e_ompanlon of IJ'Vllll 01 .. , H .... tllie ..cruary ~ eaa .IM port boatbullcler. fOUDcl ••• Lea" word at PlAit'• Bec:auae of th1e cro.-pull. tM pb&nnaeJ, cw drop a line to Uale EakJmo doc appareaUJ cou1cl DOt coiUJIUl • , • adapt hlm8elf to tM rwtrs~Dta •. • • and ~pleldU• of ct.W.tkiL OOWlt.ee A.Jez•NM& ~ Today be .. dMd · · · ...eatll4 wbo UDW receDtly bftd ta tiM old bec&UM of an ever.~ tatoa:. 1 r y t n e cl~ ~ eranca or tnmwl beillp uad ~ Rai.U ~· ..., Don odl er creaturee. aDd~ 11ac1 tiM adoa~~Ud pa.a.. Gund & World Stuffed Animals Pandas · BeaJ~s · Lu9e aizea ln Black and White~ laM and White, Cream ud Tan Vptot&as See the New Effanbee Sweetie- Pie Dolls and Horseman Dolls. Clalldna'• ._ .. ...... ........... ... LOUCKS. Jewelzy and Stationery Store 1797 Newport 81•4· COSTA NISA Alter ''Ool&k'' had been touD4 un o1 Ol"66rta& tide oohllruUt ott (Ul.lty of blt1ftl' Mveral ,.,.... ...,. .,......... 1e ta tile toae of ln~luc!l~ children, be wu ordar-tl» law ... tak, t.-... 80IM-+ .. --------·~------------.....,·-• ed muzaled and kept on a ...,_ tblq lll~ u.. t1Mft ot a when on the 1tr.et. Several Ume1t pand ptano 11..11-~-A V ~~-­ he e•caped thla contl.nement ·. . . n.e "Cowl·-:.. aUu .ftutll CoD80 uaM:'U U w..ec with . unhappy CODMCl~n~ A.l Deardorff, WbQ elalme l.be rtctsta Slates n-n House leut one law 1urt NWited, ud of nobiUtJ wen OOilfened ·upon . "I"" "Oolak'•", muter wu repaated!J her.,, Orand Duke A.JaaDdlr of at Harbor Plant -rned t~ eontrol 'the anltfttll-RUMia. lla4 u 1Mr-~ . · JA)Cal Scout Leader to Be llonQred for Heroic Conduct At a •P•Wial GoNt-ol HGAOr ( SINCI li3:l) .. Balboa. lslonq . -which he found not euy to clo. llere ber "~" o-eral war. Wilen H~t... rud Ul't One d'y recenUy t.be blc male. ,_ Miclaal A.Ju.a.ndrott. ud ftve Liberator bombml ha•·r ralded l'l)ut.e vtctoualy attacked a ....u. clop of varioue namee and na-Berlln or llomhed lhf Jape at er doc. TWo. day. later If wu .,._ tlOft&ljU.. .•. 8lDce lea..tq ttsa TrWc or PalaU. t.bey ahoufd de· poi'Ud Ulal be had .,.a1D broken Hartlor ebe'8 led a ratber bectJc rive no Uttle MUIIfactloroo from thr out of bounde and wu ~ life, wlllc:b, 1 ...u.me. Ia no new knowwtce that put or that punch to~ hf ld lhl• I'Wnln« at Santa ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~===~2~~~~~~~ Ana Commodore B. F. Mole~ ...,;- port captain of Nf'wport. H..-bpr lary .. ·rvltf'• In tttnr of war. at liberty In the vlctnlty. or Oor· expertaee . . . at the enemy lltarttd at Con801l- don'• dnAC 1tore. Date~ po. ,. ·• • • dated Vultee'1 feeder plant In Cor. flee an.wered t:t.e ea1l. u.tr pa-J:x.Newport.en. JolmnJ UJ*ln ana del ·Mar. 'naere " group ar tlence at &!! end. . ''JIIId''. llri8coa NCWl1J:7 CO~ local men and womrn are t-n~taa· On the of ftclal report tM career f .. ed rn m.OS• -"llal p&rU and or "Oolalt" wu clc»ed wttll1 nro toptller few a cab-eat ane-.-emblld for t.lle natlon'a moet Sea 8<-Qut Sue. w1h ·~ accord-~ .-d apt•t'lal reeo~llluh for t'llemp· Scht<dult'd for· .PN'MJttaUon Ia tht' Mt"dal of Hf'rohlm Which .. to b4' corlftrrt'd upon Commodore Moltr by the u .. s Government '.:====:::=~~~=~~~=~~~~;;;::;::;:;:::::~ .. rcaylt_' of hla . actl\•ltlu. whlkl- an ot~r on boltrd ttlt' tanker, San Encldio, which waa tO'l).e· <lof'd by a Japant'w aubmar1ne off I lht' Northern Callfoi"'J'ta ~out ' durin( the daya lmmt'dlately fol-I lowfng ~arl Harbor. · .1 t.e rdl ......_ d• ........ t-""......, wt.ere In J:lll'land"' .. ·. pr'OYtnc rae wo : ...,.,. -...-........, · · " that lt'l not aac:b a 'biC world widely u.ed IM&vy bom~r: • • • aft.u ell AI~ t.be plant whlc:h la lo- Wllen either men or an!Jaala " ~ •. • cat.ed at 1015 Oout hl&'hwa)', hu find the~ tone-r _...,. to llomt folb ... "ptn)) aJepiUt.nta" been 011 rull pro6\lcllon for "'any live In ~ony ~UI Utetr ... othen owa "'Wialta ...,......... monthl. "outakkn" · ha••f creatUJ'U, t.be wor&d wtl1 tolerat. . . . lira. ~ aapn o1 111 ~n .,.r:mlt~ed ·tnald.-Ita cloaely their unpleuantn .. for awtalle . . J'1ower ebMt.· Ooeta liM&, DOt ruarded pt.. Ae l'ftlllt, the I !"· but n~t Indefinitely'. . . only O'lllm8 wtrtte 01118 a.ut aJ80 eral pubUc Jmowl"., practle&lly In addition to .. ufff'finr wr1oual InJun+• In tM atta.clc Commodo,...l . . ' • • • 1ftft an.. .,..,._ OMII and little noUi1n« of the work belnr accom- Fire can be vetJ ~rrtble . . .,attH -... t'rl o1 ·-, . . ~ll.ahed tbere. 8J!Rl•ny wtlen tt ctEmoye ~ Her ~ ~ liiiM ,.. o.--.~ beell • dl_eplaJ tn the In order UaM Mr. and l(re. Moler wu forced to jpt>nd 24 1 houra In a lifeboat attn the tan. k· f'r had rone down and' wu aub- ccmtine(J to a 'hoipltal for coru~lderable time. In addl·j t(on. to the medal, "' W111 ,...Cf'tn \ the Pactflc War Zonl' Bar,· ~on· ferred for acttve Mrvloe wtth t.M Merchant Manne, and a1llo l.be Mai'C!b&nt M.arine eomt.t Bar wtUt atar tor -....na lll ar.et ~----------....,. w1lldow of ...... t~Mie•lllaop, tal Newpc'rt l(artlor .may l&ln a nnrt ., . Newport ........... wu . lltarted Jmow~AA-of tb · , · 11 ,_... 1110. wtU. an e&epllant b.u;'d ~· e commun-e BAD B L . 6-Ule ft....U.S.:t.eit. 8lDOI tbelt lty 1 ~ ,alrCnft plant and t.be ~ q.e coUeeUoil u. IJ'G'I"l --.., Yl~ Put It Ia p&ay1JII In t.lle war ' . ' UDW lt ~ .. ol tM ..... dtort, epectal pei'Wil-'-bM ,IV •La .. t .... u.. ....,h,. . . . procUred ~~ tbe Arra7 to . I ... '1111111!': • 0.. Ia a llllftr ... ,.t _.. -.old "ope-... ~ ....,, ,_ oaan 101 a1c1 &DOtW s. .. . 1 ·£ .Jl -··-.,· lt.,.....l8 n-c •• ·..;, · .... : ·-a ~t t•, Ulle .rrec:t -..... -., - -made toda -· Harold p lftleraeoope tO .... · tJM lllt.teate WU 1 w1 ' toOUftl'. n.en are u.pbanta eerY· Clartt, plant ro,...tnaa. wt.b prom. ed from every cancel~ mater-lMd · ttsat on that date ~tore e . .-£.wi4 8~ 410 Cout ll•d. CORO N_A DIL M/.R DAY AHD KIGHT ' lnclu~ eolhf l..ory, a114 tJM wtll • be perm~~ed to ... "all ...-ortmlftt &180 coil~ tbe lut t.bere le t.e IIH. · elepbant fo come eut of-.f'\n1aDd Special lnvtt.atlona. Clark eaJ4, ...:.fo-,.._ -· han been IMUed to Ka:ror Cl.,an ""' ·~ ...... --· · · · owner ot t.be IM&U~ In ht. b&ck yard, Mn. Roprl would IIOubU.. tM Uc:k.ltd pink to all city offlclat. and comnnm- to add It to ...,. flock ... ' tty le&Mn. 8tnoe lllaltT ,.,._.. hava,.)n t.be pu t, been made to . _ • -'--co tJitoup thr convair plant, a IIAIImiLUf ~ AWAIID la'T• turnout Ia antld"t.ecl. · 'nae Union Pactlle Railroad bU Open bowie houre, It wu an. won t.lle 1:. H. ~man cold nounced. w111 be from t L m. to ·~~ for aat~ty lo, the . 11\Jl 4 p. m. Children will be waleome, tim~. It wu announced t.b .. ~ek. tr accompanied by parent.. :Ac-w, 11. Jdfen, U. P. · prealdent, cordln«. .to Army· ,_.ulat19n1, up(m acoeptlne t.be awa.rcl In be-11moklng will not' be permitted. half of t.be rallroalt'l 15.000 • e~ nor rna y cameru be broiJI'bt Into ployee at a . dinner held yeller-the plant. day at the Waldorf .Utoffa In While Corona ~I Mar feeder Ne'flr York, declared: '"nwl prac-•hop II neceaaartly limited \() .up. t1c:• of ldety .. the very be-.t plying parte and a..embUN, en- habit tbat. a raUroad. or any cor. lar,;ed plclu,...• and 'cut.away poralion, <an )lav~." drawtnre of comp~te plan• w1U ' ~ on dtaplay, al\owtnr the loca- Jala Gill ,.,... ..... u. rn.. cation and appllcaUon of parte turned out ln the plaat. ... ........ -.·at..-.-... taw , .. ._ The feeder ahop •)'Item .. an ,._.rittal part of 'coneoltd&t.ed Vultee'a vut manufactun~ Mt· up On a rec,.nt vlell to Corona del Mar; Cnn••a lr ~dent Jlar. ry Woodhrad emptaut.ed tJU point In addr...aaln~t company per. aonntl htrl'. "JI!arh one of you r mplnyr"• 111 jUIIt u Important to lli~ rompany, anl.l to the war ef. tort, u any oth4!r of the to,OOO men. and worn,.n on our pe'yroll," atated Mr. WoodhMd. "A lt:tlough you don't have t.be Mtlefaetron. of IMiq tt~ plane• roll out the tiont door, or hear them eoru~tanUJ ~ ov- erhead, you do ha" tM eatta. faction of knowi~ that wtu.out your help t.bey wOuldn't . roD out the door at' our mabt ...,~ planl.l. . · "Tou COrona del Mar al{Craft producrre draerve epedal · oom- me-nctatktn for appl~ .,.,......._ u you liav,. .... ~thoat---u.t adcJed .. lncenUv,.," the rom.-ny aeeu. 1111&•1 ••• II· uv;.rd~=~•d. enc1 ou..r orn- cla!ll frorn . th,. co~·· llead ofnce In San D~I.O. "-" ...,. In- vited to att,.nd t.M op-. BALBOA GIFT SHOP MXt 8WI~Y . ·' &ldaeFenyl.-•d'"g .... ,~ Tbe local man, wlwt IIUCC!MCit!d Ha.rry o.rt.Jer u •k(pper of U.e N-port Harbor. Bu Soout ,ablp I and hu aerved u port raptaln at the b&tw for th,. put Mftft mont.ba. wtll •lao ~rlvf' " lkout-I muter'• K,.y for cnmpl,.llnlf the ffn y .. ar pro~•h·•· Rr,.utmaiJ- ~,..· tralnln.r proJ(nm of lh,. aw~trda will BRIO. GEN. ~ARTI:"l lii'ANI.IJ!'I actin~ romm~tndlflJ( JC"nrraJ nr th'J Army Air FnrfY'a W••1t"rn fl'lyln.r TntnlnJC C:ilmnland Htp ~ttn1 Awa• The Cilurt of Honllr. wh.tch ·I• to lake plac,. 111 Willard Jll"hool, will alao be m~r1c,.d by pruent.a.. tlon of aevenl hlp awardll to '"' cal Boy ~oul.l. 1111' IC.aa1r awartt. ·hiJt!~•t rank In l couttn.r. will fe ll tn Rl'lbf!rt M H•rrlry ot N"WJ)'lrt nurh "' ""· ley Cfqaucho\'~k_.y, •1110 nt TMtlp wm, ~lv.L t.M ·~v Arout 11ward, an(! Rlchar•t I><Hld of T roop 6, r o•la M.•·u lhr J,lfl' Srout awl'r;.d Star R~'••Ut hadKu w~o to l'ljthl ~ll'mb<·rA M N,.w. poTt lnrludln~t . Bill BI"'Wniof. v M Gillett,., Richard W Hfnley. -Barry L Nallney. John Keith 8ad • lelr. Armando Monaco and ThtO- dore Robina. Jr. AT T H E R 1: ~ D E Z V 0 U 81 •**f:J¥4 y $. ... ·<·--· A·ND . . AT THE BALLROOM 4 ighls · ·o1y . . ·11 ·-f-1-•• dA ~ ... .... 211 ~· BALBOA iSLAND But we bue plentJ ot Uttm at· t.ba PrMI t"rtnt illop. Prte. an HUC~naaQ. 12ll Coat" ••d . • ·. I ; • 0 • y • • ~ • c I 0 • I I • ' c • • ! c • ••• ' • ' ' ' • c .. • t •• ' I • • ......... -~ughteroff • Becomes Brie IIIIL 411NOLD " Dtlu;totll ... , •• ........... ,. .......,. llorpA. r 6Drdl u4 u 011 DaYidiiOU. a w..wl ......... lAp eouple left ~ .•• ..-.m IIII&IIOaJ'4 ' pt'OCM4 to T ortrt.a ...... aan.taa .. 'l'be tarlcSe, an-I ..,.._RIP. atte JuaJar ccU.,. w• -....rt ...... llloel Ia.. •land tiM · Cll1fomla a& Bertw ... Ia a.tt.n aAd c A.B. 8be w a • ,...._--~~~· ..r ~,.....,. 'l'be~ _.. a( Hartklr ~ ~ PolJ Tecla 01161po, .... ,.. -... -.• •• ......., &.be Nat Dla• nt1-t · Gl Ia now c uth , • laEF.ORE Y( , ., • ,. .. Pap 8 WANTED \\'A!''TED TO BUY -l~r trunk. Good oon4lUCWL ftOM !'l 8 lMl. ll~tl \\'A :-lTED -CUh p&ld-tor lllUII taed radio-. 8.0 .8 . RadiO eel Y.lectrtc Sbop, 215 ll&rtDe A vr.. Balbo& bland. UU FOR BZN'I' W ANTill> -Small hOUIMI Will ROOM FOR RENT over --.._ "-7 ~ e.M. PhoN~ ~nda. tttt Ocean Btvd., ~rona N ...... n . 18U ,dcl Mar. lie W~ TO RENT-Room and ..o-z=.--=::.;;;;;=========- b&~ .... t.u.lnea couple. Loca· REAL ESTATE (For s.le) rN CORONA DJ:L IL\.ft. ,._,.,, DeW. _. ttdro • a.o.-. 1 Iota "Oil COrDer. allowv aDd tub. I5IOCt. aooo iJeln. JL c. Pal'll· er, llot N.wport Blvd., eo.ta MM&. 11o Forty Acres .....-.......... CLOG: IN $200 per Acre a. C. P.AAXII\ lloe Newport Blvd., eo.ta FOR SALE 1'1 A :-;o FOR SALE -Uprtcht. In !;()Oil rondJtion. Phone 208. lie t'AR RADIO Cor '41 Chtv. 320 E . UoD. 11&7 ana. Phone Newport n . tatf W A.N:I'D '1"0 UNT-by New· port ..._ Bc.bool Dt.atrlct. • IIO·ACRE M.TN. RANCH I rnU• north of Ban Bernardino. 110 acre. vineyard. Pbo.ne Newport 410.J. lip ~ ...a.we tor cl .... be--------------~ Ia 8ept. Contact J:. 1. flALF ACRE and 5-J'09Dl bcNN :MOON. ,._. 'TS. tau •t Coata Meaa. Shown by ap. ----------~--------polntment. Phone Hunttncton Such 6471. ltp ON oc:aAN BOULIIVAJm Balboa Peninaula • THJ\D -BlllftOOlll HOIDD ~y~ $7000 • w. L. J(IIU).Uf CORONA DJ:L KAR Income Wanted to Rent 1 Rth St . Coeta Mee&. Pbo.ne Bee.da &-.. • Seuhore Drive, :163 lie 2·bcdrooala -July and ~uguat. UNCOMPLETJI!D DUPLIIX q\4&rter • acre at eo.ta M-. $1600. P hone U71 or eaU lQU Santa Ana ave .• Ooeta )(.._ 700 .. Olatnl A.ft. I•F:f>tc:REEO SEALYHAM P"P-~ BepL II p..-11 Plwne Laguna Beach $300 71P7 18t2c ptDlABIJil FA)I{lLY 1' ·W.D l.tfin~ER -call at 208 SY 0-l'fll. Box 40, Rt.e. 1 uu 3·ROOM HOUSE, eome out bu116- lnp . Lot Mx284 feet. Full prtee 3-Bedroom House ON CI:NTilAL A~ I1011:DL\ ft OOCUP A.NCr COMPlZ1"a.Y J't.1JtHtt11DD COr. 21St st • Newport, mom lnp or G. D. KDMJ'R. Puadena _ _ _ _ 1-w·nlnge. liP =======-..;;.... ___ _ I" .. • ""'K Aloo ele..trac w•t•r pump lor w~ . $5500 $2200. $800 down. R. C. Park· w. L. Jordul er, 180e Newport Blvd., Ccwta 700 z, .c.ntra.J .Av. BJX, HOMES ON OCEAN PrieN ranctnc I rom: P.OMOTI:D .~ ~·· ~, 8PI!lCI.A(, Nai'ICES Stuart T. Dunlllp. jr • Yflllrlf:<'T FOR SALF. _ Parkard-Bell ~le K eaa. lk --------:--;-----htr ...• $6500 to $20,000 liOn of Mr and Mtll S T, rhanlap Oh.ldt•l radio. 218. 31ith St., New· .AROL ... BUO . OtrA toT ot Balboa h lr\Od, hn11 IM't>n pru. · lTp (V4eo . ,.... When you get moted to the rllnk ,.r alltrt 8"r· :_'"-"_l _B_•·•_r_h_. -:--:--::-:=:=:-::--.:::: rid ot u..n, come In ahd look geant In the Marine Air Cor'P•· llAN'S PRE.WAR BlCYO... tor ow,. CMW IU'den lOOla. Between The young man, whn Ill nnly 19 Jl~th• Ltk.c m·w eu Broad. New. joM. ~·DOt gtve the bou.~e a year. of ar l'. I• •••rylng In thr Jll)rt Hl'lght. 16311-J . coat ot .IIUDt '!' We have plenty South Pacific combat vme of colora to Mlect Crom. Knox CLASS I FIE.IJ • ~~:::;~::;rf:i.~~~;; =~=ardw•t.&=an,•M•M&.=l•7•18..o::;.N_e...:wpo;:;;......,.rt_B_I~-~-~ l'liR SALE 81\by r rib, luge al'e AV'I'08 .... SALE !"early rww. varuum cleaneT; t••nor ·banjo. 260 E. 19th, COifta Meea. lilt ::-BEDROOM HOUSE. Ve.ey ct.ir· able location, near bualneM ~ t rict. Full prtee $31500. Tenna. R. C. Parker, li!Oe Newport Blvd., Coeta Mesa. 1k ~-ROOM HOUSE on '.ere. View of Bay. Owner occupied. POCIMI- aion now. Never been rented. Price $2500. R. 0 . ,Chamber~~, 2100 Newport Blvd., eo.ta M- ITe View of Upper Bay LIDO R.A1'1:8 tor Cl ... tflrd Ad.ll In i.hla a point type &l"t' :k per lin~ f ur ea.c:Jt·tneertlon, or approxlma~ly 1e per word; tour ll\llt'rlthne ot aame copy for price or three. ~bl~ta fi>r bold!a11e typt'; double ratea for U pornt typr M1n.lmi.u. Cur any ad 2~. ~~~ WHITE I..EGHORN hena tor suh•. Layinjt ll.ISO each. M. Sullivan. 22M Harbor Blv4., c~oetll Me1a. rr.Jto '39 PA.CKAJU) Deluxe four·door 120; radio and overdrive. $786. 24411 Tuat1n avenue, Ca-ta Me ... TEN ACR£8. Good Cbaap Wat.er 1931 MOOI:L A FORD deluxe At'· F'UU Prl~ 15000.-R. C. Parker • dan • .ueo c.Nnan • bp KOOt.. 1608 Newport Blvd., Coeta Meea er, Ill Qceu Blvd., Corona del lie ,..._ II If •-...... -~-e-t.-Jj..&LJUI.a.a.Llt.lllll~Qa.-.DlUI&L..~~"''t"..--"---~-:---=-:-""':-:"':'t--.1-~II.Oai~MJeiiWI,p..-­ln adv&Aee unlaa •dvertiJia IIIUI STAMPS tor c:ollectoi'II--Betl ----.---lk _P_O_S_S_E_S_S_IO_N_I_N-30_D_A_Y_S_.-3-·be-d· Eo b .. .a,~_. t all Matt.H a.tur67 a& l:U «-_"-............. ,...,., ...... -.... Paua.tt.e Godd&l'cl Uld Fl"t'd MacMurray In S_t_a_n-dlng JiOOin-Only "\''VA IRXIOO" (~ •• ~~ • Nt!WW Mu Weat • VIctor Moore In with The Heat's On ...:..ao- WOIII:N Dl BONDAO& Oall Patrio:k • Nancy KeUy c..,-·.N..- a rei'Ulu account W1th tt1r slng~e. 5c to ~. N.B.C. Radio PNM: Shop, 18381~ Newport BlYd., L08T AND FOUND Costa Meaa. ltc L08T-LadiN ~ w;iltlw~lCb Jo'OR SALE 40 ft. l ~ lncb · rub. at Fun Zone, Balboa. R,•wtu'\1. ~ · hoar; 2 att-el barrele-tor Retvrn to Prpltl oHtl'L• l!lp trwlnt•rator or feed. 188 E. 18tb St , Cost& Mel &. -lie FOUND Tu"!lday, '"''"'•· .uamon\1 ri711'. 22M Central Ave . Balboa. Ht~AliTWUL new ~d quUt.ed Phone ~102, cllll for Pvt. Tl'n· 111rg•· sl:t•· "Fr~nch pattern" nyaon. 19p qurlt Can he wen at 3201~ 1 'Oillll Blvd . Newport. 30p -LOST-Mon p. 111. 2 •·hllun·n'a life jackeU. 1 r"cJ. l CorBnb'' Between IMh St onll :"o:t·~~o·port. Phonl' 23!H.J. Rewartl Ilk; LOST,-Palr-Jflilarll tn n11 rim. Lotrt abOut June 26 011 Balb<la b land R.-w .. r\1 21 t Enlt<rald A vt• • Balboa b land An(;pg 33 mm camera and tllm: ( tri..riW rug 10-tt. 8-in by U~ ft , Mahogany ·Htpplewhlte deelc, d11\'t:nr2rt. f'bo~l! .2892·W. ~ ------~----~--==~~~ M A!'l'S PRE-WAR BfCTCLID. :-z,.w rubb<>r, exceiLe'nt c:ondlUon. &tur•IY conatruct'lon, liS(). C&ll SrrVA'I10NS WANTED 12:! Turqu<!IIIC, Sal~ laland, or Tu-. • Wet. -phone L. A. R~ 7805. Wellare ~ry • Marjorie Main l.n ~·uLo.u&o:.n'S -WIFE Wr1nt11 w'ork ltp Rationing at home. Typing prd .. rre\.1. Ph 103.M. BATTERY for 12 laytnr hena: Wutl!m IJ~Ial b&tf.ery · Cor t,:Yen . WW-bold "'1'UAL aY ftiOOD" WANTED Roof, 1 repal111. Small 300 month-old chlcke. '3.7 Olcfll. lf--.1 . -C&rJ*Iler Jtlbe . .Call alter 5:30 mnbl~. ,-ood tlrH, radio, In Jd. ~ • 8fMM't -p m-252 112nd, Coata Mrea. Ph t'ondlllon. l&M NeWjM)rt luana.r ,....... ltd~ • Eddie Bracken • Betty Hulton In The Miracle of ................. 8 Creek --~-------------~·----~Uk~< __ eu __ ·~---M~~~-~-----·-1~~~ ~ ~A."n'ED ·~ PAfN1:£RS WANTEQ Sec Mr. ~ley, 1 25~ Apolena avl!nue . WANTED -ShJp'a carpenter, man tor general work. Ht·A. ·Balboa la\and. FOR SALE 111&7 LINCOLN UPHYR S.EDAN Blaek with eeat cover~~ and radio. An ~t roomy cu . PRICED TO SELL! Bu'y now wlille you can . . RaUontnc may no( be Car away! FULL PRIC& ... . f;2a Be Sure An4 Buy War Bonde ! ! TRIIDOU ROBINS P'ord ..,.. and Servlc, 22n4 &nd Central, Newport Jk&cll Pllone 21 • BOATS I'OK 8A..IX -...J.,_ 111 n. CWJlN run.t~bout bull and traUer tDt' .ale cheap. 311 Cor- al ave., Balboa b land. 16-18p roR BALID--12 ft. hydroplane· type ~ 1t b.p. JohniiOn out- board· motor;· aleo tralle.r · ,.,lth two .-. tlret; $&0. 314 Undo avenue, ....._ if..lle 111311 CRUI8D. Wool overall. 11-foot beun; 'U Cbr)'aler. m o- tor. ComPJet.el:1 Nftl0abe4. Stn.· lal lteel ~. Wkt. buDD. . dlnett.e, blue plat.e ~ in ny- ,ln& bJida'e. Ow'Der muat ... u UU. week! $1100 VIlla Marina, a.~~· I*Dd, room. stucco houae, fireplace • patio, nice lawn. Cloee tn: Full rrrce $8000. $4500 cub. R . c. Parker, 1806 Newport Blvd., Costa Meaa. 17c N1CE P ROPERTY ON ELDE.l'IJ avenue, half acre. 4~room !we., acrten porch and bath. walnut and oraJ1ge trOI'. Full priCI! S\1000 By ownl'r, 2451 Elden ave .. C011ta Meaa.. ltp SEE 'nUS BEAUTIFUL home on Orance a v4!11ue. Comer witll 110- foot frontap. Fl'(e-room JloaM, lovely JTOUndJI -now.,. Uld ahrubbeey. Owner occupied J'\111 ~ price $1000. $4000 ""'"'-1\ C Parker, 1801 NeylpC)It Ca-ta . Me,aa. 11o ------------------------A TTRACTrvE HOME --Immed· late JXlUelflon. Located in Cqr- ona del Mu . 2 bedroom boule, garage, ,ahrubbery and land· ecaplng. VIew of ocean. J'ull prtoe $4.6()0, Ternu. R. c .. Park· er, 1808 Nl'\fPOrt Blvd., eo.ta Mea&. HA.VE yot! $7110 to pay down on Ult• home.! Two lot. tn New· port Hrlj;'hte '-"lth one bedroom 1\M. R<·cenlly remOdeled. Hard~ wood noor. Garage. FuU price $3~ R. C. Pa.rker, 1806 New· port Bl\·d., Coata TWO MODER!'~ HOMES on cor. ner )ot. On~ 2 bedroom.e, one l·bedroom rent. to, l25. double C'&rage, large, rarden, lot. of INCOMJ: PROPDTY ~ re.ntal.l. I'WD1IIIMd. a.. Ia. rNOOMZ fllii.OO PJ:R. MO . Full Price $8500 TERMIJ R. C. PAJUCIIR 1110e Newport Blvd., Oaet.a .La on Newport Blvd • 5·rOom bo\Me, 2 · rentala, com· mercial on•balf 'acre. ll'lM 110ft water. NearlJ DeW bWJd. lnp. Double ~ Fufi Price $9500 R. C. PAJUDI:ft li!Oe N~rt BlYd., 0oeta Meea FOR SALE • Fine Beaoh Home .ON BAY l'ftOJft Six be4roQma. tJLNe batM; ,..,._ LaW.~·..,. Price t.ncludea two Iota, pier ud noat. A. OOOD BUY $22,500 TOO a Oletnl, JIIIDoa All very de~~lrable place. .• 8olne tumiMecl. eome DOt .C. F . DENNISON 2117 Cout Blvd. Phone 24 2-Bedroom Home ON• BALBOA ISLAND c JI'UrnWled l $7500 700 E, Central w . 70C) it. w: TOO I:. A MATTER OF COURTESY I~ you bat )'OW propwt1 to~ eal4l wltb A. re&l uta~e office oo an o~n UptiDa, but l&.ter on .ell ll youradt .or ~ ' 11001e otller office, you owe It to the Clrat oCCtce to lflve nou ce of tbe aale. R. C. PARKER nvestment Opportunity of a Lifetime RENT $900 PER:. MONTH 8-Unit Court Near Los Angeles FULL PltiCE $25,~ W. J. Holcomb ' • OORONA . 1517 COAST HJOHWAY · "Where the rn~· Fly" (lemlar: ""'•r Fever; H..;, A.N· ric'b, lllo.J Sf'oUt; •• O.i Tlaw; tw H~ 1'11~ ..,..,. WANTED F C'rryman With mo. tor I boat "Pf'rttlot's llcl'niM· Strady job, Sl'e Mr. Jonl·•. 11. land Ferry. 18tt FOR SALE-Two 3/4 ~. 81m· rnune sprinp. new inatt~l. 1 larte coli apringe, 3-t>urner KBII plate and cabinet. 31108 Cll&hnel place,· Newport" I.tand, tum Eut at 38tb and Cout Blvd. lip CUSTOM BUILT party launch from on.. of Ule ttneet yachtl under ~ AmeriUD n~. 26 CL long, IHt. beam, apeed .about 18 knot.. Royal Crown Cbryaler motor. 110 h.p. ~ed by Olelow, -.unt by Nevtne. City b land. Oak t rame, oed.aJ' plank, lng , teak top eldu. LocaUon i2t'1 Cout hlfith.wlly, Newport Beach. V. S . Terry, pbo.ne Newport n iCl' sh&cJe trcee. fi ne locaUon. .. --------------~--~-----­Cloae iii. Full price $11.500 cub. ~Y Wu Boacb ud Staap~~al Uua Theatre. Balboa· ftl&&ft8:· ...... ~ 1:v• nu•t • "' 7:00 6 1:15 LUI Sbowtnc of a ciouble teatW'I pn>«ram alarte al 1:10 nun.· Fri.· liM- Randolph Scott In Gong Ho .. A t.E1"1'Ea TO A. H£110" f'artonll • ~~ • N~ l'ua. . M-.. (j.loo. Murphy • 01ony Bl~ma ln Broadway Rhythm WANTED Patnh•r'e h••lpo·r ant1 malnl•·n~tn•·" m~tn. M .. rtrw W(>rk . Rtct!Jlrds"n·~ \'1\l:ht Anc:horat;l.'. phon«' Nrwpurl :169. J8r WANTED -Man or woman Cor part-tlml! work to help wllb ho- trl clnnlng and duk relief. Ba.lbol\ l nn. Phone 660. Ut2c WANTED -Wall re111ca, long or abort houra. Al110 dlebwaahen , ml!n, women or h igh ecllool boys ; call 511 E. Central Ave .. Balboa.' lOU WANTED · Wl\tTJU:SS~S Ex. pt>rh•nct"c1 ll r n(>t ~hllrt rtr '"".lor houra Tnrll tn srtlnry &n•l 1tp11 Harrlson'11 n rnn"r HullS~', lith &nd Oran._l.', '<:us ia M•·~. 181 r PAINTE RS! ! With or Wtth .. ut Exprrl••nr•· WAR CONTRACT. WpRK The Peyt ')n Co. w 1th Chu. Wlnnlnger, Olo'rla• di.' Hav.-n. Lt'na Horne.· Hasel 901 C'oasl Htway. :-;,.,,.,,urt B••arh Scott arid Tommy {)orK)' and ! &,\'RIIIlblllt Y •'I' I ttCII'J\It• 1\CfdN.I) O rcb8lra o.-,.,. c•nooa . 8fertlcejle WANTED Ke'llft Auto mechaniC3. Top w&gu. -----------:---beet ot WOI'~It condiUone. an • TQea.. • \\'a I -nl,lal War t n\luatry .. Emplqy. • ..tt.l ment eltller here or at HunllnJ· OlMn and J ohnaon -1 t~n S..cb atore. erA"-" House ' nu:oooRE noBI!'is --J P'ord · Sal• A 8ervtee ~ Hnd A Centra! Nr\\-port IIMdl · Roy ftoren In •" Pb,one 28 IIONO Qf' T&XA8 .~ ~ n ....... 1a17 •· Shine on Harvest Moon .., Wet .... ud Bcmde . ·'*~· - l-.--__ .._ Apricots For Sale·! W r 8f)C'daHze In ll"t'e·r'lpened Rnval Aprlcota tor home ·cannlnr. \\'Ill 11tart picking about lune 29. Ho•l wt-cn 22nd a nd 23rd etreele on TWitln avenue, Coeta Me.a. lip 387-R. -. R. C. Par~r. 1806 Newport Blvd .. Coal& !'leu. 18c IMMEDIAT E POSSESSION tt you are look ing for a am&ll ranch. let ua show you th!JI. Two-bedroom hoU.... fireplace, Rllrage, rhlcken equipment. Rab· bit hutches, Including ratsblt.. Splendid water. All fenced. R. C. PARKER FUN I~ THE SUN PLAY SUITS and SWIM SUITS ~ ·~-~ Shores Rabbitry WAJioOTED TO BUY-House t o be mowd, !'bone Newport 77. lStt 1806 Newpor t Bl\'d. C011la Mel& Playtime toaa, for- more of auo-fun. CbOCMe from a lar1e aeledion ··of re&IIJ 210 • 16th Street eo.ta Mea 16th and Orange (Near tbe bir ~at.ertMJI) RABBIT FRYEl{S VEOET AJJLII:S Ot•ll\'l'lits Monday, Tbul'llday and SAturday ... Phone 423 MISCF.lJ.ANEOVS WANTED! LTSTINOS OF PROPERTIU IN CORONA DEL ~ D~CT Phont W. H. K&llard. Newport Beach 872·W Listings Wanted h11ve rMh buy.,.. tor property In ttw Nt'W(IOrt Harbor &niC ru1d Coal& Mua George Fellows \\'II.L S"('(.)RE PlANO for Ullf'. 1804 :-:ewf'C)rl Olvd. Ca-t.& M!!l l 11·16 Ocun Blvd.. Corona dl'l Mar. Call evenings. 18c WE WANt HAT S CLEANI!:D and blockt•d. R E A L ESTATE Dr Loocte SVIItem. Broadway Cll.'anm. 121. Broadway, CQ&ta L I .S T I.N G·S Meaa. -In .u.-- Br<:Y cLu-8o1Q, rented or ,... NEWPORT HAft.BOR paired. Vopt·e: SOt M.a1n 8t., COST A MESA DISTIUCT Balboa. and 201 MartM Aft., Pbonc for Sal• SerVice- Balboa lalaM. Jtt -Earl W. -Stanley t.A WN MO\\'JCRS I!IRARPENI!D 22~ Marine Balbo& laland Rnd ~ept aharp ·one year, 11. 1-t Jamu M. Oall~her;'t003 ~ __ ___::......._N_e_wpo-...;;;rt=::;'= '====- lx>r Blvd.. Co-ta Mea&. 23p PATNTINO and ~ F l"t't Ntlmatee. tnauranoe car· riPd. A. J . Burton. U. Newport Blvd., Ca-ta Meia. Phone lMIW t:ACHF.LOR Bundlt-Laundey a nd Dry CIPAninl{. 3 to ~ day ter\'· I• ~. R1w'll B11r~r Shop. ag.nt. ltl/1 Mt'f'l\\1\h•n f'IRt'l' O('C'n 8 :\0 tn fl 21p FOR EXOIIANOB _ _.,: __ _ WlLL . EXC'HANOJ: turntehed apartmC'nt 111 ~ AnceiH tor .auutmrnt or hou.M tn Harbor af'e'll PhvnC' ANJelM 11011. -1~ \Van ted to Exchange Altnd•n11 111~ Home for C'ORO~ A DEL MA"- VRhrt: Alllldenil pi~. 111.000 Would like C .. DM. or But we tfaft pl•lJ ot .._ lilt $6.000 tu $7.000 oeee.n ~ew Ule PreM Prtnt &bop. ~ .. nuoaable. Dll OaUt ...._ C. F. Dt!nnlaon, *"PPrt ~ IMMED t A T£ POSSESSION 6·room hol.l&e, excellent condJUon , ON PENINSULA '''Til•• sink. fireplace. barbecue Unfumlehed $8750 St!i!: J. E. Sa~llt>IT. 302 Ml\ln St., S.lboa Phone 1~ IN CORONA DEL MAR -Com· pletely Cum lahed '3 ·bedroom Mme. lu ge lh·lng room, fire·! rla<"e, dinette. kUchen, 2 bath&, I elt'c. rt f.. cu etove. 2-c&l' ...,.. agt, aund~k. Poeaeaelon July 15. $7000. Term1. l nq. comar Margul!rlt.e an.d Co&lt H111nfa7, Corona del Mar, or call New· po~ ,Beacb 172·W. A SWELL CORNER 'l'ble t.b.ree-bedroom bOaN • Ocean Front and two loti! ~ make you an Ideal bome. TM're Ia a naall •aputmet In rear. a&race. Full Price $6850 • R. C. PARKJ:Il• 1808 Newport Blvd., Ca-t.& M ... FOR SALE 2-Bedroom Stucco AT OORONA DEL MAR Price $4500 'AU. CA8B NOW VACANT W J . HOLCOKB ... .,pe.. modela. • NEW DRESSEs . And certainly you • want a apankin1 new draa! We've aome. thina n~ in • TRUDY HALL "d~te" frotlu that can 10 juat attywheN. . ' .1·ns DEPARTMENT STOA I 11111 eou t H lway, Corona del Ma.r ·---------------------1!111--"Where the .,.,.. 1'\T' COSTA MESA \ -' ' ' . . . ---. - PART 11-2 PAGIS .. POB'I· ·u.aoA PBESS ~-­ ' AN OfDDDfDIDIT LOCAL NnUAfD aat'IMG TH1 INTIU IRWPORT HARBOR DISTiller ------------- Highway 101 to Be~ 2~ ~-Beach Erosion Hen~ ••~Macaa•caa Surruber .s"'tm c1~ W•d ecJ S th 'f one or o.e ~·t bwlla•• meD Ga" Atl t• f J'IUJ' ......-or <BIIIft to Get Under Way . I en ou 0 an thla city yee&eray &~ked me IRS en IOn 0 MUMfift Early Next MoDtb . Co . fur a card 80 be could ..,. up a • A 11n1101a e1 ftlle Mother ~ U nty ll n e blvod dvnor fOr July 10. He worka Nation's Experts ,.. ,. c:JINftll. of ,clu1M, l'&rly and late at bl.l own bual· Bdenu.t. til ._ton. W.... __ 1wu and long boura on volunteer &emcee IMid ta Ule Lado u.eatn ·-t 16-llille botUeneclc 1tretcb .war jo~. RepruentaUv" of . New})Ort Newport ...._ ' •ol oout hllbway from the orana~ AI l wu •lining him up It JU8t Beach and elpt ot.ber ciU. 1n 8UDda.J ICMOI at 8 :30 a. IlL COUDty UJM, near San Ctem~nte, teemed to me .that tbere muat be t.be Orance County Cout AMo-8~ ....... •t 11 a. a. . Madlnc .out.b ,w Oceanalde, II 1'0-160 more of you wbo could •len claUon attended a monUaly meet. ~ ..U.. eedl w-. ;"'-to •xpand to a (our-lane road-up too. · 1,. of that body at White'a I-. I\MCI&y at U ......._ ftOOft... way, lt ,•tepe made known at lut Local people will not bave an· land cafe 1~4'buntc1&y, at wtllch ft.M~ roaaa, fll ICut O.tral ;Monday • meeUn.r of tbe ~wport uthrr opportunity to .rtve that Ute ~ey threw U..lr weapt Into ave~~ue, op.a _., 1 t.o 1 p. IlL Harbor ~ ot Commerce dJ-&aving 111nt or blood until Sep-man'• npt ~net natw-e in a-d .....,_ U4 .....,_ l'eCWf? and lut week'• jl'athertng t..tnber . 10 now 11 tbe lime. u the anticipated ~tUe with ero-naUoeally ob111rfo84. of the Orange County C<?ut u-r<•u wall algn up call the Red alon, which 11 fore.een t~ follow 1be pubUc 111 eordl&lly lft.tt.cl toelaUon bea.r tn&lt. Croa office at 1866 aDd tbe at&tf <:ompleUoft ot tbe Navy'a Ana-to attend Ulle .-vtcee &ad - · According to Poatmuw H. F . UMiat11nt wiU aend you a alp up Mlm ~ project. , the ,_... ..._ .Kenny or Balboa, the bJPway ca.rd. W"lth 8upet'Vi80r Chal,.an Wll· eommlttee ch&Jrman tor botb Since.> the motor corpa cannot II• \Varner beacllnc the .U.CU.IOD, Clip8T ~ BY 'ftllt_a&A ~ee. who ln _. report. to the 1>0Ulbly handle th" tranaportaUon and mutq a verbal report on CQon;ua ... t,y Mf'U\o<IWt I :two bodlft thl.l week, expre.ed of 400 people.> to ud from the the Important meeUn.r ot tbe ~ ....&. .D. O()()I)I::I...L Mlntalf'r thla clty'a aymJ)&thy wllll San .bloocl donor unit In tbe boura be. erlcan Beach and ·shore Pnae"a-z.IJ ....... ~oe. 1:10 a.a. . Die.ro'a concern ovu the narrow twl'ell 10 and two on July 1o, lion AMOCI&UOn In Chleqo, from Claurela ....,.. ~. 10:11. lane hlgtaw~y problem, tbe agtti-why-not go abllut amonc your whlcl\ h. reoen_tly returMCI. dele. ~~~ona~,. 'tf'CiftMp, 11 o clock .. ;tlon for wldenJng to four lanea .. nelghbora and offer to take over 1atee derived tbe lmpre.ion that E'Nnlnc _....,,. 7:30. . hu. already made an dfect 1n 11 car fuJI If thc.>y will donate the chana-In current and allore coe. W«<Meday ....un.. potluck fei- ·Wuhlngton, wben tbe prioriU.. pint of bloocl. Tht>re 11 a Joocl Job dltlon.-nobody yet kDOWa au-lowablp, cUnner at t :ao.•,lalhtweell and &IJicUone _ muet ort,rtn&te. Cor .orne of ua. . . U....~y wa...t t4 axpec:t--wtll ~ at f :IO. · After being rejected at the War Mra. Sua&n Rutbertord, produc-reqld.N eanNI eurvity and PN• GOa LAIJW' OW MOtJlln' _Proctuctlon Board aorne tlrn4! &.fO· taon cb.alnnan. announCH that cauUonary meuurea In t.blt near o•...... a.moa..ac CBUIIal .the renewed argument. of the at-lh•·re Ia yarn at tbe Palm Ave. t\ltui"C!. Aid alonl' thl.l llne wu fected coutal art'u, particularly \\'111 k room In Balboa and urgea enll.lted on behaJ.t ot ~ RZ'V. P. J . B&A.RY, Prlf'at ,fact. and flgurea on. tbe congea. 11'\1• knllt\'111 to ·come In to .ret it. county'a beachee at ChJC&CO. tba ..a&AclaJ ..._ at I. 10 and 11 ·tJon cauaed by govt'mm~nt truck Th•·r·c arl.' anny aweatcra and aupervl&or felt certaJn. a. IlL convo,._have· now rc.>aulted ln M \'Y bcnnl~a. ~d while you are Brl.r. Gen. Jobn J . Ktncman. ft. IOIIJif VIAHKEY CC'a....._) ·hew WPB bearing-a being ICheduJ-lh••r•' why not .,end a few hoW"' he~d of lbe UnJt.ed State. Beach Ill Mart-Aw. Balboa laland fd In Wa.ahin(ton. 11n sur~ac/\1 dreaalnp. Mra. Ruth-Eroalon &o.rd played a l&rJ'e part RJ:V. p _ J . B&AJlT, Pr1eat 8an Diego, with civic rc•pr(•lwnl· "rf1or.d lillY» there ta.now plenty of In the OUcaco dellbenUona. 8o 8uDdaJ l(aa. at 1:30 a. m. aUvea on hand at the national ~:aullt' Itt all the work rooma a.nc1 did ·l'ror. lfunay O'Btten ot tnu. capitol, will p~nt the cue, but tbat \\'" hnt: to gfl under way \'eralty of C&Jitomla. who had IEPI8()0PAJ. 8UIIIIEa MDVle& w11l have the aupport of reaolu-un lh·· hUn(lrt>d million. clreMlnp conducted • aurvey at Ileal Beacll Dliii"Q Dla- .tJona and telegram• of argument LhP Rl'd Cruf!ll hu proml.led the In recent yfan. , ... oltlcer., The ~v. Robt. K . Horarth. M.A. hom varioua Orange-county com-Arrny antl Navy thJa year. toretJwr w1th 8"-. Gen Wunn St. Paul'a lD the Deaert mubiUee, tncludlng a w1re dla. Jt )'OU know a girl named Flor-T. Banwn, of C&llfom'-'• State · Palm 8pl1np patched thll'week by Barry 'Welch t-r1cc Daniels, will you tell her p.pertment ot Natural ft~ CAdctna) ·on Newport Beach'• behalf. that thPno i• a letter'at the Red "· when pre~ented ,tth Uw ln-1137 Cedar Ave., -Lon( Bnch 1.2) <:r<J.118 for her! terealln.r l"llporta of 8upervilor Phone: eee-233 D~CI! 8EaiE8 STAJtTA IULV 1 ' R.-.1 Crng boartl ~embera, don't Warnu _,d City Eng1~r R. L. Sunclaya, June 11 to September lua,.;At lh•· board mt'ellng Friday Patteraon of ~rt Harbor. 10· . ~ American LE-.rton Potlt 4M ' or 11,.(,11 thl' :lOt h at the J:bell club. helped ateer t.be mattu of Oraap 1 a. Jn.-rHoly communion. -Coat& KANia baa annnuncl'd ~ holltll'. COW'ty'a cout ~roblem Into J>OIII· 11 .a:· rn.-11~ prayf'r and ·openJ.nc of a aerlcf of Saturday n w wounJ~cJ ml·n are com~ lion for favorable later couider-aennon; !nrat SUACI&ya holy rom-n~et~t danoea to be held at thr Le-huanc.> 111 lllr~c.> numbera now. aUon UMI aeuon. mWLion) tton ball on Weill 18'i.b atrf'<?l Mnny ntor~ nurses aJdeta will be "Tbe dl.lcu.Mion wu tnformal, · All Welcome! .,. ............ July 1. A apeclal Fourth but ..,.,t f It It •---~.. , ... ,.,,,... Why nut call Mra. Ray -.., 0 wu ~ U\&t o1 July dance la &180 planned for ,, l fu~ lint I Mk hr r about It \and we of Oran.re co.unty abould make -npt 'I'Ueeday ev~l\lng. sagn up fllr lh<' n~xt cJ UI. a fonnaJ reqlleet to tbe l.,..er .._ .. Provlcllnlr m~lc tor the aerlel!l It's lui.JI or ful) to lie on our la~lon lor their IN.rVey, and WUl be Olendella'a. orche.etra '•'l'C reac•'flll twachea In the aun thelr otflcr.l review of the att. wllldl bu been playtq at Lake 811 alto>moon, and Ita .ummer. uaUon," Kr. Wanaer reported. matnol'l for the put two yeara, But. fl•'OPI•'. we have work to 'nlta wu COM1dered a favorabae dW'tnlr which tlmf 26.000 peraona l d y,! Th .. m.en who llteve bad too happentnc. :ve reJ>C!~Y d&n<'.ed to lhelr u\ur h sun nr too little·. and to "'The Oowmment expert. took . """'-orchutra at all "''hlllu ••th•·r lwachrll have been a very n1endJy lntereat .tn our ~ee to -k• to avoid ·-lo"'lallty rmly r laN'II of horror and I&Crl-problem, while not maltJq ua any .~ . keep trtendJineM u Ita I (at'<'. n...5d you now. They need partleul~ promiM&. We Ot Oran,re :keynote. Although the group le WlU In many waya Let'a not for county will have to help ouraelv~a; amall, moat anything can hapJ>('n :.,.1 thl'an thta au~mn • but Mr. ,J>atteraon and 1 came --&nd uauaJ)y A~ " th~ dl t I ,.. • b k f .....,..,, " rec or WI' cl\ll 11'1''" a pint of blood. ac mm CbiN,ro w1tb lhe lm· -Y' .,,.~ Mere laoA4 rre•lpn tlle national eroaion a:~l thP blood pluma and the .up. flgurea w go ar o ge MAL IDLI.I:NG.. PIIO.BLI!M ph··• to thole men. co-operaUon or otht'r Inter-eat. Detennlnatlon by alate author-\\'(' ran make aur.rtcal ~ and the proper ~t~vmm"'t &«'"'· .au .. In U\e matter of killing aeala, lnl(ll. We t'lln go to Uul hOiplt&ll clea." ' ·II awaUinl' aome klnd of ortlclal a11 -nurs•·" aide• and V&Y ladlea. Aa " retaUit of their vtatt to the a..urance .. bout tbe carCU!If's AucJ wht>n Wf' do aU of lbae natlon'a ahore emt~lon board meet. w.-fltn.r uhore, according to At1• thlnfit8 w,. ,will have gtven only a lng, Mr. Warner reported that ~lyman Clyd,e Watton of Or-fr ~~t·llon or .what thr y hav~r given Ule Board of Superv'*>ra had a u. anre. 11\e uaemblyman gllve this ''" ~~~n ur. you summer vlllt~r thortzed a rt>-check of the data lnfonn&Uon in a &eMlon with or. ro ll•nds vt •11 be worth what the en the lnt4!reated aect!on of the -flcera of the Chamber of Com-hows rtrc cJ•Jang tor ua! Let'a pt cout. lncludln~; Newport, 10 u men:e bel'l thl.l weelt:-i bu;._y! _ to brtnr Ule eoundJnp up to date. and to ~ all f~ta available and awaiUn.r the United Stath l':roalon Board when formally called tor. OOIIOJfA..J)I:L NAil OOIIOIUIOTI' C'Rt'&CR (~) The Rev. Perry 8chrock. Mln&An Wbrahtp aemoa avUJI lluaday ~omtn.r at Balta "Chapel By tbe Sea... uo Cout lllpwt&J. nUT FOUID8QUA.aa aroaat Rev. A. \VILLARD 8TmARH8, Putor Frfday, 7 :30 p. tn., Tounc p_. ple'a 1flJ1tt. • SundAy, e:ao a. m. -aunc~ay echool. C1.uMe tor an .... R~~rWtratlona .,.. now beln~ •t· cept~ for a lf'rtN ,,, frr-<' awu:n- nun~r r~ to b.. CliDdul'tt"d heN nf'llt montb under apoiUIOrlhlp of lhf' wat~r a&f<'IY do•partnlt'nt of lb.. An"'rtc.>an R.cl en-. 'l'wu lf'MN ot claa.coe v.·tll be hf'ld, """' on Balboa laland and th .... ou"'r at lOth and Day, on IN mAinland, A«'4•rdlnlt tn .,'r.nk ('1\W't!,.r, lcX'al dwJnnan llf watf'r Mff'ty 'nl.. MUrw, whll'h will be tn l'llar*• of Van Myn~r. Red Cro. flead IAMNl'tor, Will open .hlly It -.4 wW be anUa.ble to ....... Mila OUr ,Crail', who hu .,._ roncMUI\• a UfN&vin~e t'Ollr11ft .on Ralboa J.alal(d, Jut aaturday 1"'4- uatf'd ftve jUnior and two lf'nlor llfeuv.,._ Au.tdance al the p .... W'uon ~ wu particularly I'OOd. au.t crocker I&Jd . This e IS a pist~on Without constant lu bri- cation •. pistons would bM1 up and a well-get 11tuck dPt i.a eeeonds. FAct ill, lu- bri'cation ia all that k~qHt yoar car from JoininiC the 600() American autnm••ltil•·ll that are junked evcrv tluv. ' -NUMREH 1R OPENI-NG · I lalanla7 Jaly l ' l'llDG&IlDDIAa'I'Ot'DL&Dia aaa~ llula• •••••• · ._ ......... . .... •·~b1Uge .. , lb. Bacoli, lii-Oua dices '19c . / . . .. 29c r. ••• -..y To apes l.c!,cal~ ........ Babblb, lb. - -36c -&Sc i • IUcedBacoa An: U~ SIWfY of B~Ef. VEAL and PORK L. A. "Dan" Patl'h nt Sun~tet Beach ~ctl'd u chairman at Ult County Cout AMOCiatlon meet.. lng. Mayor Albert Alhman of Seal Beach and Mayor Thomu of Huntington BeU.h wert' among lht repreaentatlvN from nine 11 :00 a. m.-Mnmlnl' woni\Jp. 8:00 p. m .---Cruaadera. 7·00 pt1n. l!:venlq llntoe. Tueectay, 7 :30 p. m .--llld-..- eervtce. Thuractay, 10 i.. m . _ ~r mt'eUng. I ALPHA BETA MARKET j I COSTA Mt-:.'1A 1---~·--------------------·------ llilal paet.er "J'tn A!'P:' abowa a 1cene aboud tale U. I. SubmariM ..,_..., .. n.. ~ tbit,lelebn-.s Amertcu painter Oeorl" ld\retber, ._ .._. tbe a~ durtDI lbe •err tcH mommt before the pcu~ID.I _......_dhd •• Dilad or toe. a. ,.a~ II authallt1e ID nei7 detaU for lbe aniet waa aetuaD7 F.i .. lutlmartne at ••· Be ate and alept .tltb ltlt enw. Ba worUd ... -ud noo4 wateb W'llh lbe oeo ... 1t. lbon u.me ..,_. IMYIDI ......,_ ........... aD Mat&. cltlee. FLOWE& 8110P OPENING Balboa bland will ntxt Satur- day welcome Ita newest bu~lneu entei-prtaf', Carolyn's F1nwf'ra. which will be operalt'd by MIIIJ! Carolyn Helgren at 222J-4 Mar- Ine av4!nue. The ahop, will deal In all linn of nowera. lnclu•1Jng floral dealgrut, cut nowt'ra, • cnr. l&gt'~. w~ddlng arrangem .. nt.. potted plant.. ~tc. Mlal 'Helgren, who 11 nnw a pennanent •N'I Ident of Balboa b - land, atarted· vacationing thert' at a very early 11ft'; ln. fact. kfo~ there were IU!y 1treet, t~n the· b - land. Stv.-ll·u · formerly In tht t'mploy of calltomla P1ortau In Loa An .. ~ea. uxaatu.A 8'1'0LEN ,Wben Jack Till, 124 24th atreet, lett the beadt mpmentar1ly on Saturday at.Ulmoon ht wu con- I"ULL 008PEL •8PCNIIL I' l!:lden and %2nd lli'Mt REV.M.CCROMlC.~r Manne Santa Ana 1ni-KK Sunday achool, t :48 a. m. Mhmtnr worahlp, 11 o'clock. Evana-ellltlc aervlc., 7:10 Mtd-week prayer •moe, Wed~. 7~~ . 4 Younr People'• ••ancelliUc aer- vl cl', P'rtday, 7 ·46. MI':V~STII OAV ADVDTI8T 1700 N~wport Blvd. Ol~nn L. r:ortar, Mlnlater Sabbath School, Saturday, 8:30 a. m. Morning worahlp, kturclay, 11 a.m. .C:IU'JU'H OF <BIWI'I', Chun h Anti Walnut 8trl'f'lJto L. DUANE CANBY, Mlnl.lter SPrvlrt•ll Rtonrtay, 10:00 a. m., Bible Study. 1 ~ 00 a m . monOn• worahlp 7:30 p m .. t>ven&nc wor~~Np.- alde.rably aurp,.,~te~ upon hi' re---------------. tum two mlnUtf'a later to dJ~~o-i' cover that aomf'one had' 11tolen h ll bearh umbrella during hla ab. ~tence. AccordJnc to hla roeport. tn pollct ttle umbrella, ·whlcl\ waa red, R'~n and yellow In color. wu taktn from the bead\ otf 23rd atreet at 4 :10 p. m. ...... ~tw ........ Bead'• ..... ., ....... 2g2o w..t c..itraJ N•wport Warl~Jeaa4~ Balboa lalaad But .. ..... ,...tJ of u.a at ~ P,.. Pl1Dt Doj: PrieM ... ftMniMe 1111 Oout ~ ... __________ ...J '• That's why it's a ritunl with Shell people to e~­ amiDe the oil lQ.vel in y()ur car. Because if it r•fJ'I up there at runninK ll·vt'l, YtJU are h~di.ng for trouble. ·And SheJl doesn't wAnt you .in trouble. If you r cuahouldRtick A pist~m yr.u wouldn't.be Cominl( in for any ot our fTee IM!r:viceA. Nor (or our IJIUioline, nil, tires, peue j?be, batt..eriee, etc. lllWIII US GillS- IIMII .... • r-; ... ,;,., 4 PIUUII''->k'*t .,,.,oo .•. Allu I• Meltru~. It tellt' hO• .,,.:myot•· riouo ~our e.r reell, "· lw• lo ltMp .. •m•th101C eapellt lve r'9"' htp• ..-1•• co it. Aola '"' • • _.., .. _, SM!I pu•P· e IMILL OIL COM,ANY l•tw,.,.,,J • !+·-··-------------·-----........._. Every 'Sahll'day For a -Barrel of Fua Why n•JI r urn ~ To our n p,.nun •• On .Saturd 01y nat•' H .. , •. ,. th,. aate One h11ll hlor~ off N,.wpnrl Blvd . un We•t lath Stre .. t, Ooat11 Me1111 NOT Guy Miller NOT G uy 'Lomba;do, -But'-4-hiUlcb you never he~rd o·. , Nobody ever ~tiked o ur aufo•lf&JJh No r candid cecner11 c ro .. ed our path, But you'll have fun we'll q uarenteath II you but comtt Saturday lo Me ua' llendelll'l· Orchestra ' . " coat' a .... ua•o• aa•• •oaT4SI • Ad•••doa SOc pla1 ~Oc tax ------------------------ 41('· .. . ......... - Daughtero • · --Becomes 8: • 0 • ., • 01 v ~ . .. c I 0 • I • • ' • • ' r • •• • • I • t • t •• I ' ( • • t • • ( • • • • • . ' • • • ...,., ...,... _, .n..a.c GDly ~ • 81dDey B. DtWI IMI"'libewaa ... My to l:ulP . an-ten ot a. ...,., Tbe '"* tM N~borboo .... a.dl.wlll e.u famillu ot ,_ .. atUIMII N lowilll IM ... perf~ MliL ARNOU D-..ttter et M . .... ...... .,. ...., .. ..... dllrett ud &A oa~·· .....-atUMIA eouple ltft tar • ....,.m_...,. ,.._;...s t.o 'l ott ..... ~ TIM taride, aftl llartlor HIP. .. J..w ec:Uep• aoiMrt ........ ~ .....-. OllllonU&aC• ............ A. a 11M ... lAMa PMta. a ta-u IIOdet,y. 'tbe~ _..otltarkrl ....... PolJ "' C*lpo, .... ,. • ........... UM LA·u I --........ -·~ ...... ..... Jl&lllp( ~ • '"W'I lane • ·N...,.. laEFORI , .......... ' .. / ' • .· ·,, . . CONGRAftJLATIO.I 1 .. ~ .... , ---~-- ] . . · £or having acqUired · as publisher of the . . . NEWPORT~BALBOA PRESS ' . -K. llfAf FER · -' Wfi!, here at Univer~ StudioS, who have worked with h~ · kriow tha:t you will le'arn to like. hiin, resPect him; and value ·his hiendship as we do . While ~we sincerely r _egret hiS leaVing~ we know· that in. . . . his new association with. you, he is fulfilling a life-long . . ambition, th.e __ qulmiJ?.ation of twenty-ljve years of national . . . newspajJe-1! and public relatiems-wgik. ----. . . . LOIS BONNET JEAN. JJOSQUET · · \JAMES CHRISTIE · JOHN CLARKE PETE. DAILEY G LOU DA·VIDSON BOB FABER VERLEE GROSS _CHARLES HUY · ~AY !ON~. _ __.- ROGER JONES . • JOHN JOSEPH MAURICE KALi.IS MARTHA O'DRIScOLL. IOE LAWLER ' , .. JIM L UN'nEL TOMMY MacLEOD MAGDA~ MASKEL FRANK McFADDEN ANNE MEYER$ BETTY MITCHELL GENE O'BRIE~ PETER O'CROTTY PAT PA'ITER.soN P~IL . PHILLIPS CLA~K RAMSAY . GEORGE ROESCH DAN .. THOMAS • OTI$ WILF8 c. • BASIL RATHBONE ANDREWS SISTERS i EO CARRILW ABBOTT and COSTELLO DIANA DURBIN O~EN and JOHNSON MARIA . MONTEZ SUSANNA FOSTER· .WUISE ALLBRITTON JON HALL TURBAN BEY PEGGY: RYAN GWRIA JEAN ANDY DEVINE .. DONALD' O'CONNOR t I ftliiW!ay, JUDe 20, 1M4 ~ . I • .. , . •' 11 lAID CRAB .. SAM 7'IIANK8. Oownort '~·· I ot far more ~ to 1M west and Callfomla than he would be it elected vice pres~. dent ~ the United Stat& Governor Wan-en gtves u his reason tor retustng 1M vice preslde.ntial nomination promlaes made to friends having to do with completing a Golden State program. For thl! lle'Veral mllllons are truly thankful, becauae Governor Warnn can do a better job 88 ch1et executive or . this great state than belng bUrled ln a ~ble White Hou§e swivel chair. If he had 8C• cepted and lhould he have been elected.and Lieut. Gov· emor Fred Hauwr defeated for the U.S. aenate,'would he haw t.n ~! 'Could WaJTeJ1 have t,hat tboucbt ln mind ln addition to cer· tain conunitmenta on Cali· fomla affairs! was the center of some ehl·J· barrassment last week wnen friends began calling·him to. congratulate the veteran physician on his marriage. They saJd they saw the an· nouncement in the News- Times and the doctor asked the news~pcr to let him in on the W e. l nw stigation rcv<'aled that th<.' item W j¥.; in the "25·Ycars~Ago'! col· umn to the effect thnt Dr. and Mr.-:. Richter had gone to the mountains on a vaca· t ion. All ot ·which p i'O\CS that wr read hurriedly a nd su~rficiullf. +· +-+ BUJ Boncla to End War ' Qukker Local War Bond Drive Ouota Hits $296,253, With $88,000 tO Go Third Week of Campaip Neariq GOal of ' $375,000--Victory Hou. Ia Belnr Ella b- Ushed on Balboa lslmd-"E" Ser1e8 Lip REV. EDWARb,GOODELL 1\ ewport Beach pu t'or ret urned f••r ,,.th y~:~r of ~rvice to h11 c• rnntunlty. 1\ ~ (" );\ndt;; ,tOtt ri\ An ,,!).) I UlU- I r l!.cnl l •r ,\lrrod J flu~;•·:-pllst<lr nf tur •IIIIt h t.,·lo(' taken OVI'f ' b\' l •r L\'•'""· h:LS l><•t•p mR~I" ol1s1-EJ 1 rirt !<IIJ (';·lnl• ndrnt. lh(' J!WDt' ('I<)Sl even I heJJ bv h 111 llllC"r r iiiU•r. -~ d t• nr' · 1 ·a rt .tuhnll'•" rnst<Jr or n UC I lh• C' lllJ\ M~'~l < ~•mmunlly, • ht1rch. 1111 "'~" h••·n r(lturn<'d tor Nev•port lla ou.·livs &n•other 'c:u and starts hfa fr)urlh · • f the Amr rh II J .... g1nn cnntl yeHr or · .... n 'l('l' (otr hiS c<mgrcga-P lf r'epa.rture F rf'mony fnr " <'00· t o·1, "-'hh h hr h~ al'Wl clCp&nlfl'OtTngcon1 n f llcle~ers IITIPA'I'rlnp; thr and. lnt rt'U t d tn 3 Mtlafactory l11st 8Jle-rl&lt7.1'd rAil fnr thl' U S..l I manner. Army t'nlralnl from the Nc"'· . port Bear h r lflc F.ledrk df'pot I rno F qrt Mr Arlhur. 1 One l88ue Due i Th•· follow ing IIIII of mrn reo-' To _.th Holl'day 1 pnrted for tnduc-lloo · 'I F"A'TieWI J IS. ,.,., F'lnr d tof. Tll,.u George Did lt. He's a· mod· est and self -effaci~g chap. but when there is a JOb to do or a program to al'.c;cmble. h~'!\ righ t on his toes. :me shoW he put on for t he L1ons rumual party was one of f!le ~t ever presented. desp~te ~e fact that. ·his pn.ze l'{jeaker. Cdlonel Fox. ·was called away. yet his substi· tute wl\s a ript and removed 1"he F...n.b or .,_., ~text any m rets one. ma y have ,._. ra11a -.........._.,. -• ta rtt F" .. <l'>1.1n r l)lnger. Gf'(>rg,. W 8 plnk lllld (.,Iff rtl R. Arnold had for ~ Et Tdro com· • ...._ • lh"' _., llard-worta· mandant. 1lle musiC fee· • lac fol'ftl • '"t. tile New-· t(Jre was worth many $5.00 ,,_ wtll aot pahmll •• Uuat o""ras. Who ~~ he ? None· ' clay, Ot.~\o.Ar ...... n Geo. w. Bu&ett.-~ Aa a I"Nalt Oltl)' _., ... '"" '"'"" I will ·._ prtllted, ~ -.. f'ffident. obllgtng. quick· ,..,..._,_ minkiDg~ ~===============---~ • m ero Ht'nry H Hdrr11. and He-r· man w Huttnn. Santa Ana. Joe 'Beb Wut. Lon« Beach; Jamu 8 I r...-u~. Le.runa Bee.cb; and Ar· j Colt&. Me.; C'hr111top hu C. R.o- thur W. Rktumtr.-ean-J>Mro. I Clifford R. Arnold ol eo.ta w-... ~ ....... .. • • the newspaper that home BAbBOA h\ES r.~ ::~~ IEEP POSTED I 1 Year • • • • $2.51 .... ~..,.... .. NP-·Tta:--.N.....,t ..... A,preciation of lews-Times Efforts Junt" 2Rth , 1M4 ..... 7 Top MusiCal Artists of . Coun~y Steai 1Annucll Meeting pf Lions Club • Ont• of th(' Fin('td ProRTnmM Eve-r Given by S~ vit•t• Or.canization ('omJdetN Rtllar Term of Prl'ft. M. (~r~ry Gorby. Th,. Wnto•r Snf,.1y l'ltrllf>llian un· I ltk•r t hf! juri"l•C"11nn o1 f'm· c 'hl,.f 1 fl',.~enk C'rot•k•·r INIII 1,.~-:in ;.1tolltlny,l j .ruly 10 11ntf ,.,., S11tuntny, .July 'J"J. F'\f'td lnlltMJctur VAtwlW' CIJII; Manila - FOLDERS t l hi•\; I O Ua PM 1311 , .. News-nmes n!Jl&C'd .'"' yo•t, t)ut th•·y ~Ill I~ • 1111-..JIV. O.tnl Aft. '"''" ddo•fl not 'tu.w• hi~ 1'11111.~'"' ar·'i lwlcl at " N'1ltra.l point. ~ rinlt Till,i"a.· Jlf~ u-1 da.u wm """" at lOth and Bay ......_ __________ _ '· .. I NEWPORT-BALBOA N!.'WS-TIMEI. NewiNft Beach. California, Thursday, June 29, 1944 NKW~ftT-8AL80A NEWS_:_TIMES Wi~• Ernie Pyle~~ ll•e Frmu ObJect_lve-lfolland rBONEa: MEW?OaTI!All --------""'" • , &ftl7 ~ A114 ,...,.._,. 'Af141,_•• Votum.e XXX\'1 8u~ l'll,)'able In Al)vance: ~2 ~ pn y~r In l ~r,o.n~:r C'uunty, \2.76 per year ,., 4th 10ne; U 00 J14'r :Y~'ar to 'th zonr. n,......., U !kll'ond·C1 ... mattu at the )'r.atnfllcr rn 1\I'Wport uu.·h • ..:alii ".!.'.IL under t he Ao·t or ~lllH'II it, t~7tl ~A-MEYER ----ElJlTUH AND PR£Sll)I::~T Pr'lllt~ PlllDt. JOt! ~· t "erttr •' A • •·11ut· '"""'IXJ•l U.·tt ro. t '11l 1 "'" - -------J ----- . 9fficial Paper of the City of Newport Beach " D.,l,..bla Lec.tl lnlt1tutl0ft For Over 34 v • .,,. The Glorious Fourth Cl1annel Defen~Ps Nazi SJna sh ... J at Great Cost First Even • 4s.'\tnllt Unit.li Drove in Hard . Wlum Goi n~ If/u.s Its Touglaest U~· t:llSIF. PVLE NOnMANOY I I AI'HII~ (,[) l>ut> In a tu 1-mlnute elterAllon 1D tht! arr-"l:''"''''ll• 1 J ll1•• • "• "'' un th" t>I'Dchhr:•d until tiM """nlnJ aftft f}-rfuy otft~r u Uf n r,t A H t ''' .J ,, I .I\ \rtMtJl$ ha c1 hlf tt\4 ShOre,. Oy l!tr 11mr ..... "''' 1 • 1•· ,,, 1 ..... '" • h dd Veen taken and the llahtlns llltd rn11v•·tl a ··••11111" .. r ,,f,. "''' ••I All '"''' remelned nt1 tiM beacb wu h""" •'''""';; ,..,d •rii:JI'r. 111 • ""' lh•· ,c, o~lonal st•rtJinr bleat o1 • ........ ~t'Y'"' ll.lt •eru ... l! ...... I "''" "" •II Th~l fiiUI • clcanUr and pltU\11 hfl,., I.JI "'~· kot~f" .tuhA: 1\lltt'"" r .• ... r~hnto · SubtroNWPd lanlta IV'd ov•:,..,.,.,, . ., • ------------ bn~ta and burnf'd trllt'ko a11o1 ,,,.fl. • .... IM"J ... '-........ lhiOIIf'f'..-1 . 1''''111 I lhe rarmr ~ 1---.. .. And for the 8Upport O( thiA OecJanttion , .. WE' mutunJiy ana s,.d htllr I''"'· •ll•r• re; ·~ ..._ -- •on•l ""'''"'II'"~' had ••prear lal., U.. 8Mte. · pledee to ~ach other out· Lives. our Fortunes, a nd our sacreo wne .u ..... n ... 1 AA.t ,.., _ , ..•. ~~a~tor .. •• .,v~r t.n~r btt\•·r • • • ~ are the won " o f OK-Declaration of llldencmtt"nCl' ••nd• Th~t "1"" llf'a•·• tu4..._ .,.. ,.._.. ..0 a . lht bod~• ul ..olll· ! 1rh~dulf' ctl at Ia Mt far ahead ol wtJk.h we hew-all too infreqU('nUy. but w hlrh f"loqu<>ntly r't"-dlua tying '' 11,11,. r 11u all "•Y• &o .,. tt-a. -. the stark dan~ters that confrontf'd the Sign<'rs of that "'"'1 cavrrrd "rth m urd.., ltK •verytbtnc 10m"" and _ .. _ docurnenl blallkl'ta. th" tw·• ''" tile rolluwana •evaa ol lroope ta ._. ... al lhrlr 111'"'1 b~ ''-"dii\C oft lhe Marb and rwadJ Alter more than a century and a ha~f since that historic' IIICktnc UIJ Ill .. I Ill l~nd at til• rl.nt moment. date wr are lnrllned t.o think of It as a .som e what p:lol'ious <X'· 1 ar.,a~e Ptle ttn .... tnou&h "" 1 A• tttr lan41n.ca ar• plaftMid. eome ca1ton. But actuaUy th~ men were face to ht<'C" ·with lh<' 1 b<.ldu~a, wrcoll•ct,;"~1111 A;:,u:t;.~; ~"'"'"'r.t~ or th ••1•~w1 t force -~~o • . · I brt'ak u.rou&h qu ca J , P1Mft a 18• cold fta.rto ol death. And· they knew ll But knO\\'Ing It <hd aruteaqu•fy m Ow aand or half hid lao!ld. and •ttarlt the IPOel obvklul I -~-them from (a)d..-t.I'M!ir bold step towa rd lnli<>pen-;. dt-n by the hllh ansa bt-y .. nd 111 .. """my •trona pointe. It 1e u.u.u, ._ ~ . ..,. bf' .. cn 1 t ,_._.... ~ 111 ~ tw deeth" wu not a lnltt"e slogan wtth Uwm.' • • • ~ P "0 :or l.llltta.&e " -a\-I ~~.J horl<ma t ufl IJ')I4CW.. rr.... ~ but 811 ~ ol ..t\at thry felt In ~r hearts. H•• Ulat M .. •""" tt a«ftlla to m e wnh•n a malin of mln4lloft after t.tw RaiaJillnl thNeo facta, tM Fourth of J~y m lll(t mean in· b·-~.~r...· .m,.•.·u·"'·r"'or·::m~ :vo•,r~~.:~: llr•t men hit tile MeeiL J --'cni d .J~ ~ ... -• -I hi Yt alwaya ~ IUft...., at t~w ftllittiy ~to \a than an occa.sion (or ... ~ an parn~. II Will eu1. bUI In \hta l l)et'lll aecwr IJ.Iel'd r•lled for Ja dieM plans .. ... and bend-playing. While ~ activities· have long "'ht'rP I am now our troop• lac~ Vtoo'll h • .,. actwdulft eautna IDr HI• .... 8 part ol oqJ' ot.rvance of the day, we must not allow au<·h od4a \hat our felt.lnl u hute ClnePfl 10 land al ft•bour plua .-wo few,_ f• ... ta ..... .,. .... ,art -el &M AIU .. Ia· . DUTCH AJUIY; Jll& VI AMU . AI& ro&ca laa" .. ,,.. ' ..... ...., p_... ~lq late ... , ... &v.,.. 'Ira .... Cllritbla. C••••'-• ••• •••• tJahe4.,fllat,._ ,,...,.. ,.._, u" aa laamMDie M,\ecU~tlle WtenU.. el IWlaaL Confidence w;u Uke fft) wh•IJIJinl J oe Lou11 m1nutu. end Mrvlc• UWcltle a1 H· Thc: ~~v. Rl)~rt ld. Horaf1h, 25 YEARS AGO ....... ~ ol our lndependenoe Day to~ IOIIt in tht• down to. pulp hour plua. mlnuwa. aDd ... for N E' w s M.A .. St Paul'l In ""' Dnert. Gil ...... and fllnctkml that are held "'rh! war worker who In .,.,. C'Oiumn • want U) tAU you pr••• t•n•Or• \o land ., .......... phu J.IQlm Sprlna-. AU ~elcomr ~ -F" R 0 M 0 UR Fl L ES --. -. • tile _W.. on thla hoUclay (. ..a...~-~to realty CPle-wtlat u-. ~"'I of ~ tM'CMWI 1~1 7~ IIUilUtu. &ut e. tllit . au•• ~ f th ----We have reuon to hope. A..t -., -,.,., ~ -In uu. -"'ct.or ~tailed, 10 tilat thla special porUoa ol .. tleacb I 0 -e FIRIT CHUl'CH 0" CHfUIT, 'long u .euona come and r o. w~ llratelt tMD anytbq eAR~ m}cht do. you cen •no~~~ and eppr,clat.e and wher• I ai1)-IIM wont .,.111e4. AIK'•· f H U R C H E S ICIENTIIT Kra. Ann• M. H•mm vbrUed In I have reuon to bopt. Ia 1111 we fQUiht to e.tabllab tn.1e U~rty here on the forever ~ bumbl.J c rat•lul to tilu•• deutally-r.JM arhedl&la cUdla't held · Lido Theater, Centr;~ Avefl~ · Loe Anplee W~needay and Sprtnc come 1 w.th violeta .A.alerlcul continent. Today we and the otber'Unlted Nation!' both dud end alln who did it lor O.r "'" ....... t ~...... • .. d v •• Llelo Tbul'lld&y of t hla week. bloorr.lng In lht gra•. blue~lr. by · you .._, loW ~~~-'1»1 ....... 0~ lADY OY MOVNT CAJlMEL A branch o( ·rhe Mother Church. Kn. E. A. Greed&n and her ~e walk •nd trult tren filling the --~ lllbtial tiD etltabUah ~ preerrye Uberty all over the AthOrt'. fltiiiC lit ••• ,. more (II• .,..._ ··-ript -... -(.'HUilCB :he-f'u-at Churcb of CbrUt. Sci-aliter, Mnt. L. Cronin, with !otis! air with a hl'ady perlu.me. Bl~ _..._ em1 troopa U\an we had 1n out U · Ler'a Mle ~' aa ........... el o·nt•Rl. 111 HOI!ton, lla.acbu.aetta. Lydia Grtfftth nr Hoftyw~. IU'l' I return to rtt•at again.. . Yea. then -----.,._,,... .. oll-6 -·•-the Gl·.:...r,...,. Fourt~ IIUII wav•• Th• •dva~tlacu ..,.,. lie ,,.,. &ale ., ... Ow .,.. SIUdl "'· f'f"ftfnl. N8.~0 !..'1ae.e.1 S~:n·'ay School at 8:30 a. m. ruuta at "The F'l•mrnln,r .. Ill! rt•ason o hoi)(' •-~ ru..uu, '' o..ao-um Wlvuo .. If I" th d d •-II wavn _,. .. lkl ~fer un ay mnN!I11at , • -LID. .., Dr and MTI F Lc~ f'uller of ollMt, .. .America honon by work •. word. and fiahtlnJ; a .. t-ara " ,.., ',.,..,1"' • Sunday Service al ll a' rn. We<l-. ' . . Suddenlv llllmmer Ia here with ,. ours Tht' G•rma1u ,..err dull 11110 .... ,. .... ~.ea• ., a,_ ......... I'T. JOHS \'JAS"r:V CK U&CU r 1 1 1 Mee 1 t 12 Los Angeles had a buay week-end bright hot ptun bringing our g&t'· ...... tbe '-It~ cau.e of. Fn!fdorn which gave this na-putlttuna lhal they had b4-t'n ll(yrll bd•r• ..._., ~14 .._.. ..U.. I If l'lartne ,he .. ftathoa bland nMI.Iay · ut men a t "' a .t "lale Rest." I would suggest . u · "-'r---:::; u-a.-. we oo tor mvntbt. allllu •llh throe ••••••·· 1 ~unt.l&.y r. ~ nt'8 30 and 10 &. m. •.'d ock noon. lhry d1411~e t~e name to "No ~n• rntl" ut' 11 growth. How cood na uan.u.. ........ not 1e t aU r.~mpf~ll!. A 100. YM rn nttt -Mite-Rtpdlng Room · located at 711 l:est " lhl' bean~~ nd rllbba~ 1l,"d toma· f " ... d _.. d ... _,. ... , at ... _ .. -~, ~,. .,.. 1 ,# 1 A n.1 ... =-1 -· ''Th ~ h .. t 1«1 and reat oJ. the truck. eo OUI btu • cvup~ "' hun rrv ,... • ...... • .... ~ -('JIJU8T Cllt'R('H 0\' THE SEA r.lll .... tnlra venue ..... .,.,., • e I •&Y ouae W&.a &I Ita Iovin I teaded! n ·had to ~ 8o . .... _ Ame • ,.,..__ Kn ba«'ll trom the beat'h IIDd 1rt'at c.•n· wat.er •• la lhe II&M ._ .~mmualty Mrt....._t op~>n dally from l p r ••. ·o 6 p. m. nnrrr lmtJI es over last wttk·end • S ~ Y h 1 b • J.Ji.: . nca .lJift:Y ow crete IUn ~mpiiCf'm<•nll bu11l rl»hl .;.,.,all. ,.mbw• rK &Mt fer,;, Jhov. F;, U. t;o.ttlf"ff< l'aator l'ltC.ept Sttndnya aod t:olldayl 01• t lla 1'1 jolly hr ~ pat"tv look ~ u rr V l I'~ II rea.ton n .'OUr O~. • ' Into the bllh viJ f.hest• """"I'd to part•. •t tiN' ;::,, 1\ mor·n1nc wor<hop . 9:30; toonGIIy "~"'e.d.... "' sso("ln · Saturday e~entng IUl\.1 Gradual!~ •um;:er 1 coo~ I an: V 'n. ftrlt lftajor crkla ol the lnvasion ls ~r. We haV(' til~ tldn ln••ud "' 1u lhr fnmt. thu• M~• • c-er.,.mn • ..._... -,"'' h ,l;t·fh)Otl l'l:o:< .... t0·\5 n. m .. The put., I(· Ill .,,rdialry Invited to-•ta.v4.:d _until thr 11had•Jwa were 8.utumn 111 .ere me or arvu • _..._.a ftJm foothold on the eoU ol F'rance. 11\e roAd eheac', m•kmtl It "t-ry h.,d lvr nava.l.J1c ••udrd •• beet....,~-. ~lot nlnlt "n:~hlf~. 1\ u'c•lrwk . "th·nu t. e lhvrch al.'rvlcea anct u"' I>'~Ultnfn..: Stmdny a.Ctcrnoon. tll'rw tO' enJ<'Y tht• fruits o{ cur ....-fromiU1,. jf'it l?r'ft'MI.'h tflrm Thry Mrll wrrc> •ut .. • •• u.e, ~ Sur tl.•~ •·\'l'nrn.; ~·rv~o:e. 1 :JO j Lhe •Heac.lln Rooan. ht bor, tltno• fur thr trees to chiUlge II lltll a bard ODe, but the blg nlcht.rnare ol the 'N&r if. be-could shoot "M~fft'L wllh t.l\e buo 11 ••I .. laa!IIBI l'raf\. Aa ....,.. 0 l'h•rk , ' • I . • Ill thl' l.">rvtnUll c.Jrt>lll th.r y wear ............... • .. •t 1 k y.•--' .>l r W. A. Co.wtfl. a m.-mber uf "' -alld cuvcr evu7 tool or II for mlll'l •ll•<n llaBf'W c•t a hUe& &W ... tl " If ·W"'' prsnl'r 'I'NII"I', ..-un~-. . -. . Only nt that seaJ<On. All alon1 wl\h arllll•ry llr• lbe hrad -·'"'tile._ el Wa day; co\·er~:.-d d t$h dmne•. 6 .30 p.m.' sr:\ r:sm DAY \0\ t:!liTIST~ ~hto t.o. Angelelf pollee !one. came we have be~n IOtoklng forward to "-· tn ~ beck, .. can better~ just how muct ---I C'OMif'F \\'alnut ... c •urdl 8ta. I nwn ln tnjov a relit at "The Tlleb !.bey had bidden mechtM· laDdln1 nafl wu 1M .... f 'U LL r.osPr:L 71nJitCII" ~u Me.a • ltltchf~... HC:wever. lr the truth thfe lieU n. 110 btaullflll, 110 I&UI· of· a alabtlaa.re tJw &nUdpation of D-day reeJJy a 'Jbe un-8\.lO ¥11t 011 the for'll"ard tl~llf'l ~"'" _. _.... ......... 6 !~"d and t:ldrn. C o.ta M-Satlbnth ~c:tioot. :.tW'day mom· mu!lt ~ told. 'the fe llt'rvl e f)'lllfit . We l1ad sll tht reaJIOn 1n ~ ~ tn the actYenture, ~ .. the elld-with.,._ • ..,.. ta•tna tn every Inch of 1'1lr lrat erar" Ia &M ..._. I Sundny ~hoot . 9 ·45; momlnc insc. 9 30 o'dock. • ·--......, r b~ a e It rry c thr world to exp«t· it. _....._ ..t fanr.a.tle nuantitiel ol-·•-t supplies \he beull Thhl' nt'lll wert "'"l· kif•-waa n.all' a--. wor"'"''· tl. EvAnR«'II1<t lc ll<'rvicc. Prfachlng ~rvV--. 1 la. m. ro'::';?::t o<;,f daK· v H up and lrft , Oetort long l"t• ~., .... ., ~ !1!3v'u • , _ _,.., .. -. ..,....._.,"""'' • nrtlfod b)' networh ol trencht'l. so •II"""'" '' Cerrllk a., w..._.. 7 ::\0 II m .. Mltf·WN'k prRyer m~t-. -. , t · ~!1 ~ ow long mu.t fall TJ,.,._... l•·arh htlr•• arms to ~ the IJna&tnatJon. , . that tile Gt'rm•n IU•Int'r• t uuld hal aan llllllllrr. willrll "•k ll.. . lng on \\'t>dnC'~rl:t)'. ~ 45 p .. m.; l fJIIU~TUl'f ~('W.~Cl CRI1Rfllr.~ "C'. put up ... ,th IIUCh 4erv!ce u we th•• Aky 1'hl'n ....... f it ~ ... their- ...... •t·e-le. )Olln~ rw-nrl••'• t'\'AnJ:t>lt'<lk ~rvll'<' "Wtro 1, Ood. ~:o\e thf l.ord' And llr• tH-Ins: lll!At.d tn at prt..-nt 7 n_. • __., 111 'I U • Can the city council answt,...tht•, J>tnrolv :r amo·"· WI' unc)( r11•and why - •&..-..-a~ ..,.__ suppljel ,. __ __.into Brltaln, h-·• '"'"e• k "•'" at.rce' ., ntte,e,. w •>.' lin)'''ll<'' .·•· " " wrth~trw•ol thr ~<lnPr.s of . u. ~ eu~n I~VWCU """ lbal raa rlclll U" .. , ... laallew -- -1 1 n th a 1d ""•·•r· and h• " --~'----__:..-Throul!hOUt til~ lenc til Ill I he .. ll ruy ' fP t: 1 ''v ~ · ~ M • s '"" h "' I ;o•f•ll •· l ,;::-t'l whcte . ..-MX.Iklha.e.fared ln th\s worJd 8truggJe if, berore the war, 1 "·arh •. "'"""'C 11118, 0 coupl• 111 wal.-r anct ltad It out .. fat-b.... C'ORONA DE L. MAR runl..tth my w,ty p!>rlo>rt." Tblll quo-· r Rn<l Y1 ~ Guy P. Gillman -r 1 ..... • ~ with thr 1111 ~"n" Ia theM r.-. COMMUNITY CHURCH · t~Uon from II !":omu••l will b, the nnd ~lr~< 1.. A A tid• rs•m nr l';osn blunk•·l "1 "11"11 '"''•·rs all the -1ft .a---a-1..-...a _.... .c...-~ ..... _ a...,.--'ty fn.r ~UCh enor-.~reo warde bad~ lrum the 1hvr•· ., "' e~rth "' ,,, I ft ~ 11 ged -~ nau--·~ u~ t-'-" .... I n rtr nnpl•.-rmrllla .....,.. Cong~~tl~nal . r.ohh'Tl Tt•:ll !n ~~ .. ;:cllnrlay .... SllllO· ''''11A .. ~nt tre \\'1'4 krnd with Mrlt " . ,. • •• ollln ' • !l<'llllrB . ~ production Fortunately for Olll'!lclves, and the clvi-lint, •a• •n i'llm•n•• V.lhupld dlt•·h Wht•n th .. he."' !Ire I lOpped, -Rev. P~rry F. Scn"ock, Min later ~l'flllotl .,. "1,041 In .\Jilu'~~· ol a.: l-1 Henk~ "' N~·wport H Cllfhtll. ""I ,. ·"'' ., I' ,...... .. :'\(I Indeed. --.. ~ ~ ... _ ·~•-'t U fHt ~P NvthlnC could cruu mom ,.,.,t' "'"lllllto•d by 'th•lr olft. c-~lur<'h ~'<"h•••l. fl 30 a,m ~ Mre The Morh,.r ('hurd~ Tk~ Flr~t • '• • \\'• '>f'ln1· lfw • n~p ro'll uaye, the ~ wunu. W'r usu nave uua e&paCl Y· II. not even men on fo,ol. until IIIIa ~ · ('hurch ol ('hrl~t. Scleohat. In OM· 0 Co flrc:11 lnlllfk M !l begin planalnr Bel~ Pearl Harbor .arne people said that Ame rican busi· had bl'•n made And In oUot-r pt..c ... t rn h .. lud puahrd vn tndlutndk.l ch,c .. UAa Fl-Canrfntt:.~· "','", ••rt~lcnol,.nl\1 toll. . • nr r_.r l>nnrtl,.,~ •. "Rillf'~'lft'r,.~~I!Arso"t~ll;~: for 'the .sprang 110 sun• lo come. _ 1..-A .....,_ too. big But •• ..a..~n war ..... -~· ·w hnn th" 11 the f•r end of Oleo b•ach. whl're m~c m.•·ttun nr•n an R 01 neiD ur•· 1 ·"' nr11 1 fl 11' rvwr-. R m · A BlbiP I'll~'~·~·· from Acts ,. .,. "" v '-"'~ ,.~ ~o "'-m ... ~ l ood -\-___ ... • · Wlft:' """'"--..... .... 1 lhe-ar••und Ia ftal\er lht'Y had &rt'"t lrnm th .. rt"llr held In I hr "C '~>nr<'l Uy thl' St>a. port~< that the f'lllh prlut 1ncl the \'Ill tnkP rnrl' of his prnc•tlcP uur· ·~ " ~"11"":t llr<' n •J 1111 g ddpl 'Weft down-It wu b}' no means too big. Mas.~ produc-tonc:re~ walll Theil' wrre bhiatrd "• ....... 1'1', ••ld, .... ani) _, flO COiul Highway. ~3\IUurl'u. lndll(nllol beCitiiFt! ol lllj; ..... lll.lsc·u~o: Dr 1Javodann'a Ill< f•lhHII StomP sprlngr 0 ~ too ...._ he ...,...._ will h 1 b 1 ft ob 1 to takr • ~at'h '' to race II alld Subject of stmwn ''The ~pirlt , thti all:!\~ &nd wonf!era wrou~tht bJ r~·srJence and office on tht Bay Wtt, lnt1 <lry. ~omt eumtnfrll too _. .... dlltribution are lp6ng win the war. • .. ~y E.' P Y out neva aun re or 1 u p o kr .. p *"'Jlll It ,. •·oally at llrst. !Mit of No Surrl'ndn .. Violin solo b)' the apolltlf>e. fllft them In prlllon.j s-ront-. r•Hnl'r IJf Cor(lna·•~ an·• hot or too rot d. Some autUDI.D.I __._.......,-In .;na"'""" ....,_,.._,_ -r ... lg ... -r ll·..ln a st""dards. ·.~v .. eo•-.att bJ hand ahl'r """ col h u., u W8J-~ ""''8 ......,...llH""'""" '11 tl'll: "' (' .... , .., ·~ It's tht on!)' way It thP mt n are Jam~• ~1111,. Stf~trt-niOn Jr "Dut," the 1croUDt atatea. "t • ~·l!m&ndo 81rt rte. come t O<) earlv and cut .down ~ .__ ~ •-...._._,._ part of .... _ A r1 "lllnl!d down 00 tht' beac:h. d.UI • ' · an11111 of the Lord ... bro\ighl them A bl, crowd ,01 v• ... to-WII'J 1n planta not rnily. for harve.t .• · tiOCDe eiiM:'I .... aa a ~UUUC: U K' me can 0\lt -•• .. 1\1 from tilt' ~ICh " • -' ~ fd Q 'A d "' e ... •• r· _..., lind out of l tllon. lilt" m•chl u forth. ant1 aa · 0 • etanu 10 apea. N ~·lntn-. 8trangely art not coleS -y ol Ute. Sc.ne of the Washington "wonder boys" are bent wen ••vn•l ewal.., ,,r valley•. u rh ' l"'a8T f"'Uit8QUARE CRVl'(;K to the temple to the p~pla all the ewport Beach Jut Sunday·, tht 1 . · Cllt -'-'-lt •"'--"'th • ...._ -nd revamn~ .... of the na-a "bout toO Jardl wcde Tht' German, ::·~;o~:e::~~~~; ~l!m."'::::::.. OF COST A MF.f'A word• of thl• lire." When the hlrro fbeach hflnr lined with batlier•l ~~ghp.1&nB~t t~'t aedluon• ~do ~~~ --• up -r""• ""' ,.....,. •--.,.... mede tiM moec o1 lhrn flmrl•l· .. (ctlerela a1 ttw Rla:IIWJU 1 prln't later aummonrd 'the prt10q rom Balboa to 36th •t.reet. I a e on Y tn,,,... t1on wbktl will better IUlt thrlr t.astec. But w e won't im-WI• t.rapa. aowt.aa them with burlt'd Inc 11 belnc relnN a... o. WIII•Pd au-.,_, P••\nr. en for trial, tbe ornc:en reported th,. 80'1 and make It ~ltn. _,_ d ---I ..... 1 o.r lliet~were ........... ,. ... ··--c ............ , ''"at t"'e• r-·nd the prt-•e~tat BUY .. . -our •ndard ol Uut-by dlsrnan•ll-what hu a.u~a y miM• ·-~ c:onta n..... a 10. "" ·-..---Ul .. , vw -· EXnZ~ .--·-• "u'6 ..... ,.. bar~ . wire enlanclementa ..,,,11 a •WUe. '"''· lla&IIJ u.., ..... ...._ 11'78·• w1tb •11 aafatJ, and lba '"pe,. No-w w• are lo a -.eon of war. pi'OWid to be a. hllhJy ~ econoaUC system. mine• attach.-., bidden dctc:bea. and .. a., ...,. lllrHr• .... aa .. Friday, 7:30 P· ""'worlhlp w rv· lt&a4tA& wlfbout before tbe doora.• Tbelf H&ao,. do not come 1n AI· -.. •'--u. f lm t B t im .... . ... , Ileac-\ ... ._ u-. IWY. Ma~ Sf~ama In dla-~. !Mit lba prtaooera w~r• ..... ~>n.. WAR •-• _ .... _,. room or provernent,-yes. u • m1c:blne aun• llrtnl from lh• alopea. ~.... ·• BONDS ular oroer. but alter th~m le al-........,-laMJac. We CW a Sunday school, 9:30a.m. came one and told tbeaa. .•. tile ~t lhould ~ throuah reftnelnenta ln our prewnt T11t1 .. wMt ..... '-....... wllll e•err ••na&are .. .-Momm1 worship. 11 a. m. ¥pt'C"' mu whom ,. put Ia prtiOD .,. ways II. llmr or peace. and - ._, ..__....... ......_ .. ,_ ...hw....-. ••.., •ftl liiM Ia •• I.IM'w.,ll _,.1 IMe ..w ••-..._. lal cnusfc, putor'1 wrmon. atandiDI Ia the temple, aAd laac~. 7iU. bave no reaa:m to ~b\ tbat ........ not VI·~..,....__.. .. to U\row OUt \oiiiiJ ei\UJ'I:' ma.,...,._,.J' a .... _,, U .... ,, U "Je •aa'*f'e-.. ra ... u;,; U,IIC 4 . lOIII: tbe people." oA~y, puce Will fOllOW thll. · fariOIDII!ttq new and untried. Ware._., eft8 ret aallere. ll._ ~ -alt aM .a coeTA IIQA CO-l1NJTY lo "Sdea~ and HNitb wtlb KeJ vq47 • 'nle courac~. the loyalty, the : Our ~ IDI!Il baw repeatedly cled.ared that they want ..,__1er Matae'" _,.. .. ntf. nn.JWCH to the 8cep«urea" Mary Baker htfb vlatoo ot rlrbt. tn our .,_ ........-. ~ Beca ac. fk Oe~a• .... .._.. :! C:.~r "~ :lr.~c-~n '!:'.: Cart B. I.._., Ml• .. t.er. EddJ dennaa ''Anrrala" u : "Ood'l who tall will tnrlcb their bom.-to «-. t.ck to t.hr America they know. Why. \18e, ~ ... ., •""" ._'"" ..._ '-.. ltf £. ttt .. et. ft. U11·a tbouabta paeal1111 to mu ; 1plrlt11al Eddie'a land for &lt time to come. ·and ....... ----. other nations a1J ~r the ... ~, tt.-. reaJ.lzlr that, --... eatrll ..,. Ma,la. 8?M aMe ..... , J . ' Ctlurctt !k-hool. 9:45 a. m. lotuiUou. pureant1 pert~t; tile I• the~ln llu lbe f iOry of ''"·lr •n· ...,.--... ~ ... _T Before lont II will ~ permiU .. • Momlna WOrship, 11 o'dock. IPI,.tloe ol (OOdoeu . purltJ, u4 BARBECUED w"" ~ ,eela II te. r.ulta, the America the)' kDow Ia atW the grandest -· ..,.,., •aye .,., ... ..... ••me Ole un1te \hat did ll. ~ Youth rrouJM. Hll h Scttool, In· lmmortalltJ, couoterarlfDIII: all nil. deavor.-of their puaiDif. We do .... 'Oil eu:th In Wbk:h to-ilve and w~ :t ".:!:;: ~.::".:: JOU wiU know to whom lhl• ,.-t~l"t~. Adult. 6:30'p. m . Muu.alltJ. aod mor1aii\J." SANDWICHES not know bow much ot their blood , allould co. 'nla7 •utrerad ceaualea.. Ewnlnr; w~. 7:30 o'clock. Are Delicioua! ud toll may be needed to tlorliJ StaJiu on the Job . ~ publilhed fteur'a show that man-days .lost · tbnlulti litrtbl In thP nm thlft monthl ol this year totaled ... 1" .........._.,ble thP nwnber for the ftnt qUarter ot 1M3. . . - llldl ot tbla work ~ has been of the "wildcat" ftltltr,ld having the approvaJ ot responsible un\on offldals. ID fact. many labor leaoe"' haw made ever)' effort to keep tb* '"1)0 lllrtb~' pledges. But pledges alone are not suffiden't tD .....,int ~ in pr:oductJon schedules. . . 1'bl e«<ct tJt theBe' strikes on our war effort ~ot be ... ,._ Yet;-clltltl'ftBlng, M the~ ~· ~y caU a.t flY. OODtz'¥t. to the thousan(is of ~the nati"" over in wtak:ta the· work toward victory ls belnc carried on ~thout rft ••~ ... .,.,... ...._ And t•• II you take t.lle •nUre be•• M~k f~llowshlp and Pr-r~r. After .pendlllr the put ten day• our l&nd. We bope oot too muda. fll • Macll wt&ll --',.· bead 11NW\, larludma o~ ...., Wf'dnftdly. 7:30 P. m. vt•. ftlnr ~"u.. bta brother and fa.DI · and that m~ ot tb~ rea4y to lh• ... -.WJ., '-l lalle ... "' d h tl R w•-, ....,_ I t b ..,a, na • muc ••••er me. -II~IICOf'AL lly. Mr. and Mn. Gua A. Wurd-~ ....., or ua lila)',.. um om• ~a.la. :: : :::-... -~ .:·:!..:: total CIIU,IIIU In driVUII thla .... &UMME" llftVICIII lnlll:ff of N~ Hel(bU. Wr. and Moore'• Confec:tioaerJ War, and alter that lbe ~. ..... . IIIlo !he ~UMnt ol Eur~ ..,.. .. __ • __ w nrtr. lett Friday .,. a. 1ure u God Ia ln Hia HnYa! · _.. ... ,_ ...._ • tr .. ..:... 111 E~ll Ch1bflou.a. Nawpof't 8each .,., • &AV rwma •• a .. ., .,..-.-.n,y • ac:._ ..,. lor .... 1 .. hom-In San Fraot:lko 2100 ae.an F"*'t -LUCRETIA MAY ,. O.rmana bad matMI oi·UioH facL ., .tlat our commanden .... 8UDdaya: Junt 18 tbreu&'b-Se p-"''~ ' ~ rreat als··pntnf'd ~pld•n. m•d• ol .,_ pnparad to uc:'f)t. Umber 10, .lt4f. . whne be I• connected wtth lbe ~IteM n -,..._~ -..of\ Who P.YI for adwrtlJlna f No- nllroad troo and 1tandln1 aboulder· And theM.., .. , thai.,.,.,. 10 ~ . 8:00 a. m . ...=Holy·Communlon. BoArd ot ltdueaUon of the north· ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~I~t-~~~~for~~~*~ll~l-=--~ blab, !uat ""'uUI \be turf•~• ol1be tcrad and wet~~·\hrouch soch beU.,. 11:00 a. m. -Mom~g Prayer em cit). The daurbter. Olrol - ·•ater for our .. n.Sina craft. 10 run aUII. "•' al 0111 momeont. pu.all... and S..rmon. 1 Firat Sundaya, Holy Je1111 celebrated bn flntt tiii'UI4&y .., __ ... __________________ :.., __ .,... into TheJ alao bad hup kip b\&r· Gel Inland wstilout r~ll. tilt'tr ,.,.... Communloa.l hl!'rt on the lith ot June. .J ltd In Ow 11nd. polnllna upward and blab. \heir eaoUsm In vJc:tory ·~ ---. CM.Itwlfd. UMtr tope Jun below the r•acbtna Ow •mart·•l«lr' at.eca. Men simply guess when the-y boldly prophesy just w he n water. Attached to \hew loll _,. '111elr '''" art' u.p. ·:w,·ve ctoea· the war will end. But the evidence is piling up that the show- min: .......... t.e "'-e'Wactn ~-~c;.~·;:.~;{,11:·~rm;';;~., !!'!: down tests are not rar off on any front. A ction ln th~ Pacific , . ..t .. .U. Wb6dl provu 111ae, ~ Ia flanked by a ctJon o f decisive ordet In every battle zone. ~ll' U.. ............ ll\8r• .. ._. Ia lh•Y ""''•hlb have t.lle epirlt Uaat to '"" i~ ~till t o lX' won with heavy srou rglng Mcrifice of life. ~r'-H ,,.._ a. ... tall wlna baiUH ADd eventuall.J wart. • J • • • • • A -~ Attention~ I ALBACORE-FISHERMEN& balD ot any ldnd. and without fu.c;s or f~are. I II Action in the Pad fie ~IRian hrlt-4 la t~ .... fll • \heir joldamenllll U1ra tf l llr4 Ia bW,.l time for f.t.;oking.,l!l not at hand, n&r' eveB-11\ light;_ t'he.Y!C.- :· , , But with every jolt to the Nazi and Yap. the Alh~ ptcture • · I brig hte ns. Aorl tne en e my thest' days is t a king qu ite a lot of Huw Corr~!!(lOntlf"niA Fr.l_t oo 1>-l>av . jolts. ~------------~------------- Thi•Fttr woe will hne a fuiJFtqulpped barp •nchend oa tbl('lee Of Point Loma to noel• albecore all(flt Ia loc:al and Mexican ••ten. You wtll be p•ld Immediately at the flar,e aod ,.-ill ~i~ top ceilinc prica. once. W • are dolnc W. CD .... ,.,. time. When the albecore are runnl111 that meant more 11100ey for rou IIIII more lllh for 111. For tbt ftnt time ln the ne8rty two yeal'l' which ha\'<' tlas-M IInce the historic battle of Santa Cmz 1atf' in l !l-,12. .Amerkan bomber pllota haw met the Ja~ nt .. •t fo r a 11uatnr maldL ' · 11» returD ~t. which ~ the teas hl'twl't'n U. ~ and tJw Marianas lslai'M:k. !ltl"t'ngthM\.c Uw e\i- dlnte ol ....D, nluetance to fael' ckodAI\'t' <."QmOOf. Wlwn ....... of battt. dland. what WU ldt ol thr JAp fon"t' Of &W II car,...· .. ..._ .. Ia lila I for fi'W of ua kn•.. wh•t U111t - a ... .at croup abuul 1-..~thtrd•" l'lad •"'uld 1!0 with. And In r~rl! pen1lve al• t .oc1y 1rt-n It lion In vadous •., mo~t~f>Uta we ab o corvcrtur~ on uw &hr~tter• Th~ old-Un1n 1 aort of 1 rhillnCI'I of COrAinl lhluuo;n lh\'fo, ara.-urncod to.:•u'"· peoph• tuc" 11 Wp lrll our tiHI!lc••• '"'''~'not ,.,,., Boll !\h'f'l'tpan. Oun \\ohllf'tltol d Jat'lrl ii•>Od And we wrrt \-.ot t.arpy a~ Th"nlpal,)l\, O ark l-. '[u U R•all, II Men Ukt' Doq WNtch~ad an' and mJa•lf I Clark LH. ll'ho had bu n \hNu,. W•·ron)rclunod oa •htn ""' w<>uld thr'mrll ~p tMI and •n boldly, ~taft pt tile ll.n•f raU, Wll)focturH on lO ''' n~n·tta And franlllJ I wu ~~ etatcnmenll -woi.JW dnw. til• w•urat at ~ lot. ' MODEll MARJIE SERVICE SHELL DOCK We 11'ill ccTy .-ppliel for rou at the bttrwe. 11vina )'011 a trip lato the lnnw harbor. Al110 the CIOIIIpan, hat jlllt purt'hued 1 twta acnw lltftder. which ~ill be available to •U our albacora le\tlermen 11\atll cw UJ .Ia port or I t-. "'"-.nr. Andftw Sanfilippo, our plant llllpelinttndet!t. Or, If you pr-. fef, phone him I t Fruklyn n •L Alk the open,« co maw .h. Ghlrp& JACK CRIVELLO. ..._ bM:k Into Ita borne eorMr J1\ll"'lnnlb wounm. -nw...,.. ~ ol U.t ~ • matchftd b)• thf'l ot.t~ B-29's. tM continued devutating·AIUed raids Oft Berlift t~~==~·aWP,.__ ~ ttw t.*adoor ~ lnto the rom-and ttw< lhuttJt..bomblng ru.thts f't"'ding a t rww Allied bases In __ ol_~ ............... ttt.6a. ~. . ·~----------111!111!~~~-.....w-.:. BALBOA ISLAND We IITI't• rou 10 trr ~ aen1ce IIIII Prftldent • Gefta'll Manae- Sun Harbor Padtl111 ~ 1WS Say Froat.San .I>Mp2,c.&. ... I' --------------------------~NEWPORT-BALBOA~~ N~ ~. CUU~. C~al_U_o_m_i_a,~T_hu_Nd_~~a~y~·~J~u~ne~29~·~19~4~4~------._---------------------------------~----~-n. __ --- - * * * * * * *>* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * e MRS. ~MERICA MEETS DEFENSE .: SAL·ES OF OUR •t ·co·R NA--DEL Bloeka A-35 and A-36 ·. • ·PR PERT.IES . • I An lnteNI!Un• ~ da .. t1 tn at-I« Kra Amwtee atlout lht' mldct1• nt A~ wa..n• tM atoru will reeel'" thl tint o6 Utt'lr ln<'teiUM'd aappll• · ot' cott4a hm..-dre-. cotton 1llpe. me~~'• 11h1r111 anJ. men·• lbort• at attrac• IIV«' 1ow prlc-••· Ttlf' prk • la.-. OPA Jult &D· I ftCIIIftt"M , will •l'Md ·~··· for hou. dN-. 83 unll fnr .. _,.., •• ud n •-• C'Otlnt'l allpe. II st tor mea'• 11htrt" In whllf', aolld C'olor. ud I''" nl•d m atf'r1ala and 3t ('eftll tOll "'""'• lhona. BpeelaJ matertall hav. ~n allr<'ated tOll lh-.,.. llr lf'a of C'lothln• by the W1r ...,... thodh•n Rftlll'c1 whlt'h twy iat up minimum quality .peclflc-atlona. Thla Ia ano>th•r attp la the I'OY· •mm•nl rn'tfTIUII to lnl're... t.be attllf'ly nr h~w c-oat c-lothlnr lt..., OI'A n plalna. J>Toevtoua ltAipe la-"•n to lnC'reU. lhe product._ tit lnn,...nalv• rhlldren'l rlotJII,_., I .. DURING THE · LIQUIDATI~N SALE bed llnerw and work """" .... alrudy put a larrer aap1Jly o6 the\W ltf'ma '" tt.. ......._ ..,..__ __ .,.. ~ .. Ia NJ»>"fWI In lnC're&al114f tbl attpply ol all type. or low ca.t Nnthlnr on·der h ·y I • aHo• tALat ll'nnd m.-mor1ee ol Ole &aaiiAI ahoe •le ciN.ranr.• wtll be brnupt bal-k to Ml"', Amencs oa Julv 10 w hen certala add lot .a.o. will be ratAnn rr.. at ractuced pt'ICII. 'rw lhrM W .. U ..... nlnr July 10 Ule OPA wtll •· rouraae tMaJII"' to dUpe• o1 U.. aonaal A«UIDUiaUo••· ol ...... ..... ..... ott.r ocNa .... ..... REMEMBER REMEMBER REMEMBER \ '" We-·1t1e For Sale Yd .· . - • Beautiful Building Sites and , • Sand · Lots on the Bluffs • and on the • Sand Beach 4. ·on both tile • Bay lind Ocean. Sides . of · • Corona del Mar RESIDENCE LOTS 4 RESIDENTIAL INCOME BUSINESS ~TS AND THE PRICES ARE ~IGHT / .REMEMBER OUR TERMS ·are thole. you ~hould like, to«»! ENTIRE B(OCK SOLD LOT r_." ella* 1'01 be ta.lted to a 000 00 1 t'lrtaaa ,._...._. "' llMI 1toeu "' • • • • • .·. • • .$1,. -80 d 2 .. ·~ ....... $1,000.00 JOJd th~Nd...._ '"'-6a&ler ~ .. AAA.OO · sold raqu to NduOI Ule ,nee "' .vv 4 82le00 eold .,.. ...ad rau. ...... to • ,,_ • • • • • • • • • • . e.nt .... u.... t.be c.,.. .. ol 710.00 sold 6 . . . . . . . . . . 7QO.OO sold :-~'!{;,:to"':."'= LOT 1 3 .......... . 5 .......... . 710 00. "1..1 ........ ... '&ftd ,..u.. 0 ... • 80 a-.---~~..........-..-.-.....-----!;!~~~~~=~-*"~~~ ... ~· .. ~...,_~.::dJ 710!00 solcf 10 . . . . . . . . . . 610.00 sold ~ llted not tall• thqe • .., 7 ............. . 9 ............ . ~ 11 .......... . 710.00 sold· 12 610.00 aold ~. :::.... ~':.;: ' • • • • ' ' • • • ,_..1 Of JOUr aoc.a OPA '-""' ' ,,. \ I 13& Por.15 ~ .. 1,000~00 sold 14 & Por.16 . . . 1,100.~ sold :~r.=:.. ~--= ~~ ..... 2 I • '5 • ., 8 11 1!. IS 0 14 15 18 1'7 18 19 0 .. · N-8peelal I!Jal4ll ..,.. lWN Prb 2,w.oo t,ooo.oo· B !,W.OO 1,000.00 B _. !,000;00 990.00 B SoW !,000.00 990.00 B Sold !.000.00 990.00 B t.UO,OO 1,008.00 B . uoo.oo 1,ooo:oo a Sold 990.00 800.01 Rl Sold 180.(M) 800..01 Rl Sold 190.00 800.01 Rl SoW 180.00 800.00 Rl Sold 880.00 eoo.oo a• !WI! 100.00 eoo.oe RJ s'oW 990'.00 800.00 Rl Sold 900.00 800.00 Rl . Sold 190.00 800.00 Rl Sold a J ...... ~ .......... .. Uoa ,...,.ell--. detaa. .. to u.. ~~ton, u.. tt~a, Uld tale .n ... P ~~~~~~ . ' A G f F I C ]) " J V ~ -flainll are IMil la\'CIIytd Ia beu· 1np wonu.. ~ ,. .... .. 9~0 c.K 231 5£/tVIEW 0 .. Nf!WApwJ&I .... IWeaPrtee ........... 20 900.00 800.08 Rl Sold !1 815.00 800.00 Rl Mold ft ,100.00 800.00 Rl 8old u 815.00 eoo.oo R 14 800.00 100.00 R 8old ·!5 150.00 R Sold n 850.00 R Sold 18) A·S6 R . I8)1Parael ~100.00 R Z9) R 1 8,'7M.OO 8,000.00 II Sold ! !.W.OO 1,000.00 B Sold . s %,2.'50.00 1,000.00 B Sold • z.t.w.oo 990.00 IS . Sold 5 !,!50.00 990.0011 Sold • %,.1500.00 1,000.00 B Sold --·· '1 •• • • . , ....... .__ ~ ~ '--> ~ ~ ·~ ~z3z.-• .... 00 ~ ' ~ ~· ~ & ... _, ~ ~ • ~ t( .a ct: ~ "" ' Av£ .• .:. ... OWl H .......... ..... ..................... ' II) 800.00 .. 8old 1S) .... 00 800.00 ..... 15) 800.00 . Rl 8old ·1! ),515.00 1,000.00. If 1~.00 '780.00 II 18 1,125.00 '700.00. Ill 1,115.00 150.00 II Sold 28) I Parael '700.00 II Sold %%) Zf) Zl) 1 Panel "Joo.oo a D) I l'areei 1.100.00 a 10) 12) I Parcel 1.100.00 a If) a. ..... -\ TIP WOI'Ul ,._.._. 011 tw uae llletrtnner at ~llll •'-a..,.. to .. ,.. 011 ...,. ,... --- --.. tou.p~--..... ... .,.......... TIM '1aow muala" · .- .,..UC.. .._,, ..,... to plut, fertn'-r to .... Md ~~pee~~ to ""' &1"1 ~ ftlcten. Tbe ........ wtll ccae -.on ...., altar tale , ft....t ....,.. II ~I U.. WonuUoa '• wrttten dowiL AM Yletory,.... denen lila'" till ...... o1 U.. W PB t hat Llaere wtll lie .. ......... f'd aupply we _, __ ef ~ d:!'fvatt•• UMd Ia VlltotJ Pldla mt~ ---• . · Here's Some · Good Counsel For Sunbathers Are yo" ¥1topllllaul? Ym1 are!. 'nlen you W'ft\ ..... UU. IUU.. __, on "Arfer I..,.. bum What!.. wtlh aa air ol utt..r rttttcule, forwtth proceed to the bMdl &Dd t.doo 'i 1llap laT back ! 1 ret lllllburltld. • 1 B«a~tM "lltfloplllloua" ...... "attrat"tad to Ute ...... a.cc!.ordlft• tn W•bltlr, who aleo ldeftttn. '• ''tan" a• a •m ftruwiUYI) __... ...... ,._.. .... Uwr ..,. .. U\f• IMidJ kftCJI'n It te an Mjectlye Ia-• .,.....,.. ..... r&Uoft. Dr. Chutee .. llutlan, .,...,.., r chief au....-at U\e ,_..,._ ~. le wCiftMd a'-\ tM -.. nf-lt&te people wllo tb .. -'· Only 12 Left -"Better Huiry" un-.~Mdl, wUl ftoall to tM-- •Ide tor tana. No ~- I · 8UID......S.cl, Dr. ..11utlan.8 • ' do'e and dclet'a for-IUDbetber. 'P IIIII thle ~ . 1-If you're blond or ............. t.&tre It auy. You bun. 2-Wbatner · you are, eapoee yourMtr ..,aduaJiy· lo tha IW\. lay 20 mlnut•• lhe tlra day, tr-.t and M.ck. 1-NeYar lble II tOr llln-10 to ..... P In the aan. McM '-"ou. burna reeull from anooata1 Ill tbe wnahlne . . 4 rtemf'mlwr there li "-claD· lt•r or aenou1 bum In t.he early· m•1rnlnlf and atterw~nn, - r. N?l alwaye the hf'lt cau.. lfltnbum JnviMble raye w hlcll · rlf'nt rlllf' 0\lf'rr .. t jlre bad Be r oo .. lroull of lhl'm And don't let lh,. wlntl fiw11 ynu. Jt may feel- ft,.ll~ehtrt!lly Cl1tll while you .,.. l)f'tng t•1A11ted . fl l'rl•t,.rt ynur "Y" frum glare w llh •lluk lfl•-• ur .. '"'" o·•rver. ln~t wh~!' lytTII( down. ,ROPERTIES INC •. ' , 7 H•om,.llrr1'f'a ytou r "n IIUnh•Jrn In u,,. 11hal1f', from the r,.ne('tf'd rllVIf ""!1111'1'11 urt WIOII'r lltHJ IWUld, II (Ill l1t wunttr·r lul nftl'r 1\ hum , "''' .,, K' ~~·t tr. prrv,.nt ,.,,,. l>ttn't '"'K''' Y<~u •·o<~k f''rj<nl'lo rrt,.rl ~ I ~tl<"'" In llll SEE 118: T. F. RHODEN, TRACT 8A.LI;8 IIANAGER TRACT OFnCE -ON TilE BUJFFS AT • c·oRONA DEL MA.R -I ... IJ ltf'lnf'mhrt lh•l a 1 ruly aert- """ <'lUte ''' ••w hurn r nmJ>Iete with flnlt a nd •r.•.nd dl'gr ... , buru r·an p<lllalhly r«"ault In a chronic llllmf'nl fr••m P:ll,..,nu or the 111kJa att..<,rtlf'<l Int .. th., hluood .U.... 10 Thltlk ... , ...... . ..... ... ...ltM ........ . . ~ ........ , w ............. .-.... •t .... ......... uti at tM A""J ·A., _....,allttet cfMer . ..,. ., ..... .,. ....... te .._.,. ...... __,KtMy.._.o -. .................... ; ..... ...WM...,.._ ...... . a.,. " h IMtrumettt te out ef .....,., ~ OM lwta tt\em .. ..., •' ,..._ ... them out of ... atu. ... ,._." .... ' ...4 ... ....... wW te .... Mklf\Mti of • "-t e...._ Hor •".,.. •• N...,.rt ti1·J, T11aH.a. "''"'*'' tfi•A•.,.._. .. s.._,.,...., ltJt Y.IA ~ LOAN DaiVII "By the ~awn's early lig~t"! _,. v, .... """-., ...._ i ....... .,._,_ ......... . ............ _. ......... '-&a .. dtewfcklwldt ..... Qt. ....... .., ................ , ....... --... .~ ........ .... ....... klpen .......................... ,.. ......................... ~ _ _..._ ...... _. ;-~MEr··u ....,:;._....., :the beer with the laipi.Q.CkQ t I) H. R. BRINKERHOFF ...... Au BALB.OA'S S&v~ y our trr .. lopec-Ciun l'ff~>r•la Any rl'qurst to replact' any pue:'" tn~er C"llr llrt mu.t bC' acrompan- •eotJ by 1111 tMrrc'tlon rt't·ur.·s trnd a n~ not11llon from an authorlud lniiJ)«'Ior that 1 nt'w II N' 111 """drd I j. ~uric tlrto tT·Boolt drtru•J· -1• I t'\'N)' slx monthS or t'Vt'ry 5000 milt'S. .R·E N D·£·:z-vou ·s- mm BALLROOM Presents . and His Orchestra GEORGE KELLOGG Soloists _ 'ULJ _I,_~'-=_~_ 4. iNCLUSIVE . · BUY WAR BONos · . -.. -· # ~BERNARD of ---HOLLYWOOD COiilinctive · Thotography at Reasonctbl e Prices .. Visit Our Portrait GallerY. ' '<! in the • BALBOA fNN ARCADE 'rAKE HER TO . • • ONCE .A wEEK More -MEl AID WOMEI Needed for ViJal Defense . Work BOYS · 16 TO 18 Are Eligible for Full ,ime Jobs -Requirements : . ' e Boys mus t have work-p~rm its e Availability Certificates e Birth C~rti fi~ate or proof of citizenship -, -APPLY- • I . M~IIIE LOCAL IETIIEII OF CIO SIDE OF POliTICAL COITIMISY secretary Bob ADdenoa fit Marini! Local 112 hu received a rep. rt from bla aaUonal bead· quartera ot the CJO . polltlcal &e· tlviUe. acc:uaaUon, wblcb foUowe : Wu lorton. D. C.-Sidney Hill· ma.n. chairman or the CIO Poi.U· .:at ActJoo Commlttee, uaerte<l before a Senate commlttr., Ull11 wt•t>k that PAC'S B<'llvlt&NJ wrrt.l entirely legal and ln tht.' lntl'teat.s ,,, Aml'rlcan democracy. Hlllman atre8Rd that "lab• r had ~n slllg ed out u a "t'lrg.-t" while 30me t f the orga.olr.:ltlcn~ v( "b&g bus neN and hlg:-a llnance" had thua far uca~d lnvutlgatloo. .Alter weeki or Coogre.ulonal 11111plng by foe• cf labor. H&llman. at hla own request. testlflt'd be- fore the eub-commlllee of the ~ate'e Special Committee on campaign {or CODilltutl:oal gov- enlment, for example, hU publicly admitted di•trlbutlng 26 million piKe. of literal~ and expeodJnr more than $300.000 In 1943, HUI- man ald. He then u ked why oo demanda had been beard fer loVUiligatlon Of the "!llatlonal Allocl&Uon ot Muulactlll'eN, tt.a eo.c:alled Educational Branch, th• NatJcoal lndultrial WormaUOD COmmittee. or W'IY ol the otber IDh!r-locklnC acenclu IJI&wned by big bu1loe• to carry on Ita high· powered cam~lgn of political pr~ paganda. , "I '1wn't he&rd deman\11 for In· 1 vuttgatlon of the cootrlbutlona c r 1 the Du.Pont aod Pv t&mlllea, ·wbo gave U 86 000 and '101,000 .-pec- llvdy, to Ule l~publlcan c:a.a;pa gn In 1940,'' Hillman ald. He ad(eJ: "H ther<' ls to be an lnvcstl~a-~ ll~;n let It be full, falr and com- ph•te. Let it Include not only tbe l acttvitlu of labor, but the leu publtcl%ed. the more ~re ef. t rte of eome of the npreaenta- tlvu or blf bueloeaa and bleb 1 linance." cGsta ~esa Dump . Grounds Dispute Is Postponed ~ J'uly 5 I SANTA ANA-The hcartna on J Hl•t It, Fol".. u.·t· t"t'. a revocation cf the Ult' permit for aa, the recenUy·eata!)lllltled dumplnc gTOU!'lda of the Coat3 MeA aanl· "HIT T.HE BALL." folkl, for the, tary dlltrtct wu put off to 2 p.m. boy1. July !) by tbe board of IUJM'I'Vfl · They are not the kldl with toya, ora at the requnl of Leroy An· Tbey are MI!!:N, and I mean Mi:N, 1 dereon, attorney for the eanit&ry ~d we want them home ag&ln. dletrict board, wbo lodicatect the wWt tbC' Ball," follu, for the t.ye. CC?«& Me.a board will propoee BUY BONDS, folb, for t!:e boya. You can't do better tor future . ·)oyl , t at the dump be uaed onJy lor two ~ara and then be abandOned. NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-'I'DIES, Newport Beach. California. Thursday, June 29, 1944 First .. Invasion Photos-Power to Win 1. c ••• J ••• O//lti•' , •• ,. .;. u.s. s.,,.., c.,,, .-..~ .• ~ s ... J,Ii•le-Th411e are amonr the flrtt Nul priaonfrl aptured 1 'bj tbe Canadaan lnv11lon troepe .r-"•"'1111k \. oft tlae ao'!.,of ·f'rence. IEWPOITEI DIOWIS TIYIII ~ TO SAVE llll II liP niE Olvln~t (1'<'1111 !hi' No'\\ 1•11rt plrr In nn lllll'ltlJtl 1 .. ,.,,,,.,.,, n f\llt'nll f'nrk ~;lrl t .. •ln.: <\\I' pi 111 "'II hy ,. IIIIo• rip. l la-no~ I. SJ>!'IH'o•r. ~I ... t llunllua.:ltul l'nrk "l" <l&u\\IWol , '""'"':" ~~'h•l'\' •'tlh'l I ,~,e'th•l' ,· .. ulol "'tu·h """ ·n.,. l'ltl I "I" t-' t '"''"'nh••lo: I :'I, '''" ch 111:1:''11 '" 'tlfa·l ~ ••• ,llllk ,;,lllllh , ... llllh ,, •• ,.,., (1>1'1'111'1 '"''1'11111~1 It···,. "I'''' t'Hitlf'-UHt•tt; ,,f lht• lo,!;ll 114•1 1' l •'"h''"· I I l\w•1111 I '111 k ""'' "··••·· sh ... kkr .. 11t ~~ ,1, :•:•7 l'f'mn\'t'd to tht' ONUill Nor1UU)', <"tl,tn Mf'M, f*rltUnc 1\&Mral ar- l'lln~;••mC'fllll. SI'•'IU"t'r IC'ftVI'II hia widow, AHee nmt II IIIK\I'r, Mlu Mlnnlr s.-naer. ll\•lh ul I luntlnaton Park .Judge Jones Will • ·'~lap Down, on Island Offenders \\ &1\h......._.., o'lllh'. F\cllo•at.m, uhu • . w,•1J I'IIIIJ;III 111 lh•· lulo• ''I' h111 ,l1ul..:•• 0 A. J1>JH'• "'"'~ C'arly 111111 .... '11 1•1 (la.:ltt thl'lr W:C) lull k tuo lll\ l~>n('l'milll: ll()tl!l found N n• ''1111'11 ....... , ,, .. 111'11' l'll ll'l'd s , •. ll nln.: ''""'\ Ill\ HAibo'lft blnnd that '''I ••• .:n 111 lha•lt' r ,.,,.,,., ''I'm ~:••Ina.: to !'11111mc'nl't' lllaJlpinc Spo'lh"•'r. \\hi!,' I)' knn~ 11 ,,,.. llwar "~ twn. rh•wtt J•N'tty hard qllc•nt•••· t>f tho• "'''' nr;·n ''"" ,,.,,, h~m1 n"w 1lf'l " l llllh' n •slt1o•nt nt II I ~a:'lth lltll'<'l, J•l11111l riot: tiWIWI'll haVI" bfocon Ia• No•wl'orl, wn• ft,hln~; fr11111 tho· nhottl kl'f'pln& lhc•lr dotrs tlt'd up. l l llh•r Whl'tl he• ho•u11l the• ~:lrl'' o'l'li•• l'ulh•c· otflt'o•"" hnvo• lwrn C'ah'hl"' fr•r h1•lll ••ff~h111... abvot 100 "" ctol:ll frt\11111 Inc-cln thC' laland ynr•ls 111111 4'(1() f•·c·t •·n~t c>f thr 111••r "'"' hnvc• b4'f'n lmJ)OI\Indl"l U..... Wllhu11t ht ... llnth'lll, S Jl r n ,.,. 1 1ant1 hnvr llM-n fllln& warral\l.l , plun..:o>~l Into th1• """ hut I'll{'-lllfllln"t th<'lr nwnt-nc La,... n- l •'lltnhc'11 hl'fu"'' hr "''8t'hl'd thr j!lrl. Will two t:IVc•n hi ,.11 Hffl"ndfart l'ram Ill• ll<ll'h "'II~ ,.,,..uvN~'<I anrl Wll5 to.l11y nn I . . ·1 CA,uncil Mtets Next Monday l~t W. ll l'lmtth In r.hal"'t ol tteuh l'atrol announc.a taat tM H'JUiatk>nl on twar h nr.e baH t.m relu41d. L.atarna and....,. .. may a,. \llf<l provlctl~ u..tr rtan I• ahl•lded from tl\e OH&a. "'- may a,. btJIIt but m~ not lie wtthln nfty fNt ot lllrudu .... aM ·~ You can help youraelt and ·them, And brtnr the boya home aet.lo. Buy bonda, f olb, for tbe ·bpY'•. Relddenll In lbe neS.hborboocl ot the dUD:p on leth sL. oear ~ vta Ave., pro~ the ntablllb· oient of the rrouiu!• alter. the county bad Jl'lllAd a uae permit there, and they Uked 'that Ole penutt be revoked. -11T.::-r.:-,r::=-.;:;-1nn....-..... ..-.~r.t--+...._lle al lrllt·l•o "'nrll• qg ___ ..__-==~ . . PRAISE GOD, tollu. fot' the ·b9v .. Pra1ae Him ain~y. DGt Ju1t nola . "HIT ;HE""BALL> BUY BONDS. .DO ALL, . H~lp to tintah tbe job THIS FALL. PraiN God. follu, ror -~~ PAUL NORMAN YACHT I~IL '!'fAKI:RI . .. 1... Awnlnga, aoat Cove,. I nl!4 :llat St. 'NeWJIO!'l ~b Pttofte 207 A.nder.on l&ld the I&JIJtary board bad not bad an official I meetroc. tiut Ill membere expec'-1 to ret tocetber nut Monday; apd probcbly would ~ke lbe tw~ year propcaal aDd offer It at the Ju'y !) mcetloc or the oounty board .• Several ot the protet~tlnc rul- dent• of the area chargeJ tbla would be :1.1 objectlon'o.ble to them u a permanent .dumptnr &TOUD~. Wln~rop Gordon, attorn1y fr.r tbe · protut,otn a.uerted fhat llla ~11- ente were "In the m ldJie," that he wae sure two yeo.ra ot dumping there would couae theUl lrrepar- abll" damage. He did, howevu, 1 • oun•l that tbe only thlng to be done WAll to &W&It an ou~. from I COMMANDING INVASION GROUND TROOPS 01/idiiiiJ.J. ,,,.Ill -c.,,, Ill•~• TtltllttU FOCAL POINT Or INV ASIOI'f A doHvp .-, et Lt. 0... Omar Bradler, eommandlnr the .U.S. Ground Troopa, ehowinr tlim aooarcl bit YIIMJ cluriq Uae ,IAYuloA,, ""''• map, baaed on la\elt •Y&Ilable lnlonnatlon oft tM tni.._ ., Europe; I hOWl t.bl _polnta •he~-the main aaaawt IMml to hue ... n q~ncetttntwd.-'Fite7-e" O.bourr, Ca4.D • w havre. Britlah '"d Ameriten Pt~ratrooptra wtre dropped t11 thl1 ., .... epea &At atlMk. Map abo•• U. wa.rio~&~ rouiAI \o 'u~ the ian.tay dlatrlct. • Consolidated V ultee Laat w,.k at'ler the eupervi.IOI"' heard prote,ta they viated the 1 Feeder. Shop Holding IK'ene ot lbe dump' ~unde but O H · they have not tndated wb~er I pen ~use Sunday .ll RED CROSS l 't1n lll, r~ ''' n1m~ 1n <to ~et tt. wbo ~. reaponalbl" fnr lUI appcar-Tbl'tt' ar(• "atmy aweatera and Iota ance: • A tlvlties , 1\:a:y I'H'aniM. Mn Rutherford Tbe waunciNl rnc>n are cumiDI C alan l!ilya the,. I• now pl•~aty of ln. In t(h!at nurubt'r• • n .. w. Mf'r.-1 ==========~= Sl~ up your INDlDler 1111111ra Al•h•• ~~o•lll 1 ... nM"tlrd. Jt'a tb~y will revoke the UN permit. . M,.., G. L. A!ldrewa -Con!W>Iidatrrl VttiiPf' " f "~' rl,. r · S~ICKING TO FACTS ~hop'' 111 Corona tl••l Mnr i!'o hulrl· OnP o' lhf' bw•'l'llt hlurinrtl.'! me"l The meo ca l orflrn was certain In~; "opl'n hou!'('" ~unrlAy, July 2 • nf thl11 clt;v . Ukf'd me. ye,.tPr<la,v, that. he wu (t'Uln~ evuh·e an-Tht! poblir ic invirc·t1 to t'l>mt' nnd ~ ~ve him a card, ao that he' IIWt'rtl tr m UJe new r<'crult brinJ;! th,.ir fri,.nll,, for ;an hytctr cuuW •I= UIJ 1·s " I3lootl D••nor for "At leaat )'OU can tell me the vlrw o( a \'IHII wnr rlnnt ,l,.lv ll'lth Hr work11 earlY and huvleet you have ever we.Jgbed," OP,•n hnu .. •· hnu~ 11 j, nn· l~te at hie hullinee11 IU'Id aiSQ <"on. !l.ll•l t he offl<"rr tutlly, nouncC'rl. arc• fr1im 9 11 m to 4 ll'tantly wnrka on volunteer war •· About.l~;· replied Ule recn.tlt. p. m. ChBtlrl'n ~all I:JP wc•lcnpw 1f Jlr~raml! "AnJ the ll;hteat ?" anapped the ncromPft'nirod hy p!IT<'nl ~o Army ~ J al~td him up, tt 11~mr•l M. 0 . r<'g\Jiations Bl't' thnt smoking will to me, that there mWJt be ano,I.J\•r "Sax. pounda. elr," replied the not be permitted Nor may cam · lf.O r c na who have not yet .erne<~ ~~•H'·r frll'ndl, Wt hav.. tu «•·t 11 "''"'''',J""" kln&J ur IN'tvlee to undrr way on lh.lt bit.: lll,ll!IO,OOO r• nd··• \\ llv d u't ·""" 1 itll ... ra. ~ l told you about "'" AI'"'" """ • 111 1ip .ur the " 1'•111 kr"'w a l;irl In thla .,._ neltt clou r:,n rr1 l-1·tr""'"' lteor;l••ll•. nr Whi"N' • 11•11 lo'• ,1 111,, 1,. lu• 1111 thl' '"' I \\ II y 11 t•l) lht' Rr•I,Croatl be&C'h ln thf' 111111 all a(trrn·~•n. ancl IIUilll' !"tr·vh'f• Bureau • The y tlllve . ,.1111,11 , 1 1, h••r•• a lrllrr for hrr Hut , .. ''"'''· "''' IIIIV<' Will k tu ll••d l'r''"" llt&:lral m1 111l11·• '· •I 11 1 do Tht' mo•n w.h1 hiiVI' had tOn forgrt th.. Jo'rJ•'II..v '"'"" llfUII 11 much i.un 01 l•lo llttlr. and to mt~t lua at tl e F:bell <,ub I tnu~ .,. ""'" ,,..,., h•·• n•" ,. h<-• n pll.l't'a lathrr without b11nklnr an eye. eras bl! brourht Into the plant. up who could do tt. l..oca.t peoplr i;::==::::;======:===--==--=====;::;======9\ Corona del Mar fi.'E'der shop Ill, will not h've another opportunlly or IJI&C~ In thllf JNll"'' ••"' r TR.AT•a , E.--... at,, .. a 1:11 IAa& ......... ., • ~ ,._. tuN ...,..._ ~~~,._-al 1:11 ,..,._. P'rt. .... L ............... "UUt-iU HO" ... Letter ....... " ·('~7 . v..n-. N-. ............ u-. III•FJ*J • OUIIQ -a. .. aaoADWA"f IUIYTIIM" wtUI CIIM.........,_ · OlerM .. Ha._ . ._ ......... .......... or...,.,..., • .,.,...trs. .,._, ··~'. ..... . .. • Nt~- .,...., . "'""· oe-a,......_ aa "CUZY HUtJ8& ~looo lloy .......,,. Ia "MOJ'IiU Oil" 1'&JlAa" , . ..,.._ Ktai1.1nr nun. luly t "IUIINE ON tJAaVJ"AT IIIOCJN" c 'omlaa: ~ t.o Uf•", ...._. ,., Atdrklll a-ala a ..._. .. , "TTMo IIMv .. ly ._., .. , ............ ,._,_. .. , ~.l ~· ... c-· ,.,.... .. ,......_IIHICII'',"No,._ for Loft." fonn the pi•,._ LlDO 7Ba&7•• .................... ............. , ........ . .. _._ .. ......,., .... O.t ........... , ,._ •• 'ftlva, ....... , .... ........ Oatl" ............ ..., .. "8TANDI.NO.IIOOII ONLr -...WA MRI()O'"---'='.c......, ... ot c:ourw, too small to produ~ t.o ~" that life aavtn1 pint of compiC'te planes, and Is necHsar-blood until September, ao now lly limlt<'d to supplyinr parts and •• t.hf' ~lme. rr you ~ a 11&'11· BMemblles. H~~.t.-c!u r I n I up card ju.t telephone the Red Opt>n HOUSt-~to:nl&rJI"d J)lstur:n Crlljll 'otflce at 1~ and the urt and cutaway_drawmp o~ complete aulatAnt will wad you a card. planes will ~ on dl!lpla.y, s_howlng Slnre the nrotor corpe will n•)l th~ location and appltcataon or be able to handle th~ tra.n.porta-~rts tuml"d out In tt'\f' plant. I tlpn-of four llundred donora ID the All perann• herf' llltuulll tbank (I( hnrTilr anti ot •r rlfln• for you, the New a Thr.-e and lit I' adv~r· ""'"' ynu now ln • t hnuaand waye. till+. and lodlv1duala whn t>,v,. t .,,.,. 1111t . ff•rl(rl 1 "'"" nll'n th._ ~Mde ~ble Ule llM Bloocl 0.. IUIJlm~r j O&X••n, 11f the advertlalnc llla.(f, Save your ac:iap to IJap a J::ep~~~~~~~~~=======~:::::p------r.-.;...---- CALIFOIII-STATE GUARD --Co. B, 1st Bn., 49th Regt.-- 109 Palm 8tr,et n-e N....,. lleedl IW Captam WtLLIS M. Pt!U>S Phon~788·M Pana L1tl4tm4nl ROBEilT H. R um ~8Q9 . \ ~coftd (arurcn.ant HAaoU> V. HALL i PhoM 1436-J The fef'der shop aystf'fn js an c.>s- 1 hort hnu f ~nlial p&rt of <Ansolldat~ Vul· • ra rom 10 to :.1 oth~r" tf'e'l vast manufacturing AC"t·up. c~o!s belfp ~-=oborlWitMrtna to take ConvaJr ·PrHident Ha,..Y W..oad· 0 o ne,.u • over. and takr bead, on a r.cent vbit to Co I tbeaa hom• aaalll att.r dona tlt.n del Mar, einphlllllzl"d. t his poln~ How about It? addrt'sslng eomplo)"N thcr<'. "Each w,.. 8uaD Rulberford. produ1· of you emp.loyn is ju.~t a!' import· Uon chal_rman. anrtOUncett that ant to the company, a~ 10 the thert I• yam at the Bal~ work war effort &II any other ot tile 90,· I"'Cllln OD Palm A•e .• Uld urr• the 'Ooo ql<'n and women on our pay· roll," atatl"d Mr. Woodhead. "Although you doR't haveo the safisfac:tlon of lftlnr tlnlshed planes roll out the front door, or heat them constantly roartnr ooverhc.>ad, you do have tht> Aatia· HEADACHI ae·•UCII A . ~==~==;~;;=~~~;vgg;~~;;~~~;:::====~i faction of knowlnc that without your help they wouldn't roll out I the door at our maln UM'mbly BIG unu••• Denctoua Sea F~ Or. complete 'equipment wben .y~ want to catch your own. • plahts. · 1 , . "You Cbrona del Mar aJn:raft produ~l"ll dewrve special com· ; ~ndlltlon for appi.Yinc youl"llt'lves ' u you have without that addl"d In· cenUvt•."' A LL SET for a cood fult daJ*a work wb~ a uccl'll Mad· ache eneah ap ft ,-. Yw ed• an.l ao dON r out work. . . Rendr for aa .-.enjnc of nla•· etihn and njoymont-a .,.aiLJ h~ada('he lnt.erle,.. wllh rovr f~M~t "lt. •aJorme~~l er nlnaU-. oa:am.a Anti-Pain · PIUs . · Ullu~o.:y relievt not only Jf•••· ache, bu\ 81•,M N"ralrla. 11-rular l'a lna .... Ji'•aetlo•al Mo•llllly rain~. Do rou uat rw. wn. A•ti-PU. t'illa~ If r "t why not t You ean (••t llr. WaiN Anti-Pain l'llla at yc.ut dru~: atorl' •In tbe re«ular ~.ark ..re for only a ptnnr ap;..c. :~nd 1 , the ..,.one• my pUuce ., .. ch"•l·t r. Why nllt t:f't a paella,. tnola• ! Your dNff:lll h-. the~ Roarl 1!ir~'Ct ior• and -Oftl.1 M dlrc•'cd. Your 0\0MJ lledt U,.. an nOt utufied. 'I' -· ,, Spen~ the Day at BaiMa ,. BOATIIG I -FISH III .. BITHIIG. ·Tell Your .Friends to Meet You BALBOA'S POPULAR NIGHT SPOT Lou1~ V crwcy Cock t~ils I •• M i.x ed Drinks Cele~rate Your _lndepen~ence ~Y Buying ,More ~ etor~ - NEWPORT-BALBuA NEWS-TIMES. NeWDOrt Beaeh, California, Thursday, June 29, 1944 Fe1ninine Activities Miss Geor1i-a. Meaehem of Caropa del Mar Engapd To Marine Hector A. SChetne Ollie ol the moat unique an· Uut In onh·r to help tnem we 1 • ..,...ntl ol a forttkomin& I hopt' yQu will wear, Vir~;lnin Iln mctt, Society Reporter • Phore:. 12 and 13 f Reldctenee Phone 1220-W Frte~ of the populu youna-~rut. live at 308 Larkllpur. -------~~~---~~~~~~~~~~==~~~-------------~00-~~~~~~~ M~~~m~~~~ fUift 1 .... 11~~::~~~ i~ I Newport Beach announcement of the earqement uc echoola tMre uct a1ao at au ~I --. 111 ........ _21 --. _·.,. . • of 141M Geor,-la Meachem, ebarm· LD .. R.ey M"-'on ud ICmalaculate ' Fireman's Club I lng daupter of I of lfe&rt c ou..-e 1.11 Loe ADp10'1t. H I l4r. and M r •·I De Ia oow a atud«lt nu.rM at lt . ofd nitiatiOn I P"' -; r Geor,-e Meacb· Jotlepb'a bo.pltal, Baota Aoa. Her ' --If· eiD, pioneer n»l· family bu relided here tor 1:.! .._ --u•--anniversary, ia lhal If It'll -1111 In your attic. your own , F' t Fl o · ---• wedding gt'ar IrS wer tilt .. t aut by Mr. ~tnd Mrs: 1 Dun't bt-b&lllhfut If button• arc 1 Shop 011 ( land ~ Carru\hcora, IIUmmf'r teal. tiJht nr" If T tme ... ._ ol Weat Nf'WPOrt . A clever llu altl'r4'd the llreu Y u Lh<JuKhl Opens Saturday I""'P o1 v.et~l4 lnviu·s lh•• ~ut l.n Ita pnme. 1U11fta to oome 10 lhl:'lr homl' AlthflUI:Ii ,.h .. Isn't u l~o<·al gtrl. eert:y ln July. and followa : I Anl1 WI' knnw you will n,.vf'r be' ('uro~lyn 11.-11•" .. , '~' tL r ,,., •• ,., '64 .. Lhe )l"llr n<-w •tor \"t'Odtnlll nl'aely fit') mean m r m h •' r 1,r Halbo •a J•'t~.nll'll Nine ne.-~ember• ot the New- 1 dente of Corona ye&ra. port Beach Fireman'• Club were 1 • l'el W a r, aDd 1 The younc man 11 a rra•Juate ln1Uated Monday nl&bt 1t a jclnt I ,: Marine Hector ot Wllmln~oa HiP and Cal. Tech. meeUnc ot the Newport Btacb A. Scbet.De of I H<' hu jtlned the Marlne corpe and L&f\!Da Beach tire depart.-Co a t a. Mea. and left Monday for Vlf'IUUa for &Dd br dea, I Aa to br ng them .orne 11llvrr tor v~oun~:er 81'1 , Ill . 8/le hu apent Jant', f'rt .. Ula and l'nlly pruent I u.w to kerp clean. tVf'rV aummtr lln•l every weekent.l wllh ~,. .. ,,pride '!1017• I'Tulf•l'<'l Boui.,;J•uly 9 ta U1c-rl \\11 h•·11· fu: '''• I"~' 1 \•• 1 '• · A different weddlnr J uly ~th Y•IU r •~ty, )'<'llf~< Ml&" ltr crrn 1 .. oyw,uJJI: menta at Fire Statloa No: I at' Hla pare o t a. • lntenaive tralnlnc While their 2817 We at Central. Newport a Mr. and M:re. encagement hu beeo announced., Beach. ApproxiiB&tely thirty-five Earl Scbftne re· no uetlnlte plane have yet been llletllbere of the etatton and their 1alde at 344 Eut 20th 1treet Her made tor the weddlnc. will Me. · . 11 to 10 are the "'our11 l'l~t her own 1-1ow~r ~hup th'• :·:lfl o A ~~ride aad a I!'OOm •1lb a larce c.om~> IJnJ ,,.. gay!\ •Ia~· 111 ~:! t t Mnrln~ Avt !'albo.o I&UlJly. I . \ _ 111 ol'ld ur d " It ;:lv•• 1 r:•p '"'"" f J W lllrv ~nr ~·n1111 '" all vt.• 1 ••·• 'I' • Aner 2CI yellrl. aU you lath• a and .OCa Omen \ tO !' ro'• n I' l•·r ., l•l•w 1 'hop ,, -· Attend Con fetence th .. ",."' "''""r "h''" '" •lf' .•... 1, Jobn and ),label Carrulht'ra will I slu•ol "n l ~n'h<•U l:ll'lnd . • r. matry a.ra!:dm h b · e.l 1'hr"'f wun.l'n frotn the :-.ew· ll.l' ot .:,~:e 1111~1 ave c an& l""rt llhriH•r o<r~" Arf'\ Rung t • at-. COlYI(N(; EVE!'JTS ....... lb .. will ~ dofff•rent from trm•l . 1111 l'umml'r <;"1mfr rt'n1 ~ nf ~ , lhr (nit •orr.la Ft•t.lt•rgtton 1 t \\urn-FRIDAY, JUNE JO - &Dy youve.-n. on's ('lui»! tnJ >rango• f'rtt'ay. Ju11" I • '1 '"~" •·· ul<r · 111 Ill l''tlm S R d.· 1 i/3 Th;>y ~If' :.Irs Geurjlc J, /\\•' I'll 111:1 I H , 1 I" I l"" Uffimer ea 1ng \\'hl'at 11( :-.;IWl><lrt Hru1h. Mt" !jo'l\11111 Suggestions Here wnynr lla••·"r. "' ·llrttb .. ~IJ'Itn(td MONO,. v, JULV 1- --VII'!' I'" 11)Jcnl und pr gn~m • hlllr· l!••d t'r1 "1 w11rkr ,,., I I I l'al• 1 1 , An lnUNitlng IN'l('l'\ll•" , t honk•' '""" tur I I' :-.;, ..... ,,.,, t tlo•flt ll l-:h1·l "''' . ft11fh ~ Ill "m lol I I• 111 .une-ted for llurnml'r re~tdln« t• ,,,h, IUlu .Mra L" M I'H>I\klns of 1111:'•rtl <lr••torV.II ' ... JVffte were p~t -- The I.Dtttauon folloWed a o.tnty-1 The W . H . Maxwells day prot~auon period whkh eactt-, Are Grandparents potmtlal member muat undergo. Dtt&Ue or the lnlllaUoa ltMif muat --- be withheld du~ to company rulea. · A son was born Jun~ :lbl l -~ Mr and Mn. W. H. Maxwctl jr. En~rlne Compc1ny No. 2 n~ Mn. Maxwell was the former more vrluntcer ftremen and any-Jetnl'tt<' Platt, and young Max· ~ one lnlereJttl'd In joinlng may lt'e well (hl' son of Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Ro~rt N. JaC:wln. Maxwell of 826 Wrst Bay Avl'. Th01<e lnltllltt'd were Ralph Both younr parents an-graduates Jack. Rod Mac Mll'tan, Dlc:k Free-oC Newport Harbor HJgh school. man. Gene Tny•ur, Dick C ramer. , "Bill'" Maxwell WM CormcrJ¥ con- Dick Baldwin and Don Elder, all nl'Ctt'd with North Amt>rlcan Ship- of Newport Bcacb. Bob J at.lwm building Co. """-' baby weighed was muter of cenmonlea and 13UI 7 lbti. 11 OWlCt'S at birth and was Day!Uird waa In charge o! the namt'd WiUiam Hftlry Maxv.•cll III. Plaao lutrudloll Gustave Linaenbard Gractuatl' Leipsic Consen~atory. Pupils AC'Ct'pted Be-glnnere 1 SJ)f'dalty Phone NeWport 190S-W auounced by the Nl'wpur1 UC-'h l!albt•ll lt•••l f'r "~ \'•llkr•onm :1 1'1 ~~~ Public Llbra.ry. I Th .. rn!'t'lln~ woll be ht'IIJ In thr '111' A w• • l'nlh"" Ish not 10 n rn 11M fiction conJIII.a nf "Loll Orange Won en'A Club l"ouA~ and 1" '1 I• n• '''" ln•l lnlltatton and l • Dut.ch LJJnch. -------------------- wand." bY Jamea Hall; "Tbe •vi ii bc!c-ln at 2 p.m. sJr~r:c•Uoo8 "Hrd .r:rro,.~ "'"rkr:m'ft'· 11~111 0.)' 8&1ot," I))' Paul Ba.lle.y; "Mre. for program a for Lhe coming ynr 1 • r~nn n \ 1'1 rnr11n11 l!rl 1\lar. I tt• -. e Costa Meaa News Don l!:lam. a.n ot 'Mr .and 'Mra. App'gpta'e .Ufalr." by Fredric: will be .1:1vrn Itt t~e form of two 1 rIll . 111r,rtc-~l tlrl'u ng1 ~ .. ell Wat.er; ''Tbe Pa..'' by minute talka tJvrn by all count)' TUESDAY, JULY 2-~u Ba•qe; "'-v• . bu ~ chairmen and preadenu. l.l·n•. Tw•• '"v I'Hn ln~ 11 30. He&ftll." b)' 0.0 Amu WI~; Hr.lnr. K1111~r "'aD&& Town." b)' Samuel Hopklna Miss Hel•n. Gr·undy ltnt.arv o :to. "'hltr". Park Av~ A.cluta; &Dd "Tbe Tllllbw lkul." ~ fla 'h<'IS IIOIIIn<l i 0 . Elruu of Ha.t bor Blvd., hu en- lleted In the mariUme Mrvlce and 11 now . In traln.n~ at C&talllla 1 !Aland. '7 Ardaie 8Uaoa. Alao • ..,. Clue Graduates at s. c. Rrl'l C"rou w tkrnnM,(l ll Plllm ~ t.ha crooked CaAdle." bJ 11:art Avf', or¥n 10 8 m. In 4 p m .. llllr· ' 0 a r cia • r, "Tbe PrMideAUal Amonc the 3M graduate. t..-. re-~<"AI drruln~•-• ... '*--,.----~-~ Uptcn Btndah-. "11M eer.. ac&dttD.lc de~ t'roiD 1M tud Crou wotkroom, 313 Ma.. IWCunl f11 Uae Tra•e&u." by Ra UntniJIIty o1 lloutbem C.llfomla rine Ave •. ~lboa leland, open 10 WanMr aad "hlr ltoocl tM ~ at U.. third caa\'OC&tloa ~,Ute Stat a m. to 4 P m .. aewtnr. fill ....., .. a., r . Ill. SU.. uunaal c:oameneemetlt held Sun- •• e a c .. ncttc11t lit· ctay a u.. OpeD Air Tbeatn ot ~ :"~ from t.ha I:Ut." bpolttjon Parlr, wu Hel~ A. llf' 1t1.ut1 ~ a ~ ol Ru. OruocS.Y of Balbo&. 8k rtceh~d .... ,.,_..,. ·8Dd ~ bacJl. Ute detTN ot Bachelor ot 8elenc:o- Balboa WSCS Meet Wednesday 111• eopfllat~ ...,......._ ., ~k ei4l wiiAi le atw.,e a faehl0t1 faverltl. Eapeclall, n-anc1 '"""'' tllle wfllt1 topplf' an41 111et lit, fH travell"t er . .....,..., .,....._~one. The hat and "-8 are ..-JietM el wfllte ,..,. cetten, lttCMM lft I eptder Witt ef IIIM:k creche& tllll adda Ju• tile rtpt ._,,.. et et.-r. The economy of ,..kl"' the lit .. • pol11t 111 ,,.. et crec!Mtllll )'Our o~ ~w eeOIMOitH. Olrectlena fer eredletlna tllll Mt, No. 1121, and another tift aad bat 11t Mil)' IN olltalneo 1. • ,ding 1 et~mped, Mlf.add,....... .. v, .... to till N11dlnrork f .,t of tllit r ·~or. I .......,.S ~Of lata tnn ... &180 .In ~Uoe ·Uid .le tbe dau«f!trr At,.., J.A,n !.tr(;Avl'rn ti1:J w .. ,.. "'A Tit ¥. 1 ot -'-icaa Jl'olli. ol Dr. ~d Wn, Gordon M. Grun-10"vbA vR•nu"· Al\ltx'111, Y.·ne· hnstelll' B B ....... : t1111 lton., h,_., tall d)', t24 W. Ocean Ave. I n t e alboA ('ln'IP of Ult' W ): alaar· tO e ...... tnodflh .. ..u..s. ...... Women n ceeded Uw DUDibrr flf ('~ of {11rll'l's ('hurrh bv th!' !';,,n c · By Balboa oi tM ~ peopa.. ..My men fl"&dualq for· the tl...t urn .. I W1·dn•~c1Ry, Junr 21. Ofllcf'n fof' I Ven u... .... " .., Jlar'k&U"'a u _d the new echool ot auralnJ(.J thl' (' min~ yeAr Werf' e't'f'lt'd Is land ·wscs •==---.liiC!Iiii~lllilf.r~ waman·ir -.lllfttr u_.. ....... ,~..,.. a6t.b ec-ll•onl Th~y erCL.Mm. S tephen .wee..e.r~---· -·-- ,.._... ~ Ia R....._ &Dd colle,-e. i.u!ued IU fll"'lt lit•· fnrtl lUI lht> .nrw prreldM~t, J.fr11 , t'i.1n!l t1•r n hl\71\nr 'lrtl ,. tn •' ~-.._ c.an.t and llo¥1et n-~.. ~~~_hn K. l!:lftot \'l(·r r rl'lrldl'nt. anrt ..al1·, h .. th nt which wilt M b~t!' ...... ; "WWBd 1ft tM S.Ura.'" by Ml'l , l'tllnnll' Ualter. ltt'C~tary. In thr srarlnu~< rAtio In the tom•· 1'. V. _.q, Uilf «~&ploirw and ' .. ·BIRTHS lrNJeurt'r 'Thr nf'w p~titdl'nt &f)-of.. M .... Movtu on Park Avenul' Mrs. Ed Chapman To Visit Son in Ardmore. Okla. ~;rs E l 'hK1•rra•1 nf 1308 Ocean Hlvd , Corona •J~I Mar, II leav!h.{ ror Ardroor<>. Okla.. next week to \'IIlii hr r son Lt. i':d C apma.n. IMina, Ia Jfert!l Atrtea; "At-ptlntt'd Mr• F:ttiot u devrllonal were dt.cu...S at the ftnal m,Jetln~r ~~AWrtt.r:' b)' LulU. ODie. · --· t'l.nlnnan a nd put h<'r In ch&r~e of ot the 8&100. lJtlahd W.8.C.8. The Lt. Cbap.~ 11,, a bambardler In . to _..._ -... __., Mr.-Mrs. Dqn Hardc.uUe at publici... Th• ........ t in• It · ( ._. ~ 1 ; b ~ l-1ylnl( f oetru .. He 11 a gra!J-··-. ,..,_ ,__ __ •--•"' ...... _.. • .,. 5 ..,,.,. ,. comm · ·group mt' at ... ra -ov u omf ........ _, .. .._ _. ..,_~._.... -OammunJty hoapltal, tee Nmal.t8 of M,.. ~tt. Mra. where thty 'enjoyed a poUuclt u.at, ·or llrlt,bor High and attended -.... ·-'· ...... " by lilarpre( ~UM ic, a -Neblett and Wra. Letty Va~l'bll. lunch TU-s..y, June 20. 'nle C a~lfurnls\ I nlyi~>Chnlc ab Sc Lu .. ~ ._. UM recent war ~O .Neild ~ • .__~llf'l 11w ne}lt meet InK wiU be nn July 1 ba.7.aar will be held 0(1 July 22 and I Ob .po ·~.,...,.,...__lor Our Quo-,..pwt _... .. .., •t lt lit Ute home ot Mra. kbn K. 1 th" fO<Xl 1sle on July 23. I ---. ------ ...... ," '7 .... MWer, ..,... y.,. lit~ ~~· ~t.t~t~;.r. Elliot at 900 F.aat Surf An. 8&1-! Women bavtnt blrt.bdayl dur-Gues t Gtven .. ,..... .... •·A·"«-'N Jo-Ill 11&~ Thlrt)"'f~t IIJ'ft~ N::;. bo&. ,•n~r thr D1nnlha of ,..y. June aDd Birthday Dinner ._ C. ONw, _. .. .....,. ,on Bead), ~ter. • July were hon~ at the mHtlDc.j __ ~" -.....,. of .. '1"nM-Mr. ·and Mra. A~ s.ttle o( Church Mothers !noee havlnc blrtt day• d~ Mr Kn<l ~In• V " Ml'r.!lvt'm of aiiMtlc ......,. O..••M.. 211 ~ty·flnt at.r'l'f't, Nf'Wpnrt Have Get-T 0 eth r I th 1M' nwnlh" Wt're the Me8da!Dee 813 Wut Rl\v Av~. nalboa, had ;;a -S.ach, a eon. g e In F. Rt':t.IA. Clllford Hllllard. v-,111 lh• l r ln•l -W<•I'kl'nrl gl}t'!ll$ ~r.l MORTIMII:.ft SCHOOL• Mr. and Mn. Robert Dyrr n( ~ T Hlrhard, J Paul Klrka, and tbe and Ml'l! t: •• .,. ICiakPI\' from Lns I Rev. and Mre. Carl J ohnaoa &DC Everett A. ~ ten lut Tburaday for Puadeoa to attend the Meth· o41n Church Contireo.ea 1.11 PU&o dena. lolJal Grace KJdder, daupter ot 1 llr. and Mra. Hubert KJdder of I 1880 Wb1tUer etreet. bu enrolled I for the eummer urm at the UDl·' veralty of caJifomla At Berkeley. _.Paul Gerald Shafer. of 15tb and lrvln•. eo.ta Mea. .. now un<!er· golllf recruit trai."WWf: u Private al the a.tarint' Cot-pa Baae. San Diego. Upon compk>tlon of hla "boot" balnlo" he wjll ~ aulgned t_o a c;ombat unlt or a epeclallet'e -.eboot tol' additional tnatructloo. 0 . J . Steam• today waa com-1 ma.ndq-r-cltrt of American Legion Poatt No. t~ f ollowtng f'IN:tlon oC officers lteld ln Lcogion hBII. Tho.e chollt'n to RrYt' wllh St cama, wbo aucceeda Otto Dodd. Include' Ken· neth Houk, flr1tt vice commander; Walfer W~lfa. ~ond vice. com- mander; John Jonea, chaplain; Gou Grable, flnan~ officer; Jo- aeph Turtk. ari-ea.ot at arm.e; Everett A. ~a. hlatorian. Tbe date of .lllllt&llaUoo w ell ~ an- n("UJJced later . / JGII Cif1il: ..... I~ Victoria ·IIVPnue, Co.ta MeAA. 111 • 0 or-gant:r.,. th~, mntht'rl! nr th"l hlv1""'·· l'oln :\tovlaa I Ang .. ·lrJO an.• I Mr~ :\tt•ib< ume-Tut-IVIDID IICIIOOL s J~_... hospl I . 5o ( hUM'h S.•h~>t•l ~'!'illlren Md In • • r I t .. ~-.,., ta ,a . n furU>rr lh~ ento·rtst nf lhP I''> . B D Uf' lln•l ~lito. l-:h7abt-th M!'rrill. ...:• 01=· t-,.,... MT. lind Mra. Broph~ CastUio o( m'nnotv in lh . . t I . mh I raven yers I both from l.Bj!Uil:t nt-n. h • .._....._ ~-""._,._. ICosta.Mf'sa. at St. JOtit'pb hOIIrttnl. I :It • "''"'' ua Jttuwt T E t t . A dmn"l wa~ C:ln'fl at the-:\tr-' --...._ -·-a I!On Ml "" llrf' nf 'l!r YI•Uth \\1\Jl thr 0 n er a Jn I (6. A. Mertltner, M. A .. OIIf_,.. · . purrw111(' of th ) · 1 11 . Gavl'rn bnm .. Slln•h•V tn hnnor nt, ~I ~Ilene i~ I Mrs. Arthur White of 288 AW M I' nvt " rn whlrh ' Mra. Mernll's blrtut.l~v ------------....,---~-----------. I h,. tl1•• ~ tt1111): m~>lhf'r,. or I hi' ('or-1 :t.'l1 r.nral Avr ll~<lbcHt ,_.and.· are . . Jftlll, Avl'nuc. Balboa blasad. a Mn I'll M 1\ LuN'k ".XII'n<lril I~> all :11 • 11r .f ~:n• l1r:1v~n Oy••r of _ · · I "11!1.'11'' Ma.r t'ommunlt,· <'hurr h hi•vin~ u tht'lr w•···krnct ~11t'llt.a Lteut V1ncent Healy . ,_.w..RALD RAU. SA M D-'.(:•n~tr<·~att~>n/111 Cor " j::f'l ·tl)o Mr nnd Mno Prf\lrl Brlrker and Home o n .Short Visit I . -ljr. . , O ' 0 j:llhrr 1hlltllllll\' ftftrrnr."n Thf ' ~11 an·! ~In• F"ra.nk f'avne Md YO~ E'YES ARE mE Is now occupying the Medical Office known u the Newport Emergency Hospital. For the practice of MEDICINE AND SURGERY 2830 West~ 4ve. .,.. Nwpt. ¥: 1- i., .......... C.P'111 an4 a Q .... t 'Variety ef Unuwal Qlfta "'WI: lNVJTE YOU TO BROWSE AROUND'' C. E. LOUCKS.,. . JEWELRY a"lt ITAfiONERY OlamOftdl • Watc"H • frtne Repairing ...._ New;.rt tNt-a 11t7-" Newport 81vd .. Cotta M .... Calif. motttrr" w~rr 11r,::.-d t • hrtn~; lht'lr '"'" 1-'r~tnk J r nil or ln., 'Anftt'IM. Lt \'tn1 ••nt ll1•a lv hB~ been 1 LIGHT 'OF AMERICA' rlufclr<'n Wlh> werr put undrr tbt' Ttw llyt>r" .tn• n·nNn~t the ~Itt hom,. :r<>n; a (C'\\ 'llnn villi( wilh ..•. tht' flnt to enlist In ali rhllrJ:r ••f M tllll MarJorl~ Y~trde ~lt~lt r h<>mt Mr DyPr 111 t.llo bla r tm·nt:<t ~lr ~d .\Irs. Mark l linn of duty to win th~ war. -Sport.. Editor on 'Lh•' l-os An ~tel• He!liY of flalhou l11ln.nd Jie•l Therefore your eyes •!o. work Has ting's Guests Tllld'/1 l leavea Fridl\' ror hill baae near deHTw -~Ill c:onafcktatlon L f T ' ' ----- ---Tuceon l.l. · He;,..y t-u been in ' ... they dften~e to be riven . ea VC or ucson Yout-Friends and Mine the w r"ICt' :!:! mont'la and Ia an the expert namlnatlon &flO M11J,.r ,1,,1 :Ills Rn~rl .Jfa•t-~~~tor);n the A~~ Air :J:orpe . flttlnf btftiMd to all our tn~•, of 16011 ~uuth nn,· A vr. RaJ-• ·~t r" 1· R It I ~till ,,f :1.!1' : rl.l)la ~N~p ln arana. e A . na petrons. I~ lllantl. havl' hn.s .U tht•lr Ana Avt>nut . ~"'''l'lo•rt Hl'lchla en-er aummer be prefer• not DB. H. D. CRAWFORD ~I'IICa few tl ,. pn:<l Wf'••k ~In• B . trr;talnt'd frtr n•ll< t\\'1• .-aut ~-~ak, but aure Uku the climate OPTOMETRIST P. ~tur111 and hf'r 1111n. , '_tri1·k Th"l ''" Pnda.v ahF Introduced a laMtl · I 1m Newport .......,.. ~tnna lt'fl W t'dnuCtA \' f1 r Lhl'lr fr•·rn ~ fWA<"h, ~ B. T. . . I Ooeta .,._ Pt.ee Ule ~e town Tut:a.'\n. A~~.()na Thcov BW"D& Trul! digntl)' ~ nevt-r aatnt'd by I Cndlt T~rma hav .. ~n rnllltlh• Lh 1 h -Mr and Wn 8 W • 1-,d piA~. and n('vtr lost when honor.; Brokftl IAnses Dupl.lattd " ,. r orne In · · · · -• ...-an-Yo'lthdrawn MASSSINGER. _______ ....;;......::.... ___ _. !'An 1-'rtuWIIIrn r,r tht' paat f-ha\e ber>n rNif'l'nrl\ltn~ th~tr •. o.oe11 ____ ..,..,·~--------------------• n\nnthl\ at :!Jti Orr hld \<·r C'or11n" (Jel l ~lnr and rt~<n t• I • nl~h·•d t hl•l \\ ,., k•·noJ I Cllpt rwtJ ~lr!' ll.·••nld 8, Lewt.l (Mf'mtJ.r Ma.,c-Te4t'fMo"' A.MII nr · llnlbt.lft lal1tnd entertained a of Calllpna.la) Bmllll J..'TOttp M tn•·nll!• thtiO Tnu,.. Mai'PJ'f't L 8rharte 1T.A(.',HI:R Ot' PJASO Ol'pAiaJ • AOllOIII .... Iet dA) P\••111111: 111 tit• • <•'"I ( their' n.n~h Wt'lldtng annh·t~. ~lt '"'~I ... ~ ,.,. "" \•I of• ~tudJo: S01 Ooldt'nWMS Aftftue 1211 l'oA~l u ,,.,,,, 1\ l'•ll''<•nn del l <'orGna dt<l Mar :\!.11 ·'I' · 'i 1 '" '111'11 nll'<'e, .lrnn ••tt•>S~•n r...;.,, 'F'rrwno t.o I'IIUst:: Sf:\\'PORT 1041 '' t!. · 1 Jut·. "c•rkl'nd Rubber Lined Winch Head AJ.., Ftshtrma.n's Frif'Dd SavN \\'ear and Tear 011 Eqalp- .-nt .... Priority c-.tabllahed. . . earolyn's, CJlowers ~-------:------1 ~p•·n.t IL •' r \\lth !Jltt1\ -' 222 I 4 Marine A venue Balboa Island l Opens Saturday, July 1st Complimentary Gardenia Saturday ' I Oarolya Help8. Pl'oprleWw ...,_,., •1ft' I • 0111 ....... eo..· .... ~ j ~~~~~~~~~-~-~~~~~~~~~~~--~· .. tlnder pt-l"'tWWnal •upeMiilllon of ('harlrA M. M"rrall11, Pl'C11. PRoto~t '7UA BEFOR£ YOV BUILD OR REMODEL 1111 leut" Mat" It Vle•t our lntt'('t'ltlng u mple and disPlay roo,..,,, Color tfuide' plennlng alb. com· prehenalve ltock of rug" carpeta. linoleum and V'"e· tlan bttnt:M. ~ ~) Rufl and Carpet• Cleanl'd Rtpatrld LUDLUM Carpet Works tANTA ANA -~~~ . 8 REA D-T I ME STORIE·S ~ IMII salt is aood tor seU1QI aost colors, but Epsom Salt is bet- ter tor washing and .rtqstaa delicately color•d aaterials. Dissolve oae tea- spoonful ot'the 5alt J,a each gallon ot wa- ter. The most deli- cate shades will ne 1- ther fade nor run. - >r~~ ANGLING A Ro ·u N D 8y "808" Nt."WPORT·BALBOA NEWS-TIIlES. Newport BNch, Calif?rnia, Thundll)', Jane 29, {944 ----- TRACT 518 I prtae eateb-& u pound wt~tte .. BIJiLiiDI Permit& Hay's Uquor Store 1 ~. L cw,.acaAL ... T,,.., J DUe w1lldl tie Mel ca~~Cttt UM -------Has R .. .J Wh• ky -HanYun. JNI.Iln~tt"' I day !»fore at ---You un et~er\'n~ l8 AppoJatmet~t <'It D. IC. PortAtr to ,1"111 T'r It Stw JUc of Paudc-na ,...t ...Ured Ul&t Ult.. tta had JWM 2l--8llewut ... lMit. I.a. For Bond Buyers Only I' ., o( 111Cfu8trial ~t IOf' Pa-n"' 1'r ... S.v llk. of~ 1 rreate4 lou of u rltement arowad Anf'elu. ~r eoor.d 8book t.o ~ c-1fk-Electric". wtU'I tw!edquarbnt .. 'ln~t 1'r It SAv Ilk ul Puacktna lh d bet In It talle troot porda &lid lllake tt put -r at Loe Aaa.a... r.plaC'lftC " w I llonhanl. •'.tina ... y .. Me p&IU. an ore eec I o( liv' ... room. ll .. Apotena. a.oo. ,...,. 11f>', L 1181'\ '"""'r ••~ II•~·~,IA·-• NU--' wu unoune.ct to-l lhllnliln.l •tanr W, at Stua, Toby HHb t ad told me -l N___. _..ul\r ~tuN' At 31\1 l'a1m, U&l·, •'" · •-. I about it. Thty tell me W~ IIOld Jun. 21.-.U ,..,_.. • ... ..-• ..,_ I• dolnc hi• bit t-·a rd hf'1p· da y by 0 A.. BmiU'I. pneident ut thl• bl&' beauty to 10me rMtauraat a..dl. per Sa.Dt.a A.n&00 =~ IDI Ulr Mh Wa r LoAn Elr tve He Ule ~Uan CICIOlp.ny. I IA'vrrlrh, MHudc• Rtrhry In Alhambra. wtl~,.. no doubt lote to e...ct Neon -'«D· 1 e U. r,a,.rvr.t hll of t 1~ \\ hhol;v 1,,1 ' l <Hhnllll', Alho•rt TRAer Trl of folke enjoy~d Sea Bau for a ~l~U:. ~~_:_&lboa WOUQ•. per Mil~ bll)'l'r'll un1y Th11t'11 ~ll(ht Quality Lumber I day or two. Sail A Neoo Oo. to eroect two lt ~ou \)uy o ll(>n,l y .. u o'IHI hu\ MFASIIORt~ OOI.ONY TRAC'T BetOh ~ down to Balbo& n,adquart.en lD A..Uaambra. wb~re 'Tt• fUDDy how fllblnl weather t.a ~ -11 • TOI E Ba. ...., .. whll'k)' !'lu fnt lilly IWA d thla WHk-end I happened Ill to a Wu Baily. an an&1U of IJ"Ul I will cban•e from bad ln f ood aDd wo.ld painted ~. ' y eolc1 ··•~I ,. ttinr hondl 11ne f« Aft •rtlllc ~ocla .tore &nd lllblnl prow-. bad been exblbltln• bte from lood to~ On. would have AvJeu.~~21.-J . v. Sau~ro. :nt Am· U.t~• ~ '' ""'' I Buildinl Materiala lhou.bt that tboH beauUtul day• ~ BAY F1811INO 18 OOOD AT we bad been havlnl{ Iaiit wH k elbyat Avf'., per oWller Pel-uto Ill. ld ha rod d d Heh Dod•e to put In a toundatlon and THE PAVILION AT BALBOA :r:: bu-.::. p to ~~= crot~ry. Ai n oor and ,... Ill front poreh. Boate for ~nt at JW·~·b'-...._._U,_ .. _,, "vailable P'or«tt. WatTeD Fowlf'r anrt U\~ $400. ----oc: .-.-.---........ A at t lh f Til Balboa Jun~ 21-Clarence Falvey, t21 NEWPOp BAY INV1.:8'1'11ENT 00. ;~~lltll:r ~':t 0w~r~ :.W low u Femleal Ave .. Corooa del War, 11oM o,_.,. · o.enl 11...-•na.kM hlpe whM 1 walked In th~~ ~r owner to build two bedroom J ill.,. :!3 1'11111 .I llu._:1111, 4;!.~ Ud ~.l11 A\' -<:"uol,o llo~r11o 1•'1•·• I rh ,' dw•llll\1( I Jun .. ~u l'r 11 ll _.'""•••n :•1 :1 o.blla A\ r . 1>\\ nN· oil\ t'lltn~ • COST A. MESA. LUMBER CO. R. IE. HOaTETl.ER· .h.u1r ~i 11 II ll.·rnllh'l :•113 lllh Sl lim n,• lo:lrdn, t il 1 1 I ~-48 ('nthrnn (,nr11'~ n l ',.lht'tlll, ( 'htulo·~ U, 1\unl:u ovtll••. AIIN•rt t-' 1'111 llllll\, l<ll~'llllllld w ti ~1-: 1:'1' of NF. :.10' TIIIRll AUilmON ()('Y.J\N FRONT TRACT ~hmy1, Mn i'\'Ua llam llton, .. , .. ,..ranllll n. Jon:lnn, \\'tlllttnl W c•t al 4 !\ 7 7 2 a I A (j c F. F. F 4 11 ,., ... ) M " NEWPORT & BALBOA PIERS Saturday mom lo1. "l"i1hlng I• a.ddlllon to preMUt bullc1tn1. $80(). no rood," l&ld AI. "N J t!.h." IIIL.Id June 24-Dllplf'l Pourln-. 1M Warren. Well. all that hu to ha.p-Albert f"ta« .. 'c011t.a Meaa, per dWf'llilll: ··-------------• • •. • •••• • •• • • •• • •. • •. • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • ••••••• 1 niL"T AUiliTJON TO NEWI'ORT 111:1011'1'11 • IIIII. llu~· I. ' ~ 23 OEOROE IIINEB Good Fishing at AU Times LIVE BAIT ALWAYS AV AD...ABLE CLIFF'S TACKLE STORE · CLJFII' VON KENNELL pen 1.8 to have a couplf' day• ot Olll'n~r to bult.l nnf' lltory 3 room b&D•·up 100<1 tlt.blnr and all ~Ill dw~lllnf, 116 28th St .. $11100. be tMU and honey . Swelt boya. June 2t-Abe eo-by. SOO H..-1 thew n.bumeo. Or., Oorooa lkl Mar, ~r OW'Der to Tbfoy t~IJ m~ then te a ewell build one •tory two room and ~t.b epot for (J'Uh watcor flahlnr up I dv.•elllnJ . 500 Orebld Ave.. nw. Jt'OU Bl llJHNG INFORMATION ~',·.~r.~;.tJ~::.~:·;.~·~· ~ ~ -See -. Bay District Lumber Co. WAL TEA S SPICER. Owfter Newport Beach l.hl\'<'1, N~t•hnlu K. Wn.:tu. ·n wlftlrUI 1 Wtl>o(lfl, \\ tlllll~i. t:.tatr l'o•d••l-.'11, ltun11hl U .... ,,,.,, t\1'111111' c TKAC!T 919 ~IIIIth, I 'htlll1• NW l:u4 7lC' of SF. 6.1H,7'M' Nl-: 1:)0 .. SL) 1.28 &l' (t•x· 7 3 4 4 1 A. 1 I I • I ttl, il ·· ~· ·' 1a.l() IU3 :urr lUI uc .... lt.G IUt 'I.Ot !U1 .. · ·Fishing Tackle Specialist A4jllcent to PavWon -Frfth and Salt fhe~ near Alham~ ll'• calledr· J une 2t-£dward K<'lly, 10.6 W. "8han&·lfl'l·la." and that 10me b lilt l"t., LOll Ang~lu. calli . .' per bl« baae ar~ caught thn r that own~r to build 01\t' etory U\,_ w~lgh up to 10 and 12 p und•. ruom dw•lllng only, 620 M.aJ'I&'Oid Wov.•! ~ JOU lnlD&int fiJlhttngl Ave., $!:>()() -111 abte H •ghway Pl'leM ~ with onf' o1 thoee hAblre! I June 26 ~Ira Arthur Beat, Boll At The Arch~• 1150 A__,. o.-....... Bay t11hln1 at tht Pavilion at 781 ~boa laland. ptor owner. per • 1M .._. .-.. lllllhvft hu bf'f'n fair Rolla c: 1 t<'· E. A. R .. lt• ~d additional bed· • • • • • • • • • • • •. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1'R.AC'T 907-J.ll)() I8J..IC t'tacNN. !ll BALBOA. CALif'. BALBAA SPORTFISHING fLEET It\' h•lls m~. room to p~Mnt dwt111n&', 414 1 .. 1 .. •11. Juhn (' I" V · • • • Femleaf Ave .. $700 W~tl"\k-n, ( · I' 140 OOEAN n8JIINO BALBOA:, CALIF, At a rf'r4!'nt meeting of lhf' Call· Jun~ 26-R. R. Jonn, Ba.lboa G 0 R D 0 ~ B FIl l LAY S.•wfu'\1, J t•••llr N I "".... 171 Th • 1 1 d t b tl·' M11riW111, '~l'f1't'tl "W~" :,:'. ,,,. , ..,.., e "Owl" "Maiden" and "Dina Lee" tnrnll. "'1"" IIJid Gatnf' CommiA· • an . Pf!T OV.'ner u u u ~ IW.Ith•, MoryA~~ , --· ' · •ton. onoonlnor of lhe 2000 acre lm· •tory t.tlne room dwelllo.. hv• tlu1..,. J lllrv·•c·t !==~F~-;~W;•;,_~~ .... ~~ ... ~~I~elt~l~t~--~~C.U~~N~.wpod~;~lll;~·;"~~~ ,.. " N o • ..,___, •1 .. "" "' '" ellia -... a-m• . ~rial Ref\t(t to 1nttrfoWI lllloot· o . ._y ~IV«.. • ....... CONTAAVI'Oia ... aCII.DII:II Wardl'n. c. 1• t10 ling during th~ 1944 ef'uon. wu Jun~ 26-Earl L, an<l ldi.T')' T Wtu-do>n. (', 1'. lCDI autbortud. T~ll area. IOt'at~tJ nn ~nla. 1807 w Central Ave., per MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR Du··k . Wil bur 0 · un• NEWPORT TACKLE STORE I Ule Alamo River wu acqulr~d 111 owner t.o m.ak~ alt~raUon• anll rt· Uu•1k , \\!llhur 0 SW'b 5' 10'71 . . • 1932 when to ronUnental Wl.tt r· pain to \)re•nt dwelllnc. 11200. OliR SProiALft lhwk , Wilbur 0 . AU lex. SWI.r ,., wrr ED SLo<:ioMB -IIANAGER I fowl popula tion v.•a• nt •r lle a ll--lim~ ·ZT-Rut h F . PteriOII, 123 Cabinet Shop Service . liuck. Wilbur 0 · ' • 8W1r ~ 1CJ?I •·!I ·tl 28.~ ... ~·· ...... . •••• tl Bait-Tackle-Fishina Information of Fl8b and Gamf' noqulrt'd lbe to make aD out.alde •t&l... &nd ..... 0 n~-t Bl\•d. ...._ -L. aa . -BEAOON BAY(~ OIIIJ) 1 1 tim~ tow. and when .1h~ Olvlaion VLa Nice, per Gordon B. Fllldley. Offkle OaiiiMt tu.Gp RJXX)BD HlJRVEY a __ .. • .. 00 .-rw ~ -· -..a .,... I'A~. Clal"''nee C. ·., lt u N'EWPO&T IIIEACII •t abllehment ot notu•e• on Ul.e .....,, ~ . .,. • Pb .III.NII - -• ~ Wal y ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~F~~~: J %T Fran te M Do U I.a. • .v"' .-... --. ter . JJ t w•ntertnc ITt und u ueeoUaJ to u: -c c we ' N£\\'PO&T BEACH. CALIF. • C1 • Chart .. 0 . -• NEW 65-Fr. 8POR'I'FISHING BOAT 'I the. ~ ol the PAclflc A ni ea. ~r Gordon B. F\D«Uey. to ._ _____________________ _ " C R E S C E'N T" 1 Cout flywa y. cu •Wi'Way lNide and ~ __ . At tht rt'<'l"n1 22nd -.noual con. '-it f11turee and make rep&ln. vt'flllon or Ull' Juak WaltOD 7 16 W. Ocun Front. $1000. I ELIIQUEIT TAX Al l Lugue1 ot Amtrlca. a ruo&utlon June '27 E. 0. Weat, 1141 · wu pu.ed utllng ulde July 16. G1m.n~yrt St . Laguna ae.eb, per . orr CoMt Hlp_,. • .._"" 1:10 ,A. M. I u National Father IU\d Son Fl•h· owner to build lhrM room dwel· • Calley -Rtst Jtooms -: Live Batt' SCOTT'S LANDING · ~~~~~~~~~~ In~ ru1r1 ·o ulln.: !Jay Say• lbe ling, 603 and 60:, Narrl.ue Ave.. ASSESSMEIT LIST. IF= TfiOiutlun "tht ot-ed for unity ot U OO. NOW OPEN (ather'R and " rill 10 any proeram June' 27 \Valter Whlllw'y, ua I R V I N E L A K E lu lea\'<' nncl lmJlrt'11s Ulco bea ulle•l W. 1601 St.. Claremont, Call!., per of I;,,.;•" .;r·•••·~ e11rt'l for tutu~ own~r'to mak~ alter&lltlllJI to ell· TROUT-BASS--CATf1SH--CRAPPIE-481.l~i: GILL nrno·rtd ons lntpuM<·s 8 r"8Jl0nalhll· tenor ol dwelling, 300 So. B&y Row BO"'" -Motor Boat-Bait .~vaOahle-·tty nn lh&-ftu bqra at t.oUu.y J.o plem Front, $100. City of Newport a.dl. 8&ate of c.Jif.,..._ NF.WPORT Bt:ACII CITY TAX~ AND A88E88MF.NTR DELINQllENT "* Ava&AO& 2 K ln 19120+10 bd. NlJ " Wly tw Oty Um!\a, lly br. EJ Moro Tt. Elr · by I I tChland St. EllL OORONA DEL liAR t'ltll...," Nnt'l Th. 6 Sav. a.nk ol Loa A.,..... All IIIW'. por. of alley adj I ( 'ltl~t•n' N1cl'l Tr .II Sav. BAnk o( Loa A.npl" All tiiW'. par. of allf!y adj ) t'lltla'n" Ntct'l ·rr." S~tv. DAnk of Loa A.n~IN. · All (Inc. par. ol allf'y adJ ) C'lt tll'llli Nnt'l T r ... Knv. (lknk or 1<06 Anl"l•• Fer.lleeen'atl-• f>t.o.e Or-p 170S·ol·&, orLo .. A.acelea PA ~~~.. ~·IMiy t.ht pt"lll·war prtvJiegca tor June ·21 W to:~ Melc>hn, ~ ouf IlOna. •HaJstead St .. PUa<lcna. Calif., per . FISCAl YEAR 1943-44 .' AJI lloc::. por. QriD~ adll <'11 111'n~ Nul'l 'l'r 6 Sav. DAnk ot l.ol An1•l• All llnc. ·.PQr. ul allr)' ..s,.) 12 ... t• A·· I& A·· 11 A·· 17 . A~IO 110 Sedan, 4 door. Excellent tires,· airfoam cushions, a lways covered: ra~io. F or the man who de- mands comfort. 1939 Pontiac Club Coupe. W6ndcrful condition. 1939 Ford {)(>Luxe Business Coupe. Blue upholstery. GoOO condltion. ·-1939 · Pontiac Station wagon. Comple{ely refinished. 1939 Ford SMan. ~t model 4-dr. Radio. good rubber. fac- tory finish shines Hke new. 1931 Chevrolet Two-door Sedan. A nice automobOe. Four·door Phaeton. Good tires, motor. 1942 Ford Fordor. Super DeLuxe SediJ.ll. BJ'OW1l leather upholstery.. Radio. 1941 Chevrolet Spc.'<:ial DeLuxt-Busines." CnUJX'· li~ht grey paint. '1941 Hudson Sc<lf\n. Exc{'llent ti~. new paint. Very eco- nomical. Low mileage. . . ' 1.941 Oldsmo~ile Tw<Hioor. Six cylinder. Beautiful pre;-war ru~ ber, radio, spotless Inside and out. 1935 Ford Tudor. Not the best 1n the \\lorld, but will make a good work car . 19~7 Plymouth · Coujx>. Good paint and t irC's, smooth m o t o r pi(ont y or spact> in the rear .. would mnk., ~weli pickup. ' 1941 Plymoutlt 1931 Ford Clu& Cabriolet. Radio. .. Model A Tudor Sedan. , sweJI tires and power tQP Gooa tires and t'xcellent likt-new. _ __ condition throughout. 1941 Willys Seaan. Overdrive. Exceptional mil~. 1938 Iuick Model "41'• 4~oor tour- Ing !ledan. Ford Tudor · 1930 Model A. 1928 Buick Four-door Sedan. Transportation. 1 Cul.bertson Chevrolet Co. ~~~ 8ALE8 AND u:RVICE ......... o-vat owner to build r ne 1tory 3 room dw~lllng. ~ 36lh St .. •300. J~me 27-F 8. Kyle, 123 Opal Ave .. OWner to I"Onverl a garage att.acbed to dweUinl Into two bed· STATE 01-~ CAI.IFORNJA COUNTY OF OllANGE R&8lJ8. OF OOIIONA DD. IIA& Hurl.-.w, .. 'nodi:. roo1Jl8, 1400. · Cl'Pif 05" NEWPORT BEAnt l-3n .. t11:11. Gl't'flvllle A.. Sr. ~II. <Mtt¥We A. ... • Y CIUIII:, f: 1\t. I. R. R. llod~;kln··•n. R-E'l-<mklu TllK C"oUI"CftW. In Jtnd fur tht-nty Ynllnl,!, ~ M ELECTRICAL PERMITI of N{'WJ)Ort 1\t·!l•·h. < 111mt y ur nrnn~;r, St l'llr of C.llfoml~t, 1 I .. •) II, nww•rrn M • Junt 2.f Hat· Wt"l•. per OWMT, • HERE'RY C':JVI': J'I:OTtet; tt1111, drfltult tun-inc ~ m~tdf-In ltw Uu\•<1, Uurwno M l Pa cific Or COM · ~~1ymt>nl or l/1'1•'' nnfl n•"f',•m••nl• d1u• '" ttw> City of N t..,.•pnrt fl<•nd1 \\ull-llt·uluh • _ . ' "'lht fi!K'nl \('ll r •·mhn~t J urn• 301h J!H4. upon thto pm prtty h••n•l11 S't n •l•l•·. 1-. 1. ' N&ly 10' 8Eir ICY Nf-::1y :l'J il' NJ.:Ir ~ I PLUMBING PERMITI 11fll'r dHcnh•·•l. un•l lhnl, unit•-.< 0\.UI•I lll'l'll 1tnd a.~-~mrnt11 ""·.trJin st1uhlo• Jo; l. J . :qurnt. tOJ:t'lhrr \\lth nil ~nnll tl'< nml ,...,..,., tfl.w !trrHW~. br Jlnhl nt ""' , un~ ,22 H [, Jotmaon. 2811 'T~I'C Collf"CHor·, Urfll't' In lht' City Jl:rll. ron ~ hrf~f' t-'nrlny. J11n1• :\11 ' \\>lila \\:ay Hnme Eltetl"lc, r om-1~14. AT TJ-::"11 ()'('1.1 )('K A M .. r thut d'l), all ol J>nHt IH .. l!N'I ly l1o· ' ('()KONA f)F.J. MAR a • Ia 1 9 ID •• lit m~rclal. v·11hrd In th•· wtthtn 11•1 "n v.hwh ·'·'"' la'CI"\ 11nft ~~~~'"'"'""''· 1••rull ,.,,.,,.,., N~tl '1 ·r·, lit Snv l\irnl< of Lc .. Anr,••l• .. I Jun .. 22 Mn r Mary T H1111ta '''" and CO!CIS nro• th• n ~lnJ•II•I. v.l~ "" tl..-rlilll' and "'" hn~ Ahuv•· ('''"''"' S .cr'l .1,, If, Suv l licnk eof 1_.,. ~~~.l,.!11 :: 1807 W Centrol Ave Olackllea•l 'l"rlfie<l UY (II'E itt\'I'HI:'\' 111 l.t\ \', ,.,. "'ltl 10 lh•• <'•~ "' •·v.r;u r c'cllto 11, 1\.•t'l T 1 If, S11v llnhk "' •~• t\u.:.-1•·". f!J dw~lllng. . . t t.·~rh. an d th-.t '""''''"'' "'lll~<•tu.rlt•·tt\ ""' OFJo'(Ct: ···nu-: ''AX''''"''" :"llul'l'f'• 1(, Suv HHnk ul l,o•~ An~:•·ll·ll ·~ I n •LLF'..Cro n or '-~"'' 1'11 ~ c '" '"'"' Nu•'l T• lfl S11v 1\nnk or t.r. Alltrl'lf'!' 194• f( H ll(.tiW;K I:-ISON, Swiy Ui ·. 'I . t:'l·l Hllt'l" 'I'. I\ 1 '11llo•Mnr of Nt•"TJ)Of;t n.-n.-tT, ('nllr .. m lu So•~:• 11o .. r ,1 t\u..;11,1 v 'I1 :r~ 1.1 20 TIDE TABLES ~t:\\'I>I)I•T 8t'"'('ll TRACT 1111\ v .. lno•y I. n -' " J ' C'u11ull ,f1111o• JUNE High Low 30 6:00 12:29 tfl<:'h Low' A........, u"n"' 6 :14 _., ... L.nndflcld. J.". L. • 1 2 3 4 3.2 1.6 7:08 ,.3 8 .03 3.t 8:51 3.6 9:34 3.8 JULY 1:17 1.0 1:67 O.t 2:35 -0,1 3:14 -0.8 s.o 1:41 '5.4 7:23 5.1 7:SI 6.2 I :H ••• I 12:13 r-;.,ylor, ~. U ! ~lr)'lor, Ida P. 12.ss t-;aylor, Ida P. z.o 1 Naylor, Ida I' 1 ::tS I 2.0 1 RHt. Roy F..rrw-st 2:11 J)oylft, 1'hdrnu 0 . 2.0 M4,5~. Ralph P. Wd. r, 10:18 3:63 a :1) 1:00 WIIIJunlon, li~rlx-rt E. ' U -1.0 1.1 1.0 A$tMW Edward C tNew 411yll-"t • .,, .. U..) NarpU, ltlarM E. I.AKt: TRACT AU fu. eU ('ANAL SY...cTION r.._.,.. placid 1a C~Ner of~-LANCARTI'.R ADDmON L.tctu fl..,_ L 111.: dutt new-._ a P att.enlon, Elmt>r Pat tft'IOn. ElrDrr T otal 1 'II\ ul No'\'l"'' I ll<••u•h I:Ot BIOC'II .... u,. t .,, ) ,.f No·\\ 1• oil ll<·ul'h 3 ~ 'urr,·;~ s.-y ................. 1·" I) lQ ·'130 1 I 130 12) 130 lll 2 " 9 I 2 1 1 2 :\.U 331 $ ' ('tty "' l'o·\'1"''' 114>nrh And•' I"' •n, F "'•·m'f• , 4 1, I Hl'ltll I 1utrll·• 1. '/ llo·11ll, c 1\Hrfl.,. I. 41!.1 1fl.l·lu Tul'll', t\IJlhllll"'' 7 Hot llo-lie T l•rt••, Allllcc~nrw•. j llrowtr,( hoo•nf .( .. 1 C"1 1 y' c.f N•·wpwot f\f•n•·h p 4,1 I t."ll ) 11r N•·w1••rt _llrnt:h 4!0 ftll SmtU• .. ltohn llurry . "' K1111JC, Marl<lfl I .CIItl~~t• t:l ff I r tt y nf N••WJXII J 114•nc·h t:\.:u c ·u y of N••w1"*t u .. m 64" 11..-·vlrw-John ~.9-1 AllhAu'•. Krnnt'lh L AlthMua Kc•nrwt h L <'lly ol Nrwpurt ll••llril ~~I t ·n y ur N,.....1,orc IS.•11m df-Ia Tom•, AIJih•.n,.,. 4 e 18 :n :n 10 I :I 18 11 13 4» 2'J 1 ao 20 It 4 20 22 II 17 18 21 II At • o--r Gardrwr. F. M. Gardrwrl F. M. Jngl-...of • Jowph et al Sch~Wnwald. J{arry • Davla, wnuarn E. Telal I cit• In Turr•·. Ala.ti0flll4• .......... 1 Sc-ll.:lr, John A 1M ....,. •.-coy / S.•ll[lr, Jtlhn A 12 uo "15 S..lc l•', J•lhn A I HtA.TIO!'IJ B McOM-ystaJ, Edna 1:. Tl{i\CT f.i26 A(;ltt~Afit~ St•hoenwald. 138al•· l.t1t ;,t, ' ~II 'tt '" I /IC l. :lR.fl-1 H ~.;-~I :-;I y uf I I&Jdl.oo lid 1.1;. IJY Villa \' ny Ext ll 't\11('~;1, :O:n :1:_!1 13 4:wl f\ 1!\ Strltnllhl\n, A~en,... ~ 14 4.10 6 1~, Slr~tnuhnn. A~n•'ll ~ 4 • 1 18 t.ll 1 ff.l Mt"( '11trluw. fo.1IJ1 h II II 5.'l0 6 I ;, l 16 ""~I TUAC-T S2a (Coroaa del liar) J•r~rriJ,.·k. J•..,·ph II •·t 111 All '""· IIW')'.I 4 M'""'"'· Wlllllln• M'"'"''· Wtlh11m I llwuw fo:11rh• I; TUA(.,'T C70 (Coront del liar) All ft!JI.llwy.) 1 All f "" llwy I :l 41 .!'I r.,1 ACKY.AOE I l-'11rlw• IIJc rwv .1 ~Ely :~5· of NW M~' I NtJ rtf ' • C•, Htl.) llr•••k•l•ll•·. WloYr••· l r,t••l(, lui 1/.or ur ••lr'f' wa-; 9 :IH ul111nd. I h<. SW1y hy I Ilk 8 A A B 0 14~ !1&.31 u• 5.6t W HEN Funttlonal t;fenov• lJ11turbanc" 1uch u SIHpo lneneu, C[ankinn1, EadtebllltJ, R"tlt"'~n~• or Nenou• Uudeche lnterff're with .Jour work br 1poU )'Our ~ood tim~•. take Tr •pp, V~c A. Jrr•·~: 1"' '" : mr· :'If Il l \¥) pnr "' 11flt "·'lf• n It :!1' fi 10 95 N WI\ ,,( I(Hh St t•,xt I I 1, NWiy hy (•KI Wly lint• nr llo•&onla lw ,- Dr. lll .. llnlle f {U.e~W" w -u;r,_e•t Ta . Nenoae Tenelon ean make 7011 1 WabfaL JIU.ery, lnlt.able. Nero •-TtneiOft ean e&IIM .,.,..._ He ... ~ a.nd Nen-l .. lree- U... Ia tim• like th--. we u.. ._. lihl1 U..a ....t to betom1 W¥Wwrvurbt aac1 Der90U8 ..s •• wt.aa fw a pod Mdallft. fir. lllJee !f~IM II a ,00. ..... ,.., --mil4 ... ..r.u..... . U ,.. M DOt .. Dr. Jfn. NerTine ,_ ea~~'t kM'Ir wW 'I& nn1l !l:l IH o.;\\'ly ••'-(\·nit ral Av•· F.AST NJ;"'I'OICT Sullivan, Mary El!f'n On,...., Wall~ IJ t·l • .1 lA 19 · Sub. of Rlk. A. t"A.at Newport v • odcril, twx B. Jr ~~ Vr",t l, John F . NT.l\'I'OKT BA l' TRACT P l,.mawr. Allthony K ~ PI •rnriWf', Alllhony K Tht lft'lllltCI", ,p.rey c. .. 8itb of lllk. c. Mewport llaJ ~ wiD de fw .7"-I& ...,.... • G11 ''· I. F 1Jqul4 and Ua•llllkloiGt TaW.& . f7 TRA(,'T .10110 'form, botJa eqaa~~, IMOdtlnc te N•.wp1 Harbor c.o.,. ._ and ...... ~ Mn ... WBT DON'T YOU TaT IT t 1'.-& Side AddiUoe t. ... I & TIM& Get it ., , •• , ........... f (and .()Mu ~ Mj.) 1:•en.-et11t ta1eta ., ... , .. ,1 p04 wr r...dwtn 1 UqaW ..... 11M. a...1 • .,..._ ~1 w' ........ Wlt ~ I u... _. --tF • ......_ ~..,.; l:dwlfl fA.dJ. Lou 7 • W% Lot h Y NWIYW~ WJ ad . 1 H A A. :\ 3 • (: lti';.HI'U. CW ~fl;(;"J10N 1-BAI.JIOA I8LAHD I K•fk~. ( '~alii•· s. •·I Ill JS • N"" l'nmh, f.HI'I:I < • ••t Ill • 7 ll ~~.l · !itJtf1 f KU:T1(.JN 2--IJ"I.BOA ISlAND ~rruth, (;,~, W ' 1~ I llluo·1. ~ V 11 :lfl tf1 • KFLTION S-B~~A ISlAND :tJ~..:I I M•II~ tlorry II . 8 ~~~·vc•11<, J l'aul 18 • Marlltlall. 1\Ay V 1J ~ 10 Ha•wr. t:u&rrw-A 30 1:\ :n to~l.)r••y. J U•·•' •·t 111 ~ U1 1~1 c ·lllolw .. ll. Mllllllrr1 A 12 MtX'TIUN 4-BALIIOA l8lA.ND 3 • )5 18 18 1.1 11 lt :U..,. Naylor, Jo'r1ln)t I U lfAITilltlf'l, J•n<· w N~ ~ 22 " un 79 . All JJroPfMY hN'•·•~o,. tletlcribl;od Ia ldtuated In .U. 01 IumlA at t)w <-1TY I W Nl-:'fPO RT 8EA(.11, COUNTY OP' Cl 41.3'J 20M 9.U '4~ 38.1 lt' 7 • oRATE OF C ALJt'OHNIA. • , ; :w til Dall!d thh• ••lghlh da)' at JWM', l!M4. .. ... • t .:U R. fl. JK)I)GKINIJON, . 1.421 ~·Offldo Ta Co&Wtor, "~ ......... A ... IJ"Ubliahed Jun•· H, \5, 22; 29: lett ...... II ... . • • .... I ' ~EWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES, Newport Heach, California, Thunday, June 29, 1944 -:~tl!e, /letiJIJ' 16/ullf~t?m dfl!lllit tiJ JP!(t -- .... 1+---- ·- Qpen Y ~ur ~oor and· Your · Heart to Them • . W"O IS THE VICTORY VOLUNTEER? He (or she) i8 someone in your locality- • maybe a cloee neighbor or a frie!'dw~o baa ~olunteered to wor,k for t~e 5th_ war -Loan drive • • • One of theae volunteers may eall at your home or· place of w~rk soon ON THE MOST IMPORT ANT MISSION OF THE HOUR! -r Ameriea hu asked you before tO do SOMETHING E.:&mA to .. smash Hitler. and Tojo. In tlala FIFtH ·WAR WAN DRIV~ you're asked to go-ALL -OUT with every dollar you can ~rape up-f• war expenditure. are IJ'eater now than at any time since· Pearl Harbor. DOUBLE your atra W• .Bond inYeatment& Buy at least .one extra Bond NOW. lnve8t $100, $200, $300, $400 -.... u,.. ..... . . by the Patriotic Citizezns and Fir ms l.;isted on This Pag.e Sportland Bowling Center . Croft and Neville Port of Seven Seas • Main s~ 1201 Coa~t Highway. ' Newport &>ach Boat Landing ...,_ ~: ewport BM"Ch 2402 ~ Bont Sales-Marine Ways "· Richard Seeley 81 7 Coast High,way Newport Beach Bayside Fiah M..-ket Photographt>r ~ 8ft~ .Lafayette Newport Beech • 218 Marine Avenll(l, · Balboa Island ' . &celaior Creamery · 8uiCa AM · . cautomJa Eugene Elliott Real E8tat~. . . Ph. NA'J)()rt Beach 38 501 E. Central. Balboa. Eat.ab. 1924 Lindy's Pool Hall For Amuscmt'nl & Relaxation ~ • -Play PooJ ' Raweon'a Cafe ' 1015 Oout Ht,hway, · N~ Beach ... Newport Beech 2084-J ' B'DOmea · Addle A ~ Beddome • _aDO ac.. ~t N~rt ~ch ' I Rlelaard8on Tooline Ptoducta 210 ~ l Balboa . I"DOIIIf Nftport Beach 131 Balboa McNally's Boat Livery 705 Bay Front· Ph~ N~rt RE-ach 406 Market Spot Anton Ht>rshey 200 Ma rine J\ve., Balboo ll'land . Wanda's Beauty Salon . , Toni manton, Managtr 215~/:! Marlnt> Ave. Ph. N~wport &-ac.h 3AA Orkin's Department Store 179.1 t:Jewpor1 Blvd. Ca.ta ~ Balboa Marine HardlVare 911 CoRst l~ighway Ph. N8port Beach 184 R. W. McClellan & Sons Rocks nnd Tnicldna ~6 17 WE.'st Central Avenue ,. . I -_-,._ Ya, lt'l IIDportaat This war is mounting in fury every. minute-as our fighting men 'plunge into the biggest and bl~iest battle of history. The men who fought and bled and died for you haven't hesitated. Only by answering "yes" to the Vidor)' Volunteer--only by investing to -the-limit -ean you-come at a[sJose to matching their -spirit. - Here's What Uncle Sam Offers You in the 5th War Loan: The" ''basket" of ~urities to be sold und('r the direction of the State Wnr Finance committees during the Fifth Wa r Loan con- sists of eight individual issue!;i. I Th CS<' issucs :'Ire d£'signed to fit'thc investment need£ of every JX'I'SOn with mon<'y to iny£'st. · · · The Offering Includes: '{:( Series E. F an_d G Savio~ '(;:{ 2'k BondS of 1952--5-1 bond!'! . ,--f,{,I Ya '}',Not~.Serl4"8 8-1947- -{:r Serit>S c Savings No~. * r~'!r Certificates of -{:( 2 Y.!% Bond~ of 196i>-'70 Jndf'lltNinPAA .. J·.-S. ·Barrett Construction Co. · r"'nf"rnJ Contrnctor.::t ' ~ 1:100 State Highway P h. Npt. Bch. 2464 I 1 l•'ood Basket · 1812 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa . . ~. & ~""'. Sales Company 2139 South Main St. · Santa Ana -Sherwin~ Williams Paint Co. DAIIloa P aint St()re · u Ph0ne NPwport Beach 101- 700 E. Bay A vc. Balboa Fran' Showalter Santa Ana Callfomla Lido Theatre Central Ave., Newport Beach Walter S. Spicer, Dolng BusineiB u · Bay District Lumber Co • ·The Doll House . Newport • Balboa Palm Sprlnp Ocean Front Market Geo. Peterson ! ~-Taylor r.I'Ot'erles -MeatJ Culbertaon Chevrolet Co. Otto CuJ~rtlon. Owner Balboa Yaoht Buin 0 . A. Haley •· Palisade~ Road . Ph. ,Newport Bea~h 500 Bay Shore Camp & Cafe Heinz Kaiser 518 State Highway at the ~ Costa Mesa -Lumber Co. , Costa Mesa, Callf. · Corona del Mar Cafe _ . Fonn~ly Rossi's -~ll._Cou:_t ~ghway . Ph. Nwpt Beach 1961 "The Arthes" "Just a Uttle Better" Cocklall Lounge and Cafe Coast Highway at ~ewport Blvd. .Van Camp's Sea Food Co., lne. Tenninal Island CaUfomJa . ' . \ .J..a~~ It=-:::=::=:::::--·-~Ie! Q-Rio Shoppe Conrad Richter, M. D., P)ly~iri:ln and Surgeon-107 22nd St. R~lrlc'nl'f'-717 W . Central Ave. • 4 Coast Highway Newport Beach South Coast Co. 2920 W. Central Ave: "N"'POrt I!Nt'h / ../ Boyd's Gilmore ,8erv~ · Station 1!500 Wat Central Avenue Lowman Boat Builders fll Newport Blvd. · Costa Mesa ~Newport 501 . , · Je~lry nnd Gifts 205 Maln St. . "R:llbon Dr. M. ]). Crawford Optomf'trist 1797 Newport BI\"Ci. Channt>l Boat Co. 1215 Coost Highway Pb. !'lpt. Brh:·l6..~ A. B.l\lcCollum Lido Isle Cuino Cafe •llaln street Balboa. Calif.. · Sam's Sea Food Cafe Ph. Off. 13~-Rcs. 74. Newport Beacb Trickev's Real Estate 30~ Palm • · l'hon<' ~cwport Beach 158 301 Main . llalhoa Theatre R<~lhoa.. Callf. Way's Market Phone 85 Balboa Balboa . \ 1.... . -Sawyer-8port: Shop Phone Newport Beacn "576 207 Marine Ave. Balboa Island Gus's Sea Shell Cafe 601 E. Central Robert V. Staats Co. Shipbuilders Sal boa 625 Con!'t Highway Newport Beach . ..:,. . fbone N~ ~ 779-M 2501 Coast Highway &>al Bea<'h ·· Harold K. Grauel Chapel ·nr. G. E. Tohill Island Realty Co. Stag Cafe&. Bar , "Wl' Oun;('lves the Be«er ~tve Jlb)'llldan 6 SUrpcm· . Ree.l Estate -lnlurance ·Notary 2ht Place and Cout Blvd. By Sen i ng Others Best ' 2209 ~ Ph. New~ Beedla.w 201 Agate Ave. Balboa Island Newport ~ch 1 CalifOI"'llA Phone Newport 561 Costa .Meosa. "Callforni" Til" Ia fftcial U. S. Treasury Actvertt~ement Prepared Under Auspice$ of Treasury Department and War A4yertisin& Council -·· Yacht and Shipbullder1 Newport Ice.& Cold'S torage Co. 410 Thirtieth St., Newport Beach Kenneth E. Wilson Co. Chris:craft · • Chrysler Marine Engines Runnbout~. Utility Boats, Cnli~ef'll. Motor Yacht• 925 Coast Highway P h . Newport Beach 584 ' W. T. Jefferson 212 'Oceru\ Blvd. Cor~ del Mar Vallely Boat Rentals Edgewater at Palm Ave .• Balboa Opa 1 & South Bay Balboa I.slaacl "L.. . , I NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TDI,:S, Ne~ Beach, California, Thunday, Jun_e_29.....;..' ..;;;.194.;...;...4 _______________ .....,;,;.,,_;;;;~ ... ::;::_ • ~~---:;;~~:,.,--.:!I .EWS-TIMES CLASSIFIED OP.PORTUIITIIS n:~:::"to,.~~; .. :u,.~:..;::ue.r::::• • lEAD FOI PIOFIT • • 11E FO'I IEIILTS ~ • ~ wu llll,.....an. aotll and Mftl-unuaDJ t II• rea ft~ -------------------....:.· _____ :_ __ :..._ __ ....:.. ___ _;_ ______________ _ bou... m • • t t D r •pe.r'atety o.' which rate ol lnt"'"' lhaD a. •tel I . GLYIH6 AT HIGH ALTITUPI!S CAUSES VISUAL Dt.STURBANCU lH SOMI! PER.aOHS. eoune were~ ln prayer by tbeJr termlMd upon the •I• ol PUBLIC NOTIC .. S BOATS. SUPPLIIII IUtAL I:II'I'A'l'B ' • boncl&. at the otnc. ol ttw '1'Ne:J-"" ----------------~ptalna. and t. • member• ol o1 0ranp County c.Jtfomla BOA T8 Bot. Sold aDd Traded FOR SAI..&- both bou•• f.tood al'-:'tlv, r.nd ur;kf bonds are ~ hundn'd mnklntt of altC'I'fttioos 1'\r tutdltluna Manne tenrtnee antt .,."1a then .~p8t~ tbe Lord a .. Pr~yer. (1()()) In numb6. of One ThoUSand to the ~ool bulldlnlt or bulhtlnl:l'. MARlNk: BAL..,Ault AND The one·m nute ~chC'a 91lllch Dollars c•l.OOO.OO> each, peyable ot~r th11n sum us may tx-MCC-s· MP'O. CO. nrecede each •• on, _.,..e<' m r,. as folJowl· .. ry for ('UITfnt malntl'nAnt'\'. np· 3oeG w. Omtral Ave. Pb. ISM·W like pn.yera. Ma.-and 11pe<'lal Bonds No. 1 to 5 lnclualv•. trntlon llr l"'t'pltlN_ tlu• n•JWilrlnr. Newport &eacll. ~U arrvlcee ..,,.,. hC''d In th~ t"u~ll "' On«-Thou~ Dolla~ each. tc> ""'torln~t, or r..bulhlln& of llr\) H.lf<' We walt for more oewa wtt'l t.ht' run 1 yt'ar: 1Chrol bulldln~o: damiiJtt'<i lnjUnod BOA1'8 ro-R-S-ALJC 18 n • til.;, -.me aror'C'ly u do the folk• hack I Bonds N~ 8 \O tO mclusl've, or <let I'O)'rd by fire or ntht'r pub· n. center--board Mil boat buill "ome. There Ia a fHlln~t 11",. I One Thousand Dollars e ach, to lk l'lllamlty; \h«' aupplylnr of ..., Tom Dittmar, UMd one --that we may not yet have bcfon 2 IChool hulldings with fumltu"' or -7 run yeara: ape~. 12 n . Welctwood renin · f'\•llv lntnrm~ ,., t•e coeta o~ Ule 8onda Noe 11 to 15, lndualve. IM'C'I'SSIII)' appar utus of a pt'rma· board. ''60 1M2 Snipe. tna· Iandini!' ln kUieod and woundctl. I One ThoU~ Dollan t'&c:h, to n<'nt nlltun-thl' l'lf'nnanrnt lm· ~ny bull. 8&1la for all In reeornl .. the urcency of th~ need run 3 yean· pnwrf'n('nt of thf' 5Chool lrfOUndA. d 1 1 for cue In rele ... n• a-• whk l\ t .. _ .. _ N...:. 1• to 20, lnclualve,l 'nw l'l't)('('('<fin~o:s for the IMuan~ Jnod con It on. nqulre VIlla uunua ..-. v ol MarlDI. 42-tfc mllht lD any way rtve IDfurma· One ThoUSand Do1Jar'l •ach. to said bonds will .,. ~ubmlltrd lor . FOR 8Al..IC ln Curona del ...... r••mpl•h•ly lumlllht>d 1-bedrODID- hou• Lar&e Uvlnw room. nr. plar r . lilnC'tle, kitchen, I b4atba. eolf'C'. r.frll[, at ••Vf. 2·1'ar ,.,..., aunllf'o'k l'..-ulon Jul)' tr.. l'rl1•r Sl ,OOO Tunaa, Call' New· l'~<lrt nn.w or lnqulr.. Cor. Mar- l'••rtte and l"-al ltl~hway, C'or· OCia df-1 Mar. 6l·lfc AC.CORDINCI TO THe BETTER VISION INSTrTUTE. lliE L.OW AT'MOSPHIIAIC PRESSURES MAY TaMPORAAIL.V ReDt.Ja! SIGHT IN ONI! ~E. HENCE 'nil! exACTING TeSTS FOR THOSE ~I,M'I:a -wiNGS:" Uon to the eoemy, but t repnt run 4 yeara; ·approval lo O'Mf'lvtn)• nnd Myf'ra. o~RG~Q;. and b&lt ta~a; what 1 have M;Jc1 .veral Ume~ In · Bonds Noe. 21 to 25, tnC'Iualv•.lattq!'"ry.. of l.oo. An~o:l'll'l, ('all· rod and ,..Ia; br ... and l[al· FOil ~AU: ln Curona del Mar, n .. ,.,. atlrat lln 2·b.droom hu•-. n1mrletely t umlahed. 1111~ lnf'<llal• pt-a.lon, Jtt,ll\0 Call "T2-W . t•r Inquire l.'nr. Mar- a u••tlll' IUiol C<'Ut Hlcllway. L\ttl'na 1IPI Mar. 4t·U c P'OR I'ALID-PortAble ..,.,...,.... thla column: tb,. 'American people OM ~ Dollan each ,to , fomta, und lh~ orlnion of ~~aid 111· vanlud piJW and plre fltllna. can lake lt. t do not like the Idea run 5 yean: 1 tom<')S wtll_ Ill' fumlshcod to the General Martne f'q\llpment 1301 VlrtorniL Ooocl ~ ft-. ,..~ ~" 1014. ne o1 havlni anyone adJual the Dewa1 Bonda Noe. 26 to 30. lnclualw. 'tul'l't'Ssful btdd1•r wlthoot chaf1tt', Cout Hlchway, N•wport "''Olt HALF. Attract&;; wa~ -·-~-...------JOR IAI.. AOI'Oe . ·ava 0£FTLV APPLIEO, OFTEN ENHAHCU THI! SPARKLI! ANO VIVAQTY 01' FEMIN1r"4E EVI!S. to Y.h&t be th.lnka we o~JCbt to toe One Thousand DoUan Hd\, to All bids mu.~t bt• unrondiUonal. 'Beach. •tc fnlnt hom•. lmme41ate pu. told. -·n" -rs·, A Cf'rtlflt'd or. t'alil\ltr'• chf'clc waalllft •o-n. -1vate '-at"' •u v .,~-1 roR aA.~..&---34·ft.. ''Oor(lU\y;" ... ... It Ia a curloua t.h1nr that a aul'· BOnda Noa. 31 to 35. Inclusive, or a sum not lrsll than th~ JW'f" With plu and allp. 3·bedroama vey made recently ahoold :~ave One ~d Dollan each, to Ct'nt (3~ I of 'he per value ot the Good c~ltiOD. r'\ahln& nr 111111 rnahl'a rOCim, 3 'balba. WOil· -om• to my ciUik duriDr the de· run 7 yeara: · bonds ~1!1 for. Pft}'able to the of'kor pleaau"'. '700 242e Santa Alla derful locat)<ln f'rice 118,000. t.te oa the QPA Bill The quee· Bonds Noe. 36 to 40, lnclualvr, ol lht l'h·II~UI"'t'r of thf' County of Ave .. eo.ta M.-. IM).JtC' untumlahf'd Uon waa --~ Ill all pert. of th,. One 1boUiand Oollan each, to Orllnttr , must l l"rompany f'lch bid, roR BAIJZ 41-n. canvu Kayak, ' F.AIU.. W. STA.Jfl.&Y I H.S .. "Should OPA pr1ce contro run 8 y•ars: all 1'-.:wtl'ftnti'C' that the bl~r. If '1&.00. 11 &e&ron Bay.' NC'W· 226 Martn• Ave Balboa llland be coaftDed to .... ntlalaT" v.,.,., Bonds No.. 41 to .S, Inclusive. IU<."Cf"!'-'!tul, wm accept and pay for port U.Ch. M ttc l'hone N•wport tilt 6te recall tbla Ia Qlle ot tbe th1np 1 One 'Thousand DoUana eech. to Mid. bonitA In accordanc-. with tbf' han Ulk~ about Tbe job wu run 9 yean; IC'rms ol aald bonds, and •uc:h TRANSPOa'J'AftON .WJIAT WlLL YOU omn f~ _0 much bettu don~ In World War Bonds Noe. 46 to ~. l.nc:luaive. choi'('d k1'sht1ll l"f'mllin In 1~ hands of lhla ran1·b In Onel.a M-T '.a • f t.. , __ ... lnt _. ...._ln'-One 'Ibouland 0o11ar1 "~tach, to u n-nsul"'t'r until .. 1 of aaJd BJCYCLrB-IIold, ren~ or n-arr..a ot rlrh aoU, tenced In ~ r,m, ,.., ........ pc Ul ..... ..... run 10 yean· bonds Bl"'t' fllld tor. nw Board of Patrad Voc-1'1, 106 Mai.D Ill.. with hoc wtr., &ood water aad I tratlve dd~la. ODe rwuon Ia. It Bondi N ' 51 t ~ lnc:luaJve SUPf'I'VIlllll"!i f'H('f'W'I the rlfh t to Balboa aa4 101 Marta. Aveaua. plent.y ot p,....are, houee bu wu confined to -tlala. Tbla OM ~ ~· each t • rt'jf'ct Kny and aU bkta. Balboa lal&Dd. ti·Ut I bectroama and 1a turrUI!bM, .,Ia what UM people tb1n.k about It 11 • • . • ' 0 Tht' total val.J,Ulllon o1 tauble lncludlnJ dK. re -· run yeen, . MOTORCYCUC roR S.A.l.lt Har· eO, t •. red "Y " 8oDda Noa. 58 to f)O, lnclutJve, ~Y within uJd Nf'WPOrt ley pav~. alncte, 1,32 moct.l, ran&f AU II vee trtaerator and \ock I ll Wlpi tt pc-ea •. . per cen auwe N ea ... One ,'fhoUiand Dollnn ~h. to Beech. 8c:hool etstnc.. ht •ld rood tl:::.:-. ''a.A· .. , .. ••th a·t., dMI. l miiMMUI St.S per cent a.rwwtrad Mo. ND U yeen: Ocalaly o( Oraft&", S tate ot Call· ·-"" v u ..,. l"ttone NI!Wrnrt I d More I.D~eral -•~1 w~-UINe ,:v:OI'I Bondi NCII: 61 to IS, II 2 , 0• ........ Ia Elevf'n Million. NIM ~O~m.-~bp. mc:au bek::np FOH 8Al.E c--an it anybody ~ they art'n't I'80JT&P c ... y. n ...... •· One ~ ~ • _~ty-Six ThooMnd. ----~CUed. ht: believn that'a a "Iotta land 8tatae It wu &T.t per:. cent 13 yean· ThrM Hundred FUtt'f'n Dollan HELP WANTED rome property, 8T2·W ··~e del Mar ... four coml:!: I hooey". ~ Ga~trs are leavtnc Tee aad 42.1 per ceat No: lD t~ Bonds N~. a te '7Q, IDePuclw. CP1.1'71.315.00), and th" lhf' total and aepa'rti\e b'bu the Balboa Peninsula (or a home 8outb .It . wu 4r..8 per ceDt Y.-0rw Thouaarid Dollan ..c:b. to amount ol the ouutandln& bonck-d H~ wANTED lilly or man 11•1•· On. unit on the Heijthts. • 1 and 64.2 per cast No; the averq-e run 14 yean: lndebt.eodnea or aald School Dh•·1 lnterealeli In wnrkln;: ln. • nura. lla\'e •·all and 1 for all th~ Weet wu 80.0 per eet Bonds NOll. 11 to '7'5, Jnelllltft. tric:t la OM HllnCSN!d Seven . ery. Norman NurMrtra. t30T •~•oh unit h ... -00 turalalwd. all nOM fum~•. two &Adrooma, per mo Price t AUV WAft aONOI Yea and 40.0 J>f'r cent. No. But Onf' Thousand Dollars tach, to Thousand Dollara Cl107.000.00l eo.at HIJbway. c0 ,,.111 del lnromt' 1182 00 Cp l Ch F G b k h , for the_ P a.cfrrc C an. the-pen:e!1·t run 15 )'MI'S' _. By order of the Board of SuJ)('r-Mar 4IHfc 120.000. 1'urua rt ·t as. · .11hl:l"t.h aci ·f om<' 1 til rea were 81 ~ per cfllt Yea and 1 Bonds N~ T& to 80 lnclwtve. ¥tsoni of Oranae County, catl· · t1T2-W. a P" WO YPIH'S Wtl P I' ~ nrr,.~ · ' ' f 1 J 6 944 WANTED MIUl tor clrr1ral po: - Cpl. Gage Says It's No Fun 8eeintt Qi~ Bombs Smash Call Newport 4t·UC, in Eu~ was bUiy htolplnt' hll' FOR INSURANCE IE.E 18.5 per· ct~nt No. 'MIC' Weet atlll One Thouund Ooll&n each, to I om t' UrM' • 1 B s m altlon. Inquire J>o.lmut•r New· I"'il SALE I ha famlly ~ Thul"'day momlni' H d W G . b lhlnka for llaelt run 16 yt-ars; IS ALl . J . M I. C acatte,...,l I, :r. d sa h I d t .._, 1 k-d OW&r • e,l"ll Th~ -reuon Ia tbe attempt to Bon<b No. 81 to 85 lndualve, County Cll'rk and t>x·orfldo IJMt De&ch, allf. ~'~I' nn ys e s Ul\1' 10 Hfl 1ft • • Cl rk f h Be rd f s lllo f'ut•r·· Mubdlvla of stuff as he was alwavs movm ·2618 W. Central Ave. frMze prlcu on more than 8 mil· One Thou~~and Dolla~ each, lol e o ' .. J& o upc-rv " FOR SALE--ror ,__ablt' t thin~ ln the war . g lion artlcln. Tbe rer\lallooa for run 17 Y<'a rs: ol Orang<' County, Calllom ln. MI8CELLAND>U8 w.n ...... 2202 W Younr;t Cagl' w'ho ts a lmost the Newport Beach, Ci:allt. the-foodJI alon .. are u t lmatf'\1 to Dond<~ N~. 86 to 90, inclualvf'. Pvbllsh NC'wport·Oalboa Nt>Wa-1 Nrwport lkac.h. lma~<' of hls frrr;· opl'ralln~:l Phone.•Sl lcovt'r 7.800 p.'t.gra. each page nf Onf' Thousund Dollars ,.~h, to 11"1mt-Jt Junf' 1:\,15,20 Z!. Z7 and1.,.0 H S AU: L. c• Rmllh ivr>"- fnther, Floyd ha'~ bt't•n ;~,..cnPml.ll'r r.hnut 2.000 Wl'f'()& Of Vl'ry tine run 18 Yt'Rrs; • . 129• ~4 "r1t••r <'nil ut Hnll'lttll l'av\llnn 1 • ,C08TA 11J:8A or llil' ground crt>w-.. ot a' ftght .. r -Automobile. • Fire pnnt Tlle.-.e ue In mor• than 15 llondoc Nos. !11 to 95, lilc:lualve -.. ..rn••• nr "rll•· I' 'I lime ~~~~~. 6.70 acr .. at t700 unit in" ltnly and• ri~Wh<'rl' anrl voh.m..-.. That's 1:1.6i(),OOO ~wl'lrd•~ One .Thou.o;nnd Dollars <'llch, to llnlh"" !'>O·~'lc Nuwpor1 •lvd. w -----ve el&ht loti, and 3, In lAD- lon. Owner ukl tffl'r. Lew ft. . .. (..'eatral Av.,,, I'M~e 3. IIO·:lt'( - per Hre eft alklnt dleta- l1trlct. .. erfMt P'OR ftAi:&-=lN. -O...n.a.t .. diUI. Good tondiUo. til ......... OIIL 1nqul ... 600 IIlii at., N .... port Beacl\, .. ,.. ... - pi\OM um-R ~ wANT TO 8UY -Aut ... SC maklalf ~r n .t... to ,..; lm. Ooc>cl pne. tw l!Pt eer troq~ ...etatM OWMr. ~ rtu~ Newport 1m. ll·tte DOOll, ()A'I'I a P.:nJ J'OK llAL& A peclipl.ecl .... ..... ,...,.. ,...... ~ _Be!lrh Tl". ..... "ANftD '1'0 1&\a UO BOJifU8 fW lllfwaatlol6 i;& m. to '"'t.aJ ot l·'*lroooi .... nlatled bouaa wttllla 10 ..... fit 8uta Ana A,..y Att ... ~ tor Jun. ,30. Will pay up to tt• IDOI'IUII.1. PbOile N"'JOI't .....,. ..... WAJifTIID TO 1\DT !.. .J ._ 2 , t.hroortt lept. 10. a.dl ....., "" "''•an fl'onl I bed,._.., W.. ltabte famtly. Wtll s-1 -. MUon. U. D. Kll••r. lt..; .... "~ 1, l'ILMdellll. Oallt. • ..... IAltln' AND JI'Oiiim J"'liND ·Top--;,-....,., ,.. tun IM'II oil Newport ....... br'd .... l'bone Newport IT4..:W. has bt.>cn on ldve for 5('Veral A~cident e Life if you rnrC' to fllt'Ure It ouL Who run 19 )"t'IU',~ -' f,.om Bualnt .. o w~ks. -en 3uly 8 h<' mu!lt noport •. · ru<la t'lrm., Pity lhr local ot· Rond-. Nos. 96 to lOO, inc:lw.t\11', tocattDn ••,.•futu ~ lutl·~. ----~-u-u. to Sarrta Monica for duty. LlceJUie and Corit.nct f lcfl! Onl' Thousand Dolii\J"S each to "A.Lf'H f'. M He 5ays It's no 1\Jn watc·hm~ thP u •• nde Written Take-fruit cake for example: run 20 Y<'ll i"S. HN.Il AIKI.Y btg born~ 8mash all around .P>U. Thl' lnsln.lcllorut to balcerT on I' ow Thl' bonds ~Ill be _J!Old tor ca._~ 3410 Oout blvd., to bilk• a fruit cake fUied four only, and at not leu than par and l'bOfte (lBQell. lt>tler alzl' Pl«"t'. very amall accrued lnttre~~t. -Each bid rnttlll l· ~;r Newoprt IJMch tOI 61-tte ---In O>r-oma dill 1 When the bl.lkera rdd IL state I hot t-he btddc•r offc>MI p111 t~t 8At..Ji.; ---.:;;t 1~ roultJn't undf'Miland lt. So and occrut•d ~nll'rt>Sl t o thf' dR t• "'"Y 81.nt 11 commitl~ to WMh-of . dr ll\•rr·y and ~tRIC ~paratt'l) In~"" to uk H1 tia\·e It Rlmpllflt'd. th('' prt•mtum If uny, llnd thf' rat• 'flU . r.t .. r. ~:lllf,, hy Olli :1111. t .,., •na <lrl 1'. 0 . Doa Mar, ('allf j fll ·tr·· .. ..-" ...... _ :::~ ,,. ... ..... _ ... ,... ~ ...... ., N.D. CAIN . • o. v .... 000 •tot! CAT HOStttiTA1. ....... ,. .... Ute 1114 a.. llitat" 11., .,.,,. """• 'c:.ut. TELEPHONE OPERATORS NEEDED <•I tnt rrMt nffi'N'd for said bond• Th•· ~<lmpllflf'<l 1 .. !: u 1 R t 1 0 n '" Euch htd ~hall Ill' 111 11 sm~:l•• w l• Arn1•n.tm••nt i t .. Max1wum f'rlce nf tniPJ'{'!i'-ArtY bid for two •>1 ' IIAUJO SERVICE 1 I'•'J,."\Jittlnn :lJ9' mor•• rat•·~ nf intc•rt'11t will 1>4• t ,.. ",, 11 , .. 1111n< ,It• 1o•: IIIJtr<l In A!'-Jt'l'lt·d Tht' JIUf'J~I''I fc•r "llio h ~nice mt>n and war workers are all dt"pending upoa our girls at the swl h·hhonrds: Good pay whiw learn· log and rf'J;Uiar lncrea~ _ 1"'11111)1. A ""' thr""' k n lwn to Ua• Mild hnnd:< Wf'll' \l)lt•fl "'''" nnd tra.lc.. 11.3 ~u• It ••x1·•·r tin~ thrr<'-an' Cur lht' ~UfP<"'''' of 1 ,11.,tn .. .•l••m ~·•· h th•·•·.,f if "ny. "'1111" mono•y for tho• pun:ha•1n~ ••I ·----------------- ~~~IIJc•·t tu uncrt!l• r f<'f,;tllltluln "'hc•nl lot!'; thu 11\JIIrlin.: or put · TODAY'S BEST ·.BUY: * * * SOUTHERN CALI.FORNIA TELEPHONE CO. Apply: 100 E. Bay Ave., Balboa or 514Y.z No. Main St., Suta A-. PuBLIC N<>!_IEE~--- NOTfGE I~VITISO PROPOKAI~ I FOR I!JMIOOL BOSOM I Sui~ proposals tor lht' pur' l lc:h~ of IChool bonds. 1n tht' 11um of $100.000.00 of tht" Nrwport Beacfl School District of Orarnte 10iunty. ~fot"ftie, will be ~ cetvcod by Ole Board of Su~rvts­ on ol Oranp County, C.llfomJa, up to U o'clock A. M .• on 1M 5th dQ o1 JIDr. 1944. Each ol aald bmds ah&tl-be l'ha,lnj: 11chrool huildinl!~: th•· 7Ane Tbenpy. Medlnf Mulap, Swedish Mu- up. Hydro Therapy SpedaJ 'J'rt>atJnenL" ror Ovrrweiaht & Underw'l'i&ht Gene Morleghem Zone 'Jberaplst Spedallat • 'l'tlh•ll••• .... dated July lat. 1944, and ahaiW __________ _ --------:--=-==------,------"--------------------· -SNOODLES (1 oat o1 to people n..t N ..... n.. a.nnffted ML) \ - • '1875 ,PORT OF SEVEN · SEAS BACK 'l'llE ATTACK BUY MOKF. BONml t!• .. llotn••. Autn, M~tlinl' lladloe Rt·palrNl MArin. t:l.clrklan Hurt ll. NortQn Ill I ('.,..t IDallwa)' NEWPUKT BEAc:tt ........ ., Professional Directory • Gordon M.GnatHI,, M.D. f'hya~la" and lurteeft Nl"tfl and Centra: Ave. • Offlef Hr-.: 10,12 a.m.; l ·t '·"'· Tele~ J7 LEROY P. AMDERSON ATTO"NKV AT LAW Cellla •-aa~tlll •ull411tt ,....... 411 Coeta •- HAROLD K. GRAUEL CHAPEL. "W• Ouraehaa tiM a.ttw -.n. By Servtq OUiere Belt" ,_ Ne~ 111 ce.ta M... Callf.,.ta BUY NOW Cit, T •• Sale Lota A.•J. 1WIST . tl17 Ceaet Hlthway ......._ ... COitONA OIL MAR Co .... d Richtery M.D. f'flye!clan and lurteeft om .. 107f!M "'-' Nawpert .. ..,. H-.,,..: 1o-11 a. "'· a •·• ,. ..... l!'Mfl~ff'loe UJs "• ?f.l DR. G. £. TOHIU f'HYIICIAN IM IUR080N -e.-........ -..,. .... -P9MM-- Offlea ... w "-.. .. ...... "-Cell ........ . Dr. M. D. uawfar4 Of'Y0118TRIIT ,;,._ __ ... aia.. ..... sm "....-t ••••.,.. ,.._.Mil CO.TA 1181A BALTZ MQRTUARY CHAfJ.L 8Y TH. t•A 411 c.... lltvll C«-.~MM · .............. ,..._.N-.-ttl I• Dentllt . . DR. ODED LUCAS~ --DOROTHY DARNIT (A puCfl provee the leadenhlp of the Neww-11me•o ' L By Charles McManu8 NOW l EE '(ou A~E '(ouR , UNCLE'·.~~ ntty, w. 0.:..,.., ft. •• ~IITIIUC. i WHO'S WHO II HARBOR DISTIICJ Fl"lf'LACE AND I<INDLING )1!000'_ - Jl W. Wrl~tht. 17114 Npt Ul vd., C ..t& Mraa. l1aad Lumber Pit. -.a G£.NIUL CO,..TRACTO"-'· 1 ' (}ord()n u f"ln.r11ny, :1411) o ... t 111vl1. J>h. 302. r~ane IIDd c:,...,.. 'l LUM.(" CO,MPANt£8-· . , eo.ta )f ..... l.t.r r ., "I At u• ll~lp yoo plan your boaM." .,_ • I Hay Dllfl rlr t l.urnt~<"r c·,. l'h•m• J 1110. eo.. Klttawar at AI/IIIII& OFFICI: IUPPLil&- N-port ll•rt>Ur J'ubllallln~ <." f'bonH: 11 • 11, H..,.. ..... f'ftiNTING- !'few)lmt Harbor Pubflahln' Oo. Phonea,: 11 • lJ, "..,.._ _.,..., ftKAL KITATE, INIU"~Nela a NOTA"Y ~U8LI~ '-H. WallKe, 2202 W. Ola\nJ AY•IIL ..... a. 1.: RUael" ITAMPa-MI'WpCW't Hartlor PuW a' 1 eo. Phon..; 11 • 11. ...,. ....._ IHIIY M&TAL WOttM-. - YWI Plum"'-! 6 IMit Mtltal W...U, <-. ...._ .... M YARI.TV ITOttll-• ...... _ .. ......, ...... 11111, ... ~. :rilE MAINBIACE -.......... Repu-..1 to ccmv!rlce Nell ft.oCen u.t t.be l .. lla Nil ..,... .all -t•r would AIQ bet IWW 1 ,.. -........ wbat (Teen eull r { 0 d .. A.llnabtll ........ ~ ... I ....W a ... u ltul\rta ta the beft I~ tbiDa CIMww WUTen on ... Mra. Rt nhold buUUl • arn u 1 .. ~::-n'O• aD repona It maklfiC thlnp bum ....... rtlq -~-,.UJ put It to ua Ballt.a An& tor llalboa, loerw. \"II' at& a I 4W ..adl Hertlert ta a welcome a~ltlon . . . For a a 'a ... ClaAr Booth ' tbln penon Bemfce Franz rea'ly • •• 'cy llfiPt-aotb ~ made a llbow1D1 Oil t.be potato ...U. wlt.Ue IIMealnl to no-•lad ... Clat. to eu ... ar1 • ..... ei ......_ you'n ~pub-1 C&llum locklnr .-o well Euy dou • o...a.t.-ADct wbelher IL M&ry .... llr.e Iller cr DOt, you wtu ban + + + a.!r &..ee ...Uy rtvee 8allln1-Qulte a few 1-o,._ -.... J'08 a lot to dlblk turned out and It loob U.U It will .... Ill I' '17 Ul&nlr. about ~-be a ew•ll nu:ong aumt. tr • "~ .... out _, vot..-Tbat'e -Rbodee, t.be A lbatr·aa. the •'Ill· .... tiiiM ill t.be prlvt1e1• ot all coo. and t.be overa were out full ......,. M "1'7 lmp:rt&At-But are u tollowe: · • e1 • ... wlakll maay ot u.. ~ I rorc\, Tbe .U,.'' oe t.be racu .... .._.It-It aa&.ll't bMa r&-Rhodu ·thl"rt were two rarn ~ y.t, but ll'e tbe mo.t lm-&ad Hook Beardlllee took flr.t ,., = ...,.. tM people cl UM b th wtth Prent Ji'ulmor rl~hl ~- ..._ b&ve I. taey Ollly. hlDd blm wit.b two M<:Ood• Oork ~ lt--lt'e lbe OIW Wile We Arlen tnok foftn tn lhl" tlnll ni< .. -'t lilt l.be otMr fellow do"* ~ and thtnl In--ttl,. IW'("Of!d. -too 1D1U17 ..... a.Jt It to Uw AlbAtroee Onn Dou:;lu tuoll etMr fellow • tiM claye the polb l sm l.nelee fou&ht It out In hoth .,. opiii-''Gee Wltb, Myrt," I'm racea with Don lakin( two tlret.. -_,. letli"C' t.b~ poiiUce thtac ~d Bill puehlll& blm took ootta pt me ~c11n1 ott apiA. But 1 eec:onde . ... &ou.IJ, Jll8lt &1" a t.boucbl P'alcoM Jn tb!' fl rwt rau M r ..-.t tbat Vote "YOU b&ft bd-D pn, Schock. and (' r;l tlln..en fill DOW aad NovemMr.. WUI. you, tahed In that nrdt r !"C'ho.~k lt>nk ~ T T tlrwt In the lltCOild race, with PutJ, Pal't)'-lt N&lly wu a Chrlatanaen and Cundl f knock,ng ...U party that. t.be 8UIIlatnln1 off the eecond and third. ' -..:-. cl t111e ~. t..eaaue Oyere Tbree • racu were aalltll .... b t111e AeUft IDftlben aDd w!Ua B&rDey Lehman t.&IWI& (lrtt , It* ,...., .AM thaDU to place In aJJ thr u Oannt>y •:11101 t I aa.l& '"""" .. WU'f Ill! allle to took two eKoaGe &n4a UUI'd w-.ur ~ U.. 11eautJ ot '"'" eo... Bud Guthrie t~k a llf'Cond and a I lh a ...., place, wit.b ru-t Wrd pl&re. .e.. ..,. ......_ rooaa Oil the Tbe ~t.andlnl Oil the Tuktl Per· ~~tid~~ t.be ~-How-petual Cup. In ~ you're lat.tr· .w l.be ...,_ troaa t.be bMda to eet.ed, Ia Lehmae leacltnf wlttl 106 ... iu-t ~ left ID&DJ ~ polnta: Oanay ltlllott and Bill ln· ' ._. a.t U.. .WW aac1 t.be ... llfltWAI eecond ~ ..-lth ---~-J-.U.Id..ifQid ...,_ ap (~D-tT polnta tub ;• Olclr. TerkeJ hae a Dt.c. 11 ...,..._. .,.. ~-total at tO wbne oavta traU1 wtth: ~ ... , .. Md--...... .... u.u ----· told t.beal ...a ~ a .... to tte bekb Me r t ltarted tor ~ wl\o ,.....; to piQ up a IJW. IDOft ... ftrPiida IOIJon ....UJ llt~pped . • ...,_ wttll a . br1rbt purple llfl'll-.lue CaJi.lna looked aoo.t Te...., aDd the Pintee . ,. Mlh-Ca•l• . - --..... •"-' In uw. bo7 rr-..... &IIIII lfllttrt-Marloa Hodp- .._ eporUIIC a cood lo~klnl ....._ ...... Wet.ter ..._.pod~ to.eat with a ..-1ft a _.. ucS wl\tte ptu- .. , ... WNCe a letter to Tom ..:. ........ Ulourbt • f-at ~ ~ .... lip. IMft It •wae decided tMt ... ,...,waulcl be more fun. o.& CU1e De ua.-tcka &Dd ·I bo9e ,._ ·~ tlaft ca.,..,,. wbm 1 ~ ~· ""'-... ·w • ..,.1 .. .. ..... O..r·..-__.....,..bad! CIUr t ........ -Parka aDd I p. ............ lualt-.1 Pat Mon1e trytq I . _.. ...... _ .. , ,..__-1-..J ____ ,,,... ... •• -"'-' ,.. ... ,.... ,_,, .... _._, ..... , ..... ~---'rlM-... DNE~DAY WW¥*9 111Gi ...... ~A o...-bre"" Vlle,..1• A~ 0 Tet>~e>t ,. .,.,,..,_,, "' ''·•• _,..,._o..,,~ .. -~­ ,.. ~ .. -.. c.l "-'~-0 · •••"•• .......... ;.,. U••••d S••••· ......_ .............. .. c.--Y• .. .,. _,,-..._ • .. , H..,. • .,,_C... ...., -........... -IAIIM tuoQ U••• .. Vka-A _. toO Unoto el V••• - p ._, • ,-. . ... , .... , .. ... 7~· .. , .. -·(f)· .J ~··;..:··.;, ;:&~:.:.\ "'-•;:;..t ~ n...•,,..., ; ..... , ... .., • r-............ ---.. ,. ... ~" ... .. , ........ AYA&Ma1 YOU WR.ITE TN& AN6MR5 ON A F.IFTU ·WM-IDM SONP APPLICATION I ~~:;.~-... 'I'!_N tr8A CANt Till for can. and other u.e• will cont.IDUtt to be a lllsortq• Item u Ions a.~~ Ul~ c::a,;t'r tOI6tc' ot our noru~·l t'" 111•nntv 1'1 ·'--F'"r F'nst ,_..... .. ...., ....... Tble61 t •• e cu v 1 ,. 1 l d" 1 .... -up- ply t.lwl ... ,.. .... llartlar. HafMI Operotecl DUPUCAnNG MAQtiNESI NEWPORT-BAT.BOA NF.WS..TJJIK8. Beaeh. California, . .. 310 .DoWn 90 Still To Go WITH ALL OF US KEEPING TUNED TO THE LATEST WORD OF THE INVASION, WE ARE SEEKING NEW WAYS TO DO OUR SHARE AT HOME. .' Blood Bank -Unit WHICH WILL MAlE ITS FIRST VISIT TO NEWPORT· BALBOA . . . ' 01 MOIDIY, "liLY 11 . . I I .MUST HAVE 400 DONORS WE HAVE CUARAITEED TilT MAllY, SO ·wE CAJIIOT FAIL! What Better or More. Tangible Way to Feel We are Doing our Home-Front Part Than to Spend a HalUiour of ·Our Time Giviq • Pint ef Blood to Save' a Soldi~s Life? • Lifesaving Plasma • • • is mnde from blood . . . bloorl rlnmetcd ~ by Americans who takC' this nu to grow in intt•n:-ity. \\'(' must gi\ c m ul't' and mot~·. \H~ U:\JCt; ~OT .~,\IL! "k · . "k * *' Theodore Robins r b""" Saves U\'H. On 1 .. cd :md M!a. the lives of i\m('rw:m fighting men are l1<'1m: S<I\'M by 'Red Cross hl11od pl:l!>tna. The upper pi!'lurc !>hows Navy phar- tn:lnst m:ltes learning the pmp<'r fN"hnique or giving transfusions. Below, pre- dO!IS blood is ~lng shipped· to n pe'()('('ssing laboratory in a l'Jl('cially built refriger- ated container. Gerald Rausa, M. D. Ford Sales • Scrvtcc Phone Npt. &h. 28 2830 w. Central . Ph. Nwpt ... Bch. 1028 Boulevard Feed Store 2240 Newport Blvd. Cost a Mesa Channel Boat Co. 1215 Coast Highway Ph. Npt. Ikh. 1 t;~ Costa Mesa Pharmacy A. L. PinkJey NelVJ)Ort lee & Cold Storage Co. 410 Thlrtietll St. Newport Beech * * * * .·'Sign ,Up Now! '~ Anyone thinking of ~ signing up should do so immediately btL cause of the clerical work a nd time limit involved. Alt~ough 290 have signed up, we n<.>ed .110 more. Put Vour Name Dowa oa the u. .. t NOW by Calling: ~lno. Victor (iran-, Phone 48-1 • 'Mn. Sonnan CaiiJ~ (•bone 68S Mn. R. C. Sr<'lry, Balboa Ba"k e''t r)' d,tlY Phone 186.\ Robert Jad"1n, Npt. lkh. t 'lre Slet..lon, Phone 18 • .. * * * '* Newport-Balboa Red Cross ' Foundry Division NewPOrt Industries, Inc. • Gus's Sea Shell Cafe 601 E. Central Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Hoke + Balboa Balboa Canv.as ~hop 224'12 21st St. . Newport Beadt Hormen,Yish Market Wholesale &. Retail 2320 W. Central 1000 Ocean Ave. Restaurant Corona del Mar . Kay Fi.nch Ceramiat Corona dl'l !\tar \ Excelsior Creamery Santa Ana • · 1-'lorence Bakery Edward Flrbank Scottie's Califnmin "Time to Eat" ~1 E. B.1~· Fron1 Casino Cafe Balbo.1. Calif Culbertson Chevrolet Co. Otto Culbertson. Owner Gunderson Drug Co. Featurir:rg Aiden Ice Cream Corona del Mar Red Cross Fitzpatrick's Stores Stag Cafe 21st Place and Coast Boulevard Richardson Tooling Products 210 Marin~ Phone Newport Beach 131 Balboa .Drivc-lflll Cafe Palm-Palm , Mr. and Mrs. M. c~.McKay, Props. Starck'B Cafe Bert Oqu.ist Earl's Landing 711 Coast Highway .. Ne~rt Beach. Ph. Npt. Bdl. 711 Vagabond House Sun and SN Clothft • Balboa -.Balboe Island Fun Zone N Flo Sh Harry's Cafe orman wer 0 P "Just a Good Place to Eat" · ·Volney L. Hay, Liquors t307 coast .Hlway Corona del Mar C. W. TeWinkle Van Camp's Sea F~ Co., Inc. Colla Mea zn 20th .. , Newport.&>ach Balboa -Pharmacy Scott'a Landin• Feeturif'lg Ex<-elslor ICP ~ ·QwUr Boats Yacht Broke~ Npt. Bch. :W8 ' -,. . ~A 'Ccintributtoii by the Patriot c Citizens a-nd Firms l'isted on Til is Page-.. ·-. . ~ - ·- •