HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-07-11 - Newport Balboa News TimesII· SAID Iii· .. lAM I for 36 yean the best ldYertisinl meclim kite Dewport harbor diltrid • 0 5 . , ... to End wa.. QU$er EMaRAClNG BA' MA PENINSULA. WUT NE\WORT. SEA SHORE -.w~ . ~ - • • • . '-• the newspaper that .. pea IMMne SEQ ... IEEP , 1 Year • •••• .... a..Pa SF .. .... "s .... ~,-- ~---------~-·.v.o.~---~--------------~--·".•.w_~---~~~LI~M~~·~~~~,,,,~ I LOOD BAN&. You ,, ' ---· lhould .haw 1een the mob that mlDed uound ll'UMW' .ehool Monday momlne. '!'bey were all clamoring to· baw 101ne ot 11\elr blood spilled. u you feel that pub- He lnteftst is lacldna 1n the war and that we are "falling down'' In bond purchues, you wtD have 'to go elae- where than Newport Beach. Cha.l.nnan Helen Grace was beaming all over the place; 10 was M.Jor Chairman Lorentzen. Helen f a 1 r 1 y tripped along and Jurgen, in his more sedate way, was willing to toss ln his shirt, he was that happy! The entire school floor had been magi- cally . transtonned lnto a ml&hty arsenal of women, nUI"SeS, doctors, cots. kitch- en, dining tables, orange juice, do-nuts and every- thing. SUre a revelation and IU1"e a featMr ln the caps of the local folks, Who end aU the wol'k. High pral.se wu ~ from the vislton& motor bank at the efficiency and the crowd and the low ~ c.entqe of r'@jection, and the men wtm did the even added to the event. N~ c:am:e In for a mead of congrata. on the magni- tude of the crowd its publl- dty prOOuoed, and for a time lt looked Uke ye Sand Crab would take a hug or two ·from· SOI1'le of the ferns. but escaped to the street unen- dowed but wlsttul. The en- thusiasm, the verve. the ea&::.. emess with which our people put things over, is one of the happy delights that make work worth while and if the rest ot the country could follow their examples our boys on the battle frollt. would need but little In th~ way ot plasma, comrorts and cheer. + + + latoleruae. Talked with Oty Judge Jones on hia IU'ti- de about the ~ranee of people, espedally on 1Wboe Ialand, and his rlghteot.. in- dignation over some of the things done In the name ot hate or fanaticism. Such things as boycotting a eafe. tossing a boy's bike In the bay, slapping a girl's face and talking much and saying little, are relics of the datk ages. Judge Jones •ys he will be glad to act on any complainlo; that are Ned aJid decJa~ that becaWie a 181 unbalanced folk wlth dia- torted minds raise cti8coR2, an entire community hu ·to suffer. Suffice to say one or two of the ringleaders are known and some of their acts are (letrlmental to the war· effort. U such efforts do not cease, sterner meas- ures from the pf'OPel" au- thorities will be invoked. So, cut it out! + + + Water. H a r b or I t e s go blithely on their way. Ever and anon they are asked to vote bonds for this and that. &wnetimes they say yes, as re' the school bond$: again they say no, as they did four or 5 years ago on water im- provements. Now we nre faced with a wnter shortage. Perhaps none of us worked hard enough to put over the water hond elect ion. But. without water ~ve perish. Sound~ trite. hut it's tJ-uc. If we expect to g row as we hnvc l)('(ln climhinc thf• last few· vl"ar.>. someon<> has to pay th~ piper. Can't have your cnkc anrt t'at it too. H you want that life-giving fluid. it has to be p:~irt for. Now Is as good a t 1me as any, when people have plenty of money. and seem to be willing to spend it for dam lesa important things than water. Let's go! + • + a-da. Move to acquire C.O.M. beach for public ~ 1s aood one. 1lUs bat~ with Properties, Inc., and John Sherrod Hams may stir up the natives, but lt never got · us anywhere -espectally beeches and hUlsldea and re- creation! Mobile Blood Bank ~s.nat: !!Ave. G 0' . •th 8 AI Auto Wremecl oes·. ver w• ang lklqwUnc ~ 8aOft ....... I 0 T 1·c E If JOI catt 81 -Yoi 011 COM£ .... I -- 1 City F ~s Water Lack 1 as J.1.f C.· Argues ' est Plan ·to Follow C d . PI ::~.:,.=--at ~TUt &:t as row swamps ace~~:~ •tau.,.-that wver&l aeetdeftta ..., .... • BUY AT LEAST A P6.00 I occurred at t.be l6U. .trMt ... , Of th': 443 WhRedo RegisteCo. red,I390Ex~~! anR d 33J. :J!eyc~:~~U: poa~ Pmts of rpuac es "~ ecoru u.e accident at. t.be tau. .a-t and Will8 High Praiae 111"-c:Uon an Wedll~y. wMa· U.. car clriwn by Wra Hont,eut~ ""=============~-~-------===_, WAR 10·1 I Committee Repon -Praeaita Diffled Pre• I While Enaineer Pattenon RerttM Rr 1 &l of What Mut Be Done at Oace - sch:!t~!e~~~~~t~~~~~~~ho~~~: fJ:nt.ar~~~m .. ~::~ .. :w~~~ CDM Be Gets duc~,~~t:pi~l~~tha~~::. .... blle Red Cross 'Blood Bank and of the 443 registered.-390 put ..,_ no~• ot MOive ttw Aituation. wu tJw t.-. o1 two ,_WII in an appearance to give 339 pints ot blood. which ls above '!be Honeycutt ear ... ....., F . . . . . dny with the directnn ol the a..mber ol F;j"~ta. "!.~iow ~=~~ ...::: ::~:~ ::;: ~'F..:..7::-:.:. .::=: ull Atimg at Meet ~\:.~ ==~ ,:-·:,: ~=-~-!.!•!,!!!! Kra Vl.c:tor Grace, cbaiMDan ot went ott like clock work. 2020 Harbor 'bouleY&J"d, c:leJIMd ...,trd a 1taw...t ...... _ hi wwWd ....... ,..._ ·- thfl B'ood Bank bubbled over wtth The Grey ladlee who belped , the hartiCJr .,... lftWt proeMd at n~~.:.~ entbu.tum u abe piloted ,Uie -re VlfiU\1& KJllloo, )(a r l'o a that tile BI"UUtly car Mlclded • ..-nc \be tact Ulat nne of ttl~ 1 proprtatloft. to ftad out what the ~to ..-un.,. ....._._ wat ·-,.,_ IICrtbe around t.be bl~ auditorium, Ht"dlekiNIOII, Helen Park. Ella-feet ~ btttiq tbetr oar, ... beaUt If U 1 and pop\IIU r lty I• pr9p&red to •o In the mat-~ whl .. Q~ ~ lt. r ~ ftlkd wttb atteodant.. appltc:ant.. Mtb ,._, u4 Ola47a a.rd.ID•. 1& tMt &Nrwant. In Bout~ • Callfeml•, \A'r. &Dd to ..-t ll 1n • ~. Plitt~ pw • ,......-:at the ............, patleata. eold..,.., ..no,.. food en. wbo wu ln cb&rp. -.cuon I.YiDC below &be :o-r-II',.,....... ..,.,.. .. ....w.ae.. et munldpa.tl ...... atrwta, er raUwr ..,.... .,. peuen, etc. llbe ~ WUIUDUd Tbe ladle• ot Ule canteen were clil alar blutt•. "'av .,_. ._ ~. *' Mar. leek o1 •tfort.a, ... dldarld U.t pleated ....... ill "ber ,....... ot t.be New.-,mu eue Kirk. PoUy Walker, Harrlet Lt. Spc_· er •tWa)' • ....... ...... ~ .... ..... A If illltY· work mu.t ......... .., ~ In maldllr t.be drlft ~:ut Wood. Eleanor Rowe. Radt.Ml ..,. ct a eped&l ~u .. lUll W ..... __.. ,._t a btll \0 ~ ,... ... ••17 ~ ~ • .,.. Ulou(b lt. coaUnuooa publklty. WUty, Jooe Sprqu., UUI&A Ow'· ~ PreellSoeat B~ at U. MKt ..._ el U. tert•-Uon. -._ J~ ..IAnlit.D. Red ~ mJ&OD. Nwy WVd. Hel• R&D· Of' U11e ~ber of COIIIII!t~ tu,. Ia J~ ...... t1r • ·~ ,.. .... o.a •••~ . c:h&lrman. Mid tb&t tbe record dt l, MArl&nt ~· WlllltreC! -•· P'rt~y at a 1\lncb-mlellalr ............ tw U. ,_. w"ldt 'null ..,. ol taw ..eu..aut.aa made pv• Newport Hartlor top' YOWlf, &Dd WllctrM SI&Jl)ey. WinS extra at Wllllfl ~ •• p.Jtaoa ~to would .... ~ ......... ll ... Watft' diMnct ............. r&nk and t.be wt.ole atfalr moved 'l'be 8latf .u.vtane.. W.re Kra. "-'-1' • tlluatlon. etty _.... ....... Jlllt •• I& per Pf'Ot"''dur-., ,... f'ridtfiOid -the wtth ~ ,_.._ and prompt~~-Bart He~~ck..-.. Kra. Jurpo Lor· • llollc!ay-mladed ruldfonta Of' aD I,.._.. ll!lt-~ • ~r P"'P-tnond ol "'-••llft.L_M!LJ a~-·~!ll...lllt•IL•II-4H•'11• eo c.b&ractm.tk ol Red Crou I eQJMn, lhi. ·Ana .,lldttu, 'lilTS. -----d I OIMI't eoull.b-.~ w~-.. .... , • .. . . • a ... • M OGI Uiit n ~ ~ .... &he ............ . workm In tht. area. I BlU 8 r I ll. and Kn. NormaA war me a .... of Ute b&rtlor area. bJlve lon« ltlree roartlle f/6 ... ....., of t.be proximal•!~ 1400,000 \0 Clift for 011 ~ .......... • 1 CaJUab ~~red the woodertul bMc:b at 1 ra.t to • .,.. ~ """'"'' own--k •• .... uci to ,_. tM "HoW '-....... • 2 WIJtAt of t.be local Red Croe. per-Thf' Nu.--Aidl taltlnr c&re at -U.. harbor Ude beyond ctlln~ 2ft00 lot. ... wttll l..a.tdWII f ft ..._... Inc drtnMdltT ......... - Hlrb pra.S.e wu accord~d ali i . . . I a.-a del alar and Ule etntch l.,.. or en.--... Mar. -.r-d .. w MWD Mr Platt~ 1\ated that br ...... for tllllt _.. eonnel for partlclpatJcn. 111 tM everyoae wen 1:18Je Pattanon. --our or " )'MI"' ... a uunu day'• prorram and coa:plete MU.-, Mary Lo~ Wloto, ~lla Campbell. With U.S. Scuth Parln c Array ea.t u twin« ruhllc prn~rty and nWlWW• ,.,_. u -.-t ,...,. f'i«-tkx\ waa t»fMIId to wow dlU., to tt. ...., 1111 ... tlr Forc~-I.Mutenant Geaeral Mil ..._ m•llfo ltnnd uw nf II u 8\1rh ably t..d • .. r • d ,.luaUon. J1 10000 for f'IICONtruc'Unl' u.. flw Gf' '-~ or *'Iii 71 a fact)oq tn all quarters follow• our Flo Wellac:e, Dorothy Wua.,ave, • 'nM .tark r~allly I• Ulat on the A vote of hn» tbU. at lbt vot• wa~ 1 u-__ , ...... _ load tor a ....... .__ ....._ tint community blood donor C:ay. Martha Flaber, and Wary Apper. lard F. Harmon, commaadlnl U.S. : 1 1Y. If!'· ._. -.... t llqiM .. -In addiUcn to . local civiliAN. IICIII. , I Amly Fort'~• tn tbe Boutb' PaclUc, ba~r •ld• 1~ rlly nwn• a rant r ut at All elactJoe wnuld be N•,Artlclf'l mi.UII b. talwn at onee 1.0 Vt'Mt ctwno. ....... ..._ ... b tb ·h 11 u· I announc~d Ule award of the Oak 40 fwt nt heat-h tronta«~ bart'ly f1Uirf'CJ to rnnn u '-ftlt thltt· I(WUrr rwo•t ~~ IUIIPY and t ... ln Ow ..,._.. Willi. .. Ia ~ec;.. ~:e dono":~rom ~~: ~~ Th 14 L:• ~ock W~k w tba• Leaf ctu.ter ln lieu of an adell-'eaouch to Mrv .. a publlr plrr.J r1cL uti u.·•att.r .. tit lie pror· th•t t~ rommunU~ Ia taktnc a uti ....._ .. lllllltl .. lilt - All& AI 9ue d t th N e 0 r ~ w aa ·~ tlofull Air Medal on June IT to ...._ 0t1 tl'• bt'6Ad •tretcll booy.wwt -'"' ht • -~•hll•••~ ...,._ ~ 1a ...,.., .... 11 t. ft04 --.~ lutww. would M ~-* ...-...,!'-__._ &Dd eo:.. ,_-:., ~:: .-!uo:~ ~mtr~~:~e ~ 1:~ fo'lnt L·eutenant Walter B. 8pker,' tiM point O!"IY 40() ff'tt of I .... an n•r to' wten of t.be dlltrkt. by HI' dft'lartd that lrl tteo,4i rltt~ ..... IO ..... 0 .. ··-- ID the Harbor '· I HI Willi"'-Ball -~-,Air Corpe, or Coroaa' del Mar, hoet&ae belona• to the city. and Rarr, w ... .., ar..s.n J\nctl. mllllm cu~-IHt wu UM4 and ...a.r r.-'d•••"' _, · er, e en ... n. Y ... _,er, ...... lit 11 Ul .. ntwu .. but a •hort dl..t.aace • .._ , .. .,.. dw --..... ,.. .. Cr.lumnllll. otan& Htllman •Y• li:llubeUI H ..... Carolyn Taafen-..-.• .. Jl ot trom ~ a to ~ I o-......... at ..... Cftii'IMIIt.e that Uw put ,.., .... ...., .... .. 1M ;.;- It wu like old bocne week. You bUb G Ia d y 1 Wurue llvelyn Aprtl 12· liNt. · . • are A. 8. ft 1? De, t;t.lltttaN Howe. Cl.....cl to ~t IIIAibla U.. Uid 11 .tapped ill the door, we,.. rreeted 0~. • A. broue Oak-Leaf Qlllftar .. 'Yarioua mfthoda ol ~"rtnclll-a -a. Me«' !'_.f· 'lhlpli oaa. J-. _,.....,. ~ a...._ i. ~elea.:.r~...:. "::.: fl.,~ ~~Wb~= ::.anMcS ~~ ...:=:. -:•: ~.:; ="f~,.;.:: ~ ~-~--SeD nw Cl~ ~!. t. :r.J.E:.. e, -:. ~..,...,.=~-,.... and awa:r yqu went. &Dd llt. lAaa 'Tboauu cbalrman taiiMd e0111bat· operaUoeal ml•· ~ owr bJ BndeD ~ Rltdlle, C ~ a,_ eer.. \: tftw ..... ... .JtO.o,T...., .. Vlrrtnle 1CU1lon ukt<d you quu-of HCNipltal and R«;...lll>o . ot .aon. of a buardou. nature dur. Earl W. Stanley, who bad mao.lel Hall .,.,_ ~. ~ •s:t,OOO. &v... wtth ~ Uon• about youreelt, and then OraDie Ooun. t y came down to .., lnr w t lcb enemy oPSX*UOD .. met. alltp to krameoto In ftprd 10 Oortry, and ~ 0 , I. ~llclnwe n would unl~ 1» a tanpo~My ,. Marion HodceklniiOn llluck a tem· how everyUIIDr wu cetUDr aJODr. or durtnr wblcb u .,.. .. ~ tbe eecu.rtnc ot •tat• ald. made a -IIrr, he-...-rtf'd .u thl watn-'-' IU\r c:tt ftOW Dlaeltll peratur~ llJc:k tn your mouth. That Jwr. Jur«en Lortnt.un. of eountt venttd where enemy anU&Jrerall detailed 1'e9Qr1 On .. methrcS. eu~· _ had lncf'NUM'd ~~ Jn t.hl lut fi'W ...,.t Y ~':':-..:. ...._ wu lnronvenJeat beraolle yOu wu qult.e piNad about the tum-nre Ia elfN-Uve or where enemy C'lted wu for Ute rlty t" fonn an H Bak Y"'l"' ,_ .. ~ot.J ... ._ .. couldn't · lalk to anybod}' Wa.rtba ouL fiKbler patrol• are habitually aa-acquUttUoa eectton. w1th the rlty I eat es . I I wu at,.tl'd that tJM. CW'h'nl M JIUd' ..., Ill tbe day, bt>lped record your blood Grace If abe ooeld -eome more tiM award wu «lven wel"'' w1tb an ua•uunt dlatr1rt formrd l~ . • l'f'nl ll •lflwlht> •• ~valuation ..S ln pallt.an Deetriet, .... t ...., lllllt Ellen Filher. down from 1.. A. for' [.Jonno WM Jay ukln« Hel~n COUIII.et'ed.. Tb~ mlatlona fCK whJcb Jl&Yia« 16 a lroat fOOC &lld wiUI I rounty ru on MWD waJ« .. .. "If .,.. ....,. •. PIU'1 ., .. Mien. preu~. etc. donora-lm_,u.e a a k 1 n « Helen I UM ~ Alt.T. pey Ute baJ&nre of u· .. co-t With B h •Millo Ill tho-rlty would haw 1 ~~ the ...._ ..,. _. "eady fer A.ctlen Ulal!! ... Gloria Wbtte deciding • • ---. lh~ ••upllon (( a ft'W 1"11 IIOid eac man JW')' lll'ltmXImaldy 18 ern .. \0 au-. llow ..... the-a.t ~ tD Between Helef'l Parlu and Ell.u· llhf' would .._,. aaotber t:l&N ot D B ttllll 8Uinmer, th• propotrty bf'lnn~t• fllr hllr k Pft)'mf'nt.e or I~ ,_. wtth our ,..._nt eaat, ... Cl) U. betb Them you lind you~t on a orangco Juice ~r Ule nerd .. of • •t to P,.p~rtl•• lncorponlll'd, of thf' · IW'flt• nJUid br talum raN' Olin"'" f'Oill Whlcfl will haw to M ~ • cet ready for IICllbn. A VI1'Y ef11· lllldm~ from chair to r tullr . : I og I es I ('IUsrn. ~Bank of Loe Angf'lf'• T D h . ~ waur ratn and ~ -.... ~With rtfoslllttbi.UIM fl CWII nura quickly and palllluely Sam KlnafaU.er beUII' etolr about I • I Th~b&nk I• ~o~o'lllrn~~: to '"'11· ~~.~~. nl•y o· t ut Wlll .. r brer1na land. At Uw our own watn euiJPly on 11ft ... book~t1 you up. There wu DOUllng the whole-Ul.UI( • . Walter Franz I . ... . but rf'fU-1" ... " 1"1"" e a P"""'"' linN• lh<• rlty he• thr I IIUT'f'd auppl~ ol wat« ol • ~~ toIL A piece of tape waa u ppt'll uking lr It WM palt\11 or not ... 2 Ch•ld · "" Uw Jlf'l•~rty and "''1"1101 f>fder ,.,.,.,., • .,., '""'""''I•· filii' uf an11 Mlllf'd to cton-tk-..,. ...._ __ 1 r• rrtftldly rvnd .. mnatlnn 11\111 with n nl •1 Itt -..-on your arm And you were eec:urt -Grnl' ~mllh naabln( ln hop nr . I re n lh pri I I II by th . r1 Ill • I"' Y• rur m&lfy ....... l.o C!DUief I ed bv & NunM• Aid to anc;thf r lltlt wun't 1att .. , Mre. W. P.l , ' .. Cf' IW' ""1 " • rnu t-••lllnc to ,...a. tfw dan••r elf • Tho· ('tlllml•·1 (•ummlltt..-·a ~ "It we .,.. .,_~ 10 .. .-c:U~n where Sue Kirk or Polly Durkf't JJnd daughter remarkln,« • Ann~"', p~n "'~~ tu f"l~rw the ril'lll'rt ,...,. 0.,... flowanf llrlldy. In fJftr1 1111>'" facrd wltb IOfnc lnttJ Ow MWD cp__ I Welker or one cr the CUit~n on hew rood ttlt ~e Juice 0 I I d ,.xa.mp,." "'" .... ,.h 1"' Santa n , at 401 N,.,...-t Roulrwant, wu ''Fmm "'·v•·nel IMIOI'I'f1 w,. havr UmltJ.na our futUN .,.,..,ua 1.0 fiiiJ l ~.,.;. pn you a tray wtth a tuted f1t .... acaiiMtotool . . . n s an Monica lind hav .. Ulf' lltlltf' take round 11rad S.tunt.y ntpl "" • 'II I fi •• r •• 12 lnftwmatlon whlf'h I •MIJnod •Ufipl~ ... II nGl Omt lo ~ut and a cup of catfee c rtfUle Mra. Pr-t ndllll .. re P"tty f roud u\;•r lhr &rf'a u • public r•r1r. IClftf'ly ctr-rf .,... .G iNifotl llllUih· pmmJII11 llll In th,. bf'llf'f tha' the-~ Ow dac:Wan ...t·.etu. U. r----~~----------..:.·---..:.·-------:1 WhUe thl11 would takt eom~ rev· rut ffl Kl...,.... Arb. Whll,. the-(,ty ••f Nf'WJJCW1 B••11rll will IIWfl Cf'-!Ntkx\f .. I ---f'OIM from lbe city t.u rolla. n ariwll nl~ ol .. th Waa thll"'lt, """In ht• ··unfrllnlf'tl with an lm· "What bf'NPII .. ·wtu tx.. ..... PORVRA IT fJifiJe •. lfeek Two mOft chOdren were bitten wu the N'f~CfJIUIWI ot opinion Ulat 11tatrd that tN' wu nNI'Iy dco"d uf I"'I"IHnl .Ad Pf'(lbAbly vital cicJmloll· <YIWII~ If aU c:hlee ln the ~-' ~ . I by a ~ on B&lboe J•Jand, which the lou would ~ mort' than made dettydrwtlon ...,,... hill Cllr atallf'll llr watf•r probW¢ U.. MWD walfr ... ...,. Clie _.. •. • . by 1 oocl ha• heen under quaranUn«! 1'nr i "P In lh• tutu,. by th# lncre&ll!d tn ,,_. ....._ "F'or f•10r )'MI"' now w" bllwo ~ .,....,. '. fur ow w-tlt IIE&~AAD of Hoi yw 1 rablea for a month Thr •h«, ~roperty n.luallon aDd buetn-1lwo raptal". wtoo Wftl e eupply Mol praMkaltJ • blf'ISSJ .tl n1,... ........ f • ·....::.------------------------__. whlcb wu left tied on lhf tw•achl • ••v .. lopm~nt. while tht< rlty ..,.,uld dTIC'M' •t u.. K....,..,.,. army air-hllfl'll'ti, At thf' aam,. fllfWII .,.,.... liWW t.tw a6decl ..,....._" tJw . and unattanded. attacked Jud1lh han all Ul,. tnrnm• II'OII'I r anc-fl.td had to.t 80 U.. '"'*' a n•or· hHw• ~n ,,....,.., eifomandll on '"" dUN tw warranl..t br U. ~ Ann B&ret.ad. 7, of aot Olam(.nrl 1 11111118 mal Wf'l~ ~ UIJ ... In ttw 0\'ftl _.., = brCIUJht a_, by U.W.C pnlftp'r1ty Uld IP"CC'WJJII f1 Ave .• BalbOa IJrland. and Wlr haf'l At lbr IIUIIHIIOn of Or~, ..,.cfl ,,.. ~~ .........,,u,.. fiYift Ia f 11M Ill huN~& al· .. cuun~ ~ ~ • A. Prior. I . Of 201 Suun~~e st • !il•rby, Ulree·way M'l}c•n I• bel eel maftr ol hie l2f ...., .... laat n.-......, ~. •I&MI)o .....,... MWI ... ' . I Loe Anr;~t... H wu owned l.ry tl\k•n by tile t'~Jiltll.ff'-ln fiiOC! .--............... tOI"'I 111111 ronnrr.,. had '""" Of' thr ... • uN'U• Of oourw PVrr) ... ~ wtU c H. J d t ttu . ""' If the alate wUI vant an ap-J f'd. pant11 "'-h•w ,..."V .. ral haVP q~Uoftla ot .._ « ._.. Gll'ft • Complaint. ar;aln•t lhe own .. r• -.-· 1 Th• lnt-"-' .... ,...,,, ·"All •ern• point to"" MJUoMtw to IUbmtt, but a ~~ of all dOfl were IIWnm In by otfl· ftftard. throwin(. R&Jph Jl"rHr '" . ..vapralf'd U.. .,... ... ,. from tarilctl"tC ~·., tu NlfYW' aa ...,. ....... It ~ ..n a 1 ...._ eer Harrlaoo Monday mumlni{V.the ~k and hltUna llle hand ot r".ap41tm ,.......,., ._., •tU. w"h· u ttlfl ,.,, tJitltll Thh• will fnf'M ,..,., wttJ ••• ln the U. ~ and Judre 0 . A. J onu I..UI'd WIJ·. Mn lla.,..·ortb. wbo wu lllferlnll'' ''"' brine awarr el tl, lwo wu ~ .-1 "''r Wlrr~'flJII"M ~a111ndlr JIVInec our d U.... INat CXIIIIWtf;a rant. for Ulelr arre•l. Ill,. boat f 'ru't bao.l an Lnjured thorn(JchJy drfo)'dntt..t atwt &Mt on the-rtv•IAbtr 111/Jiflly o( wa&.rr. a~~d .-uranu u1 tutn _,etr 'Boat Bobby J. Damaged, While Two Are Injured Thf' 1'WOrt1' ll!lhlng hrlltl Ito lllo\ .I nwnf'd by llob0 HIIwurlh of . I I i 1 41 ~1 l'l~rl'l , r n.m,. '" I{TII'f Mundnv Jlll•l lifter All{hllnR t hrtr f1 r•l ~~~~·ur·rJ .tl,llh uf thf' """"''" Tllr1111W a•·ro1111 a shoppy ,.,..ell whit,. rn"'' j cuvcdn"-l t>r JlUIIll lon l(o t.fln , d wn 11n II f' fiMll , l h!' T>hlllk W• 111 IIIHh•r lhf• "1\U•r llniJ WRH lo.rHk••lo "" Th., r•·•ult 111~ 111 rain llrnk,. 1 h" hark etay lind lhf' mlt.llt •·riUih"'l u ( hfr l.llue r lhbnn I tJM'I. blam•• hf'r II '11 h~r four1 h dnnalll1h Mr. anol M r• C:'lytJ,. Aahtoo lAkin~( Ume out from .tb., \.JSO ... t:IUI Burnham bemoaning thf' ra.ct thlll •he rouldn't glvl' a pmt no,t •nough Ume hu J one by IInce hr r lut donaUon ... A Wllole t.ruc:k- la.d of o..t Guard men 1n addt- Uoa to about forty Nawy m•n Qff the boat. Ln for 1'9p&il'9 •.• A.nd lot. and lot. of otJier (1104 people Aokle and 1 ul h•ad. aad will not run,..,,o--. dnMen •llrt ... ,'two "'"''"' laJWI) and lhf' pn»· wtudJ w111 an a lacl W"1 1b _.... '"' a bit 1.1• walk for a m onth. whU" 1111· fkriiJf'll 1" ttw-lr IIUifli•Y ,..,. t•••·t 1v• •tfOMitTWI '"' "''\I(' I"' Jf"'lrrl 14W'1.nc our d\.1'• .-raJ plwpl"i'" Hawortb. who wu nn th .. plank. """ lll'trd thtrpt ,. thfo e1ae•· nl ""h,.ud ..,.,,.,.,, l11• 111\o '".:111r~l fully lly awl uur lnc,...,Ync l"owth ,,fto rrrrlvl'd an lnJ'""'' tonklr tl•·•tt h t..1t thr,-Mkt thai f'lrc•unt· W•· ,.,,. 11h111rt tf t lt1~ lflhllf'r I• "''' i Wuh•r Cuuunltt"': · 8ACK TilE ATfA('K KllV MORE 111AN BF.f"fUU: ,,,.,..,.~ lrd thf'm tn tM'tln•• Caw tuuvlll'ft ltdt-orjull .. ly ,,rwl In Jllron~) 1 WALl'l·:Jt H. HfllCEI\. '"'" llr11•ly ttlf"f'ftlf)' .,,.. Mar •lt•ath 111 llnll:, thr · '"'""'-fl'l• ,;,., • t•,.•tlol II UilUAJU) C. 110\ff;, 16 1fn •!J•hyclr111 .... wlwn ' hi• ,.,,.. Vl'l')l IWTllMUtly All•~ I "'" l•llllr.,. f••1 W M I.ONGMUOR, •I owl< 111 rf10· 1U111tl II11411Y )'••Ill ) I•• 'o,m•· 11nrC mh:hl • I' 1\ I'AI.MJ-:Il. Succ~MM of 5.th War Loan Will Meet Acdnirn of ~lt·u iu Field , . M r• 1\ I llurvat h ur :I :tV A. 1• 111 rr,.l, Nrwjrurt ft,.IJChUI, went Ill Ill ·I·~"·J•It" II "JII\141 'ru ... olay for •n op+r•llvll Wre. llurvaUt Aft nrul PrO\'C Nation I" llacking. Our Arnwd ~·,;r('C'H .,. 'lhr tllt116(hl.,r nf Mre. Jack OUUa "In mom ,.nl• of \-rt•l• lnv11l v ln1 lht u tt·ty of our naUv• • illod, 'the A rn • r 11''1 n ~nrlt • ' h•v• tnvarl•bl1 r~llll'd 1111111111 11M 41Mitr with C'OUTIII!, fallh and reaolutlon 'Tor lh• PU\ lwo91 yura wr baYe ben kl ont of lhtat erl•••. .-rtta,. the cre•t••l In our hi .. felr7. On the batU«!ft~ld and er1 lilt bome frmt rn.n eMil worn • &N 4&117 mallln& 1reu .. r. ,..... ..... fr~ .. .,, • ., Ill ... ••Y .. .,...."14 ·~ .. -In pFOCfHI .. lty Gr~. lkf! Eiwahnwrr A'. 1l1e f '1rnrl,.!f' ,,.,.,.,.., In the lfriYP will ,.,,.,., UtP llr o•blm of lht '"''""" tn U•• ""''' "'''' will be ff'llf'Y.I'\f p111<1f lhMI all Amtrlcarrt .,,. ••n,. l'•ltd nh•· I l•n• of drtt11111111tl,.., In lhla ar•al war "AU nf 111 prufo••mdly ltWt lllet eoon ttl# wc.rld may be ~ 11\ortd to • ~u•t puu. Un\11 •• un._ wllh On<l'1 htlp, brtal ._. l)•t happy , .. lluUfi!P ill ""' ,,..•m•. earh ef ue nMift .......... .,..., ,., _., .... IA!t&.flr·lib.. Manila FOLDERS I I toia•; I c:u .. Per '31A ... • a..u.r--.. Alphabet GUIDES ............. :: '2 .. An tocether Ulere were 110me aat p&eta ,:tven wblch Jullt ~Oflll Ml War Loen Drl,. '-ral!- tn ehow w at a •mall c~munlty I ,._., • " te ....,.. ... , .._ cu do Wbel) 110m-. ll.ke Helen •. .-n wtD '-W.,..Pl • .. _ ... " trbtdl laM YIIW .. .. tervk' .... our ....V, 1neJ be •ntaa~~e•4. Rlltlt POW .. ••• "' N 'by buy lDI Banda. &At'• melle lhl• part lcul•r ., .. ._, e •wdr 111Bd ct.c alve -.• News·ll•• 0..... ·Ud KN. calltab ,.et out .,, ... _. .... lble _....._ and do aome pulhln.r.-r think 11 I !M .......... , a.. a. .... w•• ~~ J ' \ . . • 1111 W. O.lrel· A-. 1' 'r1' N...,... ia .. .. .... Two NEWPORT-BALBOA HEWS-TIMES.•NeWl)OI't Beach, California, Tuesday, July 11, 1944 . . . Mn. j . C. Billihgs'P resents Report from District Conference at WCfU Meeting !I-Iarbor Fe1nini~ Activiti~s ..,._ 1, C. BUllllp sw-t~ Ul-DUlon M.eyer frr.m Ole W .R.A I ~ report tD tbl mambln reportect that lboere are 88,000 Jap-o: U. W.C.T .U lul Wednuday an-lltlll In relocatiOD centl'rl! Virginia Barnett. Society Reporter • Phooe. 12 and 13 • ~Phone 1220-W Mid-Western Town Pays Homags to Service Men Related By Visitor Here Wra. A W. Holmu, who arrived 1 t.owD'1 cootrtbuUoo to U.. .....nee Friday to 1~nd the .um.mer wttb m-. tor It b&ppeo.S Oil th1 fowth .e.. n-om tbl cSI.atrt.cl con· onl bad a job and a place to llv~ an ~·J R.elocaUon" whteh None are bet.nc relraaed that have Sewing Club Holds ~weDce... rec•tty tn Paadena. a.r~ed for them. There ar .. .a. Fi rst Picn fc of , "!\ wu ~ out," abl aald, ready 1 2,000 of them ln the aer-~ ''\bat ua. laCe of Japane. vlc:e with the United Stale• and Season at Anahei m , Clll the Hawaiian ~da wu fa.r before lon, there will ~ 20,000 , .,..at. t..bul t.h<»e hen lo ' the m01e In unlfurm Till' Rl'wln~t C'1ub l'llj<1yed tbelr 8taa. Uld they did 'DOt ha ve tD "fieporta o f t·undlllnn, at Tulf' t lrlll plrnto· r•r the ... ru•on at tho• ........ t.llem. 1'blre ll & lt!Dd-l..alle a re very much eK&aiCir· Anllhrtm C'!ty Park Thurwday l7 feel~ ud a freedom from tttPu." ttRtrd th,. ~.ll'lh• 111•t c»t-p."1 July 6. r.a.1 t.enMoft U110GJ the en.Uated laLn at the camp. ': Blrtha.v ~rttta w,.r., pruent .. d _. .... tn mely notk eable. ~· An l'lt'cllnn !of P"~· W C T 1 I tn Mn1 F.d Zubl' and a jt'lfl w•• • en.. .. rvtca mf'D a lttnd cburcb nf'lrt'n fr.r thl' yt•ur br giMing ""nt 111 Mra waltn Cole who waa ~,_-lD J aplt nt'IM' chllf'Cbe•. Q<-l/)ber 1 turned uut .... rulluw~ unlll!l .. tn lllll'nd t1 .. afta'r ,._.. an 100,000 Japan-child· l're .. rtenl. Mrs Flora Jle&tty, VlC'e Mtmb4-re prl'wnt lnclurll'd ,.,..~ ra lD t.bt Ia~ .. &Dd t.bere b&ve prnull'nt. Mu Ella Goehlner. re· tll\rrf'll Juhn Mc.MII'an, Eddie lof•r· beell 110 I.Dckteetl. '"'-ot.r-c-ordlnr: aer rt'tary, Mno WIJIIIUD knvkh. Jarrt'• f'rOIIt. F'A Zubl', fttiolla ware ctven at the con-11 1 1 I, l OI rurontllnl( •crrtary, T' ""'"• J rako, FA Walt en. Ron-~~ by Btahop Baller wbo hu F.lalf' Nrw•land an d tr.,uurer, Wra. alol M~ti'!)Onald, an.d 1-Tllnk Hd ~ reecUy f'rom t.hel-lala.nda. Mnr3la Goo<Jell ~ L rDOQ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;=:;. ___________ , Th .. JtliMla lnt'ludt'd Wl'rr M'l• I ~ . ..,.,.. &"ft BLOUSE Brid oe Clu b Meets Frank l..azarir h, Mnr. Je&n Wr81 ~r r ~ b MNI M&ry Gc>Odwln. and M n• In Wold enberg HQme noae 1 ___ Yt.unr:atera w bo accnmJltlnll'ol 1 d lhl'lr rrcrtll"r• to the. pknlr w .. ,.,. 1 ~ 1~ of a •rlf'lt or hri It" part lee tn bO' ~tlvm unt•l F&ll w&JI l"tlltv and tt I c-tl a r d ~irkn\'H"h I liven In the h'lrrt' nf Mrtt Hamill ·.J,.roltrltnf' and <'<*raldinf' Jl'skn v Wolden be,_, l300 Wflt Cfontral I •111nnr and Katherine Walt•''" avenue, Newport Aeal·h. I a" t Hnnny and O.••d Ma• I N>nrtlol t Thunady-rvenln1 . The fT'OUP mf't l•unna anol Joan 7.utll'r .l1mm\' tor dlnnl'r. whlr h wu a•rvtl1 Ml ~fc·Mitlan. Wartln Froat llllll 1<1\\' arven p'clock. a.tter wtllcb bridl e l'rl<1ha.m. t waa e~tjoyed. ,..,. rlub will join r Anot her Thc.e attendlnl( were Mr. and nlt'nlr tp be held l hf' flr~tl Thu11 ....... Eddie Moore,. Mr. &nd Mn. •'•Y In Augual. 18a.m KINifalhrr, Mr ~d Mrt1 Oliver campbell, Mr. and Mra. 81d Ala.c:kbeard, Dr. and Mn Obed Luc-aa. Mr. and Mra. Ralph Hnldf'n. Mr . a.ad Mre. Dick Richard &Ad DDF Group Meets Saturday the hoet and boateu . · I Prt.e went tD Mr. Eddie Moor,. M~mben of the n n F' ml't at who woo tbe flrat mrn'e priu and lhr hnme of Mrw. Sheldon Smith. )In H·ldrn who won thr ttr•t 1%7 :l!)th ltref't . N""J>(>rt Be11rh women··· prtae. lui R~tturday Gathrr1nr at 401~ht o'rlock, lhr &'f'OUP played brldfe until latr evenlnr: and (h,.n • n· Cool and happy art EnttJa f.lutte Enaliall of Vh ,h· lna-HJD, D. C~ left, a ncl Vira-inia Law,, Yroman,third cl~·,, o f D r nvcr, C olo· n do, ill lhtir new ._. •ummrr umlorm,. • T he u•uh••"" <~rt ' a ray and "lute p111· 1111pt d nuauckcr, con~"tin~ot uf jal k~t a11d onr·!J•~n slurl· wa1~t drr•• h.1vin1 t round co llu . •~t· in belt at tloc watst, and 1 >tll,;lo Ieick· plu.l in fr.,.,,. Thry 1rc id~n11cal fnr of· ficrr 1 ano.l rnli,lrd .,.vmcn, r •crpl fur the h:au and the i11· ail(ni.a of r.1nk or Utlntr. Ttu , t hou, pur~c .:.ntl glovu arc black. The cott of 1 hue summer uniform• ia covered by pari of the Navy dothinr allowance -$l00 for enlisted WAVES, $250 for ~fliccu. \Voaten m&J appiJ for the 'WAVES'at NaYJ k ecrultin1 Statiou « Ollua ~~ Nanl Ollcar Prourt· -L ~a&~ -.- · ot J uly and tbere were four cara her at.ter. Wra. H. 0 . Pbllllp. of 1 of aoldl1ra. l&llon, aDd wounded • COMING EVENTS 1704 Welt Ocean Front. Newport men t.n the train. The b&pplMM Bea.c:b, relatu an Incident whld~ 1 o1 the .. rvlce men wu evSdeat u W£DN£I DAY-occurred when the Santa Fe traJn 1lbey llroll.S around the ataUoo The Newport Ctr(:le of th1WSCS which •he took from her home In platform clutohlnl dr\I.ID.It1clu In I wUI meet at 1 p.p1. wltb Mre. J . Peoria, m .. to the weal cout eltber ft.t ud a piece of cake A. Bodm&n. 107 13t h ltreet, New· •top~d at the ~mall town of War· under &n arm. port Beach, dtllt'rt luncheon fol· cellne, Iowa. wra. Holmea wu quite tDucbld lowed by bu•ln ... -•on and pro. All the lraln drew mlo the •t&: 1 that tbe membln at th1a ama1l .:ram. \ ~ 1 tlon. puaengera noted that the towa made auch 1.11 ortp~ &nd l Red Crou vt;ork room. 111 Palm, 1 whole town 14!emed to be dowu at heartfelt contribution to our boya. Balboa, 10 a.m. to .4 p.m.. aurgi· the Illation walUng for them to . I ra l dreNinaa. arrive. Upon closer ln8pl'CtiOn Corona del Mar News t Reu Cro. Workroom . 313 Ma· lbe pallt'ngera saw that each cltl- rlnt' avenue, Balboa leland. 10 &.m. un had hla arma piled high with • ~ a.r Cha 11 to 4 p.m .. 111rgk al drt'llalnga. t ruge tray• of I-wa fried chicken. l c Mr D~nd !.~~~~d ~elr da~g:te~ · 1 Red Crcu Wurkroom, 1300 hnmt' made c&ke and cinnamon ~an ego v ;.lhl f ~ Gold · 1 Ocean avenue, Corona del Ma.r, ml'a anu there were large poll ~r~. Staurt Co · 0d 1 M en· <.pen 10 &.m to 4 p.m., aurl'lcal I of entree atandlng around It de-1'0<1 8Vt'n~e, rona e ar, over 'reMing., vel oped that thl.a wu thl.a arnall the hoiH ay • ~ _ _ _ M ra. Frank Burkhelme[. &nd eon T HURI DAY-1 Jimmy of S&n Dlt&'O, a~nt the Harbor Klwanl• Club will mHt Balboa y acht Club week fnd wllb her parent&, Mr. at Balboa'a Electric Grtll 12.1!) I M tin p t ed and Mra Sam Hoke of Ccrona del noo~. ee g OS pon ; I Mar. 1 , k 1wanls. 12·1 ~ no n, Electric 1 Date Set July 16 . Mrs Sherma.n Nurent of 307 Lrlll 1 · :\l~tlgohl avenue, Corona del Ma.r, Reu Cro• Work• oom. II}; lm. -entt-rtalned her frlenca, 141aa Pearl llalboa. 10 am· 'to 4 p.m.. wing. I Dul' to Lhl' abs.>net> of 11 quorum. Hamlin ul Santa Monica. and MI .. Red Croaa Wor kroom. Ma· the sl'ml-annual ml'l'IIDfC of thl' • M R • Sweeney of Sp,rln&'field rtne avenue, Balboa Jaland. 10 Bstlboa Yacht dub was pqstpom'<l M:ryforo:veral dayl. They 1~ni am. to 4 p.m .. aurgif al dre .. lnga. from July 8 unttl SundayJ Jul} lfi Frt.day at lAguna and lunched at at 4 p m All ml'm.twrs arl' url(•'fl Victor Hugo's wlt'l Mill Creule to nllt•ntl the ml'<'llng llamhn nr Santa Monic&. Mra. Anah~im to_ Present Costume Dance J uly 19 F AC Bri di e Carrying o ut a thf'tlle of "Our Sechon Meets Allied 'Nallona and United Statu.'' Nu,ertt'll frlenda, Mr. and Wra. Clnr•fnce Mcl-"'adden, aon ~orre ·and qauK"hter • Marilyn, of El centro. are a~ndlnr their va.c:a- trun at lAguna. o gurgeoualy cuetumed <lance pro- ~r&m will be prt'llented at tht' Anaheim t:nlon High School Audl· t1 rtum at k p m . J uly 19 under thf' auap1cu r f lh" Anabelm Pa.r· <'nt·Teacher At~lntlun Council. The pageant 11 prt-aented IUIDU· a.lly. and feAture& all t~a or dancln1J, ~-w. c:tuo.-trlu mt group, all planned to ahow how the-dance a .. sta youth ln ch&rac· Hos1n11es at tt·e bridge ..ec:Uon Mr. and Mra J. S. Whyte and ot the Friday Afternoon Club 1110n Robert of •16 Hazel drive, whh:h mt't Wednesday, June 28. C'nrnna del ~ar. had a happy boll- were: Mr11. I P. Coo~r and M ra. day \'larl wtth their eon Donald E. J. Wright. . of Camp Cook Armoured Infantry. Mn. Chari"• ¥cAllery, out-go-lind daughter, Mn. Lorralne Robe- ing chairman M the bridge •ctlon 110n and baby cf Altadena. thanked the _1_rou for a Jift re· Lt. Guy Anden10n. of ~father cen v sent hn. -Jo'it'ld. -Sacr"-rcen£6. II ·~ndli'lr I Mrs. Anna Lefler · j(lvec1 a dellclouely prejl.rt'd m id- I IIIJtht "Rack ." • ......, ..._ ..... ,.,_. Returns Aug ust 1 I f I' t .. a ........ -· _ ~ "MMMe alte~~dln« thl' afra lr wen• lhr Meadamu Roy Page, F.lml'r Wn1 Anna B. Lenrr will bl' tr· l'ntt.,raon. Rrrt Oqulllt , Rtlgrr Your Friends and ~I • , t.•r bullulng. recrratron, g-race anu 1 n e ht'alth. All benefit& from the pt'()- ,._ra m will ~eo t ward Child Wei· fafe work. Th~IM' ~tllendlng that atterncon the week end at the home of Mr. were the Me.sdiUlln J errold Stang· s.nd Mre. ~or«e Wrtee of Artuia.. ler S L Hauck, Kennet h Stwart;' Lt. Anderaon ll the 100 of Wra. F.u~t'nl' Senelon. Charles H. Me:· F1orfl'nce Ander.on ol 428 Mar· Alary. Darrt>l King. Charlea An· jtul'rota strl'et. Corona del Mar. (rl'wa. :0.:1tn Robrnaon. Hl('t\Ard J ohn Sel,el. formerly or Cor:. 0 ttmar. C G. H uston. P . V. Ol\11. del Mar. now of Tuatln, l1 l'urkll. J . C Payne. C. S. Hanq,. a~n\1111( the week end with hie G l'•JX F'. L. Knauer. Henry E~ frttnrl, F.ddle Anden10ri, of •28 _...._..,..._, .... ,... ~-,..,.____..... ... ,_, .......... UN! l 1kJ n~r at 231!) ~e avenul', h.t· flnrn--. F.d . FAlck. Alma R.alb. ~Ius r;r " Cu~: of Hollywood. .............. f*k,.-vera, Callfon'lla. from Jul" I !'I •n•t Ha.rlt-Ran-ell. r11,1111 IU tro·ss. wa& n holiday ~111 j ' until thr flnrt of Auguat T hr" ht Hl«tt acono waa won by Mno "'· tiw hn'T'•· ,,r M11011 llomnte 8tew· Ulf hcomr ot ht'r aon, CapllAID (' ()qul.rrt a nd t t e "80 Honor" prlz•• ttr•l \\'o·•t llriV nv.-nut>. .......... ,.,... ... .,....,. .... ._, .......... .. ..._....,. • ....,,.va,.waall· lilc ~u.M. lf Jou w..ta ...,_ lW'a I'MII)' .., ........... ,_,. lllel& _.,_ .. tool& for • t-. Dirk JAn er. Mra JAner hu I:M't'n wa11 wNJ by Mn. Harrell lolr s.ml M r" SytlnPy de Gn.ur In Akron. Ohio, fur th~· pu t 11rV·1 Thf nnt mt't'ttn~r wtll l11kt' '""'"''' nf Altlr<IO'nn hnvt l)rnu.:ht l!Mir eraJ mo,nth•. a nd upnn c umpll'll"ll 11t lhr hnmf' of Mre Rn}w'rt r M tl hunt "l'l'rll'ju" ,lnwn trom San I t1f her vtalt w'llh her aon, h4' 1.nd Wllliama at 1M!' Or11ngl' 11venue l 'o•drn 1 th••rr· '"'"' m~turlnl{,ln th1· w ........... '" tid• lllforma· hl.l f amlly will retum with hl'r lf1 1', "'" Mna. on Auguat 11. 1 ",. n .. ar r 'hrtl'l rr.n'11 llut. a nd will ..... ..... .... ,.. ,,_ lfoallfot hr r ~,W~·n ron-' at 210 VIa RA n . 1 .. 11 11 ~'It ,. ,., 1< l't.d " un 11. • ...._ .. Clare for . a.,.,..," .... A ..... ......._. etiWftlopfl Ht'mfl, Urlo lalf' B 1: · d M • r>tr anol l\IIM J F:tlr:tr Wtlllt'lnt" I Lt. Q)J Wyn•tc:ad Wht elt't an\J . 001\8 , an agazlnt'S t .wt• , po·nl'tl \II" r hnm,. on Bolbf\11 ..... ·-·· Depa.rtnw.t of ..... 5 ,..,., fa.mlly art t><'C:Upytntt l hf' -Len .. , Needed at Front ll!lnn•l no ur thl· 'H:\1<1 J.,'llnrd ltG Ll.dn Iiiii' hnme until August I ""n ttl •I ·.• ttl tu """'II for th The World's New. Seen 11vou&h THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE 1\fONITOR Art lntcrrldlwruJI Dculy Ncu•spof•t~ . Publu l1cd by T HE CH{{(Sn A ~ SC/1::.,'\,CE PUI)llSlll '(; SO<..'JETY an.. Norwuy Sln'l'l. Boocton Mn..'tSIIC'hu.c;t-11~ Jt! Trathfol--<'nn•trtwtlu•--t 'nhlawd-F!"f'4' from Mf'nMAtlfonafl,.m Edlt.riat. Af't' 11RW'I) and ln•trurth-.-and l b llall, l'f'atuN". Tn-r tt.er wtltl tlilr \\'t'Hlly ~1-.ru.lne 81'c'tl6tl, Ml&kf' tiM' ~lonllor an Weal Ne,..,.Pf'r for Uw H-. • t Prk'e SI'!.OO \'-"'· or Sl.to a ~lnnth. , Sal~ a.,... lM hadlq M.acu.l-S.CUnn, S!.IO a l 'f'•r. lal~rf Off~. I Bet• .... ) ea.-!& ('uta Obt.aA_... at : ' ChrtSUu Rc-WaClf' ~In,; Room "I .&Me O.tral A.._ ... ....._.Cantenla Anulher call to; book.11 '"''I ~~~~~ "'' r ~~~ Wolh.lm.' lit h<'a.d II' nusgaJISn,.. fer· Ulf' bnv• •·r· tht•, th,. flh·~t u• llt•p:~rtmrnt Ill Loel · 11hlp• a l lhf' NIIV • biUK'S h••lh In h••••tl l 'nltfoJm la nne! In the !'outn l'.i· Th,..~t •r" :\trFimv of the pb~to •·1(11 c nnw• to th.-C"hamt,..r "' "•II •' •·" r dt "h"P a t na.lboa '"'' • 1 ", r·l tltnt h111 aon c '""'"'""'~' Thl' r"'l"''"l II• I.•• I"~ ~~ .. h f' '"' 'kln•l uf IC"'Id rra<!ln~ 111 1 '' !1.11 T(')I;IIH ,\ ,\• I II" I H•••k.• nntl m n J:8.7tnrro ""'' 1~ \\'•n. : '" • n t' tn•· errell• frrc 11not )I , ull~e to S &n 1 1 "'. • tl tr:\•nmJ: In .t .. llvcro·fl tct I hi' ••tf1c~ "' t lw t 'h 111.l11 r ';1):/ Eut l'on\t't' av Moll •:• II'• 1'''" 'llhld,ru~;h'l'f' • IIIII' lll•lbtlii The-y Will ~ 'prt'kt•tl '.' 'a' 1" ' r f "" ,, • 'll •• II. II."' I' I c:rr l1y ro-prellt'nlllt~v ... • (ron; 1111 "'" h•:t ~111"J·" 1"1 :-.;,.,, y ,, .C. th•• N'"'"t .. ,r ,.tatlon ne•r T ust 11 "h•• lh·' "II 1" u•:<t~ "' Moll IHiol oluotrlbalt••l tn lhe VIlli•"•"' sta-P:.ul 1''11111 1111'1 f•nuh· f, r 11' vr raJ I ' •IH•nro 11nd t ' li-e ahlr" u11 1l11•y wt>r kl!. Mr nnol Mr.• T111 '"II r>f 1Jl11 An· I lrAvl' fnr...(l'lp•'lt('l HTVI<:" 1 ('llrrrnt .. 1p1 .. 1 of G"·•ttrr.r.hk. l(tlr,., wh" nr,. 111 thl'lr t~umm~~r Ht'Holrra Ulllr~t. Life nn! ••tlwr homl' n~ lAOP w~·~t H~ avrnut , entertalnNI fi-trnrhl uvrr the holl· .ma~tll.&Jn"a Are U':'~ptatr.e; ... · ... yll. • .lttr•. Mary J.,pvr ('nnn nf Pn.o,. I denl\ ·waa a lflJCAL cw•·r tire holi- day& at the home of hl'r 11111trr, Wayne, Neb,, a.nd wbo la I<"Avtng D B 'd tnday fur the air but< at V~t·tur· eSSert rJ ge vine. 1 P a rty at Carvers' \,1• \\'lllllrol L Kllll n n( 901 \'tn Udu 8oud ha..~ IU hl'r l•VWit' 1 A ,l,_.rt briOJtl' party WB.l! l'll•"l!t~ (nr tht' n('~l ,., uph· of ~IVt'n Fnday by :\Ira Jt~ph C'ar· Wt't'k~ h!'r mnlht'r. Mrll Arthur J .1 '~"r at tw r hr1nW"Ilt H4~< l, If llrl\'''· l lft\'1~ lind " (rtcnd. ~lr:t. William Nevq>nrl li<'l):lll !l Alll:"l rw .. t Y • ~tu lth~r llu!h ''•"lW fl a·' n rk•· W1lh d ro11 ~tl.llt• 111\ol mrt rKh· trorT I~·H An~:•·lo·" ntli.lluw ~<au• ,. 1"'"'''1 '", r 1t u no~ Jli l. • I I r11l••o• 1'111 It k :::l:! ;\Ill~-t•t'flN' \\'UK t"nJI ~·· oJ ltV t ho• !:"UI.'IIlll nnl l' ,.,,,..tn .\!•~a. h.•~ '''turlH·J 1'hnst• alt••nttJur \'"'*'* t ht• ~1PN· (rt 1u•:l•lltt~ 1t;1 1 •IJI o,•:thl• •··•·l'k d " 1 1, -• \\',•I'• 1 \1,11"11 Jnhn \\ !.\ h••r nunl Rn<l 1•!11'1o• II• I om;: l~u!ol•1 r'tuk l ll'lt.l:(o , llu~ct ~a.c:h Goloh·n. lt.•n ••r :O.!o·ll"l\ J.:olw ortl Mr "0" .\.!8 J u11.;•·• l ~tr:t•ni 7.M ~1u1 rrll, nntl tlfHry HuruiC'k. are eXj•M'II'•I h m e· tooN I(I.t r• Ill 3 br el atuy In Pa><nd n.• ... Mra V~lma Barbl-r. · I Ml• Patr h'la Milia or llllb I Wbat about ·. tr&vel eoadilioni'l- Tra•el coMldMe.,. ......._ ... dMJ ...... i• ,......, .,.. .. . Lee'. &oak at .. facut: latr·eet apent tile holldaya In the 8an Bernarcllnn mnunt11ln11 I Mn. ,oreoce Torrance had u 1\JMll Sunday at hrr hnme on 27th at rut,. Mr IU'I d !.11'1! R A. 8ummera &nd Mn Joe Rummera of Loe Anlt'lee, Stan Huycl&e. ma.na~tr of ,I&• p&trtck'a department' •tore h•~ returned home tTom a t"''O ~vtrkl at.ay at the Arteala h~ltal Mrw C1yde Al«rra of LOll An· ,...... v.•aa a lt\llt roc •nral daya , at t he home <>f ht r mr>lhrr. !otra. I Ettie Herm<-n. I 1:'1 27th at~rt I . - ~"''· G U Losenbl\rtl, · Frank 1\turl{lJf'rlta lllreet llsrdlman. Lura Laki an\! J P A party wu glv~n In honor of Cooper · .tr~ mrs SleHeneen'a fourt eenth . M rs Andre ws wnn h1gh and 1111 1 , uy .• luly {1, by hht mother. .'I r:o Cr x wnn ttw trav<>ling prizt> l 1 s .1 1-t•~tlic Strtren~ten. at her T ,. ,.,.n~•lntton p riz•· was won by h rr •·. :.!OIJ ~1url~;old avenue Ttit' ~ 1,. 1·: ~: H urJ reau '"""'''1111: guests Wl're ptellt'~tt: T l11· n•xt mN•tln~ \\Ill tw h••ld t 'ath1tl11• AMirew11 Vlrgln ta Jtd \' .:•i 1 1 I •nnnl.t ~tl'trcnMn. Dixie 11, l.nro·n Wie!'IC. ~ht'lla H ow<', Ftl• r•t' "' •.lrtfll. t" "'rll" t" t· .. t,. 1 t \\'llyto•, Mur~:aret Deihl, lh·rh• rt 1 ·• •ltn ~•·n tnav do !Ooo ,,• : • "I • 1 1,~. Tlw pnrty "·'ll t h !> ;t.!di'S' II• o~", 1 t L J"""""'" al~u In h .. nor of lbe b rthtl&y vt ~ 1 I s :: I'• n:IJI;;I\'a ntn. F' P (• >tnut hc-r gu~'lll Mil'!! <.,ara 'E llen B• , -; . i t h l •l\·1.~:nu ~.lp F t a n l'J" lln nn. v. h<> wru1 1\ tunno·r rho. • l ':1ltr sho)ullt'nt ht t' t•f P na ltl'11 · 'lltnM~I.._t ........... ol diCNModl ol ... &ad W'MMII ol • .,.., ar!DM forae an oow rn•t._ lq ac.rou tiM C'CNDU'f by rail. car·odadoa •poe OJ wai-. le ~ .. pto.W. llkelauy .,... lot lick 01 -ed.4 lenlcw ,... ~-&. aa4 dMir aatoda•u. .,.._. pone4 pen•at 10 a •edjcal c..-. . ukate. ... e bope ..,.,.. will ... Gule ol dlie. M11rtne W T O!it•tt jr ., nephe-w 1 of M~. Th~nr~' Rnhm~ h11~ ~ VJ:<itln~; he-I-f' for II fo~· dii\'S and f ltort Wt>f1n,.<~dll\' for T"nl <'~m11 :1. ~kPI D111t111ion Hr ha~ !'1'i't'lvro1 11 l<hnq"•hMtt>r m,..filll rnr I'Xrd· ll'nrr ln nflc• rnn~·· work Ill!! ht'lllC' I' In 1-\('IT\ rllo•. To•,a• llarhr Ina lea~~uarlen for TIM t ... m" o1 o.er i1bda1 troopt 1re cald a1 tripe to ..... the boT•" before chey abo•• o6 fo# onrH&a. f.u-cuti••• and war ~rken of ene•Hi•l induatriu 1re \tra•elin1 lw•~~n ~lfiOUJ pl•nll o~ im por· tllll miU IOOJ. " Ill actd• up eo thil: MMe raa· unttf'fJ thy euor hefpre are Cll•'"·.Jinll Uie Santa Fe trarnt. \X t' •rr. rrquirt'd 10 hanJie thiJ un "f('( t·tltntt·.J \'Illume nl r.\IU<'O· '• IUihC ,.rth p rJ.<'Ih Alh 1/tt' •llmf' Hf"'P"'"'' u • l .rd /If /1)4/ alt~~h.lin~t nt" l'~"·••c<r ClJu•r· m 1111 h~• 111\l I'H II r• flllllluf >II 'C p , 1•! l l.a rt•nr (.ltor J.tuHJnll .111 h ' '""'" •n· •""""'"' tn '"" r.l tll l•a .t• unJ l·r )nit. r, ...... ( u nfnh , .. ,. c .. ,,unt''' n Str> ILt' t lrJ .r ~., ~I ' dl.c 1 •c J ,.01 •n1 Jun,· :-, t u ,ft,J•I.t><' ••r ~a~~ovt' 1ny p J•Hngu rn lln) •~- SAr~TA FE Ye ol tiM &ata Fe wjJI do CHit beat 10 carry 111 che pau ennn we n n.-•• quickly and comfonabty a1 we can, hue wt aek chi• before 1'* plan 1 rfip chi• tllmmer; u,/,., ,....,. trif il •u,.ti•l. ~-·t ,.. ,., II •6 ••til wo k••• • littlo .rllt r .,,_,.,,,;, ,. ~-,.,., ,., ;, IH tr.ultti•••l S•"''* F• ••••"? SYSTEM LU\jES "ALONG TH~ ROUTE TO TOKYO" '• • - I Mr11 R"r~t:hllol ~l"flhrtll' ,.r :lJO NHro''"·""l~ A\'0' t'ttrnn11 <lrl Mllr. WIUI It !t1Hl~l Ill II hOH•bf'I'UI' dlnnf'r nn.t p u do•n pa rt~' ~nnd11\' 111 I "' h"m•· • r ~lr .. no! :\l r .... T .1 lll•tC':, L fl. A ~L.• I,.., 11,, p.n \' '' 1t.~ Ill h1•1f· r ••I t·(r ~f.ll hlltl" ~u.•t.•U,, ' ' :Ill I ~·I' ~t 11 J, ' I :\1..-"11 :.n~t •I ''''\ t'i' t ·'•''1"\ ,, 1 ,.~ ~~ n~· '"' .L!' ,.. • .,. n v \-··~ '' t,,. h·n 11( V r '' '" 1 n · ,.., ~1 ~ \it"' \ tlnr t ;,lr • -''' nf 10q :!7t'l '' ... . ' ""1U~ 1\ d P I ' \' • I. J,, .q I ~~· .t• r ·" .1 .. ,,,. \ \ ., '1 ~:,~It .. \' ' I ' >• \ l • I "'• C >I • I 11 1 I t .. ,, ..- i ,,t l\\ I \ •I I . t'' t I ~ , ... • I • ' ,. t I \' II, , 4 \\'• ! 1~ lrnn t • nt• rt.l1U•'! "1fh ,, l ,,, , .. p,tJ\\ l j I 1•• ,tl l.o•t I, tl'f' ~lll tlr• J tH • \ •·•.tn~ h·•:t••t 1 ~ t h•· :!:1r· l>trt h•l•11· "' h··1 ~ •• :, I •· 1 •• n rn' 'A~ l'o~<J:I:I:c 1• 111 t h" .,r q,,. ~1 rJO llr.-In\ 111'•1 :1 1:1'•''11' .-.r ~'""'" I fr~m thr S.>~lt)l c',ut. 1\ll.t ,.ofci1Pr11 rn 1m l.. .. ng I~Rch, R,tumtng home In time for the part\' "''t..• lira. He•· lllft·lD·law. Etno ·olltl• a r r I v t d \\ l'tlne&\Ja) rron1 ' G'eneial MotOrs CAR.S and ·TRUCKS· Complete Mechanical Body and Fender Repairs: Repairs Refinishing Genuine G. M. Parts and Accessories BUDGET TERMS Culbertson ChevrOlet .co. CHEVROLET· OLDSMOBILE SA LES. f AND SERVICE Newpor1 , lECt!IPIS:~ hllcl: Iouth Coast Co.-rental on Doctt No. ~ & pra~ 9'7.!10 Iouth Coast Co ~Junp rr nt on C'o•ntr3l /leV<' prop. 70.00 Iouth Coallt Co,-May & JunP rent on Docks 3 & 4 3.1000 lanta Ana Air 13ase J unl' N'nt on bay frontage.. 125.00 ~amp B. RilE-y, coni rollt>r V<'hirlc• liC"l'IW' fN' 3,3:.'5 R5 )ona.Jd W. Douglas-Junr rl'nt on Dock 6 It gar. 75.50 ~o. Calif ~l'll'phonl' Cn pa) ~tauon on pi{•r IR.0 1 lit'O. W. Hlnt'r-Junc• rent on Nt'WJlOt1 Jlil•r H)() 00 • ~lannin~ Commi.,.sion 0\as, A Robinson hrarlng 10.00 r. L . Rint>hart -C'ity Cl"t k . Quit C'llum Det>ds : Lot 19. Block 1:\3. l-1 kP 1'rnl't :\1165 Lot 1:1 & 13. Block 3:St'Ctinn 5 64 54 ~ckennnn Jlo.1t Co. OrNt~:in·~ ~~~ pt'r statc•ml'nl 1.800.00 .i(lncrnl Pt'l roll'Um Curp 1 o•1untl cl('JIO~II un drum I 00 lt. L. P ath••,nn. S..·<Ao•l' Supt. So·\\rr rnnnr ct1ons 46000 :>. A. J am•s Police Jud~.:••-It no•-. <•ollt'<'ti'C! 868.50 f'rtod Ml'l7.ll'r. n•ntal on clock 1 & ~:aral(t' 52 50' '-· M. Nelson. Bmlr1in~: JnsJX'('t. huihlin~; rx·rmit~ l()l 00 ~. M. Nel~nn, RutlltinR ln~pet:t-plumbin~: (l('rm it.... 117.00 A. M · N<'lson. Ruildtng lnspt'<'t. F.ll'l'trknl p<'nt\· 5R 75 A. M. N<'I"'n. Buildtn.,; lnt>JX'('I -Pta~h·ring IX'~ 12 00 f<. M N""on, Build1n~o: ln"'J>l'<'l • Chimn"y pt'rm it!l '-1.00 A. M, Nt>l>.on. Ruildtn.,; 1nspt'('t Rcmovnl pt'nntts :.'Ol.OO A. M. Nebon. Rldg. Jn~pt•ct Exam. MIIStl'r Elec. :.!5.00 A. M. Nelson. Old~: ln~pt·cl .Salt' copies zoninl! 6 00 Ralboa Branch Bank or Am. Int. on cily fu}lds 6:.? 33 R. R. HodJ;ktn'()n. Tax Colle-ctor• taxt>~ 8c assmls. currt-nt R. R. Hodgkln,.on. Tax CoiiE>C'tO(', tiiXI's & ns~mt~ .• rC'drmpl. n. R. JlOdi:klnSQn, TIIX CoUc•clor. 1915 Act full pd, assmts, F. 1... Rinehart. A.;;~csso'r, unnttll~hC'd pt'rsonal lnxl'!'. Thumas J. Conn('rs, N'nt on hou~ at camp grounds South Coa,t Co .. June rc•nt on <'limp ground~ Perotht>a W ilson. Librarian. rents and Ctnt•s 0 . A. Jonr•s, Policl' J udgc•. trafflrt' rln<'s . !ia le of City Lots . • . R. L. Pattt'rson . Wa ter Supt .. rc•v('nUe from Witter J:Xopt •'.-TOTAL DIS BURSEMENTS: 8.124 13 1 741 57J 809 5.1 145.33 3,:\91 6.1 15.00' 70000 13766 1 Th'5.00 6,351.25 6..597 45 $461.160.10 Onl'f' •.rain Nf'wr ort lt.-11· h'" It • l'f''t •1"'1'1 ,,.leo \\til I~ l'njo•vco.l u,,. ~n"" blr.t• tak.-a pltto'l' "" ~UII· 011\', Au~r 6th 1"ht' r11o·l.' Will lw Of'<'n II• llnyo Ill' 1\n\' •~:··· lin\' lOt':\ Who flll'a lUI l'nl ry h'1111k """ " •~ • pt ~o•nnt .. :ot ry "'"""• any bf' Ohltlitlt•ol 111 !111• 1'o'\\j"''' artw1r Yllo'ht t'luh th~ llalhM \'•u hi l 1 ull. rrom thr J A 1\t'f'k o~f , ... ut thl' F o rc·y IJ\IIolllll! t ,.,.· Jt "'"' I IIIH.!'if ,..... • •f \It' t h, \tt N~th· "' \'ll tlo•lv ""ill '"""'"~" 11r lht S"" I' ri'--HIU'J•'r 1 'hollllh••c o>f '"m""'" I nnol IIIII~\ I~· rtlo•ol lw orr 1 :10 p 11 , n tho• o1:1\ ,.( lth' Th•• "'"'1... An•l flnl~h ltnt• Will br "' t1 ,. !'cQ tu1tlrol nil '''" k j\111 ho•lo>\\' llu• 1\all>o.. l'a'vtllom, \lith II•,. ftn t 11 arko•r to th•• w11•t of llar~r J•la.no~r ltf'o·unol "''"'to ••f lhf' Lklo falf' n ub tlnu••. and the third In thf' l"hiUIIIPI o tf thr 1'11111 '''"' o1 llalbua l•land. T l\•pht•• will .bf' pn-IM'ntf'<l t., thr \\llllll'rlt 1\n ~unda~·. AUII 1!\, "' t ht• NI'WJ"((rt Uarb.lf' ''at• hi I ,11h 11 1:.' n • .,,n ('o•nHn oo(l••rr AI· ho•rl ~ul11nol will prl'.•rnt t "" '""'''' R .. lll\llc1 tr I''"' lo• thf' (\not t•lrlt •' "lnno·r. "'hn will hultl II f·•r II \o•nr nnol \f\)tlhlt•Jf \\Ill Ill' pro• "''111•••1 to• t hr fl...t trn 1 .. ,.. ... to fl111,.h M t .. l~tl• "'til h~ I" o•ou•nl~'•l I" lho• llnll It'll 1).>11111 lol IHilllh M•·•l11IJ' wtll be: prrl!('nl•·•l I•• Uw~··, '"'"'~ tlnll'hlllt.t 11th :.'lilt. :11•1 Mill llt1l 1'1"''1" up I•• IHIIIt p h<• o• ""'' t thl' hu•t l••11t '" tlnl11h (Wrlttrn •bout lt181 Whl'n nur ~'~<•~·" \1\·ho l'tlnnrd thl' Kai~~e~l', oe• whn ata)'N In camp OJr lhlp. t ·o\lllf' l>nt•k h•lllll' nncl J)(>unct 1 hi' J'W'Yt'mconl, )'o•ll your Made otf, lc•t 't'r rip ()p,•n 1111 >••ur tc11•l hlo•N-l'lwc•m or )'1lllr lun<'hroom fill..t wtth peert.: Uo-.•1 until )'t•ur ''"r" Ill'\• 1\o'hlna. Mncl ~"ur lop·plf'<.'l' l'f'ol•l• and whlrla; "''"'" t lhl l:lltr~· 1\1""'~ hv ~·otu hllrt' )'\lllr hl'lld. IIIIIUtf' your naa! Vuu <'1111 lhnnk )'"llr tlnrlt• Snnunr. thNI It '" not a Grr"""' rql \'.111 1111111 '""r lun.:~ ,.,... '""'' n~:. ltl('k thr tll.tllrllnlltl. ahout and llnl. !'Ohol\\ tho• l1o•\' tho·~ ol\\11 tho• o'tlv nntl o•.tn hll\lc' 'mo!lt rverylhlft&. 1-'cll tlwllllll' \\lth,tll•'' nnol 1:1>owl lhlllll" 1111 tho•)' •pill tt"•lr \It'll llllol )<'Ill!" l\11~\. "'""'~' IIIIo I Y••lllll: ~I" ln.: ...-hlrko•n , put ttw llrl.un army bfoftnt. ,,., tho •c11 '"'"k•• Ilk·· t ,.,., '"" ''"!:""'' 1111 II'~ llkl' a I.()Oc\clfl rot. .'t11!r tho'ltl full"' 11111 '""' Jll••flcut•' 1111 tlwy'rr tlr...t ""a ~. t':~rt thrill holtl\0' 1111 llthho•t 1111•• lt•t lllo'lll '''"'II 111 lt·••~t A Wf'l'k; l'lct 11 llfltltlo•r "" tl11• '''"'""'"·tho'"" 11l1o1111 l'lo•·l" 111 lh•• rrt'f•k ·n\o•tl, \AIIf'l\ c•lll'h /IIIII ,.,.,.,.~. 1··1111\\ 01110"1' lt~nlll I~ ··lo•lln.ftml ...... I'll hlln flit' hh I"" Ill ""•:•••. c..." •' l11111 hoo•k hi• ,luh IIJllln. 1'111\'A.Ir: I ~:t.A N!l JIAYT\F.N. • • \1.1 ' (' All ~'111111'11 folr lhi• Wonwon'11, Ann)' Rl~•·l~tl ln •l•hh•• will I• '"''"r.ll'•l :'llr ·l' 8('8 a0 "" '"''"w" r1 r111 ~''' ,,, r•n•.-t~ pn• {)ut for Va',.tory ~:::~~.'~~-~~~\~;:~. ~~~:.:! ,. .. ,,,,-.! ''" M11rlc llrnh· "'""'"' "' ' j olf Fortr•••• •:uropn and the ln· ..:•rl t •• flnl~th, pr•*'11lo••l 1':V llrll· 1 , . . . 1 f'ro'lll'f'll 11'1111111 o( tM war In the oh•n ... ,,,, h \'1\1111''""" l~·v "' ""'""· !'o't'\ 11'1' \A'OIIIll'rl olf Hw '''•IIIH 1\. ·'fl h r ·---_._ .. ·• · • .. I"''" ,. 1 Ntto•c· o opt•raloun" ,. .... ., 1.n-11rnt,..t hv J M \\'I'IWIIrt oolrl At my 1'"11"' nut 110l~ '"1' ot.·vulllll: Air \\ 1.,.1 m<~t'o' than f'Yer vlt.al to T' • n "'"' 11111111 to• bo-t'n)"Y'"I •·•I ~k'l'l'"'r tu flntll41, t•N'M'ntr•l tw t h••tr ltn 10• ""'' IH'IVh't•. nmltlunnt ·l vic tory. on Uio• tllo•tllll'" \'II• olllun .. ""11'111 II .I \V ~···nolon. rtut, -:;·!r,co 0 ",""' ln..: tho'll' hlnod ICY lhf' Will" l'ffnrt : I (. 'umplo•tco lnfonna. Uon about .Air \\~Jidt !\lr•· lin\ "'"rl•l l.ot•lt .Jr """ '" flutll·•. pri'IOC'Illr ol 'Y r.ar ., an· tht•v ""' llumln& lht•lr mclf'lc•y iu• \VU4'11 4nAY be obtained by COfl• 'rhllllro•n 1'1\rul Hftt• atHI DI'AIIIIO. lr\1 , II\ r•nlf'rt run. a tm phv tn Wo•il. IAC'I'n Ll llerbert w. Humbn'. f'll<h'\.1 &llur•lll\' Thr y \ '"''"' rl'lll· tu "' 1\t !.h'Na llv bo'll\111 "'"I rtnot 11 " .,, n I 1· tl I I "' 'wK olt1 ._ No. a.-•--I I b It' n lr nih' l'lt Of111 t'lll • "'r ac Ct! ---·· I 1\ • H "tu1 fr tl'nda In Idaho> and olf . Vallrly t>nala, l""""ntN Y Ill •· l ·...t t ru.lt 1 S 1 ,An ft.oca1 ~ ....._. ION. l..'tllb au1J whlll• In tUrl(' .... ''"'' <.'anL J. A. Ucoek_ quartC'I"'l orran • o ~ an a a. _ · tv 111'1' l;lt<'!'ll.t! uf M t'lt Luoll'a 1••r· ~pt llf'f'k Ia )uol.:l' 01( thl' •"'" M1 anol Mr• J \\' """""· , "lii"M', anJ mf'm~r• "' th• •·um · Current Expen.w Fund Park Fund 20.~.~~ • 1\IRS. AMEIHCA Warship Officer s.r,~.~ M~ETS DEFENSE Praises Newport Mra. Sam Holle Ia reeo¥e~ mltlf'f' tn rha rac,. ar• Wall•r K •fro •1 t 11 lll o•krn • .. 11· r ''""' ....... 1 ""''Ia. r hlllrman . ltrar ('ommn· talnt<l Ill a recent aeclct.L oltorl' llr n'ty Granolltl. Jam,.. M : •. r 11nol Mra ll•·~>rr.l' Wrl«hl Wrbater nm1n1o.lm•,. ltftlrk tii'Aiv. a nd ltll•a Shirley WriKht of Ar. 1-"rcod nnow..r Krnn•lh M••r1111n. to ,.,h .funn(r MI'M r.-e.drnla wrff' ('\•mnwdono AIIW'rt R<>llanrt. R\&N· In '""'" lhr othc•r 1tay •~f'lnl olld ( 'omwoonrl' J 'W <"lfldon. t 'apt f rtc-.n!\a 1 1~f'k, H n Rtwart. f!llllf·C'om· BERNARD Wa tt>r Macnt<'nnn<'t' Ubrary l"und Camp ~"und AdvertWng Fund Special Fund Property 1-'\lnd .. ,. .... . t.~:~ I Forty Pf'l'\'t'nt ri ~h~ dry ~-USO for Efforts .... ... .. ... 1.812.31 , Cf'rtu Whlrh '" Into Ml'll Am· Aftrr reeldln~t In Lon~r l~••·h modorl' IA'Itn H.-man. Howar'd Cenual Bond Redemption ..... A & I No. 1 Bond R.edemption Total Funds per Clt>rk Outstandinc, Warrantll -, 79fl95 l"r',.,. ..... ., •""' t)ftltk~l &1"1' rrlntetl • ·~ .... . .. 1 575 00 , om l 1 np A It rt .. ...... -2,063.38 33,976.11 on c I v romW'un v Jl '"" --------' -llat.e. And 'a.ll ce•lln!f prlrM or $427,183.99 ,..,,.~tJo Ill•" .r.. l'fl"N'Itl!"l" (\fl ., ... 1. 260.69 !ar lt•t• at a~lnr ernt. pn · ----p"urc1 In rrllnv rommunlt!u t hl'u Total Funds per Treasurer \ • $427,.w4 68 ~tflc cent. ~r JlOund c~'llnJrll Rt>spectrully submitte-d, have bf'en l'ltah'l~hew' fnr n num- J A. GANT, Treasurer. J twr of 'r"lh fruita' and vetl!'~tabl"•· -------------------':.• _____ ..-,. ____ .Atl d.l!l'lJ'n &re ~ul...cl to po.t RADIO thr n'flcl'\1 OPA celllnr price. o~ S E R V J C E : fOOI11 '" ll•ltllt'nn hllll~wlvn H-. Auto, Marit~e llad.loa a.8palred Marble t:a-&ridaa I m11v obt,ln I'CII"''"' J>fll'kl't !rl1t !lAlii of off1rhol (1PA rrllln~11 on ~l'rll':t 11nrt mute by ('lllllntlf' at Burl R. Norton Pho-'%411 their IM nl w11r pr1<'t' 11nc1 ration- Just Received A Fresh Shipment of NEWPORT BEA{'H In~ bollrrt11. '"'""" lll"t.11 provltlf' • ~tn t'l!rrltl'nt R'lllo1r l fl Mra Am · •nrn '" """" hrr tOOl\ pul'\'hll~• \\'lthln ,. .. ntn~: prlru tr ~h•• !IW'U\· O\\!•) t~~""''' or If \'1111 huv 11 ''""'I ••11r •·nc1'1l "'"nl t<l ""' thl:' llf"'''l'lr lnfnnnatifln on I l'lll'lr J"r f<'l'll rrnm I .... prii'P f'll'rk ---IM th• ptlAI eightN'fl m .. nlha ........ v~r1n1'P. F.Yt'Ntlt w • .m. altd ' Tht" llnllt'd &-rvlrf' Or~o;ftnlu·j J MIT o'tt Arthur Ht'rndon 1 Audrf'y C"ommodort' t' F llaliiPr. linn· I I inn of Nc•wport l)(·orh rc•N'IVI'If n • ~ .• 11 1 1 .. rrturnt'd t•• llvr .,.. Uh orary membt'ra ot lh• l'ommiU"" highly compllm<'ntnry lc·ll••r 1 h1~ 1• · JIM•·nl8 Mr tlntl t.tna Gt'orr " a~ FA AlniWortl\. Mtnarrt P'UAPtt,l Wl't'k from thl' I'XI'I'utlve Clrri 'l' oC .,. l.I.A<lrll. bnn~nJ:' toft• tin tyn l':yr. Powell. M. W W t'rRII· a ITlinftwl't'per which was ln the I W.•.:ner w ltb ht'r The two youn1 baum an.t W n 8chrt...,l•r httrhnr dunn..: June• for rt•pain . y,·oml'n ar~ f'mployr.t "' t llf' Navy Th<' II'Ut'r follow:.: 81.jpply O.pot, San ~dro. I K£1EPINQ u•IED CAI'tl IN UIE. 1 wi11h to take this opportun· 1 Wr. and Mra, Slo.lnry Youna of 1 II)', on btohalf of lht• Pnlll"t' pt•r-1 \' '1:11111 pl:lc·,. .,~..,.,a rf'crnt vaca· l"n•·f' cont rol of \.WII'd r an I• IQJlJlcl aU~C,t!t-d to lh111 11h!.P., to ~ th•n ut llubo 11111 l'prin;:= gonct nrw• fc.r many fa.mlhra. Jtf.· ••xh•nd our'•thnnka. to your or-.lulv 1:1 Itt 111•• ''"'" • f lhl' nnt Klnnfn1 1\Jty 10 ••I nlr• nf u~l ~;nnlzauon for lh•• courtl'liieA f'X· mertlnr; or thl' t:u•ta ~tc·u y , lun· rnr• by lndlviJIIata or tlulna will tt•nd<od to the~> vJ•'IJK'I'a t>nl!.tf'd teer f'tre Departmt•llt Awdll1 ry to bC' CQYt'red by •n O I'A prk • c·l'll l Jlt•rsonnl'l durmg lh(' pt'ti.od or ~ hr ltl a t thf' f-1rf' lt.UI Mnt In~ C'arJ may ... 11 for I~ lha11 our n~ t'tll drydu~·k1n.: at l'l:t•w· Edwm J.:cJt1 k wtll bt· ho.c .. u rf'llln~r prtrn hut notl nn• Non I J)llrt H.:•uch I W•-• JIB·Jnn and Joy,;. Anri lf'll:lllly rhar~;r any eu,... "-" In VII'"" of I ho· Mlnttary dlffl· Jonf'• or 201!1 uran~o:e llv<'nue have .-n~:rr r11r1 "r" r•n ur our n11· •·ufl ,,., wh1ch ""' c•vo•r a IJI ob· noturned from I'UI'hlo> t 'ulurculu I .. onal lranaJ>fll lrttlun ~yatrm. Thl• lt-n\ dunng a. d rydock!Oi period, ! \' tu r .. lloo-y t'IIJtoyr<l ,,: vt.ll with 111 r nrttrularly trill" In ntral a.rr-1 )ullr ktndnc''~' til Jlt•c mttltng our tht·lr brotho•r. l'rovalt' 1 c ltll'loanl \\llrrl' ~ rf'~ulnr tr ip t .. t 'All In mo·n ltw Ulll"l'lof rl('tt-<1 u~ or Juno·~ Til•• "'"I' fll \\\'rt• t:.. "" • I hi' family ''"r '" I ftrn tho• nnly I your fad htlt'i' oct·a:-.101'\S thl11 ""nth WilY 111 ~· t •uJ>pllr11 fur f11nn ,,,.., t•fnnmund'~< t'l<P~}un-ot apprt>" <'lll'tl<~n 111111 f11nollv 1 vtn-: ,.,,. l'l.tltull JHif<'ll oon Ulll"l "''" 0111 \\ hlotl of HOLLYWO.OD ~ifunctive Thotography at Reasonable Prices ... Visit Our Po.rtrait Gallery In t~ BALBOA INN ARCADE SEAT COVERS .. r '''"~~" u:n r """" and n.tlonlnlf hnnr<1 F'nr Pll 11""'<1 rArll w' •thrr 1'1\ld 1•.,.. Jnoth•i(!ot:ll~ ,.,.. ''""'"r". nnw nr(' rr rr rnntrn'lr I In oorol•t ti• find' 't "" I'XI\f"t ,.,.II In~ rrl•·r f• 'r lillY rnr II•·· f'tl<'<• • lo•rl< will "''"1 II>~> fnl'<>ll'lf'h ,,,.,,,.,,. lnr .. r~"""'l I 'A h h runht'~ IO t.Jkt• the lib· (A~Ts ON THE l:~~E 1 th,••tl' hnvl' lo(ot'n "" '""'"""· """' 1'1 t) ur c"flnlnlt·n<hn;.: )'IIU vn thf' """ llltl'l)' rl11~n l •f "' I"''"'-1\ hl'r"l ••lr~t•li•nc•y nnd ht•lpluhct•,.,, 'AhiC'h n 11ny wh1o "''•'•lrJ llllto lt11nafl<otla '-------------------------~--- ""' mt•n found so apparent at 11 n c·nuld nol •ft•11l 11 Any""~'t \loUr hrnni h ul tht• l.ntlc<i St•r-1 11 _, .. -----:.----------------------.. vwt• Ur .. nnl.uztion.. With klhd· r ""10 11 ~tolnlf to 1''1Y ur ,.,. 1 11 1 " JIMIII'Pit"r rtlr mav k"t eaart ,.,, "''''"'"'for tho• t•ontlnuunt·o• Of J'l ll r lnfutmlll lotll t 111111 Ill•• lr,.•NI Rubber Lined .. winch Head AiM Leatherette ·Trimmed rr11lcl' vt>ar modPl body tv~ n..,,, v h~'h• r t"",. t ~·r ''n" A h••nt~'r rn111o "' nnv IIJ"•dnl .fart ory built· In t•qulw"• nt 1111 C)JJ.:Utll/111 lUll \\ hfl'h IS Cull! 1'1• f'IJ' 1\ _hl'fr'll hltl1n..: 'u \'lllJii) 111 tht• w .• r ,,(. - • • FOR MOST CARS Blue and White CoverallS:--- White Shop Coats JIPrf'·~ ,. , h:\nf, ,, , ,, , ''h , daol 1\1\d ••lol<'r hfo~t h••r t" l111l I '' nuotn --.. S ont't'l "l) )"Ut,_, Ill\\ 1:'\ S <.'LAMA(;~;. 1.1 •J,.:• D·\'d':r t·!-':-.:n E."''~'u t t\(' orr tct•r LANOS IN SAFETY l.eo•ut Hubert <.: Pl'riiOnl , pllol· WESTERI AUTO STOREs· lng a plane from t r.e Uran<C!' o...antllh'JI .. r 1111<1 lcot ~ll••·11 tol 1 VII 1 •·oonty AcrJ>Uil. al.a}'ed "IUl 1wt tnm•r11 With• 111 rNJIIII"In~: rnt111n plant!' when it Cllugllt on·tlte nl'ar lllflmfl" 'nw purr-•"" .. r ".1""101n~: J.1 urff'tt F'leld, IUHl rlUlnllgeol 111 pul thl" fnoot wr:u· <Ail'oul a "'""' uut th~ blue. Whtrll wJ Ill the 11tn~· lA '" hrlr drill,.,,. •I "P"'"' l'h:dnc&l ay•tc m. brtngm..: th .. or lhf' fll}l'mlll IICrtJmullltonn of plane IIOwn aafely, Hell ~OniiJIIllon. .broken 11lu1t and othu odda and •·,-rlntn t\'{'''" ••f jlll: .. l r·· t t t•n ,,,... •. rnr till' thr<··· ,, • ··1< I''''''"' ··II In~: .lui\• ?!I 1-:((.-r ti\·o• .hth Ill •ll'llll'fiO .. A 'Oh('·Stop' Saving u.'llll.'r lor All lht• .. ~nmll) .. Oa,1d R. Bnclbury, Authortud o-Jer 1789 N~wport Blvd. COAta Mea 1.1•·ut. J1mmy' M()llltk of Marl'' t'Mkl whtc1h ~rddln•rlly ar .. on aalf' !•land St.attun, balle\1 uul nca r lhf' rar II n1 u Nl arnnnr; thow nel4. n.le •L~~elte'" cryetal.clur 11oet 'or 1 1' 1 1 1 1 1 1 • 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1•1 • 1., ..,..... _ _. "1 .... ,, ,.,.. 1 ,.,.,., """"'"' • '""' t 1boe1 for t~~'hlch thlt od<l lQt clf'al"-...:.. _ 1 Mant11 llel'!b•r le ent ef the l•re-~1 ance may be made are ahOH for i • "' ,. ..... JtiHu .,.ar Mat~vf-ALBACORE FISHEIMEII _I ::",nan.~,::~:; ~~~z:t:,;:. ri:~~:~~~::.t~~~:'~~e;h~~ = :~tJ:"'tr_':rf:::rl~:.·::~:~ n ! I And ~akin .. of lh<W'•. you h&Vf'' ~---------------------------- It's no "CINCH'' that Albacore will~ with us agalp this year, but we k{low it's a cinch you wW be-ready and so wUl we.... ' * two Cu!Tt'nllv valid ration 1t&mpe i l airplane •tampa number one and § I two ln ralloa book· three. Each I ~ •tamp It «ood lndetillJtely for on•l 1 pair ot rationed 8hON. LocatloDI of BayiD&Stataoa.: -~ --. N ...... PIL. II&..,. lOateMee ...._.ft. A..--~ When ta • tenant a landlord .:.--=:... Pia...._ lltl . A.U.. o.lll.. ft. 1 1 1 ~ l alao! Tbe OP A.. rent oftlct hu I a....._ n..eu.wtai1Ylt ll•&eNJ,·C.W· t tbe an-er ·Wbu a ten&At,...... ~ Ore.. Pia... 1 w...,.... w.._ ; IIIli' Ill a ddenAt' rental &rM IIU~ ! leta bn ap.rtment or nt'ft -..... Offtee-'l"wiliaaJ--... Oalll. i 'room tn her home 8ht!' ta aubjeet • 4 ...... ..,._ .. -....._... ' :, to provtalona Of OPA rent re~. + UOI'\ covering Iandt~ Thut aile VAN CAMP SEA FOOD COMPANY, Inc. ! t• required to r~ltler with the t t del~ rental dwellln& accomoda- B u y • 0 a E • 0 N D • .. 0. y I 0 T 0 a y t Uooa Which art IIUbld. Hrr land· ~~~~~~~··~ .. ~· .. ~·~·~~ _., 1 1 1 •• .:. .. .,1 1 1 1 ,.,.....:;;:;..; .... ~ .. ;;;.,; lord · fllea a re,.t.traUoD for the TO OUR ·CITIZEI'\S FOR GOING OVER TA£'TOP on thE!' 5th War Loan Drive 'LEGAL FO-RMS FOR EVERY flti'NsACiiOI We have maM It ronvenlft'lt fO( you to buu.re oornpllance with aU req~ft'ltlt of the law by carrying a comp~te stock of all forms an1! rm~rs needed for the completion of evt•rv transaction. .. \ / ) l'te,..mber, too, tl'at We orva"lutlon It ready to h•ndle any anct all ef your printing problema !rom a complete fou,.· color compl•c•t•d printing problem to the plannl11g •nd publ•thlng '" the Newt· \\'" rl•••irr tn thnnk our mnn:• fri,..nlfq :IIlii l'llq(lmr•r• for fhPir liiWr;ll jl<1' ·t m nngf'. May "'l' contmur to "'IV': ~foU! .Timet of your l dvt rtiii"O· Ne obli gation 1 will be atbched to your phone call for lnformatto" of t ny ~l"cf· ------.-------~------------ I Florence lakery Mr &. Mn;. Edward Firhnnk Ralbclta .. NEW ·S-TIMES ~--------------------------~-- :'1111 ~~~ t \'&'I Wei 1•1 • \ • I" "ell , lw•t••n t"lt' tll••"'t l f ltl\ •'•"11•• ltl Y.tl!t ""' lw1nr.,: It 1'011"1•1111 1 • .col• 1 111 lit• n thlr -nml~ltlj lllhfltt• , • .,, lloo• I"" II} 11n1l ~tllolttnlt) "' II• ltlt:,;lllll'•· ...,....... ''""'' More ........ w .... · ... ,,._r .. ~ mPIIIt.. ••• I"NrttJ ••a•M •rf• -MEN A~D . W~MEI Needed for VItal Defense Worll BOYS 16' TO 18 , Are Eli~ible for Full Time Jobs RequirementM: e Boys mu"t have work permits e Avatl ahdtty Certificates e Birth Ccr;tifil:atc or proof of citizenship . ' APPLY CONSOLIDATED VULTEE AIRCRAFT COR<PORATIOI Apply 218 We!C Third Rt. • ; '\ :. ' I .. H •J ' 1944 SPUCING THE M~INBRAC£ I ~!~" ~7' .u!~ ~J~e: ~t!eue :.~~ • • • oa.... Rll._.. rllt.Ut.lll ' JB<=k-pot. What'• more S.aller Pla11i lrdl lecei" More War Contracts, leport -- --thty cle&nf'd lbern br.ore d,al.rl- t;ut.n.: Utt'm w their frtenda-AIId lroaltb ot Jwy week-end--If you BoJ&rt bettiJI&' Don Do~laa that ", n• tho·)' ever good m-m·m· call rrtda)' to WedDeaday a week-I they could beat him S out <?' 5 l11Ur1ka l'u: fin• . Tbe f'retllon 1 ..,.. ... quit. a ditteftJit ll'ourUa , 1tart. ... Marton and D1ck f~lu· l'hlll u.~ ,...,r, ouwn tnla week-end I ot Jub u..a aut yur., For one! ander wll'b tbelr w~IH~nd arueii.JI. t&nd r••ptlrtA·d that Lt. y g 1 Ed Is Ua.lllc. -bad tfre-<racken &Dd Sam and lololly Hukln Cliff ~till 111 Rhrxlc I&I8Jld. l•ut wtil be I ...,.uamc...,.--! To kind ot ret Oftllidgf' fi(flln( thrOUih a 10 1~ I IIJ4/HnJ: n f 11,,.,. L.l t}.g .J Uy l U.. holiday .,..t IOID(, Faie ud cr py of "Llte" wblle he weot ~'IHI'"tll ""8 l<••kmg r1ght aharp l BU1 Joyc. Ulrew quite a party throuih lilt dlnn .. r . M r ru1!1 "'' ,., 111,. tlut \' tn uu. t'• ut 11 J>ac¥1 1c aDd a very WOOderfuJ party, 1 Mra. Clark Millikan JOinctl In the ~"Y8 11,. 11 l'rnooiJiy Ll' J;Oinlf out JDictll add--Coc:lhalla topped ott alngll•g . . . Helen Griffith hu ttl•· ,.,0.,, "uv b..C•Jrc loll!: . • the I .., a &U'UIDpUoua autJJ>tlr -ttow raboul ~ -am&Uellt t.n4 pnoLUt'•l "'J''lfff ~.l1,~'l"AA·m11c-rt,nwtt-lf+t.tA-··~-+­ raJtl' can make everyt ne feel at hanull l'v" evt•t aeen (; I tu rotm· u:~1111 l••r lh•• "''''k , XIH'''l l•• lie .. Wltb lwo-UUrcle of all war eon-I are neceanry Cor oootr-.ct &Jioca- tracu placed In the 11 Weatem tlon. Slate• ance Jwae, ) 940, r otn;:-(..,I Baalc chao gee broulbt abOut ~ under the new acwment. Include calllomla, lea t. an one-half or t he uwardln.c ot prtme contract. the amaller plantJa in lbe Southland or tbe email' concerT'-I• eatlmated have reg1atered Wltb the Smaller' at a national lncreue of trom War Planta Corporation Cor war SIU,o,OOO,OOO 10 about S4 00,o00,000 I contract work. a c('Lrdong tn f<f)· a month. bert S. Drf'yer. chler o: the Los Cal fornla Chamber or Com· ... Uld be ba.pilallty lt.elf· -be m lacc about •lllnc "ouL!tlle" with ,1,1"''1 f• r AU1(WII ~laJtJr ami W\humed wtlb tbat O:'juet out of .lnho (:rlrtlth '•DI' nf..~t&-<)II<• ''rt · lll l& J tm :--\1•··· anll ollllll:hll·r , Anrt .• ti&Dcl boa" ~· will lorever be ano·n l><'r ~ht·n ?" dtt&I!O Hemtnthl'r HlfllPIOfl, IJu~k troW-tlictr stay Ill ' a myetery t.o 111cr but do It &he when YCIU d atand In to ahorl' until· ~'>•" ·"''"', 1,,.,1001: ftl as , alllil'~ Under agreen:enl8 betwel•n Ill;> ·S,W.P.C. and e1ght lN:hniCal branches of Army prnt•urQment, 1 aa well a• the Treawry Depart· 1 mt'ot. War D• par tment tUlJ ~IIHI· merC't fit,,"ures Cor war contract• /l)r the paat• four yeara ahow air· C"rllfl t"nlracta aecounttnr for more Uaan $10,000,000,000 In Call- rornlu, ships for mere than $4.· 000.000.000. and aupplles tuld ord· na.n•·~ for $4,807,388.000. Thl.a totals $18,807,3'\8,000 out of J28,- :u r,, :.!7,000 11pent In the Weal. • ._, BUJ wu all aruund &!tlng tho wavea atartr•l tn ,,rartl!'lll~y , Hl•u 1111,1 c;,u t Uumlo"m an.J t.bat everybody had a ~rand Umel t.r••a k undo·• you belt ~ yuu J \\ o·8 Jlly IJIH k lmcu Ult•lr fl ymg I .,.__,.,. too comt: aboat thoee wtr<' the good · 1 · , tr11' '" Mt•XII" JtU!l uubt.ollu~,; an• oath«ftd around wen Hook llndl old day• t>C li41 ... Geurg~ a nol W8J4 Marv .:IIIII lo havf' th~w OUol lktt.rdltl-wltb Hook bUnk-Blanche O'Drten glad to be down boll k ': . AoJ un·l .-:.1 l:orloln and-an. IMtar and Iuter u Ume1 again · · l'at MorM• trym~; uut u1ru ~:111111.~11,. ct. 11 tluught•·r J OIL/1 ..at bJ •.. ~0 aDd HWDph~y 1tb' Ileal 011 the cobbler• bench for &rf' lll•tUon,~t oJu." .o fvl lhc 1'\Jffi lller - r t~u. with J,;v making d lp~&ra~ t:ffltu 1 WJJ t;oJ 1 'hit man anJ lng_ remu~lnrldentally Ev. P .... k •!a u.:htn l'al havf' .., a•l qutte u • ...,.,nR Wt're •~tVIId liCK' ,. you WI'Tt' , • • ''"• A d d f\ Kl k 10. 11,11 l,oll :->•J•I s~·1· ;<nd :;aild) _.por..._ . · n Y •n Ut r I' _!41 lJ u 1 o StAll rJ hatvoe a,ttlng btlu'k and ~njoy(og thl' ' <) 0 1 1 ru .v : I ain 1 ., It ltl 1>\-t lll't'll "tl h l h<'nl (tVt•r tlw f:oc•IJrth. /(, nr ( · I ' ' ' WOU fl'•ll· t Rtllt t "'"'" lllr t \llfiK thm;.:ll lit· IOn not leo •Y that cvc·ry onr ..:••tl.o·r "" lliRI llho• <Uuh.l rollk l' lltfl: enj<>)'t'u themJII'Ivn tborml,~;hly 'l'tlii'/'I.H' t qun Itt U k lahumll fu1 Hound .Abt\Ut 1 r~ .. Mtl ltoolmiUl ht•r VIlli! Wll' llf>r S•on t-:.1 fo:n - 'G,..tlnt Carde •11ct a Grt~t V•ru~ty of Unul u•l utlta I 11ign r. •.•• , ~"' lfo1s1••tn, humt~ t n ft '" 11 "'''''k ,,.,.,,. :dl~>r fln~shln~: tnr· man In holt r h•Pt! Rt f'nlumhln "WI!; lJIIVITE YOU TO UHO\\'~;.: .AHOt;NU" C. E. LOUCKS JEWILRV anct ITATION~It¥ Diamond• • Watcflll • Fine Repairing PMae Newport 151t·R 11t1·ft ,..ewport Blvd. Co.ta Meu, Calif. El Paraiso CAFE AND SPANISH KITCHEN COiriltnel~ • NOW OPEN v.der the ~ ..... .we. of BAY &UlDO.V AL I f I•• 14 pu~lun~: "" ~''"" f ,.r .M11t.ml IA!ld ~ub-<'luurr ll<'ht')Col VPrv nil''' ~nm r:r,r~:•·. lillY WilY you flgurt' II , Cfl. ~trHI Mrl' N• nnan !'nlllllh ~tnt! 1,1 lln•l Mr11. M'acuonald I ri't'kf'ol to JIHilywuod Dr>wl tor th<' hlg do inK• rl'por~ It WILli a mjir· ! AI..W ................. ...,..lroa ......... cllnct.ct"' ... coatrol tower openw. (Air V<'lnuA Atll'l"l' 1'1 • ntrolyn Wil-I Wee let-8 .._ C ,,.dd COIMiilnica.a with die pilot by mune of the r•~ tranlll)itter, •hi~ lit-Jam• 1am11 111 'w 1111 agtrln thla sum-a.,._ ....... • ... --.qe). ~ Waca. membert of tbe Wo!M" 1 Armf Co~ e:crowu\1 with mu . . .annaleta VIncent and · A~ Air •enee. ........ for doleu of limUu jobl at our Arrlq Air Fltlda. (AA.,....,..... Comm Murr I •e rl'port that the Girl ...... ) Scout amp'.!wu more nf a auc----- I ~";!. M':r7 ,:xr:~edo7 ~~eued Ralion --tolJpon I Lido Association Lois M. Peary,_ about Hub belnr mode preaJdenl 0( Date·s and Data . M Ph . . t, ~r~lthh~~r alat~!.~rr~~th~ Advises Couacil of ·D~~ .A ardmaCIS time Commiss.on, the 6000 8.IJUI.llt r plants In the area will recelvf' '!about 2000 JX>rcent mr re In future contrac~ than heretofnre. Jesse French II t, tllrector of operaltl ns for the Mtlonnl ~ \\'. I I'.C , ba.s annQ/JnCet.l a 1orogTam c&JIIDg fur l e ahnrmg or s11:-:,_. ':500,000,000 yearly t nntraets 111 n n-armament Items be~W('t'n pt ,. ducUQn plants. an(J ur~t'd the nr- rc;es ty or the rcg:st rat1nn vt s:11all planta en ploy ng :>00 pe1sons ur lep, as details <. f plant capacill~s Tn1r di~lly obtd•·s "ith ham Ill <lilt' Who in lh(' ;.tlent hour of inward thttu~;ht C';m st1ll su ... rx'C't, and st iW revere hlnN.'If, In lowhnr<os o f hrllrt. \\'ORDS\\'OP.TI t. B!JV WAR BONOS Good Food Low Prices -OPen 6 a. m. to 2 a. m. AJI Night Saturdays and Su~ys HOT DINNERS AT ALL HOURS 65untA up T-Bone Steak . .. $1.26 SouthM'D Fried Chicken $1.25 Fried Shrimp ... ·····,. &')e r-17 ., ..... "- SPEClALIZING IN SPANISH DISHES Myrtle . .Uyln« wltb l.er tor a'""' RA'TION CALF:NDAR-fot'~r-H rh p p I Ies;. ge 54 daya . • Mra. Earl Morrow had iod tx-ginning July 2, 1N4: I r lay lans -- .orne ltltnd.l ln lo ket>p tbelr w~r R.•t 011 tiook Ill Rosary was said last f'riday eve· SHORT ORDERS OUR SPECIALTY br rlge lrorn lf'tllng ru1ty dur1ng Stsmp No t on "airplane" nlng at 7:30 for Loas M Perry. 54. l.be aummer ... &11'11, John Feeley llh"tt 11 pair eboest-cood 110w : Ur~;tn~ the future development a t Grauel .chapel. following her repgrta " goo. I trip t.o W"t Vlr-1 explr;~t 1•m date not M I. of ,Newpoi1 Harbor as. a pleasure death at St. Josephs ho;tpltal. Mass Dtdilladu • •· • Taco. auu Cancame • • • OUU R&lJeno AJI Kinds of Saudwfcbes, Hot aDd Cold. Quick Service -::-~ canla Her aehool lt now open for • Str.rip Nn. 2 rn Malrplane" creft ha rbor, a resolution adopted I wa.~ saad at 9 a. rn. Saturday at tutorin(, an If you have any youog l •hef't I t pair ehce-.t Cood eow: hy thetiOant o( din-ctor or lhr the church of Our l.Jld,y of Mt.l fry that new chedunlf up, ~end . e:aplmtlon J!ale Dot 8tL l.JtJo liiiP Comainonity a.'Osociat ion; Cannel, Newport Beach. : 1 -I BEFORE YOU BUILD OR REMODEl:. · ... Vl1lt .ur lnterutlng aample and diiPiay roome. Color guldel planning aldl, com• prellenalve etock of rug1, carpet1, llno .. um anti VIne· tlan blinlla. ·,.., .. anti Cerpeta Clwai\H Repall'e4 I him or h~r over lo lh# Ebf-11 club-I t NOTE TaJie tool! alone to mab 1-'n..« pf'f'senled for considera~ion ot J:X-c(·a~cd IWJ:< a JJhllnn.1c1~t and hou•e they aure ~:et checked up 1 purt'hn.., .' · thl' rl.'gular <'IIY council meeting had I:>N-n emplny~d at Pmkley's on there, I hur tell . . Blanch.. Wu .lt~t•on Boell IV Monday. • Dru,:: ~t<lr<' and at lluntJn~tnn. u:o. lfarvry •• prt•lty pn>U<J of her .·tamp :O.:n. 30 ~~ !be, ....-r • 1 Strc•o;.<~in~ thl' poin~ that Nt'w· 1a _r<'liE'f drugr::l~t. She r~"~lded at l lll'ourtng t hi' country aide Cor an' It &< •l nnw, ('Xplrotlon dat. IMt ~el 1 P;Or1 llarbor :is the· sole . r<:<"rl'o· 1(:,:1 'J'wl'nty·thard st rrN. Cost.a I rgAn rtor fo"T'ant'<'ll' w1 ddlng f<W ~an p Nn 31 ~ 1a.. .... r • Ilona! harbor an close proxtmlly to Mt!M3 anfi had lx'<'n 11 loca l resa· ·bout twn mont 11 with no-lur-k. cood n~·: explraUoa 4ate 1111t IN'l. 'thl' h<'avlly populated areas ofldent for 15 }I'Drs. I Wh~n 1r'le g 1 home the othe.r day Stamp No. 12 ! J a-. ...-r 1 _ Oran.aP. Rivc·~ld~ I!Jld Lo.s Angt"IP~' l'ht' leaves a roster broth.er, ehe had p~Ur.ally gtven up the &ood now, f'qMraU. .... • ~t. eountl{'!l, that ll has for many N~wcll N . Jlutnes of San Gabnel. dea 'Thty went U,p to san• Ana 8t&ap No, .. cl Ia& ..,IJIC YNI'II IH>t>n cont~ldered as primarily Jnle nnE'nt at Holy Scpulchrt>, In Cor dinner. there wu an orca~~~ aupr • llood aow· ~ •t. a horne community and ple~urC' Orange. whl'fe thev ate. they uked 11IW February 28, tMI\ lharixM' and ha;ll been repreMntcci -------- owner' It they could rent It but Obtain aPI'fiC&U.. ,_ a P" •I .. IIUdl ,to pro5pe<'llve homeown· Mesa Dump to Be he u td, "No, J will Joan It to' you, CtUUlln( IUI>&r at .... aP~ ft11, thl' I"('SS}Utlon pointPd 0\~1 that • rry f'll'&aJr.•.. Hla name Ia lolr. boan:lt AppllcaU n. Wbn ftllad tN bu lk of DSS<'s.•KI ~AiuntlOr; on Used Ruling of r. ~ \\'C: nberg 11.1\t.l he a-oat be an out. muat br ~~ b)' tcl\ tux rnlls . of th!' c11y of Nrw· ' • CLOS.ED· THUaSDA Y Drive-In Cafe 1884 Newport Boulevard Mr. ~d Mn. A. J. 'McKay, Proprleton FoiJow the 1hlck Drivers . . . They Know Good Food LUDLUM to..Carpet Works 11'1 rl~:"lll lt\IY The answer to that Spare St.unp 31. ,. pertocl. port .Rf·nch l'i •n priVatl' hnmt''\.,County Supervisors! rumnr that'a going around· &bnul pi cut1oua may be filed I roe llay ru~~hms;s, boats and pnwotc ,-------'";ii'Nwt.Aiii.AM'>Jii}00~101Jtiiiiii~"'-M'T"=------, Jim Harvey rnlaalng In at'l nn 111 ll to J uly l r• H«ODd per•od ap. ~ · · · --g· ~ F h tANTA A ... A thAt II Ill fl\1!14'. He Is on Salp&n pllt'aliCinll may .be fu.4 from .July ~ Qlllet"bcauty and ~lgh clos.~ f'('l'OJ'IIII' thl' prr tl'lltl! o ' !lnrre 65 ' res Dail.l' but he' n t t.uln And 1 15 to October 20. restnrtHinll. toge!ht'r With t'Xcd· r111 d ·nt,. r th,. Hllh l!frr<'t·Mon-a m g · · · j 1 1 •-l~t roucatlonal ndvaniii!;<'S nnd 1 • C "f Dellcloua Sea Foode ''· nnrl•·r If ynu ll:lW I he ch,ra<'ter I ~"• bl3 11 J'• 1 10 P?1" .. 1 for a nu ttl <' rel ~a tiona! fa. hiles of I vpv a <'\ "nue arra. 01111 ·' <'I!A, o"r. complete equipment 'Tiw w:uv'r ring Around t~·n 1 Bal-meat1, mQi t edible ol I, cheeau th •-~• •~•-~-' ,, 1 1 thf' 21 ~ a"rt' dump nf thl' newly I d d lk, A • .,. .... ~ f' runu-..... -..no "ar >HI' Iii\'<' :.If · ' • c . .. 0 1 when you WIUil to catch b"ft 1 on Mondav He outditl Billy an l annc m1 . no, ~ • .._.., ~. d 'd nnrt•d Cll!ta ,,It'll\ ~an t11ry . !It· ~ •.. 11 L• • • tractt• mlln)' r('!;l l'nfo; IU th•• rhc:· , , your own Professional Directory thl' Kid IUI<I I'm not k1ddln.,. five r. • r '· l.i~. Ill\, Jh, Kll, LA, ).&a, I .... ,. I " . I "I I I I' • ''Ill !!t II hi' UMd ns ll &Jepr sl· ' ~ta'lon hst, Van dyke bf'ard, Onw-. . ,. "· ' , "• ' rnents 1\ hich rna , b~ ,., ll't'l<•rt teo or~ o n rl\nll. ru a au< P I 1\:tt PF< ''1\ It" 88 T8 U" V8 "''' nnu n ... u .. ll'11l , l'."l:lu ~~h· t , r tl bb h 1 HORMEN fiSH MARKET CordOD M.Gnmdy, M.D. ·~yalolafl ... , ~· "*'<' Hllttlt ~ .. ~ c6~ttra: Avo. Offloe Hre.: '0.'1 a.m.; S·S p.m. Tate,._..n I Conrad Richter, M.D. . Pflyetc:lan and t~r9eon OfHct t07 22nd ltreet . ,..,wport Beach H!Mirl: -10.12 •· m. • 3·5 p. m, Ptton--o~ 133; Rll. !4-J In" hair and hl~>h hrell'<l """-ts \\'8, XS, YR ond Z8 &ood now ; Px· 1 · 1 ) 1 1 t>ntll<'~ 111 1.-u t for the cnrning " .. UU\1 · -• , rc u1 n o a mor<' not ntn nuntmum . NC>\A.· l'v" 11een evtrylhlng!!! p1rat1on da te not set. after thr war should tw 4,0 11,111. \'!':lr nrrnrdon~ ll) a ruling ma'lC On t.lt"f'k Wr~~(lpln~~: ~~.nd tvln11:) , GH~~::.~ b CJ!'.li:, Dut.cbere crro l'4'<.'0flC.Iary' 1~ the rrcr!':ltlnn:tl by thP hn~~rtl of aupcrvlanr'! ·r up tilt' ,,·••rk-,.nrt on 1uuday night I" Ill (;I\!' -red token• tor l!Yery activit it'll aCC'Orlttlrg to tht' ~~·n-Orange County at a puhll~ hear· · ' J'(>unoJ· o. ulvaged k•lt'hen fulll ·re-1 . : • lnj:' I th11rr waa a t!lnner •llulcl' at the C<'IV•'d eral opmaop of members of the us-1 R . ,1 1 G , N II Y.C , . IJIOCintion, as report<'<! b • the com· • uren: l Ori! lrv ng ~eorge r.~ot· • , BWE st&mpa 110 polnl.ll eacbl mlttee 110 tlie rcsolull~n whu.:h linn made 11 motion th11t liM of the O.lvtor much attention t.., .the I for Ulllllc>cJ, : r. zen and dehydtated . , Jl.. · dump be contlnuc>d 'for ·a yenr, ' food were Nell, 11nd Jim Rogt'ra. fMda AM, 138, C8, 08, E8, F8, 08, ~~s~~ k~·a~~~:~ Cra,;'k~n.~on, but alated that the board had ....------......------"""':"'-f>A!rnt('e Md \\!Iller Franz. Cnl. H8. J8, Kb, L8. P-18. N8. P8, Q8, I made a mllltake In KTBntlng lhe and lolra. We11 Vlre. Mr. and Mr•i RB, S8, T8,-U8, VS, W8, XS, Y8, Z8, --.,f't'rf""lt without flrllt holdmg a S ellenber~tn. Ad •nd F.d Gurley. and AS. gocd now; expiration date be preeent<'d when· applying for • public hearln&'. t Ed llnd Betty LO<'k . anct Franct's 1 not set. renewal or gu rallona. Olrectc ra of the dllllrtct h~ LEROY P. ANDERSON AnO,.N&Y AT LAW DR. G. E. TOHILJ,.. ~HYIICIAN aft41 IU,.GEON c.ea ..... •aftll •vtWtne ~ ...... .,. c.-.... 4 .• Hew.,..t -..ell -~·'""'--Offloe a•-w ,. ... ZM-R Webtt er ... Helen and Chet l l.A.l•ulNE TIRE INSP):.CTJON allktd the board to extl'nd the per· ~raven talk•ng thing• ovtr with Coupon No. 12 1 A·Oook) three 8&\'e your lire lapecllon recorda. j rnlt to covu a tw()-year period Howard and Strlla Younglove end gallons,. good .now, expires St'pt. ::21. Any requeat to ree_lace aoy pa... a&ylnr that they expected to pro~ Welltv and Jim Wtlght ... 'Sidney All co~Apvna •• u1t be fnllorled on encer ear lire must be acc.mp:LD · vide IUiolher aile before th!! end Abbell. wboee huabMd hu been In fact w 1U1 car llctnae n11m. ber and 1ed by all ln.'lpl'cllon recort:a and a I of that Ume. If the dump ground Rrull for the paat year, looked elate of regtatntt1on. S~t•e your new notation from ~ authorized Ia n ot aanlta.ry, tbe matter may ~ c......... can......._ If He AM-r Call ~ • HAROLD K. GRAUEL CHAPEL Dr. M. D. Cnwford 1mart In a rf'd aun drr aa with llrr mapecUon recordlt, They ..-lnt per l or that a new t 1re Ia needed. re-coneldered. llhou to m~tlch .. Cpl Oau.9 1'n.lek Ure 1 T·Book drtvenl- 0 P T 0 M E T R I IT. ~prerklea h ,·rrlng ow•r hl11 wl e every s.1x months or every 5000 "We OurNJv• tbe Bot tar 11om BJ llmq Otbera llelft'' £yea EllamiDed Gl.-. ,tlt!d 17tT Newport Boulevard Janr "'ho lll(lkrd df'ltclruts w1tb miles. whltl' n owera In her bi&C" halr HEaloalcHE ---------. ~--........ " .. , Marlon and Roll11n•l lll'<lge-A J11 k n.won llrrlvlng Inn lote fnr dinner •• sUCH A Ga~«pliue AIJey . Dorothy Mrt l.rnrJo!r Yardley • I .G 111 c.... ..... Cellf.,la Phone 2430 COtTA M£1A C'hl'r klng In In M'<' l' I' finish f'f Fnak Jtl .. I ihr rnr rs l~lph AJtd Hrlen BUY NOW City T as Sale Lob .A. J. TWIST BALTZ MORTUARY I R&krr .-ra_vtng on Ult'ir boat lht Llio:O.LI 'fMIMG CHAPIEL BY THIE IlEA 11 Zoe 11 . I 1 410 Co81t •tvd. 1 l"alllng lt«"lllllll! · I 1 HhOOI'!' llno k llrlllil:<ft>P ln.!lt 1 f(J'I Ceaet Hlgtlway Phone 2422 COROIIIA DEL MAR eo ...... dtl Mar ........ ort ....... tlr.rt J'IRCt' tl• Mr. l~llll!f bv nnt• Phone Ne~port 42 I: potnt. wt\l<'la ruaf',. f••r R , IM~ rl't'•' 1.1111~. zn. n, ar.h•lN• :.!~. Griffith. ~ I 2'2 . nntl Arl"1 1:.!. DR. OBED LUCAS Alhatrc'!NI llumphrrv RnJ:"Arl -• j I kmd nt h••l thin~~~ hf~ • \\'fl way Dentist In thl• af'rles -H,ojlart. :H: P~Ar· • 1 lOon, 4:0 : l'hllllpl<. 4~: an,] f'<•u.:lll!O, un ~ w. o.nt,.a. n . ttM. •:1 ALT. SF.T for n r uod 'run da,... wurlt 'Whl'n a najtltll>f head· a, l•t' 1nnk1 ur' on )'oU:.. )' ou au•• an.t ao dt>t>a your •orlt. NEWPORT BEACII' ~nl~• Thill Wit.." pn-tt~· "<:>tly rontl'lltl'll rll<'l' n, h \\'hilt' wnn with 2• rn•nll<' l{pn ·C'rnnn with -'S WIO II 1111101 DISTRICT P'llta~Ac• ANO tciNDLI.,_,Q WOOD-41 a W. Wn,M. n .. Npt .• vel., 0o11ta M.a. UMd Lumber. Pti. 15&-J .. NaltAL CONTttACTOA- Oordail a ......,, a.1o eout BIYcl. Ph. 102. Pian~ &Dd ODut.NeUoD LUMe&lt COMPANiaa-• Olalla~~-1M. 'OD.-"''At • Wp JOU plea your b~" no.. tl -Dllbtlt , __ 0.. ..... 1110. OaMl ~at~ OP'PIA 141~1.._ Jt..,...t _.. p e=rt. CD. .._: U • 1J, Newpott Bleclb !"~ ......... :, ••• 0. .... : lJ ; Ia. " ...... --- aUL UTATa. UltaUIIANCa. A NOTA"Y ~U.Lic:-..... &. W ......... W. OIMNI A..-. ...... I. '":.:::C~"P.aa , •• CD. .._..: 11 • 11, Newport ll-.ell .. II&T ...,.." _...._ ~ ........ a ._ ....., w ..... C\111* 11-. Plaoao 110. v=•t:'~·:.,.... ... .., * .. ..-• ,... au-w :!;\ 1., f'C'IDI!O \\ 1\~ br<>Rtl.lng rl0"'-'11 hi,. n•c-k F11lron \\'urolf'mf'n won "''ll h 3 1~: ~l•nny :\!organ, ~: Henry G""dln Jr .. 27 Oyer Rill l n:oler wrn with 3!1 polnte. Wrt~rht. 30, F.ll!('tt. 30: Broka1'·. 16: Gurley. ~6 Rrady Cpr an '''l'nlf r of "las• ah nn a n• I enjoymt"nt -a peek7 h<'ll•l&dlf' interfere• with your c- h ill, enJoyment or..reiUAt.oa. Dll. MilD . Anti-Pain PIUs aauall7 HlleYt Mt only R .... ach._ but Si•,Je NMralrla. .. _. 1 cular 1'¥118 alMA Faacti•aal And •s-kins-of lhopplf\6. tne 1 lloalJIJy 'PalM. War J>rooducuoo 8o&rd te urr •nc j t>o 1~1lM Dr. Mn ... Aatl ...... lolra. America to taJc~ aJooc her Pt.lla? U not. why 110t f Y.ow .. OWD aboppln« boa« or URd paper l'rl .DT. MilfJI Anti-Pain P1lla .. .,.._ tor carrytn« purrbuea. Thla )'oar dtur etore In &.1M "cular utn effort on the part 0( lhop· ~ka,. for ool)' a penl\)' ap'-1 ptra wtU hc>lp out ln the crtUcaJ and In the «onomr packare • ._ ...._.*_ -.. ~bMPf'r. Whr not tet a ..-cU,. paper -..... _.,. ''"' WPB aao todar! Tour drurri•t ha• u. ... uryee t)oU-IvM to &eCf'pt wtl.b-Rt&ct di~tiona and VM onlr • out wrapplnf' Ulow artlclfW whfch directed. '\'oar mOM)' '-c:k i{ ,_ can br carffed jUft b conveniently a.re tlot utial\od, · In tbttr rew;ul,ar paru,-u 1 ----------•" •. In the observance of the !Awl> 1 o1 God and In 'ttl«-pmmil'{' of· lh«-. ~I ol Jf'!WI Olrtst thetto ill Olt l belt ;varanty of pt'a~ upon t'&rth De! thf' onty-hopr ol f'tPmttl Uft'. -~njamin Jiarrt80n. ALKA -SELTZl!:R affordt unusually prompt and ef· ftoctlve relief ln Hudecho becauae It II ln complete so)u. Uon. ready to 10 to work u ·'2!1" 11 you 1wollow ll he pelnre1tninr Jl(tlon II made 1n0ro poaltlve by al'kaTin• buf. fera. which protect It from br.Udown In the 1tomach. ADut-S.Itur belnf • comblna. Uon ol pat.nr.Uevlna and a lka -lldnc &.np-edjon&a, bu pined ... .... and popularttJ .mona thoet who ocaa~~ Nlftr &.. AC'W ~ C •14 IV"'JitOMI; •Jfon~ ... AftW' ~. lf....Z.r ra-..,_. .... Jf..-.ler h6u Alb..s.tt.. .. ...... .. tab. ................. ... ............ ~ I y ............ AlbiJ'bH I .. ...., ..... 114...._.. I .... ........................ (1 • -. •IIIIi ..w-:;;1 .. ,.. te I· r~-..:=-~· U:•••• . ·I 8.; :.1.-~'_o.; -1 .-y -\lk., · '•·It , •. ..- ON CENTRAL AVENUE, NEWPORT BEACH ~ wt.... ""'' ._ Dis~ can r. .... wt..r. liMs are ~wdetl witft war, you 1ftGY hear ihe eperator say- ..,.._. limit yeur call to 5 mlftVtM. H ~ 't tNt helpe more hurry a.ll• ~t throvgh qvf~er. IACI .,. -AnACI-IUY 11011 nw! IUO:.: IOUTHIIN-CALIPOINIA TILIPHONI COMPANY . Ill ..... 8t.. ........ · .. '.;.I SEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES. Newport Bearh. California, Tuesday, July 11, 1944 Beach Spot Census ~:;::.n'!::' ~s!:res~.b. IEWS-TIMES CLASSIF·IED 'OPPORTUIITIES T, k' 8 t N R rt Holds Open House Friends Get 10 U'a·e-. I El D FGI P IGFI T • • U·SE FGI IESIL TS • • a en, u . 0 epo Pat Waldron~ o1 Mn. ~ Tht" C"U1Tfftt roeardty ol dpn ---------..,..-------------------------trude Waldron, BaJboe Island rf'al· put Lt. ,lhnono Crank. romwr I tor. ia home from Hawaii where Udo lllandrr In a quandary. LU\ FOR 8ALE-At1'1'08 1 BOATS. 8UPPJ..D:8 REAl. ESTATE AD odd altuaUoo came to llcbt I Patteraon t.ben .Uted that ba bad h•• hu ..._n for th--n doinc Thursday In l~ Hoapltal ot t~ --j ----~ FOR .. • • • .. _... t th tin f Cb I d tt t b ceaaua bad ~ .....,.. ·~ ,._ t-Y'IR 8ALF. 1938 C'hevrulel R.-. llOA~ Rot. 8ol<1 and Trad•l .,,,....,_ .,..._y a • mee I 0 &m· earne a •uc a const~·c:tl·-work for th• a,......, Good Samaritan, Lo1 Anrf'IC'tl, hi• W -ot ,...,. dl t h ...__ m d --d b d _ _.__. utallb '" "" ' ... ., ...__ "'·~-"' C'Anllltl~n 111 1 h •ta•tn• r.natnr• ancl Pll~ I . , IC Altll: ftl-.:c!ALIW1'8 ...., ber wummeree . rec 0{1, w ~n """"n a e -· a -·~ ~ • a.~ a Al''ul· ...... ork•r, ... d h•ld ......lfa. th· fo~r Ba-'---~ ...... ............ ... • rt• llf . I " • """I' "AIL In ( lila I I .. In th P ... , •• 0 'vn ...,, ..,. ~ .,, ~ -•' £ "'~ ,.,.,,. t. t 1 400 eo h I MAitiN ... 1\J'J.','A,Jio~ ~D ""' " '"' ''" 1 f' ... ar, TICHEit ANO P'OUR ROOM It developed that a llpOt conau• of rton for • report. ebW open h&~ Tuesday..~ with 37 Locan. pnolf'ntf'd him with a llt'Yftl ••u nqu "" ..,.t Nt ' Nrw·' MFO ro ···•n•plrlrlv turnhltlf'ol 3 ~J"(l(>m Cll'TF1TR Have an attraC'U.. Orance . county cltln had been 111• &rrtv~. the matter wu e fri~ndJ from Pa.aadt>na visit in& l pound. lhlrt~n OUnct' baby da\llfl· J'OI1 R<-ar h. ~fore nown c•r · W hr•uiM' I A tjt, llvlnl( I'O(lnt fll"f'· h ._ ak ,,__ but ln a'"-y•-c• ...,onl" 10'"'·R •".•tp 3090 \\' c-.ntral Ave. Ptl 2~MA· 1 , 11 11 kit •h ,,, ·h t .. -I r••·nt(lm outnt Mt up MN ,.. t en 801Dt moou .. ar:o. no "" ~ ~. h im. IP, r. Youn .. Ctank'a joy knf'W no .,... •' "" .. I' a'" n "" • ,,. I It d ld d to tn It Oon " --' Nrwt'<•r1 tlNr h C'allf I · 1 " ... ' • 11 · '"lr alol't' for you te ...,_)'&It report of Newport ~ach KfOWUI wu f'C e v e • Wht'Ja -mu-'-of t .. _ lnt-t· bound.~ until .. _ dl~f'l"''(i that cl· """ ' ' I frl• I '' WI d Sb d ~ -<:II ..... H~-..... r• •RO SAI.F: l!l.17l.llwt•ln i'.<•t>ll\ I H -lfc ,. l'i' "' .... ••VI', ····ar aara ... , lllu• It WOiai.S look ID your ho•• given out. At a recf'nt C. of C. I gruiiJl&Q Pb bar pe an etrr IJll thlnas about hla work could I gars al"t' u JICal"('t> as Hlllt'r'• n&-~ ... ,Jan Alllrk with lll'at r.wt>r• eum1.-ck 1'•-uh•n July lit 1 twenty "'"" pi-• few IHt ee. meeUn(. Secretary Harry Welcb to vjjait the bor at aome u ure not be told, ht> said that previous toriou• Luftwatff'. So, ht>'• giv· a.ntt mohn and f•xr<'ll<•nt r••nmv .,,m l'lAI.I·~ <"lul1>e ant! tt>l'lollrr l'rtr,. 17,000 ,....nuA f'all N,..,... , .. ,wnt ttrml Jl'roM clellve"', aUoa """' """-'""'"'"'" ~ ... ....,. JUa UKIJ\M an.. uu-. Wld pncad lu ldl.. In o'J<o<'• llo·nt. 1'01\t 11011 ...... J>t•r .... or 111111 r• 'l'r. Mar toto-Mahan'• 1"\lmltuN 0o , IIIMI bad been tn.tructed to cootact dat• aa boUa ~ an at their to ....... _,_..,.,_ work -a .. ,.,~--......... _ .. _ J 0 U c-~ for . tJ ... t fl7" ... I t "" ., Wublngton u to thE' co.t of a 1 California bomea for a vac vislonal marin<' camp, h~ had ~n post war lllottiN. Ruy nnw whllr you cl\n, '""''n 1 \\'••rllr , 1111 Warm• Avf', 1\al-, J'llrrltr a nd l,,.,., tnahway, f'>r·l IUI<I l lnlal1way, RaJala -AM.. CaiJ. ...,..t cenau1; Word.ljullt received reel. In ..,amouCia&• work. w·hlch h•d ,__k, now a mt-t"""'rolnol~t with ,. 1 1 1 .... ·•c 1 1 .. 47 tf -.-I .., ~ n .._...... .~ ..... lpJC lt :ty not hr la r a wa v lo}l\ llhllh ..... (' Of\a ' ..... ar. . ,., (umla ... u. revealt'd t.bat w eb a ce:naua bad The report oo t.be •ea acout ~mployf'd many natlveo women. I thr Alnn)' Alr Foi'C'P Ill staUoned 1 been taken. but and the ral.tng of U!i.OOO by pertirularly those who had in nl thr Tht'nnal Anny Air baM". TIIF:OllllltF. HOlliN!'! F'OH SAt.": 24·ft•Jt ''Dorothy." F'OUft··EDftOOM HOM~ AND fi"Cllt SALI:-0u rup ~ Tbe Waahlngton buruu of the the county waa held up for more puce time bfoton vendon of flower I liP and his wlrr Wt'rt' fol"mf'r 1tu· 2211 "'"r't Sl\lt••" ~rvlrr t~. ·~• mll•tlllun Jo"t11'lnr: or plf'U· QUEST HOUSE. nrand Ylew. UVM , double bed. coa\pMte .U. IW\18 reportf'd that t.be expeoee data. aa county ottlcl&la b!lleved lt>ls. Jl~ aaid that the women san& drnts at Unlvt'nlty ol South~m "-..!-"JJr•t Nt•Wl~<•r1 llo•ar h ur" $700 :1•26 Santa Al\a A~r., 'nih• 111 11 rMI h11mr. nttar ocean -..Mnp and mattre.; maUIUDJ or a renw1 would amount to ~~.,It woulcl be dltnc:ult to rat. that and lauahed at their work. while C.llfomia. and later lived In N.w ~l'hon,. 211 Tu lfo' t ·,., t·• 1\to·,.. 1\:!·:ltr an•t hay • d,.....n1 tabk; rocktr. 110 A'- ut wgguted that thta axpendl-, much. reaUy outdoing. therruaelvn to ac· York ror a )ear whllt' hf' com· p N I'ORT •noN -W . .J. HOl.coiol ~ A .. , B&Jbo& l.al&ncl 61-tte ure wu unDf'<'e-ry u w eb a )feeUnr of t.be River. and ltar· compllsh .. much as JlOS.'Iiblt' pletl'd thP onny·~· mf'troroloeY UBLIC OTICES TRJ\N~ ,.. 11\IT t'out Hlahway • eiUWJ had ~ready bftn !.&ken ot trn congre• lo New Orleana July ure In tht' blands 15 still a lift' course at Nt'W York unlvf'I"'IIY· -IIWYt ·u··~ 8c>hl. n~nt.r.J 0 ;' ,.. c•umna ot.l Mar DININO ROOM ellt.n.._ t&llle, e entire county. City Engln~r·l 27·28 will be prHented t te board of slmplt> piNM~Ur~JS, with people • The arrival Qf tbC',baby ptll Mr. ....,..... Not..,.. ·rat~ vr r;el'a, so• Main Bt: "~here the,._. P'ty"l\2·2tc •kcellent walnut t1aWI. tlea~ ~--·--ot •upervleon lo di!termlne lt taking things t'OS!t'r, and yet tht'y and Ml"'. 0\PI Crank of Udo ble --U&lb<• .. lind ~OK Marlnr Av•nue _ anct duraW.. I Newport harbor ~oy.ld bave rf11re· accomplish as much as Wf' do ht're.l ln thP two-tlml'rs class ftmon!:'tll NOTI('I': Ol" PtiiU.JC' HY:ARINU 1\athna l•land l~·tll fo'()lt 8AI..JC t:nrorla del Mar In· Al4UWINtJU water!-cook._,.. 1944 I sentallon. but with 1es1 f'frort. pt>rhap~~ be-grandpftrenls. Both rnn'tiC'hlldl"f'n r~taa,. proJW!rty, four <'ompl..te •t. l'"'·war. nntr uaed. 1S2 eo, TIDE T j Hubbard Rowe an'd one or two ca~ they do not work unM-r tht-al"t' ,;rl~t, th«t oth~ hf'lng thf' flv• OS AS APPI.IC'ATION Rr:·I MOT~lltrYc,I.Jo: fY'IIl ~AI.IC-11;;:. an1l ... parat• l'0t1-!1ft th"" O.y ,...,..t, .Ralboa Laland. 1'-ABLES 1 othPr local men, attended the ml'et· nervous straln that we do, Pat j y<'nr old da~MthU>r ol Mr. and Mn. . Q1li':MTINO At1TttORI7.AT1n~ J lry na~ld.;•u. atnalr IP~2 modl'l, lot11. em,. unll fumtlhfld, all 1011'1 A -4t.o HlJh Luw Hl~h Low11ng Wedneaday lo Lo1 A.ngelea ot M id There an> no labor troublf'5 MaC'k t"rank. rN'qucnt visitors ln OF TKF. IMtlANCT. OF A t:•J •I t •rw. IINl 61:1 !ltllh Ht .. l ha vt v.all' M el noor ruma,,. mit ~ALE fllnll• beet wilb ~a 2:48 9:24-4 :11 10:50 the ~IT' IIIIer lndu.-!rlu aroup. irl the tslond!<, hl' ~>aid, .and s lrlke." the harh(lr dl~trl,ct. C'ONnmos AI. P I':RMIT IN I Nl'wr~>rt "''"''" Call ll<'twe.-n1 f'A•'h unit ha• tv.•o beeh:oom'• •Prlnl• and IDMr·•~ ..c.. 4 2 0.7 ~.0 t.ll Herbt'rt Keony, chairman of thl' an• unknown. I TKF. NI':\\'PORT lti':AC'H<ARF.A tO am ""'I :1 Jl m. 1'>0·4tt> ·lnc•1•me 11112 00 rer mo J'rtr11 t,...., eac•Uent t'oadltlue; ~ ·~~~ 10:,~~ ~~~; 12:1~~~~n!~":;~~~v;;,mt':~t~er::ctr:k:~ ist~n~0:~~~ Ia~;" c~~~~uch0~~~ Doulags Airctaft · YOR CT.RTATN Pr:RMrnr.oi II!:LP WANTED !~~~': Tmn• C'all N·.~~ !~'::v:-:'a~~~tu~.: (New daYIItrht ... rna llrne) tour signs to bf" Illuminated, local· Balboa Island "with 5000 peop)l' E . n· t \'ARIANCT.M IS THI': RI:CIII·I Oc I ---."h. N-JH)rt O.acb Tt-J. llol·lte ·Ttclee &re pi~ In order or OC'CurTenu . 1 e<l 118 toUov.•1 : CoroDA del Mar, addl'd," he said, while· the n>al ngJneer Jes 8 LA nON~ OF ORDINAN('I': l "t .P WANn:ld) Wit omlaln or!~~~ (OJTA IIEIJA _ I I B&Jbo I I d d We t h 1 1 . fnr rrflalnt an a l'r& 001 ,._,. 1.70 aGree at 1700 ,.,. eore eft nJUI!:D OAX J'J• wo. ell~Uenl Llirlll ti~r!Ue• •. m.: darla""',.. p. m. I e, a !I an an I bt~outy spots art' t l'' out y ng u· Balbo Ho•e NU. L'\1 (Z()NING OllOI· ......... ,...tanera. 803 E. Ceatral .... ,....._.. al·· .... WaiL·-· ... 1_._...,_ """ all to be It the entrance lshmds. The climate Is wondt'rfUI, 18 a Ill ....,. ... ... -........ ..... ""' • ·-.._ t'undllhln' antique dlabrr. -- but as In Southt'rn California, one _ _ · N & N C' 1': ° F 0 RAN ° 1': Avr · Ualb{oa ~2·4tc ,,....., au11" ... Dletrlct. ~rfeet butr•t; Bohk k et.ctl1c ;..._~ Quality LumiH,r and Buildiar Material• • COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. Newport Harbor Area -Well Over "We don't bave the ell&Ct fir· url'tl, yet, but th• N~wport Harbor Dletrtc.1 we.nt well over Ita quota ct 137'5.000 for lhe Fittb War Loan Drive."· 1tated Harry Welcb, fol- lowing a meettng of ~ \:¥&~ l!lond ebmmlttff Tuuday. nooo. It wu decided that more'meet· BALBOA .. MOTOR CO. 706 E. ~Y Ave., Balboa General Automobile and Marine Repairing. Marine EJectricians· Available ' Fender Body Work Refinishing TELEPHONE NEWPORT BEACJI 225 . GORDON B FINDLAY 1\IAINTENA~CE AXD UEPAIR ,..OI 'R SJ>EO.\I.TI' Cabinet Shop Sen· ire· OffiN' Cnhinrt Shop 8410 Coast Rlvd. 407 Sllfh St. Phone 4 n Ph. 2388-J NEWPORT Bt:ACR, CALIF. can find mow on the mountains, Can-oil A McKinll'y, 32, mlf'f ~";.';.~~F.o C'Al.II'ORNIA, A" HF:I.I~ANn-:n E"Pt"rietM' .. 1 lec.tl-,.,. fllture ault·clhr....... ~fo('trlr ....._,; oe.-au er_. dry hills and wonderful. tropical N"E'&rt'h emginf't'r for Doualu Air-· " · · ·~·ook a.rtd houiM!worktr. No u ftAL~H ~. MASK&V cut aaw. 111 &. 8urf, Balliloe. valleys. craft of Con.: Bf'11ch, dit'rl Sunday • 1 1lalf'll work f'Tivate 1'00_!9. 8~-1 • R•lt~r 11-ltJ Pat will be at homt• for a few Pvt'ning at hill homt', 2124 Eft!!l "~otu··· 1,' hrl'f'hv ..:1\·c·n. lhllt ·p~r· a ry $100 pe-r nu•. Write Dow 3410 O ..ut Rlvd., fVwoprt O..Ch WW't'kll, eoing into lht' nnny in ,Au· Ocean Blvd . &loon. f1•mn h"'"l ~tnt 1".~•·c•t lc•n l!l "'rfllnllnrl' No 30:'1, (·oro na df'l Mar. or call at' Ml-e •02 61-Ue roa lA ..... &U~t. f lhlrf'. :\:•I li'.on lnt.: Otdl~llnl'rl or I 110 Ocean Blvd. 1\2-llc • . IIU810A.L INIITiltJIID'B 8 onn«>r Fullerton ""'lrit•ill,, tht• Or.lnt.:r C"oonly: C.ahfnm111. aJo -, ll·bet mom 1tucro _ 'G T I G M~Ki}llr s hOYt' ~·n llvln.: In RAI·Iam .. nded a puiJll(' ho•!lrln..: will hc-l IIELP WANTF.P n .. erly MW 141100. ron BALE -dJen ,..,.. .... ene ay or ets boa for~ llttlt' OVt'r a )·ear. He h~ld hy thl' OrRnJ:o• C"fMtnl)• Pl8n· Female, Pax operltdr and typlet. 3·t)O'df'I'Om houM. ell(bU)' U8ed,' neellent ..... N Ti S d II . widow Ocvrrly· two ntnJ: Cnmml•!lioo rm Anr•llntllon ~ P!:VTON 00. nnrty nPw 111100. tlo•n. IJ61v., plated, cold Wt. 01at eWS• mes en • :.~~"BeverlY Arll] amJ ,BN-ky NQ. 346. •ot F: .. f Whll8krr, ,.._ IOI Cout Hlchway Hou.w on t wo Iota _ ~. l'hwport IIOG-M or &01 ... Off . v ,, John 6 and. and hi~ mothrr, MMI. ~,.,.. ·~ftUHW>io.frn•'-oJ~""' -~ N~Wf\cirt 114!acb -~Hto· • nmrMr .. nTRNIAHED 8mnlrdlft6 •.• VIa erse . . I L~&n('{' or " C"ondltlonnl Pr nnlt I HetaA&a. Ella Thoma$ of l.ol< Angr t"!!. • for thr N'duc·tlnn or t~ '"''"t van l WANT EO lnt'lootnr Elettrolua, waablfll ---Setvic('S will IX' hrld Thurs<hly . I • nl~C'~Int Nf'W , .. ranp &nd n-WANftD TO aur 'Gent> T aylor, who has bet-n j at 4 ·OO . m. at thl' Llttlr Church l't'qu n•mrnt c•f tho• M·:l f>i•trkt I Anl<J mechanll'a. T-op war•a. beat I rurnllurf' 11000. wo'rking for lhP News-Timt'll all o( the ~OWI'r.l, F'orl'lot Lawl\, wlth from 70 fN•t from fhj' l'f't'l:rr llnr tlf worklnJ C'c•ndllh)a~ An .-urn· llnfum 'ahl'<l houet WANT TO BUY-........ m thmugh his h igh school year~ and th' Boltz MOJ11UII')' Chro•n •It'l l ot I ~I nit• llh:hwn, In o m nlmum I llftl war lnoluet ry l':mplo~enl l 4 • 121100 ran. Call Newpwt 46. llo4le &raduation,. finally an.swerro tht' I M~r. dir('('lln.: lnll'~l'nl will tM' of :'>,'} fc'<.'l thl'rc'from Snitl p~m· rtt'•er. hrrt• or at tluntlnrtun I 1 In!•~=; ... d h•"••. • ca ll or h1, Uncle Sam a nd W<'nl to 111 F'on·~l Lawn •l!ot"!! ftN' ltW'IIIo'fl on th" wr•Hrly 14foaC'h "t""' WANT TO BUT Aut..-.... I war Monday 1 · al~ of Nt'v. por t lloul••v11nt altJo·l TI;fJo~ctl l< lil Y. ROHINM • Vl'rv ""at 11100. maklnl over lT •U• to ,.a. Refor<• .. l' · ll'fl, tlw plnn't ~1w1• -Sc' h 1 CC'nl lo lh•' ovo·r·tW'"~ 11nd 11hn11t M 1 P'urct Rll tr11 ""'' 8f't'Vh'f' Theee heu ... are ¥aCiant. lnn ~d prtN for lip\ -.r him a fart'WI'II J:lfl and ~m·· Gramm at: 00 f('{'l north t)( 'I he• CMJil llt~:hwn, . nnd ""'' l'c-ntnl AVIl I w . .J. IIOI.('()MB from rtollable OWMr CMIL vt•~.· llnc ld!>ntally 'Gr n<' IS a Bo d Sold w•th on llw norlh••rly por11on nf 1"'1 :l Nrwpo•rt llro" h l'hQII8 211 lt\17, ro~Aat Hlr;hwav rhun• N•wport tltT, II-4W I volunt<'l'r firnnnn and tho• dog· ~ S I as shown lUI o· mnp fliNt In flock 2ft· I II' I I ""'"a Ml Mar J::(•I'C'I n n likt•'thil'· ' • p • r 05 3. Pns:o• :\4. rtr'(,.,rcl of Survt'Y" nt ' . "Wh•rr th• 1'\•1• ,, .. ·aa-:n.-wt:.~d:? ~~~-t!:!~u:a:· < remtum 0 ~..t IOmns:r· C"ountv ~ ~NTJo:J) ''""'"" to •lo 'walh· TO OUR \'ISITISO t,REMAS ~ Sn!rl tiutJIIo· ho•nrln.: ron ttw lllwo\lo' ln.,; In twr h rru· 1'1>.•=""'1' Ito h JoY'IIt FIAt.l-: I ,cot In t ';,r,.na drl prh,'ll and loc.aUoa to llo:a ll, No morr Tbe "lOO 000~ .. nf ...... nt'll for nppllo-111 inn "111 '"'l. o•lrl .. ~ !l CMI A. 1 3;! l'1ul "'".. llllk«'r y, U1111H1a. "'"r, J311:1, by nwn,.r I' n I lox Balboa llllaad. a..'P " ' -'"' M J 1 17 ·~ 1 h t 1 !\3 1l :IIU, Cnr~tna del )far, C'atlf ---fli~;ht ·hand ~l icks l tht'<'nrnnal1e1Marllt'hoolbulldlnr: ·· U ). · I!~•'· n I •· .1rnr ngt :-· ·•· I' M ·\Je WANTI:D ..... , cw ~ TyP.··hro' t1c~s--or thr Ntwpnrt Bf'ar h Orammar and mc .. •lln~: tt>mn ur !<nlcl 1 nmml~· C ~-wutatnc •••d'l-Ill PMrt IM., Striped ink.... l ll'ht'IOI DllltriC't haa ~en"l1•11vned i 111on. nc.ooun :t?!(. rolll"l llflll"'t' An· CIIILDREN~ Anr .. ___ ._ fl'flH "AIJI}. ~lpt.MIIm bm.a. IJ&Iboa ........... "Jt. ... J>n·,:orc .. Jm J •nx. tr• th(' l..n!l AnJ:"'"" tlnonr ll'l hoUIIe """· .Snntll All II C"nllt,.utln 111 \\ 11 J.. 1•A HJo; · Jo''l)lt I '1111,1 II!ICN Jo::orl'lllt'lll Inc•,. tiM, Onfl full beth, M H ·W. • N·N :'linw ll 'l'> "Hi,•h t rat·o•'" ' I .t•ll (:wt •· "'flll•ll'l ' tllulltlo·'" 'l'c•jo·h I k IIUIII1lo• llo•\\;tfl' Ill•• -· .. ,;,,...; ... '. ~llrol ···~· • ,\\\' .... "l h ol lhl> Ifill•" Ho•ll)o'ml~<•r \\'t'"l •" ,,H. I'} In ,_.,;, .. ) uU ~·• ll<' l(lacJ 111 'l~' you lt~~l'k ! I You 1 a.o;:caJ ) 00! I TIIF: GANG "' l'lvt hl' 11nol r -\\'llllom · R. wh ich ''""' 11"" Jlhw•· "11 ~"''"""'"~ n'•t 1 11!~'11• 111 • ''"'""1:~ Tl'ltn• h•·n h11lt halht. P~llllll'lft Aua. _ -____,:::' ~11\als ·"reo , J•• nl hltlcJ<'r:c wh" lntf'rl'~tt•lf lli••f•lll 1'111 tu• lu•lllfl, l'"'lhll 11 tf'ltllllt"l K~t ,..rto•luf·•l t•t I'll Nr\\'l"•r1 tll4n-W l'rtc•tt 1 Pf'.R8()NAJ,- I ThP at .. ,\, 1•; pitt'.'''"" t.u..:• lh••l 11 .... l '" t -...... a "'"""II"' "' $411"i nnd '\~'"' I 'linlln!'l .•• •. ,,, ..... ,... s·. ;.... r.:t.t {' ML,•<>: , ..... v rl •tt'nL•.n , m'....,ll=---m. -With nil plolll .nd ''''"I .•.. "'" 'I I r ro r . .. r ..... • • ... :t>!ko·d lnl•l•·~~ "' $:!10()() r .. r t'J• l I I I t:••oolt : •. ;: I' I l'rlv"'" ~l'atllnlt• .. ,. w. 4th lit., aA~tlt' IWJU)'rlL: '"'t1111 1 ·"'I"'"''' lfl I ll t 't tJ( fr-tAJ ..,Jo: , Tto. llnnk .r Arronr n .. , •• r .... t ,,.ldlwrn llil'·"l"'"''''"'~ ''"'"''''' I.C•!"T t\~U I•'CH 'SU :•1"'""'''" ''"""'· tk'"'Y n•·w. ~""'" An•,l'!'"n .. 4,40fl to mu• l>tllol!l' 111•1• I II• II ~A'JOO llt•JII M·3tp $11111) Jllt•lllllllll nncl 11~kl'fl $.'1.H~~. llll••rtrl "'"' llnnuraf••n l nntl T :ol 11 l.l '..; \\' :'11,\HI,I.I. t "' "·1· r• ol t tH7 :,,, 'un·l n~~tk••d ~ •" t.tl' $~ fi2:"· hth ·•••:(t <'•1llnty Audllt'r • ••· " ... "' ( '''"''~ t.••:--.1' 1'1".: \\ IIIJ" \\ '"' ,.,,, ) "'''"' I :• '" q •H l 't•uUUtl ll I hn 'II~' It··"'" d '/l :.'tl• f:c.keJ rt!pdr'tcd fl l'l.tHflltH' f '••rlln I 'lfffl Tl11• l"'h•~•l ,. n~ttru!l .om Jlr")''' t :''•u•h-· .• JI•d,;.'-"-1.~'.''.'-------'!':"'-----------., h:tll I~ ··n "I•Pr"l •'•I l~v lht· 1~•11 1\ n· " , ;.:.~::.rc:~;a ,, .. ,~ ... linn llf~l'llt')' TODAY'S a·EST . BUY· •. ............... l • 1111 111,.1,, .r "''""'' \ ··rv $111'.0. W J 140lCOMB t•ot7 ,.,,,,.,1 II Ji""""y t 'ut t•flll -t•·l ~1hr ''\\ ll••t •• tfe•• f.lJt.en• Jo•ly' i•';\.~lt· W" NTfo:U TO IUo:NT -----\\A l'o:'l 1-:1• To I 111-:N'I' I ,.,. 2· ,.,. l'tJII ~ani Ito ""' mar'r~ :.111. Vllnt•t~uv•r, Wa.t\, "I Itt• linK &:S·tfo •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I • ,.. ---&.-., .. Navy Recruiter of County Is. Married !• '" """' rurnlllll ... t ,........ fir llfllor1mrnl lly 11rmy utftl'f'r, . FOR BUILDING INFORMATION -See-. Bay District lumber Co. WALT~R I . I~IC~R, o-r 111 lbte Nltllway At The Arcllee Newport Beach PlleM 1150 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Jerry Hover. Orance county Navy recruJt.er. wu marrted to DT. Nancy Hard.IJll of ~· relea on June 2e. It wu l~rnw ber~. The weddtnc waa att.eDdeld by Earl Allen, 1peelalt.t tint cl..., rec:ruJteT In 8u Di'tiO. and Mn: AllaD, aDd LH l&mbert, apect~lat tint cJ.a-. aan 'rn.,o. ancl,-l(t.. lAmbert. ---- "'"·"'··-111 N•rct•ue Aw. eo •• ,.. w1 Mar N.D. CASH D .V.M. ljiOO AM ~T HQe~ITAL .. ttU ANI .... tlt 4 ... M81fl M., a-M• ANI. Collf. '1875 7PORT OF SEVEN SEAS Sport Fishjng Crul~r p ¥I'~ .. ~ OtuUer-l I a Yaeltt .,.. 8l'J CoMt .._,.,., PhoM. NewDOrt IIMc:h INI IIAJUNE WAYB ••. IIAJUNE BALVAOF. BACK no; ATJ'AOK BlJV MbRE BONDS SNOODLES ('7 oat ol 10 people,._.. Newa-'111Dea a..lfled A.dl.) By Cy Hun1erford • / DOROTHY DARNIT I T~l ''* ~E OQE'S WHY? r-------------------------,-------------~ (A ~lanre pro\'MI the lead~nhlp of thfl Nf'\\"ll·TimMI) ~ P "'D Ao. WI LL o-loi\VE T I M! CETTII\1(. '------7'C"'-. e ..... cK • -. GoSM! I Mi~RfO~ 1'4EM HIM TtZ%1,_.. 1 . . . . . By CharleH :\1r.\l anu~ t ()I C)".J T KtJ-_ ... 1 .. F: (. (J T T 0 ' T M " I I~A I I, T v~ TtiE C/PU ~~ TK"'( "'"" 1\1111 lo.,hy ( ',ltll N"WJMtrl j """' h 2tr1 w _ ri:z-•t•· FOR R!:NT fot lll HEN'I' Twu ""' .. l•lnr ,_, f'all mrwnlna• at 2211 30th fiJI , N"wrort 1(-<'h ~~·11p P'OR "ALf'-MJMCP'p.ANICOUI ·I Al'ltll ·i ITK CJfOI<'Y. ROY AU., r.t· lh U·pld • To July 20. RLUIC W A TY.ftA ranch. 1000 Orand Ave . Kuu I h aide Lak.. Jl;lalno,... Turn r ltl(ht I ml ~ academy 6S·2tr 0.1VJDalo• of tile Nn1 ., .... ~ ............ .... 1'0" INIU .. ANC• 1•a Howard W. h.m.11 2111 W. Cttttral Ave. . ..... ,.... ....... c.tlf. ~ ...... ... Automo.,Ue • lin Acclclent • Ufe Uceue uwl Ol:tMnet .......... flo. M.it .JI.., fltimins A and D y .. __. .... Y&..-.i• A . ....................... . .......... -~·· .. ere ... ,. lihl' • accw a. the ..... tWeet. .,... _. en4 .tnu .... wtte. .._ ... • .. ftdencJ of ........ , .. v .. aee4 Vlt~mln D to heir the bed' ..ake proper Ult ol the calcium ... pbMphorWI in ,_ ... , •• K. lf JOII ere •ot cett "K tltOVfA of th-two lmporunt. ••tamana, take a ONE·A ·D A Y twand Vh.,.la A and 0 Tal•· I~· .,.,., day a"d l'neure y our DOn:aal requhen1 .. n\.L ONEill nAY am:tAii e; qeps HOW NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS -TIMES I'IIU!'t:l4: .... I':WI'()KT 1% a Ill ~!!'!!' l':nry Tv-day and Th•radaJ .ttt.ntOOtta Vhlume Hkvl Suh.,..rtptlron l'nvltl)lt· In AtlvnncY•' 2 50 J')C!r Yt'llr In Ornna,. Count1: $:.! 7:'> J)l•r yr·nr to 4th xont'; S3.00 prr ynr to Rth xone. F::nc-s '" ~onrl·cltta• matlt!r Ill ~ Po.totnett In Newport a..dl, I CnlUomla, und~r the Act ol Mardi 3, 18"79 I ~ A. Mf:YF:R ---· ._ -=-~lT<rlt~~EN'r ' On1CIAJ. PAPER OF THE vrrY OF NltWPOaT BEACH . 4 D J Ct"e a...t k&HI H•• ,_ O.W M 1'_,. ..... .. ·- NGR ·ATULA~ • • NS 8portland Bowling Center Main Street 8llboa ,Phone: Newpart Beach 2402 . Cuino Cafe -lla1n Street Balboa, Calif. ". PboDe Newport Beach 779-M ' . Bayaide Fish Market 8:b A LafayetW Newport Beach Exeelaior Creamery lulta Ana Callfom1a Raw10n'a Cafe 1015 ODut JU&tnvay, NewpOrt Beach Ph. Newport Beach 2084-J . . . B'Domea Addle & George Beddome 2200 Oc::Nn Front Newport ~ch · Richardson Tooling Products 210 Marine . Balboa Phorte Newport Beach 1;n Reed's Super -service Gas-Olls-Accessorlcs:-Ice ~ W. Central Ave. Newport Beach Boyd's Gilmore Service Station 1!500 West Central Avenue Lowman Boat BuDders 485 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa • PboDe Newport SOl • Dr. G. E. TolliD · 2101 a-t~ :e=--Beadl 286-W --.. ~ . -. ' Q-Rio ehoppe Jt"Welrv and Olft.-; 205 ~ain SL · Balboa Richard Seeley Photographer · 218 Marlne A venue Balboa Island Eugene Elliott · RMJ E.c;tntP Ph. Newport Bench ~ 501 E. Marine A~. Balboa Island McNally's Boat Livery 705 Bay Front Balboa Phone Newport Beach 406 Market Spot Anton Hershey 200 Marine A v~.. Balboa Island ·wanda's Beauty Salon Toni Olanton. Manager 215Y:! Marint> A\:c:'. l'h. Newport Beach 368 Dr. M. D. Crawford .Optometrist 1797 Newport 13lnJ: Costa Mesa Channel Boat Company 1215 Co.1st llighway I 'h. Npl. lk h. 1686 'A. B. McCollum Lido l!'le Sam's Sea Food Cafe · · 2501 Coast Hi~hwny ScaJ Beach Croft and Neville 1::01 .Coast Hi&~ Newport Beach F. & S. Salee Company ' 2139 South Main St. Santa Ana ,. ' ToEvePyMa >-Woman and ChUd Ill Our , • I .. .. • COIIUIIUDIIy For . Their Support of the -• Through Your Support and ·the Work of the Victoryr' Volunteers Our 'Dist-rict .Exceed·ed ' ( . . Balboa· Theatre Balboa. Calif. Orkin's Department Store 1793 Newport Blvd. Cos~ Mesa Balboa Mal-iDe Hardware 911 Coast Hlghway Pb. Newport Beach 184 R. W. McClellan & Sol18 Rocks a.Qd TnJck1ng 2617 West (;entral Ave. . (' - Conrad Richter, M.D. Phystctan and S\Jroa'I!On--107 22nd St. ~idence-717 W. Central A~. Ph-orr. 133-Res. 74. Newport Beach Trickey's Reel Estate 305 Palm · Balboa IJ P hone Newport Beach 158 • :lOl Mnin Way's Market Phone 85 . Stag Cafe & Bar 211'1 l'lal't-' and Coast Blvd. Balboa Newport lkad1 California Port of Seven Sfas Boat Landing ~:1 t Sail'S ~ Maline Ways ~17 C'oa:-;t llighway Newport Beach Lindy's Pool Hall For Amu.sem€'nt &.fk'laxatlon -• · Play Pool Sherwin-Williama Paint Co. ~,... .... Phon<' N~'J)OI't Bee.ch 101 700 E:.Ba,v Ave-. Balboa It's Quota By $'65,QOO "· Gus's Sea Shell Cafe 601 E. Central Balboa . . Lido Theatre ~ Centl'!-1 Ave., Newport Beach The Doll House · Newport • Balboa Palm Springs Ocean Front Market Geo. Peterson Geo. Taylor Groceries Meat.a Culbertson Chevrolet Co. Otto Culbertson, Owner Balboa Yacht Basin 0 . A. Haley · PaJlaades Road Ph. Newport Beach 500 Bay Shore Camp and Cafe Heinz' Kai.'ier · Coast Highway ' J'iewport Beach Sawyer Sport Shop Phone Newport Beach 576 207 Marine Ave. Balboa Island Robert V. Staats Co. Shiputailders· 625 Coast Highway Newpc)rt Bca~h Harold K. Grauel Chapel "We Ourselves the Better Scr:ve By &rving Others Best" Ph~.Newport 561 Costa Mesa, Otlifomia Fr•nk Showalter Santa Ana ' California Food Basket 1812 Newport Blvd. Costa Mea . J .. WalterS. Spicer, Dolng Business as Bay District Lumber Co. 518 State Highway . at the Arches Costa Mesa Lumber Co. Oolta Mesa, Callt. Corona del Mar Cafe Fonnerly Roai'a 1611 Coast Highway Ph. Nwpt. Beach 1967 Van Canlp's Sea Food Co., inc. Tenninal IsJand California South Coast Co. Ya~t and Shipbuilders NeWport Ice.& Cold Storage Co. 410. Thirtieth SL Newport Beach Kenneth E. Wilson Co." Chris-Craft, .. • Chrysler Marine Engines Runabouts, Utility. Boat.'l, Cruisers. M9tor Yachu 925 Coast Highway, P h . NcWJ>9rt Beach 584 ' . W. T. Jefferson 212 Ocean Blvd. · Corona ~el Mar· Vallely Boat Rentals · ,Edgewfil<'r at Palm A..,c., Ball>oa Opal & South l3ay Balboa Island . J. S. Barrett Construction Co~ General Contractors 1300 State Highway Ph. Npt. Bch, 2464 "The Arches" "Just a Little Better" Cocktail Lounge and Cafe Coast Highway at Newport Blvd. Island Realty Co. ·. Real Estate -Insurance • Notary ~1 Agate A YIP. • BaJboa,JIIaDd A Contribution by . the Patriotic Citilens and FinDs Listed on 11tis Page • ·. ., ,.