HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-07-25 - Newport Balboa News Times, II SAND CRAB SAM Pick 'em Up. A plea to the general public to 'Stop and pick up S('rviC'l' men waitin~ for rides was voicro by a mother Friday morning. but he wired that he was still on the desert. ha\ins spent the night vainly waating for a rid e. while httndreds of motoris ts pa,.._~ him by~Jlis mother stated that he hlid- met with a similar exp('r- ience here at ·home, while waiting at The Arches for' a ride to Balboa. rnany motor- ists. among wh001 he rorog- nlzed several friends. having refused ,to stop. Soldiers. and sailors on leave who must make their base at a certain time spend many hours wait- ina. and are grateful for a I ride. she-said. .. •. 8puw Are CAMial. They are £Oing to do~~­in.l at Balboa this . So girls and matrons. ~ ' your chance to help 1 Cout Guard. rilbt at your • bay doors! •• , • .. for 36 yean the· beat advertisin1 medium ia @!e newport harbor district • • • the newspaper that roes home Biay.Bonda toEndWar ~ Quicker .................. ~~ ~~-.. ~ .. ~ PAPER CLIPS .IOe per t.os of 100 dlpa News -TillleS '111' Ill U N.,....-t II •u w. o-tn1 A- ·. BALBOA MES ,.. Olrt.,w-....-.. .,.. ....... GpfltR~ ..... ..... wMeli II .. _..., ••• ki ..,_. _... . ._ ............. ,... ._...,, ........... .... ......................... ......................... w.rtl4!n' ......._ _. ..._. ,. ...... ~ ..._, ........ ...... ..,. ... ,.. ....... ~ ,._., .... :: ... .....IIIQ ....... .. ................ ·~~ BukofAs--.••• .J . .... ' .. -• , , Nt:WPORT-BA l.MA ~F:WS-TTMES. N~r1 Be:Jt'h. t":~lifomia. Tue~'-a-=-y..:..., _J_ul..:.y_2_6:...:.'...:1:.:.9...:.4..:..4 ____ ---------+----:---------- 1 Mot~ir Calls Police 11 111111 · 1 Liquor ~nse Is I UVED IN HONOLULU -IAJWAl"if"\' ftl('IUZ .1Af'K80S S.., 111 Fi .. "II Qliel" ,t':~~~~~ C"'hn~inR hPr mn 0nr1 Jf'hn!'On <••rona ckol liar, and L K..·l:k>). 10nrl his (ri,.nd. Lu~ulf•nant U>o., 110 E 1'\.'h a ''t"f'''*. 8albns ~ n.tnu•l nf th~. SAJ\R "'ith hPin" portl'd flndr.n,: a brow'n a..tber o1.,mk. t'N•at rnc: a fll"'turl\tiiiN' Anff •m t t &af' <'OOlaJnlD~ bo~,.· cloUI-I t:t-·~tmvinl! lo"flrlf'rtv Mr1 AliA lnf: on ha. front la•"n ..wty SuD- 1 J,.._n•un ~ P11lrn .. t ,. ... t R;,lty,., day lllf>nliJIJI:. f'olloorinc •. C'Onii'OY~n)' of !lt'v-- .-nal montlb. dunn.: which Mt'!la ~ prott'SI\'d at -rraJ M&.- '"~"". the board nl t>qualization &T3nto>d a hq uor pem u t to Cllarlt'S Curuungham and others lor their c, .... ,,, :\1••-.a ··alt' at 1824 Nt'WJ)()rt bouttv .. nt 1 .. HIJtltf'd lt1 be-h11m o• ''"'"" l.';ll • ··n ••!I I ••w ~"rlo:~"u" lh~) ~ tD br~utlt\ll Soot 1 rn t '".It· all IIC't'm t u m•·' 1 but thiH Ia 1 ,...., No, 1 b;.vf'n'l tho· •ll~ht.r!t ml.t&ke. 1'1111•'11 nff~t•r-~, tn tlw "'•'fit• l)fft· F an> O u t f F' \\' ChJrkf'r :.ard I C'f'" ~f··~f:oni•·;-~1 :ont1 C'.1lnh·rn 1n· that "" ~:T<t<S fl~ had bo>o.-n ' ,., .. ''"flltnl!. fnunrf tho· m"n ""''''h stanf'd Sunday altf'rnotlfl b)· ftru· 1•:o11n" t11nn•·r • '''' .loohn<:nn. on hn'• m a Fnnt con\·o·rtthk nttlpf' tho• t>lh••r h··no1. r'l•.tlt'(l Non•lf1<'-t.::~rl •Butid)t St:uTk wa.. a r- :~l)lr-tll~tumnm•r· hf'Nf•lf.' \\ith relltft on th<P-cntrp&a.lnl Olf Sa:t murlt '"~h·rl 11l111~tt ur tooth thl' rrx·n Lt-wi' and c'hllrx,'fJ "'1th a «<aul ~ to ~turn 111 H onoolulu Jullt now tho> c 1ly of lloollllhll .... "nwre ar•· m&n)' ro "18•u,lo f•1r Md tuJrTnuntllnj:: tt"rr'ltory Ia full ~ hsak atJ•Lrmcul arul I'll be •of ,...,.,,IC ,. mf'n 1uut Will \\'lllkrr ct-4 to kll yrw eu•ll) "'11.11 th• Y lr•.n 'I ,. m>< nl~mJ ~ m,. b<'('flfDt' ~ 'nlcorr r. ay .,.. " ,,,, "' Ll•· r ,,, .... ., •• 8 'II 0 lllllllf' (1\t'O t• ....-me~~ I Ul It ftor ) "" t6rar n nlnh•nde•n~ whu "It•• ""'' :lltlln" -.&!er& but I t 'lllnk 1 .~· .,: w. v.t .. lf' othl'ra """"r l,.b,.., tu Ilk• A not otw !otlllf'•• of h ••·r < and hall•'!')' : .,, 1Uo1oday, Jam.>s Gn'l.'nt' ot th ·•atP boartf's ,J.~Ublic' ro>lations 1-~nn.i'nt tlhnnt'd t hr News· T '7'1' that tlv• ltn n-..· application halt l""'fl )1.,~ :1~• JA ndin~ furttwr ln\-~II~IU'fl. Th.-IK'XI flay lhl' boanl m, .. •ting ;'II Sa('Ttlmt'nto, gran t,..l ttw> Jll'mut, like to llno.• tnw lllllru t!!•n~ •I 1111 h:w~~~~·"" r• "~''"'' 1'1 No ctouN yvu ha•t• .-:~y.yt'd ~r· olu T !lOot unl' an 1r.1.1 l<ll~"h B ~" lrl"lnl' n h11' m r•kE'r nn tho• ,, •r of St'I'C•1tnl Pntt •. ..,,,n, ~1 I'. ,h,. boumrd m tq ttk•"fJOlir..., ,·Ar A .. • "i"•im.: h•·r ;,If lht• ... ,., In lh•• u(· fll'<'l"" 1/)(ok h•·r In tho• llllhl'•., !<l,t· lion 11nd hnttko-d ht·r. lato•r 'r.-lt·a~· rn~:: hf>r on batl . --a of tbOie pre-w&r llluatr&Ud t tmvnuuon·., thll• ~twe .. n two traftl foWerll alloo1t UH' L1l&o~ "viallng" D"• nla udc-n ''Uuw lon« . • . and _.g:1cJ 1ong1r. J 1 111 h a \' ,. yc 11 '' •·· "n hl'rt' "" 'lbr .-.at Cl.at I did j~ th 11 ohlnn~~: rock ~· " Oahu Ia li!l'•t rf':C'r~tl lt• .._ da,. wtwn my plan tn jou1 c o n It an tl y u 'Little Tokyo' '.\JI' f, r· ,. • ., , ... ft11 • "''' k 1 r'' u;; I ' •• t. , .. ~.n• •· Ill\ r 1 '· t II In lloo• ·•·II I , ., 1 1 • • \!" • K F.. ~r·h• •·I 5:17 P:trk 'lr,.,•t, \\luttll·r t••t••rt•'<f l"'n OV\'Il'light b;t~" cunt:llnln·~ C'lur hrm: h:•rl bt><-n l'tnlo·n fmm tJr rAr wtm·h Wlh m a parktn~ lot 111 Ral· I"'" Thf' bal:" Wl'rl' lah•r fnunrt tn an allt.>y by llnwanl Ounn. Anlo•n m alk ma n, Hntl rt•tumo'<l Ml' Ra) S a hcudor or F:l P:inu..o .-:~ft•. ="t•w · p(lrt Al•fw h . n·ponl-d :1 hlnC'k.t•urk t·ontlftnin~: id .. ntifwutlnn Jlt1'1"'" I'HI ron bnnk.~ and S50 1n ca.l'h. ha•l lw'{'n stolt·n fr"m twr car w ht•n 11 wa:-parkl-d on :\Sah stra"'t Soltur- olll• ., •~ In llonol\.la "u .tlll i'IIOIIt'ylulu,' '\\'J&h•tO; .. tc.l 'f'hto n'a•nt ,nt·.f 1 ••n••i • '\ ,,,.,, ·,._ t' •• ''n1r;tt , t• ·••n•p t t , •• t lf'l:tiJ ~• "'""'" ,,111 11 ""'I"""'' .rr,. ,., Jllt'r\'1 •· Of-"'''"'14''1 \ I•• II' t :11:11 I'' ., ... ,.,t-1\'" a .• ,,, l th • tM -llrytlnJc at:&•«'-} \'ou an &IUIW«'r, mll(hl wrll bfo. "T t-n .-.Uid)l lmp~U«l b)' thoP-typl· mooU\a, bmthf'r. tm m•mttul lou .a -t.b IC'a movlco an.! ltkl' to l l•>na:· IIIIa ta lllfttJ _., 80~e about '""" I.IIAndlo t an f'Xpi'Ct lllllf' but .... a-e.Jt a1 WtUklk•. p.,, b&Pf ; C'OOt«'mpt from tJ1e ~ In brown ,_ b&n nftl bH1a a bit t.IIIICOn-and •hit~ U -~11 u IIVIllan t.-t al tbon •11t.b your auJTOund· wo rkrra who have a,.,en "takrn " '' ta• ,t •kt• t • tJf\1, • •1r1. ··I\ f I ,, t 0 ' I I IJ f .• I .t:. lit I I \ 1\n• J.:4•1nt; tu ••··. · ) • r .!It r t·• VII.. ,,,,~r 01\1 t • n l'i• t t ,,•J RADIO SERVICE .._,~ ...................... ........ r.a.a.rw.aa Burt R. Norton "'-' un I k• tv '" ,,,, ••u t h• , •.• ~~· n~ ' 1 ._., c)f l•lltllrl IMHintl tnut ;:•t ~·· ol ~···· I hit • ho 11rd t 11::1 I'• r·• 1 , • • V.'•·r•• anMUII\r " uHI• d t r 1111 ft l'"'l.\' ••f th• n• ,.,, • I ' •, d• I·''' lltl (' .......... ~ HI!WPOIIT ~CH lt.lly uuh:a~• ol """ • 1oarn 111.: 1:,,, llu•ro• "Pil''Brl'tJ lu ,,,. 11 I.J•I_t"r•l \' ••f lh I Ill\• I 1 ho II ,., I lot' tl••· D R Bodltt•r, 1 :."6 3.'\nt -,., rN't. lc,...t a puNI' C'Ont;.u ning tdo.·nttrwa· 11on can.J.~. ratinn book~ and 585 on tho• ()('o•an rn mt ~;;;;;;;;;;;_:~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;..;-;.;,-·~-;.. f f* FIRI\ I '' U tt tt ~t !ll U f.1111 Jl 1111' f t II d l"' j 'lo lr,.ol I. n•l • 1 t 1ol1 • , .... ~ ... ~, .. ( k ~Wtty Sayl"t', 675 W . Ei¢\th !II :'f't'l . Pomonn. lost " IIUI"'!<t', whldl wa:-fourwt and rt>tumt'd b)' R . II ft,()~('f'); .. Rubber Lined Win~ Head ... "' ~ , ... ........ •-w ....... ..-r • ...,.. ....... l"lteftt7 ... a ... tst. ·IJielelephoae Ust is ' .. can•ake it •· -Ill yet it's lelpr tMII we .Ia! ~ ar has not only stop~ the man- ufacture of telephone equipment for civilians, but has macie-many more P.OOPie want tel~photH~. Since the National i .,.f .... ,,,. pro- p1UD began in 1940, \\t' havt-been hard at work supplying the needs of the Army, Navy, war pr'lltucers and the public. There has been a net increase of =iYz million in the number of Hcl~ System telep~ones . . m SCrv.Jce. This ha~ (\5ro. up our-.nonnal re- &en'~, so there may be a delay in moving st'rvice anrl th~re prob- ably wi II he a delay m estabti~h­ ing nt·w. ~rn·icr.. -~witehhoarrf,. arc• r:1 rrYin~ mnre )juf's a11d t'all:-: tlauu llwy \\l'l C t.ie· ~;'!flt'd fn r. ~ E\ t•n • trl•·,~h,.rw farilitv we -have r h~=' L::-•. i 1;1 ~·.-.-, ·t! iulo :,t·n it·c. · ~ H you· rc W~ll lmt! for a tr lrphonr. · --ll"C want '· nn to kn ow we ·rc dui111' . n our he~l lo ~rvc you as soon as wr. can. . ... ""'"-by .... SlaM ...... C~liPoeNIA nLiPHONI CoMnNW ............ , .............. lhN Ntl0111111 werrfea wftl ft1 ttp\ eut'll'e ........... ,.. WNr lnjt to <1n1' fr11m ('UIIfurnou Wht'l"'' • uu1 null ~tur,. a nJ 1. ·\\ I"" I",,. • nn10\1Ullly Jnk•· .,1,. ... 1 Nllllahan.- 1 I'll' .l_ aulq• t1 11 tiC' lilt•• ••I hlllllfot UICN ,lay Ulldlll U.et liN .......,.ulty ....... INka. J ...... a ,._ lw&ulo>1 ul UIL ul.k~ IU.Jc Jiull)·- W('ol>'l lauft h.-at Hull::\'.''" I but (th .. ,l t IM'(Ij fl> ,_., t:IN1 lu '"' 1!,11 e<l I whem th<P-r overly prua"•od 111••b 1 o f tnt rf''!ll Wf'rt• K~""' n~tlur• dlv I 0<-·6unkt'll by lrmp .. t 11 ,<~;· r ••a11l•·uta ecrape of aturdy cottH f.wte .., .tltct. U... te a felt hiM,.... _. cork bottom. BocauN tiM ...... aN .. ..., aM feeUMNigltt. :r• wut wa.11t NVoral pair fw .._ 'arouM UN IMuM all4 eu&doora. Thty'ro 11lce l 11 t•f ~ te ...... ,...t. r '-r ..,_.. c.-... Olrtctlolt 1hl-' for ·~lay .. .....,. may IN elltal11ed. ~ .....,."1 a etam,ed. Mlf .. ddN.-4 ....,...,. te U.e NeMie...,..4 ~of Ull1 ,aper, .,.clfyl'!l ...... Me. PI M71.. • Collin:-Chn~t '" 1 17 ApoiMUt, n-- JIClrtf'd that h t• nMV Wa nt Unw · lhornc bike had been swJcn 1mm tioll Ill her placco at 301 M.arganta av~nuf'. She IliAc• prai.eH Olf t with no .. rc .. nrr mt"lllll I Corona del Mar News Rhuo k ln~t al1t0 ":Ill Ill• !t t•rrllllo: orlw'lrl!ht' In 1tolm1t lhllllhf'ro· W&>! IW>mf' virtu.. In thf' ulhrr furl\'· M .... G. L. Alldrtw• rl~tht fll(ntu IIJt to lw'aut \ II IIJ 1;). Mn Wynena Stmpeori or Lc. lrrf'llt Tn mf'f't wllh thla· ~lttnfl Anltl'lta 111 a . J:Ut'lll for the w~ mll•l,. llllC' think of lhl' 11uthur whn 11( Mr 1111<1 Mrll <:t·raJd W . Rlt.ehJe wrll+-11 10utobl1~raph•f'" nnly a!W ot 141:, Flnt 11tr!'i't, Corona cW r4'1\o.lll nnthln~ tlllf' Fl'\1 "''r" r n •· :.tAr l.il!lt SIJntlay, Mr. ud KilL pArl'•l tu find tho· o·h1IJ h1h, "My ltlt,hl•• ><n•l gllt·~lt. ~lr and Jdn. IJJIII('" l11 lwott .. r than V11Ur pl111 .... l tllu·kh••ar.l •If 21H O n:hld, aad phll"""llhv In ,. trrtllurv uf Hit' Mr. and Mn ICJtlph Maakl'y o1 t'nitc•d Stair.,. ht)p,.rul 11f tlf't nmln~o: Nt•wr.,rt 1.-lallit illnf'd at tbe 1 .. af"lt• II 110 m v ll"~""'•nl\1 ••o'ltth l'lrwlu A11a ('nuntn· club 'lfHh lhhJ "ur h II ll111\!! llo'\'rf l"""' ML~~ Shtrlt \' T<'mJ•h· oHiol fan:ll)l. 'a t>ti\JI unt I Cl~thu 10no1 "tht• ul hl'r l.t .lo•hn """' "''" .. r Mr and 1 lalanall! I whll'h I dt•l nl•t v1s1t 1 arf' M nt Juhn Kll()lt .,, 223 Narc:'-'- lruly Amf'rii'AII avl'nllt', nt-w froom Llll' Storirt- 1 Corona del Mar a.a an ldtaJ pl&c«', 1111: lhf' put year. wh1le Mn, ror a hom«'. 'nlf' clra.o tea air, H~tvla waa teachln~t 1t the San rretty ht)mf'e and friftldhn~ of Pedro ec:boola. Mr. O.vta will atlll ill' J>t'Uple ar.-an I.Dducco-t. abl' ('Ontlnue hl.l work In l!l.'ff'n.t~e at e&Jd. to make th.. a perma.neat san P~dro. home. Larry Langm•t.lco, who waa Jdr. a.od Jofra. H L Slmpeon of gra.tuat t'd I rom H• rbor Hixh. h&a San Pedro. 'lfl(altttl hcor a !liter, Kn. .-nt~red thf' llnLv .. ratty of Call-I C. D. Simpeoo. o f 218 . »arr'old fnm ta . to t.ak~ a cour,lll' In pi'C'· avrnue, S unqay. 'rlwd. M llftOo u }\1' can bf' ac,' Min Patricia Chapman. of 130fi • ••• tosd hi' llllPn•la mttrtng the Ocf'an ·boulf'Vard. u..t frlf'nd. ('apt SAvy I f'not.l Gutt. on~ ot the JofanMe •·bo ~Ira •: L. Gr«'IK Of San Gabriel wrv~l In Guadacanal. .... nt S UD· basr enjoyf'd a ltl'ra , •. ,. •·•·k· ~ 'a,,,. day In Los A ngE'If'a •·tth fnen•IB. ~- ~ .r;-£.. SPLICING THE MAINBRACE [lf'liJlltr thr l""l"'r sh• rta~·· • c&nd II ·r "'1•'1•1 \\'•·•ltt.-fO.tav.. to ·~ tho• wur•l 8hnrtAJ;•• w~tultlll'l n'nfry with hta p><r¢1 . Lt. Kaoa Ia It waa quit«' ·a llhooo· at thf' way11 than 00«' 011: Brolbn-: apply I•• tht' Hono:utu nf my vial( 1 &-crt'lary ll\ Ulf' Urnund l!Jcbool, Yacht Cluh laat niiJ'hl when F'r&n· All thf' tabl~ "'·u e loadtd 'tl'ltb 1 UMre wu aJ'IpArf'ntly Hlwoys n .. tm Mr~ llll\t Mra. HatTy Karri.D,I-Cf.'t Jll!rvt'y and A lu SI'H'rrlfle good Ud-bita and on 0114! table for local C'olumnlat,. \tt wrllo• t1t•··11t t<•n. uf Utng Beal'h, anoJ Mr. and •·ert mad!' une Th«' ma.in room, •·u tbt-h ur,. •••f'ddan~t cOco. AD "'" har•l~ II·•· n .. w •. r,. ,.,,, lo·~··not10• Mr11 &lf'lv1!1 ~alv•'l!"n. '()( Ar a-wh .. re lhf' d~tnf'f'l'l art> u~rually In lhla antJ C'akt' tuu Planch and anol Uti" wnntlrr~ , : !ht• 1~·111 ol~ hrlm, yt81trrl at tht' ho>mf' uf Mr. hill .l'tl'ing "' a ..J)ntur.lay I '~~. F: ~1. llan·r•y n ·a lly d d h .. , ... a •"·tc!f'ntl•· th•• ro·n•lf'•~ '•• 111,1 "' ,11 \' 1ant.J Mrs t.:n••x l'umJav "' .... t n tnllfor rr•••l. I•• 1•ul II mal<!lv l>t•rwllllil \\•·•ltl:ng l•o l:t•mth t ht'ar of it Th••H• iOt'"lll••ol ''' '" no ).ir r111tl Mrs s L ·.H okt' 11( \\'l•1to• ~J,,,J,. :.nol olalhtrt.~ aji:aln~t d iiUifhh·r "" th«' ~~~ •·f ~latn• "f"tt • sh,.1t.•.:•· ""''" .. tt't 1111,,1 t l"~' .,, , 11, l<ooul•·"<ru:-hntl ~tr. a background uf a.:n•t•n.~ ma•lo· mony ., '!Ohl n<ll'r \\ttllto•tl Ito ···II '"~ )'t\ Ill '"'! ~., \\Ill nru Padl(tll 'nf '-"" r nol of lha• lt"•lll ,,,., :.11 altt•t Tholl'•' nfft'l lll)! l'loll~l al ulat l .. n8 lf'&vln.: lh•• l!f'llh'" a.nol ,.,.., "nl\od l"L:·•"t""' ,,~ lo.'lll'"t" lttr ,. \\o•ek. Tb., hrldt• v.alko-.1 ''""n "" su!ll•• anti Jt'ill'llatunl' I'• I•· t':tpt aaol 111 •aut '" II• ,, ''":tlt!l htl ~ '<Kiol In \t ,. J. T t'harmnn ,.f J:\0.11 mad«' or ~II wh11 .. t npo'"' 'Mir· Mr11 l'hi11tt. tla111: """ lA'!' .. ~ ... 'fllVor ttf '"' h•t•• Ruth llt'''•l'l•f"''" ''','''" l••lllt••nrrl. Ill .\'ltntllliC ht·r roulltl"d wlth ~Anlo•nllll' "nd run a-pn, K~tol ;lnd (:aJI Uumttam ·"""'""''r •I •I 'un .t '" t•ly l<'ltf'n•· "" 1.1 ~'ololio I 'h.•J•mun. t thr nectf'll bv wulu whit•• !Oat In rti.Jb"n Ut•ll" nnol I 'II k \\'mo·klr r. ~;,.n l• ·tht ·•·<llt•·rll ~··• t •••n Th110 111 air fi•N'". 11t An1mo1rl' Okl.o 1.1 ID o~~ wvn.Lt. II WI\.• Ill prt-11\' aDd · Wl'l'\un J;~y 11:1'11 an•l J1; l'f'Atl a•·lc11~ hy tht• "I'• II lllllhlo•ol C'hapmnn w a11 ~:raoluatc-<1 33 bumh· gor~~:.-oua l '••l(t•rs. c;t•ooq,:.. anti OorotJiY 'or hf'l•' ·~ •11111111'"""1 I'll• If vllnl ltflltl'r In July If,. lA a n ... m h.-r T'hf' brldf'.-naJdtt .,.., • ..,. In l)t'II U· Yardl~y. Hal, and T .. rr,.JI Sl~thiE'r. j prt•blf'mll AIO prot~~tll ut ll•n '"·"''""" , •( 1111• , r ''" "' 11 R-17 11 .. Will tlful whrtco <lrl'llllt" anti o·arrt~ Vtrj!lnta Ca:<tlf'. Ad<llf' Hau«b. 1 •lrlku, now~r ri\C'k<'l tlnanlcrllr!lll ro tum with hut moth~r 1n the no•~taY• uf pink anti hh1 .. n•)Wcora ~t .. ry llllol """ .. lc(,'~tllum. Uar- lnroulllo '''· Wllffif'll 1111 k 11f .•·lo·lln nrnr futuro· f11r " furlou,:h '"'-n o wer11 wf're 1"\"Pf'&lt'd In Inn anti K "'" n t! Ht..!jt«'kl~ lll'I"IUO Ill J:"n"tnl IHlol <ir'<•l'llronlh' Mr11 Hnrolu !Wnt't.lkt and Wlnl ballet. IIMUnd the bRC'k Of · lbC'it llllry o\•ldl• .o\t,t,'\1!. r:l:tdys a.J"'d lncnt&ln f'AIIn~t plarl'l, unfllil'nf'l\",. (;.-,,. an.l Brull', llf 4<!o N&11 ~1111. MM. which befd wbllf' tullr. Oako· CJ&1wncr. Gl«t ia and BW nt thf' T .. a r ltnt·IRI Tn11. my11l••ry nf IUI'V•• rf'tllml'd from " wef'k • vullt making a v•·ry l,..romln~: hi" ad Wbllt·. J ean &n..t 01x.on Smtlh, 'I l..h«' ttn·dntftr•l 11'11Antl b":•~ "' draft w ith hrr mnthf't . Mr11 Lulu Cui-,,_,.· , Mn. R. h . 'POYo'l'll. Helm Gra.cr. I liJI:l' !'lr l rAif' l<'t\t'l'll l'"'llrrd tn "nn uf A~IUTibra The pi that 11tnlf' th; ehow t.flllif' B.IU<itntlt. Staan Rull.er· whe~ nrlt•nt~tl nwnrr11 ol r &feft "J ohnny" nf Phillip Mnrrl3 ; waa Judy Palmer who Ia not ovf'r ff•r•l. H•·lt'n A n~n t ;ruocJv. Ur &n.J t ""' '1 1ht'll ht'I\\'IIV p:tlrnn&7.NI f11me. """" 1t RU•••t at 1!11' llurll'y IC'Vf'n or l'll(ht yean. Rtplf'te In !\Ot>ll t;n antly an~any t;U'""' lhllt pltto • ll to "'''"'""' · '";''"'"' h"ll· l\4'11 T11veom uf Coron" drl ~tar. long lll'hltr dreu with a t.lupllcalco wf'rt' uut of town peooJ•ll' ult\ Th•• lr.llt ,,....,. m .. nthl! h"•" Thun~~lay of tbt brldl'amalda bouquela. with F:veryonr looked V«'ry lharp. ..... ,I . "ltll'lllm nt thf' •• huol ~~~·~rm Mr 1\n<l Mtl! J( ~' ll;l\'111 h3W nowl'n In hf'r tuur and 1'\'ery· f'8pf'C'ially lh•-"''ho dri'Mf'd for a n.t ar•l•tf'n•" on lht· I''" 1 nf &ll'rt rrlllm•·•l I•• '" rupy thl'ar h"mf' "' t.blf\C. She ••u ju.t u _.,amoroua thr occa.ton. It ~ally did look rttf~l'n~ lhl\1 the "~J ... a k Amrli· <!()fl Ft>mlt>al awnur. Tht'y havl' u aDyont: ther.,, 1 · a-ueaa you granll too ltt't lh.-caJa. all done up l'a n" : ~n11 Ito• l)f' f111rnlt Ill """ry bf'en rl'ftldrnJ: in l..c•n..-ll<•a.·l1 •l11r. know. ,In lht>lr lnnc d,_a and Uw J'Df'n hlt101 ~ .. nf•Jtt'<•o l Knt. Hllney and Mra. Starr-,In the t ux'!! I think 11 ~vnr . r1tfa both w~ on:hlda and dill J'ieOplr a llfe to get thoP-IJUII'h'tta _ ___ UMlr ,..pectiYt olfii'J)rtng11 proud. one up onrr n aw .-. • "" w hole I Tu I~ <.:unttnu,•d • HOW IIJCH 1$ ENOUGH? d 1 hU ....... t • M did Mr. Han-ey aDd Mr. Sbtr· thin« wa.a bra uWI&lly do111e r.::::=-=~------....... -.. ,.._._ .... 'rUta. , --I D. POVGII • ...,.. ._ ~ I Alter t.be eeremoolea nerybody ...... ~ ........ -...... I I ,_._.,_~·-11 .....,~..,lftrat.od by tbt punch ,bowl . ...... el -1 I ......._ 1...... 0eorp YardMJ, Roland . " ......_ , . l..,._laaoll ud capt. Flatt did I I m & food Job of IIUppl)'lnc lbe ct.-O!fE A DAY ~~-Sam~ puncb!-tD -~~ ~ Corporal ~rp Wollf'nbera baa • 5* ~ from 'Fort ~.....ewta .• Wub- ._. -o-..A.Da,-..._.. vt?. ... hl ~~~atoa. to apend a lonr anUclpat~ \ A_. D Te..._ • ...,. __ l(l y,,. ftlrlourh w ith bla wife, Jean and KJ&.::.m:::a.:;;:a_..__..;:~IIQ....,.;_._ ... A ~ D ~ "'-Will-· \ ... r 0 .,,. e1 ~ Ln• 011 JOUII.J 100n. Gary At their homr, ALitA • SD.TZIR aftonia aMttee aiel••• U•ll•d ltat• 1T08 WNI OC't'aD F'runt. L"pl. Wol· •.-..lb' ....-pe aDII ef. ~ • loot ,.,d ,...., lebera hu ~n, ~ron~. t I moo~. foeti .. nllaf In Htedache ~ \ c-_,_-YCIIIII ....... ,. -UlUI btlnf thr fiAt' lll1'f' home a.c.U.. It .. AD complete tolu· tM1.c a .,. H•-" ,_ .,.,.,.,, c.-IInce b111 f'ntrtn'~ lntn ~rvll'f'. He -necl1 to 10 to work u ...., -&.do ta..,_ -ta.-~wo Un·~ bad a l<'l\1 ••trprt~ lu IH'<' hta 13 800ft U you twaUow ll Jta .. Ylt-A .... S00 IJMte .. y,,. moatb'a , l1l ~ n v. h•• Wt\1! t•nly a. In "-·t -1 la --~ ... D. a-, ,. '~•-He 1.-, • I ft ,. fWUWY nt a ... on nwue 1~: i ~;. ei....W~•. • Uay baby \I\ ben he .. IDOrw poaltlve by •lka11M buf-.hn. whkb protect It froaa rr:~ C'llht'!' :inJs n dt'ttt•rt nr t.r.Udown In the 1tomarh. 1 ..... ~ -J;-_~':" ~ om«'. aubm111st11n t iUIDut Alka-~luor Mllll a comblfla. t.a111o lt11 ferocity, n r Mth·ty fill •• f 1 d ·'k n...t--" .,,__...____. ond ....... ,.,. Ita vorat lty. a nd it I'C'qu r.• !I \'f'l')' .. on o paan~ r•ma an .,. •· ..._ ............ ·-t. ~ 1 '•·•--'-d by tAe _._.. ., Alta. -S.Iu• c~tly fno.l I 11 k rl'lH'r 11 l.app -~,. lnf"dt•nta, hu aaln.d ...._-C<>llon. wotct. usa1• and popularity amon1 thOM who ortalll'f\all7 tulfer from And lu•o"ttoft• Co lfl SV"',Cdtou, •Nontl"f Aft"'" ''",.,· k • ..u.., r •. ttgt~e ofld If"'"'•• PaiN Alka-S.IU• ... pleuant te take. non-luaU.-. pnmpt aDfl aftoeUve lit 8CtJc& T-.,.... hu AJIIII..S.a.t ~.....,-n•rld-·. illal ............. for ..... I• ·t'• ...., • ~ wUl:;;a"-lt .......... ...... ·: •••• ... ~ ~, r o .. • .,{/, 1w _ 1 , y \ I I\ • ' ' • • I t 1 • • r· IJ you ·can't CO You can COME across ICJGSS Bl Y AT LEAST A $25.00 WAR ·aoiD ALL SET for a ,.ood r.n work wbea a ~in• ache l~ab Up~ JOU.. Y-.... and ae dou JOIII' work. · Rud7 for an ""'"~ ., rw~as; a llc>n · and ·enjo):mf'nt -a JIMQ hl'lldaC"he intf'r(n'H wj th your t..; rc.t. en.JO)'mf'nt or ftla•at io&. Da.JOUS Nine Soeedsters Over Weekend Nuw ·~ .-.. ,... pioctuod up b)• trai1\C' olflt'I'TW .-Uw Wftll ~d Bot*f'd wr~ 8~rt £ID.ery Ff'~ lo, 20tO Milan av.-n!k Soutb Pa.aadrna; \\'t!Uam J a.u:es Slmw. t8.-nl8 Coc~ .trftt. IJ>a Angf'IN. R-n Earl Y.ar· qu111. 17 ~4 KJdla.Dd 81lnd. lAir AncdH; William 8rwY CiJbHt. 18. ·~ w 64lh atrftC., lAe Arr· g d t'e: ~ .... rd Otlt'ar SaJ Jr_ SaD lofarlno: Ptlillip K. Browu. ot. Uw ~AAAB. 137 Broad ... J . Cb1b ...... : Paul An~ WftCW. 1.839 \\' 11'\C)Nl • txu~n·ard, Hollyw'ood: Emma ~ Du.oa. 723 F.ul "nurd lll'ft't. l...oD« Be8th, aDd JCtd awl C. M&loet')'. U t SouUa tw. .u-t.. Mr CUnningham qa•d hrs plaCP •'OUid bto c~ for a tim(' tn makf' S5.000 •·onh of tmprovr•nwnts. ~ •'hlrll wrll boo a glass ba<"k bar Nf!ting 51200. State Guard Guests At Birthday Dinner ~ ~nnl meaabera ot Company C of tbe State Guard wer;e gut.U •·!ada Mra. F'r&nk ~ ot rar-a Road f'DttrtaJtltd "''lth a dinner to t elebrau tbt' blrt.tiday of lwr bllllband. Guf'ats IDflUded <:ap(. Cl7cko S t•>Vall, U t ut. Jam~• KUpatr.c. U.Ut Durwood Cart- •'richt. and Cpl. -Hap" S mallf'y. Santa .Aaa. I Ot.btt tn.tfiC ctwarc'n were Bookl'd at Santa ADa oa ~-brouftlt a«ainat Arlow Willla KeU, •nJ: ctaarcn •"'~ Paal V. Putra. 16. tU \'u N-. SllDta Ana; C'olta M-. •·ho .... ruwd 11.5. Clydtr Lamb.~"'· lt. tl8 Eut and 0na E. Rnwn.. Bau.o.. n-cs Tcwlln-lll. Poal4lDa: Roy ualit S8 SUDa. 1.-A11C~In. ' ANNoUNCEMENT .. At's Garage -· OD Balboa Island • -OPEl fOI IISIIESS Expert M~haniaJ . C...plete Aato Overhauling Repair Mal'iM Equipment Carburetor and )Jtnifion , Ow .-.n h ~,. Suprnisfod aid~ GOOD WORK • • • P.EA""'ABLE PRICES .. IL'S lilliE 122 AGATES. BALBOA ISLAND san Clemente ·ftQCes and Horse Show SUNDAY,. JULY 30 ••• -- Start 1 :30 p. m. 8 Events· ••• Prizes in War Bonds COnOIIIICI San Clrmente, caur . NF.WPORT-BAJ.HOA NF.W~-TlMER. Ne.,art Bea~h. raHf"r"'" 1~44 t Flli•i W1ter Sllortap Is tf C. Colimitt• St1~i• ProW. wW confer wtUI Mayor Hall, lnvlt- lD& the Oty ~~ t. 6fP'IUlt NpneeDtaUoll h'OID the mamber- lhtp of the City C'.ouncU to Join ln U.. Audy With & v&nr to .aillll& IUWEIS PLIDGI fUU. SUPPORT FOI YWT CONSJIVA~ PROGRAM I Fire Chiefs Get Chemical Gasses 'Talk at Meeting ,. ............ laafiU'Ual at®y ~nl ud future domeallc M.lpply Ud Deeda or the Har- ia recommeoded \n the report ot the watt r or lAe N~rt Har- ber or Co~erct. for a tarre volume of k~ u IOOil u mate"418 bor &re available, the com- point. out tbe great ih· tn demand on the pn·alnt lc .upply ut water. Wil!Ch :1 c&rryiD& a Hrvlce-IO&d the I lmll. a recommendilUon to the dl· • ot the Clla.mber ot com- ~ t.be committee headed ·by ,. 8. Spicer, wtlb W , K. Hubbard C. How" amt 1 the wah•r •ucty com~btN y,. P. A. Pahrer, ~~~ a aurvey land complete. llhouJd include &D ..umat. at tiM ~ ----- esemanda ror .vera~ )'.,.. al\ead. , MY PRIDE 11h011 d ucert.aln II th•re Ia danJer to ~.t auppl)' f rom I . INllt-wat<!r lntroaloo or the under. I Yother and 1 aat at -In the f"'UDd buln, llod out wbat el~ect ~·ool of the avetllnJ' watc:bl~ wbU. the hea,·y ""ricultural demanl\ In rry bu11b&nd workecS about the Ol'IUI(e Cl-•mty Ia .haY~ 01t low· yard. He Ia a lawyer, a very J ood er nr or w•ter-tablea, t-e cost of lawyer, \)ut every apare minute I• ant.erinJ thtl WalJ'Opolltu Waltr ep«"nt a bout thla fum he lovea ao Dl.ltrict. &n1 &lao wb&t wlll It coet mucb. t&xpayera a nd water Wier& lu put , Jt Ia pnolly on the land, a- the prt!Mnt local ayatem on a bul• grt't!n plant.. oat rtelda turnln~t ' <>. an Rt.1 QL.ate aupply for many J tld, .contrutlnlf wiU1 Ole b'u yean tu •·flme. .all. Utile aee<t. ru.ahlnl roo Su~J· 11tu·na for add!nc a.weml ,, ,, n nto the earth. puaiWI& more mem~ra to the comml~1ee tender ahoot. up tuwar\l tilt' •un, w;·r .. appn.v(d by the Bofartl of bu11ung to do eon t'l!ung .. r valuf' Du:t>ctunr. and Cb&lrm&n Spicer to Ole world. 1 It Ia .puc«~ful here too Juat thi' aun and wind, rain and· ua If I rould paint.. lhla cr IT alee lnt(l a I ' l Ttl .. uae of l'h•mll'al t:aMf'IO \1" : warla~ wp d*u..S ~ m,...l»rtl 1 ·~ Itt" (lr•nr ('\JUnty nrt' ("1\h·f"" A-W'Iat •'n at thf'lr mnnU1Iy "'f't•l '"" hfOitl nwrata~· f'\•rntn~o: "' \\'tuc .. ·a Park a \'4'nur o•af• ll11lhdt1 lah•n•l. ¥1•1\h <'apt 1.tll'olt•kr l'hi'OII 1·•• warlKr.o lnlllna. 1111 "' trw R,nta Ana Army Air 1\a"" u •J'<'nkrr llr """ w tr••hoH·•I h\' ~lrf' ,.,lrt Wal,loo•n ••f thO' l>all\· Thr anKtnh~\<'•· ,·utnJ•"''~'t l:""" " lll"f'ol lu 1hr flrlft "'"'"' \\'Ill \\tlh lh•-"'hkh h10\'r """'' '"'''" I" 1 f•'<'to•ol 111111 ""'h '• h Will hr 011111\' l •nto ~ n•un• do•I\•IIY lhnn an\11111111 u .. n. It "'r .... f• .. ···I '" """' 1)1t Ill In thl' nlhf't "''" ''"' th1111 " '"'" 1ln I tl I'll '11\'I'I'P k lllo'<S h)' I(AII ht' aal1l, and tf'U th1111 411ll Wt'lt' 1 ,, plclc•ly tltaablo ol ~'II •• (·hit f 1-' \\' l 'r"•'krf \\ "" L E· G A-I. F 0 R M S FOR EVER-Y TRANSACTION I aong the m u101t' I hPar. I would be· I con1~ famo1111 su,·h a luvt'IY. peact'tul productive land la lbl• · ollr home~ When J shut my mimi to th<' 1 t~auty 11bout mt'. I are othrr 1\eltho I fa r wav. 1 hear ot her mu11lr,/lot quiet o~ ~ace! ul. It le terrifying I I ht>ar the tramp uf ft>et . the roao of planu ani! gun11 There I• no I f.-n lng on Umae flt'h1a. There Ia flghUDg Ulere &nd dyin~r there The aeeda are bullet a-and b'<ood. the crop to be 11 victory. VIctory JAJvu/IIG aurus rJL4Jr YrJ'AMIIO-H.,, "''*'· _,.,.,,., ,,. w..,., , dd ........ ,_.t;. ft.wJIM, lltftl""1 -f lh l J .. lllr-• ,.,,,.,, • ,...,_ -11~ •I •""'*'' 114,, ,., ... ,. '-" 1 AIH C ....... "',~~ • .,., tJ--•JIIIw .,_,.....,,..,.. .. ,...._ . C:.llf.,...ll'l ....J.,.. IM~ hM ,_... 100 ,.rcaRt ... ,.,.u ... "' the ..,.,........._ .....,.. ... ._ ........, ,....~tl ... et a.ooo.ooo '"u"da ., ,,. __ , ..... MRU11f,, • I ,.,.. .......... "' ......... ,. ..... ., ..... ....,..,_,, ......... " ... hoillrt at t.hf' mr rlln,: '"'" llr•• 1 ~lh•N< l'lllt•f at thr OIKrlllt' l\l\11•• al r ~:1 ,..,..,,, Jlrt'ald4'd 1 Anlunll ttwo I[Uf'llta ...-.. r.,. ,.:lmd·l (\toll'rmal\ .... llltant furr•l flllllo\• r 1•1 Or•nlfl' rounty, John Tumt.lln. t·hter ran~trr nf R4vconhlf' u)unl v. .,,rt' t"hlf't Uutton ol Wan-h P'lrl•l: )o"'re C..'tllf'( Alleft, ol Rlverwldr: • ttl• ~aayor of Oranatr. anti Mayur ' Uuffm"n •n•l lhr atrN'l •utwr ln· IIMftt will 1M 1.7M.AIOI ..-4• ..e ,...,, Aha C. "ltt111'411a, War ,.- Aifllltftlltratl&ft'a chalf'Mafl et the,.... ..,._.1 -"''" .. '''4 .,._,.,. ... lltiYM at twe ......,..,., aN lll..,. P.-.ca.,. ,..,.. t aft4 tile etfl•• Ill Lee ........ &II .t-. tl. ............ tltlll HIJIII Hwtar, MCI'Ita'J ef tr ruiPnl or ~anta Ana the ........ IM-"7 .,__...... ..................... ef "'-1194.-..y, I . "•• """-"'"~a ..ttee et talllla ..,,. 1 It tM ca""''J ••II'•'""'' '"• / ~ . We have made It convenient for you to ~ c.ompl~.wttb.aU •. requlrementa ot the law by c:arrytn& a c:oaaplete stock ~ aU form~ and papers needed for the eompletlon of every tra.rwacUon. .... t ....... -.u.n ........ ...-.. ) ..., ............ ,. ....... ., ,.._ . ,.....,.. ~··,...f .... .,........,_,.. oelw -piiUW ,tMJRe ,......... .. tN ......... ..., ,..........._. ..... ....... n... ., )'.W ~ .................. ) will 1M ·~ ta yew ,..._ oall tW lftf_.Ueft ., ... , k ..... IEWS-TIMES I ao that wt may kHp thl'lll! tio ld~ ot~e. 1 l ooked about over tbe llnll. I breathe d~p and. ciOIIU!g my eyea. I &&&in hear Ul~ marctuna fret. I ~tee our bo)la, younr anu mme. &114 wben r~thlnlt how much they cOWl\ QD ua, 1 am nuect W\01 • deep and lutlnc pr1de. tor w .. are farmer•~ -0JCRE'MA lfA Y ation Coupon· · Dates and Data ...... ~ ...,. ...... " ..................... """-"• • waeta ~.,... I your Friends ......... _ ,.....,.,. .............. f/11 ..,....... ~ ... a"411 '"'--,. ..,.... ..... -....,.,... ......... ..., .,.. •--.. "·1~~~~·· ".... And Mt·ne MIN aM .......... ......, ...... e. API,.._ -"•~ the IIIIM ,_ .. aMI the 1 .,.,.....,...., ,......_, , ...... .,.. fJ/f • ..,... ..... llf JUclla1'411a I .,......., .. ~ Cel....,... ......,.. aft411 ~..,......,. at the --,_....,. ....U"' .. Hetlt • .,,...... ...,, ... et ... ,., ,,., ... 1a --MMI J t.rt' Cathr art of l'nmona a vaiiiMI& _,.lt._. ta the feM ...,e, tw u~ tNt the ..,.,.,.,..,, rPturt\f'od Thu,...lav to hf'r •ummrr .. ......,,...._._ .... ..,.... ......... ......,........_., ....... l l't(>me at 12~. Wut llay a~~:rnue. ,........_ .......... M .. .._ WIUI b«'r Ia Wn. U..rlha limwn. Ha...., ._,._ tM Nt&aft-wW. ......,.. ............. wtlktl hea -·Wrw. R~ Luco. 2oe Wul\ln,-· ...,. la•IMif ta .-.... tM ..... 1t1 _.... Cal.._,.ta'a .. .,.. W • vital tno atr.et. llalbna. w. llpf'ncttnc ,.,to..._,.,.-,"-••JIIIt...._ _........,. • ,.,...""., "11111~ M"Veral wt'f'ka ••llh hf'r a<:lfl, Jofln ~N..., le.eael&l•ar .. ·tM,............., _...., •"-IN ef _, l..u-.. •MI-1ft th• Naval Air • .......... • , av .. - I(M 1'. -.........._, ,. ....... ., ..._AIIIV's .... .....,. 1......,.. C'orpe, at Alamf'd&. =·•tw...,. feP ............ -.--..,,, ...... tM • ..,.._ Wnt. Bob Tawof1h ot 41at atret"t "' .. .,,,., ... 1e..,...., ...,._.. • ....... 1M CallfwMa ~ had u 8vndar .--. e.-alaler are IMiw ...... W .. ,..""' )'Mil_, .......... a. ...... ,_...._, and family. from Alhambra. lie,......."'-""rhle 1e &M _...-'r _....-..,. n•••rate 1t1 Mia Ludlle ,4Jidru-of Lonte RATION CALENDAR tor ~t· tM .................................... ..,... -.IMIAII...,," U.acb wu a weell eed JUMI at lod ~nnin& July 2. 1944: ....-. ......_ the bome ol Or Wucant C'raw· War Rat.on Book Ill ford. 222 ICMt ISlb litre.\, (.'nata Stamp No. I on "airplane" 4U;!a h 1.''''•1 nn¥t: •·xpiratwn dat.IWS. X8, Y8 and Z8 Rood now; ••· Wefl&. aheet 11 pair ab~l-(ood now; io't'l.ru.\r) .:s. Ul4~• · piratlan datf! not wt . WUUam Waytor..O.""•· who )• expiration date not H L • tn u. 1•. 11: ..• 1 uu for ncdltlnnal OR&ASY. BONU~ Butcbert •tatlont'd at the VIctorville ah Stamp No. 2 ••n "a irplane" .11 :. 111-: •-:;:~r a: luc.l OPA will at•e 2 red tokena for every torr• tralnlnc achool u lnatruclor j eheet 11 pair ah•eao good now ; 1"" .: l.p,liH~ttl n. when flllecS pouad ot•lvaged llltdten f"ta no-nt bom~r p41ot•. wu a week entl nplraUon <!ate not aet. • · • · 1.111 IJ., .. <-nmpanJ.ad to' 1 celvecl. ~uellt at th .. homto ot Dr and Wra 1 NOTE Take book along tn make :·p .• ~. !..l1.. .•. p Ji. "'1r11: perlud a~ BLUE, .. mpa I JO polllt.t eaclll 8taltley 0 Cbambera. 84• U ot .. purchi\R . 1 1•1 • t • •1 • 1 ... Y ~ l.lt'd • r.,m ... ,. l for canllf'd, lr un and ~hydratrd 1 Nord. Al110 1pl'1ldi111C the WHk en~l W11~ Ro~toon Book IV I • t J ttl\' I'• l'\t•\U:HJ (leM>t.l ap. foocln: Ai. Rti. C8, 08. a , ."8, G8. WU lhelr Jtnn Van, who II tallllltl• Stamp No. 30 I ~ lba. 1u.gar~o 1oJ • .. 110011 :nay be ''·"d from July • 118. Jl. Kll. L8, IIIII, N8. I'll. Qe. medlt'al ttalnln~ In th~ Navy V·11 good now; t>xplrat1on date not art. 1:, 1 .. v. .obt·: :...... R8, 58. 1'8. t:8. V8, WR, XJl. YR, 7~ prngT&m at th.. t1olv..r.,t y •Jf 1 S lnr:-p t'\o. 81 (~ lba. •u'gar l · • ' : •-:1. I'" 110· .IM•Intao for and M . &ood now; ~xpirallon datf' 1 8oulbtom Calltomla I gt od now; expiration date not 11et • •· ~a. 1 •• ••». 4'tl,lblc oil•. cb-a not let. Wrt. M. P . Uoam. lU VIa Stamp No. 32 15 lba. aujt&rl· --·""'l .;;nr.uJ 11.1lk Alt, Uti. Ol, 08, OASOU.NE -' ~~fl. Lido Jale. Ia home from a &ood now; f'~tion date M4 tet. I "• .IK, l.o. U. lila, ~No. 12.,A·Book) thl'ft!laOBU. al Ula BAAAB bnaP,'la1,1 Stamp N o. 40 c6 lba. ra nnln.; Nl. P8. Q8. ~. 88, T8. tl8 .. V~. ......._ aeod now, ~xpll'ft Scopt 21. wbf'ra Major Bnttm Ia htad of Ut• ~------------------111!1----~--· All eoupou n u.t be endoraad un radloloey ~PIIrtmrnt . · 1 face wiUI car lk'eniM' number and Wra. Grarf' C"a nnon nt flail Fran- ,.9Ne. to hav• a at&te ol re&la~ratiun Sa..-your clnro Ia ·vlalllna Mr• Gra•· .. (;un ll Urf' laapec-Uon r«'('flrlla Thry nw•1 •of 110 Via OIJ""· l.11lo 1~14' •n•l 1 bfo pr-nt.ed wlwn •pplytn~e f11r ll will rrm•ln 11111 II t ,,.. mill• Ill' 11f I ren; wal Of ••• ral11>11" Au.:w•f TJI~I-: rNSPF.<..IIU:-.1 l..uktllr Krll..r, who h"a l)f't•n 10 1 ~ave your tort' lapt4'lhm ,,..,.,,,,,. ~lin , 1-'ranl'i"''" f••r n Y•"•r ""'' 11 1 Any requelt to n•tJhll o• a ny Jlau -,l1111f, hall ret•1rnl'ol lu No•\\ I"''' 1111•1 •'I•I:N car lire mu11t tw ,.,., lbp•n· will ag•ln hr •-;• llltl'•l with ,,.,,.. l'•l lly all 1M ptort•11n 1, , • .,,. !< anol a rAlDI' lof11nrf''a ll"f!'Ut y Rhtifl Ill 21)~11 : nf'W notation frHm an "'"""''lull Wrat <'entral a vt•nur Gas RefrigeratOr during th~ war· .. J 1 tnt>pr~;tor that a llt'W tlrt> ht rJN' <I Mr11 (."hllrl••• r.lll 111111 l wn ,.,;,.,. lt<•t.hl«' !Wid < 'h•rll,. .. r 210 .. :n •t Robert E. Stej!t, Costa Mesa, '{ies At Age of 91 1-"'tn~l aervl(o•a "''"te hei<J Satllniay at lbe ttarold c:..-url •'h11pel, Co«a .Mt'aa. fur K•1bfort f:. [ tlh•on. 11. ot :>75 Vktorla atreef, (;o.ta M.._, who'""'' Thunday at' lm! '-AJamlll,. -.ollarlum '" m 1ft BaJ\ony, c;.ormany, hi' ~ """''' to tbe Unlt,.tl Hlatn Kt lhl' aJ:•· ••! 17 antl had h<-1'{1 a ruodl'nt at < 'alltornia for tht' p; ... t Ill yearn H~ Ia Plr"YtYed by th~ •lau,h· t•r~ t.trt. May IJt,yo•t I ;)lit' &go, l'url llalbt~a. hiiVI' '"'ll"" •I , .... , •rllr lf'y .-'ht•f" tlt<'y wro • th•'· I(IIP,. u( ('olflllt'l I ;111 It 'tUIWr 11olonrl {"HlJ 1!_ ... r\'1111( Wllh fl,l' OUR DEMOCAACY--~w~,w.t WHIN •• U4tHMI ~TON -· .ol l'lUT MCM1MY •,. ~•v ~ -. .. oaHT WMoltM'n*, OU. *WC.,....INT ~·NO ...._.,. MAMI~TON a.ToiUNCO CUCHT,- ~,. OOLLA. ANO OCCIMA4. IV8TIM ~ COINAM, PNO ~ ~&1~ o&aTS,- 1W~Iili'IIA~n~ ~n,.. EACH o..c • ue MAe " N•eGNA&. efNC& ., TNI aT.INeTM. AH0 CftCNT tw 0U. NiU'N)H •• • EACM OHI CAN .. ~ WtN.,.,.. ~.-Dt•8CT&..1'. Mq ~~ ~O.ANO INOeiUICT\.Y . THMUeM TNC WM 80ND lf!NIUMIN'N W OU. .....,.., .. ACCOUHT'I ,.,_ Ul'& tr~. '' '' ~ I t ,.;,i·p" "1HI ,, •t . • • I • ol • o ' ••~tllal unit •"1tlf'· v f It* ., I··· t!lflntl Ouul• tn lh• Robert lt&eton hoena In N•WfiOrl uv•r-lll• WHlt en«J ware Mr l'.alllon'a moth•r ud al•n. Wn HOftelt' ICMtoe UICI WI"E. Markham Wacl..in &till '"" l"tl•·r 'a •• ,.,. Markham Jr', ,,_ 'Marie AoCJUiar daup._.., MadliEJ, who la 11 11101\U. o44. • ~ happy allout U.. MW ...-liB tlwl f11mlly .•. TIM IMW ....... fltMT~fiiiiAIIIeutiiMI4 AD&helm 1-ro .. n.la .. "'' ne1ahbun a no Hn•1 ln~o: r II 11 t ""' to Wr anti Mr. f<:m I I !1 I \ ltlh UJIIIO the arrival I" • I 111 th" h"IIJIII•I r.f Wr,a J,,., • •1 H h ... r tl•ur;htf'r. Uada N•wport tteapt.t..,... .,,,..~ at 8cluUa a..tt. Wr MdMn,llutt ..... ... .,,..,..._..,oa.._ .... _......., 1 orD)er fi'Wndlt wt.a tMJ ..... th• day WI ~ nceftU7. 1N4 TIDE TABLES . llllh tCMI 4o t ·Ot 1.0 u.w 1 :11 u a:u . l.T .... ,., ... , ... .... .,.. .... , . ._ ........... ,.,....~.............. . l ,l.rtlt ftp ... L Mlj ...., ......... BALBOA MOTOirCO~ 7CNi f:. Uay Awt! •• Balt.o. ( :l'lll'ral Automobile and Marine Repalrinr. Marine Elec.·trician1 Available Body Work ReflnW.ln• 1 Mr1! W. W. Middleton. CnrnnaUo. form&rtJ at Collt.a y ,.u wh< ,,. ht>t hu~loMid wu P'"''m••l"r fur ,...v erat ,..,., and Mra Nina !\alii\ bur)'. lean Oleau. arven l(rand- rtllldren aod aevton trreat.~eranol ctnldr.ri. i 1 1 he ~ F. JJ G<otH.Iell. ,~,, <If ( 'bJUt (.'hurdl-hy·tht!·tl,... aUI· ' {'lotl~d al t.hf' pnvatr krvlrea. and on I"' aMDt Will be ~at (Jma.ha Neb OPEIIIGS II HUITifi8TOI . BEICI VITAl ADY~NTAGIS OF SIIYU -... ,.., ........ --....... _....,..,. -it··~..,~ -It ........... ~., ...... ,...,. -It ....: ....... ....,.....-..,._,.... .............. 11 MMtC nu11 tHAt wau .. aeMtiN Youa fUTUal , .. •111 HILP IN CANNINe A• n pnu•tor:.l ~ .. rvh •· to hnm• '~tnn"' ~ 111 11 ".,.,.,1n Y••ur 1(11~ I '~r JH. !'l$" t ( f f! ', U\1 T I It . 2. J.. '" • ):,.,,, ••• 1-·:n I Tdlt ,( .. up on twtMure <anMr 11 OK ) 3 . fr~ cannmg information. (Tel~phOM, rt<opn, d •ten,l«tvret). , I -.. Baildin2 Permits NaWPOlrT B€ACH 1934.-Jill 2!\~ •. 074 IV''• 40., 41i7 4411 1'11'· ~23 7tV1 01111 JJ•17 -5ftJJ 1'•:\• &411 1't;lt.. r-42 1'1411 &41 I'•' I 4119 ,..... 320 J I uuy I• IWUy , •.•. h "~''' ~~ 1'1 \ lt.f,• J I• ·'"~ IWt ·, r·'•·mbfor f •• ~ ~>mbPr l.lo ,.,_,. tot&J 1., ...I'}. ,.. IU.ty t.l•·•dl M"~ 1943 1944 ~,.,, lllfl' 111 1.1>37 l(tJJ.f4:; t ,,.,,I 'Ji 1 :tilt. 411• :.!1111 fJ:l:. ,., .,.,., 1 , _.,., 7 1177 II 14 , I : i:1 ,. lltlll "'; .If~\ "71111 'JJ. :n 'l 1'1 ~~~~. Ill 1114 lf.,lr.t> 142.:\:tl "" ~14.'\ 111.7.0 311 17!'1 •r •. ~n ~ I •1 a. ~ Wf'll Ill ..,,. rv,.rylh1n(, I"' ...,)' ca~ nf .rn .. rvw-~~~~ (i'o ''' "'· unaoUced.-li4""•• ' Nee~~~ Defense ·~ork_ Requirements: e Availahility Certificates e Proof of Citizenship e Socra l Sccur:ity Card .. APPLY-- CONSOLIDATED VULTEE · AIRCRAn . CORPORA liON . ··· A""'%16 W.t ftlrd fM • . ' . .I I·. .. ..... Four :\EWPOflT-BALBOA NF.W~-TJM~~~-Ne <t •• e ALONG COAST I HIGHWAY'S · WATERFR{>~T • , 1 • I • ' t 1 j I \ I ;'t I ,, l ..f••t t ttf u,, :'\·nr•· ,,, I hf,IIC •J•' I .:-ol ,, I 'I ' a~u. but I h•• .,..,."''" ., ... ju .. t n• potent todal_ ~ thl'll Too Much Hokum in Politics! Jo1vnu ,._, l.oUh.• H!ll t ·•h• Ja J at J '''•·•••tfrt t:•''"' ;v•·tr ...... ., "'~\h'tt .. :~ : :.,...,. • I • California. Tuesday, July 25, 1944 len Are SOme S•uestio•s for Saviac Pa~~tr ftr War Uses 1 What Does· the Wan try Do? I LJon't waate paper. Jt '-dan-Call customer·a att~nUon to n~ed J.:t'roua to t.he war Procram. Tile lor • con-.rvtng and aatvagtng War Producuon &ard announct>11 ! 'lper_ 1 ut up alma to thta ert .. c t that lhO' rt•f' I .lr r par.er prN!u!'ta Call atteDUoa ot employeu to th~' fnr over.'lf'u operatJon• ia 110 gT-l n~ for aavlng and econoinlzlnl( lhllt tht> r••malnin~ aupply lit out to lb~ l unlt and allow by df'mon- 1\tlt'<.fU I\Il· to pruvtdf' both war de-l!tr .. tlon, lf neceuary, how I:M'IIt lll t<ll•la untl clviJuut needs.. The r e-l•• h~l'p In the program. "1111 i11 thut p:lp<>r a o ulu artd mu~c~t ('oil ~tltentlon t ;, t e paper-aal- ''"t ~ UIK'<l for ~tny purpose where ''"!!'' • I!.IDfi&IJ<n. Jo'lnd out the altu- l Ill nol atsulutd y netts.~ar,;. alh"' lul'IUiy antJ urge all custo· ---.. T•• carry ern the war with lhe l:h 1 s an•l worker a to atd In the vtcor and t>nergy now planne.t. >~ail"!-:'' .. , pap.-r. For Ute p&JX'r n,., \'\' f-l.l :•llva•tl t'h a numbt·r , 1 ••·"' "~·· liHliJ.llit::n. make up neal III;Ht>llli n" for aavtng J>Afwr Ar-nn.l • as1l\' handled bundles, lltack-f • 11rdm~; t~ t•t .. :'l:e11purt Hark><•: 1111-: th•· IJIInllil'.!l cunvt•ntently wherto ChaJDber ol CoiD.Dlercr thes .. 11u~ . t •l• \ • 1111 L•· J>H'kNJ up by the sal· 1.• liltona art· u~-wrapprng pa p.-r \'oiJ.:t' .-.. t:l't t r Oil the rf'~lar only for protectit.n &lid nut [.,1 lf•UIId:'l .. t.w r I •1'1" ar;on, c. n., n ot wrap an l :tllh'n>\JI•I trn· <'Ul!l• st 11nli best 111'11de alre 11..:y packa~t'd, If tt (an "·'-' tu ;; .. t n Ort· \\rupp llJ.: p&JX't' l>t> rarr11·1i l!lllely W1U1nut lur-th"t L'l loo h.·lp lht• fi•IJ•••r 11alvrl~e <'lUll· • ,l.lf,lj ll•J.: l ':O.t'wtitlli<':lo•\1, \.r.IJI• f•IIJ-:11 o.Ull( lor <• tiiJIIIIZI' ton lht" (tng I• 'I l'r as J>O-'<Sohlr. · It au.a 1-I 11-•l~·t SliJ>J•Iy ""'' U\,ll'!tble. l ,. 1: !t~l llo· \\ I'UJ•Jtt.•tl_ liSt lh, .. TM h f •n!r\' ,f.-.r•>J'l ..,, .. lu • . I , •. " \\ II ... 'I •, li'V te.tt t • \'~ M h '1111<11•·111 a mount thai "'II _.,..,, BLOTTERS!! JtL'it ·~~h·t'd .._,..e ShJpnarnt of _JE.~K BLOTTJ.;ns 811\8 llh:24-10t, ..... Slut~ 2hS8-20c: .lu11t the Wn~r for tlaat deale ol you"' . . . home or oilie-r Ne••'l'lmes Bldg. Sewport Beada Ceatral, _, Mtll ' Family of High Chinese Official Seeks House Here I .. .. A w~re from Ceaua:ont. T••xas. • 11l's fnr a ht>u:t~• for a munth, sill 10 fbl' fam1ly . 1•;\',•l'v tla \' t he· 11111 f~rr hnnto'.o; Su, if ym1 /Ire a ble to tlt'lp In u r,f lttt;L'c::t ·!'"lltu.~ lor I II~ :-.-,." p .. rt (tny j:('l in t Oll(' It With y ur fal'!lr· 11 , rio. 1 c '11:unlwr ur ('. nJIIh'l "'-tit·· n·nlt••r The Cha mber pre- Thc•y ruont• bv \\'Ill', IJy !'hone, f~rs !•• olu busine1111 UlrO!lt;h bruk- lty atr lnuJI anil IJy ntt•Mf•':ll:• r l'r.•. antJ of you knew o~ any ~\'all· T <' fnmtly 11( 11 ltl;:lt runk&ng a iJit U\:'!'omnwdat ons. call ~me to C"ltlnt•s(• Off1rlul \\f.< Ill n h•)U9t' your broker· II notice. This 1~ a 1 With Sc>vrn lWdll fur a mcwith A 1 tlmt• fnr SJl'-'elal eftort r·n tht> part pr m'nent loos•· offl<•inl r•r Lc1s ur ev!'l'y on~ to win mort.' friend11 1 Angeles calls for n hom•• lur thrl·.-I fur I hi' Harbor area. aQd all ml}.lt In Jarr.lly -fur nmtty •lllye. Ari-1 do t t:tlr bit to help In 801ving the <'ther call for fuur or fll'l' W(t>ks j hOlllltng problem. ~ .. --. ) ,, :1'= I .' I I I • I 94 (; NSC Army Personnel Insured .: l'in,•ly·ltlur f"'' c.•nt · of r"l•ortrd rmltt:•ry . P<'l"l'<mnd In the ~mth S<•r..-iec CC\Il'lmand nrc now· C'O\'l'rl-d hy !'o:attona l Sl-1'\•il'l" nnd l:nitl'd ~1:.11•• Govt·rnnw nl Ltf(' lrl.,urance. 11 "a, annuunr·,'(J 1oday b)• MajOr Gt•n"'~" l>m ttl l'ttc'("oach, jr .• com· mandm~: .:•·nC'ral. Fort DougJas.. l t ah. h('aiiquarter.s. BUY MORE THAN BEFORE A member ut Uu <"n·w (>,, th•· .. b<ba.r ll\6~ wrulp thl11 p<~m and -l It to tbl' "bulldf'no ot a .,...... lUU, lablp wtth our ~'onS_p­IIID.al.a,"~ ~yton Compuy. 'nae pioeat &. ~otltled tb~ l i.S.S ~and U. au!}lor {" C B. A:,l l ·t< cr {;y, Jll1l ,,,.. 'f# ,, 1. 1:•1•·•1 s nnnunrem,.nt thAt he ln- l•·nofl' tu ,,.. "a jii:()<w1 ~ ldit·r " 1\ntl "1'1 tw-.w Itt thl' (Ill" \\ hll'h •I•• .,,," hco r-ul'1 ~n nvrr thr Plp ttl!' ;r '••th Ct•rr• r•~•Arltc tn mrnd tth hnco1< 1n ~i•ltnn'11 "1'1\r&•lt~W" u !ll " 1 Rl • '"111"1 n· rturln~ thf' ~rlr•l ••' hh r .-r .,,., nt o n rourtablp. l•ut ,.,,. h":•r•·h·. h~r put .. ldf. I""' lt·'l~ .. anol r~ actively ~klng tho• J"h hr <f('si res. 1 • ~II •f wllwh_l'onfirma tl!lJ "'l'lt••r , In lht> c·otwll'tlon that ow.., ,; (:or Ultl.ft J'OU p y• 111 t~ Na•-y. n tall )'OU • ~ Ulat'• true. Jun ,,, nn•·r .. nil J.ohll \'rntllltto I u.l 1 ;urin• rs Mllto·"· by ht"C'k I-'• u r '"' h t's uf ~-:• • 81' tubee, t • t, t• J,.Uf n ~ IIIII' a lot of malarkey n ·i about • l!lub-Olaar and CftW. . . H '·. th•• !;. ... n. • i y, r I 'I'Uift•, thr l 'oox'n I••• at N~w-Ll1bl'rt, tht Yo<'Poan I f)('d(>4 t 8a. .-u butJt 0( wood. port Beach. In fl.lllet~n forty.th~ We ~mi.Mioot'd her Nonm~r tblrtN!nt~ And tool! ber out to liN. \\ h u \\\'Ill Ttat a Wav~ miKht han• lw1 ...-.. ,I to d<• Jo:.J.•,uJI, \\ 1>11 ,o),,.,,,__ lito ,.,I.e I 14., , ..... itiJ'ft ~·~~····~~' u., .•. , l't'l.t•. IJbt develorf-tt 110mr "tlujtj!a," ber shak~·down ron. Of'l \\'h I•· ':•1 ~ •lt•:c' l '1tlk IIIII MI).:I'J<I man. f J..t 110111e leaJu and thln~ta. ...... ._ · U.. te1'11litee Uwy ~ .._., for a c-,_ ahlppl"d Tht'll''ll &Ak<'rvlllt' t h o :---.lo•l\111•1 :o )tlatf', Wu,lM wont the Navy bad. . ) And 1'tllliDfJ"""· "'It" 1 ,.,,~,,. tic• auw . .............. U.!" cried Baek~JU> pot.ona thf' of icf'nt, Olf'a Ora.r. •.lirlt .... al ., CNW, ,.., I \\'nile ThompeQn po•~~<•llll the cr .. w lltiU. Mr."aun . ....-. BbMft, ~ bottJr oUt. \\'nnd anll ltr x. lht• rAdii• IWin" t.be A n,t ~to om. thf' mt'lllt-< ·~k 1•••. rm 8\lft we ~ a ctt1Dk." J ''Doc" ln&lr, •·lth p1tla fur hbo·r l~ kJd.s • . \Vhn <:tn't t li••ll ,,. t·ttrry bi.Aer-~BAC'. br l'"'· Tllry mU8tl'l'\'d the pc..-ta.lde, - '!11. d«ll apea. starboard, too. l..t .look ttM-m,. over. one by ooe, I . Th<'l"t''ll Uru\lo n , ~tutor-~lAc-~ , ..... ii~;~-;.--n~ii;··--~~-~ ,,,_,l ... nu. ~" FOOtle O r comi\ll'lf' .-quopm•'ttl \\ ht'll yc ll ~~~o·ant In Cllt• h your ""'"· ' · I ~ . ~ ·IJORMEN fiSH MARKET ·~ '• , ~ ON CENT .. Al A VEN UE. t~EWPOAT BEACH ~ ~ ···-·· .................... ,. . ....................... ~~I -- ~-New SuY: Harbor Scr,ice · For Albacore Fishennen .,._ 1t.rt-Packlrw Com~ny it maiD- tal rune two lv.lly ~utppcod bar.-n 10 ._..~time Ia dellvoenn~ yow aJba- CIOR. ~ b local~ OD ~1ft of PlllDt Loma and the other oCI AvaloQ. lastead of rvnlti~W Into S.n Dleco or .. -~ro h'ar~ you'all ~lYe row atcll Co ~II her of tht:a ~~ You wUI be paid top oelltnc prior-I for ~ ~ al the baraea. Svppllel wt11 be~ there,aJ.o,and lut 1~ ._. .. lie ...aable far -a., .... . . _ ....... Crill& j n-,. tflb wn-iceoo')'our nf''lltr1r y ,,u will find that it •ill '·" t' ) • " : •ut:. "'bnl the aJbacore are runnonlit that meMtl more pc~t for )'OU. :~nJ more fish lor '!" Pleat write. And~ S.nfiliJ,lPO. O\U' plant auperinlC'D<ll'nt. Or.lf you )'rl'ft'r, phocw him ac f1ankl)'11 774). Aslt lhe opera!« 10 ftv~ the char~rn. JACK CJUVELL~ ' ......... • • • "' t • t • t t t t • I I I t t t t I I I I I I t' I I t I I I I I ALBACORE fiSHERMEN ~ It's no ''ClNCJI" that Allxt('O~ \\illl>t' \\ith H!' :~,::n in this • yeAr. but W«' know it'J>-a ciACh ~-oo \\ill ~ rr:u1y :1nrl !"O wtU we.... ' .._._of·~ ~talioM: a.: . tUlt>ul lh" 11hv mal•ll'l) ..... ~ .. ''lf'(df'<t' W1lh r oy :Mhmt5.• "" modf'lll prh'l' • A111t ~Wt•ft r"llll'lllnl am roou~ 111'1Ry liover nnr Ttl'' J •fl\t.'t-\' 1 h•· t :rlp nnrr in PI' tor f>rc•JOtol<·n t l1ko•\1 ~~·· fndUIK"'I AJI lhl' Rrllfii'I'IO ct( 1"1111- An•J Sthl••utc r. h111 It y w·· .~•·•· rh••\' ,, :tkf' t ht~R.. I na: ,.,."" f };tq, 1111c1 ~<lnJ; J.~kt• II htt t In 1111 •'f'j'k ft •'•· ' " f"llrh hnk 11m In pollllat! f'n)-n"s~ 'In "' m&lden , Ia rirl'~t I h1rt' richt. nn•l a man'• dtlt~ht nut 1n 1'"1 :t8f•nl'tl mrn of public R r ·I fuirR, "tllost' h!Uhful daya Al'f' Inn.: "'"'''' IJV<'r . 11 "' a rorm 0( polltu'Bl j r n pnc·p thnt olo•lra cll! frnm t.hr .t J!.· ml ,. cor Ul•' mrtivtdu&l &nd t hf' •of . fir•· I :-'•••tloo•r 1'rl'~lclt>1ll Rooeevrll new 1 ;,,_.,., Q1" I "'II,.,. _.hnulc.J be h'ftrno•d 1 H mtwh f"·rllaps. fnr lnduiJ:tn,:: I In I he_. ~hOfJ·II'nrn Artifice. bo•t r\U,.. II • '" : h 1 la~·l'd r nnvo·ntHml I • L I • •of Jt••kt•r n.nd litr pyblic• r d ''" ,.1 1 '"'I!'' rl"ll4f>n. hall bern '"""/ 1'1 .. •·~.(;, .. t\' ):•''" 11111 n :111 """ d•l hJ't• -1 lu •'XI•"·t Ut.lll hit of bllllf· '""' , ho·n me at I hc• !<Ia rl of t h.-g-am!' •tntl \ ntt t ;,.,,,,u,n a '\\'U ''" hun1•nc 1• 11 C'hctw n"l tu hull( It a~nlnst t i-e pitt,\ r•r~.l llul Isn't It uh·clt Ume that -""nH•IJ<•I.•· tlrmuntlf'<J a cban~:t· In I h•· rul!•11. ll•l that men .Yo'llltlng "'"'•'· h ~h publiC' office cnn hone8\ly aay 1 lhopy ,;·artt It, wilhi'UI ha~ t<> \\'h"1 l•'lnlt. r~ : .. ·nt R \, h•·Q h•• c-l.,. l<llhnr,. l'nn'l ho '"""" ••ul 11 r· how rrakl' ll epp<>a r t.h11t t hP\' r•r~ r~- "1 11·1 1'"1•' wn• k l\ul< n "~ tiu~ .. ,.IJ lttNIUIUv llCC'f'ptln~ tc'l'1'•11>1fc cl.-. o1Knd " '''"It :.• tl \ ,, f1)! \I "'~ ·1,!-:t• Ito• "l"'nol• ll1• ltm" ••llllholl \ """"'"': '" In lh. r· ~ n "If lh<' f'I'OpiP c-ommttnd me 1., • n nttniiP in thl11 nfflt•p" .rud J>re8t. tl•·nl T!ott>llf'•t•ll. "l ha1 e 11.9 little· n,.;ht '"." lthdraw A!l 1 ht soldJer I ,..,,,1. lho ..: I.JI~ ... "' ... ''"''"''hill' It• lt>llVI' Iilli r ~· Ill 'hi' line." lllf•n•'• X •·hll' \\flt•ll' lout tlh' tnct rf'· .luttt '"4 ,.."' \ tr•ur n • n 1n ""' t rn,· ltfl U f,u, h•·•l n.t f d f._ rt ftult ,Oi l !\lo \\, "'Ill l h· IIIII\ lilt .• \\'• I'''• I all-1 '"II "' '' rll'l•l• Ttt.·•··"' .... ''''"',II ,., "ihH\\ _,,,., •• ,,. .. ,.,, "·''' f .,,,.,,,., \ lj '1 ' t'-ilfl.tl I \Ill 0 ( j(lf\, "'""'" t h1tl th.. '"''"'" tnllc !'fa. t ·uHht t • nv~ ntlon '.a, t'"''" Rlack~J I\ II I. h\' ~l r H ooot!lf'\'f•ll s '"• ntfll for llr I :h~:t...,•·v••J\ ~ n••n,in d r• .,, f•1r mcn'th.IJ I'"·"' ,\lid ~clllrl'llll llh'o,• wall n 1 ol•>tlhl "h··n (ho• Ito ••ul.ltt an Con - " n t I"'· nw l In 1 'l11• I"" that the \''''·~ \\• , .. "1n th•· t.,\! 1,.r .a.tr. r '''" t·\ i '··n 1 h·•u h 1 h·· 'onven ... '"'" r lrttll l'•t• •1111 I • I' ''DrAft I'll•· I tun t '''"'•'\''" ' ~I· n 1'•·• 11''1'~ '"11" ' ·• • -lndldRh· ,. oil ,,. r• loollh 1 .. "" .lhtl MY I ol Ilk•• loo Ito• l'o , h·nt IUid 1 Ulf•·utt t .. \\11rk 111,. 11 . ·h·vtl tu ~o•·: II 1111111 1• ·I •nol ,),., t .. rl" hut ,,,,! ttl•· '' t h·,t '1." ,,., ,,,.,, ... t, voUn~ "\\'hu nHtn A '''''"'''It !'\hlp \.... And If , . ., ... 111>1 1-,, :· 11 .. ··~ Vuu h,t\•· 1h· t t•" 1 ....... l ',.,.. ,, '•u• o~:1<~II11C 1\·., Lll"'''' \\••tt•'l Sr. I II k !lt~ I. llu~ .... I'''''"' IIlii\' l htllk t1 , It ,1r,v K&l( Ill.~. t I ~..~. •·: ,,,... I th,. 'h 'P· '' 1t1 • ~~~~ llt:tt ar rn·~ \1 ,._ n~ ••f tht• lllll'l'\l()f'l 1'\11( l l.t \1• tn 1\"o·•·f•fl \\1lfkt~'a "\\'ht'r" 111 h<'ll •loo '" t:• ll rn 111 f.t:•·tf , ·'1111 nco 11. " 1a 80 h• ,.,, · ., •. r< 'h• 1".''1 f· '' •• ·ht bim t I lunl 1-•>1 lit• r. I r • ·llw r fac-I ' 1'1•11 'I tlhf . ,,, ., ""''II lllt • • I f•l \. To Travel Smartly t •• t••r"' t•. I I ··--'l o t .. utpl ,,.d•tlf'otJ beav-• lh• \\1Jl • t I, 'tO b i8 1 • II ' I f' t h<l ....... '• I". i" '' • .1 II • • '" ttle a I ' " 1 1 •· ''' " • • f'OUtlcJt ~n ,•h l, .r~t ,t, '\• 'ta.o.kly • '" • . ... 1. • t , rt~ ·• ' 1\, , ' ,., .. ... I .• .. \' 4 'I * I ,, .· I CJrf11l 1 • I tht> · .,, Rt'cl f • Is yl'l ·wen hoa,..l ancl , lr Phil· 11 ·two .,., ... I I .e 'h• Rfil ,. • rr '. ~." . ,. • ' l'arT)( I 11:0.0001 ' 1 nald· ... ' t nt.; lor ' F1or 1 '~ :0:\\1 • rw of 1'· ·-~ I·• ,.... eaUy I•. . •••. ,. ~ .. l'dt.h I 1' • ' • ~" l'dlah •I ,...,.... ......... IM·4 IC'ataltaa ll'llUMI Jot.." ..... ... ....... ft. liMa 1111 \\'tla. ('aJif.. P1L II t ... .... ~c e .. !1\'14 "_, .. ,...,. ranr. ~ ON.. .... -"'Ntport. ··~ .... Oflllle -Tfonnlaal blud. Calif. ...... ...,.. .. .,_ ... ,._ ... • CHOOSK a two-piece . priat to wear hither alld JQn . , . or on 1 t.rtoqt, hon~}'mOOII. Y ota'U like ~ bKornlna rufl'l" Of' the wide Collar "" ' \ •L•' : • I I , tll\ th,.,. H•·tl ,., .~1.u LaJ, I• tt r1 , '• ~ 'r "llA'f1· • 1 I l1 take • ". ' 11\~o.• t •,.• run to • lind -tchina cuft'L ln teMrieeeble ra,_ crepe pollut 4ot, It'• ,...n, VAN CAMPs~· FOOD COMPANY. Inc.\ : ::!r-n:i!.::C h:1 ~: --------• ti6c. tfttl few *7 ca..~ .......... a (7 I' .. 0 a & a 0 llf D a P' 0 ll V H ' T 0 R l' ...... ..,.. ... .-.»ti ....... I;;;;;;;;;;~~~==~~~;:;;;;;;;-;:;;; .. ...,.. 1 11w • taD ,_ .. r I.,.. If ... I ••• I I Itt I I I I I .lat'l\1,, rv t),, , 1'\plet.lri.S t h•· I ' '~' ,.. 'I ,. •· • In . 1 T ol;n .• Tiel .. II• 1 .• ' : ol 'l \'0\~., Th, •h'f•~ h "I'· •I ., .. ,, •• ,,n IOpeeod otf I:. kll··" ~h·l .. • I" ,, ~I f)v\lo l't('-11 .... I '~ $()1tli6r 11 ' Good soldiers ... -the I WOME~S ·ARMY CO~PS ihe proucl~st . title· .in the Anny )T CONSISTS of two simple word.. Yet every .aldier ~ho'a -~~h his Nit ccwda iL Th!s title is .simply : .. CooJ So/Ji~r." It isn't juat happenstance that so many womea in the WAC have earned this title-the~ in the Army. · for wherever Wacs are working, both here and overseas. th~re you find a job well done. And done •ith a spirit .a gallant and fine that hith Army officers everywhere say ol the WAC ... "Th~y're .aldiers. ~ soldi~r•t' ~ .. '<l'·, --..__,J,~ ·--l,~. :,: ' ,.,·~ Q ~ l · ~ ... ~-· .\' ... ~ 1f·~ '\. 'J .. t • FOif 1'tfl.l. INFOIIffiiiATION eboolt lite Woon•"'• A"")! c-,. .. 1• to..Yt'W' "'•,....•1 U . ~-Arm,. Re~u;r;,., St•ti-. Or '"_, lite rou~ 6./C.U.. U.S. ARMy RF.CRU ... . ltllney leleral Says lattor loa~ Ca•lecullte ib l1tes sM'ITA AN~-Oranllf' Qlunty the city which 1:; Vf'!Jt<'li in I hi' city I Hamor district hu thE-pow~r. to b)' ... lht> 5\ah• run$titullon. Jt I "'ltUial~ ratH. v.·hArlagt> ami all b my 011inion that ... I hi' board 1 nthc•r conditions surroundin~: !>hip· of Sll(l('tvi~o"' r11nno( ... limit l•lng within tht> district. \hP ('ali· thl' pDV.'I'r or lhl' city or Nf'wport t11m1a att••rnry grnrra1'111 of: lcr hu !'Wadi in no~:ard to thl' ll!'f'nl<in~ "1trd in an opinion I"I'<'<'IVNt todtt) or rcgulntion or any businf'"-~ h) Jot'l E. <>l:l<>. c•ounty I'IIUn«'l v.•lthtn lh" '<'rntorinl boundRril't< Tht" opinion. !(il:'ftl'd hy All~. ul that l'lty 1'tll' licc>nsinl: of a 1;..n Robo•rt W. Ko•n n~ .1ml 0. p. huMill"~> by th1• ritr. hnwl'vrr,l ,\llv. GMt. Lu<'as F: Kilkcnm ":1· "'ould nut afrt'('l thl' powc>r n( th" "1u;.tantiaUy the saml' o~ an' upm· l';o;om nl su)J"rvisor< to n'<tllin:• hln dclivc>rt'd by O;:h• ~ .. n,--;;-IHlll' I.'Omplinnc ... h)' th(' liren~«'f' with .• ..:o and submlttt'od to 1 tw attumo')' <tny rq:ulut 111n wh1ch 1" lll'(lp.'rly l!t•nl'ral for .Tf'Vi(''A'. O,.:lo· ho•ld thnt nuuk IJ) such btu11•d nil thr ~:uv· tn•• board of j;U(X'n 'I!>OI"!' as ~:m•· •·• mn~ body of thl! harbtlr dis· .-rntnR lll:('f\1 of lhl' ("('UOI} hi\$ I'X' tnl't." ,•lu.~ivl' !1~ht to rt>,.:ulato• th(' u~f" 111f' atlornrv gcnl'rul ho•l(j thai ul "'lUt>l'lf of !'\l('wport Hart"'''· I ho• surtll' rulln~.: stands Ill su<'h while> thf> cit)• o( No''A'J)Ort Bt>aeh m<ttt,•rs that nUt'«'t thr j)llbhr ha.' the right to N'I:'UIIIIt• •n mM-1 h4'ulth. moral~. or ~nft•ty,. !IUrh a~ h·n. of public heal! h. "'l'llan• and ntw .. c•,;;. ~fll>t-d and dc-po~lt mg ~a, .. ~fc>ty v.•rthm lis 1w.·n hmrh. 'bn.:o· in 1h1• OO). Th(' Kt>nny opinron rt'<'ill'<l thlll {}gl£• ~<oid hr had dl'llvrrt'd ~1s "pt•nniJulion tO dock Vi'SSC'I~ Ul I OJIIOILll\ l(l I hi' boarrl of ~llpt'J'\'1"' wha.rv!'11. colll"<'ti{m of wh11rlag(' or nn< l'Omr timr b11rk lll thc>ir rr· dcx'kagt' and other char~;:t-s tht>rr· I Qlll''<l. nnd that at n.'Qu .. st or for and n-gulallon.« or hl~ qun.JII> j !'III'WJIOrl Bo•:t!'h auth?,ritu•s II wa..; and Jcn'-rth of pien&. 11rr math·r.t ,.ubmrttNJ to Kt'nny " offl!'l' for which are ••!thin thl' jurisdiction 1 conftrtnal ion l.C the awnPr and ·op•rator of the 1 harbor racntuH. su~>Rqo~ntly .• Spl·cer Dt·rector t~Jt>•rt.'l:·ulatlon would proprrl'y tw a matler 0\'('r whi~h the t)oard or , Pa ·r·c Coast ~ .;(Jpl'tvio:ors :ts thf' ~ov~rnmg bod)' CJ I ~~~c~'::~r dist rict would hll"".l Port Authorities "I am of lhl' opmjlm lhlll lht-I .stale-lt-gislatuno hat~~ c:k>l('1taled tQ • qran2e county Wll" honrm'od 111 the Orange County Harbor di.~· , thl' annual ('lt'Ction or thr Pn· trict tht• pqwcr to f't1:Uiatc the nn· cifrr Coo11t /tli.'IOl'iation nf Pe>rl choral" ot Vl'llsel"' and the obstruc· Authorities Whl'n WalterS Spi<'l'r lion of the Walen of ltJI' harbor., ol ~t>WpOrt Jk-ach. chlltrman or . ..ubjrct only to such ~'('r.ti as till.· the Orange H arbor Comml~5inn. ff'<koral government may havr in 1was <'IN'tl'd a dil"''<'tor. "'lation to ·~ mallei"!" I PN'!Iidcnt or the> Pllcinc ('oa~t ... ·. ~WPORT-BA1.BOA NF.W~-'T'lMF.~. N*'wpott Bearh. \alifomi~. 25. 1944 AGAIN W£ NEED 'TO PLA~ ~ OWN GAJU>CH5,., TO PUSifltVW WHAT WI: CAN lfO't NUT WWTU.'a ~ ••• TO ASSVilt(AMPt.f jr()()O fCC OUR ff1611TI~~, 6U'I'IC.I[NT '000 ffa.t OI.I.S€LV(S ••• n;,HE!.P WIN TNE WAR. IEWS-TIMES CLASSIFIED OPPORTUIITIES lEAD FOI P_IOFIT • • liE FOI IESILTS • • -1fA..Yrt~O ltt'lu,..k f't f"'t ... tin C't\t\ .\ •lo .. om .. ' ........ !)~ r ..... !am II\' fill 1'1r.. I'I"AAHnl bwnr ""' roun.hn.:• HaUl I"'' •• "'"' .... " f'OI•m S:ul a "~ •·k l'h :--;,.,. poH 111111 fll••tmns:• "r "'·•nm,:" I I· 1(1 :It\ :'I• • rttw n\• rut..-r r.,r t••l).t• 11n • ••rnn"'" 1.-1 f\10h11.: tloat fUll\ f'IIU IJIJ'I.'<I 1\n,l l o llth• l1• 1'0 II II \\'"~'"' I~" 111 Or>•t ' ,...,... ~ ... "I' .. ~ ...... ,. ... "~ ..... ClOI•It &nd hoi.llf'\\tlllcf'r s •• Ul• IIIAir~ ""'''" l'rl\'al• r-unm ~•I ary $1011 I" 1 m•• l'bttrw ~ .. " pen tlu h 1146 ~2·tt. f'O'C SAI.t~~ull: 1"111! .. \. Phc ..... ,,~ .. "·· ""'It ~A t.~· Onr 1tl "I' 4 ··vi· 111olo•r hra\'\' ..Jut v A tlart lm)•"rlal 1'1• .... 1 .-nil'"" ...-llh P"'l•""' ""'' ...... , \\'rtll' .;.. .. I"Jtf' v , • ...,., o.:u••l,_ •"'•h ,.,, Ut Ana· ,,., ... Sl l'3nl" ft.arb1Ua \"altC I 1\."t-th· W.At.'n:n (1r .IIUI)j.! W•NIIan T .. ,. "" 1:1 n Ka\•al& ·~ war• • Two ,., lt>~ ,,.,.. .. FnH ~.\1 ..-.. . ~. Ph N•"1'"" Hilll !\6·:111' ~· '\ f,lrtnl!•fnn "utt.u.r.l. l"'rfN"t, St:":• ~urf Apl II ~t~n•' c• .. utntl A,.,. rlitlhoa \\'til takr man'• 111· ,,.,,. "" rart ~'~'>'"'""' ~.1 u,. HELP "' ANTt:IJ 'IJ,w-o.t11_.___. ....... ..... ,._.,. ...,.. tl. ft. C'I\'IJ. U'Jl\'ll"T. .......... ....... ___. .. ,, r,.;·tt•· n"~ll ~AI .,.: ~\llr ,,,,., f'•>llu• '"'' ~li 10." ~·Ill , ... ,. by Ko1trnhlltlf '"""'' ••••nolll•fJII\, ,,.,., t t•nn It K Wall&rr 7011 \'IK I.J•I•• ~"11•1. t..l<lu ... ,. fl1 ·4tp POft J'AI¥. •llhl rn•m hm- tl!x,..lt.nt t<w-atlt)ft Oft• f\111 hatlt, '"''" half ''""'"· l'"""~•·•n All~ 1 _ tilt 1'h N""'1"'rt I.Wl\-\\' 1•114'" \\'P' tiAVl': n,.v,.,.ll,.tt a'"""" r ttftl· 1:1 ~ ~-tf··, r lrfr lin" M fllr.l' ROoM I'Pn'f'l • ''"n wr ar. nnw ttffrrtfl«· ,.~lit 1'4A l.F. t 'ut lllt(r, fhur , .... rna t.•artlr t.fuhl,,...¥, Watnut. Ma.- A aa'""" '"' tlt'tall •·runt N....,l• hntr,.nv anol m•yw ~"11+-f1ft. "'otltf' "'"'" UPOCI. f>C) lk••l I•""" In lwoth lwtn anct run ... ..._ :::z3 s ''"'"'' tc.-,.. h !\fl 1111 , A'"'"'"' ,,.,.,... A ~,..,.. t" nt "~""' t>Hila"t "'""'"b"" 1"11rftl• lttno (~ '"''I IUWt ~Y. f'an1a A.n11 Motte .., lit ~.Jo; )tO'ala!Jrant In lllll·l hnA Owl\f't rru•t an t:aat li'ltlty I f'IIUIJIPf"l. ·• •l•oc:>l f't)r lnfnm>•· .... ,. ··•II at ~ .. n•an·· u ... d ICatall! I WANTI'!n TO IItTY "'""'· 7tal ••-t'Pnlra.l Av•. 1'1\1\'AT": I'AIITY ""'lllhH In r•)n Uan,.,. Dll·4lr WAHT Tn llHV .V~m ... rt.M• 111o 1 h• .. t .. ..,.,.,.,: nr akll'C)C't --•-KJCLI• W A.N1·•:11 Ul~eh arb•,.•l rr with allarhm•nta, """"" l-'•ln•l")' • hart .. r JWUII•• y , · WANTED TO RENT ! prtr,. and mall,. llml Mil, RaJ• «ITI ,.., m"lhor • hf'lr""r. •·n•ral l'arly f'tl Nr•ma.tlr 1:\'Uit, I dayo a ,.....,II 1:.'0 Tnpu.. Bal l '••ml'l•ofl f'ahf Cl?-4tp WANT T'U RII"JIM' VNIIIJC laAiy tw,. Ia anc1. ~llf l'l·ltp 1 t1oa lalau•l l't1 N111 flrh 1 Wllnh """" rwer '""''""· "' 1\ltl·l I • .a...... · I f*-W ~1·%h !Q'111ATION WANTm--tw ......... uf Aui[\J.C • tn 13 1 Ali'T ,...,.,, fOUND HELl' WASTY.U ·~v IIVPf If> I'HAC"'Tlf 'AL NtrfU'•: w ,. h... '""·-()U.rlft, ,.,,.. 13' .M-ttc·, f..c.T Bro..;;; and whit.-~ yn to hf'lp wa.ft down tl.allln~t P' atl'l n rrw twun d&IIJ ft.efM· \\'ANT TO RI':NT Wolt)r1nc for lllrrtftlf'l"r flpaa••1. 11t """'IN ._t Abnt•t I htour'a ..,.,.,r1t n·ery .,,.,.. Wnl# Rn1 f' c-/tt N-•j u .n u.ll boat. 4tll North O&k· nlct, "'""' ~mfta Ml Mar. Re- .\ay eo. .. t pey l'h Npt Rrh Tim"'! M-4tp lu.l fit , P-'-a 4. (~Ill or want Mnl Harold 0... liCM 1Nt.J :'>7 tf1 Ptwtnr 8yfamor. 88MI 66-4t p Of-Non ftt¥ct PIICifte Hpt. tteO. ,----WANl£.0 . I TRANRPOIITA..,ON WANTF-11 1'() RI:NT ·~b ....... '"lbe licJmslng of -any buslnt-ss ~;;roup ot Qarbor Authorltirs is or mterpri~ within the lt>r'i'Uor111 11'. H. Banfield. Port land lf!dus· boundaries ot tHr ~ty of N~1)0rt trialist. and W. R. Martin or Lon~ 8Nch for the puf'POM' of ~Ia· Th>ach i~ vi<'f'·prl'!<ldent Thl.' mePt· tion would undoubll'dl)· 1:1(> an i-x·1 in~.: I hi.~ yt•ar ~·as held l!lp Port· ("f'('!-.r of ttw JocaJ poliC'l' powrr of land, Ort'gon. anrl among many __:. __ 1lmpor1an1 !'ommlttl't'~ appomiPfl by the convri\J1un Will' one lo plan for p6st·war rl'lltoration of port faC'IIitii"S. Report 500· Get Tags for Stopping At Bus Curb Line 1 Services for Sister Of Mesa Woman I 1\llW mf'<'banh'll Tos• wa1r• bat f'l'llt NA.I.t: ltle VI.H Ha~y ._..._ t.o •'-P n ... HHponafbiP mUNO Male ODeliMf' ..,.:....:, 1 o~ W'tlrlrmc '",.f'h•ttw Att -· L ~~ • .QoOd a/Ddttlton. 4 r ... ttx. ~JM_to ~ t . Pile-....,.d. abcM1t I~ ,.... 11141, ......,... Ilia! "•r INhalllt y f:niJIIuymf'nl . , .. l •• t. .. half• •I'll ratru.. ,...,,,.. Kyo-11aa. 0 lJ. )fllliN;:lia.r • 11'qr-~ ~ ........ -" ... ._niiiL---4.:... .. j tlt~er h .. ,,. ••r at H unl.tn«!Ofl· t!f.JI'•, W (_ ... ntral AVf'. Ba!boa 1t. 1. ,._.,...._ Ca.Jtr. M ·ltiJ Neowpon t..-....... ..,.... A. C. ~h lit uno attrr l'> p m ~tr ------· PNit. _,, flt.ml W&7. 111111 I flMI.£.rtJ wrvlrea ........ beld l nlf14>~rttt-:: ltOUINM I ntrYCLrf' l!Wd. ,..,wcs or ..... POK llEN'I' "-~rtUao, <'alit 11-tte S&«ir~y In Santa Anu. tM Jill,... F•wtl l" 1"• an.t S«vlu palr-.d Vr«Pl'a. ,_. 11aa. a JI'C)ft IU':NT f'nyal• ·NOIII ... PDC80Pf.\L <'harlc-ll A Pnthrr. 21\. I 10 South :Z2nd and Cf'Dtra\ A,·~ Ralbooo ""d J0f1 Mana. A-UL enlrtllrP to ~bl• ,_u .. LOOSE-LEAF Ill DE IS ~Leland G. Fuller ~At Bombet Field Rt'pnrta from Balboa t•lday aay Lyon llli'Ht. Santa Ana, IUtf'f' at N-pnn U.a.-h f'bonr 28. nalhotl 1"'-d 11-tft man unly NWI)' tu.....,•4. IJ' TOU __,, lo -" .. rrie4, that IIOnt,e ~ JlUIIOru• hav~ rt'· Clyd~ E 8tnvall •If C'oala Me.&. 26-Ul' n.lllui)'TNl mattn. ....,_ llatb • wttta .. It, VMtecN..,, 'WIIIl. celv~d t.a«a for -parlilng at th,. J.fn<. f'ralh~r ,...811 born 10 Ft.•u. !"O R ~AI.J.: year-<llol Vlct.lwy bt· wltb 4.,.. oCtwr IMitleti\UI who ... "' Nf'W Stock Just Rt'cl'ivc'd ftlr c-urb lin~ whue thr buaae1t atnp on but had llw·d In Orang•• t'<IUnty fo r PUBLIC NOTICE& • vrh-UO ~21 Ro-~t•onla Rt · 01 wurtt• nlpt. """ 2023 BUlla ~ntral avenue . lt ·la alj~j> claim~ 2:1 yron Sh" wa11 11 m.-mtwr of ,;lfla •1•1 War 114-:t•• Ana Avr ,,...._ 111 ..... ,.. tJ s 8~ -!h 6 Stwet. * Ulat 0!.~ white )In~ cannot be ~n lh~ Amtt\C.an IUd f..'rou Mvt (lr on . I L#land G 1-'uliPr or H3 Santa at night by autol11t11. which brln~:11 lnrp,. N CE (11-' l'\liU~H' Ht:AIO~G tYllt !'A II. fit' ltari•Y 'o.vto\aon, nlnp ,... pll Npt. Brb. lMI Ana avt'nlll', !'llewport Helghtll, about th~ lllR~Ing Sun!lvln " M h band I hlar k anlt 1 hnttnr rtol'lnJ' pa.l M ·3tc f>kAIH"'t RA8RITRT-....... .,. f1l All»rt rtu., .. ...., M- N•WJI'Oft 819d., Olllta 111-. ~\7 et ,,.,... ....... -- ordar Pfl. l"fpt, IIQ, 1•1. · A Is ~plt>tr Jed'ger set in compact siuo. suit- able for small busines.c:; or tM horne. All kinds of Rulfod Fo1"1118, ~and Cards. ·"-1- NEWS·nMES SOli W. Ceatnl Newport .a..h \\U8 recenllv pn•m•,ted to the Hl>rb<-rt Krnny en charg~ of thr ( ... •rl,. ~th,.... ., ~!.. 1 • Not••·• '• llrrt'by I!IYf'f\ that lhf' 1nn10 '"'In~ • ama. 80' Oy· .::L..R •At.•_.a..--. · .r 1 ·' "a " ,~,. ••r. :t IIUn, .._,_re• N~ U..at·b \'lly 11-'hn "' " r. ~ ,.,,.,.-:11 ,~:ra1le of corp •ral at tm11 Fourth matt~r 83Y" th~ cnmmunlty nt'etl11 A lwvn Jr . " ,1811Mhlf'r J,..nl'ltt' • 1 . ,1 h 1 .~?" wtwrl.-. nMJ. cbalna -r-ul _ _ __ _ I Atr Fore,. P.-2~ Ubo.•l'atllr bombt!r th~ bU!IlM'II Y,"()fW lh!UI ttno buuee A, ... · h •r m. IJlhC' M ~. Ut I ~:..-on .. I .. ·I " pu.,,, harnllrha,.. ........... t>er .... ,.. ..... nJRn SALt: 1931 Unt'flln 7..-f'1lhyr I . f 1<1 -' r, ra .... ary "" (}-·--lq)OD OW ma.ltrr •.C liM' tO •· .. ....,_ •-·1--m••k -llll .... a\ -•ra rammg ~~ • n~l"d ua. (.'tty offlcl&la llllY thf' vall, Santa Ana; two bruth .. ~. Ll. ap""'klatklrl ol IAonard 1,._ Thu m . ""' f't• Wlnu-r .......... """. I _. -· --r .. . Cpl. J.'ulle~ '" liAIJII:'fte<.l u a ma· bu11 J)('oplr 11huuld acqulr~ a h·rm· f':v<'l<'ll Rtovall,· with th.. u .s. I ... tor T'lllrt rc F'i P urr._ !ll'al"d M&m IIJCtlt W. 8 &NI nwtk• and ncwiiMI r+ ~Ma) chlntst at \\ulla Walla Army Air lnal w~re th~lr car• could park Army In E11&1and anti Cl ...... E.I-.T ._. • V Y. pe ml ronl Klndrr. liS•, ,...rt A .... Bat· I ear. and ~ tG ..U, .,.._,.. I .... ~... I t' • .. _ , ~-uct _...badl IU1.aDI:e. baVI"'f t.o ... J-•--" ..,.. ..... _.. •·•• ~~q.,. ftOW wblla -_.. -•-. r •~ .... nr e ee uw .. .., pa ...... , 0 00, "'""' Rluvall ln~rm-t wu In F'alr· do wtU..Lot 11, lifork 3: •. IC.•ub-... a _..,,, •·n ... ~,.. .,..... ·-•· ' ,_ -._. 1 Mrs. Edna J .. Jon~a .. m other o!l ort>an front. hav .. n cc-mt-trry . 1,..... -tl1·ttr l ·~r~. r~a\· not he·far a wa y. C'pl. Fulll'r r~•ldea at 443 81 . d ...,Oil of Cot-ttna dl'l, War. call-TH .. ~UOitE ROiltN8 An" IIVI'nur. ' AJ' G · 0 -Nurtb Hnllywf"M od "'"" tro•at ... t nv luml" " ,.ord ltakt• 6 f4come .. r: .. ' t •• j ... a.lnt.: 't11c Army r S &rag It' jiehS Hogs Still Bitt• Llr Toblll ... h•·n 1.. ~~~1•1 .. h, ~e sa1o1 h•·'" •n.: ~ 111 1..-h""' '" th•· :'t•• .a. <· .. nr.-1 N ...... , ... rt ttratll l F4•r. .. ,. C.'t•l Full.·r wM ~rnployed j C 8 Jbo ( J d fl.:hl ~rwe..n hi~ ''"ll auJ•I ,. ,._,. •'lh· ""'"'II t'tlarn"''~ l'llv ltaJI. l"'tNNnP 1,. Tu If• 1 Ill' 3. ~h·, \llf•l• wor:.t'r ·D a_ a s all llt•j.;" ,If• ~t ill IHIIIIji:, Ill J llr .. lnll\tart; Uld ~l r· .I II l•ti\'Uia .. n ;:.-~, ... rt 110'111'11. I"'IJiftJmla, 7 :19 l"f)K RAI;; R•t,•twr II , .•t • ., ""' :<mall •111Uj.!ll · 3311 Coral .-v .. nu·· ,,, ... ·~litO• I rr: r m AIIJrWOl 3 IMi I . - '· '"''' • 'J• : • lh r 81'1•1 1\f: ... ·• Allo-u !ihv•·r f,.rt'lo rlv \\Ill ,, . : ,., r·n··t.t l't'l\fl nf o ran,e. 1-·rtrd that ho-I l lf\lmalo ... had lly Onirr of IIH' s~w,. .. n ·~·I h MIMCT.J.J.ANP.:f)I IR ,,...._ N.D. CASH o.v .• DOO .,.. CAT .. OI~ITAL ............... t\t1••n " lho ·'.-alan:: •lau~:thlrl \P.altoo.,. }lu i• I:< ,;II 1111 c·~-1.,.;:. t.h • ·' 1o0.llo WIIJO hilt•·" hy " ""lo: uwn•"'l btll.-n TtPddy J•• k,..,, "' ·•.:~ 4".,rtol I'll)' rtanninac f'.,mm.,.,..••n j ;::;»c ~A,-;:-Mtlv•r to-; fun '"I vun•ty II< th,· 1<1n. IU'Itl a!fulstlnJl 'lllllc tlnd tt>rhni1 ~tl m11n ha~ by tho· n .. v •rhunuu1 (' ~·&llh&JI ul •niM'. Tf'f.lo!y \\IU\ l r,.at.ru by ltUWA:ftll W :-n:Ac:•:ll. "~"'" IC'•"I ,.,., .. 11111"' Ml 1" th .. J'llfllllhm••lll; tl1• fl!'lll may openool a ):llr.l).:r uf ht~< """ an<l r,( '""'" An).:l'l•·" ft. A. \\'••llll nf l•r War1fta11. """ 111~ ''"1: ,...,.,. ~•ry I JOU W . ft;:;~_r 1114 &.. Mal" •'-· .. ,... AM, C.llf. hi' •~<llr•l thc-rrol\1 of l'rlf·lfl\ ... lh•• Is ntlw n •a.ty f"'' hill m11ny frl~nd• f'llu rd In q~r1tnl111" 1'\lh July :z:.. 11144 _, • l ___ _ ,l•lhrr t h•· fMJlt. LortJ Hallfalt at AI'~< u .... ~ ... 1\!2 A).:al•• o<trPo•l wnrk. oalhur•1t .. l nnoJ lt.'lliU. .. n Pro~essl·onal n.·rlli&JIIeto--- 1 Balboa htland • w<>rk .Rnrl rnmpll"l" '"'rrh.&ullnf ., l "" • .T' Clovn ... yll hi' Ia nlnly equiJl· "" ""''" nnly ''"P"r1 m,.. h~tnlt'l w E s E L L B 0 AT s ----------~ Fis~int B~at Bargains SPECIAL: 42--ft.. :s: 10-ft .• 9-lD. beam: 9--toa I~ how 11-ft........-.:-Cllryaler CroWII. CUr&eft!td for tt!l ·..,r day . • ~ II&Tpta. U •ft. ca..rter Beet. ·CittuterM for fll5 per ,., · · • a •c-1· MANY OTBJ:Q TO (.'80081: P1WM 1118'S LAIDIIG aad Yacht Brokerage ••• a...._ SNOODLES DOROTHY DARNIT petl to 11o repair. 1\Utn 11nt1 mannr ,.,.,. -:n;pluyC'd ·I .. NEWPORT-BALBOA ' NEWS-TIMES ' PHONE8: NEWPO.-r It ~ 11 v ..... :Uxftj Sub!lcrlptldn Payable In Advance:-$2.!50 per Y"r In Oran~ County; S2.75 pt'r Yf'ar to 4th zone: $3.00 per year to llh ZOfte. • • Entered u ~-clAM matter a l 1~ P011tof(l~ 111 N_,ort 8Hch. C.IUomla, 1111Mr the Act or Mardi 3. 18'19 l s: A. MEYF.R -__ _:_t:D'fif!)~ AN_D PR£$fOtNf OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE cnT OF NEWPORT BEACH' A Ott r "Mit Laeel '-Uh!U.. f•t 0.. N Y•n 0~-M\SS 'PA~NY! -r _o .:J , ~ ~:~l--'J ~·~ ~--'--!·~ ;_~ ' . - I -. -.. "'---_ .,.-.-.... ---:--' -·- Let LJs Know Your Wanta Marine W~ys • • • Marine Salvage PolroF- ~ Ge~Uar-1.... I YW'IIt .......... lilT o..t HJpwaJ ~ Nnrpwt ..,... !M9 IIACil111F. A1TACk Rl'\' IIOilf; IIONDH 8)' Cy Hungerford By Charlt•!tf ~lr:\lanu~ •1'""V~T (3t f(AA1 '3I £ ~ I-I~'-E Of'f--')PQ•"4<.\ ~0 v.Jf.I\K A.Nr) v N Q£Vf.LCP~0 I I @ .. ..... -·-. ·-· ......... .. Ccwdon M.Crundy, M.D. ~, • ._ att4 ..,,....,. Offtc. Hrs.: tO. tla.m .; 1·1 ~'·'"· . T ... ,.._. S7 LEROY P. ANDERSON AT;TO .. NEV AT LAW C&lota !Mr•a •aft• •ul-.lttt ~ ...... u. I c-.t• ,._ CaMtOf'ftla HAROLD K. GRAUEL CHAPEL "W• nu ..... 1 .... ,,.. o.u.-.... "' .. "'"' fIt ben Bait" ~ .... ,.._.,.rt .. , Coeta •-Cellf.,.la BUY NOW Cit1 Tax Sale ~ A. J. TWIST 607 Coaet Hlthw•y Phono 2422 COIItONA OEL MA" c;erald UauRa. M. n. t.,. "'"'.' f 'PIItrat Av... ...... ,..,, -~~~~·h . Conrad Rlcht•, M.D. f'hyalo'-'t aN lu,...... . ow.. tO? l2ft4 .. ..... ... _,.,.. .. .... Hau,.: 10-11 a. "'· a 1·1 ,. "" lll'tton...-Offlo. 1Jt1 RM. 1 .. .1 DR. C. L TOHILL f'H~IICIAN aM IURO&OH ... e._ ........... ,... ...... -f'MM- OHiot ..... .. ......... It .... ""-' C.ll ~' • Dr. M. D. Cra;!nrd OPTOM&TIIttiT - r.,.a .. _...,~ ot.-PUled 171'7 Newport Boulo¥ard f''-te ~JO COITA M&IA BALTZ MORTUARY CHA.,KL av THK IKA 410 c ... , alvd. Corona 'llol Mo• • N~••f1 .._II .,h.,t Newperl 41 ,, ~--------~------------------------- {)R. ORJ·~O LUCAS BcntiHt • U IJ2 ~11 W . f'l'nlrill, ""· 16M NP:\\ ruKT n·t:AC'U WHO~S WHO IN HARBOR .. DISTRICT .. nR£Pt A r F ANO •<t"JOt INr, W n00- }1 \\' \\'r 1•t,t 17k4 Nfl' fllvd , r .. 10tn "'""" l!~·· 1 '·""'' · r l'lo 1\"1~ J GrNrnAI f ONlAAr.TOA-f;,,,.,,on II I HHII•y 'lt1f1 ('""~' r.lvtl , 'Ph <11, f'l•m• 111\tl r r,n•lllu'll"rr t I) MOL rt C.flMJ>I<NIES -( ~"'·" v •• ,. ' t , , r ""'' lUll ,,rip -vttH P'"" \ "",. t , ... , •• u f'hunr ·~I 1!4V 111"'-rl• I I MIIII ... r f'n l'h•1lll' llrl). (.'••IL .... ll [~hWIIY lit AM'hM. OFf'IC:I; &UPPI I[ ~'"""fl'lrl f1arllf1r l'ubllahlnl ('It l'hr.n•• I~ 1~1 'I••WJ)o•rt O.a.ch. PAINTING-• N•'Wpmt llarhr•r f'y1hll•htna f'•• Ml"n"• t2 •. 1.1. Nr~ ~ "EAl. taTATE . .,,NaU .. ANCl A NOTAAV JIIIU8llc- l-H W11lla• ... :zm w. C..trat AvenUI' f'llllllt s ftU88£" aTAMP._ N-port Harbor Publlablnl (..'n ~· U -13 N._port a...ll. lt(tRT M•TAL WORK-· ¥We PI .... 6 liMit MMal ww-. Call&a M--. n-. JJe. I VARIRTY ITOtla-• ... ._ ....... ~ ~lc. \te,_ lk wwl up. l"bcme llll·W . , . , 210 '1bronl Y adlt Club to Witness Wecldinr of Mia& Frantes Har¥ey . ' ~--·~.· ..... ............. ............. _ r • clfnno unce,m£12 t • • \, NEWPORT-BALBOA HEWS.TBIES, NeWI»>O't Beach, California, Tuesday, July 25, 1944 Harbor I Feminine Activities Miss Angelo~ Becom~ Bride of William P. Smith .t tM ............ but nbartllld • I tiiM ,_. 1M rw;&W Out JIJlaer P" UM bride a ...,..... ... ~~ ,------.--~.-------------------- Air Ba~ Woman's Oub to Give Old Times Event on july 28 •I wen ao. Beftlt7 IIDMr, maid ., .....,.; lin. CIIArW a.Jtll. WiUI ---Utd .._. oti brM •!d. aDd little Judal i• COMING EVENTS ~bo'&r~t.bwDUID ., a c~t1 1 Foell. flower Pl. • -· \ and ae&rcbltctlt. u c.DMlaiJn.' After a 1iMMwJIDOGII at Brc lieU t.be -..ddtac o1 11._ J-plailw tbe YOWIC couple wW be .t ._.. I 'nJUDAY. AUO. 1-A~IOYic Ud Wtlli&al P. Sautb+-t.. Loa( Bdch, _._. BIIUta ... 1 Red ero.. Worllrooat, 111 Palm. wu .olemnlzed Wf'dn-.ay ~n·l captap~ ln uw Oalab1p nre depart. l Balbo&. opea 10 a.m. to • p.m.. nl~ on a eucs dune ln .1..ae AJI--t. I ~cal c::_-:a;.room. 31s .... I, .. ~uaty. I M C E L k I rtoe uenue B&ltao. laland opal An elaborate atttJac bad l;eo;n rs. . . ouc s 10 Lm .• ....ria. .. · · ~~~,'~~oo:::-::' K-:.,,: Honors Mrs. McMahan \IVEDNESOA Y. AtTO. ,2-~2 ltt.h lltreet. o.ta MUtl.. -- Red CrcM Wortuoom, 111 hlm j mot.ber Of the (1'00111. and CUKtJo' Mra: C. E. Loucu eDtertained aveoue, Bal~ open 10 Lm. to I we"' .-mbled, 111t"bPn t.~ ~. E. at ber home on Newport boulevard ·• p.m., IN~ d.r-.-tllp. 0 . Goott<ell.. p.utor oi Cbt&.l ~eotly. hooorirle t.be birt.bday Red C..... Worllrooom, 313 Mar-l Church by tbe Sea. d'ecovert'd annhrt,._,., ot Mra. Edward Mc:-- _tne avenue, Balboa bland, 10 Lib. that UM l!eenM bad tft.n ~ Waban. ~r an neu!Dc at to • P.IQ., wrrtcal d.-.6Dca. l 1.n Lot! Ance&e. county and <'ouJd cardl:. ddkloua refreabmeota ~ ~ cro. Workroom. 1300 · Mt le.-.ny be perlormf'd ilJ 1 home made Ice cream. cake aDd Ocf'&n a vtoue, Corooa del Mar, I O~gt county. Tbe weddio1 SpanUIIb buna were atrve<l.. • 1 to • p.m., au,.tcal dreatnra. I party and I(Ufllta for'IDed a cera-nw-P"'-' were Mn. Me-- THURSDAY, AUO. S-va.o and drove to the ~b tor Mahall. Mra. IAtUe A.mea. )b& N~wport Helcbta Cln:le of W .8. lbt ceremony. 1 l...orTa1oe Moorf'. lin. J'r&QC• C.B. will ~ld ao all day meetmc Mr. and Mra. voa Kennell. how· ~OK&. Addie Ebenol, V~ bf'clnl'llnc at 10 a.m.. at the bome I ever. aeparaled from the relit Of I ca.lnrt. Franc~ Baxter and tbe of Mra. George Morel&r~d. ~ :Srd tbe party and were DOt pramt ~ ' atreet. Coat& Mea. 8finc a noee · ~ bee luacb-aDd coffee and dea-1-:---------------------------, Mrt will be RJ"Ved by boaleM. I Harbor KJ.am. will meet at Balboa'• Electric Grill. 1215 noaa. Red~ Wortuoom. 111 Palmi nenue, Balboa. 10 a.m. to • p.m., -me. IWd Cr'OM Workroom, 313 Mar· lne aveo~. Balboa blaDd 10 Lm. to • p.m., aewtnc. ' ·--------Delig~t.ful Party Honors Mrs. Coe BERNARD of HOLLYWOOD COiilinctive · Tlwiograf)hy at Reasonable Prices Visit Our Portrait Gallery inthr . BAtBOA INN.ARCADE I Ha.tnbur~rerw. hamburger•. bam· I burgerw. That wu the order ot One fit th" r•·l'l'ntlv rur• ht•afd the day y~rday at lhf' Elliott homu t1n tht' Pl'nln~ular lA bf'lp& home on E&lt Bay l''rQnt. Young__ 1N:rupl1'1\ by thl' nr-..· ""'"'''"· Llle ChariNI Elliott was tlnrn~t things 1 A. A. Nt>WI!Imho "' Allnllhl'lm The up brown on hla tenth birthday .. hou~ lto('Rit"(l 111 c«o;, F:R•t c---. After eallnJt hamb\u~t .. tll and t'alu tral. \\·M forml'rly ""'n•••l h~ the and Ice cream. the preaent• were F.utwO<\lls ur t~IPnclt•l·· ttn•l n ore 1 opened, Swimming aruJ dunking 1 rrn•nt 1.\' ,,..,·up•l'•l hv t 'nlttnPI tlU&er were then the order or lhe day. , and his f11mli\' , .• Tb~ jolnln& the fun were I !.frt! Nl'wisnd an:f hrr two B~e Elliott. Mlkr and Skip~r l'hlldtl'n. LArry an•l ~nil}', w111 n'· HIJiman. John Vultre. J ohn Allen. m ain on lhmu.:h th•· "lrth"r ha¥· .K&Uy Corbin. Plrk and Bill John- In~ rl<.s~1 lht'tr AnHiwlm h•1me I .on and lbelr reapf'<:tl\'e mothfra. r,,r that tim•· Mr :>;rwhm•l ,. al Prtt y Offlrrr In I hi' \ "uill'l l';u&ld I Ba I boa y acht Club I Havinc Puuhued the Stodl and Buaine. of the atatlnntd nt Lnri~ n.·arh """ 1.1 D p d • abl~o ., ... nd"l.ts if'll\'~l' \\llh bl.l l ance ostpone ' I fllllllly • I ---r-I 1 8f'I'&U8t' nt difficulty In _.ur- I Mesa Scout GrouP m1 an on:hutra ror tht• saturday •cl) .l,ed •ffll u/1 ,... fiJia4J ~~ uiJ. I""~ • ucret tiOUI.• ,. FITWELL ·SHOP BALBOA ISLAND • A. Foster Silnplicity Frock Will Hereafter Be Available at IRMA MARPLDJ san.-. ,-----------. '• , Telephone 2004 Balboa leland nJpt. July 29lb. lhe party planntd I in Camp Ro-Ki-Li wtll t.alle place on Augu.t ~th. B:vnybody wlll be welcome tD· • groutmallt••r Hnwartl llnrJ)4'r of chldlnC m~mbera. lr1end.a and I l 'hr C'•lllll\ Mr~n trn11p "(ld trn bo,.-young Jtf'OPII'. Thel'f' h1 an unu~n~al 1 nrP 11rvn•hn.: thllt wuk at C'IUilp fHture promt...d fnr th~tl.. t;"at Rt)-k 1·11 1!1 I hi' ~"" ll(•rMnllno il.ttend . 1 m"untnin~ 11I'Y~ 10 t hr pArty are Tbe next Board nf Oln<:tora .,_ntlnn ,lonr~ Hlll \\ """" N'U.. meetlnt will be hrid on Augul!lt J ll<•h t:lll .• IIH k (•r,rt C,tnrleo Sit· 12th. l<•n llnr .. ht H P51•·rh Jnhn Pobl· mnn l'l\\'1(1 fil)r('lnr~ H ill'\' (:ay· Bamboo Room Girl n••r anJ Hh hard ();'<l.t I Married in Seattle Mrs. J\l arvm Mot lrc Return · from Visit I t'rl••nW. nf M 11110 J)()rothy Cbur.•h 1 of Balboa. whn hA•I thr rN•tau(&nt 1 'In Mu rphy's &mbtlo Room. hl\\'f I jull Jeame,l (•f her marna~te 11n :'l't• :ll.lf\111 .\l•~•r• l"t llnvd to J ulv !) t n .h·an L . LA-11ndrr nt • h' r """''' .•l ~··li '1~1·1 •'' "• n~.I Sf'~lllf'. \\'ash :-;,"I"''' II• ·~ht• 1. •.• , "''' k nfler ThPy n•turntJ F'rl•lay llfl«'r " '•~ I"'.: "'' h r••l.tf ,,.,., •• ~11\•Y.-1 bantym .. un at Snnta 1\ArbllrR. and' , .. n. ~''""""" tr ~' •" ''' • rtrwt I bave an apartment In Balb<•IL trr htllk !lwtt••f"r ''" ,,.,.,. Md -------------, "h•· f \'J"•II" II 1111\' i' I'•• o1 ~A ft l 'hlln.-:r ~ ~h·• ~1tH ~·.: "·•t h her mrothl't Rlld N\•'1' f~tlh• r Mr IUlCl Mno A•hll,..,n t:.t""' ·' n,,,· Ed· WI\TdiO ~·nt lh1'1t ''"'= •rdll t .. their many fr~t·nc!~ "h•• Kr<' hrN" Everyone Enjoys I CAROLYN'S I FLOWERS Tbe prta I offert'd for ·~ For my 1111&11 !daop is "'oa, 'ftaab for your ·~ au of you. . ~ It's~ a aot ol.f~ 'fte~~ Dollan worth. Goeato•--·--So t ...... ~....... E. Jl ca.-tile...... . Heft ... The MOM and TOT .. c-......... ,. .. c.-... Jbr, ('eiUerwAa aad wby no'-? ••• she·s a SPAR! \Vhat's mor~, that'!l not the half of it ... Many SPARS these daJS are keep- ing milit.:1ry secret~, for the SPARS are doing Coa:-t Guardsmen's jobs---and doing them well. You,otoo, can~ a SP:\R. Fi~t you must have ambition enough to do ~mething at once. Then, if you have two years of high school, ·or the bu~ille~!' ~quiva1ent, are 3Q American citi- zen, phy ... ically fit, brtwee~ the ages of 20 and ~6, you can enlist today . ·!. you un m ake a substantial contribution to the war effort by ~ing a(s p A Rir~g partner with Cotst Guards. men against tM axis ... Think it over,;. iousJy. ftM Mt..ww.n~•--11&1 ~ . !lei ... .._._ ....... ~··.....,N~--CASINO CAFE t t I I I I 1'4 I t t ........ I I I f • e: 4 ... I I I e4 ·~· ........ J ••• I .................. --. 4 • I 1 I f I •• I I t I I f I t •• 1t