HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-08-01 - Newport Balboa News Times11 AID CRAB for 3& yean the best advertising . medium iD 6t newport harbor district ••• the .newspaper that pee tac.e ., SAM ltOAT LIJI'E. Most of ua • haw been misled. Always the lmpreuion has prevailed that owning ·a boat is too rich for the blood of Mr. Av-~rage Otlzen. Hany' Cart- Set' comes forward and lays thla canard at the bottom of the aea. Perish the thought! Cheaper than operating your auto and much tnore tonic and build-up than a car that bas to be opera~ all the time if you would stay on earth. You see Harry deals in boats and he has just re- turned from a leisurely· cru1ae to Ca~ where he communed with nature and the wild waves and cleansed his mind of all unrela~ ideas and got back to basic living and His Maker. "Did you ever sail into the sunset on the wide Pacific!" he asks. U not then you have much to live for. ''Own your boat; it's medld.ne al~r 40; Its cost and upkeep is a lot of ho- kum. For pure contmt- ment, away from the strife and tunnoil of the busy marta. you find ~ce and younelt. This businesa ot heavy expense in scraping the bottom and painting twioi a year, is not grftt. Ten dollars will put a boat on the ways; you · can scrape and paint it yOW"'Ieef. just as you would polish, your car, and when you get on the broad Pacific, nothing is more enjoyable than a cruise with or without your frierps. Just u you please. lt'a the life and there is no grea~r compensation than g o i n g where you please without the danger of traffic and no dan- ger to satety, because weath- er charts gives you all the warnings in am~e time-.'' • • + r I a Olnllict seems to be near between · the com- mercial fashermen and those ·who have placed restrictions on the fa.shing wa~rs. Coast Guard orders are to close areas for target practice. 11lese orders come from the Eleventh Naval district and there ic; no other al~mative but to comply, 'Tis said that more firing range has been added and reports that the ban might be lifted this wa-k seem to be without founda- tion. Fis hermen are wroth and say that it is impossible to fish for food when they are barred from the ocean and that the best grounds are those now used for firing practice. Coast Guard de- Bay Boncla I to End War Qukkei NllW~IfT 811AC~. CALI,.O,.NIA, TU·~Y, AUGUaT 1, ,.._. Donald F. Griffin, Engineer of Endowed Los Angeles Group. Tells C. of C .. Directors Help Will Be Given Shoreline Problems ' I: 111<!14'11 c· !=I lt'HIJ' nfl\\ A ("hap· ! .. rnol to dll' nltonP talhtr than lam in · tllf' M'I'Vtn • IUIIJ lht' rtak t.hP ltVt'll t)f hill rnn1rlldl'1t )oJ('(hodfat Ullnillter Whfl WIUI ln· and thf'~ tf.CI droVo• nn ctMfm<>ntal tn l'll.lrltn;: and build· -'fhf'n a , HtAin ('haJ>laln piiMf'd tntr the prr~nt C"hrl11t C"hun:b by lh~tl WI\)' rarryonJ[ 8 ho!y for !ht' RPA tdtfil'... hiUI bc.~n t.lning bunA.I and e!K'Ortf'd by A K'IJ&rJ II( lluns;:f' In the St>ulh f'arollC'. ar· th~ men Thf'y 10., uw the , nnhn~: l fl a letlt'r rl"('elvt'd by T th•• !'1/PWII·Timt'll frmn \\'uhang· "•'•·n~ In all •l" horrcor hf'y knew l•>n. f t f'. frum lhf' f'VH~nCf' nf lhrlr l')'t'.! BALBOA M.ES FOllows Mother To ·Grave in 2'Weeks . nies any fishermen 's licenses have been revoked .Cor re- fusing to stay out of the fir- ing area, but some fisher- men decla.re they have been lhllt a fnrr-e rqual t n lht'lr ()Wn ChroJI:lon Rlrrup 111 a nativP u f haol ~M-en WIJ'>4'<l oul but nonl" the ('lrn ""·'' OhH•, where hl11 fathu l(')ll' fht'y ~toppt'<l the• 'trut'k 11nrl ''"II f, r man~· )'t'Bt'll . a mtnl.t('r. dtS<'''''"'"f'd that one man at 1ea11t barred. + + • 11.. \\'Bl' Jt'fllc1u<Jl•·d from Stanf•Jrd rt-maine•1 allvf' T n thPm tho . l'nlvenuty and Drew ThffllOJ:h'al wounded man ~avt' the ll&ltl<' <lmi· PORTRAIT.:.::.:.~~=~ Slot ---L•--. Quite a "' rt hJ b h d ..._,,~ • "mmary. ll t>r "" r " llf'r\'C' 0<)111 •·ammc. 'Don't slnp. kr•'fl hubbub has been raised over ~IC'lhfldm rhurchu In t.be Routh. g. one. l.hf' Jllpl! will JtP( YOII . the slot machine situation in o•rn \..alifumta Cmfel"f'JlC'P Thl" Chaphlln lnqutrrd where> lhl' the (..'OUnty. ~V. Edwards. lrt 1937 hP ••u ineta.Jif'd u J av-..... r .. and thf' wrmndPd mRn who is no OOUbl seeking J'll~tlnr nf lhf' Flrwt PTI!ab)'Urt.an potDtf'd tn a gT'fJ'-'1' t)f lrP!'ll ,.,m,. publicity in his race for the I' hur<'h, LynrhburJt. Vlr;::-tnla. '"?"' hundred yanla away anti llh.,..l~l Jegi.slature from the nOrthern V. hi.ch ht' t'ni('J"f'<l tbr r haplaiocy 'f'l~ht or lC'n nf lhPIL, 'lVt'l' lhC'tt' ·- t!J'ld Of the COunty. has S(>iU'<J 111 IP42 ht> •·ni.NI "In I!Jlll,. nf lhll! Wllrnlrtg that SOITle $15,()()() WOrth Of de-' In hut f •tmmWitC'AIIon 8. (nrr,. dnublf' l.hf'ir ""-TI Wl\l!, vires. Locally the machines . flf fnll""'" ('Ofli"O'a leol In Jl"llltloo .. ,., advlln- we"" qwe· tly cJ~...A "';thout -·~":", :~~ a ~w':·nc ,~ '7,nrlv '"11" rPn<l v '" • ''' tho•m .,,,wn. •"' ~" r w• t tt , .. ,. ... ,..,n a ar un~:: and ajt1llnst thP P''''""' nr Itt•' the fanfare of a J'aid. These <IUipt•~t n: It !"IIUUlWf'l!l Pat 1(11' ""''""''' <1 rnron hlflll'l'l( thl' ('http· morwy machiOl>S f\aV(.' been l!'ll\nol aOIJ l.he Army Cl'ffi!'lf'r\ bon r~nol tw• ;:u;uol r llmt""l •rr1m operdting for SC\'Cr<tl years far 1" th,. rrar ft I"''IM t hruu~:h thr ~>nmrmmrtv<' ll"•·urlly rof th••lr and it st>t.'m1'i odd that II poJi-a Jnpnnrl04' inli'~lf'tl 11'' ,milo 10 t nt~ anti 14••rtl In lh•· BJ<I'I!<I;onr•r Ia r <I nnol t h<•l'•' v. "" 1 nl\'1'1 ll :u,. , tical job had to be nl'('('S.-,.;)1')' "'"'"'~ in rlan,I!Pr "' JUlff)('r frr ...... r lhrn 't~mra 1 1' ~loll """'"~·· to start citizens on the trail In~ tllat h•· w1111 trnuih,.d any""" '' 1 <•MIItn J""l' fnntntn~ng (nur to put thi'm OUt of UUSin('S.';. ...,olfh"r!'l \\ o•nt \I till \':Jl}' llllf1 (f•ll llllo f, (hp~· ~t\fiU)tl llll\'1' \hPffilO<•h"'ll \\'e all "play' '1lwm; th<l1 nt•• ·' -'"''""'':,. amou~" " wllr~.oh l.hl' f'harlnm tuul Rn<lltl"r mnn 001'1' U\P Wfo\JOohd 11\Dn ''' lh• Spirit Of ~amiJJing iS in m~t l<llt1••l IWII to( I hi' mrn llllil."lntly lrtlo k V.ftdr ltlf• T'f'!<l II( lttr l:llhld of us a ndJlOW that lhl'Y 31'(' ""'' ~~~ lhfo 'llll•r ,, .... ran f<or lh•· ,. ...... , ... 1 tho•m \\llh lhl'll' W"fll•''"" c)Q6ed, \\'Oat Other fOfffi Of !'llf')to r•n,: f flt'Pl'L I Ul lh••m •1•1\\0 :. ... 'wl'll Afto·r lh<'tr a m))U"h•'tl Hll\'tnj!: tclf• ly rlni'•·•J hom Ill ..... gaming will appear'? ,., ht•l•· u ... v rl'lurn'''' ,,, ""' •·rtlttn • • • "'-'" t• tit•• ~>nrmy I<<•UJ;:ht "'llh '"")'Q-v. ttol h•·r lh•· "' h••r lllro·,. nu•n W•·r•· \\'hy Not~· A sub~ril.x-l' ~~~·~~~~ ':::~; ·,;,~,~~'"a~~: ~: ~~; •h atl nn•l nnl) a rt,.r lh<•\' lw t writes: "\\:as glad to sec Ilk! who wru alt\'f' walt·h,.J the mrvl·· <N1nln lh<'V "'"''' '11'1 lhf'\ I r r"tum ''' th,. tnwk ami u srrv lh•· right in the mid0 e Of ront I'OP tU h .. Jay Hl) \hl' J;fi')Un•f w•IUn•l~'' miUl ''' th" h""f"'"' page a Bible \'Crse. Mieah r .. , m~: 11t'11t.h Jlr· ~w tb,.. .lnr"' ti:M. a wonderful verse to Jive rf,m g toward tum. 1 l(•~··d htil "On lhP r """Y t.hf'y met 11 pa. d f It 'h h I th I , lrr·l llt'nl out '" I h" !If'""" h\' ''"~' by .... {his day or strain. es-n f' .. n ma " u• .. th b t 1 h h t "'·t ro( til" lt'''"l'l' t hat haol pAAAetl ......~ .. tty th,.., of us who have " a 0~" P uong 111 c ~'~' "" ~--"""" he nl've,._ lr,.t l"oruKI"Wlnes~ In lhat Wll\' \\'h••n thr patrol 11r· boys in service On the high Sf'(lf' ('f( hl!f'many WOWlda riv&J th"V ffit'l thoo J&J'fl 11.nd In A seas or elsewhere... MW!t .. A cnt.aln vehiCle paaAt'd lhat lllllrrr I lib 11111 ... 1 lttoffil' whUr thf' «:::nfess the verse was· used as I w~ .. and v.·bt'fl rt Mw u... -.:-e.ne relll l'l!lf'aJM""I Why lh" l'llemy ""' a "filler", ~anlng that of ca~~' It put flll llpft!d and n...t n,... oo the OI•Pia.ln IU\d hta News-1llnes printers alwa¥5 .IIOUr;ht satety In a """11 fon..i<krPd 0'1,... ._, • ., •hall nP"V•r knll'lll' " haw a oolUI1lll\ ol items to nllht. Anntber ~I! came by ----- Ulle ln the llt1e holes that the ac-and peu.ed to aacerta1a HI'IWit CVdlJnr at th,. John t Olllbe at the en4 ot columns. ~r lbeh' -T'f' "IU\y llvtar Hai«b hMDe on tbf' Jaland wu he 1be woun~Sed mAll raulled IUelelf )lr, Elwf)Od Parkln~Mn of V..1 1be Yel"'e: "What doth t 011 hla elbow Uld _".,., t.bttm CIII"',AIIf'P,Iea Yra Parllln.an t. t.be Lbrd I:'W!ql.lire ol ~. but to abouUDr fMbly, 'Don't lltop. ~~~ aoloUit M 8L Vlllf'ent cbun:h tn , dO Justly, and to love mrn:y, 1..-... &.be Jap. wtn ~.t J'O'L' 11M a.-Aaplee and came ~ ta ~ UMf walk humbly with thy -IJI t.M tnaek MedH t.1w .,_. .a60Utt at St Jofta \'lAnMy God!" warnilla-of •· bn" IDan wt.o "!: t.trt l'~y .- . . - . . • More Men Leave For Service Wed. '\Jj• ut.,r • uuUn.c;r nt ttf ,.,.,, ••.•• I,.. , , .. rtt..r•''''''"~ wtll tntra"' \\ • lov .. 1 •v Au.: :1. Itt 7 .11 It) f ur ' '~<~• tu.u '''' .... rv,,,. tn th,.. Aruu-.1 t ••• 'I if 'lUtUtt..: ••• Uti ILIUtfftltfl f "''''·' to\ .At11ft o•w .f l h•vuollu I ' t ~ I r .. Jh•l .... ttl tit 11ft ,,.,,., •• l•"'r ,, '-'"" ''' t .,,. uwu ;v•~ tnv tt•·tl ,. '" I••· ,, Jloo• •t"U"" f;, ·IIIII ll•t·ru • 1 • t1U I A'.)1 'l1tr )' tt•avr lrtt .. t ttw ~ 1 1':t~tf tf ,fo;l•"'t(lc • Jf"JWtf,, 4!r.ftt Kt••l ' •oll/fl 11••111• 1 /Uti, Nrwl"'"' 11-'111 to ,, Produce Market on Newport Blvd·. •In New Hands Th~ Clr&llJt" C~nly 'a•,.octuc·.- '""rl< .. t d C.abnll" trl,....,l an•l !'1/r,., l"'r1. butll.,vard hu bo-rn pur- '' lu••• •I ••Y Mr and Mrw, 1. J llut j '"" "'. l'allmc-M, I'M'IU' Yunuv-1'1•,.~· hav" rtpt'tlf'od lhf' mart.~. IUid hiH? • .. rrylna fi'C~ &Dd fruitA, ,.,rj w"(,rm~lcle ft"ffm U...r ran1•h ., ••• ,.,, ,,.,." f 'ultth it .......... ut. "',Ill l ot /\11 1 ;tftd f 'p• I I .\1, d \\t l f ,,,,. , ....... tttlt d . l!tl\\ ,,,, ''"' J hru t l 'f ,,, Itt v ..... , . tHffld \41 f l IV 1t•l•d lo, th•• f"'" ,.,. ''' ,,lj ~rl!ft• I \It J••t I ""' \l r II 11l• \ ft f\' ,,.,.,,. tf lu 1r tnh•ttf h •n ••I ,.,1,,,, "'''"~' ·u,1 ,._.. h11 , ' .... •·\. ,., , r"' ,, "'•I • II•' Ul \1 llt"l \o\olj lw •,,,,.,.h\ ArJ'-' 1.\ f '('"''''ttntd•· f 'tttd~ •"' I"'''"'J••I lt•l :tUf;, 1,..,. J,J, IU'd l••lt• futlt ftt lrr!. HH' 11\•tlfHfJte "" ''" J'r• .. tutl" ,,, llltftl f ·,,,ff,h, ''"''•''' ,,, '"'' , .... , .... ,}. w .... ,,,,,. '" .... ,,,....,.,., lfltll ""' lt.IHfltiV IH>'IIUIJit•cl l1)' lt,o• <'I nwo) V.ltf'll h•• WI;, lit I /lflllll'f•d II)" ,,;,. ''""'""'""l ·n, '"'""' ''"' .,,. ~)llf>•llrtl{• 11 ltw I 'rott<on 1 ""' h rruok•· qu• •m ulo•ul l>•·lllllJ! f,,, tlr• S~.rt> ~~~ Ktnc"-Wlltt•h rlr" I"' 1~·• 1 .. r '"''"'r" '"\fll .. 'mtn.: u ... n,.x, m•·•·l A<ll{ l:t, I!J-1 I I · \V•'ttlh<'f' d••11r, tr~t~ k '"~' OHIO PICNIC a t lntllu All "UU< lf,.y,..' uf • Ul• llatbr-r I Th,. I''"''"""' lftd...t. U. mar M"Cllun ant loYit.d ·lo •tt'lld lh• l!,.l .llnd a rwt..a.nc. In Uw ,...ar, 1 annu&l pltnll" 11( t.,.. Ohtt• AlAI~ IU\d th .. y •..-:t to .-.t McJ tm 'w .. toty t, bP ...,.., ~nday, Avr pr<N~' ttl,. ~J' ' fl In Ulllb)' f)&ttl W l\lf 1\rarh 1.• '" I'""''' AT LAST! • ST IPLES ·~ ,_r lfand M ... hl-u-arYhfld! "'r, fiAVr,_ Tot Staples Presto " " Arrow " " BoKti'tt>h ., " Hot<-hki88 " " Ace " " ............... ... A,tftt to a Ito• ..... Newport Balboa NEWS· TIMES .. ,. w. O..tnl, !'C~ .... / ., . I • • • .. • • ,_. "''wo __ _.:_N~£WPC'~...:...:..RT:...:....:.·B_A_LRO __ A_NEWS-___ TIM __ w_s_. _N_ew_'PGI.;;.._1>--:-Bee_c:h_._c_a_li_fom_ ia, Tueeday, Aui'Jit 1, 1944 ~~-.----~-~-.-~---~-F-~-~-N-~-~~~ A~~8 ~~ l h~~n· ~~O~U=R~D~EM~O=C~R=A~C~Y~~~~~=~~~D~n7~-R7~~U7~-n-~- ._. ..... tnutan llated ar I Jtfferaon, lot 610 ol Newport Dall c.. I•L MEN MERC ·Senice to Apin Ada c. .,._ .... t4 Marlolt A. M•• tract; Tboma.a Itt. Bouch•y I Ill j or THE Start Aucrnst 14. RMee _. wtte, Job 21. 22 u.d 23 and wife t.o ~ T . Rf'dmon T 1 ...,..., .... , Co rl 1 f!tU +----_JD Wack.. liLQL no -•IJ<'lllon to and 'll'ife. l<lt 29 In ~k K of. 0 ~ I I Newpon B.qtlu; Cit~ Na· tract !'118, Balboa. 1 UaiiU '1n1t1t aod Sa!lnla ~ of f'oel't'y c Smllh and wltf' '-Aqelee to I """'UIY \\ B.-..1· 1't1arlra \V Wardf'n aDd wift• tM!rCl ball ol lot 16 a.nd aJI nl h.t 24 ln hltw'k 14 nf Balbc. trart IT ot tnk't I Me. C"nrona li_<'l Mar: 1 11lrfllc e F: Kohler tn Lydia A • C!wuiee W · Hlt.ITUon ll, Ednll H I; mu l••t 2 In blo ~ k I J nf t rat<t llarpot.en. lou . T anol tl. ID blOX'k i i 2. NI'~'I>Ort &tu"h; carl 0 Ha. 141 ol ,_.bdlvt.lon of ( ••N Klll drl tl'tlr r anti w ift· to •--rank L Mar; ~hWIIb tond v.i tl'. part Of lnt !\'.: IDea 0 . Law~r to tbl llarrotr nt f'o:l'wJ••rt tir ~hts (" A All.,n &ad wtte. lot U In triW'I :Jiill. ~"~·•t~ and '~~'"" t.n Hoy w ' R~h IUlll "-; Lulu Mae ArmhrlJ•tl'r to w1fl-part (I( tnt 67 lu lrart ~- .J. w. Ht~ Banlu ftnd wu~. r aJI'o)mla Awouuio Orrh..rd I lot lJ ta tract 376, Cc•ta ~-. ArN'tl C'c'Sta MrN I a.tba E. Mom• tc• t-:<l,:u R ~ ADd wtte.' lot ~ In block <'1t y nt N,.wpn').. Or.tl'h t., 141·n 1 t Of tr.et 323. OHwl" ..&cl War; 110n11n Hnmm•ond ""'' wt•.. l••t 9 R.lcMrd N. CUnningham to W T. In hltw'k 211 nf F"'not a ctdotlc.n to ·-Nt>wpon IJ<-1\r h ' lclll At C:a.:,. to ---------------. Vr ml)ft I l..'oua and wtt~. tnt 4 FOI MEl aiMIIOYS • ---.... ..... .,. M tnct 947. C'olltA M.-.a; l d1a Ca(C' ln fldllh n oau. lut 3 ln l ntrt 847, C'nt~ta lolf'tll:'l, W ilham I Wolf and wife tn W . L. Rmllh &nd 111'1tf'. 1nt 9 ln block 33 of F'\rat addition to Nrwpnrt H•ll!'hl•. I nonon~e o. stnrf'r to ett•riC'JI C f'l~ and •1ft' lnla !I an<l 1 1 In bloc:-k 63tl ot O>rona df'l Mar , Wllllant Abbott 1\obrrt.on to Uoyd C Olrtt.. aM wlff'. Int. I IM and 1!11 of ln l"t 907. Nnvpnrt Be.cb; CIU•n. National Tno"t and .cflayl.n~re Ban kf' ot Loa -"n. ltt'IN tn .'rank J tfally and wt.ff' lot 7 ln block %32 of Ccwona. del lttl&r; Minnie L. Brown tn Ollwr L. Allt..JD and wltr. tot 4 In 1 block T ,_ tract 323. Corona <ld 1 MAr; AU THAT t5 u:PT Of MAUN. •• al4 Cud!MMio• .. een-... ~ l*nte4 11ty .. ae4 Ar•y, •• ahowa ll•re lA the cll•rr•" -r..n ..... ••1 .... ..... O.ly ;.helliteoua who eue,.4 M•lh whn the C.ernu• ru ...... .tl .... •-dtMe .... he~ .... to llo wwlain& ia the ••••. an4 tllr• ~ .... i-..-4 f,.. t1w I"''""'' ll•iltlolltt. Unulel~ Mel .. eeoelle --,.,.. el U.O.. .-4 Leu~., ,.. occt~p .... Clcclloalov•llia. Ill lhP 1'11!11' of ().viJI,. n .... , loci'' I• h•·rrnHn /lP~tin~t thl' <1tv o1 ""-trt Rt>~tc-h. r!f'('l•lon Wll« f'Pn· ,, "··II ~f()nrtnv by SuP1'ri01: Court .I '" ••. FrH nkltn w~· In •hn ,.,. ,, .. • tl!;ot thf' WTit of prohihition '" •·~• h1 1 ho> hi~tho>r C'Oitrl llf'IPn~t c···· .Juri~P 0 A. Jonf'<' , .... ;nl! thP 1 •• , w11~ tlll•!!n l. 11nd thot lh,. • -.h~oulrl 1>4-tnf'd m ttK> lnt•al • 11!1 1 • ''"1""'' Thomrt"On, c-ltv uttomPv. • .,., ..... n,,.d lhr• Nly, anlf oftlrinl!< '' I •· '"'ro'oofl t htH no action will tw 1 I n lnr· Ill !fays, • ll tnl 1~ f'hllrJ:f'd with ob«tnt<'l· 11 • lho• w atr rw11_v to Rtvo Alto •' •nn•·l hv thl' iiiN:al mooring ol '" •I• nnrl thl' constn.t<"lion of 11 •'" 11n1l hn10 h<-t•n III"I'P'<tt•rl on ... 1 , •• •tl tlf'ra•lon". Ht-hnc 10 day~ "' whwll to dPcick> • w.h~tht:>r to •I •nil t•uol '" lhP lnral root'1 llt~e r~·ul 11gainc1 Judge We!'t'' dt'f'i,ion: n" l'lkr• lh€' ma ttt>r to the Appt+ latr C'Ourt. War Chest Sends Medical Snoplies To Soviet Front Importance of medical woplles anti equJpment ar,Dtt t4 tbr Soviet 1,,. P 1·aalan War Rel'ef wu em- rhul:ted by P . A. Palmer. cbaJr· n a.n nt the Newport Beach-Bat- ooa Wa r Cbe•l. In makiD~ public 11 report recelvf'd today from -the Ftuu •an ~lid orcantutton. "Million. or Red Army 110ldtrr• Y "re wmmdf'd In act1on durtng 1H3," tbe cb&Jrman polnt.ed out, TCMV oua M!ltCMIWT SAILOttS ~ AOAIN.CAIUtYIH6 TH« WAll 'TO OUil «H«MIE5- FI6HTIN6 $HO(ILDDl TO SHt:Jtlt.~ W17N tJtM MMEP RJ«ES, T1IEY M6 ._UW~ING ~ 6IJIJIIS71J 1Nt MmiRttJNIS . WHERE VICTQW WILL IJE W~J. D. Squire•. Ienior ez&mlMr ol Orangt county for the .tate de- partment of motor vehlclea, bu announced tbrough Pollee Chief R R Hod&'klnaon that drtverr llcenal' Mrvlce will ~ ruumf'd ln Newpurt B e a c h an~ lAI'UDD Beach bc•ginnlng tbr week ot Aug. U . I Apptoc:attorut may be made In N~""l>Orl nn Thurllday, Aur 17, and earh Tburllday tbrrea.tter . I anJ in Laguna Beach on Tureday, , Aug 1!1. and on each .ucefdlnc Tuesday. J'tlr aervlce w111 br giv- en by !If r F1etchl'r of Loa An- gt>lea. f' • ~ Mary Bndy lo RAymond A lboalu and wlfe, l<lt S4 In block 10. of raubdl~ ol •cUou I. Balboa laland; ftol»rta L. Bn>WD· yard t4 Prenl._ Moore and wifr. lot 210 ol ti'Kt lOT. Newport &Mdl; J_,.... btnc' lo Jobll P'. llnDIM &ad wile. tot. IT and ll 1D block • ot Nowpon Beech: William C. er-u.d wtle to A W. Banaea aDd wttr. lot 4 In b&oc k A of lnd Mt, l:ut ODIIta Me•; ElliDor Maria o.-y to WtUI&Ir R. O.rill! loot U Ia 111ock B ot tract lUI, Balboa; ~'!Menor Paynr t4 A.rUiur Dr"m......, and wllr. lot II of tnct 27t. R.oc.heloter David Holtby Has your Friends and Mine "but Soviet military phy.lclan• --and wrreon. with the belp ot unseen Cousin for I Mrl. Dan Uoodbody ot JCa.t -drup, la.t~enta and materiala Bay F'rnnt Ia luvl.nr fOf' a .a llllpplled bv Ruaatan War Rellt'f. Bunkmate in Eire Wf'f'iu varatlon at San Malo a..eb. 111\Yf'd the llYN ot M .t percent or M"'. Morrland Ltltbold and ber them. Morrover. frcm 73 to 80 lavy Ckief Reports Savinp of This is a $135,•,• Fint Six Months of '44 crankcase COSTA MESA LUIIIIER CO. Blodl. er.ta MN&. ..................... 9··························· E toR BUILDING INFORMATION ~ ! ••• ; -S..-• • .: Bay District Lumber Co. : : WALTER' I. IPICEA. OwMr : • • : Newport Bead~ : • • : 111 .... " ....... ' ........ : •: At'"-A,.._ _ 1150 : II ••u un~r tb~ ahadow or thr tamou. Blarnry Stone tbat Srr· •nd Lt DavhJ Holtby. A A P', aoo -t Mr anc1 Mr11. D. W . H'oltby of une Wr.t Oc~an rront. mr t for ~ ttnt u-. bla cowin. Captain k rt Hnltby. of ~atllr. Lt HnUb\• wu arnt to nortbrm ll"f'l&Dd att~r nocelvlnr bla com· ~ and upon arrival. wu u - t~m('(J to hltt quart.-ra Whf'n he f'blerrd thr room. hr notlu4if lug· r-cr markf'd Hohby had ~lrt'ad)• dauchter Mrllr'ld a have beeo ID prrcent of the w~ returned Loa Anrelu for tbe paa week. 1 to act •ve OJ'hUnc fronta." To aave money for the U .S. •nd for maintenance ot naval Mr and )lrl! Bill Hdrul wbo Ru•an War ReJirf I• one of 19 Navy whrrrvtr .. vtnr wu IX»' 11hnrr utabllshmrnt.." a rc• a t homt-aboard their ~~ war-rt'latf'd orcanlz&Uon• lnclud· l':urplue M11trnal board• haY'! "FouT W lnda" wt-rr r l&d to have ing USO. United Seamen'• Ser· elble. a gTeat englnf't'r. head of placed Into ··1~eful llervlcr material tbrlr aon home on leave. He Ia vtce. War Pn.onera Aid, and liS one of the w or ld '• large• ron· tUid equipmrnt valued at 19~.:;:.1.·· 1.\'11 " t il• lotcrrhant Marine. •1 reaapr and rrllef ll&'eDCIH, which •tructloo p roj«IA. looked around 4:10 in the flral lfl,x mo'l~ of Lt. Commander WH Smith of] rf't·dve wpport trom thi local fnr likely trpots to effect t con -19H. thr-C'nast r.uard t'O\IId br MeJl aD fund-n'•lnc-tedc!ntlon. j omlet~. ConltilJction equipment r~pa.lr tlnv Sunday squiring a good man~Wedk:al ·and wrctcal llllpplle• Now Vlrc-Admiral ~n MClrel'l. depot11. al80 eetahlll!hrd In J unr. Sp11rs up anll down lhl' t.y. ~ , t'l.n•ltuted 32 pereent of tbe total Chlrt ot tbr Nnvy'a Bureau of 1.!143, havt-so far· this YPtlr u ha- Mn• J ua.n1t11 F.lllott 111 ~~" e of Ruaalan War f«-hel wolp· Yar<lll :1nd Onrk"· ri'J10rl.ll that t-1lotnted 'tlnJ rf'tllmf'd to Mn·lce trnm a lltAy In Loe AnRelu. Her mf'rjta. l;he "'port diiiCIClHd. The durfnJ: thr firM. s •x month• of wo«>d !ruljnr t:'qll\rmf'nt vatu .. ~ Rt fatbrr . )tr . rhRrlr11 Watrner. Ia rrll•f agftlcy &J.o ern~ clolblog. thi• year cnn~~ervationa or nl'arly S 254.824 \'I'TV Ill at thr C'llli'om la ho.pltal.l S••ed• and fond8tufte tu tbe So· $1 3!\000,000 w.-r<' rrRde by thC'• IJ'hrough c'lnl·nwln<'l' nr tlli IJ'Il· Wr llfl\1 M nt J im Ltwt. Cit 1 viet. Burt'au undf'r ht. ·watchful f'}'e lry of puro'hR"'n;; UH'I.i ho>nvv Paaadena art duwn for a mone.. ------I The C<'lfl~~ervatil)fU were not •C'l\lllpmrnt .. 'th h ll'f rllllrw, J r'\rl!. wit h thl'lr thrPI' chilllrl'n Veteran Carpenter -~·actually mqnf'tary 11aW~g11 but rrnnr ,. anct lt><'nmntlve .... tn•l h.-~>•·y , The under side of your engine is enclost'd by a thing called a crankcaae. ~ This is a sort of swim- ming pool where hard- working engine parts splaah around in 01otor oil to keep from gt>ft i ng over- h<:'aLed. •... ; •..•.••.....••....•....•.•..•................ rr•\'i'<l flnd hr wu IUrprllll!'d that It wu t.bf'r.-110 IIOClD. Upon clnwr ..-rutlny, h.-noticed tbe tlrat namr hf'!or.-b'• family name wu ''Capt. Brrt." By aome atroke of food fortune. Dllvld !lad bern u- • lmNI ll room wllb bl• own COWIIn whom hr hod nrvn mrt hut of wbnm hf' had hurd a j:TrRt dt•lll u Capt Holt by had bt>t'n 11 ~;t~l'~t In ="•'"' port &-arb ln Onviti'R "!>- .,..,. ~ E Roudlnot repon. M • ed e&ft~dy mabl.,d the Burrau duty ·tru•·k,, lh~ hurra1• 1\(lt'f't!d that hf'r liOn ,,. naw ovcraru ln oore Dies, Ag 68 I to l!l•np!Pmf'ntary budgc>t ll ('On.llt'rYI'•ofl valut'rt at ~IJ·S.~I the Suuth Pari fie arC'Il. Purift'&J acrvtcu 111," r., hC'It.l r.-quH by tb~ a.mnunt. Ruo·h lt~>m" 11 r•' rtji'.'lclly inA~•-·t ... l l M n• <A-orgf' Yardley ot Balboa I Tbu l"'lday •t thl' Smith anti T ilth• II "Rurphtll llfater111l hnnrol8. Pl!t.ah. nn.t llnoll't· '" :If' l"ame t~'•l.i that GORDOI B FIIDL~ Y OOHTaAC!'O& _. a1111PE& . -..·n,.· STEAL DIAMOND RING RrJ10rtrd '" thr JY>Iu t• l'latum MAINTENANCE AND 'REPAIR by an lnl!uranr" r••mp~tny. n "'"'· VR SPI'.CIALTY mum nnol oliam• nd rln~t wtt.• ln"t 0 • l'llturda,y hy ~hltlrrol w .. l ... r, ::()7 Cabinet Shop Serv1ce . AgRtr ~trl'o't, Jllltbnn '"'an" -nw Oftlee . , · Caw-t Shop r1nJ!' Wall u lut•ol al $1:100 :utll "Ill .... c..& 8hd. m snth St. at>t ··llh two largr anol 10 llmRII .._ m ft. ta-.J cl•anlllflll~ It ntR~· hA\1' 1'\f'o'n X&WIOWI' ~ CALIJ'. lhr'rn''11 out ln tnuh u It wnl! ~==~~~~~~~~~:-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:-',_l ,·ufrlnn~a.r11y k,. I' t wmrpt•d In -= raJM'r • HEROES 0~ THE ' HOME FRONT WAIWICIC PENNY, doo""""" of w., lol.ol 'reci!KI;o•. l •ooUyo <;1-•plor "'"'., co• llocl Cron ltoe4t J1 000 loci C•ou •o·l••• ;. ho• ,j;,o .. d u".~., ... , .... , ... "", ••ott ... they ...... ··": .. ()4 010 ho"" el ~~ • ., ,,,.. •. p•odvu d )4) &00 9''M'"'' o•d IS,4!>4 9)1 tv<9•Ul doon•"9'! Ho• ••'r oOo ·• •• tt.. A;, fe•cot. ' 10 NAt 0 TISSOT, • I '• ac .... el T-.o11 "I t..• ....... "'•"f M•-F .... ••co•4t ;~ •••"Y .... .. ol ••••• , ............... ",, .............. . ·.,.. • to. "~~ c.llect•4 '' le"t ol ... 1. .. ..-: _ .. , w ........ o .... :." '" ..... ., -....... .,. •4 '.000 ...... ... .... ... ,_...._Heie ........ I 1811\nol 1.<1 havinj!' II. j.,'TOUp ln to Mortuary, Santa Ana~ few wmtam liM'INI in Jtln!' or 1!14:1 hnvo• <'0!1· 0(\\ '"11lltl"' rol r• t'eiVI' lcw•k """r th~> plr lures tbllt Wf'T'C' Henry M0<1r.-. 68. r rtlred <'II.T'J'f'n-t nbut,.,l ""' hH'::_•'r ruupnrt 1,.n uf Tho· I '<11 '' r.1 • nn Jt•!'l'l • r'" rll lakrn nt l hr 11\NithnK of Franrul trr. li<' died at hill homr. Pall· lflp ~ ''''"J!";--"·"" \' ,,. Atlmiral I""'' 1h11t •I • • """" t•'l! t .. t·tlong Hft n'o'y ~hi'ITiff!l. Thoat' invltrd adell R04ld, attr r a t.•nl! 1 ...,, • ..,. !l!arPo•l "~11rp•11,. mr~ltnal ,11111 $11\ 0'111 11(111 I hr 111:h t'tll lllll'lu•nt. I II I 1 h d h t 1 1 1 1 , .. llrran:•t•nnr ••• '' ttn•'!llf. '' ·•ntl " nn~: tt !'an• w r an &YC' a 1 S urviving are bJ• •'idow. Stella. • qoupmt'n a o ''''"'"" ,., • th' l<l , I• ••k ttrl' Mr!l. n txon Smith, Mrll. and two 8()nll, Harold .. r 1-'nluu•r' rl'dUt lllon In 8 1 I, ... If l''ujl'l'll' ;on• I ( :J 'II r ll atot)ns. Rc•llnnfl lll•d~tkl,nl!nn. Mr~~ C'&m· Alal!ka. a nt.l t-:ennPth 11 RllniR .... ,.8118,. 11! l'um11·n ,.,1.,11 •llr•••·tl\'t'~ F!o•l•l 3rt••··• o·.• hav(' to Ill• l"flfl· 1 run Thom. Mnc \\'rston Jay. Mra.1 Anll Helgbla. lnterm.,nt wu In whto h pruh1htl• ,f thr ,111,. ,,, 1,,,,. lnhut••d J:l'i':o d • •'ln"IJ!h ··.:n .r·•. Jlnn r.l<'l '.lllum. ~I ra J111ward Jl'alrhaven cemetrry t"rfa l ulrN,.Iy pur•·hn~•·ll Tho·!ll' 1 llrtroilmrnt~. ·'"" admu•ol<lr:t.llnn 1 IIIUIIIIIJ::< f•' f'nl!n•l• na. Mr1< Jim 1 lot~nrol~ pr••mptly r"att..,·atrd tho• C••nl'l'rY81lOII~ I!•• fnr : ':1•1 y• .•t H1•1:r u !llr~ t ;enr~:e •tool:<tem • I'IUfTliUII mat• nal and I"QUIJlmt'nl h.t\'t' ll\t'rflf. ''' "' ror ly f:I.!.:.OI),tiOO !lt.T11 \\'rllnrd K•llwn SUJIMER JUJIPER frnm Nnva.l nmst rur twro prOJI'•'Ill li tnl)lllh q!1 c umpan '<l to !Lpprm:f· Mrll .I F: Raub And ht-r , hil <l· • "In n:akm); <lll'lnbutwn fin rt mat~'ly S22 •JI)().OO(t a mL•:Jih tn I rt."n. J 11rk ·and Ka.thll', arc> ha ck at 1 prl••nty wn" ~1\'<'11 tu rrquu·o•· l94:l I th••1r h1•m,. In =""'"'fiOrt IJPijthlR · ml"nl~t of ~··nho·1• hnllall"n" m·t•r· --- attrr rt \'lllit on Rnt"~"· Jdahn ·,I .,.~~~ Clth"r pnoot•nn~ M lhi,. ~ur· F~ INSURANCE SEE Purse and Ration Books Stolen I p~ wu dlrectf'ol to nl'w rnr.tl'l-) 1'1\lal nu\'11 1 con11tn;ctum p.•· 'l'CL~ -~ Howard W. Gerrish 2611 W. Centr~l Ave. Newport Buch, C~llf. Speaking of oi l, r emem- ber how duul!hnuts,. French fril·d polatot·s. e tc .• ,-- fuul up your d e.•p fut w.it.h hard, burned particles of this and thjl t ? We ll, oil in your crankcase gets fouled up, too. One minute your oil looks almost good enough to put on waffles. But a fl!w "A" coupons later , t has become 1-.rrimy black Onr pllr"ll~ 1.\ Ill' rf'po>rtf'<l lllhlo·n 1 Mr11. Mnrltn Artlq1u• ,,, ti305 South \', rmo•nl . r.sroll'na atatlnlj' thst 1\ hlu,. •ur~,. ,•nntninlng rR· linn hook• untl S1 . ., wa11 llt .. lo·n from hr r brdrtvJm at Ml4 F.allt ~urf. l~t lh<>ll, w hI I r f),.rothv ~ll"t•o•Lo h. Huutr 'J Uox ~;Ill. M hJ . t hll l ~ .. m..,•n•' ""'k S:!tl frum ho>r """"' wtult• II l'aa lvtnl( t•n lhf' .-an,! un thl' Hay 1-"'to~t a t Relbl>n 1944 TIDE TABLES Phone 4~1 • r'ro m carbou, ..tt:.S:2lfli'.i>...:a dust and ~ludge .. And ~~~~ I' II 1;11\n):t•r nf IJalhont IJtlnuol rt•rortc>ol lllo• lbrll •>f ra. 1111" hook,. f!l•nl !.,•r rar IH\1 k••.t 'In front e>t hl'r lt'.'<l!lo•nt·P 11nt1 H t\\' J no'qUt'l' nf lhl' ~AAAFI n•port- o'<l l11l<II1J: a "nllrl 1 nnlammg r n· lint, buuk 11 A "11•1 11 fo!l\8 '""•k:t II • 1 IIJ•<>I ~ nrut t 111k 1~..-.k nl'nr th, I Anho•s T f{ •1r1r1., I•'' L1ol•• ="•l••t ft •\rr l .t \\uJ1, I •••·t~hlt h1s h1•U..,_ I• I•" 1!<'1t: I• II I J•,.qq\'1••1' All .,:t•1t if un.t • · '·••··•u)... II• nttfh • t 1•1n J•·,p~ ··"' ,,1 t! '-:H ,',l.Sh ~~o r •,,. '''I ., .. , .,. •ltn!' 01 I It I' ,\ln· 'J.: .. ,. •"' \\ tr•t .: .. I ' ~~II' ' ~11. I lll1 • t I J'Hilqt JU I lilt "' . h •l l ,,., I ~ I I t I• I • L f l lo 'I B lJV WA-R BO 'IIOS 11.\C'I\ Tilt: .\lT \('1\ Trt.,.._ S_.,.rt 1J ... 1 •. c-..n-.~ ,.., Hlgfl Ltow Hlr:h Low 2 9:1~ ~ !t4 1 :22 2:06 4 1 0 6 6.6 2.1 3 9 '!'16 3:34 9:06 2:~1 4.3 1.0 6.9 1.9 II""• dayltlfhl •vloa \lmel Tid~ an plarM In order ol oc-rurrenre. 1 Llaht tl~rn L m.: derll fllf\l,... p. m. 1 .I I WRC TO MEET I Mnt. Sylvia-D•Longtfeld. Ca ll-I I turnift·="c-vada drpartment prul-, oJ('nl of the Womton'll Rc>llr f C'Orpll. wtu att~nd the meeting of thr 1 C'Hata Ml'll8 \\'HC" Wednuday Wt'dnc>Miay 1\ftemt~nn, Aug. 2. at a mPet lng m the> lltll<:iaJ hall of tbe r ommunlty l'hun ·h. Mr11 Blanche \\'aiiRrC'. ln<"al pruiJf'Ttt, urJ:I'II aJI mttmbrrs to attend. I. B. C. Radio Shop St:R\'ICt: That \\'Ill Plf"a.~ \'ou. P m mpl R Pp:t i 1~ Hrn.:o10:1 hlr l'rit'l""' TI'U.II'-.. Fli . S al.. 1 ~·00-t>·()O J 8361 :! ~cw'port Bh·. Costa ~l('sa NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS -TIMES lo PfiO:Sf".fi&: ~P:\\ PORT I~ a IS 1• tP t '~ ~J a114_11Mt"""-1 Aft.-,._._ ,~,.umr X.'X\'1 ~ull«ript~ PA)'abiC' In Act\'lln<"': $:?50 f'('r ~ N•r 1., ' •rl\nl:" County. $2.15 twr ,,...r "' <llh 7otH' 1300 "'~ y.-.,,. ''' ).·h ZOfW. Automobile Accident • • Fire Life U l'rn•e and Contr•c:t Bond.-Wrlttrn .;I AL• SET fnr a rood full dan work whrn a nartrinr brad- a che anealu up on rou. Yo11 •111rv and ao doea your work. Ready for an Pveni~r of r.u; a t ion and rnjoymcnt -a prekJ hra.ln~hc intrrfrrra w ith your fllAo rut_ e.njoymr nt or J'l'l~Uon. DL M1l.ES Anti-Pain Pills aaunfly rrlien not only llr ... achr. but St•ple :SPuralria. tt~ ealar l'a•n• aad Faauloaal llontlttly l'alaa. Do r ob UN Dr. xn ... A.U-I'alll Pille~ If not why not 1 \!DO eaa .. t Dr. M11f'1 Anti-Pain Put• .. your druJ atore In the r.rular peckare for cmly a penny apieea aiMI 1n tbe ~-.. , ,_....._ -!~t..;..d ;, Sfoeond·Cbl" mllllt'r at tJwo Po!otoff1C'f' lfl ~"'JlOrt Bftlctt.l ~hMper. 1Vt11 aot 1ft a ,ec.U,. · Califomlll. unclrr tiM-AC'1 ol MArl'h l l87:.l =! Toar clnaaWt 1t1u u.., ---.--....... -'• ttllrf'<'tiOM ... --~ -s ~ . . __ : ..__.:. __ Lnaa vi'\ A:'<ID ~ESIDE~'T ttlinded. Toar ~ .._.,,.. ... __, ..... 0f11aAL p~ or ·nm CI1T OF NEW NaT BEACH -•--• t' .._ ___________ .J ~ A.; , y · ~ .... II ,_ 0.. M !--i .• ~ gritty as a picnic on a wi ndy beach. Then it's time to have Shell put in fn•sh, safe Goldtm Slwll mc>l'>r oil. And while thpy're about it. have 'em She llubricate the entire c:n . This is a pro- tective Rervice to keep your family bus from joining the 5000 worn-out automo- b iles that limp to junk yards every 9ay. GillS, HlVI YOU IUD IT? At,, I• ,\l•tert.•J lrlh whet ~•·rry .. om¥ ebould lr.now.' P.••Y to rud. E•ov tO. «•t ( FRE li) et Slwll. s•u 011 COMrA.T,4' '"··~·r~vJ e GASOUNI POWIIS THI AnACI ....., ...... .., Shell Products at IE ED'S s.,.rs.m. .... "-Cnn N......-. NEWPORT-BAI.JWlA NEWS-'I'IIQIS. Ncwpart Beach. CalifomiJi, Tue~rlay. Augu!'t J. 19-U P1wt ,.,_ Ca.,t. Walter Kelly:-:,: -~B;;a~tt~l~e ~E~n~em=y ~y,~j~~~~~--r:==:::===::::;--.>r---:~:---= t-~ I LIVED IN HONOLULU Home 00 Leave; · 1 ~:;..~~~ A N G L I N G $.Note: Tble '• lhr liNt Of • .wrle.o ut artlrlee wriU•D for tiM Has Many Honon ·Balbool Newe-TimN by lllr•. Jl>Ck-who 11M .IU-1 ,...,u,_.. ,,_I R U BJ I A.NAN(JV 8TICJU.It IACJUON • after • ,..., aud a b41r a •lAY. While vn o.hu lllre. J.e-.on wu ......._ A 0 N D a:r-cowatj Re.-reallotl ('o .. l\11\IMIOII u d~-..f d-&lid. QJ,Lblldty ...., ("apt Walt tT Kdly. -..... ~1-nJ.l ..-oclaled wllh I he 01111 r of the IUIIIar)• Cu••ernnr. the Honol ulu 1 - -- : Unlnnlty o f H.aw.u1 111 U... flehl of ll~·h and f:n~tll•b I• .... 11 taii-IJ"DIQ p.--nl wort. In urdtr to act'f'pt • pm lfered rn•t•••UI•na.l ..-~........ ~. Aria.. .. .. ..,.... ent I tur Wlth 0..240 Ubt'rat~ "'-a..ame So you would like to kno~ tbe many lnl'Onalaten<'IH tD .,., 'laiUn« hla awtl. .._..._ a-d» ~ tore a bout Honolutu '! And you found In Hooolulu. En•n tbe radio for\\~:-.,!:ye. tM Dtlt~ oou.ld rather J would CUfll.'<'ntrate IIUUlouncen aay Honolulu, Hawaii. ~lq cro. aQd t.lw 0.11. \.-1 P tbe poiDta the travd fol<tera And llpt'aklllg of radio atatlooa' C1u.ati'r tor atnktnc a baltlellllp aiM! Tbat sa tbeo way l'd prd .. r ' .. _ Uwre ~ two In Honolulu. In thf' Pal'lfk about a year -.o . too. 110 let'a contmuo; w1th our Euch Ia aaiiOCiat ed with one ol the I ott ,.._ Gulnt'a. If«' . .,, .. a lku· ha l, aball we? tw .. newspapers. n11a IICh~me haa 1 trniult at ttl# tlmi' and laur wu . You are wofl(!ennx bbOUt Pntrr-Its ~nod potnta and Ita bad. In k nt bal'k tu U•r ll s. tor a .-t.. a!nment on the 11land <•f Oahu t ht! atati<lCIA comparatively UtUe Jlr h .. ju.tt bHn promotrd to 1 Jhere Honolulu Is lucat~J? 1 live lsl~nt 1a uwd and an there I a npl&IJ1cy Ilia father 1.a (loa , houldn't ~ aurprlllt<l lf you're Is mu.·n t'mploynsenl or recorda I Kf'll)'. well k nown N_,ort ~ .ot tonJ used Mbout that Oahu ftnd tranat"raptlona Tbeae trana ~ DOW !Ivana at ruveralolk. ou$1Jleu too. Yuu'vt' ht'&N st ~rlpUona of maJnJand Chrlatm ... j ------ ailed Honolulu. Ha"·lih, r"peat-F.a.st .. r and otht'r aptot'ial day pro-, 1u •·ell .. ltne-u,.. ror t.M ~ly but the cornet te-rm woulll ~;rams an• a.!ttn vluyt>d m~ J ANANCY ITICKL~ JACKa ON bQuaq of pr'OIItJtuUoa wbkll .,.. 1e Honolulu. Oahu -or HoaDtu.lu, later than the (,JialR ut the ong-Author Of aen. Of Ferthr'eh\ .ooly a few tt.locll.a from lbe '-tt rt rrltory ftf ~wall lu U\e~ lnal progTam be~. As a k mpor-Articlea on Hon.lulu -d Hawatlft •If l ••'n l aa Mlowa Pf'O"kW Uw l Itt• aevernJ .s.luntls In th!' h·rri· ary island realdt>nt you df1 feel lafanda. mam t"Dit"rtJ&Inm m l t.w IN"I"V~i'· .oryt. ThUl ptallt··· d tltllon~-: 1t "lJ.·hlllU to,. llll)CA an.l fur from l 1•1• an.1 "-'I ~ .. rk ·l • llH-1., w~re , -fonolulu. Hawaii d••Jt>lle th.: hunw '"""" you :1<!ur t.."llrostmu Jllhop1•1ng da~a ,111111 '-u s.~ot.JDaa" , ,...,. an•l J.au~hh·r uorn t b«' ~&1111· · 'act that the 181anu or Haw11il llt ca i\Jht ami the •·h.:~ry rl'mondl'r, 1-, _ :111 1 "'twn , . .," b• s r uua ln ••ncr ,. ben llun•1lulu waa -· III&Jly m ile_. away Ia JUit on•• o! "Don't furget. On I)' ten, more Apnl ur Johy' · lloned In t.bf. p!l"l ur .. 1.n a romu · I Tl~o·r·· ato· n•any tllt'aten tn t~o· •"""·· T h•a dl.aplay ol &ood ------JI;Jjll~i;J;ltgJ,;Ifg!;~;JIJ!XI~tgJ,;~'i4}1JgfiT=::---~~ Hooolu.lu. Doe• U•·• \llaa your natun-d rid1cul.-on Uw pert ~ Oellcloua Sea Foodll Or. complete tqu.lpment when you want to catch your own. l l~a of a lazy tropiCal vWa&e! I malnland.-ra waa an IDalfbt lntol Honolulu 13 very C()IIUMry:~' tbdr w~ liD~ ot tt... I Ob vuy. UaW a ,_. weell.a q<~ lulu I didn't foU~· .,n.a llut I at leu t aJI llhowa du.d at n.IDe 1 IJUAk I.Jwore waa a wade raace 1 I to allow people to &•t ~ by j rn ba.wball, bolllnc. ell' .• for ~ ten o'docll curt_. Wk D all w•lb-~wbo lUted U... Ultnca. out ni&bt puaea were au~ to HW... ~n -~re pM:Dly ol ~ oft ~ Jltrftu. Ho•·ever. lbla bul& ~· loUac a1J tJwo u-. regulation hlle moat of ~ ot.ben 'nwy •1 a billa tel&a a .tory llut ilitl not tum to br r1&1dJy --altft' )'OU baw -n ~DUU&Il ol A H4HUSOWB CUFitll I \ I .,.. • "-ctle*fto, ,,.,.,. , lllln .. -...... Ill• '" ...., a .A.P. -· ... , ...... ~~. ....... , .. ..... .,._, lAw '\. (orced. A aplrit Oil tnner oorrup-Uw-m tMy may all •Y Ole --• I o ' •1 \to .. hel Tile'• -'-' ett Uft •• aft'hW .. ,.. ..... -et. ..._ ... ·It :-r116re •••-• , .. , ... ......, --Patterson Plated On Shoreline Plan Erosion Committee fl .. MIMJ .¥.. fltanlils A and D · y __ ..... ._... . ............... .... tlon Dllell)l'd tD per-meat• ~v~ry-' Uliq. n·· ~ entertaJA· Woo"e• MI ...... ,.n ,,., .... thing . I didn't •·onder that 110 ment for ~ l.llariMra Moat _._ • ..,_ ...,. R many bad loog brfore loat ~W~p«t , Hawaiian cirt. .,.. apt tD be 81 R I. J>attr naon, c-Ity f'flilMf'r for H011oluJu law and orcift'. nwn wu .. broed bl uae wroac plllce to 11iif1l P1rl 1•1 IL... IIVIII.Oft I"' Nr"'1lflrt llN<il. h.. twen In· ••••uleu ••••• •r• .. re lAW, .. --Ia .. -. ......................... .................. ..,., ........... BALBOA ·· MOTOR ,CO. 701 li Bay Ave.. IWJM. General Automobile and Marine Repairinl'. Marine ElectrieiaM Available Fender Body Work Refinish in&' TELEPHONE NEWPORT BEACH U5 there waa tM oooUnuaJ frlctiDft do a hula a 1a Hollywood tCrabk IIC \•ltrd to ~ a nwmbrr of ttw> bi'twNn civil u4 miUtary CVW·j type) 110 billa lroupn arr f1Ued 1 "••n101l00" mtnrnlll..,. o( thr ("aJI· ~l"'lDWDt. Aa a ~t UWre fC""r Ia wltll Portul-· f"blhpp no. I A HfUT18H PORT 1 O.lay.,.1 • """"'' m .. ro, ... n.,.•• •llffku:t '"·' 111 I\~ I• ShonoiiiW' Plannlnac a.IINW'Ia· -ecs real ellforcftlleftt ol any· I ~ &ad Ja.,.__ aa well u Nu luntpr ano Lbfoy callr.t M"" lhf' ,,.,. ,Jay,. fullt...,ln~t ll 1111) lion un thr l"f'C'Oft\PW'ndatltlfl ol thlnc. Olll#r tll('ft where --.n ..,.. nt·WIIr tlut woW>~I"n •hlf>a IU\•1 ~ ......... ,,.,. •lone thr ('tJ,rbt•••'l MUITOUfh O'fhi f'fl, pror-)r of,... B&cll to abowa For mootba ~alJ ~ an6 peUu . .8o caUad lhi'lrr,1nlfl c'""a aUU pl•y ••• I f'l'llu•ulu th .. \1'-l• """~""• under ,,.tnr.·rln j[, tlnl\'rflllty nt Cttllfomla, &Dd monlba I couldn't a ttelld '&1 Hilla GU1e -ate wonderful _,11mp>rtant part In wlnalnjC battiH thr "'"~~~,.. of r n,.my •hur .. twet . •nd C'halrman of thfo tlm8kln mm· llbow u I bad ~Hn them lclec .,._' . . . lt UMy wof'll Ia oae ot tM for· m•>dt'm Na vt.... ''""~"• fi: n • I IC n Harry J•-11. mit'"'· and Or. Co('()(fN"y Mnraan. fore oo tM lllalni&Dcl. 'nwy llladej many pktUre taktQc placea. f'or Balllr·acaln'd, lllr1y. DOmf' o'f' tl :ot N It . 11!\11 llurr 11r .... t. !il •l•not~ldcont of ttw-Shorf'IIIW' aaJIO('Ia· rather IDetfec:UYe relJ:eata ,.,_ po.tng &«al.n.at a f&lle Wa.UtUII Ukm llmrlnc. a ll R Navy MIUA•f· l'aul Mlun . IC 11 n n" r y nffiC"rr lklfl. Y• ... Yil , D•W. .. ......... ,.,.,_ .. ............ ,.,,., ...... ,_ .... . .. , .............. . ............... ~·­.. •• t• ..._ • o•a.. DAY .._.Y....._A .. DT• ... ~ .......... ,.. ...... ,_.... a t urmoil anyway u tMy were fr'e- 1 . ae.cb t.ckdrop wiUl aen1c:e -D rna ttt J31i·fll0t w•>Oden Y.M.:i •·!••~' abtNinl fill" ""'"•t•••t, aalol that ~ "Mr'. J'allrnonrl'll I'On. t•ct• with quented by many CUID anappen or any wbo deatre a tJktUN . . . mlrw-...,po·cn Pf-1 proudly Into t>t 60 ~bella burat n..ar lhe Dqlltld· 1 •nd knc)Wit'(IICC! of. "malon prob- and barefooted local yOUDpten theM l"irla •et ooe b~ dol· lb • hntv>r t~.~olay. r ut h;tw""" 100 f'Vf',.Y um,. th .. y lravellrd tiM l1•nt.11 on lhf' fladfk' ('(lUI makH .,,ho Ml oa their olten ctlrty fet't l lan a wNk. ~ law Mdta ~Jitu!t r•pltal ah,lpll an.t ftr<>slf'"'l •ruohun• w"lo·r a jhlm a va lualllf' rn4'ml»r olthat '"'" wt\1\e IIHln• a IDOVW. Improper o vrr loclacftlda 1n UDe wtUa tile llfl('l\nnJ tu romplf'te> orw nl l h,. 1 "\lc-IT)'·• alno wUil"l ao c<•~l. port ant (nll.lp;· aooonUnc to a Wf · ventiJlatlon lA -· bult&oca pc»inl" are not ran. moat hau ni<JUII .... ~«nment.A 111\·~n thank aoood..-·· hP tlerlare•l .. A trr fn lfn Gfoo'llf' l..&rwn, ~ary .~~~~~~~!~!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~:~~m=ade=~the=~=alr==...uwr~=~S!=~~=Y:ou:l:TS .. ~~:~Ola::Un:u:«J:n:_.:~:•:Y~·~A:UC::· l(l •ny Alllf'tl Nava) i mlt In t h .. """"'" .. r •h«'ll• M'rr.nl,-s~ thrwa'' of ltw Shor'f'IIM auoc:latlon. wha could -liM-up. for *-• 8th. · lP\'aaiOn nr F.u~ ""r n~uctn11 an.t Wf• _.,,. ,.,. Mw hall notlflrd t hfl Newpor1 llal'bor ~,.,.,.,., hnura bfofore .._,.11 . """ o·lrar t•ur Ill•• k by In• h•• rt••ml•·r uf Conunrrot ot Mr. l'"at• troup. hit the t.ach 011 D-Otly t!W We pkk~ uv a nrw }ob aho.ut trr~rn·,. •trt•llniiTif'nt to thla lm· -pe .,.,,. c,_. 1""'-'e. s~·,..,.p· U\at um~ trpottlna fn9 tiM! 4'n&ia t''"r tant and .ct lvco C'ftllnNrinl I DNEj~ Mal!WaAftAal atJt --~ Get -xour Ofllce Supplies Today FAST SERVICE! REASOIABLE PRICE$!. We are maintaining as compl:ete a line as possible of all the things you need to help you in your business---right here in town so as to save you time and travel. Be sure to ask 'tis if we have what you need. • '-...:.. Some of these· are cloleout iteiiUI; no dealers; we reaerve the right to limit quantities; sales tu not in~luded. Add. Machine Rolls, asstd. sizes 15-30c A vallabllity Certlfica tes BlUheads, Ruled-plain or printed 8 % x 7 to 14 Binder, 3-rln& 8% x 11 sheets $1.25 Cash Register Rolls, all makes Celudex %-Inch clear lndex tabs Oip and Arch Boa.rda, alllizel90c and up CUps, Bulldoc and paper. ustd sizes ColWTU\Ar and Accounting P&ds. all dzes Counter Check& Credit and Debit Pads Daily Analysis Sheets. 500 for $5.SO Daily Cash ~ts. 500 for $4.25 Da te.rs, 75c Desk FUes, letters or lePl ~ Ehvelopes Columbia Clasp, all s1zes to 10 x 15 Manila. white, all sizes, plain or printed Erasers-Art Gum. typewriter, IOenzo Pmdl-type typewriter erasers Estimating StWts Ftle Folders. manila, aU cub, Jetter and legal sizes. $3.00 to $4.00 per 100 , File Guides, p~tboard, letter size, $2.25 Fillers. notebook. punched, ruled or plaln Glassine ,Bag!; Gummed Labell! Inrlexel'. a II sizes Index Cards, ruled. all sizes 'Index Signals Inks Writing. bottles or quarts Stencil. indelible. India, stamping. Inventory Sheets Ledger Blnders .. ~onal post type Legal Fonns. notary, etc. • · Letterheads, asstd. stock~ and colon printed as per your instructions Loo8e Leaf Flhers Merchandise Tags . Mimeograph Stendls. take 8~ x 14 1hee4 M~ \... II Note Books, nwmo. etc .. ust liillrs, plain or ruled Paper. bonds, thin papers. colon or whhe. 'all sizes, tY,JM"Writer. rninwograph Paper dlJn Payroll Recorda Paste Pend.la. lead, rolored, c.hlna rna.rkiJ'w, indelible, automatic, stelq:raphk Pfndlleadl \ Pftl polnts. all kinds Price Book F1lJers. 8'h x 11 Postage Stamp Moistener, dllna ·Ready Master carbon fonns ~ cards printed to Ol"dft' Receipts rubbons. aJJ make. typewrtten Roll Memo Pads Rulers Sales BookJ SaJell Tax Exemption Carda, Form No. 103 Signs. For Rent. For Sale. etc. Stamp Pads Statlooery of all kln<k Statements. 8% X 5 1h Superoex Roll Labels 'tbumb Tacks Typewriter .Paper. white or canary ...aJDda Typewriter Ribbons. all makes DESK CALENDAR 19U -Sx 8 Complete 'A1th holder; room for each day of t~ year. Get one today. Only $1.49 SAL£ Iiiii &n r ~ Ul\o ~ fkolnf' llrD. ,.,.rnrtl1111 ll~'W IOID po ... tluni i i i"UUP Bay. and t.b YN8 formatloo be· tu thrm " I ptl Ita f\11\ ~II. and forth In ~m .. uf lllr nlllr VI'_,. ., .. . 8 .\.Y nsJIINO 18 GOOD AT I &nnt or thr-fanCllnl" lllrlpa vrtf'rllll• uf llrlllroh watt'nt Kf'VMl • ''The enemy t<ould .ft ua rroa:a arrlvr d In lb• llnl~ Klnl dom ' ... *'" but be wu too buay Ju t l)eeeiPber ._nd were coaverte4 , ....._ lllae'-'"-our aircraft" lntn towboeta Tbey •w piotr ,..., ~t Cjlmtor J'*SI'I ot action In that f'tiJMU'ItJ, .. hnw I.Awta C. Bryan. U 8 N.R . 6117 1 ..vtr, belnl[ altac•ked by 11:-boat• WIDow atl"'!et, New Or1eana. La . whllt' In rnnvoy thr ouab \~ alllpprr M ,_ VMS 1 l"lt·11 llto ut l lf•v•r Onl' lur kl••• •we ptodd«< alon& In nur .,. hr-llhlp wu ..,.,.,JrTirtl .uo • hu••Y tf'l\d a ~turbrd unlll nur rout w "r 1n · .IUl •:n~;lltoh luu h·•r ""'I •prn . t look &a& betwl'4'n a Br1tl.tlh •·rul•(',r rlvft munth• ,,.,bl_,tnw a.IJ\>UI 'h• a.ct eome abrore betlert"• <luf'lllnac pnrt • with bloavy llhell•. llhr.Jlno-1 ria l. I Tbf..,. 11htpe wrrr rrlllt ... t ,..,. kred on our flf'<'k ancJ b .. u ru rd ntr m lnf'IIWf't•prnt •hurtly h.-fur" thl: lbf' bulkh,.l\dl. Hut ..,..,. kr pl un lnvuhm IUltl •MIJCn••d tu l br IUk IIWHplnc and finally jtol. out ul fCif"Cf' 1 the l&IM Of fiN'.'" fo~tf'ah aim r ll IIIII I furl ...... j(llllll( ' ' I I A t Ute --um .. tn thf! r hart' 1 l\lll1"rd th .. llltlr •hiJI"-t'rf'wmrn ~ Oil aaoth•r _,.,.,..r, Kf'l· ,.,,. mf'ntllnlf Wt1n1 aw«'rplntt tcf'ar man Garf1nkcol. Vur man. fo1nt All han<IJI u k nnly f••r ••n" nla ht"• Clua. U.S.N.R . 211ft Winburn IIIM'rty uhorr and then lmm«< .i • ..._., Houaton. Tf'lUUI, and Wll· tale .. lllnl" •~rdrr. . '-<'II to th• l liam II' f•f'trlnr. Quart.erma.r.er, rtlfl\l)lll r;onC" I"UJrTIAl'lttu• and 1"'Urd a... U.S N R.. 11311 Ht)'n I ,,,, .. ,ft. ,·rrwmrn ,,, lhf' tiny ter Mawr aveniiN!. ()ll("aj[o . Ill . Wl'rt r11'nt tlll hAvr the amf' lt1ra, I ~q t.betr craft al._ ........ a "1J11 •hlr>tt •r• all rlaht.'' th•y ' life raft eont.a.lnlaJ nw A.mf'r1C&!I •Y· ·•u ut. who r;rta ·.,m wh~,... I ali'IDftl whoM plallf' bed 1.-n ahut thr y'rr r ulnjf. ma l• • A lld Wf' 4own. ' •lon't ""'"'I' t•hlmnry • uul \h~,... w A lbell fTal"nu•nl r I p p" tl 1 •lthf'r " tJaroact1 UM atarbnard aid• i nti wbiatled betwHD UJt'" Ga rflnlt,.f recouat.ct. "But w• wrre l 01> huay at tile _. CPtlllllf tb~ fll,.,.,. •boans to pay IDU< h atlf'nllo>n • ~rlllall ~ u D n r r • o'un t I ntlt'c:l • h o o tl n c at t h • 111 11~ • no tt throucbout t.hr tt'DC'Ur '•1-"''"ttun I-t were unaLir to ,.. '""" lr ... r.· 1auta Tbe -Hp!t curr.plf'lo•tl thrlr t1~lo , ot c:learinl: a chiU\nel f•lr lh" •"I' l' pot'tinJ" t ruiMr• ant1 •l,...lrtovrnt only a ff'W mlnutr" ""'"1•• II••· ~-of-war r.pen•·•l ltl,.lr 1111111•1 banqe. ''We cot ou t lit l.hl' w•y l hr n ADd a~.)Oy~d a tl<•lt lll'al vir~ •tf I Wht•nt•vt>r •-<lur11 I I no 11nrl rt•rtnP· uw•nt arow IIWIIY Co>m tlw 1•um · m••n rt"tfll•· thf•y llrt' KI"OWinl( flo· wuNI ~.-Jtl•hn•·~"· whll'h I• lh•· n11m~t.., ,., II ul rh•· w .. rltf IIW ~··• lt"a a w..-bl•wwwlf• who ch~k• .,,.., h 1 lor I''''" 1'"""1 of hr r war price &lid ratlonl.na boarol bef111" lttiVHik ur •·lhutt a u.,.d r•'ftll[er .,.,., vvuum cleaner, wublnl" ma. , "'"'" .... ""'t"l •·nil lro<d •IJrlnaa. Tlleae Ull4'fl. a rtk lt•i ar~ un•l,.r prl•·,. . • • olin•• whetl>er ~~t•lcJ by the lndl "''"'' h•ll'""'"'''''r or a di!Aier ' J t b • ahelllnc " • a I cJ l..lr•ll•··lll.. •t • • • • e • • • • • • * • 'ljunlor vack j Ury•n ... n"'' m•ld• I BUY ml,~ ~ I up fCJ r all "' our ~tfortA ·· • M.aat ol the Y MX crf'wml'n 1 • I Building Permi ts .~~ .~~'!S. . · . N EWP ORT <!tfll B~ACH Janu&ry ,. r l" wu • \faro h April Nay Jun" 4t~1 ~.2:\ ~,r.~ Jutx AuKU,.., ~pt •rnt.,.r Ortt,brt Ntn•~rnbPr Dt<ornttwor 1943 ,;. 071 --4:1;1,Hit·. j,..l\.1)~!1 :,,,'-1 ,.~.,, • •• , 1 •• ·r; "-•,) 71!, ' ft tt I ~ ;l.' l ..:.:·· t ... Jt,t, ., ~ t l' ~ . ' • ,,:r~ 7 •.7';' II li • I ~ ~~·7 ti l)l,ll 7 .3:·~ -. :.,t. :~ J";'1 l:l 'llll 1111)14 lfi,l~ LOOSE-LEAF BINDERS 1\ I .. '' (',,mpl1·fl· l1'flgc>r !11'1 In ,·nmptH·t si7R, Rult- :tbll• rnr 11mall lltL<;int•N< <lr the hnmf' AU klmh r.t RuiN! ~~-~~~-antf f'~tr(\lt ·.': I ' . THE P·AVILION . AT BALBOA Daata for a.t\t at •uunabaa rnc.-&.M 1IMt Aft!IIIMe NEWI'O&T BAY DfVI&IIIIIlft 00. ... o ...... , . o-...1 •• _ ... NEWPORT & BALBOA PIERS GmiWE RIND . Good Fiahinl' at All Tima LIVF. RAIT ALWAYS AVAIL.A.BLE CLIFF'S TACKLE STORE CI.DT \'ON UNNa.&. Fiahlntr Tackle ~u.t ...,._, to ~ -................ ,. •• "hckka ...._ Ill JaAUIOA. VAUP. .. ..... M. BALBOA SPORTFISHING FLEET OCEAN n&HJNO &U80A. CAUl'. The ~Owl", "Maiden" and ~Dina Lee" ,._ ..,_ ................ c.ll ........ - '-~._,...,.. NEWPORT TACKLE STORE ~ kD 8LOVOD • IIANAOI'.& llait. T~kle -ft"'&.hintr Jnf01111ation NEWPO&T JI&ACIJ r NEW 15-n . SPOR'I'rMIIINO IIOAT "CRESCENT" r.allry Rnt Ronma -U w a..t SCO'ITS LANDING -c-e tllcta••f't .... ...... A.. ~ow OPEN IRVINE LAKE TIWVT -BASS-C.\ 'I'PVtR--CKAPPI&--IIIAJK OW. llew ltMa.-M ... ,...._ ... ,A......_ Y•r .... rv•tl-• "'-0......, 11d·l ·t, H 1.-~ PA .... A New Sun llarbor Service For Albacore ii.ehermen In fte"-Padii"CC:O..,U,II .... wru,.""" lllllr -.Wppe~~ baraw .. ..... ,.. "-.. del'-ifll ,_, ..... ~ 0.. .. tocat.d ........ ., ...... .._ ............. ...... ...... fii ............ !M..-. _ ...... '-"-' ,_-.... ,_ .... ...rf/1~ ..... , ..................... .. Trr tWI aanb oa 'lfiNI-' trftJ, T• will l a4 tllat It willaa" yuu 11 ... WhM ... altNicore .... run~ ...... --'"*~'"' .. _ .. ... ,._.,........,,Sse .. .... $ ' I fl PCJr,lf,..,...., ........ ......,.""-.... .__._ .. ._. 142 .l'/7 19« I 11ota l I· ~~ ............. ..... NEWS-nMES. ' ........................ ... Januat)• r.bnlary Mat\ II ... , Jill Mil l'\.140 3A.I75 .: ... 73 7J .4!1 !011 \\". (-tral l ................. _ .. ... .. --------·1 _ ....... ... Hewpnt lteMII ~ l'l 'G ,._.. ...... .., ........... : 0. _,.., errs l'M ' < Thole ODDS ... ,. C-ASH IIM)'artldeono- -by their owners au.· bo bimed IDto cub. ·~ and at • trUilrw """" I.-........s..,., and ....... -~w-70'1 no kllp:r _._ Well. -«<me elle caa .., -wry thlnp and NOW lo tbo t1mo to ooJI them. R.Nders of the News- 1'11DN proride • re~.dy maiitet for every type of -article In good con-. dltlon. You may baw a ..-.sh· in& machine, ironer, lee bOx..c::arpet ~r. fur- niture. boby bugy, '-· boat, tooll or any one!' of a dozlm other ttrml wNc:h can ~-dd profit· aill3' and quickly NOW. • Tbe CfXt ol • a...ttW Ad In tllo ~,.. ... .,..u 40c Telephone -. NEWPORT 12 . 13 ( And Let a NEWS-TIMES Oaullled Ad · Start S~JIIng for YOU NEWPORT-BALBOA NF:W~TJJI~. Newport Beacll,_ CalifCJ!IIia, 'fut1~f7, AQI1!!& 1, IN4 ' V. F c .. tttr "'p.-1rt~d a11 •llO"mpt ~.a wtn ht• ~tort-. r.o& w .. ~t • Dltll.), \\'Nlnt'll<h<y t'\'"nln~. II Mr ba \'in$: hf't'n u,....l 01nfl Mn Cluo.<'l" (or -ilfii.Lllna e·o•))()rto~l lllll\ Mr K("f'VII'r. ''"'~'\lli~'U•~<: r111 111n z:.. ha,J )Oil( II \O"IIllt·l •nll\1\lnlnj,! Sl l. ~ on.-hii\'II•K ""'"r<'•l !lllhl lak• '" !I trnm " tabl(' W)\llo• lw w".o . .. , ... , ··-· ·~ f-·-"WRESTLER.• Mt~lr bro-bur mnc:ot of ttw )l'th Sq~~ttdrooo, tU- too T'r<i It Gon Fo.ld, Moottnl, c••• 1 c+w-toy wtlcO-11 t~ USO Club in Cirnl Ftlll , MonltJ'I, fro'" Mrt E S. Edw•n. C:htor,..." ol rK•P'lioTtit tt, wt..ft tw '""" u cunt al P~t N11i"m• Wut. o( St· Pa.&. j M iT'n .• to kxlk <·•ff th~ n-c:r•"•on•l l u •l"•n t•11labl• lor vrVIc• "'~" aM wo"""' USO II Wll90'flrocl It, tiM AIMriUII ..,_r. WQ~~&._ .. , lrl&tioAII Wu P'W\4. Rubber Lined Winch Head ... f1shf'nnaD'§ Fri.t>nd Sa''" "'_,-•'"' T-r Oft l".qllll'' ""'"'-... Prlerlt)' .-..lahll•tw.l- Uadfor PI'~ M&pC"nia&o• o f ctl•r'"'"' N. M,,,..u.., r ....... ....._.-..,~ II• I • •· l!l!,.n n 11 "'' 1"1 (, ~~~ 1.. Ill!! u•,. •l•·frn!!<• ••'fl!Jol •or•·h :-;.,•~ . 1 II! I 11• !1•'\\ )•! 1• ,. 1 '•Ill !<ol I ,j 1~'1 11)1!~ tho· l:uHI•\~•1 I•• • hllrL" ,.n, n .,,.,. lh 10 n "" hlo" 1,...'1 , hart!rol. wllho•Ut onkt fttrm lh• "''" •··1 d ti'I'O loll. Any to'nl Ill• " •• ~ " no~ ' ol• ;, • •11 \ to·tll "If,, ,,. lllk~o:'<l II r.·nl 1~ FU••·•I->1 .:1 ·~·· 0 0 I \) o•!ol•l lo l\\tlh lifo• I•!· ,,, •• , 11,<\ '" I'·'' !h.-••• t.tl ' •' 1 I ·1 I~ • I~ I• r o• , II ot';~ '" '"" t' " 111 11, ,., m , '" ,. RACK TIIP. .-\TT.\('1\ tn'\' MUUt: Tit.-\~ 8t:Hlla~ Manila FOLDERS You Cu lOW Get l~o~lnt : :\ t 'ullo . .,, '3" ... GOOD WHISKEY ~POIT lEACH PHAIMACY • ' ...... l',ollollor. Prop. 2188 Ocean Front Ph. }'I ..Pt. B~h. 5 IA'tt.Pr-Nu nw Alphabet GUIDES .... ,.,_._.. ...... '2!~ ,.., News-Times .. 51 11\'. ~~._, A"-,.....,._ s_,..n 11 A~-sa.ttal ... ..... . •'If'_ ..... _ . .._..,...,._HaadMM ..... ........... rte aoha-- .... t-.-17 ......... - --,... ....... k. J .. ,, •·•~ ...... ~-....~-:, w . ---·-.. ,, ....... , 1 ... .dalt ...... . ·::::: =-.,__. ~ ........ .3'Mlll.., ............ 0., ... ._ ....... d:; c •••.. ,, 1110 ...... 1 .. __ ._ .... ..., ----...... .. .. ...,_. ?'; .......... .. n ., ... .... ,_.~,.. ·e ·a ~.::;,-~-........ ~···! ri";!T -:..::. .. .. --~-. " ' . \lk, '··I f ,,., ' ·~ Naval Units Need More Books • lOT ICE If JOI , .. Ul't GO COME ca1 across across BUY AT LEAST A $25.00 WAR BOlD LEGAL FORMS FOR EVERY TRAISACTIOI ·~e have madr It convenient for you to ......... compila,noe wllh an roqulremon .. of the law by canyirig a comPlete stock of all forms and' papeors needed for thl!! ('I()Qlf*tion of eovery I:J'an!ilction. NEWS-TIMES ' OPEIIIGS II HUITIIGTON BEACH MEl AND WOMEN Needed for Vital Defen!!e Work Requirement&: • • • Availability Certificates Proof of Citizenship Social Security Card -APPLY- ~til .... ftH IlL• I ( -"- ·• SEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS.TIME~. N,wport R~Rc-h . f':ilifornia. Tut'~day. Aufl'W't 1. 1944 1::': ~~!~Js !=11c.':',.,'\::: =·-'nitt4'o 1h:sf:te•ll E W S ·TIMES CLASS I FlED 0 PPORT II fTiEi tb:~: =:a~=~~~~! P T'fvntllltnn ot the ~at ional ~ It\·• -"''IM '" n~rr)" J . Bauer ... ;:: ~h:~ .. w~yta!v:·~=~~~=~· • IE I D F 0 I PI 0 FIT •• IS E F 0 I IE S ll.T I •• Balboa Yacht club. ln lhf' Bal-c:urity award to t"M Sout:JIHft ~-pai6illklmt fll ttw ~ UXI"*IO· t t-......,,..,._tlv upr"' mv lfudM•------------..... -----.....,,.---.--------------------------------- boa Otnghy racM Clnt place wu fomla Edl.llon company • ._, IY\8f1r Thr EdBon C"'mpplft)' Ia IN tint boob and tile put ellpert•nce ot F.~1'1..0\"MP:NT ROATS, ~tlJ•PUI'll RFAL l'JII'I'Aft tallftl by Manh&ll Gram . ,..cond • ·~ ., .. thf' Unltt'd Slah.._ Of· ul•"••· ~lnl~. in California to Jood old dirt K•rdent>n and not place by K . K of'l'&ll. &114 th1nl by fb ot CtvUi&n OrfftlSe, tn ~~-ncriw-thr National Srcurll)' , n<>U~h nn llu• .ta.-.. :ilTt 'A Til •N W A NT,.:I' ( 1n flAil· Jt(lo\ T!l n.·t. Rnld and l'f"i\t'd j FOR !"CAI.F,.- 0 ,._. GNm. ""''(I( 11 •UJ'ot•rtnr ... tandard of •. .,... a w:1rd for Its m taN' S)'11tt"fn. ~ Admtnnc-thf' cuu.-.ct-and wc· ll'jl t"~'' l 'oul 1~14 \\' t'•·n· Mft rlnr Ji'.ttltlnf'a a nd f'a'1AI f'•H ~AIJ<: Wlnnt'.-. In the P .C. t'Vt-nu Wl'rt' time prottction throughout the' award caJ'1Vs thr f'ftdo~• ,,, l'f'U of a •m•ll patl'h of --t tral .,.,, N""Jlurl I'll tP= MAHIN,.. !'1,. !;;,_,..: AN I' I Fin• 2-... tlroom ltuceo . Gf'Orge Stro111. flntl ; Har ry t.fc-Ed1~n :--)$l~>m the-loc-aJ O vWan Off~ Coun· alyuum that w .. thrtvlnJ In aplte ~I} Ill• MJI'n ro fu,.,.leNd. K lnnev. eecond_IU'Id Ht'ber Ent•k Ttl•• 11watd ro•r,.monio"<. ho·ld In r•l•. llw OtllfOI'YUA Stat~ War of Ita dry. •nd-patr h •n,•lron· ..... p \\'AN'Ir. ,,11(1(1 \\ <"f'nlrlll "''t' T'h l SAA·W SS.OOO.OO .aoa, tblrd. tht' Edison building audil<•num In Counnl. thr Ninth ~. Offl<'f' ,; .. nt In a (rtend'a •ront vard. U\e ' ' ,J) ' Nr" ro•rt 11•-AI'h C'alif I 1n the Paclfk 14-f•lut D•n~hy Lo5 ArlgeJt-s. wt·n:· a nmdl>d b)' ol Caviha n Drfrnsr and nation .. frlt'Dd fl'rthwlth olfl'rf'<l 'u to rre l lf:l I' \\' A!'>T~~I' ·~"f"'rl~nc•f'd '21\ lfr A ltf'al lh•v I n JR.NlTIJRB ma M.\.1.&-. rort ftAU: .,..., """ bu\4- <'arvl'd Italian M il c-hain. n41ed!•- 1"tlnt -•• UIIO the pair; -· tlqul' rmtr llf'd mahcJc'a.ny chalt I , tlt"aWI'N UM: ....,...,., hllrh·bo•~· JM . ITO f!MC• 1oM tlau . racing for the Byron ,. ar-nfl wial« of Arm~. Na\~ nnd i,'11\. ho'""'ua"""" 01 t_h•• ~f"ICO• ot C"\· tur mv c-ardt'n whtC'h t hav~ ._n. , ... ,k 111111 h"''"''"orkrr Nn up· . W. J. HOLCOMa well Perpetual tropby Wt'Ddf'll <'1-nnwnllll ctl'<'l••,., and ofheo•n., dl· \'lltan Dt-fl'ftSt'. \\ ashangton. V C 111,.(17'bllng trpm rutlln~t plant.lrl "'"'r" .,.,,1 1. l'rll'iol,. rn••m :"lal-I I-'till X -'I I.E ~'"' tinA I, 1'••11,,,., • ~~~~~.~,! '•,~I .:~l:h,~:~~f ,, <'alk lna placed first. S.Jb Hrnly rt'<'ton lllld t•mpiO)"l'\~ nt th•· Edt·· and bulba (tvf'n to m• by fellow-:~ry $1'"' ('<'r nh•. l'hllllt' N•w-::n.l N•• 111:\1 11u111 IM!\4 loy llf'cond, and Re.x Brandt tlllrd '"" ''""'1.;\n~ Corona *' Mar N~W8 r;aro•ne.-. 110rt or a rr .. ndabtpl I""'' H•·a•h 1:!411. !12-trr K ,.tt.·nlutr.:. ,;,,.,., , ... ,..tltum. Wtwr,. 11'" ,.,ttiC" ,..,)•" 119 11'' I irf't'll l(f'y tlllYilancl ~hlna M $.'1fltl 1 : .. v•m1•1 \vtntllrop ct.ell """ l:k"&•lt I... ·T~: •. ," ... J'lllh't> n ullco J8T.M ; f1ft4t hrkl· .. Tht' Pacific H -fuot Dlnghlt's ('•Hlllnt·nt1allon of lhr E~ __ '~t•rden 1 atop~ to lift It J'•nlly fnllt SlltMI It I< \\'alk r t 7c'l!l l-lllt !'t AU •: l..oll 111 l'urona d"l 1\'f'n' to race again next Sunda y. company for its lf'ad<•n.h•p In ~-Mr 1\rd M~ f'arl Ram • ap<-nt t rQm Ita lpt>l whr n It• o,.'Tier , \'111 I.J•I•• s .. mt I.Jdu IIIII' :'17·411' "'"r S:'ll\!1 ltV .. wnc•r 1, n """ twal' re•utr.1 r.•..-ham allv•r lra)' lttJr21\. Jl7:'>: "lher na. ,._,..: 1:l lloe '-t Whit• ,.,.,_ ..... 13 JHPr lb. f~l r.d btiell IMiut ur11.1 Na vy tow•r. o.a..& r.e.t. Aug. 6· but th~ r ace baa brf'n can-<'umy dunn~; th~· "ll' <'flWr~;f'flt·~ tbf' w~k nd at their hon-1! In "'"PI'f'tl mt-ahllrt and ('uht>d Into ' llt:I.P "' ANT•:n 1 :\111 t '""'"" ilf'l t.lar, l'allt \'t'llt'd becausl' ot the Flight of wns 1;1\'('11 b)' 1-'r,.,u-nck F H ur ttnctnn l'ark Their aummn lhr• ht>IIIW' to liN' I( It Wl\8 • prnpl-1 Typhlt·tlerk--cW.Wrat of~ I'IUV A'rl-~ I'AI\TY wlahl'JO to c•nn· M -Ur tbr Snowb•r•l.8. . lloU-<t'r. heuii'Mnl .:u\'t-rnor ,,, placf' ,8 1\t 30:\ Hf'llntrotW "''t'll\11! tl. "" day to lrllllap'ant arrordlnK '"'rk· Uond .,_,. t•u·l 1~·•1 ,.,.., ... r ••r ~tklp'Jlf'r Bf'n Yr,ungiiiYI' Jr. an.t SC'hn•k C'ahromu:, 1.1. Con~<i• W1ll:u d f). y "' narn • l"t'l!lmr<l \fnuo lll•' w'lh '" hrr lt~t ro'ojtlrlll bonk It Wf\m 't l '. 8 . ...('1\'11. IIIP:It\'ICE l'tun•hw ""'""' partlra M<'· t~lll ~ALF. •ll'ht l'rH m h"~ "' pbron.. lltlna "'"'t nn ...... \!I'd on pointe '" t h·· Flllr•m I' IllS~ llrNt. u~:-: lt. a,;si.O,IWll ,jj,.,: 11'1 ,..~ • cur•t. Join Nrn Ru-·11 ' t R.-d-I Ill 1 0\ll~t I'Hml l\ill'k I hi' n "llt f'ttoM .... ( ... ; 'y l'h Nli'WOIIlr" \~lOll . i ~ ..... llflnt lo• atlon . On• t\111 bath. "'it.h lle\•('n IU'Itl t hr .... f•>~ll1.h~ <'111'11\ otru·•·' Elt•\••nth :o.;,,,ul dl>-· larrl•· ,.",. wl'l P'maln wtth her Tll<'lldly It• lt~l tht> 1lt'tU llttlt' llefoN auoa--e to It ('""'"'"n, f'•ll t 1\1 4111 \,.., half batha. 1 oerulon Aua. WI'~ IIAVl!: rwver luld • _. _. .~!&Ch. a(:curdmg to lhl' ~\'l'rfl<' lrl\'1: Major :00:~ C th1 ··n. (' :\I.P .. a .... c>k t.fr Barno ta lht' <'Otn· Jt'anl whkh llvt'd •n•l Jlfflllp<·red r.G·t fl' o 1 !at . l'h N•,..'J)Ort lf\4~·W. t•nr• ..S•tr hne M 81:0 ROOIII ...,., a<'uring ~·st~m •n U!le by &V C · chid ta•·ll•• \' ~~·uri'\ >-t'<':wn -.. ,.. .... , '""' h,.r nf Hunttll~on '•lthout cart> •It wAt rr f'XC:f'pt that J!l ~10 M ·ttt Ulan w• .,.. DOW life,_.. but Schock """" on dnr-d tlmt' l"mlh S•·n w._: Comm.,n'tt: f:ug,·~ Partt Hl""h arhO(ol tlf' h• .. h.f'ld .. ,, rh r·•lnt-11 frnm h~a,·en. I'M · "~ IH MA I.JI: 10 font t wu•n'l'kJlll t.I~J>I•. MMt•,...,.. Walnut. ..._ Co ln I I ~ "' ,.._U H malu•.:auv •1¥"•1 bolllt "'1111 :!::! J-'(11( >4AIJ.: f\t"alllUr&nl In ltal-.,_anv-a-... ID&IIJ ~ ..... -m g » 11''' on, wa.~ 1 onv•·• ,. •. \\'. At~C:otllll, l'hc•n lf ,,r u " An · t"al ntrk'r for t•·t'nly-ei~tht )'f'IU1L epic lou:"' hy. Ita alliM'n••e In a '"• -Ft.J• W -'1 NTEI"l II u w wo11hl '"• " ._ _,...... •- Wurdemann. and 1. Lcwta anJ i:d~ I'OUOI) unl1 mtombf>r ot lh«o Hie bobbY ta ttw r ulth·a tlon of furnla •ummn. >''"' Ilk~ to hi\Vf' 1111 I'JII'htMvr II I' t-:""""''' mit ()1,,.,..1 nwt nr ' boa tlwn .. r n•u•t Jl"O Eallt •'\lily \all,.. In hOth twte aa4 11&11 .._, G d f lbl_. _ ... , .. G · t S:l:l!\ !1:.!1• Au._,,,. A If'. llallw'l """'1'1"''1. 11-atool F ur lllf-a· 1---t•-• A _......_ •-ftt reen trt or '"· _,._., ret'n California SUit> \\'ar Counrll. and tlowf'n H .. colorful flower ~~:ar-It w11 a Ulrn 1 confu-d lo her ••rtllnrv hantlllnl[ Adobr nalry ., ~.... ··-.--·-..---ln · Ia--• tl .... r.!'·:.!tJ• tl•on • "11 at JfV\Ian'a ltral to:etatf' v "" bu Jart McMahu -·-• w ntng on e •~-mr. R. G. Hal·k~'ll. assis tant n.~1onal drn at tif'llolropt> avmUf',' abowa thllt only that momln~t ( bad "put rn ... uo•ta• Prrman .. nt. turllltal. ·' ' ' ·-- H&I Talmajte J r. pla.red fintt rn admantstrdtOr. Fc-dt>ral p 0 w I' r a ITlllllt t'C'riii~Iru,..tf' w1t h hla 0111" 1111'\'f'r&l do&t'n plant• pur-~· .. ~· rf'OI UOI'rllh\n Adohr I nf NI't' 11\U tta.l """'""' AYI'., lur. ('fl .. 2'ftd IUWt ............ ,. the ~nlpe claq, Bob and Betty Commt~sion, N-prt'S£'nltng John• C. ( punhllt of bl• hobby Both Mr t'hiiSf'd from the t lorlat. "'l'bry l"arma 311th A Crnlrlll. Nf'WI""' ,.-,'It 1'A I.Y. lhtnl 'a bin t "M•I•-, 1••11•,. 1'16-4tr Ranta Ana 116-tle White were second, and Wax ' BN>Iw. T'f').:iona.l adrl'jni~>t rator. and ~ ... Barry allow a IIVt'ly In-will juat dry up Jllld dll'," abe Hc•arh !'lf't' t.fr Hull bt'fore 7 <'I !\II fl ll 1 I'm I<C'rmath · l<lng . Jr ........ tblrd.. :\ta jor Jam·~ R Barkf'r. F"idd , .. ,... •• in the ··orta of their liOn, propheall'd. f 'went homl' with my 1\ m f)f ILflf'r 3 p m . "' Wrltt' " .. · .... ,.. •1. •' ,.. f<<\lr, ll lld14lll, WANTED TO RF~ . I rott IIIALI. 1 ........ w~ 1'be~ will be &.~~other dance Anill~ry. l ' S.A . prolt'<'lioo dh'b · Richard. who Ia a came,.. e ntbu. tnngul' In my cl!~k. fl'elloK contt-19()() \\' Anahf'tm. Lone O.•llch t•• h·l '2 \• I n><\udloo cnr 1 W~NT Tt~u•:ASII: ; .. ;;~ IU atcw•. t1 bum•.-.. two _._ "'lth orcheStra nf'xt Saturday e ve-ton. San Franc:isctt field otfiC'l'. Of· 1a.t and •bo hu a N>markablf' dent that my care and watertiiJ '1)8-4tc 11411.:••111 ''""" 3:111 W unrur111.nf'd S-htrdroom hnmf' JtOO, aJao lar~r• round ......,... nlng at 9 p.IIIth [orfrtm embrnr of ficP of Civilillll O.'ft•nk '. prv'S<'ntf'd r<>llf'f'tlon of pk'turet~ uf their tripe could p,...vent her pred c llon from w ANT,.:r> l..oc&l l•dlu to work 11'''"'1""")', NaJ\ 111"1" 1• ~~~r ~~ llalbo:" nr Balboa let lilt'ottle'a, :~ ~!:'';!~1~1" ,.:: ::.~.;: the rlub and e r t'nd.a. 1 tn tbe Yal'tclou national p&rka. 1)4'('"11'1nc a rt&llty, but It dlctn't. In Mra C"otrt'y'e ,..,.,lt.,ry l ho(• •' Dell lo. U.y trront. Dalbna. M ·4le brl<'k IM!WW n•at Na'l)' l.,_,., At the Nf'Yo'po~ Har bor Varbt Ah, H ' An:"'aJs I Rkb&ni rKriYf!d hla comml..too ln 11plte of thrlr app&~nt he11lthy ,~ 1 c:lub the July IJt'rlt'l of races l'l\\1 a. Ull .. llCOOd II<Pu\.f'nant at thf' On!· bt'jrlnnlnp . C&J't'fUI tran.aplalll.lnl at llll(l <.:out H IJthway. Corona •"'~-Ill ~Au: A rul buy RniJM! LOrA I. ,.AKil.Y • ~·"· evktf!d l)ana J'OU!l, or ...... .... e.J with two n oted yacht.aruen t.k· c 't Ro Ov I ft&nC't' dPpot in Abt'rdeen. Wub .• and collftant c•re. thry have d<-l t.lar ~t-3tP 1 ~II buat Vrry at•lOd rnndtllun. ll .. f'lla 2-t-tnJCII11 hutflf' Will p&y Putnt Tat ..... mg first place. Honk Re&nlalt y an mp . er I ftC:'ftltly. ~ .... ma_tonn~r In I never done anythlna-while lilY WANTlO $17:'1 ru h A bltrpln 20A 8 J.I)OO advant•• on r-v·· ..... P"OR IIAUI: .......... Ill ... beinc flnt In the Rhod"J clau. G nJ An . M rwtnrerin~t at Stanford and ln IIWM L &lyaum wllb it• bumbl«~ A t 1 1 T nay •'Tool Ual~ .. laland l'h. Wh•t bav• you. 11m! let 0' 1J2 tablfo. M : pehttlllll dMIIl.a. ..,.. and Hnn.pbrey ~art '"llnll: b.. a ens y ore ROTC. wbftt t&llen Into tbe Army ht!rilalf' but movt>d by lht' !!tare, r" ',' mil,..,~~~~ cad.Jt op 'llfa~Q. bNt 2003-W M-2tc . n .. m .. t lit.. Balboa lJIIa.n4. .. _I...._ Alblttr t flnt placr " 1 11 ~~>M 1n1 1 on ion• An eaHn• -.Jt •--rTDW Uld r... ~ o.. o · ---R-.forvf' a y..ar a~to. Jlp wa"~ 11 hall f r<'Wn and Ia Ule prl.le of my • uat ••ar loduatry Employment P IA.tnla. NO awa.a. 16,........ et• Bl~c;:_ a~::~~: ~~~ ~ 1 A n~· on!~. c~ aa an ~ ~:. Datr. U:,~-~ I frlt-ndablp rardrn. ellt.l't hrrr or at Huntlnrton 1 F. I .CO C1U rtSfl:rt. 34 -toot. julll N'· WANTED TO-at1Y """ lWei brida lilollllt ...S Calwant. r aaUed by SeveN'nK,, f'IIIerrency 111eaaure and t.o 1r0 bllo In a !~ucat m~ttary .. l~mentl CATHERINE E ASTON ~acb ltort ~ r<tnolttlont'd. r u II y equlppt'd. _ Na'l)' tower, Dula ,_.., w placing t l.-.t witb US potnU· tbe t'ffert at once wy .,...aed by tbe ~ ta A '!'b be t .-d • 'M-IEOOORE ftOOfNS ~ally tn J" Mullt aar rUice . wANT TO UUY ~~ f..IIA.BJC -oe ...... 0.... ..... t tas. · ... .. Plr&te. Saat aaillnJ. ReOnd • wilb I Oranc~ county bOard of ~ : sta:ford ~ conU~ur ba: .:~ ... I Newport Boule•ard "•rd Salh and Servlte ....... ofl..r A leu :r2Lh..{a. Ker-lla.lboa J•and. ,.,._ C]W~Mf. No lr YOU .... --...... ,. 11 poln.Ut; alao acor lnr; With u l or• lut Wt't'k . It prohibita tbe tmtll !lprtrlr wtwn bf' entnfod the Off• "a) R d N 2Zitd &nd C~ntr&l Ave math Marin. t'l\lr1nf'. JS21\ l'tl. <'hlld.rwl Ph. Npt. Bcb 1.._111. IIPRINO-m.l..lm UVJHO.IQI poln:'\ w t' r e Sp.nrler·· Sut atraylng ef animala, mumc It WI· OnfDancf' [)e_partJrf'nl. ICI oa ow Nrwport Rf'lcb. Phon• 28. Npt Bc'h. 21111\·ft Nl-4tp Ol-4tc -.,.. ,.,. ......... -..... Spangler a n d H.atcb'a Slnux;, laWful to ':,rm.lt c:attle. bo~ lllr. and Krw. Newton ()"lt of • ~6-llc lll~lllahaft'• ._.,.. ~.-... ... Deuglu placed filth w ith Syno-;r'::': or.;:. :. ~ atra~=-=n-1 )104 Larlumur a~. b8d tae u ~;.!:::::d~d. Y~~~ ~= HELP WANTED Woman tor ~~oop~AI!idf'n 32~1p.AUII~:!:;! WA~T TO UUY V•cuWII eMu· Ia itodr. V•rW ......... Ill tM .ure aecond. Kelly waa abtlb w\lh e ~ .. -C .~-,. ...._. LtM'Rir a11d ~lie w von -,.... .. ....,.. t>r. Jtl<}d ~onttiUon. Bn1l lOt, _,.. ~ _,_,1 111 ...._ or ·~ L ...._ ~ ~ -vard a nd Newport Annue.. our houae' "''•'" Ont' day a 'A'Mk l'tl. four A-1 rt.ndltlun lilt W. N-port S..Cb. Ill-~ _... -HeU'a Angel. and Pierce aeventb. The o,;.._r ctl an &J1imaj ano.-J ol Atlanta. Georata. u riOUK IIIaln h.lattway 1eadln1f Inland wlU Nwpt. 24~.or e"t'41np HHI·W. 1\ay An . Nt'Ytpnrt 1\otac:b. ......... Velotlr _. ,..,..,_, T• wllb Penguin. auch t~ or rDO¥emet~t le i ~ durtng tbf' "'""'· herealtn ~ar the offl~laJ de'lll· Dr. M D. CraWford. 6~2tc r,t-ttc l..o8'1' AND mvND wt1l n..l aoMJ' • ...._ ,..._ ' llablr t o a fine of 1-000. ja.l1 for 1 ~r. and Kn. Wilbur McGinltle nat IO!f' or Nt>wpnrt Boulevard. ac· Mel ..... t.,.. IMN. ......, Mesa Resident Taken by Death aix mootN or bot.b. Tbe oomity ctl C-..t Hlpway bouctlt a bouae rordlft« to Dlatrtct l!:nf1nHr c . v . DOG8. CATS a PEl'S l•"'t))l ~A LJI: Thr•• Aahbndcl' toftT Brown Ud wb.lta ,..... hu JI'\INMUN Oo.. ...... ""Unmn.a.ter Ia dlrtc:t.ed to cornJ aDd IDOYed In lult wffk. at CO, lTD I O>rulyou of tht' state d.IYbtlon of 11treamlln• •·rulllf'ra, 34. 30 and ,. ..... nc•r --1.a. 11 IIWWIU. ......... , ...... ...._ ....,. I or-.. ri old M S "P""0 ..,'ME a· .. "'12" ,...__ •on• oa ,.. ' ..,.-.ucb anima!• and bold tbem ror .. a « anllue. r . · bltthway• .... .,.. "' "'"'l.Q • 'J ~ 29 ft lllap<"C.'linn ~unday. Orr-old. from curoaa <ltl Mar. fte· alated pertofll.. If lbe anlmal .. Hookam of 302 L&rkllpur avmue l f'. o. Mc>Donald or th~ telt· your """'" coat Jt will lrln n toa LAn•hng .• ~11rd An . Wll· ward M.-. HarnW · 0.... tot _!Oil ~llr AUIGI loln. Ang•llne Van Dom Allen. wortb leu than SIO. ttw pound-! "'"" \hf' tormn owuer. pboor company Ia tbe Dl&ll rt· him tlult lonly wooday fraa-mln~rtun nr write f'rco.i Aah· {)(<Nit IJlwd. Alftfte Npt. HtO ~ SA~ 11Cr7l.Jftealn ~ 71. tlil'd Tul'eday mom lnc at the DU!ftn may .ell It privately alter · Kra. KIJIIUe Rqan of 438 Car· 11ponslbll' for thl' chanl{'t>. He ~~Vrnte ranee "1 the PID~a. Cocker -Span-hrt•ltt~'• WllmlnJ tuo, calli. 6&-tt~ lhdu. .-ac:ll wtta..,._t eoww. home or her dau~bter. y,.._ thrf"t' <'a ys. anti noimburee lhr u~, a.-ue. enjoyf'd a lhl"f'f'-to thf' county auperviAnra. Uklnsr lei pupplea rtda and parll• Mt-4tp and Pll4to ... ~ ..,_,. Luclllr Clark . 2421 Oranl{"f' sv-""'llf'r, If known. for aU t'JI~pt-w~ll a v .. lt w1th Mr (Tanddaufbr tor a change b«au-of tb• con. rolllr& E ll c " II e n t ~InC .-. • -' -----t..nl'fT l.a'f"• W al n "t p&ddk car .. and P'1cecl \.o ..at. enu• co~ta ~ofea11 ln~t k t>ep at :;o cl'nt.a • day . ler. )tl .. Oomthy Rrcan. nr f'f'n-ru,.on cauaed by the varlolla Ptt-.n borwe meal for <'ala ~ FOR SALE--hoard at 8&1'"* let ,-n.tuatlnn Buy -wttll• ,_ oea. ,........ Sbf' w&JI born ln S lalt>n l.tand. ff the animal t.a •·orth more ftr. Olio. K1aa Regan ,. on lhP ni\IIIU 1'be •upervlaora lndlcatt!d tlog1. both -.te &nd c ov't In· EJ..I.AHIX)tJ& lflft to boy at AAAAB. 1\rtwaNl. lq m ay not be fv ... ,.. • New Vnrk. and had bef'n a real-than 110 ilJI lnlencr d -.Je mwt •t--.·r ot th• Denver Hlltb ll('hool. thf'y ,;,ould approve. If the at.at11 &p<:!('ted. ll:llb~r ~bUAk.a~JTOUDd KI8C r•h. ~pt. Deb. 1111 M ·ltc TIUIO~ ROIANa l df'ot ot Coata )feaa for to yun. be _advertlaed and a 30:4ay ~ ~~~ left for bu home had no objecUon. The -.te now IDd .om.u-we !lave b•rt FOR BAL..r:. '20-rauc• <Soubl• bu· I,OI'JT rna•· II riiUM'al Wall.t, t llft-"'rd a.a.. a •nib 1 S bt! waa a. member of the eo.t.a.l rlod .. lapae be(ort-lb• aale. The .... ~ ....... y. having r tv•n cofUN'nt the C'bange l .,.-" fttru. U.aketa, cullbhlftt, ~I ahot ~n: •lnll• wblla l»d J2d a C.Jirtl.l Newport ~ )ff'aa Co mmumty church ~·ner. If kno,.-n. mu.et pey the :Mr aJ>•t Mrs. LHIIt-~trlten.wn will br m ade. aftr~tlnc prlncl-c-oU.an:· leAd.. bruaht a. Sulfa· an•l aprtn••: Aam lnlaler rur. lalnlnlf •lllv•r'• lk:'•n.. ldMitltl· 'han ~urvl\lmg nr.. tv.u daughters. kr(" bill and "'"~' l'latm tho-dlf· ud t~Uy, ctl ~ Man~old Av-l pnlly that ~ttlon t hrouJth <..,'nata dr ne. VermeJt. WllH Sluunpoct. . Vx l2 l'h Npt lk'h l t7 Ml-2\c ~:.~'"" : .. ~:!:; f:" .. ~~~ .. ~~-I • 21 lU,th )1111 Clurk lllld :.lnt Mary Allcn ,t,r .. nt'(' Wllhfn -''"II~ "' It• t'OUf' .. lpf"nt tb, Wfi'k ..... nd ., no-.\ .. Ill" •• l'hl l <' oJJ lhn-~ nu•JI•·a arA ~tell l:fubble Bath. fo'l·~-1 t (.. ..... "' ~f I -~ -~ .. ,... n.... 1'1 ., 1 1 1 Mr,.nt .. y, 22r. M•r1n• Ave . Ml· MUI~r til NC'Who-t·s;. (l r\'. " broth-~' tx08rol boll a.nd aaJ.e pn ce. , >er • _mr "''" ve .-,of'rra ~ a• ro·. 10 UR. aa. ~ • ......,mla-nt' ... pra1t11 ant 1-'(.11{ XAI.t; Mll.:llt 'f wuru 111 a11•·• ""· •••- rr, ('lar••nre Van r.>..m 11( Tor -("hatnrnn \\'Ill * H "'tt"TTPr tob """'"0J' -tnur !" "m b ,. r" llnff 1 t.:ha.mploa Kilt y fV()d, .~reah ttl'l'"'"' lll7c'" I :I "'"I 14 •11 1"'" holan•l flt-"'ar•l 1'>11·2fr til "'••e•-""· :;-~ N'nc('. tw .. s.:ot•·ri' .\Irs Jr •• ma J<'<lt'.J t .. ""' ordu .• m·• II)Jt ,..-8, ····"111" ur 1'~~ < "r,l~" C"~f'('~nf T o JUII~·· human natur,. 1 g htly., Nn~t~ En1la.nd Clll111p. th1 klll<l :.wt• t,9 ·4!tr TRANKI'f)KTAnON c--."' Mtu ~wtn·, an<J ~lUll! Alma \'a.n f>om nv.·r r•,l~> I h .. Hlll••r ,,,,.:nt-'"' ·•t '~"rnnn ~~ 11\r •• • ttn ar "'; ., '''"" mn\· l1Hnu•turl'll hllvt: " v•·ry that n;ottwr f'A\a n~·nJJHlh'llll -,. 1\: AI I ll .. uarhut.l lilt'\' 'LI:s l'~•.,l,.•l ur ,.., f N. D. CASH or f'OJ I'Jit c.;ruvf', IJrl' .. and thn·.: th•> ll••ur•t. v : ... •'at•nl\.1 that l h• P •nw ll"" a \', tn "'JlAIIn 11 ,.,1111111 '''~I""IPJW•'. 1,,.,..1,1,.,1 hr hu Ha.z.el ShPptwtd • l'f'l l'hc•p, ~1·;\ I t: t• Ill'""" D v . M. grandchildren l1tntymg ,.,·~ 111a....y 14nuna.t.. 111 II• lo"m•• ,,( ll1>• <' 1-: Kytt·. 31:: n VPry lar~:r hr arl Bulw••rLyt-Nf'Xl to A & I' t.lArko,l. 1~1/o:UIIA "''WHIM lllhl ruc•nti\IIH 111•111 '"I r~t IJ•I!•I'•. 304 Mllhl NL DOO •104 CAT H~ITAI. S<n ·ol ea 'v.-111 tw ht'ld fo'rl1!8 v 8t 1 • h oJa d d (lr<hld a•·•rlllf' Beach Wf' rt.'.!tl "ll ThUIIIIII YA 11\r,. tu111<••l. •VUIA ••1111•·•1. 1'1• llalt..•,. Kn•t"l llll Martn .. Aveau• -....u Aaa ... n•n:• a reaA lUI l'n n.:cn-a n · . ·nw L T f"l)lll-1m11 c•f 31!1 Ma rl-t •n. S h 1 d 11 "" · .·~1·.1 \\' :.11-llllt ,_11•11~•• llllllnr1 lll·lf• 1114 k M•t11 M .. a..ctte AM. Clllllf, 2 IJ.m u l lhe Grauel chnJ:>el. with • ••.slrn)'ctl m Ary prdt'DIJ anJ otht-r op t' ott<' " <lay .,.,-:lt. " l.nlt>rment In F airhaven cemet~rY· plantlnp. ~nld 1\Vrnuf' haVP "" hm "'' J.'Ul"!IIA MONEY TO LOAN iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiil•l~~~~-)fno G L R.obiNKin, Mtll .Johtt Fis~in& loat larcai•- St•F.CIAL: U-ft. x 10-ft., ~Ia. beam: 9-toe lee ~ »tL Lo..._.:-<111~ Crowa. Can1illlf ~r. A Barpla. . 4t -n . Cllartn a-t. Ca~ eMn.er ---a •Ceal )IA.'IY OTIII:U ~ ~ F110M 1118'S LIIDIII and Yacht Brokerage I I at a lllil&.e ... NfL llldL ..... H• nal,.r an• I •nail 11• n U.•b. t)f n "·••raHit' lfrll RotMn~ Ia thP rtau~tht .. r of the Foboma. U tr buab&nd Ia Col G . L. notn~n. a .J'a8<' ('nmmand4or ,..·lth tht' lOth Air -,.~urt'f' In F:n~tland. Maj<>r Ht>Mitt t.. a1.eo 11Ut1onf'tl in .F.n~tlantl "'lth Will l"11.n '10110 l" $HI 000 Qn busln•·llll "' n•l'lhlrntlal pr•~pc·rty In IJ:I Ih.-.s "' \111'lnlt 1 EUGENE ELLIOTT r.tll E Ct-nlral Av, l\albla . ('1\lltnrnlll Ptmnr Newport 38 ~9·4lc I the. Air F'orce_ , I Pt;RSONAL I HOM£ ... INGS $11.000 I -- 1'bf' R•my L C'hataln hnmt-at f f-' YOU want 1111 Ruin• AVf'nlw S.lb<",. lllliUI•I. I wrltf' 8o?l 26. hnl'l bo•f'n IO'Id to Arthur D Paxton I <>r Allad•·na Thr flvt"-brdroom -----r-Ill g d IIIartled.. Vancouver. Waah 1)3-t.tc 1 hnmr. •1th doublt' pragt-. tlllld 1 · PEARCE HABBfTRY ortgtn&lly I f o. r Jt!l ()fl. Paaton. whn I.JI In IJf All.>Prt Plact'. '" nnw at 23M tbe-truc.Jilng bua!nl'u ln Lc111 An-, !IIPWpc lrt Ulvd.. . Co1ta t.INL I ~f'll'8, .m' uae thr hi'\\:IW' u 11 Plc•oty of trying rahblt.a on liWJlJDt'f" home aod cootJ.nur to r.rc1n Ph Npl. Uch 1281. ~~~~!l··~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!~~~~~~~~ma~lnt.aln hlA AJtadena. rucd~rl" 67-to-t.c SNOODLES ('7 oat of II people read News-'nmelt ClaMllled Acltt.) } WE -SELL BOATS Let Us Know Your Wants Marine Way5 .. • • • Marine Sa lvage PORT OF SEVEN SEAS 11an1 Oartlt!r-I.JnM_, ,..,.,., ,.,... .. ,. SIT Cout Hapway l'boiN\ Nrwport BMNt !N9 BACK ntt; ATrACK · • • . Bl V MOKir. RONJ»M . By Cy Hungerford <. •• .. ('<..::.. ~., .. ___ _ -h-~~ ~H --------- DOROTHY DARNIT Oo,TOR' .. o""''~ W tl.Li f BoTTS Gf T T'"lt\1' A L OIIIJG7 -- ( .\ ~lanrr pron~ the wat.lr~hlp of lhf" :"'if'U'"·Timr!C 1 Y OV ....,"'0 ~ A, L O T 0~ V ISITS YO t-4•"'1· A,T T._.QEl P L R O tQr./T Y o v You o uCH ! TO Ov'Y M E ~t. SoO A. ""1 0 A 0 IG Oo'tl Of' t_..:;:.._.;, __ .,...., CANOY { • .. F ... ____ _ By ('harlt·~o~ :\k.\lanus ,' .. tl • ..... Professienal Diredory ~ Gordon PtJ.GnandJ, M.D. fthyaleta" afttl h,...... Nl"t" a"tl C."tr•: A,.. Off'" H,.._: 10.tla.m .: 1·1 •·"'· T•t•...-. 1f LEROY P. ANDERSON ATTOAN£Y AT LAW C011ta Meu •altk 8ull4lftl fth-4H Celtfwttte HAROLD ~ GRAUEL CHAPEL "W~ Ount'IY .. I be ftetler 8e"a Uy S..rvlnl' fJUI•nt O.O.IIt" fthOI\e Newport Mt Coata M•N Gatlfa"'l• BUY NOW Cit, Tax Sale Lou A. J. TWIST 1101 coaat Hlth""•r fthOft• Z422 GOftONA O£t. M-AA '!11$1) \\'1'•1 f"rrtlr"l AYr . S r"'l"•rl n..ll('lt ,.,,. "''"I'"'' fl•···" lfl~ll It "" ""•"''' •·•II 1101 ~ · Conrad Rlcht•. M~D. "'yalelatta.N ........ Off ... '" 11M ...... H••.-rt ...... Heure: 10.tl a."'-& 1-1 ._"" "'..... Offloa td; ... 14-1 DR. ~ E. TOHIU. ftHYIIetAN 11M IUIIUON ... c.-•. ..-.. .._..,. ._. _....._._ Offloe •. w ........... '' Ne "-c:..n .._..,. t Dr. M.D. Crawfnr4 O .. TOM.TRtfT tcy .. Eaaa&ee.J 01.-rttW 11t'f Newport Jlout.Yant COITA M.IA BALTZ MORTUARY CHA .. IL 8V TH. t•A 410 Co•• alvtl. Goro"o <1•1 Mer • ~ ....._ ' ftllen• New,.rt 4Z l)ll. OBEJl LtTCASI n~ntlst • ?'!tr!"1 W. f''"',..'· MI. I~ N r:\\'NUIT ftP:At'fl ------------------~1 ~.--------------------- WHO'S WHO IN HARBOR DISTRICT f'trH I•I "ff' ANO MINOt IN(', WOI'l 0 -- 11 W \'.'r I'' I I 7'11 '!(I' Ill •I . t ... ,..,. """"" I .• ,.,1 l.lllfltwr l'h 8M-J r.r ~" n111 r "•NlR A r Tn ,.. (;,,,.,,II II I '"'"·'' '!11'1''•1·'" lllvrl . l'h ott:• Pi~tll~ fHirl ('qnatni••IIIJn• I UMOI R rfJMPA NIES ' ,..,.,, \'• ••• I 1 • r · "I " 1 "" II• II• v•111 P'Mr Y""' t,nm~" Ph'"'" 48. llhy 111/f'rll f 1.1111 l••·r I :to l'htlllf' llt;(J ('••11,.. lllghWI\)' "t Al't'h.., I O F"f I C(. &UPPLI £.8 -:00··· , •.. ,, .. ,.,1,,,, '''•"ll1111111Jt "' l'hflrt•• 12 1!1, N"W))<•rt a..c:b. ...... PRINTING- 1\•"'I"•rt lfarl,.,r l•tthll•hln~t 0• l'tumH ' 1:Z • t3. Nrwport Beeoll . .. [AL t STATE, INIUAANC[ A NOTAAY ftU.liC- 1 1.'"' If Wl\lla•" :Z:tfl2 W. Olntt&l AYetiiH PhGIM 3 . I AUBBEA IT~M~._ l N""'l"'lt Ha.rllor l'llbllablnc 0•. PlwwMII. 12 -13. Newporl Baeca. IHE£T MITAL WO .. M- V ... Ie Mum11ta1 • llbe'et lll«aa woru. ODK6 111-. PhMI 110. I \IA,_t.TY ITOII&-8&1~ 18M V.etlt7 ~ lc, lie, lie ........... JI.U.W. I DEFEND YOUR HEALTH WITH ORANGE COUNTY'S OWN'-•. • • Furniture Upholstered and Repaired .. . · ... all work guarnnteed . CLAtiDE. A. JOHNSON, on. o,__r \'..-uaa Rllnd Bulkllnc~mota "'""' ..... IIT·W 1111, ~f'W)Mirt Khd. U1til Further lotice c .• ·BAY SHORE CAFE' WILL IE CLOSED E_, -Heiriz Kalter NEWPORT-~ALBOA JaWS-TiMES. NeQOrt I 1944 Califomia, Harbor Feminine Activities n m "''" 1111; Lt 'll:'i '"nt• "'"'·" nl I lrtn; h:n~ r ••\ t'Oit\j... H"t1•rr r,M. s.t.·" •. , '''""~ ., ~. 111 \\htlt'" 1'·11k '"' lltll••,l I• "11•1 '''":tnt~ Thur~·ln\ IAHII• • :->t~:ht m••f'lin~ nt th; F:l•·• t n. Grill. W F:l•:->F:SI\AY Al't; '.: H•••l l'·nu•" "'nrkn .. ,m. I ll I •nlm. • l lnlhua. "'"'" 10 a m 111 4 p m I'UfJrii'AI dr~•""lt• .. Hf',l l..'r•• vmrkn><•m :1 13 Mn· nn.-av<'. Ualbt.">A b lnnd "!'<'" HI "rn to 4 p m .. wl'jt"'cat olr~Amga • -..."'-"filUIO.OI .. .,.;;;.:l.a..,..~• • He'd (.'rou workronm. l:ltlll lll· NICK Complc!MIIt To JtqQ • rAn av.. ~!"'"A dfol Mar. OJ'('ll 1 Pool ... and one that will p,m to 4 p.m .. aur(tcaJ dn>,ninjtll liH IDinJ hpUt pnformancn., 1 dr..._.n hit lrle«mcnblt BJ'Oa. I A tlote ol apec~l intenst ia the ancm.l drapina that il dftirn .. to laltt'r ,_ 'cwt ... ,_ bedliftc .,.;, fibrin _, -......... .. I hicb • .,... o' color Ia"-to 1 ~Iicht .,.. frH11. •lt. _. ~ u...S .. tn. a. ceum of coa. .._._ ..... ., ttaiiiliiila ... ton..ti ........ .. e· Before You Build or Remodel '1111t our lnwreoUnc -~ aacll d.lwplay ~"'--•('olor I(UkiN. plannlnc a.ld"' NJm· P~"" •tork of nar. C'tU''P"Ja ... ~am. LUDLUM Carpet Works ............ .............. -- Surprise Birthday Celebration ' ~ Honors Lonnie Vincent Saturday CARO ~LYN'S FLOWERS CHRISTIAN'S HUT Balboa, Califorala DF.LICIOUS FOOD eiL COCKTAIL BAR DINNERS .. ~ANQUETS 101 MaJ• f't. BERNARD of HOLLYWOOD CVistinctive ,•· I 'Photography at Reasonable Prices Visit Our Portrait Gallery in the BALBOA INN ARCADE -------? Balboa