HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-08-03 - Newport Balboa News Times11 SAID CRAB ., S ·A M •I .. 'I for 36 yean the belt ..tvertkiac mecli•• Ia ~ae · newport harbor diatrid • • • the newspaper that pee home Buy Bonds to End War QUicker ~ BALBP.A . · A\ES IEEP POliO! 1 Year • • • • ~ lilt ..... ~ ........... ...................... EM~CING BALBOA PENINSULA, WEST NEWPORT, SEA SHORE COLONY, LIDO ISLE. NEWPORT HEIGHTS. IAL80A ISLAND, "coRON.\ DEL MAR. COSTA MESA NEWPORT aEACH,~ CALIIf.,..NI~ TMURIOAY, AUOUIT 1. , ... • 1 NUMMII. -rwo YEA.&S. In retro- 1 spect two years 1s not such a long time, u time and effort go, but to the Balboa USO, grea\ strides have pro- duced one of the most hel~ tul organizations iJ1 the county from pomt of seyvice to our boys. When you fig- ure that 250.000 boys and girls have passed through the portals a t Central and Main, and·you give a thought to the book work involved, the v a rious efforts ot differ· ent fo lks in caring for that many. y ou can visualize h ow great the wk performed by such a comparatively s mall group. Clyde Ashen is a modest ch a p and hides his ability in the wo rk of his ef- ficient staff. w hich ~ gener- aJly the case of those-In the newspaper business, which was his old habitat before the USO engulfed him. You can talk about the thousands ot "dunks" served, accom - modations provided and the myria d other things done. but lt tak~ thought and care in k eeping everybody ha ppy. 18alboa USO Makes Bow, 2 Y e~rs Service, 1Serve Ouarter Million at Harbor Ad. olreded to ew Central Business One Man, :C!_kkll n.:. ,:.. ...... .:-: = istrict Near Arches wtU.tw....._ ... _C'Iot"'-I ~~:C.,:.;.~ 1ls Sta-rted by Maskey · Organizatiou. Piloted Su~fully by Clyde Ashen, Given Praise at Luncheon by Not- ables from Surrounding Areas -M4l .. .,_ .. a ........ r ... , = 1bt st:w.Mt bucttt•'l few •tu~l f•,.... .. _.. • ~ a-IIIH 1 1 0 -altor Announ-· 1•1an11 for Area on Jlllwpnn RP.f'h Grammnr !WhB•t ef U. ,.n, wile • ktiMIIy ~ '-'Uit ,... pullf'd ""-tay rw·nln~t 111 ,, .w -A venue from 30th _._t n__..,. to ~Inc ~ lhr .-hool N>tlrtf. 11n.l "''llal .... , "111M a. •: BU~ VI' U .. :a~~~ • .,u.,. IM'k1 Monotay. Au· ,.. ............ ~ a rt...arw 1 both Slde1 o( Street 1 .. t 7 nt 4 J'l. m on ttw• bu4fatt't nr ... .,,...;....,. a& U.. -.,.,.,..," I It W ''"' ta."'ld day at -the Balboa USO. when notablt>S from • ,..._Jl'.,... HaJ1Ior llnicln l h&:h _.. .,..... ....., .._ ,.._. Qn.-. or tht-tnOtlt lmportnnt annotlnOPI'nfnt..-== ,.., ~ ldlool. t'llllmatrd at s:lll ~ ._._ ........... ,.._.,_ ld h ( N all parts or the county and local leaders attended an outstand-O.a )t.-·s budc•·• IJi $Kl.l:!.!, I ...... -........... ,... H•· ntJl growt 0 C"Wf))rt tinrbor. ,.,.~ tacky when ing luncheQO Tuesday in which the second birthday. a nniver-1 • t11e11 fc:w 1r..-thr"' ~ bt·in.: ...,. o--... a .......,...., for Ma~<k£'y. rrnrnlflC'flt n'f\llor Rnd clvk Ieeder, stated thUJIII!III sary ol t he organization was celebrated and gem a l Ht-rb ~ ,._,.. ... ..._ .....,... "' lll"f' untk•r wuy ror ('t<rntlnJt " new O!ntraJ bwtf.n•• Allbtd Kenny. as c ha innan. conducted a program t hat was outs tand-Of 1"" JtWn t(>Cnl rlllr llw In"""'. ,...,_.., ~ ••• 1-..a arat. fi'Om :lOth Atn'C:•t north to th.o •J\rdW'IC OY~ aUiilbc aft ing in its reve rberations and presentations. Reports revealed _. .moo& llud6:~•. tt1~tnrt II•A•~' ,.... ,....... ..., N_..·n-Cc-n t m l nvc'flue. tha t m ore than a quarter miJUon service men received atten -...anoc~ •111 anMJUnl tc• s.4li.S70, ,,_ ...,.,._ .. .,_.. _, ... Mr Maake•r ""Yl' hta '"'"''""' nw.ny thouNnda ot ...,_.. d'•r· • tion in the two years the dub ---, wltil an•lllbW blll&nt'l' anct r~~tl· ..-.c .... , I& ....., • ...,.. ....., pnJVillt .. f11r • hltW'k ~ hulldln.t• Nu lllatf'nWOnt .. ~ h been in operation. 1 Wr. Bunu~ ·COO~TAtula~ thf' , ..wd rui'T'f'ftt l"f"N'tfl(a ocho-r 1h11n -w ... ,....,.. ... ' .,.. M · I ft'tlfn .,nltle•y 10 Short atn't•t Oft fn lfn otfkia .. all.._.........-,, -.a as volunl~r operation at Ne--port , ...... pnNidiJic $860f(l • ........ lho• Wl'tlt •title nl Cf'fllnl thOf'UIICfl· thfo lrowtll ol UdD ... --- It h .. ~n throur;b the unUr-Be.ac-b aDd llt.ated t hf'y had dorw ~ .-"pmdllurt'S .,..,.. •rl· · MIIP •• ..., .._ ... lira. C'a· flirt' In nxlflt'raUon 'rtth hla ...-tainina ,_..~ 300 .._. ... - lng e r f o rt • nf Director Clyde I an oui..tandlnC" Job. 1 llltnllltrallofl. M.OOO. tnlltruc-llnn. __..... p1 ....,. aile -l'tttl,.., Gordon R P1nd&Q and ,..... .... cr1 ao.a • ,.._.. ~ Aaben, that the USO. operated by .. .390. ~tlnn ot IIC'h<•)l ('lllnl., .n.or. ~lm•faltM>r. t'nlln Slst etf'ftt, c."hufont l~te tlwr ...._. ... Ule NaUon&l Catholic Community U•.Aa • 'Te~tk: • . fU.DOO: malntrn~~nc:... or phtnt.' t~ry~lfld ttwe Nr WII·"""-bullltlna. build honw!a wtMft =· 11 • Servlce hu ~n performlnc ao Me further ·d«ta.-..J ~t the .IAMEI RU&SEl.L NOLAND 11..0110. awdliarJ· lf('rYk'H. SH :W I . . I I two S.oulht'm Padfle. whiCh owrw lnct'"-tklft o1 tile ._. • admlrabtr Col. T. P AUtl-. Balbo& u-:o Ia clotnc a ~TUd Job partml'nt -o. 8 . bae _, ,.._ ftllld ~. SJ.920: t'a pit•l out·l p G b • l th•l tnwf, annou~ Ita Pf'OII'"1Y r.___ ~..,lop.._ A rmy Air Due. a l?yal harbor I a.nd wltb the t rPelmf'Dt. ('enter U red and a. DO.' &n cbarp ., I..,.. S12,DIIO. at llltJ wn rt'lll't"'ll'fd for ~ ,.,. -· ol N~ ... ... bootrter and property O .. 'l\er. ln· bere. It will be 11.-d on • ~I Rolla WcOelllln·a bl&l'k dirt tanD .. Fer lhr hi~ IINI()ool httdCf'l lhr I a rl e I ~IJ .... and that •• I he propar Umr I hu ...... for ............ a-...1 troduced Lt. Dorothy Price. ot tbf' Pr?llrnpUop ._.Ia by the Air near Hunt.ln«ton ~a<'h .,.....,.... ano dlvldM u tol"-" thf>y will lw plae.d on tM mertu-4. aftftUt' fn1m 0.0 Ant. _... • 'Thf k eynote or the speak. ers was the . worth ot USO and Its need after the w a r . Certainly out here on t h e Pa. dfic. shortly to be the spring board for the Jap invasion. It is reedjly apparent that m or:e than ever are such or- -ganizations needed. Service men have been known to rap !lOme ot them they h avt> bee-n in e lsewhere. but the ir tune quickly changes over the ser- vices the y get he re a nd in Southern Califo rnia. Any- time you feel th at you have spare JX>riod$ on your handc;, all you need do is contact the USO's and you will be sur- prised how quickly y ou will be given a job. IIJM!Cial •rvlce d~partment of the Due. ICl TOI'O W.arlne U... Nor-Nohuad hu Jutlt ·enJJ.at.f'd In Uw .-.us1ration. $11.t<XI m•lruc-tklfl. J • s Off ... ...,.. a lC»-fnot boulnud ... d ..... Due. , I co Naval• Ha.pll.al. etc-. Navy were he .. In trabllft«. H .. 1'1'2.8, operati9n ol IIChot .. J)~Ml • t ' On lhfo cout aldfo of C'rntral IIV9" Inca nnw ~~ .... ... Need for' UIO. Atrl"ftg tboee a tlf'ndiD( were IIIOlber. Wbo .. thfo daqbter at QftiS; maln~ ol IIC'h<IOI 0 Ins Is e r IIIII' lind In and nMr .... fftlnnc9 fonnrd In uwtr '"' * .. ... 1 He IIUtl'tl there Ia undoubtedly U . Vlrcinla p.,._, lAw WaJ-ur a.nd Ura. Acid._. le -,.._ ...... 1.5.42:); awuhary .,.rvlt·rt., I lo Lido a .a.. GHrfiUt mmpa.ny II ,.,.,..m 'ft\11 _... ..._.II ... 1 a need for continul.og t he USO· lace . A .. B. Rnu&Rile, Wra. L L. lldine at lq lewood. Phoebe Ad-tn.mo. flx.~f'I:N, 12.~. I n-por1rd to hav-' Wlthdrawn all Ita rlfletrd to __.,.... _.. to .. I orr;a.nlzaUon•. He told aeve_raJ Iabeii. bead of Newport USO; dlaon Noland Jimmy·• -~ · -~ 1 noqulf'f'd r • .-IJI"C."" t lotio fmm ttM> marktJI and 11Jat ati'W!t ur to t._ trekeMdla .. .Corlea about boya whom he bad Herb Kenny, -·bo .pr.aided: Wra CT'"' to-~ ~~· ~I~. t l bwJdinc fund an• n 0 waves nutJt• ol It l11 for ....... It la be-"""""'thfo tum t__, ...... atUtude thl'y had 0~' tor ~e Mra. Vldnr Hatcber. NeU Uur-Jimmy la •Ill feet oo.r IDc:h b' Gp'ndllun• dunnc l!M. ...... Ia • ••'f'OI"d with ott\« aubdiVIdltn m ....._tklft, nl ~ .. -MP g iven ridra and the difference ID H. p K-:nny. iln. J ohn B&ller. weD "--to ~ ~ SolO.OOO anct \Ahr ~ncrti rt'IIC'rvt' 1 11.-wod that Griffith C'OI'nJlllny Ill In I 1lM' Yarinwt pro_. ...._ _. I t•so·~~ r '·rr twn Y"'""~~ a~o. At ber~tf'r. Nt laon Starford. Gordon _ .. _ _ _ · lliJD1. ()(.the lo4aJ amounl "'. that ~~ tn ,.,....t,. • «'fttral , .. _umrnatl'd until .n. 1M .. f1n1t PI" boy11 h•tl the' 'Idea lhf' JI'IDdlay. R.n. E. 0 . Goodell. Ar-.are~ rttimatt'd c:un'C'nt not'Mpt"' Rhortly attw ~ U._ ..,t lntn blaalftrtuo ctiauict, a pro)'c"t luna bit! th(_ I"'IJrO~ .,.. - • . uso·ll ':"'('re fM ffil«loua ~r-th.ur Wlnt.crtlllller. C1yde Aalwn. Another "~am to ... anKlUnt to $14:\644 and du.· t lw war and Ute wa ........ __ , nl'f'fW to proyld. • lcxallty ror "*'Y ·~· ~.,. ............. p<)IO{'tt bwt have .,.,.... f•.und ey Mra Aahen Mn Glady• --~-•-t&llt'i will ~...A-tht• IMII&ncfo ... j cdrnpetltl-..,,H'pri_ for thfo tl¥ttr. ( ood I t -~i t . • . ·~,. s . " c . .. ,~.... ... .... -. ca.ntzed,. J-o..wtlll .. arf' 'lr It (",l'>ln ('0 t' ........ nmeo . aon. Mar,:llret Ege R L. l"atter· Wlm ampaiO'II ol M7.641. • I . ' . . I C'upt A B . !.IC'(.'rary. Com: I &Oh. H. Abrama. Col Robert.aoo, _ b•• 1 AI C0111a Mt'N a twa nna 'wAJ.. ploy.e al the N_,_, jo4ned ~. E . · • . ,. ~: mttnd111g Ofllf<'f. U 8 Naval Am a.nd Blnle Fair. ne"· memt.or of belli W~y A'*tCUJ't :: ,.., a thf' Wa•e•. Wftltlo llunllr Ooll,.,-. R ·t • · t·· munltlo.ll a.nd Net Ot'~ .. Seal, the Balboa .raft tn handle the Membc!nt o( tbe Rf'd era-. cnaa· ..... toeallnc '18:l.t:ll. of wttictt I UWI .. --at ... r:MatJo, a --ecor . n ribS 0 : ~acb, tJeo l'lltlll then La a dell· Boy Front {!~ration. • mltte.-lll'e planntnc anoe.twr ,_,. =S WU few cun'f'nt _.. • .,._,I '1 .. • :n ile n~d for coaUtlulnc uso.l ----to IIWim .. campai'" for Uw tw. for capital outla)s utd -an. WN ~ .Ito-. '. .. . . . .. I •~k pn1od ·A.uc 21 to Sept. 2. ,_ • ~r1buted ,... Now~ w ,....._ -...r. s t.·!....._ds ' · ot.ceM. Jlrrtmy Watkins, . w.ho used to carve m eat in· the old days, but no w stew- ards the diner on the S. P. from Oakland to E l PMO, drppped in the other d ay to tell wha t the service men wt}o ride his train. say a bout ~ J a ps "down . · und£'r ". When the "Aus.,.ics" were helping c-ctpture Bougainville. the J aps dropped thou~nds df s u ggestive a nd vile litera-ture a nd pictures f rom the h· planes. They sou g ht to cre- a te the impression that w hile the Aus t ralia ns we~ fig ht- ing at th<' f.-on t . the Yanks b.'\sed in AustraJja, were lo\·· in~ th<'ir w ives. Th()!';(' tac- tics only served to a nger. t he Americans m ore and make the m fig ht harde r . becau se. as "W a tty" said. no finer, cleane r b unch o ( boys h as ever been enrountert."d tha n those bac k from th e front. 'nwy Sting. The di~cus· s ion was bet ween Frank Crocke r and Dr. R ichte r . The subject wa" som e kjnd o f a n animal or wN'd th a t s tung swimm<'l"l' a nd w hat w as it. Frn nk believed it w as a new kind o f ~rowth : thE' wi."£' old doctor said it , w as no thing bu t a form-of jc•lly fish tha t s('(•m f'd p reval- e nt a t this time of vcar. Fra n k pointed out thnt h is rcsl!arc h work of lhP Pt~l in :1 ron tainPr of Wl'lt<'r . s hnwNI the liquid dt•:t r bu t \\'lw n om• put h ts fin~<'·· in t hP a q u:1 .it f'OlmP :1\\';ty with :t L:t•lo~­ tinow: suhc;tanrt• t ha t c·••••at!'d a ra,.h. lie said ~" mmwt-..: w o uld gl'l slinl-!i nt: S('ll·:a- lions on th~·•r arms. qllil<' painful. tha t r:ll~··d rt'fl- d ish \\'f'lt!'. W IH'IIl' llw rtrl!:tn- is m t·:tmf' from n 11 h o rt ,. !';('('mN"I In l<ntt\\. as t lu.; w :t·., th<' first tirne1'h hwal his torY that s uch fi n f'pisodt.> lliiJ~ fl<'ncd in th<'!'t' \\':•tC't"!'. G~Je~~t Wrftf'r. ll<JI" off t o Mary McCallum, w h n \HOI<' "Splicing t he ~tninlmw<'" Tuesday anrt did a fl;u·n goort job a t it. So many propl<' sav . "0. it's ('asv t o \\'rit<': I can do it!" unt11 ~·ou t£'11 'em to go a h<'ad . when they seem to ~et jitters. a n d hacl< a way from J>Vtfing IX'" to pn - . per. Bu.t Mary. who is a oy- • rlamic~ hustling sort o f J)('r- ~. turned out a swell rom- hination ot events a nd Jl('r- son.~ that fitted tQJoteth t'r In sequence and made m ost l'l'Rd:ubfe copy. Cemt" A~AitJ 'Alb lnae ~ u.eJt ........ ... ~ ':5 ,..~ IMI llllllta .-.... 1"84-WOlf acore ~~~~'c:.=y~=:~..:.:u~~"-.. l:'..!:.\.1..! :r.~~·~, ·· U.. <'OIIllllftlA!IP bopea to ...,..,. •~ olll0.927 U. ........ u vi Mr. UNI Wra C · I VMce Clyrrt'r few the CoaUac pe-_ · Llnyd 1~. C'..-bnf'l ot I toe Harhoor With o'Vt·ryltt~y ttmr'n&. I hill'• flftWI. Uw ~ ~ ""4 a • "' d I Q-.. ..lr u· ' .,...lo;vllrd. Orjl1la ...... • .... .., ... )""''~ "Jo11.:hl ul lhr Sntii'WtMrd!a" ~ llnct ·~·'""' f'Wf)' ...... Om I ng n A a In thf' July llfriH' there wiD AI ~ .es urt; ""''laU.rlc atw ... f'111plftyed lUI II ''"""I"''' #tnf'II IU'r N'<'ONI·hl'f'llkl~ ........ '" tlnl•h wllt bf' • ..,... • be cllalll'a f<1r oon-nvlmmlnc bP· • k Ca l'""'laltWI tnnlln.r aNI IC&«• ln~l"'' ··nit~ 11,1 All f'OI'TW'ra 11# N.-wtJOt1 nl"'<llll, •hllo• epoort..l .......... lionl'rll. }UOIIfr a nd •nln,. life-Htts ·Par ed r L•r Ill ....... , llltTratt ph,nt. IJR..iw-rt ,.,.... ht•l nl( -••1WO.I ftll' ''" flnt .:hI (ll ,....,.~ .. -.... B T 11a•·an~; c-lot!UM'II an.l " n-· c-.._ Of J h N~ k f'h,. will ••"' J,..a•r ln ~IW hrr ~nol\lolnl , . .,,,, In ""'llf\lt ''""' ~atwl •toy MArta llo·t~ly, to Uti" ~ Y Ons I X• lu,..\·t't~· ("r llolulta 0 n re Na vy 1nt1nt-trtnat1011 lralnlnl( Ill ntl ... r• nt•' l,.•ln(l 1>111 Mt ''"''"' ltiJl ~tlrl Ill flnh.h, lln'Wftlrcf bJ ~ l.al,.r a nn .. uoc .. m,.nlll f," be t h .. lJ R NavllJ Tralnln« .,.fW,.,I loll\ In ,,. . .,.,.,1\ :-t•m•ll•)' wlwln th•• t-·u~h. '" lh•• ynuftl"'lt bop ~.,_. m:ulo "' th" N'J(II•tr•ttnn lea AJ apartu lnc-aJ 1 tr .. tm and IWICI . N-Yc>rll ("'ty. Att"r Ill•' "''"''' ,\rtrtlntl ·t-"llttltl" .. 1111 b at l11h, I""""'"''"' hy J II. W~ --,, ... r~man ~~~t•ll1 ... t fa•'" tnjunra H•lllJ•IrCtun '" Navy lralltlnl(. "'" 1 111 \\'ull•·t 1< I A.,.,''· .:•·n<'rttl I•• ttw ulllt"l •klttfl"T to ""WW. ,...., Takang nul hl8 nr•ud y rnmplrt,.•l """"'"~ '" J:~tud ,.ff h••lh I i t' ~lun .,...n ~ · 1 , tnt •111 1,.., k•·ol .,.,II ,,.. """'&:'""'1 lfl •luly In " larJ:r .. 1o ,11 111,.,. 11t lh•• 1•,.nttnlllt•f• mo•t .. •nl•·•l hy J W ~. to ftrM F:ndt :~v .. r fur a lrUII tun. Jnhn • "t:'''" t:.·a· h nat a II no • Dan II " I n•\ ,. • .. :-.: .. viii lfhfo?? ... unn "I I It I · .. ,". I :"'"'' ••llh·llil• ''"'' ""-'•·• vlt .. · llllln l(f flniM ...... ted..,. ~~·rck wtth n • rf'w nf ..,.., . .,n tnl'n l'htnl B stll •• t•lt•tttlful ar~ol nr 1.,.,.11 ,.,,111 ,.,, full 1.,,.,1,..11111nn frnm .. :O.tl W l<tlln14'y And fnr rt'IICtd rar (If John Norr~ tollljll~tlld• 1 lc• )ll•n..Jay aflrrn•oOn . I 1:11)1 l 'o~uol n .J ...__ CJUDe In T11rlld11y "''f'nln~: '"'tl\ t.:••otl 'l't:lhty •n l "'"''f'IIUft .,.,.,. • ,,,..,1,.,.,y Alllllmltra. fur 1111.,. 111,.1 lu~tn•h nl l h•• Nnv\ 1·11eft , •tnt• lr•lflh)' tn rat ... -- d hiJr:hway. 1\" ~ t,,..,,.., hy • fl ....~ V-"-Len tuns nf nlbnt ""' ,.,., llrf' nt>ar ,,.,,.,, lh•• ~ al o·r h., .. .-1••-•r•~t I'UIIt.a w,... phy8l a n It•-Y.llrahrth W•tklna, 71\ ,,, t;loc ~1,..,.11,1 ••ll••ll• "''" ,,.. nuulr It• Nil II)' I•••• toNI un<• lo nt ., __. San Ou•gn I·~"· fu•hin~t '" i:'"t<1 n..::.tn with Ur a.nd t.ha 'uro·k ,..,.r,. •• •\• 11,.111 ""' """· (''""'" •t•·l MAr. k·•• 1, Jt ··l••n• ,.,.111 .,. •. I"'' ,1,.,11utl) I•·> I"*'"· ftl•.,..•nlt'ft by C:apt. J . A.. Anf\l·h,.r 1'11l1fnnun !.laltn,. l•..,t 'I"' tn • rnakr•. Y•ll,..,... fill, ha.ll "h" •IINI t-'r11tay al Rt_ J1,-.,,•11 m tlto• ,.,,.h 10,11 ,.f lho·,rn•·•·. ~h•·n 1\t·.-k. ••pant. nf Uw • ar al '"" ttn•" l111t -" t 1 h1• I •,., r "k'PI" t ' •I hv I • F:\.,.1'11 !)Itt :on .I ,...,. lrnul all ~lnj.! •·auJhl h'"'l'llnl ftun aJ wu In Ma n ,,.,. h •"'" .,,,. nuo"•·fl tl,;ht "''"' J.:n•r1t-• mu•l I•· llfod brfor9 the hrnU~hl '" "" tflrtl! ••n tho• l\Bnt,. Llvl' t!Ait Ill af('nln l)"lnt: •up· llfllh ~~~ In Y 1:nhrl..t t'"rn"tery. ,.,,.,.,Int.: lh•· ••~trltn.c lin•• ,.,,n nl( r11rr ~t11rt ~ 1tl 1 ;w) 1\faftl&a a"' day, pllt'd on t hf' rlf'r whlrh NIUitl nur • f C "I Mra WMtk lna •• .. ,rvlvrd hV lwn llu• 1,.., •• , ••v••t•y '""' uf '"'"'''' '•vallahlt• nt N1•wport I..,... \\'hilt> "P"'' ftl!ht'rme•ll Rr• not M llbt~lned t&llt -~k """"'" h~ Serv~ or •• ),. ...,.. !&--"'....... --... ~~_. .. __ Ulo'll i' 11"1.11111!'(1 ,., ~lVI' llw lotii!IA v .. ·ht rtuiJ ... ,If ... ul J A. ~ 1 IIIAI,.rll, ,.. ....,.. • ..._ ....,...._..,_.._, bavtnr.: lh•· QPI"'rtunal y , .. hrlnje ""'""" prf'Vf'"ted boalll from cum· 141ady at Alhambra ('nr .. ntt .... 1 Mar. and Mrw Wolllarn n••rn 1 .. lnltttt•Uifl•l .... ,...,. l..llntllrttC .at tJw If a r bft• 1n aJbl'lrnrf' thry "''11 ftn I llf()(>(t lng In •tlllna. t·-drna. antt 8 hrt~lltrr Tu .dltiW '""''. ''"'"' tit•• •tuet·jMitlll<'r',. urtlt•t•, N-..,.rt llartMJr ... J C'LVDr: A!UIT.S, dln-c'lor nf the R•lho>" t ·so. w·ho I• ~So'nc ... "fYI" In tlw uhl flan•lhys and art< ... ~ ... , __ ... 00_ llnd :_-u-•-F'unHal ,..tvi('H wo·n• ,.~1•1 M .. n ,., """"'"' ~hOf'nhftWiftr, r-.ona, m..: tit ... wall m .. v•· •llt.:ltll\ '" llw t,u,mht•r "' ('onllnrl'{'f' cw McN.U, l)nn.:-ln~~: tn ~·d o·ttlc-hH ,.. ,,._.r ,..,~ -~--·~ ... ,. .. ~. ,.,.,, 'l'h1' Y';'" ,,,.. lttt•· 1" I•· "' V11U"IX l'vftl lAnd!ft&a. flah . .lr 11nur "'' a~ntlln~ th•• rummrr ~ay at the Tum,.r-~l"v""" T tttrlf'r 111 tw1.,·n lit•• St ron•l~<lil 1111 '''"'k ,.,1 lh •·h"Tfor" uf lhl11 yMtr'a "fllpt", Tho r• "til ,,.. ·,. n,.,.,, ll•r tht' t•so·• nn lhf' Pacific Cn&.~l fnr 111 11'11111 # • ~ y r u rt1 nr mnrP H~ brltt'v~a #t will t11ke 2 •., bt 31.; yean tn \\',•d oflulov a ft••m l)lln AI Por· "1111 t.tno ~lttOr,.·l! JW~r..nll'. Wr, tlu· o•ll'l '''"' yf thf' llrtll•"" I••Vtl 11,.. ninth o·V•-nt ut Ita claM, Al'lr glt·~ Owl r~mf' an to t hr f'avilhon nn•l '-'"' r: .. of11:f' ~ldn,.r. 21·1 000 s M I f "'"· ,,1111 tr,.1fl llu· ''""'' '" lltc•1 \\'nllrt K l~·wl~<. r lual1m.an, R.-lanllan~ Wllh ttood ntl<'hl'f! n{ ...... 33rd •tr. ~I 'lll.l• wt'dl lh•y an 5, . quare I. es 0 "'"''I' ........ ,,, llll llff•H "lltn<l ill C'untmt'ldor .. lfmry " G~ trottl '~ bolf• lmll.". an(l barna•·t!dll ~ On tan•• nn ft..loe• 1 ·~ 1 I) "'f•l•""'' ll H ltw w1ll I•· Ja"'•·• M \.\'o•l,..l••r. ('fwnn'oodolv ----------ltllll•l.t"d !1\ IIH•·•• I>"IC'' whtl••' Mllrtl 11,.111)' J.'.-.d Jlnnll•r. iC-. • cnmpletely <1~frllt the Jafl an•l .,. lhr ""r mm·r~t tn lhe Paclftc. lhert" ill mnrr M•l mo.;! """-" uf lhl' t '!'\1"1·11 her" C'apl Mr rmry bell~·011 lhtr f' will lall•r hf' a ne.-d for samllar orftWlt7.ntloM fnr rlv•· llan t!dl'n~ wnrko>rl' rapt I' F. f'ampb<-11. l'tihltr Rl'lnli> nll ()ffarer F:l T"rn Marin•· Air Staltnn. ant rMitH••tl Ll VIr · J;tntn l'•·:or""n Hf'i '""' 11n an•l \\ • I faro• l)f'partmr·nt. t.f artnl' 111 ,.. tl'l" Movl'a to P.actftc II• ,. "" lh:\l llll lh• \\ill' ITI"" I' m flrt1 H 11tf rr.••r• frt 1 hr J•tt,•afu t h1 r, Y.111 1,. nwr-• nnol ffi(•J•• "' n ln>1•l on Ill•' 1 ·~, r.• II•• '" 1.,.,..,.. af nnylhlllt: 11 \\ dl 1 r,.hnhh lo•· n••• • ~·arv I • "'"q:r Ill" Ia• al t•• and (1 I Tltl• I .. , tit•· I ·sir,. l!llhl·t 1h ,., i'"' fi'1Canll•· th• n1 t 'lt;l!•l:lln II (' 1-,. '''"I ;\'avnl Air Strtltnn, !';onlll ,\na, hr .. otcht j.!t•·rltq.,. frhn htll '"mn unillnt: •'ff u •'l t·a,.tuln ~I 1: l'1'•rt< !"huplnnl F•,.f·"''' ~,,.,,.R thai ,.,,.. In lh•• \\nrk nf lh,. t•:-:t I!' II !13,.,.,. t "'' 1''1a pl:ttniO " 1 .. 1 nr 1: nf'f. Rol-..·rt \\·a)'l1" Rur n!l It• Jl'"nr\1 1-.-t•·•ull\·r t·sr•. ,., t_.,,,. AliJ:'l"l! • 111 Ill·,···· I I hat a r1umlt~.•r uf <IP~•'r1 a.nrl Afl?,nn" nr"rAi htnH u( lllc t '!-;0 were being dtarontlnu,.d. •lttr lu tlw fa1l ·lhl\t Ul,. t nunm..: c-ourl'ra tn thnllf' <ll!lrlrlll nr" (om· • plrt<'d lfnWI'VI'r. lhP \'!'() hu 11 numbl'r ,..f new nJl"rAllrtnl! }uet · ' now ~lng 11ta rtt'd or t'l I~ 1t.art. 1 r:t m th" nel\r rut,urt" One a t Oc I'M IItl'. Sftn n ll'gn. Port HUI'· neme, Oxnanl. Lw ro al lnyn·Kf'm J 1 wht>rt lbey havt> a nrw ramp 1 I unt!l'r the dirK tlon r)f t.he Call·. fomi.A UnJweralty of T•'Ctuaol~.l 1 Pu...Uena. for o~nmenlll). and new ''"~ quarter• In Loa A.n· , 1 ,,.1,.11 fn,. the womn~ In the Rr- v1ce, , ..... ,. *'• (: , .. l T• I \I,. ., •• , tl f 11 " ,., I ,., \\'h,. \<ltd .~.r .;~ citd"''t I ~t ,,, r~Y 81nj!01 'Thtu thYtt boys ,.n .1f'(HC(14Cinj! I ·o;n F 1t1lot:c~ S (I d b N ll•l'' ''" th• "'I •l1••k. "" tlu• rt••ll• Mur~""· C'tontnw'Wtcln' AlbPrt . ea Ose Y . avy , ....... -"""' II) llu· .,,,.,,u .. "' ,,,. ~""'"''1. ~ ... ., (Aifnlnftffono ..... w. I"·"'"' I ,.,. •• "" 11 .• 1\Jf~l 1•1111111 ··nil l '••llll••n l 'upl .I A "''"'· ll a "' 1111 lin•· S t•·" "'I. SlotH >4 'untnllfllott• l.rtlll ·'" "" ,,,,.,,,, 111•11 "'I Ill woiiJ :-. 11,...,.,,,.., ""~·nnl ~•flllnjllcrw, wo,... lhan :,IW)t) '''"'"' n 1 ..... r •1r""" ""'""'1r c .. r 1 "" fLAhiiiK ,. \\loll•· f l~tr· •. ,. "'' ,,.,,.,., 1"'"' ,..l ~.v·· .. ·tt M "111' '"''' CtlfltfnOifrw? ,.,..,...,. '"fr·•>n-. ~"" I••''S::'' ,,. Mrt'H a'''''"'"" ,,,. AAitl 111•1 "' " ,.,,n , .. , ,,,,,, •·•I ";'''""'-! 1, •u•l l "l\t 1 t • t-1111 '1''1 f(IHaA f•lll_nd . An•1 rr'"m 'fh· Mll•tfl' t•H •Hf f M .. ,,J"Y wtth th,. t•urn· I111Pflll• , ....... ''IH• ,,,,,., "" 1n IM mtl~ .. ,,. ,. ..... ,.~. tlt f'"n ".,.,, ... .,.c ·~t .,; •. 11th n .. v .... ,,,., I'J•h"•" ltltH I •• orl1h• llf l tfl)'~llff ltenewal of"A" Honk s ~lequire Auto Tire Slips , ltlflilrtt by thr ~f\\'\ IH , r t IH'~ f•• r ft f 1r1 ~"--" I th•tt••. lhr t ••tnrrul tt·"' "'' t 1 f 1 1 if•' t • tt I• v tV •• •lllt .. mc•nl IHI>l)' "" II oil, v,;~··. """ ............ th•t n'llt r1• "''"" lit• """. •. , .. I ... ll•oiA.'I'" l<ltlrlrk tnuun~o 1•1 •• ... ·nln!f~ .. """'1•1 I"' lift..., ahnrtly ••; W I llu .. 1• .,. I'' t l l.u l"'' ''"" (or thr J"llht m lf</110 1'111 •11 ,...,.. aJ flahf'mlf'O. hf' lllllol. Y,o t• f.,,, I• '1 1' I U .. ~,I '>•o • 'Jif Thill"'"'" t\,. \f•t\l''''''k lu "l;lt•u lrt '''"n ~·u In r,u lfttiM ••f I I•··•Jn t. tuut to ''''"'"'' flua rk•• That r tJihrrrr ...... ,.,. , tk••. 11 "''' '"''I .... •tniiV v..h lr ,., ""''''' t ,,,.IIi I I ,,,, • lt!flt• I ••• i , .. ,,tit ltv,..,. tn thru t1:111•l,.. • \I,· 1 • f, • " •'• :t •In 'til', f\40 r,nu ,.,,,;,.,, .. "" If•• """' • 1 1 ' t1 'I f! lt~ .. RAT ION BOAAO N EWS 't")' lt, t,nnc an ~· tf•~·l I ' q '• .,,~."~=''' In ""'' In (lvr• •la v._ •"" .,. ll"'',. •"'' ·, .. t ,,, •h• neUr n Thi,,. ~.-r ,,._, r. ••f . • II~, •fitH ,.,.,.,,,.,,. ,.,.,,.,. 111 nl N• Y t' , *••·· .. 1· ' 1 fit• '"" I • ,,, .., u l uf .. ,, .. t•,.lklt 'Alit t., "u•l•· ,•urlua: th .. tl rP't w·~·ha of •, r•• "'''' • un11 will I• m•4e at '''' --:.,, .. , nf th~· J•fll ••l ''-'""J t ~r ,,.,. n• f ll will n""'' lu br'UII w1th lit• 111 til" ul•l "A •· f•M •lc •·ov•·r ..WI 1,..-. lh"J'"' 11•11• "Ill• ,,.VP ·~\I,. ·V"I"' fltl• ,, ,I , I . It f ,.r vcnturu.a• tntq tt•• f ·•-·J ~~ t•anr Th_.v ru·· I! ,JJ 1, .. ,,,t •~· ,\"AJt,.r fi,..h•·r• l ' '· \:, t--f:• I' ff,rman an•t ""'''"' r "'"' v r 1\n • t • an·t' r •~ H. I ·~· rtJII._.• f•t tt• t I • ,. th~tt th• \ 'A•~r•· Ia\ r ,~ ', • ••f lltt> ~lt•ll!' t .. ~"" ,,,.'" .. "'' ....... J. .n th•· ,,,.., .. , ,_.,. .. , tJnu•· ,,n' ··r haYI' IAlc~n Ill' I h• r• 1ll • I with nr VMn ,, .. lt\1' nf "•· ,. '" ••.rnla ,.,,.h ._,..,, f;"'"'' ',, ,.,, -' 11UJI!In ...... It( t h•• ,.-lltrAI I"fl :\A Itt• fiahrorm,.n \\1h •1 v.. • rtt , ,,.,,. • ,,, I ••a•t lAic"" 11h• ll"r In I ·. 1 "'''"' r;,...,.,. (t,r th~ nt~hl "'t,,., ' ,,.tr••l 1 t~t f,,,, .. ,.,_.t thr·m ,,.,, '"A.ntllh~r tnt ~tl ... r•t •~ ., •' 1 •· •' ..... biiUit ... l ....... , u.. . ··'·' ,,,. • fiA•y a,o.t lUI< I ~l'llf<lllt•·•l ... ,,,,. ...., thAI ll n >NIItt)• lt•l·•tll on JotJn ••lJno t-.:.)•llnrl'lli ••I I n'1>: r~. w•• ltJt t.v.•nrt llrJ•I v. ·'" •t.o.Td at ow-um .. .,r Mr-Kittnr k • .,,. ,.,,, • t ••·"" &A twn .... tJ, lhr ('1}01 ,..,, • row IJut C'a!lf'ftde that J'"lP' r ar u ·• v t 1\ offtdela In authnrtl y ron•I•J )tJIIII u w.n pt.,. tAr,,.t ll' '" 'u • ,. llt•1mrh•r FiadM Sl).('t'd IH I A>HH SOHV' , .... rn ,ond eontr don't (.h"<.~ '"Q I he •P..ed of .a lon11 t1n• ot r...an <.omlnQ from B.alho• ,. .. ,l,.rd .. y, your Nrw• Tin••• ••IJI)rt,.,. found .oil but onl' o• l wn proc.-dlnQ at • I'Q.tl ''' m l},.• ~ hour. Th~y h.yl ..... ,ned. Onr rovng mAn dltfn'l Hr •a• Er'rOI I!' For'•m••l,.r. 174 NGr1h Lime •venue, Comp. ton, ..m• ~.led hit eec:ood .C•<.k~t In four d.ay• for 11oinQ 4'> Or~dlft• the ctty '14 n .. ,.. • .,t hi"' •n' _., City JutiQe o A J_.....,...edhle rur r nte t• c:.ona and utle ttlm home, •ltlcft tMr , ... Onlr -• t II •,. .-.lng llc:k .. .., .. •-_. ~ aun- day. that te M". W. M. Anlkr • eon. M-61 ~~ .. ,_., I, 1 I d t t t ,,. \ .\ II" h jl j., • i f jl I i" H..u..i ,, • it·l• I fIt t ,., t/• +1\' it d• •I ''" I• \u .. ,, ... ,., ,,. ,,, ,, , .. ,., t11• ,, .. "d '•It ,,,.. • , II II IIIII.' I I "''" t t 11, l •tll• \II .• !It• 'iu ! Itt f•t ~ t.~phew of Local Woman Is Killed In t•lan c Wreck I'" rlrtltr lh (!H'T<Htlh-f't "'ICir<ll~ A •~·"~~ r•·rw'AUI pfltt'f'rlttrf' wW t,. ,,,ltaHltrl'. l 1~., •. , tr• th" moDUL .,.,,, '"'I" • '' ,, ~<li t"' ,.,,u m•..e '" t•••,. .,,. •I "'''" nil ttttt•llrallon. f•·f '"II "'' r11• •d.tt &:""":au,. rathCWI ,., I• •I I itt "t H• , . .,,. r.~oviiiiC " ••r ho• .. ,,. tD • 1, •. , ~ t '"' • ··II'"IC ,,,,,.,. with UW! ,.. I~ •• ·'. :-; ....... ,,,,,, Ill :-t .... ,. ''""' .... ,k .. , )''lllr lnt·aJ bdllrd. 'A'·~• •v•·rntt· ~··'A'P'''' ""'K'''"· ''' Th•· r•ur•l~o•f'••' 1UHI ••ll~r qru,ll ''''"'''' "'••I \\•tlr,•· .. tt •V u ft••r u•~''" '''"''''''' thr ""',. ,.,.rUrt••tlt" of 1 hu t 11•, ""''"'''" 1.1 • ·,,.,.,., IJ .. y•l tr~n,.r .. , • •trro~ lly hr-l<lr,. Ullf' ,, l:J."" ,,, t Htklutu l -.... ... , ~•fl •..-Jr 'ur t flttl"(•·t f ttU 't"-· r t)f11Jif.-l.l'tl. ,...._ th• ••• ,.,,,.,. th~tt \'•l lt•l~"•t "''"' ,.,. ~ II•'• rnu"' ,.,.,.., I{'V" l hft n••w...., 1., •• ,,.., ••v•·r t•• ni h v .. u•·y Ill•• .. ,. "'"' Ill•· ln~l,...'t''"' .. n.t th« ra- ·'" ··•·k ''''" , I•'"""" • ttllt• on the cal.' ht 1 • • ,., \/' •I t t,• lui Ut'W"' (rt,ttl 'l'tt j(t•t !ill 'I n elfflf'\8 un a MW" h .. , lol~lro t.1 r. 1\ M ~l,.rllfHlJI "' I""' h•ll"'' • tlf the IWIW ~ ~··rotlir. ~·h•• h ,.,.,t r•K Hlli•'r ~·I&· I mullf ,.,., .• , nl at hl11 "'Uo11 ..,..... ltv• • "' II••IIY"'"·'l ,,,,. 1.1 (!Qm· lh• ,... Jlt'P'rtt, U1f'1 former ,_,.. nlfl'l•l• 1 IYUI raJfM'It>;l tu •J""'rlll a llrl' lnfiP"r-tlon 11llp, thl' ~pl two w,.,., ... faarl••"t.:h w•lt• 11111 wlf,. f•,. 1111 Of U11-(t)flll.,r owrwr'a ,. ""'' IW•J f'blltlr .. n """r hr h11tJ '' ·1 t•••rut nn•l th" ,. .. uenc ~ clear: ____ ,_· ----------'-tun ••d ltrom hh• mlp luu anr,. aUp ~· • ,_ ,_ N._::£WPO:.....:~RT~·BALBOA ___ NEW __ s-_TIMES __ • _N.._e._rpan __ .... ____ C_al_ifom __ _.,;ia, TbundaJ, Aap~t S, IMt .=.;;;.;;;;;..-9.-.---.~9 ........... ~---:--C-o_I_OJ~r-fu_I_P_r_ogram ::~.!~:. "~~-:,:::. ~ _ pe 8 11y F5ist~ ~~ ~~ ....... ..... . .... a.,. a..--....... .. ..._.. 01'0111 A TOir ~-........ OlfteeaA N_. ........ ....... -.... .. -MfD IDQR;R'" .... -.-w-......-o.n.-a ,. ... ~-.... .............. ( waawaaar .... ~ Df YDIIO!ft"" Cw' ...... .................. ---··Q-.----~-..... - c aaa ..... -......-. ..... __.. ...... ~ ~ ...... ~ .............. . BAL.BO'A 9···~·· • a 1 .. ,••-=u ........ ., ....... r.-...... _.. ... . ............... .......... -----·-. _.. ............... ·-as ._....,. I u:.. ..... ........ .-..n E 14 • , •• ,.< .. ~-·---OJfLr' ....... --.-A· Q:zl I A,.._. ~---..,~a:;;&;!'-..... r..~-el-c:AT .,_..... c a-·~ .. ............... .,._ ..,....,. IIIUIIT 'Enlivens Rotarians lecioa •ff•ir ;:! ';.::. =:.::. =..:: =--w .. -...:::: tn ay tng ~-..:,: -: ..:.=. ... ~ NOIIn.r ~..010.. 111 u. --.e. -.t 1M wtee-p;........_ ,......_ s round and aat m a!\ape. A aucty tlon C1f U,. ant ,......._ ol De a»Y ~ .a.cu.t ..,. tM Eler-• ot them wu made Mvtral yean lA _ ~f Ole OUl.t.aad.ID6 p~ot AJDer1ca at B&Jtx. A rull hOUN' wttneseec~ the .t united 8tatea. I' ... _._.. o1 ...... ~ ....... .,.. .--. Wlmmers ~0 by the Scrippe lnaUtuu o1 r--o1 the y~r. Harbor Roi..6-. Ttl# probl#ma and coal• of the installat•Ufl of thto new otr~c»ra or ' thr Ekctora.J ~ ~ eser-clsL Hwe'e _.,, .. r tntnat-Oceanocnpby . 1.u1e and a throo.c of vletm« U!iO hrre w~ outllnf'.t by rtyd~ Arn••f"l<'An 4:Kion Pollt No. 291. rlee tJ\e r1~t 11wa tiMm ...._. 111c -.-cuu. tr u.n t. .., .. -. Touchln6 the .wface of lbt dubalen beard a c:o&ortul and &p· Aahen. local director and hla 11n!'l no·w ntflCPN of tM Leeton the Conelltut.loa &lid~ ffW uy l tty far nee--,......_. bl tbe EJec---. ekln, tbey leave an extremely peai.ID« uso p~ at t.he aMllllaJit. Art Wlnterhaltf'r. whn Aux11l"ry at the Legloo hall, Tuee. ~raon tl\ey ct.o. to .,.,.,t,e for. tara1 ~. t.11at ,.,.. ~-to' lnvtalbl~ to tbe acht but ex-~ p&lnflll burn. A remedy, or alle- -ll.ly meellnr Tuead&y nl«ht at Hrv~ four yean~ In the tank "'"' ,.,., ... lnl! ln~t~&d of t.be ~ted eGidl-! Uw ID'!M.A;l1l and Uw Seft.ate I cruclaUn&'lY pa1Dtul to the touch vlant, mUll be ao oaldent, IUid a White'• laland cafe corpe before receiving a '"~dll'MI Stunrl f>lmiBfl, rt'llrinc earn· dhiM of t.be part.Jea. 8rlu'al YoUtt oa tbe TW'O b'"'"" nanwa lea IIID&II ()I"&'1Uliim now prevalent c:ounty btaltJ\ oftlcer advlaee Ult Headlined by a nam•·band plan· dl.rhar11:e From their wu.lth or mstntlo·r riJif•nt·d th• met'tin1, tum· ~routh~m IllAta haY• .aid t1wy In-aa.e. tbe 1ut lrtter. lin. Phlt-l la the waten1 ot the blly, accord-! u.e of ten perc:ent .OOJum pertlor • MY&te at S&nta Ana Army Air at &('count of the dlfflt ultlf'll Ss.notnn wa,. ln~<l tlllin& ottkler tor1 volt Into t.be ttou. ot ~-~and l!laa ~ 8lld Loe 'nlry -m to be a form ot jelly t.t. f'Mink B&rlltr. who 11 M-a ~rtrn<·e. both men ~~:avr • f~trw 11111 ~~ uvl'r to lh~ Auxiliary. 1'ona v nd to do lble. thu. Ulrowtllac tbe l ... &lid 1 llaft ..._ to Bacra-~1"«' to Fire Cbld Frank Croclr.er.l at~ m vanlllhln6 cream . a.-. a mualcal JII'OCT&m C1f .)AU v.•bkh muat be nvercomr tn 1 ·~~~~~ 1111· l1••1to'!' as,.i~lt'd by ot~ men· taVvn. A.~ In lllua .,.._'-co w~ t\llb. 'nmt> past and timc!-,re.sent, and Jive ktpt tbt H.otan&JU -·a)'· for thr ~ of Vllllling knu e '"''' or ttw 21 ~1 DIStrict. I f aaJd. In IIUC:b a~. Uw ~. pidlt'd up a -IJdN.. to u. any. Some three dozen people have I both, may p&ln Ul, but tim~ im· 1q 1n their eeata. Thr elubmen m,D, Th••lll'lallallon l~>am ol Oranct• would han to v~ for -0( dtr way. I ~ burned by the tiny bubble-proved 15 eloquent in God'1 praiJe. would not ~t Bar)Ler quit until Tb"mr of th8 meeting "'108 th" l'uunl) anductl'<l !hf' ,_ oft'lc»n. TWO namM. '"-t.be ~ 'lbt ~ w_.·. VoluD· WI~ creatw., amonr . them 20 -Mary Baker Eddy. &oar ~r rel\ll&r tt.m.. tor a.d· eMoad &Jl.Dinrary of th.. USO ••f lhr l.r,.;1nn. Thry were a...ded C'nll~r;~ 11.-t 1 had befta ..__I tary ~ M'ft' opaaed up a •------------------.,------, ~t. et Balboa. which wu lllre-tl II)' hy Arrhur Eklunrt. and &monc Uw In« tJ\e matter wtU1 a l'lfiii'I!Mata-""War &a.d ........... " t.bert. You 1a addlt.iOn to Ole ooted planO Dr P A Chamberlin. of Co,ta '''"Ill'~ m•·n presc•nl Wt'l"t' "Ludl>" t•ve who 1e a1eo an au-y_ .,.. lOOil Oft'l' ,_ ~ aDd Ill ID&IIter, llttk Vltl.a Mat Harmer. WtN.. <'halnnan of th .. program P.aldv.1n M"IVICt' olf1cc>r, and Bfon that le what b. toad -· I cDdo't Uw ~ aiiCI lltCift roca, and! l1 ,...,. old, _, Uld puformed and 1.-dtr ln veurana atr•m• •11 Ll,..,..nnan, disa.~ter relktt co-erdl· dwdr baclll -tl lll)'Rif. 1 lllleard J'lllll 11ft aut tJw ntra ~ you • the accordion u abe hu don~ UU. .,...._ He made a pita for nurur fnr lh(' c:ounty. whktt 11 a about It qWddy "-ay laac· ~'t waaL &lid Uw old .Uvw,1 at molt ot the army c:ampe on ~If' tn be more wlllm~; tn vrv-govo•mmo·nt position time lriend. rood lawyft" .... rood aad Uw weddllnc ..-te and t.be t.be Clout vtdr brda for the boy• onr thr 'f'tw .. ntf'rlammt•nt wu ~ Oemoerat. Zelle ~ ~ o1 ~ ~ ,..,_ ctaa't ~ wbt FLOWEI SlOP FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION- •• Dell .. ...... •· UUJe MJea Harmer. wbo Uvea ••etkrnd. He aald htt had ~~ren hy rh.-I'SI), 11n~ fratu~ Fftnk Loe ~ "nile ta. .....,.._,to do .,u._ 8lld J'OU talle u.em to la auata Aaa. 1e remembered here u ma~~y u 18t mm 11h•ep1Dg on Barkf'r, Pft• , former plal\ilt with meat to u.. o..e-..... .u lip u.r ~ n..y .,.. prked 1 • tiM -..,..ter o1 M.r. and Mra. the noor wltbout mattrruu or Arlll' S hllv. and AJ Donah1», and th~ prHeat proc!lecluft, Ia wtak-b aac1 put a. .ue_ W1lla eold. Uw 130'7 c-.t BJcbway--Coroa del liar rr-11 Hanner. Her fatA.r wu blankete at U80 headquarter~~ \'ona !liar .llari'Dt'r. ~ vola are tall-~ for A•'Vs lalla ott a peft'Uitaa'• for .,_ ........ ,., fw Y-.r au.. lORMAN'S ,__...,. .-odated wttb the Bank. here 00 • Saturday night. and "'"J:('r Ladws or ~~ Auxil· praidlmt &lid -rice-tit' I a .. &lid ... , I • 8lld )'UU 11ft u.r bala.nc~ We Or Cbamtwrlln .. mphul7.t'd the iary ~rvt'd refreAAIJW"nts ot ~. the vote, u Mfon. ..,_ to Uw In ..._. and ...... l'!lllJedlriK Ill s E I y PAUL NORMAN tart that the USO h&mlpl<'k• the kt> rream and rofft"e. I H~ C1( Resw-tattwee tf tlla'of' to do _,_ a eout* t.taou-nd T~~ 119ldine before aendlng lh"m tn Thr h•l of nffiCI'r!l for ttw po.t 11 DOt a .. JofttJ ._ U. DectGral doUan -u. ot lloftd "'-'-~~~r~IIUW1l:'l~~ll~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -iACHT IAIL MAKENI prh•ate homa for alet'pong an :urn· ml'hul•"' C"nmmandc>r . Frank W., eou.P. 11M ~ lwwcwu -u.r ftnt -*Ia. Uw .eop dJd overt _ mndaUone and enry hoet can ('rfl('ko•r . f1.,.,1 v1re, Vic Hatcber; I dclat ... _ ... ....._ •-tnea. .... C.Ven fM-I ...te In offering hneplta.hty "''c•md '1•··· Owt'n Undner; fin· I • ' Po6 N S 11wy do IIOC tab ~try. not 2M~ 21.t at. Newport ....,_ I _ _ _ . lln('l'. Thloo Rooms ; adjutant, ll R.1 (e ew J bariltc Utr flldltt.... for aKb ~ 207 I ~ G Rand..t, chllplam. II. K. Gerrilh; • __ -a wry ........... It-, &lid '--------------·Clover upen8 arage Sl'f'ltt'ant·a l·anns, Gu!l 'l'lunplll; I Capt. J . A. Beek'e of'flee re-Uwy can tab ~ altJMiuP II On Balboa Island Junwr pa111 ~mand~>r, s. Dunlap., fl(lrt4ld that a a.ou. ~ to .... dad _ • t.euttfUJ IIWl. wltlte I WE 8PSCIAUZE • Ill Cl&NJQNO nuJ1T8 Caluliq Peachee ......... OBI' '1111:11 AT DU'ITON'S Fruit Market Th~> Aux1hary umt ~:I f'. f'. Butlam at :il4 8ouUt Bay 1 liar tilled ~ Wlllt tbNe n - Il Clov who hu ~"' PI'N<I!'It'nl. M811<' Rollin&: ~ ~~'Pont. Baltx. l.llaad. wae ~ ~ ,_.d M ~ at Uw 1 I A :'t41d w1~· H 8 B&n. ta at prf'St!k>nl, Juha E~.:ert : MCJ'etar)t, IOecaJJ. '1 occupied try~ -·uuap U.t art 8fflt.nC. 1 •w -:oc Balboa Motm,; gara~~. '700 E ilt-.'n Inn.-.., ln·a~un>r, Bert durin« -111 eDdie. &lid police Wft'lr c11anac ...._ ._, an old -~ Ba avenue. Bafbo&. hu H~ttCh{'t. <~'11t('llnl·at·arma, IIU· ulled to cbeelll a. Uw ..._, Yar UJwo Uw-1 11ac1 111 co~~ep.1 1 ed 1 ., of ht. own on d r<>d Sl:mlt'y, chaplain. Han\ Bam MMford. N~ a-ca. "nwft trtrt -~ .ovw I =~ ~-=&6 Ran<k-1, man.hal, AJ1~ Stafford; wu cited by dtr banor ~-,..U. ,._ old .._. 8lld old l...ocated at . l%2 A p te. avmue. )WliUf pa.-.1 prf'>'ld.•nl. Mary a..m--t for ...-cttac • • boat 8lld arta. a.,.. -te.. a llrief I I ~ ~· motor overbauhnc, motor bt>rllil. 1\ned ~~ ot wllkb II$ --ca.. -a h&ralbtrt lt-. aad tun upe carburetor and Ignition ~ aD at. fll ~&lid...._ Tou11 • Ju• men •. Balboa Islande•, that wlalle ••teDc~~ac u.r ....._ --... w ~ .. -out wtta-d e-t . t and aleo bandle~~ and Jl'hd Beck ot Olllo ~ fllad UMtr C'OUN.ftpUt lrl nft'J' I 1 can• for marine motor• a' t an h -_. ...... H 1e a factory trained carbur· p6cture tlaow at .Baltloa a 11ft Iliad CMl buyillc' a .t ot • -: --l'Jif nOW ..... _... etore ~tall..t, and aui.Unc him Lt. F.Aiwin D Roae et.arUd In llu. PueU.C:. and ..... M'tly wMl --d _..._ ,frytftc to . \. ____ o.e-___ .... _____ _.;1 O«a Morrie and !''rank 7..oU • ' baeD ~ ..,. ..,_ wtao lied for-a 7'ftU'. • err r w• c ta• . bad cot wat.' "-De ...._ Wt ..__ ~~-RuUa '1'\lnwr ' -----------------~-~~· IDS ap lnty a.-.. aact w~~to ..... ~en wWt--ot u.r ~ no ctw ~ ar.llltf c.,.. aNt a Great Variety .t Unueual Glfta __ out lf...t.c Uwtr -. u-~·y to' tbie. u -'"WE lHVITJ: YOU TO BROWSP! AROUND" I c. E. LOUCKS SANTA ANA C"allf ~ 1 ot llw pro)ft'ta ot t.be AWVS . .a ' 11 W · w• .....,.. blterultt'd Ia lilt kf-. It .lew•u•v 11M STATtONRNV ,. nf Ll F.d"'"" 0 J«-of .. Puauc Noncu C'OUid be ... ...., ~, 0 ,_--....., • Wetchee . Flllt fte-..lrtng Bt~el Hyd" Park, lld&M., to tM . .._ ... ,_.. • eo ---...-k f I h bHtl .. --w-uou•-. In ... , commun· ...... N~ lut·a nw 0 rllpta. n at • NOTlCE TO •tOO£RS It aboor• tee lbouand Tb4e 1191_" ..,_~ •lvd .. CMta MeN, Gallf. nouneed 11t hradquart~nl ol tMl __ . ~ tbt betttr prot.biy 1--r Army Air F·orc'ell \VI'!Itern ",.-. Tile Bc.rd ot ~ of tbt that -.na a better ·~rket. Tn•;n•nK C"ummand h•rr Newport Hartlor Ullion Hi&ll Sonw> ol tbt ilalul are boupt by II R ~ D I 0 S E R V I C .E ( apt . Rro!lr 111 ulfljtned to tlM 8cbool will ~tY. bic!a oa ODe ~k-F'JI. fr r the Cbrletmu tradt iJ_ .. • '~· -~~-~--• · A·l • ~rncumwnt 1 S e <' t Ion at lalio Modttl ~ aut.ocm>blle. lrl frHuJIUibly. both to' aupport a , a-. Auto. Mart. ...... .,_.,.... AAF'\\ F,-c', ht'allquarl«'ra for aD ood IIMdaaiUeaJ ~ wtUt oo4 ca and tn tlmuJ t • Mart. r.:ledrtcMa the Army n ymg achoola lD .._. ~ u.-, " ~ .. ::. • • e •r Burt R. Norton weet. .... wtD -~at •:a p. w~ pklud up IDs-FraAclec:o · ,..._ 1.411 Capta.in and Mr. Rnat now ,... a .. Aac-l T. 1M4 In Uw ao.nt -ua1ac tbat boCb Drlllocrete llll cw ~ NKWPOin' KA~ IIIG~ at 312 Mllr\M avrnue. Bill-,_ ot the H-8ciMJoL . I and fUpabbt-aaa an lauch-tor at M IYU YHI feather book blndlnas with a cloth dampened with 8llllllon1a. boa lllla.nd. TIM Board ,.._,,e. t.be rtcld to t.bnt-. Wt bad lunt b wolh Mn -------------------------------reject any anct aD bide. ' lllldrrd Pn:ot-~ and f(>Un.J 1t was Then they'll really stay spic and span. Also, when washing mirrors, use one tables poon or o m- mooia to a pa n or wa - ter. Then d ry a nd polis h with tissue paper. 80AJ OWNEIS .... -,.,.,., c.. looA "' .H.Ab '• So.IA C-.1 c-- ~ ,., ,.. ,..., ;. _,; .. ·~·-·· t...p llocb .,.. ouals61• ,.. w, roe .. , .. , ·--...··. HOUSEHOU A,,liANCf$ IUILDifliG MATfltiAlS AND TOOLS IUJCHfN UTENSilS. GlASSWAitf ,AINTS AND VAitNISHES GIFTS AHD S,OIUIHG GOODS IUY WA~ BONDSI ,, A. H~ fTI"ZPA"MUCK. 8Dt wbo bad nffrred a.o am~nd- ~ _.nt tJ, a \'\rll-lcn•"'·'TI PI• J?I'Ul. SUN CATOIF.Jl You~ ....... ~.._ .... ._ ... _. ·-........................ __ _. ................. n.~ _..._._ ... ..., .. ,.. d;;d. Wtric il 4 • th _. ._ • ...... JFa....., ..... ter~ .w.....adwV4fl•••~ • .. ,.. A ._. tridl for ...,_ _.. , .. _.,wot,......._ ... _ .U~Jrt".cllljt !bat II bt dl&nltN to ri':.o.J.. · r-..on·t • ban!;'f' "'"n· than baJC a bonr til I hr modt.lle of OM' Eddie'• BARBECUED SANDWICHES A6e Delicioua! %1 .. ~ F,_t "-'e7l -.... jlltil't ..... Tot .. ....... Stapln ·'Presto " " Arrow " " Boetitdt " " . Hotdlkiss " " A~ " " 8lllct. ....... . s.-... ... .._ intO a -· dlic - ' ± _,..., •• , U.. ,_-...._ •n .-. l'ntral. s_...rt 8da. ift1J an illcllldecl iw die -lldrt ·M..-..Tricb,_ .. ,.,... • ._. Newpdrt Balboa a .. ...,.. .• .,_..._..-.. ~ ,..-~·s-TI~'IES • tlw Womm'a 0tpan-c o1.-l 't::.n it " _.,..-for )'OQr ,_ ~-. .1-----------.....J ·AL'S . GARAGE \\'(' alro h nndl(' ;onrl r.u·•• for IIA~"E JKn"'RS • ars lar•ce ALIEN GLO\"EEL t f'omx'rlv •'ith H . R BantA Balboa\ o--r ......... "_..... ......,. .. ':\lotor On~rhauling )lotO.. Tune--t;ps Carburetor and l~ition Adjustments f"«IOf} T'rall"'t-d C..~rtlurf'h>r SP"('lahst •• I 1 ! f JOIN UP . •'1 ~ ~ ....... . ~ ~ ' __ ..,. • ...;; • J )l ~~'~ - :'~":,-: .. a,.,-=:· .... o( IIIIa i1 lrl Desirefll i TIIe,~OH eo.,.., Will Certificate The Law Plutkecl · nw ._..._ •...-w•t ~~ Balboan in S. A. rap Co1111j's Ex,.• 1•.- or 1144-45 Fixlll at $4,922,• amounts t o 18"1.\9ll. to.,..~ Bea.l Nt.a~ t:Y'lUimnt tor tile Hal .. om lllld 'IVIk 1(1( ·~ nf' For Loyal a.~ Patriotic Sei'Yices After Year's W·•t b)' a '"" rst• ot 4.\ C'ft'lts. to n !M' ...,_.. ~\ u.s. __.. .,.. M bwt 90'7. Nf'W'J'Ort a...ra.. • ... I 175.571. nw CIOUAl)' '-~~ita I folac-.t· C'ltl-~aU.-.1 TNit Joohn A """'"" and ••• ,. l SANTA ANA-<>ranre COunty·~. Thb y•ar. tlw rounty gNM>ral bucJit't amounta to MtO.tCI'l. llOftW l and 8a~m•w Ballk ot a..-A--'-...... n ttatlve budget for tht> 1944·45 budlf't will be S72S.464. of which $60.000 mono than lut )'t"&r. wllh I to Ida A<'k......,d lot 21 and .;;:;:;, .._nv !\ Rf'thr h'ld anot "'1'"· lnl eal )'ear 1M ill ~ hands of 1293.859 will ~ ~ tu• a tu, lUi tax ra\4' Rl'-d from 12.9 <'t'flts ' ot lot It :.;" ....;__.._ _., ..J ""--• • ""41 tfn ,,..., of lot ~ '" •·-t Audl '-""-k I ~ "'"""• .._ """ ~ tno I •'()7 Nt'lll"pt>rt 1\t'ar h ; .,., Y . . tor ~ «..: t> today levy of 15.06 Ct'nts Thl-total to 13.3 cent.a. ct.l Mar· A rl'rtltlrat .. ~~ aprr~latkln ~r 1 <•<'IM•I l't&nley prsl.-' tM loyal and patrh>Ur •"k"• wu ,·orupany for 1111 "~••••U•nt roop-'nle a.. .,. ot th• law ...,.. r,...•niN1 tn tht! Southf'm ('all-t'rath•n an4t patriuUc •"Ic-e toi ii\&IMd ......,_ct.c~ tar ...... y • f ml• Tf'lrphur,. coropeny b)' our I"UWWtry In the prneat worM-, )Mr, nnaby ~ ff: _. ("'lnhf'l ~ W !"lanky, •pal nffl· witt.. <'i'lftnll't " bt~ vtrw11 MIHCift Uuta, , ..._ ' pubUcauon, and It shows total budget is about $45.000 h!pr A !!iuebll' hill• 10ft this )~ar W~ C" Dodd and wife t o A .t ~'IJt In W ll'l"n' Rot..rt d&t't ~Ut'St!l of S4 92'.l.88tl. h is th11n la•t )'t'ar. to tht" "'l'lfiU'f' ~rtmmt . whK'tt I Paul llanb and •If• lot 12 In A<'rN" 1111\d l!l'lft' lot P3 anJ half rf'r ur thl' Ninth !'Wrvlr" I"'Ntl·l In r.AJ">n•llna Mr .. Jf'N aald. tn h< ... l•ndtnc tllm ID tJw ta A.M 19.:>49 more than allow<'d la11\ I Salary buagt>l w1ll l>f' ir~<TPelit'd has about uaed up Ita IUil)IWil"!l. bl k 1T Mt'1lon 3 a.iboa .......S· ot lnl 94 <If ll'lhtUvlal(•n ilf hlo.c-k ar and $1,395.141 mort' than last materially, sill{'f' th•• suf*rVL"ors lt.s tax ratf' ·~ from 7 ~'" 1 ~hv ,_1rv•~ Arb&que l~ A ••I F' • .our N""''f"'rt. man•l, at r l'rt'motlln In th• """"ta·t 1'4ll't "WI' al'o' llt't'JIIy cntel\il for <:.ty t'ClUrt Mondlay oe c:Mrp ttv" ..rrl<•,.• or th• r••mt~&ny Vh'• your t hnuahtf\11 and Jt'llf'N-.oa ,..,.. of a.,..tlaa- ar'a actu~ t'Xjlenst'S, )'t'l will lx> havto granted M'Ver81 Jill)' hlkK . to 10.66 C'l'f\11 .to nUat" $195.997 of I F.lelne. r P:&atmaA. lot tao "'I """'""' n .. Jt .. ( • .. v .. rt lo \\'HIIIInt tiiiiCf'd Wllh the> usual RJ·N'nl lht> lat~M~I a geM"ra l S25 l)f'r month It!! total budet't of ~.1R7.450; moe<l trart to7, N--port S.a.cb. R.. HO<tntan and '"'If,. IM• 10 •nlf I f'Stl'. booft for all mlployHa. For al· of IU fundi c::IJIIM from IWlt' and 1:1a1ae p 'Eartmaa In ,.,._. 1.. lt In blt>o;'k ~Jl t•f Jo~r11t addltl••n t•,...~•·l"nt r..-nrac• H J.._ llt'o't'ptt'd "«llllh•n ••( th• t•ffKOv• --.•orlo. uf A........t"Ct Mnftday -a ~t thr t'f'rtlflrlllf' ''" bf-h11lt ,l( all our ..-r-111n•l "'" aiiJIIII"f' ynu 1 ,_,f'd by J udll" ~ croull· t'"l1lllllnV ('f'rllunnrl I 111&1 we llflall ''''"' tnu• In •I•• ,.,., 1 ahanll, now ln the .,.1, Clartl Tht> Boel'd of Supt>rvisono. "ill arii'S $675,869 ~~o·a., noqu('!;tC'd, ~~o·tth ft+ral COYt"mmt'lltll buf res I to s,.,,.l~·rl tii'IRhl" gin budget hearings Augu~l lR $498.3(17 to bt> nullt-d by taxation. budct'l total is down Jiso.ooo. 1 ----•· R '""'"'"" snd wH" tn T Thr o'f'rt lflrrt.lt' 111111,.. th111t thf' full •luty, ... ., ..... ...,, In 11 '"'"''""m·, w11a lflv"n a t~l6y jail .,...,~ 'hlrf aiJo!llal uffh•o•r "'"I"~' Clr n IIIW'• Whh'h. In f'VtorV rt'llf"''''· will hUJ.lliCt' J)t l""" .....,.... wiNe 111e 1'11<1 II I' lnrcl••• l'lltl'n•l• h1a at• ~••rd with t.hf' hl~hul tra,llllnna 1 f~l'"" 111 pa.)' ttl~ a!tenw.ttft hM 10 a . m., Chalnnan Willis H. Total bud&et Ill about $120.000 nw-lft"N'ntl ffte'rvt> ill to bt> in· only ~I will bf' n uN'd by taxa· A (l'Kfffr a114t "'1r,. l••l 11 In &mer said. , mort' than last' )'f'ar, and thl' ta.x CN'ast'd htlfn $r.l,000 tn a total of liOn for I h .. pu.,.... biN k l nt -·tfoon ~ oo( I'&)~ Jaf· !J~ RectJNJ g~top 203 Jlariae A \•e. $290.000. and to do It thf' <'OW\ty Tiw tntrr-...t a nd slnkin~e fund. an-I. has N~m&rked 12 ~u ot tht" tax 10. pay olf bondf>d dt'bt. dt'c.....-· <'mmh1r Allt'n tn Thnmu l':ol· rail' to raist> tht' ditfl'l"l'ftet'. Last lhl~ )t"ltr f;""' 3.2 to I 04 n>nlll. to ~-nl (J\IInr ,.n,t wife. lot 10 anol .)'Par. th•~ i!f'rwraJ rHt>rve tax rat•· ·nu"l' $25.:.!00 towanJ ltw-lofal tO ft'f't M 1••1 12 In hl•.c-k 2:\1\. ~~or· w as onh 4 34 <'t"nts. hutl.:<>t allonllon of $62.!100. Clllll rt .. r Al.ll Ath·t·~tlsln.: fund ot $5180 Wb In all. lht' tax rate', ~opn•ad owor •;.n_.,,. "'. u ,.nrv Lanrf'v Sh•r· J'N'<'IIIIh n ''' lh" r fln't"'n'· "f~>r nf lht' wn•IC'f'" 11t t 20 onw w•rYtlftt WM -...... "')'Ill ""'' f141 rlo•llr ... rv,,. .. ,. rrh·! la.t Novrmt..r. but dkt Dot c-atc• .s.-rt'tl lhr ~IJCTI"I C\•rj•" nf lh01 ,,,. 11tlllf'l11 (t'ftt'MDI of a l'an· IIJ' With (,arlo., who ......... U. Armv of tltt' \ lnlto-.1 ~tatu In lht' olio I hllhll ,.f tulnol, "''"" In trltl .. •, many J>larH durlnlf tlw .aa,...r ••··~•rnrll••hntf'nl nf 1111 vital "'"'· I• 11 llllllt"' nf hlarh nwmt'nl bo•lb tim•. 11fnn durlnl( a f"'rl'"' nf tlall••nall to1 o·ha rllo·l,.r al~<l """''''"" lhl'lll •j f'ml'rl(•nr~· I """ Olv. OnUara to Unde a.m .... Balboa ....... onkort'(1.' althoueh lht-t•ounty no 11 l<~n:rr bn...-.. ,1\("'f' ltw rounl~ ·~ a.-· m M ,,,., ••tuH'ol ,,, ~11rl•• H lonetor has an IK'tl\'l' pubhelly dt"-"~"'..t \:tht.llllln lno'II'IIJ'f'CI lthoul Pao-. ""•I l'lfr, ,., nt \(lt 14 llntl •'I Complete Selection of partm•·nt. A I.U .nllt' ..,( 2 .ot a SS~JO.OOO I"' llu·· '';' ll\11'4' II total of lot 1!\ HI llllork ~ "' lrvt 2:\4. Popular and Classical Records C't'nl will bt• rooquin-d .. .u ··ompart'd nf $1.567.601> fur lh•• ··nlln· hud .. , N•"l~·rt ~ac·h. • .,..Ia at'knowl ... l,tment "' ~·t>llr diJIIInJ(Uiahl'tl rollll rihutlnn In fllr lhnanct' u! a fulur. Wt>rlll at """"" will btl lnM"rlt..<l f<WO'••rr In II•• annaia llf l hr ~11('1"1111 (~'"'"'"I lltiOA PIIU STOlE to .16 nf a <'•·nt and $3690 wUI br 1 "'JUI'St uf S4.9'l2.MSR 'Ow< n-.,...-F.btlo• ., Uallrt' to r:..oflt1a 14 G•f S d• raiaf.d by tAllt"S for thts rool'lJIOM'. !ol'nts on tncn ....... nf $152.000 In ,._, ''""' ,., 101 18 or N..wport I ts ---tor ttoys n w park lund tllu. )'t'ar ••ill hi' .amount ... br nu~'CI b) •.nat ion u Jllirhl•. I $55..8:!5, dovo-n about $10 000. A romflllrt'tJ to l~t >•'llr II N'IUnut I 'nl•~~n•• I. M<'Faddrn and wlft' South C,o. Launches 1 Last in Series of I Rescue Bo3ts Sat. Now in Thrir New Location 0 P E N S U N D A Y ta.x ratt' ol .3 o( • Ct'nl as ~utrrd with the-samr taa rtlh' j to Jam" n . Mr Nallrv. lot !\ In ==========================~~~t~O-IJU~pporl~~· ~~~~~~pa~rk~Jl~)'IJ~tf'~m~,~and~ 1 Coron ~ll 3 II( Ralboa Baylllildf' lral'l, -I • del M New• -d pari uf Ray front Mlat't'nl With·a Complete IJne of TAKE HER TO • • ONCE A WEEK BALBOA'S RENDEZVO BlLLROOM Preaentl ~------------------, OOfll and His Orehestra B~'TTY L Y N ~. SoloiKt lucust 4 aad 5 BUY WAR BONDS" There .was a man an our town, And he W2S wondrous wise, He saved his red meat ntioo sum~ And lived on cakes and pies:. 4 , And when his cakes and pies were go.ne He bought a prime young steer, Made faces at his neighbors, and Ate steaks (with Eastside beer) Y ""' t/,./n ;, tloirrt IH Hit I. 1,. to '"I' 70• npJII.rtl .. it6 E.•tJitlt --.... "'' tloirr~ 0(. R HI, lo ur 1/w W ... a 111itl• 11/Htr 'tOif 11-1 it. ~6ft 1f* tiWI ~nit. ;r, .,,oJ1·, J..lt. f•u- •/ tllf>u ,,..,_,,, s.n,, ,.,,_, ~,, ,,..,. • I ·.&&TIIDI •••• -, .... ,..,. ...... a ca. ...... aut I Vrt1f N f'ry and wtf• to 0 -ru. ~ S*mrn and wlft!, lot 7 S~erwi1 -WiUia• PrMIICb tin and W ~Ita SU&N 11 &II bl<><'k I. uf trar-t IHA, Balboa Bf'&onia avmuf!, vtatt-s Mra. F. 'NtUif' T Wurray tD John T t..ut of 11 ,..,., ... nt tOt ~~ Navy Al,.,.ratt tt..r.... boata will ht!l rhrlatt'nf'd anct launrht'd at Hub- bani'• Ruulh ('Out C'OIIIr-nv yar\ill Saturday. Allll 1'1. at t ·lO ,.m with Mra Juemtah Mufl)by u apon110r I I Bat,.., 32• On:hkl aVfti\M, 'nlw. , lot 2 ln biCX'k AA of "ay Ttwy attendfod the ~ tractl23 ('nrnna df'l Mar. '-. picnic ot tJwo <::ap.-lla Clrcle otl Gf'raJd K Brill to """' M Ro-thf' OMnmunlty ~pUonaJ lena ani! ..,lfe. lot 13 Ill blbrlo. 1!13 dlurdl at the b-. ol 1tra Claar· ot '-ll_ldlvl•un of 0\rona df'l llf! Kyt•. 312 Orehl.l avftWt'. 'nM liar; I 600 E. Bay AvP • Bal~ Ph. 101 o.xt -•me Of Uw clrcw wUI wl r..dwar.t Y f'ortf'r and wlff' to held at tbe bome of Mra N Oamllnr M. Amallf'y lot11 !12 anlf Ha~ ofe17'7 JUIDIDf' AVf'JIUl', ,. In bltll'k 10 o( l""aUbdiVIIIIfln nf Au~ IOlb a t 2 p.m )I no W ,.. O'trona dl'l Mar: o.c-a u• nf lh• valur pi~ by lht' Navy uron thf' ,·onlllrur tlun anti rf'tr\llaMI)' nt olf'hvrry ot th ... 1 hll(hly t'ffld•nt 'Vf'-la, they han tw.n built un a pn...tu•·lh\11 llnf houuo IUIIJ lhf'r<' ha• a...n n1• lime .. ,. "'"'''" a vallahl<' •for mn~·• t1\11n I " v•ry tnlormal C'hn.t.ftlnar eBet.eYo.8811d Power. wu appotfttt'd chairman J Howard Pat1&..r and wttt' lo of Uw 814Nihlne commlttH 1 Robf'rt ,.~ CUnnlnr;ham. ltv 3 Mr. aDd lira. Ha~d Wlteao, lftd ~ f11 bloc-k 1\42 ot I'OrYina tk-1 ...................... ... .....,._. ~ for~Derly at 20 ftnaJt'a/ anaw, Mar; IJ'IOY~ to ttwlr ,_. bomt' at ~I C'llv uf lll""'r"'lr1 Hcoar to tn J ••hn boulevard and Polnwtlia avmue, 11!. Mark and Wlfr lot• I I U an•l Con'llla ckl Mat. Saturday. 116 Ia bini' I& '732 of Corona •lt'l Mllr . lira. N•U ot Paaadt na vlal'-d Olin Gray to Roy C Rec:IJ ancl her •tan. Mra Ar kmyd of 1401 WUe. lot IK 11n<l 10 ft'«'l O( lut 4!0 Bea\'iew avn u.. TuHday Mnt. ln btocll 1:\11 n( ruubdlvla"lun nf Th,. launl"hln• nf t'·M291 mark• th• flrat fo>nnal t'en'tllOfl)' thr 1 rnmrany hu hf'lll for on. "' !.h .... I boelll 'J'h .. IIJX'Il .. •r. Mra Alurplly. 111 wtfl' nf a vaiUf'd ..aploy•f' Wbcl, u .lf'a4man, hu t&km an lmpcw· tarot paM to th .. cnnatrur tlun nt ......... , . ....,_. .... h• ........ ...... ....,... .... I •• ....... o.r;.e. Ac llmyd 18 O'WIM'r ot t.be Mom and Om>na df'l Mat'. Ult' v-1. ToU' l'o«• ahop on Clle.at IUI'b· ;.-;-;-;;:;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.::;:;;;;;:='===== -;;;;;-;-:;;:;;.-;;-;;.-;;-~-way, Corona df'l War 8bf' bu l•trodud .. Laa AllaftM ud I.AMIK 8foarh POP.I LAK PRICF.K rt"nlv«t a of •~eoua aladu. I Corp. Mra. F. OluDoD 8klMt'r epmt tb• WHk ftld wttJI I h<rr motht'r, Mra Mt·Carty ot Hollywood Corporal and Mrw. • Sklnnn will ~ Ia thetr new home, 1 ~und.ay. at 2111 01'1"'lld avmllf', (.'1lrona del ~tar. Tht'y ba vf' bH11 living at '701 ~rile avnue. <~a.l 811innt'r 18 lulnlcl4r In eunntry for ,,. bombardient . and 1 navtptr ra Ill thf' Ban C.. Ana~ A~ Bur. j Mno · F. ~bot'Ddort ot S.Cra· -,..,,, f~ ::-:•!,!::;:; hco r !lomt' for Ul" 11umm,.r llo'lth her da .J«btf'r. 1 :.: r11 S II \\ :olk,.rtllne u( 100& 1 ("ull.l!l lhJ:'h"' II)' ,. 1 p,. 1\r l'll\'lll, mtoVIC' llr trf'.. AJI•I l l'arl\ v1 tlsr...-tknrol at tht' tlurlt')' 1 1<•11 l!t\'t'lll l:t~o f"o llllt l f ighWII)', Corona del Mar, l&lt ~·•·<·k Mr h ffnh<JIIz o f •~• A ngrlu. th<" l)f'W man.a;:rr. Mya Ul4-y hav .. the .-me rt'IU).ar •mplo;,rHa of thfo 1 1 tav .. m an.J that tbt're u. no r h-1• In food ar price. Wr. 1.... K. A.nd"""• ot •36 fo'tm • leaf avenuto. len by p~an .. Stmday ..VM.ln~. fi"'OD Hutbank alrpr~rt. IM BatU• er-k. Mk:b., to vl111 hl1 mother. \ Tbt' proolucUon n,oma nf th" Red ('ro)M at 300 Ort'IID boul.-vard. Cnrona df'l liar. are tD Dl't"d ot I •orkf'rtJ on Wnndaya and Wf'dnn · I day• S uppliH han c:orof! I MORTIMER SCHOOL 302 Coral. Balboa lalalld 8l1MliEil IICBOOL .,._. J .. , •• G...._: c.nece a rrep. · Ellt,.,_. N-~ --~ G. A. MorthMr, M. A., Oxf~d P rlftcfpal P hon• 1~2 A tlEARTY dlruwr, or mid· nlaht k&nch. • little too much IIDOklna. perhapi • coc:ktaU or tw~"t fun to· nlaht; a m!Rrsble l~tdown. Madachf'y feelinl tomorrow mornini- Tou paop .. wM ec1'MioM IIJ ••· lend a periJ •nd m Jo1. cood f•l· lcw•hlp end c~ food. c;,l•~n peJ, MJI\ cla)t for \he fun yc;,u had Wh~ ~·· JOU try AI~ ....... liter tor that MMonunc Att~r· t••' nc? Alke-S.llta .. -n •<i1rtM u ... ful ID \he ,...,,., ot m•"J "''ooe aliiMftll a..c-• ...,. A lite · Sell.., -'bl,_ a r.llable 10111 ... 1c pe•n' n lt.vw wl\h IN.IIft.d olkehittnl •l&a ,, . '7'17 .. •hannw , .............. . --AcN ............. c.w 5)M~ ......_ ..... ,., r .. .,.. ..... ,.,-'& ............... A.Jb.S.Jc.r .. Mn·lautoJel a"" ...... nt te taka. Tow •II• .IUI&a-1111-"' tha ... _.. '->&am and in ~­ ....u.nt ~ for h.--· ., bel'". pet.b .. dw --' tt.w , .. .,.. Ia • Croac ..... Ill -SPOIT Ill LUDLUM CMpd W~. ....... "'· IIVIIAGI VllUIS Airway Coffee r..;::•• •·• 20- Ed d C ff I>•DOf .... ... war s o ee ,09, •• ., .... , - Voc"""" potltH H"t 9to.u tO' Chase & Sanborn ~(-:~: •·• 21- ••ou'QI or , P ~··"'<f Breakfast Cup ~::: Canterbury Tea ·~::: u ... l .. ..... V•·• J2e .... CUCIIIS, WlftiS, mtALS Kri C k .., .. , ···lr sp"{ .rae ers "'"'.. -... h Kris ... -~···· ~·· '"· ... ID-n y · p ··'" .,,~.I( (J .o o,, .. .. Cheerioats ,';;' '. ·.~: :·. :.,·; 11• Ri . Kri . • · ' ..,., • ~' • ·•• 11• ce sp1es """" ..,,., Dl R" ,.,, "''"·"' $·•• •• .u. own 1ce t . ..,, .... Garber's Cereals 2:.:: 27' nPICAl SAFEWAY VAlUES Peanut Buttei , . .. ...,... •• '~'" '""'' ~· I t H ._ Party Pride Spread 2·~.;· 15• f t'lf •t• • Durkee 's Dressing Pickling Sp1 cc Jewel Sbortcnmq Royal Satin ' Bisquick : , . Dixie Fry 1 " G olden Bake Pancake Flour Piack Eye Beans II "' • , ' • •" Noodles .. p·-~ w ,.,, •• , .. Grapefruit Ju ice I I 10 •• 27• ... l •• 9• ••• I '~ S'l• ,. , 1 ·~ ~'jc , .. •· "~~c ., ... ' •. 1.3• ··~ )'I ••J3· ••• 41') .,, 22• , .. I !0 10' ,., ..... 24• .... " •. 13• . .. fpw,.;. n,w ti•n' d "'' v • \ ·'#' " Libby's Pumpkin ;·;, · l:.:· 13- Chili Came .. y ., ...... ... CX>D ,_ ., .. . A~ rou ta.kin~ adunra~ of CM lup n .ri· rcy uf frcih fruiu and Vt'~ctabln chat it availabl" at thl, .ea~1n uf tht· rc.ar ? Arre· til in& and nutritiuu\ m c::ah arc: nHrc h simpler to plan 'Wht·n ynu h,l\'<· ('len I)' 11f f.arm -Frc\h Product' l1kc the '-•nd pmr S.&ft'way ofh·n . LARGE Fl\~~!':Y TOMAT0£8 Rf\1, (~rm 1om.11 .. RIPE C.:AH'~'L1LO~PES Dclicioult bru'-1·•~• mcloms. Sold by 'Wci~thr. FRESH BELL PEPPERS Pnfm for tcuffina. or for uw in Nlada. GOLDI:If 8W£ft CORK t~ntkr corn. F. art arc w~ll-filltd. DUCHIII .... .... - KIM MIAT (!4)T-BOHE (13} ~mLOII RATIOIED FOODS (15) Pork & Beans ,~ ":It- ( 10) Beans u..-. o-.. U \'i ... lt-.,_.....,....,_ ·- ( 10) Asparagus ~~~.:-·:.:·a .. ~ .. - (6) Tomato Juice :;:= :.-• ·~··· .......... ~ ................. .. (25) Apple Sauce :-;; a:: 1 .. 11 ............. )0 •• ,. '"·,.... u ,.... .. , ~afrway sttal<t art t"'"""""'J to he trrulrr end cldicinut-ro I(Tfc ('<'rft-cr s.Ht\l.1rti11n, Sdt'Cf yt111f favurit(' rut m- t.l.•y. Mom·y b;~(l if you're not ('lro~~-d. TINOI~ ""' 1 .1111} (\It uf J::II.HJIItC<.J hnf. !!.~L~~~·~.~~~~ ~33c f,!~~~.~.!!~s • 55• ~n~,.~~~!!~~!. ~:zac ~~!~,~.J~~!·''-~ 41• NOft ·--• _....._ ............. .-••• ,_, .-................ -,_, ...... lloh4. .. t -.J ft ' ' I •• NEWPORT-BALBOA ~S.'MMES. Newpowt a..c.. California, ~UI'Iday, August 3, 1944 I Wave RemaitenJ NDVPOIIT-M• BOA NEWS-TIMES JVith Ernie Pyle at the Frona I I NEWS IBIT&R8 TO TBB I I. A. MEYER • • • • EDITOR AND PRESIDENT Pl1lllulc t-U&.' JOll W. Oen~ AY«"nue, .'\ewport J'-4u. l:alt(,ltn!A Official Paper of tJ.e City of Newport Beach • ' I I 1 Pillboxes and Tanks W reeked in Street Fighting Yanks Takll AnothPr City With · Only Snipers wul Vnc Pillbox Left of the CHURCHES ('OIJTA -OO~ftl Cll17aCII Cart B. lets ., lll.._r IN E. lttla st. I'lL U11·& Church School. 9:45 a. m. Mominc Wonh~. 11 o'clock. Youth eroupa, lkh School. In- ~8-TIMES l'III:A8tJaY APPUX.."IATa NBWSPAPD BftiOilT8 TREAIURV DE~ARTM~~ I War F'lnanoe CommlttM • ,.,. leuthent Call~ July v. 1144 I !:d.llor New~t-TtmM: ' On behalf of the War Fin&ncf' t•·rm~ate, Adult, 6:30 p. m . Committee for Soulbem Calif or-•------~·~-~D~t~I~t~Q~'~L~-.M~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.,~~Ov~er~~J4~V~e•~•~• • --R~ Ernil' P} lc-F:vf.'nin~ aervlee, 7 :30 o'clo<."k. nla. may I up~aa our apprecla- NAnuDrTORIAL <8 I N ~(lH~t A:XU V On u p tht• stre ·~t a .bl~~k ~ht>re seeme~ \\ ~:~~~:y.'7~~~ and Prll~r. ~:!n ': ~~~ -s;.e~~dwa~u~ SSOCIATION I f lfl lw 1;1 I II·' I • '·' ,, •·tnt t! '" h• . h t t .•u"c actu.tlly you can l Orjve. Once ap.Jn you have lfUj ~ .. £~ -= V ·,•nl''.·; , 1, 11 "'•r• ,.1 IIJ htu " ,.., JU•t L,., c nnfus m g ~s field ftght-E~ISCOPAL proved how valuable • ,IOU It 1s irl't ..,,W...NL __. J SUMMER SERVICES dnloc In wtnnlng the war on th" ----( 111, , 1• •II l1.1111' ·"''·" f,., " whtlf', thC'n lh«' o th<'r aldr Ebell Clubhou~, Newport Beach home front. Your editorial co-. A• IW•, 11 111 , , :.lito "" r( ,o n • I••• ,• lulls . v·tth o nly stray and Sunday•: June 18 through Sep-operation and the flav work (\f 1,.,, 1, d ,, .Ju· 1 ;on "''''·""'""'" ~·.!di•·r i.s sn~>:1king about, t•·mher 10, 1944. I your advert'-lng dep~nt tn Link for the Peate Chain? , ,1 1 , ,.11 ,f1 , •1 , ,. ·111, th1n 1•, r lit•• • nr•rnv u t ull. You can't te ll A:oo a. m . -Holy Communion. obtaaning 19p0n110ra ror W ar fk•nd I I ll 11 '1 111 11 I S 11:()0 11. m.-Morning Prayer 11ds Wl'rt' both a vital IA.('t or 1.n )I; I : ( II I I I .. ' II' ' '·' • I II 3 ' • ' I . • ----------t11J Sermon. (Firat Sundaya, Holy I the SUCCf'llll ot the drive. ........ I I' I 'I " •I .. ll .. I tl I 111" rro·•v I'O'><i<tl'd ,.,, Cnrp MtH l'otii1JT.Unlon,) In ordt>r tfl prt)Yide a t•ontmu- , It is for t.M h l'>torical scho lai. tht> ~'""'n.' a (lfl pnwll• .d ~ker aftc-r world &x-are, l~stntt"'Sm:tn nr intt-crjl ~'. ·"'" tl11· fpat who aft able to vk-w the intE-mationaJ St·ell(.' \\it h tlu· 1•··1'' Rl.fish prejudi('(' anrl ttw fllO!\t ul'lfk'ro:t:.nchng, tn rttot••t llll/11' t.hr IJOkornn q l..k.'Stion.c; o1 ('O(>fJly ftL-.JXJji;itto n a t th•· l'ttd "' "'" ,1 .,,,, 1· '" ,, A• " • 1,,-1 "''"'I ', 1(.,111 , q, "' C'h rrngo. th" t•nk Th~ Rr v. Robert l.f. llog•rth, tnf!' urvlc,. to nf'W!IIfiD~n. in tbL~ •1'' • .. n "; '' 1' '• "' ""' ''"'' 1 1 ,., n a'"'' r: S1·1 1. Worth•m :'II A., St Paul'• In the Deaert, I Art>n. WP will have avallabl<' a 'I' • ·•1 '-'' '< •' •··•d "' ''"' 1. '"~ AI:~ rt,.,,.,; ·Pvt. ftaiJJII l 'alnl S prlngt . .All \\'elcoiTie! ~11pply uf 'hew advtrUstng mat- "",., I '" ''1 '"' I'' ••.., • f ~I ''' ""JlltltS~ aul~tao I ~ --------rtCf'll in full pag e. fh•e cnlumn !'I II''' 11 '' •·r c', rn 1\lhtn Stoops Mar FI RST CHURCH OF CHRIST, 111n11 lhrl't-c•Jiumn !!I:Ua. The ••'• '''·11 1 ' 1'' I' 1/1'1 Rllllllf'r, and Pvt SCIENTIST 1'rt•u.aury Oepartmo•nt It! urging t J. \ • It I ." war. ' 11' '"' 1 1 ' • 11 ... , • ••I Kan~~~ Cll.,, the Lido T he,ater, Centnal Avenue that th" nl'wupaper advt>rttslng on -.._ .,_._ht-, o f ,._ll<,.. whkh mu"'l ,,. . .;,•lilt~ :tiiJ'n,1d \1 1ll 11 ' a11d V•• Lido • War Bonds bt-continued betw~n a •-=-tn'-"'...,..11 •-I 1' 1 ' ' ;:, I• ,,,. H ~•n~ .,.,u the ohl••t of A lJram•tt or Tbe Mutber Chur ch, drlvvl! llll an Important codul·a -bunrt in con,ti'O\·C'n;ial fury rvm tll'rm ·f' tlu• t.:lln" ~~·a~· ftnnl!. 1 ' " 11 "' 1 " • .tnd tht> only mai'TII'd , lw F~tsl C'hun.h or C)lriat. S<-l-l tlnnnl tu<·tor. Thla ot.ltcc wtll b1•, and they will bum tht> mind a~ h 'l'lr Hl tilt' h£';tr1 1•1 .lht• " ' 11'''' 1 ' 1 ' ''" 1 II\ ll.••rk u • 111•rd "' ,1,111, 1n 1~oston Mnsll8.t.:huaetta. ~lttd to Rlllllllt you m t-Y~ty w ay I I l 1 •' 1 • 1 1' 1' • , .... lltod •urk 1lant In Kanaa> • 111 , btatn1n2 11pona. r11 WOr1d for a long tiJne to ('Ofllf'. Thf'y .\\ill "''' , •. ""I ('1 l'it"l y ~' " II" ' . ' r St:n•ltl\' ~Chtrol at 9:30 .. m. I t'. I • 1 · 11 ,, 1 o•l 'ltnday St'rvrt:c a t 11 a m. Wed-Jo:L.\\ CO)J J . ROI:ill'\WN One pha.R o1 the European adjus tnwnb ah••:11 1 1~ ,1111 1•1rt· 11 •..rr.t ,1, ,. 1 u 1 I' '" 1.~100 ~~o omen,'' he •. ,.~~<luv T<'lltlmonlr.l Meeting at 121 Viet' Chairman tatJvely ~ in a book just puhlis tw·d ;trtl m•\\ 1111 tht• ' 1 , ,. , , • t1 ' '1 n l!nn. •·and how I'd ., h~~o.k noon. • Wlfr Finance c ~muuttt.'l! . I • '(j k l . I • t.rnlt> l')lr-Ill c•, '• ,. '" '' t .r·k tlnonR lhut!" I 7 for Sllulht'm Cahfllmta bookstands. ~a stgnl 1cant wur I('(';"IU.<;(' 11:-. !'IIUrt'l' '"' ... ~-, .. , n 1111, , .• r r 1,, ko>•~ 1111 vrpre·licd : .. udlnl: lloom l!>eated at 11 nificant. 1be writer as fontM'r Undcrsc~n't'tary o r Stntl' Sum-f ... l.n~ '"'r tl· ... " ,,, " 'I I h\ •\ ol 'r tl• •timf'nt. l·:a .. l r .,nlral Avenue, Balboa. 1a -W-'1-"'ho _. ____ last .. -~ar lrf~r b lttc:'r ctL-;agr\'\'m £'nt .... ! ...... •n .. k•· I I'• ol •• •' I',. I .••. I lit M.•rlln Kennell., ol 'J·• u-Ja l:y I rum I p 01. 'o ::. p. m . N 0 Slot Machines ._. ~ ·~.....,. J t. • k arol Jt•r • · '' <'I •' ., ' 1, ., 1 1<1'1 lro 1h11w me Ju•t • '\d'Jil SluH.Iuya and holiday• na-1 wltb hill chief, Cordell Hull. on diplomatic afC~JiOO. at .. ~" c ~~~·· lr• IT,,, I .... !I I' I I I I "t . ,, ' • '"" "·''' h('t'll htl. AI • twn:~ttv l'tl:tt:n•ed. I Found When State Although Welles declares his own p~lispo."ition i:o. in fa -'" •·" ",,.,,, "' 1 r 1 h· ha(fn't sl'C'n It l1•r The ·put.ilc Ia cordially i.nvlled to ' -ol Grnnan Wl.ity. 1M fonner 5tate dl'llilr1JTI('nt ('Xt~·ul i\1• "' tllf' tank "'"""""d to ,h,ol I ,. '" \ol I •I t.l' f"nte runnln( allf'nd thl' !'hurch lf.'rvicea a nd UN I Officers Arrive ._ I durkf'.t Into • ..._.,,. .. ,. br· , 1 11 , 1 , , 1 • (' "'"tnt!Hl he )umptd d1t' l:t•u•hn" ttoom Ia convinoPd that continua~ o( that unity can only_ m t•an a ,.,.,..,. 1 lic'""d '"" C.··rm•n• .. , n ,. 1" 11 I -- continued threat to the peact" o( tJle entire w o rJrl. lie Pfl)-•-ld •"""1 .,,., ~ ln•ldr 11'" M "h•·n lh,. llrlna d~ .... :o!E\'ESTJI DAY \DVt:NTIST8 S ANTA AN A Two high nfft-1 ... _ South .tn .. rwa, thrrr ••• a '"'1 ol k d u J cl C .. ,_ .. ,.,_ f'iale from lhe State Attonaey -a ..... o4&tioft ol Gfttnany into uu'-"' ~ !llates C'm 1 n d a llitlr ,.,. •nr-a ~ I' UK> otreet Corner .;a nut an '•~ .. -. r--,.... .. -• ,,r,.,.t4f',•rl rf'llar, d rt· ~tnrr . until ,.,. ,.,.,,. almo•t ,.,ett •hila Cot.t& M,... Gt>neral'a of(lr ... M Ot '" Orange • Gennany, ~ Grnnany and Eastern Germany -anti to Al'ltr•r,.nlh ttlrr,. •J' • wine th,. d.-a~t.d tank. Rei •• -e Sabbath school. laturday mom · county as a rt'sult or a ''ig'llantt> -'--East ~. altrr ~ boundary adjustsnenls and •11•P •""'"· for 1"" ,.t·llar "" t•arrful 'nnt '" ltl'l ear ..,.... tn~. 9:30 o'clock. raid on elnt machines laJJt wt'l'k . _...,..., Poland. •h •·krd "1111 •lrl' rtllt"' lor around lhr '"'"''r of &hi' .W. Prt;ac-hin~: servi,......, l la. m. toured lht> l'ltUnty and said lhey population aii"Ye')'11. ~ holdl•l' •lor bnllk • Oil th•·lr ~lrN•I, fAr lh.ol "~' ••hf're • fottnol no IdOl maChlnl!l In upera-'Jbere wiiJ be protes~ t"W'f'' ln this country, again st the •1.:..-. T1or-rr •rrr l•t• .. r IHtlll,..., 1,..,man• h ,.1 hrrd lrom. OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL tlon. They addf'd that ~ alate Welles plan to liquidaw militaristic J10"1e r in Gern\any, for I bll4 til.-, •••rr •II rulpl). n .. ltr•l ..... u lla• lilt tM CHURCH otflcco Is not going to mn\'e tn on has I I • • • llr•••· •1•••·1 "'•~·•· IIIII 1M &#eM W28 W. C..uaJ, Newpon Beada lh~ CIUII!. I c::arvlnl. Chr ~. as a polk-)'. 110 ~ appca 1 '"~'"' hark '" tr,. rl•· '"' oY ~ntl run• "'I· ,.,,d 1tt,.n pl•aM .ita ~unday ma..aee8 at 8· 10 6: 11 a.... Joe 11c0ella.nd. l:'ttler &&all for to.~ ..,.., 1be ~ basis on wham the "'~ a!ow~l fot'lk 't: IIIII •• th•· ... • It &hr .. U(h lhr ',, .. nl Uaf' ..... ST oiOH.,_, VIAN'IIEI' ClltiRCU Ally Gen. Robert w . Kimny, and, pun .... be &CIOI!'IUI* here, wiU be the basis ol probab~ e f ·l •lnrtrd b.lf '""~ ur ll'•·n ,,,,,t ..... ) ""'! I0\4 • I WIDdt On;, !wad nf Kenny'• Loa ~ !e. in·-""'-futUJ? t'e. A 80ft, un(M"f'Ulllzlng • '"'""'"' 11 ''~ I'I"T""''.It't' bull••'" . ...,,.,,. K·•••l• '"let in •malf l1tMart .. A-.,Balboeblaad AnAo•les nffkl' ssu d Uu! only ~-""'-uve"! _....... pea . , 1 "' lltt' t.wlo. :illld tiH '" "•'• a r1 ~'11 111 .. 11, 11 ,, ... , 1 r..lll Uu:.ouch our !'!unoJay m&NI at S:30 IU'Id 10 a.m. fhln<'a t hl'y fo~nd ,.-~rP In ~· pe.ce is not desired by any but the stupid and l~ AXlS sym-'I 5ttC'h ''"'"''II)' ll•a l I IUitt:t ol1 11'~11 I ..... rr "''""' ,, " -•ooraae bOJJI I CIIIU8T CHURCHBY TH SEA laton nt Rt>v Wu lf'y c . F.dwardfl . .. thizler. Neither is a thoroughly annlhllntive J)t>a<'l' gener-!l•l"'~"rt "" ,.~,.. TI>r "'"~ ""'<th ,,, ,, 1 k,,.,., ,.,, ,, •• , 1 the •mmun. I· Commualty Methodlat r le~~er of lhf' ra•d · ~ It•" I '"'"' ""' "' I "'ll' sl-•• •I "~ 11, 11 ft ro•1 ~ , 1: ~~ \\'t•'d h•v• M<·n Be.. E. ·D. OoocleU, l'aalor I \V•· advll!Cd Rt>v Edwa rds '" ally ..,......_ I had t l'l'o hlf tl•· "" ~tu•rrv "•·II 1 11 , ,1 ,, 11 1 J 1 (1,., 11 1ure ti'OUld Early momtng worshtp, 9:30'; tum lht> mrwht.nn nver to lh~ A .,....ce lldjnstnwnt that bas 80rnr chance oC ptE>nnanence. 1 A sf'<'nnd ''"'I rlt•l"'d the ,,,.,... h"" ~"' 1, • " H •·ro· tn • b.Ufl'71" ::::hurch School class, 10 .15 a.. m.: Rherrir Then we 8UggClllted R .. , .. and a practical Pf'OKJ'UI' to acoompliah it are the eoamest n'-j ment "' lh•· s•lf" nl the latt k 11o,.n· Tht ~1,. ~• v 1, •trll empt.,. 8 <"-Morning worship. 11 o'cl~:-· I Edward11 •nd Shf'ritt Je-L F:J- -"'-. ta for that dualn which mw.'t hold the future world wa1 am.,kco •II 11 ruund, bot the tunk yund the 111,1k ;11,1,ut 1,..0 blockl was ·l' Sunday c-yc-nlng servtcc, 7:.30 11iott go to · t he Di11trict Atwmey . ....-~ dtdn't u trh lire In • m••mrnL U1r • Conr an lrur~ . .,111nc aU aioea in o'tiock. . ('(in and aeek complamta agaln11t the I tDilflberiD 80IIIr typPof friendly fnternity. 11W' \YelJes P~ crt>w u me bolllnl out ol lhf' turrel the mrddlr ,.,1 lht> slrrl't It bad liioef'n A.~-w~~~r~rvlee'S~30 es· Opt'ratono." the •tate lnv1'11llgaton~ .,..l Ia CJDlO to~ lb.llled by tbe ex:pft'ta U a.~ble Unk in Grtm a1· It waa. I Jlmoat h•d tc bl11vm up, •~·• 11s ttru h•d buniM ....,, ~ r. · p.m. l aid. tllat c:blriD.. · lau&h u they r•n toward ua I h•VI' off. Thia truck ,.as the _.., .... P11LL OOSPEL CJIVRCH At noon today no complalota I nenr ll'en men run 10 Yilllf'ntly you roo ld are Thl'rf' wa.n't a U.. aad Ew..\ Collta M bad been aoupt In Dlat. Atty. Inside Germany They ran all ovrr. •·1th arms and human bfo•t•J in •1ght anywhe~ Sunday loChool, 9:45;, :n~ing I Jamea 1... Oav'-' office .. h~ad$ 11oon~t up and do ... n a nd .. un On thr rntt~rr '""' acrou tile wonchi(l, ll; Evangt'll!!tiC' I'E'rviet.>, Thf' two state mt>n \lo M'e rallr d m11ro1thon rare art m a r oa. T hty strel't lrum ~~ohne loll' ~~o·t·r• at•-~ 7:3& p.m .; Mid-we-ek (lrayt>r mt..,..l· tn to lhe case aft tor the locaJ plunrf'd Into my di"'rway. "·f ,.11• 11 •rr •·I ,.tl I'IIThnx. It .,. lnr on Wt'dnC'Sday, .'7 :45 p. m.; Free MelhO<!Iat paalor had l cle- Whethft-the old Unr ~ military clique or the Nazi I tpt'nl the nt''lll f'Xt'lled hl'ltr .. llh I In • r II n ·' ~' ,, I ntr hkl' the .. young_ people's l'V&ngelistlc 54' !"Viet.> phl)rtt'tJ K(nny Al !'an )o)'anrii!CO them Wr rtlllnQtod 10 3f1(•thf'r d<>< r· lr~nr• < to "t1 ,. 11f "ur curo!'r drllf" on Friday, 7:45 P· m. !Inti &l!kf'd hts s od when ht> sattl party wUJ be in charge ol Gennany's third w o rtd COflQtx'St ll .. ay and ~M nn buxrs tn thl' rn.pi Y ,,,,,,.5 at ,,,. .. ,. ··~1 C'pt that tntteld ht• IOUf\d h•• was "ft;::hltng bllt h , ft!W decades from now may be the reaJ issue that is b«>in~ hall••ay Thf' nw r •nil .............. ol Uti'Tf' I,. I ~ ~ filM thf're ••• • fiiRI!STU~ Sfl[~ff. l 'Hl'KfHt:lf th•· ShPrn!r a nd Utsl rit I Atllll· fCJUiht out iDsidr Gennany today. ltur k wtth bk>od •hf'rt>" snltller had J'llllbnx tlf r<·fl ,,,,.rd cont'retr. •1111 The Golden Telll tn t he Sunday ney." b<'rn trf'altd w1thin \h i' hour """ sll• VIIIOD·Sermon on "Spirit .. In 11 11 'lbat Gennany plans 8 third WOrid war io; quit~ g£'ncmlly Whut hrt d hiiiJPI'' rtl to th,. tnnk l lu• t,111k 1 '"' 11.oll >hoot It to a:-branchea of Tht> Morher Church, llnown. Both thfo Junkt"I"S and tht> Nazis ~-that the jig i.s v. '" Uu1 Tho•v h11d ht'"" llr on~ n"·'' 111 1 , , ,,1 f 1, • 11 ,.11.tJ 1111." t•nk Tbe Fin!l Church of Chrlai, ~cll'n· up for this war. But hoth groups w a nt to ha\'1' ~he UPfll'r •I a p1llbox ah .. det ., hrn thllt ~ · 1 1 e', n ",.11 11 1 .:•·I 11,(' "'"'e ot t111t, In Doston, Is from I t'orln· . ~ ·. t h . 'II backlltl'd. lltltnJt lhr lank 11o1IR lhl' 1., ,1 1 ll ,, f'h al 1111,. Wll thiiUI/1, •net rt'ad~: "W e hr"·e re-hand wben the Rri<"h L"-able to try ag;un~ts t K'Y 0~ It WI l amnkt ,.,.11 l1lmd11111 111,111 I . .t, 111 _1 1,, , , 1 •r1 .;., 0 a nic"'· c:el ved. no1 thll siJirlt nr t hi• worlo. ,,.. but tbe asrlrll whit' It I~ of Oncl; llt:ll be in another generation or two. Thry df't'rd• d to b ... k "'' tn "••ft'r "'Il l·" ' t • t '·I' I 1 '"what we mlr:;ht knuw tlr•• t hin~" I hac Rre After the last ""'lll', tht-Pn.&-"-~ia.n cliq~ "'as in "disgr<H.'(''' to lfl.'t tht'tr l t'Jru It• I "' ,,,,.,, '~~-~ II•" I ' 1 • '• • 1 • t ••• ~~o hm tnoely r:;lvo>n to u~ or c;o.l " 1 time -But.~. --o·__:a · tl , t tl -1· t:\t~ In F:lst S t a ff'w ynn's lh~ tlrt'''' "·" ,,, Ill r ''I."·' 'I Tl" l t•ttf(•d It A IIPII'cllnn frQm \lall h"• ro•lntu .or. • U.C7 ....... '-,, QUI(' } I) It t l~. . .. ' ...... d lhnl hi' ~···· ,., ol t ,,, •• rttll I ·'' "'' • r ' Ito ~ •• "tked that ".-b!'n ·'"~U~ tl"flllrl .. d thf'n••e. Pr1.-ia to await the next opporunity t o "gc:'t b:lt'k to work". , '''"'"'v hi' •t""""ot ,., .. r tlv ~• th•· 1•111 u.,, ,,,,. two blind mrn I<IIIO"•'•I '""'· rry- lfltJer provided that opportunity. f,...,, ot • ,.,, .. •tr1 ,., ''"'' 111 f r ,.., an hour 111.,,,. "~' a lui In~. 11nd l!n)ln~. Thou ~"" or ll~vld. 'f l J k tun:SII'I)' thr rr "·'• ur n1ho•1 ,;, '"an In lhr t•chltnr.' '\nl•nd' tlld 1117_ h•\•e ml'rcy on '" i\nd "'lh'n he N<Jw lfitJrr and h i-. henchfll('n rna)' fh,'\le tll:lt I I If' llfl ·• f'llll~tX Ill" II (' ftllr •Ill'! I 1\ll tilt.' WU COnti' lnlo till• "'"lfP. ChP blin:l -_,_,.,~ '''orkl W,ar I . t.h<> Nl' .. ;!\ nli•~ht !'Uf\'i\'t' \\'l}rld c;,-r"'"''' h,,lf In d<l "·' I It I • •' lhlnt: al•ttul • a lhtrd plllh.,-, m i'D camf' 10 h ill .. anti Jo'sll~ MUilh ~-......... vn.a n ......, ,.. around lhr I'"'"''' tlur •ro-11010 lht'nl. llP1i•••·t• >'' .tl1,11 1 am War D. ()f COUJ"'5e, t.hl-renuaants or th<' p.-.rty would h:t\l' to ..... and 1"'1..:' .•• lht' •• :·I,; 11 • " &nd laflk r ull• d "·l•l. .. lolllo· d ft. Able to •1o 1hl<7 Thry ~nhlunlo him. en UJldlo--•.,..jt (or a ft'\\' Vt•ars afte•a-li4•t-ntany·~ ct.ft•a t' hUt 1 I t' nr>t •' 1•1 hit • II• <YI. "' lho JUst •Atlrd. Jni.Jnln ""'" •o•k~ Yea. l..or.l. T h•·n tuuo·h•••l he IIH'Ir •-1 A• vuoou J t.tt1k l"ollltlrr t "''" r 1 h.•l Yo ... "'111 11 lhr or. ""' up In ,,., und·•tnry ~)'I'll!, •a)'1n~. .\~!'1)1111 n~ In ) our they too •·ould Wait--and Work-.fOr'' fh(• tilllnl't' t o t'Un l<' lhr llo·~· 1:••1 n11t. I II• 11 I 1,,.,.11 ,.;,y •lndft"' and 1\rl'll lhror roft,., u. fnlth bf' II unlo )'011 i\n•l lhPlr f')'!'l -..,&. u .-. -~ ...... hold o f I he Prussi4tn (')intx• on tllc II•C' Gr rn "'. <1 <hi I lit\ .. : lh• I" H thr •ld!' ...... I •llhout •• luAU., I wPrl' OJ'I'OPrl" A p;t·~~ce ftom _.. u-.~ ,_..,..,_,. u"'-' 'I J'a~ltnl rf·.~ll•• ~Til~ l..nr1l OJt<'llPtb .._ h l 1tr1 1 t>Ourl'll • ut •t'f'enr an11tnnc tro •llo>nl at. ~ . army. it "i ll bl> easier for them tu r....gam control o ft t' mi i- 1 q1e cyPs or thr bllnol " Th~ ,.,... • .,..d lankr•• naluraiiJ ""w nntf II.• r 1'1 1 '' lr• rn a "Slghl. h•·nlln~·. ttll thf' ~(llrllual tary (01'\1!5 "'t.-n-and if-ttK'y glum to power. .,.,,. ""II"''· bu1 lht>) .... ,,. a• ~ 11" ~ " ,, I • ., .~1·,, ",. "ulld: aensea of mn.n. 11r,. l'lt'rnsl. They \\'bile the CJ\·crt.hi"'"· o f llitk-r would be likely to brin,:: a n .Jubllanl u Junr·bD&~ and rr•df ints "' 111 1 '· 11,, .. , 1 " 'frond 1 •·nnnol be lo-t," • rllt>l' ~bry nakf'r arfy ,_,.~, thl-. may not be !'() <k-sin:tble as it sc."ert\S. If thl" for morf', Till'> llad ..,,,.r bfl-11 litM ,.nuht t I •I h.tt ~ ., Ill at leG-l l·:ddy In "~•·It .,,.., 1111•1 II" •lilt with r--lu rem hat b~l•rf' I hi' la•·a•l•n "' rr~l •lt11•rt 1 •JI , r 11 ,. 1 v. rt~ofl, Kl'7 to tlu• So•t lr>lllr"~" ShP C'Oft. ~quit cold bef~ the Allies re&Ch the "sacred SOiJ" Of ~.,mand\. Jf'l In thrl'l' •rrk• ,.,lh tl~ 11 '"I''' • 11 Ti t ,, waa e tiPUPI, "TIIt'l r ro•:tllty and lmmnrt&). Tn puru~h 0\lr!t.•lll">< f••r nthrr!f' fAIIltl!, L'l SUJli'!"IUII\'o• (ooll\' ThP n-"*~nlnl arru\\. shtn fn•m ,;,, .. t hrr ~ • bnw Is prn1l1r81ly har~ ln•ll. un· lr:<.~ r~ur uwn th IIJ:'ht hartn. tl l\la1 y Ba.ker JoAkly ··DEll MilliE SEIIICE SHELL DOCK BALBOA ISLAND :FROM K E C A \ TO vo u ~ . ' 0~ AND. OPERATED 8Y ~J' •• ~ NETWORI ~CJ~ 1,., 0H JOUI DIAl OPEIIIGS II IIITIICTGI ·IEICI thr Rek."it, it will ~\'e that country in a relati\'~)y whOW ron-lhf'lr tank had b<"l'n •llot op lot ul <J.• •'tl 1 c " '"• but u., Uf' In Spltlt anti uno.lf'rl't:•ntliQI. lhr,.... llmr•. •·.ar h lin,,. 11 wa• I etnn't th, ~ •• ,I •I> 1,. t'•'' !'r IieSe r.ot fn "!""''t. lo•'IIC'f.' •IH•tr ,_. clition as compan-d to t.hl-ravages the Nazis ha\'~ conunittro rrpaiN'. and put .... It, In ullun. • aut hit Ulltn•·nl'~ Oft Df'iKhboring nations. And II Ull bf' rt•tr~lrrll a&altl __ -- It should b<' J"('membl;>rro that t.ht> group oppo8ing JlitJ£'r I tllltl ltrnr. Thr nan1r of thrlr I I etu1o,"t <' , •n '" ..,,,,.. nr ,._ • CORONA OIEL MAR t•nll. IJiproprlatrh . Ia "Il l' lht k I m~tntr 1: 1 v. \ ~ ~ j out. COMMUNITY CJIUR.CH ln8de Gennany Ll\ no less C'k-spicabl~ than he. 'I'he only dirfer-t S..a." IIIII I • "' -~ I r I '" •. t Yell .. t Cong~gatlonal tnce is that tfll'y 5('(" the handwriting 01'\ the Wall and Wttnt tO ! • ' • I11 . .Jlv I' I <'1! '•i' I 1,(' ,·orner, Perry F 5< hr•"'k. mlnlsl .. r In _,... wht-reas little r a~lrentJ\' \\ill fight toM fmish. Let us n1"' maon .... rry ''1 11 ~.,. M'> .,.,,s lull '''1 "' '' 1 ,v, IL ch&rJte. ........ ,,,_ • lht fact II ·''''"' 1 , • .t I, !I.,~,.,~··~ Alii I ., , •. , ' ,., . II ... rlear 9 :30 a.m .. Sunday School. ~he dc:Mos. It t'I1Uid (ln.>'V~nt \\'ort.d \\'a r I fl. run" to.: "'" l'(llll•l • • ... 11 o·h· ~.~ , ~ t•! ,., •'II • • 1 1• · ll:OO A.m .. Mnmmg w orship I a,;,ay. li'a llll(l lttr " .... ,k mo lo•r t .. I ,.,.., .. ' : .. 'II ,. 'It' "n .had Meeting tn the "Chapel ny tht• A New Sun liarhor s~n·i~e For Albacore Fishern1en .. ..._JiaddlwC s ., .. _.. ........ ..., ............. ... ,.. .......... ,... ... -.o. ................ ..... .__. .. ..._ .. Aftla ........................... ........ ~,__ .... ,.. ............... .... ...................... ,.. ............. .... .............. ~ .... .. ................ _ .. ~ _ ......... I wUJ lecl t .. at It Wlll' More you time. Wlaa .... .-..c"" 8ft f'llnllinl chat ,._ ..... A8INw SaniiJW.. .. ,._. Or,u you P"W • ,._.._ • f\.-.,antL Alii...,. ................... JM:KcwYIUO .. ............ ............. c 0 f --~~ ...... ''CIIL , . rdle """ lew.: Uut 11 v. thr ' """ •~, ., • ,.,.,, 1• 11 tot a.Y'I. Sea." 410 (.'naJ!t H 1~:hway. Sermon afn•let to l:•>'l>ark ,1r r\ I ''" lhl' 11 ,,., r •• 1 8 _... ,._., H I · • .,.. topic: "Living w .lh ""'"' ow nit. for Utt> tAnk "'~· shll ••~hi 111 1 ~ • ' 1 God.,,, 1 h11c w11h thr h1<ld•·" c , rn•Dn '"" 1 1 ;:~ 1 ,:: ' ,. ''' ·•'ld Into May One Uve w tb · I Also, thr ' h.ul • • n I' out '"""'"'II ,lr ,,, 1 r Wll FI&8T F0l'R8QVA~1'Rt'lt I thrlt lr:'llht't r r ••h hP)II r lt Tho >r Til.' • ' • , 1 city Ot' ('OSTA l'IESA '1 ""~'1 hcolm"" "'''" •ltll 11•o1r 1 ~ 'ltd<• ·1 • '·· w oun (CburTh of ttw Hlallw•.tl t•nk. and •• .... , .. lho·lr t"t•·~ I""' l.1'<.••• "'"'have lleY. 0 . \\'lllard 8~ Paet4lr. "WI' II ~ a lot .,f 11 :>d • t'lwut l.111k• •. '• ,, 1 ' l•u 1 ai•Na.,l JIM StMma. (.'o·t•Ntor hl'llneU or t.tlr• · un~ •<~ lh<tn I do • 11 ,..,., '•' Ill',~ <'<:1lnl o1 Pho!Mt l'J11·ol •aed, t•l'""' Friday •. 7 :30 p. m. wo~htp ~rrv· Uet', ReY. MBE' S tt>aml' In chat a::o. ' Nui11 Cnntinnt· tu ~urrrrulf'r \\ lwu f ;,,,11;! C:t'l~ Tough We a•• romtn~ up U>r s11 1'1'1. pn•l ~·11 •1 • • ~~ •:•t•• 1 ~"II r I' ,·turea e1 a wncllf'd GrrmAn lrlll'lo., a li"'UP lhrm T r· 'I' rt· , , , •'-G«· o1 G~nnan 801dlt'r~ An ott\c!'r man In 1•··1 ''''"· 111 ,1~rlt. 10 0116 waDted In frnnt, rnrr~ IIlii • Rf'd ltd~ ~f IIi• "' '1' f•·r, ~ Of battle. Crol• flaa on • I liCk Bnb cn,..a thr ' f'l~hl ··f ... , "I ·'' t '" "1111 two pbciOJ r•pher, tlrAHd thf' d11n~<'f' llllriJ t • ,.,, ~ · •• , t. Crrm&~~ out tunn•l •t thf' r nd of lhf' 11<1r avld 1l'r• n t ·•, r• ,. 1.d betwld atrfet ·er~ the · damallf'd lank 1 ,. tit> ;t.~ r hat .•• 1r rhr) -.na • •tood. a.apfrou 1n1 put It •R<I on 1 vau us to th b• 'IJIIAl •• .. doW11 tM 1&rftt to mH t 1M Gtr· t un.e.J that tl , , 1, Iron .. ..., ~~tans. o)Old l.nv<'a•·>~ ,11 Cluslfled Ads bring results ' . ' ' Sunday echool. 9:30~. m. Mom ina worship, 11 a. m. ~JX'c­ lal music. pastor's sennon. I. B. C. l1~io Shop SERVICE 'l'llal WID Plfueo You. Prompt Reopolrs Reuonable PriCE'S Thurs .• Frt.l Sat.. 12 :~:00 1836'/2 Newport Blv. Costa Mesa • MEl ·A"ID WOMEI Needed for Vital DefeiiSe Work Requirements: · • • • Availability Certificates Proof of Citizenship Social Security Card -APPLY- CONSOLIDATED VULTEE AIRCRAFT CORPORAnOI ApfiJ %1f "'-* ftlnl 8t. \ . r ---------~ Fishing Boat Bargains ME9S'f IF 'fE ~t<EO 'EM-lt*Y ~T L.t~ US~ ft.()(.K ~ Elt~S EA. ~PIN' f£A. 0~ CIRCU~! ~ ····s SF.WPORT-BAI..BOA NEWS-TJMES. Newport Beadl, ('alifomia. Thunday, August 3, 1944 IEWS-TIMES CLASSIFIED OPPORTUIITIES · ll!!!"t o.ru.--Ur • , .......... 81'7 ()out IIJCIIwaJ ..._. Newport BMeh ttl BACK THE ATI'ACK BIIV IIORt; BONM ., I -~ --- \ IEIILTS • • ma 8.u.&-. III'VRNmJUI FOR AA t.ll-......-,;n. bud-I rarv~ IUIIUI hall eb&ln, n...U.. point -t. 12&0 OM ,.lr; aa. Uqu• crol<'hed lll&boeu\1 otMit of dnwere 1200: ~1 hlchtboy M6: ITO piece pW OrHk Key Haviland ~lna ..t f."'O: \lovem ur Mlllbrop .._ aftct bonk ('.. na: •tu• l"hiiC'O radiO MT.OO: n... ....... bnc, footlld Oorbam au.., lraJ tltdtl. IITI\; other ftM .,..._, l:l lhe t-t white ,_ ctowa. J& per lb. call red brick ._... nnl Navy tnwer. 0... ..._l, or pbon• Dana Po&a\ Til .... ftl: P'OH ... U .JC lArp W ........ au 1lc>¥e, ll bu"'an, two ow-. IICXl, aA.o lara• niWid .....- any dllllna table wtlb lUI ...... IUid ten c-balre Malle offer. R.ed twlcll hou.. DUl Navy tow.r, O.na_ PoUlt, or ,.._. Dua f'otat Tal. ... .. II'OR 8Al.&-Bed Dlvaa, diiMt\e .-t. lluftY, ertb UMI .._,..,.._ auiu,..., ebeet of .,.....,., !"'Cker, larp ~ t...a. .,_~ Ill Uftdo A .... Bal-., ,._. tN·J. ~ ... I .. .... ... '·' .... , .. 1111 , ... 1111 '"'l ftlt \t , ... ••• ... 101. , .. Professional Directory Gordon M.CrundJ, M.D. ~llyelolen an• .,,....,. f'(!ntll al"!d cAtra: Ave. Office H,..: 10.12 a.m.: 1·1 •·"'· Tel•,...,._ S1 LEROY P. ANDERSON ATTOfU"fllY AT lAW CMta MeN ••"" •uiWint ~h-42t HAROLD K. GRAUEL CHAPEL "W• OU,....IVM IM Better Bene Dy .. rv1n1 Otb•re U.llt" ~hene Newpert M, Ce.t• MeN Clillfernla BUY NOW City Tax Sale Lot• A. J . TWIST 607 C0811 Hlgh'w•y PhOflt 2422 CORONA DEl MAR (;crald Uausa, M. U. :!ll:tfl \\'f'd f :.Onlrol A\t' ~f'WtMlrt ftl' .. ·h l"h. '"f'WIOilrt f\l'ot•h ' I lltll If "" on•"'"' c-oli "01· M ..... - Conrad Rlcht•, M.D. ~llyelolan anti ..,,.._ om .. 101 UN ,.,._. N~ Hat~NI ,., •• "'· & •.• ,. M. ~llefl-<)ff... , •• , .... 14-J DR. C. £. TOHILL ~HVIICIAN 11M IUitOilON ... c.-••w., .,._.,.... ...... _,......._ Offloe 2M·W ......... ._ tr NeA-r C:.ll.....,..... I Dr. M. D. Crawfnnl O~TOMilTRIIT Jl:y~· ICumlDed 01.-,tt.d ' 17tT l'f•wport Boul..vd ~..-. ,.. COtTA MiliA BALTZ MORTUARY CHA~IlL av THil lilA 410 C.aet ••v~~. C.rona ••• Mar . New"<i ..... ~hone Newpof't 42 UR. OREI> I..IJCAS Urntird e U~ 11r W , ( '""tral, Pll. I dO Nl".\\ I'ORl fiJ;Af'fl HuhiK·r I .irwd Winch llt•cad .\I ... Yblh .. rnutn'" •·rh·n•f Ma""" ,\\·,.., and T-• oa FA~tdp· ""'"' . . r-nnru,-.... tat~~t.-... .. t . ~ •• ...... NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS;TIMES. NeW1)01't Beach, California, Thunday, AQIUit 3, 1944 Harbor Area Grey Ladies' Work Wins High Praiae and Awards at Corps Meet .I I-Iarbor Feminine Activities e COMING EVENTS 1 • Shower to Honor Mrs. Eastman THUR8DAY. ANO. I-lA y h Q b Red Cl'o. Workroom, 111 Palm.. t 8C t U ~taUoa of c.erUik&LM u4 Cr•y ~ work, Balboa, open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m . ---~ • ...,.. ~ _... lball .o• "''-Ja.u tr~W•rfiiJI .... •tant Ca det \\'Jves GJ'v<. .1' ,. /... SPLICING THE MAINBRACE ~.,~., i . Del Ga r •wtnr. Mra. A. a McCollum a. p&an· '• __,._. o1 0.. Gny ......,_. fwld director ••f R...S Cl''-. In ... !II. • . ! ._... ta mmas ~)Sn Red era. Worlmlom, Stl Jlla... ~ a beauUtW Jwx:aa-and Olrpe at N_,_-t .......... ~ ~;hare• ot Rrd (.,._ WOI'II«'nt at Large Bu ffet D ill llC r -DIAN£ Hill ).~AN_ • For Fall Rushing riDe ... ue, Balboa lalud.. open ebower ~ ,., .. Bpaul~ fill tbe Red en-~I&PtH tbe ~A AAB Hu•pltAI, lntrod\Jf t~l 0 F A , !. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m .. aurcie&l drea-l'ee«men Oil rrtday, at lb~ N~· .-tina bP&d W..-hday at tb~ N Kf'll•y nf'W r hatrmlln nf !'nuth· Ct lllg nJ1 JVerS:try t 111 .,fratd I'm golnr to &o ~ have 1n theirs It would be Dice ...._ __ , ---• .n....•ta ln... port Harbor Yacbt rlub. llulta A.na Army Air S.. Ha. f'm Onln~r c•ountv f"llart"l' nt · • ._ .. IIIIUI&e memberw ot ~ Harbor Klwania C!ub--Ladlea' -·• u ,.,1 f'rY-!14r Kdlr v r,..1....,.111• •4 111, , 1,111 111 u ... '~•, .,11 1 ... n· ul •II somlhln¥ on you t.ocs.,y t.o have our main atreet be • 1 <Amma lol tocether Lut MOIIday Ni'""'t ~I t the El tric T hf' maan table •• to be decorat· .--" ... -,. t 1 rr•·dll rather than an eye 110n . 1 t M .,..,_ •" m nc • K ed W'lt.b a larJ'e buket boldlft4t 8ervk~ lllrl_.. 4knotbl« tw, lat .. d lh«' ltT~'rVP on thf' flnf' _.nrd. nl\, 1 ~r•t 1 I'' "1:ru1n "·•· I ,d.-t "' 11 llllng" lhlll al on WU a dlli a ra. '-"Cm C..UU.'e .,_. OD Crill Balboa hUd •'un'l lulow how m~&ch It would Balboa JalaDd to "'--er •-f-a-FRIO. AY • ..;G ._ .tbe ftCUft8 ot a mother and c · _ .... work wtU. 1tw G....., Ladle1l Mra. E n. \\'bit~. Roulh~m \\ '"'· .,f 1!/;JI.," v. r•· II ... t•·•v,. tu • '"~'1'n "' lhul preacher ln 8ant1> -• ... --~· .. , __ ..__,_. ~--•• , C<•At o r wbelher It would be feaa· lion over luneb an4 to try to · · Aa.o coet&lned Ill lbe -.. • -n _,. awarded to Mra.. Mary Adelia Orance County Ctlnplrr ro cha ir· ~t. I ':> J,., .'1 ·I "r1w . ./"' 1 ~ ,., tl •· AI , v. ''" 'r~4'f'rnH to bav~ beaD an ,1,1,. or not. lt'a juel 01111 of lboee ptber lbe ~. ot tJw -'ria Red Cra.a Workroom, lll Palm, wW be favo,....for lbe rue-ta Mal· ~ Mn E.. M Hlli"Wy Orw~ mao 1Dtroduu d f"ol Jnhn c; .. u. llllll• h ~~~' r•••ll ,. II\'' ... ._,,I '"•',.. l ~·u•· .. r •n h•• raid Oil eac 1.· otn at~~rma. 'But I do lbmk It ~ntertnr coUere lbla fall. ... !,Balboa. 10 a.m. to • p.m .. -me. ed at the tabl•. Small ldmoaoe ,._.. atrt,.. -t to ,.,.. 8&111 ~. au~n-.:~neral nt ~AAo\11 Th• 1•1'\' ~·~ II l rol•• I "' ll~.tl•l In,; ano.J dnnk ln& pla cu and r .. '"'""' Improve the klok.9 VII Oea· -nw-aw-t were Mra. Helen 340NDAY, AU,G. 7-and dJapen mack of paper up- JieelrtN Mra. Ed 0\apmaa. ,.,. Hcwptt.al, peld • h•r:h tn!Mil«' trt 1"' '1 '"1' 111 ' 11 " 111" 1"'' ' · '"'''1 ··~ 'l"t mal'hlnea from •J•I t:•1l annue, don't yoo ~ Boy! Am 1 SextGn, Mra. Elmer Nordwall .,._~ Cro. Workroom, 111 Palm, kana complet~ lbe lkcnral!ona. a-.. ~. Mrs. ~U. t~ Grrv ~dlr• hv " hut ft' "''~'1"'' "II• '""..,,,. 11 1•''"-''" lt •~em. to me, whH a!JIIIn~t th~ '1fl.ainbrace today!! I,.._ Mel .,._._._ey --.... ~~ H ...... 'I ::";'~~~ a.m. to 4 p.m., IIUI'Ii· • l n• .. tatl--ha\'t bHtl aeut to a.rdi~Mr. llra. Jkll H~. Mn • Hlefl Pra•IH' .:.rnmun," "'1 .: "·"' "·')'•~•·tJ by hi ·\\:1 n• thing but what I read In -..-. •• .._ _,.. -·--.-.. ... ~p. ,., v•- ......, H~iftaon Mnt W&ltan! ·-nw-bOIIf'ltal' h,. .. ,, .. 'Ill ... tAl . ,, " "' •• ~~ •'' ' '"l'''lll tnat It could bavt-A I~~ atlcklnr my~ D~k oot Walllnlford VII 8aDta Aaa, lin. Red er~ Workraom, 313 Wa-Mra. P. A. Palmer, Mra.. Marjorie IUIUoa. Mra OrJon Mc:<"al118'D. Mn lv u.11t fur •.h ... 'ofw,,·,.,. • nt I' • 111" , 1.t •.• • · s', "' ... ~,. 1 tJ 1 1 ' 111 call It a day-O em C!uiaty. and Mra. HaJ WUi l n ne avenue B&Jboa bl&ad 10 • Bmalb. Mra. R. B Ken&eloa, lin. Jltuoald M-.w. Mn MUT\11 t~nta. la lmm<'ll •tH .. nl" ""'~·I I \ "•~ Ft, , ,, , ~. ·• I'~ •·a,.d 1 " '' l .. •nll •· n a much 1• .. •pet · Round About-The U80 ~.a 1 Smith. 1m to 4 p _: •v.·lnc · · Mark Beam, Mra. Don MC"C&lh&m. T ':.. •l•r m anu .. ,. but •n a more per· r. 11lly ~tolng ta town • eelebratiDc The DeXt meet ill« Ia pla.Dned Red ~ Wo~room. 1300 Mrs. <Aorl'~ P•t~ra. lira. Tom i!!: ~~~:,..8••~ ~~ :::,..nt 1~':,.~:·,~:~:·!1~;,. ·~·,'; ,~;~·~I . 1 ·; 1 : 1 ... , ,:11,~~~'·'.,, ';';:,. ~~wc,:,1w~~ •• ~~!tla :~~ cou:; thr lr ~~eeond annlv~....a.ry-Some· for Aupat 16 and la to be a d •n-Ocean boulevard Corona dri·Mar H~ndo>raon. lira. ~anl~y C\&rll, , Mra. P' J Parll• aDJt Wra ""Mta nf th" r ttl• '''"· wl I• ·.I' ·1d• t \\ h , ~ I; •t: ,. \! '" I '''·' tlunK dolnr; ma.t ~very day lbla I Der party. It wiU be h~ld at Mra. 1 p.m. t o 4 p.~ •. aurcicaJ d,...._: lira Herbert Smath. Mrw. 8ruc« 0eorp Ya'*7. ~ r--rhly too-1 ... ti"l "' Ptr l h C' 11• 1, Y\\1 A nlll \\A•' ;;;.:~'~:..,;••:~:~·~~~·~~~ ~ ""«'k Howev~r .. tlley ba"e 110m~-Walllngford'a bome In Santa ADa. lllga. Ant f'NIOn. )Ira. H R Kin~. Mra. OertlHcatN anc1 l!lna u~irattnc buav nur• nc; .,,,, 1\r .• t t "" :\"<' " l'r, ,,,. \1 1 ,,, 1 '"" • '" .. ,,,.. tl•e maJnnty 0 , th• n.ople -all thing t o lhout a bout Everyone --W illard K alhoa. and Mt.ea Nor- ..___. < 1 _ _, .... t • n ~ 1 t1 1 • 1 1 \\ < • ~ .-... h.l.~ wnrk~d hard and baa an en-B · d · W I ma McCallum, Pat Palmer. aDd et -¥» houra' c-ncnr rtru W I) •• <!rflnlt .. 'Af'l • r In I'll •tn~ ,,. • ,. II . '' •• " .. • • ' h.,· l !Ill' r•ubltt· nrfiC'Iala. ,·,:ohlt' rrcord Con!PY'St• to -•J ou mots e come I Ch r•'sts'an· ServJ'ce Avnu Ulomqul.rt.. wtt.b the 0.., I.A.d..,.• •~r~ ,.-.v~n raJ.-of thr J'41!1"'"'·' .. J.~.-a; ,,. J, truf ll " tllrr lc of v•ce-ealMJt e·-.. ..u to Mra. WaJtn U.rlh lolra l. (' Mn ~ .. ,.. .. Wur•'1 •'<•Ut i\'• T'llo s .• ,. •. , ''''" \\unH·n \Ool\u "' "'" l,l.(olllcJn't It h&v~ beftl betto•r lit••"'' 1"'8ponalb1e for bulldinK up• Daughter and Family ,G_irls on Outing A ·~nal table Wlll be Rt ~. llwU....,_, Mn Jnr.;. M..nv~ ,....-rrtJH\' .. r ~·"' h• rr. 1 •rl\ns:• ••·r.·l• 1 •l'fJ llor• •I th11l tlu·v h·•·l Ita I II> •t "'"nrd · Chief HO!!gkm-for the youns er gen«"ralioa. Patty • 1 • ~r1111 !•reacher to have collecteol l"'tt 1 k h t -G 1 lin. 11.-ry MJIIton M~ J W l•r,unh• f"llll pl• r ••f It• ol ''T•o~~J~ " "'''"' Ill''' abl• I trill' '''"' Yo•'rt' 1' ·•I' 11 P Y uc Y guy -e wen t.lr and Mrs E . F: Boudlnot of I . . -Cl..,.k. Juth· F:Utman, and aJ N~18oD. Mra. R l• hard Othmer. ltk""'W hll•l hll:h prat~,. In ,_.,,,, l• ... lona: t .. rv. ,, ol I<• It r<·l u1 11 •" ,. wit' •·v.tl!'nl'••. prt~nted It 111 I · hl na; walh Gov. Earl Warr~n j ll20 Weet Ba , F.nJO.\ ~ng an outing durang the K naelA> · t l• l•·'l·•·r· and have a.n tl(nnaa "' 1 k d th • h •-Y avrnu. "'~,... very I v.·e~k July 29 AU" :; at Camp ~ n. ~"'Rit~':.'':.~ .. APtl~ll~!" ,.,! :~ .. ~-~;t~~:l: .. l·~~~.: .. :;:.".:'li ~~~: .... a:. II . 111 p l'lltlt .. n I hen, tf the e~;n. r ~::;La~;"'; tg::' :ue:o.n_". ~et ~rt!; ::~y A~~;cl~~~~ .::.:e:"t! :~: Hadford In U~t· s~ Bernardino G Rol:lert Walker. ,.,.. H a r r t' II rountr\' ~h·· fanol• I hilt t hlll a.rnup ] ·' "<lllll tlllol' t:nnugh, the c:IUUN (,ll tiiPs had a meeting lb~ olb('r boa Saturda'y fm m rorvalllll. Ort'·l mnuo~ a re a (,'TIJ~ O( gll'l.e, Home Canners et Ward, ,..,.._ Hanru.-0..11 Mr~ •• ooJtJot~n•lln" n lh•·tr '"'"'k Ill ~ RED CROSS 1 tl•·mnn•l that th~ llituaUun ti ll untl the Ia teat claaa 'got lbeir go f I d fl t t m t rr bers or the Ctrla Society of .., ... "' I I• • 1111 up I ho""' and lbat ~,.rtlrlcut •.• t h• mo.Jo imp-u •v• I ~~ orAanbryn e hnr IAe •thay.f' , Chri11tla.n S t' r v l c e, at L~nal s t p ... _"'u• ........... '""-\\'til'--· Wonm, t"-h,_,ltlll. tha! th••v .,... ,..,... '" ' ' . ' r-· " • ~ ~ ..,_ ·~ ~ .,,.. ugar 0 rocess ....... _.._ -·-...... .... ...... I I t ht I th l r I . u . w 0 e orm~r . Churcb bv th <: Mra A. c . BJunikll. ,.,.. \\' r P""•lbl" for ,. , .. ,mho r ,, 'lr.n .. va e Act•IVita•es "''" ' l'\11 ' n g n e ap •· rocord wu made by su~ KJrk Dnrothy Boud lnot. brought her' · . ·. ~-~.ea. Oultlee Mra Jua.ntta Elli<.tt, Mra Uoruo •·htr h 11r•· 1>r1n~: Ht•·•·rrurr~tt'ol ___ __ ___ 11 ' t•••'•lt• ""'(''"1" that they bavr '"th tifiO hours and that Ia 600 t"'•o chlldr~n. Billy and Call. wath l . Th~ir 1·~~er 1~ Mra. Chartr• FOC»dS for Re C! ... Je a-ry ' ~ Mra. w. H. In C:rry l.so•lu·w· rro•J(rama elM· •'"'' to·ll hnd •r that public opiDinn hour s or work sine~ F~hruary b~r l~obmsun, "ho •• aeg!Jitrant at th~ ~ H•·tl rr··~~ Tlnli r•l "'"<tina: '""' '"" ~''""!! l'nnugh the olfklah r:rnt lll"r ' tha t·11 wnrkin"': And · <lim p, and th~ ~~:~rls a.~·~ Don11 BaJ· Klt.e.bman, Mra. Uf'(',....e Ho&aum. wber•. .... Mn. W . A. ICII'II, Mra Al-"''-Undf'rllall f'.llpr~,.....t llf'l•rr Fn.l~tv v.·a~ '"1''•·1•• " lit mt, "'·'' "'• uld '"' ron~etl to tJo IIOmelbiojt "'htll' llpt'aklnff of the Klrka.. did ltn~:s. l!:l<h;(' ()v.·,.n, Genevae''" Ide· Fa rm wtvell. hnuee~'1YH, and ltftowttan. and Mre G •or 11r e r &tlon for t h«' fan.. ,.,~,.,.r,.tlnn. •nlo-' ann .. uncrn ~ntH lllltl rt·pHrtli .,. ,,..,,, •I lhat, to my way "' vnu know that young BW Wf!Dt Return Home After I Comb, Susanna Chapman and otho>r hom• pr<JC'f&IOI'a nf fruita .. lllubrta I un~ratanttrnr an.l omtlnna.: "''ork Amrlflr; th,.m th,. IUlfl<Mrn•···nwn• " ''''a: :s tho· way we do lblD~t~ 1\nd l(l•t hlmeelf marrtt-.J to a dart-Being in Pasadena ~lla antJ Joan Hnlbrook. lruit JUacu. p,..IK'rvu. ,auw, jeUiea T-. "-'-of th• , Grl"l· I hilt Wrtot .. n J11v "•II I~<• ""'"' ~'lr•t h .. ro. tlf ('11111'81' I could be en· 1ng blonde~ ... That "''&.a quit~ a · ------• and fruit butte n who prrpa~ • OYtwcee*ac • U.. ..,up • INriDC t~ bu.nn""" m ,.,.ttn.: A•l1 ('h .. trn an ani.! thllt ~lr.o 111-r-· llr•ll' wr•••w wh~tl llo you thlnk • 'tth· J:ath~rlng Dorot hy Ya.rdley who Mrs Chapman Home auch foods for re-a:LI~ c!ur..nc lbe ltlra. 10111 . ..,. bu prll eoo t'oa4Udf"'J hv !tlno Lrn• Thnm u . IIIII Tuhboo IA'h" hHH '"'"11 Junr .. r Al!ll Anlother Thing Drtytnc up n&d at her hou~ thr other day b&:·~ )o~~~ Ol~r1~ for F . v · . w · h s 1941 canning -· w ill be able ..,.,.. atDce .... ........_ber to ,__n·~ ('()UDIY t halnn, an nf tM lli'ol ,.,.. .. ..,. l'hl\ll'tnll..n fnl' t hr,.. un•l •l .. wn r.•ntrlll llVenue from to vi-the picture. tak~n the t h g t d to ... _._ rom lSit It on to d!Jphcatr t~lr 1941 pack. -...--..,... .. 11 11 h ftn" work anmr amr. •'• n una~ uocu . ---------------·Grry u~•. ll(nl F. )J llan··v ,., •• ,.,. "'' 1"0 nu" •r Hl\lbnst to l't•wr>O,rt IM'v~ral Umu n ghl or th~ wedding of Blanche bome at 118 418t lltlftt. 1 'Illla rnult., lbt> o .nce of Price • ._ appniDt«'<< vln·• halrml11 M Th~ hl~:hllll:hl of lhr mt,.tlnl! 11 .,. . .,,.k I IZ"t R lltUr depr~d. I ltarv('y'a daugbUr Ft-anc~ Sb~r-Mr. Hart bu been a.-cx-lated 1 Mra. Ed C'hapmaJl of Comna Admmloltratum .aid, from an or· tM Or:lullt~ ('ounty 1 :rey J.al.llf'lt , wu • atlrrlnr: lRik hv VRnrr 11 ' · 11tRI'I thankang which I• alwan nft.-the pictures ~·~rr wooderful with th~ Loa A.n ~IH Count lkl War Ia back after ha ving a drr allowUlg lb~ bom~ C"anner to ,.,.. Nonruu~ Nur;011 wu nam«'d m~r. whn U. hrre 1"8rhlng tNo.lm· trn•l. whv It ,.h,uld be auCh ~~~ a nd a re a complete ncord of. lbe H ·tat b b C 1 ~ l viaft with her 81011. Lt. F..dwan:l applv for auca r, beyond lbe 2» (" 0 . F Jl~t=...:, rf "-t'hau-ma n ,.., ttw f..a«uDA Heach mlnr; Hr wu a f.,r<'<'ful 8Jl""k"r unfnt~r .. ~tlnR and ugty llrrf't wedding and ~epUoa ~1 ' ~ ~; e l"t'pa ra and Chapman. In Ardrnor'e. Okl~homa. pn~d hmlt. wbacb prn10ualy bU -"' I r;roo.rp of Grry LadiH . and Mra 11nt1 mRtlr u11 All f• "I that we must Whl'n thry tonk thr areet. I'Mr IT ~sal ~natflt or-pncA~100 ant 1 Tbe Chapman !amah• are v~ry bfofl\ Uw munr.um allotm~Dt for ~fWPIUO Ore '. •· I a rtrt •~~1t• GanJlrvr .~,.. l"t'tlpJ)(>Int· ltt't ~·t at onr~ aml .:rt bu•y mAk · trarka !•lit el'f i')'On«' wu p&ea aed au c mentA. preRD 1 ltK'ky 'numuch u LL Ed wu home frod proc._,ra who prr- Mt h~ ot tJw Harbor a~a C f'f'y lnr; thla hllr bnl' tntr. " gnat llf'<·au~·· ttwv thtlltJ!hl It would lm· Coutu ras Club I M Ia undt>C'ick•l .. to hla future I able to come bome for • weoek be· pan aucb fooda for ~e.. UdiH llquallr training rentrr pr .. v~ lh•· 1\j•p••arnnr l' of th~ a,. A ids Invalid Kids buatne. alflllat.Jon.e. I fnre r~portmg to Camp K~arney. u lbe hom~ proc-r needa .... , _, G " 1 &-J1~tf'M'1or: thf' Jll'f'..-ntatlun nf t.fr l..or«"nlun. local ·~ C:ro. proach lo 11allwoa \o\'1'11, I lfUeM 11 N~bnuka, tu await orden. HI' la mvr" than 250 pouoda of aiCW lD a..-... -I awarct. an.l thf'."hu:oanrM mr .. t ang , cl\altman. annnum:f'•l th11t lh••r•• •ltd a hit 11111 nnw th~ wee&. ha\•' Rex Brandt, COM, 1 a tiombardit'r on a Fort and ex-order to produce aa tart~ a ~ ~ ftnberl Shf'ldon who .-tv«'a "'''I llf' nn ~tnnu~tl m""t1ng jlrt•b· gT<,wn v.·a~t•· p11pN I• l&ylnl! .t.f!'l"bl'ra ot LaJI Coutu,... d ub G A H , 1 pee~ to be Koing ov~nttu aoon. u ah~ produ~ for ~e duriq ....,., N&WI"'&& .... I J•lano lf'll!lnfl. to ~A AAD h011pl tal ably lit lhr Grarmuar ~··h•••l. -IHI•Un•l. II lid II loonk:'l muay. If II met Wedneeday eYentnc with Mra. ets rt on or . . l'eedl~ to aay Lt. F..d'a many the 1941 ----.tie can mail«' palkntJI. Pl"'..,nt~•l a grmap It( tl«'· ~t,.mbN tl .a t. II u'rl•wk 1\rtcl hr "''""" cl~arrrl ,,,, anti 10m~ t ret • Jo l~d w .. odwart1. 930 Ocean Jo~t. , frienda an vrry ftlad of th11 op-application for ~ amount ne.d- ll(htful pUa.no wll'('t h>na. tM>fnf'f' wa.nl• e'''"Y per110n In lh• .. lnr-•ua•l nmvrrs "'' 1•• plrtntf'd. It woul·l and lnatl!ad of their usual k'Wing Hl'x errv ult ••t Cnrnna del Mar, portwtlty to Willh him well. ed to ber toea! OPA board. ~the, 8fMIBallle ...... th•lln'Ylnlf nf , ..... Mra. Vlraima bur dl11t rkt ln atlrnol ,..,.11111• naak·· ,.,.,. lr\11~· town qull•· 11pent the ~v~nlng preparing ~~rrap n ocl'l\'!'d llnnorable menUoa for ---_ _ 1 11,~ ~•tr:a Jlllga.r mu.t, bow- l Caatlf' pre.Ddf'd at lhl' t!'ll·lable Mr Ralph llandel I~ """ ltl\'lng " prrtly 1,111, ,, y ,.11 could lfl'l hoob for th~ C'hlltJrt>ri'A WAr"'! at bla wat.r color, ''Tbe Storm," at Mra, Mona Searle" of !llev.-r•ort PVf'l', bf' ual'd to m11ke from fruita CAROLYN'S FLOWERS Mrw. l'bUbronk IUkl hl't' daujth· II Motur Mrt'l•a r•h·" ''""'"" fnr thP "'"" that "'""'" "" w••ll In ean!l thf' C'<Hanty holfJ)IlAI ; tho· 21it h annual rxh1b1t nl th«' ~-ti«"lghta, w hv unc.l~rwent a m&JOI' and fruit julc:ea only lba.e r~ I t«'r li#tty Lnu. •nt•rtatn..r• trnm 1.Motnr C<rrpto "t the flrt-Atal"'n 1 don t know h··~' m11rh work ll Thoee preunt lnclud"o.l Mn· guna Art l:allt•ry o~r-aUon last monlb at t hr Cond that, lrr proc;etMed form .. baye a tbP Art'adta UW club. prnvi<lf'd on llalbna IJtlltnol Anyon•· whu w1111111 ,.1111111 1,1 "hn w11uld be th•· damee BUlle Fowl~r. lona Trusty. Jo'a1'8l awanl wu t o Kalh~rlnf' Samaritan hoepltal In Loa An· bluf' point \'alue nn tht> conaumer I tlw mu.lcal m!f'~f'nt lnr ttw wlshl'll t .. takr II 11hn1ol•l o•ttll th" oiTlt> tn 1:" 11ht111t tl lurt when yt•ll Dort. Fergw10n, &rkae K1mmt>r·< Hancork. Lon~ IJ<ach. (ro r an Oil geles, Is recuperatmj! at her · tabl,. or point \'fthl('h, OPA aald. lu~ lt•••l I 'I'• "" ••trtr•·• .!11v•· """" tlw ,.,., tr1· etreet (I( man. Alma Knowlton. Lun llf' Mul. portrAit. "Suzanne." a nd w cood molht>r's hornf' tn l"hn~n•J<. Ar•z A nnmlnat.lnJC romm lttl'l· Will' llalbna l~huHI '"" , .on't help but llna. J~an McDonald a nd Ltlhan prlz~ W«"nt 1.1• l"rter l'a ul Ott of The latrt report was that Mra :'\u m:on c-an lvo rlf'Ovadt•nt of hts ~ J appolnh'd. with M r10 G L An· 1 ~omrarv 1t "'''" llllll•"" It mailu Owen. ' , I~J:"una Bt>Ac·h rqr U1t> eculrture S«"arlrs 111 ~tUng along &It w~ll lint•·. •ho 18 not prutic.'flt IP the 1 Birthday Party S 1 •lrt'"l'. Mrs Vtctor Crace, and 11 ~"t dltfrrrnr!' r thoee palm ' "Th~ Four Elem~nta." u can be expecUd, C'hiiiC<' of ht" c-omp:any !Also Farewell Event ,.,. Norman l'alllllh lrt'n ""'! II'Y ~:•'lillllilll "· llomf'·l .t.fra. Mary Chartranol uf San I I A •url{1ral drt'Minp program hnw H 8t'•·m,. 111M W«', oYer on Dleco waa a l('lleat la.ll wMk at A ~~ ... ~~ b6rtboJay perty, hellt for hlr;h echool &«t' ltiNI •·u tla.<~ ~~ lc• or tho• ba} t.av~ JWit u the bome of ~r 11 1!: t e r. Mra.. a...t ~1 • .-.a • b6c PYcoDt ID tbe urf'!d by Mr Lc>l"t'ntun. Thr n~ much prltle in thl' "Jl~araoc:e fit Georr-en• Luke, 2824 Wut Cen- We fll lllalrley 8borf'8. wt.o Will for mnrt-lll.lrgiral d,..um~ta work. 0 11,. town 118 tht' &lllo.a lalanckn tral aveou~. ~;!!!;!;;:;;;;;;;!!;;!;;!;;!~ '-Jl ~ old Saturday ,.,.. I• arut.. Th~ aum mer P""JIIr ~ j 811utey. twr lllStl"r Rrv .. r1y, 10, are h«"lplnJ. oot whf',.. aN' nu1 1 -d twr pa~ta, ldr and Mr11 own r;ood-l'f'JtUiar wnrk~n~ ~In• J:Jmrr Shcor ... vf ~ •:aat c· .. ntrAI Jlarry (."arr, whn lit rhatlnnM .. r j •~. Balbo&. waJI btt movlnj( t•• tho• T111·"'l"y IA'urkrnnm 1111\' at The Makers of .· R~!r nanc€ ~- th at co.sttv m o rt ~a ~( with our mod(rr., lvw ·co.~t hom~ loan pia" Olltano oa Saturday, 80 lh~ pltrh HAib"" 111 ttrwnoltng th,. ~umml'l 111 f ,... ~la.liy lmporta,nt I ~·~~ Anl(c•lr11, IVI•t c·nrou•tt •h•v.n 'n. 1\K'rtU w•nt to tluft\ln):t"n PV«'I'Y T\lf·~ay on thr lll rf'<'t r a1 I Jkkh tO UW I'IUP!:" (or ll MI'IIJI t•l t "ndul'l hrl' w~>rk Hut who•r•·, f~f'd by a WN'flC'r rOA.I!I un tiM ·•tl v.hr ro> arr t ho· ""rkt•r!! llh•• ~"'"' h \A'Ith wr•~t• ar .. mrul • 1'&11111· wu;,·' wnlk a few hl<ll'kl' H••trl•·m· n~ Thr gr .. ur tnrt •• d,i. llf'lllol< ...... , '""' ,., •. hundrl'l) mllhun •If"'' 1tt•• t-. rt!\tl t \' a..:.tt l .en ' Jtf'"r Slft~t. 81ft~l \\t-> ltrufltll"•'d fur t h iK ~~ l\1 ' Bf-tty Calrott, t :IC'nnn l't>floo. It '\\'ml'l. \'UU ,c ~t '"'' tu work 1111<1 ~htrl•'' 11··:\l,,M"n ,f \Vhttt .. ·r hrln~ yuur !rat'n•'• ll lh l lll'•~hl"''~·· Mary Hoban.. Allrn "'•l!~m. H""· , .;rt l)rr "' d .) .. ~.n \\Ill'"" 'Y F ' d d ~~· I ' . our r•~n R an 11 In{' -----------------; ~lr>' l.t•lil llnrh•·1 .wll htllt' ~.·u , MI. k· , '" "' ... 1 lael .... ,.,.01 ~ .. 11111~ ~h"" t!'.,·v hn J>A•I Y•·lll' 1\'11 11 !hi' l'lf'lll'fl',.., ....... ~~" llnrt...r !'1:1. I'~ A t ntt"-~1 F ttt• \c Th•·v \\dl )~· t ~'r~ I••• .. ,, tn•IC' •nat,.. ,tu\ ,tn.t :tr• ''tth ~h 4t f(•rl•'r,.. nl••th•r !\h,. l1t·n·· t 'h n tpii•':•J ~"'.(\4 ""''''" F'r .. nt OUTSTAND'ING GIFT FOR CHRISTMAS for the Boys Overseas Your Portrait \ . Unn I lk·l11~ -,\11 u\'~I'IWM ma.ll mu..<~f be S4"flt lt1•lnrt• fkf l,l~t•r IGtb--Order Now • MISOI JARS and CAPS LIDS Announce FREE y -,-1·o1·R E\-ES ARE nn; UGBT OF A.'IERICA Mf"'l 1.111 1llr M11lhn ••nt,.rtalnf'll \\'lfh " lqnt hr•'a nl tw r h•"'r: r .:~ .. ~ \ I'"•' ·ta "l'lllh I' •I bOA lslan•l. Tu•'•lft\ ru .. n \0 l!h thr ~Uf!o!l'~ • ll j"\'IOj: th• f••a,h cUI • r'\ 11 I• HOME CAIIIIG DEMONSTRATIOIS For All Orange County Residents By N£WPORT BAL BOA fEDERAL SAVINGS A,N O LOAN ASSOCIATI O N .. r .. .,~ • ., '"' •r ·· CALI"D""'''" . ·: the-Can-t to f'n h.'t an 111. hn<"S· of duty to "'" I hi' •nr Th••rt'furv ~ nur ") ··~ at .,. •'I t. dr!!oon ·,, iJlf'('tlll ron:<ult"l nthm thr~ dto~f'n I' "' I'<' ~;tvrn tt-k-"'IH'' t ,•,urnmllll••n 11nu l tlltnt: f'Atend '<I tu ull uur patrons. UH. )1. D. CH:\ WHlRU • •I'TU\11-::TIH:'T 1197 ''"•l••rt 1\•tlllf'\ 11rcl Oeata Mf'M Phnnl' '! a~n l'T •olll T.·n1t• EXPECTANT MOTHERS' 1_. SUN SUIT ,~_.,, •• f-.tO"' _._, ... ., (0"' ., ._ ... '"" a. "'•""• ~ ffort•···"9 t,••l• ~.,t-h . .lty "\..... .. 1wt•~le -a~td £0"~-c•oh"tl (,,.,., , ... ~ t ... t-coJotf·wiUot.o'' s • .,,10to11 ot "' ' ... 17 ' • . '10.95 ~ OIOU YOUI UCUlA. StU . _,_. __ -. ...... ,...,~.,, I 1 "rt ~• nt "• r. ('t•• .!• 1 ,,. I:' t ! M~<n· !'lm•ll• 1111•l llo·• 1 I'll , "" tl.lf•l ' '' \' •h-I II· ., ' \ , •. 1 ''ll• t • dt., • t I ! ' I lr fl ,.., · t " 1\ r ·~ h•, ti t 11.o: . t 'h"i ' f h.u• , ,._ (,,, , o , , r , t. 1 , 1t " 1 t I • ~ ll"' .. I\ t ' ' • I • ... '\tr tlno t~1t" '''''~' l••h •! \. •n l .JI n• • 1 • tlfl f I' I o! \' ' • 1 \\ l:'t nrt' L!\1• 1. r o 1 ., "'' , p•f Hhl .4t t Jw 1H ilH t•f J,o\ "r:t I•P'"l•l hiP d,, •• , VT \t f 1, I tk \\til 'It IJ 'I • '•l,t' I I'• I I tl'. I '· ol ,, • •I f ' ,. ·t 0 • c ··~·•" • '·, " •i ' " L 4 ·' t ,,, ... ~ ·~ •.• ' t ! I I •• L lo1 \I r I t\\ 1 1\ \4 l ' t I '\ J t ,. I'·, .•• ' 0 ~~ , .. ,, t"\ ,. 1h t!'' ,, • \ 4 o: ~ I llt t 1 Mack's Photo IM ~aln ... , , 1\ult-.>a ldt•nt i fi,·ation Photos I c ~ ..... t c;uan!, • ..._,,.,rt. lmnolt: rft linn t ·httur ~n tN> Portraits el wnjt&ble p,.._ ftaby l"h<•l-. F.nl~ta eatt t'tlnt .. taUco c.:.,.... {;ift ,Shop Cooot.nw hwelr) l'nu\...tra. Eh·. -' .... '("-' 1 ~ . , ~PECI~~ _ ___, One OO Professional s1. Portrait, Only '" \1'1'1)0. TMENT N'F.<T.~!II4.R\' l?.(Jf.,e,1s Portraits llll' 'SClHTII \I \l'i lO~Xl' TO \\ .UU~ '·'~.\ &""-C AUt'. :-..11,.1•" """'' ,...._ II --to I p. IlL clall~· -- MISS ESTHER ·GEIIY H ome Economist of the Kerr Research Kitchens " to ._. hf'ld 2 P~ M. FRI.DAY August 4 Laihrap Junior High School Auditorium Jl•!fl S4mfh ~lain :'anla .\na AI>~IISSIO~ FREE Fr{'e Home Canning Lit{'ratur{'. Lt\.rn ~{'w RedJ>{'~ and 'lod{'rn·llay. Eas~· {;anning 'l{'thodf' , • f"' • I ' .·41d 'r; G $t.)S ~\an u . ~ct.arin9 Co:-p. l::~~ Anqel" -Santo Ano