HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-08-08 - Newport Balboa News TimesII SllND C lB ., . SAM for 3& yean the ._ ed'•'iliac il1li • iB tlae aewport barhor diltrid • • • the· newspa_~er that cqea h~ BALBOA IEEPNIIEI! laJBenda to End War Qui(ker \~ MES-I Year .-i .. $!,58 EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA. WEST NEWPORT, SEA SHOR£ COLONY. LIDO ISLE. NEWPORT HEIGHTS, 8 ALBOA ISLAND, CORON~DEL MAR. COSTA MESA N~'" .EACH. CA~I~ORNIA, TUUOAY, AUCU&T a. 1144 ~~~~-1=-l~=k=.=p=~-d--d-~~,P=o~d~~~~~c· F·h ~-~~ :;:nrad~a::=.f~~ op 1ns ersua e not Califom., John 1ty 19 ts 1 rt~ . dences and business enter-IT R . PI B d S MtGroarty Diea D t PI ~~ • ....... , 1 Council Starts Action on serious Water L~ck; Hires OUtside Engineer := .~,:~u;; = 1 o es1gn an oar ; · ' · ant s ea By c. s. •ttap =:~=~~~ E I Approve widening Sts.! ' l.J. S. ent . with mqre than ~.000 worth or new homes. gar - ages and o the r s tructures. Her resources are proving of value t o th~ county asses- sor as her valuations. from a taxing s tandpoint, are climbing into the miiUons; her popula lion is reported to be in ex~ o f 8,000-qulte a gain from the little tTOSS· roads of Ha rper in the early twenties. Those early stal- warts hl<e Charley Te- Winkle .. Judge Dodge. Le- Roy Anderson. Carl ~pen,-er, are still· on tM battlefront and gukling the newcomers in the rig ht way . Today y ou see Messrs. Bartine and Owens attending the various county civic meeting'i and &ettlng the world know the Mesa is on the map, alive and vig o,.-ous. You see financial vete rans like Mes.c;rs: J e tfe rson and Green vielng, one with the other. fo r choice business sites; you set'· a rapidly e x - panding trade section now on both'· sides of N~rt boulevard and pushtng out tnto neartfy streets. m a de t"Te- cessary b y the ever increas- ing retail salt>s. You see a Sanitary D istrict coming into being with future relil'f from cesspools to a sew('r line . Tile child 'of y~terday is merging into t he youth o r today and the metropons o f tomoJTOW. It i& life , it is California, it i.i proximity to ocean and harbor. it is Costa Mesa. • + + Stm 011 lob. --The many friends of C. H a rold Hopkins will be ~:lad to learn that h e h as reconsidered h is resigna- tion as chairman o f the city planning commission and will stay o n the job. The outcome of a series o f con- fe rences has been tha t Mr • H opkins w ill lX' given a free h a nd in th e planning tha t has been going o n by the com - mission for years and w hieh will result in giving the com - munity a rounded out pro- gram o f · pla nned devt>lop- mf'nt so sor-ely needed in a city o f this n ature. Tenta- tive a pprova l of the widening of Central ave nue and Coast boulevard and the prepara- tion of ma~. iA one of the majoc projecU t o be dooe and these two entrances into the city will d o much to cause the flo w o f traffic into the h e art oC Newport Bal- boa. + • + .,llore Oil. Report.5 t h a t another atte mpt will bf' made to drill for oil on the Mesa. is in circula tion . Thi~ drilling will be d o ne n~ar('r the bluffs on thf"' Coast hig h - w av. In the o ld davs ciriJI('n; foond a h f"'a\·y now above W est Nrwport. nhou t on a line with the gmund o"-ned by .H . Card07..ll Sloan nt'nr the-. \\"C'st :'\{'\\port 1'01 r:tnc·r . This IH•an· 1"11IIIC' "as s:lid to tx-too th i;·k \ln :•~('h:~ltum tn lirt s\11'\~"f\111~·. a lthou gh str:~m h r :tl and n tlwr dt"\ i"'" wei"C' t dro. I 'e•rh:tf'"' 1 h.-· "~''' d rill in $! will Ill' in fnnw1t inn o f· a light('r pi•l rt~lc>unl. ,\ -.ide• from all thC''-4' Al lll'm pts it w ould he nkt• if <;<'1011' rl('f'i!'· ion would bC' n•;n •h('(l nnr w ay or the other and if non(' exists., then pennlt the o r · rlerly devt-lopment ol t.He M~ into 8 community of homes and gardens . + • • . Fa• no.... She ~·as thrt'(' and she wa.c; adornble In a big hat and 8 natty sun suit. She v.·L~ trottin8 • serenely along tbr ocean beft<it. when a brft.kf'r t~ her 0\'l"r . Wheri Uw molher of Ann Marir Leffi~rell ('lckf'd her up and remarked that 5hc had fallfon in th:e water. she &ravel'/ Jo9ked twr parw~t In thP ~and aid: ""No.~ wat« ciwlld me!.. • ..: 1\ultftt;,. 6:.'6 llnmtlt•tn ,,,,.,., • ·, .. 1.1 Mo•'-1. tuu l'f'l'"'"''' Ill• "••· 1\-1111•'"ln~: cine·•• 7 I' 111 "tlllltl,l\ ··-utn~ SI'M• Wftll til l\'· II.' tth.: 1t ~ ...... ,,, ,.,.tan Ill"'' ""I' '" .. \• .. ,, I Ill. ' "'' ,,._ ............. ,.n Ill '"""'''1 ~··• _,•••u•rt c•f ('han I f (' (' I •-' \ . I =--··"I .... I: ..... II ~, "' , • K'f 0 ommt'ft't' .-omm t~ Mayor Hall Says Chairman Too Valuable to • Lose from CommiMion; Coundl Reject& Resignation ; Ask C~ntral Ave. Program . I " 6')" l,,.u t .. '··•• ''H • t.. t• ..... ,,.,., .. .,c ".:''· h v•· ,,,,., \\'.ff Th ( f I "'·") ~-·"t.""····· .. :. , ... ... .. ,, ..... , ...... '" "· ..:ht 111111 ... ·~"· a • a n t 1 .. l•attt'r.-ctn Jlt.Multa i• 1 ,, , ............ Sh•· h 1• ._.,,,.~·•ul ,,.,,.... ()rd f S ·" 1 11.3 •- '"' 1''' '"· 01 .. ~. .... '·"'"u~• •h••·lll,.,n,t to t'\tmrnrt ~uwtcJo·. ,.,.. ('f or • urvry CN AM"a ~tVJPv ,111 \.,4, i''''ut u f '"" ,;l_utlrth -------1, "·" ,1 "llull • ••t •II II~ 10 twr huabllnd. I Afte r muc h persuasion o n the port of many cit in-n s. C. • c ;rm lh of tilt'" clumc,lle• w :ttc•r Hlt"·•tlclfl In t .. -Nt- H rold H k . ch • f h · 1 · • • n l •'-H ~ .. ll ••·••)•H t 'l_)ttn Hu h "' 1...--·~• a op 1ns, a u'tna n o t e C'tty p a nning comm1ss1o n 1~1.,,1 •• '"1 .. 1 1,,, .... ,.1,. .,.11,~11 llarhor ttt~•a . \htc• tu lb rnplcl ~o:1uwth, n-.qdfC'fl Munc1ny ln 1._ for many ycal's, has reconsidered his resign a tion. S('nt to the wcr(' 1,,, .... lito··• toy A».•taut 11111 . J • ~~~~· c·um~t•tl 111turtin~ the• n ·1w111 uf thc• wnh•r ntmmltt...-n( tt. • council two Wet'kS ~lgo a~ tha t body Monday a ftelnoon .... , .. ''"' I t.u ...... ll l '"'Jo: nl .. OlnS waves ( h a rnt .. ·r .. r ('c~nunc•re,. nttd ttu• n'\'11nlllll't1CI11UonH C'A (,1)' f)). t I rejected iL M ayor Hnll stated tha t a fte r a long talk w iUl a., .• ,. .... t1ol.t 'ru,•auily A ut: " In h,uu .. •r H. L l'aUe·r~lfl. to c•rtlpluy 0lfl!14 tiU~ ·~r \. 1 M r . H opkins he decided to remain. d<.>spit e businE'SS d u ties in lht ,, up•h··· Ill \\I ill II I II. oltt• \\ ~ J . J Sul)!lc·n~j.!e•r ul II ('c)!O:t "' $1.·10U tu lllllkt• II Ntll"\'l'Y at l lfll't' ~ other parts o f the state. Mr: Hall r.&eclared that a man wilh I tJ..nt •'"11.111 il , .. rll'.l lt•l .. ,.... s the• dt~ ." ""lite-r 1'\'I!IUun-. .... ""'' ""*' nfrordtod by ttw Mrc~ h is knowledge a nd training w as too valuable to lose'. whill' JOHN ITEVE~ Mc(\OROARTY I t ill .. n.ll\\.1\' lllhlr t ~·cllllal a vcnu·· pouse ap pullta ll \\'a tc•r l >Uctrk1. • C ouncilman Ret>d said tha t he sh ould not ~ l'Xpl'dPd to a t-Famoue AuthM a"tf Poet ..... ~': ... ~;"\':~It~~ tl::nlo:?. ..... : .. ·:,·. I n"· o'hfllut.···, lllltlo•r ''""'"'"'· .. • 'll•'"''>l ',","" '";..._dl .. y'WD• bum~ tend every session. . . d ttl 111 ._ ed b t'*-" p "• • 111 nwu ,..., At a meeting hdd laat Tbure-avenu.. and Coaet bo•Jievard would ea w mou,.n )' 10<.1:111 ·• r. ~IIIUtllll .. utd.-r 111 II• • • ho•tulc .. l h)• Wllll••• S Slll<"~'l . n 1111 11 ,111, .. 111,. tw twfWowod · day by the Plann,nr Commiu loo l bfo movrd Wt llt to abt-lut 2:"itb ande . I>Uj>o loool \\lUll ........ llll u ... ···I~ riSOner 1'111··-···•i 'tl l'\lflllllo·lo•ln\·o ... lia;ll ll•lfl-ol l••rl 1'011111 I _..I a~ .llohn ~tt'\'o•n ~h·<;roa.rty. aut.bor ""'ttl 111 I"'" ntt 11 1 ,_ II'CU·~ n 30 -~ that body a pprond lhe. wlde.nlnC etrt"t't IWd would be de-'goell in •'f thr .MIIUI!on f'l• . and Poet ·O• ""1'''""''11> ll.rt• oOllllj( tuw '"' • 'ov •. IC' •·mp u)rno•nt IHtl q aln "'nph ....... Uw fiM't 11\al of , Cent ral •veoue and recom· accur'dancto with moder n •·bannel· · ) ~'""'"'!: •·• """"" vv hurl>or ,,. .. ,. '"1 flll ,.ffldc'fll ""lllno ... r. •'""'"''"II Sl!\.000 mu"' ho-t thM I g f t Jfl "'--U t n I...Auro•ft\1' uf 1''11 fnmm. uif'd MOO• .. l '"" tloo•tt • tho• Ill W''llt'\ Ill hnm .... UAio• •••t k1ft ..-. ,...r mended that the city eupee.r n " "' c. '""'"' nu.nc "'"" 0 da 1 h 1 1 &1 " • "'""'' llf''' • ...,mrnt•r'a pl'ep&re plana and mape fer th., , • frNIIII'ttt \'IAtlor h .. r .. antt~-• ' u t.lra Yvoanf' Too&.ft ,._tnn. of l'ltu•t-..on who ld lh I if·lc ••"'"I""'~' c ut buult vard the city would Y n & t at l•«" Rgr 0 -...:.~r=·l' ~·"I-'ll''"' l 'lltltlliun 8tatr·• Titl' "''11' alw1 the.' •lfltn lf.n ul Mr project. The act ion wu rautled Dud to acqu!re a .trip t#io lot. •t varlou.e funrllon• In the Har· l l~t' lll.trlh.. •••·"' ay h .. ltJ "I' t ol\li ,., ()(-raft li'ronf. N,.WJ1"1f1 • . tUI II tu • I•"Mnh'ft out ffwlt b7 tbe ccaunclJ Wonday. ~p on tht" north aide of the bor Ohlt rirt. !'.trr.ruart . hAd a e~~w .. '" lloolllll Ul Ulat J>Ortlun uf l'•·~trh. h:uo t.t"ft f'nltat ... l •• •n ln Ofn tho· nrw' ,., tho• e"onum u ..... Ullhl•• II' Uw ijf,. 4 •• .,_ Widen Main St~ta blp way. Sug••llon lkat tht" fUnd of wit .nd lnftum~llon th&l h ""' ""' 10 ut tltf'll IJ. on,: t '"" l lflh rr t~WS.t.. In UW' N•vy tlk '""ldltl<lfl •tf tho-Wlltrr •ul,._.) "" hfr tnoura"'""· I Tht" flrwt ~ep toward the wid-old ~outhem Plcttlc r1pt of 11n y _......, _ __.him to ''--·--·•-l a.en tl41 IIIIIHII;: 1 ..... 1,. tut111Jio· tu \\'av.:a. 11 ..U ......-. •nn0011,,.,1 hv It•·••· """~ ""' "'''""'' lhnl ''"'"' •nmc of the two maln art.er1e. ot be uwd wu uwweA'd by Patter-H;~ ... In ...;~.:;e ....... -l •••aa~->ltb.-. narrov. ('b""""l at l h,. • ,,, ,. uf tt-r Admlr•l I (' "'""I ho· IHk•·u '" ,_.,, le• ~~~··~~·· ~ ,..... Newport Beach. C.otr&l ave11ue 8011'' •t.at.ement that ~~~ ac:qul· 11 11,. • h.,,. 1 f'ut>ntr. w~-;::;1 U\al ~wl ''" a..''""' ur llu• M 11 .lulltu>o>n. nu~tor of N•v•l otf"·"r n••l\t '"r.•··,. •"tlfiiY 1"'1n11 ~, .. ,,,. I In ht~ 1••ll••r In Mr. •tnllo·rt'lniP and Coa.t boulevarct. wu t.ake'll at aiUoo wu problbiUvf' bee•~ of :.!•··•·P '"' thutu!Rndil ot "'--~ l1nC' \\a}'». ht> IMtu. lhe dlluuttol l'nH'IIl"f'tnrnt lor Uw fo:l4"Vf'ntlt Jl,. ul~• l~t•llo·vo .. t lhr r-llv'e' ,,, ""'lnl( fnr th,. •-t ffl Uw an adjounaed mt"etln« of the pl.n-the coat. which had beaJ f'rt'VIou•· .-!)' bcltlK 40 t e .. t "'"·"' Ill lbal """"' l•latM<'t 11"11nv·~ •hooctl•t lw• ftnlll)'l•·•t lty ••• !lw .-It \ ''""'"''~~"' ~·nt•·d nJng n 'fllmiu ivn Tllure4&y PYe·I 'Y n llm•ted. snct hill ~"" ·ay mon~tns colima potat. .t..r l"~ttt..etJOUn al~tto·ll Utal Abe Ia UM da~tor Ot Mr and ""l'l•l••r twtt '"'&!1ared thAI .•..Adn ,loll~h\6: III'Wn polnta: I l tb .-. H ld H '" lho· 1.•011 Angt'lt"e Time...,.,. \.o.t' "ll'e ul..,trt••h'•l ~tlllt ... ,.... "''"~•r'" l-r~v T•• '"" ••f fn lfll ttult •ltulltlun. It wnuld ~ I 'f't• brtftc tJwo dalla cnn= n n1 w ..,.. aro opklna pre-Coat to P,....rt)' O'HTflowed wiUI lllndly humor ttUtCI ,. J ' -.,. .. • r,.,_ ., -··· ''""'' 111 lo•"'' Sl ~t.MI c11 h-o r\ In , ..... N-.v-t ..... ...._ ,., ld Lor.etly Ccolrlll taYt•llut al.k.l Ullll Ult ~ _.__. ~ .,... · -·-~ ---• 1 •nr. eo.t ot the propoMd improve· precloue thoutrht.a. ----!•""'"'' tw•tvc .. • U\..,t~r. HHt. tt• 1ut t ''"""''"r w.,.., ~~-• .. J t t·• .. _ I _ .. J t a lUll "'aa l" llu ..... llflto.hUit \\'. K.. • " ••tr lul ·• ~ .• , .... a .... h .. ·•·"I , ..... r -· . Jolulaon. chairman or thco meD wou u ..... vo ve upon ..., acen lkXet", who "'''''·ndt·<.l 1.1• owue.J lliU\'-or • t.m...--1)' "''1'111)' tur ,,...., •ill lffl NIW'""""'· ttto, up Ia I traffic commllll'4', gavt' • report prop.rt)l OWDU1I and would be N R It S I ...... Jn•lu•tiOC Ill ltll. Silo r.-cwlvC'd rM'IJI ,_r. I"-'" • . I I ell """'' 0 ea y a e ~ atrwt, "'lllf II "'~ <.lcul(•tl loy b e r JUIIW C".ert&rlc•t• I r 0 Ill lo which he atatect that any de· P •c on •pproxlma tdy """" p&r· U.. dly. ~ l,._nant-j "! ··rn·twl ot pnpula~ ~ l VC'Ioprr.ent progrAm llhould M ("ele of land ... t"Dibera of the com-But Realtor LJ.nd .. ·, . 1·" to ,,._,.. and hf'r n.ti!AI · 11111'1 I ..... bl;• .nrwu• .. -.....,.. P'-01~ n •t t t ..... rtl..,_ •-f 1'-.. 1 '·. "'"''"""" , ....... ,~-tel , ... _, 1140CIH' "' ......... worked out from the flrat Ill &c· mlalllnn atre&IC'd the f•ct that ocr -repa cy ,. YK en• ·~ ....... """ ,...r.,,. '')' " -·-J I' t nc1 f l •- 1 A ....,.ut'fllt from t-• ·' H u tl tl "t rt olt.:hl fo·•·l thoo f"ll\ ,.._,...,, 11141•! l"f'N'n • ll u,.. -... ,. cordanct" with • rnuter pliUl wbtch I wb le a complf'te muter plao .., .. G ts £1 • • ·-, etu : -1 ..r 111 1·•' t -·-., 11ulr'f'fYwnta 1;11 Uw dt)' W(tllld provide ror • foor-l.ne, to be made Wtt.bout rt'(aTd .. to e \..()mmt8SIOn to c.aatrucl (l pwr ., ltol l..... '"'" .... , ... •1,... •• ,,. llnJrh.~t .... ~'fl "' 1" lin) "'I""" '"' mta;h • A .....,. . qUAil hl~bway from A'-redo stteet In' coat. the actual e&rrylllf ~l of o .,.-n,.,. 11 Unll. former ... 81odt:A... E1Yt llot"Wpurt • .,. .. l111tJ """I''Y lntn ltlna A8htnn'e I,,. u 111""'"• Whk'l' thciUld makl' no tftr 4 val : ~ U..lbotl welll on ~Dl,..l avenue to lh~ Pl4n would be-lemper~ to known C'nruna del Ah r realtor I• u.e tAb.oe. 1.111~ tOJ • di.JM n·v· h .. r hualllend. oa,t. L. ~ .. f··· ... ~. but Mr •••ttrnot1ft ru t I t r ....., thto O\'erhetad trid~c> and on Coaat I ttl eire~. but later dnlnc bulllnto• Ill ~ ~. 'IICCCIIrdln& to lb" ell)' en"-1• ,. ,..,.,, ... • t I··~ l•ll"n·~ ''" I ,. by drc-l•rtftt&-ll ··te fnr "U' own ..,. ~ • , boul_,.. 1o "'' lnlu-u~ ot £. 1 "~"· _,. .. ,.,. o< u.. U..<b. w~ 0 -•" ,..,_ ~ _ ... '"' •~• "'"' M•. ,..,.,_ -.U -..._ bo...rU .,., u~out....,_n W.. ....-. I Cuu t Highway. A written report (1"11.111mar a:hool ~d. pre•nled when u w Juallr., ot UM ,...,. Mlller'a Mf~Pbur, I& m m·a V. ht""'· "' h~.ltt-lw waa • -•· .,.. ...... ,.,.. It I• lmp.lf'tant -t.r I• to be madt' by the Pl.tUuwac a requelt that Uae city vacate two n1led be wu entJUed to 111. ~ con.etll.ed. }liter fill 111e '-18'1 ....._. Oqe. \lhal Pf"llftCI4 br ••""'-.'' wla j coa.mttt. Ill tww ,... .... •.,.. .....,._ a lad a eonaaetlllc .u.t JIJ / mt•lon &ltboucll u~ mnwr t )r '-uf• ..,. ,_ a,. R-· • M I ._ . .,_. ...._ • ...., $ll • II '*' ... I& ....., City Enrlneer Patur.oa llbowed bloell Ill aDd Ill ot eor-del drf'W thf' pro.,.-rty from lbe _,.. Uton at :lith .nd Lanruter wu In ftf•l. P. I. 87 aU 1 ... • th• ~IIIIo t. • Jtkee::ll'll wf&l ... ._ .. , • • l M Ul .. • ... _ . _. n ... a... W•vre ltlra A.ete. ~ Ill -"1•-·•· ' tt"nt.allve pl•n• of the project. The lkl ar, • to ol ._._ or. CloroAa ket. approv-. u wu • oat and ......--.--Mtt)'"~ fltdl l flll...t IMt ,,. ril)' NUl ltr-P"Mf ..... a .... 1 Balboa •rllon of Centnll •vm uf' liar I:TII.l1lmar ectlnol a.atldtnc. IA•nd h•tt ~~nld !h@ l'f'aJty rA t~a~r for J . A B Lawrt'nt'" . 1-•JI W8J te .....,... Ilia and •II $l¥l0 -~ ,. mmr-rettvrly •m~~tl ply lrvm kw'aJ 11~ or wf1 (r(lm Ahoaradn :.t,.,.rt dnwn to thel Tbe rt>qUal WU &"T&Dled ORin an•t JI'Afn• )lorrt.oft bit 'nle COlli. 0( Qllllranllnln~t ltal th" nthrr .... ,... ..__...,.. ll.r . _.. , I n<'('~'-""""Y In 1lo1ornol U1•1ft AI ...... brnCber c.._ 6e .a.. bl u.. wr 11"..,"11'1 1" ~r•··"• 011 c••tt "t.: 11 pcunt will ont bC' atfcorled Th,. .-c• gran~ ""'!"-the reque•t llltt"r dertd,.d O(>l to eeU. '*t bt-11ooa hi and tfur1nJt th•· t•o( rnt tl1-« • • . "'-· • 1,., .... 101,.111 "''"" 1 (~,.1""''"'"'' •~ Inc....._.,.., wtlhln lhr nr•1 '"'ret>l Ill 70 lt"C'l \!o1dt'. but II wa•, nr LA-noard l. Tbompeon that be f~ Uult f..ln(l had found a buytr .:are wu put •t S27:1 .,. ... ., h ...... "'''" "" ,. ('orpnral In 1..,. ..,...rt,.r · '"'" "·'"'' '' '" ltncJ'W If tlw• (' ul (" Y"on ., -1-. I deemed unnccua ry to attem"t I!• lot-.alluwf."d to build a front l)()fc:.b for $. 150 C'll'h down. anrl ,..,.fu-·.1 ~ paJd 1 m•••,.,. ('.,'1'•. lind I• •t pr...-nl ~"''"""'"'"' l••lirvood 1tt.1 •n '"'' TIM' (' ul (' UNO ,_.,::3 " In t\•llhln 1 ~· r-t f b lot II •-1 .... rOt -ltb th •-A lo.f 1 v f 1 t "'"""'""'I In ... n l"nnM ... tt. •• ,... wldeo lt. Ml . ,, ~~ o Ill ne .., o ......... w e c.on ... ct ..,. ,,..., artun•r .. , .... ,.,.r• I •••I••• '''' Mc·IH1 ••111An "'""'' "'"" '"""1'11•.,1 hv a o'()ftvnlltl't•, I O•ale In St-te nt 241~ lrl'l! twrnue. l"()nJn& del Jwrtk:e Uowu'd Cameron found l t. Tomr klnlt, 'I'J1""""' .,,, "'" t 'p '" th,. tlmf' ot tH!r f'ftll•l· th• ·"''"'"' ''' "'''''" .,,. ,.,.,,,., by ''' llo,..arol ,.. .. .,, an ·~ >olar. • 'lbat UJ~d -. entlu.d" to ISOto l•nru ~ . t I . • '"' nt lro thr w • ., ...... ,... A•hl<lf1 ' From Alvarado lt r'l'tl w....t t•l ~ ntill k . p n 'umm ~Moll "~t• " ... , "I' • I Oomt&l II l[i '"' t ~ ... , '' plh·tl II Uti fill llUhlll••r "l"tl•l w,...lc• "' 'ahauet "'" ".M•rt'h l l\11-F'R•l·'"n-PIII('e pJa~,. ~-'I for a co I Secretary ale -'f('. pltM $1~ COHrl f'OIIUI pmved. by th .. • 111111• 11 .,..,.,. Srn or ' rn • "" ,111111 II~<· 1,1, . ..,.111 .,.,,1,.. ... ctf lho .,..,,. te hl•·•l by 11 f• rmrr ruuae•ll " -· , ... Cann proleated Ule t:,ondiUon of Army a ir ...... llttr will .,.,., 100 fn111 lll rf't I ~A'Itb a lt~l&ntl In thc> p&YUllt un llln-••l.s. allf'\'a anti lf'•v• for Iller Navy llld<rtn n•ll<on 1 d1•vnted tn nmam,.nlltl planting. mg that abe hall t.altf'a oot pulllk. t.l hllll\lpm"•·,. er h....t •t f4rrotlh . the center ot 8bc)Ut Jr, r.• .. t t<l he,sld"wklks on .Ua!boa lllland, It&t-''Betty Ann" Lashed lrnlnln~t ., Uw U l't Navalltr .... rvr Thr ••land wo11ltJ ,.... flit lbrnugh I Ability tnllura.nee bt-cauae of I' II• i:" N11rthamr tnn. MllM . .r 1 •t each IJiock, and woul<t be "" ''"'lllk q mtlttion8 a<.ljlle·enl lo In the .--...rut coc111plf'tloa rot 'ltank('d in With a hljtb ruriJ. A• lwr ,.,,,,,..,..ly to pl·eces on Beach "'"' h ..,. wtU cnaduat~ an len• U1111 I• • rellidenct eeclloo par&!·, Al~t~1 prC'!If'nt at th" Oll'f•tlng "'"" 'lei parkiJ!&' ,. planned. W\tr-( ,, y Cnu nc-ilman 0 n Rf't"'d The main junctwn <>f r~ntral ""'' Earl !'Lullf'y R PJ ~Thre'e COM Petitions Want Sewers Installed $4,500 ··antail Recently Purchased By. Uave aRRet 808 RHCI~ with Two Tons of Albacor~ Aboard ,IRang-IJp Program Is Lost After Futile EffortB to Savt> ller For Lions Mt-et • ur CATitt::RINF: EAST(I:-..It In,,..,. sil<'fK-e and suffocatlon of a ,..,..,,,,1111 r~ (•arlv Sun· 1 1'" 1:'11"« to ~-·tth,. -... ~ lim", f• • • h "~ " .1"' • IHII "alii" I:IJJII( ..-a 1"....,1. II c a~ m o mm..:, t c-Y"··tty Ann, a 40-ft. fr111t;nl ''\l IH'd and 1,111, 1, en<.t nllhl 1,., lh,. llart...,. S~l(l(l('rf'd hy n a ve r~ w ho fish<-s for w e ... l('l11 ( ";llliii'J"II'" l r.t•lllll lbt.. ..... ,. wb#" lhoo)' lfll'f'l. ThrN' pdllloo. tt.•lth s,r, ~•gna· With a c-rew o r thn-e men. "as washed a..:n~t.md a t Ilk ••nd ••f -n.,..w.1 ., Uw llf.IKtrl• t:rtll pri Holland op IUp TWe. 17th Stf('('l in ='leWJXlrt Beach~ about 4 a .m . A muir• th1 om~ Thl~t • hanc e of al~;ht tn Thural"' turC!', !tllil1 to com IC pracllc.'lll) J\ c•nmmun~catinn from Capt AI· f 'a ll the propert) OWTI('nt in tt,,. ar~a bNt .Sntl:cntl ssud that thl• ll'f'l'nt 0 ~>pectators J(ric..-ed "ith ti"K> "''" ua~ACUral# lh,. ,.,.rm.,rnt nCfc't·tMt. n~kl'd lhl' I'll)' council In rip ltd•· fllll·d hia ec·llnr antt thr t OWO<'r when she hroke in '"(}·I nhuntlt>tlll~t ''"" "" ''""' •~oiUl • '"'""'" rror tiM' .:ruc•t• but Ill• I t II I () . H•·f'd lllltl hi" 1non ""'"'"'., -t111 n. Harrta Colllr. :"•·\\I'''' H•H•II l'"l'I"Hll(~ •-' loc:at, a. lnr lhl• "'·•·k tn~ a /'I'Wf•r tnt•S nf' P'"llliOn ,OOC<' IJdOrl' ll simtlllr flntJd hnd " Wtth 75 naml'<. thf' lorg('!<l num· dlll1lillo:l·d his food IUJ ....... v. tha i a ft lnJt ftr•m IN1Yt>ral ''">'" fltlhlnl( ~A tlh 1 11ce offkrr "'fl·•••flltl( · lh• ••·p•• Ill t~nly. I , h '"" ~· :! t • n• of all"''""~'" ab 1:.rol wotlh him lfl I'SUO. th•· lfttl"'' II "''~ ~<1 '•"''~·· l'"-lt hall planrwm a . "W'r tl 311~. 'nil~. I II ~11111111~ eli<· f'XIIminlltinn of tht' l"llrT't•n t flr~t r h ~ft $fl!')() tr thrv , 10\llo! hav.-•ult••n lone and 1111'1111'•11' ""'"' "~ lounl>( ill• pn~m whtrh wilt br I rt(l rnm I ,.,,. 111'1'8 to S,..nvu•w , r .. v••al•'(i nn old l'I'Wt'r ltn•• nnll ,. · .. "" whtl•·nlhr-1"'\ ~UI:hl u 'lln" 1,1 lh:tt htdtlo•n ~l•tiiWBY und<'r th<' hnu<.-them to th,. c•nnr ry Tho· l •l "Rt"d ne•r~rl th•· '"l ll••••'rl" I 11•.-hlii:hlf"l by thn 1 '~'1 thf'll•• ( II 1 dimmed thr ;.-u y ltl(hl an <.I m t r~tll• d tlc111 It• • •• •I I ~ 11" I "• h• • I• "''" •II.: " ""'"'' '''""'"' ""'""· In '".'"'' rnm ,. tntmlw: nnrl :\lar· And th:H <hoorld th•' Ctllh at So\· llr t II I• h .. m ,.., ;~; liUtr,n Ur.yocl"'' n ,' '"' "' . ovttt.w '''"· tlrkl~l1 "'" tv .. rl··~ ~·::·~:!•; 1,':nh:~:,1,}1~~::;;l :l;i ,·~·~;.~ ~~.~.1,', •• ~:.r·~:,: .. ~~.1 1~~~:·:~111,t~:·~:: ~k ;f'l";r "'~ ol•·v•""'"" ~';;:n lbe ~. dovr In All•l ''" •I!'•' 1:• ~>olflt • r .. moo•• on h,.•t •• llrll"1 h'-t "'•ll ,,111,1 thrt~tl~h ht'-ht•m•• '•••II'• t,.,.,,,n "" Uu •l.fh1 ,,, a uu..-&nd h iJIII rr•·••n''"' r••J • ,,.,,,I t • t h•t •· nl f, :10 &ntt ~t~t &n "'' 'f•• Ctl) Al!nrn• }' Rr1lnnd Th""ll "'II l'all•·~"·n '''""""'"I 111,,1 lhr• . ~~~~-.•·•ru to. thr o·ntrn'" • .. r lht: llay Help Comrt Too L Air r ,, • 1\ f II th 1 ,~11 , hr~tl llf•• n 1 th f 1 ll'ut lhnl IIJ:t.l f1u l.,'d l.tno ""'' 1·... Aftl'r '"'" "''"' "I I • ''"i.; Ito '"(I ,.~ Ofllnlo n 111 f lt' ,,.>of ,. . l r•u r rr• 1\'f"ftr~., r.r .. , I "117.1'1 .... I' II A .. ~tt'.•Unrlfl'tl .,.,P ·~~~t '''· h•r •·¥-1• """"'·~ m••;ont 0111 tmpN•I· 11 • "' ,.,.,,,... :'l:" :ond lh· 1 if 1 1 · 1 ' "" ·' .... •" '• '"' . I I ''" '"'' IJI•ra ..... t '"'''"~ \\" lh I ' "''lllrry "' ''" ·r ' • ! • t.tlh•·t· lhnn '' "tf11t 'tr'\ tfl""11 H 1 .tnd h··•·n th• rt.•. tht' ,.., .. ,,nt ht~h Juf•' ,.. .,., i 11 ' r-n' "' ""'• (·,,~ f.-.. n .. ·ltlN 't J':ttt·,1,00• "•tt•d "'••ltltl h.t\• r·:tn~t d lu-. ft.,..,. fllt lll funr-t u·•rtlnt.' H,··d ..-l t•·u r'•·•l J:&.vr oru 1 t H•~·! '·-· l r• '•' . ,,, ( 'ulumniAt ( ';tllt>d By lllm•sR of Fathl•r lh 11 Mr 1\llo'ho•• h·1oi t .. lcl hun tit•• "" ,,. ('ounrllrn.m 1,1.,11 ~:tid 111, l<l •"''"~ nt •olllo•l '• •" hnc•lt ··r h,.r,.•·•r f,,, ., '' • 1' • I" ?J II' \\.1111•'" ""'...ll', \\llu" \\ •.• I .. ~.... \l'r\" \\<•11 IH In ~1\\"f' 'llUJ:IIt ""'· ···II "·" ,.., rll .. n .. try ''"' lol • ~. "'" .h l I I., ' "' ·II IIIII•"" Wit····· ·~ ...... , •• \\ptJitt ltt UO_., • .,,~J ;10"l1tl•·d :tflf•ftl't ftlttt• 0•,:1 m•• \\l\llt 'h• \h P trftft t,full•f~ttl~+ UOfi t l,;lk haiJ,.!tf f'' tit t t "' ·'• (t,, ).t .. ltlt,ra•,.:• hiiiA .,..,,,,,,.. ,.., ... ,., \1, 1'.11'•'"''"' t,,Ji,,,.t( ''"' ,.,,, ;tft•,Ml•·\ ..... rd nnr""l"''""lt•lltt\ hf'r \1\'tll nntl\ th~ lJiac h tlf',.fl "-ttt•r ••' I f it• ,~' •' 'J ••I'•f••• .,.,,..,, .• Ch•k •uu u••r \\ t',\ 11111 t ·'1'1"""' ·•111 h· "'·' "''' ,.,,.,, lh•· ruy Ttll' mrt ll• r w:o lklpPer •nd Crew .... acatterln~ '"' lol•, "' ,. II t •I ,, ~ ,., .. 1 '"' ltitol"'· Mt" ord1•n .,l tn in\•••lll(all' anti 1•·1•••' ro '"rr"rt m m,.....-,.ey f'lfl!'ltfN•r Til.-no,.n aiJ> 11.1 <.1 r.rnml•l"" to be.&cb. TIJ.,h,. 111'" ''"111 '· ''·I "' I •I• '" t-ill"'" h•v~ t ...... n '"'~·I tUhrr rrnt~l"~" Aro llll••y ·•" .... •·Ill 101 '"' :O.T•·n· ~~.r~·l \" "IUI••IIl ln)llr v ..,,., ... ~, '"' thl' tf'ltllto· " 'k I• II '' " •• ... •• • ... ~ "nr:ot·" "" "''' II In""' .. t A 'h J.J k .... 1 1 h~»lr. ar-r tv•·d t \1,, h J• t. ,, .,. •' • 1 It 1--1 I) w r Ill 1"11!-1' a• ~~·Ill boll"•• Ill"•· l••tn :.v•·nu•· h••ml' .. t \\"mll .. •d """ rmro n lltarttng llo i<al\'hj;!•• v. •• .. ''" I .. >f'l ..... r ... """"I Flint(idge Lass Wins Flight of' Snowbirds I 1ln rtulft~ 11\J,. I I '"W"I• I]· f • • ~., • ld Altl•h• eru lfltl w ht, al· I t•' •t• ,.,.,., r lilt!• M• h•,.•l ,,,,. • :ul• ,., .. ~u•m .. ta at h"r , ... , .. .,,. 11._ "" ,..,.,...,,.. ••••n•l "'•• w 1n nrr uf I h,. Nlnlh A""""' ··t--,l~tbl "' lh,. s-;,.,.v. hlt•l• .tl,·lll '''' fhr w•t••,. •·" S,.'A 1"''' t ff•r '"'•' Huu'l" y •ntt tu~,.•···•t In t t t• ,.,.,. • .,., Urn .. •If f.tftl' ... , .. , "''• ,,......... , ... , • ·.,,..,, 1(11111<1 •~ .. L• I["Wir.J~d U.... , · "",.. ••rt•l ....... t,., II UW .all)' ~ ,.,,, -'"" ~Nwl•. tv• •v•r)'•- "' "'' • ,,.,ltJ na•u•a• tl't ..,..r ure a h•-•nf ~lt ft tlf'•t ft•tft 'f•r WMh t IIIUtf '"''"~"""-ul • .,.. 1»1•••• llllf'tt th .. ttf1 1•'11 WMII'I11nl( lh• "hlf• ••II~ ·••1• uu•l t.rn•l ht ,,,,. tntr--tl '•tt••' •flt'l'• .,, .... , ••• ll•t: • tttll -,1 •• ,, w• t• t t '~ t111 ort,.,,. 1t1 ,,,,. ,,,. • .,,,,. 11,., t., · ,,, .. ,. ltu ru•••• lin,. t.-luw U.. f>avlll•••· It• 1 I 1 !II• "'lnll•'•~ will I• l'""''d•·•t ,.,, · """l~•y. A ul( l;l II\ thf' Nt-WI!'II l llnrlo<,, V~o~• hi •• ,.,.. ... t ... , ,, .. k. ""''" , .... w. I tit, Anah..tm. Jnd pllwle l'.r l.t ,,1., •. Jar.-l Pow•'-fCe. •• Antahf'lm . 2ntf pi•N, H011ry H. r:ranolln Jr . Nn 201. Ru M•rtllq; :lnJ ~Jian. J r• AJ1u lW..It Jr,. N" lzt,...._...._.:tua I rwt ... l f'\1111,_-N.. Ml, Mutao. OUt place, H.-, O.Cke N•• 1 ... Han ...,_.,;-"lUI \o\ •n Ja•r•r. No. 2'71. Heai'WII_,..I 7th pt., •. l&.rbva Coo41ff, N u:lt., 1\11111ralde. lUI ,a.c., tl. ·t nlmallK". Nn Zb1, lA• .......... 1ft h plaocr TommJ omat~ S•· 2110. 1111111n d , IOU. p&Me. WAI l<tu"..: Jr , Net Ill. lAe ....... · I·•·• lal •w"tdlt .,. f ...... : ... .,,.. firl ''' llallll rae., J a•..a 1 .,.,.,, •" Anatlf'lm, JOWIIdt "''' I . I'"'"'' r•r .' ll•ntfr• atoo .. r•lal .. l·,.~s .. l•.llll , yuunr,.•• h<•v I•• llnl"" • •• • B1 '" • II llr••wn, l .1d11 '"''; c.l,lf'al •kll'l"'r IH ftnlu 1 r&l •• I.e r••\1 l ~1111111•l, l'll•ll•klllft , ftntl ,... • v1,.. '''"~ •·· tin ,..., ... .-. ~i w. lo4t 1<""''". '""' M· s "">' , .. ,..1 .,, tlolah H ill I, II 'I tit"· I' !' Uun (~uthridge..nf ( • d I "1 · :'\.tv)t ,,, -.t v .dl· jy ,,.,,., r •• llultl\ ,4Jrnna (• 1f flr ~~~~,. H••h•·rt II ll•·nlo y. llnllo" S rw Flight Of firer ~ .. ~ .... , hll~tnl·'• lnt< :H l'.lfk .• n;f ,\~;;,, •.. l illY!' \\'tlrl• r """~ "' <lu'll iJnrl ., '·; • ''" ol 'tl •· ••I tlo• Ill "'Ilk•' "d Ulelr ,.,..,._ . ..,. odd II•' '' ' .• ,,, ··• t.!r V.'l&4rn,.r ha.o .,,."" ",,,mw•' lhltv .. l•l:tnd ,,.,.,n,.,l It "'" ltlth\ thai 11 •h••ul•l 1-· •urfnN¥1 ~fary Al•·•~tnll•r. ltWtwr ••I ·1,., In Y~tln 11.•· 1'1''' 1~ ····~· " " 1 1\1• I w1nt,.r wMk rn•l ,,..,,l,.ut· '"' .... r.•rr•'(i ••• lh•· pl:lnnrn~: •·•,mml'· Thr· pm •. VII:• "':.y v.n~ ,,,I\ If! f,.,., .-•. ,.,.,,1•· ·•t·n• '"" nb ""IU l,y .,., r~ b•v~ bfo,.n "'I Y"'l ,.,, t ,, ''" • M m•nv Jra,... ownlnt • h"'"" ,,,. !'t'ln f:dwanl R RniJ'Ofl a•k••d WI< II' nnd J.llt ,,., r Inn..:. t.ut lh•· hf' phon"" lh,. , . .,,..t ';l.rtld '"· nrry and tlo• l!•'l I "' ., ' "• 1!"1 ,.., lh,. l'rn tll•ula •.. ,., ..... , ~~~: ,· ..... Jc,IUI ""I·)'· New Harber Hhop ""'' • ·:·'·""''" ".v'"~" ......... ~··()pen~ Thursday t , .. r .\ r I, •' ,.,,1 r I • ••'' u.ur.,1 ~•u '''"' 1'11:·• · '"-"""•M F' r.·~UI· On Balboa Island •l•fiC• 7~11 U. • 11.11 bo,tll<'"'" •I I ••t • - 10 .. 1 1 ( Smtth 1' ~•b ,.._, h11<J J""t' 1,..," '"'' • I1W1t•l t·; t: ... ot I purcnl"<' a Ill "''"' lo 111~ hom•· m~mc-t •·It 11 ,.hwld llt' rl'~llr· • .r ..... l'MI ~v.,-e for blip, h t .,.,_... nd r-( 1 h -·bt • . w " had tnlfULII• 1.1 u "' " ''·' • • 1 ll •'-'"' II 'IIA•I boul<'\':tfll llnlf 8CN •t I I' l"lp<•ns-• U( th.-Jlrnp-~ Ul nc H'r llrrt\•.,_1 8 • •u•lllt .. t .. ICtlund lm&m Stllnlt') IH•lti'\"NI I hi' rrt\ OWT\I'f't a flr-l'tl'rl u. u lpp...r ln IIPll" ,,, lhr ... •fl I Wfllllcl If! Ill ·~· ltrtl•tii O: Ill• llll· •. ,. mnt h •r ~hnuld '"' held up. J.o<•n•lrn~t · Tn \"tarat, tor f'(o....,. p.rent •l·bclr k•. f<lood "'"'"'ned ne .. t •·•·rk ln&: "111 ••I tl1111 t.arl••• tc-'lflll'mphtiMt impmvrm•·nt o( "''' l'n o('<'(•dtnl:' w111 he: m~tltutf'fi cool Uld counceou• C.rgo Compa.te L- 1 boule,·anl. tllf' Chi' V&l'ltlion n( aJI~~ ~ti1J-I·,.n. 1 F"el.-,...,,r"'en to ,.,~ Allbuucb thr mailt 11nd llotl A lll'llli'ln ~lltn•o(J IJ) nih•• pr"ar , to I hi' ,._, IChcit"N to ~ InUi t "' Wb• QO h•tp had am~ o, motor.. lhr n~h an• I A<•mr . ~"'"" M1) ~,. tn thl' !1011 bl()('k "" Cnrona del Mar roUO'I\inlt a ,.... 7 • m. IUld u,., llr1cll"n ... t roltfld aqulpau!nl w .. rt u vfo.J lhr ~ '"' ~ I Ea~t Oa>.n Front, Balboa. pro-qu .... l fmm 1tw> c;runmar Srhool tul.._y 1.11 OR .,rt., Wra AI.-.. of rtab ,. .. ,... • total "•• ·n ··- tf'lltf'd thf-contMnpla tl'd C'Qn•ln.tc. bonnt that '"" 14Atrr ftn,., boo ,..~ aackr •mmoned her brotn•. t.ba.t wr,... nut w!Ut1Mi ''""' btArtl I'"'" ol a 12Jt:lt houY on a 1<>1 mm·f'(l from ~~ at~ rAUnrtl· Maauel IIUva. OW1Mr ud allJr4r '"'• •turet"d •.tLh ....... u,. .. dWfteod by 'HArr} tnf'dman 111 !114 man l•hl'll "81d t1u11 Rr.ltrd ~INn·: rtf ''Duo<:rfote I" who .,.. ....... lloaM Ill u. .. lllnJD«f'f -•mm .. r• F.a.ct OcMn a t a Nlll of 11:.'00. llt'r F: I M•.ort> h111'1 ~1111,.,., M ,..,. aboud Iaiit flahinl( w .. t •t IC. wllo wu. luro••l IJy th" ,.,...""'" r l.a!mtnc ttw typr of houM· did nnt 1 ml~l'lnn h•d Y"' ~ ~\IM by clock. Wltb full lfPP.-d llhf"JVI tao .,_t out frvm lbl>P wh,.,.... ''" Cllllllonn CO lftidl.nl't" in th,. ~tt.:h· J thf' bnerd to build. Vara uron rA 1111<1 ht~ rrrw hut.enf'd ,,. thr ,,. • ., .. to U.. lllelli'lf'1. tb«)' "'~·1111 hQrtiOOci ~rnl ~UUI"tlon~ 1 thfo all">' Nil tw-.n ar.pvvM h) lhf' ,,.! '·ftrd: · ,...,. r11 ua. M?'A' fl6 p6rk up • n1c,. atbal•••rr r,r 01•11 Wf',... olff'n-d hut lhto d (y attonao•) P.,nNna ~ and tJw-..,... u, ..... ...,,, Ann" llla(tf'd th .. su. affelt. I bf'f~ ""'"'"' rnullt tw> ~ J"lnl'f'r •'IIJ. lmtr,~etf'd to PN'J'&f" t uutt -1rn t, t,. ,._ , r.aft ReWYifll.._ "•11 •",.,.... .~bout II f'llln• ,.,,. for 11~ \"llf'!IIIC>fl '~rn1n• • 14 · rT1"' ,.,..., rtw By lal.. .nl"'"'"' "" ..Jurr~ . . .. .... I •I•' "'"' ,. ' ... v .. tl ....... rvl•,. Jtt• It "''' lcll lo•. oll1fii>UIItc• lhal w w k P<-'b&f' wu cnmt•lrltltl. Tbo· 1•111.1 '" 11•11• ... , ""'Y an• I v. "• •1• h• v, Ill ,,.. r"tt'ly fur huJJin-111 1••• t" •of the ~ crllll l,.n lalllt:t ,,.,,,.,..,1 • rtl«hl ufflr•r lrt th• hw •J.olr 1\lld ~*" tarber lhup Of• ,.., • ., III>VVf" thfo hrw t :1 n 11•11' Ar')fl\' Air....... 'nlllr,..lll)' ••f lhll' Wl'dt At :\3JI "'h•t •• lhr)' • .,.... -totral,..t wllh 11,.1••1" IH• """"' "" ul •II lh,. A If Mlirlfl,. ''""""'" llalbol\ llll1.nll t •"'•ll he tancl ...,t.M Lo pnrnnt T11tn1tJ"Irt Cocr1mao•l. f'/0 (;utb• ''" lc'• IIMriiC'r A~~ap will "'"''• •lnu'""'" ln oCbrT <'rail llhotWI rl-111:" •a• • d~ttllu lrlllru• tt~r at 1• ·~·ta.lly nf l..~tdl• tt•lr •·•tl.tl~ lhry bf' laJI-t.. ... a In u.,. nr•t It • , .. 1 A•n• ,.,tjftlt Ar.,t.my. On· •htrh will Ill! ,,,_ bJ IIJ•P •I • llll'h ltltoo A-.d •• anuChPt •If ''"' '"""' A Vt•lf'thn Oy•·T ho· ,..,..,.,.,., .. 1 m""'· Jlh''"" Nrwr•ort JMIItl. . valtanl ,,.,.,IIC n..t hae ~ ,...,,. • ~lv,. wo..lca •l"'("lal tralftlnJr tf,.,. ... ._ ha11 ,_, J-rnJWi•tor ~r•ted to o..q ~ IAdlaw! ''"'r"' •' l•ot~J:Itoa Army AI,. 11 f l,.. ,,,._ ttfl••1• 111 t ... Anc"t" .... ~'t•.m .-yupt to '-'« an,r Ul.. "'"" If• fl&• •-n ..... P"'d to wt lllaelt Ul ... ,_ lltteet fill au. l&at ,.._. fill 1M c • a •• ••• 1 l'&lm fltwtnr:a t1y th,. P'o-rryt•1 1 fir•. a ......, _,.,.._ ot I""•P•"' I rtvuri<Jn <tt ,,_. Air Tr•~ •. Mf' Ann l•,.ir ... •offlno'fll •-c·rt· t.nllk«t •t Le -llw -,, f'••nomo,..l. amt ,.,. Ul•l Mr11• O utb-I IIH)' teo tho· f'lt)' ·~n'"''· ._. '"" ti._.,J 0. tM ••Y bar.lt. ,,._ .. ·,~, 11•-'av ''" "'"' dty ~er~tnrrd • 1w•1 ""'""" vr.t'•tlnn ... u. .. , w~" rw--... aM1a ~ .u y,.. r:•1tllnl!lr "' 11 <.lautlllLer vi a ~avt• ol .._.., 11M Mal)' wtlt- th~ 1 a .........,. ..w ......... )fr ,,JMt Mrw AI ,.,."'..._ 713 rtrt~t.-r •rJP'Mntrd '"'""•"'rily frt I ban ~,. ....-. of a -. '"'"•" bt.W...,arcl n,,_. 1 .. 1 ltlar h··r J)l•"".flllnnr ,_ ,.~ .- .. • • ' _,_-:-_Tw _______________ __:NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES. Newport Bach, California, Tuesday, August 8, 1944 ~~:rA':i~~ So. Coast Launc~ng l ~:du~e::'~1ot MESA BUILDIIG JUMPS; Costa Me'sa News =.·~~:::.~ ~*~;.~;:.!:.= ·~.~~.~!:.~.n.A~-~~~ .. Special <;:eremony 1 £~~::!7~.:s O::m 1JULY PERMITS $30,99& .uwt ~~ .u.tric:l, a.ata Receat llddJliona to u, c-. 11u r; .. r ''"" of Mr an<.l &l n . J '· baa jOined the world'a moet pow-1 M&. l&llt ....... • ~---popWal llm ..... ,.. .. WICI '"'CTo ,_, niii.,K«r, 240 Bro.dway hu A.• tlw ,l····k ,.,., ARR, ctt~·,th•·•· ha· lot~'ll llli tlllll' or ~pat't' erful air force .. a bomber plot. Rapid expans. ion of Costa Meosa was 1'\"\'ea.Jed today when ~ 0 . ADIIrews. -ott Dr to ()rp_ and '!no Hiram f\rl \' • '" 1•1""''1 hla rtna.l pha!N' tjf 1"'"' ',,..., ('-,;(I.'Y I •lilt lnln thl' bay on avltd thlo• r .... fllVII' than 8 \'t•r.· In· On Aur. 4th he received bl.l Edward M. Mahl, county building ~tor rPieased tota.ll and Mra Cb.alt• 1. AAdrww1l ~ ~~ Roclw.ln ..u~t &nd a •1aus:t. . .... flr.n••r«-•1 runn .. r "' a h•'"' ,. s ' I t S ,,, Co I t lOrn I I • Army Air Foret! ~lver wlnla and for th . ted f • lt•tr lo'tr•fll f'OI unit "t thr :!:!n•l -•' lttr 11}' ,J • l•'• II' C • fuiTI I l' lrt'lo'ntn~ e UIUnCOrpora . area.& 0 the county shcMing that lata .U.l, wW nrve In the U .S I t.er to Mr and Wra tl .. nnan •• hoo• 1 1 r'' laun• h•n..: ''•')' 'h'-' carried I M• """" ~J ll"lkt> with Jtrt'ltl l cnmmla~on at S•· •md Ll111hmant Costa Mesa building for July was $30 996 50 ' ~ ol' JCa"7 Dental CiDqle for the dura· l~t~r. 2411 16tt. atr-t 1 I t f ,..,...., Tnl nl'l'' "· 'll ill' I' IJ 'r•·Ct<JI lll''''ll.:c IO I he l>ll(lo I I I h<• i\1111 Wh(>M' desJi:nt·r. In the lmpreulve CT&duallon nearly 40~ OVer the previOUS I ' • ' an Ioiii Ll&•ll SIIIUiet Room Oou1 'MI.,.-........., a-a, mz-r Jlf ............ Th .. \\ •: ,.,1 .. l!•>m' .-Atuo-:r.•l Atr1\ "'r ..,,,,. .111<1 ~~ """, .... ,., .. "'" ",111ot Ul<l' ht'r 1, .. 1, ~,,,1 ~. 1~ u ;-.;,."l•<>rt llorl,.,r ·•·,t'ro·:nony 0 1 thla twln-.enrtne ad-1year. ' ............... _ .. "'---l• ,,, t ··' "",,,I •11 t t•f4 .. "11fl f I l r h \an• -d at"ho.l t lh ,. t ... ~ I ~ ~I "~'t't1Ut> tta .. ~11 ·-· r·' " . IO'I f , ..... ,,, " I~ .. r" p waa ITtlll' Alt hough '""It' of tho• dt•· t I 0 .It ... en r .. ray· Mr. MahJ alated that Costa Mahl rvwntf'd out that ........ ~""" ~n·~ t}Y •J,b·ut ""'I Mr• I r 1 '·'" Y AI• I ' ltnh ""' ••I till' I' I•' to hit the '··I••, '' ,., I (t,r :\'a\') ""' Wa>. ntr· tng Training CommaJtd. I Mesa showed t I ..... u"" Hlatnbtlth .. n "' L&f Vr-~t"• ' I , l"r~~r .. ,.., •··•I ""' "' rvtr· ... '•' ''"m tit•' ''"""'"II\, und cuJ•Itu·rl ""' '" \l;amt Flortd~ t'un-Tu Ll nrr ... ka gra.tuation meant man)' othft Vtlea et"fgahns than county's amount ol tl01.233.50 for ' 1 •• 11•• 1 "'"' ,,. • , ..•. of 1.1~ 1 ~· 1 11 ~· • 1 j • • • the tl!rmtnatior\ f t t"--f .r M'C ons o t e county ~ Jut six ,._,tba o1 Ow f'ucal Cltpt and Mra Gf'nra:r ,.,, ... ,,r, · .. ot•'i IJ , • ~" •1 '"nlntct w Itt Hth'l looJ,,11wlr t'Un!>l.,t<'lton toum.J · 0 en mon , .. 0 und ot the 37 IdEo tJ 1 nn1 endi Ia c.r ~Ilk f"lf'ID"' CCAita ~ .... ,.. '' . :Ill A,.,. t<tn.:•·•an Al'tz. I ;-.;.".' 1,,,, \\•···kc ahf'ad of Ill, '\;1) hfwk ht·re 'llw Alrpllmo· the world'a mOIIt thorourb mUJ. lo;sut· .. forth" crouHntyn18a -~-four ~~y daub"~-•• .''! June 30 wu_ .... t ,,rr ._.,,•nt t rr~n:u1.,: -•l J,,,\,.rv t)(l' de-l ta.ry n lght trai 1 l " ,.;-· --~·£ ,~-, w u~ ~ oll3fi5 h11vr t-n ro <"M)t 1[\1"-'" of l • ~'ol I l!ootl\'l r f' ,, 11,. 1, , ""'I I ,It• ,"n' ." o\lll.: rn IV· 'P.o"l II•' ll<11t:. IOot•rf' torll:inully un· n °1· thr• Mesa with several for Altere· 615 recorded for tJw ftnt • 'tor • "' !.tr anti )~" t · ~~ ' , I''' mulloon Avril 3 "' thta v.•ar . •,· •,\;' \ ''," t ""tlrklng dlayboe. ' lin• ,•ol '"" ~lr II""''· as tht•y tiona, a earage and chickt>n how;e ,,._,th.s ol the focal~ 11w lo- Ttu.rop.-111. AvotMio at.r....t t•.r ~., ... ,. .... \jo ,,,,. t I• •••• IIOOil ltK' \Oo('fl t r•n .. olt·rt-d \'l''~t'l• o( tnl'l'l') Wes Fowler Home . tal for thr'f'uca.l -·.:..... - I "a'"'~ A lfoward. ........... I l!.Piurr f'Oif'MMJC ool I I oii1J••I,!II• "·" l'o: '"' Jf'n•mJah but "l(ol\ till' l'nf'my dl'\•ltlro dtftt•r-•.-hrmlla 0~0 ~. Y~-----...... f(tiJII'III •• """I' •t It orl ,. From M•"dway Island Th '""'...., • tth ttw Anny Air f"lln ,., "' ~. \! •·l.ltv "•1·· ool u no uC Uw v.al· .. ntl\ .. nd ~• tht'y Wt•!,. moun lt-d l' petrtuts for the :MP>ill V."f•re ""''"',.. for t .. _ J 1 l ll.;r "'lt•~·l I h ho · r II , r•.-~ '"" anwnv tn .. ,._ J,ruu hfut ~~ P"""'"t ... l 1.1• th.. •l•'tnl'"~'' orr t •·1-.mpany,w , wr1l• lf'llr .:un' Thl' llam :-I)'J'l' lt.'> o OWS. 30 peoriod iD t.lweaa.t p L " --• Oel*... rank a(' capta.ln He 18 a • .n nf I• tolll ''" pin~ • tl .111 Important t'raft ,._ t't•rl\ •·rto'fl tnlll ll PT bollt The F'n,.,•lt"r family Ctl'<'le WU Frank Batt'$, l"f'Side~ 11890; I"'"Jtidrntial t.!l t)' .... - ........ ....._ I )fno s .. n... III'IW.fol l : .. •t 1"111 I h•ath of ,, eteran I· I! lo •t:.· 'un~tru..tron or t.hlA I I·~ flloiUIIf lll!:: 1h•· IIHpoo~lo tutk-s On 8J:'Rin complt>te when \.'o'nlty ar-Albert Dudek. office, $640; D. R-'$334 191~· 1...... ~ .r I <>s-a to the Publk llttrf'd Pastor at Pasadena \• 'I "'' ('IM 'anl INilslf-d Mrs lito· 'llh• 1A htt'h 'P<'tik' for th(' :.tur-11\'o'(l hy shtp fmm Midway lsi· Hannon. n>siden('t' .$2730; Ek-ttY1buildJ Sl40~-......... "fft.Jal )fr All'l '-!r,. ,,, ' , "'' ,...... \1••'1"•' ,, m.o1nm of hnnor and ohn•'" and ~ro.,•ol <>f 1r-con,true-,a.nol_&lttr complrunc ht. contract Jan~ Roberts, addition to r'E'Si· Ct'din~· ·hs ln th«o ~ rblldrftl. Ot<-k IU1I1 '"'"'· .,. bArlt •lhottrl;.: "''""'' 10o11h tho•m on tht'l ''un u a civilian worker alnce lul d••net-,$262:HansTherkelsen,l"f'5i· sut'd 1;:.":o",!.,~u··~is· a.ke.lm CAROLYN'S FLOWERS tt · a vrv at~ AI v . r 1:•.! . ..-:ltt 1 • .,.,IPna P"'•l"1" "''"r" ••or..-k~>ol jol.ot l••l llt "• II' llut.lmni f-lowf'. 'lnool hi• r•rontroan) '' t.:<~l>1 m•• :-1• •• .. mtwr dt'. Oct', $2000; Dr_. M . D. Crawford,lvaJ .. .....o at II""".,~~ __ ... 78 ~-1•. l""m t1f l"' .W1t.th hUJt Thura-"' w .. _.. ddl I un.o ._,.....,...... ,_,-reu raJIGL ''"' "' 1,r Jamf"tt IA'tahman. &a>~<>-l'"''lll•·n• "' tho· rumr-,;ony nnd mu· .rbo·lll foor "''" o•ontracl"' for Ncl\') ee ,...., nm acr~ aeveral a I on to orttct', 11500; .F. E. ~ti&l buildi toC·•·- Pfc. ,._...n~ J Kr-1 'au( II lt>r·'l~ 'f't r rr.""'"" \\'alter . Frana. IA'Uf" ""' r-..·luto'<l b) Mr JIOIN(' liar bor tx•YII 81nct ht hlld bem l«<btnson. pragt• a partJlW'nt I np --~ S>4.76:l. ter or Mra ~,....,, r l' K ...... 1 ,.1 ''"1' l'u tor t:mrntu• o• thf' f'&Joa -.. tlt•·tu l •· Ill•· • oomJ1tlny, and Mrs. hur 111•t whtot type is not dt>eidt'd away, thr lllllt belnR' &:abee Ray $1540; J. 0 . and Merit' Dixon. ad·! ''"'"/\ l'r•tllbvtf'ri•n rburo h II b B t 1 .. 'tl t _, .. _ g 210 Jl!:a.l I SUI .:~t flu r~c .. nt lr Fr ""' \I" \\ ·"'"" u hard Jr .. '" \ o·l Till' 1 o·putr work bein" am t w tb whom he a~nt much w on o •~'""'nee, $575; William_, G4~1fH-) Ta.Jlt'n IU wl)llt' on a vacation 1 1 d d 8 ......_ .. t1 In H 1 1 o ----t .._. ,._oled to lhr rank ,.f cor· IJr \\ ·•''"" 111 •hilr nn ra...,.., ""''' h) th•· N.ovy hR!-groWn t o 1 me ono 11 u wbtle awaltJnc ~ • convert prage to tNod 'pora1. 8be *" a drrlr at t:n.tlatrd at ~an Juan Cltpl•ranro, bf' wu 1-10111 I 1.11 1. '' < • of C presi~t. Jar~::r•r proportluns than WIIS first trans portation to the mainland. mum, $633; William Lamben, ad I M~n·a 8rbnol at t~ f'ott WOfl· lllk"n to • Paaadl!na hnspltal Rr•pr• .... ''"''"t.: tho• Mrpt'rviiiOr of t•XIJt'<'tt•tL 1 Wu ldt there on Wedneaday by dition to rt'11l~~. S1~; F~ P .-JIIIA.J P~ -lh. :or J f'.aatnh ~tpal ~ •twr. be dHoct. He bad been coo-.hqotouthh"~ ott Tf•m1fnlll bland 1 In JIII""'"J: tht• work of South l ahlp and tht rollowtnc day Ray B.)n('k, addition to rt'!!idenct'·.··l C)' ,_.,.~ C)j 'l'ta1fttac Crntu n• tf'll with Uw Pruhvtf'rlan "··r• 1.1 lt.t~ l;r••• "'' 11n<l Lt. P. il.1 C"ll'1. Lt I hrrmt•r tuld that In the received word hla leave would be-11000; D. E. Colt"1118n, l'fti~ • httr• h In thllt c:lty for 2.'\ yean.. . ..o f l"''>nl"' Ant ' M i Edward t.ltadM tnrm.t :WHalloo ~\Jnf!ral llf'rvaa w ill bt-hf'ld at lla1 n~t·r ... ~·ontl~lntr,l hy Mra. In~• lhr•-t.' ARR's tJfl'l>t'nted to the come er ectlve Immediately eo he 1 ..... vvv; onto art nE't, rt'SI '-taldac bla "tfo,..,l-tralnrnr at Jlarm••t' ( :"\11') nu fla~ t'Vt•n so minutE' lrat no tlme In nytnc home and d<·nt·.-· $2000; JVathryn Macl«>!t· i I UN u 8 . Na•al Tnllnlnt: f'rllt.er ttl.-l' ..... byt•rian clwl'<'h Wednee-In tho• p11•1 ,,,. ·······monln In t'lll)ltl 1)1• round by t h(' Inspection wu bere to met we-much to Zit•, foundation, I~; 1-w . Milt"~::' I Gl'?&l lAAIM. Ill. •In\' """ t , at • p.m. ,· .. nno'('f l(on IA't11t tho • lllltn!'hln~'!l of l'llllHH I\ft't' who j.:O over lhl.' craft lht tatter'• aurprlae. caraae. $400; Hal HallJole, add.l ~ ,.. __ Boyd Rofworta ~vttt. aYen\M', Nnrport O..Cb. th•• o\lrtraf1 H•"•"UI' Boat" .havt' I Itt• '"11y with a roue-tooth comb. jtlon to &araee and s_torage, 11:500 -ott Mr ,.nd llolna BoJd ftotwrt.. )fra. WUIIam G. P\lllrn ..,~ ho···n of M'<'"nol.tt' tmporlant'o' and U I :rrene aald that only thAt day [Amr>l Boldman, rl"StdfollC'f'. $2266, 1 ,._ ~ bla lllltW lnttoctrlna-1\iontot~ at a aturll llbOWu at Ult! t ho· holth hll\• -.l:rlt Into thl' wat~r l hl' uti I('(' on T•·rminal Island had • Choice Recipes Pt'h•r F. Buedmer, l"f'Sicitna-, t6ult at Uw u.s. Sa•~ Tralnllll hr m,. .,, ltln. May Buckland. 1110 "1111 ro nuntmolltl nr fnnfanr~ Thll n-..·, 1\'t-d un::•'nt n-quests for mon• $1680; Harold U. ~am. chicken emc-. a.-t Lall-. Dl 1 R.od1at.n 1C.Nrft. , lira. LltUe hn" lio·•·n n•'<"'"'·"} ht"!'ause of thf' or tho• '"'"II Ptcket Boats built (By Winifr-ed Barbre) lhou!l4'. St64 50; W. A Eilts, rt'S.I· A. -.._. .. ......-_, at ~ttl e...,'n~ .. co-hoeteaa. '"luf' tho• Nt"' plal'f'~ Ultun Ow 1 ht•ll tn tht• h11rbor and h~ tt'lt df'nc(', Sl232: F. R. flnch. n'51· .n ... ar.a.-r a'll'ftlue. tur Pttr . .act )Ira I':Yto,...tt 1. 8pu~~ard. 182 rno,truNII>n nnrl ••'l.~larit) ol ~ l tho~1 rlt·mund lor the larger 63-lt. Alter a laPM ot aeveral -k.a denct'. SS2300: ~D. Anton. con· I IlJa w.a.r ltiAawell I )l:.~l& a v..-. wa• 1 ompf!-hvo·r) or tho ... , highly crti~M<nt t)pt' would probably follow, so our w lumn. "WbAt'a c6oktn•" Vf'rt storBgC' t o dwt>IUne. $-100 ADA a-aw ... bUUdi.Dc' a t-"''" A :-~n Alkn. lttl&ny lovrly toutlt ''" a pn•hwtton hnt' baaia, lrr'l fur South Cllll>'t company name. "Cholc:e R.ec\~"--and we J W Baxtf'r, addHion to dwt>llinl • FOI MEl a~ .IOYS • I Dlra. Adrl. G•Ml loa l!lalt&A r .rnt,.,: •llh a 111«t1 tllb. uwc-r by ''""''I' and ;,, t hPY han• beftl thrl1 1 hL' C-36<!91 may not be thf' appeara acatn, but under a new• J.P. Sutherland. n'Sidenct'. 11680; ~ ,......_ ~. at .. jtt.u ...,,.,... ~. and btn~eo ho~ to make It juat tbAL S1000 i;;;;;;~~=~:~~:~~=i:~:iil::~~l::i:===-:1 ·· ·' th f St I All of ua have,.... reel,_. trom ---------7 ... ~~ ::·~t;\Wtlt: :::=-'' ur th.-Police Recover olen Auto·, aomethtnc ... ~ie .:-;;,lpped ,:---------,...,_. I w .. rlt rod --· at lhe h<lmr ~ CTioV}' to &ll elAborate "por-1 FOft INIU .... NCR £ P 8 7 C IE •-c II 9 Bod 1 c:uploe" cake. and many of 118 .n-" ~ I £ ot .. , ~-.. ~~ w~:!0t,do, -=~· Leo an· o s Pa"llered _,.. -·~ .,_ ... u ....._. 1 joy worklnc out ldeu of our own. Howard W. G.riala Ill SIIGIT Ill t fW , 1 sometlm~ achie\'lne 50m~thing • • • Mn. R&JI* Vlele .ntertAlned , An outbn·ak ol thlrv~ry oc:curecl Lo\ W . 1 outRl&ndtn~r In the culinary lint. 1 2111 W. Central Av•. . ..... II and II ArU--· ..._h _._, ~~~ • BacJeue J.l of 1737 Bed· Thta column, therefore t• dedt· WE 8PaU..UZa .. CANNING PIU1IIB ......... ANNOUNCEMENT OPENING JACK'S BIBER SHOP Ladies· Hair Cutting a Specialty . Aa.,,., •• 'a&~*_ ...... .., ....._ Neapwt lMI 121 Man. a ... Balboa bland, Catif. r ra. -~-,""' wa ..... OVf'r thf' wl'rit Pnd, with purlolnen ford lltn.'t't, Los Angel£'5.. w~re ca tt d to aJI who lUre t~ cook-: and Mn. LttUa Bell u r.at o1 gasohiW' ..,adJn.: a~ to nwnben. hooked on a ch.arg£" or vtolaun_g ml!n too. for wh•n a man c•otc" ,..,U at ller .._. -Harbor whilr thl' t~rt of a car from ott-nty ordinance N?· 530. and lht>lr ~ Ia apt to be very Cood at 11• 1 boWf'Yanl. '"'> f11nl Ollvidgf'. 9;10 Udo Nord. part-nts wt-re nottf~l'd. . and baa hla own pet r«IJ>H, JWil Newpen .. ach, Calif. I• 1 Mra RaJIIIGftd Braun of f.:v~ • ht>nt1r'1.1 the list a:-to monf'y value. Oona ld Douglas Jr .. r.t-portetJ tht' u -we women do. And how' a 1 ton. ru. t. located at lhf' hom• of Tht> rar, a black '41 Studebak•r t hdt or a Gt>rman Utcll camera., about ahar•n~ r10me of thOIIt reel· Automobile Accide~~t • • Fire Life OT Marxal"t't C'rawfonl, 222 Eallt NIUpe. ••a.• n•porll'd stolt'n from c~ and WHton light m .. t er ~>llht>r 1 pea! W rttl:' tbt-m ln. or call up. '"th lltntft. llbe '-Orancto county tn front of thP Onvilll!«' hOfTif' at 1 from hi~ boat o~ from his car, To stl\rt orr. here Ia aomethlnr Ucf'nae and Contract rtosw-ntaUYe for Ulf' v .. nua n'cltrt•k Mondn} momtnj::. At noon parked IH lht• 1\;r•" JlClrt Hartx~r 1 which ~Irs ('harlt•s Pfl rter jr ,.,r. Bonda Wrttt.eu 1 llf'nrtnr Aida lin ~ II • toW.o.} ~J~.•Iit't' hnd lucntcd the car Yu(•ht club. l tgtnated and aerved for Sunday :---------------1 I I Canning Peacbs GET 1'1IEII AT DU'ITON'S Fruit Market 17S-I Newport 111\'d. Costa Me.a marin... ot Aubum. 45 mtlo•s ttl)f')~'l' Sacn1· 13ob Calli~> of thl' Gcnt•ral Petrol· 1 night supp4'r It \VU new. anti ' Mra. I!Awrman SalU>r will enter. mr•ntv. rum mat'tnl' gall ~11t1ton l't'p()rl€'d GOOD. '----------------------------- lain mf'mbcrw Of lh~ arl.ll ."nd On•·m~; 1hr rnt "''"' William snmt'Oilt' h11d Ulken S60 from the Hot Maearonl Salad I ~ -~ ._ RADIO 1natta RC"Uon or tbe Ff'lday Aner-Evan~ :mrt c-;.-Qr.:o· 1 llllm:111, local rash registf'r. 1 ·~ cup 118tad macaroni 11 I!' • ,--11,. 1 -~ al ller .._. tD Twit tn h<•y~ C rlolhJi m hus a mf•tltt a.l die-ChariC!! W S tork, RDutt• :J. Co-1 Tl)ap finely chopped otuOD I / • SERVICE u-. "• ... Man-..... ....,._. .. ..._ r:IHt .... ~,.. Auf:. 16. <'hars:•• rtom lh•· Mt>rchnnt Morine. rona. drov«' down to Nf'wport for a 'J hnnfhoill'd f'~l:"' sll('('d ('} 'tc;, _,_..,_ ott Ule Volunlf'er Fire 11lt') ai'J• '" tho• •·u,tt'lfl) nf Auhum filhtn,; trip but lo't ull hi." !'QUII.r 1 medh1o1 el:teri ·dill plckl,. r ut ~ lr~ ._.,. Burl R. Norfon f'lorartm•nt Au•Uiary •·Ill m ... t l)o'"''' anti C'htd Ru\\lnnd llodg-n.nt, whtr h wu~ tak··n from hi~~ fine · L~-~~~ ....._ !.417 Thul"'lday •••rune. A utr. 11 at thr I"""'" "oil ~·~null It tu hnn~ I hem car. p:trkt'<J un tht• ()('£'an Front. 1 arr:o ll touuatn ,.11t ''"" ~~"!.'4 II II Coa_•t IUclfi••J' ~f:WPOIIT BEACII ll• mf' t1l Mn. F.tnU CrHner, 17~7 I to•' Tl .. II 11111'"' t at for ..... K 1'· II 1-05 E C -----------------------------! •·" •·~ ~• ' u rt "'uyn~ . >li . • R$1 r·n· l'n01k nnourunt tlr:un ttnd ad1t N--bouM'Yarcl, }or a "'''""''' •t,on I lot o • 11~ tral UV('O t-..o thft t~ f I --..:--• ~ Ut', r•'JIQI '" • ~-s o ot 11·r tngreolrentll !'o•ttJOIIO w1th r01111t. I•• I otoll" oof :'.ont,o :0.\ontrn. 40 C ~1\J! o·uua•1n' salt p••prwr. n Hmro ll arponont nf ,-------,..----------------------..., t.lr11 t1HN11t Andfo,.,.Jn v.tll 1,.. noof, •I 11 •ol 1•1"111•1 tht• thdl nf Dr N 5 l "' 1 • • Up H 0 L s E .tt' , . P i\nolo•n.,n. :..6 ~--Jluy ...:1\\ 1) ' .,, ''f•lfl'tl •·tit 11111 1 T Ill G I h,,.,,.. at thf' m•etonJt of tit,. ' • "Ill I•·• • h·' I • riHI hi Htko I~ nont, 8nlboa ls lond rt·jiOI 1•'11 lt-DSjoo~fiO \'lno·~u r !llt'IC \\ ot h :! ~ , 1 \\'CT\J Thur.Cay. Aug II. :11 l~t•o ft I'll 1rt• 1,.,,. .111• 1t11 o11 ho•r•• tM bC' c1 S I II '· h••nu• (>0 n uv.tor •t~t \t, oJ,. 1\.' ... 1.' I \\ tl<iollf 'I". I. I IWt't'n ti.tn !( II tn 'un· ~""l"~'t b l;o l '''I•"''"·' ...... •111118 1"' F urn i tu re u phoJstered and It .. lUI 1\ JauJ:hlf'r fur Avtllt ... n ~lid\\,, I''\ "'·'" •..:•'1 •• r tho• , ... ,_ day I'V('Otnl: ,c.mo'ilno· t•ntt•t•ed thl' 0 w c . bu hf't'n arldo•tl u lrv•·l ~'or·~~~·~:..~~~~!::~-'""'"" ,,,,., .. ,,., l'•"a.:• :lt~ll :::: o7:'~~th"1~:!~~~~··~~-h~m;~ ten~:~·v,';,o~;~~~~~~·;,·~,;;u:~~,'11~,.uhl'~. Re paired ... \\' '' l'• 1111 ·•I •'' ''""' . 1 • l-•r1 •·rl 1111, Schic k eh'<'t ru· razor. 11atr or t nn bomemade lcr en• am and rtl••k '" · · -all work guaranteed .. :'\rl'o l"•rt ll•'a~h. r t 1 "' '"""~ 1 ,,. lll"" :rrtt\ •n~ ''' 1 ,, ... bardlnt' shu·ks, and ntnC' bOttk~ lcomplt>ted an euily rrtp!lrrol nnd CLAUUE A. JOHNSON Name Chance May ROom Newport Blvd. --And May Not Offl('laOy chu&tnl thf' .,.,_ of Nnrport A•~ taleo known va.n· nualy .. Nf'wpc>rt Rd . Ntwpon rnvtl anti Vlrtoria An.l muat l(·ll ·r.:•· h" l"otnol ~""''"ll'' h.ul !'n· f1 Scotch, Bourixm. r'Urn and Por· IIQtiafylng me>li.J fj ,, " th ........ a ''"IIIII; tltwll :llld turuese brBndy. -------T1le 0...-ew:r v-u.. ...... .,., ... &.....e-ta-- h:\11 ... lo •• ., Kl L:""''"' ul ..;ll' from Anot~r hOU~(' lf'fl unlockrd, • I .. ...,_ •• ,.w ., •• S-..rt ..... •l'v•·n r.oo~ r:~rko•d tn tlw ~·IIlii:<'. tlult o1 c. F. Axf'L<On. 518 s. Bay I Kl~lirro ta!\t!'S. motivrs, and as· 1....----------------------------..J :'\ooth•m: •·•~·· "a.~ di~lurho·d. ft'ont, BaJboe bland. wu ('nlerrd J)irattons arl' ni'CI'S:.nry tO tht• Frank Ko'll'h, 101 \'111 f:IHtlt Lolln and $7 in Cllm taken. fonnatlon ol n happy Anti pc>nrul· blo·, rt'l••rto'<! h• hllol l',lllo!h( IWf) nent romponlonship. bo~l' ~iphnntnc ~no;; frutn ht• rnr M(lcy BukPr Eddy Tllo' hll~ '· ltonAid E ;1..; milO of I Mesa Postorr.·ce I I 1163 llnlt ~·rl't't. L£.,.. An~··l•''· nnd · I • ~~;;;;;;;;:;~;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;:::;::;;;;;;;;;;;;~'wall unW ~nu along lh~ mAd I po l otu•n rur """h a rhan~er. C'l-.oanty Cnunr!lman Jorl E (}J1r hu In· I r ''""' ,.., I ttM' board ot au P" r""'" t11 Cafes Must Justify High Coffee Prires What Is compsnlon!lhtl) when' I Shows 21 0/o l nnthlng that Improve!! th~ lntr llt<:t . , Is communicated, and whf're the : GBl·n for 1943-44 llargt>r hr art contract !I ti!WII IIJ I I .Rubber Lined Windt Head n•~r~-•'•....._. ---~_ ... ,.._..,... ....... ....._ •np a -__..._... .......... ---v .... pa ' 4 r' I al o..t-.. -· .. ,.._ ........ ,.. .·~-Fii.~~ !?~!!! llr • nmr ..... •otlltpm .. nt ~ h•'1'1 ) "" "'.\UU In r 4lr'l • ) our ,,,.-n : HbRMEN FISH MARKET : = ON CENT .. AL AVENUE. '-IEWPOR'T BEACH ~----------------... ·····-··--····· _...................... . ...... . u .. Mid t"' Southf'm C'Jt.J:fnmla Trlrr hnnf' ('o . wblcb flnrt ,broufl(ht lh.. 'ar1ou11 nama~ to lhe .uper- ylalr1J' attf'Dllnft, bad hHn In· fnrmfld of th.. requlnorr .. ntll ""'' ' that It wu undforwtoo 1 jVtltlnn• ILN' twine prorpanod. I Ojtl" u 1<1 t'ounty ponlnM or the ,,_., arto df'llljOIN t'llhf'r ~rv.­ po1rt AYt'. or Vl t'tnr1a A ,.~ an. I !IIIJ'•rvlllOr Wlllltrd ~mlth M ill l hr nnr1hf'm n ttonalon nt th,. r••nd ,..,_ yond Chapman An. ta known u 'C"'nnw!oll"d <'any!'n Hd . lllll:f:•'4llllli! It mtr;ht be frutblt tn 1l<•11 ~:n••l• th .. o•"'lf'n8lnn lhf' fllllm•· Jt..• t '1• prtno tral JIIUt of thf' htl':h\11"\ f"Rn of tht' rotul carrt<'ll n ~t •ll' ht.:h•·a y. an,l thl' ~~ .. P1\'l!'l1•r: nf Hir;h,., "Y" tnf01m tc--l ttw h<•rll'•l lh"t aa far 1111 thl' I!(" If' '""• n •n· Ort)• <I lhf' olf'l"lt.'TI"t onn o•( :'\r"J"•r1 nh.! "''!>Uiil t)r lll't'o'plo•J hot • "''~ ,,..,. nlf'r" than ~J , .-nt• a • '~J' ar,. \'l••ht.t ;n~ lh• "'"" nttt ,,n. "111~ rf'lll.l\urant l'r" '"!! r~~:ttlt.· !Inn" If f h,.y ha\1• n .. t lolt'\1 .. lth tho·tr ·lo-.:·al lii'A bo .. ool• "· ,,,.,.. ,.t .. trmrnt• "h''"'"£ thltl ttwy t.:oq: .. •l thr htJ;h• r ~llt~ lor lhf' t' n · J "' (), looho r 1·1•1 11142 Thos n•1111 ro•ml'nt 1•f ttl" fM\ator ""'· "'II• I• 1•·•'<11111' «:f'f'· 11\o !'>l••n· •!·•Y Ju~ ... l t ''"~ ~~·•nh·d '"n to- ·" •' l'rr I I' T,\\'lo 1 \11',\ rrwt •,w· It .!'l II' .ltt.4\\t t t• 1t4 \I rnl 'f\So td t; 'ft•ffl rt fl{'l'l' 'I ' t l"' roll ol ~ ·'r't•'ff' ,. r () ill'u.l 1 n•. T , \ , ~.•1 't 1', t• r ~h· '" • • ,,. h , HI •·.,: • 1-' 11 ,,_. • ••nt •\\ rh r 1, .<It r t ''" .•1.•:·· •:. \\ ~-h I 1 ,,. I,,., ~ tn l \~:t -•~llo•f t 0 _,, I I d I ' I '"•t I lhP modf'l and dimension of the 1 --'---srnallt'r! ~ Landor eo.ta ~~-·a poet offlct re-~ :-------------.. ee1pt. made a 21 percent gain for tJ1e ft.eal year 1943-44. acconltng Quality Lumber to lira. MaRl CUI. po•tmlati'Qa,l Stamp aalea amounted to $22.-aDd eeT ... uCHded by 55.833 44 the -.Je. or t.bf' pl"f'Vtoua flaca.l year. BuildiD1 Materials Sale. fer ttre quarter wrrl! $5,-, ~4.38. . • Durtl\c th~ aame quann, April COSTA • ....,SA 1 to .JUDe 30. money ordt're writ-1 m£. ten amounted to $58.1111.89, and LUMBER CO. I War Booda In lh~ amount t'lt $18.- Sd .TO were aol&. ~ltlon, ft. E. HOSTETLIEft I $22, 803 •·aa depoelted In \clc»ta.l Phone 48 ll •nnp ac• outiu. '-------------..: .. I ················································: . . FOR BUILDING INFORl\tATIOr\ • I -See -ALPHA BETA'S ADDITION; MEETS PUBLIC ACCLAIM : ;l \ ph I I ~ t .I ' ,. Bay District Lumber Co. WALTER S. S PICER, Owner $18 Sbt~ Htghway At T he Arcnu Newport Beach 1150 • ~, ··''"' 1 : .............. , •................••.............. ----... -.......... ••I• r \1 • I • II,, • •• " .. BALBOA MOTOR CO. '700 E.lla)' "'''e... Balboa General Automobile and l'larine Repairinr. Marine ElectridanA Availa._ ·· Body Wn Refiniahinc " •' \1 ' 1\. h \ • ' q •• •'' , ... l \• I • .., ,. 0 'lol l"1" h, .. l\t I fl rho· "''"' ',., •• , ,., 1111• of toolt H'o•nt JuJtloltt·~· It' ho omo•ol ,.,•tltnt: ""' '. .n..:. ,,nk, ... , ·'" .tttl:tt'll\t .,, \\ ,. I•" •h·· nto•,11 f\lilrko•l. \\ l11o h 1 ; r • I 'trl• t o•\'••r lh Rlllrh Rntn•ll • '\ 1'h<'t•' ni'V' -... (t<t•t .C>f """ t11•pl" , ,1 nL"''' tlf'Ciflt•c (';ut('!" fo•r ~~~h ''t"' • i•••\ , , .• '· 1. arnnJJ but nlfllpll•lr di'IJ•'•Pt"'".l ,,. , . , ·1 , , • '•' ,I d.pArttni'TIJ <'am.1ne "" k md• .. r .... 1 p; , .. ,., '" •1'"'"1,. ,1 ~ .,..f'd flat\ and ITW'aU .. "'llttc1~ "'"1 ,.,. ..;m.1 !,, , 'nn~o:r;oll.l t• ,,1 1 ~, J\ ~ Sttlno£o' r.•ol•'l ,<\l••o 1111<' at • Pl'~"<••nl'• I' I• ." ,, ., 'I• I • I tr .... •·1 ,, ,, o·oRDON B FINDLAY .('OSTJtM'TOR and DI'11.0F.R MAINTENANCE ANB REPAIR Ol R srF£1.\I.TY Cabinet Shop Ser,·ire Ofnte C'A hfn .. t ~hna• Mlft ('.out IIMI. 4ft'7 3nfh ~l Plloae 41! ..... UM-1 Ml:" POilT BEAOII. OAUP" l .. , TheY are patiint about waiting because tltose Long Distance cf(lls mean so r:nuch A soldier has to line up for a lot~f th;nqw hut we don't like to see him w&it 'Oo long for a Long Distance call. Would you mind helping a little by aaving the wires from seven to ten for the HIY· ice men? That's when thousand. of 80ldien rush to the telephones at the camps and we'd like to gtve them first call on Lol\9 DMt•noe luy War lofMia ffw Vkfwy IOUYNiaN CALifOaNIA IUIPMOIU COMPANY •• a .... .__ t: ~~1M I \ . ' 1 I ' / NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIIlES. Newport R~ach, ( 'alifornia, I How Red era. Home1 8eniee Bureau I Fundiona LITTLE THINGS ... about the stars i I. MAU'LING MAPLES the • • ~Wh e n 'l o ur 1 Back Hurts - I I' ~===== I &wlln~ ot t.be Mlud Dou.,._l lilt: I ~noll\ ••lul\1 ll"n"• f,,, 1 hi' ~e which playa Jl"rtclay _... 111'1<>• ~~·•·3 to• \'•1 llllhl,.mtsn I nlnJ at the Balboa PavUlon ~.,'ll'lttt 1 ... ••n· nt Z~t nn,l eh•• •'•• lng alltoy. enct.d lut week, wtta bolo\• ht,.,lt ••rtf'11 folr tlor _. .. .,.,n prize mont-y a .. ln J Oh\C lo ,._.. '1\'lti• '··' t'llla ~hf' I• " noo•1nlwr No. ~. ot :-.;,, I ll'~tm, whic-h llllhl• th>lll TAfti.F.C'LClTH MTIIATI'.cn· -re... tiMo ,....._._,., ,..._ f'Oilfl'r o rranlaed UlrM moatha -.o. pia.· .. wtlh 11 •rono or Z\1\:! ~. • ,...,.. .,1 ,.,._ \\'u 1 ..... ,... ...,..,_, ... ..._. ... ..._ .. ,..,... ...... f.•r u.. thf'rt' are tol,t\t tf"&ml of rnixrd OO•I j'llll'•• Ia hl·ld by N•• il Inn~ Url ..... r ..,,.,"""'""' WH'f' ...... _.., ..,.._ .... trtiMnl .. to th. pn• I doubt ea. Wlnntnr t.eiUII for t.ba. IICIHIIq; ::~Oi 1,.,,. ... ,... ,...., .. ,...._, c. __ ..,.., c· .. r,..,. \\'a-n, \\lilA: w~k U1 team No. II wtlb hiP l.f rml,.·n ut T.am N" 1 au 111 t•......W..t OUM-A ............ KaroW t:. lltlrl• of liNt IAM'k ..... r .... wnu for t.be --..on ot 2241 plD.e. ~.. t • !Iuffman. Val llt.hlrr-pa .. ,_ • ...,..,_..._ ......_ Tlwo _...,... .... ....,...,.,_, .. U.. ,_,... I topplflC" Ute blfOI eerlM formerly lll&o. """ J llhloll'rman To·1u 11 ::-;,, ,....._, ... uwtl'" of l"wtftr •·-• wu ••rtl•n ~ lllf' fall ""''",....... Newspapers in ~rman Prison .. Camp Appreciated N ... conc~rnlng the world elt-~ uatlon. lnBOfar ae ~rman cenaor- ..Up permlte ita dta.mlnatlon. Ia the IIUb~l ot keen lntere.t w I Allwrlc:IUI pr1110nere of war 'ln 1 CermiUI pr\Jion f'llmps. accord1ng to lntormntion rf'<.:f'l\'f'<J by P A Palmt-r. chairman nf ~hi' Nl'wport ~ach.Bnlboa War "C"llcst. from \\'a r l"'ri~nPrlf A I I. Y M C A . tbrou;..h Utt> l"ntlunal War Fund 0( whlt ll \\'ar l"ruwnrrs Atd Ia a memb<>r agl'ncy. A ••tn>II'U m rl!JIBgl' r«eh•f'd by War PnliOnl'ra Aid f rom •la Gl'n· noa bt-adquartera wtatu th:lt ··eo- caDl'd newerooo:a" made available ON FRANCE PRONT-Afft~ t.iuw '-"'iac, tile Inc Brititll. u oepe - at var1oua prt110n campe a re great· c.e. ... ''"' ~ twct dtief French peuio11 .. ho "''" oil the til\ '• ,..,_ ly epprl"CI3tf'd and are •'-itt-d dally t.y bundreCs. of prt.onere •ager lo It-am wbatner newa Ul re:'--! coocem.tnr WOT1d affaire, 1 8aid t.be re:port to Chairman Pal-J ~bout :10 per cent at t.be prt.on- 1 ere at t.be lar&'m German pr;.on camp an tN.lly enpced In lltudJM and prepar1llf f« aamin· at6ou. the re:pott .tated. Ia t.be I&OCUace ca ..... German. J'rencb. ~ Sp&DJIIb and even Nor· wq1aD and Jap&~•ne an beift& Building Permits NllW~IIIT •EACH u.t -211 ............ 23..,,0'i4 1ltSI -40.'\ . .... 4t7.440 1131 -)Z3 7&41.081 ·~ -"-3 008.ot0 ... -)48 ·-· . _ ........ -t11.137 l J .. ·-~J . ·····-········•·· "f1,74~ I 1 ... -~2 ... . ..... .1.040.1%2 1Ml -41f9 .1.221.4&. 1M2 -3!0 2eO.tM 1943 J~ .. 1~.~ ~ Ul3 b ... -. ot at•llf'4•W at tiMo ...,,,__. ~..at ......., wtll nft41 ._..n of .._. hf'ld by team No. S Wit .... -2, lt•'l•lc lna a n,l Lutl, Tram No :1. ._..._., .......... , ......... Pu..tilc .. _, u.. ..._.,... fw .at~o 2207. N. Frv. H 1-~y P F!lratt an.ot A .......... ,_r Vembere ot tbe wtnnlnr ~ ~rg.l Tr~tm Na 4 h twll 1. t.-...b In rutn•l, 1 ,._..111011' ,_,.... Al'e w. AAde,_ 0( But& Ana. Horkln' tot F'!llt& and " •'•'Itt..: Stat r M. d I "ID It• dfurt to p,_,.,. and ........... on• tl&n7 HopkiM ,. with an &Vf'f&l'e of 142.t : Howard 'ham l"o 6. .. Nie&.on I) Nlrl· e 0 ID I ~~ the toud tnr the alcll. ~wd a brand·n-.a.ctm ,. Hmll•'le of Lacuna Beacb, roUial .w~. II !'lpr1n~t" and 11 C'uy ... r . 1 • .._ ~tal pttrmptod lo pur-l trt1•rator for IIUI -e.a.o Ia an ••erace of 147.4; lol. Hall ol No. 7 tl'am, M ll•lm-. ll Rroylu . Ohl{•'• Rl'f"lbllc'an C"o.;:n-an c..._ • now refrt.erator. · • · It C.<qttown .... 1 aa Jlad tw Santa Ana, averactnr lM.t . aM 1'. Jlttrhc-nf'k and K Httcht'oc-11 , Alvln f' Wtl<'hf'l 1ut 1M n-flll...S out an •PiollcatiGft Ud -l loolr Uorklna a. not ........ t. who la trMaanr ~ t.be ~~~bled 'Tatn :O.:o ~ R l.Nc-h, L l..t'a•·h fllf" fiVI' mtnulH It to wa•t~on · · I talll.cl <'\It hla Ice Mda cia)' "'-\M Ooubl• aad a cOMI&aleoUy n.. 0 . Sn•tt and ·a' Scott . 1 .. ~r !1.-krr. fnr a JTf'•t many I wtlb U.. ..-.ric"Y MN, but cwu wa terw of the 1~ tlul. ...,.... bowier; &Ad l.JIUl Watk.U. ol La-. --I y ... re thfo On.td l'aa>U1laa u.-t.Ndl Nfrtaerat«a .,.. DOt .. lh•'-. ~e .... k la .,. clllltrtcl runa Beacb, ro01a& -••erqe ol Tn run11nate upon I'YII•. to make I pi tal lD my dllltrtl't bu •rwed taw~ allnUf>\1 '" ~~ fHI that lhe ekk and ...,.,_ ta 181.21, Wbkb a. t.bo blr"-t a.-. mUral notee upon ln)lln• and publk' h8ltb by c-annc f• tllw "'I ..,_ It .. co&4 oa L&lle E rie ~taU! lllwluld be Jt•• a ....,...... ace held at t.bo .,...ent U... Ia be too uute In their appNbe~on. alck, t.he t.am. aftd the lllflna. a nd th• ho•pttal ..• wou&d 11101 "'-erat.or." lbe le~. l.JIUl .. a ver)' a· .. to add unto our own lortur... I "IUrtnJ the pa.tt tw .. ,...,.. at• fa· wtU"'-to havf' -10 out ceptJonal bowln wtt.b a form all to fMlh•r Uti' arTOwa ot our ,en .. : <'IIIla. havr bHn laA..cl to tiM I '"' t~ hllf' uwJ daop out a cake bla own .ad a Y«Y UDua&al &P" IDMit, and to reeoln to alup I\IJ I ulm-t &Dot the -'K•nc ra· ot k'f' .... b 11Ay llowner, t bere .... --- '""' man who few part)' f~ rictlt~ .-cbm, and Ow armed ballaUuna ol Clod ~ proacll lb&t &a r.&Uy worth wal.elll· mOft Sir "nlomu Browrv tr11erator , lllle t.bo claecae'• _, .. a llhor1ap ot ID&IIpoww ...• l.n&. , bone aha)', bu wom out. . ~. •Mr. 8peU!er, With UUa ct.a1aJ ~him. W...U PhiW ... • Laat nlsht, you huried your head ln my ahoulder and whia~red aome• .:11na ln my ear •.. !OmeL:aina about .waidna for me until I come back. Well, ~rlin1 ••. I've been think· lnl it over ••• and I cloD't want you to waiL Waitine•• nor helpin1 .•• and I Deed your help if I'm ,oi.ne to be hack aaf« 'and 1 o n. U you reaDy want to help you,. enid« in the W OI'Mft '1 Army Corpe and be an A1t Wac. You eee the • more women we haft baddn1 up the IUYI• like me, who fly W.., che 100ner will aU 'of ua be ~lc home ••• the aooner we'D IUrt puuin1 our .., ~-· Worlll•t Willie s ... Wolh .a ···• .t-at hH ..at ............. A~ Watt .. -11M c__., a.-u., .t.aJ ..... ,_ IM ,.,.., Air , .. ,... ... wUI ...... .._. ....... Ioria •..... 4 -~ -· Th&t A~ Wee &t a c-trot ..,_ ..., ••• 41nct1•1 .._. .......... ., .... Don't wait for me-work f 'r me! Ilardi ~:~!! atudled, and tb... camp reference bookll and ph<JDOIT&ph•. :t:;' 12.727 library. etocked .. ·ttb book.l pro-Contribution• made by rutdenta 1 vld~ by War Prwonera· Ald. Ia ot Ne~port Beach a nd Balboa to cheama into blueprinta. ~ There are over a hundred and • ry different jobt for Air Waa in Atmy Air Forca. You can clo at leatt one of thtm! Don't waiL Walt· ine iJ worllina for T ojo-<lip and mail the coupon now! ... BeriMt .. IM .. .,. ""Jolt &t l'tl'kal el .... UO 41fere•l ...... 11M AAF .. ert .. al•·•la4e4 •-• who • .,. fot Yk· 1M"? tcMiay , •• kiJcl Ur .. rt fCH 1-nrr-. ~)' 1~:= ueually crowded with younr oUI·I the N"'JlOrl Beach·Balboa War cere enp.ged In atudy. Cheat help the California Wad . ::a;ue:!ber 2~:~~ M olrt of .th .. ml'n at StalaK Lurt Cheat finance the War Prl.eonere 1 Octobo>r 13.940 Ill are "very young. cultiued and Ald. C"llalrman Palmf'r t-ltplamed Nonmber 10.014 I (o¥1 m t\"1 kt•('Tlly thC' lnflul'nct• of t ~ . -···-·········· .. ········ 16,160 captivity. with the tlrat two or Total .............................. _.1(2,327 1 thrf'l' munlhs thf' m' 11t trying I " Janunry Ft-bn)ary )Jart.h )lay J unto owing to lbe audden c-hange from 1944 rr.,•· llvtn~r In hort>dnm anrl <'On·' 116 ~ f•nem<'nt." aald Ult report. Among 18.7to \hf' artwl•·ll 1111pph1'd hy WBr a.cb •one-A.-De)'" bren4 a8.l7) l 'nAQnPrs Aal. ltlo3e m<utt appre· ¥1UntiD A encl D Tabid i1 4~:473 nst<'d al'e elf'<"trlc light bulbi! for • -..J•el•af 1.11 Vitamin A and D 73.431 th(' lhratcr and lftttdy room•. r-t••7 fD OfN an4 o.n•·hall ,...pooa/ula ol Cod Li·ur Oil •••tiDI mlnlmum Unltecl I te t.. PbanDacopeial Stan-BALBOA PAIIT STORE Now in Their New Location With a Compltte Line of Surwin -Williams Products * ._... . I A eaUiclent 1upply of theM ... llnportuat •itanUr.S II II ••nusry for you • it la for .. dallctr ... FOU CAN INSUR£ ade-..-.letalre f• you anclyour lllili.IJ ~ ..... , to lt that eecb • t 1 r ..,_ e •One-A-De,.. "1''ltMt eftr7 ..., . A UAD l MY I AU Yll TMf C , I ', • ...,, .Pt • I -E. Bay AYe. Balboa, Ph. t 01 .............. <1., ..... .......... 3, ------. ·. Put your head, your banda an4 your heart ioto aomethina chat'll help mt aet this thing over with ••• help me 1et back to you and uv clreamll. N-,_ Uft lol• , ... w-•n'• A ... , c...,. ancl r•q'*uc duly with the A..,, leNka fCHua. Army Gro'*'"' ,..,,, • .,, or A""' Air f orcu . If y1.1u ••• bfl•••n 10 •ncl 49, ha,. tto dcrcedrnt chlloJrwn '*"d.' ••· aed. aN ROt now emplooyrd Jn • •lUll _, lttdutery, ... 11 •h• <oupun loohy. SU: AIY U. S .••• , IECIUITIII OffiCE II llAIEIT AIMY ·All fiELD .BE A OUR . . AR:M\' AIR FORCES 11 .. 11tt1L Wll eeu111 •.• SM, •. ,_,./Ill • -~------------------------~--, r AIK \\'A(;. 114 t: ........ n lll\tl. I l .. nnl' ~h. f'~tllf. l'hunt• r,f11.22 o r flll1-fMI l I -t.dwem thtr qa of 20 and 49. Me..r wnd me your -,a. 1Maok.1ort o1 Air WIIC. inlotmatiOft, "65 ~ ,_. AeM • .._. WM:I ioa tM A1.t Air Forta ~· ~------------------------- ~~--------------P•-. ~~~------------------~NoM~--------- This Space Contnbuted by·-Wt~ST COAST 1• ACKI-NG CORP. ~JOng Beach, Newport Beuh L-----------------------------------------~--~ • . - .· ,, . ~· -· . .. t •• -- .. _ ... __ ,_.~~---~---...;___,..;.._ __ _.:.;NE:.=...:..W::...:PO:.....::_:_:R!-BALBOA NRWS.Tilii!S, Ne~ a .... California, Tueaday, August 8, 1944 I LIVED IN tiOMOLULU ,.... 'noU. U. liM llu...t ul a _._ vi U1klaa WMI'-fOil tt.. ....... W..e-TI-llr Mra. J~ wloo bu ,_ ~ fl">m a ,..., M4 a balr • ""'' 'Wllil• ,.. Oa)ou Mra. J.a...n .,.,. _..._ .. wt&a u.. orn.-. o1 u.. llllJtarr a......_. u.. u .. I\Wut. .. a.c..talt.._ C•-•u u•n ,.. daroodur of l1nt.ma IUOd ll"l.he.l\1 _,,~ t.J of Hawsll '" U.. '"'" Uf ~" UMS lta&la.h 1a ..,.., •-•n• ~ =-..,_, w<Att an (lrd.r 10 acc•pf a praffe....S a>ru(-lunal .. d .... nt• llkk qoa!n. AJI th~ quullona 1 ~ baa ~en uklnr; me t about UU. aDd !bat 111 HonoJI&Iu ba" bdped a lot In orcanlanr 8J ut..dd. I ahall try nol to llldp a ~ pilau ot my overaU 1 aal»jfd.. . . . Hooolulu. A.l I ~-' ltD tlaM mom~ IIOUle of t.be ~ aad 80Ur-~~ cn u -a-. fit aar ~OWl m&Anl&nd ....... bJ u.c-retun:Un,r tu ow MllaDdiJ trueD t.b~ .tat" . . IUD rtar tn my l'&ra aad I arru l DlJ Uldb ln lh~ re110h·c-to ctve I JOU _.. authentiC "lowdown" oo tbat nput«t J>ara<IIM ~ b~re I UNCI almoet • )'U r and a balf. Aa a matkr ot t_.-t .-ot lbe ~ WTIU,.. 1n Honolulu . . . wlto J "C"t t.o aay wu al.eo Ala· t..ma born u ,. ... I one:• ,... 11\Utl«d that abe would r;lvl' all til ... lea IM one Hooolu1u. Otb.ra I bawt a1d lbeft wu "nutb.lnr be"" 011 Uw malnland. Do you 1 llCl"M! N~ltmr did I AIWI y•t JANANCY I-TICKLE JACKSON ... HawUJ wanu t o ~ a •tall'' Auth-of lerlu of For1h• aght Much fit thia avowed lo••e for i Ar11clee Oft Honolulu And H••ulln HODOiuJu DO doubt llprir\c• from , ... ,d .. ~ ''bi,lf froc In a lltUe puddle"1 Subotlle• C&n IW'com,. v .. ry bllo: ... ~ ~" oo ·~ roclt.' -bodlu In that l•ud~ .. f"•li-:" ne 0011 ola .. ol A.eric:a •• f ... awJ ._.repaid II -..rity iD 12 .-1 ...wr ivth 2 • Clll ... ..Ia. 50S- ._ .. _.tla ... '-• I fduo4a .., ...... cq .................. ., .... t ,__., c~ec~wm-. y ... ~ anlllp., J 1 ~ 01' 8310 loa ~T ud without red tape ..... .., ......... . ••nk o{ .lmtrica NAT!ON.\f, JrW~ ASSOC1AnON ..... ~o._......_~ ........ ......a ........ s- INYUT IN WAl I O NOS AND HOlD TH[M UNlit. MAtURITY 11 tky ""lUI' to be41y .r~DU(b.l M18aAI Ia lbe I!UJLhy com.peU· , ~·oc a.od chaJJ~·~&· wbac 'l wwh1 ordinarily ~ prernt 41 COillblll • h~re 11. S4.' \H·M• n v.hn dulr't ha\~ • · Cv u Mnl v.n 10 II oOuiLII. t<!Uilll' aUo)'"'! I'••• ltlull~ n •Ul.. ~1 .... , nt Uh tth ... r KCUtef'J ~.'t..\d'-r•. "''' ..... ruu.., • AtAlJllah • ..J .u t.c.J,.,tl; r,. t th &,ttmut ,,, "th 1r tJ~ Uf .. J '"' • -=~ j, '·~) l• r•·turn •., ~r .. u·· 1. •th• ~ i ,,~,,. v. t •• , •··•P',. u • tru• • ,,tt HJ.sl r) tu :•,r)Cc-l .t, 1·:1~ 4i.li ttl•} m ~ "' 1ta.\ 'II•· .. .,. • Jtf•• r~ A•tl l'l 't·Llc..J J ll •.I•UUI •I U~o· ti~J>lllll lo A t. U J, • Jolt<• . I 4 f.eJ. j t •• .JI boJlok &f lJ,,•I , •· \}~ ;raL-L.... "'"" Mlhl •·' ... ru .... I ,uu.tl "'•' t.L.t! J n.t~n• ._.,,., •. l...., w "'' • ,1\furJ •' ' tlo 1 Ill jl ft # '1 to !u ........ .,,. b u ~.,.., '. ,,, f\t"t; .. Lfl rtu1~ UHI t,a '"' \\ hlOI ••I I•~~~" , ... , •• ,, '' f» ,, ••• , • wt n '"t."' l•..,,h ,.. U tbh:lj.li t\r 1•1 !!II ... I I t :t ~,IIIJ l I 0 ~ loo tt l I ,, .... ,,. h 4' &II l-'lh•i.J I• ._ ., .. U•J"" (JJ Uul 1 l,ut'•. •J aJ,.r ~''''''" r b .u ul k-1''"' • .t..: • a> I'" I~ •flU t..~ u. .,,.,, • 111fl• , ' '·' 1 t... II•' ... ·J ,· .1 •I II II ,.., .,.., 'ut :, I• t ·•· ..\ ' t I•• t r ttf'lN fff••"f •' J l••l' u.i • ''''onttfl••tt ,, •t •• t .•• ,. tt I \\hllr · ·-. f··rn. '"'' IY•n "' klt•lka j.:l,.•·f•tll v '''"It •· 1 lit• •n•n·· nr n \ tt l-. frr,m tht "'lt' •!'\t tfc".11'l41r • thf'"• ,,,tit d "''l 1 t 'J Jl tlof•t )'hU r•• fr H1 1 ',ut r HIH t•r N,.v.· Yur Lc run t• Af'f"'r hart•rn •~ ~,. u. tft•t, .. lt,lu drr•"'· And r,.m~mh. r '.\~ nrc n,.,., tAlk nt.: 10hou1 • luh m•·• llnl!ll cbun h amar t paM IrA an•l to> ron but tb" aw•raf(t' Alr,.tt ft lllrf', '•Ur bt>ys ... ,.,, .,m .. •l •lght ut WC>rrt'n •ran ng hab 11:1"'"" fii•W r,.- 1 mlndln.: th.-m .. ( ''"'"'" .w,.,.t hum~> )f.lln\' " frllnw Whl> lhou~:tit ' h.-ttldn•t llkr hata rhan~;t"CC hill HAVING taltm a 111bltalldai11Ut iD eiCOft· anc mor~ th.tn ll.OOO _..., YHHI .. urryanr on thr aeic...._.. ., 77.000.000 1oa1 of dudwi'IJtbt w..-. lr-Nor1h Africa acroee ~ At!Anuc 11nce the .., ....,_, the bo,. of the CaAadwt Navy hlle their u-... ltatee' .ulllftl broth· en. •~""' f«l that their ...... _pan,. ie compMie Wt&n. ds•J haw a pet • ......_ Abon, Ide, -8H • ..._,...,. ~ 4ut)" ...... wldl two iDeeperable R~tion Coupon Dates and Data CIT\' OF NEWPORT BEACH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS .luly ht, IIN4 to AJIIWit l•t, 1N4 I mind IJv thr tam,. h,. ,;ot bftck trt th,. rttatf'l .:n,f' rnnlltl\nt !IIJ;ht n( n• Wlnt; manr8. fll'&n antJ Oil! ~n d~an • all bfodf'cltf'd with lh.-Tot.a.l •-und,. IM'r C'll'rk on July 1llt , 1944 . iD«-vttabl«' hab..-u11• •·ould makt' H TJc )!\: ('ALf:SDAR-for pu· RY.Ct:IPT!O:-Ct•n!'rRI F\ind Ill ti J 1 2 1M4 F. L.. Rano'har t <"'It> Cl!'rk quit clalm d<>t-ds for: blm drfam of a bilt bc'autlful pte-H be nnan~: u y • : L.l>h 10 . 1:.! • 1:l Rlk 438 Canal Section $ 200.61 ture hilt for hi• IW'I't .:arl at homf' Wn Rat on Book 111 Lot 16. ntk 737. C.orona d(>l Mar 52.93 Maybe --~body b.u ~nt you Stamp !l:f! 1 oln "altplanf'" Lolli 4 -5. Alk. 538, Lots 3-4·5·14·16·17. a Cl'lllpe P"JWr 1«'1 frnm liunnluJu aht-t;t 11 Jll\lr llhMII-I'OOd DO\Ii'; nlk 4:1Jo'. C'11 nal &octton . ~ ~I nmo.·rr lf'i• a~ oo~ of rxp1rat1"n d.otr nrJt .e:. South C'coa.~t Co .. Rent on Central Ave. Prop. Ul~ publ..-ttv l'tMntt pulnt• and $tamp :'\n. :.! "" M~" So. C<thf Tt'l Co., Pay Station on Pirr . ar~ brf<rf' J(MJ 111t ~"ry tum. They abfft cl pa1r •h••H I-10011 now: J. t•.lft•(hack . r,•nt on dump ~rounds per ltlUe .. &rf' 8Nd at 1kyrnrketrd prku by uplratlon (.all' not Ht. Gro L.. llin,•r .. July r!.'nt on Pier as ~r INll>L' tel Ha•·aJoan wom~n wr arillg I NOTF. Tak~ took alonr to malct' Santa Ant~ Air &tse, Jui.Y .C'nt on ay frontnge .. ' W P. Karkpntri<'k. for <lty lntt•rt•st. "hololrUJII" \O>hl('b art' bl« nowtng purroo:\!Ot'.. I L·:! Blk. l:ul. Canal S('('tlon bnuRCoat aflalra Right alter lhr Wa r Rataon Book IV Donalcl w Oou~ln~. rent on I>k. 6 & ~arOJl<' •venth t~ lrl 'A'Omrn h~d for ~tamp !l:o. 30 I li I be. aupr • Roy S . Nt>lson July & Au~:. garbage paymt>nl~ 1tnod peytn« war jobe but elrfc~ 1:0. .J oow . t'Xplrutaon date DOt M't. Sralt> Compl'n!inllnn Jnsurun~ Fund -DividC'nd 5''11 (\4 332.50 15.03 5.UO 10000 125.00 45000 75.50 Ill> 00 1.2WR5 Hclnolulu mud. lt~P' up It'• r• lnr-StiUTp Nu. 31 •:, lb& "'CV' &miC(' Hu!lton t:t•a.<;an re-ntal on Lot 2. f'ul !"fput.aUon ttw-y wrrt' t11ld ln 1: uti no·". t''ll'll nllctn date not s;ot Blk. 22. N. P 40 00 lldl at th«'ir O'O'·n pn<-u . but Stamp :-.;., :1.! r:. lba. ..._.,., R. L Patlt'I"!'Ofl &·~t>r Supt ~wPr cc.nnC>Ct. 16521 .. 0000 ... ,. na ~ ~ ~ thl'y <io. If goc~ nnw. ~X'JllraUon dat. DOt J('l.l !: :: ~::=; ~11:ffr~~'::l p;~11~ng PC'rmt~ll 5.00 • a ctrt alr«"ady h•• on thrH :-tuup :'\(J~ 40 ~~ lbe. c:a.ntnc A. !\1. Nei!!On -Chimney permits 2.50 •rtnca I f beads, a tlutry rollar <W INj!UI ;:~X>ol n .. v. <"llplratloa date I A.. M . NC'lllon-Snl~ or .Zoning Ordinanct' 4.00 lorp»& l9 ......, her neck tlual February 28. ~~~ I 0. A, J~-Poll~ Judge-F1nes Collt-eted 524.50 mornillr; . Cltlll 011 come. tb~ Obtain application for a·aciiUoaaJ R. R. lfodgkin110n-8U~ineu A: Dog U~nse . 11,239.00 / Jet ... tf ah,. wante lt. nw wont I cannrng 1u~ar a• local OPA 1 R. R. Hodgkln~n-Ttx Coi.-TI!Ixt>s A Assess. Redfomp. color dull.-a dDn't bother any-1 b<l:ml•' Applh all n. wlleo tilled R. R. H~gkin:rtOI'I Tax Col.-1915 Act rull pald Assrss. body and many let. are worn J out. mullt lw •n nmpanled by F. L. RmC'hart All!l<'!'l'Or, unattach<'d Personal Taxes c'ay• a'ter tb~y abould ban been Spar,.. Stamp ;:-;-,. m•: rlod a • R-l-Palt!'I'!IOn Wal!'r Supt. R£-v.cmu~ Watttr Dt!pt. . nut In th~ tra.h barrt'l p.-P 0 . A. J o1n!'s f>oltct• JudJ:<' Trnrfac fmes . · • ---, DorothNl Wil~on -Librarian Rents and fines 1 It baa bHa a real plf'&IUre tru~ hut ah"""' thu~ far ba•e' Balboa nrunch nank or AmC'nca-Bond.o; a I'd Intt•resi ..,_ my return to deal with bu• bf-,., til~ 1•"1•1 •lrt.nkll to be tOIIDd Snle or Lnt!l C'i(y Property · dr lv~n 'A'hfl J~~Wak tM r;ood old on ••m,. .,( llnnt~lulu·a late after-Thoma!' C'onnrrs -Julr rent on House at Camp Grounds F.ncllt~h lan~ge lncrtn.d of a noon ""'' """"'"It btiiiMII -...rei South C'O..'I."'t Co. July rent on C11mp Ground.c; ·· ~~~~raJ Clbbenab at halt nothing ton 0 · ten bcl•·k ~t'at~ an-oc~ 1 Proper! y Owners-P;!yment ror Sl'w<'r and bait mMt anJtblar;. In Honn-1 by 1001,. nf th" locll.l boodlume Harhor '"''l' C0111mU ni)Y A..'<l<OC: Filling &ptlc lAnk lulu tno If a bua dravt'r wants .1 1 r 11 R L Patt!'rson £ngtnr<"r lncldC'ntal £xpen!lt"s on St·,Hr " '" s: ,.,. 11 v r,ttl<.. h1t1l columbia · to ... e a ball pme ... th~ bull .,.hllr Ul .. hus drl\·t'r tu,. a cleat TOTAL ,..,... .. 11 by ... ~ A!nptl to •~ It n r. lie wuultl ralher play deaf DISRt'll!ilt:Mt:ST8: If Y"U dnn't" llkr I:Jiuwobllll '"' lhlln hi> 1111.u k• •I hv lhl' lltUe C'urn•nl E"rwn~l' t'und nrr dut" at the! df'ntlst • Offll ,. hr· wn 1,. ·~ ~ v. h• 11 h•· 11 lhrou(b Park Fund what of II' ·111at ·,. Uonnlulu work. I Watl'r Fund llrr«-bu-• arc-crnwolr<l. U1M ~ In dl"lll~ "h1t'h ,, alwavl! dH· l..lbrnry f'und flflllt "" thrr•• 1, y•·l ~1, mu.cb uo-Adv~rtlsm~ Fund IIA I\1, laus;:h w1th me-1 moment ~pc>ctal ~-~~rt d over lh111 A I 11) l:"lrl, In Hono-c:;.c:;:,.~tson~ J«od!'mptwn hal•t ":o11 .orrun•••l t find out .that 19 15 Ac-t Al'-'1<'!\.~mC'nt · "'. 1 ,,.,..,. 11 to, .. ··~ Oowertnr M.l o. No.1 Aslll'll!!ml'nt JU:demption ,,,,.., .. \lrl•l·. •I rnlma, nlght A & 1 A.IL~~m~nt RC'dC'mptiOn 1·1·~ mtn~: , , ,, .. ,. and even Total FU!'d.~ ~r Clt'rk .. ,.,.~, """ n•···•nl t.." • '"" AAd bow Outstanding V. arrants $21 .416 4l • 45.141 :.!,4:\!J 9'l AAt7R 005.36 1.089 95 6.1.R90 64 1.855 00 7.736 1 I 1 090.00 167 37 Swia l1strHior Sap 58% War CanaHies D1e to Drow1ilp Urctar Newport Harbol' people 1 tt t.bey were capable, veraaUle to develop the .wtmmlnr tratnlnr 1 ~mmen before entertnc the eer- prorram bert'. VIUice Clymt'r, Red I ~·r. Crocker water Nfety cbalr· er.. 1\Ylmmto~r lnatructor, re. · cited the advant.agu of tbl• bay man for the local ~d Crou Ia at the reuent Red Crou boar I proj..ctlnj plana now for a •nea meetiD d I oJ awtmmln&' cla!•ee In Septem~r I · wber. all atrokell will be taurbt Mr. Clymer, wbo Ia auoclated IUid urra all to be lnteruted. wtt t.be lrWim trainlnr In IUid aro~d Sa.n Dle«o. baa been here ~~······-~~:'= .. .wlmmln&' t~ructor for thoe Red Crou counu being given ln . HI a ft&~He the bay under the. chalnnanablp 1 AI"A'-5 or F1r~ Chief Crocker. Tbe fact I A that the temperaturt' of the .water 1• · •UCM IUid the clean quiet bay are Ideal • I G for awlmmlng Instruction, led Mr. Clymer to urge that the high ~~ehool and the city ~ret beblnd an •IJ'I'ft,a 1tiiMG Immediate program of aquatic ln- elructlon. 1 "Not more than ftrty percen t of 1 the men In the .ervlce are capabl" , ewlmmers," eald Mr. Clymer, "and If more could lrWim maDy lhou- eanda of llvu would be •aved " He •tatr<l that eighty percent of the caaualtlee at e Cua Blanca l land1ng wrre dr 'llmgs. and that t In the. Paclf1c, he Navy. ~llrvea 1 I that fifty pe ent more men could be rHK'Ut>d from lhe water I! they could ju11t hold them1elvea up In I $427,183.99 15.382.t6 2,153.83 39.73 6.391.26 8.391.42 50100 135.64 1,642 57 watt'r a few mlnutee. Mr. Clymer pointed out that there le a dil!rrence in juet being t ablf' to awlm a crawl .troke IUid 1 be'na-able to lrWim what he calla functional · awtmmlng, Thla ln· I elude• proficiency ln Ule uae of a variety of etrokea. principally the •Ide 1troke IUid breurt etroke. And t.bl• proflcll!ncy brmg1 the confi- dence ~ry to prevent the panic which often cauau drown- InK when men are thrown Into or bave to jump Into t.be water. The oplnlona eet forth conclud- ed with the lllalement that t.be 1 anny aDd navy do not have the tacUitlu for teachiDg tunctlonaJ or military lrWimmlng to aU men ln aervk e IUid that many or t.be boy• wbo will be In aervlor In the next year or two would have a better chiUice to come home a(&in 4.m .50 1500 700.00 60.00 , 54.36 5.956 96 $479.743 :ul 101.973.36 1 $377,770 02 5.70 ALL SET for a rood full da,.. work whn a aarrlnr b•acl- a che aneab up ou JO"-You ad~ ud 10 doea JOV worit. ReadJ fw aa nalnc of ...SU: at ion and elljoJ111aDt-a peeiJ:7 huda(b• loterf-wiU. Jour t.., .... t. -.so~ .. n'na•k Anti-Pain Pms ll .. rtt•111ir aan.. • • • , I• o u t t.belr M ll'tll\ \'all·~ r 1 a}"" Bul t .,., Ill\• .. n "'" tar .. t o! •• , •·e amved • ,~ ·r .. ~ u u·.;,,., ~ •n 1' topped tbem Total Jo"nds per Treesurer $377.775 72 ' Rt'!lpectfully !lubmittl'd. I J . A. GANT . Treasurer. "II ~h hn111o• . "" I OJ: W~ll . , . l !1·.•1 " til (llr l 1111· • rnl' 5e ...,., 1 • ~--~placations may be filed from May f1t ~. J ,,,,~,l.t \ i , I'• • d I~ t.o July 1~. Second period ap. -• nur plication• may ~ flied from Jl&ly 16 t.o OCtober 20. r-:-:~~~-.. H«d llt&rupe 110 polnlal for meat.. mo.t edible oU1, cb-• and canoed milk: AS. B8, C8, 08, All coupon• n:uat be encSoned on face with car license mftnber and llate of r~tatratlon.-Save your I tire lnapecUon recordoe. Tbry muet be p~eented when applying for a rentwal of ru raUona. TIRE INSPECTION OPEIIICS . II IUITIIGTOI BEACH t.8. Ffl. GS, HI. JS, K8, LS, M.S. San your lire lllprctlon recorct.. NS. P8, Q8, RS, 88, TS. us. V8,, Any requut to r~place any palll· W8 XB. Y8 and Z8 &ood now : ex· I ~nger car tlr~ m u•l ~ accompaD- 1 ' · dat Ol -t l ied by all lnapectaon record• and a BUT THE COST OF MEN AID WOMEN Needed for Vital Defense Work Requirements: • • • ;~ Ayailability Certificates Proof of Citizenship Social Security Card -APPLY- . COISOUDATED IlL TEE AIRCRAR aHIPORATIII ....,n••_...,...._ A LKA • SEt ~'Z.l::.R 11f on1a lJnut ualll rr<~mpt lad .,_ l~t•v• r,l rl 111 H.._., b«IUJt' It Ia , .. ~ompl~ lolu• taon; r~ady I? i "-to ••k • 100ft u you av. •llow ll Ita pe.nrl'l·~vtna 1ct1on 11 ~ 11\~r• polltt\" by •JI..allae buf. l.n. which pro~t It rn. ~down ln lht atorneth. B 11 7.()/~ ii _ .... •\lk~l -,PJt,t ·r· p rauon e n ~ · t 1 f Ul 1 _ .. 1 UH.I';Al:!to; UONU:; Butcben ~ new no at on ro~ an au or~"" I will gtvf :l red token• for every l.nap~dor that 8 new llr~ nreded. I pound of aaJvag~d kltch~n tau re-Jlnn'l (nrg••t thAt your . butcher I ..:l'IVed. • 11tlll 111 auUiorl7-t'•1 t o pay vnu two I BLUE lll&mpl 110 polntll eacbl l rNI pmnt11 and lour c~nts for earh for canned, lro.zrn and dehydrated pound of wutr kitchen fat turn.-d • 'fnoda: At!. 88. C8. 08. ES. F8. G8. ln. tt'l a prolltable deal eHhrr I H8. J8. KS. L8. MS. N8, PS, Q8, WI\\' VIlli IMk al It Mr1. Amc-rll'l\ RB. S8. 1'8, US. VS. W8, X8. Y8. Z8. cazi r frtalnlv Wit' lhnee two red 1 and AS, ~rood now ; expirauon date polnu lO 1p~ad her rat1on buolgl't.l not Jt't. na1t! t:n• '" Sa.m can liM th~ a&l-,• GA~OLI::S E-vag~ fate ln lhe manufacture ot C~pon No. 12 (A-Book) thn't' t ~xpiM-1\'U, c1r ujt8 and otht'r war ~rallons, good now. expires Sl'pt. 2 1. materials. AL'S GARAGE Wr aJ10 handlr and cart' ror IIARINE llm'OB8 • Irs Carace ALLEN GLOVER IFornwrly with H . B. BantA. BAlboa I o..r Menta. ., ...... ~ ... 5 Motor Overhauling Motor Tune:-Ups Carburetor. and . ... Ignition Adjustments Fac-to~J· l'nlln<'d Ca rbllftt or Spttdallst ------~~--~------·-------- Fvnyost kno.,.,s 1har Ji,inft cosu ,hav( rhcn sharpl) due ro rhc war. Bur did you k1no-..· that mosr pricu arc much higher now than duri111 l')I.C? Clothin,:, for nample, ia about "9 ':7-hagh(r in cost. Nearly HARDWARE nuyching bu gone up in pria-ur~p1 ~lntricity. Siner World \l.~ac I, !diaon elec- tric nrcs have ~en ,,J.urJ about 50%1 Thar ia the ruaon' why, ahhou&h' you are usinJ many mocc electrical appli~tKU rhan you did then, )'0\11 d«tric billt an little higher. Yow tloll~tr hy• "'or' E.Jistne ,/.,.. lrKi11 1H.1 16.., M •1 1;.. ira 6i~IM11 • J.H.ESTUS PLUMBING GENERAl., ELECTRIC IIASG£..411 e llE.niGilllATo&8 e "'.AIIHEil8 Dll"RWA811E1l8 e lf.UUO!" PhM 116 ' S~PORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES, Newport Bea<"h. <'alifnrnia. Tut-~lay. Augu~tt !-\, 1944 USO Volunteers Quarter Horse PueLt~ NoT~cEa ___ j P u BLic NoTicEs ·And Hospitality Races Run Again NOTI('I; or INft~'TION TO I NOTI~ or ni.INO u.-T OF • • N S d CHAtTEL MoaTGAor: 1 • SPAln ASMF..Mlln:sn roa Group Fete Vtsttors 1 ext un ay ,.. ,_ .. ...,. .,_,, !.":.::.~~·.~>;:~~: , .• c::. • • R E A D f 0 1 \p 1 0 F J y • • 1 S E F 0 1 IEWS-TIMES CLASSIFIED OPPORTUIITIES RESULTS • • I Mr. AJ Sparkes and Mr. J . H. Notsc-. b hPn'b)l give-n pursuant to TaAL AVEStrr. AND OTIIEII --:----------------...!..----...,t.-------------------------------Noon luncheon wu aervtd F'M· Bailey are 8p(lnaor1njt th.tr BeC· tlw pro~i510fl~ of S.'C'IIIln 3440 nr .-nu:r.TS ASD -'Lt.r.l'8 ASD RJ:I.V WA:\"TED BOATS, RI'PPI~riJ RF.AL ERTA'I'E I n 'HNTniRF. day at the Balboa USO 111 honor I cond mHt at the Cotton Raoch ln lht> C'lvtl CodP or lht> Statt> "', OF THF. TIME ASD PIA~ R -RAI.F-H 1 F. ot Mra. Henry Maytra aod Mt.l ~n ~,';e~r~~x~oc~~~~ayju!u~.,~~~~7,'i~~~.n\~ ~":-n~~h ::'\~:~ • ~T~AKINti .U TO SAID ~~ :~.~~~~~~~';""'k~:,,.,~~~.n:;~:' 111~;'..:~,,. ·~;n'~~~::!",..~7t41:':~'*~ I ~~ RAU~ ::R~AI~Y.: ;:;, ... la'lf" r n,..,.; ~rtrude Mc~e. Mra Mayers Ia milt eouth of San Clemente 011 a hPrl'innfiPr dt>~bNI ti'CIU~ anl1 ... , "' '" Pr tvat .. r•~•m Sa' MAHI~Io. ~.~~r:;AdF. ANU IN BAI.ROA IMI .ANil 1 II 111tw. •tt•ut•'• l8f'ti'Ra.f'r Zfonllll, cb&lrman or the Loe Angelu Ar" blurt tWf'rlook'n~ thf' •••• one ('QUI()mt'nl or that Ct'rtnln . Pul"l!luanl In statute-l "lmpn-.yt•· &I')' .l()ol , .. ,, "''1 l'htll\c' :-;,... !lin; ('(l •. hf'(ln>Onl hNI~ 3 hath•. • ""' I f''V• u.-nt l'lllllfllh•n .,.., ; 1"\ne Home Hol'pltallty commltt.M and ' of unu .. lal btautv and ortera an ' ~ltuattod and locatl'd at 1100 Cou~t ml"nt Uonl1 AI' I of 191~". Divlt'lon pori Lto .. h I ::u\ :'l~·lf· ,,lllO \\' c 'ffil rat A"" l'h 2~·W r lt-tt-lv f\tmletwd, I•••·• ''""'"r. tnllllt'ltllti:V Ill net,. flay '*1. lela· ~u lotroduced to the local USOj lc.'MI aettlnJt for the 8pOrt of thP Highway. City of Corona do•l Mltr. Ill n( thl" SII'\'C•I"' nnd llh::hwii)'S :-.;, "1"'r1 "•'•h·h l 'aliJ nf'ar ~' ltav tn.l ... t .. ,. "~n .. w J•ll•· IIIVI<' ,,,..,, ht•a _,nnp, \olunteera .. andCIHome HTbo•pltallty klnvw Th,.r,. Ia pltnlv of f"" tNPwport IWIIt'hl. Count~ of CodP ol tht' Statt' nl Call!omi~tl , HI:,..!:.' Ia~' ':·TI' I• ".','," :'·••·1·1 21\ "" bini:· St!\01\0 !'l.... ''"'"rt .. t .. "llh h"m" ,..."' C'IWf'r, group by -r•. ayton ompeoa, kl •--d r 2000 _. Ornn .. t>. State ol C..alirom la. iw DUliN.' t.S hl'r\.'by J:iVNI I hill. thr ~--~· " 1'',. " "'' .. .,, •· , .. 1 b eecretary 1 par nJt. a ..... •· or ,......,.... .. . d dJ t.err1l••" '•" .f1 ut; Aol~thr ,,11111 J>·o t: :-<AI.I·' """'•'I c'abtu c'rul•· O(fiiT"UD£ A, WAlDfiiON I J7:'1 '"" tiNI hrlr a. h~ nnt r u . lllnd ~·r.,shmenltt llrf' &\'allablr on ' tl.'nds lo plurt> a chattrl mortj!lll(l' "RrTIInt &ASI'a~ml'nt an llgrn~m ro.l ' I' I ,., 'I" n I• II h•"m Kt'rn•ath : ~011 Marin• A••.. ft(t 1'•· '" N llvv T•.-.r. lua r.Mnl.- Mra. Mayera •poke on th• man· tht pounda RAcing .tart. at 2 upon the ,;atl1 rlxtunos and l'flulp-. ro'<'On1t'd on thl' 3n1 d~ty or July. :CJOot '·•"' ;,:;~;;:;,:~. rt-~·,•::.",~.~ I' '' • I• I .,,,,,.,.,. ''~" klldlf'n. "alh"" I•IIUhl c 'llllf l'h ""n" l"'•lnt 71\1 ll·lte ot>r and method the Lo• Angt ln tl m and adll"1111on 11 51.10. ~t'r· rn.nt. 1944. !or thl' work dc>fw and. un· Jl'arn" ,., ~ \'""'"'' :-.;, . .,, ., •·· 1,.1 ., 1 .. 1 r,,,111,111111 ~ ... r committee are operating on and vir!! per.onnt>l 150c. In addiUoo l llf'rman Sehm1dl i~ thl' mort· fli'o\o'mPnt mlldt• h)• R. A "all· BM·h ='•• ~lr lholl '"''·•··: 1 ~· W f •lltc Atllll '~t· ,,.JI:AftANC"': aa the auct'eaa of their work. fiom~ j tn tht m"'tln~• which a~ planned ga~:ur or thl' ~aid prol)t•rty; and son. t'l'lfltnlt'lor. uncitor thnl <'l'r-Lm "' Mt•, :l 1 , m ,., "1 ,,. ".:•1111 1'11 '""" ·'..II ' l''lllt ~A I.E I.A•t 1n ''""""'" cil'l ,,_ "" t.lnru•v Avina .-.ctuc-- t{oapltallty Ia .elet'ted tor the for -,·-rv 2 w~ka at t .. _ CottAn hi~ addrt'Sll iJ 1100 coa.~t Jhahway, tam rontrart t>nll'f'f'd Into on thr 1""" \\ 111 "·'"" 1\ ~l\1\ l'lt'j;il 1· ('&Itt I t.tar 5:'111:'1 IIV ''"'""' I' n u .. ._ u ..... In ..... r, ..... , .. rt"'"'t. Odd I ~ • ·~ ''• " " . 13th •-( ...._, t 1"•J t h ...., Annht'ltn t .. •nl( llo•ll• I 1111·3tc ' ' . ' different type• or boya In order Ranrh. Mr. Sparkea utU121n th&a City llf Cororut dPI ~t.ar. 1 l"t>w· ruoy o '""' o IC'r. '"'. or t f' .,, ••· :'110, "'"''"" ,.,.1 t.t11r c '•llf r,,...,.. ""'' 1 .,, a a.tnd lt._ that It will appeal U> them and 1 plant whkh h.-holda under lea., port U.•at'hl. County or Or11n~:r. ron'l~t'lton or Sanitary So'Wt>N> I·'IA 11 t'11\'I!'IFII ;t4 '"'''· Juat re·' Illite rrk ... l '" ,.,,.., maJ:te them fel'l at home. Eacb I for devt>lopln~r of thurou~tbbrflt State nr Caliromla. tn ( ,.ntral Avl.'nut'-lind ulh«>r WAN'rEP t .. ~ nt loHII ttt-I•) W•·t k • "" II'""''' r" I I ,. ~~'•tllll'l""l • hnmE' In Index u t'o the ff"atur~s fa('~ hOrtlf'l'l Horaf'a are boarded,' Gt'rall1 \\'. Rltchit> tll lht• mort· s:rt'<•l~ anti &II•·~·. I~ thl" C11, or In Noll 1 ·,1r•,,v·~ 1.,11,.,~. ~1,.,1, ''''''" 1,. "" Mlllll 81111 trtvt~1 .. '1 11t .. AtJo •. 1'-•••h ,."""""· Jlar l ~'l'r flA\T.NI~lttT ,.II:Tft u ._ or that bome that they think will tralnrd and rartd !or b" exn.r •. cai:N' u! thl" sntl1 pmptt•rl~: ;mt1 ht'l No•WtlUM R.·nC'h I ahtomtlt. hll\lnl: at ~~~~ 1 •• ,,_1 l ltj;h""' 1,,,,,.11,. ~l.ol .. ,.1 ~• •"•·· .'.':1 11 I' K•r·l •.:•· IUHI I'""•• ''" '"'' lt•t• ran .,. ..., .. :In 1.,11 •rnnp JJ•Ift h J ·-It • ,... h. •n ~tumm to lht' su.-ri t nd-" 1\Jml•h ... t ·~!\OCt. SIIIOII ,,....... ' • tntere•t l e •ervtctmtn and IS lent'et.l peraol)nt'l and thf' t•e• a~ I addN'!'~ is 141 •• First Avt>nw·. \. •'Y " r-n (' I dd ),J.,, :011 :tqo Ill\ I" !11 11111\t' 'to.: an•·. a:~:.::'l l'h ,,..,,..!\('.. 707 ...... at: .. 1\ ""dr-nom ••• .. prov1n~r quite •ucc~ful, aid Mre. varv J"'f'Unn~tble I of Ctlrona dt•l Mnr. 1 Nt:'WJ>Ort l.'nl or StrN'Is l)f S/1111 City wtth _ :'\pi 11, h _.1,;:. 11 M ·tlp '"'"'• luqulr• ,,,,., .,. •~• .. 1\ \'nu wtll buy Mayers. Tfll racu are· malchf'd !or next llf>at'hl County or Ornngt•, St&lt> a wrillt•n !llnlo•ntt>nl ••! a ll llfiV·' MONEY T() JJ()AN Pro·htd Avo·. ,·,.r.ocoa ''"I t.hr, .,,nu• "' ,,.,..,.. hulfaln• tr JO'l M1•e Md"tle;> nr Washington. Sundav and J.n urllln~ day Ia or Califomta m••ntll l"f'Cf'lveod upon thr said u·,___ 1'•11 ~AI.F .,,,.,.,, A•hhrlollf' art .. r lll•no __ 1\1 lip ., .. 1, 1,.,,. .lunnt Auauaot We D. C.. repreaent..a the National proml~l'd !or thoae that Uke to TIMs J>roprrty, fix tun.,; and ('QUip· St'"-'m••nl. and lhlr-ly I :101 full clay~ WW lo.u $1114Mo ''' $1\1,0011 "" •I '"""'""" • '~~~~··•" ~4 :ltl and T'\\'0-IU:IIItll(lt.t ""'"" ... ,,.,.,, at •nit. lplllf' "''"' vl•lt Wt-Mahal\ Catholic Community Service, one l llt't' 'em run. 1 mt-nt upon whlt'h thl' ~a•d t'haiiC'I havtnl: t>xpll"'f'd frun the dat.-of bu.alno·,. ,.r """'"h·nl tal pro•p,.rt v .'II II 1 .... , .•.. ''"~ :-oultta~·. t ~r I Sflllllll. •·~ "'"'' Wtlluwbn"•k,' Fl1rntt11,.. c·u , 2041 •nd 0~ ot the •ht agencies or USO and Ia mortgage I~ to IX' pla<'l'<l con!llst~ lhe M td warrant. lh<' ~Uud Supo•rin· ln liiii'M•Il oor vh·tntl\' 1 '"'' IJ""""" ~""' A"·· \\II· l"llf Tt• traol• '"' ho•nlf' In w•v. !llenta Ana t•allt fll·tiC' ILNI•Iant naUooal director of VoJ-1 T -L d-~TJt-.11 of thr roiiO"·In~t: 1 tt'ndfllt of Slrfttf't.l duly madt'. and I EUGENE EL LI.OTT ·u11n~lun "' '' 1 "'' .,.,, •' Aah c •,,.1• ,...... , •• 11 N .. wmarll I unte.r and Junior Ho«-a ot l ex~s a 8 rt I 1 Toledo ScalP, Sl'rial No. 276,-,on th.• 3rd or AUI:U!.I IM4. !tll"d :~ .. E t• .. ntnol A\f'. l•thlt:•· \\'llllllllt;l .. n t-.Jit I 1:'1411:'1 Hr N<'~l··r1 :'l(l.' f\1 "" -~.1 .4Nl'X)IJB uso and conduct. ap«lal training 170. 1)-pe No. 397-(), In my ofrtce a~ C'lty Clt>rk or I hi' IILLih ... o, Ctthfttrtlllt !\V·411• I ma IIIAI.P- lf)Ur8U t or them. Mia• McGee On Ocean Great, I American Slicer, St-ria I No I O ty or Nt.>Wpc-111 Rt-ac-h, a ('om pi I'll.' I f'httnf' N.· .. ·r··rt :IK :'111·41• \\A :-<T '1'1 I Ill'' """"'llotol trail· I "' A.NTED 1'() RF..NT l lllr.WINO Altf'fatii-.--•• -M-... -.. -MIId...,... hM W\•tral yeara experience In • •554985 Modfol 52 h~l or all L'ISK!IInt>nt!l unpelcl as --- thu. work and bel' --.. ._ ~ But-Got SeaSICk 1 sr'Atner MAat· Grind·r. St'riat st., own on u id &S!lt"S!Ul\t'. nt, wtttctt THE IIA:-o;~o; o..-AMt-:lttt·A ., '' ""'"I'"~ '" s:w t"&&l w .. ~. WANT To LEA,,.Ii: ~o·urntah ... J or ... wana an.t m•nmn •• etrt ~- -.--~ ~ ~ •tfr-IS~• I "r IK:\7 Roo 1 "'trwun unfurnl••..ct :'1-twdr•••n• ~.. larw tumt>d. C'Oiala ,..lined. .C~. how variou• .cue. and altuatlonal ___ No. 125,481, Styll' 612. list Ia now on riiP tn my offl<'c'. 1 N~·f'('tl ll,.lu"h ha,• nJ"'nln.:• f..r re t'b servicemen and rtlumtn"' A t rt ld T bo 1 Tt>ndt-rizt-r St'rial N 31l'\9:l For a di!'Criptlun or Mlo:1 ~·ork. two «Jtl• ommrtlllil~ly. r .. r ..trrl· "'''' · ,,.,. An.:"""' ~3tc 1 lllllht• ••r Hal~ lal ~otu.·., MAW ••• • ou een yur o naa y · 0 · ' •· f · h b ' . , 1 lVII F. U.y ,...,ont tlalbna.. IWI·Uc d18abled wrvlctmen wert handled 'll'hO haa bten In N rt &acb Modl.'l 102. ~ ~l"f'nct' 1S f'N' Y mad•· to Jw.,o· eal work 1\nd add on.: ma<"h>n•· H 1: l'AI.... ~'-"•'" l.urd. IC'-"Id , • .,.,. · _ • PIIF.I.PR Tlla IIIF.RVICF. wtl"'f' very lnteretltln~ to the t th k h d"::;' thrill f 1 Coca Cola Box. St'rial No lullon of Jnttontlon No. 2851., We lt\tll lr11rn 61 ·21•· ohllun J uhto•un buill $17~. 120. \\'ANn:p Apctrtlnf'nl t\im~ T ropptnl . ...,.. 1t'lmmtna and ~eata. b~r lltf'Hl w~ a ka nt t &a ~ 3.'567495, Style 996513. adoptl'd by tht-City Council or I WANlE.D 1-: t".-nla1 Av .. l'-11\ooa lll·:ltp nr unf\Jmlahf'd ,.,.. ••n••• per· ~IU.atr Th • e u wee · a e l Se 1 a. · 30 !'aid City on lht' 9th day of Au · e gueru we~ Jane Calklna, v.·ould have, tibe badn't been aea· 1 Vl.'gf'lablt-a e. pactty iu..t 19t&3 -~Auto m" hnnlr• Tolp wag',.• bNt I SJI'IJ•..-\\'1111 ••• witt ..... , lrallrr • ••n ,..,rmaMnL tl-'aifl 1\12 ac..t OIIRt.r a. AnaMt• Mra. Roland Hodgklnaon, Gertrude att'k during m<Nit of the three-ctay ,lbs. . , N~tl<'t' is h('rt•by •lvm that tn· ot worklt•t: '"nthtlun• An .. .,.,.". lt.•t h Ill 1:'""' "'"'"''"II Vllllna•l ,..nllll llna T. <' o N•we·n.... Mt A......_ "n tl .... Und, Mra. H. Shaw, Mra. Robert !lahln' tr1p he took on the Sky·. 1 NaUonal Cash R.rgutl.'r, S·305· _.. I: II AI .,. ar tn•luatry F:mploymenl 1 • .,,1 ~1 .. 1.,,..,1 11,1111.., ay N,..,... nr pi\IIM N•wpo>rt IJ to..2tp -KUitfer Mra Jult& E«« rt Mra 933Z 1728 E ten>~h-u ~rson~ mn) "l't~·ar ,.... ' · MJ:ARCR ft.AIUUTR1' ~ • · e · · lark with B. H . Wyera and J. c.1 • · rort> lhl.' City Counl'tl of tlw 1 -.1, •··• 11r h··~ or at llunttnl(tun J>ort llnu h l'h 1111 fll ·t!c-WANTII:II TO tUCNT I'Jift&U nt Albert ~~. te """'·at 1111 lto~rt Ormlalon, Mra. Mark MI"Col'at.er. 1 Weotx-r M..al C.ase, St'rial No r N . , t~···•·h •Inn• I .. r 1 t lh 1 o '""""'rt "··orh In , ... ,. t ·ol •w ,.,.,,_ "r w n f!f mnn • Oft y, N __. IU.,.. .---. ... Healy, Mnr. Jame• Tutfree, Mn~. 'nle Skylark e&me In F'Mday 211106. Ch 't;;"' t 'h ,.... " ""I" 'MWIIJI()Hfo· ROlliN~ "'lit ~ALl': ~·"'""'' :ro n . ,_. oo ttr rwar llalboa lalaad. 1'wo -·-· ... ,. ....._ _.._ Caproo, Mra. 1.. 1.. bbtll, Mn1. momln: -1th • ..,. poun .. -ot llv•-1 1 Wptx-r Walkm Box. Coli l"o. Ci am r 0 1 '-' '-11Y H.oll '" Mtol I r ,,_; Sal·• li·n··· "~·t··.. '""lrrJah• t:•••l hull1t.r t'ar· · ra..ty of lfy1ftc "'*'-• Oh ah Do l ... M Tburaton "' ~ vuu ,.. ~·· r2139 Model 38. '! ty at lhP hour-of !our ~~ ·()()t •u ' u "~ • ' I l'h t "l I 6 00 In famllv nu peta. bMt ear. 'of .,..... Ml Npt Bra. 1211 arr ug · ra. • and a quarter ot a ton of albacore • , 1 k p M h 14 h 111 t 22ntl lind t~•otral Av<' J• n lllr nto~u lt4 pn 1.,,'1 v .., rtld c 'all t"ran~ ' · · · Mra. Clyde A.aben, Mnl. Gladya I But the prlze ot the catch ~I 2 Ml.'al Blocks. and all other ~~ ocst 1~4 o;h: .. ~ Ill t th; rlr~r Nnrp<Jrt fUo•ch Pbone :.!8 ... , ...... ~ '·!•tr_., I :ill I !'4 VII tury,l tu:h. 36t • •• 2((' IT·1•t.e ThomJ)«)n. j a thnu~ht'r !lhark which !IJhl'r-meat and Storr ('QUipml.'nt In It lOft' dgu I. • h . b r e<l r I 26·111' llurbllllk l lillf 60-•tp I POll 841...&-A~ r--------------, I ~aedn ... :r :::. .:an U: on ~! 'n.e ...W chattel mortgagP Is to hl"arlng and sh~ caUS(' ~·h)' bonds L08T AND FOtlND ron RAl..F. t 'nl.-.. ru~ martne I FORO SALF. 1937 lJN'I'Iht 7..{1.Yl' ----ld th 1 eet th I buildln~:. Inn p 8('(' l'n' y Ill or suc-h I -----roa RENT g1 C' bt' t-Xt'CUtl'd a nd thr ron11lderat ion should not bt! i~sul'd upon the ll('-I mvtur !lt.tlt.. """' JU.1 ltuby f'Oit llKNT 1Ar1• aotu414• ,.._ AT LA S T ' 'acalea It welfC'!hed 400 pouoda and. thAI"f'for will b<• paid oo. the 17th t uri"ty or thl.' unpaid as.wunwnts LOST-Blruk zt.....,,...d culn puf'IH'• A'" • Ball••• hlantl flt·2tc wit'" nnvate bath a.Dd •nu-a-~ Blarll wtth ... t cowen I with tt..a llx· oot lc)ll~t tall, had a ' ~own on said 11"1 , .... -" ... • aM l"lldlo •ltd """"' roe.)' ten..t'" of near! 12 f.eL ~en day of Augu.'lt, A 0 ., 1944 at' • · oo 0cl'an F'runl J.i.,nlh y <.:on· rwu!a c a-. a p~ fur lwn IJO'O~ C'at• do a&pt ~u lind -v-e lo ..U • .. ~ Y n........;,A County Title Company NoticP '" ai!IO hrn•by gtvl"n that t.a11M'd. a~ 30 Bf'tum 11, !of" l' o""'-8~, JS • n • r•• n , .... olttnl 1.'\0 .,..~ l'tl an · r· --· cut up and ready tor market Ita 1 "''"''•" ' • 1 bo w 1 1 d • lkly -willie ,._ t' ... natt.· •lu waa lmp~Nive Oty of Santa Ana, County or sl.'na n 11 0 rc>p~n unp~~t L. Han-.,n, 107 211th St . Nt•· "I'I':Hf>,'l>H: IIAH~·· Try une ,111 t1·2lt-.,_1 may 1M!( be far awa)' . • STAPLES I . Orang.-Sial(' of California. at ,a..;M's!!ml"nlll and beann" lntc•nollt port Beach lte~·arll 61-l tc )'IIUr <1••11'• , .... L 1\ will ..... w .. ._ TO •• ,., --THIDODOftlt RnlnNa ,_, I ----------10:00 0:clock A. 14. at the rail.' or Flvl" per l'f'nl I~"'. I him that '"""IY ""'""t.)' fraa·l "'~•....... -... rtwd llal• 6 ~ for J Pasadena I.A>an Datl'd Augu.~t 7th, 1944. pl'r annum. Will I'IC' L'l'~ro ht>l'C'Un · LOIIT Man .. Wllllf't runwnlnc r•n··r .. , lhf' IJIO ... <'•• kf'r Mp&n·l WANT m lltiT w li..ASit 22d ral ...... Maeld-hue antved! Offl·c··al o.·es Here IiERMAN SCHMIDT j dt•r In I hi' mnnnt•t flro\'l~d by lht-~ntlllcallon papcor•. llrurt '•n.l. I II• I ""1'1""" r .. ota IUltl , •• ,u. ···liN-1...... --.,. Nono • (~ft -....__ ~-.on ~ ..... C! I M , ' "lmJ)rovc•mf.'nt llond Art or 1915", money. 1'11rl Stdfrn f>lruter · ,. ... -_,., r.,,.. ··-.. ....._.... ,... ... WE HA\"'E----Pub Au 8°~:::or. I'IC'mc DivL~ion 10 or tho• Slrt'Cis pl~aae notify wr ltandulph at ''"1""' •~-' •· 11 '' n 1 brf'i'dtn1 1 rhll•1~ l"b Npl lklll ltlft.M -_._ Tot Staple& Eugene F. Rouae. 47, vlce-pJ'Ut. 1 __ ·_ g.:__:_ · ---~ __ and llt~;hwa)"S Codf• or tho• S ta t.-Ba.Jbo& '\'arht L,ub 61.Jtr Frto•t hur,.. tu .. at tor tat. IUl<J I &1-•t .. .-on I'IAUC I•M Va.ll ,_.. . ··. · • de l f th M t I B Udl u4 --C •l••l(•. '"•Ill '"'"''' knd ICIJY I l.n· c-nupoP ~lOll tlr.e, tna. 100 Presto " " I n 0 t u ua u DC . NOTICE OF INTENTION or all!omla, ttw Ia,, tn~tollmcnt LOIIT Pcilr of pufl'le lllackl, ''" "I' •llt•ol .. :olllt·t dolllllul or I111UIItl 1 WANT Ttl tillY or ··-In klCh Mt . N•wpwt • ..._ .... ,.u, Loan ANn. of Paadena and for. TO 8~LL or whwh bond~ !lhnll mol uno th~ fill• I ,. .. nu·tutl•'" ",. have hr•r1 • tt11rt.,or 11,__ from own•r No A , " ml'r head of a Loe Angf'IU adver· ___ .131 )'o•an~ from tho• ~d day o1 Otntral Avr . bttw.,..n AoJ&rn• p•aeu11.N .. L rrow tl in d•· d t b r1 t I . ., I and Palm. MouoJ&y ammlnjl u.. ljll•l II\. r IIAIIkf'Uo. 'ualtlt..... o'hllolr.n I'll Npt "'b ·~·M .-~ " B tit h , " '" g .agent'y, ~· o a ea . a -NOTirl: 18 Hl'!ai!IIY 0 \' r. ... pur· Ju y, nt•:~~t ~ut"''N'dm~ tt•n t to• , ,11111 ~ 1,. 11 ,1Jo 111 , 1111 ,,. 1 Hulfa. ,.,,_ A I• R.nllt.h, I loll .. l . hal· 08 . C tat k here 'll'blle vacallootnc-wtth sunnt to thl' provi~ionll or St'ctlon month~ !rom th~>lr dntr wa.rd, Tt>l 2006·R 61·2tr olc•nc-, \'l'rmu.. Wh,... Rtuunpl)(•.l '"·• IIOI•n(l M-4le rr l'OU ......,.. ln ...c .. FYteotl Hotchkiss. " " I bla !a.mlly. 344o or the Ovll Codl.' or the State Dattod lhi~ 3NJ d!iy or Au~:ust LOST Hubbfor CUVtl~f'd. tta"y Mlll(ltu . Hublol.-Hllth Foreat • . ~ \ wnc.. .... VUKGUorer, .... tt tt 1 Ht ru ·gnt>d three yeara a«o u of CaJIIomla. Jhat W . B. MacGINI· 1~4 1 duty e.xt.rnalon cord between tt.b lolllf\, l)oonnli·l 'lnt llp;att. a.od 'I WA NT TO lttiY Jo'&abln• J>411•. 11-tlt' Ace 1 an executtv1. ot the Hearst pubU-I TIE. Vendor, of 1103 Coast H i&h· FRANK 1.. RlNEHART. / ..., .Avocado and 2nd anlf .... 1 •11,.,111,1,0 Ktll v foNd P'rfth ,.... ... MM. ....._ N~ TK.\N'I'PORTAnON Slntrlc! l ,OOO'a .. 40e catlona to tabl&ab an adv...U. way, Corona del Mar. Calltomln, rity Cl.-rk or thr City of .,anla St. Cnroonu olt>l M•r-. N"w F:n.:l~trtol C'~tlllll'· l h•· ktuol •·· •hH'I 111,. • fll Jtt----------------lng firm, whlt'h he dlepcoat'd of Jut Intend~ to Jell to IlERMAN No•wnnrt ll<•zu'h. C'n1tfomltt • 11.000 to·a bos f1,1111 C •-· Ot'nemu. r·•'"""' " 1' l'lrj;!'r, llont """l•'t •·•111 '"'''"Itt'"'"' IIII 'Yf 'l¥~ ""''' ,.ntt>d or ,._ llt.:hwoy. Corona dd ·Mar. rnlt· . I 2 I A . n t;J.·.·t·· ' I 'I k I I ~~~·to .. u u u• ...... .._ .......... .., , ••• ~.~ ""'I ........ ~----A-·-. yeor SClll\IIDT. \"cnt.ll'<', of 1103 lO:h l 1f'uhli:.h A~.,:. lith & lith 1:•11 . Bi•ll 186 <'• ,.110 •lol M"' ll;t~· 11111,.1 ,...,, 1,,., ,.1 11 l 'ot ~'"'I'• "•• .. n.r.... "•• v...,,.. ~~I pallr•l Vr 11.,1 •· 304 Male 1ft.. 1944 folllla, 1111 lh/11 Cl'riHin fX'I•OIIIII California, 1\1'141 lh;ol th•• ptonh,IV' -I t Vt'. •"''' '" i\ A • •' Ill ,. .11,111111 C"'~"• d•l Mo• ~ ••' ~·~ .__,_ ·~- TIDE TABI.Es I'I'Op<'rly ,..,n,t~ttng l(f'nt'ra ~ o f""··· tll••to•«( "111 1 ... •~·••I a t Ill,.,. \\lll'n oth•·• 111ol 111111 111• II f ("' lk o..-to \\ •· ''"' ''" '1'1"""""' • N. D. CASH 1 11•11••• lnl•rul __ •_a -tr_, I f I I "''"'";j" "" ""' '•1•.1 1011 \\'. C•ntral, Nt>wpcn•t Bdl. It l o'Qtupnwnt o II t'f'rl:lln JU~ n··--,1·c-t·~·h ·' 111 "" "" lith tilt~ n! 1 wi~r m1111 ''"'"'' 0 v w 1 l-ll~t> , .. ,... l fl"h l..ov.• k.nown A• .tnd .loc·at('tl nt I 10.1 1\ut;u'l 1!111. Ill 01/\n~:o· rounty To theo &Uno ('c)mpanlnn~hlf' Ju.t a Janet-p!UVt' Nrw.· O()C, •fttf ( .. f .. ~,."·· "'II( NAI.I': ••• , ..... 211 In .-.war Newport Balboa NEWS.-TIMES 7 D 7 8 .. 3 ( I t•-l .. , .• In th · rat\,, lh c·· ot ... ft,. ·~. ,...... t•t•\'tl•· ,,.,.u ... u • ., ..... ttflry .fliiKt \\'<1 g I :::2 :4n ~2 :., ua~ _...u ''••1 u. ' · ' T lllo• l·o·llll"'") Ill I' I Y uf hook... 1\nlln•" .t-.1ut; Ttn,.,.. l .c•IH ·1~11111' • ~" - Th.IO 24~~ IJ:~; 3~2~ 10:'2!1 ~oronu l'l..tMar•~I'"T•"rlll•·;o t hl.~;',:',',~,.~'~·:;oi,JC,:•I•;::~~ ul Clr:.on~:f'.l SCRAPE AfiD PAifiT YOUR BOAT •••c 'o "'•'"" ,,,.,.,..,..r•"' ~;;':·,'~:'""I'll t•IIIW, N•;!~~ ----------------- Fishing Boat Bargains IPECIAL: 42-ft. x 10-tt.. ~ln. beam; 9-toa lee hole ..... $5600 M·rt. Lo--: DeW CIII'Jlller Crow-. Can)1ac daar\er. A llarpla. U·tt. CUrter J1-t... Carr7lq elaaner • • • • ale&J MAN)IIonmaa TO CHOOSE 1"11011 Kill'S LIIDIIG and Yacht Brokerage • 0 1 • 5.2 . 1.3 nat•'<l ''"1:"'' ?•h. t!ll,, J):rofe.u81• •.tnal J)1•ro"tftry I CNu d•rltJ!tot ,..,•l nJ un .. l 1 liEJt:\1,\N ~CllMlDT. ~ • ,~" ~:~: ~~;:,~ :• ~ :·::;k (•;,;-;:rr;~:· Pull A u~: v~~d~i~ 01 OUR · COJIVEJIIEJIJ WA JS NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS -TIMES We Furnish the Equipment You l)o Your Own Work PHONES: N&WPOaT_l_I_A_l__.:l •:.......,~---.:r-:-::on PWiil"a.W Ewert -r-MfuMI n.,...., Aner-taa Vota,__xxx\'1 PORT OF SEVEN SEAS Sut.criptlort Payable In Advanee:-$2.!10 per yev In Oranp Coull~y; $2.15 per yr&r to 4lh zOM; 13.00 per YHr to 8th ZDM. Entered aa Second~ matter at the Poltotrl~ In Newport Beec:h. Ra~~ 011~ Yllfllllt llrelu!r · I CaJIComl&. unckr the Act or Mardi 3, tm 811 ()out Jltpway Pboee. Newport BMdt 948 Gordon M.GrundJ, M.D. ~hy•kle,. AN au,..._ Nl"'h at~4 Cefttle: A.-. Oft~ Hr ... : 10. tl a.-.; 1·1 ~·"' T ... ,.._ 17 lEROY P. ANDERSON ATTOfiiNlY AT LAW Conrad Richt ... , M.D. 1 ~ ..... tc ........ ·~ 1 Off ... 101 aN ...... N.,.,.....,.... H~: ,._,,a. "'· a J ·l ~· "'· ..... A.. Olftc. ,,, ..... 74-1 DR. G. E. TOHILL ~HYitCIAN eM IU,.QION s. T.MEYER--:--. EDITOR AND PRESfDj:NT BACK mE ATI'ACK BUY IIORF. BONilS I GMt• Meu ••flit aull41t~e ~~~-· 42t Coat• Ill' ... llllt a Dlae • P1L Npt. a. •• OFFICIAL PAPER OF TJIE·CJTY OF NEWPORT BEACH ''-~~~~-~--:--:--:-:---~-~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-:::---;A Da111•taNe I.-a IMUtaU.. for 0.. M y..,.. ::. -I SNOODLES ('7 oat or"lo people ..ead News-11mea ClaMlllecS-Adl',)--By Cy Hungerford ~::-~~::::~~----_-_-_-_ ---_ -__,.......:. ... c.-••1141 . ....._, ...... _,....__ Offlcle ... w .......... If ~. ""-' Clot! ........-I . ~\0 AWlSoN f WO\I'I..l. GEf P.. Ih.JS1"tN' OFf foR. ?LA'(IN.' IN ~~· CoN.. l3tN t! ~.DOROTHY DARNIT 0 fl8 ·ffri \ ,. \1 ~-----c~~ HAROlD K. GRAUEl CHAPEl w .. fh1,....l v,.. ttw ~tlar ._,. tly K.-r-vln1 fltlo~ra IS..C" Phon• N•wport Ml Coet• Mn• Caltrer,.l• BUY NOW City Tax Sale lota A. J. TWIST 607 C.O.ttl H lghw~.. Ph-2422 CO II ONA DEL MA" -------------- ---L----------------------~ ~IIlii \\f'ol f .. ntr•l -'"" , .... , ... ,, """"" ,.,, ' .... , ... ,, """"'' Ill" II tf , .. , •u•l4•·r r "" IIIII M ------------: Dr. M. D. CrawftWd O~TOMIT,.tiT Jl:y ... ltUinllled 01.-,.,u .. ITtT N.wpot1 HouleYard COITA MlaA BAlTZ MORTUARY CHA~ll. aT THI lfA C.-,ren• ... , '-'•' N•••ot1 e..c.'-~honc N•wpert U I Ult OBEU Ll J('AS I h·nt ist • t '•n-'•1 \\' r· .. ntr•l. Mt ltlla 'I \\ l'lltl I UP:o\c If WHO~S WHO IN iARBOR DISrRICT I 11'1 l•t II ' I II '-<ll ... IN Ill 1~1r, W f'li,fJ t 1 •• ''• 1 1 ' ' ,-" t • 1 t• t ~ • .. t.a '• ' J ·... f 1 t •• r l'h •!·,~ J ''·J'•f lt /1 f••'l'ffA'''II I, ' ,. ' ,• ... • n lvol l'h 11.' I ' "' 111o•ll ""''IIW!Irorto' 1 t lf~h a tt t ,,,,, /\·•H '• ( • 1 r .• t ,,. •. r1• v ••• ,, ,, • .,, • r '.,t,, .. •"' I I ,-r • r ' • J f,,, •· ••··~I t• ;1 •' l tta,:• A It\ ''' Ar-r I'""' r1r r tr I I,UPI•I II •, • 1 • f ~ t tu t ,,, f +d lll'ltilr'tt I •,, t•t,,,,,.... 1/ I ., N • Wl•••tt U~ac·h. I'R tN TtNC. ·.·v r~rt .,,.. •r ,.,, •• u,.t.na-:f~·· t•f,,,,,. 11 t 1 •..;,wl""•"''"'~' Auq ~'HAT [ IN'HJ AANCE A NOTARY PUBLIC- I•' • II v..·~ IM ~<«•J W r·eutr&t Avl'nu~ l'hun .. :l ,_UBRlR ~TAMI'S r: • .....,,.,,, "•""'' J•uttll•hlatr I)• f'brm u 12 I~ N""pco.rt Oaoaell. M~lET lll'llAl WOAtc-. ¥.!"'" t1•Hfb1AJ A ~h,.l ~.c.a.J Wor .... Chela .,,.. ,_,..,.. 210. "AAIETV IT0 .. £-1 8ellloa ,.._. Vkrt~MJ 8t.on-ea. lOI:. 2tW t.M up ~'tHat 2UJ·W. - : ~·· ... ' ; c. H. Ortffte .....,. Seeae of HaPfJ Fa•tly Gatberin&s Feur CancUee for A•clley Nugenfs Birthday Cake Harbor Feniinine Act· lin. Huald Kyle wtll '-.._,. -to meaalaua oC UW H.ae llco- El Montf Cclaple Ctto.eB..._.Ara Aa Penuneat H..e I -----Mr. 8d ... C. a. OrWba a.-UUle VIal Aud,..y ll.ae Nu.r-t.l C f d ( opee.ed u..----...... e& --dauptW or Mr _, ..... Sher· Dr. raw or s f'NaWU&. Kr. QrUfin. a IDUDbw .... II:. N~-t ol 107 ~~Given Surprise ot Ute flnn of arVfiD, PUW..I avenue.. Coroaa dd Mar. literally _ ... ___ _ Nirenbergs ~ Entertain Sunday nomlca club ol tiM co.ta M-Mr. ud Mn. Otto Hemmer ol Oran~e. 1\leeday, Auc. 16, at AD .:~ MonlM' have rec:ftUy ~ aD day -uq to'-bel4 at Mr, the William Umlud bome, S6lJ t.c.e, J301 EldeD avenue. I Wut Ocean Front and w1l1 take Print In&' and Publlablnl' Co. lA at.>Od on Up t~. awal\llll bel' I Dr. llotar(l&re-t ("nnwford waa QtnCcl•, _._ to .... ....-~ruut.a, 1.-t Tuuday. who cam• to bonond w1th a st<f11rl...-l>~rtll•lll)' fl'tol... '-"'''U!Aa uw ...-r. ..., •. bow· help h~r celebrate the fourth .,., olonntr at bcr bume, ~~:l Eut tlitb ud J'reaocb, their ~W Md n.IY....,. el b.-Wrtllday. J.tn•,.l, \\'Nlllt'Jid .. y IMr chlk&nD. PtAA,y ADd ao.b)', ol l .Alter a ioJ'~ aOI'IWla of play, ,. atNil dtnn•·r wu '''" .~:ht a&ne.aa a.n .vLaUD& them. lvac:lll waa •rved Ia Ul• petlo &n<l by the pata, wb•• lm lu.lc-ol h••r AaoUaer d&U&bt.ar, Mra. Ray· then In to the llvlq I"'Gfn Uwy mot.b~r ,.1,,. ~t11t .t I orr An·· ~ .\,)'trw, ot dan .,·,ruanau. lett t rQOped. when ber ILappy l'ualla 1 M 111 J•.•hn st .... 11. l'llM<Icna , Capt. C. -.._. rn.s.r. YrL -'Y&n ab&Nd Mr )oY ovn-lbe l,,,.ly and Wre. , Mau Ale\'\' .-. .... , ~~·r1 .. u.a aytoor o, We <'b..Ud'• book. t 11 o•b •howert ol oa ~r. Tbtn In Beach. and Dr a11d )frw Arthur '"t'tUe Jlaep," whlcb le ., popular. r.o ~ .WtAI &114 down tu t he N"wton lh<lt••, l•hUhl l.bot la a tt-&eber uf Ute !trat cT'8de ..,rr aor a -·tm. ur at leu t a A llllrtlulll\' r"k" l••rf' ••r• • lOJloll" a 1M 1aa ~ ~001& I •l•llub ' Later they rl'IUinod lror .,, (lust 11 1,.1,1 11., ,lo·• .tn.J atto o ""· ... M.Ja araa·· -LL rt treremenla. •nd ., • n d ~ d a dtnntr lhr PVl'Dlnlt .... u ~nt ,, Aftau. \.rilliU. .......... _."' -· • ·-· blrtbday to remernbt-r , , "rru• \OrVille Alr a.-. la aa ln.U.I.or 1 Tbc»a prt'8tnt wer,. Hooalol ot bombardier• and n&VIIat.orL I ('rc ok•bank and mothu Mra It Ha Gillated before Paarl Harbor. M. Ctoolutbank, Tommy l iould &lid ....__ -. ma:.lp HarTy Ortl· moth .. r, t.tr•. lfowou..,t l~fo11ld, fta. )i.avy pJoot, '-~tor of f'n ll'r c..-.. ttln& a11d mul h•r. Mn . Shower in Honor of Newport Bt:ach Bride p&lot.. at eorpu. C..'brlall He tx· RW~MU Quelling, all of ~ .. nta An&. On,. nr "'" ·,.i' ;II,. "111• 1 '"' ·• • ~ be bome Ul lbe fall I )farlaloe YorrUI &nll mt;tb• r. tD Mno. Hu''· io(n"•lt. n "1 " hh-"/ ~Ira f:. D. Mor rill. Colfta l\1 ... 11. •"D•• t .. II · I •' ·•r•tl 1' •·'lilY c.-nrg~ and )l11rll yn Ml Faoldt n \'"' 1:, 11 :, \'r• I ·' 1 1 II '/" n Heights Circle to antt mothf'r. Wr11 c. F.. M• Fll.l.l· ht'r hnn14' • -t ~ •• u. • h "/ ''~ N Uso l 11en. of •~I l'entru. l ho•t.~ol·· .. r 'I• · h o.•\\.!Y'' "'1''1~ Host ewport llt'rvtn~: Wllh Ill• ~l··rA ..... '"'~ n• -I t:utt. \\ill It •k•· ht"f '·••If • ·H I• n t 'nlunday, i'tiday an.l SatunJ&y Yacht Club Scene 1-·. 1\•llll• '\I'C'I"'' It···"· \\hoi• ot Olla wl'etc. the dtlloc&clr• wbk.b 1 • , l•u~<l •11.1 ·~ ""' 1\' will rill Ute Ice-box and cookie Of Pretty Shower Th~ vv, .. 11 hum•' wruo ~:&y ann jar at t.be N•wport U4-acta U80 t.ro•h-·llk•· "oth ""'"'·' whol•• a nrt wtU be •lven by memMra or the Mra. Spauldlnc F.a.wtman "11~ yellow n ...... ••r,. th•· "''"'" ~b.ul•·· Hete'IIU arde ol CbrUt Cbureh honorl'd by 14ra. A. B. McCollum betnc r arn .... l out Ill the r .. rn•ah· -, t.N Sea. u h<Wt~u at 11M-N•wport Harbor mrnt• nf h81tlln•-~l'hl """ Rn;,:t-1 ,.._. ...,.,.. doa&UOCiol are Yltl'ht dub ~~o•ht n a grm~r f'f fr.od {'all~ Mnny "b•n• '1 1'1 t.o &.tilled to ... t,a.-(.o 0 . a, Ber• fneacla Were bjddeJI for )UnCb.arJ ""''r" p!~l<f'ntPoJ lu ' ~fr!l lo(nowltun .....ra Oror•ry. UT Newport and abr wer followed by an alur-Tbni!C' hldd~n tu hnn.,r tbf' ,,.,. ~. Oallla 1(._ on Jl'r1day, nOOR ot bridgf'. bnde ""'""' Mmn ltuth l~l' ,. lo e~t.ber Mra MaYD&J'd l..b-'nw! ~ter la_ble lwld a larJ:" Al rr• KnO\Oo ltun, t.urall,. ~luUt'n, ._.. • ., 110 ...,..,... or lira W . lltOrt keynotln« Ute UII!O'II' or t h" J"IUI ~~~ [\.,nl\ltt, lnna T~y H. Trultly'1, 110 Aanla AAa av· pu'tJ. Delllty bawla ot pink. H 111~ ..,,,.,.,, r Md 1>-,na f't'racuaon -any ol t.be c.bree _,.. bl~ and wbl~ n owera r,.nt"r"'' a ll llart...r re•Hil'nt..s ('umang ,_ nc111ar bullmr• m.eetJnc of oc~UJI&DC.'Y 1000 to mak.e th• tllelr Kr. &M Mra Oua N~bers u. Oraap wW be held &1 the penn ... nt bome. aWrtallaed trt~ Buaday aft.er· A.mcrican Leeton Mil ~:r. Yr. aDA! Yra Uml&Dd.. wtlo Uft IIOCIIl ud eveDlq. ..,..._ boule-A~. 10. bHD re.6derlt.. hue for IDADJ ID8de l.ce ~. CiOGidM &Dd c:&l&e. y.,.. wbere Y r . UIDiaad ta - n. rat fr'Mur tull ~-Ocean Fro·"t Patio a.:led wi&.b Uw &outhena ~ U.. lA ncord Ume. a MIC:ODCl OM ~· Gu Company. wtll move to Baa.-~~ •. the Mlftzlber•·· Is Scene of Pretty I bo& moa. hMpl•allly ..... ¥r· an.s wn. AI Fresco Luncheon C M Li7 -te-t rso,ca ~~ott&rd &Dd eoa tvan of D eu nan Karnolla aveeue, &Del their cla4acb·l Wlta the aparkllnc blue Pacific I Listed Missing t..r, Mra Dorothy Ja.cJLaoo: Yr. for a back-drop and a ta.acy. aalt &Ad lira Okaa ~D ol breeu to apur appetite., IWJcbeoclj --H~ &114 dau&'bt.ar Gwandolyo, I aerved aJ fre«o by )tn. Herbert Secood Lt. Robert P. NIIDJDo ~ wbo 18 lt&yioc 011 for a two-week'aj P. Rankin in the palio or bul Corona. del liar wu ~oac ,. Yla1l. Ocean Front cottage, wu t'njoyed llatt'd u auai.Dc lD achon actMl : --by a &TOUP of her •Santa Ana .:the.:.:....•=ne:..:.=m,y:::.:.... --------L t H B I frl.enda on Friday. Tbt bot.t.W wu oren zen orne usy colorful "''itb boiA'la of yellow pom. I !"c:oyoc. B. H. Kerm.tnburr. F..-t.b.-With Activity for pom d&bllu cut from the garden Suddaby. Earle T. Howland. C. 1". C II D h or Ute hoeteaa &~~d Yn. Fred New-Carpenter ~urge O.bome, F . K. 0 egt aug ter f comb. one of the guelll.l. l l""unurd .. 't.,,J :'l:<"wcomb and Mia · Thoa,· enjoyinJ! the day at the Yarcaret ~u. Spec:w gue.U Yt.a lfary EllteUe Bacon, beach were members of Cln:le 3 or Ute d11y ""·rre JdrL H. 0 . PbU· da114:bter of .Mra. Jurgen Lorent· or the w oman'a Fellowllhip of Ute IIJM! and Mra. A. W. HolmeL ua f.f Balbo&. Ia home from Ftnrt Pru byt ..rlan <'hUF'\'h of 1 al.Stt'ra. who were Conner rrembera &nnlngton Colle~te. Vermont to Stm la Ana and inrludt-d. In addi·l of t he Jt"roup. Mra. Pballlpa re-apen~ an only too ahort three tlon to tlw h~esa, ~fmesa Harry 1 aldn1 he,.. at Newport Bea<'h and Wt'ek'• aummer vacatloa . Mr. and L. Andi>ra:n. J. H. Goo..!win, J. t he latter. who I• apendin( tbe llofra. Lorentua are boldine per· I M. Ewinj!. (". A Sach. J ohn M. 1 .ummer in Caltlomla. maku .ber pelu~tl open houae dllrlnr Ulla l King, R. J Brown. Walllam Van borne lD Peoraa, lUinoiL 1 time ., that lila Bacon may aee • ...;;.;.,. ______________________ , 1 u many or ber frlenda u the I u~t w:; ·=·cuut.. lut week • Before y oa B•ild or ReBIOdel e-nd lnclu~ed )fl-. Venua Jordan, or Loll Angtl-., llariae otnee.n from Camp Pendletoa. Ll Nloo Tucker and Capt. Meera a nd .U.O Lt. Georae Stur&W, U~ and Mra. Stur(ta from Coroaado. .Wt -lat.eftootblc ...... ... ....-~-CeloM pWeo. phr I c ..... ~· l'r~" ..... ., tnfiC'I, eerpee. ..... ,,_ At a receat -UDc ol UIO t.be tablN. Tbe bonort"d ,.uut lmm !UntJa Ana •·rrt Wra \\' R. Cominc thJ.a 1''Hk end wm be 11188 Eatber Klink trom H~. ton Hotel, PuadcluL ._.. a~ by Mn. L. L.,o~«-d her many, prctty &'itt. Hnldaborth an..! MIM F'.d."la )lat-~-r-w.'l.. I' l _..... ...... _ ....... ., ......... l.-,.,1 ol the Jllewport e«~ter &Ad al'la the tuncbfoon bour. Mil. and aun~att~l,.. If a ......_. ~ Mt Ia .._ ,... -.,..,_ ' C\Yd.e .utMn ot tfae Balbo&, It wu ~b -for brMp lo W.. . wantad. here It le ..... _... n.. ............_..,.,... U. a ..... ,_INd t.b&t tiMae two ~~low were woa by lira l'ula JUne I,.[Akl NEXT SUNDAY In ,.ntef' frooot aMI ...... .,...........,........__.,.. tiM eldrt. It le BIRTHS were ...._. U.... tn tbe 110110.. and lin. Georte Peter& J or Harry w or lty ••ho •·u In lv•· w M&ke aro4 ... • ---~ .._ fll ... ,n.eN ...... ...._ patt oC the lt.ate wtUcb bav• ~ --a.ccepUn• Mra. McCal· cattd ••lth a chun-h IIChool an A M••"' lunet • .......,. v-~ Willi ~ ....... ...,_ ... laJ o.aa..aat.._ by •-• Clotllea" ..,., M e"t' ••.,--.. • alta ,.4 ...,aiJ IIIII-..-r,_ t.be )um'a ~lt&J1ty were 11-•. P. f'l•k lt-n r ru\'onu ·. <'htna. ~·all '~ak nlope to the Nu•a • D., 1 us fll .... ,.._, lflllfJ ... • · w ks llr. and lin. Arthur SIDltb ol 12 Waverly drive: Balbo& Bay Sborea, a.n rejolclA~ Ia the birth ol a -·at I!Jt. Jcaepb'• bc»plta.l .... •U&M~ ..... loa A p~~r. Marjorie lmiUI, R.i•' th .. II a m ... rvH't' IAt 11anst ..... No. 464&. LUDlUM Carpet or .,a.ndld W'Oft c:&J'I1ed out Ia ~· .: Keaut~. ·Marl! s-m. Don Olurch·by·lh·Sn Sunday. Auguat __ --=--------------~--::-::-:--=-:-- tnt4lrWit ol tbe a.o,. wbo.. .... a McCallum. a.orce ~ten. Tom 1 13. )In w .. rley "u a fHmwr I MEETS WEDNESDAY aeaday at J :30 p.m . at the home! let 8oatll llala St. ,.._Ilea&& Aaa taM MJIITA AJIIA a.-. •-. ~ Mme. t De Henderaon, Manle-y Clark. H~rbf'rt rutdfont of Halbo& ... vera! y .. an Orange Womaa 11M N_..port Clrde ot C1uiat of Mta. D. \V. Holtby, 1~18 W..t , ____ .,.. ___ .;.... ________ -______ ..,. aa.t week . 'lbe _,. _..,. lllit.eba a Smith Bruce ~ H. R. a ~eo when l'h•· wu not all .. wtd lo CDM H a..h\,;;;•:;~;:Sea:~·~ill;.;:mee;t~W~c:~~~·.;Oc;e~a;n~Froo_;~t~. -------~·---~-------------------~, H~ .... ~-18 a.l~a,. JCJac 'willard Ktlllon 1\lla Rlnt. be ln.OIIna wllh hf'r huaband .... Buys o.e I ~lo tn~U. ':;.=e.~y....::! J 1.hn' F. R.obertJa and' Yluee 14c -r auN of condrtlnna In lhe country 1 __ . j .,. ....,. ._.....,,;;-tot' _., c.Jham, Pat Palmer and Ape-a -------A otw I"NNclmt 0# ~ clel l wielltaa, .... ~My to ~ conoaed, Blnmqulat. Mlldn •d Sllanlr). llr lo·n R:w liar la. Mlaa EdDa -...,en of ...._ a Ute pot-.act on-NK· 11M )'oun.cer ~eneraUon who ol••l ""'' Mall~ Rnlhn.:: atlenck-<J I ..._. ...... calla to off bad accompanlt>d the-Ir mot hera, the bln~o po.rty, Tbunoday "''' r· Or.nge. wbo baa r IIY pur- tau. top _.. atrYed at a !rpt'cla.l &able aoon, &I•~ by Ut~ Oran~:~ \uunt v chaaod a two-atory .._ at 4 .. .. ..... wbere JII1R• to •utt their tiny roonr 1 nf th,. Ame-ncan Lfo(ion Ote&n boul4-vard ........ 4llw ..,, tut-. ma'*" Uwlr pl-. ~t...rAwllllary a t the SOidJHa' Hom" of two ~ p; D •-a Bob Girder Off to Jt··· f• ,Trainiq . ...r w ... Patty a.n, Ju4y .._. at 8awt.tt•. OB.Dae. IDo&D lllld Gail Kennuton.. Mrtt. Cenfl:" Ftt.amaurlce a.nd ,\ol,., .. ParK•tcu Ia ·-au fill daupt.erw aa..ua anc1 Patr1da of u.. 8mb& GarpU11 ,.... ~ • Bewert:r H.IU. han· rmlM'd a &ou. ert.M. 011 N~ Bala.ta __._ ....... aua.r. * ... IMt Writer of Children'• at 1Jll Weaot Bay ...... ud wW Ora.qe!. and .. a (au~aw ., ...... I .. ... .. ,_ • v.a. ~ Storiee on Ialand ..-ct u.. .,_th ot Aucuat ~~ere. 8mb& Ba.rpt .. (1( u.t etlt7- ..._ .......... lo't.M UU.j 1.------------------. ,.,.., ff ,.._, .t Mcaeow, I.UO. I -- ._ ...... pco 't 4 lo ,...,. llrw. .una M. LIK'key ol £>~-0 U T S.TA N D I N G G I f T ......... t.Ma7 1 den&.-...U UfwD u a wrlt~r ot I .. 11 a .. o1 Mr ad Kn. cblldru'• lltclr* aaa u a ct.to tiUty OerOir ot U.. Port ot l workn, ta a now raident ol Ba.l. F 0 R tH R I$ T. A$ ..._ ..... liT Oout mpway. tiM laland &Dd la ID&Jl1nl' berl Jlla ......_. tn the ..,.., lllld '-bQGie wtUl a.u da\l&'bt..ra. Mr.. f the 8 ft.--- paat tT ,.ar• ald. Ho ~I Gertrude Waldron and Mn. WU· or oys V~as fro~~~ N.wport H&J1Ior u.-Hlp llam a. A.Ueo. Another da\l&'ht.er, ~.,. ta .:..~o: ::n~.ved ~ :&w~ areen. lin• at Curona y Q u r p 0 r t r a I. t tram blm u tD what line at train~ 11.n. Luc:key hu loo~ bMn In· ... -wtJl ._ ~ tereated In civic ~&tfalra Ia P ua· de&& and wu Jnatrwnt'nlal In "''ha hlu1.l o1 llWft .,. U,.lr at..rttnl[ lbt! EmC'r,cncy. L.eaau•, litook.a: eventa are their tuton; wblcb later ll«ame lh• Wt"I.IU'e poeat actJoN are their eloqum<"e.l Bureau. OI'Mtlflt C.rda aMI a Great Variety of Unuaual Glfta "WI: tNvtTI: YpU TO BROWSE AROUND" C. L LOUCKS J~W~I.RY aM llATION~"y Dta_. . wa~t.. .. Fl~ "•,alrlftt ~ N..,.n l&ll·a '"'·" H.,_~ at¥4 •. e-ta Meu, llf. /ORANGE COUNTY'S OWN ••• • • BERNARD of 'HOLLYWOOD 'DiStinctive c:rhotography at Reasonable Prices Vtalt Our Portrait Gallery IDthe ... .. BALBOA INN ARCADE L...::.....--.....:.'----·----- \ Dolt't Oela)•-AII 0\'ft'IIPM mail •Bt hf' tlf1d Befont OdobPr l5tlt--Ordf.r Now .. -~-SPECIAL ~-.. One · Professional s1 00 Portrait, O~ty • · so .UOPCnsnn:~T St:t T.~!Ua\ RoberU Porlraits 40? NORTH MAL~-NEXT TO·\\·~ 8AliTA .:tS.\. f '.,LIF. ~ -.,. froat It -.. te I 1> -. .... , Get Vonr Olllee Supplies Today FAST SERVICE! REASOIABLE PRICES! We are maintaining as compJe~ a line as possible of aD the things you need to help you in your buslness-rliht here in town so as to saw you time and travel. Be sure tO"Uk us if we have what you need. Some of these are closeout items; no dealen; we reserve the rig~t to limit quantities; sales taX not included. Add. Machine Rolls, asstd. sizes 15-30c Availability ~rtificates Biiibeads, RuW-plain or printed 8\h x 7 to 14 Binder, 3-ring 8 ~ X 11 sheets $1 .25 Cub Register Rolls, all makes Celudex~-inch dnr Index tat. Clip and A.rdi Boards, all ma 90c and up Clips. Bulldog and paper. asstd sizes Columnar and AccountlnK Pads, all ~beta Counter a.ecks Crdt and Debit Pads 'lllally Analysis Sheets. 500 for $5.50 Daily Cash Shefts. 500 ror $4.25 Daters. 75c [)elk Files. letters or legal size ~opes Columbia Clasp, all sizes to 10 x 15 Manila. white. all sizes, plain or printed ~Art Gum, typewriter, Klenzo Pendl·~ typewriter erasers El!;tlmating Sheets FlJe Folders, manila. all cuts, letter and legal sizt>s. $3.00 to $4.00 per 100 f1le Guides. prestboard, Jetter size, $2.25 Fillers. notebook. punched. ruled or plain Glassine Bags GurnnX'd Labels Index~. all sizC!\ Index Cards. ruled. aU ~izes lndl-x Signals Inks Writing. bottles or·quarts . Stencil. indelible. India. stamping. "' ~mentory Sheets Ledger Binders. sectionaJ post type Lepl Forms. notary. etc. ~ ustd. stocks and colors printed as pet' your lnstn.tctlons ~ Leaf f1Jien = ~ taJw 8'fl X 14 lhftt llud1a&e . Note Books, memo, etc., ust aizd, plain or ruled Paper. bonds. thin PQ.Pel"', colors or whJ~. all sizes, typewriter, ml.nwograph Paper dipJ Payroll Records Paste Pencils. lead, colored, china marking, indelible, autc.nat:k, atenographk Pencil leads • Pen point&, all~ Price Book Fille 8 1f.! X 11 Postage Stamp Lstener. china Ready Master carbon ronns Reception Cards printed to order Receipts Ribbons. all makes typewriters Roll Memo Pads Rulers Sales Books Sales Tax Exemption Cards, Form No. 103 Signs, For Rent, For Sale. etc. Stamp Pads Stationery or all kinds StatO?ments, 8 1.~ X 5 1/:.! Superdex Roll Labels Thumb Tacks T y pewrite r Paper, white or canary Sl'COnds Typewriter Ribbons. all makes ' utter-Slu F1w Letter-SIU Alp~IHt Manila GUIDES · FOLDEIS .... PreM 8oud II Polat; 3 O.C. .... '2!5 Per '315 Set 100 Newport Bal~a ~~ws•1imes ......... q