HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-08-15 - Newport Balboa News Times11 SAND CRAB ., SAM ~UNO .. There seems • to be 8 pretty kettle or fish over the recent' gambling raids in tM county and it sometimes makes one won· der just who is which and which is what. No doubt M'mister Edwards has been sincere ln his eHorts to purge the' county or the money &-- vices, but it a lc;O appt>ars that he went a bit out of the way to accuse the she riff a na {he ditrtrict attorney of lack of interest in his l"".t\tSe. The first stories to the e ffect tha t Edwards was goin g to run for the legis lature. gave us pal&' as to whose district he was running a nd the answer is s till puzzling. especia lly as the minis tf'r says h e will not now run. A Riverside paper believes the church h as been done a dis-service by the raids, becau.se he bring Into disrepute a vas t wor ... tJa1.tt has always been a fa<:tor for the best in humanity/ Rt>c-ent reports from Seal Beach now seem to indicate that biased a nd disgruntlro persons aided in the attacks. At least ye scribe has known tor a long time tha t a certain police· officer from Lo6 An· ~ had control or punch boards and gaming rooms jn Seal Beac-h for a long period and that 50IN" months ago he.was ousted from the city by the authorities. Also that a former sheriff's deputy was running the ScaJ Beach paper for a time. tha t h e liYed at Huntington Beach, wa.~ a fri(>nd or Major Mc- CaUum, foml('r mayor, and --later retired from the pub- lisrung field. Both these men oould have tipped off the raiders. but the odd part is why they confined their raids to northern And western .or. ~ county, i.Mtead ot play-l:;.~ aDd &ivllw the ln-·far • the whoA. county! What a heedache some of us must hav~ at times! + + + llorie Brawls. Seemc; from this distance that the L. A. papers are giving a Iotta free publkity to the brawls of Tommy Dorsey and J o n Hall. radio a nd m ovit' s t;u -s. U then' is su ch a s hortage o r nt>ws print. why no t use !'<>m e of the spacr-for war news, home informatio n a nd a ds? Dorsey says Hall put his hand too anx iow;ly on his wife's s houlder. Fra nds Langford, I fall's wife. now in Australia with Bob llope's tour. w ould not get too worked up over that little fa. miliarity, but wht'n the pa· pers print it. that's not war news to her. Brawls o f movie stars are common and it Sl'ems such yarns b y the pn.>SS h a rdly conform to the slogan: "Save this p.-.per- it's war m a terial!" + • + Thaak.<~. Willard. Likf' o ld times to h ave Willard Mino r back on the job fmm his war work. if even fo r a dav. Wil- lard was !,'\Jest columnis t fo r the Sand Crctb las t WN'k. a nd did a baog-up job of rt'View- in~ o ld frl<'nds anrt thf'ir ha· bits . On<' is sn :tpt tn get into a n1i ami ~ning arounrl in a cirdP wh('n 1"1111lmrnling on tlw f C'w fiNlpll' n nl' mN'I s in h usv work 11011~, llkt• l ht'~' and \\ illanl'~ .;l:tnl •Ill thl' Olrl Glial' I Is a;. r'l'l n·~lllnJ.: as it is poignant. • • • .fohn l 'hillil'"· Lnol\in~ a~ s pnlf't' anrl alfahlt· :•~ rn•r. Congn~"m:tn J ohn Phillip-.. who ;.(l('nt Mond:t~. hl'l'i'. Is kc.-nlv a li\·r to tlw p r o g r""-" of l'~wport llarlYw and 11 !d its advocates thnt he will ;aJ . wav~ flo his utmO!'t in pro-motin~ its ~rowth. l'hillips is one of those indi\"lrluals who Sl'Cm to n<'Ver grow old (lr tire: h~ ic; plea~nt. yet df'tl'r· mined: f'ifl('('rt', yet a~gn'1'· sive. a Republican who is still willing to r n>clit the Roosewlt adminls t r a t i o n •ith one or two a r h ievt"- ments. H e believes thH'e is -· good in t>verybody and hie: •-eekly column In the New!t· nmes J'e'Veals all of that. BUY W~" IONDI for 36 yean the best advertising medium in tlae newport harbor distriet • • • the newspaper that goes home Buy Bonds to End War Quieker \ • "·,_.,. .. ~ ... It• EMBRACIAG BALBOA PENINSULA, WEST NEWPORT, SEA SH BALBOA MES(~ IEEP POSTEl I 1 Year. • • • • $2.50 ..-.~....-.. .. N•••·n.... N_,.,t._.. LIDO ISLE. NEWPORT HEIGHTS. B ALB~A ~LAND, CORONA DEL MAR. COST A MESA VOLUIU XXXVI NEWPORT lEACH, C~LIF"OANIA. ~IIOAY, .AUGUST t~. , ..... J . D d D d I Costa Mesa Boy 1N · t Servi«B Held Monda)' • ..... 7 'on Beach Is Cla··lm ~~~~";;;: •. ·.~::~.~~~~:~.~;:;..'==Is Problem ·u;::: .. "·.:"'"'·"·· w .............. have Gamster Bac·k,·n 1 / !'r·h•'<•l 111 ( IIITIII _,l'.,.••_n_tl_l,_•l_on_._OcMa ___ ·+---------------;:-:.""""'--:~-:7-'7'7::-~~:-:-':.;-;;:.::=--::.ZL:.:-:=;::.:.:;-----------------------------4!~'----I -•trl•• Cuhf II•• '' n'"' ro•:u1~· for a55ilfti'W1II I t, •11 t h .. fino,. I Sh ... :on onfHnll \ lwott:.ltun Sl \I Ill ,, "II o\Ut.;ll•t 1\ !(.. 1'111 ' ""'lo! .. I. I hrr hu•l nnd I Elizabeth Wyatt Disput.ant Over Ot·ean ore ll··lllll' )'ll~lnl! thf' Corp lut I *I phohl. II ' .• .. nl•••nlln..: .... •'1 1\ i ••• " ,.,,, •II '"I '""" r "" Line, in Article Allegt.•s l\1unicipality Cre· Aprtl l'l l\':ll•· ('o•m "ns rmployed .... '" .... "111 1111''1 '"'"'""''""''"' II "''"' "' ......... 1. t"lnul··· h~ tho• C:n~··•v.n) T11wkln1t Cont• fl 11 l.u • '"""'"'' ••I ~"•'io:"' ,.,, 1"'"' ,.,1 ..... 11 "''l't"n 1 • .,1, "" llt'J)orts from St•al Beach .\t"t'UMt' Ui~~t·redlte4 Poli<·e Offict•r, Jo~ormer •Aiitor and (;amb- ler" with lnt.'iting County ltalda I ated Unnatural Land at Her Ex~nse pan~ '"OtHIIrto>, CaM Hill wtt., ... 'fll·•'"""'''·" tho• ""'"''' Olll .,,,.,, •••• ""''" ,., l'lllllln Mlln urut 1\\'U t•h•lcit'••n Jivt.• in UplaM.. lin<"•~ •1•'1t~•l h•·•·· l"•'lllpt.-ct lh·· , • nttd ~11"' tl••l•'fl ltut~h .: ... " ------- h II eunnl 111•1 "'''"" ... ll•k thnl ,,..,, ....... 1-:ll.pt!Nt' nr tht• t'\"t't'rll l'ltU!x UfUTitlU•·y nvu'hlrW'M in Vl\...1.-- 1 ElizalM'th P orter Wyatt. own t:'r of propt'r1Y nn t «' Ba )(l;t 1 .,.,. '"' "'·"'" 11 11,., ,,. ,.11111 ( -.,..-. ·- "' , I<•, .:.•r.tl•l lta.~h, 1.-.tnr "' ttt,. h 1 r tt 1 i J .ra Penins ula a nd disputant in a claim owr SC'_\'cr<tl tho usan. ds _of D . llllr-<1 ''"'""' 111 ,.1 •• ~1, ""'""'' :'•·n h •• ..,,.,. '" •·hllrll" ''' 11"" ''"~''"" the• '''ltnty hy II mlrllsh •ror '"''1-l'~~'lll'l, whCJ find Mid \A: ,_. -r ... I• ""' t ,,. "''1111 , hun II, Rant• An" '"' d ollars Worth Or tl·..a-land, whose mNtndcr hnt' h asbet>n In uiS· ewey as ~-•n•l to•ntltl•' nr •t• 111 •·to ,.,,, 1' \\'II~ nmn IIJ.: til' tt• ~~ ~ 11h1n• Ill•• lht•n wlth•l--w fmm 1 putt' fo r 40 years, in a le ngthy artiC'~t' t o tht' NE'WS·TimPS says , .... , t"''l'l·· '"'" '"'' , . .,,,..,1 ,..,.. 111 w,..1,,11, I hi' 111t't'. M>t'fiiiC to pulnt In lht• fttt'l thn t rtl~tMnmtlfod pm~ l tht' city of Newport Beach dum(X'CIIIS clr"('(fJ::(' mat<•rlal o~ .thE' f'l•u•" ""''"'""" ••I'' """r"'') ••··r "''""'"''"I 1'1\rk "''"' ltd1ind tht• mid und J.:IIVf' tht• llflf' 111111 Jlf'l•v1t1Nt th .. ,.1,.. , ocean beach wrongfully a nd Cl"('at l'd an unna tural <.'OndH1on. p . d 111•1 "' ••r•ll1111n' · • """' 1... ~n· ''"'' u ( Wit I" It Iii ul14tl tllil~·l1c-rl thnt ,1 ctlllc·l'tocllt"l JlOIIn; ,.,ft.. ', Shf.' says that in a proposed compro mise tht.' dty woulct ..:a in 1 res1 ent llrl•·•• '11"' ''"'nut ''111 "1:"1"~1 • "' 1'1111 or l .us AnJ..-.:•It.,., who hnil 1...-n "'"'nttln., In "-Ill o--f c r I d ..... " , ..... ,... "~ "'''*' N··J!,, ... ,. .,,. A 8 .... , ·~ .::JIIIr' ,..,. .. -.... I r;~~~~rc7~~~0~\'S:eet 0 an ·lllt't'n p1·tnto·!l nn Ill·~·· t:l nf which tlttrr·n· '"'" ,, 14"1111 ""'"~""'"'" 1.. ,·r ase I'IIICI ll\llt'h to c1c) with lndtln~ ttw lltfiH'kiC. and that • fOI"nWW' j I. As th!' artidt' publil<lh('(l In lht' tn tht' n(•W wnln~ 1/l~ltnant'f' th(•)i(' Aft w ~·~IIli i It); ··n~l 111\ln tlnolr•t ''"' '·~lltnr ur lhC' Se-Al Rrlwh PnHf lfllfl WRvt•. ronnt'rfy In u. Ncws·Times of Augu.st 10. 1!)44, lln«'>o Wf'l'f' rrmov.·d. WtlhOUI _my, er ar ... 1 ,•·uunt ~· ~ht•rlff!C Urrll''· be lillie) - is inrorn-ct in );mall detatls 8l1d t•onsf'nl. knttWI<'Ill.t•' o r n\)t tftl'llll~n.1 Wtll"""" _,, t l11· 1 ..... 1,,. , ""I" u f J 111\'H)n'tl 1-nn( In •>""P'Pthy wtth lldwardl, might lw a liltlt' mislt>adlng. I ttnl Wht•n I t!C'Camt' r~nvc~nt Wtlh ••• ,. , .. ~ .. II "''"''" "Kf""t'llll'll' se or r. I Ml"' l'lt\·111• At,.llll(lll(t, fu.rnworlf '''lttlo·r ,., lhf• 'VItnlllniN,'" ~ .,.. r U{'stm that thf.' fnllowmg bt• thla fat'l, J lmnwdtatcly rl'llunl'd l ... ,. """'' '"'' .... tt 1•1 ,.,. .. , '" l ~w .. , "'flu· s rnl "''"~'h lllll••r In '"'' ''""'"""" ol" ~ •tory, utd-1'<1 . II tln IIIIOJ'Tli'V for lht• nur""'''" of ··~· IR!It " ,, '". 1'1•· .,.hi~ , ... ,I,,,,,, It· I t I ,,,Oft I hi' r.tlomtn• nt ..... ft ..... J--puhlt~ht>d to clar1fy I hi' t)(.~UI' 10 bl h · d th •1·-Y"r~ ~ ( "'\Vt• are not f.'lo't·llnll 11 pretokWnl " 'a,:n•-t 11 lllr•nt••nl, U)a •• • .. •• 1 qup,. on. "f -· my pi'Opf'rty from F.n~l C't•ntral l or war, 1 W f.' mwn '101 a mea U d ttl•·•l "' 1 h" , "'"" ,. , t .. r k·-• ' • lit 1<-111 1llfk¥ 11 _ ta '' rng 11 <'P n oo ugf' o , r bu In a ld. 14uul,t h,.,,. '" I•• 11"111rl,•·d c II ? I Wt~rnaa P'Aitta Talk '" 11nwnotr hi~,.,.~ for •,.. LJ•>t:: Ea C I A ' < " ' ' > ' ., ., •• 1'' IIIlo ""11"111: '"11"1 1"' •l.•n•• I Ill h f h I I ..._ ',... •-•-' "1"._. ....,.... -2. Jn 1940 I purcha!<t'<l t hf' prtt· avnnuA. und thnr"b" l·n noin" now who ~·ill ('tonduc:1 J)NIC'f' for -1 I • • 0 ege "'"'"I nil th•· llnw I ""'"-oodltnr ' ......... _ ---,.~..:.___. ••• 1 J)('rty nl ""' sl l'nlru w · , , • tlw wnrh1.'' AAid C'nntr;~ 1 1 ""' 1111 • • o•r " t ,. Srll "'"'~" t lhr 4 1 ~ nuf'. and prior to tht> purcha..<;(> of about ff'M .. 'llllwn nnd II('('• planr• John R. PbiiJipll In lUI IntervieW '-1111'' """''" 1" "11:'' 11" ''"'"r· • l'••t nnol \\'""'' h•· tnn ,.~~,.,,.,..An ,:; ,.,11;:;:, 1 ,.', ... ~ 11 ':-.,.."'""" it I .madt' the ron~~ing.thn•r In· of lhl' fat'l ~hot t hr• !oOI.IthWf'l>ll'rl) following • luncht'On me.t._._.. a •nt lfr ·"''""" ,.,.,, tho· '""" ---la:··l•·• '"'Ill •·ltl"'' ""'n•'(f o-w ""' th tIll " It~ "'-. . boundllr)" llnf' of frnctttmal "'CIIun 1 dl r h N rt bor .. nt v.nulol "1111 hr 1/wdlu.: .. r th•· M'any eu~Jeat u•r.,. hnv>~ 1., ,, 11 h II ' -"" ... ,..._ ... ,,. ur .,.. \'f'S!Jga!Jon<;: • :O.:o II \o\'8}0 lhf' r ... lfic ll('l'lln. N'<"lono tl I f' f'Wpcl H&r p!l'tflo rtv V.ll• ~..... '" '"' '"'" ''" ···I ' ,. jrlljW'r nn•t llwt It ~· "·ICIIf' foH ttJtmt•lln~te. nor ~ nar Tlal"f't' ln\'Htlpllon• whkh 11 t!' nut n •ah11n1: I hilt a C'hamht-r ••( C'o•m m.-n·.. "' thor ~"'~~"' pnolll i.HIIn11 hi,., ''"m 1 ,.n1 1'1 '""'nlr•cl "" to wtw-rr • Junior "'1· ''"'"""'ll lcnuwlr..-t"" Ill 11"11' ~·nl nrp llll'flln•t 11kl4 ""''"'......_ a. I oblatnNI all lhc lax btll" ~;rral •l•·u l c•f tht,.. lhnd V.fl>. N~'port ltnrhor Yacht cluh ~'inn-Ill( ... '"1"1"'1 1·~...... l··t.t·· lur lhr ..... ,.t llhnultl ho· 1 .. 1\o•llt'h ""'' nrMOKI' '"'"'"'' ( 1111 ""'""'· lhr• R.· l•lrr tJiat.rtf It .. and recrtp::. pn sil)lo• , . .,,~,., tnl: brou~;ht al.MJUI h) unmll ural ,.,. ... ,..... 1111·~· . • • Coun, lmlln """' r n "' • •I n, t• , l'tttl'd, but ttw-.,._t ._. nor<'lv,....l ''' frtn~lll 'hn l t I',,... •"','~ . ltuhr•rlol .. l "' ••IVtl{"lllf' lind :rww for th. l1lfttt many yean. and from thP ~-tion du(' lo lht• butldtn•• of th•· Wuhm~:tnn tnd_ a •• > it. ,hf' rrc.r ,. """~ "' ''"" mf• Ill ,,.. •"m ' nl( nt •ny lftdl~l to --•. ~ rlptlon or thA prtvv>r1, -.. d ( .. _ w ld tl ........ , ....... Uufta •• •lrll\\ ,, .. ,. "'"' Wit h .. ,....._ rtltlr• ·~ llwt ltw-....... Mit "' ..... hualno·u '"""' IIIHI ''""' • tl ........ ""' ~ •· -·-' '"' Jf'tf) wh1o•h lht• t>"''nl'r"' ,,( lh••.... 1'011 '0 1'"" nr · f'Otl n....,. ,_ . '" . ,,. 111'1 thlll ,.,_ no4 lnt~tp9 wft.h thf'Sf' tax tltll< and rt>Ccipts . Clb· proJX'rtiM> r.a~ud for Wllh lht•tr lnll. wh1~o~halrr'd ('Qn~. llfld I • ·• rn c· .. un• •lrrtlln 1.-•u•• Santn Ann Anny Air 1\n,., tw~;ht IUtto• I Wfo• '""''" 1.t lh•· s. ... 1 1 th<• llhf'tll ... ot nthltn.. latn<'d I hi' mfonnalion tha t thl' taxt'1i would bo· un~r eenarn lav.• "Eilt'h d.tty at 4 o'dodc pt.,_ Jetck••l ""' m .. ,,," ~ ar~h·•l V.· u"'••l fur tlwl pJ,.--.,.,., llu· ll<•no•h l'oillt 11nrl W11vr th•• '""' 48 .. ..._.. ..... Pn>P<'r1> tn IJUI'stmn f'Xtr·ndt'<l so mlcrpretoo u 10 f4r,,\.,,,. lk>o INovr for aJI par111 of ~ won& On. 11"1"'''' ""''" 1 ,.1••·111Uujtl..,T .ll•tho'rl"'~ ""'" '"'' ''fllt"t.:'''l m ttw ~1, Wlllf "JW'(nfflilt out n..c ltwt. fmm Easl C"l'IHTaJ· A~lfUt' ·to 'pn\"tn~> thl'm of n..,.an rr-tll"f' .~.~ No pl•f'e 1.11 more than eo t.our. rrocn th•· fl•••• .. .,k,1t '"'' 1.,,.,.1v l!l•nthllnK hl"ln•·••'"" '""' It•• w'" ,., , lffWll v•llft and ,.,., ....... h ' A lh I .. .,.,. ·~· .. .. d I ..........._ nu~ Wfll.lltl 1 ... In ('flAO• ..nnw "' • ,, .... .., •••• In •h,..•·lln.. •tt•c·ll• II· ' • • an..-. I c. nn•a n. • ,.,... r t'{'('tp !> Wl'll a~ lhl'tr r1"ht tn f'('l't'llnn I IawRy an mf'n are rommut nl ._... -''•1.111• , ... ,. • ., II llu·\ "'""'•I ,.II _._..... I " ,. thltt t•nlttlltll thf' 1"'-•~ ol •ant WPnl bat'k rTUiny Y•'"'""· und V.'{'r{' AJipt'lll'f'd hf>for; lht• (' v u n r II IWr'<'n \\'a!lhlnl('lnn and Europcoan rrcoe• '",. '" "''~'""~ ·""' ~:• tltn• •:•,. ~h '~'"'; «""'"'"~ ~~··: ~ ."'" ' l(tlln I I" , .. ~"• whr'fn h• N.ld "'"~"<' lllltl'f'll~. IUKI thai lfwat.,;. untD both C~nty and Oly tax rl'-lhrounh my nttoml'y with 11 CQm· cltll'l! u th<'Y one.'.' ('()I'TUTtu•f'd tK-.. attlnn.:th , .. ,11,.14•·• ,., .. , "" '•m•-c 11114 !' ~ " 1 • '111 l'tlloiiiQt'ft 111 lhf' l(liltthllna IIU•lnr ... ~ I urh 1 .tt""ll ttw • t'('tpt~. J con~id(>r I was fully "' 1 1 1 1 ~tt 1 ~·1 rx1 ... , t '" , ,.1,~ '" ""''" "" """· 1"" lhnl porUnn N'Arrtlt ( 'oo.t 1' ltrnl IIIIIU'Ic" 111 •••hlw offl•·l"l" wh" " IIW• I"" "I ,_. I prom I~(' pr""""it iclfl that I 6 i\'l• tn Wo'C'n O('ft • ~ ~-•t .. _ .............. ' II Ill I .... "'''" '"" ...... ,tl\c ttl nw ~ Jus'tl"ft'-.. tn const·d~rl'ng thnt lh•· ~~~ .. ,.. 1 1 .. _ D-·bl'---* hil l 1, 1 1 1 t f 1 ·' ''~"'· m•JO nol ,..,......., u '1 111 ,_..., ,..,,1 .. ,. unfrll'ndlv ''' t11m 11--• .., ... , """' -....__ · <-" ' 1 thl· Ci~y of Ne-wport Be.ch 11 Quit 'ommrn '"' on '"" •--vu .,..;-.n ' 1 "11 ,. ~" w 11 •· r .. ·n• M A" the> <'OUniJ nwna muc·h nf Ilk 1 .. _ ... ...__.:,1 .. .__ 1 "'-' '1" .,,. •If"-•••)' wiU.. ._, _. • dcplh of my pro!X'rt~ WAS In thl' Cla!m ~ to all Ianda IIOUth· eandldatr. 1l'lomu E. Dew>Py, t. • aro· Wlllllnl(, hut ""'"•1•1 nut wou u '"" ,.~..... n•n o rn1a1•• n br ""'ornod for ..U or far ...,.. oet'an. and still constdcr tha t It 1 wet~Urly ol a ~ruln u .... to ttw aa1c1 tw was ttw ·~ mu 1a lltll'h • pt'l ttlfon lUI •he I'?· l•nd In que.t6on, __. IIOiutlon tlw 1•mhlln1 hualnrM." 'nw "-''ta · • · Is. loceen 1lMM Ianda ~~ politics t~. and told ot hll ,.... lf'd \he lnrrtocment vn lbe mljCht ht' f'Ndwod, '""' phm ,_ nw a~ aPIJ'U"fd 1n the ••I .. 'Ttwr·.':. __. • to..,, b. I doHiy lm"J)('C1ed all deedl -f t Ia ..._.... and" that UW eont u district atlAinll:y .ot N and her cOIUillwu...J retpectf~ I' F W to D. J. Bead~ ...... ..,._ a.. Ha nnt. a.· h • - pertaininc te m,y property an.s ~: Hlt't,;r~ .,_ to .. Yark ctt)' ..._ •.,. 8111& Doc~.-..:· ::yo•• AI· ... 1, -. ...._. u.t ........... out that It exttfl.l '"-t Odn dtNd ,._, tNt 0. PJCitl'H fte ~ "b _., I. C:. ' .. ...._ ........ ...... IS ·-.....;.;;;at"~ • point In a IIOUthwt>aterly dl~ ·~ Eut (' 1 df' th tJons out ol 75 lndlc:1rMr!111 Todlly Army OroiM.nt~ ptoodoo.·• •• to tJw _.. illl"-,. ..... , .. ;In rtw .....,. • .in.,. .... _,. _ ... Uon to IM southw('tlterly bound· olo 1t'ntrtal a~~u.,. 8 • ·1 P l F'int t'Ofl"rt'Mrnan f~ tht TNT to~ ........... almntrlv ,...n n N-pnn f-t•riMw ~ ol C.om· ,... ~ e1 ..._ ..,_ ..., _. f f l · approx ma e y """' t't't n 11 , . ,. / ..... · · nwrc. • .,..-• .....,. tJwt ...,. .,. ,_t • __.. a 1 aryl o rat'l onal Wllon No. 11. northl'asttorly dlr'{'('lion. A.nd lhat 12~ dl!llnt'f. Mr. Phillips Ia rut? 1l"flt11 • round •~' ''''"'Jif'r~l lt1 :l~ • "" lnvolvf'd u twlna f'flfttM'f'tf'd .,.,... .... ~ •• .... I'Nidt ...... ~-,; boundAry m~st tW' tlw Pa· 111 lht:' nt that ~~ b<'fore ttw ntnr agaln.'ltt hlm.~Ir thl• fall. b<• '" M l' .. n~• 11 pc11m.1 flurlna Wurid A rrpnrt wu ~ ht'ro• ,,.. •·lth thf' I 'oat 11nol W•vr It ~~~Y~ .. 'Why thf·,.,. llhnultf br IIUdt rio- Ciftc OCI'IIn In Vti'W or the fnct pot'' .. ~ . lnfi! IIJ1 ror l'('•t'll'<"'lion on both tht Wit I Ill curtllnjl th I hi' Ntn\h dlly I hill • rntotniJH nt ,,.. ~h•ntu tl ... ,. .. ,...r WIIO ""'"' In WilliAm Ro. lr•nt • ., ..... Il l•-,,, ··-__ ..... , __ h ... ld be r II rtt> counc at ,, ... P'V''''n~ tmw , . I A ..... __ ._ I I I I , "' ..,. ._. __ , I 111 ~ .. 1s wuu a u set'· d h h . he ftt-puhll<·lln and Ormocrllltr ttr ll· ~ r r vI • ,. C'l•mman•l <lnlt••nN· M c1ty ,_ .. ,,.. rnrnm M<lfl "" 1 .. ·1 ''"" In flu• ~·"""''1"11 111111 M••t · lind nM tJUrn·h twwnla Ia dlrftruh lion. nol ll frat'ltonal l'('Ciion "n ~U~n; It' 8 r porl 1' 10 t'IJ<. Hranl'h. t""r1 llt>ul'huo. l'IRh "'"'"'' tlutt thf' «:U'tUnt ... trlfl Ill <'hlllll~ B11ro~ lotrhy In I~"' Ant.:"'''' 1, r•'!Jrlllln. unl""" II I, that ffw wt'rc it not llr<'VI'ntf'd from '" me tn t e nl'a~ uturl'. 1 .,_ • tr•nlf•"l to rrjrort ttw-pllln for , • .,. 1111•1 Itt•• n••v•·t· 1'111••11•~1 hurof1• flltnoit 1.,,.,.1 lnll•rw.t• hltw ....,_ N>ing hy 11" ar{'a hf>mg hmitro<l .<'Uy te G .. • tulrl••lutt~; 11 Junklr •vllf-lr" nn \\J,.,, hv thr PadfiC" ()("Pan nn It,. In muktnt:: thiJO C'Omr,romto.t• 66% s • s.•,·rnt ... 'ftth "'""" Thill "'I'"'' f1tur"" tH• """....,. ,~llf'<~'tl•tul In l•~)'lntr few Uwb · 1 h J lh t ·n, 10\•·,...hlr· •:n tr•q•l '"' "' 1"' torowhwt "'lUI•· th<· •l•>t tT\IIt'hll"'f' In· ~lhWf'•h•rl,\• loc•ttndlll"\. llH'r•• ··~tll,l\o•r I .. ~.11'"" lim J(l~ln.s: In f' ewer assessmen '""tlol nut br C'Onllnnrd ltw1JI) (nrl'. 8 .,8 10_ I w~. ('l'rt:tin th:ol C"1l) 111 ,,! I"WII"t ll<·lu h mnn~ '0 ·~ltt .. tllll h•·llflo .. l "l'trllti••ulh ~l111•l 1 ll•t't•-h h11 vo• nool l'Ctll'tl 11 lltw u m \ llln~ '""•·nf1N:l It) lh•· P;H'1(1l" lhlll.t'l1nll' ur MjtiHI •· f·~·· .. r lan<i ,., Muu~•··,.,. .... ''" (l .,.n"" '"' I''''""' fl'f" alnt rTVII'hl,_ I• II tfT'I'at · "hll"h hy '"I"''' .• nrt , .... , .. ~.' , .. ,n· p .d 8 · f 8 . d· Split Money'\... .s •. ,\11~· .. •11>' ,,.m'""""" """ 1.,.,,1,1< ntflrlal• to ocl'a n. ,.,,,.r I ""' tho• ""'·n··r Ill A• ''"' J•asMed in Shop .. ,,,. '""'"''''h•·• ,.,.,,. •~···n ,, II lho'Nlfnf• rorntJll . r I tho•n '""Jlf'<'~•'<l ·•II m,q.... tlnltl,.t;lornllnh..:'l:,h•l ',h"',', r''",,')' 1,•\r·l;to~.' .~'," ,',,h,~· al e ore on lng Int.:'" or 1111' untlr·• ,.( J.:t•~•t• .,t ""Whul 11\1• lt••I(INI••r fir,'~> nut M)' hnlh C'tt\" and C'n<rnl\. tn tlw Ho• ~ .. • • "t.(llunl••,"'. lr'<l I•> ,1 ll••v \\'•·~lr·\ 'l•'f'lflrnlh 1,. lttlll, n• I• thfo .-• .,. r •n·t1•·r·, ·,.f(w;-. in th,. Ctt_-1-:n· 11111 '"'"""''•hi "' tho• 111ft ,.,.,1' (" ... t 1 1 1 1 11 1 h noun• :mol tlw lllr't thllt lttl• "hnl< • ·'Willi •."' '" uovr• "'"II'" ru'' w I many ml-~tulfk·ol /t•(tu'Tflf't' ~'"'"'r'J; nfltrf> ,,, !1;,.,.110rt m th• •-'' ..... , II• , . .,n Vrunt. ""t"JII'"' '" n r1 , 1 1 lit 11 1 1 It •t L'.. 1 1 ~:non I ... Fo•t~otll>·"n "';o .. a 'ul ... lund 1111 11·~·· ""'" \ , •• II ' ' I 11''11 ' ' ,,. ··v .. I r .. oWIII' -. n ...... "''''. C'nur1ronm 111 :o-;,'WP<"lr1 , in th• AI "" !loll'"""'" I '' • t • :0.1 n F••h &.tor~ge I··· ul l•olt•·•· lh•t " ml\o ,, ... rlh••l "l••rullnw ""'' 111ul'loltu:• I 11,11 1., ,..-.. tho· l•w Int-.~ ,,....11 F••o••ral Snnnl.," and U"mn A ..... ~n· J.:l"llnt mhko•• lho· :o .... ,umptoon lhH I •t:ov "' lit• '''Y '""II''' '' Wtu T lw '""''' '' •·•~• A ••~ I • '"" h• '"''"~ IIIII anlf ,..,.•r1niC "" ""11t••\ r 1111 tit ll"l h., I'"'' I I I hit .. Iff I f :tn~ cln..-l~trtl:' thai mn~ hav•· lw.,•n •·• •· " 1 ' • 1l1tll ~. ~ "" w n ,.n't'l '"'" nntrnn at l.tdl• 1•11'. In f;,r t 1n '' 111 I lt1:11 :o l0011t t>ti I'"'' •·Ill rJ flun ,., Flltflk ;-; ttt.1," ,,1 1 loo1 k •1•••1•••·111r1 111•11 .:·ray lnoc1., no, ""'' rondurt ... ·l rarlv In U1,. •·••ntur y h y 111 Ill 1 1 w 1 k --~ 1_ .,k dumpc•d nn tl llliHI•· .on wumturnl ~ , · • \ " •· u ''"'" ••r, ,..,.. .... ,.. •Jll•••lt•d <•II m;•p~ lhnl \\••ro• :.1 t'• l"''''"rtv ownr•rto had l'"ld n llu111 dt••lt I•·• 1 ''"' .,.,1,. .. ,. 1"""''•1 "~opt.! flO IIIII, f11ltl~•l. llw 1· 1111, "'I 11,1 tl 1 11,1, ,. It • 1 1 1 1 tl ''\"1 "' ic•n "rnnt.: 'l11•·~·· clr•·llt.:m..:s ~ ·1 ,, • •' 11 ' 1 ' ' • t ··~ I•" 'I' •· """ n~ f'tlfl• n.lf' w lhlll llntl" In U"''· and nn '"''"" th•··f' t••rlttrn nf th•• r""'"'" ... m. plant"' 1:111~. I "'' tt .......... , .... ""'" ~··t·· ...... n. ha.lf tJf II dullar I""''' 14hll ''""'",,Ill "II I " If ' ' II r II NrT'f'f iN tt mllpl' fnund thttt lh•• IIIOt••r l~ ""''"" tlumiiC'tl •~n Itt" ttplnnrl-. nn•l l•l•t:•d ,...,,,.,. lllw,. 1 ... ,,,;., th# lhf' In"'"""' tl.:•t '"' '"'"'"'"'''I·~~ IIIII 1,',' .. 1 l z '' ouull~•lt,', .. I• •' ~~~~··; ., ,, ·,•1 ;, ";~,;·ll~•r "' > • '"I 1 ·rh 1 h • It • rnn lw n•at11h "''n httllrlin~o;l' rr •. lt<•r wr•nt 1,. ho.nri '' ' • '' I''''' I •· ,. \\ ll "I" pure n~tn~: """' 11'1'" 141'1'•' cnn•~rttrh·~1 r.... h··~··nrt 11111111"14 ,,, """" I•·• l''"'i"' I''"'"' llllllfrllllt\ '"' ''" , .. , ..... llltffll' I 1\tr n "'!ttl' rlnlh ...... atlrlftl ttw rl'~t·nto•rl h~ ltn,-.o; al'l'ul·at •·I~ "h•'rr• lhp'l<' dumplnt.:N ,,..,.,u ,.,.,, II """'" ,.,.,.,.nl•·tl '""' '' Ill• Iathon \\'I,. I• 1,,, '"' '" '" ,.., .. 1 Slt.•epinK Childre" s t... I"''" l.th···• •Ill•· " 'I ,, •·n•' "'''' "' lltllllllnl ro·fnpntl"ll wou.ld dr1m11 Hn•l hhtl'llrintMI. whidt 1 $H:I,HOII 1 ""~ .. r tho· I'''•J•·d thai I• In (' 1 ,..,,.,. 1111<1 1~ ,.,, 111•lu• 111~,,. 11 ""''' Jilil 11 "'" 11 1,. "" •I•• ''"' '""'J"'' •tf tfwo L'hrtatlaJI I I I ( Thll nktnt.: ynu for pr··~··nltnt.: m) $•2 . ... L'a ape lnJ"ury I ··XI<'IH ··t tn il i l,tnnrr n 11\'f'l·,,., .... "' tht' IN):ll('. I tt•ntain. • .• ~ .. , ha•l ~ ...... 11 putol Tho· olin trllol l•llrt··~··ll ,, 1411fl n··· ''""'"V t•• r .. n(' ,,,, nu~~lllfl II• HIVfol •llll• '''"" "'" doUN"hr• .... vltnl .... ,.,, .... hf rrtlllf'· 15(1 f··•·t tn a •Ottthwr••to·rlv •It· •:LJ ZA Ht-:TII PORTER \\'YA'r-r <~I mf"l l•• "l'l'r"vl' ttw "''I'" ~t•· t11hl•· "" .,1•1,,,, , ... 11 ·11,.. ''"" ,.,,,,. 1,, lu•n '"''f'"" 1 111~ 11 1.,.,111,.., u1111 th••y .,.,. pal· ro'("l trtQ frum Ea.-t C'l'ntral· :wo·· '"'""" •·nt.-lt1111 ~" ~ .. ""' I •11•1 fll urtt;.:•· ..,.,.,. 1,, '''' I" ,1 .... ,. ••I tl~o· '''''I'"'J: 1·hll•trr11 ••I Mt '"''I •• ,,., :-;1111t11 ~~~ llo·.:l•l• 1 ""' ,111,111,1v lnr•lll(llolr• 1., fill nup tuward th1• OcPitn. whtrh ll111t ~<mot.llll.,f t•• l :lHio4"1 17 ••· lll w tn.: ,..,.,. ''""' 1,, •dlll!•tHII••n M•• ~t .... l,.v Wr111• ... tn7 c·1 vr•'"' ••lcnrl) ~hOWI'll thai my prnpr·l t) I I.~ong IJeach Man J)ies l"lll"oltnl( to 1!10• '""'•lllllloll ""'' ..... ,. ovrt IIIIo( hi ,,,, ,. ""'I'"''... "''llf II\ ··n .. •· llttlhn. ...... r1. Oflr-ruwlv ",h'~!~',nmd·u~h'.n II rtepth 11t•lfl '''11•1 In Home of Friends .. ,h .... , ••••• , Thl .. 1H l)rlll'\• I ... ·~ ''"Y , .. ln lunol 1"1" I• It .,., .. _ .. 1 ...... , ... ,, 111JUry t.re ......... :l ...... ' Cong. Phillips Evinces Keen Harbor Interest " ~ t_,. ': l'tlo\\'tr.~. ~\'t r U1 d• In p rova•l•l'f'l_. ,,,, "'·""'••l •••fl 'A• t• ad,. n '" 1-\tttttt,.y whf"u a tcr-uup •·' Att.IW'ka 7.on,. Map l:tt\" Mutthr•" l'tttrlrk K•·nn•··l~·. ltH • munt• •1•11lttv "" "'""I"' m· ,111,.1, ,,. ,. "'"' 1:11111 .:••Int.: "'""" 11 , :\ Jn thl' JlA!II ~··Rr a map h11• 40 <'mpluy .. l at th•· t'l•'"' • nt T .. ul ''""~m•·nl!l Thr 1,.,1.,,,., ,.. M•l·••~·t '""'"'" ""'"' tl,.,..., • f:llrl.a«r , "" ,,,.,.,11., C ~1\n ~,.:, n v '""'"~ flf'1\• h, Y.'H,. found 1 Tth• "'• "'"' fit.•· ~ R~ lr ' It• • at r••r m• tlu "1 , , 1,. n,.. • *" h• , h,.r-.._ t ... •t• ••• •lit wltt~tl.w A t aU "" , ... ,. •h•:•d !'lllurohl\' Ill th,. hr1mr nf 11 1~•ln t '"'1:·"1ntnt.: nt lit• '\r•ll~• "''" "'""""'' ,11 q,\ltooll••ll 1,,,1 "'""'"" l h;o IJn)ll,.n gt11,.. ""'' Raiding Minister Withdraws from Lel(islative Race frl,.ntll' ~tr.-Jt tl J h,• .. lt und .. ,n uv•·rtu•ntl tfl :'l~'AJ .. •rt Hl•l•"t••mt· \il'h hh luul ,., ,,,.,,._ \4 t,. ,,.. """''" ttu •Jaltttrrn fil l :-; .. rth ""Y Fr• nl lla lr .. ,. 1 .... 1111( ... MAm "'""''I lll\11--·· IUI•I t••rrr•l ,,. "r II·~"""'. .,, I ,. \ n• •I ,., r ':•"' \\'f'st N"''A'JW•Jl :" ...... ,.,,rt "''flfJiyu,~· , fl• , u, " tt. "'" ,, ue '\ frt•nd ... \\' oh•·r .I l '<t\'1" lh<' '"'I Hstlbo.r ""'n"tllllJ: v.oth '"" IIUrlln•• t• ,,, ••II• n ,., ... nl Y.•'•'k•·nd• tn thl' """'''' lrne that ,.,.rvf'fl Tl>• l'•·nln· 1 ~1111 ., l<~ll•n•l ''""'' AI 1 1:5 1111111. whlrh ""'"-" tndu•l~oJ In lhr hnlul "' • ''" '1 · • '' 1 •t · · ' 1 tl IIJ' l 'f1 I I o t It f t;. 1; •• ,. \\"Psi•, ~~ F.•lv· ""· ;-:.,,11 •I ~atutd.,v Mr" p .,, h· h•·n rrl "'"' MIO""-~m,.nt. \u;• FH•' .\1 .th ... t~..t pu!;t ,1 ,,h. f"':d l It• ~, •~~t~ •tnd ,,.,,,n '"''··~I ll :•'· I I 1 I I ' • 1 Ull'. ft•lf' d hUr' ·•n 'h'· (ltot,r tr• "' "" .. ' ttu n r .. ,., a \ ·~1 •• ,, , r:•u tC.HH 1 m;uhn~q ·•nnt~1''t fdl t ... hV t 1t. l·lut \,,,.,rh· ~q,. •tJlfl•l 'h•· I Ill I r 'I I I'"' ~· ''·''" r •. , I•'''' "I"''''""'' l:t ~ \\ l• f :••t. r r "'"' r nu .,, n~40l•rn,.l,r ~'" , P ~ 7 11h 1 •, • ~~ \! '1 ' 1 ,..,,.,,,,,.,~ ,.\t •1,,. "'"' ~ tP• 11, lq• '•·tl ;d, ('f"''' uti~' •n~· IIH• '•tf•l • t •• ,,,, 1,1 ~tl'' fl;' •• , ... :· nq•· ; 1 11 t •• f ' ".t"·' '"'" d 'h • rur.n '" t ••• d' t lilt· 1, tt• u' 1 '"' ''" curr' 1' •I tr~•l 11 ""'" "''"4 '•~; n ,,. \ t I:._ tt•1 J~HI 1 y f)p lftnt t \' '\ht•t t' ')H •If ,, ,. I "' I II "I ••\ I'' r 7 1 I I I d h• ;: ~~ I "' I I ~ I I ' It t I t II fIt ~ rflu••l t huq A, !'-iHn'n \n •1 ,,. • ., J''''''' 1 r t •-· It '" 1••111 ' .. 1 lh· rn •• n v ,., '" ., · 1 1 .• n,l 111 n ~1:1 •l , 1rc ·' .c n1 ,,, ··hf!,.,., · r ., , , •• 1 ,,, , ,~. ,, h ~'l"'' ,,, '~' 1'''" .,,1 ,11 •· J·f'."':t''" 11''" 11' 11 '' \'. J I t •· 'n"•l• "sud, ""Ill t'·n·o', nn\ t1Xt 111 , "' th,· rart nf • ('fl "" ttnrtnl•'tt ,,, """"' r· luh ,,.,. .,....,. lhllt I ~lnt lo•d I • .fr t\\ a:td \tl• \ hAd fn •, ~,,,, fl 'H•If d••(t n•P •• \\', rttt' .,.,,...vna.:. .n,.t.,,. · ~tr F:ol \\111(1• ~:tkl l hnl llu• ho-oft.:hl UoJts Bite Three Over W~k·End It I T t4 I 1\(.t' h1110 jul'l h• C\l'l and • :> rr ""' Tl'r,.,. 1 ""I"'' " .. r.. h tt ,.n hn• klnt u p "np tn• h This 1111:1..: •l<•j;.'.., "' ,., I h• \\ •···kt>n•l I h,. •llof!t' h11 c r lt•mr·n•• thAI .,.,, .... nnt •lnPfl''li tn r1u,._tt<111 1111 "' 1n~ h• Ill '" •t"r 111 m urdr•1 '" th•• 1•·•-~ Alld t hf'y •1'••rr:u11 '"" \\'Ill nr•t hf''ftllt~ ,,, tin U a~o:tun ·· t1tr\,.Unr H hlffltur•l 7 Th~ p11101or apfl' :or••l l •·f,.r• \\'•·~1 ('r•ntr•l IIV•·n••• """" '"""" A.~o•t ~1,.1 Allv r'rf'•tnn Tum "r by 1 t!fltf '"'-''Tif'rl by U""~ M• · fl n•l 10 gilt tl ~·-IrAni • ( r !hi' Ill ro·.'l1 ('IIV."n li22 ~·, ,., ft• r •. n f"llolll "' l9o"n '"If' "f"'MIInr< "" r "h,ra: .. ~ nnr1 "•II l,.,.lllt'1l II\ l•r Ita .. ,.. \hl'y "'"lat.., I hf' penal rntJr by Btob f)lor~ 12 12:1 A l~<lnn" till'· JM·-•nr: "lnt mvt,tn••" Th•· "n"". fC.Ihn. IIIIM•I • a • lwtl"" W lllf'Uillt \".1IJ hf' ftiN1 In fluntln~·t hv • r ,.., "'"' •Pf'norl •n•l "''"'"'I lon H.rtch IUI<l Anaheim JUJIU<'~ by Or T•AIIll . .lhtl,. I'&AII u •rml· rour1JI Namf'• ~;f Ule twn wttl r "n •·•~ blth•n by ~ rnllle ..._.,, not !)... dl.-1.--d unt il &rruu hav.. by r;upn.o Wunr..-nrf P':arl"tt t-.r..n m•d·· Tum ••r 11111t1 IAnrtmr ........................... -., .................. (_...,_ ..... ....... ~ ... _.,..,,_. ....... 1M ........ ....,.,, " .... ,......_ ........ ,...., ....... _,, ......... . ......., ......... ._...-• ..,..... -... v..e. ·-··-·· ,.,.,n._ • ......,_...._.,.._ ... ,,..,. ·- Renewal of "A" Bunks 1(.-quirr Aufu Tin• SlipR .f,.l,n l 'lull•t• ... ,' ,, I • '' ftf ,t i t\ t It ••HI t lu ,,,,, tl ,. I• '"'' nl ·. ' ''''"' •I I I •• ' \\,,.,I tt '"···· I., HUl'' lch • ..... llt•l If,,, .. I tl I •• ttl I II" .tHo tt•l• d lito tf11 • t I •ol t 1 • I tfll' •·f tfu ',, \' f• •' f f t.rf 1,.,, I 'hot Ill Yt nrk ,,,,,.,. "'''h•,.•• ''''f"ldnl: Itt~ ~~~~~~•I ,,. '.tt rn~tt••trtns~ •·lnu-.•• ff•• "'' "'nktn~ ,,. ltutt •·tttl I h 1 tttr tu nl1•·t uf l!tt ''"', 1 "''" \-\'rtt 11 unt.,. '" ,..,.,., .-f llttt• tn ""''''' ~" ,.,,,,,,,,,. tlfl:•" f,, r • t r ,,.,li • •1 '"'" p '•''' • q d ''" fl ,. t••rt "' u lt '· t'•fi•V tl ttr '"A" lt~t~•k• w Ut ,. 1 ~· ""'~: thr '''"' "''f'kfl ,,f , f t, • ' • r '""' w l11 t.... rn ,.•l• td \t •I· l•,r h· '" ,, · • rq ''· h .• ,.,1 •· ''' ' •ltl''''ll•• ,,, r•t11tt ,rtur • I • 1 t • ••f •••• t ... n I t~mr ,f t to 1 I It J.j ,.f I l 0" • f ""' f J I U !11 lt f I 10 ,. ,, '" . "' .. ,,.,, v .. 1'111 fit fl ' .. ... • dl ,,,.,.,, ,,, hr-fnl( "'"'~ ,, ' t •l t • \ ll'fwtk I OVf't h 11l '' k t •n•u.ul ,,,, .. , .. ,,, J I r 'IJ '•·d l'-t. ' Ira t !1t• 11H1fl l 1 ' fl ,,, I ..... '\1 ''i"L , I 'tid I t h tl '•I• I ,,,,, It t;ftl Ill f lif tll• I f lltfl "I I• 1 11tdqpl' d t1 •tl••·• 1lt Y!'lnt• ". 1.1 I ' ,, ' It ' rl , Ill 11 I !I. ''' •• , \" J .. ,, ' I I I t •••• , I ,, • 'II I I I j,. •I 11.41 I It.._., I j' I• j;, I j '"' h "',, h II•· , d "· ,,,, , • r, ,,, ,, I II I ,, " •• f ... ,,, ' II• I I· t ,, d ,, t ., t .. d l • ,, f ; t t I,., . ' 'I "I I' I ~ I • lo t , .. I' I II I '" L• ••II the• lft•:~t .. f rt"l ~· • ' I j j 'j \ ' f I ,. ' t ! ,,, ,., '·· ,,.,,, • ,,, • " •n tru leuu • f ,, • I ...... 'ill I ,,, ,,.. '. •1 I , lll•l•f lltl\l ., • , I ...... , ... , t , .. ,. !'!II'" "'Ill " ', .. , ... ,.,, .. I I ttl ~,,,, ,.II "''''II• "''''" ' ' .. ,, I •• , • .. '"' r .~.~.,, ... ,,.,.,,,1. f • I•" I, ,,,, ,,. ' .... I t)p l* I I '· ,, p d . ''"J' '· , ·~· ttiiiiWitJ '" . , ,,,, .. • J• I '' 1 I• 1 \''' • ., d •1, .. •· ... •·• • t ,.,,., • , •• •·• I'' r,. ,. ttuar- I~· t I • '•"VIfiJt " • •• 1..--Mr\t • t ' '11 ,1 t• ltl• '''''· lltd t11\., '' I I '' tJ 1!1 1 '" 11 ''• ~ ~-..111111 tlun•• t ... '"' ... ~''''It , ...... ""''" .... t I • •• • ''"ll•t 1 .. •It ••tfllttUH d It••' •' • ,,,,• t , ••• '' ·hti~tl tlfl• In th~ 1 • ,.,. ot• r lr ,., y•oyr I• • iLl lor"'' d loo I t If t 1J ft•f ,, f 1ltt i tlttr I 0 f fto tl t•1 1ft "' 1ft W ._,, fifft Tl • t· ,. ,.,._.,., an•l 11"11•·• '"'"'' • tid J,, '''I'UJ •tl Y•;•d•t ,,, ' • • 1 •t f• • ··I• ru ruunuhutt" .. ,. I' ttl ttl''"~'·"'',,,.. ,,,, ., ,,,, ,,.,..,.,,..: th,.. nuu·k•t t ut •• , •'• ,,,,.. 1•t\lr fl'"1"1\flt•'•" ••t .,, f,,,r ,, '"' ~1 ,, • ''lttll t•t ,,,.,,flrl,, ,,.,.r ... ur ,,...,.,"" uw ,,, .... ,, •,, "'''' '"'' f..w ••tfhiJfrtrt'l "lt1• ,,,., .. ''•tr ltttHitlll ,,, tit• ••1, ,., I•• ht14~f l i!IYt"tt ... ,...._ 1M'U ,,.,ttlttl* ftttll trlltolflttft ••I tfttl tlt., ,., ,, ,. '' n.r ..... -t•~41 ar1'' th .. '" 1.,..,., .. r.,., tt, ,,,. ,,,, •. ,, , •·o·· • r ·I .,,,.1 .. r •IJ• '"' Ill,. • Ill tlllmt .. ·r foft• 1 thr w~or •'flltl; aJr Tu I any ..UMW fW1 • rwwly 1"'1'"-ft ltr I• In th<• nuolciu.c I'"''" •· tf ••r ttw ,...._ fP'MTit r A• ~·~ l•• ... 1 hurt .. ,, lff1J••••\• mrutt ,., ..... nt •t h .. ,..l1un ''"''11 ""'"'•· Mr f'tlllllf"' ''"'""" ••• I• 'll• ._, ,,., .. •• 11-. '"'""'" ,_.,. r 'o .rt.l•· '" hnvr Itt•· f.llll" f.,, "'»"I • tr • m .. ~. U1oa ..... U. ..., ... .,. "''''' lo ,..~lttt••tr.,l 1n So'fll• ml•·r '"' •II •of ltw ,_ .__.... r• 1' ... 1 ""ltl<"h hll\r• ,.lr•"for1y ,, .. O'fvoofl 111-ft 'l~ U.. ~ .,....,. ""'" tit• "l'foNIV/11 •II IIH· 111no~ • n1:1n •llr • .. ,,, """'· ,...rfiood '"'' If' It 1-1 ""·•1 Pf"l.,...., liM ht' WI\Jo 11lvo h•otrlfl,. Oaou+f~ .. a.t a-c+u.r;r ... ,, .......... 1 , ........ ,,.lr "' h•\•• •hr r· ,., I \lUff f ~· ... ,. ,.; I. \1u r ~... lu•t.:.., n t th .. A,, f•• II I ' f •• "t 'lA ••• ll~tit• ft \'hUfOt ol I tr• ltlrl• lr~••f N h tltJn~ Wh'"fl Mt l'lull•l'• ....... '"" ... ., •• , ... 1 JCUI' .. lll•h•r M11r1l" ,... .. tutrntlu• ood llw) ''"' t1 W11ll11• • wtua .. ,.,.,.:,...,.,. 1""" f'tllllllll'l wu I nit •~lUI rd b) ,,.,..,,,,..,, rtra•lrn nn.·h nt Ulr """ JM·r1 .... ,,...,. ( .,. ....... ttl f :o.n '"""' ~ """ ,,..._,,I'd .,, Phil llj)j' wtu-• .,..,.,,, ol It"' .... ,,, N-.art ... ,..., ,,. u ... ,,.,., "' •n .. ,..._t .,_. of prU,.ry Ill .. .. ~ .............. , ., ()In'"-,,.., ,."'. ... ~--· .. -~. -" i - J • . ._. 'r.o NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES. Ne11'1MJ1t ltea(h, California, Tuesday, August 15, 1944 ~-------------.-----------------Cerone del .. ar Boy KiMBtC. Somethinc NEW Hu Been Addfll To Corona del Mar o. nw...,, .uc-a nc• ... -.AIInl IIAIULJ:T wlll ........................ ................. ~ .. .............. _ .... ... lit ................ , --~ ................ .. .. ...._ ~--ll-­............ .,... ..... ............... ., Ulr ~ .......... L.A. will .................... .., ....... ___ ..... .... ............ --... ...... . .................. , .... . ...... a.t let'l DOC talk atonul I7W' ... , J'OU want to knoa Is why ,_ ......, Clllf'IM' to rny martll't. ......................... .................. ................ ---.... ............... ,_, .................... II 1 Jill., ... Jllew Yertl ~. ..1 ...... .,. ............. ,._ ... ~ _._ ............ _.. .................. -.. ~ ... , .. , .. ,~. S. ......,.. JG1U eak IM •il'nl'no or a lalllb ,.,... • . . you'll pt tall ..-ror ,our .,...nou. nod .... ta. Now about my I"'C-"P~ . . ,.. ...... wiD .,.. aood and ..., ,.IW* brand~! wtll appeoar -.. Wlva. ftu6 .. _.. wptablft too wW • ttl the "1~ v~. w~ ..,.et to Itt tMn tram ftiMibJ ........... .-.u~~ 81 a ........... ...... == ............ _. :::: ..... .:_:::...~-:.~: -.... ..._.... .. ..,. .................. -...,_., .... So u-. ,.,u twlv• It • . ""! marktof to WI"W' ) ou Ye . . Uwn-'a pl\rk•t & l!p&CZ alld .. :, Ow m.aritet I' ltOC"IIIf'd 011 Coaat Blvd • about half ••o) betwa n Uw SAnta An" .. rut· otr-and lhl' C'oron11 dd Mnr Pwt <Xfk:.. ~ you !W'X'f 'nlurldii.J. IEIIII'S .MillET 1111 c..t ....... ,. MESA PROPERTr GOOD. PRICE DEMAIO t:•• 111a I Rntnllt on~ lv lto·l"n I" •r · b n lui l:'i In I rae I 32!'1 SpZ+l•hn..: f 'l>ur, R. 11•\"•IILilil "'If' l~>llyrno Wa.lk"r an•l wlf,., 1111 !t 111 ln•rl r-!>9; LI•IY•I ~ Rt•"~<'k and w!l~ to I!A•mJtrd \"I.KID.for an I wllo·. "''""' 1 II "' lt•l ~7 C'allltomu• Av•o<·a '" tnu I 37!1. C,.''\ollll .f .. u W II Mtlll tt and wtl~ to ~lltn.,v II Oavidaflfl and trllr , .. Julhr~ .. , ~,· h d! r,f Jut 10 and aJI nf J.,t II In 1 J • k 1': llf Ira• t r>~l l!o.flll't t" T it\1 •I and wl r I•• 1.-&wr~nrr l..z•no:'• y aDd Wit .. , lo•l II 111 lolucll If ot I rart -.. •::.,.1 r, ""' ,, 3-k~<• Slllt•. of Ca.ta ,_......., ro·al •·••a" ( • •I I h•• pRJit Wt't'k 101 • l.lnyd S. Startc ant! "'"if•· 111 f\.·r- nuNI \'nun.: and wlf•• ..,.,.,, h;rH nf tm 7'17 Cnllfom la Av••·:ort<o ( 1Jt1l&n1 Ar n·", I.A'(Jflllrd !'I S'"'"'"" -,n(J .... ,,,. In ~"rank M V••rt.ol ~tnll "'''" I(!:; ''"''' of lvt 78 1 ra• r :r7f; l1tn· luro L S.•lhy and "'II•· Itt R1rharfl J\ l.o••'n>nf'P and •·1r ... ha lt nt lui -1~ ••I I r11t1 300. M11h,.l H ~-ullo--n· ... HI• r '" F:tho>l l~olaiUn 1 .. 1 51 In f in loll!ol , .. ~J/Io -lmrl ;1110 """"''' nnrth····-···rl~ lito ,..,,,.,,.r,J S . St~tml .. and ,..,,., In ,,..,.., lho•ro'Of: Ra)m .. n o1 C ~frC,.I· '"l!l"k ~~ \'eru>l .u1o1 ,.,,,. II:!~. lum urw1 IIIII<· HI II K :'tafl uro ~ ..... 1 uf lut ";A. t ra• I :\7•1 4 .,tnt.,n I L.. RC'Iby and Wlfr I•· R1chant A J..aw,..·n•... anti "'II• h1tl • • t I •I I 4P hf tra1t 30il Mat,.-1 II Full• II l•·lc.kr tn F.tllf'l Balaton J,.~ !ol " t ·!II" I 3(1(). ~xrept nur1 h .. a~l··rlv IO<i 1 r .... l lhf'rt><of. Raymund (• M•-<"~ol· lc•m anll wlf,. •·• II to\ O.:J.off,,,, "'"'h'-'"•"lf'rl) halt "' 1••1 '.!.! nf 1 nw r :l76. C"'081ta P.ft"ll W n ~I· I· '"' anfi w1f•· to Sldno•> II n" ut· "''" ltnd wrft•. IIOUiho•a.••l•·r·h hroll "' lut II) nn<l all of 1111 I I ~n hi•• k t: uf 1rart ~: Rufu .. F" T.o)lur unrl v. Ill' In I.'IWN'nl'o' l.~tn~;lo ) :1rnl Wlf•· lt•l I I 10 blcll'k II of I r ,., •'II .. •'I C.,,.,. M t"lJ; IMJUihWf'llll·l lv tuolt .. r 1••1 ?:! uf I 'e Costa Mesa News 1944 I TIDE TABLES 1 t.lr and Mn. WUiam P ~nulh 1 ot Lonjt llo!&ch ••err Wt't•k ""'t H td• ~-111'"11 JUf'llb at lhl' h01mC' ,., .,, anol \\"•1 Jfi II J.\ 3·\1 l :lt Mno C11ff Von KPnn•·l 2!'o~ t:mot I 19th •t~t. Collt11 M••..,.. Th lire. P:'"'"rd 1t1orrlll. 21k t:ut I 4.2 17 111•1\3 43 04 3•43 Ot 6.0 1:13 6.0 u- 2:36 2.1 3:12 2..0 IIIIUI Jltnofot. ~nt~rt.aln••d a f,.w rn,rdla •·.tl'l a br1•1·•,. hlnl'h••••n cht nwur'• • • ..... ,. rllfU,_ p • l-na..111)' no. playtnr: .,,... Mrw. Ruth f'ltl,·1•r ':r~ F:m .. !l T,., h SICI AkJCI.U) H tjCUf"ra . .!'• Mc:Chllaa. Mra Huml'r :.ttrll••ll """' oo( Mr and Mno T~ony Ill whn ~ld hiJ:h "'"H •nd lh,. """'" t:,th and Mnnrtl\ta •tr....-1 .. ~ •-h••m" nn o 21-da' rurl•.u~eh th Mr and Mra •·rank I. Sch• :al• ,..,II ~f''' t Au« 24 tu C"arnp A u .. r ol Loe Anf•IN ore ~· M-bury. Jnd A oat.ht' ut C:O.a rN6clrnta. a.od ai"C' lontt'd at 171'-Mr•. tb4o WrJC'ant haa Jwof''l in P'...C 18Ut lt,_t. thf' ..-rvlc,. tbf"H' and » hair •: ,., .. lfn Wa,...-n f'olllna. 10.•hn110• anti hu bfoonl 0\'C'rtlf'U for I\Ool •Dd hWiband ta' wntln~t nv,.,.,.,.,. hu a ha.lt y«"arw. Ht' hu tw--n IM'n· B«t'ptC"d a rlvll •rrvk,. 1~•111lh>n ln!f wt~ IJwo loJantry In Atutra~" at tlil' N~trl ffa r hnr tlnlooo and I~ South f'O("Ifk'. Ill" HI~ .-bnol. I br• lh4'r-l n ·law, PfC" Tony Mo~ Mr. and Mno Fr1'd llarn!W)n. Ill W1UI tJw t.nfutry 10 Sout!l • ·ar propr•r ton of Ham.n.t'• J'Jnnt'r olloa. Houw. 1'1lb :-.net Onn~tf' ~tnnuf'~ baYt' llt&rted eo«wl rurllon nf lht'lr ,.., Manrt'ntla •tnf't Th .. y r:u1 • nnr hom• tK"Ir lh'" rofJUiar ,...,.. \tc. t ... lllon'lla to ·br nC"ar WJIIia~ taurant · ttrrphnr:u, •·ton Ia •tt•ll"n• 1 't Mn. WUUull f!. Nlcllfll ()( Y•'t'man·, .-hool, Sau O~u Broad~)' and Mre. nor~ .. utu S..tKt'ant J. 8. Ft..-nler IIIMarw ol lith etrwt u. amonc of the' AnDJ A.lr Vofua. -ol tM o.aa .._ --a,.com· ~Mf. and Mrw Paul W. P'M-ntef, pell)'\ftl _...,,.. ol Bet!lel No. •~ t24 Boomant lti"C"t't. and bl11 brtdf. at Banta Aft&. J ob'e O.u;:htrn1. nn 111,... Itt f'I"C'Wnt II"'~ In &-<IAI1a. a YIICatlon ootJ~ at fo~f'W'al t1• mP )I• •·hrr,. ht' I• •tau .. ,. tl Tlw nnr JWdiUida. Th•)· rrr-•r1 I hill yuun~e ,.oupl" e1~ tuo.n~<: .. t nupll:a' I'V,.ryont' Ia bavlng 1 gnand an• I """ ~ rr• rntly In Kllnl'lla c~1ty Tl1r tEklriOWI l\mt'. lll lolr hRill' lt "m S ov. Y•·•k C'l\• M re. M J(_ Rt'J)I'Itnl(f't. M rJO II • r ,: IIIIIUallnJ[ f ro.m IJ unllnc · \\'olhnm R"f'l'lln,,.r ow•t ~"'"" Jcnn-'"" Ht-111 h tt1a:h w hnool l'•·•s:•· ont nit' and PUiy .. all nl J••J•Ioro .. ,,. . Fo.,..IIOI• r 011\lrll UJI\It ol nl 1 t. .. l"no '\rr bt'lnjt f'nll'rlso lno•ol ,. huu>•r l'rl~ll\' uf tt••a1 llr hu "'"''' trUfllta uf't.Jr. anol •1r11 ll••h !'kll•" 111 thr 111'1~·,, r I!IIIKt' lia r. h. 1941 NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS -TIMES PHO:SF.8: SF." I'O&T I! a IS PI 'M t I!~ ~l &1041 ,..._.., Ann-~III!JP_XX.,, .• Sullacrtptioft Pay•blfo ln Actvanc."'lr:-S:Z 50 PfT ,....r ln ~County 12.75 PfT yt'tr to 4th zonto: $3.00 pt>r ~•r to 8th zorw. Ent.f"fd u S«-ond·ciUI rnau~r at ttw Poltofflc-P In Nf'WPOC1 Beadl. Cabromla, undttr Uw Act ol March 3. IB79 S. A. Ml:n:'R-F:DJT()R-A'""N..,.b==-xP=R""ES""I...,b"'='oo=":T- ornCIAL PAPa OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH A Dlf 1 Me 1:-1 leaUt.U.. tw Oww 16 Yean AUTO PAINTING and BODY WORK 10 WRECK TOO LARGE I 0 D E I J T 0 0 S .M A L L • '"'--No Delay ./' WE CAN START ON YOUR CAR TODAY BODY and PAINT DEPT. 17th & MAIN Ph .. 6449 ·Mclean Moior Co. J IIAIN •t SECOND· ST. . SANTA .ANA Here 18 Recipe for Frozen Tomatoes C 0 a T A M C a A ; Uw chW'C'h ~rvi~ and u.w tht> C~Q-nt.,.._~. Carl s.l Nf'WpOI"t BouJ~v&rd, O.ta Mesa. ,. H U R C H £ $ JWadlnr; Room. ' Johnson. Miniltt>r. Phone 311-J. Satu~ mominc -Sabbath " -• -Sunday: Olurch S<"hool w i 1 h IChool at 9:30. PrNdaJJic ~rviC't' _ ---,,.... 0..,.. a.u,...~omcr 2'.lnd das.'lt'l! for all age:~. 9 ·45 a. m . at 11. Evt>rybody Wl'ICOI'IW. Soon-«' th • •lad plaUcr ..,.. ~ ot Drtat -Oawt:h and and Eldton, COHia Mt>Sa. M. c. Moman~e won;hJp, 11. Nursery in oJ,.Il,.IOUJO luU-atrrni(UI cotfN ... Walnut sl~la. L Duane Canby 1 g::uc. pastor: nM~id4!nce 2'..!06 &•ginnen; departm .. nt in charge of Oriat Cllwdi·BJ·llle-S.-Com- y .. u bav«' • mt'al that ••U ,-_ :~>tlnlltPr 'I 5 ~~~6;;~~ue. Santa Ana Ph. C<>fT!Jl('lent Jlt'~'l each .Sunday mu.nlty Mt>thodiJt. ~. E . D. C'Vf'ryOII«'. But ~ aure lbc co .... &l'rvteh. S unday, 10 a. m. Biblt> · · dunn11 the momang worship serv· Goodell, Pa!ltor. I' f~ .. and •etl·madr. For .... S tudy· II o'clock morning ~-r-Olurch Sc~ool 9:45 a. m. Mom· Ice. Parents an> anvited to leave Early , momlna worship 11:30,· , ...... , • · -~ lng worship 11 o'clock Youn ~ h · h"ld ln .. • · 1 .,Iff..,. 1..-o~t rt-.ulta ar«' o~ 'J Jlhll• 7 .:tO o'clock t'Vt'flin~: worship p 1 • ' . · t;: I t'lr youngt•r c 1 N'n tve nur-Church achool class, 10:15 a. m.: malun~ It tloublf' atrt'll«tJJ to 8-.l 6rop30 t' s St'rvlce and Dible Study sery while attPnding the 11 o'clock mominr; worship 11 o'clock Su.n· ---: p. m. Ewnln~: "t'rv1ce 7 ·30. worship st'rvic«.> Youth F«.>llowshlp · ' · 1'""" fr.r m•ltlnc let' But ......_ OMaN'• of Clatt.t-Palisade!! and Midw('('k Pray('r and B1blt• Stu.dv ( II : day evenmg aervl~. 7:30 o'clock. vt.u JH.-fC'r ynurw h• I or colcl, '-. · · or co t>gt', high school, youn1: MJd·Wet.•k prayer st'r"Vi«' Wednl'S· . . h . .-l o6 .... C'l"'"'' 8lreels: Bay VIew Park Wt-<lm"llday 7:45 p, m. adult, and mtermed.iate ag«.>ll ~:30 da . _ _. .. ,_ .... , ___ ·8·30 .. ur .. lo 1("1 l <' m ...... w -T tHll llarr!JI Mlnlstt'r , , y . coven.-u wan W1111er, • p.m. , .. tt. ,. tn· ,...rvm11 1t u .,oon .. · · . , p. m. Ev~nlng servu:e, 7 :~. Mu1· -h '-.. Surul.t\ .chool, 10 a. m .. ~n~hlp. ···~· t"our..quare C:burc:h-Ht•V. Wt'l'k Service of Pra)'l'l" PraJ<h nn"' 11 s m.-1.. tlf'f'C' Ia t «' rec: • ..,. y p" I • r1 • ""' u " Fr••LI'" T·orn~oJ.,..• 11 "_ m uung l'Op e s ml'<·l-flO Mrs. G. Willard St .. urn~. C"o· Bibil' Study, Wednl•sday, 7:30p.m. New Sandwich Shop Is Slated Froftfl Tom.u-In~ • ·111 P· m. Prnyl.'r mPt·ltn~ pastors. Choir reho•arsal at 7:30 p. m. on W••ltw .. day. 7:30 p. m Sunday school 9 :30, Mr-s G. Wil· Thursday 6 amaU lt malof:• j · ---lard S 1 ea r n s. suJ)(•rintt'fldl'nl. t.., • UJ> rrayonruu.w t1rol c·••rdl e1 <:'11rt"t 8elfoaUat-Morning won.hlp 10·<15. pll).llll I Tbap P'liD<C"d plddre 1.1•k• Thf'atn.• Ct'ntral av,..nu•· spt•akmg. Youn1: IX'oph:~ mt•t•lln.: 1'1' mtnr ...S ••nlnn , .ont.l \'llo Udo 6. m C'ru~.1dt'r chapel. EvPnm.: ("oncn-pUonal <.'burc~ C"nronn , For Opening d('l Mar Commumty Church, Scald IHIJUll o<'ll and ~I. ... ;\ hmnrh of llw Molho·r Cl1un·h ('\"iln):<'h~llf· SPNICt' 7:30. tho• [Ill).· m"',. oJo.uvm '~·I and -a n w Flrs1 C"hurch of L "h~t Sewn-tor IJrin~o:ms.: 1 h<' mr!>."llll•' l'llt·~rlu}, RmCJWll .. : f'UIJ• f • mbiDf' ma,.... 11•1. m f1olcton, M l!l'achust'll,. 7:30. pray<"r ;•nrl pr81'<' ''''"'t''· na.ar '11""~1 plrkl••"' and OGIIa. Sunday ,..·hool at 9 ·30 u m S un-'lllursda)' 10 a m .. pra} ,., so•rvlct•. "' •I fill. lumat~: ... • l'ut to=&._ fl,,. ~ITIN' at II a. m Wfofin•''" ... ri•tay. 7:30. ~lln&tlistlc servl~ '" tray '" rf'fnl't'1·'1"r about I .t..} Tt•,llmonial m<>o•Jing a• ·u Wtlh tht> youn~: pt'Opl<· m char.:•· rongl'(lgatiun. The Rev. Perry -·- F' Schrock. Minisl<'r in char~<' A new lunch and refi"Nbmeut Wnrship ~.-rvic!' evPry Sunday couuter w,\)1 be opened at 900 moHTung a1 lht• "ChapPI By tht> Sbor«' Drive. Coroua del liar, ~.:­ St•{l". 410 Coast Highwa~. Corona ,.u>!..ili~ !9 lt&na of ltr. IUlJ 1;•:.. dl'l Mar. Church schc•vl at 9:30 W. -L. Kline of a a n•. h<our u"duc·k nnon Rt>adm.: n¥•m l11· ••I 1 ho· Pnlln• M·r"VICf•. h zo. ••I ..... 1rll"n nt.t tu II"Al.e t'-11•11 .11 711 Ea.st Central avt>nUI.' Rall~<.>.'l. l• o po•n• daily from I p 01 t>l ·, I' m ''"1'\•pl Sunda) s anrt hroh- di:t) .. n:.nonall) ob!o.erved. The rJUh· he 1"' cord~ally lnvJt<'d .fo alt.-nd ("atltoUe ("bWT•, Our Lady of Mt. c·armrl -F"lftt,.,nlh and C't•n· tnll. fkv Thom11:. &•111~. l'r11•,.t. Nl''-''J)Ort fkoach a m Morning worship .-.cr\'iCt> at It w11l bl' known u Corrine's 11 a m. Oigmfied wor.>hlp. lnt.le· 1 Sandw1ch Shop aud will featur .. JX•ndenl thinking Fdlowship French dip ruut beef aaodwtcbl'a , M111. Kline will be In charge' tiJfl a.uo t1 uf "nr nun at thC' ftnt, tw , au. one-r&nnol boW «**t a I !1 o I pr• >fNIIIrJn 8acoa ~v-UI Da)' t\clnDUIItS -(:Om· I munity Bibl .. Auditorium. 1750 BACH.' THE AtTACK IS CARRIED AT THE WHEELER S H 0 P •• BECAUSE WE FEEL THAT ONLY THF REST IS GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOUR CHILDREN lec•se of This. We ·Are "QUALITY CHILDREN'S Known Far and Wide ••• as the SHOP" and it is Our Determination to Reputation. Maintain This 1 THE 8E.U. or QUAUTY STUFFED ANIMALS c.cl DOLLS We t--ve eeatthed ttW mar·~~~ Iince lat Cbrilanat, for Quality line. ef Stuff~ Ani- mals and Doff•. We-lui sure you -·ill uv our dforts h.ve IDd with con· sidrrabk succna •·hen you lf'e our big displa y of brautjful Stufff'd Animals, and Do lis by Effmbee, Ideal a n d Honmaa. Why nor lay-one-away lor link S i a r ~ r few Chris«m.u. * * AI Steel .. , CC.aiages .......... ,_.. .... ,. ~ ...... .. &1!1"' • ...-...... ...... 14 II ·"h TOYS lim yoe wlD tiM th• lurn& aa4 ..& • e l e c t dock of TOVS In all So•lhPrn Call· fomiL Why oot"aan r a.• and ah•p nell I h e r P at homr wbul' yo• un CPl tb~ lhlnr' yoe •ant. a& R£ASO~,\BLF. PRIC"[!\. Vo•"ll tlntt thr~ h a .-:ut lmpnnmf'nt In all TOV~ onr lut ynr and .,..tc•• aft' merb more «:& · _b .... Right Now, Wt>'re FEATURING TC'a clltfl'nnt atyln ot CliiLDR£N'S &OCIU:RS. priu4 fNtD SZ U , TABLE and CHAIR !'£TS fro• IS.JS ILDI .,. W AOON8 of bardwoM. well maclr. s-wWa &•biller Tins. prlc'rcl from SUI ••· W• .... TOYS &e ••II nrry tkolre and poellet-llooL D ... Jllotber. IUc Sl•t.r aacl llrotbu u ... n u tbe llYdla w1U tll-qbly enjoJ a Yl .. l to oer TOY· LAND. It ,.. .Wrr folb wut &e ~rerl Jo•nl" apla .-Jast lpelld • llttlt' u-lwowllq arollllcl .. -moth TOY DEPARTMENT. lorTJ n eaalaM list all tiM lie-, .. 11 ftncl litre, IHit tMro ........ , -eao .. h Ia &aiM a4 &e .. &he .tM. Note : "HUn.Y &OClU!Itl' fM th1 Tln1 Tot, oolcl IMt 7~ •• """' &My'ro ... t US.. USE OUR CONVENIENT 1lay-Away Plan NEW D2PARTMENT ~to dozent of~ from Muthen, we hav~ added severa.llinu of Girls's Dr~. Th .. , ... r" finm of QualitY! ~ by Picture-Mode, ~ttye Babs, All Star and Sunny ToJ.:s. Sizn 2 to 6x and 7 to 14. Com~ in :nd SH our grand collection •••. whether u1u ,, ish to nulte 1 purcbale or just look at our oHerings,-you're genuinely welcome , heut SHOWER GIFTS Every women thrills at the sight of our Shower Gift Department where there are on d isplay, tu man)' lovely items of beat•ty and value, for that. Baby Shower. We can't begin to ~numerate them all here, but on~ thin:: is surt-. if it's a Quality Shower Gift vou "'·ant,-then we havt' it! * * * . Distributor for The FamoWI KANTWET CRJII MATTRESR Guaranteed -Wet-Proof • Crack-Proof • Peel-Proof ABOUT OUR CRIBS PLEASE NOTE: Tlltl II u lDtt'peiMI~at ~tore antt •• "•" aboolat.IJ 110 eoanretJn wbottnr, ~~~~ .. , olllu ... .,, lion Ia Onace c_., • , ... _ wben. .. w·HEELE .R 'J,UVEN I LE S H 0 P • * HARRY ad FLORINE TAYLOR, Sole Owners * 415 Nortll SycaisiOI"• St. • 2 Doors North of Ra~ldn's • Santa Ana 110111 HOl1RSI DAILY 8:30 te 5;JO, SAnJRDAYS 9 A.M. tot P.M. '1 ... ' , ~~~ ANGLING AROUND t. -. HGwevf'r, It jullt c:ouldn't I be' ~. 'nwr. 'lll't'r? -e ~rra­ c:uda. annal .. a baa. -~t &Dd eomot nJ« ballbut UU&hl wblrb kt'pt lhlnp tnt~rHtlnr. AI Warnon Fowler and my ''""' 1 I fl11't'H1 Riley Oraham ftlt vt'ry t>ftd I abc'•ut It all, but lh<'Y ahouldn't I Waan't lhtlr fault. All they no rJ.1 ;.., takot u" 11ut. and If t hr fbh an-n'l thotrt' they <'~·t makr thrm btlf' 1-"lahtrmm Wf're \'f'rv 11waar .. olf h(' fac:t that we-ar .. ~t war h<l'll 'l'l'k at &lbua Milltar~· rt•Alr w- unll were on t:'OVt'rl n~ tthntt!OI thr· ntlre fl.llhing llfl•a from San 1,1'- tt'nl lo Hunttn~:tun 11•··•··11 anti tn utalloa "'ith tho· rt'IIUII that :><ortft~hln)! dirt "''' hrlr 1: 111 th· 111111 Ctlll sat·ks n( l"h • n Frtda v atur.lay and ~llnolay All w e;,. :•'>II sports, hoWe\•fr. realizing that lht•y l''f'rt" lu<'ky to• b.-•lUI em old man tll'f'&n at aU durtor; lh<·..-wur t·m P" All bo•ab •·am•· SJ"'aktn..: of K I•·~· t:111.ham "nntlf'r If "",.' o\( I hf' boy a ap. pn-•'talf' lt\11! "rantl .:hall Ah'l•~·, a ~:oo.t "of'\ I nt'\'t'r a n•mrlolnt P.i! .. y Y•HI kii••W l.or rra.lly r•·"l" II· stlJIC' fc>r all t hr tu•h •·~tu~o:ht ""' th .. Ralht111 •l••rtfhohlnJ! hi11•IA II•• twarls th .. • hoylj tn lh•• J<'lllli•• a ...... who ltnnj!ll In I 11.. batt lin• I ",. all kn••W · "" 111111 "" r llh A p.tl un lhr ha• k lu Hiley untltr tht'llll' re8trt<'lh,nll tnl'ludtnl( AI 1-'ttrglt'll Balhna llf">I'Huohlnt: n .... , \'o•ur sutbf' tUld hiJI t 1•h1n..: pal. 1-ntnk II• "\'II wtrt• abuard Y«' 11'""-' •lnp W~t'rwth h, r1lnlt'd by l(t-nlal lkrt Robo-rts.•n. whn thtl all tn hts JIO'l't'r to find the.' ftsh BAY FISHING IS GOOD AT -------~ -.......__ THE PAVILION AT BALBOA Boat:< for Rl'nt at R•·ustmallle PrtC'I'!oo-LI\P Bait. A\:Jtlabll' NEWilORT BA \' INV&tlTMK~T CO. 1-"Uthlna: lltt" \I'H k h•• fwot•n gofld and oil hollt~ r c• ll u r 1 t:ll •I n <ldll'l< It Ia tn 114' h•IIW'' -ttml-"' M wiH run • hho-'-'""' Uln•u~:h ~ •. ,.r .. mh<>r . lltl• y••nr n ...... fl~hlnt: In ~~rtrn•IM•r I'll RoM tirMiey -tieef'ral Maaacer , ~~~~~~~~~~~~~-MRS.AMERICA NEWPORT.& BALBOA PIERS GEORGE HINER Good Fishing at All Times LIVE BAIT ALWAYS AVAILABLE MEETS UEFENSE An•l ht'rt'a a nnlht'r not on the , packai(IDJr 11ltuatlun, but It Ia not •1 t'nroura~rlor; The manufac:lure or pa~r m 'lk <'l>l'ltalMrll bu bem pla<'«'<1 undl'r rrKUiatlon llmltln« BALBOA SPORTFISHING FLEET the <'f'aler's ln\'f'ntory. Aa a matter of rart. lh<' prndu<"lloo nf ntMr OCEAN FISIDNG · BALBOA.. CALIF. rooct c:e>nt alnf'"' made or paper a1100 The "Owl", "Maa·den" and "Da·na • --" l ~.-under reiiC'rv.. pr oduction c:ttn-~ . trot. Th«' War Produ<-tloo l:k')llrd •·or lalo..-u-_. 8ch•IJIN C&ll Jlliewpwt Ul M I ~urtht'r rotport.a that tht prHPnt ~~~~~~~~a-~~~;;~~~~~~~·~'7~!11~~-~~~~~~~~;: ,ritl~al paper abort.age ahn'lll'a no = aign of abattnc ·NEWPORT TACKLE STORE 1 !-"arm nr country buttrr <'OniiJI- un at 8 r~ polnt. a pountl. mak· ing It a «OOtl polnt bar&aln In 1 eontrut to c:rt'tunery buttn now 1 •ellin« f<>f' Ul ~nt. ED SLOCOIIB -IIAN.&GEK Bait-Tackle .. Fishing Information NE"'PORT BE4CH Your Friends and ~line lit' and "'" iltr .. H l .. mt~ 11nc1 •mAll ct..u('hth ,.,.,..,.,.. nf Sl\nt,. A nil aro· 1"'"11') tnt.: t ~:oil Smith'• N•""'l">rl l&oo•l .. ·h ,,.,.,,.. f,r I ho• """"' h t•f t),lli(U~I Sll{'•lH• I h• l ..tthl'-f""l ' ••'rt' t..~t' t•• tt'w ,. I • ,._,.,,"' on t~ and wb.U a 1,...•-nt •ul'fii'\A>• to hav• hbn ~ .. tk "' Sundla)' momlna. honw A .. "lllll •tth bu•l,__. 1111.--tfld. ~'"" "I• tho• )!•~• '" nY1HI)<on ,n- t'f I I .. •' "•·rn • 11nol )••un~: .. on ,;.~ .. .:• "''' ",,,. 1'n••i• IJo •op·ulnlt boor .. h.-n 1tw·• ,,.,.,., ,. •Lu ,.,, 1 l~o '"'"' !\.,.,.., ·•• \\ '"'' 1 "••nt ntl h l frll•nftl. • lonu"'"' It\ •1111•~ ,.,, Ill•· I"'" It ,.f ho•r '"" lou\1 .... t:U•••t<~, Mlu ()II· Mt"' I A·n .. I'••• kllwt••• ""·'"" '"''' ,.,,.,,,,., '"''' ~~~"-~ "A-tllh (;.•m · IU IIIt: In tho• 1 .. 1 ... 11 •' h •IOII' ••f \ "' ,1 111<•11 1la. thn"'~ Wf'n> ~~e;hov>l tl"ll hollll ho•l l••.u•tun.: ohlll•-In 11\l'll•'' 111"1 h,l\1' lto.,•n trttVl'llnl( tho• t 'n.:h•lt •lt·t"" 111" ul ,,, I ·~ • ""'1'1'"".," ,,, M•·•lt ,, "'"' Tat\111 Ant.:o•l.•• ll•o:h ... h•••l .:o'l~t-,." " 111 tiM• '1:•••1 10ltl ,,,.,,.. Ml• l)un· ,,.,,.,, .. ,,."! h\ l\o 1 ,.,.,,.,,,, .. tw•n lull h n lllf'fl\1.,•1 u l tilt· farull)' ot ,,.,. • ·'""' ........ '"''"" h··· ~"''" I ~l"lltl ll lllllh S.·h·••l •nd ML. l'lt-.tulo•fl,, '""'" '" •1• 11 lh· 11 ' .. llln~<>ll h.ol•l-•lnlllrtr ..-uk-.. IC.·n••h f'tllao;o• ,,., \{,-.t I I, • "" 11 \V•'n"l l 'llhf•,."llilt .. '""'' I hll lolltllr.; Itt I '""' ll\lllllti!O-Uid A wroic n( IIPAC'h all artol luna: •1••11.,111• 1 I lila t .. 1110• ,..,.. •ff _lli.lUI''U!l liM· .... n.t h•l\•' ...,.,.,\I" I•IO•h Ill•• Vu Jiula W~Uqulct Lud&- .lt~hn A' •'I•' un.l tw t tlu .~ """"lf-rtl.O·y. •'ol f{f;atafl(li, lncl IAIN~I oiUI!r >t..u~,:hl<'" I~A< k l oo t l\1'11 C ;to'ft•Ltt.• I 1ooll10 t t ... .; Ill all' '"' 111•)'1111' tba '""''"'"'"llh n '" ..... 1 ... ,,.,. .... , 111 tot. """''II"" """'.-"" •:"1114 14url WI~ n..•, '"'"'' e .. .,.~ .:, .. -...,, ••I \11• ,,,. "' ,,. \ ,,...., .. ,,. .• •••tt1r ·ln·law. l "o'k .. \tllo•,, lfiJM \\' I " ...,n ... ,,.,,, t'.oll• • 11 t .. • .. ,.,.,.\ I '"•ltly ··1~tC'II" .m.t ho r '""'"' .. ''"''" Mo•nhn ....... ,., ...... , ..... ".... '"" w .. n hAnt II• '' tl) llu•l"""' '"• t1 ,..,....,,, "••tnP alt••tlh •II• r 1.41111 flrwt l'tut,....L•) thltl h.-••'ltl•ln't tw· nlolo· _,. lh• ll&ht nt tltt) '" "1•""1 Itt• ttntlnlwtrol •n·a..-. .. t ••II• tho'fll "" lw .,.. tl.)trta; '" ,, ~~~ , ''" '"· ... \,h •• •-tu, •• • , .... t.t ·:•..,• t•• l•l•n r..-•1 It t·,,.,.. nt '""'l l .. nn•' '"nw ltu I"''" f.,, l hr .,,j:t\1 uf Uw lltM-·1 ..... ,. _.. "fl'lt ••• ,.,. ..... "''"" •h..l lft. I("'. \\.' k ... ,... IW~fliO'\I ,..," CAr .......... ol •\ no~:!•l "' II<• l't•wntal.,_ Dwufins th .. P1yln1 Fortn-a c&.fu ttw 1 ''"'"' 1 ,.,,~ ... 111,t,1 • .....__... aew· ~inl B-29 Su(lt'rfurti:IPa (ril!lht) la h .. vr ,,...,0 •n,.,..,..,-, ,, bo-fM• -.. 1 8bown •lx)\'e ( .... ) in ftlght. Plant'S ol thl.s w•otll 11" u;t.. thrn• "''' ttw type ~tly bom\Mod Japan. Left ( +).. • 1:1rr• an• .. l•oll<••• 1 clo.. up of producUoo pl hup 2ZOt la.p. 1 lied ~toe* thr '"-"" Wrid\t Cyt'fone ~nl(ine. for the ~ZI. I • '"""' "' nn,.. '"'''" t4 pu.,t-. Nu l made •t Chry10ler'• ~ Chkaec» Plant. I 7 '~om" '" -•-1 •lilt S7 poutl-. Thf'Se engines Are fMde Ia the ..... lcf'a l \\I Ito C tlllftln ,_, .. Uo>hJ \ •lit 7'f lu~ plant • • • one ol ita bui~ bM ~~ ''"' • ti.an -'-'-___ _._ ~ 'r.~o All••rl•-, ... ,.. few more -~ -·'~·two Kn11 -AM ._ W•lt••• ttubh.uJ TJ>upflJ .,... ,..._ NEW ~Fr. SPORTnSBINO BOAT O PA t>xplaJnt'd Ult' dlrtereoce IJI polot value-u au attempt to c:bKk tbe buy1nJ of c:reamery butter aa tbe tkmand wu run- Dtnc dead ot lbe a~pply. 1, ... """ tl '"·'". ~ .. ut /;;:~~'SPLICING THE MAINBRACE &il..IJ. r .. n "'"~ "'"' ,,. ·" \\""" ~~~ .. ·'"'· ·•m .. '" -._on4 weu. 6.3 ,...... I o·u'"'l '" ha\•r l '•lfntnltntlt r ,.._,llal>d Cfllrt...,. thtr.J ...... 7T ..... t& "CRESCENT" Galley -RNt Rooms -lJvp Ban SCO'IT'S LANDING Dt/IN! Hlu WA" t-nJ,.h Ufl on ht• hula '"" ..,at In Uw PIc· C"'-Lrw ._ This • ---- ---llru" llhoo ICA ''" t ~ riC" tl•obl•ln •I w1UI » po-tnle. N_,_ __, wD 18 an Uorually Mondaya and Tue.daytt ltmMt O\l'r tht'rr lhat l•ndll 11 ... 11 hJO•I ttm .. "' 11 I•• thr •t.lt~;ht nt :ta ..-c.. aad ... , .. lllllr"4 w\111 'Mioee who pnjoy crape jam, to-are bad day• o (. tbe WHk-bul nalurafty lu a partv • tarter ltv-f'\f•r)'ooOP ,.,_. hut f~•. a•oud M 1•onta e '- .. c-llllP-., a..tw l:tt A.._ mato~"" Qf tomato marma.-Monday waa a relief thlct week In&' rDOm upcontn« unto a patio •l"•rt lhMI "" 1•. •lid htm ... tr pnlUIIl UUJ a.-.p'"""" 1'""" ,,..,. lllo.towal ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ fjada c:an nO'III' pure:.,..;.. lbem 'bt-clliiei Ut Wt't'lr-etla ll"'h--.-mn tnlllndNI W1th tnor• th• rorlh ft wu .-....1 t n ~~J_.. tmet ta U...Jilar: 1:s.. .... u.&da.-c-01· ... 1-~ .. --IH._ • ..,.---.-----·' = potnt free. In the ame acUon believe mr w ht>n I uy that It t&lt. •~'"' !lf'IIC'Itou• •nl1 lhr lu~er ' t.l~try A11u c;"'"" a,..-.unJ ...-l ood antl Wc!f'f'f'Wt.,r Uterd NOW OPEN lbia wrek, OPA reatot'Pd po&nt ~''a• the bi~K«'•I 110 rar tbl:o aum-tablt' In tht' rnmf'r wu llt.-rttlly aft•1 lwoln11 •~'·•)' an l<•na ,.. .. ,-1 R VI N E LA K £ valu. on C:anDPd com to aid lD I rrt'r Race.. partlu. dance. and aa«rlnc undt'r thl' IC••wl ''' ••t J,,., ... h•oloiiiK K••wl """'·•«h '" •at ·······--~~=~ .tfttc:bln&' ~ auppllu unlU the what r;tot -lhf' plact> wu really Ualnp th•t w t rt lh""' 0 1 ,.,,.,,_. tn • lllu• k and I""" <lHN and n( I TBOUT-BA.SS--CATnSB--C&APPI£.....-GILL _. a~pplwe come ln lD mld·Jkp-buulnr 110 It waa wiU. a com-a lot fll thco t·onv .. rallnn ,..., .... ,.,.., • •iur ... III II I'IU l>f'an'tlnJ J•Jt\n a.w a-a. -M.W ......._ .._.. Anlleltle ~ember. piPit' let dnwn that Monday waa at'Oiad ..UIInr; u a a•ln<l many and llo•lo•n (;nfftth hc»llna a Fer ._....a-....._ 0......., .,..~..._ er Lee~ PA tlD -r-welcomed tbf'I'P .... rt' parlk lpet•nlt ln tt.Me Nit ,perty lnrtU41tns: amnnK nttwrwl .. ' . Announcement • • • TO THE COMMERCIAL FISHING · INDUSTRY of Newport Harbor Let Us Solve Your lepai~ Pro~le11s WE CAN HAN OLE ALL PRIORITV APPUCA110N8. Ch1rles I. S.Mrs Loe AftCPiu c:ounty moc.ortata Thunda)' wu tbt' br~fnl( W..., whic-h 8tart.f'd thai d11)' t llank "W~ll U••uliful''' ~ .. -- -ldnc s--ncera or drhoare can w1UI I{ da.Dc:e ~iataQ<'e Le~ eo.d and b.d altbta wfftll thi"JWll \ an.s ..... IIIII am Vlrtf1nla ,..,_ I olltaia ~ Utroup Ute epon110"" at lbr BAAAB Ho.pl-a,_.,, Uke II' ad and enryo"" ••-, nAAr• pi•""'' .. tr .. ut nm wlnrtinc l e1t7 War ODuDdl, &.-Altp ... taJ-~r looktnr O¥er Uta poup «Jl &a.. Ut&l bad wue tb .. race I tt~ 8tar .. 11ooe Ootty and ...,_. ' City Hall. By mslllnc In t.beir of <ira. lb•t weal up to kHp the I_.,. jtnln« In do hettrr "" IM F"11lmnr I MJ'flln~: Itt,. IIJtlt tan I ~uut btanka. obtaJDPd from I rnnvalelll"f'nla In ,ood d&nc:ln« ~ at lf'ut tt\f'y hop.<~ "'' '""'" J im Mn•l lid• ~ ltulorl ..tnt~• lbelr local board. they cau have trlm. I couldn't help lhlnkln« t hat Jim Rbtrfon<, Bill lri,.lt'f', !till Jll\1.,. pou..: t .. t11lk ,.,,._ h t•·n•.. Wr anoJ ll.bem "makht>d" up w llb olbera lD 11 would bf' hard t .. flntl a f'uler Ja• k Hlllm•n. 111\11 IIUillJih"'' II.• \1• .lilt "''" 1.-·• ,.,.,~,... ""'ln.: 11 their nrt~:hborhood to till up lbt bundt of ~rl!< lln)'Vo'hf-rt> all nf J•r1 In " hutt•llt· """'"'' "hi· h ·••I IHt • r ''"~ tr. m tabt. t-• , cau uaed. • lhf'm w t rt lhnt altrll<'tlv1• lh• 11'1• the fRJ'I NII h"tlt lh•• I' I,. "' '"'''' Ill•"" ,. ''""' " ''""'"'''"~ ~ ,,,.. h••fltra thltt •tl·•n t rtrrtvr rnadfl' th .. Albntru"" " "'" It ,,,, .. ,.. f4Ptll"" .. ~.,. ~t u'''' r ,.n.t ,.4tft \1• j More Cann--' Fish ! llttl,. .ttrtclc-n .... to thr gu. s '"~~' •ttf'tt .. "'" '"~'"'' '" 11, ''"" ""' 1'1""'" ,. .... 1,· 1, , .. ,1, , .. hPI"' ~ 11»111 tfh'V llf'<'lll••<l JIIMI 811 h"f'l\) Of thf' 1:"•111' lhul Nllll•'·• I' I,. lid k ,,n 1110' ol•·oll \!1 ~tl'l tl.lrl' Coming Year \\lth rtwnroiiJ .. lt•ltn Ann t:nmolv btrt d on't lli'l•k .... "'""I •I" •• 1 1'.>11·11 ,.,, II ..... ,., I I I' .... , .. , lh<' lnokt ol t 1tt1lo•r thrtn olltVom1· 111 ,. "l:"ht (;tJII llumlmm Mno \ Lo\ ~huwona.; ll~o•11" )IIIII>~' ""I \\1utf•\ Roth r tvlll:tn"' an<1 amw<l 1..,.,.,., ltk" lo l•fl• n dll'"-" whl'h m11•l•· " MAW• 1\o•J.:,tl and M1111•" \ • '"" v ,, ,, aklm· on ''••· """'" .. ,.• will .:•·I mun· c::mn•-<1 ft.'h 1.,.1"''"''" ol• flnlto• hot l'111 1 'l'ltJIIll:1:~ "a• d>'r dolnJ: " ·•~I• r '" t "" 1 II•• , uu h , 111 ..... ~to~ r•httt11., 1• "'""'' II• .. nn1i'· and J UOf' :~0. J!;-15. thfl n tht"\\ a,:1\.U!£ nut "''Uh l1rt • 11n l tJ,:t•t•t•"" •••trhtn~ r\•.-rVf•nJ)' I hut 'afl.• tO 'IJ'\\• .. ·t•l''t lhtn~ r\f t \\all f;,"..-t ,,,,f did '" tht' cnrrt'SI<IInthn.: J'l·ll'k )l'ol.r , ... ,,,,llltl I) i\lu .. Ht'l'l ""' 'Ill•· !ttym• l;ou ', .... ~ .... I fo.tth lltj; .... To' '· .. lift ....... ',. "" lhlnl.. ,_,.. of 194:1·41. uru1t·r annu;ll au ... ·a · All a I>IIJ.: 1 .. ·11· ''"Y"" llo~lh pt ettv "" I .... '"" .... "'" "' "'"!! Huth """ l'illl t•~ttnlf'l "'"I lion" Clf (':Inn('(! fl•t> olm.mlnl't'il hy F <o\\1••1 It• a \','111•1•·• k ~:l.1:ol"t h !'llf' anct All•l\ K11k ""'Ill,.: "llo•ll•·· ,. 1•1~ I'""''' It "ttl' ;:•w•l I•• ... .- tht' War F'ood Artmlni!<lnttlon (:••·tltt h \'lr~o:lnl~t "'r•~:hl .l11nrt to everyorw t'nrnl II•··" •I•·•· lltk Mt un.t Mr" A It l '•tt1_.1l,. 111 .. ,,. Civilian~ havt• bt'f'n ullutr t'll !'l~~tnk !'t.ll"v H•·1d . P11yll111 \\',~I In~ n 1"""''"'1• It\ I hr· "" •t I" I Ilk" ~t'r """ ~I,. 1111 y c : .. oll•l """'' llMtm· h;~lf nt an t'xtX"rt•'(f rt~h 1 mur•lan•l Kathf>rtn.. Hell. ="""''" ldvantllKI' •·f lh•· IIIII· ,,,,.,..,... 1 ,1 ""'' ~1 , ~ J11nmrr"'1" froom p~Kk "ot 762 m illion potmd' tloltniUl. JnAnn lllnklf•\' I' •I~\· Utat lht'r<', "'"' \\'··~ J,t\' or~tll\· l.-u1.: 1\•·lt• It J ,1•1 •"'I Wr• "·~•· Th•• mrlrt1try and ~''Ar l'f'fVlC't' nl-1 \\'.hlt.P. <"arnlln" T"nfr nLA• k •:ttrn n:ade a ''""' 1n lh•· hrnn ""'''"'"" ,.,,.1 ~'"'""I th•m It W•llllttn't a,. local ton o1 'l2 4 Jl"r N·n l rl!r.'f'd~ f'ntt .. n. Pat f\ahbf.tt ttnt1 P nt f-,n, h Clark anrl ""'"" .lot•hk•11 t n.•11•1: ,. Y•• hi 1 "lull ,. .. rty th,. Y"""IC ta.~l yt•ar l'iUppht" h) I'W'arly K7 mil· w .. rt' a pArt ~~~ thf' lll·aut~· hrtl:ll'l• ln mak .. lhrmfl"lv•·-I"'"''' ,.,.,,,. , .. ,,.~ lh•· J ll \'11 "'"I •'n<n7r ll th .. Uon pounck. 50n1e 296 JM>r J:t>nl l Nt'll Ro«•no rf'l'llly mhtt·l 11 tbe c:batt•·r D•tr••lhy """ t;r,.ra; .. I!. a r•Lttlo·•" '"" tcumhern• lh• ll&rtae F.Jectrical eo-tndJoa of the total pack 15 c•ar·rrutrkc>d I ,.nod buwl of punt·h M"ry J10y Yartftt'y h11.vtn~r 11 IC'""' trmr lt•wt Jt.,.:•r • "'" t;o~tn•llnro l h• •'•' I for U. S. tt'rrttonN<, alii•·~. liho.'r-<11•1 a ~nnd joh nt nr~ea.n1z~ng th•· Burnham ATid uttre• lt>'r MNO • ;,,,._ •u •IIN tt1" llril(j(JI tlln l<lrtl• a n<l l S102 Lafayette An. Newporl BeMb, PhOIMl 1216-W atN U'NII, othl'r friC'ndly nations I wht~!to thlnJit M11ry M• (.,.II 11m dt1n Crary In 11 •·ur.1r1 • 1tl1 han~: Ill' II.•· Y•n ll•·v• !h,. Ttt'nr rr,. thr l ~~~~~~~~-~---~-~~~~-~~---~-~~l and the RI-d ('r~~ IIN'Inr: that evf'rytollf' ha<l " II:'""' ''" wbal lh"Y booth 111\fl ,,..,. .. d••IJ1K 111111•. tit• Wlhc•• 111" ""t•ktn• _ _ _ _ tlmt . On lhf' wRy hum•• 11 "lUI IJick Alraanll.-r lunkllla: Jr.r •n•l Ill• T•lk"ll" I • ""'" It" loll 11...-ldf'd that the pArty wu ,.,..,. ,.., Hook 1\t'an!•l...-1~111 r .. ATitl r .. -" ""'~ '""" '"' "·'" all "'•• j the ~ lo bf' 1(1vt'n ytt a t t't• WaJtt>r Fnnz t dkm~t Ito A•l """ tlw1r ''"' 1 tht1tll V'"' h~v,. • «'"-' ,.11/1 " hn"J)Ilal Mlldrtd Gurlrv In ttl•• f>hll" IIIII l•l11• llv lhllt I'"'" I llttnk """I" _,~'• S::, --1 Cocktail•. Ulf' To•rkf'IIA and 1 h• 11111"1 <"..arolyn l!~tal••r "" "''"" a ••I" "til "~' ,., ,.,n , Ill• "'"' n I ~ • I T11nner11 . rt&lly thrrw "".,. .,0 ~" I tUe latP llO•I '" "" '"'" I hi' altV IIHol t1 "'"" ""p .. r lh,. I''""''"' I •lAy evf'nln~ Qn Daihua h llln•l r lltht N""'ll•·•~ ''' "'' \ 11 v."" 11 "" ",II " 1 1 1;,. ,,..,.1 1 ''"t '"'" ,,..,..,. 111.-Tf>tkPII!O havr " •hllll!llll • ..wf'll 1>811 \' 1•~• "" "' th•· \'.Hitl d11h 11• "I --u, ........... -'F ..... .,... ........... _ ...... .... na-..._ ... r ... , .. _. ......,,r.-. 0.,..-Dr .... asc1 ... ,..., u ... ...., ... , .,..._ -"" ~-...... A..u..r.-..... pw ... --..... ,..... ........ , _ _.,.~.,._ a...tt.t.M_,,_...._ dwa~r. Whr ... ,... ,...-.. tbdar' Ynur ... _.. ._~ R'•' "••·'ClMM ... -• ctll1r~l Y-_,.... ,_ .,.. ....... u.t...~. T Party l'ttr1y 'nil' ;-.lr •A'p1or1 I Ia rbur Y ,.., h t ( 1 t ,t, v t ~ • •'' f •· •I•• r I r-------:l.·~l.·ill-~t.~•Cfl"'6•11tWlll•.~t.gi*IJ,*Iti;J-II!;wlll•.~+g;•llll.·III(;Wlll+-.~+gllllj~~-~~~--;jl+_g+llj.r,.;wlfll+.'li.,g•r:=-:-----, 'Hie4toue 'JteUL THAI FEED A IIATIOII AI WAR * loo6: !0 ffle Wftf, A!Nrico. ftll .,_ .,_ witt! the bouftdle. DpoMe Of ~kon fietck-tymbol of f,.-_., Food. * Today. on ow ....._,. Iandt. our fieWt of -· ore -ldftt e-.d 1ft hond witt. ow blodl _.__b of -lnd.,.triel.. * AM ..-, the ,._, .. drill .... the CiDMWne the Good w ... tJI ntlely an•l rldt~;lollull\o """"""" oca44uce4 ~•turw1v ""'"' th· •1•"•1"''''1" Fresh Dai(y 7 ..,,.r• r<'A IIV ""111•1111q• \'tlh Ill• I g'~~~~·:J (!I~ I<<IJ!f'lt I;IOO\' lllj.; rl:o:OII Jo'llOr II"'" ,..,.,.., c'>i •ntt R' R,-.-. .-.f.:tt ~.. t ,.. ··• ,,. "'' , "...,. untl••t :-. ,,,,, 11~·•"•••1 Yll h rlllm I•·"H '~ Iff ,,, d•\'' \ .. 11 rull • FOI MEJI and BOYS • 201 Martn" .h .. RAI..ftOA I MI. \:0. U HW'nl urtrf dt(f '., ' , .. , t• • I tu 1ant1n11 ''"'·I •· 11 · I•'•' 1•1' lttl•• ll•lly It 11~1 "'"' I· I 'I I" hnmr tn "''" u tru''""l' r " '' .,." ' l"f'al!'<f III>IJ \\ ol 1 Ill I f"t~lll ,,.,. I• ~ "'"•lt l t"omm, ,f,,,, •~ II u t ~ ·" • ,.., lUI j" ,,rtlt . t I • ' I,. ,, • 't ,., hiA y .. ,,, hHVf' , •• ' .. "' t ,, I ' ,. • Ill II ., II .. 1 1,1 • lol ' ' . rf'f•k 1••1•. 1t • '' r • r1K , .... , • "'""'N \\'!• 1 ' 1\booll 1111" "'"' .... , •• •1\ ' '"'•I hH•I t ~· • t "" t f ·• • t 'IUt•UII l•· • w>.' ,;, \I h 0.! 'I~ ~t ., •• ~--------------~ .AL'S GARAGE \\'•• al••• h;,nt!lr· ;,l'•l '·''' I• MARI~r. MOTUR.~ • I ~lntur Overhauliruc '>rll• 101•111 ~-,. ....... . t H , ••mJtlr fr .... ,,ilpm,.nt ~t I f \l tH *Jiflt ttt f.,,, CENTAAl A \I( NUl.. NEWP OIIT 8 £ A (.U HORSE RACING Quarter Hone Match iaces HAM COTTON RANCH IUnr \1111" ~•ttlh ;,f S:&ft ( lt•rrlr•lr J SUNDAY, AUGUST 27, You'd dunk that clean oil. iuide • •Mied -.rt-. tnJUid kHp f'alrb ~.But DOl eo. ~j&······" .... ap more I wtlid virne than • bunt'h or ftnh arrade II i•l• ,,l,.yl nte n.mmmndo. So oil mu~o~t be clennr rl, or the H<'rat.l'hy 8luff 1t picu up wnuJd be carrt"-d tnt.u du-.e·fittln• piiN'w whf.re il wuulcl t,.... •hclUl M b.nefld•l u • cmder in Jour eye. \. l.ikc tht• kitc'hcn "trnin· ,., ~o~kt•IA·ht"fl ul.ovf>, thtt ~>II hll4!'1'' .. ,,J, irt ,, tntp '"''I h•lld unwant.NI l111 np1 ""'t thin~:". Ancl Irk .. a ~1mlnrr. rt t-\•·~tlotnlly 6C"tAI ,., . dottr····f 11 ,, 11"'1. it can't 111 1 ,., .... , ·n, ,,.,. whv C.:lwll !H'fiJ.>)e fM·c ·a~o~ionally 11 r;.;co _ycu a ''' huv" n •·w "" lilt• r •·tt r- t r:rl~ ..• '" k··• " \'' •Itt • Hr lr•olll )Hit .Ill{ l it•• I ,,,.j,. ftf ,,l,~j )tt llkt•l lt t it II ,., .. ,., l nfll"'d •·v··r v " .... ·,v,. ""'•'t \\11111 11.111 '" to:•,•l'•'ll \\',. ,,,,. )>ttl. Uti Its, tT'S F'?~£ I A ••·· " '" L ·•~•·• AI, .. "' ~,.,l.t...-1 •• ....... 4 .. ,, tn • .,I., .. ..,, ....... 1\f f'tU tlf.t .... .. • ... ""' \t.••• \ ., !tl•• ..... ..,..,, •• ,., \H:II Uti <OM,ANY e GASOlUII POWfiS Tlfl Anl<l .,..., ... , ..• ., • Shell Products at .,. Ear1ll ............... ,...... ........ ,..... !hoe ..._, ........... ..._. ....... ... • c..w ~ ...... ,..., ..... -....... ,__, Al's ~arace AJ.JXN GW\'t:R • F""""r!Y Wlfh If " P-101.1 Rill~ .... Motor Tunl'-l .Jl8 Carhuretur and IKnition Adjufdml'ntH IICiM_ Sbrts ~~ ~:II p ~ ~-I E E D ' S ..\dNI .. • (IIN'-IIIIc lu) .1.11 : s.,., Senile .. lAilTA PI nlfiM LIM II-ALONe fMI aOUfl TO fOCIO .__ lllenh. ............. 't ..... ~-............ .. ·-o.tnl ,.,... ~ RefreshmentM Free Parkin• Ne.,..t ~~~------~~~~~~~~~------------------------~~~---------·~~ ··at't(K) To ·•Ill' t1 c:~rfMI,.,~~r sr .... 1•1•·• ' .. • -" - ~Four NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES. Newport Beaeh, CalifonaJa. TueKlay, August 16, 1944 ----~------------------------------~--------------- Corona ... _. Mar News'•• t.h1a addrua ln tlw near tu)ure I UC: 'nw Capllla Clrde of the Con· gnopllona.l cburch a. l!pODJinrlnc Kn. I. T. F ob om, 319 Mar\r:old a •·atu-meloo party on Tunday avo~ae, and frle.ndlt. Mr anc.l Mra. -'Uit 22nd fr1.>m 2 t.o t p m a\ car1 Pu.oo. R1vrra11l~. "Jlf>nl th,. h .. m, ~f Mr antt Mra r.n•Jl" Thurwd&y at San Plc&u ""101 701 Mangol.l avmut . ten-lh.l' pur· tnenda ..,hll• Wr FnlliOm lltl••n•l-j W!i<' of r&18tnlt' mnnl'y '"' lbe eel to bUalnrM acllvlttu 1 tum h Mr. aod Mrl' H!ch:>r•l E Mar· 1,r n•~euhLr m•'4'1in..: o1 thr k l'll 602 0 1'1-'onh• aYt'lllh' ""'' "" r •111, 1111 C'lrl'lr WIUI h.-1•1 \hi~ "'•·•·k gu«"N bPr parrnta. )11 ""'I ldrll Rl lhl' hom~ ''' Mno N llnlll:llt'J'• J. E. Willl'r of raua.lta Th•• :::.!7 Jntornln•• av.-nu~ Thr11· ""'"'" Wlllera arr lookln~t fur • h1"""' flfl•·•·ll 11,..mbrrs All•l '""'" Ylll.lniM be~? to makt' lh .. tr h"m" n••a r 1,1,,.. 11t 1-:11•·h mcomll"r hllll o•arflt•ll Ulrlr dau~:htrr ,. """"" ohlrln,::" thr 11tutl wt'f'k f•tr Mr. and Wrw. 0 I~ Alii~"" o l th•· fund, anti t-ltprt•JOtt•••l In J•><·l ry Baldwin Park hnokt' vr .. und l•lf .... \\' tht'Y had .-anw•J II Mrll their bOUM whlr h l'u•y h <•t•r• 1'1 1 !"I Ill 1 h rnad,. " motlnn U1a1 lh•• buUd aoon at 1>04 ('totol'\ l>o •ul•·v~&rd r·1" 1 •. huv ,. r•ommunl"n 11('1 f11r Tbey eape<:t tu hll\'t' 1\ ,,.,.lltllranl l h<' d lurt'h Thl' rn .. tto•n wwo I,.,. --'"''I AJi f'r thl' htuotn•'"" U"'' tii)J.' ;:--------------~ ll11••.flftt'ml.o<IO W alt 11pt•nl llt•Winl( P:OR INIURANC£ IE& " Howard W. Ceniah "'' w. eet~tral Ave. N~rt a .. eh, Calif. ~ ......... Automobile • fire -. Accident • Life I oor 1 hi' Rt<oJ C'rtlllll Tit.· h t}l!(l'llll ,., '"''" .~t'lll' oua rrlr,.•hm••niA 1 Thr n<'lll mt'f'tlnjll will' boo •I lh•· 1 h11m,. uf Mr10 l.and"'w II 4!:!4 II• lh• t rnro-RYf'n= th" ~n•l l'hur ... l~tv ·, In ~· tl•·rnht•r Muu. ,.,.,..,Jyn tl•r•lr1 Aloh·n 11aul(hh r o f l•r kntl ll r11 ~.trnlwl AI• ''" 114 •;.,lth·nr••l av1'n1u• I~ ,.,"'t In~ frl~ntlit In A rnowht<:ul ''"' 1 lh•• Wl'"k C'nd lllr 1\lt' 111 lllwn•• ha~ ju 'fl , ... ~and Oonu.et tum•"' to his hum ,. tn l'uhrlur~:h Boa4a Wrilteft jl l'll il'l•r 11 \~to W"!'lc'lt V1trat1 !._-------------with hll! f>R N'nlll. llr Mnol :\lr11 RADIO SERVICE 11--. Auto, Mariae R..uoe lllepairlld .. ...._ Oectrtclaa Burt R. Norton ....._ .,..., NEWPOIW BEACIJ, YOUR HEALTH WITH WAVES AT PLAY \••" •h 1t e..._,, ••' •o~••·• .. 1 WAVES hue time f<W fDA, too, an<l t nJO)' a vart~ty ol aporta at Naval 11a11onL H~r~ are thr~ typi· cal ccnn of "WAVES at Play.• Alx:>v~. two y~omm -Ellen and Nancy G nvana, al'trra, of Minnco- apot..-.tnvr lor the ~luSive NJOO .. on the alleya at rt.: .Naval Train- inc Centrr •t San D•~ao. CaM. At tho ncht, jUiiJne Sur Johnaon •• pharmanu·a mate. •ho was a IIDCID• bt'r of the Nat1onal Euea Archers team anti who now ia the No. I D1au at the San Oirgo Centt't, ie ahown pr actlcina on the eaoeUmt archery ranee there. &low, the alidinc runner appnn ulr as Yro-~n Mary lteirn W auon ••I Uallu, Tcua. uaerfv aw;wta the lall dur- inc a aoft-b.lh ca111e at the Naval A•r Station at Corpou Christi. -The ltory of You in Navy Biue.• ava~l­ abJr at Navy RKruitinc Statiou and 011\cca ol Naval Officel' Pro- curcmmt: ia chocltful of infon'IUI· tion about the WAVF.S foe YOWl& womn bet•-»and J6.. ley, Yo1! W~-'11 Yo1 T~i1k? J1curft don't U.. nw fudnatlon ot JuuUnc lhPm has aJ-.ya been tJw favortt~ ~ ol nwn and WOI'Mft, bach famous and ~ J. H. Cooprr ol JUtnoh haa had this brainstorm: Roowwlt .... bom in.. .. . .. -· ___ ,_ 1882 Ht canw 10 power in 1933 IW haa ~ In powrr ..... 11 )'n- Hr is now . 62 yrs. old Total Olurchlll wa$ born 1n HP came to powt•r in H4' has bN>n In powPr He ill now Total Stalin was born in lie came to JIOWI'r in Ht> has bt><•n in pow1•r llr is now Tot al Chalnfil Kai·shrk was born 1n H<' c-ame to poW< r in Ht" cam €' to pow ... r in He h'J.S bN>n m pow<'r lie IS now Tntul Now, tf yuu hawn 'l halt l'nclUgb l htll'r wa.~ born in ' H(• c-amP tu power tn I h• h as tx-.•n in JlO"'(•r Ht' ts now Total If this sllll 1sn't t•nnuRh • • • Tojo w as b9rn In He came to powl'r In lie has bN>n tn powt•r Ill' Is now ·. :\R88 IM74 1!»0 4 ) n.. 70 yrs 3888 1879 19'14 20 yn.. ttld 65 yrs. old 388R 1888 1937 1937 7 )'l"l'. 56 ) l"l' olo! ~ 1Rtl9 193.1 II )n:. 55 yn.. old ~ 1884 1!»1 3 yn.. 60 )rs. olrl Total 3888 Glen~ Man Drowns on Fishing Trip .An ant let paled boliday turned Into trar;ecly Sunday for mrmbt'rw uf a r harlA'r ft.hlnf party Wbf!D LC'onard S Klapper. ~-1226 I &luth l:k'ynton •tr-Ht. Glendalr. tt ll lnltl the ara f rom lbr pilot hou..,... of thl' c-hartrr boet "Evac" offshon' from 30th stN>el. and tJrownNJ. I Klappt'r. wtlh hla brotbn and 10 otbt'r ft'llow O!'fploycra nf a l .cJII An,::t'lu rubl)o,r .,lant. formt'u th•• party H" became Maalck Fhulll~· uflt>r lt"a\'lnJ: thr harbnr. Wt•nl '" lhf' 4'11Rt' 11f lhr ahtp. 1 >'IIJlp• ,, and fell ln thr drck bt'lnw unol roli~J tnlo thr IN'&. A lift> I'~IOt'r;''t'r wu lhn->I""D ov .. rbuaru ami Harry H. K1 a mer. a tr llow .. mploytt'. mal".. a h.-roaf' rftort to rt'8t·h lilt' sp<•t where Klappt>r'a t>U<Jy attu .. n~> hr .. r apJ'I('arnn<'~>. 1 s::~nk '" t.ht-Sf'&. 11n-ordlng to !Np. t 'nr nn•r Rh hurd ( "•'lhlt>n, wb11 In· \'o>SIIJ:alrd. \\'hilt' 1\ NR\'~ .IJhmp cru•~•l u1 •lrl'lt'8 <W<'rhtad. an -'rmy c rllJih bo•t anu <'Oill'lt Gusrd rt'IIILUC' boat ~~<•arrhr•lt tht' Ma, makln,:: futlh t•ffort" tu rO>I'II\'4'r thf' bot.ly I know that thl' Lord is alwavs nn tht' Side of lhl' right. but it ·is m~ t•tmMant an,u•t) anrt prayt·r that I nnd th1!' nnlion shfrUid be on lhl' IAml'-. ""'" Abraham Linc'Oin l The ra11o of pow••r bctw~;...-n the Alii<~ 11nd lhP Axis '" two tu uno..•· Therefore, dJvidtng 38R8 by two giVl'S 1!»4-lht" yt>ar tn whic-h the nl'w notation f rom an aulhoriud Alli!_S_ must clean up thl' "-'!!,_2f thf' world. lniiJX"<'tor that a nt'w ttrr Ia needed. Ration Coupon Dates and Data RB. S8, T8, US, .V8. W8, X8. Y8. Z8. • __ and A5, good now; expiration dal(' !"-------------• not SC'l. C -'SOUNE- Coupon No. 12 CA·Book) lhrt"(' RATION CA l.ENDAR tor prr-~ gallons, good now, expires Sept. 2L.1 iod ~nlng July 2. 194-4: -'ll coupom11 n:\dt bf! endorard on 1 War Rillton Book Ill face, wllb car llcrnar numbt'r a ml 1 1 Stamp No 1 nn "alrpl&IM"Iatau ot regiatratlon. Sa\•e your 1 • 1 expiration d&lr not art. br preantrd wben applytnc for a Quality Lumber and 8uildin1 Materiat. • 1 aheet 1 1 pair ahou 1 good now: Un tnaprctwn reconlll. Tbry mu.t I f-AI\\:Irtl IUutn•· ~I:! • ;,.1,1 u rc._l ~t\ .,_ ,.,-Stamp No. 2 on "&1-.~ ....... 1 renn..·a1 of ..... raUoaa. t'lllll' 3-l r 111<11''• 1• o•mpl•", •I "' abert 1 I pair ahOMI good now; TIRE INSPECTION I COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. '"" \\'• •. r . .:t. .. u~· " !lr.oko·: M A U L J N G the l'xplraUon datr not Mt. I Sllvr your Un &..pec:Uon recorda. 1 p 111,tmrt.:h " 1 NOTF. Take ~rk along to make Any nquHt to rrpla.ce any ..-. ltlr 110,1 :llr• 11111.,·11 c· .. 'C ·'"" purcb&a.l r~ car Lire IDUIIt bf! accomp&D-• R. L HOST«TLE .. ...._. llAtl~hl··r 1'11 .. ·1" .. , t·u~··· ll.l ""' MApLEs War RilliOn Book IV l ied b)' au l.upecllon !"Korda and ... ____________ _ j •·I•)'•Yinj: th• 1r '" .tli<•n ~ l'i1 'lliit • ' • Stamp Nn. 30 1!\ I btl IIUpl') · pnr•nl" ,\lr """ M •;~ !~'•·\\ t .. n g...,xl now . t'ltplratlon datf' oot •t.t • IWore. voLB.Ud or ReiiiOdel .Wt "r IDt.erMU.. ......, ... .......,_ ~r .............. , ....... ._. ,.e. r 've aMrll •f ,... .................... ....... ~ Oksmt, ..... t CB1 \'EL BID ..... :\"\) r . X lllu•• flll)"'ll I~·HIII'I'IIr av-Stamp No. 31 15 lblt. IIUgarJ- • 1•01.,. !'uMIIn hall t<e'n 8\lmm,.nn,: g<'ud now: eltplratfon datr not art 1 I w1lh hH ~rr~tnl1ru~r;onfli --, I Stamp No. 32 ~ 5 !ba. augan--1 ...,,.,. f'-•nn1o· Jo·:~n Mil"'" of 1\ n~w n11mr. that o1 t•·n ~· 11nct has a k inrl of ll('('l't't pn<k> geod now: rxplratlon dati' not set . Huntlnl(lt~n P11r~ viJttlf'Ct Air 11111J S 11 tnl(e <If La~tuna lkacb. ball •r>·t lr' 1,110 ll'lll!\lt' mt>el!l f'al'h week. Stamp No. 40 _' :'1 lbe. cannloc Wr• <'llrl Ham· nf H"llt>l n•Jt" av-I f'ht•<'rtng and \)o€11nJt a11 loudly u IIUga.rl coocl now . expiration date, l'nu.-. 11111 wHk-M•o• tda:;ff 111' a 1 Vf'MI"t'\.1 on lhe lll!t_ <?' ~ roll ~ an~·one. " February 28. '1S.5. Pror-Mfd •ludrnt al Stanfnrd I httwlt'ra I 'fhuur:h thr f'Yrnln!; waa marred Obt&in appllcaU6n for II'Clclttloaal Wr and Mra ' f"hf'lllt'r ~taffnrd fkott). bo ... llng with t .... ,. fin· by thf' abaencr of many mrmbf!ra. c&ADlnC wear a t local OP.A &DCI d4UI,tlln ltllalwUI and -1 l&h4'd with a m~ootb 201 ..._ and 1 110mr vcory r:ood b<lwling waa •eo. board& ApplkaUon. wben nlled C!M'taon. of North Holl)""'ood. art' 1"',.. ,...,arckd a 200 pin by lion-a lao .,.m" that ... as vrry bad. out. mu.t bt' accompanied by 1 vlafUn« brr parrt~U. Wr. and Mn. llrtl IAacb, o'tr vrrt cona-a.l Lyn. n 1 ~hutnr 1 Watklna ()I( La· Spur Stamp 37. ,,_ period ap-1 Jolla 1(11Dl1. ns Nan~• av•nllf' alk->· ma~r at BaJboo ~-J!una Bf'ach bowling a ll&d and plfcatlona may be tiled from Way CaptaAn lllld Mra. Wa.lttr Kelley j inrldmtally ta"f'a a ,gnoat Jat..oNt l 11nur arnn. 10 to July 15. 8«-0Qd period ap. nf Tur 1:nn. "Arh:. ~nt th.-day · ---'· Amnnll' th" mlu!nr: wrrf' Al ' pllcaUona may be tued from .JUly GORDOI B FIIDLA.Y MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR ova 8PPJCIAI.ft Cabinet Shop Service orne., ~ ..... .... MJI CoMt -.._ 40'7 ... k ...._ 41% ... IlM-I Jn:WI'OilT -.taiL CALli'. • w1th Mr and-ld"' !' L Hokt'. Forf':'it ""hu waa ably reprrarnted I 15 to October 20. 1000 Shorr av .. nu• rapt am Kl'lh.'y C.oitlenrod avf'nlW OIRplln baa by h1• arm lin~: wlfr. Pf'ggy. M. Rrd lltamp. 110 polntal for • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • 'I 11, ••ll~ lht' Army "" Cort • I hl'f'n In ll<'n·n major beiliu '-~ &<-k. l.t H•·lmll. id J im Blcldl'r-meala. mor. edible olla. cb-a M Carpet Works .............. ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;:;;;:;:;;;:;:;~~~~~~;;:;;;~ r 1 1 •1 0 ~k . ~~uth Pan tle-arc-a with the 18lb man and canof:d milk· -'8 88 C8 08 orpora ant ,. '" am•~ • '" T..,. F' H I lh U 8 . . . . . . I nf'r, 216 On ~ld ""'nuf'. ~nt lhr Entr =Pone "of • ,;:; fu~ ~~ P1•l m"n<'y fnr I he w«k Wf'nt F.8. ~-G8. H8. J8. K8. LS, M8 . ._. . .,,.k f'nlt ~~o. lth ~l r• Mr<:'art"y and 1 ........ /!aJ arrt' , to Mary and FAt Hupnld. M. Foltz NM. P8. Qll. H8. 58. T8. t18. V8. FOR BUILDING INFORMATION -See - AHOY! SAILORS & FISHERMEII Just In •• All New! Read it---and Come in and see us Ranning Lights Sea Anchors .. Brus and Bronze Cleath Stuffing Boxes, thru Hulls l>eck Plates 8maD Bru.~ WJn <·htfi and Vf'ntllator!' ' All Sizes Sisal and Cotton Line Sisal Bumpers Marine Enamels ,_, uc1 10-pl. Gah·. Cam for Gu a.nd 00 ~ We promise it will pay you to compare our prices tUCliM* ... _, , \ I• fri • , ....... ~ c f'n. and 8 F'nllJ: of Tram 4 .. ·ilh a WS X8 Y8 d Z8 ood I f'nd" In Hntt~·w ..... l Dfortha !lolr~• Manllfl :\lc.-,,.,.n .. , eetrr-. . an fil n~·: ex· Sktnn•·r "n•l )fnnun l.f~un.-y ta!nf!.d a frw fr\mda ,.1 r arda ,... wri"• nf 2·1\4 and that aiD'l hay pcra~ dale not .s<.:l sv-"" tho·,...,.,.,., lflrl fa""" which U Th . . ~ Harold lor " lot.al t .. aJtUr! S« you alJ CREAS E BO!I't:S , Butcbrra• "n11tr 111 II')." hrn ",. uk fnr mail ' =~irt. ,.."i,. ~~~:rt ;;,,.hi. Mra. nf'xl wrek.-\'t>l Will gfvt 2 rt'\l tnkf'ns for rvrry nl lhr ,,.,..,,,f!h'!' Az< '" I hi' Pn.M-1 Oamnn SICinntr Mra. lila . Jaan-----l'<lltnt.l 01 aah·aged k1t1·hf'n fa.ta re- "'""'''' 11 • "" I~· ":"'1 al.,·aya ,1 r. , H .. f') _.,_ h l'f'l\'f'd I h f II l kl I h' IW'n, " ra ' 1' 4~· .. am. --Le man on Leave BLl'F _. \\Itt "I to· "In ,. n •II "Y~' I fkotl • Kitra h AtiiJ Mn> Y.-tter . . ... amps 110 potnU rach l "h•·n "' •I 1f "" "''''"k" ~-rurnv •1 } 1 •1 A ld T 1 .:_ ... Soon fo Take fnr u\nnffi. frcJ:I'n 11nd drhvdratt'd nol loH•, ni"IIYI' lo'lO•k at the BuJ. daugblA'r Jill tlf Loti \'o• i., !few f•""l". Alj, ~-C8. 08. E8. F8. G8, Bay District Lum~r Co. WALTER I . "'ICER, o-r s t a St.lu H 1ghway At The .Arches Newport &e.lch Pft- 1150 ~ · I .. r 11n• .• "' m •• av or _... · lo•l1n lloar.l hrf••ro· \'••II attl< t" have ,, t I f I' ~ ' s e )~"'~ HA J R, K8. L8 MR N8 P8 Q8 • nH)01'\ ... ~1··r fall··· I lw·h·n· )\ 30 ..,.'11_.t•XIt u, ~·mu•r y n '•PrY AYell&ae. pecla \...JtJUrse 0 • • • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• - .. m Anol ''" n••t ""k who•n lhP i ar,. v:u•atlnn~ns.: "' 21!1 Wa~. --~---- 7 1~. nulll .:••,. , 111 . ~nou.•lv ...,.,. Mr TMYI"r uo ~'mplvy.-tl llt tiM ~ 1to• IIIli""' I lilt• th•• fslthful !1<';.,.., .. _. 1 \'o·~o:ruo :\frtl:n••ll tun plant H11rnl'y 1-·hmRn ""~' { 1tiC'f 1 ,11 1 r , l 1 . 1 If 1, Mra ~t<·w·n111>n ~nt I hi' ...ek \\'arr11nt Offli-l'r Lrh111rtn I' ~ !10 ' ,,'11:' '1' 11 1"1" '~'1r 1 1"1'll " 1' ~ 1 "Y at hrr hnm" ~tl 2111 Maticokl av-I la f'njovln._ h111 first lt•aw m HI •·f I It\' l •''f M fl• IOf•M "Of tO· J.. . ' frrrrol ni<'nn ,.,1., h . Wh•·n "'""I ,.nu.. _M,.. "'lrv<'n_.,.,n 111 l"'IIMI"''I m onthlll \\'llllr ''"Dllnu.n~: It) r••· fp•m llllf 1"\f'ol ''~t'll 1'\'tf!lt'WI nr l'lf lhf' Thllnt.:l<• !'lo'o•l ro. o( a..c. ai(f~· hl'I'C' \\'hilt' •llfllliunt•tl by lht• ,111, ,.,,,.., 111 111,. ru m•·•l fnn't'" ,,· Ant.:•''"" Na,·y, a t TC'rmtnal l~<lan •, thtlt u• 10 ~11 11 , ,1 .• nrj:••rly · Pvt J,,. Jo:•l~_nrJ .A OlmwaJI• thi' flr.1t ltm,. ht' hnl' hi~<l l!<'vo•ral \\'11(1,.1 "hlllll ,.111 1,11" H!\l .lr \lllllf'ol h ~ p .. n·nt,. Wr. andl cla y• to C'njtBI:<' tn .He rs,•nnt.• ~· , ••n ... !\It """ :\l r~ ~-:.1~:.,1 """ F: A l 'oorn \\a.ll :!17 Hallk>-aport. llllllinjl'. t'ltl't'pt on Wf't'ktDdll t•t ,., Ht ,..,. !"'-ttu Jt,,.._: .. ttt ,.11 " :lO· t r•\l"' N\'••nu• lll'i \\t••k bt•twero.Lf'hmlln c.•x.rw("l-8 tt-. tea,ff' !ltH n rur ,.,.tn,.JOI•'III "' fl,, T• """ A W I ~n,·.-r. l'nln . whl'r.-he •·111 ta kr "' I• a1 • •• n.t "11l •a•·n.t ~1<011\ of t hhl ltm• 111 lh•· h·•m" .,, hi" 1".,11"~'· "I"''' h•· IJO m11)0rill&' ln a t•·•1 wt•t>k~ r·our8P 10 r ht:'mll'al I I<IJOir r !\lr• ~lul\rt Ptrhl .,, ~ "'''''"'"' •·ll~ln•'•ltnt Cornwall .,·.arflln-"""rdmg In prt>srnl B '71 . T ....... .(../( ~ ll; -I .. f \ I k • ' · ' • • I t ,. • · r· ''"" p n.lulll••tl •rotm Hn1bor Hlcb plana. In l!ll .! ft,• hrt•l 1t ,.,.ar (ollowin~l Ttl .. wl'll kn<•"-n Ha rbnr llklf'l><•r "' ~"\lltt·rl .. n "'"'"I l'••ll~(t, then h&ll bf'f'n pllrtil'tpalln~ In .SIImt> o)( t'nl .. re'd lh•· Ann\ Attrr t.b,_ lhf! HAt"" \\'f'f'k rae~" H·· ha." IHr mont~ at lhr A • M he wtU'" numbf'r •lf )'l'lll'lt r:mked w11h R::rol' 1 • 1111 n I· 1 " •1\' n , , I N#wp<•rt Hal l>o•r'!'l j:Tr:lt 111 "''Ill· :\tr ftnd :\1!11 E I. • :rt~,. 30lj ll'lfot arhi<'\'Amr nt. hann~ot rt'pr•·· !ol"1 P" 111a "'' "'"' • nlt'rtaint'd H'Dil'ol thll' '"1"'" tn thP lntt'rtl>r· thrtr fnl'n•l!l :llr an•l ~Ira Ryan tll•nlll !'tar g .,,., ~"""~ J'""" '" •If ~n· (: •• ttth"l :-:un·l•t • t thr \\Ur • Rubber Lined Winch Head .u. Jl"'lbennaa'• FrWnd s.-"._,. ... T-r oa t:qulr· --*-. . . Priority f'Citabll.a..d. --"•-"· ................. ,...., __ ._ v-Ier peauMI J nWaa el ~ ._ MernDa. r.... ......_., .. BALBOA .. MOTOR CO. ":fl6 l. .. ,. Aft.o ....,_ General Automobile and Marine Repairing. Marine Eledrieiana·A vailable Fender Boc1J Work Refinishing TD..t:.PtiOQ ~BEACH US . OPEIIICS II IIITIICTOI lEACH MEN AND WOMEN Needed for Vital· Defense Work Requirements: e Availability Certificates e Proof of Citizenship e Social Security Card -APPLY- COISOLIDATED IlL TEE AIRCRAFT CORPORATIOI &ppiJ ttl •. Nt l'hJnl St. NEWPORT-BALBOA NF.WS-TJMtS. NeWl)Ol't Stach, California. Tue~day, Au).!Ust 1&. 1944 CIVIL SERVICE WANTS CLERK :Patterson's Lido home Purchased s.n. Geo. Bremer, Jr. Cited for Service ~ PuaL.tc NoTt~E_a __ NOTI<"E Of' INftNTION '10 --,-aANttna ALCOHOLIC a\'· IEWS-TIMES CLASSIFIED OPPORTUiiTIES U .8. Clvll ServiCt' Ia aeeklnc a stenotrnpheor-lypillt-clerk for a ~IUon in Newport Ht•ltthtll U you ~ a pertlliUient reel- dent IUld lnteruted In a posi- tion ciOllf' to homr. ph•ln" 694 or apply at the U .S. Civil Ser- vice Commlaalon. ~1 W~t Filth 'atrH t. Slulta Ana, for 1 furth~r detall.a. •-1-EI.D FOR PR 'OFIT ·• • USE FOI AN EIGHTH AlH FURC'F. UB-DAOF. I.Jct.'ll8&8, E'l'('. ERATQK ATAWON. ENGLAN[) _ )futrr 'Ser~teant G~rce R ~rn-N0 11Ct: 1S HEREBY QJVEN er Jr. of Coeta Ilea, a rlllet In-that Chi' U!'<'nlt'f' he~lnart« telllgenC'f rink In thl1 ~un h1111 namt'd lntt>nck to ,.-)1 •nd crantlftor BJ:1.1t WANTED 1 ROAn( 8lJPPUES RL\.L ICSTATIC ~n cltf'd for dletlnK'UiahNI and to lhl' 'n'anslt'N't'l and v~ ----------I L...,.R .. "'I .. t--din 1 1 100 ... _t IIELP WANTEO ICX""'ri•IW'~ I'<'A.T~ n.~t. !.'u141 aDd 1'ra"-d ru .," • .._ oo ..... n · C R rv re n com-hen•1nafte>r namt'd tht' folkwvtnc ,~ [ 1 _ _, ..... ..... c* and h-w1•rk•r No \If>· Marlnf' f:nalnra anct Pa"UU m ... on. over r.urope. • ne C'f'UUp, ~ntM-d ""'I"SSnal p,.....l1". co-commanded by Cot Irvine A. "''it : ..-·~..-" ltlll'lo WHrk Prlvat. room Sal· tdAHINtl. ~A LV A.•lE ANI' Rcondle, of Rawllna, Wyo , madr Th4.' Ca Ct> and ~r tumlture. .,. SIOO Pf'r mo. J"hnnr New·' MP'O. ro. It tooth I lA 1 rt f th ll'lft ~ach 1248 62-Ut· :1~ W l"'fnlral A \'P. Ph 2~-W 4-~ro.•na. 'o' balhl, larll~' 11t11•fW City EnginN'r Richard 1.. Pat· a m • vn n wppo o " rtxtun>a. -ulpme>nt. merchan-t I Ia) I 11 b AJII d f I ·.. Nn··rort tlcoerh, ('&)It II\ ln.rro .. •m turnll•h"''· 112 Ill Ill I"'R 8 AI.F. On IJtue ....... IESILTI • • ' FliRNITllU FOR M41.1'-. OliR AUt:UIIT CI.&AaA.Ncal Ill aow "" M mHty •""'-reduo- Onne II\ •v•ry dt~r&""-"'t, O.W ~~· anol t of a 111114 I~ rrat· .. r to fll'lar teraon has just &Old hi.s beautiful n t ant nga \' • orct'tl n dis.•. .-urv,Jies ......A-wilt and lllll.P WANTI:D uan ,1, w1·-an R. H 2 .......__ -. l•·tl •-· d b n &""" --· H -Ue Gllln .. UDI A, WAlD"DN Robert enley • ·story honw on lht• north bay r ,....,N'. ane ".-on. ,._.p Y .:nod·nanw of tht' bual~ CAl"" fl)t ll"llrral h<•l•·l Wt•rk Balbufl ~Ill( t.t at'lllo• Avf' - llhort> of Udo lllle to Lucille Ellls MaJ. Gfon. J amn P H•"1!:''8· Dh •l· • rlli'd Ofl at the ~a SMII Cafe. Ina. f'hnn .. l"l'wr.ort 66'\ ~11-lfr l~·fl OI' .. :N t~AlfN(,f, •·r)l t:r~tl . H•l""" 1111111,1 r "llf ll:'l•2tl' :II'(' nA.VICNPOKT IICI'II u luw Joins Army Service Simon or B<'vrrly Hill~ for a rt'" r IJion r ommandmt:" l:'~nrral rov .. ~l 601 East Ct>ntral Awnue. Bal· --M"""''· 1,.,,10\111hl•· '"'' Thtu·--J;)IIM, a... ...,...., IU.II ---portro prir e of $35.000. ownt>r to , mlalllona lu Bt'rlln, P'rtedrldw-boA, an tht> City ot Nl'wport ftiE ~'AfUII•:H~ tNs;PI(A.I':l' .. : ~>UI(hl) t'f'<'un•llllunt'\1 n •ndy In 1-'0il ItA ! ... ~ I•.C 10 , .. .,,...,. df'l '""' Jll~. l»ttn-..U .. Ro'btort R. Henley. 203 R~:by a\'-tokt> PClS-"'t'SSIOn at on<'<'. havl'n, Poland. F'rankfurt. Bf'l-1 O.•a('h, O rangt> County, C.allfor-CROt'l' h"" 1111 "1',.11"'1: f••r 1111 1:'' W ill f11•n'll>n•l ''""' $.~ J t.t11r-. &:w:~ hy ''"''""' I' n •~• t .. w •• J:l4 .. l'l Ytm wW ...._, .. nut'. Balbo& lal•nd, ha..~ jolnt'd Mr. Patterson built tht' houS4' I glum and P'ra.!lte_ I nut; tOJrt•thcor wllh ont' On·S.Je a.ablll<•u• nuu 1 "11t1t'r '''" ur 111 \'••n••l i11 t 1r , N .• pl··~ l'h !\ 10. 1 '""'"" •tl'l t.1ar, t"allf 1101n,. t>f "'" ... '-tlalaa If 1W the Army Tranll'(lOrtaUnn !lf'rvlc .. II('Veral years ago and it 111 located -I>i~lilled Splrilll Ucf·n~: OfM' Jl&rt-llmt• ~ .. •~:~ limit t-~11-L.ll /C81-71\ 8:1·4tp, 111 U<' •'"" hn• t1ur1nr Au«u.t. We 1u1 a .ccood t'Dglot>u , and w ill on Lido Nord at thP m tt'r!;('('tion l'vl. 1 c Jay Rtr•rn• or th• Mill-On-Snit" Bt-t>r and Wine> UC't'f\&1', rfll&tnt t••tol ""' J><,..blllly. ll ---a~llktr-t• vnur v'-6\. 1111~ leave aoon ror the South Pat"lflc. or Cordova . It is one or Lhc niresl tlry P ull('!", 11tatlonrt1 at n mwna-both or w hich Bland In t h(' name wtn I'•" '''"• In lnv•••tlfat.. s:-.~tl·to~ Willi ••r wlll.uu\ trall•r T\\'O·It":IIH\Mllt humr "•"'"'' at to'urllll~r. ~~ .. 2'-" aAd ...,._._ Co-owner w ith James F.lliaon homPS In that IW'Ct ion of lovPI) viii ... Tl'xu . arrived Jut "'""k '" Ill Gu~ B. Tnmplhc hl'l't'inafter O.n,•y It Gtlll'~ph· OIAl t.t•u '1"'" 111 J!""'' '"11'"""11· Vtklna• ft\(lfMI, ln•·al•'•l \VIIh>\1 ht\M>k. w~ty, "-ttta Ana, ~:alii. II·Uir oC .the Newport lndu.&Tiea. Costa 1'\'l>ldl'nt'('S II lid-it wa;; !II II It'd th,c tpend a 21-day furi"HR'h , w lfll h II I nnmNI. 307 :'\11 llnu .. twav. Sttnlll Ana. ""'' 1117 I ... ,.,, tlll(h"'•Y N,.w \ "allf 1\r tl """ fo>r hutue In ----- Mesa, he h._ bee-u makrn:.; t·a~t· new ownt•r-o would tak•· polo)ol'~sion ' I'Art>ni~W. Mr. and llra o J Tho• 1101111' -or lht' U N'n!W"f'·anct -l':allf l'h"n" r.,l4,; 83-41ll' I"'" 11••••·11· t'k bt. ea-u.,. ( 'u•l• ...... C'•ll N•w•arlt "'Itt IIAI.Ii: AnUqw Ortental IJiga and dotn·g ruundry wm k rur immt'itiald} I R\f'llm ll of tlarnlltnn lltrf't'l. 'Mit Vl'ndor ill G l'S 0 . TAMPLIS. do----1:\flll'l vr N,.,.., .... rt :102 fiHfo·l 11111 11111• •I'll• Mwth liM . ..._,,,.. b l.L -"'110N ""'"'~D-.. ,.ll ~AI .a.: ~ .. m .... ,,. 20 n . hMt u~•·W us:n w C)Of!an rron&. \lerenR projl't't.oJ, lln<l before coal ali· In dt!I<'U .. s ang tho· mal\t>r rt>· young man'a wife Ia with him. lnR usrrt....s &b SEA S HE ~·"" ""'" • L mntrriiiiJ. !('""' hullolo•r uar-FOR RAtE N"""l)(\1"1 ..... ,.:1 li.BlHng thl' :Sew;x~rt lnduBtrlt·" <'••n11y Mr Patterson said he did Pvt Arlie n Kt rr l)f lht Army C'AFE. Ill numtx•r 601 Eull't Crn-art:UATlClN W'ANTF.'i' Nu,...., ;rain l'h ("tlarl••'"" II·P•O:I tl·4tf \\Ill! 8.tlii0Ciah ·d wit h lhl' At'kt'r-not inll'nd 10 l•uild lll:illn bul ori.:i· Air l''ntt't'8, 8!UIWII"<I lll llurbanl< I rill AVI'nUt' Balboa. C'lly oC Nf'W· .-rnt'• l"hll•h •'II hD\ &Jr F n'"k ~ l.ul7f' ':ltll !'t Vh•lnrv, 4 t .... •r•w•tnll 2.,.1., h•tha. •unn••m ~'flit I"I A.L_,.: Huolc lwda, ,.111,_ rnun boat wurk& nally pn.'(·h od t hl• plaea· as an in-IIJif'nl tht' Wl't'k end wiU1 hl11 port &ach, Oran~:r County, C.ll· A-J r•''t'" 11, .. l~<•x F , N""• lluriM~nk, , 'llhr 60.411, ~~~~~~"'' llvln~:n>~•m •·nmt•ll'lrlv "'.,,,., r•>mlllt'lr wllh lnn~r-rnna A member of t ht' Balb"" Yar hl Vloslmt•nt. becauSt.• ht• hart forth in brolhn-ln·law and elstf'r , Mr. ~nd Cum il\. Tht> pla<'t' of n•sldrnt~ o1 ora....., 1\t-•t•· _ · 1 lnrlll•lllll( l"ln,•whlnl I 11111111··-,. nll>l' ,.111,111" t .... \1 dub. h«> Ia an eothuslutlc snUnr. I hi' dt•vclopm••nt of Lido Ish• as an M r11 W II Trusty. 3:\0 Snntu Ana sold ~u~ B. Tnmplis Is 601 East --Sill OOtl 1 •••ml•lrt,. with tnnC''I''f•rtna 'lllt.t· r&C'ing tn thl' Pa.-ltlc H -foot ch•u ultru rt<sllk'ntiul 1'\'sorl. M1~ Pa\-avenue. Centrul Av,.nul', Baii.Joft. C'll\' ot ~AND FOtfND Life Rafts GER;'"UDE: A WAlO,.ON lre.-. t Army ,........, """- Mt-s. Henley and their baby tt'rson wa .. (or many }••ano un olfr-Wilrtl'<l G \haphn. rlld&rrnsn N t>wpon Bf'ach, Oranj;t' \t~nty, -!11\oe ~t..nn .. A.v• I ,,.,,. 111 •••·••ll•nl l"Uadltlf•n. t4al.- t.lau.-:hter. 0 1ant', will rt'marn on t:t'r 111 thf' Lido Jslt• \ommunily 2 r, t l s. Navv. • •n of )tr. and Catlfomla. I'OUNIJ t.hm'a wr1111 wah·h For SaJe 1 llalh .. a t•tanll, <·alit II!\ l l• ,,.,. ~lt>l<~r•. 708 teaM ''-Y· .._.. U&lboa hland. , a. ... 'lO<.'iatron. Thr salt• was madt'" Mr11. F-41,~tar Chaplin, rtlurnl'd rt>-~ Thr nnmt•s and 11tldi'\'S!IIt'.• or the WJ11., ah••cr•J•IIill\ to hu" 3311 "'~'II ~A I .Y. 11 .. ,.ullrut 1 4tlllf'Y I hi•• &S-7tc Mrs. Omne Teal. WMhlngton, lhrou"h thl' P. A. l'alm••r rt>ahy cl'n"" 1 rum the ~outh t•ar •rt1 inlrndl'd Translt•n•t'S and Vt'nde8 ,Nft'l'11rl 1\fo"' h t'nltr 11:1-311' 1•1•·"1 fur l•al 111111: n .. ,.,_ IJ. c .. arrived Munday to spcod a Orrief'~ Mr. Palll'r..()n .s~ud. 'nit' ChapiiOI!. who now llvt In San llfl': f'RANK X. n u n NS. 214 ----I hun• .. nn •h·llhlr lot un •'lrlualv•. ••ott HAl.M:. T.l.... -t .etAi Wl"t'k Wilh her brOtht't and hill .. , s· I d I I th I Oii"J?.O ~~~ furmer rrshlt'nl,. nr thll' South Oradford StiW I. PlliCo>fltl&. LOST Won .. y I'""'"'' In whll·· • Balboa Marinf r,.lltrklf'•l t..ldu 1•1" 2 bforlmnma. J!Qt'Ch rumlluf'f', ,., •• umbnll&. am Y "" on-c lt>ave11. Vnl V'ta F-.. p 1, 1 C r vicinity. IUltl for nlany yo::~r11 w••rr &flRc nty, '-"' 1 orn ... und J. ._." ~ ,... • P ... ~ ...... · _., ... f II ... _r h "r-1mon ll pres1 •·n o t• Or Cou ,. __ 1.1 ,_ dlth rn. <tr In \1.-lnltv, ,,, li•f•·-Hardw, .. •••• ~"'o. 1 ·•~n knuttv l•lnr '""'"n•ll•d llv·j (' 11 N t "-......... , •• ,.._ n I vuu rotluc s .Q o J1 KENNEDY I fi t l Cook ''I)' llllll \\'nv'lll Mllrkrl rtniNt{t I Ilk "''""' with fl,...l•l•••• Uvlnr _-• ---Fullerton one of tht• 111~1(<''' .'dis· m embl"rt of the choir of uv· ('""''' 1 · • • 1 Hi&h· o.rn\Ua rt'ward 1-:lb,.l Jtrtl•· ~II 1 'o\fl.lll tlll(lh"'"' rnom •n•l dfn rwwly u~ttd fo'(\Jt ,.A~ ·lllhoah\W lnlnk. Ia Postpo'ned'. JX'fl~rs dr citrus and fruit julc "ll lldeaa Communlly l'huN·h way, Corona <k•l Mar. Nl•wport. C'Ofk :!0'.!1 Mlr"n'"' ''-"""' N••wt"~ l\4-arh 53·4tl' •·•II '" • all •·llh all wnol bn>4td-l'tJO(I l'oncletlno, 110. rt-N-- in Southern Calilomia. ( --l&och, Orangr Cuunty .. Calltomia. 62-2tl' I loM•n•. ~t•• •lf'llm ra.llaluf' h .. atl>d pnrt IT &S-IU 1 [Alp Stickler F:lrdrir-rHn·,. r wt Tht' kind ot he{'nl't':-tnh•ndt>d 10 -I MIRC'ELI ANJIX)IT8 Thlro rhanrtnr hn"'" Wilh Ita 2 --The benent brldJe wblcb mem-Co-• -31 U 8 N · h. J _ '1 ' 11'<' trnnlft!rrt'd an• On-~nlr Db· W!IT ~lw•n· lt•tloJ IIJ'f'l wa t(h · • • -n,•h "'•n·h·•. •II til• P.,~ra. Ita trOt\ IIAL.& Allt.tlmAUc k:e ~ bera ot the Coata Meaa American Ptlot of Pr•"soner c, . avy, .. u ..... ,,, .. IHI-tilled S pirits LIC•·n,...·. On-Sale Ill N.•v· FOR 8ALJI';-·~ ,.. ~ ~ . ~· 71\ lh l'&lla<'lt'/ U.cl onl" • ffl a .tay with hl1 brothn and n --r and Win<' L•-·ft •·• I'Orl tlarhl>r \'"hi :luh 2 na v,..1 waiiNI J'lliii'W with ' Letrion Aux•Uary had planned for ,.,,. , ,.,_ 1 H.a N ,. 11 ka ott J t Ule afternoon or Wectneaday, ~· Visits Island Home rrtater-tn-law. Pf'tty O!tlr .. r Ftnt Tht> add""'" of th•· P"·mi"''" :o ~:c~;··:·~~~i. man;,:;·' ~~~~~I!Arr .. :to~:s "" ,,,,,,., ,,..,,., tu~er ,,....,.. &lkl hlllurlant '"'~ .=.!~:::',., •'""-:: ... : ::: 16, h._ ~n ""lltponed unttf.'tall, ClUJ~ anti Mra. Cllrf~trd l'lllr•kl..r 1 which thf' llc.•nll(• 811.,1•1, nl•• • f)..lll"r AI•• lillllr,lr•ll at w .... t lral rt .. ~,.,... muat t ... IIH'n In two ··- r " "l Nl"wnnrt boult'\'rtrtl ~ I 1 _. h ..__ 1 ___ .. 1 fl • -' ..,_,..__ "1 1 III'J'r" 'lllt...-1 1tt.1111 1 t .. u ll'nt '''JI"'d\tloof'l 113 0.J11. IIIII· and tbe date will be IUIDOWlce<J U Wt\lter Kmgtr.an nf l'rt:<l. CH· , .. , I 011•-v av(' un·n "'lllR" Jo 61)1 Ealit WANTP;D TO RENT rrn "111" lh ••·••• "" "'"' "" """· ' Y '"'8 ,.,. , kMl la&and G-2te later. accordioc to Jl.n announce-II t llh Lt M . I \' be f The thrMaome enjoyf'!l J nlnK to O ntrnl Avc>nut>, 1\alboa C"it nt 'THO ": ''-"· ltlllll<•" M\unf' 22ll. lrl•.,.k trum th" l.ldu (,lib Hnu• . P 0 w · "• •r rg 0 • t..o. An•t'lf'l and atteod1n• " ""r-' Y flS Itt:! "n•l r,.thln .,._arh ......_~ ---- -ment made by Mre. P. A. Cbam-Liberal or bomber ur hnme on •t f " t th 0 ...... .: •r rt N r wport Rt•!lch. ( lrun~:c C'ounty, WANT 1'1 I llF.NT Allor'lwy "lit•. • 1C · v.. r OC!· t•'OJt I'IA U!! fW •'•""""''" a. berlin. l 2:!-dav11 furloujith · IUid llpi"Dt tht> 6rmant't' • ,. 'll.tua.uu c·n rr C1111foml11. ll.Qrlt. twn t1<1ya, fl lit II w11111 t.a• .. , 111 HA 1.1': 1-,,.11,.,1• 1,.,... ,,.,.1 •·upl•·•t ,,..,,., """0 rf'nt,.ll P'ull anc>Ct C!OIIdttloe. 110. Ptw-...,. N•w· · the~. They alao made a trip to Th t 1 h cl vuall 11 lbt 1 1 1 1 "'"'" II:Z.IWlO For aprofatment ••11 11 u * ------we.•k ~nt.l vuutln~ Lt. Verbl'rc'a A 0 T· 1 t' t II f' " rn hn lhr pia~ "11 "" 11 '" "a11o ' ur-an11 illlr fur '"'"'"' (IJ•;""K Nrw h ( • ' • 8U\' MORE THAN BEFiill! I wtCe and parents'. Mr. aDd Mnt.: • a n icogol ltOd ljuana. wh.-rP lht• consh1t•ntllon rnr tht-' Ina S..J•I .. mbo'r I :l, 3, "r 4 ,,1,. ''""" tup llllallty ('lno! p no,. h•'""'· N-p.•rt ,._&('b - I w. B. Harpt'r. 116, Abalone av---I' ran:<Ct•r or lh•· lit't'OM'S is to ~ ... k. Hnhoorl " F.llAI man, 641\ I r• lit "'''· """' •n•t lin•. nt~w. 1 1712. fi·MC! roa IAI s AV'IQ8 r---------------. c·m• ... Ratllt.a '"l • .nd. I New Market Opens J J)81d. olld th;· dlllf' when nnd lht• No JJ,.,I,.•• Sl I :t•·l"'"''' 6 l'allt ' llall"'" ..,,,,o,., roe 11:. oar. 8&!-"'oH fiAJ.IC ruu. •AI& 1t31 ~Ul ... WE SPECIALIZE ' Lt. Kingmar. Old nnt go on tht' plac•• wht•n• lh•· conl'ld4>rstion for Clttwt 164~ · 62-!\t. 1 0 Jbo c1 ... 4·•~. tC.•IIItr ...._ pee Ia riLid hut Nov. 26 \IO'hen l.t Ver-At Corona del Mar lhl' tran.,(;•r ot lhf' Olhl'r po•rsonal b·••-l'hllf\f' 22:) e3-2tc n Ba • flland """' at ~t .... Mnton. fOI ll CANNING FRUITS bl"rg'll plant! w 611 rorr ttl down ani! proprrly mPntlonl'd ht•l'f'm Ill to bto DOGS, CATS~ PETS I SI':WINt : Altrrat1nna. tlou•ho&d 4 btdronma. 21't b:llha, larl[" .. ,. Ualbc. na. ..., .. ~~~ Cannl·n, Peach-he w._ takcon prl..on•'r by thf' .. au-11 • A "~'"' mark•·t M tl l(rorery Jlltld Ill Snturduy. lh~ 19th clay of CCX."KEH RI'A.Nllo!L I'I'I'I'I .. :S -... wlnjl an•l ltlf•ndlnl(, 11\lrt rol-•un r;.um, vl"w uf bay. rum anol h-. ••~la..l Una. .,... • e "o mana. ! o pened Thunday at 1103 Co&il' Allj;la1._ .l9tL at lhc_bour oLl.O f bl~ and pnr1r rmorn-t 'ttllm-1 Ia no lumr•l. ''"''• rfO·Il n,.ft, ttt(' Jlll'lri'J runrlatt,..l. ,.,., Irk k-. '•lllu: Jlrlre ('an b. -n U Now Ia ~ Nredle• to say !he hf;Uteoant highway Corona del Mar Wllh o'c iO('k A M. or M id day at tht-M~.:v.~ &9-lOle ...... lrtr tndf-tt-ftftnwhlrd ~ rt. ...,.... l'ficirw; 275 -U.t\1' ~d hl.rl wire were warmly wet-' H<"rm&n ' S<:hmldt u proprJe(4)r lnw otrl<.'l'll or Rolnnd Thomp80ft.l P1011 •t•w k Th,.,. .. ,.,.. 11111',..11'11>' lol nrar !Co>otth nay. GET THEM AT ~· b lh .. _, .. _ I I de . Room '110 -............ , ... tWtntP"....,.h.l J illt ~Vlllt'll, lim.•·· ml'ltl, ('llht>l' PULI"M TRr.r. MF.RVICE ,, .. 000 nm MAI.I!: ,.30 Modal A -.....:. ... ...... ~.. ~ r s A s JrfOWid .. ,. l'hunk 1\.1. i• ljlll\llt•u. I "PI•Inl! .r.l.. I;. iiimTnj -aM • «<U fttor.d t .. _ • .....__ ..... ' m"' Y <" oe> "'·'a a&D .... , ...... ,. market l11 t~ata,. lo th• • ...,, ..... ,..~·· •u "~ ... '-'·l, -..,. -,..... ....----~---..,._ ,._. DUTTON'S who "''f'rt delighted to hear~firwt· bulldln~r rormtrly nccuplcod by the o Than1ta1h nit, IBif' 1111 Cha llfom1u.1 ~ulttmrr.•·nt nr atlltl' lrulpect~ Wl"''C'klll• GE"T"UDE A. WAlD,.ON II'" a ,_,_ "'"" h1\nd m( .. rnl'\lonn In rl'~ar•l to }!cGin1lle jl'l'ocery. Mr. MrGiniUe a t' a mount o t i' consld · I • :Ill" .. ar1n• Av•nu. TOft P: "->'· ltalbl• • .,..._. nl. Fr •t M k lhelr loVf'Q one havln• ~n In tt•rrnae work f M r ratlon Cor lh<' trand 1•r or Kaid 11-l<en-lr\\'urth, A• "'" ~"'"' :.12 ltut C'f'T!Itr 1'1\. ~ """"'" ·lal"n•l u-ttc Ul ar et .. ('( M c1 v d T r f;pratllo c:nt ..... I 111Hlfllllll l~lh I I'll Alluho•tm •n~ 01-lllp J'h~ .. 2!'• .... .. •• ·:Zt·· thl' pn~~t two yea're. . · · ~··· nn <'.n ur to ran!! t'l"f"f'!' blood f••~l Mllf(lll'a 0 11hbl!' Oath. • . • '"' ,,,. " "'' 17M Newport BlvCI. I _1'rut k tire IT-Book driverel-Mr. Schmidt rom .... ht·r.--from ond V<'n<it>tos IS I hi• sum or F1ve Wllr.. s:utmp.,:. V•·m an ·····llH I' .. !A.Jtc~; HA lrlll'l'lt y urlalnally WAf_ft'ED, ~--_ ~ ...._.,.... e\'t'~ slx monthJ.-or ewry 5000 Laguna Be:lch where he hu bf'ot'n Thousand DoUara IS5.00000I. -p . .,,coa pnw<l"r. l>f'nr•a-Pin,. .. r Alt~tt l'lau~. I• nvw at 23311 TaA.NMPOaTAnON -------------.....!I milt's. I manager ot the Safeway mt'at Datt'd thill l01h day nf AulrU"1• 0 1 N w rt mv 1 <.; ..t. M uwvc.;ur~ &lit. ,.nt.-4 .w re- WANT TO BUY ,...ln. ..... '"I and 11-~ N.w,_. 40, daytime ...... ~ ,_,. u S 1 ,_ powlkn. ~rfumf"b&n. !In« f''-tlty Of hyln• rabbtu oo p&lred Vo1~1'a, 104 Mala at. r----------------------------.,1 mark•t for 12 y--. R• witt 1944. 11pny, 8uH• """· Rex Huntflre ,. f)() • .• < a -· U P I 0 L S T E R I II a ll apecla lls. In meaa. Vflgetsblu and GU a TA.MPUS. .-ely, lovl'ly IIIHpJo" b&aktlll nrdf'r I'll Npt llc'h 121'1. ftatbDa IUid ........ " ..... ~trocerlu. and tht're will ~ a C Dol in60rc b~~~ 11" S<'a Shell ttllh ('t'flllr anti kllpuk-l"'~lolf\C M·IQ-t.c flalboa ti!Jand 1S..U1 ' -'rtmall dt'llcate11Rn dl'nnrtm<'Dt anc1 11 f!, l c.<~SI \l'ntrnl Avenut•. '. .-R 1'-· N n . T .. , • ., l:"l••ro· kill bo ·I• , "'"'' WAJifT TO 1nJT ~ ........... nttdiU1111 .. ,.,_. N_,.,. Furniture Upholstered and fflr it hi' proml/04'!0 !hill Mr!l II IJO!II I'Wf\C\1"1 ,,.•R('h C'~tlif(\r-1-'111( >-IAI.JI: f'illlllhll( '"'lllll•"'" J>lll( I"IA.I.I·: t:trl'ro l'fi'•WUt hi· •. o h Ill Ill 1 I h n1a ffiht•, ,...,u.tttUnJ.: P''"'" t.tnn\ Tt'u u tu•• lh lnt• '"'" '''-'" t.-•s •\"•I~ h t t:t~•.,.l •on,httuu lt;49 R · d ,...,. m • w l'lllf'f\ v r~'ll omf'-· n .. w 1,11,111 , ., 1,.. ,,,,.1 1., ,,,.1,. .. O..dl 2•21-W. U.lli ep31fe 1 t 1 1 .a LA•·n.._..,, anc1 Vl'lulnr. l'lo•Hto .'II',H M 117 4tr 'rlutl llo Al•r f'"''" Jof,.ll,. f~.'~-1te , , , M'll •• J'O II II !!II 1\u IIII.Z••I :O:h• plo• Ill It I' 1 ~~~.'I' . . all \\'Otk guamnteed . I Tlhl' ~<hll'•lll fnll\11)1' "I'll •w•ury ·(~11./l\~I-1:"Y<tlo('I~:~\L,II•'"\'C~~~"';_.'A. ~""'I" A Ill I' l\lntk•l l.o•~"'"' l't:IC1'40N.\I, "•• •ttt"tr• .. 118 ~•'r-t••w• Awe t.••one 41Jet Ma• .. .... ...... ~ ........ .... \\' n~ quur ,rr~ n,.,,. lf't t u ttu· · r "' ,,\•r• '' l!t'lH h ('J•J,'ff'd ,.JJ •:JIV t•V•·r y 1\ '""" .-c~h'"'" II• \'•' tu· ,.,..,.,.,...-d CLAUDE A. JOHNSON .................. ,., ... s Mr on•l Mr, (I~ 'rillS lOth •luy or .\II~U'' lhlll lldh\ •• ;1 _.,. '" ................. "•'•11 ., .... "'""K· ~~ 1111 ull rt .. ro• ,,r,. '"" r htiJrt'n. I'• I I. l••lw•• Ill<• lh•· unclo·,-..l~n••d 11 11, '• 1,. '"''"">'";:Ill •lll•·r wu1\la ,,,,r .. thv l"h" "rll nll••nrl )Jmm t II :'li01.H) l'uhht· In lflltl fur """' JU!It 8 ~lonn.• provt•• N•·Wa-I hill hi' '" wl•"! '"•lu_v ll110n hf' !-'I ;\'"' \''.• '"""~·' ·~·~ Anr:rll'tt, t'••Utlly llntl Sial,·, f"'''"llllill~ 1•)·-nmca Lclld£'rstup ~ WI•• Y•·•••·lllo\y 1'"1'" 10 Ill·· 1(1 11. Rml lll'rml\11, whol will f\C'illl•ol t:lls II TA:O.II'LIS. krumn .----------------------------. ----------------------'" " ~"l•hnrn"r" AI ~ru 1'"1 t Har-I•• Dl•· '" '"' lht• 1"'1 •nn v. h ...... nunw h<'•l t 'nr .. n 1-!t-;h "'hool. I" •llh"•'l11,.'(1 Ill lh•• lun·~:••u•g tn· -Fishing Boat Bargains Velma Barber SPECIAL: 42-ft. x 10-_ft., 9-ln. bf.am; 9-ton ~~holt-$r.,SC)O Visits in North H -It. l.owman; new Cbrya1er CroWJI. ('arr)1.nlt c;.Jc .. r. .Jolt,. \'•lm~ Ua1l.H'1 t•uhlrclty A Barpa. «nlf'r fur lhl' l!s lh"" Yu.r hl •·hrb U ·ft. Claarter &o.L C&rrJlnlf c:baner • --11 at.eal Hn J • "lumnl•l "" lhr t...r.. All· • l:t'l•·s F.xnn110I'r anti ~P:} m"ga7.1nf', MANY OTHJ:U TO CHOOSE FROM ll'ft htlll w••rk fl•r .. :u,.:a·n••. Orr. IlliG'S LAIIDIIIG whtrt• 19tH• wrll vl~tH htr bmthrr, MILilnln~: Bllrtwr n n<l witt• and . Yacht Brokerage flf't umln~ fr11m • ..:~""'' sh•• w•ll "'"P rn St.n l•'rarll'll'rtl Wht'r•• 11he "'Ill \'1~11 t-.·o llrllllt rn ,•nd". Am .. Van f>alt•·n. furmf'rly or Puatlena. a a"' a lUil8e Pit.. N pL Bdl. IU. an11 U nl( F'u Yanl(, teacher or '1111mo nl """ m·k n<IWI•·Il~•·ol I" nh' lh.il h•· 1'\1''111<•11 lh<• I'JIIfll' \\'JT:-.; .. :.-.;s m~ hlontl unl! •tlfwr.rl "t·nl rSEALI RO LAN U TIIOMl'SO!'Ii Notary J'uhlrr. m 11nrl t .. l I til' roun I y or Omngo• S1Btr of Callf<II'Tllll l'uh Aug. 15. 1944. SCRAPE AND PAIIIT YOUR BOAT 011 OUR COIIVEIIIEIIT WAYS I We FutniMh the Equipment You l>o Your Own ·Work PORT OF SEVEN SEAS Han1 ,._rtlflf'--~ l'AI'IIt Rroll,.r 817 Cout lll~hway PhOIW\ Newport llfoacoh fNff BACK ntr. A'n'A<:K 81 '\' MUHY. HONI»J N.D. CASH 0 v ... 00() •"d f "'T' HO. .. ITAI.. II•' Yl•l' "'"'I '" •• ,., ruarrl,.•t "''"" ''"• ::n \'"1" """''· \\"~""I tl!l I II "•"'" ""• IMI 11.\('K Till': .\'n'A('K f ltU 'On "'•'" &t , \•rot• -·· CAIIr Professional Directory Gordon M.Grundy, M.D. NlnUt aft4 Centra: A.,._ Otfl~ Hra.: co. t~ a.m.; J-1 '·"'· T•ltpholte 17 LEROY P. ANDERSON ATTO .. NEY AT LAW Cn•t • M.a• 8enk 8ulldl"l Phone 4.2e Conrad Richter, M.D. ,.hy tlcllaft aftd ,.,,....,. Offlee tD7 U.wt lti'Mt ... ~ ...... Heurt: to-tJ a. m. a J-1 ,. M. .. hat~.....OffiM tU1 ..... 74-.1 DR. G.£. TOHIU "HVIICIAN 8M I\I"OaOH .,. c.-•• ..._. ~ .... -~e.e-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_i~~~rt~a~n~d~po~rtr,.lt psl.ntlnJC. Mme l..ana.: li l•r lnrr.,. u• tht• -,t•t r··~llfW lind HllnHI• "I lh• Fwlllolol•·u c'll \' r ••• "''Vf'r\ yt:-:'11~. \o\J\:-t H.~·· l:ett I "ilh lh•· ('ommunrty Playh•IU~t· .. 1 l '1110&oh•1111 anu "'"" In • hllrl{" .. t 1l11' Orl,.nlhl Art ••lChlllll 111 I t" ~an .. 'ranclll('n ellpil•lllun .......................................................... Cdt l• Mtl• Offtoe IM·W ........ .. ,, ,.. ~· C:.ll ......... . California SNOODLES (7 out of 10 people read Ne1n-nmee Cluslfted Acbl.) .. So~N'I! ,...0 A~G-uMENTS ! ""fHtS IS 'YOO~ WAS~ T>AY ANDr 'lov KNow fT • ""fo IH£ -JuG' , roR. 'fO'J •• OOROTHY DARNIT .. I TE l L Ht R , ~"1 bu T --) Hy Cy llungerford r -- .. -//• .,,., P ( ...,,. '' \ ,•r---~---------------------, HAROLD K . GRAUEL CHAPEL w .. f"-trMiv• tho n.ttw lkrv• 11'1 H•rvln« Ott,,.,.. f!l'll(" ""•"• Nhwport MC Co.ta Meaa Caltron~l• BUY NOW City Tax Sale Loh A.. J. TWIST 607 Cont High*•)' ,.hone 24.22 GO .. ONA D£L MAA c;crald Hawo~a, M. D. %1l:ltl W•-C C",.rtlral A\'tl' "'""'f>Ort tt..IU·tl l'h """l"•rl ''-''" It 1 II'! II lr II" "'""''' •·1111 IIIII M Dr. M. D. uawfnrd O .. TOMaTRtiT Jr:y•• r.JUUI\tntd m.-,\hd JTH Newpert BcNa..a.rd COITA M&IA BA.L TZ MORTUARY CHA,.&L •v TH& I&A 4t0 c .... •••tt-c. ......... ,..., ....... 11 .. _ ,.hone Ntwpett 41 I Ult OBEU l~tJ C ASI ~ ()(•ntiMt • 'ltM ''1 \\' c .. nt rat, J"lt. UIWI ' NF:\\ I'IIICT RF:At'tl WHO'S WHO IN .HARBOR DISTRICT , r IIH 1•1 I' I r AtHl lt1NOI1"4f; W l)flO II \\ \','f t•hl l i~t ·.,.• llh•l . r· •• ~ln ''' ., t ·,.,! "'"'"" r I'll 'lMI·J f .I 'd II 1\ I r 1\ N l fl ,a r 'I n 0 r;,,,""" It I "''" ·.v '1111) f''"''l l\1v•l , J•h 1112 ''''"'' '"''' f'•on •n,.•ll""' I Il l<! II I II ( fiMI1 ~1'o41l & ' '"' 11• V • .. ,. I • ' '• .,,..,, u• h• fp Vou l•''H• • '•"' '1''''~t-· l•h""" ·-,.,., l •llr'rl.t l.••n.t ... r I '' l'h••ll•· ll~tll l 't•tolff lltlllo-.uy "' Ar< hll'\. IJ I r I( C 1\UPPI 1£8- •,, .. , ,, •• ,, t t,.rt~.r t't't'U"Ittn..:, t•r; l'h''""" 12 Pni N1'1NC.- 1:\ N• "'Jl' •rt llrach '-•-Afl'•ll llhrl•••l l'••llll•loln• r•,, l'hn11"a: i'l:l 1:'1, N"Wll''rt u.ac:.h. Fit AL £STAT£. INSU~ANCE 6 NOTA"V PU8LIC- I.-..... II W~all"' •·. :11112 W, Cefrttal A"•nu,. l•totlflf' J AU81l(A STAM .. ~ :-'•·wr~•r1 H11rht>r l'lahll•hlnl ('o l"ttonu· 12 1'\, "'IW}JIIrt s-oiL SHEET M~TAL W0""-...- 1 Vl•lt f1umb1Jra • MIMt llllttal ......... ~ M-. I"'-l1e. I VA .. t&TV ITO-.a-- ,.,-. 1.-nd v..-t, st-11. Itt. J1k .ad up f"Me• :Uli·W-• , I J t • , NEWPORT -BALBOA NEWS-TIMES, Newport Beach, ~alifomia, Tueaday, August 16, 1944 Have You Been Married 75 Years? Let News-ltmes Know at Once 11-Iarbor Feminine Activities Hilo Hattie Great Success at Yacht Club Party Saturday Night Ptan. to bocltlr I'OUplee married •·m•ph·to • tor 7~ yt-&1'8 or more ant ~1n1r I The marrlf'd lift' or lbl' pruplr Pftpared by Lbr cozr.mltl~'« ln will have •pennt'd a Jlf'""t.l nf rt- eb&ITe'ol C't'lt'bntlnr; Ill' &-n .ll)'· 11111rlcablf' dt'V~h Jlmt·n\ In thiJI f\1\h Anolv-:oy nt thl' n m·r m 11l , nuntry n u!lr •arly roma.nc-r com.rany ,, undcd by the f>llllll:lury 1woold havr occun f'd l11 th•· do.,ing family 1n \ltnnnpc•IL• In I '-69 y ea.r of thf' Wtlf lwtWt'l'n th,. llA\u ~-~L----I_n_d_i•_n __ s_u_•_•_e_r ____ s~ _____ d_P_~ __ tt_e_r~--J One of t he moet bHutiful par· I thl• kind, upeclally at tht.a time, j oint Birthdays Celebrated at Gerrish Home Be ch p rty G' tlu of the year WIUI given at the U \ht'l'f are m ore &nd mOrt' etrr· a a JVen NewpOn Harbor Yacht Club Jut VICt' men In thla uea that are COD· For Bud Attridge I Saturday night. Small waving' 'Valuclng and aft' -king thf' palm trrf'a with little grau hut.JJ klnll of things they uaed to d · Tbe tnlt..aJ plan 11 teo :or nd • '" .: lhl' n • ,,nlltnlr t IOn f>''l'"lll<l that M 1~1 Jru n Ann 1 ;"I n sh lln•l T&Ua aaulve,_,.,. cur to .. a ch ot 1 filii"" Mt. AmnnR lh~'m might bo' P lan Mar~otwarth "''I .... hoon••r•••l ~ eouplta Y.hn "''"'" m"nwu ,, v.lf .. wh<1 waa a ~lro of 1 ~ In "nth IM''n·nll'f'nll'l t 1rtholny With 1\ra. c. c. Attridge ot eo.t.a anuggllng under them wf'rt' on 'Mll! ml'mbtor• of the N.H.Y.C. bav• lte-. gave a party Sunday bono r-1 every Lablt. The Hawllllan .. trect lw tll moll\ j{T&Cim11 In Inc-luding ~ b~r 800, Bud. on bla birthday. wu further carrt~ out With tru b tho' ac'rvu" mrn In thl' Club act I\•· It wu at110 a going away party t1all&h blnorr11, ga ri1PniAII Anol le1s 1 ltlt'!O. A l~u Cor tftOllt-on the home :or Bud u ht' '-leaving Weolne.s-at each place, The nrc•h•·strn frt>nl. It ma.kcos lht' longer houra day tor New York· to be Inducted playt<d unlltr a roof ur palm that 11re t'Xpt'<'lt'd nt thl'nt 8t't'm 6D the year tM companr wu I""'' !'hr v.uuld h.-~ t ht~ yta.r a joint p11ny I!'"''" II\ lhrtr lllartrd cw ~tore. ANnnHn( to ""' hu@IJIUirt ml~ht h3VI' ~t'n a m uthrrA Mr.11 If,"'"'" 1;••rnsh populalloD f tKUrU, .LD&lyurt by ••lt:IDtd bt•\' "'l1llrr or ll yuuth ll.lltl Mrll J l~ \\1Hio• .. 1 t h•• C H · ft&tUitk~B~W, t.brre lllay "" ~·'" r •till 111" IliA lr••nfl who WltiO 1111'Jllrrd ruth ho•m•· trt ;-.; .. ,.I" •I t l~ar n mort' cruplra "' u, .. l'n.t•'i1 l'lalo•ll '•" Ill•• •l>lrll ••f tht-plnn,er• nf Aft ~r lhl' bu!'el ""PJI••r liA'O wtlo .,. ~rvlniC t 'r l• •I romroA I t h •I o..lny ""d atrurlc ou t Ill "" tu 811t tullv drrur.•l•·•l btrthoht\ AI\.DIVt'rNM .. .Il "ltr ly a(f' to U(J\hJI.Ilh hilt t)V.'ll 1 likf'll hUkC'.! h\' ~j I~ (<<•rrh<h'IO 1nto the N&YJ'. I fro nds whk h ga\f' the effo•ct M a wo rth while Tbt' (Ul'llt• Wt-rt' takrn to Cor· native but Wht'n Hlln Haith; ap-The lilting muBtr, the beautiful ona drl Marl for a beacm party reared. the Illusion nf b<•tn~ In tn<' •l•·•·ura llons. and the enjoyablt> en- then borne-for refreahmtnta IUid j lllll\nd~ ""'"" compltt~. r••rt.alnmrnt all c-ombined to ma ke tht' o~nln:; of pre•fnta. Thuet 10 n unng hrr two appt'llrttnt'e" thts on~> ut the gala evt>nta of tbe nn. the ft.:'l werr Bobby Utllrlr Htlo Hattll' tnt:ludf'd ever yun.. In lit a!fl'ln. The uftlt.<'rl and tht> mrm· Glor ia Mo tllOn. Werlyn Barris: 1 ho·r IJ(•ng• and dancM.. Ht'r rum her!l r· .. arunt~lble arf' to bt-cong rat· ~ COfnan!t h• , .. •,tM•·\• t an· h•'Mt! ,.lttlrr ~!rlt l'k•tt,t h•,· J ••h'"'"" Wrf • tft'ftt.ci tn tlw 1•1 ''"'' .,: •I•· .,.. ~P·~ co.n..t htu~ ,. .... ' i11 .. Nt\4!· The rail uf thf' f runlll'l \1\Ltll Mtron~ at lh"t ttrnr c 'h11d•·M A l'tllllbury, r&IJIIC'd In N••w ""'"I'· l'hlrt'. h••a rl1 It IL'ltl J•• nNI '"' 11n•·l,. .luhn S Nll11bury In !lhnn•·upo•IIM Thr l:tU,.r h-• &-M,. •:n' t·rn •r of Mlnn• IIC.tll an•l thl' '"'"' 1 tlf lh•' 11tstr un l\'<'1 !ill y I 'lta rll'll rnt•·rc·tl 1 F:vt•l;rn Rra. Pegn l tlckt ... walt, pl .. tt' natu.catn .. ss and ht>r knat·k ulatf'd JMt.n ~m•h. Diana Margwarlh, C•l malun~: . h· r 11udu~nce part vf I ------• .,rvtl•t Thu,... hrlng tns: pr • ~··nl" "• 1•• Ttmea to -••1 n 1.1 It•• rot•n • three lll'll\' Wrt~:hl E v•lvu Hr lt 1'•'1-:!:' M 1rkl••w~<ll \'t r~o:trHit F•·rruwll•·• ~I· rvtn l~rh-\Af' ''"" \'llttt:hn flu•l Altn•IS:" l ~<•n ~1 11•·• (;h r to Jt411f J't•. 1-\t 1\h t;, ff l"•h J int "UIIJ,! ln.w llulo lit:l•· K h\' llralll\ M r~ c ,,...... llltt lit'. ~-....... ,.. llht•' ~h H 1 ,,., .. ut\ .J"hn •.t.n ~1 ,.. \\ al \If HIL •. lU l l ~1 1 >' !11:11 .. 1'1 \• 1 John Shaftr, Glynn Bolea, Harold I ht'r art Ia her greatut c harm . She • C J ) ' K . A -Van de Walkn, Onn Vaughn, Don 1.\'1\11 ll pplnull<·d h:t.ck t lllli' lind 0 on~ s In . re ALTERATIONS NEATLY DONE t h•· O••ur m llllnK In'"'"""" n 1" ftn n t.... r•tahltllhrol J:"r"'' lui" II ~~uer. Bob Ogl ... r.arry Slll'ppard.l "~ttLn "' "verybody • dcoll~ht I DuratiOn Residents Mr•. Shlflry Sht>ppard. and Jdr ~1m·b l'e.n be l&ld ror part It'll t~f 1 'llll<J Mr11. JICl Lartun. Your Friends And Mine Shower Given 1 For Mrs. Beckley )Irs. \\'tlluun M1·Nal0<'<', wifl'' n l !'ulnncl \\'1lllam ~tC'Narr.t>r. USA. •·unsO' tu Ba.lb<>a with hl'r t\.\n cbtlcn·n, Ann an..t )!arty. from l'oSAdl'nn lo s pt·nd th.. 1111mml'r lAdies' Ga J111liftts ODb' 1 n111 t~n·••lllc' "rJ:IInlt.:>ll"n """ 'h~ltdf'd ,lt~ l 'hllllp W . l•tll~hury. " .:tant'won EVA BRODERSON Auxiliary Entertained At Wiener Roast C. E. McDowclJ l' Hosts to Da ughter ltfl• Domtby Bralnarll of PWia· df'na wa~ a KUl'Sf fnr the Wf'f'kc•nd Tho• M•ll!!<'ll Bt•tty fia, ko•r a ncl but ha.« bo:romc ~ attacht'd to thf' NIIIII'Y Tnwlt' "'"'" hostP1!81'11 at '!JH•I wtlh •lll rn:tny o.h a ntlll(t'" a layettr llhowt"r and OJlPn house 1 snd c·n~c••mPnl!t tlt:.t toh<' 111 fran· ho norlnl{ ~lr• Alan UN'klt'\' wh<> ttrally lvokln._; r.11 11 'huu~ .. 1.\h .. n· 1" Ult> turnwr Adelma Wrlt:ht. AI u1,. famtly may ""1• for the dura · the' hnm" of Mr. nnd Mrs Oou~-twn. Th(•y au·t· mnklng tht'lr tl'm· ........ ",......, ............ •••anA \tr :mil ,,.,. ,. I' ~lol •"· nt t.,e horre of Mr~t. Gtrtrudt' 1,,,,, t .... r. ''"' o1 It• 1 , 1 ·"''I·',, I W ald ron and Mr. and M,.... Allt>n, lila Wright on l.hln Isle !":un•''"' I"'""!' ,..,.1,.,.,11., at 10 1:> \\'t•st ~tftrrn•un (.<"'ltral • Mrs B•·•'klpy '" httlltlaml 111 ~·t\'· c..·11t11nl'l ~tc-:-;amf'l' 111 sc•t-vln;; tn ln._ U.. &D .Jn11t rur t"r with a n tht' Snulh Pac-lllc with the Army u ..... '"""' ... ,, ... nol lAIII ''' ""'' .j 1 Rlllboa l11h•nd. • ~::;:::;:~~~~~~~~~ M 111 1-:m tl r.r•·•'lll'l ••nl•·d al•tr ol 1,., lh<' ro•MI uf \til .,11,1111,.1 111 Mr11. Wilbur S m ith and cliiUJUl· ~ ml'ml"''" ,,, tht Wl)lTorn·,. Auxtl · t 11•11 I ", '" Fn•nl It• I"'' Tho•tr I• r nf P aMdt na art' at lhl'ir homr ta ry ot the• Vulunl ,...r Firf' I.,.JlnM· oiMu.:htr r 11111 """ 11 '•, ;,11 .111 1 nn C'hannel lallllld for the ba.lancr l.w I .. ,... mf'nt with a WI• nc-r mn~t "t h•·r ' !lt r• AI IIMrll•·\ ""' '"'' \ >IIIII! or tht' aummer. armo~ unit In Nf'w CaJN.i<on1a . Anai·Atl'('rafl division. -.... • huml' 17:17 NI'V.'ptlrt ftnttcl Thurs -t 1111118, l ltoVIol ••nd ~1111• ullll \',Ill ~~ FOR ..... r.... --·· b p ... ..w ...... ..J wia... ,.\11111! Al•rr Ptlkln~on. hnd or . ''">' n rnlnr. cri~p arHM. ..,. .. ...,. ..... to-toee _, -* coY cwte will tl 1 1 rt Staulet Room \'lilt lho•m foor ''"IlL• I lllo' put-bf• icl •ppedtll • hDJr if k'l II J' lated ~ aoM cot(... IC' f't'ola ( .-pa ml'nt of tht Wtl· VDr'lttinn wllJl twr grlln•lnlnlbt'r. F:njoyln.: thr tun un•l ••~JI M wrr" F t h '"''" ...... ''")"'"' 11 .. 11 h •• Serwcl hot.., iced. •u rMia • 11M_._ • -..n.i._. ~---!llnm Wll~n com!)3ny ot Paatldt-na. Mr11. Arline Jupe t, 108 24th Oeut D' 1--....,.., t.tradarrl'• Nhtn \\'lllln ... Mary 1,1r,.llll lh• I'"~' .,. ..... "''"' ~~~.. cot~" Wlll ..Ala_,._. • ~ Widl _.c.-.. aftii&Wa -· I And hf'r alllttr. Mn. Unda F'l~kr. lltrH-t Mlu Jupr r Is tr·arnln~: lto F:lmrr, <:rar·r \l(rll:ht. U•IIIP O~o:-· ll•nl\' ~v.• 1,,, """ "I ~-'" l ll••a.:oo -call aU •Jo1 -....... .._ ... wtr1a ... -.... it •• , _. 1 a rC' at their cot\qf'. the Cocklf' .,. a nurae at a largt' Govt'rnmt>nt ''•111111•-•••• . _.. .. "-* .... ................ ()pta., Uw ~ tlt'O, F:ftlt' Ut'nnf'tt Ut~tlls .. :dlc·k ... not Mr• <liLt 1 I''" II , 1 1''"''11" •eeconc~a•, e.o, an Ita ...... Wllat a Wlllilc II II .... aWe .. •Jo1 Sht>ll, on Dlnmond avrnut' for two hOtopltal In Omaha. N!'br. Lrl& Almund, F.thel <'nllln• Tho·!·""''"''' 1·•1•1'"'• 1 .. !Oitll• ",f,. -co•N tecwn ill dla kas ..... daet dla ...... ton. ... aD~ IWHka. Mra. F\lkt''a aon. Jack l SrendlnK a pu~tlon nr lhl'lr rra Lt•rol, Vi'I"TIA Anlil'n •on, thr IIKhl lul I'"''" '""'I"'"" 1r ... .,... .-.4 ""' kfore .. , II • ..... for-. DireclieM ler,...,.,... Praa• F'i!!k.. hu returned r rom two ' at~ty nn the Wf'llt Coaat "'lth tht'll prultlt'nl, VIola Smith. •'n ot lhf' Kll•·•l~< 1n tll M • ,,.,,.,.JI hoont•· T•-~ are ,;._ -........ ~ ..... ,_ ..... a-\'f'llri In the north of ll"t'l&nd.l rnrmt>r fnt>nda. tht' Bnl ~tills fm h<•.tc:M, Mlt&i Grf'f'nu "'"'' lot1 """ ~t r!l Hua:h " laW•-•~ v.·hrrt' he waa w ith Lo<'khec-d, and , 19th Jttr\'et , MMI. Bill HubbRr.J 1tnd 1hr nr~t mH!Inj[ w ill hf' Thur~ \\><lk.,1 ,.11,1 ~"" l'tll oof Lo•" An· haa lx't'n Induc-ted Into thr Anny. two 11mall t•hlldrtn of Brockport. day, lk" ... at u ... homt' .. , I!~··. Harry Carey's Son Weds Mra. 84-811 Rigney of Loll M · N pw York, h&\'1' lt>ft fo r 1..&.! /ul· ~;;;;;::;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:~~!"'~•~ry~~EI~m~;e~r,~W~al~n~u~t~Pt~ac:~•;· ;·~~t ::f'ln 111 \'!Jolting at the home of (Cf'lu where lht·r will \'1111 othet .I M H Holl ywood Gi rl Saturday h•·r c-ou•ln. Mrw W illiam Umland, I rrlt'nd•. esa oste.ss :l!ll2 Ocean Front . l'lhe hu jUIIt ' Mr. and ~rll. Char lea H owl\rrl Say It With Flowers· from JACK'S BARBER SHOP low O,e1 LadieS' Hair Cutting a Specialty •tt• .. ._. .. ~ P1toM, Newport 1801 -&rr'Ns A,_ .......... CaUl. ·. OUTSTANDING GIFT FOR CHRISTMAS for tile Boys Owerseas Your Portnait O.'t DelaJ-AI 0\'el"'lf'U IDUI mwrt bfo !lf'CII .,on Oetober 15t~r Now ..__--SPECIAL----- One Professional s1 00 Portrait, Only • NO APPOIN'ni&NT l'!tT.CEMA&I' Roberts Portraits ., NOII'IB IIAIN -Nt:XT TO \\' AROS AANT A A.'ll A. CALIF. I Entertains at BridRe "''IUnwd. fmm a vacation at Big' Of Hemet lift' vacationing at their \\, 111 ~ '""'' ,. ,.,.. ro·pe&t#u ,1 •• t lw ,,..Jh ,, .tn•l "" 111 .. 1 ""' tn· 'R<-11r ani! IJo ronllftf.,rlng l!Caylng eummrr horre in BaJbt•a . Mr" f htrnll~<ll''"'"rwht ••rtl•·r· AI '·•"•I· Fl''"'"f'"l hurc:b, 0.·•· '" • h<~uf:anl ~ltlrt •tt·r ,.,,,was In :-:o•wrw•rt Shr 111 a .,.aulklan. TheRe Fathp r Beary, pMtor t11111,.,1 •t hflr ttmn,. :.-11 Mlll:n••ll'l rtl• 11 11• ~·''"'''"'' Auc. 12 101 llhurt. cauabt1l!lt.o a hal11, and llht' nn•l mAl' r hrry on hrr work ln or Our I.Jady of Mnunt CArm el, CAROLYN'S FLOWERS '""""~· TtHc~...tA.y .. , en Int.; lkhl~-" I'm 1,1 ~I lei ~artlyn .. -,~. r•rr .I'd a n,..Yf'l: bonk wt-u.h hAd Sanls Ana l trn laet week on hla v11catlun wu (ulln" ,.,1 hv p •fr.-llhm••lll ~ ,.f •I» r~o:l.lo·r r>f ~r lllld 1ltn. hut-~ , .. ,riood by ).lr Cano-y • ma_. Cbuli:.a 1 11r1 II II 4l!ot lllfl'~t 1 • I ntAnll:r 1 ltllf,.11 j,1,. lind rulf•·" ~'I' i~IW ~:1 ('•lntcnlo DM\'t', to•mat -· jtn>al·trrllllcJmother and ha" )"tn•fl th,. ~n•tth f'niUOt for· F'srm tJr cuu-ntry butter <'flnlln· I'IIIV'nl: .. ,.,.,. ~··~~<lllm"" l<••n-ll>~lll"'•••l ••nil llrnry O.Or,.;t' l'tr&nllmothrr, a.ncl marlcl.'d •t thl.' ''''" H,. and Mra Hart mOYed Ut'll at 8 r{'(l puinl10 a r ound, mak· I nl'lh ~1,,,.art, "'h" h.,1,1 h•.:n C'att·l' !'<>nut Mr and Mra. Harry rrayrr for mt>n ol lhl' fio'll •for IA1!1 ,.,.,..,k l rt~n; P!l~~adrnlt In thf'ir !lng It a J:OOll pnlnt bargain in 111 ctr•'. J,.rrnld !'lplln~J,.,. ~ .. , ,011 ( ·,, >'} I I•'~' lk •tin ,., ulf'vard, c .. ,.. l'lr C'are r Ia C'orpaman m lhf' S I'"''P"rt 8f'11c h hnml' c<>nt,...t to cr~llmtry butte r now 222~ Marine Ave. Balboa blud Ph. %509-.1 IIIC'h,.rd Dittmar. tr!'l'l'llcn,; pr1rt': • 1111 •lt•l ~IAr ~till! ~aurua. Thi' Na\':·1 wu t he> ribbon •·h1cb held Mr. ~d !'ttr11 tla l Bnv.·t'n """,Riling for 16 polnta F..Jward :\turn II. 1,..,... John Oohl .. n. It"" J Hrtlll'rt Rrnlth perfonnecl thf' abowar bouquet ot white 1 small son C'hn stopher and Mr. -:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Hom•·r .... 111\tt. EmriOt lotrClel'-n. I I. l:f'f"f'n lftll) I IUU.. 111\d ro.n. lind )frll. H I. Th()O'III.!I o r Ra nta ' (I a nd t ht' ho.tna. 1 Th,. IM·IIIIIf••l 1.:11• •hu~ ... a ; W!ll8 Barbara tluNtork nf A nll 11''t'rl' "''H k rnd (UHU at the Bridge Enjoyed At Isbell Home lllmply •ll'coratPd wilJl wbJtla ~ Bnerly Hilla waa maid of honor. hnmr of Mnr Walton Hubbu'd Jr. 11nd tapr1" a n• I n lo\ hill' rarpet ror 11l11d bridfo-.ldli wert> Mlu Nor· Mr ~ llr.. Jack Tarrant who the bri•taJ patty thl' uolor lltinc ma Pf'trr.oa ud MIN J o Ann r~Uy purcbiUitd the F\aber fumiJihl't.l by Ul .. :-.a\•y unitwma• H~rrlft.r;. Hollywood. ud )Oa hom~ hi Balboa. are hnata to Mlu nt the men and the J OWTlll ot' aw I Mary Lou Raney of Pa.aadena, Mlm! Brvbo of Lon I' Beach, a later j Mr anol Mra. LHter Iabeii en-nt1tul nt honor a.nd hrtdt'~~maJclll, ta ~D of tbe bn<W. All carrted of Kn. Tarrantl. urtalntd "'IUl tm~t' at their , ... t•l abadn of (T'Hn. pink -.-rau-u r-. • Thf' Lron Fer1t1J110na and th~ home, 1300 F..&Jit e~ntral .}IVf'f'IUt'. ) t•lltm whllf' t h .. tony n .. wer lilt. I C.Or.-.. F\JIIrt Gnlcl<'n Holly· I C'lllldren. Ji:leanor. Rnbtort a.nd I l l't'<'enUy. I h1t... y••Kr ••ltl Llvvy Ba~.l .,..~. und t> of the bridt'j[room.l Richard at• bomr In Newport 1 Enjnyln~t Ulr play wue Mr and cnttAtn of th .. brldf'J,..Xlm, ware! \\II bNt man. H~ad ueber wul He.l~thts vb ltlng r.-latlve• an.tl · Ttt I' «'Y, r. an " quarter. at Fort Colllrttt and ~t RAJ h Muk M d M • blut> I Lt. Pat Ford, ann of Commander f n f'nd.ll Thf'y made their head· I(' H Hu..td. Mr. 11.nl1 t.fn Eugene • Th•· 1 .... 1. ""''-" prtnl.r.t!lll t;'OW'D Juhn Ford, motion plct~ dlrec-~over , f'tnelon. Mr a nti ~r• F'rl'd ~nrol· oof l ~tfr••tn '''llrd In ml191 y ,wttlta lor and owner of thf' yacht Arsf'-. · _ 1 f'('OI M d 11 1 ' W 11 nl't IA'hu·h olrn..,.d the bl..., Dedl IMr which hu juat rt'tuml'd from ' Mr11. Plllll A~htnn I& h olcllnj!: ' r. "" '" A'\~ a &C't', •-.... fal'f'Wf'll lo h,.r rr.env frie-nd" ant1 Mr and M ,.. J A Gant. Mr ant1 ramlly bf'fnr .. Ira • tn-J: un !'ur .ta\' M r~ 1-: I 1\otnOrr. Majo r a nd Mr" fur he-r Y,'nv • ln•l.,r t n n11tuon "' ~ .• llw An•l I hr llf•llt :\ncl hu!'lf'M 1 !"IT'll h ('nllc•J:P. ~tra Ralph llola,ok"l' hf'lcl hll!l• ~~~,.,. JJ'"" Hn~t•' .IAI'rt'r 11( Loll i'O •• ,.,., II hilt" Mr r .. tv-11 """" ~ t•n•l An.:•lf'll Is l'n~ytn~t two Wf•t•k • e COMING EVENTS Wl':l lNF:~PA Y A t'l~ 1fi ltr .t l'r••M w o•rkt •w•m II I'Lt·"' 11\'••nuo· 111111" a. "1"'11 Ill 1t m ''' 4 p nt , llllrJriCAI fl rf'lllllnl!:!t Hf'd ('r,.,. wnrk"""m :11:1 M..r lilt' IIVI'OIII' IIAIIIH" l!<lt~tl. "I"'" 10 am . lc• 4 I'm l!ur;:H AI .. ,.,.,.,.. loR II ll•••l ('r .. ,. "'" kr,....•m. 1:11'141 tH t•t\n ""~'"" .. ••u tPntt tt~·t ~t ur "~"'", 1 p rn to 4 r• m tf\11"1:"1• ol ,•rrl!lltn~t;. -NI'\4'J'(lri l11ll'1St'>r Krwnnno rtnt>- ~1"'•'1111 "'"''''"II 1tt th•· 1-:1 1'.,1-,. Mr<l llt" Hill'•' IZ "'"'" THJH '~IIA 'i A;'l:f ; 17 I 111'<1 (",.,.,.,. \A or kr•"'"'· Il l l'toln lll'•·nue. tlJl lhoa. "I"'" Ill "111 I• 4 r "' . llf'\\ lng I H•••l l"r<lllll wurkn~•m :11:1 ~IIH 1!"1• "''''""" Ha lholft hlnn•l "I ,.. Ill n m I•• 4 1'111 1011r~u nl •lt ••..,. In c~ ,,,. l'll"t I 1 A>f!C ,.f I 111 ·~· I 'hill I h·hy I h• ~I' A Will lllt J 1' .. I >Ill\' "''1'11111~ nl lh· hc •lll• •·I ~I· 1u •t ~f r• P:"·'tl Ht~ll b\ t••.''' •• • •n Fr-·nl Tl • :"•" 1·<t l l lo ·'II• ''• t o;., t 'It • I lt .,\ t I :'"'>• • \\ I! .. I., T ' U t t \ \ IL. 1": ,, • t , .... ( , ~I· o.;' ''"•··I t .. , ot r "''ltl , ... '"' HII ' •• I I'' " r11 t • t 1 1 ,. ",. •·tk t ltl 'If,.. I .d I• ·I 11 •·. '·, run\utut ,. • Ju 1n h '' ,J 11 · ',.,ll .. tt .• , ""r 1-: .,, , ... \I I.. It• t I '"" :'•1.1' ,, • , 1: " • ·I . -1 ···· t I,,, .... '1 t~•· d 1.' I r .m ',. :\Ins: .\~IEHI<':\ :\IEJ-:TS llEFE~SE ' I I-'ll t' j'<'llll~ •Iff' II•'"-11• ••.!• <I ,t .. r >trC hi\'' I hi' ;!(I •>Uilll' ;-.;,, : ('IUl I""'' thrt't' 1"'111\ll f••r wh,>l• kr r nr l \':\<11110, f'l'l'k<•il l :'·NIOr l' '1\n Mrmh.-r11 11f th~ f11m11y 111•r ly· blg ((If ""'""''8.1 (1f tllf'll' ~111·1'"' m••nlal hnm .. .-tn·\.\c•rk g-•lln~> ta • tlonto nc•w IU"t' not ~m~ 'J:l\ ''" • th• lr full lhrt'l'·m•lnthto rAth'n ''- t lh•y al"f' not m c-a.r poole In "1011 CAN JOIII 7H£ n ... f!r! ah••l tram u. ... "'"rltl-l ; ... J" !'a•'• ,.._, , .. .,m of lhr air. Aa a• /tir. •ar in lhf' •o mf'u'a Aray .-. f orP-~ou "ill lhrill to t1w po"'~r·j .:J..rd ,-.,., of lhf' IIi~ lkrlha, o f 1tw ally • • • alsen-. i. pl.mu lu;: ll ... ir lti•lflrtC' ,.;....,.., Coarwa •till 1 .. pl,tlh'fi. "l'lllhr r mu•t 1W dfot~"!"iMd..f ... ~nft r•.u•l J ... '"'"'1-ancl m•'• ...d wontf'n ol" dw ,•,,..,,, \1r rnr. •·· cln il-l.tiM'r. ''"• ''"' r.tn juin the ··om~•·• Ana:" C.orr- """ ,,.,,,.,,., ''"" •ith ttw ASF.AC.I-'. or A . .\t', •··· • f,.nn,licln.alw•nl ,._ .W"'bf'f"'l>hip in IM r::· · t •• 1111 "" .. arlit, ;...u the t'OUpoa. t c:-{1 RE A IJ/ac IN THE \;~ARMY Ill FORCES r -----------------------T---~--1 .\IH \\' \( ·. Ill t:. ().-. 81\·d. l .. •nc H•·:td l. ('alir. ~ 667-!2 or 6Gi-96 J am ~ the a.;tt of 3) end 49. Pluee tend me J'OUr CXImpletc boollct of Air w~ infOrmation, "65 Queetionl and Annrc.n about w ICI ia • Anllt Air Foras. ' lV···~------------------------------ .AtUrtJ·~-----------P)w .. ' L.-.......... "-~--~·--~------~----~·····------.. ~~~~--·------J No1 ~· ~·1'\'IC'I' &Jid .,. nnw d ot('kf'd l 1tl lh•· r lt\' 11....-11: ntb"r ll!lh"rl' • w•·r.. ( 'nrr 11r.'"" Jnhn ~IC'l\:ally. Ho'ht'rt A nol•·non.l, I""'Wilt SP"nr <'r 1 nuol ~fl\r1"n \\'tlloa n ~ Th,• hd d t• Ill 1\ Kradu:tl•' nf llul· 1;'1\ • ,,., U •:·h ,., hn<>l nn•l h• m:.jur·, ln....-tn m ullu at the• t '"'""'s•ll· or W:uh,n..:tootl fl!l cl mn ~-'(tntintu• hf'r work I h••r•• At P'f'l'ltl'nt 1<hf. • 111 •n the· Nlitnna1 olepl\rtml'nl at C'ohrr •btn Stulilnl' · , ' , Mr Car~y gn\llllat t>t1 fmm thl' I Alao•k Foxe ~lllilnry ora"•l•'my '" Jinllvwnnd &n •l flrl()r I<> t•n tc•rtnJ: • ,.,.,..~ ~atad~n,:--vQtff. tfl l 1 N•·•· \'nrk with R l)rll'lltr tf'BC.:II~>r , Rncl working "' NRC H" ftrRI I "c•nt 11• Ne>w York to 8 J'If"'llr at th .. \\'nrld'" F:u r In "R.alln>Aolll c1n 1 f'llra.Je." , 1 After lh•• t'f'rt•muny lhl' bndl', { hlnj:t•d lo~ ..a.,. ""'Ill IT!!' Qf !'I Ul<hl'd I rruor bf'rr.· with ~hH'h 11hr wnrr JZr•··· n Rl"C"f•!IIL!IIttrJ••s '' •uc·h hr Rutl· I full~·. s•·t o)tf h<'r hlunclr ••ol•1rtn~ \\ tl h ••nh• ll thlc'n·ollll' II'A\ • t R;l AU!••l tht• h •'Mf y n tttfiO \\"R8 !llfl-•lt I .I olny ~!Wilt Ill I h 1• Amhll .. lLIIrl I' "tlld ••n ~~ •H• 3 \' th,· ~··UJ!t.:: • n~tpl· .tr •· l i• t L• t '·•r••\ L~~m~ ••n thr• t I ' • '1' c· •• n .n:t rl• t \1 11 but r•fl f I~ *q lht lf ~~~ll!tfo.. l1t " HOW MUCH IS ENOUGH? -wt-It.-• V•c•m•.,. A·an.l Q, &NOUOH II _.. tlwn ... n ) ...... --lip .. .. ••• ...,.. ..... . -.... ,..,... , ...... ,. ... . ............ ........ ,. ., ..... __., Ylta-..., ...... ONE~ a.dl -o...A-o.-r ~ Vlft, ... l .. A .... DTeW.•-~~~"Vu• .... A..-o.--r .. .-.~-1 1 ... 3 .... ., ~ ,_., o., ' 1•-···· -······ u .......... .. 1 ............ t .. . C•r• --Y-._. • ....,-.... • ..... ,..,. ~ ..... _ .. c- l __ .... _... __ ,_,Ue.Ho .. w...... .... soeu..e~ v ... --~ .......... _ ... , .. ,. .., ____ ...._ ..... .. WEST COAST PAcKING CORP. ~ Santa. An~~ New Dre88 Shop NOW OPEN And ready to serve you "'ith aU the newest showings for FALL WEAR Amon,:: Our ,Selections Are One and tw~pi('(.'C drcs~ all Virgin Wool in Jewel tones. '• Party F rocks. Sequin Trimmed Aftctnoon drt.--sses in colors and black BEAUTIFUL· FORMALS • SPORT FROCKS Ali:D JACKETS • LOVELY CIIESTERF'IF.LD ('(IATI' e l 'NTIUMMED SPORT COk~ • SKIHTS AND BU)USES qhe Fra~ces L~OriOn Sh<:>P ~ * &portnJJear t ~TORI: lfOtTR81 /0 A~ M. TO t p . M. OPEN 8AT URDA\' E\'T.SISC. l tSTIL t . (.'LOAED MOSDAl' ~tora BJd&. 2Dd ~ Broadw&)' Seoond F1oor SANTA A.NA ' ..... , BERNARD o f H OL LYW OO D .. CVis1inctl4..Je 'Photography at Reasonable Prices For Appointm<'nt Phone Npt. &h. 2216 Visit Our Portrait Gallery In the ' ........ ,......, .... to I~ ........ , ltii'Cill, ll 30-day I!Upply 111 forl''''n th~m ~ alford lh•m um,. tn ·-----------------------------rrlwhl<'h to 111TM,-ridl'·lthAnna. Th is Space Contributed by-. ~.==.;__ e Lorig Bearh, N___. BOp. b I •·" • ........ • • .-. .--cw 1"" a .... ., .......... AU._ ........... _ ~----------------------~ BALBOA INN ARCADE Open 12 :30 to 9:30p.m. D~ily -------·----------------- .. '·