HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-08-24 - Newport Balboa News Times> IIU.I . A. aaa, lloa Nl ~·.Aft INDlnNDDft LOCAL NIWSPAPU aaVIJIQ !'HI INTIRE NEWPORT HAJUK>R DISftiCT ================~==================================~~~~;::=2:~~====~ -~ --~~ NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA. THUR."OA \', Al't;t ':-\T :N. lfl44 -== ----========-='--. YOLUME V --=----- ========~~======~~======~====~==~==~===~-__ (t ·----____ ...... _ - -" BALBOA ISLAND GIRL HONORED Ackerman Works VACATIONER School Faces Sessions of Twice A Day lly T . H. ( "BRJCJ[") OMNia • It t.akea eome people a lone J 0 I n s Ume to pt &mart. but Earl Abbey the beat corooer tn Orance coun- ty, t\nally bu decided that New- port H&rtlor'e the beat place In tiM world to live. Aa a ~t of that-and abb ttlldJnC the proper buyer for hut place ln IJ&nta All& ... thta county otftctal'l beaomtnc a le- pl realdaDt ~ Corona del M.ar. Poilu llloou.lclft 't worrr too much Moat bavlq. ClOrOIMr around. ~u. 'ftN fact U..t Uftde Jtm 81eeper. tiM •m•aaar, ta tba only Ot'ftd&J Ill In COWitJ to pt ' BICICII GAINt:.'l more votea than Eart doea every etecuon, abould 10 to prove that tollu Uke him. I Ul1alc the Corona del Mar lollu laa4 bett.r adopt my lonc- Um.e UMme eonc for ~I: 'Brlfbt- en tba Coroner Wl\ere You b e!' • • • A aUI.Dfo or Jllf'l'aD'I' • Lola of property owne~ will be lnter.ted In a aupuior court na.Unc In Santa All&. All A.nny officer bad been llv. Inc In a Balboa llland home. The toUu who own the place wanted to come down for the eummer. eo U..y told the officer to move. He wouldn't. eo t.hey went to courL Tbe Jud&'e. fiJ'gerlnl' that It waa wartlme, aald the people didn't at.olutely have to tae tbelr aum. nMr placea. and eo told tbe oftt- cer, who couldn't f ind anothu houae, to 1'0 right on llvlnl' there. • • • Ill: WON'T 8BOtrr LOUD &NOUOB Penonally, I don't think Tht &a. mak .. eftOUI'h notee about .._ d.-nee~ &dvertJatnr ~re- T ou ldddiee, tn caae you don't lmow lt. ba¥e U.. pnvilel'e Mdl -.ll ol Nadtnc one or tAe beat eluaUied Pace& tn any weekly n.w.p&per tn the country. Il'a btcrer. and tt'a better, eo UMre! • • • Haven't aeen Harold Fink. the eminent bowl.-r. for 110int> tlmP .. Nor Ptnkle Scott, th" PfiiiBily-t>m- lnent aa.lad dreulng malccr . . . Did -Chuck Blak,.ly. thr tenor eololat. but eaw him first . . . Bob Allen. too .. Ntwll ltl'm uys ammunition'• golnR to bf' moN' plentlfuf." That' ehould makl' the harbor trapat~oollnR C'lub. Sam Klnefather and all the ltUY•· hap. py . . . Harbor people had better work .at atartlng that club again. Jt once brought world famou.w aboote~ here, and can do ao .,.atn ... Wonder how Ed Chap. man w1lo ral.aea pedigreed pork-e~ 'wtth blue r1bboM In their hair, Ia rettlnl along! ... And tt O&JTell Klfll"• atlll In thf' habit of buytnl' bloodlloundll! . . Saw 'Phonw Ha.maan In Santa :Ana. He wu a poatmuter once, re- member! ... Anyone have any popcorn they can •pare for l:d- dle )(oore, po.or ruy! .. Bernard Gathers Camera Prizes Bernard 8omm.-ra. who u '84>r- nard of Rollywood. opetaleil cam- era portrait rallery for_ apeclal al.tUnp In the Balboa Inn Ar- cade, made It a Newport Harbor clean -~p ln the pbotopphlc aweepetake. In connecUon wtth Jut week'a municipal "country fair" at Runtlna-ton 84-ach. Bernard'• dlnlncth·e camera portral ta were Judlft>d u fi rat. tee- c.nd. thtrc2,, and nr~pe~tllke .nnne~ "' the feM comJ:li!Jitlon at tha tlellf'~ ctty. Reserve Guardsman Found Dead in Truck l..ocal Man's Brother Has Narrow'Escape in Robot Bombing Costa Mesa Market Celebrates With. Big Enlargement Opening Foml&l o~nlng or the n-Jy- ,.hlltr~ Alpha Beta market at Harbor and Newport boulevard&, C0<9l& Meaa, Ia· aet for nut Sat- urda y. aC'I'ordln&" to Manager Ju. flhngworth. meat compartmenllt. there will be IIJ>f'l'lal dl11play conlpl!.rlm••nta for d.-llraltMen ltOOdll. fl~h. hl(t&ly 11plt't•d eaua~"• IUld rh~ae. Thr ro>mf)d,.hng prugram re.u.lt.. All ruult or the alteraUOM pro-'..d In doublln~t thl' n~r art'& of ~~;rllm. which hu been In prorreu th" fruit &nd V•'K•·tabl,. d~"part. for the put month, the atore will rntont whtch Ia unrt"r th" manare- have 1~ feet of additional noor ml'nt of Oall Arbogut, a r•ldent apace. With ftve.foot alalea t.bru-of the Harbor area for the put out. lhoppl~ will be ,.reaUy 23 yu~ Thf" "creen II'Q<ld8" dl· ~tmpllfled, It wu pointed out. '·talon Ia now operated on the Mit- The ntwly cOmpleted wareboUH, 11ervtce policy. -:- &dJolnln.r the atore, will prov1cte . IEatabii.W 1n1 m othet 2000 ~quare feet of floor 'fh,. Alpha Beta market wu .,..., "ltabliahtd In 192!1 In the amall M,.. ~ ~ hulltllnlf now oecupted by Ptnii- Th,. meat department. manaced lt y'a ph11rmacy In 1927 thf" atora by Ra.lph Brandt. will have •• Wl'nl unt1<>r lh•• mM•.rement ot r .. et of dlaplay c.aaea In Ita enJara-Grant Jlllnawnrth. falhf"r of the ~d lltate. In addition to 18'7 aqu.are PTf"Hnt manilcer, -"d tor the put ft'4't t'lf new rern~raUon ~ 17 yeara h.u f)ptraled coMt.aaUy faciiiUte. ....,_ Uile ,......, _.,. fllJJtcworth ftpen~ Rota ria"" Learn Llvel~· History Closes Next Week As last · Boat Goes WtU. .._.. Ulaa 1000 ...... ~~~ tu ,..tum to e._ at Newl*'t Be•cll trraft\IIUI' ...... "" Sept 11, ,,..,._ of tMt .... caputty tnatltutlun .,. ....,. tMrtn• UWtlr baJr O¥M' tile .. qu.etlora: Wbere T ud IIGw f II F.. 14. Hof;eJ En~a~e4 u AHHt. Mana~er at Balboa Bank IC 1. Hnt~l bu Julnl'tl tiM Bal- .,,. brand• ur Rank nf Amf"rlra, lakin« ,,v,.r the duliM of R ll • r...ampb0-11. whu hu a nrw ... t.rn mf"nt In th,. r-An.,.J,.a ar•a. It wu announi',..J today by Man.,-f"r U.-J L McK~han Hut)f"l, wh•l will n. a•latant 't(o M~aleT McK,.,.h'"'· •l.&rtf>d with the Bank of Amulra at 8an 01. f'IO, In ltM, and wu promot.M to th• Ranta Ana brllnch thTf"f" Y••ra later H,. waa rnad4' an nf ncer of the bank In lf4:1, anrl h.u matt. 1lltady pr<•.rr•• lhmup Ylll'tOWI department& ••f lhf" tnatl tutl•m alnce that llmr Prior tu comtn• to Balboe hr wu In charlf" ut the b&nk'a rnlllt&ry f&elllty at lh• "IUlla Ana Army Air Baae, ED! $2.50 ... ..... MESA ....... ere n • )Ire ltee to I Ack-.. ..., m~ol ·nonnel lon wlth I to end It fit~ t.d that c whlcb IWI¥ ..... ttlch ... .,. ----u.IQ ' ..,..., . .. t ... .,tn-. .... u.. .,.. • ..... '' J, At~ . .,......, ..,~. 100-. ..... u. fliVINd e. ~ .. u" ltqM ..... ...,.,.... ' ., tM aau. rue tbeNa97 .......... lut f/1 ........ • .., ... I I ... .. to .. .... r.::_, ·-..~ ,.....w .. ....... , age esa 100 llanntnr .......... I WIUI (• Irian Me· u ..... , .. •nta Ana -paJd the pr<•p- "' hi• .... .... 11 26.· • r&JV'ftn • plalltAid • puture .. qw.tf'd I f"hl- -u-.~MN!t: .. thf'd to •• ct&up. . . ...,.. 1n.nnm•r llnl.n• to ...r'fOUtt'hf ,., 101 huul ... ) ..... :>or ,, ... , tlntl ,, IHII lhf' IIII(IIWilY ''·•• prr._ t •u11ttnu 1111•1 ~···· "'IC "'"". "·ul"tlvo•e .rl'tf· ruuB--- oWol lA'• '•'fatln"" a l 'ifUIII HI I r""'" t .. a iM1 UHI with a .u,. mu,... ·t IC•rbor Ill•· Ran 11\l·rce by n•p,._,._ ,Ill' aJ.-. prtlp'&a .,. a ~at -.c hartl()r of A1n 1 • Wedding Lu Given by Nt Beach Coupl Mr and M "" H· ~U w~~ bCM!tf l•' t ud JUU~ In th• WMl Oc~an Ftor.t rec:.nt man1a«r ol A.Dardku. OkiA.h••rn Bturcell. f'rtt:v 1 Jrt Na•y. brothft' nf 1 wu eolemnlud 1n Uwo-!ka ln CQr<)flll 'nlf' lunc·heon ' b)' a tw()otle~ "''' orat.d with ptnk ' Ud topped with a Navy jO'OOm '"'' 11M p~tty bl ,, tD a ,.old r uatum with touc:hf'• Ill l W.n.rlDC a t'Orl<llll abe 18 the .J•ur h llln. W A !';rn .. o -.oma rtty whll,. bu twfll maklna -.ome bl8 helldqU ret.umtod from 1'' Ill Ow Smoth I'll• I IUD"" of a U :!4 er. H• Ia thr ~·n 0 . r:.. Stur~tel' 1 8turacrll 11.11d b UfetiDl• n-mln•l"r a war·tlme t•rr .. m. bad fuhlonNI h IMt.Dd f nlm an J ooln clf'll.ll•d t n11 the Navy. Thr • Uu!lr hnme In• !tureen 18 lrtat lot BaR In 8&n Dl and recelvlnll m0 'MIOM bidden c:OupJt Wt!ff Mr. ud Mn v t,.. Ja.cll Turley Jr., Blum and Roo., Alln 8tu,..ell. d' ...... Five BlueS Valid Sept. ,... IDOrf' bll t.u poiDu nrla poll!&.-··m tw- proc-•S footl8 l Mr I. tM4, liM A....,.s.trallon t 11M IUIII pe -C and U wUJ ae NJowtnc tbe l.polllt lt.ampe bu~lbe p ftllda&e nve bh ~~flll.-cl ·. . LBT Ut YOU ctV r.,•• ... MUJ..F u ...... JACI Lad Ap no...,... LE T. w. ln: of ol eo I ) J I I ftiEII.B'8 BPOBTSJIAN8HIP IN OONGREM · Caa it be that the 22Dd Congreuional d istrict has a Temperance Lecture By College Man ... .,_ NEWPORT-BALBOA PRESS Bay IIJ'reasure Ma.,' Coatinue in De~- • latce dtmand for "Tr:euure .£._ I • LIDO n ..... -Frt. ~ s.t. Marjorie Reynoldl and Dennl8 O'Keefe In Sherlock Holme.' THE 8CA&LET CLAW Paul Lucu In ' "America's Fifth Column-the Lt•oor Traffic" wu the wbjec:t ,,, an addreu glv1•n lu t Saturday night at tl\n Community Bible Aud1t•1rlum. 1750 Newport Bl'ld., Costa .Mf'•"-The apeaker wu Flr1yd C C~trTI<'r, Fellow of the Y&lt: School of Alcohol, and MC-- rrtary of lh" American Temper. Bnl'l· Society, Wuhlnaton D. C. .. .,_.. c:onttnue•. according to re-Address Unknown port. IMut-d by mtmben ot the ~ Harbor AMOc:lata, a poup q MIUd by the Chamber ot Commerce a few yean ~o to Pres-n and fpue the famed map of Newport Harbor. WIUa 200.000 coplu al..-dy printed, and dlltrlbuted the ,A..,. -a.llo- BOT &IIYTIDI Car'---Newa Ann Miller In Jam Session -al.ao- Thursday, August 24, 1944 8paclo11.1 and attractive quarten, each room eUrred b)' the cooling breath or the ocean, at a elte j uat tar enouch detached from the bt1.1Ul' of Balboa'• malll lnteraecllon. • MAIN 8T&E.ET AT TJIE BALBOA PIE& TEL.I:.PHONE: NEWPORT BEAOJt .. CAROL Yll'l .. .6J.~ 6')~ ~ -To Fit the Froclc or Match the Occaaion Flowera are always beat. .............. ( 222~ Marine Ave., Balboa l•land-Pbooe 2509-J We Deliver. Open Saturday Night. CONRAD SHOOK CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER COMPLnf: BUI LOIN[J •ERV ICf: PHO N£ NIEWI"O"T 1034.1 P .o . ~a• :101 B~l.BOA ISLAND, C A Ll,. · repn~eDtative in COilgftU who iB a better CongreMm&n Uwa be ill a putiaan! At la.at week's aession with the mayor, Chamber of Commerce directo rs and othE'r promi- oeat citbena of Newpbrt Harbor, o ve r problerru> o{ this eommua.ity'a future weUare. Coot. John Phillips of Ban· _, took grat plana to complliiM'nt Cong. H a rry S hep- pard of Yucaipa, repret~enting the 21at di~tlrict. Without Sbepp&rd. thia diatrict'a reprue:atat.lve said, he w ould n ot haft bela able to accompliah half the things he atttompted at WubiJlcton oa behalf of the Newport Bay area in par - Ueular, Uld Orance county on the whol~. It wa11 all good ~p. and beneficial to thiB commur11tiy . but not iD the pncedeot of election year partisanship. fnr Cong. PbiWpe Ia a .talwart ~ublican. and O mg. Sheppard- fonDer nprneotat.lve for N ewport Harbor -is a s tickle r for hila adbereace to tJae Democratic party . What il boilli dowD to, oae ._glad to aay, ia that both a r l! good Congress· 1IMil, JOOd Americana. and uae common )l('n !4· ff•r the we l- Mr. CarTier, who rt'cenlly re- ldgned hi• nomination tor vice prrt ldf'nt of the United St&tea on lhl! Tempo?ranc.. t1rki't, I• 1pend· tng a thort t1mt> on the Wut c.oul bt-fore ~turning to the nation'• ~'"Pitol. ctat. ..,.. now revl81ng copy and an preparing to laaue another 110,000 copl!!l of thl8 very popular folder map. Headlnc th•• Assodatet Dlvt•lon 18 Hubbard C Howe. ptfl ldent of lhe South C/liL~t Company, tieing TWO 11.\N 8UIIMAIUNE C'al1oon . Spf.eldac of Aa.laala Startlnc TllUJ"a., Aug. 11 Gaslight F===~~~~ fare of t.be&r eoutilU~Dta. ----·----the boat b111ld1n1: bu11ine1111 In with ('omlnl(: Two o'tri. and a S&Uor; f'RF.P."RF. f'U& DAIILIA 8HOW the recreatlonnt dt•\'elopmrnt of .~ouuw the 8oJ11; Cobra w.- ftYJNQ ft) IlEA.¥ OrF THE Nf:.XT \\'AR I s~·w·r&l gardi'nt>ra of the H.ar-Newport H10rbt.r Othen working and Tlll• '" u.r Ufe; Home a. Tbe DeKt ceneratioa of younug Amcrl<'llnS may owe a I boJr.lolt•aa a rea are preparinc to with Kr. Hnl..-arc Bradl!n Finch. JIMIIaaa; WhUe ('Uffll of Dover; c.l ·nt.:r •llhib1l.t tn the Tblrd An-W. M. Lonj{lltu<•r. A B. Rouu.sel.le, \fr. Winkle o-to War; 1M1 lD l"f!8l dal of t.b&nb t o the men now t•n);a~col tn '·xlraur • ;llllll ~a.hlln Shnw m Sanla Ana Walter 8 . Sr•"•'r, P . A. Palmer. IM-O.rtl; T1NI IliUM O..c: J'lll. ~=in~ ::r::: t:e.~rate a worktng ~>ystem 1 Au~t 215 11.11d 28. -:,:: ~-12 B~:~amAI~~\~ilan~: !,:P ,~ ... -_...,_ ............ _ • .,....., all aeUvely parl1dpattng In Uie Jn particular, Secret.a.ry o f State O.r d£·U Hull, wit h l~l gi'OWtb and pr<>.:rua of the areL tu. qreeable and ready rt"BpoOae to Gov. IJewE'y's critical Tbe .u.o.·tai•·s have a«reed to _ zeaaarlra about a Four Principal Po wf'r a rran gement, can aid In flnanr tng the re-luue of -rr-ar. MIIPtt 8nd will -elcont# be *lied out for •upport. by e\'ery Ame rican . J llllbllc:rtpUons whlrh may be aent Secretary HuU'a conferences wtth Jo hn Foste r Dulles. I ~ l ~ ~ ~ ( ~ ~ dlrec:t to th~ nr~:anlzaUon. lp ~ actinc u Gov. Dewey'a rep~ntJltive in cnn\'crsat.wna o n of the Newport Harbor Cliamber ot Commerce Subllcrlbera to the fondln affai.ra. -may prove to carry h istoric wt:ight. N oth-~uure MRp Fund will r.-cel\•e ... lib t.bJa arrance~nt b«!twcen thE' curre nt Administra-• peraonal COJ!IP~ suitably lnsl'rilwd Uon'a aeeretary of atate, and the "official" 'flmrilv-of-the and IUJted for framing and dec· I Balbo• Plloee !8 F:vf'nln"s at 7:00 6 g;l& L&lt Showing ot a double f•ture program 1larU at 1:30 Ttm"'. · ."rt. ~ !Jat, rtval candidate, bu taken place. before, in America's inter-School Preparations "rauve u.ee. party attain. Can Be Aided With-I DOCTO.;; "TEN sf>O'I'"• Rltl\ ,. particlpaUon of auch other lt'ad<'rS or American out Pain or Effort, I PA.MI:D AT OIJIT SHOP . ~t .. Weadell Willkie and Berna rd B a ruch in the&f' From These Book Penon. whn art> offered ll $10 Hayworth -Gene Kelly In Covel' Girl ('&noon • Muakal Pt!UI Smith -Newt~ coavenatioM prefacing our neceuary poat-war peace et-Shelves . t~m .,,. • "tall man. weartnr an • • • un~ and gray pan~." ra.re (orta iD eoacert with the other great powers, i, an auur-• ~ ~ Pollee Chief R. R. ... that the year 1144., in apite of the aurfa~ eJeava~e Amm-Jttoa ter C1aM ._. HodlfkiMM to tum It over to we ........ ......_ w. _ .. ._ ia beinc marked by sin~re and ra,.,._, for nw,_, fw .,.f. If It I• llllewtae a $10 bill on the -·-u. -. ,_.-. · th I...__ _,_ I ... 1 · ,.,..._ aad ..,._,..,., Ia ('Ciftl. o t>r t .-. •ne warn ng came u • 11 tar _,.. elforta to bead off the ao-ca.lled "next war Ul ,,..... lato voaun-..,.11 AI: W\•l'k after a man an.werlnc that II JIS ,....." durrlpllon lad hut week p-.-tl ----• / (' 0 L {j M IJ I A 1'N1VF.&MITV A "dtX:toi'M" t.n 1pot on a clerk Sua. • ....._ Loretta Young • Diana Barrymort -In- Ladies Courageous _..ao- Ann Miller In HEV, I&()()ILJ)I; (-.n--N_,. F.Nf'l'CLOPF.DtA-at thf' N_,ort Gilt and Souve- llan')' Weldl'• arnn~t for a ,rand &ailing par-A Who~ Boolr-Shelf In Onf' nlr ahop, 2101 w. Ocean Front. ~ .. Wf'Cl. ld V I lh t ..... d • -·. 11• Howard . Oav1d Nlw•n In ade eelrinc the •tire circuit of thE' Ha rbor. shou pret~ent 0 urn" " mot~ mu.n-rn lin Arrnrdtnc to ChJef Hodgkii'LIOil. ""'~ • Authl>n tall\'<' uf rt f f' r t n r f' " $10 bill and a 11 bill ha d been Spitfire the aaartDe .,eet.ade of the e ntire l!e&80D Sun~ay afternoon. wnrkw Ov,.r 2000 Plll f'll ""'ry. rll'\'l'rly 1pllt and the back of one 8b huDdred rreat and Ut tle sails in one grand flotilla i..a thin~(_ a "prof .. 101Khl I'XfWi I pll.llh•d to the front of the other, -al~ a .Jclat t.bat thia CODtioent baa aet'D only OD limited OCC&· )'(oU to knnw 1119 ~I. thUI gtvlnc the nlmble-flncered .--: ehieQJ • tM .-1. coaat. and o n aome 8U<'h day &8 &OGt:rM ntr.MAt'&t'~ artt&t n $20 retum on hi• lnv~t-· ClflP UFF no; OLD BLOCK with Donald O'Connor ('a.rtot>n -~p of the Raap •t..~ Sir----~ J.,....,. c'--11--ra---~f the p••t. All who l E,·erybooly who trlf'• to "'rltl' ment of IlL 'l'1le natter hu bee.n .,_ &-.....,-uauco•D-,._.." .... I turnt•d m·er to Sec~t Service au- Ch a convln•·1n1: "papl'r," n"<'•l~ """ ,.,orltlt•. swrt1n1 Tllw... Auc. Sl Cary Grant • Janet BIRir In tlljoy SuDday'a pkturaque panorama can rejoi~ in a am-.. , ber of Commerce .taff with enough ima rmntion to think I "~R'M IJU)OilAMOC'AI. Once Upon a Time .. Dlri'IOS.UU'-I SARaO\\' IIICAPI: It up. • I W1th t O Ollil , . .,,,.IAt" lind tnl•·r· St>ven.year..old J erry Provan -alao- D'ETF.(TJ\'1: IU'M'V O'DAV ror uu. iDddeat, we a~ imtt'htt'\1 h l tht' n.'porting ot C. W. Dorflinler of Baltimo n> and Vh1u n :ulroad. as to ld in I the Loe ADce'-CollliDerciaJ-New s : I A woma.n walkiDg aloog l'btlh Ht rt't.'t in d;1wntov.-n Los ~-~ly went ~nt'. llhrle--kt'\.1~ and nau~ ~er j anna wiJdly. -· I All ob.ner remarked : "W ar hu m ac.Je people cruy." ~ou meaD," aaid bia compa n l(ln , "Crazy people made I the war." • I The ~ rout"• poatwar b.X'm that hn~ drawn so •ueh uticipatory mention tn rN't'nt m onth!'. got do~ble eoafirmatioa this week. Fint the ~tnt ~on Na,;g at ivn Co. applied for permiuion t o initiate a Sli5 trip a ir sen ;ce from the mainland to Hawaii. and eecund ly a dozen persona clamored to pay down their $1'15 to be aure of eeals on the f1rat pl&De that takea off. Douglu DC-4'• are t he t rans· port plaDee that Mateon want.a penniuioo t o use. ____ ,. ___ _ Appeara.Dce of San P~ro p~ .elnen on the &hip- _.,.of Newport Harbor, eut.a a happy ahadow ahead to- want pCMit·war timeL Tbe choice o f thlpyai'IU bere for ua-IIMIB ry repair and dry dock jobs on the big fiaber- --. utt. CCJtDpllcatlou out o1 the II\·~ of NeWport Bhip- ,....S apll'at.on. wbo were wondering what came nelll, aft- • tM ca.. ol the Navy'• fighting t>hip contract.. ----'•---.-- Jlow aN we IOizlg' to let all our 11utns on the highway at tM __. Ume. wbeD everybody starts going placea oo tM auttaNe daJ that we th~· av.-ay o ur gu coupon 11oGb. ... drift where we J)Wue? ----·---- ,..;. Jksrpaft Harbor~. ia a ato~ where you c&D -,... • ,, ..... of .... ----·----.... _.. _. tM D&JDea of thaw Jut two or three _, ••• a -•f . .... _I • b...,. __ ' ·---- -._ ....... a l!llnUoa Army baDd wu beard 1 ..... tJC11 .... , L. • --GIX>RGE K . SRAn'ER n tlng thmnbnnll hfl• li\Qrii'M nf hllfl a n11rrow .cape from drown. Comln~r : A"mnd th_, World and : nott'wnrthy JWr!lon• • S6 ~111 1 on.: ~A'hf'n ht wu ttahed out of the "T.BfiiTF.R'IO hAy 111 4000 Channel place. Al- C'OLLF..OIATt: UUTIOS AR\' r••j\•fy t urntnc blue from hla under Attaf'k; llf'r ('rlmltlv" Man and Mlllkln ()ollar Kid; Are Tll~ Our Pal'f'ntlf and Johnny ~·t l.h .,. ltHf' Anymon-; C.'hrUtmu HnUday: ~ Here. l•rh•ate Har- -.reW-t-GMMt'l$ - . wrtt••r ''X(>4'rlen~. he wa. nahed \\ hl<'h Ill lh•' lw'lll of hantl\' '" Or. Tohlll'l offlc~ for examl- •tZ•'•I dh'lu•nano'll anol whll h 1~ nAtion 11nd on a t-minutes wu _ !0(\ Um••-t••l!lt••d lhRt It 111 now In 1 B~&Jn _u_.trl.aJQJ...,M .e.wer. 1T11 rfnll t'11itllln IJ4 11fll - A TllF.AM1'R\" OF ~IESC'F. •;----------------_-_-_-:, ____________ , F.dltf"d by HIHiilW Shaplt'y t S3 ~t. ' s_. ILASO.\fr SAI.LV "ORLD ATl.AS \fAntr.~unrs FOil ntr. ~LI.IfiS~ 1 Hngb<on • R l SJ 7!): and A MAntt:MAnC'M at:•'"llr.~tn:a 1 A H ('I(>Jl•'r 1 S2 :10 • But L..t'11 !\"of (;rf too &rio11~ .4houf 8 01>b IN UGHTER MOOD: UMJ: OF P AIU~. In which Eeme Davl•. • Weat VIrginia f1rl who tumed coemopolttt . tell• the tportl\le ankdotu which life u a prore811onal perfumer. mana«cr ot a 11'11\JP~ ot CoMuk•. futul"f'd !:urornn ballertna. t nakt charmer, villi· rd upon ht r-1 14 00' '110: RTSAV'l' RAXDIJOOk, by Helf'n Brown ~ordtn - 1$1 001 tt• tttll' ttm't f,..:ntn, 'nlen Tbr rt'l ·--r BJDDES F Af'F-"' 1 S:l no I by Sal\"ador Oall, wllh 141m,. D•lt art. a daring &nd nf'wly 1raru. Ia ted ~·ork which "1:1 r,•wllrd t.boM Of CUMOUI m!nd 11.1111 warm lm-.tnaUon • THE ISLANDERS 8oo)(.e and Ar11CIM In the P'lel4 ot Many IJIC.Net. lit-...._A-.,...._.._.- ...... 1141 . Bawsoa's Steaks ... Chicken Dinners QG«l~ ..... .. .... ,.,._., • "W"',.,. Chops ... Fish Dinn~rs I HOWl COOU:D • HOMI ATMOSPHERE . 1015 Coaet Hiqhway Pboae 2084-J . CLOSID THUJ\SDATI RAWSON'S CAFE (Art aad Betty ftaweoa) ..... ,..,., .............. CoDforaia9 to Loe Aa;elel aDd LoD9 s .. ch POPULAR 'PRICES BAL • SPORT • BAR ....... ,. Something Novel Uld Distinctive is our Clolla .. B•r • BLOt SE8 &Dd SKIRTS . . SHORTS SLACKS .•. DRESSES ... Ete. U'e are ~ to .lit )'OW' poeatbooll wtUa a lln~ of quaUt:y merclwldiM. ............ .... ...... - AI'• Gal'age Motor Overbaajl& Motor T~-U,S Carburetor and Ignition Adjustments 1H ALLEN GLOVER Apk An., Ba1bcle l111aad I'JIOl'II'E: Zl« • Haa4llac .Act Oa.rtag Fo r .. 111111: KO'I'OU , Factory TraiDed Carburetor Speclahat Sau.atacUon Guaranteed J~ RectJJUJ SluJp ZOS Manne. A \'fmue .•• Dalbo& Jalaad NEW DECCA ALBUM OFFERS THE CATCHY AND OUTSTANDI.NG NUMBERS ·OF "CARMEN JONES" 1 BY OSCAR HAM- MERSTEIN IT) FEATURTNr. MF:MBERS OF THE ORIGINAL NEW YORI{ STAGE PRO- DUCTlON. THESE ARE 12-INCH RECORDS, ON BOTH SIDES. STURDITOYS l The Children'• Gift That b Rccomm.-nd••d .Jut and For Any Child, 18 a Sturdltoy. An (We atay OPf'n !'4unda)-..: f'~Mf'Cl MODCiaJ11) •••a .. EIIECTRIC Announcement Intended for Benefit of Our Customers C:onditluns h8\'o· nm I<' ll "''''"""'" y lol 1 t .. ~ .... ur ilhf•P Mondaye, In o rtlcr to repair sds alr'•·•Hiy 1n. By cl~ing on tho" d lly, W•· Hhnll bo' ~ohl•· tu ~lVI' your radio nnr undl\'ldrtl n ll .. ntt .. n, 1111111J.: \\'olh ttw h,.,., mntf'rlnlll and w•11 kmansh1p, We l"llrry •• "''"Y h1rg•· si•H k .. r tuh•·!< nnd pnrlll. a.jthough tht•r(' •'If•' ll r .. w l)'Jlf'S !Hill sh .. ll M •NI of Ulo'!ll t'l\11 be replaced by snntho•r l)'Pt'. wolh R ~••rht • 11 • 1111 1 hau"t'. """ rarry ~olandar;l r•'IIIJiol·o·rno·nt parla for R ,. A~ r.t:'ST.RAL ruxnoo zc'() J•AC'KAJUJ RELL WY.!'TI SGIIOU8'E AND PRACTIC'AJ.I.V ALl. UTIIER MAKES ·-----------·---·-· Raltw1a 1"18ncl • Clu~rol SundB}'ll) • BERNARD of ... . HOLLYWOOD (Cr .. tor ol Pereooallty P~otOQraphl for Famou1 P~ple) • Portrait Studio in BALBOA fNN ARCADE Pricee are Reuonable For Appointmeuta Call Newport Beach. 2216 '• t ~ I t l I Thuroday, AuJ:Usl 24, 1914 •n<~,·rru~··nwnn -II Harbor Hi Expects BowLING ~/letter Men Back 0 0 0 t s•a·rt..o.f Sc·"'"'"'l Bf:JNG t\ F•:\\ WORDS , (i U ;11W ABOtJT Ttn: Kt:<iLt~KS , OF Nt:WPOUT·RALROA I Wath th .. flnll gt't-tv.r"lbn of has footbull rlar .. n ~~ tor Won. tlay. SI'JII. 11. the ftJWnlnl day of --"" I ht• IIChOOI term, Coach Lrslk' Bl' TtU: cm~t:R\'t:R ~ltllt·r tlf Harbor Union HI~ The hlst urv buuks ••·r•·•• us wllb !'l\'hool today waa dra~n1 pt..Julo knowl .. dg t• th111 tho• .. ~~:~·ptutns and t~• 11\Bko• thl' moet atrate(1c ~ of others Wt•rt' bt~wlt"~ ll••urly r.OOO 1\,,. nul'lf'llll fof !!IX lt•t tt•r playen yl'ar~t n):u. whidt )'Ill:< lh•~ IH<$Ittttt' "\\'o• hnvt• l't!lll'tl!l 1•1 hop<• that tiark 111 lht• llll:!l.'< ••f >lllllquily all NIX uf uur 1!14:l h•tl~r mrn will Wllh (,w l•:lll a.ll dlltl poo•as unll lo, htt<'k," t ho· cuat·h lj!lll ''It may no prO'dl'i'l'8:1!oi'S Sll fill US 8Pt1rt81 ht• llt•('o•!!SIIry lu I hLngt• IIOmf' Onf' and gant.-8 an· t'tlnl'•·rnt•d tJr mur .. uf thrrn from lbt•lr lut But bowling ns •·S•'mpltfit•d AI 1 •·ar'10 p<•~tltnnll, In o rdOlr to h&\' .. Ba~b<la's tf'll-Jllll ho·lliiCJUarters, lht• 1\lll·antR.:•· vf t'.XJ>(•rt .. nct> alonf:- the fi'portlantl t•a, lllnn, l~ a gant(• ,,jJ,· ••f our n••w men." markell cllldly, th•·U •<Jaya. by prue.a.om of ._"_ youth, and gvoll I•IC•klng feminine C"oarh M•ll••r ho~a for a tum- •llll l'f 2~ \'&rally candidates. Laat yt>nr hi' at.arted the llt'&IIOn with " 30 War and other va ryln&' con- yo uth, at t hal • Bowllnl( at th,. !olp<ortlaDd . • , Tf'n lbntwnod Allfoy• I dltlona hll\'t• m ade a dltff'~ncto In Any one needs only aw<'t'p his tht' elaplM' of a year concentrated gaze ovrr the t~'ll hard w ood up<~n the nallon'a m ilitary Inter- alleys whil'h fmnt toward th.-t'lll8. The coach ho~-be hall Bay on tht> Pa\'lllun'll s~cnnd n "or. , nuu~th varalty men to keep hl1 to M e how atron~:ly lht• gaml' or rrnblt'm of rl'llt'rve playera from bowling Ia a ttrfu·t lng h••nlthy Am-~·r11mlng too pr~lng. rrlcan girls of lht> pr<'st•nt Harbor HI~'• t arat lf&l'\t' will GIKLM AT I'A\'IUON ~ w ith lAguna Bu t'h at lA· WORTH \\'ATOIP.\10 jo!;l&na. and will be followf'd with ' Swtngln.: through lh•• twr:tth " 8,cnnll prartico• ~tamr against week of nuxl'll duubh•s fnr four-Tul<l in lllgh In thf' Sant.a Ana ~raon tl'ams a t U1" Sportlaftd bowl Ttw Tuatm ~,. will bt' at Mary and Ed Harpold. Alma nnd night. Folluwlng thue two, I~ I B ill Lombard rollt>d .n '2~J75 ~t1ea games will atsrt. Harbor Hl&'h ' and do mlnstl'd the loH • k !I sweepa. will play a IM'Yen pme IICbedult>.l Each com~l\· contl'nd•·r more than a.- held her ow-;, They topp1•d a team """' An Lettoftr - In which L. W atkms. ~na vile r mf'n back for the 114•1 Beach keghn~: exr•·rt, anchored. S4'MOn will be: but whiCh with MiSfit':! W . Andl'r· r.lyn Bole1, Coata MN&. played 110n, D. Dordt•tornnn "nnd Howarll t•nd In 1943 163 pounda. Howie romplo'lin~ tho· tl'am, roll. J tm Dour;laa. Bat~ bland. ed 1993 fM s4'cnnd nt the night Tttckle veteran. 175. Watktn!l, \\'lth tR7 11\'l'ra~t' Dirk Frt•t'man. Balboa Island through the twt•h·e wt> .. ks. contfn-Tarkll" vetuan. 195. uu as Individual tops. Ralph Frt'llag. Balboa Leland. • Fullback. 200. RportlaDd Off,.,. . J11t> Muniz, Corona del Mar. Guard. IPool, 8nookrr: Pinball 180. a.r .. ho,.,. Skill Game Johnny Shafer, COets M.Ha. Cen- ' • tPr. 180. Mr•. June Vog••l, 24. M gal~a. The returnln~r playera wtll prob- brunrttl', llvl'lv, Md mean to noth-11hly get t ogether with -tbf new lng Pxc••rt thn!ll' t,.n pln11. cnn. ~:rtd randldate• and elect • cap- tlnued durin.-: the wt'l'k to pace tnln to havt> charge of the team femlnlnl' bowlrrs nn lhr BAlboa in rar h gaml'. Thta wu lbe 1)"1- alleya, althnu~h h•·r ~1';\!<0n's av. Vm Jut year At cl0oe4! or lbl' eragP of B nno>linw 16r1 hl~h, h1u1 !lt'IISilll, a n honorary captain will aubalded Into the 150a. I thl'n bl' n&mt>d for the year. - PEGGY HITOU'O('K I r. .. .--. f'1fty "'11' ... AC'IT\'1: IS TOI'R..~F.l' ll<'sidt'a the 25 varatty eandt- M rt. P eggy Httchrnck of Lido 1 dates rxpected ht hun out 011 Lele, a F riday nlf:l'hl rompetttor 1 Sl'pl l l , the coa.chln« aWf hopa with her huabiUld's teAm, thl' Kin's for !IO..or M B playera from bo)'ll Pbotoa, Ia another llur•• shot bowl-ot lighter weight and te. nper. er. of ber se.x. P eggy. as every-lc·nce a t the blp aebool. Jack one knO'A'S, v.-a.,. rr c··ntly rl!"cted NoiiU1. one of thr blp achool ln- pretrl~nt nf thP OrAng,. County l't ructor• who helped coach the Womrn'8 Bowling n!IMIII'Int!nn. nnrl R's In 1943. will probably bavt ta th(' first N r.wpnrt HArb<or .wo. t•h:uge or coac.hln&' lbe aquad man Pver honon•d by an ofrtclal again. position walb the County W.B A. • Rporttand An .. )... . . • . Ralboans Drop OJMon w~ oay" s P.M. T Pi M tch 8taJ Open t u MldnJ~rht earn n & • to Laguna Beach Lrn Leach , whn frum h t!! Al l\-1 • tton at tho dnk at thi' ~pnrtland, Rnwlrra from Balboa'a Pavilion has opportunity In wntrh many In· All!'ys drop~d two of thr!'~ gamn teruUng thing~~. hRII ro)m•' up wllh tro LA1!1Jna Rf'<"rf'atlon quintet In • one fact about tho' 1944 1111mmPr "fl"~'1AI t Nim match at Sport.Jand eeuon. More ~rll! mnny mo~ All!'ys ltu1l Tul'11day nl~ht. Ttle La- gtrla-thiU1 mrn. :~r" formlnJ: lbt• .:unn """· with 15-year old Betty , bowlln, rankJO .. r H\44, 1..-n snys. l'prin,,.r whtzzing th,.m ,Jnwn lh,. It'll not alto~:r·lht•r· th!' war. bl'-aii•·Y~ fnr a game· of 206. acl'Um· I cau.a• the ,..,·lll<tn I!< n!l nlwny11. ulnl•'•l A tnlsll srorr ,.f 258.~ to a fal'nritc ~Alh..,nna.: pin• ,. fnr a ir 1h" ,,.,..,,,.. 2:11/l PAUl Gores. a b&se snltll>'rt! frnm !':nnt~< A n11. and !'tout h ('"Alii lrague bowlf'r. rt>llcot.l the aalln11! an•l Mnnn•'l' frnm ."~'''· a hravy :iSS for lhr Harbor ltiUTl., eral adjaoent rAmp!!. nnrl that nnd v.·n11 hlllh for the nl~t. means there an• pl,.nty nf unl-nn n r ru1r tl•am m atch at LA- rormed mtn arnund. If th,.v want j."una. thl' 11rt <"Pnler krglf'ra -l'pt , to bowl more than th,. girlll ~n thlr P ~:am~'l!. 265!1 lo 2227. Tu"A-1 "B ut thf ltirl!4 nrt> l'lt rious llbnut 1 ol,,y·s matr h tM~boWJlng," J.&tl nnlti'PS. "Thl>lr 1 .B.A.LD0A. e AVlLJ.ON , • scores keep lt"ltinr: brttr r all thr r:rn\'11'.. 136 147 115 -1911 ume. Thr frllm\'!1 thAt c·nm,. with Hun\·••11 146 132 161 4:19 1 them. often j ust sit around and C:t•r•'ll t9R 169 218 ~"' watch." I L•·ar h 188 163 111} 48! ·HoW PIS BOV !>walllt"'"' 166 190 131-~8· MHORTAOF. (iOT IJCKF.O Jnclt.lentally. nn·· or lh<' \\'Orrirs B:l4 801 735 2:111} I lbat had kl'pl Mr I.N •• h mn:~nlnr: LA \.\!~ A BF.ACH In hill elff'Jl, an~ grllmlo! that lnnk Jl.onzinl:•'r 21'1• 1~1 190 :'145 of 8 t'hii.JII'd fugltl\'1', hrt s lnY;g•·ly """ '" l!'i8 19ft 137 4!ll left him. Hay 154 14:1 21!'i 512 • !'rrlncoor 1:16 2fl6 152 •94 I \\'t,tk•n" 16!1 111 203 ~n MJJ"rtland ol,.."" !o\atur- da)'ll. Hnllclaf1' and ~un-821 8ei 89i 2!:~• daJII at 10 A. !'f. Th·• Mam,. tl'ams ••.-Ill bowl a n- • I ~>lhf'r lnten:lty match ""Ill week The popular mllnllll,'"r's ~tr"nt , g rief wu P in Bn~· Troubll'. Len I C'OTTOV'Il R "'1.(11 aACE8 s tU! has Pin Bov Troublr to eome · degree In thE' d~~'tlml', but not at I C()~iTI~,·r: TIIJI,OrOR FAIL night. Autumn conUnuatllln of th" I Th• t •en ""'ers whn Arl' willlnll.' ~ ~ · ·.. I fnrtnl~tly running rarH at thP to st't PIDJI at 1nl~tht, h~e to ~0 Hnm tltnn ("ntton ranr h'a half-mil"\ awlmmlng nr M i 1"11.' 1111 1 ""~' 1111 • n•·dl at San Clrmf'ntt ~·as to. aft•rnoons Mr LNI<'h fountl ' ' ny ' • thn-ann,unr ,.d h'l R.tctnr; Secrf'. out. Thus lber"'\ "1:11 a bll of t"r" vRoy Cll~. with a full daytime pin bo\' ~ nr agr rAr~l nf 11prlnl rae,.. fnr thla Sun- "But t All1 gra<lullll~· jtl'tll~~ thr riA\', Alllf. 27 The prorram will r enllrt' m11tll'f' undr r r~>ntrQI, Mr r"sumt on Sept. 10. I Leach ref"}rtll H ie ~rr!'l ml'thnrl fnr 11ttrarl · Inc pin boya. 18 hll""'' nn lbt dl•· Fancy Hale Canning Peaches COVery lh!lt 1111 ftin 'hn~'l! hllftP tn bt'com,. l[r,.at l)o" l<'r~ An<l rPJtllr!l thll ronsummAtlnn n.~ mnely 11 mattrr nf pnr t u•t· .Ju~t llkl' lidd- Ing two and twn nntl m a kms: four In an llTllhm,.t tr • If .. ~'. Mr Ll''lrh adds a ftln b••Y tn II \A<' Ant Rlll'y dut1ng a lull In 1 h•• J'llYtnlo! husr- nells, 11n•l lht•. ,. h' 11 ·I•• 11n't makf' ('1Ur . .milk• ~ lh· pin boVI He per lb. by the 10~ happy 1111<1 k""Ji!O 1 h• rl <hllwlnj;\ up !II lh•• !'ipoor11An•l I • "'"I Jolnll You l'a n·l'ffiil'k tlfl\111 Mr Lo•11r h ror a psycholo~rcal r."uf' on IKllv- ~ UM Ptn Boy bottltn~k. • RARRV araDI C"K !st !'f..-.. o-e. ... ~~MoW 1. KANDY McNUTS FINE Candies Fresh Home-Made Candies NO LIMIT--- Buller Cream Nut Fud1e Genuine En1li.h Toffee P('antJt Cluaten -Bulk, FancJ Hand Dipped Chocolates It 1-lb. Fanc1 Box ('tlo tittl l';ttl.tod r .. ~ ~nko'..-If, .... "'Wt) "ON SALE ONLY DURING Above EVENT t:.\•;t:K A "It Kt:Al)~ TO ~t:K\ t: \'Ul' Tilt: U~'T HELP IS SCARCE THESE DAYS SO WE ASK YOUR COOPERATION. HELP YOURSELF AND HELP US. UPER \ Produce DePt. I ERVE -V ourself V ALENCIAS FOR JUICE Oranges $1.85 BY THE BOX ELBERTA PeachCs $1.35 FOR CANNING BYTHEWG Tomatoes ' 65c FOR CANNING LUG GRAVENSTEIN Apples llbs.15c Many. Mo:-e E>..tra Fine Fruita and Vecetables. VISIT OUR ·NEW M·EAT DEPT. ALL r\EW FIXTURES-Ralph Brandt Saya ita The Fineat in Orane~ County.: == Finl'sl ()uali('v of Meals=== • KOSilER STYLE CORNED BEEF HAMBURGER IIF4fP!lOTfiP.) HELP KEEP YOU .. IUILT UP" Thtrr t,.uu..nmrettw-•1 t .t;t •• \.. • •·'p•u thrr h .n .... n f!Ut,fl 1rv & 1~ 'Y',...J ,,,.,., v n•e ~..a 1-.a U..l o;,co.u lrvm 1 ..W ••·' ' DELICIOUSLY FLAVORED NO PQINTS LEAN FRESH GROUND VEAL CHOPS STEAKS . ROASTS BEEF GOOD QUALITY TENDER STEAKS AND ROASTS PORK-LAMB A GOOD VARIETY OF CHOICE CUTS FOR YOUR SELECTION----.- A GOOD VARIETY OF CHEESE ·AND OEUCATESSEN ITEMS FOR YOUR PARTICULAR NEEDS. CANNED DOG FOOD 'EWI~' l"ow in Wartime Padca1e Look! In Grocer Refri1erator For lt. 25-l.b. lag •.•• $1 .11 --. . . ~ SIIOy, rl ~ K-r·. to:::r . Soo45 -~ ' 1 ~. Pkg. l9e A SABISC'O nNE P&ODVC.'T ------- PLUM JAM I. \H\"S C'lff)I('F. 3~ 2 Pound J:.~ ~Y. MAYONNAISE r.AU\' s c umn: 2ft.- l"onl Jlor ~Y. BIF n .... ~•·•tAr ::" 35¢ Thut., Fri. & S~t.,24-25&26 ·COSTA \MESA- 1819-25 NEWPORT ·BLVD • ,.._ 11-.: I ' a. .. 1 11. M. t'v.,t ~..,,.,I ,_ WillE lOUSE MAZOLA SAUD OK. Df aAit.IMO ANp A.u.AM :=s7¢ KARO SYRUP BEANS MT. HooD "TitiNH 2 ~:..! 25¢ 1~ 15' 2 ...... 27• -::.19' PORI & BEANS VAN c \'lti''M .,,. I Junobn' 14.14 MIJW nn ,. N:HT f'cHU»M -· Oa.. MUSTARD 10¢ No.2-. • f/1!1 ., C l\n I e . , Ell $2.50 ... ..... MESA ........ ere n lift to I A~k- mhProl •I"'IDnnee ion wtt.h t tomd 1t at eo. tftd that ' -~ dellverM tltel\ ... .,_ _....., t _...,_ ....... .mrt...-.. .... --.-..... ,J, Ac:~ . .......... . ..... ....,. -: .. -: tii .. Nd. 1"8c:uetft ......... ...... ' "' ..... .. u .... .... ".., ..-... .... "' ....... • .., ,.... ... ". ...... ..... r=; llldtln.,. ........ ...... age esa 100 IIAnntn• llaW-. I wtttl c: Irian Wc- tt•..-t .. a nla Ana .... paid thfl~~ ,. hi• .... lid ··~.­ e raarhot • planted t puturw .. quotfld I f"h.l,_ -u- ,.,. I , ' - 1 OJUnlJ' ___ _ athtld lAJ •. daup-.......... l..nct Ao. Ill« IM!t(O- tllll( .. ,. " ) :>or orl~tt ""'I ....... ltw to(.:loway ., ... Jttf'. 1 • ltllllnu llft<l •Ill(· IIIIC ChCD· N'lltlltiYf'S ,,,... f'OUO. llnll l..r• .:•rlln••" a l'llln. ltl I ttllrte IAt '"'" lftlt wllh a •··" mo~ ·1 Harbor t ho• KUI ln~'rce b) ,,. .. ,_,... "" al81 Jrrotrnun •r a~t II( h&J'b()r •rf Aaa . , r • f • -pq.sx Wedding L' Given by N Beach Cous: K.r. •nd Mno I pU were bOIU lll Ud ~el.t ln tl w.-Ocean P'rol rec:ea t mii.IT1 a I" 1 Anardkco, Okl&hl•' llturcell, r~u~ n Navy, brothtor ('If wu eolemnlud 1 tbe-8ea ln Corun Ttl~ lunrbeon b)' a two-tie~ \\ orated w1tb pink and topped with a Navy l'f'OOUI 1u 11w pretl v hi b1 a rold l'u.IIUI w1UI toucMe 111 WftriDr a n'"'" 8M ta the da ut ,Kra. w A ~nu · boma l'lty whll•· 1au ~n malcln boale bla hUdql returntrl tr"m I: tD t)Mo fV>ulh l 'IU fUJIDfr of II 0 ~· er. He I• lht llf" 0 . p;, Stur~tc-11 Stur&rll •nd I utetlm• rl'mlntl"' a war·llmf' rr"'" bad tuhlon~l I band from an cotn Jrlf'ILD~d fro t.be Navy. 1'1'11' Ulf'lr hnmr In Btur~ll le 11tatlo au. In Ran D and rree lvlnl( m• 'niOM bidden c:ouple -" M1 ud Mnt VlrJ Jade Turley Jr .. Blum 11114.1 Jtoo&l ADn 8turcell. d laoiiU. Five8Jue8 Valid Sept. "'" mono hi tell poln t.e ear h potD t.e ..... u be proc If tondlt ' .,. 1. 11H4, th• .Aclalna.tratlon 1 ,. lt&m pe 0 a.nd L6 wUI c• rortowlnc 1t1• l0.po6Dt 11\.&m pe bU bMo the~ ftlldaCAt ttv~ bh ftnt dQ ot eacl LET Ut YOU ClV wv•• ..... MUJJ UIW.&· JACI Lad "' no.,_ LE I 0 \ T We Ins of .• ol C!OI " .. , • , 1 " h I ' . ~ ' \ NEWPORT.BALBOA PRESS Thursday, August 24, 1~ Corp. and,.,.., Frank QomM ot ( 71~ ~~-WA'tBBFBOift' Newport Jkadl ~Lte Ole parent. 1 N~ IMiif, ol a --..om AUJ'. 16 at Bt. Joe-1 I \\ at• ll out for ~tlqia,c • .,... apia ... tal. 1 lJ\ Hl'Y. IIITt 'II.\1 ,\N .. .,,,,. yt1u lk-•·11 btun~ by a Jelly ~=:;;;;;:;~;;;;==1 , Fur 111,· 1,,,11 1 I k·· JCurnmt'r fL!Ib y~·t ! 1 unl1<•1 "t"n.J Uwy are r ....... L , IIY 111 1411mmo>r. g,, rmwol bOlh In the bay and In lbe I w••aUl• •. ''"I"' 1" • ........ _ lh rl txlaw ~Jf'6fl8 d+-1 Mar. Tlw I I I '' II 1"'111•111.111\' "''"'n .-~ _._, - IP Ill 1 , II\' '" ol h/111 thil •tlnj.:t:ti; kind l•111k like .... np .... "''al•·r ,_,,,, ... • '" ._ · ·11 J lly 111'1 •• 11 1 lok•· 11 "'"111 t'II"UJ(h .,, twd tul{l'lht'r llllll lllo· rea Y e I& AUIHIII• 1 1 1 •1,,1,.1 .. n tho• <.lock ll~h pol'('!'l pt•l hiiJIM broken up by lhlol VO•II • loll n I h g-'n•t · 1 •. 1 111pfoos aum. tho· surf It yuu JrWl a ...,,_ "Ill Vl"· W New--rt a.acla o.rl•lluw \II I 1:'"'' ' 1 t • -aJ, ...-" ~ n til I u\\ 1·r Ill <.lll l' U\l'lll whtlt' I WlnlOI nj: you ge a munin,.: .oil '"11r " ' 1 ~~h that IOI'Ik!l 11nd amart.e like JAL11A WYAS SHOP ..... -.& Qlwolll8 e ...... ....... v .... ....... ..... llf .... a. .... - Jf..,.t ..... ---- l'or Your Sip• ..,.., ~f~fm~l .... 8GJf IIAJif .. ,._. 80£~~G - ' Live BaH Boats L&AVE DAILY roa .,., .. J"'llaaq Trtpe ..... ..a0-7.00LIL OWL DINAI..fZ Ill 1> no•lll•· I'1Uih I 3UIIl'd by lhe JeUy Th•1• 011 ' I',.,.. 1" 11"''''1"11 fo~h t1ylng to r•at you up by eue- powo·t "th•·l r hilT! th•• r·ol<.l water llun The prt>lty parachute jelly lo·11t I llko· 11 \\'lorlll ' .. ,.,u~h ~~ that flab ••·~n In the ncean are harm- you ,,.,.,,. ~'"'"1'·'" 1"1 eumf~t and I•·••· caullt' no ruhe1. "''t totho·o I "'"'1111" 111"1 wht•n wr ar. It u·1 atlngarccl you are alraJd lllg IJIW \'Hll ollln I hlirt' Ill ftiVf' for 11f, avoid ahaflow W8tt'r because tho• Mllllol lAnd (10' a fl•ot Ilk•• llD In · l ho•y !lt•t>k lt. • • • I oth lllo( IIIILrlnt> too k•, 1• t•1it uf ('..\!olE OF Tllf: :-~•·sHES or~:MEL I h .. o ul•l Wind 1 Sunw bO&twork• like eome peG- think· ~un•l 1ys 1'1·· an• ·usually up to eomelhln1 .oh!IUI•I I• SO lnlo'lt'llllng. 'Mila II true of Ole 1 ,. \ , 1 v a n •I: Smtl h Brotht>,.. who~ drcd,rtnc. "'111 1'' · y~ou a~"l :<ah ""'"K and tnwln~t actlv1Ue1 , ,,,I, nl w l1• 1 hll\'o• thP aplce of variety. To be ,11 1 he d··•·k .. r .• hi• tn t·omblnl' lhl' lu!'ratlve wtUI \oour b<•nt 1111 th•· tolnrful an yuur dally under. t11 v tono.J •lr••ano t.oklngs 1e what givu you .ome- untl dangle a thtng to look foN •ard to, wben I II A !Ilk 1'.,11 11 f111h pole or ,·ou wake up in lhl" momlnc. I . '"lit •r And th•'" · Currf'ntly I hi' Smltha. Fran k and )'llllr f.,,t In I II ~ ' wh•·n no~hl o·n1no•s yuu takt· a b<•rJ. Sto•\'f', are undt>rtakln~t the e&lvage llmr liiP 1n thr ati\rry ,·elwty nf n ~.unkrn dluel which llu In '"11,,1 """ 1 111wl lntor bed and a JM ft>t't of water off Point Ftnnln. lrtll•· "1,.1,,. hfl'•'%" rurn,,~ lht· cur-Tho· Jrown•••l motor 11 & 10 hp tat11s "" \'"II 1•1111 11 •hHt 1'1\'l'f )'Oll ruonmlne t ormo·rly lnel&lled In a Hn<.l lhnl 1,. tho· 111~1 ~ uu krww un-lishln~ bar~t•· 11ervlct> bOat whleh 1 r1 tho· 111111 1011 ~lllloii•J: In thl' win-had UIP m lafortunr to elnk. Ttle """ 11w,ok• 11,. .I"" "' xt ul(lrnl ng hul<t w:t,, nlll but tho• e ngine le Unn'l i\~k tllf' Kid• no•w nn<.l whPn ro·n .. vatrd would prnhably b•• worth about $3000 on tht' markt•t today. ''RI'd" C 'u~tt~uent DepUI Ylolllllo(•l• I' olf 'rollr!lt', don't no- Ito,. tho· 11,.,11h;o1 Tho•y live In Ole wuh•r IIIJ I'UIIIIII•'r An)'Yo'BY and if ,.,, ·'•k lh•'lll hooW thl' wll.to·r 1.1 tvJ .. y, I ho•y lllw.oya f OY "tint." It 111 r••tolly m0 1,. 8, Mlblo• lo K.!lk them ...., a.rter ...., A......._ hiJW th~ ll•ml 111. A hl!ndred ft•f't nf v.·ater le the ol/ln~o·r j'l(llnt for dt•Pp 111'1. dJvtl\f, 50 f<'et betn,; av.-r&Jrf', and only 111.o<1ut ••n" olh .. r In four le able to work at lh10t deJ1lh. Sm iUI Bro- th<'rl hav" locatl'd a one In four. 1111 nome le "Rt'd." He ~ly hn.a 3JI olht'r n•ml', but no one ,.. ... ma to know rt and If tbey did WIIUitP't'l \lllo' If aftt"r Ofte J'lance u l h16 e,a.d hair and mat.cb1nl' "'hoak• ri,. ova TWO TA~ ~ SEWPOaT TAOKU STOKE 1 hn<.l tlllho•r h.•••n hlamlng the Wl'rtlho r man flir lho• untimely w•·r•th••r but fln•l It r••toJiy 111n't hie fi\Uil. Tho• Ill t'lln Ill .-olt•Jy reapon. plhl4', Mr Scho·o'l who Is Ole b.ead e Of lho• M·lllll• l""•l><•rAinry at Coro- . na olo-l M~tr ""Y8 wnlrr tt'mpent· CLift'8 TACKLJC 8TO&E • tur•• 1 6'! olt j!ll't'J\ w heri'U It II 11,.11,411, -;~ "' J\u.;ust I asked l1' UL80A ht• , ulllol ,,, , till Ill fur tho' watPr IArp .,...... ef !wlnlo( IIU rohl t~nJ hi' eatd no. ~ thlll wn:o foil•' oof th,. biJ:'j:'C'r prob· ~ TaSJe lo•m• Ho• ,.,,~,. o•o ··an l••norwratur·r ............ JlAI.II()A 8Pbatt18111NQ FLEET (ftel'a.W.) aALaOA ..... Jf..,..n Ill 111 known tu l'nry o•·o·r a period M y••lll ~ but tho· ll)'BI••m of varla- llolll~ II' unl.no•Wil A nywa~. OCt'IUl ll'lllpo•luiur,. hu mnrt• efft'Ct on nniUIInl r h mat•• than any other f100 tl•r 11nol t!l r•'!lJIOill!l hll' fnr fog . \\'ai:Jll n1r (nom 1nland cnndcnac11 \ who•n It ro•fl <'ll<'ll tiH' l'hllly f\CeiLD "nol hllngl lht•rt: napplnjt -tbt "Ind . Rr d wtll a lto·no pt to paM eabMe 1\Mund th.. sunken m otor which w111 th•·n b<• hsult·cl to Ole eur- 1 ,.,·r· and 1\b<>arol. vi& pulley onuunltd on a alt•rn or the Smith tug. Thf' t>ngin<> w11J th~n be nulled 1011hore and g inn the fre1h water tr,.atment; that lM, wuhf!'d with r ontlnuous tA A lll4'ady atreama of h eah water until all brine NEWPORT AND BALBOA PIERS GIORGE HINER ' 110 removed. Af- l rr wuhln«. It wlll be hauled to the Smith B o at W orlui ht•re. t a k e n apart, cleaned. chrcked and Good JlllUaQ at All T&.es. L1ve Ba1t Alway• A nil able · 8,.-J ~ 8oat CRESCENT 65 Ft. Oi11el Pow~red LN., .. Scott'• LudiaQ at 6 A M. Daily ·1101 Cout Hl9hway, Newport Beech l'hoae Newp. 348 can. no. ·~~··-~~~~P~Ir ---l cAPT. CHARLIE CURNS' "BCOO'l'BB" "STE\'E" BlUTH "mlked" to bf! sure round part• arc •llll round The dlrsd 1lAnde .. rood chanc•· ,,r rrsUll('llntlon bef'&IIR ot tht' oJrpth o r lt8 llUbmt',..IOn Mat·htn- 0 ry submrrJ:t'u In shallow wall"r •ll'h •rtoratrs mnre rapidly btol'aUIII' .. r oxygen pn·ll•'lll In the water in. t!uced by \\'AI'e acllon-oxyyen c:IUalny .uch horrid t.htnp u rlt•ctrolylle and corroeton. ..\DOihf'r ~mltll ,._. Just twn \'o•&rs ago the Smith Brut h<'r!O muolo• "all· age h lelor:v by rRillln~ tht• !lrl'(lge Anita. whlrh hnd l>t'rn sul>nwrgl'd tor ~~evcral nwnlhs of( l"lnntu Monl!'a. Th1•y !>till n•co·l\'o• ll'll••rs Ol( Inquiry llllk · lng how th•·y rnll·•·•l the drl'd~e and rquipnwnt. TIDE TABLE ('l'ldaol ditfr,._ CAIINCil.,. te ..... ClcaAa I'W) Pa4.·1tac \\'ar Ttme U.eecl .. Boaa1e ol ColnfM'taUon Friday A •. %5 Saturday AUJ'. 21 Sunday Aug. 27 Monday Au,..28 Tueed&y .AUJ', 2t We~y AUf'. 30 'Miuraclay AUJ'. 31 HIGH LOW 150 a.m. 21!) p. nr. '134 a.m. 3 17 p.m. 5 .53 a.m. ~ ao p.m. 7 12 a.m. :'>H p.m. 7:M a.m. 1:40 p.m . 8:29a.m. 7:33 p.m. 9:01 Llll. 8:20 p.m. 3~ 45 3.1 4.1 3.1 4,1k 3Y" ~.:z 3.7 6.7 4.1 1.% 4~ f.& 7 :30a.m. 9 :3t p.m. 8:Ja Lm. 11:12 p. m 1 :31 a. m 0:24 a.m. ll:lt p.m. 1 :1• L m. 12:21 p.m. 1 :61 .. m. 1:2• p.m. 2:31a.m . 2:11 p.m. 2.1 1.1 2.~ -1.15 2.8 1.0 t.t o .• 2.7 -O.J · 2.a -O.t 1.8 THE BAIT T ·ANK By l."HARLES CRA WFORO Rumonr of lh" b•KI:I'llt albacore run ln hiellor)', toft the 0~ cout. are ~~o·n.tlnj: 11 number of ~ raJ oommen•1al f•sht-nnen nortb- ward. Oregon has enjoyed .ome Yacht Broker Group Doubles Its Roster phenomenal slbaN•rr runa durinc Soulhl'm California yacht brok- the paet r .. w yl'ars, and mJUIY &o- cal flabennt'n 1n the recent put. have made th~ long haul up there en and a&lcamr n ert up an am - bitl!>u.e program. doubli'J Ulelr to l'•l ln on lhr "gnvy." membo·nthip rolla and named eome Capt. Gfi.orl{c McMUlan and the 1rnportant commltlt't'll &l & meet- popular aport hatung boat Cre.a-ing lut Wt:t'k at ttl.-Don Hotel, eenl, made a tnp l() Catalina .l.a-W1lmlngtnn. F l,..t orikr of bual. land Mondn•· but round watent · nt:u wu Ole approval of a con-tht"re teem1ng 11 It h mackerel and I little et.e. Th•• rt>!lt of lhe week el•lutl<m and by.law• which ut tlahlnc opt•l.tlll•llS were shifted to • up th•· organization, known u Ole Dana Point ;111d oolht>r epoUI &long S..H'it>ty of Ship and Yacht Brnk - lhr co.at, Wht•u 1110re ape<:INI of ••ra of America, u a national or- ftah are btotn.: rhund. gani%Atlon. 8po•1h 'e W1lllll! Arm or Ole group, u outlined Ancient 010 th•· Cre'llc4>nt got a '" tht' tlocum .. nta. 11 to fo1ter and 1 ar~ treat on th•' lrlp ln Catalina however C\'o•n of t h•·y r llught only maintain uniform profrulona.l mackerel. On lh~ trip a 20 ton bulllnf'u prlnt:lplee, practice• and o th lcs Tilt' whole program will wha.le leap.•tl nut "f lhe occoan and etood on hiJ Iiiii for the crowd.. pla<'t' the yer h t broke,.. and ult"'I- McMIIIan o-stlnlllt•·d lhe whale ~~~:.~h:~r::~~~;, t~n~·~~";. -:;~~~ wellflwd at ll'ul 20 hm.e. '" do iJI., yac ht and 1hlp sales Laurilz Lars-on II( Lon,; ~ach. bualno'U a lot of good. who la anoth• r ron.eist,.nt an~er who favors :-;, ... ·port Harbor. I .._,. .t En.IN hooked & hu~:•· hlark baM off lh"l Or H<M•ard W. Seag~r of Bal- Creacenl Tu• s.lay. but didn't land 1 boa bl&nd wu named chalnnan him. He WILS ll.u k again Wf'dnn-llf an Important cnmmlttee to day to try lll:i\ln I uraft a code' of f'lhiMI tor the ~-t1'11 C--e-V>~rht brokf'MI and nl<•llml'n. All- Mea and w~onorn from all parts ~~~lJn~ him on lht> comm lUee will ot the naUon .o~P Jelling a lot of be Bf-b Cunnlnjth&m of 0 . A flntl han.d lnfttnnatlon on N<'W-Haley's Balboa Yacht Buln; Cht>t port Harbor'~ fishing tno. Partlea I>rant of :-oJ,.wport Buch ; Harry from the Santa Ana AlrbaM are r.:u·tlf'r or thl' Purl o' Seven Seu, frequent. Chru lic Cum•. captain nn<1 Mra F.ilet'n B. Rlchardeon ot of tlle _Bcn~ot••r, operating f rom Rlchardaon Yacht Anchor~. Scott'• , L&ndrnsc on Cout High. .Hrlni' Kal81'r of lh!' &y Shore way b&d a party ot filers out camp. wu named head of Ole 8unday. I banquet and arran1emenUI com- Tbe 1lalt famine of a week &10 mltlH for Ole Society. Rt> will be le Oftl', d aa~l1ted by Capt. M. F. OoriLD of PlenUIIII •uppiiN of blue an :!an Pf'dro and Capt. W . L. Cranl' ~treoen ~ anchov1n have ap-ll( Balboa bland. J'('&rl'd acalL Ball le livelier thiLD R<>brrt V Staat. ot Newport It hu bMa at any time dunn,; Rf.arh. Fader Nel.on of Alamitos thf' .. .-. ~acuda. white ~ Ba)', l..onlf Beach. and Ch&rll'a F . bu.w., bonita. .. trout. yellowtal ·, rra"''ford ot The Preu. were flf'. halibut and «Ger fl.sh have follow-l····t,.ll to handlt' publicity for thl' ed U\1!' be.Jt 11 and are plenUtul. """'''n1zatlon 1\('I'Qr<llnjf to W'art'en Fowler or the I • Balboa Sporltllblnlf n f'f'L (~r Roll i:liJIII&8dlac C'ntUe .._,.. a ~ I rh · :.·r rn••mtwrllhiJI of Ulr So. Bi~~··llt a.ckle of lbe W«'f'k l rl•'l • Jumpoo I to lhlrt~-fh·f' from !'omu at the expenae of Otn~r an "Fl!;tnal !lt'\'tnll'o·n. arronlrng Harrill Cottle of the Newport Po-to If ,.~ ltlnwry uf Ncwpnrt lie!' OrpartnMal. Otfl~r Cottle Ill IYao·h. whll twa,.. thl!' tllll' of quilt' 11 fhlherm&n. ln faet he now rear . aolnural 1 MCrt>lary.trruur· hu a rnmmerd&l ~ng li~JWe. u )_ M··m berl! votf'd to kf"l'P char. "''hlch roat 110. ter m•·nth••nthtp roll.-OJWn until H~ for Coast and Geodetic Charts Wilcoz, Critteadea Hardware Perko Hardwar~ Pailltl &ad Varaiebes Fitler Yacht Rope Mooria q Equipment Scrippa Marla• la9lDH Joboaoa Outboards cu.bman Scoote re ColuU1bia Propellen Stulube Motor Oil 911 Cout Blglaway, Plaoae Newpowt 1114 NO CAS? WB·Y IIOT DANCE? ia Costa Mesa a.el"'can Levloa Po1t 455 -oa W. 18tla lt.. ~ block off ••wpol't .. ,._ GLENDELLA'S ORCHESTRA GIVEI YOU "Just Good Dance Made" -• a FuU EveDIDg of Fua DUCIIIG Fnt•9P.M. • AD mill ON 50c pllia IOc Tax BALBOA PAINT STORE Sherwin-Williams Products ....... ., ......... ... ·-··lUI-LIQUID WAX It all t'&me about when ColUe thf' n••xt mPl'lln~t Septrmbt'r 8, C'lllllfht some ftDe halibut off the whl'n lh•· JtToup will ~tll,lht·r at 1 "------------.... pl~>r the ot.IMr clay. He dropped I Kallf'r·,. Ray Shor,. Car ... Into 11 tfah m&Jtcet and .old 'em. T. Bt>nt•on Rotw>rt11, a<1mlral of f ~-·WIWA- ~--~ .. ..,. ..... ._.. ...... "'""••"" ..... "'.,."'oc·"" •.-.d~ .... _._..._. """ .. Cfl4tl'lf ..... ~ FOR CHARTER J!Aou,.j~ I KOft"B £ANDING 1101 Coast High wa>':_N~:p~~-Bea_c_h _ _J ~~~======----.=:; \\1to•n th•• 81111'1\go•ll 1lll'l~l le In tffl ... r II WtH t'iHlet< IHo 10ld m' ln- llttllll'd In lhO' H III!On, 48 foot fllh- inlo( boAt whwh Smith Brotherll 11'\'o•nllv bought from C M. (Cap) Fu<•lh'~ IUl<.l oow ha•·e on their """ ,.~ for o•·••1 hnut Jma~1n,. hla embaruement Wht"n lhr ll•o('ll•l\' prrs l•lrd. Only othr1 I Stair F'l11h and Game Warden l it I'm or bW<Int'l<ll WM tho· nppr<wnl Rill "Riarklc" Kunkel, lll'~d. up of a ~~e~ol nr Pll!lt~nla for lhl" mPm·l 11 no I RFk•·ll for Ilia commercial 11-ltwn. whkh will b!'ar the sncio•t y l'o'nl'!' K nnkrl pvt' Cottle a warn-nnnw rn n ft fp prrlto·n·!'r f1·amrll 111~ nn,J lllll'lled him t o lf'CUrl" & 1l 111 nAUllf'31 styli' with rQp••. and rr>mmo•rf otll llcawe. CotUe did. ~ lw:u inJ: a &hu•hl In thP t'••nter with tho• ltftle Of (QlUH11n,l:. Upon 4L \\'nrmnt Officer ILDd Mrs. Alllrl Ch11rl,.s Hopton nt J.ong 8 1'arh A n•lo•r"""· !t2:Z E. Central &Vt'nUI!'., v.·A~ hraoJ of 11 commit t~c whl~h Arl' thr pnrenta of a datJCtltcr. 1 pro'pllrf'tl thr o•niiiKJlhl ~nrn ~nlur olny at St Joseph hoe-• ----- 1'1 1<~1 ~ OF-OlEa Dt'C"KT.D ......... ,, ........ , ........ ,_....-................ ,.._, Dock Otoc ker. of the Blur Wa- ••o-•••~ t<•••c"'·"t .... 4 "f..-u,...o''•'"•.,-c _..,..,.. ...W"d .... •~oort ...... f th ~ ...,............,.......,.,........,....... ltl.....c.,....~ • ..,".''f'l.lefter o• ... •' ,.., •cl':., .... ~ .., ...... _ ... •tl«~·I'\CP' .. :~.::: S1 ~7 lBLAXPHAlT (., •• f'll; ......... ,...,.,,~ •• ~ ..:r:n::·:; ::-: IJI~dilllliJ vYd .... ,.,.,.., ...... ~ c...c•'" _.... ..,a ..........,. ~ !:. :7:::::·:.. c.: 80 I ~ "' S.foA~~OOI COOITAINfll .. eM. CAPT. RUSS RIDER'S "DB-BU££" FOR CHARTER AI' •cOlT'S IJUIDDIIl 1101 Co'nl<t H ighlc'O!/. Sru·1_,,., Rmrh Shell Marine Products AT THE SHE L·L DOCK . MAIN CHANNEL TAKE HER TO • Tht• H l,;~l r;o.; hJLOO IPd 11n lntf'r- ••!<1 mg lifo• 11 hlf'h tllJubtii'Sll will rnnltnUt' un I• '• hrr nrw ownt r!l BUill In So ,\\IJ.o ln .l!l20 ~hl'"'"·a..~ onglnnllv ll!<l'ol All 11 pllnt boat hut hl'l,;g drCrlJ:•••I Inn smaH for thAt Job. was ~~~lol to 11 f111hrrman and Wt•nt (l,hlng nff ,\Iaska. Sold again ehe waa con\'trtrd Into a \'arht and whtn Cep P'ueller b••u~ht ht'r •omt ~·l'a... a~o. h~ U!!C"il hrr Ill! C'Cinlblnnllon yal'ht an<t hnml'. living Abol\r<l hl'r &l moor- lngll off Balb<'a. The Smith Brolh4'fl who will opcratr lht-lftJSON u a rtahtng boat on a &hllr!' b!UIIII durlnjot ''hnt" ruM, bellrvr shr le an ldl'al boat for mack~>rrl or lrollln!f albacore • • CROP 0 A. Halo>~ haa now rrtumrd to the BaJboa Y11cht Buln a rter 1lx wf'f'ka on h i• ranch In Wuh. ln~on, The \'lilt. Intended u a two wet>lu lnepectlon ot hl1 ranrh . wae proiQn~rd by the lllni.'N 3J • ONCE .A WEEK hlll I\ 1r• who bas eaU.efadorily ter. pWitH>d .a hard In try1ng to I o o "' rro·.j k"t"p the bc>et from bumplnjt at .lad1 Rto h~trct.orl. II. Ia reiiPt King·• Landlnjt, thai hf' pWihed' J'UIIIII ·11 lhP Cof'Ona del Mar 1ta-sp11re big rnough for hlmllt'lf lo ''"" th•l< ,.ummn w ben he lln'l rail in. lut w Pek ~1tat might h•·lpmJ: "'" at Ole RichanUon ha\'e bHn a dan~rrou1 accident Y:t• hl An• A .. r.,.e. beeame only a drench)ng when Balboa Paint Stol'e {MRS. C. C. FERRELL) Sherwin-Williams Distributor for Newport Harbor !'ill Wilkinson. bcre for hla va-aomebody elee kept pu.ehlnc Ulf' 1 r11tlon. likl'~ to tlah but ~· hu boat cff and DeCker Krambled r """'JliiT~Ion nn Uft bait and ean-up un.,ded. Phone Newport 101 not boar to ace one hooked. ~ld 600 East Bay, Balboa ~~;.~~:~:~~!' ~~~~o0!~ ~':: g: ~~I rllill!iEiiijiiiii!Hil!lllllii!IIIE!!i:iii:!:<:i!!!!:ii::!!!li:::m:;;::;;::;,;:;:;;:;;:;:,;, ::!:!!iii:<i:!i!:<iiii:i:<iii:i!!:ii!:f::<ii!li!iJHij!iiii!!!!::iiii!!l!ll!iilli!iii!JJ!IBi!fll ••n 11 tr•·11~urc map by Harry·,·: \\'l'l<'h whtrh will CO lo B!d'e ? frto•nrt~ in Australia to llluetn.te wh~·n• h r 11prn,IJ bll vaeaUons. • • • R.T OF llt!iiTOIR' ' .-\RHl'T ntr; ~ Onr or th" ~b w!llcb eantM n bit or h\~tory with It. on lb .-rul•<'s ah<•m the HarbOr Ill Capt. Bnb Hl\\'l'l' \rrow. "nnW carrytnr pn~· h1,.;u ,..! p~n on daY- tim,. an I s::n ltlt'ht drcufU or the 811y from a rt~r j lllt east or PUn 7.''"" F'o•rf)· IIIJ1dlllf. Tile .An'OW \\'"' r<'rl'nll\' tamed ~~~ by the 1 f'na~t Guar.! h San Dt._,, att.er • lo:n~r WRr pat rnl duty tor some Vtll n Built Cln UM Oreat LU&•. 1 hi• l~~r.rr l"''w~r laanda W'CIII mAnY I r~rhl~' Whl'll 1'otDJDJ BoaCJael, n•'W lll~o olo•I:Jj: !lt'a wrvtee. lldp.. prrrd II nn rrr"rol ~. Newport In ~lin f'h'Jt". ~1111 [)6ei'O to lllat.- tlr. an.l so forth. n.e Arft1W once 'J(olllCtlltic f9 ruise flhoul From the decks of Ute softly purring pow<'r yarht. AR.UOW, \l,l.nfolds the sight of palm hidden retreats of Newport H ~trbor·~ island Jw,·l:ers. the sporty little piers of the Snowbird sail<•rs. the pH·t u:-... s.quc dol;ks of ''Fish· ennen's Row." the high and imprf'ssin~ sh1pwRys of the Bay's million dollar shipyarda. LF.A\'INO fl~ ZO~~ .Pit:R L\'t;R\' IIOt'R, Capt. Bob Hoyt's historic Arrow, former Pac1ftc Coast tmphy· yarh.t, and more recently decornmi.asioned Co_aet Gu~rd patrol ,·raft. rnrnc:s pay-yacht passengers ~to pictureeque mantlmc ghmpses about the n pplw0 channels and water- fronu of Udo lele, Balboa Jsland. and the yarht b&Ain anchorages . ~rvatlona for starlit evening cru.iaea available on same day as trip. +THE ARROW+ GLAMOR BOAT or NEWPORT 8.4.1' n.rN ZONE PIER. BALBOA (NEXT TO THE FERRl' LANDINO) "'lUI lht' n cht or loll ~ eam- 1 rany rx~~utt\·t It .,.. 1NOt on 1 t.he Orrat Lakte aiiOUt Jl ,_,. L-----------~---------------------------------------1 ~· ,. _ ..... Thursday. August 24, 19« PROFISSIO NAL CARDS Conrad Richter, M. D. Pbyaici&D··Sw~;~eoo 10 7 • 32ad St., Ne"'f>>rt a..e\ lio~UA; 10·l2 LA.; J·~ ~!!.:._ Pboa .. : Otllce 133. H o lDe 74·1 GORDON M. GRl'~·mY, M. D. ~·114·1aD _, Kurc- e 802 W . C~ntral A\1e. f'hone: :\7 Hou": 10 to II A. M. I to I P. II. Dr. G. E. Tohill PRTSlCl.AN and SUROIION Hllo..& ........... ....,._: Oftlca: IM-W a.: a..a U M -· all Newpert I MOM and TOT 803 Cout Havllway, Coroaa del W.. Ptloae 24 56 ·1 e TOGS HIRE For Boye, 6 aDd 7 - SCBOOL sum $5.50 for Wool. Wub Suita, $1.95 aDd $2.50 Boya up to 8 T-Sbirta, 98c Boya, 8 to 14 LineeD Sport Shlrta. Small, medium aDd large, $1.75 SWEATERS for Boye su .. to age 10: at $1 75 Dr. 1 Cord~~oroy Lonq aea Uor Boya 2 to . I ·~~~:::_ .. Obed Lucas D&N'I'Ift tMiy, w. c-tnl ... _ I U~f I HE WANTS A LETTO . ~'POilT BEACB '------____:• WANTS TO HEAl FIOI ,. DR. C. J. CARTER .,.. .... RooO-l'lata. a S~ty P hone l ii:N , .. Newpurt ..,, . ._, C.O.I:a ,.._ ---,- '.Dr . M. D. Crawford OP T OII IC T &I 8 '1' e &tatioaery • • • ... •••• u .. --·--· the --Y thbl .. .u ........... Newport Pharmacy (Ope D Seveo Day• • w .. k) Pbone 2t30 1797 Newport Boulevanl OOfJTA ltiUA Zone Therapy Clinic Mtldtn.l ..._.N ~ aa-&e. R)"dro nterapy v ............. llnl marleghem Zone Tt1r r11pl•t l:Jp4'dollat BaJa.-••• Ride. ~--------------------Licensed Veterinarian • ...,. o.w,.. •. ., ..-ss • ..... ~ ........... 0... JO ,..,.. apen.-an u-u.a.r ......,. aDd -o .ANDIAL8 BOA&DINO-BATIDNO n'IIIJ'I'INO -CLIJ"PlNO Or. S. H. WALK,ROINE 1001 C.UUI t!.c t.wa)' Corona Del M 1\r Phone N~_!1 :14..,2 I _____.-:II ALTERATJOS~ ~F.ATI.\' IMlSt: Mr11 F.va BrnoiPrY•n :m•l Mrft l';l.ool\·~ \\'tlM•n Surr St · !';lot•· •·' JIA.LBOA ~S Allf'o\Ut: l n••xt to B••auty ~h11p 1 I ..____......__;,_........__.;_,.,:_ Jra1dwau Cleaners I ClU HIHG Pre11i"g While You Wait Heta C leaned and Blocked 1!1 RROAUWAV ('OSTA \U-s A . .. -- IUIUac K~rwa,.., P II: R M A N-It N T • - B&ADOI"8 Bder ..t Beauty Shop lal Jltewpn" Rh d. a 2 108 Weal Oceaa Fro11t Newporl S..Cia Pboae 5 U your car has bypoid ....,... pre.uutn a&ainst &nr tft'th JOCDnima .kyrodte-c lO cbou- saods of pouoda per .quan ioch. Tl\ar's poceotial uoublc if ~ Ja,·eo't apr lubricant buih co IKe tbow ~ Each type of uansmjMioo aod di&creotial rtquircs a apccia1 · lubricant. dnjgrwd f« iu pat· ticular problaru. Save trouble. ftpak bilb -uk your~ ard Mao which of chae you lbould ux: 1PM GUI Lilllfc»>T C~l For all ~~ -t di•a· Uals (hypoide csupted) . . ell mia Co8ta M~ RM~ton Couaty ~ Report Huge Volume UtllltiM at \ttSI'C•l'IU I'U'Nlt' ._--------~~·------------------------------------· of Property SaiM $1 6,000,000 WON' than 100.000 ..0 ol Coa-F\p,... ,.....-OU. Wt"rk bv ta ..,_ ,.... f'Mat~ .,.. M)lcl a. ow State aoard ol 1'.41&ahu ttMI a m"f'.Dt 10-dU pt.'riod b7 the P'. lft ~tA *"" Ulat \ '•II "~ R~ll oMe. at 1110 Ntwport rona-. JNW6e ..uaw~ au..A ... boulf'vard. Mr. ft~U reponCI rallro&d. ,... e}eetrk phunr an.l )'8t.erda)'. t numuch u hi8 offtoe lc!lejrrapll &*D ....... fOil 'Mn bot~ II I• only one of •ll'ht lll"l'n.eed broil· .. n cl ~ ,_, PI'Of)4't\y ._.,.... nmu a t C'a.ta M-. u. tu pu,.-at a reeOf'd total uf wHkly voluml' .. r p~•Pf't\Y -* t1.1t2,tll,TIO. wo .WubU.t ,.," ..... ,, 8rWral W . 0 . &oaeiU. £quallz.at10n dn-il thouan•l •lollan , tbe bo&l'd IIWIIIIIet' tor UU. dtalnct, Mo•N N'altur bl'llevea. ...umated Oaat ~ tiW1 f40,. Tranaal"tiONI ""~tlated thi"'UUtt 000,000 would be pMd Into t'ounty lht• R~ll otrlt't' lnclucll'cl aale ol and IDunklpe.l treMUriel In taxu Mr and M". J ohn OIU'I nw due on ~ U ?F77'Mnt Mat~ dur. r.•ntal proPf>r1if'a at the comer of 1• U.. .,.ez. lliiOW 0 F••r111r1 1 o·•l•tf'nta of W~ 11 ttl h••hl 11\o·tr annual at ala pk'- 111• 111 llo•h' l'••k. L.mc u.&t"h, "'''I :;;tuhllO~. Alii 27. LF,,AL NOTICE Stt1'1t'f: Ut_.. ~,\LFo OF IJ'I'()(Il I N IU'Lil !l:o>lto r ~. hc•noby ctnn pui"8UUIIt I•• ttw rro" ••lnna of ~ctlon a••o ••f I h•• I 'I\ II t'o><l•• of the 8late of ('allfc•rnlll. thoot rttARI~ R t·•~'"" ~~ It I'RlrE t>ti:YTON. un,l :·Hit" :;;n•:WART PE YTON. r•'l'"''"'''" .1 .. 101: bti!IIIII'M undf'r tho• f•• '"'""" ftnn """'" and aty11! nr "II AI.I\il A MAfUNit HARO· WA IU : h •MI'i\SY." lntr nd to •II I•• R AY Mtl:'o/1' R Mrrc-Htl:l.L. all thRt • ••rill Itt i"'""''nal property 1a~ ... n. DWIIIIEI for ....... ....... • ~07 Marla• A•eaue •tboa lelaad P\o .. 57~ LOAnll COAftAIID IPOH coan HaaunoJboo•• _and <..:htcU aome Two-To n •• ...DaaEAK ... Tac kle Twtlla, 7.e laua, &c- (AII ,.,.le r ,.,,.,u_,ntl CATALI•A ITII .. G T-aamn ALL-WOOLILACU F'..ut 18th at~t and Oran&• a••-The ncur-toe:' ran,,. nue. Th~ nt'w ownera. II,.. aDd t'OWity .-aeat or t te .. Mra. taaac Van Klrtl. U6 014 .os.ao. w~ "' u ~~ of County roa d. plan .ome ext~n~tw 2·113 per ceat o..r ttl Thf' lmpro,•rnwnta and upon -eompa... atat.'• ~ 0¥11' U.. put l••n lion or the wor\, wtU oec:upJ one ~.,.. a. eccepted ln Ul&' rln ·lra of the unlta. m~ IBt.ft'IIIIC.ecl. • • propitl"u• •""''~I IIII: I:•'M•'I"IIY c•f th .. fUml. ~-·---------·---·----------­lllf•• flallll •.• o•qutr mf'nt. atock· ' 111•1 """' to:"'"' will •n·l n r tttloua :----------------------------. fh"ltl f\UH h' nf lhftl l't•r t Airt h\aatn .. bull'-..,.Ct f« tJw pcw\-Wilf ltn"" co ,.. "IIAt.riOA MARfN'Il ltAHilWAHJ.: 1'1\~ANY," be· tnnctur.: 'I" NCI•I 'f'UARI... ft. PF.\'1'11!\: It l'llii'F. P ET'I'ON. fUture. lin• I !':A II STJo:\\' ART P1I!TTON. La~nu Lan«fry. a nwadler of t.k t.acuna Bl'at'h ICIIIool fae-........ ,.,. c.., ulty, purchued tk P'r'ank Taytor p~rty at 251 1!!. tMh lltreet.. .., ,..,. IF•..., thl' pl"t'ml-bc'ln' the fcwawt' homr of Mr and Mra. HorN M.-llott. '"'" Meltotta a~ now tt•- lnr on a San Dll'jtO county ~ Mr. and Mra Thom.u L. JCdmoncl- liOn. alan of La~na Jkll'h. have bnucht th" attractln nsldenc# at ~9 Broadway from lira. N t'Uk C'. Har:er of Balboa l.aland and will makl' It their home. Jama J . ,......, larJNt ap- rtcot ITOWl'r lft tM c.ta Mo·u are-. Ut.la ,...., ~to orro·r bla fnatt erop dl.-u, to thr C'OII8\&ftW r lJIIII,eeod ot , .. , nr throuch tbe ..aal pf'flftiJCI' t"ompany cbaniM'~. He ar;·.,r\1. ln&IY plaeed a 110-e~nt d ual • W•d adw..u.mnt IJI t h r PRI!!SS for two a-rtJon. tm. mf'diat•IY prior t.o thr •lart "' piek&nc. "" • ,, l'«rlr\•·•• ""'I loM'•t l'd at No PI I I'•• •~I lltr.:hwtov In thf' Mty of ="~•'" 1"'11 II 1lllo"' ('uunty nf Or. ""'. ~~ ,,,. ,,r f'ahfumla., and I h I I ho 1•111 o'hKII•• Jlrll'f' Uafonoof "til I , 1''"'1 "" T\l"l•lay. llwt 2901 •ln1 "' t\111'11~1 11144 Ill thf' lAW • ff , • .. ..r 1 :•••u .:tt M ~tl'l'h""*"'• 4 t:1 \\'··•1 !"· •···nth Rl r .. ,.t. 8an 1'•··11 .. I'll\' .. r '''" An~~tf'lo·a. ('nun- '" .,f I ;·~ An,:••l'"" Rt el ,. f\r Ca.ll. ''""" .. i 1•11 11111 .,.,.,,,..k A )t( Thnl lh•' r••lil"""""" ,,f aald Mr•. E th•l Brow n, of tM CGJ- ta Mella poetoffk e alaff. eolcl ~r hom• propt'rtY at ~ FUllerton 1\'f'IIUt' to Mr and W". La~nce Mollica. 377 E . 18Ut ltreet. Thh• wH-k Mr. Flpn rr . portf'C! that he bad IIPf'r IM'f•n anythlnc to equal the pullln~t pmnr of tNt ...U ldv•rtilf'. ment ''1 .,.d IDJ ~nUrt crop. without a -~ ~ rolllr: to wute, and at IJIDH u many ,., 1 ,, ... ~ ... ru '"''''"'" I'll ARr.r .. ~ fl I 'F\'1'1 •S Nn :!I !I Orrhltt ~'''. \ t'a l\1 t~f t '••run,. .t.·l M.ar, R l'llt<'f: J'EYTON N11 !110 Btu. 111•1nt ~lr•·,.t. I'll\' nC I.A4J'Itna ll<•ll<h , RA.RA STEWART P&Y· T( IS, !\:•> ;1:11 •:u t HllV Jl'ront, lh•lh<lll 11111\1111. t hill allh1 addnea- ,.,. tHr 1111 wll hln thr rountJ of Clrlln&•· Hint•• uf f'allfornla Thill ttw' ll•l•lr,.,.. 11f aald ••ndH 111 Sr• :l:\1 W•ondla.nd Drtvf', 8an ""''"'· f'llv nr ,,... A n~t"l"•· Coun. tv nt ,,... A n~tf'lra. Slat• fff Call· N..wton K. Summ•" of Arcadia th11 WH'k bl'earne a pot•nuat ea. ta Ml'aa realdent •·lth t.be pur. chue of the S.C M . Snt'Ye home at J02 Vlctorta a\'t!n~. llr . aDd M". 8nl'\1e hav• not dlec'-d ttHolr fut ure plana but u Uwy an olct.tlrne Meaa resllknt.a. Utetr .. .0 cuatonwrW .. ,.. IIMcl ur !waltlnc tna.lt." '"'""' many frl•ndl M re hope uaat Uw7 will ronUnu. to make UU. com. munity thl'lr home Grorltl' •-r•·lt.u of Hollywoocl. who f'C'Cf'ntly purcha8rd t.be Dkk Ma~e<' pro~r1y, conallltlnc of a hOUJW' and 5 1.2 acn-~ at 1185 N-port boult'\'ard. hu reaoiCI the plat',. tu E L Stevr nkm. Han)' L. Brooke of Bald,..i n Park pur. rh.-d th" J G . Wrahlatad home at 117 E. Wll.on at~t. An acrt' on 21at atreet M4' ------ 11011& ON ftTIIIAK1- HOlM on 21 .,. f'lltouP Ia Tt'dll. a,t. .AkluD HI....... eon of Mr. and Mn. Tony .._,.,.,. of 1Mb ancl Mbttf'O\fta ltrMtl. A na. live ot ea.ta 11-. Set. Ht«Urra tlu bl'f'n In Ute Mn'k• for th,...t' and a half yean and a... bo ... n overwu for all · bUt one f"ar o£ that time, wmnc wtth tlw lnfllll· try In Au.etralll -d 1M South Pacsnr Upon compl,.tloft or h ill furloup be wtll ...,..rt to Camp A ttertM.try. Ind. Santa Ana avrnue wu purcllued WILL ftY f"'OI &r.ccJIID from Mr. and Mra -David. Dyer IN ta.JIOL& 111KJt by Aln Ol'ddel of Loll A.n,e~ Staff Sl[t. J~ll Powtll of Bal· and 2 1.3 acrt• on VIctoria etreet boe tJiland. holder of two world'• wu purchued from RObert lion-walklnl recorda, bu announcecl roe of Downey by ~rwe llur-hie tnt.enUon of eompetll( f• tM ph}'. llr. Murphy plUla to bu1lcl at A'rmJ'• !&-mile 11-., ,...... a \ an •arly date. prewnt beJel bJ ,.,_.,., let· Gor- In addJt~ to ~ foreplq don P'ranlla of ratt Drag. N C. tran.aacll-.. the R-.11 otftee F'ranllla cowrecl t)f' 11~, un· a!Jio l"t'J)O!\ed a num~r of lmpead-dl'r full pack, ln J llbWW.. mln- tng dl'all. not ytt out of ~· ut~ and 315 ~ 1 l cn"al 'l' 0 _.;\'T. IIIOl'ORT Pa.orf'll. who AI t)f' w cMm· pl~n half·mlle IUid quuur.mll~ I Law,...nco· Toltln of Corona del ,..·alk~r. ~llevs 11r can M&•e 20 Mn hax purcha.eed • »acre minut~ from tht 1-"raalllla rKOrd. ~''" or 1 2-yt>Ar.~ld Valencia or• Hla kln•st P,.,.1nu1 walk, ln eotn· I nn•l' t~ at San J uan Capiltrano, • "' ~tiUon. wu 12 J.2 mlla wllJdl be I~ ·~·u rt'\'f'all'd thl• w..-k ~ rovrrf"d In an hour and Ill lllln- pmJl"rty. w hk h 11 known u thl' ut"• ")b rahbum" jt'T'OVt', .,.... boupt 1 · __ by Mr Tm:iu fr•lm F'loycl E. An· WL'4. BAILEY rWPIIOVINO I,,,.,.. at a r"J"•r1f"d price of seo .. I M,. Willard RalleJ, u.. fonD. 1 000· . I' r Violet )t(rlntr~ of Newport --I Bearh. Ia ahtrWinr COMickrable IIAR.ftOa .MADr: r..LEPRANT lmpmnm,.nt ft~ilclWift&' an emer- 1 Gl tT TO l.f'~IN.ATO& 1 g!'nry ap~n~tnmy Wbl~ .-..ult · A rf"r&mlr t'l"Jlhant. tMJnk nla. ,d In the to. nf her p,...matureiJ . e<J In triumph, a11d turn~>d out ea. bnm hahy eon. Jatnft 'fl. BalleJ. rwru,tly Cor Con,.,-eaaman John F or w v .. na day• follow1nc the Phlllll'' "t tht K11y Finch Cl'r&m· opooratlon, t he llf,. ol the mother • trs ~huhn In Corona dl'l Mar, wu hun~ In the hal&nce. 'nte cl\llcl, I l••noiN•·d ttw lo·gtllhtlnr artl'r ht. who wt'l~hf"d only two poundl at villlt hu1t wr••k hlrth. p.-d a way at U.. al'e ot 1 n th"nk 1111: J'n ·AIIII'nt Bradl'n twq f\&)'11 J>rtvllt" fUMral eerv. F'l~h of tho• C'l!llntber oLCom 1r~ trdd l'ltlft i"nclly-tn 8an-- J')lltt'tt thl• 21at ltay of Aui(Uit. 11144 M CA RLF',.q R f'JI:TTON. R rnrnr; ri!YTON. ~ARA STF.WART PI!!TTON, VMdo". RA \'MONO S MITCHELL. ven .. CALL roa IIID8 Tbf' BD&rd of Truat.e.a of H-. pnrt Booarh O rammar Sehool Dll· l rt•·t uf N-pctr1 U..arh. Callfnr. nla. will rt'<'rh·,. blda at U.. l'lo honl, up tn 8 P M , on 8l'ptem· t"'r 12,. I 944. fur t h•• JMifCt\aw by '"""' ur onr 1'17 1;rammar 8f'Jiool Htu• 11f l ht• fulluwln« •perinea. tl<'n•· MIAMia to bl' a IIK4 Reo. Modal 121XH8, fur c·quall. wtth a motnr not lf'N than 288 l'UbiC lneb ~· plactment. IIN'a 8.11\x~. duaJel, on r.u. and..,.... w-.-1 cno .~ \1"'· 0\fet"~ .,nftlrll, b~k brakt'a. vac•uum bo.auett'ra with vac. '""" ,....,.rv .. tank ,._., .l'P""Inrau- Hoftl} tu br .,.JI"rl"r Modl'l U31 1 o•r '''I liN II 1'\ody t 11 bot nf thl' all. etrrl. full w o•llto•tl I \llf' runatruc. tlun "'"h rtllan ,.,.,, •. ,1 n<lt mi>,. t h11n 211 tn• h•·• "Jl"tl and at,...t un•lr•rftour • ruM 111,.101bt>nt to \br lflll'. tl ""' mnro• lhMn 7 lnr hf'll ll pllrl !';to •·I O rrllf Ill bl' f'(JYI'ff'll with At"••'r""~ AottHn tnt hnul,.um Ondv 1 .. h.,,., II n•WII furward·far . InK · .... rob orwluollnl( ciAvrnport. arrnn"""•IMIIng !17 ll ram m a r Srh•••l JIIIJHIII F:m~'r~:•·nn• r xlt In two of lh•• burt~""'"' wtooluw IYT"' Hphnflllf'f'\'•m10y lW' ltorit•llt•ll l"a- thf'r 8\IJI lo h>tl'" "II I•·RAI '"'lulr,.. mf'ntJI An<l '" ,.,.,.,.,,,.,,. .. If• rumply with ('"lofu:niR ll•'huul rrl('ltllltllll\11. ILIId m ull\ ho· tni"r""'''"" hv v~n. dor t11 JlMA '""l'''rtlnn by ('•llft•r. nla Htghw~v J'"lrhl Lowr111 1 •·n•l,;r ""' ·nrrr11111,rlly •rr,.plrtl ""'I lh,. ll••llrcl , .. .,.n'"" thl' rt~tht '" wAll'•• ""v lrT~'Iflllllr1· tlf'a In l h~' hl<!lllnl: '""' &.1110 r,.. .,.rvo•11 untn ll•••lf lh'' tll(hl to tl" th,. 11<•1# tud.:,. uf I h•• ''""'" an•! mrrlt rrf +ht>-m......toM"'It,... •A fArad.. Ry flr<f,.r "' th<' H"llf•l c.t Tn1•· I & C BOOK HOLDERS ~NOW D.IO ..... roa Nr.w naDt VOIR IN Aim lEI: VSI IP YOU CAN QtJALD"Y 1nC WILL IIELP YOtJ IUKI! OVT YOtJII A.PPLIVA· TION 1'0a A '1'1U OER'I'lhCATE. • '\ LYLE POPE YOU rAN 'l,llA\'1~1 .. ........................... ..... eiNn.Y-+. ••• t~w ..-.,_. .._eldwsa.n-. AA • AirWer a.,._ ............. , c.-,., .. --r tlaril1 .. .al ..._.,_._Air Wllft lOlA n., .. die worW eWe try~ willa lite..,. • .., .... "'-1 A1r ,......., .... , ..... Jo&a tlae ....... .. .,.,., c..,. .. ~ ... , ...... ... A.nJylenl. t'eftftoW.... ,.,..,... .,, ........... ...,......, .. .................. lr ,__. ... .. ,.. :'1 .. ,.., ................ ,._ ,.. ..... 1 .. ...... IE i fUac II Til 1111 Ill IOICES AJr Ww. 114 "" o.-....... ·-· .._., (~f. , I am lwotw-UN! ..-uf 20 IUkl 4e. e•a..-tornd N- l"hunr OtJ .. I .... lOW merce. for lh" pr,.,..·nt muon. Rr p La Ana with lnl,.rmmt a t Weat.. l"'hiiiiJIII aald hf' hurw:·d that thel"t' mln•ter Mt'mO,.IKI Partl. 1111': Bal· would bl' no nN<d to •JlO-any lty I• expt"Ct"d 11'1 ~ wntdl'ntly rcntmlc' donJiey• after nn t No· , .. .-o,· .. rpd to r•lurn home Batur. t .. ,.. MARION r· Pflllrt w t Co t p ki c t • ('lrrk nf lh•· B•·nr•l uf Tn••l es as ac ng . orpord IOn vf'mbl'r. day. , ...... Aur: 24.:11. Rrpt 7, t!U4 S lo:W I'f lltT UEACH fi•:'IJfl lti':Af 'JI Oollta .. _ -.......... M8 imUa -· rnMu ~ ~ c:orroUca. c·A~~,No •n·ou uwn m ua~xo .-"I!Tal MAN " POl"'HJ)ttt PEil PI'JI801f K•m" Altamllr. enct-r eor • .. IC ..... ICICXXXK!·aUctCaM~:~Y.!'.~::~NICII .. JCJCihCaa:clla•aav.rf:::~l::::::~l:::::::::::::::::::::::::::lC:I~K::~:mc M I . REAL t:STATE ASD I NS U R AN C t: Listings Invited • A. \\'. OIBBOS ast rh l llth l"t. CCM&ta Mf'M IPMIUI Oil Th«',.,. Ia no rri{UiaUon allowin« poral In th~ nv1 nc CCW1Je, ancl a For uuc:k ~dUon· -t ,_, thr IMUantr Of mt)re Ulan 20 Wf'a,.,.T or r1bborna wtlfc:JI tncJUdftl Jl'•Und8 or canning aqar per per! t~ prf'altkntoal d laUon, hal aet ""'" And no poealblt> mt'thod by up an umbr••lha and booUI u v.·hlrh thr 101"&1 board Cllll v-nt ll~~thlnlnjt ra n• 11111r11t on U\e Bay mor.,· Ttworrfo,..., penann• are Uf&· 11nd n,.ar Fun Zone pier, Balbo&. c-d tt) r on...-rvf' enml' of thl'lr al-Altamar. Cnrml'r newapaper e&r· tntt,.d 20 pounda f~r fall cannln« t r...,nlat fnu~rht on, -cl wu wound • ... n u that require ao u•coe· ~lUI oil ... bWk ,,. ua bud dury, milt• f~ s ua "At prt'~nt," Mid Ralph M .... rd In th,. r artflc, H , wu one of FALL MERCHANDISE PhoiM' I !S'J. \\' n pecially coepouodtd 10 P.. .., procecUoD apiAM ~ .,.. d prfltul'a io uucb Of carL s • k"Y· <'hairman of the local ration ttl~ who u .. ~i1 thi'OUCJI the Jap bolard. "th,.,... t• no more canol.,. homblnl( t)f Hlrkam Field. H awAII. IIUIP:Ar forthromlnr and It ta uw. nn Dec 7. t~t. '""" Cl'lr pMple tn 1pply at the ---rallle Dale Dreu" In Purple, Chocolate Brown, Gold IIJICI Black . c. s. NO'ITAGE f ---- l'uhiJIIIIjt nf c·.-,.,.r.,, .. , ... !Ypdf' . Tanluo aad ..._nwat.J -- l•hnnf': I "''l -- 8!1 W....t KvnJitA>II At. fWita M,.... ---- -I t'lfth Fruit ud ,-~~f'tahlfo .Jt'lf't: llRI~I\~ "'" s.-·lall,,. In I lltrut anol •• ,...,h l"t•' •I"' \th ·I T R 0 I' I C \ I. F r u I t ,J •II I ' r n a r Dl:l Cu:"t fllr;hway j 1-.t to CIU'III-C'rall) -- mOLINI GUI Oil "-· u ti ttr!llghr minrral nil folf lubri· M ,,f J:C'.lf\ th,u tid Ol1f FC"qUite uu .. mc-pruawc I)J'IC ol lubri- L an caa briArct fl'lr '"ldltlonal amounta." ftllASOY. l'flt'N'IT PI.ON'J;& Vt~hant,.,•r hrlp Ia badly nHdl'd ~I'MMnNY.P lilY D&ATR at th,. rlll tcon board offlrr and any. F'rf'd B M•lh. a ~dl'nt of Or . ''"" "''h'• would Ilk,. to ~rrve '-an«~' Muntv ,,, t7 )'!lara and of n11k••cJ In w rit,. Mr11 Dorothy Balbtla fnr til Jear&, clled Aur. Suth,riAnd whn will a.Mip them 11 at h la h""" In tnal-oocl. &e· c I •noN THOMPSON to •• jnb. cnrdln« '" word reeet\fed bere. llr. Lft Will•. wh•• Will Tt ,..." of ace. "~DDISO BELLA TO alllfO wu tx•m 111 Waa.lolt 8an Joee. •• y .WHII.ESALE DISTIIUTOR Xewport Beach ............. our ioc31 rr prt-tiYe ,,, f'O& COIIONA DEL MAII'ftAl'8 movlnr: t•1 LIM ~t eltl' of Mi1111 Frtlllrf'11 Morton Jl'tnetl. Huntln£1un a..c.b ln llt77. H•l •'au~rhtl'r '>f Mr and Mra. Bndl'n l"a"" h • •·lfe. two daupten l.ancfnrd Finch or 344 Haul drt•e. and ""~ K'"nticlauc1tt.er r .,rnna d~<l Mar, us ma.klnl many I '¢ hllf'JlY p\lln• for hu W"ddln«. MIMHI't• ~~ AC"'''ON a whlrh •• to bf' an event of kpt )t(n '~",...nc:. Oet.rander of 8&1-1 X 12 '"'" fortunat~ bn lifoi(TOOm w111 boa hR.• r,..."1"'ed word from thf'~ bt' S..mard Jam ... H~ry. atm of War dr!•arttnl'ftt that ""r "'"· Lt Mra B J H..,.ry nf 225 Jumln~ ,.rr<l r· f ll!lrM•r . .._.. tw.JI mtaa. nv•n••-C"nrona df'l Mar. InK ,,. ~tl'•n llnce July 7, a t = F'nll,..ln« th• .. ,.,...mony. wht~ whll h 'iiTI" he wu en~raced In op. x with Dolma n Sleeve• and re"l fe.,tltt·r LeitH &180, Dre11ma ken Aqua, Cora l, Pu rple, A ppleGteen, C hllnH If', Cnld The[;e Drt~!ls~s a re by Marjorie and A dch e MdsiNs Larger Sizes--and Very Good Look ing New Slack Suits -S traight Lines -Strutter Cloth . , Th••• comfortable, well httioo o umbere are available Ia Bro w n. Navy &nd C.:flr41 Jlfll'i SURF & SAND SHOP c~ V.dl~ 701 EAST C EN TRAl. AVI , BALBOA TELE .. IiO NE 138 s TUUAIO t l CAL l r Q~ '•':. I w ill lJikt> plll"'t a t HI ... ,.,... Epia.. •fl't~·' F' IW#r P"rane• '"'" ytKJn« In eopal r hun:b ln &...a«una Jkadl. ort1r••r • taUter. 8taff Bet 0.· ,C tbara wlU '-a prcko ..-pUon 1 tranlkr. II MrYlaa with the A lr ~ , 1•• UM lr'IIIG ....._ • ,..,_ OfWI IIM lh .,••• ........... uuaMaetiiiiiiiiM ............ uc•••u ........ .,~~· .... •••••••••• . . " I ~ I. :-: f, I ED! $2.58 ... ..... MESA ···" .. ere n • )Ire ltee to I Ad1- mbrrol ....onnel lon wtU. t tomd tt at~ ted that 1 whiCiit cs.&l•.,... •hlch .... ........ --UIIIQ f .. ....,. ...... ant ri""-' Ute .... t ...... II , Ae.._. ........... I ... ..,. eoo ...... • .... Ultl allwel'lld a -..uw ....... ....... ' ., u._ ......... tbeMnJ -.w ... a..t "' ....... _ • ~­I ' ate ad ..... , ... r.:: • .. .,.., . ...... ,... at age esa MM) nannlnr ........... I wttll :'l.• J,.tan Me 11-··t .. a nta An• ..JII pal4 UU! Pf'"P' Ul bl• .... alll 1126,· • ranrh~ • pla nt.M ' pUtu" u qufltr .. t I l"hl--"'-• (Miat, •th.ct w .... ,.,. •• upoa 10t1mmcr nnlnl( til wrmDIII'I\t "' "'hoo•l ... ) :>or criNt •m•l d 1111{ th• ll ll(hWilY ltut a•r"• rl (""''""· loncl IIlii(· lllj( ('l lfll• WllllliiYf'l ""'' f'OUD-111\ol 1,_ ••UIIIlttl! a l'l&n• tn I ''"'I" lll ""'' out with a •·· " mano ·t Harbor th.-Raft rn .. rce b) '"Prwlen- llr. al., IJrornam ,,. a J(Y'Ht •.c harbor nf l'an .. , \ ' t.. .. • i Wedding L1 Given by N Beach Cou~ Mr. and Wno I ,.U wen bo.t. tn Ud ~Ue•t. ln U Wtlllt <>ee&n Fro. rc•t mam•«~ c AA&rdku, Okl&tl!>t 8turpll. P..tty () JfayY.1 brot.JM>r nt .u 110lemnlud I tbe-ka tn Qlronr Ttl• luncb~on t., a t•o-tlered " anted wtui pink aacs topped with • Navy ,room •• 111e p,.tt v hr 1 til a ,old ('I .. IUI wttll touchu ut weart.Dc a cor .. • abe Ia th~ dau.r Kn. W A Sm• bom• c-Ity whtl•· bu bHn makln ' boale hla bf'adqt ~umf'd fm m 1~ Ill Ow S;;uth I'IH pnnrr or a B<l4 er. He I• tht' ""' o. £,. Stur~rrll. Sturtttll and 1 Ufetlmf' nmln•IN a war-lime r•r .. m, bad fuhlonf'J t ~~aDd from an Cotn J:lean~d ,,.., tbe Navy. Th' their homl' In eturrll Ia •tatll> 8ue Ill 8&n D and r'f«ivlnlt me 'J'boM bidden couple were Mr ud Mn Vlrl JKk TUrley Jr .. Jaum &lkl Roaa.J .AIIn Bturpll. d ...... , .... ~ bl teo potnta f'aC b JICIIIl1-••W bf' piOC u iS f ()()(Ia I -1 ...... tho A~llitnltlon • TIM .ptam.,_ ... and u •UJ ,. J'ol)owl.q Lhf JO.poUat,, ~~tamr­.... -., ttle s; Yalldlale five bh ftnlt ..., ol eacl .. LET Ul YOU QV rvaJ .... MJI,Ij 'It Well • JACI Lad "' ....... · L E - T We bw of ol car . L ' •aDIO IBIIVICE HOME • AUTO • MARINE RADIOS ~AIRED MABINE ELECTRIC.IAN BUBTB.NORTON .. Thursd:1y, August 24, 1944 By KitS. 0 . I. A..JfD1mWa !Amphibious Campbells are Coming, and I I i d~~ ~~:~!~~,"::.ew ~-:D .. ~ .. ?.:.~ --· l P tat ifu: wat n".,... more cloeely He entered Ole Army .an a har. · l!C''flnll?'d ttl&n rhal or Mr. and Ml'l. tiOr cratt-companY Tnunedlalely Df THE~I AJlii Clyde A. Camp. alter cnduatrnc ami j:ut his tratn. _____________ ; b<>ll, 21113 Weft lq at Charlrflon, ~ Carolan&. C•·ntral avenue, Has brother, PhoDe ~417 1 111 C o,\81 H1qhway NEWPORT BEAC H whert> the neat. Arthur. In • ly framed and lr•ll•·r Sf'nt Jut duatrd phot011 of July 16. deacrtb.. S taff S,;t. Wm. ,.J th~ vlciut- In e-vt'ry Amrrtean home for the nl'Xt month one of Use epecta~ 1 "'-----------..:..--------------_,; acUvitlu will be grtttnc u...e Chrtnmu girt paclla.cea off to the 1307 COMt lfivlaway Phottf' 5!J() C orona del Mu Jame• C • m p-tuti,•Jt of a neo----------·-1-·-·-·-·-"1' bt-11, U . 8 . Army phrte mHtln&' I I and En rt n • t<rng Neptune OONT • Room W I p • r on the nrat. I II n• .. tt_.. j! I Art hur Roy c:-rOll!ling of 1Jle t 1ro w ) 1111r u • ... • • .... Campbell, U. 8 . Equator on hla awa,\' · · • I Mar1Ume Berv. b1rthday get. 'It a.. \ ahwhh•! let', 1 o o k out t~ng tua hair ~ t ! with pot.ed and l'lavpect. beln,r Cotton nc•\'t•r w•·nrs 110 • · • 1 "'"' J-amlllnr lnterHt douSf'd •I t b Have ll n •hlllll and save lht' Campbell upoo . all who fallh oil. and re- dif!crt:nl'(• · · • • . . I , ulll<' to u k Information about AN•• a.r r··apttnr for a All kinds of tx'd~mg re-butlt. ! 1 twu uf Harbor High achool'• more O....WI !!pan!JnK from Any SIZe j 'Jl'•r>ular young participant. in the bla more tr&\.-ltd c-omrade.. SUI Jil_,..n lloulr\'ard ('(Mita MNa 1 Sgt. Campbell. lut reportinl 1925, Arthur mm···d to Newport boy1 In ttle war zonea. 1be dat.ea and the ru.l4'a reg-ardln,r pe.ckartn,r and size will be clearly ~ at your poet office. Corulult tlsem aad obide by Ulr m. 110 that every boy will have hiJa pac:ka~tea In Ume and In Kood condition. ~ts, Rugs and Upholstering CLEANED A COMPUTI LINI OF FLOOR COVERINGS FOR YOUR REOUIRIWKNTI LUDLUII CAIIPE't WORKS SANTA ANA 1622 S. Nua St. C 0 8 T A M E 8 A M A T T U t: S S (' 0. II u. e&niJ: pha.tw" ot the connlct. Bom In Lus Ang .. le• July 18, ---·-·-·-· ----·-4 his pru rncr In the Manhall 1.6-In 1137 and w11..11 tn hl11 llt'nlor year ~===::::;:;:~~~===== ~. -lnntla In a rt'cr•nl lrtter, wu born at Harbor High ,...h,•n he r ot per. ' Ef Paraiso SpanishKitChenl ;::c=.:~~=;~~~0.t~~ ~::!f ~:·~::.:~"~, ~~ . .:;~~ A~. we are UJTed to lfve eomt> thoU&flt to ""' coatenta. ~ 1 that Chr1ttmu thla year 1riU brinK evrry boy away from home aom~ lntimalf' remlnden ot Ute day. when tamlllu were t~r around the fe.Uve t.rMw In u.te., peaceful bornea. Pukqea thla year ahould serve to remind Ute r---------------------------, boy. that families and triende are I waJtin& to Wf'.ICOII\41 thf'm bac:k to the borne. whkb mean ao much to lhera. ' SPANISH AN~ AMt:Rl<'AN ('(~)K!NG !Be:&Ch-Mesa Electors Newport Girl Enlists emu KD..LANOS ... TAllOS ... t~i'.iCIIII..ADAS Hold Different VIews as Officer Candidate· N-........ - The boy. In Ule prieon campe 1 muat bf' eaped aJiy remembered. The months. and for aome, Ole I yrarw. are •trelchln« ouL There art> now nt>w prtaoner of W1lr man. lng form11 ~·bleb wrll gt-t maJf to 1 lht• buy11 more eur<•ly. ThHe cards ,.,.,. nllw on h.and In Southern Or- unge county Rt'd Crou chapters anlt. t'l'~lally for Japan.,.. hf'ld pnson,,.., may 801ve ~ of the 111flll probll'ma. 'llley wm faclll- tat .. cen~rahlp and aave Wf'l~ht In CHOPS. BOAST Bt:EF, ROAST PORK • ' Short Orden ... not MNt Sandwic-ht'!f on Political Set-Up Husband,_Prasoner AMERICAN BRt:AKFASTS A Sf•F.CIALTY Drlpltr th•' fal't that only a When Mrs y ,·uun,· T. Allhlon, AAY SANDOVAL, Proprietor nnrrow 1trlp or 118phRit pavement 1708 1-2 W . O•·••nn 1-'mnt. t.•ft lut ........ Plac-e at (lourt l'"trt·•·l ( :'lol•ar ~''"I'"'' l'l•·r ) I J ,tJvitlcl tht• two I'Ommunltlea geo-Sunday to bo•l'flllh· an orrker In f;=~==~~::::::~= -·-·------·-·----..f. l~:raphlrally. Plec·tura of Nrwport the WAVE::;. th<'rP wu onr .: ___________ __:____ Harbor and Costa Ml'sa &till hold thourht upp•''"'"~t rn ber mind: For Bolding and Repairing Information ---111 •llrlatllumber Ia • WALTIA S. SPICER, Owfter •aWPOaT .EACH IIIIWeM.,._., .. n..,..... Pt. .... II .SO whll'ly divl'rgt'nt vlewa when it To \kl her rndl\·tJual bl.'st toward , omu to thrlr political aftllla· hutenlnc lh~ wttr's end and tr .. na. thr•reby bring. Tiw City ot Newport Bea.cb II lng 'abou~ an I r:tnAp<>rtatron R<'rublll·an and dt>rln ltrly -while ,·;u ltl'r reunion Co.~t a Mt>la II just U ddlnltt'ly wrth hrr hua-C1 ........ 1fo ............ r n lht· Ot'mocrallc bl"\dwa,ron. band, Capt. L. A I••IIVI' i'lub hu b<..-n opt·~ This lnt•·r .. lltlng and wholly Un-Ashton. now a by the RN.I Ct ''All In Cherbou'l: 1 ••xplalnabl<' fact. wu revealed rmsoner ot war r.nd •>lh .. rw arr about to bt-opt'n- lhlll werk by Eluwr Schanlel. dr p. in thr • Philip. ··•I up n••ar lhf' I'Onllnr nlat tronlJI uly ('Ounty clt•rk In cha11re of panu . • Tht' Rrd Croas no.· hu .,.,·rraJ 'utera· regratntaon. Mrs. Aahton, rlubmoblle!f In OfW'ralion •mnc 6800 Total a.-patra&to. ,..·ho Ia a daug!l. lroopa at the Normandy bf'ub Itt ot ~. ~ head and flf'ld <'lube ar. briq j N<'C'Ordlng Lo Mr. Schanlet, ~f r a. f:dWard OJ>f•nl'd up. 1 C"t ty ()( Nr wporl hu at prt'eent • l.f•roy Toolr n of Wtlh ·~ work of ml'rl'y and lul:cl rf'g\atra tlon or :l4111 votera. Curon11. h a k1nt1nua u w••ll a" "d th lu en-I or whach 1771 havt• d!'dared tht'rrt. y._ .. Aohto"' b<>o•n ordered to lerhlnm .. nt and 'tl'tlrk for the f!••lnll m<'mber!l or the Republican r ,. p 0 r t next nu•n'11 Mntfort. th,. Rc-d t"-Ia JliUty and 1129 u c announced WHk at Smllh t•ull•·ge in MIUS&-ntfl\'tn~ rrght "'""" with thr null· Ol'mOI'rsu . Five hundrr d and titty-chueetu wh•·r· sh,. ·wrll enter tary "twrat mns C)nl' ht~ ranking 1 n(' de-dlnNI to alate thf'lr party tralnlnr u an orqc<'r candldatr. ~orrir··r hom<' rrf•rn th•• AuJifrahan Mflllat101u . the •uppoaillnn b•·rng ihat she will th.•al••r tuld ntf' th:u th£• Rt••l At Cnstll Mt>sa lhr situation Ia apeclallze In !l•·nlal surgery. <:mss 111 drring a man·t•lou. job of 1 Ju.llt ren•raed, aald tJre county rer· A . rractuat•· ,f Corona high r ro\'lllfnl.! IP;a\'e •·nl•·rtRanrnent tor I ast rur. Then•. a total or 2349 vot.. achool. abe ,,.,.,.1\'ed ht•r junior the ooys In th<' Pat:lfk. 'rs Include!! l:l,"i4 Bourbon• and ct>rtlticale frnm t:C"LA In 193• 913 on the G 0 P bAndwa.con. and her dental hv~lene cerllflcalP BADG~a." -TO PI;;;;-j F.lght)'-t WO dt•ClanC'd 10 1tate thf'lr rrom Berkeley lhP fOIJOwlng yea r , pA rty. Until the tim•· uf her rnllstment Ex-n'••dt•nt.a of Wl~teonaln wtll Reg\•trat10n Cor U\e J:eneral in the WA V~:s llhe wu 8enlor hold ar a.ll-t.lay n:unlrm and pol'· elPCUon on Nov 7 will eloee Bepl. df'ntal b,.._llt at an Army Air nfr Ill SyrAmort' Grnv,. p.t~rlc. u• 28 and ll Is anticipated that ~«· Ba.ae. Ang.•l••l<, on Sttlunlay, Aug. 26. It Polly Apparel • For Children as well as Gro wn· Ups POLLY APP~REL 1811 Newpoa t Hlvt.i l."tr•tfon tot-... for th• two com-,...aa Annuunced today. • j n ...,,. ~ At th~ outbreak of hos tllllle-•. .._ __ ...._ ____________ _.:.. _________ _. mtm•ll~ wlll ~ ~t~ ~ ~ ~~ A~ton ~" 11 ~m~r ~~-~~~--~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~----------~~~~;. Poelefflce 8Wg. CoataK ... WAOII an at the hi&bnt kvd ica yea", but with eM rott of li"'ns up .a.out 26% li"" 19}9, dollm do nne JO u l at. u 1hcy did. Ytt,. htlt IDOtC rriccs d imb ICtaJoly hishcr, th• /""~ of tl,(triril ~ ,,.;,., ~·. lc i1 •n impor· tant li•~nlt wsc ahu hu IC'tuJlly goat tluu .. itiJt<.td n( 11p' I•Ji111rt tlulri; tJ/n h•11 btt'1f n Ju.rJ II• 11 1 Jirtu I 91Q Tlut i1 •hy, •ltfholij.:h ~IIU U\C llk'IC f(t'C'Cfh tly no,.. •h,n 1-c-(orc, ~""' dntri.: dulbr ~oar l~r . • J. B. ESTUS rLUIIJUNO Geaeral Electric Ul'fQI8 • &F.FIUGF.RA TUK14 • \\'A~IIF.R~ DUII\\'A~HEJL"' • IUm~ ....... ....... ...,. . \ . ~ lo-ut 6000 by that time-. the Army Jt(~cAI C'orps statlon- All uf 1 h·· 1 hr•'" K hool dlatrtcta I ,.,.n·rn" th.· H11rbor area and l'll~tll Mt>IA "''II have a hl"'er tax r~el•· Junn~: lhr 19U -•II tleeal .n ·a•. tl Wlll' •l•~··loeed today by 1 R:t \' ,\<lkll•~"ll o·11unty !luperln. I• nd••nt f\( ~· huoh1 l rru 111t.: lh• 1!14:\·H yl'ar, Nf'W. pt•rl Harh"' l 'nlon High &chool ·•·p••rntrd •m 11 hu•lgt>t ot 1181.28.'5, thl~ n•pr.·~•·lllmg " tu rah• of l ti.~O Thill p•11r thr budgt•t will ll>·· S:!II.2S; •. ,., 11 tax n t r of .1'157!1 :\'•·"·r,rt ReRt'h Grammar IC'hool a J9.!3~.Lb~d o( U2l.Oll ••r:·trnst a ru rn•nt buclget or 11:14.· ~'Iii thr tax ratr" b;>lng r••speC'- 11\'t·lv. 4!178 11ncl 5t48 1 L~t yrn'11 hudg<'t for CMla ~~·~sa F.lem .. ntiH\' lll'hool district wru~ $81.451. wtlh 11 tax ratr of S9:16. whllr thl~ wnr will aer 11n ""r•'n•liturt> "' $11.'\,122 11nd a tiiJI rn t •' (If liOOO ISit"RW I~ A('MDI:ST Artrr F.nl' l't <lf'r80n ••f Santa Ann ant.! his romranlon. Rob<-rt Ur••nnan ()( lh•• 1' S ~a\'111 Air RtRtl"n. Wt'rt' t r,att•d for Jrr&\'1'1 fUll< at thl' Nrwport Emer~rtncy hl•llpltaJ whrrr they Wl'rl' taken (,,ll,•wlng " mlltorl'yrtf'.car colll- ~~f'n at 16th 11nd Ctnlrlll 11\'Pnue Thl" colllslnn OC'I'Urr<'d whtn S11mucl C Mnrtrll. 6:1. M Pnlllltl!'nll J\.SII•'rtcdly lltt .. mrt<'d tn mllkr 1\ ldt tum. ht11 r~r b•~r ltntrk •• ~Y tht> mutnn·~·t·lr whlrh Wl\11 b!'tnj: f'pt'rA I I'll "Y P rtll'rt!lln. Th<' t wn In· turo•.J mrn W••rt• lllkl'n In tht' ho11. pltal hy Tony Sutto n Pt>drrsnn wnl' rlt<'tl to nrrt··•r In rottrt Mon. 1t11~· fnr lar k ••f nn llJWrlllnr·~ lt. ~·•'OS(', ; IIARR\" (TI.\'ER nGR'NI W~ V llACK TH IIF.AL m Ht:JU: Hu ry Culwr. \\'ldrly known 1-t\th lnalrle 11nd t\lll ~ldr tht C'JIJI. fnr nlll lltlltl!! All "lh~ fllthl'r M r uh·rr C'lty .. h!VC rf'lurnrd '"''"' ~~ t•ldl'•'· "ho'l i' h•' l<ufft'rl'•l 1\ !'It!· tliAt' a tt n• k 1111•1 •~ nf'W ~"'.:Ill run~ hl':llih' \\II h ltW Kil l f'f bAlmy hr····z··~ An.t ••l•l ft ,..n•l•htr~ 111 hill "''" h•"'"' nn lhl' Rnll>n11 p<'ntnllt~la ~tr Cuh···' wa11 111 ''' r~rul. •' "ho•n "' 11r kl'n II•• \\'1\l< tnlll rum••nt.tl In ln~t l\lllf1¥ 11 no'\' h"t••l "l'<'rn tlni! on Amffli'Al1 f"l lllt'i!'lr•ll. Iii th•• r lrl Ur1'8Qih' 1\'l'~l Mt•'lt•'an ··nn~t C'lty ,. •d at Fort Wm. Mr Kfnlry, Rlul. P. I. Residential Building Conttnuln~ HPrP on Small ScalP Conetructton of lll'\'rrAI s mall homn W All begul'\ this Wf'Pk In th<' Harbor llrf'a, a~ord.lng 1('1 a r r. rort by Rulldlnr ln!tpPrto r A M I Nt>laon. Allnn A. Ritter, 202 Gam<'t IWPnUI', BAlboa laJ&nd, Willi IMued a permit to build a onr.story four-room dwf'llfng at a coat or $2200. and Harlan R. Pauley. 408 :18th alrf'f't, Nr!fPO[t, _lldU build~ 11a lmOar Mlze reeldenC'e at a C'Ost uf 12500 A thl"f''.".room dwellin~ wllh ~rsrnge attached is bein~r hullt Rl 504 Cout hiKttway, Cor. f'nA \I,.J ~fur. by 0. L. AIIIJIOn of Baldwtn Park 'Mle atructure will 1'1)111 aprrmomately 12500. C 1 .. w•~ Raltz. 410 Collllt hlrfl· wnv. Ill hutldlng a two.ro(lm "llrtrt m<'nt "''~'r hla prelt'nt garagP 111 11 ro11t f'r 12000. and The Tur- f'IU~IIIr' ~·man.lntlon of Amt'r1Ca wu '"~'ttt•d n r•·rmlt to convrrt 11 ~r•r· "lo!C' at :1 14 Cnmation avrnue Into 11 thn>•·-rMm dwelling at a COCil nr I 12()(1. J. Wr11y Gray. 222 Ptarl ave. nul', h• rxpf'ndlnr 1500 on altera· ltf'nll 1\ncl rrJ'Illrll. RJchard H. J,..,_ klns. Los AnKelet. 11 building a nn•'·mnm 1\dditlon to hla preJN'n.' rhq •lllnl:' 1\t :lM Haul drive at ,l ,.,,,..1 nf Jqnn nnd CJulrlea C. Fipps. 7(1 1 Ar:a''l 1 lllr<'et, II building al ~600 111 "' • ,, r··•HienCC' at 813 Lark- 'l'llr "''•'11111' r'(lrona del Mar. A th1 r •··"""" .t·.,,•lllnr 11 lx-lng buill nt 717 :\' '•·~ 1!1 by Frederick A.1 ~~ "''rt "' u•· .. Beach at a coat "' Sl"OO ~ . \f:\t:rnor-:'1 '"8(RIEF M~ gl:'lnl. ,. Meeton, 107 ery... tnl \'r~u~. H:~lboa laland. wt W•'•'k nNtfl• I lhe pollee ot an h.lloth' pr:r~:k which m!pt very '"'II hA ''" '""n:tf>d In lt'riou• ln. 111n· I•' , •. , "i''" Ill ot thP Mr11ton . h"lll•' \• • •r•l ~~ to her rt'porl a I (.'Art y .. r ''"ll"~_mm and women. "hll•• pn~•t·,..: lh rougtl a Cry.t11l "''f'nu .. nil~, ~>· twten 3 and 4 11 I 111 ~ur 1.1\' ·• ·~· 1ng. erfucl 11 JrHr- ""~'' • 111: ••• I • t)&<'W II Into • bl'f1 . r.•m "'' n I• ·' ·•• 1 he WcaiDn hom• C:II\Alll In th.• \._rndow wu ahal. ll'rl'd In h11~ An 1 only a IICN"f'n P~~'''''nt~<i •I fr,.111 1trikJnc sleep. Ina rhlldr'n In the-room. ~ "Fat 'IR UP MISra?" ~ Th~'U llelheD!i.Y! BUILDERS HARDWARE ITEMS Foundation Bolts Casement Operators A hard-to-get item. A few left at $2.10 each GARAGE DOOR SETS we have on ord(\r and are promi~­ ed early delivery or "Overhead G<tr- ag-e Door ~et.'." . ,.. CONGOLEUM RUGS 6 • 9 ...................... $4.50 7•9 ........................ $5.25 9 • 10l6 .................... $6.95 9 X 12 ....................... $7.95 -Whnt-the -gl1ld d~ comes :we in· ,tet~d to offer you new ahoppin& con- veniences, new merchandise and a continuance ot our well known IOW· p.-ice policy. Until then, we will carry on, with the job of bringin& you aup- pliea, under difficult wartime condi- tions. If we haven't got what you want, place your name on our Custo- mer's Priority Liat and you'll have fin~ chance to buy the article when it comes in. We alwaya do our be.t for you at TE WINKLE'S! ---------- ARMSTRONG ~f~ '· -, LINOLEUM Lo\'e)y Eallerns 63c per aq. yd. j, NEWPORT-BAIJ!CU. PREss on the Pap 'I RAILROAD .E.-~~=-~~--~~~.~~~~~I~ Mf~~ ~fw~ ~~n~ woa1 320 Nutae Ave., llalboa bland _~a~a: _____________________ _ Telephone 1806 Ladies' Hair Cuts a Specialty (Can Be Had by Arpoanlme nl) Jack Huckabee, Proprietor A. F.. RRD81'n. Ml Balboa atreel, hu ~n luutd • l't'nnlt tn t•rrct n gara.r" Rl hi• h••nu• a t a coat l "r SlOOO. M r "nd Mrs. Harold On uri 110 Dn•aliway. art' rxpeetf'd bollllc• IU<IAV aflt'r a wrek'a .-cation a t DIIC ·~ar lAkf'. I Mrs. N onn11n Smith ur Gh•ndalf' !<p<•nt lUI Wl'<'k \' t\h ho•r mothcor, -----·-----------·--+ Mnt. H H Ut'l til, lii:IJ Harbor buull'\'llrd. Ml"'l F1ol'f'n<"e nay.r of lanta Ana Ia a~ndin« two """-••1\h hrr alah•r. Mrs. \\'illtam Frilllc ••1 li:ut. l~th 1t.net. What-Not Shop Fu,..iture Reftniahed and Aep.ired •• Patio and Unliniahed Furniture Supplie~. _ Window Panel lnatalled. Wlaal's Foul' Odd lob? 307 'ALII A VENUE llake OlD' atore yoiH' ahoppln9 place for Glfta for OIU' mea and women ove ....... A few au9veadoaa: e Bin9• • Waterproof Watch•• LOUCKS 1797 NEWPORT BLV 0 C O S TA MESA • ~ESA biQU~R SHOP LIQUEURS ~ Qortla Aprtcot AaiMltte Qlanlet~ cy:..ne elf' !lff'OIIlhf' Creme clfl ('offM- Cietflrrienae Deleeta Otacu f1a\'O'"' P.-dll 8w'ecUIIb ~ ptmrh 8--p..w--100 proof Trtple Ser Wortcl'a ftDMt ~t. Moraka ALSO- BEERS MIXER~ ('A~U\' Ot'M TORACC'O~ Cl OAKS-SO LOIIT 111'!:.!11 So'WJII. Dh·d.,Oneta M- l'bOnC'I .s .. wport « • :o-.1111 \•allaht .. Tllla Week l·t.lh" Cttuar"' BRANDY I .'\lh,. (~ou&rh &tN I ;,I h .. <tuart" TEQl'll.LA 4·,'elh" q w,rt• \'ODilA t -:it11 'l'· lmport.f'd Doaw- J•Inl ... Kllllwhatk.a Vodka t"inl... TfOo4tuUa Paaclao o\n1l A ~ Tn-at From OI.U ~00 Tt·nllpa 11 . .\RASl':RO 8up"'nw It'" ~m•,..)th-Try It! 1 11<1 F&Johlnnt~ -Oodctalla llll{hhalt.. -~urw \1.-.o J"1St::-4T l\tf'UR1T.D 4-.\th .. <tuart-l'nrt, ~herry, ~ww-atrl lmt>••rt•"l and llnmMttc 1'11 \--:wrAG~7. - J l. Mt'Kay, li2 fo1owf'r atrN.'t , hu be..•n pron111to•ot to thf' rank of «.'hi.•( warrant o t'fH·•·r. H r Ia ala· llnnt•d at the Army Air Balco. Mr and Mn Thumu Myel"'l, of Z60 COBI.~t Mua II\ rt•t'l, &n! con joy· lng • vi.flt from Maa Mycors' bro- Uif r . L<•o Holpknt><:ht of Plalna. Mont. Coati\ Meaa hia a n"' rf'tutr&r 11( ,.,,t•·r11 In thr l't'raon of Mns. Carnt• Oudlt·y w ho Ia m axine hrr hea.Jqua rH·I"'I 111 lhe R. C. Parke-r off1rr. Bobby Gill, 11on or Jof r and Ml"'l. John Gill, 1po nt lhf' )'Ut Wt"tk with h.IJI broth• r.ln-law '""' fllll t''- ~1;'1 nn\1 Mr11 .John J !'lu1um of Santn Barbara M rs T. n Drlnll•·rs"n or San GabHel htU lwt•n luut"d a J"('rmlt to build " sm1111 ro•~<ldt•n<'l' '"' S r w. )•uri bo1Uit•\ufd jjtltl\h nr 17th atn •t't Th•• s\ 1 tll'lllr•• "111 <'•)at a bout fiHOO Dlrf't'lol" ,.r t'ulilu M•·aa R .. d f'l~t!'ll woll ht>ld the·lr monthly nwO'\tn~ next Tu,.••lay. Au,;:. 2i Th·· •·'"l<lllfl W ill t.1k•' phwe at the Re·d Cr"M produl'll"n room on :>:o·Wfl<•rt buult'\'ard S~:t ('llrrord Llunbargt•r, aon of Mr llrt•J Mn J. C l.lonbargtr, 240 UHtl~<h•·uv. hi\JI nrriVI';I "t an Air !-;1•n I• ,. r11rnma n..J 111ntl<m In Eng. ll011d 1111<.1 IIIHIO I'Xjll'<'t8 l.Jl be-t'n· P·j:• .1 111 rumbat In tht• Europt"an Art• I\_. Ll F.dw:o rd Rnl""· 110n of Mr. nnol ~f 111. Glt'nn L Hnlrf!. hu ar· 11\'o•tl ~llfl'l\' In E nl(lantl, llt't'urdtnf 111 wnrt1 n •rl'l\'l'd hPre Tht' young m1tn madt• Ole trip by plane, pilot. tn~e tht', raft rmm K··aml'y, N~br . to lt11 1ll'stlnRtlon without mta. hap Vlrpl n•·l11~ EMtnn. huaband nf ~trs Ma rilin lluc•knwn F.uton nt 1 !\:!5 ~f· '"' olr'IV••. Ill n•m· In training at tho• I • l'l Mnnn1· r nrp11 station S:an n 1• 1:" l'rt,,. t•• o•nttoring 01,. !lt•r\'ll'i' h., Wll.l\ ••ntplc.ye•d lUI trurk drlvo·r tnr a Santa Ana fumtturt a tore. Mrl< Onml11 L11pt1.-n, man&«er nf OrklnA' •lt•pnrtm;·nl atoN", hu rl'turnf'tl frum ~t'\'PO WI'Pka' bu.l- n••lls llnd pi••8JIIlrt' tnp which took I h••r In v•ulslnna wh<'r~ Ahe vtllted h•·r """· C"urp t..•nnard Sne<ll.krr. !"ht• nhuo "1"'"\ sonh' time l<>ml' 11uw In rhicoa~rn • I A fl•·r thN'" "•·l'kll IIJWI1t w ith h1A wlft• )II th••1r S e•wport bnulr. \'nnl hnm •· R:t\' HHm•tt hu a~raln r••poor\e•tl (oor •lu\\' nbnnnl hill Ablp . r'r11•r tn hll' r ••I urn hom••. Mr l!:tn. II huol •• I \'•••I (•lr nlnt' I'"'"''"" Ill lh•• !"oototh r•nrtrl .. llJI " -rurr•tt• 1 thuol • lrtl<~ with ltlc A• ah•·••!t n \\' ~t u11 ",. •'hlt·f wurll11t ooff1• •'I 111 lh·· I' ~ !'lll\'Y, h:u t ,,, '' ~l"'nd1n" 11 tfl.•lnv fllrl••u~th I '-'llh hi~ w1r•• u nd !ttln,., r.PolrJr•' 11 nd 11••bho• 111 l111'1r hnrne•, IA:l:l ll:u hur lll1ul•·\'nrtl Mr Murray, w hn l""~'"nllv • ""' lwl•·•l 20 mnnthp( •· r"" ;· lfl I h•· !'toll I h PnrlrtC', r x. r··· ts t n l•·:t•• ~""" r .. r s .. w Ynrk f'Apt p,.,.,,n lit !IA\'111. tormPr II 11 hnr lltJ:"h Ill u-l•·nt hRJO b~n !l\\'111 11••1 th" Atr M•••l1l (n r ml'rl· t••'l u• nrht• v••fl•••nt Jn bonJhPr 0 lofllh:tl 1111""'"111:' fl\ ··r nrrurt•·•l ~:11r•·po· I h• In• nl rn.•n hrn·tng t Rk· , n Jlllf'\ 1n ll'•n.tl nil:\' k~ nn K t,.J, H•·rlm. ~1u nl•·h 111•l S a.ahr ud<~n H,. ~ 1'1t-f'i""tlo'4>~ ..:1\JJlch••ol In thl' F.lt:hlh Air F"r',. tn Jo:n~tlAntJ lUI " l ,lt>~'rRlotr pilot . Mr and ....._ A . &. llai'Uae or Blrdl atreet ..,... ..,, .... a lftOnth with 01.-lr daU~t~tcor. ,.,.., JUMa Mr A IIIJitf'r of Ke111pbJa. 1\>na. Mr. and Mrl. C. C . .etormoat Of Coronado wcore Sunda)' ~ at lhco home of Mra. 8t.onn011t'a •11•· trr. Mrs. NeWe Howard. lJ2 £ 18th 1treel. Mra. Mupl'f't A..IUWOI"t h. 420 Old County road. wu to b.-bM- '-today to a «f''UP ot trlrn<\11 who l'f'Cently formrd a am"ll ncol«hborhnod brtctc-dub. M111 Dlanchr Wllllama ll c:Mirman or thr ~up and Mrs. Betty <1tarl•·. ...creola ry-t l"t'&IUJ"f'r . On1nt Phtlllp11. 110n of Mr. Mar. I• f'hlllipa of 139 Albe-rt plao·r. r•·· r.-ntly i'nmplcole-d tbco rt'<jult"d rourar nf tralnln~r at Vlctorvlllco Army Air l'"lcold and wu cornmla. JOinn•·•l 11 ••·rond lleutrnant In tbf'l t\or Fnr•·•·" Hla brothrr, Tf'f'h ~1-:t P<•nl\1<.1 PtuiiiJW, IJI con~r:a,:•"' 1n tnun1111t dop for the Anny·a famf'd K-9 t'O,.. l Corp &n..J Mn. Oallu Palm~r lrrt ThUI"'Id&y fnr Fnrt. Myrl"'l, f111 nft .. r •~ndtng two "''Him IT•·tttn~r tht•lr mllny r11at• ,.,... frll'n<\11 SKI Jllr k Jflrtlcor. .on nf Mr nnd Ml"'l Wllllllm Hlrt.lf'r, 41 ~ W I 19th l'tr····t. "' nuw ll'rv111« aom ... wh••n • In Italy. arrnrdlnr to word I 1•'<'"1\'l'd by hla pa,...nle A brn- the•r. s .. am&n 1-'11'111 Cl ... Robtrt H lrt lf'r, Ia In tralnlnjt at lhf' Savy lll'hool near ~I Monte. RITEM t"'& D. R. ODE Funeral aervtcN -re held Bat.. urdey aftf'moon at Harold CJI'Iuel <"ha~J for DeWitt Hart Coe wtwl dltd lut T'flursclay moml.ft6 at hll bomr, 324 E JTth .t~f't llr. ('04', 111tbo waa a native of 04Jne_, Ill , wu 77 Yf'AI"'I of ~ceo; had rt• ~ldrd In Callfllmla fQr 110 yean 1111d at CoM I a Ncoaa for IC'\'tll yeal"'l. Rurvl\'111"11 lnrludl> hla wlfco. Mrw Anna Cn<•, twn .ana, Jkrt, San JRrlnto, a.nd J-E.. Jl"ell Rlvn Mtllll , a brolhcor. Emnt T. Cot. Ran Brmarhlnn, and a aliter, Mrw J"ftiiH' K••nnrdy, Evf'l'f'tl. Wn. A I so four «randchlldren and lhref' gnat..grandchlldrf'n . The Rev G Willard 8tun11 of. tlrlated at tbe nerv1cea. lf'Ctal \'(.cal numbe-rs bc-tnr «1vm ~--. Lol11 Purtleman Tnterml'nt -at w ... tmi~Uter Mcomnrtal Park. I'IOl'nt DAilOI'A "0110 FnrmPr South Dakotan• w111 1 hold thr1r llnnual piCnlt n•·xt Sun. •IR)' rtl .S)'<'IIm<>rf' Grmr park. Loft Ang.-ln . 111100 I'U 'SIC' RI:T Th•• &nnual Hur kl'Y<' ptt'nk ~­ """'n '-'111 b<• hcold .!'unolay, Sept. ::. nl Syo·amore QNI\'•· park, Loft An~··l•·s ~F.RilA~KA I'JCNI<' Fnrm•·r r .. aldrnta ut Nebru ka '-'lit huld thl'lr annual plc:nlc: ,... 1 un1•m ''" Saturday, S<'pt. 2. the , vo•nl tllkang pla<'e at 8yt'amore t :r••\ ,. park, Loa AIIJ'elel. H 1 \'rnnntl Lt>Mnirok, ~fl2 \\' 18th st~t·f'l wn..s rtorenllv wreunoltoo1 In "' t 1••n n.-, nrdln~ to wnrct ,.,., •'h'· ,. I In-11111 pllr,.nta, Mr a nt! Mn~ ....... Newport Ill .loohfl 1.• ~ .... k •• r \hi' """''' &•l•lrf'l'l' I o ..... T.. Rr-.1-r. o.ta Tlr• \'•111111! mn,.. who hll,. b,.rn , .................... .. '-.... ,.., ... r----~ ... .._ __ _ .,.,. 'UUOI IUifiiS nalet UlllOjt lltlllltUIJ ACJ ....... , .... OHke , •-tn P.l . l•il#' a. .. ..., M-. ......_Lea~ "-· L , ....... I I ........... , 1111 ·-,. AYA&M&IIT CIIJNAII I .. , ............... .._ ... ..... c.... a.-.... .........., ......... u ....... , ....... u.-.. ... u. ... ........ 't;:.~....._ ...... C.C., 111 l r .. ...... ...... .............. ...__.~c., a ............ '--"--... ......,._, ..... .... _...._,.._. .. D ..... Chi'" ••• ••• .......... ~ ..... , .... ....... '···-· c. ............. sttl 0 c. c ...... ........ A.e.M ... i.r.tt..-41 ........ ., .... Good r.u • .,. Gel l' .. el_laer STRG GRFE GOOD ~ATS ... GOOD DRINKS .... COMRADESHIP Presence of Ladies Welcomed .. Shelves Still Stocked With Exeellent Supply of Pre-War Beverage~ The Place to Spend a Plcasar1l -and- Interesting F.vening.in NEWPORT The STAG RESTAURANT featurcH ... St(·ak DinrH:'r~. Chops, ~avory Fresh FiHh IJinnerH ... Table A(•(:omm•Hiat H11JH and Booth~ for Family Patron~. HOMt: ('OOKINfl 2 1"t Strrf't and ('ma11t RouJrurtJ ... ~ t1 1•t'h •I '" F:nL'land (tlr thr-r~n"t I . . . ... . 0 h I I t l ~:::::::::;,·::::::::::::::::::~::::::·: •i :::::"''""'•lll"ll"""IW'l'•'"'t''•" ''"E·illl"''''''''"'''''"''·l'"''''il'"'i!!lll lll•llnnmm;:;!'!llllllWIIIIIIIIIHIIUIIIImiii!IUI!!IIIIIIHh!ll!l!llll1';1' .• ·: III.II IIIIIIHnlllll \'• ,q 1~ I\ n1,.tnr '""r. n 111 rnA ,. 1 ir ......... -·--.. ···~·············· '" ...... m ...... · '"' .w. • · wuu.:. ····••········· · ··· · •• s•·rnnd • ln~M 111 lh•• SR\'Y A hrn. Ill lh• r II• rh~rt l .•·~n1• k '"with thr i!i Oxfords and Hi-Tops for all ages $1.95 to $4.95 BADON and NON-RATION ............... I "rnoy in ltRly I m S~rt J~n~arlu Culrn. aon nf Mr Hj I nn;l ~"" Olnnlrltt rllflt r'l ()( Whit-nj l l"r '"'' nu••. h11" h,.,.n Rwnrllf'd t he ;:: 1,, lr M•·•l•t l rnr "mrrttnrlnua J.:l~ :1• hi•'' • llo• Ill Ill :<,.I lA I rlll:hl whllfo :0: pnrtlrapAIIfll( In "118131nrd <lr• rll· m t Lomnl 81"\lvltl••ll 1\l(lllnlll lhl· """'lllj m \' " Sgt Cruuol rh. whn Ia ala \Inn. Hi • T •d tn Tlaly '"' wnlat gunnf'r on a !!i ll-24 J.lh,.rnlnr. 111 'ln" r1r 10 ~'hll; Hi drrn In 01~ C'Mtrn (nmtly. m Lurtn•l• !'-/"'"'""· tw•l.year-nld fti daughtf'r or Mn~ P:ttn Norrna n of I m C'nJO\R M••M . I" ""'" 11'1 br rf'f'n\'. m ,..rln~ ~ntt,.rnrtnrlly frflm lnjurl<'ll ~i ~urf•·rNI 111111 Thunt.la\' wh,.n ahe Ill ro•pnt'l<'dly r11n In frnnl nt 11 car 1 jjl olrl\'<•n hy J""'"Ph Mr K••" 'l( Santa lg An11 th" Rrrl•l,..nt \aklnlo! fll&r P' ;;j f•n aPrnnd lllrt••t In thllt r lly The f l"hlld wu takPn tn Community hrf~llal for examination antS •· ra~. Pvt. Richard M. Towle, 10n of Mrs Mable To•·le of 170 Albert Barrows Dept. Store ~;~~·~y~~~J.:~u~~:~~~~ =~~ LAGUIIA IDACII •• I Navy Blue Skirts, $3.98 I . • • • Mod~ ol Fl•• (joWl!:. Notouol. :·~ bocO ond hoot; .,,., 10 to 18 Shirtmaker Blouses Sweaters ., •• 0 lo .3 .• 0 ........ , ••.•• I I , r/flniPnrv " ,.,,. \''lllnJr ms.n Ia 1ta.. , 1 \l'lncod •t Ca mp A nu , C&lll a:; A •fln wu born Aug 18 to Mr I 1816 Newport 81Yd. 11nd Mr• R ichard Lawrenre. JOG ~anta Jla~l atn~~l. The event oe. Coeta .... curred at Barreant Mat#rntty bee-I L .......... -------------------------------------------' pl._' -. .. ~~00 -.................................... ,n;a.,ta••NIW•IWJ~m& ... , -!WWli)IJj,liJ ··-~s-In IIAIIIIIIIIUitiiiSIAIIiMIIIIIUIIIIIIIllltlllllllliMII-11111--Ii ------ ··-- e tSTED! •• $2.58 iTA MESA IIIUM811 .... -1ere • ton • Vultee to and Ack- Co • " numtJrr ol t>lr pr1'11CJNM91 llltM1lon wtU. lutt._t to md • ~"~""' ft t eo. ttl nut r.d that 'urlna whldl and dett..,... nf whleh ue &at., war --. lalla~..., f'l'• of .. ...,. .. , ......... ..,.. oontrtllu.., tJ) UM WV -port ....... ....... ·~ ...... IJiy .......... .,.. ....... "-''~ eoo -. 1l't ot ........ ll1d dell nrad a • ~ .. dft &ft untqt~e ,_. • ol ....... ' bWJt ., u. 1m emaU, fUI I hw lbe Nft'J ,._n.., ._. the 1ut fll .... and ...... ... ,. l'l ·~ \MI laat I ..... ...,........ to .. .... .... ...., ....... .... a ........ ~r -~~~~__:~ ·~ ere age 1 Mesa 75,000 ""'"' rtanntnr f ........ .... 1'"''"'1 with (.' I. Adf'lan Me:. lljtrotll u .... (f .. ,, • HAnta At~a hill ... , ... d •• "' Ul• fWII~ llirljC •• hi• .... ,, •••111 'l:lll.· ,.r the rarvtK• ·rtv I• plant~ II •• Jll'lllurs K llln Ia qutrt.w1 1.rtnaJ Phln-u at <lf'lfl u-i\·fl··· "UNnfY l"'l'fU4'aU\f'd W Nurrte, dalla'h· fiWnf'r, UJKIII '""Y. l.~~e A,... r, h llll., nacu , ..... fl lUIIf Mr. 1 hr ••ummf'r ''l"""'"t lll 1, Jwrrttlllwn' I•••• ,., "' fl•w1J I o 11 1t1l llll~ I •I I• I ••ttl lhf' ljl 1 h ll(hWr&)' ''•t I ''If' l•rt"•• ., , •. •I I"''' IIIU J<' f 1111•1 IIIIa' llu . .t 1 "K ' o•rn J•r• Uf•III U(IVra ., tt1rf'f• t'tJUh \Ill'•• '""' J .... ht ,,,.,.,.,.,. • rn I 'Itt nit 111 l•·v••l ro"rle ltl ,.. ·""'' ""' '1.011 W IU\ a IIIUf.f t• ll 111Ur~ 'I"''' lfurlll~r "' thu Ran 'utrun••r('fl by ltrr rrp~n­ ty llr aJa1 I"" IJ rotfr• m It '"' a «T't'•t hlln.c harbor •ttl ,, ~an I ... ·r .. ' • ,.-1-. ' f!. . Wedding L1 Given by N ~ch Coup Mr. and Mnt • ...,Uwenbo.ta to ~ta ln u w ()e..n l"rot t 11\&r11aJf' c Aa&rdku, Okl&hnl aturaeu, Petty o MaYJ, broOwT nf wu .oM.mnlud 11 ~M.a-ln Oornn• TIM' luncbeon "J a two-Uered w orated wilb pink ead lopped wllh a Navy .,-oom •r T'IM pretty br Ia a ,-oW COII1UO wttll t.auchH ••I ...,... a ro,.._ .. la tM dau« Jln. W A Sm• .._. C'lt y whll,. w.u bftll muln; .....,. bla beadq1 retum4!d from 1! .. u... South f'l\( I'UJUin" of • D-24 «. H .. I.~- 0 . II!. 8turaell t!ltuf"&'"ll and I Wetlllw n>mln o!M a war·tlmt' r f!rt-• bad tuhloned t 1leDd from an cota rteane<1 r ro U. Navy Thf' dwlr hom.-ln Sturvll 1a •tatlo BuelniJUD aad r.celvlf\a IDI ,.,.._ b4dden oouple wer. Mr aDd lin Vlrt Jadl Turley Jr., Blum an..s Roau Aan BturJell. • ........ fueBiaeS Valid Septl ,.. IDorf' bl ... poual.a .ecll ... t.-wid .,.. piG 11111 foodlt I Mr 1, 1M4. the A .. t-.. rallon t TIM llAIII pe -e and ~ ..w •• ,..,.,_~ tbe •• ,_., aampe ...... lbep ftlidMe frt• bh ftnt ...,. fill -.cl LBT Uf YOU MJIJ$ OIW-'' Lad "'• ......... LE T NI:WPoR1'-BALBOA PR.ESS Tbureday, August ~ 1M4 I}~ AI-~·-LJ.,.~~ _..., .............. ~ ... •--:t-:t ........ ,. ... t .. t:~"~t:'D.:I .. D':t:i-..... ri\_.· ... ;a;··~-...... ; ........ ~··;t .............. l:t:t.XD'" ftou ~. ~~. '.~.~: ~;-u*· .... '~!-. .. ~ .. ~ .................. ~ ............ ~ .......................... 1 .............................. ._.?.: .. :;: •• :;: .. ~ .. ~ •• ~ .. ~ ............ !!!... .... .••. .... ;: · Oeori'e · fll!l \Y I . Uti\ •11, 1 ,1,.. t'•·· Jl~to ntll of a "'-h1l I'Mtdl!ncf' a t · I'll j', ''" lo \ ~~·I 11 A ol· ,,, ; •I St ~ Central avenuf! 1 Tie Kennf'lll Hnwartl fam0\', .lnorrh 11""1'' .,, ,, c • ~~ • 1 M r , H 1. ( '" •·n anu .., fonner1J Of 308 32nd IUlfl'r-l. hAll ( ; I , I , • \I 11 '" ,, , 1111., ~p••nt f..~ moved to SJ10 Jrhn:WI 00 1 ' ~·. I r 12~ 111 1 1 1 "' " "' tho• II•••UIIl""lllS k~"l J . £. Whitt-. fr,nnH Y u ·• ' ~ HtJl •treet N"wpo"lrl hna tll'''·.-d •·· ·•1 "' n. 111'11 '1"" ~ i to a I"&Dcll 0 1\e&r Hutl~g!o)n u~a··h ~·I> ',, I • 11'"' "'"" l)~h ·~~: ~~ A. mamqe 11Cf'111t' WliA •••u··<l , .. , .... ' \I ,II '''","!: .. ""' "lar ~~ •~t l ,,111 ll''l• \It ollll iYifR ' • && at Santa Ana to Wa.ller ...,, q11111 • 1" · 1 1.. 1 ·t ntl '•ICO:• tt L t I; I j~ t if! ~~~ '"'"' s '" • t Portland, Ore., and 8f' y •.• II' ' I' I I. oil"'·' ll'l rllol huruo· ~w. Moore, Balboa..,. Jl h .,1., 1•1 ,1 1. \l o"• laok t.t:utltn ~C~ Mr. and Mnt .,.u~t"n" rll" •. • I I'""''" Co•H11 " :. oJ 3!1th atreet, aN' th•• Jlllll'lll ll <rt "ltr• ' ~IC• • 1lt I I • • .. ' • II • .I ll l '" ' : a dau&'hter born IMl 1-II• Y " " I I I 1 j,0 >t< 'J(' Bt. Joeepll tl..,.flltal ,_ 1 • • ' 1 '' '•· 1 ' • ' ~ i MIM Lorraine M oon· of No wport I"" • 1 1 1 ·~· '": 'tl JIJ•In~: "111 ~ICO: WU amonf th,. (\II"AII Ill II r<•· \1 I• '111 ' . :"'• 11 " 1 lll l :,1113 ;I~ ~1 1 f • r 11 , , · 4 , •• nua • ~ ~" llr, c • cent dinner party «1VI'n by ... 111 "·'' • .,, .. EJynort l.al'y of Santa Ana I'' L"·" .: I• '" ''·' l>m lllt'UI&l<' i' ~ Jrfra. Mlnnlf' B.t.kt>r anrl dAua-h-"I \II '' \1 " 1 .. u. j;• tn Br,•nl-~: ter, Kra. ~abf!l Stanlry or Anadl' · .... 1 ~"· , •• '~·1 hi•' .. r Mr Md · alrMt. an both recov~ring follow· ~~r~ II·'' • •I :-•lllul•lf lftC Mf't-attack• of tht nu ~I t oi 1 \1 •" B1ll fi"'' nnob of CapL and Mnt. Alfrf!d May~r. Ill\•' • I I•' · "'"''''' lrt at lt20 221 PMI1 avenue. Ba.lbna biiiJ\d 1 •.,.,1 1 •I•• • ·' hoo h I h••\" nwn. for are OM parenta of a aon bflm Iaiii lh·· 111111111 ' ,.,., 111•· r•·modPIIn,; fturaday at St JOII"ph hollpltal lh• r! • h '' • lh• ro· Mr Hoi • Cart J. Qadebf'r~r. 121 Turquolal' , "" h "• r' ,, lt.or ~r shup In Rlv· aYenue, Ba.l~ t.land. hu rnnvtol ,., K• I·· to Loa A~ lee whi'N' h,. will bl' I \1 o• I ~ 11 \ ll11w~n. JOl!i Coul llll locst.ecl at 3826 8 . Harvard bflulo·. lolj,!ll\• \ •; ,, foo•rt. htt.-bfol'n \'A· J:..:~ ...... jn ot '"IIIII I; I•·• '''" \\ t'f'k~ with an " Mr. and Mnt. Harry (A" Fl'llln~"l nl•l fr:• n I · Mrll C:ur rn!lt'y, at ,,ilo: of lOt Orand Canal. Balboa Ja. I'""'' • ~oo~:<~r lL•Hf MountaJn ~ l&ll4, are lbe pan•nll of a •on 11""'1!•'. ''' h·"' lltlll l•·rrltory 65, ~ ~ born Aqu~t 11 at 81. JNH'flh hna. uul··~ •·111'1. ,,( 1\ll k .. u fto-ld. I ~ pltal. I '\ 1 , t I· 1 1 \ S• )uowolo>r, wh,.,.l ~ MN Robert K,.llf'r an\1 "''"· "tf•· I•' I• • 'II :107 f'olton atrf"f'l. W Ctln.t.pher, of Lido hit ; ~nt ="• ''I'"' t II• "' h r••1·o•nlly made L• Mwral day. r.cently u I:'IJI'~t~ .... ,p~rl" on lh•• rlrl••. on .. nf the " ol KN. Keller'• paN'niJI. Mr 1\nfl hl~h· 'I ... •• ··~ 111 h u• l'nmpany. He .'H5 JrfN. r . 8. Wade of Ltw A n~ttll'll. t• h!.ol ... , • •I ol l hoo t\rnrnl"f'd Re-~ 1(._ Loma Milia, 212 lllth 8 t . pi,. ..... • • T t.ollttnl: • o•nl••r. Fort ·~ left Thurada, tor Portland, ON'g . t< "" • 1\' h o rtn1: t!t•••n Inducted wMN h will ~rd an Alukll. M "' h :!'1 '4 "-Dd llftn\er. She plana tn •po·nll w. I k loortl: ..:u··~t~ o{ Mr and s~. ..._t a month tn the tar nnrth.IM I'?' llnory r11r··y 14M Ocran 1 JCn. W R . Hitchman and 110n, o bnult<' "rll. r n runl\ •Il-l Mar. ll1'l' Jobfty,-4J ~~Neon Bay. are •pend-jlh•· ICtohhtn C ·,,.,n!U'• Of Burblulk.,~. • 1.ftC tJlrM wwlu at Aberd.,n. ~ M r r· ••• n~ I~ .1 ,.,.t .. ran tutu~ . , Dak., wt..re t.II~J Wl'r~ c-allt•d by \\ Ill• I ,,., I h• \JUioorlAltt1 Prf'M. J. t.M ~ ua-of Mnt. H llt'h · hn\lnl' tho• llull~'WIIOd mov1f! • ~ maa'1 motber. I,., IIIII" • "" ht~< "~!foal " j ~ atan Bawyer, tt ~ae-on Day. 11 ~~~~ H,..,. II 1w lv and Mnt~ • up aad a.rou.nd .. aln ao vl~rorouslv C'lal•ll•. II•'''' 121 Rubv avl'nut. alter. atntc:b of bad hl'&llh lhl\l lt.ollwo.o l •l.ol ,J "··r•' o•fl.hQateu u be II doUia a eomplf!le Job of out.. I.L'Il ''"'"''"' k :ot n m~'•·tlnf of the door p&inllnl' wtllch lnc-ludl>a all f', ..:a~"" • luh Th•· Rflf'moon ,... UN paUo tumlture. ,,,., uto•ol '" "" lnto·rc-•llnr pro-J.l Jobn P'rankUn Burk~. Jr. liOn ~o:r "" ltto•luol•nl! thl' rndlna of D ot Mr. and Mnt. J. Frank Burkl' lttiiiiV .. , '"''"I" f\'"""11' n o1 to3 N . Bay P'ront, Ralbnl\ h · ,.,,.,. r· \\' 'l:r \\IAntf of Pled-II! laad. wu commlutoned n. 1\ru-'' ,,,,, """' ,. "'"'''"It at . the g teaant IJI'I upon rradu•tlon f rom ''""''' ••f II<' I "'"' "'"' •IAugli'tl'r.ln-1; ~ U.. U. 8 . Naval RtMrvl' Offlrl'r~ lo ' ~It I M Ill Motrls Nrwlanol ill~ Indoctr1natlon acllool al 1'ur111on, ••f '"'" ~an B••rru~rllon~> avenue ~~~· Ana. LL Burk~. whOIIt' Wlrf' 11n11 '\ "' •I ho 1 1 ,.,.,.ttl g\ll'al at th,., ~ -allo ...tde on Balboa l8huul, H•·•j;;hl " ""'"" "'"" t.llu Marie ,,_~ I PI.IPEITI.ES GENEIUI.L INFORMATION BLOCK D \\'c• han~ ~0 property for sale in this block BWCK 0-32 Hm Fe.:~t--Ocl•an Boulevard Frontage $8,200:00 NOTt:: Balance of the Block has been SOLD BLOCK 0-33 I fiU Ft•E"t-Jt,rontag(~ on Oc~an Boule\·ard, down to Alley corner af Fernleaf (U~REPORTED SAJ .. E) JUST SOLD I 00 ... e .. t--Oc~an Boulc•,·ard frontag~, down to tb .. All~y adjoining th_. abon~ Parcel on the South lUST SOLD (Not Previously Reported) I 00 Feet-Frontake on Oc~an Roule\-·ard, adjoin- ing the above parcel on thf\ South (Not Prev- iously Reported) JUST SOLD . .. . Th-is l<"a\'es 0~1..\' ONt; rc~sidl'ntial sitt.> in this Block f'or Sale ... Ask ~IR. RHODEN at the• TRACT OFFICE to SHO\\' it to YOU ... PRI('ED $3,84;0.00 A ... Bank Terms baa been lJI the Navy tor thi''Jlul :-.; .. ,. l,tn ol .•• r •~·n~: B••Ar h. "daugh-~~ tour IDCifttM. I• 1 oo( th1• l\oli181L~ vl11llor. " WTS 1 -~ BLOCK -A-32 to 16 inclusive ALL SOLD BLOCK 135 \\'•• own No l'nsold J..ots in 1his Block Bowse Rac:·iag -~ ..... ·-m•tcha Rlcn HAMILTON COTTON RANCH COD• Nil• South of San Clemante) TEN EVENTS -• .,ery"'wo weeka thereafter Baclag llal'la al 2 P. M. • BLOCK A-33 ~WTSlto 4 inclu8ive ·-···-· ....... . ~ LOTS 1 to 16 Ia WTS 1 to 10 " BLOCK B-32 inclusive ··-·-··· . . . BLOCK B-33 inclusive ·-······ .. BLOCK C-33 ~ ·~ LOTS I, 2, 5, 6, 9, 12, IS ...... . BLOCK C-33 ALL SOLD ALL SOLif ALL SOLD SOLD I ~ ~P..· ;~ FOl R PARCELS FOR SAl~E ~-l ~c~ : . i1~ :·u• I ~2~ ~,~ ~IC~ WTS S-10 $-1,675.00 WTS 4 - 1 I 4,250.00 InTS 7 -14 3,000.00 WTS 8 -15 . ............ .... 3,000.00 RI..OCK 131 a a ~~ &e•••eats~FreePa .. ~g fR A._..doar ladudlag Tax, $1.10 hmc-..Penonnel, SOc "'e own No l 'nsold Lots in thi~ Dlock BLOCK 132 \\'e own N"o t 'nsolaLits iii this--mocl< .. BLOCK 136 \\'ell own No Unsold Lots in this Block BJA>CK 137 \Ve own No ·unsold Lots in this Block BL()('K 138 \\'c• own No Unsold Lots in this Block BLOCK 234 n·c· own No Unsold Lots in this Block BLOCK 236 \\'•• own No l'nsold l_..ots in this BIQCk RLOf'K 2:-lR \\'p own No {Tnsold Lots in this Block nusiiiC'SS Lots WT LOT RLOf'K A-3.) For Salt• Front in~ on 2 LOT 3 LOT Shore Av. 6 7 ALI, thf' rest of thP l..ots in this Block Pen SOT..D ... with tfw f':\Cf~J,tion of: have -I ~ ----------------------------------------5. f~ w BWCK 133 \\' e own So l 'nsold Lots in WT 23 I..OT 28 this Block LOT 25 WT 29 - NOW OPEN and ready to fill the. full needs of your table with · Meats • Staple Groceries Vegetables •· Fiuits aa well aa Milk, Eggs, Delicatessen Items e Reasonable Prices • HERMAN'S MARKET 1103 CO..t Highway < COaOKA DEL MAR Plaoae Newport 179 Benn•a Schmidt . me.-YMU Warket ManaQer at LaQuna Beac~ ~ I ~ ':t~ • RIAlCK A-36 ALL Bl SI~ESS LOTS ON SHORE A \.ENUE HA \'E LOTS FOR SAl~E ... BEt:~ SOLD ... 0:\' L \" RESIDENTIAL LOTS 26, 28, 30, 32 and S4 ... LOTS 12 and 14 (Rl'SINt:SS OR I~('O~It:) ...• Jt'ST SOLD! •• have IOID8 beaaiUul Bidldlag Illes --both Residential and Bealdeadallacome~-la Trac11026 ASk llr. Rhoden, at Trac:t Office · o..,.the . . Bluffs, to sa-ow Them to You at PriceS and Terias You'll Like ~ PBOPEBTIES, ·INC. ~ Phoae IIAdboa 7211 • rJ 736 loath Rill 511'881 . Los Aag818s, Callfonala. ~ . . .. l ....... ~ ... ~·o.;··~~ ... ~ ... ;a; ... ~ .... ·t~::.CCXC:i:I:I.Xa:IB Ell ~:~::•:+~;ttCCJTW'CC.DXCIX.~~~ ................... ~:t-.r. I ,.._-----~1 II'1IHEP'I for • 1135 Hl9bway 101 J .. t lut ol Tbe Arcbea Ou rpaM WORK BASKET Helen N. o.J~ Stamped Oooda ud • JlfHdJc•·ork Jutroc'HoM Oratle wu"' Parca.-or ........a. n-Mil Ul N. ar-d•'a7 S..ta AM -' ...... LOUCKS . ,,........,__ now to be t nroul.l ••rt'd 'rnclft .,_ -~~~-N'I141j~l .,rytlme OIW' lurna around 'Oil a loeal eti'Nt, are en}oylft« pn.tUc- aJiy tbelr nrat llbcort y In lt montU ... ay NaU .. MU._ ......... Commrnd me to th~ frleod ~ cornea • • • \\'ben 1 am &ad and lone. Capt. Jolul Blaneone. who fonn. J\nd ma.kea ~ aqutab or mT f',., ~ at '1115 B&yaor. hea rt drive, B.aoa lllaDcl. la DOW •"· Tht' auff•rinc of bla own. ~ tn meny ol' --'AM and ac- NJ:WP()R'r •• , ....... THAT'S A.U FOLKS! J wUil w ~ Ill' fra,•nda and n "lll111t'f11 fvr U.. ll.lftd c-d 5 :altar\ tk)• hll\'1' ~h· .. n mr O\'t'r all U... ,_,. 1 a.aw Men kl b1u 1nfU In :-:,.,...,,,.rt n..cla an4 u-u.t .,_, wtD .._ Oaf aun,. rt~nall.lt'ratloa to U.. DeW.,... • It'& Ww ,.W.C tNU\ to .......... but .1 ~line U 1a for tale..._ 0. E. Knotting ham Qh such a friend! Hf la, ln trutll. oordtnc to a NC~t~t lett. recetY- \\'h~tt"'"r bla lot may be, .. '-7 AJ J...,..., ~~~r·a .m.tnc A nunbuw ln the atonn of Ufe; Newport llaJt)or no •nd ... ~In A n anrhor In Ita WL ~ .. the captaln Wf'Ote, .. tMy -cre.w•U 1o eWf"Jthlnc bl'-ckwardll. Drift!..--------::::::---·-----------~ • • • on the ~ton •ell': bot water tape A Balboa l&dy who deeervte a t.u.,; hantJ Ia Mre. Steven Weather- rord of 301 Alvar&do IU'Mt. are on the rtpt. I dam nt'V cookt'd mJMif on. day wbeft I tumed on the bot -ter by mt.. Mra. Weatherford baa mothered talre. Tou could bave atuck a torlr a fine famUy of ehlldren. IIIIa W In me. 1 wu 110 Wl"ll cSone!" Newport Beach Ex-Mayor Celebrates Forty-Fourth Year in U. · S. Navy • -preatdenl of t.M • • • N•wport Be&eb On. of the 'mo.t tDueJlJna' po11t.. ~ .U. ~ to mall~ It 1'0011rllman and on" u maJ!Or, Woman'• Socle-ere to come out of thla war .. tbe cM~~Un~ut.b&W. Oftt' UN welttr of rou>bllllniC hla "'"'" Jut~• wt.-a ty of Chi"LLtlan on• n0111.• dlqlayt'd In aD local bUDJIIerliiC ..... at UN partly. th~l\ 101( 1 r~al ratatr bu81n-. Service; prut-po~~tntflcea ~ In ~)' . oUMr nntaiMCl olr\CiaiS' ~ U. L Nav. Nr>atl lfla r .. r na1•al life and * dent of the Bal-publlr plaou In th.t' HartMir .,_ a1 HCJIII!ltal. aan [)6110. Ollef "'''~ nf Ull" .... n\lo\r blm a ...._ boa etrcle W. s. and Coeta MNII. It cSepldll a ae4-~ BarTY H. W\lllamaon. r r 1n lht· Oren~eo• rounty Bea e-t c . s., a member eyf'd cocker 8J)&nlf'l , hi• h.-4 I"Nt· USN tod&1 pw 111111 fonnllla to>r mo1···nu nl 11n11 wiUI J......,•Ma of the otnd&1 lnl' on a ll&tlor'a blou.. Oil tbe pal :..at ...,.,_; rn•l•· hr .,.,,... t•·lla of hla ..,_ board of OuVt wall behind him hanlta a pd-atar .,...._ "1M wtUl a cooll or • III!U" "'hu n •· flfhtlna on aaay Church b UM aervlce nac. the caption of tbt ~.. lllff··rrnt fr••nla · 81' . ,!. poater betnc: ''Becau. Bomebod:J OM ~ at Whrn hi' ,..... rKellt'd to .-.. a. aerv._ Oft Talked." tiM G ·yt"U-old IC't' In 11141, hi• wife. Mra. JfeDe the f IDa De • It mlpt lntt're.t you tn lmoW ..una of ~ Wllltaii>!Otorl r•'"""".....t at U.. faa. rommlltec and u Communion that It ta an orf&'inal delllltll by a -ta aatfldent lly htuu.•, i03 E C'fntral .,...., stewarlt. 26-year.old New York City a.rtSat, to nftal Ow &ntl <'l'llllnu"• tn ncrupy a ,_t.. I n nddillon, Idle dt'vot• at lea8t Wf'lll"y Ht'yman, who wu rt'jeet;' .,..._ of tJai1 n"'"' 1'1••·•• In U&lboll bua&DMe two day:. weekly to Red ~ I'd for military •rv1ce and ~ .-liL Tile f ir.,,,,. BWE.L&Y e IITAftONDY wr~rk, kt>•'J>3 hPr home llnmacu-thla manner of aJdlq tbe war ef-tanner llayor lo I "• h"lflll Mr. Wnthr rford tn fort. Alrt'ady · 700,000 bave been ot Mew p 0 r t Nu ..... t.\\'u W ........ Watch 6 Jewelry Rt palriu&r Q,..llnc CareS.~ For All Oecul()ftjl •·•I"•A'•'"' a spll.'ndld garden or prtntt'd by tbe war department Be.eb ~ l "r \\'1lluonuoon ther~ are no nll' O•·W• rs :on<l fnodatllfta, and and cllatJ1buted to every ~-Dl poundl .and f'OIII .w•r worry problf'mL "Juat I dur Ln,c-thl! summer month.a cana munlty In Amertea by more ~an ~ a wholly-flah '""' "'"" ~rolf," w ill be hla Watdl• and ll:ngegcment 1 .11UJIJ' ,1 j11r of r.utt and veptablee !00.000 Boy Scout.a. ..uatW mar1-dnl«n ror llvln~. JIIUI . loaftiiC Rln&'• on our l!laay rnr wintl.'r • • • t a 1 ~on 11round Ralboa Ysrbt C"'ub w!Mre B~t Plan With all this 1\ctlvlty you m•_..t .. _ JO t -·'1 l r1 t• ... .... I'll probably bt' drawn over _ aprt'adlntt ,.., .,n Yll ,..., n.r • o " w "" ( SJNCI 1932 l Balboa Balboa Island 17117 Newport Blvd. Ph. l&SIIR I • XflN'I h•'r t o bf' a young woman quartered for lhentlonlnt: It u. K. Wlu.JAII!tON bla feal\li'H. d nema aa.llboat Ioven. HumpllreJ COSTA MUA ... nnd ahe 111 young-but only but City Jud&'e o. A. Jonea Jut IJotrart and Rlrhard Arll"n. ---in 11pirlt end outlook. Lut Bun-Saturday momlnc had a fonnal U y..,. • -J(aYJ luJI'rl'eml"nlf'd by U ,...,.. of l 1111y !!hi.' and hr r huaba.nd c•l•-complaint nled aplnat him by ·anenna clrie duU.. to ot~ee acaamulalf'd -yama, be ranlJ l bratl'd their 59th weddlnc annl-Chief R. R. Hoda'kiMon and orn-aca1n don the NaYJ unlf~ eoa.. out MeOncS beet. '•·Miary cer Harry Lace of tbe loeal pollee uniform be tau worn fOf' U )'Oft Machine \\·ork r·,.,. h•'ard lots of nice thlnp departm•nt. The complaint had to -Willi~ wttl tie 111 e~rce of a.covauNo rao11 W017Jif'IMI aMut the Weatherforda but do with allowlnl' hla q to Iotter the comm'-'oned otneen mM1 r.t. RDMrt Qrable, .., o1 Mr. · BOAT iuc:PADINO tlnn't know or a flnf'r trlbut.e U..t on tht' atrt'i't or 110me aucb beln-at U.C bulldlfttr DOW Deter COla• ... lire. ac-Orallle ot 1M _________________________ ...... , G muld be paid thrm U\an that I'OUI crtme. atroc:Uon. At .,-t MIa yt of ~J Ia ~J lll1lllaow1aC ---------------------Virg 8 arage \'IIH't•d by Mre. E . o. Goodell Wbo Acrordtnc to the _w~-knowll major-domo of .......... ,. ~1--u.r~ reeowry ,_ ~ ,.. O.tral ..._. 1166-W wns nn•·,• ovl.'rtward to u y. that "unlmpeachabf' .. thOnty," ~ Tumlr • bark ttt.-¥~• • ~ dllrtftl u.. eartJ -.,. o1 ~l r and Mrs Weatherford •·are a emi.Mnt bwllty-browed Jviat 1'&4 ~ .. 1a Jl'ra8ce, ........ CORONA DEL MAR CAFE· Fe~;~~~erf,. A0$51'5 1&11 c ••• , ., .... ANE FOODS· • COCKTAil$_ i EDDIE MOORE makes Better Ice Cream . TBY ITt· Moor1's Confectionery 2100 OOIAN FRONT Pbooe 73 _________ , __ ._.. _...__ DDrHEU B&NQUI:T8 l><i'nedlcllon to all wbo lmDW cone 110 far U to pbone J~ && ... -,to a ---~ ._ M a them .. Dodce to cet blm to try ~ -to . • _ .... t-t .. pr, Ida ,..,.. ~ . ...._ OrMie ...... • • • ~ore be c:bUOed te otz:d ••• f.!nt.. · • ..., .Joar'M7 btlnc aa 111 ac:SJaa ~ * ..,_ ........._ .._ Tho> Byron J ohn110na, wllo an Hod&'• and Han7 ~ • Ill p.. "6\atll-montlla rrulee to Mexico and lq alnlck ~ a rr.-rre ,._ knnwn to many COat& MH&NI u outalde ~ JaO ... Qa. ...... tbe Hawaltan Ialande He wu I'll'-an IS mm. ......... th•· !!l'ln.ln.law and daupter or that the whole ...._ wu a frame vat.ed to U\<' rank of taoeplt.al ap. Jutl)!P and Mre. D. J . Dod«•. havt up. prentiCf' dunn~t thla endllf', IIU. PHIU.Irtl DIPif.OYDa Ill"'" thrlr hom., In Honolulu for 1 Ambltlcxu to gatn a b.il'tll'r rat- IIH• pa.sl threP yrare. Their l'ldHt YOUNG OOUPLII IIIAJUIII2) mg. Mr W1lllem110n bum•d a • lui• I. "Snnny," who Ia now 10 AT OOIIONA DEL IIAI& .:reat dt'al or ·nudntcht oU .tudy- \'••ars l)ld. 111 ~rorttdly becomlnJ · at 1ng on a cn!"n'llf'Ondenee course. , I•'•· u 1 h··ss expert. In fact, the Baltz'a Chapel by the S.a The effort r.-pald him handiiOmt· b Corona del Mar Jut wrrk 1 he "' ho•r tlay hE' had 11 hot c eu eea. wu the acen• choeen for a qult't ty and at th•• al{f' of 1 wu s1on with " Navy commander and promot~ to hr>llpltal .t-ard. I.e' ke-d the. atrlpca orr of him ... ce~mony ·which united In m.ar. pqulvalent to tht pi"!PMftt 1'1ltlnJ \\'hl••h is on<' lldvantace of belnc rtage Mlu Lola May SmArt and of chief pharm acist mate. --" 8o • ........... Richard LH 8t•1r~ll. both of I" .:•Villnn. liao " nny' """"n a lloliC:alllt •-..ap• NIIIIMa 1 bl'>l!n'• mate or 110rnethlnl' elM ID N~rt ae.cb. The marrtar;e old ........_ ~::H ,. blur. you ran bet your boola vow• wPre n!ad by tht Rt'v. 11:. D. It wu abollrd u.e -·n .. lM- Thr many f rtenlt. of llfrw. Joaa Mtllllpt~. of Banntna. wlfa ot UIIO COI\Cl"'•man for t.hla daatrld. weft pli"Ut'd to ~elve word lr'Om thl" ron..,....men durtnc hW 1PY~t hr rr lut wMk. of her rapid and almot~t rompM-te r~vtry rrom • abarp period of Ulneaa. UBMif8 RINCH ud rTAUAN 1 1 h•· rommllndr r would have won Goodell &t c:tlrt•t Church by the tine. Ranpr, on a ,._ ... 1 ln-"~ta•uc . . . ~L lht young Pf'Ople bt'lllf: at. world crulee. U\at the YGW'C ~ • • • tended by the brldrln'(IOm'a JMU'-pltal ateward •rved under •.dedi a--.1 ............ ..... \\'hill.' s nwplng arouad In the enta: Mr. and Mre. H L . Sturgtll, otflcu who I• now Admiral C1Ma. 11!1 .. -~ UUJ ......... .. Hll lustrial JWCtiOI'l of Newport Har-alao of Nfwport. IPr C-NlltiJU. commancler-l;n-Rolla • Brlocbo • Br .. datlcka hnr IM l Saturday 1 wdcieftly Mr. Sturg•ll Is rurnnlly on t hll.'f of the Pactftc rleeL "H~ I••Un•l nl\'sdr fare t.o face wtth lea \·e from lh~ N•''Y· wu en rnalr;n-&nd a •mart 01111• GBD HDO •·Ur lat~sl nautical CUeat. the Wllli&mM)n re('alla. 705 Cout HI way, Cor-del Mar hill:" I,ST tnvaalon barce which ltJDOI: MA&IU4 \'IMITO& The portly eeafart'r'• t&* of --- ., , .111\· \\'l!.llt~\\·ed Its way throul'h PlraaNt ROjourner with old the n r,.t art' J41rton. And If tie (For.etly at L A. A•a....dor 13 tw\'lf'S ;.r l~>sl!f'r rrafl and uiUmate-rrten<ll a bout S t•wport and Bal-!Ohould bt' to~ to acnpe U.. ,_,.; et Atlutle Ctty'• neCarl•· l tv a.rri\'rd at the Soutll Cout boa tu t wrek · wu Appellate niU'ntlve b&rrel-whlch Ia unlike-toe, • Uatoa Ch•b, CltYelud, 0 .) j ,::11 t.1 whrre It Ia to undergo re-J udge t . J . Ma rks of Fullf rton. ly hr can "u=-t to hla '1llde- j,:ur" _ who attflnMd a Cbamber ot Com. ttut;· a cabtn neat, !an Juan Cap. r--------==---------1··~ ro h:lttl.'rt'd, ruaty old ablp : mfrcf tunrhron with Lt'w Wal-ll'll ntnn a nd replrntah hla anecdot.a1 "" •lnnii!<IAkllbly tired one ... lacf'. and made thl.' dt'claratton .ouppllu from a lor: h• hu faJth-Mack's PhotOS 1 ,. n•t hPhf'\'f' mf' brother, It hu a that h r 111 get tin~ n>ady u 1100n fully kept. 1 11:ht to be tirl'd .. It hu J!Wt 8.8 he rt'tii'PII If> l)(oromf' a bona Thla rl"treat Ia flllt d with lll«mo- ll .. turn~'d nrtrr nearly two yean fld,. all.yt•r ro•llidfnt of Balboa r11"-. I!OUVenlra, and wa eurloe. ~··rn•··· in t he P actne combat llland. "Mf"'l M11rk11 hrartlly ln. Amon~t hi• eollf'Ctlnn Ia a akull 1""" dnrsea thla lntPnllon," thr jua-fllrkNI up In tht' Phlllrplnea and "''''"I •IIIIJ.: to what lnfonnaUon lice lli'CIIU'ed " hill lntc-ntlon wu to t'&rv~ tt Into J', .. h·· .. n Ablf' to auemble trom :on Mh trey. Thl11 rlan haa been q t1.1~1 uffl••inl ~nurru. the lnvulon poet ponrd ln~fonll.l!ly by Mr. •hlp h:>!l lnntll'd troope on vartoua EA1tL W. BTANLEY Wl1llam110n whn now df-clara be !';t111t h Par.lflr ·hearhea on 110 oe-Realt.M Ia "going t o r•piRr t It with a • ol'-1"11'. tlA!! bl.'i'n bombed and I Japane~ one." I otl I'• ...... fl. and played an ex. Notary Pub I c From the early llqUDnt·rtner • rt'l'mlfl~·-lmpnrtmrt rote In Ute l'IR!lll ~~ da¥a... W.illlam110n hu run t.be P · "'" r .. !l~ful rampatgn at Sal pan. m Marine Balboa bland mut or ahlpe from at..troyerw to II M•·mb~>rll of hPr crew, who are tran11porta tn battlrai!IJIII. He baa rlrrltd the rlobl" twlr,. He feel& th" Navy Ia part or him, hu 1\PPJ'W', lntn hill bl••><l llre&m. ................... • PORTRAITS Baby f'hntocrepaa Al110 EnllrJtrmenta and I>Jioto.tatlr CopS. • H,.n ·a Where You Oet Your ()OA8T OVAAD aniT &JJ oDIEr t,..,.- IDENTJnCATJON P_H 0 T 0 8 .•• OLOSZD ON IIONDATB I r----_____,1 a.-urHt •• tm Mr Wllllam~~nn rnl~nd Uti' :'~laval Ruerve In Je22 and rt'Ur- td to ci,·ll lite at St 'll'port Bfoach. Ev"n he~. aa any r,.altll"nt. of U\at tlay will t ... ttry, h~ tnund amplt' outll't for hla unlimited actJYI- tlee. He •rved tv.•o ttrma u ctty w~ Tall,. Th,.m an4 Dellv"r 'J'hrm to Tou In tO Mtnutea • A 1110 I napect BALTZ MORTUARY } LADY ATTENDANT -7-t.pi.M.. 1/.:Z DAY AND NIGHT I ............ ....... c ......... .. . , MACK'S GIFT SHOP ow Gift ........ ,_..., L1 Una ............... .... ... , ....... C I ,....., .... . VIVID AJrD aono DI.PL.&W' ., lUll..,.. IH&LL HOV5LTII5S NEWPORT SIIVDIR All GIFT • 2102 0.... Ft.M. .... ,.,. leech PHON& 21U-W ·one lton oe • Wlllio. ~1 .... Ye•f w. Wrap GlfN ATTH£ BALLROOM BALBOA "SWEETHEARTS .. OF RHYTHM" Friday-Saturday · Sunday August 25-26-27 ANSELL HILL Frilay-Saturday -·sunday Sept. 1-2-3 COMINGf HARRY JAMES Saturday Nite, Sept. 9 . . • ¢" ......... .. c4 ..... ,.. •• """·~.-.. AT T ~IE R IE N D It Z V D U Sl ... IITED! -•• $2.50 STA MESA Here • :1on • xp1re l Vultft to 'and Ack- Co. t • I1UJ1lbloor ol wr pl'rwJnnei odurUon wtth ....... toMd ... rllnnt ... eo. «lmatt'Ct that ~rtn• wtUtP t and oWiv.,., ., whleh are •• •• war-. .. .. _ _., lf'l;lt ot ... ...,. ............... .,.. oontrtiN ... t ....... war ,,,.,... ....... tii.IMI, Ae!...,_ •"Y .......... & ,_. _.....,_ aaety MO....._ wt ol , ...... ~ dchwel'ld a ., ~-tift an""~,_. • ol ....... • bud! .., lM .._ -u, fMI .. for lM N.., pa-n.-r ._. '• lh• 1-.t ., ll•d UMI dlllt9· ...... ,. fll today ... plaAl tapw• -~""to .. ........... 'IN!t4 ~ ....... .. ~ ....... -... ltladi'Mf7 wm 11e ..w to l, ~-.. ~ .treage a Mesa 75,000 ln .. ,... ll&llnln• , (' 11\a ....... ,,, .. rt,.•l w1lll c· , 1. Arlrlan Me · "''""" 11 ........ 11, • "•nla Ana I hla .,"' paid ... "' 011! ...... ~ lvllllt •• hi• a.l· • h. l'"ld II:ZA,· .. r "'• ,..,.,.,..,. n t y 110 plant.t f II Ill pul&J,.. K~etrt. Ia quot..,l ~nal l't\1,_ 1 el r.nl! Ume ••lu t lWnty btqu .. alh.-d to Nom•. d&ua1a· own.,., upu11 ,..,.V, 1-Am- to h"v" ,...0 ...... nu n ... ,.. '"" ~nJtnrn•r JthUIIllng h i .,, l"'nn ""'""' ,.,.,. .. , "' ....... als 3rbor I 11t1HI "'"' lfill,f• •f full l tw 101' t hll(llwuy tJ .,,,, 1 fu• ,.r,.,.. Ur t• •1, • ••ttl ,nu lJ• • I lu 11t ""If· 'tJit1111 If til I t>fn• ' ···~·r""ft.•·uttt.ltvr• h• n.,,.. r-ou n- '""1:•' ltnol I"• I f•• '~tu t •uu"' a • ,,. ,., .. n,. lll 't' '''"'"' , ....... ltt #• ,.,. .r,.. nut l'ool>l rn•·rce by "''~'' r,.p,_n-lrly 11 .. al.., 1111"" t•rtJifr.a~ II'' f••r a~' ''hUn.: harbor 11rth nr l'lan -· ,. r ,. ... ..... -Wedding L Given by f\ Beach Cou1 - llr. and Mr-. ......... baetal> .ad .-.u In Weal ac.&n n-t NCI!ilt marrlace Aaarclko. Oklah· -....... u. I"Mty • ... .,. bnJtlwr 0 ... eolellanl•d Ulle..._ 1D Oorot ,... IUDc:btGn 'Y a two-Uend .... ted wtt.b pln.l .ad topped wtt .. N&yY ....-I ,... pnlty b ~ a ..,W coW wttaa touebee eM ....., a ron ..... t.be d&U lin. W A S. ~city wbD .......... 11\&11 ..... '"' bee4 ~'~~turned from ~tile Soulb p .-.n' ot . B- •. fk •• t.br • 0 . £. 8turaeG eturce II IUIIL! w.u-n-m'* awar•U_c_. Md fubklned ......, t.-.-., --(tnMd I U. Na..y 'ft tlletr ~e I lnUJ'p,U Ill Ida .... In ... ... ~IYtll· ,.._ .... couple ~ ... .,. ' Jadl TVWY ; ...... aad!IIG Aan 8l ........ • MaU. .,... .... '-poklta • ,... ... lD po« • ·roo W I. IM4. ............. :u~ .....,.... .......... ---. ~ ..... tint.., tt6 Jl -· I .... • Pap tO a ·&SSIFIED JmLP w .urJ'S[)-PraeUeal nurae -..., • ....., 011 two. 1101 B. Olatnl 4,..., llaiM&. Mp -., - ~-BALBOA PRJ:88 _ __ Jtaunday, .A.up8t J6, 1M' lftO&'I'IONS ~~ _I YUBNli'VIlE roa a.t.UD .,..,.. ro11 ~ _ UAL IBrAft c._ ... , DAL ~ 1.._ Wt) ~NO allel pa~· 12 CUBIC n><>T. doullle ... roa I4U -tH OOt m&JiopDJ Lo 1 N ----------------------p ..umat-. J~ .,.. f'll'O:lr1C rdr1~erator to "-'PIIA CAit wHh Jol\n.IOn ...... ve y ew Home BALBOA BUNGALOWS =A J awtoe. u. N~ for amalJer ~ .. or 11ectrtc ,._ .._.. outboard motor (J...t.,-lot aad ...wf, I t11f1 7 L~--...bold ~-•- IIIY4. ~ ....._ PboDe lMIW fnr t rator. P.U..S. 'l'a.... ~edl &nd trailer. See baM deQ, dlnJ.na' room, U¥f.nc ,__: ~ ~UP.'-CO • CMQM 411 Mar. _, at -..,. yac},t Buln. Jlp flreplace, paUo, double --Md riNDT L0'1' DKAL IN 'ftlJC JLUUIOR DJ.WI'IUCf op 1••ooo ,.-...,..-4....., LoU IAft &a l"'l'.t uau IP!XJIAL Nai'ICE8 Jo'OR s.u--o. 1:. v~ roa a.ua -se-n. ~...owmaa, · -· laJDe4 ,... . • ----------Swe!"pU 1215. Sl2 A..nacM, ~ cru,.a.r erown: 1t puMIICW; 4'M'RAC"nVII I tJIIIraaes .._. rw C>-pW.a latOI'III&Ucm .... : tn:LP S m u s ERVIce. topptnc. boa. -. t-t.-~ty. OoocS c~a.uter s.aoo ... ~-:lf.allanl.,.....,. Ear 1 W. Stan I e y ai<M Lr1rnmlnf and wrecJdn.. '-at. Haw b&Ullnc charter par. ~· 8tuJe1, oon.r ODut ---110L11 40111N'1' W~ wtalte woman lll2 Jl:&lt Cent.r, A.,n.&Jialm. Ph FOR SAIJ,-AU metal ...,........ U... 4 NIJalll! Klnl"a l.oandlJw .,_, ucS llarpertt., a..& ... Dl KariM 4..._ PboDa l'nt ...._ 1.a.M fW e!ee•'•· -clay a -k. An&helm H22. S'fp tor. •;,a • aot.b St., NMif'PCift .... Teat Brokerqe. 11.8t ud Mar.~ lite. _, Jlo ,.._ Hlirport Ill. tee WEft.l rdARPDQD Bead!. llf ....._ ~"'-~ 1~3t. Dtt ======;::::;;;~~--------------- W4Mftl>-lbll 01' womu lor I..A!:J\~~ ~ _.. .,.az, IL Uphot.uted armc:!Wr _. ett.. -~·-SOME GOOD BUYS R. C. PARKER CLOSING ESTATE; ,...... liiiDW ·work. B&lbo& Jn.n. Jam:. Jl. OaJlaa ...... JON .... man. UO. U 1 Ftmleel, 0... ---.rdC'' aalt boat. 1a f..t _ IIOt H i"'OIT &'VD I A T E _ ... .._ ... .u .., ...... """" .. -. ... .. ................ , • _ ¥ .. ,. ., N-.. ,___. ............ _ ... .,.:;;:. _ · 1 x x E o8 WOIIAH do wtll do peraonal day, or ~nt loaa.J .... .,._ el Ave., Balboa JllmMI. .. ua.r ·~ -,. Mil .... p 0 SSE S I 0 N! .......... trontac for tamLiy of Paperhanging ,. .. --~ SlJ Q)r&J Aft:• ':; 110 ll do IMt; Ill ~ ... ~ • • ~ ..aan.&. nntNJSIDID ~ a.,IJ tD Mra. W.O.L.. -and-• POR SALJ:-Stove. H&p left.._. taDce Oft H.-port Bmt. e4. ....... Md a..... '!We'...... LAAOID D.ACH BOKII can war-. Jlp Painting ovrn •~· Call Batllnta7 or._. 1a-rocrr F~llow• and -...rart PTI. Lot~--1 fov.I'OOal. 1 ~ 11.-r Oceu rroot N..,. Newport Bar· J<EN!'lt.'TH QUARRY day, t21 Femleat, Oo.,_. ... ~ut. t .cyllnder Uni...-1 IlL boue ftCUit.. Qua il" ....... bor Y&dat Club W~ for dJ'1I*. Phone: U 7l Mar or phoM 1036-J, ... lJ ILp . motor. JSOO, lta A.a. ~~r aen Ill or...-ucS lata PQ•J•I~~& O.'t filii t. lit P RIC 1C D ft I 0 R ,., ...._ ._. aparteace prefer-• Jlllt dar-. -, WID Aw . Colla MML 11p _._ ua ~~Mow JOU tlda......... • ...._ at.MdJ -pao)"'IMDt. rtta-===~----=---------: =:.:.=!act~~,.. roa s.u.z Fishing Equipment 10LU. x.FOOT tt:=:_ ~ : -:, :: $87l50 .... := :_ ':.!: Nelle L . Williamson . Me roR" sALi=--B .f'l•.t crumpet. ~-roP. 8A.LJC-Br1a-• atrau-0 ,.;;=or:a= 8la '-11. ft.rM bedrociiM. UN JIIOIIIM 1a o.ta ar-., IMp WU.JJUUON It wn.r ,.,.,. moet new. 108 V. Cent.Nl A,,.,, all' eoolecl. motor, 1 ~ or 1 ILp. C L zAN --lot lOOUJa. .Vert ..._.,. ..aa..t-101 a Ollltral Baaoa OlftL WANTED -WIUl pbOto-Balboa . betwt~n 2 and t P· Ill. Oft -.eJ bue, Ideal for ,_.. A Bro.ctwa7 lot at 11100. eel at&-n»0a1 a.-, two ..._., Pbone Newport m ,...,.ae ~-Dep«nda.We. Mp tor or b&lt tank book·llp. Ia per. FOR QUICK SALE '-tJa. doull&e pnp. AD ldMI o1 Jlo .... •-t .,.-Uon. lladl'a ted conc!1Uon. MO. Kat Bltcb. $175(} D. C. KadL&HZia ~ aad flWt ~· c:illld-PIIoto aop. lOt )(alA. ~ THOROUGHBRED cocker .,.,uel codl. Ut Lido 8oud. Newport 1101 Newport Blvd., o.ta J1t.-ea -.uti mt. 'nllll ...._ •,._ Ia P'Oft &AU •tt puppl ... for l&lr. f'rankte Mceub-IIMdL none wr. ...,0 • . tuml.tiiM4. Fruit and Vegetable ----------bln. 220 Jla.-nolla St., oa.ta HE.NDII:It80N In Pro rt 71 w41ft'm _ aou-~~ .. ,.,. '"' Meaa. Pbcme 21s. ,., roa ~Two .-'Of'CI ,...._. Plllo11ot 2711 or a.-a come pe y Juice Business ..-.y d two adult&. ataJ tiL FANCY HALE Pf'..ACH£8 trom cJW,._ c:uatom bWlt wttJl aD Mtt near t.owu f'95C) ... ~tn!. :!:, DWII:I..L IN U4A Jlle laadr'7· Mu.t llaw tlrat our ranch In Yucaipa Valley. bronR tltunp and ...._.. '-II 01\088 OVJ:Il lup lot. fiWt ._ .._ .. R&A80N~~ PRICS e1u1 Nf• •ce~ ucS be upert. dJ 232 -u ua. buea. 100 each. Kat RJtdll.. -SAUl $4000 ---Harry Bur ck, ... ..,w . rvn a year ~ QUICK ---.- ..-. Apply liU.W. Ilk: Coet. Meaa. f'b N.B. JOt.w:-coclc, 118 Lido 8oucS. N..-port 16-Foot Sail Boat ._ ... .,..,. Be&cb. Phone liT. ..ITc Home and tour amall rental Uldtll -Reuon tor aell1q: .....,_ ... w~petmt peraon to FrREPLACE ANn KINDLING H.w Jm · · 000D lii4IN $8000 Z.,.. ...... I and wtte, due tor trulllt• . ..., wtua can 011 tntuL U.bt wooos ~ wrt~tht'• Lumber Yachting Supplies · $1l50 $15,000 · • · ......._ ..._, tlll Oout H~. Newport 11J aertL No~-Uve ln. Yard. 1784 N"~'J)Ort Blvd., ec.. FOR -B.u...&---OM compleC. 8f't Ol B. H . QCYDD ta,.. left1 caner lot, cla.e Ia. ----------- A. J . ....._ IIGIIC u . or oa1l at ta Meaa. Ph. Newport eaa.J. InumatJonal oo4e aAp&l a..,-Don camp Newport B Fr Lo tiM..._ tNia. aD~ oldGw-Possession ~ AJOieea aftftue, Bals.o. ,!:; "-* taxu.m .• wttll a.... x ..... ..._ a.u zv..unp • to • ,. aa. ay orit t ....... ~ ,...._ FOR S ALE 1'wo wardrobt UM4. Make ottw. X.t ....... lip JN J:L BAYO TllAC'I' at Close Of escrow' I $71U\1\ 4tA~IIU\ BQw & ...._. • • WAJft"'I:D-ICirp. cook and ~ener-ciOMtJI and ahf'lvc:e. SUitable eoek, llt Udo 8oud. ,._,,... ""'-' ~ • • 1 .tor7 ...... 1-BJCDIUI. HOUR __ ......._, al ll ....... day. a WMIL tor ho~ ur ·~Ort'. Doon . ICI'Mil "ludL I'IIODe ..,, -..T• roa a.u.a Ulna ~ ta,.. conar lot. CINll ,..,.. ~..,.-=:: =~.=: ~ ~~; =o;7~::;.! P~ DOUBU: am _, .a • ..,... L I F E -R A F T S 2-Bedroom Home wtua complete ,._.... atattoa. Approldmac.l7 ~-.u.. ..... ... ~ .-. .-__ ~ Ideal tor ~ l'bC. ,.,._ pwa,._ 0D ~ 4 Hall block tro1n N-~ J ,...._. ~ 1100 par mo. 1D lltla St., Colla M-. 1'da-., ... ,__-----. Uu ,.._ ON BALBOA -..&.MD ll&rsabL 4ct quick -r-• ..._ 0111 JllrL ....._ H. B. tk plaoDe l.l'n·M. .. 1tJ; ........ ..W. _, ... p. ~ 8 (~) I EVA =DDf JI-JTc .. ooa ....,.. ...,. • .._. ~. $ IU\I\ wm 11Q7 .. .-:. --------.., ... ... ... -· .. Balboa Marit)e $75()0 """ • • ol .... oa A~ Call: =-=-.~ -:':.":.;-;! · Sardware Co. DCMJ:DtA.n: OCCUPAMOI' :!' au-t. o.ta M ..... AD utw-~ aant.a ... wa.':., N 0 T H I N G. B U T $_MONEY $ POft .1 , Welden and 5 Helpen 1 2 Burnen and 2 Helpel'l! ._ 3~~~~-·1· WE ALSO NEED ON Y)) .... 3 --Carpen1i 6 Welden -I .pera 3 Burners -3 lpers 28:~ ... Warello•a Clerk (Pnlenllly wta ~ &xperieDOtl Welders · Bumers HELP~ ALL KINDS ~,..-ran4N4YY .-.MawORX Apply Jlllllla¥ment Office Week Da~i M. to. P . M. Hodgson·Grltne-H~deman SH1!]~1LD~T~S wNO~H (aftlla.._ ~~ulnd) FOR DUENSE WORKERS fendtin of the ho~ froat. n., come iD 1 ..-1 2 pA.ee 1-3 off DRESSES WWte Waffle-w•" Pique ... Eyelet Embroidery Dreuee .. ...., off the ori,U..l price. • 1 , . • ' ... ~~ t.a~ ~ ,.,...... '1 ~'·· ... --. ...,... t u •."'t •• 'i4'ine Beaell Home --oua aPilCULTY -;;._ • .~. --;,...._ . ~ _ ON BAY,.,., S 5C50 •• :!!. ': •.:: Canning Fruita --~L.i~· " 81111 .... ~ ~-....; ..... ··-..., ... t& .... O..tl7 Get y p "'- 1 . ;,;.···....:~--~ ... ~_.:;~~ ... .,.......,_.-.. ..amg ~ · ..... . w~. ~ • .,. a. AD ....._ our e&euat ..._.. • .... -F~ -..~:... tcJ'noe a..l~o.-two aou. .-_. -N 0 W ! --...._ -•. • • u~-.-"'-' ~ 4 1W7 .....tiL 'Z'.....-~ .aYJIIUL TO ~JIIGM •· A OOCO MJT ••cruv • • ltJIIraa. ...., ~ ;========= .... two. ~foot. ~ ..._ $22 500 • ..,.. Jot • .._...,. ac. Dutton's JCKWleDt....,. · · • ' .ao ....... -•· Fruit ~-r·ket llADI~recS tD ..,.. ~ Ready for J1llldllc Now .lDA t.ataeUon. 411 wor1c ,_...a-4 King's Landing M •a· ~-~-~Jot. &!d..,._.. 111• N.wport Blvd, Ooet.a. :ar.. Prompt aervtc..-N.B.C. ~ --------llemce, liJI'At N.wport BIM. .., J VE • WANTED ~---.~ Y ht Brokerft mO RIGHT IN ... .._....._ -ac Gge .... ~nn lh'••·•c. ,... · lla ud ftllbM Pbone l iM F~=~ ~ ~ • • • lalt Vaeuat CASH BUYERS . 1'08 &liNT 11t1 M-. two ........, ..,..... =· .!!:t 1~ acna =oaaJDer. W. RAVJC ILUfY BAJt.Q.UNa ROOK J'OR RIINT ttr tM ClaJ. S.aoG. 0 . N. W11D1. _....,.. llbleoo. real f'lnpiM!e. • • · .....We ol ....._. ttl o.-......_c.-Ml U.U, .. ABWA.NTED wtth F . a. a-u. 1110 JC ... =-:!.:'-:::,_,.old r. a ftU-.&. · Mar. leU port Blvd , Caeta ...._ S.C: tuOI ~ lrJ Quit. 1110 Newport ...... 0Je1a .,_ FOR R&NT Mude.ns Utree .. tory WANTED! IllKEDIATII: PC.a I DOll Ia --Co ..a-t .. _ _, Bay Front home; t beclroomlo. l.J8'~ or PIU>PDIIU IN Newport Bet4. 'l'wo -..rr r 4t~N\ft N .. frUM ltiiiJ. roDa uw .DUM' 8 t '4 b&tN; ava.tJable 'tor rw~t '"' OOROMA .-, III4R Dm'I'IUCT bouae, pa.rtJ,y ~ ...,... ~""" • • 11111t .-ate t'lal8-Food Market Getw Beptvnber, MOO: October, 1100. ,._ W. H. llallanl. wood noon . .uaat tift ,.,. eel ~ tor lat.rlor piMter or ae. Jobn E. sacllelr. sen Main N..,art 8udl tTI-W old. Tw<»-ar ,.,.... 61 t11at -.t. roo1L o.apooa q ; .....,. Comm111lity Notice St., Balboa. 11c: front.ace. ·Lawn aD4 ~ Ia; .._ftoor da!lra; ...........,.. · LIS. tin""' Wanted Nice rNidentlal e.trtct. o.. ~ • pco;owty. Lot 10&111 AttrecUq att.-aUGD at tM oer. FOR RENT-Baclaelor apt. for 1 . e-f'rltowa, 110t N...,..t BIM. teet. AD aew ebJft. aer of. H.uotrape aYWDue aad or 2 emp. mu lA ...tined borne. I baYe eMil wren foe property Coela Meea. .. , Oout JfiCilwaJ 1.a Oonaa ... Wau rtront. boat moortnr If c1e-itn tM Hewport Hartlor .,._ Mar ~ w..tr wen tiM .-. ltn d; Unana ancS care ot apl .... Oollta M.. 'P'OR UUI R. c. Parker, Realtor opeMd 1M&&. ,.,.,.,.ry aD4 ;;;;t tnc. wut penDAAmt ,......,... O:O,!:fe Fellows Income ~· uot ~ -.YD. a~~~a c~tYU~oM ~ .,..... •• ..,._ Ill wee~! tor I er 110 w.U tiN )f Blvd. 0oet.a )(.. ONE and OHm-4 ~A ~ at. al~le. UUUU. pel 1 bUL trqm FRUIT ~. ~ LONO 1JUCB PaOPAIIW-Operated 'Y S....... I ' IM Udo ~tre. 1801 ,aley Ave.. I 4111 Look1~ For HOUSID. Jl'lld:II'LA.C& -. U 1"' owa Pil t Ia I.-. tor 11 year~ -. JB&rtlet =·r,.- NewJK>rt. . Jtp MORE LISTINGS IN R.J:AR, UIN'I'IID. · a.dt hat 'J'fiUr ....:.. t.l ..U In ~ 8Mda. ud ,__., W a.__---· --·--• .... wo. .J.Jd ·-·•-a -•·· "-" u Mac:OibJtle'a ......,., n.~,a_ COtta Kaea Hom• ancS A~ F. 11:. a .. __, R (' ,._;:;:;~.-~ tbe market ln lt. ~ ,._ ---------~--· --4 apeclaltr 1780 Newport BIYcl., o.ta .... ...; . • ._._, --ua--' and ~ ....... WANTJDD TO BUT-8 ·" At _ "'tw1.ort -..s.. Ooeta MML ..., ....--m ... rau 011. Cell: UNCOWPLETIID DUPUIIr aM lltt met a bapp7 recepUolt tl'alll 0.- 8.0..8. Radio abop. 210 Kanne. J1U. .VA F . RHODI!N 'quarter acn at o.ta at-. _ ona del Mar ctU..., -..o llaft Balllo& laland Pbone 710. 2•tt ()ft'lee: a1500. Phone lfn or eaD illl PO@f'i: ... SION CLOSE of IDJerocrtr. ~ beta forced tD p dletuoM WANTED TO BUT -Good ll(ht 'Pho~ a.t.a Ana Evee: 5318-W Santa Ana aft.,. OJaU ....._ Nfce moclant ~-~-,....,_, '0!' tbdr table n.W.. or do~ row boat. 1108 r..ut ~traJ ~2t 8. ~&7 Sant.a ADa Uti l-ev ..,....... WMil room. atra out. pendiq the time wlla WV Ave . Balboa. 2tp room over ..,...., Iota ol IDOd-etrtn('encl• wtll permJt tiM ...._ atc+l. -•-(1'01' IWel 6 1-t acrN on boul...,.. f-room era ~ ..-,. O&rcle. 1'\all ln&' and openS~ ot m&nJ p1aanec1 WA~--TO-BUT-~-y Ml'lt -· ~@•_._ --baa.; e&tthll ..... ~ ,..._ ··-11100 .... Corona atorw ol tVIoaa adadL homr or ba y front n a nt lot 0 . H . W.... ......., .&n. r . a -en. IUiodea .,.., a. 4. lll~W. - IOn the maJnland.l Reply t~ TWO HOU81C8 on '4 acre, nlee R-'1 eftk:it, J!roJ ~ JIG OOAST OUAIID ~ B.W.S .. Nnrport Pr-otfl(e lawn, ~n. (&~'den. Bo~ ln Blv4., c.o.ta liiiW'• lie~---.·~-_._. ..... .,.N • On Use 4a7 ~ ·-.. 28 1 I"Mr ..-at. Poaaa&lon at c:1oee ._..._.. ....... ~ _ _ ~-=-=-----------.:.p of NCI'OW'. J'ull prlu 1'000. 0 . IJ" TOO AU ,..,.....,_, • ....._ IIWooo located Oft Qol4. birthday, "Bucl" 4ttrl4p WM WANTED TO BUT-Boy't 20.1n. ~-Wella. .-Ieaman with P'. &. Inland or r '\IC~!fal ~ eD IIJU. J'\IDertGD. Wr1ta 4. W. ~ ln~ ~ ~-~~ btl'~lr. Good condition. Kent RuueD, lTIO Newport ~cl., ett.Mr )'I r"-l,..,..... atlf 1 1$ ...., ~ Ooeta M-., or pllone nee ee on .._ --- Hltchcock. 118 U do Soud. N"'. Coeta ~beL 110 W'ftk ;.>o•u l J amtta. -a N.wport 1J3T.W . lie: day lett lor tralntnc at ~7D. port Bucll. Pb. N B. 2t7 c:oUect Tt11 ~t. UplaAd, c.Mt. Ito N. T. He Ia a 8011 of Kr. ud Kn. H .fTc: HOtm ON OORN'Jilft LOT --11100 DOWN C. C. Attridp. 112 IDut lD ·• ... ----------ReiiW lor 1110 "'-Ul ~ \CRE Oft Avocado~t. Balaftoe 1100 per I'DOfttll. Income JtrMt. Wanted ... Waitress! .-T ~ Hubf'rt ~ owaer, . 1 1100 per monua. Mon Ia tomo~ Mn. 8btrte7 &Mpberd, u.. aew A~~ .-~ 1l' L a &ad ... ia. In co-4t1f50 per MO Nt>wport Rlvd., Qoeta Pit. raw. N1ce l\arn1elaecl Ocean P'ront Oout Ouardeman'a &Yter, WM au. • • lt7t . lie dupla. lloatella 8unclaJ at a lleadt put7 \\ "hite ,..~.. ~ roll II80t' 11M -nu. UnUNal BuJIII and wiener tout w1a1o1a jobaUJ d "'uuee Shop ('l'wtna l . Newport Harbor KeJII at. honored Uae blrthcSaJ ana~ ....... 7 IN 8AI.M)A n . C... M.C.~~TI: 1 A_ Deftnl8on'a. IUT Co..t Bl•d lett of "Bud" and 1118 JJUM .. 18 Newport 111'9d., uoau. ,. • .;;_, ~ N~ Beac:1l Oerrtala ucS Ule tor.ra c~epar. ---------..:_ _.. AttraotiVt ~unit oowt lie ture. l\"&lftS lQ aDft' Ooe&D VIew .•. OoocS ~ -~ rr. 1'RAD..I:It. fiM ._.uoe tlteo. P'. E. R~ ltiO New. l*t BtYd., Coeta .... 24o Prlot: $19,000 .. Terms Balboa Island 4ttrac:tlft <Jenp B.-.. ~~· DOISDIATS POUKJUON $6750 _:_:_T~rm.s Balboa Ialand INCOIO 110 I'D KOiftB 1-APAATMIIHT ROUD (~) $8400 .. Terms H8WI*OilT ll4ft80il AlmA .. OPPOIIi'ONJi'l' Sheetmetal Workers , Machiniata J\.nd Other Trades • United Concrete Pipe Steel Ship Building Corporation Division )100 W. 1'1'11. LONO DA.Cll .. ....... TD-., O...te .... .. ,. I I. for 36 yean the best advertiaing ia the__ne_wport harbor .district NEWPORT BALBOAJ .. the newspaper that goes home IEEP POSTED! THE SAND CRAB . , Buy Bonds to End War Quicker MES(~ 1 Year • • • • $2.50 ...... ~...,..... .. N-a·n-, N-.wt ..... SAM EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA. WEST NEWPORT,. SEA SHORE ~~~ ... LIDO ISLE, NEWPORT HEIGHTS. BALBqA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR, COST A MESA -------- VOLUIR XXXVI NEWII'O .. T aEACH, CALIF'O .. NIA, TWU..aGA\. A UGUST %4. 1M4 ......... NUMa&-. .. Jack Miller Now With Jack Sadleir --\ N t .lllr k Mlll~r. rurmf'r ' rwp<ll huslnf'~ ml\11 wh" h&Jf tw-~n In l'!&nta A ns rr,r I!II!'V~ral ye.ra. .. w 'k In the harbor dllltriet and tf of Jlli-..aJ lue v.r.o, .......... el Mr. and M,. A. \\'. C'A,_, Ill \\'. hllll )<1lnt••l thf' rf'lllty et & · <Jelltn.l. a.ao.. 81wJ 1a 11. MlM ('aruton 11M iopfotlt tile I..C fCMir aum· Rultor Jack Radl~lr &t Balbo&. ...,.. Ia a.lllo&. a'-Ia .....,...1, 1_. of .......... _,ll•c .... Mtllu ~li~vn lh~ opportWIItlu lo, ....... ae ...... W ........ ..._.", ... OI~J~ta IIIIIIN k '-" fnor- lh" ha~ dl1trict are jual •tart-ltll. '"IAIItr A.p ... ...,. A..,.. ... -n-Walta t.w ~o o.e-· .,.. m~t. ~Ially In lh~ re.l Ht.ale ~ ~,_u, '•""" '-~ a~ Hefy FaMily w"-1 I• ltn• ........,........,.._. ........... ~._...,la~~dntp. 1Many War Plants Here · Curtailing Production ds U.S.Contracts£xpire· Pl'ytuns Rl'dUl'e Forcra; Consolidated Vultee to t'loM<• ibt Corona dl'l Mar IJrant"h and Acll· erman t.'o. Sells to Superior 011 Co. ftOurt Refuses to 'Banning Acreage Oust TenantR from Near Costa Mesa Sold for $175,000 San Diego Officials Tour. Newport Harbor ,II>. I .;.- -L ~· p I NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES. Newnort Bellctt. ~ifomi~J Thursday:lu~24. 194.4 NKWPORT-.ALaOA NEWS-TIMES gtUf l lf'ith Ernie Pyle a,',,,,. frout \Letters To The News-Times ~r------------... I'IIO!QEB: NEWPOIIT _n_a_••------h A Sk TO A LADY NORDIC all for the aeatbetlc. with oae •d • -f (~ o l l '1 Lt .. ar F.dltor However. I wouldn t be ylpyap-~ ~'ftlinM)' AnenUM ''ol~ame XXX\"1 ... )0111 L ·-··~ l"faJ·c cross ~ y . --reservation; Coal fort . before atyle . 8u-=rtpUoa .._yable l.n Advance:-J2 ~ per yur lo Oran~e Cuunt) · r hllve a alight re&dlol' acqU&1nt-Plnl at the lady"a h Ia bad all I U.16 per year to 4th IIOne; p ,oo per year to 8th mne, c kT "B J f I •otJgh'' tinl r with a llly·whlte lady Nordic not nicked a chip off~y ahoulde; .t·a~ t·oop.~ •·ea " 11 ' h hall h lth b ll"nterad u &econd..Clus mallf'r at tht• p , atoftlrf' In Sewporl ~ach, ,. \ ;"'I ~ .! ollt oeep c I w O went to w er aupercllloua and deroga-~ Calttol'1lia, Wlde.r th• Al't of March 3. 18711 1 II"" all With her ROlle in the air tory deacrlptlon of the white mill· .. A. ~~~.EYER ElllTOR A.SD l'ttt:.<;JOI-:;"'T ,.,·,,,,·() Joins lnfautr.)' and Finds Mm ....... cqulred a ca. of w ur ir&pc!a, t&ry man. hla JapaneH Am~rlcan Prtllttq Ptant. lOll W. <:entral AVI'nu ... ;o.;,."JJ<•Il ll••a.r•._l'l•l t •IIIII< """" sht' lound the pat>ulallon tool wtfe and their cute I ttl~ half- -'/' / (;('/lf'/'(,J Jlt•(l/ t('(lt/t•r ,,,,, rful. and wllh no c~or line u cute. h&lf-bMed hybrid. IDo 11 "mrrrp Cbri~s" tuitf) !lour tlbotograpb Ttl THAT MAN 0\'ERSEAS Official Paper of the City of Newport Beach Of'S fllll , 11 •'" "'' t'fflclently enrorce It back I hear aome anorta? Wtll. any· A D .. I 141illle LOC.I lnatltut19n For Over 34 Yun II' lllol llhove terrltury on lbe main-~ay. many " hybrid lrull ur ' P I l or" I Obvloualy tht' alabt of now .. r hu taken a ptize. A.lao I Hy Ernie · }' e llll'•·tl • uticlt' Wll4! an affront to lnbrt't'dlng devitalizes while cro118• Paris m:n~llORIAL " '"'"'''~I IV TiO<' !'"'"' .u ... ·k. "'"" W< br~ke out ''" oldw•t• m<otol ~ ....... , ............... ·~····· ••• ,,. IV' SSOCI AflON ( ll,. Noorm:.ufh lt••iwhlu o~d, IH·••<.~n Ill tlw bnghl tight of It• I t .. nuoWI mtu•tlon warned h~r. ber.) ) 1944 . "' ~ 1111.1 1 .y. 11111 •• 1 tt11 to ·rn h11111 pf a IJil'-ik and myst.•rioua '1 \"'uld be baoJ medlclnt' to admit That aample ot race aulmlllttlon · ~ I _ ";>-,_. .1 1 1 1 k s ''"' INland g-roup to statehood wltb was le~eal and biologically fl'a• ""''~ ...--cl.owll H!' ,111.11 "' ,oft• ~uppt "l'U l•l ":lr 111 J(Jio . • II lh t I ' 'I.IIC' 'lll'l( k h,·od bC't•n d• l:•.V<'<J fr111n day 111 day because of '1 14 co or. lblt> and qutt.e l'Oni!Onant with the • , l!llt when abe auggest.e that anlhropoh)A'I<'al laboratory work, --==:....-.....,--------~--.....-----------po••l II)' In~ wt>alhN, nnd on the fini.ll dd~ Wt• ha dn't known "' hrlng glovn In lhc lroplca la going on ln Hawli. In Cuba, in • f11r s u·n · t111 .,(tcr 5rc•akf.l"t wl~t-tlwr It W.J!> vn or off again. '" njlueu. ahe'a u., ln the at.ra~ Br&&ll o.-wn.-reve1' twc1 "'Dr m6rt>, lh .. l II 1 1 h .. ri' G1ve h er apace, boy1! I'm races make legal and w.clal cnn- Ttae "maN'h to the east" h as long h('C'n loC)ked upon hy l hf' Gennans as nece11sary to the filflllment o f lht> "do~lln~·" nl tlw Wh~n thr •oord '""'"~ "·" Thry •rrr to homh enly • ... I Ill \h .. v•llullt b.tiiJifolfl .1.111' "I f•r tldt' uf lh~t read. ~Ct. , ,,, rrylnot•nt w•·or r.•ll••ol •n 11""· Our l.ldollff Infantry lla• ..._ N E w s Would you clalm that Dear ''"'" ,.1,111111111otf 11 .. ,,. fnr ., llhul 1 •· pullrd ""~'~' a J••w .. ...,... Adolph'• Supt>r Nordic-a have a vorw oof ll1r 11·•111.. •ard• thl• ,ldt' of lh~ rea•. &... f h nwnupoly on braina. Ingenuity and Fa t.herland. h. f 1, l•l.on .,, 11n,. In lh· arra ha.. .......__ 0 t e J·'kultur"? Sclt>n<·e has •lemon· Now the G«-nnan11 an> maN" en~ Pns t •;,~1 rom ,.11" • • • -t , ~ "' h "' r "'1> ~th•·n lhr .,1,., tr•t ord•ra le lie I rated t hat the blllOd or a color<'d 11te fall of that city cannot fail tn J-:1\'t~ Fl'l'nl'hrn~ll lllolh I 11,,..,1 , , ", • In le•hulr•, fur hlch 1,.,..1 be•t.-C H U R C H E S man •s ld~ntlcally lht> same 11.11lhat in FJ'1lnCJe and throughout the-world. :l St"'nM' nr jo~ 11111'·• r:oJ . I( I Ul lll'd •k· I• h I ,.,, 'an, and doo '1'1!'" n..uaar.tr. of a wblte man. Given almlhlr t-t-.A ln T I 1• 1 1 ""' lr·•llllilll ·"'' m•kr ml·tac,.,, contlllluna of educati•m. culturl' III:'IIC'U their modem h istory. 0 n D Of lC'I" na lllll I,., . ., I " • , a ,,.,,.,,..: • ''" tly . ~t:Vt::NTH DAY \D\'£NTII!IT8 an11 lralnln~t you'll find that there capital dty mean m ore thAn Pnris drlf"o Ill Franr·o• A• ha... l!lho•l(• uno! "'''" WI' ....... '1111 In 'nuulry JO lent ('orof'tr Walnut ... c•u.rdl l!lta. isn't. a gnat deal of oJifttrtncl' ......_ __ .... ,_ F rach 1rr ,. loo•l"'" '11"1 "'111 II•··~· 1' "' 11' taU then C..&a ,_.... ~tween white 11kln an,l ola rk 1.1kln ~· ..... PariA 13 ranee. I I ~.llopiY l<u ' ,, o, ~~~ SJolll either b!ll s I b t... ....... I • I rda f I I" er "'"• Ill """ · • " 1 a n ."""'oa • i& U Y mom· Thert: art' four colureoJ propll' to For mor'f' than four long }!€':Irs that Llc•nuli u md l·npo J<o n•r• lh,. (;, ru .oro ur bull•lllll: '' ' ,. hl'r~ you could 101(. 9 30 o dock. I one Caucuan on thla planet In has been the tomb of memorif'S1 o f 8 Franl't' I ha l W;t!' IIOt1~ guy ....... ,olw.oll or 11"1 Q III ·IIHh.• .. • c1 ' ... ,. ul the bomb-I'N'IlChln& s.ervir-, 1 la. m. a rapidly llhrlnking v.·orld tt·~ go- ----,..._J 14 JnAn h N . • "ntn th ~ l'il \ '"""' i\nvlfH'I •ng .,. "C' u ttl lu Ill Sicily aDd loor to ~ good poll ·' __ .. ...... a~. \,IU ~ ' '""· t e aziS S\\'iliTTl('(l I I . t.rnlr I') If' ltbly s •• 1111<" "''''I' "IU 81 cood aa Ot:R LADY OF MOUNT c·-...... L .. . cy anu i•ouu ... rn••u•"'•,.:• HJ,hl·d I"UW"'ia. bu••ne-aa and u lt h ld ... _ _...._ _ _. a ..... _. ..._Ina fi--..1 'n t•~ ... _("""'"" T h" ... ,,,llf'h tf!Tlll"" a~toUlrr Ulift'h ,.,.,, 111ent r'lhl up and C~DY,..,.H ' 1 ou ever ""'· WIUR"n --~ ... '""" I ..,. ..... n...... . 'L r • I 'I .. " tlllo•lt Wllh ~lll'lltil· lltdo•n ••• ... .... _ "'o00 Christian ethl~-t t .• I r h t.t Th •"' •m th• boot.to. t, .. ..., 1421 "· OelltraJ, N~rt ae.c11 ., ...., o ex enu I -too......__ __ ,, _ _... to repeat lh€' mirdC: (' II t (' , .. amt·. I' I ., "''' ,., ~~~~~ .. uark 10 follu\Oo I 8 It rrt•ndly han ... ac rn· -cl I II I _,...,. ~aunu~ ~ llavuoe bt'l'n •'•IUIIht tOO eloae to :o;um oy ma~~~~ea at • I 11 L m. ~ " ~e '" " nea French~~ ~·Uck>l'('(! ann confu.~'CJ. Unlikf' lht• n,;t. "" '' r. ,, .. od or $QOI.tllf•d In • "" "' lhlllj;• t>doort'. ' comprom!Md .. well .. naUooal boundarlu . .._ .... , • .._, ....... not t..-ve a """urchlll to rall.v tht•m with ma~:w " '" • 1'111" 81'11" "" h ••d lie· and picked .. l.orrtlyard about 100 fiT. JOHN VIAN"ii:Y CRUaCH W. CARL SPF.:NCER -• w~z uau ua v ii J .1 1 ~11 •1 .11 kit' •l•••lr raro ulo •u)e 11 ......... _Ave., •-•--._, __ .. eo.•-M h ( Th ' I .... f I ·... yarda iJack "' lllc klckolf Une. .. ... or-----.. .... I oral,_, and bold ... -na----Of t ~ U('. ('lr eflu('J"S ill (~I I • 1 "I frl'lldl ldtl11)y v.hoo flood c:;11n•Jay m••• at 8 •30 and 10 IL m ._1 \1111:' "'"' 1,11 , 1,,,, ., • ..-..,, •11,111,wftll 111 the And befurr lht' next two boura · ' -· • · P. S.: Race-hating wh1te11. aeeklng .......__ In .... _ hour of national trnvail. WOI'St' still. Sf!OII' of e I " • h d d I Ill h I t th I h bl h ld u-n UR:' 1,.,,, ,.,ul 11,111 brt'n kllockf'll down a pant' \lo o·u av~ 1 Vftl every II'ULL OOSPEL CIIUJICH l a curt' or e r p o a, 11 ou thaD had~ brtrayed them to th€' Nazis. ''"'llllol; •nd thruulh lhl' or: fllmny, t'Very di'>O re, ~vuy hoper.. ·~-... Eldea, e-ta .. l'Onllull a librarian or ))o(Jk lltOrt' I It -talclPn four ~ .. or lnteru;e military pn•paration ,,,. lht•l' .. ..,t abt'U crater• and ('Vt'r had to holl l' llftn juat anoUMr S~nday IChool. 9:45: mo~ing I f•rr copies of Carey McWilliams' I J~-l•n b,• kuucked otf and trunk• 800 yard• lurtiH•r back. "'.or;hip, 11; Evan~llatlc aervice, Brotbera Undl'r the Skin. U.S. -wtthout and lncessant sabot"17E' from wlfhin ltl hrln~ 30 Mid aclal ltf , All d' A ri ~n ·~ 1 1,, J, ,If, 1a Som• enlisted m•n 7 p. m.; -w~ prayer rnret· r mmor H , AD • me -the hour of Uberatlon for Paris. FreE'dom for thf' mtire na-1 ,1,. ou~:ht bt'fore In Ule attic Our rrontllno . wt'rt marked by me on Wedn~y. 7:45 p. m.: can Counterpoint. 129 lntenoatlng tlcln aumot br far dlltant. ,1 '"' 11 .. u..-.:ot tht' ahock ol lhtlf lona strlpo oor 1 .,J .. red rloth laid on )OUn~t ~ple'!l evancellstk .ervtce photo• or the ma.oy racial g-roupa l 00 h "". ""' ,, ll,r lhm flnor rollopae4 lht' cr .. und. a1-lo 1"th colored emolle nn Fri y, 7 :45 p. m. compoalng our U.S.A. m~ltlng pot; At tbla ~In l!HO tM ouUqok for Fran<.-e set>m 0{1('-,. 1 11,1 1 1, 11 ,1 "'" Into lh• co"'••hed to 1111dr 11ur aornol'n d11rln1 the ma11 ---• I Ulllan Smlth'e novel, Strange 1111. Hitler~ on the 0\a.nneJ C'Oii.c;t to Strik£' tht> 1,.1.,,. bombma lhal pm:edrd our breail· nUT FOURAQUAJIE CB1IKH FruJt l~naored In Boeton and blow ...... f:rwland that would complete-Germany's do mi-n 1 , ·., ........ d 111m• rabblla allll out front th• Go·rmnn ""I that he.ld (Cit!:!.C~I!I!'.! :..,) Savannah? How silly! 1 Embrre'a -1 .., ""'1,.,,.,11 ,.,.,,llld th• farmyard. us to tht' Norno~udy b~achht'ad. l&e<r. O .• ~'UlaN 8._,.., Pa.W, 13 Agalnat the Oddl. ··profile" Dallcm of nrope. ~air blitz ap1nst London W8S aJ~dy II• ,111 Nlll> loov all aruund 10 tht' Din benobt'r. hll 11 jUit rirtu. Mae l!lteanaa. Co-.... tor blographlea Of lOme 01 Aml'rica·s Wider way. Hit..lft-'S jubilant troops awaited only the WOrd 1, ol • We> •1<1tod Ill Ill <' barnyard ol a Plloae 1178·1 gnatellt contemporary Negroes: to "all ·-•---•-...t••. That word never aune although • • • Frtnrh ll<r m llt•oJ w:otrhed them bar· Friday, 7:30 p. m. worship serv• Hoi Ottley·11 Nrw Worhl A-C'om· ...--..,.,._.... I r~l nl'arly &lr:• ~hi duwn out ot th• li<.'C.'. Rev. )fae Stearns In cha~. lng, NegTo1 Harlem. For a final ~ ol t.bocMandl of his men succeeded In rt>achlng Eng-1 ~~~ '~llnu·n&at t'eleet't •t<~ort In 1ky Tht>y "'"Ht l>oombmr about ball Surwtay school. 9:30 a. m. doM mall tl'n ct>nta to Publll' Af· lane' -' ~ o1 ~r 1'' , .. 111~'1 ••1 lht' unlr•n and """111 a m1l" 3ht'ad uf v.ho·re we etood. :'tfoming wors~lp. 11 a. m . IPf'C" fairt1 CommlltH>, Inc· .. 30 Rnckt'· M priiOt . ••" r thf' '"''"' in df'ull B~ll.•looon Th,., r • .no••'" ,:roups dlvln.c from l:tl mul!lc, palltor I s.ennon. fl'lll'r PhlZa, Nrw York 20. N Y .. • .,., m,ondc•o• uook down niii<'S In t'Very dlfi'CIInn. rwrlcc:tly timed, Ont' EPISCOPAL for Parephlrl No. 1!5. The Hal·ta of Drama • th Ad ~-J It 11' thtuk" rt~ht ahf'r ~·nuu t•r E\f'rywh•re 70u Alankintl . If thr ~trat~ht matter m e \.AI umn 1 1"' ''"1"""1 o.lld. ··£rnl~ l'ylt> Is loH>kt'd U'l>aoalt' 11roooops of planes SUMMER SERVICES du .. lln"t wln you· uver the cartoon!! To -....--... .J -....L..m '"''-ory, , .... _ cl---lfl ...... ""lumn.'" o r "'ill\ II •. , .. ~ ... , ... , for thll tlll;:ock IHre on lhe .. '" drill n, for on th~ [bell Clubhou.e. Newport •••ctl may l'IDiftl'k }'fill in thl' t:ye GnLol auuaaw"' ,.__,. lwn '"" IW'I>."> , .. ,.. '.., " ... uJ "''" bt• "''lh Oot<' of the b.ol· .-ny bo ck up, .. r •l.onlull: Oller for • Sundays: June If< throu~tf ~P· for adoluct•ntH and adultlt ~are u IJnportant ln composlng the pit1urc of an ' 1" '' ""1 11 bl' stt'lllK nun d1vr, or r1rrlon.:. wcllnj:, elrdlnl tembu 10. 1944· 'I ,. ..n,. ,., ~ J-·~rd 111 me ~1od c.oo a m Holy C'ommtJnlon ..... ...._ .. .__ dat-or the oratorical profundities or nnlitl-'""' ~ IIIC'f our n.•a<J~ ";lillll(l fur their " . . CA.~ADIAN ar:MAilK8 .,.~.._ ~ a~ ~~~ ol• o1 ·•1••1 I h•ll t'mbarTgued. turn II :00 a. m. -!otomlng Prayer .._ _ _... , __ .. _._, tM ( t · AJU:, CALLED UNTIM!:LY -.... ~ 80 •v-uy over roD pa.ges. Ttwa M:a!. Gea. lla) m.-4 0. The 111r "'~s luU ol ahurp and ell-. I and Sermon. I F'lut Sundays. Holy • Wlltlre .... but In (M da8lltled "~lp wanted" roJwnns r.ar&••· t"earUI tllvl•l•• cem-lonct eound• of cr•ckma bombs 11141 CommunJoa.' Lemon Heights. Coli( aL-rtllng bet h dltl mantlt'r. arrlvt'd. Thr o·fllettt'l tl)e hl'uvy nps of the plann' rna-Confirmation or a class by lhe Augu.'\t 20, 19>14. ma ODe~ UK' Ita contrast ween t e con 008 1 rallrd. "Aitf'lltlen!.. anti t'V• ctune IIUIIJ und lhr spill \Inc ecreama Rl Rev. W, Berl rnnd S leven!!, l)(oar Edi{or : fA labor today and lts status 10 yl'ars ago. say. cturin~ tht.• I C'f) betiJ ., .... rllld Willi lhl' or do VI fiji wonas It \II;)J aU· fast and D.LJ .. Bi.~hop or UIS Ang('lt'S. Pl'rmll ml' Ill .... y I hill IIW lo•l· dfph!wlon! Then, thE' pagl'S were h eavily burf'kon('{f wil h l·•·nrral I*'" thrm, ··t·IA,"r) on " lun ,,., IJul ) r1 <J •Ill l'l.. IS in a The Rev Robert )1. Hcogarth. lf'r p~rhl io;twcl In your·I,.,.UI'Ylf Au· ..s-. ( _...._ di I I 1 t I t 1 An r11li•trd man ran lo lhr no''" .11 shuw 111 ~;1 o1 11 you could M. A., St Paul'l 1n the 0cllt'rt.II::IISI 171 h. wnll•·n I•)' I he· th.•· All overseas ma.iling must be sent by Oct. 15 foe Cbrisunas RICH BRONZE PORT ll A ITS * [ SIZE 6 x I INCHU * PROOFS SHOWN NO APPOI.NTWENT NECESSA.Jl'l' "NOll& "Mullcol Porfroltl'" 11ew time It ) •ru p. "'· -SIIIICiay~llue N~orlc. feoft~rlll8 HoH•o• ••d Oorret1o11. AUSTIN STUDIOS BRING TIllS AD OOS~i N. l_lala St. PhoDe 1463 Saata ADa DAILY HOtrR8: 8 L m . to 8 p.m., Sat. 10 a . m. to 8 p. m. Sunday!l by ApfJOintrMnt R-:.!4-N.T .---or Wuw..-. sprea n~: ro umn upun ('() \10\ll t l(' rag (' a I' nu··· ""' .. and «•I a tuldlfll Uo<liiii:UI'h tlu 0•,11~ ""'. and words. Palm SJOrin):!l . .All Wekome' I ~>:nJnllo~l l:ttly ju,.l r.-tum N1 (I IIIII of want and worry. Now. th<' rolumns <'ar1·y thC' ha ppit•r "'"' .. •l,..t lor tbr C.o·1wr:al to · o·nj(l} mg llw hn,pitalil) nf lour 111•1· eulumn: anrl lh••rr• ,,.. 11 IIIII•• ~l··~i·' Tu our Du"'"''"' Ht•pn.·S('ntaJivi'S llory ~good job8 everywhere. with hh::h sala!"it~ and Ill'\\' I ~~~ ""· "" 'a' ll~trnh•l lnl•·nll~ Aoool 1111" n '"'"' • '""d aradoally FIRST CHURCH OF CI'IRIST,. 1""'"' '"''~o:hlour I~ lll·llm•·tl 111111 m ,·,,n k1d frnrn .·:onl:l i\na \\hn ro ad~ nntl '"}HI m••mlwr!. "'' give our •hllr tl,.. • vh>n~l •ound liP hi• do o•• o•tl 11 1 ..... ,, .. ,1, IOUtltl ·• SCIENTIST • Vl'r\ hncl lll,.h' 1 o•\,·r,v "'•r•f. ho• ~,k, '"'''"'· rn:11l f01r I hank' a nd llflllll'f'i,·otinll for Jh-"1· lnoef"'tiW!8 COill'votlJltr f or tht' work('r 's nll.ention. I ' " '' ur~p ' " ,., 1~ "' 1 '"'''"' ''""' 1 :11"1 ull '''" o. f'·'' 11.; with n•l n<A<'I Lido The~ter, Central Ave"ue 1 At I ho• rnnnwnl "'•· ·"'!'Ill Ill ""' ,. tlw :-.;,'"11011 f"'l""r \o\"r h;l\'r•n'l o•fitol'l' nnd coura~o;l' 'hown in mak-Wherl> elSe but In the clas.-.ifil'd C'Oiumns l'an nnt• find :t l hrn ""' c:rnrral •lr pPf"cl 11 ,, •' 11 1 "I .• , . .; ,, : r l.ora"ay surge and VIa Lido ttiO man) llt'fiUhlit':m ... II"• man~ .... ,.,.".''" nnv :Lnrl ct. ..... mml for 1111: Ou~ o•lrclion coml• to a sue- better picture of the housln~ ~hortng(" prt'vailing in most o( llu , """, "' ttt,· o·orc-lt• llo· ..... otJ 1 I ll " u t.... • 1 II v.u Ult' ,, branch 11f Tbe Mother Church. O.·moc:ral:-1111ol1ou few .1\m• n!':m• .,,.,,r '"I' m•;nlhs. hut "h••n 11 ,.:1'1~ c.•,.,.rul cnndusion c:antornia · I I · 111 ·' ~lootu h 011 une f•••l "1111 lhr h• ·•• •' ·n .. ' ' •'' • I tom Jor•rlly 7hr Firat (;bun'h or Christ, SCI· \\'•· ;.hoult1 cnnflnl' our l'ffnrt• '" h••1·t· "t• "111 hm I' n lot lo n•:.td. ILAJI GIDBS, today! A few years R~O every l'Ommumty lRC JtS I ••lh••t. Jr~: tur ·uut Jokr a br,Jrr Ill' b•·l• nfi u i\t fiHI th<'y ~~o er .. the entllll, m ~:roeton, Maa•chulelta. crrah' I'OOd \\Ill in~lracl of bro~·d-You nn lluuht han• ho•ard by ArL No•wpon :\ll'totl 'l'rad"s cor- quota fl vacant houl;(os and unCX'CUplt"d bu."ln~.; tlulldlnJ!l' .• •·•·kl'll "" AluUI\d 1\1111 ., hi' talkootl 1\ll'rrM •'•·I• Ill 11•1' •1.) , .... , rvuld Stonday School at 9 :30 a. m.l mg dl!'ti'U1'1 bf'IW('t'n '."0 CI>Unlfl,.,. nvw. Whnl W{" 1\r(' doin~.; ;mel hnw ri''!XIndl'nl. People oouldn't _alford to rent thr m , and t"VCry community's llo· d1tln·1 l:olk J.,,,. u .. a.ucJ s•utlt> '"" l'loll~ "' lhr olo •.:11ns1 thl' t~r Sunday Servoce at 11 a m. Wed-wh<~<<' 8:•n". u~·t• r•vror\ nnw ahl'd· thrn~11 nrt' goin~. We arc work-, ------~--- '--) , I II• Ill! ltkl' lh••-ht•avtln "'" Jut) 111 co''"' irnll· aeeday TeltimoDial M~llnf at l2 dmg their hfr 1> blood fnr 11 ,.,,rn. 10~ ha rd but havin,; fun doing it '8AY8 WROOLIF. Lf:TI"!:R ._ WU ftlleocted ln Its ~y "fo r rent' CO umns. ··T1111 11 .,.,,. M ltlt' ftnhl rl'.;l \"HluRIJy Thl'y • ''"' ''" "'tlh • ttr· o"rlock ooon. mon rau>:f' I h11\'l' nllac-hro your nam•• M•\"l'ral I" POLITICAL ATTACK ~ perhas-no ot.Mr rneodiwn. the dassifk>d l'Olumn'\ of n•.-n•• on lhr Amrnran army It ~'> "' robl" ''""'""U ReadlnK Room located at 711 II would tx> mtcn·~tm;:-to rt·.,d \iml'S Ito shells int,.ndcd for the Jltoar Editor: ~ image t}wo dally Jives of the people, their comings th,. IHI rl'ltll"t'nt out ol f'''""" m They <'am• In fllcbte et It, l:aat ~ntral Avenue. BalbO&. Ia I tho· lady·~ custom.' dt>rlnralllln Jar""'· so you han• not tx>rn for-To ~to Into a de1a1ll'd attack of and .-.o~-t.het tine t r th i I I lht' ,,,,1 "',\f II .... tht' llrol tt .:•· lhrt'~ lll~tbla •• a ''"•• an• Ia 4&11 f I 01 • :; p m form on arnval at port of rr-r nl ry. ~·" i<'n out ht'rr. Mrs. Wroolie's lcllf'r pUblished in • .._.... r rou ran.•••w toni, e r CC'Onom <' con-I "'""''"'" •·,,.nc-• In thh ,.,., It hns 1rou .. e&rel<'hl'd eut acrou the o~n Y rom P· · 0 • • rnED JAMES I l'njoyf'd the aruciP nbbut m) yo.ur issue of August 17th would dltion. .,,...rhuil'.-d ,...,..,., on I' l•f "'" d•v•· ,.,, . Thr) camr Ia "ram Ill,.." •I except Snoday. and holiday• na· ,.fstf'r's hoy, 1t was o good pic-; occupy too much space in your pa- Today they show 8 people readjusting their Jives to fl('W I' aoun·a ellac-ka in Nvrman~y It "'aU abeut 11 ,, • .,... f'uh. Uoaaily c>'-rved. I GOODY -WJUT!:8-FROM l iUrt', hut I rlon't bc:'lievl' he cvr r 1xor. 110, if you will permit mE'. I • aJ.)t'erhead lhu on<' for many Maybe UM:>'e clcanllc wn" n.. put.llc Ia cordlally lnvtted to THE U. 8. NA\'l' ldl th<' US A. would like to say this: requirelnenta, WOrking at unaccustonled ta.'!.ks, m aklng thfo ~,.,,,. thoa "·•• my f'f'llnt~nl and f ""'" '"• mlln apart, ma,.... atta:nd the cburcb eenlres and UN 1 1 am 11till In the bMit of health 1 Canada's contribution to the de-.._of ..t--b cha h J "'" .... a·adlnr Roam. l)(oar Editor : · · -...... UIIII: Ahorl•-y ex n ""na Amon(? t ('fTLq(.> \"t'S lo ··I 'rry clo~ar to you, and Vl!r)l u.ty Wt're .. mll~ll. I don't ·--"· ... ~ n.c BEAVER GOODY frn~e or thr world agat"nst that • -..~v &' "' " .... Just rect'iVE'd your swell lettt•r ~--"7------1brthtlrw.-t~l!dt~ to~~ burxirnli oC war. l vn·ud .. llal 1 •• be" th~y nmt Ia a and was olad lo get it. -I brutal thing, Nazi!lm, makt>S ~e.r . 1 Tilt' Gt>nf'ral'a llnf'd fact •·u • ('enaunt prer~~~'"" and 1 C CB 81.. • A F· L. •• •CTJo-lnvulnemblr to M Wroolte 1 Tomorrow thoee same people Mwly unit<"d Wlth their sons CR&I.8TI.U SUE!' I'! IJRC ~ I still get a kick out of ~our · · ,..,......,. n . n . , • · · Jludy In •motion Slnl'~rlly and do.>rp Ulouaht 1\ IIHluld 11rvu ead. "Cbrlat Jttlua·• will be the aub-__ _ _ I cymcal attack. Al.llo, Mr. R.cx>M- aDd clau&bten now ln war ~ervices. will stiU be going nbout '""l•n,•tnt were In evt'ry contour and "'hat tilt Grrman• maet lien Jed of tbe Suaday Leaaon·Sermoo :hurch School clau. 10:15 a. m.; OI•Rr Editor: vrlt '~-gnoat service to our country the pnak: but lnsplring business of living in an era that mir-I thr)' hon• from hla t')fl G•no•ral Lbou,llt Ia bt')·on., l'on,,,..... In aU bra.oc-hee of Tbe Motber Momine worship, 11 o"clock. I fu'('('ntly an elei:Jiun was hfld at and the world hu nothing to fe&r . . 1 fl~rt.•n 11 a man of df'<'P aiTI'Cll••ns •loa. Churdl. The Firat Cburi:b of Chr1at, Sunday ~~ aervice. 7 :30•a local yard In Newpt)rt--&aeh. to from petty attempu to dJscredlt I'OIW lb own moodl and n!'CIOr"ds Its 0\\'T\ dotngs so (atthfully, "•r tu•~t•d' of war, b"'" v•rs••nAI l"h~or marrh ,.,., .... lohe ~k,. w-aa Seleoll•t. 10 llo•too. The Ooldeo o'clock. d~>IPrmlne whether the yard would that l't'rvice. Because it 1s ob- ln Ita da8llfled adverti&ing columns. Mid llnpnavnal. hurll h1111 AI lhr •h•~< and •tu•l•• d r, ,. nr• N knowa Test. ehouo ·from laatab, reada: Mld-wftk pMlyer wrvi~.~ednes· remain "open sh~" or have lhl' vtous that is hE'r pu~. I t is thE' ""J hll voir• almost br .. kt. and 1 1 •t,rm. nr ., 11,,,. hiro<• or anJ -ThDUIIb larael be not ptbt'red, ret day: ~r-.d d1lh dinne r, 6 .30 p.m., AF"L at~ Its barpmlng agent. The kind or political propaganda that Wanted: More Mail from Home Dkt you ewr hear ol a soldier getting too muc h mnil? Neither cBd we. Ttaere just isn't any such thing. And it is weD. to bar that fact in mind. . I Mall from home is just as lmportant as food, ammunition 8Dd ..-. U the men "out there" or ''o\--cr there" don't hf'Ar from their famllles regularly, they gE't womf"d-anrt wonit.'<l 8DidJen can't rtght U well as those who are frequently n'HS· IUftd tbat all is weU back home. Even when a fighting mnn : ....-t be told that things aren't so weU. j t is better for him to , Jmow It than to hear nothing a t all. On<-shoufct be ,·ery !'llrt'. bowew:r, that unpiNsant new s Is somethln)! "hich thf' ~·n·-,1 laemaa lbould know before writing it. You may have heard of the group of American soldirr.; who were a&JTOtJixk...d by the Japs. W o rct got lhm ug h thnt I ~mall bad just arrived ln camp. Tilt' Jn~ we1~ killf''d in II» nllb ol thOR boys to get 'ttx>ir mail. Y<'S. it dO<'S s.,und ,· a. a taD lltory, but it brin~ out the point that our men in MJ vtat "co" for mall as they do for nothing eir-e. So writ. often. Short letters sent frequent!~· :u~· LX'Itl•r bD ~ onee written· only occasJonally. U we do the writing, they \\ill do the fighUn~. Ccr1:1inly tllat a."t Mildac too much of us. The Hot Seat! -~~ ~ Petaln and PlerrP Laval can hm·d1y he t'njoyin~ _ ~ on tbe Vld1y "bot 8eat" which l.; hourly ~ctting Cre~ mt'n lndncl~ Stuclt'nt, 'C..:n" ~~~~~· From .\ri1nna' for nnr had a lump 1n m) thro .. t I re\nlv" .,, m •n rh ,1 h •tJ i.J a 1 th ahall I be 11orloua ID tbe erea of N'lum~ ~>howe<! approximately 901 createll dl!lo;C'ntlon hetween friendJy "" ~ndtd . our.o ol •urh a ~h~~~~.~" r:~tmt~tu~ tbe Lord. aod my Ood aball be my CORONA OEL MAR I per Cl'nt in favor of AFL rt'pre-1 nations. ~hlch ill a !'tab at thE' "'TtJ;<I't aU God lllf.'ll ~IIU and """ You hall the lo•t-lllor tloQ ( ~v-~ atreQI'tb." (.lOMllltTNITY CHUIICH ~ntation. 1caUfl(' or the United Front to de-cood lurk " ~ '" A puaa«e from Mark'a OoRpel Congregational To tho~e who were not In favor, t N _, h~d (IUd aJoJ•• ~red bt',rrt hii.Jtly be-,..dl, "Now wbeo J~eua "u rleeo . ~ roy au!lm. Then '"" broltr up and f "'••nJ 111 11h fore lh~rn 10 tht ~ky "',1,. palms out-earlr tbe rtrat diJ of tbe week. be ~rry F . Schrock. mlnlater In l~t il be known we are not vindic-Yours very truly. •lne of lht ballallon commanden ,. . .,d tn pc>rsuatl(' 11 ,,111 l!~ck lht'y appeared flrwt 10 Mary llacdaleoe, C'harge. uve; rour votes told us ont' thing, p WJLUAMSON w.•rd wu pauC'd do•·n by nt'ld wuuld not ha~~ had v.1thtn them tha .•. Afterward he appeared uototbe 9 :30 Lm .. Sunday School. The ""<' ar<' lO per cent from being per· ___ ·_ ...,....-- Ph<•n•. r.dlo and liaison mt'n to lhe 1,..1.,r fo turn fr. 11, uw1r orrc~lsllble elneo as lht'T sat at meal, ... Aolt !!Chool meet& In Ule little buUdlnl f~t. Y11s, we've a few blots on 8AY8 t·A.~ADA ARTICLE v"'' amallrat unit of troop• that tht cour>e, be aald unto them. Oo ye Into all • 1 on Jumlne lltreet. at Fourth. our l't'COrd, but now. who Is en-8TIA8 HORN!:T'8 XE8T allack ~~ou on 1 l l()(>d wilh I ll! the world, and preach the 101pel to li:OO a.m ., Chul't'h Worablp tirt'IV lx'rcft of a skell'tOn or two 1 Twr• ••• •till •• hear torrnre lhl.' r.mg111g from ~ .. : •r ~l~r;.'"'1 1v~~:~ every c reature .... And t.hese •l«n• 9trvleco. The service Ia held ln in th•• family cloS('t : how!'ver. WI' Dear Editor: b••mbtn. and lhrn hnurs bf'lorf' lhl' ba,k' of the '"'"• ll•n 1 '1.$<' SUt aball folio" thf'm that believe: t~ ··ne Cha~t By Ule Sf'&," 410 do ho)l(' n!t time goe!l by our mis-I feel that" the letter publlsflE'd mfantry "'c>rt to mov• n •n • •u• 1 h 11 my llame aball thf'7 caat out dt'vlls. l,..,oast Ho~>bway. tnke!! or th~ ""!II shall tx-vinrli-In the News lrull week and given h f h · f ri'IIC" I'S \0 trt' '' <II~~ I''J t!ot' ~(fl tbt'7 abl\11 lay ha.nda OD tbe 1'" ., ' " r~ • • • d nor •nc or' 'on antry tn dn bill d•« of lh!' r.ormrard ,,11,1 .1 rio.~ ,111 ,..1,,. •1• .: d th hall -cover:' sc-rm"n by Mr. Schrock. ··tt Is ratrd by our good d<'<'fi.~ m thl' n po,;it1on or prommcncf> un E'r a 111111' dupn and wall A ct•n r ... a ea. &II f'J • ·~ h 11 h f ' rt • 1111 ro•• "':.• 1 ··~1 ~' 11 1 .1 ,. v.tre ~~~ Baker Eddy aaye 10 "Rei· I All Youn ·· clays to rom<' <'IIC In<' !I wort y o more IJDJlO • tioon nl molwn n't'mrd lo rom" <>Hr· s<• r~~CIIIli lf'll h~ 11 r ,.,,. '.tell' ovtr-ence and Heal.lh wllh Kf'y to til" f'olo by Mr11 Marljane Miller We bC'lil'vt' il would txo the par-ant ill'ms, was an cd1torl;ll "faux- the countryJode and •II lu bro"'n· hrad thai 11 "''', 1 ,,, , 11 r~d 10 111 ~c-rlf\IUN!'S:" "Thl' hldiE'~I rarlhly : A grnw lng churrh In A jn"UWIOJ! alll'l or onolht'r Blnck Friday• ror Jlll~··. clad lnhab•1·'"11 -a ~<·n·c> ol· las I IIHH '"' 11•1!:1•1 1, r.l •too• 1 ,. •r$ repreHDIA.IIve of Ood, !lpeakln~t of I 1 ommumty Gnlw with u11: lh•' .1\F"L if at any lime in thr (u-On thl' letler itst'lf I will not "'nul• ••llma 111 •il~nr• b•l~·n lh• Tl n 1 1> • • human abllflv to noflect dlvlnf' _ "" · tu~ wA W<'rE' all in a~ord wtth its commrnl Th:tt I will ll'ave to the hOio>I'RUII I~ fJ '· " l I~ ol I' ">Pd dl• ' o • >< ,_, ren.~ ,,,·er t•o.~r r,ornr' ,1.t nr•ere JlO"f'r. prophf'lkally ••ld to his dta· COSTA M!:I!IA COMMUNITl' l•l••tolnJ!I("' y.,11r "ltl'l!. Ilk<' l'llm«' 1\CCretary of the VIctoria C. of C . TIN flral •••nt• of &hr mar.e '''"""'·tl Wr 'l''l'~.l , 111 ''"' and clplt'l. ~akin~ not for thrlr dlly I CHURCH chro'mc labor hatin~ nt•wspapcr who "Ill. I am ~1lrf' hr t<l:td to ~rin· •n~luahl n mr ••'f'r a 11111~ br· h'.ln<'J fR r to.,,~ '' 111 ~ 1 .. 1 ~ only but for 1111 time: 'lie that bf'· Carl B . .Jotan.oa, Mlnlatf'r ""~, nr·r 11 nrce~~11ry n('('I'S!:ory to you th(' slatlstlt'll or th11 war retort torr If a. m. Thf'' ••rrf' lh• >lr.ll~' t IIJ' "'•Ll , ·.· •t•·••l hn). llrvrlh on "'"· lhf' •·ork~ ltHII 1 •In I'U !:. !Otll St. Pit. tn&·R thl' >IIN'I'~•ful 0,...•ration and poll· 10 VIctoria. .1\ r·opv t1f I hi' nrticlr h .. 111 ... .._ th • 11hall hf' do 1111o:' and 'Thf'llf' "Irma h "'-h 1 9 ... ,~ . · lilt ,.,,. an.. Vf' .... m .... r•. .. mtl• It II I :1 \\', •• ("II' .. of ""'"fl hnll follow thl'ln that ~lie .... :. I C'hul't' ~ 00 . : ...... a . m. I'll'~ or 110\' union -Wilhnut thl':<e Will F(>On bt' In tw• hanri~. mala r••• rt~~aler uo.-wl•e In .or '"''' •• r n1 •.lt~r n, .• 1 Ml,u tl's lor • Mommlt Worship. 1l o'clock. rlrm.•nl~ to <>Mel U!< on. we would 1f "I hi' D~gri'<:~I\"C', ronhri~:ht ' ll' ... • • • .... ,, ... b 11 · -· "outh nrou"!!. lli"h School, 111· " ... r• " a .....-.,.m nr. • r.o.llra ' " · • " ... ~, 6 .. .,n '-(l(ln hrl'llnll' a hl llt• IOCJ sdf·snlr.<· folkc;"' ~ou uphol1l in ynur ~uu· CIIJU8T CHURCH BY THE 8!:.o\ 'll'mlNII.ate, Adu t. : ...... P .m. I I Commun.lt)' M~Utodlat Evrnrng ll('l"\liet>, 7:30 o clock. f11'ol. nnd lh:H i~ tho• ru ,.., !'~ mptom sequ('nt co umn \\roll' tht' I'IIC'r ~v. E. D. tioodell, Paator I Mldw('('k felloW$a-ip and Jlrll)'l'r. nr rlt'l'n} wrth a view or antn~:onizmg local Early momin~t worshrp, 9 ~.1 W('(!nesday. 7 :~ p. 'tft. Let's not nnalyzc nny Vflle takt•l\ fvlk~. I nm sur'c l'h" ha~ ~UCCN'IIl'd nnd won n~ 11 \'11"1111) for the AFL m ~11rrin!! up :t hnrn('!"S nl'st. Tbf' ratllomen...-.-r I• 81t . .to... ~-1 K•rmll f'ru,lt. "'h" 1 I 1_.._ In II• o•ntlro'l} 111•' 1\f"L ('\'nl\·t'fl YfiUI~ \'<'ry lrf11}', 81t'bt'rt or t'aaarlr1ole.,., M.u1, fie ol t•,. oilie-r d 11 •. 11 lht 11 \ ~= from il nuciC'ItS dt•<,•n ·rnr;: II) rn· J. f' \\"ATKfNS. leernrd to fty ~for• th~ ..... •'· In • Ill) cr ..... II«!" I an Clod ... "t.or MODEll MilliE SERVICE ~~·ndrr fii<IC'r and promOI<' n red· U.ou1h hf' 11 oni.Y 23 n •• ,. lit ,.~d fr, :n An 1.,1,., in!' or mulual unrl••l'lnndmr:: txo-CASADIAS \\"ORKI:R8 at1<1UI 100 h.ture In lh~ llr •• r ,, I f'ruoll II Urr '"1~101 ~ .... llt talka I tWrf'n l'mploy<' and t•m piO}I'f. ThiS DO RED CROSS WORK \"tt brcau•~ of one ddtcll\t •>" he at1d 11111:1 on 111, •1,2h1,11 1 rovou-rarl. tho• mO!'t rahtrl boor-hater IAoar Editor: rouldn"t lfl lntu c•drt tch•>ol 111•11· lie llku old ,.,,"'"'' ·~,. D 0 c K wUI ndmil hn~ bC't>n nrrnmpli~hro t .. h d ~· S H E L L Klncfly pennlt me the US(' 0 .,. " two , • .,,. al Meua. Thr7 uy O>nt r1 fr one" 1n • tit~~ !<InC\' lis lnCE'fll ion In 1~1. So. il your vnlullhlr column~ to reply r husrllf, lnaiiiUle of Tt<'hllotllll), and hr •1ll etarl •11 1101 ,..111 t t•o,~v.o. . on!.) fo)fltwo ' thul. :~nd t'ndon~; In h h 10 ba k Del 11n ab • ...,, brteny to the Ieifer of Mrs. V 0 <' upe1 10 c a . • •hrn 1 eonu 01'tr lhr lnt<'r~n •. .," •!Uie nur fa\nr, \\111 In II $ ('\·l'ntua.IHy \\'mohf'. ~lrh a .....,nN'd in your ~-. \.bt' war u ovt'r. tbr7 re ut~o~ol~ oo 3 bt>nob , .n prov,. 10 I:X' :uh~nllll:t'Ou< and 1\ ,...,--.... .._ -~·-•-In Jltt'-d f I ts:.~ue of Aui:\1!11 17 I--.,. ... exuww .... ~ IL:t ..: angt'r 0 . N D \ii'IOr} ror thl' t"mployer his -.-' 8 A L B 0 A I $ L A lt 111 Vf'l)" ev1rifont that Mr11. p•Wunent, but be hu loll tJw loft and ~t of hls peoplt'. hiding place, the Portugueee government may hand him OYtr 1 ~;~:;:s,.~"t;:l~~~;a::~ ~ ~~"• did not both•r to ~r- Witb IAViJit'• c:lft'eralt. H. bu rally got 10methlng to to ,Ole Allk>l., If ~ follows the Na.zla lnto GermanY. be1l If incon~l•tf'nt v.·ilh ralmt's.~ Al"f' I during ht"r vt~lt to VIctoria. wany about-q be~ Into ~ t<' twl prearrangt'd probably ~ \\'OI"!k' orr s tiU. IL---1111!"'. ------~-~-~~~~~~-.. recllrtt'f!. IContlnl»d on P•ge ! \ • • NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES, N•wport Reach, California. Thursday. August 24, 1!\44 ----~----~--~--~---------------------------- ·RED CROSS • ActivitieS .1. F. Decttr T•••• fr,:~clllelitt ---- Mrs. G. l. Andrew• I Jt 111 C'uetoma'l'y for earh local -~~ Oou cbApter nr bran.c.h_ t.o1 hold lin annual m~>ftln~. at whsch I urn,. the work or thr Rrd Cross 1111 brought t o puhlll' nttPntiCin Ttlfe l ytar'l! D"PN·n~ nf l ht" Nl'wpnrt Harbnr brl\n<·h: sh,ulll bto l!flE't'll· ly lnll'r<'MIInJ! In h '<'r y (Wrson In l the rommunsty b"<'IIU!k' of th~> manv llf'n 'll'••s lhl' RP.t C"ro!ll! '" jOving I hi' ~1"\'H t' "'m!LJ lind hill ram lly. Jur~:~>n l.nrt'n\ 7f'n. IO<'RI l'hnlr· man. SR\'8 tw hupl'll In hnw· ~".,'1'· I thing V<'r)' "!""•·ani In ufiPr t h'll YPIIr and hop !< I'V<'r\'uno• Wlll watc:h fnr lht> ann~>~m•·~<J <l:.tt> nf l thf' m(',.tlnJ,! an;l f'IIAn Co Bttrnrt. Prnt•l~ arc parlh-ula rlv nnxl••us • to h! ar Whf\! J:<Wl! on at t hf' l1'1lnt. I 'how tlll' b VII fe€'1, what t hey like t o do in llwir l{'lllllrt' tunc-. wllat the,v want for f1Jrislm~. and what thl'y want to hl'ar from hnrrr. anti """h lhsn~;s ~orne uf a ll lh••se sntm1al.: ~hmp8fs nf thr life and prnt:llrrrs nf thP boys aw11y I rom h• me walt be-brought I !lut At lhe mE'rUng, So please llt' I listening nn(t walchln,~: fft r th" date. Thl11 Wt'• k '11 b o a rd m<'t'tlng promlsrs to ht• rull ur int<'rt'st 114'· C'auat> of the forwan l looking pla ne for lht> rt>t um rot Vt'lt"ran In which t he Rt'd Crns11 ill alrt"at..ly taksng an B<'tive part. Have you hearll atl\•ul thr cook book the Red Crose haa publlahed lor thr boya In the pri110n rampe? Sounds likr &omt'thlng pretty spe- cl&l. Tella lhe boye how l<> malcr the mo11t of the lood In lhrlr ~d Cro. packagu -and should make eomc fancy and lngr olou.-cooke out of thow boys. The boya lo the pr.t.on camp• want t heir mall f...Ur. Tbe Provoet Ma,...hal General'• office ri-al of Coast "ua~ Craft hu prepa red a P n aoner o1 War l"ftllllfl • (. ~~ ::~~r r~r:~;:~. lav~U:::j yo Be , ...... w ..... lere s._....., urced to lf'C\Jre lhoee forma from "!' -n• your Rf't! Cross and to usr them. They a re not coropu!Aory but tht y I Largut Orf't of Cout ,Gua rd ''Poral!r nf thr Raila'• by Com-~ will help tbr mall altualion both Aux ll·ary crat't evrr &UI'mblrd In ! modoru ll&xtt'r and Hl'aly. to Japanew and German prlaon Sl"lll>port Harbor will bf' rnii'WI'd. 'T'hl.tl nrw ooatin~ tVI'nt call11 for camps. Sund ay. August 17th at 11 o'C'IOCk. 'no llpee18l ~ntrlf'' or race11 nnr 1 Do you know tha t the Amen · r.t C'ommandt r C'Rtm• ot tht d<Wll 1t ~111gnate any partkul&T ~------=------1 Coaat Guard will t'Omt from thro type! uf aaillng r rafl. All sa1l Oll!trlrt Of taC'e In Lon~: Rt>a•·h tt> 1 hnat ownr rs are Invited to jN n In I mak<' the ntllrlal lns~rtion I l'll'<'llng t hf' cnul"'ll', rntc-rltt£ tt~o• c-ommodore c F' Baxtl'r n( the l Ollrl!l' at Wh:tiP\'f'r rH11nt lhi'Y Newport Harbnr Ysr ht l'lub wllh mtsy hi-h·•·ntl'd 111 tw~>h r 110<10 r-r.l!!~~ .. I r()mmodore Mllrk Hl'aly . "' !hi' Whl'n lhl' ~11:11RI l)orrb IR llr~ll 1 Balboa 't'aC'ht Club wall )mn the ltull11wsn~ thr ,•nurso•• until lhl' rrvlewln~ party of r oi&Jil Guard trsp t.rtn.:11 l hl' b<tlll back t() the OfficlaiA nn the dl.'c k nf thr Nrw-1 ln\l~vldual'• atarUnJ point a nd thP pnrl Harl)nr C1ull whrn the parade cour11e 11 lhen completed. I I or <;oa.st Guar\1 Craft PURl! thf' t Thia II the fln t a tttmpt to r.vl-lniJ point. lnt1ll<'l' B maa11·alllng of all boall P'bllow ltlg the Coul Guard re-~ which carry aa.lla ant..l a larJe vi-at 11 o'clock, tbe "Parade ol neet of craft ot .very type o1 ...U ALitA • SILTZD alford. the Balla" will at.art prompUy at I• u,.ct.d to ~· part. UDUNAI17 prompt and ef. 12 o'C'Iork and follow the cour.c l,..... __________ _ . fft'tlft nlJel Ia H~ I uled In lhf' "Jo,lght ot the 'Snow-~ hca~ It II Ia -~ IOlu-blrda." The m sr!Of' will be> Inti!· LETTERS TO THE _..~ L fllll'd by nag markere. Every .... _, to 10 to WOI'a • ll&llboat ownPr an ~''"'''"rt 11 NEWS-TIMES -... you twaUow lt. Ita ! hur hu ~:>l-en urged to join In th• ;...._-----------1 J~ainrellmnc ecUoft .. .-de ..,.. poettJve b7.-lhllnre buf-tC"nnlmuNI fr .. rn Pa~•· ;11 ..... bkla ted It froa I can ntTn·t•r!l tn till' (1o·t .asnn Jll'l!lon . '--kdowa ~~h. campi' rnny wrttJ' only thiN' B. c-lhl' 1'1'1\Siln' why ~tor,.~ ar•' 1rtter11 anti four po~t~tl earth• a I'IOSt•d th1•n> t>n thf' rtay"' mt•n· Alka-S.lta. betllf a eo.Waa-mnnth, Rnd that t'nlu•tl'd m.-n nrl' tJonNI hy tll'r Om• nf tht>m IS Hto ... el palnnbevinl and alka-rr rmJIIrol only 1w11 IC'tlel'll Rnd ohv1•n1s fill' rnmml'nt ll1dnc JncndMata, baa 11"'-1 1 (nur ptllrtal ra rol11 11 mont h" !;n }'tliY I JMtllll nut that. RNI C"n:"!' wtd. ~ and popularttJ l 'lr•n'l think your pn11unrr bny nr work '' \'o'l') rwt svt• 1n V1r tnrsn ~ lboM who oec ... 'ltiWIJlr ftll'nt.l hall for;:ntlen to wrltt' you and lhl' •·mplnyl'~ of th<' storf'' -'fer fiOID AcM l..t',..-.., T hcr<' Ia much more to tell yuu dunn~; tho• clnM'rl l)l•rlod nrf' f'n · C•l• $p,....., • .,...., nbnut thf' prlt10ner ot war bual-gagl'd in thaT acth 'lt}-war work Att-r'" -""'7~ ,...,.. re-IWll.~ and WI' \'o'tll trll )'OIJ n .. rf' Shr I!' ('fll'rt'('f In ht>r •lllll'!'fll'nl ........ .If...,_ ,..... I nrxl wtPk In thf' mr a nttm1• the thnt man~ art self'!; that nr<' ra· Alka.S.IU. 11 ,a-t te Rt't1 C'ro811 111111 the Rn~wt'r'~ tu 11onl'd in this C'OIInll')' nrr not Ilk' --laaU... ....... ... · \'l'llr qui'8Uon11 Contlnul' to JIRI'I'I thrrl'. Victoria ha.'l no hi ark mar· • ....,.. .. edSoa. ihl' word 11lonjt a bout all thl' ttnr kNs .. r w.ould sugget~t lhnt M r,. 1hlng11 the •Hnmf' Sen·h:r t1rpRrt· Wm uhr .YI~It !IOml.' of lhl' lnrf,!r Y-f'::!!Jr .::t' AD........ , men I nf y()ur local Rtd r rn1111 , Rn mArket.-. In Los AngPles 11nri 11 I · t.a~ ~ ,:-=;. ·V.,• do fnr vou r "'rvlcf' man IUld hl11 t enrl a f«>W or thl' banqur t!\ hl'ld ln -':-..: ..ul"--.... " family. ·\><•l h here a11d abrn11t1. t hat city . S he ml~tht sufh'r from ~JW!tt!.. through tla fi ne communirsotlon anothl.'r high blood pi"(!!!.~Ure . .. Aat:4.... :..• .. ... •••• IJ)'strm and Red ero.a ,.r..-mnPI lll'r ca.~tlgation savon or pn•· ..,_. In ca mpe, evt>rywhere ant1 ov,.r-JUdiC'f' and would It I'IOt havl' lw<·n Maa n~ht wtth the troops. mum morl' hN'omlng u an Amr'rl· B 12 ? fJ, · · .. · -T to y .\lk.t ··'•·ltlt•r More next week on the work or ran had !lhl' remained homl' in· thla dt'partmrnt ~nd the prl.cmer ~ootead 'Of rontrihullng 10 thr n r ht·" .,f war reoguhltiOOII. of I)Ur good nl'sghbor whh C'I)Unt . 1 ~------------------------IPS."' of oth<'r Amerlclll\l!, whn a r•' ··················~· today ma.kln~t VIctoria thrsr play· ~<mund ~ UMOVE, CLEAN, INSPECT WHEEL BEARINGS REPLACE WOM GREASE RETAINW ---...J~ LU!IUCAT£, IUPLACE, AliJUST. WHEEL BEARINGS Protect· Vital Wheel Beari1gs • What woolcf shl' hnvf' thr Cann· i dmnl' say 111 rr~tnrd to nur grrat l,n·~srlo·nl ~ M ay I rr mmrl hr r t hai lho·sr l lhr • ('annj:lian,·l Vi!tion ,,.. nut C'lntltlo•d It~ IJflls ttrnl r-·~rt ) Jlrf•J!I(hr•· anti :mlfl~;nn"m' Fur· lhf'lmnrt• II I• not Ill J:lltltl lll~to• !11 arlvrn;l-'1 \' rrn iclsr 11 f r 1 r· n rl I ' j n••1~;hh"~ aflo'r f'llJ'l)'llll{ hrr h~pi· lt ahly. I ;un ••11 •· !ll r' \\'""•h•• ""11ld ""''" l1t·•·n rtlllt'h h.opptPf a n d m••lf• r>~stnnttr ha•l ,,,.. '"'~'"1 h"rn" anti huu~;hl \\'.tt llu n<f, IIEJIIIEHT E WJII':t~LI-:1: Forme r Pub lis her's Son W i ns Commission ~··hn 1-l:t nllh n llurk<' .lr . "'''" ••f Mr Rnol Mr11 .I 1-'rnnk ll•••k•· IWI:J North 1!11 \' fo'runl Bll ltM •II llolanol f•.rm'-'r rullllllh,.r ', lhf' I ~son ia Ann H• l!l~l "r wt\.01 'l•mml~· Ruioed wheel bHriop m&)J ~an an idJ( cu or truck cbese days. It's oot alwaY' pmsa'ble to Clod ocw ones. Ltt your Sr.aodard ~rviu M.o keep youn in good coadicioa b1 regular -"icinp. and repacking •·ith I ~inn I'd a ll••ut••nso nt 1 Jl: 1 upt_, CrRohllltl••n frf'lm I hr t 1 ~ S AVIll 1 t H• ,...rv,. (Jflsrf'r~· lnt1rtrtrln.atlon , tpeciaJiy mede RPM Wbtd Barins Greue. It IUocb up io ntrtmn of beat ~ prasure and lubric:ace. for tboc•ndt of cniln. ,,h • ...-•1. T"'"''"· Arll th,. lith ' liOsoval duotru 1 11rnnunrl'rl '"'""' I 1 l ..t n urll"'" .,..,,,. Mr~ H• tty JHn•· llurk" 8nll ''"n II\•• at thr Halho•• ·tlflolr~~~~ H,. 11 " J(rlldllat•• .. r ~""'" A"" lfiiCh N"hrY>I 11n•l .Junror rr1ll"g" ant1 h•" bro,.n In thf' S 11vy for th" la...t f1111r m•.nth" llw ~:~raphir II mil" nl 1 h•· Nmth ~I'VlCf' comm.md. th•· larf,!· l•<il In 81"('11 or nnny "N VII'I' lflf'I"P' in · thr t;nitrd St;stl", ,.mhrnr..._ I / Regarding .Our GENERAL IIFO,RMATIO 'N BLOCK 0-33 BLOCK D 160 Feet-Frontage on Ocean BouiM~<trd-down to the AUey comer of Fe m lea.f (UNREPOHTEI> SALE) n.J8'I' 80LD We have NO property for Sale in thia Block 100 Feet-Ocean Boulevard trontnJ;:l'-<iown to the Alley- adjoining the above Para>J on th(• South 1 (NOT PRE\'lOL SLY REPO HTFl>l 100 Feet-Fron~ on Ocean Boult'Vnrd-adjolnln.: the alx>vt' Parcel on the South (NCYI' PREVIOUSLY RF.POHTEDI 'IJ8'1' BOLD BLOCK 0-32 TbJa IMvM ONLY ONE rMidf'ntlal ..Atco lathe Bloc-k f• s.le. teo Fe~~t- A.lk HR. RHODEN at UNo TRAer Ot"f1Ct; to RHOW It to YOOI Oc>Hn 11ou1Pva rd Front aRf' $1-,211.11 · PBICt:D $3,8&0.01 BANKTERM8 NOTE: llallult. of .... Baoci& ... ..... IOLD' BLQCK 131 We Own No UMOI<t Lohl In Thb. BJork BI .. OCK 132 BWCK A-32 LOTS I to 16 Inclusive ALL SOLD Wl' own No UMOld l.ol11 In Thill 1\l()(•k BLOCK 133 BLOCK A-33 w~ Own N<, U Mold • Lot" In 'J'hbe BJork BLOCK 135 We Own No UNIO&d Lob In Thllt Diode LOTS I to 4 Inclusive ................ : ..... · .. ~ALL SOLD BWCK 136 I Wf" Own Nn llnw•lcf I ,ut ~e In Thl~t JlhJC•k BLOCK B-32 LOTS 1 to 16 lncJusive ....... . ALL SOLD BLOCK 137 Wf' Own Nt1 Un~Culrl l .. ut,. In Thill RJOC'k BLOCK B-3.1 ..... -BLOCK J :U~ LOTS I to 10 Inclusive . ., BLOCK C-3:1 LOTS I , 2, 5, 6, 9, 12, 13. 0 ol · BLOCK -C-33 Four Parcels for Sale Lots 3-10 . Lots 4-11 . Lots 7-14 .. .$4,675.00 4,250.00 3 ,000.00 Lots -8 -15 ....... . 3,000.00 . Wt• Own No ALL SOLD Wt• ( )Wti N1l SOLD Wf' Own Nu Wr Own Nn 'BLOCK nUSIN~ lnfS fo'OR SA I.Jo; Lot 2 L·ot I Unsollt Lot!C In Thill Ulrx·k BLOCK 2:14 tlnK11ld l .. otH In 'Ill ill Bind~ HLOCK 236 u n,.,ltt r . .c~h• In Thl11 Bhx·k IUA>CK 238 l Jm~nltl ,,,,,. In 1111K Blnc·k A~35 fo1lONTIN<; ON SHORJo; AVE. Lot 8 Lot 7 Al ... l ... the rest of the Lots m this Block have hccn SOLI) -with the ~x ccpt ion of Lot Lot 23 25 Lot Lot 28 29 ULOCK A~:~6 AL~ BUSINESS LOTS ON Sl-tOitE A\'~;. IIA VJ4; BEEN SOLI) ONLY llESIUENT IAL LOTS for SAI.Jo; LOTS 2fi 28, 30, 32 and 31\ LOTS 12 and 14 (RUSIN ESS or INCOME) JUST SOLI> We have .son1e Beautiful Building SiteM -both for Residentjal or l(es idential lnt·ome in TRACI' 1026 Ask MR. RHODE N at TRAC'T OF .. l t;fo~ on the IIJ...1JJ4'FS to Hhuw t.ht•m to YOIJ AT PIUCE~ ANU Ti'~RMS YO U'Ll.. LIKE • PROPERTIES, lNC. 736 South Hill Street lAS AngeleR 55, ( ~alifornia Telephone MAdU.OO 7211 I- STIll. AID OF C I LlfOIII A ~~_, w~~~~m:~~~~~~~~~~~:~ --~-...;~-------------------vada. 111Hho. \'t11h nn•l Arllona L--------~----------~---•••••••••••••••••••••••••••lllilill••••••••••l • ' r . , fC. • ..... -.. Pate Four NF:WPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES. Newport lleaeh. California, Thursday, August 24, 1944 -------------------------------------------Veterans' Service CommiHee 1' ( t M S k Aftion Is Delayed On Jaysee Site At Santa Ana !11c meellnJC. the comml•lon vntrd 1 to withhold tie utlon until !'\4'fl· tember :'l prnt1lf1& adrtttl••na l etudy of the propollf'<.l ••lr More OIJpollllltJn tn lht aolt •It~ 1 veloped when A 11.1.1ro,.y t'rt-d t•or · rY banded In pr I~&IA lrum MV· 8&Dt& AJia The city plannlnr• trel re,.lct .. nlll r r~~r lith .. nd commiMlon ha.l de<' lined to ai"Cept U.kPr Fte tn< luol flj.': 110mt of or l'e)C'f'l the board O( etlucatlon'a th..-WhbM IJrupert)' \A I)Ufd bf' ..,a~cataon for a new juntor col-ar•qull"f'd by lhl' .-tutOI bi'WH •I II .... alt.e at 17tb and B&.ller IIU,, It brl\tl(ht thP :'l-4 IH rr.. prc;p .. •t•oJ peDclln« a public mwllac. aa a location for thr <''•lll"f:"· CbalrmaD Nat Neff of tbe ----- ('(JIIImtWon wu authon-1 1.1.1 ar-Mr and M•~ \\'tlhtim l'rult•ntl ranp the pubUC IIMIIlon wttb tbe !lnd Mra. &-•~ Hlgn•·)' \'ltt~lo•l ~I t• aebool bnard aDd the c:ommt...ion Hljnlf')''ll mnlhl'r 111 Ln11 ,\r~· It· • eug·-.ed tbat tbe bea.J1D( be Raturday <'VtnlnJC. and apent ~un· ooaclucted Alqult 11. lla y wolh Mr~ tlmlnnol'e ptt.I'•:>IA, Rep..rdl-ot . the oumbt'r at Mr and Mno J . S. Frrrman Ill pi'Ote.ta tOed or hfoercl al tht' pub· S1rrra t.flldre. .. Has lewport Belch Office 1 °5 a esa ee s t rtth•r tho• IIUf hl)rtl) uf l ht• ('ala· SJrvllnln?~~dt·n."';,. l'rrtlllobnucoof'IOUEI.~II $3 82 5 Sanitary Funds fo mttt v. t••rt.n~ S.•r\ll'f' Onrnnut· • ~· " ,~ ... ...,. I•~• ~< tu·:u.l4twrll'r t!' att1 :.oncl :tv l'a•l Santa Ana ,,,, \4 urlrl wur Jl r Iuman~ vt·h r-Tho• n,.w ru'P..;rnm I~ part ot an ' ""' ,,.,,rJm~o: "'tlhln th•• llrt·a n<>" ov••r-all S\5ll'm r•-.uahltshed by Uw-1 To as•lat llJ!~Ir to operate dur-~ ty t&xN; It levud a t&x for. the , ... , o•ro•rl hy S.•lo'('IIVI' St•r"Vfl'l' uor'al Rt"lramln.; and Re-employment 1 fll' lht• "dt y" JJerlod ~fore t&xe• first tlrre thlll fiiCaJ year and Jlt1a11t Nt> 171 . h:t• ,,..,.n I'''""' Admtnl~trutann or thr Ff'deral Of· <lilt' are apvnrtloned, lht Coet& will not receive apportionment! ll'h•·d nt thl' loo'lll hnurd 11(111~" on fie<' .. r Wnr Muhth7Atlon ~t.d ~I •')Oa SMtlny Dlatrlct bu uked until ~ember. tht• :'\••,.'J••rl ll:.tl~•• l'111u11 ht"h· u11d••r n pr,.~ltlt'nlt:tl order. 0\alr-•':"•::J.:•• ,·ounty for an adv&Dce of l --------- "'"••·1 at lrvtno• '"''''"' un•l l!lth man Ounlltp ,,n,.-1 "we waat to $,1"-·• "11 11.8 &ntlclp~<ted Income. H d h• R "" .,.t !\'Pio4J•trl II• H 1t1' ll!'athnt.: ,.,.,. thftl 111!' V•·l•'tlln is not ~rred l •tr•••·tt~rr. of the ;,ewly-formed' ar S JP ent , .... o'tt'Ofl1111t'l' IJ" ,, .. 'lo.olfnl/111 ilfoll frnm l'i:wo• ,,, J'loll't• hy variou. fed· ol .1trll't. In petltlvnln!; for the Ad. s 1,1,1.,11,,, •• , 1,, ttw "'···· , .• 1 •. ,.,11,, .. r • .t, ''"'"and lo•·al organlzat1ofta. 1·~<~" 11a·..t that it conaututu tu•l )UStments tart !"•·r:;c!o· c .. 1111111.,,. 1, ;-;'''"a:t 'I' ••1 thv o'otr1 that tilt• Vt'lrran ~ r!l.u 1\5 percrnt of ooe·half of I 111111·•11 "' B:tll ... I J;.l,ontl t It• not f···+ hlflt't•lf '" hO~:J(I."d down b) ''"' anticipated taxee due to ac-September First la•h··• ul '"" ""'' 11••" "'111t. th•· t•·d t.q•· 1h;at lh' t.:ivt'll up In dla· • ttJo' tu tbe dlatrk:t, and uid that 11 ,,1,,.11, ;1rmo-d ,.,,.,,., f)unhtJt j..'U~I " t t.••\•underlltandthattheborrow-~ --' I .•n ,.rru•o·r ror \\'otld \\'nr r I•''' Tho· t~l ft•··· .. r thr• Vrtcrana ~rv-1 ,. or actvance. can be up to 8:)1 c, mplyln~t with ~ Rlablll~a·' ''"'" 11 1,,,.11,1,..r 1,nol -.~·n•t ;tf'\ ol •c•· 1'11111111111"'' will tw open even 1 • • t'nt of hair the arnmmt or tlon Extensh>11 Act ilir 1944, OPA !It•• s ~ l••·al B•otlll 1\nolt •'" ol;,) o·x•···plt11J: Su11dll~ Vett'MUl·~ t' "no·y expN'It>d to be p.>hJ an. ·today announn•d that the ntw pro-·1 .I 11 k"•n 1 1." rn.m Jt,1• '"'' n 11,111 "" tor lht•tr ,t.·p••nrJ,•nf~ !ll:'rklnr a.ul.st· rho· RoaroJ or Supervl•ore aald 1 vlal0n1 tor adjuf\lng n•nt11 ~­ ·'' ,.,,.1 111 ,,, •• , , t••t.1n lo•r th•• r• •rn ·om~· •ho,.olrl t't>nluct Mr Aftclrrw ·t would <'Om!ltlt'r I fie maltt"r l c&Wie o{ . aubatantlal hardllhlp ll'lll•~· 1(.1\'Trlan h . .-. _,.,, ,~1 8 , tIll' .J.or'k""" f l.t~ m.tn \4hO will ~I Atot;WJl 29 v:ou ld be d t ... etlvt St>pt ember 1, (lll'·' •·1, t k ttl lht• l~onl l••r ,,.,,rh "' o• f, I lito'm 111 lhl' p~ or · I d 1944 . , , A rta y "(l("r&ttnK a tra.~h and 1 \ o•:•r" nl~t 11 \4'1•'1 111 11f "''t 1<1 1: ..,..,:JIIIUI• Hr Dl!l'ncles (or aulat· ;!oil baJ:e·t ollt•r llon ~rvice, the Th~ Lo8 Aogelu tllltrlct O!fice .. ltr 1 11111! .a~ "~·rl'llll, "111 un· ••'"' .uool .wl 1 haa not yrt recrlvet.l the ntw r.etl· ~ ll .. t r!('l 18 tllll far unable to pay t r r d olnut •1,.1u~ provo• :" ,1t1J, 111 h;1nrl· If'''" l·w·.d ••rJ.:Ilnlzat iona wlthln • 1 tan 1 1 ann orm11 1 r a JUIItml'nt UJKID hn.; 11 11 , 1,_,1,,anr•· prnc1,1111 ;1 .. ltr tha' .,.,,,·ol ·"' ,, rlo•<trt' to off~ an} r:, ,'/::.d8 11,"m:x.:n7r:r: ~~: ~0~~ tthh111 ground. Mall appltcati(Jnll for h.... 111,. ,,rr.111 , .,1 t It•· :-;,.,.,."' , .... "',.,. '" •It•· r t'l urnang veteran 1 .. rurm• will ~ fillet.! about tbe ~ .. , ......... II<·''" ,, •h·· Jo··-· •h·, -~~··""' """"111 written •tat .. · • POL-ICE-NE-WS-.. rre<'live date or t.he amf'ndment .11.,. ~~~·:tl ,,.mm tP ,,. ",11 ,,1,.., m••l1h tol '"''It "'r\ t<'i' to t he COJn· "There I• general mlaonc'<'r· 111,. unol•·t " Stntr· \'•·•··• :on-s. 1,. nul It••• "' '''"pori II arbor Hieh ------------standing about tht o(>i!rataon of .,.,. 1 ·nmllllff•·•· l">mfl'•"'tl n ( Cnl .. 1 hnul ='•··•·p •rl Rrnch or pnono !"1.,rr Sj;,-1 H M Hodllon 3 12 thl1 new method or 11djust1n,: L ' 11 1_,.. 11 ,11 ,11111, t1tr•" tnr of ~. f>~l ol lu'lho•r tnftlrrnut lon Ia do· F 1 l! d. th rent celllnga," aaltl Uavld Barry .... 'tl ~~~ !IV """nut· ro.>porte e Jr., dlatrlct executive or OPA. "T• Jo~·t " •• "'I',,., .. C'ul n ,\ Hnnl!· :.tn. · thc't of hla rrotorcyrk . frQJTl 8&l hotflf \'••fo•t •• n~ '""'""'" r;tf j,.n ;)nil '"•t; \\'• olne~~<lay, and Thorn~ ~ elil'ible for an adjultment tht' n t ·,:.'n':,"' s.·~~~:::rt ~~~~~',;,,,~, •. ~,:m~~;;;.; Building Permits '',Ia• k:!t'n, 314 hc .. ,ronat.lo M.reet , ~~n~~"r!d~··~e,n,tt~~~nt;l:~~ ~ ,. nlr,::rM ~-tram! t " t who.>n cloth· IIUbetADtlal dee reaat" In ntt Income pi ,.,1tlo•rtf tit I ortl•·• '· tht• lu• ul "~'tY· on~ WRB takrn from his roum He 1 not countln"' lnter·ellt u an ex- 1',,. l'llrtomlll•··· will ht• 110 if'\( Ill m:t· NEw PORT B£ACH .... , O'l tS .. IIAr""Bnt ut th at .... A .. 911 .... · ' " ~ "' • e r.........., peNII.• ltemt 1~1 Thcrc mu11t be tar•lt ·~·11t•·r fnr vl'l•'llt11' 1lnrl lholr t!t34 ~ -...Oi 4 """ hnd a k"y to tha room 1 .. · ' ~ 11ubetanttal and unavoidable in- tl•'IM'nrlr•ntt. v.h•t tlliJ.:hl n"1 know l!t;t~ 411 97·4411 ~I U 'It 119 G · 1 l't3l • .,., 7...,. 081l • 111• nJo · rand Cana . t.reaee In pro.wrty luxe. and o• ... r· o•>fl11•r 1h••t r n~hh "r "ho•to· f•J "I'' ·' '"' vv. II I'"· I I d d .-~ .--1,1:1; :1o;;t 008 ""'' 11 udll II on · ro.>porte the theft atlng coeta. ( 31 Theee two Item• Ill,) for tho•m 1111' .. ·nfo•l \\Ill ,v..,v ( I t be f h l'':l' :,4.. tll,S37 " an nnt r u rom er porch. muBt operate to brinK about a de- "t••ra1•· o111.'· ~~~ 11 td •·rr:al 11L:•·nr·~ n I 'lr J Ll B k "10 S h tlt:\9 :'142 ... 1 ·u~ 11 ' " !1. • • ur e, " out crea•e in net Income equl~alent to '" anfrlntt unrt rllft'f'l flh' vo •to·ra n ' "" • • I' Balbo l'l4() :.-t? 1 040 12~ '"" 11\'l'II\W. a Island re-at Jeaat 6 J't'r l'l'nt of the IICht'd· ru ht~ d••1•·nt1r•11l~< tu t ho• :'i6 major ' ' t I tl I ft f • . ':X t<o41 4~9 1 2211•8 I" ' ··• tc 4 te o a lf'ngth of uled yf'arly maximum l!'gal rent. lw·t)l·lt1' ,1\atlllhh• '" lhl' ~r\'11'1'· 320 ' ' ' wa to,.. htt!K'. (" H Bot h 112 t1 1 t•t4:t 2eO.t 3:• sc . lor the property. "'' n anti '"onwn or thr•ar ''l•'n• · 3 1 'I \'!It'll av,.mw IJalbna bland. __ _ •·n•-~I t l1unhtJI"'<JlhttrH't1 194 ·llllt••l l'<lll'e ''"<' ha..: remo,•rd a Jolr and Mrs 0 . w. Scott ot Amu111: tho• 5li twnrhll' thl'n · :an• January 15.23~ 1 nar "I I )(ht gray render pant. Scottlt''a Cafe o·ntPrtnlnti! a grour> lht• r•"••ntplu~nu·nt n~;h1' lh•• .,.,. Fo·hn mry ,.,633 ftrom huo '41 Uom k of 24 frl~nd11 fmm Santa Ana nn n\11·~1 (; I I loll o)f 'fta.:h1~. t•.\•'nll" ~laH h 7,677 !.Irs S J Jarkuv•"t: 0!-t~ Santi! a two-hour moonlight charter ''""' l r••m prur,.·rly tax~>' 'tah•. April t ,H :J Anu 11\'I'DIIt' l 'usla Mt·8a, reported j crulae on board the ya<'ht Arruw t:anlt nn<l humo• Jlllrrh;a .. ,• pru· May 12.?27 thi8 mut nin~: that on July 3. ~-Monday evening The new greeting cards are here and a dvise rou to mak~ your ~hoice early. Overseas Cards Can Be Mailed Sept. I 5th No Cards Will Be Accepted Later Than Oct. I 5th Newport Balboa News-Times 301 I West Central we Say a Merry Christmas to the Boys Overseas ~-:ram.. un••mrtn)IJrlr•ttl tn•urnnco·. Jttnt' u .oou twto u thr t ame !lhP had paid ror' a · ------•~l•«~I IDn ~MHm•. ''~111 11m:tl r~ Jo~ ~~' ~tnlta~ tn a ~0~ In :'\~w~rt~~~~B~A~~~~~~~E~A~~~~A~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ h uhtlllntu•rt pit\ tl•'l:1'"· hn~ptllllt· AoJ:U•t 8.7••H Helll'h &1111 hPr next purcba.ee In -- ,,,11(111 Httol l1UTIIol 0...•1'\'ICY'< In which ~lJitm~r 22.3~1., nnoth.-r l'tnrt", -tK>me Ofle barl lhl' ,., l••rron hla} '"' t•nllllt'fl M:ony O.·htt:M·r 13,9111 pt<'k•••l hl•r JH><'kt't. abstractang her uf th•'"'' l ... n..rat .. , 1\lr Dttnh•p •nit! :'\u\'l'miM'r 10.014 btlltultl. "lttl'h , u11tnaned all her flt'('nl•' ... \\lllrl\4 .. :onol nrph:on' nr DN'l'rnbcr -............ 18.160 ·•h•nttfll 31 tton pnrwr8. A book gas . MAc IE IE L c IIIII ~ s E Is 0 I \ o•1 o•rntt' k1ll•'tl tn tll'ltnl1, nr a fl•'r Total . . ............ 142.327 '••lll"•n~< and $40 an ca11h. Both I g wttll Your Por-trait Doa"t Delay-Do Your M.W•s By Sept. 15th. OBOE& NOW ~---SPECIAL----··__, o .. Professional s1.00 Portrait, Only ~0 APPOISTMr.l't'T. ~~('F.S~Ml\' Roberts Portraits wr NORTH MAIN -NEXT TO WAROS SASTA ANA. C'ALit". 1l•· tilt uf hon<•r:thh tlt•t'h:trt.:"tl \'o'l • ~ ,. 1 , 111 , 11,. 111,,. l~•tnlo'll nul. 11,1". 1944 Mr and M rs. Jlrkuvcc are de-~ ..... .---' ft•1111r w• 1 ko·r~< unol han• hr~'n ~r- ,.,,.t 111111 lh•· Ill\\ "~lUff•'' ... ,.,,.('-Jnnunry $16.116:1 lllflf4h' httntllt'llfJJil'tl ".n •lhtnlnlng I ~ 0 n .. a y, A I 'I s t II\'•' '''1'11.'' "''''rtl It• ·''"'1'1 '11'' Fa-hrllllry 18.740 1!11~ '""J'"n" tu lt'JIIIll't' thOll(' • ''''''"II' "' lh;• ro·•l••rlt ltrtt>~ .,f ht• !\lnrrh . 38,17!1 lllnl••tt 1•11'1111 1 ~,IJ nr In (andiTI~ a n•'" 281~ 1•'" 1htt•ll.:h tho• f:lt•tltltc~ of the• Mny •6•473 '~'"" t.lorf! hi1J'~ !':cro· •·~·portl'•'.l l' S Ernplo\ll1o•nl ~•·1'\t<'l' tn th•• .llln•· , 78,4:11 !ofts (' H. llnkcr:. 1:!~ T opa7 l1'llnh• nr 1~.1 1 nq:anizlllttm~ fur .lilly t6,40fl atrt'l't, Balt:M•n lsl11nt.1. b~·mg htltrn 1 , .. ,.111ptoynwnt • ---II'\' " a lug 1 wnt't) by a nf'lghbor. W I ll!r Dunlap cmph11-..zo•d lhnl th<': l'<'rmtl:t tor blll~·l lwo houaea \I'd H. Mnrab",'l and J . •!l'tf'r .. ~ho_l,., loH'oll l'lllllmtllo't' "all tHII in any an 11pnrtmrnt "'"',. IIIIIUed In the ('mp1oy<'d at Ule Ualboa fo'irc llall,. r•'"ll<'t'l l'nf'rnndt upun "''"ran,. n!<· 1 a.• I Wl'•'k, with "'here fc,r ad41-wu blltl'n hy n tlng .. wnt>d 4by Jo! ..,.1111u~· pn~ram-. untlo·nak••n hy t lnnM nn•l n-pillf~ br lnglftlo:' tbe ~· Gt~•PI1, 3 1:! Annlie 11ln>,.t Roth · lift\ low·'\l ur I'C'IIfll \ r•rl;ilrtil:o111,0 ,, loolnl 111 l'ljthl. 1 \lCttm:ot '"'rr tr!'ntl'(l nnc1 the dogs l11t.1 I'. I. h 110 .11'1 ,I il I I··" Ill.! Tho!'o• I~··· I Ill the p.t:<t week r lacr undo•f qunrnntlne h•"'"" 1,.1 th•• 1• 111ttlffll~ ,. '•'' an ' · '' 1" I n an 1' C"hnl•1'1"11 :>0 f:lrn II t ;11 rre11 111 ~:ant.• Ana I• f•l l lfiP ltul "' h• t 1• tlh p tl\ '''' ~·' •f'ltl.ll\ ltu\ldtn~ Fult. rtt•n. to \\88 bnuk•••l (nr tntn Xl• lti•HI. U11cl "' 1 .,,111,. .. 11• ,11 11 ,1 1,.11, , ,1 •l•lt•h• ol n-.1ko• nl "rntlnn ltrtd 11•1 ht l"n to JotWph . 1 nt:111., '-:!11 ;'\ .. 1 1 J'arton ut th•· '''n"'""'"' t'•'~tt\1~ ••I "'·*''' p•• ·•·t t , HaJ:•' .uul ''\\ 1l•n:.t at :rtlrft't.-~autu Au • ., t •1r u nk d rt\· 1o oolttl•thll>l•• h tlll ~~ · I'• ,,tl ·"'"'"' tlnll ' l•land. ht~. \\lui. 1•111\' oofl•• 1<1'•'• 'N \\l\S ·n... ,·ntllllllllt·o•'-. ho .ooltjll ,,,, "' i. v \• "· till '., btlllol .••• -tory I nabbt·d. 1\rnnt•l h l'l'trk·· Ellt•l'l "' :'\• \\ 1••1 1 lllt.:h '' h•••l \\til o.q yo• :o·l••>nl \1\\••lltnt.: .II 30" ;\ tlotMUa :'1/e>rtll llooll\'"flo"l '""'' ,, t. l.ttl ' \\hn 1 .. 1tun "' nu..,_ ''' n\1~. C"n ronl' ol•·l ~1:u A y,.-11"'' a:;uld \\':lt, h \\,J-t l nund PAC KERS CUTTERS MISCELLANEOUS HELP WAITED! -Availability Certificat~ Required or Cl~aran("(' thru ,UNITED STATES E:\IPI..OYJ\IENT SERVICE :Mil W. 5th St. Saata Ana CALIFORIIIA MAlliE PICIIII CO. ,,,,.,1 """" lht• Sol•·•·1t\•' ~•J\"'' ~l:of\'111 1\trk·, ..... l. \\hllff•1 pe.r l by Kt>nttl'lh Plurn11wr. !!Il l E11~1 IA•':tl "'""'' t7t nnw ,,.,....., ... "h11;h \)'til l!h•·rhn• k• 1 l,ult.t l ht• ••-room Surf lll.ra·•·t. &.ntl tuml'd ol\'t'r to 1111 l>aolo•' :'\o•"t••t f Ho•:tch. ll..ti>~HI. npnrtmrnt "''"r l!llrtlf{,. "t l-a.l•~hie~poliiici"iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~;;;;;;;;;::iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii= ('ru'o•na rlo-1 :0.1 .11 Httlt•na lo.lnntl. ':run•l l'anl\l, S : :.no j !.ttl•• t-1•·. C"""' :0.1• ... t. 'l':tiJint til" l 'r•·ntl.ll!O ~~ ... t• 121' \'t.> \Vaa." ••••• ( :ro•o•ft\ '"''• l .nt,.:oiOot n.·:tch !"e>ulh lf'fll, llt'r \\'m Hoht bll• 11~1. llulld I :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:':·•:L::'':":··~·~I~l::•:n:·•~l:~~~~n:t~l:~~d:•~':n~):·~r:t•~r~k. ltrl•t•t•••l1 t•• fro•rt' ••1 •lwt·lltn~. ~. r: .... r.:r llol)kftnt. ::10;: L..rkspu.r av••nllt' Cooroonlo olo•l Mnr Bold bed· r""m ''' •I", 1111,.; s::oo B...._ lloerw from 1~-.. ll p.m. dally Where Good· FeUows Get To&~tber GOOD EATS ... GOOD DRINKS COMRADESHIP .. Shelves Still Stocked \X 'tth Excellent Supply of Pre-War Be\'erage, The Place to Spend a Pleasant -and Interesting Evcrung in N E \'V' P 0 R T The STAG REST AU RANT fea t ur:es Steak D11111 ~rs. Chops, Savory Fr:sh Fi sh Dinner~ Table Accommodations and Rooths for Family Pat rons Home Cooking Agreeable Atmosphere IWIJinlet ... OIMt ••• ••• , . C' A Griffin 2'.':1 f'c•ln~tl'l:t av- ''111"'· c· r .. na olo I ~l ll r l>lll'ol bath :onol Ml nro· n .. m, 111 J:llr.a~rr $400. l"onnnn F. t··a 11t111 1iH F:!!llelle :avr ntw 1 ;u,•ud ol•• tit tid three· 1 """' olw••lltnJ,t' 112 ~·, .. nlral av- •1nH•'. C ·nrun:. ~•• I :\Lu ~ l.:HH '·""' :\1 tlrll\\ I i•l7 II· 1:11:\lol av- • ·H••' C ·n rnn,, d•·' ,:\1 lt .ll\• r"l ttnM t ~ 1 tt ~rnt d\\". lL• ~ < !un .. 1'1.1'~1111:'\1; I'FI.\111,... "' rau~ • ..,._. ... h• n l~lan.l, !\I • ' I•""' \ 101 I ,,rk ll\ • nur H . .II· o I I 1:· I Har · I :on C IAltHI I 17 Hw' 11' ~nue, l\:•11•na l~<lnnol \\ lo 11• I \l.,tpbla. ::t:J Am,.th\~1 '1\• I' ilt>.•.l Ia· ·:"d . J•::n •..... t, •• , ~l:t ro"" ... ll••llld • \ t 'o•ut tf\J U\ t fl\U \' l!lll•\ u\~•·nu•· H.tll• l 'anl l •• r, nr t'~ • ShPtt• F"r••nt -~·'''J:• \\' ~~~, ",,, .• 11\lt' ll1llf•n l'.tll.' 1 t '' :'t , ·• I I ... ... I ' "' I '1.11 "" o! Joon- "'" ~''1 1 \ ,,, 1\ ~·h !rHal 1 ••n '4 ,\1, '., r rr Itt .t· ,r, t\1 ' \It' ,. ". ' I It ,,,.~ ·,I I I • l..h.u d 1'1•,:•· ~, · ~u· '\ t Pn.l ~ ' \' II ' • I 4 I ~ ~ ' ,, • ,,, l \l,\1 ,. -# : "'''I \\ , ~· I ' • H ~ -··. ~ .. :.... ' I. ' . , •• 0 ·' dt.) :\: t!'l 'd !'> l~ll l-.8J!Ur ' ... 1,.· V r~·· nul'., .111 IIV· ~Jr, C ,,,,, Cor· :.J ' hl'll r~ 11 J • • '" nu'" "ore Regil't rants IA'a\·e Septemher 6 • and FENDER W-ORK STRAIGHTEN One ·Day Service We Also FRA:\IES, 8~\LAN CE \VHEEL~"'\ REBORE MOTORS -and do anything you need! ANY MA·KE CAR NOTin~G DOWN-12 ~IO~TH.~ TO P:\\'! HARRISON PONTIAC . CO. SANTA ANA I • ... NF.WPORT-B~l.BOA NEWS-TIMES, Ne1rport Btarh. Califof'Tiia. Thun-cl:w. AtiL.,,~ !?~. 1944 Pap 11w WITH aoUTH COAIT M---'ng C•• -...." ..... -· • ,...,. -Puauc NoTacas W..._ Ja,y. f-rlv tonnf'(:t· Newell ebaptn 1.o ~ eac-ot eel w1UI U.. Staat. Compuy, baa ~ a .,-u-wrlb the Soutb OrviU. Dant vuau. the City of NOTICE OF INTENDED 8ALit Qout Olmpa.oy, u aa oul.ll&de Newport ae.cb wu Wl'ltt..n ClOIIUtt --· ''Oaucll" BaakeaiJ. Tueaday when SupertOf' Jud&e NOTICE IS HERERY GIVEN cWel ~ ot U.. aame com· I rt.yrront.l H Thompeon look undn that the un<kntl:nf'd. ACKER· ... , • ..._ ~ !Ue COQile(Uoo advt.e~nt the plea of Oaut lor MAN BOAT COMPANY, a ror- aad ia opnaUq • -.no·~ a&auc.j a t.mporary tnjwwu on to enjoin poratJon. wha~~e addl"t'SS Is 2414 lD 1C~ t._ rlty from &rT'Htl.o&' tum ,_ Rltlftf'. Nf'WPCM"t ~h. Caillonilil. BALBOA 'I'BBA'I'Ba Eu I ew .. ,. a t :ll .._. ................ F-- Iwe I'Mcna ........ at l :le ......... ""-• liM-.... .,..... .. ~ ..... ~·· "'CCVE& GI&L" c::.n-.• ...._. . ~ .. a-lUll N ... ...... ·-· ~y .... .... ~. '"lADIES COCilAOF.OV8" .U.. A.. lllllfi'r la '"BEY, aOOKIF." CUt-a Newt~ n.... ··-. ._. ......... .,. ... NIW.la "8PPTT''Ilr" aho ""CRRP OP1" no; OLD CLOCk" .... ..._..()"'~ euw.aa..pe~u....,. tMua.. n.. ..... II CU7 o .... t · luet IUalr la "'NCE UPON A ftiiZ .... "'DE'IT.(.'TJVE lll'n'Y O'DA Y" IDOOrV\~ b1a Cl'all O'l tlt. own a nd whOfle' poll offlt't' addrt>U b ...,_rty In Newport Bay. I P081 Offirl' Box 188. Nt>wport Bnch. Callfom la, lntt>nds In tran•fl'r. ~II and asf'lgn 10 THE SUPERJOR OIL COMP ANY, a corporation wh~ 11ddn'!'s is 930 Edtson Building, Los An~tt>II'S. Call· romia. all that rC'rtaln mN'('hnn · diSt! or propc'rt y l:•'nt-rally de· ~nbt>d as folJ(Iw!l, ln-1>1\'il : TBEATER ...._ tn• • FrM Part&Jar ~ .. ,, ... t :ll Man-8at,untay at 1 :fl C..tlaaoue 8u..._, from t :JO Tlaun. • Frt. · 8at- Mujorie ~ynolda O.IUih O'Kerff' Ia "UP IN MABF.L'8 ROOM" abo SllleriCIC'k H oi.._ -'"TilE 8<" AALET C'IA \\'" Cartooa a ~rwa Sua.· Mon. Patll Luku In "ADDREH~ t 'SKSO\\'S" aho "HOT RH\IH!'I" Cu1Goa a Nf'- T-.. \\'ed. ADa MUier Ia "IA.IW 8F.S810S" alw "''1'\\'0 MAS Sn'IM:\RI~J:" Cu1ooft a ~ of Aalmala Comlltc: -r'wo Glrta a a S.U.r", . "Follow t~ . Bo,-.", "()Mn W-.a" all4 ...,.... b CIMt Ufe', "Home la l,n.a-" ""WWIIte cun •• , O...r", "MI. W..lde 0.. to War'', ''Udy la tW Out!",~ Hitler Ouc", .. Pia·Vp GUt". Muln offi('(' and mold loti buihl· ln.:. approximntl'ly 30 !I'C't by 250 ft't'l. Warl'hnu!lt' buildln~o:. appn>xi· mntc•ly 40 ft>t'l by 100 fct'l. Mtll tuol room nnd moehinl' shop building, approximat('ly 80 ft't'l by .lj«l (('l'(. .. Pllrtrrn ~hllfl hurldlnl{, llllflroxl· mall•l) 10 ff'Pt by RO fr'l'l. Cons truction a nd ~aw filing bu1ldm.:. npproximlltl'ly 50 ft'<'l by 150 ft"el Wart'huu.<;c.•, llpprulltmntt•ly 60 fHt by 200 fi'C'I Wash room bulJdlnfi:. appro:ou· mntl'ly 20 fwot by :~ ft't'l. Paint !>hop buildang approxl· matt•ly 10 f('('t by 30 fret. t..'mvlo)mt>nt o ffici' buildmat. ap- proxrmately 12 IHI by 25 f('('t. CaulkC'I'$ building, npproximat('- ly 10 ft't't by 20 f('('t. Portabll' offlt't' buildlng, 8 fH>I by 8 ft"t!t . Comprt'Xl!Or sht'd. 30 ft't't by 30 fl!4't. l~foot dlamt'ler turn tablt>, ronC'r<'le floor. slt't•l tum tahlt> and all Op('ratmg f.tC'IIr. JO Rullding WllYt~. ('(lulppl'd with lnl<'kll. nlr piping, conduit wlrrd 110 volt and 2:t0 voll undt'r.lrTf)und, with stn~:in~o: on four Wll)!l. OutsldP m ill lit' I UJI Wil h rnn· C'l'l'lt' floor llnd 3·1on boom C••ndu11 wm·cl 120 volt and 110 volt undt•fl:round, nnd air ptlt- ln.r;: untll'r.l(tn un•l ~~~~~~~~ L.ttl Th. Ab ~~h~--s=~--~=======================~ ~r1or eourt of ttw st••• ., I e 1ngs out t e tars LET us FURNISH CalJfomla, In and fOf' ltw Olunt)' e ot Ora.np. f'fttltll'd "Oty ol ., omaoK ULLKY GOOD BUSINESS • YOUR HOME N_,or1 S.O..-h. Plaintiff ,._ HEW YORK, N. Y -A proftt. Wh~n rt'n'nlly Nlndl•adf'r At. N_,or1 Bay Drl'dclnr Cant-•Ill. •• il'lm• for U JN blf' but ""' l~man marr1~d How BlaM, who Q II A I. I T l' pan)', • corponUon , f't al. De-lot ""'II kno wn rad10 .smcrrru 1.s for ••• )'f'&ru .. ntr W1 lh h ll 01· P II R N I 8 H I N G 8 rr ndants", a t't'r11tll'd ('Op)' of abo&t11,11 on lh• ~~<'""'" •• liM-rhHtr;a, 1\f' r~markf'li Jnk•niiY whldl "'1U -r«ordfd ln Book liT Wf'll, 11rw-. l ,..._ ...... 4aa at Pace UN ot Ortlcl&l ~ ~~ of lloll)•"'·o .. >d f\lm ''•" P a)' H n • e, I 991 cords in lhf' ~ of ·0.. 'n-l.tr Ct~lttllll>o. "hf'n un -m•eht •• wrll -k n II'-n , W:l~ m 8 r f y lwot " 1 County IUC'Ordforor said Oranp the• lir-t SIIIC· P.h ...... lhtll' ·~ MII.J~ l£ PARK FURNITURE eo. County . said tl<k' lint" bf'~,ll co-rr•.: ' .... ,. t •• , •umr lhr n c 1 n incident with thf' Unltl'd Slat• "·"" .. t 11 .. 11, 11'1111 .,_,,, Ky. Bulkhead Une •• lhown on OW "'"' 1' ''""·'". ""' "'"'' .... 1 "" Map ot Harbor Lin<'ll, Nt'wport l •r m ,•l•• r\c., ..... all•l. c;r.•l · nay Harbor, 11pprovrd May 2. ""'' \'~t ot""" ••• \'"''"''· of ~ \'•·1 roll II 1\ lr I 1 X•' 1011 1.: 11 1C a\ 1936. b> thl' Actin& ~tal')' > I• ,. ) ,, 1 1 1 r .1 lh.tltlt•ol ,. ~ r . War on file• In tht-United J... 11 '"" '" 11 1.11 . .,.,. n 1··"''11", Stat~s En.:lnt'('l"'l O frl<:'t" t.o. An· ft~": r •.:•· '" ,·~o,. • ' 1 ;,.,., .,. •• 111, ,. 11• JtC'If'S, Cnlltnmla. ll dl4t•n~ or • I •• ~... ,, ... lito' \ .. ,. \'Acu~ t I ····I i;ll,tu II a. 1262.15 fl"(•t to StAtion 124 ol .. •.11.; ... .: "I•• n '1·'1 1 ·•·' 1 , ·1" ~ •. ,," "· saltl Uulkht'lld Llnr: the>~ a1.,1 c'"''"' '' • •· ·•I 1\11 ll.u • t I loll,,,, I ·'"" ~"'""·'' h t South.,_. 30' W rst 11lon .. aakt • ,, , 1 '111 1 I.,.' tl '· 111' 1 ' ' '"' I """1111 .. 11 "' ''"' • "'' r •...• ,, f tl! th, ~,1 .. ~\t i t• \\t•ik lu~ f~·· 11d•• llnr and Bulkhrad Line ~n11 1 • ,, , ' " ., 1 , 1. \., ,, 11 •• .,, 59R 7 ft>t'l to S tation 123 or said ·'·". II . I Ill II. Rulkht-ad Lint'. thrnc<-North lt• •' 1 h '" \\ .. \.. ,,. "·'"" t • 1'-· b\ on• 00' """"t alon.: ~Ill .. tldt" line r.~· .. · and Bulkh'.,ed Une 1000 7 fi"C'HO Srtttion I:!J nf, :u~ld Rulktwlld Lim•: thcll('(' South 79• 57' 30• Wo-..1 nlon~o: ,0111 llflo• lint' and Rulkho•ad Unr· 99~ ft"t!t, mono nr II'S'. to tht' Suothi'IUCI C'onwr or PM'C'(·r 1 ~brd rn tiM-~ In lhl' C'lty ot NPwport Sf-ech dnh·d April 10, 1919. and ,.... cordNI In Book 3:!1 nl Pa~ 63 nf J)e.t'dt~~, In I he• offl<-t• of t~ County ftt'('Ordrr or said 0 ra.n2f"' County ; thr n<:'t" North J.D. O'l' 30• Wf'St alonl: tht' Elt~rrty ltM' of :u~ld P"n-t•l I. 150 fl't'l ; lht'nt"f' North :.!0• 54' 30" E~~.~<t along thc- F.a~tt>rly lint> nf said Parcel l , 322.61 f~t mon.• or lc-~. to ttw SouthWI'SI C'nmf'r nf fP'II' land ronvt>yrd tn Addli> £, Stl'vrn~ ,,, al b)• dN·d ro'l•urdt-d July 27, 19'13. in Bovk 4RO n t Pu.:c-269 or [)(>(-dJ<, in tho• n flll'o' nf II"' ("nunty ~nrdo•r nl "11111 lln111.;•• ('nontv ; thl'nt••· North ~ t:i' ;w• Ea"t !»Rl 17 fc .. ·t to tht• Soulhi'U.<I Nlnll'r of J\Uid land con\'I'VNi tn Slo·v•·n~ t•t al; t hPnt'~ North :..r7· :\()' w .... t 2:lO:ll fc't't In lht• fl('int of In· ll•l""''('tfnn !lf th•• Sout hrll~lc•l'ty ··~ll'n!'ion nf .lhc· Soott\Wf'Sit•rly hn•• nf 31~1 S trr'f't with thr Sour hPrl)' lint• nf :tJ~t h St rc'('t . tu. II t. I I,, ,.,,,. \ •c r •R.trhl'lra Jn AI lru • ............ .,, th~ ""'" ... ,~ ''lV", (I .... ' "'~'.1' f,.r a lh 1n1 011 '\\ t 1rtt: n..: \ ,.,,, ~If \ tl 'u tllh' snit:i Sit"'''" RN' ''"'""" t•n the' map ur ~-aid Tntc·r 1'\n R1 :'>: rhr nt'l· S nrth f\1 " :vr 1'".11~1 70 (('('1 , lhf'M't' :"Jor1h 'n 30' W..sl I·• ••• f\1 ll l f •• t ' ~ ,.... \ ',. "~·"' I tltt••th' lhf' r Atltot lift lhf' alr1 mrn rha.•f' hl'r l'-lor n~ uf lhr C'lltr•t • ll o ,, I ~( I c-... I. I • I \ I II • I ,, .. '.' " liHue• tn """' ""<>41 JnAn l•avl•, 1 ""1 AI" A'' tq,.d •• man ''•nrct l11 .I "11 :.uc hrr r hArAtll'tll•l•un•. I• trd ,., " •1 • '""' lhf' t ttlf' 'hr'll r h.•IICf' tn a ,. • !I f• II I• .. '··I···, .• ,, fl · .t ( ,, t •• : ' ~ , t , ·• • .•I I ., f , "• ttfl ~ • • Ju• fa hf ,. I , •• ,, t• 'l•11 t•'c.I'H' f'l '' • • u cf f•-'1'•1"" tftttfl.~,, • c' If, ~ .• I 'u• 'h t t • 1t •ollf '''I tt\JoH U I 14r • ~ ... , tt I ·'' t t••tt . ,., ,,,,. .SJ .: I 'H .! t ,JJ I I ''!} I•JJ t·'··..,·· lfr ··• 1~ 1 lu tJ•Pt~ ••. I·• t••l J,~, • (lfl I •1 I l it• t4 If f t'fttt U (U ,,,.. ,,., ,\ tl :.• WH£PE'S THE TRICK? (ltli, ···'' Ill lh·· IIIII I .... , 1\ "' k. lin "' "l1 J,....,.,.., l>'"'"'"il•'r. tht• "uut1•h • ,,d,·r.·· "'l'IH ;u s v. 11h h u ,.,"''I II il '""· \-li t• •J.> JUU('t, i-'Ul· tlo 11.1 llto•t11 .h :""""'' llut ft•w ,,,,.J, .n •. ht• '-''nuld h:t\'t• vuu I.)P- h~,·~ 1 11<'\1 ~l(lo~ II II' I •• IS o1 tru II '""''.,.. ht·r" I net thry dont kn .. -. v.h••r.-• l'•uh•,,•on•t m•~•r• '"' rla•on llunhon.:•·r u~~ ''Jilt It-'' c pro Ia iit tor "st•lttf[t'"). 8 u1 l>unnll'll(•·r •'" s lw 'll I[IVt' SIO.IlOO to ••" ""~' "hn can provl' ~ IU<') "~t •rk'" T hr prctf!tam 1$ plannrd far 10 arlvanc-f'\ "'lth all stunt• to ~ pullt-d announffd • Wftll ahf'ad Sorrn-,,.. tr)'tnC to a.ur. e clue from t~re. I "'""""' 1111 on thr radtv In th• I all VER¥ LITTU:: THINCS .. J t ,,, ,,,. , '· lf th \••t '""'''" ft l t+t ot I •••It t 1'1 n lth • I rut ,, t~tt! ,,,t '' ttt ''h' ~~·· '\4 \ UUl t l tt.• tlt•i hlt••l fw 1 • ,,d du t ..-1 t• 1 I hotr\ $ttlt\t' 411 ""' "'loot' ancl •I.Uit••l h1• nwn l'l ttt(I.U H . 'lluf 1' ·, 1· ....... 1 n .. lilT thr 1111 hr ....... lhll '•'"" •• on lhr ~huw M 111 t11n !)"" 1u• v " I h,. IHtt,.t Jit\lfh 'f lilt I• ltooU' 'II ( t h f' •ttll(rr~. ht• tt<H'k•·IA hul 1 r 1 I<) lhf' d i'IIUII of 1111 ta1lorl "'""II "''''' "'tlh a<I(MI lut·k C'h.it t "'' ~··hi lu rn loy 11\lrnf't a Ja••k fl<•nny. "'"''Y wut of thr ('oml'fl l:tn•. "•llr• fru•nd• hi' .- rrl:u,.•l f.,, tllr flr•t t1m,. '" vran tl<··~ ItO a I!Sil IHUf of thr Suuth Pan tle-Nu 2 W111 • rrr lA t'rf'd All"n T h.-lall•·r ha• drvrl~ ~urh hcch, hlond prf'lllur• t».tnc funny, h•a doctor haa adv1wd ham to rf'ltr.-from tl'l• t-ua~ Dco~ w11l be back Oct. 1. 410 WNt ttb 8L HON'T Throw Your Old MaUr~u Away ••• It Ia Valuable! Collon n.-vc~r Wt'IU'II out J llt\'t' It rehullt 11nd aawo the lllrft•n•nc"r .. . All~of ....... ..-...... ~--t' 0 MT A M F.8 A M A ,T T R E 8 8 0 0 • . ·(._.. ..... ENJOY THE THRILL ... YACHT CRUISE . .... A-R-R·O·W lXAVt:S n 1N ZOHID PIER EVII:Kl' HOV8 ON nil! HOI 18 For R.Merv.UO. or Chuier 1•""'" .....,_Cape.. llolil Hoyt.I4TO -ALL GONE TO WAR! F'lrv figh11n1: Rnd fm• con• rol 11)'!\tl'm. cons1:-tm~; nf approxi· mat••ly :40 sumd fl'IX'' with gn~llnt· pump In providt-IIUltir liar') .. alt watc'r pn·s~urt>. w ith 4 inch m.Qiru.. 2•10 mch "'tanrl ptfll'• nncJ I •,. inch VliiVt'' 500 Gilllon undPI'):rounl'l •lur· 111!1' tnnk "ith t•lrC'IriC'IIIIy n p· t>ralc'd pump and all aC'C'..s· :o-Orh•S 44 RO ,,...,: thrn•·•· J"nrth 52• , :w· E .• ,, 150 ,, ... , tu tlw pount of 1944 TIDE TABLES nwnt Dntl ltC'knuwl•.,litlt'd to me that h• 1'"1;'10•-rl tho· , .. m.• \\II n••" Ill) 1111111'1 ItO< I uffk i11J "Bl 0 N DIE" Tlo~ i4•tlt X'U'•J •'ftlt•l•, .. tl•t ., ••'-•• t#w Bl , t fi#JI LJ' , .. fl.( ill -JJJ.-11,., 11'1,.,, l••c'''·•J. n .. ,,,.,.., ,., .. ,,1 ,._,,,, .. ,"".' h •ot/fl ... J IJJx_•-J lf••IINJUJ /1! .. J, I ,_,,.,..,~ 1 .,,,..,'·''I· n •• , .,., ,, · ~~ r .... ,.,.., ... -.ItA . 1/HIJI •• I'. .... .._ F R 0 M KECA TO YOU .. OWNED AND OPERA TED BY 500-rnn nmrm" rarlwn)' with 1111 opo•tatm~o: l:f'nr. ;::u,ollnr p<'wl'rc~l hw><t. :1 way t•nrs, nnd ull 1 ruc·k· n nt1 rollc•r<, 50-tnn \'l'fiiCHI hrt with nil op-l'rarin~t I:Mlt r•nrt PlrctriL'~lly pnwt•rrd hnt~l<:, tr11nMrr r ur:o;, $(11.~ OJX'rnlrd w inch for trnns· ft-r raf"'tt, and 8 ways caru. 1 25·tnn !Il iff lt>~:.:l'd crnrtr' wi th nil opo>rnt In~: .:(•nr. ~:os Anrt l'lr~tric hof,t Uulkht•nrlin~: nnw l•)("aiNI upon tho· tt·nl Jlrt'lfll'l'l.\' :tppr<1\i· rn:~l•·l\ 1-'10 '''"' of hulkh•·Mim.: 111'1.•11•·11 tnr:• tho·r "Jth mt• C'l'll:lrl"'"l" ptlh1r: anti 11!1 f••no'· •n:: l••r.:•·l lwt ''•lh 1111 ••lo•r•to 1· c·;tl ( 1\ I liP'' 11111! \\ IIIII I: pi utili. '"" llncl hltnll\ 111 ':uti l•ull•l· 1n1:' 1100\,. tlo·,rniH•d. ull lcw·ntt'f1 orn "'r lot•tnt:. llfftll••tl '" th111 ('t•rtnm ,.,.,., ,,,.,,,,.., ,,. ,,, .. ,,,,. in thf' \mmly o f c 1rnn~··· Slut•· of Colrfomw moto· phrtwularh ,,, .. ISrnll('(i 11' fnlluw!oo · I Thill pnrrlon M Srrtrnn~ :.'R :rn•t :\.'\. 1n T own .. hip 6 South, JL1nt:" 10 W"''· San (l.>rnnrrlmn Bas•· 11nd M•'rid1nn. m lhl' City nf l'o:t·~J)Ilrt B<-11rh C"rmntv nf Ornnl! ... S tn(l' 11( Califomrn. tl··· 1 scr it\(>d Ill' ft>llnv. ~. ~·~rlnnin~r ar 1h•• mo .... ! F'~,·''"r· ly C'nm er of Ll>t T••n I 10 1 nr Tract No. Rt5. II" J)l'r mnp lhr-rf'· nf rl'rort11'd in f\n{tk :m nt P ill:'"' rtae 4,, and 44 or Ml~l'f'll:mt•CIIt• MH(II', rY'<'nrtlll n( Mlrl ( rr:•n~o:•• T H £ N E T W 0 R K County, nnrl runnin~: 1 h••tw•· 190 OH YOUa OIAl South '17" :10' E11st nll'lflc t h<• ltn•• ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ oh trdmary hi~o:h tldt-or the Pa· -1 cifir Oc"nn in Nl'wporl Hny. a~ M'l forth nne! dr1.crihl'd In tho• ' judgml'nl rf'ni1Prl'd Mn~ :.15. 19'.l8. t\(>ginnmg NOTE· Sa1d l.md ,,. ,.hn" n un 11 • mnp of !llll"o'•·~ roort)l"f1o'f1 Au· ""'~' n ,,l94l ,ln ll<••k II nt Pn,;:o· • :W nf Rt'Nln1 nf Sur\'t·y•. In lh•• ntflt'l' nf thr-Count ~ lto'('tlrd•·r 11f •:wl Onrnlw C11un1~ . 1-:X<"r:PTIN(; TIIERI-:FROM thl' 1 ftJIIOWifl~ dt•M·riho'll t~Urct'ls of• Janrl n uct• Por11Cif1 thl'rf'l'lf rlc>!l<"rlhrd u follows : JW~:Innin$:' n r thl' nt<r~t r.AI't · c•rly t•nrnc•r nr T.m 'l'••n t )I'll n( T r:lcl No Rl!l, a" tM't m:tp I h••ro• of r·~·nnlr•tl tn ll.~<tk :lfi, 111 I':JI! .... 11 nn•l ol t of ~tl'<"'ll rnco • :'\1:•1'• ,,., ''"'' ul llno""'' t•••ttnh :orul ntunim• llr•·u•· .. S••uth :•7 :Ill' 1-:.1'1 ltlull~ Ill•' lllh' "r Old IIIII) h1.:h lltlt• of lftc· f'l\1'111 i k···:rn m ="•'" 1•11 1 1\:1\ 11... •' f••llh anoltl••f'l th.•tl m "''' 11111 lllt'ltl n ntlc•r<•d l\f:O\' :!_'j J!J:.'11, Ill .\o·tu.,. Xu .'VX1 m th• Sllflo l lor ('uurl of th•· Sllllt• nl C'uhfn1 nw. en :rntl lut lh•· ('"''"''of Ct nnr:•· rntcrllll "Crt) .. r :o-;l'"fl'"' llt'lll'h 1'1-Hnlrff, '" ="I'"P'"' l t.iy Urcdfi:inJ: <:ontpltl\,). 11 ,..,, JltorliiH>n, rr 111. fJ<•fl'ntl.ont,.. ... ,, C'l'l I rfiNI copy of· v.•hlrh Wh:o. r•· r urrlNI 1n ll<tnk 167 ul P.tl.:f' 1!11 of Offi1'18l IW<:'nrrt., 1n I ht• ol ftCI' Of lhl' \nunt)' fV'('IH'dt'f 1•1 ~1tll1 O rlln'-'(' County. ~··••I lid·• lin•' ht·tn~ C'fllnclrll'nl wrf h lh• l'nr tt~l Stntt·< Oulkht•nrl Lint" '" o;huwn on ttu• Map tof llorl~w Linr~. NI'Wflllrl llny lltlllotol' nr· p rtiVPd Ma} 'J W:\6, loy tit•• Ar t· Ill~ St'f 'rl'lary of \\'llr. on ltlt' lrr '"" t 'ntiNl Slllll'' 1-:nt.,mto ·•·r• ()I ftct', l..t~ An"o•lo·:.. ('IJlltornu•. ,, <li!'tancf' nf 1:.!6'J 15 IN·t '" St11· I tOn 121 of •:w l 1\ulkhl'lcll f.rno•. lh,.nc" 'south ~ :vr \Vr~t nlon~.; 'ulrf lldt-llnr and Flulkh1·nd l.rn•· 1111.;11 fo' :::. I 411 3 ~. , 211 ~ 24 3 I R1· Z7 fl 4:l :1.1 \l ~' 1 ll:l 3 4 7'1c. ~ 7:45 :l 7 Wt.l 311 II HI u 11t :11 K ~~I • r. a ... ,w 7 211 'J I It 11:\ ... .... 9 ::.l\1 :l)l II Ul• 2.9 1:06 0 4 J 411 -0.!! ., .. lfl"h 2 ·~ ... ~ 1:07 . ... 4:20 ... !1:31 ~.2 t :JO !U 1::13 6.2 8:10 & !I Luw t :24 1.t 11:02 1.~ 12:14 1.0 1Z :tt 2.7 1.8 ~; •ft t, t fS. \ 1411 loi )' • \ ' t: f U ti• t Lf•l1t rt•ur~,. 8 t 1 .r~ t • ~~ .. ~ ,, " rhl,.,. •r., ''Itt• • •t in , r•)• 1 I ., , u• ,,.tl,,. ft "'"'tltnf"• u ( !i••x 7 ,, ' t to ~' 1 tlun-1:.?:1 .. r -.:wl lllllld•· ,., 1 "" lht•n('(' N.,dh <17 !'I \\ • 1 ol .. 11.,: Mid l lrlo· ltn•• nntl ltulkh•· "' l.tll• a d i!URnt't' of .'.\l lo.", I• • I '" .1 ptltnl; llll'nt~· 1••11\ ln.: "'hi llulk hr•nd Llnc• 11n•l ntnntn~· :'\•u 1 h •g• 00' :\()" t:nq ~,:•1 •111 l•~·r '" 11 flOint . tlwn•··· :o.;,.rth 'l7 :llr W t'lll n tll,tam·•· ''' li't:! Ko 1.-·t 111 a point. lhrnt~· ~o.tth r.:• :lit Wto11t a dis tnnc·•· "' Yl 'Ill 11·1·1 1 .. a polnr. thC'ncr :"ut lh .!7 :ltl WN&t II rfull nnc·o• nf ~Ui 'tit I•·• r to thf' Soothr11111 rotn•·1 ul t1 , Itt ol rfmVC')'I'd to At1•lt•· I. ._,,.,,.n, . • al, by d,.,.,1 r•·<-.lll•·fl .lui\ • 7 192:\, In Un<tk It-<•. ·'' l'.n••· .,.,,., of 0.·1·rf11, in th•· ''"'' •• ,, •II• ('•lunl} l<•~v-t1ttf•·• .. 1 ,.,., l lr· nn~ow C'ounly Ill• ,.. "lllltl lll •n£ Nnrlh '.'7 '111 \\•·•• :·~;, d ltlf't ftt th•-r••1nt ,., •••'•' • • q,,, or llw S.•ulh·" ..... ,. ,,, ........ "' Al.~~l\ M RA111. :-;,.,,." l'•tl•lw In &hd f111 l'ltld County and Stair • • ••••uul,.,lt,tt •'\f•ll•..._, (J.&•tult('r 15, 1946 , .. ,.~. P ith Alii.! :'4. I~ t Watch Your Kidn s/ u.a,. n-n ... _ , ... "...., arrt-ful .... , ..... . ~-:w.::::r,.~ .. ~u!.:~!~.:~ ·~,·~~~ .. 1_,811',.Nfl'•l'• .. tee I• ..... ., •·u ~ If•• A•tl e M M "•t'lte ktt•ftft..... fell t• • ................... t ..... if , ............. , c:::-.. .-.~~~·--~.7;· ................ .. JW't;.' .7:~:·::.:.~ t.~.~.~~t':!, ~:!,-:!:: r•H ..... "" •'••••· ••~111 ....... -.._ .. ,., .... , .... ,_ . ,_ .... , ,.,, .... .... ....... , ••4 , ... "' ,.., .,.,, ." ... •'" t 'l hH ....... ,., t.I4"•J' M' '-l•tt4•• .... .u4J~t .,. .,.__,,,,_... hflf.re l••• ..... ,, _, ,.,... ,., ... , .,, ..... .. T>-................. ._._ ... , ... -,. "••tf'lll!l••• ... ..., eh ........ ''" ~~--• , .. , .. u...· •................ ••• ,,..._ .. ,_ • .,.. t••• f&f't, , .. , •• T·~w, M•• • •••l .. •'•• •• ., ••• ,, ... :::::-:::=-~~ ... r.::-:.:~;!~,..lM ~-• 'lANU ....... WAIIHIPa AtJIUIU "'·"' "'Ew•m•s .......... . ............... TONS • ...._ ••...... n .. farlllllre flf u •••. (', ..... "" ,.,.,..,ltH .,.,. •• ,. .,..,,,.., I• •••• In tuml•l•1 p,,....,.. ... parh f H the ... , ..... .. "'ar r ............. , fer _, na .. u ...................... I ...... tl-at Che __ ,, Whall r-..-.., tlwr'U ~-~ a fiN .... a., ., .... ,. ........... ...,, ~ . .,. ........ ..,_.._ ....... ,. .. r ..-t .... , n ua .. te ...,. ~-, . 902 NORTH MAIN PHONI 743 'k/ltiiel ·• ... ''Chi lei that r~aiiY (•a r c"' cares! thr South""''',,, l1•r• • 1 1 • S lrt't·f Wtlh lh• ........ ,.I h I . or :nlth S lr•···t •• 'wl Sll •·• I - llrl' ~hown ,.,... •h• 111 •J• ••I ·••·I TrnC'I Nt• 1<1'• •h• nl•· ="""" 62" JO' t::t•l 71 fVt I••• I ''' .t I I I po1nt. 1h••n,··· ~,.,1ft-:.; "'' \\ • ""' a dl&tlln<'•• .,r ott "'' f, • • ''• •• pmnt. th•·n.-.. :>:•·• '1o r.. II • 1 , • BALBOA'S ' ...... :;~:~·· ·:-•. ~ ~ (~:~... . / \ft /tt_~tihf ~\ ~TENPLAN~ Smart ••• in more ways than onel e \\'l.cn )Oll hl'C .a l:~;:t A!: • he l.ing a,,,o, nt, }OJ ..!•m't h.I\C t•l t Jrr)' a, lot o( '-·"h •n your pur•c- anJ }o·;r onccllcJ chc,l.~ ~:c not onlr )Our rc.tipt. but thry he!{! )OU ~~p )OIH buJ.crt in ord~J. SJ' c time-, trouble-, tires antf ~:.uohn~: Open your rr::I~A:l chcd.mg account .t' anr br.an(h. Ten thcckt cost $1 in a n~.1t packet {or your pocket or purM'. With TD !?LA~ l che-cks you n~J k~p only enough IDOOC1 in t.bc bank to cover ~ chcdJ )'0\l write. ••nk~o{ Amtritla NAnONAI.lft\'W[ ASSOCIATION . .... ._... .... ._" 1 ..... -..... ........ A ulurc ro the thou,~n I• .,( .. r.mcn who hav<' Jc-.!tl atcd tht m•clvcs ro the hc~lth anJ h•rr•nc" vi Am'"''' "w.ar h•~'>•rs" an•l 1:'" ... '"8 cluiJrcn in "dtfrnsr p!J nl '""'ns' so clu e their• mrttl!cn un u rry on 111 vtul ".JI "'IJik, lcno• tOf:_ tl.('lf )'UUHt;llt'IS arc ufc .a nJ "t II < .rt-.1 fvr' H. lt. BRINKERHOFF .. t. 1111~ IL 1 15000fr.•t tn Ill• , ... mt .. tl-1 111 nlng That lh~> pur• '', • •·• ,, • .., '. 1 I ~lderorion th•·r•·l•~• "'''' lu· t••ltl '" ttw> Vr•ntlllr ton tit• :•, •I •I •\ • I Sc-ptc-ml~<•r , I'll 1 "' ,, ···" '' •• Rffpr ft'i: fht• "-otf• I lfltdl' I ' •t I C'Of'npllr••l "lilt I• Ill• It o 1 •I ' • t Will t'OfllrtnJolll• tl,, \ " •' • •I It hi' n!nl 1•1•·1~,', 1 , .1 .. I·· l'C'rihf'<J h\ Ill• \ • I ·n,,, tt•·· 111 ,. " .. ·• lllflt•rllllton "'til t.. 1 • ' 'I !1:1() f-:<11'1111 1\ltt'·f 1 ,• I'" t\• l'~tlllornc;r Thl~ ""''''' •I tt•ndNl \'o 11•1 fll~tvl'l""' • I ' l I C"lv11 c·,.,, .r ·• · · •' •', fum tn IJAT I I I 11,, . h o •' ' • I \I l,'lt•t. 1'141 Af1< r-:n ,,, ·: L'., 1 f ' • ~~ ~ •• ~. a r nq;•l ,, t,• f!}' f , ~ t I I I I• 1•1 II I ' ,.,, •• , t ,. ....... , ( "'"""1111 C...ty nf f)rllrtl: On ..... J llh ., ' , '"''·' •• 1'•1\ ll"fnr+ 1 h• w o•l· ' ; n•,·l • :-,. ,•,.,. Public: In An•l r••l "''" ('-.m'• :11 •l St•t", rto•r••'""" tl•l ~'"''"'' ': ..... A-. t:.all . Fullf>r P•'"''" ""''"'-n ,,, "'" '" ,,.. the Prewlrt.-rl r.t Ar k•·rml!n llt"'' <bnr»ny, • C:S.JHnmln r,,,.,,.,,ll- tion, and t~ pr•r,on "'11•-nrtru• Ill ------------------------1•-----------------------•11Ybea1bt4 tG ttMo wUhtn lft~na· REND -EZVOUS BALLROOM Pn-scnt8 ''SWEETHEARTS OF RHYTHM'' ,\ "~"'' ;t:; a··mu,\ \ """J•'. I t'JUU1\V t\ IIJ.'!:II,.f :W S,\TI IWA\' ~ .... 2 MATI'IUMV ANSELL · HILL and ""~""' 21 St~IM\" ' 1'4f-J••. :i Ml!'IIUAV HIS ORCHESTRA Comlnr Sept. 9 -HARRY JAM.~S . ,. t -· • ' .... Six NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES, Ne"PPO't Beach, California, Thursday, August 24, 1944 • A Wae Uarta the Y-.Jaer for a • CORONA DEL MAR NEWS r Eddie'• BARBECUED SANDWICHES Aze Delicioua! (IIJ IIEMU L IIENEDI~) ,.,,,~a .. n orl' I • Mr anol ~'"' C" 1-': A• kl'rman .Wra. Or&llt Raymoot.l l'aaJHirna, l.tdo lllllr ""'"' llr• k•'ll ~:ruund f•.r 1111 11acallunlns 111 ~.07 Mar~o.-urrtt•• th• ar n .. w llooiiM' 'lfW• "''" k :"'hr· With her daughtl'r, Mn~ William , hu•u.& nvo·OIIC' I hi~ lll'•'k e:Le=t=O=-ur-Bo-=y=-.=="IHigh School Got Read Home Items $49,963. from State IIUJ of ov 1-a boya la Ule een1ee are eallee19e" to UNo New.·n-. ~1 eajoy -· ... -"--...... _ _,_ of Fund in 7943-44 Marri&&"e llcenu• were l•ued to two Balboa Cirla thla wHk, Margaret Merl~ Kuhn and Rob: ert .W. Kuhn. SAAAB. obtal.niAc NI'IW>n ·llll,l hl'r I wn 1111na or I :t,.n. Mro;. F:•l" in S Rl'~ n••hl~ ond l --a Ucenae. and Betty Lee )foore, The atale'• appropriation toJ Balboa, and W11ltt>r Lofqul11t Jr .. ~ Nawport--WaFber-Uttion--HI~ Port'-n<27 Ore .. rtteM'IIIr th~ attler. --Khool dlattlrt amqunted to $49.963 , 2100 Ocean Frottt 4=& -~-lla~au>rul-~ .Uu:. rtnul:htrr !Iunny trft Mrmri"Y fm Wef'k end with them. )I no 1-:clw•n llt•·tr hrtlll• "' I'"~""',,., Tt.•' \\'llll11ms 4211 ~iiLrJrlll'rllt .-ntt·r· hill,. ,,.., n "•mrn•·ron~: ol II" l11•111•· tatno•d thf' Raymund• a.ntl t.lr w1ol ,.1 ·"'" 1'1 ,. ~: r:ro·•·n ,jtlll ~·"~ Mn1 Moor• ,. ('•onlo-\' .,f S••utlr 1•1, . .,. Mr> •:r•·•·ll " "'''' ,.,,.,It-of Newport aeach j f>lludena at ollnn('r Satur•llll' Till' ,1, 1 ".,, , ~ 1 ~"" :-<:ol111" • .... ,,. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \\'illlaml, ('lllllt'Y,I< llllfl IUt~'lll"lltl/1 II' Ill' 11 .,,11 \\ tlli o111 All• 11 lllo•l "'-e 7S -llrt' mcm~nt "' an llltPn·•llu~: tl.. t "" • ,q, •Ill ,\It~ • ;,. .... ~~ -. llleU family aacl frteacla. Will y-. wbo kDow Ulem, phoae Ia personal or aodal lterna or bU• of HWW In whkh they rntrht be lntereeted! Tbey wtll appre· I clat.e It &Del 110 will we. We aJ..o like to pri11t. lntereeutr lf'ttf',.,. ' I which you receive from the boytl. for 1943-44 . an average or $93.M; Mrs Lawrt'nrt Kra.-mrr enter· for eacn or the 534 pupU. In av-talnrtl membr n ot lht' Yo>tmg erage dally attendance in the dla-I.Adte!t Jnstltutt' ot the Anaheim tril't for 194:!-4:1, Caltforma Tax· C'athollt: church at ht r Balboa pnyenl' onodallon rt>ported today. home Monday evenlf!.l · ntllklrtg public' IL' anal\'sls or lflale ,-------------, Mack's Photo lM M.a. 8t., Balboa ldendficatioR · Photos l '<•ll rl lt••t,.-11 "''" • hoh, "lu• II u.l'l 1 ,1, 1,, 1 ,.. • , • 11 ".tl ,,,, "" tlt• thrnul(h the ,VI'Brlt .,,.,,1, ... r 141th b•t I'• ..:~1 """ )fr, anti Mr.s .In• k ~~~""!!' 'I 'ul.\• ""'•'·l··lo • 1 ~l r• • ;,. ''" Jn).:h•V.f"KI1 AJWOt :-'liU4Jit\ \\jlll \f1 11f11l in l;1;1 h\ 't11\•, 111'-l '' 'Urflt•d anti lo1r·•· \o\'hyt•· ~lfi •11""'1 Ill,.,. 11• 111 1 ·'"' I• • • " •' "" 1 "'"'' ~lr nnol Mra 1-: I. Gr• K.:. :\101 • I '11•1 J.• f .. l •' I• rl·" • j &furJ:IIf'rltt'. hwl Mr rutd Mrs H .\l o.o ""' I '"II "' l\111 Fit • II H JoT11t ... r ot San CnhriO•I 118 14•···k I·,, '" ' ''"'"" lontl "·IIIJ.;hll'r lllols to hl,!!h 11< hu,;l !IJstrlo·tl! thrroug!Jout Ca l.rornia. I T11t ul l!tat<' aid t n a ll tht• hi~h -------'-------~d11 ul dlstrlrts In Orange c11unty Island. oun . PAUL NORMAN YACHT SAIL MAKERS Sall1, Awnlnga, Boat Covera 224 1.oe 218t St. Newport Beach Phone 207 1 end II"Jt'Mla. Fr '"' ''" \IKrY '""' 111• I<• r llll•l 1-'rl,.nols uf M r• J A M urJ•hy .It· . ,,. 11 , l•11ooloool ·"' h .\I' • Helen Hurst Henthorn to How-for J!l43-H was. $ti:'>!!.847, ba~H>d ard S. Pet~rsun anti w1r., •lot :! 1 :~te~·779 pupils m avo:rage datly In block 14 of sedton 3, ·llolb:•stl1 the .=7a~~~ thfe pdrecedlng year, Ha1 t:V F . Phlll'ps and "11'1' to ~---------------------------. Lealie M. Thuet, lot 20 Jn ulock G,..tlng Cuda •nd • Cre•t Variety of Unuaual 91fta , 312 llellotru~. rcjoJ~t' wllh n"r HI• hhl 1 \\a:. I •• ' 111 h•·r no u. om hrr atrot.ly lrnproovt>mt'nl t•flt'r 1 .. , •• •1• 1, 11 111 ll•·t.lll ~ltolllltt\' : lln opPratlon at Ranta Ana Hoe· ~I r """ ~I•.., t\ 111 "' 1\ I\• "' pll10l Mr.._ Murphy 18 a.n •·nlhlll!· 1,., Ill WI 1 • • • , I••'•'• nor ' ull•·n•l ..., ....... hh ,-ata l lft•ll•• w .. rkl'r In lilt· R,.•l l'rn~11 ,., " V.• •I· I lllo! o.l tho l•olh•••l ............ C.,.. \\ I 1;1bby GrahiUll, ''"" uf M r 1-' It • """ • .,f lhd· ~·" l 'n~ t.:n I 14 of al'clion 3 of o::.bu11 lalund. "WI'; INVlTE "VOU TO BROWSE AROUND • Charlelt ~ Phlppa anJ wa e l•t RJchard .M Kt'll er anti Wlf(', l••t 13 '·' blCK'It 637 of Corona clel Mar . Lydia A . Oroaa to F'rl'cJ llnm· mtor. lot 2 In block 11 ot tra••t 772, C. E. LOUCKS JEWELRY •1'\d STATIONERY Olamonda · W•tehu . F ine Repairing Pltoae Ne•·port l6St·R 1797-M Newpor1 Blvd .. Cosh Men, C•llf. Gift Shop l;raham u l ~IIIJ AI'" 110 IIVf'nue. ''""' .\ I\• n I". lw II• r lm• wn .. ~ ~... I ,...,., ,,., a " ... Thurao.lll~ fllr lluoll\ull !toll •• \no•·· Ill \l~ouoho ~ n t:lol ........... l:le.. Chao, wht'rt' h«' Will 1\tlrnJ I hi' Til• l•rrol:ol • ""I'" \\'•'l•· ~I IAA '---------------'I \\'~att'm ltt'.,.rvt Academy, u :"IIIII ,. \\ riJh an I luhn ( r.<•l ''" k C<>rroral Paulino Zh•Waald el Eodocolt, New Yortr. a -"-" of tile W omrn'• Arm'/ C~·~· a11i ..... a. tho A•r Trauptrt c..,., ... d'a -atl.cr ofloce al Crrn•~r Fir 'd. N-Ha.,.a.irr, d:ocuun flyi•• coaclitiona wi~ - Ar "'I polot. 'fho U. S.Juw., ...... •oro Wau to 6U Ut ,., ... oli.apwt.M autaamen1 ... Newport Btal'h. =;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;-;;;~;.-.;;.;;;;;;;;;; Earl W . Stanley and v.ll l' lf•t I Roy E. fllfr . lot A In b'ock 7 ut -Mlll~htpnll•" 111 lh•• l 'ntY• r:.IIV ••f aectlon !5. RaJboa llliand. ---------------------------~·Hlhtlf n C"AII(t•rtt• l tP'lLtl ("•,:-Real Estate Continues l lctive Marv E. L.au1enbeck to Jroltn N. Alle n and wife. lot 7 In block 13:? of Lake Tract, Newport Beach. • R A D I 0 S E R V I C E li'J.:•' ~lll\.0 \\'o hit 1 ll >l lldl•tfl Ill . -th~ I'S (' ~lo •llo lll l'••ll•·.:r· Th•• 1--A te, llutM ...._ .....,,.. I 111 k 1 1 11 \\1111 F.m•·lll Marquardt and wife to I C:rlrrllh cnmpany to Vincent D. /' -:--• tridu "':td ng 1'"' P ·"': " "' ''1 Jnv Uull•·r unJ wile, part of Jot ~ulma<·la Jr and wife, lot 890 and Orrusn C. Chapma.n Anct wlfo> tn ' . '_' llutM Dee 1 •·mplt• Ml'lhullt~l 1 hurrh. t 3 ~nd part nf lflt :5 and all of lot northwnterly half or lot 891 of 1 Max Van Drtmlen anc1 wofo•, hot Burt R. Norton I ~1'8 ""1111 :"'hh•r 01111 ••un" c•a.rl 4 In blo<·k 142. nf ruubdlvlaioft of I tnwt 1107, Newport Beach. 16 In t..ock :5 of rtoa.ub1lvt.h n <Jf ...... ~1'7 Md l 'o•r ••f \\o·~t IAoll Ant:o•lt'14, ""'l t 'nrnna clt·l Mur l se<:tlr.:-o ~.Balboa Island. 1111 01oM1 ___ , NJ:WPO&T B~ I(IIMIII f• r lll!" 1\<'f•k of ~l r~ VIr· . Orlffltj) compa.ny to William A. I D L Sb t , __ T' ,.,. , --I \\ altt>r M11rr1" Gth•del and wile bl d It 1 t 977 d . . aw o ~ , ,. ac .... ---------------------------~tlnlll lll'l~•ulrt :!In ="'llrt'IIIII UII av• l u-t Pa I Sim and wU ~lo ey an w e. o an a.nd wife lot 7 or tract 742 Vene-rntH' Mrs Rl'l~'~<•ld u• liylng up to n 8 t•r u • • e, I AOttthwcsterly 10 teet of lot 978 tlan r •n~e Balboa t .. an I . 1 part of bl•wk 340 nr Corooa del r tmr t 907 Newport Be h · '· .. -------------------------·. nulllwrn 1'ttl!furtll!l '"'~I v;•o·k lo ~Jar " · ac · F.dwm R. Wllllama and w!~e to SM hrr tlaus;:hto'r, M rs. llarl') I He rtha May Arnold to A A Thomu E . Bouchey and wl~e to nr.111 ,01;cit Berton!' and wl~e. lflt FLOIEI SlOP nDWERS FOR EVERY-<>CCASION lORMAN'S We DeU-..... 580 HORSE RACING ... rlir lor. Mate~ laces Ill COnOI IIICI (O. ,_. .._. ~ .. a"' ... t -•-te> l l'ommu Httler und wt:e. lot 11 In biock I John J Farley and wile, lute 67 3H nr Newport Helghlll an~ part . M1"" JI'IHIII!'tl•• th• G"l'lrn, fa· 7~3 nf l'omnu 11,.1 Ma.r 1 and 611 of tt;!Ct 948. Newport 1,( ~anlll Ana avenue adjot:nng. mOIIII plllnl&t of IJ•• An~elPS II Ira (' Hl.U'dntl to C:bars .. A I Stach. ' . ndel M. Perez to Fltl~l M . rrtii•Yinl( 11 brt,.r Yltr'OIInn al :104 f ,,. 1 1 10 Y ... k 6 f .. _, · Or••lln Rnvder to Gilbert Place Perez part of lot 909 of Newoort "'ar·nrr, " In uoOC o ...,. • Marf~toltl awnut' Mr~:-d•• Gt'•·lo•n boa tract. and wife, lot 4 In block 17 ot .ec:· Meaa tra.ct. "'" brou.:ht "'' ll'ltl t tJ ur ntto!l In I A A R tt d 11 to 8 lion B of Newport Beach. F idel Perez to Frank No.varo • • • 1 t'r IU1 w e ryant 1 I ".lUIIII In \ r nna She-"lutllfd w1tb vw )ot arston. aouthwut.erly half Sam KlnataUler and wife . to and wtfe. part of lot 909 of New-E~II Sa uu and F.dwa rd St.-u.-~-~•·f lot 11 In hlock 743 ot Corona F.olnli lot Oavfnporf: Iota 8 and port Mt>U. tract. . I mann and has pt'rformt'd m del .Ww • I tno In trar t 948. Newpor1 Beach. Cltlzeoa National Tr1~ and ';.:urOJW' Sht I• te:~rhlnJ: piiUlo r . p \,o,llnl<'n and wife. to Helen ltnll('ne C Olmattad and wilt to Savlnga Bank of Loa Angcln to ' tor lhr durallcrn and hrlplnJ: In \\', Hcngt'r, lot 21 In block K ot rtaJph A Dlmmlt and wife. lot 8 Robert M. N ixon and wit~. lot. t thl' v.·ar l'ffor1 She l!pt>aks lltx trac-t :Sill. BaJboa. an biiX'k 12 or JJeCtion 4, Balboa and 9 in block B-32 ot Coruna dt l lanJ:Ua~• F.nl(ltah. w1th 11('1\rcely Elm•·r 1 L.ar.on h&a bome-hland MAr. . I an ar<"t'nt. In a ev.·el't lo" \'OI<<' u ltt'a. olt>d 1.,1 13 111 block 8 or J:a.t Ralph B. Dlmmlt and wtre tro Jo~~eph E. We~r and wtr,. to •h.-dw!'lt on thl' t'hAm\A uf \nr· :"I'WJW!M Albert F' Holland and wife. 1c t 8 George C. Hamlin a mi wtte, lot ona''!ltl Mar To hl'r It auma the · F'irl!t Trust and ~avln • Bank j In block 12 or aecllon 4. Balboa~ 7&. of New-port Helgbtl! txrept I rroat bcoautlful piAN' slong thr r 1, d 1 C'h 1 lA ., 18181'1d northeoalerly 1'10 !tel thertof I fl aa tna n area rOW· · · r .allfornlll !'out. rxceptln~t ~ 1 .1 If 1 1. 14 d . 1• 1' n Prrntta11 and w1re to Ada J. W. Pano1111 and wife to Roll· I · • r anu " " n J< a.~ u In lllbly Carmel. -'blork E nr trar t :'.Jiol H lbo A•lt'le Gimbal, lot 39 of tract 948. well C . Lot'k miUl and wife, lot .Wr and Mrs A K~>mper, POOl 1-"'l'llt Tm~<l an~ ~v.:p •Bank :"o•wpon ~ach. 1 27 in hlock 8 n( section 3 Of Bai- Oct&n buu~vard, hiW aa gu~ata r 1, 1 1 ....._ • 1 A _ I ~o·lf'lll Truat and Sa"'n .. -r Bank 1 boa l~laml. • " IUI8t ,.na " ...... are. •ow· · .. I for " w.-.·k, hf'r n••rhrw, Pt•lty ll'r and wtfc• lot 9 In biOC:.k 1: of: n1 J'IUIIIdena to H. H. ll•·rrmann Jarob H. ltnlt'~t to Ruth H. ~t- Offlr tr 1 c, Navy. Avlstlon. Nor-lrarl :,111, ~lhna 1 nntl Wile, Iota 24 and 25 111 block, len, lot 24 In blnck 37 o! Clret ad· mM 0 Shroor and bt'ttlt', tnnn-1 ... Arth F' .I 11 to F. or tract 518 Balboa dillon to Newport Helgbte I n llr arrar anu w e . ' .. til)' Ml,.. Huth )In e. Tl\llah.......,e, Mil 1 C Arbo M. J. Newbury and 1\'l.{c_ tu - Florida Th41 Shrnolo 11 "'""' mar-16 (( ~ 1 ·In bloc~ ~~d owl~ Jo:thd L. Hetbcoclc. lot 15 :n b~ ,-------------. ried In Staltlt~ •fttr he ~ktc1 det'~.sar f l;i .,: \r-et CHS, Balboa. . from a H monlhll atrvk r In the I Grifl'Ut A U I Cltlatn• Natlotlal '!'rust. and South rar lllc. F.rlday nenln~t ' romptu~y to · PeN 1· Savtnce Bank of Lo• ADcelea to lbe Kemper• tnterta.lned for lbl! :;;e~l and Wit•. lot 1118 Of traet Alonzo Lee Burdick and w1ft, p!\rt newlyweda with a .teak barbe-' ewport Beach. or block D of Corona del .War. cu~ In lhe rat io. These pruef\.l )farg&rft AUtt tn Pierre A. Laurence A Douclu to Emeat I ... ..., ....... _ .. ... "'-1 Air .......... ... ~ A. • Air Wee Ia ... ·-·· ~c... ,... will ...n.w.~~y.w.w&.a~~e .... ... ..,. ·-I • I ll.ft ... faa _. alteir pon... f•ture-fcw d.e WOfllftl ol d.e Anay Alr FOI'C:Iee are • ,.JLd P-1 of UIK'Ie s..•a ridory lea• of I he air. Now yo. ea Jola d.e Wown.•e Aney Corpa 'and reqaeet daty wid! dte Army ~iee Foree.. Croancl Foren. or Air Foreee. Bri~t~ lh~ wi~ etar within your rucla bymaUfat the eoo: pon aow, BE I (1/ac. II TBI lillY Ill rOICES Y, AUGUST 27, ... ...,e.o ..... ~ llci•cltlrts at 2:11 P. M. w~r4', ldra l..oulrw-Dahlman, Mra. C'ha.mbt'rlon and wlfl', lnt• 27 and 0 . Wut and ·wife. 1~ 9 and u l l'lrlma 01-r,(IZ. Ml'll John K~>llrn-2~ .,.~n bl(l('k l!'i or !"ro·tlon 8 of an d,touthnly half of lot 13 tn 1 bfrJer and Mr1 Edtlh Kratz, of 1 Nl' J)(lrt lkach block M2 of Coroaa del Mar. A h I h b C:enrgt> H. Shna( tn R.oMmary nil r im, M "" ~ r~XIr. th!' ride-I H "'h f I 1 3 .. ... -1 · 1 • f "II d .., a rr, o 1\.nu llflu..,we ... er y ~.worn , Win 111111.-r. n " vtra n, half f1f lot 5 tn hlnrk 433 ot ( e ltfom la, Mr. anti Mrlf. J¥'?b Coruna •lt'l l\lar lllW.IIUCH IS ruo·H'~ Ddt ann anol 110n Jack y. torme-'11}' • • . ltn UQII: nr Salt Lllk.-C"tlv but rrcently nf Roy C 84-c-k anti Wl fl! '" Loula ...... _ .. ,.........._. .. &IIOfXSH II -..._ _, YOUR· EYES ARE THE UGBT OF AMERICA !-:;;;~~~~-~~~;,-----------, Lon.2 BNch, CaJll. Phoae 66'7·!2 or 661-96 I I -bctwaD tbe ap of 3> and 49. Pia. tend me JOUr 1 I '"""** 1looklct of Air W.c information, .. 6S Ouationl I A h' <•• (llle .. hi tu) $1.10 ....... Pwloaiel 50o ~ta Free Parking ON CIIDITI &MONTHS ~oo ... ~~~ . NO JlfiAI CAll IN AND lfAVI TOUI IY!S !XAMINEDI •Your ._.,Len. DU,UCA TED I ftrompt Service I *Carry an EXTRA ,AIR of GLASSES With Youl •Giauea Mad• to YOu, OWN Preteript~l tY .. Credit It GOODI Open •• Accountl , ... ~ ... , .. Melt,..._ .. ,, I 6 ., i a4 ... a.p ..... • OfiOWIW .,....,...., ....... ~ .. ~ DR. HOBACE CADEN OPTOMETRIST _ a w. C..~ & ,.s,,., -snn MNra.,.. emctt COtf¥1NIINftY .. Ja~<mlnf" uvl'niiO', 'cnrona dt'l Mar: flrt'rr Rnol wlfr , Jut 17 Ill block I ltnol ~lr nnoJ Mr" U'>lt Randall, ,,. n( ~~ectu>n 3 nf IWboa l•land • Ja8flllno• al'l'hllf' Rrul Mr11 Kt'm-1 C1l(mQ M. Kr rbiO Md Wife to I r'l'r'a gh lhon<l Cllum. Mra. Charlea Dora M. ~~ea.~ ,. •• 24 ln hlOI'k 8 ... 1• f r: 1 1 k N ,, k nf rt'IIUbc1tvl•lun nt 11ect tun 1 of "" ··rll " .r<'ll ·" e I'W nr • Balboa llllant.l. w h n",. hullooml Is Lt C'om. Wulel'tl, C:r nl Lallr. Nt'w V~:~rk. Thl' I'OUJII~ r••rflvrol many lonly 1:1rt.11 Ptll v ()((II t'r S hrno.lt' rf'· rort~ fur tllll\' In Slln n t,..-:n. Aug. 24 HIS hl'11lo• Will Bl'f'flmpllny him lh••rr ...... -"7 ........ _ .... ,.. .... ,... ..... ., .... --.1 ~-I.,. ........ ,. ONEWDAY Before Y 01 B1lld or Remodel ...W& oar laleiNIIIUq aample ... tllaplaJ roo..-. Color ,aide&. plaanlar aJc111, rom· prea.-.1"' atec'k of rup. rarpele aad linoleum. Ralfll and Carpeta Cleaned, lies-Ired Rubber Lined Winch Head .u. n.hermaa'• FrtMd .... weu_.-r.r .. ~ -~ .•. Pttertt7 ...... t « -... .... .-. • the flnt to enllat In ali lines of duty to win the war. 'Ilwrefore your ey" at work deserve special conaJderatlon • • • they deser91 tD be (iv•n the expert n.aminatJon ano fitUnc extended to all our patrons. ....S A..an about W eca ia tbe Arm., Air Force. 1 I I -N. I 4~~~~~--------------P4•t ~'--......:....------· SIM·~------ DB. II. D. (."JlAWI'ORD OPTOMETIUST I I I I I I L------------------------------J This Space Contributed by- WEST.COAST PACKING CORP. .,., N_,.rt .......... I Ooeta ·-......... . ~t T•rrna I ._..;B;..,rok..;.;.;..;en.;.;....;;Le __ n.ee __ Du_pl:.;.,_lnt_t_td __ Lon Beach, Newport Beach .. ORK on 'the RAILROAD - leam wltile you w ' wOtfr Ina vWy ....,rial industry ruuo• •nn1u .. 4., UlliOAt IITIIIIIIII AU AU IIAIUIOI1AIIOII-P.J. u-kt•"e "••• ... ••• APPLY TODAY I•P'-••••• Office 1 ... ttJ P.l . .....-.. .... -.4 ttWa S....., L. A.te1a. tt-y LY...,S.,a'A ••u• .. ~ .... •• fOil AYAIUIIlnJ UltiFKAft ..., .......... a .............. .· ,, .... ,., .. ;.. .......... ,.. ,,..,._, ......... ... ... M ... f M.-c-~tto.-.-. s ......... . F ... ~ H...._. -.4 Tr.dr .. L'--e ... u..-,. He .... Sf, ........ .... S .... ei-IIIHelpe,. , ........ c. c.,......,. M4Helpen ._., M4 WeW.. Hee,-. ................ ~ ....... ............ LeM.en _, H.._.-Treclr, S... _, Mect..Ncel o.,.... O.ill ....... Dr....._ .... ~ .. ea a.-..... , ...... ~~ '···-c. • .-.. ... b,.ctwo c. a..-. ,....,. A-. ...... -. ......... . . . • • • ' t I , r t • t , • !'" .. I' J NEWPOR'f-BALBOA NF.WS-TJM~. Newport Beaeh, Califon1ia. Thursday, Au~oru..q 24 , 1 ~4 .a Bishop Stevens Confirms Epiacopal Cl888 Here Sunday Ration Coupon Dates and Data RATION CALENDAR fo r pt'· £ • a• J -;-.-_, 1 A"' h r iod beglnntn1 Au&. 22, ltc•: _,_ .,._ amea ~p-cpp~ •. u\lt:t j -war Ratlatt Book Ht m~rUng In the Ebell clubhouae: I St.a N 1 .. 1 1 .. Nt'Vo'pOrt Beach , a dlatlntn~lahrd mp 0· on :a rp ane. churchman will be prewnt out lh~~~ tl pair ahoeel-&ood now' 8 day Auguel 27 at 11 am. the expiration date not aet. I R~ Rr~. W. Brrtrand Su~ena. Stamp No. 2 on "airplane" D.O., Blabop of Lo• Anlelea. Ha abeet 11 pair ahoeat good now; wiU confirm a clau, pre.ented by expiration dale not aet. Rrv. Robert M. Hogarth of Palm (NOTE Take book along to make Spring a, the aummer pallor and purchtut. I prt!ach the sermon. War Ration Book IV , Stamp No. 30 10 lba. •ucarl Special mu11lr will bt· provldN good now : e•plratlon date not aet. by a gurat aolo quartette from the Slan-p No 31 10 lbe. au&ar i- Epi1K'opa1 church of Ute •t~satah. good now ; expiration date not aet Santa Ana, a rcnmpanled by Pr•'f St.a N 32 (O lba 1 George A. Mortiml"r of Balboa mp o. . · au1ar - Island. 1 &ood now; expiration date not lt't. Stamp No. •o t O lt.. cannln& F ollowing .the eervk e, a buffet 1111garl gOOd now; uplrallon date luncheon Will be served at their February 28, 1945. • boiT e on Udo lale by Mr and '()btaln appllcaUon ror aadiUona l Mrs. ~rge M . Hol81.tln In com · cannmg 1ugar at local OPA pllment to the Blahop and all; boards. Appllcatt..n, when flllt'd mt!otbera and allt>nda.n!A or the ou t. mus~ be 1 c1•ompanlrd by Eptacopal t·hurch In lhts area will Span~ Stamp 37. J.'lrat pt"riod a p. be cordl&lly welcome. 'l'ralvpor· plicatlona mny be filed frum May rtlon pruvtdetl fuT thOik' who 111.'1."(1 15 to J uly 10 Second period ap. L plicatlons may be fllrd from July .Mre, W. H. Gret'n, who hu 11lvlded her time between here anti ~cod, now plana to make her homt-Wl'ttrher stster, Mrs. ~'Orgt' BecJdoo:e. Costa Mesa, for lht> duratio n. He r h uaband Is In the South Pacific area, where he ia a apeclallat ln phy1lc&l rdut·atlon and estal>llshes f't'Crt>atlon cente rs at t.he new bast-s. 15 to October 2b. Red stamp• t 10 poinlal for rrt>nt10 l'h••l'!l'~'· •·annt•d milk and r annl'll r<sh A~ tu ZA ami Ar. to DO good now; explraUoo date DO& ad. GREASE BONUS -Butrhere wtll gi"e 2 red tokeoe fOI' e very pound or aalvaged klt~hen fata l't!· celved. BLUE atampa 110 polnta oa.cb 1 fo r cannrd, frcuo and dehydrated fooota. A8 to Z8 and A5 to F5. gOOd now . e•plratlon l.lat~ not s et. GO to US, &ood Sept. 1; aplra- GASOLlN.,;- Orange to Give Baby Show ... ... Marpn!t Aaa. II ·-atha, claqtll4r of 8/flct. ud Mn. WIW.. Fer- ru-oa, I• tllrtlleod over f'ntertnr Ulle a..,. 811Mtw, ctve~~ u cau.tvely for ellallcln!n tau-yean aiHI UJMhor In famllt.. of .,......_., Tile ..._ 11 dated for 8ept-a.er I, at Ulle w,-.•a Ola la Oraap. ----Uon date not aal I Coupon No. 12 (A·Book) ~~ A Baby S how. I'Xclu~iwly for In- gallons, cood now, ~xpli'I!'S ~t. 21. rants of 'thl"('(' yt'ars old and un- AII coupooa rouat be endoraed on der In the famiiii'S of l'll4'n of thl' face with car llcenR number IUid arml'd forces. will bt' hl'ld at Or- alate ot re~latraUon.-Save your ang~ Sep lt'mbt"r 1, at 3 11· m. In Jlotarians Witne88 W~.,r Newsreeis Motor Overhauling ttre loapecllon recorde. They muat th~ Woman '11 Club bulldtng. &>v· T wn nrw mf'mbers were t&CCf'pt- be preaented when applyln& for a l'ral c-ntrlc~ haw• already been re· f'd Into lhr Rutary Club at their renewal of cu raUona. C'l'tvl'd from the Newpdrt Harbor mf'rlln~t lut "''l't'k At Whitt''• <'If~ TIRE INSPECTION district. They •~ Wuton J ay and Hulfb Save your tlrt! ~Uon recorda The fonowtng clas.~~~ will carry Spr1ngn I IEWS-TIMES CLASSIFIED OPPORTUIITIES • • REID FOR PROFIT • • USE FOR RESULTS • • ' IUlATfol. MIIPPUJill RF.AI. ESTATE I FtTRN1'111RK --------1 FOR M..\I.E-.:..L:..R ..,AI., 11-'\llt :O:AI.l': lolo•t~l :!II tl t"'lbln nJ 0 .-. ( 'tul•t•r Oray mntllr, all'f'J,. al• !t:"P il !{A t .F. 11•'1!'"" lo"r011t. 4.t .... 1 P'Oil A ALl: A nUque onental tor lc-.• •I• lil'l'l')' nllllt• ("o(>O<I .lc•h. • 'lr•n to\•r 'llth'k q l,., Sl71\0 r••••lll f'"'"" """"'' hullt "" 1111 nttr hT IM, worth 11&0 Atone 10011 11.11 \\'p will ll'ttr h )"II un """''"r"' n 1'11.,111' Nf'~J'"rt 27111 '""" '''"''"" :t \'ran• ut.l t lll\00 14 .. 4 w ' 1822 w ~.,.· n-aat. t'llllhli,ho-<1 r(IU II/. It n .. l 1111•••· ,,, :::.'411 H (I!\ II<' 41111 ~"""'"'''' llrh'f' 1'11111\t! Nl't Nt'wp•rt llf'al'h ... 4t.p t'lll'll ln h:1n l IH11k r1P 11111 IIJII'I) :.'147 H U4·41p -----Newport Jc'f' ~ Cold ~lura~ IIOAT~ ll••l . ~uld and TTa.te.J 410 .~1111 Sl :"'•·" J"-'rt ll.•n1'11 J\1'\rlnf' F.llll'",.. arut l'a~ FOR RF.NT l'lh UH' 1~7 1'.."1 :.'io' MAHINto. ~ .. , ... 'AdJ.: ANI! I,------·,--...... -------t.tlo"G (~ FI'H Hto'NT llt~o·h•loor A1•t f.,r I i'fii:i: \\'A :">T .. :fl ~ian ••r "••tnlt~ ;lt~l \\' l'rnt ral A 'o/f' )'h :,:~lt"·W ''' :.: •mt•I••Vf"•l nit' II In r•rtnf'•l1 ((If ):• ,,. I ill h<>lf'l 1\ "' k liM I h .. ,. Nr~ Jlo•rl n ... ("h, Call( I hum.. \\'alt'r fruflt , b.* I ft)INif· Inn l 'h"llt' ~-'•'"'l"lrl t\1111 tl:l·lt•· 28 ttr tlltot It •I"""""' J.lnf'nll uttllll•• H£1.1' \\ A "':T t-:1 I IIMk••t ,. lu•lt•l'l lt•n•h w .. rk. t1nr.·u• ,. lltlkt•t 1 30:1' ;111111 ~~ Jilllho•K • l\t·4t•• TH .. I' \l t~ll':m; J:">:O:I 'I\ANl'"' Crtlll I' "" .. "" .. r··•ll"l.: f,.r '"' - IU!lh•t "'"" '""" •·II h•·r lit II "' p.11 t "'' ="" "lot" ltnul t:x- rf'II•·IIJ 1'":>1 1\ 1tr pn-thlllt I' It will I'"' '''" '" '""''"11!.:111•• C'h••n•·1· o\ t :1111·~1"'' I •1111 Milt~ 30i ='" f<luD•h\,.'\ ~"UIH An n f Cllltf l'hPIII' !'1;\11.'1 tl:l tlll HELl' \\'A ~1'1-:11 • :••tt• rnl h••~uu1 u .... m y.·,~, k ur~tl • urt· ••f , tu l•h ••n I.Otl I• ;II d l'ltfiiiO' N "' :!ttn 0:'1·41 •· HEU' \\ A~TII:II tt .. ~· wvuld )•~• l1k~ I" hn••· lln •'lltlw•lvt· tr•rru •" lucthlltn~: .Ailuhr l>alt·y I and o·a n• ur as•t lnrlu~l WIUit =--N II'": \\'II It ••r "lll.llttl lratlll'r 1 ''"'' IIIAnf'nl ""nlf"ttt II !'I wrt'k tn~ lluth •n 1:•""' ••ttulltlnu Vlklna• :.:. Jill .. nat,. 3.'\01 Jl'lnlry a v· r •. ,.t 1117 ( '1\otiOt .lllllhWa)'. Nf'W•I rtlllf', I """'" 1..4ol.. • Th··•l•r. l• .. rt lt•tu'h I'll Ml 111-Uc N•'"'l"iH oo Ill' L·r Raft .. \)1\ II .. ::-:~· I e 8 Hftpc..mt,..r ('aa ... uauua For Sale ''"a"'""' :~-~·"•'"Ill """'" "'" I '"'""" olr l M11r ('•IIIIJ•It·tl'ly fllr· ltlr•l\1 f·•r l•nlhllllt n ..... -nalboa Marine llardware Co • llhllu·ol "II h lln .. na, t4Cl0 H4>f· ,.,,.n, "" l'h :1:14·W IMI·:ltC' pr>•hll !,.~ l'o·t lllltllf'nl, , . ..,,.tttlllf I .... ttl SAt. .. -: Ill rt tli:lli li>all"lt· I OOd r.-munt'rllll "' Aduhr tUIY l 'llht\' hnat. l"ttryalf'r ~. ~1lfll • .iillh " V••utr~&t, Nf'"'l"'r'l I•~· hp •tt.:ltw, A I ... n.llth•n.l &>st II R•·r .t.1 r llull h.-torr 1 I ~1(141 ~.... •I \'lila Marina. W ANT!o:O N""Y wlf,. n...-d11 1&1" al(r .,.,.,.,. tur 111lloaJI • ""Pf nNr • '"· u ...... tway ""'' ( ·~•"· ('••Ia M•• t .. ll 1214-J M ·4tt< • m ••r rtltrt 3 Jl m . u r "''rllr N•·~'l">rt l t..a• h l'h 111110 6!'1-4tc• liOn \\' A ttahf'lm Long l1f'ad1 611•4tJI .... IH H A 1.~: I~ (I "''" a ••IIIIC fllu"l' tla.a11 t'IICIC"''· nf'W, OIP l•11t yrar, "OIV t IIMI 1\0.1 N H•)' F1 o~nt lll\llwoK f,.l,.n•l Mr to'&UIIII, l'h<•ttc• 177:J·W M -2tf' WASn:o Hl'llablf' whltf WOIJl&n rnr l'lt·anlnjt OOf' day a WHk. l'h :\ f'l llo II :ltlll tltl It •' WANT TO t..I:ASIC-~ hn11-. In c•r u•ar Newpurt Wtll t••v fl m .. nll•• 1'1'111 In allvanc·• lllxnn l'h 12 M·2t MUICEI.LANmVS ~RIAL&- lo""(llt HAI.It Ji"''l lrbaftJla t<abtnot ltl'athl ptann, ,-rfw t C'OftdiUoa. 1"1111 •t 411 1tut C.ntral AM., tcau~... •4·4tcl •'On 8AIJC ltrtUid aew, unue.d. t\tll.atu, Ill>• •t•rlnl and mat.- ,,... .. , tu VIlla Marla&. N-· purt 1\f'ac·h f'honr 1800. 10-1\e fi'Oil AAl.Je lloutMe '*1, ..a 111•rln1a, • hr1t ' of drawet'a ... "•nit y, duublfl ""'' and mat.- ,,... .. , hahy I"''' ""'I new mat-u..... hl1th •·halt, bentwood -1n1 and 11lat11l. beby ~­ lahlt~ a nd JllaY a.e n Alan ..... 1'110 1ahl• l"h NJII 2147·1t .. ltc I"'((H f'AII. •PI«• -la dbtl .. IN't. tl21\, mah~>t&ny finish dfolltl, U 2 M , ~ '""'· l'oll aprtnta. tnn .. rwprtna matt..-, m . tuU width b..!, t nll l!pr1np. ~· aantnw maltrf'aa, tr.m•. •10: ,...trhank•· We~ Waahlncr ma• rllln•. 1110, poroelala·l ........ bo•. t ll~. chNt drawora, tiD: d,.....r, P ; '"''>' "'-P· .. ; nurwry cllaiJ'. U ; pta.y pon lUMt s>ad. .. , davoeJ~~•rt aftd da&lr, 871\ Nn c&lle A.t. Oleu Oat· far, Ml (,Iff Dr. J'h l'fpt.. lkll. 2lU4·W ... 4 .. WA~T .. :II Sal"11lady tor dry· H lit ~A .... : t 'h~tntl'l"n """"'o&r•l roo<la ttur~. with 1111mr r•q,..r-1 111"1"1 anol 1:! tt Mkllt, t ii'IO l'h. lt'nrr prrr rrr~·il l'c"rntiUll'll\ rm· N pl :1 147 II M·IIC Rfo:WINU Alt-ratlnn& H~llold - v.tnymrut A J•I'IY hrt Wf"t'O li Jll and 1:: "m ~\11J>&trh k'"· Nrw· po11 lw Ar h 64\-ttc .,, IH NA 1.1-: T~ It> • co<'kptt m A .. wtnr and mf'ndlnf, ltllrt C!Ol• •'tilt IIAUC .-.....war air ~ Jar. tumPd, roala r.IIMd, ak lr-l louhl• t"&&llp bod. .-.. M~ W lf·lOk H &a 2CM llapphlr• AM .. ftU• Motor Tune-Ups Carburetor and Ignition Adjustments Any requut lo replace any p&aa· first, llf'COnd, and third ribbon Cnuncllma n 0 . B RHd wu In enrer car Ure muat be accompan-,ewlll"Cb toge-the-r with Sl. 50r and char~ee of l h" protra.m • n d led by all inapect lon record• IUid a 40c in War Stllmpll: thru~h thf' <'Ottrlny of the Stand-TllANSPORTAnON new notation' from an authorized YOitn~t·st baby, fettt:'SI baby, ar;ll 1r1 ~~mpany prNentel.l newa-BlcYCI...lfS ~uhJ, rt!nt.d or rt- h<>K&tty l~·fl aprrd lll,.t. 1•111 · h .. a,.,l mnl"r l•ll'al fur bay J'h. :!:l:l 7~ 1o: tlay A.,,. Ualboa f\8-l l4' lloa lslllll•l M •4Lo PHF.I~ TREE lllEilVIOIC 'JVpplnl(. l l•lt t rlmm ra1 and ~o•ntt MAll. 110-tb In boa, fi.OO. ioapector that a new lira la needed. 1 curiiPSI hair r natural I. lon~tr~t rt'e " 0 .., war pat I'M Vr jtel'l , 304 Main BL, I Ft Ht SAt ... : l~>•n I I tJUit·r "'" "' wrocldal ('aJt at 1401 W &7 ·A" . ,.,.._ ~I 2 ICut t'""t•r f'l. An&Mtm IKlf'l M • 1\e ---Factory Tntined Carburetor SJ)('CIOII!>t l'h Anahf'lm 4422 IHUp A·B Ot\.8 llA.NOE <')'clashes , derkc-~t t'YPS. hhll'bt l ----Ba.l bu" tuld 2011 Martn~ Av-ua,l 1 ttlll.lf'r \.\ lnih•l' • • ouuplt'll" with Th• B Bo f'}'t'll, laraest dlmpll"s, most tM•th to l llil or wra~ Mra. Dorothy Balboa leland l S-tf: rrn""'" Al~tt• ;: """all,. •I"''" IS rea y I up to I Y<'8r old). whtlf'SI nnd , Suthl•rhuul at tht' bo>&rtl nf llce 11!\!'1 ... l 'f'll\llol A\f' JlaiiM .. anti arran~,. f r Af"hNiulf'd hours W ANTto;l> IItty"' :.!IHnt h hll'ycl" I ...... -.. PICAHI'Ir. ItA IUtmtY flr111naJiy 0 t "tt d T • "lrlli~htl"'<l tt>l"th l:l·y<'nr-old.,).1 " • Goud 111011111,10 l 'lw n .. N••"tw•t l vv ... ,.., 1,.(1 h•rtll hllh h'llf'n, 1'""1 allapo, 11'7.110, Pb. 14M. * .. pplatre A'olr llalbt• lsllllld M ·•U Wt-also hnndlt• and c~trt' for MARINE MOTORS u WI e ram twin~-thO!'e mo~t ahkl" in lookll ~tWt"''n II·Jo twd :; 30 ('V('ry day Bud • 2ti7 I IIII ... t 0:'>-~ll' ,, fit All~r1 1'1ar•. Ia n• .... at nse M D. And thO!!(' !Past olikl' in looks. In thr , ...... k l'lll'PI'I Sunday -I "ACIIT AND BOAT N ...... JX'" ntvd., (.'•>et• M-. en on mer Thl'rt' ll' no nrlmlsslon chai'J((', augilr FOR 8A..LI'.--AUT08 t;(ll'IPMI:NT I'IPnt y of f rytnl rahbllA OCI and thf' Orang!.' Community Olnm· 111• OO.r.l rl'JWIIltt the allltement --_ t'lltlt Jll• k• 111, K•t:•k I<Uthltona, unltor 1'11 Npt llc'h Iiiii. WANTED TO BUY AI' G W ith rondtltons on trl\rn,. whAt bl>r of Commcn:l" ·which Ill llpon· ltuat lh4-y are not authori&ed to FOH :;.u.a:; 1\HO U111< k :l·1l•••r \ ,,.r,. Nut It"" I' fuldtnr arw hclf, t • &T·to-to s a rage t'hey are OOWtil.lays, It took a 13-sortn~: lht' affair Invites t'TitriPS of llllfUt' m•>t(• than tWf'nly poun!U IN'III\n <:c..-.... 1 c.unt.lltlun. ltt'a8Ufl-Tl'>-lh K~di(IP a nt hOI" \llflullil \;;m "'"l..JI: 1\.llal tmm.,.... Oood yt>ar·old. Brra boy to aolve the servi~. ,.. per re.-.oo for CIUIIftnl aupr, •hie. aoe Island An . B&lbc:,. rhatn. atr msltt..,-u • mlrel· 1,011,1111011 C"''lll any •lay IMitwHn ALLEN GLOVER probl£m In a •tlafactory manner. 1"h<'-wbo have received twenty er..-Stp l•n~"'" I'll Npl t•t\.11 204 lila p-7 •n•l 4 11 111 8tMt W. ConlraJ W ANTtr.ll TO ttU Y IJnowblrd er .a.la1ally lar1•r •II bML M..e btt r•u twv•ral ,.._. Ia ..aJ,. tna muat au with lh• lloaL A.a. wa nt .. l a r an,.. I' 0 llob ••· ICullywnod, I 'IIIII ...... 122 Ap~ A\'eDtW • On a rec·l"nt trip to San Dl.e~o • R t• B d N pounds llhould not a pply for more /--1 phttl' A"'' IJall•·• l.t~&nd ~·4tr 1 """, 1,_1....__ • •a~-p Balboa bland I w ith h•• molbl'r. th~t'(" WI'!'(' n o a JOn oar ewsl tnr it rannut bf' jtTanted under ~OR .SAU: 1940 4-• ••• , 1'1)' I .... ·~:-_,... .... (Formf•r ly with II B. Bunt a, aeata available exrPpt In thr lltn----thr Pl"t'IN'nt rtogulatlona. m f>llth ... dan, Tht" 'tu ''"''"lltnl I'Y.R.'40NAI~ IIA'I"TlCI!Ito:t-1 1111 lltlt •·• l lfoh••• tng rar !00 In order to secure .. A .. twwtklt will he> ro•rtf'W• •I .. rt.·r m• ('hllnl•·at • I rtoltll ...... ,... ~·· .. 1 t .. Ill··~ -Allloo lll41t r r .... al w ... t. Bnlh(lal I ••nt• f ••r hill molh•·r and hlffil!t'll he ~l'rtt•mhc·r flrlll \\'ANTED ro I,..!:ASE paint J•rll't' $71111 llull•·u M ...... Yt•l; """' t .. 1(1'1 rnarrlr<l.. "" Atfd•eM t•• ,...,~'""' Ave C.rt"' "' M., ""·" ...... ......... , .... Otlear 1\lorrl•. t 'rank 7-nll ordert•d and reor.ll·tt'tl """'''" nf APt•l•rnUon~ \\Ill h•• '"·ntltlhl•· 111 \YANT T O LJ-:ASI': Yt'llr llroull•l tur", 71JU 1': Hr.\ AI•' llall••••, \Orttl' ''"• ::11, \'1\I"""'P' \\'s.ah 1\Jtll.l•llac wutf'tmf'lun ttnlll llh lnun rt'ar ht>•l d rut.: ~"'"'''" •l.;ltrl\l!"" and ~lUI ""Ill«• :, uunut• • walk "' Matn Ph<mf' :l:t.'l. n:.-:.111' ~3·11t·~ "' 11 Aut .. toll• •" lllllhtoft M•lt"u i 'MI V Jtnv llnll•on l'hnnf' :1~1'1 ~'\·1t·· ''" llt·!<l lllllt l"ll 'lllll!lll!' S i l-1ool• II•' llak•·rv l!a ll)o1,1 It \\ dl noot .... II''' I ~llltr~ roor l 'h :12 -. IH·41• --------------------------11111 un• t" 111ak•• a r t•ll!.tltlln ut UH' Fishing Boat Bargains 1..1 tST ~l 1t l• I '•• k• 1 "I'"''" 1 mtwn "'""" to r• r!'nn I,()~T ASO ••ot NO 8P.ECIAL: 42-ft.~ 10-ft., 9-lo. beam; 9-ton Ice hole I i\JIJ!It• alii no. nta\ lw l1lh'd uul lind 1111111•·•1 to lito· l'lllll•n I• 0:11 d $5500 "tlh Ill" "A " h•~•k '""c' tUld tire IO)IJ)t'Clwn l!ltJI I Ul:-.t k a II'~\', •· r" to ulu tw pf "I 'uul"n "II llnlt••a INland ~n ="l Ha y "'runt Hl'war<l M -2tr Th<' "''"' "A hu11k~ "'til IJO' M ·ft. F-tall, SS000 MANY OTIIE&8 TO CH008t: FROM IlliG'S · LAIDIIG '--and Yacht Brokerage ........... ft. Npt.. BclL liM m~tlle•t from thr I><•Anl CIIII.DREN'M CARE ApJ•Itl'anh nro• w~cml."(l not to • , . , . . . . 11r~11·•· nt tht• <1ffu·•· "' lhr '-'"''"'1 ... XI .. 1.11'.;'1;1 .... 1, <ol ltl. ""' , ... ,, with RJ\ nppltt·nllun anti e•Pt"rl 10 1 rnr 1 hlldrcm cw•nln~e• 'l'rltn" l)c• g lv••n o n••w "A" bnolk tmmP•I· r11rla.flon rf'qt~lr\'1.1 l'h 1.1 17·.1 t&tely WhPlhl'r I he apphc~<ltun M ·ltp "' hrou~ht ln. ,,r matll".t tn th,. ROOM AND BOARD "A" btHik "''Ill Ktl ll bo• mRllr•d It>• thr aprllrant '\\'.ANTF:II -Jt.,,,m 11.111t' i;,,.rol and \'olynlt't'nt .... m be n"edrd l.lurlng m~othrr " 1 ar•• f11r tw•1 b11ya age SCRAPE ·liD PIIIT YOUR BOlT 01 OUR COIVEIIEIT WAYS We FurniHh the Equipment You Ho Your Own Work PORT OF SEVEN SEAS I• • •II ·, '' 1.1 I .I•·• Itt• mla••r •:ll\ f ,.,.,tf t h•lf•IWf $'\ ~.~,, ~1r• '.,. ... ,, .... ut l 'alm t •a r ... A( r~ frum "'"" :l."n", ICJ•II"~I •14• 1 r I' N.D. CASH D V M 000 ,,.. CAT HOia,.tTAL. ... ,,. ""• , ... .... ... ""'"'" 101 ....... "'"'· Calif. Jlrofessional Directory '· Gordon M.Grundy, M.D. Offlu Hre. 10 .12 am.: J .s p.m. Telephone 17 LEROY P. ANDERSON Conrad Richter, M.D. ~llyelctan ·~ •urt•eft Offlee 101 Uft4 .,,.... NawpOtt Beacll Hau~: 10·12 a. m. & 1·1 ,. "'· fthoftK-Offtc. UJ; ..... 14-J DR. C. E. TOHILL thl' ftrat. two Wl'(•ks In Sf'plember 6·8. l'ermanrnt, privatA-home. l!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a~n~u~t~h~o8t~· ~.,.~.h~r~l will ht·lp are urged Call Npt 2~29-~. ____ a&_·2tp--~~~~~~~~---~-... --:--:':'"----:'--:' ___ _ SNOODLES <7 oat of to people r..t News-n..ae. ClaMIIIed .U..> By Cy Hunl'erford ~HYIICIAN and IU .. O.ON ... c._ •• , ............. ... DOROTHY DARNIT GET UP ON THE TAGLE. WE'LL HAVE A. CtRCuS --·-----, (A 11aooe proves the leadefl'hlp of the New·,..TlmM' By fharlt.·K ~I<·Manu~ ~ 1UJ11.•-11•-· ... -a.~ If -~ ,....---------~ .... ~f-i~---.o_ ----... ~.~I: l~r,--- A.L.L R ICH T MAI\1 ,4\ fM COMIN4 L , . 'wow CottA Mna aank Bulldlnt .... _ 421 Costa Maaa Callfert~la HAROLD K. GRAUEL CHAPEL "W• t )IJriM'I"• th• Rettor Bene lty len1A1 othera Dealt" fthatte N~tt Mt Cotta Me.. Callfert~la BUY NOW City Tax Sale l.ota A. J. TWiST 107 Cout Highway fthone 2422 I COAO NA DEL MAA _..____ __ (;erald nauHa, M. 1>. z"ao W"t f'~t~tral A ... -Nrwport ,._,h- 1'11. Nrwpt~rt ,._,.h 1~11 It nn IUIIW!lr t>all IIOI ·M -~ftC ... - Offloa IM·W Roa. •·ll If Nt "'"-r Call ............ I Dr. M. D. Crawfnrd OftTOM.TRIIT lr.Y•• .:Un~lllllft OJ.-. ,tt.l 17tT N.......,t Boulnard CotTA M•IA BALTZ MORTUARY CHAftiL a V TH& I.A 410 Cout a tvd. <.orone dol Mar N-fHI<1 ....,. Phon~ Newpert 41 DR. OBEU I..U CA1 Dentist • not y, w. c-tnal, ft:'1W NF.WPOilT 111:4011 I WHO'S WHO IN HARBOR DISTRICT 1 FIAEPl ACE ANO KINDLING WOOD- H W Wrll(hl:,-17114 NJ>I ntvd., r .. llla Mu11 11.,.,, l .. tmber , rtl. fiM-J. CFNFnAI r.nNTRACT0 A- (itml•ll't 11 t'lntll~ty, :w 10 Ct11111t Olvd., J'h. •12. Platu and CoiUit.rUct~ I U MRER COMPAN IEl- (•.,,.111 M"•lt J.l•r ,.,, "l't ua hrlp you pl11n yu1tr h.,m,.," Pboa• 41. 1111y I •lfflrt. I l.wnboor f'n l'hnn~ IIMl C'A>alft llllfhWta)' at Arcbe& 10 FF IC.£ IUPPLIES- N•'WJ"•'"t IIArl~t•r l'ubltahln& C'c1 f"hon .. · 12 U , N~ Aeaeb. PAINTING - N•-wJ"•rt IIArlot•r l'1ttlllahln1f Cn Mlont'l: 12 13. Newport Deeob. A£AL EITAT£, INSUAANCI & NOTA .. V ftUBLIC- 1 1-H Wall.,.,, 22e:l W . Central A.-IM ~· I . RUBaiR ITAMfte.- Newport n...-r ~•c eo ~: n . aa, N"'J'Of\ ......_ IH££T MITAL WOI'K- 1 VIe .. l't••"'D« A DM MIUI WOIU, 0Nta M-. PboM :no. YARI.TY ITOH.- ..,_ ....,.. v.rtat1 ~. 111, tac .....s ., . ..._. nn-w. ,. ~ _, 1 NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES. NeWDOI't Beach, Californ~ Thuraday, August 24, 1944 Owner of Cameo Winery Visits Paul Lorentzen • Choice Recipes I-I arbor Feminine Activities Balboa Circle Meets With Mrs. Williams Friends Play Bridge At Darrell-King Home • .:Iff_ c•1 wlftlfre4 .. ,....> Lut ume 1 promleed two out-By Winirrcd BarLre -1:r Phones 12 and 13 "(f ' ---II.Jl!!dll!l' aalad ~C'Ipea W"ll 1 :.=----~~~------_:-...,.,.---------===--.:,:.~ ....... ============:-------~:.....-----lta~ran, owuu t>t ~-1 ht>rl' thr y are. They ma e a -~ WIDery of fnmo. aaJd "'' KT&nd patr to •rvr at a larp I -• COMING EVENTS Member• of the Balboa Circle, WSCS, mel Wedne8day with Mn. Wllllam•. Bueft& Vlata lllrMt, with 16 preaent. Mra. Darnll KJnc entertained a JTOUP of fr1enda w1th a frled llb.rlmp lunchaoo at ~· Landini Tbur.day, .uh br1dre followlDK ~ her realdence, 22nd alreet, eo.ta Mea&. ..... of the l&rrnt In the wnrlrt buNrt atralr .. lhue" who Ill Lido Young People . • d ]\{. .. ata.)'tna tn Lon& Be&cb ~~~···n.trol thr t~un('hlng or th~ flret H ve Day of Fun Your Fnends ·an In· e "!!!>..~~-uwoo.r2k~roo-m, a fr.quent vt.aU.or al tbe I mlnuweco~r at the S oul h I ·ua.,~ a ncCII .....,._ 111 Palm llland home ot t-...ul U.rrentr.en. m an will att•••t. -.er ot the famoua rMLaurant. ro P Y ThP rl,,1 .. ,. .. ,.h•r 1 111 • r.' avenue, Balboa. 10 a .m. to 4 p.m., UM ftoencll Vlllqe, In JliUterttflrlll I Moulded Cotfoge CheeM and ynun~: !Jol .. '"I'.' \\ .... r~ .••• ,.... .•. • :>1•··~ !'It•.• ='''\''land weat. t.o Mrs. C. V. Gillette or Pomona, and RWIDJ. lnatead of the u.ual book re· view, Mn. Gonaar, vlce-pruldmt ot the WSCS, cave a t:Uk on "Why Recelvlng award• for play wert God Uta the War Go On.'' u o ul· Mra. Eugene Fenelon, Mra. Julia lined by a promlnent pastor. rol-Eggert and Mra RoblnJK>n. lowtng a precedent aet la.lt month Othen pruenl were Mr!! Eg· by Mra. Gill. who gave lnalde de·1'gerl'a mot her. Mrs. C. V. Unaen· lalla of the attack. on Pearl Har· bard; Mre. C. B. Rudd. Mra. P . V. bor. Mra. Gill ' waa In H onolulu 1 Parku, Mn. Margaret We lab, dur ing the attack with her aur· Mra. Maude Hardiman. Mn lAura &eon huab&nd. Lake, Mra. C'harln Orr and Mr11. Tlae two trtend8 bave NJjoyed Plnupplt Salad thr 111.101 I"' nl• 1•f ',,,. ,, ••' ' h• 1'' I. , \n.···,., " ,, Jay .and M.oDCiay ~. r11. U. S . Rttynreaa and d&uChter, MONDAY, AUO. 28 .J8CbUnr OD the ~. and plan l(l l 2 J'l"f'klll(t-11 llnof' jtf'lallne Ill t hi" 'luloh• """ \\'•··:,., •n ...,p •o "•·r .rq, ''" ''" ! hrr alatl!r, Mra .\lr~. H. C. Humble or Upland, Red CToaa workt,oom, 1 fl Palm pout tor chep aea f lahlnJ{ In Uu• 1 am11ll ca n r rnalwd phwaJIIfll' "" 10tt•n ln•l( 1. r. H .. _ 1 lt•fl for rr ... o t.avt been apendln& the p&.« lew avenue, 10 a .m. tot p.m., .ur&1eal ~t. day boat from &·ntt ·• ' ~ ur t'nthtJ:t' 'h,.es.;.. ThnmK• J: lt11' • • ' I I " • ~ J I , , 1 • , .,,,.11 ' a week With .tuys rentwing old friendahlpa ln dreuloce. lADcSJn.. l.orenl%tn 11 IIWJHr ur 2 lablf'wpOOnll mllyonnt•l&e .. r 1 h• ,11., .,,.,, ~ •· • • II .,·· ·" \\'tLiler F. N--.'>•·wport Red Croee workroom. 313 Ma- ' ~•,nrt t ! .. , •• ,. t ,.,. '·' r ri Balbo '·l d UM et.acen1. SILlt "'"~ JPil • 11"•11 ' •·•" '1 ·11• 1 "''' ,. IJ<!en In f&OID&! Dr. Harold Gobar and f&m!ly of ne avenue, a .. an ' open : UtAolv.-unr-I"" kAS::t' ·•f l'nl• '"'"'"~' nn<J "'"11'"" ,., 1 ; • ' l•tn~ He wu 1 F\aller ton. wb'o •ummer at lheh· 10 t o t p.m., aewtnc. B&rbrfo, wbo tuu,ltf'lattnM 1n ''"" ''"I' h•·l wat• r "'''' " '"'" .. t !" •. or.,. !•· Ill'. 1'"' "'· ~· 11,11t of N--. 1,_ • 3608 Oc•'"ft Front Red Crou workroom1 1~00 "Plana wert! made by th& CtrciP Kate }'cAiary, - to fut three or' the Ruaslan relief ..:·:..'-------- h I allll.r. Mra. C. l lra.ln •·lnranpl~ an <I od I Itt ttor ••n•l• '\ • • .J I• ~ t '. • t '' ' fr1 A-.. _ D d ... . ean evar ' rona e -ar, bo:ua .;,.hich go loa town ot 10,· BACK THE ATtACK 000 Inhabitant. which hu been Norm&D 1... ..._ vtalunr 0 . ~. t1 ' I ',,.r' I '' ,, --,.....,,.~ .... g.. .,._, , were Oc boul d Co dI u ,. ,. 1 , ,, h , ... , 1. "' noany en--re r('lt~ved that r.-an .. ra. Fnutk· 1 t • 1 . 1 d In at~t. tf'tumed tol .,,lalln•' •lilt/ lht' rotLagr lill"l'l" .IAok or r·1,1k., ''"'' ·•· '" ,1 1. A Mle .. -• ..... 1 G'-· d d& bt J 1 o pm .. .urg ca rea ra. .. ! .1 1111 1 •• t" • . ........... 1n o ... r an ug e.r an ~e. TU "'oDAY. AUG -·""-Loe All--a..:. today and v.'ltl TV·I ·nd rra.vonnnt8~ '81lll In l.aalf' I ntto)or~ ,,,,, ........ 1 .. ,,. 1\• 1., ' r Bal...... "'·II t •.. .. •• -" o::...;> _ .. .. compht~ly destroyed Hotel Laguna a--.I I I ..... ,. , ...... ,.8 u ...... ar• ul~tt of r u er on, .. ere -.e ..... er Uo 6·"0 H ·, ,_, blm to hla work u tel~parh {Jf'l Tur n'"'" a shallnw gi&JOI llllh M •l wt•r·l• ,• 111. t .,. nt ''' II ., t k ..... _ h bt ln na, ... . e nz na aer.. , . ,, at ,,1111 a,: t ... n. ••r a wee ..... y th~ r~purt of t e •m g or thol Rota..-v. G·.ao p.m . W'-lt•'a Park .-1.or at tiM Hubart •talo •:l t• ••l 1n •oltlrllt plltl "' n·f rl~;~rl\1•11 ~.·, 1 t•o I''"' •• J:r '•" S .,_ --•1 1 d .;. •J " ~ _ , , nn" 11\'tn..: .n . lln uern..-" "" Ar~;entlne ve-Rlo e Ia o-lata Avenu• 8 _,.__ lal•ftd ~ &.llta. to·~ atl"r a moot:l'a VII·, ,..," lh,. nth~r I'"' knl:<' or lito•• ~·,I"' I ' "' '•'' ''~'" ' • • '" r• I Jayr•d Al h bo t A u1 u ~. ..,...,. ~ • ,., \1 r • 1 • ·'"'" ~ • var-on lh~! ar r o cap eo, ... exico. "'-d ,..._• workroom, 111 Palm caUoft. I Ji:Piatln~ In thf' ullllal w Ry wtUJ rt •.• hoh I. ··~ '" ll.l . • rll "' at t ""' "'"'' l'-'1'1 rtrr•• nf w:ot,.r M ol whf'n lh• • •·mlllt'l• ,. '' '' ', . .., ·•II• I ' ,..ul •' .•• :. I'" ' ''"" "" a lngule ~~ a Th" Goban were puxnge~p ott avenue, Balboa. 10 a.m . to 4 p .m .• WMWet~d ,UMt. al the raul Lorw\t..n bomf', &ltw• laland. ••~ Mr LorenUc!n a bnlt bn and tale w\fe, Mr. and Mr.. Harult.l J...aftllt.n of O&ltland. • , .c 11 r 1-•"t:l\lt·r· • aw. -re l•·flr.l ll•• v.eaael, b.ut had ev.<JI'nt-•Awt.nrr. o·hf't'lll' lur•r Ia flllll 1""11 thl,. "'' '"" • 1 h JWit ~ ,. 1••1• 1111•1 rl!utll '" rr rl~;•·l"ltltor I•• Th•l• .. ,., t ul P'-'·'"' "'~ I '''' .lo\tt·ol "lu ~ b re-1\ lrft•.tCorr the hrt> as Acapulco Red Croae W(lrltroom. 313 Ma- l!f'l I 'lrl In l'I)Ulll Plo ru s•l •• ,....,. "" '' ',,. " I h I • I .: ='•·' t.' I', '' '•·· ,J r, .. ,, 'u•lt In!) er uaand "ftll t h·tr de.tlnatoon. rlne avenue. Balboa leland. 10 a.m. ( r• 1111 nr I• 11 ,1, ,. 11 L 1,, 1 ,., , 1 •• 1 A n·l '\ .1 ll•t•l "' I' ' '" Atlrlt'nne Dunn, daughter of to 4 p m., aewlng. lo, , ,,11 1 ,1 1 .... :: , ,, " 1 • \I 1 ( • \I llt•kklna, Mra. H&J:ry ~~~ and Mnt. Will A. Dunn of ---'•'-------- 1., •• , 1 • .,,, "" l'nh•· J '''" \\ 1'1• ''"1 1\lr1~~eager wen· \\'('~lwond Village, Ia entertalnlng J lnr~·· 'J n lfl'l ,., ....... t c llU I••'""'" I,..,,.,, tl ri<~Vt'l ., •h• t:H 1• '"' ,. 1 "" J' llo'· •• "' tl"•·•1 .orr Rngement.a anc1 , •IA:osmatee rrom Univenity Higb ,., ,. 1 , , 111 ' u · t 1, J •' •;1 • '"'' '~ at tht HunUnaton t• hnnl at lhe •ummer home of her ''"" "" ,1 1 ,., 1 111 llo• ''·' IC •'11•l<• I'• '1 '1 1"1' Thou~tl»Y 1amlly at Newport Btoach, The ~I• .,. '.\lo. ('orl MI\Uldln and 1 d •• 1,1,,. 1:"" l.••,: .. r14 I·'•' •·tl fll'•l """ ,~;t uup nc:lu ra .. ary Lou Jalieb, ·:,o r.11, '"· , ,.. tltr. ,. , '' ·II • n whu have been at "I tt "'II .. _lh Cra d · 1 ;, , 1 o•c I 'hfl tlll" I' N''' ton• I .l11an u a , "-Zllu.: par an 1 •mall ••nwn •II• •·o! I'• :_,.,,, p,,. ,: .. !It••· 1.,, I "·"n o,J1 1. ol·• ~ .. r,l r11r ~vera..l montha. l't•!a.ry Rowe. ~.~;";1~·r::·~;·: ""!:"' "'"'j! ,.,.nt• 1/t•·.,· .. ,. '' '""" 111"''' rt'lurtwd 1" thelr,San K&rlnt> Wo1·d baa be«-n recelvrd by hla !!""'<'" .. n ''''' '"'llt'h, m&naKecl hy 11t ml" "''l!e. Mn. Dorothy Barrow. and l'la~r nil onj.!r!'ot•,.nt.ll 111 ro lnr~·· '""''' Ml'i'•·ll IJ•I• I..Jfc• Kllfll'd !llr IHtd ~Inc Robert Lone and hltt un<'ll'. A.ndrew Fllzpatrlek, Betrothal Announced At Yacht Club Party . k t'tllf' anti n•••k •••n nttnub f4 hu~l ttl• r•· "t'r'• tftfH• .. hn'' fils pr,.. dn.a~hh•r Bllrhara of Newport that Roger Barrow, former mau· I With Fl ". t~ 0 ""'' ~1ld 1 "''""•n·· tftbl,.· ll•·l"hts hnv«' n turned from a s., t owen "''" N ,. ... Vlolt"l II\',,., I ..... 1•1• ""MIHII\,I t•H1• ' -""er or Fitzpatrick'• department •roun plAin K!'llllltoP l'lllo'l' In '"''I W'r\'1'•1 IJ\ lh• 'nmmltt•·e I 'a•·atlrrn In tht! San O.~~dlnoa ~;to~. who has been stationed on While friend• gatht"red round, ' lnformal announcement or lbe en - premenl of Mlu Elwanda John· aton, daurhter of Mr. ILild Mr11.1 Luther W. Johnston, Newport bouleva'l'd. Co.ata Mua, and Jack Eddlngloo Boyd, aon or Mr. and Mra. Robert E . Boyd. 1211 Coaat Hlpway, Corona del Mar, wu made at the saturday evening party at the Balboa Yacht club. CAROLYN'S FLOWERS mlllld• ani! ••'d 1 ll(l(lfH'd v~~-""rk•·d hllr•l 1., milk~ nm untalnll With them --1 S fl lal wlth f'ta.,.e• r hke t tl lUI!' I hi' ··a.nnhl Th""'' "',,.. I t Mrll C'hl\rlta TUJot.oa \'llr 0118 OUlh Pact c and.a h tdl lt~t· rllw 11 ~"''' • '"" "••rP Mr~ F'.d· g1"'8 • ' lhC' ~a bee a haa been traullle~ veJ•table mtxtuf'f! wllh t ,. ar 'l ~:.•r lltl. • hMJrmnn, Mrs Orvlllt' LonK ll•aeh I to Hawaii. ' tton of a bot or chopf!"tl rel .. ry anti 11 wn Mr" llsrry M~;Coll l.fra !'11r a-nd Mn L. 0 . Hammoad, .• oaton but any av&llabl,. Yt'&etabll' I ru . I 'I , II I r.-o~ S•ashort-Drive have ju.t bad Hl('ha.rd Munaon. eon of Mr.. · Jarn,., '-h"Jihl'o•t uno "rs •· · · • I Th 1 ca -ha. t d ml•tuno may be UM'd. • lht' pleaaurr or sending a p,.._nt C' rna vanau.... n ume Tbe ,-pic ma y ~ moulded In HuKt'r" ll•r the flrat b I r l h day or I to llalboa after ~ndiDg b1a va- rUlf rnould.a and filled with flaked I tht>tr g-reat·grauddaurhler Carole. ca lion wllh bla ~randpareniJI In &:reb. loblrt.er or tuna mllltUrf' for Mary Taylor and whoae R&tl."nlJJ are C&pt. and )1ft Ta<'oma . Wult. Mr. Boyd, who Ia connected wlth Hubbard'• .South Cout company , ll rear comm odore of lbe Yacht club. and he Introduced the younr couple and made the announce· ment. Sunset Room O..rlooldq' t.M Blue Padnc Sunday Dinner Noon ontU 8 p. m. Membera of the circle had planned lo celebl)lte the gol!.len 1 1 we<!dlng anniverary ot Mr. and Mra. Fred B . Mills. 10131 Vat RoM a v e n u •. Inglewood, but \'Vednea.Jay evening receivr<J word lhat Mr. Milia bad paased away wtth a beart attack. The llftlla were for many years remdenU! or I Balboll. Lu.Dc!Mio-• Dl-en • Ooelltalla !oln. Gol<llr W~lsenberg of Lnt1 Angt-!1'11 and her 800 nnd daughter I arr vacationmg In Ball>ou. Popalar Prtoee Open to the Public 111M .... A... a dllfereat aalad. Mother Entertained T' R. Obltoy of Artaoca. Urllnjte County Coroner Ear1 Phtl J)f)novan ot Loa A.Jiplea. Abbey plana to move to tli.e home ..... ...... ft. tMN K THE ATTACK l'ng1nt'•r with the Genera..l ICiec-al Corona del Mar. having j1111l '--------------1 BAC Mn PAvld Childs &nil daughtrr, tnc company. ha.a retumed bomf' ooold hla ntn•-room re111dence at -------.,-I Mr11 1t11rry Taylor of N•wport, ert~r sJ)f'n•.ltng lhrH: weeka ln Bal-200. Greenltal alreet. Santa Ana, r.:================~==========JI Jllland. wt\(1 art' luvtn&.. thla w"'k 1 Hoa I to lira. Carolyd Pe.rklna. 2U!i for thf'lr homf' In Mt c,,·ml'nll. F:lt·hR LertlngwC'Il t'nlertaJned at, RJverAtde Drtve. Saul& Ana.. She M lc h wrrf' llonnrrd gut11ta at a l cltnnr r at •ltrr home. 1~12 Qcean 1 will takr poaett.ll10f\ Sept. 15 .• Mlu J ohnat011 le ta1dnr a nurae'a tr&IDing courae at the Sea· aide hoaptl&l, l.onr Beach. and J ack Ia attmdlnl the Navy Quar- termutera· achool In San Otero. I BffiTHS I lunr h""" antl •·ant party Wednea· F'ront Sunday rvtnlng. Gueal.lt Suntlav gueiiiJI at the Robert day at thr lu,me of t.fn. Ro~rt Wt'rc Major and Mr11 DeeriD• of1 Howarth home. 4 hcl atrret. 111-It's a 110n for Mr. and M"' !'\pf'n!'f'r ami Mr• Jol!••pb W. Ro-S•~nla AnA, nnd ~Ted' Newcomb. II ;•lud•d Mr. And Mra. Paul Jack-I Spauld•ng EMtman. 131 VIa Vella. '! ho>rtll. Sapphlrt' · a\'l'nul' ~lboa Mr Rn•l 1\1r~< AI J oyce, Balboa., !Inn and tlaughlt'r and Mn. Mllry Udo 1•e Hr wu born A u~ llllf\lld hll\''' 011 ~ut•l!UI thllf week, Mr. F'reer, Alhambra; Mr. and Mr~ 16 at the Blr.by Knoll Motecnlty I The h111banol1! C)( Mrs T11ylo;r .Joy•·~>'~< ,. 81t'r Mt ~ C"harl .. Du l<llbt'rt T•dford rtnd daughter. and hospital. Long Beo(·h. 'lnnd hl'r hOf;tr"'-~''" nr<' Na\'y ofh· f'r{'~. ami h1·r hullbRnrl and daU(h·: Mra. HAworth, Long &a,· h. Smu!l Curpura l and MrJI. Fran k \'ela un the· l!&m<' 10hlp In the Pa-t<'r JoyC'e Bobby Hawortll returned to AI· 'Cromcs. Newport. Deaeh. aleo bave rlflr , MIIJM and Mr& W R. Nocldar: ha.mbra for a week'a vlllit wtlh a eon, born Aug. 16 at St. JOII- 1 Mn. Tto)'lm tM " new1pa(lf'r nnd t•hlldr.-n .. Inn•• llnd flu...U of hill aunt and uncle. epb's boapltal. wuman llntl hll• lw"n u-·tllt-cd Rlvt•rsld•'. Rre guei!L" for a 1-1 Mr. and Wn. O. H. Hemm•·r. Capt. and Mre. Alfred Waytor. with the N I'WA·1'1mea ln the c·nrn· J ays at the hnme or Ma)or ..S \ 001 leth lltreet, were dell~htedly 223 Pear1 alreel. Balboa laland. polling or lhr Annual whlcb •Ill Mra. Cathcart., Plan dt'l Norta. wrprl8ed when their aoa -in-law, a.re the parent. or a daurhter, &pptoar III\Ortly. Sunday they wel't' entert.&1MCI Lt. Orville G. Turner, bombt'r pi-born Thurllday mornln• at St. Ten «'JC'8l8 Wf'n> PN>IIent tor th«' "'llh an Informal luncheon ln UJe lot .J11 Carlebad, New Mexico, Joeeph'• hoapltal. anemooo or fun 1 f'lllto ••f tht> Catht a rt home. wlth I fiUIIda a croaa country flight to Warrant Of.lcer and Mra. Axe' 11•1•111, THE wartime jar r ings ror home cann ing should not be given the s tretch test. "Double the'm gently - ---11\tr and Mrs C: W Luhr or Oak· •pend lh<' we~k tntl w ith them. Andereon. 922 Eul ~nlral av- 1 Social Nets Church h•ncl who ar•· vac:atlnnlnJr In RaJ-· and ble llmiLll 1100 Randall. two! enue. are t he parent. or a daug~-bo~t. aa ruulJt yeara old. who ltt sl~<ytng hen· ter. born saturday at St. J oKph 11 i Goodly Sum \' '· llRrbr.• Jr ut Santa ADa y,•ttb llla rrandparPnls. R.lndelll boepltal. I to test the ir condl- t i on, but do not st re t·oh. If they don't fl atte n .out after doubl in~ them, don't use them. Back to School • Sweaters • Suits • Skirts and • Dre~ses • Coats • Blouses accessories La Grace , .. North of ....... OD S)'C'&IIICJr"'" 8uta Au, C&W. COLIMIII DII.ID. IIIGS Columbia Diamond Rings -Gems for Lady America · --that <'Htn· blne style, delicacy and luxudant quality to match every woman's quest for everlnsting _beauty .. Anniversary -Birthday Sl)OGESTIONS Gentlemen's Waterproof Watc_hes Dinner Rings Ear Rings Novelty Rins.,TS Signet ltln~ Lavallers Toikt &-t" eo.tume Jewelry Brnt't'l<'ts Ladies' and Men's llill Folds A Good SE>le<'tion of POPULAR BOOKS for Your Enjoyment JU.LI.,IIAII& and Bl17.ZA-CARDOZA Oaa:t'INO CARDS for Sentce Men and Women are now on display L' () U £~.I I I • I 008TA MESA ---I'll ·~ndlnJ: a h ·w oiRyl! wllh lila and Mra. Hemmer n•·w tn 1 '•rl,.. -------------- Th•• trl'l\llurv flf Ul•• ,· .. mmunlly eoorr. Mr11 . .._. r. r'urter. 116 Hat bad 10 May. and l ht-buy "'~~ to1 ~It s G{'org\' Plumatt l\41 J r . arcl l'onJ!rr~:att,.nal \'hur•·h, Cor~tna •lrl str':rt. "''"''' MtJO ll11rbr<' and A&y thC'rt'. but be<:am• Ill and '•ad lltm RtXtl" of U.. Angeles. r.tr I Mttr 111 rll h<'r bv '~""· whlrh wu • h•l•ltl'n rt<•• ,.,~tttn.,: In U18 All· to ~turn to the \'etaBL Plumlrtt'at.l Jr ,_, • member ()( lbe I rot'~"'' ttl lh,. .;·at•·rm••lnn Rntll\l l gele1 . Married ln N(trwkh. Englan•l. 1 1lh Otstrocl Coaal Guard band. I hPitl 1'1,.,.,,.,. f'\'t mng "'' lh•· lawn ~In• !\I at,. r.t\·lttr ""'I IIIUjthter. In 1888. the Rev. and Mra. Gt•orgf' t tt( tlw (;u~lln lollll"' humr. !llfl rt· Klltl mnlh"r !\l r• llavul l'hll~. Plum•t•ad ~o~o·~re honored on thetr MORTIMER SCHOOL p •lrl av•·nuc. Curunu del Mar. ".h'' hnv,• !IJ"'"1 ••• ,. rnl "'"'llh~ on &6th we-ddtng anruveraary al a 302 Cor~l. Balboa laland I A ahfu I hmolni'AA J0~8!11un "A~ 1 ="••WJ'I• 1 I '"'"·"" 1• (I M undil~· for dinner at the home of lh<'or daugh· 8UMM!:R SCHOOL lwl.l. r1t ""''" foutho•r plan~ fnr ,l•c ltotl, ~1tdl ter on the Oc'•an F'l·ont. Ttwy Openaluly 6; lhl' 111'\\' 1hunh hutldin.: Wt'rt· cJI,... ~1110 (,J.tth ~ l 't1•11.:hRil llfl'l'f1\ cam• to thle Clountry In 11')91 anJ Oraclee: Colle.., a Prep. ~'"'"'''' IItle' hundn••l n'nd fifty wh .. ""~' r~'< • nlty •••~th:n~-J Bs a have lived In Rlve~l!ade !nr 3:.! I' Eotrte. Now Be&ac a-rvecl I .. til t ff , r til ,.. -G. A. Mortimer, M. A., Ollford P•'"~PII' werf' In Atl t>mlalH I' "'' nl•·l'r •'I " !I 11 •1 f' ,.p_. y·•-. Att•ndlng the nArty werl' 1 d ~-u ~ r·-Principal Phon1 6~2 - .- There'• N o th ing l i ~e A I SLACK SUIT FOR EXPECT ANT MOTHERS ,., to~fert fOf co~ceof••"' .• few '""' No ••ottllf'tQ' 11110 "oth ..... , lo~ •••''~~~" 4vrobl• • lrioQ•t • doth .• tl'ttottly to•fort d . f-.lt, edivttoblo. Na.-y ltwo, "••" Of f orM.t o,.,., s .... 10 .. )0 8.95 ~ OI Oft YOut tt.;;U\A• !1111 !" o•ou IY MAll 0 1 TtU,..ONf I .,...., ,,.. .._ ....... """ ... A4~-·~· Wllfl POl nil C&TalOO 01 "MOf"l'·fO·U • r&SHIONS l'o~ ' 'f{(' • • . .. ,.. ' ""' \' ...... '"' HTI CI P~TIO~ ··· o, • , , ... .. ~ • V Ul o t l U1 [ 8"0ADWAV. LONC BEAC~ l4l No "odeo Or1w . ........ )' ....... tOol No. 8r•ntt II'"" . O••nclatr ru•tl ll••lu h llnnk or Amcrlo A. 11.n Mta. Marjorie Helma and Mr. and ;.... __ __; __________ . hR" llt'l'n t'IIJot)'lll.: II Wt•rk'll \'llCa· \11•11 \Vh••n lOb(• rt'J<UIIII'II lwr \A'nrJ& I ttg .. ln It "Ill h.-Wll h A (. llnff· n .an IHf'P\11\tant. 1\ir,. llu7"1 !'Ia" ~· n nf 1:'112 Wrllt (lc·rAn F'r .. nt 1~ rnlrrtlltnlnl 1\A lwr h"""" .:u··~t~ !llr .. 11nd Mra. 1 H11y J<'ursylbe Mil llnughter. Jri"T)', I nr Rton 8f'rn,....llnn Tu~"'""' Mn. l•awson ""kr.t :'>lr!t II 0 l;hllllpa otr:.l ~l r.s A. \\' llulu'"" l)r r<:rw· P"' • Bl'lt•lo f1•r '"'" h• .,. on hnnor .\'I lwr t•Ul·Of·t u" II !rll'uola I :O.tn• R·•hl'rt F'"~tnl' hu bad Mo11 l;enrgt• M•·r~ 1tf ilttfll&lo. N. Y '"'" ht'r !\tr• ~:n,, 1\ h~ h·•~""r,,• 1• 1111 ••ffl• • ~ nlk•llr·l a 11• •t r ·~ ,.r ,.,., "It tn : hl' l'arlh r. 11 1 n.akll'l.' h• 1 l111al1••n h -nw In San l F'l .. ncll!ll'n. !llr~ i\n: .. no . Enlt•t,71l of ~ , \nc• 1 !I u1 .t ,.:•u••1 l<lr tw., WptJ&a" 1n: •J•, hoom·· •' \t : '' \Irs llUl \t t1 ·~t•'! '}..~ t.tlh•t ''ard A ~!l1'1ol ,, ).-11 ...,. " '\t \~ \l I h •• n~d'l ~••I· , :11 1 ' II ,, . ~. 11 :-an l •lo•~;. \11 ><." :.1 ' I • tl ' •: tr•'fll'lnlll :11,1 ~t~~~ :"'-' .. l,, I •1 t o •·f 1~1\ft• r w ._ '' : 1' ' ' • n ... t· ·~..: l h 11 j'l' ,,,.,( .\! \' • \t .,,.«'1 lo • • l!•,ll •'IIIJI, \1, ·""' \I •. . · • • re- : t ' ' 1 t' t I • I I 1 \I ~ \f,h--,1 \1 ' :\: ~· \:.-I• •lltr'IC'd \\ ,, h 'hl J I• \ I t\1 I • \ I t. " ,_ I t • \' ' 11!o •lro·et. ,, o·'l 1•1 'I I '' I 1\1111; l<'ft l o·l "••k 1 r I 'l•" I \\h·rr ~be J ' I I 'I.. I till .... .,.0 ):ot '• \\1'1 t-" I\ I• I' I Ala.-ka. \It,._ \lot ~ p i liT• ' • I• ~""' a m • I h \' r• F II \\', r, 11 nu I •I llllthtei. WE SPECIAUZE \a CA.S~l~li FRtlTS Canning Peaches Now In Sfta100n GET THt:M AT DUTTON'S Fruit Market 17M Nt'wport Blvd. C.C...MeM ••• think of Quality First in ch~sing your FUR. COAT! 218 N. BroachraY Phoae ns SANTA ANA BUY NOW AND SAVE in Our AUGUST . SAL~ -of- FURS! l'ou ~ auutf'd of Ulf' nnHt hit.. E"~rt ('raftam&nAbJp and AutMntk' St yllntr. A ounall df'pMit wtll hold )'OUr w!N-tlnn BUY ON Ot !Jl LAW AWAY PLAN oaANOE-OOUNTY'S FOREMOST FI1RRIER -- I i I I 1 \ .I IECIH 2/J c. sugar GIAI'f ICE 1 c . .1. c . grape Juice B~ . orange Juice 2 ~b~p. l .emon 1.~.Ju1 ce ,. c. water Oil th f e sugar or f ive 11 • and •a t·er t g r edients l~utes . Mlx a ll ~~et~er fr e eze ogethe'r 8 t e i n-. • rain an~ J()IM 1Hl WAts r .·~UD-TIME S~OfcY l: . :.~1 rrs uour IV b ~ -• B t• er . E read-populJr rs .n':i~h ed Whit flavor an d or lt s dC'l . . e I great favor · flavor fres hn e1Clous f or th l t e •l lh Cb l :l ss. A b em, t oo · r e:n.Good ' ecause it • t a · con-Ins nourish- i ng values nat-ura~ t o Who 1 ~-~ratn cereals ~ et a .loar t . <iay. o- •·2G