HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-08-31 - Newport Balboa News Timesm~t 12:15 Palm. sew· \'OLUKE V ..... •\ ll~ I. .&.. -. --, 1 ... , Nl J POBT· • / BOA PBBSS --""'=o::=-=r=-= ==== Grief at Death of lreae Hammoatree Takee Oraadmo&laer .. - NUMBER Z7 Peytons Sell Tract on B~y for Factory Tbunday, Aqua 11. 11&4 _.... "A" BOOK BIANKSPIA.CED IN ~a..-&OCA£ ,.,.,uu I D18TBIBUTION AT 21 8POI8 ---·--- ODe of the I.Dduatrtee to emerp from the current war atroapr than wbeD It 1Nlt in, will be that of the moviea. A OQIItotb.lrd IDc:rMee in number of theaters will take place 1n thJa MCtioa wbea eo.ta Yeea erect.a the show-hoUM Ill which the Griffith eompen_y ia lntereeted. and the piau for wbleh are UDOff1dally explained u cuJTently awaitlq available worm... aDd mat.e.riala. Now com~ further &D· DOUDCMJ ... t of antorer uew film hou.e. thia one t4 go up in Hwatiqtoa Beac:h. Evidently the striking popularity of the Harbor'• Lido and Balboa theaters during the vacatioll aeuoD jut eodiD •. on top of their conai.atent drawing pow- er lut winter, baa cau.aed othen to see a trend toward the boz ottloe. ---·--- I • • • 25 Per Ceat 118daclloa FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY Md IIONDAY 8EPI'EIIBD 1 TIIIIOUOR 8&HEIIBD ' * SLACK &UriS SDII DIIBIIBI PLAY CLOTBII ·BATBIKO SUfiS Uo ••• II£0UDS • In addition ... a SALE ON OOSTUME JEWELRY .ODDS AND ENDS OF SHOES lor ••••• ....... e • • • l1f TWO TONU na~acaaaa ... ... coan • IEEP8 .•. lD re4 white,, blae ud taD; aiiiO corduroy lllformal bate. aao ...... a..._ ... ltoa •••-• Telepho~W 1606 Ladies' Hair Cuts a Specialty (Caa a. Heel by Appolataeat) Jack Huckabee, Proprietor CAROLDI'I ~~ To Fit the Prock or Match the Occ.aion . Flowen are aiwaya be.t. -222'-Nutae A••·• Balboa l•laDd-PhoDe 25~J We Deliver. Open Saturday NiQhta -- Famed Amo• tbe Notion'• Beat Knowu Sloppmg Placea- JHE BALBOA lNN - AND A FEW ROBES Also at one-fourth off • ...... TILD'KONI 138 s.taidaJ NIPt Til I f . M. ••••••••• I n• I How Many Hom• Have IMA Bri9ht.aed; How Many Feml.uiDe Heuta Gladd..d by Gifta of Well ClaOMD ~~J.u. e~ tUJ p~,, 1t1 ... We have bad the fortune to obtain Mftl'&1 c"-IJa. dividual plates, platters and other articlea, aU of them prized exainplea of finest pre-war chiD& from the artia&na of Europe who were ecattered by the war. There are three Engllah Derby boae china eupa and aaucera. Other pieces of major 1nt.er.t combiDe both functional and ornamental appeal frpm Portupl. Sweden, France, Italy, Bavaria, Pru88la and Bobemla. One Prusaian chocolate pot will extort ra.,.. from any discerning lady. Two Other Vivid Groups which aell either by the piece or the eollectioo -are: ~~u~a aa.n DMWq ._, o..........., ,,.,.,.._. ft111i1t. from U\e ractor1u wb.lch have now provided a craft Duc.a.. In Wetrt Hollywood; and CIU1b Craft u.lad and bOI"' cro..rn. ptatten . nut and candy dlabea or Honduru mahocany. recea~ Imported.. and a treat for U\e eye. IIC...,_.A,_......._......._ ---------------------~~-----~-·~------~--~----- - Far Bailing . and Repairilg lnfalaatlll • •• Big lllbtat lalllllllr De. WAI.TO I. IPICU, O...r ••••oat' uac• Jll ..... ......., ............ "-~ ,_ .. , ....... ,..... , .... liM .... ...... o ...... 1111111'1 • ., Tbunday, August 31, 19-U PBOPISSIONAL CARDS Conucl Ricbt9r, M. D. Phyeieiu ··SurQeoll 107 • 22ad St., Newpor1 S..cb H-n : 10-12 a. a .; 3·5 p. a . ~: Office 133; Hoaa 74·} GORDON M. GRUNDY, M.D. ~ ........ • 102 W. Centr&l Ave. Phone: aT HoUI'II : It .. U A. II. I .. I P. II. Dr. G. E . Tohill PBTIIICIAN &114 BUROmON -OIM& ....... '111111•!11 ., otllear -.w ... : ~M-a u • ...... ..a x.,...n 1 Dr. Obed Lucas D&NIWI • ._K w. o. .... .._. aue lmWPOaT II&Aell ! DR. C. J. CARTER ~ ........ 8peclalty Plloaa 1Pt ~ ............. Olela-- Dr. M. D. Crawford o•~o••~•••~ .,_ ... .,,...., a.... nttect PboDe 1610 1m Newport ao~ OOft'AIIIaA Zone Therapy Clinic A.L T1':RA TIONS NEATLY DONE Mre. JCva Broder.o.nJUid Mre. Oladyl Wltion Surf St. Sldl' nf BALBOA INN AB('ADE tneat to Beauty Shop l ..... llooiWWa" PJ:RMAN&NTB B&AJ)Drll 1Dr lid Beauty Shop 1111 Jlf....,t BIM. o.•.... ,.._- REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE ! Listings Invited • A.' w. GIBBON 111 &. lltb 8t. Oollta Meee Plaoae lti'J.W C. S. NOTTAGE l"wafl... of CfoMpooa.. ~ttc: TaaU and BMe--ta FrMb Fruit aDd Ve.:etable .JUICE DRINK!' 8pt!dallr.r In ~ ........ ...,-apa Mill T&OPJCAL a •l& olal ~" B til OoMt RlallwaJ ( ..... ~) . , ...a .. :t.ls EbECTRlD An Announcement Intended for thP Benefit of Our Customers ('llndltlons hi\Vt-made It no•c..aaary tn t'IOAt· nur abor Mnndaya. Ill urdo·r h• revair ~t. alrt'ady lo. B)' J:lu..1n&.,.Q!1 {.hla ~· .,..,. ahall br abll' tu g l' ,. '"''r radio uur undlvHied atteontlon, alone-with the ~.r 1 '·' 1 1111 llnd workmanahlp. - We ('arry a \'try large atock of tubu alll.l J'l&ru. &IUloJugh th1•rt> llro> a few typu aUII ahort. M011t ut tht•ll(• con bt• rcplac••\1 by anotho•r ty, .... with a alight circuit chiUI~<'. w., c-.ny ·~ ~•nw.t pana for Gt;SF.R.AL El.t;( ...... (' PA<'ILABD ll£LL a<' A Zt;NlTH PHILCO AND Wl:l'4TI NOHUI18t; PllAM'ICALLY ALL OTHE& MAKt;8 .....,_ lalalld (CI~d Sunday.) .._., Not Shop Fu"'ituN Refinlah-4 aiMI Re,Nai...4. Pichro FraMiltf. Patt. .~ UnJini•hod FurnituN Supplied. Win411ow Panoa lnatalled. .lrllal'• FolD' Odd l~b? 8 & C BOO~ HOLDERS AJUl NOW EUOIIIL& FO& NEW TIIU'AI OOIIE IN AND 8U USt D' YOU OAN QUA.UPY WB WILL IIELP VOU IIAU OUI' YOUII APPUOA- TION 1'08 A 1'IBE CJEBTIFICATE. 111 r:. a me ~T&Et:T f 'II STA MF.~A t'hOnf' 114. \\' • LYLE POPE y,., l(~e Ntwr nr lanta Ana waa a W•.., 'iR7 lr\JI'IIt at tht htllllt' of ll'rs. ~nc. K. Tor· "'"''"· 1.. JTU. ...... t Mr.. a.orr Oo'Wn~r. Zl7 !\:lrd •treet, will be.....,. •t tile 1\l'at lllt't'tlnl' ot Uao W'C'T\J wllh•ll will '"' held &epL e, beelnntna at 10 :1(1 11. m. t"'11pt. Prentt. M•'l'l~. 129 VIA \\'a&fl'nl, LldD ....... -ll llulltlttt~f "" t<ldllloo to Uao h'orll or htl hmnl' wllh'h will ,...Wt In • rruUy rn· larg<'d llvt'W room. N LN Helen D. Minton. daU&h· t,.r of MaJor ucl y ,. H M Min. ton of u• Buena Vlala b<•ull'n.r\1. Hlllh<1a, will nut ThUI'Iklay ••ntn ho•r fl,.l year ClaM at Vuaar ,·t•llege, ~..,.le, N. Y. Ma'll. L&n<' HammAck, 1722 W ( ''"an Front. ta IIJ'It'nolhljC lhro'i' wo•<'ka with ber p&rl'nb at Aua· lin. Texu. She plana In N'turn In llmr to t.aJce up hl.'t •lui h•• nn thl' ~a.l Beacll ldi,..JI r11rutty lllM Mary WAI"•'r, 37011 Chan· nel place, baa jolnl'd the radl'l nune claM at St. Jc:-ph H o)llpl. tal. Oran,e. following In ruout<•pe l>f her older ~~tater, Catho•rlnl", who II at Ule aaiDf ~lla.l 11J1 a nUI'1N' Newport Circle WSCS will m~t Sept. J3 at tlae benne ,,, Mrt J H. Milia, .!r21 ltth atr.•~>t Tht ~otruup will con~ at I JO n'l'lork J t'NC' S<'at&ell. 2813 W ('o·nlrl\1 avenue, hu moved to Phoornla. A rtx. ){r. and Krt. Vernon Walk;or or Hollywood jolned M.r and Mr• Burt Norton La a Wl'l'kl'nd qul'llt ror ~Un In lbr rhart••r boat Sueno. AltbO\IIb nu •wordii.Aih were caupt, all nported a g•y lime lolr. Walkrr Ia •JWI'Ial et· feet. c.hlrf for RKO nau\'l" •tuc11o. Santa Cla118 Gets Breaks .as Output of Toys Re8umes • Moore's Confectionery I 2100 OCIAN FRONT Phone 73 Opl'n Thursday, Fridays, Sat.. Apptllntmrnll only for P!'rman~>nll! at Other Ttmel -PTee11 wantad.l are rl'a: by tho:: I and.l every week. They br1ftC re-I will. 111\.LdlJA lt•l i iU~'~li.o CLOtii:D Ol'f IIOifD&Y8 MACKEREL CANNING SEASON IS NOW OPt:s PACKERS WANTt:D CUTTERS WANTED .JOBS FOR :MISCELLANEOUS Ht~LP \\'ANTED ~vallability Certificate Required. or Clearance Through UNITl~D STATES ·EMPWYMENT SERVI~ 501 W. 5th St. California Marine Packing Company lrvan C. C'hapman la bulJdlfta fl!'l atloutllon anot m&ktna DW1Mf· ''lUI alto•rattona to llt• f'Mt._ at Zl~ r't'&rl avrnu ... Balboa bland Mr. an1l lolr11 S~ldlf\1' JCaM. man. 131 ~· Vella. U do t.a., an Ule p&r'C'~f a eon bom -'Utr· Ill 11t Blaby Knoll Mat..mllJ ..._ rttaJ tn Lona Bc-aeh. Mllrvln Ktrkwn.ld of Wl\lttter la bullottn~r 1t Ut...., II'OOQI ~t (1\'f'r hill f'M•.,·nt prar at Itt Oran\1 Canal. U&IOO. lal&llcl. 'nN cnet will be-an.und P600. M:r. Kirkwood ll&ld. Mt11 Arthur C'!lattrrton, d&'llfl· trr Nanc-y, aon Jamre and family rrtt>nd. Mt. Ruth Cowlea of 8o. ruadrna, Wf'N' JUMU at the ciDU.- ble birthday rarty of P'rank Oa~ terton and Nancy Chatt•~ at Ule former'a Nrwport borne, 116 21th atN't'l, lut Mond&y. Jl'nftJl Chaltt•rton Ia Mt. Nancy'• \lftde. Bamry Atklneon. ...wtut meon·,. IJf'an at Unlnralty of C&Jt. toml• at t..oe A~eJ. la ~ hill a nnual var allon at bta Dta· mond a \'l•nu .. home on Balboa-Ja. land. Namt>d tJCLA'a "mOlt posM&- Iar'' fa('Uity ~ber, De&n AUdft.. aon lfl'nrrally la ... n ln lnl'll)nrlU'I attlno with a few atudenll bel~ him aall hla auxiliary aloop. Elw•"'•l fll'lllt "· ann of Mr. and Mnt r..t·· R<·Attv. 307 U ndo ....... nur ho b11• kiln Callfo•mla, baY1q no" II rn•oll fi:ngland lo Walla NOW OPEN and ready to fill the full needs of your table with Meats • Staple Groceries I" -. V egelahles • Fruits u wellaa Mi}.k, Eggs, Delicatessen Items • Reaaonable Prices HERMAN'S MARKET -uoac .......... ~ coao••:•a. ... .. _ .......... ,. II•••• YMra Mullet Nuaoor at l.&ouaa leach. WaJIII, W n . \att't maklna' the trlp ·-----------------------~---------­""uth tn ~•rrarnl'nto by lra!n. Thl' lolf'a l man Ia ~uperaUq from .. , attar k M pneumonia aaf· fl'rt d whlll' IM'rvlntr with the mJH. t11ry J'l"ltrl' "",.. In Nort.b Atrtca . Ill• wlte hu bt'l'n •pendlJW the IIUrnfnr r With hill panonll, In Jlal. .IHISI'I TRAS~I'HRT ~FJlVI(T. Rolwrl li••!II•'V, pr .. tuln••a•t Be\ . hoa IAhtnol y1" hi llmAn ""'' I'III"~"U· tlv" ,,, N•·WI•"I t ln•halllll''"· tnr , Rl ('n~l n M """ ltv. I w • rk ~,.v,.r•·•l )Of'lll ttutt1••t 1t41h~ t n h••(nff\t'-" llr~•m•l o·tljo(lll•"•'' '" tlw Army Tran~tptorl ~· r\ 1• • M•• lfrni'Y 1\nl'l b11hy dRII~hl•·l . 11111111'. will rr. ml\ln a I 1 h•·ll '""""I h""'"· 20:1 Ruhy AvNIUI' l'lt 'C 'CT."'IitfTI. I' A I'P:R lllli\'P: In 11 drlw• ,,f 1••1111 than ''"" m11nth'a flursll••n. <'''"'" M""" Olrl srnul11 roll••• 1•·•1 aw .r" tliAn nv .. tQnll of 11''"'1' I'" II''' '"r wht•·h t th~y ha\'o' lllr•''VIV ,,.r .. lv~d p11rtl•l 1 payn•t·nt of 188 22 · •ooa&YJ' ll'1 SIIEP'I lor • 1 t 38 Hlqh••? 10 1 Ju1t 1u1 of The Arch•• ~erpaM 1 ---........... Coa.Joratao to Loe AaQel .. ••d Looo leach POPULAR PRJCIS BAL"· SPORT· BAR ....... lu.t •••• - Something Novel uad Distinctive is our Clolla• ••r • . BLOUSES and SKIRTS . SHORTS SLACKS ... DR.E88E8 . . EU!. - We an detenn!Md to nt your pocketbook wtth l1De of quality mercha.ad18e. Til Oil 110M I @~~~ -~ ~~ ~. f-,: • ·:.:;;>' .c; IIILP ICIIP 'IMIMIUMG So would pou IDiDd ...... liaJe ,... -the ........... In .-.ice- ., &oaa ' ... 10 eech ..._..., ....... l.caat ~ c.u. &om cmtpe .............. will hne ....... c:heDca II ocher caU. ... , avwdiat ................... Wa'IJ ......... ,.,.. help. .., ....... VIdlry Sldn Calfna T111pe. Company Ill Palla At.. ....._ Tel.1 J4U ~'U:W .ltiJifiO& CIIODI Tht~ n-junior (',holr at Chrlal f"hurell by Ula ~ ta llllt?Wina «ood pr~ un~r the IMdflr • ablp ot Mre. Lola Moeeby. 'nlcf croup now l.neludM nln-airt. and ~ven boy. who alnJ at Ute t :ao a. m ... mce MCil awully . . - ( J 't I ' · I~ j ) .............. ~.......,,Ollila .... • -- . .. • t I ....... TIDE TABtE nMal .au.-~ to ..._ 0.... PW) ....._ War Time UMd .. Bu&a ot Comi"AtaUon HJOR LOW 11.35 a.m . 11 oe p.m . 10.10 L m. 4 8 3:11a.m. e .T 2:58 p.m. 5.1 3:M Lm. ...... , ~1 ~ 8ept.J Bv GUMl Columnt.t yeaf11 after ,_,IUtl'IJ adopUac ~ 8.7 3 :t3 p.m. -4.1 1.4 -1.0 ' Ule Ide&, and wt Ul ,.. tbu a • ., "HJTC'H" thOUNIId doll.,. tQ etart, be t. 8epL a Mll V.. w_,, N...,.n ._.. ~ IIA&DWA&S • · • N<XleMtul, and tlM ll&y DUtrtct Mon4&7 l c•n:n:Ut\ IITYL&_ JbHwaN on~ Dl&Dcf s. a llpt.• 11.62 p.m. tO:.e a .m. 10 39 p.m. 11 2:1 L m. 1t-:Jt p.m. 5.4 3:34 L m. e.• 4:33 p.m. 5.5 6:12a.m. 5.8 &~96 p.m. 1.0 -0.1 O.T A .• ... O.J 0.7 0.1 0.1 1.IJ -For You 81 ... ...... ~f~fm~l ......... .. a.,. ~ .... •• - Jt'e a etore: a la.rWe. htp. t.. IMUtutioft of tlM k1adly, naa-4-~ 12:01 p.m. aha.ped. ramah&ekle plAce ~ l.n41Yidual ...Wty. w.-....., 0:24a.m. an.r obeervatJon. a. lMt.anUy ne ftll-tt-~ aq1.e wu 8ept. I 12:60 p.m. ei&Mined o Jumbled. CClllfUied bom or Ule war, and deaplt. u Tb~J 1 H L m. 5.8 5.1 IUl 4.4 5.3 and In extremf ~rder. It '-occulonal broken drtll or buftecl Sept. T 1.40 p.m. cluttered. lrrt'rular. unUdy and a band eaw, the Idea w ftnanel&Uy ::..:.=:..:====--------------------lltUe chaotic. lind D'lorally eound. And what 8olneUmea, tAOUCft not "'7 ott-yacllt..man. down to liMp up ANt T H 5:51 L m. 8:1t p. Dl. 8 :32 L m. 11:32 p.m .... 7 :18 L m. 8:37 p.m. o.t en, there t.en't malnlalA llt. power or aa11 boat. ' E a eoul ln Ule. hu bench toot. and power m&ellln.- I.MUP. It .. try all Mt to r o In h1e OW1I cock.. BAIT TANK By c.."HARLU CRA WJ'ORD very Ulo~ oU' ly petronlae4. AI M)'ll he hu t .tte.t dltfermt A.AotJMr an.corr run for Ule Honty, eklppert'd by Ed WatJdDII. and not alwaya ltema In lale ltore. ran~nr from NeWport Jlanor arta ~~eemed lm. Kennleton·a broadblll, wetc'b~ place: ... uy. a pair or ahlp'e davtu or cONid· rnlneftt ua.. wet>k u report.l Upped the ecalea ~t 283 poundl. wtU. coaft4ent, l'r&ble welrbt. to rlue etema tor .-...cbect u.. port that two hure In at the Karbor Muter'e oftlce. ~ ,... .... PYftll eoffee percolatQre, 15 and ec:hooa. or tJM long finned tuna Kenn1aton had a rtve hour and U .-eta oaoly pur-10 cent ltema, bron.lc! c:Jeata. tum-ba.,. bMD nported oft the cout. minute batUe on ~ llande before ch.&etftC apeD· buclll-. et&Jnl~ eteel (eom .. One bl&' 8Qoo1 a. rt'portfd headed landlnr be prt.. el v e fttUIIp, ttmea); ltne, new and old of Jute, north &om Wow San Dle&o and Four other ~lere bave iiulded but all lllnde of elaal and manil a ; nalla, ecrewe, ytllit.erday anouter echool wu re. marlin durtn~ the put week. people, man 1 bolt., botJI braae and ralvantsed, ported oute114e Catalina bland. Marlin have ~fn late In abowtnc ot whom .,. pipe, ntUnp, email toot.; paint. 8eYeral local boat.e bl>gan a new but hnve atarted ott well. How landlubbere ob-UllnMI'I; electrical equipment. M&J"eh tor tbe off-ahore ac.hool lonr t.ney ww remain Ia anolller vtOUily cSeetrtnc ehlp'e laardware. yeetel'd&J. Aa.core bave bl'en queatlon. Al PalM DO part or tbe He knowe where everythlnr W. run.n~ ott <:)neon for the put Fleh In ren.eral have beeD on .... ··-·· IIIIJI&II .............. • BALBOA GIFT SHOP I aa .... reny Le•••·• I iua Bait Boats . eeL And tMy And be'U .. u anJ'Ua!Ar. four w..ar. Ia rt!cord brealtlnr the late aide uu. eea.on. Barn-Uti walt paUe..Uy In llne, too. there He worlu lat.e and aald It Ia number., commercial flahermen cuda were late In putttnc' 1D u :::. :.-:.. ~~=:~-:;:;:~:.::. [.:t~~g~~:~:!~ :z~:;~~:~:~·~,; Ef:~~¥:1~~~ BALBOA PA. IN. T STORE · ...._ .. 0 • ..-... LJI. wor.k ·bench. pipe tlttere viM and open In the whole Harbor area; do a lo t to etop Ul~ walling of very buay thla week on the etart .... _ ••-"""'· ~ldorinr ,.ulpm••< bo<k '"'•hdy M Balbna ·I>IMd. On~._,.. In -~1. '"""• hu ul th"' ma<korol pa<k. I eawe and what noL And you nlrht a cuatomer came ln. abut been cood but the bi&Jt t~ltuatlon Lucky marlin anrlere In the or. .....,_ OW'L ehould -men In .Wt'atera and the door, ma~ a pun:hue, tum· hu been acut. for thP put week. der they made their catchea were WAI'I'&WII(lll DUfA ID Balboa bl~• worklnr with the ed to 1'0 out and found the door &vera! daJ8 ltve ball buut.e re· Archie Mayo, Hollywood nlm dl- toola; cutUnr. drllll~. Joint~. handle r one. "HI{W do J ret out turned tQ docJu and rdundtld n.>ctor, who took the flret one of --' ca.tllr ..... ........ and maytN you Ultnll tlaey have of here 1" demand«"d the cuatom. money to aU cuatoml'ra bcc:auae the aeuon, a lf3 pounder In a Sherwin-Williams Products ............. quite a et&tr then! er. AI opent'd the door and apolo-there wu no bait Th,. fpw boat11 36-mlnute flrht, on heavy tackle GUa ..0 9A(WI• ...... But Utcn Ia no etatr; tlMM are fetlcally txplalned "I Ju.t eold that made bait llowo•\W reported off the charter boat Dolphin, A.lp. .., .. ,.nll'l' 'IAmJ.II! ftc.& dlenta wbo do lMlr 0'"1 work, the door knob.'' Cood ca~ Jlfn!d by Eddie Otrerle . .... ,_ --pul "" ""'" .... (mo ... ). M d ...... <UOiom••· .... " .. AI, "" Spollln ... ,.u~·nn .... .... Cop!. orr.,,, Md ... DolpOJn ! A-.._ tl,. -· ..._......._ UTILITY PAIIT flt.Wa I ........ -HA'I' depart. ADd .,U,ere cotne and work. not alwaye rl(ht. but neede at. runnlne well In the •urt and In IK'Ored a«aln elJI: dlyw later brln~. ... -.., ..,.... __ 'nlere la ueua.lly eomeone workln.r tentlon. t 'm In the bualnNI or anoUMr two WHlU tht' bl« on1•11 lnr Walter Barry with a 127-;..."':;' .::t' .:.....-.::. • 1 tllere. b d 8flllnr merchandt~~e and It the m ould be 1.n Ute bay watf're Cor. pound marlin which be battled Cl6 ::.::":."::.~ _-T.&~ 8'I'OilE 'nit. t. the pneral. ottla:,_ C'Witomer t. wllllnr to brtnr hW btna bav. llbow1l In «att .. rt"d pia<' uunutea to brlnr to ptt. ~..::...:.,: ~· • plctUA one ret. 011 bel~ Ule need~ to me. I am quite wllJI~ H and abo1aJc1 be mlllktnr an ap.. R. W Johnaon ot HunUfiJ'lon ---.- M'"A dueed tQ liM man wM "";a! to acc-ommodate him" 'nita eue-pearanee lJ\ plentiful numbere Park got the third, a 140.pound s 110 etore'; tall, dnclent AI :;:· cHIItul attitude I• clarln~ u lle eoon.. ont, off C&pt. Stewart Glbbe boat, -:.,. -=-= OW1MT, m.&~~&,~Wr. buyer, opera r, fOH e-n to f'Xplaln, "People feel Lucld..t .._,.r of the wl'l'k Cypt>rluruu, He landed the tlah -,. &114 b(lokkf'l'~r. mechanic: and 'f"~· at hom to hf'rto and J like them to wu v. WaJDe Kt'nnlaton of 813 on hPavy tackle lin llO rnl;"U~ 1 '-------------&! fUif'r.upJM'r wbo worke ~ come In; eur" they ~ m}' toot. F etn.et., -.a O.qo, who c:amt to Francia D. Powell of Montebello 1' .... el Ia .. tf'l'n houre a day, etvtn da"'.!oll and f!I thtolr own thlnp, and It Newport Hutlor to try hl1 IU<.'k took the blggeat marlin or the p a a. w A a week; who hu no time to t on 1a true 81>mt' are for ple&MJre, but .word.t'labln&' UU. Wl't'k aniJ hvok. Muon. a 1~3-pounder, lut rrt. upon th• M&. much 1-r o :U hae many are ahN'r ne<'Hiltlea they ed the nret broadblll to be lllniJtd day from the charter boat Sueno U1.8()& n. no Ume to play, and "' ~I bt can't ret dol!e becauae there Ia wiUI rod and retc-1 here In !our wlth CapL H. S. Graham handiJ~ _lfti.,. ..... IIIIN!IIO n.aT pown pale for lack of eun r · no profHIIIonaJ around to do It yean. JUnn•etoo wu on the Ml the boaL IIWII AI la qUiet and very, nryl:. and belnr handy with tooa. and -------------;------------- Balboa Palal Sto .. e_ ""-,..._, UrnL He rot hlmNlt an · mi!Charllea, they are quite proud • A L a 0 A added bard work and paUenc. u when they fla up their trouW.. Balbo• LIDO an l~nt. and today, ftn alone. 8omeUm• they can't do It .._ •• .,... • and t nnd time t9 IMJp them oat. NKWIIDRT AND •AL.DA PIER8 QIOIGI HIND CAPt'. CHARUE CURNS' . "Bt:'OOrBII" FOR CHARTER PAIIM !U .:orr• UIIDDIG 1101 C:OO.t Hlgbway, Newport .Beacb CAPT. RUSS RIDER'S ...... 11££" FOR CHARTER ~r M:Orr8 UIIIJIIIII 1JOl eoo.t Higltt~.l(J~, Ntu•port Btatlt Shell Marine Products ATTHI SHELL DOCK A lady broultlt her baby bun1 111, qutt. 11M W'OIJ'8 tor an acc:tdent. Phone Newport 10 1 'I'Dat'U{ ~~v10U8ly llbe. couldn't ftK It eo I IIVtnln~:= 6 t :ll "A lot of people ba" etarte4, Lut 8bowtnc ot a ._... t.t.N and that llnowledp ILu ·helped ~ etu18 at 1 :10 them no end. It'e a mat lltUe __ .;.....;. ____ ...,...,~--- rnorat. hallder_..Ku.J eome In !\ere lead Mdent.ary hft8 C&.ry Grant • Juel Blair ln and nen they 11A0W that they Once Upon a Time can ft• up or mue maurtal thtnp -&leo-- wiUI t.belr own hande, they ('l't an Inward MtletacUon Ulat money DIJ:TZCnVJ: IILDT'r O'DAY couldn't buy." with Jean Parker "01' COUrM prot,_&onala blow ln end don't aay much u Uley bunt -------------ai"'W''d for eomethlftl' and ehove Oart-. N..,. ott ..... n. or maybe they work wtth the tool&. But t.hat'l a com. pUment becaUM they alwaye eome back." fte etore wbtore people help lhemMlYH t. a ~ltlve cafeteria In character. probably a ~nlque dlltlnctlon. Wayne Harper. who certainly knowe hie ahlp chandiPQ' hu ol!Hn·~d that Al'e ehop te 8aa..-. Kay K)'Mr In Arqund the World -&!»- ATI't\Oil n-........ pmbebly thl' only one of lu kind Loulae Allbrttron ln In the entire tTnltt'd Slatt'e. Her Primitive Man Of t.h~ JM'Ople who frequent the _ alao- place, both the near ('~'eat and ~ MILUON DOI..IAa IUD the email have been, and are pa-with the Eut 81de Ktcle trone, even amall boye <.'omt tn with noll'• I"IUtclltd In chubby ____ 0111.eoa ____ ·_H_ .... __ ~_ fl.t. Tile CA«fteye. the VMt Jtm. StarUar Tllure.. a..t. 1 ' my and ht. rood brother. Bill, ............ II\ hDJ!L1111...-L.Jn&--t'f-iiau-,. lioaturday at \:U Ctttltb.loout~ Mua. "'-1:11 Tllan. . t'l't .. SM. Chu. Boyrr -lncrtd Berrman In Gaslight l oart.ooa • 8wlnvapn tae • N- 8ua.. M-.. ,._,. WedL I June Ally110n • Gloria De Haven Van Joh.neon • -Jimmy Durantel Gr~le Allen • Harry Jam~• 1 X~tvlr Cugal In Two Girls and a Sailor 8tarttar Tbure., Sept. 1 Gco. Raft . Chu Butterworth Zorina -Grace McDonald and lhf'ae Gueet Stare: J eane-tte Mac.Oonald • Oeon Wellea Din~ Shore -Pe.-u Ryan In Follow the Boys Cartaooa •• I'Vptll&r 8deeoe -New. 1re numbered amonr Al'a fr1end. Are Tbeee ty cuatomere. Humphrey Jio«art, .._ 0 C'amlnr: Cobra W-: Buffalo Ha,.,. Carey. Dick Powell. Char. Our Parea .. ' BUJ : Pht·t.'p Otrt; IMJ .. tate· lie Cltlplln and eon. Charlee, Jr., -aleo-Dark; Tlw BlUer o-r: WWt~ ha•e all been tn Ulto atore, 10me IOJil'ilo"NY DOEU"'' UVE 01ffs of Do\·er; Mr. WtUJe OoM re(Uiarly. \\'arftn Wlnlam, Dick to War; Mr. Slletftartoa; a- T-he Peytoos . Wiah to thank the many who have Come to Depend upon the BALBOA MARINE HARDWARE CO., for their boat a~ne.. and to expreu appreciation for the confi- dence and patronage extended in the put. We cordially urge upon the consideration of the8e many valued friends and cuatomera of BAt.BOA MARINE HARDWARE a continuation of their relations with the store under the new and able management of Raymond S. Mitchell and ABSOCiate.,. The Peytona are glad to announce that the same sWf at the Marine Hardware will con· tinue to serve their old customers. .... w .... Balboa Marine Hardware Arlen. Henry O'Mel~ney, C. W. Rl:lll: A.''YJIOIIE .. l..u..a; ~ Story of Dr. w ... 1 R~n.~ee~nLB~~~•r:h~~t~;~~;~~u~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;~~=;~~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i lie. and a h~t of othen, far too ._ HoU~; 8ef. .... Prh ate J numf'mue to menUon here were, Harrrove: O..U&ttt; ft.-Ilea In end are Ill& patrone. \\lllte: 'ha.la&a VkW)'; h •n 1 . AI ..U bom In Tt'li[U, and not Olrlll a• a 8eUor I . 111 c.-.. Rlfll""'. N_..,on ......... 10 IOftl' &CO at that; a nd hu ••••••••••••• epent u ye.,. at ht. trade; mo.t of "It with the old Balboa Marine LV\'ADED Gt1A.'I Hardware, now up on the H l(h· Mra Mahto! CuseL 117 W . WU. way. AJ ft\JoJ8 a Ulrtvt~. loyal eon lllrPI'l INL week l"'tCflved tradl. word fn•m ht'r 11on, Warren, etat. l(o,mztic C9ruisc .About the 1Gay From the decks of the eoftly purring. power yacht, ARROW, unfolds the sight of plUm hidden retreats of Newport Harbor's island dweUer;s. the sporty little piera of the Snowbird sailors, the picturesque docka ,of 'Flab· ·ermen'a Row," the high and impressive ahipwaya of the Bay • million He a. marr1f'd, and becauee lnr thAI hf' had perUctpated In lmt't home at 15 ev.ry e•enlnr. the the eucruaful ln\'uloft of Ou&m. attnc:Uve Mre. Palne w often eeen Warren, former H11l'tlcW H~ aUI- at tlM ltore v1aiUftl' with, or help. lett" and now a gunner'• mate ftret lftl' bar baeM.ncl witll Ilia won. clua, had poeled Ilia Je\t.r on TtMJ ... .,. a 80ft, 'l'oal, ape! I , AU, 1, Ulf meaaap an1vtq In ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::::~:;::::~====~;;;:;:;:;:;;;;;;;;;;::~~ C~ta Men by ~nn&U ~ • : week later, TAD HER TO who hu a complet. ..._.bench at home a11d who tJ\1IIIIe Ilia cl&ddy 11 t.horougbly "O.K. It dollar abipyarda. ' LEA VINO FUN ZONE PIER EVERY HOUR, Capt. Bob Hoyt' a hiatoricl Arrow, former-Paci!ic Cout trophy y_uht, and more receDtly decommiaaloned Cout Guard patrol craft, c~mea pay-yacht p&uellgera to picturesque maritime glimpses about the nppling channela and wate.r- fronta of Udo lale, Balboa Ialand. and the yacbt buln anchoragee. • 'k/~ • ONCE A WEEK AI 11 &all1fu•d Ovv tbe llamp, he tlf'PII no ltt.up untO ware end. "PI'Opt.-~·Mt thlnp ud moeUy lht y juat havt to haft wtaat they uk for Boy! You'vto ,.t 110 ec:ratd\ to grt mercll&nda.e ~ da)'lt. If I ha\'tn't got It I .-.1 'e.m to Pt>\1on'l or South Coellt. Well. be e_ndtd. "thlnk I'll lock 11P-" It wu 10 :JO p. & ... Reeervationa for ltarlit even.m, ci'UWM available on II&IDe day u trip. +THE ARROW+ OLAIIOR BOAT OF NEWI'O&T BAY n 'N ZOSE PIER. BAUk>A (NEXT TO TilE n:.RRY lANDlNO) .. .~ I , 'nlunday, A.ucuat 31 , 1944 STAG E GOOD EATS ... GOOD DRINKS . . . . COMRADESHIP Presence of Ladies Welcomed Shelves Still Stocked With Excellent Supply of Pre-War Beverages The Place to Spend a Pleasant -and-• , Interesting Evening in NEWPORT • The STAG R~TAURANT features ... Steak Dinners, Chops,LSavo.ry Fresh Fish Dinners and Booths for Family Patrons. . Table Accommodations HOME COOKING AGREEABLE ~TMOSPHERE JJM Benet ucl Cout Bqulevard NEWfORT·BALBOA PRESS J . r . Stadhtr llWI bN'n .:nl\tfld -----........ ------- " penr>lt tn hull.' on Ouy St Pullcllftl ll• mst flrKIO A 1101\ v.·l\.~ bn1 n II' M • lin• I }.( ra llaJTY Kt-t'f. 161 'f;th Rt . •'"'-"''•' 2tUI. H~ M m" 11 \\'tlttllnl 11';\ll:•'ll•' The tin' d••r l\rtn ... nt wu rrtll••d out Sun4ay 11n1l '-'"11111\)' ftlr tW•• ....... tlrea In thr oorlh part ul town. Cholet' Building Lots and Ael't'ag~ S..lllng Through out Dttrtrtct A ntam t ... r nf r holrf' Rartlor &I'll& l>ullttlnl: 10111 ""'' Me.a &r n'apa, '"' wdl 1u• II<'Vrr11l homN, weN 111'1111 this "'f'••k thmu.-t~ thf' R. (' )(r. and Wr11. M W. Tallnu'". Pukrr l't'alty ortlrl' at rn.ta :aJa S 11th, J,.tt Wo•dneada~ fn~ M f'lla 01e1r old homr at On Molnf'l . Tnrlwtf'cl '''"" lhl' aal, nt two Iowa. lnl• In I hi' 4Cl0 hll'>f'k on• NI'WJ>Ort A .,n wu hom to SICI anct hnul"''"r~ whlrh WC'n' JlU"'""'"'d M.ra. Junu Chrt•llan. 191\ J!:ut bv Frnn'lc D..J.I"" e>r 780 M•«nolla 18th atreet. Au.,'la.t 24. at 8t. Joe. "~""'l" (A,;,y · (ko(>r~ V BlllC'II: of epb bo.plt.al. OJ,.ndlll" 1f 111 unc!erwtnod that curt• ·v. nUdity. 218 22nd St .. Mr Alltl'l• "'"",. t hf' l'n'f'tlnn of &n hu .,..aect htr bl"t)kl'r'a namlna. IIJlllrlmf'nl ,..,,.,., a1 aonn u ma. Uon and will bf N'flnl'ftt'd with R . tcor'lotl' .,.,. llt'llllablf'. c. Putter. Rt'11 l EJtl\tl' ftalhna lAta flleN Mr. and Wfll \\'1lltam llntr h, Two lot• I<W'at.ct on Llftcto aw . 170 22nd atr~•·t .,,... thr part~ht.e n11t•, Hill~ .... .,,.. purdiUI'd from or a 80n v.•hu Willi b.Jm at St Joe. lt•hl'll r•l H11rt. Tn l', or Loa Anp. If'• tl\' Mr 11nd M"' r .. t .. r Rfoatty t'ph bolpltal. Auguat 24 , . of :t07 Llndn_ and Ml"... "t.na JO.n. Mr . aad Wrt Charh·• 1\:a!Mr, nln~rtnn or R h'<'l"..ldf' antd • lot at ;89-1•1 1:, 18th. •·nto•rtaln•·•l lllr O ra n111111 •nd J.f at~t. B&Jboa, to .nd Mra. Htnry ~UJk'r•· ur t..•ll WJihur C"urtl• of H oii:¥Wood. who Anceleol. Ol'\'r tht """''11 ,•nil. t'lCJ'<'f'b tn built! at an Mrty dlat-. Mr. and Mn. !o'rruok ,..011ter. R ov L n un•'nn nt RaJ~ Ialand 1612·112 Oranr;l', •r•• ~ Jl&n<nll boo;«ht " lot o n All.eo avrnu., a -bol"t) at lht• Santa An• Nf'WJ'W'r1 H"IKhtll, ttvm Mrw. Ill. R. Community h08Jlltal, AU( 27. W lnt'kl<'r nt J.tntlo &\'4!ftUI. Mr . and Wra. Jnl'k Dod;~e an•l 'Mit .1 1': William• home prop. children of Lonj( Li•·ach werr v11. f'rty •t :not Hartlor boulevard ltorw at lht hulllt• uf Judj!~ art\! WI"' purr hllllf'll hy F"rant'la Me. Mra. Donald Uud j:•·. 1849 Anatwlm. f:r11IIJ uf II!\ :IPih •trHt, N-. Mr. and Mra. L:nrti<HI Hlle~hkl', JliH'I Mr •n•l Mrw Hf'rman 1!)49 OrAna·· A I'!' •• u ,· l'lll't'nt. of n .. rn···· 21182 Nrwport bnui......S, a daugbtl'r, whll'h w u bvrn ;\l bnll~:"ht "" a r ,.,."4(e ne11r U.etr Sant.e Anll L'uH,•m.tllllY hn•plt"l· hu nw from Lulu Armhu.eter of A uaruat 26th t,...,. A n~otl'hl•. h • ..._ s .. u.w Henl/ J . M1tt h••ll uf Lo1.g U•nc Mr nn•l Mr'!l L J . r>utt<)n have llllll A. R. H1\l••nut of ~:~~wndtJH, ll"J!•>IInt•·•l 11 lru •• on tht~ Nl'wport IH I! lhe nc~ ""'llt'fl 1•f II··· t'u~tl'l I I .~h"l'· bn ult•I'AI J fnaft 11tand owned by Mo•aa Tire "' h •capp n.,: Mnt Ktvuk u Numnto, now a ftll. :t~Jth onJ NtWIXIrt Bh .l • <;oata 1t,•nt M thf' MNIInllh Cuuntf7 \t.:aa. <:luh "l M•··llnnh. Ill. 'Mit' dtoal wu ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Willi~ S~l~ur~ 8Paman I ~ hnn11~·•' lhmo~h th,. Parkt'r o~ _ __ _ who 1.1 "''"" stntlurii'J Ill 1..),·1 f ll'r, Whl'rl' ·II wn.o alan n-ported Mnnte, vi.lll•·t.l With Wt1 family »t t hfl t J.tr nn.l t.fno Jamc• H ICi ch LEGAL NOTICE ~~~!) Victor ia ).lr Sall•bury 11 h11.t ll'u r tl lh•· St••vt!n 81lowler IDESR I .. IQU-DR SHIP -· -. ----IHJW at Ule L'S !1:311111 Tralnl~ hom,. at 3 10 Alt10 avrnue. II C'ALL t'OR IUDS School In that city. LIQUEURS .._ o.tla ~ .. I .... ~, O....deflleMIMI a.-.. Ooftee ~-·· .,....,.. Olaa-....... .... ........ .,.,. ,._.. ...... Prtd&-IM prvol '!'raple 8ec Wertra a..t St. IIOak!a 1mv, New,t. ......,o.ea •-...._..,_,.... .. • SUD Available 'l1lh W ... 4-5th!1 Quart.a ......... B&AND'I' 4-5tha Qu.n. ... _, .......... &CJI ·-IUNI Quarta .... TI)QUiu.& 4·15ttul Quart& _,_ .......... VODKA 4-1\th Qt. Imported o ...... . Plata, • ._ ..... v ... Ptata, ,...._ ....._ ADCI A a-1 "'-& ,.._ OLD KEXIOO Ten.apa HABANEJIO I!Np.- lt'a S.O•~TrJ ltl The Board of TMtal,.t!s ot N .. w. Ml"... VIr~• I Ph••bua. Jr · and Dahlia A "'ards to port Bcach Gr ammao· S chnol ot.e. chlldl"t'n, are nnw IN"a tcd tn lhtlr tl'lr t, of N-pnrt Rr ar h. eatttor. nl'w Mmt! at :10:1 Twltln. Mrw. ~rs. Churchman nla. will nor.-h·r· bldll Ill Ule l'hc bllll hu bc'•·n llvlnll' With h•·r A rl'fnrd c-ruwd nf 2000 ~Jlle School, up t o 8 r M . con Sc-rtrm· part'nt.a-ln·law ~lncr h•·r hu'lba nd nlt,.n tf,.,l th,. 2-c1~ty dahlia •how bfr 12. 11144. fnr thr purch!Uie by t.nWI'I'd the l••rt'll'•· Ill Ju.nr "'"'OJII'Ir•·ll hy 01 1\nl(t' C'ounty nflh • lhr'm of ""'' ~i Grammar School 1 "' 1 of II• ~~~·1.-t v, F'rl•ltt•• llnrt Saturday Bus nf thr follow ing llpt>Ciflca-Mr. a11d Mra A l\lt uol< llf'S ~ tlon11; l..oe Ans-elea, 11r1' n .. w f'•alll••nt.a vf "' 271 E J.'lfth. In S11nta Ana. C'haMbo "pt"rllk'atloaa Co11ta MP18. h3vlng purr hUI J thr AfY\Onjt lhr• r ,)llla Mua u . Joe Carver pr<Jp..rty at 1861 lt ul. hlbltorw Wt•rt Mrw. • n .. rtMrt Chaut11 to bl' a 1944 Reo, M odel ltrloD. Mrw. ~114M u. a naec41 of ctturr hmlln, 27!\ Ma,«nolla. wbo ,.._ l21XH8, (Or equal I, wiUI a motor Mra. Lawro•I'Q M olllrrL, 17'7 F.. <'f'lvPd nn~t Jlrlr.t• fur Ull' •mallf'll not I~ th&n 2• ~ublc Inch dla-r ttnhlln 11nd 18 rthbon.. placement, tlru 8.26x20. c!uala on 18th, reAr. a nd "Jl"r•· whi'PI cno 11parl' s~ndlntr I heir vacRIInn nl ('IIIII' Ml"'! If II M••Murlry, 228 20th, tlrl'), ove rl011d llJ>I1n~. hydrauliC' Radcllftr , nl'ar s evrn ()Il ks, II\ I.~ WWI ""'"''•"'11 h"""J tthl•• nwntlon brakt'l , V&C'uum hnotttPnt with var. "'eck ur•\ lhf' Mlaac.•a Mary Au 1 (f'r n •• ~,. r' n rrru•t.e••fl1flnta~~ And num retl<'rV(• lRnk . Roell. E\·rlyn Rea, Jr an Etli<'k """ bnlll'fll'"'' MMI Jo~lrn••r R<'hm.-1117 Body l'lprorlfbtlcNIIt Uilt Strun k. Thl'y Wl're 11!'1'111111'"· Jlr ..... h\'A\', •••••• l\'1'11 II<'<'Ontl rrlu BBBB IOONI BOPBB Gu llaa Note these features exclusive \fith Roper: Full Slse 40 Inch Raop PatenWd .. Staggt'red'~ Top 1-"Giant", 1-.. S~", 2-.. Simmer" Top Buraen Instant Flame Top Ul(hten Large us In 1" Oven "Speed Burnttr" Ovttn Bumer Combination Oven Control & Valve Many Other Featuree Get YOUR Order Ia NOW! StO<'k c-x rl('("ted Mhortly alter September 16. Orrtera will be deUv~red in rotation aa Nee!ved. ( Q,rtiftcate Requ.ired.) ., •••• ld .......... 1802 NEWPORT WE * At thh beaM. rMhOtt Clftd othen _ flncl ett..tUWHL tt!M---~d4lble eacro• eer.lu. The fteoreet i»ronch w.lcomea fh. opportunity of MrMI yov . ._ . WILL BE CLOSED FROM , &~~~su~no~M~M 4~t ,,,~u~rM~I~~h~~v ~rh~t~l. b~~~~~~-----~~~U~W~~~-~n~~~------~---~ AUtO----------~o~ld~,...~~"~'-~~=-~o~-;;; ...... ~~h~-1Jt!f!f"~~-!~'::;;~~.o;!~~t<:ii"inruli~m----='---:------r ~ .,.., .. ", hm•u' " -----.----!!!:!:~~~-1 -.._,.. 11tl'f'l. full w..td .. tl tnw r o n.etrur. Cllr 0 niiOII. nl th•· ('nuntv JI'A ir h10ld In Hunt. UHTIL 111:1:118 Uon with piiiiiMI "Jltt•·••ll nnt mnrl' Mrw. Fr&nk Vau1tu1 rt l'I'IVfl<l ln~lntl n rnrh 11ntl r••r elvrd ('Ph SEPTEMBER J111XEa8 ALSO nNE8T DIPO&TI:D thlln 28 ln<'h•·• nrnrt nn•l 1114'<'1 W tlrd that hrr nl'pht>w, lnfootr\' 1.,.17,.. ••f $11 IICI ,,1,. 11 mall,..l lind f CANDY '·Sth11 -Quan-Port, Sbeny, un1l"rnnor r roM-mPmh"r" to hi' Llr•u t. [)<'an Hall, wu klllt-d In lnr~t•'lll tlllhltt•ll, ,.1110 18 rtbbt>nJI ar-w llf\Rf'l>d not Ill""' l h:~n 7 lnr hr• nr tlon In .,~,..nee AUK. 7. H f', w ith OUII IIJlllrt S h•l'l n roor tfl lw r ovl'rf'd I hts par.:nlA, Mr. and Mrw Shlrl1•y I.T. (I .Cl.) t'I.IN K \'JMrTM JIOM'JI: TQBA0008 Imported ... OJ ntk with ArmstrnnjZ"Autnmnl ltnnl~um IIAII, wt>r•' aum m er vlellon hl'r•· J.ll'ut <j £ 1 F:n .. ·nrd C' Flink -oAU--NO LOOT OIIAIII'AOQ B~y to hll\'1' 8 r ow!l fnrwllrft.fAr. l•·r rnanv ""IU'W. Hi.l wife IIVI'• In lh•• ""•ro'hllnt ""' ln~r III'AIII. lnl'lutltn~r rlR\'f'nJl')rt. ~ ~~ "''rltn•l rnnt•• In ..,,. GOLDEN MOMENTS OF HAPPINESS Will Return Again And Again Be Reflected in Beautiful Diamond Enduring By Muter Rings. Fashioned··· in Style And Quality Craftsmen. • LOUCKS 17'i7 NIWPORT 8LV'D. ORIITIHO CARDS COSTA WISA SHELL NOVELTIIS NEWPORT SOUVENIR AND GIFT SHOP 1101 Oceaft Froftt, N•wport S..Ch Rings, AIIJI£0NB 1'£Afi£ Necklaces, Bracelets and Pina SOUVENIRS AND GIFTS OF ALL KINJ?S OPiiN SUNDAYS PHONii 11.a.w "Th• Stor• of a Mlllfon Artlcl••" Yea/ We Wrap Gift• DON'T thro"' your old away 'tt 'ta Valaablel • Cotton· never wears out J-{a,·e it rebuilt and save the difference ... AU kinds of beddinJf re-built. Any Siae II A T T R E 8 8 C 0 . o.ea .... a <'<'IJmme>tlutlng !17 r. r R m m 11 r II• r k•lo•y Mnrlnr. "" nnt' nf lh·· n•·w VI<'. !'khnol Jlii Jlll.ll F.m1·r~"""'' rxlt In !\fr nrul Mr1. John Dllu~hi'n· lory llhlfll! 11n l1 •·•l 111.111 ~nturtl11v h<" nf thf' hnr!M ntnl wlndnw I)~ hlllll(h .. nll Mrw. All Pea no .. or ..... ~I fnr II ·~·IIII I AI .. , ............ 1!)!1 71•1 t 'rholat<"ry "'"Y be-Imitation Ira· A n~o: .. lt·!l. """"' c!lnn~>r gurwr:c 1\t t h ' ~~ u .. Ju•l 11,1,.,....1 """'"" hill lhf'r (' H MC'Aiary home, ~ RrtJnd . flllhr r, C'nfll c· .. ,..,,,.ntln F link bv n us tn hil t'" 1\ll I••£AI rNJUir,. ••• ·ay :\Ira L. R. Oaugl)r•nbatu~;h IWt• wr•••k.11 nn•l hi~ r·•tURin, P•u l m,.n t10 nntl lll'''<'l<l''•riPII to l'nmJliV w hn ha... tw.,n vllltlng hl'tr rl'· llrlnhnlol, "'"" urrl\·•·•1 fur • 1·l.~ttl "''lth rnllfnrnrn ;oo.·h•v)l r<'lZ'IIhtllnns. 1 1rnf'tl tn ht•r horne at L \nW•>';IJ, w,.1tn .. 11.t11v l.t Fllnk'11 r•·rPnl nn<l n11111 hi' l:llll rnnt• r d hv Vr n. ,,,1h lh•·m 1 1 1 r tl\ 11 ' <lor In Jl"'"" lniiJlf'l'tlnn by Callfor . """"K'' "" "' ,., u .. ,,-111'011 nln lll£hway P11t rnl. Mr nntl Mrw C. r .·H ulbcrt hAW tr·lp I n AIIIOirl,llh, lodlll 1\n•t lhl' Uowr1<t l ••llil••r 11,,1 nrrf'!l!lllrtlv .. ,,,. lh• 1r propl'•ly, 211.:1 Hant 1 ~·•nth l'n• 1tl•• \o\'r•1•f wruo ,...,.,.1\•••l nrN•pt1 tl nnd thl' n•1nrtt rr!lr n·,.,. i\111\, t 11 (' F. Zlmmt'rl;•, f•lrmr lt)'l tl\' M111 Fll11k f1 "'" ltw (',.pl•lr•. thr right In \\'IIIV•• 11n v IM"''£'1lhlr1· nf c,,,.,, Mcaa, whu h11.11 01'1'11 II\'· lhnl lu• ht11l '"II\'"" !11 H ll"'"ll 111'1 In lh,. hftl<llnj(. Rnrl slrw• r•·· In~; nt Or l't&nvii!W. Th, Hu1hl'f t.• Pnul R•·lnh~old 1~ tit• .... , ••f Mr• 11"0'"1 unll'l ll.~t·lf ltl" 1-l~ht to h" l.tl\'•• 1111' <'hiUI'c! th" A It. I • Will M ~l'' H• 111h• ,jd !fi I :I I ~I I' I , n lhP ~~nte jucl~,. nf lh~> vnlul' 11n•l pr•rprrt 1 111 311 lt. 18th urcl hnVl' '"".,. fl "lll Sru o ""'''"I", T f"XIUI m "rlt or the mf'rrhRntllllr otfrrNI 11111,. •11 In tl'!y Ordrr of t he Jllonrc1 or T I'W!· Mr nn•l Mrw UrTIII F l.tnk. :.!1:4 MARJO!Il r n n nn, -""'"rl '· .. r .. Ul" Jlllr .. .,t ~ nt " Cl~>rk nf lh,. Rn11rtl or Tn111-•'ttiiJ.tlt' ·r who waa bHrn Au':""' tf'f'l :.t 1rl ·ol St J'-l•h hn .. plllll :-lht• 1\Ujt 24-31, &-Jlt 7, 1944 11:..~ h •n n~~med Judy F.~t••ll•' fill' NOTHT. I'XUF.R RI'Ul !'4AI.F.)4 AtT !llOTlC'F: rs lfF:RF:RY r;I\T.:" t1111t on t hP 27th ""'' "' Auona•t 1944. {)AVID R RRAnhi'PY ,,._ tall mf'rdtAnl wh"-"•' 11t1c1r""" Ar I plllf'f' or hoa~ln"lll' Ill 1711!'1 =""'''fV•rl Roull'\'llrtl. C"nfltll M~'llll, ,r l'lllf.,rnl:t, w ill 1"11 hill wtnrk.ln.trll•l" Anti fix. tlii"Pll t1nl.l ~tori' ••fl lllprnl"n' hr ro'l"· 11ftrr df'afrllwtt. ""'I ~"''"'"'' "' thl' 11ald 11r!drr1111, In hoalk. In \\' r TURNER. wbn!W' arl•lr••IIJI till C'•t!Oin Mr~A. C'•tltoml&. 'Mir• f'lonrnrt ,.r nf l h" rn••r• hlln· 1!111" nr ~trw•k-ln.trn<l•• lnl•·nd•··l '" b~> 11nl<l Rl M it! "at•', ll! 11.'1 fiiii<!WII A utnmllhlle IICr.<>MnMPII, n n•l llllflplll'll, Automobll,. tlrr~. and r11dl011, Sporting j!l)(t<lll'. a.nd blr vc-lu. Rf'frt~:••rstnrA, 11nd Waehlnlf Ma<"hlnf'll. The character of · the fixture• and 11tor" f'(!Uipm,nt lntrnr!,.d t o bl' 110ld at a&Jd aale, •• u follm,r,••. Count~rw. She.lvtnc. ~how <'Aif'l, and a ll o Uier tum It ur,., fhctur,.11 a nc1 aton-l'qulpml'nt """ IIUflJlll"l prr APnt Ill aald lnr11tlnn. 'Mil' l'nnllldrl"lltlon fnr lh" 1111lr wtll hi' Jllllrl nn lh,. """''"' h n ( !'lr•p · tl'mbl'r. 1944. 11t th~> .. rr,,,. "' \V"•· lf'm Auto Supr\Y Com pa ny. 1100 South f:r11n•l A,., nu" Ln11 A n~:e· 11'11. CallfomiL I'>AVTO R ORADTW'RY. Sellf'r w. c. Tt.'R!Iit!:R. P\&rc:buer. 11 "'''"'·'I ~:rrudrllr('nlll 11r.. Mr ,,.,,, M ,. Hubl'rt ~.·o. n• ·' :-{IJ :"•·•' I'"'· 0 1\·d , Co~ta )(,,.,, 7\\·• n t v mtnut,., bl'fflr,. l••11vl n~o: c,n a flllhln« trip In Mulca n wat~>r~o_ C'on11t Ouard lnform .. d .I A WIIIIRntR Jll() 8roattw11y, Co11ta '-1• ~A I hil l hi• Wlfl' h111l jUIII b<'rn '"k"n tn St JO&I'ph'a ho1piiAI for r.n ••rrlt•q.;• 11f y OJ)flrlltlon. "" lm· m•·•llnt••h· l••rt for the h011pl lrll. Vl~<ll "r~ "' the home f')f Mr and Mr11 J F: t.frCJ,.II•n. 1111'1, 11nrl OrRnl('•' f••r thl' put tw•• w.•r l<ll ······r•' Mr~ LotTaln .. Rlo unt uf Lnuuovlll•·. 1\y. Mra. Vlnh•t null" nnd M1"'" ShPtla Clafe of H11tl y. wn••tl 11n•l ltH' McClellAn flllul<(hiN , Mr11 L \.\' l"'law80n nf Hollywl')()ol A. w r;tiJbon, 337 t!:ut 18th atrr•f't, r••<'••ntly beellmt' a lf"llnd. fnlhl'r f••• the fourth time . .,.a h11by g111 Aylvla Irene, baWIInlf bff'n hom tn hla 80n-ln-law &n<l tl11ught,.r ~·trat L t. and Mrw Cbu Mulllnll ,,, Cheyf'nne, Wyo Tb" 1'\'rnt nNitrrrd at Ult poet hna. pit 111. F t>rl Warren. Wyo. 'J'wn n"" Clllll& MI'&A tf'•ldf'n\JI nllldf' lhrlr 11rr1Val on AUJ. 27. A ~"" ... .,,. tv.m at lt. J,_ph hllll· pt111l 1, R•11man S.Cilnd Clu1 an11 Mrw C'rrol Jof<'Oonald. 2204 Nf'W· port boul,.•·ard. and a 4auch!J!r v.·u hnm 1" Mr. and Mrw 8elml'r () K~.nrl' t he l•tt.r evmt IX'"Ut. nn1 at Sllrte ut llat.mlty hoe. pttaL Vn<'nll .. n f'l "'~ ,,,. IIJ•J••·rm••~t In lh<' mln<l qf th• fl•' F: n r.n .. ,l <'II ••f C'hll~l l'hltP h I1V I h.• !I• ft. Who) Will ••n ~··t•f 'I I • iiii'Jttl•h hi• rnl~ll ,,, lh" R· I' ! ' F IIMrtt .,f {~n,.tu M· ,.., f(,' J f n rd '''ttl ttfft r•l~~t I •• r hr••IIJ:httlll t h,. 1 nrnh1~ Ill""' h \\''"'"'' r.-.h•·l 'I • I'• II\' f rtrtl'"l Ill h••rP \'I"IIIJI£ lol• hi ••lh• r·ln l•w """ l!l.lll•·r ~fr '" f :\f r• r. ~ Vlnl't>ll 1 :l'l VlrVII!III 1'1 \C" 1-f,. h"" ZI •In\'•' lo ll\• .,,,f '•• hi• tlr•l I IIIII hhlli• f••l I 'I II I lh• If<• hi" h•·• n 11\\lt nlt-d • IJ hi ':""· hA\'In~ • n~;n~::} 111 . I.,: hi 11 t '' hnlllr11 In t h•• ~,,., h· rn p ,., r 1 II•· • t ... hn.11 II rr••~<ltlo til <rl nf • "· M 1 • H"l•• rl r • • ., .. r .• , II" h••l r~ r lol••d "' ( ·,,,," M · • , •I I ho• II Alii Y•'flf ltlod h1tol I <I t·, hu• II •·lroplt,y •·II nt ··11,.. I· • I• • '" H ''''""'" ""'' l.;olln A ~•·•• 1 ""'" In :'o:•·wr.,,rt ll•·rv•h ld! S·tf111 •ln\' '''' h•·r hiJmf' "t ('Ill, k• l.u ~~~.. "'1111 "' r'''"fl"· r.l•••l ltv h• r ""'""'r rru•l l(lllttllmu. th10r Mr• \'lvlnu ·'""''" 11n•l Mn :" I. P11rkrr ,.wh•• '""' •r,.nt lht rut "''V rAI munt h~ vl11 tin,; th4'1r t.rt.th• I li nd """· rc (' I'Ark~r. Joft """ Mra ('luu I• • II Rldlty, lAAI) I 1r11 nlt" "''"'"~" h11v,. 10ld th~lr h~'"'" pr••JI' 11 y t .. Mr and Mr11 r F: f.;·u• k11 •·wn"r• nf Lnu•ll<~ J•···•·· lrv """ llllltl'lll"rv 11t n rr Th•• Rt•llry,. Jtluo lu ll" In YA k imA W Mh ~h·•· lhl'y will 'IIIII " hrorl h••r ••f !\fr IOo11~y. IU1•1 w ill Jl'""''lhlv ""'"'" '"'"t lhst city Mra .7~'11111,. Jllr k,.,.n ••f W tilth 11tr~'"t hu m"''"ll t•• !'l<•nlA Ana w h"r" ahe Ia lnr11 t,.d At IIIII J:ut Wuttlnrt.on atrl'l't. 25TH • QVAUI'Y BIIBJ!RY NCWI'OaT BLVD. VOff'I'A Mfrt!'IT,; !11 Mack's Photos IM Mala Mt., ....... • I'OKTIIAITH Baby Mwlolfrapha A'"" l!nlari .. ment.a and l'h11tuallltlr CnpiN • ll··r••'• Wh"r" You ~t Tour (lOUT (JII A ILD 11nd all uUif'r typ!l IUF..NTJnCATION I'IIOTOH ... w .. Talt" Th,.m Mrl 'llrllv"r 'fh,m to You In 40 MtnulH I • I 1 1 Alao ln•pto~"t 1 MACK'S Glfl SHOP I Our Ulft """P at _, N-l..oc•Uoe: IIH MaiiT IU., .._....,_ hu !4onv ... l,., ('GtltllrNI lf'w..,ry, aAd • ,·n-.u ANn r.xrmo f) a·" I' I. A Y ol ~Aa .. NOR fUIOr.A ShiMel, Dyed, C ...... 2· TOM RhoM a Specl.altJ AMF..RICAN SHOE 8BININO PARLOR , CkY• Blair , .. EMt OaMnl ..... BALTZ MORTUARY WY ATTENDANT 4 I 0 Crout Ill vel CORO NA DEL MAR ~~~~:z 1\AY ANO NICl lfT Machine \\. ork 110.\T llEP Alai'JrO Vlrg'" Garage ... O..tnl ..... t ..... CAFE EARL w. 8T A.NL&T 1 CORONA DEL MAR RMitm , • ......, •ost•·• N oiary Pabllc 1•11 C.... .... ~. Phon• 1T7t FINE FOODS • COCKTAILS 1i. _~_·-c. _ ... _r~ .. _._~ __ r-.._. . 1- AT THE BALLROOM BAI .. BOA Fri~ay .• Siturday · Sun.day ·September 1, 2 & 3 • co•t*GI Satuilliy Nile, lepL9 ........ ~ ...... -On:lleall'a: e c n o AT T H K R K N D E Z V D U 81 .. NEWPORT-B41.8QA PRESS -:---•adv-ertt.e--m-m-t)--"""' Junior l'iet 8tan of U. 8. F._ Play Here OD le .. Day OW LING 000 WIUt • aaaat._ Of out of lltata t.Mutan tart ... JleUUoa 1Jst All a oom-PIN·UP OIRL8, OR w.u kA0W11 ~ witb ...w GIRLS: LOOK --~ Caillomta lr.... JI&I!Jon, t.eQaM ~ ot IIChool SAME AT 8POR1'1.AND .. e ~ wt11 oa.ctuct ooe ..:,_ ________ ....;.._.;1oJ ua. ~ crwat.t•e -t I.A. ,.,..~ lpOI't ..... at 2 p m. ~ryt»ody bU heard of PtD·Up MODday Oil Ute a.aa. ~ ut -LDUCK8 IEWa.a'l' • ft£~ Watcb It ,..., ... .,.., ~cu-. .. .. Oocadms Wat.cM. ud ..... Nap oa .-r ~ ........... l7t1 N.wpart 8IM. PIL ~ oo.TA. .... .... ...., rtrta. u.c-clamorous Bay 1a1u4. wtao. eamen Ukt-Top.I"Uak1ac ,_.. Mt men ol a• enUrs rertmenu forth t.o battle a1J Ute naUoe wW ,..,.. B'l full ot vehemence from menly A~ UMm WID .._ John &ea. nKifCH ud 11'AI.IAJI looklne at tbe rtrla' pboU. ltu naUonal JuMar ..._.. dWn· Well, It remained tor IAn 1Aadl pion; Hup at......._ 11, p....-nt 8....1 ~~~ ....... ~ to r et thr lnaplratlon for 8out!Mrn C&Utonua ~ doublet Dl.. r AUJ ..... Pln.Up &1rl.a In real Ute. dwnpl.on; Hut»ert ~ te, te.3 RoU. • Brioche • Jk...ut:lab the rental fellow who boy's ~ ..... h. of tbt Sportland Pavilion Bowline UnJt.d Btat.s; aDd ~ Hamilton. GD8 MDO In Balboa for OWner Jack a JI&IUor cluuaJ*a. 705 eo...t Hlway; Corou clelW.U Where do you think Len 8&ltlara K1mbreU, H. Los An· bis rtn-Up &1rla! ,.. jwuor ell• ...... and re~nl (Foraarly at L. A.A.abuead• lJ He nnds them at the bowtinc winner of Ute ... ta llonlca UUe, yaara; at AtlaatlaCUy'e TllaCuk- alleya; aAd 1Aonard's Ptll-U~ are wiU t.Mm wtUt ~ IJIDlllliii:A,.I ,k)a, 6 Uaioa Chab, CS..elaad, OJ aetUne pCns up. 115, In one ot<tM .car .. lchel. MportlaM Bowlq ..,._I Ue a l..tlae 'UD I :et . . . ... after ........ lie Sport. Great. Find Summer Mecca OD lalaad In order t.o bowl a matcll wtUt a queenly lookln~ eeeretary, Wle Jnn Cooper~ from I.Ae An- ,.eiN for the wmmer. and !sappy Four Balboa l.slaDd M&mmtr eo- to lend her effort. acalnst the joumers of ~l.r •port dtprtvaUOna cau.d by UM ptn JM!Ce prominence attracted an ad- boy sbo~r a vtndoW mtrtne cll'cle about ~m whrn blonde like Jean JI'Unk of CC.ta they ~ot toceUaer tn an acclden. Veaa.. aetUnc up the pins u fut la1 fo1U'110me cSu.rtq Ute paat wNk. u you can lu\oc:k Utem down. ~preMnUnc clttrerent flelda. you ba•e to ro to the &portland the~ realcknt.s wM embodied a and do your bowline In ths attar. binS 1 ey. IIUirUilU7 ol rltcltlng rtmlnt.cencea lD hdllc Cout alhJ~tlca were: 0eorp Hanaon. pitcher for UM Loe Aftc'eles cout Leacue buebaU dUb; Del Lyman. t.owertnc taQJe tw tTCLA · Bra\'· noon. Ptn.Up &1rle like the two Je&M. en Dyer, sport. editor of .. i.o. An. This is a are st.rtcUy attemoon bow""-geles Tlm•;" and atnt Ev&nl, ley roddes•e•. In the\ eventnc football coadl at UnJnrelty of they're so dam popular with the Callfomla.. ruen and the coller e boya. that d • t • b t · they can·t cet around to the bowl-Band v-••v·--lS r1 U or t.nc aUeya. and 1-pbot.opnJc .E4ID "" ... muculln• Juvanllee, ln overalla, Walton Seadoff and oft•n barefooted. perform the ptn aetU~ rtta for Ute It wun't tb&t u.., wert glild ere. to eee bim lean tDw1l, but 74 of It Ia qldte obvlowt Utal Kr. Paint 81aop J'orelnaa Jack Wa.l· IA&Cb and hle fair u.t.t&nt.s. ton's comra.dea ot Ute paint I.IC'· Clan Leach and Marte P1ero, had partment at 8ouUt Coast htrN.I " an lnsplrsUoo when they nominal· hiUbUiy band. and ..,.~t·d a big some ~-"UJI otrt. tct ~ c.mc:e r'OOm ror on. day lU\Fli· ptns. day--to wt8b lalm IOdJ!pe"d on ,._ ., ll ....,_ Oallf.,...'1 WaJton'l way t.o ~n. Walton ,._ ....... ...,._ fw has 'boul'tlt an 10-ecre Oregnn Y-PI I .. at · • • farm, and be, Kra. Wa.lton and ~ .. .._ the family ol t.brM boyt and a --&1r1. are lea.ta& to start thrlr bu. D d -at Uade Jacll llor-coUc: career u..n Ia September. tar's 8pal't1an4 p&cked up WOIWiar- fd7 .,... ~ '-aa.,. ... on u..u J'OOd looktnc ,...._. .. Mlllll Eetaa to Wed ::Sand~'-:: ;::::_ at Rites Tomorrow now. WIUI )'OWII' fellows and l'rt Mt.s Marrare r..t-. d&uPter frtends, wllo want to make the " Jlr. and Vre. Harry J11stus and n•t little Ptn-Up &1rla eam UM1r Robert 'nlatchtr. torm.ty d neat UtUe eal&ri•. Clneland, 0 ., wtl be un.tted In Talk about ckalin«/ More than 6000 tim• each minute '-{ yourdia~ . "' utor dea.la -..;;:: ~r161tl­ amount ot electricity to the ri6hl IJ)Uk plu1 at the ri6hl iut&D&. .Hit ahould pt out of whack, your enJine I'W1I ~. knocka.,. beck6r-. marrt .. e at Chrt1t Cburel! by ffil~ t~nm~~~~----~ 8ome ot t.ba other Ptn Olrilt .-o un tiMn ..,..ctnc the al)eya at UM Balboa PavtUon cturtnc Ute SUJ'I\Jfttl' -lui are Frances Wea. tl!enl1 and ber --.,, a pair dubilaa P .. ctena Junior eou.,. lln&Mtt.s who Ul1nk It a ,.at job t.o Mt plu wben Dad and VIla Elltus hu been clerk at the Wat,.r drpartment at Ctty hall for tbe put thrfe ,_,...abe -----~-"'~ Is a Harbor High •chool l'rt· Jlr. Thatcher 11 rmployecl at Santa Ana. 'Miry will m•ke Ullatr home for the pruent at Balboa Inn. To kee!fi:ur diatrib-utor d · g eperb • ••• Mot.bar Weatherall come ln t.o pat. I"UUIbe U.. alkya tor a never end- InC family supremacy sertee. C.oach Millt-r Back From Camp wi&bout a .m.-and ~ teet all the other import.ul& pula or your car at the eame time-it the job· of Sbellubric:atioo. BINDERS Ketal Ring Binden in two or three ring Serviceable Leatheretl~ Book11 -29c Paper tor above ... lined or plain ... 5c Our atock i.e complete on typewriter paDf'r . index manila Colden . . . compoeition books peoclla ... pena ... inks and leads 5c and lOc LUNCH BOXES StroDc. durable compoeition. Nice looking, ASSORTED COLORS 25c BOY'S T SHIRTS I'IDe cottoD ahlrta, .abort alenee, wide ribbed . . . Blue, Tan and White ... Very 8erviceable WASH EASILY '79e sox FOR BOYS AND GIRLS ~ tiDe cottoD. fti'Y durable. Auorted colora, tarD-4owll cult or plaln heavy ribbed too .•. 19e to~ Variety R.W B Store _ .......... .......... Dorl8 Conrad. a dark bundle of IA•II,. Millrr, lnatrvctor and UnllaMI trorn Be•eriy Hilla; te footbllll ro&rh at Ranor HIP .UU aaoUter member of t.be beet-school. r(•turnrd home thla week lookl~ equ&d of pin J111a In the • 8••sslon 14'lth a camp of wortcl. boy11 111 Tnm SIIWY•·r Camp. Mam- _.,. .... Pa.tiM ~,. mnlh LAkf'. ('1\ltf . M el hla retum 0.. Wt!MI ~ 1 p. a.: brnurht ftbnut an rnd-of.yacatlon ..........,_ .a _, ... .. rrunlon with Mr11 !(Iller and I-.,_..,_ .a 10 ~-. yrar.old Oll'nn F'Award ("81dp"), thtlr 110n, who 14'rnt eut to vtalt 'nlla apandlnr feminine tnnu. with r··lllti\'I'S Ill q,.l',.rook. Kans. &ace won't mueh att~t the allmaJr whPn thf' htgh JJrhnol coac:h went South eout· Bowlln• IA._ue, for bark to ht~ nh1 h"fTlf 1tate earlier lnatance, who f'lld their Informal thl• eummtr .um.mer tMm tourney t.hla comlnl" ----- week. and launch their new lf'a. vot·so ('()l'PJ.F. IOINI:D son wiUt a Uflll little elpt.team I N CATHOUC' R.ITD nve man esn:ult Wlt.htn the next After 25 monlhl o1 combat few J'r14aya. •rn1ce In th~> South Padftc, Corp. Tile South Couten are an aJI . A UKU•t PPrrllt wu recenUy re- man out.nl. and lean toward turne-d to Cllmp Penclleton at m~ Fide In a mild way dur. oc~an•lde. 1~ Uae boun Ut.y devote t.o tbelr Lul week ht' was jollied by tavortte puUme on wHk-nlpu. hie childhood •wreUMart. VIla But oUter clrndu of the Sport-Emmogrn Pr rwonlr1 o1 ·eomt~. land wtMel of competition t~brsce N. Y. and tht two ,.... marrt•d nwnben of women bowlen. and In a quirt crremonJ perform- of · tM talr conttna'ents. truth td Jut wuk at Our fAd7 ot Mt.l mu.t INI8t Utat J1rle like VIola Carmrl Ca thollr rhunill tn Nr~t­ BicSclerman rtoeeln fuJI credtt. pnrt. Fathf'r Mule&Jt:f offtelaUne 10.-BlcSdennan. a J\moeeque at thr rite-s. bruMU.. bas tUm ~on of ____ _ a1J tile top .pot.s In Uae summer .....S -...a. bow'Unc leacue. NY.WPORT IIA.''K ~N8 ftJda lad~ In tt.s C!Ompettnc IIAL~a AS AS8"'1'. JIA!f&GD qauteta IIMIR of Ute top rank H. J. Balmtr -bM j~ tJM boWien. t~otaa m• aacJ worn-. Newport Bra!'h Bank ot America. of ~...-Bead! .. wen .. ~...... t&kln,; O\'tr dutltl of c. J. Helder, pclft ...,._., transfrrrtd to the lAne Beac11 Her 1t.llta fVAe o1 tM t.ourMy, aru. It wu announoecl today b)' wtdall 11M ..,._ ~ staee )(a.y ~laniL,{er Roland Wf'lllaL Sbellubrication is the beat guarantee we :.::::(£~ bard to~ pl.ut woa't ~ burn out. bnak. « ;a.tret tired anc1 QUit. (And eooo carl do quit nery day- junk pU. victima or a.clee& ud wartime .top and I'OJ lOOI,..UI .......... ~Ia\ Ml•• ~ . .a .. , ... l ... ..... -.. .. ........... ' 2 ,h. sal Oil cc.PIIIf, J •• ,.. .. IASOUII POWIIS M &nAG .......... 11. ill a p1M ot .1. !a41cl VIola's Balnu "111 tbe usl.tant t-l mutt 11M stoocl ..,..un.t tiM am'bt. Wttfht Ht come~ froiD Ulle Oomp. Uoas ...Wta oll!ard hlttlftc men ton br.a!l!'l ot the baak. B,. •tart-~----------­ltars 0. L. Wa\)dna, tor W'MD t'd h i• b!\a .onK caner t.mrn~ate. ,._ Bkldenn..f WIUt aa ly &It •r paduauon trorn bll'b Jliolds a.. abecl doublee S..,Ue'1 •,:hool In 1829. and wu mack an a,... ,... I"'ICCorrt of the ......-' fflcer nf tht b&nk Ia 1.,.., LUf'DOVAL ADD8 I!Qtl'IPII&NT ~---------: An-t~ for months to pro. Broadway ()leaDen. eve CIIM, by .&andoYal, CLEANINO e .. S!JfG ot • ...,..._, lpUl1ab ldtcMn ln J"k-11.\lp o.•''HJ' • ~ Newport. U. lnTtalled a larp 111M ('l't.ftoe 01' MoN OW ts) refrtlwatar fw OM meat.? and -.1.. PHONSa -.. ot ldl rata. aacJ UDO.CIF a Itt ........., Oltllla .... .............. Bead'• lapewlenlce '-----~--------~~~-------------------------.. aww~uaa ot .... ~ 2920 W..t C..tRl Newport Wariae ud Balboa 8a1boa Waad • ..... ,. Steaks ... Chops ... Chicken Dinners Fish Dinners HOW. COODD • HOW. AniOSPimU 101! Cout Hl9lnra7 r.oa. 2084-J. ctGaD ~UUDATI RAWSII'S CAFE (An_. 8eU7 ..... B.01's8 Raclag ••••••••• HAJILTII COTTON RANCH (Oae Mile loatll of Su ClaaeDte) .. • BERNARD of HOLLYWOOD • Portrait Studio in BALBOA INN ARCADE Pric. are Reaaonable For Appointment. Call Newport Beach 2216 School Clothes ..SCHOOL· DAYS, SCHOOL DAYS, DEAR OLD COLDEN RULE DAYS" With the beginning of school, the question · of clothes becomes import- ant. We're hep to what the teensters love! SWEATERS In all ~Ion, smooth and luaciotil · WHITE BLOUSES NAVY BLUE SKIRTS COTTON DRESSES For 11M O.ildraa ORKIN•s DEPARTMENT STORE Coeta M ... ,.. "17 Bahiel this ·--- .... ,, leea -......... !" .,. , .... n..~. ......... ... !. ..., ............. ~tnia .._..--.Nw. .. .-., .. ,.i r.. .... • ....... ~.e ......... .......__ ......................... , ... ....... ..--. ............. ...................... Jd., ,.i ....,_ .. ...,...,. ..... ptob&au • J lo'IO-• ..,. .. .w..a-.w.; .,... ........ ,. ... ..,., ........ .. ........ tl. ,_ ......... "--......... -. ..... P..ta... .... we~a.. _ .. ..,...., ...... .......,. I ,..,. ..... _.. ........ .... ....................... .., ...... ........................... .. ...., ... ....,..,1100 ..... C':' ............ atbil.-tl I Cft, .... _,_ ........ ._ ...... I .... ....,. ...... ..., ......... ,.._11011aDcWaW*i,.,.. .... ....,..J .... ; ................. JWpw. ... fl! .... .,.. ................... pt~' • ............ ~""" ... ~ ~\ .... ... :;:: .... Ilia.......,, .. -c:...;.....:..::,:_;..··-.. ,. ............ . Mac Pelletier'& Newport Pharmacy ~ Ope. s.-,. Daye a W..._ 2108 w .. t Ooeaa Froat, Newport S..c.lt, Calli. P.ltoae Newport 5 MEN ..... Ia Chu . WAR PLANT Help BaUd Ballet· pl'oof Ca1 -raalla to Save Chu Boya NOTE ... Our backlog of orders assures you post-war employment BONUS PAID FOR SWING AND GRAVEYARD SHIFTS Fuli information may be MCUI'ed at th~ Chamber of Commerce, 280 Park Avenue, Laguna Beach, or apply at- Beeves j BabbeJ~, lac. PHONE 453 SAN CLEMENTE. CALIF.. ~r- U.S. DIPLOYVENT, ~1 W. 5TH ST., SANTA ANA Sta tement of Availability I• Required • NEWPORT·BAL.BOA PaDS ap 118LL MV".AIIIIO.A God. paat that J may llff the- Jolt• ., Wnpo Tbe ltttJe thln~t~ lhat boUtrr, now and Ulea. God lftl't ,,,. MM4' or bumor m&y -.t"m~. To weep a blt snd ''"' tu 1mll" ap.tn. . . . a.dl Ia the d11ya whf'n Hurau PariUr ~~ vocational qrl. cultww at K11rbor Kllh. John Hhlrl•·y of <'oa· l~t Mt'aa wu Ott,. 1•t lh• moat promt~ln.r n f l'ark,•r'a Jo'utu,... Jo1anru•r r l... . John ralat"d llUn•br.-d ahf't'P a11d look pr1&C'II wh.·n·vrr he -h·~"'"" thrm. from Pnmona fa I r to thf' O l"eat WHlern l.wo·atork Show Altboueh hr lntiV not bf' t.akln,t 11 ny pr1-,.., .... J.,hn Ia 11111 l.k•lnr thtnp In a b1~o: w~ty tl!''a • IM:'r· ):t'ant w1t.h tl:Jl' 1-'lfl h Army In Ita· ly ... and "''hat •• pn•bably 1tlll more notewoMhy •• " m!'mbf'r of lhl' famed ellhl-mun lo,"T''ilp known 11.1 "Lucller'a Slt•l~;hc·rll '' Thf'N'I qalteo a .. tory bfohlnd the na.mlnc of Uut r rrtaln octf'tll' )t IHftW tbat a f:t•rman ltmn.r . potnt had bt'l'n J,•lttylng 014' ad. vancr of a Ftfth Army Infantry battalion . . Finally 110meonf' ronr~l\'ed tbf' kJru ur tnwlnc a man-laden all'd b.-hind a tank. One wu con.trurlt'd. a low altair on ~~m&il Whf't>la. and Shirley, t.o. ~tetl:Jer w1Ul ~~;·vtn othf'r men. ('TOUched ln thl' long •t~l hol1011r of the aled. All Wf'r .. amltd with Brownln« autonu•llr nnu. and thf' aled wu tur1h,.r .. qulpfW'd with ba.looku and namt throw•"· The tank rumblt d up to thf' I&Tirf't. tbe dt•n... r lnud of dwlt klcktd up by th,. tank lra('U ~n·lnJ: to f'ftrrtually hide the mrn and tbf' alrllth Arrh-11\1' at lhrlr objf'cUvr. th,. rn,.n !raped out of the con''t'VIInCf'. flrrd Into pill boxu at rutnt.bl•n'k ran«e. markf'd off mlnf'l. attackrd ma· r hlnl' run nc-1111 11n1t routtd mor • la.r aquadl to thr r<'ar Srventy prl,..merll wrrf' taken t,y tht elpt '\'1\nka; thl' Infantry battalion coni tnurd It• advancf', and the lntftJlHI volunltf'nt who had made tbe on1laught. prompUJ dubbed tbem~lvu "Luclter'• Slelpen ... " • • • • • • H l\\'l'n'l "hf'ard Plato! rack In' Mam·a· for at leut & week ... C'11n It lw th•t tbiA qu...tlonabl•' , IMIII<" 111 gotnr t.o die th .. um•· vlnhmt dulh u the Hut 8ut Song , Oh. Jnhnny, 'nle Muatc ~· 'Rnun•l 11nd Around. and lhf' ,.,..,. llltlr F r,.llhrM In a ltty Ditty Pll'>l ! • • • Rurt Nurtnn, who NtabiiAhrd a m dlo rf'Jlalr •hop at 1 tJ 1 Coul hl~ehwny •m ~pt. 18, lt43, lut ~llturday nl.,;ht repaired the 200001 hr.me radio ""' to be bmu~rht to his rtarr for llerv1"C In 'Ute put I 1 '<z monllu• In addttlnn to th.la more.o,.IMe nver . wh~lmlnl!' a.oeompllahm,.nt. "'" "l••r tr1rlll wll&rd bu al-a Hrv· irt'd no ~nd of boat n.dloe, ahlp· tn.ehono t,.I,.Jlhotl4e and other ~lf'C· 1 r1cal fQUIJlm<'nt . . . "But not.'' h~ uy1, "on <'lltlt..bour daYI. •· Burt and the MJ.ul ncenUy purc:hul'd t27 faet of Can&! aec. tlon frontagr .Jmm Marttn Mater and plan tn build & home on 0\e property u anon u mater1&1 and labor 11 anllable , , • • • e D11phynr ~hull and Jo Kael, t hOM «idd y Coat I lolaaana Wbo N- ctntly "'ll~tn"d MP11-pe.ld polll· lion• •t Cnata K .. •• I~Adlnr beauty •hop and &eft IOJt Montana to takf' ur "'" 011 a wtld and woolt y I pa rtlcUlartf w o o I • y ) •h~p ranch ar,. app&rw~Uy b&vtllr wond .. rful lime. ~dine fmm Lima. the pia report that Ulf'y lovt Ultl r Job, ''Of ooune," wrote O.phyne, 'OU.. buftkllouM bt'till .,,. klnl1 ot baN and &II lh"Y rHd WI Ia muttoft. We',. 11- llblt tn turn Into -..p at any tlmt Would you Wre to come up lind hf'.rd Ul~" Aa for lh,. tatt.r ~ ... Ul.e 11\rA'I'r I• lfo. r woul&l't ~llllllliiiiiiiUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUIIUUUIIUUUUUUUUIUUIUUIUUIUUIUUIUUIUUIUUIUUIUUIUUIUUIUUIUUIUUIUUIIIII .. il ~.n haVI at~ t. • t Jpon Retura t tndl'r autbo nty ot U.. CalttOI'- nla v.·tl'raJ ... Sf'r\1~ Cmnmlttee. " hf'a.tquartl'l'l to &id ret\lmtq "a r \'"'""'"" N"al~ w1Wft UM .,,.... r•wrnooJ by Sf'leeUw Servtce Boar•l 171, haa '";en ..tabUI!bed at lht' local board otn«!' Ill H&r- bur Hi&b acb.ool &AtM• Hradln« thl' t'ommitlf'e u tt. • halntlllll 111 Rl•'"'art T. Dunlap nt nalt>llll 1111AnoJ. an ornc:er of UN flral w .trld W-.r, II<'('I"'Ptary ot U.. l""al 1'\c'lt'rtlv.-81'n•ICt~ boa.rd, and faUII'r nf two 10na now wiUl Ole ovtra.•"• '"''~'""" 'n\1' po~~t ot IM!C', l'f'lary w ill bco flliPd by Andl"f'W J . Havman. ""'" a vetera.n nr World W•r I. and fnr n•·arly rnur YMn the r arablt-r hlf'f clerk of I . I . Board 171. 1 lafonnatM CWtw 'nlf' lora! Hrvlr e romrnttl.,. wtU bC' 11n lnfon n•tlnn t-flntf'r tor ftl- H'Anll An•l lhl'lr •lf'JWOndfonlll wtto mlaht .nut know .atpwor . UMII rl~ht11 nM ~o~o•h,.no t.o apply tor thrill Mr Dunlap uld. a4dtnl that t h•• <"f'nlf'r ,..Ill o.,.ra~ Oftly u 11 1 ..r.•rral a«"nr y to laform and d lr-<'<·t th,. applk ant t.o UN IJf 11111jur h<-n,.fllll avallallle t.o '"'"'l•·••nu•n nr "..,mf'n and their olr ro•ntl .. nt• "AITWln~ the-!WI bt'net1ta offer- e-d," thl' rh•II'TIUin aatd, are the ,. • .-mplovmf'nt r1«hta, ~ m.call- f'd 0 I n111 or Rlchta, .. empUona from rro•r..-rtv '""""· fltat.. farm and home purr h_. Jlrotrnma. un· l'mploym,.nt lnauranet', ectuea.tJon. penalnna, vnratlonal rf'habllltaUnn pr1viii'KU, ha.pllallr.ation, burtal aen•IN•e. etc" w....... AIM .,. a .... • Many or th,. b4!nent.. Mr. Dunlap laid. a«nae • wtdoww ... orph&l\11 of •et,.ran• killed ta e,r. lion. or artn dNth ot boflorably dlec:harred veteruw. It wu JM!rtlrularly empllul•d that th• nf'w t"OmmlttN wtn not In any N'lrJM'('t enrroa.eb -otMr vetf'rana' .. tatanc<f' ~ un. Mrt.akPn by any loeaJ 01t county M"fW'I&atlon. but w111 •mplr a.et u a d urin« houa If any orpn.. lkallorut tunr tlonlna wtU.fa UMt board a"'• wlah to ottu & par- llrular H n1ct' to the Ntum~ "~'t"r&n. thf'Y .,... ukf'd to nb- mU wr11lt'n 1latement. of IIQcll aN'YJc:.e tn Owl QOm~Aitt.M. "OuT' wbol,. purp-Jee .. to ..,. Ulat thf' ""trran Ia not refund from plll('fl to placf' by ~ fedual. lllate, and loeaJ _.....sa. uona unlll he I• 10 bocPd clown wttb red ta.,. that 1M ~ up lft dlafwt." 0\e · ehatnnan dedare4. Navy Converts Area Into Medical Center FOIICNI 101M ........... .._ .... ....._~ ..... ......, .._ ...... '-•AJ. • ....... _..Aiwt r...,.,.. • ...... .a. ,. ....... •~'~~•••••u .... .,.. ................. ..,.I 0 .... .. .. , ............ , ··-c:..-.... ~. ............................ ....... ......... _. _ _. ...... .~. .... AlwfAJ..._ ........... . .... ,.. -..... , __ .. A,., c... ........ .., .......... Aer •• ill. P•Wm d1 ..... ,._ .......... .... ....... .._ .......... ....... Ill /Vu II fBI 1111 Ill lOICIS ..... .., ...... .., ... . ................ ., ................. _ ,.. I I " ........ ., ... w .. ..,.,... ..... f00 -..,.OOOOoOOO .HftO OuooooooO " ... ........ . ....... ----·-.. -.. 11IU AD. IIPON80IUID BY I I 0 • West CJoast Packing Corporcttion EMPLOYMENT 8k11W and UDakDled • LONO B&ACH HARDMAN MANUFACTURING CO. WIU. OPEN l'l'll FEEDER PLANT With ~'~' than 17,000 Navy, W•tln,., •n·l C""tuu•t fliiiiT~ m,.n In hnttplt•l• or th,. IClr,•rnUt lfa•al dllltr11'l, Snulh,.rn C""allromta hu ~..-t~ Nn•y• li...,_ll-_._.+-1~­ ,.al ,.,.nt,.r. Rrrnrtllnlf In fl~ar. Ad- J'()fl AIRPLANE PARTS IN . .... mlrlll O"nnft' (' Th<Jmu. U8N, lll'nl•tr mNIIt'lll nfnr .. r for tbe dia- trlrt. Thr h•lliJlllal In San DlflfO care~ for m nr,. th•n tooo patient.. \\'Mk 111 undf'r way to I"PPOm· mlulnn th,. rorm,.r Arm• hoepl- '"1" "' R~tnnlnlf. n..aumnnt and ~JliVIr'll fnr th•' N•vy Tht"e~" will b<' In adtlltlon tn lhf' Krnrral N•vy hnllfllt&la at 8an ~. Lnnlf Rr llf'h, Orf'•nttldf' and CM'O- n•. 11nd th" Ntnvat...,..,.nt hnttpl· 111111 111 Arrnv.-h,.ad 8Jlr1nJ11 H otel tin•l rbn•·h" !'11\nt• F',., near Del Mllr Th,. A11n 111•·1!'" hr>,.pllal. wblcll nnw !'ovrno nrArlv All nf B&lboa l'llrk·, ft~mt"r w"rl•t flllr lfToundl, 111 ntJI nnlv 1 h'to l11r~,.at pl .. tlr Mllfl!'"rv ''"nt r r "n lhr ,.,,.,., co .. t. with I'XJ)f'rl ~tur~eruna rt-ator1na th•· '""""· 11rm11, and I"Jt" of m,., Wfllln•l···· rr .. m n modlllcanal to !'IAipl'ln, hut It "'"'' hu • Hoapt. 1111 rorpa 11rhonl with 21'100 atu. d••nta Jl'<lnnf'r )byor ffarry wn. llllm,.,n nf Nrwp11rt T~llrh Ia • rhll'f pharmarlalll mat,. at Ulf' S•n lll•'k" h1111pltal. nAN TANil UILAINF.O OPPOitTVNITY' ~ IOIIH I"'S ntOAZ ll&IUDINCJ AT . H&WPOilT HAIUIO"-ANQ_ WlfU "'ILL, niiiM I''AC 'F. • NO '11&AN'M>OaTA'11hN l' .. )ftLEIII • APPLICAT10 N8 ... BCYMI SKIUJI:U AND U NMKIL.U:J) Will Be Taken Tomorrow aad Saturday September J and 2 BY Robt. Allen, ·Personnel Manager AT nn't<'Jo~: Ill HlOHWAY Ill N~'J'C)JlT IIF.Af'll l('f")~P4T Ill\\~\') TOIIOIUIOW; BI:TWF.F.N t A. M. ANn r. 1'. M. UTt111DAY: BETWI!:F.N t A. M. AND 1'1 NCHtN Unaktll.ed Aprllr aniJI Will II•· 1'1\ltl While flet',.lvlnlf NfCr-ry Tr•lnlloJC l n11trw lion (a vailability , . .,r11flc-al•· r•·•1uln ·tJ1. ~--------~-------------------------~- AI'• Gal'•ge Al..LilN OLOVER ltiA .... A..,,....,.._,~ r!IIOKI:: II« • ,..., ...... a.rtac For ....... OTOU aau.tacUon Ouaiante.ct Motor OYerhaulin& Motor T1111-Ups Cnntor IIIII lpition Adjustments '•cforJ Trelne ti Cerburetur s,, • .,,•h et Mr11 Oarl'ton t 'JHOIIn ••f Balbt>a lllllln•l Ia quit,. ftrmly oonv1nc~ th11t th,.,. "•ln't n•• jtllltl,..." With h,.r hUib&.nll, Lt Jnhn L Upaon. form,.r m,.mhf-r nr th•• N,.WJ)Orl ~arh poltrr fnrr,.'; pureulnr lll• '-_•_:·_-------------------------' ftuU,.I u a m .. mtw-r nr the mill. tary pollcf' rl)rpe In V.n~rland and her aon l <omt-wh"r" nn the l:lult rout, mf'an Ull"""• lut ' WHk ftralnl'd th,. Upwln tAn k ,, anme 10 lfAJiona of th,. h ighly pr<'CIIJU.I nuld. '""" t h llft, ·····orlllna-to hf'r rr port. tonk fliiL(',. whll,. the car wu 1)4'rked at . 118 Opal avenul . th,.m at Cnttta M,.aa, 1,.1 alone at any place-call,.d Lima • • • In Ulr aame mall wu a oom. rTIIlnl,.atlon rmm l':x.Cop Vlf111 Ph,.bu• who 11 now takln« order~ from a hard·boll"d at"r«eant at Camp flobiMon. At l,.u t. It Ia my und,.ntlandln.r that all ~e,..,_ta .,. bard-boiled'. . . Vlr~rll'l main «J1pr -ml to be that hf' r•n't •top PYI'ry now and then til buy a ""ole"" u hi! and K~tnny Gorton u.ed tn do. "Wa ret ~p ,.arly and ro to ~d late," ..... IIH "All th,. ,..,.., or tbf' U"'e we dr111, 'or ahoot nnM. Wllen we ~t time off we at.ep. Boy. bow I wfjfla I wu u..n at U.. ~I" CONRAD SHOOK CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER DOMI"L.CTC BUIL.OIND 8£R\11Ct ,. ... a .. a ...... ,.a., •o:~•..t ••• ......... Av•. ~ o ftn • .,n• aAl.eDA I .L.AND, C A l or Carpets, Rugs and Upholstering CLSA.BD A COWPLITI UNI or P'LDDA CDVEAINOB FOR TOUR RIOUIRIWINTS ------LUDLUil CA.P£11 W08KI lAilTA ANA 1822 S Waielt. ..... Cl.lSSIFIED roa..u l"~ 1eo01naau. BALBOA BAYSHORm DAL IBI'AB ~ ... , --..:::-::===== WANTE> TO BUY-a...U ....a.. ;;roOial'a~•uta;&:a.;: .. tiiar.onn.::;::;:;;:;:J_ ail..aR. Leuehold Eatates T Cl.,_ ~ ... te OOOD <VIERNBIITI" J'&ailly OaJo4t, s.o.a. R.&cliO lbap. Jll MartM, 8nycler, UJ a-BaJb«ML FIN'UT LOT DIIC.AL Df 'l'lla IUIUIOil DUTIUCI' 0 ~ ~ ... • quai'U milk when tree~\. I'll. 8&.1~ z.I&Dd. ..,._. TIO. taU ' 2Tp A.hw Lou Left Ia J'1Nt U.St A STEAL AT $9tiO(} N..,ort 110. 3t4 11Ua lt... ~ CHAMPIOJf d J'OC' COm~ ~Ucla ... : -oamr:.~ ~.- ..._, . IMALL rtTRHIIKml> Ra.t OC' . ........ mot.oT an E a r I w. s t a D I e y __ , - --------:-:-:---:-:-: 10 soum CLJ:'I'RI.C. aeorre ApatUMIIL Not O'fV .. per ;:"" U,feet .... f1t0. PbODe ON OCIIAJf I"KKM'l" W~ wtlltte....,. ...._ 1110 Ka.naaAita It,, W•t monUa.. ,...o lll famUJ . .......,.,_ .wpoct Dtf.a. Me n& M&rtne AYen-. ~ a.aoa...... .._ tw .... *'f. _. ItA:/ a.... o1 Hanor, eo.ta ..._, ,PbOM DeDt "-'denU. Pk. *-It JTp. CAHVAa 00V. IDr JO..Fl. a. Jlo M~a•wnF<AtWW~'~'T BA.B .. T . C. -_:ft..:.:.•.:.•:_*-__ .,.:,_rt_ ... ___ ~Jio:""" u-..,. lTC. k QuweM a.... UtWty lloat.. -----"""":=::7-i~iiiiiii~;;;;;;;=:=;;:::::;;;:~~-:::----I -..eM Up, ud 1 I)Gn. ,_. WAHTW:D TO BUT-.. 1 ,_t Ulllld "'err UW.. ftone NeWpOrt &E&J. ~ llii lliiiiJ ... ---+•• .. ••--W~ w ...... . 4. and a. "ULTRA ap.n..man" home or MJ trvnt ..-at lat. 1-. 116 ~ 1.ND Nord. 28p. ::::;;;;::;=:===:=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. Ooocl ....... ._, ...,.a .....a 'ftl'tL a.aoa JU. 11 tarpt ... t.ol. lib uw. !On the mainland.) RepiJ to -----------~ ~ -.ctN ,._. N....,art-. IIU ~ UAed bol8ter u4 ';r B.w .a... N.wport .,.._ ~ OAAWOOD, ~r lpMd 3-J\0011 Mountaaa cum. -. R. C. PARKER ~~Teall.._ U... t'WO W~ ..,.. ft. lloaee of !~ban.. Pia. t'fO.J. c. Boat...._ • ..U.. 8ymp1101\. pletely fUJ1\l.lbed. JlOOO.OO liN. 1101 NWWI'Oa'l' -.m. _ ... a ..... 8 r, fin dqa a rut.EPLAC& AND ICIMDLDfO W"----. TO BUT---• J0..1a. llJ ~ M.. "-'rport Buoch. Rbodoen. 8. A.II11-W, *' ..... oo.T• lmiA tO PD c:aft' ~ · oat ... Qn.ce ~-""' ,.., _, ...._. UlT-W. He . ..-. ~ •· WOODS -wrtpt•a r blc~le. Qood condiUoL Kat 3 LOTS -.• A-__ ..... ., •• ___ ..._ $87JU\ ---. ., De J'OB. ~=,or .,._ t .A:IIL Yard, 1114 Newport Bl•d.. ~ Hlt~bcodl. 11t Udo 8ou4, N--ru..... ..... .. -__. VV _. .,.-....., t.a M..._ Ptl. Newport 116-J. port Beads P!l. N.B. JtT ooUect r<>ll LU..a -alt. lAWm&n. way.' eo.t.a KML WU. tllo " • • <of tM IMIIl..... _ WOJIAJf-c.pua.. .............. t6-2k ....,., aa,.a.r Crowa:•lf puae~; Trfte an4 beniea. Jack w..c. WUl ....... Ia o.ta .... tarp . • ,_ eealdJW loDCl ...... on.."' e 1-t.oll aapealt7. Good cMiter 3402 w. Ocean Front. N.wport lot lCIOdll. Vert ldltiiJ ..atlft&. Immediate Poeaeaalon fullty. 0ooC1 ~ ldP w..... FOR a.u.& • t "-L Now ........ eJwter p&r-Beacll. 1fp. ed. lbt-I'OOID -.... two. ....._, .... <ooDect, N-.ort '"' JTc. Fruit and Vegetable Wanted ... Wa1tress. u.. A. 11&rplat .....-~ Landllle baUa. double......-. AD..._ o1 JO:VDt UIIN ..,..., __ ~ J . B . Apply Between 11 a. m. and t p. m. &Dell YAdlt 8r '1 ••· aut ucl CLOSIC 1n on &. liUa atnet. ODita ~ &Del truat en.: ........ ~ OWNJIR OOCUPDID W~-••-·r-·-. UlCe UBlDeB8 • IWne . ...._. llle. 22tf Meaa. 6-room 1tucoo ~ wltll ea eq.u,.._t. fte ..-.. prtol .. BiaWt BarpiA Wno. .._ u4 o.oorat.on lll Pott.ary DWELL lN UAR · • C ff C!b apartment ovu p.rap, NUl f'llnl.labtd. til ........ T .... _...,.. from .. ~. OGf'· REASONA.BLE PR1CZ Whites 0 ee p op l.;....JI'OOT reuo.. and Stewart tumilbed. Lot .a.JOO..n. hD --- ' 1U ... )la.r .... Mft. eo.ey. -.n6-IN BALBOA Runabout. a.c:,tiBdei Unlverul PriC'e •1000. Terma. J . C. Pa7M, 4lA'l~ • ...,. a ....... H6.,ua L. 1fiU.tAMW>!f • IT-JOe. QtJJCK Rft\11\N Jte 12 b.p. motor. 8100. 11123 Ana-17110 Newport BIYd., ea.t& ~ • • 1 ...,.,. a.a... Willi•....,. Md wmt••1011 -----------Reuon· for ~~tll"'-: .. rvtce man -belm A ... q.ta Mea. 2tp Keaa. lfc. tll.ne ~au.,....., lot. 701 a O.tral. 8altoa WAJft'IID -Part u... w~ and wtre. due tor tnnater. LOST AND FOUND wtUa COlla~ ,...,..... 8t&Uc& Pbcme: m IUJiiS.IW IMUranCI and erecttt ,._ tUI Cout Hl(1lW&)', Newport IDCA.L 11-I'OOT 3-BICDROOII HOUIIII, 111 block 1'llree J*lllll&. 0e ~ • lTC. ,.U. Wrtte .-1110, Metro-onti:'IMIOO MulUfort Wnat CA.BDf CltUIBii:R from bwdn.a center lll ec.t& bu'p&n.. Aot '**' ----------- poUt.u acau.. 1M .......... roa lliiN'I' Watch. Lolt W~y ln J'\ln Qray MQtor. 81tep• Six Meaa. on boulevard. Jc.oellent --Immediate P081easion -----------Me.-ROOic-;QRft&NT bJ UM day. ZOn•. P!l. 8&nta An& 1.-w. C L. A N buelnua JocaUon. 0 . N. W.U.. 4l_..91U\ or..., I ~ T1aNe 110UM1 Ia a..... D611t1tct -.. .-.._.._a-a..-.__ ....__ tlt Ocean 81'14., Corona ~~ _eo_l_lec_L~ Reward. ITc. FOR QUICK SALE Sale.man, P'. E. R....U. 1Tto .,-z t.IV • • • room fnL. .,_., ...--a----_,__ Mar. 1611 A~ JO& UJ.E Newport Blvc1, Coeta 111M. lTC. l&rp lot. tndt trMII, doee to COMPI..P1I:TI:LT fW'aAIIMd bouM ....., --, ...... oe ,..ter. · $17f50 bou1eY&rd. ln Coet& llua. Two ......., ,..._ ...., ...-,-t. ~ roR R&NT-Nlcel1 ~ dbl. U ·"· TRAILER. ftM coeciiUoo e NICE TWO.BJIIDROOK bouM, , --p.rap. nlc. lllarubblrJ. ,......... If pat ...._ ~ or twtn bed.,.... roomlll beacll u••· J'. &. RUIMU. 1TIO N... HafDDaON •tueco, hardwood noo,... 1IJ acre, Immediate ~ _ fl1 ~ t:tl ud lJ MOIL Jlc h~ after a.pL a. Newport· port BJvc1., Coeta M..._ Me PboDe ITtl or 22•11·R fruit treea, lou of 1\oWUL $43()(} • • • .... on. Vaeut S-BI:DROOM bOUM W•t Oceall -----------8&1~ pree., ]Ia "B." 2'1c zett Poueu lon at elo.t of eac:row. now. About 1'4 ~r-Front, N...,ort s.c1L. W~ WI~ ~ BUICK, Buel~ Coupe. ltal Uc. G. N. Welle, Saleal&ll. J'. &. ctal. 4-room lltucco. real ftrtplace. 0UU. -J'OR RJ:INT -Dldt• ... Rent •• •v• .. "'. ,._.... con .. •••-..... u,.. Ru.~ll. 17110 Newport Blvd.. Plu'·-......... _. J'our --old. 8KALL bOUM turnlabtd, OIM-Mdo ,.,..ae ~-Dep•d•bh comt r\abl t lllb d --uuuu \UUVOI-IT loCO"-.. ,,_..,1< , __ ._ .ue\ poiiiUOIL Jllad(a :': mll~ 0W. J v:" Nu~ o.p, 120 W 81&11, Balbo&. ITp. Fishing Boats . . . . C~ta Meu. e. Near S&llta A.n& Oowltr)r Club.-room an4 aleep&nc porda loDCl ft4M ao,. 10. KalA. Balbo&. uaoo clbwiL ~arT• ,.,.... N.wport ..... • . ~ to.r period ot two mootAI tor "lULL CAR RADIO ,.. aal• ..... For Sale M UST LEAn A.ND wtU J1ve _ amalleT ~ Ooroe& 4W Mar or clleap. AI' a aa.rac-. lJ2 Aaate aEVIIUL 1'0 CII0081!! FROlli "'mmediate sx-e-'on of Uafe ---;-_ frame· &.. TWO and one-half ...acre~ Ia o.ta B&Jbo&. ao. Ill, C&llOI• Park. an., Ba.lboa lll&nd. PboM Jat. Ha•• two. O.toot, traNom .tern-' tine three-bedroom home, out-$3000 • • DOt qwu ftnlall· Ilea&. Fali'IJ daee IlL W AJnWD -Ra b p w tor Calli. 1'Jp. ITe DuneiMDt a.pe . . . bulldlnp and &'&NCW· "'" ed. R.-ct)' for Interior pluter or -~ fJI two ...,,.._ Ma1 Ia. IPIDOIAL NOTICD...,. Read)' for J1IIWla Now acre., all fenced. G. N. Wella, -..t-I'OCL OMipool ._; water DONALD J . DOOOE No '-*7· lhr Mft ftl'llt -------_ . •s& PLTIIO\.T'nl Coupe. pod mo. King'S Landing 1790 Newport Blvd., Colt& ta; Mlb-ftoor cto.na; ll&rclwoocS ll4t Anaheim A. ft. =--~-=:~.::.'-~ ~ PADCTINO aao .-,ut ....... lOC',TexceUe~~t ~~-~ = ud Mel&. . ITc. noonn, on propertJ. Loti IOalN Coeta MeM. PboM at rr, -. -•--•-9-r -_.._ ~Uinc. lnqwre . u oVE Rl,....._ IN·. •Room, ...... l•t. All MW Muft. ' 8111PTA.aD W'OIUlD8 . . ~ ~.;.: ~ ;..;;. J'ront. Newport Be&dl. IT-2Ip. Yacht Brokerage -nl.lhed a';;~ ln ~ x ... ~i-Lovely New Home •* JIINi'JOHI Bml. o.&a a.-. ~ 1MW 8DVICI: MA.N mllllt ..U 1t• 11ft M4 IUdDe Pborw 11134 bedroomt. ....,..... J'uU price $5250 OIM-Ult eula on lot and one-ball, I tledlrll - MutAtr O.vy Coupe, ndio. IStl $4600. $1000 down. 0 . N. Wella, ' • • bu)'ll ~ eere. den. dln1nr room. bvtzle' ,_: High Pay WJ7II PQI'I'. w .. Machlniata O~IMIIIIOP Electrici&Ds Sheet Metal Men WeldeN Ship Fittera Dock lien Yard Ken J1111te1:w -AD O'&ftl ( ..... 1T ,.....) • ACA.TIQif'l W1TII PAT ..... r-ue. Hie)' All ., ....._ wtUl a ,..,_....oa« ...,.... A.PPLT Dl:lmDU1'a.T Harbor Boat Building Co. Terminal Ialand CAI.DOIUfU Phone Harbor 1415 HJ:LP8 Tft&IC 81CRV'l.CE. t.opptq, u tor Salnman. F. 1:. lluaMU, 1'710 llJcb)y eutt.mt.a4 pl'd4lft and now. flrepla~. patJo. double--ud ..... _ ... _m•ft• ... d ___......... beater, two new ,..., lnO ,.._ -e---o '--·-1 ..___ -1 ·--~ •-...... u.. ... -·-__ .. "'-b OLD TOWN CANOE N ewport Blvd., COlt& II..._ ... c. ••· &w ......_.. :~-•---. workabop. •12,000. Jmnud. -. au l:&lt Center, Anabetm. Ptt bond. llplnnel bolta ...., • · thJ"ee room.· Rear ...,._ vacant. r- An.alMJm 4422. ITp ~~~~=t .tv::.~ 11 ..-r-n.orEDIATE POSSESSION Mo4-C&ll J1Ye lDUntdl&te poeae.lon. ATTRACTIVJ: J.bedroom holM,. PAilTT IN BLACK coupe _, pfcklnc up broWn and wtllte q . P.ke and eo-ton al 20N Irvtnc. 0o1ta M..._ Pleua retum aame to T. 1l. .._, llat and 1ntM u4 •" \l'llluble. ltp. Paperhanging __.,.._ -Painting Complet. wttll two paddlu. aall, ~m hou.e, 112 acre; elllckeaa; Don't tall to let ua llbDw you UU. MIMIO See Xr. ll&11&rd wttll JCart lal&lld. ITp. ~~~ =~~ k;el. :t: aome furniture. FUll pr1c. f3100. barpla. w. S~ahley, comer Cout HiP---... __ -or ., 6ood t~:-G;-N. W·"· •·•-- ----__ _ Jl/&7-~ Corona ... Fishing Equipment bo&rd motor. man. F'. ~-RuueU, 11t0 N--$550 WlU buJ a nne Mar. Phone 1141. '--Jill I"'R • BAL&-Bnna 6 atrattoft $150 port Blvd., COlt& Ilea&. IT c. • • • "fi acre on Zl- ltt Orand Canal. Balboa Ial.. deft aven-. ,....,. Santa Ana Coun- atr cooled motor, l '4 or J b.p. PbociDe 1646-W. TlOQ:Dl.A T!! P088118S10N Ia try Club. All UtlliU... Oft ateeJ bul, ldeal tor ,.......... ~.. •-2Tp. Newport Beach. Two blclroom --lot' or Mat l&llll -·up. uo per-houee. partly f\lnl.1abed. Ja&N. $ 50() wt11 buy u aaw teet aondiUon. *· ltat HJtcb-WANTED TO aENT wood noora. About ftve yean • • of l&lld 011 A~ ATTENTION ~ ~..,~ N= -old. Two.car .......... 41 teet c:&do atnet. ea.ta x .... AD uWJ.. Immediate Possession TIIJtD or tour room t\JrnlabecS tront.ace. Lawn ud ftowtl'& u ... roR a.u.. Ttro ......c ~ .__ ta ea.ta w ... OC' N•· Nice r.t~ual dlltrk:t.. o.o. --$3000 Buya A daalN. CUitolll MOt .. ~ aD port. Pmnannt. ........ apt ~~i..!a.* Newport -:; ::-or r tot. aad aer-.. 2-Bedroom House ..,._ ftttblp &ll4S ...._ tiJIIl oouple. no chllctt. or clop. will ......... buaa. 110 eada. Kat Rltdl-take o cellent c&rt o1 properlJ. • FINE CONDITION MR . and MRS.! KENNI!TH QUARRY Pbon6:UT1 cocJt. •1• Udo lkMI4. N-.ort :::_ Hetln. 120 JOUa at., ~~~ J'OR ux.. R. C. Parker, Realtor Large Lot, Neat, •tt _BMeh __ . _PboN __ .,_. __ .. _JT_e 0~c~~~~~ 1101 NJIWPOilT -.vo. Clean &: Attractive HAVING 80uoliT rrom Jeu Yachting Supplies WANTED F'RQM OWNJ:R OR JI'RUlT TRED. a..BI!Daoox CIOftA KaA U t;, Q · k Sal 8&lnMYaln the 3t.n. fanta!l P'OR 8AL&-One comA••te .. t of AGENT-Home wiUii two bed-HOUBJ:. P'IR.J:PLAC&. Ha.. I p r or UlC e I ntem&Uonal code ..:::. ..... _ rooom1 or on~ becSrOOrft wtth C ARKER commercial t1ab1nl boat, lhn7 -·-·--. ll-pln• por~b •• N--.. IN JU:A.R. RENTI:D. ~J:81lOH· CLOIJ: of aero.. R. , P Terry (IT·AIII now at Dut'a lla.M-In.. wtUa bq. Ne•tt bleD N~rt Hrl;ba, "Co.ta'"-K..; . F . IC. RU&II!LL Nice moct.m J.bedrooal frame,. R alt dock. W. notice wtll .....,_ M1· \IR4 )la)le otter. Kent Rltdl-or Corona del Kar. Wr1te 1Tto Newport Blvd,. eo.t& Mea& l-ear prqe, wub I"'CCIft. atn e Or one boldine a b&U ..-wt th.le coc.k, Ill Udo 8aucS. N~ 116-0 room OYer pnap lou ol mo4. 1806' N ivnn_. Bl d. ~t. pre¥10\ll to Aq. 11, to BMdL Pbont JtT. Jt-ITc C. II. Miller. Rte. 1. Box 1 ' ------------em clltcken eqUip~ Guden. J'ull e'" 1'"1 \. V p ...... t the aame for p&JmUt Oil I .... Canada, Calli. • lip For Sale or Trade price ~1100 down. can Costa Mesa or before s.pt. 18 .. G. '1'. Ar· ~ • WANT A 1)2 ACRE and water It~ tract. Mrw. Rboden e .... 8 . A..IUlt.W.I----------- mour. Sllt Cedar AYeD\Ie, LOlli I 51 l:ut half' or lot 50, Avocado 11c ·Jia&dl. (fl. Up. BICTa" 8old, rent.d OC' re-WAR SOUVENIR? St., COlt& w .... Make otter. W. 1 WANTED ••• I'UKNmJRE FOB SALE p&tN4 Vopl'l, * llalft al., I WILL r tve Jap wool N&vw.l b&&Jl-. B. P'oo~. Pomona. Calif. *· LONG BIUCH PROPI:RTUI!rr-CASH BU'YERS II&Dtoa. uc1 101 Manne AYe., ket trom Kl•ka for lnformaUon lt you own property ln LoiiC ---- -Balboa lll&lld. Itt. about nntal or naratlbed or un-IF YOU A.RJ: INTJCRDTJ:D In BMcll that 10il wlab lo ..U Wl:rMNGHOUSIC ICiectrk Rule't· tum!.ahed hoi*. apartment. or lnland or rMidenUal propertt-. we would appraetate • Uatlnc. ftree burner and OYea. K&kl R.A.DI08-Rep&lred to JOI&f eat-t Cou 1 On ...... lld 1 .. t _.. • ... __ R. C. Parker. realtor. 110t otter. N.....,.rt Ill. IT -~ quar en. p e, e .,,, . e tucr o purw~aae or u ...... •&'•· N --..--lefac:Uon. All wvrlr 1\&&l'&lneed. P~rma.nent. Refenneea wriu Purl J . 8mltll. Go .. ewport BIYd., Coet.a Keaa. HIOH OVIIN KttcMII a..ac-. Prompt Mr"t'lc:e.-N.S.C. Ra4lo 8Jt. R. C. Fowler, Sqd. S2, 701 •treet. Upland. C&Uf. Jlc •tr d,..wlnl" dHk a.nd many otMr len1ce~!..._IM'.6 Newport Blvd.. Recluelflcatlon. 8ta.. All& A.lr - WE HA. VJ: XA.NT BA.IlQA.JJf8 . .. worid'a ot lJIIt.lnp r . 1:. RUUII:LL 11110 Newport BIYd., Oollta .... utJd• ., Walnut Place, Oue-ODita -81ft. ONE ACRE on Avocado lttfteL I Possession Income Property ta M..._ Jfp. . Hubert Coom~. ownu, l'F01 NI:A.R TOWN ........ Ot1kll 0,.. Till t TO BUT llur4)' Rubber Ured Newport Blvd COlt& Meu. P!l at Close Of eSCrOW Home and Four R.ental Un1t. P. x. Da&lT • BICD With •prinK• and lnnerwprtq trt<:,.:le • .Wt&ble for a.y.v old IlEAL I:STATI!: WANTED ·14r4. .. • 3k 1 $l2 500 c.-eD•MMt7 oerW\eat. ~~ pn--war matt,_. Good concU· boJ. Muat be In pod concUtlon. . -WANTED-t Z·BICDRJI. HOUSI! P'URNISHED 0 ' Uoa. llrwt.ft Tonn.. 8l1 Balboa. Kra. &. G. Butu>n. 511 Acacia. • • • (8ls )'e&n old ) cean Front Duplex w~wst .,.,.,., t.o Ooata lleaa.. ITp. Corona ~1 Mar. Pb. 1SIO-II. uanNoa or PROPDUM ll'f Immediate PossessiOn Approximately ~·Acn NEA.R TOWN ..... wiU. -.n ol Iabat. Llltat TWIN BW SET. c-omplete. Rq, J'Tc. OORONA DilL M.Ul DI8'1'1U<7r MOVF. RIGHT IN TO Half block trom Newport Bl'lcl. JNCOMl!: '115 A MONTH W..&IWWIL No ooeldlle· Lin IlL atove, loe boa, rock•ra. lin. 8. OUR IPJX::'l.A.LTT Phone W K. llaD&rcl A COKPLI:TELY MJ00 .L 3. Wlltte, ._ U. K Gill at A. 0ort, 121 Jt. Sa)', Balboa. N...port 8eMil 11'1-W ICVA RHODEN $5750 • AJ•'•• ....... ...._ Ja-· IT-lip. Can n in g Fr u its FURmsHJtD aous.: Call· 35 F t Lot ...._ . tatt L' t' W ted &-Room•. real flnplaee. t..art-J:venlnp, Banta· AD& l3li-W 00 -----------STUDIO COUCH. nne corwllt.loa. Get your Peaches IS mgs an II&'! !!leetrolux. table-top ~· D., ON KIJ\A.XA.R DR.IVIS w A.N'IWD-IIllp. cool! Ul4 ,...er- &1 lao• =• I cia,.. a week. .... aDd a-.· otr. Printa nn .• ~ Uld ,...... Two acltalta and 1 '"""' ~dna. atoo .,... mo. Oallltlft. lhM1. H ... 11M. 11-JTe NEEDED NOW YARDMEN 8pr1np tllroucllout. Price •• N O W ! I ba•• cuh buyerw tor property ComblnaUon Radio, l:l«trtc $800 W. Goallnc. 413 1:. 'Bay An., In tbe Newport Butlor an& Walller. 1 acre w1UI et7W, DCMICU1A.T1! P088Z8BION -.1- 0or. Cyp,.... and Balbo&. ITe. -4t--and Q)et& Jhla chicken. electric brooder, brood· bedroom etucco located on Ool4. . Dutton's George Fellows er boUle 12x20. Full price aeeoo. en Hill, P'ullerton. Wr1te A. w. W. L. JORDA.N JOO-LB Ic& BOX. Good conclt-Frul't Market 1114 llrewport 81•4. ec.ta ~~-Terma. Open P'rl .• Bat .• • sun., Gibbon, COlt• MeM. or pbon• UoL Reuorable. Junea lmttll. from 2 to 4 P.K., or by App'L Newport 1237-W. Me , lfo 'Jill! aurt. 8&.1~ Phone N ... l1M N..wport BIYd., eo.ta Mea& Call Kn. Rhoden, S. A. 511._W ___________ ..;__""-_______ ....,;~ 700 IC. ~otral, Balboa Telepbone: 111 port IIMeb 1011-R. IT..Jip.. I Am Loo~ J'or even1np. Propert)' 111 IC. WU. " MORE LISTINGS aon. COit.a Keaa. 11 CUBIC JQOT, double .._ ONJC DAY IUICA.PPINO and Ure Coela Meaa Hom• aDd A.er'eA&"' -----------~ Nrrtr-rator to Uedl repair eentce. No prtorttJ necea. 1 tor .-naJier pa or electrlcl ~ IU7 fbr .,... "A", tnack A 8J)edalt7 IJII:ACH OOTTAGJ: on water tronL ._.._ • Call: Part.IJ hlmlahed. <J&riC't. AU OPPOIJi'ONii'F •• ,.,rat.or. Pallaa4el '!'awn, qua.Ut)' aynUaeUc nalltMr. Lel\•e WRS. EVA r. UODIIH uUlltJ• J"ull price PlOO. Terme. ud Ooroha clel liar. IIU JOW' car onl"ftirbt and It will_,. Otnoe· Immediate pll•••kln. 2JOS CaUJ DQCKMEN TWIN OC' BUNK BCD 81:'1' 110 raa41 to 1'0 tile f~ terlmo~ Phon~ 8a.nta An& ..... : 5!11-'W lit., Beuhore Colony, N.wport roR OolJ Bp.t•-laC· All won -tna -12t s . Broactway ... ta Aa& BMdL • ITc. -· -... pannt.ct. o.ta llaaa 'l'lre 6 • a-n Matt.re.ea ~~~~ Dop. .u. a-New. -=======:;;;;;;.:;==== Ladder tot' Bunk Bid tnchaclecf port m..s.. o.ta x..... aop. ~ DTA'I'& (W. .... , 1'Wo ruD 8181 Maab Be4ilprtna-__ ---_ Balallce 1100 per monUI. Income lton ,:a: = pa.oo wANT TO su·r TWO HOUSES -~ IICft, "'" .100 per monUI. Move In tDntOC'· Upbol.lt.I'M A.lmellalr aA4l _ la•n. nowf'rs ........ J10U81 tn row. Nice tumlahed Oc:eul ,.,_t $l!MIO DOWN GOOD PAY otto.nan. ht BOAT OONCJtaaiOH ro rMr vacant p 1d • at doee duplu. Wltll P11at7 o1 Ovat'I'DII! '"-t .. blrda7 or llund&• at ()pirate Putt-Putt.. R.owt1oeta. ot N<'row Fun ..... fiOOO. O. ~ Tht. Un\.18\W Bu,.l . -"~ ~ a.:. N Wella, aa.l__.. wttll F . a. K•yw at: HARBOR BOAT BUILDING CO. -,, ...... ~ ............ 1111 .....a~im 2 •••••n. ·: ..... Nl. d1Femleat Ave.. _ Rut"ll· 17110 M..-,..rt BIY4.. o.tanl.on'l , 1111 Cout •~· Ounlft& diJ Mar Olet.a Weaa. Me Newport BMda « Pll. 1011-.l, _. daJI& W'rtte U1 No. AYe, 11, ITA. 1M A.~'-e ld). DOUBI..E IUI:D Uld coU ..,..,. wtUa eMit ot clra...,. and ...a. or ..... a.Yelu4 ~ ITp. It)'; allo -.coneS double bact &Del ----------- cotl .......... ,.. ''P dWr, ..., .... ud ... aa&ttr-. Mrdlrood .., ........ .... ~· ......... ...,,. ............ Wile ...... M-..rt ll41.A. .. lie Sheetmetal Workers Machinists And Other Trades • l Steel Ship Buildmg Division or United Concrete ·Pipe Corporation 1M W. 1ft(, LONQ BL\CH ._. r .. tlwM• ...... =\e,,_•• ~, .... c.......... , ., S A - ., SAM • ' • for 36 yean the best advertising mecli~ Ia t,"e ~rt harbor dislrit~ p B~y~· to End War Quitker • • • the newspaper that goes home (~ EMBRACIMC BALBOA PENINSULA. WEST MEWPOR~~:r~.~S~EA~~~~~~~.UOO~~IS~LE.~~N£~'W~P~OR~T_:!H~E~I~G~H~JS:._~ !B~ALBO~~A~I~SLA~-N~_D~Ll:C:fO~R~O~fi~A.~D~EL~~M~A~B.~.C~O~S!:TA~M~E~S~A VOLmnt XXXVI , NEWI'ORT B E ACH. C AJ..JJ'OIUCIA T H\'It"P AY Al'l:n'\T :11 Wh .. , •• F1••r"IY" Torrll.nt .. '"'· I r ,.,.,v,..j •"'rtl I hat hu ••n Itt• hn•l Ill nt:IW at t::.n,p ~nntna, ,,.nd" "" ha~ ~"" at f'am" r.ntwr1 l TSO in Plea For Row Boat. .. 'or ~il"k Jloya ..... T NUlUI¥1\ II Womdn Kills Self and Pet Dog in Second Attempt at Suicide • .. . . .., Mrs. Lilly McCowen Found Llf~lea In Her Car From Monoxide Gu With Her Terrier By Ht'r Sidt~ .. \1t_,. I ;J,, 'O• 'J-.tlltiH JUVfU, ,.,.,, ... ,. '•It \ ul tit• llull"'" ltt•t~n•·h. IIH(I, t ddnJ' If ""' uH .. u ln t(q\tl~ ' t'Y v h, tr "''' IU \l~tf tn.,; ht•r •l tlfj*hl••r ,Mt .. !.CitUI ~·r hwu t17, '''~ h• t V• '\ •••"' .:nu•''"·'"~hlt•r Notable Speakers at Red Cross Annual ( ,,,. ,,, ..... "'""' ''"'''"ll'''"'' '''"'"'' lt;tll ,., lfll' """''"" ''~'"'~­.... • '"''-"' .,,,.,,. h••llt t.v tit•· ,,,..,., w tll •~· '!'n'"'IC tho• •tlf'I\Jc••,.. ''"""'' ,, ..... ft,..J f''''"'" '"" .... tluol ''"~'''' ,,..11t W•'<lrtt'"'"Y So·pl I ,\luyor Wowwl• t ... nd n( l hr Wnf"' fi ttl ~ 1• m 11t t h•• No•wt••" ·l~•ru•lt j 10.111 ·'''" nll:·url '"' will Mr. Kr lly t ;, un1mur "''hrJiol llll•llto.1111111 "' tlu• lll·ll f r"'" ~t4alht•m Oranl(c -''""''" 1Jtn·nl7.,..,, "''"" m llll, 1, v • .,.,,, v •llvb.lnn • •l•otnl( hiA utmr"'' '" llollk•• lh••l (,flo· •~ fl"tm lh•· l'l•ntn An• r~ m•·•·llna: 11 rrou,.lnu '"" ,., . ..,. '" ho· 1 Ill tV•· •olfl•"' w all I~· cluwn lt1r rh .. hta,. tool'nln-<1 • apl•·lll41111 l(tallall)' of rn•• '"'I! nn•l thr •mly I)UU~ ot 'l"'ltkl'r'll Am•lflll I ht·m '"''"It Krm) 1111• ,., ''"'"" will he W c•koc"Uon ot u .. v, Aflll ofhl'r "" lr l11111 urt " ""' ••I 1 hl' l•ac•J brllndl. All \t n»r(;,.nf'rAI ft.nlph t"<ou~fn~ ''' lh·· ''"'"""'''' ool lh••JJI'w.crnm wilt tlw Wt..,tem Air CAifTtntun•l hn~ lu "'''"'''" t tl tw'firlng fi"'n"' the JK•~l to r tlml', If h•• I• ri'JI "'''" 10.hn •·un .tc•ll lnlJm11tc• det.AJII o•lltll'fl IIWII)' (' .. umtnnn•ll•t :-.;,.miiHI ,,, lhf' IIIP anti •• ,.."""""'" or fltlP l,,,.lfl of th,. JJs:ht,.r thnn Air l'uvy ""'""" ,. m,.n Anlt w hnl ynur Jtl'd lilt~·. Jl••t rctW'nl'fl from ,.,. ,.,.. C1•~·· •• tllt~ns: for Uwm ~ -, , \ NEWPORT-BALBOA NF.WS-TIMI!;S, Newport Beach, California, Thursday, August ~3.:.:1,~1:.:9:....::4....:..4 __________________ _ n111111w lo•ses Starle.l in 1 C nnt.d ~h1 ok , buUd m um t v pre-!. I lll'nt •lwrllln(C, s~uo I LAWMAIEn II COICIIESS I Fint "ParaM of Sails" Becalmed Eleven in One Car Too Many, Even for Gas Shortage Ci1J Wd~ Penaits of learty $18,• hrmltl wl'?e '-itod for thr H•,.. and Barmw11. contra••t•1r. tluUcUnJ of thna ntow bOUIC'a In rlll()l)f dwellln~t IOOth •lre.-t, •3011 Ole ~ _..., wttb---etiteft {...-r~ .M.m, ~. .,.-.r Ht-tlll•l ro~flng. repear11 and al1dlt10n1, llari"VIo\a rf'r11of ''""rllln1r. :\14 l'"r- ...,d 10 plumbtDjt and t,.Vt'n elf't'• "n"ol" at ~rt, 12!\1! trle&l permit. were lAI<IIf'ol TOULI Roy (' 1Jt-.,k , 11 7 <'ry"tnl "' po-nn1la amounted I•• n " & 1 I Y •·nut IJ&H•"" l•lanll I "t''" ·• 1 10.000. tuum dw,.llln.:. 2'JO LAik"l'"t 11\- BWldlni: I«TmJla were IIMjt'd to ,.11uco. c ·., ... na dfll W11r J:;C)(IIt ~r. a n.d Mra Howarol Rohl'rt.w, I.A'<Irla 1o: Jo:r1r k, t If• A1:nt•· n \ ~ Ar acla a venue, C4.orona do-l m u... Ralbua t.lunot hut'•l , 11 ,, • War. IJulld a l...t.ory 4-rooc:o dwell-un fo unt "' tJwelllnl( $:lt ~l •• and l&ral• at 215 Amelbyllt p,.fi:l>--~ IAwa, r~1.,,11 ,, .,,. •·· .,._l. Balboa Uland, 53200. 'IUid funlt'fu• dt.magl" '-:'I \\ ,.,1 '·,., L. 8. Mcl:lry. SO. P'.IUit Ct-ntral :I uJ IIVI'nUf', $~>411 avenue, per 8a.Dta Ana Nt'<ln Co. nw a bcJrder, t TO Chi'! ('tank. 1:111 V.d K "to•fl I"'' Variety-R. w~ u. Store· LUNCH BOXES Stronc ftber boxes In standard si7-'.' for vnmum holflt' and lunch. ~rted colon. ..... h z.sc. IIETAL RING BINDERS Dura~ leathcrette b!wks In black or grey. threr rtnp. Every student needs.le'Veral. lh-.da p A.PI:Il ITDI8 Two-or 'l)pewrltw, ~book paper tn two-or th~hole, plain ar IIDed; tableta, compoalUon books, blotte~ and typist tablla PDCIL8 ,.. PIDdll ln ....-..arbard ... le .. lle..ell OOIIPA88 Metal ~·· protractors. 1 n -8Qua~. or combination. 6e to JOe C&&YON8 Oil C&AYOLET8 ~. ~. Eruen, RetniOI'C't!fnefltl' Paper CUJ18, Ink. 5e a 10e Jllda PD. ol riM, ~avy flbt-r Compll'te In ••wry n'!lpt'CI lie EMit • An~ Craft Wait for a Breeze lit' I,. ,.,.,. a trw •uf!gutlon• f!"' I prubably abould bavr aaved H (' Ll•w. •12 Avul'lldo) IH'' nu" I BJ CONO.U.IIAN .rOHN PRILLIPII .... ,,,na tJ.-1 Mar h11ll•l I •t.,ry 2· ______ ::!....:=:.:.::.====::..:.:..=..:....:..:.=.:.::..:.:...;:_ _____ _ ''"'''' 11l11n" olwelltn, $M.fll I l •lunohllle,: IH'rtnll ll "''''' I'""'' o1 1.. !", •rll "" t"' "'n•h 111 4 I:! ~-..,,n l• tt' tH•··tutr t ·un~t:a •'f'l Mru ll~'nrv M:tvrr I Ill Al.,.lnn•· &\en ..... ll~ott."" l11lan•l t.lr~ II T Hu nt • e•lf7 \\••11! ('o•ntr!U 1n o·n111 ~·r1111k ~ 1 t~••kv 1 ~!:, ~!fth trH •·•·l . \11 M •• t ,.,~.~,. :!17 t\tifll "' ••••. (1.,,. I dl• II '"'""'' "' II"'" ..... 11 lhr r-;, w l• .. nl Thla .. wrttt.en • that •u~gution until alter elec-Indicating the aalety of wato!rl trc .. \Vatter K. Ltwla, t'hulrman. Prople who comp lain about Ill•· lfaln 1ulltni: ml'rrtly aero. t ""· but then tht' New Dnl may nr Newport Harbor, the weather ()~her mcmbera are Rear Comma-overcrowded bueea and atreet car1 thr :or til•· f•,.ltJ• uf C&llfomlal nil haa ve tbe a&mt' opportunltlu lut Sun..Say 1lowed up tht' first dtre Henry B. Grandin. Jamre M. crrtalnly weren't amone tbe nurn- ' H 1., r tf'nt of wlmtt~ land 1.1--· eH.-r Novem~. It lila Oemucr~d '•Paraee of the Sa lll." o\t lW4!Iva Webatu, ot tb4 !l:a..-.,.•rt HJ&rbor ber., who~~ ~uell1t-of Ri~ "",, ,1 ,,,. 1 t ,. r:., ,, ,. r n men t ). ••··I the RC"publlcan• stage ll come-noon following the lbrtlllng Cout Yacht club. Co.mmodurt' Mark 1 s11roul. 12:!7 Eaat 78th 11treet. UlA • :, , "''·' , 7.., 1"'1 ''""' o, Utah I ell btl• k G1111ro:J RPvlew thel'e camt' a f111t Ht•aly, FY-ed Brewl'r, Ko•nnPth An~elra. Sunday. 00 their vi Ill to 1. r •···nt • \\'\'"min~: t 4:J per t•ent), Ttwn lh.-n.• Ia tht' pt·ubll'm or calm, In fact a llttlt' too ••alu., Morgan of the Balboa Ylll'hl dub, tht· beach. ~ ,11 1 , "'"' t , (omt<ha for a con-bm• ''"" In my y11uth no ~etf-re-which delayed etarllog of tile r(ln mo.Jore Albert Sr)lla nd S~tlff.l S pr •. ut waa baauled up by local r.,, · , roo! tr .. ,r. lllt'r•• tn Waab-11 ... , tong blood w u uld be Sf'l'n In j rvent At one-thtrty the hrf'•'7t' c 'ummodc rt' J. W Condon. l npl lilt' Sunua who thtought he 1 11 '"'' p ohlll w1th a "made tie." We wua evldPnt, aJHI boata thr"l t·u-J A ~ek. H. B . StPWRrt. St·•tf· ~ ven.llH~Ir the 'llhare-a-!'lde •: 11 4 , e•un ... , .. r t ~ 3 4 ··111111 1.'7 ~'·'"' l :nv Jtu)l••" ~I • I '"'"''"~; t •HII1 :.or. f'lliriJ'U11t'' H \t11Hh' 1 ' •r .ua d•·l ~1ar . ~11 1 TIH•n•htt '' \\'1'• '"''"""I"'''' 111nd unac:-IJ•·•I nur· ulAn Thr UhlU~ht Of a i t•rNI llchellull"d r.at·e., and uont·•l l'ommodore Leon .s. Ho~ecna:1. ~~~~r-rr~m &lrlrte , . ""'"''·' , ·•I!''' • 1"" ••f .:uvernmeat bo•" tlu fastl'nrli t o an elutlc I on , unttJ lour when a floe 8>~.111:..: 111uwnrd Youn;;love, Evert•lt .Mor· I \\'hrn the ('al wu hrtlted In , ,,.,1, lt•lll! ,., • 1) IJhlute of llll' ~1t1to r anapp<'ol ~&round tbf' colla.r. breeze gavt• i.hl' nt'edeu uri"" 11nol rl.ll and Commodore C F'. ~axl •r. frunt uf the atalion. eleven young •1 111 u,,. 1 1.o•ll• '" ttw grave Uor "'111 not in thr ,;roovt', but def1-a large numtxor •Jf cr3-rt of •·wry Of the Newport Harbor Yac ht pt o>piP l••ted out of lht> car. meant 1 ... ·1• Ill Uulo\ II\• 11 IIIII•·" , , 1 "'" ,. 1 • ..:··! 11 r•,.rt lflt·atr that n lt'iy Today 1. ttnu the mO<!ern I alu anll ri~As1 ~ade lh~ otlflt I .tl ('lub. to l'l)mfurtably •~at nnly rivt>. \• 11 1 •• "'"" ltlttl a 1wr·mlt to be 1 .~: l'lltt.·r •1•••'"11,' """" kn ow hi)WI <'tturae a round !l:ewport Hn rh••• I ~proul was geven a dt.atlon n n ~~'"''" M1 """''"I 1"1:.0 \'111••111• l ''ll •·, l '•~yl ofl H• tt ~ ·,, :O:f d •· J t J.;ll\'h\, IA•I< \ ~lall~t•l :~1 t t"ar ''"''''d' ''"11 "' .. utdn 1 lhlnk that I• lit· " tlow ."'hat an opportun-Tbls WWI the fir~ I tim•· t '••' Clo!tslflf'd Adl C.t R-E-S·U-L·T-S ' !II'Vc• "' d ·C er.•nt char~t'~. ul\lhlrl~ t1.ul h"'" OJveriOc)ked II\' for thr NYAF'BT t N~tt"lonal • .. l'aru.:c uf the Salls" was ,ut-. '''"" .t\t•nu~ ( ·,,,,,~,,. d• I Mat 1 ' I~ C r ffllh. ::.:;1 l'"lll~··lllll •lt.,•l , ( ',.rOIH\ tl~l !\1111 v "'''" ,.,.11 • Yo•utb Admlntatratlon for Bow temptcu. Thr latt>neu of the Tuk•• f•••••l l'l•lllll llll'l~. for ea-Tl•·~t In IPplac .. the now happily breeze cut Into the Hlze c1f thP ~:~;~ 1u u 1Jie .You k now the ltandartl,. ,Joorunrt l"lllh•nal Ynu!.h Ad mlnla-hlg ~bot the four o'clock show- •·• ••f ,,,.,,. T h<" 1!11! une 111. mark~ to.IIH•o. ond <4f •·ourw abHortJ the lng or c raft M a ll C'lallllt'l! :1,1111 lillf~,.y F'l'l!••t!UUIII IJH ' , , ,, n ~ rr.nt l~t t 'hfl"l <I 1 ,,.,, c 'o•nlral a v""""· Ja< k Uorl!l'r, ~I"''''"""· Jlulhou , Mr,,Ar k .. rman, 'IIJI• Nllrt'IBa\11, I 'ur'lnll tlo•l .r.tar, , 1 1. Alll•un. ~>114 ~tnll' llll(hway; \\ ~ Lu u\1, 301 Nlln·lasu• av- ' now ( ·orona del Mar \\'altt-r • !'!•II or JJ lleat un 1\"y Jar k ll•••th. 1211 Jo:dlt.-Wilt«"r-1'1"'''' Mr A n•ll•y, 1107 No rtb Uay 1-'tunt. J !\Ia 1lo '" 127 31\th at r""'. J Ut-o•k- ""'h :no c;arn.-t avonw·. J .. ·&ltt' I ""'' II. 114 VIII Lillo N unl, lolr \\'ur•h•nlltll :!09 llubv 1:\Vf'lllli", Aal- t •• u l•lllnol, ll11waroi ltuho·r•l• 21:1 \ n t••l h r11t aVI'f1U.:. s ·r llruo k•. J 1 !'I :\4th at~rt . Ht't'd>o lo,. ~t•~r•.:•·. 4:lti 30th lltrt't't , J Tau•lt•y, ~IQI4 3Xtll ..trret, ant1 8 W lll11o kbt•ard. 1 In hilt avrnut', Corullll d..t Mar. ,..,.,,, ""'' II]•· flllwrs · r..ottee, r 1 rn1 r "mptuvo•"a of the NY A Ul h 1 S b .• 1 , _ · ng y an. . 111)W &rul on up n- ":0:111.'"' ··t, a t '" they hold l t'n1lrr lh ae cunu,ltluM I have no c•lu..Sing P.l c .8 Stars, RhOI.Ie• II• ,, , ... ,,.,. "11 e.:" 1 tu. u 1l• 11111 . tht' NY Afo BT would have-I Chua. Fakune. Spipea, Vlk.,l(ll nuo 1ko•tl '' In lt1•·.v••ur 1'191, a ~et lh•· lmmPuatl! suppo rt of the and P. 14.8 was Cine 111 l.otott I'•'""'"""'"IIIR lAIII known I Ftr~t Ludy or Wuhmgtun. now , • t• ""' ,. ,,.., n ul<e.t ,.,., marked, but 1 ..t t•·r k11own u the Jo1rat LA<Jy or nw committee plannu1g th•· '"'" 1,. tho• .. nlv 114 ,.,,,,.,, r aN, and All l'llll't:a l'\'t'Dt lll'qulred a number of \'llhl- 11 ,., untl•·tlll• .. ·,, lh11t Ah•>rtly after-, 'nunk uf thf' unllmlttl! New able euggutlolll fur UHI' an(•tht•r Y"l&r Uke the "l'~llghl nf i.nt' "ur.t. .. lth' t I" u r • onlllmer wu ll••nl p<•Klllbllltlell an Wf•men'• hall '""'" f .. r l""tz•·l" 11nol thl' othertl \\'h~tl l"ould be mOrt' ~ew Dt-allab Snowblrdl" which was llt&rt••ll ~n 1 n rnml '"'~' · a emaJI IA'&y. lht' "Para•l·• rf l ilt' ••r " 1n '"'"lim th11n WCJml'u'e h~tll!! A ~atla'· hu n w mad • tl first S · A 11 RY•'r"""' lnV•·•tl~ltt .. ~ ·v•,uld \\'ln•'nw full uf them luok1 jUit · 0 ' 11 1' "'"' ""•'I thr """' , .. ntal!•••r httld Ilk , .. New 1 leal Plan for the pt'arance IUid like lht-"Snowb1nl · tal ' 1. Fll~ht." Ia txpecll'd ttl bccnm., an-IIIK '"11-'ltl ttl.. lllll;ltr < nn ner I ~htur.-ut lhl' Unltl!d St.atea hRif tutr uf ~tall tho ,., tfee <·tm· • • uthu ouletaatdmg yachting rvent , ThO' N 'lt\ HUHRA INataonal t s t Newport Harbor hlln.-r hnl• 101! '"" b.tllf' ¥ntl thr \\'umtn'll lllltl [)rlfign ReJtUiation I"" rnnlltlnrr illolo11nl( I h .. r,..Jlper-~ 1 1, t 1 A 1 1 1 1 'tl Tht' ruune for the "Parade" 11 1 . Mnl ,aa wn ng • m n 11 ra on 1 1111n1" Vtoll r "'l(o· 111 lf\'tllJ.: tu 1111vf' 1 1 1 1 1!11 d ,, t the nnr u11ed tor the "F11ght" snd , '"'' ,,.;xt ~unol~t\''f' cl1111ter. v.•heo '1"11 ' rmp,oyt, 't•h· 1go an ldrt'lfh•~ .. e wu A<'lt'ctttl becaun It offHa aall-' · n tu1 ex en a wou m-e F.l~trlcal ~rml!~ "',., ,. L<l<Ut'<l tho• • hlloh •·n •"' "'I"' ••••I .... m e> I , th OPA aJ F' -_ lng undrr varying wind C"onll•- 0 I I l h th r>:• n.>at '"'" e Je nus. or ex ti ''' P11ul J . Hutclln. f2JI un•r 4:\ '"" ,...,. """' ,. "' nmplt. when 111 " hat not a hat? una I Avu•aado avrnu ... ('<lr•..naa tf••l !\Ia•. "' •:• luu~•·il thu•. ''flpurt.unlt~ The I It thr .o. I' A l'lln I>Ut out paltet and The official committee repre- H.-nry Wayera. 1 Ut Ablfio•fl•· av 1 I< I A 1 K1t. Iicon 1 ""111111f r AdmiDI• ag"'" nr i'i 1 and lO t r~ -Ia-.en ling thr Newport Harbor Yacht •·nu.-B&lbna Jalantl .t.frll A•·k•uyd lrullooll l <OOIII .,fr,·r J<~ba tu thoul· r t d p , .... h bp ~-" l'lub. the Balboa Yarbt club and • h . Cw<u o ea< r ""' am urge r ......, f26 Avucatlo. Corona dcol lolllr, AI-"""~ ~&hlm~t 11'''"' 1 ,. 1nvr atlfalo"!jiw w tn bl\ke a rakt' what coui.Jn't the N ewpOI't Harbor Cl•ambrr ur t>. rt W right, 7ftl Orrhllt avconue. 1 ~· ••ntly •h., '"1"'J;"tl by publlclt, thr NWIIOHitA ,,,. with haUl' Commerce w all mret early In Sep- ( \orn ntt dcol Wu; J . 'lt\'r•Y c:ray, '" l hur 1 "lumo ""'1 "111•·r• from · tember at which time plalll Cor 'J'J'J , • ...,.,, avrnue. &lh<•a Island, lont lnlllfll( tlw •l'll'llltonalru In It~ ",yRrol oof nboon a hat or not the 1945 "F11gbt of lhl' Snow - ('apt PrentiM Woorr 129 VIa "hlfoh 1 h•·v 1010k••.t '"' the name•r" hat Ar" Ot>wt"r• In tht' balr berlhl" and the "Parade or tbf', 'V.'a.rat"r•. Ul1n lal"': and s w , r all yo11r Crll'ntl", how many jlo llf' d a11se•l 111 hnts ~ If real Sail•'· w ill 1M' ouUlned . I·U"r kbf'ar.l, 2 18 Ur-rhll avenue, tlmu yuu had vt.lttd tbem lallt l n •. wt'rl! •lo lht')' rome under the Neat "Flight I C' d 1 u.. I year· whlf'h church ynu atteodro· p ur•adlctaun nf th~ Oeparlmrnt o r ynr'a or the (or ona " I ol y,,' .. hAd o•h•n~eed c•hurchN, IU'Id. A~kultur.,. lin\! If synthet ic•, 1.1 a Soowblrde" will be the tenth «-vent ---CK "''h~·thrr vnu now att4'11\l more fre-errtlflrate ol nun-naentlal matt'r-or tbt> aerlt'A and eped al etforte BACK THE ATTA 4uently. · tal required lrum the WPB? Muat will be made to maJ<c the ll 'fatr Judgt' Vln~~<.~n dt'r hll', o r Jllltlc" l a reco rd bru,klng fl('t'u lon. I I 0 S E R V ICE nyrnu• Shuuld F'l"ancu Perklna Head10g thl11 import::~nt ,n-nmlt-•· -R A D tT'IUIIf~rred·lo thl' NWHDRR-k. r . J""':"~ a:. a-, Aa ... Man.e.............. In chUitt' of lht' Uurtau of Oell'lgn. 1 t , ,,r: ...... _ ~ 1 ... aboulu 8h,. ,,; lrrt wher.-ahe 18. Mack's Photo l~ lr......, a nil by th•• way v•llere 111 ehe ? ' J_;, ~~ Burt R. Norton ..._ M11 1 rw to rrmark that w(' uk,'d.j lOt MaJa St., Balbotl • Mexican HUlliNG KNIVES Best of Steel-· Larg~ Size--Bone Handle .. Leather Case BATHING CAPS Good quality rubber PEKAKE BEADS 72-lach stnDd ..... _. s§5o $1.00 $1.75 PEKAK.E CHOCKER AND BRACELET to match $4-50 ----JUST REC E l V t: D----- Imports of Hand Made Articles from Guatemala ~~... 1111 r-t ...... , N~'POIIT ~ by our vt>ll'l' for • I'Dlrnllu-d ~OV• ldentificata'on 11iiiii~~f~~i~i~ij~~;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~;~;::::::::;~~;;~:ii~i~~iii~i~-----------~ ,.mment lln•l r•·~;ulatlnnll, and _ __ we'rl' Jt'lllng ttwm I'm only try-P hotos 11ng to-~ ~pful. -I ,. - at Vt"ry Rt'a110nahlt" PriN>:o. -·- nPICAl s~::i:V'IAY VALUES Duchess ~~~;e :· 21• -. .. :_ 1 Wh' ~loci 0."'"'9 , .. ~. &•UJac e l!J ... ~""'·IS< .., •v Peanut Butter .. -::.~ a:; 37• Peanut Butter ':::: •;:· 23• COOtM or""C' It)•~-'"c;\,f'· r<''f'l' ~oct.~ Libby Mustard ':=." •;·· I• Grcroefruit Juice ·~· 13• \_. ......... li<ONI 146 or con, JOel 70-80 Prunes co~·::;-~':: H• La;rge Prunes ~: :,:· II• Welch'sGrapelade a;!tl• G J r.... "·"·2t• rape am Gorden ... Beets (01'\\IO<~ B•ond 10-oo. 12- ~•"•no •h.. .,.. EmeraldBaySpinach !:: II• Cut Green Beans a:.:: 12- Cobutg l •""" CIIUIDIEEF ::===:w .. 29c ,., •••• lUll' ,,.,.....,.... ·Sc .......... A•I •.• 1ootl •uiflltlolll lot til• l•llf w•1i•1ni Your ncit!hhorhood Safcway is well-stocked with the kinds of fooJ that make meal prcpar:alioA c;uy. Come in thist'·cd< aml make your selections. ' · TOMATO JUICE ts or. L~'• ,6 ~'•• ,.;""' CAN COfftl VA lUES TOMATO JUICE 47 -or. 21., • CAN L~·,, til "'•• "'""' CHill SAUCE D.t M.,.,, JO W.. ,_,.1 KEM PLUM JAM MARMALADE IC"'f Kelly 12,. ia•. 2Jc r '12'1-or.J7a IOTTL£ 12-oz. 29C CAN 22-or.27• JAR 1-lb.l4• JAR SIRRA PINE 4 urts 25• , ...... ~. , ... , .... SWEETHEART 4 lARS 25G 0..1 ... pel toqt _,_ OXYDOL SOAP 24 -0'· 22., PKG. ,.,~e • ..., ..... 4i .... llt•gkf •o I•Mtt '' ,.Mt..-R~ No oolwalockol .. &. Airway Coffee G.tov,.J ro 20-Of"-' .. Nob Hill Coffee (t\,OV ,, .. 23• ,, t<ed Edwards Coffee l>o•p O• , ... 27• r-oviOf ... MJBCoffee ••ovto• cw ·;.~ 33• •.... ,,... PRDDtJCl - BALE PEACHES lb Ill«' Ripe, swHt. Nice for slicing. FBESB PBUIES lb.12a Standard waricty. SwHt. CAITALOUPES lb. &c Thiclt -mtoted. Sold by weoght. CBISP CELEBY JOe Utah type. Fresh and tender. lb GOLDEI COIN lb JOe Well-failed eors. T'tnder. ~4 POUND C.odt • lb. zoe THIS GRADr. -1 tS NOW "POINT FREE" Tennis Matches On Bay Island Monday to Thrill A rot •· "I'J'Pfl llnlty r .. r l••nttl~ I II~ l10 th \'••11111' and "'" j., Wlllo h I•'P t lnkHl'" ,,,,., ·~.UIU'III pJ •• \ t t !of t1 lU ll• n Ill .,(f,·•··d fttr Ill•· all<'r- f '" '' • t I .dt~ll 1 'a\ .~''l't .• , 1 It ' l!.tV hl.qht \ ,,,, 'fh• o•J>h l111 "II 11:0\' \\Ill >ol 'ttl Ill :! t• 1n nnd th• ,,. '''tl ht~ "" t hntJ,:•• ~··.tltU••tl pl.a~• I )I 'I • .J•ahH :O:ho" li•• I n:o!l•llllll jllnl••t ol•o11l•l" ( hanqt~on, a nil 1!'4.4 -!""lltth•f'J1 ( "Rlt•flt"ncn JUHtu r tl tth\u• ' h't-'"'· I '""· 1•o11 I luJnllll•n. pr• "''"l Jllll· lnr Mtrt,:l••" r·h:mi pllffl llus:h ~~·" :H t. 111-yc:u uhl fll'•·~··nt :<uutlll'rll {'ulrformrt oluuhl··~ < '1'1""1' , . ., An11thrr plnyl'r Who I~ nnr I f thf' OllllltnoolmJ: rtn•J mnllt remnrk- al)t .. plnyll'ft 111 t 111· l'rlltr,t Rlntl'!l, l:o llf'rltt•rl Fl:llo . I •J. wh,, won tho· buy'IO aln)!l•• , h:tn1p1o•n~h1p nf thl' l'ntted !'ltat•·,. 111 1114:1. llnd tbis ye1u 11 ~uuth• rn t 'nllfonua JUniOr ch11mplon I TWo V••un..: jCI I'I~ wh11 "1ll at- tract all ••nt •<~n nro• ~1 11'1' llnrbnrll K lmhf-11 IIi "hoi Ill Ln10 An~telt'~ jun1or 1 IHIOII•II•n 11n.t h8J1 JU8l WhO I tht ~anta !\lon 11 11 j11n101r lh&m- plnnl!hlfl. \l hu wtll play w1lh !\liM~ Kathr \'n l•lmmll'k I<• nnr• 01 t he t.np rr~.nkm,.; ~··•un~: ·pia;.,.,.,. • f ('.alr- fomll:\, Thr I'll\ l~ht nol l'"llrt 11< "" l :ny lllanu. nt t11.-f"nd nf Jr.tanu 1\V- enur Jo:nsl :'\ ''" p••rt Motor 0\'erhauling 1\lotor Tune-l ps Carbure tor and l~nition Adjustment s ~-'·'' tc>t') T r:wwd C.H hut• l<>r ~I"''''·'"'' \\'r :11~., h'""'l•• nnd :lrt' fur M:\RI~E ~IOTOUS Portraits at ~ten•.lblf' prfN'tl Bah,· f'hnt'"· t:nlarc,.mrnt~ 11nd l'hnto"tlltll' ('opW<o (;ift Shop ('u,tum,. ·'""rlrv PIHU\'f'nlh, t:to·.' BALBOA GIFT SHOP At The Fairy Landing ICTORY \\-ORKI~(; men a nd women of America -you are using a pow- erful weatJon a~ainst the enemy, in your r egular purchase of \\'ar Bonds. Thilii Labor llay _you are asked to ('nroll in the Pa~·rnll Savin..rs Plan one hundred t>erc·c nt! So if you know an,· work('r who has not~as yet plrdgt•d a 10', -l'\·rry-pay-day pur"hasr·. do ~-our utmost to ur~e his partidpat ion! You ar e working to full rapacity to win this war. and wlwn ~-ou huy mnrc \\"ar Bonds you h ac·k yourself and our fightinJ{ men! 1'hl' l"l"'''" C nrtr1"") CASIN·o CAFE BALBOA '~ POPtl.AR ~,miT SPOT 2M Main St., Balhoa I:LAB·OR WE WORK nlAT "}: MA\' ALL CELEBRATE· VICI'OR\' 'roMORROW G""tlng C•rd1 •nd • Gre•t V•rl.ty of Unu•u•l GlfU ''WE INVITE YOU TO BROWSE AROUND" C. E. LOUCKS JEWELRY •nd ITATIONERY Dl•mondl • W•tehet . Fine Rep•lrlng PliloDe Nt'wport IU8·R t7t7·M Newport 81vd •. Co•t.t Meu . C•llf. lUST REtE-A-SED Thermostatic Controls ·for Heating Equipment ALL READY I~ST ALL ED WE HAVE SAMPI~ES AND ARt: TAKI?\G ORDERS FOR 42.-TO 60-DA \' UEUVt;RY ,. ORDER NOW FOR (,'QMJNG COLll StA...~N Reason for Release: EVEN TEMPERA TIJRE-LOWER GAS BILLS Viele Plumbina Metal . Works Phone 210 ENJOY THE THRILL of a YACH·T CRUISE OD the A-R-R-0-W HORSE RACING Quarter Horse Match Races HAM COTTON RANCH (0nf' :"lilt> South of San Ch·m .. nh·) TEN EVE~TS SUNDAY, SEPT. 10 and· ever)· two 1\'l'<'k.~ thenafte·r Racing Starts at 2:00 P. M. Admi~<~ion (in<'ludin~ tax) Sl.JO &>rvh'e r ersonnd 50c Refreshments Free Parking TAKE HER TO • BALBOA'S NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES. Newport Bt•:wh . ('alifornia. Thu~tl hy. Au~tL"t :n. 194·1 I liVED IN HONOLULU BJ ~ANANCY 8TICIIU.& ~AC&aON to;..J \t"r'• N"t~' Th•• ta th.-w\eut h HI • "-'''·"-"' "' ar1 H"Ie• ,.,n u•u r,., tM Sr•P<>rt·Balboe Jl:rwt>-Tim .. bv Mno. JA<'k••n •hu baa Jual ret"..-! f~ it••n••lulu aller a >'"·"" and a hall • atay Whll<t "" U.hu Mn. Jad.a<>n ~ """"'•IYI'I)' ..-.OC'Iau•l w llh t he l.)fll•e nf II~ Military O..vernur. the lluno~ ,,,t)'""C'ounty Rt-<'""auu., c.,nuutNhUI au ,un ... 'hJr ,.r d-:au'a and ••uhlh·n y th~ l 'nl••n lly of II•""·"' "' th• 11~1.1 ''' Ht..,.,..h •u.J t.:n•h-ttt '" H~~ -•= l'eal«n•n• pn-:w nt wurlr.. •n •1rder tu ac""""' • pruUerNS ,,,,_. ••••on... .. ~~-x ANGLING AROUND meut) l:illll tlw qu,•stiona 1\ll\>ul lhmu· lulu po•ur •n fn1111 N """loort ~ll)c•u ="• "8· Tut •'If n ·tttkrd I .tt,ln't B)' "BOB" t ~"'lit I"'' t •H11 1ul~ ul ="•''' tu•lt Hurl~·• t •t• ll~tt• lit•• ~~t\\••nlrU\hln;; Mrn~tun I• Into• !111~ \ •Ill lilt. I '1111~ "l'l'llt•Jt I , ull k""'" "' II!Ohtn~ '"'"' Y•'lll' ''"'" , .... ""''"··~-... \\t•t.· .. , h lttlh ,.,,,..:fl••d .u,d ''''"'''''' ut ~''"'putt ll11tlooor ll1t• f1t10l \\11!0 l11o :u~hl In \ ll~n•l I l•v l 'lllrlt II No•lolt• ,.II• I ''' la,:ll•·,l t lU J'IHIUtl'"' .Mntn IKr~··r l l"h \\t H• IH't IJt H I •lllflfl..: tht• lildt "''" fh,• lu tt\ •• ,.1 I•• "'.: :\<4 "' ptt&Uh l"' ... \\t'l~hl t lt ll~hl ~., tt .. ~ ~··"'' ·I··· . I ll .... .. ..... Ht.: \'HU I • CORONA DEL MAR NEWS • ' \'OHC F:\'F:S ARt: Tilt: I.HiiiT 01-' A~lt:Hit'.\ ... tlw lu ~t tn • nl1~t 111 ;tl, Itt • < of rlur~ '" '' m tit•• w:•r 'I hPit l•lll' \Hill 1'\•'!' Ill 1\tH k tit '-•'I \ •• 'J~•('I 11 (:f •rl'-lfl, I .I I I flit , . th•·~· rfC"'•·I'I\1' ftl l u• J.:l\t H lhP t':\l'•'f t ''\:trtlln ttiiHn :uv1 ft tt ln~ t'\ll'n«'lt-ol Ill ttll uur II•' t II "'· llH. 1\1. ll. CHA WFORil ()PTO:'.fETR I~T 1'79'7 S"WJHlrt Huttll'\'a rd ('o-tR l\lr~a l'hnnl' ~UI) C'r>"rlit T••rmc; n rnkrn l.rn•r•< [)upllrniN I • ONCE A WEEK uri' ••n I ll· r '1 tt' •• t r t )I ,\ ••• k .. ·t ~ I I '. I 't't"' 1-:.· A (;I "·•tl <'1 7 II• h • II •II' I I • t I, .... 'l ... ~ 'I ·"lot··~ 'tt I f f t I+•• tf ltt ,, :f.".t 01 • • \\ I f I ,, ''" 1 I I U \ f' I I ~·htt•f ~if t ~11 f 1•ft11 ' ,'tU I • I , ~,, :· 'I ' 'I ' \. ,,.,Ill I I I 0 I , ' t ht· I ,,, 't •t '! ...... I ~' , ' 4, .. I '.11!1, \\ 1''1 I',.,, ftiH'If v r , 11 1, .... ), rr •·•~·· :( ,. ,.,., ~.: \\ I , ' •; I ll• 1 •• foH If \\ 111 '11 11 ° \ If Uld ,, f\'f' ,, hnl h~ i·····r :d n .t•lr nt }o;un '''"''''' "''''' uUitt• 11( lll;t:llf'ufrp }of1 nn 1 dlt\' fUtH fiU tf t lo t'l t ,f ·•" II '"11 ,,.1 -\(',' \'•·•J ~Lt\' In t" • ~tnn•IJ1ur•·ht•• ~~· •' ,J ~l r I /t,ll,..q t .r nr····' ::lio ':. t I· I I' ,,,, .• ,: .. u U\\htl· \1111 .,. I l tkf• .,.,, ;.lor 1•1 •r" "n•• ""' .t :•1 II,. \\lou I<' Btl\\''"" h••ll• '' I \',. \I Ill• ..... Uf• ,,., •nur--rr tNr fHtlm tt ··~" li n fnrm•r-ly ~.,.,. "'t•P•··• '' >II • I•· II• Fr~lu·' F:ol<••' l··llk•'' I Mt•. M lolollo•l•·ll·,. f'ltl••r\1 \lr :.rd 1T 1 J ~, ('ont n•r•••l t ''' ~Rntn Aru. .. uu I I•, f • 1 ,,1 RED CROSS • Activities 1 \\ olllam. n l S•w •t '" till It' •'II ,,, • ~ In thP IUI01ntt•r h r•tlt+l' (\\o ttf \ .. ;, .:,.1w,.ta \4-rrr J"''~•·llt ~l·•t I t\ M ~< llnl)f•rt Sl•·ul•tt••r 'Ill 1 ~·,,.,1 h lllrr·h "'ro•• t !-lat. I , \ •o 1 f'lnl••rt~titwd In huun t "' I l1• \ 'I HI· ---~'1 C'ttiiJIIt' Rl f••A, 1\\ • J t I ' • Mr s. C. L. Andrewt r ll•'llltll, fr11m :1 !o1 ;. 11111! ~. t•• 7 1• no I r \'fttl •• I \1h ' t. u l :I ·II ••• •"h• tn \"nUl fanu)v )'h k flo • 1111\ V•·U :tff• 111qt l!u k\ If '"" ha\t ,,,., have• fr•ttn•l ""' ''"" 11111•1 """"'" n rr to J:• t In r_,, 1 1,, \\ a.lrrt··~l lffil'"l'l- 'lhlo• In I~·· /<1 l'• I• :< Ill• """I"Ld:< llr<' "fl r~•IH'fh 1\h• rt nf t .. "" JU tl t•1fl fl\'o:-4 arr• hH\IIJ,: t I J,.:•• tr. tht• h htt• l •t•nl~ !11 1 "'" (h r tho II ••• k All .. r t h ftt: r•r, "".,,,, , , . , 'h •···.t • t u :11 • tl :.nd t tl~" 1 -,~1 t •p,•~ ,..,. • hurr••l ,. 11 1'1 I h•· )"II .. f olool•l~ "''"''I htn~ :thtlllf It '-='.,,.,.nty·fiv" J:'l• "'' '4 ,, , ·•, t 1 • , li• ..,npJlln"""~" 1ft thl'lf ,., , • • ~ • ,. , •L"• HURT BY BRE AKf RS \f,..,. f.: vi\ I! ll•olh 1 I ~ .,j I 1\ • 1 ......... Whfl ,., l'fltVU•t: tf ·'' \'.' I ~Ill r 1\Vt'nlt~. l<rfl•···~· I •• , I ·l• ~· ·'"•"rh·,. h .... ,.n d r , ,, , • v.t "'" 11h,. \.\A:-~ kr ,,, 11,1 1 • • II • 1111rf 1ol II ., '" 'I "' 1 , 1 1 " I '' h"r rtntl t:e un•l\' "' t• , t'IH( J( h<·rt Mlll•·r ~· 1 ·•· ·I '"• ,, . h "" ttt Ut•· A ll p, ... • •• ,, • o I 1 .. "" '• I I,., I• 'I • I • Il l I I t t ·I r 4 t '•·· I t• I•' I I 1'1 .,, I I 11 '·1·1 ,., ,, '. ' ,, . , .. ' lot • I I I \ 0 lllol • 11 ,., ' I, 'I IIII PII I ' I• I \ ,, ' I• •I ~lit ,, ' \' I t • :1 h • fl I• ,.., J • I j\ 11 llo t 1 t 1 1 t l •ffl f I •\! j, t ,.II l ilt•' t • I If t ... \ li ..... ·I ''" ''·· PAUL NORMAN YA CHT §All MA~ERS ~1,.1 !"1 r>;o "'"'" llNII IJ Phon,. 107 Eddie'• BARBECUED SANDWICHES Are Delicioua ! Moore'• Confectionery Ll DO T.fiEATEII ....._ "u •. ,.... •.• ,.., .. , J:""nlna at '7 :oo ~ t : II\ Malin... l'atunla) al I :•1\ C'nntlauoua Munda) fnun 't :lUI Thur-.. • t 'rt, · Mtol. t •a... 1\u)t'r In••••• tt.o,.man In "Cl.\141.1CIIIT'" ~"'!...:.. "" ~~~-., ........ -s .... ~ l!lun Mun. · T•-\\ .... Junr "''""" t Oiurla l)t• ""'~'" \'•n J uhn ... lll • .llmm\ Uurllttl<' tlr .. ·lo• Allf'll llarr\ J,.,.,..,. ,,.,...,,. f'uto:al In "1'\\H IIIHI.OOoi anrt a loO \II.UH" .... , ....... " ,,. .... "'"'""' Tt\uA,, ~Wt•t l Clf'u. Ra ft • C ""• 1\ullo'"""'" t .urtna · llrllf'r \1.-ltunahl ..... ,·h,. .... '"'"''' .. , .. ,_, J ....... tt.· "''" .......... . . . ,...... \\ ...... _ I)W•h Mhurr I'•·~•• H• .,., In "t'(U.I .H \\ Tilt UU\ 14" C ~.'''""' l'nt•uJ,.,. ~~ &t'nt ..... '*•""• ------- ( 'nntlna: "C 'uhra \\ u "' " n", ""tlutfaln .Hill". ~t'tn I n lolrl": "l.a•h In th,. U11rll"', • .,...... lilt· l<'r t lan•"· "\\ hltr C 'lltf• uf U..- 'r r", .. ,., \\ ........ u...... hi \\'•r", "\tr !4llf'tflnfllutt", "llnnw In lnltlatta', "Tho-1'4tury nf Ur. \\ __ ..... BACK Tilt: A1TA('K LET l S FllUNISH YOUR· 1101\IE Q t l A I, IT l' F II R N I H II I N n S ,...._ lllalll& A .. 001 .. ,.. 'IES s • • nun~. ('ary ~·· .. -· • •ON«;,. Ill ,..._. --- .. UI':Tr.C 'TI\'J: f• .,_ Mt, wUII JNA~ and mat- C'artnnn lf'IJ1f' ""'wt~ ur draa-. Mun ... M<ra. mlrTt--. kav kl"""·ken• and "AMHII'U Tilt: bc-tw ITUl aloon "A1TAC , thfo R•UI" nf N,.;J larf'ntla, C'art-n a Nr' 611-2\p T1-.. .,..,..=: •· cktod ,,.. .. ,.,. Allhrlttnll 'Ill Ill. "ltP:M I'IU\tiTI\'P! MIIM·Il • aloon '"·2te "MII.I.IUN IHtl.l.t\R k • "'lth thfo f'.a•t "''"'" lUll llrw C'artuun a N""" )ul, m ,. liltartlna ,.,., ... , MrttC. 7 ·• "ARP! TIIP!NP! 01 'R I'ARP!N'I'c ...... ,.JOIINNV ltOJ:,.N'T J.IVJ:' IIJ:RP! AN\'MOIIP!" C'nmlna: "In Okl Uklaltlonw", "f""rt•tm.. Hnllda) "• '"R • • """'· l'rtnt• Ha,...ew". "0 .. . llallt''. ..,.,_ M"" 111 \\".,..., .. . -rv.a.a .. v ..... r)' ... ~ uiJoh .......... , ... MILLS & PAilK Je,URNITURE CO. 410 w..-t 4th Mt. 3£,,.. ., 1Jt-. on.n. a>u.,.,J, 3£.," 3t.rl OY.JJu., ~ • lr' ,,,., Llrrnt.fn~·~l~" • 17 l tern I 1 "· w. Cor. 4111 & Sycamore IANtA ANA ON CIIDITI &MONTHS TO PAY NO tNtllllt N 0 I I f I A I Cat'L IN AND MAifl YOIII IY!S IXAMINIDI • Your Brolcen lens DUPUCA TEO-! Prompt Servkel •Carry on EXTRA PAIR of GLASSES With Youl •Giouea Mode to Your OWN Preacriptionl •YoYr Credit Ia GOODI Open an Accountl Your fy• oro Your"'-~ 'oeuuh • lofegvorcf "*'-lty .wtlnf • orTOMil- fll l...t ..,_., II• ........ VW. II Vltol DR. HORACE . CADEH OPTOMETRIST . "· w. Cor. 4th & Sycamore SANTa ANA O"ICII COHVtNIIHHY ~O C .tftO OM fMI MAIN PlOOt RENDEZVOUS Th• f:•••l ,.ro""' i~ f•'• ltllfttll f 1,1 "''"' !ftf fh•• :HPIV •lfl•J fa\\'·'"'' t r\·tr:.: ,,, r• • tual J.!tt l~ f,, • n11 t 1 ttl•' n'tr"~~H '''t tt\ft'~' At~ .. til• \ new ('•U r,.,., ,.,, , · " II "" "'"''" HI I. II' •• I I f'f'f'Oth .,, !--!• I,, I I f I' Where Good Fellows Get Tocether BALLROOM Presents OOfll Sept. J FRIDAY and His Orchestra BETTY LYNN, Soloisr Sept. 2 SATURDAY ~pt. s St;NDAY Coming Sept. 9 -HARRY JAMES and His Orchestra . . "'-'htf I f\0 f Hot-.. I :• I f'r• ~~ ;-. J!" 111..: 1 htlrf'4.• ~.~, tn lrl\1' "llftlllol o "'I \l r•• 1: t ' J I 0 1' f llf C fll: 'tnd I tttJf '(t lf f ••l f ''· t·hntrn1nu , t r " • •• 1 • ~ u~· 'f 1\ld•• .. T h· tann•" flltt <In~ •, itf .,.,. '''~'' tu ·~ th• -...,,.I t• l···-·· • ,., I. '"< r+~ 11 • fll• aU• I \\ 1 1 p • 'i ,,,,, "In ,,,. \' ••T•t• n ''' ':arJ' fnr n Mit k r f') d 1 ,., , • ' • 1 I V. I l1 .. ·tt1• I I ,· " ,.rflcltncy. \\ ,II I l1• + r t'• • I H r t • r • '" 1 d• ,, :p •t't • 1h• -nr •·d '"J•,.., f•, r .,,,. I llur-·~~ ~ If l• .. ·k•• ,,,. t ltn•n·l \.' ,. I \ •I .. ~ H, ,. • tlJ , , I 'l 't''' : ' ' ., ... t ; I , ~~ • I I • t l , I I ,, I t•' l .• ~t I ' ,, t' j '•L· I '• II lo :o I 1-i "' d • t I '• I I 't • , . , "' • ~ r , '•: ,, • ,. '· , . r f.t ,,, ,,. "' , ,, t ,,, 1 t , ,., r. 'I to lid lo'll ~I Ill' t r .olt 11•11 h llol 11 I •Ill• r ol ~~~~ l•·l\• I \\ IIIII \ .._,,, .. rl'lt• + I•' 1 , ( f ln•r 1 '••r ~qltttl' rn (H •tt:t•n t·. IIJ1 • t' t.rH n• h •·I 1 11,. H,.d r·r''"" · Mn• \\'ln l"lv 11. •II 111 "'·' • ••r 1!:lllf7f1 fl\1tfl "'''"' OHff'lfiC I lf\<~'if•W Hnrt u ral''" 1h• 1 •~tt1l~t t 1 91t ;u 1 1 I . (•or llnUII\1111 "ffi••nl • r t1mr .11~1 t•lrlt •· 1\nol I" Jolno t•• IJi k• "" 11 11ln lnl!' Nur••·• A l•l••11 a ro· ol~tln;! 11 I rll" I l••h of """lilt nr In • 1v.ltJH1 .•• ,., military hoapllal• L&.llt m'lnt.b """ nf ou r owri nu,_ aldfl. Mo • I"""' lt•·d , 'I ••• fl • '"IIV ~fiW\'•1 t•• hlt~u•l tl••n••r , , ,., 1 •n• h, nwl \I· • I ~f r~t :"\••rrr ,.,, '· •' ·•lrrr• n '"' fl ,. ·.1. • 1 r. r Ht•tt v. t, , •• • '" RJ:fllrt llltlf t oil \1 flrt fiff •t fl 11,"' I 1 I I ~ j •• \\'••r I • ., J.l .,, 1•, fq ,,, . ' H' •1<1 joh I• 11111, ~ :'ln J ,f ·····• V "r "''''' .• .. ""'"' ... An "" l trn• ,, · tJ•inJ'JI \' 11-. ,, , .., I" <lfll)llfl •It• •· 1 'r P"'•J'I• lol•. • I 0 •• "t•v Rn h'•f· 1 J· •• :d I" '•v•• ft, •tt rr· t•n ~·· ·rl'nrrt ''lfl trr·•or· on·· J•nplr ,,, r" ·n t,. . ., t 111,. wlnt>·r "'''.,"" Th~ n nO,u,.l rr,,.,.. tr • ' . " • I '· 'I 1 .. II ., "· lith . nf ~'~"P'"tn hl'r 11• mar ll<'htlf>l • 1 ~ " 111 1..-a Mmflly ,. nn•lrrft~l I IIlii t'l ~· lh"N' iln.J •h,.. , ,r ,,i .. l" .u • ., tf "fh 1r I •·• brtng all '"U can. I prt•ml• v•111 t httt ''""IV· """' w ill mjr1y lt. STAG CAFE t:/\·1 S . <;()01 > Dl< I NKS J!adtf'1 COMH/\DESIIIP IJ1J r /r .rl#fP Shr•l\r•-; Sl tll Slnd<r'rl \\'ilh l·>w•·llt•nl Sttpply 11! ·1:••·-\\':1r 1 ~., •. ,;11:•"· '1111• ''"''I' It) St ~·llrl •I I ., .......... 1 ;ortd -I,.,,.,.. . .,, irt1: 1-:, •·11111t: 111 ;\'t'\'fl' 111 'nu• STM ; Hl·~t..;T/d 'JU\ '\T l ".t tlll'o"' S l,.;ok 0 10111'1". ( 'IIIli"· Sav11ry 1-1 '"''' I· r-.lt I linn•·,... Home Cooking 2111t f4treet and Cout BouJevard T~tblt• A l·r·nmmtJ(IIl litrrt' and 1\(w,tlt" f••r Funuly l 'ul rr llt,. Agreeable Atmosphere Newport Beach .. ... n Cl ,. .. It M .. • .. .. 1 • NF.WPORT-nALBOA NEWS-TIMES, Newport Beach, California. Thursday, August 31, 1944 NIWP"'IItT-BALBOA NK'WS-TIMES With Ernie Pyle at tire Front 25 YEARS AGO.I=--------------- -F'RCM cuR F'ILEs • Before You Balld or Remodel I NEWS I I of the I ,..... U ._ •• ClaM rnattn at the Po141lOtftr f' tn ~tY>purt t:Jeach OllifwGI&, under lhe Act nf M.arch 3, 1879 ........... ---• EDI'roR ANO P~f tJt-:.•n Pltallq Plaat. 1011 W. Central Av.-nut . r wpurt Jk a• 11 \'Ill (,,1111,. Official Paper of the City of Newport 8-;ach -, Dlpeneabte LOCal tnetrfuuo" For Ower 34 Vnr o ·-NA~KITOI\IAL ~ 1944 ~s~~ Labor Day .Aithou~ tht> w o rk<'rs ur thl" na 1inn c-:.nnot :-l;ll'kt>n In t hl'ir tGort.a U> tum out the nc<.'d<'Cl mate ria ls o f \\HI', tlll'v •·:m lr>C•k t.rk on a re<'Ord o f pra<J uMion llnp.;ntll('l£'<1 m w o rl;l hi..,Jrwy. BecaU!Ie Americ-dn la bor t'(lffi(' throu g h Ill th1• pi111 h. A lit· .-iam-bullt plll.Jl(>'; fill tht" ~ki<'S o vt•r E Hro JJ('. t ht• So111 h l 'a- dfic. and are makhl~ fN'qU<'flt v is iLo; tot he h omt•lan cl u r .l.q htn Itself. American -built shi~ plocl l hl" S('US in ~f'l'att•t· n umlw·t than ever befo re. mnkinc up th<' g n •a t<-st mt•1'd 1an1 fl,.,., '" the world. Ame rica -built ta nk.'! nre swam1lng O\'N 1111' fi«'ltb ol Fl'IU'lCe, driving the N nzls b w k toward ttw Rhlm •. A ll11'11· can-made bombs and bullets a nd sltt.>lls Ill"(' hrin).;in~ ho m •· to the A.x.iiJ the folly o f ctutllen~g America's lndustJial n~il..:h t. All this has been done In aplte of the many huR<h't•lls nf ltriks which have plagued the nation and at limPs cattl'('ll lerious oblltntctlon U> ~·ar work. But ln fai~ to AmPr'iC'<Jn labor'u a w~. It should be pomted out that a J.:t'('a t numl.~t'l' ol thMe walkouu we~ never sanctioned b y uni~ofrid;tl ... DDr approowd by the millions of men and w om t•n \\ h o han' ltayed on the job faithfully, putting the lntt•n>Sts n r thrlr country flnrt. -1nteWpnt labor ~aderao realize that only as Lh<' unio n.<; prow t.hemMvs retponllible 1Uld keep their demand<; within r.80II can labor retain the benefits it hu gained and contlnm· Ita mardi ot pi'OIJftiL And this Ia what they and the g n-ut majority ol Am!rican 'WOI'kers wish to do. So, on th1a Labor Day ol 1944, we hail the Am€'rin tn m <'n and women-54 mllUon !ft.rong-who form the "grand nnny" ol the home front.. Thc!y have pi"'\\ed worthy 110ldiE'rs In t h E' .. ttJe ot producUon. J I SeR~!!~! !: !~~~.and yet ~ (Xlr.tcfoxi~tlly. Jt rnn be an eternity. To the· peoples of Europe anct Britain It hus 1 been tJw latwr. Oa the nrat day ol September 1939, the J'l('\VS hu~'t owr tbe wtra. ··w.,..w Bombed". On that day the "eternity" of . dlla ptDeratian .,.. On that day the Austrian hou!'te·'l ........ bultld .. anm. mw Poland and pulhed the world IDtD U.. a.b)w ol war. Today the gho8t.s ot ~ ann~ ~I ........, bade toward the fatherland from both east and ...._ "Etftnity" ll ~ne Ita end. 1n lnnkini bllck over this war we are strul'k by its <."'nll"t&s t wtth World War I. Unlike the static trench warlnn.• or 25 ,_,. ago, thls war has been 00(" o f m /,v<'m<'nl. BntUI'IiJ'l('S baft ctuanaed swlftly~metlmes f aster tha n ml'fl could rDOYe on foot. Th.-Wie of m otorized equipm<'f\t r•1r tran<;put1· 1ne both men and munition~ has been most t'Xh'n."iv('. Now the wheels or w a r a re turning rn~tcr tha n <'VCr . Fin • )'eVS ago Hitler started those wlu't'ls moving. Now tlwy Ill"(' roll1.ng b!ack upon hlm with irresistible ron't'. 11~· "ill no t suon foiW September 1. 1939. Nor will the world. Brave Medics C:arry On Unfl~r llPa\'Y Nazi Sltelling Uit . Ernie. lfl lrilt• Httnfiretls -t re Jlw; ClwriiH't( /,iff1 mul EsNrpes B y F.rnil' P~ le ON Til 1·: .WF:STEH:-1 FHO:'iT Tin :.fl• rnrllln was tenae, and (ull o( t'OIII tnn hlltl ri1 r<• lo ltlt !l111'hl h:t \'l'·brr n s . I wa s W<ortd t·rtflg up Fl dtrl J,,n ,· wh• r r th<.' tn(a ntrymen w••r<· s q u<rlltnl' ali n, s1dr· in ;1 rl ll l It \\'.ltflll!' th1•tr turn to ad· v:~ncl'. T ht•y .JI"uys !'>q ual hk1· th:ot wit• '' ttwy'r<' close to th•• frc •nl ~'Hit1r,.l , r.t•r tt 1•n •h•lh 't ,,.,. t ~,,u..:u 1 »r• u ,rt tu. I J iU t ,,_ u ' · ~ Ollth '"~'"' •11 1 (• 1 '" • t lt1 t '' And UIIIA1f"r1 ~~ 0 h IO.o' • • h i• t •t"t: 1 I ' . , ,.if t ..... l-"'fitl~ r i '' t ''' t•r I t' •I ·•''! I • f ,... .. , .... . ,,,. • ol 1f 0't •·' •1 11nl' I lt•d Ju•l lrlt had .,.._ 111M •hllr I ttl• .,. thr WaJ . A •oolttl a rmnr·PI"r< ln1 .-a ho1tl t[llnr rl~lll throuclt a wlftd- •ntl a noAn I knr w had lilt ' lt'c , ul "" Thai "' rnla1 U.. ootllf•f niT It o•r • 1ouk thr bll •eel -.luc u\ ,., lu Uu--hu.,p•lal M k "'uuhJ h.4' • » 'OU\ ,.nit • II• I t,. ,.,, # 11 t, J4 I 0 • 1 .1 \\'•." 1' • '" 1 ·h•·r battallo>n ' I' t't I I 0 tftt ,,~1 1°1F l0 the daJ. •h 11'1 .... tt CHURCHES 1'4f:\"I:NTH DAY \D\'t:NTI8T8 Co,_,. \\'alaut u4 l 'IIIU'C-11 8ta. Coata M-Sabbath ~. :aturday -mom- I It wa" rt'tl lett~r Gay for lbf' h_.rltltor, Wllb llCltVItltl ta.k lllg plj'ct' Qll lantl and watt>r a_nd In lb~ u1f... f'trat feature of, th., Jay wu thp Bai!K>a So. I Ply ( 'trl'llll Jlllraue With m1tlllrO IJoNUt \' Atarl IUt 'bttlhlftg '*•ull~ oomf)'llh\11 Lor tn , 9:30 o'clock. i o lh<• u.Jbo8 (..'nmtYal aii:'!OCIUtlUII Preachln& ~rvt,.. .. , 1 1a. m trophy. l --I ll•!t<t rure11 feutur .. ol a •thr<·,~ho•at Hl:R LADY Ot' MOVST CA.BMf:L ruotur bnat rllr'e o)Vt•r a t Y>•·IV••·n>llt·) t•'!l W. ce:!t~.R~~H rt Beach ruurse In !ht! vee"~· l"nmpettng fur• ~ununy ma111u a t 8, ~. 11 &. m. the F.. J Lt'wl11 I eq Jt>tut<l tt .. phy Sailing bu11tll cuml)('ll•tl f11r 1 ho· ~T. JOHN VJANNEV CHURCll I" Manne An., Balboa laland ~unday maaa at 8·30 and 10 a . m . Orange County tro,,hy . IUttl thi'rt' ,.·,·re l.ttHit!f' nH•lo r hout ntt't!ll H11t1 rar•1·s' fur small sa1l oout1t. ---At the !'tiYtiiiHn the nttr:u·ttnn FULL G08Pf:L CRVRCB was M IA, ll\rlly L<1rlnt> Stnlull . • tznd and Eldea, Cotota Meea student or lht· l'aJ1furul8 Tr•mJ•I•· Sunday t.ehool 9:45; mQmlng School uf f\an• tug on nncnlul an<l 7·~~.pin.~ 1 ~11J.11.,!~"k'~:~~c~~~f: t·lalllfit al .lnlNprct~lll.'ns tng on WE'dnesday. 7 ·45 p. ,m.; In th1• u1r l.t 1-. 1. Ho·w ltll )OUIIJ: JX'Qple's evan~:elisttc serv1ce.. torn..-r \I$ f'nvnlryman 1::"'1 ll "" i''r1day, 7 ·4.5 p. m. 1 sf-ril'!l (If rlt alll·lh'r\•tn~ ·atr f'-cplro (q ln R ntl1,1t \ h••r!Wpu" ••r '"ue tU' YIR8T YOl_'RSQt;ARE Ctfi'R('II 11rmy tralntn~ plan•• OY l 'O!\T A ~I t:SA J ., Kt~zma "as h~<nju lll•lr•tSI (Cllurah or ttw lll&h"·a,·) wtth ~nyur·r·,. Jl\n nr<lu·stra ,..,. Rfov. 0 . \\ lllaru !Slf'arn!l, t•a .. tnr. P•lll tn~; nt \\'tl "'< anol 'l wlur'!-Mae Mtf'arn,., ('o·Ptbtor Phune 1'718·J ":-.:u-Y. ay." "tl h vauoll'vtllo· anti f-'rir!ay, 7 J0 p. m WIJI'l'h lp M 'IV' o.JIU1t'I11J: loCi.'. lu.Y. Mae Stt>arns in cha rg<•. 1 •r, k " r •'" Sunrlay school. 9:30 a. m. It was nu ,. "r•l'k at 1 ho• yw ht 1 ,,,, '"'II ,.,, ""''" • ,,.,,, .. nd f'l<'k~d out • Mom 1ng worshtp, 11 a. m .l<pcc-l r·tut>. and t ht• J••Y skiJ'IP('I t·•l by L t~'' Y•"• • '' .h ''f "'"v~ A~r· I ' •1 •I I o • (I" •r<l AI!IIUl htlf t:nlf' f'> II' lh l·••• 'I h "'' •1 I '·"', • I II•· '·'"'II .. na thf' clean· uti m usk, pa.-;lor:s sennon. I; Swalt•l!, Wl\1! llrMt tr• l';otaltnu ..... •oiU•i: 11 •t lor• '•' '1'' ' ''~ hr ltuol bt'en In for a EPISCO;~L--· an.t first bark humt• mltktn~ t ht' ram,. •ho"'•'rtnr """'' "'"r u• \h 1• · '' 1 ''' " trip ovrr 111 111)t 1111\11'!'1 (.ltu•r hr~f1 r•nll. or • .t rrv r l!f)l <' .. •r "' "~' 1 •l•rl 111" ~··,·eral Jeipe and SUMMER SERVICES br!Rtll sn11tng, wr•t'f' tht' t 'hppt•r. A r nuldn't hra1 •rt•tl•ll•ll d r ·~o· 111 tlwr~ II h~>d been onl1 Ebell Clubhou.e, Newport Beac;h H. \\'1·st. Lo•11nurt' Sc<lllhl, ~tlltHy. Th~ •ht'll hati "' '" k 1 "h'"'' u>, '·' ""' ~11 " '"""'' •tnt·r the aeraeant ~~~~~~•: J unt' 18 t hruugh Sep-M<'g, C.:n m mrttlorf' \\'II II• n : ~otnnn 211 1 ... , a V.IO\ w .. hnd I.Jf'~n t.l\\'d 1\.o<l '"'' IIIII "'1"'11 wt lOt to thf' lemller 10. 1944. t'l.ear·<:ommrl<l!lr(' rutmllJt, untl lh" b• th~ alriiiAfl ...... k Ill lhr h~J···· '" .. "" ,,, 11 \\ ~ '11 I lh~re 8 00 II I c . I , • , • p • a . m . o y ommunwn Spray, w c l.nl\4' r"w It 10.•u 1111' "''"I dto v hf'lntf:' m y A <lwll hu•l 1111 It 111 the la't 20 II .UO a n l\lom ing Prayer ,.11, rrlurnl'd 1,, 11, rtllnl "'" ul•" ftt,oJ •rl •I .nr,. and It had 1 .., L• S d .tr•t .,t'rp1no t r lrat undaya, Holy "A rr nl llhtn Ar rt\'1'11 In th,. hllr· A mtriUit 1~11'1 a •• l•11rr crc>uch Lurl\f'd h• 11 r llr••tm<l 5<• we rov~ ,. d t 'ml)n'unton.l h11r ' Thl' l"r!•mflnl , t hr,.•'·n>ll~t•'•I J 011 nt xl 111 ''"" a rouplt' of ,,.,., 111 u,. " 111 ., ltlllr farther an 1 av.ay. luntl'f1 In "'" and asl •·d , ........ .~ IIUI ""' •hrr IIOf! w. hat! Conftnnal lon or a cla ss by thl' :{~,()-ton harko•nltnt'. ~()tJ r..... '" r Rt Hr v. W. Jkrtranrl Stevens. l<n• .. "t a rHI ;lraWHI" 11 rret of I ''Are you • ,. ,,, r11rt~·~r"1nd• nt , ' t '•·u thtr"' .~t .. ,,., hult an hour whf'n 1 too... ,., I u ttf 1 .. a. Dhd h,. •~ld 'I v. u111 • hrll ''"·' ~ 111 u nrr ar .-yar a .. ... h d ~ d f)('). 13i~hop or W" An .. clcs. I watr r, W8.8 tOWI'II '''· rt'(lll1r10" lht' 10 ahakt )OUr hill\(!" And ht tn l111nl nl u• 'I h!' K,;v Hobt'rt :li. llugarth . '"'n 'icea uf three tu~: htoHUO anti II rf'IChf'd arnuntf thf' bU&h anrt w" In a f•'" mutulr ' vur litter bear-:II '' • St PauUa 111 th" Df'aert, pilnl -· ahn"k ha nd~ rr> r»n ,. 1,,., c•rrvonl a capu tn l':.lrn Sprln~~ AJI \\'~lt'om~! I \apt AI n llwn '" tht J &L. Thl t'a all ,.,lhrr of 111 •atd 11 llf' .... •t.t tutec"n uf our adjotn· C11pt. \\'1llhun Cobin on lhl' l'amr•· dtdn'l O<'Cur to mf' unt tl llll't thai 11111 b,l\1,11 ,,. a rod hf' had bef'n look· r: I RST CHURCH OF CHRIST, llC'II. and \apt (;Qodyk<MII11Z un 11 ••a a •Ort t~f uno•ual f't r>r t l'ncf' 1n11~lhf' • ro ' •ld f• r a ltkeiJ pb rt SCIENTIST thf' Horrt~tl N . with n~ \\'ll:ocrn I And 1 "nJ •" addlf'<l by lh~ rlns~ to "' r tu• ""' .uf1 •lotion A abt'll Lido Theater, Central Avenue IUt ptlnt brought thl' uld 11ln\'<' I'Jif'l'"""" thAI I h'lr ~(ll In 1"'111 dOI'o'fl hit "' ...... 1, hom and VIa Lido OOIH tl\rfiUI:h t he rwrll•ult t'ltt rant'f' ho 111111~ Th"l • 11 .• "'"' "oH 1l on an atltr· A branch nf Tbf' !\tot her Cbun:h . a t '"""' t lilt'. ftlld t hl' npo•rat111n "n11 • • • nun11 that •• len•" nnd full of m ltht· 7 hf' F rrat ('bun:ll of Chrtst, Sci-"a rwr fl'l'l .-ur• t'llH a~ & \'t•rul A frw nrtntttf'" latrr 1 frlrnd of "''""· l.lr•l. Col nma ftatra al Glt'~lf'r . ~'"''" camr 11a•t and ulot hr ..... bunllnc -r MW battalion .-amnoand .,,,.,, It •a• tUIIJIO""d to ~ Itt a farmhnu~ ab<>ut a hllndrl'd yard" from ••· aa I 1ot u' and Wf'nt wllllt him. 't\'f' rouldtt'l flttd II at 1\r,.l. Wf' ... , aba11t lin mln11tr-e. wallltln1 ara•lld IJI arrhardo l .. llla1 lor 1&. Tlltal waa a hi,..M'd lvf' ml• ....-. f'or wtlra "" 1ot wlllllt• .. )'ar•a of ltw ~~~-.. ••• • dlrf'f't alH'II IIlii whlrllt IIIIIMI aiM' aM WOUNd wveraJ ., ... Th~ GNrnan• nnv. rt>lnl'd shf'll t ~n•uart our ltlllr 'nrt'l You t'nult1n I ~~>Aik tO frt•l V.llhoul hrlltt fit •hr f:rt•und Tt ' ,. ran'f' p.t~l uu r h,.ud' ,,, quu·kh \W I rtuiu t IAkfl' tln tt t-. fall f.,l,. urd I ftoll11f1 lh" 'IU•rkf'•l '1111\ d•'"'l1 ,., In tl• 1' u.rrk nud srt1l'· Jn • hnlr) -.t ,,. 1h~ •l';lt t\f nl y P "hU \A."' ',,, •• ff\t1 •h I k "',,., , .. ~t r t (t f lolY, Mt•tf It \ tutt (J4. "'1\f f" l t'o:>t rh•d lt••n lll'•rt: , •• k, ,.,,r1 h«•, •·~•·11• 1<1r ""''" of ua. and ••nttal. ·tn HOtoton. Maa.t hu•etta. I huntl rt'•l wttn••se••ll ''"" ll'l<t••" ·• ~,.rut ".tit•"• '"' olhf:'ra !'1-ml•y Schnol at 9 .:\0 a m Tht' :~htfl """ .Juo k•••l nt \\:11111rn It ''"I ''' 1,.., •h "" ,. hat your num· ~un.tny l"t'rvlct' at 11 a m. We<l::. B t!•lh<•t ~ Com1nt>rr ta l 1 ·,,, wh11 ha •l , ., .. , IS I t1"" I I" Tw \" In [hal num· nt'lt<lay Tl'lltlm ootlll !\fH IIng at 12 n • >~1111111 t I•• r· .. nvr•rt ltr·r lnln n b•'r ""''"''•• ul "" llt.11 tn wa r you <IOt:k nt.on. Sp:\.111:<11 p •ll,., n f<~r !:-\ru n ':ololw\ n I '•rt ul 11'1 <uur hoi' 1 hovf'r •r"und n .,aulng lloum 1•1\.:lted a t 711 (.,r lh I'"''·'" T ro•!'llfllr<' l:olr111tl II, tor 11 • •1""'1 all Y•JU "-"e lcfl F:a11! Ct'ntral A\'f'nllt' Hnlboa, Ill !u "'' l1 ltn••d ht!J'f' op~•n da1ly f rom 1 p n .. •o 5 fl. m. Onl' aflN11""11 I v.rnt with INJ r xcept 811nt1aya and hulluay• na-P runk I. Pool~:•• ""~ ,..,.lumnt~t . bnllal•nn mr(fu • to !liC k ur woundt d llonlllly r bsf'rvl'd "r1lln).! ttf :11 .. 8:1 JWrl! .. nalll onol • tl 1111'1\ who hart l)l'~n f" rrl!'d bart to Tbe put.llc Ia r vrulally Invited to no•\\" aun•e thl lltr"d hou•h Jut I bnlnd at. tend the church aervku and u.ae I Th~ l ntt>r-Rt6lt> Oil rumrran.v our lines. •nd to 1nthrr aorn• otkrt the Re.adln~ Room. hoHl atruC'k C>il un the M t>!ll\ ot rit~hl otf the bllt\l~n~ld __ __ _ _ ___ :-.:f'wport llo•ightll, nnd wu ~uod Th~ batl•lllln lll fl(t'On WIJ Cap\ CHai!IT CHVJK:B BV Ttlf. sr:A I fno 1\ parn~;mph Luc•en Str"" rt. from t.111''~ntown, Conunuatt)' l!ltet.bodlat • I ·•rt Is rf'r oo lrfl Utili 11n otl rnm· W Va H~ rtn-.~t hot )«'I'P h1m1elt R4-Y. r;, D. o-df'll, J•a11tnr pan\' 1rnm ('••llltn~;n knt wn Ill' th•• •"d .:ot'a ruth! "''" th• hnu •lltl Early mumm& '~«•tr.-hlp. :t :\(), • Slw:l (\tl 1 ·,,. l11111 t11k••n 11 I• II!'"' 1111 ' hU .w lnocn .:'hun:h School class, 10.15 a. m . lund north nnd west uf tlw t nter- Wo• "'"'" tur10.;:~rd eb.utl • mila a Morning worsh tp, ll .nrloc:k. _. Stnt•• l•·t~n " mir 1v." )C'o,.., tn luaf1rd 1111111 Utwr Sunday evemn~ St.'IVH'C'. f .141 • • • • '"'' ..,, tho•' ''" rl' I'YI'n rodtnl 011 o'riOC'k. 11 ,. '"'"11 Fooo,oll~ .,. ~ had to atop Mld ·w('('k prayer l't'IVtC'r ,\\',.l!no<.'· .11111 v. ~~~ Ulthl ~ build• 1•·r nlled a dny ; C'OVt'rt•d dl'h dmoo•r, 6 :ll1 p m t , .. .., •I • 1 n ,,,,., on thf' rn1dl1l1' l)f the ; ---I""'' w .. IIIHI C(lflf' . nh >Mut a t'IIRISTU' sc·n.•oil·t: C'lll'tc( UP.~ I Ul dlt d ' •• rib ,,.., '"'" lhf' ('l'alar I T hl! t;oltlt•ll 'I •. , I or 1111' ~un•l.ry "hl'o ,. ... rnn 1111n 51 n ,. lnlant,., l A'~""" SPrnoon on ":ll ~n" In all Tho , •1.,1 1,,.tJ •1• anl1 , ,11d brn nt'hf'll nf Th•• ~totltf'r C'lourr h. T h,. t'lr~t ('hurrh or t'hrl~t . ~rt<'n '·1t v n• t tvtl t•'' "'. r•· t •'nl• rt•fl ''"' t t • u1 .... t 11ltn~ ''I ttl• , ~~ ,. ~~" , ... 1 •• , ol II·•· .. 1'111111 nJ.: ~t·ttt••lll' With nu~•· • "tufl n"" •·f n .. t t • ..r tntl"n lr•. •'f lll f''"" ru••nt r•uhl•l'h• rt \1 th•• Jl:llt~<··• Th•.•l•r Frnnk t. BHh hnrt \\!Ill pr··~· nlttt~> rt f1lm • """ 'a n·lul •hrrr 'ou'rf' ,. "''·In Uuslou. Is """' 1',~111>6, .on•l Ntthc,~tv r \rt' f., ••• ) llw (~'n In& Thf' c.,.rnta n' .,,. •"'"-, .. ,u t,c ••J•ra hu.~ v.nlt• th ftfr 'h••P tl llll-111 f• u lllrtll~ .\nt"nJ! ltlh<'r!' r 1urn J.: lnilo.t ll Y •lull!! tn "T hP bn ur• lot l '' k •I , • I lt. atr.•t•• ''" I ' 11•1 •1 •n II •• fr, rll >••d• up thr read," l;od. In Sinn : . . lll•··~f'd I• lhf' Y Bab Ow $2,000 • lin<'<, fnr lhr hln•l• Ito"' ror .orl•' C'aptaln :>'tra•o uld llle ll llln ,.hom thou rltnns<·•t. :lnr1 our y es huo~l' hn\P 1,.,0•11 k''""" 1., 1 rlol\ r ouldn't &rl La tltf' w,oaode4 C'llUll~lt 10 llltl•rO.tCb Unl(l IIP•t>,th.'\1 On January 30 next, when the present Adminlstrulio n hf'ln •'1• and l!tr,,~ I'"''""~ ""rh :::nt~; t~a'an:'hf'~ .~:~--: "' .. ~t't~~-d ~~·~1.,1" u'.','Y t~1~1"1:~·d. and :1111 •••11• II• ~. II• Ill' ('lllltlr 1n Th•• 1-'tf'lrtJ.: I.Htl' . ln11nn D:IVI"" In "(",,, •"ltd of th•' 1',nk Ito ... •·~" au.t ' l'hnrlt ll ltny 111 "ftlll llo•nry.'· I Cnnl t flUI'I1tly. '"'hl'n ·""" '""·' t ' 1 1 1 r .. _,_ .. _,ta twelfth year, the n ationa l deht WiJI n'il<'h 8 tOt a or aldr r ... d lrd alf al aa aa...... wa k." rOntlllltnd••( • <·~1111 D lht' ltn· .LUU.~ qu•r llly VllU dt•,, rnd loulrr ll,,n ·-t h I r II I I .. 000 000 Th f rram a •hatlt·rt•d ••lllaa~ wt: 111., 110 ~'Ill nW\n "' I !' pou o I' lr>~un. about $258, , ,()()(}. at m('<Jfl~ that a pa ym€'nl 0 ynur hf'hMI and )'f\11 11'8\t' II m ll•ld "And." ll<'COtllln~t 10 John'l! Go•pPI . .tu-• pa••l'd lhrlluch. llf' df'dd .. 11.962 by eYer)' man, WOJTWn anti chilfl in tl\i' l1111d WOUIII !Jl-. air abnH '"•1 Ill rnu"r In l1 lr:t<' '11110\PdiR if'ly 1111• ma n WI\~ lllllole 111111 n~ a .,., '""' tt fn11n"• -'"" r!<~wn 10 tr·r to 1"1 up that road. wllole, an•l took up h is bo·d. an•l required to ''lift" thl.s lnvislble mort~l\g('. So your hahy. bo rn anf1 hlla )'1•11. n llrr hf'Ad, and •1'111('1 But .. hr n "(' JIOI lh~rf' lhf' rOIId •allll•d . . . t\ntl lht'refore Jl ld lh<' LETI'ERS TO THE NEWS-TIMES today, ftndl hlll'll'Jelr lftddled wttb pra<'tkally ~:.?.rlO(I of tlw IHI· t l<lC'•-a" "'' • ,,,,,, ,.,., '''"' do~~<~ II ~~d n hn"'" 1>1•'"" ,orr .... ot and It Jl'"'' tt~'ni'Ctltt' Jl!,u~, ... bPcnus,. ., __ 1 deb twrr )'"·' "'' II mJkt's you lo•••l "·'• bl(hk••d \\'!' 14t'l\l lor 10.ard a hf! hR•I dnnP t ltf'~f' rhlngtt on lhP WOULO SEND WROOLIE ~MU t. lilly lotllf' "11 ''"'' •nil fnund lv.-01 dftp 11abbath lilly. Out Jettti8 an~•rrttl LE~R TO HITL ER Sud'l are .aml' 0( the phases or OUT (('(\(>J·a l cit'hl \\'\H'k~'(i lb"mb crat,.rt at>r 1111t>R'I>Millf Jhf'm. My F~thrr .. orkrth hlthrrlo. anf1 I • ork .. The ~nn tan do aut recently by the New York Sun. Fru· from lndit'llli n~ thr o ..... ,. II ., '11• '1'' \I ,, (' '''·'I ..... C'.q • ... "''""11 "·'1~•·11 bad! nol hlna of hlm,Pif, but •hat hot beginning ot any payrneilt. or any plan f or reduc tion o l lh(' fl•l'lf1• jr '1 11 1 '1"''11"" I' rlr J ''1 1'' II~ lr '"'1 . '; IIIl i ~~l.f'd tba IIHth lhll Fathf'r do: ... For tho a I I'.,. II.!• ' ' ~ ' "' I ' ''n I '" nl dr" "' tf h" "' lot "" ahf'af1 of ua ••at btr loveth lhP f;oo. and shr "f'ih "Dl0f1gage," the figurt's further show tha t In the last 'fist'al a ttun lu • "' • ·t-rr 1 ""'l•'"'•"' c " ,,.,,. •l··•rr II•· n "'' Tlil' llru t.binl htm all thlnlil~ thAt hlmllf'lt 1loo·th · year all the wagf'S anct salaries earned by all A m l•rk nn ci\ tl· u f•• ,.,., "'d d{lw.• II ~ ····" "' 1 '1 r II"'"' ·•" • '' "'os 11 ..... '" .. to, "Ond •111 hP:ol tht> atl'k throu11h . ) ru r,.ulr1 ·•, 1 " ''"' • ,, ol m•n. whrn••vo•t m:to Is ~:ovPrnPd by 1(11: .... \o\' ('•'111f'otl ""'' 1"•·'-'·p;u·t Ht~n h c ·,,~af t\111: :ll 1\IH llo'lll l':•lltnt \\', ulol tl \1(' I'''~ hll' t tl 1'11'11 I n • "1'\ uf ~l r" \' • 1 \\'roo~tltf',; lr\1 • 1 II• II ttl• 1 111 I ll··~· tl.u k l.n • 1 .. ,. lana totaled !)11:.: billio ns. while total fcdt•ntl t•;r.pcnctiiUI'\'1-II "'M ... '• ,. '~""'""''·t:: II lr ""'" I •. ''"'lor •;ltd Wrll .I 1eall1 God." wri!PIO Mttry Oakt'r F:dtly to am<K.U"ted to 94 bUlions. ~~~""' "' 1· " ,. ,. •, '""I • 1 .,, rl '" 1 ·"·~ rl• '''" Uta•• > u .,,. rttht "Rr lt>nrl' Rnd H ~'lll l h •·t1h K")' to 111m .... ""'' 1 ,. m•t.:ht kn"" lh •I Many hOI'll'f't Americans a l"'f' so a l'C\.lSto m e<l lo dl•fid t!' tha t t ,. "~ '" 1 1,' l·d n • (i• •1 ,,, r , ..,, ""' tl .. ,,.r f1o , "' .•~:'Md thll !'lcrlpturl''" And ahe adds. ho• h.tlo '·"' I•\~, 0111 ht,. ftlo" rl• ~11rll• ''"" II t oo ~~~ th• ""I·" ' !I" t It·" II f' ' '•' t thf'ohl "' ,< "Truth cni'IA nut f'rror no~> aA FUrflo .tnol thut hu• l'f"l·"lo:"""'l ••f ol •.tol they can ~0 tO Sleep \\-ith i:\ cig ant if' and fanta_<;t j (J('bt h :tflJ..:· 1 I 1 t. tl II' 1 1 1 I' " ' t• 11 1 • r , 1' \\ It 1\ I ,_ 1 , \\AI' 11 1: 1 sr ldftr ly a&l It did Dfl1t'ICI'O C .. nl urfl'a &J:O." ,I not , nnrr h r 111111 Oh•l rtl• I 1• 11 11'11 J.n& over thernsclves a nd fa mily . But it is €'nou~h ltl mnk1• tht' nu " ·'" • 1 • •I "''' 1 rl "'' , 11 • • , ,.. ''", u 1 .,. ... ,.,, , 1,., ral• 1• ----:onol ~"'''·''·""'"Ill ,. :-I til rurto • ... .: 11'100 resolutely indifr('l'('flt d l Ut'fl a little bat 0('1'\1)11~ h\ 1'\":ll· th~· .. , . ., 11, I,'".: nl ··;" u.s I ' 11·' '·"' • I· ... I •• 1'' ' I >ard oi l (.'08TA !\I~A ('Cl!\Uil '~IT\' Th· l'lllr• Ill ••l•r ~o:ro " 1'1' •• ,,,. ~··' ' ' I 'II • . ; •• I ' 1 n •. , "'. I lUI ('lll'RCII ., ... td·l l m 0111• 111•.' \\tlh I '• nr lziethatwchavesrx.•ntmllmonth~.m•!l'l'than allth{'pl"l'<'\'(l-r n1rtu • 111 "• ·•• •··· • •'r '• rl! 1 Ula l pr·,·at ''11'' \\'tA :llr;. "'' ..• t..... 'de · 1 1 · · 1 II \\' ",.r,. tnm· ~ ,,,, . • 1 , •· ' ' ' " n <'art B • .lnhn...,o, ~~ lrtl•t•·r ~ .... Pres! ntla n < Jnllll~tra tl0n~ ~(l('llt 111 • ~-('ill~. l' n n ' ., I' I. I ,,. " II '1 ' I ..... ere I'!~ F.. '!Cllh )'Ot. l'h. '!11., R ur ln<'ro• \\1111 I I ,If .tl "' r •11· 1\t\CI 1 \-\0' t I t 't\ t I I\ \\. • t ,t ) • 1 paying t.axcs. ton. us .\n1€'ntan~ tll'\\'1' tl1d l11•ft WP--:t~ tnttdl In ,,1 "" ro 1, ., 1 '" 1 ,, , ,.1 ", .•r ~ ·;•, • 1 ., r ,. . '" •e ~~~'.':,l;~!! \\~:~:~111;: ::; ,1 ,'.,.,::\ ~.;',"'1.,.~',:;·~, ';,;:~1 .. ;,~.',1 n·': 1 ;/,:' _, two yea rs as All the fll'l'l'l'<lin~ 1'1\'s idl'nt-.: •·ulll~'lt'<l :tlt o~l'l lwr. an) , '" , 1 1,, .• , rum-~ Youth ,.;n HtP'· "''-" :-<··1"'"' In· ·t r t 111•· '" • 11111 , IIJ' 1 •• •· , • 'Despite th(' l 'tX('S i11 lh~ Ia~! 1'1 )'l''II'S l)llt' clt•llt If IS S\\llltt'll .. ,, I< I• '' hJ '' I l 'J' ( 1 ' "11 .1' I I • n it-tetl111'!h:t lo•. Adult h .•li p Ill I'' I' tl "11 "' •It II • ll ttlo I 1• :11 1 • • • • • · -' · '' · I "'"" 11 r·•• ·, 1" , ,:, " , 1 11 -a• E'•'rtltll! ~•'1\l\'1' ; ,1(1 ,.·,1,~ k fronl 2'2 1:: billions lo llt':ll'l ~ :l~~~hilhPt;~ '"' ll•.t , .• ,, , .,. •' ''' '' ·• -;>.11d"''"k f,.JI,,"'IupnntiiH·l}•'' 11''1"1 ' 11 • llol ''" "' ·•·•l • \ .,, I I , our •:·· ,, "~11 111 II '-'' ·l ~·.r\1 I ti' "' ,, \' ,. 1 , }' '' \ 't • t~tt•r .. :-;\1 1-'"1 1,' '" t 1 n • J.•• ,.,,. To make the :-iltlallo n lll<JJ~· (\llllpl~·ht•n ... iltl.· and h nng tl '• I • "' • •· • • • IWrllnt·'"·"· 1 Jo r m. right into the living room. fv n n,•r lk p l'''"l'lll :111\ •' I'Ptlt·n~ill. 1,, 1, rh 1 ,, , .. 1 , 1" 1 . ,, 1'' l •; , "' ; , .. 1'' • rl,t. cORO NA DE L MAR • J.,, " • ; •" "the Gentlem a n from lndlana.'' :OO,Iy .... I"·'' If YPII Ill \ 11 a IH'IIll' 1 ' I 1 I r ,. ". ' ' I ~ and I nns~rn~IT\' ('IH'R(')I Or farm .,.,.,.,,.,_. -.~t nt c-, 4, .. A-I "lht• ,'1\'t•l':t•'t' s lt.'ll't' til Ill" lll'1'1 • 1 t•n to Congrego~l •olldl ~.......,.._;,...~ •1" \J\.1\ r-oo ' v '•' '1 h. \ ~.~.,.. r ·t'IT\ .. :-::~ llfd•'k nunt~t· r· '" '111 ~ k '' I • f 11t·tl•t"Htn'cttu1po,ttn ., 1''''1ut•t 11 B against your property \\'I ~ ., ·' i( I. ~~II ·''''II 1'<~11 I t'\11 I II' '~'"'""""' ·""t ''"''"d lo an ~ • .' I "' I',' 'I ' l.t~ I r hnq:•• debt in two b y SUJT('nctt•ring tht' Jll'llllt'l'l ~ and mm 111~ :I\\ :t~ """'r •'""'I tn '"'"""'~ .... ., . • 11 l "' 'ar !' :w ,, "' . ~•Jn•':~' !"• h•)o•l ,,," I ~,.. '" '' • 'lilt& I ~ 11,.·•1 ",.,.,,. jn tlw l.t'lr h111lo.lJng You and your c·hUdnm mu...,t ~t;oy .tttrl \\'t>l'k tl l!llt . :\tr. l '1'l · "1"'" '1''1 11"'" lhr• •aid '1'" ""'1''" '11 '' nn .ln~ntnr 191.ro•o•t. nt Fourth. tengill further points out th:tl hi-. hfln lt' I o w n 11f St~t1th lk'IHI 1----------....;....----------------11 tltl Am. \hur< h \\'M'~hlp has a mun.ldpal dcl>t of $:.! ~7(1,(.1(11.1-:t 11n'll ~ ~nod 11'\'0I'd 11f I :--lwll :'l lod.rtl f,.l ~ \\'riu:: Er11 i1,·. IJ,·,Irl l ~~· •' T~" st>n'tn ' 1s ht>ld In economy for a dty of 100.000. nut St'ut h lk n.t·., s hare c1f t lw L----------------------.....J fedrraJ debt amounts to $151.1;~, 1100. And lhr ,inh'l'l'"l 1111 , •. ,. ~ ~. ,., r•n c t~a.:.:rnn1 \\ I I 1 I \ '.1 \ Il l "lho• \'lfi'tpd II\• Ute St a.· 410 \ ..... ~1 ll !:h\\11 \, :-:, t'tl n ''·' ~It ~~. hr~t• k '1 t I"' 11 y , 1r' ='• loo I\' ;\It• \l oti 1'1o ;\l tll• I \ ..:t '' n~ • I tt• h 'n u Jr.: t ,,, tn4 ,,,t-:\n l.nn' 1;1 '' '''lh ~~~· that aum. at a mere two per l't'lll ' IS ,":,I ~'l().(tl)(l. ~. Sll\11 h. ' ·~·· r.r,ld "'" ard u• Th"' "rrt' Bend .. .au ha·-to n..y annually tm th~ nn t 1n nal dPI\1 .111· .. , '" '11"11'-d hut •rr" ('"'"~ !l'lrl;v WIU "'"" ....-,. L • • lh~ k111d that <l"h tnlc> \'(0\lr r me'r-uu~d \t •· •• ;· r t lh•'' c 11111 1 If' MODEll MARINE SERVICE amount o1 interest greeter than Its tol,.'ll munid t'nl dt'ltl. ' h• •" MuJtJ-'y the population o( your 0"11 I0 \\11, ~·our r'PUnly 11r Th•1 'llltr~ slt•t..•ne •II o'•r r, ·"'d a-.,ad to bold onlu e;>rt. r lhrr hl.r )'OW' atate by eedl Individual's estimated s hal"(' of tht• dffit -• •, 1'1111 wh~n thf'" .,..fk,.d Th~ S1.962--and you wUJ probably gasp at ttw a m nunt Yll\t o\\t'. ""'llled ll"r u n. .. ., cuuld ""-1-·1·•-.... _ r»t cell{ Of the amouJ'It. and thl' 1'\'~Uitlng !'lllll -:\ ba ''~ Ull•t~r~land II~ '--A~u::" \WV -• nn·· •• al Ult n('\1 ot interst to be paid every year will ap(K'nr pn•tty ~nll('nng. artnunl lnt<'~t on th<' n~tionnl dc'ht a nti hnw ,.,hl\tg h ll'ft to Ol('('l etln't'nlt>xprn~ tha t in tht' ln!'t t"ig ht l'(';ll'f',Yl'.ln> haye SHELL DOCK BALBOA ISL.AND . In the last eight J'MCC yNJ'S. the f~ go~'l'J'tlln••nl ··ul· lected 311 aver&ae of about fi~ bWJona 8 year in tHXt':>' .Tn'\<'S wW haw to be ~ly h1&h to PB.t.the six billiPn d<11l.tr nverngl'd nearly s·~ b illions a year. '&.---------------~------- -I -- .Wt .., ........... _,.. ... cl.taplaJ -Oolor I"Wea. plulllDr a.kta, com· prehena&ve atodl ol n1p. carpela aad UDo&eaaa • Rutra and Carpela Cleaned, Repa.lred LUDLUM Carpet Works · ·• JCI%! South Maln St . 8ANTA ANA Rubber Lined Winch Head A lAO Fi.~herman's Friend Sa''" Wear and Tear on f:qulp· rnent .•.. l'rlorlty eatabUahed. l'ndf'r prr!IOnal auJM'n1J\Ion of Char leo. M. Mu.rallr., Pres. Pllotlped 1~ So would you m.iDd doing a little favor for the men and womm ·in IUVice- uy &om 7 to 10 each night? 1Mir Long ~ ca1U from campt end MVaJ 8tlbotut will haft a Mttu chance if tKher ca1U araa't aQwdi.aj the linea at that time. We'U all apprecia~ your help. luy w ..... for Vldwy SOUTHERN CALifORNIA TELEPHONE COMPANY 118 1'111_ .. _ ADDING Machin~s! An E.(•rntinl Offirr Unit- • ~0\\' A\'AIT.Ani.F. • ~t:r. Tlf:R""" s-·s TOilA\'! m44-V4W«sVV~4i.J4.1NW~.,, IN THE PINK! I Tha t's the woy to keep yo ur Typewriter lheso war lime day~. For w ith Typewnters 'strtl scare - and the d~ys e>f p l(!n ty still a long ways off-you can't t61ce c.ny chance s •.. better keep your presen1 machire in the "p ink" of cond ition w ith Tiernan's expert repair service! p:,onCJ 7 ~3 for prompt \erv ice. • NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES. N~Wl)OI't Bea~h. Ci\lifornia. Thursd A ugu~t :u . 1944 Pollee Sale Show Veteran a,~ Skiles to Pit uaect Autos On lotleo Se • Starlin Se t. 10 NCYrtCJE ;:,r .:::.CNTION PuBLIC NoTICES IEWS-TIMES CLASSIFIED OPPORTUIITIES county dealtrw tn new I 1111, ~ p --t .. ...-.. d d I Nelkoe Is ......., Ot~ purlluan -can are uree t o atten A return to the favorite enter· art run by Skllea, a nd the Sllllu t h I. lona of ~tlon J4.t0 HliJlf Wednt'Sday, Sept. 13 at tainm.-ule M tht' daya of the old orr ht'lltra abo playa lor a private 1 0~ :h: 6':.~ ~t' of tht' Stall' ot -::-------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS • • READ • • FOR PROFIT • USE FOR • to be held at l>an&igtr'•, Wtllt Ia achtduled tor Or&n&t' danl't' a t t..aruna llu.ch. Mra C'alifomla that E. I-ROEHM ou• \\'!\STEll I ROAT8. Rttt•PI.IE8 I MIMCEI.I.ANI'XlllM ,.,!ftNmJRf: ~ made to poll<'l' Ull' a&le of!!.' 40 yt'ara ln tbe •ntert&inment )'I'IU·uld Bill, who haa bel'n play. Santa Ana C'alifomla. lntt-ndll to 1 ln Santa Asia at wblc:b plan~, rounly wbtn Bob Sk Uu. veltra.nl Sktlu playJt tht' plano an\! tleven· Vendor ~ 1127 Oran&e Ave-nut', MJ\ 'i WASTF.U Y Al'ltT A"'P IIIIAT Y.QIIW · FOR 8AI.P',...-FOR HAI.f'-. can by priv•tto p&rtlee,l ':etd, opma 8wlday, 8epl, 1(),--Witb ollfl w1tb ~li&Jl&1J!n«_!l! wu·M-11 to J P BR.ClEllY. Qf \122 for"'" •loill•n toou••· o:,~••l J••h, ~lt'!"'r l~••rk J"•kriiO kill'"" "F:WlNt: Altrl~ll"""· llnu•hnld ll'\llt l'IAt.lo: Plnln .. ,.;; ";;t, ore tn bt> &aktd abo jlhc flrllt of a 8erlu of rodeo and two anJ a half ytara ~IJ, play• North Town~r. Santa Ana. cail· p..o..1 ~ \\ \Ull..t.=...h.. ~A.u._ : "'11 '''11" ' 11 ""'!· f'Klv r haln, '"'1'1&.. ""'' I"''"'""· llfllrt , . .,,.,l'llllllll••n~ l••'l 11 •rl!\401 an..1 ma t· ada that coolaln quea· o•uld<-or tnlntalnmenta at hla tht' dru. rna. Ulll &lao piayed u, f 1 nd to W 0 ('\INNING-•1"1111""' •I 1"111 ' If 111•1 lnl• r .I ' "11" 11 111 • ltlol fl hravy tare turw •·l , ''"'" rf' llnf'•l •tr. 1~-;;;~ j:.,11,.11,,.-r~ .... ""ijf.' ... ~nr atatemtnla with rt'ft'ri!DCt' Skilu Bay Vit'W Tralruo~ ~rrounda., I'MUdl'VIIIt' WbC'n ht' wu two and om"· a, R D t ' no' ''"" Santa tal···· Ill •. " \ I• oltll ,,,, 1\ool npply 1'\lo'lll<looll , .• ,1 .. ' 'nil \lUI ... ,. .,. • 1'>1\!\ \\' I'll' lot(' It , I , tr -or 8eCOnd ha.od t ' IIIAIII. 0 • X ~.>.>. NffWJIOrt I ... ('-t., ..,, • Ill\\"" 1\0'IO Kill IH•r nr\'f'l """'' • • . 11\1\l' I Ill', llll r 1'" r " ' •J ' au omo· Jl'llteenl.h and liacentla lltr1•eta, a halt. Ana ,..allfomia. Vend~. all his ~· • ''" ., ora~f' . n .. w , hl'ot "' 1lrawrn, mii'T'nre, C t u Th U I in" m-M with a · '-U O 30th ~· ="•'11 I"''' 11•'1" h 1 ::ot s"l'l'1111'' A\,. 11"11'"" 1"1 I"IIF.II&a> TRt'&" 0 t'R\'I,...r. 1 ktl• t•r•• t o·hl •k and oa a .. ua e gen y • 1•r• ,. -. ri~tht. tltll' ond lntt-rt'lt In all that 1 1.1 u · 117 41 •• ·l"'' • .-• ., • , , ' Iotti II, • t'lla Jo eatured on the prorram will be \'lrw or t he o<.-an anJ cool bret&t' N>r1aln pt'niOnRI propt'rfr con,.Jst· 1'11 '11'' l :\7 1;Ji H • ""' 1 ·'' ,. T"l'l''"il oololr lrllniiiiiiK an\1 r10hhtt • l' M lo:tlt .. tt, l!O't'o\ tTth 1'001'0 t'Vt>nls, .,>t't'd tria!A of bluwlng on thf' huttnt day ... an lng ..,Ann--Jiy of 1111 stOI'k In tradt'. H..,.,, ' . I•' >II !'lA I 1-' Ill tt tlllh••I:IOII)'l ",.,., ktn.: I ""'I ''lh s h ••II l'lal'f'tllla, -• I I h I .a ,_,-,,n ~ \\ \'\" 1\ .: ''""'··~·..-,. , i• • . MORE THAN B!:FORE lhoroughbrt"<.. horlt'a, .tef'r ridmg. ldi!& neat ton fur t f' t'Veo " a.nu, flxturt'~. C'QUipmcont ond stock of .,1 1 .,.,.,.,, '"'·II 11 hI' ,r,, inn~olo· ""'· 1\1. •.lUll I ··nlo•1 ~~ Anah•trn 1 '.,~1 " ~,,.,.,. tVI·2tp ~=========~==~ •· 1 1 prugrama art' ar h .. dultd ror t'Vt'r) 1 oY 1 • '' ·· '1'.~11 ":"'1"'1 Applv , 1~,111 ,1 n ,,1,,1 11,.11,,1 , ••. 1,. l'h A"""''"" H:.':l 111 lltr •urunt·o r.dtng, <'af rornJ: tutu ,... · m«-rchandl54' on thco pn'mlt"l afl~'r ll~o :o. 1 h·· Arl'lll oo :oo;.•w -.. ,,,.,., 1111.1111,. ,,.1,,:.,,,, .• ,·AI~I t'ott( SAI.I•: tiNl lh ""boa llolOd Hotel Laguna n •>ull 11tUnta. aucb .. a barrel race. 'tlwr S un Jay. known u El Toro ('aft', locattod at " · "" r fat m t>n'e ri\Ct• aod potl\tll rat e. A tu or ro...ttolt an1l uutdour•22• East Fourth StrN•t. Santa poll 11 '1' •'~' :'I• 111 1:,.,1'1 """"'"" All f·•t $:•t'tl1 1t•'lllt ~A I.I• 11 t1 ,,, :1111 """ '"11•1111•'11 ltrn•••n•bl• U ll 11:. I .. _In ·'I , u""LI' \\ ,. • ~ .. r r ""''"'" I'll Npt ~ONI-It. 1 t• gt•ther With cowboy and cowgirl rnttr mt'nla •• u.-g sponaor<'v Ana. Callfo m llt. und on tJw prt'1Tl· "-"" A • 11 I• t'llpnlllr h.,.,..,. s .. ""''I ·I :111 1• 111 1'.'1) !IVII1 ~~ 1 I" I"' "''' • "1'1" • ,., • II"'"" •'\ &ll·:lte I rac'I'S IUld ra(·ee Cor rhlldrt'n by b Ilea, Vt>lera.u of~~~ yeara l~t·s kno·wn 115 S.hRmrock Cnft'. lo· ltt'•'l•<r •,,, ''"'" " Wf'<•k I ' s _;o.:,."l"'" ll.·n~h __ 111 tt.·1 hl\11~1 1''1" '''"' '""'" ""''' Sunset Room Tht Skllu Camlly camf' ert In t I tnt inmt•nt fi.-!u, at hl~t rntt"Ci at 1824 NI'Wpo•rl noulrvant. pr• f•·r"''' lit•~ :n:l 1 ·,,. "'\" •I•• I flnu.:•·• r 1 111 '" '""'"""''''" Kf\ol 1,~ 111 ~A t,t•: ~111,1111 , '""'"· tin• "'k I 8 t a nln ...,...unda h t Ma I · I r '7 tl lit lA -:·~ 11• I ,.,1•1 •nd Trtul"'l r 1 1 1 1 P~.e~rlooilljlq u.e Blue p~ form Sa.n Antonio, Texu. r -1 s ay>. ~w r 1 g ... -· Costn Mt'lla, C'l!_lifomla. and t a ' t ' 1• ,. 111 " _,.,.,,, ...... " ·Ill ''" 11' '""''"'''" •l•rhtll• thloouahout, SUBday • Dlnaer Nooa unW 8 p. m. Yt'llra ~tgo to ~near tbd r suo 16 1\1\d ll~<l'ntla atrt'f.'tlt, Coat•, tht• purchRM• pnr,. tht'rt'Of will bt' llltLJ' \\ A:'>lrt 'P r.lllrlr~r F nllll',.. and Pa~ luhlll.: 1 .. I!•• """ "'""' l'll•r J411 llo .. llh, 41;1 F. llay Av.,,, I Du·•e and Jack, but ,__, w.. u a, w,llh Stopt. 10 aa lhto ttnta· paid Rt 10 o't'lock a m an thr 8th bl \\''''""" ""P MAIO"'"· ~,.1 .'.' AoiF. ANI' • "'"''"''' s:.:. "'"'' ''"' :1 In I ''" I '"1'1''""' lt,.lhu• 611-lte l u . rl"" h In • I' ,.,,~tr ll th t•ct t Ht •••l•klnw ~tJoo'n t'Y)... ltltt\~llt•l\,t'l fl:,:. t•.Y.t ll l 'h ~I'' .• . I wu.nted lhe b..;ye. who pi&)' e l l\'t' dOll' fnr t l' opt>n g roro~rT&m. dll'' of 'St>pll'mbPr. ~4 at Orente• • 1 " k • -~ " trum~t and ""'liar. and they quar er IT. e. rae u ""'~ Co unt" TIIII' C'omp8n)'. In tht' ~·tY I " <' r • .. .... ~ w-'" .,. I A l II t k h ._.,n ~ ,.., .,, 1'11\IM \\ •·I 1-lllltoll fatnllV 3~ \V I ..... , riO I A,... I'll 2W-W , •. ,, "tl ,. nT ~.tr l ""ltt ... A, L• l"t"'·-ll.'. A. radio, r -.. -d I d th a1 ~ (OC''tl lll•nto· lllfh ""I!''" t•t, Nrwr"'1 111'1\<'h, C .. llf -t•••tl•••l•·. flnr ''"ll•lltlntt 20T .. .-110118 • Dtaoel"' • Coeldalla played With Wartoc'• l 'ellD.Iyl· gra r• eurrolun mg e m· eo· of Santa Ana C'nunty ot Oranlf', N -• Popal&r ~ vnntana tnr thrct-y ea ra until they c-lc KUre In whkh t he ru<Jt>o f'Vt'Dla S in teo of C'11Hromlo. Jll 11' 11 ''' ll7 :!t o I lt-ltc 1 ,., IH ~A 1.1·: I J ill! II • 111o.l I "''"' I"Afl:f'Wtltrr. ll~iliJoooa IIT-:rtp jolntd the Armri.l Fun't'll. wlll be at aged. AIODJ:Kidt> tht oval Datt'tl Au~:wct :.!4th. 1944 KJ:LI' \\'A :O.:Tt-:1• Ma n nr "••lllll!1 ., 111 ~A t.V 111 (I 111:111 1""""11 1111 ~ I",. 1' "1 "" '' 1' ~···1 1''' 1 I ~'\ Ill t4A 1 Jt: A rlutt IIIILIW-a<Mod are two etrat~htway ~trtp• nn .. l E 1-'ROEIIM. tor J:rnt'l~tl lh•l••l 1111rk Balh"" 1111) 1.11111 ,. •~•ttl ,11r\••lr t 11 •·uu.hltt •n Alt" •t "''" It•' ""' ,111111111.,11, •7.. li)4 ll\lh Ht , Thrt't' ball rooma, at Placentia. mruunng an eighth of a milt~. I Vendor I 1' . ~ I I $7~ I I I II • ,, Huntlnrton Beach and Anaheim and aoolhtr a quartt'r mil~ whil'lt 1 and/or llll """'' Nr-.. 1"'1 1 Mil ti3 1 ,,. ll'\ h I' ''"I'"" A 1 ""tdlll .. n, .,,:•·•" h•·~l~,.~··~'11 11 1';:1 1,:··• ~: .. ~111: r Nt'WJ"•rt t~ .. ·h t 'all atlrr 12 ()pt'n to the Public AMW, .......... _ .. ... Aray Air fOftlel ..... ... ...,r A. -AJr ,_ Ia .... ....... Anay c.,. .,.. will wort .w. .., .... wltla dw IIM'Il no ,. •aa ••• ~ tt.elr faa ...t .. eb-&Iorio-f•tw'e-for dae WCMDftl ., tlw Armr Air FOftft ~ • ,.Jtal part of U~te .. s..~. ridory lea• of llae air. Now yoa e.a jola dae 1Fo.ea'1 Army Co. p1 and reqoe.t claty wi .. the Army~ Foree.. ~roand Fo~"" or Air F~ B~ln~ th• winsed •tar within your read11 a., maiU.ac dae eoo. potl DOW, can be combined Into a tbrt't'· J ". OHOPIIY. 'M{E 1-'AH~t ~:H~ INSI'HA"'I"t-: ~~~~~ :-~,.,. nt \'till\ t.1nrlna. nlhl 'rubb,.r ltll ~ $1!1 I allllll"' J'lll anol ""rnlnaa IIT ttp r GROI "'''" 1"•11 Jl,.,., It l'h HitiO tl~ 4t• ' • --eighth• .tr alghtway for •peed w. G. C"UNNINGHAM · 'I' IJ,,,. tUl "t"'non.: fur "" twol $!\ J•h Nl•l IJr h loll 111 2t··, t•KR80NAL _ tra.l11. Thouand~t or po1thnlu. Vt>ndN'. amboll""~ 1mw ••tth .. r full ur FOil RAI f.: AtiT08 _ barrel• of whllf' paint and mlln of Pub .. Aue. 31 . 1~4 p&rt 111111 ;o.: .. ar;:r limit F.lll· ' • ,.-l•'t 'It S A t.lo~ ,..1\ •' No•" ;r,..,.,,.llll jttr VCI\1 want tol ret marrlel\ board renee are be-Ing uaed in tn· cellrn1 ,.,,., IA.&.r JlOM(tllhty. It l-'\11( S ALt-' 111;1!1 lllth k ""''"" "''"I" .1 ..... ""'' """ l•urk ""'' write llc}ll :HI. VUC'OUYar, Wa.ab. cloeing the rodto grounds. will I""' "'"' to 1nvrellkat~ 1 s l'''' uolt 1'•'11111•1"1 "'"' k ftn.'l hlllol"'" '"·" "'"" ,., ~~. ,1 ·.,.,,. 61-tfo No rambling will be pumlttf'<l. Mrs c w Otey Cbf'llf:')' " I:IIIUJ'It', nhlt ""r• '"" 1'111 111 '"I''"""'"''" ~lnr'rol """" liN tt··,--- Skllea a&ld. Among tht evtntA to . • • • 307 N11 "'""''w""· ::l~&llllt An~& ~&I Halh"" M"l'''" i llcl ,.: Hav., I WANTED TO L&A.IE be run orr will be &II thr II.IIU&I Sponsors Staats Calif l'hoono· ~31tl 1\:l-1\tl" I lllllbllft fiT ·2tc I WANTED TO KENT wANT TO UCARIC yaar anoun<l ~:: ~:~~t'~t:1~n~~:c:~d~nn~ • HJ!LP WA~~ Huw --;::uld l t 'IH l'AI.I~ 1\l:ttl M"'1"1 A 1-'\•nt• \\'ANT T\) ttt-:NT Olt I .Y.~Kto: hu•a-. !l rnlllut .. walk ol Main many other. SpHd tralla will bt' ~at ~unchtng you ltkP '" hlllf' "" t'lloi')IIIOI\'•' I "111''' h.ll<l 1"1'· f'l\l'r llt•lll llrM IWII ur thre.o ~·lr.M>ftt hOUM bf' I ~·. ,., .. r .. nt·· Uall•ry. '1!~ lnltrlpf'rat'd among tht ev .. nta on tf'rnl· 1\ htHtdlln~: Adnhr Dairy I !'I lito•• I "1 H"1""" 1:""'1!~ Tlltl to: ,,. ,.,., N""'t••ll anc1 Halbo•• l'h :ll • c thtee programa and ntguUat1ooa Mrtt c .. W . Otey, whu.w huahand pruo lu• ,·.,-l't•rn• .. nf'nt r-·tttl~&l, 1-IlK) 11"11"':1 fl7·2to' l''nn•n•·nt l'hun" N&ll 11:111 IKFAL t:8TAft an-undu way for horae ahowa. i.e luu man of the-rsrpentnoo. J o o t1 n·munrrl411 •n All11hr 1,, 111 ~At.~ lll!\7 W illy • 4 oluHr :l:l3:.t Hart~·• l~h·tl , l'ual" tot --F()R RAL&-- Sm&ll entry ft'f'B will be u ktd of "''WI 1p111U10r whrn tht' Sllw i.JI I'""·· J"artna 301 h It l~t•n• rill. Nt•wpo1r1 '"''"'"· "''I} .:•.,•I rulobrr t'Xt't'l· fll'·2to· ------ tht parUclpant• and War-Bonda pany launch,f'tl a I'•Ntllt p~&trol boat 1 Bearh ~ .. ,. lotr. Hull befon• 7 I• nt motor Will arll aa ta fir will be awardt'd u prlzu for a Saturday. a.m . 11r a nn 3 I' 111 or wrlll' p~&lnlr•l number or the cooteell. Thf' boat. c 60227. •• 33rd 111 • 1100 W Ana he-Im umg llnrh BALI'IOA MOTOIUII url~ll belnJt built by Ro~r1 V, 6:)·4tp 71NI ~: ""Y· ltalhua t17·'Jto• OP A Enforcemtnt Duty of Local Price Panel Staata, an1t thrrf' art' two mort to t·omt' otf tht way" In lh.-neJtt HELP WANT~:o llou.~tehnld hl''p FOR RENT few wH>ka. by h11111 o•r •ltty 1·:,. • .-ll,•nt JliiV J-1--.. --,..-1-l :--11-.,-.N-,,-:-r-,-,:-, -,-.,---, Whf'n thl' buttle !>( Callf(lmia Ptl 1667-M !lll·tfr II H 1"' II ' """ tlVI'r · l..llho•r ll•v Latll•' •lu•ll" ""~'"·! t h11mpa gnt' '" bmkr n it Ia a cu.--I tom "' Mr' Stas~ to rapture a TRANSPORTAnON 1'11"81'' ht~llo ''"11 N pl IWIT 1i" It•· r up l)t the llquiLI and u tht' boat ===::-:-:::::-"'::'-:-::----:--:----1 h BICYCurs-Sold, renlt'd ur ,.. . ,. 1 Tht ri'"PPn•lbillty of p rI c f' taku lhr Wtltt'r """ ani t t' lrpon· paired Vcgcol'l , 30t Main 8L I ~·, Ht ltt-.N ~ ''.""tn~ ln•l'tlrr It I" pnn,.ls or local OPA boerda In !lOr join . In drtnklng I ll the gond Balbo. d 208 M rl A II "Ill :~~~ .lllth ~~ Npl Ito h hwk O( thr VC'IIIIt'l liD I Of' Vt'lll.lt', 07 -:.Ill' handllnlf vlol&tlo~ o! retail ull· S~0turdav th1" t9th Mw ~ ~boa leland ~3-tt• lnR pr lru wu broadened today. lltllnl'htna .nr tht' 32nd boat. which Frank S Balthla Jr . OPA d lalrict " I dlr..etnr annnunct>d. "''as llpomAOrf'd hy MrA. Mtortdt th J'rk t panel!• wrre glvtn auUtor-Welle or Ur•wlt'y Tbe Old All" P•·nlli""''"' "I f 'lll\ 1tv tn nt'jtcliatt' With rt'lallrr" for 1 Afll'r tht t't'r,.mnny all the mtn fomla. 11 lllnl11 r•·~:l•l•'r"•l IM'III'\011 "hn htwe ht>lpt"d built I thf' hnat lrnt nr.:nn11nt u111 will ho•l•l •n PENSION MEETING DOGS, C A TR & l'ET'R l'I'OTTtt-; llthl l '••k••r "'"''' tit•)(• lw ;ktt•t.: '"' H rnn• h honu' l'h Npt lldt ktl t\7·211· .. tuntary 11ett1Pm enl11 Involving 1 1 Jnin<'d In ll b4'1'r pu~t y lu ce t'· npton nw••ltn,: '" tho puhlit· ~UII· 1 •w.;,, T •Nil F011ND I psyml'ntJt t•• tht U ~ Treuury or 1 ",., " tu l'lllrttJme u In r&M or over· brat I' htor rurnr f'lion. day att~rno~<111 It urn 'J to 4 .,·, l••·k. r hllr jttll. The amount of p11ymtnt --1 •t t I In thf' l\1\\' A hall, 20 t l~ f:u t 4ltl 1l.11l'IT llutol """" 111 lto.lll'tot It•• I mav vary from the a!'tu&l ovtr· Just a • trlance pi'O\'ft NI'WI· •t~t. !-lnntn Ana. I•• whit h ali i w11r.t BuiiMII\ litH IHr "a• •·r. rh;~l'lnn ~nnl~~thr~tlm"~~m~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~h~to~·~~~~~~~~m~•m~~~·~·~~~~u~~~d~l~n~~~~~·r~~~n~t~~~~~~~~~~~~~ll~7~t~t· I thl' ( \lt'rl har~;c. or 1i:'i0. Whll'llt·vrr r 11 ~ro·oi C'r l'tl• f' PliO• l11 nn• m aoll' 111• n( \'.-ltir\l••t f' \\ ••• k··r "4 \\ nrk inJ,: \\'If t, • •·f •II• rtt unll 'unsuna J ~ tu nht:uu 111\oll'r~lando:ll! nnol r oomplllllll' ,\ I" I \\ .. , I If' I ,., ll I I ,, II If H.: .... CANNERY HELP WANTED \\'AN'r Tll ii,.:I"T Two~,, o,;,.;:I".,Ht HAI.Ii: l,...lr•>t.•n1 fu1 nlllft,.!l "'"'.. un BALli() A IIIIAND I'-IIJo•• I•IAIHI N •• • hlt.ltrn nr I M1•l•m :1-1..-•lnMtfll, l batb8, a t· ,,.,,. 1 l<'l'lll!"tu v "' .. wn .. r'• ''''"' t rar tlv• llvlnJnwllll, p&Uo, lln· ''""'"'"" "''' 1'"7. t 'oetl• Mt•l fumlatl, 110.000. Tenu, 011 Jlho111f' N1•l 1)111~ It bf'lw ft Or.aftUDE A. WAJ.DIION ami 6. &'7·4lc: Pt1. Npl. Bela. U.·W. tT·I·IAI " Fishinc Boat larcaiu 8Pf'.C..1AL: U -lt. s 10-ft., 9-l•. bNm; 9-to. a hole . .. II·R . 1.owm&a1 ..-C~ ~. ~ ...,._ A a.raala. M·n. ,. .. , .. aa, .- NANY OTIIF.U TO t:HQOAII: raoM 1118'S LIIDII8 and Yacht Brokera1~ J ht .t Khl-l'tl. Npt. ..._liM SCRAPE AND PAINT YOUR BOAT ' - BE A ti/a~: II TBE liMY All POICES ------------------------------, Tth ,, •• ,, r•r •• hu J,: ,,., ... I'' I I r ''"I 1 J •' ·• '•u 1, '' tl Hit '"li' th•' "''' lr•II'H"d'\' ""'l·•·d 111 ha u 11nC r ... t 1ul ,.,,,1:tl&olil" I,. UtU1• t ' .. 1 ~ P AC KERS MIS C E f., LA NE 0 (1 s ('l TTEilS II E L P ON OUR CONVENIENT --ww•~·-1---:--;; AIR WAC. 11-J K ON-11n Rh·d. l.oni.! Bfo.adt, CaUl. l'hnnt> GG7-22 or ftG7 -00 I am bctwcco the aca of 20 and 49. Plrase srnd me y6ur complete booklet of Air W~e information, "65 Ouationt lnd An.wcn about W~a in the Army Air Fora:s.. JV-.,~--------------------------~ AdJrUJ•----------------Ph•---------- 0~~--------------&~--------- I . ' I I I I ~ I I I I I I I t1•·'' t lu \" n ,,, 1 '' n• L:•·l ,,,, "lth I I I II l I •· f < loot \'oolttlt111r\ •CI"·•t :-,t lllrn e,,t ... ~•l•h .... ttl• n rn!11 tn\'nh hlj.; J•a)'mo Ill~ II• I 111' tt·•·n~ua \' mu~t l u at•(llt•\'••d •·\ 'h• lti'J\ f11~ru t n fftt •· t,, itt'• 1 \• nt••nl II< '''"""'"'' ,1 ltl l:l!lr•lf \\li•·rr tlu• 0\•l~h:tfj.;l'•l . l L------------------------------J till'! ••nt<'r 1 :'1 n h•• Hl•·nt It• ·I. I h· • " nrt tomnunt "' 1hr "''"t<'hR I!;" IR 1 1 .. 1..• rPturn•'t.l It• th"lll If lltt'\' l t'nn rt«•l h~· f••ttnol lh" I"'Y"·' .1L ;" In .1~• t ' ~ ·rr":l~ury SNOODLES -X ~' -T'He.RE ! Cof'I'\E 13PL.t<. t-~ERE. w•-r~ --MY NfW.SPAP£'R, -----DOROTHY DARNIT In M••n ous o A/01'8 wlwrr .... , ~orcb ' :'In· ruun•l fnbtfled raym .. ntl! mntll' on t hP 1ol1h' 111 ,.,.,IJ;IInnto wrrr l"rt•·ntf'tl Rflt•r n wRrnlnl:' frnm lhr Ill' A. tlw pri• ,. p11n••l ~~ I tn .'<rnd thl' 1'111'1'1! •11fl'I'IIV I•> lhf' •ll~t ril't ofltcl' f• r ltsn<llm~ '(ov~(T MAN - 1 'l.t. G 1\/E '(ou A t'E~N'{ If 'fCN Kt:EP IM1 VV1LD BROif(EI~ 0 \ll Of I I<O\l\3l.E f OR ONt WHERE .O.RE You G~NA. Men and Women Availablllty CNI ifk:tl1• Hl·qtJin'd or ClearnnC't~ thnr UNITEJ) STATES EMPLOYMENT SEHVH 'E 001 W. 5th St. Santa Ana CALIFORN.iA MIRIIIE PiCKING CO. 2Xth and Lafay~tlA-Sta. Telephon,. f.-12 St•" l"'rt tsu.c•h By Cy llun~rrfnrd ... ,.;, ' "" ,. r • , .~. ""· . ·. n· ·-· .. \Vl' FurniHh the Ec1uirlmt•nt \'ou Un Your Own Work PORT OF SEVEN SEAS llarry Uartlf!r-U.."-..d t'AC'ht ftrnkf'r R 17 (.'out lll«hway J•a.o.., Newport Beach IHD IIA(!K Tilt: AT'I'ACK BIJV MOilt: BUNI)8 Prof e~sional MnnnMEK MCIIOCU . -llll't f 11ral, ftalboa l.,alld - fl.\,, 14f 'tlftf)I..-()Pf'n• ll&rpt. tt u ratt-· ( ""·· rnop . r.nt~ ,.. rrhrd nuw. Ntarnhfor• tlmllrd t1 A. Mhrllmf'r M. A Udtord '""""" 1/1% l'rln• ,,,., Gordon M.Grundy, M.D. Phyalt l•n and l urg•on Ninth lind Cent•• Ave. Office Hra .. 10.12 a "'·: l-~ p.m . ~ tl,.pho"• l7 LEROY P. ANDERSON AT IORNEV AT LAW I "'''' Ml'aa Ba"lt Bu•ldlng I Pt.one 4:1& 1 , :"• M••• <.alllornl• IIAROLD K. GR AUEL CHAPEL t ' ·~d "'" thf'l H•'""' :krvt• t ~v '-'• r viUJ' t ,u ,, •• t· .. ·-t I' ,,.,. Nr.wnort !IGI f •h l" M••" c~llf"'"''' ----·------- ~·BVY NOW 4 City Tax Sale Loh I 6()7 (."·"' It ol)hwooy Phnt\• :142:' I (ORO NA Dr:l MAR Directory "'•• -ttd•••• "•• ......... II& N•'"''"" Ave ~ ... ,.,, .... t.o• on• ••I "'•r., N.D. CASH 0 v "" 000 ""'CAT Ha. .. ITAL .... ~ .. Mal" .......... A .... Calif Conrad Richter, M.D. Phy1lcl•n and lurgeon · Of tlu 101 ~~nd ltreet Newport aueh Hou.re: 10· I~ a. "'' 6 3 ~ p. m. PhO"•-Oiflce UJ; A ... 14·.1 DR. G. E. TOHILL J PHYIICIAN and I U RGEON ZJfi't ('t••• fttvtt N•wc.uu1 Oeettt -Ph<.ne -~ Otf•<.e 21Ul W Un 711& H t f ,.. J A•o,,., .. , ( • I tl-wt •••1 ., ---- Or. M. D. Crawfnrfl IJ I' I 11 M I I II I '• l I' •• I ~ I •I l ·' • '' l'f~ r .,, I • ,. 1' I f I •• r•l RAI.17 MORTUARY (,ItA I'Ll IIV I II[ 'I L A t I I f f 1 ,t •4 A. J. TWIST I ,~---------------r--------------------------, (;e rald Hausa, M. (). 11M WMt f l4tttlra1 A¥1' N~rt "-"• -- 1'1tt. N_,.,.rt ~ te!l u---.......... I )R. OBEU LlJCAS I h.•ntiHt • UO'Z •, w. c-era~. PIL 1611 ~ r.WPOftT BUall ~. - ·~ -. ...,. •• t'i • , .. ~ .. , • I • Will Be 0,.. ta.e FoiJowlac Houn: 4 ~· m. to 9 p. m. 1lfaa DAYS 8 L m. to 9 p. m. 8VNDA1'8 OL08ED IIONDAYS 'lt..e ........ II! «*aapd U 1008 U Wfl &ftl 8Me to pt COIIIpe&eal help. TIMELY GIFTS tor Boya and Girls In the Service Military liap nC ..... .,-* ........ . ., .. ....... .... ~ llnoelflta .... IIUifoldl I""'" t;,cs ,..p 01111..._ ............ ..,a-. ..... Mtr' .. ] ..... cw.- ~ .......... ~llii&a • 'le..., ta.e. wrttblc 8end them 8taeloaery, OrHtln« Ou*. ... Oftneu lifts may be mailed September 15th to October 15th. · • L()IJCI\J NEWPORT-BALBOA California, Thund I Harbo~w""'f!mi~ine -~~i vjpi~~ 'Natal Anniversary ~· I Brid_ge Luncheon Celebrated Twice . Daiey OW. ~ _ For pDF Members By -Newport Man --.1....--------_-'_ tAt. Williams Home - Moll l"'"f'l" an· AlllU\flt-ll "'1111 u11" blrt h<IIIV rrlt·bratlon, b u l • Fr11nk n1at1~rt•m 114 27111 llln·~t tuu1 t wn th 110 "'u k ! Sunl111)' lll~r~· Will ll pI c n I t I I dlnru·r f • r I:!. With htlll*' gursl11 I lolld ••lbcr tr1t·nd11 ~ttl•·niJIOjC ~nd Munda) Whll h Wtu biJI harlhtlll\' Ill' (•·h•bralttd ftj.(b ln. walh Ill' acr.•at ·ntiH', !'<IUltY (,lalt<•rton I Slllllh 1"1\ .. tll'll.ll. wh''"~ birthday ll I WM alan \\'ffk ""'' J.(U~al l! nt lh•· hume tot I Mr ('ltl'lltrt<•ll and .\Ita. 1-l .. rem ,. T~orran•·~ ""r" Mnr l'tlltl 1-'lan m•r 11nd Mr M tl Mr8 )o'r~<nk ~llarph\' I.<•~' Anl:"l'•" lln<l Mh111 U "•iSll c : • .-.. tn J.tU 1.-•.:~antt Bt·Ih h At• n· •In\ lh1 ,,. ,.1.,.,. lll r~ Arthur <.:.hal· t• ol•ott """ dtw1:hl1 r :0.:1\n,·y, and ~II•~ I :11111 t ·.,,. 1•·11 ~11ul II I 'aJ<a tf•·rut • ·'""""'"' v. II• • Jtp•·nt llt.St "• ··k Mnt. Robert WlUi&m.e, O r&nl'• I avenue, CoJita Meaa. eot.e~ I member• of the D.D.F. club a~ a brll1(e luncheon at her bOUle r.- ~eolly Alt~r r n}oylog Uv dell.cloua vlan.U came the play, wllh bleb ' acore held by Mra, Robert Wal· IIILml and 80 hnnor by ltfra. Ed I WallHI, wbo IIUbllltut.d ror Mra. Alma HaUl, who couJd not eta)' for the came. I T he nu l bO.lt'aa for the club lint be Mra. Harry Suer, North ISbalf'r, Orange. on Frtday ev&- 1 nlnr. }ept 8. I Prt!'M'DI. wr rr !.lf.lldamea Elmer l'allt r•on, Sheldon Smith, Bert 1 Oqut•l. E<!alh Nolla.r. Roy Pace, 1 Ed a-.:.Jwk, Alma Hath, £t1 W &l· 1l ra IU\IJ lh•• h1Jilt'U Barbecue· Dinner At Richards Home ~ Gathnlnl' around the fireplace ot tbe pano at the lovely Newport Helr bu home of Mr. and Wra. Dick R.lchard, a (TO\IP of trienda enjoyed a pol luck berbecue diD· oer Friday evenlDI', voting It a h~e IUCCC!U. Tha. enjoying t,he ho.pllallly of Mr. and Mra. I'Uchard were Mr. and Mra. Campbell, and a cowa.n from Clartmont, Mr. and Mr•. C. B. Rudd, Mr. a.nd Mre. R. Wright and 8011. Mra. Dorothy Barrow, Mr. and Mn. J. Can•er and daugh· ler anti friend, a.nd Mr. a nd Mr1. Robb and .an. Arts and Crafts· to Hold Last In formal Summer Meeting Duo Hostesses Fete FAC <!lub':Section' -I ltfn. J . C. Pa)'lle aDd lin. P. A. OambertiD wen oo..,... to membere of t~ bridge aectlon ol lbe P'nday Afternoon club when they pt.Jvrf'd lo tbe IIWiroom of tbe clubbouR for deuert and an afternoon ot card.l. Hlp ecore wu won by Mn. Eu(ene Froelon with low colng to Mn. Richard Dittmar and travel· Inc prize to Mra. Wright. In addition to the bu.alneu . thoiN! pre.ent Jqcluded U1e Me• diUllu J . "P. McAIIary. R.tchard Dittmar, Jerrold Spangler, Hf'nry Eggert, W . E . Nickell. Cooptr, WriKhl, Fenelon, Quill, Llnatn· bard. Slater . Hauck. Plu, BuUer, Parku. Hand, Sr hwalrer, Daugh· enbauch and Mlu Allee Plumer. Red Cross Worker Celebrates Birthday A rlttlng way' to commemorate 11 ,.·ar·llml' birthday wu reltbrat · "" by M r'l. H. W. Fincham, ardtn\ Costa Mesa Rrd Crou worker, "'llt n ht'r daughter. Mrs. P J . q,. ,, \'.+ t• ~~~~ J u•· ~urnmc--rs I.;•~ Hostess to Friends lion or the FT!tlay. Attf m OIIII club mother mlf[hl lha.te it with ht'r Invitations Issued For ·~eq4~~S of Miss Katherine Finch lnvlt.aUo.a 1\ave bem 1Mued f« the weddinr and recepttcm of Mi8 Katherioe France• Floch, daulta· ter at Mr. and MN. Braden ~ too Jnneb. Olroa& del Mar, to llw- oard Jamee Henry on 'l'uMday. Sept. 12. Thr wtddln& w ill be at St. Mary·e EpiJCopal cburdl, LI.CUJS& Btach, and IN!venty-flve frle~ and relallvu have been aaktd to a ttend, while a huodrl:d and flfty lnvlt.allooa have been lUued for the reception to follow at t.be bome ot the brlde'e p&l'f'nt.. WE 8PI'.CIALIZE la CANNING FRUIT8 Can~ Peaches Now lD 8euoD GET THEM AT DUTTON'S Fruit Market 17M Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa . Aa.:•·'•• nnll .Mr ~ Jto\1 Ml<t nn•l dntta.;hlo·r J nnn II( AlhiUllbtll, While ~ tllltdtH I'\1VllnJ: J:UI'Il» Wtr<' Jay ~11, .. ntt Mr IUIII Mr11 Harold ' ... ~~ n~ t•f ft.ou lh I'UII&.Iena I I Mrs~ W . J. Golde~ be~t~hf ~= :~:"!n~r ~i~";::1 ~~:11·r~~~~~~~ 11r!::!d~· ~~~eh!~ __ · will ru um t." lht."lr Red C r'oa work lt'llow workers. during tht."l r lun· A KT"Ul> ot aeven t tlt'rtda who but lhe gathea1ng lht.. month will cheon hraur ::::::::::::::=::::::::::::: W!uallv piny br1dge togetht>r every lUll carry the • Informal air ol other 'week, me t with Mra. Harry other tlmu lhl• •ummer when the Uurdlck at her hom~. <!32 .t.tagnol1a I group bu mrt In rt."laxatlon and --"'""' Lido Young People ,Entertain This Week I DAISY cHAIN ...,.._ ., ... 1 • --I rnlna m.all" u -.dllaunc lloundlnjt uul thl' WUOII of n~clllintt fw tbi1 )'0 .......... ittt4 IUillDH'.T a.dlvlllea. yuunj( J>eOple frociL 'thf1 il tJtt tlin4 .. CMull ,,, Lid·• l.t!' wrrr .. oterWned at .. in-between .. that J'C*'D .., for ""''"raJ partlra lht• wnk wHir-end• In tOWII Of ~. fTac. Th,. M1 .. n Mary anti Mlltlred tical. too. IMcaUM k'1 .... Ia 1 f:urltt)' rnlf'rtlllnfd Tuf'eday tve-1 •:: =" ..::-'..:: .:-a.-t,'"· I nlftl( at lhtlr hurne 736 Lldn Nnrd. :,, 4rJ ,~ ...... _,:; wit h danclnjt, l&mrA 1111d a aupJWr qaaJIU... Look lor ....._.,_ a venue. C'o•t.a ltleM. on Tburada y. fun. · A delklou• treat of frub pea.cl\ On Wedneeday; Bf'plember 0, wndae and cook In welcomed thr 1 Mr.. J · P. Cooper hu bidden thr gueau. The altemoon wu •pent I women to ber home. 1870 Orang~ In rard play. w1th Mre. w. J . Gol·1avenue, Coeta Meaa. The guut.w den r1almlng hltrh acore; Mr'l.·j ;nn bring tbelr own "noee-bag" OttlmAr, ae-cnnd : Mr• Kt'nneth u.Dch W1lb eottef beU.g IN!rved by Etewart. lrav~llng a n d Mn. Ow hoetae. Claude Ander110n. cnnaolaUon. -------- Thf' next m l"f'llng Will ~ With Louc-ks Family to Mr• Rlch11rd Dittmar. on thf' Jut dRy nf thl• month. Occupy New Home I tn follow aboat paf~ .._ • .,_ <:uHU lncludr t.l lhf' Mlut• fabric libel&. Bonnie Breeze Among the many tortunatP l lif'lf'n Lock. Martha WrAtbrook. ----Harbor famlltu lo purcha.e a JM f' Huhf'l Jf'an l<f'rd, U d Don· John Rait~ Fam .... ..l w.·ns Qua.rter MI.Ie hvun are the c . E. Louck.l' who j "'" F'ln•llay . Jlnh Klllrl..r. Oon .., t:U will movt." Into their ntwly-ac· wr r .. num, !'tn<ky s ll m me r .. Co t A t to I At San Clemente qulred bom.-l•x-a~ ilt 18081 lttDatln IJIId Atm~tnd Morutro. un y C or, Orungt." a venue Costa Afua, about I llo<ll1y Al..xan•ler. Arthur KUhan. s· Ov Ai &ptem~r I I J ul\n Marttn Tlm Aah•n and Jng er r IA.al Suntlny. Augullt :!7 msrk,..J F'nrme"rly bl'lonjtlng lt) C H llllrry loh C"ull thf' lhlrd of the quarter honf' RI•II"Y· the deal C'IIIJlt" out of t'l· LAlit w .. r k thf' lollaan ~ulle race mettln~t11 w hlt·h 11r.. bt•lng I rrnw thL'I W•l'k Thr prnptorty trl · • \\'iiolk«r a11<l U.,-bA,. """k and. J nh.n HKilt, Orance eou.nt)' na· Mid Rt th• H-m t'---~ ""----t"l"lud~ ~too-foot fronta,." .... r1n"' o;n l . llv .. t!<ln "h" hd M en alnrfDc lM ~ " ........ nu.~"" "' "' '" "' )-.uri Ktll.-f••r t•ntrrtAinl'd at Ull' 1 1 kl 1 ·· In Cll..... Ran CIPrnf'nttt un 1r r the -fl'l:lt-'>~· l>.!th strt'f'l, fin wht.·h ~lr and \\'lllktr helm.! wtth nboul 40 <>urstJt ''1''1 " .. , 1 It oumll ..._o, _._ ~ 1 k 1 "tt ~nt Arn1111, th•m ····r': Rlll l ha.~ "'1!"•'•1 a tu<~l r~<Ct for a nA· ... tp o ( Mr AI lo;parkr.l! ~tnd Mr rs ..our 1 pan to btttlu a new ,. ~ .. • "• • J . ii Bailey. w••ll known :-:~wNirl hnme after the war 1\lld Wlll'·rro C'Au< h of l'il. Loull !tunal raulhJ J'fllgl'Rm ~ WUI go • "" ""' aar •·~trly In Septelllber ill bualne•men. Ra.cmg C()DdiUoaa ~hartn~ lh•• plt•n~~:~nt nnllr lpa- • Mo • culd lolllry itntl Janrt HooK· 1 h,. "\-\'utld Para< If'" ......,. Sun· ware perfect. Wf'8lh••• I'! ear, t rack 111111 f\'<'1' th<' nl"w lncntlon nrl" 8011~ ; klnA<Ifl t1f l'lutllll••na. who have .• ft r J? 00 to 12 30 t..t and the lar<>e crnwt.l vuve &•blly lllltl Oeorue and nleN·I uay 1\ t!rtH}HII rom .: . . • .. .., I .. b .. o huttl'(' ~~~~·•LM at lh~ Klllder Hf 111 10 •on o ( Arelale Raitt, proof of the pnpul~trlty (If thr l'le PI'JtJtY Jl:v1 rett whn rfCfntly came hum.-I t nrm,.r ~retory or lbe Or~ m•tcbt<S nacee whleb are bf'lng l lr<mt CMt~tna. lflwa. t() ml\ke her i ----- I co '" n t y v M.C.A , and ·now! beld en_ry two WMkl. 1 hom~ wltb the Meaa family. 1 lM Jltaport.... V08'J'A. MESA T. R. Rex Takes Y.M.C.A. director of boy•· work. · l:lewn .wnte were run Iaiit -·· Sweepa"-L-at lunda)' aDd •ere lll«hJlp ted by BACK THE AtTACK 1~~~~~~~;:::~~;-;~;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ &&a~ N B F Uw ftature race of the day whlcb I Country Fair ew ay ront ... Bwtter, Spooky and ,Bonnie U 8..-u fl .. httnr It nttl 11ver the <,;oat.& ........ wu -in tb<• limt-'t so Rooms to qua r I e r m II e •tralght·a ·way. Bonnlr Bf-l"f'u tumt!'d In a con· llrht u non.: lovf'ra ot horwa when 1 ~~---------~-~r.-~mm Say a Merry Christmas To Dad \\ith Your Portrait Doa"t Delay-Do \'our MaJilag B~· ~J•f. l ath. ORDER NOW lfllk---SPECIAL --___, 0.. 100 Professloul S ~trait, Oldy • lifO APPOIN'nltH'r NJ:C'E88AilY !oJ::rts Portraits .. -'*-NEXT TO WAJtD8 • • MNTA )Uf A. OA.LIP'. • ' ............... , ....... ,. ...... , ot 21 11t lit rN•t nw oCr "''•lh thf' I . ! II'"""Pttaku pr1rt' 011 lhr ftnaal l Th<' (tr~t ,·nntlnj:rnt nr ooy. I da~· or lhl' t'mtnlry Ffttr at tiun-frnm lht' ~AAAR hnapttal wU1 IUIK{< n ilf'IICh mak•• US~' tn1 tilt." 11181 ltml' ot U.. Anolhrr ft•atun• llhftrlnJZ honor s 11,.,.. l"Sil 1 .~'"'" 11n th.-11.1\' f'rollt "11 th•• II" I .!fly Wl\11 lhr '"' lnso' hrlo"' U11 Fun 7.nn, I h11• WNIL • •lrt\·,.nll••n. nm~>n~: th••m r,l} sorts \\'lull" lh1• tmmal 114'111ng wUI II "' "••uhl~ll. IWu .... tJt In""'' ramify hf' bt'lol ·.1\lt•l \\tilt '" 1f'l'111pr1att lr 11nd lttt 1~ ltoho·cl K1lldrr •IJ'"""tJ '"' lh•• 11111• \\hlrh wUI """ Mt 1111•1 Mrlt l'lr\\nrl Sum· anl'lud•• nl••ut liN) ""~"''ll'f' mtn, 80 -J>rllj;rllllt lh1• 1~11110 AI" lO be 1 "'"'" "' l..t11H l:olr rnjfly('d thl' that th1·y • 11 n jny lht beec.b h •. ,.,... 1 "' f'lt nl llw ('.,lton Hflrtt h. sunshtrh' ~n t 1t•m••ntl'. ~llnLI~ty, """ r.-r.ort ·l Htlf!J1llal C'n"'·~ tro1m h11th the f'd hiiVIIIjC 1\ m arveiOIII! llmf' ~AAAR h• 10ptl nl •l nd thr htlapl.tal Rt c '111 '"'" "111 ~~~··· I h~ runm1 ttur-BACK THE A'ITACK m~: w•·•·k "••rJO FLOWER SIIOP FLOWF.RS P'OR EVERY OCCASION NORMAl'S 1301 'Coiit Jll6wa"y~ dei ~ar \\'(' Tel~ ph J.~ll'l\\'1'1~ "*-'-... .....,.._ for \'our o.,... IURSEIJ 22 3 an<l wu y,•IJdly cheered by I aupportna and opponent. ahkt m:';~l;:~-:~~1;h~ :~~~-~~:13~~ t ~~~ 1 -------------- lhe) •lh1play Ki''t!' proof •r. 1h1 • lntf'rut h«'l na a rr·Ul'4'd in t'll'l!t' 1 Marpret L 8rharle matr ht d rAr4'11 (Member Mllllk! TMdlen' A.. ' The (~ntlnn RM rh 18 nl.""'" '1:1 el CaWorala) TEACIIEil OP' PIANO OrpaW • Acloompaalat 8tadlo: 101 OotdeniDCI AYeaae Coro-Jlel Mar PHONE: NJ:WPO&T tot• he l-=- ldPIII 8Ptllltj! (nr lht•l'f' ~'\1':tl< :t~ lhtr!' 111 om plt' pnrklnj! 11p;u •·. lllln<lll a rP prO\')tlt•.J f111 r'~>lllf<tr• table waling a nd lis luc·attt•n ''" " bhalt n••r rlnnklng I h•• P8rl!lr providf'lt •·n• ltn~ot br<'<'7r8 •In 1 hP· hotttet day8. Rcfrf'Shm•·!11~ nrP I aJao , .. vAIIabh• on \Jlf' ~roan•1<J W11trh (nr t!perl\1 ,.,., nt.c l•o llnlli)UtlC<'d 18tf'r in lhlto p8pr r Mesan Enrolled in Pre-Flight School Jar k110 n F:. Jay. 22, of 4!1i B!'r· nard &lrf'«'l. C'o11t.a Mt'lla . 111 rn· rolled u avtattc:m cndl't tn thr prr· nttbt lt"hool at MaltWf'll F'l"ld. Ala .• an lolftallatlnn of tht' Army Air F'Or<'f'l!l T r"Rin 1ng rnmmam1. Olrp JAy fnrmrrly wu Rltlll'hf'd to an Air F'orce ~~quadran at PltlJt- burch BUY MORE THAN BEFORE l Say It With Flowers I from CAROLYN'S FLOWERS 222~ Martae Ave. Balboa .bla.nd Ph. 2509...1 t t t t I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 'I ... I I I I I I I I I I I I I t t t t t t e-.~ Ill 1 t t t t I I I I I I t I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I '~ 1---- . •• .. . . . * Blouses Sweaters Skirts Slacks Dresses Suits Play Ciothes .. 2;5 to ·50% REDUCTION SALE Septemlicr I -. 1 to 5 . :. 710 Central Ave Balboa .. -il t 1 I • t 1 1 I 1t 1 .. t I t t. I I. I t I I .. I I <t t t I t1t I I I I I t I I t t 1 t t 1 14 ...................... 1111 .. ,,, ... I t t I I I I I I I I I t I t I t t I f I f I I I t I I I I I t I I I I .. If Till IOnOM of your i l Gl\ 1!: r .JJ&ll . try this way to smo oth 1 t Plh! make i t 1 i k 8 n 8 w. Rub . • o , bottoa vi gor ous ly ~ • with dampened s c lt. a crushed newspi'\per , t hen r ub iron w1th a .clean cloth . .,,,, . riskl That's the ••vnt•lMT without shrewd i nvestor . ideal of ever[ d that's why "s~t / nne ., i s going lnto ,, ·. ~.,1::_ mo ~QNDS every day. ~~ "AR more war Bonds Buying d t he boys )!\' \ helpS spee , e• a nd ~ \· . home. BuY ntil the keep 18 m u 11 hti n g iS a fig It's the least over. you can do l GOOD IAnHG 'Ot AU th ~ .. Weber' e family at -- 1 i c i ou~ EnJ iched "hi t :v:ry meal - texture • l a vor-rresh read . De- Also i't ~asy spreading, tende r tains' nou/ohn--grea t J .1ng 1s -Values na t' ura~ to Whole: graln cereal ~et a loar t!:. ay, ln th well-k e U nown •·n ngh••-wrap . ...,.. .•