HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-09-07 - Newport Balboa News Times.. .... -· ~ I • POBT· BOA PRESS .. THI IHTlRI NIWPORT H.AUOa Dll'ftiCT V<;)i;:u;.~c=v~====H=ig=h=Sc=h=o~o=:=:o:tl-= =~::::::::o~-:a-•• dma~~~ae~,m~,!~~~::~:~~==G~~~~=POI=~=~~,A==::;~~i~;~:k~;:t ...'::.-:.:.~~.·=Enrollment ~~~-= M~o! ."!-~~.Holdup Suspects ..aan&na ~Oft B&nloa blaD4. and a._, preliclei'IU&I ~ tlave ..... ......._,.. ~ N-port ""1' Bill• lutaltn• 11100 ...,.. 11M DUt be'l 10 far away It 0 T ttraUon1 untold before her 1,_, Beae\ ~ ~,.. OOfllldrr-l talu•n. arcotlllntr to the polJee ~ talt• more'n two weakl for a pens erm )(rw. ll:&aaDor able MaUl fill -.,ney eomeUmell port. Whl'n t11r pair were put ln letter to ••t ....,.. tram la1m; A.ll4 • ltadl.an HUlton. at .,.. earned IIIJ .. lronl. wu hall. cuetft\Jy. ... • Oaata M-. revered a.nd • ......_ ~ b '"--.~._ I eo far &"-7 ... 1 ,. .. ..,__. r-and Iller. A llltlr whllr lall'r, Jl'ran.ll Pro-.... t 111e ed "ol..__. ~l .......... l" of ... _ ·--ttr ---ollooo.l.l-·t ... .... .,_ (._ I¢ • , .., --·~·...., .._ --I .... __. --Ul'Mte vanzAno. ••· of Loa ~lea. and eaD't .-...taU ., All .._. -.,. r;:;; ~ away quteUl( lut 'I'UMciiV made at a OOIIta ~~-llddreu bfo. Mr• ,.,.,1,111 .. Tt•A«Uf>, so at M-. .....,. ... ll, a . • .... I) morniq at a Santa Ana re1t ~ clawa 1M& ~.Y mordl.n&'. t.ebf!Uo. •nu.r.d u.., 1\aMia aw- capt • ln t)le P&n , 11w ~ ..... ..wned lm. nur hnuef' and at.o w.ff &n'Mted c:tftc" w b I c b pol1aaOe -=• lor J~a~.LicLlL.L' '1'ky ..,.._.,. "~ wtU..-druft.ll~ IOUndl • 1 r 1 Two hUIIdnct &net .... oc111 Mn. Hueton wu M yean of ~· ot eo.ta 11-. tAl hold t~ enn,... damp to aM --. o1 tiM.,......_ at...._ ... YUIC' ..._ born Jan. 11, Loa Aq'llel--. WUUa m H. Jllel. l n malllna 01,. a"'""-ome.r. dept.., U.UC. .._ ..... ......_ 1161 at W!Ddlcw Mo -· _.; -;:.: Provanaano, l'&plalnf'd that Information troom Bob, now oae terdai, :::.UIIlA~ _:' ~ lbe wu a ,:_l~nt ot CoMa IW; llftder bondl 00 rob-1""" A"'"'"• had prompted pnp. ot our .,.., papUa turaect ia tWr ---t ..._ for 20 ,_...., m~ w ber:p f~lon:.:::'t':· toUow•d U.e arallnna .. alnat lhlnp ,...ardad ba.t N&YJ U-.. -•-N.wpor! dup of F B. u "eueJ'III'Iuu." a t U\f' beach, par. taa.nte, • ad ua.&r clue ......, aM ........,. bome wttll ... r eon and daucht.er-11:pp1e. a patRa et U... eate.bar, ucularly at IIJIC)te w1'1ere IMM ~ a.-.. __ .__..... ....._til to ,__ r. l.n.l&w, Dr. and Mrw. C. G. HUlton ...... *' .... J. -·-U.. mon"y rom• Into nouee. to .. aome K · op..n1q ....aoe Dat .._...,_ of 111 ll. liUl at: J:,pple, a ..._.on ~Waet~ man. w-. ...._. o.aa, Uon ,_ quite 0a1aee lD Use me.nU.., J000 ...U... &If atac e1 ~ bad felt tM IMport .. athertna NetaOn al\d Sam Prov-- a apell, and 111 bet ..... .-tUna It ~ Of U.. ....,_. ana. a-Idee Dr. Hueton, lhe Ia IIW'" ~ ud .... dltv•n a ,_ wu,. bound on r for prellmtn&r:p ftDW! nDC1nc tram U.. lrtef IL~ .tYOd by another 110ft Harry ot blol'kl lA Jail -. wben bt wu b .. rtnJ on felon robbery cMrpe Ria, letUr-, u JOU'" p.tlleNd. .,.. to -..u. .,....., __.. U.,. OallJaa4. Cal., one ~later, Mnt. for'C*! to tile ... 011 U.. boul•-lept. U , whf'n U.ey came~~ .._ t tell mUdl allout IIJI Ina t.hetr lwlmee ud ,.,_.. Ia a Kate McNeff ot Wlndeor Mo ud vard new .. litlwt. and wu JUIII<'e Dodp on 'I'UeadaJ. N•l- ....,_boata. but the ez-J~ ap. quJY1ve ot ,......,..tiaa for tiM u.,.e ~ . relieved ot II* In 1100 bUla, at thf'r w .. ab1fo to poat IN ••• OOO JIU'8fttl7 •w -the a~te In BaA crowded erollmeat at U.. pacle J'u.Deral the poUlt ot • _..,.ver. bond fWIUIN'd b)' the JueUa., and ~ Wore be took ott IICboola Ulat btctM oa ~-Wd 'o ..me.. which wtll be u 100ft u llll'll!t DW1e hltl way bolh an-In l!lanta Ana County A'-'t tJie ftrat thin• Bob. did "'-"A-0.,. '1 1 i 0raua1 ~ :!.1 t;.,:·;:.:::. to Use poUce .UOn. oftlt.'l"ft Jail. wbaa ... rea.cbad Jl'rilen, wu to ..._ wW oe Moada:r lilllta ad .,_ u ou~ ot tnlNU llbowfld llllll ~ of pc»-Mrw. T.~· wu arTaiJ'I'IM 1ft bump Into another· Navy Ueute.-lranaporttq tU ...0. folk oa boUt t1oral and wrttten from aU .. ba. -aJaata, .-.1 Epple ptclled Juatlce C'ourt, pl•aded 1\dlt:r on aut. a "'Y 1ooc1 mutual tnencl ,.war "Cbeduue ,.._ aD .eeu... Ute dllltaat eonan lllto wtdCIIl out Ute plct.N • Nelaon. . lba drunk ch~. and wu ..,_ of oun. Lt. ~y KUcbel ot An-of Newport JIHclll aac1 U.. otJMr "QraadJa&• Hu.toll'a cbeuy lllftu... Nelaon wu arlllltfld aft•r dl1. t~nc.ct to 1& da,.. ll'ranJr ~- Uelm, our •tate aena tor, wbo Juet c:ommua.IU.. 11M .._.. wtJi .._ •ace Ud ,...U.tecl. l'bartre o1 ........ ~~tote WIMn po. &ano pl~llded not lfUUty and .... I'Ot llbMelt flt.elecUd cte.ptfe tiM bftl' ~ ftlr W. _,.... ~ ya, lice went to a a.. at 1180 TUI· r•l,....,.d on SIOO ball p«NIIna Jv7 fact Uaat IW1 Uwre, &lid ,...,. and afterDooa ....._. at Hew. Grandma R ... ... Un a•enue. o.ta .... wlllcll they t rtal on the drunk c:barp. beN. a-cJil ....... ....... ... 11t a.toft WUI t.hlrcl COlin Ud pat \Iader .....mane. etVf'ral Pollc. laid they bad bfotln main. """'-K~ and Usa O&rctnft'l Ute two ...._ Ia o.ta x-, eln of DoU:r ........_.. and Zadaary da,. prior, ..,_ recetY1na a up t.a.Jntnc particular .. tchf'lal~ a t •• .. n J'ranclaco," Bob wrote, wbldl .,.. U.. ll.a. SleMol. u4 ~. Bar ..,..adfatber, l?'.a.JOr Mnt here-, 1M..,._ polle.. known Newport ...Creation apoU wtddt lndleatea tbe7 10t arouacl the Urtdllerp lldlool. .._ w111 OeMraJ W'lll1us lt. 'l"a.1tor wu ""'-N..._ -a.rt'!Nted, U.. whtore conalderable money ,..._ a ... t. • 1'lle dirt Nally n.w about not lrulport tile loww ,.... ~ wtUl 1M OoaU...tal Ann7 ol VIr-otftcera U.O toall-Provanaa.no In a ntp l Net-, U..y aay, aJ. ()nqe count:r.• he adda4 of Balbo& lllud to tWr .... ltJdL Her fatMr, Jlttdlarcl r. ,...,._ Oft ....... ef ..... aa --.. ,_dy hu a polloe reoorC. Tllat bull.-ton hadn't an:r at Usa fonDer v._le a-._ lor foupt bl Use CIYII WU' bl tM morw U.u quteted cto.m, ...._ New ~ .._. tiMir ftnt UalcM A.r!QJ. -------- 11® ltnldl anotlter mutaal ae-fonn&l IINelilltr .... ~ .. One lUter died NCeDUJ at ua. Red Crn~~Group qouablta.nee, M&re:UI Mareenue Me. If. De..._ at .....,._ ._. ....-.-o~ tt, .ad IMr ~ ..._ ~ CaDen. eaptaln, u. 1. Kartne School ,_.,.,., ...,., ud Ia ll now II. corpa. wtto not eo lonl' &CO ... the attemoa. tile earolbneM ol "01"8DC11u" Ru.ton JotMcl tbe Hea Offic m&)"'r ot our Mtlflbortna d ty ot upper ~ ....... ........... Me~ church ... lltU. If" In rs ers . Runun,ton Beach. Tile dlrt. Bob continued toda:r wttll ........_ an.ourt. UnUI ber IIMIU. faJJed added, new. a,ratn. and ~tel*••-b all, tile RIP ber annual open boa8e blrtlllclay Back from L'nes Bob doelcJ b:r •:rtn. the coun. School expect~ 100 ~te ta u.. parUel were alfalrl ot ..., popu. 1 · J try be'• ln. Ia beauutul, warmJab. four ~ lar aot1oo. and not bad. "And obv1oualy," ht ....._ '-~ ...U -.,.... at Kn. R.toe'• M&n:r tt.t .,. pt tMtr ma.t eloeed. '"the~ la a roocl-et.lecl war Pl"ep&raUoa '-.,......UC. Ia .me. tomonow will be Donald lnUmate feellJW., ..,llinee PMrt ~ on... a ~ ..... II tiM tMil Howard Wooctroacta. A A. Bet ... ,. be ~ to .--.e~r r.a.. Prt n41r11 -..... r . a .._..., ca.d. ~ .._ .., • ..._. to ....,... ... and .arfbW 1MfWe _. *...., • ea. ,.spat.. .., ... .....,.., ,.. tv •• 1 n • • 1 • s r too -.I ~~-ac.ool, .,.... ~ an w1D be conducted .,_ u.. Onm•ar 8cMof ........,.. IMt " " • ,.._._ ol ~ U.. ....,_ ~-Fred W. Meclr1~ and n!pt. and baud a IUCO n'k"' o# fiOIIK 1nal to achool, ~ U...--., ... Uloe ltaY. Pen-)' lcbrock. -~ .,.. ull wllat UMir own aDIAall8 ,~ tbem ~ ....... to A number of people have aid the oactlonl UJIOil U.. tacuJt:r. D.-g rf I f er-1\.ad -n at the combat.. biPJ)' COmplimentary thlnp about A lut mtnute arran...,..t ot ~0 &C ng 0 llnM. tM eo.ta x-nre cleJ)&Itnw'lt arrtY1n• and departiJw ...__, Balboa Parldug 'l'l'le meeUq wu the annual In tbe lut ff!W eta,.. wbJc:Jt wtU keep Ull'lo &.to. .._, Lot Co ld red -Jon of the Newport Harbor It -ma there wu a rrue nre on a achedule u.at wvald do ,__ ns e oa Hamilton St. and thlnp tot lloe to the GraDel C.~ tra1D-Followtna ~pruentatlona b Branch. llouthr m C>ranp County prett:r bot. muter, wtU be fou.d tn ...u.er ~ men at Balboa. the Y chapter of the American Red ., did tbe nremen. TbeJ roa.rM collllM of tile H.wpoft-..._ Ooullcll lut 'l'ueaclay appotnr::t! c~. t.o the ~ne tn record tim•. and Pre., where It may aid U.. )II'W-commJttefo to report' ~k on the Bpeak•rw. who Included MaJ. aftd a coupl• of ~UM&. amon• ~~': ot children ~ct t.beU par. experwe, and meana of ctetraytn1 Gen. Ralph P. rouelna, commal\d- ot)ler t.hlnp. One wttne. lAid · It, that wc.uld be Involved tn re-In~ •rnl'raJ of tAe Army Air taat II they'd ba" &raved two Mauf7 Ill .........._ olltna' and eurtaclnr the dty park. mlnUtM latn, the hOUHI would Twent:r-etx ~ wtD caaa. In• lot alonl' th• ocean front at Force~~' W~m ny~q Tralnlnr have been &'One. poe. the tac:ulty at Rai1aer Union Balboa. Command; Allthon:r HCM~Ciand, 25-CeJlLWanLAd In 'Press • Solves P. E. Agent's Worry n.. ---.... ........ .. ,... .......... _ ..... ..... .......... ., ... Jlf_.,.n. ..... ,.,_ .... MtaeW ,.., ...._, liiJ DII.W M. ...._, l'adfte a-e. ........... ~ .... hiiiL6 ...... ~ .. ,, ...... .,.,. .... ........ .. ,._ ............. ..... .. ....,. ,_ . ,.. .. -.. .._.H .. ""' P.l!. ....... II N~rt. I lied nv,. ..._ ... .... y .--ukt .... ... Jolt." .......... ,. .... . .. ,.,.,_ ............ ..... ..w ................. ..... In trytnc tn .._.... - - few tlfwo Jolt .....,,. I U...pt of IINI ,.,_ _. Ita waat ..... TIM .. ,_, tJw Pwtt\r DM. trko J•t 16 ........ You'd Never Gae. Georp Nolaad'a UfeUme Tlutu 'l'l'le UlrW ot a llteUme oame to Ot'orp K. Nolaftcl. at lll Urd eti"Pf't, New)IOI't, lA tua 8'7-en-,,nu. y.ar, State Funds Spur Council In Big Plans a.orae. a vetaran ol vanoua waJu at Ule, ILM wonM .t.c~D:r the lut two 1'MIW wtU.OUt ever beln• late or mlllalna a alllft. and Draw1na of plana for a t\all prn.. Oao. N.,_d lt.ad wor1r.e4 . Ula pam of htafl .. y lmJ1"'""'""' tn lMt .....,..._ lhe NI'WpOlrt. Balboe and Corona w·e e Ill a • • dfl Mar -uon., to be ltart.d atralpt •ven-cltrectly alter Ule war'• end, wa• -,. • a • weell uraf'd upon Ul• <"lty rouncll at -...., ..-.. 1M lhe City H.U lut ~. when wu .u.d Ia ~:r •tate tun4il weN announelH u Ilia e..,ao,.n available fnr the planntna ~· at 4.-.riGan of th• lm,_,vement w.....a. ..... ud ()Da. r -'"•· .tnleUon 0o ""-elty'• Plannsq CotnrniMIM oa u.. Udo ~: formally •'14r,......-d that the coun. .......... ....,. C'tl I\O'A' •mla&rtt on pl41M. n... Ia • pat r o 1 • WUJ prob&Wy •tart wtU. U.. tm. Willdy M a pmvem•nt of OetltraJ Avenue troom oompu:r f\IU'd Balbne to Mc-h.clclen place, u:. •-o-p. ,_ m rdln• to U\• dtKu.ton at U.e ire u.. ....._ Oou_nf ll m .. Uftc. W'Of'liler uw1 U.. ...... flp PIM moet "'liable emplo)'M oa U.. ,_.. 'l'l'len would follow othn lm- ~nel llet." lila emp&o)'INW told provement W'Of'tl aktna C'entraJ tn b.lm. "And we're ~ ~ 8 et..._c In on. dtrMUon and alai!• to prvve liM ~ 1'0'1 M" Cout Boulnanl toward ~hway won." 101 In th• other dlrf'C'tlon With that. ~ ot U.. ...,p W'hen Councilman ICarl ltanl•y t'OMtNd lon COIIIp&nJ pi' ..... fUN\JOfted tM adYieQ&IItJ of UJI. U.. tall, epry, IT.,..., ....._ Wt&klna wor k at too ,.t.Matve a With IIUIUr.J~Ce policy ,.,_. OIWo Ml.ir'fl, for fear that "It ma.ttt •rtna \be rMt ot &.:. Nolud bte won a ~P cwt aman prop. •pan. wtlatn.r It IUJ bani out eft7 owne,., and m~et~t Mt~rt.aale to bft, aftd, adcllna to It a eeoond u..tr loU." Oound lmM L. L. Ia- poliey co"rtna any IUad ot ru.. bell and ft. L. htte,_, atty .,._ ture medteal ~t:r. ~t-r. came forward wU)I ••pia. "It'• a ate. oonapltiMI!t. • ..w nau-U..t IJM planna.. lllould O.Orp. "ANI I ~ UM ftDW lie taunc:a.ed wtlh an _,.. to tr1endl:r tnte,...t. but rm .-.. to Use ~hat dlatant rutuN, u Uw to be 100. and 1 ....... t -... far u tun tclll\pletton nr t ile proJ. lkll a _dQ_&a· tM .JUt Mn'M Ht. Ia Involved. 'n4l lmpnrt.ant ,..,._ 8o I ,._ tMt .._ at ft, Wfti, User _,cl. "li to ~-- I'm a 1ooc1 rt.IL" ...-niA•It.lt ctone now. A'""'"'- m.nte for U.. actual wOf'tl wm County Planning ~-·~ '=--:.. •-t!tty M,tftHf' ..,aalftlcl Body Airs Talk ~ ~~ ~: :::r == UOft pro)ld.a In -"lclll f\artJMr Colle Illata tuMI ean be ~ It .. ge at Harbor :.. u:.:.. .... :.:.. -::. Jr ...... AM .._.'t I'll ... ,., ....... e.t ....... ot a ...._ ,......... wtua 1*-'f, •• ,..._ Ool-Jor overaJJ plan. .... MlcM -~ ea. C!OURIJ "'"'• mnn,.y will nnt bfl forth· •at at:r .,_ ~ lip ud ~-roml~• rnr a partially wnrtred nut tna to a e&l'l'l,_ aloltt' Newport pial\, Mr Patt•rwnn •Jet. Hart»r ..,........ Aid from ltat" t\ln&t al110 wu At l•ut tha. wu tM ..,.-t.tna mentioned u t.!tn• antld pet.d In and .,.u,.._ ...,..aaaoa--.ct. connf'C'tlon with wldf'nln• an•l mil tf'dly , not Immediately tmml· Jrract. r han•••. that will lnvnl•" nl"nt which wu pr-.nted to U\e •tbaf'k• alon• thft rnu,.... of Jflfh. d ty OOUJidl tor lt. COMhleratlon way 101 In Cornna df'l Mar ,....,..., at the September montllly rnwt. armrdln• to arnraJ .,.akerw at 1~ tn Ctty Hall lut ~ ,,_. CmlnC'tl mHIInl', the plan• t nr v....a, 0 ,... .. U. y. wlct. and rapid ntf'nelnn of a C!Of'll, 1'hl' mal"r _. .,,.....nll'd In a mUIIIt)' bwllnMIII centf'r an known "nmmunlratlnn from the Newport to bfl ,.,,.,..,, awaltlnl' a pee.l:ti- Bear h Plannln• Comml•lon. wtllch tim• ,.., .... on mat.rta ... 1·allf'd Ull' rnunctlml'n'l attention c.r..a ... Mar ~ .. Ro, the next time you IH one Hlp Scllool Councilman !Carl Stanley •Ui'· R.t!d Crou P'leld DINc:tor; Com- of the Meaa n ,..t1«fflel"', pat him Tbe t.ndMn WCIItdltc wltll ••ted tbe plan• lbould a.MU.me mandrr Norman L:ron. u ecuuve on the back a II ttl~. h uh ! Pnnclpal l:n.alft at Use N..-port that bl•alneu men ralee a portion ornc.r at Ute NaYJ'• Banta Ana • • • Elementary lcltool wW aWDIIer of the 1Um n .. d, perhllpl one-halt. Blimp bue, bi"'UU''It nrat hand ,.,. -....... "...., .... UN! ,.. -tlw w1ff' of u AmiJ orne-..... •taW altf> ... •WJ .... .. .. v,. ao-Lhl•• .-. •tr.ettve to llo. Ito a l"''qUf'•t which wu put fortJI ~ JBJ,....nt wtdth of Hlpway --------------= lhl• """"II by u.. <>ran•• Ooullty 101 U.rou«tt Corona del Mar wtll --f'lannlnl' ~laUon, NOC'Ofnm«nd. bfo C'onv .. rted lntn a thnrotJ.hfar,. A ""'-'NOtE 31· O ld dt..cu.lon r.oncern~d ·thf' lmpreulone from U.. WU' front. PlACE 1'0 81! 'l'lllrty-nne taocben. IAchldlnl' matter of cruat -lrla art•tnc fro"' a.dl ,.._ • ...._.. Saw 8lun Kinafalher under the Dl•lr1ct 8upertntenclent S..rett the parklnl lot. Gen. Couatna wu ,_ ~k from bu the other nlrht. but that'• Rea. Prindpal Clara KcHaD:r at Balboa merchant. who urard a trtp to torelrn ......_ RCM~C­ not what tt eoun<U like. lhe Coeta ..._ Matn khool. and Ute matUr-to the Council'• a tten-land hu JUit ret UJ'I'Ied fn1m tbe Bam wu ~palrtnr the plumb-Pr1nd pal Zd!Ul Olrrte at Ute Lln4-Uon, ._rt.l'd U.•y had ort«1nally South Pactn c P'ronte, and after lnl' at Johnnie Vllelle'• ArciiM, berp 8cbool. wtll JII'OYWe tile tn. contributed 11100 to acquire the llltenlnJ to P'llm, W...,. looked and cJolnr a l'ood Job, too, cte.plte •tructJon at the Ill-. property for the auto park. and very rloomy tor Ute JapanHf'. the fact that "" wu bran1nr at 'l'l'le overflow ot rr-.de ldtool bad reprded It u the clty'• ob. Commander Lyon communicated t\all epeed concernln• h .. ability applicant. hu ,_.ted Ia OM Inn llp.Uon to care for the parkin( eom~ of hl1 lmpre.tona (11Jned u a clove hunu r. novation a t the N.wport Onm· lot u an ..-t for their. bualne11 from a 30.1)00 mill" lnepoetlon trip • • • ma.r School. where ~menta aectJou. ot Ult! Pacific. whldl be hu juat ha ve been announced to trauport ------l'ompleted. AHO'I'ID:a I'I'IWAHOE "-ACE lpeaktnr of unu.eulll placu to be found. wh at about Banker Watta, our form~r N•wport ma. haraJah of the moolah. h .. been vacaUonlnl' h•re. u many btr.Qot bankera do. But. accordln• to a reliable w1tn ... he'a been 1pendlnr hla ln a tuhlon not common with bank- era. ''nita wtln-aatd that, w1'1en he loolrad IAto l:ddle Moore'• lba other ciaJ, there wu Banker Watta. wuhJ.n&' l:ddte'l dlabee with vtm and powdered aoap. all m«mberf ot U.. J'tl'tll 0nc1e from the Elementary llebool on H.amm Distributes Dlhf'r 1peak,.,. lnelucled Paul Central avenue each mominc. to Hearing· Aids StMton, mov1f' and r&dlo ...... clue rooma •t aput for them at liON man for Rt d em.. publlcl- th• allpUy 1,.. Jamp&clrfld lllp An Important addition to U\e ty In LOll An.r,.lfw; Mila Lucille echool. · Mrvtc. which h .. 8.0 .8 . •leetrt-1 ~I"Wmark. h..ad of tM fled ero- llad! ._ MD.p · cal and radio ~peetalty ahop now 8out.hforn A~a Blood Donor Serv- 'nle P'ltUl Oradarl fn1m aD 8lle. perform~, wu announced today Ice; W. M P'ratfr-. otncer at th• Uone of the c:tt:r ot M..-pott lleacll b:r Harold Hamm. of 21& Marine local Cout Guard bue; Mrw. Al- wtU thue take roar .._ trtpe dall:r an nue, Balboa lala.ncl. when Mr. bl'rt llmpaon. htad ot tJM Berv. In a ttendlnr and rel\Uftlna train Hamm wu diOMn u repreeenl&-tee W lvu Club ol 8anta Ana eehool. Theaa wtD be fnlm tiMtr Uve to ballcDa the coutal area of Army Air bue: COl. ltobt. Mila.,. ~rutar pickup oornerw to ua. .._ Ute county tor aida to thOM of of the Air F OI"('t' and Mnt. Ja.ne mentary llcbool. and train a JUUa Impaired ba&rtna'. . Underhill. R~ croee ftalcS Dtree- Gracle u.embl:r .U..... naar tile lhlpmente of appuatu• from all for 8AAAB. William Tway, a tv..nla oourtll, tn JUUa Grade~ U\e ltandard laboratorfea and county Rl!d Cr~ ottk!lal, and 81 acatn to U.. RiP leiMiol. Rome manutactur«rw have reached Mr. Mr•. Walker. h~ad ot the LOll tripe an. edMol w01 ......_ • H.amm, and hla eetullabment of Anael~ County Motor Oorpe. Hitler Neve r Had l lnjC that Jllrwrort 1-ok arourld tor of 10 or .,O.Ibl)' 11)() , ...... a~rnrtt. D-tte p I Th • rw-tbh' .,t,. for Ulf' Junior Col-In« to lh" ltlat'UMion. l:nJ1nHr a aM." r a an ·~-r att.FIIOft IIUd t~ ........ aJrM.dy This Mean Thief I Thl' County PlannJnr Commie. ~ 100 toot rttttlt of way. •hm'• h•ttf'r •tated that til• ,,._ Harbor l•lantl, whl•·h wu aft. A new candldlll•• fur Ull' tlllf' nf I Qll"et In Jllrwport had approval n"•"d In Ul• r lty a.,_,ut a )'Mr "World'• to"""""8l thl .. r ' f PIW'J':· • rr,m VWU'Ioue ot U\,. oounty•1 atto. r.•prd nnr nf lh,. brn .. nte •d on Jllrwpm1 ll•·•<'h pulfr ,. r;f',.l''"'"' riU"•· becau .. or t h• f.acl of ann .. xallnn a t lhl• W~'"k'• rrmn- ol"d.. Yl'lll'rllay th•l thl• .,,.a wu ronaldf'rl'd rill mf',.llntt. whf'n a f<mnal vtlt" Hr •toll' Ulf' l'nltrl' ('Uh ,_ ..... ,... r .. vnrahly lllC'at .. ~ t or t ran.e. l''lnfl"""" •rtiMI al'tlon In M)n. enurcre and " 12 6;11111:" llh•!III"IJn I pnriHtlnn rrnm moet pntnte In thf' """tin« th,. tral't'• -~~r With thf' frvm a •lrPplnp; wnr V~'l ••r•n. hont,. ,.,,unty. Orllnlr" rtttJnly outfall, on If' a VI' aflf'r 414 hun•hln« mle. Jlnw Abotlt ,.._._ A .. f ICnffln,..., r'all"""'" ·~·niiOrf'd a 11on11 IJVI'r 0f'rmllny I ~llnla An1'1 r"IU'tlnn to lhf' n-l'l'qUI!IIl fllr appruval of nfhl'r Vlrllm or IJI,. "m""""'t thl,.f" 11nd unf'Xpt'('lf'd rf'qun t wu n<Jt plan• ar•lrlnlf blt11 tn ron•tnaf't a wu "'"'If'""' lhlrry .lny nf 2811 1 •lnt,.d Th,. rf'qu,.t r.am" In th,. _,.r arMM U1• Ranta Ana rlvl'r P'lfty-flrth Rtr,.,.t Hunllnr t.on 141~tk•· Iff '"JW'alf'd fa.Ji u'r,.. of dtf. Park. HI' riUllr Iff N1•WJ)'lrt Rrar h ,,.,. nt Hanta Ana tarllnn• to ll(T'H Tueaday, flahed all , .. ,. tHl t h,. "" " """ U'IP,... pier and thrn tlr,.ll ~tnd "'""PY ,.... Th11 Ill-port ltM.eh CounC'tl turned to hie auto nn lh• parklnlf l•.,•k lnfnrma.J action approvlnr thf! lot and wPnt In l lf'f'Jl l'l•nnlnlf Commlulon'• requ.oet to Wl'll'n hi' awok,. hr round thlf etart lookln• Several oouncllm•n a thief had takPn th,. •h!ltlriJn 1 httwr vrr, r~marked that U1e ltahd from thl' r ar lln<l hi• wallet con. ,,r th,. Education Board would tatnln• 1600 In r uh. from hll probebly be lba all-Important -.. poc:ket. l lermlneuon_. ____ _ Communion to Be Held at Twilight Dant Opposed On Relocation Men to eonduct Rodeo on Sunday l!lv•rythlnt that th• n ,..tfflf! C'owboy• ueed to do-and •UII do ~tn lh~t ranch"• to rt•k t hf!lr n~k• ".,_,.,d a r ayu•"· will hOI put on dl•play fur ordinary fnlke with th<l!l r t••t on th• fro~Jnd. to watr.h, at OPf'nl njt rodro of l)()b lkiiM' autumn prntfT~t.m at 1·30 p m : llunday at 11\1 h Ani'! Pl•l'l'ntla. In Colt& ...... Tllere w u a happy exp,_.oh on bla race. 10 the epec:tator ~ he hadn't loet a bet at the coftM club, or 10methtna. and wu ecraptnc the plat.ea bec&ule M Uked lt. eune rala:r .,........_. Ulla •moe wtll belfn at once. a-t.--.... Anot.ber port1oa fill U.. Jf..-pott ...-.ere Ia notJdna Unllptly, Followtn• th,. pulllle meettn.. Corona d1•l MIH r•.,nr "•atlon. amaller ,.... wm ... -.... COMpteuoua, or womeome about -om e.ra wen-elfCted to con.duc:t al churC"h will hold twllllfht rom- Orv Ill• hal\ t '1 appliC'.a U nn for •r rroval of a marine railway nn property near the An:t.., over which hl1 owne,.,..lp cla.lme have •llrrf'd t~tt'lrlal city COflt.l, met r .. buf'r a t th.. wMk'• city ooundl ..... ~on, when a lett.er from Ute l!nlted Bt.at... Dt.etrtc:t En~neer• ••frtre wu read. 'l'ltHtr rtdln•. hr••nr rl<llna. rnr lnl'. anti 110me •takf' flll'l"ff art! on Ulf' prolfraln J>uref'e will bft In wa r bonda It be'• u cool! • clllbw&lbe'l' u lle Ia a banker, I 'll bet thoae ptatea ~,.. clMnl It's Different Who Hangs Wet Clothes on IJne ,....t.ecl ... , ,.,.. U. .... .a.. the lataet lldai\Uftc artJclee w1'11ch the Newport H.,._,. Red en-munlon .,.rvlr ... an•' with It a ,.._ mentary eehool fta. portioa la. come under the cluelfteaUon of dutlee for tht ~ ,...., u eeptlon .,.rv1 cr lll n..w ml'mbe!"', cludM the ,rwt. 1eooac1 aac1 ftlrd 1M&rtnc a.tclll,'" Mr. Hamrn llald. rollowa: at 7 p. m 8 un''"Y at U\,. Ch.aP"I rrade dl11clr.a ,.......... -Jlel· ''N.wport Harbor wnt now be pro-Chalrmal\ Jurpn LoNnt.aen· -by lh,. 8~1.. "0 Cllu t Hltehway, boa llland, wtlo wG1 ... ._ tllllr ¥1ded wtUl a complete faclllt:r to VIce-Chairman Mra. fta:r Alford: Corona d•l M11r Dr N~laon C own achool Oft tile lllaad at tile •"• tllOM wbooe work a.nd let-Secretar:p-A. J · ,..._; 1'rea.eur~ Dreier, •urer1nl,.nl1,.nt of ~e 8o\J. ona.Ume MUCIIlle a-. eure can be made mo... eftldent er-Burt Connf'll. 1 th•m California f'on~er .. raUonal ...._.. l1hll 1 and more comfortable ,rilh a Dtredora Mt'JIIIama. Eltsallet.J\ conte"'"""· "'"' 111-llvn the eer. OftldaJa ot U. -.uc.Uoa 1*-lbarpenl,... of their Jlevtnl'." Mlllf't, J:arl Stanle:r, .._,.. Ruth. I mon Newport Beodl poUee ban trtct jamed wtaa Prtadpal ~ ertord. Cla u• 8PI'we1JiJU. Iaiiy I MnrnlnJ wllt•hlp will be h"ld !lOMe bathl .... tNita In tMtr prop.. lip tC\ apn. Ute f~t ........ -c"'" '1'0 U aii!!IJZD Sawyer, VIctor Grace, Olad,. at II a m In t h,. f'h•Jlf'l fllllow- erty room today, and Wn. Cbal1el that Ute ~ oaadltta. 1r 00 AEII8 'I'IIJDI Gardner. CAmll... Jltot)ercSaau, lnJ l!lunday Ach,.,•l. In th,. 1mall a E71S w. Ct~ntraJ Avenue, wouJd Dl)t IMt ••--• tile ~--~ C . ....___ of ... _ Oeorc« Howard, ar.u.a ,...,..._ G. bulldlnlf nn Jumln~ .v,.nue near -.....-• .u.. "-" .. ,.,._ ou-L. Anclft'WI. Rolaad Rodiklnaon l"o . 6 out her wublftt. llrl. nina monUll at U.. 1"'-41 .s.oo1 cadta. ,........, tWI....t.ed poltc. Robert Hut lnp , .._blrtJI Me~ urt.J\. at ":tl) • m &11~ otncera and _,d 1M .r-r. but could .. IICitftd"' INCn and .,..c. ltaUon operatote ot Klbben, Anabe.lle 11turta. Walton founcl the bethtnl w lta on bar Uon ol U.. ... aDd eacwt7 N..fport and Balboa to be 011 tM HubbArd, Donald R8CIIoft, M'-IIAVF. \'Oft UAIIMTJ:ai:Df c:JoUlM line, bat didn't lilrlow Wlao awaited 0Droaa diJ Mar Oft==ar 1eo11out for a fklc:la ot IT "C'' .... ftuth llmpenn, W--1&J, hank t..t datf' for t"(111rlltlnn In nr. OWMd them. PDUot too1r U... Ia 1c1wJ01 • o..u& • ._... ud .,_ nu. ll&alup wblcll ISM loR Crocker, Hubbard Jlcllw., Jmn tier to vote In th,. p,...I~Ua.l aMip u4 _ _,... u.. 11aa. 111. .......-.. 18 ea. ........, ....._, O.Ort• Oordon, CIJU Hall, ud election, ta .. pl. 21. Have rou Dr. oeor,._.N~ "-· ,.,...,..., Thf' lett.r noted Dant'• requ.t tor f OVemment approval ot a mar. lnt way et a potnt TO feet nnrtla nt lhe apot wt'lere the bnet cJoclll man had torm~rl,. laid out bla P"'~d track. Th• city council. alter conadt. In( with R. L.' PatUraon, ha111or Rtlm• ot lh• futn t thormJ~th· brf'd hor~• •n llahl.. In l;allfor nla, havf' brrn uhtAirw•lt rfJr lh" runnln• rar "• thll will prnvll11' nn• rtf the f,.al ur"•· "rl'nrdln,r t•r Mr 8kllell 8,.v.,ral lhuuMnd tllll lar• hu rr<'r rlt ly II<'•' II "•~ntlf'•l In puttlnr th .. ''""'" M""" rart• NNr.,., rndll'!o ftl'a l anti •·u•tnmrr conc.,.l<)n• lnlu 111t rar llv" •haJW' for IJI,. I'VI'nl• ur whl• h Huntlay'• pro«rlllll I• th,. II'IIN m '• ata th r mut•r and cit y ..,... __ voted to NEW II(~TNAN aend word to federaJ enrtnHr that ICd Hart hu 110ld hi~ lw•t. "L tJ\e cttJ raa.. •JecUon. on.. V L .. to W. R Jl'olll1 •1f Banta land Ia ,.....,:::..: c:tt:r oiJiolaa. Monica, who will mak11 thll Ill• .......... ~ ~. - ITEII • e $1.11 ....... ...... Mra. E. P'. llanley. Mra . lianfl Kpi'IC' II· • V Oraer, .. Alm~-oft. •·a u, a(nt. ar.. ~ ..,. o,...,,..,. ... .... 11, f'r•n)l fUniiOf'l, Mrw .. ,. f':lb.a· Wlrrt Ha•t· C.hl't•. ,..,.._ I> K lftKt· ew.•, lrvtn llall. o. N • •• rtMnt<'fH .,..,., flk-0, lano by n.- • dMaJon rrl ,.tntn• rnm• .... Uutt lhto ' vlr lnlt y "' 114UTfi'W II n< I """' ... ,, ...... '•n•l•l liiV .,, ' fill • I Jt Ill • trtffl'll u., ... .,.,,,y,.,,,, lit t ''"" ''" ,.,. ""'"'·• ,,, I I I\ "" j, I • I It' \ 1 , I ftll'' ,, ,, ,,,. ! .,.,, I ~·I· II •• d I d I Uh ''' ·• Ill• n fit• til 1IHH ·'~' \\ ·•"''" .,r ,,.,," '"'• tJ II l t'Hitlrt ( olllol V.llllfd · In llu\ 1~;11 U11• n.tn '•W rl11.: ,,, 111 •It, ''' wl11rl• no " ll•;w . .lhul I( I t\#> f ... ftlfJVt'd 11'1 ly "' """ ot t'hflllnl•l ld 1'0 1••1 ,,. 'ftlnl( htuoln. &n!lptllllt Ill 'fttiYI'd. ...lf'fl lUI "I' tJ( Nrwpm t I 11~ ub~ J\y II y if lhfo IJt•lfl fl• lfll,;( Tl11: t\•1 • , • lfMI or I m ..... . -~ ~II •• ... _...., I . .,.....,. a.& .. 15tb to Oct s Yc .. NEWPORT-BALBOA PRESS -BAI.IIOA PBBII ~~~,r:n~t=u ~ ~ £OC.olL ~~·wuu• In ODe Public Drive P'*tsCI?r(~ 'l'luiNdlaJ e...-tnc el Kew,ort ..... 01¥2-* om. _.~ Plut at 1211 OIMt ~ 1U PIAM tor .lM apt ~ NaUDDAJ War Cllelt drtve uve ~ ~ • ..: n I t= matt. June sa. 1NI. et U.. .-t om. at p A. Pa~Jur wt.o OOGdllcteCl U.. M..,o~t 8Mda. c.llfon&a. under tile Act of llardl I . 1'!' e~cce•ful c~palp of 1N3, aad .............. bftce -.;Newpor\ nanor..... Jude• 0 . A. Jonee, Clyde AMea. --~ ~ of W..1'~ _ _ ____ ~~~~,:,."o;:;~. ri. ~ a..G11 1L .IIIIA.FFIIIl and CHARLII8 V. CRA wroRD Sterterwea and ll&ITJ WeiQ. • OwMn and Publleben Plka.ld lbell tar rutp and OIIOROII K. 8HAJTI!R. Editor .W)aUe the dettnlt. quotu for Or· nec:k.lacee Ia aqua. Ivory, and Jfm..L KUIUIAROIIl. Loca1 New• Editor ance county and the Harbor b&ve a ~ )'ltllow . . . . from not yet bee cSK&ded, It a. M-Utt PaiJa .. rti\11 Coral I•lan!M: TM ......... ~ .., ....... ...-.peper of ce.neral clrc:ulaUo" by lleved the np.... wiU approach M'otu -.u elaokH& . . . pink. I ..... 011 1M 8laperW 0ourt of 0ranl'f ~nty and Ul tuJiy qualltled Jut year'e &II'IOUftU. whlt.e, M6 cnen .. aleo Tua to pulalUIIl all lltndll of lecaJ noUcee aad ~vertleemmt. t~ ..,.,. A-.. Motu (larpr) ahell adornment 8UB8CIUPTION-RATES: All orplt&S&UONI recelvtq belp , ot KIM tJpe . . All wiUI Ia Olulp County, U.IO per ,.._, Oulllde of Orance County, p .oo from Ule local cemp&icn are to mateh~Qa ear rlnga. • • _ be Invited to eubmlt report. of • how Ule tunes. were expendecl and Art fro r-d ' T ·L-TD AIUIY OF A BETI'Ea WORLD wbt>n all report. are recefved, u.. al Ull lOD liveS So Jt'a Scbool Day qa1D. committee will acatn meet aad ruap. ucl Indian brace.. decide on quotu for U.. Fall )eta 011 .0.. . . . P&r rtncw WbiD aeuly 3000 of the Harbor's younger generation, campalfl' which wtu berla Oeto-..., ape ranctnc from~5 to 18, jpumey off to the cia. rooma ber tUI an4 c:any on to Nonm. • . that will c:oat&ia "'111M of their daytime activity for the be~~~an Palm•; urpd tut an Modem American oat D1De IDODtha, they will be the rep~nt&lives of an l!ftort he made to achieve u.. to-Co.rtwae Jewelry &11-coaquerinc .yat.eJil that ia making a better world. t&l eubeer1bed 1ut year but •· PlutJc 11M luC'Ite pine, ear Nowhere m any of the Axia countriea . nowhere in any preMed Ule UlotJiht thet ucep. r1np. aa.o aerllng ear ~np. ' Uonal effort-. would be neecSecl an vano. tlript IN'la . . rhine-of the natM>ns under any P~ of toWitarian domination. the part of eveey cltt.en to att&la et..oM pea. . . . locket. and aad DOWbere ill the territ.oriea which the Germans and the thJe cieelrable amount. croeMa. JapueM aubjupted, will children be troopinor off tn '1'9 IIM!M'fel... ~ ot Anita Wallace -Mr. Palmer al80 wo-W t.Mt oer...sc ,._ .. . IIC:boola free aad unfettered trom dogma next Monday. now .. tbe Um• to complete tiM Cam~ ... a raUier rom. a It may take yean before the acbool t.e&cbera are re-orpntsaUon of a Oommun!\7 p1ete 1tDe ... In ellver an4 uarmbaed, the bunaed and battered acbool howaea rebu.Ut. Cheet I"NP· City Attorney Ito-~ ............ NA aDd the miDdll land 11lompeon te p~ t.be • · ol clt.beu sufficiently ea.aed ln even the Ub-neeHMI'J pepen for tile ·~acor. Two KlegazJt Jewel Caaes erated pla.oea of Europe, to l'Htore the cblldreD to their poratlon ot U. Newport Barticw ~ p1a leather . 111.11 8ehool .,.,._,. Community Oeet, wtLiela Ia tale a.t pill leather, velvet llne4 Some f • .._ _,__ naii\e appNYed tty Uae local ooaa-••• --. 0 ....... -. -will never ret back to school. They munlty relief orp.n!aU.. (JUIIt u.. lilt to make. tam. frooa:a the pb~ aDd mental aconlee which they and their In the war Oeet total...,.: Ma.. tiM ract,._t). femllw haft lODe throqb. ~::!, W~~=~= Tbunday, September 7, 1~ Bloanl, ... ~a ................ , •. -........... . In addition:. Odda ~ E;Dc1a of Shoe. ~d a few Rob. • at o..-J'...ela Oil · FALL NERCHANDISI ARRIVING DAILY SURF & ~ND SHOP CMMa V. cllu9ll•1 701 lAST CINTRAL AVI., BALBOA Boars: 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. • ...... TILIPHONK 138 ~JNJabt'ltaiP.M. aN t.be UttJe ooee with broken bodiee, or diatorted mlnda Lut yea.r, the quotu lftdu-.t Uy oocu&an memorable for i ~ In A..merlea.--ud ln the United Kinldom, and tU local reUet tun4. 11000: 8alvaUaa II& _._ Aft. ..._ .... , nallODa of t.be Brttlab COIDIDODWWth of COU~ aJao A""Y· SlOG: Roman Catbolk ..._ ..... : IMT UIII~·~W!!W!!W~W~W~IC:!! ... ~IC~·~·~I!!!W!!W!_! .... !!!!!!W!W~!!!!!!IR!_!W!,!W!,!W!;!W!;!II!II!!!!!!!W!W!• ...... ~~~~!!!I!!IIl!!I•!;!•~IC~a~·!!!IC!!!a~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ • ' fare ~ MOO· Oomm\lill.. .:.: to oonllkleraWe cSep. In fllbtJnc Ra..ia. where the acbool tty Clntrcll' welt~. MOO: u4 t.eben mm,te .tor. of leanaiDc with the poUtJcal precept Newport Harbor ~ emer. that .. communnted to tl*r c~e armJee of the rency.,t\&Dd. 13100. Jt:tfor'U wtlllle _._, ... _ •-w..-made to keep wttllla U.S. IUJil, ..-.u an.--. up t.be weapona of truth and knowledge u o...,. ••• ttl wit.b which to fuiUoa a better future world. ror Ute Community a-t-. · Perhape DO .m,Je younpter wtll atop between now and uu"-board It wu deelcle4 u.at -.......... to ... ,_L. of h f all ch1c orwantaaUonl ~ be .. .__, WillA Jmeel u an actJve worker for a world entiUed to one member • liM of peMie and betterment. board of directon and WIW U.e But whether they .top to think such thoUJht.l or not. orpnl&atJone b&ve aa oppartunt· that,._wbat the 8000-eb:ildrelrof Newport HarboT, and the !;.:~fl:tt~;,:r:';: couatJe. llliWoGa of other American communJtiea really orpntaatlon wtll .un u a dl· repreeeat. rector of Ule Community a...t. School Day ID8UI8 tbe call to training for a young and ~d' ~:-re~e~m~ open hearted army which la going to mould the better taJ ot sa membera, an aecuU'ft AUYU .. lor 111111••• . ...... e world. committee of •ven wUl be ap. Rata otf to the School Kida. ~'!..'" later to carry on liM pro-,., ........, Av•-··-........... IIDUCYIO- ALL SHORT JAClCETS RIDUCID 25% W eter Repellut ud .Ll.aa~ ~~~~ ... ;.1n • ...: '• r.tlle vaYco•~ LDmOFILACKa RIDUCED 2:>\ 100 Per C.ar Wooa all W>lt c- Tweeda • Ota., 1•hnc:e Different Sh•d•• N-Aatu""' r~tr ~•• Tbey'N the 00. who will atop the future Hitlen be-ln liM meanttme, ... ,._.a. a .._. 111 fore they pt atarted; who will aolveo tbe problema of cap&· worldftC member ot U. War ;=========~:::======~:::=;::;:::~ tal and labor before the nation comee to any aucb criala u ~ :.v:-.;;._PalluraeUoa ~ · the rtwa poiJtioal propbeY of both IIi<* are. already pre-u.. part ot UM chen eommtttae cUctJ.ar iD their qu.t for eJection campaip materiaL wtD be laltJat.s 1a tiM very aear ----·----r.t1IN. Judp Jo..-C&D't apuk a young lady penonally, oor cu au.t HoctpJuoa; but thoee two officlala, and many Arboaa Columnist moN penoaa who were acquainted with the clrt'nmstancea, Notes VloUnlst's Plae .. aed SuppliN for You.r Gardea Rl•ri•IIIIM 1•1811 •a1 IIIQIII BliP t/ft'B8 Qtr.umJ 81\ANDT RUK TmQun.A VODKA OIN Tenapa IIABANI:IIO Supreme -.Aao- Apple ....... w.... FINJ:8T DoiPORTED Pwt -~·11_... IIO'ORTIID and OOJIESTIC a.a.,.p. 1111~ N_,.. ••&..0-2nl..._ .............. " Aprtcet A.-... a...r-lte • a.. .......... ~-.-.. .,...... Ol.apr ,.. • .,... r..dl 8wediM tJpe ,_.. ·-··~·-,..., Trtple 8ec WorWen.-.11&....._ IIOXP'8 CANDY 01111 70E•oooe CIOAJI8-NO LIIIIT (I...,.. PW 1'Dv Favoritlll B,..... of Wllhluilr) woui41*UJ have u.d the aervicea of u lmpenooal apuk-RMdlng Habits 1307 Cout v·-~w•y Plao-M 590 c d 1 u -----------~--~~hi~~ ~ dlaw provided auch-~~ atx A pancnp" of more Uwl..,.... ~=====·-=====~====;=o=ro=D=·=·= .. =u~ For D..&r. and -Re~----.-.----~--n-fol_l_aa_ti_~-;--.. ----............. lv aD 18, were taken ~y .,._.,... 1ut "'-11\w..t tn p,_ ,...nap..-' .... ,.... ntlnncr weM. for blaDdly break1Da into, u.11nc the auppliel of, and peue4 recc•.lly 1n Ute Plloenlx. C S N~ •GE · ... · ,.... 11 .. w.aD7 oceup)'IDa the premiaee of an abeent boueeholder (AJU.) Cautt•'• cSally feature I • • u.a..a.n. REAL ~TATE ... OD Ocean Froat awaue oppoeite the Newport Ha'rbor Yacht col=ncO:ldhl~~~~o;:~·: trane· I'UmptJIC .,-c-.-, .• t, ... AND Big II ...... •·u-blr .. 1. Club. · conunental pl:1ne tn rQute to New Tulia ..... • ••• I N S U R A N ·c E •u 1111 II Ill U No explanation waa offered by the six young women-Tor11. the Arr:oM totumntat told -Listings Invited WALTCA S. SPICED "'----, aU fmm 8ul BenaardiDo or Riveraid&-eXcept that one of of •wral lntPr4'lltlnc perM~N~ ~~ Ull • '"f ~ aboard th~ crnrt, rnncludlng hl8 --A. w 0....... ••••oa• a•&CB them bad a boy friend who told them they could u.ae bla mPnUnn ~ follow•: I -w... . ,..,.. 11M. • __,If • UDde'll Newport Beach home for an outing. and the va-" ... Tht n lhrre wu Jud\a I c...aa --.. Ill.. ·::..:-.... c:::-..... 51~~.::......., callt boUMif'older'l home~ to fit the dcecriptJon'' of Hl'lfl't&. carrying hie $100,000 vlo. ~~=-~;;:=~~==~~~==========~ , .... 1110 the ~;:Y ~:,~'·to tiave been apiUlk~ thor· ~~~=~R:~nr~:?~?:ir:~ L I D 0 ~ BaJbOB n~••hly " Ju"'-Jaa. Mid. "And tbat'a what we told tlle u thr hlg &lrllner droned 1u way --' ._....., to Pho4'nlx Our obHrver wonder-parenta of each girl. wbeD we cot them on the phone be-eel what pAp;:-the .,..at Hetfeta . 7118& ...... tweeD 10 p.m. aDd mldnlpt, aDd made them come down found eo lntrff•t'nc Ulat he reed t'DAU. ...._. 11 from Sail Bel'llal'dino and Riveraide to talce the lrirbl .back." every word. His rurtoelty rot the Evenln~• at T:OO A t :15 . , ~ltt>r of him., hP kept an eye on I"Jione ltU -rr. Pullbla Lut abowtnc of a dou))le ,_..... Everybody ill Newport bopea the garla d1d get the It dnttt ht' c;;.u~ht the name tn -----procrun .wu at 1:10 manlrilll of a Ufetlme. Sometime. tllat kind of a JO' It to a the muthrlld 11 wu the "New. av hp .. tall _. tlll -r-Matta. ~ el h4l aelf...ufflcieot teenater'a pride will aave a father and moth· port-Balboa Prua:· a Calltomla Co11tlauoue e-. ,..,_ 1:11 er drutie future beartacbe. weekly. Tlnara. • Frt. ! a.t... Helen Vtneon • Lyle Talbot tn Tllan.. m. ..... ----• IIOTI!L MAN O'lU,YAHT ~o Reft. Zorina Wonder if any of thoee fre!Wed fellows who argue ca&ATES Qun'E A 8PIA8B Chu. Grapt'WtD-Orace Mc:Don&ld _ _,_ ...... JACK'S DWBABBEBSBOP aao~~u~a••·~ ... .._..._. Telephooe 1806 Ladies' Hair Cuts a Specialty (Cae a. _Had by AppoiDtllleat) Jack Hucbbee, Proprietor W!lftl bl~r and betur ~luh-Chu Buttti"W''O'th and ~ ... t.be6r nat.iooal poUtka 80. vehemently that they sua}>eet you M .,... mel'. F•·ed O'Bryant, Loe ouut stare: JMJMtte MacDoDald. of ~ when you don't agree, ltave e\'ea heard of the An,..tee hotel man, 'opee to be Oraon Wellu. Dtnall Shore, Donald Are These Our~ntaf j IOIINNY DOD!M' uv& lll'.lla' •_:::::-:.::::-:.::::-:.::::-:.::::-:.::::-:.:::::::-:~ AMYJio.& I hiDeflta of the Two-Party system! If everybody voted for watehlnc thtm and not mu~ O'Connor. ""DJ Ryan tn wiUI Simone • Wm. 'h"7 :~---------.._.._... _______________________ ..,. __ _ the .me candidate, we'd be relligning the aalutary ey.t.eul Ul~;ryant. of Ul• Barclay Hotel Follow· the Boys. of cbec:b aDd balances and moving toward the conditJon In L. A .• had crown•d 1t0me 11Urf o..rt-· ...,.,... ...__ · N··-an~-:r;:n c:aaOLDI'I that .tarted a lot of recent trouble with HJUer'e One· ftahln• Jut wl!f'k wiUI the San •• -. • ...._ ; D. ..... ~Ia Germany in 1933. Remember? It's tbla one pr1u ot ont rood •llled halibut. Marta Montu • JOft Hall • S.bu " -•1 and wu juet etPpplnc from • --ta--maa•a op6DioD that thia country or this city gets along bollt to a noat alone Ule Balboa Cobra Woman IIWCh .U.. by having voters ballot agaiut toe maD oDP bay trmt when ht. toot &lipped -•nv ---'en· lf they do ao sincerelv and thouchttully· and UM vt.ltor took the dunklft&' TRJ• ~ ·-,_._ ..--• " • of a UfeUme. o ""' "-...... ntblr thaD to laave them aU line up and vote one way. O'BrJant clunbecl out una14ec1. o.no. · X... 'ftd8 11 80IDithiDr for the "Damn Rooeevelt" faction to re-hte bead havlq mi-d atnk~ Wf!d....._, ~ __ ._., u well u the Political ~ctlon Committee eJe. u ~ :'::!~ ~ jetu.oned, but Joe I:. Brown • June Havoc SD ..u wtdcJa haw beaD 80 exblbltiomatlc about their votlq on u.. rood tuck .tde ,.. u.. Casaaova In •• tact tb&t o'Bryut'• ac~nrt.I.Md BuriMqae 8-.. ·-J•~bn Weyne • Martu Scott ln _..,.__ In Old Oklahoma III:UIAID8 ON PA&&Dit ........ w ... Charlie Chan and the Chinese Cat -• watarpf'OOt W't'Ut watch prove4 to aiiO be euctly that. and Uelle4 otr 'I'IU SAINT ~'twa ftOD JO:LODI' PA&.UIE 'ftle A.-toul elfant market ia going to be world merr11y Ule i~t that It-owner p , On _______ ....; __ _ wide .,_. tJdl war. due to the G. I.'s generou.a habit of ha4 It In Ule water tor 1T 1ee0n<k OutDo.· ~ S Martlaa TnR.. ...._ •• pe-'al out a baDdtul ot.,..... IDDokea to natJ.-ea or pn.. DIL NEWTON OPL'fs l!ttiiUqBof,_...f-•-B..,...m 1• Deanna Dw'lm ln __.. ot war, wlta••• be.,ota one who ~Hma to deMrft OP'I.OIU'I'SY OI"'''CCI IIIV Cbrlstmu HoUday ~t-IDI ap. Ia tM ~ '" go on abort rationa of Dr. A. a. Newton who Ml been a-a.,: ,........, ..._.,. GlltJ .._.....,. .... at ~ • ltatJoDed lD U.. .,.. departmet a-, Ia • _., ~ llltllr OIIIIIJIC: ._ ...., .,..... -. .... ----at Sante A.na Army AJr a... tor 0...' ftle ",.. c.-. el Dn•• ......,.., a au P •• On,....,, ~ lbe put two yun.. bu DOW opan. 1&. ",.... 0.. .. 1hrl Jlr, -Ia WW.. ... ,.. ....... ,_.. •• a IIJat to tJat f6Ntlllat.cl ill theee mornin1 fop. ect an otftee ot optometry 011 lrd ...,.....: -an ...._, 11-t.t. ~ _. ..._. el v..-. of ............ raiD ooatll and overahoe. wW look floor ot Moon Blq., tth and 'he 8'-'7 of" Dl\ WWS 1 .. v--... V ....... J ..._ Cllrta ~ --ud _. tbelr rnercbaDdl8e ~ ln lanta All&. tllb OINJ1 ...._ ....,. AM ..._, ........ ~~ -...... to. tM 'flrlt fall .._ •-Dr. ud len. N.wtDn U... •t a. Mpll .... ._. l'alnJ....,.. ..... ~-a a. ,...... ...., ..... ~ 1&. 111 1-1 D&emoad 1t.Net, B11Moa Ill-o.ula Jr I ,.. nsra4 ._ E J - - ~d)~ , .. · Tbe c:enterpiece of massed flowera for your in· formal diD.ner with guesta. • • . . . The floral decorations that glow in Uvinl room to enllven your home party. 1 T'lleee .,.. una~ for Ca.rolfa to ...,..1 ~~2J( Wariae A..-e., Balbo& leleDd-Phou 2508-J We ,Peliver. Open Saturday Ni;hta .. ....... ..... -... -----~ ... FCU~aed Among tbe NatiorJ'• S.•t KIJoWD StoppirJg Place•- THE BALBOA INN .,.._ u4 attn.ctm ~ eull I'001D IUiftd tty U.. oooliJIC --~ ot OCMn. at a .tte JUIIt tar ..... cletadMcl fniDI liM but1e ot lt&lllo&'l mala lD'*'-C!tlo&. • ILUJf ~ D 'I'Bit UI..80A. .... ~~ M&WICJCI' II&.AaJ --...... . .... - ~ , .. .... 'l'hunday, September 7, 1~ -DWP0RT·BALBOA PR1:88 ·. PIIOI'E88ION A.L ()A81)8 Co~d Richter, Pbyaici&a··SlU'iJ.OD 107 · 3Zad St., N•wport Beeolt H041n: 10-13 a . a .; 3-5 p . a . 11\-: Otu-133; Ho•• 74-J OORDON K:-OJtl!NDY, K . D. ....,...... ... ..,._ • to2 W. c-ntral Ave. Pbone: IT ' Houn: 11 .. 11 A.M. I .. I P. a Dr. G. E. Tobill PBT&lCLUf uc1 8uao.olf -0.. ......... 'l''&t om.z~W ._, .... u ........ x..,..... Dr. 'Obed Lueu DEN'l'lft • -~ w. c.tnl ..... ·-lmWPOIII' -.&.01 ' DR. C. J. CARTER ....... aoon.. ~-a 'llpedal\7 PlaoAe 1Ut ... lf ............. Oallea ..... Dr. M.D. Crawford o'-!o~•••w .,... ......... a..-..... Za Tllerapy Clilic ............ ........ ... .,.... n. .. , v..--... .•••• 111-:1 ..... Zone 'l'tlerapCIIt ~~pectaaw ..... lila ..... ..... 0 ,,..., .... ,.. .... .u...~ .. ... 0...,..,....... .. ~ larp &Dd '...U A.NIIIILU.8 I ........ Cia•n CUAMIMe Nlllt ... p,. .. i_, While Yet~ W-'t Hata Cleaaed aad Blocked 111 B&OADWAY, OORTA IIUA Machine \\'ork BOAT &a'.AIU!fO Vlrg's Ga~£e -O.tnl ...._ llM-W • Featurtn•: Fresh Banana Mb • TaOPIClAL Fr•l* l•lee Bat . Ill Colla flllllwQ ( ..... ~) Boon: 10 A. Ill. to I P. M. ..... ElliE IDE••• Better Ice Cream ftlYI'n ' ............... • POa'l'aAI'I'tl • Rev. Hand SfJ~ at Christ Church Durlnl Septem~ lire. ~ Erlai«T!, Wbl'l hu While Rev. and 11ft. mctward llleM ........ the eumnu~r •t For. Goodell ot CIU1Irt Chureb by t.be ut HOlM an1\'f'd home Sunday 8u an .,...... t.helr neaUon ~'waUw· at C,...Utne, RaY, 0\.altee Hand J1n. W. B . Hltctunan. ~ Bu. wtll ooaapy U. Methodllt cburdl'l coo BaJ, returneeS home from " pulpil ~ ~L. _ U... .-·a b ue lq•-.e •nd rh'u· Ltwt. .A.ytM and fnmlly. of On· u... trtp to ..., old 11111\\t' In N<\rth Here'a WlYN You ,oet y.. tano, are occ-up:yin..: the Qooclell Dal&oa OOAft OtJAIID home at 3000 0~'""" Front. for MN. lllteUe .lt'tfrk• wh" hu Ul4 aU ot.Mr tne IDilN'l'lnCAftON PBO'I'08 ••• We Take 'I"'MMII ucl Deliver n..m to You ln tO Kllnat• • two weeka. be8n ltv~ at 2133 w C'f'ntral I• m~ UlAII WN>k lu Coate w .... OOu.llOII: OIIOtJP L&AVJNO 1M wW ..a her llornt' with Mr Dorothy 8clunldt. 1101 OoUt ud lira. 0 . 0 . Bland, IINIO Her· Htpway, Corona del Mar, II one bor. Jror Jelfrit'• haa bel'n a rNI. of a ..,oup or four ctr .. lu.vtnc den\ of Newport B•••u•h tor lh•· Sunday to commence their col· put II ,...,.. J..-careen at Mt. 8t. Ma.ry'a, a coiHC'e of the lt.te,.. ot 8t. Joa. VlllttDrl at thf' F K Torran<.'t' eph of Carondelet. at W..twood boaM, Ut ITlh. t.h,. pu t w...-k 1 Vlllacc. noae enrolllnc wtth ber ~ -~ J:; Su~mere, 'Mre MAC"'S G'IP'I' SHOP In the tftehman d ... wtll be..,... ~,.. •--· ' lnu Mre. Frank A ~r& ban Markel of Banta Ana. ud M\11111117, 1M .AJIIti~W. w..._ Rldl. 0. Gift .... ·-.x .. 1 1 p" PI ................ ... ........ "o··--~ ..... VIYID AJID DOIIO DI8.LAW ., ........ two ~elm ctrt.: Je&n Truxow ard TorTaaoe. N. Hollywood, Mre. and Trudy uecl\ua.' Ma.. 8clunJdt J~ Mia _, ...... ter Joan of A1- wtll take c:ou.rwN poln~ to • lwllbn. Mr· ancl Mre. Huold 'J'ua • career u taadaer. -.. 8o. r..ctena. Mre. Loulle Oooctman. lApaa Bndl . WOamN MDT AT aroacll ~~ ~~l: .. :h~ TIM Wometl't 8oetety of c::auta-naacea ,_. ar. Mr. and Mre: Uan a.rvt~. Cbrlal Cburcb by Mortoa a i'lnch of Mamphta. the ... wW meet at the elaurda 'haft. Ben a»o.,.. Mre. KAyo L. Tuaeday, .. pL 12. TIM .t1ad7 Brown ud dM&Pter, Mra. R&Jph ------------• fTOUP wader cllrec:Uon ol Kn.. III'OWII ot a Palo, ~l{U. 1Wo CliJI(La IIDft WEDMDDA'I'I Ivan Ooneet', WtU m .. t at 10:10, .choolmatee. )( ... Gfoor(tana Tur. Newport Ctrde will m .. t Wed-b~ aaek lundlea. The bual· ner of San Marino and Mre. Roy neaday, Sept. 13 at l :10 wtUa Kra. naaa ...Son and Pf'OC"Ul\ wtll fol. N,-Huwy,~ uc1 Mrs. William rv. J. H. IIOJia, Ill 1Mb lltr'Mt. low at 1:10. rand ol 1M .A.na"eltt. A da~hlt'r wu born to Mr. and Ml'l Burrt~l Stark, UU Ocean f"ront. Auc. 30Ul at tale a&nta Ana C't>numanlly hoapltal. <'hare·· uf lht' c ... t& MMa dl8tnct. Mr ant.! w,.. Gilbert 8M1 of Or· '"'~ a~ "MW~e1din OfWiWPQit Ht'ar h, havlnJr pun·hiUM'd proper. ly In Newport Heapt.e. A !lauaht.-r wu bom to Mr. and M,... Warren C. Monvw, Ill 26th SL. at Banta Ana Oommu. nlty hoepltal, Stptt'mber 1. Mre. Alfl'l'd 8cllulll and Mrw. JMelt' Hill a rc-ro.h<Jet-at a llh<~wt•r· lfiY<'n for Ml• ,.,...,__ Finch whoe. mam~ taltt'l pl&ee nco"l Tutaday. Paul A. Palm<'r U. bHn ap- polnlt'd ~l'flmunlty ebalnnaa tor Oran~r" Counly t'onununlty a..t dri\'1' for thf' N~rt-Balboa ~ trifot Harold K. Grewl will MW 0 0 ~II and --.. 0 . D., Jr., ot l:u.rl'n<', 0,... arrivf'd In Newpol't Burh thJe Wet<k for a tM\ day •tay with Mr and Mrw. lll&mft A. While. llt 37th etrMt. )hw. ~11. who wu here tn .........,., 11 • aletn of Mrw. Wlalt. . Mre. Blrdlf' lwanwtall hal bMa t'nll'rtalnln« Junior Cadeta. Jlar • bara Wilbur and Bill)' Oett...U. Roth Jlrla bt'lon« to Cadet TrWn· lnlf coor'l"' at thr Chlldnrn'e Jtc». pltal In San J'rand8c!o. Mtft wn . bur Ia a nlf'ee of Mra. 8wa"wt~tr. Word hu been r.cevted b)' llrw. Ruby Fo1-tune. 1101 Oou.rt at , of ( IINCI 193l) • Balboa Balboa Island -·· EMai•D Father Bids Luck to 89n u Group ·I the ~are artvaJ of ber aon. a.ct .... _ _, _____________________ ...., ,.-.1. I>aw Jl'ortune. lll Jenc1&n4. He hu WITH TID: WAll AT THE POINT WHJI::RJ!: ANYTHlNO ~o~~P~m amonm ~E ... y . nvll JIDf1.7'm8 Nobody Wants to Have •••••••••o _....lllna'!-..N....,.. IJI' YOU BIUNO TOUJl R..A..DIO TO U8 FOR REP A.IR WJI U8UALL Y C.A..N ...... It For Yoa AM &etua It to You 18 t8 BCMIIS! • ... CNQ *e'nel l!, .... t ... _ ........ ,_ d-ni~ ............. ............. .AJfD nAOI!ClAU.Y AU. O'I'IID %11......_.... ..... ...... Tll'9•••rn 'rll ( CSOMCl 8UD4ay.) ••c•ua .&a JfOW ...... ... JfiiW' Blmal OOifZ llf AJfD Ia tJIII 1r l'OU CAN CIOAI.Ift n WILL ld::LP YOU IUD 00'1' YOU. APPUVA· TION 108 A '1'188 OERID'ICATE. • LYLB POPE ••DIO-RCB HOMI • AUTO • MARINI RADIOS REPAIRIO MARINK EUCTRIUAN BUB ... a.•oa ... o• Pbooe 3417 1111 Cout Hl'i)bway HIWPORT BIACH El Paraiso spanish Kitchen CIIIOKI!N IIOIA DINNER CmOKEN IIOIA (wttla W d.luer ••• Coffee aad Dnnrt) ......................... . AUO CRILl RELI.AN08 .,._ Ia d ... DlruMn ..... --........... ~ Cloollbl. (OPK!f I .&. M. TO ll1M P. K.) RAY SANDOVAL. P,...,leter llei"'IMaa PIMa .a o.rn ..._. (Naar N...,.n • I ·.J TAKE HER TO • ---------of Inductees Goes·.· .,... tn tiM •moe eoe Uarclt .._ .( !NJ. ., a nMmMr of U.. uu. -A. br1ef IRrt lmp~•lve n .. aJrcrart 1'\Jn Mta.tlon. H .. bJ'OU11r, ceremony at departure or Ntw. Bwt 1:.u1 Jl'ortune 1a a pr110Mf port Ha.11»or'1 lateet ronllncent of of war In O.rmany. aeleet.lve Nrrice N'~alranll wu markf'd at t.be l'arlflc Electr1c Penelop. Coe t. U.. -......_ clepot ywterclay by an atfectlnl ter at the home of lt't-uc1 lira. lnOfiWftt wbeft Uoyd Loveland of Kow.rd eo. ol CoUlM a...., LAcuna a..c., World War OM Balboa bland. Bom at 8L Joa. veteran anc1 eurrent neld d1rK· epb'e ho.pltal Sunday. Kr. aa4 tor of u.. Red Cf'OM at camp M,... ll:d Roc-er or Colll.aa a""ua Hun ey.d 1a11 cSf'p&J'Unc -are mat.emal .,uclpareat.a and J!:Jw~ H. ~d. In the ~ Mr. ud Kra. Roy Ooa, Ill a liUl of II ~ wbile he voiced atreet. CloAa M-. ,.._..a UM COII\muntt)"'e britt epHCb of ll'ndpannta . fa..reweU and J'OOd luck. In4uc-Mra. W. L. Peareon and el\114· teet -n -mbled here from ren DariMtl and l:odwlud wM the H.art»r, County coutal ctU•, han been llrine at lll"o -Ana.. - 1\aftJn and 8ut& Ana. heJm, Coeta M-. ..,.. m~ to Raymoad P. P•yton. Joaeph lfOl W. ~ntftl. C&pt&la PMnaft. Arc:bulete ucl Jam.. c. hwloer formttr1)' of IAAAB. II now Ita- of Newport &Neb; Rutua C. Joy• tloned ln Chico. Mrw. Rei• Oor. Ul4 J"roaaeel Waldron ot Balboe., btn of OoJ'On& del Mar wt1o pur. fvUI C. Madl8on and Wali&CI 0 . cbued thla property, Ia now .,... Wttber of ea.t.a M-; and Rudy lftl ln. Coaioral .. to Loa Aa9eiM aad Li.~ S..Cia POPULAR PRICIS BAL • SPORT • BAR 1 ......... . ... - Something Novel ud Oiltincti.Ye iaoura ....... .. • BLOU81:8 &Dd SKIRTS BLACKS . . . DR.J:MII:B . • SHORTS . De. We are ~ to ftt JOW' pock.etbooll wttll • UDe ol qualltJ ~ . C&mu1llo, I'Nd H. ro.t.r. IACID· Mrw. 1't'aJter Bpl~r. 101 Oahlla, ard Dd'wcl and lAUNnGI cnta, Balboa Jaland, ent.ertalfted tft boft• Neent ,....dealt at tale H&rtlor, or ot ta.r cia"-"* Carol,..,, wtlo wen .--. .,.._ .....-.r1N Uae wm be ' froMbm&n at krtla cal. roll ea1J attn Jlfewpor1 .....,._ ..... IJ\.d 8pteer •t UN ..,...., fill J-----------------------.J' ...,_t Jtl and Laa'ufta ..._ ,._ their •lltw)et ''Baby W .... tnet.d 222 o.f tbe Am•r1c.n ~Afton con. the ~,.ll to a 11&.11. Oueeta pnooe • ducted U.. «re-.y. nt we,... th,. Jil'-Barbara Fire auer f'rank Crocker. com. Mont«n'l'lf'ry, J•an Roblneon, &1111 mander of 29!, and Nlcbolu Dew· ~Ufp, r••t Tapeeott, Elea"'hJr HC!r- eon. comma.udu of lA&'Uaa Poet rtr . Nina Klpf. Carolyn Mo...On. were In charge of t.be ~remon)'. Lfonora Hardin« a.nd O.•·cny Doupnuta antl eort .. were aerv-Otvt'n,, eel by the Rrd en-Dnervncy Cant.en Unit. wttll Mra. Mtlctnrd StaniC!y ... ,.ted by Mrw. llllen Randel. Raymond P. Peyton wu dloe.. •n u leader of the laduottH .,-oup. LDUDK8 III:Wa.a'l' • ft.&'I'IO..-Y Watdt A $...,. Repa1rtq Oreet&Jl& OUda J'ar .AD ()ea ... Wa~ucl...._t IUnp on our .., Blldcet Plaa 17t'T N.wport ....._ ft. lUM OOftA lma.A • ONCE A WEEK Mr 1111d M,.. T 8 McElroy hiiYI' rurrhUt'd • \'l,.w lot. DO br 12ft, on Cliff drlv<', Metra HeiJbll. and l•l•n to build lhrlr own home altl'r the war Mr Mr Eiroy'e fa. thl'r, Clifford T Mrl!:lroy. retired Mlnn,..apolla arr hltrc-1: and Mrw. Mcl!:lroy'• f•th~. J"U4' Black. caf'J)fnttr rontracotor. wtn repros. .. nt the home bulldere, Ma. Me. II:IJ'Oy •• prop~lor or Jilac-k'e Ptlot.oe and Ba1·8pt>rt.Bar ahopa on Jilaln atr•et, Balboa. COrp. John Bl•~t•m. USMC nu juat retumrd to t>la Maroll • b•"t •t Mlran1ar artr r l'llmplrtln;( a 20. day fo~r hUifh, 1\ftll of ·.which h~ ~nt h. norUwm Wlllt'ona~lu, an•l the nma.lndrr with hi.• folk• at 191~ Court a\'~nur• C'trrp Olonm •~'tenlly compl,.lr•l two ~'" Jnt"l In •llt'lt'l t ,Jtlneerlng. on,. at C"niCIIIfO and on • 1\t Nr,rfulk , V11 . •'l€'r r•·· I umlnl{ one yr nr llio:" rr .. n• • nu1· bat duty In lhr .Mmtlh r'll!'lrlr lo l"<'ruprratl' from m11larl11 Back In Balhtln tnr lhf! flr!ll lin•~ aln~ hf'r marr111Jt<• ••n M11y 2~01. Ia Mra. W B. C"olllnll, wh•· u lh,. former Ruth A lll'u 11umm•·r, wu for owveral Y"ar'l ""'l"loytod In lhr Balboa poetortlr• Mrll Cnlllne ar- rived lut WC!I'k frum C"OIUmbU!I, Otllo and le nf)w ''lallln« hf'r par. enll, Mr. and Mr• A K, l'lu•n . mu. 304 1: c~ntral. BILibo&. and h•r crandmolhl'r. Mr• Ruth Rrl•l ot Balboa Jlla.nd A n•1lher llle•t lut WC!<'k wu F.nell(ll Colllna of the JI'Wry Comm11nd wJio wlol ..,end I~ day1 leave. - •ooa&YI' ll'1 IBBP'I lor LVKIOVI ........... owwurr&D .... a•- ·• 1111 Hl~wey 101 Jut .... ., n. A .. ~ .. o..,.... I ALTICIL4ftON8 NKATLY DOQ ......... Brodenoti Md Mrw. o~ wu.on Burt 8t. 81de of a41.80A IJQt' Aile..,. nat to .... • ITEII I • tlll ... .. ...-. a ....... ~· .... &:~: ' ,.,.._ r;. P'. ··n&,y, .. ,.. .. """"' ... •vn,..., .. llllm.-m. .. u ....... -r-.. .... Gl'f'lhA ...... ,.,..,. ~.Mrw IDtt F:u,_.. .r1 u •••. :a-tJ~, MF'I D. K. lfaut· ._, lrvtn .II. H. N -~hnraclttr 111"' RIN!I, -~ Eu-. t •vtalon al .a.J,., "''"'. ,.. thai 1hr vlrlnll) ,,, &Am-notl • Ut •• ,, •• •I Orr"i• I IIW nl I llu• I h oil r ,,.,,,,.'-!, ("ttriVt'flh flf't 1un ttu "I' lllih\ " "' It I• '''" I• ,. ' Ill ' y ,, .. , lfljl l "' I llu • 116/n "" '''" ,,,, '" 1\• ". • nl )' lo J,, I dll• t1 ......... ., "•· .t,Jt• w, ... ,,.,.. ,,, ,,,,,, lllfl J 1e t •·u~••tt , •rn•l \0.'1111111 • IH 1111\llolh· IJ\oo n11 r1''- r1111( ,,, 7() tt. "' "'hlr h n; ,. II•IW· . ,H!'l l If thr l10• rriOv•-.1 o«~ ly nf 11n1l ot rhNnrl"l, kt l'nl••r nr .. lnl( bAtJn, anii!Jfol n t ••I liOVf'd, ..,,t'd u In ot NI'WtxH t '1111 ub~ IW11y It Uw a···• ~~~ lfua· ...... •• , us ,., . , Tlil ~I '•"' r , Till For I In .... -~ ~" • .... ----·...,- 1 ......... OM*. .. 15tb to Oc1 L .,,...., y( . . ... --JP•Yov•.-,. .... TIDE TABLE ~[~l~l~l ..... 8J 0-* (O'rlillb-IIII'T¢11 ......... (Bill ., __ .............. 0... ... , ,... War Time U8ild .. Bula ot CGmputaUoo moR ~ 2:61 L m. 3.7 8:10 a.m. 2:43 p.m. 6.1 10:11 p .... • :48 L m. 3.6 t :36 a. m. 3:61 p.m. 5.0 i1:18 a. m 8:37 L m. 3.7 U :U a. ID. ---IIAII ...... ~ ... -WIU. 1101ne s.ooo boat. Ln Ul.e aundtnc. deep ... t~ ct.Art to-. , and UUa eso.. not Lncludt t.be -tor ~· I"CllWtto&t.a, kayalu. pa4dlebo&rcll Tbeee people DOW laaw tiM 6:111 p.m. 6.0 .__ ..... _ ....... 7:38 a.m. -co 0:61 .. IlL -and ml.8ceJI&neou. amall ltutf, and money, tllti'Wa of It, &Del tMy AN '------------no place to ro. the water t.raf. I"Mdy and ~: ..._ r"w• 8:28 p.m. 6.2 lJ:U p. IlL 8:18 L Ill. U 1:1t p.IIL 7:111 p.m. 6.4 1:S. p.m. ... J.T u lA O.t 1.1 0.0 ... 8:4J LID. 4.4 J:JO &. IlL 8·01 p.m. 5.6 J :OI p.m. 11:14 LJ1l. ... ,.I :U .. IlL 8:38 p.m. 6.8 l :tl p.m. ------ nc: Ln theM down 011 UMtr A .-uae cardl to ret down be,_ to Lnqulre IU'OUDd, part. _.eek. amell paint. rope and Uae ML aneta and holl· TheM, t.oc•tber wltla tiM *-'· dayw Ia a talr ana alr.ady hue, aft ~ fiDr Uve BaR Boats OWL :laallenp to.. the rreat Day, to~ ~to TANK. operator'• n,a. T Mexican and A..lukan wat.n; oil· WAI'IaWIIW DINA J..EK 11a'allonal art. llhore, Honolulu, South ..... ..._ Never be-ruuna. to .the Carlbbeua ... u4 By t..'HARLII8 CRAWTOilD BAIT THE .. DlleoaU.. o.IIJ .. n n to South America. •~ -~a _._ tore In hlltory Overhaullnr Ul quleUy ,.,._. Delftte .._ 11et that the fervo~ 28 by. Dr. V . W . ~ W ~· ,_,_.. &...-u have we had forward and m~t ol ~· ot IPGI1 ~ allll .. high. mo.t F •treet. 8&D Dl..,o CIIJ JloDe1, SUNDAY 8EPI' 11 aueh an over-crut.e. 'are connned to tiM ,..._ ol .._ ..-irt tlalnt boala Ln the CapL 1'.4 WaUd.na) In S bra., 11 • • ::n~~W~. &D4 lllq pef'led. Many a ~ M. Newport ~ F~a wttl lt.op min., wtth M&vy tacllJe. .. • It wu only a -pel'80nal buMJe. ot papen, lndud. ...... P' II IStre by the end ~0 ~a!· ~ tuc. AQI'. 'I'II.&HU 1011 few )'U.I"' ~o whcn a youna te~ Inc charta, all duly maned wttll ::-mn.t hN w.Ju and wiU tum eentl'.J av~ .• P·O=e ~ loW named Joe s .,ck. with hUI quanlltlea. atorw. cow-, 1~ ¥11: ... a.~n&-. Capt Ed Offerle) tn J bra. 110 aWL. YOU8 PATIIONAOE companlona, cnjoytd the -ampa arlea and even enw ._, 0.. 4 few ot t1111 boata plan to con-wtth. heavy t.ackM. ' We ..... .t y..,. .... and ma,..,.. for hununr . and Sal· -n known Harbortt. ....,..,. tlllue lpOrt ~~ OptraUOM Ln· ~ m .... lhT em ~ Ialand wu a aandy, lrrerular. rubbed hb banda &Del~ -r.. Mtlaat.ely, Olllt-04!o~e MciiJllan 1-212-lb. broMbW, taka a.pt. Apia Ned ........ deeolat.e apot, moelly covered at •IJtlled on the nm aa11er eor ~ ot tile tuaou. 11f0rtrlaher Crucent 1 by Frank WLibon, .200 lo. l.ol'o • hlp UcSe. lulu, navlptor !" "Row ~ ,.,_ _,. ~10 rood that he raJDe boul., I.a. ....,.._ (PIIu,. ooa ~ t'.&aa.8---In a ,_ J:hort yeara Newport war Job?"-'"nna --wtua tt.• ...... 'to. Optrau nr trom tom, Capt. NOI"'DUl a..a> la 1» .. tCarbor hal ~n tranaformed Lnt.o he aalcl. • loott 1 on the Cout S6 m.1Jl. wttll lae&Y7 tMld.. N&WIWI T.&~ 8'108& a paradi.M on earth. but It can't All tJ\11, of COWM, aubjeot to ~ .. __ b•~16t-~~ taka llept. 1 be fully utilised I>K&UN of the war' a encl. -•• -bHn playtn~ In 3 any _.., 1101 ....._. aw.• )1-ftlllt' . . ,a.t7 el bioi&. 'l\leaday be ft.ibecl Eut I.a. A..nplea C8ueno, capt. B. war, mor«•O\t'r all alma tend to-NOT A. liiOOIIDfO ca••uu ......., d 8. Orabam) Ill u aWL. wttla M OLIPrll IJ'AOIQ.I!: I'I'Oa£ ward a cru ter ovcrcrowdtnr be-wrntotrr A CIADI.UI'I' wtt.la a I'OOd tC:: Twcame hKir 1trand Une, lae&Y7 t&ckM. fore that cray Navy ch~Jdnr ._ .._ • 0 ~lel"' Boat. ot the 8&1 ... .,. ... ., .... ···-··· • ..... 8POII'I'I'IIIIIO n.DI' 8.&L80£ ................ bare• at the Olannel en~rance Ul Meanwhile, IAOM t.bat lll&w, ud er-t C&U&'bt the ftnt 1 ~ 8porttlllla. tlnally removed, and aalll~-mJnd· can keep do IO; IAOM t.bat .... t blu.fta ~ el the MUOn, troD· ~~~lcluc!Sq the Dllla LM, ed cltlaena can r o and come from and are wtUina to buy .,.. Jl&1bll' IJitr. autl .lollanaoft ot Midway make ti..u.-n!!zd Waterwttalla, WID th ~ea 11 th~y wtah aUtf pr1cee. A prof--'oaai ,._t City l8t two ol the blueftnnec! .... ,_ ..,o~ trtpa .. · broker laid there wu notJI.I-. 1M ,_,,..... ... ADMrt ~Ina-ot ...... comlnr Iunday and wtD IIOU AND IIOU tlould do about lt. He l&icl. "A. Wbtttlar ludll Uar oUs.ra. TMy tum to mackerel tlah1Jic tor U.. INTEilEMT IN BOATtt new anowtllrd that once 8014 tor • ..._.. • ,._. ..a. remainder of the Fall &Del WID. Inquriea tor bo&la are briak. and J2IO Ul now worth 1400 _ lt J'OU ..... - , 1 • t.er. Next Bpnn. they ww all IN aal .. a never better; and, l <'l'Ordtl\l can ftnd It!" ......_ .._. wbJda Ul tum-back Ln the apo~ ~ to old·llmc protH~Pional brokel"', Local tranucUOM reoatJy a,.. to tile llpll't t\ab!q trade un. accordlnr to Warna rowter, mu. thll will continue. The reuon for cover a wide ranre ol l&l1laa' w dluW, 11 the weU lmowa ~er for AI Fof'I'IL _... UM pl"'lent tnlerut. It Ul claimed. craft. Theile vary tronr"Drqooft." JlOii'W ,....._ A.rrow."aklppered by ~ PIH A11Jt1n ~ &I that Olen! 11 a fOOdly part of Dle~el ketch ot 17-tt., ~ OWMc! Be* llo7t ... aow on duty u a Both Warren and ~Up~ our clU~nry wbo dream about by Ronald Colman and a wtnaer la ......_ .,..r about the Bay their thanka an4 atpNCt&UOII to lOGie day "r olnc to ML" They.,.. many otnclal an4 1t1tt ,.... ta llarUa -...n.h. whlc:h appea.r~ a "tlne bunch of~" wt11o moeUy landlubbel"' wtth a · 1~ San P'ranetlco Bay and to tM eel aa....Ur late thll year aft have been wtth Uaem Uall ,_.., -::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::;::;::;:==========~-= J'arallones. to rood prtc. fw .UU ,....._, 8everal more of the and ~Jared that tller ~ '1le • aklfta and padd1ebo&nll. ften .. i'U'7,... 1loUl marlin and broad-IOoltlnr forwwvd to ...U.C .,..,.. N~WPDAT AND BALBOA PlEAS <DORGI HI.NIR not . a boat allp to M llall, aacl bUI. .,.... ~red at the Har. body acaJn next ~-" boat-moortnp aft lt11J ,.,..... oa. bol 'ltre olflce, up to and In· Pier flahlnc, o..p BJaer .,.. The rt&IOll for Uala laU. II U..t ~ ..,._ I. Uaually marltn II conUnul,_ rood bot1a at New. people lt11J pnter to at., fJ'om ~ II 80t 10 &'004 about thUI port and BaJbaa ...... their ear onto f noat _~ :-~ ,..,. Jl'oUow1f16 1.1 a lilt _lkJ ~ Ja t-,nuts11, and their allp and boat. but dleUke to ·-... tale det.a!ll of t.be 1\Jrf t1all1na-.. ~ INtter. plllnr rear ancl ,._...,. aa. row awordtllll ... carried In thla col • '!'Iunday, a.,t-Dblr T, 11M ••• ••llanJtlllnq&ll ........... ~ ••••• . a_•••• ,, ..... BALBOA GIFT SHOP ..... r •• , L-•••·• BALBOA PAINT STORE Sherwin-Williams Products I -·-LIQIII 10-0F CEIEIT ,__..,... -~ ............ ....... _ .... -::-=.-= ------. .... ... ___ 0!- Balboa Palal Slo .. e ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ break out U.. ..._. diJlPy, ud catdL (TIM elope on the flrlt four out to a moor'~~~&· · UIDil Jut .-). TIM aaJUnc and anllll.q lltta&o-Stll-IJO.A. .,arlin, taken A.ur. (MRS. C. C. FERRELL) Uon appev1 to beta ..-s.t IT-.,.== ~rry. 432 Wooclb~ INSIDE BOAT STORAGE Boata Boqbt and Sold 11A111NE WA Y8 • . abape. wtUllot. of -u mabltAliMcl JlltM4 ~ (Ella. Capt. Perce I .......,, •.•• ·aiS· b...._ ,_ New-rt .. ..._ boaU. IIIODey an4 w1ltl\al ounMft ...,._, la 1 ht.. 20 min. wtth • ... 1 r• ---UII 1111 'r-' INII- 14 atnM llw, hn vy tackle. I • wttla uw. Ume. • war, U.t MaY7 I • • '"-dblll. taken Au~ tall Yma w .... ..,..... ...,. Phone _N~rt 101 600 Eut_ S.y' , Balboa ~----~ ~ ta UN ~~~~~~~~~::~~·tfiiiiiiiiiiii~~~~ii~~~~~-~~~,-~~~--------~~~~~~~~~~~ PORT OF SEVEN SEAS CltUMI .truoa, uCl ....,U.. I'&-· ~ ._ tbelr III&DdL ot U.. an ...,.t.nt enoup to do _,...... &aJ'IIIM elle can do I wtua .,.u -.u at aea. 1uaour u.at NetltetiOM AN IIOt 10 IMaY7 In 'nlll ...,...Ucln baa wuecl &ad muy PGrta ot tiM country, tlaat r-----------------------~ W&MCI. lo!, !lleee many moona. "ysellttnc 11 freely lnc!UJpd Ln Cotndclatal wUh the b1111l yadlt 011 tile .aut ODut IUld 011 Pucet t' Shell Marine Products AT THE SHELL DOCK broUrq'e, the quqHUon WU.. 8ouncl.'' ud tlliat ..... cl~ .,.ta, ucl &I approprtate. ln W\iform ,haw ,._. out.atcle tor J'raaldy, no one baa w1UapencS ~re. TIM acaw.llutt JoeeiMr- to Uall ~t the clat. wt11ea rily on. I tiM N&Y7 dMc~ barr-e wtD up-It appe&l"' tMt the NaY7 .... and ~ towed to 111.-.1 Uuouc1l the Oout Ouud, ~ obliYioll. but the &MWtr to t.laJa &Jwaya baa bela .., wtlliq to quqeetJon -mil apparent from help and coopent. c and U.rve addtnC Information r~~ nrtGal had a hard Jc* ~ war. eourcea. ~ anawtr Ia Not yet-lime rtgulatlo!W, .apedaDy wtth u a ftl ~a ~L not. ma,tJe. to~ a lonr Ume. on cert&ln ~ople _.., fueled a I"N ...u.n ~nc. tbt ~'!-">' reatrlclfona may ,.t llctnae 00 a pleuun.a:u!Mr woald i~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ ~ do t.be trirk 1 and 'tlaaM wtllo .,..Pt Dtaeuul~ lhla matter, a ·trtencl. to tvadt the draft by ba7tftl' a oompMnt, tnlc!lllifent and rtUable, amall tlaherman ud 1111n1 food rumblrd we ahou ld be told the (which It 11 1 u a eJoa)c. would be reuonr1 for kl>eplng the Harbor wllllnr to let boat. out In a re-~~.~_,~g~ cloeed. Be lnalak d that not only atrleted area. ~ to ODe have we n right to an autliorit.a.-10urce. ''CRESCENT'' tlve explanation, but Uiat the A.mertcan Pf'O.,I,• would. and wijl, The civilian Port A.utllortUee react tar mort' r roperly If the and SlAte Arenclee IMm to ban atark n~eutty Ia explained rather no objtctlona to "I'OIAc out." 'but than to keep MAttera cS&rk and let t.herc Ia • rj>RI I'MMIII tor not P- rumor and counter rumor run rife Inc out. Thl• Ia pnllre, and ~ and unchecbd, producln~. u It thlngw which caaDOt quite IN writ- doea. dlatru1t. t'n' v, doubt an11oy. ten about tor MCUrity .....,..., CAPI'. .., ... llciOL•··· LM VING DAILY at 6 A. M. ance and 10m~llmc1 ~r. l"ftuure boata, • .._stlmate ''1'11.-Ameril'&n p.•ople can take \ualnHI!, can nwuoe ,..._. port tt-' • rroa • he declarecl. "and we have a port, but thPy J'lt eallblc IMtnae- ICO.,.,'I LANDINO rieht to know what'• rot~ on." tiona. Fiahcrme ....... oat to ..sd But ther~ .. no nnt' wtlh the au. to he nallon'e' ftlod ..,ay, ,.t lhority to tell In Newport liar-dally hwtructl~ .aDcl a JI81Dber a ........ •) aEOULAnOSI' \'AaY bullet holu In lltlll ud auper- llll ~ ...,........,., N_,..n IIMc'la IN 0ft1Jta LOC.A1..1T1.1:18 atruc:turu ~r. nor eYen In Orance County. of flah~rmtn b& .. OCIIDI In wtU. 1 . 1be eivUian aklppera, and many ADIACEST W£,.,_ RA VI: 111Era ••...., In etfeet . the .... ~t '~ to thla eout .,. tDO ,.,...,... 1 ~ Now AvaUable For Sport Fishing OR ARTER The Power Cruiser Arrow (M IUf<n'& TOP SP&I:It Or II) After &.pt. 10 U.. .A&aOW, former Trophy Yacht now In Mntoe u ·~u.e-Bay puMnCer c.rul.er, wtU be equipped &Del beld Ia oonatAnt ~ tor aport flah1nc charter on week d&YL ftMl III:M:aVATIOHS. TELEPIIOO M'll • 011 ~ and Sundays. the AJUIOW W1U COIIUDue Ita RoawiUe Q'lllllel eltout Uae Bay, leavtftl on the Hour trom U.. raa &aae ter. -VaUIONa roa ft ..... OIIT zvmrDfO ~ +THE ARROW+ cw--. -..:D. .A.Ut1aAXCE. 'Wim '1"01Ja 8I'Oat' #UKIMO nJJI ... J18. BAIJIO.& (NUT '10 t'U I'DII'f l.&lQ)INO) \. tor pltuUre aee111n to rt* tiMlr I llYN. 1be Cout o-rd Ma •t~aer the lime nor U. -te to. ta cltaabled and bNIIItla .._. '-b like they c:hHrtuiiJ .. • tile pod old claya B. P. R. And tht ruouae ......,, .. ~ baa no tuel tor W. el ,._ You ean put .,.., ,.,.alii nil and chart away, ..aar:tw a ._. lime yeti TIUa ahould bft~W • cMerf\JIIy and eobtrly up oa tM lltata fit .... Ueal atfall'l ln lfe.,.t ........ !At no one d<*M Wt u.at UN proper authoriU. will lit • oat 1C'aJll whtn m~ Oftl' Wbldl clvlllan aallor ...._ ........... ta- formatlon ue ... I 1 I ..... ..... _tan..•• ..... IIMIMutlPI-............. " ........... ds s I liD I IDE On assuming the place previously maintained at Newport Harbor by the Balboa Marine Hardware Co. under the Peytona, we shall carry the same full and reliable standard lines of boat's appliances and marine furnishings. We are determined to serve the needs of fish- ermen, yachtsmen and others with the unstinting in- terest that baa caused 'Balboa Marine Hardware to be known in the past as the best friend, and the favorite.""meeting place of those with seagoing needs to fill. RA YKOND S. MITCHELL, Co-Owner Uld LAWRENCE E. BRO~. Co-OwDer and 11.anarer 911 Cout Bl1bway Newport Beaell Pboae 184 .. ftunday, September 7, 1~ WWi'OitT-BALBOA PR1:81 •I ...... Goofl ~ .... , ,.. ....... GOOD EATS GOOD DRINKS . . . . OOIIRADESHIP Presence of Ladies Welcomed .... Shelves Still Stocked With Excellent Supply of Pre-War Beverages \ ) The Place to Spend a Pleuant -and- Interesting Evening in NEWPORT The STAG RESTAURANT features . ' Steak Dinners, Chops, Savory Fresh Fish Dinners ... Table Accommodations and Booths for Family Patrons. HOME COOKING AGREEABLE ATMOSPHERE IIIII lhiW Halcll, JOt Jlroa4. Mr. UWII Mrw EmU Oreenet-, lTIT way a. ......._ her couatn, Olorta N~rt Blvd., •pent U.. week tftd 1M at '--&Meh, Ull1 wMk. at hlm 8prtn,.. lin. R . 0. Cook, 1M Santa IM· Corp. Robert C...wfQrcl Wlllo Ia liil-iii iii1i1"'Mr p~rty to 1. R. 1lallon.d al Wllltama Ftel4, AJ1. D&Yil ~ ... &a Ana. aona, hu ~n promoted to eer. lin. a .. CWe:n and dal.llbter reant. 11ar7, ~ ~do. vi.Sted at u.. '"'" 01a.ny rrtcndl ot lin. ll. 0. boaM ~ w broU\~r-ln-l&w and Han .. '"· Sill JC. lltl\ will be ilad lllter, JDo, Md Mrw. otto Dodd, to know that Ahe Ia lm~ ao ....... .,_t. and '-now able to be up. Ill' .... ID& Harry D&rll.nc and Mrw. Cora rlattuty, 1661 J:I4Ma, -...&-. Lornlnf a.nd Betty retumf'd home Jl"rtday tn. a Jou ...,.. ftlttol'l at U)e Roy Jo.eph h~lt&J followt.ac a maJor 0.. ...... IU 1!: lith, over Ow! .ratlnn. Aile. Jobuon Ia ~ 1.-Mr a, ~day. t'U. of ber. Kr. _. lbll. Ray Barntt and Llttl• aa.ndy ~. daupw ~ q... wa.a epent 8Uftd&y at Mr. and lira. Jam• Kt.ac. l"ccnnt -.. wtlere they .Wt.cl Balboa bad UM mtatortune to fall. lin....,_...,"' who hu .,._. cutlnr Mr tonpe ba.cllJ. De wu ~~ ... .._ IIWIUner there. taken to the~. · Jlr. ud lin. Leon hryuiOft. Ml'l. I'A .:pp.rly, I&T Welatd Ml euta AM. are enjo~ a ten Place, rt'Ce!lved word u.at ller .tilt wtUa Mr. ~·1 nrrh-Robert Hlckenoe, .,.. ., ..... .._..r ... lllter, ~ a.nd LY· klllt'd In Jl'rance Aur. 11. onJy die WW"•• 1 wllo an1ved trom three wwu after be ~ ne..-, Colo. Mr. a.nd Mrw. W. &. QoU, lilT RQ ......U, 1/e petty otncer Banta An& Ave., U4 u ,_... 11 .,.. ~ Camp Clar1l wtUl a owr a....bor O.y, llr. ud lin. ..., ll&ft. .. retumed to the Earl While a.nd ~ Doul4 cout a.. Jlawall a month IICO· and Vlr,1nta of aut.a AM. fte llarNU8 lin at 1110 N.w. M .... Allee Jobn&on. foniMI'Iy ~ poft aYd. Coeta M-. w now Mel& hi tGwll Qu11t1 at .._, JC. 1. Cl&rtl home, ll&vtnr purchaled the B . D. 00011 161'7 Orut"e. rrtday, we,. Kr. pmperty at liS l&ftt& babel ,._. u4 Mr& 0. P. Van Dom ol Tor. the put two ye.ua 1be ILM ..._ ,.ace. 1011 Alma Van Dom, 1:1 llvtnr tn Mtnneapolla. Ktna. llodiM ud am. Emma A. Lew. Mr. and )C,.. Roll\eJ' atorr .. ~ ,... Grewe, Compton. WhOM man1aee took plaee A~. capt. u4 Mft. Walter c. Gold. lOth, len lut Balurd&J frw u..&r -. ITO a 1ataa wllo ~. Nlllcled tlallln borne ln Reclluda. lin. Ia o.ta X.. &ad do own UMir ltory befOI'f JMr man1ap wu ~~ome -. ... tMve 10on rrw Mn. Am-D&Yia. au teua Jllaae, ~ ~ w-. Capt. Mr. and x .... WWiam ..... Jl',. OokWliiU Mia trulaferred.. '"'-1 and William 1U1111t. •·· haft pur. laaft --........ ll of Coeta liM& cllaNd the AMun&n bome at Ill fol' 11_. ,_.. and the Capt&tD IC. lith Tbe Bllallta _,.. ol4 ....._ 111u .,._ .ta••m·4 at Ule IAAAB denll twre, Ia\~ owM4 propel'• 11ace Ita ... a·' ment. ty on 'l'tlluift aveniM. At UM ...._.. AT THE BALLROOM BALBOA ,_ HARRY JAMES ••• ... ~. Saturday Nite, S8pL9 w. B. Cl'ocbr "tl.lmeCS to Ooilta mt UrN Kr. and lin. AoJ 0.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·"'!~~~ .: rucll at Dllnqo, Colo., U.S. Mr. and lira. ~ H. ~ an4 "Prttect their I I • u .. laroe enough bulbi I eyes Wlffi *Have enough latnpe Good Ughf'!: * :::eau bulbo to cnoltl ~ UMiight-colorecl thadee I ~Sit doM to the loht . • Keep bulbi and Axturet deem W' WIV'1. .a W' NOTICE ...-_ a. ....UJ diiJpoeed ot b1a funlly ot llonrovta ll*ll UM clay ~~ property ...,.. aad while hw pl&nl with Mrw. W1nkler'a broe~Mr u4 OALL roa ._ fol' tM ftiWn are tndeflatte ~ etat.er-tn.l&w, Kr. an4 lin. ..._. fte lloiioH ot Tnlat.Ma ot N.w-et&led be W'OIII4 probably apend Wam •oo lkmard '111etr dullll-port Beach GraiiUaar ICbool [)II. ........ ~ .. • :..... .... __ .....__ trtet, ot NMrpon Baeeb. CaUfw,.. btl wt.nten hi .....,.ta _ ... an .. ter, Betty Jean, .. ..., --• Ida, wm ~ .. lit ·-WIIUfteft-.... GelerMe .....a.r ~--wft.lt Iller .... kJwlol. up ~ a P . K., • a.,tem· At UM p,.....t br w llaytnc at and aunt. retW'MCI boiDe wtUl w 11. 1"'-tor UM pun:bua bJ n• &. lTUa.. UMm. UMm of one IT GnnuDaP llcbool What mtpt laan been a dllu-Mrs. Helen · ONeley, Ill KDoal But ot UM toiJow1aC ~ troul n,. ... averted bJ the ftne alr'Mt n&I'I'OWIY eaapec~ aaJ1oul Uoal: work ot UM Oolta Mea nr. de-Injury when the ear ln wbklb 11M ~ ., I ,, "-partmelll &B4 quick work Of WU rtdlftl colllcled w1Ul a 1NI Cllul&l to 1M a IN4 ~. lloclal nelfbbore wtao an1ved urtlar. clrtven by David erut.ne ot au. UlXJU, (or equal), wtUl a motor Seven u4 aa.-11&11 &ere~ were ta Ana. 11M accident OCCUI'ft4 at DOt 1111 UWI * c:u~e lacb die-buma4 OYer jUt weat of UM IOtb and N_,ort llh'd., a&tur· placement. t:IIW I.JidO, claala' Oft Claude u4 Lee Andenan··bomM daJ at &:1& p. m. Wallar a.M-. = ~ ..:=!, <:;dr: • 4 M¥• ud Huallt.oo. TIM Ill Jlrd wu UM 4rtftr ~ tM tlnlr-_ ._ 1M Ill .. W'IUl ..._ lllue 11ro1La ou at 11:10 P. m. car In w1Jfdl lira. 0,...., ,.. .... ...,_ taU. lloadia7· ~. -.-.. mwr llod7 to ba a.p.r1or, Xoclal Ull (or ..-a). llod7 to '-ot U.. &11.-at..a, tull welded t,.,. OOMtrue- UOft wttlt pCUan ..,.ce4 not IDOft UlAn 21 tadlea a.put an4 .._. undertJoor ~memben to be Thirty Teaclaen wm Open a·r•ee At Coeta Mea Costa Mesa Man Flirts With Death "Ia my tnaura.nce p.Jd up ?k WM thf nrwt tbou(tlt that ~ to 8 1!. l!:aton. when ~ I&DciH In the bottom of a 20 root --.. Y&tlon JMtArdaJ 'flth thl'M fwt ~ not more Ulan T 1acbM Thtrty '-dlt',. WID coe~pcee tM apart. Steel ftoor to be ClO'I'eftd taculu .. of C<*a 11 ... '1 two wtUI AJ'IIUit~ Automat linoleum. acboola. wtth all .,._ from Body to II&Ye I row. forwarct-fac.. tou.rtb to e~POI ~at tiM .,.. ..U. lftducltnr daftllport. M&Jn ldlool Monday IIWWillnr. ot dirt over hla bead. ~unr IT 0 ram m a r a.nd thr pac~ee troa ftr11t to tb1rd I:& ton wtth 1\ta part.rwr. Byrel ~ .. fUl'lla. Dnerreney exit to ralber~J~C at lbr uaca 1p lkbooJ, 8ta.rk of Newfort ~ach. wu die• ba o1 Ula borbonlal• window type. ICnde_ .... ,. ~ w111 be ..~ .. 1 for a eaapool at the Wal-Upllolat.ery maJ be lmJtaUoll lea-• •--· •-· · I! lllb tMr cued tor at Ule lla!a 8ehool. wttb ter 'nlompaon home. 240 · ' Mildred P'laber &ad ll&rJ llaluMtt Piau, Cotta M•·•8 SUddenly the Friday and Saturday September 15-l&tb . 4 ... .. . . . AT THE R E N D E Z V D U •1 Bul to II&Ye an 1epl requt~. b I tA· Ita tartNt to ra'VI! In f'O¥· ment. &1\d &eONaOrtea to comply Inc lll'P· ,..., wa a · ;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::; wtUl CaJifomJa acJtool refU)aUona. The fa.culty I'CIItar for UM ert~ hla feet and ltlt• Hie part· ancl muat be 1'\&&r&nteecl by Ven. Meaa'1 acboola wtU ba u foUowa: ner threw down a pall IUid &lmoat dor to pua lnapec:Uon by Callfor. IIA.IN 8CIIOoL Immediately t.ftl'r c:ovl'rtn« bta nta H!Pway Patrol. D'-lrtet l!lupertntaecllat -liver· head. another r11v1'-ln 1tarted. w v. Lowut tender not ,_a.rtly ett A. ftM. ertnl Eaton with th~ fl'r~ of dirt. accepted ancl U.. Bo&rdl ,...,... PrUiet~ -(\lara llcMaDJ. 1111' eoeta Mr11a flrt ~llrt.. the npt to w&Jve a.ny t,...w.n· Offtoe eeeretary -.Amelia ment an1vtd and In an hour bad tiel ln Ule bldcllnc, and &lao "" Drummond. • ....... cU • h ad abnvr lOOM dirt. •I'YM Wllo ltaelt U.. rt(tlt to be Clara eN .... "' m 1 I' the eole Jud(e of thr value a.nd Elpth Grade -II ally. Two mol"f' hour11 wmk wu rf'. mertt of the mercbandtae offend. llaud K~. qulred before h,. rwu t.ak@ll out. 8J Order ot the Board fill Tru8· Seventh Oi"&da -l:llle llor. ll:aton wu rtmovj'd to hi• hnme t.... row, Mute Pearce, ICtMI llaiOIL at ll2 Del Mar. en-t• MNA.. but MARION C. DODD, 8t.lb Orade -W1aUft4 ,._1*', a.fter a ahort rtat h,. went back j C1er1c of tile Ro&rd of Tna. Rtla J:Wa. and nnlahl'd dl&~tlnlt out th,. lilrt lMI. "ftb Orade -IC&rtoft ~. He l&ld 1\f" wu llfr11ll1 If hP w&Jt ., AUf. 2•-!l, Sept. T, ltu. Gladya Brott. BerUw Pull. I'd unUI momlnl( hr woul•l 1•,..,. 1 l!'ourtb Orade -ataae Cain. bla nrrve. P111DAY Ari'EilNOOH 01.1.111 Marth& Peeken~~U~P, Jla.n1ett 'Mil" Ia thf" third limP thlll OP5M SUNDAYS D8UIIJ: Wi'IM08 Ma.eon. ctourhty worker hu hlld • r_.v,.·ln I Other Inatructon -Art. OonM . 11M membe,. of the FrtclaJ AI· Boettcher. IRiop ud &o,., IDclaar e..moon Club ll&ve a treat tn at.ore venree.. khool ,.._, J'Nda Harbor Hi Opens tor them _,.D . Uley awume tMir I W i'IIII\C Ktnclarprta, IIDdred aaeettDc'l lleplainber l&lb alter ,:... ..,;d Mary ...... u . With Staff of 26 lbetr aummer holiday. I UNDBJI:{lOR ac:ROOL JM)l',. INIUa&o IN Harriet Rllllard'l motMr from PrtnctpaJ -Jl:dl~ Qaol1e raculty m .. mtw-r• whn will ron. ('~ltH AT (JOIIn'A lllf'ICitA Hollywood wtll rtve a dramatic ·· duct the ct.-.• at Harbor IJnllln • ......stn d l rtaJn Third Oracle -LaeO. Clu1c. HI h 81'bi\QI ror th .. r•Jmtnr y .. ar Bllllf" 'Mieuret. 11• YI•I'Wer and I C::t. ~n e b U them with Lola Taylrw, Joaapllalae IIIDer. nu~be 2e ,..· f<)llllw• Jl.,rrry Hlll(:kat•M:Jc of Pare~ma av..-=-th Ja.4J f1MP m.rtek wtU Second Orade -VIol& ~-~ Prtn~lpa.i A H TJ1wll111tln lln•t nuj' wf're take11 to a pllyelcla.ne A 1~ wt~· ......... _1 . monel ned& O.rte,, Nina Hart-v1ee-prtnclpal., JniN"ph Jfambl,.l. luffl re Ji•nda y tor cuLt and bniiiN -... d at U .IO man. •·tenA-and M•tfl•·matlra Mar-received when tblllr rar collided and l"'een&Uona lbould ba mada .._ __ , """ ··~ · l Rolli • Brlooh• • Bread1t1ok• _ _. "m Oradl' --• cnln. tin Brautl, Ruth Ot~niPI, John with one dr1vfln DY J H .• Walab, eanJ by Pbontnr KIM Pl.umer *· 11:11& Blt., HeiPn .........., Johnaon. vall,. Mttl~r 2428 8a.nta Ana avenu.. GDS .OI:aO J,.a~ta Mary Hill. T"rMI& The acc1dflnt bapptned at Monte 705 Cout Htwey, Corona fie I War 008'1'A 1lO:M II08T8 A'l' ()(MI'I'A JIEIIIA BUY PaN"df!l •· 1 On thy Cnn Vwta a.nd Oran«•. rnday at 11 0. a. 0. IN ••-A •-• WINS P111ZE Hom!J ""onom r• ro · a m Bolb cara were a,.d)w eta • , (1•••••1., et L.A. A•t~e••••lor 13 .........,& .an,. _.._. ...... 4 hce De.ck , rn '"" ea.ta ~~-.,..,.. wbo U4 walter 'Golden. ,.. .. -~ .....,_ ~I&J tkl~nl'f' (',oM o ... ble, are4. I ., .. ,.1 .. Atlealle City'• Th• C·ul• ~• of the 800 In lllul&a Ana and Mra. Walt"r ~ ITO 11:. Lynne Hurh,. toa, 6 U•toa Chab, Ct ... t .. d, 0 I I f.""'"" IN ILL MOVILTIII 2102 o .. ,. FreM, M.,....t ... ch ... ,,....~., SOUVENIRS AND GIFTS OF ALL KINDS PHOM5 1141-W ''The Store o{ a WUUoa Antol-" Ye•l We Wrap Gift• GBIIitl niNCH .. ct ITALIAN ....... Pastry. .._ J. P. J--., J . D. Cuter a a _, ...., .. ._ _,_ -~lne y ,...J,.y, Ruth F'rve c:... PALM ('AP'E 110t..0 on eo.ta 11-4ay .,.,.. X.. JIUit • .:~ ~~ ~ ~ rrt4a,J11 JCn,;.llah Ora me and Joum&J1t1~ V.P'.W. AUXILI.Un' '" --• -- I'Ndl Opp. Jolla ~-J ' c:hll4reft. held at .._, w ..... ·• 1 Mary Hac~nbruch. H"l"n Pifer INtn'AJ.IA OFnCDa Ma. Vlvta.n l .. n,;11a1,. of 1tlt i;;:;;;:;;=;;:;;_...::;;::=;::=;::=;;::~:;:::;:::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;::;::;:~ o.llaper, 11. H . ,._.,.,' ll&a1an OW» ln Oran(t. 0.. ... lllhcl ucl Mualc-Thomu All~n. Marte V.r .W 4uaHI&ry mernbera IMI4, F1ower at., and MIM Marpn·l ltlfr, J ..... llalrd. llr. ud lin. forty babtea ~ _., IUebech obn N 11 their retWar ....U.. J'nday. lira. ~t of Anaheim, have pur. DOJr'l' IIRMntS. t1Yow .,._ ... &Iff- COl~ A • ..,. . . . r I& Ia Valwthl • CottOa ....... ..,. oat . ~t. • Have It NbaOt u4 aw me d.itfeftiiCI • • • AU ldDcll tOt ....... If ...-.. AQ ... M I: I A M A 'I '1'. a B I I C 0. Orlla ... 0 . &. Pater, Ill'. ud 11ft. II. a. OoldaD.. wbo '-~ ,_,.. 1114. wu ~rclal ~-\ tt ~ m at t c-BertU ..,_. ~ IUve,.. ..._I e"-ed Ul" Palm-Palm C'ar~ nf lldlhwtrJ, llr. ud lin. OearJW *-4 ln a mllltar)' 111t1t _. waa -Vorlard nsompeon. the main lpMII.w, and &lao lin· lin. RuUl MeKay IUid will t.ak,. We"t*m), lib'. &a4 lin. .Aa.t btl prWI on ~ Mechanic. Art.-A~ur Word. edR 7' IMpedorHott·-" ol A~~· Mrn. ,. ron at Met' Mrw McKay ~ lib'. &a4 lira. Clift U... •· 1M .,.. wu __,. t1oe.. '-"1 800ft tm MurlreMbor••. ...... IIJ'. Mod lin. all -....ett. ~!( * UiO Htatory-LMile Mllt.r. T.,.... Pfl s•t &o talre UM ..... ~lin. ,._.,. w1M:n 111M wUJ Ylalt ""' A'l' ~U. Pel'f'dee IY& 0.. wM .......... Kay..._ aoUMP AU ara lnv11H tD ..._,a a.. Ml,_lcal rAucall,n -Zelma l&ad &84 lAietDe Dodd'"" elect. .... ~ Wanant ()fflrer A J ~ AIR 00~ JN'IIeu mM'tlll• Ill a. w..u•1 aMnnan. dea.n ot rtrla' P.2.:~ ~ tnalteel. Opal Walter -.et.ed AI llcXay wbo a... t-n etatloned at .!t ':' =.!!:: Ooarw WID ~· Coata X... --:;.u~ ~er A:='ba!~~h~ Se hl"e'JDc oftlear.. la.AAA.8, , .. ,.. P'r1daJ tor or. ... .,._ 8ept.. at T~ p.m. a..lla at 4. LAbrartan-RuUI l tover IPIWID J"1ortde.. for at• w"lu In PIWI ....._~to tab tiM Claalnau Rep 't1 • O.t..a Hu,._rr.c~a w .. rw~ni. TIM Clermlu ....,..,.. .._,. ~ ........ ...... Mft ..._ ...... &o eell eo..tt&oe wtU '-.... ........ ..,_. la&o .._, MWtJ ,_ 'e_.l ~ .,.. 0.0.. ,.._. u.. 11a. • ...., Talllftea. Dllllw 111m~ 0oo4 prtntlltl' at ,.., .,. .._. aa am --. .... Mr ...... , -.. ,.... , ....., aad r-ation WID tMD '-..at.._ 10D &ad IA!etiJe DIM ... • a. ,.... .:!_.tiM p,_ ...... 1111 .,._ a ._. ODelt ..,,..,.. .............. a& M •r1 ,.._ u.... ""a • a.....,._ ..,....__w ... a..u.aai,._ .... .._.~ fEll .flll ...... -- r···· • ~eds fold ~ed~ ... .... ""' ..... : ..... ....,...., llurt Mra. Yo P' .. nlr)r, Mrw ~an. """"' ... • v n,_, • 81mpaon, .... u. ..,.., 0.. ('~ lin. fiF'f'tha ....... '"''"" .. n iOflfl, Mrw lin. .. :IliA• IIMwort ff•••· 1Cehr1Jt, ...... D K 11114 .. -.... lrvtn I Ji.ttll, 0 N l rt• th111 ttw "" vldnlty ''' t """'-nn•l 'r~'~ u. fu t•tl ,.,,,.-.hlhH' ,.1 II; tloo llo <II •u ""••r,ru• ltl!'UfiVt•fH• U• I (HHn f to ••1• ,. ,ttl•\ I .,. II , .. t;fldt , I• I I I \ I tl .. ,,,. ,,, ttl II I I "''t fv uh ' ,, •," I 11 f t1h Itt, I t! I .It h ,, ',.. '" "htt < ,,.,, ........ . 11 1 I Itt,,'' '"" t ••• ,, ·•i•••• ,, ''"'' "''1111<1 y, ft, uu\ ll.:h lh• ",.'''"" o()l 1111: "' 7fl .,.,,'''"''It'll ..,,.,.,. l l•rw "' t hat tf t ho• lei J,.. m""''"l .... 'ly '" IIIli I ''' •·hHnrw·l ~ltl ••nto•r m ar rolnl( f).Uin """'''"""' ... fftlfrw-d. U••,tf'Cf all t11 , I<C fii"""'JlUit w "" rlbjrr dlwny It llwt llj't'fl It' IIU. .. . . ~ -· .. •• I -• I P\ PS I Bl '·. rt I Tl -· • I .... •"-• a.& 15th to ~~·~-----------.----------------~------------~N~EW~PO~RT~·~B:A~1aQ~~~p~~~~------------------~--------------~Th~wwk~~Y~·!~~tem~bw!!1~.~~ High School. Faces s.onJesmurfboan'• .~,•d ta J (adnrtJMmftlt) BEBE UE scuEJ>uLES OF BUSSES B THAT ~nE CHILDREN TO SCHOOL 7-Game Schedule Attract Notice I OWUNG I'DIIoa .... Uk a('hrdulr of bUMee for Elementary 8cbool PupUI, Until official l"fCOrct. are kept, O 0 0 ot H-,.t ..._ "'ho ~gin IICbool on Monday. Thle echedule b.u Wltla • _,.. apecW to t1ll'll t.eoD&rd J Balaman.. 11Urfbou4 ... wt htr rooo..u ~ aat lloDdaJ ~rt tmm ~2t Wut tlOth at .• t.o. FOilDGN AUZY8 bMa clrawa to covrr th .. dally lrlp. to echool thi"'OAA'b the tarm. 1 an...... ~ IAIUe M1lJer bu Ancetu , wtll probably bold ~ a.m. ......_ .. tak.-ch1h.lren bome after 8Cbool, and 8Ct.ool oalcltUI . fanlulatolcl a autr _... ,._. unottlclal record for d18tance an4 SEEII TO BRING UUVMMioed t.-, lbat nu cblld may &et ott the bull at uy aulllpt 11111 s-ci him eornetlliq that be can carry eaaily, perbape rcbatle, .'1'1111 IBIJ!I'I....OR!J'III Oct. 1 4utlllo1Lln tbe ~· I HIGHD 8Q08D-_l'llplar ...., ._ lUJI l..e&cller receiVM vmu.u -~·--_ a~ that wW brln\him pleaaure in an idle hour •.• wU.II UM &ocala ~ wlt.b LA. 8a1mnan attract•d notlce of--Ull--~t+lll-i --.,.aa 8eedl lliltl • Ute M....,.ort •wnl tbouand watdMra over c:llllcl'a ,.,_t&g tema . . . & t o( jewelry • . . Wliatever lt la, nelcl -' I P. II. the Labor o.y weekend wtt.b lall 'ney uy that fa)' ott ftelcll OIU.D• 1. 2. 3 AND t n bave it. · ' 'nM ..... wtU '-W.tared by prow-on th~ boardl. rtdin& ~ look ~eener, and lD bowline. lt'a Oradee 1 Ud Ttl c:hlldnD ~"--t& M pg•- llbl let.._ froora lut ,_,., wl601nc Uck ~red, for a dUt&nee odd how ott.n a &ood performer from OorQea 6tJ'-;,.ar"":nd Cout ~--e8& 18 Packet Games IDOIIttJ IIDrm ftele tnehade of t miiN lnaldfo the bay, u tar out~a hJmaelt (or hereelf) on Hlpway .,_ WUI attl'nd momln& •~ BUA8e8 Into • Dk* .........._. 1• poua4 taelde. u eout oua.rd rulu ~rmltted at fol't'1~ .UeJL 1 1 • Sch 1 Se w1to wu MCOGd 8trtac ali·Le-.ue ... _ "-t"'"· Take lbe lut w~k at the 11&1· ... 0111 ' : O'clock 10 12· From 00 rvlce "'"' ~ ~ N-port H._., Lillo lale, Weat POOKET GAllES IMt ,_,.; Joe lluala, J'Uarcl. ITO; Balunan .. lhr 1urrboard ex~rt boa Sportland Pavtlon, tor l,n-Newport and ..,.boll, rhlldren wiU 'ne achool bua ache dule tor Col· JoiUul)' aater. o.t.er, lt:O, wt.o from "W•Iklkl Covo>," nea.r Paloe •tance. ' attend attemoaa aes.11on 12·30 to ta Meaa followa, wtth famllt• and I .-.oulcl Pf'O" the lucue a out.. Verdo>a Eatetl'l In lAe Anceln The team from Lacuna Beach, t · · children reminded that the ~ ~ pt.ot man; Jtm ~-County ., .. 0 .. -··an1a an object of whlrh alwaya hlta the m-1•. 0P;_~:.._ ea atop at atlpulat.ed bua ~~ Ta t t.acllle aa4 01 . " '"' • ....,.. ·-I &ad 4 33rll atreet only: laM. 1 ' a ; )'lUI menUOn on one prt'vloua oeculon. harde: bere than there, came to WNt. lJclo l.llle, Nt'wport Hetrbta BUB NO. 1 aa.-. n,tlt end on IMt ,_,.. wllen be met • whAle while .urf. lh~ Balt.oe alley., and tor UM and Ootona del Mar will attend Firat Trip, I Both 8cboola)-T:IIJ ....... lllo6M prollab!J wtD lldlt boardln& off Bird Rock at J.AcWl&. lhlrd IUC'CeMive Ume, captured a rriOI"'lJq ........ 3311d atreet eut .. m.-Bua Jeav• Ma.tn lchool. to Nell. and trtf'd to rtde u tr1de the ... team match from the IAacJs. to tbe Nat. will 11ttend after. 7 :~1tth· and Banta Ana; UMD .._ 11 ... Up · mamrnel. Henderaon-8cott-Bwaltlte&4 com· noona. aucoeulvely: 18th and 'l'u8tln, eo.-A~Unc Ul-boy. wtll be ... bln&Uon. .. .BalbD& bluwl Chlldrcn-Ora<IM ta Meaa and Tu.Un, Main llehool. .,.raJ l\lltl)y ~ BH1 trom e 1 J I · ""8econ4 TAp. 1:62 a. m.-SU. Jut ,_,.. ~ caiUier oulftt. E '---pal Board a-ntiP4 Pa.US.. .......... • • and t wW atlt•ntl school on leavu Ma in Sclloo1. 1 :56 a. m.-~ A.lnoftC u..e Delli lllDer rank.a PIIIKJV .....-the blaDd.. edilool OJW'nlng at 8:•!5 Santa Iaabtf and Banta Ana ave; lltpJ:r • ,....... aa4 ldcklq Plana Wonhlp Till ,._ E....,..._,~ a. m .• lunda tnm 11:4:S to 12:t3 Llndbti'J'h School. Ma.ln Bcbool. aiMIJl,7 a1 .. w11o lllloaJd move Cba Ja Filled 'nlen the ret11m1 were poMed p. IlL, rn.del l and 2 ~ttln& out Third Trip; (Both Bc:llocU)- • Gamee of aU kinda, for all tastes . 1tart1Dg at $1.00 6 tin. (Ready to Mail) PLAYING CARDS From S9c. Per Deck DICE up lo 'tlrwt ~. .,.. Gene LN. rge , fmm the all..ummer tourney ot at 1 :tl p. a.. and gradea 3 and t 8:15 a, m.--oran&'e and Broad. I f\IAI'd; AartiiD Buttram. lTI. en4; n~ Rev. Robert M. Roprth. 1 ml11ed doUbln te&ma, and wtth aet~ out at 2:~. way; then to orance and eo.ta I _ U4 .w Vu Rom. ITO. en4 wmmer paltor for 'Epleoopa.l Mr· Ole award nr nrat ~ priM to rD"'''I ORA DE K-., Orance and 20th. Banta I Pr 1 ... 1 c'ta for a tGp ftjpt M.ck· vteM ID Kbell Oubbou-., wtl1 COB-Team No 5, for ttl Ill"' tllrM-Pupo. Ia fUUl Ora.d~ wtll take ~:n •;!o!~~t, Llndbtrrb 8cllool. ftelcl ..,..,. Ia doubt. M tMft 11 ctuct tua aut .. ~ beN on Bun-~ram~ Mrttt of na., up eom• propu .,....... achool bu.e~ to .,_ BUW NO. ~ 1 only -~ Wllrmu. and day at 8 and 11 a.m .. wtth Mr· th~ dl.clowre that t.be four tile H.-port IChool, and tl'om J!'lrat TTI&>-1:30 a. m.-lttb ud. -apen.ne.cl ,_..,.. Aalplil mnn on ''P11v11e(r and Dut:r." rham~ of that t.eam an ·tMJoft• UN" wtU -mble In • united Irvine, then to 11th and Oranp, P'rettM 110 pouad fU1nledl. wtll lpedal mualc will be by Wtaa tn other cltiM. IIU'Ite Run ud poup to walt at tht Tf'nnla Court. 18th and Tu.Un. 18th and Oranp CltiT7 lM bn&Dt ot dlle ~ n..octoe~a Parka, accompanW tiJ Ann Anderaon are Banta Ana for M'W bull to La kl' lh~m to f Kln<S.rprten), 1tt!l and 0rance IIEAVY 8TQUNG SILVER IDENTIJ'I()A.TION a&AOELET8 attaek. Don 11111er 11 apecW to O.Orp Mortimer. • rtrta. E . Howie and L)'IUI Watldu ntUl On.de cluarooma eet up In IKtnderprten). Maln Bchool. eliJIC Ute pW around a.cauraiel)' Tbe bo&rd of church otne.ra met an t.acuna bowlera. HlP tcbool Second TTI&>-7:50 a. m.-Rar. ftt7 IDMe.. hill . aut TUMd&Y wtth Obion BmJth. •.. 'IICIDIIDULII OF BUS TRIPS bor and HamJiton, Wtleon and OoeGia. .lack Jllolaa :, UN ..... the warden, to plan Ntrular WCW· • LMYiq ()arona del Ma.r-1 :48 Meyera, Placentia ud wu.on. libJp ucl Iunday adaool unUl a VIIUTOU P&OP1YD AIIO'IJ'I' a.. m., Ooldeerod and Highway Canyon and Wtlaon. PlacenUa ~t~ _: 10 = ,...dent muu.ter Ia appointed by BAJ..BOA ALLE'I'1I 101, then at latet'Vala or one and •nd VIctoria. PlaeenUa and ltt.b. or ~-• · 8tllhop Bertrand Steven~. 'J'ot'etller they outl'olled u.. 1IMt two miDut... .topplnr alonf Hl«'l· Main Bcbool. Noa. a ...,_.,.. lltP few a wfll,. Aftf'r att~ndln& OloceMn Cle11rJ quartet frOm B&lbo&-Newport, way at ....... 4. Poppy, Ma.rlgo1d 'nllrd Trtp-1:08 a. m.-RunU. .U.. tMm. llecaDie lie llu aueb Confertnee ttl.. week at Harvard SCUn. Oolcllllroc1. Pallaadea Road, ton and Harbor. Harbor and WO. plaJfl'l bAd! u Barulcl Van De-Military 8<'hool. the Rev. llr. Ro-=·~:n ~-~~~a;:,,::. Ba,....,. Ounp, Oordon'a Drug 110n. Wtt.on and Old Banta At!& ..... 'I'U be. UpTotsO LOUCKS 1787 JRWJOilT aLV'D. COSTA M.UA walller, ..-41 quot.er; Jolln Jartb wtll nmaln over tor a t..-b• 77 .., ___ ... e .,0__.t·-~-atore (I L a.) RAoad, _!!1d Banta Ana Road and rowter at f'IID ; ... Delft Croft at 11 a rnemller J .. u-"'' r • •• ., •1 ......... ..., Leaytq w.t Newport &ncl Sea.. voca..,..,, Llndbtr'J'h llehoo1. ..at (juat to -uoa a,_,,,._ daya alter~~~ •-· Cttap. notebtnc • aecond p1aee tbNe llbo.,..._ f :ll a.m. at Oranr e and Fourth Trtp-1:20 a. m.-o.l 14•••---------------------.. ..... .. .... a. Ute Ute f/1 tile Board nu.. pme Mriee of mT. AI mtpt tie 0out ~ Olen Helen'l Mar and Newport. Banta Ana ud Vanlt"! _ a..t = M lalM. ud to p,_.nt for ordiD&-~ted. tile aut& Ana..IAcuna 8tancl, .ut and Cout 1 Kinder. Men, Acaela and Orchard.. Btrdt 'a. ___. .... tJon.a former 1ACUn& p&l1.lllSODU. uarte Jutahed a.11 ldDcll prten -ay) 10th and Cout 24th and Orcllard, Acaeta and PaH. wtD lie ,...,... oe ,..,....,. aft. J.U T. Jllaymond.. a at\acteftt at q t ol com. and Oout.· (1:11 a. m.l ' aaclea, ·~1 Mar and Banta Ana. .,_ at I P. II. at tile &lc1 the Church Olvtnlt7 Bcbool. ~. pllm•nta on the 8portlaDcl'l tan Hewpol"t ~1.1 fAll Klnder-Monte Vlata and Santa Ana, ll.a1n ...,...t.e tMt wtuc:la Ute Vanlt)' Hoprth then wtll ratum to Palm 111~)'1. prten 'hire Tllla Bua)-7:50 a. School. ....,. -. Bpr1np tor UWl eervtcee reopeD1.ac Other awa.rdl In U.. miD4 m . at 8aat& Alia and t~th. the~ BUS NO. I 'nM u.aau.. ldi"dlak: 8 p 1. ln UM Delert. cloublel toomey. wtllc!'-W'OGIId ap at tnten.ll ot one to thne min· Flnt Trip-1:1& a.m.-Jialtlcw Oat. ~ .._ of t. au 1 at the lportlUid a.IW)'I tiWI .... 11 uta. at on.un and t5th. El Mo. and Wl1aon. Baker and Banana. J Oat. 1t-'fitiUtr (a.A. .,_,,. -"'T • n.w~~.. -.nnD ...., after at.art.tnc lut 11.&7 11. ,_t dena an4 Clay. Broad t.nd San Baker and Bab'a ROUM, Baker •• Oat. • AM'ft Jhft .,..... ....,n_ to the toUowntc CIOIM ot nom Bem&tdlao, Banta Ana and Ocean. and Newport. Pal~Mde. and N-· RODEO! . •• Oct. If -tllllta B. .._. A. dalll'lt.«r . wu liOns to P\'t. were 11\ar111y alded by tbetr ll.an,. U.. A,..._ (1:11e a. m.) port, Acacia an4 P."-4-. A ca.. " •• MO\'. I 11tuata Alia ,_... _.Mot lira. An. ,.....,, '101 lcape): lJclo ~ and Findlay (Lido Ia. <71a and Of'CMrd. llulta Ana and ---ulf'o.. ~ eN s~uhore Dr.. l"rtwlJOft Bndl. ,n WHk'a {OJ) tllrM --• lu4 ID .. II..,-t4'n Take Thla )of~ Del liar u4 Jf.wport.. and SPEED TRIALS .· •• NO\'. 11-~ on..n• J b boa. •-··. Bai)--I:OT a. m. at lJdo and L.a. Maln School. • NIIM oa... A~ 2Srd.. at at. OMII Mr1ee-Team a. 1063. ta,etta. Lido lloud and Cordova. Second Trts>-T:• L m.-1Tth •• ~ a.-plta.l. R"" lndlv1ctual O&me ol Tvarn.. L. 8oud and )(entone, L. Soud and antt Nf'wport, 11th aDd P1aeentla, Rom to atatt B(t. and JbL ammt-llra. VIola Bt~. ot VIa y.ua., UcJo Nord and Raven. 18th and IIOilJ'Ot'la, 11'Ua and lion. «W-·~ ~ IUCUrd Adami. 1Ml1-2 Miramar Ba.lbo&. •1 (1\andlcap). lleeond at., J'tacll.v and Centra.!, 30th and rovla. lath and lloarovtt.. lith q~~ W¢444 U Chops ... Fish Dinners A7 ... .UU. ~~treet. Balboa. a dauptar at at. !liP l.ndlv1dual ot toumeJ'-~ 014 Trael8 (1:17 a . m.) and Pomona lltb ud t.acuna. lllnn ~ IIIDer, Ufti'IIIOI'e, J~pb b~tal. A\C· Slit. J'ry. 180; th.lrd, AI FOf'l'lt. M.... Ba.I.,.,__.:IO a. m.-P1ua del Matn 8claool. o.llf., wM Mn ,a&,.d wttll UN port. ttl. Bur ucl L r . and Central, B and Third TrtH:II IL m.-Alpba I ... ,......._ 8JIIIpllonJ ~ D~MT n.&.UIIJNA'I'U HIOII't Rip tnciMctual tJlrM ptM _... C.ntral (1:11 a. m.) &ta l!ltor., lltti an4 Oran,., lith . ! , __ u.--D. • Balbo& r.land I All Ktnde~ar. and Bull& Ana. J'lower and aan. tra ....... a•ct did tr.D Or\'llle I)Mt bu contr1butea to-----•-Ru 1; D. 8eott ol ten TUe ft1l BU8)-1:43 a. m.-ta Ana. .U. &Dd Santa Ana. o.ut to a..& ... ta or... lid wareS ~~ U.. nlf1'l ap. llaJMa IIC!Oftd.. liT: V\ola BlMH· Avocado &Dd Ht)l'hway 101, Be. lJndbei'P 8cbooL ta JC .. T..tl Clltt .... .-,_.:h to N.wport Beadl by 1ft. tnaa. tMI'd. Ill. ,onla an4 lnd A"·· Camatlon ...a.t at ""-..rt ..,._. JDwan,. alallllll a n~f'r n.on .tP at taw But. ,...,uq to ..,.,_. wM an4 Calt)"'OI, Rld\IU'd!Min'a Park High a_...ool H II ~ ..._ U., ....t at Ute bMt way& at Hlf1\'W&Y 101 ud clo better away floom .,_., U..re'a and Topu, Parll Mel llar1rw. Ba.lt DC& U ._.. Ortll ~· the ~rdM!II ""_.. tbe '*-ot J\Pie v•• o1 BaJbon. stanct. Ba,.,_ Beacon Bay. Busy Bus Trl.... I l :lT L m .. Pu1l Mel Topu. 1 :21 : r""' • Pan and K.n.s. 8:215 a. m. · 110010:11 lla"l' CII.UIP8 .10:10 KJNDEROA.ItTI!:N 8ll88JON Buuea w111 ply buat1J, tl'om the OM AKOHillii& OOOAJIIOJif All chi14Nn r'liiMiln« Urd etreet tlrat atop at 1:2S a.m., unUI aut 1 eut to the Poent. lame u mom· atop. at 8 :06. ln traMpOrt.Jnc the !June Joome)"ed to t.M Trojan Inc etope-PJut clel Sur and L 500 atudenta or Hartlor UnJon Jteeft&Uon room In Loe ~-t :SG a.. m . thea lltop a.l Central Hl.rh Sdlool on, Monday. I u thll area•a lone entry In a at F'. B and Adam~ Library Ttl" achedule of .top. on the dlf. daalle women'• .t~Jee cont..t (10:30 a. m 1 O»ut Hlpway and ferent bua routes Ia: there lut Sunday nl.lf\t. Bow11nc ~,. at 10:10, CloUt bouJnard FROM NEWPORT I ldp no.. l' •r recent aY'trqM and 38th at lOU. Oout bout. and 7:23 a.m.--oranre and Oout HOWl COODD • HONK ATMOSPIUU At Bob Skil• Plaee, 15th aad Placeatia COSTA M~SA Sunday, Sept •. 10 1:30 P.M. aad Eftry Two Weelu Thereafter Broac Ridin•, Steer Ridin•, Calf Ropiq Kida Rae .. , Novelty Rae•, Ham... ~ Thoi'OUI'hbred Speed Triala aad Man,. Oth• E~ . LUNCH ON THE GROUNDS PURSES GIVEN IN WAR BONDS Adaaialion 50c PI• Tax 1015 C.... HJPway ..... JOM.J. Clil.a.D ftiVUDA D RAmi'S CAFE (Art aacl UtJ .. ....., IMre, ucl .,nth,.rtn.r 934 ln ller 24th, 10:15. . Rtpway; 1:28 at 30th l!lt.; 1:34 m asme •"r1"• tor an a verap of 2ND 81:88ION. ORA.DJ:S 1 • 4 at Lido Clubhouee; 1 :31. lJdo Jl:n., laS. June ha.d .th .. bad breM to o!:::O[t~ .. :~::.:~~t ~ B.ALBOA (and Newpot't) "'cut In • tn""d whll'h lneluu<S.d Cou t b<\ul and IIUI tMn Urd 1:t0 a.m.-Kiramar and M. at.; I BOB SKILES hoY Rutr. Southrm caJifomta and 24th 1 11 ·ta a. m.') 7:42, Miramar and Central; 1 :ta • champion: and anothrr 11r1 who Balbo11 Ptua del l!lur ud t. Maln and Central; 1:t1, J:ut N-., wu dlampton bowl"r ol Nebru. then atopa on Olntral A,.. at Jl', port. ,.__ a. __ _ Mom -and-Tot Togs "" . . .......... Our atore .. .mall. bUt mtrchandlaf' We briac to JOV, It TOPS. Wily 11M :rour raUoned ~line To 10 lo far ott abop. T • w.· ... Jut too f'O\&I\C to bold a aa.le, But BUJIO(ER "ni1N08 MUST 00 'nMJ'" me.rc:bancll.8e we muat not krep; We llave t.bem priced quite lOw. • 0. FALL A.PPAJUCL look.a ao amart, We-.. LOAFI:RB, TRENCH OOA TS, A eruct lfftJ ot BWEA TD8 for BoUt lloiDa ucl Tote . . . lull rack.a. • SLACKS; I' ,.......,..,. KA.1"':RMMTDDI ... two ktncll • A. oaat. aacl llaeb. and akJrt.. Or ••• ....t. ucl aJdrt. and Mclrta . o.r ~ ... a.Jert. • ftat'l ft7 ... orr. 70" the Belt ...,.. Onowllua-, Otr1a. 8hl.al1 80)'1. ' ...... r.4J to .upply you wttll •w• ••• IUJTI ... tiM latMt nolM. , • MOM AND TOT SHOP 1 ...... :NII!I -OtiMt .... 4 ... .. liB ..... ooa · auraaa OOUN'I'ER JS 11IE CENTER .... I 'I R•• wl.._ a.... v .. e&atlw ••. The Freabeet Ia WI M ••• Qrellty Grooerlea - --.,cAlli IM ~ __.. ......... ,. ... !!M' ...... % ... _ ....... ,. ...... a.-... - ka. Rew1t: Jun~ didn't wtn .,., B and Adame (U:IO a. m.). 1:56 a.m.-Central and tt!l; ~ta ,...._ Phone Newpt. Bch. 1722 pn•. a.lthou«J! ah" clld ftnl.ldl 1'RlR%> OR.A.DII 7:111. Ford Oaral'e· ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ fourth tor her aquacl'a pn.t. Noowport H~ta lfld lJclo lale '-OORIONA DilL MAR and • -Clay and Altlo. U :35 a. m .. Rfwt~nniii CUifi' le ~Clay 11\d Rl"ri"JJde. Clay ud San· BALBOA ISLAND ta Ana. Lillo IOUCf an4 C!Or&v a. '1:33 a.--m.-Htpway lM al'ld l!lmoi•IP" wlte .,...,., le ,..,_ Lido Sou!l 11ntt Kentone. Lado Boud Pactnc; 1:3S, Pallaadu and P aet- LMs-and VIII y ,.1111. lJclo Nord and Ra-fie: 7:40, Marine and Park Avea.; 1nrh1rnto.llv J~ hu been ae. vrnna f 11 .~0 a. m.) 1 :57, Balbo& and Apolena; 1:51, live In aupnl~m~nttn.r thl' effort Balboa and Colllna; 1:P . Topa.a nf Ml'll p,.Jr~V Hltc:ht'OCk, Lido LAot'SA OlU. 'I'OPt!l and Park. late. whn Ill """•~<lent or thf' Or. Tl':A~ fS rllf ncroaY C'OSTA MESA BUS TRrPS an«e Cnuntv Wnmen'a Bowltft< Although theY rolled an exact 7:28 a .m.-23rd and Banta Ana I I I · · Av~.; 7:30, Monte Vl1ta and Santa UIIO<' 11t on 1., ••~11 n~r a l.'all fnr tff' In Cln" nf th~ lbree «&ftlN. Anll; 7:33. Orchard and Acacia; all wnmt'n hnwl ·r" nr the N,., ... S.lbnll.!\ll'wport bowlera dropped 7:34, Bln-h An d Pallaadea; 1 :41, rnrt 81'11rh ar1'" In mf'~t at 8 P 11 '""m OIJIII·h to tbe quintet from Elden and Monte Vtata: 1:43, EJ· m. F'r1di1V. ~~"' 1!\, 41 the Bal· lAA'\Inll R•'l'l'i'atloft thll week. on den IUid 23rd: 1:45, orance and boa Bportland fnr tht flUrpoel' of th~ loul RJ'Ortlancl PaY11ton a.IJeyw. 22nd. I nl1f&lliEinr bnth " '"•I'Ur for l.'om. 25:11 tc> 21PI A lliCb Kllool ,tr1. 1:40 a.m.-Baker and Banana: J'f'tltlnn, 11nd 11 lncal W'OfMTI'I Bf-tty Srrlnn r. rolJecS lliCb total. 7:43, Baker and Babb; 1:52, • bowlll'lt <OVI'mln~t «"NP· nol<'hln, :S:\8 for tbe wtnnera. Monte Vlata and Newport Blvd.; 1 e 1 :M , VIctoria and Old Banta Ana OIIILI" LZAOA Road; 7:59. Vll'tor1a and Rartlor TO B.\VJ.: "PONIW>U ltl'C'r." AT OOI"'''Jif a.ufCII Blvd.; 8:00, Hamilton and Rar-LnlE RAa80a IIPOirl' FAHtl bor: 8·01, 19th and Hartlor . ' '11M 11n plan to tauncJI eomJ't!'-Fourth m~ ot tbe quarter f:415 a.m.-Harbor and WllacM: UUon llbortty wtth an elpt ~r1 mil~ mat~:h -.. ,.,.. at the 1 :47. P1aeenUa and WUaon; 7:82,1 Jeacue wtllc)l wtn lndude t~am• Hllmllton Cott• nnc1a wttl be PlAcenUa and 11th; 1 :56, 18th and o1 ett.b"r four or ftve &1111. Eac:JI l.'onlluctrd Sunda7 at 1 p. m. ovtr 1 Wlllttler: 1 :Gil, 18th and Anaheim. I team w111 bave a Balbna or N-. th' lllrt tmck one mtle aoath of T:51 a.m .-Broadwa:r and lanta port buatMII 1p0n10r. Tllelr San Clt 1 ,.. han of tour Ana: 8:00. Broadway and Newport malO. wtn be,tn earty In ()c. m~n e. • Blvd.; 8:02. 20th and Newport; tober Van~ ttu.~n-men and IHn announ('ed no. wm, u UIU· 1:03. 20th and Oranae; I :OG, lOth poearb1J the Cllamber ot Com · al, !lmw eome Jnaaclncll of ~port ud TuaUn. rnerce u well.· .,. ttl u fana from tlle ....-.. llNIL ~e It wu announe.d that bu1eM pl1 .. tor U\e &tril. pu l1e p rarra •n ·' tJ'('MOI'eCI bf Al Spu11• will not 1top exa,pt at atJpul&ted But ·-•n. -tun• baell to the anll J H 8&11eJ, N..-pcll't Bar-atreet comen. · --•• boru,.., who ato4 toda7 tbat ----- wdclen pr'OW'ell of knl&llta of thl' thr~· h~d •JTUPCI tor plenty of mama W1CD8 Df maple wtlo cteaut their own at. rukln~r 1e)'l · tor ot.Mn. tour dou"'ty epaoe. 8AN'I'A AHA rnemlltn of the Balboa bow!tnc ~TOitll 1~ AOnft PKr. and llrw. Vernon P.ttenon oolofty are rotllC to put the mat-Born 10 ~. ud lin . .._.~._ a.ri honeymoontnc In Ban J'ran· ter to turtller tNt nat Sunday _.. -~ cl.aco. Mn. Patter.on II UN form. nl"'t at I p. m.: when they Jour. min .I Whttrn&D. 70I,.fteJJotrope er ,._ Tereea l'are6-, ......,.. n.y to the Lone .lkaeb V1'1f1nla llrtt l. Corona clll liAr. AQC. 30Ul. tor ln t.be Newport Rartlor 't1!l1oe to try tbelr talent acatnat Mftr. at 81 Jo~~epll a..ptta1. a .an. Rl&'tl ac!loot n. mantap tooll aJ ll1lllclnd ot,Mn. A <lAIIJrhtel' WM bona to Jlr. plaee ln ,nt Clu1ltlaD ell~ Ia fte BaflMie qu.art.et wtlJ tndu<S. and Mra w~ 0. Korrow, UJ Santa A.Aa. Laoaard 1.-ds. D. Beott. Ra7 2~01 11rHt ... 1. at tiM lout& fte br1clef!'OOm b.u .,._ ~ Bro,W and Kent Rltcllcodt. Ana Comm~ ..,et&L pl1ndpal at U.. ICl OeDtro 1ldP • 8Citoo1 tor the pUt two ,...,... Be ......... r -....., ec1 at th~ s peiOMcl Pa.uJoa aut wtn ulldl ~ aacl )cloanle.l. e. I.e* e1 .....,.... an.a. we.k. The M mm ._ bJ a a.m at Ratlqton ._. Uta ._. It -..._ • ..._,. ~t three ,... comt~ ,..r. OM e1 ... ~ .. tiMI ol Iouth Cou& L91P1 t.ma w11l Upon U.etr retan. Kr. _. X. ,..... ..-... uaat ......_ eommen~ ........ U. Ill ua.ll' ..a..,_ wtD M at a.o.. te ~ a. 0... ~ aM AI J'elltt'l ...., 1114 £4 1 I I elrlllllt ol ,.._. at .. A.po'CP ~ .............................. wtwa .. .,.. ..a. ...... • SChool Clothes "SCHOOL DAYS. SCHOOL DAYS, ..DEAR OLD GOLDEN RULE DAYS" No matter what J'OU m&J want in the line of tchool clothea, J'OU are apt to find it in our vel')' com· plete line. CHESTERFIELD COATS and "SHORTIES" CASUAL SKIRTS ANI) SHORT JACKETS SWEATERs Slipo..-.. Sloppy Joee and Cardi•ana • r 1ns DEPARTMENT ITOAI COSTA MESA , 'ftlunday, September 7' 19« ne .en of tiM Ar.' Air·--... the flneet in tlae ....._ Air w .. _. .... IUHI the .-en wlto Oy ............ .... .-.r ....................... k 1-. A• .. A1r W•y~·,. ....... ._ ••• Uacle S..'a vldory •-el ... *· Now you can join tlae Wo..'• A1WJ Corpa aDd requeat duty ,__. ... ,.,., Seniee, Crouad. or Air F---. ... .. .. ,. tocl.y-k wtll .. ,.., .... • .. tJe. to the .n ..t.o n, •-. BE 1/J/ac II !II 1111 All _fiiCIJ. Air Wile, ,, ... 0... ...... .... ..... Ollif. ...... .., .......... 1 ...... _ ........................ _ ,.... t.IFIJ .... ~ H-. .................. -........................................ -·-···--.. -....... .. .....__ ..... ~ .............................................. _ .... ~-· ------- c::M7---....................................................... ____ ......... . ., ro II% i 1r1 ,,. 111111 e The coet of a Bank of Amedca·,.._ lou., mpaid at maruritr iD U equal moorhly iJwtalmaa, ca.o be u much u ~ * m. cbe COIC of a similar loan arraord duoaah many leading tompanies ... aod theN an DO other charges-oo deductioos. Why pay more for a penoaal ouuro lou than tbe T_,., nae1 AnaDae your loao throop U1J oeipborhood branch. ••nk of.Amtrina NATIONAL H~\l.~ ASSOCIATION -,__""" ••••• .. nuo,.unaa •---- ,,.,, 1a r., a •• JI •• J ••rJ ,.,. ••'" ••••'''' !buiuu:tioe p~ • BERN-ARD of HOLLYWOOD (CrNtor ol PenoDallty Pltotoqrapu for raaoua People) • ...... (0... Vo,...._... ,_ .. N.a") ~mber our ..,ylnc Milkman" ot ftn 1e&rE ~A. H . Lowell wllo UMd to drtore a mllk truck ln Peace Officers• Book Be•eflt Ball at Readen'o118 flurn I•• !'llart s-.-1 and Mra l'htlllp o .... tt.·l. 1:\32 "'"'Jllar 0 1 . Ualbl'\.1, nl St Jllfte'l'b h01pltal. " o.au~:h:••r. Alllo:IIIJI 24th. ltr nnd Mr11 l'aul .lo>hlllll>n, 1241 \\' \'1\Mi rlll. art• JlAII'IIlll f'f a '"'n "l1H h wrur born A~. Min at 1'1!111111\,f'll )' hlllpltaJ. IIIIJIMJ&! Ill .U. IJ)&I'e time lie County .......,,. evc-nlnc. St>pl oouW be found at Jllddle Kartln:a 8, wbea tM orpnl aaUon of CIIK'LE TU MEI:T ....,...._ with a "-Nfllt-cn.ta &built.' ~e.nll_wu~m\\ll t.bat wu a reltc of th•· Ural World from all COUDty deparlmt"n\JI, War. takee over tile -.alboa Rc-ndn vou• Tllen came Ul " 1r and tile "nytnc Mllkma u · 11.-.:<une a teet p lot. Once be dld lhrN barrel rolt.. on the ocean frODt at New· port. u d wu all(hUy aqueamt.ll bec&UM nobody can1e out to look at him. He threatened t.o bounce a ahtp on the pollee atallon'n robf the nut Ume Be n eow down tile cout. Capt A. H . Lowell wu lD town the ather day, a~~d dropped tn- ncurauvelJ ot eourne--tor a too- brief vtalt. He baa ~n tl)'lnc Uae world rout. ln the Anny'e 'MrY· au.&&, Atrtca, A~la, aD tM far.olf place. thaJ,.,..fllure ln worid newn. The attknp th"'- about lt. ta that be took up avta. Uoft u a ca~ becaUM be be· c:ame dJ.Icwlted at c etUnc up ln t.M mJddJe fJI tbe n!Pt t.o atart ~ JaJlll ,.SUte. Be wute4 to 11-.p ~ boun, u4 ll•e Uke a •u· IMft betl\l'. ADd DIDity.nlne per cent of .U. ftytDc lll.nee U. bad t.o be daM at .a,tltl lila mont~~ came w~n t.e wu lead.tftl' a ~ ol youq pllote eouth.ln pnpara.. tsoa ror an AUanUc bop to .urtca. Ordan wen lor the CTOUP t.o cloea tn ud tlJ ttpt tormaUOD wiMn- .._ UMJ enaou.lltend a tropleaJ 8CJUlL ADd c:loM lD t.beJ dldl ......._ a nt.orm cloud looiMCl. tM ~ would cca••,. UfOD 11M bCc llbtp and tlJ upt., wttll wtap pracUcallJ onrlap. ,.... 0... 1ooc1 bump Ut4 UM WbOie eabooclle would baYe taD• foe Ita ctancel..t ILIICS rt'Ut\IOn. Don Ricardo a.n.J hl1 rt-.·urllln~ oreb•tra wUI provide l h•· ru~atc. Tom MurpiUM of l.h@ aherttr. otnce, ~t; and l'ollce Chief T. L. Wllclu ot Anaheim, chair· mall; ~ that all •um• from Uc.lleta aDd olher 10urcea wtll ~ to t.be Jn~Uhrance FHn•l wbJdl t.be peaOI offk er11 main. talft for UMir OWJl mem~ra. Lawreaee Browns Move to Harbor Mr. and lin. La'Yftllc~ Jt. Brown aJid daulll~ luran. for· rnerly of Puaclena. have moved to Ule llartM»r M pe-rmanent rul· deota taldnc tile bomr rll 211 Vla Dljon. Lid s.Je. Mr. Brow1a. formerty W1UI Ule LockllMd v..,. plana factory u aclMduler lD pi'OclucllOft eontrol La co-owner ol tM newly 110ld BaJ. boa Marine HardwiJ'f' Co. wiUI Ra)'mond KJtdlell. and La acunr 3• mantlffel et Ulat m~etlc bar. bor ~athnn. place of tha eea ro. rn •. Mr. BrowD aad hie UIIOClate, Ray KJteb.U. attended OeddentaJ ~e. and tooll part In campua a.c:UvtU. u4 .porta to~thar. M.r . 8I'OWft aAniiUMec1 today t.hat It wu tlae ~ of the new BaJboa Kanne llardware owner. lllllp t.o p,_.. llle worktnr force and U.. lltandardl of aervh.• of that 00110e111 bltaet. lied up u4 laM down lD a !Map. AW AIIDID Ala III:DAL Be .,.... 11M capt&la'n bU'n on 11M -..pp1 l&ftlform now, u4 h1a nnt Lt. WUUam Hebn. whole maJor'• t.MpJ& Ia due any daJ. puente, Mr. and )(N .. Albert Hdul But at t.be mention of hl&'b adven-were fonnerly propr1f'lo1'11 of ve~­ ture he anlftn. "rm juat a nytna etabJe market. at both eo.ta tnadl driver," be naya. w-and BaJboa leland, La now 1t&Uoned ln J:nct&nd a nd wu n . cenUy awarded the Air Medal accordlnc t.o word received 1ut week. "BIIlJ," u bt 11 known to hla frienda heN. entered -the Mrvlce In February, 11143. and wu JTadualed u a P-38 pilot. at Wllllama Field. .Aria. He La now tll~bt leader of a MUllan&' rroup: hu !;leen overneu 11nce May. 11144, and In the put two and one-half montha new more than 100 bov.n ln comb&t. • • • WIMft &Mbop w. Bertrand 8te•enn of tile J:ptacopal Dloeeae wu In town retently 1\e met a IJ)&rTOW, ~bly a deaeendant of the IJ)&M"'W8 wbow fall ta honor. eel by Blblleal menUon u note. worthy. Tt\la npurow t.. a NC'l· l&r Ylallor at the <leo~ Holat.eln .-uo on Lido I1le wliere he m&kee blmaelf very much at home. perehtnc on CXJOvenlellt bHdll and .a.ouldtn an4 eaUn1 dalDUIJ from outatretc!Md palma. I~ ..rna t.bat U.. bird WM rat.ed tram In· OOaP. 81'PN'"IID8 .wan"U fane)' by a rwtpbor, ancl Ia u.or-In plaee ot a aq.,. letter to bla ouata!Y accuatomt4 t.o t.ba ......,.. father. 'Lut.ber 8~ of lloutll I• Of bum&IJ company. eo..t ahtpyarda. Mel hl.a ltep.. Ita faith ln humanity ta to be mother. of 12011 Oout boulevard. adml~t It ta to be hoped Corp. OTvtUe G. lpeM&rd wrote that It Nmalna Ulorou&1lJy nlleP-an Introduction to an arUcle ~- Ueal ot cata. printed trom •'The Bnlper," mlm· • • • ~papl\ed dlvtllon ne....,aper of Dr. JOMpb Q. Lee. who Ia a bla dJvlaion In Pr&llce.. &lid .ent It captain In the Army Air Corpe. to the home tbllu . Nf'WJ"'l1 8rArh W S.C 8 -wttt hold 1111 111•x1 nwrtlng 8.-pt. 12 at Chrtll l'huro h by thr Sea wb.n lhl' ahhly s;ntllfl w ill N>nv~nc-at Ill :111 11 m H••·k Juncht'Oft wtll bo• ,..., "'" Ill ..... ,. wllh a r ro. lfl'am l u fulluw at 1.30. BALTZ MORTUARY .r. LADY AffiNDANT .t 410 C oaat ~l•d .. CORONA OIL WAR ~.t.,.t.M.. ~ DAY AND lflQHT ,.ve a lltUe lecture on Ole Chi-rn the rerrtnt. Ute ortlfnal neae lanJU&ge to the KJwanln writer, a Nrw Tor'k ,rnee cor. Club th~ other day. A very almple reF"pondent. 1tn~ted out Corp. la~~auace. the captain pointed out sre ... rd'a dl"l•lon. the lOth. and -all you need ta a l'ood memory. bla ~Cfment. for a.dmlriJ\1' men. a~~d four tonn ot voice. And al110 tlon. cltln~ thll three m em. a very lntereatln.r pblloeopby of ~111 of the dlvlaton'a D\fantry I&Q~U&P. band were clted for caJla~~try In The Otln-character which action In ou lfiKbUnc fanatical • con-etpon!la to our word "Good" ~nnana. Jt'a not ~ tor ta, for lnatance, the nymbola of a the bandamen to pt Where they ma~~ a~~d a woman to,f'ther, while wear combat me~. "Peace" I.J the 1ymbol of a woman Corp. 8peaaard In tn cbara-e of a PM HEAVY DU1Y MO. TOR OIL 1a a besvywdJbc dwDpioa built liD beu .... burdcaL With tnadt.s aod ~ con wonint o•utime. cury· Jaa bluer loada than na, eosine paru ere cekloa a ~ri6c bestin1-and mJfDII puu are IC&ICC.. You a a cue war co a whis(l(f with RPM Heavy Duty ~o1or Oil, ape- dally dtvdop~d co make heavy loeds Ulf OD enJioa. Por a•solln~ and cucala Diad cnaincs, RPM Heavy Ducy Mocor Oil rontaw ..,. dal compounds thAt k«p m- Jina cleaa, prtn nt rina sUck-ins. ruiJc formation of carbon aod aludae. It 11icb co Ia apocs where CDJiDt Wtal U Jfea&ac. under '\ roof. a ATOUP of J eepe ln bla outttt. He "What." uked Jud«• Jone.a, am ... "' J1'to&nc4 .luae 1, wiUcll "dOM two wom.en under one root wu D-Day plua One. mean?" The captain ahook hla bead ud· Jy: "There 11 no Cbln-word." SALT IN IIAO N~ 8YIIITEM he replied, "to effe-ctively de.tl<:ribe Jame.t F . MacNab, -.be ln b1a aucb a oondJtlon of affaJra." naUve BcoUand helped build two Dfonner Cunard qUMM ot the .ea: • • • Anything can happen In the boiLIInr altuatlon :-Back In the daya when the aircraft factoriea were beg(ln, all and n erybody to come to work. and the problem of libeller wu alm011t u bad u It Ia now. It wu common t.o nnd worken nleepln.r In their can. Md It wu up to Ule earty momlng ahJtt ot Ole Pollee Depanm.nt to rout them out a~~d at&rt them on Ulelr way In the dlm dawn bourn. One exceptionally fotriY mom. Lualtanla a~~d Kauret.anla, baa now. after a career u American railroad man. turned a~aln t.o hla love of the Hll. Md w1th Mn. MacNaab hu moved t.o Newport Bu cb u a a-uut of kinfolk pre. paratory to makln~ Ilia hoty\e bere. Mr. MacNab reeenUy reUNd from the Spokane, Portland a~~d Seattle road. Hie non. All.atalr Ma.cNab, who vtalt.M here t.o u. el1t hi• parent.a lD F'potUn« a home In the Harbor, La a con. 1truct1on tn(lneer at the Kalaer Fontana. Calif . llttel wortu. They are ataylng at preeent at 1112 W..t Ocean J'ront. ... capt. and Mr11. A. BurkJiart, fonnerly of 569 Bro&clway. C~ta Meea. are ,movln~ t.o 302 C')nyx, BaJboa I.IIM d. Inc, one of our local ofncen came upan IUdl a nleeper ln Ole bade aeat of a11 ancleet Hdan. He open. eel t21e car door, a~~d thft"'by ex. J)C*d to t.be inClement momlnc ~lr Ole M&Uy cmtralltd. perteet ~erior ot a worker roundlnc Into t.be Jut lap ot the ti'Utllon. al fOrtJ wlaU. TIM temptaUon wu lft&t-too ,.,.t. ,.. omc... et.,.c~ beok. baUJ· attemoon 'WbUe be .,.. out hunt. eel ott. ud .m.ckt4 the plump tni. be nuddenly noUOid \.bat Ole rear el.naUoft eoundJJ. doe bad left blm. He .MU'dMd. And u.. "' I'IUNd 1ft ca..6rr •aiDlJ. and nnally nl1arDid t.o lll.a tor a llWIIIJ. toallt4 blonde 1'1&1'14 boiM. nlowtJ up,._. t1at be.cll ... t and "ntere be found tiM q lD lJA ~~ ''Wbat'n U.. tq ldM T" kitchen. .,_WI up Oil a Qalr and • 1nJela a1J 1018 to lllow t.bat lM&4 bowed In U. paM\U'8 of btrdl ., .. ~ lEaDer .... flr&)'t:r. dJJ aDbl TIM dol wu a.dl • • • e I I RPM Heavy Duty Mocor Oil sivu yo u ch1t margin of naJftJ that U VCJ ft"(laira. acrctchca the life of acarce paru. • It's Dollll aW• Job Now- and &he demands for RPM Heny Duty Motor Oil are heavy. So, we can't acll h now for peumacr can or fuc t.nldr.a Wider %•COD ciu. CLAYTON THOM~N .. 0 .... ~ ~ o1 dDp. UMn wu Are JOU t&k"'-,.... Yltaml.M Portrait Studio in ....... .........., tUt ...... ....,al&r1JT nan ..... ....na .... .. _.. ~ tMa IMIIJ .._.... ~*'a of ....... UIM -lr tMt ARCADE Ita ......... a ... ., De old uac.cJ Mel! to ~ ... u.. D .. ftDU'I'Oa NEWPORT HARBOR Pltoae: 155 . R ... ft: lotM BALBOA INN ....., ....... llept .., u.. c-. .,. o, • .-. of u. a~...,... ... .._ ol .,... Orace at tM taMe. popular dol foodL 'ftle poar aa&. D-1~ ....... ftAAM!ouble ..... ~ ~-taupt u. -mala ................... wtta .-u~ .... ,_... to ..... na ,. .. • a -.., ... A.•.c.n• and R ...,. . ....._ for AppoiDtmeDtl Call Newport IMch 2218 ..,..,.. .._ u.. fUdl7 ..,.. uw.. ,_ M4 t.o ....,__ All4 tt L------------------...... .-, ... ,_,. ,...._ n.. _. ...u, dlcL •~u ' lnr 1• rr (II ~.!:I IV P I 0 r S 1 :. '• g a 0 1 I C All f 0 R •• I :. EMPLOYMENT Sldlled and U nakllled • HARDMAN MANUFACTtTRING CO. W'll.l. OP&N 1'1'11 FEEDER PLANT -n:liL AIRPLANE PARTS . IN Latter September • OPPO&TtJMITI' roll M)8IJ FO& n10aE &&IUINMO AT !QWJ'OirT R.\.IUIOa. AND WHO "'ILL TRtTJII rAnt NO TLUfU'O&TAftOII PIIC)IU FCM • • APP~CATJON8 ... BO'nt 8IUI.I...m0 AND UN8Kl1LIID WUI "&..raken Tomorrow and Saturday September 8 and 9 . lrt Robt. Allen, PersOIUJel Manager AT Orno&: Ill RIOIIWAY Itt lif1nn'Oil'l' a&ACJII (OOAft' IOWA\') 'I'OIIOIIaOW1 aBWaJif I A. II. AJifD I P. II. IU.TVIIDA\'t aiii'I'W&&Jif t A. II. AND ll MOON UnakUW AppUcanta WIU lie hiel ~ .......... H.,...,. Tralnil\l' Jnat.NcUoa (aftliaiiWtJ oeruncate raquiNd) Borsa Rae lag ........... HAMILTON COTTII RAJa CO.. Nll• lcMaUa at lu Cl~•t•l TEN KVKNT8 IUIIDAY, IBPr. 10 .... .,..., ........ ......... Baclag ......... a .. .. .......................... uo ................. Oc B •~all&rt•••• .. a•••allla-1-r...e•uldag Llqaow Stowe • FINE 8PIBI'l8 AND WINES TABLE LIQUEURS cor PU·WAA II'I'Oal) • • IMPORTED RUMS I tlamaka St. Croix Puerto Rico Cuban .....___~. COY E. WATTS ----------------. -·-;--.-..... CONRAD SHOOK CONTRACTOR AND 8UILD£R CDM .. LaTa •uiLOIND •aRVI Cl ••• ...... , ... Av e Carpets, Rugs and Upholstering CLBA.BD A COWPLITI LINI Or FLOOR COVERINGS FOR TOUR RIOUIRIWINTS LUDLUII CARPEl' WOBBI Plto .. 3808 SANTA ANA 1822 8. Walo St. AI'• Gu•v• ALoLI:N OLOVJ:R Its A,U. A..._, ,...... ,.._. P11011f&1 IIU • a..-.. ... ~ r ... ....... 070 .. lallafaeUon Ouarant.ee4 Motor Onrllaalinl Motar T•·U,S Cnntar 1111 lllitianldium.ts feotory Trel•ed C.rb.arltor lpeoialllt ........ L ....... ..... Notary Public rMMIT11 M.utM -.n.o. (M I ..... t . 6-. ., OllllfcN ... , -ue-. -ft&JfO ,,, a • • ~ :: :*' ..... • .,a.; ~•.­o... ...... ------------I PIIO,._t MWWI'Oift IMI ~ Glwa at .._. et ·. Oood ,.a., at U. .,._ • .,_.. ......... ,._... ~----......;Jiooiioo--........ iiiiii..O----~ ' me aoiTEII . .. A.lt -~ ..... ·~ ... ............... ... ·-. ........ ... ... ....... ft. M"'· Y. P'. • 81Anlr)'. M1'11. • L Jan .. Rl'""'"' . .,, v cl.._, ltuth 81m.-on, ...,._,, ... u. M,.. Ill '"' C' of'Orl(f' ~. Mr ... flrrlh11 ~'""""· f1't11nk ...... ""'"'· "'"' '· Mno t-:lh•Jl· t. llnflf'M II All. • Knhn~. Mnr N. n. K. I hut- Jt~n~r,.. I rvln -ft.ll, lf N • ,..,.,. lhnl lh,. tw vlr·lnfl.) uf Ill ruorf'trw '""I ,,..,.. .,. C'li '+'"' •1 ~rn•l'''''l' n( F'l ,,,,. 'II '" wtr "u"'' ut~~ 11K'tUIV"IIII IW4 (n un I J,, l 1p t~ 111d 1\' tn fl I' otttol I I flf l lj I ,,, IM t flu I I WJH • ly 1111 I It 'I fl ,,..,,. . ,,,, I ffl ,. I tf 'II 0 th' f'• '' hu <{rthlt· " .. , •. , t Ill• I ,, '''" ""' ..... • t' .,. ,.,, •Y t n d "'""'" v•• to '"'\ '~" fhn fUU I UW orlna .. r .7•• ..tt. ,,, \\ .. ,..,, l'nc'e1 lt .. w .. Ulal It rho· d a. "'""'''' hf'ft)' of trltll 0( dlftnnr·l dd f'nlo•r nr ,... hnr.ln, tandp&unl ,.J ~. --- ...... Mill , ol Nf"Wplll I w Ita tibjo..- 0.., It thfo ,..,.,.. a~ llll jl• I 81 II Ti ... It ... _ Tl~ Fo ' I N'I:W'POift'-UtMA PRJ:S8 roa_ aM..E _ _ _ \ FtJ&Nn'tJU ma u.u IIIOA'IW ._ uu; _ BELIEVE IT OR$~~-•• ! ! 4.--and--R-.-.. tn..;:-::-:m==-A-:--.-po-.uman----:-" HOI..IOa DOUBLII *nUl .... Fia"''-r Boats B&AOON B.AY WATaftOHT HOUU t.ol bke ...., roller bed Wit.b coU .,nap. IU&I, • • • Tb"" lledrootM. ~ l••ecliate Occupucy 12 ta,.,.t p&a ' • Wicker •tt.e and Ubru-7 tallle. $10,000 neeee liMd bo .. ter and f;:r Oold brocade4 cnp... "n.ne n.~a •••• J'or Sale boaH ot MeU.. P!l. eTO-J. c:. --1..,_ ... '1'0 CH....,_.Jr: J'ROK HARBOR I8L.A.ND WA'I'D.nONT BOUD au JBDB CW'w ... , To Cloee &~late. A STEAL AT $9C500 -OolllpleteiJ ............ - 1-8tor7HoiM polea. Ud-112 W. lh&rf. - _ .. __ ..,..,.. Four Beclrooma. J\&nWIIMd OOIIPWl'IIN'I' 0001t fGr -.. ..o. ~~CJ:-~pl'~..:! r<>R BALE .......... /.-... -... -. -.. -.. -.. -... -... Ha~ t;t; ~. lterU $11,00() --lldlalta. ...... l.a-4. ft: Yard. 17&4 N-port Blvd., CO.. BICYCLES ._., tw rtlbllll Now ON BJ.LIIOA DLA.HD ON OCIIAN J'IWM'I' Jfeu !mWPOin' IIAJtBOA Y. 0. ·--lip 1116-J u:-' din AtLracUve, 3-bed.room bou.le and,.,.... eputmeaL ~ 1111 t.a Meea. ~ ~ewport .M-ik FeR-SALE-~~ ~ ~-_OccupucJ .lllpL 11 I 8atM Up. ADd 1 DowL • &•II rr• _.__ ... . . w.uft'IID--I(aa cw ~ ,_ One IAclTa. Two K•'• -J'or eom,w. lDtonuUO. ... : ,_.,.. Mtal WOI1L ~ I-. oooo Plano. Reuonable pnc.. ALSO A BABY BED yacht Brokerage E a r 1 W. S t a n 1 e v Oood ...... Roclf ~ IDalucte ...... ~.'rUle ...... ... ua.. ao. --.. Nw-rt MO. IIU Party lea"lltlll· 203 Alvarado. l1llt u4 AMie PboM lilt " -·.-BalbO&. lie Muet Be llo&4 Beton We !Aaft _, , IIOl..a AOIIN'I' ---CD> KAJf to won Ill C&l11pnU& <Gil 8&talrd.q. .. KariM Avenu. PbaDe tnt ..._ I8IUd _.-__......., Jf..,or\ ........... JRARJNO AlD. Good COildiUOil. • llo 40 .._CliNT~ = IUJ OcMD J"raat. N.W· New battery. 120. B. Wlrta. 16Ul Jnqutre Rev ol .1. A¥0CA4o. OLD TOWN CANOE KEAL IJITAB (J'w a.lt) ..oa TBD IDND or ~ .. an4 eenual, tin rear), N.wport C4rona del Kar. lip. 11 raT ======~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~;;::ii~~=;:~:;~ PBOPII:Il'IT port • Buell. lip. Oonapa.t. wt.. two paddlM, ..U. - . • HJaLPD. Room. STOVE aJumJa .. ~~e "..a.,... HQKE oN OORNJ:R LOT ~n. x ao:n.-~.bout .. ...s • Immediate P088e81!1ion ~ .!s ll&la.ry Mn. C. W. an:DIUM SIZED TRICYCLIC an4 And Otliler Jlelu der aDd au.dlment for out-Rente lor sao MonUl hall acNa. J'IW R00Ja • .. .._ W ~tral. B&lbOL Bo)"e Bicycle. R. W. WI1Pt. U rt-"t Spark OU B~. White bo&rd ...... .U.O T CaiiADII TWO IIIIIDROOMB ... BATH Holt. -· . llctf. llt C4ral. Balboa b1UH1 Ph. p~&aan and N .. nawa, I •15() 12 • I• UW.C ..,.._ 111o..K. Jlc. aumera. 1 ~ \ 111 OnM~. Balbo& 1a1. Income $150 per mo. Newportvat~ I*trtct W.urn:D-1'rUIUDU'I. .,_....SHAd NI:'TB. 2• etrtnp, 50 fa-$35.00 ,._. 1645-W. ~:.:..~ __ ud Decdraton lA = ~ Ulom8, and\on, buoy. and l1DM P'Ull .U. l.rOn bed ............ 11.00. ITp. D. C. ~ 8IX A.Cili:B, TWO BOUIIIIIB N.vat BIZN R.Dft'D BICIIN OWNER OOCUPim Baa-l Jlarp1D w.·.,.. -Iia a.nral y_,. . .c.-.!r'..:. 11ft. eo-&J-complete. H. 8. Graham. ~ 2 full C.. metallheell bed.._. --Ma--.---En--.---1101 Newport Bl¥4., o.ta II.-(OM 1-rm. aDd one S.rm) Oventutfed Ann Chair, medium Two INI ~ Marlne Enctn• oea ~ rra llareua. each · ... · · · .... --·-·--... 00. nne gmeS .. Very 0.. 1.n to BualMell*t.rkt I'OR a.u.& (I'&Ck ........ · --· · ......... -7.10. for lele or Trade -----------$9000 w ~ •••• = Fruit and Vegetable • • CLOD 1.n on m. 1Ith au.et. OaAa --~:~~;,.n-ee . ......_~ a--. Juice Busm' aaa Call at U1 rerru.at. Corona del 1J01 Oout m.bwey. Newport II-, 6-roomltucco tao.-. wtUa 'l'lllt.D BIIDROOKB ND.Lm L. WU.l.JAJDOH W1UI..-an4 W111te·- TOI &. Central. Balboa Pboae: rra ITo. oeiJ. llan'YOD• ..,.._. ~ Mar. or Ptlone lOS&.J, Bab&rd&J -..., 2tp aputlnellt Oftl' ,.,...., Wll 0... aDd a Ball BatM lTUt aDd ()nap. oa.ta Ill-. DWa.L IN R&AR or BwulaJ. II ciiL f\amiMed. Lot 61d00-ft. hD A'-o Ape..rtmeftt OYer Oarqe Immediate Poueaaion ,.,.. BoueM ta Jlaltaor ~ lk R&ABONJ.BLI: PRlCI: ft)8 8Klft' Price .TOOO. Twma. J. 0. PaJM, v_., [;,up Lot -----------&DC~-L08T .u1D FOUND -.::=:=:=:::::::=::~=--:-=-==:;:::: 1'710 N.wport Bl¥4., o.ta <>raap and Aoroea.do ,...._ WAH'IWD -Put tbM worll. QU1C'K R.IITU1lN -ROOK J'OR RENT by the clay. KML rfo. noor J'\a.ruce, Ice BOill aDCI 8~ COIIPLPII:TI:L y f'llrii.IIIIMd ...... lA Oolta KML Two Mclroo.a,. .......... nice lbn&llber7· ~ IMai'SAOI aDd cndlt ..._ ReMon for •WA&= Service man WATCH at ORKINI Department tll OoMa Blvd., C4rona del •aJU\1\ porta. write .. II., lhtro-an4 wife, due for tranafer. etor-. tn Ooeta M-. Call OrtdM Kar. SUI 3-BI:DROOK HOU8&, 111 block .,OUVV pobtua l4au.. 1M ~ tll Oout Hlpway, Newport Depe.rtment aton, Colt& M-. -----------:---from ~ center Ill 0o1ta IOo. J10 TWO lovely tl&mlahed (UMt rrM., K.... oa ~Yard.. •oea.t aP1J01AL NO'I'IOD -----------doub.. and twin. Pord\, llhow-~ 'oclitloe. 0. H. W.O.. OlllL WJ.N'IW) -WIUt ...... ..::_---------~ MAN'S Bladl ... U..r walJeL All erw. Day or we~ Ne-wport-Bal. 8&1-.u, r . 11. Ru.ell, 1110 ~ .,.n-o.. Delli :leMe W ANTE> TO BUY -8maU ~. flablJII uedMUUI an4 p&pen t.o. PreM. !Ia H. Up N.wport BlYd., o.ta KML rfo. R. C. PARKER 1101 JfMWP<AtT IILVD. oo.TA KDA S-BEDROOK bout W..t OoeM Front. N.wport ...._ SMALL boue tul'l\w..d, •• , •• room and eJ...,uta ,..-aDd W.e ~· Nnrport ..... ' Pw eeet ,_.u.. Kaall'l I .O.a. a.dao IMp. 11& MartM. needed urpnUy. Ample ,.....,... ~..... 106 IJiala, ....__ Bal.,_ Wu4 PlllaM TIO. Ntl ror their retunL Oaetact wth. ROOM roa RENT. nur baUl. IIU -----------Glad) ... Ptl: N.B. T, 1tt~ ... SWt.able lor couple. SuS. en- PAJMTINO 1•• N rt ...... Central. 11r trance, lup doeetl. 1810 Ana. MOVll: RIOHT IN: &-Room, fw-. nillbed Houee Ill 0o1ta 11.-. S. POIS8aaiON CLOIIJ: ot Jlllcrow. - bedrooma, .....,.... rw1 prioe N'kle modenl ~ frame. TWO and one-ball aa.. Ia Ooll& ............. a..re-_,.. aiiW m u&e • belln Ave., COeta Mee&. 28p WA.Jft'I:D -• dE bIll r r. ned. 1.. J . ~ tM Jlt:apolt au avv rva oaa-. faady ttl two lldlalte. 8&&7 IlL .mL. o.ta .,__ .._. lJIIW ROOM roa a&NT to ladlee oJiiY. N'o ........,. llb.t M" ftnt -----------llKALL CAA JlJ.DIO lw tal• In attruUn borne at 132 8 . l.aGO. 11000 clown. 0 . N. W.U.. l-ear ,.,..., wMil room. atn KM&. rUrty dGee Ia. Sal-.n. ,._ II. ~ 1110 ,_ O'Nf' ......... loti ot mod,. - ea. ...,_.._,.. aDd llle ...-r'-II.Jr:U'8 TREE BDVlCI:. ~. aeap. J.l'• ()&rap, lit ~ BaJ J'roat. Balt.o. leland Ktt. ..-4. AJfiJ 1116-W. .. .acSe trlmml~ aDC1 ~· ave., BaJt.o. la1an4. PboOe llU. d\en pri~ R.ex IWchl. Newport m ... c~.. o.ta-.. rre. ;:,. ~~a:-~ DONALD J. DODGE 1&4t An&betm Aft. non:DIATI: P088Jr:811JON Mod. Mrs. Rllodea ..... 8. A. Wt.W. Coet.a KeeL ..._. 611 81DP'fA&I)~ ••• AiiurnoMI HighPa.y WJ'I'II POn'-W All FUTUR~ --~ Vaehtnwta ~ ...... ElectriciaN Sheet Ketal lieD Weldenl ShJp l'itten Dock Ken Yard lien ...... -AJI cnftl .... 1T ,....) Y J..CATIOIG WITH PAT ...... II rr-. Poac7 AD ot ua11 wtt,Ja a ...,,_,..... ....,.,. - APPLY JIQimiATa.'l' Harbor Boat Building Co. Terminal Ialand Phone Harbor 5381 ........ OMce ()pea "nil ' P. K. DaOy (anildWty cwUftcaLe nqul.nd) 611 Jr:ut Center, AneMfm ,_ ITc Jlc: em llouM, 112 ac:n; dllolll-; --=:-=-:=-=-=-=-:-:-:="":":"=lie-:==:-========= eome tumJt.urs. h1l prtce .... Ane'Mtm U2J. ITp -----------:-- • .. ~ ,..0 __._. ~ '16 PLYMOUTH Coupe. JOOd mo. Oood UI"'M. 0 . N. W.U.. a.a.. Df)(J:I)tJ.ft POea"BJON HOW'S TRI8 8T'RJD TOtJf JIORRJ::NT-=-J&~·RMt ._ man. r. & R...U, 1'710 N.w. Two BeclrOCIIIl • Larp Lot -nve acr-. lllU. boule, Jt11t ~""' -"-tor. I aceUent ur.. 1.-tMa aDCI kept ..._.,. _,. ,_,., IL ~· Iaqutn TIO& W. OoMD becSrooiD ccalortably tuml.llbed port BlYd. Oolta Mea. rre.. Lawn. r.c.cs. Neat, CleM --t -··ve been loolot•• tor ... boiDe, t mUM W. of Van Nu,. • • $3000 ..... J--• Jam. M. a.uap.r, JOOI ~ n.t. N.wport s-elL IT-lip. bor BJ.cl., o.ta M-. ... ·---~--;;;;;;;;-;m at a p~war price. One .ucbr, ~_:' c!~ r::'~a/:~ For Sale or Trade . --you muet ~aave ua. c:u~a. rs.... do Paperhanging -an&- Paintin£ K.ENNJ:ni QUARRY Pbofte: 1411 Be..,._ ac. 621, Canop Park, 112 ACRJC and water"'ltodl traet. VAC.Uft' NOW • KOVJI IN not \1M J'OW' PI aD4 fiA1 1M tt C&Jit. 27p. ~7 J:ut hall ot Jot 10, Avoeadt ...._ .•• 11~ ~ you are not able to llu7 UU piMa. I Bt .. C011t.a Mea. llab otter. W. Alloat G ,_.. olcl a-1 fire. PRJC'Jr: 11100 W ANTI:D TO ILEN'I' B. Foote, P m·, 011111. • ... piMe. 1arp ..... wt~ two ..w1 .,_., 18 J.Norio:R OINK! BICT("J" aol4. ,_ted cw n. :=====-..:-== _ ,.... ,.,utloMd ott. Ooald llle nan.-.~ ,.and. Vopl'1, ICN M&la IL, ---Uaed wtua ~ aiWI make '1'1\at eome oUMr tolU lil&ft ..._ ~ aDCI 101 MAI1M A•• .. For Ulrw monUUI only, lllarUn& IF YOU ~ Dn'IIIW8'I'SD ta two outdoor .._,.. room& wallln& tor. A I'OOCI bol8e Ia 1M ...._ l.elud. ltl. Sept. liUl. ~room with priv· Inland or ,_.:lelltlal propertl-. •..r"..M country, about a or t ml* ......_ MIICWI.AJ(JI)W ate baU. &Ad toilet. OM Huel either t.o purc:bue fW ex~ ~ One and one-Mlf acNa. J.J1 utili. II.J.VIHG BOUGHT ftom Jean RJ.DI~Repalnd to ,.,_ .a.. Or., Ooroft& del Mar. P1s: lttTW write PMrt J. Baaltb. 00 a. ,,wtU. .1100 .,._ .,_' u-. nice famUJ ordlanl. oae MN aun..valn u.. at-n. tant.a11 w.ctloD. AU W'Odl ....,..tee& lip Tth •tnM. UplaDd. Cal&l. llc --of oran,..., nice ftllll .,_. .., COIIUII...-1 ~ IMiat.. x...,., rr.spt ......_.-H.a.o. ...._ 'I1IRa lii:DJIOOK • .,.ape amor ln back yaN. IMW ,..,..,. trf·AIII DOW at Dallt'l ~~ .. N....-t ~ RJ:rD01:D married couple delltre BRAND NJ1W ~,...,.-414 borne. Neat lruM ...,_. • two loU ott pine tnee m trent,..,... A .... ,_ -neat. l\amlllbed rott.ace ffW wta-1"' ~ an t....S. lm.medlate lllde lltnet 8W&7 tJ'IIIIl tntftc that you would wut to 11ft 1M ::'.::a.~ce: =-': '1'0 .,.... ~ ~ t&I'M ter montM. l'lllceUent can. 8&1-puuntaa. a.. Blvd. J\111 Putl7 J'UI 'hf r.t of your Ute and lt·JoobLto Mat ,.....,_ to A... 11. to ~ Rltallle ,_ ._,_,. olt .._ fW .......,,_ .. ,....,.._ lt. pr1ce fiOOO. 0 . N. W.U.. .U.. ~ me like tacSepen~ for .. ,.... ,._t 1M .... ,_~ • M7. 1lblt ._ ID -... ....,._, a. l>niDul-.d. 1111 W. OWitnl ma.n r . a a-u omce, lTtO a. C. p.t.Jma• Few appointment to .. ~ fW Won ~ 11. O. T. Az· MN. a O . ....:..att J.acla, a"·· N.wpprt, lip Nnrport ...... Coeta KeeL lie UN N.wport ..... 0111ta J1.1M propertJ• · · · ... : ....,, lUI Otdar AnaUII, &.-. 0on11a ..a K&r. "'-ltii.K. ---G C1LU1Ja11W ...._ \1). lip. ITe. UAL at'J'Am WANTED t room bout. bantwoocl noon. .u.o .-...loU Ud...... 1100 N!._:. Bl¥4., 0a11ta ..._ for ..._ ~-.... n ~u-ta• _,.8 SAL& We baUl an4 ldtdaen. larp iot ftoM .00 .. ..,_...au ...... &'V OUR IPIICIA.LT'f RKAL ESTATa WA.NTIID ----· completely fencecS--double IV· e ---- I WWJ1NGHOUU Dectrle ........ n.... burner and ona. Mal&• otter. Newport Ill. · rf-llp. canning Fruit 8 Two bedroom fW ..,..r --lJl ap. outltcle playroonl. dlSat• R. c. Parker Realtor OOO:.OlATI: POfJP"n:rM -a. • Balboa or IIMt Newport. WD1 and rabbit equlpmeat. btrd ..,.. ' bedroom etueco .Jocatecl • CJoY. Get Your Tomatoes pay about fiOOO. Call lll~W. Jary. w. H. Korpn. .11 Don ttoe N&WF<Ad' &VD. etl HIU, P'Ullerton. Write A. w. -· 1 --.. St. Coet.a K-. .. oo.T• ...... Gibbon, C41t.a M-. or ~ BJCD .nua qr1AI'I and ~ ,....., mattna Oood condl· UaiL llratn 'l'onne, llT Bal-.. o.ta Mee&. ITp . N 0 W '· .... en np. --.. ------------N.wport lJIT.W. 1111 --U-I-ROOK llouataln C&aleA, oom. ----------~ WANTED t di p i pletety ~ •1000.00 Kra. Dutton's UITINoa or PBOr..:nw • Imme ate ossesa on Rbodea, a.~.. u 1e.w, .....aap. Fruit Market ooRONA o-. KAA oD'I'IUor xoV1e RIGHT IN TO TWIN BED 8Jr:'T, complete. Jbaa, lTU Newport Blvd~ eo.ta Mel& Pbone w ... llal1ar6. A COKPLIITIILY . Lovely New Home .toft. toe balr. rucllll'l. Kre. I. N.wport 1IMdl ITS-W J'URNIBHIID HOUIII: I on lot and' one-ball I be4rooiM, A. Oort. 127 &. II&)', Balbo&. Roo -•1 ft J I_.._ I 0 rf·llp. ONE DAY RECAPPlNG and Ur-. 6-nw, ,_, repace. ~-·den, dlnlq ~ U~q room,, -------r----repair eervtce. No prtorlty nee.. . Listings Wanted .. ce Elect.rolux. table-top ranee. tlr-.place, paUo. dou~ pnp and CJNDJ:RI:LLJ. BABY wu!Mr, ary for racSe "A", tnxk 1 bue cub ...,_. rw property CombtnaUon Radio. llllectrle worklbop. 112,000. lmmed. p011. _,......._, Le Wuber. 1 acre wtUl caw, electric 12a. &03 • SIUI Bl-. ln qualtlJ eyntlletlc ._,_., · ave ln Uw N,.wport HartMII' .,. ----- rear bo\&M. 11p your car ovemltht and It wiU be and o:.ta x-ctllcken. electric brooder, ~ ATTRAC"ITVI: 2-beclroom Mme. d lh ,·"--' er bou.e 12xJO. Full price fiiOO, 14000 ee. Kr. )(&liard wt• .. JDarl ,.. Y to co " .....,..,,.. mom. George Fellows • • ... rn1DIO COUCH. ftne condtUoo-lftc. A.ll work an4 mate-rtale Terma. Open P'rt,, Bat., UA., W. 8tanley, comer Cout HIP· Bprtnp thro\111\out. Price ..._ K\lar&nleed. eo.ta .,._ nre It liOt Ntwport JIIYcl. O.l& K-from 2 to • P.M., or by App't. way and M&rKUertte, Corona del W. Ooell~. Ul E. Bey An., ~pplnc Shup, JOUl A: New. ------------Call Kra . .U.OCS.n. 8. A. Nlt.W Mar. Pbone 1-... 21tt Cor. cypreu and Balbo&. IT c. port Blvd . coet.a MML aop. I Am LDolc1nc JW ewninp. Property Ill J:. WO. ----------- LISTINGS 8011, Ooeta KML In Corona del Mar JOO-LB JCJI.: BOX. Good condl. 1 MORE -----------A ORAND APR.ATMI:NT 8JTI: uon. Reuonable. June. IIIDIUa. WANT TO Bl!'f Coeta Mue Hamil aDd t~ BJ:ACH OO'tTAOJ: on water tronL IOxlJI l•t Ul IC Surf, Balboa Pbone N-· BOAT CONCF.IIJION TO A epeclaltJ Partly l\unlallecl. O&rftC'e. AD $25()(} Incoltle Property JqA.ft TOWN Home and P'our "-tt.a1 Ualu $12,500 THREE BEDROOM HOUBJ: (Untumlllled) A'-o Two Small Reatal Umt. $8000 THREJI: BJroROOK HOUD JI'URNISHZD On Central Annua $5000 port ~ JOM.R. rf..Jip. Operate Putt-Putt.e. Rowtloall. call: uUUUM. Full pnce 12100. Tei'IM. W~petant penon to -----------PaddlebnuJ.I. J:tc. MRS EVA r. RHODEN Immediate pcllllllf411. 101 CUal .... wttla..,. ol IDtuL u,llt 11 CUBIC n>OT, double door -()ftlee: Bl-lkubore ColoaJ Newport • W. J . HOLCOMB Ocean Front~ Duplex NEAR TOWN INCOIIR 111 A KOH'l'B -.a-••IL Jfo OOC!Idlw. Uft Ill. Phon,. S11nta .. __ IDne: Utt.W ' ' electnc: r-.lrlgerator to tft4l Write 237 No .. Ave. &T, "'-BMcll. ITe.. A. J . 1Bite, ._ tl. cw c.ll at 82t S. Broa-., a-ta Ala& 1~17 Coeat Hlpway C4rona del Mar (Where Ute P1ap I'IJ) $5750 .. Apo&e.a a...._..._ S.. lor -.ller , ... or electrle ,... Loll AnceiN (U). laM. Mtf f'rtct'rator. PaiiJiadeei Ta..., or W. L. JORDAN 700 z_ Central, BIJboe Telepbone: lU NEEDED NOW YARDMEN ... DOCKKEN Jfo DID ~ GOOD PAY (....... Olluuaate .......,....,, HARBOR BOAT BUILDING CO. "" ' I J8lud. Oe.lifonla .... : Banor 1111 (~ OW??S te ....,._.,. ..... .x. ----------------------5-ROOM FRA.XE boule, nice and Corona del Mar. lltf P1aone Cleveland lllt'T WANTED . . , clean on 112 acre. J'IM lawa. ---------------------IT Near SAAAB. P'Ull prtoe f4,600. ON'Jt ACRJ: on Avoca4o .U..l 0 ANTIQUI: Bedroom lult.e. ctr.a. CASH BtJY'ERS Jr:dlth H. Barnlt. ltlO N.w-Hubert Coomee. OWIIer, 1101 --:::--::-----::-:------------ ITp. .,.~ c1a rt. d t.a N Oood prtnt.l.rw at reeu "h .,.., venpo roun -BOA 'IS FOR SALE WE HAVE K.UIT JJAAQ.A.INI port Blvd., Colt& MML Jlo. ewport BlYd., Ooeta Mee&. I'lL priCM at U.. P.,.. _, 1111 =. Mnlt.ary oouc:h. drape~. = -------... wortd'l ol Ulttnp --~---------__ 1_•7 ... •_· ________ ._;..Oout;;,;;~;;;;•.;.1'd..;. _____ ~ __ CHAMPION outboard motor and F. Jr:. RUUIIU. Posse~t&ion DININo eet. J.Junlneter rq. ek.lft IS-feet lo~. •110. Pbon• 11110 Newport amL. eo.f.a Mo.!•a at close of escrow ........ bedroom •t. llbr&r7 ta· N.wport ll•T-R. lie I • .ble, oventutfed Mt can be Ulled CANV.A..B COV&It tor JO.n. t. LONG B&ACII PRO.-.aTDIIS-;.t-BEDRK. HOUIII: ruaNDJI.m) u bed. Oddl aDd en:le. D. B. In. Qanrood CabtD UUUtJ boat. It you own propel'tJ tD Lone (lbl ,_.., old ) lwope, liM IAcuna Ave .. eo.ta Ueed nry UtUe. Jillion• Newport Beach that J'CIU wWI to ..U ApproaimatalJ ~-Acre KM&. llo ltll. IU VIa Udo Nord. Sip. we would .,.,....te a llltJq. Half block trom N.wpol't Bml. R. C. Pullllr, realtor, liM HIOO PI\&.WAJ\ Owntutfed 0.~ OJ.AWOOD, 11 ......... 1peec1 N~wport Bl.._, Oolta KML EVA RBODIIN port and Olalr. sao. Call ...... ...t. maa. 10 mOe& BJmpean. lltt Call: lnp. Pb . .ei-R. T tot P,J4. ~ Ill IIUl It:. Jf.wport 11eac1a. Tw:--O--:-H:-0-U-8-a--.. --:~:-:--acra,""':':-:-llioe::;:: ~ auta .Aaa Nl~W PMM UlT-W. ITe.. .. wn. nowtd, ...,.,_. Buu.e Ill 11M' TWO BI:DS. ~11 ..... painted n&r •acant. Pa g-. at~ =========== ~-Cheap. atOI O&niM1 PL. P'OR a.u..E -M-It. Loamaa. of N<'row. I'd prtoe .... 0 . :: N.wport lltand. T'llm eut latll ,...,_,_ erown: t• -·.· r a. - ... ~~-...---.-N Welte. ,..,...... wtua . &Ad C:..t BI..S. 1-t. a.pedlJ. Oood cllluter RUMtll. 1710 Jf.wport Bh'd., ...... DJed. (J==t 1Miat. How ~ cMrter par. Mo -..._ ~ .. .._ NEWLY .UpboleUNd Da.,..,.-t U• A llarptat KIJll'a LandlDC eo,ta MML 1-"--a Cfl C -v Chair; Its cllalr c11nJnc ,_ =~~~~~-~lift~ .-..·a• -a-,..._ lall) AIO'..IIICAN IBOIC eet. newly upholltft'ecl; llbldlo .---. .... ~ c.oa&A.• ,._ • 8JQNIHO PAIILOII c:oud\; beby crib and matu..; --a... BlUr baby hlch chair; ~ •t IDmAL Jt-1"00'1' $1500 DOWN M .... o.1m1 wtth four dW.rw; ru beater; CABIN CllUUII:ft Balanr~ $100 .., -~ lneame ----------~ larp pre. war prdeft .,..ay; Or&J Kot«. 8IMpe 8bl ~ Nlpt'cr-mtuo~~ ~-~=t I co--· DEL .... l'lr( man'e btc~le In ~ooct oondiUon. C L J: A N ov-r .--~ IIUIUI 11M tiN" Krw. 0 . A. Moore. 121 11:. ~~ FOR QUICK SALE duplea8~ ....._,_ .. ---• -·-1 Fe....t, ltOSII'I Ooet& KML Pb. 1~ llctt. $17ltl\ ""' • .,,. u•--· ,._......_ ---... tl\1 KeJa at: .... -- o. Jr:. Jr:LIICTIUC Retrtcvatcw. JDNDa.I()Jf Denll'-onN'~T ~ ...... FIE·~ • CICITIIS m 8epnla an., 0oroaa :1e1 ...,. 1111 .. ...... • .. _. _ r-. XU. ._ MU .-1~------------------1 I'~ ..... o I .. OPPOIJ•t• ... u .. -· .. r--2'1" roa Sheetmetal Workers Machinists And Other' Trades <.Anllabtllty Certi.llo&te Requir.d) • Steel Ship Building Division or United Concrete Pipe Corporation lTOO W. tTR. LONG BACH ..... r .. llr-M-...... •cl•lls•• -w, ............ .... --~--------------·~ Ill SAND CRAB . , ·sAM .. aBO c--. Chairman • Lorent.awuwor rled about ~a crowd for the Annual Red Cr<. meeting. becauae he did not want the generals taUd.nc to empty aeata. H h I e a r a we r e groundiela beca~.~~e some 300 enjoyed a bang-lp aession and lt was quite thrUllna to watch the army maida tn their snappy unUonns and the vat!ous other units of the local chapter; • the e age r youngsters thrilled at their initial a M ua.l affair. Re· election of the officers re- vealed how good a job they are doing. General Cousins seemed a bit tired; Com· mander Lyon back from New Guinea gave a vtvld pic> ture of that water-eoaked jungle, which he said the Ja~ can bave when the war's over; Helen Grace selllnc tickets for a cozy quilt; Earl MOrTOW doV\& hia duty u a driver; Anna Lounlbery reviving interest in dvlc affair&; Treuurer Connell pleued over hia re- election; Publldst ~s busily noting this 'n that; coffee and tee drinkers l1k1ng it--aU in all a mappy meet- in'. --· ___....._-~ ..... for 36 7ear1-the belt advertiaiq meclta. 111-ihe newport barbor district • • • ... bome B~y Bonde to End War Quicker BALBOA A\ES~ -=-riP--- - - IEEP POIIEII 1 Year •••• $1.11 ... CIIe* ...... .. ....... ~ ........ ... EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA. WEST NEWPORT, SEA SHORE COLONY. LIDO ISLE, NEWPORT HEIGHTS. IMJIOA ISLAND, COitONA DEL MAR, COSTA M1SA VOL1710 DXVI City Hall, Jr. College and Street Widening in iPian Board's Program · Newport Beach . Commi88ion Presents Three-' Point Outline to Larg~ Group of Civic Laden at Meeting Any Boob or Gamee for Bo11? lt you have booka. eurftlll m.,...tnu. table pi~Me, ...... _,.,u, and _,.ta, mcakal 1Mti'U• lfleDla, vktnlla ud reeont.,.. can 11ve tn the local ~ c:::r.-. tht)' UD be UMd at ~ bt fumlab the r.<'l"f'atlon rocx.. oe tt boAt leavln.& thla tuu'tlor for !Balboa's • Auto Park Is Dusty lht' Wllr r.oneL ..-. I ., Red Cross War Deeds in Combat Zones Told CroWd at Annual Meet Ph•a.t" KIVe ~~G~De ol lh... Jwlrlintte olu~t front Balboa ·,. "Yoour Jub tUitl llllflt' I• '" ··•r l'f'lla-c bec'au.., ttw .., _.,. a • lh•niC• at onu• u lhe R.-d era-~ (r.mt I•"' ktna: lot tued • brlt'f 1 011. 1111111 tho• la.At tl~tr,: •~ 11tnu•k lUnd 11w IWII Owil ... • .... -. hu lhf' l"f'apoiYlbUity of tur-a..,.. 1\it• ... 1tl~· Mt thf' cvuncll Th• t'l<-1' w• conn ... to vt. I• ry th .. to do hnlh ....,. .......... lilt nl,.hlnl thta nou-eatloo I'OOia ~II& "'h1•n <'•IUO<'ilman Stanl")' "'"'"" lrrportut It I• that •• •k• )Mna to oome." 1 frnn. the gr ound up ud It m\Ml ptwPntf'd th•· l••~tblf'n\ lltl\ ~~lt,.r ot h .. ltalf" In f>ll r Jul• ....... ::r... bfo ~tone tbt. wet'k. l lallx>l>n~ hil\t• ~n ~tl~ to hn.. (~-A-N-_ C'llll the R.-d CrOM at Ull .... _ d t r ... _ .._ ,....,., ----A three-point program for post war defelopnl('nt in the 1 ILnd the Motor Corpe wm call .... e·on 1 '"n " '"'" autf• '*'"· Ttl ..... •r? tb• wuM. "' Na~ Nil~ fttftc:lpr c1 t1w •w• •• Newport Harbor area featuring street Improvements.-con-ror . whllt~ver you c-~trt· wNitt '"' " ,.,mtr M)' I• lnl'llnf'd I lrlll'r.l llalph I ' t ~ ... ,.""· u he 411 IIIia.. dlw:s.,. tiW II • - st.ruction of a new dty ball and the possible--9eCUrlng o f a jun-but" to the-boya wbo mut :I, Wild ••~ '"' t to all ~lo•u of •tJ•It.--11 thf' llllnwel lt•cl t .,_ ._... whlcott t .. -..... lor oo1Jeae for the vicinity was la unched last Thunday at a erwnd mnny rona day• an4 : ...,..11~,·:~'''n.t~~··;~!a.,:,':t!h~;.!; • ml'f'tln11 h•·,.. lut nl&hl ln ttw> f'adtk! ud ::S ;a.lr Ia meeting of the Newport Beach P la nning Commission. A nrght. at lltL r-rw •ll'l• 11, Htlblblh 11 and that 1_... a ....._.... A hl'llllant 1""'>' ••f • ..,.aaa.re N-OulnM aM ,..... a ~ public bearlnK. I lex the $415,400 street development plan e x· Uae dty utouh1 '",.. malptllln lt. I "'''~ t.he ",..,_1 ·~""' tNt fill aU fill , ... ......., 11114 ....,. paneled lntoto the IDOft extens------~ thtlll'ltv E•"""""' P1rtt..non w• ............. ..._. fw 11 wu tmm-ly l•portaat 1•14' ..... of IIW .................. Glilllr lve oro y ' ·-· __. ,_, .. ._. ..,.. ... all and .. ..--Iaiiy fc•r Ked c.... ~ L.Vtlft ._ ,.. ....... program. ~rkmg In p~~llntt'hOt p&\'1~! .. ~~~ ~3 3-ear ~., th:~·~h;:,t)' ~~:.:!t!.= I c.-. to rarry on t\llly. to ttw f"M of ~ a • ..,..... , ....... 2 0 - ctty En(in~fl' R. L. Paueraon ..., put1 1 ""'t ... r11 ht" wa1r11 ...... :.: die kl4 had bf'o•n oiW at thf. llmf' ----lh• war uct !»yond w ,_., ..... !111M dllll 4111Ui t:Jrt deacrtbed to a tarp &""'UP of In· prea<'n • r~ C ' " rem..... k *"tid hav• ~n IIWfiiC'l'd with s h I JurJr"" L.or.ntaf.n. lvoul Ked tw w.ftt ttw .... 0.. WMsP terened cltlaen. from all acll~ Con of lhla part ut lbe JM'OITIIm F t coon-c-balnniUI. ud ,....,...ble '""" ...,._, up M ,._. ...... of Ute city lhe pi&D for ftreet will be 1188,000. c.·ty uss .a::~~~~ta~~:abl~or•~~~ c 00 s 0 for Wf'dn..ida.y ntpt'l tmr,.....v• t ...... " Ide a In 1 and beauUIIcaUon. One real< lent oh~tcd to tbe ... mHUnc. wu unaai,._IJ ....._. "Your proplfl Gilt .,.... ...... bl"f'alllnJ It clown lnlo five eec:tlon.w "'ldtonlng of Olut lx'ulevard. atal· .. ..:..... s M tfld cohajrmae ot LIM' N•w-rt H.,._ a marwa.. ...... J• -.. of b _.,_ t-.. In h , lh ...-atl~r thrf'l' )'t•an of hHvy t rt r~· -with the eoet . eac ... .._a...._ g t at It waa ad~uata .or e 8 u -IN lut. wllltc-h 1a 200dOO tl't't, a on oor RH C..... branell H• wu proud to .. a flU\ .. -..... SKOoo No 1. on the c.')&.l!t boul"-l traftlc, but Ralpil itdkey GOUnt-b 11 ~ t>ut snd no roed ell 111 a pral-' by O.nrl'l Cou.tne wttft utklft -'*" 11 M ..... ....... vard from 4&th •tr.cot to ~lh el"f'd wtlh Ute alatf'ment lba1 ttY o s p .tlnablf' for f'f'C'OW'nnc. a~ aaJIJ "I have watched wtlll paat .... ....a~ ........... .._- lllreet will c<'•t appro:Jtlmatt'ly actual count Co&at boultvard 1\&dl ,.._ a ynthNic product .. ld tol f 3 000 admlralklll tile work ot t.lle K.ad lud IIIMp \II' ttw ....... ... J82.400. Tbt. will provide for I more tra!ttc I baD ~ntral avenue. __ _. lOt 10 itood or t."-In ttdit a,..._ Mr. ~bien bQfL" + + + wldenlnc frona tbe preeent 60 teet and Po.una..ter H. ,. ~ aald Tblrty·thret' yt an aco cny ---I ...... ,. lltalt nl ....,.....,.. ..... """ Al•n rr.wttl. ,... ....... 96 Y-.... Ella ~ to 90 fHt by lltCurial two kiU on that thla entrance to tbe ~lty wul Cl k La 8 Wlllll lODC dn4na a paat JOb." I An.w bMdqUttrl•"' fit 1M ....... H uston was a remarkable the oortb •Ide of tbe llti'Ht. Tbel'(' r uf tleflnlte value to lbe wbole town ..::e IOfl~~c~t.' Wakft'-:-:dvt.Md 4th Meeting of ...... ~ •• .,a I Oralll• t•uunty .. -...r ........ woman. Her humo r was will be a h i'O l~ne h';hwliy with I and. ~~::deota ao:ol b~·,;:·, the late J ohnat.barl nbbela ol n... rt H Vacation ~d I .,. ~~-~~ . ('t)t~ ..,....,. w•re Paul l'taa· Lau"" w.,.._, ... u.. _,. bubbling and infectJOUS. She 10-foot lldH ud ~ 14 -foot park· men were w e tea • Rivf'rwlde that lhl' council bad ap-~U· er orse 3000 )'uuntl I unl .. uwo .-.-loft, ot· ....._ 1oM ~Ia. Wbft .. tary, M d Mrw •. M. fttda•t, .. liked the 'idea of being re-way to tbe center for om t:mtootal ly beblnd tbe plan. pr<Wed th.. abondooment of a por· D--ll"''a will retum to ICftool ,._.)' devotlft« \M m..,_ put fill bM ~r fill ,...uctt7. Ia ted t Dolly Madison hut l .:r .. t't llfhU &lid phlnl ·"J.! I eo .. t of Ute lmprovf'meot. will I tlun of th• a lley In t.ht ,..,. ol aaces Sunday momlntt. S.•pt 11, wtlh aabwfd feel·l tlmf' ,., publk lty tor N f l&rtftl 411 t.aJ ftrd cr.. ......... f OJ 9() f he 96 ' ~..,. leveul Etctiona 1 be IIPI"f'ad ewer the e ntire pf'IIIDat· h•• !"f'aldf<ncl' In block 17 old N-· lnp ol ~l for the ~ ol blnn.l Mnon hera wan ~ unttona UMl .... or near y -· 0 _r years, I .co-, tiOn ... f. 2 fro-""'h .•tr•, t lar Area with lhf' .--nent I port. : VACation cia)'ll PM .... -.,.. " ••tt .. , .... ' t lin never thought I'1'U1 ·h about it ,.,.. '' •w """ '' Nut ~111"1"'' R• J•l ltl D:tarlcll tlrlna•t'-f-U.. at•"'-· --...1 adlvl· I!' n ° rr-I&Pft'l d\AIMI'tn a I tlwll' ,_,.. ..... . \:: . · I lo tolrf'lld•len Place-Wlll bC' luhl r read ba.Hd 00 annu according Tuellda \' tht• matter CAJDa l.o t111tp a:=.:,_, ... _.7 -YO'f\l tttat ttw-no Ia • r"'At 11n1t t..r• ,,. 1 t ld te4 1..-a ;r.,._ until the . papers made It-,;u, in lhl' .lllml' msnner. hut " 11 t~ ~nent l"f'CI'lve(J. arcord'ing t o tight ag~tm , "h·ch It haa done, .._,c~~:'r~ ,7,~ ... ~~::~~.~r .!~":::, tlf'f> of Uw IIChool ~ar ~· rtbk nHd al'toJ yuur ,.•pon•tbtlll)' lvr ,..J:~"'c~ ~7rt. u-"-4 ... news. F ilial ~otion w as rl'(llliN' nnly !Ill 8<ldltlllnal fiVt' C'lty F:ngin~r Patct'I'IIOtl, 0 , Ancl "" thrnuj:b the yea"' ... ltf'lcl ~· Plr ""1'9 t '••llon I IIIII II • AI IM Harbor HIP. Prindpal fnr fllllnlf II Th•t •• '"" nl'ril '"' f'lllll .. •n memlll' ... lltrvlld ,.,,...4 never better shown than the :rl't of rtJ:ht u( ,..,.,. Tu n 11k1• tht• Tht' pIan n In 1: rnmmlttr l' In· "hf'~ J t<. c'e •rwt•ll aned for a Ia Ban <1.,111~111,. anti -t.,on•n rf'd S. H. Devtct.on two .. • P'OUP ur t•l• ~"I· fmm whkh ''"' mlra~l• nrl 11,..11ta 11ft., the p~ .. patience and kindlinesA of p11('1(1c F.ll'drlr r,.;ttlln~t flafer. 11 d111'111't1 tht' plnn atod rt>rnmm~ndl'd &t'tllement rn ' 1923 a re.atuUon a., J. H. Bllll<·y •nd AI Apark"• •f 21 t~. wtUt lh,_-Nl"'"' llfl' ,..tttoniiJ pltUtma t. ma••.,.·• '"'" "''""\ ot t.b• ._. ....... he r !lOll and h e r daughter-in · ,~ plann••ct tn r. I•>< ~t ie tire lr>ll'k" lt•flt th~ rlly rounc-11 anprove It wr.a p1eaNI by thf" <'lty ... tn elo. rc-purt Rf"•ch on thf. llllt; Duroth)' Conwt'W,' "~I pi&Jiftla ..,. hn •lnlf a •r--· contnttlllt•-. p ...... ntl'd -, y,.. 0 . Jaw, Dr. and Mrs. Huston, in tUld frOIIll t lw ty,ult·vor1t at lht• nl•l n.tol uk thllt tht' r lly f'n~nc-~r pre· In,:: lht' allt'y wh!t'h bad to do All unuwally anf.truUnr card homfo f'niiM!f'ftka: Mar7 Hill. ~ 1.,·1ll•r """~-II rannot btl t.. 41Ul"""'•· Yn. y~ o.-, whose h o rne the aged parent F"uuthem Pflllfk crusnlng. ,.,tth jlllrt' r rrr•"" 11nd rlcot:\llNI plan• "lt.h t he re lflt'atlon of a -.r line . .._, been ~ for a-day wtU teedt lAUn, and alllo w.dt bottl1\f. 'nte ,.ly way the boJ -and Mr• Nonaan ~ _. lived for a qua.rter O( a cefl· , U.e fulluv.m,:: tlo\\n t:ll' oltl P 1-: Olty H.all City F.ng:!ol!t!r Pa tt-at.atecl w h bM Hft .... rae-~-ol the.,...... eia~Moa, Nr.. 0.. batU. "-14, Wo Will die Wllh· W ot U.. e~••l\1ee, ......... t ...-..A IV>O,....., to r ght of way tu ncsr 24th r:U t•·t After u1 nuhllc ~a .. --Ule that In lt22 t.be-..,... ~ aiM ._a raN I,._ .._t..,_ .....,1~ odl· Wl lt. eM -._ le lw ury--a •• _... ....,........ a r ,"!'lr l"!' lh9 t.Kalna' ,.111 bf' loc.t~.l cnmmlllee t"nuk-up th• q~e~Uon or In the al~ and ttMit .. ~,.. a n;r .1r hnt"Wit and 11~ hlllll· .... IWiCI. .............. ~ IMr lt." 'P' 1 '· • t grand wo~n.. + Cost of lhhr part nf thto atn·~t will • 81'( urln~~: a f'lty hall will', for whlcb det'd. to lhr llll•·y Abllntlnncod ~ lll(ht ,. tht' qt.llll'lt•r Ill lit• lfll'f' lw'-emf llf\tlp 1tfr I!Clllnhlft ••ttl thlll .... , h<-abnut $67.000 ,..v~r 11 l•o<'lltlone h&l'<' .,._~ (On· lwo"n rr; •1rdfod A """ uvn r 1,.,,.11 liuylln 0 BrN·~·· """ Kt'l'fl!r lt.·~:lt~trttthlfl h,., '""''n undt•r "'">' ~'~""""'"" l '•ll f•'nliM 'I""'"" "' (,1111rnmn, J. rr l..ot'Wfta...; wee. Slot Mac.hl~, C lyde El· S••• ll"n :>ou :1 ~~ thAt f>llll nf alrlrrrd. rtnd A puhllr ht•r;rin~ will nnllrr wns won by thf" f'lty. . I'll! Thll I• n ro•mnt colt "' a 1•1•·· nt lhf• hhth "'"'"'I lhl~ Wt"f•k ttnel " '"'"''' "'"""" "'"'" h .. ,.., hr•llll ••hrdmllln. Mne Alfa Altotd; _.,... liott, m ovie producer w h o c• .. nt rnl "" "'" frnru ~nlev lltt ,.,.1 b(· h• 111 ~tl 11,,. nl'xt mef'ting 11n 1 • r111 r•r '"''n"v.., Hoh Ml:w, Jill " , 1,,u1 ml'~llng whll'h 1 ,.,..,11 ,.,1 111 ,~ t htltco.~•nll puplh ur m""' eu "r ,,, I"' lv I•'"'"'' '"''' '" ll•'•t "" '" I( lVI' tnry. A J 1WI•t. IN'aMUW. Hurt m ade Frank Buck's "Bring '" ~lt fo'ndt.lt•rt l 'llltP Alcl~g hrr•• ~ .. pt 21 AI thr 'J&""m" lim,. R t<ft•tltl !ll :tjlof Wo•llln,.;ton Anll Itt> "''"I hellt !olurh '""'"~~"'" 111111 ··~····tl '" ··nt ull, "' ....... '"'" "'ll" "'"•'r" In,,, ... C'tlfU\t'll 'em B::c!; Ali\'c'', sen t a vig-IIH't h\n\\n""h to•ol tlll•ltl l'<fOIV , .... j , 11.-.ll olll: 1A1ll l·· htlol .. n " ln••ho: ,,,,,on lilt' ('IIIII' •·•ull···l from lhl'll' '"'' lli•••lln..: ,\t .. ntlrl\ ..... , •• ltt•'l'l fllrr•·.-·-o\14tn "'nraa.. l\oo~~nl .,, tlrrtorlurA, M .... .: ... . omus no te on pin-ball ma-......... ,.,·,,,,Ill' R :~n., .... vi •IJ•: .tj•l mAp .. r r ll \' lht rnugh(Rrl'~ ~fl l hrt 'llll '"' Mr (',ln\lot'llfur hll•l the rPtnll l!h :-,,,,.,,, ,.1\ .. 111• ''"''"" ,,., !:o.tllltnlll ................. ""'''""' llullllhlful ''~'"'" ,,. Mrll··· Mn. Mlhtn~l'tlan...,., ... ,... chines. Ill' l\ayS: "Th ere art' 1rroom th1 :--•Ut h•rn t .t '" \'.hi,, 1\hhh w:u• prc «onl•·•l h\'l'n U"Ill"ll t~•~<><•ll.1'~"0 "·,.,. l u•l "" til•· t•hlt' uppl;vthl' •"""'' •nl• :uul 'I'll•'"'·" l h••)' >4 tll lw• lrt 111111''11 foum "" '"'"''h• "' 1•" 14 ltlllh,.tloor•l ~It• Janr i'pl"et'll· ' I'''" till( C"ltv t\l t,mr" Thomp ·r t 1 f • It' I t I tl · "" ""'"''""' f•lnruh 11nd '"""" 11 Jr, ol I• Mr' S S M V c1 thi CC' things in Ulis \\'Orld "'llh,.••x.•t.An.:·.t J .. r tll•·l :"' .,,. ~It """''r~ .. n .,1~, .. ,,.,,,111,.,1 sn•·t' 111· •·•••I r• "'""'''' ,. ""'''"" "'•'' '·')'''"' ,,.,, ,.,,., •· .. IIW),.r. ,. """"· · 1 h ' h f 1 ••r ""'"'''~ ••n Ill•• !ltottlh ~ •I•· "' t '" 'Ito• 'tfl••sti"n 0 ( hllvlnJ: th<• ~ll\lt• ~''11 ., l"'rlllt>~•· 11 1" 1'\111 olnwn th•· lo tj;l' rur ,n,.; lt/llt• lilt• 1 .. • 11 h•l t•l• ''"II ool lh•• "' v. luultlllt~ a l 1" Ftdtl """'"' "~1w•k•· "l lh•· Hll\ t\llool'fl, Mo• ltuth l'tmr-on. ag<'tnS wac you cnnno ' t ·rl · II' •. , I '"''"" ,,,.. '""'' '"'''' '' r .,,, '"I d I \l ot ~""' •• ,, ... t"ll••l• ""l"'"••n• ,,,., II·•' c '"' """"II' 1\1•• c'"'"'' ltuf~·,.,•··"u, .... ,., I 'J t J J' "'''r 1"'" \\'1 """ l"'"'l" ttt;llWt\' \\'lolt'll•d thro 11t"f1 1'J•rntHI 11 • 1 I • "' ~ "~ on t-g;s a €', namcy: lquor,, lrl Itt•• ••ttt•r .r ''''0 ·'''''' tr1•1 Ott:cer p~,.td•nga \ pi.•IIHJtnl da~·. '' 11!111111" ,,,,II"'""'' t /1~,,. '" th•• h•t•h "''I""'' '"' lit•· n"""''' "' Iii•' ,.,,., ""' r;r"'"' c;""'""'r Mtll C'oM>r·-br d u ,. d I ~1>~r (!IF 1\ 1!11 h II :!O.(HtJl ~~ r tp ~ ' I •-gain tng a n \\'Om e n. •nCn ........ ~.I •''"''"'"' "' ~·it t11H' I .. ·~··II ··I l<tlolo· "" thr· nw t h f:t'\'li<tlln: rl'ltooll fn;: ,..,,, print-.... tlw ''"'"' I·· ........ lh·· ;',tl••l•'llll •·tVII'O' '"'"'"' ,,,, ·''" , ... ,. IIIIWIIIII, \Vt'tllflll .IIIL Mr,. n .... thll will ""mble. tJrn,• wa'll d l•t'nk tnl: .. r .< .. 1111' llr ... I IIV llrtHnrtnn •ll, Ill • tt I' I , • "'' ,,,,. I ... -,,,, ,,,,, "''' ,_.,, ..... '''"" "'' '"" 111•1 """' "' "'' ""' '"' ,, 'l'utot" !\,1, .... t: I. At•'lt t•~ ..... ~"nk t:tu ..._-J to: t· ·1 ~o l , .. r,.nl ~1,Fnd·l•f1 ,.,,., th •· pr•· .... '·nt ,,1rtt"" •hn"rw l•·•t •" un \H ill • f•A I1 • -,,-.. and they "'ill play. P<'rha p,c:; I I .•·· In """" , .... ~tr!•tl ,,, ... ,,, .. , t!t:l'i·• •hllnt:• i Tl>l~ ........ I ... t ,,, :r;;~· "'"' hlll h111l7.>'•1 by .. , mRkt• A ''"' .... II• ,, ~·lllo·l. '"" ,., ..... , ... 1'111•'1111~ ,,,.. kut ,. , .. "'' Ill• II ......... '''"I"'""" l 'tt•k•·r ""'""'lllnelwkln .. tn. Mn a ll thrc<' s ho uld h(.' SC\nll'\\h ;tt tht II'., II•·• •• , .. II "' fl' .~ Il l u I'~·\\, I , ..... J"'' "" 110111 .. •I lln•l .lllolt.:•' (I A J nnt'll, ., ,., •••• v...... ... II',,,,,., lu •l l!lllflt· ""''' l•llllt' • I ••• l .. h '"" ""' '""''''' '"'"''"'" Mttllllll ll••la:kln'""· M ...... :ll£a• N'!-'Uiatffi. buf \\ llY n o t put ,. ol•l·; ., I :::I I .. , I\ A" oo( 11)0 (o·• I I F:a rl ~1111.1•'" ltua ... ~ hlunol ~It Thnmp"'"1 ll'hl '"''Ill'' lllh•·r Ill· l•u lh I.,"''' ,,. ' \\ ''''"'"'"" 1" 1111' ltM 'III II·~· ( ., ... , ... lit ,.,, Ktlti H'II Mt~ ftntw•n tiA•t· tht·minlhe Ojl('n a ndll't thc· F'•••r l l''l' ,,,~, ... "'"·'''' ,, lh•lfl_i:hl t•m •V "''"' '''"l'''"·····tl to prll-cor r. 1\li''I"J L ,,,, ... ,, ,,,.,,,,,,,." ••• , ....... '"'"'''""''''l•l•••·••llo holl·'"l\• ln•••.Mt• Artnl~t•ll••l<uhrt ... Mrw I r t 'I r n h tlaMrtlll8 rt•r Hit ••Hnl ""·I !Itt• , .. , ,. ol···r "'""1-!hl "" "'" II'"" Plt•'tllfll o: "' -. ,.,, 1 111"1 \I t .... "·" l••••tt ltclt~··l 111101 till• , .... t.lt'll l' ool v. ...... '""'''"II 1\1)11111 llotltlmnl Mrll n I< Jfue .. P,u,.l IC'I ge . l sl·. ~-~ ..'' <'nt'V('r !his arr;c lh"fl' ,, II ... II ""' ., til ··· :Ill ~llll,l Ann tHI .. 1\'JI'"'"· ;\ ....... lullutl ru.llll( lito• fllvT ,I,r ('hRml•r r ...... II •• , .. ,, II " ,..q,, .. ll\ ''"''"'"''"' I' ... ,,., .• , ... ,, . .,, I "'""L! '"''"''"'" ""' IHt\'• "'"' '"" lluhhru el r llocw.·. Irvin I eesso rnc lnl."u . "'" jltn\ .. 1 ... ll•·s.:·· !l.t•· 111nl lllt rl IHX flllt' , .. , th• Ill.·~ c:. ,\'••nr V.IUI llltl llrl 'lnrr··,ciJI'II 'l•''' ,,, \', •' OOfl .~t .. ntl.l\ ,,,, l llt lllll'' lh··v lito\•• ltll ... c; .... ,t.:•' c;IJttllltt, C'lyNn """· 0 N + + + I ~li'IJ• :!t r •.•.• Wid" \\11 1. ~o·r 1!:1r'lt.ll I " •. ·•• llllol•·o , 111\!1 tll'rnlloon It ml~hl "l'l" f•\'1'11 ltt ttd ' p,,.,.,, M IJ li;-ht11 And J•lanltn;:". \\'I Ii " l\\oo· IJty, Rt jll 11 \lt .,, lh• ''"" II"'' • 1-:xtra Radio? H ave you I ht:11' hiJ,:lt\\"1\' r n 1'/Hh ~t it• 1111•1 '" '··~-1111·· ,., lnh•t "' tlw cll,;trfo'l TrAnllft•r ro( )rol;/) fr••m Ullhll•lc:•·t· l'r••l lent II I ...... " ....... " '•II• I I ... ""' ••• "'' ,. .... I -"t••'Htl "'1'1''"''· l'hllll•t•tt -··•v \'iolin '"'''" ,., II flu•• tfltlrlt!'h•r .an(' .... tra r :tdl'o to g a·,.e toour I ltl:thltfl .. n ttw l!b~ll ·•·v••("••rt•n:o ,t r.l runol~ I•• lh•· lu•l\r h l'lra nln" I f II '"'"' ............. , .... , •••••• llttlllllltlll tlll .. l llltrllll•'lll Wtl~ ............. ,,.y Rltl( .. l--, n·-... . ·' -. rnrnlll l 'n t kln~ v .• th thAf;!un.ll I I ~I ~ ur.:etl 1'Vf'tV d ,. •• ,,,,.. In ultlfll ....... q . •• It ... """"' ""'3 conva lcscino veterans? Ra-'1' • a r fttnrtr At~rtt ~~~n e· f"'lntr,J qur,.tron• Lunt·hcoon w•lll• ,.1 1 ~ t'. 1 ,.,,,., •• ,,""'!:" M ~<ttl""' 1~ :1•, ''''1'' ''''"• ttll I""'"'''"' lt•·tl ""'lf"l""'"'''"" 1t11· Jllano try F.u-e. 1 r~·l.<lt•r.: (r :n :\lo f'nolt!Pn I'IArr !11 \\'llh () <.:n t A T t ' k M 11 1 1 1 dlo k'chnicians of the A.F: o f 1111 h ,., r•. 1 1 • •lit ,,, th,.., "rll 1 ,. · r•n•·· · · ' n ''"" "" 1"' '"""' lm• n ruo t .. whrthrr ht!tHII '" ' '""' ' ''"'' '"'' '"'' , ••. ,,. ~·,.,,., "' th• rllt11o rtlvlalon rrl L. will make a JJ necessary l'e· I t :! I:': non Mn l.:lj;llnn !It n "· ll•rn:rll j;l"n "' llcpatl.wcn t• lnl•·IIJcJ tu 8llck T f h .... k ....... 111\'ll lttltltlo ""1'1••1 •• I' Ill ""' .... ,, ....... Ill 1·1)lnj• ·r rolniiiiC "''"'' llqJrh and ~··wpotl lht;l r Ill th•• '" ,,,. l>II•IJ:•t •• , n••t ('uUIIC'IIman PORTRAI 0 t e J'J"ee "1'1111 .. , tltt· """ Ito• ... ,, 'ltHII'I 111/tn•l pairs, a nd the LocaJ WiiJ l Objt<ls of Wtdenln g olt! I r 1r ' onol 1:1 \'lt•\\ of lhP rt•:1.tht l!tlH•II llt\lol 01111 11 v:11rk hfl<l hc.-n fu1nis h the parts. Up to date. Bl'low Alvarnot" slrPct '" 11 r,rnwt h "' th•· l!arh•lr '""" •n thr r>~ll on t h~ ''liJl''OII~ JHOJ:rJlm and 1 t') c R u s 750 !'adios have tx-en ser-~trf'l'l lht•t'P "'II ht' a 7ll·f·~·~ I""'''"'" t•e'lllltl thl' ~···· Wlltt lrl It hiHI hf'rrc tlf•t•ltlt•ll hy lhl' bolttXI ' IU.Jl''\JCU .. , lfollyw<Htd , l·ty e)·ects . . vi<'ed a nd placed in 42 h ospi· I rnati\'.'1\V With 1\ l'lX·fOOt "'rlcowulk •.•. · '" " l nirly ···nlrnl ltM ullton, llllltlf'lc to II "''' ..... , lwn m .. nlhll ta ls by its radio m C?n. Just 1 luur l!Ht"lt •·f t r alf r an11 p111 rtll••l an.f 11• I t'""'Y 1.• IIIW1fttnlk d t11rl pr••R"'"' v.·~t,. twrnK 11ttat·k,.t1 t e lep hon e N£>wport 274 or I ,,. conttnrll lltljt'I\JM\A"rl lllnl' die. PI 1:\~4-or it will be greatly c I A ~·. 1 1 t M R appreciated if you deliver it I ounc"l pproves . . . ',Gus' Sea Shell ea 0 ove y. t o 2:304 ()('(>an Fro nt o r Ets H okin anct (-;alvin E lectrical -. ---,Cafe Purchased Shop. woo.co:st ;lighway. Plan Board Pro)·ects ',BY Balboa Islander ~~,\' ''"''""' ,,, r:u 'f·k ~··a ~h"'tl ' ,. aruHI' (tfhjf'rh . nn ctn I I \\ ..... t'OL:IOt'f r tn ·•"k t ht c..t:ttf' tn rnin~:. jrmt"r n II••~:•• ,,,., .1ntl :Jh••;"l t:n • nf• 111! · M !!>till \to h•• h •• r•·•••lrol ·•11 l<:tlh••R l111:tn•l f•ll Uo•· f'ltlll ftv•· 1'\th••r IX'"I'"fl r r•Hnrt". t''""n'l·rf 11n lit• <uh~'' I nf \\h• rt th. pt•• h) th·· ,.,,~ 1•1.11lnlll~ I'''"'"'"'' n P"' "'' \\'fll k '" lh• ''"' \\nttl•l 1 .. ,,.,,r,. :tpf'l'''''" Ttw•tl:t) h.\ lh•• '''~ rl•ln•• (' •ltrl''iltn on ~~ •ttl•·' 1·. tlll•••l ;·nttn•·il :rl "" t•'t:llhl l 111"11'1 1\ I•• kl1"" 1r th•• 111'tn (n\••f•'d .1 ln111' ,11,.,.,1nc , ... ~, 1nd ;,f 11) t j , ~'' \• ,,, ,.,,,, H,r•Hn1m•n•l.1 11nn 1n th,. 'utUI\ ''h41 fhi'l f"l•nll ' t1 t•n r,( 1 .. ~ \'t•uld pl.1nnlnt..: , "" n-.a, .. tt tn tl• .t ·, 1'1f lt"'t11f \tr t·~··t, 1""-Hfl • 'I l.tU1• •I hlr r c)ll••t'" t•• lit. I''"'.,"\ tr lh:.l 1111tl•• tit•• •l tlo o~nol I• l1 1 t1 '''"P"r ' H•·~u·h lu run'-l'hl• I''' pltn" 11 "'•~llrll•' ,,,, .,,, '••l•u ,h,1t 1-..ttJ•f ", ... rpp rr•v•d.h\ th• n .... h ''"'"P' '' "''"' ,,( nl·q, ... tu ''' r•HJnr'll tl••l •·~ .... • '"''" •• h fll n'l", n l •• tl .1 1 l1a•~ ~1;111' tHL:h\\ttY f '•ttllltP'I"I1 '"'' In '' ltnrlt l l.tk lf1L; \\flUid h~· wrll h" ;.-k11l loi l'l"<'••••d 1\lth Til• !hM hM \\'~'f'Tl '~""P"r :mrl 1\:11 n<·qtll•ll lllll n( :.:n f• •'I ;tll,n,; I lt•·L ilror. wa\' lill lhl <'lll:h O•r•m•• tl I ;\l tl 1\ppr••,;tl "·' rtw fll.'tlll.UIIt~ l'<•nt· .on•tth•• ''"IHIC'rl 111 tnwt•••l th• ''"' m1~•toon .. t a ''""I" ''~~"'l ••I th• II• nr~ Jm•r•·tt ~ \\It· .tl•fl •Jf•PII•\'• <I h\' th<• !'hUn•·tl To Aid Ul"f'<l~nr "'T"h•' f )r:tnt.:•· ''''tnt~ hurl"" •h""'· ,, wt h:t• ('ton."'''" to th• ""'tll: nc ,,: n,,. I !"" •\II" "' \\'•·"t :.· ... ,,. ""'" 1 ... hut h tH• rN """" n'''' 1•t1 "' lt" t~•"A' hl•fUI' ttl t.Jt• :":H I .,.UJII , •·n J•· t ·~ r f1'1:i ,,, 1 ~1 ·t r ~1 r ~t II t 11' '"''''" 11 'I'" t • '' '"' •••H •• \•til ·•·th Jlo~ll \ \\t il ,\•••r d ·d ~1 \-\ I h u H. n•• 111 th•"' ~,,,, t '• n 'l"••••l (lj, un t t'~f'J"r~l•• •t ~· nn o J ,, ••. h1 ~· l lo1 I Ar. I I ;t .. ,, ,,, n 1t \\ ,, l•,v•' It , •'-• • f II.• 11 \u I I d t 1··• '' rp 1 I ..,, ' I I ~~ t ,.,_ • ......., .. , I f lh"' t ft• tH I \t. :.n•l !11· "Ill "·'' lh• t..or .. ,, ' \It :--t II v.lll r ·r·~·l· "' ,,,. I •·t o Ill l 1f ,._11 fl I U ,t• II" l h t \ t t• ••• Ulf Fullerton Man BuyM Harvey Hnul'ie girl=-of tl"ncic r yc:1n;. Y f"t h ow m:tflY parents hothrr tn finrl out whClt is really l lf"in~ taught th(' r hildren in fhl" classrnom. Thr PTA is lloin~ • a-g()()(i joh hf"re . hut man~· ;t •moth<'r s till looks upon tlw IWII I rtor ti:.!O.(t)()l rhnnnrl r, ,,.,., "'Ill tRill " Wl•'kt·tl ('\'1•1 zt' '"" ftdr· •tn • 1 J-•.JJ,.•rf'•TI lw f 1t ) ft"ti•t 1' 1 •AJu('Ation. A s o ur schools O{X'n fo r a n ew year s hould n o l ,,.£' be g iving m o re t ho ug ht to the r<lucational p rogrnm -tiH' em·iron mC?n t -th<' sot1 of s tudy whic·h thr young~lcrs ar,., l'1'C'JIIil'NI to n hsorh dttring llwi1' m rrst im- PIT'"Sionrthlr yL•:tr .... \\'•• 1\;,, ,. nil . ,,~·n "h:rt happc nrrl in G l"''tn:tm ·-llw I Iitla•r Wtulh ;11'111\'. i '.4'lif'\l' it (II' ,,·,t \\'1' wnu)dn'l 11<' imnhe•d in t h i- hrll'n hit' \\ :11· 1111 !:t ~ . In 11 few the fact th a t l11tlt•r :1 nd h i-. s;,!r llil r -. wrrp ;rhlr IO l;tl;c' t ht• hovs :111d 1-= i rls :1 t a I C'nrlrt· :~gc• ttnd in<'ulr':ttt' into llh'ir inunattlrf' mind'> 1 ht' I hrnt:.:ht t h a t t he (;<'r m a no;; \\1'1'1' ·' rHC'I' of SIIJM'I" rnr•n h•--lirNI t n ntle l hC? "nrlrl. ~om!" \'<'ill'S n ~o. fiH'I"\' w a,<; :t \\':l\'1' of c ritkism :~II owr tlw na- tio n n t thl" instrur t ion in the eo II c ~ <' s. whirh il was daimcrl wn~ CC\n\'t"t1 in~ our vollth t o mmmuni<>m . Thr sch ool hou.c:;c as simply thr univC?rsify profe&<;OI"S J'('tOt1· 1 p );t("(' which reJiP\'~ he r of erl that th4'\' w e ren't trnchin~ ~the cart' o f h er y o ung s tC'rs Ru.c:;sia n idcal:-r-simp ly hi~-f or fivc o r six h our-s a cia~·. t orv-but cvl'n so the~· \\£'IT' Takt> timt' off to rontad thr h c lii IT'!"(lOf'lSihle for A Jn t of h ?a c hcr who probahl~· ha." rar;licpli~m In th<' ln nri. If . far more inOuen ('(' upon thf' that is possibl<' "tlh the , future of ~·our child thnn Y()l.l youth o f coli~£> a~l'. whnt do you~lf lt''s IT'ally lm · mu.c:;t it IW' ";th the hoy!' nn ci portnnt. /\ jW'nTll l r.,r of fll'~ ft oJ 1. Lh•• 1: ~~ liAr "\' h'>lf • .,t .''."i 1\f •am In t h•· ('.,n.tl ~·rllnn Wit' arr EooAI llnv rro••.t I IIIII• • I''""" Pr",.,.,, · •• ,.. prt', hr tnu 'tf r , .. ,: t•' Artprn\·al ••( thr~ r••llntv'!l plan• • 1~. 1)(111 '• • th• nL• .. r•• ••• •tr11• ft) r'~J):Ur It""' I\Utf~rJ1 "'('Y.t r Ill I '~'~ ltMrtt th•• So~nta Ann rrH·r Wt•• 11u1hm· Th•· llnr> •'VII n•• •. '• i7•"1. \qnnl'('lll•n nl I rM·t Hl'l~ II• l <•I r • 'I"' ;, '• 'Y" J111rhor l!)lnnd wilh the-outfall Mnr l' I 1 I ! t •f•wt•r ha.o; ~'~Non ••f'Jf•fllVPd h~ th•• Wt k••ll •~ t~• • n FHI rrt~anl v anti lhr ,.,,.anr11 ll llf)l tl\'"' lrtt••'l lln•l F.ll!•ofll •,, ll;u ~ 11• rh" r rly t>n>:ln.-•r '" tf"tll"" t In th•• 1111<,. f'l',..~!••n • . I· ., 11 hnm.,. rount> I ''""" A Ptltlftltlld• iflofl ''"'" t It •• • ,.,..,,.,, St :tt•, /\trtl\ IO:rt~'ttw'•'t' If,,, 11u "'"'"''' lltllwtl\ ""'"''' l•v I II\ ti l• \\' l l:tllt 111 tlu • h111111• I '''"'' th• h\t du ,ttl ''"~"'lfll' tu '"'''"' ,,,,, r• rtth I•• •II••\\ •l't• "'" ...... ,,, ltll• Itt\•• t\lt·· \4 .~ t•u tt• •I ·I ,,, t1 'I'• a• d :t\ I \ t J ,, t ;I • .. *'''' ,J u, t t• ft Hatlftn l ll • d tit•· • It 1 h ,,, '"'I I ,,,, f ,.,., ... ,., '" t f 11 "'"' ''1111' t\lltt•• •~ IIWIIII' Htttl tlu• r'"'"'Y dwnn,.l 111 ''"' vlrlllll)• "' "'" rwu lrt•• t'tiiiWhy Itt 1111rruw "'''' l'tll1tii•J'\ 1u ul I hnl tlu r•' "' , .... ,,. •I If tl•l· "' .... , ,, ,,,,: ,.,,., .. J,flttS' ••• '-llltJI If .ft UH\1.,• ttlf\._ lft •• I fl lh tH I ,,, ,.,., ltt~lft ,,.,.., ,.,,.,,,,,,~ .. olfl f l f w l It "''"''''" V l rtt'ftt1V11h lt U•t "tnV 1 .. • 'I" t t••n•·•·d f tnrrt lfh• ''I' 'I tflrofl ,,f ft•· ffl,tlltll' t ulh\ I' •n I) ''1'1" • , tl 11 u I t Hll 1,. 1 tnlt ,, fr I' uu•f,' ....... Ann t;rund) I• • "I"''"' ,,.,,., "" ''""'"' •• • • hlld --'""• ............. an•l '''llunclntc "' lttl' '''"!""' \"'hi •luh, ,....,..,. hrr J•r· '"" Dr. anff "fr• c, \I ''""''"· ,.,,. n,..,,.,,,,, ....,. .... nUnw-4 hrr kw.! er "l"'r" at tho• l nh•·r•ll , "' ~"'tl"•ru f ..Jtl•ttnla. whrr,. •hr WM c ..... u .. t.-11 ~n .lttiN' "lt h ,. ll•• ht•ltor "' ""l•·tlf,.. ft,.l,_ In f'fltM .. U... -jl•rinr In Jtfly..u-al """''"""" loCh•· I• • uol'lnl•r nf lh'lu l'o4 k--. hon,.ra,., w.--n'• fth)'•ll'll l M'lueatf••n -'•r<~rlt), l ... fla Uamma, .... ..,.._...,. ~ ....... , "",_ ... '"'"'"'v '!I•• ''"'""'· who-hfo•rt ......... Ill ,,,..,_..,., I• •1wnltlnrr lhf' ..unm,..r In hoot f•thfor'• orn .... , ........ l4 ~ -lll&t t11"1 Aid lra.llllnl'. J ~••*'• ,.,_, A llt•t fu \ '11''''''1'"" illtd I I f P tn•• I f' tfl t ft ,,j, ,,,,,., I I •I q II lftt• fll•tllfl• I Ill ' V I tl\1 1 10 I "' •.. ···I'·· I , I •• .,,, "t I •• , , ,,,, tl t I ~ t ' I , .. , I '"" Itt tf tf,l ' Ill" .. ,,, .,, ' tl 1 th• I .. :v. 1\' , .... "" ,. I , ••• ,,, ,, ,. ,, tt·tll\' ,,,, I •• t, t l ' !lt d I •f•· ''' I• ..... '' 'I I I /0t \ I I f • I ' ' ••• I I ~ \ "' •II' " 'I If I \' I 1""'•••11 ··I 1 h• •·ld f •, n l• d \f. I f l •tttt~l\ hr d t'f r 't1 t·I•T t '""" '" .,,,., .. 'J '" ,, It' I I , I'"' , ·, ,, I 'Ill , •• ,,,.,.,,_ .,, ,,., ' ~ J ,, t hdd tt '" .,, \J t •• , I ' II I ' ' "J Jtt tt ,1, I'' f f It ft, I \I I tf t fl fth\•'1'1 d I Itt V.fttt J. th t t.ff t I l td•• f,,, •J,. f.•, lht "'\ ttf • , V l•ttf I 1\i'!Hll t l••· trt l, ''' J '"''," \\ftl~'l ff!t ffl,tl llt• I ttl\\ 1\' I '''' '11t1 1••1 """ fflt \;dtfl.l\ t,f Ill II'P t frlt llf , ... "•t'Vtn,· It ~~~~, ,,.,,, ,.,, ''''fit (nt ttu• rtl ftu t· tSt•\• t••r tru fll ,,t H tt I '' fltl l:• I '• :'tfll \ t 1Uifiii•'J "''"'' I•' tnHu ' , "'". 1" • • tit• W ltt ,f"'J'-IffrTIIf'l. I 'A f oo i Jto t I ft 0 fh t ~t nu'tu•• I l;fiH U"'·'•tLI\ •t, .._' f Uf I I t f 1 1 fl. I\ 11' I I lftrt t • Ill ttft f llftt~u '"'~ 1 ,,.. a•lv•·t• ,,, v, ''' • th ·•• Ill •• Uh \ t/•tltf•· 10 flu I ~ h t• II 111 11~1' t'n tL-1• \ol lotth t f1• l fl• I 'l'tlh lf~ ft.f' t"h~ttttu I ·.r,tl t1"' 'h• 1:.'~" f,,,, "''' ,..,. 'i '· ••••• I I •I· ,,, '·· •.• t ti t ,, , •II ,,, 1 ' I• ,, · d J '"'" lit• '" t1 frv ... I 1 • \\ ·'' ,., ) I•' t f " •' l ltt' ,,, '" d f l'llfl '"" 1 ·~ \\ t' , ,.,,,. ,,,,., 1 •I " I • ,,~,," I I• " • 'I .• \' tl• 1 v. ·•i .,nd \A.frUIII •••' h• H • •til lt ltt i •V• \I, Un\t~'' '''''' th ,,. ltu II"' ,,, ttu n Jtrlf.w • It ,,,,,I l•u t f,,. ,,.,,.., , •• ~ u ( 70 ,,1, I tfft otfl1f ft ""'•• I f flff fU v.h it'tl '•ut 11 •\ 1 '" •tl• ,·, f• t ''"' •· J low • ,. , I Itt .,,,, , .... II .. Vt '!> "'"' tr tiff' lrtJH lit'' I IJI\o\',1\ •hr,uftJ , ... llttiVt•d t•l " ~ .. w r···ll l•oll fll)ttlor•rly tor hlltl I'" oil• I '" ''" Iff (•~•• r•hnnnf·l. .,,, It "''' • • ., I "'•llhl •·nt•·r "' I•'"''' ''"'"''-'' ,,,. llftlllnJC hn11ln. ''"'"' ''"" f r•,u l tu·~lnn•htcuut of u.t\11 ,,, .. ,,. \~ ,.,,r.t tw• tl"f'lttvt"d. Itt lilt Ill ''"'' " "~'"'''te•tl .... '" ""' ""' '•' .... , ··~· ttly Ill Nt•WtiCHI II-·,, h Wt •ttl•l \\illtdthW rl11 ub,lt~· '''" '" tt ... tnltrtttt• lltllwny If ttM> l"'''l••rr ,h .... ltl •·· di~trw·~l ~~~ IIUI(- . . "' ., ... NawPORT-IIA1 _,4 NEWS -TIMES PBONU; N&WI'OIIT U A U ... " a c -.., ~ ... n.nM, Arrt .. ;n;;;.;.;;;.;----:vv;~i;;;;;-;xxxu:X.,;;;J·• Bua.trtpUoD Payable In Advance. 52.&0 ~r )'_,. '-D Oranae ~nty , p .n per yur I'> 4th .ooe; Q .OO pw y..,. to 8th 10na. IWith Ernie PyiR at tl1 e Front I ~ rrraprwd 8 Detv~ iu r)lane . NEWS of the CHURCHES 'II.E'ri'ERS TO THE I ( THE PRICE 1 :-:v;::=~t a t~atu. Ia u, JdJid NEWS-Tbera .. a price for everyt.htoa! TIMES Early aprln&" on the farm la not A ~fUC~I '-------------.J .. alway a beautifUl, 1 find. Tbere .. All around me are ~t folb Ace I ~ivP.~ an• J Grin~ ..-nte~ u 8f«'Mid-Ciua matter at tbe Poetotnce Ill Newport 9eadl Callloi"QI&. UDder the Act ot Marcia I, 1878. • WANTI TO MEET CAITICI l lhe mud! We have had a wHk of With kl.D.d bearta. WbUe all t.bow OF WROOLIE ARTICLE ram and m .. t. and IJI eplte of dear boya of oura -about them cement wallul and graveled bam '-the enemy, their bearta deep MY.\ r:STH DAY \DVI!:NTJ8T8 De~r Editor: lot, m ud black mud, fertile m ud! IJI tbe mlre and blackn .. ollhed S. A.. IU:YER • • • • EDITOR AND PRESIDENT Courtl/{l'OU~ -11/it•.'\ St•t• u· tlf "·" W or.~c unil ~ (~nrry Hi) ,,, Co•rner Wal• ...... n...-8C.. I h&ve been I.'Urloua to meet J fed the old enemy, alllt-plty, and terrible cruelty. • c:; ohbllth ~~ ~-:rda mom· aome ot th~ people who havt been rearlrig lltl ugly head. So much 1 know what good thla "'et a~ll _j>r~tlly Plaot. lOll W. Centr'!!__Avrnue, N~rt...J:k•~t • ..ca!I.Lorn!A In~ ~ 30 o'clock t• y writing the anta.con-etlc article~~ extra to do to fight thla kln<i of will do tor u•. 1 can eee bow our l'l;.;,chlng ae~. 1 ta. m. toward Mr. ant.! Mra. V. A Wroolle dirt . Wbtle doora are made me&~~y 1 garden will bloom becaUM ot It Official Paper of the CitJ of Newpc;rt S..cb · 4 ~-eble Loe.l tnetltutloft F~ Over M Yeara tly t :rnir l'vl~ ON THE WEST ERN FHU!'\T -Who•n vou'rt• wMndertnc &round our vt:ry (;'l r-llu n~· ''""' till<·~ th•· illlt•o; tha t in our prest·nl ruparl war are known ~;c: ··thwi" "'HJ 'an ;olwaya ~U -l in connection wiUa lbelr CanadaiUl by lbt! l'O<'ker'a pawa begging to 1 and other• to come later, My 01 K LADl' OF MOU.NT OA&M.EL I r ip and publoa hed rep 11·1 of aurne.l l·ume ln.. Some ooe m~at meet ber tulapi! lire corn log up DOW, and CKURCH Julfl what havl' theHe wrllt>rll to wipe her feet wben that Ia aJ. •()(In ot her flower~~ wUI abow their t•·~s W. c-tral, N._,.rt lleeeh contributed to the war effort! lowed. Tht buket 1a too amall' t ender heada. When ~ ~d S..r.•Jo.~y rnueea at 8, 10 6 11 a.m. .Mra Wro<oll.: wu out~ .o! uur for eo I:y mudd~ bocllr Eyery.l •• l'f:'ady, we wUI pla.nt Y,J,t&blf: how rP('t•ntly the buttle h:.!' sw• pi "" ;d ,,·atl .. r ~'I)U moat eameat and faithful wurkt r8 pne la . 'ear4tu! \ Wha~ • har~ &ePda and uata &1111 corn, an<) they, !'IT .IOHS•VIANVF.Y CIIUIK'H In our local t:sq u~~l a dl, time I ~ting! I \ I I l w , will be l:ll"nefltted. all \fart .. AYe., Balboe.....,.. ru1 ~·_...~. r' _\. t ~ • • • ,...,. ••lay m ... at 8:30 and 10 L m. rector ··~ ,._, • t tnr an I -In ~ e. t k.k my~~elr, Wh(l am r the •·arlies( daya wh,.n f olng wu 1 r, lhlnk auch '!fls 1 have Plebe ~ Jet ~ eHde we tTLL GOSPEL CRUIWB toug~ ' { n-'·er ft•ught a Jap a ateamJn' have lrled to plant Ia lbe bean. :'.!net ... ~:Wee, e-ta If-..._. r""''-~" .._.. ~t.-t for jung!t .. 1\nr,. r , .. ~'Ol • 0{ our -;n~ ·~~and oUr tba Sun•la,Y K hool, 1:45; momlnc St a.k-, lt!let-~Jita.l ha 1al tlk beaclt wad. ~t'-·f' htft s r~ . ._ .. l-...a koow, aometl"', You C'Rn lll'n tlf' It frf}rn th,.. llt ~r thlln•c; t 'V"Il m .. r•· than the IJtr thl n~s - From th~ .c&ttt>rt'd ~rf't-n ll ~IVPS <~ll<i lh1· fresh branch• nf tret'8 still lyin~ an thf' m arl1llt• uf tfot• rul'ld. seledite stenite. iD ~ene: I • v. t~r-hlfl, 11 ; Evan g. listie aervice. USO to )!7Yfully let me !:nnw tt>at I ---__ __ that Uae ~race II DOl too put (01' 7 10 fl. m.: M id•Wft'k prayer D'lft't· they had been able to get ral--ood l I • the glory lbey will koow wbeJI -----------------P'rom th~ wh po and rullo 'lf l•lr l "" ' ffl!'ll nl• ~ tl IO\\Ud ' l'lhOnt wire hAnl •nlf brnll,.nf,. """ > me '!be n>tumlng vet~'i to d~lan HI~ Ll\ a n In-1111h fltll~• and •ntwanlnr u r••• v '·"' I 1 • <'kt'd an. anrl he aa_l4 • alll-~l.J. a 1)1 <'~I Arlf•,• mantkr o~ .,._~ ~ than .. .,~~ 111\ fo r the roeM. ,, ...... u ..... ,. "'Oh hl'lkl .. ,.,.. omce mecnanTcs a one. nvotved In thf' I ,£rom, .~ .... -~,ru. ~~IIOWOfl Are J •IU all rll ht"" I alked, ln1: •tn Wednt'Sday, 7:45 p. m .; 1 rr&t-rv,....-t, a..t~ f hllt W!DuldJ''JlllQrturuty Jl~~eJ· t h t' Jl ;:9'0\.l t heir ca uee l• won. Out of the 'oun~ ~pte's ev&llgeli.sUe Jt'I"Vi~ ~nabla rta .. 1,, ,lip\" ad 111,0 i!aya mlilllter eoa-~e¥\""'tJ worttnr.illle, muc! a brllt them Peace Will nower on Fl·• a y, 7:-B p. m. -WJlb t.hdr liOn beftlra be t:blp~d eepee any v.~n you only 11.•6ult.l l and bleu tbem. • - I r m• n -...... ~ntera.., ln.-ar~' ' olt1dal ~of~ millions now in unltonn. an> sta~gf'r· e1 road• th~r-.,.,, ... tt-FIRFIT FOOa&QUAR CHTTRCH OP' COSTA MESA 1<1tu,.h ef .... lll•lnns) R...v, 0 . \Ullanl 8tearwa, P .. a.r. <)ut rnr t he s~t·onrt tlmt' on mrer· have uwd enough gasoline tor • PUaae Gocf. let t.bt'UI know. lt"IU liul.)' taxi r ide to get you trom the bntel j -LUCftlrnA MA'\' tac. llajDr ~I ~s s. Hershey. Selective ServtCi' nt-..... "''' y r l '"··· )"IIU char • ar~ lwn .. . . 1 "" an'" .. rl'd, ' v... qull,. Now How many ot the v.·rttera have to Mat. an orol rhlld. ~ 11 t t \ Jf y ou 1tre ubamed at younelf Mr. and Mra. C E. Law:ka wUI .. _ tha 1t 1 tvV\ amootlwd b\ ,,,. rec:J.Or1 ....., ~ted t loi\IV men ~ dl&charwe<J l'Vf'I"Y poundina of malt l Aakrl1 him hn•· lnn1 11• had !Mea hbm-, It wm take tO montha to demobllblfo 2.000.000 to 2.r>C')0 . f aary traltk I rapped In lhl' wr .. rk .. d plan•. ... Mae st.,.,.... c..-Paa&or Pltone I 1'71·1 Y 'ar· yr 8 ., ha ,_ ,· 11 8 1' 1 ' fnr the wrttlnr ot your publlahert f'ntertam Mr11 Louck'• father • ~ n ,e \A.' n ... '" u~ St"r\' C"P · * • • and hue completed onr ovcracu l.,ttua, pobl"-bed apolotl')' ia In l harllll E. Brov.•n or Loa Af1&'elea. 000 I ~rom the lillie l htd hf' dldn 1 know fur au,.. u '- 'lft!MI, , ,, -. 11 .• d 11•1 mo:w.et~ up "'"•Ill tM ,.. ~-litiRy, 7 :30 p. m. worship !lf'rv· ""' fit'V. Mae Slf'llrnll In charge, Sunt1:a)· ~chool, 9:30 a. m. . :'\'tornln~o; wor .. hlp, 11 a. m. !if)E'C" lal m•J~tr. Jlftl!'tor'a at>nnon. trlp, J order. next S unday on the occaaloo of It MY of you who were ln LEW H. WALI...ACE hl11 blrthc1ay. ..... ol blood 'NCJt -.JJ rhUit thetJe men be tltted into a dvUlan ecnno anv • die roa•hld~ sn~e•· or lime Unt "" rtt11 know u.. • f ' bl • . · tlllr uf lht' no .. nth ht• "•• •11nt do-. ~ MJaGnara Y dilcbarKf!d vet~M they 8n> f'~l Wi th blood th•t hat lh: l11ld '"" lhf' 11.11r Am1 I 111ld out ,_ ~ •twaontiMry rlgh~ and prtvtleges rt'SUitln~ fi'Om ' :!,'~H~',:' tu::: lt.vtt "Gn<lll c;,.tt· · ntltltai;* ~CIP. 11\ey ani l'lOt the UI'J'lrk>d dvilians flW\ WC'I"(' bluk, Atl<i 1h~ f'ar, ,.....,.,.., •n.t Ira,,.., ~ • ·-"" ba4 hM'n h ln1 th,.n fer .._ .. EPIICOPAL SUMMER SERVICES betor. .... were 111\.UIIel'ld into bootcamp. The-y 1'\Jtvr• fil new f:ral• ..,.. '"'"'''""'"' •Jt• .. l ...... : belrro~•• neDrt..y. ~Mil Clubhouae. Newport Beaell atatllil ... a ~ to know What tt lnvotvt'!!. P'rom the aquar, hloc-lt1 ot l•uild lllo lf'lt kl .,., brew• _. Su n,lnv• Jun~ lit tn,t:Jugh St>n· , I pun..t11rNI by aa ark·a.e~ --.... " • A III!W ~ booklet, b;&ued by the Vf'h.•ran<;' Admlnt· 1 '"~ •tnllf 11111 tcnttuf'd In •o·· \ •I Hla bar la ••~ .,rrlbt ... ,... t .. mtwor 10. 1944 • --~~!6 1-'lil" alr"ta. and from lM •h:.rr> , r.. 11:00 a . bl.· ffol v Cnnw111nloq -_,... _ .. \0 Whidl Ve\en"'' Ol \h\• •. .,, O'<M ~·· ~~· f UIO -~-oa•nllM lhal .... ........ • ll :$)0 a ~ , _ '-turning Prayn ~ ~-. f"urt.heor, It d~ for 1hf' ·~rH o r rll~-trvthMI bJ lr r, ::::.~ ... ,el.:,l-~ .. :: ... aod Sermon I F a .... sunday•. Hoi.)' cbaiatd-...Jrv\Cxo ~ and Women lJ)e SUbjects Of R."'-~'nli!)CI~'· : .._~.., U.. tub aad d.-r Ita/ 1 J .... Communion I ! · b._... ,.,._ • aova.:t ft(IWI 11 Conrl.-..~ iOfJ cl"~ ... ~ th SealtlP and dirt not tAke the buat l trip tn VIctoria, B. C . when the I Cart B . .J ... aoa, lflal•ter &u E. !Oth 8t. Pit. un-a Church School. 9:4~ a. m. Momln..: Won~hlp. t1 n'rloek. • Youth lf"'UJIII, Hl~h School, In· t••rTI'K'dlatto, Adult , 6·30 p. m. Evr nlnr H'TVIce, T:30 o'c1oc:k. Ma\2WI'l'k Cf'llowshlp and pray~r. Wedliesda)'. 7:30 p m. IQDI. ~from property tax., S\ate-fann BJVi homt• lh,. road From.t, cnwt In lba '' ~Pllf'" "''" '" •mnll he roulda'l ·-'VI. ~ t e 1 o--.-IA t ~-·-~ tl .. 1 • "''"'m .,flund lo 1eUeve IIU ... Rt. ReY. . ~ a od e tn!, a-' • ~ -~•"t'"'}'lftel"' a~~MUnfl('(', n.~Uf'l\ on. (lf'n· ~'1 !It, lylnr .. \rot 11~ with til,., ,. "'llhl from bl~ nalnln& l»rll Be D.D , Bishop of rs Ang~lf'S. _1 CORONA DEL MAR ~~ ~talzadon. Additional benefits are provi1l\.'<i in ~:~ aah41~btlu~ .J~i;J1 t:~~ rut ldn·a llrllll!hll'n out hla ...... , Tbf' R<"v. Rn rt .. I Buga,.,h. t 'OMMlJHJTY mrn11CH tJ5e:t:::J: JIIJJ"Qt D.._ta1'e0flf'I&J" eoadt'd bv ~ 1 r •hoch ... er~ bent abnv~ him. • ¥.A .. qfaul In UJ&-' ~. Cong,...atlOttal .,.... , . •· . . rum th• ecattrrt"d !!#ape of Pf'' lt!n't I t hl U ~-I Palm S tiL All 'wfalcom4!4 I ~rry V Schi"'t'k mlnt8ter Ill I ''-.. ~-.1.-._._ .-.. ... bu • ....a · annal ~~~ e "'n 1 dnn"l '"11 1 lftt' ou " 1 u,.. Pra.a.. 1 · • .I 01:' UblMJtCa an:' ~ .. \IIIJUJ leu tO commJUft!S Uf'tn~ It h "' ... ~ 11 .. hJd nul l11d a hot~ 10 eat 01' a - ----t•h&rjrP. O!JP'Dhed In Yirtuall)' all commwliUes to heJp veterans m a ke l a~~:,l... I II 0 ·,..: ~ &hetr :::;: drup of watf'f All lhl• for elpe I FIR IT CHURCH OF CHRIST. I 9•3() a.m . Sunday School. Tbe I ....._ __. .. __ t to d··nian Ill . . I btlnr,. 111~7 ,,.. or lle d"''' and n•tthta , 1 I ICI~NTtST 1 school mfl4!ta In the little buUdlocl ~ ......-.-• YU ~ ·-' .. II 11 thl Yl't v.h,.., •• fOIIIId Na1 tf• -~ LIM T huter, Central Avenue nn Juomlne lllr-Ht . at Fourtb . .. ..........._ ~t . • r rr1"1 a \f"Jf' na• 1 0\J tan .......,..~_,. J I ...,_ ~ve Service IJ:QeS lnto reverse, tht' rcsponstllll· 1,.11 that thP batt!,. hu lltefll rutnt-cal C'lludlllon .... ''"'"'· and 61;' efld VIa LIM I 11 •00 am.. Church W_orablp ~ ........ .all atdlloc:al coovn111eea will be aa ~at as thAI tr"m thf't f' and from Ow m,.n de3!1 mind WAI u calm and fill~ . A br&DC:b of Tbe Wolber Ctuucb, 1 ~Prv~. Ttl~ er-"'lc:t' Ll held In ..____. I'" frcf'fl tlt that ell~ lt't'm 10 br lh•JOI:h he .. ,.,f' ~l lttnc th et • 1 :'be Ftnot Cburcb of ~n.t. 8cJ. 1 '"The Cbapt'l B:v the Sea ." 4101 ••....-u upon draft bearda. It ~to l» h~ that Wft!!hln~ton ._ 1 . cluh u .. w11a in ••1•nr ,.., w lllf• •·nUet. 111 tsoaton Jo4..-<'h··--·-Coeat Hlahway, __ n rrrn ltllt ......-p 1 • L~ • ........ , .... • , wll DOt ...... thftn 'llt'lth thE' 111mc confusing dln>etlvc.~ us ""a._,.,.. tllr ...-... •• ••1,.1 t"•mo•tt Oxford •l'cP!'It 'he ..,. 810nday School at t :30 L m . Sermon l ufJ•c "'Br tnJ! Ft•rth 1 baYe IDOit ol the draft boBtda in a alate o( wondenm•nt U•\laiiY ·"""',.. ,,. ""''' fnr m olu Arlllloi{IT<'d fM tnklne up ow Ume S•mday Service at 11 a m . Wed-Your Strong Hea.'le>n><" I 1 nrnoutd But on thla f'H'mt faot "'"' 1~' 1"1 hom out nMday ~tlmoolal Meetln• at 12 7:00 p.m Twlll~ht 1 "rnmunlt~n I lu "' a battt. .,,m•tlmn 14'1\ toa a The Arnt'rlc;on aol!llt"rt of our ret ,·,lock noon. l!l·rvice walh rt·ecopt h>n ()I cllartt>r 1 1,.,1111111"• ••tNUm brhtDd lt rue party euuf'd u lh•1 llfOrkecl, 1tf'adlna Room !nested at 711 mo>miW"rll t:t-rm•Ht I v thr ltrv 1 Tille Orr.ia .. wtU ...., ••• l'IIUed "''llh o~n arlmlntlnn tor Eut CenlraJ Aveoue. Balboa. la !llr l.lll'lll C:: ur,•kt . U !•. SIIJ"'rln· "V-3" Poison Gas? I llrhl 11 ..a •"" ~ -Uilert• th1a _Brlll.sll n1er • ~trntnna of heart npi'n d&Uy from 1 p 01_ ,0 ~ p. m.l h•n<k·nt of t ho> t"ull):,r••):llllunod 1 I• -a.... 11lew -e IIVP ••· ""lilt h h11d kf'pl him nih·~ and II Itt' .,xr•pt Soi.Ddaya and holiday• na-1 C mfc~en. c !)( Smal hi' In < '.1t.r .. n1111 ••• ,.,., ,,.. ,.u .., ,_ fer thn•1111h hla lnn,.ly ond fnduall" tl ,1 '-d and Uae Southwr 111 -Nll!'lt ...__. l"-__.. and f •-•( ..l....t • th I JW Mlleet,__ 0. lilt h'il'l" dlmm•n.r nrd,.al 00!1 y co rve , T hc I ubll IM o·qr<Jwlly 111\'ltnl • .., T .~' K:B conK'n:u 8YU y woun .. ~ .. ,. '" c I • •. -"'-"'· r .. -Onr of lht'm •old "Gtod bu. dlae 111~ put.llc: U! cordially Invited to 8 : •• ~ • ._.,. ---t.u .1.111....a mlJl*""" retribu•l~-. but ....._,__, 1• •x· .,,. m•"• • alae. a..-_..,. l attend t t.eo cburch urvlcea and uae I to 11 •~ 1' 1 '~ -... '~"'"'1'-• VI ~ -.;, UUIII UIC' """' II "' a.a4 &e.-............... bel .11111,., 11avl' 1111 I!UIJ 1" lb D --·• n~ ........ ~to~u~clt-struflon~t"ill' .,.n .. ,.._ • ..._.,.._ ... ua... .. ... enoo:::_nc~-1 • • ...... .,~ a~"!f. ""'1 .... t'a ..... , ,_ .... ,.. ,, lo<!k Ut •1"'.1111 an l1our to tret CHIU8T CIIUaCII BY Ttn: 8"' I Episcopalians to Thf're h •~UIJ lrll Mb1•4 him out We don I knnw wh<'ltlf'r he Ooaun .... ty M,.thodlal 1 • • 'Dt&t--to hav~ bPen the oriJC!nal pt11"Jl08l" nr the lntfi~-I IIIII , ... ,. -·-Ulel,.n "'""V(' ,, nnt bol hi' h.l• • ,.,, ... ncr. • •. I!J. D . Good~>ll. l'utnr wnhnue Services· G ...... t1t f'Obot bombt~ of non-mJ.nta ry objcctlvt'S Jn l!>Otlfh·1 d,.hrta. Ulfo •lll.w ... tbf' l>urln11 the M11r "'" Wtrt fll I''' I Jf1~ Early momJna,; v.ur-hap, Y.30; • • • t .m Encland. and lt ~ms to he Ule nrn.:unl ()\llllC)q(\ of tht'! , ......... aN .u .. r altr.C"C!. fl lllnl' "l""n , ... mnk,. n hnl,. t .. ·~lkl'd :-hwrch School cia~ ... IO 15 II. m .. Resident Mtnlcter ~~~~ Ao llfl•hl,.'lr whn w•n<1f'ra In thl& '" o• And htr,. In lhf ht .. l nu'Jhf'll lltom lnc: wor<hlp. 11 C\'tlllt'k " . vwnttd ......... t ~'('1\J)()fl, "\' .:r:. n ho ut w hic-h tht> f'1(>11nnn~ 'Mullnl "' '"" n>:>t nf • b"llll" hna I ("ft!l dl'\ .... tNm lhf' ... ',.,I.,, "" Sunda.v l'Vl'mn;: ~·n I• •• 7 '\() Th .. f~··' haft clropped 481'1< hint~. • '""'' I~ ~ .. ,.,.. tlf lon,.hnf''• F"v ul " hr:n tt m nn ~ hnm Y•., rlltin"t o"clork 1 1 \"lhln~ Ia ril'lll1 lht mm. ~.~~ .. n ,, 1\ Ill In b .• d~t·r "th ''" II.,,... Mld•WPf'krrnyl'r'-t'rVIt••·,\\··•lr'l·"· "'""'' r , ....... , ( .. , .... ,. """'' ... ,. u the new weapon turns out to hf' poison gil!(. 1\1-Nn;rl • I,,,.., ,,,. anhtt~l• and )"oj .. 1••11" I ,,. ,, Wll.ll ,~, '""•·<1 day : COV~I'('f diJ!h dmn···. I· "IP I' I'll \ I.... II Itt•• l-"11· 11 I luhh•·ll~l' \\ '" prapapnda ~. thf-f'o(>mlllnl' \\111 Jf'n m ngni.rl lhnt t hl'ir r11f' 1<-f'l allv• llr· ",., an RA~· •llo.:t.1 1. u•r· ,01 ----'''" o:1t• .II l.·t • •Ill• lu ""~o. ~·, \ .. ,;~ I ,,,.,." 111:111 1\~I'N n,,., a rrr fRRISTIA'Ij :\('lt;~rt: fiii'Ht'IIElt " Su""·" ""'"'"~ ~"I'' ltl nt ~ detenntncd t1>rroriarn I,; a Olunin&. l \\o.«\i>:cd b·wonl. n,.,: .,,.,,.,.,.," .. ., drov~ In "'" '"'"' ,.,..,. '''" r.rormp;, t>,.,,.,, lrH" r "A l!ood "'""" .1• rallht-r '" b4! ' '" I I ·' .,,, '""' ,....rn''"' "' th•· ~ }Ddft-and hiJI hMK'hfTW"n. the.' n•.;,-1f1 ftl Cl\Jf )11\\"f'(J nn<J )o I' I' lntc' I I'OIInt rr Ilk,. th'll Th• horn hoi\,. II frOm the ltllloallll 11 olh CbOII,.n thaD jrrPlll rlcht>!l. lind lOY· hall a· I 1\q,or • II "'1'1 1\'lll'j.:t' lind 1 ~-.on l>ll'r rurnl Ylll:ti!~'J uf an1v Jrl••"r "'""' n<'~e•rn nr,. anc favour rathrr lhoo allvrr anrl Put} s, .. , 1.11 "·""''-t.v l\lu•s ~ weapons Ww make llttlt' dUfc n.•tu.:c. probably, in .. , r• d•nanlaah-' -h-•rtb-akon" .old." Tblll Vl'-e from PrOYt'r'-T t I k. I -~ , ru , .. • Th 11 1 bit 11 ~ d 1 •n "" trc•ln•an '11r ••, llll'frmpanoeo l ll.v their t.te. 1'helr ''"'It Ia too gl't'Ot and too Wt>ll su~tnntlatro ,,,,.,,. "' til II •m<>klnl ruhb~ " ra "'" "" ""' h 1 will be the Ooldeo Tnt lo the S un· I J'rnf 1 :•·or•••' /1.. Murllml'r at th~ ..... mhlnr. lit" ••" In<> lo,.. In jump. 11 Lea R '"S b!ll ·• "' to .....a ot matfl fOI"'iV!'rM!lll by t~ R~il\nc;, thr Pol~. the-""" drnve lnlfl the ... , •••n of -lnnll•hl)". hp •aid~(' tutnrd 1:' all =-~~=ODO~D Til: K~~:r I plano. a~ _ _. ..... -the h ......... .......t d I 1~1,,. I Lit 01'1111•1•. • "'""et old aton .. \ ol· on hi• lll'hh lei lrv a , ,.-.~ Cl b Th Fl Ch b f Cb 1 I All lot'ol Rnd vl~ltlng ml'mbc·r~ 1 Dn~l -.,..,.,.rs y eve w .......... ""' an grave)' UIJ'oU'C'C . I '"•A •• uy 'T ".two· •r·v•l r•llid• .,a lUre • e nt urc 0 r Sl. -.J.. r..-... ....._..t.. .. -.~~ ~ "' • • landln1. Thf'R thrJ rralh ., .. .,,,.d Seleotl•t. In Ooaton. and frlende are ur~:eJ to nll ~>nll t o• ••fF ~·~· ~· ai\IWCVl:"f1 have-much to lose from th£' a rur•l Ylil~l" In rolhn« r •luntry. It •• blm. n.,. w rond bh rot rn Pro•erb•. Solomon wr1tee. hear lmpc>rtant plana for th•' ;". bUDd, conwulliw laahi111111 ol the Nazi l£'nl"k-rs In thl'lr' lnst a \'tllu~r 1'' ""l "" rr '""" ~ buald him In th,. '"•· AINI a thlr<1 11u1. "'Dotll not wladom err! and under-I tur~ and the l.'ontlnunncc or th<· tbn8. '!be rid wtn look wtth cold N . r I tn~• Thrrf' ... A. nnt a whnl .. blltld· lt'1 nl rllbl ..,,. ... lbP baltll .., atandlDI put forth ber Yoleef ••. I aervlcu at the RAmf' bours a mi 1V'O eyes upon 6 at 10n 0 In& lf'll Ilia rlrhl-tl•nlll (ar,.ftnl"'~· r llp-... d Ill tbe WSJ or rl~hteoun-. place The Otri('18.1 b()Ard nt nfrl· ~ 'lfVtlo aJJawed. without protest, auch unp~iented INlV· I Ruhhlf •nt1 llrukc•n .,.,,., •1111 Ill-,.., enry eae ., til,.,. .. lll• lD tbe aJdat of the patbl ol Juda· cera met Tul"lldlly nll(ht with ..., UMI ._.._ alaughter. '!be world will IOOJ:: compare, lt•ro•d lh• llrt'e\11 Bh•cl"•lt '"''" bene. maot: Tlaat I Dl&.J oauee t.bo•• tlaat Dixon Smllh. Ute wardl·n. to plan , ''''"" >~Alit woth nn rooh lllll smol He left hla v.hult ur. and t.hr loYe m• to LJI.berll aubalance; and'-regular WCIT'llhlp &nil Sundll)' 1whnol tl'*t ft!ml'd wtth the. record of Frenchmen who kept uv I he I 41Prf'"d hllldf' nroad mtn •1111 lA" In will nu lh.Jr lN'Uurea.h Paul ... ....... 1 -.__. __ " .. h I r J th ' plAne'• bi"U, hit UlO e rrou!MI ~niDI colndlHS tbe Corlothlana that "E7ill unUJ a ruldrnt mlnllllter Is "ap· ~~ KJ11U15 •&f!t t, or our all{ )'{'ft,.,.__to finAl \1l'tn ry 1 t •1• "'· """""11 -' brflk"'1 raflf't II Ph•ll on • 111••11' 1) .. 1• w~ evuht llatb oot IMil, oor ear beard. aelth· pointed by tht Blahnp apJrwt atdl ke~ndtip. aak,.~ nrl'und thl·m 'nlere ••• ~~~ fe<' ~'"~It h~tl ~~ '"' ,.,_\11 .r ba" eetered toto tbe heart of The Rev ~fr Hn~tarth i~ Ill· 1 1 111111 nor 1 tn\lnd Ill town, lhe vi&-10 vardll'l Th., t na11r•d ~ ovpr aaa. tbe Ollap wllleb God balb tending the Oaoc~ Clergy Ct•n· 1a aro •·u llfflf'll I noa~. onl" 1111 hnrk Th• ralnt ••· ,.....,... fGr tbem tbat lo•• blm." fe~nce tha. week 11t Han ·a rt.l Mill-• 4 -A~ """ •lood u.-l•lllanr •n 11>1! I •h•nlulf'l• """l•d tnln the Ul'tld .. , 11&17 aa.er llddJ ..,. Ill "Bd-t.ary IK'honl a nd will remain ovtr J Admission Day \. .• 11on,.h 11•'1d • •oldler ln r•••·c-rall•. 1 d""" r"<"k plt e8~ ... aau.I"Ncl .~"!!~c':~uKua•'s!~o~• tor a ftw da ys after nPxt Sumlay. ""1111 11 rille ''""' '"'"' Na ah<l<tlder, '1'llat"J all I rem<'mber fo1 1 .,.," .. ou• ......, tor duty "" mrmber nt t he lloerd -..n-ty 1 .-I "1 ~~I h ...&.. '~.,, up breaUIIeutJ. aRd •lmott whole •· h~ told .. ,. "W~n 1 •ani• aullat&Jice a. uodantood to be f .,_ __ ._1 Ch 1 ... ullll:' ··~ ~r.t young, more t an t'V<'I', mt• .. ' t huut .... ·. • 8ptrit. wbll~ the oppoD~Jlt• of o __...,u ng ap alnll, M •l to _ .. ._,_ -~ tJtM f"nt ~'h. /."'. "' to, they we"' •hrlllnl aU arouod ..... ,., .. aent for or~t~Jl,atltll\ a (Qrmu -.ulft:'l', and" . · . L:JU. ~llontia ¥ sllt' m0'«'5. • "He,, thert'a a man aUve In on~ m•" Clu1aUua Sel ~lie-"• •• .. 1•8~ ,.. ~ Y f t .._ tt ---tanl-··ua-Laguna Bearll narillll4onr r. J ohJI & .._ d<a>r' t har """nt"'nn la "S 1\ m.....,."-r Slat" o f thn nf thoH plann •ef'Ciea Uw rf'tldl • • • 0 .,. Ill& er. n•• '1 ~ "'"" ,. ·~ " '""' .. """' "'"''"-" .~ • 11 ~n to t..-u oallf,_lf troc mattar T Raymond, a 11tudent at tht Unl,ted States. f'"l bftn tnoprect Iller• for da,al" Thua belan the elrht da•• Rt •• Splrtt ... Ule rw-r Ulru from Church Dlvanoty 8rhool. .,,e wtft It We 11oppt'CI rltht "' lbe m Jclcfl• .-1 had craabed r111h1 bfoa .. ,..n the Oer-darkn ... to aa,bt. Kaa t~u "'P,. thPn rf'tum to Palm SpriDi• tor I II a tar cry beck to September 9, l~JO. w h_m the lusty • n ntenrt end .,.,an to run We mana and Am•rlc•n• In • '"rt ot prtaol.. u... ~lop •lliCib <e,. tlle reo~ntnw ,., st Pa••·· Ira the tlelritor)f ol CaUlornla wtth y.uow ~ In her n eltt!; nnd h .. pped the Md .. row. and d~ked puloral _,.n·s-land halb aot .. D DOt ..,. btard.'. Duert for th e ~NliiOn undf'r Uw win& fill ~ llp&ltte~dnwn Por d&J• aften u rda lht ,•ld In Yallt ....... ot )l'fUow gold ln her mlncs tx-came 8 ruu.n~ro plnne. And th.rt. lin ~ Mill hour. v.·hlrh be ,., t Urled back and fno lb .... · r•me th~ cllma11 1o what c~rt•lnt, brtwe~n German hands and our• v. •• one of th• r~an, 1r~at d,.moo· H11 pnshtre w•• pOt-lted wlt.h llun· ID thole clays CaHfornia was hardly m ort' thnn n wilder-t trntloo• of l'l'llntlt In tllla "'" drf<h of thtll rr•t,.,. Man, M them ._ aat off from the Eost by a couple of thousand miles o f • • • "'rre onl.Y y11 rd.o awa, One wn• ~~~ lmowJ1 tenilol')', with great mountains And vast plnln~. Wt ran to the W'"f'Ck~d Brltltl'l rilhl at lhe f'Od rlf h" wlnt Tht The World'• Neww SeeD Throup THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR An lnttrnatoonal Daoly Ntwspa/'e' Publuhtd bv 'THl! CHRIS'TlAJ.( SCIENC E PURI.l~HlNG SOCl f'TI plane, ''"'' there upeld• down. e1111 n>t-lo l sldu of lhr pln ne "''frt and Indian tribes thllt resented the COITling oC the white mnn. dr"I'Pf'd on our hendt and kn~r• ~npr~lt'd .._.,,h hunl1r"d' nt ahrApntl But the lure ot iDid bf"'llght men by the thousn.ncts to lhf' nod pe~ktd thrf'lllh a tiny nnle fn ht~lt', One. NNway Street. Boston. MRS$.1!1ChU~('Itl Ia .... Jand of 1:"'1 Do do Th h '-I l , I' ttll' tldt H .. lay lll<'rf'. tral•r •·c1 111 the-IT' ,,1 Ia Tntllhai-Conttruc:ti-Unhlurd-t'ree frnm Sfonaallonall•m ~ n Nit.. many ,...., I l"'tr 1\"t'S a I .... .. ~ ........ _ ......... _ ·-1110f\1y and ln•lrvcth ·e and u .. Dallv. f"C'&t\IN"tl, To· • ~""e-. ""' ~~ • " n1an ., •n .. war .. on lhl' nt lhl! lnl,.rnn l)f e)ll•l• •onn• 1 nt _..__ "'~ ----~-.__t Jd d t the hand f h 1 · c=r wttll ~ Wflf'kly Mapdne 8flcotlon, Make tiMI l\follllor .,. ~ ~-......... IK:a ' co I an n s 0 t (' n ch a n s. om:lll ,.,.... of th• upsldr·d""<1" llt'lrt• ., .. und him l!rl liuolh ... _('•• ., .. _ H ..,... Newwpept>r for t..... onM". ~ u. ereat t,rd( to the West contlnl.K'd. , .... r~rll "'' ft't•t dinpoearrrl •nm.. llltl'rl'd "'1h dr•d At lat t An . ···I ~ SI'Z.OO \"earl). nr Sl.OO. Montll. "t>~r,. In 111t )umbl~ ,.,, dl•b 11nrt rnn Jlrt>ow•t• ''"h<'d lhr (11 ro 1 , 1 ()tber ~ anne 'round the Hom tJI' a<TOS!' tht•l ru'''""' 1 "''•Ia 10b<tv~ taom H•~ nnrk Rl't1 .. , ,.,. .. l'n "'" Bua no Saturday •-· ln('ludtnc•::\lacp.&n~ ~tlon. r..eo • \'ear. I • bltT'Oduclor)" Offer. 8 lbturday &a.u.. 14 Ceata 8Wam,p Janda Of panama (0 seek fh«>ir Sh l\n' Of thC rnagil I ol rt Will Oflt'n •nd hi I t ht'tl v.•••1 hrh> n .. , '1 "' "'"I lf'f', II "31 ° ()tttlllullie at: -.I r de I hMr IAr the "'''" Ht wu t ma•klna '" 11 at •·.~r ''·" '" •1ind lhr' hn" t. I Chrldian 8<-lf'Df'f' R~adln~ ltoom ~ &"0rtunes w-ere rna and ost oven1ig ht. Uvin~ '-'Ofl<li· I , raaarrt •nli ""'~· ~ '"" 11.,.1,,. "H" ,,.,, u... and oo.b were rantao;t1c, crimes Wf'rt' fn'CiliPnl 11011 j u o;.j • '11 Eul Ceetral Aft~Ne I I Balboa. {'allfomla t1ce wu often satl~11«"d by the use or a stout rope. , I J '------------------------{;1 W(•tmtJ,.,I :\('\C'r c;i"' r,,. Today, ill oekbmtlng h~r 94th birthday, Otllfurnm i.-; pin~·· :__ _____________________________ _J -' lac a leaAIInc role in annln g and fet'ding our n n tion in U1i ... 1 n I' d•)• J'.IUC'd lie thlll'lt'd '"' I ... ho 11-td arr.\o••l •• 11 :'\•'1 lllo ... bo(Jr ol ~-Ndw third in population, boasting a Jll'\\ , ra!•h ltr ~lrpt •orne: pa rt of lh•· 1 n.ott><t ,-.. .. , lol" y1,, "l'rf' ., •d iDduMital anpire and a vast a gricuJtural domain, 0111' Stall' "" e hr .... ., unr•lfiiCIOUI , part ol In lhl'ft anoi " I• " ,, I ... ,,, I Ia ... ftllward to even greater nchiewmcnt.s. "You ca n 't stop I 01'1~ 111111' be undtlUbledl7 """"' c1rohrt h~'l an h •• , ..... " .• ~. an Of" • ........ 4...t..t-~-u But he n~v•~ 110ve up tt••r~ 1 Alld ••nur Ire "ll~ llr ~. n 1,11 , 'llr ~ ba uu. new parade," declared Mr. A. P. Giannini,' Atttr Wf hlt d ftnelly f OI hom oh\~ fl><'t ""'" I' Ill nl llll'rf' No Y•l\1 s.M ol ,A._toa board chainnan. "It is the No. 1 agricul-1 ll <' •••d u ht laJ on thf 1tr~ll'h,.r I M,• .. n't bt>•·n,, 1 · ..__ lfaa. aftlt Jt U attain'""'" eminen ce in lndu.-.try and wiJJ ' t1ander a ~~<In a. "h It Pf"IUINt lh&t 1'1 dirln'l ''""" 1 " ,, 1.,,. 1 "."' --.. , u't> 've been out 111 Ull1 pl.-alnr• I llhe polol aald '.•nd v~1 1t aHrr 1 .. 1 .-Ill~ .a--·.,. war.'' I cruMd1'' mJ mind thnl I \AlAI nut OnN .... E\._,.,bocl,j ~ Tlw do«tor back ln a1111n ·· I 8o at M, Olllfomla paUICS to look back over the ~·ears, but 1 ~ Gilly for a ..,..,l Ahead Ut'S the boundless futw'e in whlchl The MMII L '"'ll tn tht Nl''i&'J>Ort state Dl\"lalon or nu-anJ 1 ;,._, B A L 8 0 A I 5 L A N D I • will ~ neW and more g lortoua chaptlers in Mr golden Field ... Ill bf' ab&ndoDed by the I Rfl:cnUy alar ted ln tht• I ···~'~ , , • Ajallt Pftroleum ca~~puy, attord-~lltea dlalrict. lhll "'·tU •·a. a wtl 1· ~*tory. liiC to tbf w.-.., repllt ot ·Uaa cat ...u. -'&.--------------..... ------....:, MODERN MARINE SERVICE SHELL DOCK .. '_, /S VE UP TO II% WHEI "O ' U IOIIOtr e The cost of a Bank of Am~ria 7......- loan, repaid at maturity in 12 equal m onthly inMalmcms, can be as much u ~0% less chao the cost of a similar loan arranged through nany lending compal?ies ... and there are oo ower charges -no de-ductions. Why pay mo re for a personal or auto loan than the ]i~ r a te? Arr.m~e your loan thro ugh any nc1ghborhood branch. 18uuk of Amrricu NATIONAL n~51";,t0~ ASSOCIATION •t•lll ft CU•l Dl•Oi t1 l•lual•tl tii0!'01Ati0 W • lltUUCI tteiiU. 1111 .. 1..,.,.. J, .. u "' r., s •• ,, """" .,,, tJ ..... ,;J ... ,.d,1 mhen Calling W~-busY Centexs • tim•• you snaY hear 01'1\•NCE operator ••v-: ,_ LONG DlSTA U t tive J!linut••· t"• Umit yoUI ca o •'P\.... th• Un.. are ""'-at'• to let you ~op• !11018 call• vet ~a-d d nd to "•• cro• • , · t}uoUGh qu:c:~•·MIA tl\tPMOtU COMUMY $C)UlMtiM ' ~· ~-'"' ,, ............... . - -------------------:---.:,:N~E~W:;P~O~R:.:.T.!.-::.::B::A:.:L::B:;:O:;.A.:....:;NEW=..:.:..:S-::....:.TIK.:.;;;;.ES~,~N;...•--:~rt Beach, California. Thursday, September 7. 1944 jNo.ll Would Rubber Lined Winch Head .,_ PWienaaa'arrte.d ..... w ....... ....., ...... -a. ... PrtorttJ rteH' ht U.ter pane... I I pi l"ft8t• ef ClaariM K. Kerrall.. ...,_, Plloepeet 1UI ff'-.1'1 U."'nl}*'"l'"'. J7 St.n1,. S•~ Y• "· w. Cor. 4111 & Sycamore SANTA ANA VISION IS mAU ~~~IE~ ON CRIDITI 6 MONTHS ~.o ... ~~~ M 0 I I I I A I CAU IM AN. WAY' fOWl I Y I I I x· A M I N I D I •Your .-olcen lens DUPUCATEDI Prompt Srflcel •Cany an EXTRA PAIR of GLASSES With Yout •Glasses ~ade to Yow OWN Prescriptionl -Your Credit Is GOODI Open an Accouatl Yow t;.. CH'e Yow Mo.t ........ Po a r'.- lofeeuanl .._ lty ,..,... • orr~ , ...., .,.., .......... VWon Ia Vllol DR. HORACE CAD EN OPTOMETRIST ... w. Cere 4a & Syca•r• SANTa ANA OPPICII CONVINIINYLY lOCATI. OM lltl .AIN Costa Mesa Gets · lfiRSJ fiRM I :;!~;.~:;.:;:To OPEl OI ~~Es~--- bor aru their JX•rman.-nt n-sldf'n<'t' Thl' n«-w Davia aact a.y M'* H d ' an.• Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Roudam. •'nmpany plan• to op.n al leoT I ar esty s Auto,. tnrrnt>rly or San Pt'dro. who will wut Nt-wport boulevard • •1 'IL. • S (I •• r u v y thC' I"«'I'C'nll)'..,UI'I'haBt'd I al.out S.pt. 11\, ('ona•..tt>rab&e alt•r-I WICe to len Is houst> e t ~ El Moctwa. .Latl•-.o ••-~ don• Oft-lM ·Pf'Nilt-•'JL • R ' d t ThP G. M MCI8«'S house. 2076 lliU. whiC'h Wl'rtl rormnly O«Upa.d I WICe ecovere Harbor boult>vard, hn~ bf.fon pur-by tilt' e>tflct'• ot Dr. Covault, and chi\M'd by Samuel Juhn.'IOfl of Aha whirh are nl"lll to the pu•toffl~. 1 Rio ,.11 1" 1, ,. '"~' w...-k w~a 1 h;o Loma. I Two •••t•r•. Adfolla Oavle ud l'lrN .. ,,, ... ,.,." ,,, ~ • 1 ll~<r•lrlll \' IUp Aged Costs ,Five Fold Thr 3.1.\.~ 11"""ty aaed •-•pic-,. • ,.l,·tna .Ud '" Onlf\tKr counly ''" 1 .1111)' would .. m~tlplled ahout I'll\ llmra and lbe llftO, ue a td ,,,.1.1 I.''' lhf'ftlt people 1ft ttw county ln l Jlll)!. 'l:.llUid be mlllUplltd .cun&oh- ••rably me-. uncllrr lh• tf'rma .. c l'r•'pt'laltlon Mo.. I I ,._. thf' Nuvo•m llt'l halloC.. Calltontla 'l'llat"'Y"'•' ,..,.,.,..lallun lllated tu.lay, maktniC put>lh' Ita preliminary analyal• •• r thrpro~. The home and t, acre at 2680 Pstr lrla G~ty. are proprleton "'I :toll 1 ""' l 'r111 m l l htlh .. a Fl,.;.i Santa Ana avl'niH'. owned by Nd·l lht' n-ehOf\. anc1 a• 110011 ae tbf')' IIlli• I• :-:un.l"' "-"" ''"l"•rt•·•l "' thr 100 Holmwood, hu bf.fon bouaht art' noh•a .... l a rnmplet• JIM ot1 .. Wll, t,.,,. An~oteh•• l'"llr .. f'h kf'd A "t"''()-Wft7 el...tc-h" In ahl I•• by Mr and Mrs Albtort A Mar-muaJicaJ lrutrumenta wiU be rar· •· \\ K 1· • thr "~"·J In Catltt~mla ~ •·•mlaln~"<l · · · 1 I "P h llh Ia 1 •')' IUiol Jo,olmoMtol t 1 11 ta&o• n( lhl' r 1 I It'll Jr., of LaiUna Oeach Mr. rled lltn• \'~•111111• hnlh ,,, tho· I' s n 1" II""" _, I' •'!"-• I Marcrll Is t'mployed at a lnt'al l They ,,~~n to havt a Jara.t •· ~111, o 11,,..1, l:ol ~1 :-;,.11 111,,11,. · lnlhAIIv.-r on.tlluti<Ml.. """''"' shlp)·nnJ. l«llon of l"t'rorda and wlD rarT)' 1 Tl 1 1 k 1 nw ut. th.. __,..6aUon ••td Th" , • '\ 11" I'"' ~·1 1 1~ 'tor ••n • 1 11ntw ,...,.,..,.In aJ..t w •ull two 1 A nl'W house Ia bl'lna built nn '"'"".ann auch u needlte. r.-11o1 •• ~·11111111 111111 1~1,.11"', 811,.,.1~ 11 r • ' • l Oran~:(' avenul', bt'twN"n 20th anct corli111Jt blank• and tumtet!Ma. u ,. '"II• I··~ Tlti'"'I"Y · and 111111 "" rr--.t and th• amt~unt ••r a tol 21st ~tf'('('ls, by Mr. and Mn . W . D. Tht>r. wall b4' email rvonaa wtMre IJN-n ·•1'1'1,.11, 11,1,.,1 IH: · ,,111.,,r,. " ""11"1 tw Ul('.---l Maxwdl ol C'oachrlla Vallf'y. l '·ual<lfllt-ra m~ty try out ~ ''"' ,.11 , ,,1, llll••t tHr1..,.,. 1111,1 1-'tr•l. alod ln lhl' ._,... wut~l,t boo Mls.o; MRry L Kanagy or Balboa llnol ahHl nlualc. an..t lattr, t·. •t..,· .... 1 ····'"'' "'"' In IAifO An 1(1\'C'II ... a M&'ht an.l "'••nllr•• Island has porcha..wd liD acrt> of pliiJ\ned to .tart a m ualr ac:bool. ~tl .. .,1.,1 hlo •u~:ht th .. 1,.,.., 111~11 "' nH'\.1 to rv•ry fW'I'WI n cw•r "'tv properly at 21st 1\Jld Or~e ave· fur t.h( autc~ ae¥tral l.a·, 1~,., !111 U1co .Cill .. whn •lhl ru.ot woal& • nul'. Thl' rorrntor ownrr wu~ MIS!> rIll llllllt'nt.. •:xpoort radio wortl A I I " I I ,, '· "p••rt lt ..... " lhr Thr "' .,.. about .. n. mllltnft , ..... ,.1 ... I I l.arTil'l N. Yount. or Los Ant.:c•IPl-. "Ill lM' done' aiiJU. II Ml • • • • ol• ·I l llo' ...... lli'\ l'f Ill l'•llforttla """' ... ,, >'"" .... "' s l"tt'r ut Mrs. Gt'Orj.;t' Mrrrill oi l .t.tr and l.l•"· G•y II\'C' •t 1J1 ,.,..,, 1,. ,, ,.,1.,, 1 '""' 1 """' I'"W' 1 "It" Tlu·uuttt\o>Ut lhfo Ill at•. 1~7 IOranj;t' uvrnu('. \' r.:1nf• l'lal'r, but Mr. and loin. 0ht \ t ''" 11·•1 t.•k••n thr t!\1 fntm l 11fl!l 1""1'1• rec-el...cl 0111 ._,. a tol Mr. and Mrs .. F'rnnk P. Byc-zt•k llnvut hAvr rt-rrnUy romf' here hero .,. 111,, ha.: 1,..,,11 ,,11 1.,111 at 111 July are r njoylni,: hvtn;; tn !hl•tr newt>: I Crum C.:tonlfta wbt'r~ lhC'y had a 11w 1o1 ,1 11 o lit· It ,.,., tlnt,..t !';,..·nnd. a.td wt'l.lld 1M' rat ..... t l r•·~~~ pun-ha~;('d homr Ill 2:.151 Orang. llliiH •. hall Ill Ulkf Ji.I.IOOrt'. Tl'Wiy lhto\ .... , jolo k· .. "I' I hi· •.• r Ill "_IJ.H• l'r<'..!rD! mulmuo.l Of ~ 8Y(lftU@. 1'h4-house Wlb roam<'rly r ltave lb~ .J.I.W.D un•hralra IT't Ill !'=t\llt '"'' ,\1:\ffil'oh "" Tu~ .. II""'" to a minimum o r tAo " o~nPd by E. L. fM'nnt•ll · • :l•·n~'t-lla'' on·hntra "''bkh playa t11~ ,1 1.,,,,,.,1 11111 ,1 lul•'l' 111 1 h" lllo•lllh L.uC ,...r 1>hl -.r a ht un r Mrs. Ednu Dittmar a nd dau~;h· •'HI h :-;tlhllllay t•vtonlnl( tur modena oil\ ·h·r llbo•ral C'lll(lblllty l"f'llll"flllrnl" h·r Loi:;, havt• moV('<I Into thc•lr d~tn<·•·" "' th,. An1eriCJAn IAI'kJn ,, , , 11 'o ,, .• 1.,111···· ",.,.. 1111t1fto'd h ut hQictln& to eom• m•1umr.-.. r hom~ lts46 1-\tll~rton av~·nuP. hull un l l>lth .,..._.,., lh·mhrrw or but ,., 11110,, loo 1"""'' 11 ,,11m 111t ,,,.,.11. ruet f!V1,848.000 In C'llllfo1r Thl' lot on Ocean Drive o"onpd lh• 11rt h•f!""•· "'" lolr11 Oevla. IUltl 'llo• 111,.11 w••r1· I ll I n•·•l "''"' '''I nla. r .. ta of Ule prvp._..l anwuol by t'. E . Ru~sell hall bN'n ~let to pla.nu. 14ra Gay,~ viol: 14r tbr ,.""'' l '~<l ml Anvh .. w thr1mrnt C'«<ld JV aaywh•"' r rum l TREATJ!R l"tMiw ,... ... ..... l'artll .. -=-... at 1 :• a t :1a Mau-llat•rllay •• 1 :43 t 'clfttlaunua Muftda~ '""" t :• ftunt. • t-n. Mttt. Ofoourwt' Raft · f.Airina nuu1M 'ttnlfW'"'trr u,..,... M..U.>ftald c...... lltlltlllrWOrUI ... ,..,_ tlt-1 Mtanl "--tC" MarD<••· aldo u,_ W.aiN, 1M-" ...,,..., lht•ald Cl'C'f•aft4lr, I"'«•Y a,_ Ia "I"Cli.I.U"' Tilt: 1\U\'M" c •art_ • .._....., ... ..,.....,.., N-. "IIIII. • M uft • .,.,.. Malia M-w • """ Hall MalMo la "'('nftiiA "OMAS" aJ--ntiM 1M THP: l.lt'F." , . .....,...s .. -w....._..,. Oat) .ltW' F-ftN•n lu-u ... ,.. l11 "C'AI'tA '0\' A I' ftl 'IU.P:~I'r.'' At .. , '1'K& IIAINT Mt:t.:nt Tfft: Tltlf:R" ( 'ar..... • ,..,,.,..." ............ t. MtArtiA1 Thu,..._, ........ U "ftllt't"AIA) ftii.L" , ........ 1 --~'""'! ...... "· ..... ll·l 'p ,BALBOA TIIIEATICa t :v.td ... at , ,. a •••• •••• "a.owtaa or a .,...._ .,.... lllll"'! ~...,.. ...... n.,.... ,..,., -~ ....... V....·a.,le ......... "4~'1'-tt-.ova 1'41l&IIIT8f" .. ".IOIINN\' ~N'T UYK H&IUt ANY MOIIII" ", ........ -\\'lllltun ,.rT)' a ..... .... c . .,..,... a N..,. M11111. M•. """" Way-· ...... lleMt Ia "I' Ut.n Ulli.AJIC)MA" ..... ., ....... ell ,..,.,..,. c'a~-aN ... "'--. "' .... "C'HAilUt: C'RAN AND Tim C 'HIND&P: CIA,- CUrl", ''1.-dy I• tlloo lhlr""· "'l'btt! ~-~~:......._..,..._..~. ftll~t u ....... ,.,... WWif' c 1Uta .............. nl Dct\'"r", "Mr. WlftiiJ. u-.. , War", .... r. l't II f' f t I a & C n 11", "H-Ill 111411anal', ..,_.. ltt4'r)' of Ur. "'.-.11", .. ,!_,.... tUo,", ..... 1Nn1 ~ut:r"o "A .. tiM> Altpk ....._ ... "Mara. Tw .......................... , •• nwodorc S. McElroy of Balboa. I• 1av1a, IIILJlophone; R~ lUella , Ill 1,. '"" k 11.,111,. 1 5720.000,000 a ,.., up ! II J -SLE-EPER :~:~:::~:= p:l~:·l:~;:y~b~:: • POLICE NEWS I ~~:~~~~y.:.::tr:rat ~~:·::~~ ;-..;;;;.;:;...,. __ =-====~~-.;~·;;;-~~~;;;;;;;;;!i!!!i!~ • lht-onbutra 1a faced 1a huw to mf'nf .• Uw _ .. uon .,a,···l. DEFEND YOUR HEALTH 18ROPS I E. A J 1 :~d~f :~al~bl7!. U:!. ~~~;"; ~ ll>lt.:hl limo· •~ fll1p11l11rly oot~f•· rw•lntlnr ..t thai w1UI the ttllml po...ol '" he-thr I"'""'' \\'ho•n l 1111l!•>n at U.. -....r requlrf'mt'tlt, "" •lgna lra..ttng to It and or.e baa till""'• ,or.-~ruunol rvl<lo•nllv thlll lhr pro~ a~ally ntaot.-, 1 • to know the plact-In ur1.1rr to (Iolii 1 Of' 1.,,,. 11111,. 1,.11 In whl;·h 1., C'loltfonlla ........ for ald frum I • IL lltf'p f• r h•• o•nlt•n •1l lhr h11mr n( lhr (f'\tt'f"'d a-eram•t uoc1t'r lhr ------~'~"·•I 111111110,.1 :zn:\ '"""*' •••-• f••lrral ..naJ .eewit7 M't Th• C!-hoo) Costs l'fuh .. r. l 'o•l·•nv. unot 111.11Jo-"" fr•l,.rlll ~cwen~-t pajd 134\,71M,· Jamr1 !'lrrpoor. fur m ort' Ulan .:)11[: "1111 111 olotrm •It• k '"" •>( the 181 ..... 000 paJd Ia a ltl 30 ,\'1'8r~ Orttllltt' l'ttllnlv AMI'"'-"'''· Sh I I 111111 I• lh .,~ ..-"'-'lf·~l• t•· ,,, .. Qt::::::::o::-==-=-==========..::!!!!!!::. _______ .-, Ow ncrease lltt, .. , '"'""r lh•·lt~ "''IO ' ,. --......... ~00 ~ • ~· -'""' ~<llc'<h nly lut niJtht :ot l.nkf' ,.1011• :tnol r. 11111,, toll rtt1 '""".,, ,., "'" >••r f'Dd\na Jun• :JO, l ll44 1 Arr•>\\h••ll•l who·rt• hr l.nd ct• .. , Cnr -------_ a ~·w c~;· ~I 11~ \\&I ~d ~ 7,1 ~~~~~ ~~va ,,11 pr~trty 1~ 1~1•·1• ·., I•• ltltllnnl ltlo l~r~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (' I I tall•! "''33471 .. llro•IO v,lou h \\liJO l'llkr•l Ill lront Yt'RI3 rrttMJh ' fOUO v u ., , ), • u - 1.'1 llj.·•,·-• .. ~:1. olrol'l"''l I ll Sl ntllt.212 u( ,)u '-"'" Noonl ~11111011\' II .... 1 The• l>tlm·"·l '''"1111\ n((l • t. \I ·• I 1 t t k tl r r 1'1:13-34 \\oth tilt' llttn"Ccr ot ' "'" I l\.oto ... "11 (l o Ill ... kn'""' n fttt an 1 \\'tdt· f,,, Ill,. \\I r •\ h lh l !rwnt~f ., tt If ,,. ~ t •h ,,1 : • , l I' 1, lh111~ ••I ll o r~oltl \\'lilt• ~1111 , "11111 \' ,.. hl"•l ''"1'1"'" 1" thr lila e , lr•·••~l~n· un•l lllmiJ•·•I ''' f:!,7~6.170 1·"1'"'1" "1•'11' 111 ""~In"'"'' 1 t"r .lll \1-44 l'nltfooiii Lt'" Ttlllj\&Y· 111'1'1 111 '1 'hi• It '"nl•tllo•d $:'~ Joooj_ ~ ,.,,.,. "":•ult tHl t••o M1 ut• 1 ltu.ht.y. • .t •h ,\tt"f• ~~ A C ·u f\1\••r Jttll • I I I 1111 .•'11( Krli\I,V"I" ;-.; .... ,. Jt.,. 'q'"'' ut t~~u H'put1•·l ,. H• ••lhkl' ttu-"' du\\ tu ~~ ~·tt • \t• I lnllk ln ..: ~HI) I I .., I '"""' tt•f I l ru n a.: St\ hnd lu•f"lt • • 1,\ ...,,,; t'ttf\, c ~IHttdt• "'•t h Uh ' ~ff•t,, ·•t A h••d1 Ji~iUI•I"'" trl t ·u•u ltllll •t It 1 1'""1 • "0 l'ljLIIU(/Jitlun und I' •\'<I AJIJ•ulllolllllt<'l:t I•\' 111" "'"l., !\:ld lhlllllh tho 1110 • f fo:lliO frttm 1 ~• .r.uu •• ru•Hl 111 ~unttt An,1 )(It\\ n1n1•·n$ t•• th., ~ h•n•l •1 ttlt ll'lfl 1 • ... I .\ I 11 I -c~''''l"\0 tur 1 •11• j•.olk••oiiWIII lhl'l •'lliOI l ,lllot>l •f th• t ll\ln \ .,a •·· ""'"-•" ' 1 1!1:1.1 :1:1 Jltlrll"'•l '" Sl 72:!,2111 folr I••• "''" lurk tc\'o•nlw. ~llllltoa · .. 1 1 to f114!H l•ll oul hA\'r '" •·unrtl, •rc·nrdln« t8l q f f tft'l •rl fWiiOl ••I 1'1 1 \t" 'It ~·HtltH'nl !'HltltttTtla II • II" I TAKE HER TO • I 1!<:1.1 :14 1111•1 UniiiUII ••• • •• I I< H Hill \ 11\74 r .. l 1111:1 4' Ill.. ~~~~~u<•l•tton I "tt,·l~rt ~. 127 Ooral avflluf', iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii fuunt1. 111.on.ct U..t a ~ar retrltlte~ to I Puplll• 1n ll\'l'rlllt~ dally ·~t.e~ ltnnn~r Paul IM't 11.n11 l'lurf'nUu 1101 ,. In th .. I l!hlt, "' h•~•l,. In tllr• I •• ('-~ . ~, h I I I k / PAUL NORMAN YACHT SAIL MAKERS Sallt , Awnlna•.h llo.t Cover. • ,, ... ,.~ "~• ,. ,..,.,. At -"'''" It • l '"unl\' n11mb<'l•1l 2~•-104 rur 1931 ,,. (rum In front nr hiJ rMid••llo'" !l l 2-4 !l~l (tor lf•:\:Z 33 tmll 24•4111 hv 11 aalll)r ~.nd tWntnr r mAn I f,.r 1!•1:!·4:1 lh,. alltl•" IAtluo (oturul 2241'1 2llt St. Newport BeKb ,Phone 207 BALBOA'S • ONCE A WEEK I n .... r... w ..... or llh· l'alt,1tl.-• :-;l;.t• .• ppnrlturtnll'rtlll lin· ~·· 0011 lh•· U\'o ra~·· '""" »II• n•lllnot• "' fltvl'rn. ('l'ln>lll\ olol !loh r rot•orf,.•l that .,mt-on,. hlltl lll•>l• 11 I"" tooll~ • t hP \•Ur ptt•••duaJ! tt \\lUI I""'"'''' ''' •turf"n m c'"'lfl ""'' ~~,,1 \t• ~11 •Hit 11111, 20th llt N'rl "'·'''"lot i I .... 11" l't .. r't'll\' l:tX''" Anol ~tht• ""~" hll,l rnlroo'<l lu~ • "Ill rtrl•l R.·END ·EZVOUS Announcing a new and helpful loan service for returning veterans .. ,ll .. f't ltJtJluflanHuu•fll.-. aultk•· 111• rnadft u(t '\A ith t"'''' pull .. r "'' Iiiii/ tho· bulk nf puhl 1 ,..Ito ''1 "111'1"''11 11n!l thrr,. llltlrlll \\IIIIo• •'l~ht l •n Cuhftlfllll!, "1111 t ho (f'tfl'l·•l IHYo'l'lll Wf,... llllltl"n froolh Ill" IIIII' "' 1;0\'l'm!lll nt 1'11111' lhulln~r f•lr VII f 'hAI'f''ll \'"""" I ' .. I I Ol rr ' • •• \ rJIIIII' 81"'1 rnl I' IH'Il uf l.'ohtl'lllllotl t.;uco•lll "'" """"w talt"n """I Tllr<nt~h~>ut •:mmll ... ,.,.""""" o.,ll7 ~:lut1 l '••n ttu• "'"'''· r''"l"'rl\' 11\l<o'll ll'vle•l Coor lito• ll_.,,,.,b lottlollo•ol f lll~<,ll47,114f• lrltl, Halhrlll. fl't••rlo•ol lo.~lll ' BALLROOM Pr~nt8 of World War II who win want to own a '"'"''' a farm, or a lnuiness I Bank of America ET·IDAN Every Bankamerican feels a personal obli· gation to homecoming veterans ... and con. eiders it a privilege to serve them. Many discharged veterans will want to own a home, a farm, or business. To serve such veteran!, Bank of America has de· vel opcd the Jltt./oo,i Pion. v ........ ,..., will be coordhu1tecl wltb the Servlcem•n'a Readjuetment A c t ead will tupplem•nt the GoYerameat "G. L" Credit Pto.rntm for Vet~aa. Y•'-IOCIJI Pf4ft ta deelpecl to cfYe ncb •eterall't probl-tDcll'YiduaJ et· tent loa -to help blm a•t e:uc:tl7 tbe rtabt loaM for bit ,.rtlcular Deeclt ead bta ebUit7 to,.,. v .. -.._ ,._will make e.....U.ble to •eteraaa the local ead atate-wlde Cf'ecllt fedlldea of thla banllla• laadhltloa that bea arowa with eacl belpecl balkt Callforala for o•• • ,..,.._ ........ ,._ wtn be ta fall operattoa ,. .oOa ,. the ,...ulatloaa IIO•en~la• 1M "G.I." Credit Procre-.......... " tiMt 110•--t. Whether you are in or just out of the serv: icc, or have a relative in the armed forces, ~sk at the neighhorhood Bank of America abOut ftt.Jou P/4•. :-, • •anll of .lmtrina ...,_ D'tll'tln -...~ •••"' ••••••\ ''"''' •••••••c• COIPOUftOe ...... ,._ ............. . , I•Uri. rn.nlainlnl! J11tl In ''""" J'\11 :,,1 tll:\2•:13. dmt•P"'I to $rtfl,ll91l.3t'l• fnr HI:J!l,J4. onol ro•fto hrcl $104,:262. tn c•k•. ~a. 1' 111'"11~ ""'' 11 lctl>k hook. whllr I '"" y K<'"'""" I 037 fnr 1!1~4-H ~1911' lllol for lh• l.<lrd•burlf. Nr w M••11 '''· til~" loo~t IWlm~ "''an• wa11 $300 1:111,~.11r• fm · ., r • purw lll32·3:1. jt~mp• •I tu n~t.430,,,5() or Two Willi• Ill W•·r<" to.,anol lu•l .. nl( I 1721 r 1934·44 Av,.rtllf" dlllly at· n1r an ••nr• 1 tlllll 19:13·34. sntl an ount•••l to 178.DH.·,1 to F'r. k J a.nt1 W 11 1 nr Jl'\ana~ran an•l " tnn r l~tor•·l • '""' o ' trnd&nct l.n \lllllornlll p u b II r • .,- 1 llt'hnulll W8.Jl !141~.4411 In 1932·32.\WU found by .. I II ~to·\\lo rl l.o A 911 19:\2-3:l Md I O:IA.l3A F.aat Central llYf'nUI', Ulllt••ft : fl 6.4 I~ · BooJkrd rm anluah:all"n "'''' , tn 1942·4 Jamee Arthur lwy, Ollrllllo· '"''I 1. Greyhound Agent 1Charles Swafford Has Heart Attack C Wllllama, Frf'fiTlo• Hla" ltool)l•ll Jamea Wuli11Ja n '"'"' ArtK•·I~• Four Realty Sale& In Coeta Me~a ,. hrl'llkti••'A'f1 HORSE RACING Quarter Hone Match Races HIM COTTOI .RAICH (ODe Mllfo South of .. ('lemf!Dll-) .TEN EVENTS SIIIDIY, SEPT. 10 ud every two ...... ~ Racine Starts d 2:80 P. M. AdmiMioa (ln ... tu) fi.JO Servkle ,..,.....,. 50e Refreshments· Free Parking Saturday, Septem.,.r 9th <:Oming:. ANSEL HILl. PltMJ, ~mhrr 11\Ut -Haturday, ,..,,......_ UMII Where Good Fellow• Get To1etber STAG CAFE coo n EATS ... GOOD I>I~INKS C:OMH ADESIIII' fJ/UM.e-i'U!e ri .!akA Wr/rr-.mP ShPivo•o; Still S lt,c•kl'fl With ..:xc~·llc•nl St~r•r•IY ••f I 'n• \V;1r I ~·vc•r'r1..:• ... Tiw J•l:w•· to S r•·nrl .r I 'lt·:tvHt t r1nd j lnt,·rf..,lllll! fo~ •·nut~-: In Nr>WI"'rt I 'llw STAC: '1< H"\TAUHANT f1•:tiU1t'" Sl('Ak J>lnnr•r-,.. C'ltnJ,..., Sa vory Fr•'1>h Fi"lt fllnnflr.- T;,t,l•• Ac 1 t)flllnt"latlnn<~ an•1 Donlh" rIll' Fitnllly PH t'ronR -y Home Cooldn« Agreeable Atmosphere Newport IIMch %let ran.& ... c..& llotllevard . . NEWPOR'r-BALBOA NF.WS-TJMJe.;S, Newport Beach, California, Thursday, September .:.7,!..-:..19:...4:...:4~------------------ a.!!>~...:,~!.!.!:.~ Gang Caught A~er ·~~·~!!~~~ai ~Series of Robbe·ries Your Friends and 1\fline Mn. M)'rlM Cully and aoa Rob- ert ot R.awUrw, Wyo.. wbo b&vt epen t the IWI1DI er Ill calif oi'IIJ&. have been vtaunr Wra. C\.llly'1 llra. A.Ddnw WI._, Wbo bu n ceotly IIO&d her bomt In Coeta w-. 1au bau • ...-uu. put weak at the bome ot Kra. C. M. Deakiu, aad Ill leav~ t.be end ot ~ wNk tor BaD D .. r o where aha erpecb to apetld IOIIM Ume at the bome ot ber d a u r b t e r. WedDMday abe wu ~~~t ol bonor at a Juacbeon at t.be bame ol Mn. W. D. Miracle. Bay hlan4. alllter, Mra. Ethel Taylor, M.ariDe Mull StiiY lilarfh ot Beverly It bu been the cuatorn ot Mra. avenue, Balbo& l.alucl. T!Mlr Hill~ hu been the hou• cuaat of J . D. Stople, 4110 8-..bore Dnve, father William ~:~-peafll of Loa AII- Rh•·•t,1 Howe, dau1h ter of Mr, and to eotertain U\e Slllten of St. relea. ' wbo bu ben In faUIJlr ~~r~ llubbllrd Howe of Corooa del w.ry·, colter•. Slaw-avenue,, health for eome ttme, .. a1.o with -------------------------------------------------------; -iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-iiiiiiii:i-a==::=iii::;;;;=:;;;;::;:;:=========~ I With 1tw-aapture urly 1\n·•d11y bct.-n found ~ ¥round near .. I momlnr; ot William H•rbcrt Nel· c.ar a.. SHORT otCOAT HilGERS '4-•n. ~. ~21 Sun.wt boulf'vard. Loll ArTaJI{Tled before Juda~ o..&ld Arl~owle8. and the takine into cu.s· Judgo, Donald Dodc~>. N•Liaft ...t If!(!) •f•mt-tinw lalt>r r>f Slim l'ru· f.>rov{·na no were N>ld In U.. \'Pnt:lnlo, ~. C1·ll·~••· TNII:UO' 30 t•uunty jail. t'IICh under 125.000 111'.1 South Hardin~ ~lro•<'l. Monl•" hoiul wh1ch lht>y dld not fW'11Mh, twll<> and Frank Paul f'ruv .. w Ct>ll'S\1' T"ag1w and Jo"'rnnk Proo- /llnu' 4>1, II nns: of /lll('t:l'li holrlup \ o•nzano ~'l'rt' aJl!oe ht>ld C1D mo•n OJ.t•ra llnj;t 10 C~thlumaa ha> charg•"". C••I('Sit' pltoadmg I\IUt)' l•.,•n bmkf'n Ul> llh') harl a h ul•"lttnd llt'ing M>fttt'ne1'd to 1~ dlt.)'a 1D uul ut \680 Twtln av('nUf', <'"••~Ia pul. while-17ovcnza,no plt•aded not Mo•'<ll 1.:ullly and wa.~ rt'll'asPd on 1100 Mar Loe Anplea. on a beacll party I t.bem J unmy WetU, 11011 .of Mr. and eacb yeB{. and Wed.ocaday ~ of ~~~· !!;!!;!!;!!;!!;!!;~~~~~~~;;!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!;~ )1 ra.. <.: , F' Walle, formerly or the nUJUJ ujoyed a cool ID •t l! 95% of the garments brought to Ute FOR CLEANING Are Ready for Delivery in Four IJa) M 8 y._ O....ta Have BHa la Our Shop ~n"' 'DIM Fov Day'S, We Sugewt That You r CALL FOR THEM-'T ONCE Net ~ibM-After ol&Bttys BALBOA CLEANERS Jo' H Epplf', 905 [)(>\awart• ~trt'l't.l hail with tranl w l lor Sr•pl 20. lluntln~o~;fon Bt-11ch . had h•'C·n Nl'lson unci glim Prov!'n.cano wW ruhlwd of $22CX) In $100 bill• Epple ap~ar In No•WIJOr1 IJ,pach Juatice h11d bf;>f'TI sp~.•nd1ng 1 hi' I.'Vt•nin~o; at court fur t ho·lr prt'limmaf) tweJ- Iho· Stac caf~ u had Provl'nzano '"' S.'l" 14 IH 10 u m. 11nd Sp•~eal. 4:l8 l..akl' 111 rt't'l. llunllncton lknch The Jattr·r " ~Mid IO haVt' ukf'd If hP <'OUid rldl" hom~ with Epplo·, to which th~ lui· tera~ Sponsor of Jktwt'fll Mrt> nnrl H untang1r>n &•aGh Eppl~'a <'ar W8a foi'Cf>d rrom B D. tht• hl~thway by II Cllr lind IIJo oat tes It~ drlvPr apprOII<'hcd with 11 ~>un In hiA hand, Eppli> droppt.od has wul· 11'1 In IM noor .In thl' rear vf hi• I rar. I M••~ lr~n,. Jroy Hammont,..., 18, Ml"mbtna ol t he-gang, v.•hl<'h al~ d11ul!htr•r of MF and M l"'ll. Robert lnclu!W!I 4>tJia llopkirhc, aha~ 0 Ha mmon a rf't', t.:ast KnOll ~lreft. a.-.,'1:«' JohniiOfl, havl' It r ,. n C'ns tu Ml'!lll. ti1f·d Monda) morntq I:!IJ{J \\'r1t Bay, now llvlfti In the be&cb, a picnic lunch, and I llll:lt•Wiot•l,£&8 retumed to bil ~&Ch e amea. 1,,,11 , att"r pendlnc ttn daye wtlb Securmg a can of ant pot110o .\11 ""J re, Fred Smttb and which had been lett wllbln reach, (l.illl!lllt r <'11rol of Newpo rt IIlli~ John RJcbard, 100n of Mr. u .... 1. .\Jr tLOd Mn. Watt. with ILrld Mre. Dick Richard. 409 O&y v. 1 ""· Jimmy returned. were In •treet, Newport Helchte, gave hla Ill• How orf'll uvn the week end. pareota a ecare. Bf'lng only 13! :\11 1\nll Mr• Rlly Fnrayth and! fl'lOn~hat old. Joh:'l~ ~:d ;ot ;ave da"l litH Jl'l'ry, nt San Bernar· mur o aay a u . ul ear· I dtn" v. h" havto ~n gueat• ot l ing that be had eat~>n aome of the 1 Mr~ ll'>7.1'1 OawiiOn, 1512 Wcat poiiOII, he wM given lr!!&lmeot of 0,,.~1 Front. l~'ft for Laguna emetsca and antldotea. . IV->tt 11 "hf'Tt' t~~y will vlail M~a ~ Mra. BlnJella Ball returned lut J-',.rh\'lh A parrnta ·~fore re~urn· week frorn Bf'verly Hilla and Man· lnll l ' their home In llme for hattan Beach, where ahe baa been J• 11 v 1., l'nter echool. I tor •t>veral week a. She plana to M 1 • n ow Lugo has returned to make her-permanent home at her h• r IJ ~ at 209 WaabiJljlt.oAl hou•c oo ~JktAD !"mnt at 26th ~• r""' after apendlnr IIOmt time (o 1 1tr~et. u ahe wae unable to Uad Al:w •·•111 where IItle vlelted her a houM In Downe-y. alttr aelllng ""1, .f.,lln R. Lu.o. who Ia In tht her big home on the ranch: :"'&\'\ Air ~rpa. and her daughter, Mlaa Jane Taft Ia Jll)end1ng thi• AI ,_,. 1~ M. Stafford. Mn. Staf· wel'k with relatlvu In Altadena. '"'" n•tumed with her mother. Mr ILnd W,... Eldon St. Amant 10 ·US? 1 watrhro for IIOriW 11mr· h} Otr1u •r-a1 tlw lam1ly honw Callhan. Applt-bury, Lant• Gorton, l SurvJvlng· lll'f' hPr parent II, two I Waltzl', Allton, Monnl'll, ;-.;,•wlo•r. brothena, Ray anrl Harold, and Captain BuckiH and S~o;t Tl•d lhl'('(' ailllt"na. lJt·rla. JnyCf' June TedHro. all of wh<ll'll wc.•nt dl· and Sf'lty Jt"' nil of whom Uw at w 111 whnm ahe wUI make her have mov:d from 1011 27th atrut hum .. for t he duration of t.b~ war to San, I edro. Tttey have been as hl't huaban.J, who le a1110 In the ru lt.lmta Of Newport Be.ach foa lllr r • rJ'II t'llpec-la to bt' aent 00 t.be put two year•. but u Mr. al'IIVe duty 88 eoon aa he tlnlabea St. Amant l.a employed at cal· hi-tralnln In •Pf'clal lnatrument Ship, they decided to move cloeer n 1 K j to hla work. Attef th•y leave the Why Not DANCE? in Co.ta Me•a Amiriean 14ioa Po.t 455 • W. 1la a, ~ ~ _, Newport ...._ Glvea You "Just Good Dance Music" and a FuU Evenin&" of Fun ADIIIMION IOe .... JOe Tu noctly to tM Costa Mt>Sil huu .... · I home. I As they approacht'd. th••) ..u~· Il l Sh .. wu u 'tudent at N~ car •lcnaJlinl. which l!tto•t wu~ llurbor Union Iilah school. and - found to have ~n <K'CUplt-d h) ~~~~It'd In thl' CQrililt'nlng of a boat Sam Pruv.-nuno, and a rar uc.•cu· ut thf' Ackennan Boat ~ JJ~ by N•'-drove away 111 1 F"Pb. 12. She left school ln ~ hllfl apf'f'd. !>pring bt"cauM' ot IM lllnHI tram Offlttna llhot at tht' car, hlttln1 whirh "ht> dlt-d thf' tirt'l!, and ahf'r a wild ChUI' Sl'rvil'f'll will hi• at the Harold ~NPIIIOfl abftndonf'd the car and hid Grauel Ola~J this W~ at In a rlf'ld. He wa s capturt'd whrn 4! p. m .. with thf' Rev. G. WWard hi' rt>tumrd to the car •. &!ld about St<•am.~. putor of tht> Flnt Four halt of the rnc>rM!Y wu ... ld to have-l>oquare r.hurc:h. officlatlnc. Inter rN>nt will be Ill Westmilwter ~ Jack Raub Quits mortal park. C•t J b t Do Sandy Alexander 1 Y 0 0 In Army Air Force Private Surveying 1 1 Sandy Alf'n ndf'r -ot Wr. Jilek Hauh, for y~ar• conned,..l and Maa t' II l'urter, 111 V&a wtt h tho:' l'lty f'ng1nHr lnr; atalf,, Lnrl'a. Lldv lalf', who haa bMD OD Ito ndt>,..d hill rnlrnatlon, effectlvf' I he air rt.,-rvi'M llat for t.be p.M ~~pi 23, tn t.akf' up pr lvalt> lllll'-yr>ar. hna br•en ''"ll"d to the •r- vcoy lnJO uo hi• own. 1 vice and ltft laat we<>k f - 1 ,la1 k l;lrut bo-1lt with th,. 'lly fur on~: wath lht• Anny AII·.JI'orce• aurnr 1:1' Y""'" and ~·•• ma,lt Ill· I Am!Hilln. T~JUU. - •latllnt eng1of'er a bout two yt•llra Ht< hu lived In Nf'WJl(•rt Beach 1 u~:u, a p<••t whk h he baa falltd rur tht• pallt eight yeara, wbere I nlliOIIt arcept.ably. lie wU\ IIIII tlO he attl'ntled Uw hK'al achr >Oia, aDcl put Ume work fur U.1e city and I would havr l>o•t•u a llt'nlor tbla f Ia aHkln~r a lnc:atlofl for hlJI offlre. 111 Ncwpcort llarbnr lllllr>n hlp IM"hool. Mesa Trombonist at Navy Music School ErtH't!l nwr•n ,. '" ()I ~~ o IUHI CHRISTMAS P.ln• N. E. ~·s·n. "'"K lim• 1••1 111•·1• r•·~hl .. n ta uf (·,.~ta M f'llll n••v. n·· ~ldln~; 011 H•'tllt'l hM• IW• n "• "nl· rw•n;l~,l f@( t hr "f\. t\')' So to "'I r•f MUIIIt: m W~h'ngl••n. r• I' \\'hil•· u l!lmlrnt at :'\:f'Wi••rt llatbor IIJa.:h Arh•ot>l F.rn··~l plll)"'•l I hi' trl'lrnhllnl' 111 llw "" hi.'Mtrn . 1 1 1urtn~o: hll! hnnl o'llnll• t1a1nmj.; h•· I wru. 11 m<>mhr o nf ~h•• :"rny •·h~otr y ~~-and Mno H 1) Kelling and houae will bt' occupied by the [ ld d p t or La Porte owner.. Mr . and Mn. Jacob Lord eona Jav an e er · lit Redlan<U. lnd · wr re rK~nl ~uta at the Robert Leahy, who bu bt'eo a hr1m., nf Mr. and Mn1 C. B. Portrr, f 111 rt 1 N rt Be h 1111 VIa Loree. Udo lBie. am ar cure n ewpo ac M d M · W W Wooilii have for ~veral 1 yeara 'baa gone to r. an 18• · • Manhattan Beach to live with ~a rl'tumt'cl ltl thl'lr .Santa Ana homt daulbter, but write• frteoda tbal after apendlng aevuaJ wrek1 at b Lue t.b be h and b S f'wport S#ach. • m • e ac ope• to M Robert Keller a.nd 100 be able to retuf7\. Ht. bol»4! w.aa rl on !tOth atreet. C"hrta nr Via J uger. Udo lale, hu Mr. and Mna. Marta Newland. rl"lurnf't1 hume al ter apendlng Newport Helght.a, and Mra. New· 11nme time. with her p&renta, Mr. land'• mot.ber, Mn. c. w. New· an<l Mra. t' S. Wade. Loll Angrlea. IIISid.' who Ill vl..lttlnr; here from r Mlr ~d Mra. F"n.nk d~apma.o H': Kan .... went to Be.lltlower Wtd· 011.~ heaa llref ~ ~-a w . oe.day evealng where they attend· at uot ome 0 .. ra v napma n a moUler. Mna Lydia Strain. 201 ed a. famUy reunion ot Mn. New- O•amood llrt'et, Balboa leland, land a couaoa and rela Uvea. bll th 1 tt 1 1 8 Jl'ran. Elno Ollila. Bay avenue. Ia borne w t' e a t'r 8 n an from Vlctorvllle oa a 19-day fur· r•lar· where ahe wer Saturday to loueh and be and Mrll. llllla arr• attend Ulf' we~ldl~g nt her da~gh-planning to a~nd part of lbl' 1rr Marlon to Co I Guardaman time In Lo• Anre1u takJnr; In 1 Rob AUtii\8JOn. aome lf ood ehow• and ~~t:eing the lifl'l! Rk hard Terkel and daugh-i.llhta, aad will alao vllfll In San tu 10 Suaan ILrld Judy of. Lot An· Dlt 0 J:~'lo•.o Wf'tt week enol gueata at thl' 1 _· ---- homl' of Mr~. Walton H ubbard. ----1-id;•,~llll' Marj(arct Young. 111w Schoof Secretary t;r ... (' \\'urlltt'r and MrA Vtrgil 5 Years R.esigns ll• •·•I of S&Jlta An&, and Mre. Earl Barnell ad Ml!llll Caroline Paino of -I 1 >rangr were holiday gllt'llta at It 11 with 're(p et tha t W t> h-am the homf' nf MMI FriUlk Wurater, of the re!llignaUon of Doroll\)' Corona df'l Mar Robl0110n who. for the past five After apendlng much or the I ye11r11 has served so ably a.11 ~t··l aummrr In Lajr\lna Bench. Mr reiJin · tn Mr. H. 0 E'r:uliJ:n antl th .. 11J1d Mrtl. Rene Pernn t>f 2!1 PalmJO ; Board or T r Ulftt'o:!l of tla.· :-;eWpflll are at Ulf' homr II( M r11. Bor~hold Ul'l\l'h Grammar too•hrK•I, She Will Sl~pht'nll, 230 :-i.art'll<!•llll AYf'nllt',J t•'ll \'!' lht• firl!l rof (l<:tulwr. Corona .tr:-1 Mar, for a mf•nth M~., ll••rvlhy and her husbantl. (.'apt P r m n will 1:14' rtmt>mbr•r••tl us the ll11rry A Hl'lnn!f<on · u( lht> Jo~t'rry formt r Ruth Dunn nf lhc U du ~ommanrl. rt'sldr> at 300 F.l !\1•~ 1&14! r'l1t are and hu many frl•'nol., l •l•·nr•. ;-;, WJ>Ort llt'oghtll. Ou1 101hy'fl her• wllh whom 8he 111 rr'n<'\'.'lnl{ rP~ 1-'llBIIon •~ sn favor uf f{tls1na.: her a rqualntllnre. 1 ltwar "" n lilnder,.:tHt<'ll, d aAI! ur Rt>v. And Mr1. E . l) Gt""h'll l '411. lett Sunday mornlnjt fur 1 ·, •• .,t. 1 Su, ro·NIInJ< .\II ~ Rob111111111 ant! 11nf', In the San Bun11rdlnn moun-wnrklng w1lh ht•r in the tlffll't' taJne. where Uley will ftpt'nrt a nt,w. 110 Mrs J unr Jou llcnwrult>r two·Wf'f'lu!' vacatloo. · 1 who 1.1 nm a stran)tel 10 llllll ar .·a Milia Elate N•wland returnf'd Sht hu b<>en aiii!<'X'IIItt'll with thP la.ll Wf'ek from Freano, whrrf' llh,. Bttluua Bank nf Amt>rll'a anr1 llw ' GIFTS Mack's Photo IN l(aq ~L. ~boa ldentificatioR Photos J hu bet'a ror 1S days. bring caltrd 1 Southe1 n C<'111ntoes Gaa L'vmpnny there by the lllo~u of he-r brother. Jn lhl'lr Ualboa ufflce. Hn husband Walter Newland. He 11 still In S L Ia In thl' wrvlce vr hi• cuuntry In @] roa OVZII8BAS MEN Since they can't w tKJnw for Otristmas. llt!nd It tq IJwm ... In ~ fonn of rr-t· lnp and jrtfta from our atort'. WI.' havl' 11 larp and varlf'd JJtock to chooae from. 9ft our window~ and conw ln. MAIL 9 /15 to 10/15 Cout Ouard. Pu.port., lmmJcntloa l ·lllour aerflc.e ArnN' hoaplta.l. but after th.. the South Pacl/lr I WHk will ~tum home for a re11t. - attt'T which he wlll have an opera·o 115 FIRST DAY Uoa. He I• autferln~t from a k ld-J Some 115 h0111>ltallzed boye tuok oey condition that wu egravatetll a.!vant.agt' of the Ballxla USO'a l by the ln lenH heal. &(!.d before new quartera on the-bay front Ult · eoter1ng the hoJIPII.al ha,J a heart! flr1t da y It waa opened. and com· 1 attack, but ta now pronounced plete aallefaction wu wrltlen on 1 .,..__..ocket Klllves & H•atlng Knives.--. Portraits at -.able~ au.y Photo.. Eaau.-nt• UMI PhoU..tatle C'oplea out ot danger. the race of Director Aehen over Mn. Stella Ellaworth of Pomona the venture. spent •veral daya thl• WHk w ith -----------------AO.&IN BEAD TID: RIJQUDT LIST REMINGTON PAL POCKET KNIVES 51c75 to 54~50 Slleatll Klllves 52.25 to Sl 0 ................. Darts 15~ • O.ailltt,_G.L .. ~ ......., STONES n.A.8IILIGRT BATTERIES lOt-Mdl \\lcll!t and , .... A 8pfdal Rt-QaMt from M• ln tllle 8outlt Pwllltfo .,. : ~-.. -25c .. 95c Sea Dive Masks I and Goggles OTHER GIFTS THEY'LL ENJOY ........... eon Ball• &aaor Blade~ a..u.er \\'alhot. 811oe Slaht'e kite SmaJJ rtf'bil? Foklt'n ... y,..,._ Poker, l'tiiOC'IIIf' P'la)1alf CaNe ... me. F'ountahl I'?IUI !\mall 0 anM'tl Anny JUta C'omb and F11f' 8rb r!W'krt 81bt..- .\lld~· Booka J'IW'krt Matrnlt)1-. GIBM and -~ othen UMI1'ED STOCK Ot' WAC' lliT8 • WATCH OUR WINDOWS • Gift Shop C'a.tume ,_.,,. 8ounnt,... .Etc. 1 ()ld fnendll In Newport Bea.ch aod ; Balbo&. W•dneeda y Mra. A. 8 . lbompt(ln enttrtalnf'd at luncheon. ~--being .Mn. Ell1worth. Mre. 1 R.. H. Hill and .Miea El•le New· laud. BAY FISIDNG. GOOD AT THE PAVILION AT BALBOA Boata for Rent at Rrneonable P'l1cle Uve Bait Available NEWPORT BA \' INVI!:8TIIENT 00. RoM o,...le)'. ae...l ....... NEWPORT & BALBOA PIERS GEORGE 111NER Good Fishing at All Times LIVE BAIT Al.\\"AYS AVAILABLE I B~~!On~.~~ORTFIS~!~A.FJ-~~ ll Th(' "Owl", "Maiden" and "Dina IAe" : I nr lnformallnn aftd S.·hf'6tlea Can Newport SSI or l,n• Anrtr~ntary !"TM I I NEw~~~.!c.!.~~!'l~~E!TORE ~~ Bait -Ta£"k le -Fishing Information 1 ~f:WI'IIRf BEAC'II ' A HEARTY dinner, or IDicl- niaht lunch, a little too much amoklnt. perhas-a cocktail or tw~t fun to- nlaht; • miNnble letdown. headachty fetlint tomorrow mominl. Yeu ,.op\e wflo ~onal17 •t- lend a pert,.•nd tn,loy rood ftl· tcwthlp and aood food. oflm Pill n .. t daJ for the flAil you h.ld . ._,., dOft't JOU tty Alh -54!1U. ew that •MornJna Afl•r" fuhnl1 Alu -Stlt.rer II -"'"'licine u- 1\tl In the "'''-' ol man)' min. •llrnenta blonuw Alka -S.lu.r _.,.,_ a 1'9llabte analaHl~ pt~ln· I ,.u.vw with IN/fered alkehnnc •II& T'r7 It whftwwr you h.lvt f1H4. arM. AtN hullp•lfOft. Cold 5) m,. te...a. M•-lar FtiiiiM, N•unalt1t. ...... ..,hi ... Alb·Stlt.r II ~-lauh.,. •nd , ..... nt ........ v-drug\at w ill Allla-Stlt.-.r bJ the 1"-at )Ill lOde fountain tnd In ~on-• ·1, ' GIFTS ... For Overseas Must Be Mailed Before October 15th Make Your Selection Now Before Our Stocks Are Depleted MEN'S STRAP WATCHES Wate.:Proot-Shockproof MILITARY RINGS lnslgnlas of most branches of .ervice B)RTHSTONE RINGS -~ TOILET SETS ldeatllleaUoa Bracelet. 1-*MrBUif .... 8 tatloaery OreeUq Carda Chrlatm.u Carda for Oveneu L()U£1\J I '791 Newport Blvd.. PIL taD· a COSTA KE8A REDWOOD CARDEll FUIIIITURE Sun Couches and Barbecue Tables . . Other Popular ArticiH la Wide Variety We have on display two doors south of the ice plant, in SIN'py llollow . Laguna Beach, mariy picccs of garden and patio fu111it urt:' m:tde fm m dry, pre-wa r t't'dwood. There Art-. Sun Cou<'he!il, Barbeo<'ue TabiH and Benches, Coffee Tables, Round, Square aud Oblong TablP-'1, and Many Other Pieces. WE MAKE TO ORDER Barbecue Tables, Aoy sbe; t~helves, and aJmost &a)1hlng else you may wau$ maoulactu.red from Redwood aod Knotty Pine. We ha ve a large selection of Folding Officecs' Chairs, Back Rests. Garden Umbn>llas; priced right. FR.E.E DELIVERY IN OBANO.E COUNTY Laguna Woodcraft Shops 740 So. Coat Blvd. Two doon eootb of Ice plaat LAGUNA BEACH "Semper Paratus" Aae~ate to abe ..ea of tiM Vol-teer Port S. earity Foree o~, tile U. S. Coaat Gau .... eenl•1 wltboul pey ..... Aiw•r• Reedy"to arbold tbe trad· iliooa or tile oldest brucb or tbe AlllericaD Na .. t TURNER'S NEW 6.')-Ff, ~PORTn8RJNG BOAT -· Wl\1 ~ ..,. • paeka.. me•-h Mlr\ WM YCN • __.. wnient pe~k•lft~or hotn. · • GrFT HEADQUARTERS SANTA ANA PHONE 117! - "CRESCENT" Gallry -Rest n_,.-1Jw Balt SCOTT'S LANDING -c-.t IDctl••r · ....... l:te A. a .. ~:.~a dtUI ~ .·: lilliE IREWIDii EO. I H. R. BRINKERHOFF Bo ?./Ji-112 -Tr y .\I k,, · .~ t•l t 1 t• r I lOA 1!. 'ftalnl 8t. .... • -Calif ~-----------------------------------· - -NEWPORT·BALBOA NEWS-TIJIES, N!!J>Ort Beach, California, Thursday, September 7, 1944 ______ ._ __________________________________________________________ _ Schedule of Buses for .Hi!h SchOol Honor 88-Year-Oid lllw110rlll. falctllll 0.. REHME r TO Cirarette PrJee. Red Cross Worker • Of I iut Wllklllll • l•n Not lnereued Edtlie'a BARHCUI.D SANDWICHES AnDelicloull At Corona del Mar II 1 JOII H S 4 R:·h:::::~t.~::..:-=.e0~t= Loul polkf' oftlcera pUt IJl •• I • • adv&IIC'IDI U\etr prh'M on 80-cau .. t Corona del Mar Rt'd cro. pro· of tbe bu.WIIl weekeact. ol U.. I --£ 0 B 'l~•vular brao.a.," 1. W Kean~•. ductlon workera tumed out. forty -eon ••ltb ecorwt ot ~ ..,.. ~ ur OYI FACULTY orA """" 11('4'\'lallat' IIAld t • .Say atronc. ye•t.rday a ttemoon to .... lb blot•-r ,_,..., ol· n-..d Ho It .. .. 1 1 1 Bus achedule for the op.nlnr day, Victoria It Old S. A. Rd ...... 7 :56 honor Wra. Oara Btark•y. 88. pea .. na 00 • ""' • "'u-~-me ems t '"''"'" nr ..... ....-. ar" una uthor ae< of Harbor Hl&h IChool, ~ptt'm·,Victoria It Harbor Blvd ...... 7:9 yt'ar-old Red Crou worker fen.iera, IJl rt'l'arda to nwab.,r. .. .... tau .. ,. •no IIC III fn• .. n at th• b:tr U. f~j l:l&mlll.on...A Harbor.. Blvc:L ~ . --Kra. -&t&.rk•"' wbo aAao woclle4 wne 1peedf',ra and oOwr ~k prtn • UI•Y •'h•rll"'' '""'"& March. I I Moon'• Coafecti•••rr ......._._ 11 •---19th a. H-.... --Bl d 8 01 , law -vtntaton: -with lt lllook-. .._Y ef Mr._... ..__111 • lMll, ... ~~ -.• -. .. , tH<W ~~ ' ..,._.. --I • &.IV<K V ............... : tn ~ la•t war, wu "'--nt-" her llb --...... _,. 23rd d Sant Ana A 7 28 .. ·~-.,.. while tlwlt ra.ea ran ~ond. w -~·~ are .. .,,..,..,.. 1.o Uw •••'Ilk' tu:. trwrt••"" hr Mh.t ("'" an • ve...... ; 100-hour .trlpt'. u wu a.l1o her 1 l .• N...,. n -._ 1111,.,. nr~· l<'&l'hf'ra ~·hu ha\'r 1 Ill 1bt Monte Villa It S . A. Avt'..... 7:30 Broadway It Santa Ana ...... 7:58 llau~thttr, t.fl'll. Davin ol C'of'Ona nne rep<>r eu. . ,.,.., •-)' t~aJor -· l'en w !'OVf'r ~~ ne, a on Orchard It: Acacia ................. 7:33 Bdwy. It Newport Blvd. ........ 8:00 del War. l"eopl .. r tted for ~peecSlnl and a.r la.tn~~ alloat ...,..._,,.. of l l~Hn ••h1•'1 ''' th• tarulty •1t ltar· ellhrr ttne or twtt J!AI'It Bi h • calisadN 7 34 20th IL 8 02 nthu vlolaUOI\8 wen: Mra. Gordoll ....., family ... ,........... "'Ill bnr llt~th Al'hO.Il ... till v ... 1\JWif'r , ______ ...;;.. ___ .;;;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;jjj;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;:~ rc .............. · : .. Newport lvd ............ 8; At a lu at th.-home of Mn. .__ • ._.. t Eldt'n It onte Villa 7 41 20th a.. 0 A 8 03 cal''"'· 1 HI F.aet ~ntral avenue; YC141. '" ... ll .. w lliiMn phoM 1 rM!f' will' ht• r.-.·ommrn!latl.•n• Eldt'n • 23rd St ............ 7:43 20th & ranee ve. .. ........ .... : Tod Cook at whl('h Mr• CciOk and Oltu C:lrlatconHn, ('pctl Frank ~al or _..al It•;.. w Wt. nr 1'111111'\llar nOitf' II lhf' fal't thl t · ........... ..... .. : 'I'I.ultln ...................... 8:05 Mr1. Phoebe Mulllaan. hf'ad Of the nurton: William B. Marble. Al.. e1 -· ta wlllk-11 ._,. ...actlt .,. f~trn .. r llf'hmco nf \'Nta •t··•• 1• ~and 22Dd St. · ......... 7:45 , Corona del Mar .ur.,..c•l drt'Min• •-•-~•~f --v .... II ·-· kn ··, t t -1 t t t • H rbo It Wll 7 45 "' " .t .. na, \\'allaC'e A. Gucontber: Laur· .. ._...._ ._., .. , ..,....... ''-'' IH a n. -· •" .. ''" · '\ "' 8 r son ·-· · ...... : unit wtrf' holllf'&~e• atriPf'• were t'll.a Snv\Jrr WI., vinton . Artbur T. C!latrt tt .., • will Wf'. "'" .a.o • tln.,.t m...-hanh • 111 th.-, "IIIli v Bakt'r I. Banana .. .. ......... 7:40 Placentia & Wilson ...... , ... 7:47 a.leo pre~~entcod to Mn Cox and ~ .,. U"'- Baker a.. Babb St 7 43 PI 1 a. 17 52 · Mat.!f'--~rl.n ·, John Hnkom Sliver, -lo Pf'lal lat.,...Uq lf'ltf'h 1 ~~~~ "' •llrlhulty .. ,.. l'tJ"''rlrnr,.,t 1n • s. .. .... ..... : acenta .. th St .. ~ ... -... 7: Mra Gu1tave Gru e ''" Mu t Vilta It N BJ d. 7 ' p · I Covina J a k Harold Ha.rria. •hAd~~ Yeti ~'"" '""" tt.fl ,...,.lrrln.: hla .,.rvh'ra Al''''"•llu,: ''' n t' pt. v ... _, :5:.! 18th • Whittier ... ~-......... _ ... ~ 7:55 The Corona del Mar womf'n are · c lion. 1 l'rlllf'lt••l 8 H l'ltlvhtaun, "'"'"" H' ' 18th I. AnNewpoaheimrt .._·-· .. _ ..... -... 7:59 wurkln~ t"''O llltemoona a week Oranc•: E J&l'lt MOflran, Santa h h I t ht I I DO~ AAol ·-kln• -""ou-'y lb--. A.n. a ; WUham Henry Saaa.lby, .. ... nn .. ar na ,.,..., fllltla . -~ ... --. • _., .. ~ ·~ .. Li I Hrhm" haa bro-n • r.ahtrnl nl qu••t rrom tbe armt'd torcu for \ ... ~. -e... ves on Island thr t.!••• f•Jr many yrara an.t run· Oranre It Coast~ Jirwy.,_... 7:23 more and mort drf'uUip Malcom Janln Edc'ar. OoiiM tlu\'1 .. ,1 a lfl nltlf' tn the ,.,.11t,.r nf 30th S tn't'l ... . ........... 7:28 bouiPVard, Lacuna Bncb ; Jam .. 2 Years·, orr.·cer llt>V.'n l.alf'r h• ,.,,n~l th• tun-• Udo C1ub HOUSt' ............ 7 :34 CorQna del Mar New& ~:;:~ ~1.7nay~ceu:::; nf thr Ar•kf'mlan n .... I '\I , attrl ~· FLOWER SlOP FU)WERS FOR 1-.VERY OCCASION NORMAl'S •• ..... ..... - 1101 ea..t aan .. ,~ .w ..., "-• ....... fw ......... w. -r.~raph Ji1owtrft Udo Entnn~ .. .. .. ............ 't:39 IUcl\artl E melll Van Dykt', v-Detides to Stay ... m.. foreman of thr marhtne I Wn. Wayo Seamon and dauah· Nuy•; Gloria J . to;lllott. Hunttnc-•h"r lila nco•• &~"hool J'OIIItlon wUI Coro-del Mar A lalaad t•r Mr•. Ralph Und.lay Brown. El ton IJ«oac·h ; J amra Nl'L8-tn Roth, plao·,. htm In rharJCf' ''' thlfl Wtlal ~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,!!!;!!,!!!,!!i!!!!!!!!!!ii 1101 Highway It Pacific .... -· 7:33 ~. Teu... are vlaltln~ Mr. and Anabelm. Edwl.n F'. lllaley, F'Uller· (ln., "''" wh,. tlrnrNIRhly •PI''" •hnr . Ml•tur MM'hantra a nd lt.a.!l•l '!! Pallaadt's .. · .................... 7:35 Wra. Frank Seamon, La'"'\.lna. who to J IWdnkk a....o. ~-c&.ltcllhr lwoaullr• and adv.ntaJ:f'• anti h• brlniC• tn ht• tuk a pa.l'· Marillt' • Park .................... 7:40 are thf' p&rf'nll of Kay F'ulcb. n: ,1am~a T ·WhU"-' ol lilt Hllrbur an•a t• l'lr A R tlt'al k nnwlf'<llf• that wtll tw lnval• Balboa It Apolena .. .. ..•. 7 ·"'7 and ,. •ro d racy, ~r. N•"''lon 113 l'la.m''"'' •tr~t. llal uablr to hla .... t.Jrnta N noted Ct'rama.t. Wn. Mayo Sea· f Balboa • CoUins .... ,. ....... 7:M mon and Mr.. Brown are here t o Ll. L D. HUI, Santa Ana, ,.. boa lalantl, whn h&.~ Ju.C Opt'nNI Anulh"r t .. ..-hrr wtlh many Topaz It Park .......... -... · ..... 7:59 attend U\e eomlnc weddln& of port('(! that hie Nub bad been an otrh·f' tror lhr pru tk • or np qualtfk a ltntut I• Mlaa [)nrothy l'on• 1 I WrL Finch'• dauahter, Ft-.nce•. taken troll) Chrtatt",liMII'I Hut tomlllry (ljl lhf' tlotr,t tlnnr nf thf' Vf'raf', ,...tua t .. • of on-.un fltatf' YOUR EYI8 AU TilE UGBT 0.1' ,41Q:RJOA . . . the flnt " enUat In ali lines ot clut)' tO win the war. Thenfore your eye~ at wort& dewrw sped&) COMideratlon ..• Uwy delerw to be ctven the expert examination and nt ttnc m.nded to a11 ow: patroaa. Newport a-Mra. G•rald Ritchie, u 16 Jl'tnt Sunday •veotnc. anti L C Hard· Woo,. bulhJin~t. F••urtJ1 and Broad· an,l p._.tf'Da J c~ Shr wttl ,.. 9th • Central .................... 7 :55 avenul', enterta!nt'd Wre. Lucille eety, 300 Eut Orntra.l, ,.ported way, RantA Ana l•lau Mia• Bill tn lfnmr ll:t·llnf\rn· Ford Gara.ge . .. ........... 7:59 Edwarda, of Wnlro, former\~ of that a seoldlu and • ultor had Dr Nf~'tou '" • natl ... of Lo,. tr • He-r r.thrr, Jl'nldrll'k J C'on· Balboa Ialand. Mn. Edwa ro. made oft wltb ha. D•&lto. An,.lu an<l baa lived In Newport nne. t• a-lo(•lat" ... ,.,,_,. (tl DB. 11. D. caA wroao OPrOMETIUBT Balboa-- MJramar It M St .................... 7:40 Miramar • ~tral ........ _ ... _ 7 :42 Main It Central ... -............. -... 7:~ Eut Newport .. _ .............. ~ ... 7:47 1m N..,.n .......,.. Kr. and Mn. a.....wt. A;,lu and o..ca. .._ ..._ Mit chllqreo of Ontario &rf' occupylnl Cftdlt Tnm~ the fiome of Rev. and Ura. E. D. Broken Lt'Mee DupUcattd Goodell while U\e lattu are on ·-...;;;...:.;.;.;..;.;...;;;;;..;,;.;:.;;;;;...;;::....;;::;.;;.;::..:.;:.::..--! lhelr vacaUon for ten daya. .BERNARD • of ' HOLLYWOOD 'Distinctive · Tlwtography at Reasonable Prices For Appointment Phone Npt. Bch. 2216 Visit Our P ortrait GaHery in the BALBOA INN ARCADE Open 1-2 :30 to 9 :30 p. m. Daily ~pent aome Ume IJl WtJtlco Clty Jl'ender pant• w•re the attrac· Bearb ,,.,. Y""'' whllf' he wu 1 rlvtl en,;lneertna at C'ai·Tf't'h and along the cout. norlb ot ¥a· tlon ot lbe week for IIJ'bl·fln,;ered .Wf ••·r~erant 111 thf' fiAAAJl. hr· Thf' third l'han&f' wm be Wary zauan and .. y1 •he Hnda eo10-folk, llfld C H. Boh•h, 112 Crylll&l "'' ..,., '"'"'' •·lttt th• •y .. tlerart·j Hill l>f tlf'ddlna. <'lallr Mh" t. a del war Ule moet be&ulltul place avrnu.-, Balbo& laland. loet two me.nt JT11<1uat~ "f \t vt (' at n.rkelf'y alone tbe co&.L She n:pect.e to Buick fendn panlll. while anoUwr M111 Nr\\l••n ato:rHII wllh h•r and ...... on the fat•ulty of t.h" make her home bere 800n. car loet a aktrt and two chrome hullhand In lhrlr rho4re of a tutu,.. C'4l&iln<a Utah !M'hool Hhe eut"· Wr11. 8. W. Blackbe&rd, :us Or· banda. hom~ ,....,.,._ th• fMm•r Mtaa Paratt.e u chid avenue. honored Wn. ~ra.ld Harold Tracy ot Whltll<'r hr<J Latin and RJ~nl•h trlll'hft' RJtchle, 1415 F'lnt a noue, aDd the hub ca p •tolen from hla car BIRTHS M.ra. FTaDk Bo~"Jnan. Santa Ana. and three boy• were br>oked for Mr anr! Wra toA!wa nS Lef\11;, wilb a birthday luncb~. Thur• the lhrlt A diUifhlrr wu bon, Aulf t8 Tunlrn of ('<li'Ofla, pas--nll of Mrw l day. Tbc.e pre•nt wert' Mra. BuUdiDc materia.la are be(tft· at 8t J n.,.rh'e bOIIptlal tu Sat Paul Alltttun, 171M WMt Oc-ean Ralph Waakey, Mr. C o nra d oint; k> ~ eecured lite eu y way, and Wn William Oumble, s410 F'nmt. whu lf'fl l"f'('f'ntly tnr her Chook, Mn. 0 J Roberteoo, Mn. and A. H Pe._ ot U\e laland OrMn F'n •nt llndc..-tnnattlon <'00,.. t •lf' ow. 1 Don Ha.ll, and Mrw. Louie Baltz. ~ally company rep<>rt.ed tbe theft Oapt •n•l Mra John Shadf'C'k Wavu at Smith f'ollrltl, han Wr. and Ur11. William Middleton, of lll'indoww and doon from a 3aa Ony• avrnur, Balbna leland, I bo>f'n vaca tlnnlna 1n thr latt•r'• San P'ranclt~ro, vtalted ber IT&Jid· hou~~e undff conatrucUon haYP • lt>\ll hnm Aulf 28 at 81 aparlmf'nt pare.nt.e, Ur. and Mr.. Albert ArtJclea reported loel were a Joeeph'l huarllal I -- Bowen. 218 Goldf'nrod avenue, pu,.., by Mariun Cbllda of Santa lih' anti Mr• ICAirh rr .. wfnnl. PuBLIC NoTICEa Sunday. Ana : a wa.llet, by Dean Dril'ht. 20T llland avf'nur Ralbna. •r• the ___ _ Utu Hmrl•tta Poole. San Ga· 933 Killian etrf'et, F.l Monte-; a p&nnta ot a daurhter, bom Au« br1el, vtalled MrL Earl Orf'll, 310 watch . by Huel Bradley, ~nta 2t at thf' Ornngr C'uuntv hn.pttat Mari&old a venue, Wedneaday aDd Ana, and a waJlt>t by Henry Hayn, Mr llnd Mn Paul, Rntlf'rt.ann. Thureday. Newport. 13& Jll't,.•lw•v. C'n.Ca Mr11111. a rr Mr. and Mr•, David Warkell, Arllcl•• found were-a wallet u,. p&l't'nt• or a ••n, whn arrlv .. •l 8('verly Hlll1, .pent Sunday wllb containing Sll\. a 1traw purw ~on· AU« 211 •t ~~ .l•lflf'Ph'a hnoopttal NOTICE OF INTENnON TO ENCACE IN THE SALE OF ALCOHOL- IC BEVERAGES. their aon, Richard Marktll and talntng SlO, and B. C' Baldwin, Mr anct ~lr•. Orrt• l"untc, 2M family, 802 Bejt'onla avenue, before\ Corona ilf'l Mar. rrp<orlcrl ttndlna VIctoria atr .. ••t, (.'nrota Ml'M are ~ I, IN4 golnc k> U\elr vaca tion at La«una. a wallrt btolnn~ttng tu Alfred Mtl· U\e parrnt... ,., • d&UIIhter, bnm T• .,._ II Mar o-: Mr.. Rlrhard Mukell alao .-ntr>r· '"'· ~36 Udo Nor.!. Or Arthur at 81 J<W•p~·· h< .. (lltal AUK 23 I Noll~ II ht'rt'by alvr n that ttl· talned her aunt. Mr.. Arthur Hurd t11me11 In a wati'h whh'b hi' Wr a.n1r t.(,. Ryl'ttn P'fl41lf'r. Rt. h"t'n da.ya aftl'r ttwo •bov• CS.tco. "'" 1 Fromme and daughll'r , Mrs. Guy I round on a fl'm'l' at Balboa. 1. C'ololn Mf'M. have a eon. born undt'nalcnf'd proorw-.. to wll ''"'' St!Kle, Altadena. a ft'W daya, Arruted •n rhari(U of lntmtl· Aua :!7 at the Ranta Ana Com· •hoUc bto¥~rqn at thf.M P"'"'lw-.., The Sunday ecbool molben of catlnn wen: Mary Lou!R Horton, munly hoalptt.t detlcrtbed u foltow-: lhco Community ('burch. met at 7920 ~outh Harrl4'r. Lo•• All!fttle•; A ,.1'10 " .. b"m 1,1 f '111,1 an,l 801 E. CENntAI. AVE, Mr11. Suart Delhi'• 008 Goldenrod, W illiam R C'ltOJ"<'r. PIO Eut Ray, Mr• Looul• Latltl. 133 Turquot•" JlALROA, NF:WI'ORT JlEA<,f I Tueaday. They cho.,. tht~ namtt Balboa. an.d Earl R. C"'totwlcoy. Van '"""""'· Ralbnll ll'lan•l ,.1 ~~ •1.... Punouant In Hlf'h lrlll'nlhtn, thl- Sunday S('hool Guild for lhrlr Nuy• 1 pn • hullpltal nn Alii! 211 llnrl,.,.,.l..,-oNJ ,,. Al•l•l> ln11 '" th.• Jrroup thlll t'llpt'!'tl! to fhl Rttl l.all~tlt•n $mit h. l...otflg 8«-uh,' ~~~t an.l ...... ICuvJMi ol ...... 111\1 ~I lilt• f"lllll.,, or ~-;,'""'''"'""l fill I'M"•!Is wurk thll! w lnl!'r T ht·y wlll j1trh·ln): • l •u•lgt' ""'' C'"ha1l"" IC 11.,1• llrf' lhf' f''"""'" .,, 11 <l.tUI!h I••Uflnl"<' n f 11n 11lrutw llr ht'\'t'l'tlll•' hnld 11 srH 1111 l\n<t r u Ill(' lh•• Ja~tl rnrnl. 6100 lll ock, <'nul HIJ;h 1,.1 bvm !Ypt :1 ,.1 Sl J"""l'll ,. Ill'''""' '"I h•···n ... ••l lur til•'"' I ThurBdAy on !'t'pl t'mhr r 8t lhf'l \l.h\' lltiVIIlJ: ll Rlllrk hl!d t hl'atl h• 'l'llal Jlf"t·ml'f"' "' r,.u,.~, I humc• nf Mrs LuNk, lliR o._.,,ln 1 •·n •·•111.1! ••n \!l ith olamag" t n thf'lr ~I aft Mj.tt ,.n1l lit It , I ,1 ( 1N SALt; 1\t-:t:n ANil \\'IN I-: btlllll'\'llnl, at twelvt• noon All srP 1r•'IIJll'ltltf' Cllrll -..hkh "•'' • '"''~ "'lft m•. IM•., J>I IIIOIMI,..MI""'; ;~~~ II"' ~AI.~: I IISTII ,I.~:l• Sl'l lll~ I'Xpt'ClPd l {t brlnjt tho•tr lun. h lind I" l h·· III·WUV l{llraa(' I I I •r· lh na I r ' I An\ On•· fl··-lrlrtll l•t IH"I··~· llt·· I .. 1 •• • • f ,.-rrn 11 " " """ , • off~., will bl' al'rVo'<l ' A FnHt IN'tl"n, r•·~el144 rf"t·•l t n 1,1 bom Autr 3 1 ,.1 ~1 ,1,,.. •h,. "'IHIIII'" 11f •Ill I~ 11•·•·1"''' IIIII) lilt•" I , M ill!< C rnr .. 1'\lchnh•rtn, l'n""flt n• l'llul T1lyl11r, 1..()• Altoa. bar k.-d 1 ·•·pllnl 1 \'l•nfh'll pm ll''' v.llh' I hi' Sf11l<• nrt coJir (·tl)r nr null. IJI a f.'\IUl l lnln ~nol hr•1kl' nrr n f•n• hvolrantl \ dauahtf'r "'"" 1~11 11 ,.1 111,.1 1\.~onl c•~ J..qunlln111un 111 S111'11o "' Mr. and Mr11. t'urroll )\, King. ·'' :uo Apt>l.-na "''""' llalb<•a :-:.wta Ana Domllm nth 111111 ,11,.1 .. n mc•nh•. ( 1oltfomlr1 'tnlln,: ~.rru111ul• 1:130 Poppy 11vconur, thl1 wel"k Sh.-l~tlnnd. •·llh a J f'aultm.: I<\IYIW'r !"• rt 1 1,1 M r anll M 1w . 1••1 tlt'lllnl I" l•r11vlrll'fl hy lnw f waa prC'vlout~ly lh~ 1<\lt'l!l uf lhrq unttl t hP w"trr wu .. hut nrr c· Morrow. l l:l 2r1111 ·.:~·•·I , ';;.::" . <11~7'-'TJ-.H M STII.I. I Arthur StcwllrtA, Pa~tntl••n". whn l'l••r~rtle11 frmn thf' H arb,. 'l l"•rl DMl'h ' · Nv :.!(;76 WHAT -lOT SHOP hnltve~ ........... Pldare ......... PaUoudlJaftztt 1 ...,....,.B•n••• ...... ............. W~1t'a Yo1r a.M Mt 307 Palm Avenue Balboa ..... HIITIIO liliES Belt of Steel-Larp S.___Boae Handle LeatiJer c .. •Sse sw• $1.75 Pebke <ltocker and Bra(elet ....... $451 ----III IIT KE C EIVED---- Importa of Hand Made Art~ln from Guatemala BALBOA GIFT SHOP At The Fairy Landin« are summering at na.tbo• MIMI I Mn11t••r's nftlrco Wt'rP hu1y , I.Joyd Mr. and Mra. Hl'n .I Wllltman, l'uh S1•p1 7. 1!H4 N~h~1on. ~~rr nf lhr 1~11AtiPnA 1 J,~n~m ~rklng UJl VInce Df' 7h~ H~~trol• l\rlvr Oonm" d~ ~~~-----~~~~--------------~----~--~~~~~~~~ Orie-ntal Art Gallery. L<•11 Rnbh'fl, Mnr:w Rnll Lrwl1 flit'kenaon of Mnr have a ltOfl •~•rn Au 30 81 buill th.-m nlfl lllllhcontlr C'"honeM I"'" An~r•lu nn a chargo• or mall· St Jn-.ph'l hoa 11111 g archll t'Cturel building In thlll r oun·l t lt'Klll mlachlef, whton they were I> CHRISTIAN'S HUT Balbo&, CallloraJa DELICIOUS FOOD ... COCKTAIL BAR DINNERS ... BANQUETS Leonard Marshall. Manager lry. Hn bullollng &ntl C'totnnl' tttught !r~p&a.~ln~r on a hnat, anti y gnrdena wert' • II(~Urt'f' or IUTIIU;C'-1 four m lln' boyll werr Pll'krll up our Friends mrnt ann admlmt111n t•l rromlnrnt 1 fnr 11teat1n~ thin~• from a private And MJ•ne Cblnu• who vtRIItd h"r art tral·l float lrry. Rh•• IR 11n 1111thnrrt y '"' 11 1 ---- collt'Ck>r M w.-11trm IndiAn t...-Pat Waldron Will Mr an!l Mn (;,.,.,~;,. 1-'llllll "' krlll Het rollt'Ct lonl ~or ("hlnt•v a nti Japanur art hav.-bf'•n pur· Enter the Service IIUld e<m Wayn ... ~.n c '"'" l"t "'''" !CIItlll!< f<lr ... YI'r11l tiRya lot•l \ll'l'l'k 1 cha.af'U by muJM•umll In tx• i;ivfl n 1111 mf'mort&ll• Th r Chllll llnll ~"v" thrlr n rst art eahlb4Uon In lhl11 rounlry In her art gallny Rht' re· 1 rl'ntly haa Jivrn the bulldlnl' lo II'BIM> to lhf' city ur Pau.den&; hf'r ' a im hal bt'en to have It for a nurlcoua for the Puadena Art 1 Ce-nter. She malntal.na her homf' l in the bulllln~ and hu a amaller 1tudlo on South Jo;uclld. '•I th• hnm .. nt Mr• Alntn l(,.lh Pat Wahtro.n, 11on fJf Mn ,,,.,. 27th •tr'f'et tru1lf' Wttldrnn, Yo•f'll knuwn llll8ncl 1 MI .. Uf-vt'riY llllna,.n lll•o ::Hfh rea.ltnr, .. 111 br lfldurtf'•l lntn th•1 •trePt wu a· 1\tllf'al Thu•••l"v ,., mllllllry IIPrvke Rt>pt II. Pat re-1 MI .. Mu:.tnr Krarmrr 111\lho•" 111 • t>nl ly rtoturru!IJ from Honolulu I lun~ a t Vlrtur Uu~o:n ~ '"'"""" wh•rt hi' wu .-mploytd tn IIUC· Ol'ach , rnarul busln•• tor •vf'ral y.-an.l Ml• Marlr Harlorr ,,, I; • All l(l'lH 14!tt Fr1fl&y 11tl•r "1"'11•1111 1: BUY MORE 'niAN BD'OREI n•arly a Wf'C'k with hr1 "''"'' ~,,,. BACK THE A1TACK C G. PortH Jr., 4 tllt ~t1•·•·t Ro·deo and Speed~T rials D"llrlm11 Sea FOOIU Or, C'nmpiC!tf' fQUipll'lrnl whf'fl Y"" Wllllt to eatrh yuur ftwn at Bob Skiles Place 15th and Placentia Sts. COSTA MESA SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 10 and every two weeks thereafter Seginning at 1 :30 p. m. BRONC RIDING KIDS' RACF.S STAKE RACES STEER RIDING COWBOV RACES IIARNI"..SS RA~ CALF ROPING SOVEJ~TV RACES OOWGIRL RAC&'l FREE FOR AU RACES PURSES GIVEN IN WAR BONDS TBOROlJORBRED SPEED TRI.AUi ADM18810N M<-pha ... tax Eatrt. eu IN! _. a& the p:oa1ldl ap to Noon 0. day of the race or TelepiiOM Npt. Bch .. n!% LUNCH ON mE OROUND8 .HORMEN FISH MARKET 0111 CENTRA L AVEI'o4UE , lllt:W~OAT UEAGH NAGGING BACKACHE ' '\ I I •, ., I ... ' • \ II '·. ', I I I You are riding because ten million of these boys are keeping your oil fields safe from born bings THINK IT OVER when you pass one hitchhiking TURNER'S 105 WJIJIT 4ftl 8ANTA ANA ' ~ . . ,, ~·'I ... ~et~· Me4'J!i f ;:s,~Mn.lli llfde .. lotlllr tf Comely Patr Take Over Palm-Palm lid or Yienll; fl*·e-., Mesa Wlftr, llliat II wtiM ....... I •• _... AJ)o• e I ·• TWo comely local lusiH havp .,_.., ~~ .I :, . tabo over the manaaenwnt ot the ... ~ ~ Mrs. EJean01: .MadWoa Huston, believed to be the oldest Palm-Palm Drlvt!\ln Cafe. 1884 . ........ ....... ...... -Quldc ! l: I tw w• .. r ~··MI~ woman in tHe Mtrbor dlstrtet. di('!J Tuesday momlng ln Santa I N-wrt Boulevard Costa Mesa. ,. •• I dW ...... ., ,..... l••rt II• II o\t(l ..... ol'int Ana at, tNs .. IJ" ot 96 )'aft. Mothe r of Dr. c. G. Huston, Vl•IAn Lanadale' and Marw!e c:arpet. ... bol-. eh•·rltrn " ' 1'11 f ' 111 It~ '' prominent in civic and ~ affairs, the nonagenarian, who Dargatz wiU open the l.'atlna spot h•ur 111"'111'" •:'' 1'""' ,.. .. ,. ·•· :.trot ; had tx>en In fairly good th. up to two years ago, passed on September 12 and will be open •I"'")' 1\lj(hl j,,,,lo\t. Ill• l...o• II >hhlp I> , ~UlJ ~ery day eXCI.'pt Thursday rrom I" llllnll nt~lntl l!t·od~ •. :.'''''' "A'11111 1"~~ •• ~ !lrn.•lc~~ "111 I» held 1:. a .m. to 2 a .m .. whlc.h takes I •·•· "'"11 '""'"''' .,( .. __ Ill . 1-'r'~·Jftl' n ut 'J. o'd ock 'ti'OIIl Hums & Kennedy care of almost all tht' posslblt> eat· (Jfftt-r' ~ r•·• ~., ··•J II • • • 111' 1 1 1' 1 ) ' Ctt 1 c ,1 Ill-. ing llours out ol each twt>nty·four. l nmt ~tl l:t :11, "111 "l·•·n 1· H. '·•' tho~ 1 "",.. Upt'a,t 0!1a.la .__: 8 La Caf Sizzlina T·bone ateaks a nd • I I l I II n an.. ....... '•mgrc•st um paa .... ,. uy guna e· • ···' t ---:---. The fourth "Be~rd ol Hol~y­ wood" photography 1~ed In Santa Ana lhla c!lliW' IJ"-'1~% Eut F'ourtb atreet over tbt LOr· enz L'lamond Co. Ber nard !!lrnlth ""lll be manager ot t..be new. lltt111lo, which wtll op- t ratl' lndepe~~dmt.Jy with an por- ~t world o li& iomJIIfted locally . Ot..ber. atudlos are locatl'd lD Bal· 00.. Palm _.lnp Md lfoUywood. Quality Lumber uul Buildiaa Materiala • COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. R. t!. HOITt!TLt!R PhOfta 41 ,.:,. llunttn,.:t••fl 1' ~ 1 "' '' • "" .. ,1, 1 ... , 'llwy aro· Rev Fred ' .outhem fried chicken are only ,,, I"'' '"'vi I '"I : ,,, ""' ~ .. :,• I 1'-' .. 1 lrtrt~lt~U8 ur lhf' 1-'lrat Cburch Drop Local Deal two ol the deUciOWI specials that I Ill• IHIIol "' J!•l tl •t l•·•·l ""'' (' ... , ... , I. d n -· the ~lrls will feature, aJ Wt'll as I I I I r. 1 .. ,. , on S>1n 111 Ann an ev. • .... T • I ''' .t• ,,,r• '"" • 1 • · 1 '· ' • , , l or ol Uw short o~n for breekfut. un-~ ,, ~ M -t'YAATION AEPT .••• . WDLUM Clrpet .Works GORDOI B FIIDLAY CONTRAOTO& ... BUILDE& '' tl . n '''"' "'Itt h • ., " "' IIi Si'hnl<'k. p;t ''<~~ at .• ~~-'nal ,..__ ~'rank Bu-· and J im Kl'n--.. y, cheon and dinner 111,1 1 ttl~ S<-oulhWI·~trm .on~n·~:auo .......,. ,_ ,..,.. VI . ._ __ ._ __ · ___ ,_ 1 M 1 ~ , t.•n·nr•• lnt•·rml'nt 10 Watmlft-"ho ~ceotly putch&Md Roaal'a vtan , ..... """" -.-..tant or r . ~ •'• It• """ ~··· .... " "'' '"' .. r t ,, ~r .. r. ''~tf~ At Corooa del Mu . now and Mn. McKay, fonner ownen~, ... -......... ..._ ..... Aaa Del · SANTA ANA MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR OUR SPECIALTY ''"• ''' t. \\ olluorn l l••rllo•rt :O.:rl:l•·n Mr.,. I hL'ton Wll$ a direct dee· lo.nn.,.·n u t..be Corona lkl Mar for !lOrN! tl~. :!•I ·•·•:tl !'\un•..t 1''1\11"' '"'1 I.<"' ;\n· r• ndant or pr••,id('nlh nod R.eYolu· I ,,r~. have jullt bought thi! Brolll'r ---· ------ 1'' ••' 11n1l t•l .. nl " • J hli•o, P'JI '' BUY IIOU THAN BEFORE 1111,.1 Alllr·d 1 , ~It··• ,(I, .,,11, r~ ll•otl,t ry \\'ur ht>roet-t1 She ~a l'al~ at 210 South Cnaat Hlgbwny. .I •• f' Cabinet Shop Service <Jmce c ablaet Sbor and m lltlnry 1.,1,, •• :-;, • .,.1.,11 ,,111 thlr•! •··~•·•n ~"' Prl'~l ••nt a.....:a· Lltl(una Beach. c•·r• .,. ,.111 t .. 1,.~11 'f'th110 tovrnt" •'1'\ fa)'"' ShP ulso "'as a .,_t· l 'hanll had b~n mack to buy Tb~ IIJW lltJC:H I$ £NOUGHT c .. •t~< M··~n 1.,,. 11,.11. •ut ,.~ II.• l:l·•l"lt.l.ou~;htl•r ,,r M IIJ()r ~ ~l'&shtll Cafe at Balboa from Cua f IPv.rrt 10~ hr '"''nh..,.li ,., \\ ollid.fu;ru~l.uc J.Jl the R.evoluUon 1 TIWliJI,. but-~..deal-wa. ..not ......_.-IP ~A..., ~:an1r b 1 1 11 """ 1"""""-.c·d a spoun mac» tr.n • umpl•·ttod and t..be LAcunn 8l'acb a_ POfiOH .. -~ _, Wfi j 1r.:_. _..._•_Use large enough bulbs Mlft Cout Blvd. 40'7 SOth St. Pbooe U2 Ph. %388-.1 l'IEWorv&T BZACB. CALIF. eves with : Go6lf Light" I • Have enough lamps • Shade all bulbs to a void glare •rv-·rttl I.A.J8 Au.,:•• • ~ n • '"' rt. • K' 1 11 ___._ _.._.,.. ..... ...,.. .... I I I lh·· •ll\•·r l<~wklt>s or h1~ un onn. • ,.,,. wa• purchakd lnal~ad. -__ , •- ' whl• h '""' .,,,,n un• •·r •ur' "'• ·"'' · ,_ ..... ,_ '-"' ... • __, 111 ·•·lrltthm tH otlv•r nwmt>nton ol lk au.lu ~food ther~ wUI be ....-, ., ._ , .,.._ r .. r '"''111t' 11111'' :h11.,. ,.1,11> tla)'· rnt•·ru.Jnmrnt and dancing every ~ _...__ 'I flllf t' ol .u • '' ....... ~1 HI"V '"""'I t Tu d I --11t•' th·t~·a,..,'tl Wh;, t.o1rn at Wind· 1111: II "xr <-pt ~a ay. t 1e Cft/l' be· ~ '"'"" 111 " "" ,., 111' '"":'·'"" "1 o.{lr ~111 .. J t.nu.•ry 13, 96 yl'an aco· In~ !lolled on that clay '11 1''""" "'' ·•• 1 '' '" tl ., ,.,,. st .. • l'a m!' tn co~ta !'t1CA nearly ONE A D A" ················································~ FOR BUILDING INFORMATION -See -I''' ta~ot "'-•• 11111 .:,•l·•'··•\" •o '••·f" 1lnt1 ... _.... ~I Ill lh• I Ill tllll• 1'111 ' I 'I.. Nt-1-a quart••r .,, II ····ntury IIJo:,O ..... en·'Mesa Couple w.·ns • Us. ll'ght-colored shader I ~~ I tlt·tl ttl/ '... ,. " A.. '. ··•l •okt·ll d••lorf'd lwr:-•• ·11 to hundrtods by her I • 1 1 .1 1 1 •. tn l•1<ttulo· norurc· a nd churmlnc w~. D S •t .._ OOO..A Da1" ~ V"-mftl 1 , •. ,w . 1"' 111'" , •• ,, • ,. ••• ~· 1 h h amage m Bay District Lumber C~ . • Sit close to the light • Keep bulbs and fixtures clean llrl ,, H'fl ,, .. ;.1 11, , ,.1 ,, ·L ,.1 , , f"· Sl"' mnde ho·l hum<' "' I er IOfl A..,. D T.w.e .. ..-.~ ;., VII• 1 1 1 1 • 1 1 und h1s wtlc•, !Jr and Mn. C. G. .., A .-1 D..,_., •-.-1-1 "1ftiJtnc'••. :~· 11 •· 1 .'' 1llu•ttm. Anoth••r son ~ at ... '' e ... -' ~ ""• 0 11 1 1-<lUnllll!-' 1 ... 1.. IH>u:-o .. t••lou • ( )uklnnd Thrr•• nrc three Knnd· • J A. Williams and Mra. Mary ...... , ••••••• Uelte4 ... , .. I ''"''' llllll I 111\fl,.'•' ~110\ I 'm·en· Ann William• of Coorta Weaa do ..... e I I • 1 .. , 1 1 rhtltln •n 1 711111•, :>4, ~tlftlo ~'~"I"'' 11'•1 • It' nl( _ DOt hiiVl' to 8h&rl' proflta fl'om the C '•If-Y-....... , - Ill>'• lv••tl In lh•· ·••I IJoorv, ,.. I "'"" fl1h caught on thl'lr boat with tetillll n.,.. ...... v;,....,. c:- ,•, l)t"lfiJ< "''" ... I pnno lf'lll Ill tile c. of c. Plans for Mra Luf'lla J. WcNiah l'V~D ....,_ ........ _... SOOOUa* r11••• thoutfh ahf' did a dvance WUII&ma fll V...... A _. JOO U.._ el ~ WALTER S. SPICER, Owner Sta State Highway At The Arch., Newport Beach Phone 1150 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• H•tt D Da 7 ... o. ~ ...... _ ... , .. , • ~hmlly Hfl o" .' ... ,.~117K0'>8 ~r-I er oom y 11 60 to buy the craft, according ... ----........... Greet ing Carda and a Great V.arlaty of unu•ual Glftt rnl. a "'""'"n t ··l•·lfl,. 1·-N<f'•"'· .. 0.· I tu Supt'rtnr J~odg~> Kennl'tb E. e "WE INVITE YOU TO Bf\OWSE AROUND" 74~ l"•olltlo llar.lrv ~•• t Mo·t 1•---Mnrrl.,.,n In a dnm1111:e ault agalNt ~ C E. LOUCKS hf'll•• ""'' ~ ra11k I '' ot I'•• .... n,.,·" ~1"'''' C'I~UI Ml'Sjj 11 an unlncor the Wll)la.ma ..,=.:r.,;_ '-tMI!L • poualo.O llrt•o tht• Olamber or ~ . JEWEL .. Y and ITATIONE"Y 44 ro·tttm l"o 1.1 Jl,. TU>.I.r "•· II•" •k f -ra Mr Nillh had ronteml~d Olamonda • Watehea • F ine "•pairing hltlf'<•UI 11nt1 ""' 1 ., ·r·· l .. k.·n Into C'umm•·n·r Hlh ••~o ran>do ~~ny Ulat, elnlf' atlt' advanr~tl the 1 1 ••• udy r •r tiro.,;., 'ln•·h ~~~~~r~~,."',~t'~hl' '':n~unlty t.ha:h: 117~ to• m a kl' lht purchu~ ot .,!'~ :_1..:! !, • ~ r::: 1717-H N:!';:t=.~~~-: .... Calif. lhl' boat. ahr ..... ,. " p11rtnrr !o -======~=====~.!_:===== Western Auto Has New Owner M r nnrl Mr.. \\' 1 '. T11111• o "·" ,. pun·hn'•'ll till• ftxturo •• .mll bu•o· nC",,. of ttw \V••,t••rn Aut11 Suppl.l ICtOI"l' Ill (''"''" l\lt''ll anol \\Ill m.tk•• lh1•ir hom" hl'l t• Cit) Oll;t•nllatwn othNw iae WOUII1 thl' flahlnJt ""d anoulll shan ln - h.tndk half tht hoott ,. prnllt.tl from ill! AI ttw lu•l mt·••tmg 1 the dlam· l"x~dltloa• tu M"u. !'lh~> M id thu l•·r·. plan' "',.,-,. ma<ko or the dn~ •hf' had ,..,., <'1\'i'cl rrpaym~nt of ""''" lltiiPt "" lrongf'r ill a rnfJ\IIn• part or hl'r 1>1\'Uiment. out wu tu 1 hot Y.orld I Alllu~rch 11 '' fully real~ U\111 d<•nh'IJ partn• r"hlp 8Lilndmg: \\'11-ll!lm• cnntl•noll'<i that he had c;f. th•· \luwnt.oll or littler wUI be only th•• ltr't •I•'P m IIW winnln1 ot th•· ..:luhiol \\,11' h)' the Alliell, tho• C1wnllw·r .. r t'nmmf'rc•. at ttw-11 "'''"' 1111.: :\l11n!lily m~ht voted to r ... IJIIO''' mo·n ·hanl,. nr Colt& Mt',.ll fl'rf'tl fil ii rc1•aymt'nl. FOA INSURANCE SEE Howard W. Gerriah ltol•l-111 Jill n w 11 h ut hl'r l'ummunltles 111 l'ln,.lnc llu•1r JIIUt'\'S of buslrwl's "ho·n t hi' ~;lull I irllnp comt·~ thnltt~lt unniiU0\'1111; the unconcli· llunal ~urrt·ntlt•r u l Gror1nany. I Tho•y l•nm•· '"''" ntll:holnl, IIIah wh••n· th") luul n '1111111or llu~mo''' lht• Cnrnl>lo· '1111 o• I 'flw '''""' ,. "" "''' 11f t lw int'Sil '411" U:ol'tol lltll<lhur) 2618 W . Central Ave. Motor Tunf'-t 'P' Carburt'tor aad JplUoa Adjtl!'t.mfoatA Fur tory Tralnt'd Carhur••tnr SJX'('inlist wr-ni!'O hnndll' nnd rnn ' ror MARINE MOTORS ll's Clarace ALLEN GLOVER 1 I!! Apt.-Aw . Balbo& ...... Newport Bueh. Calif. Phone 453 Automobile • Fire Accident • Life Tlw Jlllln RliVii!ol>d ill ror bualnl ..... ~ t l> c·,•asl' IITUl'ltoduttt•ly if the rwws I c-mws t hrou~;h durm~ 1 hi.' monW1r or ('arly nflt•moon houn1, re.~n· lng 'on tM fl>llo" In~ momlna. U UctnH and Contract thf• nt>Ws is nnn•lunl.'o-cl d urinc t.hf Bonda WrttU!l ,ev~ or olghL how-,.., ~ ·-------------!w ould IX' I'U~po·nlll'(l on the fol· !lowing da~ A numiX'r or olhc•r lfllr~tiODII Wt'rc dil§(.'U!<S«.'C'I anrl th•• ~··crctary, F' B. t >wo•n. on• I P ro•,tlirnt R. W. llartint' rcportt'd on 11 m<'<'tm;: ol I tht' Coast ll!I."41CI8110n Whll'h (My hnll attl'nrlt~ at lluntm~;tun llt•ach. 1Mrs. C. H . Rid ley .Honored Before Depa rture for North Mr' (' (;, Hm•l"n t<'t•'nlly ••It'D· pllml'nt••d l'\1no l'. II. l:t.JIP)' wbo "Ill '"'"'•· 8hnrtly '" ltvo• In Ya- k ima. \\'a11h.. with a buuttfully appointt'<l oJ•·-rt -brlol~·· In tMr 1\oml'. 1:>3 F:lllrt 18th 8tretl, ·C(Oh say can .you see- By the dawn's early light What so proudly we hailed At the twilight's last gleaming?" ------ A IPCE'·C'OVtred tllnlng tahlt ap- pointl'll wtth 11 rt nltrpll•r• ot coamoe 11nd whtlC' ta~n. jrl'f'tted lhl' jt'\ll'lla on the RAILROAD Tbnae bi•ltltn tnrludt cl Mnu•11 P. 1 V l'arkn. Cttarlea H&nd J ~- 1 Shearrr . lJ. C. ldaLI-<•·nz~o \\' 11!:. ll:kk('ll J M C'•w•1w1 1u.o1 Wra. 1 RHilt\'. I Mr~ Hu11ton pri'81Pnlf'.f lhP hon· 1 orl'~ wtt..b a lovtly girt Each year more than 3 billion board ft!et of Ameria's timber is desuoyed by forest fires. The carelessness of honest, law-abiding American citizens is the cause of mo of this loss.. A lighted match thrown carelessly aside, a campfire left l>urning, a cigarette flipped from the window of an automobile. ,, ...................... ,.. - learn while ·-.. AIIIUIISNIT A noll-P .I. u .................. ,w .. . ,, .... -... "•itM-........... ..... c ..... "...,...,. S......He'- Fraitht H.Mtsu .., Tntdtwt lift.-art<l Le,._ He .... Si,nel ... ,. M4 s;, ... t.M .. H.,,. ... fra~ c .. c~ ...... ert<IHe ...... ._...,.,.w.w.,H • .._. ...... .,. .-4 Hei~-Trad., S.....-4 ..... ~ .. 0 ..... 0..11···- DriJI!ar n ......... o, ...... , .... llactnc-, ...... . c. .......... ,.,. 11 s s ' A.l.-flt~l·i• ......... I Two Homes Saved By Mesa Firemen r Thrnu~h lhl' I}Utr k nn•l f'f lrlrnt r~e.·tonn t•f lhl' ~011lll :11••!<3 <nhlll- tr••r ltrc-tlepllrtml'nt '"'" homl•S an.l pr. Jl"rty volu••·l nt $ro(WW'\ •·~re lrtl\'1'•1 IRJII Wtf'k Tho' fir~ \\ hh II ltl .. ko· • ut 1\l 1~:31) pm . C'll\'f'ro•ol '"\•'II •lnd a hnlf II< 1'1'8 tiC J:rll .. •~ ''' lltlfnlltt>n """ :o\nnll•·tm ,.; r•·• t.• Ill<' ol•ll~r n( t h•'J•r~fWI Iy n .. tl~•n,.: kr •• ·. I AT LAST tHE' FAMO US ~AI:? l2 f)tt~ \Viii BE' Available for Sport Fishing After September lOth \\'lth Mar1la and BroatJ ... a ._ lt wt11 bt-a real th rill h> hunt tht-big flsh m the futRt boat In the bay. The Arrow "~ at 2t k...e.. and has a top speed of 35 knotc:.. so she can rnti~ the ftltlre area from Balbo.'\ to c~talinn to San a~..•mf'l"ltf. For ReaervatiC118 CaD Newport 2470 I I :!' This year there is greater danger than ever. There are fewer men to police our forests ..• and almost no one left to fight fire. It is important that YOU do your part ••• another way you can auve your country. 1. 2. 3. 4. REMEMBER THE RULES : CRUSH OUT your cigar, your cigarette, your pipe ashes. BREAK your match in two, then pinch until it's dead. DROW N your campfire; then stir and add you leave . more water before ASK ABOUT THE LA \V .•. and a permit . then follow safe rules and kill every spark. ALWAYS BE CAREFUL An extra min- ute of ca ution may save vital watersheds and a hun~red years of forest growth. Co11lribultd ii'I'IIH Public lni~~JI ., IN s,wns oJ I&STSIDB BJ;IR II-~ . ~ . " • • :... . . .... ,,, ...... 101 ANOILII I&I.WING CO .. LOI ANGUli if you mmt burn; •. ~hool $42,234 By ..., .. _,r .... for 1943-44 Stale .upport of t.IM Newport Bdcb elementary adloOOl d letzlct totalled f42,234 t~ 1t3t ... '-, tau.cl on aver-ace dally atte~e o( I'm puplll. 111 1932·33: ~• year lmmedlallly pn~eediAc lh~ tra~.-­ fer or COWily .cbool wpport to tbe alate, the -..u prov1ded $P.· 6t8. tor 328 avera~ dally atlf'ad· &IIC. tor the d&.tnct, c..llfomla TUp&ytffl' ~tlon et&l~d lo- ll&y, analy&lnc lhe trend or lrt.ate aid f<~r pubUc •choola In CalifOC'· ui&. lslaml·lelident Gi¥eri :Pe&tlaanious Medal for Son A w a r de d poart.bumoullly. )r&ra. P"ranr•a L&reen. 222 Onyx •treet. Balboa bland, wu preeenl~ wllh \h• lafutne" M~dal at 11 a .m. ktli~-Y ... Bnll.~bftl&lf ~ br eon. Cal'! Hl"nry L&rwen The citation, '•tgned by Admiral 1i:. IJ, Lend. adm1nilltrator, War 81Upptft~ Admtn&.tratlon. .aid tn part : "M r. L&rwn -. IOIIt whm hla lhlp, the 8 .8. Nathanl~l Haw- thornl', wu ln~OI!d and IIUnk bv lht' t"ru•my Nov. 7, 1~" · Tht• Af 11'11ntra Ml'dal curruponde to lht" Arrr Y'fJ ~~ ~art IIIJid 11 av. anled l l.'&ml"n "who •utrn In· jury u a ri"I!Ult ot en~my a ctiOCL" The prewnlatlon wa• !~lad~ by l!:na1en F. s. Haynu. u s . ..an. llmt' Servlct . a.u•aa.nt l'nrolllnJ offlc~r of the 12th Area. In Or&Dfe eouoty, Ita~ •uppnrt tor the elementary achool dlltricll for JIH3·oH t.ot&ll~d ,1,047.437. fOf' 18.062 alementary pupil• In an~ age dally attt'nd&nc~. In 11182-33 •late mpport t~ UM Nementary .:boot 111atr~t• Ia Uwa county totalled .515.802, for 11,673 puplla In avva«e dally attebdt.oce~ the an ... e. lu 1932·33. elrmentlll'y ussoclallon found. llrhool aupport totillel!-$20, for 688.2117 pupii.JI ia a vrrare dally On a a&.atlfwlde .._ llt.at.e aid attendance . to the el~me.nt.ary 11Choo&. aaount-• ell lo $46,6:11.293 for 1943·44, but'd JUit a il~ provea N.,.... on 688,867 avwa,.e daUy athnd· 'J'Imft Lea~l'lhlp! NEWPORT-BALBOA ....... e Coeta Mesa News M 1: ~ .4t lr I ~;in~!. .. ~r:b,c;a~ II~) ~y ~ with their daUJhJn and IIOD·ln· F II P I 0 F I T law, Wr. and Mn. R. H . Harm<M. 'l'wo OIMa MHa _ _ _ Ia .. ........,. .. ., W9' _. Mft ...-at 1M War .._, _______ __.: _______________________________ ..._ __________ ,. "~:· i~':Jrt~ ., U.r ~~.'}X~-=:s:s .!'El.t• w~;:. 1ROA'IR. IUPN.IU 41 :::':~~101111 I "f'IUim'tJIIa POa 8AUI-J dutlnatlon~-...or.-z-• ..,j 145 oftheP"+I'f~ ~ -~ t YACIIT ANll MA't 'T.'',..I oNC&ay.ar MaM..a.aa.rtwatt.~N ~,,.. E. • n-n-r 0 , .... 77 ...... of thf' county. ~ O( w. boat_ • 1 L'-\l( .... 1 "' .... N ·•··•·-! ''•n..,...•v h•w• a ~~a--• ._ <XU ~ I ~" .......... """( r '" h' r .. ry r;•lth> ;r.\11 ,.,b, !It Jo"NT Cc•..-~··( .,... r' -" -·.-¥ .... t'W ~-·· .... T"'""""' • -~- .\.QA ·~ 'I'M~ ... la..,C.albtn 1• • J!I'VIol. :_ ll .. 11f)') ~·· ... ·\4W'f\-'•'tl~, •ll..t .... ona , o ft •)Ala, jlalV •'Ualll, Wb1le 6o-..., l tnt' b\l<'k IUid I" QeM&lratlon tJt &M6f' A.HJO- IJ'UUta ol Mr. &lid l&.n. R. 0 . • So much mtlcln.: ~ lty '"'''"'1,1h._,,l rt'"'" T H lri<'1~ 111t1•r • 3.11' a u.S fl 1••, 100 tt buvv hut<'hu .. liiM lnower Itt . eo.ta VT.IWIAHY •• ,._,.. ~r Ia. &-. .,_ .... ~, ., __ ,_ •na --d wLll -. WM shown bv tile -"''lty ~ u ... .... .,,., .... , .••• " .. -1-• ......... --GUIK.Ja .,.. .,....,. R .... •• 1 .-•-r•t•••l 111 httr.J W••rk '"' !WI llf'JIIY , t''lrtaiun l'tor<i. ('•awa11 l'Ola. u · ,..,.... ,.,.. ... ~ ,..,.,, -'" .. _.'"' fl._ -• main ovt'r Uu• "'"" eD4. !babies undl'r on.-yeer tha• duplt-N•wpurt lOft ~ C'old ~Uora-t'aJIV•• *'" ., . .-hor, n~v"r ~~~. '"'""''' '" ""'Y del*'lm...,_ lafna. Km.netb Cooney wbo bM eat~ ~ -1'9 awarded. wttll 41~ ~i'lth ~· ="e"t'OII u •.• ~i; :.'0. ~II.I'Jlhlrf' Ave . ""'lxHI tel· ··~.)!( 14,\l.Jo: ~rav I'UJIIIIII~ ..... .. ........ )WII " ·-.. • be.:n maJUQc' her bome with M.ra. U~ W . Smith, .,._ ol ()aro T"ht>nl' l ~7 W' t\(' 1\lh l l 'b 14~. 1\1-•w (II "'a lpl<'le. •·IIIli. 1"'•'41elllo put. 2 I"' l'iiYIUI ... l WU 6Ufl0 Wlllll\m Boyd. 180 Ji:ut 20Ul pentH'a Nat. 2/c .and l\ln. A . W . $Jt•:l ll til-:1/jiiJ !!it , Npl. l\11b nu• .,CII,IW ltr\'el. will leav" lbla week for a Smlltl, Cos~-Meu. ~~ RJ:IA' WA!Ir'M':I"' :.! ,,11 111,..,.,.1 ,1t-•Ott !'lAI.E 16ft. "'"'"~''"Y I'll. \217-W llll ... lC' Pat :l Rtlf\ lo)lce ll'C wu aN .• vi.JIIt with h~r huaband wbo IJI 3;c dupllca.le , ..... .-. ('l'fr ~·t nl8.' ttlfth wn:~h•'r -'I'J'IV 1 111•1'1'•1 •~•at 1~ h.p, Jo~''lllfl•·••· ••uf -· 11<'1\Y Ull 116 Pdty Officer In ~ N&vy •t.a·j U ttlc Karen Evwna. cMUII:hl« ol a tt!'t Cl am Thl" Al'\'ht'll N,.,.:. Un11r J m11tn r. trAIII'I , I'JLI.ra Ft Ill RAI.~ l 'ra•·tll ally Ill'". tt'<l, l pr tw.t ltuum 8et "' .. MJ .• llooed iD San F'rlt.llCt.co Lt. a.d Mn. ~ ~-Evana toolt rnn ........ h lilt ::tr ~ h•·l'l ..... tltt',. aJl\'U ('11\'flt, AU I 11\lr.:t.·a.l ru\)l .. •r """'C'l, I )•I!< I -lh'\01 f-'ll.~ Yvunne Eldrtc41 of AnahtiQl, wbo .oond priM' for the ------------In f:••'\1 ,.,,.hlltlon All f••r ~~-~ 2 ~ :1 )',Ia \\'til • ut Altho ~lnJu~ U.•11 ~~n~t• 6 Mala. ~ altenct.d Nl'"'J>t'lrt Harbor 1-JI•h ~by u.ncier two )'t'ats. / liEU' WANTJo:ll t~peblr h o11--~'"" 11n,·l 4'30 JIIU 1:0:11 3flllt i t l'llllltlllll, I'll. Npt lldl 04\:I·W U.lfl "U SU ........... toW aat.tf, •chiX>I lnllt year, hu bC'en vi.JIIIIn..: ti k~tl• r ~· ... ''""" • """'" (' ~ , Nt'WJ'Mt IC.Oad1. 67 tt<· f\P·Ih: lo'l11l I'"""' ( 'I'll• wu ·~~--her aunl, loh:a. w. 1. GoLden. JPII) ALL·ITATEI PI C Pf't'f•rrC'd. Hox :llS Com na dt•l WANT--TO ft•._ lluw 117.8.!) Sanl An• a\IIPrlot'. ..Ill tr.Jdroed --• Mar, CAlif. 1\T~t.c fl(IA";'~ ~••l. Snld an(! 'naded ....., ~ .. a ('ltll•la Hu.Jict•r ., .. fT ..... __. will f'fltn ~t' Ana.h la .:tlod tJU1 Thtt bill AJI·SLatee aU-day penlo -----Mllrinf' Jl:nJrlnH and T"art. \\'ANT TCt tti':NT ntt t ,li':A,_P: &6.611\ • fall w~ll bC' bekiln IHllby park,~ liEU> WANTJo:D Me n 11r WOOII\n l.IARINII, fVI.",'Ad t; ANI) llnM inr lt" WIUI 11080 ao1r Re~nl llUt'ebt ltl ~ Wyen U<iW.t'h on 8Mtur<11\y, S4'pt etA tor ,:enrral hHlt'l "''"" Balbc>"' MP"'. ro l w., llr Ulrf'f' , .... tro.•m .... 11.... ..... H II:) home, 19f Al~11 f'tace were ltrr U e.ul. G..lv, Frtlderlr.& F~ Ho-..r lu. Phone.Jo\ewVOJ"l 6ruL 63-tfc , ~<* W. Oantn.l Ave. Pb. ft81·W. 1"""'"" Nf'WJ"'rt "'"1 fiAihlu• ~ , ... '"'-" .. "l"•rt ~~ wu l1.ll.lf and Wra. Juse C"'1ayton. nf Ph~-will be ac>eaker "1 th., day. ---·-1 Nn••port At'IU·h Nit ' f'I'MTIIUiflllt. f'tlnn• Nrt 11~ Oft"' "'ti\IIM. , f 1 1 , :.,. ~ Rill; Mr. aDd Wr• Jtobf'rt Talt of FOR sALE--HF.lJ' \\'ANTio:ll llnw .... ould l . MItt' :12!11 Harbor lllvll , , .... ,,. M...... !\ fW' 1'\lllrftr'w.lt .., ....... ao- Kilgor., Texu. &nd William TUr-uwoaa -.. -you llkl' l u hrlln au t!lltd UMI\'" -"' f\11 ?1•· "''"' s:u lit• ner ot N~rt Ouch. ~ ~~:.oa .. a• l<'m t• ry ~1uu1dllnR Allohr n alry t IIOAT t-'Olt f:At.t-: n,r "''""' t t · WA~.1.-,,11 lt~I'ITT 'I'W" "' 1~.1 "'""' ,,111,.1 ...._. •r•atly No- The Farmt-r'a Afarkcot L.11 An-FOR i ALF. OR I':XC'HANO~ proJur t. l 'en ntUII'III .,..., .... t u•J.I t••-n:•f'r "f't't't1 '""''· tnl\kr• !IO i '"""'""'Nil f\aml•le<l "'"1.., on !111•'•••1 1111• m•>nth 1-owM &'f'lu. wu t11e dl".tltlnaU;m rec'~nl· T"" n 01!. ru hor.u•,. In u 111 AJI· '. 0011 rvmuJ~t•rwi tJn A•luhr j n1ll••" l 'rlr • Jl~t\ tl\1 · ~IHh l 11"11"'" IIIIKihl N .. dlllllr•~ .v Te1111" • .... J ly for Jdr. and Mna. nl'l Stein. ~t'IN~, for J.h.ln or other local F'lrm•. 30111 & l'<·n• '"1 N··~p..rt At · Npt '" h Ph llt1-W llll•t l•• p.-tJ o,, UJla th')' •t ""'"''~''• , ..... ,.,. ~~~~1 \ Mre Richard Hall M d Vr• Gl~nn property. Ph Npt. 94V, 6t-4t.c S..rlt S•··· !.lr tlull 1"'1"~'~' 1 I . '''llll'lh't'. J.jull llfl'7, \'veta ...... MCMAHAN F'lf .. NITUI.& to. t'ra..mr r Tbf'y w""' Jcllllt'd latu a Dl . ur IL.I L•t :l .. Ill ,.,-..... tt•• .. , lit !4Al.Y. t-:h•o Mllnnr f'IIJ,;1M I .. r rhM f' llfJ•t. 1~)1!\ n 1\i!t... 1\ ~ ... ... )' J ~ by Nr.-re. HAll and C'r-&mer. 5 ACRES 1~1 W. Anw1 .. 11u. L.m a D••A• h 1 47 h I' 111110 ,...." l'ollll'l•tt'ly ,.. ,.,.,1 ~ 61•4_,. <lanl.a 4A• 'tlai!L •tie t>,', 4ll' 1 c•utolll hlCI .. l t )Ill Runotay on.ly, Waynr Brown.. who I• an a.lr· COSTA M[S.A --I :..'1 71 un.~1• A\'tt . c'nel!l NHA.I \\'AN'I Ttl HY.N1' !l l~t••lt n••fll lo''lllt x.t.~~ ............... aet, c raft mechanic vdlh l Tnlt"d Air· $2500 H'P:LI' \VA ~1·~:n 1 ~~~~~~··huJ.I h• 'I' 6~ ItA' I h•HIAco, :.: l•atha flttnlalt•··l. ltm• Hlmm••n• boll •rriQCII cutd .. .._ llnl"•, hu been tranattrrl'd rrum h y 11••111 "' •I '' ~-'" l'llo•nt pa) ~-.. . 1,..n.lblt· 1,u1 ly T d t...1J Atl&t'IH ~ ~lllilt>lr ...._.... ........ C&I·Art'o to South San Franr i.Jico D. C. MIW"K~ T'll Jfi!l7 ~~ • 11,. tt.: 1 I.OST AND FOUND Jill :.t:SI'I:/1 1\ll II<' HI' II the aon of Mr and Mna. K. 1~ Nf'wpnrt Blvd.. I marhlnll', rvur &!air \It ...... Protect rooh ilow )I s.ndard't tougb uphaldc coednp tetl ..... wacber damaJe, teop 1eab, ,... cra.drloJ ud daeckia&· u.. Sundard AJbeacollloof CoeU.. for cop qualicy, Swact· ~d Roof Paint, for KOOOmJ'· P« bat renlu, prime with Staodard Ucillcy Coetina or Swadard Primina Solucioo. Rcocw IIWI&lc rooh wi&b Saadard ShiD&J• Scaio or OiL CLAYTON THOMPSON Wholesale Distributor NEWPORT BEACH Res. Ph. ION . . . . ~··· Y I I . I ~; . , f ' o u r o c a r e p r e s e n t a 1 1 " e . .o r,: S T A N D A R D 0 F C A L I F 0 R f·n A . _._ C. Bruwn or Rochelltfr alr~t'l. Colli !I M -. f"allf. 89·tt•· "'"f'''rl• II• I'• I l t.t~)!·T-~;:;;-~,~~,.,-;;-1, ~<';-;~Int. \\'ANT TO lli:NT 1 .. r :J·Ilf'lt· n~w. ch•t ut draw~ra aan-. ------It 11 f' kiU:~ duW'e; Clll•lu._ ... M~rlln Gagf', S 2 c ol ttw NavMI " 4'!' '11~'"''"r All ll•hlllt( l~•&...,r• ll.flli ''"~rn r•lf>m """~'~' ''" l"'mlrll\1'111 1·lv· Ruerve. baa juat <"OOCIUd!'d a :;. 1 ACRE. r;,.,.._, w,.,.... I lui~ lttTtlt~l ur,;rntly (lft..r ,... lll11n ,.,,.ll'lt' Mlllllmum t M ("all rlliJhU~\._:1 ~ ...... ...., lT ... • ... ~o· t'"l 1 .. t and r.t" llta_1 "'' Plae•U&.j day le&vt! _wil b bi.JI p&reDla, Wr. w .. t •Ide of Cott• ... eaa •11"~11 "' """" ry ""'''' f,., tl~t·tr notutn l.'uut..rt Wr•. c·,,. • ..,,.,.. 1600 e•·:lll' .. a nd Mr•. L J. Ci&CI" oC Balboa 4tc.IV\ ApJtiY "''~"· l;fiiJ)'• I 'h. N1•1. 1 111 t'llll ---------Goal~lrnl 1/l ~ I.,. .. •lrett Merlin 11 oul of boot camp ~ :>tUliA Anita l'llt kln" 1'o •l 126111 ~o: (..\•nlrel. D~bua W ANT Tel nt-;NT Lt ""'I Wl.l11 "'"ll .,A~ ~. ~-.M~-. ~ 1 D. C.~~~ 200 f>••· I'VJIN'~~ lll·:llt· ft•.a1 ~ Turu nl!fld fut>a••t'\1 .. ~j ii~IIUI 'W., afld wW T P • lo tbeo .. ~,.. t ~Oi Newport Hlvd. O rangt', f'lllH. Bt-4tr 1 ~o:utt.a,•· ur &J}l, Nfo 1'1l1Wftin cw ili-ut. ._ ~-• Cal ---) .. I .. Murt. 1~ f~1 ...,_ ..,._lt. ...,...-• C011l8. .. 1t·•· If vr-•u: -• -------.. FOR ... A .r-J)e~. 1'1,...., wrta• U. Nolan, llrt.. 8entel'd F. Loe;arn'led oa HEU· "ANTJo:l • ~:llJ'CIIt'II\'Wl l DOGM. CATS a PE'l'M ~n ·~J., TUoiUfl, Ualtf .... ,Q ~ :c I 11 I ,,, ..... I M_.i~ .,._., • l~y O.r· Fine Homes Dl&ll In "''nrk Ln U tJuor tttur ... l--... -. --mtt RAl.JC fr!09 ~ ,_. lo"Cii "IU. 'tit./*"" ..... Wr. U'ld N t v.vorl u,. ........ ~e c· ... :tll:l,Jo,•H l"AUo: Iliad ..... "-c J•UJijl, W.ANTI:J) TO am C'undltW.: ~ " .. , .... llt..j M• 6. 1i.. l.o•. ~ in Ocean 1-'runl. Nawport U..ch . 1 M~<l• 13.1, ft rtttaJ• 11·'· 14fl tr. RJC.AL DTAft N-pc.'f\ ._,.,.., C&&l doer 11 ~ ll. c. J>art~er llql Eataa.e Corona del Mar u -u cl :tlllh aa .. '-'' .. "" .,...., -..1-., . - -a~w~ ,.._ ... .T mTTe7 ottrce hie at'd.-J Mra, Carrl~ v. -WANT Tn RU Y l ·llt'dtomn nr P m, · p , ..... • Dudley to Ita AaU. l4.ra. Dudle)' : =r:~·n:..~~~~~ lolJI ,,•;:: PERSONAL -I nANSI'ORTA110N lararr hnu.e In """""' or l':ut •'•H ,.7fjjj ~.,.. bJd....j haa rt'cently quallfl<'d tor Broker'• lxlrm. a bt'euty, rurn 18.000 "'OTICE IJl(;\'(;Uo"~-acMd. realed ,. .,._ NI'WJ>nrt W tll I'll:! a bnul '1\000. eult •, alan ~ .._... llt't'R&I". A l ' .. h f'tl Npl INI6·W, f'Vf'lllhJ:• IJ•">~Ihle b.d tcompkt.), I'OUIId lkli'IJl. Ullf\lt;a..... 11860 nyonr kn.owtn~: "lwn •ut,.,ut" uJ I paired. Voael'a, SOt MaiD L 41 3lp ... _ Ml• Gloria Lee ot LDIJ.IIeadl -• -• llv'>o.MB Rl.lpb Nulan pll'oue han hlra Jialbota 11nli :Nit Marine A,.-. ·· I.U.olq '--MAl&.u7 --., Jl•• returned to hPr hom~ after l~l7•t:;::'~~~way call Onn" l'ulnt 74:.! 611·21rl U.lt11111. l•land. 1a..u: WAJtrlm) ---~~-r".&t. ~r~w..,.,J,.:rJ*"· ~~~·n<llng lhe week In W'ftll bn Conm a del Mar •I8CII:I...I.AJf ~ ~~~:7.:...:~~.u Muri~l Hatch, ot 201 "Wller~ th,. F1n;:~ FI,Y" 69·2lc A p p L 1 cAT 1 0 1 s \vAN'n:JT A ,anaer or m•: 1,,. 1 ,.~· j; -.up ONE ACRE n11•mber "" fii!Wnr: bt•t ('all 111 1 t at ~ prla~ P!_ano. a. ,. ..... 1 •·•oft ft , ll6o. f'tl. Mpt, Tw Y h H C1(Jac In :\tl n.l Mar A¥9 • Oneta Wn• ft4.,t, I •ue 0 OUt 8 urt Exc•llmt hnmr tl. H . W .... •r. f\lt·Hr• In Auto Crash N$1~000 lOW BEIIC TIIEI """ry Dla4!kalalk. 1s. u~ 1116 ~~08 cN .. ~.:~e=:. . for F-.r Plant Pareone avenue Willi drlvlna: {IOe ____ eo._ Lit. W~•· Calif_, 1~2tc II 1 IU with Dilly Tluu ret. 14, of J6.4 - t-1.1wt·r sln·•·t. 1111 111.~ ro:•s:oPn..:t'r PALM SPRINGS I \\ h••n th"r •·rn~""'' with a ~or RFAL ESTATt; 1 '" h''"" hy J llol1n 11 \\'n.J,.h, ;-c , ur I MA.IOH R{)BERT AAN80M-I :OI:lli Sa n ta An., 1\\'t·nn•· ltc~<II.M lardman Manufaclurinc Company _,,_ ROOil J'OR KENT - ltC I( IM .. Felli ltlo~NT Ill """"'. II\'•· II••"• "I 18, 'Kf\ f\4y ,..,,n \ llull••ft IMI•u.) l.aJII'• only. Kll...,. ~~are, l'b NJl(. IOfl:' 1111·111' Jo'O it HAL.Ir. _,..,.. ,...., Mt, ~· pl"l", t ltl I''· MJ•l ll222 ... Ue ,P~fl·_ t 1.!/ \i"Y'Ou-W&f\~ ~ ... \ ......., .-tt. Baa-. ..._'Nt,,W._, U.tto r---------------1 ~----~.---------Til~ 1. ',. .._ "', I al11y rut 11nll 1 1'tll••phnn, . r :•ln• f\J•rallf.ll ... r-.;;-;;. -;--;;;-•• -;-;-;,-~·;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;,;-;,;;;-,;.;· ______ .,:;. . I II Ill~· I In !I "5t";) 1•1'\J II:. 1 J"r wou IIU• , it-4 t p ThHe Are Apt,lit~ationR Only and NOT Employment JobH \Vhirh WID Be A vailablc the l..atter Part of Prof e.uional Directory l MOitTIMI!K IICIIOOJ. ..... Adll-..... ..... --()Hal, ................ -··~::::.:··::1· ::· ......... .. SCRAPE AND PAIIT YOUR BOAT 01 OUR COfiVEfiiEfiT WAYS We Furnish the Equipment Y.ou Do . four Own Work PORT OF SEVEN SEAS BACK TilE ATI'ACK BUY MORE BONDS ..... SNOODLES ------------- I Fishing Boat Barcains SPECIAL: 42-ft. x IO.ft., 9-la. beam; 9-toa Ice hole _____ $550() I H ·tt. Lowmu:-<.1t,.,.aer c ro-. ~ char&er. A Barplll. H ·lt. .... taU, .... Kill'S JJIIIII ·and ~dt Brokerag a~e&aaw.e Reph•mlwr ' V..e.llrd Ap,Uc-anb Ac·•·•·1•h•cl \\'Ill lifo l"ald .... Ret-ehlaJt Nf'('f"'.UT~ Trai•ln~t l...tnlf•Uun ..... .,... AJipl~·: ... Allen, 901 Coa~~t lll~h"•Y· Newport BMeb (Offi~ or thl' 1\•y iOII Bunt ('ompany) tWI ... lag Jo'rlday and Saturday bflt""'n thr bou,.,. of 9:00 a. m. and l:l:OU ntNNL llllhan Manufaclurinc Co111pany OA y 11011001..-()pMI• ,.,..... ,. N D CASH i Gr.._r Oefl., ..,..,, . r:ntriM ,.. ' o.' v. M. flr.IVf'fl ..,..,, ~umhPnt llmlt..ct.. DOQ • ., .. GAT t4ot~"'AL O. A. Mortl""'r M· A. Udord .. ,.., AN .. ......... lilt l 'rtfM"'tMll .... .. ... .................. Oaltf, Gordon M.GrundJ, M.D. PttyeleiAn and lureeefl Ninth •nd Centra: AYe . Otfloe ""· tO.tla.m.; 1·1 ~·"'· TeltjtftOM I? LEROY P. ANDERSON. AnO .. NEY AT LAW OMta M... 811111 8ull4htf ..._.. .,. Co .. a M ... HAROLD K. GRAUEL CHAPEL ··we Ou,....,. tbl a.u. .... ., .. ntot OUiero BMt" ~ ,.,_,_.. .. , Cothl Moaa Callf.,.,.ta BUY NOW City Tax Sale Lou A. J.lWIST 107 co .. t Highway "'lfle Mt2 CO"ONA DEL MAI'I (;erald ltauHa, M. D. '!UO Wt'tlt Or!etral A...._ ~ .... pert~·- Ml Nf'Wpnrt Rttarh IMII I U nro ... -r ,... 1101·11 ....._ ____ _ Conrad Rlcht•, M.D. PhyMielt aN 141,.._ Offlae "' 11M ...... ................. Heunu 10..11 a. "'"A •• ,. ""' Ph111• Offtol ,g, A-. 7W Dll G. L TOHILL ~'tltotAN ... IU--.. o.... .............. ... _.,....._ ---· ... ~ .... "----~ Dr. M. D. Crewf •• O~TOMI···· 1 ___ .............. tm ,.....,_.,...,_. ~ ... oo.YAMIU BALTZ MORTUARY CMAPKL •v TH• l l A ' •to Coalt •tvtll. c.-... 1 .... , • ...-~0<1 ...... lthone New,.rt oU I UR. OilED LlJCASI I )('ntiHt • '!tO't"1 \\'. t~nlral. 1'11, ItA~ N E\\I'IIMT IJI.At'll 1 WHO'S WHO IN HARBOR DISTRICT I f'IA£PLAG1i A"'O IC I..,DliNO WOOD , II W \\'r l!ltl 17~4 ~I•' llh•l • · .. oo~,. Ill••~ 1'••·•1 l.ttr~ot-er, 1'1\. flM·J GI N£RA L 'CONTRACTOf\. I c ... r•lun II 1-l nila~. :\4111 ~--M lllvtl . Ph 4 1~ ,.,,,,. llnrf Con~U\Jrllo& l UMBER, C..0 "4PANI£t (''"''" M"" l,br, r.o ........ , "" h··lfi you (111611 .Y'•II r h•lfll~ ... ··~n~ t8. llny I •111\rl• t t.•uullf'r t •., I'"""" 1100 1 'n...C tlll(ll WII Y at An;bM. 0 -FIC( AUPPLI£8- )tl,.,..l"•'' 111\rl .. ,r l'11tlll11hln1t "'' f•ll'!n•• 12 • 1:\ N"wpt;rt o...IL PIIINTIN O - NrwJI',rl H"'''"r .J•uhllllhlna r •• l'h••n~•-l:l · 1!\, N"wport U.Cb I'IIAL £1TAT£, I NIUI'IANC[ & NOTAI'IV PUBLI<:--t-II; WaiJare, 2:102 W. CN'thl Annue. PbnDe L I'IU •• EI'I tTAM..._ tilfWJ'Ort Harbor rubuata• ()) ~n.-· 12 • tl. Howpoft ._... IHaaT MITAL WORK-· Ylele Mum•• • a..t Meal Wcwu, ""'-.,..._ MMIM 210. V4RI&TY. .TqAtl-..,_. ~ ,....., ......._ ... lie, ......... .._. I·U·W c .... .... ....... NEWPORT-BALBOA NE-WS-TIME_S, Newpo!! Beach: California, ThUI'8day, September 7, 1944 School BeJla Call Beach Families Back to Their Homes WCTU Meets at Home Of Mrs. Ella j a~kson 'nle Newport Reach WCTU m•t Harbor Feminine Activities Phonea 12 and 13 w.-..-y at the boale of Mnt -(:( By Winifred Barbre * tf A--. ~ aa117 N • w port EUa Ooeklner, 217 &3rd •t~t at ------=---------------------,.:.::,_ ___________________ .:;,.;. _____ _ .... fee!l .. wbo ba .. cac-cs l O·ao LID. MIN· Elalt NewlaDd l p 'd UDC j28 Re • tran•... jM•'ss Mar~aret Estus Wiener Bake for Ullelr --eon-a cWapttul ... ~ In charae nt t.levoUona and State res l ent gJ8 WI _., • ~to'-~ for her IIUbJKt .. ""·a. "Ueclnnanc U~C 1j Entertains a t Leave Newnnrt Becomes ride Inland Friends ~ ~ ot lltbool are u.. Al Day Artrht. H nit"' IAt Simple Ceremony auu.,. -.I .... O&Y1d and Tbt. .... a rt;1 lf'ttf!r t!ay fnr Balboa o rne T Enter Se.vi...,.. A 'j'P ot tnfn_dl tram An&. M•' Ia. ~ laawe baeD wtt.b Mn. t.be WC'J'!,i.,_u l hh• mooth hi dedl·i _ -_ :0 ---...... ----be m be oorinl' t.o a brtdfe club -CIIJY• fU'Mt.a, liF. anct ;;[· cat.ed li)tbe memory of Ule found· .Siaa C" r t r u <I ,. MunlKOmt ry --Mlu Mar~aret Elizabeth E«u•. of wbleb Mn. Robert l!:utoa, 1104 C. &. llcJ)aw.al. 1122 WMt Ocean er, fi'taACtAI E. Willard, whoM I pru ldt'nt or thr I • ._llrom 1• til\ ''I J>,.varture ceremoalu fOf' a 0011. dllul{ht~r of Mr. and Mn. J. H. Wtat Ocean ll'ront, ._ a member. ...._t. O&.td wW be a kinder· birthday annlvf'r aary fall a "n Sf• pi •ll•n 1 .'nll•'d I rau.:ht~r ~ or th•• Cnn· ttng .. nt or 28 ~&1•tranta ot ~.&cal ~~t.'tue. 2:!~1'1 Coaat boul evard. and were ber' rueata ooe nlrht recently .-rtau' 111 ......s.na. l2e, and th~ prultlf'nl. Mra t'lorll ' ff'•l,.racy, a .. llt~'•l b) h,.r ~~•···r I Bc~<tcJ Nn 171, Newport Be.cb, ~:· ~rt \\ llaon Thatcher, aon of wben they enjoyed a wiener bake Mr . ...s lira. Dtck FUller and l &atty. p ve a rf'Yiu .· <If hl'r h/1' MIM {Aul.el' Mnolj:'"m,.rv t'nln· W<'r,. Nlndurt t'd by Newport Jlar.l''r!l l~N Tha tcher of Cltvtland, on lilt beach. ..._.....,. MarUYII and 8e'Yf'rly.l lnt,.r,.•tlng to nulr La thr r., I t hat tlliOf'd hl'r rx,....utl\,. hulln.l Ill 11 •h· hor Puet No. 291 and tbe ~ nhln, w rre unlud In marrtact Thoae revellnc In lhe fuU moon l'llhletaauT t1t4 fareweU to the' the~ ru-e mort than lhru thnllll· llxhtlul luru """" In lh••rr llnlh .. rr IINrt 11 f'o.t No. 222 of u.. Am· ~'rlday at 8 P m. In Chr18t Church by a beach lire were Mmea and u..ar. Ute ot the beach and re· and IDt'morlal• f'rNI~J In r hurrhr•l Jk·a< b huml' '"' •·ntll•. , r1111n IJ•)(tnn. Commander~ hv lht> St'a with the Rev. E . D. AotNI!rll. Everett Cone, Wilbert _,... t.o Uaei.r bome tn lta(le and. ntht'r p\lbllr lJlllld1ng• to tht' 1 lland palnlt·d Jrlu• t' <'llrd~ tlo• 1 'l ·• ku , of Balboa. an4 tOam-c; •• ~tll perlormlnl' the ceremony. B 0 nne y, Ben Kaulban, Ted lloeat Willen llilarilJ11 will re.,uur m•mory ut 01,. nntrcJ t"mll('rann~ 1111(nf'd by Ml•!! I;.,, .. ,. ~1 .. ntl:l•n. maudu Nlchlu C. Da..O., of Thf' 3lmple rltu were wltne-d Kucbel, J olul Poyet, Mra. Rutb Ia ~ lrd ....... an4 Bewerty wUI worker. t:r~· tnarkNI l"•'''l'fll l .. r a·. gutl!ll' Laguna Bea<-b Wf'T'e 1n ~ ot I·Y " group of aome 30 membtn Hall and the hoaltu. crqr~ a.. flrat daJ ln ktndfor· Nallcrn.U anol alat.. h·.:uolatt .. n In atldltwn It• "• 111hf<rs vr .Ill• tho• rt>rt'moole•. ••' thf' ltn~tdlalt famlllf'a. .-n-. I "''hlch I• nnw Pf'n•llnl( tam,. In '"' r•JCo•rutrv,. h<Ntr 1 nr"""' t•f II••' t .til· V<rlluwln~: a roll call b)' lbt' Th•· brl<-f' wore a lftreet length 'nM J'rank Rawllftc• and JTSDd· <JI.1< u.. tHl Ill Ure buelnet~a aael<m,l tnrntlt tllr.,l'lorA nf I 'I •1· n( tl~t· ( 'hu·f ( 'ltrk, Andrew J. Ha7man, clr• l"l'' 11f while atlk crl'pe, a tiny ......... 8bUinOII are on thetr anll 1lri"K*l••• Y."rl' fll't·trd to Ul"t lllvlat•m altt•lltl• '' lilt· '"''"hll'rrl ~ th•· ~··h·t tt.'•l men joined ln a alw wlut,. fNtth,.r halr·hal w ith a bla.ck ...., to tWr bome ln Fort Worth. I ~uunly ~'"""' c1 wtflo h w1ll '"' heltl I t.1n••hffln 1" thr colon . Actloc u eolor '~''1. tu mlltl'h ot her black acrell- cr..,. 111 U1e l'1•·,l\h rl.ln chunh In l n\'llN1 ""rt' ~lr .. ~""''"' lh'nn .:wu<ls wt.'re Comradea GUll TuD· tu•r11•s and ahe carrltd a whitt' r---------------,1 Anllhrtm .. n s,·pl H·l'• l)<ot.. ,~<lal·· raotlln chnltnnu, t'P(' "' l;fl 1.t:M """ Clllrl'nce w. Jl't mandu l!lhl•• wrth two whitt' nrr hld11. I ,;ato·e wf'rl' Mr,. •:llu t: .. doltH r ~ontl An 't'lo•J!._ Mr!._ l110tt o~ 1-: Writ t,c t ·.,111raol.-Lloyd lAvetand ot W · M u• Douglas Marlntyre waa a,.-tcWtfll Flowers Mrt Vlc•la N~IWin Whtll' Me·~ U1·' tin··· lor uf t hrltlr••rr .. , Ill•' j Hfl l'ol ):tllln llo•at·h, alAn Fltld Dl~ ot 0111(1 1•11 n( h•mor and her dreM o r ~ 1 IIMJl H1ll '' aJt.,rruot•· • r~•'V ruul hrr d "'1:111•••. ~~~"" thl' Arrw rk an Red Crou at Clair r ".to·r bluo' woa lk>t off by her CAROLYN'S FLOWERS .. 8PII:CIAUZB .. CAJQIINO •HkJI'IW..,_ CA ... Tomatoe. .......... Ga!IIDI d . DU'ITON'S Pndt Market Tht.' nrAI m• •·t m;.: \\111 1.. h,·hl 1 ~1 >r•lo•h'll \\'rh .. ~ I KoCh "' Hrn~l" 1 Jltchn, d.-llvl'red the ta.reweU .... ''"'"11"'' "f pHit.' pink tuberou" ~- "' lhf' h .. m. "' M i ll ~:II) m & !11 .. 111•11 ~~~~ '"'''"'••I I" llnru ~ ·~h):t' lu lht• Mlreteee amonc Wbom "' 1113S .\lr ~Jadntyre attended I w .. ath .. rt•ml 311'1 AlvanHiu 11tr,...t, ,.,,.,,, '"'"' 1 r1~ ,.,., ro·l•ll\ ·""' ~~~~ wn~ hla liOn, F:rwln H. Lovtlaad .\11 Thalt·h~r as bo:11t man. Rlolbo.a.. I ~:.twar Wr!Mnn b •t ll .. r Hnk• '" I c '••n1m(tn•lo-r Daw110n da..tf1butau .\liM Etlnll Wulkt>r playt>d Ult' -------rh'ld Mu• J•:lllli'r H11rt .. rr I ••·uJ•,.·t· 1 ,·1~::•rl'll t'M to thr mt n. lrlldlth•nttl n Rn:h from Lohengrln I G irl Sco ut Leader~ 1"111!1' ... llf'SI>Onollnj; :00'• rl'llll \ "' I nr ..... nnd tlo-nuta were ~ and lhf· ~f.,ntlell~•i•bn receulonal. ld P . p · . Sll.lllA Anrt . M r ~< J.llll.no l'r • lu•tl h y thr Amtrle&n Red cro. Jim. 1111d n pnrt nf Llebtatrau m. Mn. I H o a tJO ICOIC I.OS.,'11111& Ht•lt.(·h. :"'tll l'llrnry t..ot.l '''/o:' nry Caotel'n unit. Mra. 11'1·1 A J . HUII•·r uf Balboa faland aang ~ An..:o·lc·!l Ai r• llu.:tr (:11rr uf thr tl1,.tJ Stanlf'y a.uUted by Mn. 1 two Vll(·al numbera. Grl~r·a "I Hrtn.:lnjt tllt'lr t hlldr~n ••• •hKrl' M lln· 1'111111< ...... 1,111plfr IITJC,I Jfl'lo•n Randel u •vt' Yml'' and "&caUM!." In lhf' fun. thf' alx 1;1rl Sr-uut lt•llt..l· Y'~ · Alll(•·l•·,., llr<' cnt•·rlnlnm~ The rullow~g rt'l'latraDta wert I Thr hn•'e Ia a Kf'llduate of the er• wtru wrre «'t•undllm " at r·I!ITip r h•l•l•·r for tht' 19 4:\ c .. nvt'nUoo, 1 arlectt'd: Raymond P. Ptytoa, Joe· !'l:l'-..·pnrt Harbor II<' hoots and Santa ht<lol thla •crmmrr rur ll~trbor &ntl :ltu•s f'ranrr .. ltubforb 11f Loa t'ph A""hultte, • Jamea c . J"owwer, t Ana Junlnr cvllegt', and Ia rm-~nuta a t AI plot n"•r Arrulll hf'&<l, 1 An,:•·l,.,. wh•• 111111 n·matn aa " H11h<'rt r. 1-ender, Cr'al' H. I'OWier pluyl'd Ill the rlty hall, while her ~nJOytd • "no hnlltt'lla" pt, nt~ In hf1UIIf'l(ll"ll1 t•t MIIIM l~ul""' Mont· F:rwln H Loveland, Benjamta F: htaaband. whu has a medical diJI· lbe p&llu In lht h11me nt rrn~ ut g<1mery I Ourk{•t•. Wuley c. w~.~ l'har~~ frt•m lht> navy, Ia a machln· the ieadna. Thl' l{llt-l<b haol " M11tln11 l"'rlalnrn.r to the work flnnaiU R. Quick. R ufu.a c. Joyr. 1st tn ~anla Ana: rwlm ln tht bay latf'r In the after · ur th1• 1 'ltllfl•miA tllvllron for thl' I t-n nc111 P. WaJJ.roo, Rudolph 0 llonr•ym!J()n plana will be de- oooo. f'n•wnl( yt llr. a.nd thl.' dlacuuloo I camarillo. Jo~ H. Jl'oet«. au111 •ayt>d unUI laur, and tbe youn1 Tboee allaadlnte we~ Mra Hu~ or luplr a u( lntl'rt•IJL tu POC. or· w. Brtwatl'r • """''' Will ~ at hnmf' at 506 bard Howe and daur htn, 8hr lla ; 1·uplf'd t hf' a ttt-rnoon. 1 fvan c. Madt.on. W.U.O. 0 c 1ubhouae avt'nue . and ber bouM CUt'al. Sally Marah Wl'brr. William L. n~a. Rowartl ------------ of Beverly Hill•. Mn. Lonnlt Vtn· Young Violinist i n H r.raaf'r. Wealey 'H . l"lllbtr Mrl! t~rank Scam'On. ceot aDd daurhlt'r. lAonlta, Mra. 1 J am .. a It Nu, Keith R. Bal'l'allll. 1-'lnl'. l,.agun11 Beach. ano.l alltr- Everttt Nunan. Mn Waltf'r Cnlr Fine Concert Before Juhn If. Lawder, Robert w. Hart ... :lrd thry will ent ... rtaln aome &nd children, Nant·y and Denny , L o cal Kl·want's Club 'lAurent •• n. Craig. Leooal'd )I l ..... tv,. ot thl' young people at Balboa Islanders Return After Month At Lake Arrowhead .., __ M"r. a nd Mr11. John Tubbs of Balboa blano. are btlng welcomt'd back alter 1pendmg a moolh on the aouth 1hore ot Lake Arrow- head. Occupying tht~ cottage of the Sherman Nugenta of Corona del Mar. the Tubba wrre boat• to R V· eral g roupa ot Harbor frtenda d ur- mg lbelr vacation, among them Bruce and &tty Hanby ot New- port Beach •nd Capt. and Mn. H a r ry flobluon of Newport Heig ht.. Lota or flah lng and a tull meaa- u~ of "!tu tor " we~ on the month'• caleadar for the Tubbe. MIN Jean Reed, U do Nord. wu a r~eot 1\lU( at the home of Ml• Julie ~ Btnrt7 HWa. Mn. William Tnaty and dautchlrr D F 1 f)( · D Thraabe 11upper. ::~ :~.~t:':...C::~::::h ~,: A rarl' uppnr-;:;.-;y wa11 1 n(fm•tl ! J::.u~~'>·unt·h:';''~rvln . W. Stew&r~ ----------------------------, Calhet1nt. mtmlw'ra of th,. Nf'WI"•rt Harbor I -HElMA s M ;==========================~ Klwanta club at lht' munthlv W dd · p Be I' AIIET Ladlta' NIKhl nll•tl lng. T htH'I!IIIay, I e mg arty to Il l t hl' F:ll'f'trlr Grill. Entertained at I 103 Cout Hlpway-Coroea del Mar LBT US FURNISH . YOUR HOME QUALITY I'IJ'8NIIBIN08 ........... A.a .I MDAB A PARK FURNITURE CO. ......... IMtaAaa Say a Merry Christmas To the Boys Overseas with Your Portrait Doa"t Delay-Do \'our MaWJI,; By Sept. 15th. OJWER NOW ~--SPECIAL----, :::fesslonal s1.00 tt.balt, Only lfO APPO~TME.'n' NECESSAllY J.UIUN'If 00 fhf' rrngr&m WI\. t Ph JHI11ru ~~~11.-r. ,, 1rto hrat ... 1 Y"""l: Lag una Beach Home ow Newport 179 f'allf(•nltll vlollnlllt Wh•• Jut llt'·l I M S G F rembt•r maole h,.r TtiWn Hall drbut l Ont• ••f th~ hiJ:'hllghta of Lbe eatS -tap)e rOCerieS -rUitS '" Nt•W Ynrk un<J .. r lht• llporll!l)l"· l"r<'i81 rwn~n will ~ U~e coming Vegetables-Milk -Ego~ shlr ot thr NaumiJ<org F~>un<latrun.1 , .. ,..ldlnr, f1f ~!1.88 Francea J1nrh I ~ A 03llYf' of U vf'rmore, t.llllll and ~rnnrcl J Henry OD Sept. 12. Delic atessen Ite m s ~tlllrr mad~ htr ftret publlr ap-Monday evf'nlng the w~J.nc ft·~ P~•ranrf' 811 n vcnhnat Ill lht' "IC"· hr ,ortnl Will he h.'ld :>t the bOliDe t f of four. ~n·ter hvr molht-r'11 tlrtf'·l1h .. brltt .. ·1 grandpar••nl.l, Mr. anll :....--------------------------....; Reuoaable PriCf'!ll -Prompt Sen ·ic.- la~tf'. In Ji.un-ka. \ _ _ __ _ Sh~ hu played with Lh11 Ran Franl'far" Symplruny On'hr.lrn - and on C'ouot to C'oa:Jt bro);ldrub I oVt'r N.ac. with Dr Frenk Hlllo k , a7r<l ~tnknwalcl. Thla 1\!mm,.r ,.,..,. ha11 l:w-f'n In Balbort atudylltlo! w11~1 Jaro~n In prl'parallon fnr • <'•In· rrrt luur th111 wlnt,.r A •IIIOirlrt m eo lln&: of Ktwn n • I "'Ill hi· hf'hl at l hf' t-:lkM c·luh. Anll helm ~··pt 12 111 i I' n1 J(e:o.·rv" tlon.-ms;v I><" nHr•h• wl!h ltiiM>' 1 llnrllnr Corona del Mar Church Near Its I Charter Goal of 50 \\'rlh " Jo!""' ••f flfJ v mrml'!t'1,. II( Whit h 41\ hll\'f' nlrf'Ady III,Rnc·tl I up, roll'! fur IIH• .tuul••r mrmh••r j ~hit n( tho• Cur• nil llf'l Mnr ('"" · rr unrty l'rr~IJ~·trrlan • hur1'11 will clw•t' nt lhl' ••nil or t he mnmln~; 1 1 ,.l'f\'h'l' Sunolay !="1•1. 10 . At tho 1 1murnlnJ: ,.,.,....11 •• thl' l'lcbjrt t "'": hi' "Hnn,: t'utlh Your i'llroon~: 1 1(. ""''"~ At I ho• • vo•nm.: IWI''>h t> 111 7 111 r m lh~tl ola v I flr'r,• Will llf' n /Of" r on! "'T'wlll~hl c '••mmunlun ~··r II \'kt•" an•l n-.'rpltun fur r hrr rlt•r Olf'mllf'r" Thr mowlrrAior. Hr\' 1 I 'rrr v F !';t hr•" k will hi' AN<IJOI~'d In 111110 ""rvw~ I>\• fir Nrl.!l"n t • l•rrlf'r ~rrpt'nnlo•n•l••nl nf I ht• I'"" J:rf"'.,:R'h'nttl t ~-·n f••r• nt·*' 11( ~ .. u:t I •·•·n t•nllf .. rnrn n n.t 1 hr ~""' "" •. -.~ Mr,. Man Junr ~llllrr \\Ill I'-• "" JOn!"'"' , J lttn4 A~ t111fftl \\HV (n f 1ttt tnnll1t tut •n u' lhf" n r\\' ,tliJt•h hllllollnr.; '' hll h \\'Ill 't~o I"< Ill• I .11 1~11 ftl"ll f f HJ't• IH11n t .ltld f q .. , $20 ll{IO e f0:\11~(; E\'E~TS ~1;11•" :-:1'1 '1'. ' 1· • h • r• 111 I' .t' :\\ . I'. i .'II·' n. 1 I 1 • ••.\ I '"'' '' !'tt·r 11 I t • ' .. \ ~' I • •• '. 1 t \ I t ' nvr, • " d tu •u 11• ,\ ru I tl I ..-urt h ,, I tfn "it..C:Ut~· • l~ttl \ .... ,,. .. \\••d, '""""' 7.11 "t n r . ,1\t 'H•• 1' t1h \ 1•.t I .,, t• ' p n· ..,,,,, •n..: He·• I r .. ,.,,!" "' 1 h t "' h'\ 1 '"~' ''•"t'l 1•t·Uit \:lt.f t'•l••lll\ ~, \' 11 I In 4 pm !OH<)!hnl•lr•hi'J.. ~ •. ,, 1'''' t Httt .... , I A''· ''" \ ' 11tnn· '"''~'"" Hnll ' Flro·nwn'~t Ci111l. ~1111"'" :-\ :z,l7 \\ ''"t ro•fll rnl 14\•'1111' 1'1 1F:I'IIlA Y ~•·!'l 1~' I l.•un!O tl :ll'l, l it >n 7 Kni~•·• • I R••llll\ fi 30 \\IJito''• l'11 k \\ "n'"' n~i"'''~ TPh nol. .I I I $3.98 to --\. The jt>w<'l-dndH'(I 1'1<':-t\lt ~· of t~ur kit. 'tr1tl '1'1\ 1'! lllrltn n the ln~ou<in nt't' of 1tttr rnirrnr h:mdl'd l ~t•n'l ... t ht' j,i~tical t'\11'\'<' of our h;wk S\\ N •piq,: l'fl.•rl'l '":..:~•'' t I hr ~..on's ui~c lo j:!ranrlt•tu· in ha l..; ~nn't•r• tt•.,d~ ;,, "'':tr now. ,. . I H••tl 1 'rn~ "••rkr••olll I I I l 'r1lr 1 J, 10\'l'nur lt1ll'<>il Ill II"' IH I ,. II' .:no· ~~rts Portraits I M~;~~IR II diJl wo•t kll .. ll • .1.) ~II A~ CO nnr a-.,,.,. Hn lh.•.l I<IAn.t Ill " 111 115 E. 5· :1 ST PHONE 6634 - .. a.IIAII(-NEXT TO \\"ARPfi'. I tn 4 p "' "''"'"" , •-Uft.&ltlfA.OALIF.' t Gt>OI'IHI f'lroh', \\'~1 '$, t1ll••l <o ANTA A .... A -........_._II ...... I,. a. cWI7 • 1 ('hun-), bv thl' :-:•·n. 11tu.ly 1=• "'i' L.:~~~:;;~~-~ ... ..i.-111!111!111 _____________ _. 10 3(1 "m Rrln~o: 1111rk lund! J - ..... .. -· Two Circles WSCS To Meet Next Week St. Mary's Girls Entertained at Tuffree Horne 1be Gaeral Circle ot W&al, Cbrtat Cburcb by the Sea, wW One Lut JTUd beacb party waa meet Tueaday, Sept. 12 at tbe enjoyed by J1rla ot t.be • e n I o r. church, with the atudy rroup in claaa of St. Mary·• acbool. Ana-.... Oii at 10:30 a.m. helm. w ben they were enlertalnM Wembtr• a~ to brine aack Wooday by Wta. J oyce Tutrree at luncbea, and at 1 :30 there will be her Balboa bomr. 1101 l!:ut Ctl\· ~ ~ lllffliftc and procram. t ral •vmue. On Wtdlleaday, Sept. 13. the Arrtvtnr In lhe rooming lh• Newport Beacb Clrdt w ill meet at ~lrl• enjoyf'd •wlm mlnc and •un- the bome ol Mra. J. H. MUla. 221 batbtnc. with mot't of both alter lttb •ll'Ht at 1 :ao p.m., for a lht picnic h~nch a t neon . pro1ra.m and buamt'• ae•lon lncludP<S ln the gutlt IIJlt we~ I thr MI..,. Mickey Orman. Marllou Peninsula People Picnic at COM 'f>. I Nf'ja, Doloru Mamer. Martan K<"nne.Jy, Cectolia Heinz, Molly I F111nnaran. Dolly Meyn . Martllyn Wttzel, JO&nt'e Brady, P e C C y Mr11. Hutl Dawson of Nt:\!.cptlrt Beach woa the ln11ptrat1on for a pot -luck picnic on lh~ l>each at Curooa dt<l 14ar to lnclude a group t,f frlrnolll ~·ho look forward to Keelng tAch othl'r rvery aumm~r. Thoae pr~~~ent lnclud~d Mrs. Daweon, ht'r houlll' gut'atll. Mr . a: Mre. Ray Forlr)•th a nd daughter. Cnry, !1( Sun Bemarf!Jno; ~fra. Almond IA<'kaby and ll(ln Logan and mothf'r. M rs Marquis of Hed- lant..lfiJ; Vt'ra F:df'y and aon and claugtlter nl San Berna rdino; Mrs. H . 0 . Phillips and Mrs. A W. Holmu ot N ewport &acb. Ganahl. Betty Va.rdy. VIvian Cox. Helen Hathaway, Jackie Tatum. AJtllda Ch&r banneau and Warjorte O'Hanloo. llarp.ret L 8chark , ........... Te.ellen' A.a of Ollltenla) I \ TZAcaa or #uNo Orp.W -............. , ,~ BREAD-TIME STORIES , A IIW •ucllA• brush is excellent .for cleaning the saall crevices of the ~e•i n g •a - chi ne. This will help keep it in good con- d i t ion. Clean we ll around t h e need le bar. and t hen put t he brus h away f o r f u- ture use. / ~ACS now. '""l U .. llMY needs morieform . Se r v e '" ·'"· t 1.n un 239 Put your hear country. y our f Army jobS . ,. , }unds 0 ou. Good C ~(:, . open t o Y d pay . 1 ° ratin ~s·r~~ms. You ' fJl smart unl Join no•. \ .'/ go place~. ea r es t 1 1 ' _ see y ~u:Y ~ecruit-_......,. ' ' lJ S . ,.r ~, ~ 1.~@; station . -"GHnHG fO vD