HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-09-12 - Newport Balboa News Times11 SAND CRAB IIPIAT NOW! RePorts-or, W perhaps rumors-are to the ~ffect that the Coast highway from the Arches to Bay Shore Camp Is to be zoned for warehOt.ISeS, ma- chlne ~. storage yards, etc. To the uninitiated this would seem a tragic mistake, as that section Is virtually the front yard of Newport Bay. since it faces a highway used by the travelllng public. For yean civic leaders have been trytng to plan some to bring the attractions harbor more within k.en of the outsider-to present a picture or the beauties within and to entice Mr. Traveller inside the city's confines. Would planta of the kind mentioned above be best for that area? You all have eeen what freight yards and tracks look like when enter- ing a city, giving it the ap- pearance of a backdoor. Can high class Motels prosper in such a vicinity? Motels lo- cated across the s~t from the sport flshlng boats would bring trade to ~ boats which leave the docks before daylight-and rooms in such motels would be a greet con - venience to the fishermen. Notela would bring foot traf- fic to the district, and enable stop signals and bus termi- nals to be arranged f or the protectlon of the pedes- trians. It is claimed that it wouJ8 be a commercial crime, to lessen the value of frontage by allowing such warehouses there perma- nently. Let ua ho~ some sort of a dedsion may be reached that will be satisfac- tory to all concerned. + + + L. A. a.1u Here's some- thin& P. E. offidala abould ponder: At ,resent these buiiM 10 pert way down the Peninsula and then come beck to Balboa's Main street. Why n ot go all the way down to Channel Road via Ocean Drive an<! back on Central. In this way the entire popu- lation · in that area ean be served at little additional expense to the P. E. + Wlshlag Ald. Walt Long- more says that between 6,000 and 7,000 people out- side or the fishing and can· ning industry. arc depend· ent on them lor a living. This brings up the thought why a fish ~d game oflace of the state is not established here. At present boatmen must go to 1 erminal Island for reports and such d a ta as re- quired. using priceless gaso- line and much time. Hun- dreds of people arc direc tly involved in the industry and a branc h of the fish and game office would not e ntail much additional expense, but it would help vast num- bers of the public. • • • 18th Annual. News-Times' 18th 11nnuaJ volume. t o I:X' off the press shortly, h as much o f antercst fo r every- body. The a nnua l has cCaS('d being a lU<·al atrail' and no" covL'I'S much of the <•ounty's growth. I ts p ictol'inl prt'!->CII· tati1tn i~ tinwly a nd cyl•lul : the re arc ma n y fcutun•s that will lntrig ut• and hold the publil: a s :1 pubh l·ation ''or1h m ailing to fril'm.ls l ar a nd near. ·\\'at\·h for it! • • + Nt"ft' ('hur <'h. Formal start of the Community C hurch a t Corona del Mar with a charter roll of :>4. eon l;idca't'd a fin<' sh owin g . marks a new chapter in the religious life of the city. It goes hand in hand with the church re- rently e;tablishro by the Eplscopalians and the ad- vent of a pt>nnanent rector rewals determination on their part and the hope on the part of this paper that they wU1 i"'": and prosper as never bef<>n'. Such .ln-nuenoea tn a community in- dlc:!ate lll development as a cultural and residential mu- • nldpallty. • • for 36 yean the beat advertilinl medium • tile newport harbor district • • • the neupaper that ~· home Bay Bonds to End War Quicker • \ ' • BALBOA A\ES IEEP POSTEl! 1 Year ..•• $2 5I EMBRACING BA' BOA PENINSULA, WEST MEWPORT, SEA SHOR& COLONY, LIDO ISIL NEWPORT HEIGHD,-BAUIOA -ISLAND, CORONA-DEL MAR, COSTA -.t.ES\ VOLOIIII DXVI NI.WPO"T 81:ACH, CALIP'O,.NIA, TU •• DAY, U~TI.MII." 12. 1M4 .1 Maskey's 'Gas' Saving Plan for Boats · May_ Be Adopted for. All U.S. Local Panel Whieh Has Saved 198,000 Gallons, of Fuel in Year, Get,& Approval of Regional I OP A Board for Coastal Area 1 That nation-wide use or an N.'Onomical gas coupon plan I for boats that will result in saving millions of gallons of flK'I. may be adopted by the government, was the opinion ex- pressed Monday at a directors meeting of the Newport Hnr- bor Chamber of Commerce, when Ralph P. Mas key, C'hnir· man of the local OPA gas panel, explained what had been ac· complished here. Mr. Maskey revealed thut a year qo his &roUP adopted a pa.n to l"flf~ the amount of "Z!b" given boats, from 125 rallons per quarter to 50 &;allons Cor the same pc!riod a.nd lha l as a rt>SUlt this one area had saved 198.000 &;allons or "pa", On October 1 • · new ruling will bec:ome eff~t ive when• M1ckerel Season o,.s With l•nc; lri•c161 Tons under the rel:lJlar ruiP a boat Mac.kt>rel have bet-n runnln& owner, no mattrr what t.he. slzt> or good this past Wf'('k and the Call· his vt>S8t'l, would ~ . as mu<"hi fomla MArine Packing company l "gas" as was provl~ an .. A" 1 has had consistently good tonnaer book. Thr rt'gular allo~ce a from tht> opt>nlng day but things Y<'8r was 125 gAllons and a~ A n>ally opt'nl'd up Tuesday mom · careful survtoy he round that mc'lst lng, with hoats lining up thC' [ boalll could &<'I by on 50 gullon~ ~eth ot the cha.nnel waiting ror which wa.' suUtclrnt to k<'<'p 1hr · thclr, tum to uniOlld .. engines "alive" in the 90-day peP I Wf'llem Canners. Inc .. WC're nol loci. quite pre~ for so bie • catch OPA Approwe and wtore !!bon or lll('n, but Tht> MaskC')' pla n was preM'nlPd rounded up e~eh packera to to OPA Dirt'Ctor Scolt m char~:•• handlto tht'lr JO tOQ_S. althouah of thl~ areA and h<' was so l'l1' 1 tomt' of their fl8h w~. given to thu~ with the plan that h~ ha• the West Coa.~l. This pve th• Need is Great On "A" Cards; Please Help! ___ ..., An urn..t ple1 tor mere vel· untHr help to aid II\ iettlnt Mit pn~mptly all the "A" , .... ,.., rationing Cl41rd• '• rna• -y "•'flfl P. Mnk•y. Chairman el tht lodl Rationing hard, With ""'r-1 thouund oa,. to oo to reakttnt1 of the • .,... .and only a aflort time lfl wh~ to l1aue the-m, th~ tu k Ia a bit Ofle 1nd more help I• _.... If ;all the coupon• are to be out eft t1m~. Dullline for the cloalnt of the re-ln ue or "A" card& 1e aept.,Hth if you w;ant your "A" bOok by the 22nd. and to data woth the limited ;amount ef Ml' av11l1ble, not mo,.. than 2000 booka h11vr bettfl IMutd luvlng- lno approximately ~ mo,.. to be mailed. If -Uft Ott a donn .. lka wtlo will ueh don1te 1 day or two, we un do tho big Jell eft time 1nd h1lp the people 1ft tM community to kee,. the whoela rolling. Phone 1171 aM veiYft· leer your Nrvlcea right -· Application. are again avail· able at ~-·TI'"" offloa. New Yacht Club To Be Projected T. Jasper •••••oo1s National Bureau Chief Old T. let l•~r W1y H · •mer WitU•&roiW ere Sees no Letup to Dies at 71 .. ;:;· .. ~:":-.":.;·:~·;: P aci~c Coast Activities • reJ111t rallocl or ftTS. whlrh I' :Ill On•• "' th•· ololul plune¥1'11 In llhotvr I_!)M.Jlf Uu• ~nina da¥ lturt ' ---• _ ~~r: .. ~~~ .. :.n.:;~l:~. t;::~ ~~~I ) d tr IUI<t It Ia nr-'tf'<l .. .'"•1 llu· ~Rexford Newt•omh of WPR Board s., •. 40 pel' de~· ... lh<',lll:" ,,, 71 \'O'tlr• untl ... u.l f'llf'VIImrnl will '""'" ft(l(l Cent Cutback of Metala for Mill•·-wm run,,.. 1 ,...,,.,, "" W•'lc hthl thl•l Jtr l"'""''n i'OO and 1100 wrr,. r••.: I B id • • • -~ 1\letoUil\' •• :.! I'm from WlnbiJ·I Itllr"''' •l IIIII' Nf'WI•"r1 lit'"' h I e A to Ctvthan u Be ler'•. ~nnll• AliA w1t h lnt,.rrn,.nl lfl'&tnntrr •lrnool. whk h 111 tuktn.,: Ia f'llhl•,l\•'" Hrv c;l'rali1 tta11h molM otf lh• ~rra•tetl In hall -""'"I " ot tho• 1-)t•l l'hriiO(IIHI l'hu,.. h I until IUif'h tlnlr .. lht' "'""lit olrl ltf'xfom N('W("'mh. c·hlc•f of the-Ctw-ml<'ftl Material blwlda hnta Ani& ufllrlltt'<l '"""'" .... ~ lttiU bulldln. I. Nlftlplt'lf'd of tiM' C ot\M'rvntlon dlv~lon nt ttw-War l~ucUan Board. dut! to • ht•llrl att.ar k t AI "••UI Mraa the Main ... hMI Wnl'hlu~ton. 0 . C., In n Oylll$( trt(l htono ror ll <"'ftfrrenoe wttb Jbl)"r hnrt hNn • l<'~iolf'nl "'I hall an tnltlal f'Dn•UmC~nl nr 411:1 hl!i ('O(L~In. Fml Nf'Weotuh Ill, puhUMf'r o r the Cltna Review, Ora.n.:•• "."untv tM 4:. v•·•r• hA'' 1 with 3~0 at th• l,lndbuf'1111 arhnnl In nn lntrrvlt'W todlty outllflf'd wtutt Is C'X(1('(100 to happen!' In~ ,.,.ur..,t ""~'""'' vrnt'• "ll" •• • and 103 In thfo lllndf!rlarlen. 'Mila postwor work. Iff' fM'll' the\~ wtll hr nu lf't-up ln proci.dloB f'lllllllng f'l'nlnll'lnr. HI' ··".· thl' jllVNO a tutal , l20 and lhf' tor on t.M l'ud flc l'CWUit. I ••• l'/I)'M: r - ftlltWr or AI M' JuJ'f'r. w••l'r•rttlr f'Drollm.nl .... y•r at any lime "Wht'D lhf' final olay •.• ,, .... r. "tlo)Wt!Yitl' ll mu.t ... -.. WhK~ " . ' qt AI'• l~.rk anll Kf'y ahnl' nf tlut~ fllr all ••f F:llt llf"' nnw l".lf>U mrmht-r ... l Ill• I 1Jw JW_If'-.. llanta Al'lll If!' •·u • natlvr 1100. latly •·•llf'd -x Pay" ··om••· • will •1111 ""f""" ,,..,,.. .. ......_ .-,. •••"« been bnm In Carnl)rta an '44 H. S. Alumni oumt~oor t•f •·hotn11u will lmrn••l· tttt ... "' nuJttAry .....-.... _. JUT. Ourtn~r hl11 r~~rlv Vf'fiNI at lalf'ly !),. m•""' In ttwo Oov•rnmf'n· thtl natutf' 1'<f Lilt• ~ ...... Jf~ hi' alwayw tnok a n arllvf' Has Publi..ation tal llnl"'-' •lntt'IUn! un.!•r wturh ln. r.qul,.... ...... t ..... "' ..-. pert 1n rlvk aftalra and wu a '-'-bu.ut-. r•rth·ulnlv manufa<'tur-tAln tt•IIY whldl .,... ..a • part o• thf'_ lltr'OIIfl of Nrllf'r C'ltl· Of Its Own Now ln •. now "'"'"''"" ..,,, •tf .u. II wtdf'ly u~d In ........... .ee lntrr-~ttf'd In Ita rlvlr anl1 n u•l !),. uutr<l U1at X llay will ampho, th• ,.,..._ ot 1-.t _. political lift! brtna alt<•ut • •ui.Mttflllllal cutbo ... l& tr\tl In thfo l'ujfte .,. .. .a 111 lhr 201~• •u•·h m•n •• In military l·ln••ur-.•n•l'lll, "artntUII)' tor n1u1'h lar,.r q._.UMie till 1M P'i"rmf'r ldayor J"" Arhnllkn. A new rubllratloft appea~t l .. t utlmat•tl by .tltf•t·•nt I''"''Unh miH.Jirtnala UMd &a .......... . Huah McMilLan. Jud~~t!' Ryrnn !Call. WPi!k wlt.h the 114Yant ot lh• 'U nu·nt authortll"•· Am1y and Navy. and lnW<'llfUK"•• Uaaa U.. ...,.. Bald\' R1ct"n. Law~nrr Willdu· hnfalr. • monthly .,_,..,. fur "' :to In 40 p.r rf'Ot. J'f'<'WT&Il\ h .. u-J .,.,.._,..._ ,... aon. 'tilt> Ht'mlttrHtl. Juhn We· lllumnl elf tht' <'Ia• ol •••. Nf'WI"ort r 11 t •-..._ fll .. •-on-Cut.. Ia u-.. ·1 "<' h •rraln -o--I I -IIUlan. t"nnnf'r Mayur Hf'rm••· Harbor tlnlnn .. ,. .. •hool ,.a,c • .._ ·~ "'"" •••>mmunk'aU. M a 11.., n.nk Louth 1111•1 c>thrnt, .,.,.,... In Th• atlt!d-CtU'Ttee IIIWtl ltrma "It Ill true that lh• <'llt....,·kl wdl With llw wldNpnoed -till,._. U.. llml'llgbt 11n•l frlrnda or thr bltA of bumM, pcwtry, penneala, 1 ... unbelant "'l Ci'rtaln ""'I"'"'• wt,.. ""'" lft tbe ... IIlia .......,. ~ I• aorrvl<'e llllt with :t2 •am•. and 1 will .. ,ttf'r mUl'h mor• than olhf'rl of war Wr' Arllnr Jupt"r. tht wl<~. Ia Mnl to ev•ry mem"-r of th• ltu"'r'•r. 111 .. llhrlnkaar In J'f1' He Let o-Hef9 1,. 11111 11rttvr In C'lvlr mall,.,.., rlaaa. I''"""'"""' will !),. •rver • hrrwl 'J'tlp,. aone 11\Jrvlvf': Wllllflm .,ar. F.dltnl"'l .,... JHn.,ttf' Rbonk. ""''"lb be• to brlna lh<Htl •r ''Theon, \uu, the ,.....,... ,_. I recommcndt'd the &ystrm for ur-•• We!!t Coast 40 tons to handle-. Mn on craft in his territory and hru< Sadie White is in charge o( pi!<:k· ai!IO prest>niC'd' the l~a to Wa.sh·l en thC'rf', and Ruby Updyke 111 rt1 Jut>f'r. ll.R. N•vy, now •ta-1-"r••l Rhand. wtwl .dtt. • pace antt l•"ualtn•t,.ly tO per unot rt>dut11un l•m. lnvuhlnl tl\# WIOi •1 fill UOH<! In Ntw OulnC'a, Irwin o. aupt"rvi•«W f"lblk'lly; l'at llutlttr, ln military n~ lor th .. t.._11tr 1 hun<lr•d• r.t ~~ fill -. Ja.,.r. 11110 In thr Navy anti .Ca· a nti WUclla 8'-1rleJ, wbUe lla~ 1 1 tn..tla•tr1al mela lt •••I, aluminum wltb all of tllelr '*tlle 14 to -. Uollf'11 In H~trr'ltthurR. l'a., ,nd Alice l'oll&l'll .. ooiUIIIIIIat and •nol ro1.per · lhf' th,...• whh:b ln frnm l:umpe ln the ....,. --. Y.ncoumgt'<l lly tht prii'Cllcal ad· Menill JUJIC'r or Santa Ana. 'n\e lltatf artt..l, and Vlr(lnl• ~nwry I" lt42 and IH3 were auff~leDUy Will be terrtlk. ~ llilllolilil ... vlte and &Militant<' or two New· ramlly home le 111 106 :4th 11trrrt ,., lumnlat and lltalf poe\. • rH I•·•I to C'aw. lnetllulloo uf th• nn lf'tdowft • atllp -Ill linn ing-ton. Despite th~ fact that th<' 1 !Of'(' lady at the WC1!tem. new ruling gQCS Into etrect W Down at th<' California Marine first, Mr. Maskt>y said hls ~I 90 tons were brought In, an Ill· port HArbnr yt~chtamen. • oew U>nlrolled Material• f'lan until the lftd ot tM PMifte .... vacht club may aoon riM 011 the · • would con tin~ on !Mir savl.nc-moat un~nted catch for 10 ru plan, wt111e uncter the new or evb' ln the ~euon. , w H 8 ' H ··out put ot ttw11 buk: 11\&twta\a ··untortiUI&t.IJ .tate X D1f atloru of l..&k..e e&d. 'ts hu a.." ., .. ,_.. d...._ tM pr~ wtllc* WUl .... .. _!.·_c.:a::;~~ .. ~rlll=-~l': -ungry urg ar I .... Ulet '* ...... Mat ......... •='•'• I 2 ,, ......... .. der a boat would depndate rap- Idly wtt.n Its supply l.s ~ ·-• . .. ..._., It ,._. .._ t. ....... flwD._-_,. ..... ~ ..... • .. to H Jd the Balboa YIM'bl t'f~ .-d RWI-F aalnt.IIMd, mon of tb,... m•Cal• .,.. an ,_,.... .., • .... I ww-.... On the subject• ol winter """'" lala. Mr. Maske)' ol lhe chamber'l real estate eommilt('(', said that an all·)'<'llJ' tl'nancy basis t>hould be e11111bli~hNI. Property owner!! CCUUUI 0 ard P'f'.ntoo, prnmira~ol ~al ad· T PI f f• r civilian u .. • than...,.,,... r.qulred that It Ia potnl.._ at ta.a. UrN .. First Se.asonal Vlllor, W~rl' caJif'd th~re ~n\ly wo aces _Qr are (ut all Hllr JII"Udut'tlun In 11141. tlliii'UM ttt.m lt MJ .. ~ and a~dreued a rroup ol re · -t·n.r .. r "'Jr'h •·oolflllona ni raay ""Jl· ,, r arantf'd, bow-. U..t X 0.. M t• M d ~~entat1ve cltluna at the La " plv, ,.,.,1 wllh lh,. ,.101 ut pMvld· will liN'' a .,...., ••_...t ln U.. ee Jng on ay P'tontln bout. lh~ next day U lk· "-. I Ina n .. w ttl•l•ll'1unlll••a fut fll lvah l>taalr• 111ftlala altuatln" wWl ...... Fln~l llelll!ion for the r nmlng toll lnlf to • Joint mPe'lng of the Poll~ IU'e look In& f••r ll huhR . "'""· A&ntA .,.na. while UurTt! I rmJ!Iuyttlflut Ill tiut thlrahlr •·ton. r·ums•l"'" •·rarllln• ~ the o.a. who hav<' b('(>n ren ting lhl'ir homes for the summer season feel they have ~~t·cured suHicil'nl r('nt · lals and do not cart> to l«>llSt' thrm ror the rC'lll or lh,. yl'ar. as thry , had SCC\Jn.'<l an OPA ruling' ror high<"r seasonal r<'Vl'nUi' nnll wl'n' llnd w lnlt'r of Troop :1. Boy ~routA. chambera ot cummtrce of Lo• hurclar 'Wt!o plll'd hi" lruolr· Ill WllaPn, •1•1 of Rftnl• Ana hatl ., "lllfll'r•' II'""'" ln•httllrh•a lltt• rlrllt, llull,.•l ~htrnale I'IM allllpbtlcao hll!l ~en l'llllt'<l by ~rnutmut~r VI'(U and Boulder City. tuwn Satu~ nhtM IUlrl rull•·dNI llf't11ll«hl ·~c>l.t'n tn 1\albofl. l':lmt'r ""'' 1111 •I '"lot''"' ••• ,) •• · I hr fflVU• ""II ur 1110' r•rf'llnt pr1orttt• .,. Tom Allf'n for nrltl Atondlly, St'pl Al pri'M'nt n rorH'<'Slllon tr•lm n 100(1 mf'al ,;r...Jhe "'"'' AI :102 l .. nrll"" 7:.!1 Wrltt c:.ntral avo•nur.,,,.l l .. n "' ltu• '"""'""' Wl'll llrnl '""'·""''Ill,. •tall Inward normal 1~ 41 • p m a t l~lh and Central. W8Jihin~;lon It 1 v e 1 lo S.llllolrr "m. Sunday llurikr f' l'nl•·miUl, hnol hiJI f'urd lltnlt'TI from thr ll••lll· IIIII .. , ,.,,1,.,,. n11w •·urlallllll: t•r•• I"'A''" 11,.,., rr fi.OIIfllt'IIIN ol c.oa-- • 1 • • ' T I t t I C lh n12 • t r-~ t 1 ~ · ,. 'Jol ~ l•·llrm <:t,...l rnmn!U\v ftllrklno.; lui Thlao lrOQp whtch 1.8 IIJl<tnllllrNI nura comp f' ~ con rll o ,. .-n-" rA.t .....,n rn IIVdl ll . " . ' • • ,. • I''"' II"" .. r ""' h llrllllt "" Vll< uum •11111"1•' •tunthl• IC•"•.., "''"'"' h\ lhl' Lions club . is a ra,t. activf' tire-ahllr••llne of th .. lake, It 11 reported to pultre I hut """'"'m" "' ~"" I f'tlm ...... ,.1 ... ,, lll••vr" 111,., 1""'" nl r,.. "l"'ll)nlt 111,. 1111,.1111,. tor tull 11111• ~:'ruup AlUIUitant Scoulm:utrr tal u hl. a.ntl the ter\'IC'Inrt or RJI hRII entere-d h'" r"""' \\1111>-tw "'"" l-11m ii11N' I• nuw rnm1111r tn '"'I'IIJI• "''"'" "'""I",,. 111rt111 turnl l"l••vrrtr•lll ,,.,. 111., rt'turnln• -- l'lllnl•·y c;.,n:IH hov•kl, with Bob! Yilt hill with a rf'llUltlnR lit I ry of 1 ••l~p l!lnll h:ul I" k•·11 " k•·ltl>-,.f llu 11 It• nllun Nf thlt'V~'e. and ld•rk 1 ,11, ltt.:ltluo~; , 'l'•ll'tnr ul "'"' 1111.,1 y vir .,111.,11• ttvltl,.twtnw lo lb-Utat \lrnt>lr\' nn•l Roh Rnblne u Junlllr jl(rt~C from o1v.-ner3 It waa Frn· frtrd chlrkPn. S47 nurl 1111 "'" tol•·rt-,l_tr·nl \ r .. rt•rlr•l I hill ••m" """ hovl """ 1 , 11.r I•'''"' 1,. vll•l lu 1 hrl llu•ll r111111 hi• 111,1 two.n In ..Sa " M ltshed. Pr,.-.l'lr nt Brad~n Fm<"h I bc!llr v('(t thai 1f mcr!'a."4.od wit\lf'r rt'ntnl mlm~:~ could bP ~Hr•'ff OWTIC'~ m11thl !)(' Jl('f'SU8tk>d lu ll'ast• th,.ir hom$':<. but othl'r r•·al· tors prl'!'<'n\ rcmaini'd >-llr•nl flh that po!'!!ibllity. a.:.. ... ,,.r·.. ton. I'Hrl I !Ohuw l'll'm a WilY IIUraUon rard• I •. , r .. , .. whltf' hoar .trwolll "'''" ... "'"'' •• """IIIIo lllr· "' 1111' IIA Tl:l' l'lf•YII ..,.111 J:t!l In lrlm ·for l .. ut, anrl the'"" mrn ,.,,, .. re· P01111lhly Jh,. ''"'' l •ot'l'h•l ."I' rl ... '~lhnla Yarhl rtubr••tt .. whll•• llttu Cert~mlo •""•' I h k. I ll •wlm '''""'' with Prtlhwan!Om, fnr with (rum lbt' IJfllllh """ ll\1~,..··1 hi• "••I .... ~k Mnt M"•wrll l(h>l( I "'' N""''"'"" h•• .,. .. n In w.-. niJ: ll "~· r 1tmp nl( n1 . · · · 1 t o 8• '"P Some Tlno• 1 l 1 h 1 tl t . <: I r lh llpl'lll l..~tkr· Ml'trd lhf•lr hi,;~;•·•• ~~tor rhlr k•n gT&VV r .. r ...... r II\•• h•llll • II I"'"'" " ll'lll'r l'llrtlr ''"ITI , ... , na .... Wll anrl """ • r )'~&I'll an nmg, •·t•· · ''''1'-rc" " 1:'"k1lli .l Yll!hlin•• a tHI fllhlnJ: "kll111; in the llllf'r Mn ·Hnnnnh 1:1111• \\lho 1 ... roto .. 11 thf'""~llllt lll•y t"runl ;"I lor \\'111 l't H•Iu•·tltlO """''' h•• I'"Y" hi• llf'par1mflnl ,.,wl-• mill Sccrt'lnry Wt'lch l'l'porto•d thai due to IIU'RC'r numht'n: and llmlll'!'l racllitles the nnnunl rt•mlt•zvotl'• of thl' Sf'o Scoutl' would not l'tl' hPhl here in Nnvl'mlX'r. but would ~;n IO Long Iknch mstcad ttw 1111mmrr 11 ami' •0 II· • " · · "< 1 1 k 1 I lj u All t l 0 "" mountain,. lhr hl'ltlllle!t nf Ule run11 thC' Amtrtl'ltll f,un•li r•·l'"l! 1,_1 1 th f 11 "l•·h• .v In •'II ''" n,., . ., •• ,u v "'''I"' lillY l•f.,llltr rrtriiiA l'rlur to l oii'IC ,. Ill Ill( •• r ~n. r nry u, . ' \\'1111~1 ~ wrrr .... IV r " ....... I I I II I ·, r . I .. _ 1 kl L' k .., i 'b o1r,.r•rt anti t h e l r mAitlllflrent t•ll that Ul~ r rtfl' h ll.J 1 ... ,.,., "'' I•"' .. _ 1 1 " ~~~'"'' "'"''' n r •·rv.-l!·lt 1>111 •• '" I Itt' mtll .. n 1 •'lll•lla ,..,. wM D1rk \\In er. r rnn .~p t• erl{l'r, • · 1111' H M ( 'l11rk. or.... .Ill• a , 1 1 X 11 11 1 I I J 1,1 _, K~lth c. c1l•lr hnlPIII, 01•• Ul17.ena fiiAn ll wonrr· with $14 mlltlllnJt fmrn th•· • •1•l• 1 11 VII .. '"'" 1 "" "'" "" My, "nol WI ~ mfiii!Ollll• rtlllor rnr """ y..,.. (uno , lit• onu • .,11 • v.h .. 1• "'"YIIIfC a 1 I II ,.,,,. 1 II , 1 t l .. , " e. b •~&J ful rt•11ort. • ,,.~ltttr anc1 Ulrt•r nr 11111r ol••ll•11 ~ M t" d 1 , '1 • I I•· "''"'" Ill" "'r•r ll num .,., fJ "' I rr11.ml• lnilttlllr)l, a ..,, Jl-.o '" lax m onty 11.1"'1 lhlll 1 ho• 1••l 1 II.' 1 '1' 1""1 "''"' ,. 11 'f'n ,.,.,. A 1 lh' • """''fv"tl"" l ylll' urolf'ra w hh h '""IC"'·'".. l•llllllllhr•l 111 Cbk:acu Di.<:rus..,,on c1r phms for Vll'lof') Day wh(•n 11 arrtV<'II got nowh.·r.· and a commitl<'t' com f)(N.'iJ or Mrssnt. Murphy. "l'nrman and 1 G<-rn.sh wa.s given an oppor1Unll) 1 to pre!':<'nl n plun. ll<'rbf·rt Kt•nn) gave n rrpnrl on thr• Ralhnn t'SO'~ new quArtl'r!l on 1h1• Ray front for diMhlt'<l vrtl'rans and <.11111''1 that som<• 400 mr n utillzrd th1•m tht• first Sunday. C"onsidC'rnble olht'r routinr' m<rl · tr•n: ,.., . .,, rhspo~t'd oL Former Balboan Wins Commission \ Pf c. "Bud" Gordon ~t'('t nrl 1.1 I ..... dfll ' Qulgjtlr I Wr·a·tes from Italy whn Will' fnnnt'rlv manA~trr uf A BalhnA ~rncrry ''"'''· h1111 won hL~! --- ''"nll' IIO!tl"n nrul he lind Mr~ In 11 Jrll~r Itt 11111 f111o1 11nol r.t .. m Qttlj:~le arP nnw "' R11nta Ahll l Mr Anti Mrl! Irvin Gt><lr~tf' r.nrolotn Vlllltln~t !ht'lr flRrt•nh II fl Wut Cf'ntrlll, '"Bw1" trllao "' l.l QuigjO:II' rt'<'f'Olly comr lf'INl I hll• promotlop tn T'rlvatl' Flr"l training at ttw Army Air 1-'r•rr rlt f1nl'ff. HP also h1111 rrr~l\'NI rnm· "ffil ,..r Cllntlldilt•• 81 1\t)l!l at lh,. P"li:n rihhnn" r .. r lhl' ltlliiRn RAn Antnnlo Avinllun ! ·,.,lrl •'l'n· th••ntl'r of war ant! " alllr tnr pllr- trr 11rlf111llnn In 11 IT'Ajnr blltllr t·nn t.:rRtullllfonA, nurt' I S t b t T k 0 l•·:~~~~~n7•~;~,':r~~ l•~·~~::=lc~r:.~.~~~· a e 0 a e v e r I ltotn ,,..,~ IIArhnr IIIIth l!l('hnnl 111 llln<• n( 13 H" lrl\ln•••l 111 !'nmp 1 h D b d T I I H~tlo•rl~ f.,r hilt bn!lll' lh••n ""~ A · t •t "' nl tn !':~mr Adlllr In flr"C"" :•1·l .. rc es, e a e 1 e 1.':~·;~ ••• Afrll'" .. n., u .. n···· 1" II•• in,;: abiP I•> "''" ft• mr "' 1 '"' q.,,,.n '''"'11". f lllilk t'lJ.! '",.'''' Yo·ar'A·IIIol l"lllr!l\'>111\' lu•1"'''11/o J11,1 \\tool ll•ll '' 1 oiN \\oil loll \'•' """ l'f'IIRrllph.v lt\'1' fotr llutl r.~ ,. 'l h• •II\' ••I '-•'\'f'Hrl llt·a•·h nn·tl •.n l•ror'l " n.nrlnr ""'"")' ~~ harll h·q•r>••nlng l•o mnn\' 1111 Am•ro ol• l .tf ~•'J' ·~,.,,.,. fH •·r thl' ,. ... (:,CU..,, ildf•'l l 'ir•· ft~ I'!--tt lll\' ,.Cl)o:• '"'"' t•uJn_y ,.,, sr'lkt•r,fn "'•tid' II" h \•'1111•· I t.:hl or \\II\' ll nol ·I fl•t'r" .•• ll hrnnnl( hnd r•···•·m· '"' I hllrt h \\llh ,,. , •• ,. r • I I . r i r• t 111 n u ( t ht' h \'' rh• ad at T h• r:~rntl• II P a1t f ,,,nt rnn\• td .. 'u t :tnd durn• h1t1lt '•\'flt n t h ,,.,. tt 1 I.,,, .. tl• .• ,. 'n.!' '" hi\\'• tnrtu' In"" \\1\\ '" :an.,ttl twt1t·r UlJi!l~!ll.~ un•l \'flnr-. ARh an~t ~·hal ll thu U '" "I nolllipl f'll•l "h• n lh" :ol lll' llll!h· "1!1• ~, In h••n l~ IIH "I! lh•' 'ltrl ll· f!totl•" ''''' "' ~"olll&: It I"'"' '''I' II tn ''"I 1111\'1~•·•1 t h•· I un· nol '" .:ot In\ to IJI• \\'• ~~ ~· "l'"fl Of "'""'l:t l int• ,. ~~ 1•1 It '·" I I)' hllll•hnl: ln"!~·d••r t!u1t 11 """ 1:1\•• All • 1'h,. rlly rl11n fl lhnl 11.~ Yo ho 1110• WR• k rut.: tvllC' • ,.f 1 .. r••nd••rnnlt11: I hi' l'(r•lltn•l l•or hlj;h· Ill•· nrl\ l•w 11llnn wnuld l>l "n 11lY : fur lh(' hny 111 ll\'l''"""" f••r X !lilt" I Wll~' pllrJ'fiiW'Il, f•IIIJ" rl\' uno! lhrrr dill n••l 1'1"• m In ,,. n ~"''"''" ,,, lh•• lrtt~r 111 "", 1 11 ,.,.,.,..~~ \hAl n hu1l•lln~: J•·rn•ll li•· 1111v '"'"' alhm ltlat ll~tn\ wn~t lol 111111 •·om1•llm~>nll! hi., lrl••lll• 1 ,1, 1 lt,ld l,t<•l n l'<''lU''II II'I 111 lhP rnomty h•• lll'rll ltlt•ll II> 111!1' l'llllll' I llllol 1111111 "'1111 P!f'n•l j:lfl~ 1., lo 11 d••I'Artnv•n! anti [Jt•fr•ll' gri\JIIHII( 11. I frcqu,.ntly. upon til,. ··~· "ll•·r•l ... 1 " rurntnl nutlr·l! WU.II lll'nl Ill lhr Alleged Holdups •litlnn In Yt'hl! h lh•••r Jill• kill'~~ 11lRlt" highway englnt!er•. whll'h orrtvr 11 .. Mid 11 v.1110 pl•·ll\' ~"" ,udot,.nly J•·opt~rdiV'II rutur•· J•lt•n". Not in' Stag Cafe I''' 11re th,. way aom .. "' 111. t•·l In lh11t locality AI! a ruull lht• lnw1' J>ll'""'" f'IUtH' thr•••l l:h •n•l 81Alf' prnmptly ACIPd Arid IIIIIU!'d 1111 '-'1111-lhry v. ,.r,. nr.t 1•111 k nolkt' nt cnn<lrmnaltnn prol't•Pd· A ~<tory I~ we~k sl•111t lh,.1 111f~d ca "'rully .. nou~th mg11. I r11pl11r,. of \\'ill lam H,.rht-rt "'""'"n A t r w htnt10 fr••m MrA 1 ;,rd••n Both Mr. WcKH and On·tiiC' W and Sllm J"'mvenT.&llo. 1alcl to bavr •·hn It An I'IIJ>"rt """" anv 1n•l O.nt. rent~r af a dlaputr """r A bflen Im plicated In thf' robbe-ry nf f'vrry tt.n c:onllllnrr ynu ca.n l;riC marine railway. ba-n bfoen notlflr•J F B Epple. Hunlln~on Rearh '-"'fTOW or alral ft1t Ul•y ar• l•l••ul Oant p~oualy hAd pun:butell maa. of 12200, llalfod tmo men hill! tnr Hnltln~r I Old tn wt•~ttbrr t h• · \\1111•! v.llll ltr.O In l'hi"C'ka 1111•1 1 1 , ( Nlltor had br-f'n opt•n<'•l lito• I ,. • ? •• .,, . ..,ol I"" 1llllt • rrt11111 •II" I •..-ur l1t that h• wu Cl41radllc ea- holtlr ot crl!ftm rt•nllllm"'l S l~. '"""· l'.llrf'n 1'11"'"n, 4 .:1 I• Kit tnlll,.rlfll• '"' • lvllllln l VI"' 1£lllr"r at ' th• Ulll9.ri.Jty of h "•l• 1 1\lrr.-t. ~hrnnan O•k• 1•"'1 t 1t11t 1111 1 Mort' monf'V "'"" tnk•·n 11'" 1, ""11•·1 wtth ,h,....ke a.n<l If• 111 1 (' '"'"' ~'111'11; Harry Jny, l•i I 1 1•:1'"' '• 10 , ,.11 .,,,..,.,.,11 Onr,.ham, :17.,1 lllrHt. Hutlng1••n l'nrk. "'""~''I' , . .,.,l'o \\ olllurt "'"""'·Ran llahl it•l "'hr-tl htt WU rt~IJiw •I 'f s:,l~l '" 1• •I ""' 'olllnlnlnl: •• and II hil l n 12-gt:.Ujtf' 11hnl lot lin v hi• h •.•' • • f.,lol "'"" lltlrt by t" Y. ttiNirl, tAken from hi• rRr, "'"" " I • k•·ol ~i\AAIC. • .• r ht-lunglnrc t" H II 11111 ro• t·:t 1 oro Martne bJil•u• ,. ·•~t •·nl ,, 'I il "hilt the ownf'r "'"~ "'llll nv I"'' t'l7 wu lllken. T'1• 1, Wf"rfl unly four t'IUU'M ,,, ,, ,,,-.;~ u t ttn t:Jf•tkrtl nvrr l htt w•·•·k , rool, "'''I I~• lr~tftlr r11M1. -.--- Newporter Wins Air Medal fQr Nazi Battles Auto acc.·,.,.,.,,r-y tl11• \''1" ,,, f t 1l•,1 I'Ui y, With l hr• fflllP Y. "if' "\\11••1 • r• fl'lrt.ln~r lhr ''"'" ••1 "'h• • I •It • ,\1 1M M11 ry 1':,.-t ,.l-;-., .IIHt•tu,l . I ll)fl Lynn, 140:t "'"'' l'h\ I I ••I GAry Hn\lolllolf li.'• I • • .,. I ·•onl, l>tJih cars 111 11•1: l'•llc•••l nl I'" Ll<ln ltl,."t"r 1"1 I •· I •··1rt I loantlnglon l~n1 h . "''" r, 111 I 'I• "'1-'lolo 1 .. r Mrlf Juri(Pn lnr•·11t .. All ., ., I I f II ;\ ' ·····•.' , .•• ~h·, ,.,,,, I .. ' ~·H•'• I u~t lttty fo'n lf'l1, l t.Mit,r.n , '~t rd nh I fiJ tl1d ~~ ~tl ~1tlf ,,n \ I I• rt '•tt tt~l ,., u .. urtln~''''' ('••I r. I ''' • hu"'''""' •I ~1t• ;;,..,, It • f I!• HU u~tuu. Vrnnunl ,,,, '1 I I • ' t I •' J.att1 "'''' f l'r,. I.,,, ~ ' ,, I, I 'l f t,, 1 ,t 11 lutt1 h• • tt ''· 'ttll f trJfl " Ill•' "''' • 11'1 I .. " • ,., . • I ··' 'II to I '1 fHnd ·r,. ; II ift II ' .... II f t t I '" '' •I fl I Iff' \1• •lui ,,,,,. 1•1• .... l v I •~ V'''"f' '''"I ·' l't•'• I l,d ltl i\ i\ ... '"'"' I '' ,, t l ·'''Itt ~~ ' '•"II 1.1 II I lUI •• ,,.... , •• I I I I ft \ '• ' fi I tot I IIII 1 I t-.ur••t" Ti t ~ ., ., I I\ I I ~ I " 'I, I '•I I ""' ~"' dl ; '" '"" ,,., ' I I I• ''''" '""" , t tlh ,,, ... •f til I h•· "I'. I""''"' I .... , ... t un I, l1 u• P~P I ft" filM Jtl tftHI•t H • I f l• t ·''''" t ''ol d qpqh h''""rff ~~~ •I II•• 1\ t tfli••l I·,,,, • '' ••f fh•· t 'nJt•••l ~H:1Io" 1 ~1:1 1 l1•" tt1uo 1 ... ,.,. 1u ~:•IJ.:I"''" ••rrn• I Ill if' hll•l lilA •111111111••11 lo·ol I v MroJ••t Mv•·lto II f'nllt•·r •·f I Jru •du :.:.~t.t """ ta•u·n f•ltr1 Hl lltu r•tl ''''' •·••ml,lnJC ,.,,. ""'"'' ,,, ';, r rruu t\ " • ••Ut tnf'ntlll ft.rt rr~tt "'"I SC.T. Mil TON L ELl£ A , "''" .. ,.,, tl1 tiHJ'IIh•tl•~tl an.t uut .. ~I 1HIIlln11 r• rr"r""1n• ,.. •ol <July In I,,,.,, t t ,>{• 11 • "ttl ~ lt• • • 1•'"'"<1 the ar-1 II Ill•' I lj!hlh Air ........... ""II' k I"''. Mltr• It " 1114 I "'"' ut the um .. •• ,, I h• '""" •l••n ..... t ,,, ~ 11111' ,. I V.'h . Ill I ........ 1 ,,, I.... Dt1UIJIU roaa McKN a portJoo of the area ~ •pc!nd~ lbe "mlnr at UM lronr trip: wnp u <.h J'l•'"" "'I wblcb wu ~ lbe lurnlnc bMin I Rlllc nlto. when ID tact Ul~y hA4 candy or ~ach t ook If' In wu Jt&~r aide f1/t the rarop and which ... a br-en Ln anot.her ~oe• place and Ptl<'ll Ln the u n can tbrn ""PI put tit old Central annuf'. wtllrh 1 nurby '"'" St., wu cloef'd at all ln conupt.ed paper and tlf' ,.. th• city dt<:lar"• It mme • the um• curott•. T'tiUJu. Oeo'"t"' II 11111• pllrtlrlt,alt·•l In h~ornlollll(, All• 1 1(1 , .,,1 .• ,1~t llttl, f;~ontr U..a. h, ml,..lr•n" •111•r fwrlln. lltun~<WIJ k 1 ·,o~1r II• ,. ,. It• Arluale of K&nta rort•l ~tlhrr wnr l•rf;fiUI'tlull '""I"'" Anll 1111111 "•h•tul ,lntl Junior <'ol· 'lf tl""""ny, Utf' lnv~•tl'l r·01urt 11"1(" H11nt11 """• (laollt • ant! N11r,1 r•>mml~l• llll•on ,.,.,,,.,.. ~.,1 ::•·•nl .. :I7A'a rflf'•t•f'CI ., .. In Fran•·~. v.lnl{11 •• t 'I'VrHiatl 1-'lrld, J!'kwtda, lljHIII • ""'''l"tt"n fir lltr ttuup'a "-11•1 •llroruJrt.l lllrplane 111ec......,.. •trlr h""'"""'h ml111l•~n II \4•Ra ,.. "''"' "' Kr ... ~lt r t"'elll. WI•, .. --~h~-~~~wo~--------------------------~~N~E~lV~PO~R=·r~-B=A~L:B_O_A __ ~~~ Newp1~ It••· • LIWMIIEn II California, Tueedar, September 12, 194:.::..:4:._..... ________ ---:-------- 54 Charter Members SGT. BOB Please Save Waste Must Register With Draft Board Start CDM Church THE. IRET IS Paper to Help U. S. is==-:~".::..~';::.::.::~r;:;-=:r--:-.::: I ATED A year aco lbla coluiDJl. and the column pointed out durtnc lb" A proclamation lsa~ by ~ I ECO --.ncuJtural leader• ot COnlfTt'U UNRRA d'-<:uulon, and by tbt Prt-sldt>nt on Novf!mbfr 11, 19C2, At Age of 18 I 2 t'OI 36 band PJ...EAaE &AVJ:. C w~ an &ivlnc 10 pounds ol wast~ ancJ the wut and middle we.t, way. bu anyooe beard of UNRRA which stipulates tbat "Durina t~ ....,...,.. communloo •rvlcee church and Rt'v IF'red Nt'idrlnc-j Jt noquires 667.000 tc. ol trute ulvace pa~r ~•ch month. were perturbed about tbt prob-lately! The Army Ia doing that continuanc(' ol tb~ Pl'ftent war, -_.., ot U.. COapol bJ ••~. ,_., "' "' Baolo AAf ~,.., '"""' ,..,,,. _,. to_,, t..fo ·-up "'"' nook and 1om or 1 otuo 1 M OUCb tood. job, j..t u tl>b «>>umn uld It who ....., bono .., ., .,.., ... -, ...... , -... c ... ~··"~·· ohun h, I .,, .,, ..... , ......... """"~ !.., "'"'"""" tM --aod <Om ......... an w ..... ....,. ... ~ ~-, • v" y Oft. --....... January I. '""'· .............. ,._ oddiUoo lo tl>• Ali«l•~ '"' Tb•~ munlh• '" • "'"'" '"" >;o~I"I'J "'"' •Jt 11 "'b> '' 'wrnpPina lnot•rlalo. ,... .,..., "back mto th• "NI<'<' ot lho na~ won1od th'" obout '"'"'""••t ! WUh U.S . food prodo<Uoo • """'on U>• doyth•yottaln ...., ., 10o , """"' •bon .. • ...,,...,.,., wu tomu•d ood "" ~ T•u"t ot r~•· M -""' '"""'' 10 l~nd< '"' ~•'Y ...., _,., Uno. -and m.y montl<, mry tood lo m.,l tho d~da ot ouo l '""d om p .. wa• no~l. what , 18th ..... ..,..., ot .,.., """'' tor_.,,. ~ -lo tho ""'' "' '"'' ··nartn "''"''''" ~• "' • 1<·11 '"'"' """"'" 0 "' aod <hlld lo ,,. .....,t.,.. """;, ""'"· "'"' day ~Ill "" ..,., b '""'P• ood "' ouo """· '""""'no 10 tho '"~"' .,..,, uuuoo; ,...,.,....,, that "ouch"""""""" .,._ dol "" Com m uo" Y ,.., '"'' .. ,,. .. ,., lo dk oum• h<•·• --••• ~Uh '"'' .~"''"' th< .,. ""~nd only. Ovtlt'" o"''· '"'' wou.,, to oquoUy wo"'"' Moood, tun omploymont lo abooob'tallo on • Sundoy •• a l'lal holl· -""""''"""'I. lbo ~«~• Mo """"" '"'' "" ,.,..,.,,_,, >1ymk ' '"M, '"' ''"". """" mu.< "' ,...., 1o U.. -·· IU>mom .. <-l't<ono 8'1 ood they about tho "'"·Prod~Uoo ot f~J.I tood; lb<nl ............ , tM CaiUM· day. llt<l• ..... tnll.., ohaiJ '""' a... l"wn)t r . lkhroek, wbo 111'1& 1 atart wu 11 "'""" 11111'1'\' '•IW hi uro11n.ry ach..,v .. mcon t on bllmll This is why you are uraec1. a nfl will call for your•paper or maza· and about food aurpluaee alr.,ady I nla. ~v.ery poulble effort to de-plact> on tht> day followtnr that Ia -tal Ia lbo MP"'oat•oo th•t. .. a """'""', t '""""n·• .,,,, '"' .,.,. .• , oo '"'"' """"' "'"~ agoln to ,..,_,. ..... or ''"'•· n• <h~ up In riO-pound on hood. "'op lbo-ot ocnooHu~l oom· not a Sunday •• a l .. al holiday." _,., -·-· "' ... ~l<u "' .. '"""""· "~' "' Uu• "'" V"'""" '' '""'" """ " • "" ": w'"" ,.,.., ••"""'· _. Oo•~ hoodl..,. Oly '""'"' ""'"" ~•'Y Two "''"•a ••PI><•"'· Tho to~~ modltiM to Ind...,.. 1 rle to Whoo • n<lohont tolla lo <Om· -,.. .... ot Ro•. No I-<' mo•m,.n , on nt w""'" "'"'' "' "'" • ""''"' '"""~"'· " lou lak.o "', ""'' '"" hmi m•"' ol ..,.. .,.., 1bu"""y tl>n>ulhout Nowport and on ot Amorlca, with 'tho '"""" nmuk that u. 0 Stato "' Calltoo· ply wUh lhla onler ho .......... do-Ditlr, D. 0 .• .uptor1nteodent or tlarb< 1 r d 1 1 t r 1 ,. I, ,.,.,, •• frum 111 ,u,rlal a.-aull• on Jwrtln roud c·un &;O to tht> mills •ortclnc to~~~· ll«lboa, from thto Santa An .. river and tht courace chllracterlallc of I nla muat &"IVe lbl• aubject the llnquent and record~ of ~ draft ... OolltoNio &Dd 8oulbwoot C<~· '"'"'"'' ot an "''""'""'" '""' ""' "'""· "" V""" '"' 'w" '' ~ ,~clly to .opply tint ....,. oorl <o • ho ,...l .. ula, and W<'dno""'y <a=Ho In oil wa.,, pll<hod m, blrbool prlon<y oo l<o ~hodulo ot booro hm In .. ,...l<ally ........ -o1 the c......,.u~ol ,,,. "'lho •Hy '-''"' ""'Y ""'" •~•• •~ """'"'· "''"·" '"•'·, ,., n""' and then .,,....,..~ >1 Udo ldo, N..._ U.llh" Co-'"" '" oplto ot "IUiollooa, IO<k , ---• ploonmg, p~,. ol<oMI,I to met-t th1s situation. An~ J. wllbd-'"'m ''""" 1 '""'"'' h>' •n". '''•"•· 11 '""'"· ""'"' : .... lh<y '"•"'"· '""' dol ""· o.,..on Boy, ....,_ nt ""d,.,..ndlng, notrl<U~o. and I rubboo, pluU<o, •~...,. molboda, Haymao, "''"' claok ot lho loo~ U V •· :L 10. Soo. ~"~'"''· "'''"" M •' """ '"' J O HI<Iol• "' lh• w .. .._,., hlood ond Bolboo ldand. lpono<o In 1 •vommon1 ag'"'"'· •obyd...,lon, mry poulblo mo~ boaro, ,...UHio thai all ..... aOU l..dlle 1 "''"' "' ""'''' w" '"' "" '"'"""' '"'''"Y '""''""'""' R<anl haw ~•..t aU tntO """" ,,., .. ., W""""Uon .._.,,,, '"'''outdid <homNivo• S..ond,l or muk<Unr toodatutto. Th-lno" <Omply wllb W. onloo In B .. I Lr, Men~an eiKUoo fit • J\!0 ouo •od 111 ',. 111 ·rhr r ltatlnn &\''"~Jlllnylnl( 1~··1 ca~ citizl'ns lo join In pJedatnc full the drive may be obtained from we m ight .., w.,IJ admit that old mran eucceaa or faUure for Call· avoid posalbl~ contualnr de~s --U An... j ''"~a Ml "" •"' • •·~'""• owont ffad '" ,..~ Tho· '"u"" "-''"""" ;0 '"" waole ,.,.. u' ""' ~"'' ot tho commlu.. """'" N•tu<•. movlor <olmly tom'• t&=o" to lho '"" lm· and dellnquon<IH .., U.. ,_. ,. N..L.~ Go tO • • • m"etln~t to t.· hrld Wt-.Jnr"'t •v ,.v,.· cuoln•·• and •kill ll~•play~ by vage dn\'o' This new appeal Gpen$ ~hich includes R. L. Patterson, alone without cocu:em about' mediately before_ ua ~ n~tistrant. UIDI..:B, • nlnlt at the t:hllf>"l woll m· lv• t hr th111 .. nllaiNS m&cn up. n thu e oc-w ith 8 rNJUl'SI that all Ja'n Ia 11 rhainnan, Sam KlnltatMr aDd A. OPA'a, WPB'e, FEA'e, Lend· ~ . / tamporary organta&llon Jl"rm~· 1'1\lttfln• ri'IIK t tbco hiJhe.at rredlt, piN:fgl' 10 N•nM-rv~ pa. per u.l Ill n Rousat'llt>. Lt..ea, and what have you. waa ...... w1wl appraclat• r.lly neat. ''I"'" hlm8t·lf an<1 tht> ~rmt'd l addrt'liSN:I ,,, all good clttzet., par· -~-------definitely oo the aide uf tbe allln . .... lll8ba ~ooktry lln l'njoy., Jl'olloWirle the. b..auurul Mrvlrf'~ Jo'tor<f'll ,,, lhco llnlll'tl Statu. I I rly wh••n llhoppinc. ,.., Corona del Mar News n .. lat. of September mark .. d ... -o1 Roy Rondovol, who Aooday 0 -pu~ wu h<<d ot "" 1b ruoo<. " ''"" "'d ',';:; ', '""' .. .,.,.., o1 .,.., tho ond ot lho FIFTH yuo ot tho, ......._ Ole 8panltlb Kltcbftl and ow. ~ 01 Utool and .Wr• .War-weare lbf' Air Mell&l wJUI 1h.ree ~~&/n .. ~d• ,;or paper and ~· Jamu H . Batten, war. We bave entered the SIXTH a ........, cale at C'ourt at""'t vln LnKk, 1118 Ol'l'&n l.~<1ulnard. Oak Leaf <.1uatera llf' altt'n.t"'1 ,.r• m•·'~ frum llaiVII"e paper, WI' Hever,.nd year. An expertenc~d farmer wUI I bo U Joe HI_.. u~ " lhtul Orlvco. father of Mn. LNlle ... llcAddta Place. whto"'" :1 cet·tosether mHt Dl wu NPWJIOrt Har r n • · ••• 1,1~tlge tu t·..rry our ~>wn eboppinc teU you at ooce that we coUld ·-~ -"-....._ ... ,.~ d ~ d th l •-· ... _army wu u •-· " -leavu Thu.-.day for l\Unneapol1e never uave ......,.. or e I ----'--'R.• wbt!n tbe cale h•ld and dellclou• rt'frt'llhm,.nlsl ltC'ho~ol at Newn<>rt Hf'illeh. (ttl I 1>"11~ und pa-..' ba<>a n~ to. r Stt'frt'nll«'n. 209 Mari(Oid avenue, ... b......O t 01 ood I .,._at I a.a. trw u._.. -· lUI aerved It wu ananunce a and befrwe •--.... urchlllk's w .. al(ret to accept th rrowln~r eea.one we have bad ln -at U ,..,, ,... ........, "~ "•Donold. who bu '-" tnl· • ,,.,.,molal -••••·" " '"' ~"'"'''~ "'""" wUhout ... ,. '"" Wuh<nK'on. too a •lalt WI th-tlvo ,...~, won, ho,..d too ........... diiiiMa an •"'ed and Inc the role of ur&llnl.lt ln a •Phil· I.HlUiflllll Aircraft l'urvuratlun In :luoal wrapptnc Wt wlO ,.t hill twn aona. for three ·month&. perhape, but eurely not ellpected. taa11e an alwa:r-tu.ll at tbe diD· did m&IUI..r. hu rHII:fted to ,...., UJnf Bead!. Ha. par:nu arco Mr ii.lcon" with u little a. poealble In Lorry L&npadt>, 800 or Mn. Not from hletory nor from etatle- .., ..... nile ftaberm• and tum to Palm 8prtn::n fur the •nol .Wra Harry T otr urel 16~ the 7..ay of JlUp<"r ba&'• IDd .... Hll\nl'hl' Langmade, Marigold IV· lice; j\at from quiet and patriotic a t;lill'lJII wwilere f!Ad the hmc:b wtnt.er. I .. , .. wn, Coat a .. e. IUld Ult' lhem apln when It Ill Cniii'N, lert ~dayLafno:.,tard·~.lno'th~nr Mother Nature. ~-~t lh.-•vy. ..r•.· ,_. ~ ~ ~to t.be ae:U Ut~ ltltcbeD Re t •·•-lhlf' tu olu .., We wU1 aak ann Ll Olarlea F . L&ngmade, I.e N<lw where do we find our· ~ ~ llandoftl Wbo com .. Firemen's Wives Advance n r •. r wrappln~ only wbdeanotlt __ ~l llltlo In the llervlce ln the Medical aelv~a! Hf're are 80111f' eatlmatea at""..,_ ..Hm.n. 8p&n-M hJ M R f ds 0 d d nc•,,.1NJ for protf'Ction an -Corp!! In F.nrlantl. ut prewnt eurpluaee. The flgurea ~..:-...:::-.:: ... ~ ......... In ont y eet e un r ere '"' It Wh<n " b '"" a,....._ "" "u"'rt Cox ... dou ........ '" .. ILLIONB OF POUNDS ;, ., ail:; kturday and tNIIy. and W(' tht> howewlv• ~ Su111.n, lett Sunday ror tbelr home They do not Include food IIUrplu.ea ....., t _ 2 ,._ tam.._ are MN. Harold Elmer w ill .,, hoa· Thuuaande ot u• An~l'lr• •nd 1 "tornt•n or Amt'rica , -.ne to aal In p ,u,..dt>nA. Suaan epent the already In tbe bande of the Army • 6 WI • .... _ -·· t.. to mem~ of lbto Cotta .. e• a<llll hl'm ...._'lfomta wu wark"r" J ''lll:t• all WaJII(' paper-pape-rboard, eumml'r with her ST&ndparenta. or the Navy, nor do tht'y lncludl' nr. -- -...... .._ they bold "' ...-. !Ill that our huaMDda fooct.tutta In the warehouan ot ... ., De lvod Ua&aca t.bat , ... 111..,'• ... ea w .. .,.. · 1 whu 11r" h•nant.a tn h<tW!In~ rt<'!'<ll· •'urluns, etc ' cia .. -~ Mr uncJ Mra Newton Colt, Blue 1 0 111 ,...,..... .,. Dot ahra)'8 their IDon .. ly meeUn• at bn h ' rnn•trul'ted with prJ,.r1t y 11• sons. hrotht'n. a nd our -~t•vt'n. La.rkepur avenue. Mra. rerular food·lrade cb&nnele Read '" .. -•.., -· ,_ ., ...... 201 W"'ut Plo<O '~'"'""'I "",.,., '"-tho N'"""" "•~•' ""' '""" •~· may.!:t :::::." N-1~ 0ox -t U.o WHk wllh "':;.~·u~~lly;O, """"' 200 , lllllllls • .._.,.. U.. ,.,._ ..,._ dey • ......._ at T:... J lntt Aaency and War P noduclwn •Uflpll•·s prot<-etcd Y h,.r brnthl'l Mr Horace Head, cured IOO; canned fteh lOO. canned -oOI I .... kut ""'"' .,. al· ~.,. I "''"" wUI _,,,. '"•'"''' ""t I'" ked ~ !hot ••;;:,::•..::;:;: woll koown Santa Ano olto~y ol ,_.. .. ,. 100; drlod trulto 100; .....a ...... ciLIIMa, ID-l.n eutem Iandt! t.hl'y .t "I paymt:nt "'"runcJe un.Jer a new tht> war on our Y hie aummer home. Forreat HUla. :::!:L-lo • -t -n ...... Md 1<11 <n • <arlood ,..,, ~--• lo lho ""' "'"'~ ~Y ~tum ~ to ...,, -Th• FniMmo. "• Manrold ,.. drl"' ,..u 400; drlod ..... 400; - -1 d ~ PerciYal d h land. 'rice 150; dried milk 150; evaptlr ---. o•• u .,,_ Da•ld ...., '' 0 1' A '"' '" -I h ........ ,,._ '""' hod • •~ny "~'oo •~· at"' mUk 200, ,,,.,. ,., ~••• dl~tur, ea.kJ today 11u nk of t, I ~ ,......_.,. health dlly In bonor ot a coualn, Capt&IJl 200 ;dry (or frouo) tCII 180. and A D I 0 S E R, V J C E Ncow aml'ndment.a •nnuunt~"'-' tC..,$tiVmg tht>ir wor • ~..,... ' F,orance A.N C., wbo bu been R day. dfecUvf' Sept 1 prf'vf'nt thc•ir very blood and lives 1111/hUr •tatloned at Camp Lula Oblepo for FRESH f'I'C• at leut 40 mllhon I -----...._ _.__. dolen. The• tlguree are cnn~~er-~ ~ .ue.....,..---::"1111, •• _.,_ rhar•lo~e ur rt'tllnlng "10t<'llr1ty ---lhror yl'an• Shf' will 800n leave II 1 11 -··-· " -.. I 945 h•-vaUve and the~ Ia t1 e apn agco. clf'Pf•H•" In ct>nnf'l11vn with N'nt.a I F 11• } rnr oyerwa., duty to take e.-.. e r 1 B__. R. N__._ dWf'lllnp. Hulldert or Df'wly (COD· cjpl 0 Jes of • h!'l pllltl ThOIM" preaeot at Tbe army hu enough 01" on I ...-. U.IUU 1411 "' hand to reed th.-peoplu In th" ..... lltrtwtl'd ••ar hou.lniC with l'nnnty • Se t .C)] th .. rl'unl!'n were Mr and Mrw. liberated countrlf'll fnr lllx munthll, 1111 o.a.t......., .. ,.~&'"'W_,ru..,.ln' llaACII ralln&• wtll ~ rcoqusr.-d too rd un.J I Premier p • ~ J J Gilbert 11n11 ramlly. Redlan<U; Ltnd·Lta.w will lhHrtly atov buy-' ..:====.:.--------------------===all payment• IJJ f'Jttt•~ta "' 1!flt Mr Hllc l Mnt I L !ofl'tHI and !am------------- w.a11 SHORT ~tiOAT HilGERS M% of the prmenta brought to ua ·FOR CLEANING Are Ready for Delivtry in Four. Days • y.., O.U...ta Raft ._ Ia Oar 8bop Mo"' 'ftu Po. Da)"'. We hgMt That You CAU.. FOR THEM AT ONCE Not Rsponsible ~r 30 Days BALBOA CLEANERS • lrMt V.tnl Ave. • e t.m..,. • AlteratloM 0 R.-palrlq • lafore Y011 B~lld or Re~el ............ " ....... ... ......., -CeiN ....... ,.a .......... --,.,, z'n .... ., ...... ........... , .. _ LUDLUM Carpet Works --.... a ..... SUia A8a 11M IIANTA AJifA FALL TERM 0,•• s.;t. 11th and 18th AFrD THE WAR CI ... £ 1 .. ... k"ner. Will ,_ .. ,. •• ,~ .. hoW • eooc1 ,.rut -!!•..,!OiiiiiiiiJn"~HMIANO. TVPINO or 8001(. .... ,..,. 8f' Nil ""'' attendance. y • •vtaNr,.. c.-a. ''"'"''' t odoy. e.a~ I.L 1 11 _.,., ...... .., mttllode ...... n • • .. ...'" ... ' a tttfttlo" -.s.&lf... ... ,..Ad)' IOOfltr, Jill 1 .... e ~"eloflol Cour su : ••rP .....,_ Atc-.doiM e ==:: l--'1eto.4 11 yu ro ''r m ....,... -Kflter Any Mofltfo)l .. mnnth'• rent Uarry u rcJ ---lly, )lr hn•l Mrll. K A ,.~vi80111 I O tfaJI S RullcJtra mAy p.-tltlon UI'A fo1 Ulllllt>d with old ravorlt.-. AM 1tnJ fHmily. Hivt•r"de U ewer f!f'rmllllllcm tel r"qulrc a dt'poalt nut "llrlnkl,.•l l(tnf'rouely wllb DeW :\lr10 Luc-y ('ari~~<Ju t•nd 11 .. 11 Jar k.,E Co t I• "X!N"<I a to for l"f'<'OVf'ry of aueb Jlllll'll lhl' thrill· Jammed lee ~~~-Alhnmlora, llflc!nt thco Wet•k with xpense S S ''''""''"bl•· ob)r<'ta 1.,, kl'ya anti lei' ••f uur, will hRVI' 11" wor /e';O l11•r tlaughter, Mra. Harold ~ne-'I' Cit I d lrltyll u.rry aa.ll1. Public hmulng mlt'N· •• the Pan-Pacific, ... Jlct 427 Narci .. UI! a vl•nue. J .ck .• 0 y ncrease lltuj~lll. or whleb Federal or Munl-1 Htv~rly bc•uh•vl\rcl. Loe An•• • unly 11blleen. hu ••ntered tbl' Mer-Barj;aln da\'!1 nrl' over f11r tho· <'lpal Hou.llln• Aulbori\'M are Thurlklay nl.:ht, Sept. 2 1. ~ chant Marini', and will enUJ-city ,.. fer u uae of the joint lalldlorda may collect llf'C"rlty eSt,. Hadln~ th" ll.tlt or Ice U. tralnlnc thle wr.-k At Catalina. oultdl tlt'Wer line Ia eoncen~ed. u J'Olllt.l where It hu be-e-n the prac-1 f110n" Wh•• are al(llln w1th Thco C.plll" C'"lrrlc. Community thf' l'lty l'Ounr ll w 1111 apprtsed that I tk t' nn arc-omndallooll reniN! be-1 fiLilltcl fNlf!t .. cl fllniSII)' llrC Ro~ church, will m~l at t be bome of tht>y l'.'nuld. he-rl'qutrc•l t v pav nn I fn l'f' Rl'pt. 1, but not on unlta1 ~hlr11tall . "'"1"1'11 "m u 0 1 b e.• Mrw. c_,rge I.A'wla, 304 Marigold annual r cotaJ r~c ur S:IOOO ln~rnol ~ .. ntrd tor t.be fiMit time alttr ekntl'r; 1-,llrlll• ~hiJllldtl and O~~~:ar avtnl' Thur11<fny. Oft I~ from 2 or the $11100 nnw J•Rid. ~ .. pt 1. IP42, nr during the two JohnM•n I• to • "rl'" 1''11" ot the tn 4 p.m Tt•a w1ol 1, "'1\'•'•L :\II'< A rc-r f'nl .survrv mntlc• by !'11nln 1 mt•nlhll t'Odlng un• lhat •1111•' mnyl n<>n h Amc•n • '111 rnnlml'nl, Helme \\'arrt'n. C111rtomont \\Ill "P<'ak on Anu ·~ nuclllnr !<ho'"''" thnt lh•• o ,,_.1 otontlnur 1111 h praclllt• undc-r the' Hr(\('k n .. t •. l runnvman "1 the IN•; N ew Guln ra nnd l'111t MOi ellbY. ''' th1· h<•A1·11 "r l'\r•w1><ort '~ u~· • t 1 1\f L ~"lllh :\lcl'llrth\ hlur k·trt"llll4'<l wht'rt" "h" hnd lrll\o•l•·ol In prl'-lbP hn•· '""' ~r•·nl•'t th.tn t h• I ''ClrA lnto•ncl11 I I• pi< \en I !hi' f'nnAdlan IWRIII\ llk71'l rrA.nklln. Yo'lr tlmf'" A II IB<IIf's nf f'nrona rrnt3l Tho• rN tommr•ncltttlnn to( 1111,. u ( 8c'l'llrll)• ll"f>'"'ll.< IU> II BniiM 11 '' cpu·• n f'ru k 81"1 del Mar ~'I" 111\'11 "•1 an lno·r•'IIIW In '''"''II\\ 11o f••lt Jll •l l nu•11n~ ••f e\ "'""Jt rl'nt u•nl rol, · Frau k. ~ .... ,,,. 11'"11'11• 1'11 PapeE An 1 ... rv Battf'n Strrrtn~~en. 209 fi••.J s1n1,. ltu Olllrllll' li n. h,•• BttfT\' 111\lil "lu 11<oml• o tti!C'II lllnd-Krtrl Z" 01' k 'ham Jill of ~"01"'· )fari~;.lll •venue. direrwr nt the ru~t nlho•r • oil•·~ 10 1 ho· tlllttnl·t J.•rcl11 • hll''" ~"" n-qulrln~: atlvanre th(' Thnmn~t T'' In!' th•• ll~bt'rtll, Cedlllan SlnJeno. 111 holdmg a try-aom•· $41NI f)(w') 11ln•,. lll27. hi' I!Aicl 1un •m,.nt11 nf ~1x month~ ur r\•t-n n 1 h•· MIUnn' H<•bh\ llll\kl' nnJ out and anyone lnl,.rellll'd may Ori~:mttl , •·Ill or tho• m11rln,. line• I """r·a re~~l.. Huhy Ma .• u on call her at ber horof'. 20P Mangnld whlrh si'rvt 11 lht· tIt\' Willi $337 .I Before Leaving_ This Fall Ar,...p to lbvr \'o"r Out-Door FurnJtuno Pacb, l 'mbrellu. ~k RECOVERED Tl•t• nt•WC'otmt•rll tnc hlll•· J l&no· aVetlUt', phone 1467-\\', The C~rll· 81 ~ 4!1 I Jan 1\J,:t• t•llllr~ul••ll Ill $10.- Zelst>r. 11<-yf'ar-oloJ St u •ull'l r utl,. Uan a~.nKera are a l(rt!Up or ftfly-O(lO wn10 dOn•• "ht•n n fl1l11nft h."l tJ!<' Arthur f'reu11ch, Amcrlc11 e num· dgbt Yo'omen of Or11nge county cJrag~f'cl 1111 11nrlr!'r ovn l hc lint' hf>r On,. IUTIAlt'ur whrn hr llcml'•l with Eether Gnrdun lUI aceom· tn Df'c t!lJ6 a nd prlnr t .. thnt 1 I prco tn J••ln tho· lr..-Folllf'a lltlo• In parrtat. &nl•lhf'l ~rlrnlll\r lll'<'ldrnl '""IIUhl the 11prln~. B<'tty ~l'h&lc1w, Kt Mr. and Mra. Dunal1l Hlcbarda, In hiJ!h rt•plllr bllle. l'aul Le~vrly . ftriiiUIIUisen anti Cam· Baa Gabrl.,l, vll!lted Mra. Beule Ne"·P"rt Rt•uch requf'lllc•.t an <'run. y<l\llhful ulm h'll; BarT)' Benfltkt, 309 Marljtold avenut', nflcJltlonal 2000 fp,..t nf line whlrh <~rten, l..'ann•IIILII lltar. Friday and Saturday. Will Jnln In lhl' mnln llnl' Rbovl' llecllu~<o• nr the Jtfl:o 11horta~r .. r. lhe c·urrt>nt <'Onnf'ctlon, which Ia flf'IAIII "'" advl"'n~o: oblalnlnjt What 1a trut. almvl~ anll "'"c~re ll'mpolrllry due to tho• rar t that a I tlrkrt~ through Ull' U"C' or mAll Ia moM COf11enlal tn man'• nature. pcJrtilon ur tht' marine line was ••r•ler... \\ nt•· lu lhl' Pnn·l'nrlrt••, -Cicero cJama~e~tl ln a storm 1 1 ,.tl\liO!f dnlt• Clllfl numllf'r <of I ll kt·la -----------------------------,I ~ SftfoctJon ofColors d<>slr.-.1 F:rwln•;•· At.nm!'fd. "''"· Santa Ana Tent & A wnin~ Co . ll!t 8o. Maln Mt. &.nta Ana Ph. &llta Ana 11111 I lldl1rf'Mc••l • nvc•I"P" fur ro•111rn ur ll('k.,l.a I Thllt .... I tw 1'111 1\IHI\oal t'llllll•n or 1 lhl' Sh!p,.llltl 11nol Juhn~on roho)w an• I 1 hc•l'• "h•• hll\ ,. ,.,., n I hr rohotw I 111 N'h..,or'IAI Rt • hum ll Jlrl'lller I j t han any ut II!' 1•rf'llt o ,..,..,.. It Will rrmr~m AI the• l'lln-Pac:-tftc fur L-------------~ 1 n llmltf'd run ----------------------- PaJm,Palm Drive-In Cafe flow Under New Management Re~inning Monday. S£~pt. 12 Hours 7 a.m. to 2 a.m. T-BO~E STEAKS SOl 'TIU:R'S FRtED CIIICKE.~ IIAMBl'RGER STt:AKS ala Cartf' Mandwldtf'!' of AU Kin~ CLOSED THURSDAYS s I.'!,; Rubber Lined Wh-ich Head AIM UDder peraoaal eupenta1011 of Claarlea M. Merralla, Prea. • ...._, 1111 HORSE RACING Quarter Horse Match Races HAM COTTOI RANCH. (ODe Mlle South of SaD Clemente) TEN EVENTS SUIDIY, .SEPT. 24 ud nery two weeks th~r lacinc Starts at 2:08 P. M. A .... hda (blelaclbt« tu) 11.10 .... ...__.. Refrethmentl Free Parldag Dellcloua Se• Food.e Or. qomplete equipment when you want to catcb your own. HORMEN FISH MARKET BERNARD of HOLLYWOOD 'DiStinctive Thotography at Reasonable Prices For Appointment Phone Npl Bch. 2Zl6 Visit Our Portrait Gallery in the BALBOA INN ARCADE Open 12 :30 to 9 :30 p. m. Daily BUY NOW ROPER and HOLLY GAS RANGES Coleman and Duo-Therm Oil Burning Heaters and Water Heaters DUO-THERM Oil Burning Furnace flnstall Now ..... While \\'e Hneo SfO<'k aad Labor Is A ,.ailable I .... • NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES, Newpor! Beach, California. TueMiay. Septt•mber 12, 1944 ........... 1N4 TIDE TABLES Local War C~lll Driie Sbrls They'~ Lucky To Be Alivei HiP u .. 8:31 ••• u 9:0. c.e '-2:10 0.0 2:U 0.0 Hlcb 7:11 u 1:21 u llotor Overhaa11D1 llotor Tmte-Us- Cubal'etor &Del lp.ltaoa Ad.juatmeata Factory Trained carburetor SJ)('Cialist Low 1:11 1.1 2:S1 -.I 7tt also hall!' and can> ror IIABINE IIOTOR8 Ars larace len 11 Octoller t~e li1t~ CaUtomta'a War Cbeat ortld ala the Pr"OCT&ID fo.-the &1'9&. reprewoled locally by lbe Newport In the meantime the War Cht-al Harbor commlttt"e. are mald niJ whkb lncludu P . A. Pal~r. plana for the national drive which Jud.-0 A. Jonee. Clyde AlbM, Opt'na Octo~r 9th. C'ootlnulns th• A. B. RDuaMIIC', Hubbard C' Howe. renernl offlcna lf.ncl worken who Harry Welch, II F . Kenny. Earl did auch an oullltaodmg job a year I W Stanll'y. Supen•IIIO': I r v In ago the-nffklal t nmmttl•t' 1\&.8 Grorg" Oordoo. ~harlu R.. Pt'Y· adcted many more wllrkt'r. wbu boo · ton and "'· M. Lon~:mt>o.'. Ia t arT)'· cau8e of t·h .. vital lmpf•rtant· .. or InK <•n lh• prn jll'am and h&;~ llC· thr tuk will rHpond read.lly ! rl'ptt'd Ita quota from the elate At a recent mcl'tlng th• \\"a r 'orumlllee for tht Nt'wport Har· Chut rommltlet waa authorl:ti'J tu bt•r' War Fun.t and bu fbte.J the 1 plan for a ll'ewport Harbor l'llm · qllltiA for all pUrpollt'l at SHt,OOO. I muntty Ch1'8t Md calrman P A 1 Thls amuunt mcludH aU War I J"'l.lmer app()lntf'd the following I C"hut agenrlta 11nt1 local a cUvltiCI I group to aerve Ill." the org•nlzlnlf su1·h 111 the Nt·wrwrt Harbor Scout committe-e until a lx•ar•J of dlrec-f'\.and, Newport Harbor Emer~eocy tor11 <'lln ben Mftclally t'lt·l'tt•ol HeiiC'f P'Wlll. C'atholk and Com- 1 Judge 0 . A J onea . W M. LunJ:-1 mun•ty Cbun·h WelfllN' and alv· moctr, H . ~o· K enny, Supcorvlll<lr l eral uthera The \\'ar CbHt drive Irvin ('...or~~:e l:ordon. Hubbard C' open11 OMotwr 9th and corftlnntl Hov.·t>, Clydt' Ashm, A. R Rous-j to N overnbto• 11th. Belle, P A. l'almer. J, Le.ahe St•f· - fenson l!nd ""rry Wt'h'h All ''"''~" Bronze Star Gt·ven mlndt'u IX>illl"ll In tht' Newport l ua'rtx·r dlsrrlct w•ll ~><' lnvltf'd to Sgt H gh Bement lapp••mt •11\1' rrprt-aentnuv.-each to • U the Ooarol nf l'lllt'< I•Jn City At· papt'ra •nJ · v.·hen all repreSt'nlA· of Tburto avenue, received word torney Ruland Thumrs >'l Ill no" It wu wtth pardonable pnde • I preparing nec, uary 1nl orporatlun U11t t.f r and )! "' ~ 0 . Bt'me-nt I I Uvea are appointed, a meeting will frn.., Major William J C'a.a.osel11, 1 bo! r ll.lled and 11.11 official Bnard <'f rommancSlng officer of U1e ~th --------------J Director. appointed to carry on T 8 t' t I I' a I Air Communlr aUon • Squadron. that lht'lr 110n, Technl· cal St'r~~:unt Hugh Btment sta- tioned in New Ouloea, had ~n AlLEN GLOVER I Apte Aft. llalbM lalaM award~ the Bronu Star Medtl The letter foiiO\\•a . ----:J ._..,.,_.,...___. 'aUe ,...a&Uw....-, el ... V..... lka-·e ~ ..,_"-C..lf't' Ia laa f'TIIM'Iaee. a War ctM.t ... ~· ad1 ... 7. ~ .,., Mer«'llaat 8n111.,. ._. l&nW n.l'll, el ....... ON ............ Ham)lliH, el 8a1 Fr .... oa.c.. 'fte7 ...... ._ ... -..,.. ......_ • u.. Pen t:~ ... ...................... 3£... .f:llu.OOII. ~ 3£., 3£.1 Of.JJ&., ~ * @~~l!Jl:l]larb~~ "\'uu w1ll be pn•ud. ... I arn. tn l know that y1.ur aon Hugh haa Juat bt'«-n awarded the Bmnu Star ------j - Medal by u . ~oeral Kenney for ~r--------------, 8 Z. M K• heiOIC achle\'t'mt'nt during the rap-LE'rtERS TO THE • c anney ture of tht' Admiralty lal&nda lul l SeU ~~ Fe bruary I NEWS-TIMES l 8 UJf0D8 la;;~"a,:! ~~ ::ert~e;:J :"t~~ Th 8 f th Bed 1Del Mar Home Jl'ur1 IA~JftHh,., .17 s.,.,. Snw .Y• Local Boy in Ouake Thinks Bear fs Jap - Wilfred MeDolt11d. Ill, Gon to Corina wur,.,l Ydlonald, )oaor ltu- ''""' at tlarbor Hlf" ..,_... ....,, "'h'' I•'' h ilt flr·llt t.~Yt• ot bet~ hiUIWfll' In Thl' lfewpMt ...... I hratwh f'f th• Hank of A..nea. \'V;th ;,"' Amt'rh an I 11Fnnt r~ P I •• "•'••· t .,,. ••hlto•1• t h• 11 ... •h•N h•• tl('l'l1 hnml' wllb lUI attack ol \lroh•ll ~HIIIr"h••••· 111 l ho• ~"lith "I hll\o•ll't ._,II"'' .. ,.,,..,, Olll•'" lllnru (o•r ... Ill,. t11n• I Wf'lll 1'14•11 11 "'llllh•p•Mko•Jt ,.,,. lh•• lnot tlml' thl' JIIJ'• .. 1w 11 .. 1 Ult. \\'Jifr.••l h•• twen fnur y...,.. la 11 l' I II I 11 to: lh " I" II >'tl "f t li1 ,.lid !"jtl \ 'ha)'lllall 1 hf' but tu'lll n ot f•J&o wtUl tale Artlol h rol v.h•• "'"'' lh•ol llll"lllo!h "'"""blink a11<l baa now .... 'lllilo• • '""' "h<l•• fll(hll " ·'"I'" r ),1 1 ""'' Mra \\ ar11 " 1: .... ••f traiUif,.rrO'>l t11 lhe cool•r dl ... ol I"" U11,. t "'J'Io nl ••lalhl lint .. 1 t.• Lrlnl ,..,,, l••t '"'' 1 ''""' ''"'"'11 'Ill• II" t111• Mm .. lnatltuUO.. llut ""'" 11 ••'II"'" I•• l•<ll<ll<to: "l'•·noltlll<" IWn·v.•••·k• '"'"''"" ll'i._~IUI hNon In t.l1tt ~ital fott I''""""" '"''"" "'''"" ''"" tlu·•··1 "''" M•• u.,.. .• J••rrnl• M1 '""' lv.W~I'f'ka Uta dall naaa Ule \ h•l••ul lq•h<•ll\'111~ !h10t '" • II II ,. t.ll1t IIMiph Hll111l"l ~'I phi .... r ll)''a 1'1111111 1111d l be falllll)' boiDI 111~ thu•• ~ " hll '"' "'"'~'~ ''"II'"" llllall•l 111 •I 1'10!\ ('Jul.l ""~ a venue."" ,.~.:.~",·"'. ~~~.··~~.~·"t~~ .. ::~ .. ~: ... ·~:,· ~; : .• ~ #l•o=-=E===r~·-=r=N-.. D==y===o:-:u~""R;~H~==~==A=~-L~-~T;;H;~~~W~~I~TH~~~· (., •• ,, ..... ,.,.,, !\.f'\\l.,.ut IW~auh F'-K. I ' 'Milt ""'' '""' u thl'n• '' r ,J 11 ) ''" 1lvn'l h1•hr\ •· tl 1 tho\'ll •""" , .... lilt• 1••1)1 I l'h•· <jlllnl<'l h••l jiiM rrlil<'•l ful ttw '""'" '' lu•11 th• ''"'"" "I 1<11 t n·tnhh•l" hi I thr 1111111\tl aluoklllll 11 I r10111 •~•'Ill ln 11lr • n lu lli•·v ,. l'lh••l ·~•t , f thl'll l•unk• '''"'""'IC ~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;iiii~ h·•tllf't ........ lh\'1 ..... ,, ........ ". ,.., ""'"" "'' u ... •h·~ 11 ... '""'' htnw 1 o'lloAh<'\1 •l••v.n "" lhr>r lrnt '"I'' I w1t h • I""'' ""'"' lc '""'"" ,.,, IJ~ a \'tt•h·nt , ~~uuu"t h•n MIHI IU\h·h 1 1 t•wltu~o: •n•l •• "'''hill!( All flvr "'"'' lhr.•ullh lhf' trill .rc••r •t I'"'''' 1<·111h I hi' rwtt11r \lml' ! , r rtaln th•t Nt1• partu·hultll• w err l•ndlna tn Lhr1r n~hl•t P,nally 001' 10( I h• I( IIIUJI lf•thf'red t()o J t'UIC"r •uouath t't•ur-. .. l<• nub a 11.-ht on thr t•nt lop T'tirrl' l•llnlclnJ In \hr bf'oam wu ~o~~;~:naanat!a~v=~~.::-:: I Juat u 1111rpr'-l and frtJhlflfled 3 SIMPLE STEPS -~ ........ (J/vu4fmG4 'q,.JJw; (Jf~Nl4 enemy o n thHe 111&1\da by malo-, e osom 0 e t&lnlng cornmu.olcatlona With the A ir Jo"'orce lhroughflut ...l.he battll'. 1 Dear E>Jilt>r · Tbli waa t'llrrlf'd out under ell· Stor1ra. poem•. lo!l<l evnn Mlnp "-w. Ctr. 4 .. & Syca•u• ~ANT a ANA trcm4'1y difflrult :anti baz.artloua have bfot'n woven arolUnd the niC'e- 8 z t.h•Kinny, r•nnllnrnt santa Ana ~<lturn .. ~· anol rnrml'r cba~­ m •n 11f t "" C"llln.;•· .. ,u,.ty bar """" hili• n and ,.,,unt y •lrTn~rat~ <'f'lltral • >~mmlll rr, hu ji.IAl 110ld him hun ,. at ~20 Pnppy a venue. Cut~ona •td Mn r. 1\l'<'llr•ltna-to Rnlt ur llarry < • l-(i•>t\n l Rf LIE Vf Th,d fJ ,•II /',( t., /,II o.( r ~ r···lrrtq COLD The new greeting cards are here and we advise you to make your cholce early. ON CRIDITI &MONTHS ·~e0."~~~ conti•tlona and the courag" and re· tlu of a bed; wlthm Ita (tHille aourcetulnl"a~o d1.8played by your boflnm Ia awept away all earn and •••n and hla <·omradn wu ln tht' IIOITOWI , lt'a thr only place In the beat lra>Jtllvn of the Amt'rle&ll world w hrrr 111<1 mall Murpht'u• lt'rvlt•e. will aJZrel' 111 rnf'fl u" If we wllb to "He Ia ll&fl' and we-11, having JUIIl takf' that won d I' r t 11 I trip to returned from a weU earned fur-Oreamhmd. Iough, and It Ia my hop. that tile The mighty and lh,. mHk know en~my·a ddeat Ia not far away It u tl\t' plltcr wht'rC' they d r4'w tht' SoJ that he may rt'tum to you Let tlret brt'alh of lift'; and many of mr congratulatt' you." ua have aat In aUmt v1111 while Ita !'omtort 8eeml"d It• atrengthen thf' thrf'ad of lift' when death hoverfd near. Jt lht! tim .. f'vr r <'omr a when the merlta IUid the boon of lnven- Uona are weiJhed, my vote ahall 10 to the bt'd lo hen.cl the llllt. llr ~: )I Juhn"'t"'" l tit Ar· mada l >r I'IIIM<It'n•. •• thf' toUr · I l'baJ,.I. thr • Hn lli•l• rnl tl'll l't\IJ to bf' m"r" lh&ll SI:I,OCMI Th<' 11ttra•·· tiVI' )lt'Kinnt')' twnu• 111 ••luatrd on a llluff U\'rll .. oklnto: lh• ,,.·ran end Ia .. n .. uf tlir 1111181 • hMIIIIInj( p&.. ~• In lh•l dial rlr t llka-Seltzer I I I .ITIOI A-Alka-S.IU.r, atar\ talalnc It -at OI'K'e to l"t'lleve the llull, A~hlna JJ .. d, anJ tl!. Stiff, Sore MuM"I~e. Overseas Carda Can Be Mailed Sept. 15th No Cards WHI Be Accepted Later Than Oct. 15th • e I If I A I CAU 1• AM. ••n YO.I IYII IXAMINIDI Ywr lrolcen l.,. DUPUCA TED I Prompt S.Vicel Corry on EXTRA PAIR of GLASSES Witt. Youl Glo11e1 Mode to Your OWN Prescriptionl Yow Credit Ia GOODI Open on Accouotl Yowfyei.,.YtNt~,.....~ 1 ha Ia,._.. .,_by .wtM~ -~ ., ..., .,.,., ........... vw. .. VItal DR. HORACE CADEH OPTOMETRIST Lw. Cor. 4 .. & SycaMrt wnA ANA ONEmrJAY Rut bf're •• llOtn•thlnt~ • lllll<- pandoxlu ll tto lhf' """''" ·t of h ... , ni('C' II h<-,1 CRO bl', it C'OIJW'I f1 Ill Catch of 31 Tons Matkerel On Opening Day Kecla •Oae-A·DaJ• bru4 yuun~ rn,.n I h•vr JUifl mrl 1011o1 A •·atch .,( :11 1m"' "' 1 v .:•••I Yl~ A aad D Tabl.t la they lllal•l 1110 luu·"t pnlnta .-nm-' fur !hi' flu•\ till\ 111111 k•··l tit•• f..-Jyal•atJ.VitauJlaAudD Jll!rl" fR\'••Inl,h ,\\l!h l hr T c ttu•·· opt"nln.: uf tho• w n·k•l•l ......... 11 ,., •• , fO OIN all4 oa.-llall R8l'k Ill lht' Tt1Wt'l "' l.onolnn """I With thl' ('ulif .. rnln ~, ... u .. 1{111 ,._~aful• ol Cod Ll.,•r Oil nnv ll',.•thlriK 'l"~;llt t.· .. II "'"' Ill ""r)' thl' ''"" "'1• I"'''"'~ u.r-,..--U 1 t 4 1 pnrt upun th•· ''"'"' •1r rw<,, • v. l'l'k l •••tln&p~~~um:.t n" • l ,,,.It ""'' ~'"''' nht '""""'"''" m~:lft Flf!rrn II•'"'" 11 , ,, "'' , """ Ill• ltatel --ope._ •t&D-mnr•• will ''" 11~ ""''" ,, jnh I ,.. 1\\'ttrR,.;•• '"'''• ", ... '·'" ,,,,, .. "'th .... 4&. 11'11 """"'" ho·••n n I~"" I ul(l Am nn .. h(l(!l bru11:11•.: 111 "" .. , "''''"" A eufflclent euppl7 of thttM t t'rlo'''" pn,.tu1w ... 11o> n nt1t. •I•' ____ _ two llnportant vltarniru ia aa f••n nt 11 lll ttk•·A '"'"" l<•r •I•'" 11,. tum 111 11,.,.11 " 1 1 1 , ,1,1, ", •eceeury for you aa it la for nu•l •h't•nt•• l'hA~JW·n" ttw "II.-I hnvr ,.,.,., I• •" -: •" ,,,.1,. • " II" tiM children. I mll y ht• lhalo 1~ whv "'' Ilk•• 1''1 \\'ilmhlj(l 11 ••'I• • 1111.1 t•l••• • "" 111 rov CAN INSURit ade-DI I:UI' Will I 11"1 rnnk. II '''''11"' Ill 42 hu•plln -,\11 ........ I .1111' l .,_ .... f d lltlo•mpt In II J'" 11J.1r ~uti hf V.'RV v.tll lk• JIIH<• d ,,11 t il< 1 Hull••-If IIU~· ft~l or JOU an JOUr too flrnvr my Jlf•lnt l1ut ll llnt.nded lhPy •1 11,.11110 II.AII >;H;,;;-; f.Ualyby ... ln& to lt that tach I h•1llow nnol rr ll flAt 1 tr1o11 ••.:::•In AL'L. (' 1 1 t...-.. ..0 A D ,. r orr"'l"'"' ••11 • ...,_... ta'l .. a ll .. • ay 1 \\llh \hi' MDII' rt•Jtull < I >pill 1--- l t'abJet ntf}' d•J'• You ,..,, J \\'AR Vl10lti111o: WHIIP j JAilft A DAY &s AU JOU TAl£! uf lh•• II'•V" 1n an Army hulfJll\lt.l 1 I l ul IIi•• lim<', I WI\JI llf"'3kltljt tn l c..r • .._.,, .__tkM, 1''-'1· m~'n .. lin hn<J ho•l'n 1"••1-r 11Hh·n fnr 1 ......_ ...._..,.ttw_... ..,.._. .. I ..._.., ~. rw•nlh~ mrn v.h11 Will n•rt frrl •;.;";;'~C~I~I~C;i;O~N;V;;';";'~'~"~';l~';;;l o;;;;c;•;'~ID~~O~N~'~"~'~·~·~·~";;;;;~i;iiii~ t hr !::""" "'H t 11 "n•l•·r 1 h ,.,, r ,.,.l 1 I! --~ I fnr n ion,.: l•~ng•\\ htl•• Mo•n who :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~•l•ln'l r\~ l u~ I•• ~~~ ~n Her·ds of War ~·· ·.t_r~ ....... -....... ·-.......... ·;..a ~~--.· G ··~ ~~ _,. - nr hln,.: mil"' I•• It r••11t "''II "''" I ,. .. m,. \~•·r• lntpr•~•n••tl lr, , n,.t-., I IUI <I t ltrn tlil'rr IHI' tli<>At• ",, I"' ll••nlly wult t ht'lr r .. n.tr?V"II~ v. ot h •l••:tl h I to\'nlf•ll!l>ll.l' "1111 I h<,.,. m••n 1\r.•l I It lliiW _\ nu <In, hu\\ I'V<•r 11)'01 I p111h v ru••i trnr11 p11vi lttll•· In tli• ~<l•·nll~t "h••nw ,. '"" In 11 pulll· ll11n tu ltiYf' lhrm IIOOll"lhlnJt mur"j ··•.•n•·rl't P th•n 11 am II" nr a 1 re~ttl"' on a bed. 'Tirae men 'e rnln•la AN' Alnrvlng f11r rnt,.rtalnmrn!. thlll "'"" Vl"r)' plain there wer,. boH>k-" Rnll currrnt ma~tnzlncrt. hut Y"" know lh<'rl' llre a few of lhf'm llhllt would l'ravl' a tough lim. "'11dln~~: through ~o:auz•·. I -Be c-areful, u uld drafta and audcr.;n ~flan•e• In lf'mp.r.- t u". R.t'•t -prefn abl1 ta ~. KHp w~crm, •t aeoal· w,, <inn plent1 of w.a.-w fN il julrl'l. I~ lUre tn 1-' enuu~rh \'lt11111111• C -(',,nf.,n yuur :-; .. r,., lt•~liY TI\rt'~:. i ( • n '"'~'t I•)' t h.-. • ... t.l, hy lfl<r!IIIIIIC \o >l h /lll.n S~>lt• t•r. If r., .. , .r.,.r .. l''· ur •>••ut•t••h•• ••'Il l• ··ull 1 ,,, ' .. ,,, .. ' ,f,. tt•r AI.K...\ ~·1 1.1/1 It •• ~ ''"'" n·· Jif"\UI.'t !IIJ dtltl l1 l .J l• ~ I f.•t.Pollil t u I tL•• und luHJ~u •• ll) .-11 • tl\u .,, T:~l.o: II f .,r IIPe•l•rh• \fu•rular l't••n" .ittd t t t n•l '· ,,.. ••n s ... ,.,l .. h. "' , ,. ••••• ,,. -.) AtH"IiH h :1 td At '1111r '•' u.: • t.,, •• lfn'•'" r.lll kill'• ..... . I ·' I I ,, • :Jilt. >' tl1• •·' ,,,, •·'•'· T -· and Newport Balboa News -Times JOJ I West Central Her!' i11 wh11l """ •·an dn ahont! It, lhat old r1u.l•o y(>U t!IJ!r!lrtl ... t Anti nllW rf'J)'IIWII In Ulr 1<\llf "r 111111 llll!'ntly In llllfllc dark • • m,., nr •ven that extr11 one, will I• pit ked up, rl'pa!rrd and d••hv• r···l to our boy11 In thl' hn!Of'IIAI hy '"'' "Vh tnry St'n'll r" "r"•llllt'lrrd h\· lh• lntrrnatlonal Hr<,l h•·rl••""l • Ei••ctrt< nl W orkr r,., ll-11 nlf ltllt•·ol wllh the Anw rlran ~~•·•lrr~tt •••II FENDER -WORK On'£:y Ser~ice ·---- "0111 u·hn• 1/H Wtst btg;,,,. is where important food for w~ begins too. 'fbe thundering herds of our western ranges ttacd for a buic food men eat to fight on, men eat to work o n. When the wu cry went out for meat and still more meat, western · ranchers, stoclupcn and farmers responded by raising the greates) number of bed cattle, bog• and aheepin thebistocyof our country. Put her there, 11· partner! You're doingagreatjobin · • that 6ghting Home on the Range! SANTA FE SYSTEM -LINES.. "ALONG T"l IOUTI TO TOkYO" . . I ..AllOr All rn•l•"" nr,. ""''''flhhl• gardlr111 of •nn<htlnn I""'",.,,. 1 sur•J•It"!l hv l..tHI\1 R-11 .,, '' •· J;,F:w . ,..,,1 '•ur hllf hl\' •kdl• t 1 radllJ t .. clinl< IHOII \\Ill IIH II II' I '• gralla lin )''lilt,. 1" j11sl II.•· • 1 • ~k rrr fotl\'ln~t I•• ••m" ""' • ml~hl h<• Yfi\JH~ J •1Al 1"1•1•1.• • ••r t1r••r n r11r•l In nur AF'l . urr • I'" Nf'WJW•rl. low ~tl>•d At :l:\114 11 l"rnnt ph••n•• 27 I ••Jl"n Mo• tllr"UVh ~'rii.JIIY I) 1a m. I•J 1:• ·• 1 J ·JI) I•• :, I'm .,.,,r I hi' llrnr 1~. ll OUr flll'k·U p <Ill\' Will I•· Thuradny h""""''"'"· If •·onvr >t•• rot, 1 11 '1•1 )'••u IHI! piUoAIIII( by. Vt•v I •Y 1 ll'~tv• fh•·rn I'll '"" lnnol N•·V.'I -1 l """e nr Ela ll•>k ln lln<J Gnlvtn 1 ~:If' trl• ~t.l ~hop a t IOQO c .ut I HIJC hWay, Nrwp111'1 ID lf1Vlnjt Ull.w Jln'lt'nl ttl ltnC' flf the boyl, you· will hav•· Un.f'd hUll lout at hla mental d•"•lnuna. and may cber1ab the ('()flaolaUon you -·~ pertly ,_,oftMble f<W .... "" • STJ~A H ~II TE ~ We AIHO FUA~ES, BALAN<;E WIIEELS, ltEHORE -and do anything you need! MOTOUS ANY MAKE CAR ~(rfiiiNU UOWN -12 MONTIIH TO PA \'I HARRISON PONTIAC CO. 8ANTA ANA ... ........ I a...t ~ .. Wbo ... a t S ' apr. 1D BtJ...,_ t<W JO ,.... at ~ 11eathleck ltaDcl D..,. Mala ... OlatreJ a VM\Ae, ctiecJ ._.~-------~-• -.:.. In tiM 11anta boeplt&l after All • ' NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMe:s, Newpo!! Beaeh, California, Tuesd!ly, September 12, 1944 I I ~ VICTORIA AISWERS WROOLIE STOIY I PIRST 1945 MOL -------1 f"A, walf1e .................... 11111 • I -• J) war,., aad p,_,. ....... . Balboa Woman Wntea Another Letter m e-·"''"''"' It 18 l1Dp091na~e t•• fenae of Her Canadian War Criticism ~,. . .,,"~nos~ ~f ~~ artie~a ml'n· --llc"ut••f q .... ,..,: .. ~ ........... .,.., Lt. Ed. Chapman Jr. CGmpletes Training in Isles Kn. L. SWDJDerw aad 11111&11 ~. J02 flat ltreft.. .,.. teavtnc Sept. lt for t.betr old home 1n Elkha.rt.. Incl., after epend!Ar a )'ear ber.. Mr. Summera, wbo 18 lD t.be LD· ta11try ud hu been ltaUoDed at Camp Shd by. upeet.. t.o be ah.lp- ped out 800n. ' cntrallad ......_ H1a ODiy IUr· ....... ,......,.. a. a m.t.er, wra. c...M'a AM•'er • 11da at W&r" l~•bh,.ht•ll h} tho· 11U7 w.a.r, TOI Nrlatm atrwt, Vlctoria, B. C., Canada, I Wartlm•• Info• mRtiun flu111~l of tht• nul r •tlllllf':d. MMt ., a. .._ ano madt• In the lJnJt ........ ucl wll for 1-tlaaa -.-r Ill &llr An Air Service Command Sta· tlon fD E"ngla.nd 2nd 0 . EdwariJ T. Chapman m. the •on of Wr. Alld Wn. E . T. Chapman Jr.1 of 1S08 Ocean boulevard. Corona dd Mar. re<:e(ltly complel~d a.n orlen· tatlon coune dnigned tu bridge the gap betwl'«'n training in the Statl'll and romllllt I!Olt!IC'rinl; qaJn•t the tnemy In Fran(•e . Quality Lumber ud Buildia• Mat.-ial1 a.ata ~ ~ptt'mber ~t . 1944. 1 c.naellnn Cowrnm•·nt nt c ltl(lwll ~ ~ .,.,. beld Editor, May Wf' pwnt tlllt to '"u th•· ftc~ at 10:10 a.m. at ~ The Newport·Balboll Nc:-ws·'nmet. folluwana fort~. thkllllo( Ill•• !)fir:t· ........ TutbW ~1. Newport Beach, CaliComla. j.!rlllllua or your II'! II'! ('ltli'J,;I•Ih'HII~ ... ,.,,... ... An~",.,.. We art' advlaed thllt th•• tlriC'I' of American llhoet 1, mowh hil(ho•r In Canada than 111 lh•• 1 nit•·d Stall'S, and one hu but tn l•~•k at lhl' fa~lon fnllaZtm•• \< lol'rf' tht• JlriCC' of aboft bi puh· ll·h· t1 10 find out how lneorftcl 1111, ~lntl•mrnl i!l. Of 101ne :.10 ,, .. ,, .• 111 Vwloria hAnd.Unc ~. \< ,. 11 rr• rnr..,nnro that lele than h1tlf R dozen handle American mnltl' shCX'S. I'OR INIURANCK IKK H......tW.G.rith •• W. e-era1 A,., Alat• Nne • Fin Aedt11at • Ufe • lS8 spark plug 'n-. 5tOO aploeiona ,.. minlte live apark ..... • 'l'artdlb Bath that W. tbe ..,.nm. ambition ._oat ol'em after about 10.000 .w.. B..ult-•J)Ck --.kened. and paoline that'• wutedju8t libpowina it out on the ltreet. Here'• where Shell comee to the rescue. n-..,11 dean your plup, or ..0 roo new once if the oW ooee haft cracked (u -~ .···· .... And tb.:J11 ~-' . 8blllubrit.at.e ,.,. tDtiN CU' : ... lou. too. ' You Med Shellubrica- don because it protect.s ,.oar ear "llainlt Wartime atop and Go WMl' •.• the ,ga.in th ftt' a aenci i q: 11.000 cors to juok yarda ...-y wet:kl FOIM lADrtS ~-............. ~. ,. ~.rl.~ ,... • .t Life •"-•' .,.. -.. lletp ... .... "~ ....... . ....,...._y_...., .. ..,a. ....... ~OflCO.AIY, ~~ W h _. __ _. I o Wo• fiUOIC the• f<1ll0" HI!; • Wt're Vt'ry miJ(' ~IH'J'It ~~ 0 Q-te: ""11M' •h"l"' ""'' afOI'f'' ..,.. faiJ of "•tuff" "hl' h "" <·an- not eW!II (l't dl•11"" •-d " read a tront·pagc &rtac:lt' •n your publlcaUon of AUKU!Ct 17th puh- JishinJ the lt'tter from Mn. V. 0 W roo!Je, which le tter oontalm•d IOITlt' lnaccuntl' statenwnta. and Anllwer: Sltt•JI' u1 alu• ~·tt \ r••• twhkta Jrt)cle was rt'producf!d In 11hort ol nil t·omm••lotto· un•l hi lbe Vktot'ta Dally Colunl8t on thou~oth ln lh·• '"'" '''"' \•'' mwhl A~t ~ lW'C 110m(' Ill I .. ,,. lll,plll)' •). !" :til F 1o1 t1on 'probability. >"" \\11•tld h·"' ""'' ~ht'it'.:i~ '. ~ ~t';·llidt'rable olirriollll) an 111111-ulf.: a --·-•-••-h ht'Op) h I purcha~ of •otmf' 1111• 'IIIII r.rttrlo• ..,.....,,,...,_.uun W IC Wt' liVe o- QtMte-: "I• •ecet.Me ~ thf'y tJe up your puraa... wttll ntbber .,.....,.. " Aaw fOC'WanJt'd to Mn. W roolll'. probably hrwan~ h<'<'n h<•lti out h) ~-in detail man of the the pmt:wirtor 1111 •II'Jih!) IJU'l"""'S An!'Wo•r· Rubht>r banda are ~~~ ~u w made In ~(•r h-Ile r only. W•· lwro·. "'l~'llt'll'''" ('on ... i<l· v ;tN't' lhnt thl' bank~ and otffcc•c to It follows: rrnhl!' cllffln11ty m .. w n rurt~:ov or" un:~hlr to ltCI evcm a llmltt'Cl you. Ina snow of 1 hl• ne•t''""''"''' 111 hf•·: ~111•111~ for oNhnnry off let' UM, anol MR. V. 0 . WrooUt', Balboa, California, U.S A. A.cc-..-....4 .. a -car -~~ ,_,., .... , .... _ _.._ ................ ...w ... _.,.... -... ... d •• IHaiW -·· -"icla ................... H. ........... ....... loia 6nt ........ '"-a ca-Dealer ... ...._ lie ........ d.at lie bo1o11 .. t part. f.-at leut •iae tlilt'-t .U• of can, _._..., a s .... tNck, ...-. ........ a._.t -•~u., eM• i. Ilia a.-w.rlr .... k -.11 IIi. ni.e montloa. Mr. Pl~o~••er .. ,. ... ie car U. ... I'I'F ... _ car ..-fa,_. anca" aad will .... , c~• .-•-••· 1rn.1 .. ~~-IMtw-21 &104 SO Mileo to • ••llo ... ""' II. ...... , "'-.W. .. •w. -• --for It DNr Mn. Wrooll~: We hav.t' read ttwo <'opy of your lf'twr o1 AuJtUat 1 It h publillht'd In Ow NPWPQrt News·'J'imt'a In Dol· boa on AUJU&t 17th. 11nd n«"Cill"t<S to ~ we were very surpriat'd to hNr how ml.sJnfot'lru'd )'OU are M Ow condlt.Joru that actually ex.iJit In our -city, and Wt' art' taldnr tht• liberty ol forwardlnc you undl'r wparat• cover. Bulk-tin No.1 34 and Bullt'tJn No. 36, entltll'd ·~an· m•.cht w1• poml vu• that rann•·ll "'1• Jl'"''' nt•vt•r hrard or nlbbt'r milk. llllh""l:h no! rnllonf-cl. 111 not h:mel~ '"''"It u'<Mf in thl~ city ·for pn)(:urnltlt· m tho· elry r .. r thl' or-"1hl' wrnppln~t of merchandise. II dJnary ron~>Umf'r. '" flOe•;..,ihlr lh/11 l'()rTI(' lltOrt' ,..,, I Mrs Mary Whi.te hnv•· "'lva~:C'd some old u!led In· • Services Sa~ay For Peter M. Crump Quo": "In Vlf"tcui&, thf"ff' •• "" no•r IUI'I('l', onct cut bltnds tram Of Island LaJ.d to Mfe-••ortl, yf't liM-y aft!' build· th··~·· 111h•·'· howo·vcr. WI' have not ....... owr, homr• from .. ,,, .. 10 14> r.iuntl any r•vtcknC(' q( lhis Ole. 'Rest at Pomona ... ooe and ua-. and no t•r1••rlllt'•, quot.-: "Tbf' llhoJIII and at.o,.,.. Funeral at>rvlcca wcr., held Sal- an IIHdfod.'' • C'IIIM' a.IJ da~· Monday and w.,.._. 1 urday, Sept. 2 at • p m. for Peter AnJCwl'r Vit'tnnu ,, hulllllll lll: day, and are oawn laall .., •, Furwrol III'[VII't.:ll 11•cre held Tuea· M. Crump. 72, who dietl Ill an At thill A..tr Servlc:e Command 8\ftlon Lt. Chapman atte~ded a aeriu of lt'cturea given by battl~· w lae nter&lla wblch Included 111- ltructlon on cbemlcaJ warfare and pertinent tlpa on etaylng healthy • COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. A. E. HOITETLER Phone 41 1n a combat thl'ater. -~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~ .......................................... ..,. .... .; ...... , FOR BUILDING INFORMATION -See- Bay District Lumber Co. WALTER 8. SPICER, Owner 111 ltate Highway At Tha AI"Choa Newport Beach Phone 1150 • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• GORDON B FINDLAY CONTilACTOa ud BUILDU with tlr•f••n'<~' ,..ork und tn1'11 :.ntl !,.l turd.Jv, "'""Y .ue open ol"ly -•li"' ~··rt r;. I 1 a.m .. Rt the Todd Orange hospital llul week. Ht' had wom~·n from all hnwch··~ .,( !hi' hour a day from II to I! a.._.. ;\f,•m .. nal ('haJl('l, P•>mona. for tradt-hill home at Walnut P1ace , nnv). army and nlr Corc:'f' "'" \t'l) An'-wr•r \\'c kn<>"' of only onr '1•·• :IIIII\' ~1. Wh1tr. 79. who d!ed Costa Me8&. for the paat year. bo~y a t pr(.,••nl in lhis I'll ~ unci :-1"'''· ancl il il' a j!•wrlry 1tono Srpt I at thr Community ho.-Hr waa a native of •tln nl'IIOta, .--------------. lfb•trict. ,,.,.,. lnr~:•· ~hlp)arl1~ hnndltn~: luxur·tc~ lhnt clOtlt'l on ' plllll. Sunta Ana. In charge of and le&Vl'a two daughtna. Mn. MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR haw ht'.·n wurklnJ.: thn••· ... tufl , " M11ntl:t~ SPV('ral uf the atorea I tht ~l'rvlru wa" ht'r coualn, the Dorothy John110n of Newport OUR SPECIALTY dA) bulldin(l much nt .. -tl•'fl Wfll w•-an• t>hlt;:l-ct to limll thr ir hOUI"' of I R<·v Alh<'rt p Davl• ot Clarf'-Beach and Mra. Bertha Sm ith of Cabm" et Shop Servl"ce wl~ a~ wrll u t11nker.o~ and rllrl:" ~air <lu•• In lht> fact lhat th•y hav•1 m•mt • Co•t& Weaa. lwo a<>nl. Percy vl"Uf'!M F our or tiYI' JCmttllt•r ~hlfr ne>l 1 ho• ~:no>tb or artie I I.'S to It'll. Sh!' hutl m11de her borne fur Crump of Granu P-"· Ore .. a11d Offlee Cablaet Shop yardi arco bu•y bu1ldin~: 'mnllt•r l Th<' slwrtAgE' of stork ls acute.!""' P'"'l 2 yrars wltb her daughc-r , Calvin Crump or Nt'WpOrt Beach. SUO eo..t Blvd. 407 30th St. typrs of craft In th<• ~·ar e•tfort ""nv .,. lht• ~~""'" In thl8 city Mrs ""ward Roberta. 21:1 Ame-~rvtcea wt're at t.he Grauel Pboee 412 Ph. !388-.1 Hundl"f'da or our .rirls twrr arf' t>n· haw alm•"t dr!lll'll'd tht'ir entire' lh\'>'l lltr<•f'l BAlboa Island. and Chapel, wltb Interment In Fair· NEWI'OIIT BEACH. CALIF. ~~~~~in bul~~ n~Mork~mr~~~iv ~~~ mwh nf t he t lmt' fur teo l "h:~:en~~C:t':m:e:t~e:ry~·-------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ J)llrtJI for at'ropl&nl'll for ovei'5Pali Qaot#: "I would llav" -t t111a "' '" ~ She had many frien!U on _ lll'rvictt 'Jlwf't' Is 8 cons.lderahlf' from \'k't.Jrta. but tJw-_..., ttw l:olllnol, lind Y.'8a lnved by all • llhortllltf' of hou~s 11nd althou~:h would ha.-t' n"tDOVecl tile ....._. f11r h.•r ~c·nl lf' nature and .Wt'i!t many f)f'nnits for building homt'S aact biMkf'd out -of "'' WtN' dl~p<~~tl "11 I FOI MEl . .. rlt'<'t'1UIIIry to houl't' war workcnc t.l>o.'' Bcor n on \\'1-w•twlch. ~nl'land. ahe II~ IOYS havt' bN>n luuNt, our contrnrlor' An'"'"r Th,.r,. I~ no !IUCh ~n· hatl l••'1 n In thl11 • ountry fnr :14 • arco unablc,t to SN"Un' matr rani to -nl"'htp or m nil v nt by rrlvatt' .Y"~':~ ~>ntl lla t hv•·•l m uo·h of the carry on thco ronstrurlton or the•'(' cilll•'"' from Cnn:actn, onct It then-tank 1n t· .. m••lla, whPrc hl'r hull· bulldln~:c Jt as lmtX'~'Ihll' to llllr-full •rf "'tuff'' ~·htch we -t ha11t1 nntl lit~ fnlllt"t Wl'r1· id•·ntlflrel chalt(' IJath tub~t. rcrl!un plumlun.: ,hnultl hn\·1• two n nnv rxrt'rpts of \' llh t ,,,. "'lrlv ILRtna v or the r aty, fix tun'S onrl othrr motcrl:tl'< tu m:ttl r 1•n .... wl'rl. it M'loulct only h&Vt' '" n "lrertR bcan~:; n~mM fur t:l"l carry on lhf• mn.,ln u•ll'nlf or lh1•" tw~·n mfonnntilln 1h11t ml,::ht h11ve f"'"'h' I much n••t'dt•cl l)ulhllnl("· 1,.-.1\·•·.t 11( v:altll' to our common ~h·· 111 '""'V"'"•I hy 'our c111UI'h· Qoot.e: Hln aU ~co""' U..y ha, ... 1•11,.nw, 1•1·rl.unly nollhm~: In your ''"~. Mtll llnwnnl Rr;tl('rl~t anll C!Oinplt't.e •l«krt of colf'eCrlc toMI· l••tl•·~ wnttltl h:tw prnvNt of val~ )liM l..r:·e Rny Fink. Ballma Island; '" t hf' 1·no•m\ Tt' r"' ·'"""Ph LynnJC, Los Angeles. I 0 •1; • : • -. 0 .... -. -.. ..·· ·-· KA 1\t\lt\Ce \\\tOUftb f Perhaps you didn't realize it, but FHA insured loans are atilt available for rt'finuncing an exist,. ing homo loan or for financing tho purchaae of a home even though it may have been buil~ yean ago. The pre8ent condition of the houee and ita eatimat.ed life are the important conaiderat.iona. So if you are planning to buy a houee ... or wiab to refinance an old mortgage, /irlt eee Bank of America. Why? BPcauee thia ia the Nat.ioo'1 leading bank in FHA financing and otren you a friendly, ~enoett l'('rvlce through any branch. NOT~ TO REALTORS At tha• bollA you will ~nd a eo,.pld~ {Htar&eiq' lrn 'lt'f'. Ron/t of A••.,rlea a/wa,. -~~ ,,.. opporflillit.v of N'fld<'rifiR .oamd ~·~ wrviar to eA. rwollor, tJw .,u,.,, ond the bu~r. 18unk. o( Amtrint NATIONAL I!~~VG'~ ASSOCIATION Allhou,::h ~nnnf'(l v1·~e·tnhl~ and enol Mr11. J nck Rt"a. Long Beach: fi'C'~h mcal orl' nnt at tht• Jlrt'ICCnt t'''n gr11noJchlldren Mrs. Rnberl timt' rationNI officlnlly h) tho• Do-Hotrm11n. IUid Eotward L. Fink. mlninn C.ovf'mmt•nt, thr •••lnilena. Balbon llllan•l. l'lhe nii!O hils a ; who hnnclle tht''«' commcxhti!''< are !-'Iller Mrs J-tn•Pw H Pndcl"l!nn, and oblig,'<l to thPml!<'IVI"' limit tM a brotht•r. Gl'nrgt> fll,.llny, lll)t h of I snlc of •nm<' 10 th"ar e••"tnmel"', whom reehlt• 1n Bri~th'lln~ See., I .anll 10 nclnlll th1•ir """ mrth•od of EnKland. rntionil)~t in omcr In n<VttW'-1'1' to tlw taw nf IIUP!ll~ nnd rlrm:antl . Mny w1• po1111 ''"I tlt.ot we in C';matln nrl' l'ltwt h· , .. ,, tt•111'<1 on our t·on.;umflt tnn or ,,.,. ·m•l cof· fe•r anct 11 1<. tii••C;tl rnr .lit\ !'('!<· tnuranl tn "II 111""' th.t!l "'"' <.'\IP of t'<•ff•"' '" ,, l"'t-ontt \\I' "" ntlt ho•lh'''' llll• t'"" ltt11111 ·'1'1''"'" tn ~~~~~ •··~I I"'"PI1• "' lh· l'nitt•d St,1'' \\',, ,,,.,. ,,.,, n1•1•h ,,,t,r'pc:lrtl 1n h••:tnns.: ~·111 ", • .,. f;qfunnt l" 1'1\lllfl;h 111 l\ .. f\o .'Ill ollltll!!lllh!lt• fal't'l' at 'out "II••• k ·mol , .. ,II" nnf! lhll' .1hl;-1n, ,,~ ~f'U ~:•\ tnur-lh•· \\IIIII·· '''·""I \\• ,, '"1'111-"''"'· I,,,.,.. ""' ~~~ r .. rl'"'·'''' ·•n" .. ,, .. iu11· ''"" '-ll(lf'h ,,, 1:·""'""' l'l"h''"'' m .•n\ ut 1:• I r nnl n • 11 dl I\ 1111: t)lll' ·'"'""'"''''', l11•l\\l'l'll 1111r hnm1'' :met pia ··· .. r '">tk. ( )ur t ... ,,.n ... nrr :dl l't')pn tw'rH'Ift•· \\il h ol!tr a;o\• mn11·nl 111 Otl:l\\:1 In ,,, ..rror 1 to rl.t\ tl " (')1111 "olh 1 h·· l 'ntt.••l :'\n!hlno. '" Wtnntna; 1 h•• \\~u· :lf 1ht• ,•i!IIH''I J••'"'iltl,, Ill" tno•nl .uoil \\I' ·"' .ttl l•'"klrll: fO! \\,tid 111 ,,,. '"'"' ""' n \\(' t1w> tn.o~ 1 .... ol :. '" rda' anr1 rnjny n mtll h n•'•'<l•·d hnltr1ny It 1<. IIIII' l).•lto f lhlll !ho• tnl1•1• t'h ant.:• .. r tra\f•l hf'l\\l'o·n •out 1\\o the CAnadian P llrtiiC hM \'acation ntH by boat from ih 1'. S. l"'rt c ln the Pugrt Sounct. whtr h nrr "0 popiAJar that you hove to m ake reservation'< WN'k~ in ntlwanrr llot~l mil'S nnct prire·• or mt'nl~ with all kmrl~ nr mr:ll" ru c• 10 tn -.o per crnt ~low Srattlc r;~l o•• for the samr a('('(lmmOttnlion, :O.I:any llf'OPil' go to Victorw :'lnr\. \'.111rnw \'er tor th1• lf'a;n lly ,.1·1 'l>-"""'~ an ordcr to brin;: lo:ock SHlO 111 point·fi'C'r or rrr•\\'111' 111<'1 Phnnoh••· I think thnt llw Cnnuchan JW1w pll' hnvc ~n shrc>wcl "" n whnlt• 111 f'I{'C'tlng II ~el\'t'l'nllwnl Will• h 111111 run the ('Otantry without ,.,. I tahllshing 11 bure'IIIJr rary or hav· ing complt•tr• rt•l(inwntalum ""•'11 m wnrtlmr. Tlu·~ h ll\ •' nt·r·o•pt ··rl lhe dirl'<'l or indiro~·t hPir> 11r thr tlnltcd Stah·~ in gl'ltan~ tlnlla r t•x· C'lmngr, whtch is Pl'OJ)('I', nw~· ltrt• ,mart cnough to pny for n lnr,~<' part of their war effort with"''' wnllte or extravn~:nn<.'(' in gm·rrn· mrnt, which I« wo'll ror thrar ru· llln'. The rritic" who wa nt to '''"'pa~ thitl with thrir New Dl'nl may do so. Ret!pect fully, MRS. V. O. WROOUE. e .. unl t h '' \\111 I'C'<IIII tn 11 fur ,. irle•r • kno1WI1•tlt:t' tlf th<' ph >hlrm, of "'" 1\'" 1""'1'1,.,.. nnrl 11 muc:'h ho•lto'l fo..-hn)! 1 .. ·1"1"1'11 lhr f't"'fllt• nn lw•th -•~1··· ~~r 1h1• mt•·m :ttttmot lrt>rd,•• 1\lfVfSf IN WAI ION OS 4NO 110 1 II l ll fM U NT il 101.-TUIIf, \\.· "''I"' I hilt I''' n lhou.;h ~~~~~ Jl<'l'"ll.dl~ \\o•r•• rlo<pll'.l"'" \\ llh 1h• ~ 'IHit·, •• n ........ '•'t~ "'"" lht nl lh 11 \• '' h .• .t • t•l "''·I"' I"'"' "tulr \l•l'lll: 111·· \ . .,.,~. .. t'll,\ ,,, lll il· 1'11 \ 'oll11t11hl11 IIIII) 11)111 ~~~~~ Wtlf It'' \111'11 h,.,,. 111 !111• IIIIIJI<' 1111d th<'n h•• ro111, I•• l•·rlf~ lito• l'la t••nv•11t ~ \\' h.,,., n .ad•• "hldt \\til r.·~ult 111 ~ nm· ha \ 1111; 1 111111'11 ht'ltl't "1'1111011 11 tho• ll·'t•' ,,,, . .., uf lht' e·ot!ft'n~ nf FAMOUS · AT "LAST THE •AI!l2UW!J Will Be Available for Sport Fishing After September 1Oth .... llartla and BroedbGI .,...-., It wtll be a real thrill tD built the big fish on tM fastest boat in_ t~ bay. .. Anew C21II8M at !0 bota. and ha.a a top speed of 35 ........_ 80 she can crul8e the entln.-area from Balboa to 0 a '> tD San Clemente. fir Relervations Call Newport 24 70 our 1'••11111 11111 '' ,;1 IIJl\;F l. \\'AHIU::O. l'ultlto II \ I ·.,nH>1b'l"l1•'1' O.•;~r ~.ohtnr ~E.\ITLE. \\'ASII A11p1,1 :10. I !\H . :'11~ lo•ll<'r to )o'<U wmt'l llll<' 11~11 w ht,·h )11\1 llllhli<..hf'd ~nu; to haw fl • "'L"'"! 11 1'1 " I'• ''I I•· •n 1,/"r boto.~ 1•f lhrtr 1'\''Tl anlt'rpi'C't:tllon l..t•t m!' ,..-.y thiH I du1 n11t 1m· pugn th!' \\ ar rtlnrt of C'11nadn, but hrhl'''l' that th,•y an' doing a Wtll'lliertul job and can tak~ their rlaN' Wllh Any of the AIUa The l'l.~ldrntl' ~ \'ictoria t•ll you frankl~ that th('ar city l.s not the hub of My lar~e war acti\·lty, likr \'an<.'OU\'<'r, which ill u bu~y II.S any Amencan city . but ,. that they do cater to tounsta., and .of (."()U("!!(' the-y 81'1.' jus-t u patriotiC an t'\'f'l)' nther ACll\'ity, U an)'· Jliat't' an ywhert'. W BEN hDcdoeal Ntrroai ~nels uS....,_ lur•• Cnllld·-. BseltahllitJ. -..1 r r • N--HM411d!e ~ ... wtUa ,oar .en • tpo~~ 1 ~ ..... U...tab lr .... 1&1111 I ~ • Ua; 1 rt T.w.ta) ··-,._._-..... ,... t W...,..,l..._,.lnt&UI&.N_.. ... ~ .. --ICtnMI • 0 ............. r.a.--1 .......................... ... ~ ............. it:':::.-:::..-,: ....... ~ ..... .....,... ..,.... ... ._..,_ I .:& r: ~ ':.:'~ ...... e •-• ~ .. -..... ,...... ,...., ................. .. ._ .............. _..... 'tr11r DON"'' YOU ftY IT f 4 •lftt 'II I :.; f.,.,) Air l 'l111lil -"•" hl:mr' ..11 1<'11 '" '''If t>J rhc g:g.l ,,r., h.nt)!.J!.I .11 thr I_ T A h.J.'c llt'.Jr .S..z ottd /\•1o T /teu /i.Jngar.f .Jlf tit( I•"' .. f ·' "''" I I tltc ltH.;C.I1 ••••.• 1,·•1 .... ''"<"HI til( '"''"·'· J'lll' dt' rm~<d "" OIIJ fCYl'IC' l'lS! ~''"''"' ,,., r/r,· ,,1 'I II'"·,, rll•tr. I• ,, ,. ',•,1\: lult' •• , rhr f ln nllh "\ • .11.111 P tll;o.l WATCH • • • for the 18th Annual Edition of the NEWS· TIMES which GOES TO PRESS IN A FEW DAYS if you are not already a subscriber of the NEWS-TIMES beHer place your order now for a copy of this beautiful --· · . · . . THREE COLOR MAGAZINE 25c per Copy NEWS~ TIMES 3011 Weet Central Avenue · Phones 12-13 Newport Beach ._,. ll~!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~------~~--------~----'1 C.Mda ~~~~ud .... ..&: .......... -'•.:"' ... tiA -:.:'~ !,1"" .. -..., -... rtll 1--~------------------------------------------~ • . t . - NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TOlES. NeWl)OI't BMeh. Califomia. Tuuday. September 12, 1944 SOC·IETY IEWS Piano Pupils Play at Garden Party Recital Pl&no pupil• ol Un. Leora 4 •o party ~Ita! rec'ftltly at tbe Bidden Farewell n November Bride home of Un. A. L. PIDkley, IN By Many FriendS Bro.dway, v.• I t b Mrs. CbHle{ ,.,r u CO()oboate--A.MI•Unr; ln ---Hrld at the H S. Tbompeon the IIH'Vtng ol ~frHbmente 'I!Wn Jt wu wtth reluctance that lbtr m•. 220 30th etffet with ut.. Mar~raN!t Ne-t.oo. K e 0 ,.tier . . Puauc Noncn NOTICE Off INTaNTION TO I ELL IEWS· TIMES CLASSIFIED -·OPPORTUIITIEI ----I NeUoe le Hef'My Qtveft puNUMI • • I E I D lo the proriaiOIIa of Bet'tlon Mte FOI PIOFIT • • ISE FOI IEIILTI • • ot the O vll Codfo of the State ol ---------------------------------------------.;;--------Calltoral&, that Ruth I . lkK&J'. ID:t.P W ANTEll Vendor 'of 112 J1owf'r Bt.r'let. -BOAT& SIJPPUDI POl& SAL&-. YAnfT AND ttOAT II:QUTP·I REAL aTAft C. H. Ridleys Are c any Gift~ Showered C\w~•r wen preeenUd at • pr- ~any fHenda of lllr, and Mre. C., Betty Pangle-u boaLe:u.. ~ mblcel· Qlar~ ~ Md -Luey Ptftldey: H. Ridley wbo have made URir lueoua ehow•r bono~ Klal The Rn Carl Jotm.on opened home at 1~US Newport boulrvud, Jury Thompeon. daughtn of Mr. the pm lrf'&JD with prayn. &lid bid farewell and Oodapeed when and Mra. H. S Thompeon. She Jamn Fiabtr wu muter of Cf'N'· !bey lett for their new home ln I• to be married •ome time In monlu. OompoeiUona by both the Ya.klm&. Wub,, on Tuellday. Novtmber lo Sir!. Jamf'e Carroll. old Wutere and modem cumpoe· eoeta i.-. Calltomia. late• to • MAN l\'ANTED-- •ll to Uarjorle o.,._ta ~ fnr IN' ctc>ll\'l'r) r••utco f:ll(>d Jt.~b, VI*"~ v~. o1 R o. --CU<J.!.P~"o-~\'*"'""'u ,.....,~ ,_..-..-tllltt-e: ~ fl -.-.: ~ C"ham, ~ ti """'"" .nri •..w---.....,_1 ... :NT Cork ,.,.k.t•: ~~·~"f""'H fl" Lit --~~ ···""·· :l hCM- n1llNm1a8 ma ur.•. • I"'R •. u.& Anoa ,.._. ,... t"'ndtUan. If&. lOt IIUII . ~ N•• a-t ...... e.H -· --r-----4111~-~· Golnc to P .. dena first. the 1 Bloomfield. Northe-rn OL!lfoml&. n a Wf're fea turf'd. with aU p~pu, Rk1ley'a picked up Mr Rldlry'• who i11 nt>w etattoned wtlh a ma· playing rmm mtmory. elater who ac:companle<l them on rlne corp• et F.l Centro. Plano punlht w e r e Plltrt"l" the trip. After amvlng ln the A color Khf'mf' nf pink and blue Tbomi*JII, Newport Ballda; ,.. northern city, they will be lhe wu uaed. wllh elnr;le uter• fOf' Palmer and Hamilton Smtth Jr , ruHll of COI.I81N until U11y are tbt floral dPcorattonll'l Oltle were Balboa l•land: Judy Eutman. able lo fln~a bouae. plactd on a tablr ln the ltvtnc Cora Pfterw. Mary Belh Sa:alth. Harold Ridley. the aon, hla wife room. a nd altt r they weN" oprned Kconnf'th Smtih and Benton Smith. &lid two .mall chUdreo. came and admired. rdreabment. wt~ U do Jele over t1'oD\ AH~a to visit with I atrvtd: From eo.ta Wua were ~ral· Yr. &Dd Mra. Rldl~y juat bf'lorl' Included In the guut llat wpre dlnco !lamp•on. Dorothe-a Oable, their departuN" , thl' ~udamrs Yula Hurta. J W Joy ~_!1cht, Mary U.ulf~ Wern• I Milner. Betty lfaker, Be:verly Hoff· Mary Loulae St•wart. Avalon Bay View Club mAn. Connie Felr'bank•, and the Smith. Lucy Plnlllty, Ralph Rea. Mlue. llf'tty Pangle, Cllrol Killer, Dorothy J o Nrlaon, Jantc:e MUm. In Bridge Play Bonnlr ~gger\, Bernice Souder. ten. Rnbert K c:C!elland, Rlcbard --Gennleve Holbrook and Myrtlf' Macc&«no, Chartedp Miller. Ht>len Mn Ot'l Steln Opt'l'll'd her bomf Ntc:kel. Keatln~; on ()ranee avenue. t o her frltndl - -----Uelba June Joou. Marvin John· l&tt Thunday who are membf'ral F . d E j o·n~ eon. C&rolyn JobMOO. Wanda of the Bay Vlpw Brldgl' club. The rJen S n OY l 11,.,.11 Hiatt. Jamee n.her. Joanne DaviA, afternoon o1 card• wu precrdedl At Housewarming Judith Chaplin, Charlotte Beat, by a dellc:lou. •lad coune. __ David Chamben, Chari .. O>mp- Sc:Of'f' tally revealed Ura Ray Ur and ldre. W . T . Stewart. ton. Marilyn Cartwrlcbt. F.meat. Rmt MS. a,.ta u-. ('alllornla. .. labllllhf'<.l ruutr tt n••t lntn· 1111 that coertaln pereonal property ealc-.t In hM.I "u1 k •I•• n••t •1•ply. conaleUn( l eDerally ot all .c.odl Newport Jc. A Cold 8torap ln trade. nxture .. e-qulpml"nt ud .10 :lOth l'l . ~n.•port &kh 11:ood will thereof IUid aU of tM l'h•lt-117 68·4lc cafe and lunch l'OOnler and "'• -- laura.nt equipment And tunalalb· Hl:l.l' W A :-..Tl-:1\ ~ w•ltn--•. tnr:lf. dleh••· couUr ry. at•-•"'· 0\'t'r ~I , otl~t~• IIIah \X&.IIhl'r Apply cooklnJ utenell•. eurpllee aDd afttr 9 "111 Thf' An-hre. Ncow· •tock of lroc:f'rlee 011 band •xcept: J'OI1 n u , h 88·2tr Coonter and tabl1, coffee """ to:u• W Ali:Tfo:U Uan or woman lcl' cre&m ffftur. tarwre e lectric for lo:f'l1f'ral hOif'l wnrk Dalbn& r"frl(:f'rator, c:Uib rertBiter, ~ Inn f'h1>nco Nf'wport MO t3·ttc fryer. mulllc box. tarre ranp . of a - C'ertaln clle a.nd drlv.,·lD IMtel"-HF.U• \\'AN1T.D Hl>\t .. hoad br'1• knnwn lUI T HE PALM P ALM by hnur ur day •:xrf'llt'nt p.y CAFIC It DRIVEJN anti locatcod at Ph 16~i·l4 88-ttc 1S84 N .. wpnrt Boulevard In the -li:xp.orlrnce.t - C'1ty of Coata Ml'n, Qtllfornla. and that the purct.a. price ~ Boll••r t~nJinf'n Gnod Wa.:u nf will b<• pa.ld a t 10 o'clock a .... un tht 15th day of 8eptamber, E"••·ntlal lndullry Apply 1944 et Oran«" County ,Ue Com• ~Jtla Anita f'al'klniC t'o pany In tht! City of Santa Ana. 200 Ro C'ypre• Coun\f of Oranr;e. StAle ol Call· Oranrr, Ot.llf ... u c fom la. • ----- Date-d Sf'ptember lith. l tU. tui.r WANTED-Eatwn•rwe..l RUTH 8. U cKay. man tu work In UquOf' Bt o"'. Vt!'Ddor Nr,.·pon Ot'vnaae C'o . 2112 And Or 0<-!'An Ftont, Newport O.~b VlVlAN t.ANGDA.LE ... Uc 3 !I" a n;l II til•; Ill() n. h•avy v:.ry r-1•-lntr\ bualm• .. tlllllrkt. f~tenelnn l'un l. c-anvu cnte til" fll\11110 1'1.11\'U •• a nrhttr n•v•r uwd. "· C. P'AftKl" 204 Saprhtr• Av.. ll•lbt• till· 11101\ N"wrort llh••l a 111l l'h \4~ 87 ·4tc l'c..Ca Una. \ '11111 70-ltp J."'R SAI .f>~ l&,fl n!Aht .. any l ONtc A;:-lliC ~ Av .. r .. ,h~ ,.,,.,.,, h .. at \2 h p. tl:\'lnnJ•If' nul-llutiC'rt (\oun•t~•. •'Wih't , IYOI t)(\&r.1 ntut••r. tratlt'r ntra Npt l4tv.l . C•,.la t.lrM. l'b. whl'f'l an1l tiN', ram••• , . .,, . .,r Alii 1474,. TC>-41c In f '""t C't>ntllllun. A II r .. r $~ ....._ s,.e anrr 4 :101101 1:!6 !lllth ~t FOH HAt.IC Olt F.X\.IIANOit N•wrnrt lll"aC'h. 117-4tl' Twu "''"'"'" h•"''"~ In 1~ .. An UOA -:'~ Bolt. lk>kl aDd Ttad~ a.tartn• leJII(1nN anlt r•s"1a WAFtiNio. 8AL"JA,,n; ANn • M I'O. 00 3090 \\' Oantral Ave. l'tl. UN·W Ntwport B~h. Calif Jtttc IJOAT .Ji'Oit NAI.E o .. r Wund 11· .-nr,f'r •lwf'd n. .. t. lll&lc_~•• :10 mil•• l'rll"f' fiO.I\ 1112 • ~lh fit., NJ>t llfh l'h 1217-W. 11 .. ·41<: ~'('IR SALE :l:l n rabin dory, 4·22 Gr•y nwtnr 'Jaul and &\.Ia • lllary Ntll ~":qull•""d to•r fllhtna tt I" O.or1 lA. 1211 N F.l Mvllno. Poutad!'na 4 70·4tp ~trlra, fur l.klot •'f ••I hrt local rr••l"'ri)' l'h Npt IIIII l!e-t to• ,5 ACRES t COtTA MUA f2500 D. C. liM&•..-· VendH MAJUORJE DARGATZ, Pub. 8~pt. 12 ...... HELP WANTY.J')--l)l.~_;her I<'\1R NAI.I!: N:1arll net. M la th· and y,aJtrna. 9 am. to r, p.m . oma, 24 •lrlnJ• Attrbore, buoy•. Olckenon and Mre. Glenn Cramer! who have rec'ently muved Into Gene Chln. and Keo 1"\aber, 1:! we-N" priM wlnnere. Othfnl pre• lbeir new bome a t Ul Short yearw old, wbo aao prewnttd her eat lD addltl011 lo the bollteu weN" 1tnet. lnvlted a (TOUp ot relattv ... own .mall pupU. Ruth'-Hutfa:aan. Ma:a•. Richard Hall. Vt me Went· and frlt'11da to vie-w tht new bou• Glenn ,nney. a former pupil wbo worth of Looc Beach. J. C. Bach, Sunday, .. Ia now a cadet at ~ San Dlf'JO W L. Coprland of Sa.nta Ana. After admlrlnc-loapec:Uon a buf· UUitary Acamedy, played "Liebe• -------------Sundaya t•tf. l.oute'e Cat!', 3016 linN, rl•' If. 14 Urabam, 3304 r w c.ntral Avt , Npt Dc-h -~•-r_(·_u• s_t_._N_s•t _Ur_h 7_o_-•_tc Fine Homes in Corona del Mar Uarle Moore and t..alle Parla. ret dinner wu .. rved on lhe traume" by Uut on the plano. and Tbe next meeUng of the rroup lawn. and with everyone haYifll' eo al10 played 011 the lnm ptt. Be- will be Sept. 21 at the home of mU<'h to tell, the boun n ed, and llldee ctvtn~ a plano number. Er· Yn. W. L.-Copeland In Santa Ana u,.., Stewart •rved aupper alao. nut Gene cr.tn p ve a clnet' wlth Mra. Vtme Wentworth u I:Djoytug. the galberlnc wen reedlnc. '"The Uy.tertoua Pup." boAea&. lofrw. U . Petenon of Jnctewood. Gu•llta lnc:Juded Judy Sleeper , who Ia 82 year• old. and lht-Wluea &lid E. B. Tomer. Corona del Mar; Monthly Club Meeting Viotn and Mabel Pec,-non: the Kn. HamUtOQ Smith. Balboa taJ . Ul-• l!:ble Barbara Ann Stf'w&rt tllld; UHd&me. Burt B. Smith, Postponed to October IWld Charlea Hanaon, Lone Beacb; Spauldlnl Eutman and G . Jl'uller --Un. Nellie WUilama, 1I1M Clara Pet.rrw. U do tale, Eattlla Dady and Tbe Ktet One Another club Wlnacoatte, Ml.u Nirl'•t and Harry Un. 0 . Thompeon, Santa Ana; whJch u.eually meet• on the llt!CODd Stewart. Compton · Ruth and Rob-Rev. Cllrl Job.Daon, Lt. and Mra. Tueaday of eec:h month, hu poet-ert AJdrldge. Newton Mett-1, Emut Crain, the Kuda.mre W. t. poned their pUtiHng until O<:to· Mr. and Mre. 0 . M Campbell., Warne, Lawruce Wr1pt, Cl&1re ber due to lhe many a ctiviUul Yr and Mrw. E. Barden, lncTid Neilton, EdWard Hart, Kenneth contingent upon lbe opentDc of arttl Bernard Barden, and W. H. Stewart, George Davldaon, L. E. ecbool. F'rltll of the Harbor area. Malmaten, Jac:k Keatlor;. Ralph McClelland, E \•erett Rea. J. Fred Smllb, Margaret Neleoo, Lynn Wright. PatHcla Huffman, Carol AM C'ratn and Eddie Walma&.eJI, allot Coat• ..... NOTICE Off PUaLIC HEA,UNQ 70-tfr ... ~'OR SAU; tluwt.oal. I~ l'h NOTICE U!l tH:REBY GIVEN that lhe Newport !kacb Qty Plu - nln.r Commlulnn wlll bold three public bearinp upOn the tol~ ':'J>:-::t:-::KSO""::-::-N::-""AL-::--------------Npt. 3~·W l()e Jl" 8t., Apt 2, ~-:-:=:----:---:------~ Balbf* T0-2te IF YOU want lo ~et maniecl Write Boa :ze, Vancouver. WUil. U -Ue mattere: -------------'"'-appllce.tlon ol .Art!lur H. I L08T AND POUND '"-· f« the r..sooln~ at Lota -------------22 and 23 Block II, Re-8ubdlvlalon LOST Over LAbor Da y, antique SKtJoo s.' Balboa lal&Dd. Calltor· (uld hract ll't. l'hAin Md n4W nta. ~ ame beln1 Ule North• IIDk with blue• ."or-grl·r.te·not. raat com er o1 Park and Arat. Rew•r•l Nntlty Nt•wport Har· Aveouu. Balboa Jalatld. from their hnr You ht club. I'll Npt. 7. preMnt cl ... lflca tlon ot R-2 lo ~1 7G·2k t Local Bu•ln .... l . The cooalderatlon and N'COCD· mendallon ol a •t• for a Munld· pal Civic: Qonter lo provld" for lhe loc:atloo ol a propo8ed n-Ctty Hall and wc:h olhu public build· lnp u may ~ deemed advlaable lo locale thtreln. -LOST Man'• bt•r k lf'&Ulf'r wallet All fl.!thinc JMlJM'rl a nd r redln· ttaltr nt'<•dfd ur~eenUy OH•·r N!· ward fCJr thd r N"turn. C"nnta r l 'l''itf' <:la•lys P'h N I' I 7. or c:all at 126•11 •: Central. Balboa 6~·~(' fo"Ott MAL£ 4·.-yl Wtanu. m&· rln,. l'natnt', "''"rhaulf'(l ro>atl)' In JO, abolUt :to h ll AIJIO 24·fl. coaunrn·tal ttllhln• boat , DI'W Gray molnr. aalley anti toilet. RC'awurthy 81d Uoentl•r. aeot Ctlann"l P1 . Npt Oc:b. ~- 166T·J 70.:ltp lrt1tt BALl! lhnall a ll boat; &leo rowboat anc1 pa.tc11e hoanS Tel lAIII Rea<'h 3414117 nr v.•rll• l iM lllh Rt . Hf'al Uf'ac.h 70. ~tc TIU..NSPOBTATION APPLICATIONS FOR 8ALE-AVT081 DJCYCU!'8 So&d, rentad or ,... paJred Vot~el'a. 104 Uatn k.. Dalbo. ADd ~ Manne AY-ue, llalboa laland li·U: -I Thr con11dr raUon uf a Major A.fler tv.·o month• ape-nl wtth T r&rnc: ThorouKhf•re-Map for dt.· ---=,.----- ht•r 1!etrr, Mre. H-0 PblUip•. 1704 cuulnn a nd 11pprnval for ~·om· f'('IJt SAlF. lll33 l1t,.vnol"t PERSONAL 3 mom•. a bl!•llly .. fTftOO J bclnD, n-. on 4 Int. tt4).000 I Wra. a bHut7, tuna. M.OOO I bdma, unrura liMO W.l . HOLVOIIB IIUT Cuut tUahwa1 (.'of-lona ckl Uar .. ~,...the n..r• ,,. ..... lt.c' --- ONE ACRE Cia. In &acell1111t hocne Nooe Retter $10,000 D. 0 . •••m •h IIOt N•wpot"t Ulvd . OMU a.-. Oattt ••ne- PAUl 8PaiN08 IlEAL DITATE 1!4A.IO" "0ai .. T "ANtOM ltf'&ltur Telrplwnl' lOW IEIII TAIEI for FeeHr Pl1nt Wt•lt (k·~an F'rr.nl, !>S ra. A. w mt no!tttlon In thl' L'lty Cnuncll for I t'llup·· IJ<olll ollft•r tak ... ll l'h I Holmu will h.•ave on the Grand tin"-' adoptlnn Npt. lk h :.!121 70 ·211' 'I'IU·: I'AHTY IMk ln~; hill f•lll.l o)u\ - r I k lr I m • Jl'fllt t(Al.to: :l·r•w•nl h11u••. tlttubl• l'alrn )(l•rlllll• ~ 6t_.t., ('unyon Umitet.l Wednu.tAy fur The Above mentluofd hl'artnp W .. NT ... ) TO BUY o l'"rl''' " IIIIWI' "" " "'~ I " ..,... I t 1 111 .. 1 t ·r~·· 1n K•t•ll"· "" :u., ~~.. N-s10rt her home In P~rla. Lll. Ura. Phil· will be-held In tht City COuncil a• .. • -A-"" llrtK w ,,. "" ' ....... 1 I ~ .:.oa a.:. 11 I"· 70 ... A ~~b ~ uWtltr •t 416 Ns1t. llna' brother &lid alaler·lo·law of Chamben, a t y Hall, N-" '"'11 ·•"' ,.... ~-.,....·· TO Ol¥d., <'uellt U.. ur lOT 2let Carmel who have ~n w ith h«"r ~ach. Callfornla , 1 :30 P.M .. WANT BUY 2·Mdruom ur ----- 11 Wf('k, W ill h:-an rc-r thf north Thun~day, ~ptrml>er 21. 11N• larr;u h<tlllll! In Ulllt)(o;l .. r Y.AIII NOTICE. "' ....... Nf'WJ"~ l1each ~tp -oi- p m, aftd ntnlftp. If.._ J'Oit I"AI.IC U~bt pluo, ..... rontlltlon MAk• olfer ""· fft •• , l'•ll a t "" w. aurr. ~~a~--. fO. .. FOtt HAI.JO lltalw:halr and ,..... In• hnbJ ··•b 201 u• a.. N•wrur1 rlf!••·h ~\tf --to'OI\ etAL.I! ~~~ l.l&f'd .. U ftMir n1••· 3 a--ktnt ...._ l -- r•lnttl\1 dre .. lnc table. s waw- wltt h outboard mot«, 1'4 Ia ... ttl'\t knta AAa A". N..,... 1-..tu"·b J'tl 1860-tt fO. ... JI'C'Ift 8A !..& U,na1ii p&aaa. .. 1'•10!1 r nndlliOII, 1100, Pll-Jlfpt. TIN-I\. TO.Ito P'tllt IUI.I: nve N-...... whit• doM and oae IMidl ... h tiiC'Me ,.. "'""" ..... ~ ...... .... .. FoR Ul.IC-~ ..... -. nt coa~plete. e. ,..a. ,. a.,. Jet. '""· tit-Nth ... ...... ... J._, IIIT·W. ...._ roR IIAL.I: Puww *Ul, .. •, Aile amall 1-eyl-, ·~ ...... .... abt. tor IIMle. fill ...... tl'llltW. MO -. 1111 HartMar .... -..11 FOR UL& 8U!Wiaa WI&, ... cond.; .................... ~ la.Pil. -............ ,._ .y; AM,. TO JUUn' _,.._ • U.... bedroolll f\1........ ..... -...,...,. a.l&n4. Jfo ....,.. • peta. tktlupaney M ........... Yllftlenre. ._ liT, O...U .... or phl•ne N,t. I ... R ~. I IUIId I . If ..... W A N1' TO Jt&HT I cw ....._ mom 1loue tw ,.n ·n•t .-.. titan r f'l\lp&e Uaat•ua .... 01111 MN. Oollpv¥e, ,.. .. .. ''"''I' 1'CI.fUCNT U. ud WU. f tum •~ T11ro need flana.._. rutl&lf' ur apt. No ,...,.._ « l ... la. ..,.... write u . Jfolaft, <Hn. 0..1 .. 1'\urlln, Oabf, ....... on Thurlklay. By Or!lrr ot lllt Chairman. Ne\VJX)rl W il l pn· 111~11 J:oiHHI An\un•· 11 n••\\lll l: ""'''"''"''~~' .. r ~: M. t:Vt'M'll. m.oni\J(fr nt thl! C. HAROl,fl HOJ>K I:o-:::-:. Cub. l'h N(ll 1106 w , ,.,. nln ... I ltllll·ll Noolnll 1'1'""'' hnv·· hllll : Professionat Direct.orw I H.AI•I'ntta lm•nr h or thl' lSa.nlt nr Rowllrd w S..ar.... fiD·:tlr' ••II I'""" I 'ntut 1 '' UV·:ilo-• ~ Ha~mln M•nuf1cturinc Company These Are Applications Only and NOT Employment Jobs Which Will Be Available the Latter Part of September Unsldlled AppUcanta Accepted Wlll Be Pald Wh& RecelvlDg N eceuary Training lmtrucUon Pleue Apply: Bob Allen, 901 (Jout Hlpway, Newport Beadl (offices of the Peyton Boat Company) UU. com1q Friday &Dd Saturday bet.·eea the bou.n of 9:00 a. m. ud 12:00 aooa. H1nlman Manufacturinc Companr SNOODLES Amrt h'll. luu boet n \'illlltiOnon~ f., I 8...-retary, '"" ,..,.,.k~ 111 Balt...•a • f'ub. Se-pt. 12, 11H4. Fishinc Boat Barcains SPECIAL: 4%-ft. x 10-fl, 9-ln. beam; 9-toa Ice bole SMOG M·tt. _.__; aew Dry.ler CroWL ~ cUrter. "8upla. M·tt. Futall. .... MANY OTIIEIUI TO CB0081C n&OII 1118'S LIIDIII and Yacht Brokerage at.taa.a.. ft.N ... 8elt.l .. OH&'f! AINT IT A I 1'EACtU.RtNO • Inside Storace· 48c per ft. Scrape and Paint Your Boat on Our Co.nvenient WayM Wr FumiAh the Equlpnwnt l'ou Do \'o"r-0.,. \\'ork PORT· OF SEVEI SEAS ~!'t OarUer-1 11 nr1C Yaellt .,.._ 111.Caut IUpwaJ Pbot~e, Newport Beadl M8 BACK THE ArrACK BtJl' MOBE 80NIJ8 By Cy Hunrerford ~~~~~~~~~~~~-~--~~ ---~--~==~~~--~~~~---DOROTHY DARNIT __ <_A staace_pro~_tb_e _leadenblp_ or the Ne~nme., By"" Charft'H McM~nus TA Y ft', (.H T T'01 £1?E ANO oo ... rT l'ou '>o N~u<.H "'\ too\O'~~E ~"-' f.Y €'LA.~l-l Cf-r o-.clo( -~;I -,.: ~-: f M' "''rt.J E 1 t..4 f')R\t ~"''T V" r f?•C.H T H l:f>~ ill MOR11HR RCIIOOL -let ('flraJ, .............. - DAY IIM'IICHll~a f11f1pt. M a ....... (!oil .• ,.,.p ............ ,.. ,....... -•· N• .... n llmiW· 0 . A. Mnrll-r M .A . Oafefll .... tal .......... Gordon M.GrundJ, M.D. P'hyalcila11 and lure- Nitltlt '"' c.ne,.a: Ave. Offlcie H ,.._: 10-tl a.m.; 1·1 '·"'· Telt,ltelle IT LEROY P. ANDERSON ATTO .. NIY AT LAW Coeb M••• aenll aulldlltl ~h--4H C•llft!fttla HAROLD K. GRAUEL CHAPEL "We Ou,...h••lbe Better.....,. 8) .. rvlnr otlle,... Be•" P'hona Ne_,.rt .. , Ceeta Mau Callfoml• BUY NOW City Tax Sale Lota A. J. TWIST 607 Ceu l Highway ,..._.1412 CO .. ONA DIL MAlt C.erald Rau,.a, M. 1>. !110 WMI l:.tn tral A.._ Nf'Witnrt lle.alt ""· NI'WJW>FI nt~.,. .. 1Mit It 1t0 a11•••r -11 IIOI ·M ..... A4f•- ••• Nu .. _ A w c-... ,""'., N.D. CASH o. v .... 000 eRd CAT HO.IIITAI. ~t• A"• ... tlt4 a. Mala 1t., ...... A-, C. IN. Coaracl Rldtter, M.D. ~ .. y ... IM a11t1 ......... Offlee 107 UN It,... HeuNI ,. ........ N..,.._. .._,. 10." •· "" a •·• -. "" Offlee 1Ur R• , .. J DR. C. £. TOHILL ,.HYIICIAN IM IURQ.ON .. c.-., .... ,........,. ...... _,........_ Offloe ... w ........ If '" "-C.ll ........,. • Dr. M. D. CrawfMtl O,.TOM·T-tiT &, .. ~t ... IMd oa.-, ...... 1m Newpel't ~ COITA M.IA BALTZ MORTUARY CHA,..L av TH. lEA 410 c .... a lvei. C:•••"• f•l Mar • .._,._, ...... P'ltet~e N-pert q I>entiHt UR. OREO LUCA1 I nen v, w. c .. :."''· n . at~~ NP:Wf'ORT IIP:ACII ~~-- WHO'S WHO .IN HARBOR DISTRICT F'IR£PLAC£ AND KINDUNQ WOOO-n W Wn rht. 17114 Npt. Jllwl . c·.,,.. ... .,,,. .. 1',...,1 f,umhoor. 'Pt1 &M.·J. GENERAL LONT .. ACTO"- ' Gm'!1on n ~·lnllll)', :WIO CO(IIt Dlvd .• J'h 412 f'l•n• and Con•tn.JctiOft' LlJMOt" COMPANIIa- r.t•ta M••u l.lor f :to .. ,..,., ua h lp yoo pi-n y•mr hflftle." t•boee •L U.v fllllt rlt I IAim llf'r Coo f'h11n• 1100 C'.!11alft IIIKhway a t Ardla:a. OFFICE I UPPLtla- N_.pMt llullor f'llbllehlnr eo. Pb«M~ .. : 12 • U . Newpcwt a..ah. P'"INTINO - N-purt Harllor f'uhllatllnl 0>. f"bon .. : U · II. New,eet a..cA. ftiAL EITATI. INtU .. ANCE A NOTA"V P'URLic- lAw H .... ,~ •• 2202 w. o.ntn~ A••... Phone a. ftUaaa" ITAMP't-N~ Harbor ·Pu......-.~ . ......._: 12 ·II, H...-rt-., .... aT M.TAL WORK- .,_ .. ,.,._*1 It ._ M..a "--Ollr&a Mea ..__ 110. VARI.TY eTOR&-' ..,._ 1JIIM \'....._. ......_ .. , Ill. IIG .... ... r... JUI·W. >nl ·~:.~.~ .. ~ • .. I ..... ... .. Lovely Wedding of Season Unites Francia Findt and Bernard Henry NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES, Newport Beach, California, Tuesday, September 12, 1944 I-I arbor Feminine Activities Pvt. Gene taylo r H o me on Visit Inlanders F i nd Relief from Heat In Mes a H o me ODe ot u.e lovell..t weddl.llp ot wblcb dec!orat~ the llttlf' chAJ)f'l.l 1:r Dy Winifred Barbre Hardly to be callt'd a vl.mt but * Phonee 12 and 13 * more like a quick gllmpel', wu . tbe n ylnJ trip Which Pvt. Clannce Wben the mert•ury wu playl.nJ a etellar roll in an ..Ce~U~ion ael Jut week in Inland cltla, Kr. and Mra. D. C. MacKeu le, S09 16th Place were hoell t.o a JTOUP of friend. who found relief from the beat In their hot~pltable Co.U Meea home. I I ~-unty Federated Clubs Meet "Gene" 'Caylor made t.o hi• home. "-"' 209 Eut Cfllt.raJ, Balboa, ovu the I week t'nd. Th141 wu all managt'd t.be ..._ t.ook place lD t.be beauU-and the &low of ll~;ht••d li\IJ''rl J J'JJ S h 1 t\.11 BL M&ry'a Cha pel a t Lacuna Ba.cb t'hOralll Wl're lA-nd Oil t.h~ M m s. • I • c u tz IIMcb wben Ml• Francu Kat.ber-oraan by Mra Wilham II J-ltrrand in j oint Showe r f o r [ ACCOO ON CUIMS 1 Here for Youth Aid Program; on~~~~~~.=· ..... UM>Cited Endo Mrs A. S La f • • p •d with the Newa·Ttmu tn lbe print lM J11ncb. dau&htn-of Mr a nd ot Luol An&elea. a ~ I~W" frtend of M . F . L". I Mn. Braden L.. Flllcb of Corona thf'famUy. ' ISS ranC IS rlnCl dal Mar. ••u united ln m&rrlq e at Mr John E . Y.~<t••r" nf f'lrl\ng•· 1:10 p.m. Tueaday, 81'plembar 12, WU beat m&ll and ~It 1;(', 11(1! t; \1,. \1 ollloot• ~ II I :'4'1 If Itt •• to""~ JIJIIU Henry. 10ft o f F\nch. brother of .l ht' I. nO.,, •••rvt•tl ' t t uJir 1\nd M 1 ~ 1\1 r •• I .~, 1111 It I rse • • UDef Or reSJ ent llbop for S y.ara, I• w~ tht~ ln- 1 fantry tlatloned at Camp Roberti. From Anaheim were Mra. Gene Franz and daughll'r, MW Laura Gene; Mrw. l"rlt.llz IUld Mrw. Mac· Kenzie a re eltlere. Other guelltl were Mn. lAura Gilt and Kra. Helen Smith of Vl.alia. ......_ H . J . Henry ot Corooa del u UJiher. 1 :\1'1 I'• n~· "'·• •• ·•· ••·' • .t 1 Mar. 'nle Clerem ooy wu performed Aflt•r lbe CPr•·""'n'' '" "tltt•h •l•·h,:tll f•ll ""'"'' r ~·durd '' wh· I He would enjoy lettera from bLI Mr1. Albert S. lAuner o: Ful-l' 462 placed In the J uvenile Home. triendt and hu 11ven hla addrt! .. t.J the Reveftlld Henry W . Roth 7~ cueata wn .. bt•hl,•n " ~:tottlt·u 1n h•1n111 •·f 1-'rM .• ~• I> "' h t1 • , .. ,1 I All .. walked down lbe a.lalt'l not·epllon wall hf'lil Ill lltr l-'1n1 h If' I ••f ~~ r IHI l ~1' • ! '•I I• n I " ' OB U. anD ot her father the brld .. homt' In Cornna •!• I ~IAr "llh 1~10 ~H4 lltvl'l I"'''' 1 h•· " " ,.,,.. IIHton wu lndorMd for atate 1111• le the only county In lbe u Company "D'' 7th lot Tng prnldent and Mra. Jobn Stewart atale where children ar~ handled Bn., Camp Roberb, Calli. · ' ••f Hemet for ltate lrultee at a l.n tflLI manner and other counUea · ..-. a dllarmlnf picture to a In attendancl' M ro 1-tnl 11 t ... uol• 11 rof Fo .. n .. • I·" 1 1 •I II• rn11 101 ' meetlnJ of tb e Orance county an ltudy1nc the ttetup . I hnard, Calif ornia Federation of When poulble, lbe chUdren are Wac S p end s Fur l o u gh S O S Brid ge.Club IOWD ot wbUe eyelet •mbroldery,l thf' f'f'<'l'lvlng lm,.. "''111111~ , p!U'I,.I II• 1111 lfllll •• r \lr• It· ..... ~ with C'riap fuiiDeaa In the hill•· ( utton fl"'ll'k !Ol) lo •I "" \'It tor .1""'"'' ,. uvo·l II• l•w•oJ '' ='• Jl t...aa &Ad lone. ttpt aleevea. A lfln linn. a.lld " '"'""g" nl toltw 1:!, nt :, :to 1· 111 ·" 1 t.•· I :·•·• • 1 • -..t ..a of Ofi'&Dclle fl&red froiD vholftl 'the mnthrr ••f lht' ~o:n••lu rh11r• h. LI•J:IIII'o a ~ ot atephanotl.l. ln· Mrt Hf'nry, ,.. •rl' 1< ~:nrolo•n •lr•••" ·n,,. Iiiio!•· '"·' '' lo ,,....11 "·• ...... ot • bouquet ~ can1ed a of dt'llrate gTf't•O: (1).'1tlt•l1 Htlk lllhl ····r\'o•-1 1.\oh d • I ""I Ill I ;Lill• •bAt. ~ boolr wblch ~d be· A eor .. r;e of nHid>u•b •htJ•h 11 "111• 111.1t 1•1• •I ottti•H•'II••' \\'omen'• cluba. held Friday In the riven a complete mental and Eh<'ll club houee, Newport Beach. phyatcal eltamlnaUon. and tntereat- State Federation prealdent.a are tng potnta brought out ~e-that Cpl u ud 1 ho.~en ·from each dlatrlct in turn. · -'~ · -red L. J udd. Will', of aome morona are able to adjuat Iowa . Ia •vending her furlough A long table appointed with an In Mes a H o m e H ost e d B y Mrs . Charle ........ to the JnxMD'I fl"&lldmOthf'r A lhr rf'·llt-rl'•l "' •lollng 1 ok•· A 11 11111111.r, I · loti 1••• •"' '11 'I aacll UaAe ..... adorned With a ;J.-r nrntr•l "tth "lolt• 1 .. u. rv •I .. I··~ I r '" lllllj: .... nit II lollll lo .... ,( wtlU.e moUe rUibon ~arlnJ oran1e "'"" t ul ~ tho l•to '•• 1\l th•· 11~111 tho Mt ~~~ •l· • ,, h 1'11 k •I' I "I I• ~ and lttpbanOtla. ~. ' loulfel supp. 1 ' nnd ••rl' hur·l 1 .• 11 I nhl"'"" _....,)Lit..\ t..il} Ill' "II>'" '~nulhl'rn dlatrlr ta will decide be-themeelve• well. while aome 01 the with Mr. and Mr11. Don Ch~trle in uqu~lt~ lace cloth and• pretty . lwo·en Mra. Launer and Mra. B. S. moat troubletome have an IQ of their hom~. 20li Sparku . fall nowt'rll grceh•d membera of \\'arm«-r of San Bernardino at the from l l!i to 140, alao that club Ot.ber S'Jel!ll In the home art' the SOS bndge <.'lub wben they :0.:• Yl'mbf'r convention at the Mi• lt.lld reUJiouj trainl.ng doea not Dr. and Mre. Gt'tlrge B. W ltml\r t>f ut down for det~ert at the home '1"'1 Inn. keep a juvf'nile from becoming de· Ontario, mother lt.lld faUu.•r of the of Mrs. U onel Charlt>; ~035 Harbor I (,()C'nlng at 10:00 a.m. with the li.DqU@8t. hostellll, who l'ntertnlned In the!Y boulevard, on Thurllllay. 'l'ba IInde Yo'U attended by hu 1o•rn11 nn<l llnl.\111 hll IIIUifll I''" 111 I ll'" ••Ill• r "I II" htlol•• llfllf.tl CIOU8bl, Mrw Ralph I~ llt·nwn <Jf Jo:l 'l•h•tf ·n lovt•ll ••·It 1111( f,., I loo• ~'""'' • ",.,.,. f•l "' I \ill• • II' ,., • ....,, TeltiUI, aA mt<lron Of hnn10r. dlllltllllo( Wbldo• ft•ll< V.t d 111111! IA•( .. ro• (•II Ht•ul ll lllfl "' ll,o aacll other ath·n(1Anll we"' two 1 AAlfiiiiiOI( at tho• 1, 11-pl t•u .,, o<· .-1n .. of I n• 1 'I h, l.;.d•· 1• I" "' ,..,.,.r C'iaaA:ratu Ill r omon• ('t 1·1 Mr lln•l ~.lrt< 1-'o ulllt II :-:. ''"·"'' .. r • .,., .. 1 '" I "'"'I .r I ·"' ' Ill ' •. unty prt-lldent, Mr•. E. H Smith Mrt . Smith talked on veterans· honor on Saturday with a il<'llghl· Awardl•d prlu& for caret. werl' "f {lrange In lhl' chair, flrwt camt> welfare, and announct'd commg ful luncheon. Others biddrn In· I Mr!<. Jim ('nlllns. tirl!lt and Mrll. II~<· llllroducttuo nf county cba..ir-cnnvenll<>na. the distr ict on Nov. rlu<led MrM. A. J . Charle. Mrll H11~· Alnsw11rth. ronsolatiun.' m••ll, lht>n lilt> r<•und tabll' dlll'UII· 14·1:S·l6 at the lll!llllnn I nn Liond f'hn~t· 11111..1 M~. F•·rd Mau: Other me:r:bftll J)rf'lk'nt int'luded I ~"'"· ''Information, Pleas ... " with Riverside and the 1tatt>, May ~~~ lovf' ot San Dimas Wllb her d<tUI:h·l ~lrr.t's Charles Sitton. WUIIam ....... .._ GN>r(1ana Turnt'r fit LAtcun~• H•·•!11 :otool ~l r 1111 I ~It • f•· Ill o1 Ill• f I•J I • ' "''' '''" Ru bani Milll'r, ~frA Ray 16-lT In the Alaml'da dllltrlct alao ter, Ro.toemury \\'illlllm.e. Paul Trnutwt>ln and Don ' II· •l~~<m Mrs Albert Launer ILnd the dlalrlct board mt>dlng 's.-pt. rharlt•. :Mrs A. J rharlt'. mother 8aa Marino and Mr11 Roy N ~t .. -J-'U1l h nf M• n t•hl,. I, 1111 It • ~:tll~o Jl&rre)' of I.A .. Anfelu All thrf'l!! Mil !,"TIUidJ••tr••nt.ll "' lh•· bt lol" Tltw.• I'' ... •ol "''' I '·'" • • __.. bold'fantrowDII ot whltr ~m · Plht f'lO who 11111 .... 1 wrr•• lif t II Mayo : .. •.Ill•' '"" .. ~ • • '"n \11 'I ~red nf't. eac.b OVI'r a dlfff'r· ;• R••amnn 11f ~;1 I'IIJI'• T··~11,. Mr. 1-: t-•tnt I 1 ol• r• .ol !.!1 111 111• \1• I .-1-..... ot JTt«<. and th~y car· 1111,1 ~til Alfl••ol 11 =-'• hult7. anti Mr• • ltal1·h l.u • .t~<otV Ill"" II 1·:1 l1ecl bouq!Jt'll of p&lr yrll••"'' ruf· Mrll Jrl lllt• IIII I ,,1 1 11r11na t!t•ll l'lt.'l" ~Il l' ,;,,;!:'' lt"ll \1 1111• n ~I n• ';,.,,r.:•· J Whi'Ul as llpt'akl'rs 20 at Ontario of thl" hoetls!l; tubstltuted In thl' ( · 1 BUY WAR BONDI I ;~·n••ral theme ot the meelln.: I Mf'a. Artbur Ma of Santa 11b3t'n~t' of onl' of thl' mt>mbers. "1"' Y11utll •·••-npernllun and Mrs. <'halrman of tb~ ~akera bu~~· ~!!""!!!!!""!!!!!""!!!~~~!!""!!!~!!""!!!~!!""!!!~!!""!!!~~!!""!!!!!""!!!!!""!!!~!!""!!!~!!""!!!!!""!!!=!!""!!!!!""!!!~!!""!!!~ ~~" Frhs. ''1unty l halrml\n of I<'J::· M n<Junced the o enln uf a ne~ ll"'uiH•n. prt•!Jellltil tht· sprakl'r, II!' Red Croea epea:e,... gburrau to Uw mnmlng, L<'l11ntl M<·Arthur nf l whk h clubt can llt'nd ln tor lfPe&k· fled ~onlu. Alii; uno! l\11 1111d .Mr~ Hll'hford Flrt.t••• .\l1• I! I tl ••n• I Bacqrounc fOI' thla c~nnlllr Wtnrkll'r, Wdl.ltlr llllrr, Lym~Ln m••lh'l "' Ill•· ,•1•••·• ·""' t'h,,J Clt'lor u.-wu the woodward!& ~·,.rt'wf'll. Horl\•,. :'I<'V••n11 """ """' Inn• ll<•ho , -;. ~I t• '11""'•·1 .... ... WbiLe cbryanlbemllllloa .. ~t'd f'flrJO'. ~ft.llla Ann \\'lflf•·ltl ll••l• 11 1:11fl lit """ ""' Aftrr t~ln.: ht•r t~•llfiUI'I thl' "'11rt1 \\. •llttlt• 1\ll • f 1 •• t~>n, o1 I W8 IPilCI.A.LIZE n"v.· M1a. llrnry otlalllo("tl lnt•• 11 !\h•r !\111'11' J.on f'mn••l . s...n...ll••·1 Ia ~l eJIOr1l JAC kf'l lln•l whlll' I 1111• II• I• 11 o ;1\llt•ll lc.olhlolo I'll I CAJ!f)fJllfQ nVJTS flannel a6clrt. With Whlll' 8 1'1'11!·1 lo-"''rt. I;Jo•n•I•Lito Hoo-••ulftrl 1 ll)rlu . and thr yt•ung '"'IJ'It' lf'tl I IUruf~:•·ll. IU<J llurhara llll~f~ k o~ Canniq Tomatoes amid a ahow••r of rt1·r •nd It"'"' ~<l_nllt A••" .\·lrt• Arthur •·••HI wl.llhu for their hun t'.ytn11nn Thc•y l l'111'11ntl. Air• Silt' F11rrt·11 ~tnlll Jllow .. ..._ will tw at homf' a llrr ~"Jil 2:'1 101 daughto·r, Mr .. Ill·~· ll~tn • )' H•·l'· Oft 'l'lla A.r 226 JIUinlne aveour. c•oruna dt'l uly lillie. t.!t& Hu hu r•l \\'ouklf'r I War '"'''"un llf'o~thl•. )lr" Jll ur\' 1~111 DU'rJ'ON'S I J)l rrkrt, S~tniK t\.fta. M1a c'lofturd C.Mt ea.mar LAzar whu hu 1'\ool•ll'o lllld olltlll(hl"r ~II~ Huh I Jinlt Mark~t ec-mpleud hlA pnmary tly ong at rt1 ~l•••r" {'l'r' na •Iori )Jar. """ 1111 N ..... 111ft. f Klnr•· ('tty. hu been apendtn& hfl th .. hn•l•·-·•. Ill,. ShtiJt' HI1J I Clltlla ._ 72 hour t url.,uah at Ula ('1arencr M1~ IIIII l<ntl M111 ~•r 1111'1 J.•rk ... ,.;..,. ,. .. ,,, N. r. ,._ ,.....,., 1.11111: B••ach, who Is with the pub-era to keep . the community In· II• 1f'latwn11 dtparlrr ent of tile 10m·tcd u to the moat lt.al ee<b Qt:ITF. a bit of rtltter aad "'e ~luh· nf rahfornla anti who Lalkrd I Of lhf' Red Crosa v n tlrama or 1trl~d ulln -blaf' 11n lc·j:ull~ll•m in regard to youth Hulu for thf' ~nual co. neat lD tn malr.f' ~urb alamoroua New York , n·Opt'rat 10n rn•~ln. dram& a.od attendance we f:l~hlon• for dlnnf'r a nd en lllq u An .ntereatlng plrturt> of bow dt~u~--.. At th 1 1 re · .. Tb 1 __ ,.. .... ..-u. e cone ua on of lht> dtr•• plcturt'... e oq,_. flrlnJtl' •·ounly 111 leathng the way th 1 b rt 1 "tl b<~dlre with lit deep necktlae in th" handling Blld rehabilitation le cluub yea,?b ~b• w U be award· I t 1 lrlrt Ut to et c • w ,.c ave made t.be nn• t re Af'mo 11"'1: op • I •1f d~linqu .. nr children waa prt>-grcatt'lt contrtbuUona in thete the kill'!' ~:lVII a two-piece loot to lft'nted hy Carl S. Warner, probn· f ield• tblt •IIIII .. ull cown with tha plot. t 11111 nffu:t>r of Or&nge rounty. Mre. · 11nd blork of the ltlliD ee&lloped In w J l"rank.11 ,,, Fullerton countY Much app~claUon wu tendered ,. .. qui n em~rohlery. CoatruUili rhtummn nf youth ro-o~ ratio~. thl' local club for Jheir hoapltallt y. 11-ttb •urh "'> I•·• 11re Abort and loa& prf'~~~tnlf'd Mr WHrntr Ill the after-the comfortable coolneaa being nl~:btl lme dtt·"•"• mAtle f'ntJralp ot nr.on II~Uion Jell' rl'ad excerpts l ~o:rt•Atly enjoyed alter the inten.e the elrlll<'d "'"" an•1 elonc w1d• (I om the J uve-nile Court law. and 1 1nlsnu brat. The I\ oral decora- fl.lrto tl II II"'· anti cnr klllll dr-atatl'tl that ttu· rnurt Wl\!1 not ull('tl uont In the club bouae, wblr h com· "tlb cr~'IIU budfCI'I •od sttlped aa 0 I aRt r~'llllrt but 88 n ,·nrrectiv~ l blned feathery monlature t»unboo •attn •kill~. a id to lh~ t•htllln•n , and that they anll I he glowing col?ra of red and I Wt'rl' refo>rr•·d 1.., IIH dh•nb. 1 yl'llow hlb!acu11 wtth buge ~a '--------------..J KinK huml' on nucna Villt.a.. 1 IIIII ~ Social T ea H our 1 Far ewell Complime nt LET US FURNISH YOUR HOME Much lnlt•rt'HI WIU! .ehuwn In th•' ~<h••lls onl1 brown ~a J(rl\llltt'l. county JLivrnlle lfnme t o which brought forth admmn~ commt>nte l l'hlldn·n art' rornm1ttr-d for' at to lh•· Jll'{lltln rnpr nstble for thl'm,: lt•nl'l 11 sc.h<><•l trrm. They,.!le ~II !I C I. Dtakins. and llht' had I u nd•·r 24·hnur ~upt~rvlslnn wtth I BIIIV collaborated wllb Mr11. R. G. I l lll•!· tmdr·o ~wh•~·l lf•adll'r!l all(J 8 Mllll'r in corr-po.slng the county I Q tJ .tLil'Y FVaNII81NG 8 ......... -. •t MDl.S' A PARK FtlRNITURE CO. &II Will -1&. lluta AM I For Church M embers To Mrs. C . H . Ridley ' J.t a nt! ~lr11 ~t11'"rlifn Lo·11• It •· •· ~1 .. 1 ,. ~han a "~"''' qf frieD~ ll'rtalnl'll ~llntlny I"I'Pnln.t; ol thrlr r1f :'.In• r-II lll•tl•·v wh•J left 'l'uu· twml', !1111 (tl'o 4111 h· 111 vnni. lrl l ''"" With ho•r hu~<hl;ntl to mAke btr h11nnr of tho• ri4 l'llart•·r memb<;rs hoinl' 111 Yll klrnl\. \\'u3 h .. gatbtred nf lhi' t ··~r•ml\ •I~' I Mnr C'ommunlly for lun• h,.ttn 1011 Ft ltlav Ill the J"rr. -' ' 101)"' with whH·h the meeting •·•·rl! pr•'I:''Km . r tforl bt>lng madl'! • 1 h h Op!'f!fl to r;riv11 thetn tla mur of a oml"' tot 'b • pro~ram w. vnatlllll'. "~ en vr lh" wnys and ml'!U\1! l.Ait yur thr ruurt handl,.,l 10()~, I Cflmmlttl'~. Wh () provided Ute boun- CUf'l! of whirh 7?1! werw on tht' tlful plcmc lunch which was !K'rvt'd Ju~lle calt'ndar lind there •·ne on lht-beach ln front nf the club · hou.e were Mn. P. J . Wilson . -----------chairman; Mn. C Jaynd. Mn. MOM AID TOT TOGS •••••••••••••• Our store-Is small. but mt'rchan~ We bring to you, Is TOPS. Wlty use your rationed gasolint> To go to far orr shos-! We're just too young to hold a sale, But SUMMER TIONGS MUST GO. There's merchandise we must not ket>p: We havt-them priced quite low. Our FALL APPAREL looks so smiU'I , We've LOAFERS. TRENCH COATS, SLACKS: A grand array of SWEATERS for Both Moms and Tots ... full racks. Three·piece MATERNmES . two kind.'!. A ~t . and slark!l, 811d sk1rt, Or ... coat. and skirt. and shorls You scc, our huyers are alert. That's why we offC'r you the &st For Grownups, Girls, Small Boys. Wt-'re ready to supply you with CHECKED SUITS ... the latest no!Ac ~ MOM AND TOT SHOP Ceroaa del Mu ,..._: UM-.1 I L'on.:r•'b 11 unlll • hun. it tlnd thr1r I JA)' An••rnto••ll l'lubho'u~~e, t.o com- tam II In pllmPut theh hnnf•r<'t! guMt . who Thl' llud•l IH•ut: folluwrol ll twf.1 v. Rll rr-l'll'l'lf'tl t hoa y tar to ..n. livht rtommunlon 11rrvlt'e In which 1111 t rl'lll\ltl·r ot th .. , holJ P'•ll.lowa thf' modrrator. the llf'v Pf'rry F. In~: hn rl'lOII:nBIIoo. Mrll l . Y. Schrock wu auu•tt'd by lhl' l«•v. Sh,.llrl'r '"'Ill art in that o'R(laclty. Nelson C. Dn>ier. supt•rint;•ndrnl At lhe t•nnchiJIIun ol thl' luncb-~ork. Shower H o nors Ecllth Mertckle. Mra. w Fowler aan~d~M~r~·~·~Ba~~~~tL:_ ___________ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ rs. Harry R o b i n son - .. Say a Merry ·Chri stmas To Dad - with Your P o r~trait Doa't Delay-Ha\'t' \'our l'hnt o~Jih Tokrn ~0\\'. U.y IIUit Be RN.d~· for ~tailing b~· Octut.M-r 15th ~--SPECIAL --~ Oae Professional s1.00 Portrait, Only NO APPOINTMENT NECESS~AV Roberts Pori:raits 1 or thr Congrrs:.atlunal Conft•rc•m·t· l'<ln hour. M rll lllollo•y Wll.ll p,.. ot Soulhrm C altforniu and tlw lien ted with 8 htotllll tfnl luncb.aa The att.racllvl' homt' of Jdl"tt SouUlw{'st. and tht' RN 1-'nod,.W ,.,.1 that ahe m&y tnkco wtth her to John TUbbA, 316 Ruhy. 8&1b<>tl lal· N IPdrtnahaull. pastor of lht• Jo1M1t hf'r nt'w holm.. and wu the 1Pitln1t un F'titlay nt Con~JtAflonal church of Sanlll Pnu"' wert' '"""'1,.,1 t" Mra. P. a pretty baby llhnwrr tn hnnor 1 f Ana. Also ott ending from Santa v Parkf'll tra''"lmc .t T 1 'oo.-r, Mrw Harry Rohtnsum nf Cornnn l Ana Wert' Mr. nnd Mn< llnrolc1 .. -del Mar Shartn" hMtt'll!l l1ul1t>s l llrwt " • F:. Wahlbt>rg. Mr. Wahlb(;ll( I~; _____ with Mrw. Tubba wrrl' Mn~ BntN' I OranJ:!' rounly fnnn arlviMlr Handy of Nf'wport Death and I A hl'!llll ifllly appolnlt•cl tai.Jle • COMING EVENTS Mra. Stanley Hill nr l.mtt=: nrno'h , 1lt·• "11\lt·ol Wl~b flvwt ra WtA~J p~-~ -._ The affair featured a dcll,::hllul AIIH'II uvl'r hy Mr11 C•'or~e Ltowtl!. WF.r<:>:F:!':PA y S J-:I'T I 'I 1 tea eerved frum n table ,1:11;.:!'1} ~ wh .. ~··n·••d tr a. anti Mt11. Knoll. ftctl C'rmo!l Wt~lltloHitn 111· Palm. appointed All<l ""'nl•'r"''. "''' a wh~o lll't'''<'tl 1 ""''<'. nnol lh<'t f' Wl'rt! &1~a 10 11 m 1,1 1 I' 111 "''ln:i•lll t low bowl of blur Rl!l\.ho•:\ auol r~k,.,. ""'' ot:.l.lnl ,. "'""J" •r hta tlrf'e!tln~" plnlr beronlu. bl~;hllj!hl• .I hy n Thr '" c 01'1\111 wA" 111,.., n torr· H.rol c'rn"" \\'nt krou•m .. II. I .\l,t pl"fCIOUI. wonllt> lamiJ The It ·' ""II 111 thl' urganlllt. Mr• n f1nnlcl rlnt> ,,., nu•· lln lh·~1 l~l:!lltl W ·' 111 cakea were Iced In J'Rl'lel rnl"1 ~ I" hn I'L'I\Inl!l tu . P11Jm Sprln;rro I hill 1,) 4 1, 111 lluq:.,nl ;lr•·~~ln~:~ end topped by n stork faaluonetl w .... k ft>r tht• w.nt<'r Hc1l ('lfo/111 w .. rkrtutm 1:11\ll Of Icing. 1 l(1<-l'an 11,.,.11111 •• 1-.11 .,111\ ,1,.1 Mal··l The m:u1y gifLq :~ttrnctl\·ply l No. D akot a M iss ''I'"" 10 ""' ltl I I'"'. IOIICI!I<.tl wrappl'd. were' tied nn the hi~h tir<'!l!ftn~ll chair a ~rt olsn. T o R e s ide H e re NI'Wp<'11 ll<·ll• h l'trt'll', \\ t ·~·· Tht> g\Jtl!ll cnjOYIIllt the t!Pioj:hl· lat bomr 11t ~lr" .1 11 Mill_. .'I~ ful affair indudt><l Mml'll Mlnam ~''"" 1 ,, r1~ 1'nyly 1\,1.~ , umi' lOt h Blr,., 1 r ort t'r. :O.f&ble Sla:.lcy, Grayo·r 1 h nn lwr ho.m.-on <;nU't(•n. !' .. rth THl'RSPA' SFI·r 11 Sevlere .. Mela B..tlmnn. F:lh:abt•th l , Pult•>ln lfl Ill• \\llh ht·r uunt, Mrll l Harh"r ""'·",." ,11111 woll 11,.,,1 Baratad. all nf thf llsrbor a n •i\,1 .1 ~I :<1\•'•tr•·.r. :11" 11\th 11lr~l. 111 BaiU.·n·• ~:1,.,111,. 1;1111 I: 1 ~,' Hurl Gret'nleaf and _r..nq!t> B11l·j ''"""~" tht• l'"lllln~t wtnll'r Rhr nnnn ler of S&nta A nA . F,n1ln Spller. ~ hn~ '"l:i~l••rl'tl fnr lllll•ly at !'11\ntR I H•••l f"l'·~· \\• ,~,.,,,,,, Il l 1 .. 110 l("tarenct> K1ng . t:IAin(' 1111:1 :111<1 1 llllo•·t ptoJ<I" 111 till' !'lhl'arl'r lng ' gueat Uat l'ontlruru inl'ludt:'tl I An ... I IIIII' r t oOIIt•j.:t I Ballllost ,,, H ·' ••• I ' m •• \\' cart \\'beland llf L<~ng B··acll. Tlw . l h11t11• '"" lh· \\f'rk ••nd ,,., •• ,. !otr H•'<l ('r•·•, \\•·•k•·•·n• ,1 \II· )oflaau <rt-rtrudP L1nk, C('nl'\'14>\., .1' ' ~l r<> I' II ~ hrrly t<nd t ..... I rinf' 0.\'t nu• JIA II .. , T~l•n 1 "' I Ill campbell and r.m MOII!'IX'rf! oot Loo!l ~ I I 1~ 11 .., h•·••l , lotloJr• n. fr <>m I 'pliUl J h • 4 1, 111 ~111 L t .I ,1, ,.; , I Angclel. Lol11 !"lmmon!l nnrl At=:~W!I I\ I'· ( 'folti·:T \Ill 1-:T AI I I'T A!'ll rapllln 1 'lr• 1o .It h •Ill• ,-~11 ~ Cral!; of the Hr>roor •IIlii r11 I Cos ta Mes a WSCS To Open Program n • 1 r-.t .. "~' , t n·· , t t t • t ._ "'t ~' "··-.t \\ :-. ·:-: . t:l lw h• l.t "" rhur~-o • ' ' 1 '• n '"'I 1 ' an 1ht :' '' t.•l "' I , ~ '"•''11 '1~\lt ' h • r H \It tl11' I Itt 't \ l ~tl ht•h ,, . I • I •, 1 ''..,It I I I ., •' t • ,.,, I • Itt• ,., ._~ h '' 111 I •\ • 1 \ ~·'" t• t 1 •' r I" .. .. I I Ill· • ,, tl·· I 0 ,, • I ,,,, \I, l 1 I • • •' It o , I •I I I ••• . .: . I \ I I ( • •~rr •·· 1 A• ~ 1• \I 1 1 j Marl• lft>f1e r n n( A nAht•lr:.' (. 1111.'\ •• • • ,.t' r, ,-"" •• .. •tt \ • , ~\ t'1111P, ('<II IIIII ol• ~1.11 •. • I Ellen Spellman nr Sl\11 ltt A na ro..tll :II····· , . .,. ""'' • 'I .,, I<I\YI' Mall'y of l'tHT'Pill\ :11111 !\Inn · !I '""' ·I,.,. II III•! l:l;· ... r ~al!ofurphy of Svlllh rn.•<ltohnll . \1 I• 111 1'1 • , ., 1 . I the g\tPst n( 111 nor nn•l lh•• thlrl' • .. 1r.•oul .. ,,. t" ,11 hotle!l.•••· \", l t ' I' ...:, - I :.I. BUY MORE TIIAN BEFORE I BACK Tilt; ATT:U 'K '1\ II l ,. WHAT -NOT SHOP I a nti l:''ll,.irt•tl I Patio and t 'nfinlshf'd Fumlt~ Supplif"d Wladow Panes Installed I Say It \\'ith Flowt.•r.' l'idur<· l'r.llniut..: 11 aoi !'a ~~~~~} our Odd Jo•? Balboa from C A R 0 L Y N ' S !...;;;;;;;._--~___.____.____.____.~ FLOWERS 222~ Marinr A.n•. Balt.o. Island Ph. 2r'J09....1 HERMAN'S MillET I 103 Cua."t llighway--Corolla del Mar l'hnnr Newport 1'79 ..... auN-. NEXTroWARD8 8.urT ~ ANA. CAUl". Mc:1 h -St:1ple Gro ceries -Fruits \'t'getahles -Milk -E ggs Deli~a tessen Items ~4wmabw P"rk. _ ~pt S.nift .... .._. ,._ II a. a .. I p. a De&.b' '--··-·'-"' ......... ____ to<u ___ -·, .. SCHOOL T O GS F R O M COLLEGE SHOP 2nd F1oor PLAY PALS Street Floor JUNIOR MISS Third Floor PATIO SHOP Down!! lain; ON A SMOOTHIE'S SCHOOL SCHED U LE You 'll find the c o ke crowd an ardent admirer o f the versat ile wardrobe. The younge r set's s marte s t can- dida t e s f o r campus wear and t ear . inclu de s t ack s of s kirts. sweaters. blo u ses, jumpers and w ool s uits. Sweater s , 3.95 and up. F l annel jumpe~ 7.95 a nd up. Suits. 25.00. B l ouses 1.95 and up. .I. ... • Seata Ana~