HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-09-26 - Newport Balboa News Times• THE SAND CRAB SAM Buy Bonds to End War Quicker , • • • the newspaper that BALBOA goes home IEEP POSTEl! 1 Year .... $2.50 Mall• ~~~~.....,..... .. N.,_a·11m... N_,..., ..... ~~_____.:E~S_._(~ EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA. WEST NEWPORT, SEA SHORE COLONY, LIDO ISLE. NEWPORT HEIGHT~. BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA-DEL MAR. COSTA MESA VOLUME XXXVI ----OWPOaT BEACH. CALDQaNA. ft1UD.U. 1'4t:I'TF.MHF.K :!1. IIIU ·~··l N\IMHII:a 1t ··!!i~~h~;~Ta!et!i G Magnussen Noted low•,. W~iltlk• Wins Air R~po~. Geo. ~iHn Plan Bodrd Approves· ~~o ~f'~~a~h~t ~~ a ' I Welllnow1 len, H lllletlan lccWent · ~~.J;~:,~~~2 Pioneer Balboa Artist,,ls Llill tO... onor, Is 'Pnve Unfo••lletl Civic Center Adjacent friendships w ere not con-p t A . f 76 dJ~'7na':i?':tC::=~= M• • 11•·1'"''" l•·•'"h'"l" .. ,... Mm .. lav t N B • A ~edth~ ~~:~bu~u~~. asses a ge o · ;~!.~!ld ,:.:-:1.!'~! tsstng ~~~:.·~~~·~, IU.':!.~': ... ~:.~,::":~r ~·.·.· o ew us1ness rea rounding it. and he was ever I · Ht> was 50 yt'lln old and ~u ""'" ,. , "'""' nr"'· 111~ tw~~r. "., 1 willing to help Newpor1 H ar-known to n any Newport trleod.a. Ia IIIM ·n111"'"" ·, '"""'' 1 h··, ruq•r h I",,,,.,, unfuouulo·ol ''"'" ,., bor in its early struggles for Photographer and Painter, Here for Nearly ,~ll~~ w~~ laoan~---ol Mrs. Nt. .. ·'nnW> prlnlo'\i .. pll'llll t' Ill "11''11 M ,. 1"'11'' 111""' ph .. lh •l l{~ommendationR rtl l'ommittee to lie Pre- a port a nd always ha d the ~"' ~" -~ ... ~-Lt. Ployd " 1'a..vhw ,,,. 11w ,.. ..... , ""'' '"'"' ru·r t>~~n·ut.. ,..,.,,. ""I' ear or the late Georgt> R<r Quarter of Century Had Seen Community Deb y Noland and had IIVf'd ln Our 8o)~ tn S.•nr ... · • ., ... I~'"''' lho flln~·~ 1••(1 ,,..,... lui ...... k M'ntt-d eity ('ou(ldl Next Monday for·~ gers, largely responsiblt> fo r ' • • Nl'Wport for about 15 )'f'arl. Hf' ahcJrwd lht• "•'lllt•llllfll l~o•rn.: 1'1111 "" .. '"' nlhlll ,,, "'': u ..... \'HII··v k I.- securing the first real gov-Grow from Small Begmntngs to Present was a CBflX'nt!'r by trnde and ·had (1"1tulatt'<l "> II• ....:.uho•l c : ..... l.ol '" "llll••n• .... "" th .. lr ''""""'''' l(ram Ta ing in Land Near lade Entrance bcton employed 10 lhl' Slag Uquor Je.R C.. A!ll"n a I•'" lll"lll•'"h Tr •. , <II•· ""'""" t.lr ""'' l-It • emment aid, in brinmng the r bout r " to• lllON' or a t1 yf'a · a{t.r fl(> h:o<l 1Jo•••11 II"'"'"''"' \\tlh ll111n (' l 'h•,.•rrl,, wh•-aull, Nt• ... project into the ken of the Balboa lost one of its m ost hig hly respected pion(.'('rs this A d11ughlc>r Rulh Miller, 'ur-01 AJ t-'tlllowln~ nduptlon nf 11 m mmlth"' &'f'JlOrt by tJMo New- public. No metropolitan pub-week when Gustav A . M agnus.-;cn , n oted artist a nd pho t og-vivcs. in nddi.tJon to a son. WU· m!tto~.~l···l··~ •. :~·: .. .' .·,·:::"'":,'::::~'1 ~l iM lltno·o ··~ ··w··<lr.t '" "... JWtrf n,•lwh dly plnnnilll( ('flntllllsslon fur n p~ dvtc Ushe r was more frie ndly to· rapher. located on the Ocean Front. Balboa fo r nearly a quar-bur Whitlakl'r. bolh of L..ona: ni!Cbt .. ' ~·· 11111' 1 1"'" '""'" '" 'har":· "1 ('t'nlt•r utljlh'\•nt ton nt•w IK&Sil'l4'NI ctlMi rl<1 tn t~xtf'Od from·~ th 11 th I 'd 'Y'o,, __ ... _ t 0 r II n~ <'h lhrN' slsiN'l' nnd IWO . II•·· """ •• lh ''"" ''" ''" flu· :"•'\\ II\ I h I ' '")tl t Ill tl ... I ·-_ ..... e sma er papers a n ter o r a century. was 81 to rest I U\.~Y a range. 0 OW· uo:8 ; . : An· Lt. Tllylllr 1\11~ 'AIIh lht• 1-:r~htJr , ... ,I l•h'l , .. , v•·ur• 111111 ...... rcl... l'l' U't' flVt'l' t'fU () '" I K rr.·t. w 1 t• If' hV c Cl'n\C"I ww Harry Cha ndle r, a lways feel-ing his s udden dea th Saturday of he art disease at the age o f b rothcl'll, all rcsrdt>Oili 91 Los f'KI\ltr ~·ummunol, "'"'' u( II ,. ;,, \\111111 '"~'"'""" lila trt .. nol• ,., •. l't'llc'h h 'tlf\1 Ct'fltml IIV~.'nllt' 11.11 rnr I'IIICt ftl( Lllfny.-t~ llJ"t.cret In ing they had a right t o sit in 76 years. Services were h eld at 2 :30 p .m . a nd intermf:'nt was K<'~s. Whit k lived In a cottagtt Mu..t.ana: . 111 1111• t·:c.:hth AAF ~''"'' 1,. l•••m • 11.,,1 111.,1r , ... , '"''"' ll11• vldnlty u( tht• l.lclo 1:'11•· ••ntrnnc't', th•• dty rnundJ Monct.y the sun and never attempt-in F a irhaven cemetery. l -ncnrrThe ~~:nut to his alstt•r, nihtt·r st ;~t tur'r rn t:n~l::.n•l Itt~ I"''(. unly • •••~ehl un• wh"'' 1r.~11 he t'XIIl'l'tf'd In "~'·lvr th(• l"t'(JOrt ot tht! c•omm'-'Oft lor flna1 ing to belittle or harm their Whl'n the decuaed came to Bnl· sen. n brother. )lartln .MallJUMell, Gladyl Th patmiS, M1 _ruuJ Mr" \\ rlhttfl'l 0 "" " wu ll•lncl coft thf' ,..,.,, liv (14'\'l"lon. 1' - endeavors. boll more than 23 year11 ago. h~ and a elater Mrs. Thf'odori'.Wol-:__~ __ Taylor, 113 3 1~1 "trf'i''· ""w lht'l " p1111elnat vrhll'lf'. 'll\•· l'f'JlOf'l •• t•llJIIlrlr~<'(l h) Ot· thfo lltfoa nf hullltina a ,..U.C ,wr Two other wor1<ers in the opened a 11tudln where he did much fran of Vl'ntura. Iowa: a nelce. plctlll't. 'Ahlrh houl bo.•1•n ~nl t'tUt _ _ • llow•n1 W S.·n~t·1·, o•h~alnwm nt 1•an lht•lr pnrp•rly on, tbe ~. whh wnrk u a palnlt<r In oils and I Mrll. Helrra Sttnake of El Monte. c b)' the al'll\Y. ond Wll>htod to obtuln ttw 11111nnlnlt Ncnrnutlt"'· will 1,... •. 11 400-ft walk IHd.fnc lO ttw dvto TUnes family have recently wat"r color and where be photo· Calif ; a grti.Jlddaughter . .Mnt. VIr· • tte the 01'\(Clnol as lht•)' h.d "'' Jill'" I a . A. JW'fll lin hlt••l ""'' lllt'ftaln& vh•w "' .... ,,,., • brought them bereavement ~:"rapbtd hundred• of prominent ' glnra Horklnll ot Belmont Shnrel. lgare s turt of tum in unlrurm fl11d tho•) Ults lr tho• n ty , whc-tho•r hU'tl lht• Cua't I .............. in the deaths ot John S te· ccti~C'n• rrnm all para ot aout hem Calli. :on.J three great p-aDd· had l"l'<'C.'IVt-d 8 lt•h'~'""" from rh·· hr11hw11y M '""'" tht• •Wtorhf•.ad 11, TIM-"""''"' will lftl'ludl! I.M dU' phen McGroarity and Torn Callfom lll Hie work Ia known far t'hU<r•·n s f •ar do.>portm~"'' un Au.:u't 19. lon I II f•nt•·no tlu• r rt)' '"'"' SAn111 Atuo hall library, l"olh-. 1 tall" n ...,. Treanor. ln the days of his and v.·lde and while it never com· F'un 1al eervlcea wtrf' con.ducted nouncin& thll hi' ""1"' mtJUorn~t "1''1 F L•f A rlly 1\1\11 •II•• w111 Induct.-"" •utn '"'"k .,..l, tAt"" plana~~ father-in;Jaw, General Otis, manded the prlcu of more f&JII()UA by Ht•\ w . c. Guch. pllltor of St. carce or l"ruat. or I e ....... l10tnl l:lnol •llt't'l Cll1 C't•ntrltl lrwlud .. 1111 llrKIIIorium.. •nd u. attacks on labor and unions artillt... eUII It hu t.be toucb and John's Lutheran church of Orana-e-I On Saturday mnmln~t. l~t•looro• ltlWird lht• IJdn f'fllntllt'o• 111\d 1-u.:.:•·•llufl ..... madlt that ..... were bitter and violent, be-auty of a m:utrr band now L d comirtc IO tilt> NPw~·T'imc.,. oHH"'· c•otfllprl-•n •dcllllonal ~'().) ft't'l cluhto mlllhl llkl' to ,....,.., • ._ leading up to the d ............ tting sUlled by death. · r.oBERT MOSIE" ALLEN A S ~Taylor had rrcc·rvrd " lo·nt·r B oiWilf'tl by C:rifflth f'IM'n(lllllY jttwlr l'luh mom• ... a put e1 Ulllt J'IICUIU Wllne.eed Growth 1-'unt-ral aervkl'll were held Mon· rmy a ....... Wu.hln~otltln ITI whrch II was a .... , Al.... •uchtorium bulldan• Of the old TIJnes building, Mr Magnuueo. wbo WIUI tall ' olay ul 2 •p m from thr Ball% ltatfd thai I hi' ltrutenunt'.., pla no· on rlny A Ft'llrl"t>4'nl•ll\'l' ltl'tlliiJ •'II lntf't· Talllnl Jll"1 In J.he .,_ ..... but under the Q\andler re-'I R .._ ... I AU I had IK'ff1 dll>Ublt'\1 OV<'r lldlort.l • "'•••I 1'1117•'11" ,..,.. &11..-nl la•r '''"' -• v•""·••JI _,, ... -t •--and pkturr&que look mg. with hla " ortuary for · o ...... rt -oa er eo. ~ '" "' ..... .., -MY gi.rne, a more tolerant view-(low'lng white hair. had de!lnltl' 7fl. ~ O r<"hld avrnul', Cof'ona del The h --;:-In& for l"nn«-on Au~: :\,which wn• th••n ·n ow ,..lny '" ht-.or •t.•tAila ot tht· '"''"II lhr llf\f' ~ ... ._ potn. t eased that feeling. It 'f n-0 Good II war as en go 00 ftleT\Y h'rr rtoor) Ut'f'fltl>t· rf ":.• · '"'"'II o.lt•• ... whl•'f• hull la'f'ft '"' 't1111L •w. w .._. • ~-. • ... tcleu on tht> dl'vrlopmenl of hta "ar. with the ,...,v F. . t 1 ,. o and """'Pie hav. 1,1 1 •of Ill•· ..... h,.,. '""II ' " ,.,., '"' -~ ... -._ Was no ............ t tha t as many 1 a on~ rmr n "'' ,..--1n a hPavtl)' ""••xiNl S<'l'lllln lw """ ,. 11''' olo•r ,.,,.,,ltlc·•nt htfl '""' whic-h ,.,,,,,. c•, .. -Jin, t•-rt .... lila,,..._ __ ,__ ~'"' txolovf!d Balboa Hill aludlo at 810 offlcoat ng I n t t r m t n I wu In ... _ t d tf tht. way ol •trnt,.t1 mrn fn»nl 10\l wolk• "' .,-.... -,..._._ ---union men were employed in ur<'flffl l' 1\II'Ull ""''" I not able to Janel thr pl:tm•. loul hllll ''''" IIIM·tl h) Ut• S.'ft,..r ,., •• , .... w "" ........ ~ .... th . . d t:a.at Oc,.an. ju11t olf thr p1er. wu 1 Falrb.aven ct metery wprttm., II\ rog . amJ bave toraot t.en ba.iltd out and N'IH'hl'l.l tlw ~noun!! htr So•totun•'• ll.I!Wr.C rf'i n11t •• . .,,. ,11,. n .. •omrnt>rwtt'CI w~o .. llu· ,..,.,. 11 M l.aflf'. 11w :1.,• e pnnting e partmcnt aS a (&VItrlte l't'lldt'T.\'OIIIS lnr hundrl.'l.ltl 'fh., J eC"aM"d WU a rl'l trN1 f the llttlco thlnga they ueed 11111 <of Ill~ •kl,.,. Whf'n A 1\ t'.l1rtlr 11 Bnm~ o aafel)', ns h1• WIWI'I.I '" otlwf uh· ""'' kuuwn r-. Sill' 4·A anci tllf' rut IIM'IIIn& vnlc..-c·ame h'aln It non-union workme n . \\'e a ,,r frlr~•ls from nil partll ot the fBrm .. r tnm; Uatb, 111. and had t ·•o lq rna"• llfco euler tor Ulel 1 "'''"'"' urwty-r•~m ....... trd 46 "~'' •• u •~ eerv 111 piHnc'" r \forot tot.:•·~ """"' l(lv"n •~ folluw~ (.,rlrollt•r ol llalboa •·•__. ... loved Harrv C handle r for his rounty pnd stat~. In hla t om•· llvr<.l In NewpMl Dca<h for IM'V· bn bo • oul flchtlng 11 1 h 1 n" boat. tlaa•PY a~·n,11111: -•J .VII w prl!' · Whtthrr hi' Wlb 111k1•n l"l•ton<'l " 11 '' ••••ult••l on t 'rntrnl av••nu••. n f•vur..,J thr all• on Uw bluff......,. kindly and sympathetic re-Bltlbna emrrgerl from a bloclc or , Ifill year•. l-Ie died on the Sani.A Ont' of the~~e email thlnp wu or whl'tho'r ht• wns ulllt• In hul•· '' "-hlt'h ""'" luunrhf'd rr•· .. nlly I" •"'"~'' thut•'tUithfan ·. IJo ad}ftt.'('lll tu tht' lmy, which Ia not ln Ulllt .._.,. gard for the rig hts or othe rs. lwo If emall burldinga ,lnlo flnt:r Ana Cllmmunlty hnspilal Friday. lhe I!Ubjr ct lor dlllcuulon at the not yet knrrwn. bul ('Vc·ry c•rturt I~ 1<11\\" "" , .... u .ullolrra. t•ut IU'Itlr llu• I" lr\c'il"'' louMII\MIII ttlatrkl al)tl poratf'Ct area. + + + a nil larger lllructurel!, sqcb u tlw Srpt. 22. Sl'rtembf·r mr(!t\ng of 40 t'l 8. ~~Inc mad•· tu rind him and hi,. I"'• wing• 1" t.k" 11f1 lhf' r•M'I. ""'''1 ~~ l'ultVc·ntt•nl tn th•• !'lly ,... 11 Arthur. tl. P..avt')' ol ..... W· Balllf)a lnn. th,. RellJ11'7.ftiU!I Ball· Surviving nre 11 11011 . Hnwanl Vnlture Local!'! :>27 oC Orance partnt~o are hllf'P)' In the• kn1rwl· ou111 ll"t ut the haberman. "hulo•, 11 Ia luntf'fl wllhrn ltfl<• nnll rrqu.•lal the ()Oiftll'll ... .. C b 0 0 8 e Y! Are YOU ronm. Vogel's Penny Arcade, tht Alll'n. and a gra.ncleon, Melvin. of county. which m t't Wednt'lll&y eve· edl)'t thai OK' chaf\Cf'fl lire tt'rlU hr Mr . and Mr11 -fllhrll• haYtl IJ"r lolu•·k uf tht-<'II)' yanbo ; thN'f' I• \"''ZIIflf! Iota 'l'l and 23, Wad& I, choosey about c hoices? F'eel-&mboo room. Whlte'e Coffee the home addrMe; a daupt.er, niDI at H~ln& Kaleer'• cafe wtth 1 .. Mf~>. , hli.IIM! I hi' fur-urrr W•lln llleil<1tt \'nttu"h 1\N!a 10 II"'Ykkl fOf ...... ,,. from n..&denc:e to built.-...... ing Friday frus tration? Then ,Shopa, the two-etnry 1tructure at Mr•. Cl11dya Roebuck, of Olaoclale: membera from all 17 1.AC1oCl Poet.. ,_.0_ at 2u .......-anntM \•Ion aM bMUUflor•Uon ud CCI'' .. M ataaed lUI :.:': • beat the buyers bugaboo by MI\IJl and Central boUt by Fred two l llllera, Mn. Be .. le Kuala In thf' county t~t!endtft(. D..,...J w tts w•tt unfl nll\n to makf' c•n.rt. M-th .. lr trol Ill <lf'v,.Jtw'""•nl o( ru1"-f't• I hl •h I o •. t-.. • .. ,..,.., ' Sl,lrry a.ld I tbl'rll. I arod Mtll. M<)lllt' Oble. Who are In I . ..._ a e a I ' ,. . ....... -,.. n I w t • "11 II ...... .....,ec ..,.. shopping 0 n TuesdayS, • . . Tht" Vtollllrf' hu .,..,..,n llpOniiOr-I"'' llllOH'Ill lot'lCII.. jlrt'l"'l I) , ... d ty 1"'1'1111 till' mn •nd rrul f'lllllf' oltlt't' had ...... Wednesdays and Thursdays Born In Indiana he ~e weet the FsHI!'\, 11nol f<lur brotn.r.. AI-111.,. for thr ""'l!t .,..,. a dnn tn-r 0 0 y h{ • "' 1 .. 11 1 1 1 1 •-·-1 ,_:._ ·-••• • H c u .. .... r-pen wn ac Tit .. 11'1111 •. .,, '"" f\IU.I trll•ll r"' , .... Httl ... "" llf'f\tlt"t' y, ""' ... ~~-,., .,.... N"'ltt ... ._....~.,- l'nstead of "•aitt'n g fo r th~" lhr~c-decade. 14!'0. Surviving Ia ho rt. (,rnvtor. Jobo and . . A en. n gan-LII fur thr mrn In eervoce 11 11 1 1 1 r • 1 ' 11 111 1 1 . ..., t.:.._ d* .. ... ')" lh I I L B h I I • II• fhol j)<U t Ill>( ""lllhtllnn "' toll' ,., " ' ·~ ,,... II nl"'lll ''"" ... II' ....... n N 'llltl na u, .. ..., weekend rush. It's the h a bit I' w dow. !I rs ura -Magnu~ w 0 al.ao IVC' n the a-;al't , ..... hn 1\TI' out IIIli I' to buy lhl'm llllll B k orr· 1111 II I ... n.... t•ltrllo'lllllf ...... .,. luol ......... Sl:t.r••• l'llllllt'll 1\ ht•arlna .... -,_ of c hickens to scratch and I must alw~y" r. , . ..,,~e them .. grtt• ro erage Ire , ........ '" 't' ..:ttr•t··· •~~<•. 11,,,., " . ., ......... "'"'"lv"l''"r.:·· "' ,,,.. ~·•·· o,., t!l "" ttr•· m•ttrr ducks to swim-<>f womt>n to M Sh k ThOIIl' 1'1Villlln8 wl\o are C'ltpf'rl••fl('• lo•IIJ,; """ ... l••rtul. ""'"r"" .. flv··· ,, lhlol " ... ""' llll)lo•'••nl '" 1111.)' It li lll•k(' nt ('Jf'ONI .. ..... bu h . h arl·ne l·pwor ers Ill~ dllfu ully In cetUnc ennueh r>a.Je .. : \\'lilt ... '""""r lwt"l " ., .......... u .. fl.ILttl llt'IUIIII ... IHIIollt lnnoltnc hut II "It~> ,.. fill'"'"''"' llllln• fuf' a ..... ..... lefttt~ndt e 0 Lfr mcoacn tsto tbouttto ne , rJ!W ~>Ill •luring I hi' preaeot llhort· bmker ,,, llultb~trcl" "'" 1~ ,,~.,,.1. , ""'"'"'' .,,1 ,, .. 11,.m11111 1••• •·~I 11tur ""' , ,, rllrtlr • "'"~~·~" lunlllur..: '"' 1hr hlllhwrl¥ rnr ttw ---.. I ra~l" o·a.n ~·1r palhl7.1' w llh the huya, IIllo( I• "I" nln~ II IIo """" ~'"hi and '' • Hh ol I ""' .rl•h In• I Ill•~ I '"" ""' ••l'ftl uvrrl nl th,. i'untml~Uoft 'em to the rig h t. But the H I El I hut In tht" army. it Ia nut la•k nf , .. m ,; .. ,.,.,l •~··•' ru .. k•''""'' """~ 1" 11 ' '''""''''' ' 111 Y" " 1 '"''""'"1 habit that has U nited S la t('S t -d t• • IIJ!Orl'ls. IJut lac•k nr m nney n•·tta"~tl Hnnllov.~orn.. I.<• lo• o 1•111\ "'" fl""' 1" tlor flrat wttrl•l "1" food s tores ba ffled is M rs. 0 0 ec I On 1-'rom tho~ fln'll OYt'f $:'JOCI llolll 1'0811t lll~h'AIII ,,, .• ~·-··· .. , .. ~I f ~:tuol• """ ......... )' olt•lllllltiV America'S tenaCiOUS h abit or hh n r&ll'\'tJ. WhU'h hiLl pUrr hll!l''ll hltlldf< toll k ill• fl "' lt••fll• 111111 V.lll toll ltt l<t•lt•l ·•llfl lu• itlld 11 l•lftt\A Lido Officer Seeks k . F 'd d 2!\,000 rac·k~t'll of crgarelll Thr• 'IIW(' Ill • o•v.•n ''"II . .,. " '" ,. ..•. ' ,. "1' .. " .. I 1' I. I • m a r cling o n rt ays rtn "''t·ms llkr a lnt l•f muney a.n•l " Mr \\ ""• """ •···" "'"' I lo• r. ... n. ""''' "'" '•'"1: ikrtt" "'""''' Saturdays. Let's take ad-A nnunl 111 ru t>rl' nr• ltl 1-llrtAdr u• f'nl nrrprort ""' '"!: "'" Y'''",. tlo •' Van tag,. o f thn ml'ddJn o f t h" I 1 lot of • rgan·ll!. but lhr n' are 10. ~"ulh ''"""' · ... ,. -. .... .cwa r.~ ono nrf'n '"''""''''' hr ran 111• l:t tNNI '""". " running n ow. At least that's what the OPA w a nts you t o do. .. . . lley, You! Did you kno w you h ave only a coupla days in which you can re~;.rister? This does not Include those who h ave been registered and h ave been voting ·regu- la rly, but if you have moved o r ch an ged your address you MUST register. tha t is if you would vote for your n ext president. The cam paign is getting h otter a nd h o tte r. But liste n . h ere a re the places in the ha rbor area. where you can d o this before Thursday midnig ht: City H a ll. fire s1<1tion on Marine avenue. Balboa l o;land ; fire station at 703 E. Bay a vC' .. Balboa; fire s tatio n at 2'.)12 W . Central. Newport: Hi07 Pacific Drive, Coro na del Mar. Do it NOW. • + • On thP Air: J\lajor Gl"n· f't·al l'a ul L . \\'illiams, Formt-r Coro na del Marian. and a lrrot her• of F kll'l.'llt'l' 1\nd<•r- srm. who is in t'h nq.:<' of lhC' fir~t airhorrw I roops to Ill· nHil' llollaml. l)roacka!'t a fine I'('Slln1C' or the Euro pC'an ~it uat ion the 1)1 her night. llis tnlk w ill he bJ'oadca~t in mirt- wrck to c1cfcnsc workrr.-<tnc1 others who WC'I'E.' unabJ,. H1 hear him. • • • Bum RadiM:t H ow a rd Gcr· rish i~ on the pi'Owl fnr radio sets tha t have taken the count and been f'(')egated to the gara~e or attic. H oward •.. 18ys the Uon.c; want t o get as 11\811Y as they ran to recon· clition and send the m t o the boys in time f or Christmas. He now has an office at 1808 MtwJX>r1 Blvd .. Costa Mesa. and if you will leave them, dlrY will be put in fillp-shnpe .-d gent on. Please look· -' get 'em out pronto. ·~-;c the t.1me is short. . con 111 mr am• Anwrlt'll .. wrll Ill• helol lh111 S~lur· lt\1111• ,. 1 parkAg~" 8 Par IUIII 111,11 """"" 11,. 1,..,.1 1 "'"'"'" I• w w•·•·lut "I<'' """ 1111 tiny t•V<'IIInl{ Ill their hall In t £111111 Th·· fttllfl\',1111( "Ill run (llr t'X· N tl y lilt.; .... llfiiM•fl lllt a• .. t nl fl r~t.r . I ..... l(' VRit>ll hiUI ""' Ill thf' :OI <•11a It "Ill' l!tnll'!l hy !'l'l'rClal') •• 11111o• bnurd mNr.llt'rl! Ml large, ,.111111 ~. 111 ~<toro>.ll and ro•lfi.RIIrRni A fllrmlv 111," 1.,.,. '"'"!: ,,1 "'"''"""' •I ,.,., At'ro Trolllioll~ ll·•l><•rt Antlrnmn lhal a hout 8001wtlh thro· .. r .. f•h'•t (1tndo·ll It 1 .,,. .... 1 <iVCr 14,000 jar& hearing the IJ•· llil'lt hoonlt• flo:! I; 10'•'11 1 I Ill); 1'>11' , rn••nJbt•rp, pructlrally all of whum :'\o•IRoon .. lo ohn C 'linton, Rr1lph F.mtr· 'I 1<111n hthcl: ll.'tkinl( lo~ lll'lllll•·~< otn•l lllt·ntW•••I tontl • """'"'" "' ·' t or •• o•mpl")'l'tl by thl' SoUih CoMl "''"• C:Brlnncl King, 1-'ro•tl Hotunto--1 11 I{ nit'kll'& anti dlnlf'll (oor Ill>' llllr·l ~lltl Ml• \\'H,II• •11'" 1."" ir•·•· econVC·r81.0n l)ata I 'n . wrll p11rtu·lpatc In th<' vt tin~(. l'fll1• 1111t1 \\'dbrcr 1 'hurtlr ·n .. .,,.,.. 1\lo Mot llo 11 ~I"" uri ••lfl • 1 fur un ullo•w•••l •l"""llnl(' vlul•lhtfl •.•. , ''" 1.1•1" I lo·. Mlnt .. l l••l11y un l.l•ltJ 1•1•• At lhr hrar1n1 '"" rio •I loo· V.•lltl<l lrl•• 'lilt W•"ltt•••fltoy \''"''' th•• ••uurl lhl' dt•fcmdllnl w•a 1 .. , '1':\IH•~• ol.otttlll:''' '"' •l•otulo•l llou••l Sill, whlrh w1~,a ~~~~IJMWtr(l. "''''""' i\1111111 S rlltt•t 1111111, 1.1.''! "''" "'''"'" l111<·r ""'"-turn•od 1ovrr ~·· ..... ,, '"'''111)1', .. .,u ...... ,.. 111111 '" ..... 1-•tlt••· ('flllrll)' runll. rhal't· nf c·rgarl.'tll, nnd 1a tt"ktnf( •l.,ughl•·•" I 11 1' I• '' \ "'''' ,,. """ , , Then· Ill no 1'(111\t•!!'l Ill tht pQII( Fonr!N•n nrt• runnlnj( fnr mo•m· t (;Or ( (•ntractorR . I hilt those nlckle11 nnw find llll'lr 1<11Uu•1 '"' 'llo• 1 Ill• pluuncttw ", r • • of prNudrnt. n. "On-k" Sa.ntlnvnl. ho•r" 11f lht• l'•·gotla tlng l'Hmmrl· wav inlo lhCI!r jlln• an<.l j!lvo• 111 nwkr N1.,1 1 •• rc ll•·nt'll "'"'" I"'' hr rng tho· <only man running. F•tr 11'1'. wiU1 t rghl to t•hnuRI' W'l fol-· 1 1 1 1 • vlre-prl'~i!li'nl F:cJ Willcutt AnJ I low" 1. Sl .,. · l lotUr lift lQ our_bll)'ll <:tvcr th••r• 1 mnn.-rtl ll'•n•• H<tl 11•1" '" "" "1 ( •itt lr•wlur,. whu nro· t\olllt.: hl>l "" 11•·1 "' llh• 111 kuo I "' I;., .. ,~ l Mo Mullo·n 111 rmplt1)1t'd bf th• ,,,,, •. l.llltt l •h· t 't<tnmunlty •-ICU!tltlfl ol'l>fJ!I' nnf'. r A.I \\'lkutl. · lllno•r ••n Lr•l<· 1-l•· (urm ul wru· work rnn .:•·1 •l•·l(tllo•it ·llf• Mull•" "''" ,,.,. "''"'"''" ~~~ '' •t-·dill utrlo'•·r. lull Ia uncJo•r l! .. b (.'urr Will nppO!Il" each Ollh'l Wnlt F'alrhlllm . Urul'(' Handy. Islander Graduates onfnrmnlot'Wl on rnnr..thollunlt,·r N I• llf•'}''l, 1111ur•11o·k •ll SarHII llr•· jurr•rlio'tl••n •If lht• dty llltllc:w A11u •I·"'"' Srll"'''""" 11111<1•· 111~ •l•·t"lllnr<•nl •nu• llllnlrtl 1!1 Poll~ 1>·11 ·•11.111!' "'"l"tluo ltl~•hl hltll In I I,,,,., ll•,.h¢kln"""· 1'11111 A J'aJnll'r, '"" "'1: 1 It•• "'"''' .. 1 Mr Srllw•: 'Ju<lr.to• J•m••• 11n•l toll,.•ra li'f' rN·n· Only !II H Hoo•s '" ntnnln,.: to F'rf'ol It• llnH\'1111•, 'T'om Ht)bgnr:d. U M mlnatt01n Rrwl olhrr phil"''' .,r lit•· Sill ('('Cy hlrnl!elf ~~ I :"··r~n~ot: ~1\C't Palmer. K .... At Great Lakes I Hope to eet I pruhlo•no ut I"Pff''VI'""iltfl nl II ~~·· "'or PXPC'UIIvr Mcret&ry Juailu ranr "·F. t.r~~nr, Bob An<lo·t.-.n. --Ba.l B th Mttl <'tltl"t' llrrangNf untl•·• /\1111\ L Robrnaon. Sr . Ill nppO!ring lloh Jollll\.8 L. Hnhlll8(111 ~I 13. ft(IIOIO lllld I GREAT LAKES ·rtl s . ,., I ey ro er8 T·~·hnl•lll S.•rvtn-llllC!Iif'f'fl Ill I IIIII' AoderMln. rn• umbent. while Har· J F 1-'clllu • • · • ~' 1'1 . .. , • .,, too• \i ,.t ..,. ... kt-h~u urttl ul..,;• lu.n•"'fl ---------------· I Amon~:: I host' gral1uallnf,: flum an ·~ IIIII l'hunwht)'. ,,.,.,,,.,..1 i•llt I inl!'n!>tVI' roun;e of ba~1c rnr,:tn•~·r-St111nl!••r lhrnl(" nr,. '"'l'l"'"'"t.: /\m ··nmJ)ftn)' wtuc·h I• "'••• krtot.; Second Stiles Rodeo Full of Hi.ghlights ing t rainlnR at rl'f"o•nl "n 1, ,. rvl'ry !lily 111 thr w11r "''' I hnt ol '" rtn nuy ~uvrmmrnt n ont 1 >wl worlo I!Chools exl'rCIY'l< hPr(' w1" \\'all• rr hiKhly P'""'l,lo• thnt th•• h"1"' ••I lUI) J.:••v••rn11'11'nl n~o;•·n•·) 111 "" F.. P'n·~·ott. :6. husbllnd of 11 "'I ~lr. and Mn. J F Rarlry. 1601 Nav\ Mar111trl'' I'"'""''"'"" I"' lit• • tttolo•tot • ••I 11 l1•ll••1 sllt"'r·l l"·'l' " ... 1 ...... , •·· '""' Wllll•·n Narcot1"cs Su6ect l o• It I ' otk•· 111 l.lrlu l •t. 111<-Mul I· .. ., ..... "'" ""··~·· '" ,, ..... .~ .... &und Over· ase ltootl •~·n ~"1"'""''1 •''''""''>' t Aldrich l'rP!<('Otf 112 Ap<lll•n.• S• S110l4 Ann uvo•n u.• lhlll lh••or '"'" llnln:on•~· nr lUI)' utt ... r '""""' •·I Ballxla Island, ('aliL ...tlflll l'l'fVIII I( w rlh llw liiT<l\ '" th,. "'rVtf'O'« Ia ur1:•-.t lu "''lool qu.tlo \f.>·· ,, Ill•· ·• ...... \ 111111 ~, ... '"" ~ ··t for Sept 29 ""''ltl 1,. 111"1 \\o olroo .,luv II II •~ 0 I This hlul'jacket wa..~ ~IH·t•·11 lur ~'ranct• will m<·o·l, ma) 1 .. ~ '''"' ·• lrf'fl r•'lll ''"''"'"''v'"' '" lh• til•·•' htl' "JX'<'ill lized tramrn~.: nn rio<' n·allty. •n•• "''11·11 wr'll Ia· 1 ... 111 nt Ill• Mu lhiiSr.o; nf h 1!1 rl"<'ruil tramm~; .rptt Pfc. (1n}l•m 1\.111•·~ ul "" ·"' '""'' 'l ••r"l'l•· .. K\!1 IAlf"'' •"' ''"' lud<' te~l scorE's Gnl1unll•< tn•IT l<lrt'l' l<'fl l::n..:bn•l HI rtu· hlllt·tl '" 11•111..' I"'"' k •lurllnl( !lr<WIIpll} "' , ,.,.I,J t., I'', , ... ,, • I '" t tun· A• , .. ,,tlut..: •·· tr.ft,t runt,.,n ,,,, rtl•· HI ('II)' .Juolt.;• ,lt•ll•' ''"Ill,· \l1 S tlt .. ·rnlltn "'·'' h· ld """ r•·l· ,., •. n "" ~fll lo:orl lo~ l 1flo••• M•Mullo n 1.. 2() J' ed II \'.~~Inn Of fo'rllnf<' III'O'tlll llllt.: I" 1ft• 11 Ill h fllt C'llfllllllllll~~ Htt ltl 1'h••l•· "'"r•• lhnr<>u~hbro·ol~t .:" .,. ""' """ "'''r<' 1..-.11 ~<''\'Cnll! Long ,.e ~pc>cra tl rour~··~ I :Oil>. ' I I I I \\' II II I I II .,,.,., "''''1'1~. oalv<':< ''""'"'''~" anol,llcottrh Andy \'srt V~nl••n Art<'IOia hl'rr a t lht' !IE'rvfce 'o('h<wol' :ol• '.C::~, J)ltl r. uno I I '" ·••'' •• ,, I · · · · "-l'nl t o 5<'n to shore !illlllllrt~ or''' ltlf'U.IC8 C<Jil"'· IH~> 0:"1'' '" l•1111" • I ooWJ:Irl!! j!"aloor" Ill lh<' ~'. lltl 1111<1 J•w V.nno•rrnltn \\'<'!!lmonlllcr ,· I __ .. _ .... -, . r•nr •n I I I'll\ · • · 1 · atvan ...... ~,... .. oos forfur'll•"r •hJI} M o•· .... rvmr.t n · !"krlo·s r•• • •• Suntlro~· ''" onl' lltonJ:: nt .. lllwy \loll J<llu" 1\ cr• 111, "' nt•w ------- \111~ l!u•ktriJ: A !-{p:~n ~h rnt ··p· hon"·l< n• :0.1 1 m•· rt•lo·r In !111· rtNhl lim• at lh., 111,;111 I I I I II I tiM•· I ..<'111 '1111 l,rf·n•r.n ol II••· Jr . lational Scout Engineer Here to 'Hll' flam 11 n11d wdlknuv. 11 r••ll"" ( ,,, ... 1 I tr.. hll(hiiKhl~ •If ltll' n "" ·~ '" '"' "''"''' 111\t•ntlr Ill .,r 1 h•· PI a· B I Ma rt H b r .. .~ .... \\lUI .t .. Iron .-h··· n lh•· lttlll.r:: ll fl:ll r Ill Ill•• lrllllff• 1111(1 th .. rqr!f•u l an •• ase a ncWpo ar or I"! II wild lurll hy u n"t•'ol .\l• "''' '""' Itt·• n ll'flllnlo•tl wrth Ulf' t'IIW ·I & I .tv hllllfq.:lolo't ·T,\lt> lo•oll.•~!lt.·t '"Y ro"~'"'"''"~'~ ,.., ltrHI ptrf .. rn,.-r,. I lltlll Ill I'' :md ..... null' th•· ···•II. \\Ill toll .... Jlr"'"""'"""'" Rn tl Ril l ,, .. ,..ph J-: l!ollll••l'• n!lllnnal . I •"•1111( n•lo•to!i••d "' ..... "" ''"I I but. ""kinK l·.nglo~ll I~~~·· l,o~ rnnJor f•ll••nl• wrll I"IY fl $[oil Wl\r rN l••r nf f'n~ln''''''"l! ''' Uo<' ll••\'ll.,r lrllltolng I''"'"'"'" \••hmf'nl rttnl•,nRtnt.nt·es tn s1~urd1th IHif'ld n:-1 JHll'•,. 1 ' Th" (trAfiJ't,• 1 , ~H ,,. ~· 11 S• ·11t """" 111 to~• 8,rr11 11ncl hr -.-.1;; 11 1 Sr•••tlll .. t Am<'rH A O[otlnnal .,lflo • lli<M 11,.~ lw ''" lr "" 1 , 11 , Jt• '"""·rl It • m Ill<' ha<'k .. r tho• lilt'• r 11' patlu "1"' .r.u·r•·IO'I '" lh~· :-.;. ~· 1':\ok Rvr111w, Nf'w Ym k hy nt••· ,,f tht• Jlh ktiJ• rnt~u tM:'f•-r~ h•"" .tu'lit"ll••· \\t '' thfl '11\\.h-tV f'•'A' .. ' 11111 :Ul•l kr1 11 rn< 1'5 whu· .. lh• t 'rtv • unft·rre;l wllh Hoy !'eoul IHto. 'umplo tc·•l 11111 a • I , •lul<lr•·n l<o·r•· hr~rluy PIAl< tl At lh,.' IPflol,.r~ nf th•• Or~tn~;,. F:mp ,.,. Ar•'" Al t h<' n~xt n•l•·" .-oolld o) lhl rurlr<ll ,,1 1111, 11,,...,.11 .. n "dnnk"Y f '•>llllollln l":•111a An11 Tur!WI~y ro I l< h•• "•II 111(8111 IJ<> !'lrt,..t•t!t. In I J(Arrllng pl..,• f•lr rt1,. di"Vf'lnpmrtol ~~ uut rwtcnn 1~tn"' 1 ~• , . '* '• ,, rrrlnd by lh• I'll•.' iol '•• 'I J•• tl and la In r.hHI L!~ ,,, '~·•• ,, ... ,,,, I' ., Molf'r, r··~~.ol· n l ~ .. ,. • ' 8ea "'fOil!,. .. 1. I••\ • 'tl'· • I fl4 •f •«e-a n tt '·1•1• t u.' •• • ,,,,,' • ,,,, M i'~lla.n "'llhtn" an<l '"" li:"''' 11 111 lh•· l-;<·A !';rnt~l t.1111,. at No•wr~•'' ... mpiPI~ ex.btbrttnn n( .1leo•r rool· Pri~ Horse Owner I Harbor •rr<ordlng Ln Wilbur HoorT 'HIIII' lh .. lr "'""' \\••tk ..... , .. l ong &.'! II 111 d<>nr rn Mf'xtrn. •n•l· B M A 1 '1\mpln~t f·<ommttt"f' rhllirTna.n '" Wlthmrt I''" ''"I~ "' •· · · '·"" rng by thrfoWIIIJ: lhe a.nlmlll Rll<l uys esa cre.age I P I""" f<tr t!1r Sea !Vrrut baa~'. on g. htll hav~> I I . I ,.,, •• I. , .. I st.anrlrng un rt 10 triumph "hlr h "'til he UIW'tl ,.., 8 tr.tnln• mlul.nft and utt<l• 'I'''" r.v11 ,.rov~• An excellent f'mwd attendl'd the: Mr an11 Mnt J 11. R.ot)41r1' ,,, ,.,..nllr fc1r IIC~HJltl and ... IKOUtJI t ILl f'1lamtnaluon 17 Y. M. S. Tars Praise Newport' USO _......__ __ _ l;•'-l••r l ~ttw I, t'h Hll lt1 1f1 ,r·"'h'" v.t','Hfli• Jo ~ .. '\'1"''' l tt•.ttlt "'' :,,•WIIf)ft 1\f•lu'h t :Sf t, h,t ~ I'! 1 .....,, Jd I, l't1 .! Itt 1•1' h 'II• ·I 'f,q, ,, I , •• , " v (Jiltl! lt•ltt•f ,,,,,, v.ht• ,, t iH "'""'" (II t" I fttlltfl""" \\ S Ntuth who t '1llfW 1-, "'••" ftw l l,q,lt l •u lit• ••·•\~ l!'11!t11 If .. ''' It 'wt• Y'''''"" u••n ;,, ,,,. 11 .,,, f • "'' ,. 1 f ••I ., ... ·•n•l •t \A ,, I•• f •f .t S..:l"fHifl \ltthU h luftk ''''' tfu thd ,.., '''''• t .. I• I• I .d fl•' 1-t\ Ill y·.1 '•' \o\lu•·t• tuut ju"t ..... ~,. ,., .. , II • I•·~•· I "'''' f•fll ''"'I \o\11 d utnt l•f• to rl o1 llw S.MIIh C '~till\ I yrn ol~ '"''. , l•lltlt• I•• Ill\ Ito• h "d l tl'l H I ttu· ftr,t "W"rl'"" ''' fill\ l .h•llft '"" v..t ''''' \'"'"'" Httfl r.q r looull loy I hill '"""I'"") lotod r .. , 11 11 .. ,, ·•'~'"' 1"" "'''"'"' f)u t .. l)' rt•ftt'flfofl ''""" J•• t 111 •l.,ue..: ,,,,,., ,,1 tie• tu1, "'''' k 11111' fhl 11\o• IIJ'UIII J,.ol••l I I •V r\II)'V.ol) lot• 111•111 11~1 11• flt11l "' t '''"'' u rt~l W•·r•· un•bW tu , .. ,,,..,. , ,,.11tl I•••' '"" h '"""'" k · up Itt• ,, l•~l.•lf•l;' JlM•y wrrf' tnkr•rt ,,.,, 1n ttu I•''' r.un•· ''""II ••I .ol lh<· IISCI. llntl h:wr "'""'" 1 ,1 """"· ltu· l!f•)" llwl ~·• I• 1 .-I Ill<' IIINflo'fll lfUflll!l llh It I ll<•l 1• I It 1 II 1 ltt~lll J(UI Ill ~ll•t•fl '•••o' •tl .... rvrro· lind hNvr "'"I I tu· ''" Ill•• l"wol l~tlolf• oor "'' I h•· I• tn•r ""'' tullrrwa : l•rtur~:o I lot• ,. • ._l hsul l•o .. ,.., ltw, "s s. y M !'t ~rJ. •I·~ k ....... , kf)tiW If lUI)' "' lhf' /\11\J S.n t 1 ant'"'" l.utu·~ ·" • ~tll l llr•·rc·. hut I 11m lh•· Sl1Jt 9. 1914 •.n.• rh••y 'nll•"l ('tooklr ·n11·ro· nro• Tu I.:S( 1 N"Wianr1 f)p101·h . 1 'Ahl ~1111 1111"'' •t4 w• lt•fl <illfl;u"'J lht• I~o•ar l.irrlll JUIII " llttll' nolt• '" '''''' "'"" Will 'I• ... n .. w. lot~ ()( llttt .. ld k l oflhtol Whit ""lUI <onf' cr( ''"'' "'' 11 • ., r• •I• •I lui Wt"f'll In a fl•t• ,.t f, .. •••ld ••O ·• l~t« ut ,..~urnln« lo ,,,. 111 •I I'IY•'<I II l'f ... IU11nlll y lt•·hthtl' lu .. l 'I ""'"'hi)' In tllr Jll•· ••· •· '''"' ••I ,lu•hu· IJ11tHtld lh-..11( ... 1 •'"' d ,,,., t ,,, ltu• ••~rtur '' • ,, '' h 11 I .., r ,, 1~''•fKtft Vur " d I Itt)" •·• ,. f, I•••••, 'tu., t:r will t. ,,,.,, •· lh• 11,,.,,,,, nlt;,n••·v·• • , • I ,, I 'idlly :~. J•t .!1• l 'r••• .. t'r• ,.,.,n , , 'il +t•'' ,(I I ,, f u I V .,. !''l 11 rf••ld 'J ltM ittfl't._t .·d '"''' lwltl l•n lfl\'' 11;I IJ•fl,lllfl •Ht h UfU t•u l h . I I<~• I ~· '' • • 11 I•· 1d tt••h• •• u!llt ~'r• .f '''''IVt•tj ft t q t t111t tJ• ~IUI ItWIItr Of u .,,,,,, ,, ... Inti •II u .,, J•tllne whh h · "" I•·• "' <1 111 t11" r•~om, Hl«l ('r •k•t J \.tfltH I <~+" Aflt(t•lfl•. hy I "'' "ol • !I ll• .,, I( lilly JIJST ltEtEIVED lo'ull Hupply of PAPER CLIPS I~ per box of 100 .,_ News-nmes T.,l_.._ N-...r1 II Mil W. C..,., Ate. performance &nd e n joy t' d lh~ Dalhoa havp purch&M'd I two f'rnool I rom aJI par1a of South,.m Call· 8N &out. r1 )'•' •• louol ""'lr r gT&Ddlland .. .-hlch hu bef'T'I cou· ri'SI~t' and ac~ee al 1951 Tull· tomJa tnrlu~ ttw cocutructlon rtf wi'lt'k tttar11Dl( y.•rth ''""'II' ,.,.ft '""' lflructl'd. wblle \Y.'o Aprtnklrr.t kept tm aV('nu<·. Q.tsta Mru. and plan a bulktwo•d. n~ and moonnaa •orlo!Jna up ln larr;•' '""''" In ••l•h t~ d\Yt lo a minimum compalcblc to uM' " lUI a !ltoc:Jc rarm for ~tr trnop r amp .,..., 11&1\ltary tarll· t1on lQ all lYP"• • 1 •• ""'""•'• I' with the performance of •he ani· P"tze wrnnrnR hof"'w''. ~ Aft lilt-a and a r eatral m-ball and "'"'ID<Ifllf'll alll1 ... ,,..; fun• l • '"" m.ala. No lf&Dlbllng Is allowed by ;l~c ~n'll in thf' ~)'. and Ow he.rra.e-lla b•dldlna. s ... lkoull ban m&~loo "" "nvl•hlfl Bob Skllu . anti lhr~ deputy ah.-r· houllfl wlll be rentfd. while an Tbrou,t~ tbe cooperaUon ot UM r•~t'IM to thf' U.8 Navy a1111 (.;(,,.,,t rtf• &rl' p&ld by blm tn IIH' that a partnw'nt will ~ built OY~r ~ Urrll~d 8ta"" NaY)', ~ Guard, and maoy tormu ~ ordt'r Ia kept I bam for uw of the mut who w111 "'l'•tprunf aw:h u boat., ~ ~ouu .,.. nnw bii'J ranlllnJ Ownn• .. " h I b II I n If harne• rarr for lhr honM't!. bun)' r.rnr 11M ~r m.atl't1aJa. a. MV!li ofttc:-,.ra wt you kno,w .,,. havf'ft't fnra•atl••ll lrltfrplnl·•• 111 p r 11 Wfotk I •h•· h<~<'<llllflllty thai waa llhcJWn u_" w. -: ~MI'nl, l'C.S L-_,.------------J ' BERNARD I of H OL LYW OOD ~ 'DiStinctive NEWPORT-BALBOA NI:Wa-1'IJIID. N.wpan 8Mdt. <:automla. n-day, ~ 31, liM ---------------------- 1e COMING EVENTS D F H h Where You Can Pvt. Morehouse '·~="~.'Iti Palm. rs. arrage, ug es Repter in This Returns to Seattle llftlhoa, JO a. m. tp 4 P m . aurjCi· 2 u w H Are H Y 'd V t I - cal drC'Uinp. I nsung ar eroes a, ou 0 e l Alter 2T months lll the AltU· Red O'OIIa Wortlronm. 313 Ma· --IIana, Pvt Omar Moorbou ... aon rinP ave-nue, Balboa bland. JO a W'lth recutratlon rloeiDI on I ot Mr. and Mra K. E. Anderaon. m In 4 p m., .uf'lical d rlOSSJnflll I 1 _ &-pt. 27. all ''ntft'll who muat rer-,411 Short street. hu juat ended R1od ('rou Workroom, l:vlO 1 ;-.,.,. men have ~"" a..tr _.r. runt rut Ill Ule oUwr lllntl wh'kb 11\f'f It they would vote at the a Wt'JI~arned furlough at lbt" home Oc.'f'ftn avMue, Corona ~I ~111r.l "'' ~'* .. bworlully aD4 ......,. for/ uunu DillY ol WJ1&1 they L&DIII.&I&L w .. v 7-c-eraJ ek>Mion-.&nulil do• n~ hie-ptrt'9lt. Su¥wr-m "'-- fl1"'rt JO a. m. to 4 p m 1-Urg1cal , .. ,., Vt'll1'11 to the MI'Yb a1 ~lr ••ut Ol the war. ' I ao llrmedlately ! portallon with a Port compiUiy. rlrf'ssln~:S. , .. ;mtry. rJen who are t.nilJ uro·l I •r lo'UTale ant! hie ... J.t&nll.1 County Clerk 8 J Rmlt.h Ia Moore1'1ou11e went tn tht" cold nt•r1b TTIIUR8DAY, SEPT. %8-"'Into: h .. Me. r.r the war, are, wJth •:"lha A Luhr1na, Arthur NlelMA. conct'roed about t.he dtvJl In couo-1 when lite w .. pn-tty rugged 10 llh rlwtr KlwaniK rluh w ill m•~·l t h"l r ~tatant.a and cowarta.r• t.ol'o\ •rtl A. Braner and ~ WID· 1 ty realatrallon. which Ia lncoo-Arot•httka, wht're he w .. stationed. 111 Aalhon·11 F.II'Ctric Grtll. 1:1 15 •·•·Hito: tionoro•oJ AI two dJanerw for .-tu·Hter, and l>r. F'»rraae• aal.at· •t..tent wtth the lncrea.e In popu· Now , he aay1, thtnga are fixed up 1 111~111 "" fuurth annlvtrary a1 tbelr :1111. br. E . C Wntley who OC'Ca· latlon. 8u far about 118,000 J•t'r· pretty nicr. r 1 , rvke 111"naly a.lded Ill the work. have 1011a are ra1~tt'red. whereas In Whl'n uked by ht1 mother who I'll (tJ'<I (~;" Workron:n. Ill 11 "'·I F'l ; tJ1 th ~ ptac. Tb dnn~;~.led their time to .. 1aUn1 In the 18.2 ft!lleral election a tol&l j ill t•ook at Rl&waoo'l Call' on High· I • FOI--M.EI and BOYS • 101 MartM Awe. Tlwtography ~~~.a. a. m. 10 fl "' ~<~""I ' ra ' . "1~ t 21 ""'-u,_. tho• exam.lnatlon of re~ran.._ pf or 76,000 were t l•«ible to vote. way t (ll. what he would like to , 10~ ' '1 any t'~~n .ng ~Santa Dr 1111· loca.l draft boaid. Out of thf< To quality .. a vot..,. a peraon 1 ut. .Moorehou~~r aaLd he craved !11-d C'mtll' Workro11m, 31:1 Mo· Nil"~ IHTa~t• " Aaa anol :.t•-'00 _.lecteett 1n Mrvlce from tht.. mu..t be 21 yeara old. a ruldent truh mille aylng the powderetl 1 flalboo 1 I I rt 10 am hi<< u"~l,.lfin!a all membera a1 the · 1 l---------------1 rt 01~ uvr nut•, __. 1 ~~" 1· ", \ln••r l< ttn L.c~on Po.t 01 kn* llrl"a aomt' 4 nr bOOO men were uf the alalf< for .. year and 0( the I milk tht boy• drink up tht're 1et. 1• .. P, m .. 11\J, ... ca "'' .... ~. 0 lt iYf'n phyaacal eaamiD&Uona and county for to daya and of tbe pre-prettv ttreaomt'. But one thing j------------- BALBOA ULAND ..... ,. at Reasonable Prices N••wpor1 lll'lghts C'ln_•h· \\:'CS ""'' "'''"'· With thelr wtY · u1me 0( thrm wtore t'll8mlntd four clnct tor tO daya pre<'f'edlnl an hf' didn't want to aeoe for a long ------------- 10 n m With Mrs. l) \.. rlnm a_rrl. ~" ''" "1 .IU\ alba.core ctbmer at 1,r nvellmn.u requirement. were election. Peraona who have vot.ed 1 ume w .. Votnna aaugaage, whtch 1 447 N1'wpor1 llouh•\'urd linn.: lh• Anw ru IU\ Loe&1oa Hut, Hew· rl'laJted 1 at oae ~ t.ba at&tt' t'lertiotw In, appt'af'Pd on tht menu ot the Am·• •a•·k lunch I• 11 H I•&• h Andn•w J . Hayman, Legtona•r't' 1942 and havr not atnce ch&nltd chltka buy• t()(• often. T ht· ..,., unoJ dinner wUI be ~v.,u ,1n1t i·lrrk of the dratt board, thrlr relideiK'e oo nut Deed w re-Mr. and Mra Andtlrllon were (}()STA IIJ:!4A 1 1•~ th., l.t~>n~ Club &l Hetna Ka.ia ..... maJiter of ceremonlu. and "'gl.ater. I hooota at dtnner to tbe oelghbora TtniRADAY, HJ:PT. U -:1 • '"'~ (k L 19, &Dd wiD banot •l"l' r•••aented lbe enlert&inmllDt. Refbtratlon In Newpurt Bto.cb and l'loll4! fnend.a the night befor t" c·m·ll' 2 uf W SC"S "til huld IJ 1 r A 1• l llt~thea IUld meat...., ot Yt•u 1 u:;o. In the !lrat World War. may be made with the followtnr: 1 Pvt Yoorhou~e lett t.o report at ""''l.d ml't•tlne fOIIII'~'tnl: tit \t•llonll '"""IJ0'11 Harbor draft ~ I lAyman and a man who h .. been 1-l"a..lk Rinehart. t•lty r ltrk, Ruth Seattl•· und u llhurt buAim"" ,,.,,,,,n al th•· M"Y"r l 'lyan Hall peet.ad the htll houM f\lt'llt ror a WMk or 11(),1 Macintyre. d t y hall; livward M I h••m•· t•f Mn<. Frrt< 1.-•o~o:. Orangt• .I!H•·"'-" ...not "lCJlr taaed ht. &pprecla· ~lajor Rlr hard H. Schwl'ndler. who Gen-t.n, 2&11 W. c .. ntraJ avenue; Ra • Co Avt•. tto•t nf th .. or _.rvlcea. -~ that I~ dlrt'Ctor of avtalloo at the R J . Briacoe. 460 San lkma.rdlno tJon upon Cll'\'1•• :1 uf \5o'SCS ~ 111 rnM't for I v •' 11h"uld 1111 trlve lhanu for the , ;round Forceta acbool at Douglaa, avenut'; fire etallun, Robert N For Appoln~nt Ph9ne Npt. Bch. 2216 Visit Our Portrait Gallery In the BALBOA INN ARCADE • Open 12:30 to 9 :30 p. m. Daily a ll dll) Wllh potluck lunrh ,,, nr)IIO rl~;hl kllld of people, wbo belp wtn Arl7.., Wt're app .. .arln~ totret.her ... ,Jadwin, 317 Allleo llV\'OUt· tire ala· Dates and Data '----------------------------.J,1tl lh•· homl' ot M nt. Thelma lht· w&r by th.-lr active wortt. ~v-1,1,.1 eoterlllnera. tloo. E . W . Dayn114d 2811 W r .. rn,rl!ln "" F\JJlc>r1un UVI'IlUI' llol( th,.lr ltnlr day after d&J, In MaJor flr hwl'nl.llt>r had bf'en Central, fire alation, F: w. Day- Orange County's Crops Mus~ Be Jlarvested Soon We • Need Your Help! / ...., of oar fana h.-eta han KODf' to •·ar ... Who'11 ~oln~ to do th.-job~ w .. nHd h~lp ... we nf'fll thls leod tw oar bo)'J'. OW' all~ OW' C'hllcln-n and ou,.l\n. And, "'hf'n thC! han·Mtln~·s done ••. and IL~ eat'h ...., ....-.. Ita peak we llft'd help la tiM-cannf'rifos, F'or c-annfd food!& arf' 11hipable ... they mUAt 1M-M>nt t.o ._. .......... .._ , .. they m•t be •ved for th~ lon~ "in~r that llC ahNd. \\'iU you help~ ~•nctoc wtlh the Century Oprra , n~ard, 2817 W Central. fire 1taUon. RATION CALENDAR for pe· c pan 1 New Yn k nd lett J f · ~. PeUett, 703 E. Bay 1tnet. rind bt>ginnlng St>ptembf'r :.?4. 1944. om Y 11 r •" w .. r,,,. Illation, R&lph R Randel and Wu R•tton Book Ill 1" u_. hl.tl talent 1"" lhr benl!ftl 1 'tl~t rln lo~dwarJ Zube, BalbcMi lei· S tamp No. I on "airplane" ot hll ft"llow Mlldlt-n• He ne•'-lo•oJ "'"' fire.-1t.at1on; 1.. B. Wei•. Cor-ahe•t 1 1 pair aboel l-good now; 11\n accompaniRt Hayollln ;•uulu 'nil. d!!l Mar t"llplrl&tton date not aet. I nut read muat<, hut h., <"oould phty 111 C<Jsta Mna re~lltrallona may Stamp No. 2 on "airplane .. Lbt plano, and pr()('eet.lrd to learn .. ~ m··•· with .. f-.... a.:.-1 K. HUll· 1 """ .... ~ ,. •• •• .,.. lht'~t ( 1 par lhJeal good now; J IO play by ear lht arrumpllllim<'nle ton. 117 F.aat 18th llt"'el ; ( 'arrot' expiration datt not aet. 1 , fJ•r thl' alngvr Thl' two travelletl V. Dudley. 1806 Nrwport boule· (NOTE Tlllct book alone to make f t o var lnutu>nau u trttert.aJner.. vard. and Ida A. Spaulding. MO purcb&R.I rurrrunnt'r vr tht ~rroupa wh1cb Wnt· 19th street nuw rln M U<'h ror etJiillcr m•Jralf<. W1r R1t1on Book IV Til~ Maj"r tt h••IT'•· 'll nr11.r Clevt· Stamp No. 30 C 5 lba aurarl lon.J llhtn hut. lth· '"" men havt-Your Frt·ends rOQfl.oow. nplralton date not .. t kt>pl In tutwh thnm~;h tht ycara. S tamp No. 31 (~ lbe, au~t-j Whlll' ,., hla VIall ht•r.· h•• lliLI br .. n And Mm· e good now; eJ~plratlon date not .. t 11ho,1·.n lhf' brlf.IIIINI uf Ne0~0'port Stamp No. 32 16 lba. augarl-1 ll<'ach both by aut .. un.J h•'llt, and --- 1 ~ood now; t'xpiratlon datt' not set.' 18 thorou~thly aoltJ "" thr fat·t th"t Mr lind M111 Herbf'rt Th<'mtlll of Stamp No. 40 c5 lba. canning 11111 1.11 tht' onf' lrJll•l to llvr thr Irvine Ranr h ha\t' bef'n IIPt'n•l· BU&ar t-IOOd now: expiration datt' Mr Hayr.an \\Ill alao .... '" mg part or lht"lr VIII'Stion with F'tbruary 28, 1945. 1 ho\rK" of tht utnnl'r huounng l>r. Mr Thuma11' "lr•teor. M111 W111tun 1 Ob~ application tor a odlUooal l llughra and mt"ml • .-1,. or the tlraft Hubbard Jr . or Ll•lo 181" Tit•Y I CIIDn g auaar at loc&J OPA l••>~nl ot thf' met'ttng or Utt Lmm• returned hom•• Sun•IJly anol lht11 I boarda. Appllcall~n whrn filled , lub Atthur C Prll't~•n ia r hair-Wtek Mr11 Hubbard hu u a ~['ttl'~ nut. mu1t be acrompanled by man or lhA hnord anti 11811 !M>t"n a little Christopher Bowen, who will Spal't' Stamp 37. Srrond period ap-1 soon rell'bra~ hie flr11t blrthdnv. pllrauona may be filed from J uly I nwmiA-r fut tht' rull four years. '"'IJ 1 "Ia 1 11 ft h Chrlatopllt'r Is lhP ann to f Mr11 10 to October 20. r f ' ;'II n • y '' RJJ ,.. 1 ~l (' atr.. .. . Red mnn. ~<;II In·· np lh•• JW•~•••·•n a 'I' r Huhbard's o'o\UI!IIIo Mr" llnroolol atampa IIIJ points! for i , 1 " 1 ) a Oowl'n. Hednndn llrnrh rTI'alat, •·heuea. CMnl!\l milk aniJ 111:•1 " "''"''' 811 l llllnnau or tht' . Ufll«'al bollr•l ~lt·Warl l•unl loll .\lr a nd Mts T \\'r•ftl•m Jay arco ·~nnl't.l f111h AI< !u 7.k ant! A~ t•l ~N r~tary. and Dr. Wlllutm"P 0 mt,vlnl( thiA wet-k tmm li~O Pln7.11 C:,J gon<l now ., clCpu atlnn \latt> not llitltly of Balboa lltiiUid htlll Ill so flpl Noorl•·. on I ht• Balt)I,Q JK'IIInn~ll· 1et~ • . . " ",, hta l im e to lht board An· Ia too l h•'ir ,.,., ••ntly lollro•hn . ..,•d (,rtF:AS~ RO!'\l ::. nutchtrl _ 11 r1 1 aJ · hromt> Ill !!01 Vtn OIVIl'ln J.~;loo 1 ~I·• "ill ~o:lve 'L red lukt'na for every{ ~· l~r o ! n B member ,,, tht-board ';~or~e•• Kurtl! wu th" '"'"" r i i'IJUntl or sel\·oged kit<•hcm rata re· 1 • u,. • rov.·n. whn Mrvt-d for , wnrr q•iv .. d. I three yrara 11011 nuw I• on th., ill•· I Ltll': lt'rllw ll'rvlt:e t•ommltt•·e for j Lt Rnhrrt l"rf'llton r " r n• ,, 1-H , etampa 1 10 point. tarh 1 l) .1 ' t""' ht•r n! lhP j!rnmnu11 s1 '"'"I (;or <'Mnrll. ft l':rn a noJ <lehydra!ed I ooug IIi! A • r •·r 11 f t I'IH1""3tlon. f 1 Ao ... o " Tl th I I and 11101\' n•·rol••r•~l "•th IIH• • • o.. '"I< !•: " In ~ a nd A:> IO L5 t•·~ ur.• .... "'* n " '" "'LJI t.~~~~· . . · · 1 • •-·'f"v rt•!urnf'tl to ho" tallun 11 L ••~ """ '"P"I•l ltln d:'ll• n~>l lOot IJIIf'l.., n<"(l n.o IIIII · ' . ufllCE-<· _ _ • ~. alii•· 1•1!<1 \\ •·•·k 111! r \'olool oll · ,.. . ~·"' I • Ill• ll•h In Itt '"''" h or1•n Afl••r l-or ttll tnf<•rmatton rv~;:onlm~: Newport l\lan Wins . ,,1, rlrt~: Ilk 11.1\ ,. 11• , •• I,, ........ pm•o•l; l'o•nl:wt lhl' PriN' C'lo r k ol Good Conduct Medal I at thf' l 'tll "'Mi l lr••·'"'. ,.( ~~~~,.~~~~~-!>tMrtl 1"1·1 tliJ~tl ~\ .tn taa, l:h•••U rtlt •• \'IIU! 1 • • ' lho ll•:tkoAh fill •lll rf'l.l• •I "" rour..-.n ~ .. 4 tA·& .. lkl I••UI IIDQ'J"JtS P A;-.;A.\IA <'A="AL liE· galll•n~ ~'""I nuw. t•xptrf'S l)t•(' :!1 I'ARTM£1'T, So•pl :.'0 l'fr \lo 1111'"' 1"1'0 '1-" All t .... t I'' I' I ; II ,,.t .. n 1 ••IIIII to .1 \lotn 1 "llf'"11" 11 11~ "" "0• <•r!ll'd n Thcxna., P. P rtco: rtf ~''"''fl'H1 •Itt I ,.,.,.,,"'" '"'" a ~hul l ' '' "1 •••11 I,.,,. "'t!h I"' Ill rn!l•' numl)f>r anu Beach ha!t be-« n rm anh•ol thr• "' 1 f ,,1 l'llcrtm l'l'" • , ,1, ,.,1,,. "1,, 1, ~ alt• n l••j.,'hlr:tiiOn. onny·~ gnod conduct m•·tllll f.,,. t•'(·. l.f' , .,.,1, ,, h••Hl• t:o uf 11 , ... 110 , l ilt!-: i:>;!-;t 1-:l.'TIO N -WHAT-NOT SHOP hnlhlre llaftaWIIed • ... ........ Pletve P'l'alllblc- PaUo ud Uall.aJaiMid hn.l· tare &.pplW. WI • • e w ._ ........... What's Your Odd Job? 10'7 Palm "-- 'lbe EyM of Amertc. Guard Ameriea Your eyes, u weoU u tht' l'ft\ or your eeneraJ 1ywteom, are "ltnunlne" to win u~ war. R~ll~v~ that strain . . . ln- crt'8.M your output . . . by coming h~re for an O'e checkup. DR. M. D. CRAWFORD OPTOMETRIST am Newport Bouleftrd e-ta Mesa Pbone UIO Credit Tt>nns Orokl'n L(>nqcll Du llcated FOR INSURANCE SEE Howard W . Gerriah l'hunr lfll Automobile • Fire Accident • Life L11 •·r·-"• nod f'untract B ''"'' \\'••tt•·n c>mplary S<'IVICP a• an •·nlt~lt..'<.l 1 1: ~a"t' vour tire ll!lpf('tlon rfl·orOI man In Colonel Monro's J un0e ln· ,l't'"l' t'" 1:'"'111' at 11~·· <·'"·I' Any requc.at. Lo r .~ a.n lantry of the Panarn:o Moi.HII' ~n:o!< floroothi'a \\ cl111•n l•hrar1Rn 1 ~ Y pau.. • a.,:;........::.__-11---11~---..u~•aaL..UIIDI'---.. II-C:a~~tUa..a!:Uetll-ll!piiiA-I"'~'-a·ork at any certaln time .•. or lf you can be oa ~ fer.._.. ...... " duty ... ~-Alld do it no•• ... the 11un lA shlnln& aDd the C'rops are ripenlas .... Help Wanted _for-- • • • • • • • • ORANGE PICKING BEAN WAREHOUSING SPRAYING FUMIGATING - TOMATO PICKING MILKING ( ................ , TRACTOR• DRMNG GENERAL RANCH HANDS f:l GOODPAY * NOWITHHOLDING TAX f:l "k GOOD WORKING CONDITIONS f:l APPLY ATONCEat- FARM LABOR OFFICE 1622 N. MAIN ~T. I AGRICl LTt 'RAL EXTENSIOS ~F.R\"JCt: SANTA ANA I PHONE 6473 This Message Contributed by ExC'elsior frt'a mt'ry Co. Ltd. DIUNK; MORE MILK TO nt:n;so \'Ol'R IIF.AI.TII B1JY MOU WAll BOSD!i« TO DEt'T.SD AMI:Ril',\: • Oraap <AMI.Dty'a 0.,. Ell<'elldor Crnmery Produ<-l;o At You HOIIM' or at \'OW' Groter For~ Ill th•· ruhlh ltbroo-..·. r .. lurn<'ol P~~cbr calrl tire mullt be a('<'t>mpRn· . . · . '"" y a ln.sper tol)n recorcJ11 amha The medal Is prf'l>Pn!t•t.l a• a ~-rrum ht·t 1 II• ntonn :o;atur<IIIV :Sht• r · " • • . · new notation rom an aulhor1ud ward for "faithful and c:t.Rct Jll'r· "IJ•·nt " w .... k In !'\nn F'rRII'"i!IC;o 1 lo~tpeclor that a new lire ie nteded 1 ronnan~ of duty, .: r f t l' i t' n <' y "'hPre ahr vlslll'd Ch&rlott" .\1 Jfll'll. 1 _ ·1 •.lrt'd results and behavior dC'J<erv· Cpl. and ~~r~ R V Ztmmo·rn:a n I ICia S to throueh capacity to produt't' d~·' nelce or Mrll. c M . Dtwktn.~ c·ty orr· . I I tne ~ulatlon." I han · t~N;n th,· ., ... ,~slit or ~~r~ ~·m·l League Barbecue PriCe eontcl't'd the-anny 1n Au· I mennlln s pa~nt11, M~. an•l Mrs, j __ pt 1942 and has tx-en on for-A M. Nt'lllllll Mr11 Zlmnu•ta•.w Th I eolcn' llt'rvice In this 01"('8 ~tnet' wu. u A w•n11l Nel110o. ••mJOI•I\'cd /' 1 (.,~IUIJ!t' County INIJ;Ill' ,, March 1944. . by lht> !'olrwport Hearh lm\~ch I 0111",.. pa ltlt•ll Wtll hnld a barbl'rur ' ur the Bank "' A m erit-a. and thl" Thurl!dlly at tho• llam C<J!ton I ~After V~ hM bt>f'n Wtlh hrr hu•band In rnnrh at San Clemente. 1111ll a nllm· Sgt. Lowell Barrington of BaJ. Washongltm whPrt" he 11 In the lx'r uf local c-•l·· otrirlala are piM· boa l1lantl, atgnal corpeman wtlb Ordna.pr e Department. Thll 111 hh1 oln1 on at~. the I.D\'adtnc troope lo France, ftr~ (u•lough In 2 ynra arrlvt"d hom• on furlough t .. t St'CniiJ Lt r.uy H An.JI'r!llon hall -k a n..r hl' and lira. Barrington been spt"nding a fu rloujth "oth hill an Ct'h brn!lng hta rt'tum after " mother. llolr11 F1oren<l' Anderson year' a abt~~•nr.. of l.'t)r<ma dt>l M•r HP r·f'poorta to 1 Douglu. A rtzonR whne hr ""'I ll be an ln.struttor DON'T ThrowJour Old Mattress Away ..• It Is Valuable! Quality Lumber and Buildint Material• • COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. R . E. HOSTETLER Phone 48 Motor OverhallllJll Motor Twae-U .. Carburetor ud lpJtion Adjustmeata Factory Trained Carburt'tor S~lalllt W• a!Ao handle and care tor IIARINE MOTORS Al's Garage A.LLEN GLOVER lft A.p .. AYe. &lboa W... Mione %144\ Cotton never wears out Have it rebuilt and save the difference ... :················································ • AU Ida .. of bfoddln1 re-IMalll. .\DJ8UM C 0 S T A M E S A M AT T R E S S C 0. 11M Newport Boulevard C'011ta Meu RADIO SE RVICE Homt', Auto, ~lar1nf' Radio• Repaired ~larlnl" EII'Ct r1cl&n ., LET rs Ft·R~ISH YOl'R HOME Q l' A I. IT\' P t ' R N I S H I N G S ...... kftta Au 991 MILLS & PARK FURNITURE CO. 'It W..a ... 8&. luta AM FOR BUILDING INFORMATION -See- Bay District Lumber Co. WALTER S. SPICER, Owner Newport Be&ch GORDON B FINDLAY COSTRACfOK _. BUILDER MAINTENA~CE AND REPAIR Ot'l~ SPECIALn· Cabinet Shop ~rvice Of'fke Cablftft Shop Min Cout Blvd. 401 SOth Sl f'lloM 41! Ptt. !188-.1 · .M&WW aa&c:a (lAI.IP. 'I I I .. .. Gr Qe .. • -1111 p6A or I. at rn ell gc M st. l\1 ! s I ~ ( I I at rn I A Lecture -Christian Science Entitled Chriatian Sci~ nee : The L.w of True Dominion bJ Herbrrt W. Br•ck, C. S. 8 . of Sao Franci.co, Ca~fornia ...... ., .~ .... r4 ., •• ...-... , ....... .l ~ N•tlwf t a..,.,., 'fll.e ....... t IUtfl .. J c..r.. ........... -....... -. •••• , .... , .. 'nata lecture wu c tven under lbe au.plc• of Firat Church ot Cbriat, SclenUat, Newport Beacb.J tn Newpo~bor Un.lon High 1 acbool auditorium. SWiday alter-1 noon, September 2• at 3 o'clock . MR. Allee B&rrett, Firat ~ader of the church, lnlroducted the lee· t~&rer. Wr. Bock apoke aut.tantially u foUowa: 1 Whal Ia lrut d.mllnlon 1 In thr ftnt dllplrr ol o~n.~~ arc Ill<'~ word.J . "And 001.1 ~td. Ltot us mak~ man 1n our tmaae. all.er our lllll!n.::.., and let them have dorulnlun ovet &be 1\ah of the ,n , and ovrr the fowl ot thr air, and ovf'r th~ cattle. and over all the earth " True dominion 1.1 nah1rally bued on po••er. on the pre.wnu of Ood to auppart that pu....er OIV!m Lon, amn.lpol.ent Truth. nu IOVere&cnty. whldl 1.1 the conaclouancas ot true domlnlon, and all may turn thereto and use Ill authority to drmonstrale the prt'sence and dominion of OOd Therefore lzue dominion IJ spiritual authority. Ood haa dominion becaUM nil baa nauaht with whldl to op~ ~~ dominion Oood lS aupreme be- cause It 1.s the only power lt IJ not a qumlon of Trulh bt'lna superlot to error, holdlna the balance of powu. but of Truth • law of domln· 10n reveal!~ roOd a.s tl'le only liO"'''' and presence. the only real. motl· vallna for~ In the unlverw aaa.·•-GM·tnnle4 O.a!ldoa wan·a GocH>t$towed. renect.ed ..-me of dominion should be cher- llhcl.l by u• a lwuya, kept a.s uur cr~at neruare. aJtd we ~hould ,,ever allow It lO fall Into di.IU~ Man'a God·atven Dlrthrlaht u dominion. 1 htrefore 111an l.s not tn alavtry or tn aubjecuon to nutlet and lla many I phues of Dellef We ha1e the r.biUty lO renec1 power, we have UM' right to npreu Oocl'a allnesa and dominion. OOd dtd not exprea HLS lmap to be auptne. without at.amlna: rat~r did He make man COn.'>CioU& of I aood. acthe In IUU\i cood, which Ia always dominant In Ood'a realm. Theae quaUUes rovemed tht lhoUChll and acuons of our Muter He wu always CIII\SCI0\1.1 of hl.s hen~ ~ from thcr Father 1nc11vldual men and 11'omen would claim lhelr Ood-rtven rlr ht lO thQt roame do- minion over all the earth and Ita 1 hollta. Let ua alwaytr retnemDC'r that . we rcnrct spiritual dominion. I Jcoaw' htart>rs wNe startled "be- ca~ he 111ught lh('m •~ one havtna aulhorlly " U~lne lhL\ authority which •a.s ~th r"l to 111m bl hl' heav- enly Pv.ther. he wa.• t<hlt', thruugn the Chrl.llt, lo ftll't! tn hiS dl<l'tnlra "power and autllorlt \1 uvrr all ucv- lls. a no UJ cure JJL'>I'.,...-\" Prav Ulllt your thllughl ~ v.·tl: be (Jpt'n lO acc.f'pt the truth ab<rut y(IUf$'•11 RI'<'OIIIIIU the !!It~' M (; Kl , man as •:our rad1mn1. lndtl'tdual cutV.CIOUMIC!IS I ancl tilkC' to humAnity Lhl~ 11ory of man • Pra)t'r awak'••:t.S I1•1IIP. ~trl'n:;thet~ fatth, blesses t'nOt'I\V Ur. 11nd plact!s , us In lhe flatll •·htch lrads to splr· ttual unl~>ldmrnt Pra)'tt ~wtng>; 'I Opl'n thl' p~ -to ttnr rttlez:a-tmn 1rt Gud'a bl1'~51n£S. 110 th11t lhf pilgrim Is llfled above the 1111 or the nesh to rejoice In freedom I Pta)'tr Is that ucred eommumon \hro\llh which man llllb wtlh OOd, uprtAIN rraUt.ude for bles~~lnp re-1 celvtcl. and beeomea obedient to the law of Ood. Ptayu makn ont c<~n· I adoUI of the prol.ecllon of Ood'a ~ and c:aft and lllta him above the thrta&l of evU to the uauranot of m&ll'a cmeneM wllb Ult c1lvtnt lrllnd. ne IUI~t c-. ., o...l•'- It 1a • pronble fact that there II 1 only one Ood. one c.ru. power - hence Hla dominion Ia r][J)reeaed bJ real ereatlon. Thll dominion 1.11 al· ways eon.~truclln. proweLin. and lovllll A proper .enae of our Ood-Civen dominion 11n• us the abWtJ to heal U:le a$dt and reform the J1nner. We h&vt the dominion to be kind; we hue the domlnlon alwayw lO lovt lD the face of hat.rtcl. We han U:le domlniOn to be Juat and DO\ wronciJ I critical. We have the domtnlon to be toltTaDt: we han the dornlnlon to be l'leaiUIJ: we have thr dominion I to Uva torenr We hue the do- mtnton to reeotnla \hat we are Ood'a 1maae. becaUII we are made that way There 1.s no power 1n I exl.slenc::t that can take from WI the dominion which Ood hu rlvm to U:le reel man. and whldl Ood main· I taln.~ We walk with domtnlon: we Uw ~ILh dornlmon: Ood'a dornlnJon cont~ola ua. and that dornlnlon II rooct. w1 demooatzat.o dominion throuah torrtctlnr thoueht. throuah sptnt· gaii.Jinr eoM"!olanea. OUr demon· atrallon or r,hr!Atlan Belen~ II to tJtVrf'IA harmony, and to make UJe »l the domlnatlnc power of Tr\jth lrlllth enaDifs u., to u"erooute wro01 »ndltloru ancl 111 rMllM peace. Oh 1 To let It , ur llinltatiOl\1, our lean. our f~tlv• ll'lleta. and let the rrtat power Of (.;Dd'a presC'Ile. bless 11 with Ita tru·• rlomlnlonl Tile w ... aa Cone rpt ef Demlllloa M hum~~. •·r ur all convenaot ,lth what lA c.'\lle4 domluatloo-1 he control ol on~ Individual oYer 100ther. Of thr powrr otrdlttd bJ 1ne nation over another f« Ule ad· ·ant.,. ol thr an ri'Ml,. pinOn « taLion. But thla ph)'llkal domln&· 1on 11 a perversion of rtlbt power. 1 '11\.11 WI'OIII •• of domlniOP hu 1 one oa lor eenlurlea aDd wUl be ' rokiD OnlJ U ever)' ..,_aft In• h1dual ar nation rraU.. Ulat what • bellenl to be pow• 011 bwdOIII I ,.u, bond.... hatred, aDd ·-esl. Wrolll domlnactoa WID ceut ... tM GoNia ...... 8IDCIIfUCI. • NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWB-'1'110:1. N....... ...... CAUfomla. ~. ~t1nbf'r 2'6, 1944 .... ,..,_ --------------------------------~----------~----uvec, and Ut':•lo~:t~traLtG u Ulrl .... , AM ..._. .._.. 11 lMik 11 .._ Cilp61. 1'1MN a..,...,. • 'IR .. ._ IL natt.lra.l few ""· Whtn 1 OM ot 1oM UIIUCia~ l!dltorl fll ow .-o&al ~ ot &Ae .,....._. • fW ..... aDd .,., __.. JPO' Ill nil . .., &lilt II"UU. .al ... lhl& ~hey .,... and a wu ~J~r!OcUcala and u.kf'cl 11~r to aaaa a flltMM&iorL "Aa,. ........... _ 11Ut .. _.,. U ....... -&baL II* .... ........, &be Will-..... lilut a few hcM&n lO Ui'f. 10 cl .... ln Thf' W~thn l 'llurdtllunQ&J ....... 4lo .. ,.., .. ,. .. .. .... ......, ...... .. .... ... onndlta. ...., Obi I ·-= -OCiet lll1n to OCid llllp&retl lktlool. 'nw tell! Of aaiLrd to .. ea--................ ..,....... ..a. .,. ... ••C<-•a,. 'na.. ~bate._ a.a a.,Ohn. Jeeua• N~Dnr of tJw p&l· 'r~A"ed ~UM ol many IMmandtlll -. --...,, 011 .,..__ ....,_ ldeU ... 1D --• bll ....,_ l pra,. to IUtrCION' l.be * IDan rerorded In the Btble. her artlvtll1'4> anti •uacral41d U\al a tal_.. 11M .. ,_.... *II.__, ,_ IDiellla I ......... ..,.~ ~~"-".,...ot~--.-·••...,. ...,_ waa lmmedla&el)' anaftNd )uulljlrr ~ludrul be 11ven lht U\1· .... nale ol _.. ....... a ltYI&7 to Ood'l r., 'W to lboW .. ,. -="' Udlht ..,..,, lll'aled. Rtaht &hen wu p.ulunlly Whrrtt\li)On Mn 1Ed4J ... alnJd t.bal ll wauld .._ _.. ILia WbM to a .. ._..... &be lear. hatnd, « a&D. lltlna lO Ulr world a Df'W ldf'a, a dll-aJ~'w•rf'cl · 1 want th• tiNt U\uucht UU.:. ol ftlut. f'I*Del aDd IWed &be poaSUIID aa.-Oae auc:b cue ooeurl"'d U ..,..._: ....,. latrr narnf'cl C'!Jrt,lllln Sci-pot.'Ub" 111 my 8\lthlay chool" And 1'be imp~ aDd ICUYUJ ol .. llhd.artiJ. All ....... ol ~ A m&D U.U. In ID ....... ..... _, J10 lhl.l IO)'al WIJrlter In aplll' or U\e poww IUIIPOI1I aDd IUIIaiDI l(lllrtto-bealUl, .__., ~IIIUCJ, aDd a&-had ~ ~ 011 ... ..... lut Ultrf' •L) naurh ''" Mn ld4J trr"wtna ~manda or man1 v .. rt. 11aJ ~D. .. U\11, apruual... &iae C1U1 lleiOIYed UU'oul)l the pn.e-Aa a IU& ~ Ilia JlrbJ*IUI .. .. do to 1H11lrr~IIUIII ht'f dl.sooVel')'.l l.ooiLNr poat In lilf' 8UIId')' lrd\ool. IIIJ.DkiD Ia dwDool~ ~ ~-"' ~ UQI_Q(. Cb.r:IILia.D ......._, WbMIII dered IUa ~ ._. ......_...... .. pta,. hfl Ulblr ha\1 brrn !'lire~ U the pupil 11 In achool. oolll't'l, ~ appliC&--u:GQ, ft an&li'(j 'It ~ l.be ~' boW • IPPIJ I stale. hoptna lha& Lbe cl1ID&&e U.. llllb atudii'O , I\IJVI 11 bf'u1nr her cw the b~Aalnr""' world. "" aho uld be deairoJ U:le WJ'OIIC •aaa of dCIII!Intgn 1 Oocl'l law. m&cbL help to IIDpro .. Ilia pbJilktU tllllloot, lor II l ll>,..r('t'd hrr QUf'l· taucht to lurn •IWa)'l to Ood for u ba.U. plaee, poww, .......... • I We bave clgmlnkJD to Oo wba& II condition. Aa hi WU btU. ........,. lillll aa to how .-Itt """"' lltoalrd autdanoe Chriltlan Sclenllf IIVM · YlcUa. tar Oocl, &Ae oa1J ...,_ rtlbt. and u -are oaati'OUid bJ from one k'lln to anoua. tD • What ILII al\lollo'rt tv hrr t11,11ra or the pupil lhe undentandlfll or ~' cnator, onar 1D14e •i Ula\ lac& we aba1l r.Ua &bat ID I IOUUlHn dtJ. a -.n .......,..... l'I'JI'rrul walth\1 •m•l ,111,tchtnct aJllfllual Law b\' tnrana of which 111 ftODI, penwrttcliiDM of doml"""' TnaU:l we Oo DOC baft the MllltJ 011 him and lllld: "You 4lo DO&.....,.. • had LOuchl'd tt1" b.Jn11'l& or the • Ia able to aoh• hl3 problf'ma wllh 8o to datrOJ U:le lmpulae u ..U U:le dellrl to do .,.... I be In a wheel ehalr. You .. • lfttll~t di.Acow·r> rvt•r 11ven to u murh """'uranN' u he wur'"a oul u the evtdence ot a pbJak:al, mad· We oeecl the aplrt\11&1 aw&UIWif healed." Hf' W&l In~ ID 1111' ~11\d-Chrl.sttan 6clenN' 8he hla probll'ma 111 arllhmrllc U the dlntd MDII of clgmloioa., Ule a~ to be aware ot wba&-DOW s--rtmark and Lbe pollUft .., Ill wn~a tn "RrotiO&Vf'C'U•In and lntro-problrm 11 dlnlrully with lchnOI and preaence of rood lbould lie u Ood'l cb1ldren. 'Ibe BU»le rela*-1 whldt abe lllld 1'-8o be _.. .. ~Ptrtlon" 1p 3)1 "11tu~ 11 wu whrn uamtnaUl•ll~. the IIUIIII ran prove demooatrated CODtln\l&llJ bJ ua who lh&L Ule k1nl ot llyrl. atnt • YUt how lte could be heeled. .. ,.. tile tnOIIli'nt arrtvt'd of 1 ht ht'arla hl.l dominion uvn-I Par at.,. lariL or know what true poww II aDd to ~ .. aina\ \be UtU. dtJ ol l laled h~r heallnc of caoeer tbroUIIt W1dal t.o mort •lllrllual rl<bll!llt'e mem(\rJ bJ lllflllll& to Uo<l lor un• WhCIII! It btlonp. 1\ II ~ [)o(bao to CSP'un l.be ~ Cl\rl.ltlan Sdeooa traLIDtllt. n. Wbto the dltl.•r Ollt'lltd, 1 wa• .-at I· 1 111'n>tand1111 . tl Ill, h• r an dKiare U:lrolcb Lbe underataDtlllnl of &be EUaba, btc:alllt be llDew \00 auacb mao wu rreallJ IID.,._cc aad de-1111 and .,,.tchln~. and, to. the 1 with uauratic'• t.hllt n o.l mad• him ap&rttual MDII of clomlnioo. WbJcb ot the plana ot Ule--'-ollanel d dtcl to Mil for help &o ObrtaUaa ..,..~room r•mrl Thr charat ltr of ~rrKt and ll'el» him ..,, a nd u OhrliUan 8c.ltnce 11.,.. to mankind, And 10, upon a OW1&1D ~ 8eltnce II -u be NadMd IIIII Yle Chnat waa lllumtllllled D)l the I he holdl to thLa truiJl, the error llt.o- to dtmoMU'ata that n1l h.u De wb~D \bt propbet aDd b.ll -"ID' dl'ltlnaUOn, which 1M cUd. ,_.. lllldnlrht ION!tlt• ul ~'tJirll My appo'ara l1tf' l)llpll ran alwa)'l auLborltJ, no plact to 1\IIC.&In Ita had rlaen earlJ, LheJ 10\&Dd Lbelr waa no rtqiOQit to Lbe fln& Lhnl brian luww Ill fte<tf'l'mrr 1 awuen to th« ~plrttual truth about •lt-accrec11t.ed MDWI ot dcim1DkxL d\7 wu IW'I'OWided bJ a ,boa& 01 treat.ment.a, and t.he pracU~ lla4 tourbed lht hru1 111 T'hrtatlan hlmOf'll •nil lhla undr rlllancllna of A Chrllt1an klenUit found --. bar.-and ebariol&. The OUUooll knew that Ood would rulde bar .. lml<n~" · Ood'a law will nooct hla <'111\M'IO~· ployment In a Jarr• oorporaUon. lD wu bopeleu to Lhe etniUII., tar be uncover the apparent cause 10 \.bal Alml.llit unmrdtutrly tolluwtJll hrr nr.u and d~"'"'Y whalf'ver trtOC' II a few daya It wu appanot tha& nclaliDed. ·AJu, IIIJ' ID&IWI bOW U\1 paUent could l"fU!ft bJI bel). fllcovUJ Wr• t:ddy •a~ mvtt.ed I dl.lturblrtl him IDO&ber ~mployee wu eodeaYorUIC lha1J we dot" ADd Ule propM& an· t.na. 8o ahe uted hiiD ll be .,.. to nu rerlalu pultJIIA tn U~Mion to domlnale UM' ChriiUIUI SclenUI\'1 a-.,ered, •Pear nell: I« l.be7 &bat tW rHtntful and biLt.tr Oftf btl llllll'tlll'~ Soon ~t.utlllna ruum wu o.r .. ....__, w_.. lly•--and •'"'""'-·. Soon there ap-be With Ul are mort than l.be7 U:la& J•UChler'a 111111'1aa'e. aDd bil repi.J ll a prrmlum ami hrr >J11rllltallty ... .. ... ...._ ._ ,.___ _._ .. _ · •• ·-'" -'-• ..... The ChrLI!IIau &lrnlt.t of lild11y ptand a1.so a aenaa of hatred to-.,. With _..--•w • pro-wu 10 v .. oroWI ..... •-..-" -ftl evldrnrf'cl by lhr fncl thllt nanny f c taoUoa tth1eb the fe.rrw atn&Dl lilt kt:ww &he had found Lhe YUI~ llltnont -rf' htaiN1 thrOUih hrr hu an U115Urlla..-l UIJpt)rtunlty Ul warda the a~uden~ ~ =.UID did DDt. 8o U:le ~ praJeCI Ula& nerable lpot of the error. 'Jbeo lbe ltnnont, amonu lhr>cn tho...-who awuen Utr . v.()(ld to thll pn.ctll'al lcleooa becaUat 0 IMM .... '* _..... lie ----'ed to &h tlliD boW bl • value ol ('lltllolt"n ScJrner. anct lO bactc:r'ound of tht other. and &Ae ..... J"'UDa mao .,.. -' ..-~·~ ow ""' aufttrlnc trnn1 r11nr"r and tU· t'onvlncr th" ~unrrllll that u11 utu.aUcm became YU7 ..._. lie· opened "And Lbe lAird opened Ule &hOII)d think about the marrtaP U ~cUIOJlU. .1 , I .,.. of Lbe _.., ... ID&D; and he MW: he w\ahed hla heaUn•, and lbe "'7 I Thll aplrlt"·''t• •ltabl·'" tl-W Chrllllan ~lf'll\'t l'hUIC'h tiOinl.t lne lweeo U:le two emp OJ-. d behold'-u;; ta1D flAil ftrml ah wed him 'ih hla pnawtt ...... ' ~ ..... " •·ay or Llll' Ulf' way of pNCf' Wa AI ftnlt Ule Cl\rlatlan 8cieoUil WU an • • IIIIOWI WU J 0 at l lftleiYt the l llldanrl' Of di~Uie Nlnd nef'd to hai'P a Drll~r lllfli"KIIIlhlll tampkd \o rtli&t and reaeoL Ule In• ol honea and ehanoc. ol DR rcNDd phydcal condition followed bll ac-10 lhat ahr wu able to found ht'r t.rualon upon her· rlabta, but abe about &UahL" c::ept&DOI of halzed and blltanM& 1 thurrh, lfUidr an11 •trencthrn 11 of our OIIJIOrtunllt,... t.o bc>rorne more ~ the dealre to''" way to It il ol adYIUI'-Ce to IIOY t.b.a& She alao told him t.haL Lhe Nle&llal Ulrouah ~l•>"n)' )~lor~ whrn thr hu-l rlln. n~~tre wiiUiljl tn .. crlnrf' ow ..-otmen& u a lemptaUOn to lo,... Claba did DrOl pn.J f« a atnat of l~aw of forrlvrntM would trw hlln ' lllall mind WM dl'lrrntlu,.d lo dl'-lel•ure and our 1'&...-In matt.for. and ber b'-b alandard of thlnklfll. Nat-,protection f« Ule CltJ ot DoU1aD from paralyal.s lie objected aL 1\ra&, llroy II and C'&.•t tnlo llbll\'lon thla w co forth a• mW!tonariM to elll~lld W1lllJ abe prayed over the altu.attoo. ar tor hlmaelf; rathar _be pn.Jed but In a '"' mlnut.ea l:)e acctpWd _.. •vl't'arlntt of ttwo c nutlut 14'r "'" truth to • world torn wllh ~· bul Ule relaUonshlp rrew woree u Ula& U:le ft.lm of ~ qbt the truth 10 compleleiJ U\al hi .,..., Lovtnc. a rotlr. atrunr In t,h,. un-lrl~:a~f •;;~~ i!~~ t'an n preu a the dayw went bJ. Cooun..un. to drop from t.be lllht of U:le aervan& hraled. then and lhere. Tbla heal· dtulll..lldlnc of On<l" aline... Mra lllndly wood or dl'l'd hrf1' and lhrrc., praJ there came a 1'-hl to the atll• 10 Ulat hi could behold Lhe aetual, 1n1 provta the rele&llfll power of lddy bl'cllmf lht Lt-&drr of her dent, for abe remembered &bat lbe ner-preeeot Oom1nlon of rood torrlvenea In proportion to our I thurd\, which 1.1 aotnc forward un-and that t.I\P klnlllom or hravl'n II bad been riven domlnloo oYer all whlcb II alwayw available 1111 be accepllnce a nd uw or Oodlllte quail· der ~hll l.r•d4>r~h1Jl to a"'altf'n mrn l<•uchtnc the cor~ACin\llln-ul tn·ry· e'ftl, and. over the b&d altuaLion lD demonatrat.td In •tzoriAI e111m7 tlet art we fN'f'd from pb)lll<!al 0111 vi malrrlal lhlnku•• 10 Uta 011" Thr •Uiar&llon may romr lO taeta The __ ,....,_, f fT .. \Ou U\al t.hr world .W. nOt wllh \bt oaloe. liDmedlalety abe poo-at ---J)OWft 0 ~u rrlnc frl'f"dum belon&lnll to lhf'm u Uncl'l ChriiiUan 8t'ln~ee, tNt ~the hatvNt Legislation to Encourage Free Enterprise Asked H•taJien ••II t•a-lalahon *""" l'nrllltrA~I'· ,.....,.. t'nlttf1'rt ... JU11I OJl• f'\,.,. that whll•h 1'11Uialll th" 1lf'&d• I~· ••!Mil ut otu1r. «"Vf'f"'\0\ttt\1 t-.p• lllltnn 1\ntt httnw·ray,• 1'111111••1,'' J T t.tcof'k , l'llitt'lll l\'~ "'"''l'f'lltt')• 1•f lhl' lllln"l• 1-l'''''"''h•n uf Hf'tatl "-'('11\tlo•na, ~"1•1 r+rrntlv at thl' Alllllllll ''''""''"' 1~>11 "' 1 h• · Nallunal Aa .. "''""''" ,,, \'ao ~··tv ~I C\Ho.a In u,,. ~·h~tii<IIIM' lll•r• t.frrk aa1.1 th .. •mall nu•r•'hllttt nt•f'\lc•,l • 111\' lllf' "JIJIOriUIIII\• l1l hoi'· """' fr~tm l•..:·al h11nka. 11111•llllt111 at \4 ,.,. t tuu~ •'•'ttflutt~•· •·nnfMI" u a ~om '"' 1~ •Ailthlr 1111 hiiiJif';ll&l r r.o· 1 <'o'lf\Yttnohut I'"'~""" 1111d ,...vlliiOO \It lht• lth 111'\11'111"' An """" plr n( lhf' h 'l"' uf lrll&· latlnn \1\'hldt lhe tt•latlf't "IIIII-• 1 1~ lhf' ,..,.,.JtiJN'I .. .,~,.11 l•ualnf'u " btll rl'\'rnllv lnt nochort••l lry l'tt•n t.luFtay 11\o•m . Mnntl, Mt'f'lt utfl "At'llltlly. lhla l•!lllll"tllltl WnUill .,., up ll•h•l.,.t" In lllnu••n•lll "' l't•lnnllmllll'a. dotvt'lott a hiiJtl lf'ntl· l tna •Y•t•m tu lhr drtrtmf'nt ••f uur lttt'al I:>Anltrra anti uur own f'OI'tln· nmy, an,l b11thl mnr.. bltrl\o'ratlr • IU'lln•l" whh·h w .. n hl harm the Yrt)' l""lllf' whu 1\111111 haVro •liCILI Jc•l'•• an.l huylnaJ IHtWrr tf W• al"'f I I·· •Uf'Yhl'. hf M ill.--- WE SELL ONLY -ACIIWI&&-'291 IAUII S~<tRWr llol ~\'1: 11.11M\ ,-,'\ P A I N I~ OIL PAINTINGS ., IIUY II(:·VJU--_,..._._..._ Make Ideal Gifts Balboa Paint Store .. II:M,.., .... Rubber Lined Wlneh Head Altat :::.S .;r' ,!t'U: ~~~ ~-= :C:. ":~: ::S 0~~ ~ ~ ~-n. Cl~rW thlklrm j l.rul,'ra Plen~UI M Let Ul be rl'ldp applied only truouah love. A creat Error 1a alwaya eu1lJ deatniJid u n Ia _,. to venture the ala~t Ow t'luard• to ';'}.Nil 1n the alek". lO 1ath•r tht l peace lloocled hu thoQibt. reaent.-WI are COoadoUI of the CSnmtniOD that mlUIJ readtrll of the Bible han Pollowlnc her dt.Aooverr of Chrl.s-IITI~d lnln Oo<l~a •tnrrhoUM ":t11:! menL faded away, and In a daJ 011 ot &ood. One popular atllnoat.lon of lor11tcl to know how Jtaua performtd IIIIo SdC'nce. Wra. f'.ddy conftdl'ntly won 1111 a ""'1 1 will dn, • wor nd Lwo the ot~ worllrr betao to t•· ~•II Ill Ulat the .,...... of UIDe lhe mtracJ• or he:allnp whkh an apecwc1 the church,.. ol Ult land niiJIIort, a lute ronaldf'rallun. a sw-klnd.nna, and ahoi'UJ ..ted mak• a cond1Uon hard to heal. recorded ld the four Ooaptla. lllanJ to acttpt and welcome Lhe crrat It hu bl'f'n llnown that )\1111 a ' ll • ..._ could • ...... .... ...... Thl.s 1.11 not Lrue, far time u ea-· '"M1an1L you" ha.o lllht.td up an· ...... , no ........ e...... preaatd 1a yean CIUlDOl mue an ha ve 10111ht to r tve IODW mywlertoua I &ruth "''Nitcl to her. When hPr 1 othu 'a faa' ln all t h-waya " ,. 1 I Thla atl.empt of one pe"': ~ UTOr tnlt. 1bt lrlaiW praYed Lilli power to him, u II Ood had ~vea ollrr wu rebufted araln and acaln, "prudl lhr f Mprl." and 11 01,por-~1.--------------'!---------------.. dominate another wu ccm ta 1 1 .... _ .. _~ be .............. ___ __ our lrlut.er a apectal undentanCllnl 1 • lotlncly turned away to found tunny aftorcll.. w~ 1,11 thr walllnc healed and brouabl bleutnp to boU1 -· ... ,," ·~ ---..,...., that no one elae could t'NI' haft 1\ h thr..,••h advancemen• In Lbe ofllct. had been bowtcl topU:ltr lor tlllbt.-"· t'tue that Chrllt Jesua cUd h&~ • er own ehurrh It wu neeMMty one of the I IIOcl whlrh ChrtJIIan --etn ,...,.. eo do lhll or lrt thf' diiiCOvrry liM Science h.,, 111r him C)J,..n thl' dn.A' o..-•-••--Ow .,......._ ....... ~-·•-n .._.__ ,___ ..... !pectal poftr. and It 1.11 avallab .. to l lnlo f~trulni'M But Mn l:ddJ to the klnadutu uf no·"""" 11nt1 II'L .. _ ...,, .. __ ...._._ -···· - all mlltlklnd. He unvetltd U:le truU:l t deiDOD madllnaUorvt of an1Jnal lftiiMUIID when be aid, "The lt1nC'CIIa fll realllird that •he wu ordaJnl'd u the w8r7 on,. ,,..,. lllf' JO~ atul ''""' What are we dolnf abou • u .............. 1n • mal _ _.._, lllD, OOd •• -lthln you.~ •• _ ... _, OOd'a m-nger to full\ II proJlhrcy dom awllltlnc hint u thP b~lm r ll of etralllll domln!on tn our humiUI at· -..-·--..---.. • .. .._. ...... Ood. 1 fain? The dominion of rood ovar ~. aDd lnharmOQJ. Thia uo-ltlncdom the rnnled power o1 t.M and riYI the nnal revelation of , evU 11 demorutrabte and c:ao be CO¥er!AI does not brtDI t'ftl to the Chr11t 1 No rellctoua teadrr ner aw Truth, and 10 with eourace ahe ', TMaJ aucceaafully provtcl bJ anJ &An-' aurlact u a r~alliJ tnl& a~ Ule lhe rules y wh'ch the ner-pr.-at founded 1 c.hurch that at t\rllt u- aeenr for Trulh. completa emptio.-~ « ~ Chrlat pve the power "'f domlniOD Lonllhtcl and then a.rouaed b1.4Cr-The wofld ta burd~nf!d twllh the 1 Ba.slcally, all the trou.b'-ol Lhe of &rulll&l m-.neu.m and malprac. to Chrllt Jnua until 0111 revered ne., relialoua hatred. and ltttolfr·l rreat~,ot proiJit>m II hu evrot had humlln race are d\le to aln. 8lD t.lc::t. One need not fear IDJ ~ • Leadrr Mary Baker IEdc:IJ ca..eo.-a.oce. Rowevrr. the Chri.IUan 8cl-lo lal'e Jr WI' lht\P a lnw vblblllt~ I brtnp unhapptnea. II~. deatll, of e;-ru It he remalnl CIOnldout ol ered them. 8be aaw veri eltarlJ •nee d\ureh 1.1 wtnnlnr Ill plaC!t In of thla turmoil. II "'"I I"""" "" In all $0rtOW. and tnharrnonJ. In Ule Ood 1 prnenoe. ~. 1011 be Wt»-1 that our trlut.tr'a thoua. hll, acUona. , the ntlptG\ of tlie world. \ t1111 mu.., vt l'"nnlrlllll vlrwt &.lid Ten Commandml'Dll we ha" ~r-tratad 11 followl. U 001 were In • and Ute were domlnat.td by lhe Our ctlurch often ~ aplr1\u.al rmuU•ma and II"'IX'rate lrutl'f'd will taln •tn.' mentioned apecllleallJ, Je\ l'-bted room. would be be 1~ Cl\rllt. Thl.l UIUID1na\loo of lho\cbt rood Wbleh the world II alzuaaunc bf' lhfo •"•Ira nl 1'1r" II we ralllu>\ 11111 conn a w1de field-It II the of the darknetl In U:le out rooaa , allowed ber to nplaln how our 1n a ma\IJrtal WaJ to obtain. II the \ lift 0111 r.o•IVt'• a bovro I hat lrvrl- brealr:lng of the P'lnt COmmand-he opened Ult door btlweeo? W thouabta.' ~lema, and llY• oan be ..._.. people or the ... would Uu1 IIWII' lA a· '"" IIlli 111 lhll ment, "Thou tla lL hate no Other the dara-1..-\be otblr roca IWtct ~ Ule CbiVt~............. ..u. what Cbnall&n 8dence Ia. "'""'' ••I h•unl\u M•Orllnlt. •nd It II coda bl'fore me." We lln •ben we euler bll ,_ aDd JN& ou& Ulrl Chrllrt Jww Dltftr fort« UW.& t& a .-c1 110& .rhal \heJ tblnk It 11. our thr '~~'11Y "I lhe C'l•rl·1 ThLt •a,Y I accr pl the belief of any other power llabtt Ralher, the llltiL WOWd ~ lhe ever-pruent Chrla&. &be .,. .... ._would be crow~ rt rr•ta 1,.1\rts ~~~ II) I hi' r• 117~11011 nt I 1"''• lhan God. O&n thle prf\'alent a1n b'alol Ule darll-. 8o, K II _., or God, whldl enabltd hila to re-Wllh 111 lO drml!n,tral.l! what wr "' ,,.. '"111"1 "'"'" urtllo•l ~1•••1· ot b-llrvlnc In olher rodl be de-to atay wtthln U:le llabl of Ood'l bultr the dnll, and ra.l.se human know ol ChrWian &lrn~ 10 that 1 ''11111'111' 11111' 1''' """t' "' l•llah, ,,r.l\'td? Ctrtalnly' And when It domirllon of rood and the,. wW be belnrs ouL of apa thy, to re)OIC!f ofer othr"' wtu bt' awakrnPd to lt. \"rl 1111 '' 1 • "·'" lu• "''''"· tA, thoct 1111 tht tr11ln of evil follow· 00 evil to fear. , hl'allnc. and to •lorlf Ood. UMble, pradiC'al. and hrallr141 miJ• l""'t " "·". 1 II "1' 1..-'•11"11 1111: ~In will be dc5troyed al.\o Thl.s In our heallna wcwJ! -abould I.e Tomorrow ~ you approach your &lon. I •" "•'' .It " r•11 bt' ''""" with lncrl'a tnc eue our aplrllual knowl~e of true do-omce. or l.llkeoup your home dutt•·• An Important activity of uuo ,"· ·"'' I ' J, ·•' "' "'"'"'· a' ,.,. u'" ot•r rtllt'c!rd pO'II'~r of minion to the rompleta er~lcaUon or Pf'ThAP.,IIO on with mllltan 1rn11• d\urch Ia Lhe 8 1111llwy &<'ho.,l, tru 1 ·• 'I"' ··11 • 1 11•N 1'1 "'" c."tl, om'ltflo•lt·net. our CSumltllon. of evil. One Ll apt to"'· I have 11111. pr&) lhl\l )Oil ••Ill rrm•mlJ 1 throrr llle rhllrlrrn llf" laul(hl th,. t• "'I •·I •· •' • 1 ""''''" 1 •I O•w ml\) r~P"~' hi$ dt,mlnlon' had 1 hard time and ll h.u let\ I hat the Chrt.•t b pttl<("nt 10 hi• • 1>1m11le lrulh• ahl•lll Chr!Jillwn 14!'1 1" •II ''' II 1\ ,,.., '' ' II '' •· 1'1 1• 1 an11 n IlL"" Lo s~k the I JliJroval o r Ill mark.. Evil cannot leave Ita 1·ou. to fiYr you wL,dom, flh·r~· tonce Our llttlr tin•·~ "''"tl Whlil th• 1 ' • 1' ·'11 " •" 1 'II rll tl ,. \\urld by lndult;lnK 111 the uae mark Without our eonatnt or tano· rOmJln ton co-•JJif'rAlltm nntl ., 1 8unffay a.·hooJI hn~ tu unrr '"' lllr1 I • 111' 11' • "' • ••1 • 1 "'' ,. 1 to~o.~t'CO or In SOC'Ial drlnltlna. The ranc::e. When the alnner't.a healed, •lthrr Godlike qunllltr~ You •lnt• 1 &rf' alvrn thr b'Mr tr1u·hlnl( "' •I • ' 11 • " ' 1 ·• I• I·"" ... lrr t c>l lnlo:otlcaun~~: Uquor l.s lht hlllh:>uaht purtned, thue Ia nellher 111 lhe prr.'Cilnce Oil he• llf'Aitrw 1•1•• 1 Oocl'a aline .... rutd man ~ 'JllriiUAI "''" I• "' ·•·• 1'1• I ' '''' ''1 '"""' '"""' "hether takrn lhrouah dtsln ecar nor mar lett on him. When lhe nf the Chr~•t Mrs f:clltv v.11' ' 111 perl••rllon TilL' I• at·lunw •Ill "" '•• 111 •1 '1 ''' • 11 ••·• I ·• 1 ''"'''• •1 •wclr'l lht guro,p of &UCIRblllty sldt are M aled throuah the ener-Sd.,ncr a11d llrllllh •I• 31flt, ('!Ill t ablr them to •·•1rrtt>a~ ~urr•'"-'ltlliY ·•1••1 ' 1lt•l• ,.,, t· """' ""' "'" '1 !I mdult.rrlwr l~ad~ away from r l.llt\1 power of the 1ChrlaL, lhen tll\llil rt\lra that blrndlnl! wllll Ou•t. t~ j.lfet~elll 1 rt•tHI ''' &e't>ft 111 ,,.. l'l,tl• 1 '"" 1 • ,.,,.,. •lrt• • ""' '~'""'" A NEW TElEPHONE DIRECTORY I~• yuu wi•h •nrt~ltlitlmeal lialln~acor &o m•l..-"" rh•o,;r .. "' t•n'arnl halin11•1' f»,, \ uu f'l•n Itt ft•\ ~ JUUI D&aG •JifteU iD tllf• \ ••ll.t .. l 010j(f'•'( 1'1•·•"4' It' I u• l.uu•, •lu•t. Hrrd tov.11rdll &eru.uallly, can be no evidence 0 weaknna or Ill• dlvlne Prtnc:ll'\11' which II·'''' llrlon and all tlV"I ' that IHI! JlUre ""' I"""' 11' • 1 11'1 '11' 11111 1'111"' ,, .. ,. ltt•m Sp!rtf and tuward.J mel#-dllabUJty ChrLIUan 8elrnoe hu lnl\n dominion Oll'r ~II lh~ """" aDd 1ood. _ "' ILual J.iliol' '' ••u.._.,,~...,. ..... -tt-~r----:2-,..~.+T:::;;;j : I t r•m.<'t P rome to the world to remoye UM' Tilr ChRM-u~ Thlt Chtlltlan SCI~ucr lA ''"'1111' •Mill""' '"" ' '"I" '"'" ''"I•'' "' ""' :iut lb wruna thlnkfnl wrona be f~ol-tiftr~ -115, whtrh dl'.,lrOI'" ·Jtll rrrnr rhr Ia atleat.ed by Lhl' rlllld,..n who makP I"'"'"' "1'"'lllr l """1 ht· lllt•••l VI ,,, .. <.: 11 l• lhl' arrrptance of thr or nature can lra'lle 1 bltmlah or ChrL•t. Truth, L• pow,.r. 11 holrl• 11, I lilt of their undtr .. taotdln• and thP ''"'"" l••~r lu '""1 l •tmlwl '"" tw• ,. llr •IIRit•"tl"n •hlch Lrlea to the marlt of the beut, for the Chrllt r.aft In HIA prrM•n rr Th Chrt•l demoNtratlons ul hethnc• whltll "•"lllla>illiln "''·"· ~·~ '""' 11•'"1 '"j" IIlii> , "' thl' bl'llrl of other f<ld8, reveala man u pure. upr'-ht, and , ~~ thr el·rr·acllun nl Truth wht~h follow art at llml'., almOI\t atartllnc •·• U lld'A ltllll•e 1Utll "'I k••• II htrn .,. 11 1 P'•ll'f'r' 1 han ~he one Ood free. W makt'S or ~~et.s w frcor Thert lA w• Ia an editorial afllll'&rtnlt In unr of lm rvrr In "'" n·~ltrl •rl tmrn"' 111111' " ..; ,,, , , ~~ n condition of lhouah,, In Ult 1\rst World ar a pb,.S-need ul ftrvrnl prnyrr to put Truth 1 011r Christian Sctrnl:'f' twrlodlrala tt IA·t Uot~ ""•1111111 I"'" I \1111• IJir~• yuu, ftt.tl lhlUIIitt "" raslly chanll'd. lhe clan who e~~ ~ lhCh"fJ: mo action. lor Chrl<t Is alwaya wllh 1 II loOid of a ll!llr bt1y Drou1 ht up In ro111fort Y"ll whnt ,, t• rmrd ~In ran De overcorn 8el~nttst remar a e 10 tL~. rver t,.nd~rly f\lldlna ua out or the t.t.chln&l' ol Chrtatlan Sclenl"f' ' 1 .. ..,.,..,,.. •·~ r hr uuurr tatlcltnlt of lhe truth had certain .can which lnc1lcat.td wan lnlo the wAy of PI'•~ out ol I Wbo wu ultrd If tlf' Wf're not afraid n•1 ,t 0 • J •nd tiL' tnlln Why Ll tbtt at on~ lime he bad hAd a at· 1 ''n and ~lckneM lnlO thf' frM'dom I of c:al.cblna a 11revalent lnfectloua l !l, .. l'llttnll• of thOUI\ht poa.'lble of rloua phyalcal condition. The atudent . and )Oy belonf(lnr to thl' 11o0~ and IIDIDeaL Hr rr•plled 1\rmly, "No. I ••······npll•hm~nl • BPtnu.·•~ man, the ol ChriJtllUI &den~ prayed aboUt IIJtUihll'ra of God I Dl'ftf take anythlna thai dOf'•nl "'"I '" 1 f•Xpte.·~s dominion and II U\l.s, becauae hr knew lha\ e'ftl cUd I Tht Chrl~t made Jt'.SIIA lhr Savtout llelona \o mt" •IJit• uol onl~· to call a. halt to atn'a not hatt the power or lnteUitence ul mro The aamr Chrbt lA preeent A dfel) r•ponalbUll)' rtat. upon , nrro .. rh:nrnt < but to destroy ,,., to lean a acar 11 proof that It had to motl\1114' our lives our thnuahu. Lbe omcen and lelchf'n or our ,1, I'll 1 onc::e claimed to be reat: he reau.d 04r action~ 110 ,I haL ~e m11y bt'comr j lklnclay aehool. for the children mUll In mr hralme worll of ChrlaUan that evtl had nothlnr to lean be· "nAhtrA pf mrn " be properiJ taurht and Ulflr lntrr- S.:. •:tct wr •·ork primarily wltb the hind, because nil Ia DO\ a creator Ar1t \rue lmpulae which you ma1 -. aroi/Md, 110 that Lh•J will ,..., Ia• nr hrallh ancl purity to destroJ Laler when dlach&rre<l from the upres.~ by which luOd may come to 1110n1 frequently t.ht trvlh that II•···• ~'" 11 " !lr.tllnlt Ia delayed, perhap. army, no .can could be found by &Ae 11nothr.r lA the Chrlat. whlcn rn· Bow much 11f pracUca1, lovtnw Ull• qutPL prJtyer will uncover lo one Lhat uarnlnlnl phyalclan. The praJffl ftbl•• vou to mantfe;t Alllrllual man· denta.ndlnC art we 11VInl lhrm? olts t'IT .1 t hL'I bt'C'n to hea.l slcttneu of the toldler had been answered.. t•JOd Thj! dl',oolre to be betler ChrV. 'I An Wt oonvlndi\C them \hal Chrt.· 1M'r'ld of df'!HO)'I"i thr error which DeaJIUta eYW ... Trattl e1 nan 8clet\tl.r;L3, to do better l'leallna t.lan lktence II what they Jlf'ed to ..:~~h~ed the Alcknua. ln Sclrnoe ancl Cia.,..._ .,..ork. tn be m~.on• alert to help othen. ofta& lht alniW. allurlnl tempta· He111lh we find these worda ip. 2101 Is tl'lr Chrtat enlerlne In to aoldr I Uaal whleh c:roar. lhelr 1)61hA' 'If ~In makes ~lnrwn. Trulb and ChriiLI&II Science Clftl ue &be with you. Oh. welcome lhb rul'al £& -tlmr Wn lddJ atnt far t..ove alone can unmake them. U undentandlnr of Ood'a law by Into your t'onaclouanesa so that thr " I!C'Ne of disease producte autru-meana of which we over~ Md rtftected clory of 10111 Ute map b~ Ina and a l!l'n.st of -IUitld~ lzalll of eharectar. We all know of thr onea hun«erinc for lht klncdom ~ullrrtnc. di.84'Lw II ment.al. not ow-the mental and phyalc:al aufttrllll j uf heaven to ~me on eartll Thr IA!r1al Hence the fact that thr bu-lnftlcted upon other& bJ tho\cbl.-1 Chrlllt upre&IC'S the a(ltvlly n1 man mind alon• ~utTrn. 1.11 a.lc:k. and Jr•nea, Clll'tltsalftl. IU tam,.r, Ood'a ornnlpo(rnC'; It It thl out· lhat I he dlv\IW Wlnl! aJont heala.-r.rttlclam. and the Ilk~. There Ill pourlnc of Ood'• love bJ whlcb crea-Chrl~tlan SeWn~ 11vn to WI tht hardlJ a penon who bu ~ 101111 tron 13 tllprt'Med and maintained LD needed undentandll'll of trulh ,., ho~ cleanlna to do recardlfll UD-pprf~llotl lhat we can use It humanly and ap-dellrable tralll of dlaractn, aDd be proad\ our problema u ma.slen. ahould be wllllnc to exchanre \hem Evil hL~ onl) the pnwer we rrant IL. f« the llplrttual qualltM alrftdJ WarJ Bakrr EddJ dilclo'rlnd 10 It 1.11 ww 10 biM!tow upon It no pouessed by hi' real aelf, aucn u Christian Science. and la''r founded fear or bellel that It can act « thoughttulne&, charltableneM, pe.-th•• 1reat movrment known u the dMtroJ Aa we put love In lhe plaOt uena-, arautude, a nd )OJfulneaa. Chrbtlan Science churd\. The am- of hate. ta:th In OOd In place of Brcauw of fal.st ltadllna recard· por1.ance of thll dtlc:overy Ia enlu- fear. llpiruual un1enl&ndlnc In I~ hetl'dlly. habit. and lohennt alcd by lhe rood which hu been place of lanorance of Ood'a prn-weaknr~a. ml\ny persoru believe accompll3hPd ln the world b7 thl.l ence, alr-tlh .... of lnhanl\OnJ w!U lhat lhry are helpleu lO onrCOIJle church, for ~lnnera have betn re- SCIENCE ANIJ HEALTH WIUI K.-y lAo tiM! lk' r1 pt u ,_ by ,, dl .. ppear unloveiJ trait& of character. Cl;J1.1·. ltrrmed. lhe a.lck have liNn htaltd What don )lOW' Ood·rlnu do-tlan Sclent't teaches that .the IDnlJ of all IYJ~ of d~Aeaae, and man, Ia tile .,...._,, •talldard ud nnl) mlnlon do for you? n makea you law of heredity 1.s the ont wfllch who have bten ooMidenod locurable T._t..._. oa c hrt•tlan Ml·l,.n•·" at.rona 1n wraoe, fearleM rqardtnr caU61'~ m11n In lnh!!rlt or eapre.sa tht llavt been tt'Klorrod to health. The MIM·IIMitaa. an on.-vulun ... uf 11111 evil. ai'!I'IIY~ abll' and wllllnr Lo U• aplrltual quallllt'! of the dlvlrw CTt· r tllll~"nll of thtse bleMtnca have .,...., preaa aood and to be aood. It en-ator. God been m11de happy throuah releul ....,hilell In <'lnth ;ud '""'"'"'" ah.lea 7011 to be lllnd and rent.Je N11 bad trail of character 1.11 eler· from aurrertnr And they upr ... true .,....._ _. I• Hra.lll,., c.rJUlt• un .. without wealtne•; to be honett. nal, but I.\ at the potnt of lnl\an· · "'all tude fnr the •plrllual heaunc a .. a Wf, fort.., u ... #If 1.,.. hllnd bran. and tzuLhful wllhout fear of llntoua de~trucllon. beoaUJe Uw and awakl'nlnc whlctl foUowtcl the cooaequencea. 1L ena.b._ JOU to Intel truth about man·~ real d\aracter • ltrallnp. ThiA ltlllrltual hl"'llll'll hu "-'l'esU.Ok, 0 ,.,.., "'""' hy 111" ,,.,.1 man'• diJintnlllll I• arcure bUI'rl llllOn lhe rue' ,..,rnaJ ll ''""'' '"''-him 8o 1• l.l our vrlv· • liP•" ~· td.-nllf)' OIITIIf'l\ "" .,II t1 what ~~ a!rratlv I ru,. uf ••ur •••I ~~IVf'll and dPIIIUI"IIItlP JI)P (!llllll\'l'tl r llrl' Uf OUr r~n~rlrcl i'lf•on'lnl'lll' ·n,r •1111X>rtu· ully ~-ltrlrl'lr". ltll' reaulu. bl•...-cl wll h tht hr•llna vf Ul" ~~~II Alnlltl. 11111 lllfiiiWiul l.rt •1ur h~art. 11111 " r /wruo ••f rrallllldP t.o our Ood. whu hu madr man · • IIlli" lotwrr I han thP •nero!-.. an11 """ n uwllf'd him wllh 111ury and hnn<rul Mr. f.1ldy In hto """' Mlacel· l•n...,,u. Wrlttnc" Ill• ··~• "" with t hla b••ll~>f1lctt•m • 11 1!12 r 'Thua rvunrt,.•l upon tttf' r•.rk "' Chrllll, wh .. n •lol•rm anti trmJ..,At bf'al lllllliiUII I hi• Alii r l•tlllill,.llll" YOU, • Aal••ly ~ltd I• r~d tn 1 llr •I 1 nnp 1<1WI'r or hi•P" lalth '"'11 I""" a1r O•lf1 • 1 tll' .. tlilll(ll . IIIII I II~ 111'111 hill• I •II Ill IIIli fralht•r~ 1111 lhr ''''"" hiU j-cJ Jnl11 lit• IJJoY<'II tol "'•Ill thl'rt l'lllrro '''' ••I• lll~'nt ••I • ••' 11 1.0 ran 11111 a n~tl'l" 1" ~IIPitr·• • It• ',,,Ill lntuiUOil Wtllrh IIU.ldf'O• \'IU ... trly home· ib~:,l:,: .... :~== Y• will 6nd ,_,..,-of ... ._ ........ .,.,_, &n ,_, comMwni•r whn 7011 ,_. n.. OrladM k~e Monhor rttularly. Yo.~ will 61\41 freeh,-•lww,al'"' a f•ll•, nchf'r 111Wienc&ndon1 ol •otld alaln ..• rnuhful, acna,..._ •• ...._. """'· Wrlte fot Mmple 'Of''• toder. 01 ....... "/ ..... ula.l tubtcrlpdOft. r---------~--------z .,.. ,., ............. ··~i ........ ·-·· .. I ~ ·-··· .............. p ...... ' 0 ,. ........ ,,.. ............. WJt l t... L •..•.. I • AHI *'' fl0h ..... •••fliMII. I DttrttU•• areenc. ll•tl.« lflo•f•1.tttnt • I ,.,, H. •• * • 1 • '., '"'•"'"• M••~\At I .. , fill ,_, ·-............ ,1,~ fof • • I I t t\#lt.. t f I ,.... .... ..... . ' I L~·!-=~-.;.;,·--------· _.J · • · Whf'n y•m J(f't thruuRh rra4IJnK thl" Utrl,.tlan M4•1.-n,.,. LOOSE-LEAF BIIDERS I..N"turf' 1M"'" It alunR tu a frlf>nd, thrn wnd In )'fiUr lltlh· ,,.,,,,uon tA, ftt•· ~',·" ... Tlnw ... n~:AJ> THE NEWS o•' YOI:Jl COMMUNITY New Srock Jual ~lvtod tor II•R~ -9•1 81wJeta * I:--.;,.,, 1"•1'1 I l.11'111rl' J )j~tl'id I In \'uur Local Paper and deatroy Lhe lnalc1loWI approach preaent to r"lra~~e In human con-11vvn to thou.~anc:a.. a demonatra.bl~ j MNo. ~ • .,.. all "'""'' auth••r· of nil with Ill cla.lma to reality; to aclousnf'M the uut.b whldl deat.roya undentandlnlt or Ood'a omnlpotf'nt .,...,. Cll....a.a ,.,_._.,. 11~'"111"' , heal Ule lick 111\d reform the lllnner error w r an not Ullfll 0111 dO· law of (OOd. lrln EddJ hu certalnlp ,...,. .. ,_., bnrn~•f'd nr I"H .. THE NEWS· TIM.;s A I >< o -Compl.-tr k>dger llt't In rompoct 11lz.e, IIUJt. 11lJJc.' for Mmnll hwdneM or ~he homr. I.Dita.ntaneouaiJ: for you haft the million II we beUen U\at 1\ takM bleMI"d the area throufb her dl.l-I •·~ at u.e f'llrt,..IIUI ~"'"''" domtmon to ll.now what Ia real and .._. or many Chrllllan lk1eDCII co~ery of the acl,.nLI.ftc: underst.and· I ae.e.. a.e111, 111 t:aat C Plllrtl 1111 pracU~ and dmlonatnta Wbal treatmenll to overcome unde&Uable Ina of Chrl.s11anlty, 10 lhat rtliCIOD 1 A"'-...... PIJ"I '"' tllo-JoUhll•• JOII 1r.noW • trail& of dLipoaiLion. Ao7 error 11 lA no lone• ba~ upoo optruon « ~-:r,. ''::" II no<m 1.<1 ~ I' "' A JOUlla man ol p~Mnt.lal abWtp, weak. powerlt:311 ~!AI no abll-' docma. but upon the •emonArlatkln A I :10 lit l\:• 11• m &boutlb lac:kt.na In bullnttl opt-lty to control human a.alvltJ, n-or dl.tne Prlnclplr. Well ift&J U\1 , • ..._.. ..... ,. a11C1 h<olltlay ...... OIDCII, ~·elevated qutekl' 10 UM c::ept lhroucb fftll, llnllll d..U., « lt'neraUOC\ll of thf' huJI'I&II race rw __ T ~ of 'directors of a 1ar1e mlnlnl JCnoranc::e ln cratltudf' and call her 11'-ed. I .. -·· CII17IICII Of' ''IIRIM · aDd manui~I.IJ1DI oorporaUoo aDd Reemtment, ~ bl&&ene., trln. 1Edd7 came of a Ioiii liDe ol I IICI&NnltT &110 to Ill~~ 0( \be baaw and UM' llltt m&J ~ a penrOD OOd-loYIIljlanetaton, and bar Clb.llf· t olkll. He wu CIODidOUI IIWl1 Um• man, heartache~ u ... u u mucb hood wu JIUm)uncled bJ a ....._. U.. 'l'llealnl 1 .'t h.,. ~li~\- Newport Pu hlic;ltcd Every Tuesday and Thur~day I e1 ~ ** 0( esptrteoee. ret bl phJIIc:al au.tT!!rlnC. n.a lllJnl· atmlllllllbeft. Hrr eariJ ,..,. ,... 1 ....,_ OODUDI.IOUII.J tarJIDdfrl"aM. Ilona ar manlleat.&UOIII of tftl call mudl ~ and IOIT'OW, Wlltdl Y• .,. ........,,. .. ,...,. t. t1•t -11 WMt ~--• ,. "''"'. 1.o1. far U:1e abWtJ .. I.e hll Ood• aDd wtll be derLro,eciU Lbe lnciMd· c:aUIId W t. I.W1\ to ao. 1011 -· .. --... 1 , 1701 ~--~ .. ., Harbor Publishing (Al. llftD cba1NoD .,.., __.,... ual deddel to d~ bll Wal·1 fort &1111 relief nil da&IJ,•.._ -Ttllp.oee: Np&. .... lJ ... II ....,..,..,.. waawa...-......, J:: ~-wltll~ Pr1D-bourlr. ~ 0( ..,.. .. 0:: .. _______________________ _ All klnda1 of Rul,.d P'onN. !~ta and CenJa. NEWS-nMES llu w. o-a ... \. ·t 'HOR'E RACING ] Qlarllr ·lane _ _ Mate~ 1 .. '( 1 liM COmNI IIICI (O.. ... a-tllol .. aarwte) TEN EVENTS IIIII Y, OCTOIEI 1 ... ..., ........ ........, llci•c Starts at 1tl P.M. • tz' <•• ( ..... &u) fl.!O ..... ._...50c Refrellunenta Free Parking 3&.. ., ~~..onu. ~w,.,J, 3£.,, 3f...rl Of.JJw, ~ * r.n ,..,_, }..,., . 11 sw. ,. s.rw Y• ..... Clr. 4 .. & Sycallll't IAN'IA ANA ON CIIDITI &MONTHS -~.o .... ~~~ • e I If I A I eAU 1• AN• .AYI YOWl IYII IXAMINIDI •Yew•II 1 a a.. DUPUCATIDI rn.pt S. wicel .c:.ny • IXTIA PAIR of GLASSES With Youl •0 ..... Macle to Yaw OWN Pretcriptlonl a.Yew c.Mit • GOODI Op.. • Aecau.el ....... .,.., ............ a ........ ., ..... •OliN&-,....,..., ...... *-.. ~ DR. HORACE CADEH OPTOMETRIST ' . Auto Clu~ E•ci .. ri•c tlief W1ms of laad~11te lic~ways Pa,.r lallap • MRS. AMERICA Foreman Denton lert 111~ More MEETs DEFENSE Falls 16 Feet, Coast Notables Here to DiKuss Heath Erosion I.-'ll T~ll E--r ab~a~oulb~y ~ ~ ~~ Not Badly Hurt StarlllniC rac!A a.ml rtrur• 011 wo••l11 total 3,!170,30C, a.ct aa u.. ,.. WW l Bruner roau llefiled In lbe toe , ---UJ · ~l!) _ _g_t_~u!!! travel In ~· j 4,41Se.6H. Wblle INCb powtll Ia to ~ve Elll4e'o new baby you're y, · A. Oenlon, foremu a t tbe W. R. S~a.rt ot 8&n P'raD~. atal~ of t ·nutom 1a ll'f'r.-glvf!n by motor veblcle re(lltriU-, .. ... Pa r v .. e 1.9 ju.t u lm-~Yinl -a UMful u well ~ orna.-America.n Pipe and ConatrucUon aaauac!.r of U\e DIP&11meot crt F. t: 1-:ut. 1 'lild EnglnN-r or lbe l dh •led •by put """""--a.. ..-.!:t toda at y Um d • mental object. aaya OPA and u compa.ny, 11 recuperatfng from the Natural Reeourc• a.nd Clark Oa.l-.---. --..,.. -· Y u AD e ur 1 ' effecll rJif a fall of 16 feet from 1 A• tu ('Jub ,., Southern C'ahromla cn> ate a. mo.t eerlou.. PI"*'-of lnJ tbe war a.nd all c:IU&ena are 1uch It ahould C'Oit no more than b oway. aatllttnt myacer ot tb• at ,. mC"tl~ •at lllr Orange <.:oun· atr··f't a.nd hllfhway ...,.._ u-rct to continue tuU etfortl to It did 1n March 1942 Any f igurine, 11\\n"hllovrr tad beam lut week. t.o. All&'dra ottlee of the Callfor----·• l 1 ~ e exanunaUon failed to ~bow DJ 8 •• t y C· lUll U."-lallon at llununc· oualnK the eatly poawu ,...,... •" tor 1'9-u.e a1.1 80rt.9 of paper I onuunl'rl a •tatu_ry or decora-1 a ..-.u Chamber at O:lmmerce, ton Ufolu 11 Thurllday rvrnlnl{ 1 ••u•JJIInnll favorable to a _.. m&Julnu and wrapplnga 'I tlon Ia eubjrct to pr1,·e coJtrol It • evldencr of lntema.l lnjurlee. wben vlatted Newport Ha.rbor Tburaday A a 11 mt rubn uf " alal!!·WI~ 1 ra(l'tl tnt ri'UI' D".ay tn1JW ta&al Ovrr and over at;a.ln ~per ca.n It can JX.IIIIIlbly be uxd for any u~-~ h~ta7"-l&krn to St. Ju.epb'l hoe-to dacu. problema ot C:O...t o.- rummlttr,. whwh hu been Atudy·l f\'!;llll rnt1una by 191'10 to more U... bt u.wd and made over Into boll:u' ful purpoae whatAioever. P ' It wu thought advlable tbat velopment, Beach E,_oo a.nd 1n1: mrtho..'a nt 1uu11tling rru•(W't'· : •. ~-~~ 1100 autc>mobllee aad tn.ca., and conta1nfl'l! o~ to ablp ft)()(l.l • • · • he bavr lr.edi:al care nnd he wau harbor plan.. wllb local people, llvl' ln<'rtlllln In tratrll· ro11ow1n" Whlll' many Influence. ba,.. ~ mi&Ditlonl and 1upplle. to &II the I .. Do your slllchee 11la~Ji:'er your I tranlft'I'TI'd to Ule Community bo•-Tbv were tAken over t.be b.ar- Ule 110oU, ~fr f:.ul pnlntetJ out that N'lbut .. d tn ('alltt.mla.'a poJIUIUJOD war front&. eea.m1 ug! Wllh 110 miUly or u• PIUII at Long Bea.ch bor by Ha.rbor Muter CraJr a.nd In 1!11 :1. the yf'llr In 1o1o hlch the• gi"CCWUI, It Ia CM~ral.ly q1'M4 Ulat RHulta lD the Newport Harbor m ak!.ng achonl clothe. tht.e fa.! I " were utounded at lbe a.c:Uv1ty and bulldmg nf lhl' atntc highway aya-lhit rrajor mflut'nCe lD tbe put IU'W& are fa.lrly rood but mueb lllUe buJieUn farme,. bulletin jpll ehlpyard job and return to Ule ,la'J'e number of eratt of JD&Dy tern 1o1o aa btgun, U•,.re "'ere leu hu hel'n d lmat.A!. Tbe Wortd WV rould be done to atimulate a (Teat-No. 1944, "Se110o·fng M&ebtn.t'lt, 1chool Ull1 fa.! I? No le• author· lypea Uley •w on t.belr tour ot than 77,()()() nwtnr vehldu In lin ~o~o•hic'h wf! art' now t~U.. M. er a~pply of l&lvage. Mo,. ...U C'lea.nlng a.nd Adjuatmenl," pub-lty tha.n the Depa.rtment of Labor Ule Lower Bay. '!bey were &110 ('alcfumla. Uy U~e doae Of 1942,1 brought a.no Will briDC 1JUA7 DIIW I paper C&D be -Yed by &11. Every ll1bed by lbe U .ll.. Depart.ment of a.ak1 ua to lltrell Ule fact tbat given a (lance at the Upper Bay lh., numb..r o(. 11utomobllu ant! anfl uenlea to uraw people t.o QaU. ltftP Ia needed aftd t.be lttU. ~b Agrieulture-wm aave wear oo our l'llfh achool aona and da\lpur. ADd eapreawd lbelr vi-• 011 t.be truc•k• had lnrrt'ued to 2,834.(108 t<Jmla un,.fly, water &Dd pow.r of tying pape,. In bundlq la a.l1 your oerv• aDd tear 011 your ..,_ can do more good In lbeae t;r1Uca.l rreat poulbUitl• of an ww.tWLI Mutur w hlcl<' lniVt'l tlurlng tht de• f'lnpment, liTigation &Dd recaa.l tbat II n~ lAy papera flat ill c . Alld remember. If you're ID tllDCI by keerlng i.n the croove type of development ln that &fta. y .. ar 191:.! pm bably did not u ceet!,m<tlcun w~·rkll, completed or uac~~r1 \htn Pllf' lhf'm WIUl you make Ule lbe markrt tor a t.-.ed eewln,g ma-a.ntl getti.Dg the education lbey Al noon lbey aut wllb Walut 8. ~ rr.llll"o V•·hlc It olllt'll During , un·elructaon, m a k 1 n r avaJJalllel buDdlea a foot or ~ lnchu cblnt' there Ia a le(a.l ceUing price o~ed rur the future aeeurlty of ourl Spicer, cba.tnna.n of lbe Harbor 194:.! tile tulAI wu In n ee.. of II.LT&e addtUona.l a.ree.. of fert.uel hl(b. Thl'n tie with any kind of ~~ by OPA ror your protecUon. country Commluioo, R. l... Pattereon, Har· 2!\ hllllnn Vthl<'lr roth,., .t.tot.ur I 111n11 fo•· productive u~e, maDUt-.c-binder. lltrln(, cord or &nythtnc Call your OPA board for I.Diorma-· bor engl.neer, A. B. Roua8eUe a.nd vrhu I"" u.tle durlnl( 11142 wu dll· tunng, growlor tore1gn trade &Del "''bleb will bold the papera to-Uon. a.nd don't pay more. Earl W. Stenley , member of tbe lc tl•ult·ll apprhlllmnh ·ly 34 ('4'r a ir r ommnC"e, art a rew ot tb-~tetlin In bundlra. 'l'!leo put them • • • BACK 'I'IIE ATI'ACK City Council and Chamber ot COm- cf'nl UJK)n n.ral alate hlgbway11. n, . .,. 1nrluenrn . whk b. 1n tbe .... ,aloof aldco tht' traab ooatalnu In "I g ot ·a 11'nu . v~ .. nM.~ ·'"~·~ BUY MORI!: THAN Bl:n)RI!:• merce aecretary, Harry Welch. 1:1 1""1 •rnl up<m ruraJ t'ouoty loo·, r•t tne n •mmltlee, wUJ eaua Yelllr a.llt)' ronvt'nk'tlt for the Cltyl all God'• cbWUD aot--~-~ r ud~ 1111d tJ3 ~r crnt u110n city ( 'nltfurnl~t'• population t.o l.llerea.el mto to tllct' away. 'n.t bwldiH eYt'n If thry're n-u t hey '· "·' t '-'•dll alre;;le All no·Rrly u • ftll IJI' cJ•"j iiiJo oily rc.llnw11.1.: tht eta. at UN will be hauled t.o tbe city dump! one red C'eDl m rrt• WI'H h·~~ I• l"llltllt••l. 7~. p..r 1' nt nf th•' ttola.l \\ltr Tlwl<f' n"w acllviUN &Dd p-ounda &Ddlhthent etored Wltll lifted rertaln reatrictJooa on 8boee :<l••·f'l tat\ol hliih'"·•V t.IIW' oc•~1r1 l.ap•..tlv .:ruw1ng p<lpulallon wW rnoue1Jia J'~ end to -*'• • b6r which mean we'U .:1011 be all&e t.o upuo nc.l tu ··~• <·<~I 10 t>< r f"f'lll t•l Jtllll ~' · liUt'h an ever LDc--haulln' to e ~ _.ol buy more at,Ylu a.nd culnre. entl I --~rrrmbPr lbe ,.,..... .... ftOt or I at' air• 1 '" wliJ liiKh'" R)'& .,, lbe bllr>h:-n upon ~ exlJIU"• ht-a., A prom lees no r rf'IIJ'<! an pnce t 1 • -. -~-1 burned Only truill .. d<Mlroyed I "~I h~ .. ltv• ~ .. • "nnual num~~~~~· ','" ~!:~I,•'• that a.n t!&rly camp&et.e 'nit bund.lre r>f paper ro ta.ck lotn y " do -~'-• • bu • ~ .. ~ • • • '... 11 a· ..... ~ • wn may ~ autlclpated.. th . maktn " . g .... ya &rt' put. t lnrrt ..... lll m·•tur VI'IIIC'It' regull ,.,.. J fl \'ll'W (If the rorec~. t.be ~.: ~dr:~.,.. whl:h ~I don't forget the hot. d o gil that I :~~~~~~ ~~:~~~~~;~! ~:~; ~.~~:~~~ :~e:~~ ~~":.~':~t:."~t·~l~ ~h~~~l ~·U:::!v: nrfded to c&rry ._on Ule W:Car I r;:r ~=;~~e~t'~~:: ~~~~e pn:::: lrall••n tu • lff'lllnu.. at thla ratr, that no t1m., be t01t 1D bectDNDr · w ith the whole fa.mUy, Mrl. Am·J 111 t ile • I· •Ill' 1 t UI:,O ( "'lhfnrnla 1 1 ht• t:onl!trucunn nt a modern ay. 8~ ~ no bor.. wn er1!'a •·Ill find them euy on bolb r .. gtet.A!red 11ut umoblln ant! t rucka ll'm nr urben·rur"l llmlt.ed a.cc-lhf' hill, ration book l&lld poek~t book. W 8 EH hadJoeal N...- ba.turtlaONS Meh M 8 ...... 1111 ... Craaki--. &nltaWlhJ, l•l•••wN._B ... act.e la&erfer. wltJa JOUI' wol'lt • apoQ ,....,. tood u.-. take Dr.llltlllnl11 hl~hwaya. But come on foot, a. r -rarl • • atlll. With m~arly all proc-d vee~ Corona del Mar New• And all tht' lovlleat tl'llnl(ll table• remover! from ratlonln~ lhrre he a.fter Septembl'r 17, !ofrll America 1 By Bt'ule Be,nedlct 1 ('llmr l imply 110, It ~ml In will be ablr tn ~nd her r recloWI _ rcr blue point" for fruits and julcra Mr and Mre llra..!t'n Flocb ar. £dna St. VIncent Millay which ltllll rt>qulre blue rolnlll. Act- ~ndcng lhf' wt•ek end ln U. An· l lnj:' with 1pted, Ule OP A rt>mnved Jffle•. Wht-n· I hry llUW hla parenia, and PatrlolJI .,f wtrlrh &h,. 1111 nnw 1\ll pr()("eu<'d vegt>ta!Jil'll except t.t r. and Mr11. Mort on Flncb, off for II1Air ~eenrlllnKJII1 ; the Olllughtrrll I• matM11 an(j torr.ato ~:&bur rrom tht:lr home In Mempbla, TtDD. 11M nt Amt"rl<'lln C"olonlllta. To be a rationing when lht-\\'llr fo'no..l Ad· Morton '"'ncha' were hne to at· rrembu or thf' Daughtrr• , nf ministration rrvraled 11\Jppllrs n• tl'flo the ,..., tnt we•ldtng ot lbl'lr F'oundt"rs Rntl Patrlola, one muat thoco1 •ann!'d ltl'ms "'"" ndequatf' gT8.11tlcJaughll'r , fo'Tancea, and Ber· bavr flll annatnr who had ~l'n In In wa rrant ~rh a rllon I n&rd Henry· lht' ~vnlullun IUid hie a.nre11tnrs In 1 • • • Mr11. 0fl0rge Hnlt, "'lfe Of Capt. Azrer1f'a 114-fnr~ lf3l'IO. anti nr tbe l'\kt('R "'"Y bt' bluP hut not rR- IIvll of Santa Alia A1r Sa., left Daul[htPrft ,., Amo•Mcan Cnlnol~b•, l>on tokc•n11 811t•r O<•tnlwr lift OPA on II hurt lf.J trip. \Vedn~y. to 1, havt ann• at ore whe> came lwfort:' nnn•u•n1 f'll Cnr 111 tf>r l•lnt dill•• hh1,.1 Wa.lla Walla. Wuh to ~ ber th~' Htn •luntle>nary Wlr. Mra I tokPn" will bl' d:ecuntlnuwt a n.J rather, Mr. Leeter. wbo bu been ltfo!"k b&l t}('f'n rl'gialrar f••r lh•· blut' rath n 11tamrs aJnn" wall be ~rl(t\UIIy Ill. Tht Hnlla will realde Ju t fnur \'t'llrl fnr thco Daughtl'rll nf'l"olt>d fllr thl' pur, hiUI<' Of <'&nne J 111 Hu .. l IUld r oppy, when abe re-ot Colonl~ Wara, which lnr ltHh' rru1t~ 111111 jull'""· rannerl toruetDf'll. t um • Frc .. mla are ca.rtnr for tht Indian WIU'li,Pequot. King rat.I!II J• am! r hUi Milt"<· Fnn•l pnlnl Mr• Hnlt'11 rhlldren, Fritzie a.nd Phillip, lind F'rmch. In fact. Mrl! •nluPII Will ~ !OI't ur In lfla<'h a ll1atncta. "'bill! aht' 11 coo'-It! one 11 truly a Dau,r;hur of Am· w11y lh11t mo11t Item• rema.lnlnr Mr a.nd .,,. Harry A. Staudt, er!ca · under raUont.ug wW be worth 10, •• . - your cancelled TENPLAN check • 7\ There's no room for doubt when ~ you pay a btll by TENPI..AN checlc. Your check-properly e ndorsed and c.;,ncelled -1s., proof of payment v·hicr c~n never be citspul~:'. TENPLAN checks are a real conve nience-the y he lp you save ltme, hres, gt~soline. Open your TENPI..AN ~ccount today at a ny branch of Bank of Amenca. Buy ten chec~s for $1 in a neat packet. You need keep only enouqh money on deposit in the bank to cove r the checks you write. - 111•111 repCt•~ D. l l lf 1•111...-CC III,IIAtll. • .. U U &I riiiiAL lllliH IYitt• 310 ~tariJold a\•enue. enttrtaiMd LAlfl Yarc.h Mra Morae pr"He'Dl· 20 or 30 polnta enabling hmae- Mr. anti Mrs 0..1gbt Thurwun I'd lhe Edward Hayftl Mone Mem-wine to u~e tbelr 10 point blue "&lld daufhter, Joy ot El S tJ'.Indo, nrtal ObHrvatory u a rUt to lhe ata.mpt~ "'lthout chanrt being nl'ed· a.n.1 ltfr. and Mra. f)lgby Tbur.nn Orddeol&l college In memory of c'd. Thr P' lnla to keep In mind 1 •lf Lna Anrrlu, recently. Mra. btr buaband. Edward H a y ~ 1 nrt> t ht'IW M M! America. 1 P l.:by ThurMOn Ill the dau,hter of )!nnw. a well known a.mateur 1. You "l\Y, Ulte blue tokeoa ~~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mr. a.nd Mra. StAuch. I IIJlronomer ot Altadena C'allf Julft 1\11 you f:ale been uelng them I . M~ a,od Mra Cordou Sl~. 327 While a atudeot In high ~hoc•l In unto Srpl 17 ~~~r. UIIIIIR avtonue. &rl' vacaU011Ing sew OTlt'&na, he becamr lntf'rt'tltt'd I 2 After that Urr.r you will r e- lf ,... M DOt .. Dr. ~ at Forre.t Home, tor two weeks. 10 f'lectr•clty, e<>und r«ordlng• Cf'l\'f' nn blut> tokrns tn change. N•mne JOG ean'\ know wba& 'it l.fre. Edw~rd Aforato. 316 P ion· Md reproducing d<'VIcu n.nol t he 3 And IIR" all ~ nur blue t okena i1!lu~e .~:tli!'~nfatT-:bl~ 81'11 111. rntt-rtalnl'll Prof and Mra l making of 1\3. tronomlcal lnl'lnl· by lht' IM t .Jny I)( September be· ,_ both equallJ aoothlnw to l:•·rlll'l ,.~ \\' Multlera, Loe An· me,otl. Ht' lllarted making a tele-caW!e artl'r that dntl' UJey are no ~ and Oftr-'IFT'Oqht nerT-. K•·lt·:oo <t'<'l'ntly l'rnt. Mulden, 11 IICope mlrTor. an B-lnt h l:lll$! Ji:Ot>tl. • Before You Build or Remodel .... IANTA ANA WBT DON7 TOU TilT IT f to·n • h•·• "' ;utruf'h}'lfl<'ll a.nd utn .. grinding Mtl pnllahlng 11 Md <'on: 4 Th,. llll'l two wt-rke In Sep-K-~-;;;: It at ·,oor clna -~)' Ml M, I ujeontv l l'i'llh•s• Mra. lltnrcttng-~1' motii'TttrTJr tll' 1111'(1: tem~r UerYetiC'tnt tlblell as• ~'"'~ M· f!«' !I " llll'ml ... •r or lhe D.A.H. made a flftf't>n-lncb anti II lllX· JOth 1" bl' PXUI Wt' <'an apend Uquld l$t ead 11.00. Read diree: nf I'IIJ<:~•It•nfl. <>I whu h •he hal Inch a.nd an elght-ln~h nliiTOI' lt•r our blul' pulnl.'l only In groupa of rillt oar llltere.UDr aample a.nd tU.plaJ roome. Color ru.lclea. planolq al4a, eom· p~naiYe etodl ol nap, Uons aad ... oniJ M dlrec1.ecl. 11·•'•'11 r• gu•ltur. ""'' IOlall' genelll-two "rlcbf leh.l" l('le«:OJ>t'&, anrl a tc•n In fiiC't "• ff•ll'o•r l htUl 1•••11 "J.:h•t lh•• L•aughil'lll uf F'Hundt'l'!t dr1vlng clock ot hla own lnvt-ntl(<n luk•na can be u~d a.nd It you don't Rup aud Carpet. <::Jearted, Repaired ANY MAKE 100% Credit · 12. Mos. to Pay Painted Waxed and Polished Fenders Straightened Bodies Repaired Frames Straightened Wheel~ Aligned Motors Overhauled \ Motors Rebored ALL WORK GUARANTEED HARRISON PONTIAC co. SANTA ANA Cor lhe flfttorn-lnch teleat"ope H<' hllva• 1"11 Y"11 <"an flOt>l ynur tl~\'1'11 wu a member or t.br Alllronnm -with II 0~'11/hboJr!O thrPt' tn makl' lca.l Socltty nt thr Pacifl<'. tbto lht "''llthn•o t.·n Roya.l Aetronomlcal Roc1t't v .. r • • • Canada and a mrmber .,, lhl' intl'r· l'\h•~t·~ S::(t(l '100-n r>lllr Thnt·~ national TYI>CI~rt"aphlcal Union ((lr l lnflatu>n That's su·tunlly whal l more lba.n furty yt'ars, w:U! 8 Y•JII ~ 1 u11! pay_ today for a pair of Muon a.nd a mf'mbtr of the-SC'Ol· I S6 shnc•" Ill '.re",. whr "' inOa- Uah Rite II~> tlat•d May .!ntl l!ll3 tlon hull "'" w1ld In Greecr , 1 Mra. Morae lbougbt It fllt.lng hous .. v. I\'<'S llrl' nnt !"<'minded to lbat the teii'>I!Cn('4'a lfhoulu f.! rhe<'k Ctlling pnt·c·~ •m lht••r-pur- l wbert youna-people" would benet.'~ 1 1'""''8 . lht'r<· a rt.' no ceallng prieu from the yeora of l11llor whl<'h bt J lht• ~:~ky s lh•• h1011 liut hrr·e I bad put In lta h111 life work llll hr ' ~ AmPrlrl'l WI' have price con· had a.lwaye been lnterea~ed 1D ol a.n~ 11'• up lo ua to lreep It you~ people a.nd enjoyt'd l!hnwlng work.nJ:I n ,.., k ynllr '•·•tan;: UMm lb ~ ri 1 priCt'll llt.•l pnv no murr e my ... e ea o 4-~tronomy. • • • I A I k 1 -S UH~, r Ill METHOD .. A::-Alka-Seluer, at&rt tatun I' It at once to relieve the Dull, Aehlnc Uead, a.nd tbe Slilr, Sor. Muaclea. I -Be careful, n oid drafll and ndden Cbai\W't'l In umpera· tu.re. Rl'al -pre(rrabiJ Ia bed. Keep warm, •t arnal· biJ, drink p'-ntJ of water or fn~it juit'ta. Be aur. to r-t e~~ourh Vltamlna. C -Comfort ,_,. Sor., RupJ Throet, If caued by the eold. ., ....., ... wit.la Alka-.s.Jt- aer. U ,_ clrnlopa, or •Jill~ ~eeoae tt~or. acute call,_ doctor. 1\ ~Ut.~-SELTZ&R Ia a paln ,.._ '"'n•, alkallalaw table~ plf'&llant .. teke aad uaaGaliJ Cet>th•e Ia ectlon. 'fake It f« w.-...-. •-•ler ........ , ... J..-fj-,. •• :, ... ,~., ... IIR•·h•J;: tr .. ul,l<' l'fln\'lndng your ~~~tll'llll:hler he •hould ~Ye up For l'ou.r Sip PUONE 8'7 BENEDICT 1btl Sip M.aa Speda.lty: Boat Lett.-rtnJ: 1..:=;_ 1(ou Af#Ut J/(WII i Yrtamins A and D Yoa mG8t be.. Vlta~ran A I. • ajd la prot.ction a r1ina1 l •nfectlo•• wblcb are morr likelJ .. eccUI' l.n tb• no•~ throet, .,_, ean and •inu.c ~ • .._ ._.lea .. f lclen')' .,. \We .t._IL Y01 ..... Vlt8ala D ~o htl· the ._., .. b proper uu <> .. eaJcl-~ pboepb«\1a II ,..~ If 1•• •r• aet 11ttin ~ 1 .... ,. al tMet two l•porun 1 "'...._. ... •• eON It-A-DA 't ~ VI-A an• D Tat> 1 k~ -.y .., .ad tnaure jou• 1 __.,......_..... f 1 LUDLUM Carpet Works ll%t South Ma.ln St. Pboae 8aDte Aaa taN BANTA ANA Fresh Daily Dellclou• Sea. Food; Or. complt'lf' squlp~t whm you WIU11 to catch your own. -~ HORMEN FISH MARKET ON CENTAAL AVENUE, NEWPORT BEACH BA\' FISHING IS GOOD AT THE PAVILION AT BALBOA Boa111 for Rent a t R<•ason:~ble Prlces-L i\·e fialt Available llt'EWJ'O~T BA \' INVESTM~NT 00. Ro"~ «•rfflf'y • COrnera.l ~lana~rrr NEWPORT TACKLE STORE ED SLOCOMB • MANAGER Bait-Tackle· Fishing Information NI:\\'PORT BEACH The Fam()us Sportfisher '' CRESCE-NT '' tlldf F t al ~ Capt. George McMillan s-t1LL LEAVING D~AIL "i lt 6 A. M . ,_ .... ~ ... when ca .... N bt u.~u -...ada acid. At ,._.. dn11r ••--Larrr• ---.. Atf. iltnall pa,-kAif<! J ... ., u-e-'lrla.u al a....Cil ~ountaina. ,. ONE J!l DAY :,' , <r..w,...,.. , .. .._ ........... , •== .. :====== .... ~==:::::::.==~ ·r...e 141 ,._ ______________ .. _._•o.. ____ -w_~_d_~~·-"--n~~~·~·::·:·J SCOTT'S Lilli II m • II )le(ording Outfit For SAAAB, Due to VFW Aux. :;:~::;:;rmoN IEWS-TIMES CLASSIFIED OPPORTUNiTIES There Ia now an urgent need tor 11ta11t'<1 and the lima bean •·utUo~ Co&stlin~ POIII AuxiUary. Vf't· bund~ worken1 to belp ancl lll&•·ktng •• well under way erans ol Fort"lgn Wars. of C'ot!la ~~8t<it~~J~t~ -•;;;•;-;;;I:;;;;E::-A_D_F_O~I==='~R~O~F~I..:._T =-·-:--:•_U=-=-S E=--..:.F-=0-=R~I:..:E~S::..:U::..:L~T:...:S~•-• IC BEVERAGES. ., .... WANTED I n.TRN111TRE FOR fjA.J.It-. FOR 8AI.F-Att'IUJ FOR "AJ.r,_ nAJrv••aunr vital food crop• In 'l"ht 19U walnut crop la uti· M('S&, h<>ld a cooke-d food 11nd rum· cou nty, according to mated abc:>ut"\!oubl~ tb:at ot lut rnag.-ul~ on fl'rlday and Ita pro-~-.1.16& .., WANTEI" ''"'or woman FOR. SALE } wat.,.. f'OR ~ALf: ':l!l 1"wta;••, 4·di"'r .!'"'_REAL ESTATE for pn.tal hot~l IY"r'k Balboa Wlto•h uUtl'oC\I•r•l nullnr. :I\~ h J' cUll, 1\ .... -WIIf ti,..·~. out n-tl'f'llll~. laD. F'tlon~ !llt"''l""rl 1100 6S lfr •M~ Nanta A nil An , N~wpo~rt r"c11o $7Jt7 ~ Stolrtotl 111 l\nlt)<tn R. Wella, labor placement aean WaJnuu are dropplnf early 1 Ct'('Cis far surpasaed their fondclt To Whom It May Concel'ft: lmf~ .. g~r of the agricultural nten· Uala y .. a r and grower n-quut. for I hopt>s with the ca.<~h ~elstl'r rt"' Nollct~ 1.1 !~ere by Jiven Ulat tlf· J..IRTINOS WANTED Rat~• Traol~• ~taM per cent or the or· llally Thf' r&rm l&bor ortlce hu This sum l.~ to be uaf'd for pur-the unde,...l[l\-.:1 P~ t.o MU HELP WA Nn;f' llnunholol hl''p . Santa Ana. l "hakera and picker• Ia mountmc cording $1~ at the t'nd of the day. I teen daye attn-the above dat., llnr h l'h t K!'I().It 7n-trr Gllrllll•' 706 f• "">' Aw , Hnl· e crop remaana t o be harvul~d bef'n rel•rulllng family groupe for chase or a n'<.'Ording machine ror 'lllcohnllc beverqu at tll.-prem· W ~or •l~v ~~'ltt'o·lll'l\1 pn\' "''II !<AI.t: T"l" '"""'"· •prlnl'•• In orde r to get lhla fn1!t I hlln·llln!' lh!a yE-tu 'a cr op. but the-pataenlll 111 S11nta An11 Army INa. ducr lbed u foUowa; P1L lllf1·tol 611-t ft• mnt 1 "'''"'s. t .. llt•·• t•tu1tr• tiO and ahapp<>d by the middle muny nHore are n<'f'<lt'd. At the Air Bn!lt' h<Miptlal. C.alno Cafe. 102 Mai.D 8t., Bal-VW'I.P w ::--~'TL A•·,.•·la A,.,., 1·,11,,1111 ,,.,1 Mar tlnlt l'h 'J'.~ 7•1 ~tr fl'lH ~At.ll: ':\11 1'1\'flll'lllh C'I>UJ"'- TIIIJO o•11r wll.t.. '"' ... s.t al an at· I rarl lvc• l'fk•· 1\alh"a Mill""'· 70t1 1<: 11.-v "''•' lltllln* l'h. 2211 . 74 211' A. L. Mc DOWKLL l.tt·•·•-d ti~>AI J:lllal~ Broker ~1114 ',, .. , ntvd , N"WJ'IIr1 Ueacla f'h<lllf' Nf'Wl"'rl uu lattE-r part of October. 200 nlrti l;a·cso·nt llmr rf'crultment ur men Mrs. 0 . M. Dodd all chairman ol boa/Newport Beach. ~ "'' r:n l':x~rl .. nrf'•l l 7:!-ttr ker» will be required. fur !fhllklnj( Ia alnw but With grow· thl' way11 and mt•ao~ rommilll'<' 11~-Pun uanl to •uch lntanUon, the ... to W\>rk In J.Jqut'r ::;tnr•' 1 Pickl.l& tom&t.oea on the 2:>00 t'l's wlllinl:' to off~r a aubltanlh•l sistC'd by Mrs. Dolon:ot Morri&on, undenllfned la applrm. to the N"'JK!rt lt~V•'fll«l' l~n . 21t1 1 FOI< SA I .Jr. 'J piN'" uvrrlll utrf\;1 TI·UC' l''tllt t-IA I JC !\.h,.•lr.•IIA hOU8e 1• 1••1 ''II" 1114, l !\71\11 'l"'fornw. 41• •·llf>llrount, 7 yr olrl hn1we l.o M 111uvf'<l nu n toi\r• In ~ huute• ""'' 11'"111 h II nan.tt. 1\110 N•wt~<•rt 1\lv•l C'rt~~la M--. rea ln Orange county hu atart-wage for t hlll work It s. hop..d that was ln cha~ of the aale of t.M Stale Board Of Equaltaallon for ~ P'tont Nt•Wtl'•rl llra.·h ""'· ,.,,,.,., AIHI ··hair, ma1o>On ; for bolb the market and can· m rn rray 1100n be obl&lned. culinary dcllcaclell which Wl"nt llk~ ta.lanc• ol an alcobolk: be•.,..... 8~-ttr whitt' IHbl.-"lth l'o h•AYU , 4 FOH s A l.to: 111:\11 M••lrl A "'""' Tvma.to ~·era are now In ml~~eellanmua tann acUvltlt • dt>w befOJ"f' thl" morning sun. leav· llceoae for llcl'naul tor ~ ~8 \\' ANTF.JI 90 houn d1alra. •lnjtte two.t wtth n~w !'OIJI"' httnl '"I' "'''"r •w•r· hault••l '""' K""rtt)lt<'f'•l ll&lhn• Moifo•nt 706 to: lt.y AVC', l\albol4l l'h 221\ 14·2\.C' ln need of workera ln tbe llll're I• ntt'd for 111llkera. tractor ing the aft<>rnoon for patrons t o prerntau u foUowa: _, ..... 11 '"'-._1 11 f " I . bux .,,rtnl(• anol ti>Aitff',.. I h h On aaJe-Beer A Wlne r-' ... un ., m•· ''r ~un tlt'ld. Oj>('ratou and ll heavy demand tor conc<"ntrate on t e n.tJT\I1\II.&e ar-· d&J& IIH 11 ~lmnn.nn at 7311 t 1!\411-W aftrr • I' 111 :!ott lluby of black eye bt>ans I• I peat control workcon. pnncipally tiCit>i.. All members ol the oraanl· On Salt' Dlatllled Splrit... ._ &or. l J N rt lk u' Avt . lla lhc•a h lan.t 'U.·•"' Tl·ltP and threabln 11 hu Hf'••Y•·n• zation h<'.!pcd to make the arralr Anyooco ck•lrinc to proult tbe r · rwpo ac -• • __ _ §UCh an ouutandln~: IUl'CI'SS, as U.wLnce of •uc-b llcellft ta l may _.,•r 7 I'm 72·41 P J Jo'llH SAI.F. ('unk "'"''"'· hlllh B L • 1 Wl'll a.~ th<' many ""trona who fUe a vertfled protei\ w ltb tbe HJ:LP WANT t-:ll H•tottol'kr~su·r 2 o>vf'n fuur hunu•r, '"''' •prln<•· .. -·on ~At.F: ·:.:~ (~., ••• , ...... ,....,,.n T'hl• r ar Juat ,..... palnlf'<l ~tua o••l al II&IIM<a lla"l"· 71~ to~ lillY Avo• Halhcl& 1'1\. 2~ WA.N'J'ED TO RENT \\'ANTY.JI Tn rrnl or l\uy amall plan11 of 1 1)\111 mallr l'tL Nrt Jl, h I litO 11-Ue us ane, s. A. to 1944 purchased durin& tht-1day. Slate Board of Equ&llUUoo al Ill famUy 1'1111111' Nl't ... ~, tln I Zl'l·lh h'e t:.,~. c·hlld'• blryd•. ----lary will tx> held at the Mesa Lot· .JTOUII~ fur denl.al aa prcwkSM bJ ----t 'c•• llh••t . No•ws>urt n .. :t• h br 7t·:ltc· ...... ,... Beach TIDE TABjS Th<> next me<'tlnt: of tht> auxll· Sacramento, c.ltlornla. --~ 7:!-•t• \ 18011\J tl,..,. O.n be -n at 3702 111 cion hall on Friday . October 6 at law. WANTED ::uowo•t•e ''' "o lau,";:1 lWHn tl IU'hl !'1. 73·411• ------------- WI am Galllenne. ~n>tary-Hleh Law lAW which final arranaernents will LOUIS VERWEY *7 for family llf thrf'e. In yuur I BOA 'I'M. 811PPI.fm ,..,,,..,,,._ .. ~ the Huntlna-ton Bl'ach IIEPTEMB£,. be made for turrung the monf'y No. JITI boiDe. Ph Nt•t 13 "r 2t22 n·•· I t>'OH ~ALF. Arion ptano. ,.nn- commerce finished nt>· Wd 27 7:21 12:17 1:10 over to th~ proper authoritll"S for Pub· SepL 26, 1Ht alap. 7!\·tr··~ '"""'' 104 .::•11• 1'1 . N~wp.•rt RQA~ 114lt. Rnld aDd Ttad.cl \\'A N'l'ICII T n N>nt II ur 1 nw- huuM Will fl4l)' 11ft lu t1J8 ...... l1a• C'lthf'r by y•ar ot u.tll Jun~ 181 K W Kun•4'1. P 0 . t~·~ tll!\11, l'ant a An•. calif. today with Mr. J . B.' . ha r hi d '"'···II 7!\ •• Mann• ICita1nN Met l'art. of th M w Bu I' 4.1 2.1 U pure se o the rnac ne a n a de-_,.... •c •·rrtUTY h . . f' WAlt IN'" " l'' . '~ re . ~ . . s tnt'S, to Th 28 7:50 1:18 7:f¥7 1:01 dsion as to US(' of thl' addlUonal ru-" na ur><'nlnR fur "' 1< • .,Av E AND lmmC'dlat~ operation.!! be· · ,.,. LOST AND POUND l.aa&lt rluk W1111 ~ nroat. AC· Jo'I)H ~A t.Jo-: Tw .. lnllla dnt~tlel . WII'O. C'O -- 11·4tp this city and Santa Ana . 4.5 ~.2 U ...,.. sum. C!W'Illl IUld upRhlf' ,,f mf'l'llnl!l "'!:" t:l7 Ahnlo""' A"'' llalbf>A Soto W C.ntral Av• Ptl. JUI·W ~ANT TO tUI!NT HoUM Oft ..... transpo~atlon commill('(', rNew cla)'llsbt ••tns u-1 LOST SAturday bt-l ween Ya.cbt public AvaiiAh lily t'••rtlfll'lll~ I IAIM<I H ·lll' N .. .,.,,.. H..,.b, <'aiU he,. S.land fur wlniM •ontha. Culbenson chairman. has Llpt fiiN .... L m.; c~ar• "-",.. •· .. 249 ~008 of dub :lnd 11th Sl.. lar·~-e Manila requortd AJlply, •tatana 14:"· l'l< "tte (\IUJIIf'. nn J'f'la. no wild ,.r~.~ ... working to brine about this Tad .. are placed In order of eccu~ envelope conta!nlnc boat pe.pen1. perkll<'~. rotr tn Om1 "~' t'/f• ON< To " yo•a r Wt·M.t.l.an trumllu"' --f .. at c•a,. "' property .-.PifCI. n~ service. Thl' bull Mac erel Monday lteturn tu Frllnk Slmpeon Jr.. N.w•Timn 73·2tC' I C'Unii'·'"Y "•""' .. hll!;tl dearan•·• HIIAT )"'ft !-IAI.t-: Ollr W""'l ll· ('&1, P'nlnll Rlrh. Mt. Tl-ttc will make hourly trip!! and Mra Ha lph Egf' of the C'hambl'r Newport Harbor Yacbl Club. In rrlt'hr11tlnn ,,f thr lr ANNI· pullt'nr,~r .,....,;! ho>a t. noakf'• !\0 ~ travel via fivl' points, Litxony of Commo:r ce Blaff la on a vaca · Tbe mackel't'l cat<·h r.tond~ty Rew&nJ H ·ltc: WOMAN lJN ATIAI"HY.n l\11 1•11 v•:HSAH y ~hi• yc•ar It• 11,.. mllta, l'rH·• lllle~ M~ • ~Ill r--~--.LANIX)US Ocean VIew, and Winters· lion ~llh hf'r huaband tv the lm· l't'a.ched a new high loa the ~n --------------::t IIJ'ht offk e •·t•rk. ''"Pf'rlt'nr••l :l!'llh 811,1 unni'IIAI M vtnr• .,,.. Rl , Nrt 11•:11 I'll 1117 W .,.._,., .. UPJ-COUITI:RY AND CAi\Pif Sml'ltzer. Midway City, perla.l' v .. u .. y. Lila M.-rrlt l, form-wiUl 249 lon• hroughl In to IOCIJ.I TRAN8PORTA110N JVr1t ~;··~r~ tn.S.I\ry <llfl'll ,tlfrt't'll HI 1'\'rc·v \.,, .. rtt'n.nt MAHINl<~ UAIU IAIN~ In •a• f'l"anlna In the twltDe. ftenMr "" tl'r, BoiM, via First ,.,. <:.'or C. aecretary. i.e fUII.og t•annerlea. o r lhla amount We•t-BlCYCa....a:8---8o&4 ...., .... or ,. • ~ ox •. c>w•· rtmu tlrr~·• Ju"t " ff'W tAnk• no~l and reela, ma•·krr~l urialnal rnlor•: !rlv• new ... -. Santa Ana. an on her old job. t'rn ("ann•'rll, Inc .. Y't'celved 67 ton.. pe.lred. Vccet'a, 30. MaiD S\. ---73·4tt• ~ J'l' Ill\ An ... , WA• lt211 &0 and mw aunnllfla lU.ao·o•M Wnrll 1'\lAr&lltHd. l'hone Npt. t11e West Cn .. l haol 8:f lt>NI a.nol lbe -----, ,,,. ~· 2211 ?l ... tp Balboct and 208 Martae A••UII, HICU' WAN1'1':() t.:HI\' to , ... ,... Ill>\\' IKII (_.1 l•nttlnJ, \!\01 L'<>ut lltahwav. Caltlornl& .M.arlnc 99 tona. · ...._ ' Balboa lai&D4. 11-tt: for 2 emall children evf't)' 1-'rl· ,.. l:l Nort ,_._ .. ., Hu11 waa 1:u to NeWtKlrt. 71·41•· ONIC llA Y Rl!lCAI• .. I"O --'" U-,.. Tut-a.lay'• calt-h 11'11 below that 1 " '" -da)' Will fumJ11h t t~tnlll"'r1 R· no ow Ill •• ~ rwpatr •"k'e. Nn prklrity ....,.._ ol ~tvnda)'. with an utlmated 158 MISCEJ.LANIX>VS Uoll r>h. Npt Br h 771< Mt ' II :1 r·· B.-tl llrMICO ~ .. , .... 1411 60 IUlWI IIIA~' ,...,ll I'I ALJr. ItO Wr aary for •r•de "A". tom• t o be bmuc bt ln. Wut.em FOR SALE--D. Young, 822 S.a.con St .. New n•>W 139 til'> Wall&,., 71111 VIa l..loln Hcnad Qlllllll)' lf)'nlhetlt• nJIDtllll'....-.......,.,.,,_ Cft.nner1 r~purtt'd ~!> tunA broughl port lf~IJ'hU 74•11,. Boll Rprtn..:• II Mall ( ·umu•n•·l 7:l·4tp your car In the ln. the w~st CntUit had :w1 and FOR S ALE Spray pe.llltlnc out· u JH ItO U7 77 Gregory Gorby utarnate J 45 l ora rn complete. 6·tra1. pre.ure pot. 1-'1 u"~, "''~ I "rll nowi :Zt ~ ••ott H A J.lr. HI n ~IAII•>J&IIY 1M' read)' to "'-"'•· AU 1 ...,.._ "'12 '"'tb St. N... .._.. WANTED 1 anll 1 ,..,.. •---•1 bc .. t I :I h Jl L'vl ·•-t ~ hlal•rtala ........ ,___..., br.ught In hl lhl' Cl•llft•rtlla Ala· """'· .., ·-. --Cl<tW 117 fl~ ··-• r. rant....-IIU ·---nne early thS. afternoon Ph.. l217·W. 88-8t.c SKILLED l~all•l• lhHIII'I \\U 17ttl n .. w bt••nl nantnr, trallf'r. nlr• .... T\r. A ft« ..... ~~ fl:. "'hr11l anol ""'· •'a ovu cnve_r. OJ, :lOth II Newport ...... NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TI-MES PHONES: NEWPO&T 1! a 11 Mesa Bridge Section PAPER OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH To Meet Wednesday A DepeedaWe Local ... UtuUoe for (hoer 14 Y..n Th~ Bndgt' ll't'tl"n nf thf' Fr1da v FOR SALE-Power drill,~·. Allo MECHANICS All In Jl'"o(t oundllhHo ,w....,.-;1,-<.,,.Ia W••· '"'· UU. U ·th smaU 1-cyl.. 4-c-ycle motor ault· Jt~1~'."11" wo.• $tO~~~ 0 11 w SMMt R ... alter 4 ~ p m 12e _,.R ... • • able for bike. or earcl tractor. To lteep e-ntl&l .-tlr•l,. •~·lhll~,: I $t •··• Jltt h ~t Nr""l"-'ri o ... "h 72-t tc• rv 0 "._ S40 ~·-1811 Harbor. Ph. 2324-M w• nt'f'ol ... v .. rKI nltlrl' •klllr<l au• 'J , .. l 11lV4"nJ">rt l'(rt w-SIW l't41 ... DOGA. CATS a .... tomobllf mt'f'h!UIIra anol h.-l~rll nuw fi~Y till I"' 1H t-I AJ,¥. Nl'l•tllllf' •IJ ·hur•- FOR SALE-Ideal worklnjC cloadltlona. modern! ~ r• P lnlltr !'lot w•• lt\1 1)11 1.,_.-f '"'""'"rei n1,to•r tl9 P'OI\ MALl: rtrautl.l lnlo,...._. Ia F1SHIKG r Ol,.F: \\ith RE•::t.. 1~. abop 8qUipmmt, t ur I"•Y Mol uvo•r nnw $3t ~~~ -1-:•IK""''"'"' llllll•oa H -ttp ~"11>' 11011 t.:nc-au 1 r •pe.~tt.ae a& I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;...:.,.:.;.;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I Afternoon club Wl ll hold lla fl,;l I m~l'llng of the rlub y~ar Wednea-C'.o&llng, 41 3 E Bay Ave . 8&1· Ume wurll If VIlli "'""' ll l';!r·rt(ly MArty ulh~r 111·m• l(r,.ati.Y tf: halt llflnnef prtl'• call Mn. bon. T4-1tc: pleu11nl \\'clrk now and allf'r the <Ju<'"'' thl• nounth ,_.,,,..,.,, I•Y.K80NAL TAll. NJJI 1\(•h 1101 I Lm l.o APPLICATIONS lOW BEIIG TIIEI for Feeder Plant -of- Hardman Manufacturing -Company These Are Applications Only and NOT Employment Jobs Which Will Be Available the Latter Part of September Pleue Apply: Bob Allen, 914 Cout Hilhway, N~wport Beach this coming Friday from 9 a. m. at 4 :SO p. m. Saturday, 9-.a. DL to 12 noon Har-JDan Manufacturing Company SNOODLES NOW-~E~ 1\ OOT COt'tJE 'fA 'TAKE AN' HOLO ~ '? UU .• LIKE DIS-SEE .. UUltOTH \ IJAltNIT ,,..., ALL ,..,uOOL[O u o (,..., OOWN 'TOw...;.~u"'C.~'f' day afternoon at tht: d ub hu\U!(' Thf'rl' will be ll J eaaert courae servl'll at 12 :30 wllh y ,., FN!d IIQurk and Mrs. C G Hu.lon u hn•ll'Nt'fll, play to follow. Late Class. Ads Balboa Peninsula Ocean Front \'1'111 'round IIIII• 111111 •'M, :J .Vrll •olol, 7 •••t~nt~ 2•:: h1•!hM ''''''JI•t·l· 111'1 '''''" lllol th,qu·~. ,!1 I01L.,, • · 111 r 1 ,. t • 1 ~· 111 rttliiCapt•d and I• 11< • d lu11 to .. ,,,.. ru ul hlt•lnalnt•ln I 1 tit I ,!'. :-•• J4, ( )\\ tlt•f f':l\\\ rPf l l'•.or ll Zt:l t 74-Ztr I WANTED TO BUY WANT TO BIIY Property Ill or around the Harbor dllltrlct Two Iolii preferable, wltb or without bulldlnp. Bu.lne• or ra.ldent.al, or ac~age on lb4t M-. A. - r&r as part pAymrnt. balancf' c-Mh. W rite Bmt 'V, c(o New•· Tlm•·--8 72-ltc \\'A :'liT TO Jill Y f r<•m owner ~ he•tr••orn hnu,•·. ,,._.,,~· t• ..... nr nn no • nn. \\"• ~~ :-;, "~ 40U• tn •illt ll 'l1•·tl \\"nf1ij(" L. Lync-h. l!t I IIJX :lH' ~&lila Ana . 74-:11• --------- Fjshing Boat Bargains SPECIAL: 42-fL s 10-ft., 9-ln. beam; 9-toa lee bole A Bal~a. M ·tt. r .. Wl. ..... MANY OTIIEIUI TO CHOOSI: FIIOM 1118'S LIIDIIG and Yacht Brokerage ... $5600 1111t. aau.. Pit. Np&. .._ 1114 N~ GIT WAY "81-\C.K AM' I'U .. S~O\N YA HOW AI.£~NOER 1 WINDS uP-SEE . - '1' 4 :til 1• nl t ..ltt•r tru. -.. ..... _ war. g,..,. u& tull lly Thl• I• yuur "m "' '"' YIIIJ ""Ill'' t.. a•t marrle4, _,.,. npporhtnlly 111 1(1'1 1wt fur th~ fll· Fr~ Delivery write Uoa 21. Vanm u v.,, Wa.eb 1111 " In <'allf. A K C ret. U turt" 1 McMAJ>ti(N F URNITURE CO. C't\amtllon I.INUI,.. J>n .. t- l'hunl' 2K L ~ "'"' ""'' ltr""''"'")' -:------:------U-·U_c.:__:'~oar_...:ty 11-tlp ., .. r~~~~~~~·~! ·~~~u~~. /1--~t,. Ann '"' 111 utt u,. \ · Prof essipnal Direttory Olatrk\ • "'Ott ~I\ 1.1-: ..,_,,,,., • wnlnul •lin· j Oorr 22]1't 6 c•,.ntnl InK noum M«'t n :-. 1 111 w t-l<art MORnMER 8CUOOL ~-"-.. --A-,,-.. -.. ------- N"""'l"'" 1~""' It H ·2h , l<nll•na l•lt :lln:t 7•·2tr _ * Coral, 8alboa la.I&Jid _ It& NA«'•"• A.,., ~"-11.. -~ c;...,..,.. .. 4 ..... ROOM-FOR RENT 1 'II' ~ '1 1 fM y f«'lfUOI.-()J~n• """'· ta N D CASH IIOl'~J-:IJOI.P l·'UitNI'I1 I HI·: ur..t,..: c nil .• ,.,.,,. r:"1'""" '" · · ~I•NI nnw. Nu•n""" lhnltf'd D V M F't Ill HI':NT Two Ill''' IV f111 utulu·11 t:'" ,., f(~on,,. tn t-.. rt• h """'' It('' F •ur•· ~of ro;.,,.,.._T·Ut•lt ;•··Up Mtt,•l· "'' .. ~.' ,.,,,,.II . II IIH. t I (lq U IH '*' f l •j I tt' .-.t Hll•f IJUU" I'll ~fl,l ";t !:t• Inside Storage 40c per ft. Scrape and Paint Your Boat on Our Convenient \VayR PORT OF SEVEI SEAS RarTJ Oartlflr-Ueeti.,. YMI!t llrokf'r 81'7 Oout Hlchway Pboae. Newport lleadl 949 BACK THE ATI'ACK BUY MORE BONDH T14' .. AAJD is ~V(K•~ f,.~ TH ' E;YE - i~- {>ELU'Z. I pit UNT ~U n ,t\T -;o,..,~'Te" CoMtN' AT ff, If iT MAil< l!L tT ffLT Ll (J, A l'tnrtl,...r M A. Ch;nrd 0 00 •"" CAT HQ4l~IT~ J•hunf' ... ,, t•rtn•'f.-..t .,_"'• •"• lMI .~ , ........... " ........ ,. "'"·· C.llf, ----------. Gordnn M.Grundy, M.D. Phy•lclan and l urg•on Ninth 4nd C~ntr• Av8. Ofttc~ll·•· IQ.t2 a•n , l ·lpm. Teledhone 37 LEROY P. ANDERSON ATTOitN£Y A~ LAW Co•l• ..... Bank Bwll-1111 Phofte 4H Coata M ... Callferllla HAROLD K. GRAUEL CHAPEL "W" Ouraelv .. the Detlar a..e Hy 8e"ln• OUl•ra Uflllt" Ph-a Newpert 111 c .... M••• Calif•"''• BUY NOW City Tax Sale lob A. J. TWIST 107 ceut Highway Phene 2422 COftONA OEL MAlt Conrad Richter, M.D. Ph~elelan and lur ..... o'''" 101 u .. -atreet New.,-rt •aet~ Heu,.a: 10-11 a. m. & 1·1 Ill· "'- Pheft-<)lfloe 1Ut Ita "·.1 DR, C. E. TOHILL PHYIICIAN aN IUftUON -.c.-.~ ................ -,.._..- OffiM IM·W ,..._ lll·lt If N• A-r 0111 ,......_.,1 Dr. M. D. Crawfnrd 0 P T O.M IT,. I IT J!:yea l:ualD.. 01.-rttl.ed n" N~ aoua...,.. COITA MU~ BALTZ MORTUARY CHAPIL BY THI IIA 4t0 Ceaet Blv-. c...... .... .... --........... Phent N-,..-t 41 l Gerald RauRa, M. D. UR. OREO LUCAS Uentl1t • I 11M WNt t:-trat A ... Nf'wport ftMdt ncn v, w. c-tre1, I'll. t611 tH.L•f"-wic H 1~ NO D1Hil-"~n ~~~~~------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~oOLfS Pll. N•WJW>rt ,._..h 10211 If no an••.,, r.all 8111 lit NF;WPOilT ftF.Aflll (r\ gllln~ pro\'eA the leadt>nhlp of the J-..ewtt-nrnee) By ('harlt·H J\1<· '1 anu~ ----"'! , __ ._. .JA('K HA B l .lr Nt-..·11 J.uncl ~~~·n·r\'llf :u;n W . ('rnfr~tl "''''""" l'lwnMt: N""'Port UffiN• IZ:t; ltf·"· lfl:"!ll SEPTIC TANK A CYA'4I•OOJ, t•t MI•JNO ROV Ml 'N07. n t IKnut MI. t"h. Nt•t ,tt·W t 'UP4TA MF;NA, t 'AI.tt'. WHO'S WHO IN HARBOR DISTRICT 'r anrP t A;r ANI) KINDLING WOOD- II V. \\1 ,.,,, 17~i NJ!I Hlv•1 . O•llt.a Mea• 1·..,.,, 1,111111,..r l'h fi!\I'I·J t Gf NfRAI C0NTn ACTOit-l r ... rrlrlfl II ~ tntlllly, :\410 C'unAI RIVI' .• ..., 412 PI&JIJI s.nd r .. "'tructlow I UMO[R (.f)MPANIES I 1 •<M il M•·•" l.l•r f ' "l.et ua b•lp Yfl!t pla n Vfl•tr '"''"" .. rhnfle 41 lllt'r '''"''''I l.ttr1 t,..r <'0 l'bone tl&O ()>&Jilt llltrhw•y at Area.... I ornc.t &UPPU£1 - ro; • .,. 1"•11 lluh"r l 'l•bllahlnJ Co f'tlone•• 12 u . N"'J)Orl lleaiiL P A INTING - N,_pt•rt ""''"'' f'uhllehlnJ Co. PIIGMe: 11 • U N•wp.rt ..._.. lti.AL IITATl. INIUftANCI & NOTARY PUBLic-_. l.o~Pw If Wallare, not W. 0.\nl A._... .... I RUBBllt aTAM,.a-. Nf'Wpori Harbor Jt tS" I OD. ,.._! J1 . 11. N....,.wt 111M1a 'HilKt MITA.L WCNI"-V..a. ,..._, ..... , • .._ 111111111 w..-. o..a .-.. ft.-e ao. YAiti.,.-V ITM._ ' ---~ ....... ._. 1a,11a, ....... RIMIUJ-W. I o '1. f . ~ • ,J .... Harbor Ladies Play Brklp at Ebell Farewell Courtesies For Mrs. NIemeyer Harbor ·Feffiinine Activities Assistance League Memben Meet For Luncheon at Harbor Yacht Club 'ftlt Me.,.. t ~tartMar dlnrkt tlbarinr bolteM bonon for a de· By W1nJ1rec1 Butn .J.. Pbans 12 and 13 -..U lwpilWiitad a t the ftnt llp ttul IUDCe.-t bndre. Mn. P. -tf Jo( 'ft .u a Jut ,.au~ of the aumm n -·--~ tM Santa Ana EbeP v. ParllM and lllre. P'ru\ll Hart· S I d L Q IIOCial eeaeon. before atartlng In 1 p.m. At thl• meetiDc tbe prMI· dent. lllra. T. W.t.on Jay. wW &DJ'IOWice ber commltt-for the coming year . =.. ~~ ~ C:u ~~ mao entertained a roup ot twelve SIIINIJ 10 Be Glllli&~l Is Patricia pang er an ieutenant r gera ~:ar~em:e;:,: :~rku!' ~:.;!,~ ...s r.HaM. 1n the Hardiman hume u a fare· Wed in Pretty Church Ceremony Ha rbor A•latance Le&S"Je met at ~~~:~~:::=;~~~BalhiYH~tau~T~~~ -w~~=d=-=.=.=~==u==o=r=g=e~~-~-a--~-~~-ta-o-,-~~~f~o;r ~~~~:~b;:;;;~~:~:~~~a~y~.~~~b~m~~~-tiiB~i~r~t}h~d~a~y~Dinn~rfur Mf7, lllr& 8 -Rutherford. lllre. n.tende4 trlfl-&broufh &he..... the fall eeuon wu 801eau~l%ed on Witt Clinton Higll .:hoot tu New ber bringtng a gueat. B e verly H ills Man The fUUU were -ted at amall '·~ Saturday anemoon at tlve when York City_ He entered eervice M w ll H bb d Jr wu In lin. H. W. 8HC•r. Mre. table. cally decont .. d With color-Saturday. St•J>I 30, Wlll bt• gal~:~ Dr J_ F. Will .... -. tblrd. 1111• Patricia Jerroldlne Spangler, wllb tbe United St.atu Army ln n~. a on u I ar d . I A S~day dlnner party bon~d .._,_. and llln. Helen rro.t lui tall n ow. ere' At lhf' <'ln.,. nt nhcht ul the Jlalbou \'llcht clu~·l Slan: lAbor Dla)' hll&tta -daupler of Mr. and Mra. Jerrold January, 1941, and a year later char~e. and ahf' p anne a menu j thl' 74th birthday annlverary of Loe Aqti•, e l a t • r ot 1111"11. tbe luncheon tb• ~onorM wu pN>· with p~sentallon u( lh" M'IL'iOn" llatch, tln;t : w~. ~: 8 ...... Jer ot Newport Beach, be· tran.ft rred to lbe Air Coma. It which Included con.eumme, salad A. B Clevtdenee Beverly Hilla. -... -..-.. I 1 1 , t.-.v..o..1• 0 1 """'"lal tntl'r ,...._ ·11Ar third ..---.--platu with frutt ala1l, chlck_eu st th. •lr hoWl•, · •100 "---ho---w nted wi\JI•a 1r1 for her tr P I rae n.., · .. ,, .. • ~. '"' '-"1•1~ ' · · came the bri<U of F\rel Ueutenant wu whUe lbe lieutenant wu • ~ .. -·~ ,....... Uw O.ta Mesa Frkla.y Bidden fn lhf' artaar wtre .totmNI ,.,, runone lh•· t•vc·nl~ wa.~ llh' La-I R;clboft Dtnchy; Juq wrles Howard E. Orrera. eon or Wr . and training u a cadet at Santa Ana :!o~o~~~:d ~g .:s:t'~~~t r~: Drive. ~dub Wft-. Uw presldmt. Darnll Ktnr, C ... ~. Hand, <..' U l.~Ur Day n'!;lllla, wht(·h had 10 p C. Sunday Munshall Crua, first: M. lllre. VIncent J . Orsera ot New Army AI\' Sue lh&t he and bla bow parfait and coffee. Tabtu Tho.e p~senl to celebrate tbe lin. P. V. Parkft. Ml"'. ~rt E. Rudd. all from Co.l& Ml'll&, Mm~>• t•ntnrs and :1 I r Otn"hlf·~. a~d u MO~"~:IIn. I>«<nd; Dnw Gram. York Ctty, Ia Our Lady of Mount bride met. Havtnr completed 60 were docorsted wHh mlud b<.•u· Ol'culon were Mr and Mre. Huch -. lln. C. B. Rudd. Ml"'. F or-Htnry F.rcert. Helna I<Aia r and l?tul. ol 94 r•nl~,~. nn-urdm.: lo lhtr-d. Jr,lly serift, WedDiedap aanaet C&thoUc church, Father mlutona wtth the 11\tteeotll Air Lynrh. Hunting ton Park ; K r& !'!' BoJdiJ F IC.I"'.w~ Gunninlt r and Bu~. J...lnlll'llbard from Newpurl He ar b, to . C. Dre~ttl·r. chau man or the Ort'w Gram, tint: llar*ll Gram. Bowlt.ac, U.C.L.,G., otflela Uag. Foree In Italy, Lt. Orgeea who ill quell! In pink &nd blue. J ohn Sugga, Denieon, Texu; Mre . ...., • • ,_ • -...-. Wre Harry Welah from Corona dtl r&l'<· romml <'t'. . »«•.nd: M. Morcan. third; Au· Tile brtde entered the eburch on a bombardier, will nport October Members prewnt lncluued Mn· Helen Cburcblll, Mra. Kame BW'Ich llln7 llwdldL Mar: Mra. EU«ene F'f'nf'loo tr .. m Thf' racmg ~am for the Wln-gust st>rtl'l , Sunday. -Manhsll tbe arm of ber father, pa.-ed the Slb at the Atlantic R.edllllribullon damu C. '-Thom. John HIUmao, and Mr. and Mre. Clevideace, Bev· Dalbo&, Mn lAura LeJce and lb~ tr r ~··aiiOII wtll slar1 Oct. 15 tor aJI Gram, tln;l; Drew Grwa. li«<ffd: rowe marked by bouquet. of OMur. Leaving &eptember 28th, T. Wuton JtY· WUII&m Wblte, erly Htue. fUH( of honor from LH.Io lilt rlr•s.•M. anti thfore wtll be racln~ G. Kmt-mer, third; ~ ~. rutn ed white aatere lied with aaUn bl.a bride wUI accompany him Evetett .Gardtnu, R.·H. Hildltkln · Mr. and Mr•. Lvnch have been Dr .& s Newton Wre. Harry Wehlh wu hOIIlna l'Vf'f)' third Sund~ tn ('8Ch month W!'dnesday•-Drew Gnat. Clrsr; bmn, to meet tbe JTOOID before • eut: IIOD. DLXon Smith, J ohn Parke, vlaltore It lbe be~ch home maoy • n.. • on Friday In h.onnr nf Mre Nit-' LhJ'OUWwul the wlntor. Mai"JJall Gram, leC!Oftd; 14. Mor-bower ot wblte tladiolu and Tbe couple len after the rccep-Willard Kllllun, C. Y.. Boutlloot. limes In the put 20 year. and optometrist meyer when llhe ILikt'\1 16 lor an 1 Racmg rNums lor thr .. ummt•r can. third: Labor Dia)' n>ptta . lark.apur. The wbJte aalln gown Uon tCK a few day• at Lake llichard • Cutle, Mary Addia Ab· h&\'e determined to have their own afternoon ot britlf., It wu wtlh At•a!>Qfl haw ~~~ contpth'<lond Ill"«' Dn•w Gram, rln~t ; M&nbaJJ Gram. en train. 10 exqulalte wtth ber ArrowheAd_ Wrtl. Orega wore a bolt. R.odtrick Humham. CenrJi:e I C(ltlage hne. ao have recenUy pur· dell~bt tht jC\Jt "u lf'amf'd Ulat unnuunctod hy F (" 0....-•"'•·r. II.' Sf•N>nd ; M Morr,:an. ,third; RDnnlt' b runette lovellneM, wu fuhloned powder blue •porta ault ·tor ber YnrdJey, Jllml's Ro~;frs. ViclQr chaaed ~ lot on 43rd ltnet. IMn Niemeyer m n~>t Rlhng h .. r follow~.. f'nrlltr claK' Jut) sc r· Colltns, fuur1h. w ith IWtetheart neck and aon trip. Gra c-t-, Donald McCallum, 1-'. to-:. __ _ _ -------- humt'. u Otune Rum~or h.ad It, but I•'' (~ora:~> Strom. t1r11. llnrr) S nowbtrds· Labor D.7 n>gat t<t. front peplum. The brkle'a veil Hrinhold. F:q.gsr R. Hill, H. E . '1;( "(:{ '1;( '1;( "(:{ 'tr ~ ~ ~ p111n1 lu rt-tum to the ltarbor ar•·" Me"'"""~ ~"(:oncl l h•ht>r Ertc·k-&opt :.! -:\ • 4 22 entries Jan•• which aile wore over her face. was R Chriatler and Wsllon Hubbard Jr. \\'laa''• NewT l} •l lbe crmclualon nf bf'r utendf-(1 "'"· lhlrli, AUI{U~I-SI·pll·mht•r "''('• PO"'""'" Urlit, also flret In n.l,:ht of held In place w1UI or.utge biOI · C ub Sco ut a lly F\rll m .. r ting ,,, lhl' dub Yt'Ar {! ...... _ T Sh I trip. h ... 'Orl:l• S•rom. ltr"l llan-y lh<' Sno\loltlnis, Dan Kraenwr. M'" IIOflll aod ft ll to lhe t'Dd or her Draws Larg e Cro wd will be Thurl!~ay at 10 a.m when ~ IIIC oy op l} J:yeefeed _____ -t.k Kinll"Y. ~>•>eond. Ett Wtt.11nt-;~. f'<XItl, Arlhur Pt>nberthy, third; I train. Her only jewelry wu two-__ , the club me~l!! aA a gy-oup st thl' ~ no Martne A ore. ---Pitted Juat a alance ...,_ Newa· lhrn1. I ptllniH ln~·ltul•• l,uhut ~>:ty , All•·n fl('f·k. Cour1h. I str&nd pearls a gtfl of lbe groom. Attesllng the interest that New-R.ed Crose workroom, Balboo. for I{! Balboa lalaad l} ~============~TtmH!!::~'--:dto:~ranl=~p~t------: Gr~.::1rt•~:~'s; 1~'>fln1~,.,.,~~~~~~:~· ~f:.'~ 1 Her bouquet." a ~·bite orchid with port Harbor parent.. b&vt In thf' an all day me<Ung, With IM'Wing r.A. .A. .A. .A. ..A. ..A. ~ ~ ~ • Kl;;,.~y. !ot'Cund, l i..t~·r t.:rr~·k-on, B. and P. W o men l "treamrra of ribbon and atephao·l Cub Scout organl7.atloll, a large t_o_ll_o_we_d_by 8 businelllt session at }..( }..( }..( 7 ( }..( }..( tJunl. p C. I'N'W'~ rn.,• I,J.u h) Ent e rtain Guests nlJ~, reated upon a pure while group or l'ntbu!Masttc trlendJI of ,.. _________________ 111111!_"""1!'1,_ ____ ..., Mf'I('Jtlr, tu~l ; Jlllluml "'""ottd, 1 Bible. IICoutlng galhend In the grammar K•·n <n-an thtnl ---, .. Atlendlnr IIIIa Spangler u IIChool auditorium Friday evening 1 p !B C'P IE W Bl CYCLES Boys' and Girls' RATJOI FREE Use Our BUDGET PLAN I B r· Goodrich Stores ...... ., ... _, ... Fnlcon"'·' July SCfiC'~ Y•lUDf.:• OJX•IIIng Lhe year . ID.Ietll1~1!.: maid or honor wu her coualn, Miss to hear a bout the work t hue !BE.t/2 !Bwwn ea utu cJnoh IOYI', first. on dar~ tlnu•, Shook. mt•nthoJrtj Rnd I (U~IleaJ of wtbte Bu o( Msrguerite Cooper Of Olandale )'OWl&' boyo. not yet old enough t o J r ... ~nd C WurdC'm<m thu'd L nNt3 anol Pro e• 011 OIDCn who wore a dclft·hhte gown, the be Boy Scout.., a~ dolng. .-.c't:v • -• ' l"•·wpc-.rt U~trbor gathe~ In Santi· bot.ll f hi ed f b ad atiD nd L<•WIJI, lounh: Au~:u~t ~" r t ,. ~. t l!."ll ""rk Santa Ana on Tbur!ldt\)' I lthcc ufll oa Wfto rocaklrt.• H r HTnm ~ ... ~~Cu· ptnc:.,b~bJtttncl _!or \'oun~love. ltn.t: T Thumas sc•· " ..-· b, "" a my c oa e . E . ,_.., ..... er, b .,.;OUt e-..er. cond '-Uwis thtrd Malh.:s.n f••r c. tlf'llghUul picnic fol&owed ) I Juliet cap aod old-lunloned boU· who wu unable to be tbere unut founh: July ~rll's -\vo'clnl'sdll): I t:ut-mnving games ot Oootlt' to quf't were of delpbln.lum, .weet later. Introduced the two St~fen· nac~l'~ tor junlont, Schook. l1rst , I th,. amu!M'mtnt hall. peaa and auphaaoua. een boya, wbo Jed the &MI'mbled McK.tbhen. IIC'<.'OIId : y 0 u n g 1 o v ''· The long ;>ic-nlc table laid be-, Serving u beat man wu Don R. g-roup In lbe nag a.tute and the thln1; u-wiJI, fourth; AUitlJ~I -"'•r· nt!&th tnwer ng eucall'lllua tree11, I Durant, former otrtcer of the m()f"(! lban 60 eub1 p~eent 1n their If'S. Wrdnelday r&et~ tor juruors ~u covered wtlh a brtpt yeiJ ()W \Tnittd State• Arrny Air C<>f'PI. promlee. 171 East Eighteenth Street, Costa Mesa Phone Newport 114-W OpeD 'ftnandays, Fridays aad Saturday• SPECIAL APPOINTMENTS for Pennanents Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Youn~lovt.>. first, ror PIRJl!'t'd tune: papt•r cluth centered by ferna and now living In Newport Be3Ch. Bringing a meuage to the boya . Schook, N!COnd; T_ Thomu, third: ora.n.rt can,na flower~~. Ptptnc hot l'@ hertl Wt'rl' Jerrold Spanaier, aod tbelr parent.. on lbe Import· ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ McKtbbf-n, fourth. hamburg er• we~ eerYed from 1 brother or the bride and her ance ot Scouting In thla tlrat atage, : Snlpn: JuJy IIC'rit· l'&hnadge. g rill::: nearby The deUclou picnic I cou•ln. Jack J . Weet IV Lt Vuco Pucci. Santa Ana Army fll"'l , Bob White, ~d: Mu: llllpJ>Cr and briak PJDM tb&t tol-With Mra. V ThomJVIOn at thr Air Due. who le a Unlvl'r81ty of Klnt . tturd; J im Ll·wtll, four1h , lowrd wt~ planned by Mildred coneole. t111·, r organ eelecttooa. Stul Franclec:o jp"&duale later Augu.~t JWriNI, Uob Whitt>, first. ~tiUllty a• hneleM ualeted b7 Alta I "Oh. PromliM' Me." "Liebestraum·· coaching football In Sacramento, , Mu K.tng, N'<'ond; J1m l.I'Wi~. C.orton. .tolalir Rolling, Marl~ and "Ave Marla" were gwen be· urged the adulta of the commua· third; Talmndl!r. fourth; l.11hor Jo:hto•n, .1"''" Rlmmona, C&rnrllr tore the C~'rt>mony with tbe tradl-II)' to ll!.ke the responelbUity or ~:My r'C'Ptl8 Rob White. fln;t. Kf'nn!'dy lllld Dorothy Robf.na:)n. luonal Loh··n~rrtn 1!.11d Mendcluohn ~uch fine groups. ··How tbe.e or- Msx KtnK, ,;rcund: l..llrktn. thln1, Wlnnf'r of th.-raffle prtae wu wt'11diOI( marc hu for the bride's gant.Z&tlons go, 10 ~0('1 America," Blattrrmnn, tourl h Vt•r(lni<'& Srhledr r, a gueat, "'llh 1 t>ntran~e antJ rece .. e.onal. etreased Ll. Purci. f1•llc•wed by his I PncHic 14·rt lltn"h~ . wtntrr n on•lhy fl(lblniiOn clalmiDr nrat Mr!!. ~J11Ulgter. t be b r Id c's a.na.Jysie or the tweh·r prtnclplea 1lllli ~prlng M'rlf'!l. -l:l· 4". for phu tor rnnlll' and MUdrod Stan· mother wore Alice IJiue crt'pe wllh nf the• &~>ul ~th showing how ~ Founlit'I'S l'roph)• hy F . C. Rn•"t'r try bc'lng <·on80led. _ 11 prl'tly tuqUI' nf blur ft>&thera. they all u:r embodied ln the w. II. C"nlktn,., lln.l , n urhara ()lhPr ml'mbtn~ p~ftnt t?e~ thr 1-lrlf. Orgt>ra. mnther ot the voom. CM'!'IIC(' M tli'mor-nwy. The obed· Mf'trnlf, ,..'('ond: Harh)' Mc lt·alf. n•·\1.' pre!Mdcnt. Grctha Tubbe. whu I'IUne fn>m Nr w York ~or l he ll'n•,. to th•·se princlplf'11 m uat third. MB) a nti Jun,. M'flt'>~ for l\1 •rl(IU't't F:gt, Agn('l Blomqu lat, wtddlng. chQIM: IM'a;:reen ror her ~l•'m fr• m lh•· fomlly to larger tht' llrntr trophy Rntwr1 ll<'nly. Ly,llo ~\lrRrn. F.llutbelh Barwtad. llrl'lla with brown e..ccei!.I!.Oriea Both gr()Upll 11uch ns Cub Scouting then \ rt"t: Rk hard ~'·nton, wrond~ W Gtady1 Nnrman, DC'. m ice Ball%, wore llboultler orcblda. to tht (•o\mlry, atnted U . Pucci. l l. Calk.lnt<, lh1rd. July and Au-Eve Moore. aad Clarice Brown. J"ollowta1 the ceremony, a ~-Mrs. Edgar Hill. & Cub Dell IEIMII'S MARKET nos Cout JDpway-Coroaa del Mar Phone Newport 179 Meats -Staple G roceries -Fruit s Veg e t a b l es -Milk-E g gs Delicatessen Ite m s Reuouble PrlcetJ -Prompt Service lUll ~ri<..,_ Byron Farwell tf'OIIhy Tbe fUeat ll.at lacluded Kay eo. ~ wu beld at tJle ~ of mother .. e1pla!ned lhf' f•nanctaJ F~==~:::;;;;;;;;;E;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;:;;;;;::~;;;;;;;;~;;~-Wiu ~~~~..:.... tl8';!~ ~;. ITOYI", Betty McKibben, n orftaee the br ide's parent.., 1822 We•l !X'I-up o~ lh1• C\tbs M d urged H.ny. ~,....ri, n<;>< d , _00' 0 y' Malltud Vt'ronlca Scbleder , J oan Ocun F"ront. mothere .lntcresttu to work wllb St>ptrm...-r ~ <'II &n .._ r 1!. • CoU l4e\a d 1 D t Ia tor Newport HArbor Herrick, Gi-rl rude ver, The 111 w Mrtl. Orgrra wae gn . l I<' c ns. ~mtM-r ot Commt'l't'l" trophy Bachman, Catherine EM\on, Vlr · uated fr<Jm Newport Harbor High Mr Rill!~ C':unph<'ll. exrr utlvc .DEFEND YOUR HEALTH WITH Say a MentY Christmas to the Boys Overseas wltb .· Your Portrait n..'t O.r--Ban \·oar PhototlnPh Taktn NOW. a.1 M..a Be ._.7 for Memaa &y Octobf.r 15th ~--SPECIAL----. 0. ~.,s1.00 Roberts Portraits -..... IUIIf-· NUT TO W&aoe • 8AI"'MAJfA.~. -----·· ........... ...., w Fllrkt'T, rtnt . w. H. Cfllkin.o:. glnlll McMahan. Dorothy Sutber· erho• I In J unt of t!1l11 yrar. snd Is ll"Y Sc 01ut uffwr r o: Orange t:o~· ~-Rlrhard F•·nton. thtn1; Lt. land, Elizabeth Handy, Loll ~ylor Lh• t«"nd t:lrl m ller clus lO be I'';{. nutlinrd 111"11"fly ::.c, ut and Cub Ray G~nc'. ruur1h •tnt! Junr F'ullenwldtr mar n.-d She a ttt'ndfld Ulc Unl-~ruutrng pro~:r:unl' lrnm their VIkings: Jul)' ,_..ru'' A. L veralty "' Cnllfnm la at Los An· .. r,r.tn Br.y ~·nut~ or Amt>rin1 Ill ~~;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;~~;;;;;;;i~~~~~~~~~~;;;;;;~ Gram, tin:t; Erma Cowl.-~. wcond; BACK THE ATI'ACK gelcs fnr thr lfllmmer acasioo. l•n ,• "' n'lly thrc•r organization• ------• h:trl• r tl h;; ('nn.•:rel!ll. ttw othr r , '"'' llt-.:11: Am•·~H an Les:aon and WEDNESDAY STORE HOURS -1 :00 P. M .. to 8:00 P. M. THE. COAT of the YEAR Luxurio u s foundation f o r y o ur winter wardro be . _ a fur trimme d coa t . You'll Y o u 'll find warmt h a nd dura - b ility in o ur collect ion o f fine , 1 00 9( woo l coats. S h o wn is a Tuxe d o coat o f w ool s uede, trimmed with f o r est m i nk-blende d · mus krat. O the r s t y l es trimme d with w h i te Alas k a f ox d yed l y n x , red f ox. a n d c r oss fox . RE'lTER Af>PAREL Se<-ond Floor t ~ ......... ••--••rN• ..... AM • l<••d ( ·r,.s.• I 1.· •pllkt' hlll'fiV n( j lht• Atr !-;• ••Ill J•r .. ,::rnrn nrg:1ntz•·d ~~~· ltnp Arll• i·l a1111 h111 ~t h ff wh!l'lt ""-" l.lk,.n ,,,, '"lmtry II\· •11"'" I\" I II~ '''d' 1 · Y•'''r~ and· .. , •. , n ih fi•IJ"urnrll ,. tl II < 'uh~ IIII'NIIlg' ~II h Ill! 1 r llC'nll H o llywood G u e s t s T o ur H arb or A rea I 1 Mr. nnd l\11"!;. nan l'l:tt'l', 7:.'4 Poppy avl'nur. Corona 11rl !ll,lr. ,.n- trrtainrd Mt~~ l~olwll C1 unn1n1 anl'l Mi~s Monn Sll'Vrns or lloll)Wood ov<'r the Wct'k end. I I Sunl'lny. lifter lunrh1n1: 111 La· jtUna BC'arh. th('y W('nt nho.,rd th<' l'la<'rA' palatial yacht H&Jack, and enjnyed a t•)ur 11f lht' har hur. I Air. and Mrs r.. t.:. On•ullnnt. 1 1120 W<'~t Uay a\'rnue. ha,-<' ns a hou!W' gur11t Mn1 Boudlnnt'l! col~lf'r. Mrs. llt'ltn F'roBt ot Los Angt·l .. ~. Jack's New Barber Shop 820 Marinf' A,·r .• Balboa Island Tt-lt'phone JIIOfl L adies' H a ir C u ts a Specialty tC"an IX' hnd by ap,-.ointml'nl I 3u k Hlk'ka~ Proprietor WE SPECIALIZE la CANNING FRUIT8 Coning Tomatoes Now a. 8eMoll GET T11D1 AT DUTION'S }"ruit Market 1 '714 Newport Blvd. Ccltta .... ·rr HATS ALL LATE FALL MODELS $198 to ForAU~'. H98 to '1r' T Dotty Dunn 11t EMt ttb St.