HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-10-03 - Newport Balboa News TimesTHE · SAND CRAB . , SAM I, for 36 Buy Ronda to End War Quicker • tbebelt medium in the EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA. WEST NEWPORT, SEA SHORE"""..,._,. • • • the home BALBOA 1\\CSc~ IEEP POSTEll l Year .... $111 ..... l-.. ....... .. N_.,_, N ....... ..... , LIDO ISLE. NEWPORT HEIGHTS, BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR, COSTA MISA '----=~=-=-~--=--=~ -=V•O•LCMK .... ~~-=----==------~===--================~~=~==-=-a&ACIL C~~ fUEaDAY, ~ ~ 1~1 'I'IBED TABS, Hundreds ot I happy sallcx;s back from lon2 tervice Jn the Mar· ahalll and other Pacific isl- ands, whUe their ships are being reconditioned here, are swanntng into Newport USO for grub. In one in· ltanCI! the galley ot the boat 1a betng refitted and the lads bring their own commissary and oook their food in the kitchen. Some 150 daUy pa- rade in and out of the rooms and are having tht> time-of their young lives. They come in dungarees. fix up eggs in some goshawful styles, chop up salami and liverwurst, drink 5-gal. cans or butter· mUk and gr1n all over the place. happy as clams. Some of the lads (and girls they are mighty good-look- ing) haven't had a furlough in 14 or 16 months. ·They're lonesome and they are nice and decent. Reports shaw that since August some 3500 boys have eaten at USO. When 40 or 50 lada de6cend on the kitchen a t one time. Mister, yoo are busy, and Kitchen CUstodian Baker, who baka. a halt dozen cakes ln a day, just like that, ll tickled to serve as many boys who care to come ln. She loves the work and to "do" for "her boys." One Marine opines that the Ger· man tight will be cleaned up shortly but says the mess in the Pacific is something t>lse and will take a long time to extennlnate the Japs. + + • 18th AD.aual With this edition the News-Times pre· aents Its 18th Annual Edition wtth 60 pages of Interesting data of the harbor district and the cotmty. No doubt llliDr of you have been over· looked. for whlch we are ~. but lt Ia ml&h'Y dlffl· cult 1n these Urnes to dlron· lcle all the people and ~nt.s who are entitled to writeups. ~re are nearly 150 adver· tiaen and many others had to be refused owing to lack 0( supplies and time in print- ing. or the 3.000 copies it already looks as though the edition will be exhausted, due to advance orders. and again we are sorry if you are unable to secure as many as you wish to send to friends and relatives. + + + ODe ror the Book. You know Ed. Goodell. past presi- dent of Kiwanis and pastor of the Methodist church here. Well the Reverend had a vacation at Gregory Lake. He likes fiShing, or a t least he says he does. So last week for a period of three days Ed. cast ·his' hook for trout or bass or perch or whatever ·the lake produa?S. At its end he never got a bite and gave up in disgust. So the next . da y he went in swimming. After a round or two he felt something entangling him. so went for shore. What do you think happened? Well Ed. came in with a fin£> 8· lnch trout. hooked to a line that entwined his l~s. I le had It for supper that night. •• + Aln't It lieU~ Did you l'ver walk down the strt't'1 and get into a <'ar. tht>n dis- rovt'r It wasn't your own? That peculiar fN.•Iin~ you had was nothing compared . to the feeling Clyrlr Elliott of Costa Mesa had Monday morning ''hen he \\'C'nt out to the garage. TI1e1'C stood his '41 Chevrolet coupe, hut the lirense number w::ts a ll wrong. Closer 1"\'I'Utiny showed it wasn't his car at all. He drove II back 1o the McFaddt>n Place parkin~ lot and there stood his own car. He had driven off In onl' ex· actly like it. same make, same year, same model, same color, same keys, only It belonged to Harry L. French, Huntington B<-ach. 'lbe joker was that after he found his own car he rou.Jd not drlve it away. 1'ht> bAt- tery W8.'1 down. • + + Hope Geo. Roetner. who just sold his Channel Boet eo. decides to cast hl~ lot with Harborltes i.nst£'8d of n!(umlng to Seattlt'. CounciiHoldsUpCivic Dick 11~111 to G. Roetnerll.11•• ....__ . liM Man• Local; FIJi•c Croa fer Center Approval to -get •••11011 Sec'r · ells Boat lerilllu .. D t I • t S•t . ..PI~k S&Ddoval wW bf'ad t.oc:a l d c a a on rv1ne s 1 e ~!·;~~::~~~ ~:::e: :·Ar::r1~ g.. o. Conference Over Control of W ate"tays by Council and Harbor Commi88i'on to Be Ratified by Board ot Superviaon After years of friendly debate over whether the county or the city should have control of Newport Harbor, a conference of city and harbor commission officials held last week was.~ ported back to the city council Monday afternoon. with the result that a unified plan of operation has been reached and now awaits ratification by the board of supervisors.. Mayor Cly&D Hall reported that uniC.Ird ordinance. wiU ~ put tn fore•. with the clty•a tawa re(Uiat· In( t.be harbor wtt.hln Ita bordtra &Dd the county puetnc rulu that affect Ita ch&Dnela. WhtPIL' a con- tht' C"unty until wvrral yrara when the .upervla>ra CrMted a harbor commluloo. Since lbeD the lattn-ITOUP haa beeD ma.klnl a carrfui olltudy of malntm&Dee &tid operation wltb l.be rewll t.bat much work hu been accompl~ &Ci'M·.Jtn(l' to nolum• ot t.be riPe· tlon hrld at the Routh OIMurt com· pany yard• Sa turda y Rr !. &D «"mptoyre uf that t•ompany, u ll.l'e mo•t of the ,,thrr 1'00 membera of the union. and woru In lbe meet\· anlc:al drpartml'Tit Othu o'fh;rr• I'IC't'tf'<1 wrno l'!d· ward W1lkutL Vh'f'·pr~dent; Ill. U. Roaa. t r r a" u r • r ; Harold Jl'urtACh. rrt•nrdln« lll'('rrt.ary; Bob Andf'rll(lf\, t'll«ullvr M('rrtary; Tom llobg<N>d, t r u • t f' e. Board mrmbl'ra at lar:;l' &re Charlu R.. Ncol•on. Ralph Y.rrc-ra>n and Wilbur C hurch. Utm~u of th.. ne:olla.Unr rommJtltr llrt' Geor:•• Slooe. ltd Wlllcut. Bruce HA!1dy, Bob Ander· 800, M. B. Roee, Ton H~. Walt •"'l..r~lm IUld C\ltl Palmr r . filet occura aucb ordinance. will be and IN'Irr • of the burden of o~ra· amended •o tb&t both city and tlon llhift•d from city t.o county. Harbor's Lineup· county ordln&nC'._. are In accord County Alcle Harbor I Th• r ounty baa alded ln pr'O-F G w·th a... to aupeNIIOre vldtD( tunda lor the harbor de-or am~ I At the-contrrence reprtee~tln& 1 par1.mtDl baa auppUed a p&l~ La JX.:!d lbr counC'II werr )4a,yor Hall and boat and. haa appropriated tun~~ guna I' £1 ay L. L. Iabell, while Walter S.,from time to Ume for thr work. -- Spicer, chairman nf t.be county Recently the au~rvt.ora et>t uide l AC'<'Onllng· to th~ best lnlonna· harbor C'ommluton and Secretary 1 12.~ for plana for t.he upper bay 1 tlon obt a.inablt-at ~ 1\lJh IChool Harry Welch of the aame comm!.-t11 be worked out by the harbor today, thr probllble atartlnc llnr- aion reprewnted that g-roup. J.t ~omm. l.alllon and thr l'f>Operalloo ot l up for lh\• foot hall pm. ..tth La· wu Indicated that Mr Spicer! Jamra lrvlnt, owner of moet ot llJn& ~ch at O.vidllon fl~ lhla would pri!eent th• r..Wu of ~ the land tn lbat ana. F'l1day, 1,. as lollows.. I flndlnta to the w~rvlaora tor ap-1 With the pn:lltllt acn«ment for 1 Lf-.ft rnd McMillan or Buttram pmvaJ and such ch&Dgu lllat the unttlcaUon ot control It u. bell~ed Lt'(l tacklE"-Ooualaa • legal de-partment aye ur necu.ary. tbat ~lttr operation &Dd ruulta Lt•ft I[UIJI"d-Could Since U1t county vol.#d eome will ~ obtalnf'd for tbe continued Crnler hafl"f' • yc>are ago to rrea~ an O ranre gruwth IUld development ot the Right guard l,('t' County Harbor dlstrlrt. little at-prujecl. con.-de-re<t one of lbf' coun-Right tllck.lt• -1-'n:-eman • U'nUon wu given Ita operaUou by 1 ty'e major underlaJrln('.IJ. Rl~rht f•nd-Boit'!l • Quurterback-Munlz • USE 0 F CITY DUMP B I MESA DISTIICT IS REJECTED BY CODICIL Uee of Ulr city dump by nut· laid nvcor, whlr h ,,,,.d for lack of aide~ waa l'i!ftt~d by the ctt y .-. l!lf'<'Ond < 'nttnrllmnn 1 • h e 1 1 council Monday &fteraO<m on lhl' hrnught up thf' QUt'l!tJon of null!· Left half -Bbhop Rl~tbt half-Miller F\111 back -f"ri,t(q • • -~nota vanlt,y ~tennHJ rrom lut )'ear. OUwr bo)'l expec:Uocl ID ... ....,._ fll'* WIMJ ••• I --t.adl&e; Mtii.Cirl, 1\AU'd; nm. ......... 1 end; Cau, ruard; Van Hont. bAck; Vaughn. ~ntrr. I ~ ~ ~~ will be playt'd hf'n-. Octobt"f' 6, at.artJnc at 3 p.m. I Tht> nrX1 gamr will be with T'uJ· lln herE' on Octobrr 1.3. Tht> Saints deCt>aled Covina llu.t We<'k, 21-o. Wins First French Title gr ound that IOIII'h U!e WOUld Ill~ th,.. 1 IUI('f' VWUr "lllrh tht• City attnm .. y SaJaa on Bar city habit. whtn City ~~r 113111 .. ·ns 1111<(> an lml'ortant factor "D f'apllaln r.r'!llvlil,. L.tul,.,lo-11, ,.. Pattenoon hr nuJ(ht up thl' mattl'r anct cltf'<l ~WV• r111 t'IUI'a; "'"" that Wh• k Cia •r• d m• ua quart..r·bark ror \ 8 <•. ":lt, la od 1'1\'('r rr •• m lll!!l mronlh no Ill! •prt'R<hn~ nf dtiW'IUe by <>Ut.ldtN . 18 ey n Je t .. rt \\ .... , ... ~ .. >' for I··· Vf'j!U UM l:lv t hco r 'Ill 1 M "IU\ SIUlit a 1 ld 1 A nny A lr ... ,,. .. , wh"r" h,. 1• ei •· f• • t 8... 1 • \ I • • ry WOU a IIO <'llUIIf' & meniU'P whtiC' liro-.....o altl'r ll VUiit Wtlh hill JIMI •t rommen 1J ev dirlrk t. f't'l"ll<•n• maRhl ktt'k an.J ord~r an Rnuthlan\1 night r lube, hllnr Md ,..., ' CuntraL"tn~ Hto.Jrkk who) rak .. ,.t Abatt>mrnt &Dd cauae dlll<'onllnu 11th• r ~Blttbllahml'nlll whit h ,..u enle, ... r n•Ht Mt-a •:N'nYtil,. "'·1 Rancher Suceumb8 care of lho' (fly'" garblll(f' dil!lpOaal llnC't of lht' rlump. labf>ll llllld I he-whll•key l<oday ~,.,.,. a.lv!Morl hy l..t.llct.dell, :l:l4 Hril~tlrul"• av"'"'''· ll.IJ w~il RIO lhr Mrl!8'll. at.loo hi' rlly h&d 011 right to lay rl/l,.lf open.' I..Nmaru KNtm•. (JI'A ''""I prl('l' n 1rona d•l •br Alrn·of L.r"tla ~'-lmrmn, 38, haui11 unl' lootl daily from the Ill whirh C.uunr llma.n Allen ag .... •d ,..rtlnn dairf nr til<• tnll .. wlng nt•A WhUe h,.r,. on turl'"'"h hi' "'· promlnent raar.IIMr of Orawl .. y . Mua four d&)'ll a Wl'l'k and offered anti thl' mntlon to rejoor t <'llrr1rd. rullne tJ>ndead th,. wP<Jdan& ••( hill hll•lhn, •llell Friday, aept, • at b!. .,...,.h thr d ty S2!JO y .. arly fnr thr use If ··•traJ~tht aholll" • r bar whle· C'urporal Allan l.Anll(lr il "-n•l Ml• home 111 0711a1 o.w.. H. bad of lhe dumf, He tt!!C'tt thl' arne Nol'" at Night kt-y Wt'r• aold during Mul'h, 1'942 J •*'l V Hlgg of .. ~outh l'..aa.t .. nA. ~•·n IMino a bout a -Ut aacs wu cunt.a.1Mr11 for reeonve.yaru:e to a 'T'wo r tU7.f'Dil from Balboa bland. IUid whillkO'y .. hltchhall~· durtng ~pt. 12, Ca~~~~~ wa,. h<-11l rec.upera~ tf'OI& U Wn-,,f hng ranch A U Lymarr and Fred ~. K yJf'r. Ult' pu1od of ApnJ 4 til{ 10. 11H3. mm fm' ht. '(':T· an<t Mile tb,... ,._. ~ City Al.lomty Thompson .Miltrd ltvmg Rt 121 and 123 Opal avenuf'. thf' IIIJJlP pril'I'A mu.IJI nnw t~ ft>l· Vlri1JIIa Wrbh. f'lt.aden•. wu Ht wu Mtl'N Ia clvtl: attain Unified Plan for Harbor Worked out Between City ·-Cou~ty Officials to~ In-.ttW 0.. hiM O .. l lrtsMe .,.. <'(), or Ontttth 0.., ~ ot 100 o..r ~ u. e1tJ ..... ... r•oot '"' Orntral avemw. a ~kon tu loU _.._... to • ...... t. .. '" 811" •· A wttt.rwod, Npee.laltr .. tfllll .._. ('n un< Uman 1..,..11 wurl.., lu port, wiMIJ Uty a.f1l R'n t " IUiuw ''"m ('It)' Atlun..y 'M\ompo bo-1•11 ,.....Q&nl tu IGt-..... 0.. .. ;n If tlt" • II v. •l•l•l'f•vfld ttwt pial)-c•llman fllani .. y ..,_,....._. ~ aotJ1 ""' ~· r~'<'nmml'll<latl""· ""'"'ill ttw-lhuuld tNt ,_,.., -., Ulle .at7. • '""" 11 tJO-bourwt '" 11"'' ,,..,... th" lub fllvl•t.r ll.alpt\ M...,ey ot Ulll& '""'' .,, appr uv•·•l 1 •hi• 11 bruulhl ~tlun etat..d that •-au.. a... 1111 •mph'\tlo "noo ''"'" lh,. alltW •l,.ady '-" l&oltl llftd that •a. '" v wh" atlllr•t "••I u.,. ''"'"'II • "••••• ... mid 1M! m•ct. City A Uttft, • <HII•t •~•v 111111 rtll ••r n,n ... ••• It '''' llllnl etal ... l IJI• irM lA ..- "'"" wh•rll;• ""' • .,,.. I"" I r.tllllutc I 111111 haol aiFI a.dy '-anld elld t.M tu dtntu•• f' '"' l•trtfl t/ltlr• •·h....c1, Council Gets 2 Hard Problems to Solve I( the c·ity wrn• to give outAidere ceomplalhed or t..be noW. at D1Ch l ittwrd n1111 •urn" whiAk~~· ''''"'"'I brldeam11hl, Ul,. 111'1d" • ••nly at-1u n ra.w&ey, ..._. 111111 bad bMn 11 I!UCh rijl'hl.t! il would cau~ rom· m11de by tara Pfllrked near a gar· tlll bar whlakry lendant at th: r hllrmln& ,..,,ldiDit ,...._.fer 11 ,_,...and wu Jl&ll (~ly ruunrllrnPn ar" f..:Ln• lwv t.tr·• tr.rnma Tlht»tte In ltft ftled p!lc&W ""· eaopeclally It people lnl age ?J>I'ra~d by Allen Glover nn I 11-.:ontinuaiWI' ,,f b:u v. htRkey 1\tld at lh,. I'll J lllll"ll Jl:pl~~t olfMI p1'81deet ot tbe ftcltar7 dult and •llffl• uit l''"t.lo·ma 1"'"' tldfo lanlta ettll tAl qul,.t IIUe. t.ter UO ,_. thl' vicinity WCIUid C'OIDphl ln; that Agate aveuur. It wu clalmed Ia not allnwed. Kram11 uid l'\I)DII' •·hurch. lit>ulh l'&alll'n&, Ule Hr<!· • member 011 U... Qeawlt-011 c.:c-. a nd an allry, dallD• ._,.k to ltll\. •II ... w .. r waa ,..laid, atat.ed ,._ rill zen" now I' n joy pr1vile~t"• that you open U8f'd the alley to b&r11 a.r• reporh~tl trylnR t .. til• lor, Hrv T ttaymun•l J •mre 11Ift. muce. b .. th r•·•rulrHI• tnlln•lv" ,.,,....1 • It • It)' Hllrltt••r It would COil ... drnltd In oulllt<lere. that It would "hop up" lhetr cara u latl' ea 2 continUI' ~lllnst h~tr whl~k ry ""'' •II tin(. IUNIIJit.l'd by I•• .,, K WIUt ...., at U... U.. 011 h .. lnl11 '''""' "'"' • "ltr1 ...,,,,,d• ""''' y l•• r•l•" a t .. It alfectllablllty tni!Urance anol many I &Dd 3 am. and lbey wanted aome-wlilntc "call" whUJk"Y tonly il•lcb,.r putm ••: Itt.-AI!Adl'na d•aUI ware .... wU'e, ftJtl&e, anct ' wlltr ••" (••,unrltm•n llav,. aAIIetd otnctaae thing11 rould h•ppen I thing done a.bout ll bl. .. ..,. ..._ ~ 0 ._1.w&An I ,.,. hrH'IIt'lll """"'"' 111 ,,.. I hAl ,, t .. try ""'' ll'ttle th<o whQ!oo ..U.. The C'll)' eng1nl'er thm ,.·antrtl Pollee Cblef Hodptn-M id h,. N B p f1f St. a...a:.aaa. Mo. ' lhr l\hA1t•l•11tllt""l ••f an .UI..y In lh• The ~anlfteula Ca• to know If thl' rity rnuld allow hlld alno&dy ln••Ugated the-com· rt • ~ ~-.., lftt.ermAtlnt ,..,., •tf l"tlt I :1 And :l, hit•• II I J», 1.1 y,.,.,l! rt<lr Wyelt, "·" lfelfF, other perllllf\11 lr) Utile the \lump to plalnta tLOd found nn e!lra perked ewpo oy, rlsoner Will be In Ht. IANia wtUI tbe Re.lt.l N"Wflpl't ,,,,.,, loy '"" IIOIP Joofllt • 1'1'\lrf'll ljljii'AI'Irti( fllr hi• wlf•. I which lh,. tUiornty repllel! .. ab11o-, in the-allry Md wanlr·d l4 know llfttrtuary o1 c~r•ona del War dl· •II••" Til,,,.., I,. ••f IUv .. r•lt"' v .. t. JCii,.ahollh Wy•ll. ,..11 ... 1 tll&t tba lutely Mt " Tht' IIRme WQIIId not what Willi th.-cl•lfllnj! hour• for I I H s ~tin( ,.,. .. ,. ,,rrku.l~ Ilk,. ('tty ''l•rll lllnr "'lUll• u ,...,11,. thf' m•ander liM l llppiy If !IU<'h Pf'raon were" rltl·'~aragu IUld flitl t~f'Y dllttnrb lhf' • ta y, ome . . oon' I -hart. l 'il y tr.rtl(llll'l'r l'aflrrlltlfl ., .. , &lttn' ttl .. "'""n In tt ... r.~ar o( Ule ZPn II Oil ""'" tf nllllltdHR Wll!ltPd ~ace lllld how ~ Tbt city at tor· In o -•nJty cbul'dl Aft4or ll \Wh ( ,, ) "I '''"' .. Y '"'"'"1-ICI Al lll)lt prt,, ... r1 v "" I h•• i'rnln•uia. If• to lttJ<' I!Pwrr. 'll'alrr and flrC' f&r•i· nry Mid It WIUI not a public hut a Wl'f'k honeymoon In llalboOCl, th,. lh•l "'~'"'''" 1111111 '""'" '" Jl4•t ••k••l '""' "'" lhtr I• .tabta.hed rlr••t<. unlt'AI' J'rnvadPd for by nroh· olvll matter anr1 that Ule nnl"el bt ld.al r·uopa.. )dl '•• her hom,. 1,, Y.h1tl '"'r" lh•· fa• Ia at lh•· ""•I ,, .. , ... ,.,.., and Ulat nan••r tit' hf'lol It V.'lll lrc&dlnJ: t'IIUid b(o l!top,-.,.d by ciV11 &ctlnn t-•inot Uf'ut Mar,hllli ~&mml!, _ fWtUih l'aaadena aNI U141f1 C •ltl II ,. , . .,,,. lltu l 111 1111'1 rthl"ll" lllr 1 II V W"ltld ""l'ollr 1111 ar,.a 10 on oiAnj;:l'f'OII" ttro und . 1The rhref thNI believed that an 1 Ailtuo 1"""'_..,1 lf!fl Hunday ,,., ,,,1,,,,, .,,,. I"'.'I"''V 11, 'l'"'•(to,11 fl'••l wl•lo· '""' '""" 1,.1• willa. but <"muH thnAn St.anit·y ~~~~ It(' nrdlnAII<'~' """" needed tn lttop *'" "' MaJnr llnrt Mr~ Vlq~ll BaJJM»a S.,Jdier 1•1111,,..11 t<'t4:&d. Al•nuuutna. •~ In lo•!:l" ... ,.,., "'"" l•lh•·•·•llJI llo•· ,,,,. • 11v """""'Y "1111•11 Ulat Ole onulol nn( ""<' nny harm In Jtt•rmrt-n"'"f'll ~nol p;>rrprt JM'<•ple l•1 lllrep. Allmme oC 142rot, w .. ·~t llav l·a .. nt. l'aJ•l l.an-'-'ll nl('rlv.,..l t hr hii•·Y ,.11,1 '"'"''llnl( 1,, ""'"" ,.., , ty . •••• 11.,1 ,..,.111 ""V'""'I P'''P' Illig Hn•t ru•ko·d t(l haw· thr tnl\tl•·r I He I llf'd I hr I ,,.,tnlng nf l(n.rbllgr Nr•wport Bear h. 6 I HI''' '<1•·<1 ,,roll· I Flies Home in l'r .. •ldfonttaJ nla t.lon whrn hi~ ....... llloHII•'<IIIItll ,,, ,,, ........... y Willi I• II v ""' • '"' lhr , It v Jtivto awey ---------1'1\nl\ 1\ftf'r llllflrt lghl llDrJ ~·here .. n .. r "' tht' c:; .. rmrtnJO w llurrl\f' H •tal sh· I""'P ....... Ull' JHtral""'fW'fa lulu .......... 1 l.v '"'·II ~ ''"' tl "I' ltiiYIII II ~II\tt•l , ........ u ... "ll l•bl'll, Fire Prot t• I "'II" lh .. lin .. t•• ~~~ ... ron huttlne-h••m .. Ill any lim··· IJt't OII•hr•..: '" ospl tp Xl•lly IIIII ltOfll' ttltt .. , ..... 1 ..... 1 "'" I• "" lltrlt .,,, 1•/l.·mnl '""'''""''" ''"' "' lho l~<llttl .... ,., ,,, •• ,,k fiVf'f ec IOU makt/1~ nlltMI\ n llnrt !", .. , ..... I '.,lunlll.l m-····1 '""'' ....... I"' , •. , ....... 1 lllal• "'I .. "rl I It•· ... , 111111\1 '"'It•· VIII lhlll ll IIIII A d P S I Coun('III'DAI\ fllbf>ll 110\.id It Allin a "'lrl' rtl',.l\'r•l hy th,. \'', ' I"" ...., t 1/ I n a per a vage nnplt•·•i tro t·nrly r. nrrun,.. flllhftr· I•OIJI from· I h .. ".101 I •• 1''11."' I I r·pl .. :, ........ Ill' I\ I ty .... , "' .M•• ~IVf'O '" • '""'''r!" .... w .. r .,,,, .. I , .. , ... ,., \lo '"' "" ..... , Ill .,.., .. "' \' Willi , .. "" y ........... , ,. , • l-1n,.,. l~nlt·; :1117 1.111<1•1 lltalll<><o, f•11 ,, . .., ultl• tltlo•,. lo'h'n• h l irn ""' "•' 'I'''""""" ''" lraallty llut ho Ill• ••IIII I I~<• '"Unrti tnuv...t Go Hand l"n Ha d I mtn lh1JUI1n2 tn I'&< h other 8.1\ lh"Y A OllVIji!l\lllr "" .. I .H.~rr·'"' . .. I I M I II •• n I ~ll·m~W'r. Ueul i'hllllll" "···~ ltllfll .... nr.v.n ltmno ,,,,,. ~:,,~lllltd HI l•lltl• wto ............. 1 '" th• HahtHH I ,. lt.:l • ' .,. ............... fllrrl "l '' llaro t• ...... ,,,,,,,lllnf'(l, .. e""r• I IYwl rdf'd t.ht• h"alll Nolll4' wu ti"Wn IIVtr 11• .. ·1\\ I .. n .IIIII•• 'l l A II " h• "I"'" i plrtno :uo•l r• l•••rl" ,.,,. v I''' "'''I •lurllll( lltr Aln~a"' 1,&/u I "" '''"'' I,, "''""Ia~ lllo· "''" •lvrr II or A"''" lltlwll ""'I l-llanll'y knd "'""" --rV<·rywhert' ll.lld ll lillt Of the VA· "'«-Ill\ lh I "~ "''"" II •11•1 I'''" jlllll(ll . lll(fol "' wuv "lid lit•• I"""''" I" r,.•l•··r~ In 1., 11111111'<.1 I•Y M•yor Don't ovnrlook F'il'f' Prrvrnlit•n I rlott~ lltlng,. Itt ~lo1p lhl'm wall tK> 1'~ lhf· ('rf'W 111 111'' •hlp I""'" hul · ,,. 1.,., 1 ,,. h•PII w••r•l 11, ,,.. "" ,., 'I'll,. 1,,. lhrr• ,.,., vrry pr1..,0 .,, 1 I• 1111,, o11,.111a~• w1111 l(tiUII,.tl 1 llnll, 1 .. l•y ,.,,, litl}lllil•·elft IM :Wt'f'k Cl<'t ni)('r II lu 14 Chnmiwrl IRkt'n IIJ.IIUlrl 11n "r<llnanrr vw1rkrl! f'l '" safety ''nlv '" '"' l.ok•11 1 1 11 ,or CommN'I't> commlltf'<'" writ ~"' oul I Jlllann"r 1111•1 h••lol "' it"''"'""" •q•tlf•l•" nl wtth "''"K• j•l'"" ll\llu•r. •;r,.ltvli~ IArwd,.ll Hr . ,' "1"11 " thAt T'l'rnlnde~ ~ rrlaC't'd lhWURh·l -unt il .,n .. r llt .. lr ''""''"linn v.ho•ll ,.,,.... "'"'""K V.l(lt lo·• ... .r ...... , "'"' "'I V<'tl '" W•·rld WAr'· end"' Fishe me A out ttw city. More lm(IOM11nt thnn s M . R thrv ~(" rf'tUmf'rt ,,, ll.oh' ,.,.r JIIH• nb ,, ~; ..... , .,, ••• , <:pi I ""'W '"'"'K IOtiiiJrt&.ut w•wlt al u... r n gree I Communion Service lever bt>fol"''' Ill fire "J>rt>\l'ntum dur· gt. u I r eturns Th~ m•·~<~ .. r '"''lUI"""~ "'' u ... llfoally .... u ,.,.tum I•· 1!1111 ..... ''""'.'I' ltollftll<ll Atn rllft ,, •• ,, In I~IOIC I To Uphold '1'1.. •• rng war dll)''t, Fire 10!<!'~ throul(h· T c p Jk .. nly w ord MRJI•I' lt'lll Mrll Han.m .. '" ~n·l ...... ,., .. r IIIII , ........ ,h lll'n<'lo ·nu·lr eurtrr. Or.la Mary. • .. e r At Methodillt Church out lhP na llnn have IOI'ri'IL~ con· 0 amp 0 have hAd ''"'!' lhl'tr l rtn ,,,,. trom lllo• AnrtY lll~lllltJ •t Auhurtl, '" •I ··--"""· <:&1 T..t>h, ••wiiLIIIC (A)ntract 'I"'L.··s Year Stdl'rnbiy. and if is up to ('Vrry I flr11t me..a;.;,. WILli ,,n a r·r.rol ,, '-.t1t .,.1Ua hi• rn11th~• '" wrlttrn~e r..-rch I II ( ·,mtrlllnlon ~rvt1 e will ba ob- community. city and C'OIJnty \() ell· S11t r;Ptorg•• Muir. llln "' Mr. Ct'lvtd lhmu~:;h the-Houmant10n l:,.ol ()>I l~ .. tly wu &!rot ,,,,,.1! .at\ llf'rv"'J •I ( ,\rl .. r I :tiU"'h by thr rrt an Pl!INI f'ffort to kl'('p lnraJ a n<l Mrs J 11hn Muir •)( 31:.! l.lndol er-e-and wrttlf!rl the day llfl"r lll'llllfltlllrt"''" tft Ji:niClll.ratl wh"'' '''" I I IT A O"AM f ! AI n,,. JfV<"I"I fnl'"tlntc ,., thr Hooa Hu~t•lay Th1111• in ulletTv&Dc~ l<>AAI.'ll at a low point. •~t. 11&11 rt'tumco.J In C&mp P olk. hill l'apturr Tht' laat WIUI wrllt••n • tilltra.I ... J pneumun111. an•l """" In• j''"""'lfl""" 1 "'"''" li•an•I•Y· ,..."""' "' w•,ri<I•Wkl" • Htnmuulnn. wblcb Along with fino pmtt'Ction sa.l· Louanna el\1-r a 16-d.ay fur -1 from hr.11 ptlrt of Jebark.all•m in i 11\e ha-pllA1 01,.,,. f•,r """'" tim,. lt•m"""~' •"-'" "twn • .. ,. .. 11•1 "••mlrrn • 1111 J(•·•t ,.tl,.ndatu·,. 111 1 hu 1-n <l•i•yl'•l 11 ...,...,k ~ Vll.gt> of waste-p&peT l~ Important . tou.ga.. wblch hi' u.pectA to bP hUI Italy after tU. llberalrtm. , ,.,..,,,r,. IIO'ID.' brnul'(hl h••m" Th•l rv,.ry 1(. "r &Jt • and a tJUtok,.n la l ••tD~ "'""· "M'"~'t t•• llv11 up t•l "' lhr abe~ml'" uf tlwJ paator, UJr lt mak~ for II~ protec11on if ail illJit bflfono bP Ia llhlpped r,ut I J~fore h<oln~t l..akewa Pn.ntl"t Ll I hO!rpit.aJ piiUlt~ took nff trr"" A< <lt·l' v•ry pat" wu e d~ ttf pll'fllJ t 'hl'lr ron I ran a ~II b Ula c ann•r1n, lt"v 1':. IJ, Ooodeil, who bu JuM waste pe~ 11 p\Mf'f'd and re· ilr bu Wn In the a.nny fOf' tw.., X&mma bad r"''l'lve. Ult' Air WMS•l IU\d, l<.uf blnr at Ju lanll an•i La••· w .. u o•• wrUt OPA NolftiD( 7rt~J .,,, m ln,r lo, l'rf'l!ldfonf (.,,.. WaJ· returned fi"'ttl bla vacaUoa, turne-d to th. paper mill~ for mak· and • ball ,...,.., and whrlt hur with two Oak Leal .C\uat.eno amll rador', Nlflllnr <iqto'l! 111,. P'..altt ,.,_. I IIN-11 • clllf'll -1M f'UIW' 11Cr1r•r• I lru •· ,.,. atttl,.•l thf' r lltltrar!AI will At lhla llmr • IIJ'f'f'lal otfer&na lnr ovcor Inlet JliLCk.&~t~ mattr~al rnr •pr.nt mu('h time on tu. oraor th,. •1ay nf hla. capture, ~ .,,.. l" 1 to H•w York whr.r,. ,,,. r...n•lnNI I r••u II nnd _... .-wrrylrtlnK f,.1,m '"' ''"'''' 1 "'' wtttr h mA&~~I t t1h will will ~ turn fur t.htt li'ellowahlp war ~· gron at 1'Willn. HI• .t.kr, ,.,., have rocrlvf'd hla ,ylnr Cr•a It or 8f'¥eral day• twtvrtt brtnr nrl'wn <'ara to \:h~<'"-e ,wtth •• do•llnlt•· '"' IU'<'"V'"Ii fr••m trnlon tlttata 11 or Rutrertor and &<ervlce. Tb1JI nt. hiiO ftattJh:>s 10 t~~. C. D. J ohnston. Al'd -.11 niece, h,.. ~n awal'fJf'd him In Jlaly ~ to l"" rout Altbou•h lit# ~·~r· thiiJt &WK~ .-.,. "'h W'I, yrou "" ~lm,.. , • mCJfley wUI l"l tn miDa.t« to lbe fino prolec11on and 51Llvq4!, and • Bnrndt', ~ve ~ Yl• unc at I he renlly mt~nla hu I 1 .. ., .... ""· ("pi ltNttty WJUI<J '"" .. , .....,Oftle'Ver yau·r,. . ll•rul•u loof'c•tll\"" "' thfl \.1111<10 114~1• rot uor llentlce l:xl.)'e and doubJ,. ~ can ~ accom· MUJr ~ dUrti\J b"' turtou,h. lala)or SamJna, tau,~ •tl lbe ...tfera ,,...., •lnua t.Noubl .. aa<t 1e tn doubt abelll ~ pr~~rc. <'All Y''"' .,,.,...aftrr will '" h,.hl ''" th .. ar• • rtrl• In lhr ann•d fori' ... &Dd a1110 plWwd If ~~ry dtJun will do • but ban notumf'd t.bla 'Wftk to ny..,. Ia Wltb tbe Mat.u-t.al Cblll· .WI unt.t.r ,,....t.HII •I 1111' bflf1b·lloe&.l ()J'A ....... ldd t.he)"ll fll""' •lnlt anll f•lttr\11 ~u"dJIYII ,, '"' to Ulo! p.vple. ,, ~ 11\Jltf'~ II&· little thr lr bomt In Unct.aey. m11.11t1 tn ~J>4 AnJCPitl& ern bOIIpltal )>1ru IJ'If•,.. ..... &l&dl)' mtrnlll 111 lfl 11 o ''''"" •l f ~uropo- .. • .J •' •. ~ -· II ._.w.. ;:::=======::;eon:-ona--... :-:-_,-:M:ar-:N:-.. -_-.T.o::bed Luc:M. w. a. Mdard. J~ AdYaneed Trainiq • UC "" kUn. aad lira. LudDI Vtla. d 10'1 •• .. ,.,,.. (BJ ... a.-cllct) who Ia from Mnko aty. For lslan ... ~er NOTICE OF INTENTION PuBLIC NoillcEa )Ira. Mary Ja.r.eDD. P11•49' TO IELL ....... tJ $~•..-lin. c. '"'""-Ball&. 410 Cout u4 babJ Pamela. yWtect her Lt. K. G. CodUa •• JGUnftet' eon -or- .,.. ....,. H~hway. &Jid Mn. R. ~ mother ... ,. Ida Ackroyd. 1406 of Mn. 1... E. Mon111, 224 RubJ NOTICE II Hl!ftaY GI VEN Hall. eo.ta ~~~-. ente~ 8eavt-. over tbe w•k end. Mra &'Nftue. Balbo& lll&and, baa been punuant to the prov\alona o1 Sl'!"· • h1eedl wlt.b aa autWDD brlqe Ackroyd Ia the owner or tbr Mom'a made -l•tant tlytnc enciAMr at ttoa a.•o of the Civil Code 11r lhP luncheon. Tbunday at the 8&Jita and Tot'• atore M ar-t lUfJbwa.y Yuma, &lid 1• t&klnc apeclal train-State or Callfomla, tbat 0&01"-iio; FOI MEl IHIOYS Ana Country club The tab 1 e • and •Y• •hr hu C'hlldrt'n'• ahOH lnJ at McClellan Field, Sacra· ROETNOR, doing bualnea u wtre ckcorat.t'd with tlowen In tall anrl Cbrt•tma• toy• In now menlo. ~nel &at C'nmpany, Vendot', col<'ra And ean4Ju ~bite, yellow l.fr• Arthur 'nlomu . 171 2 .Prlm· HI• old..r brother. &nj&mlD of 1216 eoa..t Hllhway, N~wptort ud ruat colora Tb CUt'•la we~ rniM' avf'nue Alhambra <"~e to htr Swartz, Is on an \aland in the Beach, California. intenda to tell M.eaiaJnN 8. w. ckbeard. 8. rotlaJ:P at Secuml and Avfl<'ado. Mariana group. accordin• to • to William K. MacCUrdy and Z. :WcKinnay, B. w. B11\Ck. Harry w t' d n • 1 day and brou~~:ht her letter ju8t received by hi• motbt'r, Wendell H. Calk Ina. Vendee, or Welch, Gerald R.ltcble, Ralph uu-mother. Mra. Frank Thor nhur1. and he haA been In a boapltal re-121~ Cout Hl~thway. Newport key. A.lbert Bowen. BIUy Willer, hrr • atrr. :Wra Charlea l.fuwer, covtoring from fever. He wtll have Beach, CaJifom la, aU tbat certa.ln C. D. Harrlllon. Ralph Holdt~n, both or Alhambn, and hrr a!llter, bten ov .. r there two yean In P.raonal property coiUII.atlnr pn- Goldia Rudd. Wanda Hardiman, Mnt J .-:. Wllcus of r)f nvc:r, Solo. Ft'bruary, wltb the Seabea, and erally of all atock In trade. bulld· • ~..eater laabel, K. V l>lltz, Wayne Wr llld Mra 0 l'l Dt'nnoaon, l hnpu to come home In time for in~•· Improvement•. t 1 x t urea. HArper. Harold Wohlrnbur&. Jark l1enny'1 Olfl', ~ Jllghn•ay left I Cbrl•tmu "Keep your fin~,.. equipment and good wtll of a cer· lfi...._A.._ •.. ..,.~ ..... m 8adUer, Arthur Cant. 0 . Hob~• I· ~und.ly fur a week'• rnt at Bll FEATHIEAI TO 1"HE FO"II Ill r rollatd," he wrote, "and let me l Wn boat-" bualnt• known •• '---------------'liOn, JWbert AJlell, Mm rton Dodd. Bear ~kf'. thia Mnic.tn P ink, f~ know If the war'e over." Both Channel&.at Company and located JANET BLAIR ... AA or COLt11111U. Plcnnu::s. to: BERNARD of HOLLYWOOD: ..... lenar4& Jua\ 1'1011.-4 your ptotuna anct IIIIIWIIr.~~'-'~~~~~~Uf"· 1-JU.\ Uarille4 \e I boneatly believe they .,.. tbe Mat eYer takea ot .. • I would llb \o orcter aix .Ore llxl4 ot the three cauarte~ ••~liD& pose. Do an extraaood Job U I wish to aive thea to 11Y t8111ilY aD4 relativea. JU.adeat peraoDal reaards and ID8DY tbaoka. JANET BLAIR. r.. teo. wOJ ._ Hthrtlled to ciNlh" wtw-n you hllVt' your plctul"'' .......... AWIII el lleUJ•..._ .. -~ 1VU ... ......, _,._L • _... that thle Ou1a~ )'OUr lov.ct cines Fl tht-beosl. JW ~bMDt PhaM Newport 2218 OUR PORTRA.rl' GA.J.I.ERY IN 'niE BALBOA INN ARCADE ' ~ 12:.10 to 1:30 p. m. Dally ,,, ,,,,\,,, .. ·,,,,,,, \1 a 3 4 At Ink ef A_.. . , . ~tiM..-el d. leu......, ... I -..... ,....edt J•L AI a... el A--. ..• a-. ... nl frir...U1, .......... ~-.... , braact.. ...... ,~ ....... -....... , .. ._,_ • tw. NM r-eecaiiii.AI .............. t.rMk ·-.. ., ...... I 5 At .... el A-na .. .._. .. .....,..., •,.. a.,.. c-• ... ...... Mw ~1 It it t•.,.,.... • .....,..,_. .... .._ ., ••nk o{ Amtrint NATIONAl. JW\ltn ASSOCJAnON .................. a.....-. ............. ._.,_ ...... •• WAI 10•e1 Alit MOLt UU .• 'lllll •AYUIIn l'f'I:O Ann Eaton, daughter ot' pltc~Md u llor: I GermaiM ..... l:>oya get ntwa from the local at 1216 Cout Highway, In the Mr. and :Wn. WUIIa Eaton. 813 ulbert devotee of the .. mort paper. City o1 Newport ~ach, Callfom oa. Camatloa avenue, wu born lkpt. t~n• look. and that the pur<"haae prtce the•e· '7 at &-&aide a-pital. i.AQC Beacb. Featured by ll'ottw Millinery. P uBLIC NoTICES of v.<IU be paid at 10 o'clock a.m. Shr "'"'fl*i I pound. and .Vf'D 111 E:aat 5th ltreet, lanta Ana. on the l Oth day or October, 19H . and nne fowth yuncc. aad Ia NOTICE OF INTENTION TO at Orange County Title O ·mpany, plnlnt: daUy. Hf'r mother Ia COO· 1 le CHATTEL MORTGAGE 421 North lf&ln Street. in the City val..-lnl( at ~ homt' )ctr Eaton PO ice WI or Suta Ana, county of 0!"1\Dgc. f'llpecU to be ca'led by the Army To Whom It May Concern: State of California -Notice ta hereby gtven punuant Dated leptemAter 29th, 1tf4 MI.M Dorolby LUtf, formerly ol Petty thtolt cootinuea to bead the ttl thr provlalona or ~t'<'tlon M40 GFA>RGE HOETNOR .Aaee)co• but ,.:ftlUy of Mrxlco Jlat of entrore on the pollee blot· of thf' C'lvll Code of tbe State of Vendor City, .t.tted IMr ~r. y,.., Har-ter, and W111. C'bartee P. McOreror. C"alitom•a. that bD the lOth day Pub: <XL 3. 1944 Old lkranton, 110 ~ ••· Apt. 7, Cyprtu VUla, Balboa, 'wiiA or Octobtor. 1944 . the owner of the -------------•ue. WfltnNday ud Tbunday. hl~h loaer lhta week when aonw hereln&rtt'r du crlbed rixturea and NOTICE OF ASSE SSMENT IIJ.M ~ Ia a noted opera lllnaer one took trom her drNar :Woaday cqulpmt'nt of that ~rta.ID boat lla.tn1 IUftC ln rola In Maloo night a yt'llow and white COld bulfintiiA llltuated and located at BAy ISLAND CLUB. LocaUon City two ,.._,.., and 111101 u • Bulova wrl•t watch aet with elrllt 11:.!1!'1 C'oMt Highway, City of New-or principal otflce, No 6. Bay ,..,cart ll&8ler lD Loa Am;elee. She diamonds. Enlranre may bavl' port Ucoarh, County of Onnge, !Island, being the real~ence of H. I a.to ..... lwr bollia ln Ban Fran-befon mlklf' throu~h t,he wtDdow. '!llhlte or C.11fomla. Intends tu S. Haultllle. lo t.be Ctty of New- t!Mco. Allen's J>ha rmary on Balboa 111· 'I place a chattrl mortcage upon the port &acb. County of OranJe. The II u n d •Y Bdlool G u II d and wu tnteretl and four 4 6 11ald fixturu and equlpmf'nt. toob , State of Callfornla. NOTICE ll:l l MGt~Nn of Community cburcll.l quart botllea of whlakry wert machlnery, and portable bulldlnga, HEREBY GIVEN, t~at a meet· ~. beld their picnic takt'n. WILLTAM K. l.facC'URDY and of the Bo&rd of Dlrectont held on 1 lucb at the bome of :Wra. Lueck. F1oyd C'~Pto. WNt Cout C&D· WF.NDAL.L H. CALKINS Ia tb~ the 29th day of SepL, 1944, an tle OMaA boulnard. 1'\Juday. nery reportf'd that a tool boll eon· mOrtJ&I:• r or the .Ud property· ~umrnt of One Hundred Fllty Tweaty~flft. lwlu4111c cblldr.n. at· tatotng $:'JO worth of tool• bad and hla ad<lrtou Ia 1215 Cou t IUld no/100 Dollara 1 U t>O 00 I per I Unde4. Tbe ..at fDeftiDI wUt be bern brou~tht on •bore from UJr Hl~ehwnv, City or 1-Jewport Beach, ahare waa levlrd upon Ult' ehar ea ' bald at Ule "-ot Mnl. Gladya bt>at r:"'' Sur and lf'ft bt•lde tht County or Orange, Stall> ot Cal•-ot the abuve-llamed corporatlon.j Huabee. 430 Aca.cla, Oct. 11 Plana car ''' the owner, •tr. IJJtt, but torniR t:EORGE ROETNOR Ia paya ble to A. W. Spence. Aulal·l a re belDI made to bave a food ~ "''hen Hilt cam4' for thelft t.bry tbr murt.:ager "' t he •Ld prop-ant SecreUiry of said corporation. in November. wrre r ene. erty;-nntJ hla addreu Ia 121:1 C'nast ~t aaJd otrlce on aaJd Bay leland, I l.flaa Edllb Hadclocll le!t Friday A blonde plfakln overnlpt bag Hi~ehway, t"'ty of Nf'"''port Bel\• h. n the City or Newport Beacll, I tor her home 18 Paackna, alter AnJ atlldlo makC'U p <'&ae wel'l' t'uunty uf Orangr, State ot Call· County or Orangt', St.:J.te of Ca.II- Mlr:lmer1n• w-ttb bet' Nlatlvee, the -<'tnleo from a t•l,.phone boot.b at torme The Property fhllurea fomla. Any aharu upon which <kol'1fe '""'-'· liCK I:IYt Central Hubbard'• Yacllt landing wben tht' and e(tulpment upon .:Vbich the this a.uumnent remalo.a UDpAid OD I &Y .. ue, Balboa. MW. Haddock OV.'Titr lett ~ for 20 mtnutu aalu rhattel mortp~~:e t. to j the lOth day "' November. will be pe.l nt.ct u ueeu.nt p&cUare of the accordlnc. to Frank Mullen. . plan•J ((lnalata or the rolln"'' .ll!-delinquent, and uo•u• payment .. 1 fUDOua rock ott the pobat In Cor-Kre. N D. Willet&, 221 San Tools. machinery and portable made in tht' m~llml!. the aald oaa del :War, ftur"'lday. Remo Udo t.l«' m'-4 tbne fur bulhllnga aharee, or eo ma.ny or •ld share• f'prar ,._.Ia« Ia b«omlng • plt'ns' from ht"r .houae, abe report· The uod chattel mortJ&ge 1a to u may bt' nece.ary. will be eold P' pular aport and much ot !t " ed to the pollee Monday JDorDlr~t bt' eltl'< uled 1\nd the co~tderaUt•n at the office of aid AINittttanl • tlone orr the potnt. The llah~rui.fl One or th~ plecu. a .O••r fux. ht'rf'rllr "''Ill he paid on the lOth Secret.ary. on the lith <.lay of 1 l~t flnt' llf'C' trnene of abalone h•• o•ape. had bet-n brourht to the door •'ay ur Ot·tober. A. D.. 1~4. ut ~cember, at the hour of IO:OO 1 ani I remark II bout the beautiful of Mrll Nlckenon 113 VIa Ra-O•·&nJ:;e County Tille Q>mpany 421 o clock ol aai<.l <.lay to pay said PI It ~ tl ..._ nth th ' · delinquent auau•mt'nt to<•elhtr ,. ar .. a lt"re &rt! ~~•' " vtooa, r n SWid&y by a email do(. N t.hun Strl'el. <.:lty ol Santa Ana llh rl t '1 ., Wlllcora Mn S lrkeraon reecued Ule f lir County ur Orange, StRte of Calt: w ve perct'n pcna ty, . or bt: 1 and turned It over to Officer Mar· tor·ulu, ut HI.OO tJ'dock A W. i~r~c~tt'~ t~J ~~" 1c11~7x,rattvo. Your Friends and Mine •luUen. The otberll have not bftn Dale.J s~ptember 29th, 19H & e C'! . w . RI"ENCE ! locat.d. WlLLI.U.t K. MacCURDY · ' A Mr•. t:Jva Mlaebe ud Mra D. A. Mra. C. G. WUaon. Inglewood. WENDALL H. CALKlNil ~81111,~~nt l ~eel etary of Bloltb ot Loa Alll._ ban beeu 121 ,...erl aYeaue t.ad been eD·...._ their attomev bla ottlct~, Bay t.land, re~Pd that h~r upper nat' at By Tom w. Kendenun. I uuy •land Club, al l .-UontDr Ult. ,-1 week a t the "--~ City or Newport <>-h but abe had not been down to .. l.fo,..••.,.or ...,ac · bomf' of :Wn. G. H. Sattlt'r, I 17 · .. -.. County ot Orang!', tate 1 8appblre. Balboa lllaoo. Th• lflrla. It anything w.,. mtN tnr. and;or ot Citllfumtu. I hoth or whom hav" huabuldo In l.fnt H F.. Rturjtell, 1612 Weat GEOJtGE ROETNOR ASSESS.1E:'IIT No ~2 I th,.' ~rvicf'. hl\'1' enJ•IYfil th" "Jl· Qcoean Front. reporti'd a rrowler •tortgaget-I N 1 I I rortur~lty or 1wtmmlnR anJ M il· hRd bHn a~n aeveral Umea wlll('b-Pub. Oct 3. 1944 • nb:e ~~~·: ~~<'··~:~~~~~/~,; ·;~~;k~sf::,; In t lh ( II .. 1 t In~ ht'r hnuat'. and gave a dt lllt nn. ---R 0 f' 11 t ... t'lt rn r NOTICE OF INTENT TO SELL I Club 1 l Mr an•l Ml'll J ohn H. Lvon• and tltln n( tbco man. I P b <> t 3 1<11 J 1 • ..,.., .. _.__ AND TO MORTGAGE u · l • · ~ diiUJtht"r" .. :liN-n, II, anti Wary C~ll Kltt «', 12., _,.. ... ..,.,t. WU J11nt. ~. 11no .:fllnJt to hfo new ~~-~ hooked at thr police alation on :--------------- l'l'nlJt 1 f ~•·Wptor~ 81'1\t h, H u1,.1 rhnrgew of anltJxleatltJn atler ·•ttl-TO WHOM IT MAY COli'<.:ERN: Automobllfo ··a n o•nlv t.n41 It howte. Mr L.yun.s rera piC'kt'd him up at hill l'onr. Notice I~ h··rciJy giv£•n that R. Tops Recovered hAll Ju~t lr~u,~•l th,. ,.,.,.t Jt>t•art-"'ilt're he bad brokt'n ,·:In lt,wl't W Wall3t'e tntenda to eell anc1 (not convcrttllll'" ml'nt In tltr ,...lUI N~rt u --k·t •loora &Till f umoture Also or> In· Jo:dwin C. Ed•<"k 11-11d Otla F I · -,... -..-' .. , th lnt ·1 t b h I Windshi<'ld Scrvi"'' llnrl thr tllmllv rlane to mnvr ht'ft' tC>ltiC'&ll~>n. J•-pb Cft'vlrr, t.onc •• ea crwu enu o uy t e ..... (tn m Lon~e i£.a.cb u IIOOn u poto-StoRch. stock, ~ulpmcnt &lid gOtKIWtll of BALBOA MOTORS •lble the garace bu.~ncas hlretofore conducted at 11•0 NeWJ'Crt Boule- lira William B f'ollln.s. ~~~ Oxarart Brothers vard, Coat& Mua, t'allfomia, Ruth t:llen Plummer, hu rt'turnell l • · to Cblumbua, Ohio: to join ht'r Sworn tnto Navy under the name of "Highway G&r· Dr. A. s. Newton h\Uiband who Ia an E~lgn In tht' •.re:~ ,. Ferry Commktld ot the Navy_ Cbarlett J . OxarArt, 31, and hla Tbat tb~ aald Edwm C Edirk Wbtte 1Mft att4' wu ttl~ P• nr bT'olJit'r, Sam J .rr , 29 . .aoa 011 and Otla F. WeatherwaJ(, aa pur- lwr parent&, Mr. and Mn. Tony 83m J Oxarart Sr. 1744 Mirlmar cbucra of .:;ald busl'lt'SII. t'(JUip· Plummw ot Balbo&. mn.trn Col· d1lv~. Balbon, were ewom Into mt-ot and ttxturea, lnll'n<.l to rx- ltn-wu be~ ror u day1 of her llie United Statu Navy recently ecute • chattel mortg:~e thereon viML 11.nu were commlellloned Warrant to the Mid R. W. Wallmcc aa •· U . Joftll Led4)', Wbo with bla oftlt"era. cunty for the payment or a por- wlte bu bHn llpendinJ a fur-Thto two boys hll\'1' always done tlon of the purch._ prtce thereof. louab at lbelr former borne In New thlnga togct hl'r since they wen That the name and plaC'e of Jtney, Ia expected to ~turn 8000 chtldrtn bavlnr atltndl!'d the ~UDI realdcncc of the Intended aeller to hla home, 1712 W t'• Oc.-n ~ar 1r hool. later gmdualll\f and mortg&gt'e le R. w . Wallace, l'nlnt :Wra Leddy wOI ~main in from F\tllt'rton Htgh •rhool ai\41 r0111dlng at 1740 Nto9/l)Ort Boule· th~ EM for u ~.tended vllllt wtt.b Junior rollcogP Th•'Y \Hnt 1::to va.rd, 'eoat.a Meaa. Orange County. bu ,..,...._ In l.Ynnllunt. N. J. war Wflrk togt-ther at Douglu Calltomla. r;;.;.;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;,.=====·:.-=-=-=-=-= AlrC'ra.ft <"ompllny, (."'arlf'& 18 htoad That the n~n of U1,. lntendPd buyrr anrt Sam u AUPf'l'\'l81Jr ~ purcha.::en and the l.ntznlled mort· t~ mattrial and ~celv~ng depart-g-acor• art EdWin C. Edick, rNid- menl. inC at 127 Eul Broadway, Coat& WHAT-NOT SHOP ............. , ..... ................... ....... IM'sl t I ,..,... ._.. • es••• "'•••• ....... , .... I Wh•t's Your Odd Job? 111 Palm AV'ell• Tbrlr parall~l C'&l"''tra evtG Mea&. Orrn:e Co1~ty, CaUtomla, aeemed to bllvto entcrrtl lnto chooe-:utd Otlo F . Weatherwax, rqJd- ln!f tbt'ir wivea u both haV'II lng at 228 Eut El(bteentb Stree•~ I Jeanne ... thtlr j(IVC'n nRmt' Mnt. c~ Weea. Oran&t" County. Cali-Olarl~• Oxarart wu tht' former forDia. Jf'&nne Sharp or I.Aa Ancl'ln and That the place whtore and the Sam married Jf'allnt Glynn of time when the conaldentlon for L.apna Beacb. Mid aale Ia to be p~ld and said Their mother. the late Mra Zllda chattel mort~e ma.ie, ext"Cutt'd Oxarart, 'WU formf'rly A prom~ and delivered le Friday, October tl. ntDt Balboa ~al eatate broker. 1~4. at the law ortlcea or J ohn Marttoll. 409 Flrt1t National Bank BACK THE AITACK Building. Santa Ana. C&llfornla. ~ Tbl• noUct' 111 givt'n pursuant to ---:::~---,:..._ __________________ .:,: the provllllnn11 of Se<"tlon 3440 of RADIO SERVICE Rome, Aato, lllartDe lla41oe Bepa.lrtod Martne ltlflCtriclu Burt R. Norton Phnne un !I.T.WPORT BEAOI 1111 Cout ...,._, Rubber Lined Winch Head Mao n.bermaa'• Jl'rieed l'AYM W_,. ... .., ........ p- ,_L . • • J'ltelttr "'at" ttl . the Civil Codto "' lbto Stat<' ot C'Alltomla R W \\'ALLAC'E 8rllrr Rntl Mnrt¢R!;t'«" F.l'l\n:-.1 C . F.NCK OTIS F WF.ATIIJo:ltWAX r url"h:lMrs and }fort- gn,:nr_.. I TATE OF CALIFORNIA, County of Orange~ On thl~> 2"'th dRy ••r 8l'ptr.mllcor. IPU. b4>!ol't' mr J f\1111 Martell. a Notary T'ubJ ir In anti for !<ald ("ounty an•l !'ltatl', ~,.,.mally ap- J)H1"4'd R. \\' \\'ALLAM::. F.DWIN C. F.DIC1< ami CITI8 F \\'1-:A TH· I ERWAX kno'l''tl h> me to be the perwon11 whoee namn aT? flUb· 1 acrtbed to the fort"golng lnlltrument and acl\nowlt"df!Pd to me that th~y U~Utt'd the a&ml'. W ltn-my hand anrt official ..a! JOHN l lAR1'El...L Notary Public ln and I Stale. Optometrist lloom 101. Moore Blda. Ill No. Broe.4W&7 ._ .. ..._..._an' EYtJI ~YNDieed 0.... J'ltted WE 8PECIAUZE .. ()ANNJNG FRVIT8 Canning Tomatoes Now Ia 8euoll GET THEil AT " DUTrON'S Fruit Market 11M Newport Blvd. eo.ta Meea Motor 0Vf'rhaullnJ Motor Tune-l'pa Carburt"tor and lpltloa Adj'"t!IM'at. Fsctory Trained carburetor Spt'cialiat W• al110 hllndlt' and cnre ror IIAJUlQ: MO'roRS Irs Gara1e A.I.LEN GLOVER UIAptaA.._....._...._. ..... 1164 tcw M)d County and I Pub. Oct a. 1 .. 4 :.------------J HIGH GRADE BOX SPRINGS --wlt.la Mattr .. to matdl. Also IarKe stock of bedroom !.uit.es and broadfelt carpet- ing. MILL§ & PARK FURNITURE CO. 410 Wed Ctla St. S..ta ADa REMODELED ; QUALITY ME.AT MARKET • -1n- COnt.E'S EAST N~WPORT MARKET 506 West Central _6,_ Opens Under NEW MANAGEMENT Dursday, Oct 5th John H. Lyons of Long Beach • • • VEGETABLE DEPARTMENT Under New Management Same as 19th St. Store Charley Milre;. Jl' .U's UJ'6nl }ftHI.n • J7 s,.,..,,. s.r.. Y• N. w. Cor. 4111 & Sycafnore SANTA ANA ON CRIDITI &MONTHS ~~IN~~~ Me IIIIAI CALL 1111 AN. IIA¥1 IOUI lVII IXAMINIDI •Yt:Nr lrobn lena DUPUCA TED I Prompt Senicel 4Carry an EXTRA PAIR of GLASSES With Yaul •Glasses Made to Your OWN Preacrlptfonl tYew Credit l1 GOODI Opett an AccouAtl Yewe,.. .. y_.,_,~, I thb .., ............ ~ ...... -Of'YOMII'W • ...., .,..., ...... vw.. .. ~ DR. HORACE CADEH OPTOMETRIST IL W. W • 4111 & $yc1•1r1 MNI'A AM ..,... c•u namy lMA .... • I. NWWIOift •••ao& NWW·~ .............. On ..... ~. o,t1W I, .... South Coast Man Meets "Friend" PDIONAL =..~Til CA"D OF THANKI IEWS·TI ~MES CLASSIFIED OPPORTUIITIES EXCKA.NGC -MOWil&ill ~ We ,.,,lab to ellJire. our he&ltfelt nev I.Akt ~ 2UJO tha.DJu and appreciation to lbe ~·ood eoNtructed, JblnJied READ NEWS·~ CLAssiFIED ADS FOR PRO~• • • USE THEM FOR R~UL'm WWie D&11 GotbeHd,-e. f\rem&D tlrwt c:lua. wbo 'IIU employed .. w electrlcl&h'a helper at the South Cout ablpyard at Newport 8e&ch ~fore he )Otned the Navy Septem· ~r 8, 1943, baa run l.nto an old friend down ln tbe Souu. Pa.cltlc. c:any tHendll rt GWJtav A. Mac· root , ,.._ lllf\ta, water and dbl nuuen fOf' thetr kindly ~pathy J1U'I'e. Tn.de for small B&lboa --=-"""":'----~~:----~::-:------------------------••-----------------------and n owera. llland propee-ty. 0. A. 8ocien, 1'08 aAIJ-AV'I'08 8l:.LP W A.N'I"D MRS. LURA B. MAGNUBBICN Bay Bbon Camp. Npt. Bcb. au.2 MM. VlftctNlA HOPKINS. f&-2tp FOR BAL&-'Ia Cb ... M~er vrnd•lau~hler. 76-ltAI -------------=-C'pe. rebuilt motor, twallu ,.._ ~ WAN~ or womaa J'Oil BALl: 1 wa~ O.NIJ DAY Rlll<'.-\PPINO u4 tlre IIOK Ul • for IPneral botel worll f,la.lbM wttdl outboerd 111nlnr, ll't h.JI. ,..pair Mt~. N•' priNi\y a.e... --- He wrote bt. mother, )ira. ,------------ VIvian 8. Gothcndce. 816 Weat 6th, S&Dta Ana, that al a llown·j under port he had Nell the flnl mlne-.weeper which be had helped to wire at the SouU1 Cct<41t yarda. The 18-yw-old navy mnn at· teaded Banta .A.na Hleh echool. ATTENTION, Expert Mechanics 0. Dwty Factory Trained BALBOA MOToRS ·voters of Orange Couaty '11\e State and Local Chambers of Commerce, City and County Governments, Civic, Social, Fratemal, Religious, Veterans' and Labor Organizations have all joined in CONDDIING the misleadingly entitled, .. Right to Employment" Propou.l ud Urp AU Cltbeu to Oppoee Ita Adoption!!! NOW, Mort' Than Ever Befort' is the nME FOR VNITED AC'I10N! Oraap Couaty Dlsblct CoaacU of Carpeeten HOR·SE RACING~ Quarter Hone M1tch laces HAM COnOI RIICH (OIIe IDle 8oatb of 8u Clemeate) TEN EVENTS SUIDAY, OCTUEI 15 ud""" two ............. CORONA DEL MAR lined. 2 new pre-war Urea. new Hlllalde lot, bt&utltul VIPW, $700. retrud; otherl Jood. See at l171.a A cate. Balboa. Lal. 7~2tp lAD Phone N••oport MO. 63·ltll 461'119 8an~ Ana Av•. Newrort N ry for IJ1'ac1t "A", tnatl rott "All. t volt M~ pl&al. flEW' W ANT•:o , Beach Ph. 1860-ft. 7fl-tfo quality .yftUu•t lt rubber. a.-ve Ml\ 00; A f\. P'JWOC>d I"'Wboal. S mall bou~ot Ut'ar lucaUon for oew IC.'b.ool. $37!10 F I NE HOME. jtt>O<I v.t•w. IIOUlh <:1f Hl:;tw·ay. $7000. GARAGE HJi;;E, partially butlt, $1600. W. J. HO\.COMa 1:117' Cout Hlrbway Corona del Mar "Whl're lhc Flaga .,y" 76-1tc FOR SALE Cnrona tiel Mar UNJi'UBNJSHED OOIT A~ 3 roome ant.! bath 137:,0 GERTRUDE A. WALDRON "Phunt> 234·W THREE BEDROOM' HOUSE ( Unturnlllbed 1 At..o Two Small fWnlaJ Un!ta $8000 THREE BEDROOM HOUSE li"URNISHED On Central AYeDue THREE LOTS -Good k>caUon tor duplexea Oppoalte Eut Newport Market. Price $3600. W. L. JORDAN 700 E. Central, Balboa Telephont : 153 76-2tc WANTEP TO BUY WANT TO BUY Property In or aroun~ the Harbor diatrfct. Two Iota preferable. with or without buUdlnp. Bualn t • or r¥idental. or ac:reqe on Ule Meaa. .A: new car aa part pay111eut. b&laDce Houaetlold hf' II -..,.. your ru ID U1_. lllnrnlftJ, It wiU 14~.00. ('all •onlnp. ftl Npt. ~ h~;7.o~ •lay EK<'ell•nt J11DR ~ALit Cook Ito¥•. hl&h be NA<Jf to.,, tbat •\1'1!1\~. All lkb 184-W. T•-4te Cllftn. f1•ur buml'r; bfod oprlnp; w<Wk arl4 ma teriala ,u&nLoteect.I----------BOAT8. 8UPPt..ID HJ!l.f' W ANTEO IClt:Wrle"* »·lb h·., bl•a. rhllct'a bkycM, eo.t. u-'n.-. 6 ftecapJ'IDc J'Oit 84Ut ..,.., ,.., ... eut.- BOA':"S-Bot, Sold &ad Traded man to work In Uquor fttore. aolld tt"'" C.n be ~ at ITOt 8bop, 20th A Ne.,an lll..t.. ftt ~pa.te, ...... ,...._.,. JCit, Martne·Enrtnu and PaN Nf'~' •Art II C 2112 C'Mllt ... ,.,, • Nrwport a.ac:h be· a..ta Una. f'h 23t2. T4•UC! ••· &11-IIUa 8\., ""-M . ... ~ .. :.'=:!.,. ••L"'•·•"'" .... D "'"' rverac• o . t " I • Tl t _AJUllf ... "" • """""' "'"" n..... wM-n ,. Ill>• ... -4 p •. , -t .,,.ft .. ,.... It'' t'tl. 111•-w . -..te .... ._an l"runt, N•wrort S..r h. ...., .. _,. .., ' 3080 w. Cen~~A~· ...,, 2188-W ----_____ ._.u_c: roR SAUl; A-rion plano. r.ttn-JOHN E. SADLEIR roa IAU-...,.., *ill, ........ Newport ae.cb, CAlli WANTKn ~omt"\Wt' to do laun· ~ l04 20ih St . NrwpoH fU~AL ti:~ATit ttftOKEft . IIMll l '<"YI., ~ motor Ut· M-ltc: dry for family of UlrM. Ia your O..t'h. 1l·4tp UlllNF.IlAL INA I 'RAN('Il AGENT able fW bll& or prcl '"*"-· Bo_A_T_FO_R_S_ALE ___ Ga_r_W_ood. 11-:: :::::· Ph Npt. U Of' 2ll~ FOR AAI.Jt--0-ntt-ta.ree bed divan Not&r)' 1'\a_.Ac ' 140M. 1111 Hiutlor. "'·:aD-Iii p.-neer •peed boat. m&ltete 10 --------------and rhalr. f:\1\. Ptl Npt. 87 IMI• Dl>l•••ll u.... rntt IJALII .()Ill .,.y ,...... Do I mllee. Price $1010. &lJ • 38t.b WOMAN UNA1TAC'Hltt>--a0 to 421 NAI't't.ua Ave., Corona dtl 301 MaJa "t l"t\c-.w 10.\. 20 In 3t rt1Uae &ad 100 ....... Mar. 711-2tc: 8&1...... ~~~~ 7•-o a..oa ·~ aas St.. Npt. Bch. Ph. 1217·W ,68-8tc . Ill. llrht ornce work, .. ,.'':J;.L;;:u;a-:-:=:-;;:;:;:;:;::=-;:=-;:::-:: --. .,.. ••f anununltloa . .,.. . ,. not ntc-ry Alary M el' a year Ma.MAha" J'Umlture W c-.ntraJ A.,.,, a.Jbo&. ....,. FOR SALE OR 11'tADE 26·tt t,.,·tn acr-· ••ater taxi, nt'w hull• Boat 1.1 three-fourtho flnl.lbNt 2 Rrd Se&l ConUnotntal motora tnatallt'd. Have evrrythlnJ to complt'le . Will aarrlftce for qwcll alt Ptl. t~ee70 lAna' Bch. \\1rt~ Boa L. NtMNa·TI..IDM. ,._ .. -.,y haft a tauae et.ar;anc. ---"" Attention Boat FtJR aAt.a 10-10 w ........ Tl-4tc lD oolebnUoe ot Uteir ANNI· evbbM, MW I~-•• , •' VD.BARY n .. , .. , 1u UM Owners Uan. ~ .. tOI' .woNlna~t ....,_ 76-2tc FOR SALE 48-rt. yacht, twio .-rt"w, brid«• decll, teak deeD. well found. diJIIy A tender boom. GILJl&W&y. C02. Sword· flab chalr. rompl•t• covu. O>m· plrte reeondltlnnlnjl', C()jlt $11000. for qwt'k aale, .12.000. Call owner momlnp Npt. 1294-W 7:1-Stc HELP WANTED Lady to can for :.! omall children enry n-1· day Wtll furntab lrwleporta· lloa f'h. Npl lkh. 771. Mn. H. D. You~. 1122 Beacoo Bt., N-• port Hel1bta. Tt·lto IIAN WANTED--. tor let d•llvery route. Ooocl Job, loo.l pay We wW l#acb you aa t'ttabl1•h•d route It not lnt.f"- eetrd In hllnl work do not apply. Newport lee a Cold 8tonp 410 30th 81. Ne•·port Beacb I Phone 167 'fO·tfc -----------------------------F'OR SALE 8 fo.ol tllntehY ami HEU• WANTED Olahwlt.lltl.r ttahlug pole. 10011 E. Central an•l waltreM. II a.m t o 1\ p.m .. Ave, Balbo&. 76-4tt Sun•l•y• off Lou1r '11 Calf', 2&14 ----W ('"nlnll Avr. Npt Bt'h . BOOII I'OR RENT 76-2tc: FOR RENT Two nlrel y tuml~d WANTED Help-by da y for -. guut I"'ODUt In be&t'h homt'. Bo• dt,ya a w••·k. II\Ufldry an.t t'lean· F, rarl' of NrWI·T:mra. 74·4tp Ill(. Ph. Npt Bt'tl. 1884. 76·2t~ -------------ROOM FOR RENT Private t'n· W~ROOII,BOAKD taUI and wua&&l •vtnp .,.. or a.d rw c.-.. Kr. aodla, -otter.~ tn ~wy A¥&!tatJt. bealnntnr l~t 1 Nllor-. Camp. Nl't-lk'L ,...,.. Here'• 11111t a r- 1 pe. Divan aet wu ,, • ..._ JNSJDE t'Oit UL& l'ntot.k"taJIJ ... lla now .... !10. BOAT STORACE ,·oat wub Ia,.. 'I'"' ,_ ..ew . tau 8oft h t'e 1\ur wu •• A1eo bf.(II'OOfa wtt.. ,... .... -now lll.t6 'New hulldlnc Mlll20tl reluy. cbalr, lup ,., ra• ... ape. BM Roaaa a.t..,.. ..... a.,.w. ~ awnna both 11&11 ud . table. '""'lllpptae taW., •· ft. ~ n;-~·'! llaLt. ,_,., ..... ltc•ta UJI tu Stl n In ~~ Npt. 1101-W ,.... UoD ....... ~ ... '-"·1'= Lido Channel L08T 4HD IPOIJND rwtnowPaal1ei7.10Qill wu ~-~ .' LOitT a.harda)t, .... , _,... Yacht Anchoraae O.Uda Rocker wu ff.IO ..., wall4tt with 1\&JDt 1tef ........ p .tO Newpan 1M f6-4tA: mnMy Ud drt,.,..o ,...._ Ia Bua1netu wu 110.10 _ • 0 •"'!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!~~ JWM'bt Kewud. Pit. Npt. 8olt. n.e«~. r u ao.J ,._.,. 2 pc. Dav•pert w wu 11•.ao fSaiONAL UlfiT t'u u~ a.OIIIIi&1illf..,. DOW ,,._, tr YOU wut to _.t ..,. pan MoMia. "-aN. ....... '- 6 pc. Dt.nt'tte e.t .,.. .... 10-wn• ._ a v....,,., w... uutoe. w .. euut ....._ ea. now 114 tl. . 11-Ut ,... .. IUJiy other lt.... ....U7 ,... r------------------------ctue.4 t)l.. •ontb -a.o...t Tei"IIUI, ,,.. O.ll""f McMAHAN f'URNITU ... eo. lad and &ro.dway S..ta Ana, CaUf. APPLICATIOIS lranct' and bath. Near be&cb. V•ry cumlortablt and re&*>D· ablt' Apply 120 Ma.rlrw Ave., Balbo& laland, doWIUilalro. aide •ntrance 7Wtp HI:LP' Hf:L I" You041 11\1\D 25 dCIInl n aeut!al WM work baa bee:! tryh e to de ownltoakAna. FOR "AJ...& Hl«"h own ru raafW: Flnd8 It too much for him. Uu.t double -.ct a nd -ttreao; COU(h fl"'tl board A room. pHvat~ ft.m· OIU at 41ll': C.anl Av•, BaJ. lly. Will pay tOf' J•rk-~ for rood boa. Tfl ltp DOGS, CA 1'8 a PET8 cub. Write Box ·v·, c/o New•· ------------Ttmea 72·tfc FOR SALE-f>C'riOIIR lotcl"eMed In really -line Cll('ker Span lela at dealrett. Jacllaon cue, T~ ~D TO RENT bt11rd. Referenwa fumllltlr•l ••1 --N~ -IEIII IIID ·for F11~1r P111t _.,_ WANT TO BUY from owner-2· halt kennel price!! c&ll Mra. bedroom homl", ciOIII! to ur on Talt. Npt Bch. 235t 8 a.m. to ocean, Weat Newport. 40th to 4 •30 p.m. Utter fro111 belt &boW 60th atreet. Write C. L. Lynch. line In Calif. A.K.C rec. S3 Rt. 1, Box 31C, Santa AnL Champion pediJrree Private 74-3tc party. 71-4tp NIEWPO'IT-BALBOA IJI'and. I...A&'Un& Bcoach Of' pt1CIIIe Laiu-~aeb 62• L td l•·•v• ~TED Tu ~nt or buy am mr-.e TS-4tp plano at lund make Ph. · Bcb. 1840. 72-Uc W AN'I'ICD W AN1' 1'0 RIC NT ff~ 011 Ral·l WANT'ED-OOLL.ABORAmR fN bna leland for wl.nter montt\e, POPULAR SONGS. Mwrt be C'.ouple, DO Pf'la. nn wild .,-rtiH mal~ and have oompleu lmowl· Beat care of pro~rty a.a~red I Ia~••• lllllflll1ri11 c.,_, The. Are Applleatlou OaiJ and NOT EmploJMDt Jobe Which l1ciac Starts 11 1:81 P. M~ NEWS-TIMES ettce of popular aonJ cnnolruc:· Call rrnnk Rich. MI. 71-Uc "!~&. or ubiC' t(l ll.'am If tuW, ancJ W"A""NT "TO RII:J'M' llrn&n lloote. Will Be Aft111We It • 'Nee 0...-_.....~ ... Admlee'oe (lacladlac tax) $1.20 . Service Pei"880lDee 50e Refreshments Fr~Parking The Famoua Sportfisher ,. ' C R E S C E N ·r'' Sldppend ,., Capt. George McMillan STILL LEAVING DAn.Y at 6 A. M . ,,.. SCOTT'S LAIDIII (~ for &lie ft-h •) ........ lltl ~ IIIPwaF, N....,.n ...... ~ L l SNOODLES ~"T •• VO'-'~ ~"vOR1~~ ~"TUOV ""' ~C't100L- Oof?OTI1Y! PHONES: NEWTOKT IIAII P11blllllecl r: .. , n-ur &H nan~ax Atte~ Vot• ... lXXVI Subscription Payable In Advan~:-$2 SO per JNJ' In OranJt~ County! $2.75 per year to 4th zone; $3.00 per year to 8th zone. Entered as Seeond-clas~ matter at the Postotrl~ In NeWJ)Ort Beach, Calttomia, under the Act ot March 3, 1879 S. A~MEYElt ·--EDITO""R-AMN<TD~P""RM'E""-~""Jo~ENTn_• OFF1CIA.L PAPER OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH A Dependable Local baUtliUoe for OYer M YMn Fis~inc Bo1t . Barzains SPECIAL: d-ft. z 10-ft., 9-ID. beam; 9-toa Ice bole ........ $5600 11-ft. .__.., -aa..,..._ er-a. 01rr7t11c ..,... A ......... ......... ......... _ llANY onmaa To c:aoa.a r.o~~ 1118'S LIIDIII and Ya~ Brokerage ........ .... ............ < '7 oat of 10 people ,_. N..,._ 11mee Cluellled Ada.) "fH~'f SAID S NOOOY LOST" A NICKEL-IN muat l!lsy plano ••ell, eomc• mld•III'IIIJf'll (•ouple~ l't'nnaneot knowlt"\IJtf' c)t harmftny and Wrll,. """ A ,..,.,. N,.,.,._.Timea. rounh q•ulnl W J l:artlnrr . 78·4tp B&llx' C'..rllf TfJ.ltp WA.NTF:lJ Humr l~<umlrv, ran-~ TRANMPORTAnON lllhed and nouy,loolry "" Trvltw l{I<'Yt:LYt4 Knl•l, ,...nt.ed .-re· het\''("('n l:)th & lllth Hl.lc. A• """~I palMI'(! V1'1Cf'l'•. 304 UaiD Ill., fmm Npt llt~rlw or 1 lniun 1111(11 Ualhmc 11nd 2()11 M~rtn• AYeDIM', !'chool l,lull'k ... rvw•· i6·41v llalliu• lnl1nd ll·lt: laside Storace 4lc per ft. Scrape and Paint Your Boat on Our Convenient W ay1 .. We FlaniiM tbe ........ , Yoa Do Y~ Owa Work BACK THE AT'J'ACK BVY IIOU IIONDe IT ~~teES UMir"rd A ....... MIIIJitl• ... .... WlaiJr ......... N.-rJ TN' I I ...... ~ .......... .. ....._AppiJ: Bob ADell, 91. Cout Hlllltra)', N..,.,... ._.. TH ......... N_,.,. ....... Htt l1~111n M•nuf1Ct1ri11 Co•,.•r Prof essienal Directory MOKTIIIEa IIOIIOOL --a..a. ......... -DAY 8011001-4,.._1 Oall,. ........................... , .............. o. A. ·--•. A..,.,... ...... ... .. ,' Gordon M.GrundJ, M.D. ~h,.alola" •"• 141,._.. Nl"t" an• Celltra Ave. Offloe Hra.; 10-IJ l .m.: 1·1 ,.m, Tete,tMM J1 LEROY P. ANDERSON ATTO,.HilY AT LAW Ceeta Mau aa"k awllcll"l ~42t Callfert~la HAROLD K. GRAUEL CHAPEL "W• Oura,.lvNttl• lMtter Bern n,. Rf'rvlnC Oth"ra l '-llt" P hOfle He•pol1 M1 COtta Meu C•llfomla BUY NOW City Tax Sale Loti A. J. TWIST 607 Cont Highway ~hon• 2422 CORONA DE L MA" • Gerald Rau111a, M. D. 1"1'1 w .... t f '~"lral Av,, s_,..,,, ...._ .. "'· liSA ·~n ..-w~~r rail •r·M x-.. ,. IW""'-' ' JACK RAUB Uu•ed lAM lllaneyor 111'7 W. o.tnl A._• ,_ .. AIN,_ ,..._~ ''t!!:·-.... ........ -.... ..., N.D. CASH D. Y, M, .00 eM CAT ~ITAL .. _ "--,., .................. "-· o.Mf, Coancl Rlcllt•, M.D. ~ ................... ... Off ... ,, aM ..,.... N-.wt..._ Heura1 10.11 L "'· 6 1·1 ,_ "'- ~tl•fl• Off... til l R• ?W DR. C. E. TOHILL ~HYIICIAN _,., IURe&ON .,.c....••w.,.....,_.._. -~- Ofn.e -..w. .. ... •·" ,, ,.. --Cell ........ . Ur. M.D. Crawford OPT ONF.TKiaT P.yt'il •:umiiW"(f r.ll••f"~ .,ltl'd ntt H-,.on ftftt~t.".,.. no-UM C"UMTA MFAA BALTZ MORTUARY CHAPilL av THil lilA 410 Coalt a lvei. C.tena lfel Mar . _,.r1 .. .u. ~hene He•pel1 42 UR. ODED LUCAS-I I>enti8t • n•y, w. c-traJ, ft. •• NF.WI'OJIT IIEAGW SEPTIC TANK a or.MPOOL PIJJIPINO IIOY llt1Jifo. .................. caer.t ......_ Oo\l.olll'. ' ....... ........... Hart. ... <:laiU .._ .... ., .. ~.aa......-·• ................. ia ........ ~,_a aa.jof'.,. ..... --12·2». t ·1'7 ......... ( Eastern Wedding Of Mn. SChollain Announced I-I arbor Feminine Activities Bridge Section of Friday Afternoon Club Inaugurates Fall Season of Bridge Play A.D.ooUDCem.nt hu biio made of the m a r r I a 1 • of Mra. M)'rt -------*=--------B_y_w_mu __ ~--~--~------*---------~---~_-__ u __ ~ __ u ______ ~*~------ Ebell Club Makes Change in Schedule &cbolla.ID ot B&lboa 111 K&naU o~. s· F A I na;. on .... 13, eo 011_.,.. Jxty-our onua Ra.Jpes H. we.lch. u.s. c-.t Guard, Troghies Awarded at Cooked Food Sale On Balboa Island Al 8. r..ceol board meetinr ol Saturday Morning Assistance League Plans Fall Project WIUl Mra. J'red L. Hauck and Mn. C. 0 . Huaton u boet.e.ea, membera &Dd triencb of tbe bride• Mctlon of tbe Jl'rtday Afternoon club ratbered to tbe clubbouae fOf' the f ln1t meeUoc of tbe ae_,n. Nu Robin.aon, C. Ptu, Frank L. Kneauer, Ira Lowe. Keo Stewart. J . Wrl.pt. Ed. Morrlll. C. E. Hand, P. V. Parkea, Grover Snyder, The,_ Scbwaerer, W. E. Nickell, R. 8 . Dittmar. MatUe Lone of SantA Ana &Dd Mra. Hauck. )ln.. Huatoo wu unable to atten4. San Dtqo. Tbey were altftlded B J y h t CJ b t»y Mr. and ....... .w-u &mart a oa ac u the Eho!ll club a new pollcJ ... 'nle very popular ducu wbAcb and .ao Ooea~ ot sumner, Mo. 11M rww Mr. &lid Mn.. Welab bave ~ vtalunr bla pareou . Mr. &lid .Mra. Harry £. Welah. at t.be4r bome In Sum.Der for a week. and amonr Uu! mlllly Jood UD1 .. wu a plenk at Swllll lAke wblc h wu atUJ\Ckd by a lar&e r roup ol rei&UVM and flimda Tbe younc couple al"f' npecl~ to retum to Calllomla lbla week. Arts and Crafts And Garden Sections It wu a pia and rutlve a lfalr dedtled upon. cbanctar IDMtUI( L&dlu of 1.he Newport Hetabt. have been apon~ by the ~- on Saturday night wh~n the B&l· clah a from twice • month, oo tM Circle, W.S.C.S .. are eponaort~ar a ance Leacue at the 8AAA.B be»· boa Yacht club awarded 64 annual aut and third Thur.daya, to only food •le to ~ beld Saturday. Jllt&l wUI ~ couUiwcd, accordtor lrophlu and 11 JM>rtwtuat. al • ODe mHlln' a month. 'niJa wll OcL T at JP Lm. at the MIDe of to tbe vote taken at the Learue dtnner clollln&' the •ummer racine alway• be a luncheon meellDr, alliS Mra. Movla, comer ot Col'a1 &Dd meettnr at tbe Red CroN rooma ae&IIOQ. reRn·auona mual be made ~or.-rark avenuea, Balboa Ululd. Tbunday. The bundre<l ~uta w.-re aeated I band eacb time. ln eharce ot the atfalr are Mra. The~~e ducea aro held once a at lone tAblea at .. mmtng from the Lad.lu of lbe club .,.e anteftrll Maynard LobeU ud lira. Gu Ntr-mooth wltb you.nc Junior boat-• bu d utile wbkh worr a ~tay aklrt oo. &eli\'lll<a of Lhe club year and enberc. Tbla 18 a c:banef" to eon-~Inc under tbe dJrcc:llon ot a or no(), whit~ and blur paper. Flow ·l lhla w~k Ia a buay one. n.w. aerve your eoerey and yet m&ln-aenJor bo.te. commlt\ef. Wblcb ta •ra running lh• ll'ngth uf all tAblea day t. lbe openlnc ~eeUnr f« laln your reputAtion for that delec:· beaded by Mra. Mary Addla Ab-~ out the patriotic m<>tlf tnter· the club. and ruervatlona IDUJl table Sunday d.tDner. bott. Tbue hoeteuu provide re- RI with taper• of the aame colora bave ~o a:ade wllb Mlae liard& freahmeota a.Jad the n"Xt d&nc:e t. The club'l J)f'nnanta Wtrlt bunr Coombe by Tuuday even~. M,. Church Group Meets Oct. 1t, witb Mn. Arthur Deal. from thr c•lllor . 11:. E. Boudinot &lid l&dlea ol Ule Mra. W . P . 0\:rkce. Mn. R. R. Seattd at th• bead tAble were TbriJt 8bop an to cb&rre or Ole With Mrs. Hoffard Hodrklnaon. Mre. Geors-.. Yardley Commodore &lid Ynt. Mark Healy. procnw:n. u d Mra. OIJton Smith In c:h&rae. A pt)t·luck lunc·h .. on will be Vlr e O>mmodore &lid Mrs. Ooul loloru:ay, Mra. Geof!re Wheat. The Newpnrt Helgbta Clrcle, Mra. Yardley reported on booka &band by memlM'ra ot the t"Tiday Kemp fWar O>mmodorf' &Ad Mnt. oo1reapondlnc eec:ro:t.ary for Ule w .s .C s. mtt lut Tburaday at tb" g1veo away to aen·lce men In AftAomona dub'a aardm &lid arU Dob Boyd. II'. c. B!"f'wer, Ra.c• Orance <.;vunty ~eratiOG boarCL home of Mra. o. G. Bernard, 447 Atulta ud read a letter frool a.Dd cratta .le<'lto . .a on TuriM.Iay, ebalnnao fOf' tbe club aJid Herb &lid chairrr an of Amerlcu Cltlaen· New p 0 r 1 boulevard, with Kra. Chapl&ln J ohn Brynnl.' thanl:l!l::; Oct. 10. In the clubbou•. accord· IUky, cbalrmao of the race com-, ahlp, waa apeaker at tbe open1nc Floyd Huffa rd .. Ulllatinc boa'-. the &'J"'UP on behnlt ot the boya tor to Mn ~ari Lupton, pub-m lt&M of th4' amall boat diYiaiOD I mHttnc or the Anaheim ICbell It wa.a All all day meellnJ', w ltb wbo enjoy tbem. SIJtty new boob Uclty cbatrman fM Ow club. ol ICY A Other otflrera of tbe club, her aubjeet belnc ouu .. aDil thf' mom LDg houra devoted to bave been aent, bealdea tbe nook In Joint Meet A.rat and craJla woril•ra .. club lnt~uced by Commodore Prtvlledgl'a of Amerlc&D Cttlllen· making quill• lor Red Cr of the monU1, which Ia aent reg- coaUnue with their Red CN,.. ..... Haaly were Port Capt. &Dd Mra.j •hlp. On Frida y ,Oct. 6, ahe w ul layette•. At noon the ladlea .:: ularly. "'• duriDJ tM dtemoon willie U.. .._0 Hardrut.kl Capt. Joe IIJ)eak on lbe aame aubjeet at tht a eack lum·h with deuert tea andi Ooe of the main projecta which ra.rc1eo aectloo membera wW cc.-.... k. &A honorary ·member; and Womao'a club ot Garden G~. cotlt e servr<.l by lhf hoe~-e. . tbe ~~e ia un dert.aklnc Ia the dUd t»dlcat.ory c.-ol .. for ._ ..__. ,.....,. __ ..., ~,... 0 .,.,. H-'1. and Mra. C M. Deaklna will &tao M , ... H F rum ;at.mr or a day room at tht ,....,~ ~ ..... -~-· ., I ra ..... -riA . •rruaoo conduct· ., __ b 1._, d f ,_ tNII wbkb lbe IPOUP hu -.. C. o-r u -~e chair· be a apea.ker at tbe aame meet· ~ ~ ...... an un-.. are to oo..... u-.,.._ ,..._ _,_,. •-n td a ahnrt bu.lne• -lon &Dd l be -l....ti b a ~•.. whltb Will ...._ for .... park. -.-•. ..-.rp .an aanouoced tbat tbere had In&, talking on ower a.rr&.DI't· report•d 00 money donated tbe '__,.... y .--·Y ""' I wtll ..-L ..._ 171 racea boiJd durtnr tbe mtola. M1a DeakiiUI Ia d.latrlct F. lb H 11 8 h 1 ( y I g1_ven at a f uture date. --------------·11MS-44 _._ wbleh atarted cbalnnllll of carden.. ·• tr a c 00 or ounr Alfer tbe mom lnc Red Crolla lut 0 Tu lid Oct 10 M Wom~n In San Diego, to be ua«J work tbe croup adjourned to tbe Oetc*er. 'lbe Euler and lAbor 0 e ay. · ' ra. Dea· tor the purfh&W ot dJatlta. 8be Yacht club for lunch, then re- DaJ ...... tM t.ota1led lt1 eDtriN lllnA &lid Mra. Wheat wiU be co-alao ml\de a brief report 00 tbe tumed "to tbelr worll whieh they wttb lba ..ut b1(tM8t be.lnr 100. boate-• to membera ot the W 8 C S dlatr1 t nt held .,. ............. _ _ _ _. ,_ ... 6 r e 1 u 1 a r Oranr e County Speakera Forwa a1 · · c c:o erenc:e cooUnued durlnc t ne b.latn.e.. au· -·--... ~ In Anahthn, at which atk and Mn.l •loo --., Cba1nD&D Brew.r prailled tht!' home of the latter. He.ory Harrta were dele~atea. Two Kra. T. Welton Jay prelllded for ::!':'1 ... ~-~:" . .::!y t.boeetu.nd. B. & P. Women themn art (iven the ~pe for tbe flrat meettog or lbe ntw club ~--.., --r• the y .. ar. to work toward world year, &lid Mra z. B. We.t of Ia ddtUaD to awarda prevloualy T 0 Meet Thursday communion and a WOf'ld cruade SantA Ana advt.aor to Soutb uDCMI'IIINd ta UaU paper, wtnnera for Chrtlt. aceordlnc to her report. Oranr• Co~ty Aulatanc:e ua=: o1 U.. n. l"or All wbkh featured Membera are ukea to at.tend Awlillarv. wu p -··ot and told ...... _ _... lnl t ..... tot Tbe aUver annlveraary ol tk h ·~ ·~~ .-.ca. .... pea, uro.... o found.ln~r Of lbe oaUona.l of'I'Uiba· t e met'ltog of the ~neral Circle of Lt!'agut' work During the day'a a ~ aad fiAIIAr r"aoCe wttb IJ9b tlon of tbe Buatoeu a nd Protu· whlrh will bt!' held Tueaday. Oct. aealllon 1040 b~dagte were rolled. IIDd Betty Wlllta elalmtor flrat 10 at Mar CUa on B&lboa laland. ....•m"--pr·~nt lnclud· .. ••·•· --•---ot ... _ 8 111 aaooal \\'oman' a club will be c.le· .. -~ ...,. • ~~ ,... -~ ... -u w ....... ra ..... nee; •·•lb lunrheoo at 12 noon. Reaerva· dames Suaan RuUttrford. ·~ .. ur __ ... 1 __ ._ ... d d bratl'd at the meeting to ~ MJU tl k .u-u• _, ue r .... e, ... ae con : All Thura(S.)Ievenln& al Wl\lte'a Park on• art' u ed to be lD by Satur-Beat, W. P. Durkee. Edward Chap- Georp and Ccenie Beeman. lblrd. a vtnue c:alr, Balboa laland. day, •nd not later than Monday mllll, C. L. Thorn, John Hillman. The Good lportamiU\IIbJp perpet· noon, ana may be ID:lde wltb T Wellton Jay, \\'aiiiAm Wbttt', A.rraogemeota of fall nowera In their rlotoua colora v.·ere featured Ill the room ud oa table~~ wher~ the deaaert c~ wu aerved the gueata. Carda occup6ed the attemooo boura wlth bonora cobl&' to Mn. C. Plaa, tlrllt; Mra. Nan Robloaon, travf'ltor and Mra. Jra Lowe, coa· aolatlon. Thoae wbo enjoyed the after- noon atfalr were Km•. H•ry Eggert. G. V. I...J.oaeot1bard, Robert R.oaa, W. D. Mer1ckd, Zella Be.nder, Homemakers Club Learns How to Clean Machines ~ lntrtcaclea ot keeplnl a ••· lnr machine clean and ruADJ.nr oa aU "cyllndera" wu 1.he feature ol the Homemakera elub recently when membera ratbered In 1.he Womana' clubbouw. P'ourt.e.n manbera were ln a ttbldallce. . MOM -AID TOT T·OGs Dtar Santa Clauu: Of course u t ~now, Wath Chnslmas tame 50 ncar. You'll ha1•c more wor' tlwn you can do. 'Yuw alway~ do -tach ytar I'm t.t'!'llmg ;.ou tudov abua•t lvfll sluf'mtnl 1t's an'll'ttl. And toys' they arc rhc cuttst 1h:ng•. Some rots wall bt dcpnvcd. And JIUt buausc tht ar partnU 'To heed our t.t'ammg word. 'To buy fxf ore the rush u on, 'To u•aat u JIUt absurd' fad W e've bean bags, Wood•·~uu, and bolls, Walt Duney plaques, Oh me' W e've nursCTy pactures, woodtn bloc~s A nd many rhmgs to stc. Bathrobes for duldrtn (2 to 6), A nd froc~s-wuh braad they're bound- And rayon panlles. cotron, roo. \V1th rubbtT all way 'round ·'J.'c'vt ~lac~~ fM u mnen, and bra.uatTcs, And g rdlt~ Oh vc<, Shots' Aucl lasr. u·t't·t gnr a LA~ ''J.iav Plan To <Wt rht Chn.umas blues. u&l wbk:h Ia awarded k• the toc11· da~af~ ~=~d~~ta:::.. m;t!~ Mra. Steve Smit h Jr., telepbOIM: Even•tt Gardiner . R fl. Hodgkln· vlc:tual who bu ahoWII outlltandtnc 101\0. ~. Dlxun SmiUl, John P"rk~. ·----"'1 I t etl'a \\'t'ek, whkh Ia belnr ~lebrat· Th ~ M ~ apor,_ .. _, p rutnc a g • n • "' Oct. IS-14. thla occUion will alan c clrcll" is s ponsoring a food Willard • Killion lllchant Cull~ Jack'• New Barber Shop (0. M W llf Ifill' trtrU ... mat .......... 8tl Coeat Jllcllway OorouMI M.,. hlllldacape wa• 11ven to Mlu Patty be oba f .... t _._ sale for Saturday. Oct. 7 at 10 a.m. Mary Addis ·Aboutt, R..xlcrwk Hunter of Santa Ana. an ~rvance 0 ..... -· at lhe hor.le or Mra Movla Coral 8 .,.., 1 1..., 1 Mra < • .'~rulyn Weber a -·t · · . urnham, Gt>orgt Ynrrllf'y, Jlln\t'll r u owu.,. thl! award ng of tro-id t f lh ;_.._ r-and l'ark .. venuu . Balboa laland. Rodner11 Oonl\ld McCallum &lid MOM AND TOT SHOP pbl~•. Mr. Gram. mf'mbt!'r ot Ule prea t'n ' t!' atate -ra.Uon, I vdth Mra. Maynard Lobell and • ' rlub. ahowed beauUful color lllldu Wlll "1"~' an lnfonnai talk OD Ule !otra. Gua Nirenberg In charge.. Walton HubbanJ Jr otv~~~~Uie ~~~M~w~~~clu~ln ~~.~ Th~~~~~p~~M~~============~~===~======;;=~===========~ around tbe club, Ita membera &lid put pruadcnu of tbe Harbor club Robert Jack801\, Mnt. C. W. WUtllle . t.be YariOUol nHt. tbat raced In the wUI be aped aJ ,uuta. M ... ~~ and Mra H~nry We~eUer of .....on Ju.lt <:1~. Blomqulat Ia In char&~ of tba pro-Hawthorne, a former manber ol 11M ractar Pf"'C1"UD (Of' OM .,..... Ule Clrlre and realdent of t.bA! ...... -wW lllUt ~ ..... 1& for all daMu and lben wur Former Society Member• preant lneluded Mn. be raclq eYt!'ry Wrd 8unda1 In EdJ'tor Is ... -the w H. Trualy, Mra. A.pee WtlaoD, a.cb moatb, accordlnc tn r C. ll'W r Wra. Uu• Nirenberg. Mra. George I Brew~r. t.hroucbout the wtotn 1 N.-s has bet'f'l l'fCE'ived by Mr. Morland. Mn Maynard Lobell, I )aDd Mn. Rodney S.con. 502 Wt>U· Jdra Htnry Hllrna. Mra. L H. I Dinner HQnors lngtoa a vf'nut', Santa Ana. of ow FerCUJM)O.. Mrs H. 0 . En.lign, ldra. birth of, 1 granddauehte r. The ,.,oyd Hofflan<l and Mn. 0 G Balboa Resident pan.'lliS an> Pharmacast'!l Mat,. s.-Bernard. I cond Cla.'lll and Mrs. Thoma.' c. Tbe out ml't·lang wall be Oct Thl' blrthJAV IUIJII\'o•raan· otf I Az*r. Sa,n DirRQ. 26 at the hnm .. ur Mra. w. H. I lolr•. C. D Taylor, 205 Ptn;l av· "Mn. A.rcht•r is the fomll'r MU· TrWity. 330 Sllnta Ana avt'nu~ , nu ... Ball",. Jlllancl. """" th~ oc-dn>d RAron and wn:~ ronnrr -l < u loa for a joyou" ""lcbraUon c:"iE'ty t-dttor or tht• N,.•·s·'J'iffi('l, PTA Opens Tuu<tay evtntn1. S"Jlt. 26. with and shr later worked at tht' ElU· Fall DrJ've her .,. and dau:.btC'r ·ln-law. Mr. son company In Dalbo« Mr. Ba· ahd Mn. ~llllk Saunll<'rt. contn· con b d1~1ract ITlllnag••r of the Edl· The (Jll memtwr~hip drivl' of talnior a r roup of ten people wiN\ 110n compony. thl' Parent·Teacht•r association a dJnrwr at CllrlatiAD'II Hut. started Monday, Oct. 2 and will HIJblllhl of the dlon.-r w~ thl' Ma~~ Polorfa lltwll. dstu~o:htl'r at laAt tor two Wt'('k s. cndm& Oct b&Jted Aluka cake that waa ldr llncl Mn. V Kit•r lltlx•ll. Ia a 16, accordin& to the a nnounccmt>nl laroupt In bJ tbe chd , wbo, wlt.b Junior at Wr11thlkt' &:hc>OI fOC' of the membership chairman, M rs. 1 the ~ &lid enUre lltaff, wore I Glrla and. "' ~njoylng It vtry murl\. E<trar H.lll. I tunny ft~C*f &Dd ce»tumea u tbey Wlal! :'IOIItlllil' Lowt .taufo!hltr ot The drive h to be comp!:titl\'<', clr<'ltd ua. t.ble ud aany "1-tappy Mr anJ Mn. G!'orge Lowe, 310 with prius awardl'd the class Birthday" t.o tbe IIUrprt.t and de-Cural avl'nur. ha.s rl'turot'd tc• hf'T bnngin& in lhl' hi&hc:o>l mcmlx'r· llrht ot tbe baeOfM. • t 11 ttl" 11 AI Annkln. whit h 1s a ablp l.n tht t arat four g-r a•lu , and 1 8lll&riDf 1\onora W1tb Mra. ,-.ylor braoch or the F11ntndre School another prize awarded the class in w.t"P M:t boww~ Mrt. Lola (11r r.lrl3, Santa Antta Oakr Rhe the uppt>r four &rades brinPni in Mayo ot North HolfJwood, wbo lajl.a a 110rtwmore a111l Is ;>re•h1Pnt n( \M mo.t memb4:rt· b4rt for two • • t k a. lllld ber bn du• tht. )'I'Ar · ~. Lt. John C. Tff'W1UI~r. Mra l'all)' T uP .. al, :tl 3 J'laa.mond The RI'V. and Mr•. E. D. ~ell a rueat fOf' a week. who retUI'Dec;t an nUt. llalbon 111 11 nrw ,.mployee bave returned f rom a month • \'a· numedaJ to b'-ftelc1 at ao.ta M In lbe bindery JC'partm~nl at liM cation. much of the tlme being Jll, Plu..cJ ~taD)' for Lt Ne-a·a-Tlmf'a 1pent at Grecory La.ke. Crutlint. 1111rwrutpr wu t.M •ll\Mr men~ Mr11 C w. Wlltalt< &lid daughter &Dd Rev. Quodf'll hu one of th( Mtui1Dr llltl f~lte rout bed. Mulne of Ne•'t>ort llf'lghta lert but flab atore• of the yf'ar to tell n. ljtUtfnant makea tu. bome Monday fflr !'ll\lonAa wh~rC' tho•y about lbe trout lhat turned tbe wtUI "" aunt. altbou~~;b M wu \\1JI apt"n•l two ••Prkll with Mra. tAbiH and ca ught h im, alter he r-.aerly fn•m Westwood. Ht!' Ia Wlltale'a ulbn tlauahtl'r. Mra. bad (iven up trying to caleb lbe eo-p&lot on a B-29 oornbf'r. and hla Etbel Tolllaun t rout. cbUift. Jack r.utoratoa or t.o. An· ,.., Ia pilot. HERMAI'S MillET t8U NOiri'B IIAIN 8Ta&I!T SANTA ANA Say a Metty Christmas to Diui I· COMING EVENTS I I I \\'F.DNICSOA y . OCT. 4 • I R.cl Ctou workroom. 111 Palm. I b.tllbo., tO a m. to 4 p m., surgl·: Clll dl't'1\llin~:s. · 1 ll.l'd C'r<m Workroml. ;\13 Ma· rln«' avttnu«'. Ralboa bland. to a. m. to 4 p. m., suraicru dl't'MIIn~ts. 1103 Oeu& Hlghway--"orou del Mar Phone Newport 1'79 Meats-Staple Groceries -Fruits Vegetables-Milk-Eggs Delicatessen Items· • .nu. Your Portrait .,_.,. .,.,...... .. y_, Pltotopapb Take• NOW. ....... ...., ·-•• o ... bJ OdolwJr 15th ---SPECIAL--......, 0. Profenlolal ~ s1.00 Portr•lt, 01ly 110. Ai'I'OIIfti&&N'I' --=··· .. Roberts Portraits -.... IIAI!f -MJ:D TO WUDI MftA AliA. ClALir. _._._ua.a .. ,,. .. ..._ Reuonable Prices -Prompt Seni~ \\' C I'\' . It I a m 1\t humc nf M ra. l'usan Huth .. rfonl 3".:i AlvR· 'lidO .,&t't. Balboa-I!_ _________________________ _...:. Tlll 'HSPAY. OL1'. > ~~------""!'"'-----------------: Jlarboc" Klwanis club w1ll mr;•t 1 at Balboa'a El«trlc l~r1ll, l:l:lJl noon. Rt-d Crou Workroom. t 1 \ Palm. Balboa. 10 L m. to 4 p. m.. sc~~o · lnftt'd Ooa Workroom. 313 Ma·l rine awnue. a.Jboa Uland, 10 Lm. LO • p. m., f\ll"'kal di'Hainp. l:klt l:lub lunchf'\oo at 1 p_m. Bualneaa &lid Prof .. lonal WolJl· ··• C'IUb, Whlle'a l'ark Annue ~ •• :46. .& ....... PAINTING Prompt SeMel! IIALBOA 1101'088 • Before You Build or Remodel .... , .......... u.c __.... ... ..,.., .-.-o.ler ,..... .... ,.,., aWe. .... . .... , ........... ....... _,.eta ....... I . LUDLUM c.;pet Works 1-._. ..... k ..._ ..... AM-MJft& AHA I • 4 ao~rlou' ("nlnnt • Stlf'pttf'rd'to ( 'hf'c:lul • t-1atlt>r1nll' IJnf'a di,Un~l,.h the COLLARLESS SUITS STARRH\G L"J Ol'R FALL PREVIEW 1'tw fuhioD "potHlht shines th~ M'UOD OD our roiJarfeM !IWC. ••. 80 rtpt for 'rouncS:thf'-dock smartM'M. Nf'w ~ oolon 1ft 10070 wool Malts. NCh ODf' ff'aturtnc fhf' brUiian& styii~~Jt, the predle 2975 tallorull ahny'!l fowtd In a Malott Snit. SlzH 10 to 20-from " ITS~ SMART AND THRIFTY TO SHOP AT MALOTT'S------.....J r