HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-10-10 - Newport Balboa News TimesTHE SAND CRAB . , SAM \ for 36 yean the best advertising medium in tbe newport harbor diatrict • • • the newspaper that goes home Buy Bonds to End War Quitker NEWPORT \t.l2) NewS----- KEEP POSTED! l Year •••• $2.50 Malle ,...,_ .., ...... N•-·"-. N_,_rt .... _EI_~!!!!I!!-~~!!!!E=-"€!!P EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA. WEST NEWPORT. SEA SHORE COLONY. liDO ISLE. NEWPORT HEIGHTS, BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR, COSTA MESA --------- VOLUME XXXVI -----• NE\\'POKT · BEACH. C AUFOIURA. Tn:sn \\. Ut 1'UftF.R 18, IN. 1 N IJMB&a-. IIIHYf The m orning news-n papers say that Admiral Land ot the U. S. Maritime Commission wUJ sell 2000 Li- berty ships after the wa r "because use of the entire entire American merchant fleet would put us into com- mercial warfare with the rest or the world ." Hell and damnation, is the same thing going to happen tthat cam e about after the first W o r ld War? Remember folks, the ships that we re parked on both coasts a nd allowed to rust in fo rgotten harbors. until the m erch a nt m a rin€' w as in su ch pitia ble condi- tion that we did not have enough bottoms to tran sact the nation's public and pri- vate business on the Seven Seas. And when the st'COnd war started the la ck of boats 1eriously hampered e a rly efforts and prevented get- ting supplies "too little and too late" to strategic points. H S F b II S Bill Tobin, New 8 E Q · t iS.ilor killell u i • • OOt a eason Editor of Citrus · · qUIS · W•lk••c a .... ~ Woman tells harrowing Escape fromChina,auto Trip Cost $150,000 W •th R h· H b Review, Arrives .;. Mourned lrm w·.,L Wife on I us I ar or A nt·~···m•'r Whldlfl. bf~n ~ly • ll Wl't'k In town hut ulrt'a<ly ~I• b W • • Th H Iller a n~tlh'l' 111 11111 T<lhln. nt'~' M Inning/• ree urt Mllte>r or l hl' <'ttllfMttilt n tnl• Rt'· y any An lll•tttt'-' Ill If• two h••lo1 "',.•In••• vtt·~ H.-, •1m <'II 111·1 e rrum tlolly· till'' I" t 1 I 111 10 • m ''""' th.- "'')l•tl whl'rt· h,• htt• ht••·n 111nr f' J unl' "'"'" oof Y.mt>IIC r11ttl l'lniC,.r :!!1 tn lh" n,w10r,~•m uf tht' bn'llll· ~~~.1 11, .to.tlh 111 111, ... ,,,.,. '"'"' , '"'"''''"' m11rhlnllll'tt n'"'" :.' r Opening Game of Year Draws Good Crowd as l'aBtlnl: lllullun l 'II.H ... ··~ lit '''"'''r IIlii!\\ ''''"'~ ~,.,."''""' 1"1-''· wh·-lrlll£k d f L 12 0• J) M.l I Mll!l)' .. ( till II .. ~~~~·l!try o!nunu l lan k 'II ..... 11Will' """ .. , ....... 't•:l lh ..... •urrt'<l ~lllltiiiV "' 1',1 !ltl Local La s De eat aguna - ' 0!' I -Whit h yuu "'"Y hllVl' hr art.l on I IJ•r • I :OI.tl k " l't<l•· \\ ''" .... ol I'"' "Itt• II .... wll• "'""'" hv " hit ler . Responsible for Both Scores, ll'ljured . Sti..'I<'IISt' '"'' ,. \\ n tl··n t...y him. et~:ht '""" ··~ . II· llol ~ ................. nd ,.,.., tlrtvrr "" tt ... ' ....... lllj;h ' a n. I ht~ ha-l' ~··v··rnt hllthlrt•d l '-• h ll o,,u,.· . I 'h' ;..;. \0.1'··•1 ;N•IIlt'\ .. r., \\ n\ • M i88ionary V hdting Lido lade fo'rienda, Had Thr~ and One-Half Month& of Tortuou fo~xperien~8 in (~etting Uack Hom~ I t·rt,ht "'·hh h hu.V•' ht·•·n h•·~r·l lh·r•_. lat . Th•• \'HUO.Jt wrvh"tt ttu•n "'"' ht~ lnit1'a l foot ball gam e of the season at Davidson fie ld last 11n.t .... ="Ill'. l'h••"l:" 1,,.: "''"''•"'" "1 111'' ,., .... ret "'''' .,tn• H"ttv ~'~•'"'"""'"''"'"• t-:-..·npln)( fnm 0('1'1tf'li''CI C hinn ov.-r 1t"t'rlbk-nJftda and 6 ~, ... I "i" ,., . ., .. , ~~·t'l H•'H• h , I I I Friday aft€'moon. drew a big ('I'OWd, N'SUlted in th€' ~{'((•at . of "' ha ll>< IJ r I 1: I n .. I I }' Jrorn -'-11'( uu.t•" :-<.oil II""\ Ill .. I " I II ~ "'"~··.-·~.01 .. :..... 'rhtrol Ill,..,.... lllt"llltll 11~. n I'()Jifllltlt"MII' tor"•ntlnl ntiM; tl' .. velllnar aroot fOf' Laguna 13<-ach b y lla rllOJ' High. 1:.? to 6 a~d n>sultro I~ them-nur!ht•m ,\lh hi);IUI Ull tl ,,. ll ~r~t.l-W•lh• .,, ••. ,., .. ,111\j: • '"'"' lnlt•th "" I ''1'1: ','"","'' """ JU ... lrft " • Ill l lllt)'S nnd tlw n flllyln~ fnhulou.oc ~Uil\11 for ln(•l"f'dtble auto tna.n. jUI'V of thl"t't' local p la y€'rs. with Don M ille r. responsib le fo r lllllo• tt( I 'll' l ntv, I >lilY ... , \\II· aftrr ... IIJII'il fo •nl" """ • uutrnl "' whit' I hf'V hlld '"'"" rlrlin~: ''"" pcwfntlnn WitH ·~· hlllT(lWin~ 11XJlC'f'i4'nt'' of Hftnnah Stoc:b both touchdo w ns. being t."drried rnx n the cont('St in the las t I'HO~In H.· 1" ll\'lllf: Ill 1211 1\laTirlf' al h•~ • , .. ••ll 1-'1 """ IIIU! IIIII I: un I ",··,I•' ',''"t'lkiiiJI:hl:.uc lin .. ~, ... ·~•Ill u ntl~lonnry In C h ina :n )'('111'11, w h o"'' vU.Itlna htor old ....___• rt _ ---- -tn·enuo• Halhuu lsl.utd, and f'X· .. "' •• " '" ,. .. way '"" nw lhr t.t . 1M z "'--• JL ·~ u_....,. qua er. I . l'f i'Vo $•••1 .,.,,,,., ... " IH'lll llotk••r llllt• .. rt tloon "''lltl {'\,,. •• h>•lllt•VIll<l "r. ltfiC rs ... ( nrtn~ ~'(IIH o( Lido lKlc•. II took her tluw Till' n<'Xl gam<' "'i ll IX' play\'<1 1 l.acuaa'a TourhdoWll ::~~~,:~ :·~~~~~~71t'~l ~.:::;~:r ~~:m~ lt,...t'l Tho• II'" h•t!t• ··r,cllh•·•l 111111 Th,.y .,,.,... waUlln(l: a rm In finn lind II huJf monthJ!I to mnkl' tht• journc•y from (]\1na tiD N.w• with Th!Hm ht'rt.' this Mming Frl·l l.oti(Unfl made ht•r tuu<·hclown In ll(•lf a tru.-nntlvc ~ trr" ,,;,.,.,,., •hn•.tly <'1'1•••<~1•· whrn ••.uldl'nly th"F'l' wu 11 In-ti ll 11011 lk>ct('h . 1 - d11y at 3 p. m .. with th!' Thstinjl•'" thr fir.;t half or the IIUIIrtl'r hut Banta Aua Army Atr l lttlll' Tnkt•u lmt•11r t anl'l the twwh ,,, lhf' 1111111 . ~ .. mt• lclo•li u( hnw 1nn11tlun h11a Cllln•'llf' «"II'TI"nC")' to lftp 1 -t rat I'd as havrn~: 11 ra~t hn!'UJ'l. Sht• fllil<-d to convert. to th~ '"'"' hy li-n,.,. h••flii KI, wu hurlfld :u ,....,1 by Uw nr. a hi I I 'luna •~. lk'tln In llw fa<'l thtll llhMn 11 rrw hunctr.d mt• dt>f<'otl'd Anllhl·im last W('('k, so 1 TI1c last quar1cr found tht' two 8 I Oqut•l rlu•,l ttlmn11t ••x:wUy 24 mJ•r"'•n ,.,,0 v,.r1tblf' I'OIIpt', whh'h who•n th•• SltiC.'kl. tlllrt)l of o•l11hl ,...,.... •qa both ('l<'v~ns HI'(' ~Vt>nly matchrd. •groups fightin& tooth and nail for art•lne s houra :tltl'r lhf' l'rn•h Fllllf'r•l l rtontlnuf'd II• ftlpl, lf'avlniC ,.,. 11<11111 Vl•llll<'ll Anti IWll t•hlltll't'n ,.,_.I Aflf•r 1-.lUnll .... da,)'e and ......... In lh~ first quartl'r l.llgunu had eVl'l)• advantagt>, lh<' boys from H rvu "' ~ •·r~ h•·hl "' ll11n~ld ''"' ,. f'li Cf'pt a ,.,.., vlJh•n mlrrut ltV•'< I "' tofU' ~·In! In lhf'lr lf1t• Itt· wtth lhrh I.WtltJIIIfC" ~ .,....., the honor.; with Mill<'r ri'Cf'ivln~ lhl' Art Colony plnyrnh as l>nap· CKaufl l'h"l"'' Mut><l~ty tttl!'rnnnn whh-h had ~n tnn. ffff "'"t wu """"' W<'llh •m C'hlnn, v.hl<'h •• r~'"'· dl~r•nW tn llptcttt lhfotr ._., the ball, whil~ Frietag had the ball p1ly 11!> I he locals. A 15·yard po·n· ~I 2 30. v. 11 h '"'" nf thr b r.:•••t Kl f•••md lvlnllf bf'tltde Uw bcldy lllt·y wo•t't• u~k.-.1 Itt 1111y S:lUI),IU) 1 l ht• 11''"'1' finally ~ ltu.t· Just w h y our good old Santa Oaus Uncle Samue l should duplicate his perform- ance of a quarter of a cen- tury ago. is one of thE> assi- nine things tha t is always happening to the poor guys who have to foot the bills. Us ignorant laymen sometimes wonder whoinell work out all these give-awa y pla ns; just why we should be so gra- cious and tum • the • otht>r - cheek panty-w aists and quit doing business •. bE-cause w €' h ave too many ships, is jus t another reason why U. S. cit- izens will be paying for this war for the next hundrt>d years or so. A d miral Land won't be inconvenie nced be-- cause his salary goes on jus t the same, in good times a nd bad, ao he and his sta/f can tJo aD the lhuffl1ng necessary for an altruistic world. from Harbm's first pl11y. Ha rbor ally n~nlnst Harbor tor clipping I d t.endann '" ~·· ar• A eotdlf'r, rvt. Rnl'f'fl l"rl••ll '"' ~~~·· uf • lllu'k 11rut fht•ll> "'' C"huw . .._ •• mil"' tn~n1 ttw4r _..,.. mad<' thl' fil'llt touchdown. Milll'r jsoberl'll th~m a bit whll~ time out new ea er All lh~ lllllh;or , .. NI "'""m"'l ('a.ntl• IAfl'llf'tl, lllat .. l "'"' In l'lll'l•il II fiVI"JIA .. •'III(I'r dN•n•J•II Jina JWIInt At un• poU\1 the-)' ..... ,I l p&S.'Iing to Boi{'S who wa~ owr was &1\'l'n tor Milll'r wfm waa hurt Ute l""" ••f thtlf man v..hu11r eJraU• llunlln~~tt,., Jlfo~~eh hi' ha.l 1,.111,.,1 nutel fur $1~.~111. whk h hruk,.JWithln tO mil,.. of UW' "'""7 ... Frit>tag "'as taken out and wa~ and carrlt'd from th~ field. Later lltrangrl\ 1 tltnrulrtl v.·ll h that uf .,101 two •llura Wh<l hat I 1,.ft thl'l duwn """r " ft"W mlln 11nd finally et 11ntt1hr r ""''t twut to a.. a t unable l'o return \0 the contest 81 Boil'!' was taken out from hurt<~ of Kl·wan·IS h1l rath••r In ll\w ...... "''1\a ktllf'd f'lll and .. ld lhe drlv.r .... t'llhl'f I'IIUI!hl n ...... oll(aln lo•a.vlna tilt' bndi1' ('WI•tn..-rf'd ul rail ..... - all. but rl'tumed lat<'r Thr gam<' Ia a rar r ruh "" tho' t:rHt~venr nuy ~ drunk ,...,.1111 Ill flo,., IWIMy lllunclootl Anwrll.'an vah ... Of auc·h 11 Jtf'toe'~tiii.JUI! naturw u.t I Hard HJttJn1 I !'nrlrd with both ~rdt"' lighling Orallr In Ill• T"hrtdlllfll 111.,tmtaJn• MrMullr·n n-purtrd 1 II uf lllftllf') In (,1111u . ..,.Jt;t Ml110 Ml•-~t•••k, Wlllk4'd Ita ...,... In thr !<t'COnd quart~r both hru (l. Whll• ··nr• ,.,,, north r ... " hunltrt•• I llr c· d I ...... ,."A",, .... ~t olf•k,;, I• :\till,., '"" homk I'X Wll,) '""') Wo•n• told bv .... ~ ,-.. tn nrnn.a ,. ..,"' ~· t 1 ll'ltm.t; d1d 11omr hard hitting. but. Thft llnftup·. t rln rh.:ht ,,.,,.,. .,,.,, with 11 ••rnut• • l'llltll~to' hur I~ Itt I nn ltltu·k 111111 lhnllt fnrh,•r'll In k,...,, ~ M d ' ~ I 8 ,.. t '! ,. ~ " ,...rv,...., IlK'...,. on " .,.,.,·rJt•lhue "' k Harbor conlrnued to JIU:.h !1(<'8 • 1 --·-· RuP.,.I at·tHl~. ''II a "r•a o1 lrwneJP , l•ttiiNt ran Ill•· ,,.,.. u l lh•· ''""ll''' wA~ lnn'r'llal-..,. Newport Harbor .._-1 1 k tb 1 lh,. nta u, who waJO "'"')' d111k ·• ily down the frl'ld. Mllll'r wa• ,1a•·l\ttllla n 1..."'".. i bu11tn••11s ••Mit•r. w ei I R e e hi' m taurant I toe 111,. m•·thr• '" law In l 'talna 11 \'..n 1 nn.:o·u .. ·nlll "'""' rnact. for U... r . h rt ", r . \V.Dar.v 1 1 1. 1'1 .,, 1\llh •·tt rly hair. and drf'*"'' Itt M S k I a~ain to th•• On.' tn I I' ~t'Cftn Do 1 L T Townl't·nd .. r ="•'\'-J~·rl I 111 ~oor ""'an • u wlduv. 111 1111 '"''' llo•nt·: St~er• k lh bllvk f '" • tor ' """~ ""'' ol tt h•n• 111 fly to Kummlna. 0.. lftd fllt.lw , :,~;.·· ,.~~;en;,:~· 1!~~-~l•l:~~t'(tt:~ ~f/s L.G· n. Oav1~ ~::~u\!11" .~·;·a~ .. :,~.~~· 0~1' ~~~;::."&, ~:~~~~~ Th, • "'"" vu lim """ w11" 41 ~:1/' ,:,. hu nnl 1 >ry .. 1'~~~~ .. ,~':,~ ·~,,~:.·~~'":C~:~·; ~~,,:.';•· M~"";~1,'1;·;~ ~~:;:;:, ~to•tl. wt-Y Owr am._. convPrt Fr~crnan wa!-lnkt•n 11u1 Shaf<'r .. · c. J IICOhS('n m .. ·tln•• uf that e•·l-vh ,. dull Fay yr•r11 ' 1 "I=' ""'~ •~·Ill 111 :-;" ··•I•·" 1"'"'1''" 1'"1 Ill I pollt•f' t'llr• 1\rt• "" "hu I•JIIIltlt'<l u,,. "''"''"1 "' 1 1tllll Arl'l\ll"t'lllNib were theft .....-1..<'<' .R.G. Tompkins "' e<ommg tv Ill• l'llll<;•l s t .. t•~ :.::1 Ul• "'"l•h fur 111111 'tt I (I .. I bt-cau,;e or un in jury to Ius Dnkh•. F"'--m<cn J>.T. ln.,ram fllowe r. flalbon 1'11r••wnv mann~:rr, · '"'"· Anhwc-1 1•mv nl'o' 4 > e•Kf'N tu rty nYt·r thr hUII'Ip lnto 1nc11a .,,.. •. , eo. J Jfllrt~n :::~·llvln~h1!"\•'\\'f'••t ti :•·H'h Rurv\•en•tt•d«•....-.t 1 ·c Durin~; lh(' inlcrmisston llnr· Will! chust•n vwt·llf'e•"ltl,.nt , J'\y · ' ,. 1 "'r .... 111:11 '11••~ """' lh•· ltlrlhl'l•u·•' c.t an1llt wa11 no~ry to ....._ U. hor's band did ~(lmt• nlfl) mU'-IC Boies R E. And<'rSOn Brttot ll(' •• t lrllll( I l<'lll•lo·nl, l!•·rrc-UleJ ( 'vJ<tH M ""'' r .. r Ill•· ,....... :w Wldnv. 11"1 ty . hltt llAI"f'llla, '" "'"' Ill•· .... ,,.,, ( ," 1~111111 .:•·no'rlll, 1-'o·n.: IUI(Ill!.lf' tu JO llflttnda. M .. ltodal <'nll•rlainm~nl lr•d by Ma.)Or<'ltl' Mlll~r Q. · M~~~~~ tuey ... nil l:u b lll'~<l, I>J<tl uf Nrw-~:hln~~ ':,:.~"v~~~~ 1''K::~ "~ Mra Atlnl,.., Rln~tn. 1'u rtt•• IAk .. Yu lt.t•na '11w 1111""""' f,.r Y''llt' ~~~It hrr ty.,....n t.r ,f_. ~ J~annc Lou Grund. ·Ill~y formed BMishop R.l. }HI. St~N • P. rfl l<·e anti <.;old Slurage, t rea. lt-"-n, 11n .. t~•o el•u .. lt!f't •. J·~ N ° · u.,.. brotbl'n &nt1 four t'<UIHnlnM tiM'. only fr-w whltr t•llllUI ~ In U. a. .._) .. '•n "1.." on t hl' ,.rld1ron and an an· u.ntz ·_ .. · .....-.... "' " ~ -" ~ altrter& ,,. body will be llhll'''""' 11 .. 1 .. , o1 60 mil f ... ........ o .. .,....... 1 F. Fowler ur,•r. Thellt' uflh:er• wUI be lo-.._ __ h •• , .......... Y. r ·· wuntt•n w "nIt ratuUil ..,. mounut ttw aM t.--t -' chor for Ha rbor. r n e O& .. . . _.... -u """"" to Tllrt.le l..&ke IM bur1a1 ·' •-..r . ...c...A ,_, I 11lallct.l In I ~o·cembl:r. ..__nd ,.. __ 1 B. Joh-·-olfi· · unu ""'" .,, UC.'-"'1...--.. .._ ..... na. WhMI \ntplac» lt In thla I In the th lrt1 qua rtt•r Harbor had a-re bv n....nen ~....,......" '--" ,._.,, th J•rw -.-.. •-• .._ .......... .... -. .. .r= --1 , With Mr. Bar1me -preaMhnt d at u.. lAM ntae fat' 'wakdl 0 ....----_, --,_. .--:the kickoff and both elev<'ns N<'wport .............. 6 6 0 <>-12 ot Ule club, Newport Hat~ K4 .. _.. waa ean.t, ...,... A11ta ~ .... *--.. __.... .. • A..-& - l foudll hard. with J....aauna holdl.n&l t.acuna ... ,. .... _ .. -0 0 0 0-8 w anl• loolul forward to a .. sdenecll nanled by F.th~l Rr1,..,.11 ~l the nn.-dQ-Ma. Slocila wu ~~«t•tll!d ""''-and lnUC!It •llllltflt''fl . + + • • How Old, Mac! D. C. Mac K enzie. doughty a n ci forthright H a rborite. had a birthday party the . otiler day, but nothing was said about his age . Now wc a ll know Mac came here from Minnesota years a g o. took active interest in civic af- fairs, just as he did in Min ne- sota, joined the Lion s. sold real estate an d enjoyed h im - self generally. H e's on~ of those veterans w ho WC'ar well nnd who aJ-c ageless. with a sense o r humo r that's refreshing anrl a kN'n ~y{' for the future or this dist r k t . But if Mac w o n't tell his a ge, he might ask w ha t busint'S.'I it is of mine how old h e is , just as long a s h e pays his bills pronto! their onnnn~nts in b<'ttt>r 11ha..-N<>wport scorin.-.; Touchdowns Cl ld hi __ _. 1 r · "" M w 't Co un lh•· ~tr,.,.l lly 11 Ja11 wtwl ..... lh• _ .. 1,. --.t _ ....... ...... ,..,..... ·-.. e or ~c evement ...... IIUl n· lllniiOlP o' lht• nraAn Pallbea"'r-an on me . -· .., ...... -..... -nno than in thl' ~arli{'r p:ut of th~ MacM11lian and Boi•-s. 1 1 1 t lh 1 1 • "' ,,.,, 11 V~onl ,,,.,,, • .,1 h••r wh h 1111 hi' Joho·r fl lscrlmma,,.t•. T tmr "'II!> lllkt·n for1 Lauunn scori g· T ouc-hclown!' ,.,..,.,.. ng y ac tV!' JIMr In e c v c "'1'rt-C'llrfttr•l Wo'yera. AI llurvalh. 1 11 1 11 1 k 'll / 11 11 .. " · n · development or the ~at.er Harbo•r l \\'llll.am Jtowr . 1-~lm•••· 1,,.11, •• ,.. n. ' '"Ill! 1 '"' "' • ,. tN• • "' ttl h,., lOlii • ,.. w."' nat.,....., John Shaf<'r 'lho wu~ hurt 1 \V. Davt!l. 101 1 1 t 'It ,. h 0 11 llun Rqulnw. llr .. n• f'J<IImlr ... t ltlo•1•• ,.,.,,. "' .,.v,.,.. thnt •h•· '"" Rltt ••••k" ,,.,.Itt Loa Anp._ and _ __ 11 r c · ' uu &II IK'rv" w, · I'Plf'r Hurl on •u1ol llud II IIIII""'"' tor ttw l ,..p,.rtm,.nl nr Mut .. r \'•· '"'''" ~~·nlllttfl'llll) otljltl'•'ff 1 '""" lh•·f'l• lUI o•looc.·Jr1c car io PaM· H I 1 enj;;ly and '"'II 118 sccn·l ary 1'r 1 h•· v. llh n11•n "' 1111· 1.'""" • Ill I• ••I ltl• lrl' "''"' n"l til' al u,,. •·II v '"'" 1 Hrlv '" I!IH ''"' "''"'l11nnr ,,., ,,..,.., ''' ''"'""' Uw flfo&le. Arrtvtnc + + + Could be. Tried to get a hold of Captain Fueller the other day. but he wasn 't on the Ame n benc h in front of Lonie's varie t y drug e mpor- ium. as I wanted to ask about a report that all his relatives. who have been Democratic a ll their lives. in- tend to vote fo r Dewey this N ovember. Cap has a way with him and h e m ay h ave influenN:'d them. but you never know . • • • Anotlwr 01w. And hPtY''s a nollwr flash that might in- tcn~t sntn{' of tiS :l<; a pal phr a"f' ""rth l't'f'K':I IIn~: n urim: lht• ht ·i·~hl o f (;(1\1'1'· c::vno . .r Tw\\e•y·-. _nrlcl n•ss tm .til· sw~·•·in~ l'n•-.tdt'lll H()()St'\'t•lt. (')llf' f;I Jllll~ ";ts ~ill inl-! 11'1'~1' nrnunrl t111• dinnt·r t.lhlt~ li-.. tc•nin~. '' lwn th•• l.ldy nf the' hou~· •. ,d.tlnwcl. "l'rai~· thr Lonl--lw '::. got llh' lttn· munition: .. • • • A Swt"d•· ''a I kt•rl int n a )-it- loon and askc'(l fnr a drink nf StJUiJT('I whiskey. Th~ Ita r- t~nder said. "I h an-n t :tn~· squirrel whiskey. but h tt\'{' some Old Crow." Th<' S w N IP said: "I don 't w a nt to fly, I yust want tO)'Uf!lP ar~unrt a littlt>." -\\ 1ch1ta CKan l Dem ocraL + • • OqoiiiL Sudden death of Bert ()quist is .univei"S'llly re- .gretted. A sw('JI rit izcn wh o was always doing a litl~c more than w as requir'l'd. V. f' will all miss you . 8(>rt . A • M t luh 1110<'1' th.. rr11lgnatlon "'I "lll~t1 •,•, 1111,,,~ ,,.,.. 111 •11 11 r .,.. 111v f lh.. L 1 1 11 1 " • '" "' ~ " • • •· • """'' " •"""· w 1 <' •" ,.,.,,. ""1'""1 In c.:•·• """I "''' ,.,,. "' rho• "'"'''' 111 II o'clock at Dilttt Ussle as arve 1l;t., rgl' Strr.·kt·r a nd r hole·c ·•r llln, ~~trvlnl( n11 htntur,.n· pullh•~t••·r~ h fo!l'l h"lhlny, fl'ulumhlt• JIIIVI "" '''""'''' thut tht•)' mlc.:l•l '"',.,,,nil ,,,. t11un•lthr llt•llla had .uld lht-tr llll ll'aell'r m,.••lJ! w1t h thr unuru ..-n 1 rr 1 t t 111 • ue nry, •• 1'Pill(l' "• n · ~·flu • I 1'1 •• w h,. ntt lrutj>IN'Ifor ,,..,.,.,.ttl It""' I ""' I ,111111 A' " 1 •·•ulr lhry I hunu• urul mnvf'fl 111 I...IM lJIIe. She m uus appru''lll II( !hi' O:l • up lui anti 1'lltt•ltluw• '"' IY.u ......... II••• 111o'd 0 11 (lt,:IJt J,. y,,.,, I 1thlll. l101tlly ltf\IO.<'fl I'OfOf' nt•lt~hbOnl Who Ex~.lb.lt at H1·gh School ~·~·~!~~:~~~~ '.·i;,d~~-·"o ..... ~ .. ·: •. ~::·~· F h R F ::::; ::;~.~ "·r,:~ .. :.·.·~~.":·~ ... ~.·.~~ .. ::~~.~ :·;~.:~~:;:'.n"~·:" •.. ~.~.,.~ ... "~~~ ::u~ I I (H:::r~-:"',..!l':'n,:~!.,(.,;,Oin." .~ .. ·lllu. I ·,lll·,·',~·,,,~'.,"',,',, ' • • ' d '" n "' ,, " t I h•·l "ulk•••l 411 oull••" Ill twu till>~ '''""" ... Itt "'llilll'f' ,. whlll' d..._ Is ermen lse 0 00 '"'""C.:" I"""'"~ n url'. "'''" ., .. untl V~hltt• artuw h11t nlnf' yrare Hr rhrrt Kf'ltn\·. n l'hoou •· ,. I , ,11 , •I 111 k •l•·•• "1111 h hrnk•• •I·~ n ,.frl, J,..r uuly rt·tnlllnlna clothlnc I On VIP\Io II( lh•• ="•'Y.fiOtl ltuthor W M t.he 3·fOtll mntld ' ( tltt' !LI<.~IIr•·!< lhltl . th~> fttlllt• ••I '• • c tll•l ootlullt•' 1•1 ""'''' Ill "''"' •tf\ Sh,. rt·nd l•·•l IJtiH lwl•• Sundfty and l'••••n ll•cl. ~ ....... , 1111 Tut•l'olfly SoUUlern ~rns ... mnt.c •·f ........ l'lrganl7..8(11on Wtll he In •• , ..... Lack,· Help l·n 1, •••• l•·•ult .. J '~''" .... , ... 1, ull kulll lrlo•n•l• 101111 tltrll(hiJunl IIOflft fl!ld \\'• dn,••d:ey "~ I hill Wf f'k H< f'U.'<'t•l! of 01• tal, guld Jtnt.l Sliver ha nol!l. annery ltl••lll otlnftr• 101 1111;hl Vllt h 1111 '"''' f'O'fllt•ul~ht'll lll'r Wllt11r"'thf' IIUffi• on•· uf !lw mo~l famou• ""luhtl• plat t.•.t. 11ntl built Accurately to Double Fe.11lure l••r In ~•chi llw """'"''" pl.wl•l•·•l "" •·l••utly tn l'llllhl1• ho•r to ..... ve rvrr Wt<ill!:hl hy thr• IHtnll~ " ,, ,.. l!l'llll' It 111 11 ountftl nn n marble "'"" l'r•·v•·nl" n \\ ••••k will I • "\'''' """'"' lrriJtl"~''"''' llllllllllllln '1\t••"lll.)(...(orr SlliO •·rAnrl.-.•o tu n!- ' ,111 II IM lht· .. ork .,( Au,.lln l'"lt•H!IIl tnlaul With AIIS\rallan ll"' tn~J>I!IIII"fl lnt th•· "'"I II 'l•olld' 1111111 lilt'¥ t 111111' lu '1\tnkl J•n l In ho•urlfjulltlt•l-. IUid d~•tl'ller a II "n.. /<It~ I• d •n ,. ,...I( '"PI""nt,.<J ~npphii'C's tn the form of I hi' ron· nlt'••Un~ "' tl11• ="•'" 1"•1 I IJ,, '"' llrllrv,.,l 1'• 1" 11 "~'111 ., ll••l•·•l 111 '"" 111 "' 1 11'' "'""''-" .. r.. 10111""'1'''1 It ""' leo t•· lllnt tie•·)' "I"'"''" "'' 1 ulk '"' ho•r :n ) o·an 111 a mlll&kJn· ···I \'II••·'', •l•" ~IP1l1ttl11n of the Soutlwm l'rt,l<ll ;K1wan1:< tltrh ~h"n 11 '""''''" u' •••llh•r" l'ultfnrlllh "11 1111111 " ''1 11""11 1"-'"ad n ( watlln~: "111 1 .:"'"''"''" (.,, \dtwlt.,. lue V~hld1 Ul) In 1,1lnn hf'r fl"t vlalt horne I ;\q•e t ....... :yr '.':II' I I'I•·CI I l"t•:\1 I'Rm<' thP jtlull<• or thl' lh··~·a l'\ht•IIC'JLft·llnTilllrltdt. •' ortlN•,I•II·•·II•IIOOIOI •I• """''''"' ~ .... ·,to.c•lt IIUltt ..... ,In th .. f'\10' Jf..-··~n···· wunlt•ll "-'flfl.(rtrfl Ill tn ""'''''lll(th uf tlmf' h y lu~ 11111'1<•'1' Ia I~~> ••f A Ill•' Ill a "'"''It I, fullhhlnl'<l n( heghly (IOhllh~d I • \! 1 ~. n•••m Thr••ugh u ... ' ft•·•l~ ftMI<'nno·u ••f ''"' h·• ''' 1'11•111' "'"' '"n~: ,,.,.] ht r •. d,.·l . llll' !llllotllltol) '''l alumlnttm. with the n tntlnrnlll '"I"' l'rrHhlrnl .lnrl Hn~··n•• "'"''·''\toted tn nl•l ''"'''"'"''"''~Ill lull In '""''IIMinft lhl' "lluall••ll Wil li D II K 8 ld k I I It r l t ,.• ('h ( 1 •n.: l'IUt' n ( I h•• I lith tllf'l' IJrHu.:l•l "11" fl•hrrm&n tnollly hi' •Ill lhl\t • e a ""'' )::T""Ilf an< t·u 1111 ,, t 11 IX'a lt•n brall~. plat I'd wilh gold. ,.,.,.pera l•ln "' .,,, et• < ·, '" ·' two n!lltttnl!. Tht•n 1'8mf lhr t'Jlii'\Hrlgl\1 etUdll mark &("roq ll the 1\ llplrndltliiJWIIkf'r rr .. rn th• St .• : •• n lhu• ··n•'•lllo! II l••'ll······•k th"t It t• ,,,,,nut mlnlt th ..... tra work arre lng Ul lng fh~ht nr the S•1uthr rn Croa11, hnk-flights of I hE' Southern Cross. anrl 1-'lr,. Mor11hal'11 otrtce hu ,,. ... ,. • t :~·;~ex~\'' .. ~diu· 11"1"11.: 11'' l "11Y" ~',1,.h~ .. ;;:~1'!or"':.":.,,"';h~~n'!;,:n,:,',l~ 1 ll oJ: b\' ut: .,,. t .... IOUntriCII oH I••I!,. II .... "'" "" 8 blUM.' uf bluckl of (1\IOCtl I $ T Cl Ute Paclfle and lbt-nce eomplrtf'ly Ill' autetully 1,.,JlshNI ma.rblr11 and II• Thrllllli:h IUl opJ.IfJr1ttnel v "'"' At a m""ttn~o: "' ""Ill'' ''" fi.Aitt•t .,..,. th" fl,.. Uriie In lhr,... '1"V" 7 8 000 • BPI Wilh t trl\t'd JII('(U res of t hP Wl\10 (U<) J:Ooo<J Ill Olll\11, IIW 111111 -.oil ml'n Ia.! WPI'k rnol II tlo" k "II•WIIrof ftl' l'llld" rha.nNO lft ...... p. una 1pper plontt'r r rrw. mountfd tn ,.,.v,.r have 1111 th~lr g ul'•l api'J<kl·• I 'u t• Willi r lrt l•·il 11nd 11 "~~~ •I•·• 1<1• •I I" 1 1 l A j:tJIJit• '" the Olj:hi.A 1.11 on a [J<In lkv"t'ldj:~. lliiW lltatlniH'c.l "' h~lp unll.all th• II '"'"·~ 1111111\' ••• Mrs. Ella Jadwin plllljllf' "''( In the Cf'ntrr n( ~ grold-! Ute AJ r Ua.ee, Whu Will lt'll 11..-'Ill m WRit IIlli: fro r h•our~ lllld I•• p:ul•·•l mar ,,, Atll!l rnhl\ r~llltng )(l1oll(1, frum ''XJ'lNIPitU'. )IIIII "'"'' "•ll•.w ltlf' (1"11 throou"h "''' ,,.,.. PasooQ Awed 8.'1 I trw ••f lt1• 1•1•-.ft iPNf ,..nol fltt-.t ettl .. 1 llfllf1 f••r •'allhlnl t.hrNO ,\u .. tln Uri no•, \ll,lraJIII', "(ifHod \\Ill" \ruh"'""lur. y, hH ha' rr m~trkllhlo• o•,hlhll r n•·cr< ttnr: ltlf' ,::t .. h• Tl••' W:t~ pl111111• oj lo\ til ~: 11 ~1 S1r l'holl l••!l 1\ 1111!1 q I ~ 1 \l I II I 'till 11 ., •' •'•I t \ ,,, r I t h\ lv.n ~\II ·HaiHih.C I I ""11 ·I· I,. l 1. I f \\ t \II I I ~ . 1,1 I 1 ... ,,..,., ftr•"l I \ 1111' :1q.:h' t • 's"'·'"H·d r,n ••PPr ., 1 "''' nl"n11m••nt l,. th ,.-. ~r nup H: :11· n "'IW h"tl I Rirlf•ol II !IH•olll(ll Hn•l .•·I• rn 1n, tl ,,, tw tlu ••n•• tr• huii•J tl I 'nl'k tll•·ol 111 tl11• II ad••11 "'ht• II "'•Jh! 'n\• n.u•.• th•• ~· t k ~"~\· ar.<l lut nollr:lJ'I" l by l1l1t '<lnllll l'k1ary K~ " ln l.-~ 11 ••r n.-.' rth•'l,."~· Willi ~tlmr·~l en• 1 •·.Jtl>·•· tlrlf•rmtrlli· lion. h~ hti.Jt ""' ,..,.,,,., en • ro•11t tn1E tlul! l.r niii,IJI i!lld lrnl•fl'f'IIIVf C!ll:· hih!! Thr rnltC r.L, mtr1 thf•llllftndlo Of :ol!'\n ll'hl I hr lat,.,r enl•l p·an~ Tlw fer•t I'" • ~ 1,, '"' • '\fl"lrUf lef'f I t•n A m11rhiP ltRit' eel With prr -thl' lllluatr~on 11 un I hi:' I;, rr•.hll n"ry •I u ... 1 ullin~ '"'''' • '"''' • ~~ ~ • , 1111.1. ,, ,, • ,1.,11,1 .. ,, , ... ,. •• ,.y,., to~• A 14 t•v "• r ... ,, ,,..,t,n-'""'"h. f tk• fro rtff '.A. 11 ,1" "' ~,.."I'" tt l" lllkl, ttu .. •ltffl,. .. l.4t Atttl un~ """"''' okllf Ill •' fllftlf'tl '" lh11 clo1111 lln<l ~~em•·J'lri'UOU!! llt •mr~< I r""' vherevrr "'"Y..._. ''"' n•••••h d I Mr• fo:llll J adwin, A:\, whn hll•l Tht'll". and uth<'r tl rrnl! In lh,. GAS MAN HO NORED Tn•llly fltolwtnt• '' "'' '" lt••ltr.; II l'f"'"l mur h rJf ,.,.r llrn~ "'' llrtlt••" l ""hthtt Are lranllp<~rl •·d 10 •·•uor~l l'""'"'llllln~: th•· ~··:t f•·••l ll•·n ·t.. l rtl•ll•t 1.,, rnany Y"""'· •11,.•1 l•'rt '""'I'" '"' ... ,., •lu t• d ,,, '4'"' ... ,,,, J 1 1 f" _,,,. tltt \o•l\~ 1'• ''""""'V It '" flw Ttl·-•• \Al ii t.r, '' t rf"W d t f'll(hl '" j(lnwln~:. fHtlu•h••d nRl iVI' A u~-lnrr rl,..hr·mwn ltlod ,., "'"'' lit• 11 .,,,, " ,.,,. "'""" "' hrr """l:lt!•·l ~ t ntl .,.,, v.·nodH f'Bl h hn. \'lfl~ a n•hl' I A rthur fo HrhtJ:P YJI •"' lit ••!if urn \\ hr1ft I h• v , ''"'' u "'It h Mr.. 1,. ,., Jnhn•Jifl. lo~• A tt)' •·f•·• l~tloy IIHU. "lljt4•' I o ( t h•' '' uanl r\' ••n t h " lui \\'hrn I tJf'nl and 2 • ru .. rRI mAna~··• ~~~''' h rHt ny t ••llll ••f ruu• k• '• ~ ""-'•• A t h••) •. h• ..., fu• t t •· n'''' h,.·r uf ltnl""' '' • nl•·nn~o: ltu~ , ••unll \" S.!Hf) ""''' '' fl ( ttUttt l•·• t ;,.,. '••ntpRhy , "'"" lu~lp uuh ,_., r.t H•• •t ,. Y lltll'l • '-f '". ''' U7 Aliw• "~'""""'· wfl•• .,. t,, ,,,,. t, 1 It •• I • y t,.r,., I f II ' I II 1\ II I f I''.,,,,, ... ,,, ltf d ,,,, ... , ..... \4"11,_ tiP011l".t''t h\' th• t.:••V•'IOIIHttl •,l••l••l •I t•-lt~l t f th•"' 1\nf-·r l•hn d oltna,! ••fh•·f,. ltr r•1 t •• t t ·•rtlf l''' ·' H•·rul,.·r ,,, t t.r ltnUHI" l"litr.•l r-;,.,. ""~·wluf utn nl tttr• K.IIOIIrtl ••ut Ttu· l'lttJH• ""I t ,,, I• tt·l I I • •l•t•"''"'''"' ,.,,., n '"'"t•ht• I ~.-.ldt•~' ,,.,,,,, ••v '" 1 nt1 I 1 '''I ''' 1 •• ••f hlrtJ' .-J.u.ndt•••• und th•• '"'"' t v..r,rk• 11 u.s a \\.11f• t I :. I ('II fl · '" ~< • "l•·ll·r '·' .... ., r\1•1;• I• ~ fnr ~I\( ft l'•nt),) h •·.trn tt., 'f'llftl It• fl tk••._ tU.N h\ If'\&,: ,,,. U •:• ''f' ~-., ... ,.I ~·t fil ttL: ,, •It ,, ,. I I•' .... t t lh• I• n t 1 k• C• I I ••tft l •••:r \\ tu• h I"' • \t r ,, It I .... ,.r , ,. fn•••llll!fl II"• d Ill lh•· •I iol \ ••! I • b'l l.'\ C .1 I.UIIH .. ' t I ''ill' :al h • o1 ... \\ """' j.' '" :-· '"' It H• .•• ,, • ,, .lUll• \\ t l I. t •r .ttl•"' L I h"ffl,• ,, ,, t I l• •I• , ... k :-;.' tJ I ··i·· h·· ,,,,. \ 1•11-..J\ \\U~ .tf JJtl t f!• 11 h 1111' '''""' "·" """ .... ,,,,, .. , ~t fiiHII\' ,.Ct f ••••d~ lftd Ji.l~ lt• ••It lrl fof! I liiiJ' td.d ill )ft'IH11;.: tr\1 1 $'~ ftlfft 0011 U1 \lrt l,r t .. :od)t HIUI h•• t••-l•''"' It• I du• It \Jf• f,, Sun I'"'''''"',, Hod • ,. •• th• n11doll• ~··~• "'" crt·utr~l l''"l•l• rn ~~ tr enl'J"'•'·' It II •·I Ill" I"" l<oll •ft•('IH,\' ltlj h• IHtJ+4''" tr, tl'\ ft hlt• tt, f11U t h~U'•· It !r111 k !<1 • 11rr y It .\t 1 • ~ \\ 1'c•hJ \!:lfi f ;.,J•f•·nrro~l ·•'""'"' "nl• ruunrd ~11111rol8) ltun .. r "' h• r daul(ltlt•r M~try IF•U'~ hlllhtllty ~I1H h I• (lo I 12th. 1\1111 l'•o~I1J ~IIH y u 111 ami Ulf'tr frl•·ne.~. Mrll Alii"''" I'"''''Y ll.nrl •l~tu~o:hter Ann. n{ Gt .. n•llllf' \11'111 gn I•• llf'f' IJl" Jrf' 1-'<illlel! and any inLU..at.Jn~t J>lllr~ Mary !.Au m11~· Vl'll nl ''• "'' Ill! thlll fnurth lmt hdll v ,,. hrr 1!1\y I In • • ,,..,,.(,. Ooi•f'tlll).: fll l tlt• St,.t(h•IH 11•1f) lu·ld tilt '"'"''tll l'/i II'\,,, ''''HIIII •nn \t r •t .,.,,,,,,,. ~, tth nr I '.•Mlltlt•flll -"-' _:-_· -"-'-·-~-'-' _'_''-' _'_''-'_'_''-" _, _r. ____________ ' _ .. _._'_' ,_,._,_1' •tlh Y ''",. ~ " ''" ,, nu·r fuHUf' u t ~·I., t ·, ' • , ... ltl f l .. filii tl I td. • t '" ! ..... , "'" '" I afl•l h.,,p I' • ... ·, J. , •• ,,. Ht Itt t. He Travels With Two-Ton ShuwinK!'i ....., .. a ~ of A•U. .. ,._., ..wa.tt NeUq .,.,._.... of ~· ..,. .... _ .. ,.. ., woft, ....,.., .... ~ ,_ .,..,. u .... ,.. .., .... -t n..-r ....... wtU. A~ ... w'*la haa ..-JW Ia ..tr tol ti.Mt.IIM In war ~toad' f tl .ot\•ruu• M r• ,ln tiWIH "''''' ' . . ,. ' I' .. ,, ' t ! tt t II II I ~ . ' ... l!tl ttttl •• •• #If ,,, .. ,.., .. f tl ly I t •ur.t;•t• I t• Nld• t I , I l·f· • '' "''' vl-. ,, J" '' (• J .I . h-.d• ... : I ,, ,,,., ~ut l11'n .l tti'A itl "' J\ r ' I t u I r If t • I '' '' , u' .. , . f "' I• I dtJr I ,. I I. ~ 't 'IN!'" ,,,.,,1 M•·•··'" v "' • I''' ''' I,,., !\Ill'"'" v. q, ""' r ft If ' t fl ~ !f#:''""''""'' I f'lfit'l~try Indianans TryinJt Navy Son's (:ookcry , ,,, ' .. II I I ,,. ,. I I n •. "',,,.., "' ,, ,,, . .1 .,,,. Il l I hI I \ I f oh llfltll ttf fltt I" , I \ ,"• t , 'itt•, f •ut a! I I •••• I. •I • ' _, ttl t '" ~ I., I flU I i I •I ,, ' ••I If• I I , 111 t ,. P t I ... f i t ,,,,,, l•t 1,1 ,, ' .. ' t .... .,,, t• '. .. " I l•t I•• 1 t, "' .. ••I· I I . f•l ,, I,, I . I I ''"''I ,, .... f ••• , ' , • ,, t 1f It ,. I ~··· IU I t •I I ..,. I ffi~Ut I ,,. 1+1 ,,, ,.,., ,, I• "''If ,., I .. '' tit If • I J •• "' I ' • I 1 I ,. t; ' •• I .,,, ,. ,, I lj '""'' '!ttk\i.. J Jtl ~·.'O •••• ,. I fhfool t ., It• ,. IH• '"'· ,, ,,, • 'tlll4~ uuf • u• t• ''"' l1\ ''"' uuot ,.,.,, t1 .,,., .. '"''I"' l~v.•••J t.y tw•1 •··f ·"' unit t.tr111 ti"''Y lt•w ,,f ''I'''''''" lf1'''1''"· 11t1tll;•t hr utt·~ I'•• hth'"'"'· l ru1uu•• .• ,.,. VIMif luv I tu~ ~--. ttu r.rtlv t,,,,t ,,, ''" •t:l• t).t lt "''fl ,..,.,....,,. wh•• 6,. 1,. , hur..:• ~l"•' hn~ u ll ttr ltlt "''"t('"''''''''" I '•f .,,,. •:ntJ,.ry •t tt .... ,.,,..,., t;,,,.,,, 'JI••·H kn ... \.,,. ¥.•11,. (,:,, tuuu ,,,.,.. '"' (~olhn• 1• Mr 1\J "' wtl•• """ I Itt • "I'"' IIV •~ <I!• I••••• .~ I""' ...... d ""1\h lh.. F 1ft N ' '"')Ill..: ~ 7•111 )(MIIIIfllf ... fttol l...n'l+nfJ;••W•·•r Mfl: ('~ My~t tJ• '•II •1'1•1 I ~~N't ••I lrt, .. h W ftf "t • tl•,. .,, vrr ltrw w a1 .. •• watt a , •••k. llt foC lit Ilk•• "' 11,,. hi•" I I• 7 111111 t1u! •nr,. th11y havf! ~n v .. lllnl( m1io·• '11u•r" "''' '""'' ttllllty l htrn In b .. (.,.,_ del Mar hom,., l•'rtllf"' ""'' tv.•• •t• ~~~ "" ''"''I 1 nvr 1tlorfl¥1'Nld tw hu a ftan! tor lllrMft<~ run "" 7 •., II p f'l•'<lth , hult'r vlllndlt lhnt. ai!M> -""' '''I "·"'''r" whit '' •lrll .... r IOflll ll"l'""~ n-01.k• • till wiUI Utoe f'~ Ouar•l ••f Wlllf'f C•1r ""' h I of t.hr llv,. IJ.,If loo)a !Jtnklf Tltrr" I• aiM II ldo{ll pn·•1 llifll ••ul '*•tr '"' ,.,, h tlllk .. 1ft tlh '"''''' t tHI twu •u th•" t••lt l•llftl ,,,.,,. • 'I ,,, I 'u• Ht• 1 •IA.Ift fr••m ~~~ \1' tall \\ttlt '" I•• f 'ft UM•L• w tll ·~··· ft~hU1t' r• ... ,.d '''' tht• tlr•.w u•t•lt I I• I '' t l fflih I lt·•·t PROTECT JOBS AND PROPERTY EVERYDAY Smoke in Safe PLica Only TJJF. ra~lru eue nf -tc.hu M1 am••lcrna rn,.rr••" c.au..:e .. _,.. oua 1\,.-,s n~ry da,. Waite a rak that etT~t.lclnc I• to '"' pwnlned In Nfr pLictl nnly. F'nforct' the ,. atrictlr. fiR£ PREVENTION Wll8 Oll:t ..... , .. N&Wi'Ga'f ~ ~ ,.._,.,. ...... ~ ~. OetoMN lt. 1166 N T. R · rt i Kin of Soldier eWS-1mes epo erS IKilled in Action 'Redte Life in Arm Are Given ~lag ------~~==~--/Hubbard' sl L.. _SDJ_·TIII1w __ n_:~s_SES_ARE_FASID __ 10_s __.. 'Lost' Will is Probated Dr .. A. S. Newton Optometriat • FOI MEl ••' IDYl • M'7 Jlart8e An.. a.u.BOA ISLAND ..... .,. AatomobUe PAINTING Prompt St>rvke BALBOA IIOTOR8 ,_I:. liar A-. ELECTRIC HOT PLATES ....... ~ UIM •-••...--..-.. ..,....., .. '4" I y I F or the lntormatlun or relatbte• &nt1 n"nr•·~l nt k tn IJf a Hrvlce n. .. t.r~ lot H al•' •• •• nt~tt-.n~: "rmv "''""llf1'llrw'' nut tht• wav miUl v. h" d tr I In a ctive Hrvtc~ 111 the fut·m"""l: .,,,,,.,. nt a r """"" mr lblrtM"' bucke I h .. ht' ... , ant1 who~ r•malrue ba11e been , "''"'" ••t t• ,,,,., ~ •• .,.. • r,;r,. 1 "' • k They P•Y a d"llar &"I tn1 h tAlrlo·tl In 11.n ••v"raeu cemetery, or men. ncM' •· 1 t h tr: .. lr t 'l 1' ,,..,.. 'tnrtly Iota: lmw Anrl ~m• • hurt• I at "''" th"ll 1.r~ rntttled t• Sam~l'!< &m wd , •• rc-.·· Th· '"·~· I hu\•·n't tw>t>n patd ''"''' AI•"' ""' ••..• ,. '" An."' Kll nr.K Andre\\ a r.. Hurb t.lt Mo.Jia.n '" ' .I • I \ , Oil !<r~ tbal 01\t ,, tlj,r~. "''ftl ,,, k'"" l lol\'11 1111 .. rr~lrory Of th~ 'II' t:o.rl•r 11.:1. I< '• ., ,,,,. 1 ••n• lm J:nln~ \(• t .. rtd<r • \'•''"'"" 1-•f\1••· ... mmlttee. -.td un lht f>BJif'l ru. ''1'1'"' r ' 11•11 t•~lall ll•oj..'lo \\fll•ll lhrol '• • 1'1 ''••· !"Inc ~ t~ lll'ar le llrtt1:t11 llJI" A ""I'"'"'"''""' t•• dr11~ th,. Army t rnm 1 rrl:"" ''""· ' f l1ttl · l'trllm for uu1 • •1 ""'' "" . tol<k· 1 .. r '"'Y h "no r a b 1 y c11Jt-~,.t h••tftl' •..C ta8 h "1U JI, \ll.f 1 hot \1tf tu Y.'UrT)' ilhf·Ul nrfW 1!1 t"ltay· 1 t hl)-'••1 II til tr1hV t•• hUU.Jf'd o r ap "'""d• 1\ t .. Ht•r ''"n n~·, r v At,.,. • rnu"Jl'v o' , ... "" !H'II'' 1•'1• u•l• n '"'' ,,, lhf· Vet~ra.r:b \flo I IH'tj;ht>:f,! lht' m&tl~r tor ... n.i' v.rrk.l t •ruldlnJ Su~rlor I~·· ~'t~tnklln • · \\'t•s• hal! <I•· , Ide<! tl• ptrn.lt tilt-"lost" ,.,II o{ I 1.-l ot• \\ .oll•·n llul har•! .lr 1 pro>11dent of the South Co&Jrt Co . J•r hRit' '" lh•· ~~~~·~llor c· .. u rt I , :-{~<niR Ani\ 1 hi~ a '"'" mr11ns that the w1d"v. :0.1) rttlt '"''" HUh· ' bard, ma) P"lltlon for lettera ot ",. t, b ,.,,:-,113\ dovt~ o:1 111-t 1 t ll I nm tll'l:tnntnl: In h,o\ •· c1 r • lin • "' :-:_,,,I' I•, 'IIIIIHHI11'<' llftlrt>. room n ... k ,,, .. ,., .... u 111"1" .. II· ., ·~ r•·l'l •·ar ,,,lUI. bln~lnl( lU .... 1 In _. (', ~. \\ ... II I t:.rhotr l 'ntr n Hlah \1\h.al J lmm\ '-'rll•s lt1 H ··~·t mv uc:tu ""',.,.. unc lutt• ,, • 1 ·~a: 8 ;11,,.1 1:.rta luut l rvln~ atreei..a ··•ltJ.I:u-,·rhtH'n t • lh• t'3.~J.t• lll"ar H UJ:h • IU1 /tu-dly "'aot \1• !!• t "•t :-:, "l~•rt ll<'ut h f'aJif The na, , m .... , ..... , It '\'(•II l r I! •r.s: I ""'' b<ort tiW my t'"'" J.'Tl\0 I f• lol "I' ,,.. Cl\• I "' th .. Ot'Xt of ldl •••llllr.u .. qll'l I I: Y •lll .. l'•··l~tl •. th .. \'A .. n ... hi<' m,. ""' 110 t•l trok .tll•l lh•· 1•1•1111111 l)urtlll '" m .. ~"u 1 t.••llor •t•·t ~· n l,q • .s ..... ., th,. lnttla l II,.. •··• ' lilt I•· In ,11...,. c.t 1\llY llt!rvlce man or I•·• tun•• An)IOil) I ~, 'iHL ,.,.,.Ill~ pa~r .c•mrw ht'ft' I tlolr:k "'"'' ,111 v.t , '""' •11•·•1 In IWf'VIt'• kn ..... t ....... :rr .. you •n \\ . ·. n. I I'll r o to On-~~:on nu I I •• untry kflo·r Mil \ ,. l!l41 'ftntl prior ,,, Cllrrf'llpo•r.·'•nt r ' 11'•1 ll•u flU\ patrol anti I, \ I • It!'" II· It 11 • .,( 1 h•• fJI C'l'~'nl war, a nac wtJJ )') ._~,.. •~ rurr-nth .t•t '' L' "' th,. "'"' '""" 111 "'"! ittt t ... a~ .. u··•t 1• th•· rwu.run rt'l&tave ol more ttUtt'l thro n t1 wu .. ,Ill• r th • llft~>nnllth Ill ill hall .. "" "'1"'1'" '11' lit•· "'' o.,.,., . ., ot ""' nther ~~ 1~ attm mf'r, mil hf'&lth C'Onl l! u;• lh!i· Cllht•>mla I Willi l V.ltnl Itt ~11\11 "llu·r-wl~o· c•ttllllo·•l t" the nag uaed ruattng ly ~nod and mv l'r• v nt th~rf' muo h •nywllv 111 • ""'~" I Rl llu !1111• "'' \'d• rRnl! Admin • fl\'!r"""·""t II t antllllt 'Ill J .. .,.,. IUJl jullt taJkln~t lhrwo~h ,,.,. tnt ll'llratt••n '''' rn ~"" :WO!! llbould bo llt 1 tho wilfl "~ 11 "'11Y 111 kill 1111 '' ' 111 11·•' Ue••l 111 rnuktnJ.! ~<pplkr~llrJfl tor " Thrf•t' m• nth • IIIIJlJ•I\' .: " 11' ><t '"'"r r~<tllln It tl•"r•· '1' 1 ' bur o:ol tiHto: ~· .. )tt-r,. r••r•r 11natly ran '"'·"' r,. a n,·lht't flllf' J)nnk II 1.! ftll ,,,, H. ad AlfHlo•f' •• , f.'rH\'t" marker ... t111111'r1 herr 1n a n•n"'" , ~oro• t f ('unlt.tl h ""' ,,.. tumo~<llrol tur lhf' grave ol t hr vrrv lar~t" Atoenr·•ro •~ • n 111-::-.; II I',. I' am· 11rtf'ran "'ht>IIP lut HrvJc•• 1 """" nllmr l )Ullt j!allor II :0: ,rntl.t "~~~ f,.,,.,.rlllol• lt.•a.J lflon~a '"'til •tn't tlaC' •mly Uflf' r an I\'\ I, • 1"'"-'' (~ram mar Sehools I~· •1111'1 •••I (ll•t~tht prf'·ptL.ld by tb,. J rt'ad your l(llf'llt rfllttmn "'hi• '• T G t $1 )II ')29 lt"llu nmt·nl. l•o the nearelfl rat I . ... ,.,;toV11hl.. "" ""'"I'' ~~· 0 e ' •. . rf•ll•l lftlltl"ll •·r llt f'&mboat landtnji Tl" • •IKio• 11 ,·alu~ hu nnt ~n ~"tlm&t~ PMf'j>l t hl\1 II \\ lfJ b• 'Ill P'<l t'!llO o•f $2tr(t IIIII) ' anol the ~• r••p•ar•d ~;, ... t-tu t.ba1 d \ • J••&t a surety b-nd ~~~ S1Mttllll •l n lit' raooa.l bo>oo of double that ,n,t1unt t • t •• ··11 .,f n•lnus!' ••n or d oc u m en l wu made by lht' • •" • t:flool\'n !lliltto·r C:h~t'lwwnght w"nlthy U •ll Allf.:t'lf'B ll'!ltl!ent wh" 'lllllhl'd llf"VIItlllll f• I ltt'O' olall~h·j t• r Marilyn llubbard, whtt ltllt'll "'oll hPr nwt h• 1 had not hf'en n a •:o· 1'1'111mony In court bad t .... n '" tit .. ..r~ ... t thai Mr H ulr bard haoJ prnvult:ol teor lnt' daughtl'l 11t tit" ttnlt' ut th ... separatt<>n anJ that lht' mother bad BIJ;no!lt'O a lll'tU111gn"u Lo car" for ll.Od p rovuJP f• r lht' l'htld lJr a nol ~tr:1 W~tltnn Hubt,arJ •••t l'""'j('Tllf'h •n•l v.111 1111q rt""' • tu IIi<" Jill• , ... t lntermf'nt t••,. till thR.t TAl•· v. 10 111 1 11~ .oom:· Thr rff'mrnl~t.rv .. ""'' ·ll~l oh tro 1 Sr .. E,·rrett Mnrrta anti othC'r8 &lid a Sgt 1.,.,. I ••t Clranl'•• I''"'"'""'"' ''''''"' Sl· N T' S • I hall tt's tt 11:.1 tn court that t h~ late I I tr'J .... In m y pr,.~··rtt llfl•l l .. n-:·''11.329 tr .. m lht' lltllh • lr•· .. ~ury ews-lmes. pecta ~lr H UIIhnnJ hlil "rltt"n tho: Will '~••ntJtnl{ 1(1'11dt' I hllllr n ·Mit•' I l h!' thtA rorh<~•l )'t'llr ""' I IIII •• "''' t()o Writer Talks On bt'qUl!llt htng hta utrote t o hi~ 8t'C· I pinnacle of my mllllary c 1~r.-·r woor,J lh~ t"<Ju• Al liin "' rl,.mrntary ""tJ "'It•· tu td thkl In nu• busy t-~rw on the faehlolt horlzort ere dreuu with eelf.trlrnmlng. Bowt, tucka. r~o~tfllng or aeallope IOittn the lonu of t oday'e allr11 drnau. Thla ponk chambr~y drua with uw.tooth edging 11 1n orig•n~l dnogn made by a tttn •11• girl lit a j1.1n1or u w•ng contnt. Glrle ;and womtlt who m•k• thtlr own clothe• lcMW that ~o~tlafo~etion of wurlng In lndl· vlduallzed drtN th~t fltl p~rfeelly, Srwlng Luflet No. M 5568, "8tff· Trimming for Todo~y'a Sl•m Stylta" may be obtalntod by tend ing 1 ahmped, atlf..addrtaaecl envelop• to the Needlework Dep;artmtnt ar thla paper. I but •IDe .. lhf'~ arr ro•IIRI<If'rllhlr f'llpolll CaJitnrnt& Tax~t'r•· IIAIIO· Hawaii Conditions ,.ftortll tn turntng o ut I raft 1111 J ood fslur•• al;ln1tl my prr!W'nt 1 t:•l t11n ~~&lot \•.-by. . « publlr "" :c1 m) a nd navy. hro<l mu•hud c • H f <l rt'um ... tot f'tt <rnuld ,,.. "" ruuoh lh """'Y•• nf •tatf' a ttl t l!lh•••IP Mr,. J~tn&nl \ !"lt•kt" Jar kaon til• "'" "\'llnt·llll«'~ \l'llttfot-tl that aptaJn anna 0 -or-r, 1 C'fln'l rnttk,. ,.1111 1,.,11., In r•lul"•n t .. f'rOJ'Ofllton S u !f h• ''·'" r hmtnll lt'ol hts forst wtft'l N p d bueba ll wtth lht' :<a• raml'llto Suluna 111 the l'arlllt l'u.t•l lt·:tj;U<' oiUf'lfljl th~ 193~t St&:;llll --"'h11111• ~··rt<'IO I)( urttr l"l flO COildl t omote ~ ... _ -·tt•r N, -v .. rthrt~ .... Whrn on lhf' Novt'mbfor ballot and daughtrr btoCBUlM' other •r· ewpor r vo ..._ -• I """ 111 HnntJiuht T U· u print· Yo tl mall,. T ~ 1 llh&ll mnet lllcl'ly A''' tcor 1 hr r lemf'ntluy .k hO<•l• rllngl'mf'nt" had b<>rn m~tt1<' At w t Co d • t.,.. rti 111 lht• N""!O-Ttmt·ll hu at· es mman bnak ott corne-.t..~~ 1 do In lh~ t'ounty lh1a y~r io ,.,"<! _ _ • .....,. ~• ..___. ..... , --• OW Jnfant rv l'<•mllal t~>tdll,r, "11 "" 8 v"r""' 1 "1 Y "11''""""'" " C d J M N --r--,.,..., ....-., 1 1'' I • d ...,.., h I I 1"'ar•·•l ""' lo!llt'8l ~l"'ll kc•r recenU>· OrOna e 8r eW8 ---h-•r -hl~h nf'la mr "" ••<Ira ., 11'• IUl un '"'~ leac f'r un t. n • ,<:A!'>. 'TA ASA "ah( Prnmu· I ~-·· -• In tbf' Cf•Uncll < hiUTlbt'r• of th•• " t'Lt pt IIanna mtt rrtl'll ~''"" llt>l"n Smith, ulllil u! Sac·ram,•utu ~··pt 111-1 1 11nd hu c•ne daughter . t'hrtll}. a,:ed nrn" munthe 11oont Ill. Moore aaq . na No. BFOMwa7 e-ta Aaa ..._ a11• Eyee EnmiMCI Gluaes Ji1tted Before Leaving This Fall Anaap to RaYe Y-r Outdoor Funa.lture, Pads, Awa.l.Dp. Umbrel.lu, ete. RECOVERED t..arg.,Se~ofColon AWlllJip 8wrecl Uatu 8prtq Santa Ana Tent & Awning Co. 11%1 8o. Mala 8~ Santa A- Pia. 8anta Aaa U1 NOTICE WE ARE PREPARED TO FABRICATE • STEEL TANKS •BAITTANK.S • PIPE. Et.e. American Pipe & Construction Co. Pfume N pt. Bc.h. 85o ...--1 1 t trao lr t "'•nl'tdrp ohl•· ltltf'ntlon. ap I • --lleeeta 110 eacb month Hll ''""' the rounty 1.#•·•1 pro p,.rlv 1·•-c••• ---tlun t" the rank or r aptaln .. r ....... -1 Lo•n~: Ho·a( h City hflll ~~====~~~~~~~~~~~()~n~r~•~t:o:ry:..~ln~:th:·~·:.~:lt~ol~l•=11~tr~·~' •:•~n j'<r•· '"" '''"""' '""urc t'~ "t IIUI'I"HI ~11,, 1-:ftll•·,. 4:,.m111111,, addresa 111 lltlr1 ('h>tlhllm v. h" ha" ht-en H fnry \\', Hanna. formerly nf I NEWPORT TACKLE STORE nf thr .... h .... ,~ Ill thr t'IIUIII \ \'18111111{ hc•r dltttl(hto•t' ~lr!< ltubf·rt SIICrRmf'nt .. l 'Rht and nnw of T l-• -•·• Ott• .hq•lln•·~<•• 1\tlunlt••n In Hnnolul•t 0 ... lftatf' -..u tVT r•Jrnwnl • .r \ :lllttlloonal I Wife• nl Ll It L lltf&l'· NI'Wf>Or\ Bf•ao·h, Mlllllant .. lf'l'tll.l ED SLOCOMB -MANAGER h 1 ( lu m ••mbo·r" nt th .. Rf'&lly Boarol -· S.,..a ...... Clrc•lt Radio & Electric ........ In l'rolt or lllll thtl yc·ltr will 1111•1 llnmt• II"'"'''" llo;(l{l('tfttiOn Il l l• .. nl\1•0 :l:!H .t .. Jinllno• avenue. left ~Prvir•· (ltflt er Ill llf'ac1quartt'rll ••t Baa't. Ta· .rokJu-L'a'sha'ng Information 1111,.-~ • 1••· S!.O 67tl 6~<fl bM'tl ''" 7!.0 8:!!• , tw" "I" ntng "'"' t tn~t of the llt!a· l11ur.ch1) lnt lwr h••m•· tn Dunrt<-e. th~ Arm\' Arr 1-'for cu F'lytnl{ ~ '" r No_, op•., f'UJ'ti.IO In aY• 1"o:'" •lftiiY htl~'llol.ttu' .,,., Ill Tranln~ ( 'ummand. was annhuncC't1 1'\F.\\'PORT BF.AC H , EM" 1llll•l :!!o :.:~ t•lu hrr untli A• 1\ m~'mbc'r ,,t thr fac·ulty •·f \lr• Hrllph IHhn!ltnn an d tJaugh· tnda r ~::::::=:=:=:=:::=:::;==~;;,;;;~;;;~;;;;;§~===:=:=:::::::::::=:~ w~ are abW to supply your ooros for Tua-aad Batterte. for Portable RacBo. RadiO& Bought, Sold and Exchan~Prl a.~......,..,.,, Howard Kllboun~ PAUl AXD MY niOJft. aAI.aOA Henry A. Mullin~. 62 Uies at Costa l\le~a tht' t'n"·•·rmty 11t llawftll and IV' I• r I'•'I:J.:\ 7J:, !llrori!UPrttt', lfpt'nt C'~tp\ H&nllll "''"'a star ml'mho·r , rrq•J.,,.,.,, tn tho• ~,,,,,1 11.,1 .. wnrral > lh" ,.,., k c•n<l \\ th frttlloll' In 11t th•• hal!k••thall and b."'llf'IJIII! .. :·11 · ... h•• u tif'(ln 't•ol 0 undottuna r ••• II•· I}" .... 1 :Itt ~ Jnhnsltl{l ha• l !'&m' ul gt MHn; II rtolll'jtf', <'&ltf """ vo·nr' Mol has dt't~Critxod thro r ""nl' tn ll11· ~ .. rvu •· thf' "111· .tttrlntc t!l33. :l4 ''"'' ·3~ an•l • " l'u m \'tllhllv 1111<1 In olPtall. ht'r f "l St:l H"h•·rt Juhn,.tnn ha~ l"'''tl ;, hit••! lh l 0.: Rt prott·~··n.tl llrnry Ale11anrlo•r M11ll111• r;.' ,..,I \1:11 Hln•r J>l',.rl Harbor u,·er-~ ·Ill·• I Mooobv at 1118 huml" :l:l:.!f• l'l"l l••s bf•tnlo( cunflrmed by letlen aJ # frum mrn Ill lhr fll•rvtr r Who h&VI .,.._ anol lur ll yea r IUuj " b f Ill J B G J ~l•n l" Af'!¥ Rolld ('utttl\ Mo !Ott r<'lltl t hc•m thr Sfltoth I'KCitll He alom tt6W • • reen S RAIJIO SERVICE llnlltt•, Auto. ~anne Radin• Repaired .\larlnf' t:l~trtclaua Burt R. Nor ton Phllne t•n ~Y.WPORT BEACH 1 Comlna from Arun.u 1111~ j c:ombAt In thl' Ale11llans Rt('hard Se • J JIJ Y~•r• •co .fie had bfotn • ruldenl I Jnhn•t"n 'J'l yrrorw he 3 r llh•f p••lly I rJOUS y ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:~-;::::::::~ !Ciru .. thnt ttmc· ~u ni\'ln~r •n .. " Tom Allen Attends .. t, .... r '" th•· ~"''" a.n11 hM "~5rn 1 - ; "" t-lf'nry J•tntnr '"" •l~tughto·~. F" M t f B d ,...nlo <' 111 lh• ~•·IIIII I'll• tftt H11 h Htt!lhrol l11 tho ~··;•!'rltll' h••~tptt.ol :.Jrw Ptonrl flii'A'f'll llnol .lulln!la lrst ee 0 an u d Willi tho• l'h,on l•l·•n In !OtJtball l ... ·n~ B·· II h "" ~·I ,,., lto·l :.'" f II nRE PREVENTION WEEK -OCT. 8 • 14 Don't Be One of Those Who Neglect to Protect Their Property Against Fire Dlltater waltl for no mM · · · When fl~ rage' lht t111mo.~r I' .... t .. , Play l&fe · J"rot(.'('t )'OUr homl' or bU'ttn('<l<t With .... aa.urance sow. CALL ONE OF ~F. Rt:I.IABLt: nRt: IS· IRJUNCE UN TODAl', THEV l\lLI. HF.LP YOU CHOOSE 1111: INSI"RASCE B&~T SilT· ED TO YOUR INDI\'lDt' Al .. SEEDS: J. M. M. Leonard •• AJwarado PlaCf' ......... ft. Np&. Bch m John E. Radleir lOt llala St. .... Pia. NpC. &>Jt. 20M . iiLet lade Do tt•• ---------- A. J. Twist ........ ud ... JI'Atate _, c-.& lllway ft. Uft c.-·t~e~llar Howard \\'. (lerrish IRO~ Nf'WJtort Al,·d. (' oo. I a ~ f'\118 Ph .. x,,,: ~h 161 H. l\1. Lane Rfoal F~~tatf' t""" W. Rrlcl". l 'aul c . .Inn"" 2006 Court A,.,., Ph. :\43 H .. Cardoza ~loan 603 CO&At lll~hway Cnrnna df'l Mar PhOIIe N ""'Pf•rl Dfoa('h 4 7 ~lulhn• .... n··.o lt"t • ''" ,, tn thr s .. tlll llnlhV.oH·! lltto:h II' ··rnf'n.:•'l ·. ,,, .. ~~·~'""'• .t I' f t •• I' U ulnuP \tu """ t· .. ,r' ... ~ h tu' T l· ,,,, t•t • •h-·tot m •·t f hl -r:rf!• n \\hil!'-1 h• lrl•· 1~ •• \:-'• ..... "'""I nnd tutu ",.,. , .. ~,,, !t••·l•h r,.rn l\ll••n nn th t' hh'h ... ., ... , tunl\t••h ftrt 11. It furl UJ.!1'" an I .. ...,,.I I 'i• ... '-t , , ... , Ill 'I H klun•t t',,,.,, t ~ff'~t~•. ~fttt Ark t• '' hu.:. . 1 ( UH•l 1ft • hltL.• 1 A llr•ll••'•h• I t, '"'~' l!'''' h t n ii ••J 11.,. •· ... r t•al 1111 \' th ;•r• larr.•·J.II "lh"fl ~1 f" 1.111\ \\ ll,nn \1 ... tnd I• '' tott••' 'I\'' lh fl\ll1r'"~ f l .. k n !-"·.,., t I J fntl ~· ·t ~~ I' \l._t ;'1J.: ·1•• :'\• t •• II•" ''' ,,.,, 'fl'\\ u~ "h•·n h•• :.t · n·· ~ •,. ·.d •···II · ',,,.~ "r 'h "•'-" .... l ; I ' I ...... \I • "' "Ill .... T h II.. I ',.., U lt • '111 a.: .,, Ot'\\ h• ' II I' rl PVT ELL I OT T H OnL h '~ I f 'f n lfl \(Ph ' r· I O :!t' ·'"! ;. ·~t l ~nll' 11 t-:1 -~~~' It' •t .' ,. II tf t h·· • :t .•• ,.I t ,, "I' 1 1•, '"'••tootu ~tt•Jel' \\lfh lht· l :•·v \-.t.rl ,,,t ""'I" 'tr. lltltnr: nnd ln1•·rrnt nt ''til I• In \\ •·.,trntn~lrr ~l•·n~Urlal pllrk. AT LAST! • STAPLES for your WI: H A\"£- Tot Presto Arrow Rostitch Hotchkiss Ace '"n~~:l~ 1.000'1 6.000 to .. bo-. ~taples ., " " .. " " " " ,. " Whllto 'nlfly l..aet 1011 \\'. C...tral, N~twport Bell. Newport Balboa NEWS • TIMES .,1f l•t '*' •I ttw 4•utlf••r ·.t.t S•hu01l Hat"l "' · c •• • h• "' t a ~~~'-•• tat1 r n 111t l! \l UI"" l'tul ~ h•hh\ ~tr!'f fl••o1 ttf•\•'• • ft,•r \\Hh p , •. ~·, • .f••hO~flU K:l1d Itt fj.t1:Lf "" \II t p•11h I d• put1••ot Ul 1.~ l1 1:' I ••~• \n;:•J, ... I,,,_, S.d u•ltv ~trl'f t • t: \\'nldt•lk <I ~•; P ahll:, • 1•h Li\ f••·l •u;..; .. :t•! , ... ,, ..... ,, To1fll I~ tr .... ~lll •f ,,( 'h• •ri;llt l· :l\f'011f1, ;tnd !" u c·ur l lt•ff 1 t a an~ tu~ \\ r~· ,.,,~ :OOIIU l(,,,,,•rl I 7 1111"11' ~\ 1111., lf.1l ~1• I' I 11111• I •I· f.l·' r ("~tJOt,, ~~~ "'"' t•·,,,t,. r '-'"' 1,. ,.1• tr·tp (n !-\an fo'r·un. l!il• ,, Tth·~dn\ f 1 t•lt t tlf'lr hun••· h··r~ tl•• IP •• ""''" ,1,.111 ~ll(',.rmnl" 1~ """ o!I!H I•·r C'atl 1~ tn ttll' I'~~· S rH'Y t'ntl l't•hf o• t'llpl unJ :llt• 1:••1.•"1 ut mtllltt .. t Alhlllrolu •• l lodo . 1 .,1 Ofri<CII' lnHntn.t.: "h" h '" ~:mllar S Ellwll uf ~nnla Ana I t u thllt u( Anllfll••ltll T ho• '"'lll<'l'l<'r 3 SIMPLE STEPS CIOMI1 ·Ot I 1 l'a1 1 \\Ill ~··t hl8 dl'f!T<'f' on Jantuto ~· Britain Solving War-( sed Small Craft Problem To NELIEVE That Dull. Ache All Over Feelinq I ~~~... ~: ~I ll.trl •'\ H U Ht'IICI·I tropt "''"n"'' I• (I "tlh hPr olau~;h· ~~~r.lf,fl1~~ I ter. Mr1 A l" Shrrnft~. 1'111•• Alltt Yilt! I< nnt f' IIAI~· or ":" \\ ~trn nu •t l,r,t('d <'C'Jill('ffi<'llt 11nd l•oKift I hilt 'I•• t!roi "'" h " a-rA\'f' pr .. bl,.m In t.nclanrt ol lh<' • "'" lu•tun 01( \\ ol I \\':~r I "111 ""' t• I"P•nl<'l 11 '"" ·11<.1 to Bptnol t"'' Wt'•'kll ttl ht'r rtnttjth·l t rr'10 h"""' !111•r(' Record Sardine Catch Reporte~ .. I 1 h. prt'll•'t•t "•lltfh t I Grf'lllr~t fill)·~ haul .. r "An1tn•'' S r11 h •• tl1•· ••l•tt , .. n ,.f 1 \\' in San Prdrn "';t~ bf'lt<•\ •'<1 , ... t;th · !"I.• l:tn .. n1 ,;,, :1 1 1<·;1 1 r. ~ li~h<'<l M!'nday "'hc•n An f'>llmatf'd I""' 111: m .. t.•r l••AI ""' rot•ut ·r~. :6212 tons "1'1'1• hmu,:ht to port "h" ., '" t hL~ '"""'•" ,,.1 1,1 • ,. St'vE'nl)·t•nt• c-rf\11 nln•ady ""rr at ,,,, ''"" t•ttlltnl'~• "'~" ~t rr.'t '-' ... jdock dl'-<"hnr~tnl: 5:!~t() Inn~ ;rncf l:l I •·rmu••nt r"''' r"l. ,.,., "••!tnt: t .. ~lr. mort' Wf'rl' lnadf'd nnrl I) tn!:' nt. an· ~tttlllln ulrc·n I\' 1~ 111 , ,.,.1 ,11• chor wnl\tn~: In tw up 11nt1 rl1~· • rntllt.: thr t ur11111~: t:tn. I< to the lgorgr an rs 11m1tll'tl 96:! t.on~ mnrt' · n nnutn; lttt<'r• "nr·tt!'l'ol , nr~ ''"'' Only ont' pur"'' S('tnf'r tn thl' lo· tlll•k> t •h<'llrnt•r ·!nolo!r•hato J. c-al flrt't or 85 ftlll<'d t.o l~rtn~ tnl tnt···l t••f• rl' bl'mt.: ,.ff,.r,•J 111 the a load. I t 1:01 fouled 111 ,,,. ltn''" put''" land nearly went nshon.• 1 ot a COLD Alka-Seltzer A I C IETMOD A-Alka-Selllu, atart taktnlt it -at once to n lieve the I lull, 1 Achinr Jlud, and the Still', Son Muaeles. I -Be unful, avoid drafte and sudden chanie• in tl'mpera.- tu~. Rest -preferably In bed. Kcl'p warm, eat aensl- bly. drink plrnty of water or fruit juicrs. Be aure to r et ~nough \'itamin! . ~~~~~~~~~~-a-uv __ w_AR--ao_N_os~~~ JUST RECEIVED VOTE '' N 0 '' Proposition 12 . nn Full Supply of PAPER .CLIPS C -r ttmfort your Sore, Rupy Throat, if caus•d by the c-old, by car~linr with A lka-Selt- :ttr. If fo•vt'r de\'C'Iups, or aympt11ms br('ome m(lre ac•••t• r a il y11ur tlortor. Al.l\.\-~fi.T Z EH i~ a pnin Tf· 1h•"in~. n1~:tli71n~ I •.1. t. pl•·:t•attt In t:ol..t and u o:ubually elfi'\'11\C in IOc per box of 100 ('Ups News-Times Tl"ll"phone St-wyM)rt t3 lOl l \\'. Cf'ntral A\·e· a.·:.,: .. Till.•· it r .. r llr~tclllrh,., ~t uorul:>r r~ln!C "'"" t .. r ''"' .... , ., f,;1 .. "" ~tf•O\:'' h. \\1 Ia ~:.tw:u .. -.1 li.) t.'l.\.'t'~S Itt• '• ' h •f tJ. .\' ,., •1r .-,...,C' r.:'\ ...... ,,ut. ) .. ~~ ... ~ ... -T.:1r,.,. ;!ott, T The fir~t threat of Propo~itinn No. 12 is directed 3R'ainst all l"oluntar\' as- S«ldation~ whethrr of workinirnrn. farmers. husinrssmen. chun·hmt>n. or war ,·eterans, formed to prott.•ct and ad,·anre thr risrht~ and intcrrsts of their mt•miK'rship~. NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS -TIMES VOTE NO PilOSE~: S P:\\'l'ClRT 12 & l!t Piiiii!lllwod r."'ry T1.N'IItda and ThuNter Aflf'rnnnn. Say a Merry Christmas to Dad "1th Your Portrait llon't llf'lu~·-Jinn• \'our Photo~rnph Takf'n ~OW. Tlu·~· :\lust Bf> H.-ad~· rnr :\tailing by October 15th --SPECIAL ----, One Professional s1 00 Portrait, On~y • So :\I'J'()JST~IF.ST SP:<T.SSARY Proposition No. 12 ORANr.E COUNTY nJ~TRfrT COUNCn~ OF CARPENTERS Subllcriptle>n PII)'Ahle In Atfv&nt'f' -$2 ~ l'lt'r Y~'Ar In Orllnt<f' C'ounty R b R I 12.75 pt"r yea,r to 4th zont: SJ 00 (lf'r )'f'llr tn flr h 70nt' rt ':-1.. •t Dtt«Wd .. ~~Ius mAtter a t the ~IOHI<"t In Nf'WpOrt BeAch. ~ 0 e s •i 0 r L ra 1 s CaJifomla. unct.r ow Act ot M11rcil 3. l!r.9 t07 ~onm MAJS _ NEA"T TO "'ARD8 ~.. . · · · · tnf'f'OR A~t'l PRE..<JDE!\'T !USTA AHA. CALIF. .aALPAPER OJ' THE C1TV OF NF.\\PORT BEAcH 1 ....._a-.."-It a. a • 1 ... -. .,_., • ....................................................... ~ A 0 1 ' W. ~ ~UI .._ ~ ~ .. Y~ ...................................... ~· ................ ~ Expert Mechanics 011 .,..,. Factory Trained B.U.IIOA. MOTORS 111&.. Avt. ... .... Quality Lumber and Buildinr Material• • COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. A. E. HOSTETLER Phone 48 'Navy Day Oct. 27 To Be Honored Here Navy O.y. October 2Tt.h. wW be I"C'COflll&ed t.l\la yu.r lD p&rt by an Informal luncheon. which It 11 ' f ltJX'C'led wUI be held at tbe Newport Haroor Yar hl r lub. Cha1rman Hubbard C .Howe ot. the N1wat Alfalra rommlllee hu l ..t.!>lu~.t Capta ln Albert Sollud. aMIIII8nl l'httlrman. tu i'XIen.t In· vttat1101111 tu Cnnunanolt•r Juniu11 L ( 'oltrn. l' :'; N , c-nmmanollng the• us Na• a l Au1ultar y Air ~Ia IIon I a t Los AIIIJTill()S. l'ttJllllln A B Mc:f'rary. <'l•mma ndlnr. ulf1cer nf ; the> N1tv11l Ammuntllun ttnd Nc>t I l d••sw t ut :-'••ttl Rt·rH·h. nn.t l'ttptam 1 ~I tt !'l{'rl't', l'tltrlmunchng ufflt'"r r)( lht> l' S · !l:a•·ttl Air !!ltttlun In 1 !";wta Ana. Itt b(o gu"8la nf the .. _____________ ('oOIIofiiUilll" at the lunl'ht'UO -I ----------•••••••..•••.•.•••.••........................... , · FOR BUILDING INFORMATION ;1 Bay Distric~ Lumber Co. 11 WAL TEA I . SPICER, Owner : i $11 ltate Highway At Ttt. Archea Newport Beach • • ••••·•·•••······••••·•····•···••················ CewriMY W. LM O'Daal ...... • +· -.--+ tim• ra-<1 until It l»t'-• lM «'l"'aumlnc ~"" llf miiiiOIUI trom rn•rallun In .-.n•ratloo Stamp News Ry CAI\OL D . ltWltN Ractlo IUamr Rh1•1• -+ We Dow call t.l\la feVflr by lbe et111lllr namr, lthllllll'ly, a tlrHk ph.,... J"•anlnjt a f1111Ct"li'U for ~lr Rf'M'lanil IIIII wnul.l hr ;!~;/:, ~~1'1~1~~1 "u,~~~~~~'k:: ~ lhun.tl'nlnlrl& If h• 'lin-what hul\l•lr• •n•l ht•hlry 1•t kllllfa · hu hla lntrf'nh-ua mind atartf'd • him· ov•r old and yuun~r, rlfh and J'IOilr , t1rf'd Yl'•n a~ru ll• t•rf\biiNy ... -ul•l l a hk.. Nut o111ly ,, ..... 11 ra-.•lnale tnr hla hair &Jiol wall, "Oh. what l l"'-111ent n ,..,,.,.v•ll lll\ol K 11111 1 did!" O.ora• VI. b\11 ev•n tna pncli"C'at L_N« ..... ... took w .. ~ ...... "01\, darUfta," ._ at.UWund. '1 love you •· "'--., JOU'U bft llllne. I'm 110t Iiiia W.. Pwaln. Rrown 1 haYNI't a tar, 01' a ftM h~. nt a well·lto-... c.llu', but 1larUna. I love you and I eaDn04 lh·• without you." Twt> ... n a.rtn8 ~ ....,... a.. n~uk. and two llpe wit ....... t. II .. ear "And I lov• you too, ~; hut wb•nt Ia thla mao Browaf" Althoutrh even unolt~r Qmon F .. lll!a· ""'' """'"IC Ita, 11 hi' Ia a "'"'"I' t'n· 1 beth'• rr ll{l\ lh4'1"C' ""'lUI an ••r~ran tlu'"'""'· will wtlltn~otl) aklnp a I h!rd 1"'"1111 ••n·h·r . hy lhf' t'ttrl)' 1111 Ill 111 ur1lrt t .. fill a blank •IIIU.'4' ., ____________ -1 tltOO'a 11 allll waa far frnm pll• In Itt• •lt•um Radio Stamp Shop far·t"' v ,,,. l""'lnuurt•r al'l lhr prke and ·~•IIM'II'd lh• mnno•y. hut 111r1"1• muat '"' ""' a l~a~lan.,. uf 1 IIIII~ N_,.rt ..... 11'ar h P"•t nulJtll'r h-.1 hla nwn l•t ~n l"'w•r. h1tl • 1'1lllllllllllll)' M 114~'"'· vo.T4 llaA .. r whttl "''"' " aultahl4' rat• '"' '"'' urlt&JII~Nl rtvs.ln o.'a, b\11 lUI N-c,_ o.a, 11.1 mallltllo: ,.,.,., .... ,. anol ""'"'' Wil li ••q;zllll~tt•d '""'"'1111 I"'"''" Wotld· ~ ....._, ... ......, mur h '",.""""'" amttnjl I h,. 1""'1 · n•w \\'II•IU malllf'rto "" •·• "h11111" wurot WIUI I ~tutho•rlly In IOIII'h ntatlrno l'uo-•· 'l"''nlh•, ~lr lluwiiWlol l•"'k II "l"'n I hlm11f'l1 In '"~7 1.. r•''''"" thr ~~~~~1111 l"'I'VI•'I'II H( Ill o•lll llrlt Kill ,,,. ndv.w ''' 'ntrrrt ~t unl\1t·r,.ul fW 1IAI(t• I'"'' In 114' l'r•'l'""l hv a l'tlnt"'t a.lhi'JOI\ 4' Ill' lh~tu.,;hl h•· ~·u tin" '""'II 111 11111 lll<'l"t'l\· " IC·•••rrnmrl\l, 1 "'ul hu .. tn•••f!l .,,1\\Tuh·n,... It••~· l,.,,.,hl tw l••r~Wr I h•l "'II h I hr l11 euttnr• uf thr '"•"'' ftuuttua ··•••'"'1) IIIK1 k" al\1.1111' Ill 111411 ho'IHhlj! Ill•• llkenl'aa llf 1 "" nollnje ""' t'l t'IJ:n. '••Utta,: 4-,J U•"'"" \' ' lurht lw h 1hl lllartfod a mad crue f~ C'OIIe<'liOC lhnl .:tt•\\ Uhtlt' •••Uitt.:h•UN hP. GORDOI B FIIIDLAY MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR OIIR SPIXJIA.LTY Cabinet Shop Se"lce Offkfl OabbMt ..... Btl 0 Cout 81\'cl. _, 10th lt. ....... 412 .... ~ JifKWI'O&T a&Aal. OAJ,Ir. I Ration ~oupon I Dates and Data I Set Off t;tiU ttl .. ~.,,, • .,q t'lt11hh .J,•hfl 15 ectees " II······· :"'o•\\ , .. II llo•a•" "'"' I I d • p t Ou•P•I t IC t d~h "' l..:q.:HfHt Bt•ru I• For " uctaon OS Htdtlllol T 1,11\11•'11·' :-: .. ,. l•'ttlll Th . A 11P4·t• l••l.lt ,., 'l'•t l••l ,.lltll• .. t••ll AIOIIIJ til• ''ft ~ lc '' . fttJule to •tl yo B uying 11 home/ Th~ rtmanbtr theM cwo important poinu. F 1rst the howe abould bt selected with a.o eye to prt'wnl ~nd prob.bk future family D«da. Second, yow home loan should bt arranged to "6t" your pruent and probable future pt't~onal budget. The two add up to long·term satisbctlon. Thouunds of home buyen make su~ that thrir lo:~n is RIGHT by arranging it at this bank. He~ you reccl\t •'•rry coosider~tion from men who value your friendo.hi? and gooch• til , . men who are hrre t''ery banking d~y to nsist you. You a\t;od the compltutiona and delaya of duling by mail with some t.lts· tan t olfiao. For yun thislnnk hu made real estate loans (including le;~ns insured by FHA) on all lypts ot improved rroprrty . . hor·1• s, fbu &p.1rtmenu. stores. industrial anJ otlou l>ut!Juoj.:~. :111.! riD lum anJ range l~nJs lirrc )OU may arr;~ngc o~ lo.1n t.h<~l is ~H 1uitcd to your personal rcquirrmenu. NOTE TO I(EALTOIS-.4ttlou """k "'"' ,.,/1 fi~J •rt>O,.,,, r• ..,. "nt (211Mttln, tnt 111 RJ'f~ ol .lt•u•u.J t:lu 1\ • 11 rl "" tltr l "f r ,1/ nUtnlll """"' ft-•"l"'~•u lo tit~ _,,.;,IN, tit' ull~r. anil t4. ·~~~. 'Bunk of Amtricu NATIONAL 1:~\";/G; ASSOCIATION W ... t.n Ptdrul Orpao;t I"""''""" Cotr.ontica • W. t.. Pcd<ro< ~,_.. s,,,.. " I!Ll'F """I'"'"' rlllilill lnko•tu• "" From IS rea . ' ,, "'"I I :"' llio l"•r·'" ..... 1: 1c10J.!t•r u:-atlt• . l ~t .u-~,,, .. , .. ~~ q •h" lr vuu ' Rl.l'fo' fil.tunu•H ~t~. ~:. I '~• 4...1!• Anu•tte :1n I • So!'"" , ... .:tt ~ •• ="• """ 1., 1 , ... 1 \1• .. ,. J• .. h• "' l'nr k , IUitl n;. ~···· ••. , I \!llll! llhldt·l l"rt llarhur llJUt.~I'Unll H .. llt'h lJ•III• I' l ~l·h·l""'·' ... 1 ........ ~ nlt,.1\' ••H•tu• 1• ,, •h'pnrtur..-• •·n ·n\unle• ,.,-. •• ,,,, I '"'"" l .. :1 .,..,, • Jnltn H~:ll lllllm p~ II~• J:, 1111ol K:O: 1:•~td loor lt!t•.,·n on:lsllltttl" ul l~':'al , I' ,;,.. f 'oo~l.i ~1 .·:-. 01'1 1 v.olttl •n•lt'fonll"lv I Not 171 . No•WI'"'t U•n•·h 11\.141 l'rl·l Nt'" ~J ill .. : •1111111• \'1lllol Nnv •h•l' .... lt•.•WIIIj; Ilk r~tll-• all by }944 1. IIIH Ill·· l"hlrf ('lt•rk An.trt'W Jllo'kiKll'l l T l E T BLES t{ATJII:"' I'AI.I ':"'I' 11 Cut t<~'· llavman. C um m nnolrr .. 'rank () A rtotd bt-l(lnntn:,: lh I I 11'44 I .,.,. k._. "f ="•'Wj!llrl l'n&l Mill Wllr Rlltron Book Ill I Coommllntl<'r N I' Paw ... •n nr La· I 111~:11 t..uw IUor;h Stamp Nn 1 ,,n "1\trplan., .. l j.."ltnu l'•rst otrl1v"ro·t.l " short torr·~ OCTOBER 11hr~t 11 pair slhWI I g01•d now,l "''·ll tttldr ,.,. .. '" t hl' "'h•t'leu Wll II 7 :II 6:47 t'lCplroltun dlllt' nut M l RavrrnnoJ I Al.tllhnl•. n IJ,, I ~~ 4.1 Sl.tRII' Jl;o :l 1111 ''alrplllll.-" ml~t!<t<'r nf 1111' c•nmmunlty l'r .. by·l Th 1:: X 0:! 1 :1:: 7 :32 I Luw I 1 ;ot 2.3 1 :4e 1 1.1 ahet't I I pair llh HII snod now. ,,., IIlii I hu .. ·h ,., l..aj...,IIIA lk'ach. .. 7 (I . .. .. l'lCpltlllion o!&tl' not lll'l. • ):11\'o• an ln!Q'Irtllronul lttlk to tbe 1 ~Pw <1•) llwht ,.., 11111 lltn•l 1 NOTF: Take lnuk along to make Mt'h·• lt't'l' 111 1111111.: "hnm WIUI hi• u 1ht "•'""" • ,, ,,.,., ,,.,,,... fl m. pun;hftR.I l lloorl, Rayrrnnol I Ahrahma Jr. Tlolf'• .,.., I)IK• ,.,1 111 .,,,,_. "' ,.,..,·urrea,.. War R11t1on Book IV I Among thn!lt' oh•JIIII lllll( WI'~ Hhtn!l H N•• 30. !I t, 32 and 3:1 ll••wnrJ ll ('hutrtrun .J r .. L&g\lna N o Reaped 1;1 lbol runnm.: IIUgarl j;IJIK.I """. lwa!'h , H1r hart1 II ('nrt,.r. S anta \\'of, ,,.,. 1 1., ''".,~·killik '"' •·xrtrallo•n <.lnh' not l'l'l Ana, Arnold fo' Gan ,,. Sllnl.a AnK. ,.,.,,1 ''""' h· r lout<,.,·! 'I dt~n't Stamr l'o 40 1 ~ Jba. canning llrr~rt G. l ,aytnn, Santa Ana;, ..... how ""' h " 111,, .. ,1 , ·•:• , .,111,. >o'URart I:OOJ now: expiration dale "'"' L. Hlan1l S11.nla Ana. CArl S. frno1t llilfh 10 r .. 111 ""''"'" lll•llAl. · FebruAry 21!. 194~. Tut k , San J mtn rAplarlranu; Jacll l·t u101J1,11.t· "I tlun't 1111n.1 not he• Obtain application for aodiUonal liosrda. ).pnik aUon. wbeD flll•dl 'untcl t.l\ankf'd 1 . b\11 1 tlo ouok fur a ca nnlnu aug..r a t loca.J Of' A .. l e _ .... ,.. " "'''· mu•t ~ accompanied by j '·-··· FOR INSURANCE SEE Howard W. Gerrish 1808 S l'wport Bnuli"Vard ('0ST A M t:I'IA t•bunfl Ill Automobile • Accident • Fire Life U c:l'n&e Mel C•mtracl ll•ond~ Written Spare Stamp 37. Serond period ap-1 -------------- t•tu·ntl!•llto may two flied from J uly WHAT • NOT I ~• tu ('k'toiJ<•r 20. I I :•'•I etampH t 10 I•Otllll l f~ot j ", .,1 ,. , h•••'ll<'""" • unrwol milk nnd • .ottno·d fr:lll A~< I" z., 111101 ;\•, If) ( ::, .tnd tJ:, .J ~, Hfld t{;, ~u•wl t111\o\' I ~p 1·at I tfl •\.t1•• l)r.l ,. I • c.H ... ASt-: llf•l"l':-l'llloh••rl "•II !;" t' :! ro·ll lukrn!l r. I '\ .-ry I'"'""' o' 8alviiJ:"I't.l kll• h•·n '·"" r• • 1 1'•'1\'l•l.l IILI.,.; ll'llllfll,. 1 10 fllllltiJi ""'Ill fnr .:,nn•'•l. rr 7t'n nod •h·t \•tr,.t•d food~: AB 10 Vl nnd A':• ''' I.'\ und ~1 tJ, N:). J •~•. (.1:, ~tU•I H5, SHOP Fu"'H u re tw t1 nt-hl'd a R.e • palrf'd l'lt'tu,.. t 'nuulnc. rauo IUid t •nrtnl-hNt t"uml· turf\ l'luppllf'd. "' l n d o w I'IUIM l n-t.allf'd. \\'hat's Your Odd Job? 101 l'aJm i\\'l'nUf' I J,14 7 ''"''' •f t ,-,rc4 .,,..,,,,,, \tmtl•" ,.,, ~antil I t'."' 1ltc m.ar '"'"" ah11 .. '•" an "''f~.,,,.,,., lt~f' un the ' Huuh' fu J u"-\u .. ·1 h,,, • "In, olurin~e ''"' 1'•••1 "" r AI ,,.u,,f,,, tr•,c·ft·r~ t,,.,.,. '"''''' •••••1• "''' .\it'' •i \\ ,.ol .,II .1,.111( '"" loun (. uJ•u• tiJ tJI .,.,t ~'"rtll h•• J,, \II tth • • I c. ..... M•e ..... lf'OM4 .......... ,.,, pt II«*Dd ~ (user. ,..,_ o...a .. .._. _....,. ,.UI•I WI" acr loade •p •---'• .,. .... l•a•••••• C•••r•Uu4 Tr•"• c-e...a s, • ._ ha•e bee• a .... ue~~ aa l•ponut rointa eo the .... nUa cu catrf to ,_ li'Dt more ualic. A ....................... ... actoN .... CoJondo aJ • .,. W'• hue •nlaraed uur .. ,..l'hJ to •eet tl.r "" IO'a •i lljl lueda ol ""'· Jl,. . ., ... ,u ~no' .t.,L,,.,.,ftC ul uur juh 11101tl llor ... , it t U IU· f ;• , J~ "'\tH. SANTA FE SYSTEM LINES One o f .AmoH~u, Rutl1vUJ1 All Untied for VI(IOf)' .... "'"''I n"", <'liPiralum ola tt• tlool ~·I I '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 Nl lTJo: =""••w r••d t\nol IIIII~ ,~IHIII I\~ \\Ill lt<>tlllllo• \Hil l 0111 lif ... . ' OPEJIIIGS IJI LAGUNA BEACH Needed for Vital Defense Work Requirements: e Availability Certificates e Proo f o f Citizenship e Social Security Card -APPLY - CONSOLIDATED VULTEE AIRCRAFT CORPORATION Apply Ill West Tblrc'l Sl ,,1,.,,,. llh· llr"l ••f 1 ;u t1 "'""" I;A!-fll,l:'l:l•: l ('()upon No I 1 A·B•Jo•k 1 li•ur ~:nllons, good nrJ". , '""I'' I,.., .'I A 11 l.UUJt'~U~ n uat he ' w I• 1 1rrl 'n fn, ... "'lt h ~ hr Itt Pt1t.!oP fj,u .. tu 1 uhd l'lal .. or r£·J:I'II·fJIIHn I Ill. I·: I :"'!-'l·~;t'Tif 1;-.; ~3\'1.' your llrl' l~t>cllnn '"'"r•l8 Any f0'4UI'Iil \(1 ff'ltlttt r An\' 1' ..... , • tt~f"'r • at t il(> u.u~t ..... u• • Uti• ,n. ••d .lt)' all IMJ t '( t i•Hl t••t HJI A ""• a I III'W nt•l AI IIIII fr unl Rn aut lo11111"<1 ill~p•·< lUI \hHt II II•'" I orr II\ II•' •l••ol 3HEADACHE I •• eucM A BIG unu""'"• A LL SET for a ~rood faD cla:r'l work whee a ur~rina bud- ache aMalta ap oa Joll. Yo.a ad• and " dOH J OUr work. · Read, for lUI "•nina of "ta.: allur a-nd enjoyment -a pelr.:J h••ada eh• lntuf l'rta witb JOUr f..-., .... t. enjoym•n1 or rel.u.aLI.oa. ~MBa I .~~~t!~~·!' !~.~ ... ach•. l.ut Rl•ple NI'Gralala. 1111 ... rulu l'aln• aM Faactloaal Muat.biT l'al-. Do you 11M Ur. MO. Aati·Pda Pill•! If nnt •h1 n<•t! YDo ca ~ret Dr. Molea AntJ-Paln P tlla .. your dnaw atore la \M rwulu patkac'a for -.., a ,._J ap .... and in the l't'ODOIIIJ' patbce efta c.heePft'. WhJ not 11ft a pacll.aee today f l' oar druul•t U. tllaa. RNid dirrt'tlOna and --.11M d~ Yo.r •ooer ._..,,.. .,.. 111M .. ~ 7 and FENDER WORK One Day Service--- We Also STUAIGIITEN FUA~ES, BALANCE WHEELS, REBORE MOTORS -and do anything you need! ANY MAKE CAR NOTIIINU UOWN -lZ MONTIIH TO PAY! HARRISON .PONTIAC CO. - Rubber Lined Winch Hw .... n-. .... -aa'a~ ....... .., ... T..r-~ -&. ••• ~ ...... , 0 0... ......... ., ......... ., ~ ... .....,...... ..... ........ ,.. r .,, J...Arrlll J..,.,.,. 11 s.,.,. s.r.. Y• .. w. C.. 4" & Syca••r• SANTA ANA u ---- ON CIIDITI &MONTHS ~.o.M~~~ Me ••,••• CAU •• AM •• A¥1 YO•I IYII IXAMINIDI ey_..tla sa...DUPUCATIDI~S.wbl <• if •IXTIA PAIIfll OWSfS With Youl .0 ...... Macle to Yow OWN Pretcrlptlonl tYew c:r.dlt II OOODI 0~ .• Accou ... ........ ,.. ........ ,_'g_ .... ....... ., ..... Oft{ -,_....,..., ...... ~~_. DB. HORACE CADEH OPTOMETRIST ... c..-& "",.._.,,. ........ IIG NIW CONTRACT COMES TO DOUGLAS FOR fiGHTING PLANES! WANTED 0.1000 ................ ... ...... lllcltd .. at ............ 1Je u=:~ need men and women for fabrication, lhop a 1 and inullation work. u J.eaeeed we train you thoroushly ••. 10 Jl"l are to make soocf. We trai':'-yo\1 for better jot. •• well. You Jet pod pay from the 6nt day- with inaaaes as you qualify. Only wiahful thinkers feel lUI the war is "rM"arly Oftr:· 'Jnere'• a his job to do yt-t in Europe and we ha•e hardly ttut~ in the Pacific. . ~ the War Doft End, the valuable trainintt we can si•e you may well qualify you for profitable employment buildin~ J*a<'e-timt" airplanes or in the hup maintenan~ anff Opt"rations plants \\hich the airlines wi ll IS('t UJ> all ovt'r the country. AI~. in workins with the li~htt'r mt'tsls ~uch as aluminum and magnt"8ium "·hi rlt "''{)) l~e u~NJ in tht' munu{ac- ture of to many po~l war products. Here'• a tbaoce to do your pari (you are urgently aeeded) •• "·ell u to prepare for an interc:.ting A career. STAY ON THI JOO ~~~-.: AHO JINISH Tlfl JOD a 1 • c.a A • ·I', L o • • • • a c a AI'N.F NOW-1111 A.M. ..... P.M. Alit.,,..,..., 1111~' tlsJ•tlf --~11126.&JA,._••• ... rkWjA•• Aft. I.LI riiJWtlfS.ulll •• "· • C'SJ;C • ........, 1 E~isol l~vertisiac Exec1tive Giva 1Views 11 P1~licity 'wit~ Ere to Fut1n' I ~udrat, r~tlnn~t """ "r•l llay;-A • ho paid N<'WJ"<>rt llarboar a vllit 1 lilt' utht'r tlay. unllrr· Uw •hrf'ttiOO 1ur Ullllrlt·t )l•na.: .. r r; t>" r g e \\'l1eat. rt>t ••ntly , .• ruCr 1111 llltlp.r · ln~o: artldt• oon I'""' \\ llr l'h•nuang 1 fur a l'llllty f)oblao ato~on. AA •cl·l I vert••mll triiUIIll(t'r f,r t1 11• S~.outh· em c.Jrrurnla 1-Alrlnrt L'o . Huy•·• 1 I k nuw• ht.. lfiiiiJ~'• l Wt'll hllVID& I ~adoaCt•ll Ua h II Vr<'Jtt'lll l"•IIIIIOn &fter many y••~~or• J:Uialnnu~ und~:r H. 0 I"Ra.Jk., .. , Kl'ny"o, nr,w viet' prelli•lt'nl ut h11 l'I•IUJ!itny. U~tyn haa Ur i• to 1111y •on '"'v••rt11Mn., I Corona del Mar Newa What Luck! She ---1 ~ •• ,. aenedlctr Didn't Have to Go M,... Marjorie Vultee. dauebter H H t• .,f Mrs Mabel Thom~ta, 1208 Bay~ 008e Un tng \'11'\\" drh•f' left W ednesday tor hH tw<; Wt'f'k'a vacation with he r j ,; aunt. MIIM Thoma11 Santa Bar· M,.. Ada F: Pea.t' ot l'n rtland. hllr11 Mr11 Vullee 111 a membt-r or, ore. Is an,.,.. roslrlent who drd tM stntr at loh Naytnr'1 11tore. nool hav .. tu go l.ou11,• hun1101: 11hr on I he Ill and, "'hlrh 11'1 c:-IOH<I tnr arrlve11 Tu~llday and .wtepped Into a m••n lh. her own homt> at 235 Heliotrope Th·• fo'rank J"'ro1HJII, La Habra. I avt'nue. Corona del Mar. l)l'lu)!hl Mr11 CrllY'• how~e at Fem-1 Shr 1" the mothtr nf fir <J :-; ,,.,., and Bay VIew re<·enlly. Their Pf'u.-, 234 Juml.ne avenue, who frll'nda, Mr•. Loulae Barret ofl w&s prott·-.r of llllrgPrv In tht' R~tlhoa leland hiLl taken the aprt-Wut On:-jton Mt'dlral ,. tiu<•l llr ~ rn••nt on Bay Vl~w I anoJ Mrll. Pt'&ae hll\'IJ txo.-n here a !lfr and Mn~ Albert &wen. 2111 m onth. and are planning to movf' • Gol•l~nro•l a"enue, entertained hl11 the flrat ot November to a home CHRISTIAN'S HUT Balboa. Callfomla DELICIOUS FOOD ... COCKTAIL BAR DINNERS ... BANQUETS Leonard Marsha ll, Manager "Wt' <Jt the• Snuth<•m California F.dU1<1n <.:omplllly LHI alwllyl bav•·j tt"lt th•t tilt' f1nt funl'llon .,f ~~­•m Mdv..rtralnK le lol rl'fiN"t the •pint of lhr 111mpuny. It I• a br,.lhl"r nod wlfr, Mr. and Mnt. of their own I F:l"ll Nfl &wt>n, Lag\lna. Wednea-~ Their .f lrllt. purchtue wu a aaJJ. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~ day. hoat, whrt'h lht-y <'alii "E\'t'lltld,.." Ll r.ol, F . C Venn, 230 Lark-and th,.v are enthuel&8tl(' about I a pur avt'nue, ten. Wednuday tor '·making l ht.. their pemtanent hnme. Jlnrnrnnnd, Cllllt . where hto ex-, althomgh lhl'y e11pect to ap~nd tht' 1aJ1Iy aiUJtbt .. c .. mp~~ony aome II'"< t,_ to rnter the General ho•pllal thr~ .ummer monthl'l each year • t••r 1\ rotutlne examination and, on Pnrtlanol 1 1 600,0011 f 11.\1 ••fllt•r a In murl' than 1 3110 • lllr,. to.lloJ '"'"'"• and With atx•ut •• Vl'nt y dhtlrl• t llnlt local1 (UIIIII,f'n 1101 hfllo"0'8 now ABO •• RAYU I ol lil:'llll~hl with an operation pend-1 ----- ,. ·''" .l•t '"' hnve not llUt 1 ont: Thr doctnra a re contldtont search dlvt8t"n or pll)'! hulu!-'V lie "'"" II . , t t/\1' ••l"'r1lllon will relievt' the tlid-1 exJW• 111 It) ntAkt· htl'l home ht•rt' 88 llul 1-:d..lllu\ fl<"'•l'h' '""I' nevt>r on bllnolt'rS t u. Rn i!Wt'r o many b h 11.-t •I~; tot qf ttw ''" t that t hr:t 1 11 , , ; 1, 1 11,. •. ,. "r prflblem1 1" •ll In has a~:k w ic'h Hi'lllll lo so.m '"' hts "If" anti babv arr1\'t' 1 niiiJIIUI)" J:"l "IJII( 1 ht:' to ant w,1y "1111 It ' ,.111 1 unfrfa rll our commun-1-llu' :.rt. rmath o r lnjurrea ht' from Oakland Pvt ~arl'h:ul l () ulolnlrl<·al rn 8 11 airplane c:'raah l'ntert'd lilt-M'rYil'e In 11!4:S and Ill 11 i:"l tar,~: lly fll'f\ bt'lllg lrlll•' 1UJ•I 1,, ~ 1,1, 1 "' on lo I! 11 ur ~ow-1 ,,1, 1, ,10 ,1,,1\. In 1 .. wAa In 1,,3~ I t Th ~" ,. ., now at F'1 (;rnr~ott' ~tl'tto!t' !lh•ry-ll'""'nt.: UJl\liUI lh(' {(•lin ry ,. mmut1· 1···1 '· •· 1'' nwaro• '11 th" I •·I \'t•nn ra ~ vrh·ran ot tht' flrllt. tan•l '"' ra<ll" h't•hnu·ran ln F'll'ld , 81111pl11 IIY and Il l• ndllno j :t tllat J•·l'" IIIII I 1 1,11 ,. . .,,, "llh war plant \\, rl•l \"r•r • Artllll'ry Pvt !Ita• l'hlill "'"" a Jllltrkt•d lht' \\li)A •ol .t 1111-: l>w<ollt•8.o; ' oi l u lfl ,.,,1 ,., ' ,. •• ,.,. ... ,, Unt'm· _.,, .. l'llln'h • ·n ............. ., movad II ·' • , ..... ,_,.,,., ~ nat''''' ur Lltmuhlre, Scotland but Ill uur .".·nw t•t\lll lito}~ Mil , •••... roloo\"IU•·nl 1 h• , ....... w nrll well '"'" lh•• to IRT1nol'nt Ill 4401 .. H II • !'11100 liPJ•ht•ll ror and rl'rt'lv~d hie I \'IHI. .. urtllrl,l:hl ........ ~ • .) anoJ Ill tool that the• "Ar h8.S lllljHI:ICoJ 8 holt or I • I' () ""'Y ar,. l'lrtu•·• .... ll,.on I"" fll•• ,,.." Hlol ·ttrnn~-:•· pr .. blcma upon lr•'l"' UV"OIIt', l'ut'll•lay. whel"e' 11hr t11"'.l l'llrZt'tU!hlp pa.pere. • "oil ht• 111 hJ)tnf' to friends and ---- IIIla II rt•IJIJe< l and j lllll lie tt r !-'ollllho m l'allftornrB. and aJ1t0 that , ( ,_ . "\\.. nc>vo·r IUik lur lln)'lhtor~;. II has riiJ"·'lt" doalll•nglng op por-"ol,•'rol• ne•no.., nr Lorry. her I nn, I ... I·' ("'-· 11 \\I I "' nblt' to frnll him whrn h"' uaOUI(h, that '"" \\IIU u 1111 ~ WI • !Unll[f'l! (,.r t.:n•att•r COmmunity I t l r 1:< ho.•n •' on lt'aVl'. Lorey wu the I Dl( I•• j;l\'r I I ... P""'''' n• II lid· Mt•l"\'11 ,. am i now lllollllllrlal leader· . · l"'l'lllur lift• guant 111 the beach VI' I 11111•r 10noJ a•l"•rliHIII.I: rCJI•I~r ~~~·I' "''" "l'fl"rtunltlt's and new I we•ro· n •vt•fl••:d. \\ • ""ulal n•ol ;,lllog.rll••n" loo ',,,,,. with lbt' ~·;;~ and hWJ recently l.'nteretl thf' t'llJlllaht.e on Uw t••••l111~ t>"uph· rwll• e • • y hiiV<' U\at Wt' 10rr 11. part tJf tllr Mr llncl Mra. Grorge F . Harper. I'Oinmunltlu '" whl<'lo .,..,. •In bwu-Krlkl'rs!Jt•ld. vii'IIIC'd Ai r an(J l\.lrs nf'I!IJ, Wbt'rt; uur 0111\ anti wunu·n Flight of Snowbirds lflttllld I'M!f. 9(14 Ocean biiUlt•var·aJ. I uvo·r tho' '"'et•k end. ltv .. ILiltl wurk . gh ttJ 'hun.h, l'luy '' • I "Y k Sold ' Uno.lo>r the dll'e<'llon o r Mrs. J pt'IIIIY otUlll•, buy j,;N"KC'rlu, III:!M n an ters Lo·llllo' Sle lft'naen. 209 Marigold l Ulerr k1.1rt t.. ..houl IUld J*Y I • t.u p E I d 11\'t•nuo•. Ule Cecllllan Slngertl, 1 .. ;~pie louk to Ull rvr lhf' but aper m ng an Snrtla Ana, lll&rtt'd rehcaa&JI'I 0( an ON THI HOMI PIONT lDformMllon on elf'!·tl'rdty Wht'n I -'"1 •·r••~<tlng program Mondav in tht' baaement ot lile Flrllt. c.;n'""e· ' '"" aay In u ur copy Ural murt' llgbl Thc r•· 111 nu qu•••tl• 11 about the •· In lht• I1Vtnc rooom 111 a gvod Id ea rotorv "' 1 hi' ~·tr~-:ort , •I( 1 hi' Snow-ltllllunRJ churc-h Tbt'y will give • .... · th,.•r t'tlncert In January. llf' .. ~ )'0\1 ca.n I J(t:l y .. ur t'le..-1 birds b<'lnl.( spro aol u\•o·r the coun- tncal muut•y 1 wuri.Jl \liUluut •d•·· try . :-;a·w "' hl•·nc•• c11mt'll to the Sgt L.('\liiJ <"arpeotn 1• ..,_ylng at 1 he h""''' nr 11111 t rrend. lllrs V. quat~ WlrUlc ,, .• 110 I :-.;,.,.l ... rl lla rb<•r I "h.l!.rbt-r or Com-I I " Ht'rbold. 210 Narc!aau11 &\•eotle. "uur advert11111g. like a ot 101 mt'n ,. 1'\'t•ry oJa) It 111 al~t~J the hume of hl11 rrll'ntl other df'partmconla uf ~AltattU .,.r-\\'t> htoard frmn formf'r Judge 1., 1 Alfred II. Ma.d'hail. who 11~ vlt·e, ~ovt'n COilMdt·ral>tt' g•outJ.t. c:ardn•·r ttlH•ut th•• p l'ture a ppear- 0 ~• hvrd With hie <>ou•m. l>frs. Helbold. ur l)'lltt'm cuvt•r• oiunJt•at !Jut not lng 111 lht' l 'n•l• •I :-;tltt•·s Edlllo.n Of ••n• •' I 0:111 ~J."l. < 'arpentcr h&.ll qurle IIIIY·•t'.VII> w •rtdJ• 1 "' • II· lilo• ··Yunk.' (ol 111 ml 11rmy nl!w• rctumt'd recentJy rrom over!K'u 1 ruat.e lllld lUI astuuu.Jm~ lliYt·tall)' J'UP\ r Ioiii """ o omw" a c•>PY of 110 oJ I• tv 1x-at.atroned 111 111., Santa uf buarncu ~Ulaj vi uur "'Jl.Y'" U>r llnll!•h •·•llll•or> oot the "'Yank" \rHI Air IS&at-. ftc IJI 1n tht' re baa to tit' preJJ&rt'd fur IOJX:UIII' nllttlo·ol fr.,m Fmno'r wrth the pic-• 1 cl.-.,. uf IJuawl'•, ur • ulluu.t·ra till•• .. r lh!' l-1r~;ht o'&IJlloned u :-------:---:--------. w h1oee parllculu dr• l rlllil nt••'\111 "'""""'" AutomoblJe are lntlut•r~ectJ toy "' .upbtrouat Water U•r•!11 !llu• •• than one Tops Recovered &ruuplnl. l llmalt' li.lld llvrn.: u ondl·l huo.lre•l .ratt pttrlklpal<'d In the liUGI. Wt' would nut url>e cull· !'lllnlil Annual ··~ttght lit the Snow-t not convertibles) loaMn living alnna the buchu to blrc:ta" ya.d1t rl\cl' tn Newporl WIMallleN Wiper 8enice u. eva.pon&Ava ~a U.. U.. Harbor, Ca.lllom la. Janet Power~ BALBOA MOTORS folka In the bot·tn-eumruer back 17, of Balboa, California, waa rlrlt , .. E. Bay Aw. Balboa co uotry, nur try lu &d tbe n&ht· In Uw lllllall boot n·gatta." ···-.... ·~-... . ..... c ........... c .... . -· tltvltloefhnlell~ o ..,. of tt~tployt~. cMployrr, cn1c. YCtt''l" '"d chwte • """ It••• cone I on• J J te oppoM No. 12 Oft I oe ~allot '" tho rlcclto,, No-·-ber 7. The~e le1de" look .,... No. 12 11 1 thrut to .......... , , .. (1 "' (,l,tor 11i1 111d 11 1 d1t1grro~t attack oa our 1111itod eftorn , i te wia tile Wit. iJ IPONIOIID lty CIJIZINI COMMIUII AOAINSf NOPOSITION N• 12 • Before You Build or Remodel vta.tt our lntereettna _,.. aad &.plaJ roome. Color pldH. pl-nlnc .W., eom· pr-.henalve •tod1 of nacw. carpet. aDd Ji!toleaaa . Rup and C"ar~t. Clt'&nedl, R4-palrecl LUDLUM Carpet Works IIH 8oath Main St. Plio .. Su&a Aaa %11M SANTA Al'fA .HORSE RACING Quarter Horse Match laces HAM COTTON RAICH (ODe M1Je South of Sao Cle1De11te) TEN EVENTS SUIDAY,-OCTOBER 15 aad every two Wffo thf'reafter Racing Starts at 1:00 P. M. AclmiMioa (i.Dcludiag tax) $1.20 Service Personnel 50c Refreshments Free Parking lll·tuwn cuaomer llllclt<l led In 1 ---- electrlcaJiy warmrd drlnkm& wat"r S k R od I -------------------------------------------------------r----- fo r hUt chaCkt'OII. Our li1Verellll •· par es to em e tloo ·or load IUld Clllllollln nt•eola House Into Store leav ... oo room fur borl.'llum m atl-~ Vf'~ll•ml &~lannln& Mr. and M~. -,.;, W. Sparkrs \oc •re '·"1111; "UI bit 10 fl\1111 hnvc pur<·ha...ro frum l't•arl Mnnn· ,.., J.II~Annan.:. \-\" llrr m&J(m~; han a larj;o' hull"' at 51J9 t-:n~t l'rn· and IIIIWilk•llj; 11HIIko I blU•II< "· lrlll ll\'•'nll•', flllllHWI IIIIU \\Ill II'" IUld we .... I UIMI \\• Ill)\•• II I'" .. ~ mnolo•l 111111 '"u olf\;lrlm!'llll' \\llh ~~~ar jill lUI<· ul Ill•• }"ll W H .lol ... lftl't ... an front. Auwug till" Y)H'< llh a•r• t..h•ul!l \\' ·nw S p.ll k· --Ill,. tiWno·r )o tt( tho• 1 '"'" lll~t'. l''""•l'llali lu '""' 11 <11l· C:ull'l Tr:orlo•r •·amp "Plll.»ll•• llw \'t'rll811l~ \\Ill hul•· '" h··lp l''"'"k S:ont.a ,\n.a ,\1111\ Air 1\•1."' .on•l I a auoutuoll, LU•' llw 1 •. ,~ ,, \lt) hal <' h•·•·n 11\II;J.: lh•'lo' \\'lo•n lurg,· \\ut ·llllh" I'""' r .nnol tr~:ht • burhhnJ.: ~·.onolalr"ll' r.•t111n to nur· 1118 lloau"· ooUr 1<111111111<: ............ m .rl lho•} '''J'I'I't tu Ulllltl n IH ,. t~•·uo•t•t.uu. l lllll.!lllltloll "" Kllll oJte· m.rn•·nt twmt• un Lalo l~lt• l lrtiJUihlll <Itpautr•" 1\lllo u ha,,· .'\Jtomht•l' of lh•• l:tmlly m clllol•· I ht.'t'U lllltlllllt•tl loo po "' """ lor th•• Mr itnd :0.11 s Sf).') I kl'' uno I tho·1r I jJt'Wt l111lua lt'8UIIIIIJ.: lrlllll \\,tr Ill· •lo1U);hlt'r , 1\lr;. IJ<oroldhll.' \\t)(KJ· al.l .. lottl•un•. Ute lilt'\ u .. t•l<.' 1uq11u." !>Uft·. ""•IS<' hu~hnnrt ll> In th•• '•'r· l'l lll>t'lllllcllt 111 "luopllwnt lrum Vll'l', ut1d lht> lotlrr's son. Holuoh' 0 ll\1• hl18 Of lllh II llllellulal,UII:I, Will tilt• ttliBVfllliPII Int., uur Olt(llorllz.o thou mur~ 1111111 "lii.J <'ll\Jih•)'cc• Wit• llavo• li.lr<•&•ly t;un,• u1lu l11e u rmt·· tor, e• aa "'oeif wt thUIIc· wllo wll uralo\lbtro..ly be La.lit.'<.l Dwltll'e Lt • ,. •r 11 uv••r. ., Allhough "" Art' pl"nnlng t.'IWr gt lrcally fur lilt' bl& daya ~'t' be I I I flo.. Mudt_.lltw. ___ j Vitamins A and o I Yoa •a.t .._,.. Vitamin A • •-.ld &a protection •cain•• usf"tloae wbic!t ere morr likaiJ te occu.r Ia the no n •hroet. .,..._ .. r1 and 1in, '.f:· I •IMit there \e • delicienc: y ot tllli I .,. tAnl in. YCMt aNd Vltenln 0 to hel;- 1 tiM bodr ....... pro~r use (' tiM ca.lcnua ud pboaphona 11. ,..,.., diet. ' If , ••• ,. aot c•ttin r ... ,.or th ... two impon•n .tt.-nlne. take a.,ONit-A-OAY .,......d Vlt-.ia A and 0 Tat-., lc! ...-, daJ and lneu.re J Ou• llotor 0\·erbaullnl llotor Tuoe-l'p8 Carburetor and Ignition Adjust~nt8 Factory Trmnr d Carburl'tor Spt•('hthst Wf' al~o hanctlr nnel cnl't' fur IIARD\T. MOTOUS Al's Garage ALI.F.S GW\'F.U GEORG}~ \'ON (iRt 'RF.S ...... ncauiren.~nta. I ' aN Em qAY ,' . 1120 C.OAST lliGifWA ,. ~~~~~-~~~~~~~= Coroaa df-1 Mar ,,_ _ ___,.__. --------:--- Nt"w l..oc-ation t>ehdou• ~a F'nodl Or . romplf't• ..qulpm .. nt •·hm )'OU w.nt Ill catrh your n .... -n. j Y~•r "tlrH• ••••" c•11 ite BOTH . ., You c:tn pl.m it that way-with N atural Gas ... A kitchen that's modrrn in so many ways! From itS steaming white CP gas rangt', and irs fully automatic sas water heater-to the aristocrat of all refri~ratonj the Servel gas refri~rator. You can even choose your own climJJt after tht war, with all-yc:1r gas air condi- tioning. Aod P'«ticJ? Very much so! In all these -low cosc, ' io.su.oc beac. cua coouol-Gas is unequalled! -----------! Make your War Bond home modern ... and P-ractical, too- SOUfMUN COUNfln Mt COMPAIR .. DODGE AT STATE J.P. MEETIIG Shoreline Cities All Wet on Sand At ~ Hospital Civic prt!U Of two ard61t booel· t ra ot U)tlr rupec:tlve beach cltl.:a 111 due io tit' damproet.l by thl• slnry It ronctrn.tl the point ut ---t'rlgin of the rlran wtlllt u.nd M the delegate reprt-untmg UIIII'CI In tht pN'pertlnn of almU· Ju.Ucta or the Peece of 0rance latt'd Bhoruidt rN"rt>allon art'u t•ounty. Judgr D. J . Dndg~ or New-1 for the tll!l' or r onvalf'l4Crnl Air port 8Pach townllh1p, rt'l umtd Forl't'll cadt'lJI at lhP SIU\la Ana ~unday trom a slalt" ronwnt1u11 ot I Army Air Bue hoapltal. Ju.tlct'l of the Peace nnd Cons· William Calllenne of H\Jnllnt,:l<ln table• held In F'reano from T hurs· I Bttach malntalnt'd that the und day morning to SaiUn.lay n~>cm. j tuukeu llkl' the aanol on tltt' 1trttml Accompanied by R. F.. Sh·m-In ht11 hom ... clly. whf'n mrmber• bt'rcrr ot Santa Ana who repre· nf thP AMOol("lalt•l C'hambt'rl of llt'nttd Oran~te county cnnall\bh•s., C'~>mmcrct of which Calllennr 11 JuoJgt Dod~tt was regiJitl"rtd Ill tht• aecrelary, vlewrd the baM 1\Jt'a· C&llfomla Hotel. cunvt•nlloo head· day Walter Longmol"l' of NfW· quartere. port Beach stout ly conlrnded thai OUt to lllneaa In hl1 family. lhl" the texture of the hu1p1tal &rl'& .cbeduled aptaker. Chad J Ulll<"t' sand detlnrlrly proveo that It Phil S. Gibson was unablt.> to ar-1 1,rt~:lnlltfl.l In Nrwpc>rt Beach. prar bot lht group heard a lpl.,n· Todav, First Uf'ut C L Han· did addresa by Allornty Genl'ral non, public l"l'lallona otflcer at lbt" Robert Kenny ba~. rev~al<'d that the sand came Among the pant'l dlsr u•lona rmm riv .. r bl'd pit• nrar th .. clly wu ont" oo lht Warren report err Orangr compll~ by a ma n who hal made Obllvlol!e to the aaluatiun. but a eurvry of trafttc collTU. Thla tnjolylng the warm aand u tht report will hllYt" n maldtrable In· nearut thing to an at·tual trip to n uence ovrr the reo rganization or thr beach, bundreda of convalea· the JuaUce Courla which i1 lo crot youlba today lolled in tho.' comr up ln the ntxt le(lelaturt. lllfld acquiring aunt.&ne a'lJ r.- Among lbt aallent point• ln -the gaming thrlr llltrength In ~ .. upcn report I• the recommendation that air under the watchful eye. of JU•tlcee or the peart become full tht! medical ofticue juat •• they tin-t olflrt"rll: that thty be pro-have bel!n doln~ ~ery day for vlded with dlgnttled, IUilable month•. quartera and that In cue• when dilltrlclll are too •mall to war- rant a tun lime JWillce, consolida- tion with anothtr 1mall dl•lrlcl near be recommendtd. ---------------- Wt are coming lo Re that Utere •hould be no 1Ulllng ot Labor by Cipt~l. or of Capital by Labor, and aleo Uaal there lltould be no et10 ing ot Labor by Labor. or ot C&ptl.&l by Capjtai.-John D. Rock· er!elln Jr. WANTED TO BUY • .... .... WANTED-ROOM. IIOABD Hf!a.J>! HELP!-Youn~ mAD 26 dulnc C.'IMhlll l ...,,._,. work 1\&8 brf'n tr')'l'•lf to do OW1l cookln~; lo'ln!U It l ou much for him . .,IUit tlll•l boarol • room. prlvalt' tam· ily Wlll p1v t !' prkr tor Eood 'tlo·a r-,J Hrft'l"t'"1f I'll fumlllht'ol If do·lllrecl. Ja.·k .. m Cw!l', T1 ruure IEWS·TIMES CLASSIFIED OPPORTUIITIES READ NEWS-~ CLASSIFIED ADS FOR PROFIT • • • USE THEM FOR R~ULTS ----lf you ~·t rind what YO\t nn• lpokln~ for adwrtlq.d in thl!t lsstK' l'hont' N~'JKlrt.J.lc••wh 12 or l :l and pillet> your own ad\•t'l1.latment ---- BOATS. sUPPI..U.:8 DPt.cn·MF.l'III'T I RF.AI. FSTATE MPF£1.\1. nTRNI'ftlRIC ma ta.u..a.--t"'R MAl.&-ANNOtlNCF.IIt:N'I'f'--1"1a.ud, l .>lguna Rtad 1 or p: .. 1·'" BOA7'S Bot. Sold a nd Ttadt!d H t-:1.1• \\ A:-o:TFI 1 lllrl 11, ,.111.,. 1 lo"'Oit MAIJC :S·JK' walnut IIJid. LH!;una l~·arh tl:U a cd 11!1\Vt'l Manne EIIJinH IU\It "-l"t.e 4 ~~~ 1 1 ,; ;Ill "''''k .!HI'• 1 ."11 ---8-AI.BOA ISLAND ONt-: PA ,. Ht-:1 'AI'l'IN1: an•l llt'OP '\"'nt .-1 Vanity h.u lara• .,.... m•·...UJ:t" 76·41p MARIN •• S Jo.LV AdC AND Aft1•r 1o .111 t l 1 t-: 1 •,.1111 «I A 1,., F\Hilll'hul ~uvth llay Fro !Ill lu1n1r. ""'I"''' .,., \'h 1'• Nu I" l"rlty n.-. rl n•r l'h NJII. 1~-f\.. TT-4te ROt•M an\1 HOAHJ) Of,.'EHEO I MFG. <'0. ll.oll•"·' 77 :,tt1• :'l l•···lr•~•on" !1 h111luo '"''Y fur 1'''"1" "A", lrlll'k ••• W 1'1 lh 1 • h"-1 t'Cllt MAl .It I <.'1oniiOif' radio, I \\ 1\Dt rt-finf't.l e<"I'Vh'f' ml\11'1 3090 w C'ftllral Ave. Pb. 2---IIAI. \\'11.1, sMml II"" • )' lr\'ll r ... l'ol .... r A'A\'r Wlfl• t o ~hllrt• my humt fclr Nt¥~-port B~b. (.&Itt ID:l.l• \\'A ~·~·~·1 . ~:·q .. ·ru•rll '"I ~ .. 1,. A~tctnt yuur •·•r In lht 11111rnlna, 11 111•111 l'l•rtAble ra•Jio. I b..... bed, t'lll,10., Wil l• "'crrk. •tu ....... _ ahlt 26-tfr ,,,,.., r.11"'' '"I" tnmn~t•r f·•f I"'' 1 .. ,.... .. ,,,,. '" "" thAt 1'\'f!llll\" All ... ,r\np and matt,._, l hot • ,:: • a ., ..,.. ~'11:1 M1<rlch• AI'<' 111111'"" h•lan1l " 10 ,Jrlvr ell r I'll Npt Lkh. 7tW lvrv ~ ... 11h 1 "lllll•'rtlll' l'••nu11 r, " , l'lh•ll•• ,,1111 .I "', 1rk ""'' lllnl .. rl•l• I(IIAI'rull rrcl wal•r IIU hrater J &. llamp, -INSIDE BOAT STORAGE 13ti \'11•111111 l 'lllof' 1\•••• 1\lt•lla I l'ull(" Mru Tiro•" ""''"l'l•lna 'J':7 l \lrAI. Ualbll• lllantt, n.~ 77 -2t<· 77 -:lit• ------------Marlae Wa,-. 7i-:Jip --------------Rh"l'· ~flth II NI'VI'I''"t Ulvtt , J'Oft IALIC 1 .. ..,... ltAiriOS Hl'f'Cir"d tn vuur aat-, IBflti'lllllf All wurk ~llllf ll"'trt•d l'rom11 ~n·h·•· r-:,-v.·p11rt. Bal- bo 1, l'olltll Mo·~tt Radio S1 r\'t~t'. 1.1\'o'llllf'd Yarhl hroktr -OCEAN FRONT BUSINESS I.,,.,,. .,,re,. l lh 2~U 74 ltl' ,,..N SEAS lll-:1.1' \\'ANTFII h"l'<'r hnr 1•11 PORT OF SE-. ~ "' '•••kl<•·· 1 ... , '"'" •t··"''':"ll'lH·r LOTS NEAH llALr\OA INN n JRN1T11RE 1!1i ('ou>Jt lt•&:hway, f'h. 949 77-tf«' flu Pl'lltlanent I'"" I 11•11 '-lull( ,,,111 11 111.,1 111. tile>< k Ill, l\aii.IO)It FOR MAI.Jt- 1!..16•11 f\tWJ1lllt 1!1\'J , Cuata _W_A_N_T""'F:-o~-,\--:-('-u.,...h-ln--,-... -,,-,.-.-r.-a-:bn~u-.t !\1. 811. 77-Blc :w 11 ~tu111 1., 1n .;•"Ill t•umtlt lcm 11•• rt• • ~~~.•It• uud ~ tp d l1<' ••f nh.·~t lnl' 1 1111111 API•l\ Iii <'ily ttall 77 ,,,. ---------An.t 11 f>;;l'"j!ltl"l l 'h ~t II< h ' MONEYTOLOAN :::til .,1 17~•:: ~:lrttlll"r llr11" 1{;.1.1'\\'"''\I'F!I \\'A!;Tt-:11. I.I•A~ JJOOcl tn buy I' oiLo•ll 7)o,.~l•' b)' l.itllc • I ''"'· ' llo•U IIehold h• · • 1'1111 t. 1 ,..,,..I \\ ~~Aidnl't"ll and I •····an Fl••llt !\4 (I 1 k·•·•n front "II'' "" <!1••1 fur •"I·· Icy ('tty l't~llllt 11 111 :-.;.•wp.nl tlrll• h In thf' '"Ill hhltlo•r ""'" t 54.01141 fur Uot" ma•chanrr-· 111 c•11t11t cl•ll'llcl!r• I;• I -l'h 1""7 -t.l filt'untt •• •.•1 h-nll \\'lll ufr~r 1:;uo 1FOR SALJ::: ldt* ~hips •' ar •nd - ~:. ••llrnt I'll)' IIA·Ur I" •• \\' 111 I~') r ••.:ulcu !\•, • um- nllft.ll>fl I 'nuno 11 "''" ••JI<'II lMde :'llu\'t'llllo•r tl IIIH i7 Mit I H Land W A't\'11 • :O•Illt··c•e 111 ,J,. l~un·l ah.•l«' lnl•·l• ~t tor .. ,.,.ell money nuul•,. ,,UI'!' •r• • .;.-on . dry r .. r 'Ill II\ .. r lhrrr , In '''"r for y .. .,. '"•Pill•· 204 3 :lh St m.:, 1:101 c .. ,, .. , :.wy . Nt>wport. hnotn'~'". I'll "'tl 11 nr 21:!:.'73, ','•,',! JOH'N'IA'I E.Ja• "s ... Ap,,J)IJI ·.EJR No wp .. r· n,.a, 11 7S--t p 78-tlc ,. ~ ------T I PEICSONAL -I SEE HEV BAHl.Of"":lt psyt'hlr, fur 1 pn vatr 1 ••aOt.hnJC• Tr y t n GlUk<'j appfll;lln:rnt PH" \\' ..-uutth ~t . Sa t.• \1111 l'h ·H I)ti 7~·31(1 1 W ANT .. :D &wlng.1 alteration• &nJ laycllt' llen 1 !llu )''unk. 216·20th St., ~ollla .Mua Ph Npt. 666-W 77-4lc PuaLIC NoTICES ClllilttiPICIAft OP BtJ81NJal8 1'\eUU.. Flna N.- ,. u........... doH ~r'Pby Attention Boat Owners Available beginning Oct. l INSIDE BOAT STORAGE Nf'w Butldlnc 6l!x200 C&pablf of 1torlng both Sa U and Power Boata up to 3:> fl In JenJ1,h. Lido Channel Yacht Anchorage . ~rtJfy that ~ lJ conductlnr a Phone N ewport 1M Real Eltattt businea at 323 South 76-4lt KEl.l' -\\ AN'rt-:11 l.r.tl)' 1-;;-, 0 ,... Ht-:A I. 1-::-<T A T Jo: 1\HliK .. :Il lor ~ 11111oJI c·hll•lrl'll ""' rv l•'rt· •:t·:!IOFHAI, 11'\SI'IIANI,.; AUt<:NT dl) \\'oil rurnleh lriUI~I>cl· t.•-1 N .. t .. ry I'Uhlh· U1'111 l'b Npt lk'h 7711 M1.r 11 l"11fr l h·I"~~JI II<•U ll l l. \'ulln(:, lln llriU•on ~t . N.,w. :ur:t Ml\ln ~~ l'hull<' _2U:S4 __:''' llcrrhl,. H ·tfr 1 I' •"""'\· l'"llr .ootc MAN WANTED --1"'\IH S At.lo: 'l'w•• tlf'\lrnam hn1111r ,01 I ' I I ,. d J •· ""'I 1(1\rlltel' ''" '"''' lull, In Nr"' • t" 'l• '""' y ruu e .• ,...oo ou. '00..1 P~<)' w .. wlll t••"ch yuu a n 1 I"'" llrt.:lll•, J4!\l•l 1 'llll ~~~\:.· nU.bliMhrd roult lf not lntf'f· f'JlN1 In lutrd Wllrk t.lo nlll apJII)',! ()()RONA DEl"" MAR BilYK Newport Ice A Cold Slof'a«" l •lwdrrn 11""". """'' v~o•w uf twy 4111 :111111 St Newport lk!AI'Il Yuu mulfl ,..,,. 111111 "'uno" t 3:ZI'IO l'holnt" 1:17 7rHfo• BEAI'TY I'AI<L.A)Il Ot•f'ratllr, "" c~llrnt "lll"1rtuutty f 'MIDI'r" n~Ailly Sh11p I 1142 llarb11r liiVtl c.,., .. M~~n l 'h 241!11 71'-4tp "'lnt' hnlfll' ••II ICII 11 .,.,_,.,. lui, t'CHI NAlJo; ~hl1 hl"•1 •1"''''"1""' a n•l l'hlllr, ha• nnt t-n 1UO«'d 1lnr • r .. upt~~<l•lrrt'll Will ,...11 fc•r r"'' ••f upht~lll(l'rln• t 7!'1 I 711 M 111'1111' A"' . lJalhol& II• I ant.! 711 ~lp .. , Ill NAIJo: :l·t•lf't'l' ••nraluflf'tl ... 1 '"' ._,. r.tUn•l whllf' •llnln11 tAht ... II , ........ willa 12, and 4 • hal,., h•alhrr .... all, rat~n•liln b,...akf••l la bl•. ~ , hatre t•ather ••al• \\'hlle ann ··h~tlr, l•alber ~""'. :.r ,...,~1 ru•·krno ::ott ttuby AVP , ltall•l& l .. aml Ph l64 .. W 11flt1r 4 I'm TI&-4\P f'\ II( XA IJo: lf'h tulw F•'""wat,., II I . A ........ , .. radlu, .. ~""' • until I"'" 207 llaiiiiiA 78-4tp f'\ Itt :-(AI.,; v ... lltllll draeu•r, lwc1· ro~•m Rl and mtac·ellaO"I'III rur nll11r• :!1211 M I r" 111 " r llrlve. 711 4tc "' Ht ~>~A l..te .''""'Ill••• furrullhtna• uf apartm .. cct-aullqu•·•· lull olin· ln1r'"'"' lllld boodr•••m •ullt~t~, Pl&JIY hM1k1. llrt fllll•h., lllf'nl • llt'h Hlllbo'ltlr\1 Alfl4c'lf', J~ ll .•. 4fllll; l'lanla Ana A.,., Ne'llrpCift .r lttar h l'h. IIIOO.R. '71).~ f 'UH "'Al...F. Table ra4kl In ,..,. •·•tlldlt lull t '•nvu ,.,.,., fflr aut. n~t~hllf' "22 W f't'lltral Ava., N .. & 1\ay \'1-C'•urt. '71-ltp -ONt"1C • ~ar Y eMtiJ•.n 1'\&nlture n'IJ!p.uy have a hur• de&ruoe In rt~lebrllllot~ uf lllf'ir ANHI· VICit8AitY Thle yNr lte tM 2~th an1t 111\\IIIUaJ MYir\&:1 are otr .. n-11 tn """"' d•rartmMt- "•"'• .tuM a few I pc" IIlYan Mt wu I laiO nnw Utll() tx I :l f'nn ~. Ru ........ .. "-...... . 3 pr IMd ROOID 8et WU ...... now pe,N n.u llP"DI• 6 .,atl 0.111 ... Uon ....... eo .... .., n . 11'\lll Vanel t.'rtb wu Q4.16-- nciW llT.N Ollld• Ro<'lu•r ... ff,ta ..., aa.N Da.tnette wu 110 •-• ow IT.N . :1 JIC' O.venpnrt .. t wu 11 ... 10 now 1101.00 ~ IIC' Dtaet \41 IJet wu 141.10- NlW ... tC\ Many Olh•r lteme pMU)' ,... dur•d thle month ......._. T•nn• Pl-opoeltlon No. 12 which will apptar on lh!! Stale ballot In NO· vember wu recommended. T hll propoaiUon would make it pol · •lble for t he u.larlu or elected otrlclal• to be locreaaed dw1n~ the war emergency. Thle lncrl'&le could continue for one ytar after the end of the war. Cout BouJeova.rd, Oty ol Lacuna BHch, County of Oranre. Stattt o f WANT TO BUY-Property ln or California, under ttM-rlctltJoua around lbt Harbor da.trlcl. Two finn name of SO\fnl COAST KE Ll ' \\' A N '1'1-: I -;-M;i';j ;;:;;! "'I bM lrll l'h l"pt 1\11(1 714-ttc .... llkl ' __/ W J. Holc:oonb I UN', tlr•l"'"· r IIJC• •r•at KoN'IU\ c·alllurl tin~ bta. locu Kt, .. ary·• lled.•ry, 4:lll l'a.rll Attf' l..atcun• llrM'h, t 'alit ·rw., •l•Y• unly I .II I 17 IU\tl IIC, Ill a m to I paa 711-llp ~,... Dell¥ery McMAHAN ~URNITURa CO. ln4 IU\d ltroactwllf The organization of which J ohn L. Wtbatt"r, Juellce of tht Peace of Malibu Beach. Is president, "''ill convene aga1n In October , IS.:'> Iota preferable, w ith or without REALTY CO. and t.h4.t u ld finn FOR SALE S pray palntln~r out- bulldlnga Bu•ln•• or rNidl'nl.&l, 1s compc!N'd of the followlnr per-fit <"omplrle, 8-jtal prruurt pOt ll\11 I ',.AIIl llljChWIIV \'VANT~:II l 'pllullll c·r•nx • C'lu C••f"'flA ,•,.1 Jol 11r, l 'allr pt-t ( 'll"llllln~. 111 >'"'" 1\onw · Whl'r•· 1 hr lo1"tea lo1y" 711-:lt< or acreage on t.lle Mtn. A new sons. ~ n&nl('l and addrf'Ut"S t 29:> 612-~lh Sl , Npt. Bch, car 8.11 , part pay,m~nl. balance are as follows. to wit: Dt>mmy Ph. 1217-W 17-Blc 'Wurk ~uurl\lllr,..l Culur anti ,---- bfoautv lt'lllc••l "I''" nr¥~• •hl'f'n 1-'l llt SAl ... : cuh. \\rile Box V • C/o New a-Lam'IOn, 323 South Cout Blvd . FOR SALF. fl vult (harglnc plant. TlmN. 72·tlc Laguna ~ach, California. t 66 00: 8 'L plywood rowboat . l'h :-:p1 ::"J:• 77-•tp OORONA UY.I. MAR ~lllltll :1 , ...... '''''"~·· lllllll rlllllhf'll .lofttn will find tho I tlot'y can pre· TRANSPORT AnON 1 W1TNESS my hand thl1 13th $4:1 on. C'..all mornlnga Ph Npl FOR 8ALE--AUT08 J)ltrt with mutual atd far morl' day of &>ptl"mlx>r, 194o4. 7 eaeUy what thty n .. t>tl, &lid avoid BICYCI..Ir&--Sold, rented « r-.1 DEMMY LAMSON Brh 12s..w fl;4lc FOR ~AJ.t·: Ill:\~ l'nnlliOC ~port t'hr1111 T•·rnca. GEATAUDE A WAtOAON far m ore ea..sily the pen I• which pajnld. Vccel'l , 304 MaiD Sl~ 8ta\e of C.Uforn.la, FOR SALF. P ra r tlrally nt"W blk c'"'~ 1 ;, ,,.I ''"11'1111""· alac1 ~ beeet u a.,m ~n 1111 ••dt>s. by uml.,cJ M&lbo" ftbd 20!S :l&•rltle Avnue, 1County of Oran~. coal with large allv,.r f<•• collar. Wh""1 trud••r •tl\kr lwwl\· 4·tt I 'htUh !\!r\\ ... , 1 ::1• \-\' 714-llo• loren. Splnow Balboa laland. 13-U: 1 On 1'1ll• 13th day of Septrmbcr. Al10 bfodrOo•m eult ... Mille. aec-"lllfl E'l•' 1 1 oncl J t. ~lamr•. .------------------""'!'---------• 0 <u bcf 21!7 l' .. ri\J 1\lllb"h IIIIILnd 77-ttr r -1 ,,.,,,. ••H t ·, Hl t.•l LA,tttHa•· Ill ~ I Ita Y" Ttru I APPLICATIONS lOW BEIIG TAKEN for Feeder Plant -of- Hardman Manufacturing Company These Are Applications Only and NOT Employment Jobs Which Will Be Available at a Future Date Unskilled AppUcanta Accepted Will Be Paid Wblle Recelvial Necessary Tralnlac lnatructlon Pleue Apply: Bob Allen, 914 ~t Highway, Newport &aclt Q Telepllo~N~wport Bead! %241 Hardman Manufacturing Company 1 A. .. l :rt4, ore me the under· rrlnry . ch"lr , llu,::e J"'rrelaln top __ _ sign <'d. pt'rliOnnlly OPJW'Dred Dt>m-tnhl!', P htltpptnf lnhl". t-tr . Ph ron ~A 1.1-: "311 1 ,.;1"•'. 4 cl<••r ••" swon Ln k t t be I .. :1 l;ll• .. n 11"' 1\vc•rui" my mson flfl"'n o me o Npl. 2301-W . 7!'!·4lc dlln 1,., "rrr 111 ... IH•I tl'lrr111tao.l th h I b Ill ~:1 lillY" 'lllll'l t' JX'r.IOn w Oltt' name• s su --racJio. 17117 r.o Slu~t·d 10t llltll•l~< 5crlh<td to thl' within l nstrumr n t.j l-'011 SALt: C'111ts armv rttv•ll"f'r $3450U 32 r:ruau•· 71\11 1':. Bll)' AVt . 1\lll· I and ncknowlcdgrd to me that h~ -:.!0 m 3~ fram••. 10() rn\tntlll bu I :l 711 2t :1 I,,.. I,.. '·•••I I•" "" '" '"' •hiJI ''"",. cxt'<'utcd the.' M m ('. j rtmmurut lon and hullllPr. Ph. 343.' a 'h :l ~. • c Ofll" IIIIo• l-~cu1l NI'WI>Oil .. &rkfl I Ia wun~· \\lleftoof, I haVI' -llllk for nrlj.tji!l 711-\lc ~ ~AL'jlj tni'IO MN!f'l A Jl'loln! .,. hrreunlo ~1'1 m y hnnd nnd nffixt-d I t'OUIJ" hr•rtl lu(l M•·tor "' •·r·l w l JO I'I ~AN my orricinl i<t'n l thl' llny and )'l'llr Clffi.DREN'8 CARE h.-uh·•l 1111•1 !:''""""' ,.,, ll;oll••ll ;,~, , . ,,, t1 1\.tlt •. ,. in thiS cl'rliflcal(' fil ~l nhOYC' writ· BALBOA ISLAND NUASER Y Mollie • 7Hf, I· ll111 1\lr ll.tfl•••• lt•n SCHOOL l'h 'J:~~ ;., :.'1• I ·' I I , ~ tSt:,:ALl I: I 1 '1\ ~ta l A\ • l!hll••, '"'"' •I I lilt :-:,\1 1·. :. c lr. ••·I 1 1 1 '"' I n. J ~:O.fiTll, r 11•mty Cll'rk '.• 1_. ,, 111 _. 1 ,, 11 Ut:.\1. t :."\1'A1't: \\",\STt:u t'f'4lh n ·rlat • 11 1•1• l ,. 1 • ,.,. t lly A I. llll<'llrlw·k, lll'f'\lll). Oct obrr 16,11144 Ph Npl 6:0~ ~''""'I 1 I ,,.,'"'''·' •'"• I Ll'>llllol. \I.AIIoiLU 4t·Stpl I I, :..II 2Sl ()(·t.fJth 1!14 1 ;.. .. tt11y "'' I ,,II , l'lr .'.'• ,1. ,,,. •I 1, \ 1 ~I· I h '" • tl J. • .... t I • •I I ttl 11t • ltr k•• .t.••• • · ,_. I h·l '•' ~:lll k•tJIH ';I•••=..,, t-ruJ4nu,k an;.: 1 ,.,,,, ... r,c:.: 111 .. "' .• t •·t I •· l••n•s RACK TilE ATI'Af'K ..... ,, ... "·'"I' Iff··· I ... , "'"' ., •. ,.,,.r 61'\' MORE TIIAN nt:•·olct: t'OR SAl •• ;..... ... td l.t .... I tu "' ~ ------------------- Fishing Boat Bargains SPECIAL: 42-ft. x lO·ft., 9-ln. beam; 9-toa Ice bole. M ·ft. ..._; ... Cllryaler c,....._ o.rr,taa e~~Ana.r. A BarplL M ·ft. P-tall, 81001 MANY OTIIEU TO CHOOSE ROll KING'S LIIDIIG and Yacht Brokerage ... , ...... I tift ~AI.I I'• I' , •. ,, "•I \\Ut,!ffU \VANTt~l) T(, ICt;NT I llullec t r II Itt • 1 • tl Iter\ '"' •l" ''""•llr111 "''''"I'" Al<llllll-( h• \\A'o;l '11 1 1.1 ='-I' 1-l 't ,,l!'lllll tiUdfl•l I"''Ht~l tlf•'" $'ilt!'t t tl.eh \\Httl I H ilt • •"I 1 ''' lwll fu••H• Hr t .. ,,.,, t '.tll t.-,l"'•'u I •~ ""' h .. ,. •• f"r IIH '''"'''· ta•• 1•••l" ••r anti~'"'" 2~tl-":"'•·"l"''t A\• •h l•fl•,. C'h.nt~,. M•lr i.UII l 'h "l'l""'"' All l:1tM" 77 21• /.l'lll 77 H • II IIH ~AI.~: 1'1• '"' r•ltt11 ll '""'"'' I \\'A ;o-.'1'~ I• '" '' nl "' ''"Y •11••11 lrallc•r ~ .. tol ''' "'II ,. $~-.~~ 'llllh I '''"'''' ••I ..:••.JI '"""'' l 'h ~"l•l 11 1 t-: \\ "•"n St r ·.,~tll ~I·"" Ill h IM4fl 72-tlc I 711 ~,,,I \\ i\ ,'I;'J' If I Ill :-o:T "'"" .... u .... WANTED ,,,,.t·ll•·ll "• ., , ""I·' 1·· '"''""'"' I \\f lit Jt,.~ ;\ tJ\11" ~t\A. ... f'IUU'" \\'ANT I':I I llc•rll•' l.\1111<111 lin 711 411' lllhNl 1111d '""f:loih\' ''" lrvlnr belWI't J1 t:,tlo Ill lliltl Sill, At ,,,.., I• llliY ll"nefll ft. N,._ Bdl. ltl4 frnm :'\l't l l.•rl••r 1'111'•11 IIIJ:h '"'"kH!olll"••l ''"'" ''""' ''"''""" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·················~~~~~· __ s_~_h•_••_•l \.JII 1 k IIO'I'VII,. 76-4lp ll~t•lf "'"' k lie Ill\ I·"''' SNOODLES (7 oat of 10 people read New.Timell Cluallled AWl.) By (.;y llungerford I M CO•NC TO C• vE. y ou "' SP"'N I<INC YOUll- fUME.,.., OE R -(o IH' SroR€'. 1>oWA ' I'M 9Rt~(11N H~e Itt' LIM'BE.RG£R .1 A HOtE taTS \N Pnf'\IL is (MIN(, ~~£LUNG­Poi~ 6A~ IN IHJTO~ · i DON'T (NtiN NO AvTb 9vr i 'M ~or it<t<tN'. Ct4MCI ~ ON A!!Y 1"!o4 '"t:F ·' --~NCX)DLf ;:~-:j __.j .... ~'=""/~ '-~l -.. ,Itt XA l.Jt; Twin bfo(la, cum pi• I• with •vnnl• aa<J maUr•u l'h Nrwl'"r1 :l34-W 71·2\c UVtliTOCK FOR BALE I"'il MAI.IC U<M>d ---)'•Ill ~d bay ..:r l lllll lflf"Mit II .. , ... II t Ill h R ... •ttu•t•lr , ...... 1113' •ru111 1n AYf', I ·,.~1• t.lr~• , ... N"l 11<"11 I SilO T8·4te ll&ata AA&. o.w. tJ't lR "ALl: Dbenport and eMir, munt,.r•y 1lyl•, IIIJU.,._ bed -· (llfot•. dtnlnl tabl" ud 4 c baan, dll)' tMd rOtllfrlf'i• "" aaJ Poppy, Ooruna olel Mar 10 to 4. -,.,.. ---Tb•r• Ill utlen u much lhdepend- ·~ In nll4 1Nttn1 14Ml. .. In Dot tMina olrtnn Tryon ll&Jw.,. Professional Directory MOilnMEK MCIIOOI, "'•• ....... _ ~~ lOt c·oral ftal._...._. II' Ner~l .. .,a ,..,., I C.·-·"' ... , DAY 8(JIIrC)UL ".D. CASH o..a...~ ....... ..., D. II ... Nttmlwh IJrnftH I I fl A. Mnrtlmrr, M. A., Chrnrll Prttw•lt•l. '"'""" a.'\! Gordon M.Grundy, M.D. Pltyoh IM1 •"d lurgeon Nontn ,ona <:rnt r• Av•. 0 111<" H '• 10. M' • m.: J & p.m 'T Pie phon• ) 1 LEROY P. ANDERSON ATTOANlV AT LAW Co•h M•N 81"11 8ulh''"t ,.hone 4H c~•• ..... Callfer"la HAROLD K. GRAUEL CHAPEL "\>\'• llurarlvf'e lh• l'"'ller Be"• lly Hrrvlnl OUlflte 1~111" P ltOnt. Newpor1 Mt C~te M••• Cellfor"t• BUY NOW City Ta• Sale lota A J . TWIST 107 ce .. l Hlthway "h•"• Ml2 COAONA DEL MAA Gerald Rauaa, M. n. lUO WNt (4ontral A-... Nf'wport """"'h Pit lotii··Nn ar~•w•r Mil 1101· .. "' ... , l'lenotc. .JACK RA1JR l.lt'f'nwd l.ancl Rurvf'vor 2617 W. (A-ntral Annut~ J1tonr<~: Nf'wport Offlrf' 123: 1~. JM.fl DOG •1111 eAT HQe~ITAL , ... 1. ... ....... 1114 ... ...... " ... a ... l ........ Calif. Conrad Richter, M.D. Phy•klen end lur .. -.. ortlc• 101 22"-.. ,.... N•wpor1 •••cfl Hourt 10·12 •· '"· & J·l p. "'· PhOn .. -Oiflce UJ; R-. 7~-.1 1 DR. G. E. TOHILL .. HVIICIAN artd IU .. QION .... c ... , ....... -"rt ...... -.. .._- Otflce Ht·W ""· nl·" II "'' An._, C.ll Hewllw1 I Ur. M. n. Crawford OPTOMitTai"T Ky, .. F.umlnf'd • Ola-Fitted nn N-..rt ._..,_,. ......,_ UN f:OIIITA '"F.IIA BALTZ MORTUARY CHA .. IL •v THa laA 410 c .. e4 81vllll. c .... ". "' ... , . -..rt ..... ............. ,.,. .. UR. ODED LUCAS Dentist • HftY1 W. ONtNI, ft. 1tll NEWPOaT BUCIB SEPTIC TANK A CF.88POOI, PIJMMNO ROY MtlNOZ !21 ICMt l'llt. Ph. Nttt· 7tt·W f 'ONTA .. F.MA, f 'AJ.II". WHO'S WHO IN HARBOR DISTRICT I"IR[PI ACE ANO I<INOl lNG W OOO - II \\ V.. I VIII 17"4 N p• l!lvcl , f 'ttllla ,.,.,.,. 11,..,,1 l.tcntlrn, rtl. 16&-.1 r.r "'r RAI t fJ NTRtlf-rflR- r,.ltdlltc II f ln•ll:ry ~110 Cout DJvd., Ph 412. PIAn.~ and ConatNCtlcar LUitiiiJ l R Ct)ltiiP ANlE&-- 1"••111 M• "" I.J,r t '•• "J.,..t ua hf'lp ynu pl11n Y'"" ht""r " rttnn• .a ll11v '''""'"I ,.,,.,t,..r Co Phon. liM> n ..-t Jtta hway at Arcbe& OF"F"IC.£ IUPPLI£a-N•"WJ~·•I lluhor I'Uhllahlnl Or ""''""• 12 1 ~. Nnrport ....-. PAINTING - N-t"''' IIA rtlor P,ehllllhlnl' On 11)MIN' II U . N...,...t ...... IUAL EITAT~. INIUI'IANCI & NOTAI'IIV .. U.LIC--a,..., It WAIIIII'f' He2 W. O.tra' A-UII. ~ I . .. U •• £1'11 ITAM .. a- N-port tta.rw ..... _. ....... 01. ,._..: II • II, H..,.rt .... IHII.T -..&TAL W"M- 1 \'We ,_..,.. • Deft ............. o.e. .,_ ........ VAfU8TV ITOA~-... _... L-.----..... -.-._-~r~--~,~-::·:!·~ .. :!":J't.l ~ 1...,........., ..,..._,., *· -., ....... ""'" ~-------------.~--_.--~ ..... Plans Made for an Active Year When Cub Celebrates Eleventh Birthday Harbor Feminine Activities Lovely Shower For Future Bride 'fte ~ ot the CONIOIIlaUon fll ......,_ and prof-100&1 v.•om- • IMo a ~·•· well-of"CCU'l&ed ,..... tniDed Ia t.blnkilll alonr tm. ot ecooomtc ckvelopmeJit, wu t~rouPt t.o mem~,.. of lbe Jf_,..t Hartlor &u.lneu &Dd ........ ODaJ Womu'a club ID an ..,.,..un aDd I..MplraUon&l talk .. lira carolya Weber, p.at ,......,_t ot lbe callfomla State I'WknUcla aDd boArd memMr of tM D&Uoaal ora&llluUon, at a ..,_. -UD1 bead Tburllday eve- .... at Wblte'a Park avenue cate. ....... Ialand. ,.._ ~t'f' wu tnlroduC'ed, by II* Acn-Bl0111qulat, ·who wu Ia ca..r,. ot the proiT&JD r or the ..-~~~e. 8be told ot lbe work of -.... durtrl& the flnt World War. wbkb marked their flnll ...a -~ IDt.o bwltne• life, Mid ot t.bdr lfOWlnl rY&IJDtiOD ot tM ...... ty ol blulclll\l ~ ptiMr to .-ure lbelr own place •-o... ... .._Q_..,, TaOPI() ID the Konomlc picture. -(:[ By Winifred Barbre -tf Phones 12 and 13 ..A-Miss Lois Kay Bradley, daugh· Telllnf of the Jl).year progT&m U ter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brad· nt edocallnn durtnr whJch mem-COMING EVENTS I N t d M · 1 D A t ' F h " M lley of Orange. who is to become bfon han lt'&med t.o work well • .. 0 e USICa uo n lQUe as tons, embership Drive , the brld·· of Keith Genish, son ami to become uaeful u a ITOUJ'l, ---F Eb II Cl b' F ' p 0 t S h 1 PTA of Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Gerrish. abr •lrt• .. tol the fart that at the WEDNESDAY, OCT 11-eature e U S lfSt rog ram 0 a C 00 118 29th str('('t, on Oct. 29. was end of Lhla preetnt war there fWd Crou w orkroom. 111 Palm. 1 honored with a miscellaneous would .be a veat need for a lltAbU· Balboe, 10 a. m. to 4 P· m • aur~o:l-~ Tor Bnr "'"HI,, n~n In "'" · rn .. lA-tter:· "I Need Sympatlly," The mem~rahlp drive of the MOW<'r rect'ntly at the lovl'ly l.z&li<JD procra.m In every type nl lcal dr~nrs. musw world rootrut.ed wtUa a ·~take Believe" and "WUI You Pat"ent-Tee.c:ber Anoclallon C'll t.he mountain. home of Mr. a~d Mr~ buslncoQ and reminded lbe mem· Hed t 'r<u• Wurkruom, 313 Mu-fiUIIII"n 11huw .,f antique I'U1DtiDU Hemember," aDd u an encore, Newport Beach Grammar .chool E. F. Zamnwnnan 10 SolvPrndo Mr• that their economic •tren~th . rlnf' aveuul'. llalbo•ll l..tantl, 10 "m to pr•w otle a prv"ram of uniqut' "TI'a for Two." Ia now well under way and wlll 1canyon. lin ln the thine• each doe• ln the j to 4 p.m • •urgkal olrl'llllnK• 1300 l antt·r•lll ut the "l"'nlng meetllur 1 f The fal.blon llhow featun!d an· lut through Oct. 16. which •• the The lon~t tabl(' cxt('nding th(' t•n- communlty and Ia tkd ln wl~h fuod ('rnu w;krll<Jrnj I M ttw ~·Lo·ll • lub Thllrtlllay , oo•nt 11erlod co.tumea donated ln neat meetln« date. tire length of the large livtnJ: room the tuture development of that I Ocean boulrvotrll, ,r.,ua 1" '" ' 1 Thrirt s It I.e an lnaplraUou for each child was covered with a whitt' clolh op.-n 10 11 .m to 4 p m Burgkal Tht.> club room wu decorated I 1,. hop and they were community. drrulnga I ,..1t h nolx•••l n11wH• and ~tlque modeled by Mra. Bou<Unot, M.-... c. to have their parenta Identified In and decornte-d with bowls ot pink A a thla wu a trlp•e celenraUun. t NrWJiurt <"lr<'l,. \\' R c s meet!! la1-,.8 , , hona and J:laaswarl', which ~I Dt!aklna. loin, Howard Seacer. thl• way with their .chool artlv·l gladlolu. Hl're lht> ha ppy group honnrlnJ both the 11th aMiver-with Mn H 11 IIIII. Albo·rt l'ta<:•·,,w!'re lalcr aurtioned ott by Mr.c 1 ~lr" J R. LA~arl, loin. Citarlt,a ltlu , and In order that mother• usembled at 1 o'clock to enjoy the aary of the foundilll of the dub, (.'mota M na. 2 p.m E ~; Ht~uol nul and uther ladlea of ~l'rlrllt, Mra. F . J . CaUln, Mn. I£. or liDlall chlld~n may have the op-!lellcioull pany dinner which In- the 26th annlverary Of the na-THURSDAY, OCT. 12_ th" Thn!t Sh<>JI. who were 111 M Morrow, Mra. 0 . 9. Reed, ~frt.. portunlly of attendiJlg a r range· eluded frie-d rabbit, chili beans UOD 1 r-.. 1-Uon and &1-... 1 , ~ w 11 ... H mente have been mad~ for th• variou.s salads, pickl£>s, hot rolls, a 0 ·-·-~ -·, llariJor KIW8018 • lull Will m~el • holr!(t! ur t , .. prugnun. ucW .. ace, _.... erman H ill· ~ obllervance of u.tlonal bualnu• at llaJbl,ll • E le• lrll' t.rtll, 12 .1 ~1 Th,• artl8lll pru~>ntlng the mUII-1"' r Mrl Henry Eggert and Mra care ot am all children at the butter. jt>Jiy, cotrec a nd a num· k t ld .. f · .chool. ber of lovely whit!' cakes. · v.•omrn'I wee . paa prea en o 0111m , 111 J'lr<>"n tm Wl.'re LArry an·1 llugl'r Wooda. The &TOUP apJlt'arl'd Th lb 1 b la.l u t.l .. Mem~rahlp In tht' uaoc:lat1nn I' brid('·to·be was the rt>elp-t' c u were •pee lt\11'1 an I ltf'll ('r<•l'll Wo,rkr••""' Ill Palm. f)(•rothy Hugh• s. wh(> t &.a:e ''' lh 1•'.' , '~tume an~ eang "Thlft Sb••il will bt' the !Jbject of a conteet lt>nl of many enviable gifts lnrlud- all but two were ablt to atknd llalbt*. 10 a m '" 4 I fll ,li('Win.: olul' ollro•rll\' (~tono lhPir ptor.nrm-t.lrl~ urt' We, wr lllt'n for thern among tht' children, w ith •ne l in~t plttery, PYfi'X, linen. chma Ftnol prelftde.nt or Ule club wul H•"l t'tt•l>ll w .. tkr .. on, :113 ~J a .on• v 1,t th.-lloltrnure U<>wl Thr: I by ~Irs Deaklne. At the !!ale '>f point counted for une .rarent. three ~d beddmg .. Plano numbE'rs and UarJtUerite Wade. and nthera JlN'A· 1ln•• av•·uu .. 111111"''1 ll•lutld. 10 am I I''' ,...nt•·ol « ~;ruup uf Bt•lu.J a'l•J ·" t '11"',. a p&lr of lovely Mon~ points for both p&rl'nt.. and three smging c-nn tnbutro -to th£' nfto•r- ent were. Helt'n hbell. Ann O~gar It• c I'm hlll l-:1• ool do••I<I!IO~II 1111,, rr .. m lwht ur<-ra wht.-·1 11. 1 a.IIPM lo)()k the .pothght and otht r points for rar h ,.randparl'nl, rela·l noon's e_nJOyment. . . !'The. A~ea Bl<>mqulat. Vera llt••·k !'toll•••• 1-;11 II l''utJ M r•1,1u·l•·tl ·:-:t .. ultlourt"•l Mt•n.· "'Ah •I "•''' 1'11''"11 wcnl to eager utol -tlve ur nl'rghbllr.. Enjoying lht'fl'StiVIII~WI'rt'lhE' Chapma n. I rem• Morrie and Mil-' 111111 ~ \\'•·1•11 •1• "''•"''" ""' nu•• ~'" •l ~~~~•· n t>f LJf••," ant.l '\\'11\ •'• '" honor<'\! gu<'st Miss Lois Kay Brnl'l· Dessert Luncheon For First Meeting Ebell Book Section The tlrat meellnl of the year for the Book eec:Uon of the Ebell club will be held at 1 p.m. Tbu,.. Jav Ot t 12 11l the home of lbt llt'~·llon prt'eodenl. Mrs. Karry 14. Wo'lsh 414 Avocado avenue, Cor· una d;l Mttr. an•nrdlng to the an • mlunceml'nl made by the aecre- tary, Mre. 1)(1n Douglu. A d t s e e r t luncheon will be 8rrved. and Mr11. Bernard Beaen· berg hr rohnate•. They uk that rt>scrvatoons pleue be made tn advance with Mra. Welab. phooe 2009-W. South Gate: Mr. and Mrs. Howard Randles, of Laguna Beach; Mr. and Ml"l'. Earl Harris ot lnalt>· wood: Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mua· son and·Mr. and Mn;. J . H. Brad· ley or Riverside. T ht• ~:r,•at M rl lltt' little bav11 nt•rd !nr unc RIWl ht'r. Tllom&ll Fuller FRUIT JUICE BAR tu o..& .....,_,, Newpert .,..... ................ o..--... ••*-· AD d tna. ear· dred S l&Diey. Tht'y were lntro -< • .. r .. n.1 II•· I ~l11r I 11m "''" lwun I',., 1 I ... •V•· \'uu · lr• m Rb•"v nnnt 1 ~lo ~ \'n tor nrace presitle<o a•. 111111 <'onteBt 111 for Lhe duration ley, Mr. and Jllrs. H. \V. Gerri~h tluc-t-tl by thl' pr••aldent. Gretha sun~: lol Lmn .. .,_, .. ,. ~lr A~aln · tl•· ..,h.,rt bUIII OI'II!I II<'Mion, ant.l nil· of the membership dr~ve and at and daughter J,.ann('; Mr. and Tubbe. S C J b M I (IJ'Iol "llaltlln St r•·•·l Sun.: .. t,y Oor "" Ill• • ,1 11 1 hang~ 1n plans fur 118 rllae two prozes will be given Mrs. Harold Bmdle}' and daughtt•r I At l hr bualnf'u ae•l<m rcrMtl" CW ing U eetS nUty an-I a.' ohw~. "<"t•' Sl, \.'• "·" tuo~ thllt's f11r Ute ye:~r. In the room• having the moat Carol Ann : Mr. and Mrs. 1-'tnll'y nt J>&11t mef'llnga wrrl' rt·llrl 11Y With Orange Matro n I'A .. "J .... •v· :"•·!ft." • Wantong You lo.,t•~<ol • r two r<'gl.uar meettnr polnu. one prize In the four low('r Small<'y a nd daughter Jan('· Mrs. I ..... .....,.,.....; ...... .._ Dor• t.hea WUa'Jn. and annnuntt'· •• 1 ol.oto•>~ ns 11!11181,-lhe flrlt date • n gra:u :J.ll~one Ia t::.e four bieber E. F. Zimmennan, d ll u ~ h t t'-r menta nf N>m 1ng 'onfne-no·.-a. ~ir" I M"m'"''" ,,,-:-;;::lnJ:, luh wilt• h I S th1· fm H Thun;day of the month ~q. ub e m:m rshlp counta Betty and son RonniE-. aJI or Or- 1 -- Tubbe aaklng ~t.ll rntomMr• wh•·· rill'• Ill<, .......... h munth Wl'rt' l'lll~r-I C o n .-Vultee upt. lltll n.whytt bu 1\ luncheon ml'l'lo .. g a c~~-~~,.:.~r~ ;~·:;~ h~~ ange; * * * * * * ~ ~ l;J. wlahf'd to attt'nd the conf«"rt'llt·•· taont'd nour~dKy ro.!l•·m•"•n 11t "I And M 'o ther New 1111,, "" UH~ ~~~..-und Tbunt.la.f l11r l abl committee 11 Mra. Ed ar be Mr. and M':l. Paul Harr•~. 1-'<'IPr I WUt't NewT "t'L La Verne's BEAUTY SALON ...,. anct Ewn1np Oct. 21 and 22 Lo conlJII.·t hl'r, and lunrhrnn at thr hnmco hf Mrs . ll••·k sc<.IH>n woll mN•I. wh.tc o:o P g HUI. Sche ll of Whltt~l.'r; and Mr. and {t .,.. to bavP re.ervaUon• ln hy Od Frank Btlmllnl. llrtlll~f'. "'lth Mo~. Is land Restdents th• lhlrtl Thurllr.lay will bP the Mn;. J . R. HarriS or Los Ang<'les. "rile Toy Shop * 10. HunuiiJ MdlonKI<I 1111 o·ntonstt'IIH • 'Jhuldtn!; l''und pnrtll'll f'lar.a an• Assistanc e League Sending &ifts but unablE' to be {t Tht thrmr of thr rlub year I• Thr lAhl,. "PI,...••nlrn••nl8 w .. ,..-. .lnhn M Rnl{f'ri'l, l!llpl'rtntendent '"''"1: made to devote one day a Ch M t • D pn.>sent were Mr. an~ ,Mrs. John Jo.r n.:_.:.an:.!::'· l} Br .\ppoUitmftlt ''TO'I"&rll Ykt.ory Md Bey<md" and hll[hllghtrd with luv1•ly autumn ,.f the-c·.,n11.,11dlll••d Vulttt> Feedt.>r '"""ll' lu Hl'd Cro1111 work but a angeS ee 10g ay Young ot Orange; MISS MIU'i'aret ~ M M M. Borlhlld Sterticon•. chairman ot nowert anr.l Ult'rt' "'''"' liallowe'en 11nnp~. hM •~••a•·•l thr F:. H. Welllll tl.lll' hus not yl't been arranged. Epperson, Mrs. B. t>'f· McCully of 1:f 1:f 1:f 'fr "tf "tf y y -v- lh d rtm t OJI C -• f t h t AnnoUDcement hoe been made __ --e war •P. en . a oun t'u avora or t'IW JtUt'llt •• a "re·l rrJOiolrnre at I It; OnY't avenut. :-;1·w rnt'mMrs wekomed Into (IIJJ..DR.a) BJER.KEN) aM llartM Awnu.. ... llland I ,lana for a •Jilb war lo&A drive runnl'r of lhP ,.,,mini{ f••atlvlty I n~tlhnll llo':ond. llntl UJlt'Cta to be I hi' 'luh Wf'n! Mri. V. 0 . Wroolle. of a change In date for the lunch· In NovemMt and t.he-membt-ri will ~omt err I hi' '"'"''" Wt'rt· prHvhlt•d htor" fur aornr tlmr I M rl'l II<'IUiie M. King , Mri. Richard eon meeUng of lbe A.alal&Jice 'be rMponalble for eecul'1n« • wllh ranry wnrk whllt oUlrn ''"m"l With Mr ltog••ra Ia hla mother, lllhmlln, Mra Ellzabeth Neblett l..eague . Scheduled for Thursday, Newport Balboa Costa Mesa ,...._.: N. a 11:2'7 ....,; I t.o $, Elliotpt Sunday quola In t.he dllllrlct. Laat year ~·lth Hed ('r<IU RWin~ ..,,.. Mae Nllee Hoger•. and they I ron. I M til~ Porolhea Wllaon. Oct. 12, it conntC'U with the date the uaUor\aJ o...antaUon'a 1oel lk ld th h t th I h h t ~-I of the Bo<>k Section of lbe Ebell ··-1 u f' 011 UIC'II oar havr wot l "Ill a «Ue• . -..-a. ()ffh'l'r11 and rommltleee of the wu to aell enou(b bonde to buy Jl"f'IM'OI lncludl'd thr Vud:unu Thnmu K n n n t t . ""'ofe of Ll rlllh fur thla yPar art'. president. club, ..., the prt'IIIQt'nt, 1\tra. T ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t~tl~ree~~am~-~bu~l~an§c~e§~""·~~u~,§and§§th~e~ •~die Wlrk-·lt h J 1h "c't 11~n • K h th th A AI • Weeton Jay . will entertain t.he .-• r..u .,. ' , • _ n "'' ·• ' " . oontz. w o 111 wo e rmy r 1 Mn· VIctor Crue: vlce-pre•ldent, Thuma. J l'akO, F-ll Waltera, Ll'wt• C'orpa In lnt.lh• ~~~~ Wnynp Harper: recording memben at her home. 201 Orvleta.l DEFEND YOUR HEALTH WITH ~tl'rrrllj.:·~tl'rT~' If'. t:d Zubt' &Jid Coming from r .. rnnHd<>. lbearl '•·flt'lllrv, .Mo'll Obed Lucaa; cor• ~d~o!,~~· on Tuellday, Oet 17 at I a.mt•a 1101 " ynungrr Jtt'nrr-former homt'. Utry apent eonlf n·~pon•llng llf'' rl.'tary. Vrs. Bruce a llun prraf'nl "••rf' Ja.o qu .. llnt' Ume In Laguna Bt•ach bo-fore IN'· M• llrtdc , tl "UI'Url.'r. Mr:o. SWian I Jo aku I Javlt1 Mf"'lunald anU Mar· •·unns; 11 r• sulr n• C' ht•r!' I Huth• rftul1 . audllor, Mrs L. 1... I tin, t-'~Ufll . , I -1~1• II '"" lla ml'nlarlan. Mr!! (' M SJl<t '"' ll'\1<11114 "' rt-Mrll Ul%3-N L"k Jt l••>f1kon11. tlln-ctnrll. ~Jrs F t::. rlrh (l( ~Mnlot lil\rb>trll """ ldrl ewcomers I e ,. h I·' .• 'I L' E n -d I H S ,r1n "" an" " r8 .... -· uoou mn l>lllr n ( Jo:l l-ii'I,.,JOoiO I ere, 0 IAK'ate 11··~·· ... th ~J no 1'. J . Wileon &nt.l ~lr~ )o:d \\':.tllt'r!! will be hoatc-• Mrs H. F'. Woldo•nMrg. comprull' al the nellt mrt•tln~ r•r the Kr<lllJ'l 1 ~lr Rllrl Mrs l' H \\'unl••ma.ru. l ht' l'llt'<·utlve buurd. Everything 111 beln~ put 10 rt•~tdi· neu at the Uurrt>ll Palmer horne. on Newport Hd l(hl!l fur tho• r•·· turn rrnm St. J ~t•·rh 11 ho~p1tnl totluy ••( M rs l'alrowr an• I tht' cuupll''s lllllt' n nl··oloy-uld daugh- h·r. SA.nJ ra, "hn Rlll\'\'0 lut Tue.adlly RADIO· SERVICE 1836~ Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa -. ' .--!itf,Q:l®zwD NOW OPEN DAILY 10 to 6 ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~====~~=~ o who hnvo• tll' .. n l!Pt"ndln~: thrlt ,·.,nonuttt'r mPmbt'rll are. pro-! I Legion Auxiliary I ~tumm••r:o al their lllllbo~< leland ~ram. Mra W•yne HarJlt'r. Mrs -------------------,.Favors Proposl.tt"on I ht•mt•. :l09 Kuby IH'I'niH'. havt " ,. Doltz anoJ Mrl!. II u. Beat.z. Your 11()1~· Coluto lb• """ aum of thin;;:~ ~~ yuUI sdf L'l·ane 11, t:tc Except Sunday and Monday BERNARD of HOLLYWOOD 'DiStinctive 'Photography at Reasonable Prices Far Appointment Phone Npt. Bch. 2216 Visit Our Portrait Gallery lnt.he . BALBOA INN ARCADE Open 12:30 to 9:30 p. m. Daily low lutly to Serve Yo1 • MIDWAY REFRIGERATION SERVICE AT 1505 WEST CENTRAL AVE. • Spedallzing ln all kind!' of RC'frig<'ration &-rvirt', Wullinc Machines nnd otht•r llou~hold Appli.Rnrt'~<. • PROMPT RADIO SERVICE • We wt11 atiM to tak~ care of the needs of our .._ .. n,. In tbe belt ..-hie pay f)('rmltted by pn!Sl'nt ....... Basil M. Farrell, Gep. E. Dalby, · Wa M. Commona, Jr. ,,. , m oved frnm Loll An~ri"I llnd art IIRYII And rr,t'Ma.' :Mra. P. J . Wil- l now pennanent rcoaldcni.JI. aun, Mra ("onetance Jayred and At the recent monthly mretlng They bave a aon, BtU lt.a&YII.I .t.lr,J,· \V. lt'owler: luncheon ruer· luf the rvm MtaA Arnl'rlcan Lt'· who entered the U.S. Naval Ac:M· vattona. Ml1111 Marcia Coombe: &'-Au.aWovy bUd ln the ~-ftnY at Annapoll• ln June. He htd houae, Mr• HarTitll Slegfrlt'd Hall, the JT\)Up Wf'nl nn n.orord to alwaye worked along IInce of fu-t'nderv.'(.l<ll.l, mrmber•hlp. Mn. H . tponaor PI'Op(NIItlun I whlr h will ture aervlce, both u an E.,lt F Wuloh•nberg Mn. E . 1. Moort', appcoer on thP Nuvrmtwor ballot Scout and through h11t R 0 T C. :.1 r11. H H Ntomfyl'r. Mri. K. V. t'ropru!ltlon I whk h will lnvnln work In high at:h•~<•l Whllr ht wu Wiltz and Mr11. s W BlaC'kbt'ard: no npen ... to the Laxpayrr11 tii'AI• a etudt-nt It uHI An~o:rlo·s Ho&h. Wdfure. ~Ira F:. F:. Boudlnot; with farvo llntl hc•me lnana fur hi" c-hum wu Frank ~'IT\Pl'"n Ul. cnurt.·sy, Mre. F:_ o Goodell; Fed- retumlnJ Wllr vrtl'rl\nll F:xl<'n· ~"" nt Mr tUhl Mo'll Ft.lnk Simp-eratlun, MriJ .Bruce MC'Brode; Red lri''<' Uteraturr hl\11 hf'rn rPrtlved ""n Jr .. nr Hal1>v11 lln•l Frank Ia ('ron . t.tra s111180 Hulberford; and ae•lrnllltl'•l hy Ul l11 ~ruup nf 1 ul1<o ln tra tnlng "' AnMpolla. Amt•rtca n ciUzc:nahip. Mn. Georg:e wf•men whll NL"• th,. lntrrnu nt Whrn F'n··l ~hfln.J ~-:·~·• be• k ntlrt Wbeat. vettran• a t b~ "1'""1-: ="""I"'" lk:u h , tin •I&I.Da -----1 ~mt'thln~ or a rt•r•>r•l I --- ,•crf' ahlr I•· buy 13 Thl• yrar l Your F •. d I I hi' t'bJC'• I oof lht' drive will be to ----· r en s t·qllll' a ho.piW ahlp and thrlr iCoast Guard Aux . And Mine 11'"-11• u.ooo.ooo In Breakfast Senes the dub planll t v •lrvotr lh•• Ac-t·-Ml1111 Rt lty P11trh <427 F:l ~!~ I All Afh•l ho·r 1<1\J 111 war work I " Clod mf'f'lln~r c•f the momth to Hrd ln&lo£olrllftnl: il "'" , 11~tnm, dt'n&. Nt'WP' rt llo•tj:ht.~< Ill a new l'lriiiJ! wt•rk. tht' dey 1., bt• •JcchJrd n~o·mht·o" ,.r ~1 .. 1111 .. :1 l'nlltd rmployt'i' at lht' :-i<'Wli·T tmu And IIJl' n l~tt rr ~IKit•s l 'n~t~l I ;uoor•l 1\l"llo.•n w11l i11 work ing In thl' blndtng dt'pllrt- MIII 1 ~I 1 rt 1 th .. ,.,...•nol•l" looo a bn•ak(:,utl "'''"IIDJ menl. Sh•• lakrs the place or ' rf't • "" ry n-po f'• un •• .s '' n •l11 ' t• t '• •1 · M I' II Th~ ~ h plan I OranltC' C'mmtv ('rt~IDCII mrrllng.,. . ·• -~ ·•I · "n1 at '"' "1 ,us\•n, ,. 0 8 '' · \\ h1t1'11 I'ILI k A\'•·out· ,,.,,. be marrlrd I hi• wre-k whl<'h llh•• att••n,ll'd In rumpany j with G rf'thll Tuhh., IUid Alda r.or-1 Thrr•· "•II 1~· u 1'1 "!:'""' iUid M~mtll:rs nf n • unj:tt'nlll.l group I I I I I f I I I '"'"''n''"" nwt•t•"Jo: ·,,ll .. wm.: Ule whlrt1 .... rnl rt. lt•ng weekend al l on ant o • '' p an11 " Iran 11 • kf t 1 -• 1.111ncoR ntlrllrl'l hl.'n' for work In rC'a ""'· 1 1• Jlhonnrd to hold thr Rancho Santa F'e. gnlng duwn ',.11 1thPll<· br1111k fut mr1'11n j:t11 <>Ore a Friday Mil rrtumlng Monday eve- ' ' 11&. m••nih A bhuoktl l'lllh 111 plannt'd for nlng, were Dr and Mr's. Obed thl~ ynr In tulat' mnney fut the Lucas and Mr. and Mrs. GE-orge l'lllb 1Ulc1 Aida r. .. rton and Holda World Traveller Lowr. tlrl~OI' AN In charg«-N J I d C&pl. and Mn. Cuthbert Fabien :\nnl\lmt·"m.-nt ~·u maoll' ,,r OW an 8 an er are .,_c-k o>n Balbo" Island and t•nmmltlf'f'll f"r thl' ytoar, mem-~ ---• I rylng dr8pt'rattly to find a houae 1 bC'r~ of Ult• o·ltt'C'Utl\'t• board are Mo810 Mnlly t";alhrllllh: ."h" hu t o live ln. Only a rew werks ago 1 t,;rrthll Tllbl-11 pN'IIIdt'nt. F:va taiiJ;hl ln Sr .. tlantl. S\lollzrrland the Capl&ln U:pt'Ctl'd to be I hlp· I Moore, vlcf'-PI"t'lllt.lent . Dnrotheal IUiol l'l•lllfl ~fro· rl. hall df'l·tdl• I to ped nut and they rave up their I Wlleon. l"f'(·orcllnr; a«rrt11ry . Mar· molkf' htr ho1m~ M Balboa tallllld hnu81' at 307 Sapphlrl' avenue and l'ftt ~-n>rre•ponollng llf'("re·l """ nr-·n '1 ="'"~' rv • h••·l ~lr11. Mrs. Fahlen and tht' children WE'nl l ltary , L'll•n•th~ H••blna .. n tn-uun-r. ~IRrJ:MII't :\t .. ntlln \o' "'II 11-"~"' htr tu PhOt'nlll. wherf' hrr parenlll UUd~ SlaJII<'Y. pl\rhaml'nt11n 1111 [In ~<n "l'•·n hnu ... • f"' mt~thf'lll on live Tbr de y thry arrived In An· 1 Slandtnjt , (\n{mlll•·•·:> '"" nwm· tlo t 14 nn·l I: •. a... ·Ill til~ I .. '• to n z.ona Capt. Fa.hl<'n received word bf'nrhlp, Lola l'lmmuns. pr,lgTI\Ill ••f lhl' 1'1 h""' that bt' v.·ould not go O\'t'rlk'&ll F:"' MooN'. flnanrl' flo lola Bn,.1 ,., :\II•~ l:nlhuooth t uo~o:ht 101 t ;JAil-attn all bitt wnult.l stay al Lht' anti Ada lt~trron~o:t• n. "'hH IItlun J:"" l"ntl. 1"11\ or d • ·II·..:·~ on ~AAAB. ''lll'rl' hC' Ill on lhl' lnt'ol· Clarki' llnm 11, h·p~lnl t•lfl < •111 S11 olzo•rlantl 11nd .lnh.ll111•"''1" )o: ~ h·l\l , , rp~< Thr r hlldrt'n llrr etAy- nC'III' Kcnnr1h , lnlrr11,11 ,,11111 1,.1., .\11•• I on .111 1 1 11 1 .. 1 ,. 1r..-Ill hi~ with llll'lf !!ra ndp.tro nls 111 .. 'I 1 II II .... 1 II 'I' I ' I"'"'' l.t • \ 111:• 1•'1' l'hi'X'Illlt 11nt II 11 ho>UIIP l11 f oun.J. 1 I 111111, • ll.H lt' I oil ,.,.II 1 uh •• ol 1 , • A loll\ \;.,, t .. n llo•o\ltll nlld •·, ro· o -----------------------------, '' n t~1u.tyJoC .~~~tn .tl1 pHI It ,,,,~u . Knd rf!ohl• nu • I'll" 11"' ,.,11 II l"'b'" ulrtllr~ Mnr·t•' ~:hl•'ll ~J'• \ Ud d•ll\11\ \1 l•t :ol HI t• U\1~""11 ~lrlllo• llt•:oull'l II I• l•·t•llool"' /'"'' Yt'IH 1)11\>k, \ ll l:lf\111 Sho!l,•y/.' \1/11 <II ltV\( It' I' l l1>11-htitl :'I• 1'1!1 I ' o •'Ill ,,._., ~I HI t,ln ;\l r 11, ~I, 1 tlllol 111 to•ndnth'<' 1 uoo lo·~t llllhl•• ol lA•• k II out ~lo·mlwr p 1''''1"'' t I''" ,\lol .• 1~ .. 1 11111 , ,loi(\JI llo II h k ~.•17:<0" h Da.rl!l ~~tl. t 'lnriu' llr•""' t ;, 11 111d• t '1•11111'1 ~lut II' Ht•lllfl);, ~;, 11 ~I ... n • ldllolrt•.S ~lllnl<'~·. l;rolllll T11hlo' AJ;III'!' l ll1•111qut~l. llt•tn IIAollnlllll 1 Vt~r.~uu rt ~· hh•,!t"r. Gray,·• ~'''u~r H•·t l ,. ~lrK1blx•11 Cay L'<.lllJotr•l\ •. I "•ro•th~ !'ulhf'rlllnJ. Ill hi• Bn"""'· ~ tna 11.-rrotlty Junt· 1-'\olle-n•·l•ltr . ~lllr,ltr'l't t:(.lo' l'o'r"lh\' Hubln!'"n &rJhlhl $t•J•h•·n~ l.tll.r&U•J;tl•· Way. U.ar1e Kal~r. \'orj:'lnla a,s,. Waban. ~lldi'N Loc'khArt, ('lar· ntllf Kenni'Uy. Loole Slmm(W\1, ICIIaa~UI Hanly, Loot Taylolr ... IU1&r, •l('(.'hf',.'ll y HERMAN'S MARKET 11113 Cua.'lt lll~hway-Corona d.-1 Mar l'hunt• Sewport 179 1\lcats-Staple Groceries -Fruits \'cg~.:tah lcs -Milk-E ggs bel1catessen Items R.n..~nabl.-J>ri<'f'S ~ Prompt Sen1('(' HIGH GRADE BOX SPRINGS -with Mattrftle to matc-h. A.lle larpakdl ef BltOilOOM 8UIT1C8 ...... ~.c.,.,. .... Ia AMorwo-1 ~ MILLS & PARK n;RNITURE CO. • •to WN& 4tlt St. Suta Au Qu..u WPrt' <...')lrolyn Wrbf'r Wlnhn tl B11rbrt'. htlrn l•bt-11.1 ANM Prkf . Ruth O..rr1all IUkl Ula MeM'Itt '1-------------------------~ FrMk Phone Newport ~.A(!h 345 ~~~~======================~J Y Ot' rnn't tor thrm -dlf"ff'r· firlds and r t't'fc'rs -'intflrt .,impli· «'it~· to kf'f'll .nm warm :all thrcmJ:h "·intf'r. Coat~ c•nclo\H'cl \\ith mas· tf'rful tallorin~. finP clrtail and fa. .. hlonf'd from soft an "nul fal.- MMl in th.-hl~th !'hadf'!'l nf th.-""" !lf&'OOD. Pf'rfN't for town , rountr~· or rampo.~. ('h~ no"· from our SUJM'rb rol~tion- Santora BJda. I ,, Phonf' 1486