HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-10-19 - Newport Balboa News Times-• .. .!'. ,_ •.• for 36 yean the best advertisin« medium iD the newport harbor diatrict • • • the newspaper that coes home Til SAND CRAB Buy Bonds to End War Quitker BALBOA ~ IEEP POSTED! 1 Year • . . • $2.50 MES c::~? MaJul (...,._. ... ,..._ .. N-.·TIIIIM, N-..n .... . , SAM EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA. WEST NEWPORT, SEA SHORE COLONY, LIDO ISLE. NEWPORT HEIGHTS. IALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR, COSTA MESA -----NEWroaT ai:A{:a. CALU'C)IIXIA. 111llt!o!UA~·~ ucTORr:a ••· .... ------. ..-..., NUM&r.a II VOLtJIU XXXVI ~:.s.~.~ Chamber of Commerce that should be studied by EIHTORS RIDE IN Hl'(;E 001\IUAT TIUNSPORT PLANE 'A N I A _...._, ir, ava divity, every belle~r in the future I D · I f w 1 =-::~"!~;; n iscussion o ater ' wells .and our supply and air-R N M ilyw~yeawaytalksofshor.t-eport at oon ·eetl age, feeling that somehow everything would come out I a ll right. Sure it will, if we have guts e noug h to Spt'fld Group Hears Engineer Patterson Present Con- the money to get it. 'M<'m· ditions on City Needs; Chamber Learns,1 ber decades ago w ha t Los Angeles did to get a harbor Right to Work Proposal in Troublt' and later a water supply and I how w e a l ltittt>t'e'<l i nour Aft<'r Chairman WaltE-r Spil'('r o f thE> "a tC'r t'Omm iiH-t' I Newport-Long Beach, For 3 Years--Douglas : Prta8idt•nt o( Mammoth Plant' PlantH Telbt Edi- tors of Va8t J)t'vt-lnpnlt'nt Alnn.c Cout and Apl)t'aiM for 10,000 Addltinnal Employe. ' ----- 1 That 11il1•ll•;tto plunt~ nntf MhiJIYilnt~ fs•ntn Nt•Wtort to Looa Ut"fli'h wuuld wltn.'IOI 11 tt-.•mt"ltcinwc ~~,~·th ~tncl thut 10.000 l'mploy • .,. Wt•rt· .,. .. ~ .... lmmt'(lllth"'lY rot• unt·. C'OU1Jiftn)' 1\ICIN', sleey~ over the s illy idea of h ad !>Ubmitt<'<i a prelimina r y t-epor1 o n water. ht• pt~S('ntt'C'I going 20 miles to Pedro for a C ity F.ngin<'t'r R. L. Patte?rson. who tn lcl the Chami'N'r nf harbot· and 400 miles to the Comm erao directo rs a t their noon mt'l•tin~ Thua'SChty a t Colorado river for the lif~ White's Balboa Is land cafe, that prompt nwasun-s must lx> giving fluid? Tha t's why we taken to assure the city a n adequa te wate r supply b~, fl('Xt are basking· in the reflected summer. There was muc h discus."ion on tht" matter. glory Of the metropolis' Harry Wt>l<'h revlt•wed a full 1 -1-----pfM&o of PvNb' ... !14e , 5 b ,,_, Of aln-•ft Ill ., ........ ,...,,. ... eft ,_ ............ la grOwth; why we went to rrogram of srtlvttles that wH<' '"' that purp• IW' that a joint mtot>l · _ talC~"' .. ,~,"'""'''"'"' C'allfund.!_ __ 1 wn!'l tht• Mllttmlt•nt nuuko 1\tt'flciny by I }tlnftld W. Oouaclaa, l""'tdfk•nl ol ttw <'UtnJiltnv hc'tlrin.c hl11 nAfn(" Itt " runt~ uC :l5 e-..Uton~ Rnd JlUhli~h··~. Mr. l>ouah••' atatt"d ttutt the I .on.: ll.•twh Jllnnt Mtl mllllciN ot dollara ln mWtary aad dvtJ. lan c'Of'ltntt1A with rcurtldmt work on hand to a..t three )'MJ'L I In dhwt runtradk'Unn In •1 --· .. alo•ll••nl lty a 1~,. A111eiN hanll bayp quit' Uwtr ,_ Ul..,.. ... ,. Washington for our own o dh•~d nf. thl' moat lmpurtant tn,. will ~» called. IOU B - Newport harbor amidst the ~mg a rrpnrt from the stall' I Mr l.(lngmt•rl' , .. l"•rtttl that 8 81 R-OY$ I E h sneers of soc:ne of the Wl· : Ctlambt-r or Comml'rce to thf .-r.l ~lt<'r (tJndltlons pr~ll bt-l"''ft'n t ows ,_ I 1•9 t believ 'et•l that that organization Wall lhf' commtn·lal fishing bo&IJI ftnd oa -IH eC .. vtCC Todarsy. we are SDlac k dab opposing PMpoaltlnn No 12. th•• thf' ~oast guan l uvn l~trgtol prar -1 ~-I D d that .,,n... :1 tltl(l l,..,,..ltrra _..,.I hHift nu •-le_J'Oih. ,._,lmJc-.1 ea 1 l•avtn11 thr ,.,,.,,. "'""tlllv In rf"· lay .. tf•. aiDH..t anti"")' ..,..,...,.. llu n '" thrh hoomf'.tt, "'•• lhf rtofu II)'•PI"'Ifllol)'fd mlnont uct lodlr>act I lath n lhal l hO' IUMli•VPI If! lhft Wr¥11'• and l'lf'tk/aJ help no leftcw th' rl,;hl tn work, claiming lhal 601 tlr<' at Ill'&. He al~~n ukf'd lltal u d k· H up against the same lng. J>t'r l'l!nl or the allltl'.'• employM•'I clo~r ronperlllton bo: put lntr I pat oc • I ere You have a harbor-but we can't drink Jts water. yOU were againat lt. To tht. Walter d f•·•·t gtotwrt'n thto 1. 'hambc'r and • 1Spi<'t'r and Walter Longmoor., tht' A-IC'Ialfd C or r-which he F I kiiiJII•• l'l•ul Wa• t~l••lll "011 a I"''iiUI,..II '-e.•1... ot edjuM.f!ftW rom ntnnth llllol "" • 'l"""llllfl h)' nnr ltl pntC11ClUcln ~ ud In· I foubll•hPt U lu Whi'IO" lhl' ho111-l'r"f'A-1 dt'ti' .. OOJ till ~ I wnl' '" bf" r ... .,.,, th•l ha.l l~n a-av• .,.._ ,.,,. T .,., ll4llll trt total ha~ got to spend a half mil· I voiced ohjtcllon. laald h1111 been revltall:r:...t under : Cl lion to assure its further de-' Bud! Pu~h .. e th• able cllftortlon or Prnitltnt I velopment. You can n>ad I On tho• .... bjrct of the purchUC' Cl6 \' Kellogg or Gardt'n Crovr. ose elsewhere in this issue what I or land bt>twel'n Hu.ntlngton Bear h Fflurts w11J ,,.. rr.a•lt to brln~t the · Donald Douglas says will 11nd th .. SIU'Ita Ana rtvtr by th .. January ml'et•nk hcort-. u lbt IOJ>k I happen in the next th~ I ~tat~, II wu tlerldrd tn rail a l " II bto t'nllrely dr\'t•ted to cO&Aiul I ll· I,. I ut i< !nnk II hAn I l..t years. 1 heard him say so , m.-etin~t of Huntington Beiu'h I!'Bo· n•ttl ters Mr. U t:-t(;mn .. r .~ \'l<'t' I n'~:h' .•:l•l rr,.,.,.111t d ,. ,.,.rh•ll~ ae·l 81 • l '.'••·att•ol by t h• 3 000. " U•ou•l•• l•rmlnatlnt~A, It wu llta1.ld. Vy lm P ~ttfki•J .CAio•tl lh•l II Ull r Willi '1'tMt l~lhl 8MC'h plaal Ill..,.,._ na • ""•"•'•'" lrt ..... thrm ''•llfumla Ina an '"",......"• ..._Of,.._. L-e fhno• 8 embere l 1 ..... u.,. u' tM-ftiMIJ h~ we.o l.oolr Wl'tlrtf'edll )' anrr'"'""' "I I 'nt;~trary lu •II IA~·roft """'"'" I hav• qutt olu. to c~llllfG n ·M•h ,,.,., bruucht lnlo lhf' harl••r 1 Mr l)f)IJKIIla d•·••lnt"ll tha t 111 .. ,......, tla .... ,ut Uw war ... artfMr lhr ...... ,~. cr( f"ll(h l lti#D Whll ''"''I '~"'IC u .... h fll• loot y n ..... ,. lhooult> ............. lh~ P.f'IICifiDtl ... IIOted. Call after he had just returned I t'rll In ~n etrnrt to thruh nul dlf· ~ rr•l'l(,•nl nr lhf' Al!IIIO('htiP<1 I·''"'"' I '" ~~ .. " lrll( "'"'' " ~hl fi'OIIl Washington and he 'fer"m't"ll. Lll "'" matter will l>f'l Jutll(f' IJ J ll•ul~:r will b•· n~ohccl h"'" h· •·n n •'Hilfl"lo:"'""" wbtn talked with the knowledge of pN!IIIf'nt••tl Ill lh•· , umlng IOt'Ail'IOn of to t urn111h data on II othrr rt~'"""l th~· ~~,_,,.,1 flll!lln~t h<oAt \• 1•11 bll"'lW knowing What he WSS say· tht• lr):i!IIAI II rt• \\'ht'n tht• bill wall , on the Junlur Collf'l:l' l!llllntloon llfl Ill tilt' f;l'll•'llll Prlrol"lll•l t.:a. PfUUik'd Ill lht• 181!! lle!UIIIIn Gnv I nnol tu tnlikf' V,l\'1\ll"t 'frurlll rot 1'1111' ,, ... k ""'"' livf'• when ,. n~vv hllml' IU'IIt. "' athlillo>nlll wnrlltta too l~<rltol Hut thry pnlftted out tMl nwy '··~..n ..... Int.• • hill ,..... Av .. lom •n "" r~ ...... K '"'""''' ,,, '""" rlltlll"l IIIWI or lh• o•flmp&raUwly ...u , !'IHitn 1 "'•l,.llnll t.land clurtlll( "~ hnrnho·r. Aflll It """I"''''• '"' "'" nun\ boor ttl ""le• wortaere In ..,... I I II•'"' \' fo.,; 111 IJ'Il,tn Tureollly ''"' I'AI'Ifl•· ,.,,., no.·l Jo•h rt•-IO•'AIIontl tW ... ,. run~; C 'lllnlf " , urr •·nt ,,., It I lilt oot '"'"" lllhl ntf havr '-tl offered dl· ing. That means that in an-w,., rt.'n sa~d th11t a rr ah·htn~t ""'"'•lilt•hln~; IIU('h an tnlll •lution "n , 1 th (·ave yea'""____ro.r Jess · 1 t Tho· lo ul I , I '""' n I ,. .. nn 0 er 0 ~ -f'laus .. WIIUitl I'll' IO(IIrrtod I hUll rnm· tlw '•·a.•t ""'' S.illlll Ana \'Ill ·rl!' • . .• -. 2 I we will h8\'{' doubled our l"'lhng Orlllll(t• ('Utlllly tu malr h ' urt• c-ro•tlilt•tl l'llh tho· alnl••nu•nt l f;R••·11.11'' 1111'1 I \O rf'lt I II I'll ,I 'I population, thus smashin~ run<b with th.-IOiat.. Tom Tall>f'rt t hut th•• ~tRt" .-.Jmatltonnl t~.ar.l 13 l l ~ .ol "'"'· •"'111 II•: h. ·A·u the engineer's estimatt' of 25 lind nlhl'rll at Hunllllg\On Betu•h II h•u• r··fu~···l 101 !tltO l I 1110 19111'11 II r ul · In the pilot hoUIII' .... h .. n .~' ... t ... tk Years to reach the predicted I Urf' lntl'rUif'd In pladng an ln(!UII· lq:e fur llll' t'lllllll llll<l thul II 1011~1 ··~plcollhln hi:..... It "" ~.' bolll growth . And the way to trial harbor In that area. and It ill t_... lu<al~>•l In Santa Ana. 1 allo·n ""''1 ••r• Atlhllr r. Auatln, 1:', 0\"hoo '" .... llll tht' bol\1, were grow is t o be prepared fo r huth blown mto Ule wattor that growth when it hits you c R • d G h En11J .. n <'harlu OriffiUI dfl'\'f' _ h\. Herbert L.. Fell.cm, aon -not whisper in your beard 1•ty,s ap~ rowt fT'om tl'lt 1l<Jt or Ult L8T .,.-hlch w ~Mr. aNt.,,,.._ LT. Fe4eem, et the mlght-have-beens if this anebcred at the 8DuUa O.ll ,_., ............... , ~ dltt M le and tbat had been clorw. 1be and ••tont tn tht aid or ftlt' mftl.) ..... ._.. · • •r. time to act is NOW! s w R API8ttn~: In put tln~t them Ah .. ard a ' member of • •·Z" Liberator + + + • ter eport amall bclfll whlrh put Ollt lrnm ~~~ aqu.td~Ofl In Engi;Jnd, which h.te ..... Th . een In a ~lith ('ooAl'fl (·allf'n V.8M IW'riOU.· the envt.tbl~ r«o~d uf 68 c:omb.tt Doaald l)oup,-· ~s ly lnjurNI, "''~tlllnln~ cul8. hrul-' mlaa•on•. w•thool. th~ lou ot • quiet, medium height indi • ~&nil 1At••ntllot08 nh<tlll lh•· 181'1' IUl ·l m.an. He wu gr;odu.ated from dual Stood before a group of I · How thl" cit)''s J,:ruwth hiL" •·x· hfl)oln ~upply and hu~ n •pnrt wn,-. hf'&<l, nnol lw \\!tit ncnrlv tlro rWnf't1 Lowry Fl~ld, Denv~r. Colo , lta publisners at Santa Monica panrled in thP last 15 Y<'lln> W/l)o pro-rllcah'1'1 nn thr· r .. ll""inJ.: 1lnt11 ~':n~tt,:ru r;rlfrlth I:Mv" him tort•ll• 1.11 Armorer and '"~" w.11 •natruc:to~ the other day and answered 1<hown hy th•' consumpt ion uf tlo· 1 llnw mur h wutt·r v.1ll w•• nM'll rt'llplr11ll11n an•l tt .. bfort !' :-:""' "' a•m.tmrnl unt•• Nov~m~r. all their questions. SOillt' im· mc.-~tic watf'r, .,..h,.n A. L Snn•lro·~:· 2-Fr-asih1ht} nf surpl~ l rharmat·'"''" rrtot•· fl4iltt 1 '""" ·~ 1943. wht·n he ...,..,. •t.alloned '" (l('rtinenl, S 0 m t' sensible. J:f'r ,l'n(;lnl't'r l'mplo~ tod h~ t ht· t'll} 3, J o1nins: M\\T) fur P''mlan••rw~ I hi' L.ST i:HVt' him flr,;ro, l•t I r••~o t England Sgt. F ulaom worlia tn clearly and concisely. Yt'S. Ill mAkl' a •UI'VI'Y fur tho• harlonr 4 CO!'t nnd ljllantil~. 'n f'n l the um .. oo>tnt .... ctlon ol h .. the feeder plants would ha\'f' l pn--l'ntl'd an l•)o.hau~tl\1' "'''llmt• n( .,...o C'f'n•u• uon I Caplaln Al&lllln .-.. llar~··ol nrl• I ,quadron. v hlch h.oa re<.~IV('d to go, because they W('re ~·o· Cuct~ unrl· fiJ.:III'''~ on walt'r u•••d • .,,. n •fM"Irt J:""'' 1111• I'll\·., fM;f'll' l'allo•n haol lwrn n•v•v•·ol ·u ,ol '" th high pr•••,. by ptloh .and c:r~w• mk Wt!StC'S t~nd had a C· jtn 1!1:\0 th<' tit~ nm~uml'd 40 nul· l:tlll•n 111 !~WI l R. r.•n•ll)o, "~ mPn wrr.• 111ken to St J""''l'"" I~W the •plr nd•d worlt they h.ave n ... Ill , ..... , IJtllllf'OI (110'1 I"''" ""V•I ""'""' • "II I I ... I~ '"'"'"'Il l ,....,, Jlf'lofiUC ''"" "'"'" Nn ..... tuut lttlol l111• tl~trniiiJ.: blimp •u•l •·l •• moorr th,.r• '4 tt\eMMHIOII foot lltl•l lr fl th .. fllant ._._ 1."-'t WM '"'""" h11111t1 "'" whlf'h '"'"" "'"'" j liOIII ul•'"" I '""ICI"" ""''' th•l thr nn prn.ht~l hlfl '"b aYILIIa ..... lh•J hr~tujtht undtlr Nlftln•l tnrlatr•l h"K" "'" !ltulllllllll'ol 1~•1111 II<·•• h •kl with nnnlnnamehlr hrllum II"" ~''""' 111111 s•lrnty uf ,..,,,It In ''" an.t l On ~eM T .... altlt'h ..... ,,..,t. '"" 2411 f,.,,, hllrut• m1011V ,..,, "ll!'nl ""'' t"'rman .. nt Antr a-mflllftl Ill lJMI lAfll .,,A,. lf'n In •nolctrrlnc rulna )•ro•tu; linn )C•h• avAIIaMI'. ~ IC.acoh plant at lh• la¥1l&Uaft till 111 thf" ,.,_ ot lfon mf'n tlv~ ••'" ruaat hl8111utlon nut onl)' tuY hu•• 0 A. ttu,J(UIA, p4ant • ..._. Ulle klllf'd IUltJ th,_ were wr1null1y In· \onlua w ~ ,-_ tor tM .-.o.w p&rt1 wu n... ... a Jurtod. It '-~I'--d th•J ~tied klq, ....._.. npt apANl Ule ,.,._ ~ tour nlhal 016 .,_ \la._ ... --...... ~ ~ ... 0-"-....... ,.,. ,... ...... -......... " . ,.... til• tl"ltal llrne«''t f.n up 1D .a,rtlt "'"' rt'qlllr"f'mf'nl• In rf'hahllllllllnc n .. r anufhrm t'lallt.-aa. 1 Tw11 ""''" ..._ •nou.ly lnjur•d I Wllrtnrn <'uunlr1~ a11ol matnlaln "Our • ..,.,.1 a...-h pta,nt waa ._ A II wrrr laltf'n flrwt In thr Mart l inK ,,..,., " 11rn•hwln« alrrtan~• lone e.ltw 11 ~1' hf-stttflf Ill Avttl"n llott1tf'tt "Tho• 1~'"11 IC.•~tt'll """"" tw•lh lht' ~:.,,..,1,,.•n OUid fO•d fkl oof IWu 11( lhf' m~n .... ,.. nul to>llflll ltiiiiHI 111"1<' rtooohu l 1 \\oo~lt•'ltt V.an hll¥f' J-n WOlf\," f)oiU.IU •111111 \r•lrr<Cay ano•munn j, llh•fh• ,,..,.,,.,,. 111•1"11 •• "'"' ,.., t.olol thr I''''"" ,.,.1,,.,.,_,.,.11t•ltvt~a In• 1 .,,,., K ty1~ hllmt• wu thuu~tltl "''1111•1•·•" ' "" """' "I• '"''"! it• "'""'"K 11,, o .. ut .. r .. r tht. •••w• I '" lutvr t)lorfl IIAM'OI 101 l)f'l t.1Mr. 111 I••••'HI'II•tll ,., ll•·olulra t•u tho• 11r at l'"r"'• 1 (hooll~h 11 lrtt un • rott<tlnr lralnllll(, '"' rtloolllllll "'tuptooy111r111 tnii..C tn "Ill ll•ltllltooll loo ItA war JtJtl. th• rll.;llt '"'"" Utr Nt~nla A nil 1110110' '' ,.,...... II oop• fhNII I 111111 .~., ....... l lt•lll(l<t• • "'"I'""Y hlltt IIIIC'ft ... l O'tofl• All ""''"llllr mrol ,.,.l"'rt hila If lhtol 1~ r 111•~•11• !oo l1111l•l lhr 1'1>~11•·• "' '"" b with lll•Jt•r ttlrl!llf'a frK ,11_ '"" I•• al "'"" "'"'" "" '""'1•1 lull 111111"•1 loo flt\11 INIII,IHIII woorth nf hu•• ""'""" Wf"rr wllhPicl l"'ntlllllt 111 11 """"" • to Editor• I '11""1"''' t'lll""• wtt .. n t'tlfltlllluna "' """'' ••I ... ,., .. ,,,., "' kin ~, .. Hktll); t·• "•• '' u t :U'~ l"""lK l, .. ,.,.u lhrlt • •.tUtfnu tloo " he ' , .... " In o'llll."' INIIr"l "''~' ''" ll•'K• II ""'' lltttnJ.:•' ''"'"' \ "'"" ••ol llo• ,.,..llr,.ol Ill<' ••dltnr~. that I 11on IUtll •Jt•11•rlno• 111111 """"'Ill•' l l•llloll~t .. •• ""'' t•r••,.• ro·l'"'.,.llfll ""'ll r•tlnJ( too lOll Jtt-nl lndh •· In• t1o •. •;nnv(oy 11111~ ..-a" It "l"'r" llvr• ".' 1111 /,tt llltt Mo Ill•,. t•l10111 ]"''"" tt1,. J,.,111t lt•••l'tl Jtl~t.nl 1 an ''"""· ro •·ur ••·tiYtl lrtt ""'' "'''''""]''"UJCittJO llr11l P•·l•'"""'l r••ttr•••••nto t~o• ,.,1,., !col too, ••rv 11 ,,.,.,. l"'rt. IIIIIIIIIIJ(, \liP hiiJ.:O' ltlllfiJIII JHr " 11\•o•• IHIJ•hN ... U•tl fll10 l Whll,. IIOII£I' 11( thl~ f"'ltiO'IIJII" pr••lttoflllll j>l"• lanuhar INI:h a'-m.: Jlt,. '"""' "'"' Olllttt....r• ••f l .. onl( '"""' h woorltrr• IC'""' 1 111~ '" lhf' llnol In''""'" It• •llllh~lo·r no . . ~ I hlln t•uhiC' r ...... ID 1940, ;l() mlllioUl, 440o'l. Whllt• tooay rt'JJOrl!o .... hll\\ hol!pltltl In I'B11lk Ana done untlrr t.on•tA •• t pre .. urt <.'Omphs hl'd thl'tr pu.rposes. .1nd tn 19-1:1·4-1. 7H million o•11h11' IWII'I' ll)o m:m~ nntl that llw """'. It "'lll l'allrn 11 flnot ''"" o11 tl." of the tnvnron. Sgt Folaom ~n The Long Beach Ooughts lf••t•l p<•r annum ln<~1d•• f'lf lh•· m••r rtonpuln twn w:L' IROIIO H) 1t ... ut l'ltlll••· ,,, th .. f'XJ'I'""''''' ,~ te1ed the ..ervtcc-Frbruary !), plant was the largest. and_ 1 1't'xt qunr1<'r of a rPnlllt)' thl' com· HIHII lht• n ·pnrl ••><ttn111t••d 50,()(10 ""t k n•'"" hul 11 111 bo•II<'Ye<l th11t 1M2, when he w ... a aludent at finest in tht' wo.rld, buslt by rnunity will 111~·!1 thr1'" timr'~ 111111 fl''<'flh• m lh•• 'umm•·r tmu• w1th zt nil on tnr• nf the hilg~ IKhll•·•t '"" the Unlver••ty of C•t•forn•• He \inde Sam a nd 1\S lt•aSC illlrl ll'IUt'h, ho• ll•)oo•rt•"<l Wlll<'r U"' Of 4 m1Jh"n l::tlltm• p<•r (nrc. I',.( \111' rxJJI• IOtoon biVWIIII( ooUI •• • Qf'ltdu.otr of Rover·••<lr Htgh ultimate purchase was the I Accordm~ Ill thut lllhUI811(111 tht• da) nw Sllnl'lr··~~:··r .. ~Iunati' l h·· ltrl' echool and Junior c:ollege "111' •. ""' tw•l(lttnlnc .. , lhf" wu desin> of Mr. Douglas. He pnpulati(ln at lhP ('nd nf thsot tim<' wa.' Civt• million ~;nllun~ In ~urn· ----_ I Sam Stiefel Cottages Sold to Volney Hay k a nat-bottom pipe. WtiiiX' 1'1~.·0 50.000. h('(.•aul<f' lhl' ml'r anrl thrt'(• mtlhnn In Wlnlf·r. d J E d Funeral Rites for srno es in his e xpanSIOn has bc<on jtl'f'Oit'r in lhl' Whlll' thl' MWD V.'O(Jid .,.. llhll' to A does not have ad c reasehe la!>l four )'('Ill'S than in lho• HI rr.~n•lutr lhr llmount a.<t nl'rdt'd. ge uror XC use ,· I Wm. Hu·-h·ana.nn, trousers. n o r oes po6-years fll"t'Viou-.ly. J>c~'W'!>lll<m and mamtt>nanCr> .. r I K rftJ' sess the hook nose that City Engino'Cr Patten;on pmnttod Wllh'r lanll!', ri~thls and wc·ll~ Wll~ I 166 r l" ........ ta M seems to be a mark or dis-out lhlll the city had th!'l'l.' p.1r-advocatt'd by lhP l"''pe>rt. A.~ to D D d H I ' 0 '-4m esa tinction of big financiers. In eels of watt'r 1>4-a.rin~t land, Ttll I~ lthl' ba."tn ~upply ht> !<1\ld thnf afll'r l rops ea at orne Yunrrlll -rvh·-._,.,,. tt-oltl M ooll fact he seems to be a regtl· cal I'd within th;o Sa nta ADII hn~m. th•' war m«>n would I:M• l'elfTllnR 1 rilly •I :z p.m at tb• t;r•u"l 'h•f"'l Jar y who feels Wlefllploy-The~· or thelie I~ 93 &Crt'S nn homf' and tht> <k'mAnd for ll~tnrul· (oor William ltf'n flutchln•lfl. IWI.I Allo•r nuon· thlln .. I)Unr1c·t ,, "IMI lilly IMMJJ(hl uth4tr Jlnlpf'rt)', ~needs thoughtful con-which rour Wt'IIS an • producing tht• ~Uif' ""UIIl ~ I(T'~atcr and Ianda ~'IIUik (' 1111\ltHII•n, Spanlllh '''lin An•l \1 ... """"' "" "' ,,, .. "' ('""'• ....... whu dlfld l''rlol•v ut l'l'llll~l')' of llftt•ru!lniC "'' l'fllltol(••• .... , .. ~·llllly flu• lll"f'a llfl WHt (~-~ tion because an em-bulk or lhP city's water. A lrfl(.'l would hr> C'\JI up Into J~mallrr ""r \'l'l<·ran """'' 7~. \'f'8 1a, Wnll ,,,,.,.e Torn"' •.• hll•ll''ll , ...... 1111: hlu l~t~mr, ... :DC llartwoor ...... ,,...,.,,, ''" :1(1 ;"'1 ~111 MYf'fll,ll', V.:llh nffit····•ltrl41 "''"' th•· INrrhl'•d ··n-Ina Oil" Sl era . h bein and lor 35 J Crt'!l nc.-ar Talhert h1ld nne trnc-ts. v.hirh m1•nnl ltf'I'Oirr woiC'r wa,. •ntt tn~: on 1.,, """"''" ,,,1 1,,. 11,.,.1h ,1 111,,;-1.,111, 1 ... ,,,,. A , .. !lrrd 1 arpf'nt~r tty '""'"· h .. 111 · r •·ntrMI. Nnm Stld,.f, Bul J•"'itc· lllf' IJ1I" tlwnlt•r. whk'h tMr ploye lS a unull\ g Wf'll dnllt'd upon it. hut 11 wa~ u~. h"'' ,.., 10 ,.,..,. .,.I....., thr, "'"I lt<tlo JJilm• .. ·r, llll• llo,.·l•k~l 111 ••·II '''' e•t~tl'l•l•·•' ltl•·•l fur IIWIIOMUI •rtl'f' must eat. nrvt'r used.' I Thr n-pnrt. much nr whkh hn!< hath·r,x '""" Ill lh•• ',"Yh hMIII thu• ,. ara agu h · , lo•tlt In wttltlJt "" ,.lo~ ''"" h•olllln.:" llntl tllk•· II ""'" "''""'' '" llu• ""'''' + • • Next ~umml'r ht' llltlcl lhc.-r1ty bNon b~ on ll S GNliOfoti('A I anl'l n1 1"1n "I( ~'RII ''"'"""' 1"1 <trt v t... r•wlt T"""'"' "I··'""""' 111' l t••ro ... t In htc~lru·•~ Mt· Sttdd Wflll tnr yNno In S .. __._. Y 'd t'f I . I ur c n<•<~n oowlnl( ''' I n•·•u• II• ''"'I"'' tol Itt lhr c·oollntv ""' " rc••ult II• hi 1•1 I I I I 8eln ~.:.. OU say, must ~J)f'nd mort> monf'\' for morf' state• !:lnli~I H'" .~howf'd thnt I" 1 " h 1 1 h 111 ·"'""V0~11 11I""'.I1·'·'"'.~ '111',~ •. ',". 1 1111'., _ ..... ,, s11rvtvln.: an· hi• "'""· YAna ,. • ' •~ 1>4• "' 1" • IIIJ•In••M 111 l..t• Anl(t•ff'IL lfr flrllt Sa S · f I f th h 1 · 19.,.., h "I A h lllu juHI II'A< "' ItA ••m•• tot ,,.,. .. _, _ rnu• nn ( ••ntr111 11vr 1111,. "'"' llw 1 1 II you met m tte e or <' wntrr as 1 1· .,...,. Ill wf'n• up tn f'll· .... 1 " wn•~·•· ta, •• ut n:1 •••rn 'l'w . " • 1 11 .,. 1 llut• ,.,, .. n ,,, 1 ~·"~ "'' t n ""'" l•llwo• un tht• n~tntl first t.ilne that he w as a lflllt'il)' t hr ~nsnn jullt rt(l!'Wd. lie• W8ll 97 (l'f'l , lhllt II thopptod to ' I rOI\·IOI'Vf'nlh Jllr 1'1 ... h .. , h f' I • Anr;f'l··~ IOitol tit• lhuol 'htl•l ,,. ~~~: •• ;~· ttn:;·:Wol .,., •• ,II,'Mrll ~,,,, IIII•Hn ''""' ... v.,,,,,) llll v, ....... •1•1•·"·' ,.,.,,, .. , Wit•·• ...... "'"' '"'""· ruff old custOOler but that !ol.tirl a nf'w hnP would Ill' nt•l'llt'll rlljiF" fl'~l rlllrlnl! lhf' dnrulh nnt1 1 I r .... , .... ,, ....... , .\ ''" l'nl I·'IIIIJI•' \' ..... 1.11~1 "'" ',,, ,. \\'fOIIII f'O' trl '"'"~-IIIIAn•l '""' kii'IWII .... ,s o••tnl•· "l"'rlilon Wltoo Sttt•fo•l ... ,,." ... 111111 ho• ·~""'""""' g ' f 1 h ' llf'l'<r.~!< thr rtv('r ,ai!<O an11thl'r Wf'll rt-''' In :~11 f••c·t rn 1 !~<1·1 l'hll'h 1' 111 I' Hl•hl•·r """"""'-I'"' ·• "'"'' m tlu "''" • · ...... "' II •• o~.,.,,. 11''"'' "'V'''I )'"" ••1:11 I•• l1111k <lltll loo1 lh loo tlw• 1•1ty, Jf1· fl• a...,...aran<X' doesn't oo lS "'" \1nlttto• r.t y••• "' Alllr•):t"" k 1 1 11"11"-. • ~~ Fl\'(' )'f'nrs 11jt0 II hond 1"11'' (llr run~lrl•·r:thl~ '''''''" "' fo\o·l "' "' otan. htl•l rooh·l~t·•l ~1o:t'!••rl ooll II I Til•· f:o·v l'ltrl J•illfw. .. n ofll•,,.t•·•l IIIII ,. tl• lltfllt• Mr 11·•1 l llk··~ lll<lly •toltl '"'' II•• hit~ niWit)''l legion o f friends. He's he 1''''-' $1:Kl.OOO Wll~ t1d(•alt·d ror lmprmo•· Whl\'h ""' rllh' 1e· II,. ell) ~O'al •, : .. '" l \o• "" th·· )111,\' .. .., 1111( t ' '"~ "' "" ... ,..,,,. •• 1111'1 ltulh 1;111,. """"'''1'"' Nll\'t'lltloo•l ''"1 Ill ''" lotlll l "" """ ··nlroq;o·cJ hi'O l'lllfllf:t"'· many a lad a nd s:nan Clnan-mPnl<:. Todny thr> '·'"''' llllptoo\o•· I ha t \lolwn '''II \\lll<·r ""''' ..:• I Hlln ht•81th .......... ,. "" I• ""~ I ""'"" 1" ,,,,. "'1 I ullllf'''' '"' I•· "" "''"''')' 1011 ''""'"''' '.c·t'lllllllll')', ,,,,, h <1 ' • t ' ,. ,, ., fy H u1 "'~ r .. v .. r lt.-hvrnnlll ,,, I I I • ' dally on t (' r t.,;t 0 n j(')l nwn1 \\fttlld •t•llil $14UUUH ,,, ..... , ... .~~ t\1'4idlfiff)'' llnfM:t~nl •ttl l t••ll•t i11K " ••• ,., '''""~!~ "'' l•••n,.nt'l, ''Nt•un·r Mv ,;,,, ,,. --01" ,,,. •••aH n l httd tft• ,,.i ,IJI \\•h uh "' Lilt• , ..... , h ll\lt• uiWU\~ Or l•tiSinC!;.'i t•at'C't'r -flnci \\11111(1 1..-. , .. ,.II nt'W ho)(t)olc·r rllllllll, "" ' ·' ..... \II II ,, •• ~ .. "·"''' .... 1'1'1111 ·'''"' k ''•"' II \ •I • "'' 1''"'' 1111'1 , .... ,, 1•• cl· ,, '""lito 'II .... II ftllool , ff ,, ·""' 'lnthrt ;._,,s~n ·· l'tll 1 nevt'r saict anything nhout it. I'll"' lin•• 11nd ""''"' afl••r •h•· ":" I'""" lh•· ", ";,'''' ,, h•···'·tt·r 1 '''""''""'I ,,,,,,,,, .. , 1 • 111 '' ,,,.,,"''I '"' 111 ,,,,,. '" ,.,,, . k ~ l"d t ( f "' ,. • ,,. Mt '"'"" lt-4 tft fo rur.k • •·•·d .df;·a IJu V.ltl r,t, I f;•'t ''"'' d H e 's ht't'n tn ~Ollll' rt'mar • tart ')' ( of ' N E\\'PORT ( oi{A:\1 MAn S(' lfOOr f)()E ~ ,. " ... ~ Flo••l ...... " ·'""''"'' 'f •ltol( ,,,, o\ abh• ('Ot'OUOII'I" h('t'(' Hllrl hHS It "'""Ill ""'''n11H•r, 1!110 lh,ol I I ' ' ~ I "' k \'rolo• lltrol l~oo l I•~ ~~ Ill \\It• II '\lr II.,, Ill ' '"'" lo•" aiW,'I~'S l;.d\I'O lhl' tlndC't'fiO~'s' tho• f11:tlllh••J nf ('IIITIIllo'lo o• t'ool)t . 1 . 11 .,.,..,. IU lo'ulrllll\• II 1 , Ito' I Pal·t." Ylltl (",tn 't llt'()\\'l.w','ll tnllt•·•·. thon h••'ttlc·d ~~~ 1•1 llu\\-1' "'' lr 1>""""' I•\ 11.,. lo11t \\tl " 1 1' '\ if,,,, I llru t. •h• fl '.,,,,.,tit ,f tl•• I oll'rl St•H.,:Pt', jllf'~<'lllt•rl II• ltno m.:• that man. (lllC' of thP I liii~S '" tho• '"""''I "'"''""lm..: '" ''I he ha~ llc'l•n rloillf.: ('\'I'I'Y ~•·nell ··..:;.:•·1 """ ",,, , m1 •I• ,, , t1 \\'('('k for ~l':t l~ is to appear r .. ur )'''""" lntt·r "" ''">!'1'1 ilil at tlw Ht'll ('ross l'llllllb m l'.-t4.'h• th• •·oounr1fllllo1 ;, ,,,,, Balboa and h•:t\ (' 11 mun<'y ~'~'fltlrl ·" ,, ltlo d ~~~ Ill•· rh:trnlt• : rtonation of S.i o r $10 or "'~rnt.: lh•· "''''''''''~ .. r "''lllln~o: mort• doii<II'S-Sam \\ill gl\l' mt~ro• "'"''r me fits fo r Idling this, hut Tht• rl·pnrl ,,,,,, .. I th"1 lh•· r11~ . · wa~ 'k:•l m.:: t•n llun '"" on 11' he'll havt' to likf' it llus l tn11', Santa An;, ha-.m .,..,.fb anrl ""''' fo r his pro p1.•rty disposal •·llho·r !:" rurth,.r tnland ur )n1n th• makes it nl'\\'S. 1 )lo's ~ l:(rt'Ht !\1\\'D Tu ~::<> furtlwr 111l11nd l.:uy and a hit \\uni~ a t ~'llllfll rc:~ult m e<'nfhr t "'"h Cllh· t he illnt>S.<; of ;\lr.::. Sttt'fl'l, ,.,, nnw u~o,in~: thr nv1•r '"'"'" who h as work('(! hy his sirlt' :til thru tht" yt•ar.-. Both a re tC'aching. But Shl' !\trll lik(•o; <•ntitled to _. wl'll-earnl'ci 1 to tic kle tht> t ypcwrtlt"r n nrl rest. pound storit>!' and is hPipin~ She Did It, Gu<'l'l colum-a bit on the. s id£' by ('(1\'t"rin~ nist of lh<> Sand Crab Tucs-the Mesa for the Ca;ta M~1 da y seeks to hidl' h e r light edition of the N~·s·Timt"!" under the prov<>rbial hus ht'l. and rioing a hang-up joh n t Jt was nonl' other tha n Knth· that. judging from the WA\' 'erine Ea.c;ton. form<'r !'Oeit't y 1 Mesan.c; an> clamoring fo·r roltor a nd L'llL'r f!OOt" hark to the pa~r. \ '""' w_lc,•ac•• t.hf" S•·••·TI.,_ ran • '"''"',.,. ,,, ll•rh"r Hltrh'• \\,., ._. •lr• raft n~tr11ltta ""'' •loda~· lhfo atwn,. ptllltn fW-ttl" !two pt~UW ~-... •r1 no-h f;ramnutr .......,., • hll•lrrn h11•l tho• hunur uf nrunlttc. 1111• '" a 1'·!')1 fllr1!~ IMontllrr lut-11 •• ..,.,off)-..._., trriU. l*l.#WIII _. .. rth nf tw>tNI!I In ttwo lut-wv hen~ drty,._ Ml•..,_l f'hll<f,_ In U.l• .. l•trio I lila•• tak•to a ....._,, .. IJIIrl In -'llnr ••r ,.,,.., .. .,.. Sf'WP'>r1 c;,..onm~~r I• "'"" lhr tnp Itt -a'"' • fw.,_. ,...,.."" \ ,. , ,,,., ,.,. ' f; ~··" "' '" 1. • '' \t. f·tl• u,,. i•Vt. nr·r "" t ,.1 ut • 1,, I fr1iollftV It \A. I fl f ltf It• f I • 1 '' tt ,,.,,, t!riiiM ,.,.,,,,,,,, • •• ''' ,, I . \ ,,,, , ,, ,.,, I Jth• ,, ........ , ttP • .,. " • I '•tftttllf'lll .. ~.("' "'''"'Y • "' .:t llrl•1 'f ·•' •f '' Wi ll f llf' t.n• k '" ,1111 ~ lll( h• r •••ttl lt••tt ,,. , ,,.,~, I .,,, tl-. \ '" u r••kr , WIUt J•f,..,rtl 1\"ll llflv a r .. Ill lllf' 11<•"'-11 '·ol \l ,lfullly l11 Kl'1tl1t ,..,.,. rt II f II if I Jt• tl ' til I 1 It ' I • It If ttl It 1 J,, ~ "'' .:l tHU•'I '""., .. ,,I ,,,, ,. .... I h • f•lqf, Jt• ,, .. , 'A ftlt It ft. It lu I f ) ol Hlrn f "-'Iff'''-' ful \• til tH •1 t ·'"' 1 Su h-Chaser taJ)L Home on Furlough 1,1 l'holto 1\lo•lti<O l I '-;',1( "'""' ''" 11 ,,., •I t\ ftu Itt•'"'" H"'l 1• \''""'~ "'' t1lt•t l11·1 M•• \~ It \lo rlk•l, IIi 1111\ l •l11111l II• • .,., I~·· f• f ttl ftiltfl•l dUI) , ••• IIi 1111111111, In 11,.. I ·,, 11ot>l·t111 • 1 11 ,,.,. ltNfl'"r •1 ••• a m.,.mt~r ,,r \4t••·••' h•· \4 H' t :tftf h &r, nf 1 .,t, ·" ,.,, , .. t I ..t•la~r • ""'' '"'nul• ttr neht lru• 1 h ftJU 1 "'"I·•"'"' "" ""'• l)t)rf• In h.rw11 /\ft••r hit• furlvul(l• ,, ,,,,., ltr I , , r ol an"'•'""''""nl wtll '"' "'•II '''I''" I f••1 •l11t) ,,, M 1"1r11 , .. I· ,...... 1\o•lof'h, .. ,,. . 1\Tlll wtll , ... 1111•11'"''"1 "' • 'hall .. rtuo, wh11 had ltr,.ltt oof I•• 11 lltOW fh·hf It ,, lloiO "'"''"If thf' ...... U.mf"ra aw,-.. ,.,,_. ,.,_ t o Uu-4 pouL r \1¥ hft.1 M r T•ol ,,.,,. P , .. .-d ufl hP '""" I ht• '••. •rrwtl• htl,1rPn •••' FYJaut 1hi-f'1 In "" l•twll '"""" 11 1"'"' • • ,., \t.hA flftlh •fl ff'IIU fllf• j11d ji"t J&ttH 1 ~oru"' ••( tit,. s•·•lu ,.n,,.n \\'''' f~tk"n - A ceo F aslenen ---·---Bulldog Clips Paper Clips I alu ''' 111 ;;II _.,,.,, Scotch Tape ----Desk Blotten • J\11 "'' ""''" in l.•r'l.:l' qttallltlt•·· :11 n~ttllt r prl1'''' IEWS· TIMES SOli ". ('co:atn.l l'hOM Nf"A'J'Urt l:t or IS • , It- ... .. JRWI'Oa'NLU.AOA HZWa·'I"'IIU. ....,.,. ...... o.lllwiM, ~. Oe..,._ U. liM _ • ~ ____ _ ~~~========~==~~~~--~~ ---------------------------------------,...-_-:.:::::_-_-_:.::_-:.-::;_:::: __ . NKWPORT-8AL80A NEWS Letters To The News-Times !:_ Stamp News ..... a"'"'~":=:.::..~.: v-mvs I w otmded Soldier Disgusteft c H uofRthCeH E s LET'a HAVE A .. EAL ahlp. u-s lo foret,n operauonal NEWS-TIMES With Ernie Pyle at the Front ~Payable In Actvanc.:-12.&0 per Y..,. &A Oran,. County, 'CI d H • I CLEAN-UP WEEK under the "pbooey" aag of aome P-1~ per year t <> 4th mne; P .OO per Y-t" 8th aone. WI n Ot eJ·e to ospita I . Central America n Nallon or or-·PhUatellalt are thoee at.&rnge I le Our F.dHor I ~anlze foreign corporattooa to .et "t.'Ople who llptnd thear apare tlmt re&and u S.Cond-Ciue matter at the Pofiolflca to Newport lkach. 1'1Jl8T P'OUI&8QUAU CIITTII(;H r Callforuta, uoct.r lbe Act of Warc-b 3, 18711 C I WJ Ol" COAT A KEIIA Vacalloni.Ata are nvt to blame 1 up "phoney" ownenblp, will l>Ur pa.stlng l't&mpl In bOOka. But It By CAROL D. EWEN Radio Sl&mp S hop .. & ML'YER 'Sirool Them.' Sn_y~ .nmnwn( Pr um ........ _ _.._ ............... --• ..,. or the unlrigblly lut.a. yardll. &1·', havtng buill the world.e mlg'htleatll •• not merely thf' rw-ulon of tht -. ,.. l.011 EDITOR AND PRESIDENT 1 "~ -... ---~ IC'ya. an.t atrt'el" c>n •tur \\'uul,t·be merchant fle_et cttange thla • 1. 1 ,Jnrert bll!l or paper, which appear PriaUD. ll&Jlt w <Antral Av•nue, NO!Wport UUt u. (.,"aJ JfQrnla I Ask.,tl What to Uo :Hmul :ftlrwH:ing Foe& .,~·:.;,. ~:~~~~·tnr •ltlr ll live lllland I Admlntl l.Arl IS ffif'll'l\' gtvtn}: "I Wl•rlhh•f·~ lt) the non-collectc/1 Official Paper of the City of Newport Beach P111one llli·J 1'.1\• ,\'IIU n .. llt:t'd llh' llllkept U8 the a.no'Siht'll(' tn pr • J'dl'l t iOII (llf II •'It Htlr l'U•'I In gnat part It A o.,. .... _.. Lecat lftlltttutlon For Over, l4 Ye;ar, f'ridoy, 7:30 p. m. W01"5hl,l St'rv· 'Ill !ltlonr 1111 l'urk lt\lo•Oih'.. Lo •lll , a • pami.-SR nperatluu \\' .at ho• '" tho· tlch II <.!IOrtment or odd and By Etnie P) le liC't', fkv. Mile Stl'8rns in dlul'ie. ,, " 'pllf'<! hl:!h wit h clrlltilt and l llhnuld have 8tlld la t ha t wr "ill lllll'l'lltllll: raclll unl·overed ln the NAT1~DnoRIAL@) Sunday IChool, 9 30 a. ru , I' liiiJ.:I fton n•·•~:,l••r l''"r>t'rty "IH'II" :.!000 Llh<>rty al\q,. tn r.or·-pllr~lllt 11r lht>rn Who bu,t a ata.mp 0•/u •• r'o ""'" l:rnt•l';/,. .. ""u /,.,.,. •J ""'"""" "1 flbuc~u•rqu•f• Au Morning wonhlp, 11 ll. n• spec-I l..t t•11 ull l(o;l bu~ · •tnJl tld ''"r I'IJ:Tl op;>rature tit lhl' t•riC• .. r ll.bout ,·nthiiMtust 1 .,uh.l tell you nff·harut lt ... " 1.,,.., ... ,. .. ,,., ,.,, I hu r• • .l11'"" ,.,.. .,.,,.. '"' "u'"' wlul• "• -*" 1al music put or's itnnon · t t 1 1 t 1 "' • • '• · _ I"' 11re uf l'il'anln~ A llttll' raking, en cen ~~. pt•r ."n an, ~o·n .. '' nbollt Tunmr Tuva that myllterlouJI 1944 SSOCIATI~ . :J}£,J. •1 lht>,frUIII,J ---I th h t t FI,.ST CHURCH OF CHk eaT, t wecoplng 1111d h".ll"-: wnulol h"IP em t • en • I'll !I . , r·un11-v ,.11n.twlchf'd bet we en ON ·THJ:: WESH:HN FRONT.-Thto s•ddil•r had a White aCIENTIIT I ownrr 01 r••nll'r It "' to ull our ! Qult vuur kld•llnl!. C'hlnu 'and Stbl>ra, or Sarawak. the h ondogt• art•un d tltl' l';llf of hts ll'ft lt-g. fl., h<~d loosely laced :· •·anta~t~ 1" h:.~vt"" .. •It'•·· lsland 1 Et:GJo~NE c ~liT< HELl uoly south Sea leland k ingdom hi~ ll·~~~~~~: bntk 11Vcr th~: bandage. Lido Theater, Centr;al ~venue l al(aln with an F:ngliahman tor a mon- JI(' s111d th(' wnund "d1dn't amount to a damn" and he I •nd VI• Lido llltrntlon all!r> tn <'lty ph:k·ups arch. nr San Maronu. the tiny re- . Vote As You Please! l!.'l!ihl'd th<'v hadn't sc·nt hlm back from the ltnl's. He said he A branch of The Wo=urch. or hl'&J'" or c-uttlnt:e rrnm yarilit Ration Coupon publk. "''hlch. despite Ita inrtnt- had gont• through A f rica and Sicily wathout gl'ttmg w ounded ~ F1rwt Church of • Sci· r"ma11unll' 110 long un ''at·ant lute I te 8 tmlll lllk, hau wlth.atood aJI lhl' ... ~d nnw h e'd got nkkl·d . He was dasgust('d ' en~~y~~. a.r::-,c.~uae~ta.m A property owner who 1:1 lnlt'r· Dates and Data land anatdung, boundary ahlf'ting. · · utt>d ln malntlng a dran tsland, and powt•r W!UrpaUona alnce t ht' With t~ ~lck>ntlnl t>le<>tion now but a ff'"A' W('(•k.s away. You could u•nae that 1h1~ IIUY wu n1d thl'y hadn'l touC'ht'd tb• boM 1 Suoday Service at 11 a m. Wed· Mlllrlle A~u and clalma to be the ~ con!UAion il' arisinJ;: nbouf fht> ri~ht o( citizens w ho an• , lin" aold,,.r H• IMkrd uld. but 1 thmk thr d•!('Hif wu dlscu,tecL o-s&y THUmolli&l Meetlnc at 12! South Puadtna. "llf. BLUE on-polnt ratioo tok.,nlt no t\lclt'et Alate In Europe., r t.__ cf pru~ .. !Jiy .... un't He uld "Hr· • maktnl a beU ot n'clock noon. • ~-longt'r uaable. SlJimp collecting Ia like being ~Wed U tnem\x>rs Of ()0(' politic'al pArty to VOlt' o r '"" Nln I• I took him 10 be a tuss over nt>lltlnl " Then ~ Ofle Rea.dtnc Room located ·at 711 October 1~· 1944 BLUE al&mpa Mll. N:'l. P:'l. Q~. lk data of ltM> otht>r portv. • r" r mer He or the aidmen hr aald. "Oett•r lin f:aat Central Avenue Balboa. la I Ot-ur F.dltor and M good Oc:t .. 1. vaJ 1 d lndt•rl· ~wen rrer llcenae to lila thl' · I •-lk-.. ltlt-• .. ,II· 0 ,_0 .o-•ly from 1 p. ;, •o .. p. m. Y<>ur comment In t hr "RAnd 1 tiel jllnbto anrl \\ondt'r through the cor· lt -a..~.u be ..... ..L.. ··leer tha t in tht-<>t'fl(>ral f'lection. ROY· ... '""' • " htm a shot nf morphtne to q\dat ...-..... -"' n y h So th hll -~ """""" ~ "' billy, and ~aneath him" • l'llcept Sunday• and bolldaya n&· Crab" to re·A•Imlral ~ld'll .. llll\tt· I R.Jo:o !!tamp. H:>. J:'i and K~ goo•l rH..It•r8 uf uttory e P at~-ont" who vote~~ mJIY CASt his ballo t Cor tht> can<Hdates or nn y hll ... hiSitl'rl you Where-upon lhr soldier lqUirmed tlooally (\beerved. I ment that we would llt'll 2000 t (kl I, Yltltd Indefinitely llllt who appean kl ~ alttlng party regardleM or hl!4 own party a ffiUation. In other wonts., could t .. u hP had and ntt)o~ned 'Oh, no. no. no! Ob. Tbe put.uc 18 cordl&lly Invited to 1 Lltwrty ahlp. alter thl' war 10C't 1 New SHOE al&mp va.ll;l :-Jov qull'lly and 1 pro:~;~:u:e hmbrt~ n... t a_...,bl· 1 thr a bte drull f11ce my Cod!" But the d~tor aald co attend the church aervtc• and u.ae (10,1 Is mo.st lnterutln~t. but that 1 1944 11tamp11 may n re J o n an IDdlvldual who l.s a u.-mocrnt may \'0 e ·~ IC8n n He had fouod ahead and lhr a idman eut bla 'lh Readln Room 80methln~t that h• "too little and ' bing with royalty. llludytng lm- aenen) ~l.on. or vk-e versa. 'Ow confu.Uon on tht" point aom .. lone and 1~cve' up to the thoulder. atucll the I e C · I too late" Ia In not aelllng thl'j RATION CALENDA~ for pe·, purtant eventa during the lut huo-arWa from the rect that In the primary t>IE'ctkln tht> VOl('r ~~ crooked. raurdy needle tn tnd aqueezed the "1&1. "l~mnrant laymen" the tnlth ab<Jut rtod begtnnlog qct. 'i. 44 drt"tl year!t, delving Into thoae __ ... ,_ • Rlection within h is D"n party and Cor that reason French ct1 .. r1.1 Thr aidman, try•nl to be aJmpa-~T CIIUIICIIBJ' TID: SEA lht-mt>rchlint marine. thP lmpo•· War ,.ation Boo" Ht "a l lane" I pohttcal tntncat·•ra or nineteenth- .. -. P:nalie ..,.. and he k~pt !ICIIl· tht'llc. aatd tu.lhe aoldlrr. ··1r1 the 0......,.'7 Me ..... & 11ible lawa and the unum control Stamp No. l --. rp n w • crntury F:urope that bafn ed even cannot vote for the candidates ol a ny other party . '"I thue tunny s.•m•• nld nerdl~. ain't tt•" But the ..,_ IE. D. ~· ...... , that banlahed uur ahlpll from the llheet 11 pair aboea)-Cood 0 • 1 thl' h111tc:>rla.n,. ,)f that day, or pok-Bo. remember. you can vote as y ou pleue on Novembf'r 7.1 luc.Mrn1 th.lnp end pultlna them 1 •• ,ld•er }ust 1ru"n~d aaaln and aald. Earty moml~o1~. 9 :30; MU long before th~ war uplratlon date not aet. lng hie nne!' vtcarloualy Into the __ ._ ol whetht>r you are lis ted a RA!publican. Ot>mo<"rat.l •oout thrH lnchea tnlo hit mouth. "Oh. my Cud'" . ~u'1,! ~~~ 11 'o~c~~ L m.: lfay J &Ilk In mode~~ty, what le Stamp No. 2 on "airplane·: I rr•llft exottc• and remote comer. or '"a .. ~ H• ... u n'l nervoua 111 the lt•ut 011r hlllblll) Hldler II& ....._ ~~ 0~~~ 14!rvi~· 7 .30 the rcaaon lor ~uw1umln8 that by aheet ( 1 pair lboeet Cood now, I hi' worl<l or what-ha,w-you. 1'lw main thlng lo; to vott>! Capt. LuciPII Strawn, the battalion sk1ony coear, ., thou1h he w•re at I o'clock Y ' · building a lnt of ahipA we have uplration date Dol ael -------------- 1 aur1eon. atuted to put him '" a a 111111unal C'u11vrntlon tns~d ol a ; Mid-Week prayer ~ervice,Wednet· automatically change,1 lh<'ltt! fun· I NOTE-Take book alone to make . t 1 jet'p to 1•• blit'll to the atd atilllon, balliPIIrld Then one ,.., of the Ut. day; Cllllrered dJih dJnner. 6:30p.m. d.amt>ntal rondltlonll which w iped purcllue.) I expira. tlon date not M . Clturthill at Mostow boll lhr luldlrr 18td: ll:rbeartra Harted back with our ua Off thr walt water en Clltn• War ... tlon aoctk IV GREASE BONUt; -Butcben I "Nuw w .. u I kmtw whrre there ·• new mon. at1d lht• rut or ua .,..,ton I'RICISTU'II M 'lt:"·t: l'lllll\llll" plet ly• St&mp. No. 30, 31 . 32 a.nd 33 wtll &ive 2 red tokena f« nvy ~ vWt ot Prime Mlnt.te-r Winston Chul"('hill to M()!;C()W l•o mort' m~n wounded pretty bu\1 wllh the 10ld1er 10 hunt for ot.ber "Thoo hour 1~ rotnln~:. a rill now 11 S:me. of I hi' largest of Amt'm·a n 1 ~ lb. canning augar J gOOd now . pouod of aalvaced k itchen lata n· . han I II I) ' St II One or them ta a u .. utenant v.ho wouudt'd •h~'n ""' dl'n•l th~tll hl'?t lilt' votet' llhl ownera have for manv yeara I'Xplrallon date not Ht I celved. Is a.lllk.tentbly m~ t il IIOCia ca on n>mtf'r a n. )ua1 aut bark from the hoapllal th•• • • • or ,1,.. ~nn 11r 1 • •t. 11.,., ''"'" I hat be P 11 J 1 IM · t h 1 Stamp No 40 ~~ lb., cannlor BLUE atampa 110 point.. e.cb) And tbr fact that he took the &eac:konl of tht-Po lish gOVf'm · 1 n111mtn1 from hU other wound.. Th., commanrft'r of the partiC\IJar h•·ttr 1\lt~ttl 11,,., .. •·•·r·.11 , •• .lnhn lo en comp.. t' 0 reg er e r IIUC&rt -cood now: ellplrallon date for canned. frouo and dehydrated ..... ~ wtth hlm does not mean that his ta lks a t tht> The antdl.,r n ld they wert rlllhl reatmenl of the f'uurlh lnfantrJ cliv i-rl ... l:olrlf'D 'It• \I ,,, t h .. :'unday ~bruary 28, 1845. I roods: A.8 to Z8 and A.5 to LS, up •ht're the bullt'U ...... r .. llylnl . 11011 lhal we have lleen with Ia -I.··~I<On l"••riiii!O Ill II ••• rwhn~ or "Death of a Ship" Obtain appllcatlon f« additional and 1.1~. N5, P5. Q5 and R5, J(ranUn wtU be JlmJUod to Working OUt a Sf'ffl<'mt>nt o f ttl<' but thll If the aidmen would co ht of my r .. vorttu Tl1#' Motlu ~ l'h1110 '' Tl •• ··h111 c&nnlnl 8UJV &I local OPA good now; ellplratloo date not .et. ~~ d.Liputf'. 1bena are otlM.or mattE'rs-tht> Balk-C'ould ··alk weU enOUi h to IUide That's p.rtl.)' bee~ use be llanen t'hur~h. or I hrlr t. ,.;. 1•·••11 ·1 .!" n... . board&. AppUca Uon. Wbe.n tilled I NOTE New red and blue I thrrn up thrrt• Sn the doctor named mr by C'alltnl me Gt't~<•ral." partly I lion. I rob&llnn art to> llo '' 1 I& tbe '"" whn have D.l'Vt'r Hen a ahlp out, mu•t be accomp&nled by l!Lampe will become valid on or ana ...S tlw Med.ltf'rraneen. off half a duun men to 10 wtth be('ausr )usa louk•1111 at h1m muet aubj~"Ct. 1 1 d ie Spare Stamp 37 Second period an-about 111 .. II rat ot rach mooth. -Brit'-._ haV"" J.--a c....,.DI...t---' th"' Balka n !! t ht>lr h h kl 1 It d .. ,w l'aul "rll"' In hi~ lr•• I• 1 r " Blnwn \I) pl~l'll lh\\ ard the 11ky · r 111111" ...,., ..-.... ..., .vu.:•nar•~ ' . tm me C' U(' e o rn)u• an INI•WJ Tlntolhy, 'T t '' Ill•· &:011•1 I ·hi or .. pltl'&Uon• may be tiled from J uly G ASOUNE-~ ollntlurna-. But thE' c.kw> C'Oflll('('tion t>f M•~·ow n,!' <lllt'lm .,,,.1 told thr un.,.oul)t' br('OIII>e I lhtnk ht' • • very tlne j rnlth. Illy I ,.·,a on ,.,, "'"' lilt', I I I:'> td October 20. Coupon No. 4 (A·Book) four I ,_ h ended t II Lonrlnn's I e<t G~tn '"" "' ... •kH•a and ht'lt> :mldter •hrrt'ur.to tlt•)u 'rl • "''I oil• •I ""d ~ef'n llh&ttt'rl'd bltll or .ateel drbrl•j Red ltamp• t 10 polnla) for gallons, good now. expil"f'S Dec. 21. with tJw JM&rtisan actJv ~IIC1l as t 0 f'(' ~ • ""'" IILtt ""~' "' •" atdmen su·n SeC'urtly fl•rbtds my c1v1n1 bb 1111~1 prof.-•. ,.,1 • 1:'"''1 1,, .. 1,.,.,.,n bl" I F'all alowly d<rwnwan.t tn the aea, ml'alt, chteltl'a, t anned mll.k anrt All coupiJIU mual be endorwed on P'IE!illttce in that eree. Britain is alc;o ronN'mOO ahout S ta lin's 1 ""' b.-u.-. ••' lilaYe ~'"' wUII n . name II• •• a rl'&ul tr army colofwl fntf' mlln)• ".l nP~ , C'llllltt•• I canned flail· AS.lfl Zil 811 , 1 A~ 1 , ta\'e with car llrenae number and __...._1 _._ ..... In Italy and In tht> 0.. Gaullp J,;OVt•mmf'nt llt1r ""''' nrt'n .. aN !table t•> stan and h~ wu nv•r~ra• "' th• lut war '""m lhlll 11n• ri<·h In •h i• ""tl•l. "" ~ral'l'ful lUI 11 "aterrall r.:i and H:>. J:i ltntl K:; (J(KJ 1111 "· lltatto or n:•gi~trauon . .,.... ........ ·~""'l!>u• I (I """ •IIIIK ~~ U> llts dl\'tSI••n l'u11uu.u111t·r 11171 the tlrat lht'y b·· uot J,, ... , ""1 ·I• •I ""' Ht•llt'ltlh all 111ly 11moky pall g ----------in France, and .:'f'll thls 8118 posalbiE' thrent to hf'r m ntro 0 I Th.ll . n~:nt." the dlll'l•lr sal!l oJIII) lruul>lr ... ,lh hun II that be'l ""~'In unl'•·nnlrl "' ' '"I Itt '"" ,,., .••••.•• A·'"'''~"''"" tf1P Medftt'fTilJM!8n-tht> llf<'line ol Britain's t>mpire. ·II'"' •' I""' n ... , e " And h,. ""rnl'd 1 too nnld. and tf ht' llll't raretul he'• 1~< 111•: !inti. "1 '' 1'11' 1 " '" 1 lv 1111 \\'Ill ,,.,.,., ktHI\\ ,.r th•• ,.t 11 rdy ••••••• About two """"-ago, Britain and o •• .,.s'la s·.~.....a .. Jon"· I ··II '""' ulht•t o\tnerkan II> II" A/trr lt:•lllr '" lll't rltpp••d llnf' or ~·e 1''''"11" Ill •. , j.,l' I 'I •.. 1111 Ill IIParts ~--·.. .nu._" ""'""' " ... I j I ( d d n I ,.,, .... rnr ,,. II I II· .• .., ·••>n•lfl I ~ friendship. (lftct. At that time-ttl<' Nazis Wt>n> It'S ('J.(· ,,.,. 11 "''' ,.,.J I n«'vc·r C'l en lht~u~i. Ito• 15 ralhN urw•uul tooalnl 1 1 "11 11"· • 1 1 ' 1 ' : 1 ' ', ',· ' 1 ' 1 1 ' 1 .. I i ill 1 ''·" • I 'lte OC'lor llil 11 ' • •1."¥ 1 1 11 1 Thut fl'lltn llr,.k•'n ~··nl il•rt'd p11rts l Cl\ 'I .. .:-:.-l '''Y fllll) .&) t1 II I t I I I t• Inc ~d and Flt>lrl Ma rshal Ronunt>l wus but \1\1 m.l ('S I ul •1 • • • ThN•· li aum••tlll~~ nlmn~l ~DniO· On llt l~ ~"."'''I 'I' I 1!,1 ' l'lo.ly llpun lh•• dt'lllh .,( nnt• llmllll llhlp -... ._ __ ... ria In I;'.,., t In their hour o r <kosf)('r'Bflon,r h~ll about hi~ f.~t• Whl'n d eaned •n•• ,., ...... n .. ,•ol llo 11' '''" Thalt~udtl~nly Wd.ll liiJI'<•I y hll a.&'UaJ ~IU L10.o1P · 11tr 411\'h•t ,•qd I ~~~ a 11 l1ilr oo U1J Ill! UJuld lJc• a C...u;ock Wbelr 1\ 1 '" t"'n :"'rrn•"H'' "II II"•• ~ ~tltfe weft' tr\lld to haw aK!h a tftftty, ~f fOt' no the alalriO~)' 111alde th" larmi\11\Jse. tlrt·d and dorty ht• roul!l be a fTIO\'M 1'1• u&:;•• .-:ull• rl •' • h •I· '")'I •I II " ! 1, a ~;rtrn<· 1 fuul 11111 1 fRnl>tll _......_,..than to bolater moralf' ln their respl.'ctlve home-fur •hella naJ atartrd lll lltna IUKI 1(811JUI<!r nut Pl!hrr wny. hll eyea l••ll••t In •ln. ~··. ' .. I •h•:tlh.ll (':\u.... "".\:~. If )'tn lhP ~CY\'11 h • outsldt' .. llaln flul In II hill• bit thf' all\ay.s IWIItklt' '"'1'1'111•· • "II " I '"' ·' ••• 111'1 . .. r Iandi. SlncP then, t~ great Allied ~ may SV( 1 d11c1ur 11vt UIJ end •~•d ht• w:o• 1011111 Ht• h:u a ''"''"" lllr direct thought tu•·nt ol •I '1'' "I I • "1 1 ,., So;u , .• WNke.rwd the> atn.-~h or this treaty. . I "' ..... """" th l' •lrtHdWr l'flrl.)' ..... , lhut 15 unu.u .. l lie II lmpellenl ol , .. I""""' I ' I I ·~·· I 1\ ,' " 1,··· I ,. rll lll l~ I' () c .. nnt'll l IT (t t'IUfl , .. (tl It \ t\ lU I •t• ~ u Brttaln •nd RUA&ia cannot recon<ilt> t hclr inft>I"('StS in I l:f'llillll 11111111( I ltltd I'd ltkl' lo \til '"''' lhtnkln~ tit.• I l!•·ls o) onto by-tlurl I h• \ \,I ,, ,,. 'I' I ..... ,. I Youth -.:mup<', llil:h Sc·hnul. In ~·-(hen hf' 0umbart Qaks ~ J:noetnent 01' a n v fll· \<till 111111 llr "'"1 11 It, ""H '" II b• '"" I I I• 11 I 111 lt'nnMlntr, Arlult, 6 :\0 p m • .-.-"~""", t on a • . • · "'-' Jtnu.•ll •HII 11t r .... a ~I"I'"•R I u,. ha• a little habit of «ood· •'" 111, 11,11 'I• h ,,. I F:vtoning l'Cr\'IC'r. 7 30 u't•lock. ttJ.n! ~t~ "111 fTK'On llttJe t oward mnmtnmtn~ " lalolf · ~~>h••wtlll'lcl II"·'~ rull ot hllll•' n~ n.ot .. r•·•ll> "''""·lnd•nc p('opl~ by """'. "1 i. · 1 '" 1\firlwcrk fellowship and prayer . 1ng If Brit,.in nnrl Ru...,..ia do rt'<.'Ondlt-tht>ir infc•rt~l s, 1 tcr• h'h h)' uur '"""blr>IIS Th• "' c•••'kln.,. ht• lw.111 n"'r "' une ude, \\'t·dn<'!lday. 7·30 p m. 1 andPNt ~~ ti ,.4,..,. f:dr consick>ratlon to ttl<' intt•n-sts ..... '' 1"11 '" th•· •htlltn ll ... "~' j ~t''11"'t.: ht-1 .,,. I>• :ow } •urs ~tnd ST. JAMES EPISCOPAL a u~ MJTl(' me,....... . -r n •ucd Ute lltthl. llut thr lruulolo s ...... l( "'". 1hllt~ •harr. And then CHURCH I 81.:\"l':STR DAV \0\'Y.STI~T~ ol the small &il"'p<'an nntlon.~. th<'n Jl('A('(' will han• ll t..-nl "llh lull\ .. lhnt you lit\. I k•u•l\ I :·~·ktrll: 1111 ·•I I ,, I ... uh II IIUI1/ICII Ebell ClubhOUK Comer \\'alnut and (1\urrb Sta. _._ ____ , t& in w ith U"' ""''"' It "m·.,....,_ . I ... ht'n lilt' I "til ••ultJ•·nh C'Uillf' ... .... $n rri. hi.. I· H I •••l;h•IIK t'a l ae~c.h eo.ta Meaa '.:n••~ "' ll Y It " ""' ,. " """ rt~d On. d,,, 1 to.-•• rtl hun o•k ~ llat· 515 Centr;al Ave., New~ • SabbAth ~hool ·:atuntny mom· I A• .... I'll kl'd IIUr .. fl) ·'"'""it lht• t:lhnn ,.,. .. 11 •• n.lt·r what ht• ~'<~"'"'" in~:. 9·30 o'clock Where Will it Stop? I craters I th• uehl I hf'oard, 'cry l:ttm· I "o~ 1 h•• h.•ll.tlton ('o111.mn .. ..Jer Tempor;ary SuJ)ply Clergy Ptt>achin~t St>rvt~. 1 la. m. 9·4~ am . Sunday sc-huol loler le I ly, 11untellody rail "tlriJJ"' It'• '"ttl 'IJrto·ll 1111111: 11110 \J!'Iarl> nl why hla how th11111 stnkr you 1n >AIIf\IOio; tn11,1,1 hlllln'l ~~·• u far AS he h d S. a.latthewa euperlfltendent. I If d Th 1 1 11.00 am . Morning ServicE' and -._ ...a--..L.. h th th ol ultipl<' ~OVE'm-1 remet11brr thinklll& to myst' "Uh, bliP•' <· (' , vnr c-ockrd hrs tt,ad Oua LADY OF MO~T CAAMI.:L CHURCH 'l'"llr pest \A"Uiut:' 3.'\ ~n ('grow m I pooh. that WI\Uid be tno drllmallc-0\•('r. squtnlt'd Up at lhe IJatt •• llon •rmon. rnent buJ'eaUA. Some Of th('S(' haVE' !IPfVl"d a good ptlrpo6('. juallike e book You'rt' Just cma1 m· commander , and utd lUI W. Ceatral, Ne"J))rt Beadl Sunday ma~ at 8 and 10 :1. m . ()then have not. lnl II." "I dtdn't uk you th:at. I ukrd CO .. ONA DEL MA" dt>fl' But the doctor had IIOp~. and you where )'CIU •rrr .. COMKUNITY cBUilcB Evftl W~n" tht> o riglnaJ purpcll!i(' o( an llKft'ICY WRS tr· he U ld. "O•d yuu hur ~omebndy The culunt'l l •'lt's C'unstantly /rom Congreg•tlonal ST. lORN VIANNI'.:Y CRlJRCU llt Mart-A.-e .. ftalboa bland Sunday mau at 8:30 11. m. abre, too otten it." oCfldals have sougl\t to exCX'ed their author -yrlllnl 7" one ballnlton to another durm• bat-~rTY F . Schrock. mlnlater ,In lty in Mlder to C8JTY OUt their OWT\ phllosophy l"l"g8rd)es..; of So Wt' hctenrd IIIIo. and thll time II~. trorn rarly lt~hl 1111 tlarkneu, Ch&rl'e. we C'Ould hear It plamly It sf'etned Ht' weora a nrw lypl' field jacket Sunday. Ot'lobcr 22. 19H. ~known wishes Of the people. t.o come from a rar cornl'r or Lhe thnl llta him hvp I sack. and ha amall children mt'f'l Ill JIUmi'O\' )(CJ.t dbturbing has tx-en thf' dltdosure that theBe ques-ll~ld, ao we ptC'Ited our 'f"3Y O\'er 1n c-arrlea • lnn11 st1c-k thul T~dl17 and F{lurth All ob<'vt• filh l(mde nrLL GOSPEL CRURCR UDd .... EJctea, Coda M-I • .-....a 1 · '-··~ b t that diN cllon Rooseveli ••vr htm Hr ker~ C'On· ~ pnactJa>s a.no beln& ~ not on y In new IJUI~US. u Flnai'M ··e •aw him. a soldier lu, meet at the home l)f Ueut and I _ ..... hi hi y v atanlly proddilll his C'"lnrnlltldtrs to Mr" Marvin J.Aourk. 916 Ocean aft ltetnc adopted by, Or impoAe'd Upon, 0 <Jt-r a uu g Y rt'-lnl 11n hl1 back otar a he-darrow. pur.h hard, not '' let UJ), •n kftp Sund~ty school. 9 :45; momlne wof'lllhlp, 11; Eva.ngellstlc:-wrvl~ . 7:30 p. m .; Mfd·Wf't!k prayer mt'l't·l lll,l on Wf'dnesday, 7 :45 p. m.; youn1 people'~ evanaell~tlc ~ervl~ _ _. •........4-. ltrll y~lllnl "Helpl" a• we ap-drlvtnl and drtvtr1JI ' ulevar<l. ~~ -.""·"'-~ 11 :00 am. Church l'lervlce at the ~ ph--'4-..l ln the t ol )J stat£' proa('hl"d The aldm•n •ho had H~ II lmpallef11 \<'llh 1'•'11101Uiodf rt on Friday, 7:45 p. m. a-Will ern 113 ueu reoen case a 811\a atarttd ahead of ua had i •ll do1wn 1n who lnae lhl' mam pn111t M the war "Ch••JK'I by the Sea 410 Coaat CHURCH OF THE AIR bank tn t.o. ~county which applied for membership ln • bomb C'rater "'ben the ahelllnl by ltl'ltl na IIIYoii\'C'd •n dt'tiltl.-~ Hljthway Log A:'IJGF:LF:S f"ln !'unday tJ1e FedrraJ Reserve> S~tf'ftl. The Ft>df'raJ Resc:>rve boArd atarled, 10 the dOC'lor now ••aved man point M ''"Ill$• bt•m~: tu t111l Sermon by Mr~ Schrock · "KI'I'p-mclmiOF: Ott 22 the ('ulumbiA ,._ 1 · h · J" • l dn tbf'm to C'Ome on • • • I iDe Up Wtl.b the Jonea'." Church or tht Air will b.-, .. ntlucl· faand ftO ••U t Wlt Its managetnS'Il or Its genera SOUil (.'t;.o;;, ~ we...-t4 Nl41for waa tnaklnc Anothrr ot m) '·"•'rt'f'' " ,. srr-' ed under tht• auapu•e~~ of lhe but otrered It mt>mbershlp on lht> condition that the bonk an ... tul tuu Hr wu twtaltnc and ceanl "'h'' "'"' thr colon~l , r•tl· coeTA IIDA 00110111N1TY Ouu llan S('trnrr <~~mmiiiP!' on would preyent the OWlle~fp of lfs Rfock from passing info IQUirmlnl , and moanin1. "Oh, my mental mrss lit> ri'Oks •••rr.r htm• CBUaCII l 'ublicallon for MSIIIIII<.'huutlll Th.- Godl Oh. m7 God!" He had • band· ll'lf. but moally h~ t>.•cs., th• c-nvk-~:~~~~t:': progTam "''II bt' rcle_.., ovrr !;tR· eertaln ~. a1• nn hi• n 1hl hllnd and there ,,... lnl 9 .,. lion KNX al 7 n'••lnck. PacifiC' ".\'111r Of •'--board had ' ht mak ._... h i h I tt I H .. l · rh 1 J Onarcta Schcd. :..., L m . ~ uar no ng to (' mMT'llA."f"'S p blood on u e «'I. s name ts Ar "' ~~ .rphy Mornlnc Wonhlp, 11 o'cloc:k. time. _.,_~ tD IUdl te-rms Furtht'f'mon-it l<n4:>w that no ban k or I The durtor took bta IC'tuort end a nd hla home 11 at Ttrnt. n, :-< J. ~:::..:--_::._ __ _:_-==:;;;;~iiiiiiliir~;w~~~iiiiiil ~" · ,.· cut the IPIIInc off. then cut the lacu Murph 11 redhndrd. but h:•• n~.l hll 1 other corporation can control 0\\nen.hip ollt.s stock s irl'cr nn y on the Jh<K'. •nd then peeled orr • head nnrly aha1 I'd hkt I''·'• •·• 3 ly .tockholder au\ selJ tO all)'()O(' hl' Wlshl'S. bloudy (O('k and C'Ut lhe paoli le1 all the Wt,lt'rn f runt •••ldlf'rs-of· In uu. lnslan('(', lht> bet'l('fits o r Fro(.rn) R~r.·(' Ol('OlUt'r-~~,;.~rh~ .. ~~u~~. ·~; .. ~~h:~u~~d .. ~~ ~~~;. ~~~ ~:~~.r~.~ ... ~:':ntlr~lur}lh II ahlp, Including d<'poslt lnSUnutL'C' w h ich prot<'<.'l.S intli\'i<1unl aqutr11unc anrt lllt1AntuJ1 When I uked hun what llr dtd In bank depositors, Wt're mack-!::ubjrrt. not solt'IV to t>Siahlis hNI Wht'n the dnclor .,.,,uld try '" talk eh·lltan l1le. he th ... tJ:ht a ,. ••m•••lt · to him he wnuhJ )u/f rroan ~ml and then 5ald \\'•II I ",,, .• •J.y. .tatutftl, but to tht' wishes of the b(l>'lJU. u 1. "Oh. m> (.;,,.i•· F111.tll.~ rh~ Jter. Cues• ynu ,1 r•ll , r 1 ~111tt Wend ell Willkie du1·tor 111•1 f\ltl ••I h1111 111.11 hi' h.l!l of promoter I nl" '" • 1 :od th• , 111tt lind a •mAll "••••nd "' h., rt.•nd :11111 of job •·ht'rc Y"" 11 ~dr s·.o • ,. 11 k htJ sr•r~··~nl h.HI bnnd • ~··I II rf ~ •hry and $1 ~Ill ,,, th~ '"'' told hlrn to Unrt In the II ,,r 111rn, ll•tw 5 thnt f,t an ll""'' I n .t• • It may tx-mnny YNII"!' bc~fort• '' ,. shall hf• nhlt• to rit•lt'r· C"'"'flll ~C'rnH thr Ot>ld. ,, •I" 11 11 n,~~. Murph and 1 11 t t(l • d• ·n~ ,,, ,1t mine "·st how ""'HI the I~ nf \\'pnfif•ll \\'illkil' il' t(l this na· 111"111 hnd ~"'hun 111 11"· 1• w 1" wst•.q•er 111' 11 ,,,.,. ""' ' • 1' • d J'-" ... I ,,, .. rl.•r(l\f IOIIkl'\1 hill• ll'r thllr• h ' ..:• oll\llr.llh·•r ..... ,, ',.' tll.'f tion. I 1\lr~hl) Thrrr "<'II' I\\'' '" rill hulr• o: .111 Ill' tl'lll r t 'I • u :11, Jnd When fll(>O pas~ fnm 1 t"n r1h '~ ~t,'llPs \\'(' :\1'1' indint'll t11 wst 1h• \t thr n11kll' The dl'rtor , 1 ,."o " 111"'" ,., h· ·~ minimize their fnults n nd ma~llf~· tlwir ,.ll.ltt<'-'. Rut \\'tth Wendell Will kit> It is rliCft~r..-nt. \\'ht't lwr "<' :11'1' J')f•mOt•rat ... or Republican s. C'O{IS<'r.·n t i\·f's •w I il ~'l'.l l~. "-tlpportt•r"' (lf \\'ill- Ide's ideftl11 or oppoflf'nL<i of tht>m, '"' fand If t•nmplt•f<'IY unnt'- cessary to minlml7.L' or m ngniCy. Our \\tWd' can n <'ilhl'r ndd add to, nor d<'trac t from. his "tntun• Wendell WiUkii' "a." n bi~ mRn--hic in hody i\nct 'Pirit. big in cournge. big In hi." mncept of t has wn,rld anrl at s pnlh· lems. Hls spectacular ri~ in ~itJcaJ hfr wns Jittl(' sh o rt nf -miraculous. tn four bri~f m o nths hf' It-aped from ohi't·unt~ Jnto naUonaJ prominence and gained th,, ,gn~ntt-st ~UIJfl\'ll't eYer aocordcd a Republican candidate> for th(f"pn-,.ir1<-n••y. :'lh• Qrnt II •'1'1 t "1'1 I t.ul~o r• rd· 111~ ,.,.,. 11 II"" • •· :\lurr·h •nld It "=-• " I'' • d 11 tlh h rn f'very• ri.1y h,. .-1 ~ll:' s· \\,,llh ut :t c ··nt nc'·' I'·•P•·r• 1 rr • '' •r.1d thc-m nil n:J:hl 1 h• 11 ••tol ln 1 r "'II thf' 11ds He '.4uuld ) t•l 't'itl tne 51 ones , lr'11k 1~C tnr • rnr'h • 11 '" r nurl,. Hr d IIPI h.n ••• ~ rn"cl Lnta 111 , · ,., \\hl'!l I v.a• a IUd It' d J;l'l lllr I Ill of ~d II IWO or thri"P In thr n·, r• • .: ·" 1 1 1 to some story In II ~ 1 t•rr ~r I 1 ~"• about rrl'"' 'I' • "I,, dulu • 1 , e .Jf'n'{ir-f'n~·u.:•, tf l Jt it I'' r I ,, I e rurt 1•f a ft't.:c· <'f' ~lutph and I ·lllrC'f'd 1~.~: ,1 ,..,, IMIItn .. t.-hts i;l1'ldh th1 r r3«o· ~Q ~l<>t t hf' rnt '" rr.l"t'l "'~ s•.,n. tf he "'••uld dout-11,. .. hJ\f nm "'"'" l\lu~ph ne''' srn••kl'<l r•~•r<:lf'l un~2 h~ landl'd In f'11•ntl' · li·J~': He bowed out ot active poUtJca· f~ h is dere.tt in .t ht• 1 rou ld not fin e I It in · h is na ture to dodgt>. ~·ade or rontprvmlse Wilconsln primary . He-k.new It would be OOf' or the h~f'liei-t on any issue. Ht~ !'po kt> bluntly . forthri~htly anci lt•t ttl~ teiU ooncetv"ble-. But that'~ why he ~ It Hr> samply l votes full where they would. Yo. •ill lad JOIU'Mlf one ol the bM lllforme4 penon~ in your roiiUIJuniry :whenJou rwad TlM.O.ris!iM Sct.nc. Monitor rqularly. You ••II 6n fresh. n-••_,o•n" faller ridwt undencand•n• of wOfld affai" .•. cnuhful, acauate, ........:0 _,_ WoO.. "" ,.mp" ..,,a ...,.,, •• -. • '1.1. Y. .-cb ttiaiiUbacriptioo. ------------------r ,.. a ................. ,.~ ....... "' -.""'1'11 I .......... ''""'· ........ I~ ,,.... I ......, _. ,.. ..... f'Optw ~, n, L ,. . .. " • ,. , .. ,, ' ~ , . .,. I 0 CIU'\eUaa ~ .... u., \.neiUdttlf • I I I '' r..ton.l ,\ r _,r.-~--'·"" ,.. I I :::Ui::::::::::::::::· ..... . L--------~----- MODERN MARINE SERVICE SHELL DOCK BALBOA ISLAND November 7th Will Decide! * * * * * * * ... On that fateful day it w ill be decided whether America sholl be governed by Amer•cans or foreign bo rn radicals and corrupt machine politicians will complete their tailing over of our government. The wcceu of •he Hillman-CIO attempt to gain con trol dt'pends on three thing• .•. first, the belief according their lying propaganda . . • Second, the casting of every ponible big city vote .• , Third, the "failure of rural people to go to the Polls. Neither the Hillmant, the Browders, the Haguft; ,endergastt or ICellya are concemed a b o u t party principles or the welfare of America. They support the Fourth Term becaute th4ry exped to be palcl off in placet and power. Notte of them haa a shadow of agricultural in· teretf. Their only Interest Ia to ewn t~ Fourth .Term Admin istration body and MUI. Ruuian born Hillman, head of the Communltt controlled CIO Polilicol Action Committ" Ia known for what he it. Bon Pendergatt went to prl10n for h it ~rimet, only to be pardoiMCI lay 'resident llooseveh, as wat Browder, the Com- munitt. Pendergatt's protege, Harry S. Truman, it Roo.evelt't ha,d-piclced running mate. There are no morale to Comm11nl~m. It it the ·avowed e nemy of huma., freedom and human rights in p roperty. Furthermore, a clean and honftt America cannot aurvlve with machine bones in control of the national government! The tremendous problems ahead will not not' can not be mer by an odmi,istration told out body and soul to ~uch e vil ogentsl America 's need erie~ out for the leoder\hip of cleon meo who stand up for honesty and forthrighlneta, for men who have faith ;., the American waye a nd belief in America's future. Farmers of Americol You and yovr sons are g ;•ir g yovr all to he lp pro'ect An-erica., ideals from foreign oggrenion. W ill you give one day, Nov('r~ber 7. to perpetuate tha ideol thot , , • Orange County FarmerS Against the New Deal laftalet J. loiter H. l . W, ._,... a..rt..A ........ HenryJ. Lecbtt c. M. McC.dlech ~D.s......., Rubber Lined Winch Head .u.. l"'llbenDaa •• Frieacl .... wear ... Tear-~ -~ ••• ......._, vt'M ' C. NORMAl'S 1307 Cout HJpway-Coroaa del MU' We Telegraph Flowe~ Ptaeta ... ea.,-._ fer l'ov 0...... IUISEIY ,. --...... . OfiHIWIRD ne Test~oanlla• i• wc.k· ing clay a1tel night il\ Tel .. pb.aae Centtal Offioee to keep ycnu telephone ..me. work· ing aaoothly. lt'e uuail\g what he C&l\ do. If then ahou!d be any trouble on the linea, apecial inatru· IUI\te help him loc.te it with· ~a few ~ar!•-•nn thoucrh it b mi1ee awa7 &om the teatU\9 atation. Thia ..... howe of MUCh· ll\g by line crewe. That· • mo,. important than ever th••• buay war claya. 8oaeb111e1 you ..,.Y !lear the Lonv O le· laAoe operator aay - " Plea•• II all 70ur oall to S aii\Utet • That'• tel.t you lmow that the llllel are cnow4.._ IOUTHIIN CALifORNIA TILIPHONI COMPANY • ' " ....... IIA:O.: I'A A~ A Tho "l"'tll" nf 11~t•n ••n luly 1tt 11'4:1 hi' _,. O'"tl"t c.,.. aftll a Oreat V•"'-')' ef UftuiUal Qlfb 'W K IN\'ITK T PU TO ltltoM'l<lr; AROUN O" C. E. LOUCKS .II.WE.Lf'Y atte~ ITA1 1011oE."Y Olam ... cte · W atchee • ""'• "•palrlftiJ ...._N_,_,., .... t nl' M ""-PH' at...., .• c..ta Mna, Ca lif . ~•111••rt "hn•h 11tarti'\J with fil l· I 11"''" ''"'II IM ltt'l\t tf'llllll( him l'llfff ,fill \ .'II tP•l\ WU Ill l\lf'"'• 1111' l"UKIOI llUII f<l hA<I "'1111111111•1 ~~~~~~""!!~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!! "'''"''II "'nr ltw tc .... ul I'AI""OIIlllll ;---------- 1"' l'oou•' ""'"' "tlh I<J\rl It olur11111 tho• hAian•·•• "' lh~ ftlltllllll tlu""t '· ,, ;"''' t1<•11o h nort·h•ullf -··11 .. ,11 hr Ia olr mantthljl J:\:0.0.1 oln lll p••• "''"'"' 11n 1n11 ,.,,,,, IIIMI l' 1111•'~ An•l fur a-ult anol IW~III'fl (''""" 1• ~. ,,111 t•• •1111·1~•111 uwr'lrr \11111'11 tw IA.\'1!1 wu I'"" ul Ill•· ,,r ~,.111 ,. ~'"'" ,. "''''""II ttwtr lltklll.: .,f th•• '" "' tu· ""k" 1"''1: lfll""'",-,,..,,,., . .llh'lo:•' K••nn .. tll uwnl foot $:!11(111 ltt'tll'rftl a11•l f:l4\ll 1': Wtllllllllll MJ\4't'IAf tlllm....-11 Ht11 •1 ,.t111 tc·d t h· , 111111 "' 111111 In o•ctnnrc•tlt~ll wllh tht' a•""" That Cr~y),ound '' loolrln.-ahead to the poet·war ff& with ot~tlmllm ie .howu hv lh~ Wt'II-,J,., ~·~~··~·' rlans fM ntw bun" to br produre<l•• IIO()n •• 111•""1·11 1111 111(1 lanh~o .. ~ arc rt"lcutd. The nationwide but company. which lcH '""II ht'<'n a lra.Jer In tht' drnlopment of fiMr hi•hwa y triDIPOf'latlon. rto tntly lrt contral'l• for rnnatructjpn of nperimtntal modrb of a new • '''!'''"'tnlt'~t roach to st"at fifty-one puaenau•. Thue will bt built by Con· ~olttlat<"d. \ uhr~ Aircnlt Cnrrora· r--------------- 11011· tQUIJ'I'toi ~·than arr·roolcd avi· ibility. PtTftctrd air eonditioeiq and ;jllt•n typr C'IIJ:tnt', and hv Crnrr~l new method a of •hock a bsorptioe will Mutnr&. "'ho:c mode It will be diutl-add to the comfort of pauen~n. t•O,Hr~oi It 1• rxpN'trd that tht' t'lll· An ouuundintr innovation il the l'<'llrurntal "'''"' lo "'•II br rrady for nt wly·dt vcloptd dtmountable rtar • 1":"1 lt•t• t-arl~ nr'lt ''Ur. tnd tnaint a u r mbly which CID be ll\ ftj 1 1\ ., ~\Iiiii lt"II\IIIOf I )ljtt•IC I hl\ll(t' lhl<l( 1111\'10 hO' Wl'll ll ... t'f'J' ""'' l•ll t~ll••t.:••ct '"'''" h oof ••••lltnu·t .IJIIV :!II 1111<1 thai hi' lll'llkl' Ill' t•• a n,t tho ,1 ••'I f,.l ol:tlllfll(f'• r••l' ttl 1111:1 llll<t'll IIIII Vlrtj( 1111' llr1ulf' fl'lffi I• · •·I , cult 111,1 ''""''r\' P l•t•n 1111 111 •••fiiiJ: I'''"'• llr 11alol whtl<' htt• I• ,, ., , "'"''''' """ '" \llllrh hr "''"' Klll'llll•ltnl( In ,.,.m .. vr Ill• tw alto .:1·~ 11 •11 ~I "'"" ll<'l:ll~t••nl lr• ''"II tl•h11111 It''"' fr"ns thr 1•••1 1"'1 "" , 1t, ool lit• l o>t•l lltlol 111111 PI"''" ""'" kl'ol h im h•-'~·····t \t • ftlf'k• an Mt*t IIHUllU.: Th,.. hPMt ttVII•t'tt•r-Ut hla C'tUIItlt 'f Of f\.Jhlll~ , t•h t\tltt nu"t' 4H\ '\bt•l\'11 • "11\l•ln tlf udtu tttf'otl fhr ftl-:f"f''l'fUt'llf b<tAI tho llrh•l• "'"' ""'"' foul c·unt•·uol..,l ht· ""'' 11 hr hu•r~ ""oil ,, .. tht' n me "'•idtl) <"asily dtt:arhtd for r~ain whilt the ~n• ~u~:t h '"· lit!!' fl~f'·• nt l~r~:t-•t htody rtmain, in urvict with a rt• ·:·.Hill ... !Jut >ItCh!"' htllhc r r aHrn· r lacrmt'nt rowrr rlant. Furthtrmon, ~,.,., arr n~tr.t '" lhrt'r comr art· 1hr arparatt engint unit will com-·:~~~t"· a~oi tht ntw arran,l!rmrnt ar· r lettly rliminatt tht tranamiuion of 1 1" Y w~l~ ah1•f' mn1rt rf•mlnrt. lr~e mo lor noi'e and vibration to tht pat· I ''"'"'an .rt'tt orn n "'""'''"""' lhan srn,l!f'r compartmtnt :'!'V rrf'voo~• co mmrtrial hou rl!l. J udJrinlf from thia· fint releatt on tlrl~~r~(l~~n r''!~~~ohabJ~ ~~ ~~~t' for 'l"lt'Cifirations of C';rrvhe>unoi'l f'Oit• •rr.·irr. 1 ar1 1 It~ an 1~ t unch war comrartrn.~nt Snpt'~·Coarh, it Tht' Ul r I 0 ar prart that htj;~hwav tr.Jv~l~rJ can o1 .r C1 1"1 H,llf'l and lar,tr h\Oic ahud to ~erut~r f'njoymrnt end r ut,·r wmclm~~. "'111 ruult ;,.. •m· CNnlort in bu1 traotporutioa than t~rovrd urramhnonll and ilfrt~atu via-•v•r t..l.-. ""' .. '"'''' .. , ''I lakt flo ""'' •' , • u t '"'' •1 h• 1""' ''l"•'U t•t d t &,:ft t lo I Hf Fo•h I ftf 'tl \ It ell, I • II t .. I.• • -" t I I • ' ~ t " I '. I .... t tl , h•fll h •II h •I hMhtnl,. p tlt)•to '~ n h t \I oCt U f• ft•H lt11U for ht,. \4•••k ulhl -.., ""''' tt.,I.- U,.•'(t n . • '" , ·I "' "''' .. •·· •·· Cf'IVf' th,. lt't' t•f "'• h t .. 1 loti tht CM'Uf~1 t:l\ lllj.; l tl••'fl f1 l'holl• H( tht l•t .. t I • ••I ''"" u..: •. , ....... ,,. htlh., H~ lUll<~ I ••·•I t ll,.•·n 111111 "'' ''" htrn fl lt3 lt•r hi• \\ootk tcilll I• 1 llln· trrtaiM Corona del Mar News HIUltmvntl ~:.·nrn•l """"11"1 Mu· n .... ,o IIJl" "" imr rov ... l that 1t wu Van Wyk Leads I nnt nt'i'NII!Bry tu havt• lht" t'llJM'Clt'ld v ' G • 1 I U~• flf'llllle llfonNii\.!1 ' I•J)('rllllun W tUI propt-r ,....t COl. eterans rou·p In Mrs. fo'rank 8f'rkht·tmt'r nnd .,"' V.-nn can bt• ... urM M r.<'overy, De • Jimmy Rl'<'ll t Af'\'l'tlll tiRy lt with ht't lht• .t .... , •. ,l' Info rn•··.t him I wey Campaign I parf'n ts Mr anct Mr11 ~ 1... ~·•k•·. Mt ,. H~<lt :r.. 41(1 t"ua11t buul .. van1. Edwat .. r Mr Hok1••11 IJrutnf'r. Mr Khot h.''' Mllllf'r lln•l hu•han•l. Mr., SANTA AI'\ A <'hnrlo·~ \'an F'rsnk llnkl', WalJKtkt", 111 ,111 \'181t· rol1n ltoll! 1-1 I> l'nll<l', l.ynwunti.,W )'k. n 1,1111 1111u-h••r ,..11.,1, 11,.1111• log him for a mooUl. Th" Sa.m rO'tum .. d M••nday fr•lm a four day 11\41 tlw Orluo~•· ('nun t' Jo'lln no·l• J:foke .. lrft for San Dhtgo Turllday Vl .. t to P~lm Sprong. wht•rr lhry Aaaln•l 1 ho· 1\o•w llo•lll. · l~o•.:•en 1111• Wllh h111 tii<)Ulf'r to ,vlalt rt>latlve. aa.•• the \\r 1tt>m lhow and r odeo olhf'r ,11/h luilfl\ <'houm 1,111 ,,1 tho• tht rf' wturh OJWnw Ull' M'IUOn lhr rt' Vf'trr11n, lur 1 )..,. '') """'''m•·nl 111 :\lu l";r(ltJ.:t' Lo·"' Ill :l04 Man l(nlu Wt. JI.Yitln• Shannon. daughtrr Oran~:• ''"IIIII\ .,.,,,. '"'' hun· ,,·,nut•, llp4!0t Tui'~IIY with hrr 1)1( llr a nti Mn; K \\' Nhllnnun. ~ ••( lrto•ntiJ. 111 tho• hur1w•r <II• h h•nd and rormrr nrl(bbor, Mra Santa An~. ami llar~old Kh hanta. tnrt "'h" kn"" lw "'Ill tin ,I ~·~•I Sh,·rm&l' ="uj;e'll 11r Snnlu An!\ L&gunll IWach . .,....r,. m~o rrlo·ol at a job. Mr and Mra. J J GllbPrt &nd qult't •·an{JIPIIJ.:hl v.•••l•hn~e. ~Ktur· "" .,.,1, ,,1,1.,1,1,.,1 It~ 11,.,11111, J tv.·t> 1!01111, Rt'fll~nd10. IIJ)I'nt Runolay clay 111 t h,.. Bnh7• ('hKJ,..I IJy the Rt·nnln11 ool S.111 "'·"""'"'~'. ,.,,., ... \l ith thl'tt lrll'ntiiO, Mr Anol Mr10 Sra. Kr\' G<w..Jr ll. Nt'Wiw•rl . n!fl· tiV•· d ouum,sn ul 1tu Sl:ol1• \'••I L. T F'nl••m 3 lli Mlln,lluld IIVf'nuo· 'tnlln;-Thf' hrld~!'a f~tlhcr gave t'n•n~ \\•·ll;or•· """'' fl••;ll<hm "'ol~. m .. • c·uwoln. C'urp V~cwe hl'r IIWR)'. ht'r "'"1''1 \\'lnlff'f'<l wu (•nn out•• '" Sllll ril•·..:u Ill otl ....... ,. \\';ollw.n, nl~eht •. n I{ In I' .. r. Air hl'r hrhlt·l'lrnKHI IHhl Jao k c;ott, Vt•lrr.lll' lool ,,..,.,., ,,,..,,. • "" (', rr11 lllllp rtncd Ill HnJ;IIWI'II N U.Kuna 1~1" h \\:tl' hf-111 '""" The (('rl'l'd "'llh \'o111 \\:)k 1111•1 ·•I• :\1 , ltl<•f'Jit'd hv ~unolllv (,11 :l Vlllll 111 .,,. "'"''' a I"•Wclo•r hluco t'n· )JOtnh'll h1111 loo Hl"\:111111•• lho \o•l on h la Wli)' homl' In Uullywuo .. t fur •• '· 111• llllof I olrf .... It \\ 1111(' Utble erun !;I'Hll l•· 1111(1 lht•lf olll\lholll•'' hl1 fUrloUgh. \\till llll 1'1' hill l'lill_\' 1."1hllllt WPft' in Urknl!l' 1'1111111)' fill til<' dl l\'p fcor M r a.n<l M I,. N If Lund, l . ..oll l'"'"'•nt Th•• hrh.lri(Toum Ia I.D (i(lv '11u•r"'" 1-: I ~·'I •·> '" Angelu. ar~ ~f'lltll for 11 w~"k or ll('rv 1 tt't' In th .. Navy and 111 home prt'Sid<·nt .<nd 1 ;,., .1 .. 1111 llll•'k•·l Mr. anti Mr11 H T Mytn, 31~, 011 eave. 1 for vwo• ~~·...,lt•JII, I..Arklpllr 1\Venue. The Yunda' M .. mt..,." II( u ... Junior rroup of Van \\'yk ~oalli thllt t ... IA'ullltl d&u~thur Pt-«10' ~tt Saturd11y ror t~ Melody rl11b mtt at tht home cell • ~lin• nf rmmmf·nt vrtrr- Huntcr& collt>~. whtre ah• wUI be of Mr11. ~verett 0 Nunan. 208 an• to d{ovt•lt'll tht• l•rt..crllm, und I'UI•t fht• IIUilt Ul tull fnr 1h t1 n • J•M11 ""' k "'"' ••ht hr h l\tt lt\!1 .~tt•1 ''"" ... " .. ''" ....... , ''" '"'"•' ""''' 'llt'•'fl , ...... l.r-tl •• •••• f'h "' ,.:f'•l I,,., ·I \\ ·•'-tu•.:tt..:••tlf "' ••tth • uf hi,. ""' k '""' ''""~•·•I I h•· lo'ltl Sill' \\ttf tfl lit .. a.. 1'1 llt t "''" filii l'ft htt,. ftt•t ""''t' "" ... f """' "'tr: tlj ,.,,. t '"htn.c • llh•hr• A fht ,.,.. uunl ra "'"·' '""'" '"'" J:\;l;t ,., ""' "ll""' I. ·--Oftrt.•le& llot. 'J'Wie.U .. ~ud lpltlaa A4jaataw.te F'ectcwy 'J'tahwd Carbumor ~llat W~ alliO handW lind Cal"f' for IIAJUNE MO'rol&8 · Ars larace AUXN OLOVt:R GEORGE VON ORI18EN 11%0 OOAST HIOIIWA \' c.-... ...., t nrolled u a Wave. I 36th IOtrrrt. NPWp<lrt, for thelz ~l• hla t~ltnlzntlon. Wre, William C. HWI. 240 Hello-mnnlhly rf'('ttlll. Saturday momu.a.! ------------ trope rw<'nue, u11 Mn~. Mr~ry IJ>u , Ml11a Margv .. r Rcoharfe. 307 Cold-, Olt'rkf'r. SMta Ana . rnlt•rtalnl"d enrtld a'·••nu•·. ( 'r1runa ''"' Mnr. It ~<:r••1111 n( fn r ntl.M, Runolny Ill lh•·lr I'"'''" It'll• h"r l•lnyrd Ulo' clmnrr Itt Mr .. 11 111'11 h"m·· Ill oorwnlng """ r \,...,tnl( llllllll~i•l • hone,, oof llrndo·n ~·Ill· h 1< l11rthrln\' ~lllttllll l''r• 14 1 ptay•·•l th•· lh•·ntt· T h11:o.• pro·~· nt "'''' :\l1 "" 1 :0.1~,. ~ .. n~.: "1'ty Sm olin.:: thrn the two llrs<cl••n Fon• h I l,u;d I •1 I', M r ''"""'"'' r,. "' 1110 hoo~l • ~~ J ..... , .11 1 I ·lllol .\11.< ll11 rt 1'1•• I• 1 <:ul•l••nr.ul """"· l•la\o •I Ill• llr"t IIUIIIIH•t • ( I'"' IIIIo' ,\II ltn•l :\lr" \\'lllklo•r thr tt•• llRI Wlltl It )(riiiiJl Ill olllt 11 ,,..,..,,.. lt••lt'hl., ~lr,. l'arn lt~<n· 1-~nur of tho• m<,;UII'r11 -.·o·r•· 1., ••• ,,1,, lolall Hall"" ,,It ""'' ~~~~ ~l••ol ttl'frto!!hmPnl~t wrro• "''rv.,,J toy IJ•··I font I',..PI•\ H\' n111 ,\11-t .. \J:u tfvn hu.-trs.!f ... lloll "·"II hto·r tol Mrll IIIII I ~~~ ltflol ;\In• l .11rr\· Boovl•• 11nc1 ''"'lr llllll~tltc•rll ••f nl~ n .. ;.r lrtk•· "P• nt t ho• "•~ k r nd "ol h M r !tool ,\lrll ll.un ~I111H h. :1 11, ~lll rl!;ttlol l llrf'f t I '•fliJIIl,.ltHII\:C f\\\ .u• qt.h l Iff• •I r•nl••llltoh).;lli<>'. hrH II rlltlt~l.llll• tutu h•·n 1Sfl4. J'uttt~jf f ltt·~•Kt14, ut• 1 I toiiiH11', M.tllllltry IUitf IOtiU!!lrlttl l I IIV~nUf' ll)'!;lt•no• t'llj:lfll't I ll, It ""~ Mf tit I • Dan c1ng Every Saturd•y In Costa Meu Le&IOII Ha11 18th Street -JuMt Wt'st of Greener'11 Store ILEIHW'S -IESTII (~lvee You "Just Good Dance Muail-'' and a •un Evening of •"un DANCING ""-t P.M. ,,.., .. , ...... , •·h~u ..... ,,.. VOTE ''10" -Pn,.ati••12 The flnt 1hreat ~itlon No. l2 Ia direded apinlt all voluntary .. sociations wlwther of worklnpen. farm en. buaineamtn, chufthmen, or war veterana, formed to protect and advance the riahtA and interetlta of their membenhipa. VOTE NO -Proposltloa No. 12 OllANGE COUNTY UISTRICT COUNCIL OF CARPENTERS Ft u•tH.IH H( Ll, I 'ul F I' \'f•nn Ol lhf> Fort I10li$:11Ut lJlaJJ, ho•aol· 2:10 l.llrk,opur AV••nul', will h•· gla.tl q1111rl•·r" u( MttJ••r t :rn••rul 1•11v11f ~~~~~~I~I~&~P~a~l~~8~t.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~e~l~~~~~~~~~~l~t'~l~:~:r:n~lh:A:I~h=t~~~h:••:n:••~·~f~r:••:lt:•~l~h•• ;\I< I~~. it .lr l~onlrnaoo•lon~ r;~ .•. , • ••r:al ••I ll.o• N111lll So·rvk t• ( '<lm• If ffilt.JHI A 1'1'"' a pl,o rnny ''""""lllll· r atA• by h tlc·r Wttll Tt1r AoljullUlt c: .. nr•rul v;n.'!llln~l··ll ,, (. r .. r TAKE HER TO • ONCE A WEEK' BALBOA'S R~ND ·EZVOUS BALLROOM Presents \ AND H.IS ORCHESTRA SA~RDAY NIGHT ON~Y, OCTO~ER ~~ - Coming Saturday, October 28th -Chuck Cabot Rllf' h ( ••mmH4~1onH 1.<•( nil .\l'llr Vlt·W~ II ltlt• ,,.. •II• t"Tt'l t •·t1 lo ll •• l•d. ht,wt•Vt t 0 \tHI-l ••r at•· 111tl• f"'lulo•ll•, "ltloutll ,1 nt, mRn • an tl•· • ,.pv ru,r ..-vrn h•m• st J un1u11 3 S:MPLE STEPS To NELIEVE That Dull . Ache All Over Feehnq of o COLD AI ka-Seltzer A I C METHOD A -Alka-Selttcr, st.art takii>IC It a t once to r <'licve the !lull, Achln.r llcad, a nd the St1tY, Sore ltf uscle•. I -Be careful, avoid dralll and aud•l•n chancr• In tempera· ture. r.eat -prcr~rat.ly In brd. Keep warm, eat lf'nlli· bly, drink plent¥ of watrr or fruit julcu . B. aure to c <'t enou.rh Vitamina. C -Ct.mfort your Son , Rurr Thruat, If caua.d by the coloi, by Pr.rlinc with Alka-~lt­ &er. rr fner devtlopJ, or a ympt••m• be('ollle more at•ut,. call your doctor. At.KA-S F:J.TZE)t I• a pain re- Jic·..,nc , a lknhtlnlf tahlet , pl~a,.nnt t.o taka and unu1ually tlrf'('tlve In a<-tw n. • Tah It for nncta .. t. ... \fu~11lar Pa111e and for lntiov•··• ·•. r.a• on Rtn101ecll, When caut"•l L)' t'Jt• eu llt.omach kid. At your rli"Uif ,t,,... -1Ar1fe ~~~a~ tO•. !'imnll ruu ktltt 3o•. by thr ~rlua a t ''"'" (,.,1nta1na. T - YOI ' ttlld .. ul•t• ell\ "''II .t l1.1111 nll't ... lllcl"'t c·vc·r >cHte: dtrc.·, Hut how lou~e lt-., 11 ht·c.·n \llltc' )1111,\t' h.ul rill '·""f." 111111 11f drl\·in~-: a n ;ul w ith a ftrm . II\'" h.amnu·r ... ont· that\ lw.u.l " rwt rt·acly ru fl~ ttll \\ 11 h t .ltlt \lrnf..c· .IIIH' tlto.t \\·til rt:.cl l) fm/1 11.111,' Hnn~oe )OUt prohlt-m to tltt> ~outh (,IY.t\t l1.1rcl" .trt '''•r t .a11d ••ur h.unmc.·r c.·•pt·tt\ w 1JI -.c·nd )O il a\\ .1\ wuh -. enol tlt.u "Ill nt.Jkt: 4 hun·, .trtti iiHI \tjllf fttlllll' lit flu.tt a pfc·~UUrt',. ,AI ,I (<r\1 (1,111\lllc•r.th l\ ft.\\ thxn ttt.ll o( ,t ftr\t-.lld k it ~ A DtYIIION or MU&IAeD'I tour• COAif CCNIPANY, IMIP IUilDUt • UeD AND CINfeAl. NIWPOU. c•Lif, I • • , ... • I I leal Estate C~••ca Brisk PlK UP REAL. ~TATE 11tdc htod hrrr. lot "l tn block :l1 ol N, • .,.·~•r• JW.l Ntat4' tra~Uo~Jt'tinna ttw-put RHch: Wf'ell lndudfod ttw-foll~owinjl : Kathrrvn MIIC'ko•nllo' to M C. Gritftlh Oompan> to Richard A Saltt'r. ~ of lot 10.'\ of tract 300. Putter and wift•. lot ~ uf t mo·t r,,..111 M•~: 907, N~ &"~'h . (" f:, Pulllru unol "''Iff' tH IIlii ~~ Della f\Ml,o)n '" M"IJo:a ro•l Ili on-Li·Wt•. varl of lui l).'l ••f Nt•Willolt ~ lou 17 and 1U 111 block :\JI lll'l~ehh ol Oonlna drl Mar, I 1)oomlh)' S Fllct\ 11• Altct• R AI· EnMd Marqu!IM an<1 w lf•• to l4'o1Cotl, lot 10 on hlo .rk J ul 1 nw• Nonnan A. Rou~~aelot and wif<-sue, Jlulbon, Iota 5 and 6 In block 141 ol ~ K ~'flhlh :"lo·l,..·n tu JlooiH·M 1: IIUbdlvision ol (bmna del Mnr . ,\1•1· n nnol .,.1((· ..,,..,h .. o·•lo·rl~ ICi Arline Al&f'O to Marion U R.t·ll· ft.,,1 .. r ll)t 43 ol :--;,.,..Jlfll'l II•'IJo:hl•, N-._.... r:~ .... '"' ,.._. fM' ~lt.,f. fl\c 0... ••• ,. IWk' a&DIO 8T .UW NIIOP liM~ N-.c ....... (:-&a .. _ at .. t •u.pt ,.__ a,. ... LIDO 'I' BEATER n.. lilt ,.,_ Partdea ~.a,. a t :ll .............. 7 at I :U I • .......,,,_ 1:*1 ~ •P'ft. ·•L .... .va..r ._.' .~C...,.a. -..& DIPA'II&N'r RAJUI" ............................. o.rt.a . .,._, ~..._ N_. .......................... ... CnaiiiJ .. "'ODfO In WAr' a.n...-N-. ................. Oft.. _.,.._ ...... .... ...., ........ ._ .. •AXD .... AMOIUA l!lll'fO" OlltMa • ~ ...... o•AN'III ..outtwn~tl'rh 4~1 1:.: t•~·• t: ....... ,,, '""' I. C'IUII: •1·-- ('f'UM'\I tn l ~~onwl ;\I M ollo•o .111ol ,..,,.. . lo•l II 111 hlrlf k 0 o f I r:wt ~~ IR. Jl.ulholl. \\'tiM >II 1 • llnnn11 and "''"' '" M"'l!J'rt'l <:thW'ln f't at , norlhl'il't' ,., 1\ 4R ,,...., nl lot 2 in block M ''' BALBOA THEATER E ........ at 1:eta t :U ._.... Sllewlac e1 • o..~ ...... tu"' r,......_ 8ta.na at 11:10 n...... -rrt. . Kat. na...,.r ...... • a.,. Mil .... I• "I.ADt' IN TNF. DARK" "('. "· ...,._ .. ..,.....,.." ('art--N_,. 811a.·M-· ,,._a~· "OHUfi'T CAttiiJ:IU'" ..._ '"llr:NR\' ALDIU<'H ru "" c•tJrm· ~-"'--.,.._ ...... . ... _. ....... _, A .... t ... ~. aa&Mt-n,..,_ a. •uo IUTA- .a-11MRU QtJr:r:s• wt•• ....... AriN l!lur ,_...,. NewHJ l!ttluUula Tlllln-. OeL ,. .... o ........ .... N UP ODU." c-......: "'''M w..a. nerr • ., ........ --......... . .... ,. ~-. "Dr ..... . .... WE WILL BE CLOSED Odober 23 to 29 Inclusiv• FOR VACATION We Will Be Ready tO Serve You Ocl :JO 1 Orange Juice TO YOUR HOME AS EXTRACTED DELIVERED THE SAME DAY From Luscious. Golden. Tree-Ripened Orange County Oranges RAN YEN-CIIIS CB11 Ltl (11'78 A.D.) ''()ranges ha~ the~ to remove fever In the region o r tht> cht"!'t. n-.,:u- lat.e dlgefrtion. and stop vomiting and coughing. If these an-takm a~< n rwnedy for a long t1mc>, their errect will penetrnte lnto th<-spirit. 'J'ht>y will also cau.w the body to ~ light and prolong I iff'." oaAJifOE oiUICE co•roemo~ I ...-r eel,.._ or C'4LIPOal'tA l ea&MIII ,.,... III!Ff'LY "'· I ...... WINO &l!leW!' rooD 1'4(). ..... c.w--n • ..._.,..,. ..... J 4 nulla•ran:t• Catt-•u• u ftlith aTA"l• .....,.oru -.11. nuJhn4HU• ....-.........o r.e maUt•r4'nt • .....,tUb -t t maJI&n-ath,. Pft.t ... U.U n" ftU1Il.-tAftie ...... "'__... ft'IUUCtf!tnt• Vna,..ln .\-fUll .,,,, r11 tthn ,1 1 ''• Yt&amln ''• ''"'"'mtn' •'I math•'"'' f' VUelntft lfl Ht 41 tft'• t t UII ~Iii "'""n•"Utl• 91Utnln r I Zt• rm11trtl\n1' Nl•<tn--u h ntltllfrA'~' l'a~tt(tthJotur •• •·t I th• 1111 u. ••th ,.,.,.,du•tnr -I t•" 1111 ,., .,.. • le •II•Jl-tft •U nu '••' trlf• .lOU :t..'UtH 1'1 t tt l tf" • rwun--4t " rt •tu 8 Uf ,,.,. 'C'I " '' .,,-, CUrl" A.Mt'l-' fl .-rerrw ., .. _,., tl ORANGES ARt: lfNn'I:R8AI.l.V RECOO~ NIZED for tht"ir important contributions to- ward buoynnt. hE'nlth. California orangE' juice 8S.'iU~ you 8 rich, <'VC"ryday !'(lUre'(' of tbe Important vitamins and mint"rnl:-. p.1rtl· culnrly c:tlclum. phosphonts a nd s m a II "lmoonls of lmn. niE 0 .-\U.\' t:IGIIT Ot'N('t: Gl.:\S.\\ n•· 011,\SGE ,Jll('t.: fumishf"' tlw 1(\ l rnilli· L:rams of \.ilamin C whk h :tuthn ti ti('' find nt'\'f'~<::~try to m:tinlnin o p1111111m \'ila min C mtlnt io•n ft'r th•' gt·owing child alirl thll't1Utl .ulult. ,. WRITE UIC a•nost; \.Ot'R tmnt;n. llf-lhrr~ Ml&M thf' SonH-J)ay u t:,tra<'f.-d ........ Delki- o&ANGE .lt;lt"E ....... ..,.. .. ., U¥ ... &Oc. ... ALBERT JOYCE FUN ZONE Balboa, Calif. PlloDe Nt"w-port 6 ----GOOD AND G000 F0R YOU •. ..,_,. t 'rult I.F.~IH~ AD F. nlAfllro t ~ ...unf' da) .. df'll\'f'f'll'od 4Sc. qt . } Contrart A wardt.'d South foast Co . For Picket Boats A n(''A 't -)t rtt. t t 1 u.,, • .c.•4H .. '""' ••f 11 •• n r• t•f l'h l.o 1 •~·-•1,. for ,: j tht' 111\\'~ hfl.• IW'11n 11\\Artl,•tl 1"11\th· :.--------------------------------------------... •!l'm'a ~uth ('oluot '••m r"nr •r-• ' Chf'llll'r R. Sie~tl'l of lhr MRrlnPl' , who was a formrr rrt~io1,.ot ""I t wu f'mployrd by R"m Kin&rnth<'r 1 Willi h.,notrl'd at " 111nnrr til Tho> Arr hl'a 1"1t£8dA~· t'Vf'nlnJr w:th l\lr I{ lr.ll'nther lUI ho11t C'onlln" ttl F v<'rl'!t ~''"' ,,. 1 lb'l• n"latlon• offktr Thf'\' 111'111 ht• t>utll ,..,lh " 4. t•• • bull ~J ,.. •• , ,. flr10t ''"l''l'"' t r, , u. u Alrrrl\/t N'l!rlll" l~l• tho• ~I'll ll'tt'r bf-tng Sll~ntNlo·.t ll)' t))f' M-foot bofl ta. FLASH- "Satisfied Radio Service" Newport -Balboa -Costa Mesa 1836~ Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa t•hone ·Newport BMeb S45 NOW OPEN DAILY 10 tot' t:xcept Sunday ll Monday AIIIOUIICEMEIT 1 llan Puuha.wod the AUTOMOBILE and MARINE. TEXACO SERVICE STATIOI Formf'rly Ow~~ by WILLIAM H. MciNTEE 2406 CENTRAL AVE. • And will continue to serve the public in the same prompt and efficient manner. Vircil Moore 2406 WEST CENTRAL AVENUE Ne"-port Beach RADIO SERVICE DoliN!, Auto, Mutae ...._ ......,_. Mariae Elee&ncaaa Burt R. Norton "'-, • ., It II Coallt IUchwaJ SI:\\'PORT BEACB FAC:TS ... are i1uiisputable THERE'S NO USE kidd•ng our$elve'; this election Is the most serious we ever faced. It'~ to determinl' if we will ccntonue, durrng this lime of greot danger- in o war we tloven't yet won-ttll' kind of g_overnmentol hypocrisy we hove hod for 11 long years. THERE'S NO USf wise<roclclng about the notional fuucs,, which ore real, and vital, to every one of ua. The American way of facing domestic problems is to face them squarely, bring out the facta, and discuu them solemnly and inrelll- gently. It ~oea no good to evade the iaaun with doubtful humor. THERE'S NO US£ to deny that the War ·brought on prosperity-after 1 lone yean of leaf-raking doln and wasteful 'priming of the pump', 10 million men and women still were unemployed-and the national debt lncreas-"' ..... .,. ,.. MW, all-time hlgha of more than $40,000,000,000; it'a no laughing ma"er. THERE'S NO US£ denying that reconversion to peacetime production wlft t.. • big Job, but it can't be done with government meddling, WTongling and th. lmpoulble impedimenta of so many bureaus whose own authority and pow. ovet"lapa. conflicta and cau... conatant bickering. There can t.. fobt anc1 opponunlty for all. THfltE'S NO USE denying fttat the administration hot a aod record of faiMr dispu,.a-fostered by bungling and Incompetence; that It h01 fostered atriN betw"n one labor group and another, and that It hat bred daM divi.J~ Ilia,. and inaecurity-ot a time when the nation should be united. FACTS ARE INDISPUT A8LEI TH£ FACTS ARE that for every year of the prMent admi"ittratlon, the people have been "treatedH to a clrcua of quarreling, disunity and dinentlon. THE FACTS ARE that to hove peace and proaperity at home, we muat haw vn1ty and strength In our government and In our people. We ~ hove It with • frnh odminlttratlon • THE FACTS ARE that the prMent administration haa been the 1 t . mos e~ rovoga"t, wasteful and incompetent government In our h11tory, e ve., in the thra.a of total war. THE INDISPUTABLE FACT IS THAT NO MAN IS INDISPENSABLE! * You Might as Well Have the Facts e e e INSTEAD OF WISECRACKS IB 11..~~···! ' VOTEFDR D'EWEY AJID BRICKER IOV. ~ C..O ·-· M o.tr.l ~ fllr6a JL l"*mm4 c;-.. III'IIIIIP. 7 • • -~ .... .-... ........ WHY A JOB !Harbor HI. gh Sports I Republicans Seek I More Workers \at ------Local Quarttrs AT DOUGLAS, LONG aua. Bolla fro• the Maadpolat ollottl.r aac1 ,._,.,,.,.. • jolt .. no.,a... Loa1 Be.da o•en ....... pueec~ ~~eb•aDa.pe -d opportuDidee. Tlae op~uDiay to do lal.ereeal work DOW l»aUdlq war pi..H. and be well paid wldl-: .eni.q your eouatry-aad, to lam Dew aldlla whic-h ••Y .ene you profitably wltea the peace romee. Here .,-e a few l'ftent aewapaper headUDft whleh tell the MOl') I Ex~ri_enccd or inexperienced. it mAites no dilermce •.• (or we tram you how. We also train you for bettn jobt. with in-rrea~d pay as you q11alify. . h'a.intert'ltin~ work that anyone caa quickly learn. Y ou"ll ltke thr. pleasant environment and the ~ople you mert and worlc wtth. Don't br misled by any feelin8 that the war is over and it'a hardly worthwhile to take a war job. That'a wilhful thinkinp;. furthermort, Douglu contracts froca airlines total ovn 1150,000,000. The traininp; you p;et here anay well qualify yoa f~r profitable employment buildinp; or maintaininp; peacetime aa!pla?es for enr-rxp~din~ airline o~ra1ion1. or in workinp; with ltp;ht metals whach wtll be so wtdrly uwd in poetwar conaumer p;ooda. , .. .,...,_,..._ S ..... I• S.llf• A .... ~~-fUNI ,_,,.,.,_ N.., 4-How Vlctery, Sltlft Wor••• HOWl Aela .................... .. U. L L L Of'Pta-Jtl w ... s.~ s-o. A.e, ., ..a ot .. ................ _ .. ,_..._. AIRCRAFT, LO.G BIACH APPLY NO~V-1:30 A.M. to 5:00P.M. Any Doy f acepl Svnd"'y ~ouglas Em?lorment Off:~e-1212 AMeric. Att. A~tlto''" J Wor M:~"po••' ( ..... ~"''"'0" U S f S '•'•"•' •e•'M'J U. S. Employment Servi~. 501 West 5th St., Saata A-. CowNISTS AND SAIWRS MEET IN GRID TILT I W llllt• II'IIIIV wmkt•l·· ..... , .... ,."'''1 Locals I•D Lea~r~•e It will brta~ tbem1 thelr third 1>4 4~ ,, I·• lh,. ,.,.11 "' llw Hrpuhlt•·•~tl h"a I• e-alraiJthl wi.D a~;am.t Do .etbll'ka. • ., 1 •tu•rt .. r• w hkh h•v•• ''I"'""'' "'I Debut at 3:00P.M. Ana.helm y,.i lJ tleld a "'"" bUt ' ... • ~':1lol """ ('o•nlt lll lt\'t'llll•' !llt'\\'1~"' hard·fl&htlnf team, U tbeJ haVII _, 'l'OT \I. IN fl4'111'h mnll\' Ill• "' Ill"' llt•N I,.tl 1\n<l N<'wport Harb(lr'a fut-movlnr; va~ty footballera will &tlt'mpt tu j ump anothu hunflco today when jinpy btl!et twice dl'fcoated Anahl'lm on the S&llor1a hnm t' grounda at 3 p m . I( the Thn «'m••rg-«' vlrlMlnwa Expert Mechanics OD Duty Factory Trained BALBOA MOTORS 101 E. Bay A¥e. Balboa WHY BUY lEW FUIIITUIE ..... ,. Cll ,., .. • .,. pllcts •• 1111,...., .. , -~ NU ·INAM£1 , _ _. Alt n••\l~h t h••\ ha''•· "I'I'H''''"'' nu,· .uw .,,,, ... ,,.._,,, '\\ .\,, tf tt~• 1 I nl\,. reruhu holdovn• trom .... 1 "'--· ld tl kl , .. , 1111 ' t lt ~t -t llllt: ''~"' ••no1 '"" ""''' nnl\.· "1•'" hmar. a •la .v year. , .-·h Ji•ro op na re-porta a mllrkt'd lmprOVMlt'llt ln the and 61a,:llul rullrr \01~1\n 1\t•il'fl, l h•• "r 1\ (o•w htlllll' II Wo'•'ll, 1\'tll It<' I T~tt• \\Ill •·nt• r tht• .:nul•' Uf' ftt '"' ,, •• J.·.-ru...,.t Cnlonllll11 IUHI c>XJW'('IJI them to aur-It prl• tht' Sallf'l"ll today h e• l "o~n, h 1~·" Mlll4't h:.~ hthl ht,. ,.;...,,,~. htll\ lh·•~•h·d "' · "•'tkt ,,. Tht> T An Afh.l the C'nlont.t. hav• '*r•l '"'" kw .: "''1'' tlv dur•11.: till' h Pilat I• • o•k llfld •~ In '"'I~ • t lwl Ill•· mt>l un 13 pr,rvh•tut <lttll'll with t «' T Colonlata IRk ln.: ull ~hNI(' r;turea ArM ffo•IIM•· "oil hit "" ,ull •'l••vo•n «'XI't•p t Oflr Th«' An&hPim boy• ludlll '""" l h• '~'11 1 " ""''' ...... ., havt> uullh'or,•.t the SRII••r• 13~ to 'l'r.rkul~.: "1:111'1~1 '"' """"' I"'"' 67 ~4 p.>lnts •'f lht> S.lltll"ll were paled up hy lh•· dlltmt•lon~thlp 8\jUilol uf 11\1:.' n .. II .. .. II .. .. .. Ill It Ill ,, "' l 't IJ 1 I ll !II A nAilt H11 ,... l ttflnHt nu , ......... . .... ....... .~ .... , ... ••tfl tlll''. "' nllu u,,,,l4,.•"111n , .. , ...... ,, IJ• hh .. n .....1, •..• I tot • '"•• HARBOR HIGH NEWS '" It\•' '···l"lfl ~t· :".t nrt•.t Kl\tl lit 11u•l ttultyu1~ "'\''''''"" .. r f'nf'•"" tt,.t I ~lu 1 ltltlhoa h•lntul ,\ ,~~~ ~''" I'• ••I tlllol I ho• l"'flltuualll 1 ~~~~ .t,.. k ll1ll11uu a I• '" .-llltrlolto Ill the hraalofltotrl••r ao. ''1'1' •IOit t• tilt> I :O:tlllf h t \ tlllf t PlllpUit\' ,,fl J t hr tt~),t l'tH~Il•• 1\UU\ht•r tfu<H' Ut :.!~•:'U \Aod\llf' luq· httfU•· phttfh ljlj 17 1"- Rotary Is Gonna Givt-Kids "Time" On Hallowe'en l 'l"n" , .. , ''"' r .... ,, .• · .. rntfll-t t:tltltl Ill II M! fto•t>f lluflooWo' C'll r•rty, apGa• tN•rt'ol It) No•w po 11 llt\fho or ltut•u v 1 1uh ,.,.. • tt111.: , nth't """'" ""'' • .{iallaa-her to l~ad Tri-Y 1 full r\'t''''"~ •-f ••nt•·rtnh\ln,.ut t• J 'lnl 11 1 '• ( l'lo•tfflllo'ol I I•,. rllll<lr••ll, I " ''' ~·( '-r •• ,... .,r tt "r,.. h .. v,. ' EI<'Ctlon or Trl·Y oHi~l"' ror lM bo·l'll • , •. , ,,.,, f.,r """ \'l'llr Tlll'y I ......... itti'O'I1U'Il "''rvlnJ(. .. •• , ... ,<f. Yt'llr 1~4-45 luok piiiC<' \\·,...tn,•s· au ''"'""'" 11 I Il l( 1,,,.~1,.,.111 1,.11,. I OJ( l11 MArloon I 'hwi<J. Jlrt'lll<lfllt flll d11y, Octolwor 11. Thf' l'f'!<llll~ Wl'l'f': A lr~trortoll't "'' ,. J•ro """'nl 1 '•r~olll\' tilt• 1·1• "' • lull Ar•· l••l.n ltf Allfo n, pn.-sid<'nl. J.-un C'ialllllthl'r ; viC'C'· o .. ,,. ,.., , ,.1,.,, '""' 1( ......... ., 1, .lou k c ...... 1'''"'' ll<'r~h• y, All• I o prt'Sidrnt. Joy('f' Jtmt•s ; !W'('I'f'lltry. C'rtlrl~" l•'fOOol l•·· \\'o• .. ,,. f••r n u ..... . Lavon Uonbar~t·r : I rt'll ll ll rc• r. tunato 111 h llvh1 .. 1_.., llttrh"r •tu · flr•·••rt~l • h 1ld r•·11 .. , . ., """"''"Y GE>n('Vli'VP Holbrook. S'l'r~t·nnl·:tl· lf••nt• •~·•~ !'trunk """ Mat v Ann '"'an.,: l'lttn,. t .. ,.,.,,., fotr nnf' ,,, arms, Diana Marp a rth. R •K'k ,.. '"""'" .. rr1..,.r~ Til•· '"'' ••''•'rill f ill<' l'r"•'• '"...,. .. wllrd-1 Mltny of you H arhorltl'!l 0111)' n•· .J1•n· .. , H•., 1 •1,.11,. 1~ .. ,1 1., 11 ~ .... 1 "'' tor t ht• hr •t , ""'"m•• h•y 41 n,f m t•mbtor lhl' bann('n< .0 01' for t'll<'h 10lu1< llllol \\ttl 10111, ,.,.,I Ill u,.· IIIII II\' lo(ll J ••Ito It • liu•• With II "'hoo•>l Jlt'b.r l ........, • J ft ll<'hnol in lh•' SttnS<'I lt•n.:u(•. t hill p"'J" 1, "iiJl 1 111.,... crqor\hlr .,,1, ., ,. 1 f,.r lllr 111·•1 "'"' umr.l huv •rut 4 .,..In ... • ...... 71 flt•w fm m thl' biPucht•f"ll a "''UIJlt• 1\llelllt,; 1t,. "' """''" 1 ""I 1 •• ,. . .,, ,, . .., ,,, , Ill~•. 1.1111•1 l" ,...,.r___, 11.11'.,.. ..., wttW.o .. ol Yt'IU"ll ago. ThPy "'~'"' IBkl'n Sf'.nolln~ 1111 111111111• .• ·,.r·l• 1, , , 111nkilll: II J··-"•"· '"I " hoy 81111 1 Ua itt ., ,_ ~I Wltto joott -as IIOOVI'nirll hy lht'ir ~~ehools 110 Hl\rbt~nl• ll tn ••·rvl•·" 1,. 111,. rt.-..t 1111r1 t .. ""' ''"" J•l l,oo·~ ,.,., 11 -., H•r-..1 .,.. -,..,_. ,._ thl' Trl·Y Is ~nln.: lo I I) to makt' p rnJtr l .,, lhr yo•rtr IUiol .,....,, nr,..11 "Jr.~tall "'"' ,, v, 1 v 1 ;1,.1111111., tlcally ..., article ., '""'""'• te fro mol"t' of lh("lle hanno•n. They r''"'Y"""'" ht>lp Thr pr..Mnl m&ll·l llt'h•••l c•htlil Ia ... r•llllllv 11"'""'' I tt .,;...., -...,. Hto.f_. •• "'W. ,...... hoJ)('d to hnvP lht>m for lht> .:arne tn~r liM! 1., tuidonhto•tll\' .,111 otf ,18tr ""' ""'.V ultrllol tho• :tunual 1•11rty. 1 ., lilt•-"-clloorftol -'en wiU .._., .,.., today but dut• to ttw ~thortagf' of Th•r• •r·· ml\n v Hilt l><>rilf'"-hto(ft ltut "'•" '" l'•"l•"r•· " '""''""" and -· to _.. r-"'"""',. It ,_ .... materiall, It m11y "br tmpoedble bn)'t Anti I:IM".' whn h"v" nnl••r ... ll ••nt"' II lur " prlu·" ""''' tl.ldd .... "-eri"t ..... _. Nll-r-..1 It oo lh" lW'fl lo•r lilt•• •• IIUII y,.,., 11nol ::.'.,~.:.'::7 = ~~~orui',: I Big Hallowe'en lh•-"'"'"·"·"' 118v•· roro\i,11111v h .. t AT POMONA coLLEOE D Oct be 27 h t I I '1'\tl•to "'udt'nt" tn•m Nf'Wnnrt aaus" MAIItS. 1 ance, 0 r • (' •n..:··, ... ,,,,,,. w''"'" ttt .. "'·'' .,.. Y""' T11 hr1nl( II 1111 1,, ,1111,. w ill liea.·h •r•· rr~rl"'f"l••ol fnr lhr rail ~ ~ -NU-INAMIL <'•lmf' On ' Lt·t'e all go to lhe evt>ryon(' whn 11,.11 11 r••l•llv•• ,,. lrrrn At Poom nruo ''"""J:'' Tho•v • ~"F~ ::.:-,_ ,.... big HalhiWt''f'n oiiUII'•· on Od<~bt'r trtend In th~> 111.rvt•·•· .,....11,. allrndf•d I'"" JNUI I' llluk"'"· •1nu..:ht•·r• of Coast Hardware 246-48 Forett Ave. l..aguna ~aeh '11 froam 11'00 tn 1:! fill at th(' CoMa Harbor. plriUW' put th('tr o'otrrrd ••1-M r 1011•1 M,. 11'11"•1•1 F lftnklry. M N;a \\'onwn's ('tuhhuUS(' by the drl'• tn thr l4t-~tt•nn u .. 11 In tt1,. 11l12 W ••al O.•t•"" l''r.,llt. ""'' J .,v•·r lltllh·r-Tw.-nty l ,uiJ Yuu·u he atudy hllll Tltl~ w tll lni'Urt• lhlll l'•rkl'r, olollrl(hl••l ''' Mr" N .. tl 'l' IIUrflrlllt'd w lwu V••u ,.,.,. th•· gulr all n -HnrhttrH··~ will a.;rt 11 11triOII· l'nrk•·r. H:lu t•totr l•rrv•· '"'" M1 llnJOt. wlll'hf'll anti l:hiiJO!It wblc h m~U rar•l fr<•n• thiJII ,., lto wol Tlu • P ark .. r <•f 1"'111hl11tl M .. rHIUIK ('Jtrry (JUt tlw ltlt'nl•· ... llnll .. wt''en Rf'd rr .. ..., ,,,... nr···olll m .. r.. "'ll B £'o•flauor lh<' ''"'"'' '" to IX' H ai-dl'nl.oo In IIIII\' oolll llfl··· ~· """' '" Kiwanians Hear low~·en cvt•cyun <! may w ... , levllt Mt• t.luu 111 .. <1trl•lm"" ""'''" .,,....1 a.nd plnt.t l'lhlrh If Uwy Wtlllt to. mild.• ""_'' .:•·t _ .. u In I IIIII' lor w.·ne In_duatry Thll! year lh•·ro· 111 L• "" a n•w n .. rctll'~ttr:• w'""'' PI'"':'"'" ,, Jut MarJ·ne FJy.or "'·'""'' )ol !"I••H '"'"' ., .,, ''" JufH ... "'-'•lh sotu•· pr•·tty h "l jtve · _ ~ ht~"h '\\' .,, \\'t;.:•• 'A, ,.,, h• .. d I, nlk U1HI dl "' u" un,Je mane! K•JJ d Th• w k I I 0 I", 0.0 II•· tloott ~ol.t\ "'""' I tlu 1\1 All 11,,. ''"I' lllltl•" tror tho• linn•" ' .., ~~ .,...,.,.,,. IHh 111 !Itt ;, , .,, 1 , ,1, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ,.,,,,, t1'' • ~·~r ktlt~ ~•f,1 tt lt' ptlt 1 I• t t f•••l ,,.,,,, rt , J 1 11, 11 Ll lrl I ltUJ4 fll 'l (J,UII • "'''' I I• f ' ~hula \fr'tt }( I. \11 I '· , .. t),J \o"' • J ' In ''''"''\ , I .'0 \• ; ' ' I on.f I t h• f·dl• \,!f•h 4 • U I .tl , n , rnl~, ~ OIIOf\ 11\t~f)tl• 4',., ti lt f, I \~.~~ ht t J qf l I, t I t l t! q ••tt ' \\ tl•• th;Jt \\fjl '~Pf)rt•t·t;tlp \\hit1 II)"'·,,. tnfll nf '4ttfl ,:_.fM '' q Ji,' '' tft , I ,. ~ \ u.. ·~~ f u '' • tloln~ IIJ' all C'lln1.1n); Ito lito• ol:o;ll •' II I·IIIW ,\11 ~ ('1111111 ''" ldl \\••l·t· • ' 11" 01 1"1 •f 111• l o' 1" • '•I 'I 'r'h· •••h\llllll•lt• •~ .. L!-1 ! .. },.,,,, ~nyr••r-l 'u'"'' Ill '''''''''''''''"'"'"~'' "n, .. u.n''" A nn F r•·•u lut1 ,hll·n ~:!Jihh•r ,.,.n,h:·~ ''"' ht· h•ld (,,, 1.1 1: '.I .tit •tw•h • ·~·I· I ••• '' ' !-\aru)l h~~l I<•IV \\':ttd , •• , • .fa •·· ,,,~r,on•ll•l. VfH· V Jt~ ktllfid t ''l··r fh• \~'Ill• I Hor.tf ll lth • u rHJ I•' I ... "• t HtthllhH•tl. f !Hh r•uniHJ• I<Hit•h l·'r• I •••• II "o•Ak •• ,,.,,I I I I I I I I I I I • I ll• " ~· ~ ,.,. 'HhHII~ I•IJt••"' ' \ .. •. , '. '~f•IU•. •• I Ina: .lt•nnn•' l.o111 C ;1 111ool, H rll I '• 1 < • i f8.1tht••l ttl tll1 F l 'f't1r ... ~t ·r ~n .~•:~'""'fliNt t.!IHI". uu•l ""''' lu IPn . l..o)•llo•ll Amolrl Iliad l .>orl n th\ loiiM """t" .. , • '""'"""" ""'' ,,f "'" 1 lll·:--•·1 H ill m •olho I """ 111'•·11 · ,,.,,,,.:I ··ff··· I •·r lito ....... l ltl "'"' "'· II IIIMI T'ht> a olrnl"""lotll J•rt••· "'111 I•· 1111 ,.. 1 •·r~ f ron1 h•·r h~~rn\. lrt l•tUitl•~•· '"' tilt' J•H Jf Hit• KtJq u ~r ;,,,' • "·"'' 'f"nt." tLIId yut'r 111'''·''" n~h•p ,.,.,I ' m onth. llfld lt~td htl•·n•lt·•t t .. ,. "'" nwk•••" plav •u ''~•~ "'''' I''" II( Y"ll "'"' dnn't havr n c•arol -··c· 1 h .:rr.rl Jun .. W 1ghlnHlll Pr (;fynn Boit·~ um . Ol"lf' la11l Slllunl~ty but • h&.nJCI'•f lll'r '''""" :o't !11· ,.,,., nol" --------------. Thanks, Ford Owners I l":vtryun .. lA lUikNI tot IJr tnJI, 11 lil t ·n,,. 11111,. ~··II .,...,1~ 11.,, 1, I 11u• ~ to mnkt• tlh· tlnn•·r ltl1 ndtf• .. t ''t'Jtl 2. "'wt•••11s tiHJ ev••r·y t)f,dy d1!: up "" l>ld Plil or I:H'Ru Iiiii I hi'IIIJ: t hrm nl•>nJr L ~t'C' y .. u u,c .... · t. George Horner For Helping Us with a Big Job ,, ' t I I# Our temc:e abop baa been.•. ~ ~ busy place thia put year. ~ Ford ownen depe-nded oo ut ~!R~~~!I!I!I~ to help keep their can roD- ina and-with their help- ~·w done the job. Ford Prot~ 8errice baa beeD 8doptecl wholehe8rtedly by moat cA our owners. They brine their can to our lhop rqularly ~ thirty daya few apat inspection and mainte- unc:e wwk. Tbia prnomta many amall rep8ir Joba from becomina major overhaula-helpe aa !lprUid our manpower to aervicc more can, makes It Jl(*ibk to do our fuD llb8re iD k~ loa aD e.ential can on the toed. OIIIUIIII PO•D PAaJI are your allur- ~ of the beat In materials and workmaNhlp. The parte are de.ia-f aDd predaiCXl-built aole!J' b your Pont car. Mr W llll&miJCIII ' ·'Ycrung man, I Home on Leav.e htiW ma.ny tim••" hA\'e 1 told yo1u t o get tn thta t'll\111 ron time?" 1 fo'rlendJ! u ( lhl' 1;,,,., ~~~ \' l'kob !"<llh•·m · "I don't know I lfnml'r' (1\mllv l '~tlh"""'" H•>~•·• lhouJ(hl Y'lll wer~ ko•rJoln~ th~ ecore"· l..tm" He~tch J'oly High Ufl' When Your Back Hurts- Saut t~ AnA, f,,,.n•·r '. "411lt ul,. .. t Nf"'WJ>ftrt B••Rrh will .,,, pit 1 ... ~ 1 t" kn••Y.' t J nt I"~""' I' ';, ...... d ",, tr . pa ,.••tro~tp•·t il'l '"'", .,, , ,11 ilny furl• u.,;J, fr t-•• t··· rt I~· 1. .t•V 1:11, '"HI IIi~ hr•ollt•·r l 'o!l\' llrtt •t l!•,llftrt ft,,r,, •. , .,, t t, -I·, '' .,,, \htr lr•-. "' 11t1 ;~Hd.t 'q 1' .·• , A f Am ily ';'"' ··•~ ,,, I I·'", I :~,,~ 'A~a,. h••l;f -~~,, ,,,,, '' lt.• l_hl\nk,..-lvln~.; .,,,.1 1·•, ,. • 1 l&y,.: w••r,, r,tJ,.,..,,,d ~·, •,h!• ''•ry Of JnV•• 1111,.'• I t.f •t, f \ • ,.,,.n and of h•·r ,. l hf l.11 Jr~t• J.n• \ n~~~ ..... \o\'Pr• f h•·r I 1· , I i I • I t Lt Hom•r v. II ''I'' I' I · tCr llJII r·• f' a•, , ,., • · • Ut tcu ~t\'••• • H -. 1 ' .. ' t Ott•JW·an w .• , t ) •••• •,, ·~. '· I . •l Ut AI~, .• ,,.. I I •• ' j ,. 'l'hf' l(ll .1'1 . ! •II ''"r• fl v.. ,, , " • ' • \ , ,. II tf VOIIR F.\'I'.H All£ Til£ UUIIT UY AMEilU:A . . till' "'"' ''' t•nll•l In •I• lin••• nf rlut y th win th•• war 'l11o•~t•ln11' ynur r y••• 111 ~urk ''''"'I\ •. ''"'""'' "'"'''''''I /II tc.n tho·~ 1!1--..•r Vt' In 114' "IVt'n th" .... , ... , 1 t'llllntllu•tltm AmJ 1111 1111; •'JI to•t~tltoot I 10 All hilt fl<l I I"'"· J IUl. ~-U. CKA" t 'OKH '•l '11t.\lt:1Tt1ST I 1ft~ '""I'"'' tl••UII'\ •r<l ('•,.1• M,.... f"hnn<' ,, .. t '"'"' Ta•rm• 111 ~ok••n 1 ... n,,., I.Jt~r•"' Alo•d LIT IOIIIrS STUDIO PORTRAITS 1111 YOUR XMAS GIIITS THISYBAR SPICIAL----. •••• '1.00 Roberts Portraits 81 .... .._,.., II A.M ... a P .ll . ..., T tM llil. l'll. G~ves You Peace- Time Efficiency- for OffiCe and Store ..• in Wartime Days I • OFFICE DESKS r , .. ,,_ -v ..... , ,..,.,.,. ... ,.,.. ............ • DUPliCATING MACH1NII • SMOKE STANDS • ADDING MACHINES • FILING CABINETS ~ • OFFICE CHAIRS ~ .... A.nd proctltally every offlte requlr• ment for tomrle tlng the doy'e work· tne pr ogram o" time. We .. pecleiiJ whh ,_ e. -ow 11ew o!lltllll"fll ot ''"'' ""' lnp CU\Iftf ~ 'n dtJ•II U111ti••UHt . tkJYt'l utl~ dt Mwf'ra IIHwn ••C'h llde. A ,_, .... a t a '"' Pflce. 902 North Main Typewrltert lepalredl ,. .. -. -.... ... etorr-J'et K .. '"" .. .,_ ''"' ............... '" ...... ,, .. ., .. ' ,__, tr,.writw ,..,,., lui r-IM ... ,."-. , ' ... Pf~••nt ••' .. '"'~· .. -· -· -· _,, -·· .. .-.r•r•ntM thta ,.. ,, •• ,, .. ,.,." t. • •• ............... ,. 0 " ' ,,. ........ ., rh•r~.oll "" Jlla_.. ·~ . ., ............. '"'"''•"•' r~ nn " T f..,m att'a lltll ,., _....,. del alta. Phone 743 viUzut t••t• 11 t• • f• .rr •'' ,. ' , . , h , , ,,, 1 11111 .J H F•·• I•) DEMOt-RATSI C;ve for a triple need J IICN.IIIICID MICHAIIICI and ~~t>«iali.red Pord equipment an ready to do the fiont pvu.ble job oo yoW' cu . Out men lrno"' your Ca.t aDd bow to .uvicc It quickly &Dd t.borouply. IIIIOHIO•t'l ll•vrci-You'll find ua a fn..ndly .orcamutllln. You'll hke the way "'e dC» buatnc-u . F •.Jrd Pr•Jtec-ttvc ~H.~. crnre a m •,nth, Will k'"'"l) Y" U CloT Ul \Jp·tup Opetllt..'l& COC>d1lti)D at amalJ cu.t. Theodore Robins 2116 West Central NEWPORT BEACH Telephone 28 Do You Know Thot ... \hrr·'''" r>n•ncy c'futtnt( ''/' \r .t'' ,., hit l c-tm ha\ lw-f'n ,h,,.nr • \1 ! u1 ,)., -4"ftett" fi n II Coli•' In 1h~ '"'" "., ,, ,, 19•l· 4 \, hr ... ,'' \f'nt "''''' '""" f,,;tfl ,f the ~~J~ Hull l.Aih-~~·, ,,, 1 .. , • 1. On I IUf ••f f .. u . twar m• •'""'' J,; ••• ( ~ltfptfltA ' I lttl«- .: ffl \). '··· ' ...... flurt." LT. GOV61fNOa FRED HOUSER UNI71D S7Afll SINAro• ht lepreaeatetloa NOr Altaeateels:. * Our Fighting Forces * Our Own AI Home ~ Our SuHering Allies ~ WAR CHEST • • : = • ., • • .. : .. I p lar lr PAUL NORMAN YACHT aAtL. MAK&Ra ..... A-tft ... ,..t C.V.N 116'4 tut a Newport Beacb ~- ......... BARBECUED SANDWICHES AM4)eiicioul! Moon'• Coafectioo.-y ltOO Ooe•" tr,..., PMM 11 -New,.,t ...... A d41nc t.be n&lllee aad pkture. lmoatba .,nlry and returned to Ule ot Ralph &lid Paul WyrbeD t o ttl<' Emil Myrcohn h•llnt' Th• lltory ~ve wdeor.u~ twill<' .teene fo r 1 went on to '"Y that the •lbl{ ut>- QuH n. will' duf uf Mr &nt1 Mrs. vlou11ly mla&n h•·r c<lltlVWJihnll. E mil lolyreho ot Lon;; &arh, t. • Rblph and t•,.ul At yrt>hn. """" nf "lllre&.chlllc a poUlt too far," ac-~' Myrehn whtJ &rr ~ervlnJ on tht' I ror<ilr\,1 to Mn. E\ln Wyrehn. Conlt arm .. tl Cur<·••a Wlte of EmU wh<> r..aoc.h•• at 17th Arrur.llnit ttl wmt rt'por ta, t ht IUid Nf'wport bcoult-vard In Co•l•l do« \lioUIII httvc• 111 ~ rnur" ll\11.11 W~<u. hum•n tor he h~ nr•vu •"''" thr The plcturt' appearf'd In a Lim!~ I two boy• nur havr tllry t'Vt'r. been j Be&ch paper wltb a aw ry abuut In tht'lr f lltiiH ~ l"lnJ( BNU'h hc•mf' the four·yt<ar Oltl I'C>mblnallnn 1"1" J111'1\f'l1\ Mrl! lltyr<'hn W8JI ebepbnd and hullky who hu l~t'n l<•rm•·rly Mn t h rr y 8chlc:k of honorably di.Kharge'l afttr 16 ('••~Ill Mr ..a ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~I J a• 11 ~~ vro·hn h~tft ""rv"'l w1t h ~ l h" ( 'ur.~l c:u11nl In Uol' Hou th I'll· cltlc n m o.nlhll l'uul Myrrhn 1);.1 • BefoN Y011 B•lld or Remodel .Wl.., .... ,.a .. __,.. _....,..., ,_ Cohr ...... ,. ...... .w.. -· __...,.._ aa.dl el ,.... .................. ....... Oupete 1 1~ h ;-o;a•Y 11\'11'~ <JIJC'• In Uw Mhl\\P~I Alllllll•'r llrt~l •u'l , ~~m al .II r• !f1•h·K "'II II IIIII OlloUH'r lll f <'•>'t" :.""' II• ""IV"'' .. r a w r -j Vh 4 11tll~1111), ll•·r• •• lhr 14lury 111 "'hlrh M r11 1 r.l\ To 1111 ~oJ I ',.MIII ~~' ... llliJI'I llt l 'tollr "''"" a nol ''"" tl•'l: ut Uu· ~;11,11 M\'n 11 11 (Mlllly '.,,,. In lh•·1 111'1"\'h •• 141111 I lu• olu~ Ill lh" flr11t ""'' h111Jll' llnnCJ.-.lly •h"' hl<rf"ul a't•·t 16 3£,.,.. ., ~f..Ofl,u. !J)~~uw,J, 3f.w'l3£.rl Ot'.JJu., ~ • ~~~~lL~lllQIL~~ r •• urp~~ ]""lnr. 11 s,.,...,. snw Y • ... w. Cer. 4111 & Syca111ore SANTA ANA ON CIIDITI Cleeee4. ......... mhnthl! ~~t•ntry ""rvlr~ Qurrn. 4 yt>oa·,. c•l•l • ~orntunallun l<llt'f h ,.r•l Mol hUIIk y 110 l~~tt k at ht>r flrf' .. (fP, 2441 Ua fl u· '1Vrnu1• Sloe• hu Uu• P•ITirr anol !';\If· ,,. uv•·quy<'ol ln be Co c M k any man IR -60. \\'<'\•k ly drill i~ h<'llvll'lll lila I "' fur on hf'r ltf•• h01111' an.l 1'' Ill 1:< "' she-w ere n1pany a es h1•hl at l h(' u •.:11•n I lull ('fiCh 1\ws· &MONTHS ~~."~~~ ln•lh'lliiDK th11t Mh<• haM llvrn on a Lur;t 111-: walh 11• ~•ro· t" It· II b t'r H • h Sc t <.lly t'VI'ning . ' LUDLU. Carpet Works I ('uf<l I UIIIlt ry Her ,. .. r \'111' IIIUJII~r. ''""('J~ Wllt ll' I'll" hUll bf'en and ag ores a I -.......... ..._ ..... ~.. MJITA AJif.A I V-4190, I. t/1\l~lf'lf "' rusa htT 111 11111 · ,, hal .. ht· hiiJI ,Jun•· Ri fie Range .\ \\rail r sug.,.·s ts lhkl H iller gt. I ~~~~~~~~~;;;;~;;~~;;~~;;~~;;;;~~;;~·;a;r;h;;;;R;h;t~p;~;~~~~~n~~~~;~~Y;8;•;•v;r~ry Th .. ·I•~ u~~~~y ml~ b~ ~rk to the wall ~~r ~~~ru. ( • .. n pn.n11>:H, I{ 111'11 n ,,, t•nul My-~ --• thank hAIII;lll~ aR liHo good for I r•·hn, nntl J ao k ""'I l"uulo•t~ ~t·hlck, t:ll!lll•·o•ll nw mbt>rs of Company · him. •mna • 1 M •" ~I ,·rl'lau. r1ll f1Khllna (' 1 ·.allfurnlll Statt' Guard. woth '·-- f.,r t 'n<'l1•• s. m s .... ""'" throu'h 1.1 ('l~d,• Stovall !I'< com pany com-1 ___ A_u_to_mo_blk-____ _ Me I If I A I CAll fM ANa WAYI YO.I lVII IXAMtHIDI •Yew.,._ Lena DUPUCATEDI ProMpt s.r-.icel . •C...-y Oft EXTIA PAIR of GlASS!S With Youl •Gia• .. Made to Your-OWH PrMCriprionl •Yew Credit It GOOOI Op• •• ~ad GOIDOI B. FIIDLA Y Aunannces Te..,.ary Closllll of Plants In order to give our employes a much-needed rest and vacation, the following order has been iss ued : Start1111 Sablrday, October 14 • • • and continuiDI' until Cabinet Shop Operation AD Building Construction AU concrete construction -Will be cloeed. We appreciate the patronage of our many customers and will be ready for your business on the date specified. GORDON B. FINDLAY tht· h••u .... hunting I hun. ~him per-mranr1o•r. :lllt•ndl'l1 tht• all·day shoot luK 11 111 1.. :ol lh•· nrlc• rangl' on Sunday. P A) NT J N G I A J!«'r'Vl~t-JIBj: f.,r l he fuur boya Tho• ;1\ •'nll:t' !'('ON' for .',!:}. cnlt· llllll hJL'I~t 111 1!11' wondow T be llf•r nrrn.• Wll!o 46 OUI of n, po!o'<ihlc· ,...rvH't-llliJ: 1 ur ~urrn hq bt'en :lO "'"r•• for :10 <'81ibl'r was .41 tAk ea oluwn anol put nwav w ith brr plu~. pul lln~: lht' rombined nver- ollarb~~rge pape-r.. 1o11W al <1:\ 'J 3 which II! in lh t' "W r .-oh•tf'\1 <~m·.-n 111 June of AAfUl,..h•w•l••r t'lll:<~ • 194J ,.lll"D l hl' I;(OVt•m m M l ap-t'hu" "'II' 1-<'1"\ro Ill nO(IO Wlfh pra lwl rur wa r oiOK"·" .. ld My· ad•i<~l ''"''"''. lakmg plaN• 1n I hi' 'f't'hn. 11t.upflttt'r 81 lh<' Naval Dry afl<•nH••n t-our nw mbl'n. tluah· (.'oo;k.s "\\'t du "'"' know a Ulla,r I••• I '''' 11uh-ms• hln" ~lin ,.,1o- llbuut wh"r" ah .. hlUl txof'n mnnl) k nuwn n:o lh(' Tommy gu n. 111 th1• c'hL,,; Wl'rl' Pvl J•mm) "l';~r '"'" »hltlrK'•I to WI fi'OID ~lt-li<Ht. l'\'1. D1ck St eam s. P\'1 San < arl,a. by rxpru.s \'ou .ttould f'mnk O.lOJ:hl, an!f T 5 John hll~o· ~· "" ill'r Whl.'n •h~ rirwt •w I'll! kill"'" A m ar honl' gun ..quad UJ! S ll<' Jllffi)"'f'tl IU\It bounced aod Will hi' (•Stahlf:<h<-d Wllhln l hP hftrltt••l ancl k iiiA<'d 1uo Rht r.-coc-"roup I ll iZ••d lh1• IICHID<I or uur c &r away L~t•UII'nant S tovull unnoun<'"" •luwn l hu •tr,.~l. anol llhe r1U' few thill plnns arr bl'tn~ lormulah•rt Prompt Service BALBOA MOTORS WHAT-NOT SHOP hnlllllnl RetlaJ~ " Re· pell'M. Pkhan Fnunl ... PaUo IUtd Unflabhecl t'uml· ture SappUed. W led o w Pane~~ lnat.alled. What's Your Odd Job? lh•· ,.,.,. and r llm llt••l Int o tht< eeaL lor th!.' 11'!1!<4' nf lnnd alon~: lh!' "\\'<' h"<J ho;ard that dem.IUtar· nv!'r lnr 11 h111111lion m nR!'. tu ln- BaJboa 1z<'<l tl• I'• ~~~.~m .. tlmo;e IU't' cro.a, be-dur~ a bivouac area a.<~ ~I'll 11:< 101 Palm ~.-ue uu~ they are tnUned tu attack. "'"lr" Enlllltmt nt.l! are Opt'n to 1------------- Bul Que.n la .. aw~t .. ahe nul wu . Hl'r <JI•Pf..ttlon hu not I • hiUlJ:I'd at all." 1 ., ........ ., ............. . .. ......... .., ...... OPftl -fill...,.,.., ...... ~ .. -. DR. HORACE CAD EN OPTOMETRIST .... Ctr. 4 .. & SycaMrl wrra ANA e"'CII COMYIMfiNtlY lOCAna 0t1 fl .. aAIM , E~uestrian Group 1 ~Is Organized \ I I I The war aeems to have given the American people a Dew interest in their railroads. Perhaps it is because they have seen the enormous war load the trains are carrying. Perhaps because so many people, including thousands in uniform, are riding trains for the first time. Tho• ( lllmiDHI101\ 11! 'H I lolt-~ r Whh h huJI ""'"" hltniOJ: 11\1 1 Ill lh,., mill•'" <"I Mr lonol M Fll 1-1 .. , •l fill--~·n 1 ~u vu~•n·n •·r .. , •• r .. , <ttmP'f l lm t<, wu r••n• ho•rl "hl'n ,, .:••mr of Y'''·'"J: nnt·""·/••<111~ nr111 n••l • 1• Aa the war in the Pacific steps up, you'll see more and more S. P. locomotives pu.ll.ing heavier and heavier war loads. In this advertisemel1t. Southern Pacific shows you: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·~··~·! m M nt th~ (;lh~•n l1•m•~ 1~1 _ __ -~unr!Ny t o m ak<' pl.on!l '"' a r •hl\g <·lub How to tell LoconloiiYes apart . \ OPE I IllS II LAIUIIA lEACH MEl AND WOMEN • Needed for VItal Defense Work Requirements: e Availability Certificates e Proof of Citizenship e Soc ial Security Card -APPLY - •• .... ATED VULTEE AIRCRAFT ATIOI '"'" h r!'ll rl<lr "•II 1!4' h• ld n ~o1nda\' It·:" •n!!' t h o· Glh~··n h11rrr at 11 u m f.,r a :'1 h"., 1.oun1 ur thf'I•Ujth th~ bAck btl\' .tlatr11 t All t'fllli'!Oil .an& Will l11 .ro c Ill• r 11111• h. A lth OIII(h ,,,,. 111!1• ·~ 111 •1 lot t~ I bul1ll•IIP,) \\II h a It I 7•' o•( l•\' I>I14'S f"-''·••rn' p~t~nt:t ,1,•c 1d···1 np••n ,t t hr na• rtur~: ~und;oy 111 "••l••d 1. 1 ~ ~II#' I Willi tho' nllt• l11:tl n•l '"""1:"'' r un• rr 12 )'•'1\rl' ••( a..:• '"·I 111 Ill· I ful\'o•ol In f': lo \1 II lao Ill J' I J'••r,l nil ht~r!<f's w•lt \\:all, nn I \\1\h l\11•tr 1 ·II,. no, "111 ~:•• 111 pnor• ,.,., h ' ••rk \lh' n''"'' ... "' .t n itt hal\ It• r: I , !f\r \\111 ,,.. olr;1wn f r .. m 1 II a· h1.o " .. rd l11 .,, t••IJ••\\ •·d : • th· I• ll., ohtllll)! tlotll lid•· 11'1 r•d• • '"I bo f OU ft•.t t t\ P lt t It U' l .t I ~ t • II t t"a (l u !\1\•t lvt~lh ,-U \ \.:,tl u ' 1 1 t.. li"'ll al'<·.o.t I•• !<I ·t• I rill! •l,·n T ttl~ Jntt• \ l• r I.-r ,, Fut1u• ,.,,, 4;. 1 ' •. t 1 , • t t 11 u 1,;•· • , • · nt , ,. ... !, •' t ,• ., 1 I tr ,. If I I ..... 1 .• • I I t dt•u:-Th• .,., '·' • "I ·t '11 t \ I ~· I 1' '. \1 II t. ~ ' ' I' l l o~tl ·• ·'" ,. I ''"'"·I;. I I' I ' 1,• I 1 'lo' I I~ I • • • I I ', , '\ ,, h· . ,. I •t;11 ,, I"'"· t ' I ' .... Utt , I. ,. a: p ,, '· ~ I o~"•l ~II ' I \ ,1 • 1 t t, h • '1l·l ( h •• , I • I f I .... ,. ~ f I\ ·1\~ I t• r··~1 111 ' • :'' t • 111 .. , l ,1 ~ ii•U]• b 1.1 I lo.t \•h • \ 1ll' • 1 : • 1 t: H 1•·1•• t:.to :'I"" I 1. l l '' .\lr lth•llq•> ,, 1, • \lr ~1••rr 1!-' I IRed Cross Work Gets Plaudits From County ~at C.-'"'" Ml'l'a R1~l <'n'>"'-h.o-1 .. ,.11 11<'<"0ni!'d an con\i abll' plnrr 111 lh.• • top ~raCkPt ol l'rfll'h'nt•~ 1>11 tho• Pacafac CClel!t. llf'('(>ni1ng ,,, ,1 ,,.1• lt'r rt'Cf'lvt'd by ~ln. II n \It· ~lurtf)'. prodUC'lum c h >t 1 r '""" from Mrs ('a.n,h nr :\lrw:\luiii'TI' ~ur,:ical d~na ch&lrm .. n r~ ~oo1 hf'm OMU\It" C'OWity. T otlll n umbe-r nf l'Uf£lcal dr..':-.s-· in~ dc-liwn-d ~· thi~ <'•'nt.•r ror S.'plc<ml'H'r w as U ,:l.>.1 .,ml thr IU'4· ent "''orkl'l'' rlnn 1o top 11 tl\t.~ 4·1·1·2 Thi8 i8 the "Big Bertha" or locomotivee-Southem Pacific's giant Articulated Consolidation. ThHe mammoth enginea pull traina over the High Sierra and other weatern mountain reng«!fl. "+8-8-2" i. an example of the univenal "aborthand" used for cie8ignating typea of locomotives in the United Statee.lt means that there are 4 small wheels under the leading truck. two eetB of 8 driving wheet.~d 2 s mall wheels unJer lhe trailing truck. To telll<><» motivea apart. you simply count the wheels, separating the smaller Nhee\8 in the front and back from the big wheels that drive the locomotive. The Articulated Consolidation. or "AC", weighs more than 500 tons. with tender, i. 125 feet lo~. and develops 6,000 horsepower. 1-- -----t=J-' __ I -::I ~U~OOb u6~ 4-8-4 Thf>f'<' l(l('(lmotives are known M "Gent'ral !'t•rvia>" type C''GS" for short). They pull the lltr4'nmlined Daylighu and the Lark. 88 well 88 other pasS<'nger trainl' and fast freighta. Length of engine and tender ie 110 feet. weiabt more than 400 tona, bor8l'power ~ ~oooUJ 4-10-2 OrilinallY dMilned by Southern P.ci6c, t.beee .,. ,me. are appropriately bown .. "Southern Pacific'" type. TbeJ ha•• t.hioee eylinclera iDitead of twa. Len,th ol .,me and teDder Yl 101 feet, wwilbt - toM. bonlpow• 4,100. o oo t 4-8-2 The!'£' powl'rful and faithful f'n):tines arc universally kr.own as the ''Moun tain" type• ld,.!'ignatcd Ly "MT" on the cabl, u!led in both fr<'ight and pas!lcn~er sel'- vi ce. IRngth of engine and tende'l', 97 feet. Weight. 3.10 tons. 4-6-2 nu. ie another faithful locomotive known through- out the United State. u the "Pacific" type Cdeai1 • nated by the letter "P" oD the cab). Engine and tender are 91 feet ·lo• and weiab about 286 tona. l S·P Tile frle1dly Se1t~en Pacific • ~.-...... 11111111111111111!!!!!!!!!~~----------------------------~------;.;;a·~·h • -. • , ' -=-• • -· :.....--=..:.:.-,. ...... · '"'--'-h-.I.L_a~ ~~y. (ko...._. lt. 1164 --....___.:. .......... AJ.aOA l'f5WW··--... ~ -.. ....... - -r.. fiEWS-TIMES CLiiiifJE~ OPPORTUNITIES ~~ READ NEWS· TIM~ CLASSIFIED ADS Flm PROm • • • USE THEM FOR R~UL'm ---If you don't ftnd what you a~ lookln~ ror Rdvt>rtlgrd tn thls laue t~fiM N.wport RHdt l:lw 13 and place your own advertt.ernent --- --------------~~~~--------------------------------------------------~--------------p N BUATM, St PPIJJI:M REAL ESTATE 18PtX~AI. niRNmraE 1'011 l.u..&--.. UBLIC OTICES FOR 8AI.E-ANNOt NCEMENTS-~ li(IA 7~ R·•t. &•h1 and Tta~-f'OR ~AU!: 1 C\ll'lllol• radio. I I LEGAL HOTICil Marlnr fl:njttnr• aJHt t•aru OCEAN FRONT RUSINF..SS RAUIO J'()tlabl• tadkl, I ~ bed. I MAitiN)o. RAI:JA,a : AND LCYI'S NEAR RAI.IlOA INN Oom..&...-S..ni--vr1np and matti"'NNI. I hot NOTICE M INTEHliOH toi FO. ro I,...._ .,... .-ater ~ h•at.at J . t-8taaap. TO tELL ISOI>u \\' l""ntral A''" l'h ~3IUI-W ,,.,,. II ""'' 1\1. lllnd1 Ill llaltkoa MIDWAV "EnUOl"ATION 1'11 C't>rlll, Ualboa leland, 11·tlo )'l•"'lk'rt nM\rh , altf 'lnrt. •·urnrr WuhlnJI<~n ant.! ... ._VIC( 1 NOTICE II HE .. aV 01"KH 2ft lfr 0<'""" to•runt :'>4 tt. eN-"'"' fi'Ofll· 1&01 w .. r t."tral "'"' JI'OIC MA~.IC 2-plN~t ov•ntutf .. punuant to tbt> provlalona of S.C· • a.:l' .. rr,•n•11 f.,t aall' by C ity l'h•'''" :JJ:.>I\ ltll·Uc· .,.,, '"'IC" rc>untl whJt. cna-. Uon 3440 t1f lhf' Civil C'ude of the I lNSIDJl: BOAT RTORAOt: I r-.,,.,.,.11 ••f Nt'•q w•rt t~arh '" thr table, II 1-eav .... -'-12. and • Statf' o• Ca lifornia. that MAR· Marinf' Wa~'ll ht•lllt hl•hler 11hnvr 14.000 fnr the ON .. : PAY ltto:c•At'l'IN1l anol 111'41 dlatn, lralhet IM'AU! .. ·t•rwkla J ORII-: DARt: A TZ and VIVlAN l.ll'•'hll•··l Y11o·ht hrnkl'r tl4 ., \\'ttl I'I'Y 1 r~eular 1\", cnm-""l"'lr ..-n•h·t' N•• prh•rtty ftt'l'U · brealafa11 labl•. 4 chain, a..u..r I LASGOALE, Vendor•. ol ~t Of· PORT OF 81':\'f:N RF.AS 1 nltsalnn ('o>lnll'll will ''I'<'" 1'11<1• aar~ Cor ICrll•l•• "A", t.ruo•k ... 111• While arm 1"~. IMUMr flee Rox 6:¥'. C.a.ta MMa. <'llllfor· lil7 l't141Jll Hl.:lml\y. l'h 111!1 Nnvrmllt'r 6. 11144 77-llt•· llllttllly a)'lllhrtlo rubber ,_,. ....t. 'l. """" 1'\lo•k•n 20t Rubf nl&. Intend to .. u to ROBERT i7 lfr l --yuur ra r In thO' m nr 111n1, It will A \'r • l\albna a.•and. MI. l~W FRANCIS WAl.KUN, VendH, ot . , I .. ,,.., Jtto'k 11,1 It" bto rratly In 1'' th11l rVf'nlnl. All ann 4 I'"' Tt-U. tRII4 N.-wport Bnulrvard. eo.ta \\A !lOT~~. I• I 'ttbln • ruult·r othnul l JOHN E. SA DLEJR W<'f'lc an. I matnlall lf\lara.nt.-.4 !.11'811 l '!lllfl mla. •II· that C"f'rtaiD :Ill (I .. t u~t 1"' Ill II""' I'"""'"'" l'o..Ca ..... T'l r• • lt.-a pplnl Ji'()lt SAl .F. n ("A C!ot\80W r.dao, "" 1 r 1 Ph Nni lll'h ll!o!AI. Y.~TATto; lllt(lto;tt l•n tutM!. 1"\n• c.-tllkla. IOf pt'rllnnlll ;>n>;.w"J1\' CIU\IIi.tlnl{ 1{1'D·' .. , • " "'~". n '~~ C:F:N io';HAL 1NH\IItANl'll: AGENT Abel('. 20Ch 6 Newpclt1 Ulvd. ~Cola t Dalbo&. Tl4 .. r r ally nt 11ll 11110('k In tra~. fla· • 1l "'" 1 7:0:.! Mlrtllmllr Prh·•·. Nt~ta"'' J>ubllt! n .. ta Mraa. Ptl 2S42 74-U<· "wa .r. A ~u.. or tile .-uy ,_,...,.. ILklln.kt Ml .. pllllt wta.e" llelleery _, Loa A......_ 0. U... 1 .J ...t wUI IIIIIIMoll 71Htc 'J j;'OR Ll: v ...,._ ...._ ~It Ia ~ IOWf'rtal ...-naator Hat&lytk-('ratiliiiC IIAll aad -U., rilttlt a~? prlln&F)' f'r1W'kla11 fura..-tUI"f'll, coqulpml'n lin jilnt !'l~&fl' l lo•t•"••ll l'ttllll'tl ltAOI(I,_ II•J*Irwd to ynur at-8 A &oc:UWB t' r, rl\t·••pt I uuntf'r and lablf'. rntrH l''llH S AI.Jo: M t~• llhll'• jill'ar aud ,302 M11111 Sl l'hnnr 2034 lafat·llnn All work l'll&r1UII-t. tuum Nt &.nll mlllcallu eou. 1\ar-• +-...: 1 U;"'l, lc• ••ream f~"PI'Ir.•'r. Ia,.. 11 urtn•· •ur•t''"'" llo•hlt~n I.·U\ol t•~t .... ••. ('allf 7...... nlture 212• MIra m at Ortve. • Costa ..... a. News Slrt't't, IS t'njoymg a \·i~l from ht>r I liM 'I I d I . ...Cr1 tor ~ -.,._ un. l'rompt ... rvlrr N "e.. lladto Ralbl , ..... ~··~ .. I a s an I ftlll{l' ILrr:e .. ('\'ttl(' ·-• llljl I :till ('"""' II"' y N•wpt~rl 1'4f'rvlr r. III!WI"o N..wpor1 Blvd . ... -mnlht>r , .. tr.o. J . J . Haag uf Mon· I'R•h n·guller frt'nc h Ctyl"r. mu11c 7,_.tf,· LOVELY OCEAN F .. ONT HOM a 1\ollta totru 17•8tr ----- Or. and Ml'!>. C. C. llullton ahd rovla. -t.. -· , .. · r~o. ~,., ,.._,., 1 box nl a <"<'r1aln 'r ate bualn~ -I Nrar I A~otu""· l"'trllllflrnllv un<>l,. _ __ roR 8ALIC Wlllte •IIAIIMil C!bellt !'otr. and Mrs. H. B. Woodruff ar-1 Mr. a nd Mrs. E. 0 . Potu•r. 137 + ---+ knuwn aa tne Palm Palm DrlveiD FOR !'IAI.fo! 1 water· atruct t'<l Ylt'w ••t '"'f'llll 6 tuliA M•d R f 1 tj nt draw•n. Ice b(aa, ~ -..,., ll'nded the wedding I'I'C('flt)y or Se· Easr .. ntdh Slrt'f'l, Wt'rt' dJnnRI.'r hoo.ld~ Barton lk•·k JMlrl or Mr lind ' An~l IOI'atal at IAA4 . NrWpo)rt ... , .. h outhollrd mntor. 2•. h ,. I .. : ... ·rllo•ut ... 1111-1'''""'1' lw-ao•h I way e r cera on all In pld cnnolltll'lfl, IACh ,,II U 1 on .. on ay l'Vt'Ding tn rvt-ren · · j 111 "-'l 4"', <>~nta •na • N rt 6 ... Ilk T'l .. lh ~ .1 l'b. IOIII·M , •ftc l'OOd eutcna nt Robc:-rt WahlbC"rg, d M Ca 1 8 Joh. d ' Wn~ J A Betok. !'128 !'luulh Bay Rmalt>vtHoi In Coeta .... ...., .. • .,., " .,. " ,.y,.. ""''l"' 1 ·tm "'"'"'' r n .. w •,. ,,. 1 l'Ofl or County Fa rm Advisor and ahnll-'-l"ll:,..__rolr .nd M rL'IOflin ll!'d Front wu lfl"adUalrt.l from I.,., folmlft. Anti I hIt t lht• pun:-haae 11.-tu·h r•h 11160-R 70 ttc ... kii<'IWII I 1nft blr. '" ubt.aln 10(1 lloMI ... hnlol Al•l•llanrn uf All Kllu18 ...oft MAl.IC ll:t..etnc .~-~-.. ----c w...-n -.-)'n a arv an · n t •~ ol hi ~• W•llftlnll Mar hlnf'a, JCirl'trlr lta .. •rw •-Mrs Harold Wahlbefi, and MISS M d.M ,...__ Sal' b · d Tt>•·h m FI'Uruurv all•l ttu>n I'D· 1 prtrt> tht>reot will bt-paid at 10 .,OAT ., Nl N 1 rno .... Jtf' '""'l••r• r vouu•· ronaiiUc.lfl. JO, PnoUo&UJ -· M rl K h' h I r. an n; . ._...,rge L~ ury an . I • I 7 h d ul ., ... A I I 'G F.lo•• lth ~IUIII· • fur 11'1111 lllllfl 5200 l"'r Cnmt ,, .. ,. Vanmm l,Mn•n. etC' . . a on enyon w IC was so r m· liOfl Rolland t..rl'• !\f•dllhlt•m•·n'll ~khool ut l 'l c nrk a.m. un lht 2 t ay •·t Kl Y•lllt plac••· 53 ""' hr 4l . ll\01\ C'f'ntral, N..wJlOrl O..Cb aar.:~ worn, aU wool ..,.., nized In lhl' Congregational · Columbaa. N<"w '\'vtk. wh,., . ., ht• ••··1 October. 1944. al Oranjle County hr min Wrllr Box 71111 llllll~ Ill tlli11 ttr""· uwnrr hu u.,.l l'hnnl' :lt:ltl 10-tlc wtoter coat, .... Ia, 110 ... at (•burch In Santa Ana. <'llv1•tl tii M, nmmtllq"'" 1111 t-!n11 .:n .. r Title C'omnany tn thr City nf 1 1 , 1 lo•u o.,l IMII•I llu•lltl'• takr• own-Ill IOU! at .. N.wport a..a. Brave litllt• Lucille NIC'kell. Mesa ~d Is the Naval RA>aervco tn Au~rust "" ~anta Ana, r o11 nty .. r Orance. '·"' 711'1111~' H ""'">'· Will ••·II lmpn•vem•nta · ,;.AHCilt~ eK AUTV tHO,;--10-- daU&ftter of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Ia nuw 11tatiunt>d at lh•·· aubma-Statt' nf C'allfumia. 1-'nlt ~A I.": ll<·fl •··•mmrrrt;d It ll'IUif' nn IIUlol fut ~21\0 Writ" ='lickell. has relumt'd from tht' Injured in r1n• IK'hool at N•w London, C'unn Dated: OC"tobo-r 16th, 1944 fl"h•n11 I" ~At <'KI'"''Ity 1 Inn. J•l•t I f••r •LII'"'"'"''·nt. I' o tt"" :1111. h011pitaJ and Is to hav~ !!IX months Barton Wll3 ~eraduatrd from New-MARJOiliF. DACA TZ owrhllttlt'•l l-'•8t hull, IIIII<• hlr••l j t'11ron• ole· I t.1Mr. or J•h RIUlta respite from ~urgery due to lhe Marble Chase port Harwr Hljth al'hOOI in 1940 VJVlAN l.ANGL1AL!o'; ,,.. .., .. rt .. , runnbnut, S~l()l) Ana 4:1:141 I.IO·Uc abeen~ ol Col. Gallagher undt>r Wn Herm&D H 1 1 1m r r and Vendor• Nt•rman, llfty Rhnrr r amn .. ,. 2 l,o>la on \ A-ntrMI Av•IIIM' whole Cfln she has bcton. O ldl.'r K p mothu, Mra Thomu D Garo.llnf'r. RORF.HT 1-"RANt'IS WALKUN N'''"l'l•t1 ll4•a.c:h 111-ltp f'lth otta. 8 yrar old We• lo •~1 Uayu ~~ sister, Myn.~. wh6 Is employl'd at la.J who llvea at 227 23rd atreet. MO South Bay •"tont f'nterhinl'd Vendee S2000 S AAAB, petu!C"d her 18tta birthday ~·v• r haw to a rolling marbl• aDd u Howard E G""en ot thf' U.S Pub. Oct. 19. 1944 t"fUC 8AL£.......AVT08 this week but has takt-n a ··rain Army Air ':orna. and b\8 brid•. th• ---htodt" ran In front of a car driven by '-' ·..-f'OI< S ALF. 193!\ l...,ntla.c: Hpurt c on a pllrty until hfor mony 11 •. Ro ............ _ .• 3• ot E1 Toro lila-former S.aa Bullar•l. P&Ndt-na. UVE8TOCK FOR 8A.LE ( 'ends ...... _ I · · h U 1 .. "'"""" .. COUI'f' to<oot.l t'nndttlnn, al•• li-n """"'are serv n& Wit llC' t" r ln• n~~-which a•-·ck blm ca"·· and Wr Evt'fttt F Cartllner, Har-I I S b _ _. ~ ._.., ..... _ "",.... tratll'r, atakr tJO<Iy. 4-n am &Vf' returr~. ~ 1~•~-A. ~ or Mra Gar·'ln'•r, FOR SALE Good ai.a year old be• .. _, -A Ca 1 8 J....._ __ ,__ lng contualon of the knet' and ......,. ........ ~· u ~ · • ~ alOft Jo~arrl c:und J L. Stamn, .......,",~ r · """"""' at· o'"'•r brut-• Th· -~~t-'-ot OC· at dlnn•r Sunday Tbe bridal gelcfulg. fine addle ho,... R..-" nded tJ ot board r ... ~ ~ -.. ""' 227 ( ... ,."-'. Oalb(>a l81and, 77 -ttc t e • ~ nc lhto 0 curred 011 2lal al~l near Santa coupl• are honeymooning on tht> •nable pr1«. 1631 T'u.tln Ave., 2 t .. •la un B•y AY4'11Ur In 11:.1 Uayu Tra.·t SS800 3 IA>I• 0<Mwl looo'MIIoll tur tluplt'•H Ol'flNIItf' •:lUll NrwJ>e..lf'l Market SSMO ( 'nld WAVN Mar hlnfllf'• All Kinde of )>•rman-.llu Manlrurtn:: Ueauly Troatm«<u 11142 ltarbor, <~ WHL ·MI. :HJI •ate IIP:t..J• W ANTICD llllpen.e.ct br~k .. f'ptor and ahmcJCTapbar tw perma-c poeltlllft. MUIIt bt' a<'r ur•l• and I'BJ*bl• nt ...... ,. Ina _vublk· Appt7 at C'UJ Hall 77·tle' ---------WA!ft'D '1'0 __., W A.NTIII> TO I..&AaC tor -w ,_ ,..,. 1-bed-,_ ttou.. ......... dUdPe; .......... -plor-d 111 uaa. -. ,., , ..... " ... tel W AHTICD To net or 11u1 .... p&afto ol •* •&k• JltL ..... Bdl. 1140. .Tt-Uc -----w ANTICO TO kiCNT 2 or I finance and church extf'f\Sion at Ana a venu.. lal&nt.l u. Grt'f'n complrt•d hla Ca.ta Weaa. Ph. Npl. Bch 1180. thfo Methodist church headquar-Ro~rda P. lcked up t tuo boy and flfty mt.lon• u bombardier In 78-4tc tf'rs in Loa AJ\if'les on Tuesday. Italy r'OR SAU:--;311 0:~; .. ~4·dolur II'· d&A, Prf'·War llru. nnl rt'lrt'a<la ra,ll•l, $7,.7 ~ Rtton-ll at li4llbo•a Car11,.:r iflfl to:a11t Hay Avr. Oal· W . L. J ord•" l»droom hou. to •100. ,.,._ a faaiiJ. ,..,..,..., avu-.. PIL W AN11tO Ro~• to do laUD· NWJ~t. ltlt. ll..U dry for family nt three, In your 700 JC c '••nl rttl Ualbo11 M lda ""-1 .......... look him to a phyaktan·, office ra. ...... -~ fl ........,r{Uo for flr8t a ld. Dr and Wra W A Haldy. 20r, Amethy.t avf'nur, •pt'tlt tht-w~k CIIILDREN'S OAU __ _ Telrphunr 16S 110·211" hnme MI. Npt IS nr 2122 ·f'Ve· ~•.,_.urnn-~ __ 'I'O ___ avw ______ _ nlnp Tl·tlc WANT '1'0 RUT Proper\J Ia • 1944 TIDE TABLES Hlfh Low Hlt;h OCTOBER bo>R l'h 2:1~1 11(1-;lto· end •.1 lh• homr uf thelf' daughtrr. HAL . I SUo: Nl!K~ERY SCHOOL OORONA DEL MAR Blll'S 11A]1f WA.N'TI:D I Mra J. L. McKtoJry, Hollywood 121 CTystal Ave . Balboa laland I"'H SAI.to: 111311 t· ... y n,,.,.h 19 l ·brt.lm1 ,,,.n ... 11"'"1 Ylt'W "' nay Cnr II' .. dl'llvny route. Oood Job, ---around U.. Hart.or cU.trtct. 'l'wo Mr McKinlcoy Is an executivf' In 9-12 a.m . 2·4 Yean Cl fo:tt,.lt•m fur l••ry hullt. •11 Ynu mu~t ••~ tht• at nn• r, 132110 II"'•' l>aY W• w UI lracb you an h N h (' llo·o·l A-1 lin·• IMI " ''' 1111111 t • nrt rop Air orp. October 16, 1944. Ph. Npt. 121 l'lllabll•ht>d ro11le H not lnt.or-•t in• Air ltrnkf'• l llllllhrrm hl'lll ' Low .. r IUltl M n• H Nnrdwall, 3011 80-2tc 3 Knom ltnullf' •~ted In hard wnrk do not a pply. lull ,....r.rabl•, w-. or wlu...t but~ •. ltwl&."'-1 ., ~ .... or aenec• Oft Ule M-. A ... l'.&r .. Jl&r1 ,..,...,, ......,. 21) 10 ~ • •47 12:31 ~ 4 2 2 3.5 21 11 27 5:10 (.'olhna avrnur a r .. epeot.llng lhPir tr 1112~1 00 4404 l'ooul IllY I $'7:SOO Newport ICle a Oold ~ \'l rl.llhlll at tho· hunu· uf Utf' llol!-No•l4'pnrt 114'""'' IW·H•· 4111 3411h Ht. NMII'JK·an n.;a('h I :Ot I rrr rK. •..tlllllflll ll.>Ao·h lor lhrr.-"'""k at thf• Del Tahqu&l% 10 Palm --llrMul lful llumt-I 'hun~< 11\7 Tll·trC!"~'!::OL' •:-:-~-:-~8-P0:-::-111'~-A-TIO=-!f---- 0.4 1 "'"t'kll Sprtn~:a It •• ''""Y 111 IIH• "''"'1•1 '" ""'' · S'7!WJO _ 1 • ftftoS"'I 1:02 1 M ' V , 11 • Myrna Ur0ok11 llllol twr mother llfirr lhr wurloi'M oplnt.,n , It llol ' III':AI ITY I'AIII,IIIt ,,1,.ratnr, ••· cub. Writ.. Oo• 'V', e/o N ... Tim-. TJ..U. ,. Tu. 24 W. BEN l'adJoaaJ Jf-Dvtu,.,._ aaell u 81Hp. lee·-. Craaki• .... Esdtablllty. a-tI--er Nenou HM41Khe baterfere with Jour work or 1po&l T h :11, roar rood limea. lake \\'tl 2:o Dr. lilts In•• r, 3 I 53 32 3 :57 33 5.38 36 6 l!J 40 ti 46 4 4 lU> :..-37 2.R 6.26 3.1 8 :~ 3.4 II 02 311 12:12 2.4 12'09 5.1 1 :11 ... ; 2 :48 4.1 4 :32 4.6 5:50 4.9 o.s l,tr;y ri!F'rn~~:·l~ •• ~" ~~;,ll·10~.a~~:.'n~ Mrll, IJrll<'P BrO!tkll, 3 10 lllnmond r··uy in 1\oillllll•· ,,, llvr ••II··· ..... Wl\h ~~·~·· ,.,." )ol,,lllh .. , IIIKhWft}' 'f'llrnt ""'"'rtunlly ... MUW!M 1 :12 1 ,wntr •( 11 "Ni . <•t th 1 I avt>nue, <"ntertalnrol lhl'lr rrtend I W!I but t h<• It'''"' m 111 '" l11• wltn l!Muly Hh••l•· 1114:1 tlarbor Blvd., 0 6 ' II' • nR II (I "" ur Ml I " IU ... u •. ··-r • :\ I~·· ll•"'"' ll••m• .. . 1 Fun" ehop and 111,.. RoJ L.)'m&C 1 •• ..-uC e -c.uenty. Y•uman ul Ul• ml .... l u 11,,. · ruw.t k..,.,,.. ~ Co.ta .,._ l"tt. N31. ,._. .. t :37 209 Amrth lot • 1 h' fu til t'lruu1 uf lh•· SJl&rll. Ml• W•·· with pcrf11..l awef'\neaa thf' lnde· P'our lla ____ _ o.•' Y avl'nue. "J"H'n 1 " Ht'nry fomtrrly lh•l'•l .1111 lit•· l'\'ndct' uf llttlltuolo-Jo:rnrr1un IIO,OOU IIKt.J• WANTV.I• Wt~ti11Ul lo t.ll• 10:54 1 181M<! nn.t WWt rmrlnvt't.l at 111ft • '"" ••r "'"""' • t•ll•lraon tor worn. · ~ W J Holcomb 0.4 IJ~,.~~ ~~--•<~ Jln~_u"' \'a•lt•ry """I W<rk11. ''"" luunty Automobile 11 :S2 '1'-NTH44 ,.....,..._ "'''fur·· "' ~nnta A11n she 1" Tops Recovered 0.2 "l"'lldlnc Ill<' .... ,., '•I "' r rurlttuj.:h 1 2 ~4~ Vitamins A and D I'""' ,,, ' f.oth··r 111 1-ull.·rtliO BACK THE A1TACK 1 n,.t , . .,n,·c•n '"'''' 1 Wtnd~ld Wlpt'r l"f'n1o•f' RAI.ROA MOTOIC~ Ralhua f uh .., •trr I H • tJ lio IHtl,. .. ,,f '"' Utflf'Of".r v-mual baY• Vu.arn on ,· •-a td u. protectlvn •.:• .. •· 1 n f • c "on • • h 1 c b • r • •n fll h k•IJ to -cur •• the n.,,, throet. .,..., un and •P ill •bee tbere \e e defiCIC'II( )' • 118 1':. Rtty Avr, ., .- Let Our Boys Read Home Items ... ,. witaaaln. . --BICYCI.&II llo&d, ,..._. or 10o palnd Vo1el'a, lOt IIUa &. ...................... ...-. ..... laotlt WANT tUIJI!:NI n.M111 ....... lalanol 111 Manta Ana: ..... at T:jo 10.m. 10'7w, r• ... rt Av•, ltal· hu& l11la1HI I I•St.c Maay of out loc.l bo)'Jl a. tllle llf'nw are •~n to ~ !lieww-n-. TllleJ 8Jo1 --lac I..._..._, -..ben .r Y--.4 Vltanin 0 to t-~·· tbe IMNIJ ~neke proper use \1M calclu. •d pboaphorw 11 ,..., diet. J(t t~f U h OUIIII Profeuienal Directory u.elr famll7 &M frlelld"' Will you, wt.o IUow Uaem. '*'-a. pe,__. or IOCllal Item. ot Wta ............ ! n.e,. will appn· nr INIWa 111 wlillr .. ~1 mlc" 1te d ale It aad ao will we. \\'e a1eo like &o prillt ....... .._ ~etten _.... ,._ ,....,.."' Iron. tiNt ~~o,. •. II J•• ere ••t 1•1t1n1 ..... of tiMM two lmpon;.1• l ri..U-. e.lle e ON~-A-OA'I ..,_. va....a. A end o T~h 1 I.S ~ day -.cl lnaure you • .....a rwq..u ... n-. DNEmDAY -DOI(OTHY UARNIT ( f\ .:lan,..., 11rO\'fllll the wa~l,.,.hlp nf th .. Nf'w~Timf'A) Tl4uu ·~ w .. rru T .. ~ Otc;, EllPLOSt~ ,..OOK PL 11\Cl LA~T NtC:HT• "'''lS T .. ( ~~ 'WillA,~ E!~CII\PtN' "\No You I<NOW 'OLO ~I,..PU S' Tti£ NIC.~T ---~ W>\TCH"1>\N, OO ... 'TCHII\ '! \ ·.:x:: W(LL. .. f wUIT INTO Tttl PLACl, To LOot< FOr{ ntl. ~E"t< WITI1 <'\ L.ICttTEO CANOU -- ~~~•· .. , r•~'"'',, ,,..,,.,,tlt .. ·rv ••n• I t1 Ull I tf't'" Tlu,. l'lu• t1 \f.'"' d''et:IJ(fl• t1 ""' I 1~1111 IJV 1111 llrli~f "ll II "" 1111 tl 1 .. 1 fqr Ill~ ••14'11 ho•m" l'rto •· lf,i:,(l T•nn" A lfl~t ,."rr1•• • hnt~ •• Vlt"Y. 1nf • ur ' lhe tolutr T. F. RhcldM, F.~durd''" ._,.., OHk<' llfl 1111' llltt rt al I II'""" llhlll lUI II ( :ulolt•n"ld J•hun•· N .. wrw•t1 ~444 • I'll"'"' N""'l'"d 'JHI 1<11 Itt aT wAS' IIORIIWU IIIVIIOOI. .. ('..,... ............ D.\t' .. ~IIOOL u ....... v.tlap. ....,.,....., ......... u ....... Cl. A. 11.--, II. A.. Od ... ........... ........ Cordon M.CrundJ, M.D. ""y•kJiall 8tft4 ._,.._ Nl"l" a"4 c.tttra Ave. Office Hra.: te.1J a.m.; 1·1 '·"'· Tal•~ IJ LEROY P. ANDERSON AfTO .. NI.V AT LAW CHta MIN eanlt eull4111f .... eft •... Coeta M•u Callfortlla HAROLD K. GRAUEL CHAPEl I · .W• 1 lurarlv.,. thl! Jl4Jtter S.t'Ye I UJ Hf'rvlnll (Jthen l~at·• P hon• Newport &tt Co1ta Ma .. Callfor"la I I BUY NOW . I City Tax Sale Lota A. J. TWIST 607 Gout Highway Phone 2422 I CO .. ONA DEL MA .. (;erald Rauaa, M. J)., 1 !UO WNt r ... tral Avtt. s-..nn .._,.h .... II!A--Sn .... .., rail IMI·M I• X. lil.a1 ""'"'-I JACK RAtTO IJCleMed l.aad Aurveyor zen w. O.traJ Aw,..~~~~ ....... : Newport . omc. 111: Ilea. 1858 .... A4111,_ ... "~•·~· .... "'-C.·-· ..... ., ..... ~~ ...... .., N.D. CASH D. '1/, M. DOG 11M CAT .... ~ITAL .. _ .... _ ttt4 ... Malfl et., ...... AN, C.tlf, c..n.t Riclaw, II.D. "'yelaa. AM ......... Offlee '"...., ...... ,. .. , ...... Heun: tD-11 .. "" & ... ,. ""' "'·· Ofn. 1111 .._ JW DR. G. E.. TOHILL .. HVttCIAN ... tUROKON ... e. ..... ,., ................. _,......._ Offloe DI·W R-. JM-R If N• A-r Cell .......... I Dr. M. U. Crawford OPTOIIF.TaiNT fo;y,.. f:umlnfld • OIIIMt'l nucct 1111 N-.,ort lloeta.ard PINtnoiU. (lONTA MFJIA BALTZ MORT UARY CHAPEL BV THE t•A 4tO Coaat Blvd. (.'l•ona dal ""•• N••toer1 --~ ,.hone Newport 41 -"utt OUEU LUCAS J)(•nti&t • Uft'!, w. r-eral. ..._ I'll NP:WJ'ORT ftEAC'II Nnel A. Uot.tomley OOMMJo'.RCIAI. DIVER ....._, NpL .._ III'J·W .. EMlO...,.._. • .. • t ... ... --= .... ..... -0 • T uch- tl - ........ I Harbor El Toro Marine Officer Takes Bride at Lovely Wedding With Unique Climax Feminine A lonJy wedcllAC which bad Uw ter H. VaertlD• (Navy) attended I * By Winifred Barbre 'tf -fl ..aqu. ciAitlD<'Uon ot beln& t·arrh·d bla brother-In-law u but man ------==-----------------------------------------...;.;:...... ____ _ ellt ta two~~ took place An.er the ce~ony " rt'('f'ptltm 1 J . M f Th {j'Jb rt p Activities 8uDday at r, p.m In the BaiU wu held at t.hc home frf Dr and Oint eet 0 e I e aces a ap.l. ())rona del war wtth ttw 1w,. v~r~. 200 <Xee.n boul· Legion Au xiliarv Siste rs in Women's Land Army Purchase Snyder "-.lt. D. Ooodt>IJ otflda Uilc. The nard Corona del Mar, w ht:rl' R . 'N F · Qc F H ~ ......... Clara W&rpnt l'bry.;.nttu•rnurna ··~re ••pin lllt'{l l rm gs ew aces ean . ront orne lleDeU. claulbler of Jol r. aDd JolrL u df'<'onatlnna. About I,.." n t ,, 1 --llan7 Benaett. Orand J UDCUoll, ru,.-. wtahf'd the yo~ coup!# Thl" rtnot J•·•nt ,,, . .,,1 III ".I;Toun nf Tbe a ttractive hom e ot Joln1 OreJJa Soyder of Rlveralde located al 1708 Weat Ocean Front ha• ~ pul'Cb.ued reeaUy uad 1.1 now occ~led by Kr. and Un1. GU· bert P~e. formerly or Loa An· .e.lea. Colo., aod llbe wu marrted t.o hApptn ..... and pt'rbaJ'III n11n,. of ,lhf' Arnt·nr~on l;·~l"n P"st anti Major ll&nhall Joloon'. U R Wa· thf'm reaJI&Nt that the ,.•ed<Un~r Aus: 111/\ry pruVI'•I 11 r•~tl ~an t:N lne Oorpe ~•rve of the El ~ wa.. nnt yet over. f,r lher" had hrln~r:lnl! ••lit O•ll'•" rn•·miJo•rN or I ...... 80il or Jolr. and Mra David bt·m a lut -mln ula cklay In ob-botth or,-1\nll'....!'' n• An lnl"r,.,.l· Moore, Oe\eva, N . Y. taJnlnJr: the m&rrl&«l' Ill ,.n.,. '""' ln~r mul111n ''" totrl' prw;r"m """ Cln')'aanlhf'mUINI 1 n df'l lcall' thto fatrful worda whlrh j~ln••ol th•· llfot>n llrrnnjlf'tl l"r hy nayton ,..tal colora. pahna and ltl'bted rouple bad ~m lett uut ,., '""I 11\~tlllJ•"'•"· pr .. ~rBn • hB innan. 8.1\tl I ~&pen to tall candelabra rurmed ce~moay. thrmll(h lhP c•r.urt"JOY or t hf' St'"' t.be NtUq , Mel the UllltoriM ol Therefore on Mnndav mornlnj( ,.tnrtl ( '11 rrm)JHin~ 1111" N'lf'aiiU f'Jf I ~ f rlf!llda o1 the bridejfroom I' he prfncl 111 rt:palrrtl 111 tt"'l """'-rf"t-111 lllloowln,::-lflntlln,::-11 In added to lh4' 111'4'nt: couoty cou~ bouw. th• h('l'lliW' •·u j F'rlln< •• "'"' lhr rnpturl' r,r Gullm. The new ownera are not «rang- en t.o Newport s-cb wbere, like 10 many other people, t.bey came for a few weeka IUid have re· maJned t.o make thla their perma· oent home. Coming down from Loa An&ele. In the tall ot 1940 for Mr. ~ce'a health, they rented a houae tn the •me block In wblrh they have aettled. Thl' cllmalt· wu highly .beneficial but b111llntfl1t and rtal e11tate lntl'reata In LloB Angelea made living at euch a dla· l a nre dll fll'ult, 11(1 In l!H3 lofr Bllfl lofrs. Pu.cl' m o\'l'd bark to tht• , ltv only to realize Ulat they wnnle~ to return to N~wport Harbor •1111· trlct u 1100n lUI thl'y COllld Wind up their atfalra aod wll lhl'lr Loa Angelt-11 home With a ~·am and a ~~atl.afle.J algh. Mra. Pa.c• aald, "And now Wf' arl' bert st.y :" ''" v. •·II 11~ l'llpturPtl r:Prm11n films Alt.ftc11n« the brldf' \/U Wlu nhlalntod am1 u. .. l'••r••m•mv • ,.,.,. rl I I ...... • · lilnd 11 • 1< ·~•n. W••rt> 11hown. &an.ra Bennion, wh" r arrlrrl Jilnk Pet...., 1 IVfrl'lthml'nt' w,.r,. ~··r\l•tl hv I lipid« c:h,_...tbemWIIa, wbOe U.. 11M! n_. Mra M•><•r•• :.11• ''""'1 1 thr Awullnr~· w •th lh,. pn•,.hl~nt lll1de ~ prdt-nlu Dr, I....H-I Utoaa <ollc~K" In Gmml J urutl"n !ltftlh· n o.lllnK !'ol tl•lro••l ~tanlt·v ''"'' l.ntl Ia a m••miH"r ''' c;ammll ""PI'" II• lt·rt RMrllt·l In , liar((•• I Marpret L 8c.hute 101"' rlty J-ll'r bu•b!ln•l l(rtt•tuut•••l ..;,.,, ""''' hu•ono ~· .. •Hion" V.t•r•• from Hr1bart t <>lll'litf" Grroo•\'lo "'"1 h•ltl lh~ Auxlllnrv m•·•·llriJ: 111 tlw (M t ............... ~ hu rrl·,.nOy ,..turnr.l frt•m Zll !-t< ,1,1 llut uno! lh· 11 ,.,.,,. ,.,.1111 el ~) mnntha l'f'fVIC'I' ID th• ,..111th I'll· 'l'ltACIIII:a OF PIANO ~-••• a.,., ..... , lt7 01lf1• .. A-o..-... DfAr ._,Jif'&j nwro.T IMI rill•, bdn~ " w•trr"n nf ffliCII~I' mf'nla at <;wcd.•h :Uihl ="""' • :u• 1wu, t 'bJ-c"" 'a''"' "•t•·r dntJ N•" IIIII H ltl Tho \ "'Ill 1111 Vo· •t "" k ~ h(•n•~.)'Tnt~C.•n t:tt JnUh\M, •·f 1nl• ,. ... ~ BUY WA .. BONDI 100% WOOL BA \'ON.& WOOL DoiiWe ......... . aa-t ...... ta........., ....., .. ., eelon. '2 .. 'IS~ MDJJil & PARK FURNITURE CO. u ........... d rl\•• ,. • ''I"' d th• ""•'"''"" ''' t .. ,th .:•••up' Th· ft''"'' h.t ~~t '" "''"tn , "' tO". n••v. rn• ruh•·r.-l•• ,-~n •;p h\' • '-;t•\ 11 fUIII h lu I•• '''I'Hd l h•·tr r •. ''' ., .r lu"t '•'It r '-' ht•n .t th v t,t'l•UJ:hl 111 1n' n•'\\ uwnl h• '' T h11t """''' '-"'" tl ... m u n·•ll••n:rl tllll- u .. n 't'twy llr .. ''"'"'' I IIIV AIOk lnjt YI'Un~ ro•l llrnl'll \'l"l••l"lnlt 11f this ••ar tu c omt• lfl t hr• nl~•·Unt:A ittHI 1 Jmn lh•· I'<Hit . Th,. Au,.IIIIU y hiUt " 'lllulol .,. 70 I m l'n h• r• ""'' hHA unlll nl'l'f'mhrr I 'IH 1 .. mrt .. tr rt. hut lht• Pfost h~t.• Amon,r: the tho ...... o1 womt'n h"lpinJr In the han'HI of thla ~rar'• vital war erope • lllf'ntlwr" u( the 1Vom e n'a Land Army are thf'N! two •Uten. Malwl •ml Jruie Hladlwell, who are .. wii{'Oamln~~:" fiber Ia at thr lk n ton 4:0unty Flax Co- orwn~lh r plant anuth G( Conalli•, 0"'11(· l"f'uly two-thirda of th,. •ur kf"r• allhf' flu ~lanltlri,. ~··ar~nC'Iuclin~r lruC'k and &l'ae&or drhen uad •wdne operatur_h,.ve Leen w o mea. Need of Clothi ng For Ru ssian Reli ef I rhtl.llf·Hjtt•or th••m I•• A r"''" nn a t>o•rt'l'flllllef' hAtw' Afl .. r lhr compll'· Assistance Leag ue Plans Charity Tea ; l tt>n of lht• l'o.t ''"""· thl'rl' •·Ill While a recent 11hlpment or 1!1,· 000 pounda of clothing wu wnt to Ru.ulan relief r l'cently from Or· ange c:ounty, lbe oeed Ia lntenal.fled with lh, comiJl« of wtnter, and Mra. Ledla Strothn ot N_.port 1)0' a mf"mbf'rahlp dinnn on Nt)\' Votes Scholarship and Priso ner Aid :ll for holh group11 with thr hu,.,. 1\t'Alf l f'IOIIIOII" tu ftiiJOW. An ewrutlvl' ee111lon ••f thr Aux- Iliary wlll ~ ht>ld Nov 13 and commlttre apJ'I<)UitmeniA will be l'ompletf'd l 'lnn .. fur " hUg<! charity brtclaf'l Tltt-pr,.11ent at tbe meetmg In· Beach, executive aecretary ot the t•·• II• lA' topOIIa'lrcd Ly the New-1 d,ult•ll M•>fl<lamea C. L. Tbom , Orange county q_olhlng for Ru. p<ort Hart or AMI•t.anc:e Leaa-ue on J~t• II llallrnan. T WI'Citnn Jay. R. 11la commlltl'e I.e a.altln• fnr more T11eada y . Nov. 17 at t'lc Newport I< ltoo<lgklnaoo E T ChaP.man Jr., donatiOIUI _____ ----Hubor Ytu·ht club rrnn 1:30 to 6 fltwn ~mil h. John Parkl', Wll-Var1ou• church ~rroupa are do- • COMING EVENTS p m ,..,.u madf' at tilt luodseon lard Klll11•n. F: F: Bou<Unot, VIr · lng much to aJd the Ruaalana In .I mrellng ot the Leal:lll' Tu..cSay a t ~10·11 ("aaotlt Walton Hubbard Jr .. Cllllog the houeehold kit. t hat ct>n· the llomt: or thl' preatdent, Mra , .\l&<n A· diN Abblltt, Rodnl'y Bum· taln many uaeful artlclu, u v.-t:ll MONOAV, OCT0 8 E A 23 T. Weeton Jay. 201 VIa Orvleta 'htlll • ;,., r~l' \'arlliPy, Robert Wal-u clothing, but anyone havln11: R.N1 CTo8ll workroom. I ll Palm U •l., J~t. It•·• .11\mu Rol'l'ra, A rthur JM.t, garml'nt. wh1ch mav 1M' uMd can aYf'nue-. 10 a.m. to 4 p m , surgi· The p-oup hua:, .. ln aelec:.ted lb .. W I' l•urkt"f', Onnald M<"C'Illlum.,leave thl'm at th• ch~bf'r nt .-om- C'aJ d~~lng~. thord T\1• :<•lay or thf' mo·nth a a thr ~;, rro It r.anllnrr H F. ~tahll'r. merrt: off IN' • RNS Cross workroom. 313 Ma-da~· rur the "'"'11\l m~ettn;;-a. With F f: Rrlnhold. Wlllla.m Wbl\e,l nn<• a vrnur, Balboa h land, opc:·n lh• fourth Thurs.lay f•.r 1-tf'd Cr-oa>o , .... ,,' l:r~t•· ... I'Hul Pa.lmrr and Mesa Matr S ,to to 4 r m .. li4'WinJ:. ...ork. :IJii Ull\1111. ,.,,.,. Jay brou(bl ~'"""" Fleml~. -I on ees R.rd ~ v.orkmnm. ):!()() brnullfHI tulwruul! tx·~:onlu frofn-Tho• nt•'ll rr····tlnjt \\Ill bt> ht'lil at Sister After Years Oct•nn boult'VIHtl, ( 'llrona dl.'l Mnr, hi' I' j(artl··n tu Ullt!' rnr iloral decora-t hr h•·m·· of ~lrll H••WIIintj Huq~. I 0 f Separation ~ ........ ............ ................ .............. ·····-····" A on, .... _,.. ..... ..... -.---··--LOUCK'S ,. • ..., .... .._thu ta am N-..rt ~~m~. (X)8T A liiiCaA HAUl SIZE DRESSES 'I'IM,'re ,....., .. d d~h-"•· fully -anaM •. --,,...IlK ••K ALSO "'• ......... tft. cf,...... lor nouy fipre aad ""'T •• . . . Ead dft1l1 ff'lll l· aifte. ._,,_ o1Di4knlaa J to 4 p fU. 'll~klll I'IN'll'lfll;!< IICofl$ 1\nt'l hf'r AMitolln,: hotlt-11 k1n~1 n \\lth !\lr11 Doon:tltl Alrl'llhot;'l F'AIOAY. OCTOBEA 20 v:o·ro· ~Irs J,., k lllllm .. n and Wno nrul :\lr~ IHx"n Sm.lh tUt I.I.NIIstmg 1'1lut l 1/UIOI, <llnn•·r I•H'f'lln~ at RO.Snt>y Uun1h:1m h..,,,.~""" L"h rl11t ("hurrh by lht• Sf'IL. .. :mnou llughl'ft II( Surf and SUd --~----- TUE.IDAY, OCTOBEFC 24 "''111 ji('!'JOf nt n f HJOh lnn M(>W at lhr Sma ll N ieee for Ll 6 "" II 1 charity t~a. fPuturlnJI: nrw aportjM G B dd on~t. ;,..,, I' nz Krust•n. tluth•·• fur t'u• wmlng KILliOn. anti rS. eo rge e orne Rotary, 6:30 'p. m .. Whit"'" Park AVmUt', BalbOa bland. llw,. w1ll ~ many dnor prmpa --- Mn;, Fn-d Long or Oron~;l' Avf'· nut• has n'C1'n tly I.'X'pt:ric>nct'tl onr or tht• hlehlights of h~>r lift> -thai I tlf D<~·lng a 81lllPr from whom abe I has been st'p8ratNI for 28 yt•~trs. MrL Lulu Sawer11 of Rapid City, South O.gkota. camt" to vi.au Mr11. Long to make tbe reunion po•lble. Mn. Sawenr has hc>t>n lht' gu('l!Ct ot two olht'r sistl.'n ot l..o~ An· fteod C'rollt work room, 111 Palm donated by local merchiUIIA, whou1 (ln., proud fathcr wtHJ wlll never avmUC', Balboa. 10 11, m . to 4 p. "'·· nam"• will .1M' annnunced latf'r, u , Af(llln bellevt: that Friday the thlr· llt'WinJt. •·til mt'mben. ot lbr rnmmltttu j' 11'4'nlh Ia an unlucky day 111 Chief fWd C'roq workroom, 31:\ Ma· whQ "-'Ill be In o•harjCc< nr the at-Rp W H. Gret>n. URN., who 111 on r11M' aveonul', Balboa b land. 10 f~tlr Tlrkrt" may 1M' pun:hUid duty aomewhere lD the aouth Pa-geletl, Mn~. JO<' Smith lllld M,... a. m . to 4 P• m . srwln&: frum rt.ny t..ragut mrmbl'r r lfk. 0~ Rat'.. The t'8S!('m Vl~llor Oth.-r vtan11 mlltll' 1nrl11ded U1t• J The n'UOn bdng that on that Will n-matn ~in Callf?mla unl il l •unnrn~t to( "" A~llll•tllnrr l.rfli\M I day hla amt\11 rtaughtrr. Karf'n I after lhe OuiJ tma!' hohc1uyr. Mi ssion Trio to Deli ght Friday Afternoon Club pnllll·ur "' ""''" fur·ol. ~<n that a.ll l <"beryl, WIUI born at thf.' Hollywood . l l'rl~n .. ,.. mlly ""'''' lho• Ol'ede<l l'relh\'lrru'" h!•~pll lll !=!hi' weighf.'d Crrcle I Wo rks vltnn .• n .. I•• 8•1pph•nlt·nt IIH ., rt· 6 pounda. 10 ounru and will IIOOtl Fo r Nov Bazaar Alno·t, ol "'"' ~~~" l'nll~ WaUrtr arrl\•e home with her mOtht:r. who: · 1 uf U ·l" IIIIo· '" 111 h~<r~:• nr UU.. lit llvlnlt "rth Mr anrl Mrs Gf'orge Tt -l'.-- )of,•mbo-r8 uf !111· .-rloiH\' Aftl'r·l wllr v.•ork (••r lilt' lt•!~<l 11r• 11 ~J,,m.. thP lllttl:'r !K'Ing her' ll' hom!' ur .Ira. Rulb IOdder. ' • 1 ..... IAAO \\'hrttl4'r 11 l r ,. r t WI\J! thto nnnn rlub arl' ltlukrn.: f<>rwar\1 tQ ,,n••t I• r un I I:! tu I• I• rn.t·d Cor .. s ter. I · I . «ene uf bWI\ llcllvll \' t ntlay who n a. •l"ll.:htrul mu,., rol rnt .. rlwle thlll 8 ""bolan•hll' f nr !\ :"r•wvnn H&r·l -------1 1 · • 1 1• \\'"(-. . mt'm ,..,.,. o 1 111 I' " " mrt WC'O'k Wht:n to~.. \\ F: Nl!'kl'll bo•r t IliOn )I gh ~ hrot•l •t ,,,, nt to p,· Be ta Ph •. Tea I t.ll I ' I · · 1 an an t -• AV ~~~"•••n ,, S'pf"t~d prnjtrftm fhlllnn11n wtll prelll"nl bo· A\\llr•l'•l flo'rfltdllll: I•• lho• •lffl· T B H~ ld T d pt~11 and art lrlf'l! fnr 11 f>.tuuar ln I ltlf' Jollplon Trio "' ~~~~ Angt'll'e ~I· n of ,, nnHIIIII···· , .. ,.,,, .. , hom 0 e e ues ay be .. •. th • llpt1n101 t•u u)' I' ,.,..Up !111 rumpriAI'ol "' .. lor•'ll!'t' AntiPntOn. fllf'Uil~· """ lf'll.l:'\1•• "'' rnl·••t• :'llov 4 vu.,lln, Lu<'llll' \\'hill', crlllat anti I A t>o<llh will t)f• ,,.,..,n, 1 ~ .. , lhf' \\'lth mlfn\· ml'mber!l of PI Beta • ... k f r d h \ lrKonJa <>r&lmiUl, piMn, 1\11 nf t.. Rllllt' 111 t ht' ~.IX'Il • 1111 t. .. ~uar Phi In thl• area, aome of whom their o~~~o·n Mndwlchl'll M r•. KlddPr I • 0 ' . · n nr i'rll ram,• Ortt II' Wll v.•h,.m are rnnr f'rt pertunnera on u ... 1, wh •rr i'hrl~lmrt~ ~:reeu are wlvn of ~<ervlcl' mm and not d h h Cit M C 0 l..unrh"l'll Will b4' •t'rvl'l at will 1>1' >~<•ld. known to Ule local fTOUP an-1 anKJ t:r co-d ct. h eud. n . · · • pp. ••rve " ••t:rt cou rw 12 30 by lb" w•y• and ml'ana com· I A hf'W .t .. p:utnwnt I~ th1 ap· nt•lm rt:ment 111 ~tor madl' of a ; mil IN> of ••hlch Mra OU.a Wt:albpr-: pt.~tnlml'nt of " mt>rr h•·rt!IIIJI , hlllr· tt>a 111 1M' hfld Tueaday, Oct. 2t ,.-N----0...----r-----. -Rune---,..-.... --... --, •·ax t. clla lnnan. ReaervaUocw man. 8.1\t.l Mrrt F. T l1u1pman wu trom 2 to 4:SO p.m. at the home .. ., I art'. c-omtor In rapidly 110 II you l r hown for thlll r)(•llltltlll A ltport or Mrl<. Wayn(' Harper. 116 Aba-j FRUITTIWJUPIIOCE BAR want to be auur-.d o r a place be-\\'8 11 mAliC' nf 776 h uure of •~rvlte len<' 1\VI'nut>. Balboa l11land. ln~e a.:ved for you, call loll• Allee durlnr the ah; Wt:ek,. JW"nod for All t hr~<e nl'w ml'mlwr~< will b4', tll VeM& IIIJrllw&J<, Newport l l'lunlPr, 28• R.-d Cr~ work. Wt·lt•om .. , 1u HI M r11. Harpl'r u k11 1 ------------that an~•nn• lntf'ndln~~: tn come Variety R.W.B. Store 008TA MUlA Plaques A nee u r14't)' of plaq-Ia all .u.e.: bf'eullful 59",,, •1• I'Oiortna and nn'l'rll) ••c- Books for Children ~lory bool" In IWlf'UIAr ''"mil' r hArlld4'no : "~mllln~; .Jac-k,'' "lira · trnn J.ady". "TI'rr)· Anti Chi' l'lr llh•.,", "Mf'c'l'f'( ~·t11A41rnn" .,.1 1111111' ulho'l' 39'' HALLOWE'EN SliPPLIES {'0 :\lrt.t:Tt: l.l ~t: ot-t• \t ·t;!', \\1(;1'0, 'Cl~t.s, c •< H1tt -. H.o\TS, 1 •. \STt:RS~. SKt:l.t;ToSs. HORSS and RI.AC 'K (' \TS Pottery Sets 5 ,. 39'' In I'~ .... 8 uawt pattet')' ta ~ .... ar-.; flf'nlff for four : hraul.lhll 'Slit and ~. .\ttreC'tiVf' ._,,..... C'Oinrln!r' Sri Sweat Shirts .._,~ "'""'" ... "-tw t-' •·f'a.ttwr, In l'cttt ur Mit! II"')'· I:\'H'J-8fllllfa -- COMPLETE LINE OF FWWER BULRS II pleaa t·all ht r and malce ~aerva· tiona. Her tell'pbone Dumber .. 7211-W . Guests of the Bob Skiles Leave For Ea stern Home Mnt. W1f1111m Rl'pplln~:l'r a nc1 10n Billy. of Jophn ~1 1s.o;octr1, ~hu have been L.'Ut'~l~ of ~fr and Mrs. ' Bob SkiiN~ 11nc1 fnmil} on PlnN'n· tift S\1'('('1, ll'ft l"r tht•lr ))(lnW nn I Mondny. l lusbancl of tht• \ ''''"r '' m th•• r-;a,·y and hllll h~'<'n l'l8trnnt:J a t San Olrgo Ullllw openU.. of Leala Daw· -BpeelaiU.. AU d tn.. car· rot.,...,.,._:,,........_ La Verne's BEAUTY SALON Su1J.days and Evc>nmg:- By Appolnt mPnt 1 MILDRED BJERKEN l :\04 ~lnrmC' Avrnul'. n:~lhoa lslnnc1 T('lf'phont>: ~-n . llt.t7 llour.o 9 111 5. (o;,.,·rpl Sunrin' 802 Members for PTA of Newport Grammar School Enlisted Following Contest In report In& oa the membenblp I wtUa the tul1 coopentlan ot e\·ery drive of the Newport Beach Gram-teacher uad audec.t. IUA)' )'OUDC- ma -b 1 ... "'"-· Hill 1 atera enU.ated not on.ly their par- r -00 • -r•. ~~ 'I enlll and JT&ndp&nniA oo both cha.lnnu, wlahn to upre• the ~idea, but tackled the aunt.., uoclu. apprt'datloo or the board for the oet~bo"' and frlenda of the tam- fine rNpt.oa of the p&reniA, netcb-117 bon1 and frlmda of the children 1 ReaervaUona for lbe hll'hly aur· who made poulble a total of 1102 cNACul Family Nlcht dinner wblc.b membera being en!hrt«-d for th• cloatd the <'Ofllf'at and wu held at yur 1944·4:1. t.be .chool on Mond•y. ao Car aur- Wtnnera ot the e .. r.teat whl<'h pLMe\.1 .all upertat1ona or th• oflered " flrwt prize and honnra!JI., board who wl'rP dl•ppolnted Ill menUo11 to thl' room 10 Ule firat not ~tng a bll' to allend. Only C< ur (nldn u well aa lhl' room I the lin: 1t.atluna un aeaUoc apace In the lut tour rradee acorlng lhl' and lbe m~at w hich bad bHD hl&:heat number of potnu. have I orderl'd ~Jt'VI!ra.l we4!tur In advance, ~en a nnounc·ed u fc11lowa by Mre. 1 made It neceM&ry tn dl.aappoln.t Hill· Lower tour crade.: Hnt lhne parent.l. J.rl:tt! lu .Mrll. no-.. llterryweather'a ' chllttren. Balboa tala.od ; bonorable mention 'to Mra. Betty TrlDe'a children. Balllt a leland h 1~ .• .-r .:ra..t .. a f~rat pnze t.o Mn1. Fran· <'t'll L . Buller's rt~·rn. N '"' p<•r-t \\ th .,,,,,.d td•· tr •·nt·un ~·~tn..: tn l> 111.. 1 'laru Ellen Spelman's group, :-or \\ port. Tbt' two flnt prtu11 wen· • $3 l'llt'h With lb.. ehlldr.·n voting •m l ht• usc uf th~ muno·v • With appr"xlmately Htf)O •·hrhl· ren I< jll.!ller.-d In lh .. "''hnol l'f ,.,._ l4'm, t hi a fin<• ~nrnllment <•f nu."m . Mn~. L. E. LaunaiM'ry or F.a11l pcean boulevard. Balboa, retum .. d home Monday after a teo-<tay vla!l v. II It friPndll 111 Puudt•nll and l' p- lana! l~tSI ••ntlllfyellow •tatas that ooour 1D the bathroo• basta oaa be r .. oved easily. Ml• toaether a ••all ••ouat ot pero•lde aad equal propor- tloas ot o rta• ot tartar, t ·hea rub thoroU&hly. -tht oall to ••-as the war aoes la'r Boacta. lt .. buy •or• you .\• .;: over tUl woo rthere, it'soverov• 1DI ~ ep oo bUY 10 .e lt'• a r he r e • o v • d patriot lo lo-a ran • vest ment•