HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-10-24 - Newport Balboa News Times11 SAND CRAB . , SAM LOVE'S IAB08. The four yean ol Ml'k by the lo- cal draft board, under the more poUte name ot lelect- ive wrvl~. brinp to mind the fact that lt. members have served faithtully with- out pay ror the iood or their countr)i. It also causes one to paW!e and remember that scores of other dtizen.s in this community have been doing the same t h I n g, whether it's Red Cross, USO, city planning commission, Chamber or Comrner<X', Am· erican Legion or the myriad other civie endeavors tooo nwnerous to mention. Ar1 Pett>rson. ranking member from Laguna Beach, has been giving free service to the public, because he is publisher ol the South Coast News, just one of the COWl- ty•s newspapers a I w a y s called upon to donate space Cor every cause the particu- lar person in charge feels iB entitled to such spacr. Aside rrom this little boost ror the newspapers., ia the further t.houlht that hun- dn!ds of cit:.b'RDa atand on the side line& and freely offer criticism ot the way the free civic workers do things. It's lip service on their pert and they. no doubt, are priviJeged to speak out under this American life of ours, but where you find a clacker hollering his head orr you can rest assured he is built that way and does his knocking about l"Verything. whether Cree or paid for. 1be enjoyable reaction from aU this is that lji.Qe-tenths or the IIUbllc praile. perhape si- l«<t!y, the work ot the dvic leaden, althoulh lt would be pleaant. lt. occulonally' they would be more out- spoken In their conunenda- tion, because the kiclt«a are always at lt. • • • Otvtq. Just now politics is at the top or the giving heap, but that d()('S not pre-- vent the demand being made for the War Chest. Last week some $5000 had been raised, which is quite a ways from the goal of $17.500. Business men. especially, are beseiged for donations and it is quite a problem on how to raise the funds n<.'Cded. It is easier to raise money for Dewey or Roosevelt than it is for a crippled soldier or relief of the hungry or the USO or the 15 or more allo- cations or the War Chest Just why this is means that the.selr interest always bobs up, whether you like it or not and there's nothing one can do about it, except keep at it -and Give, GIVE G-I·V·E! • • • Do"· We Grow. Popula· tion growth is renected to a large extent in n-gistrations. Here are some figures just furnished by County Clerk Smith: Octotx-r. l!l40. New- port Beach registration was 2715: in 1942. sam£' month. it hac! grown to :t? 1·1, but in OctolX'r, 19:14 it had bounded to :;:t:t~. a g:lin or nf•arly 211)(1 in two \'t'<II""S. ('nstil l\1t-s<t growth. ·" hil1 • not as gn.•nt. lw" l~t'('n l't f'itdil~· dimhin~. l1111:-.: Ochlltcr, 1!140, :.!~:!1 : tl<·toht•r. 1!11:!. :,?;}7:1 ;tnd th" nl'tt)llf•r it is :.!X4fi. n !.!»in nr about :{flfl in I ht• I\\ IJ )'l'OI l')o.. .. . . Ba.Y Chan~.-s. H.adi<'al chang~ at Ill(• Army Atr s..,S(' indkat~ the end or the caclel training l'entt•r l}<'re. and in its plat'(' will rome a TeplaCl'mcnt a nd rt'· habilitation S('('tor . a forecast that was made months ago in these columns. Report.<; say that an average of 40.· 000 men ~ill go in anG out of the base. while at times in '-the past more than 100,000 Qldets were on ha.nd a t one t.irae. It is also dalmed that the ba.w will be in operation Cor at le8.st severaJ yeers but whether permanently or not k womething el!!e' agaln. Bay Bonds to End War Qaicker • • • the •••• BALBOA A\ES (~ •• I Year •.•• $1.11 ...... ~ ......... .. ...... ,...., ........ ... LIDO ISLE., NEWPORT HEIGHTS, ~ALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR, COSTA MISA ......... , .. ._. Draft Board Observes! 4 Years of Service to · Country at Lioils Dinner Four Yean fll Ftte Service to Their Country Navy Day Friday Here to Draw Big Military · Uncompensated Group Given Fine Recogni· tion by Service Club; Laguna Beach Pub· Usher, Serves Longest Period. Only 301 Violators in 500 Cars Local pollc:~ In a l ralflc block l'lf ~500 car'R Runlllly n~lt~d only 30 I aw bn'skl'rll out ut lht' lot . Major pnrt 11111 .. r ttl eRr. 12 In hum boor. Wo•ro• f.,r hllVtnl( OU npl'rlltnr A ltl't"'D~I'. WtUt fl\'~ ~hiiWIIljt n•• J.lll1 lt~t hi , a11t1 ltw Ill hl't"'fl I nr "" l"U~ olfo·nMt·,q Thn,. dr11v. n '"'" I II•· 11"111'1' n·•l nntl w h" "rl1 aprw11r '"''"rl' .Jot I, .1"""" n.t a latl'r •1111• ,.,, :>.· I Ht,ttlfnlh•y, ~an t· rlln• ·~ tt, 1.11 }•Jtr•l Jl.,rl" I Jlit)lo II 1hl'ool +f l' :Of,t)f+o I .,,,~ l~••n..: J,•ul h IJ,f••• l•;n,t•l. L'Jrt&.: l.t•nd a 1"•' 1:•• ''·•' , ~ '1 \\ ~ '<Ul!U'-I••t . 1: I 11:11 •I I I""'" L ·~~ H•· •• h I : ••• .," I;, /ltl l~·\'t . .!--tl• tl•~tf).!• ~·,il·•ll Lor,: J,,,.,f ll•'l l~t•l\ \'•II• \ ,lot• k l..o• .\IIIIo~ 'III • ;r1fhld .SuJ• ith tJ <:•·r tldtn•· /-.1 t\'t'll .111 "' lltH'll tnt.l••n 1!· .. ·1 l•"m•ll II•·• rl' ~.thin ,\1111 . ,\1 r • 1' .I 1 )u r ~nn ft• ... rlar\dntt. '"' k \\" ol•mul1 ~111 lll Antl. \\ •·II" II• Sl'l• r SRnlu Ana, Law· r•·tw,. Sl.l• ld" Ha lt""' Lvlt• Sp•·n· • • r 1-\u ll\.t Anr•. V••ldak 1 •oOk , I lriU'lJ:P . rr .. nal+l ~ llltlr ll h, J..a~o:unll lk'ar h ; (;l' .. rl(t' Marun. N""'l'''rt H••a( h , !AIIlrr Ll'hm11n. San l " Ann Slanll'y I ;urzur h""' Mkt. Halbt18. T llnmu t 'flllllllaro. (:Orona IJ,.I Mar, Donalrl P~<fllrii'"Jn. N•'WJWort Hr18h1A. Ann11. C:ltngmM. SIU111t Ana; Ncov~ Lora MA.-~, OriUlg~. AuaUn Dunham, Ualtx••: t-'rautc Azvedo. San BemardlDO, W illiam Cant. &...oo. Aocel••, N,.laon ruven~,: Lone Beach:, Rleb&rd RJch&rdJI, All _ _, ,... •• ,.. 1a ....e .. tt ., ........ at ._ ..._ e..t c 'hap• Brea. J•~l l.<'n'". ll•ollyw"'td an•J , ... .,.,.,. .. _,_.,. "'•"''-a.MtH lllf ,._...._ ... \\'II· H"nrv Roth. Low An~~lell u-IIHtroHt ,._,..,, "'Ill! ~. -..... u ... Gathering of Notables Captain Albert Solland R~port1 CoantJ BYat to De Stawed Ht-rl' Will Rt-preeent GoYen· ment Installations Wave Gabriel, News- Times, Becomes Bride I Tht• , 1tlmtnallun "' " v. hlrl"'•ln•l 111 111~ NaYitl lt-rw,.•. an•l otl "'""l!h tlo•• Wf'<ltllnjf had ''''''" I""' \lllllp t1f fiVt' V, t• t• Jt It WIUO I r• "' h•·•l "" Frlolth I l• I lllto·r Ito•• tlltr'•'•·uftt vh•n u11tu•t~vr '''"'' t: .to I•' I \' l • I '~=" I ! ·1'''~•111• r "f p lawo• d I••• ("'lobo-r 12. tlr eltnv 111 ,,,, """'" "' t·::r .. rnt .... "")' will• It t11ud t ,1 lttqNitUIItfh• fuf fht• I ''tllil•• ,,j ~·'''·• ,, ~h•• r ,.,1,1ttlun "' , . ._,.... Harbor Wins Initial Lea~ue Game, · 7-0 IUINMr:T II..WIVI: nANDI Nmt jt'f'Peod 1 pua for 1 flrwt .,_.; W L T rt. c... rniiYW'+d ctoMt t hr f ... ld, ...... ... 1 o o 7 u cun an~tnNd. 'llw f'fld ot Uw ..,... 1 o o 14 o with llartw-w wlnnlnc 7 to 0. N•·wp•wl llartilor llunt 141•"''" Sant11 AM .. 'II 11..,1 "" 0 0 0 I 1 ,.,,.., w...t& we wtU flftd ..._, o o 1 1 41 pllylnl lluntl~on ._.. at J p. a () I (I 0 14 ,.,. llr,.-UII. II I 0 tl 7 4mtnf• N_,.,. ......... llrln u : y· MW. N~IM Jtlll'tlor wnn t two lnllt•l 1 JliiH L T ODe .... h •lti[Uf' l(a.mr crt ttw-Mlt'l"rnl .,.H. Jo~rank.w IJ; .. ~ ..,lfl 11111ot fo'r1•1ny t,y tlf.f,.at InK Ana· From•r~<a.•, ( · IMv.r hf•trn 7 tn II Sl~>llf' Ur ; . IAe Vau~ehn 111 ll~t~1"" kldu .. t ,,.jllnftnuou :kT ..... ,_ An11twlm lllarlnl( llr"'l JIII•Y-An11 l'r••tnltl•• IUo: '>-wit • twlm luul 11 ~ )ft rll I""" IIHth I.J••btuort <.1 II.UIIr lt•rom" "UII•·r....-1 "'"'"' "'I l111rlc~> 11ntl Hl,.ll'hf'ft lUI ...... ln•·•~tt•JIIf'1•· !~'""'" lll•h11p ''•"' IAtn" IJI M ... lh<• htoll l•tr n Ill >''"'I ltf"lll ltv•• '""'' .. VM Honl )'1\1•1 l(llln llnrt"'' kl•·k•-.1 l"r t:. ,.,..,,.. IIJ -.-. .... )'111"1 lo(llllt An11lu•h11'~ l11111 111 ll11• Arullll'lrll (j 0 I) 0-0 ''1111 I ·I '1'1111 ,.,, ~··WI••If I) 7 0 0--7 111111~.r h• 1•1 ''"'" lur•· •'"'' ""'11 "'''"-t~<•ll "'"'""" -lrtn1: Touch• lo(ll llw•l •t•·11•l1h """'" Ill•· lu 1+1 •I"""" llt•h••l' •:•tr11 point _ t" •I fl f I tt t •f t h•• hl~l:"•l t'Vt•ttt J'ut't If .,t,.,r ,,,,,,, ,,.,., '••w1 H 1JII I :n, :O.I o ,,,,.1 \111 1.1• '' L t;.r ,•l l'•·tutltv ''fl AHutu·Uu th lh••lr ~··v Vuu1:t.11 •U • u·~uttl IIUf \1t11•;f fltlitl• u IJ" •~I• ._,, 1" l ;·.,,, q,, I ,, f \\'till "'• a , t.tttpl• t •· I" Ht t. .. p f••l u '""'It tlo v.u V:t1 q hn l\H k•·fl •·unv• t"'-l•1n 11 ta• j1H d • w• ,., "'J! " • •nu•J:• HI If• "" rt :-;,, ••• ,., .lr I I ~I I ,, 1 , •• ~. 1 ,.1., ... .-.,11 ,.1,.1,.,1 t.v lr '''" I•• 1 .. 1 • .1,, ••\•, ,,. rl•· 1, f :., IH tt '" t r• • \' JtJ '11 • \l .,~ ,,. t , ,,,tf ' ~ ,. uf (,,,1,.11 ¥~ 1 '''', • ""''tl'' '""' rl lh· 111 1 Acco Fastenen "'"' '1 •·•rt 1' 1 '"•'" ·' I••', A •fu•J' "" Itt•,.\ ffltU t \\-rtl'l ''"' \\1 l'ft'"'1 lh•• "'''Utd ''''' ,·I ., I ,, I II 1 ' TL• I""'' ,.,,,~,d '"'tklft$' "'' , ••• ,. 7 ,, u , . ., . .\I , v •• d·fl· • ···•. 1 r~'~'"' I • I ·I • •.•• "' I "II III~ '"' "''" """~" "·•11•1 1\ 1 ,,,, "' II ( "'" : .. ' I,-., .. I , \\ t\'• ; • dttl• I •• b" '" •tur ,;1 ttt• ~.t\t l ''"''"''' '·'''' \••v" ,..,,, r••rul ''',,_,.A H•l ,,,, l 1.• ' 11: 1 ( 1rnJ•II". '""''•r•· ''" 'f '''," Ito• l u~y 1 IIHJ..,I uu Uu~ lm~ ,,, •••t "'If" ttu l tr•l Wf'fliUnK tt~r• , ''"'• ''· '• I"''''"""''' ttt,.rt-. Ttu~•· ,,,,, rutlftt: \A-tort• t.1r anti MIA pi'''' t1 .J •. ""I' I"''' r .n u t• I '"·' • ~" •·11 • I• ....... , 'l1ollrl 'I"·'"''' l••m+l l~•llt foollltl~ 11 \111~ h urd Ato:.h••trtt h111l 1"+111• fa •l I Ull' Ioiii I II o ••111111 of lllll<' II ~+~•k"•l 11• rlutlil.:h ''"'" 1111111 w.,, :'ht I tjl f'V I.·•· I ,.., •I• j ,., ., .. , dt f t t 1 U l•' f•tl "\' ••• U.k •I tt\<' 1Afu•JI "' ' ,,, •llh~• t' ,.,,, nln~ J •t, '' "' • ··•••• i• t '''''' t•• ' .uut fttl tu·r uf t It• a.tttln5( I'' 1.:• I itWu\ "' 1,1 , M ill•• \\ olllllnl 1 I• rlw•t 1 :-,1,1 t tl• I• ,\I• • W If lill)'<toor Ht I 1111 1"•1 .. llull ,,r 1"'1'11111111~ ••I 1 1,,,., 1.,, k ., .. Of ., I•,UV'' nf••·r rrt• t fu t ''t th,. ~,,._,m w l.,t wu..., foiJtftl ·• l:t )h id I"' flull.)' lttf" uff .'• "·""'h" 11 , .. ., i(•••'h ,.,,. tit• "•">l ''llllt~l tly Mrw J•• Ktn~e Jr ,,,,,. lll(lllr"l A111tlu•m• ll~orl"'' ~"' 1 "'' l'l"•l llol• 11,1 """" ~ ,.,,111 111,.1 "'"' Mf• 1..-rn"n l'nrt~T. ltulh lf,.n. l•·rNI , • .,. "''""' I•"'~ J l~orlo"r rn••·r · "·"II""' ••I' flu'' "''" ''"" tto •l htt>l( "'",.." y : • ttiiiO a tlarbr..-lfll(h TWO Wl.lt~.a C.OU Aa£ ,,oltnruv "'''"' It'•· I••• ,, 11,111t tl:rlllfUIIf,., Jttrwot I. Mlltlt, Y 1/r· nf '·"'' 1 .. , n 11•111 •I~ hill• f•·II••W :-.:••ltt•k" f)l,rulhy IMII ... Ia, y !'lt• I ~'"' Ant .. n l•• A viMIIun (A,tool wtlh tho• '"""" lll'lll r1utvt•r-1r( ftl '•' T,.n .. ~-·· lllltl l~e hlfer, l ',.nt,.r T"a At lh,. IM11 Ant'""" ' ,., .... , wll" flllt•I•,.J lh•~ .ollror'~ '"''' l'h M•l~> 3,, I Avl~ttl••n l 'n•ht l'rnlf'r. l,u•l•l•ln ,1,1,.. J ''"''• whn 1!1 a lf1MIUal# ot N-· Xa wu•l Jam"" M• llum,.v Iii• , .. lhlrt,...·nlh tt.y •ff Ul" mo)f'lth J~•rt ltatiHtt fft&h erboof, wu fh f'an fo'rtlfll S• V..l'f•rt Ura11t, fu r- hit" Jlruvf'Tl 1,. 1.,. 1\/l ,.y .. nlfuJ day , '""'lrlalll .,., ,...1Jtry a t lbe N,..,,. m .. r J)'UII••t lot l':nun&r•ll"l liafllllll I It Jun .. • llf~ r1,. 11 w•a ,10 Way 1 ,,,.. vlfl•,. fur ftYe y..,.. Hwl l'hUrch, N~w~rk. N J , ta talctnl( a 1:: lllt3 t hiU llty thltl title wu tti.Ur , J'a t. I• tD lbe Wawee al••. lwfl".,""" lndortrtllatll"on rou,... uf ~~"'''" tnt•• th,. W•~v"'· ,.., annthl'rj t_..tnr; h•r ho•lt c-p t,.,n1111 Ill lltudy tn A nnv All .,-,.,...,... mln·j I I Jilt all~> '"'"'¥"•1 h•r • "mmi•Mnn llullt..'r c:-••11"11:" latry Bulldog Clips Paper Clips IIII)IIVt' In nil ld78• Scotc~ T 1111 Desk lloltln , • All on h1tnd In ...... quantitk-8 at ,..... pri<.'"' ' . • • . IEWS·DrB •n w. o-a1EIIII ...._ .N•Jllll. U • II ~~I J ... l __ • __ ... _:J._' -~-=_:_ ...... _J•.:.:•:.:_JI/1 .. _~ __ ._,.:_&_ .... _._:._~:::_....Jj , ~;;:;;.;;;.;;.;;..;;;;;... _________________ 1 ________ w_•_-_w __ ,._a-:•.a& ~ • a • --... emaUu and LAUD. He later t&Uibt s k M p bl Co d ) Mar To Use Air Base For Redistribution tL,der's Book is 50 Years P oniona College ~.:..Sk·E.:>:=:~?. ee ore u ic area w.=. fuiurect . courwu In mapp6n&. &UDn•ry ud c d I M Jn Traff• C h na;.':·:.~~:~ C:~':'~llgb\lul at orona e ar Mn. Venita·~ .. :ctn-. SS, n ory ot Ole ht.tory ot lht' r·ollo•«r Coroaa dft Mar. •uat&.IDed CCJD· The hUll' S&nta Ana Army Air 1 Tht-new Pt-nonne l DbtrlbuUon . "G •te d S Ulat mon d Into an abllr •,uned Propt>My OWlM'f'll at ~ dlt 111,)11 "As pn.perty OWilf'n et eo-CUMton o1 the braiD and back con-~. now !Mol~ raptdly denuded command hl!JI b«>n described u a Dr. Frank P . Brackett, 1ft rant an . aa:e-1 h(ltl'l, almoet the only blilhUn&; In I Mar l&n' lntlkatlnt: • a.. ....... rona drl Mar Wf' f~l entit~ to tu.6ona yelt.ft'day wbm ber car ot airmen, will on next Wedne•j''rtant ,fmpiO)'ment aeencY for the ....... " Writes of Old California and Hw Hl8-an aru Of -amp and ~·Kf!'hrotllh In tho• "'"tty ""'"' briftc .... ,_ v~ an ('IJJOion r•·.:antleo!<~ llf Jllil" I waa .truck by &Dothrr at Tblrd day, Nov. 1, tx> r«<nVPrtNJ Into a I air torcea" lna.nucb .. It bu • Lo G I that the railroad h11p•·•l W(Jiilol anp111 1n1: n;or" l&n•a fur .._,.. e1 c:hWit' ol bo·ach IJTopo.•rly fo1 u~ uf I and Bin:b atreo-u. p.·h~t itA ttl ~mt'llt and n.odi~t l'tbution . t>t<e.n establa!lh~ to handle aU un· tory of Edueatio~ef Days ng one anrut' day brcOD'If!' • tro\\'11 but II '" th•· IJ(Ihh·· In !hut ....C1 ... tl ... tht' £1!'1)4'r&l puhhc . W t• hos)l·-ytry DriYer Hf tbe oUwr vebacl ... Har-c~ntPr with an awntgt' lll'rsonnel l &.'ISJilled pl'r.<ONWL Ita main func- murh more It Ia 11 rot .. ry "f th~ r·ot) m•wh thut tlw bt•11ch propcny WIU ry Jobn Wanaberwer. 65. I~ W. dis~ of 40,000. Thb mt'tlns tions Include redistribution of ~ On Balboa bland nd -ha ir'l"d Yankee from C'l[ll• Cod ('allt•tm ta which c&mP h•''"''"" t·w n w ~ ...... "'' l'ftl'llmlttee -....s ,bt"-"~ &\·aalabl.-lur use~~ .-vrry· 'Silllb 8lrrt t , aald ht' faikd to IM't! that holpltaliU'd c~ ,a.nrl oth('rs turned pPMIOf'IMI, demoblliuuon ofa 88 y tulati r fri nds vc>r fh<' olt1 diL • of UNo Ml•"'"fHO llJIII u ... '" •tully lilt' ,,,,llllt-m Ul ~ --IOnl' both that ulon.: th~ ()(-.•.:n and I the HIC&in• car iD lime tu avoid l"t'tumed rrom <'Omficat Zonl'S "'ill care of convaleteftlt petlenta, op-• ftiCIIIivlnc letters congra on rom e .? 1 ~ h had rl"dfts Anrt 1 hr ~··~·~• r h.-kmo: \'lllt.lt'1f and ._. al"' thai m tht• ~'OY.,... of ltw bay. Ole craab, oftlruw rtatr.! Tth· ~ aent hM'l' hutt>ad ol to Santa t•ration of overseas replacftnent pM._,.,. ol his book, "Granite and Sa~nash • wh~c·h JtTf'at ~t~lhe-mln••~" m•"'""' (tf tt11r lll ~hwtt 11 ,. • • 1111 Our youn~e peoplt> ttl S•lUtt~rn l lllapn• rracblne cau·.,au••l over a Monica and that thl' latt£'r Ct"ntt•r centl'rs and recruiting of person· m.-e olf tbe ~ ln time for the Founden Day celebration huatlln~~ u,!;_ that It 1~ t"''"'' m11:ht 1"011'1•· onlo Jluhlk GVT 5 1J Caltfom la naod I h..-bt•~trh frunt~ I l'urbtng •ft.-r thr impact. an.l the will be di>'<"ontinued. nel for" a po:~twar pennanent air of f01noDa College on Oct. 12. -ln<1u lltrt 1 tll rc-lout hh!' n ·111 11•'<1 "" rit•flnlte ..,._ for r"fCI"t'81lon anti thl'ir n•.,·•l• have Wanabercn car cnu.betl •nto a force. Dr ..,._ P Brackett AM .. advantacn of a bl(ber edu' ''"" In that tran•ltlon f:,n"', I,. ron IJII 1111' "'"'' .plan to ,..._ not tJtoen J'rupt'rly ml't )<'I by ttw-1 J.lllrkl'd vehicle ~ ... lll .. re.t to Sam As a n.-sult. scores of hoto·ls and In IU n~ role, the AJr ~ is ' ' · ' I ""'--~ B b tl ake<l to "'u an In flus of N•>w r.nJt •n• .,,. nd r>' apartmc.'flt house!! ln that rPg1on ae..D., a. JDiwritu. Profe.-of rnnu.c>r rac wu a lD RlnMihll' 11 1 lot ml•nrl ClOUiltY a s tatt-. Fordla. 1060 W . Tblrd etreel will be rt'tumoo to civilian USf' 11 expected to retaln both mlUtary A.ta 1 at ,._ona coller~ . ..t&r1 a private achool for prepar-~ Th"Y rame . ~~ ':lf 'Tlw f'""''"'"'"' ~Ucvea lltal "Aitt'r spo.·ndin& a l!Wl\11lt'r al rted th reU('VIn ;hl' and civilian pel'liOf'lntol now Pn· ... -ca.,. Cnd. educated at a tory clUIIU, &Dd difl 10 In Janu-lhr Hemet valley wh;~: r:~:~: I OUI~ick• h••lp will lx• nM'drd ., -Corona dl>l Mar lind ~ing tht' ck-: • • =ees~ ~ ~ llhort~e. I eac~ In admiru.tratJon actlvitift. ~ ~ caaw to CalUornla ary, 1888. ,.,_ e1Wint4 formed •till llvf'd aDd w""" th 1 rnnMrl•·ratol..-•·xpc'ndltuno I• ..._. wounnc pu.~ion all Southern Call· Mrs. JBS(ha Hetfltz n,e Santa Ana baw haJ been an Maintenance pei'IIOil~l encaced ln ... .,.. tlecbtat at McPherron part of t.he etut.lf'Bt body •ben Ule l lllld &>bob& Indtan• Mill he!!, I' r IWr) as II Wo>Uid be unfaJr to .... fornla youth has to spt'fld lhl'iT va-important statJon of MaJ Gt'n at.rtctly training activities wiU ~ • ........, ....... Anc~•~· ln l.s-7 rollt&e ... o.,.aed t.hat taU Ill a fif'JlU and ~ tht'lr~~. war I ckn I hi' C'oronn ttt'l Mar .• ~ cations at Balboa, I (('('I Wt' have a Chainnan Russian Ralph p Cou&ln'a command lUn~ absorbed by other ataUons of the .._ a JI'IIUP Of Pomona people N!nted h o u • e. and Prote.-,r dt\nl'rl and Uwy t ame omona. a lar.:l' ,,~, for beach --eocial problrm whic· h the whole I • • Ita comp~tlon early In 19t2 I AAF training command . ..._. C. lh'• their ch.Udrwn thf' Brerkett wu tear ber ot maUl· and tht .. the Pomona rolle,;e wu and tlw JXlNIIhtlit.y of Sta~ ~ It&t" llhould at't~pt to !!Oive. So Relief 10 County -----------·-----------------. --------------------, • mndel•d alter manv of the oll1 acquisition I» llf·ln( ~ ':'" r--------NPw Jl:tii'Jand Acad .. mln whf'ft In 11 I"('('Pnt lf'tter to the~ let' .. kl!f'P the beaches open to the 1 -f LA§ H' ' BERNARD of HOLLYWOOD • t1ve tography at Reasonable Prtces I Visit Our Portra't Gallery bathe BALBOA INN ARCADE Open 12:30 to 9 :30 p. m. Daily h ••••• , tl . YOU COMMUNITY Ill FUND ..,,. ....... a. MAnONAL WAR FUND ''10'' -Proposition 12 Thil proposition has been condemned as vi- doul and di8ruptive by our Governor. by ear Senator, by Farm Groups and Civic Bodiee. ... It woald create chaotic conditions through- eat California industry. VOTE NO ProposltiOII No. 12 ORANGE COUN'n DISTRICT OOUNCIL OF CARPENTERS tf'IL<'h"r" and e1udr-nu wne houeed tee, a re•1dent ot Corona cW • )'Ollng pl.'Ople." 1 :-o~.,w cha11111. an of the Ruaal&n - a11d ,.,._. beld In unf' bulltiiDc. -----War Relief commlttee for Orange "'",.. Living Eq . ' Ch . K I county 18 Mra Jucha H~lttiz of "Satisfied Radio Service" I II ... a day of hlp lblnklnc uestrtan8 81111180 enny Harbor la&azld, wbo rt-placee Ole I and llmple ll'lrinlf, WheN! ltudenUi Fi R.d Is ean-M tin Wed. Rev. Wult-y A. Havt'rmale, wtao Newport -Balboa -Costa Mesa and racutty II1Ded ratu ... nakee. rst 1 e liB ee 1 ~.,111~ .. cha irman bei:aua or mtlllad ca.• aDd ra1Md Jllrdl'na., s· s 0v u•gh otber duU.• but •bo wiU remain u 18S6li Newport ~-where echoot ow-t'd wtth .. ..,. tg UCCe88 ~J: I ways . • member or tbe committee. vkt-tn the cbapel and acholutlr Sund11y marked thf' first "fMM ---Ot.ben on the committee Aft Costa Mea& l r..qulrementa •ere of tbe hl«hf'•t out" (or th<.' newly ~ H. F Kenny, d\alnnan of the Mre. Ledta Stro~ ot B&lbo& Ill· Not leut UDCJal the' t'hanna cot 1\:rotiP of hnrwback rtdt'na who ... eonurutt~ on hi&hways for the As· land. WlN Sopbla Strother and lhf' book are t.he ma.ny IIIU8tra-at the f1oyd Glbeon homt' at I ..aatf'd ~ of ComlnPf'Ol' Mrw. Her~ Rankin ot SaAta ttona by I':Yytena Nunn Mtllf'r, col-10 thP momini for an aU day ,_.. Md thto Cout A&lodaUon. hu Ana. NOW OPEN DAILY lOto 6 le~e alumni •bo le no. • noted nt>y Into Ult" back country. AI ..u.t a jotnt lllt't'tlnc of the t•o An h&DC:~ mftUng wu held artlat and her aketd lt'a ahow old participating p~ IN W. -uttt'ft for W~. <X-by the committe... lut Wftk wben time .. ..,.. and lbe varloue bluld· tlal v~nture coml»«'t~ly ~~~ tGber :l5lh. at 2 p. m., at the olfk» they aad otber people lnt•rated In lnp from the flret nrand&lled ~ trail lfod the rldt-1"11 alone a el Ox&nty Enginrer A. A. Beard relief trork heard a talk by Mrw. hotel up to lbe madam ball• and rldct' In tht' back coun tr)' whWs Ia the Court HOWit' Anrwx. Santa Martha Lont ot .._ Anpu , tll:· aut11torium aDd Ole lovt'ly little was a vanlagt' point from wbAdl Alia. ecutlve aecretary of RuMtan War ot.ervatory t.hat I• named for to st'(• thto t'nttre panorama tram Mr. KMU~y statC'S in hi~ call for I ReUet for Southern Ol!Uomia, and Dr Rr&ckl'tt tJw OCt'Bn far inlaJ\(1. acconllnc-te * IN'f'lll\& that Mr. &oard will tent&Uve plana .. re made for col-__ P'nr nt'arly nrty yearw Dr Ml"!!. Gibjj()fl, who, with her t..-..-mt pl"t'llmlnary plan!l aa hP lectin~ Cbrlatmu ctn. tor needy L----===:::::.. __ _:=:._ _______ _::=-. _____ J Bra'"k"tt lf'rnd Pomona collf'Kt> band. 1» the lnaptratlon for such • bM outluwd tht>m for highway Ru.lan chtldftn. Attn th .. rloee ot Ole flr•t Worltl Olltllllizatlon whach will give YOUIIC projf<:fl to IMo twill u part of war he' went to Bele!um u a m•m· and old the opportunlt)' to ride for die poll war JX'OiraJll . Kiwanians to Hear Details of Life In Hongkong Camp bf'r of HIYiv..r'a American Commla-fun. Lunch wu l'&lt'n besldt-ont Members ot &he two conuruttPes •on for Rtllt'f. Upon hi• r,.tum. lol the muny man·madf' lakH ln lldudt f'. W. Hickman, Seal bf' built ~ dormu wlnd~>Wt>f1 thf' hills a.eb· Rev ()v(•rackr•r of Hunting· ehln"M bou ... at Balboa hllllld That thl' l:f'OUJI n~ . l1lOft tAIIl Sr..cti. A. A. Burd. rnunty whlt'h hr named "Lt P•Y• R&ao' adult!' to kt>t•p the organlzataon ill tiiCb»et. Santa Ana. and W. K. or "Thf' l.nw O>untry" In m•mnry.l klltt'r. WL'I <'XPI't'~"t·d by Mn~-Glb-R?Qrard, county surv('yor, Santa ot b .. f1a.Y• In Rn&Mel•. H .. IIUM. liOn 11 ill OJX'n to anyone w1th • Aaa; also E. L. Crawford. South A rare opportunity to bear de- Parkhurwt Bral'kl'tt of Hollywood honw. C'onlact Mr< Gibson, 1611· Llluna; W. B. Bellis, 'T\1.•Lin; taila ot life In • priaon camp Will who worka In technlrf>lor, ~11 u I Sunday, Novl'miJ('~ Sth~ w11J be Walter S. Spicl'r of Nt_,xlrt be alforded mrmbert of lht' K1·l <'ol f'nodt'r1 rk Brackdt of f'ort ltw "''"1 ~ong ndt• : hiC'h, ill haV.: ._.,; Gf.orge l<o·ll~g of Yorba wania t'lub. for Norman Hrl~g1. Knox wt'rl' lnleN!•ted In thf' btllld· llrung('. Luunty fl.'llk u..~ thr del Unda; Robl>rt Bonnt') .. r Ana· "'ho aprnt many montha tn tht' In~ n( lht' hrluJit' and f'n.)oyf'd manv IIMIIon 1111' ch~<·k wagon wlll 10 lwlln; C. C Boncbnokf• frum Or-1 f"&DIJ• at Hoo~:kong, wUl •peak ut daya on tht' bfty. up Rlwad of the m1t•r.-with pmvia.-&lll'r; H . F Kt'nny uf Ball•><~. and tht' Thun~~lay Junch .. on medlnl," t•• 11>11:> for a stl'ak bake• 111 m•un. ~ A.lran Buchhl'im ''''m I.Julwn)' be hc>ltl ttl tb .. St:·a ~hc-IJ caft'. l>l r l ybeUc Ff.tme trAil Wtll bt• O\lr'r tht• hllf,.. Putt, Brlgo• rrome~J tr(>m Luf! Anaf't.-~ '" At t hr Jo'oun1111t1on na~· '""llr:tm TitlJ'-(' t•njo}m~ th•• last nde 1 ,. " hf'ld In Brl<llt"" Auditorium Pr '1 ---talk on this t.ot•ru:ooon throu~h lli•• ".'<'N' Mr.,nnrl Mr-.. F O)d Gih~ln, Squash,l!Wt"tc't untato and I•Ump·' (IIUrtc-11\ 11f Boh <'~<lh~. l•~·11t (;,.,,. Janws Bllllllli•fl. forn wr l'rrrotol•·~tt 1-1 1 11 I' 11 Sk 1 ~~. ny ,... I ,.,,.,... nu ·~>I 1 ''"· vun Ida kHp be-st in a nllhl'r warm er;ol Pe·l,.•l.-um man. or the roiii'K"t>, waa •J'I'IIkt'r uno I C)t "'· l\IJrthu c la1 k, Uud 1 homw pe.._ A trm()t'raturt• nf 55 ck•-1 AUTOMOBILE PAINnNG and Mechanical Work IOTHING DOWI Monthly Payment on the balance if your car is clear or you owe a small balance BALBOA MOTORS Balboa at Uae cln ... nf til .. ~rnlt'f'llm • flrnr• """' Lw•lfu Mr·.~tng, Laine and ICJ'ell Fabftnho•lt 18 1cJt>al but 70 .,. -----• Ulr bC'rtutlfulllnol tNldltlonal 1-1arnr lx•n-cn t;IINm not too warm ,OualfWd Ada Get R·E-s-U-L·T ·S ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ l'f'rCTriiO\' fln~t 101 r<ttlur('rl al p,. I _ Phone 226 "'""" In thf' PArly Jnlrt , • th .. N'n \\Hit:IJ 8IDET rhah11 hllv~ ('oph~l M.:hlloc:-elnl: in Lonrlon. were walk· till")' ILllrl whkh m11n;v ~ hnHI~ nnd 1 'I"•• Unlll'd States soldit>rs,\ Dr Rn•cllrtt. lUI eolrlut mt•mtw-r ~~ down Whitl.'hall. 'They wanted pl't'(lf'I)L, brought l.n lhe eymbollc ~to k'C the war ortl~ but did no( name &ud acb member ot fAculty, know on wh1ch side ol thl' !llrN'I ._, and ltudellt body, fmm lht to look. They halltod " pas...u~g oldHt to Ole younlrNl, llpttd therr 1 Tommy and IL'ikt•d · candlH In turn. and then all llflnl( • "Which s1rlc is the "·ar olllce "'J'be Tnrdlburrra," tM rollt'gl' on~ .. bymn lhrtt IJr. Harrow• anJ Or. j The Tommy thou.:ht a RlartiE'd Brackrtt flret ht>ar.l .. t hr wnr moml.'nt und rcplu.'<l, "Gorblimc)'! •'"'~~IC or thl' C'&huiiiA Indfan11. anrl O un;, 1 think'" ~·htch wu latn g iVt'n IMplrmg 1 1 word• by Ram11ay HArrltt ---Our glft.o! ILlltl lltlttinmrnta &N' not nnly In bl' ll~rut and warmth In our ''"' n d"''l'lllng1. but are •'-'• t .. 11hln«' throuth tht' wlntl,.,wa Into t"•· dark nlttht, tc• ru.de and C'hen bewlldned tr:wt-lcr• on the road. H . W. ~her -~~ WAR BONDS ALL SET f or a f'OOd fun clan work wb•• a uc(lna bead- ache an•ab a p OG you. You ad•. and eo doee Jour work. Ready for ae rnnirc of ~ a tlo" •nd et~joyment-a peak7 hr11J ache inter(~ •ilh your f.., reat_ ~oymeal • nlasat.iOD. D&.IIIILD Anti-Pain Pms aaually l't'lie•• not only H..._ ach, but Si•ple N"raltla.. ~~­cular l'aiiUI ... Faattleaal Monlll1y P•IM. Do JOG llH 0... 11118 Aati-P ... Pilla f It nol •lly Dol f YliG -eel Dr. lttiiH Anti-Paia P1lla aa 1 your dna« eton Ill \1M ncular p11cnc-. for 01117 a pena~ ap'"- and In tile --Y paaac. -c:h..aper ..... , not ... a patkqe todaJ ! Yov tlftnla\ a... U... R_. ltffdloM a8ll -..J, • cl1NcW. v ... ...,. ... If,_ .,. .. -~ ,. I Boosts Werkl11 at De1glas Plaat Lona Buell, Oct. 24-.,Anyo .. "'ho rully !(ttl in thtre and trin can make pr~nt with the Oouf• Ia• A i rcraft ,.. • • Company,'' com· mconttd H. L P almu. wt;o •i•ned up f_,ur yun a«o Janu- ary woth DouR· lu at a drill prrtl and 1 urrtl lath~ OIJtra tvr. Talon~tad•an­ ta~o:r ,,f thr frrr traononl( Y.hu·h I' o 11 ttl u o II n •. fll~lfiiiM"~i4ilj l'~lmtr ha • W••rlr t fl hon,.rll up to '"'htrt hr '' '"'""' trn11 l11• f~llow wnrkrr5 '" th~ n oulll•· ultra·lll~>rlrrr• marhonr •hr p 1 1 L .. nl( llurh. \1 r I' •: ;orr, ,.j,,, hJ > Jll•l I•··•·· I • 1 ch .. ,,, r.--h('"'"' "' t ', \1··, , "''' I . tl \ I"'''" 'i.U' .. H• I"' \' i 'l' l'•hH ,t: '\ .llttl H t• f(' til\ UJ': .-u •: tn h•\ f1 tltl l f ' olft '''•' Hf I • rr•'''H'" "h,· h("' ,, .... ~ ~,,~.1 . n J .. 1•'~ "'' l'~'H)('.a• Ql n p-: •. , ._, r Uf tl\ lJ I\tt ;,_, Lt 1 I :~: f r ' t' ftll\11 (" ' \\ r 1 \\ ol 0 ' I -''' f4 f I r·~ht '' f'41 • '* t , , • •• ,., , 1 I h.-. ""'' HP•I ~ , ' . " ... , ' I I \ ' 4 I, _, '-I , ' I '. ' t ''l ··' ~ · t1l ';), •' ' \ ' 1. r, 1 t tc-sl p fl l't, .-Jol II· 11 : \ " Euy to Ar i"l)' '~a J o~ c;,,.:\ll\,\""•i..· .,,,,,.1 •r c- f n,J•l•\• 1 1t'h 1: .. '\1,4 t /1.• ( 1 autlo." ouol ''.or \l~n1. •r (\•mm• '"'" l S, I· ~. rrt · o1 A~trnry '' or lo r s I II•, ,,,.. n ,r .. l ::Ornorr, 5lll \\'. ~lh ~trr<1 "•' lll /l.n&. from 8 .l11 .\ ~I ,,., !-"' -i' ~I I Part-Time Worlr iJI 01'11'\lf County Dou.:lu Fr<dcr·~l"'l ' 111 S1nt1 Ana, halkrtvn and \no he 1111 nttd 4. Hour V•ctotr • ho11 ., ~lrn im· mt'd1atrly. \~o t1• l hr l . ~ I• mrl .. y· mt'llt ~·Icc, SOl \\'r•t ~th ~~~~rt. $ant• An1, any ·~• d.Q fr,,.,, 8 .10 A ~'. '" s oo r l.t. \ Wages Are Groceries 0011 ROB YOUR BREAD BASKET! Proposition No. 12, the so-called "Right to Work" amendment, will NOT guarantee the "Right to Work" but the "Right to Work" for low Wqe& It will reduce YOUR standard of living, It will disrupt collective ~ and tteate disunity between management and labor .... It will t.pede the war effort on the home front. .•. It will deprive returning vet- ..... of their n.ht to return to their old jobs at decent wages and working .,.adltlcmL ••• Don't be fooled by this tricky amend~nl '' '' on No.12 ' ClliZEIS COMMinEE AGAINST NO. 12 , t J I D l tl t• tJ n n .. tt po le t) ·' N&WWaAiao& WWW.·......_ • 5 rt ~ .......... ~. OeWiw M, IMi,. ~ -~----------~------------------------~~~ RADIO SERVICE -. .................... .... ...... ~ Burt R. Norton ..._ Mn 1111 C..t ....... , NKWPOU a&AOII D E M 10 C R A T S ! DON'T BE FOOLED BY POLI11CAL BUNK mAT ANY ONE MAN 18 INDISPENSABLE! Remember--- ROOSEVELT JUMSELF SAID. in 193:..!, "Nn ont> nUll\ la lndlsJX'nsablf'." Now ht' thinks ht• 111. THIS ADMINISTRATION'S RECORD. Mddc,.t or lUI)', Is fuiJ ol b rokt>n prornis(os. to f'Yt'l")'otf' DEMOCRATS EVERYWHERE hnvl' rf>1x.u1Jult'd thi11 lldmlniatratton; ht't'd the word" ol St>nator· W. Let' O'I:Mnlel. Tt>JUtS Dfomocrat "Nf~· Of•al O.•mocrnts huvo• ~ tht> Communist J)ll.rt)' plntfnnn and thnw.rn constitutional govt'mmt'nl ovf."rboo.rd." lit• nddf'd that, "You can't be a gond Dt-mocrat and a NPw DcuJer " Baaember · -· The Ne"' Deal ba't De~y! Vote REPUBLICAN ••• to Preserve O•r Rep~~blic 0~ Couaty Democrat. for Detll'ey SlO No. Broadway, Suta Aaa Pboee 8170 your cancelled ~ check ~ There' a no room for doubt when ~ you posy 4 bill by TENPLAN · check. Your check-properly • lire. Benjamln HunllnltOD of lkatUe, Wub., hu bHn a ruut for two wee~ at lbe home of Yr. and Mn. ~ialcJ Went.wll, 200\.a 3et.h ~eL Bdor't' abe left for her home 'Miunday ahf' waa ~ut I at a dlnnt-r Jiven ln her honor l>y Wr and Mra. Emereon ~eo\Jiell, 1 604 ClubhoUIIf' a venue Olbi'MI prewnt Wl'l"t' Mra Jamea Fn..t, I Wr. and Mra. Gl'ral.t Wentull anol lbf' hoat anol bolltt'la 'Mit T owOAC'nol club m embo•ra mf'\ lu\ Wf't'k at the bomt' vt W J Holtu'law, 29th atrHL M r and Mra. R. C Owen ha\ ~ eold Ulelr hom!' on Balbolt llll&nd and bourht proptortv bac k...!.!f lltr pool In W e11t Newport. Ttlt>y an l"t'modt'llng and building an addi· l ion tol lht' hnul04'. but a/tl'r lbl' war t'X~t tu buil•l a h•lflle un tht'lr rour·a•·r•• l r 11 <' t 1•n the Hl'l~hl8 Mr an.J Mt" 0 11car 3.1,,.. plttn In m ove next w,...k from 1617 Cl'n· tra.l a vcnuo• llalbc.>a, IJl 316 U ndll at reel. ldr an.J ).fr11 tit·urgf' H aner have l"t'turntd trnm a mnnlh'a vao·allon at Big Dear. :Mr ancJ Mra J C Bllllnp. who bavt' l"t'aldtd l or IIOmt' yeara on 33rd lftl"t't't, 11pent the w.-ek i'n•J movtn~~: t11 lbe1r nl'W homt' on Fuf. lerton lltr .... t. C'oela Mt'u , wbe~ I R CJ •fj • tbey nnw• an arr .. ancJ a half of l e-8881 Jtation ITOUnd • Ou Mr. aM Mrw Harvry BodDULI\ Cards Sent t and daul(httr Dolorea ot WhltUer B Draft Board were guellta "'<'tntly or Wr. Bod· y man·a part>nltl. Mr ""'' Mra. J A. Rodman. :Mt• •:ta~t' Nf'wland rf'lumt-ol h o m r T ut'llday momtor atl~t aptondlng the w~ .. k entl In l...tHt An· gele1 with her llllt~r and broUler· ln·law, Mia &Ina Walkt·r. 116 Z7th BeJinnlna Tu..S.y ot tw. ..... Df"W cla..trlcatlon carct. are t:wtq m~ll~d nut to l"t'rwtr'UIY by ta.. lncaJ draft board.~ loAn- d~ J Haym&D, datl fit tile board. Som~ t weln to Ullrteen bulldrlld men will be rec....,.._. IUid will f"f'cetve 4-A ciU"ddl. 'nlla meau that they have att&Jned tM ~ ol S8 an•J will not at p,_t be callf.tl fo r lll!'rvlce , but ~Uoa. sn anti may be c~ Mm who have ~ Uw t'lu- altlcataon l-A·L f or Ulllted •rvkt' onl'y. will now receive a DeW clu- alflcatlon, that ot •·P' and for lbf' tim.-twlnlf W111 not bt ealled. Any man wbo bae a cta..t!tn- llnn l'nt.Jing lo H . deooUnr lbat h~ 13 (oVI'r 311 yea... old. wUJ l"t'C'f'IYI' " c-IR•Ifln tlon of 4-A.. Virgil Moore Is New Owner of Mcintee Garage llotor Oftrobaulla& Motor Tu&-U .. Carburetor a.d lpltloll MJ-tmeata A warning w .. '-led that :'Ill hoy~ mu•t l"t'giater at their ne111 ,.1t V tra11 M'"''" who• h•u• np••nol <·•l 1 tlnul b.~ard or\ Uwtr l 8tb blrthCia}' w h" 1 '" pnrutntlv k l1"""11 •u• unlrtt!l II ran. on Sunday 'r Ill Vlr~tll'• Jell f ill:•· All• I lfllo• hill!' IOhup I rhrll!l.m&Jo dlly, wlwn Ulty •nu .. 1j tta tl•t" '''"' .. r I loon Mo 1 "ull um·,. A•· Factory Trained C&rb~tor Sptclallat rrJrllllt'r Ule t nllowtn• tL.y u 1 .. .rlat'r.t Milt In•• •I•" k 211011 l'••n · 1 l th~y &rf' away from boale tho·; \raJ ""''''"'' """ I'"'' h"""" M• mullt atilt rel{1.tfr wllb lh" n~ar-~l nlrr • T ... ,.," =-''"1"" .. "1"111'n "11 1 elll board, wherever the)' may ~ lht' ttoljnlnnln..-: loot ou 1ol plro1111 t .. We abo handle and care lew 11AB1NE 110'1'088 Irs l•r•ce Or<k'ra of Induction wd•t mailed alart <'llnlltruct h•ro uf to ru•w hullol· nut Wednurtay anti a ne'" conlln-~ln~t frJr hla II"'"~" "'' lh" r o•w I ~rnt or mf'n wilt f!fttra.IJI for lbe prol"'rtY \ Rrmf',J !ON't'a on ~atur<lay No w 4 In tho• m .. antltnf' Alt·xt Vlllf' will I rot 7 ll .tn and rrll'rnla .. Wf'll ,.. rf'mlllll .... "'"""It"' "' ""' .... rvlo ''I • FOR MEl 1nd BOYS • m llut• ""· ., BALIIOA IUAJifD ...... .,. ,.,. ........ ". A r.d·hMI"t'd boy appllf'd few a ,.lb ln a butchM' ehop. "How mucb will )'•)U atve ma T" '1bn4 dol lara a w-11: but what ··a n you .Ju al'\ un.t a butc._.r Yft. Hopt ... llld P~ IMI.i· (ot4 ... a•4 J•cll It up .. aa4 Ca.toM t-dtt ... aM Jot I. lrow• ' .. top ....... ot ea,e aM .,.... ... ..4iol Y011 _.It,......... ..... to ........ OIIf ..... -..... c:aa ......... ........ 1 6811oapf&h .•.• ar o.« dw WOIW .. llf pow IUJ'PO" ot U.S.O, C.., Ueic' thtOYIII •~ Wu O...L ebop?" .. A.DylhlD,r .... "WeAl , t. I.,.Cifk. CM 7'0'1 .,_ " ctlkken f" "Nnt oa Ul..._. doUan a ....... aald th• tx>y ..the beer wida .. ~up 1. Q. tt111111Q .., wa• CHill H. R. BRINKERHOFF _._ ........... APPLICATIOIS -IEIII TIIEI for F 11~1r .P111t _.,_ Ia~••• M•••flll1ri11 C.,ay Theee Are Applleatlonl On)J and NOT Employment Jobl WhJeh Will Be Available at a Future Date PIMiattAppiJ: Bob Au.. Bit ea-t mpwaJ, N..,_. ...... Tlhfll•• N_,... ._. IKI endoned and oanoelled -Ia 4 proof of p.syment which can never be cliaputed. TENPLAN checks ore oreal convenience-they help you -.,v8 time, tires, Q4BOline. Open your TENPLAN account today ot any branch of &nk o f America. Buy ten checks for $1 in a neat pocket. Yo u nee-d keep only enouQh money on deposit in the l:Mnl to cover the checks you write. ALLEN GLOVER GEORGE VON GRtTBEN Nf'w Location I Ute IH'no•raJ pul>llr 11 '"'"lh•ol tu l •latlun until ~~~· h l imo• ruo \f•••n• ~tllcnd Lhl' depetture cef't'mony • oon.-nll11"" ~ l11• lnl• ,,._.,. I ~ --Mr and Mr~ Molnl•~ 1••11• .~ :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A ne-w • Jerk. dlctntlnc a few """Ill 1111\ •· 1 ... ,., "' t lu "''"'' •• I '"Y" ogo. wa. In cJoubt u w th•• ""'''' n 11111 I 1111· "" k Itt• \' '"' 1120 COAST IDGIIWAV Coroaa df'l Mar 1 ''·"' •>r a l'•·rtlilln t•h~ • .o h•• u1o1 1'1.'""1"1: "" •·•kuw" "'" tl• ,,,.,.,1 , ... I he Hlf'nu~rraplar·r; "Do )'IJU ,... 'I"' hi n .... ' ......... :. I. I ~·IN• ll•r·· II l•lRn:'" Allol u.~ wtattu i·C')'I'ol , ........ M ··~u ,,,, ""'' lillY• lwo·n •tort• r••plll'd rath• r aleeptly "No, 1 "" •I'''' foor I'• '• "'" I• '' "'' Ill•' .... ,. ,.., ...... ,, •• ,, ••••••• ,, ••• , .... , ............ ,. .............. l ftfl• l--------------•1 rlo cp wHb mama " A•••u:t•·•l ''''"'' """ ••.:lit ''' ""' ANY MAKE 100% Credit 12. MOs. to Pay Painted Waxed and Polltlled Fenders Stralghteaed Bodies Repaired Frames Straightened Wheels Aligned Motors Overha•led Motors Rebored ALL WORK GUARANTEED HARRISON PONTIAC to. SANTA ANA Apple a Oo~y A '''""J' '''" 1"' \\h .. t.u.l ... , t '') J•filt lh• 111 ,.. t•uuJ d114t1 ~I "'' "'t\~f" tHtfllltfl•f• \\lUI O••f fltntrf•h In~: '"'~ "'""'!: '" "'" •·I ft• • , • " ~ tn,: ••tt•• ~-tf1 •1Wtt•n "'·11-rt hilt tu•••q ~orl "1'1"'"'' •I 111 til" "'"'' . .,,,no tJ,.y., '1'4 H ,."' Jllfl ,,f lh•· a.'f• •" up 1•11'8 •·It lhtol tr•'" In Ut•· 1 • .,, k v11r•. 1 lli:llln "" Sh .. ulrl I llrlvr 'l'na ""' 1\)' ... Ttw \111H1)r: dtu t;.r \Aidkt··tl 11\l••t f tl lh• ~·lu•ll•\.\ t ufl-.l•h I •·•I II If q u ..... , UJHI lht II It \••llfi'-= 111111 t Y''" atl Uo• "' 1"\'ltlll r<•flllrll "N" II k 1 -S e I t z e r·l I I 0 IETIIOD A-A lka-Seltz.cor, a tart talnnr: It at emu to rrl11•ve tho I lull, Achlnl' Urarl, and tho Stalt, SoA Mu~<:lca. J -Rr rllrtoful, avoid drafUI and aull•lcon chn n~re• In ~mr ... ra· tor,., R•·al -Jlr•·f,.rul.ly in l•• ol. 1\ rt'Jl warm, tllll .. nAI· !Jiy, .tri:.k plr•r•IY of "aler or f r.Ht J<.~rr~. 0 '1 IUrfl W (et ""''""" VIU.mll•·· C _ ('• mf• rl y1.1ur Sur•, RaapJ Tltr••at, tf &u••"1 l1y th• cold, br l'ar~tlonr with Alk.a-Selt-1,.;, lr f•YU d•·VI'IfJJJI, 1.1r •yrnpt~oma b~C"o me moA a tul" call y••ur cJoct.or. A I K A ~~:r.Tu;R I• a pain re- Jl,.·.a•.st, alk: I 71111( IRI,II'\, r•l"""""'t w • ,1 .e and 111 ·•~ually clfrrtave 1n ar\ 11. T nlo(' it r •. r ll••"••h•. ~n•rul•r p •• ,., .,-w~ ,,., ,,,i. . . • .... , ... Alo~t~adl, "'' .,, t ll<AMU t.y ••• ,.., •tomach ar al. At yoVT tlror '' ",..-t..r" .-cue• Mf, ~·,.,,u v•• ••re *· llr t h,. alan .. '"'" ru .. nt.aaAa, T .r==== Orange Juice TO YOUR HOME AS EXTRACTED DELIVERED THE SAME DAY From LusciouM, (;olden, Tr~-ltipened Oran.re County Orange'- HAN VEN-CJDH C:IIU 1.11 (11'7K A.D.) "( •r:ang··~ h ;l\'1' 1111' JIOWf'r to ll'nl()V(' fc •vc•r In lttt.• "'""'""or tht• du-,cl , n•6(U- '"'" di~.:r ... tl•>ll ·'"" -.tup vomltln.r.t und f'OII~hlnl(. If ltlf><w• Ill'!" lukm n" a 1 l'lll"dv fnr' :a ''"'I! tlrrll', lhf'lr i'H•~·t wiiiJif'fl~>lrull' lntt• lht> Rph11 ·nu•y will aJ..;(, l'lttl,.... lh•· body ''' t.w"C'OmP IIKhl un•l prqJonK hr"." u R,\"'iHr. .n ;wr. • o'lt'UMtTIUN I fi;IIIIIT Ul "' F_,. fir I "UFU ... I4 ,..,,t,t1 II If~ -.t'e'f"'l.t' TM& .... ,,.,"'"' ."""' ,.., .. ,. f'41: , ...... ' •• • t ••• ••••• .. t t " lt.t ••• f ~~ .,, 4 tt If II •• • 1t ;\ f'f •I t o • I ' I I 0 ..._,,.,. "''' ,,,.,,, '"'"·' .... .. UH U 11 't ftotllt I '"t• f'• t •• II t••• till I .t '"'" .. ' '" . ''"' •' .... \ t 1 \ tit 1 It I t IIIIo' • I lofte \ 1• o t 1 I l ot 11 " 'I '' uoilfl•'"'H \ ,, I J , h I ···''·'"'' ''I" .& ,,. \ ,, ,,, I I I I '"' ,,., '"·• 0 It U fl I U ..... ' ' .. . ...... . l't ·I· • • I••• lu 1 1•1 ''' l ot , •utt• f IH !11\H I+ , ...... fl • • '" ,., ... f ,, -\•' t ,.. • , •• , .. t ,, ,,, OKANOI".H AKF. IJNIVEKHAU,Y BE()()Q. NIZJ;.Il for lh<'lr Important t'untr1butlona to- wttNI buoyAnt. hPolth. Cnllromln Of'IU1Ie fuh'f' nMUn.'l' ynu u rich . ••v~>ryctny ~ of th1• lmrw>rtnnl vltstmlnl' nmt mln•·rniK, partS. ,,1larly ('aldum, ph0Hphonu1 nrut 11m all amount" ,,r Iron. • nar. UAII.V Y.lfUIT OIIN('t: HIA88 OW' fUlASOY. .JI IJ('Y. rumhdlf"' thr• 100 mlUJ. Krnrnl' of Vltumin C whh'h tt lllhor1tlft ftnd ON'f,..!Utr y tn mnlntnln uplimum V Itamin C nul rltlon for Uw 6(ruwin6( t•hlhl ond nonnaJ Ill lUll WRITE OK I)IIONY. VOI'K UKUI"..K. .... llnry Hadf' th., MuM nay .. Y.drict.ftt ,.uro•, l...,lrlttWI ()RA~flr; l lllf"r. "" adul"'rauoe ... ..,.,. ll1114 60c a 11'- ..,tYerM .. ,..,. ..,._ ALBEIT JOYCE 616 E. BAY AVE. Balboa, (;alif. l'ttOM N,...port 6 ------GOOD AND GOOD FOR YOU Jl' ............ LI:IIONAN ..... .... __ _ .. .... .... ~ 4St .... • ......... ,..., .... • •• 8ui'&alla..W. • Jktt•ERS TO'THE NEWS. TIMEs ANtW~"· ~DITO" WALtH ON QAt "ATION ATTACK HMd ot .,....,.kwlf'n' Hllll Gu R.a· Uon Board.'' Poer Walab' He Ju.t c:aA't It> I all t.b~ « ... Hfo~ THINKS be nt-e•l• I to run around the llate t rytna to , MdcDe h"IO nf 1:M' "'OAt abortiOilll oD u.e C&Jifoml& ~pte that any crackpot ev~r tl\nlllfht up undt>r I the "Clear II With Rht'1"Y'' Wuh· COSTA MESA Dear Editor : lorton mob ' · : LUll .• .,. CO. Al-y. read your eal'elknt \\•ithout kolng further 1ntto W l'h ~ paper wtth a cnat deal of lnlerut Ia nbld ya., fn>m • di.IIKnlntiN! I ll. L HOeTaTUil ud mental protlt. Out the n · politician and unuiM'ful artlvator "'-• ~ CUDe a1ooc 1n the t.ue orj of vlac-loua clua propa~taru.Ja. It ;;===========~~0et.~;;;1T~;";P\abl~;t.b~f'r~~Uid~~~8t&~t.e lonkll IIlii' thl' Baltx. I or Ia It 1 Nrwrort "llarb<lr" 1 ratrnn IJ<'It,l l did thr !Joo11 r Slat I' fnlk11 ll ~>:orwl tum Or maybe It \\'U JUII IUl· othl'r tyJ'f• •ll "rl"ii htrnnt(' lllr 101101 B FIIDLAY OOifft,IDI'Oa _. atJD.DD MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR ova IIP8aALTY Cabinet Shop Service om. ~bbtet Shop lUI o..t .... .., lOIII M. ,._m ft. ~aa..~ WWWIOWI ••CR, a.u.D'. (00(1 folka ton I hi' r111 "'" b<lltro1 1111 nr, 1111lary, whlr h of ··nur~~o·, l:l·nth·· man Wal~>h ~tl'ls ' wf'n' drttl(l:lnl: a.c ma thf' rodorou• lraJI of th,. "Ham ·n F.ltlt~'rl!" &nd thr•lr J•h·,.l Htar t'dillnn• I Anrl, what 111 thl' l'ubllllh•·r \\'al10h publlah«r r,f ~ 1 THF. W A n :ltFHO!"TJo:H I F.d. Nlotf' Mr Walah II puh-1 llllhf'r r.( lh~ Olrt Ag" I'I•OIIIullvt I and pr•w dfont or th,. lhc Olol A'/." f',.nelflfll"rl! uf ( 'lalllurnlll. 1 Building Permits \1 Youth Fellowship New Church Group A n-voun~r opeople'a ~. t.o be eaUed t.ba MatllodiM YouUI 1"11· lowablp. wu form~<l, Sunday f've- nlog at Chr111L t'hun.h by the &!a and offlcf'l'lf will I;,• o•lectf'd 11hortly. Af•«"llnj!l v. Ill ~'I"'" ut 6 p m and Jut 4:> minut. a. 11ftn whu·b tht>rt' wul be-a Sunday evening IIO&Ck &IH.I ao<'IH I t.uur. F'rN.I Sham! Ia 1 nrj!aniz.mg lhe groul'· with the aaalalanl'e or Rn. E. D. Goodell. and all young people of bJ&'b achnol and junior rolleKe ac-are lnv!tM t.o joiD. WHAT-NOT SHOP ......... ...., 't I .... ........ rlatwe ........... ....... 17elle' 'd...,... ..,.. 1 estW wa.••• .._ betalled. What's Your Odd Job? M7 Palm Aftllue ....._ 3&.. ., ~lu.Of/JI. a>w-J. 3t.,n 3£.1 Of.JJ~., 1G.,. * ~LE~~ILLEJJ!QILIEL£ r.,, ~J"'"""·'' swr.•s..... Y• ... w, Ctr. 4 .. & Syca..,.• SANTA ANA ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • : FOR BUILDING INFORMATION • NEWII'OfiT UIS. :lM aEAC~ 236,lli4 1 497.440 7541.0811 008,090 1111,63'7 .1161 ,74~ UNl,~ I lib l•A ,. ANU Kt AUTII'\IL t.:At'll Al Uf I'IU.ANU, Woooow _.,,. tica 111 '"'"' Uc .. alotod ~ thr .. •wloo ol 111&• •• '•P•oml>co ol ltlt, .. -nvrocl Ill fi wo t un ••I C>e rmell •-!'elieft. w., .. ,. e&ein he~••• • t..ttle· ••nund on Aul uot ol ohto \U t ....... ~~ ol the o'lll '"'• •&••nu tho Ger•one. flere ie • .,;.., of N-• S.M· • • • • • • • • • • -See-: 18-,~ 4()':l • 1t M :\23 • .... s ..... oh<t••na , .... s ........... n ...... cohu•• •• c ..... Squore. 1937 :11\3 Bay District Lumber Co . • 1!1~11 648 PuaLtc NoTICES WALT.Il a. WICK"· o-r : 1931 -642 • 1940 -64? 1,040.122 1.2211.48•1 2t0.113~ I : Newpolt S..ch 1 IH 1 4118 NOTICE OF PUBLIC WORK • • • ...... H...._ ......._: : At Tile A...._ 1110 • • • ••••.•..•.•.......•...•.•........................ ~ Rabber Lined WladaHe.d ~ ............. .... ..., ... "--....... ....................... -__ .. ,_ ..................... .-. ---..... ,. ••• I Q ... 'If ., o-w .. ~ ... .... . .,......_,.. 1942 320 1943 NOTIC'Jo~ IS HF:RF.RY r.tVEN THAT ON THE ~d DAY OF Ja~~uary 1~·2~ OCTO~R. 1944, THE CITY F•bruary 4.633 OlU~ O F THF. C ITY OP' March 7·877 NF.WPORT BEAI"U, CALIF'OR· I ~~I 1::~~ NIA. PA~~ED A RF.SOLUTION OF TNTF.NTION NO 30.110 1"0 I Juae . 14,060 July . 7.318 ORDER THF. F'OU.OWING Ill· AUI\Iwt 8.780 PROVF.MF.NT.S TO BF. DONE. Septembf'r 22.378 TO· WTT Octo.,.,_ 13.11<40 SF.C"J'ION I Thill lht< public November 10.014 lnll"rl'at lllld r nnvl."nll'nrt' r«"qulree ~ _ .................. ~ ...... US,180,lhe C'loaln~ up llntl 111)a.ndoameot Total ............................... tt2.327 of a pnrtlon or a rtrtAin ~I reel and January P'ebruary lrfarrb May JUDI.' July AUI'\1111 &optrmbf'r --• 1 c•rtaln allry• In tht• ('tty Qf New-1944 port fko11ch, ll nd It 111 lhl' int,.ntton t>f thto City Counl'tl of thf' City ot IHI,686l Nrwp••rt llrarh In nnh•r th• rollow- J8,740 ln~t dur nbt•rl f><1rtillf111 nf a Cl'rtalll 38.17~. I! I rrl't an,t cntaln l!lll'y!l In I!Aid 46.•73 nt v tu bf' "'""''d up ancl ahlln· 15.431 ~~(1~ ..... lll·\\'11 t :'>,400 TH IRD AVENUE !'1.'1,710 2(1,9()() 1 All th11l pnrttnn II( Thlrrl A VI' IIIII' I fonnerly :,~th l'hltl'l =============:=::::._ -.cnbed u foUowa. to-wit: daya after the l'xplratlon of the Setfinning at the m ost wut-time of the publication of lbla ertly comtr of Bll)('k :i3t. 11..1 noUce, which objrctlons shall be lbown upon a m&p nr Corona delivered to the Clerk of the Cit y Del Mar. roc:ordell In Book 3. Council who abaJI endo~ Lileri'On Nee 41 and 42 of Mhtcella-the date or Ita re<:eptlon by hlm. JMou• Mape, recorda of Olwtl'e ·and at the next meeting or t.be County, Caltfom la : runnmg CHy Council. allcr the expiration tbeace nort.bu~terly along th• of aid teo llG) daya, lay aald ob- IIOrtbwraterty lin«' of •1d jectlooa before a.td City Council 8loek :>:11 and thr nort.bweat· who abaJJ fix a Ume for he&rtng 11tJ line o1 Block 631 of said aald obj«IIOII.I. not leaa than one Owaaa Del Mar to the moat I I ) week t.berra!ter. Thf' City Mrtberly comer or aald Block Clerk shall thereupon notrfy th• Ill: t.bmc-e 80t.llbl'&8terly In p4'raona making such objection• or a dlnct line lo thl' moet ea.t~t-the ttme nnd plac-«' nf l b.q, hearing .ty cornu of aald Block 631 : of sllld objel'tlol\ll by the City UIIDee aouthweaterly aJong the O>•Jnrll a:1d notic-e of M id hf'ar- 8DUUaeuterly lint' or •ld l!l~C• ahall be given by dt>poaitrng a -ll &31 and the IIOUiht'Mier· notice therror In the po11t off ice of ly hDe of uld Bln<'k 531 tn thr 1M id City t>f Newport Beach. poet- ._ 80uthrrty com«'r of llllld -~ age prephld thereon, llltdr«"aud to &oc:k 531: theDcf' nvrthwi"Bt· •ld obj«tC'r. "'J 1D a direct llnC' tu thr RF.FERENCF. IS HERF.BV polnt at bf'gtnnlllg. MADE TO SAJO RF.~OLt iTION •• CTION 3. That llaJd work of I OF' lNTF.NTrOl'l: NO 30"0 ron lm~1111ent 18 for the cln10lng upl AW.. FURTHER PARTI('ULAilS. U d 'IIIC&Ung cot a por·tlon of a ll 1-P A 'nr:RSON certaaa are~ and portion.~ Of rer-Sl J'('Mo11tncf!'nt uf l-;lrl'l'll! f"'lV of tall! alley• bt>rernabtlv .. mnro• p11r-1 !"I'WJlOrt Ht>a•·h <'Aio'• mra · I Uculany •~rlbed. ond 11 "flf'~~'llr,. l'uh· Oct 24th, 26th. 3 1st, and I to tiii'Clty <:ounrll of the !'rty 1of Nov 2nd. 1!144 Newport Beach l~at no lll!!lt'lllm11"n! 1 -------------I 1a ~. I Copper : "Yoo .,...,.,, riolng 6() I ••CTION 4 . That the prw'r.'d · miiN an hnor." ON C RID IT I &MONTHS ~.o.M~~! • e I If I A I eAu •• AMe •••• •••• IYII IXAMINIDI flfOIW •a I 121 &... DW'I.ICA liDI "•• S. ui11l •Cany MIXTIA PAIR of OLASSII Willi Y_, •Oia ... Mode te Yow OWN Pr••crl,"-1 tY ... Cretflt II OOODI Op• • AacaUIIII ,__., .. "-... ._._ ,.,_ .... ....... .., ....... H .. ., ... ..., ...... vw. .. -. DR. HORACE CAD EN OP.TOMETRIST ...... ~ ............. ... ......, .._. (leW ....... ,.. ,,....,_. ,., ,.,. .... ., ...... The atullMlll ol fo~li<'•IJJtnr limon Hlsh llrl' JCI•Ing tn vnt«' nn \\'h"lll llley would llkt to fill the hiJchcllt poelltorr nf thl' lan.J J•r .. ldf'nt nf thf' United ijlatea Ext·elalvr Union High :\0 ted In w11llt1. ""'""•lin~ llf'- tw!'rn thr prnlon~athm "' lhr IOIIIJihl'lll'trrly Jin(' Of C'llm&tiOn Avrnuf' lfnrmerly 30th Av· rnu,., a nrl lhr prulun~ntlnn of thl' northw,.lltt'rly lint or Dah· II" Aftnu• 1 fnnntrly 31at Av· l'nlll'l.aa shown upo111 a map of Corona J1orl Mar. rl'<'<lrded In B<10k 3. PIIJI:tS 41 llnt1 42 of MIJtC«'IIa n .. oull Map~~ Rf'Corda llnp fer the r iOI!ing u p of th«' S w('('t Yoong Thmg: "Oh. i~n·r I alor-a.t porttlln or R l'f'rtaln thllt spiMldid. And I only lt'nrni'O ....... c ... w .. .-ny .. _"""',,_ 1lreet and portl"n• of certain ll<o~d~r1~v~e~y~e~a~te~rda~~y~."~·-~~---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ alleye ... the C'1ty of Newport - ~ a W. C.. 4111 I $yallllrl MlftA MIA .............. , .. ....... 0111111 a ' .. ,_. • WDLUM Carpet Works _ .......... ' ............. _ MJC'I'AA!IfA OPEl IllS II Lilli I "0" ,INIU"ANC~ ~~~ Howard W. G.riah OOft'A lttiDA ....... 11 Automobile • Fin Accident • Life U ctDM and Contract Ronda Written IEICI MEl AID WOMEN Needed for VItal Defense Work · Beqairementa: • • • Availability Certificates Proof of Citizenship Social Security Card -APPLY - TO. RLTEE AIRCRAn COIPORATIOI ~ ' .. .,, .. ,,. ... 'h c ... ...,.._ IIMdl ........... Oeeat ............ of DranK«' County. ~ffomla. ALLEYI IN aLOCKI ~31 AND t 3t All tbllt portion of thOM' rut.ein allf'ylll. 14 frf'l In width Beacb l6al1 be had and taken under .., ID accordance wtth the "8tNet ~~ Ad of 1889 ap- Pf'V"CI ~ 4, 1941. 8t.atutu 1941. Cha.,._ Tt, Dtvhllon 6. Part 1, Stref'ta lnd HJchway• Code .. In 8IO<'k11 M 1 and 1131 1L11 laid nul nnd tohnwn uptm a map or Corona f'l'l MRr rpt•oroiPd In fi{"'k 3 1'"1:"11 41 nn•l 42 ''' MII!Ct•IIRn••out~ MBJlll, rrrnrd ll of Oran~~:r C'uunty. Cnllfnm lll, ly· tng hl'twrm th.-JH'f>lnngstlnn nf I hi' nnrthf'll!lll'l I~· llnr nf :!ntl Al o•nut• lf,\rr.1c-rlv !\4th l'lao•••' Rnol thr prolo~gation nf lhl' "nuthwcl!lt'rly llur nf 4th Avrnuf' tfnrml'rlv 56th f>l&l'l" 1. u lA ld out llnd lllhown IIJ>(>n !ORirl map or C'nrona 1"11'1 Mar rt"<"<>r•ll'•l In llunk 3, pa~•'l' t~CTION 1. 'nwt any p4'nnn I lntelWitt'd. objec~ to Aid wnrk or lmp rovl'mmt or lC' thf' ~xtrnt of tbe cll,t net or Ianda t 0 bf' rtf., r flC lf'd or t..enetlt.ed by 1!8 •tl \\'oll'k of lmprov!'rnent. aDd to he &11101.'~11 to pay thr COlt and t'ltpl'n~><·~ I thereot. may maJr.e wrtttm obJ«· tiona t.o tbe -.e, wttbln ten ( 101 IP-...... ~.~· ... , •. ~ ... ~ .... ·.~ •. ~ •• " ..... ~ 41 llnd 4Z nf MIIOC'rllanf'n\111 M11p:1. Hl'rnrclt~ of Orang" c.~unt:: <"'allfomla A II portion,. or st rl'f'lll a.nd alh'YII to hi' cl()fof'(t up And ~tbArHinntd arl' mnr~ r lt'llrly ~<hvwn on 11 t't'rl11in ma, llpproVf'tl IIIIo! adnpl••ct hv lhl' City C'ouncll of th«' n tv llf .Ntw·j port Dearh for l'&ld rlo111;n~ up ll nd a b&ndonm•nt by Rrr•nlut1on rtall'd lhl' Znct t111y of Ortnbt>r. 1!144. an1l dl'al~llt~d Rnolutlon :>ln 307!1 I IECT ION 2. ThAI thp l'lllt'r1or llf'untlllrll'll M I hP •II"' rlrt nf Jan• II• I In hi' ll/f#< I I'd nr lwnl!fltltd by I llll1t1 work nf lmp,wl'ment and to 1 hf' $81111'.11~"'' tn Jlll.Y thr damaJI:(-11. <'n10t11 llnd f'XJ'I'n!'l'!l llwrl'nf. .,.,., JlRrti\'IIIRrly oll'~f'rlhf'·l R!' f•>'l""''l. 1n-wit I All lt-111 rrrlnm rl'al prnrl'rt)' !rituntNI '" thr f'lt;v nf Nrwr<'rt Tl•·nrh c .. unt~· .. r nrnn~:r. ~IAtt• of ('nlllt'lf'mn nn•l mnrr J'lll~lr·ul.orly HOW ~UCH IS ENOUGH! I ~~~--~A_, a_ a/IOUOH .. _.. .,_ _, ........... ., ......... _ .... , ,... ... ,_ '-Qp ... __, ~--., ..__ DNEijDAY ....... loi,-..... .,....... a_. D,..... • CZQJIW: ' "'.,,,. ... ,...,o_.. .. ___ _ ... I 0 '* _, Cal LINt OU .............. v ......... .. lkz see>,... 1 0 t e-Y• ... ...,- ....... ---• .,.,... c.;. ... _ ............. _0.. .. ~ ........... v-. ............ _ ... ..,_ ..... _, D letl..,.••..,..-._. .... ...._...,., ....... ..._ .... HEA-R Gov.·no •• E. DEWEY ~II the F ACfS TONI OIIT-'t :• P. JC.. ~TATIONI' 1FJ A 101&4 OCT. !&-'t P.M. 0\'D 8TAnOJr KNX OCI'.Il-4 P. M· 8TAn011 Kft ~0\'. I-t :It P. • . 8TATIO. Kft SOY. '-'• P ••• "TATION8 1D1, 1DfX NO\', ...._. p, •• Kn. llN~ a11QA .• California Women!· "The U. S. Army Medical Department urge1ztly needs you now'' N.\JOil GENERAL NORMAN T. ltlllJt S•~• G-.1 U . .S: A,..1 r. che~ bums within you • tiDceft desire to do som~thin1 ncriYe and imponut to help wia the war, here it TOW' e>ppor· t!Uty. Joia theW AC-terft in the Army Medkal Depsnmeat, whe~ women are Tit&lly DHded now. You caa help bria1 die wu co a quidt. EUCCftlful end. You caa help bria1 our lowd ODH-)'Oat lowdoo~s. perhs~hom~ sooner. And yoU caa lentn s yaJuable tt!chnical skiU that msy be the foun\fuioo of s career aftu the! war. W ith the biggest bnttl~ of th~ P1ci6c still ahud, the W~t must take attiiJ more 1ctive pen in the war. You are DMdt!d ht!re, in Australis perhaps. or ~~~where! be- hind blttlt!fronts, to gin our men the nMded aut!nrion. The ca~ and rehabilit1tion of the! sick and wounded i1 s woman'• noblest work. ~t into it if you can.lf you are betwHD rh~ ages of 20 and 50 and ban no childr~n aader 14,or otherdepeod~ots,caJJ tb~ nearest U.S. Army l"E'<."n..liling station, 206 N. Main St .. Santa Ana Cal · GREYHOUND SIRVES, TOO Gftyhound it happy to publish thit meSMJe th roop pat che West for th~ WAC. We are in war work. too- p roYidiDJ truuporutioo for them and ocher branches ol the Armed Foi'Cft ... aidi.aJ i.a uoop mOftiDenu ... tranlponlftl wouaded .. , at the FUM tf"me carryin1 oa aa nseatiaJ temce for the tranlia1 public, Aad G~· houad is looki.as a.hnd, planaina for • 6a~r. tarrr. bener hiJhW'Py trneltemce whea th~ wu is woa. YOU CAN SIRVE AS PMMMACIIT ~CIITAIDI n YCNIAfttC IOCW WOPICII DINYA1 natNtaAN DINTAL HTOIIHfiT OINTAL LAIOIATOtiY TICHNICIAH LAIOtiATOtiY TICitNtCIAN OCCUPAn ONAL TMIIA"ST OCCUPAnoNAL TMIIA'Y ASSISTANT MlotCAL ITIHOOIAP'NIP MIOICA1 TICHNICAN SUSOICM TICHNICIAN IIIUC.Anoeu& ?ICONOmOHII Of'TOMITtm X -&A Y TKHNICIAH ... ~,...._ ....... ~ THE WAc GREYHOUND P '' IWM ll-• .,..,. .,........_. • P a • ....._. 0 P' .... ,.......,., ~ M. IM4 .. .._ ~------------------------------------------------ Poll Reveals County Dems. Expect Defeat Mary Pickford Heads Committee For Schools Act lEIS· TIMES CLASSIFIED OPPORTUIITIES READ NEWS·~ CLASSIFIED ADS FOR PROFIT • • • USE THEM FOR R~UL'm ---U you don't ftnd wllat )IOU 1ft look In~ for advertla"d In this t.uP Phont Newport BNC'.h 12 or 1:1 and place your own adwl"tt.tMnt ---HOLLYWOOD Mary Pft'k· ford. J~ E. Brown. Edwftnt Ar- Accordlng 111 Harry A Earn· In& Browdu . 131 &llowlnlt J ohn t..jnold and many oChf'f' not&hiH ol shav.·, playwright and publicity lAwt. to 'make Harry TnallUUI to thfo llt'TI.'ft1 rolony havl" join~ In man. now Hvlnlf In Balboa. 110111e run u vice pruldent.. 'Olue four I thP eam,.l~rn to a~f'f'l • bl"f'6k· New IHalera wiU vote fnr R-· 'bonera' accordlng to my New down In Callfomla 5 pifomt'nl&ry r ~ S}'lltt'm, it 'IW1lll annount'l'd vrlt on Novl'mber 7 v.·lthout the Deal friend art' ~toln~: lo put todav And """ actlvt'l)' campai~· 11ligbteat hope of hl1 elt-l'tlun Dew"y ln tbe WhJle HOUM and 1.ng ~~ Pporo~~~ition 9 lM &ltf'r "1 have for IK'Wr al w~lul been 1 mllkf Brlt'ker vice' pruldent." !&hoots At"t on lhl" N~mbt>r bal· making a qult-1 litUe poll of rn~ j Jot. own," aid M r. Earntthaw. "and Cong John Phillips I I t wu also announct"d that the It haa been dltflcult for me to llJld I • Hollywood CoofHt'n<'t' o1 Stuc:Uo anybody In Orangf' ('OUnty now Tells of Europe llnlon.~ hu mdof'S('d J'I"'fiOIIIIlon 9. wbo actually expecta the Nfw O..al 1 1 Endorwmt'lltll o1 ttw srhuol act to win thla year. A number of Trip in Addresses had previow.ly bft>n announced people carry their fanatical wor-1 from the Statt• Ff'deration o1 La· ablp of Mr. RooeeVflt 110 far they ---jbor, CIO and R.allroad Orot~r- wtU vote for blm., but the Ude 11 Final plan~: Wf'N' laid today for hood!;. now running 10 atrongly ror l>ewry th~> N'Cf'~t lon nr C'nn~.sman and a hou~W'Cieanlng In Wuhlng-Jnhn Ptlllllrs. ~·hn h<>am " tnrch· ton that they etlck wltb the prnl· l•ght llftnld<' at Anahc>im WMinf'll· dent only from a ..n• ot duty. dn) f'Vf'nln.~:: and will b4> hotn>I"NN "Tbe moct. notable example of at Hunlln.:ton .Wat'h Thursday thla I have encountered occurred night. FOil SAl' AU'I'08 I"'R SAL&-1116 PolltJec lfiiOit coupe. Good coodi"-: a.t.o • WhMI t ratJer. ata.U bodJ. ~ _ alOft. Dnt ooed. J. 1... ....._ m Olral. Balboa • ....,d. n-~~e FOR SA U:.. 1~1 eo.y ODacla \t 80A. 8UPPUE8 • 80A'a-Bot. Sold aDd ~a<ied u-.~andl'art. ~ SAL./ Aul: ANO wro. ro. a.o W. OllntraJ Av•. Pb. IW·W ~ Bea.cb, CAlli tt. Eutem factory tNllt. &I 'ni;iiiiii;- atHI A·l Urea. Lota o1 built· IN .. BOAT sn>RAGE M-tfr Ina. Air brakea. Duatherm Mat· ........ Ways er. P2~.00. Uot Olul INvd. Ullnwtt Yuht bmkrr Newport B.adt. .._... ~OJ' SEVEN SEAS I'AR FOit SALE 1936 01~0 llT Olut HIJI"v.y, Ph IHII I 7l·tfl' bllr. nPW brakea and waa.r :::::=-=-::":":::-~~------­purnv 19l7 Hudaon, new eqtne • .OR 8~ Mill!' "'''~'~~ l(ear and Botb In c>IICt'lltnt ('undiUon wtUl ma.n.t 1Upphr• Ar•u·,•n ~d· ~too..! llrl'.· ~e at 3t02 .......,... &ac. 1181 l"nul llwy . Newport A\'e., l'h. 24e7-J U·lt,l 711-ttr -------.aft BALE 1 watar- RF..U. ESTATE POR 8ALIC- OCEAN FRONT BUSINESS LOTS NEAR BALBOA INN lAta e and IU. IUuck 10, Dalbo1a Trart, n•mrr 'W&IIhlnatun aDd llc'NUl f'r•lfll M tt ();.,..an front· a&•· ,.,,.,.~·· ,, ••••• IJy Ctty ( '<•unl'll nf N I"W('<II I U4'at·h In the ll<'lll bl•ldu abol\ • 14.0011 fclr lh• l\\'O \\'1!1 l'":V rr11ular tlr, rom· mluhtel ( 'uyn••ll will "l"'n bld8 Nu\'rmt>C'r 1\, 1944 'T7 ·8lr "l.A'l J IU'k 1'01 I I" JOHN E. SADLEIR tlJo:A L ,.~STAT,.: UltOK..li:.K C:li:N,.;HAL 1N8llttANt "'C AUJtNT Notary P\lbllc M.Cr IMp..Ut llo iiN 302 MaUl St. l'honr 20St HILl~.... t '.&!If. l•Mc fWil lut week," continued Mr. 1 PtlilliJl'l, thl!l Wl'<•k Inuring Or- Eam.abaw. "I wu talkln~ with a ange county, wrut lunchron gu~t man who bolda a ~ood Job under at HotPI Laguna In Laguna ~ech tbe actmt.ntatratlon He told me I ymt>rday. and la8t nl~tht wu that although he hu alwaya voted speaker at a meetln~t In S11.n Use Ration Board For Night Aid 193e C'HII:V COUPF.. twin ...... roc .ll~rhta ud •pot 114;ht. ,.. car La In ~ m~hallk:al coe- dltlun van be -n at 8&1.._ Motllra. 708 E Bay. Balboa. wttcll outboard motllr. 2..,. h,p Ml" •nla Ana Ave . Newport -.ell.. Ph. 18li0-R TO·UT -OORON A UEI. MAR BtTl' cor Rooeevelt and will d tbla iCiemt'fltt> a!Tallgt'd by Mrs: Ro-o 10 beorta wm.ams. prt'Cint't etuunnan t•me, neverthfl-Dewey will be for lhP Ml.ton VIII~ dl~trlct. nrxt prealdent. "Re went on and cave me the rea.oM for hla conviction He aa1d hla dutlu carry hlm all over the country, and everywhere people aay Rooaevelt baa made at leut tour major mLatakea: 1 I 1 tytn~ ~P wltb Hillman , t 2) back· PhilliP". back from England and contlnt'ntal Eu~. wiU rtw hla first major talk since he retunwod from th~ British rovemment-spo11· !JOred junkPt with arveral othfor IW'- Iectf'd lawmakei"'I- Beach I'Kidrnl$ ~ lnLP1'8ted In th~ Huntinrton Beach ra.Uy. A.n NEWPORT TACKLE STORE I:D 8LO()()IIB • IIANAGER Bait· Tackle-Fishing Information HKWP08T BU(JH U ·ltc 1936 .. "'RO TudOf', motor re-.ut. Th1a ra.r La very cleu. Mot« lfUarantHd. Balboa Moton. TOI E. Bay, Balbo&. 11-ltie To further aid the ,....,ldcont" ot PuBLIC NoTICES tbU community wtth their ralloo· lng problema. the loc&l War Price CE&TIPICATI: OP' 8.,..,_1 and RaUonlnr Board hu ArTUIIfd ncn'nOUII P1IUI NA.IIK u enam. otnce .ebedule which __ _ BOAT WDrNC ,.-:l .. ,·trt(· aand· w. at JOUr pia<',. u J)f'r hr . 4 n .. autlrul At~•tm .. nt 81t.e, toJillll a.r. DilL wnt. &11 7Mt n.n.... fl400 llllaa4. 7tl-161p W. J. HOL.COMa w Alfti:D ro aur ll\17 t 'nut lflllm•ay <'"rt•n• •lrl War 1 'lollf "\\'herr th" 1'1-c-ny-U ·ltc -----WA..HT 1'0 BUT ~perly In M .....,.... ~ Hamor dlatr11't Two .... preterabl ... with or without I LOVELY OCEAN FfiiONT HOME -•a..-Bu-'---•-• 'I Nrar l,.lf\11\a, J~rman,.ntly uno~ -· -or I"MM!Mn ...... • ~ -Ole M-.. A new alruded vw. "' ""•an A hll'-. .,. u part ,_yment. a..laDce E••·,.llrnt .,.ml·pr.vah• tH>al'h cub. Wr1Lt no. ·v-. r /o JIJ-•1 &·rm houw Ilk" n .. w Til• bath '"-. TJ·tk A kllt'hf'n \ln11blr to ubt.a.lll 100 will •tart durtn~t the month of 'nle u ... nll... dote twr.bJ November. SlarUnr TuNday, Nov. ~rtlfy that hf-a. oonductlntr a-t 7. tbe local oltlce w UI remain open bulldtDc. repa.~rw and malnt~ untU t :SO p.m each Tueeday eve-at • 901 Cout HJahwa,y, N...-port t'&AJIIROirrA'nON ftlnll'. S..aeh, CaliiO"TTl&. under ttw nct.l· f't. ftOIIlalfe ol rnmrarabl .. YaJUe for I•• \..h.an noo l"'r rrnnt I•IOt In lhl• llrf'a, nwnrr h .. -J IMJWd land liuetn-lakra ·-n· "' away. Will ... u lmpruv"m .. n t.e A ,. . .,. un laml fur 162M Writ• f••r •PJw•lnlDltnl I' 0 Ko• 110, vue>••• d#l .... , ,, .. ph "'anla Ana 4MO 80-ttc Tbe eventnr achedul .. will enable tlous nnn n&I'IW o1 '"'-Bahmaa lhoee who are worllln~ to take Company and that aaJd ftnn II C&ft ol their penonal ration prob-com~ o1 01~ followtnr penon lema. The local board adV._. Olat whole na~ and addreu La u fol· their practice of maJIIn~r all forma IOW'II, to-wtt: upol r!!Quetlt W11l atlll continue. CUrt W. Bohman W .un" RJOJI;ft.S f"n:•m Balboa llland tf• Santa Ana: 14'ave at f :IO r.m 10'7~ Pl'arl Avt~. flal. ... laUd 81·311' &lwaya avaUable at the OPA u~ Balboa bland, Cal. tnapecUon 1tattona In the area. andl WltneM my hand thll Oellcloua Sea Fooct. everyooe Ia urged to obtain their ol Octob(>r. 1944. ··_·····F···,.,·e'··.,. D•a ··,·./•y'·····.~ Tbe auppleml'nt&J appllcattona are 115 E. Bay Front. 901 day wAN'I'I:D roaiNT .1.._ Or. complete equipment forma by mall or at thl' lnapec-tlon CURT W. BOHMAN. 011:hen y~ want to catch alatlona Tbla wtll make It pc. ._ .... ol C'..W•naa. llbl~ fof lht' a ppllc-anla to avnltl I Ooa.Qt of o-~ your o~. 1 ·~-~ ~ HORMEN FISH MARKET 1 ~ unn«e ... ry lrlpe In the ntlon On thll' 9th dAy ol Octobft'. WANTED TO ltENT 2 ur :S bedroom bou. to 1100. ThN'e In family. Perman~ lit f IVIIII\n" Ph Nwp(, 1819 111-4lc :l L11t. "'' Uav AvNl.IM' In El lla¥•t Tra•·t $3800 ~ '"'"• OtNNI l•l('•t •• n fur .SupltJUW llt•P.•••Ir t'~~~ Nt'Wf•"rt .t.larket ~ ~ board. A.D., 1944. beofol'f' me H. W. Plan· It , Ralph L. "lllkl'y. r halrman or alp. a Notary Public in and fo~ Ole WAMTF.D TO RF:NT F'11n111hf'd It • th• hto8riJ. advlar 11 thnt nn c-oupona 11ald county and lltall', l'f'tlldlnl ~ ON CENTRAL AVENUE, NEWPORT BEACH :~ will be iNurd durin.: thl!l rvrnlng 11hercln, t!uly commiSIIionf'd and Of' untumWlf'd hou-e by r olll'l' olll.cer llll41 wtre Jl<•rma"lf'nl '''"' L~lo.~, -~~::::· -~· -~-~-~~-~~, -~· -~· -~-~·~ -~-·~ -~~~·~ ··~ ··~ ., -~, -~-~-~·~ ··~ ··~ ··~ ··~ .,, -~, -~, -~~.!~~ 1 pro~rram. u all rallou dnt"ument.e ..worn. f)I'MIOnally app<-arcd CUrt mu11t be In the vault ~~ f\lghl "" W. Rohmnn. knuwn to me to b. 1 urth~r a•lvllllt'll th&t the> ntllr e will thP f)('~n whos<• nRmr• b 1ub-UROENTL Y N fi:F.I11•:P r;.., a~:•· \ «<ela Ph. 11173-W ~2-4tr• no lon~~:rr ~ npMI to thp public l'<'rihrfi lo ltll' within ln~trunwnt, to hC'U• RtO ro ~o•~ • I A I I h n WHO'S WHO IN HARBOR DISTRICT •lfl l'ntun1nv Brtl'mi'I(>Dft, ctrt"Ctlve ant! acknowll'd$:Nt to mf' that tw w~on Qn llalbo'l holn1111 l 'h <;11turllnv tin\' ~ ••xi'Cutl'd the ~nmr Red C1•.., h\'aclltu·•rt••n . l"tlr1 lw ' ___ : •• wu-WMNOf, r hllve tween 10 an<l • p IU 1.12·4W fiREPLACE AND t<INOLINO WOOD-· tw>rt'Unto ~t my hand And atna...t ~ H. W . Wr1&"bl. 178. Npt. Blvd., eo.t. Mea. Uled Lumber, l"tl. ~ IENEfiiAL. CONTRACTOR- IGordon B. Findlay. 3410 Coa!lt Blvd., Ph 4.1.2. Plans a'hd Construction LUMBER COMPANIES- lnvltatlrlf1nl dlnnt>r at 6 :'~() p. m. m> orfJrinl ~Nil thc dny nnd )'Nil W ANTLI>-2· nr :l·h..rlml huu••·.l ,Rt Gvh1f'n Brar rllf<' Is ~c-hNIUI••d In I hie; Cl'rliril'lll l' fir'lll 11~;1,vr Wt lf. unfumlshrd. l~>t·n h\'tn~; 10 ~ 1\ / untll'r chrurmnn~hlp of .foo• F.lholl . '""· IUld commutln..: •lllt;t· ''"' J•1l1 Co.ta MCII& Lh r Co -"tAt u~ h•lp you pl11n \'("lr h•>me." Pll~one 41- lla,y Ollll.rict l.umher Co. Phone 11611. Cout Highway Ill An:be~ OfFICE: SUPPL IES- 1\:ewpurl Harbor PubiLahlng Co Phonn: 12 • t3, Ne'r>'JM)rt Beact. ""NTING-1\'t•wpr~rl Harbor Publl1hlng Co Phunea: 12 • 13. Nfwport Beacl. II(AL ESTATE. INSURANCE & NOTAAV PUBLIC- l A'w II Wallare, 2202 W. CentraJ Avenuf' PbOilf' :j IIUBBER STAMPS- !'I'Vo'JM)rl Harbor Publl1blng Cn Pbonea: 12 • 1!1, Ne•wport Beaet '"EET METAL WORt<-. ,.,,.le Plumbln~~: " Sheet Metal Worka, Coata Mfaa. Phoae 210. VA ~I ETV ITORE- fllllbol\ l!!lnnl.l Vari,.ty Rtof'l' !\c-. lOr ';!;.r . nd uo l'honl> 2111 '' NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES PHONES: NKWPO&T l.l .. II lubtcriptlon ~able ln Adnncoe:-$2.50 per 1ftl' In Oran.~ County:, 12.~ .,.r yar to 4th zone; 13.00 per 1ft~' to lth zorw. l.llltel'f'd u s.oond.;.;_ matter at the Poatottke ln N~ Beech. CalllomJ&, under the Act ol Mardi 3, 1871 duh pn>~lfl•·nt /1.1 7 1:-i 11 m Ju 1s,,11p I I.\\' 1'1.1\NAI.P Help n n•-w nt11••n J-: I, 11 .. mak•·c; nnolht>r .. ,, ltt'•r1'' at 1111111 Not or} J>uhlto· 111 nnll fnr Mhl bel, a.~st. m~r II••II••H llr.1111 h rn..:tnn n ('iH·h ~t,•nu,rfn l ha ll "lfh {~nunty :tnd S t:11,. ~ Bank of A_m,·r w:• .'It n..:.y OVt•rat~k····· rrty Aft(lrn~v of Puh : ( , •. , l:l. l !l .!t; :'\.,, :! 1941 FO - H untmj!llln Jl.•nl'h and \'il"1 rhni1· R ~ mnn •ll tho• H•·pulolwan t ",•nt r;tl COUNTY TA.XES DUE FOR SALE :-,,•w :• '''" I"''''' "Ptnmllft•r-. 111 rha•·~o•. 1111' :'11•• AND PA 'V A8Ll JWM1111 for lltflllljllll~ Ill• r:d l•:lrl• mnr111l hnll rn•'•'llfll: ''"I"'"''' •h• Apply 209 VIr, Jt1J un, Luln h ll'.l f)Ubl ir. :'lluUI't• 11• hot ... ly J.:IVt'll thlll thr Phc~U> 59t·W. Ill• \\'h••n ( 'rt•\\ a nti I ·uJIIflln untJPr· stand o•n•·h olhrr It• lhr l'••r••, 11 tak••ll n ~uh• anti m .. re thlln ,. ~II II"' I" put their l'lh1p ashe~rr l<lphn~~: For Your Sips PHONE IT BENEDICT I h l\f'll nn rdl l'"fl"'lllrll I" "l"'lly Ill!· rur~d bv "'Ill pr••JWrt v Ml.t (One-PuBLIC NoT.ICES ha.lr ot lhl' tu•·• "" llll r•·•l prop- rrt~· a.r•· oiUP un lh•• flr111 day ol 1\:vvl'mbl'r, an•l will 1M' dl'llnqu .. nt lin lhl' f1tth day r.C O«•·,.mbtr 'ntxl lh•·f't'aftrr. at f l\'t ,.·rhw k p.m., a.nd that unlen pllhJ prlur thueto ftlll perc.-nt wlll br auliOtl to tbe amount thcoreuf lUlu that If •ld one-hAir ~ tlul fllllcl brfore tbe twenllt-lh li.Ry In April I)Ul. at five o'rlock p m . an adthllr.nal three 1 pert-ent wtll be addl'd th~tl't" That April next th,. .. ;.,.fl ••r. 111 flY• u'rlock p.m . and lhr.l ""''""" 1•11ld prior U..~, lhr<'" pl'f• rill will 1..- added to the amount I h• r·•••tf All t&aea may \it• p11ul Ill th,. Ume tht llnt tn.t.allnll'nl "" 11•r•· In P~. Ia due and I•AYilhl•• All t.u. payallll' at U1•• T.u Colleetor'a oltlce In U•r llall fl. R.Ko..-. lulta Ana <'lollf•tmfl\. dunnc rtrular orrt,... h'"" ~ W. L.. JOfiiDAN '7110 J;; ('t nlr·•• '"'''""' Trll'phconr tM 112·2\r nt:AUTI)-1)1. ~AN rt..F.MF.NTF. II< IM F: Thr rlnl'l'l ""flmttlo• tol m()IJ-•m !'\JIIlnl'h lll'l'hlhVIur.· tu Ill' ruunrl nn\'Wh•·ro• Nt•wlv tlt'f'' ornll•fl '"'"'" ,.,,,1 '""~lrt.•. l:l() tool fr<lf1tntt<'. l 'rr••ft ~h nf'w luwn.. '""' 111'11111 Hull) llllttl•t'IIIIO'f l, IIIII: I' IIIII•! If" Jilt! lu h.r• II lt11111lllill, l'f)JH••, lo:llf•lt•n • J,,, 1111•1 t'lllll•·lr." I '1111 ,, o1 'H , .. ,_, '"til tt ~~o~ ,.. h ttl• I ,,.,.,, .II• d I '"' lr IIIIo k tfo.,h l.tlf:•· '"'·' plnr• • I ... ,, t••• kd'''''''' ... ttd P""' r\ "'''H'Iwtl Jo t , • .,,,,I rt• II lh I td f4 11ft• ftu• (hltll·~· f(Wtll, •···tal IHIJ'I ,,.'fiH •III tlll, l\\'tl \.\tOt b tllr..,tlllf'\o '11u' hnll'•' '' t'''"'-'lltHit<•l "Jih 111• \t f\ filii ,, lllfll•, 111 1 '""' "lih j;lt'!Of ltlfo•l\111111 IH tit flllht I Jtl ..:•• r•·a r ..:u rtl•·•• ,,,..,. "''"' '""'" 1111rl 1/llttlt•ll ~\ nlllll'llllll V.'llhlll wnlkiiW ,J._tluu••· uf l"•:wh un•l 1o:11lr ''"'" ~r· ~I. I. W J, I.AN~I Nii 7411 !'o11th 1•,..,,t '""'l••v11 r•l l.a,.ullll fk•lll'h, C'llhf k'.l 'lll ,,H <J~tll•nlly lo ttl •I ,. 111111 1 h r ~r~u l ''"' w h" I• tl•rnll•·lf tJHNtlt u•• tul In llfhrr• I' II ll"lo:• T ...... h Ill .:•~· II • l~~t.: .. , lnt)l• " •h•q~·ll·•• "'"'"' hll•l " ···~·k Iff rulf•a, Allol rlllh IIIIUII tfll\llr .,,,. llfr Ia n . M!:YER • • • • tnrrok ARo PllESID£NT 1 The 8lp ..... tb,. rematn1nc une-half or the t.axea on all real prtJ~ rly will be payab~ on and att.er thr twentieth d8y <lf Ja.nuary """'· and wtll be dellnquent "" t.he twr olldh day ol Pub DON 8 . WOZLt-:\' Olqaty Tu Cnllef'lor Hall of JleCIIn.IA llanta Ana, ('&Jifurnlu I fluwn. /1. "tur~11ollul( lohH k "' " alrJit•lnlr ,.tun•· H I, !'4harll" Oct. 2t. 1e44 OmCIAL PAPER OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH A 011111 1 t.lo a-1 ... ti..U. fer 0.. N y..,.. SNOODLES (7 oat or io people ~-N-ew.--nme. cla..d~~ec~_A_da._>_______ -By Cy Hungerford ----------------------~~~~~---r~~· -------------------~~~~==~=---------------~ ,_,NT '!t:EN USED t WilL M\J~ ! W~'{ I)ONT' -r..-\~··N W '~UK .,..P.~E "'IM ~(~ ~M•N " AN' 'T'QAP£ ~ IN " ,.. .. _KS~ ·-u~ A. 1ruu .. 006-. S~IL avr" r Hlt/110 tc\11'1'\ "L'"'(r, 5~ L Tettc. I< I 0 At>Oi~ ~ r~· ()O LTO'i ff~O li~OT t4 i "" To ovlf HDV.!I!! 'SvT ~E 5£0 /ltl\1 SPvrtifR \IIV'Z • l)"rJ\II.1F.D t,ootJ~ SPilOIAL ANNOUNCI!:IIEN'1'8- OHI: OA Y tU.'t"At'I'INtl aad ur.t ,..pair •rvlre. No prtnrtty n- aary tor 1fT•"-"A". tnae ll q\laJit~ rryntht'tll' rubb-r IA&ve Yf>Ur car ln tbe •orntna. It will br rrady to 10 lbat .,....Ina. All worlt a•"-' rnat.-nall auara.n~ ~ _,_ ,.,,.. • 1\wapp&ac ~hop. 20th 6 Newpurt BaYd., c:"\ .. ta u... l'h.. nu. l4·ttr RAJ'l108 tte1l&.l~d to · )'uur aat· lafar tlon All w nrk j{\1arant~ l'nMDJII .. rvlre N.n.t• M Ratlln N41rvll"4'. 18M~ Nc-wpurt Blvd , c.c .. ta Wraa 77-lltc Midway Refrlaeration ......., 11-hold Appllan''" o1 All Klndll WaatJ1na Mac"bl,...a. tt:le4-trlc Ra8oH Vac"uu.m a--re, ate. 11101\ ('Miral, N-port BMck Mlnrw '121\ 110-Ue PfiiANC.I •• AUTY IHO .. C'old -v.e Mac-blnei- AII Kln.la nf hrmanenta Manlrurtn~ t•uty ~·atment. IIU Hartlolr, f'>llta M-Pb. Mit 10-ltc ...-W:-A-:-:N~'n':~.tl-4 T -ON("£ A -~ fo1r Ualbcl& A 121\ prment fr.. In th4' df'al to Malt Yov UWft hu•Jnaaa. .....,nl• H ""111111•. lllal 8aJfll Or1antaer fur ltptt•IJa \ •u , •10 N Rrtatul ...,._ Ranta ~na IISIJ-J U ·Uc K•va MADa WHtL.E YOU WAlT V~el'1. 304 Main lit . llaJbota uct 2011 Martae A.v'l', o.Jbo& lal&tld. IJ.tlc .. ~tt fiiAU: 'l'wo-bedroom .,.,_. and .. ,.... nn twn IOC.. Ia M-· port Hellltlta. .... ~ Jlfl.J. '71-th --------- OOIIONA DD. •n BUYB 3 ttoo'1111 Hnullt' f7000 with £'0<•1 Yl·'" t'••Uih of Hllhwa.J r'Oft 8ALID 1 ODMite ..... I pnrtatale Ndk). I ...._ .,._ aprtn.. &Dd mattNM. 1 W wat•r JrU be&'-J . L. ...... UT (.'nral, Blalbna lalu4. n .efW ONCID a year MGM.\Ma ........... OompanJ baw a ... ....,.._ Ill ~•bntloo o1 ~-ANNJ• VlCft&A.RT -'n.le ,_ .._ tlllll JOib and uau.ual ••"'-• .,. otlerad ln ••WJ ~._ Here'e ).WI a r-- 2 pot' DIYU eel WU .... .._ "-.... oo. ..12 8oft hta ftuc wu ..... now 81t,M a f!C', Red Rooa 8et ........ now Pt.M' Dol •JJF'al•. U,.tt. ea.~ t'-' .... .. •. .__.. "'.n. J\ttl ra-1 01b ... ... ...... now 11T.t0 QUide 1\ocliiM .... " ........ .... .. =;'e.... ... ••o.• -· .... ., ... I ,c. 0&.-,ort 8et WU ...... _...,, ....... • ,c. Dlllette a.t ........ --......... II&Q ...._ "-::-.r...., .. .... w. -&.....-......... p,_.,....., .... AHAN PUIU.ITU ... 00. lltd&nd......,.., ... ta ..... 011111. roK aAUD-a.ctne u-. ...._. .,.. (.,........ ftocw ..... ... ,.liN'. ,.., • .., ...... a.. f'tL I leT ·Ill a.ue WA.N'IWD-8 l&lar,. te .. .... dry ,_ , ..... , 011 ......... ,.. holM. Ph. Npt. 11 • lUI ...- alap. ft.tle IIAJf WAM'ID fw lc'e cWlVWJ route. 0.. JD', port IMY W• wDI tMcll JOU u ....... ~abed ""* It -....... ..tad In bard worll do Bat ..,a,, "~.t=b ~ • ~,!-.:1 I~• tiT ~~ w. _.,,-+40L.COMa WOMA.M few ...... t a won • aftd tlt'lp with rPII1dree, ~~~~ or • 1~17 I "IIAI lllt.:h~·)' IAit 111"14' C1tNJd WAfM, Ll\'tq \\l~rr •· lilt• l-1nJI" 1-1~"~·~ In flrt•f••·•hl" l'llll at 221 VIa ) 944 ~l'ln. J.hln lal• lll·tiC' TIDE TABLES I ~~T ANU FOirND __ 1 1.1 H4T "" llllll!-.. fel1111d. l'hlkt,...n'a IIIIth 1-.w tllr:;h J.ow ' l"'t • 1\1 llt lllll(r • ulur l'l'rlllan OCTOaEfll With whltl' tuarklnlf•, whltf' V.•l 01:'1 II Ill II WI 4.32 tt:U I•IIWa, ~<II•W"'" I• l 'nlem A. A •• 0 3 0 4.6 0.21 llltl,.r, :flt2 riArnrl, f\aJht,a 1111 Til 111 11 ••1 t2 .t2 ~-~ 12 •o ll:l·ltl 4 4 :1.4 4.1 II 0 r-...rl(l~-,;y .,U nf'flda't Of._ IN•• •l•t lllh1 ..... ,. 11,..1 v·~•• lllfiHfh ""Y w td .. r. W .... '"•"1 ,..,., .. a. m .u..-''-",.. P "' I J pull )'Oitr toutb I UfNt!•t to...._, 'f'h.tM aN a•IIW .. t tn urd•r uf uN"W,..,...,. ••UtJIIdt ... ------Prof essienal Dire(tory IIOR'ftMER 8CHOOI~ .. Oenl ............. DAY IICIIOOL O....tOel ............... ...., ......... u.~ ... Q. A. •eru-, ... A .. Od .... PriiNII.... ...... ... Cordon M.Grund,., M.D. ~hy1lclan Mill lvr .. aft Nlntll anlll C.lltra. "w. om .. Hra.: tO.tla.m.~ 1·1 '·'"· T.te~ 17 lEROY P. ANDERSON ATTOfiiNEY AT LAW c.... ..... ...... aull41111 ........ .,. CaltfefWia HAROlD K. GRAUEl CHAPEL "W" Ourel'lvfllllhe Uotlar Sen• Uy Hn v lnlf flUiera fMitt" Phone New~ &11 C~~et. Meu <-Callfoml• .... A4•-.... ~ lttNa,.I_A ........... .. c..-..... ., N.D. CASH D.v.M. 0ota _,.. CAT M08PIT~ ...... AIMt-1114 le. Melli et., ..... a AM, ...... P,arad Richt•, M.D. IJlflyMIIeft ·~ ._..... om.. 101 a.wt ..,._ ,....,.... ...... Heura: 10.tl a. "'-& 1·1 ,_ -. ~haft--.()fflae 1UI ..... 1 .. ~ DR. G. L TOHILL .. HY&ICtAN aM IUH.ON .. c.-., ..... ......,. ...... -~-0"'-... w ftea. ..... It Ne A-r Cell ......._. I Dr. M. n. Crawford OPTOati:T8111T 1 P.y" E11amlnt-d • Gl..,.... Fltt~ "" N...,..rt ftetalnard Plw>De IUO ('OI'tTA Mr."A ' ~--------------~~~---------------. BUY NOW I )0ROTHY DARN IT (.\ ~lane·.-JlfO\'f'~ thf' leadr"'hlp of the ~f'\\'~·TimM) ·..:.-~(. r.!..'" ::!-.r_ . ~l"~\)Lt~ By Charll'H l\1cl\1anul' BAlTZ MORTUARY CHA~EL aV THE llA 1 Cit,. Tax Sale Lota I A ' (3[ Tn\1\ ~IE c-.~T Oli\T MY rAn~f.R · 4t0 co .. t atvlll. I A. J . TWIST eo7 co .. l Highway ~hone 2422 I CORONA DEL ,.. ... C.ton• d~l M•• . ""•"'to•t1 ...... 1 Phenc Newport 42 r-------------. .....-----~----- Gerald nauHa, M. 1>. It 1.110 w ... t '"""',.' A••· Nt~wport "-ltl JACK RAUB I~ IAINI 8aneyor 1111 W. O.tr.l AYell• Phaatll N..,..... Ofllee .. 1 ... ·- I Dlt OBED LUCAS ()entiAt • HetY, "· r-"•1. ,.._ IIIII Hlr.:WPOJlT lllr.:AAI Noel A. Bottomle, COMMERCIAL DIVa ..... o-..... 1 ................ , .• . a....--~'-------' • I ' • .... Santa Ana Girl Clooees Olapel For Sunday Wedding Cjncle Mem ben To Play Santa .... ._,... ot UM Balbo& Clrd• w1ll a.ct u ~ of 8&Dt.a ·-·- Harbor Feminine Activities By Wlnlfred Barbre Pboaea 12 ud 13 1Aftt7 Ul UM ~ 1'-ot au., a.ccord1Jic to pi&Da made at -........ oa tM IDdue4 Ule ~ of t.be C'l.rcle Wedlle.· ..... el ~...__.. aDd day attaraoon at t.be bome of Wre. .a.. ~ fiGwwe wtl.lcb ~ PanDent•. 301 Coi"GGlado ArMt, ... Clllapet by u.. .... Oonlna cW a.lbo&. Humor of Nation Subject of Talk EASY ~3 Tllll. T3 SliT A Ill'S TAm .,_., & ......_ cueaoey wu per-Cblldren from lbe Homer Tober· ,..... 8uDday &l I p.m. Wlltine IDAA bome wr1te, ullin&" Santa to ..._ w.tJM Ouldln. c~a&aPter ot .,..._ t.bem pr-na. and eacb of llr. _. lin. ICdwaN QuldeD ot lbe la4Me took a lett« to ..-er ..... AM, and Oldlrt a...wt. 0 . Ot.ber work _,ly compll'tAICI Ia ..._, -ot Wr. aDd Wre. O&rd· t.be a.-hold kltl"" tor Ru.elan re- .. ..,._ ot Paad~. IW. 'fte m __ , wu perfOIWed by After U.. ~ meettna tb• .._ Jt.oir. 1L L. Bnauu, putor at tM.u. wrwd Ml"ffihnw-nta o1 dP- .._ ~ dlun:b, ~ACUna Uc:lou8 bOIIIemade apple pie and -.:Ia, ud wu attended by forty cbeae call•, w1tb Wre. ~eblelt ..._.. ... ~-. blcludlac ..._Un,. ber In •rv"'-· ,.....U ot ._... ot U.. pnncipUa. Tbe 1\G"l m..tll\l" w111 bt' on ~ 1lrtde ,.,.. ttwft •-)' by HOY. 10 at Ule home at Wre. Bar· IMr faDer, aad .. wu atiA!Ddold lll'tt. 210 ICut Ocl'U Fronl • llnL Robnt ...,.,. ot llalboa.. .... llr. _,.. Kted .. beet -. 'nil wtcle ~a •ult In ooe ., tM ... ~ putell, and c:&r• ltad prde1a& ..... ....,...t. wyou·re not ....... 70W n.b. Wbat"• wrona .... , .. .....: "Loec UIDe 110 1M." Circle to Meet Next Tuesday WE WILL BE CLOSED Oetober 23 to 291ncluaive • FOR VACATION We Wm Be a.dJ to SerYe You Oct. 30 IIADIO SERVICE SHOP -. put,-.c. ~.& ..aA ft. Pf ... ..._ M ,......... ......., YOUR HEAL Y•-w.., tllaa tk rifM, ~ Hom: .ulcrr~r• c relit 1 dr1m11ic ..., tf"" denda Of WltC"hmll lnJ ICI•.o• -I I Jlllr inttrnatiottaiJy .._ fer I«Vf'IC"}', drpt'lld1bili1y, u quullc ··~ 11"1· A1 1 cift, .. 1 ._., • dilrrilllyourwlf, H-u we.! I wn t unlailincly year 11M ye. . .. -nrW liMo( H-i. tiiMpi«a. Sturdy, arrramlifted dfaipt f. -• • • cU.J.utin, 1t-J nuric>ot for WOfftf'll. lillfl1 ..,,,., ~""' f,.• /..,,,,. e61lil, y iu' f,... NO to $250 $40 to $250 Q •110 SIOPPE Let Our Boys -.... 1M. .lew.lry • Gllta Balboa / ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; .. ~.,..;,.,;. ... ; .. ;,, .. ;,;;_;: .. ,;, .. ;: .... ;.;,,~ ... ;, ... ~ ..• ;, .. ;,,;,,;,,~ ... :, .. ,;.: ... ~.; •. :.,f..~ .• ~ ... ; .. ;.,.; .... ;;,~ .. ~ .. ~ ... ;,,;,:.~.~ .... ' Read Home Items r ,,. , .. 111 d '"''' !'''"''( nc~ ts ~mlkd (oo llh ld• II• ••I ol tl. • I)' IJ •I virtue; PALM-PALM DRIVE-IN CAFE l9tlt ud Newport Bh·d. COSTA MESA • JlfOW UNDER IIANAGDIENT OF ROBERT W AL&LIN .Pre~Jrtetor • Speda1J.zing in FRIEO CHICKEN RABBIT AND STEAK DINNERS • _...._, ... _.t .... a.-IDa a f ~-, nr our IIM'al bo; .. In thr ~"1"" .,.. •u~ntw-,. 1., lhr s,.w,.·nm.... Thr.' ,.nJoy !ON'' In& ltNn• ahnul 1111'011"11',.. of lhl'lr tamll~· a111l tr1rntl• Will } ou, "tv> knu"' I h,.m, t•hnnr In IW'"••<>nal nr ~·lal llt•n" nr bit" nf n"""" In "'hlr h I two~ 11111: ht two lnl,.,...tf'CI ~ Thf'y "Ill appN"· !h· ''"' 1 'l'•nl•lhe,to the l~ Sr" """''r · · · ~ q.&~~q TROI'IC c-law It and .o "Ill """· w,. ai-.:J t'ndf'r "IW'raUnn nf Lout. Da'W': Ilk,. lo print lnt,.,....Unc lf'tt""' .... n ~~~·Iaiii~. AI dan-. FRUIT JUICE BAR "'"klll )'ou F'N'f't'"" rrom t1Ml 1 rot. l'lti .. Y• juiC'f!A; fft.lll tin''-1 IU C'o .. t tu&h .. =~~-~~~~~~~~ ~I ... :I MIDWAY REFRJ<;ERATION AND SERVICE Hoawhold Appllu«'H of AU Klada Wuhlllc lladableA. Electric-Ruon. \'~UII C'IN.n. Complete Radio Service 1005 CENTRAL -NE\\'PORT Btaea PROSE !It,'\ ...................... ~ ............... ~ .......... ~ .. ,'-.. -==-====== .. ============================ .. -= ...... ... . .. r Dine He Sets Hardwood, in n a t u r a I and walnut, table anti 4 rhai~. soticUy built. BROADFELT ~Ua· ~~oont'd CoiGn' J C'ompll•tc-HOftlt' F\J".'iAAintor.~ MILLS & PARK FURNITURE CO. flO W.t CUI St. S..laAaa Firemen's Wives Enjoy Chat Fest e COMING EVENTS WEDNIC8DAY. OCT. 26- Red era. W'OI"k.room. 111 Palm awn~. 10 L m. to t p. m., IUJ'Ii· cal d.reuinp.. Rl'd C~ Workroom, Sl3 lila· rlnl' av•nue, Balboa lllaDd., 10 Lm . to 4 p.m .. eur(i<'al dreMS.nae. Rl'd Crou workroom, 1300 Oceen boul•va rd, Coruna del Mar. open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m .. a&rTICal dreaelnge. La Verne's BEAUTY SALON Sund&ya and Ewrunes By Appointment CMILDRED BJERKEN) LET ROIERrS STUDIO PORTRAITS BB YOUR XMAS GIFTS THIS YEAR SPECIAL----.I One Profession~l Portrait, only • • • 11.00 Roberts Portraits • MOilft IUIJII-JlfUT '1'0 •oNTOOIB&W WA&De 8ANTA ASA Shldh tfoun: 11 A·M· to I P.M . THE SAND CRAB . , SAM LOVE'S LABOR. Tht:' four years or work by t hl' lo- cal draft board~ unrler t hl' mol"(' polite name of ~Pled ­ ivc st>l"\'iL'O, brings to mind the fact that its membt•r.,; have served faithfully with- out pay for the ~,:oocl of tht'i1· countr-y. It a lso c<tU."t~ unt• to pause and r"t'nwmlx•r that St.'OI'f'S uf otht•r dtizt'll:-in this t·o mmunity h a \C' l~t'l'n rluinJ,i I ht• SOlOW I hI n g, \\hl'lhl•r· it ·,. Ht-<1 C!'tJSs.l '~). dt y pl:umiru.~ t'lllllltll-.:-11111. Cha ml~t•r· 11f t 'lllllll1l't't't'. Am- <'l'i•·••n Lt•grwr ur I he· 111~ ri:.d otlrc •r d\'lf' f'nclt'a\nt'l-lt.KII' numt·l·uus tu nwntion. Art Pt•tl•t-son . r·anktnt! nu•rnl~e•r h·om La gwm lk•ad1. ha:- h«'l'n g1ving It'\-..· ~.,, ... ,. 1 o Lhl' puhlit·. Oc.>t·auSt· lw r:- publisher· of the South Coast News. just one of tlll' I'UWl- ty's newspapers a I \\ a y s called upon to donatl' spat t· for <'very caUSt• th<' Jxtrtil'U- Iar person in charge fC't•ls as entitled t o such spat"('. Asidt' from tl1is little l><».-t Cor tl1e newspapers, i.s thC' furtl1er thought that hWl- dreds of citizens stand on Ltft"' sidt' lines and ff'('l•}y offt'l' c riticism of the way thl" frt'(' ci\;c woa·kC'rs do things. It's lip S<'rvit"(' on their part <tnrl they. no doubt. an' pa·i, ilt').:l'fl to speak out unc1('r this American life of our~. bul whef'(' vou find n rlnrk<'r hollering his hC'ad off you can t'C's t assual'fl hr is huilt th<lt way :md n~ his kn()('king ahout f'\'('rythin~-:. '''hethC'r frw or pain for . Tht-enjoyable 1"('1\Ction,from aU this is that nin('·tl'nth!i: or 'thl' pubUc pral~, perhaps si- 1t-ntly, the Work of the> dvic leaders, althou~h it \\'oul<l IX' rl~asant. if. ()('(':lSionalJy. they would bt• more• out·- spokl'n in lhrir mmmrndn- t ion. IX'cauS<> thr kit·ke~·:~rr always at it. • • + Gi\;ng. .Just now politics is at tht' top of thl' givin~ hrap. hut that rlclt.'S not pn·- \'f'nt t hi' dC'ma nrl ll<'ing m:u1r for· till' \\'a a' Chp.;t J.:r,t WN'k ~nnw -.'~llll lll ha d h•'i ·n r:ri~'ll . \\ hid1 j, quite• a ''a~·, ft'Oill the• ~·n:r l of S J7.:"lj HI Busifwss mC'n. l'spcc·iall~·. an' ht':-t•igl'(l for donal inns ann it is fJUitf' a prn ltlt•lll on hn\\' to~ raiSt• the• fund:-llt 't'ilc-.1 It is easif'r I o· r;ti:-l.' 1111 1111'\ for J)('w('\' vr HoctSt'\'t•lt tt1:rn it is for n ('J'ipplf'O sold' r or n'li<'f of tlw hun • or thC' USO or the 15 r more allo- cations of th War Chl'st. .lust why this means that the S<'lf interest ·ays l>obs up. wht:'thl'r y()U likl' It nr not. and th<'f'(''s nothinl.! nfiC' 1·an do ahout it. cx<'<•pl kt'('p at at --ami Give. GJ\'1-: G-1-\'-E: • • llow \\'• firnw. Popula- tion l!""' th i-. ,.,.fJ,.dNI In a laf'l.!t' r xtc•nt 111 t't'L:I:-tratrnn' Jft>rc' a n' '"Ill'' ftl..'l lrt..., .111-.1 (1'~ ni,.hc"i l h~ Cn11nt y Clerk -'-rn 11h l it ltthl·r·. 1!1111. :"-.••\\- rw•rt I ~·.wh n·~r-.t nc trn n ""' :!1)~1 . Ill 1'•1:.!. •.tlllt' llll•tll h ,, )l,,! ''""II '" . .: I I. Itt II Ill C 11'11•1• 1 1'• 11 tJ h .ll l l•nlll ld••d I" :, ._,....,. ,Ill 11! I'•' Ill.\ :!I"" Ill '·'" \1 I •-1.• .\1··-· 1<•1'111 ftl· .. 1 ·'' ~I •' II I 111 I ol l••i• .! ' I , lfh · I I,., •, I Ill·· 'l f Jl 1 1!11 I '·· il;' II , .. l.·r. I 'l_ •• , ., • ' I ... •I ... ,, I · .,, • •f t• '•:.1"\ ... -~~ 1n \' II • • • • '( ha nr..:•·'· I :.1dll :d d l.•ll ..:··' ·•' I 11• , \I I' , \ I 1;:1..,,. 111,f10 ,,,,., •II•• • nd ••I l ilt' ,•adt•f I d t .l, ·•·111•1 llc·n · 11\d 111 •1• :•• 1 ,. "t1: , • ... for 36 years the best advertising medium in tile newport harbor distritt • • • the newspaper that goes home Buy Bonds to End War NEWPORT BALBOA NJ;-W:~;li;J;JMES ~~ KEEP-POSTED! I Year • • $2.50 Mak,. c ·~a. h yaW. .. · s ..... ,,._, s•wport ...... Quicker EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA, WEST NEWPORT, SEA SHO~E COLONY. LIDO ISLE, NEWP~~ HEIGHTS, BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEl MAR. COSTA MESA -· ---. . . I \'(\L{TME XXX\.. s t ;" I'OHT Kt: u ·tt. c',\l.lt"URSIA. Tl t'll \\. Ut ltHU.H '!I . IIIII •• ·:'!. 1 NI'Mftf:R It! Draft Board . Observes ;4 Years of Service to 1Country at Lions Dinner Four Years of -= ~=-=-=-=~ ---==-~ -~ Fn•t• 'l'ht•ir to ( 'uuntr~· Navy Day friday Here to Draw Big Military Gathering of Notables Fine lh'C.·c)gni- Hl'ac·h Pub- llnc·ompensated Group Gh·en tion hy S('r\'i<·e Club; La~una lisher. Sen'es Longest P eriod 1 !\t,•mlli'I'S nf llh' lc>~·:rl ~de •• the• !"••n 11'1' J:,,,,n l "It" h:r \1' I('CIIllJIId•'(l 111111' yt·;rr-. "' llll•'•lllllt~'ll,,lf~l '•'I'\ ... ,, '''' lhc•u \'11\llttn 111 1111• ~, • .,, n;•t i••rr:tl 111:111-JII•\\• 1 111\t 'lll t iJ'~ :c11cl :n•c· I f;111'(! ,\·rth :til 1'\'1'11 gr·••a l1 •r l.t"'l' Ill 1''1111'11111~ the · lh'\\ \ ,.,,.,.. :uh tn !'i\·il lift' :r nd :ridlllt! 1lr••l11 and ll~t·rr dt'lt~'lld•·lth . "''1'1' ' hnnt ll't'il at t hi' clinn1 .,. "~~''''"'~.!" , •f 1111 • Lt1111s dult I wid Tilt II'· cf:r\ ,.,,•nin~ in thl' nc'\\' rlintn~ roc •n r 11f 11w :-;h:ur ll·c~e ·k c•:a lc•. Cn~~la Mc•sot. " (' .... t,\1''"" ftl"•l '•'I , • ., ... ~ .. , lh•· ho;u,l puloh,lh•r ••I llh' !"ooulli ( ·,~,,1 :-,:,.,..., ol l~•pm.c H•·11d 1 ,, -1 Ill 1 uw mlw r 111 llu• ltoa1 d '""' h a,. a ll•·mh'(l -13;', m·~·linp. ..n.r 1 h• numlwl "I 1"'1'"'" truhwt•·d It'" Ill 1>1 100 t'lh,,ll h·d l'o'J.:I'II ·'"'' anti tlw r••J.:I,.II'anl, hll\'•' l>c~·n ,., .. d lt,Sll h11 110 11\'I'I':IJ.:t' "' 'I" I trill'' I c•:wh 1111 I•• Ill or ::o lttlh'' lor ''" ''''flltnnal ~'"'''' i\1:-(t an :ulcltl tun al I.:.:IJt\ l'l'J.:I"In •nl" hll\'•' ,,,.,.,, 1n m ,.· fc·r·r··•l f1 om tMtl ·uf·:-.1 11~' lwtotnl ·I ( 'al}tain .\ lht·rt Suil:uul Ut'IHtrtN ( 'nunty .. ;vt"nt fn Bt• SfaJ.:-t•d llt·n · \\'ill llt•prt•st•nt ( ;nvt•rn- nwnt lnstallatiuns I 1 1 Il l"•'. """' \ 'I' 111111•• '" llfl• ;\;,,, \ \\til I,· I'·''"·" Nt'\\ ..., ... , II HI••• ,.,.,, 1-'c c.t .• , 1 ,, "''•'I .'';t it .11 "" urt.•JJtllcl Iundt '"" •·1•'11 '" !111· J•lll•ll• I ' '1 •1.1111 ,\11~·1 I ..;,.rJ,IItd .IJ'Jiolllllt"'f It_\' llu• '·'' \ I •'·"'"'' I•• pl.111 '"' t ''·'111'1' , .. 11111\ ·.., ''"'"!!111111111 ol '"'' ll.t l ltllf ' '"'' ,, ...... ,J,.,,.""' , .. , .... llt.d c 11.1111:1' 1'1111111 \''~ lin .-.• '"''·tl .-.. r.lltl l,llllll'"'· lilt· ''""'llllltlt"" .tlld N t•l l 'ot•J.••I .tl ~·.tl 1:..· ... h ll11· '\.n .tl ''''""·"~ ,\rr ,..;l .. ttull a t I.•IP4 1\ln- 111 1""' .end llu· :'l:.t\.tl .\11 ;o.;ra tl,ll, l .rt:lrr.·r th.tll 1\tr· Bn-..•. ut :-;,,lfl.t t\n.c . \\ rll c•.wlr lw· l•'l'""''lllt•d lry ll11· l'ttlllllllllldln~ nf'rl 1'1'1 "' IIH· 111111 \1 1\•11"" .tu~l t 't tlllh tl lll•'tOht 1, ••I ll.tl••ld '' 1·~~.:1••1 fHt•,ift••nt, flntl "'"'". •ti!ll•:·· t'•'IHII \ I Ji lt·~ .I ,,, II l ltll tt lllt!Uih ,,., f l •lnr \' .. ,.11.-rt•M• ,, ... l''• .. td•·nt .. rtnd •Hh• 1 Pill• 1''' .. , ''·lt.lltlh••t .,f ( ·ofltllh 'h 1• Hnt••M M .t..u nl .. •l -. .. r •ntltllllltt• ttl,,,,.._,,. ll'"""mla\ I''''""'"' '''"' ll•rry • Ht Htt\ ·••~ '•lu~htlt-.1 t .. uftt·ttd 111 fluu .., ... , ''~,. ''"' S...ulu An" J.:l\'"" 1100 hour; ''' un•·uma .. ·n ,all••l •t:'r' w•·: EHrl !'1 anl••y .,( 11.~1 hot; L«lnnr1 \\IL' frr,.,l rhttuman .. 1 1 hr tM•u rr1. wet h :\50 m•~·t in~;" :uhf ROO huur·~ In ht,.; a·n-d.JI and lt•fl II 10 ,.,,.,..,.,. a .... chutm1an ol 1 h•· :q•· JJ••III u..:.u •l at Sa nta Anu. anuthf'r mrmlwr nf lht· orrr.:mnl hoard Bu rr A lin•"" Santa An~t al· lo mt•). II'! I In ~;,k,. •·hn•1:•· n l ,., .. Till "''" ""' k n f lht• 111'~1111 Will t;,. It) .11d ro•IUITIInJ.: Vt•l••r;m~. Ill ~'("''ll thai the·~ ton i a plar l' 111 1'1\'11 hlc• anll to ""'"'"'' lh"m nf thc• many .tc'h.ml.oJ.:•'' ul \\hll'h rlw~ ma~, rn .111 th•·m •••l\1'' .uu l lh•• IM·n•·fll, fl'rrl'd frnm out-u f -10tat ,. r .... ll "" tlr"' h p6c'tu,. of lnc-al draft .._,... ,...."« fnun lfof1 'u rtat-t: t :arl !•Ciani•·~. 1\alhl•• l"'aad; ''· c· ,.,., l'r"Mlfl, l.aauna .., ... h. riU'Iklq ... ....., nW'tnhrr uf hl,.rd from aoulnl· uf ,..,.,,.,.; , ... ,.,.. ~ lla)'n••n. r lrrk nf hloard _,_ "" t~U..: Mft. _,.,.. nrt,......., Ralboa. _.,.,.lary ; Ur \\. c ll~tlclr)', llalhl,. a .. tiU141, •nd K. T . Uunlap, l\&lhoa ,,....._ """ "''' '" .. " • " • '••tnpltflh 'ttt '" llu· ill~ llttl.;ll' ht•d C 1 t uuh. 1 .. , t • .. ,.._ .... ,,.4', nntl 1\r• ..:~t•·'t"" u 11d \ ''lfttl' •l•·u 1-'uh It pt••...,ttt.•ul, Ne"W&•...-t 1 111•· lue.-ttt"~' .,, ... t •ua.: 1.., , 1.tl• d 111ut '"'' ',,~unh. 1 ul c 'twtuttt•i't•t• lt~l lh 1· ~''"l••tf lltul•u 'tttu•ftf l 'ttufl l \ fi1U\ttf'-lhtl'ft Ul' ,......, t ltlh ll f ... ~· "1'"'-f'l'·••tttfl• 11 11 .... , ... ul .... t:t•t4tlt nte• AM llolf Mrs. F. E. ,...._ 1 • l llu'"~' 1 ",. "' 1111, '" a n~···n 1 IN.'IIV•· !-<;1'\'11'<' at thl' L"1UJ.: a -""' C'l'aft •·n rporalltln ;r,. lt'·••mploc.l · ln<'l"• nr "h•·n · lh•• ~'"lilt.: "IIIII" Ill TreaHury I )epl ThankM IAK'al Bond :\ d ,. ert h-wrs Dr. Seager " .. " l••h ••: '"•"'' "111, tf1t ~~," tuuu S.u ttu ;\ttit ·rutu 1'alt.,..r1. ~,,, ,1 tlw ~. "I••" 11,,,1.,1 ll•u•tmr.:l "" llt•~t•·h , 11"•n IIAJI, • 1t u ut.,' t•l ( '••ttttlh 1 .. H I ft111f""' 1\•'" 1•1tf ~'··u••h t • t, huuh-.... lA "l1n ,.. h• ttua-: '""' tlu '·" \ II' II'•' l'•·u• It tlflll C 1 ln ll•·' p, •. ,.,.....,, 1 ~ 1._;tt1 , ,,,,,.,,,, ,... 1,. ,,1 1 j,,. •. 11,, Att.t h l uu 1 .. -.·nl n tt\-.1 unet mill rtu"' tr •l·t~•• •,, t lu '' '') .,1 ••• .,,1•1 '"'' 1•''1 ttuw l ntJt•ttrtlt'tl nn thr mPnl chauman . :rnci lh•• "''"'' a !o<'l\11'•· man o·.tm• lu lht• '""'"' H d mo·mh,.,·~ are St••wart :-; lluniAp ,.r ln >m a 'mall '""n wh•·rt· ~h·· I•. 79 H.-'ll-"~' J,l,rnci. ,,nrf n r ,\Iron (; "''"''"! nu l"'ll~'llt'.d .ud ur '"""'· arro llu~:h•" ••I ('.,,ra :'It,.,...,, w hu Will rn twr plt~;hl Sovn '" hm•· '' luth~ / I In I )(•("('n\ht'r h,t\'l' t'llnlt•ll'h ·•l I• •lll ,.h,. ",,,. '""' "hc•n• toht• cuuhl I IJ·. f:oltl•·l as Resigns Secretary fti'C-.•j•llun t uuuultt .... HMIIutulf,t• u lt· t 'ttl I' J• Atkln.a.111. 1 'nl F I · Vo•toll 1 'nplftln C' V M•• I ·,, I\ I •-.;:-; I '••1'1 .I 1\ llt .. •k, II nil \1,1•'"'""''" "' ·• ... ,U•I\\\td• l.t f.1t.;•u1 ·ru•tl ltt~h~tl tl\ lt l t l tlh .. l ttHttii Ui ttl \\,,.., M al&f' ...,.._.,, .• ..._ •ltfi•Mtt••. •I t., ttut•h~tttf t • I I"'\' tit 111 111 111 flil \ tl otllitlf ,. lltll lfl l:tl II t "' .... ="·\\ ..... I II ••• ~. .. , c h •• H. \t'll" of ••x.cmtntnr.: r•'J.:I•Ir:tnr... llltn hr"l"'·" ,.,.,,. h•J\\ '" .:•·1 Ill•· s b ,. PaJd Trtbul~ llo 'll'l"ll thl•' h•'l ht•w '" J.:l'l In ucc urn s ,.,ttr:mt'•· """ '" ~· 1 lh•· ,,..,,,,.,, 11h''l' \\l•rt• 1111' ln•'ll lt1 ~\hHIII ',,((,~·I" ;1nrf ,.,lll\'1 1111'' l..tt ~~~ lh I Tt ... ·1\tl \\11t l ••ut l•t \• .'" 1'1 • \'Xh I 'I I til\' '• I "'' t •• t> flf \t1 1 I 1lh •II ,Jollru ~ ,..., I ftt tnhul•· wa,. '"'"' h~ And r•·" .J ""'"·''"' h"" ,, J.:l'l ""' t mt•·d II,,~ m;cn. r•lt·r·k "' • h•• h•1111•l. •'' h·• :-;1;11,.:-. ll.oJ.: "Ill• 11 '' "" lll'l"l-h~ • ltlld o f lht•ll hm ll ' "I lllllll'lll,.! l.t· r!J.:hl. 1111!1 IIIII\ 111 J.:••l t•du'c':JII"JI,I I I lilt· ••( (',J••IIII <I•· I \l:ll .,. IM·.C · h•l.•l qtt;' l ,. ''" fl\' '''"'"'' lO I, ,,U111••1 If• ttl ltldt\ ttfuu ht lwt uf (."IMIU III'ttt It a t lttUIIt6.: tflu kt•'\ tt ru••..,....,~~~.~tt"')) tu t•lnu '"' ''"') "''""' w lw nt11lcr ""' ··• \ate••u"' "' u•h nht'e• ·n•-k••t"' hw ll11· h11wlt"on nit• nuw IC\'atl•l"•' 1\11 •·1 '"'"'~ 111 \<'RI~ '" ,,.,.,, If, ulo u~: lht• 1.:1'"11• '' C1utlllllllll ·,.,.,, IIIII) '"' h tul "" lll'lollt'Aikltl In hill', lht· lll'l'l~llln~ lh··~ \\'1'1'1' ~·alt.-1 ho•n••lll,. ,,,, llli• "'""' \\twn II(,. loo\o•ol ··~hh llll< "·'~ 1 .. ~,. \\hell ~.:,, 1-.ollllh' ~·111.1tl>..th ltnrrud 79 ()11 to mal\,• Offl'll Ill SIIUilllnn-. l'llfTU' \() 1'••111'~ .,f JU:t' :whl('h nN.'d<-d lh<' wrsdom of HI · ''"''' !"otlttrtnr nt,rht, n rt :!1 "' Solomon, nnll I hi.' opportunitiP!\ nf Jtumorou,. Mlde h••r h"" • 11o 1 "" I'Ahllntlr" l'ol· 'yet morf' di\'<'Oiifled !Wrvic.:c which 1 A." a rt>lic-f lCI I hi' mon' l>•·nou ... ' IAgt'l ! lit'S a hPild 11f llll'm. . l<l•!o' l\.1 1 lirty mA.n told 11f 110mr' 'With lwa :II lht• I toll.' t•l h•l 1'11'1<"'' 'XI"I'\U llol' ·•1•1 1• ti"t.~~n ••• th•· Tr• '~"', '" )'hUI lo• :d IHUJtlllt't>l~ Ill ~·IIi /H tlnrt• ..,..,.,, howt• • •w•p• rttl•"l ., ui\M'Iflahly wllh Ul•• . VIII· lrurt ..nd :uot; lt'llo t t h .. :v all!' 11 In IHtt k up "'II J.,,\"" ut tlh ft 1•11f ltV IH'1 f"IIL '"'' t fw !")'Itt \\a r L,,,.f1 I \f f llh l•ojl T l111 tljl '·"' "' t h•· 1'\t) l'larml"lt ''''"""" \\'tllo II \\'''""'' ,,, tho· .,,,,.,,;•· s,~·r••llll ) lltllt') W.-kh , ul tho• '''"' 111 I 1""'11!1 Sva~:•·r n ... •.:"'·" c • •• ,,,' ll,.unl uf S~ta••rvl•"'· Su I Ntowl'"'' 111111"'' c 1l•mb«-r uf (Dt\· lcuol 1111• 1••• at tho• n't(ul11r ""~·t-lll'r'VI~flf' lrvtn · r.c••1f1tr Ocwtlt•n , \""""'••, at $1 !'lei ,,..r prr.Gft. an~; ol "''' I•>Mnl ln111 'llcur .. l~t) \J''"'"'' l':lllutt, •hi'MU, anti urt Ah r fllloiWln& lhr lunc:twoft. .W\On \C'IIItllJ\Il. llu. ,.... ...... lcJri W .. ~·-~. ~~~ euru.w ........ fll W\&1 -~...._...._...._. "''I''""' wtllt l'f'J(l'rl. hl.t "" ..fftrrt "''' fl"'"'" 11n• (" If l!ull•"· !'C11nt•1,...... Harbor u..r 1~ rtu..,'(b, 01 I•• ,.~,,., \1 .I J ulw-.on In ll11· 1•• i\11 t , ·1-,.,1 1\u.-ftd 1\llith•·•m. 1-'n111k llul•lu • .,l t ' """''' nnd 1.1 Nn Ill Not PTY'"""' :.1 th•• Ol(~tin,:: luat of th•· tHJmuruu"' l•·lt~·•' n ·•·t·1\.-d d ••:tt h :t ool •Uti\ .-4UI\'IV•·•~ ,,,.,., ht•r t)n i' uf th•• n1u ..,l n • .,. .. ._•:...:..:tr') anfl •·I· h\ tht· hu,ertl out nl lht•fll h• tnc ,.,,,., L•·H·, H.u r~'Ht fu n u• r u\\11• r fu'tt'nf nu·n1lw r·, of fhl" hn.u·d , ... l;u n1 ·• ;\1-·'H'.'Ifl IM •,\ \.\h" \AI'.-1• ... tit•· 1 blt!'\.tdt·~ THVt·t n a nd'''' ~~~~ .Jan Hn ,,., •. """ '''"'''" ;,. ·' ·1 1111nlo. I •louuld •lo1,1 '"" "I lh• olau~-:ht q .\:r • ~1 11111 !\l .. llllf "11 \~•lunlt1t1f \\ittk··· .. ,.,. .... "''" .• oU'lH \ ..... I .1111 \\ttl k ltt~ i tt\ n .......... t \\ ht•rtt 1"11• "' td• "l'f ho•lllt '. r•:utl ... pf'l't•l.ll ~ dt·f··· , .......... lh .t1 .... 'I I lfltl .. •l '·"" Uttru " \\ Jll l ll'ld ., '""'-I ·n11 .tt'•:t •• .,,,,,+J h~ th•• Jr.,.d ,l .. n t ~··•• l htuh ~ ,,.111,. h~·r • 1\, .. , •• .-... ,,.._, , ... h,,,.,,f 1.tk•' 111 ~~ rn.tJtU portutll••l c 't•dt1 ,,,, ... ·''"''' .1\•tl t1 • tn.u ,11, 1 ,,.,,1, 1 , 11 ... t 1 ,, 1 t •r:tn•••t f'l tiiUI~. lfH JufltllS,: tht t ,t"'l 1tt•t .. ,,• lf 1 t\}lt fit tO l .... t'JIIh l''.,.f L ~ ~ .... t r ••~~···''''" 1.-'"'~ ,.111• ... 1.•·1 1 d I h.·tU ••I ~.tnt.t An;a, Et )Jnd• na It """ ,, ''''"" d -; •• ,. ''" t Ill • , • •· \In •• 1h•• ht•:u:h .tn •:l .entl d u\\Jl •,, fiii•UI• ....... .,,'"'"""·• ''•tth •,, ... I ·M, -•llhttlit,!h t l tllft': ,, •. ._, .. ,,, 1"•\•' lht• ht•t'd•·t' of H a\•t""UI• eu•l :....u ,, nt .• u •l t•,,1 1 ... 1 ... 11J aJ11• ,,,,,,1. ••I 11'1 11"''" ''J.:' • 1 '' I )Jt 'l;O ltltUllit•"'-••11 lh·· .... ,, 1,: •. -.11 ............. . Ft•rll 11 11 .... Itt I "-1Hll1' •• -.~,.. ···H h.l\, ho•t•n lnllh 'tt'l'l rhTnu~lt ·t, tlr;cll .tnd ,,,.,.,.,,.1. 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H I ,, l;1ft 1 d a l•· \\ ft, ,,,, • \hq 1 qot ' :t~ I",., I •t Newspaper Girl, \\'ave, Be<·omes B.ridc· 'I'""'"",,,., "'111 •~·II•""' h~ J\1• n'"''"" t·l.u•u••·• n i\ v,. Ch·· ,.,.,,_,''"'"'I n1ul C"'ljlfftln "' .JPfiH t lf\ \\ tlh fht• ft"'Uif fh,tl fl.• f+,ifftt I If lf lt'• ~ t\ ~'''\t I illlfl fll• f'••tf Jt l :'\t \\IN Iff lfttffftlr flnr 111 • d~ \ '" I · Jt• fit •f • lfl 1l1• I HIJIIII.: ':""\fit 1 11 i~t fJ dl I 'ftotflff ~·t t .. ,,,,,J ~~ lltq f.u WttfiUUI n ""••I• f o~t ll)'' ,lt,tfl1 t :'\o\\f••fl H4·u•lt \\ti lt f \d tf•ttlll.tlt' ltauktn~ fuf • l.u \ I•• f \1 , ,, Itt f •I • ' I · I II l I " I • 11 .. ' \ tfu t t• ''" I tf J I ', "I "' '.' l o ll I I ,. ,, ... ... I ' ,,,,, ',, ,. , I \!I I I "'' t t I Jt.tl l ll1 "" h h f.t~t•U I f••,t•flft tlt•l ,. "' , •• t.. ...... .., II I ,,, • lltll fllf t. I ,. I'" fh ~ 1fot \ "I llttr .. ftl• ""'"'til ·•Hd \\ tl ,,, 1111;111, , ...... ·'"'' .... , ........ I ,. ,,,. f."''''"'' I,,,,."'""''' Itt oil ,, I I "" •• , "' ... \o\tff h ,, •••• I I I If lit 'I , \ 11 liq /Hrttftl: 1 ,. t II• t '"'' I t' f . , ... ,.Jh ,,. ht Jt~.:tur ••· .•. ., 1 J 11 • • td••pt• d f,t I \t ,U tf f, • ' I • f q ·, n f f Itt ,\ I of ···'·" f ,l,lftl ' • , I,, • .., '" ' •• ' I I I ·~"· .. , •Ill I •• lio It It l ift ..... "' ••• n .. I •• • • .... l tf\ .\ f t I I "···~· I tt I \I, lflf l 1 l"llt..C W HI Itt' '"'" Ill lft•• ,,,,. ,,, 1tt , .... , 1n I It •• I .. ;;, .,.. '•,,, ,,,, Ulft•l•''' tfl I hi "t \ \ ; l1f 11\\ Itt..: ,, •. ,.,ltly ,.,.,, ,1 In,., ttul • ttttttl \ "'ltft .lftt•r .. f tfi•• I tttll1 lltdt tl l 11 ,'lt_l'f lfu• U I d ··ffJ•, 1 "'r,,, "•II 1 ... ftt ,.....,,..,,, .. ,. e.•u I .,,, '"' I . I I ' lttfJ f • .,, ••••• II t •••• ... ' •··· f t , .. l_ :--i,f I If t ,f 1.11 II Hung .Jury on Hammontret• ( 'ast• II .1,•1• t t•tff !Ito I tf \ fiJI' f ftf /I Iff If !J :·:.'::<\::.·;~::· .. :·ij{i;;>:: ... :.:::· 1 Harhor Wins Initial ::.:· ...... :.:··.::.::~·.'.':·:: .. ~~:::~.~.; .. ":.:: Leaque Game, 7-0 • I ·t . ,,, \\ d l , ''lpply .• ,.,,,. •. I " Aftt•r •t•ltt .. •r.tt tttt' 11''''' '•. \f• ·•' 111..:ht, tt~t• ,,,, li•f t it• H H It ,, runntnlf' 111.d .,, ft~ol,--~ I • .f IJfl(flr.:•··, ,.,~,,., "·I' "''"·•· I .r n~· .. ,.,.. IIJ.:.I""' ll.lf!!lll""' I... jl I•·• fl,fUrftiUa,! 1ftt• , ..... ,I (f \\111 f '•fl \t'nt• IIJ.::tlrt ''" !\lt\t'llollt*l I • t• li t •H'Itw·k HI tfu • riU•ffUfth "' I I ~' ' .... \'\ I'" ,, II I,., I I' "til• I' It • 't .," l"tl"""'•: th•• Snftd H r ,••, 1 t••l l .tl~~W• tll l:lft1~ Utt lltlfll• ,, , .... , •.•. ,, ..•.• ,.., "'"''I'"' "'·''' "''f'" ''"'" "' ·' ·~··-~··-.,, .. ,,,,.,,, Jf,q f,,., 1•~\ .trhl I"''""•' ··I th•· M\\ I• f 1,,,, I!· •" Jt I " ~. 'L' I , .............. , ...... h. .. I.. "" I ,, It "' h ,, tlltflt' ....... ,.,,II "'" \ Ill l .,,,. •'·•II Ill Uf••••'lljtt ft'-tft-.1 Wt ttk ttfl l h• I fo tfll'i ,,. ljl f •l If I ' •.• ' hi ,., 1\'.t lt• ,,., "" Ill •\\ f I• 'It I' ~ ''* f II f I ' '" .. l t. •• ,,.,, " f .• , ....... ,.,, I j • II I 'I " It II '' j1 It •• I' fl I II I• I• I '' ,,., .. II ,, 'I . . . . II Wave Gabriel, News- Times, Become~ Bride .,., .. lfl t I" n .. '.,,,, '" "' I 1 t f I ~of I • t •I• I• 7J',,., 1.• I \ • I I • \I ... , II I l •o I I .-.t .. •·I " If f ,, ,,. ~, , .. ., .. lit 1 of I I I '. v ' I ' I I ,. I t r•t •• I•· • I f, I' ~. t 'I .. ,, . ·" ' ' ... ,,, t Itt 'I f ltt ' ,, ~ '' , I• I •, \l1 ,., .. , II •f II II·''" I ', ,, I ' '1. j I,, I .I ·•· \\ ... l•h 'f ''". , . '• 'I ftl l,f \! • '• It' I It •I• t•J•• f , , ~~ 'tfl I f o •t •lUth t •• '.~\1 f 1 , I o4t lh 't t f ••I 1M Y.t111 ' 1••• 1 .. ,,. ·: .... ,,, .,, ,, .. •I •I • 'I o ' t H ,. I' 1- . .-) .... ,,..,. _,, ,,,,1 ' , ... I I tf It I • l 1 1 '" '' '· ' . t. ''I . . ' ,, If I ' • to • f1 Y, 't I• .. I ~ I ' • 11 t ' ••• t Itt • fl ,,..,,. tt lftt f .\1tlt..... ' ' I 'I t I 'II, I' I ' 1•1•J '•''''I, I t '• t o l" I t:fot•l4 t.d t• t.,f 'tt \o\ It I ,, ... '"'"'. A.l~ ' . .. .. '· . ' 1 I I' I \' . ,, , . . ' 1 I I' I ',. . ' '·' f • I ft . I' \J f I '' •· I I I • .. ' ~ ~.. • • '. ' J •'t t•i ••l ,, I'''' 'I U ,I , If .. f ........ It 0 •lo·• lu 1•1 lho•u llw •''"' '"' "'"' tf l11• • tttl ul f tu• t.:UJttr ""'' •• If,,,'"'' "',,,,,;,,,. I ''' ft •..,, •I "' • 11 "' "'" I""' ll~trtllrr p l.t\ltlf J f•Htll"l't"lf h••f t 11t .\ t• '" ll~o ,,, .•• ,. Auahr trn ,,, . .,, I '.,,, J ',,.,,,I ",,,,, '•··ff "' ., , ... ,, .... f.;. f,ft ,,, '• ... '' \' .1 . ,, ,.,. ., II ' .... 1••rt ll•rtwor I I \liwl\ltllutn I I I ~~~~t.:lll" I J , ';."'''' I'· I ' I ,., 'J Ill Ill .. ,. ., ., 'o\tuev••t I .... ,, ... ,..,.,, , ••• ,. .•• tl ... , \1 •11··· "' II• 'I' , •.• ,,11 ' .. : ,,. '''''" ., " ,, A ceo Fasteners Bulldog Clips Paper Clips I "''•\ •• I ll d1 '1/1" I ~cotch Tape Desk Blotters «=> • All ''" lt.r ltd 111 l.cl)~" '1'"'"'''1'" ·" Jl•t:lll.tl I,, ... '"' I'P ilh' I l t'f•).t" Jl,l Ill ollif It'• h .d •tltl ll t••ll '" I• I I l"l'l'l "'1 lh.tl \\,h Jll.td·· ll •ttlh ... : • ..: .. Ill t h• . ._. · , n it 111 '11' I !• 'I " :rt' ~1\' fho~l .Ill ,j\l'l 1-1 oo) •''· (MKI nwn \\ rll ~,,Ill o!ld "111 "' the• h,1,.. •. \\hilt• a l 11111•'' rn the• pa.~t mnn• th .• n l•••.••l(r enrich "~'"' on h .nrl ,, I I'"'' t imt:'. It 1, ,\}o;o·t l.rrmrd that the> h:t-..• "all tw· 1n nrt~.•r:ct rc ,n for a I lt•;t.<:t !'f'\·rr·rrl yr:r r-hut whl'th<'r pt•m1.11ll'n tl~ I•! 11••1 il' ....omf'thmc rl-..• .• ::.til "'"''"'''' :-::.., H· r·,:rrrj "'' \\ t.! tf U • •:.._n• I; • J\hl'•l•· .. ~~ t'"t Ht .• , ... """ '''''"',. llo ,. It .ltlflt• ,. ltf•• l ',1 t I o f p \ ~I ftu ~'"-" ,•t , , fh 1 V\'tUft •ltf•l ,, I tJttt • II -·' tLq * " •I t I '"" I • -flEWS -TIMES lo~·• Jl """' h It" hlltd Rrr hnr,l• I I ·' ' • I • • • t I 11 .... tf• • • \ t:• '• I; .... \ --.~ri'Y.II: \n Unii'Ual 1 ... lu~r J, I hi' "" II ""' 'alu •n at 'hr '"'''"""' lllal ( h;ct• laJn "''""m 1,,,,,.,,,.", rd \\ ""' tu .... •·•"""' uf f '"''• '""'• and \\11 II Am .. ,.,.,..,, "'" ''"'. t•h ''! •. man and ... , .. r:: r ~t4 :! ''··• • ""'''" "·''• .,,, \,, l'!ttJ "'ti• r •l f I 0 . -.. . , ' • , •• ,., •. "A'i•·· ... t .... t,.. • , • ,,,1, 1, "''' r • ...: a 1 ' .. ol ,, ,,~, '1. 'r ~Ill W. C'f•nfra l t •ftont• !\' t'\4'JMtrt It ur I !J - • ., t . .. Islander's Book is 50 Years P omena College l ~m:.t1•" .-, .. , l..t~ttn t-1~ l•l•·t taul(ht MVIIII• mechanlra. ph y••" rh• to- •~•~ y ~:•·•liu«)'. v1~c,. • ult,pr~ and r h•,rhl wnrk :uc1 f••O••Itl\ :t••t \l'hr t'ullr>ll'>t 1n m uppll•l-p1n11• ry ao•l Uu\ 1)-.:fll lt•ll Seek More Public area ~:~: ~~~!:!d iTo Use Air Base at Corona del Mar ~~.,~r~.~.~i~~r:.~~ .. ,JFor Redistribution Dr. Frank P. Brackett, in "Granik' and Sag-t•- brush" Writes of Old California and IIi~ His- tory of Education of UayH LonJ{ ( ;ont- On Ball1o;1 Island a sanrl)-hain'll Y.mi-.Pt' frt•lll 1'·>1"' ('o ~ol is re<-eiving l£'ttl'r.-. of c ·on~.:ratul;tflon frcm1 fric•nd ... 1,,,.,. till' publication of hi~ llo()k, "(;,·anile and Sitt:c•ht1ts h " ,\ h•• II came ott th£' pn-ss in t imc• for tht' F r,urwt(''n,' l>i•) •·l•l .. t.r:tl t;,,. of Pomona Colll'gf' on O<·t 1 :l Dr F'rllnk I' llt tt• k•ll A :.1 tul\'ilnlhl:•·~ .. r 11 h t1-h• • ···I • •' ~c.O .. 1• 1-:0l ••rU tUI l't l•l~ ~,..(,,.-q f Aatronomy llt l'ttm tona • .,11•·~-:•· Jit,m on C.".lt.l'"' c·,._l f..fhu a1••d nt l'ruft'H."~••r Htnt k•·ft \\•'·' ..... K•·d f'; !o!liUl H fHI\Ji t•• Jltt t\111.j f•ll prt•phr Jth,rv • lu ..... ._, . .,. n_n.t d1d -. .. tu .lhl••• ~rv · '""'' Th t•.K•· "t uOf'lll~ r .. rnH·•I J•hl f "' Ul r :41 1Jilttnt hoHlV v.tu•u llw , t•llt•j:J' Wtl;t "IJ''U~ol lhRt fall t11 11 Uut.uwuth hf' """'' t .. c ·••Ill""' " a nd wu lc'at'hlnl( ~tl ~~. l'ht•rroon Acad~my m '"'" Alit;• h•• 111 ~~~• •'hrn a KTCH)p ut l'hr'f111na J .. ·uplt· dt'Ctdt-d to g'IVP lht•lr I ldfolrt•ll IIU' !1C'I ~ t t•il Hnt• kc·rt h f•UJII •• Hrl•1 l 'f ••h•~:t~!l lOlL~ lt•fO•II•·I ,ft 1111.1\l>· BERNARD of HOLLYWOOD 'Distinctive Tlwtogrdphy at Reasonable Prices For Appointment Phone Npt. Bch. 2216 Visit Our Portrait Gallery ln the BALBOA INN ARCADE Open 12 :30 to 9 :30 p. m. Daily L------------------------- YOUR COMMUNITY WAR FUND ••,•seatl"' tile NATIONAl WAR FUND w ·--- VOTE ''N 0 '' ··n. Proposition _12 This proposition has ht>t•n <·tmdt•mrwd a~,. i- cious and di~ruptin· h~· nur (~nn·rnnr. h~· our Senator. by Farm · (;roup~ and (~,-it­ Bodies. It would create rh:wtk <·onditinns thrnu.l!h- out California indu~try .. .. VOTE NO -n- Proposition No. 12 ORANGE COUNTY niSTHICT COUNCIL OF CARPE~TERS Orloghtful Hl•tory 11,. t..,.•k ,,. ,,,,''""a !•li~l.t l tl ttl• t\ .. r tl·•· hl"'t .. ry 111 H.. ·I • tr.:• ,h,lt Ul'r\t••l 111t" ar• •• ~ ,. ·~ I ' I tH•f••t aln.n~o~:t th•· "hi ~· ~l IJ i't . ,1 • • •, , '" n•·t' "t <;or•ma £k•l \1.11 ,,,. 1l1d tt 111'1..! .a k•-.•n JOtt"'n!'St l\0 h f'1•8 tt! !'IV.HIItJ II' llitd ttw f I lr•rhd l;.'·l·· )1 1• ". ,•II ' ., '"''"~ madc> tor I'' I 'lo fl+l d 11V h•• •1fl t I ft 1 tt1111 h ll ... r•· ff c ',d : ( f n 1,a \\ ~ t• ~ l"f ,I dll ' ' ..... "' ~I·,, l>'h • ' I t,•l..,t1Hl..: up· f;, tilt rr · '• '' t1 H l'l .. lt od ttn·u tt '' tl -'• I • . ~ ,., It • ' '\ II· '···' ' •• ! 1 , ' • • ' '"' llu• u~ of .... tl .... "4 ,.,.n or tht• "' • .11111 .,.,. t'rt•atcd " • I ·•ltl•·tr' ,, ltiJ~II)' <'n· 1 , '"'' nud area~ II I' I' '!11:1(1'-"t('(j ;1~ •• I••,I,Ju u~ru•rshiJI • d I • d••llllllt• dt'<'IS· , ' ,, ('ur•llla •lei '!\tRr liiiKtalneu ••on· I Tit•• hu .,. S.tnl.l An:1 Al'llll' Au· Th•• m•w P<'rsonn('l Di~tribution _.411~, ... \~ l''"l•·t'l\ "" 111•1-... ,,1 < ·.,. 1 ~·u:u•'"" I of ~·· t1or:un 1~11ll hat·k •·ttn·j ba"'"· 11.,;. iu·u•.: l'i<JJIIII y dc•nudro command has bc'<'n d('scnbt!df a.-; 11 a non:o tl1·l :\1.,,. w e· 1'•••·1 ··nltll,•tl "' 1 UlltHIS Y<'· ••r• ay w l«'n her <'IU o f 1\lr m.n "',11 on m·xt \\'t>dnt·~ "gltlnt l'mployrrH'nt ag<•n cy or· t 1• ,.,,.,.,. "" '•1•1111"11 •··; dill•·• .. , ···.·-wa~ ><tru('k lo~· ;uwlh•·• :ot TtunJ I 1 • :--; 1 1,.. ,.,,.,..,l\.., 1, ol 11,~ .. a 1111• ft n···~" inumuch a.. 11 ha11 " I t I II I' I ~tr t . r ay .• 111 ' I II I d h dl "11 .,,,, .... , ''' .. ,. •. , :•ti•J·~l T.\ .,; · ..• •d a '' . .st'l'l , ~··· ... J · ,,, J••~ 'r···plaf·e•n•··uf ;ttlcl !•d! ..... l tthuJiufl h·•'n •·..,la'•'tl' tu an l'_cu un .. II ' 1.!•'11• •·" plll.ill' \•,,. ""'. Vl'l') I l lfll'<'l .... ltlo-. tht•t '"'11·1·· lflll ··~···nto·r. \\fl it :m ll~'.·r .o..:·· !••1 '-UOIIl'i .l"i,;roo•l! 1-"'l'-o)nn~l-I_ts mam fun('· 11 ·"' t11.ot '"'' r,, .. ,<'l I•""Jt•: 1.' will II' J.,hn \\ :"1"1""'1=''' .;;, •·~~.~. \\' ,11~1ll,.tol ,.1 .JOIJOCI 11lr-mt·~<n~ tulfl:< tllclu.t .. r<'<ils lrlbution _of r...- 1 .. •Ill' 1\,IJl.lhit• f.,l I••· lol •'l'o'l)· ~1'-lh s tt••'' '·lid lit' flul.-.t lt) lit'" that hn~pll :oill<·d I'OI•o" ,'. ; 11tht•t'• ltll'llo"J J••rsf)nn('l, tlt·m~blhZUtlvn • ' '"""I hil l ·"""t.. l h·· ,., ' ".olfl!l :t .. · liiJ:j!lll:. l olr In I line ,,, av .. io l l't•turn.·ct (1'111!1 t'llnlh .. l , ...... ,. \Io iii I :OI'l' o r t'uOVill<·sct.•nt J)lliJt'n ts, up-'II lt.tt ltl -h·· l'il\1 ... "' ·~ ••• 11;1~ ~h .. I I'U!'ltl (tff iii'T~ -"tat , Ttl~· ht" St•n1 hr•f't• .,, ... , ..... ) uf In Sh n 1.l t•rtditln t.Jf p\'a•t""'t.'~~S rcpletl't'mt~nt 1 "" ~"'"'!-! I• l•pl•· n1 ~ .. •1th1•1n l l •~guc,. 11 "' '""' • '"' m•·• .,,.1 " :\tunw;1 ,.,1d 1h.11 11,,, 1""' 1 •·•·nt.-r c·('nto•c·-. a nd 1'•'<'1'\JIIlng of JM'I'Stm· I ' ltlt~ttOI.I IIo••·ol l h•· 1 ... ..-h ' oottllll(o•1• ,llol llJ.: al'•t II .. • ""l•ll'l h .~ol Ilk wllllk• dr-.· .. 11111111,.<1 lll'i (lor ,, 1••-;twa r Pl'111lanc.•nl <llr II thh t I r .t JI'-t P•' l• , .. t il trt''"' "f ~· I • T h•'\' I t:·t·· ,,, H t\t .~ '· I·~ ,,,.,~·.t llttn •• n d lh··11 It• 11 ... h t1\1• \\H thiN·•~··r •a• (•J ;~·•'lt'd utn 11 A .. ..;, n , ...... u JI, 't·ur·1 . .., ,.t h•·l • ,, and ftU'Ct' ,. 11 :. 'I • 1" •' I"·'" '" n-com-11• I t .. ···l1 1'1'1•1~·1'1~ .J>Io'l ." • ~~~ lho · • I''" k••d ,.,,1111 It· t •·t:~>•l•" 1 '" :'"1" · fn rts.· ri•'W rolt•. thl' Air Bast• IS .1partmt·nl h"u~''' In chat t'I'J:IItll •· ~ 1'•11111.1 and '111 11' 1 l-'w-!1,, ll)t;O \\' Tltu·d "'l •·•·l wtll bl· n.·IUITI•·d 1,, ril'tiJ;tfl u:;.· 11 l'Xpt.'Cted to l'i'Win bolh militar) ,., 't I* I '•"fill'( \'Hill'\ .. \ '1 ' I I ! I H '""l •lt h\•d and "'t•·t1 ••, •' • f l11 ,, d s ......... '\ lntllanJ+II ..,. II I ·I t,, I r (!••~t h~ h ft'l dHOt t·-1 !tl• If lfjlt.t t ":" .f tl1 ''It ;'Hl•'t ttlf•\'' t lfl t' t • f'••lliHflH u• '' U lll!" fh•• f'ou '''''' • •-U• '• '-'it' rt.t•·h·lt•d Jt rt ,.r n•afl\ .,, 1tl; nfd -....;. v. .. :r,"'lund A• ;~olt tl1"1"' \\twn· f • !II h••• t1 tL!ld ~l u•1• f•f ... A ••ft• )l'tll~t·,t .1 t d · I:H~X•',. ht•!d Ill • •I•'' I •tUI•I 1\~ Srmplr Ltvtnt:J II IO O>t 1 •Ill\' ''' 1.1 ''' llo'l.k 11).: 'f'J.• 11 '"'"' • iwlt••l'l'' that Ioiii t•f h•ll• \\ o:l lu 1\l'o•tlo•cl If 811)' ( ''" ld" 1~d·l1· • 'I'' udlttU'c• i!' 1\f-<"eS· ,,,, 1 1· t1 '''""d lu· lltcla tJ· to bur- d<·n Il l•' l'uc >•I 1 d••l ~lar an•a with ,-l.ot ..:·· , . .,,, l"t lt•·:wlt .II:CJUISition and >l11· 1•• ·llllltl\ .. r S catt• Beach .lt'>f'd•tfl llll h l••·lltt; ••vns idN·•'>d. 111 , ,,.,. "' J, ll•·t· '" 11w commit- lt't' a r•·~'""''' .. r ( ·,,,.,,ua uf'l Mar· Equestrians' """ ~·rtl•'·· II VIlli! "'h• ••.••• ,., •• .,~. .. L.,t.rst Rt.de Is 1111.! fA• lllf\' kllJo"l r .ll!lo•'f.,tko .,_ r n !lkt•fl I tl\o\M Jln•l f'H I:o>t<d ~t i d tl~ s• s "hrr•· -.·ho••4 "f>t•no .J -' I II 1 "''I lg uccess \lt f'> Ill lh•· th:q H'I ltt1 l "''h•~l a1'Ctt• I ~llrad.i\ rno~t k•·1t tht"• fu~1 "'ridt"' · All• r -'fJ• 'fill lit!-! ,, '""'"~> ' '" w ;c, n.-por'l•·d. 1 hll~ r..t11,1 tng 1 h•· and civilian fll•I'Sonnt•l now ('rt· < • .. lltn:o •1••1 ;\l.11· :ond ,,.,.,,~: th•· II•·· -c-on):('<tion and hou•(' ~t111rt.1g1· J:ilJ t'<l m adminis tration ac tivitic'l' \•Htllng '"''''"'" :tll Su\lllll'm Cult-Mrs· Jascha Heifitz nw Sitnla Ana h:t•(' ha" hi'Cn an Mclintena nl'•· fJ<!r.-.Qilnt•l «>n~:a~::•od In l>~rnla )"lith h:..-. '" 'l"'rHI fho·lr 1.1·' • • • impo rlant ~lat wll ,.( :\1II J C1•n. stl'it lly trnining a ctivilit•s will hc· "'"""'ill llaUutH I ···1'1 1\1' 1111\t• H ('hairman Russian Ralph 1'. ('c;u~JII·~ l'ltllllll:orld •tnrt• abl'tJI'b<'d bv otlwr !>lations of \h(' "' 1.<1 pr~ohlo·m "hll'h Ill<' "'ht~lo • it,o; <:ompll'llnn t•~trl,v m 194:.!. AAr' 1rainfng command. ''·"·· -'"'"'t" :<flt'mpt tv -olw s .. 1 Relief in County 1.·· ' kt•••p 1111' ho•arho·, "I"'" tu lhr· Chairman Kenny falls Meeting Wed. Over Highways :-~..-,. •·hnJrrr.lln ,.f tho• H••~~mn 1 \\',tr Ht•lu•f •·ornrntlt•••· for c Iran~:<· o'OIIIIt v 111 MrH Jas• 1111 llo·1ft11. "' 1 Hat hoi' lslnn•l. whn r ••rlar •·" lh•· • Ho·v \\'•·!fll'\' A lf11 \• rmalr 1\'h" I r,~;t~flt•J 1L'4 4 h:ttrmuu tw•t :.10~ of tolht•r ollltiPl:l but whu wtlll'••nlf\111 tl.~l " m<•nt tx•r 11( the cummttle•• FLASH- "Satisfied Radio Service" Newport -Balboa-Costa Mesa 1836~ Newport Blvd. 1'''11111'.-m••llt• wo•r•• ,.f 1111' htJ.:Ili'NI '"" 1"1 tho• rwwly organized II 1-' l<o·nn}. d 1111rman v( lllf' !\It!< 1....-J ia Rtrttlh••r of Ba llma ll<l· "''' l•·luft IUilllrll! ,., •.• ht•l'ln~ .. , J.:I'HIIf' .. r ho•l'-o•lo.ll'k rtllo•r.-. who met ... rnmlll•··· Uti ht~:hway~ '"' fhl· A.~-l~tnol, !\lll<ll ~~·l'hla Stt othcr BOll fh,• ,,.,..k Rrr lh•· 111111 ,. oll11~lm · "' 1111· F l111rl Grh~un h llfnl' at I( "~·rato•fl Cl 11unlwr ol Coornmo·r·c" Mr" Ht-r~rt Hankon uf RMlll Ottw n1 "" lht• cc>mmlt tr-.~ Costa Mesa ''""~ hv ~~vvlo·na :o\111111 !\ltiJ., ••·l-1 1n lh·· rnuflitn~-: 111r an all day jour-o11d lhl' Coli"'t As.~o.·cr.tron, ha~ Ana 1 lo•J.'•· nl11mn1 wh .. •~ n ...... :o nnt .. d lit'\ 111111 ttl•· h,<t·k r mmtry. All ··.oll,~l it jmnl nwo•t1111-: ttf llw IWu An luno·h""" m~•·hnK ~<a~ h •·ld "' 1 '"' "''" h•·r •k••t. "''' ~""" .. t•t •1.:1~r h 'IJ>ill HH.: I•I"II'IIHI"•'rl lht• ini· >'"llliTltl t•·•·' lior \\'•~lrl•'''lit} Oc· by thP 1·o mm1tlee Iaiit Wl'•·k wh•·n t"'"' _,. "11''" ,.,,., lltr v,,nt•t l" hlotfof . 11111 vo •nllll•' •·•·nt~Jio•t f'ly ~ucc·c•s11ful t.•h••r· :.!!'lth. al :.! p no .. 11 fht• urtrc1·' tht•v Rnu other J>ellJlll' tntPI'•·"II·tl In In~:~ fl•·m tho· ftr"t Vt'rAn•luht•rj '1111· tr:ttl 1·~1 thl' nclt·l-.; :tlon~ 11 nl l'tmllty F:n~1n,.,.,. A A. fit ·ard rt>h·,,f wnrk h rnrtl ,. tnlk hv .\lr" h ..... , "" lu lilt' m •• , .• ,, h all!< """ l n tlg·· Ill I h· IJ:II'k I'IIUOII') Which Ill f tit• ( 'uurt lluu-·· Anrw~. San lit Mar tha u •I'.J It( Los A "K"l:·.~. •'X· a11ohlto1111111 a nol '"" l•·,•••lv ltltlo· Wit' ,, l:tnf.ll-:1' 1•1111 1 trnm which ,\n:o ''''Ui tvt• lll'o r#rnry nf R tHI!IInn \\'a r "''"''r\'ltlnry lhRI II' nnm•·tl , .. , It .. _,., th·· ··nllrt' paruwama from ,,,. "•'1111~ ''"'''' In Ill'-r llll for Ht.'lcrr (tor ~lllllht>m ('al:forniU, 8 tool Phone Newport Beach 845 NOW OPEN DAILY 10 to 6 lt;xcept Sunday " Monday 1 I>• llr u• ko•tl · th•· •• • ''" 1.11 Inla nd. :wcurdm g flo "" 111••'11111: cha t :\!1 Ho••ll'fl Will lentatiVt• pla.n11 w .. r., maf1v fur 1·nl-1 • F"r n•·ac l\' fi ll\ "'''"' l •c .\11, c.tl""" "I"' '"1h hPI' hu11· 1•••., ttl l•l'dlttltn:ot,\ plu n' '"' h" IE'dlng C'hr u•tmlJ ll ~;tftl! ,,.,. n··o;tly !.....-------:=.-----------------------' lit II• k,.f t ~··n·• d , • .,111,,1,, , ''"'"!• , h .. n•l. '' tho• III,..JIII'II ftotll for "'uch an ""' "'IIIIIH'ff tht·no fo lr ho~;h"11Y HII!W!Ian <'hll<lren Art•·r It•· •I·•~·· "' Ill•' flr't \\'oo1 ld "'t;:•n•t '""n ~<hll'h "'1111!1Vt• young ,.,.,,..,.,, '" ht• llulit ;,, pa rt ttf ""' h•· ,,..,., , .. '~~''1:""~~ .. ~"""''II· ·'I"'"'" ,,,.. .... , ... '""~·~ '" t'lllt· ro,. "":-.· •. '.·,,·1·,· .• ~~, .. 1•1'"~"'"11 K·lwanl·ans to Hear h••r ••f Jf,, ,,., "Anl•·n•·Rn c ·,,ftUHI~ fJun l,llttdl "·'~ ''11''" h•·~adt• onc· , , .. ·d l ht' ''''' ,.,+rtUltif l••t·' :.. •• 11 l .. r H•·lo.-( t 'l'"" ... ~ r•·l>lt11 ... ""' 111:111) lll.lll'll l.lllo· laki'S In "'' htllt• 1-; ,, .• llu •kmrori, S•·al D t .I f L·r II·· hlldl n... ''""n•·r \\Ill '""···' t ... htlf· l>.·;,.·h . Jt;o~ I I\. , ol!'k••t nf I!UIIIIn~-e al s 0 I e AUTOMOBILE PAINTING "'' no:l··.t h ........ "' IIIII""" 1-lan-1 n •.•• ,, ... t.:r<tlljl , ....... , mon• '"II llt·.wh ,\ ,, ll··:trd 1'111101~ I H k c '"'"''' ,,, llil lll"ol lA· r·.l\,. ~~-·-.odtdl· ... I"' I' Ill•· •·1 ~-1111111111111 Ill ··n~o:ono•t'f', :-;,,,,,,A .... lllld \\' K., n ong ong amp nr "T h•· (,..,,· ~· ... ulf t\ '" ru •IIJt"f\' k d!i•l ,,,, ... 1 'J"•'·""'''11 1'' :\lr~. (ith-Htll.y:ard t·ounl\. '""'11'\•·.\ul' ~ant a • and Mechanical Work ,,, tu~ d~t\• '" Ht u~:o<··l., Ut!"' ~ 11 • ., ..... r. 11 1\o Ol'•'fl 10 '111~"11'' "''Jth a .\n;a, aJ..., .. E L ('I 1\\l-o td. S fJU1h ) A n u ·1· ;•J•p.,rtunicy t•• ht•ar •I•·-' f'11 rkh11r~l ltt'll'k• 11 ,.( llooll\\l ••oo l 11"1" 1 ."111'11 1 :\It ~ (;Jit,un. llilti l..t,.:llllol, \\ II l lo•llr-.. '1'11•1111 , llul11 ttf hf•· n " pt·:s• 11 '"'"f' 11 I. ~<h·• 11 .,,11~ "1,., 11111, 1 .. , '""' 1.1 ~"11-1·" :-,,.,,.,,.1 ..-o· :,rh , will lw \\o~llo·r S :'pw•l ,,( :->o·ll t••t't ht-:lfl,.tol•·-1 nu•oul:>o·rs "' tlo. h:1 l'nl t•'•••of••n 1 k 1(1 "k••lt .. r t• .. rl '11' "''\1 l•·n:.: ltd•· 11 1"' It l\lll hav• II•·•H'h l:·~·•t.:•· K•IIC>I~~ 11f \'urha 1\llllt~ •lt.l• r"r :o\•llnta n HII~L:>' NOTHING DOWN 111 •111~· ''"''"'.\ P·••k '1' lht• rlt'~ J.ud~t Hn ltl'tl B.t•llfl•\ .. r Anit· \4.h., :+'I ""' ff\fif1\' n\unth~ Hl t !l~· K rio \; \o\ ••tt• ltll••t • ,.-1 • d lfl t h• l H')•l 111&! ••f f tk )l"ll''' lH tf ••111••\ •·•I :)1.111\ •In \' · h I h• I 1\ S y bollc F l.omc ltii.OII"I l ito <hlld , 11 ·1~1111 \\Ill).;<• h••fl t (' I ' l:m h ltl':•ko• 11.,111 tit · •II• "'' "'•·l lit•' ""·I • 1\ttlopnt~l~· ''""' II 1-' h•ttll~ ••I 1:.,11·•··1 ;,nil ~«•J t••f • 1.-d, ''·'"' d tH\4Itt, '11h· 1\.u· .. n Hu• hi!, 110 IH•tn I •· II• fl\ • HOlJ· •' IIHfl).. k•·lt~ v ill ~p~·.,t\ .tt tlu· 'J'"i "~"·'' ru th h. '"'I rn~·~ t u • ..: t,. lu ho·ll 11 l h· ~. ' !-''1dl • .d • :ll r :'>l•lllthl)' Paynwnt un t h C' habnc·t· if your 1·ar is dPar Ol' you U\\l' a small halant'' ;\I ,, • f·tttlltol tll•ih I ',, i''"L . "' h· 1:1 HI ' I l·h·· ~ ,,, ; •I I' .,, I,, .l:n 1 .,. H't .. .t~lt I q,., ,, .... ,,; I •i 1 f\t• I ~~~~~ t;_t \\ '"' ~l!o 1 k• I I t •' p. tJ, '' ut th• )''••t.:.ll\IJ, ~Hit1" I h• ltt•H>If t 111 l<llol 1 llt<lll loot a I 1·111 '" 4 , •• •, ~ ' ,. t 11 • ,n, 1 ~ofq • ' ·tl I' ,, +If I "' flp I It h p " Itt •• 1 r 1u \ liltof \\ h h It " If\ L• ·I• ,, "'"' 11,1\t I ' I! 1•1 J'l I "'II • I .. ' J I+ ..... h i , ' 'I I . '" I• I r l ttrlf Jf •I t .I ' II t ,. '"I tot I II l 1• 01 0111 \\oil I•• lllo'l llo• IIIII' l '.tt'k I'll· .• ~1••\1111' 1111 J.,,, nrl, ''• 1 \l..-:7·rol "'' l·'lmd l;th'-on Sqt, ''h ... \\ 1'1'1 1'•,1.11 " .uu l J••HIIp I •Ill, I I '.11111 .. I..! I SJ.of, ~~<. Ounn~ ton ko't'p lw-.t trl ,1• r:1otw r \\ .q Ill I rtlt• \1 dll .t ··1 d\ 1:,1d ')hHilllJ-pl.it'l~~ ,\ t1 lfll"'ll :ll fl1•• ••I ,-,~, .f1t ""' 1.11• "·• :'11 -···~: •-•lnt• n111i, 1(1'1'1'~ 1-".olll'l'llho•ll ' ··•··:tl 1•111 70 ,, I,,,, .• r1 t:il•·•·n , nul too ''·ll nt I t. '· I .,.' I 1 1 I ' tf•' ~.tl<llo't ll l.r'l t .. n \\ t'H~ \\ .tl ... - "' \l r•,tt.J n,., \\,1111·1 'l •• l.ti't I qj tltd J.t d . ' II t , ... .d. ,.. ""' ""''I I I Hra,..;;.: .... ••nti . ..,f; .. ,, L" 1•1fk I • fh1~ • I I I otl ' tUt t t \ "' ~~ .. t. I .dl •·1 d I '·~ ''" l.r:: u .. u. \ fll'• h., to • ···~ 1tl 1;, n Cl:tsllificrl Ads C!'t R·E·S·U-L ·T·S •I' BALBOA MOTORS '71Ni t:a. .. t Ba~ Balboa I fill,,. I ·I I It '•' 1 ... \ '' I I ~ lj! ' ., f I I I I \ I i I I I H-' I•' " I l . • tHd1· ,, :ljtl II I ,, 1\ d llu I ' 1.1., .11, 1... t tl•' , ,.fl. t \ tl I •I I II t ,. I \\ • J:t h "' tf flt •l h• "'•I t o(t 1 ,, ru• •-t 11 t • ''''•1111t l oti' u I·· \ hI I tl tt.t• ... H• ' I ) .. ,,., , ... ~ 'I I ••• I I I .. • I I ' 'I 1 ''''t' ,, .. r, 1 ,, p 11t d '"11t l.u .) • • ) I l I I il l ~ Wages Are Groceries ,,. \' "' "'''' ,,, i'l I ol ,. ''hhh '':l•' l d•t ~~\•·n •·~'I 1 • "''h t .. "' t:·n,, u, t1.11 n .. '•to l'l ft:-,,,,! ·"'' •. nu" nt• ,,,1 "'' ''"'' t .. ~~. 1 r " .11 .1 "ar ·~•11, •n "'" ••\~ n "'' • 1'•· +.,.'· l•u1 tr~ h · •4h ltt,• lhH•I;, I t 1h ' \\llltl •\\:o, 1:'111 t '~,. d 1rk n1).:f~t 11 t;u d t• ,,, .f • lit·• 1 l~•·" tht• ft•d t' 1\ ''11 r,_. itll ttl•· tc•:t1t II \\' llo'o • h• I 0 HEADACHE •• sucM A .BIG UTT\.I'IMIM. Al.L ~F.T fnr a J!'<'•'<l (ull Oft)''• W('rk who•n a ""1:0: ..: 1,, •·l- ad,.. ""~nl.• Ul) f'n Y~'''· \ qu eut!cr anJ ~" d.'<'~ Y••llr 'll'..rk. H1't1•IY (,,, an l'''"'•tnK 1•f r"f'IAK• Ill '•'" ll tHI f'n; ') 111•'1 t -a 1·•·•0.y h• t\ ,.Jo'l.fl 111f t•r (, r••A • Hh ~ J r fu.n, ft'&l. ~n)vyrw.rn1. or n~aur..,.n.. OR. !lntnl Anti-Pain Pills U'-. 1: ,. rt ~1r, . ...., nl\t ('If\~\· ltrad· •• ho·. I• •I ~lntj>l~ :-o.f'uralrta. ~uto­ t lt lar l'~"" ll nd Funfl tnnal M .. l\t hly ""'""· Po Y•·U u~·· llr. ~Iii.-~ Anti-ram t'tll, ~ 1r no•t •)lv n .. t • Y 1•11 ran ..-l Jlr \1,1•·• ,\.nl •-l'a .n p,,:, at >• ••r Jrw.r "'''"' 1n t h• rf'l!'ulu P·•• 1.1\J!'I' f<lr only a I'~""Y llJ'II'l'e awl Ill t I .. ··~·'tWill)' rar~ ... ,. ....... " c-l ... apo•r. Vo'h)' not ~t a parl.a,-e t"'la1·~ Your 1lnlii'J!'•~t hu thrnL , Hud dor• .-Ilona and UN only u d•trctf'<f. Your mnn~y beek it 7~ are not qtbfttd. T Boosts Workiag at Dougl.as Plant Lunlf Drach. Oct~ 2~.-"Anyone 'Ill ho ro·•lly ..ere• 111 thrrt a:td h 11·~ c~n make I""~'~'' 1-11h ll,r ll1•ul(- ht \trcr~tl ( 111HI•~ny," f -'lll· rntrottd H I I'~ l111 r r " It,. ''~"· ·f up f ~''r \I',.U ... ·' ..:.. ' 11'11 ~r\' "+th I )tfiiO: Ia , a• ~ tlrill .. I,, ·•"'' I lfrt'l 111l1 ~· I 1 • _jl • • 1l 'Ito: 1l l\ t~h • ' ,. I h I ar • t.,: \~ h l, ;It~(' " " I '. j t I ·• r .. • ~,.} ... ~ r \.., • I " . I .. ' .. ," ,. up t '' 1 , t' It q •\oo\ \\ 'I ' II'" I I t '" I ' I (f \\ I' , ' ''.: \'. ' ' t l ~ •• I • ~ 1 t I P,,rt Ttrnt \V •r k "'Or.-, •\\ .. :l ... 1. '•r .... /\I' .t I h r I ~I ;•• J If .. \ • I •• \ ' \'. r'l (' ~ • ' \ ' It f I ' '' r 1 : ~ t .. ' h t U' \\ c : • ~.lnt. \ '-,.n, \\,, ~ ,, .. , , ,\ \' · ' (\1 I \' " I •· ' I DON'T ROB YOUR BREAD BASKET! Proposition No. 12. the so-railed "Uight to Work .. amendment, will to \Vork" for low NOT guarantee the "Right t(J Work'' but the "Uight wages. "- It will reduce YOUR standard of living. It will di~rupt (•ollective bargaining and create disunity between management and labor .... It will impede the war effort on the home front. ... It will deprive returning vet- erans of their right to return to their old jobs at decent wages and working conditions .... Don't be fooled by this tricky amendment. I '' on No. CITIZENS COMMITTEE AGAINST NO. 12 . ~ ,, RADIO SERVICE HolDe, Auto, Man .. lladloe aep.&.- Mart-l:ktc-trld&a .......... \II\ 111111•: \\ ......... , .... ''" I 'tU t \ ttlt tltfti!WI I • • Little Things About the Stars i A n .. ,.~:r.·~l\~.~·:~~1~"" ,,,, •• ·Your Friends and 1\'Itne ·a, GF.OftGE l.11.1.E1' "QUEEN s" ooN ·r sNEEZE 1 ::::: •. "'" .. ~~ ,·~::·~::· ..• ~:::·~· ''··" .......... " · 1l NEW y ,)I\K, N Y -t:J 'Wynn, w,. 1.,,11,1,.1 .,111 .. ~ 1.,,,~1_. 1 •• ,,,,...,. •h•llot1" " ,.,.,... 1o111 "11111 • ;-.,., "" ""'" 'Burt R. Norton ----.... , •.tra l'o'IIJIIIIlln 11111\t:n•··l•-ol{ bA,Io, "" lho• r ...... , :llh·r SI'YC'n ·~I U'rll' 1•1 tho• Mlo.rl "'''''UC'I l ...... ~~ __ ,_ •• _ .. __ ··.··-·"·'-"·'·1---'· .... ··.1·"·''--~·.·.·.l ·l·'·.·-'~.·.'----------orno .,.,. ,, , ,. ~· l'tn•f'l wlw hru hcot•n ,..rnpt.•yl'ol at )'<'ars ,., ,1,.~. llhw rwlwv lk l Jl.tl\· t $ril)t) ,1 "•'•·lo.l W onlo.l··•. •t.tr 1111 Coa-t tu1111wa y st:"'PORT B&ACH s.· .. llh· ,,.11,.11 11,.,. b····n It ~~~··lit Jo"''t7""'ro .. k ',. "''""'lnu·nt ~,,,,,. 1''' strll ", .,< "" 1 ...... 1 '"' ._ .. •h ....... ''1 111'' ""'' '""t: '' ','·'11:.~~·",'',',".','1' Yi: G ~z R 1 \ It. '~-th , '~ ·D E M 0 C R A T S ! DON'T 81'; t'OOU:U BY I'OI.ITl,CJ\cL Bl'SK TIIAT AS\' OSI'~ ~lAS IS INJ)JSPt:NSABLE! Remember--- n1 I{ •~E\1-:t.T lll~t~EU' ~All , 111 n•:t : '" rndl"l'"'"..:tltlo•" :'\n\\ Ito· lhlrtk• h•• '' THIS ,\))]'.11~ IS11ti\TIO:'\'S REl 'I )R[). '" full ttf hrooko·n 'pr'f•llli"'''· 111 ,.,.,.,.~ uno• OEM11Clli\TS E\'EII \'\\'ll~:tn: 11.1\ ,. '"''"'ll.ol•·ol thl' • u1m•nl~t r:rltOn ho•l-.1 I ho· \\oll'tf, 1•f :'o·n.olul' \\. 1 ... ,. C)'Dl>nll'l. T'''l" l>o•nhlt'r.ol :"'c•" llt·,ol l ~·nhoc't:ll• h,l\o OOI"T'O\\'t"l lht• Ctllllllllllll~l jloll1~ pl,olloof111 •• o11d fhlf•\\11 l'On•IIIUIIIIII!tl J,:ll\o'ITIJI\t'lll 11\o•rl}l>an·l llo• ,,oJol,,j lfo,ol 'Ynu l'itn'l l11• ,, ~:owotl llo•m••T:ol .tnd a :"'o•\\ l lo•:rlo•J Thr Sr"· llfoal Isn't OrmcwraC'~! Vote REPUBLICAN ••• to Preserve Our Republic ' SIO No. Broadway, Santa Ana t•honr 6170 your cancelled TEKPLAN check Th~re's no room lor doubt when you pay a bill by TEN PLAN check. Your check properly endurs~.:d r~nd can•·~o;llcd-is a prcx. f o f puyment whtch cun nuvcr be dtsputcd. TENPLAN ch· ·cks ar•.: u real convenicnc• • they h· :r you s..:vo ltm•. !tr~.:s, qa~ol rnc. Open your TEI'\i 'l.AN d('co•;nl I ) lay ill any br"nch o f il ml: cl Am· r 't.l. Buy ten chrduJ foz $l111 1 t.••.J I J'C'l··k·•1• Yo u IV·' keep o nly enoug h mnn·'r • :1 r~r·JJO:..t ·n tlv• bdnk. to cover the cl~ccks you wnlo'. 1Sunk of Amtricu NATIONAL r!~~VG~ ASSOCIATION I I I !1.1 1, llllllll-r ,,, ,.,.,.r~ lo•fl tho•l l' lou.l •• «•1 .. ~0~'1 fll'e ~e111 o1Je arhl Mrll 1;,.1"1,1 \\'t•llt7 .. 11 :!tt~•' "''•·k,atnoll• planrlm.: I•• 1:" lo• l ,nll 1.. • h;, •I 4 ~ 11 .,1,1 ''·"""'"" (,.r II\ I' Wo•o•k~ Ill I II' H•fllo• •' • r " . .o ~·' Jl J)o\11 ,o I •'Ioiii( l.hly • -f :l!•l h :<11••1 llo•f••l•' 10!11' h•ll f••l An~o·h·!Oi ot l.oko'lll' lo.lll•llll'l' llnt•<>f l••ll p 1', :ol -• "1 •rk L.t\Mt \\'t•••k tt .hnth•r "·"• 11 "'" ,. 1 "die' at ,, ,tlnh~t &.:l\ •·u '" ht'l lh •llnt ,,,. ~lr .on.t ~,,,. 1-:nwr~•lll \\'~nt~ • ..tl. j!l\'o•n 111 ht•r holllolr b)' ~,..,.. I,"".'' I 111 1, \\' •' I I ~. h ···~ "o~ll \\ 11,, \\til 1akt• ~1 1"'~ \\ ulke-·r It I ' •• 1 t 1 • u f ;1tM • •luh1:•<11:4.•' lH f"lllh' ( Hht•r:o~ l'IH,"t• !l:--t11l\'111 I I ., I ' •I I .I I •• , .• f'"''' 1.' "' ,,, :\It~ .l111111'11 Fr••:<l :\lr 1111.1 :\ltl' Jo'o·"f .I lo:lltotll "nol .!ll r and :'.1•~ o;o·Jal.t \\o·lll7o•ll ltnd • lllldto'll .1""" and ~·n·.l "'•n• rl'·l t it• h··~l 1111o1 II•'"'''"" • o•nl 1:11•':<1,. at lho• ho~nl o' ,.( l'th· I 'l'lo•• Toll\ II~• rtol , 11111 1\ll'flol~·r,. 111•'1 and :\I"' .l .. hn Ellto>l I llrlll lo:IIICI Ia~ I \\ ,., k l•l 1 ho· """"' "I \\' ,I !'ow( HI& II'""' IIPIII•IIW ~11111 ~lt o•o•l !\l r,. ll11lfloo11 l• II.•~··• 11 4 J11oh• ~' r '""' ~II,; It (. ( h\ I'll lt:l\ ,. '"''''''''' ltalhnu hol:uuL ll'tl l'tlnn·l "''1•1 th•·u· th•llh ~·u tthlh~·n l,el!Uhl ctu \' ••n tth· ,.,,,,., f·•r th•• ••aJC1 :-th•• and ""111:111 1''"1'''"' 11111 k ,.f ""' '"II ll:<tt '"' ndiC 111 1'nhrmh1ut. ptlPI 111 \\'• .. , ="•'\\)'t ltl Th• \ ,u•· C"lhltt H n I lh••n 1ttln h••r ht•uflwr I •' I I' I •. 1.: r•·rn~~·t.h:a.: .1ud lut.ldtn.: nu ·•·ldl Han, •·n~fu,an tt! I ,. Ant:••lt•Jil, th•tl t•• tth h· n:oo·· t•ut .tflt•t "th•· ,\\h·• 1:'4 ••a.!'ft n11 a huHtttt:o-3' tr 1p tuut f " \\:u • 'f"' 1 , .. tuill i u hun11· ~·n \\111 \'&.."lit In ~~'' y,.,k Anti \\'t•"''' lh •11 f••lll "'' 1 1 .1. t •ll 11tt•ltnt•l nn f'C• 1•t •.rn"''-.• t .. •u1 lh•· tl ... If, •: t.t.. r1r~ .. ( I '•"• ••nttwr .., .... " ~1 1 ,,n ~~, .. ,, .. ," ~~ .. ,•l '" 1.. Jturr\ l..a('1• ... Pt•· f'1 h· •· ~1•11'·"'· J , .. rn••'•' ti l''' ,, .• k ''""\ I•• I-: '··-n mt-nt. \\'h '' """ •-=",~·· '""! t u bt--''' t ral .,, 1 llll• t:.dh"·' , .. :t Itt Lt~h ~ '.ell•·•t t,. th·· ~··t'*\'h •· I• u• rf"t'''"'t"•l ''1 "1r•·•l '""" u ,. " ··la~ ... ,tw Mftt•u 4·1'4·tl 1" ~1 r· n u.a ~,, .. t;••••-.:• tl ult•t hat\•· Y.h h h n h -.U111C h•· \\tll nnt h•• •·allf"•l rt•tu~rtttl 1t .. tl1 ,, ~'•••lith ..... '"' Hlh•U nt l :t): llo•,tr ~If llllol Mrl< J I' lltlllllj!S Vohoo hll\'t• r•••·ctd•••l fd r ~··fl'\t' v•·u r~ .. ,. :l:lr11 "'r••o•l "1"'111 Ill• \\l'o'k ••hoi nl••\;,lllt' t . ttu• t th'\\ h••fllt' ••n t-'ul h·rt• '" ""'' • ··t 4 ···~• .t ~1 • ~u "h••r•· fht') , ·'•' ,,11 lh It• ,Uitl t\ lltlll ul )!T Hllld .!llr anol ~1 1 ,. 11111\1'\ llo•llllnJJ unlt·~s '"'" n·._:ulnta.•u:oo tlr'rt'A m t•tt I roru tu~ IlL:•· J.! rnu1• ~I J•:<~:IItd I;, ,.,.Rrtl oo( lilt• p, o•l\n F l••td llt~l• I hu"' 111"'' d l u HIVt•r..-,_,.,,. II II • •' .. II I II I\ I NOS I o\ I • I I I I I I• \ ·'' "' I I I ' 'I '' I hi " I d '' ' t L I II • ' "" ) 1 I I, H. t1 It, I ... 'II•· " ,Ill .. ' '' ' . ' ' I , I•, I ' I • I " I,, .. • I I "'" l •Hd ,, I I\ t '" I 1") f •d I I ,, I ' _, • I ' ,. I f It 1' II d ,. ,, ...... , .,, +I t •t .. , ' I ' I II l olt ~.t I • lh\1 I t ' I Ill . ... 'I II 1 I d \, I ,, I I ·" . II I . .... " . • ., • .,.t~• • • I lith I• I It . '· .,, ' • I ·" '· I ' tl I Ill VU.l\' t l llll lHIN(.~ I' • .,. ' I I \' I • I I I ., I I fl I 1 tl •I I " t '"I ,,1 ' .. , .... II, Re-Classification Cards Sent Out llllol dolll):hlo•j lt"I"II'S "' \\'lttllll•r B D ft Bo• d \ .. II I. ,, " " I ••• d I j I I I I ' " Itt ~\I 1 t ~ tl h ,,,,, \\'• II• J, l tllt,! I l\t ' td 1'1 '"" Wo·r·· "'""'"'" r······llll~ "' !\.It H••l I y ra ar 'A'""" ,., ...... 1,. ~~~ ''"" !\.It • ,I I I I II " t IHI\\ I ' I •H' +I I I • ' ,,, , ...... ,.,.. '1'\\,L \\1,1 L!· '•'t loottdUII dt' Uo 1rnan :11 1M F l:<h' :"\o•14llof1ol to•IIJIIJ••ol l llq :lnnllll: ·r uo•,.ola \' ''' "'"' "'''''k h 11111 ,, Tu•·"'-'.l:t\ rtl••tnuac ,..,,,., nt'\\ t I:L"'!11fu ntlun • ulobc nn· IM·Hl~ f 1 I ' \ U I td I• t• I t \ l. ltfl \II ~1 1 t tit t ' ••' "11 t d \ "'"'' , I·· t1 'I h· 1..11"" I' 0 II 'I I I. I • . • 0., " . ' I •• ,, " "•: • "Ill P"p••rhl&na.: 111• V.t•t•k ••fld ttl a..,..,.. Au ruatl•··l ••ut •~· •··~~""'''""'" h\ th•· -.:•·1~·~ "''tl 11,.1 "'"'''' ·•"d hrt•ttu·r-IH,al .trafl h. :u t u•·• .. 1.taur '" ,,1, .. • ' "' (II I II ' I II\ It I I I II ' ''"I 'I ·•IIIIIIY r•~!·l·•••' l•'\•1!~ :•,i\ I JI •\ futlt 1 I '• t ft11f " Uhd l•11111r llu"l :.1 ' lll·IIIV. I olro•\\ .I lll\)'1111111 o lo•t k 11! lhf'l I •t . l•••nr I tnr:' ltl• IH t ... \ I \ ~ \ Ill t1 I II ,, • I t \ • I " I l t. I •' I \ II ' ••• f 1' ''1 '·' ~ ••• 1'' 1'' '11 I•• f ,ol h\t••u ;,. t\• I th••• I t ,,,,,, ,1111u ·' tlttl ... tiiiU \\ tlkt I I Iff ''71 h -!"ont. '"•·h··· , .. 1hlfl• ··n hun•1r•·•l ----------------. 1 '"''" "111 '"' n ·• In~"'' •~t 1111ol wrll l , , 11 ,1 ·'''" "ath ,, .. •• • nt t '"1 1 1 tit• ,,,,, 1 .~•.t~ ut It ""', ,, ". • ,, t.~, ,.,,.~., v.·,. ,,, q I ~·HI Motor Overhaulln.: Motor TuDe-tJps Carburetor ud l~ltlon Adjustment. F nctory Tralnro ('urburt'lnr Spr•r1alist We ul~u hnndlo· und r:1n• fur· MAKINF. MOTORS Al's Garage AJ.J.t:s fiUl\'F.rt fiF..cmc.t: HlS mu·nt:s Sc•\\ l ..cH·utiun r ,., ,.,,.,~ t-,\ • :. rd11 '11u"' nu"'anli I hal It!••\' 1111\·• atl.ollt• ol lho• a.:•· ,.( :1~o and " 111 ""I ul I'', . ..,.,, ,,.. o·~<ll•··l fu r ~1 rv11 ,. l ~It t•·K'u lntsun,. , un t f\ol ruav t .. , h:.n..:•·~t ~1•·u \\ th• h:t\ 1 r•·· • '' 1··• 1 h•· • I.:. I' I ••f unt ll•tt 1 \I. I•• hnH(•••IJW't \'l\t' ""h '' tl n• \\ r •• , • , • , """ , ht~C· II;" llul tnu't \\urnrn \\rttrr' 1n f.l dro, II 'r'''"'• lot.~ lu put 1111 ::1 hll of lhr clue " 'l h~• 11pr1.1tr "'lh a ceurh· "' '"' r~l.llrr' In ..... ~ d ttlAiooHt '" u~ I" 1\ .llr ol11l.a &r.aph "'"' IIIII\'~. .,,,. HI •··" '"··I . ' •. ,.· ..... , ~ .... lh··l v· .I M I IIIII•• I• "'!: \\Ill 11"1 lu• • .oil•·· I Jl'gJ oore S A n\ ttt.u l \\fil • ta.t'f ·• •l.uc:-1fun .. N () t' ; 'I""."""" Ill " ·l··, .. l lllj! 111111 ,... el\· wner o .... 1!\t·r .:' , ••• r .. ~~•· ""', ••• ~." •. MIt . (, I I •••• ~''" .. 1 ... ,. .. , , 1\ c n f{' .ara~t· t\ \\Ht tltu~ \\ t:-t tS.."4U•••I 1hut ·all t ... ,.,. lllt~!"t 1t'J,:1 Mf••r ,11 th•·lr tii'Hir~"-t \'1t~1l "11'1''' \\h•• h•~ •11''•1,' I •hHil .... ,., .. t uH lh·••r lllllh htrttu''"Y ; \t.'hl l •• l*ult,lul\ J\IH\\l, t:- unJ,.,.,,.. ,, ta ll:-n n ~undn~ 111 •u Vltfll a KHrat~y a rtd lhl'' l~tll• "''•'11' t 'tlt'l!"lOlll>" d .l \ \\h•''l Ill• ', 'IHto.~• l tn ,,.,. f"t'ftf It( lhrtt ,,, t'tll lfh .,. !\ .. lt L:'>tl t t h1• f•tllit\\111._: •ht\' ~··•l.tl••t ~1.t tlf 1 ;l ·•k .'11tH1 1'1 H tiP \ ·"' ·'" 1\ .,.,,11 """'''ti l tt I .t \•U•l• ,,, ... I I \t I 6"1 lltl t•C1,f•t \\11h1lt•''l•ll •l'~•'•' '''1'11 .,•!\ .... , I I• tl 'tt ", ,. \~ I tt t ' 1! ... t : 'l•f•\•'1 1h•\ rn.l\ I·• I . d ,. ~ '~ "I I . ,, • 'tit I • I l it' ,, ' I' 11 'I ,, . ' .... , . 11 t I . ' I' ' I ' . '.tl j .. 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(II~ c-.... c.-....,, '• ,_ WAR CHIIT NA t: Tltlnl Ml. APPLICATIONS lOW BEllS TIIEI for Feeder Plant -of- Hardman Manufacturin& Co•pa•J Thette Are Application• Only and NOT •;mployment Jobs Which Will Be Available at a Future Uau- t laqliW APflllc'aata Aca1 .... WW ...... \\'hiS.• K.-N"h'ln~e Nrc'f'Mary TraJaJn.: lftllanwuo. l'lriUW' Appl): tsuh .\l ... n, !ti l ( 'm&AC lll~tt'"·a,·, Nf'WJ~:!•rC llf'IW'h l o·l•·l .. '""'' '""I"'' I l~ou·h '!:II Hardman Manufacturing Company II'!U ('UAST JIICat\\'.o\ \' ('urcma clt•l ~ar ~ • • ' J I • f • f 1 .. I ' I •I• It f 111 tf 0 II It ,. If ' I , ' ~· I .t· I ,,. I I ' I I\ I· ; \. I '. ru:u u.1 ' .. ·, , .. ,I ,. ·I ' \1• I • ! f I •Itt' I I I. I •• \ ..,,, t ,t. •I • t • t •I I 'C'''' I,,,,'- t\ I • I o I' '. I Orange Juice ... pplt ·' o .• y " \I 11.! I •l ,1 I I t f 1'·1' t P • tr ·' 1 1 • V '•"~"'' ),II •it t ~ '-11 t •• ,, •• ~ t I f It ,,. II'" ltf t· 11 II "I'P' H ,, ,. ' ,,.,. 1~ o1 I • ,,,.. li1 r 1 t~ .• t •, I I ff ..:••1n l'f'' !" t •••• , ' .\ .. \ .. Tit~ ''"" 1 .. , .... ' '"' Jill I '1 I I h• "'' r \ t' ' 1•1·1 j I • \ dr • I ' 3 SIMPLE STEPS To IIELIEV£ That Dull. Ache AII ·Over fe~linq of.a COLD DELIVE·RED TO YOUR HOME EXTRACTED THE 1 If I I '• SAME DAY AS F rnrn Lu~C'inu~. (; ulflc•n, Trt•t•-Hi t•t·tlt'd ( )ranl{t' ( 'cttlllt~ ( )ranf{t·~ 11.\ "\ \ t;~.f'JII"' fIll' 1.1· llliX \ U I '' ,. ltu· f •l•\\t"l fq t•~ll t••O..•' I••\• r 111 tlu· 1• , .. ,. ttl If,,. • h•· I I• ttl 1, .. 1 rtol I••J• \••llll lllt • ''''' .. ,,, I t1 Jr ll1• • "'' l.ol •·II • .t • II !rn f1 • IIII o" lh• 11 • II• o I ,•.ill)• II• II oh • 1111•• 1111' J•ll tl Tho•\ \\Ill , : t,. I ,.,d \' I •, I"'" •Ill• It ·lrl ·' 11d I" • ·1"11 ' It I • ' ull \ ''·' II II I t 11\tl'll"'l'l lfl' ••••• , t ••• ,. I ... Il l I 'I ••..•• 'I' HK \•J,I Jtftt' •l ll f\ lfH ''', 'It\'.' '• .. 'It\~ ...... 1 • \1 fiJC \"\fil-ft"\ ,\HI. I '~d\ t .JC...,,\1.1.\ J~t.nH; 'IJ:t:U f••l 1111'11 11 1!l t1•1Lolll I lofllttl ollllllfl', loo \\ •I ol l oll' I\ .1111 . Ito ,ol lh I' t111'11llllol llf Ill";' ANY MAKE Painted Waxed and Polished Fenders Straightened Bodies Repaired Frames Straightened Wheels Aligned llka-Seltzer I I C METHOD t toll• flfl' • " HJt· \"" f r ,,•h • \' '• ,f 1\ ''''" •· n f lh• 1'1 J•••t t 1lof \ 1l.o11 1111 111d 11.1111 I .tl Jl·lf It 11 t l , • ol• 111111 l•l l"' Jol l•rr 11 , ·Ill' I . Ill :1 I I 100% Credit 12 Mos. to Pay Motors Overhauled Motors Rebored ALL \\'OIU\ (;(·AI(..\:\1'EEI) HARRISON PONT·IAC .....-: co. SANTA ANA A -Aikn·:·,.,•;o r at t;r,•,. t;. r Arl1 "'l! II• • s.,,,. ~~ j I -li•· r llr< t I;U•! II,, '· t tJ rt I,, I • • 1·1: f r .. 1 f'lt'l •' C --r· "r . 1 lor• ,,. l.y 1(:01 ~· r. I a ) I I . , ... , A f.K ,\ lit•\ ,,.,~. ,., • t•. I 1l " ,., •• . .. , ''. 0 I T:ol.• il (• • II· J•,un• and I" 8'''"'•• h, "' l t•,llon• h lli 1 I At y!,ur d,..,,. ' ' ,· ot '· ,. ·.n. ''··'' n• •I ... ' . -···"! 'I • .. ... ,_lkalfl· 60(, " .... 1· • ., \I._ .. ,, '1 I ol ' I 'f • • , . .,, ....... ,., ..... ~- 1111\ ''·' .II I• I !-.... "'"''' ""'''" I II olo•ll .,.,..,., Ito ~:=:'='=''=''=='='':~:IN=·~==~ GOc ... ,1 11 I'"'' •.d 11 1111 1'111 U \IJ ,\ t.lf:JIT .fll ,,C t, fil. \SS Ht' 0" \:\f,J·; ,JI IC 't ; IIIII I '" q,, 11t11 1111 111 ·• '"' .,J \'11 ollllll I ' •d11ol1 tlltll••ltlt•· f1 11tl II' .• ' ' I t' ,_ II' .. "'' II II 0 I '' 111111111 \ II. t IIIII I I • lllllllfl•oll f•ol lito• j'lt o~\llol' I l11l l t ll•l fiOolfJI,tl 1ol il l \\ICJ'I t. UH J'IIH:\t. \HI H fiiWt.Jt. l .. ·li\l'r,\ ~tacit· th•· S:unc· Un.\ ""' t .\lmd•·cl ALBERT JOYCE 61f; 1·:: HAY AVE. BaliHta .. ('alif. l'fro,n r· "\r•M l"'rt fi c---~ I ,..,,. I r ull I I \lo' \IIY. fii1Uit1 ltll' tow'flll' ti&J l"' ........ ~, · L ";:~;~~i ··~ l I • • • I , I \ l LETTERS TO THE Quality Lumb. NEWS-TIMES ancl I 8uilcliD1 Material a I ANSWERS EDITOR WALSH ON C AS RATION ATTACK • I COSTA MESA l)o•11 r .. :.h tnr I LUMBER co. A h\tt \'"' ,, hd \ l olj f ••X• • lh rot J•llJh·r "''tt h ,. .:r•·at •t••,,l ,,f 'nt••r•·!'ft "· E. HOSTETLE" unll n,,,.u,:tl I''"''' Hut 'tP •. , Ph-.. t•••pti•Ul C lUlU' 1d••l1&' \n tht• I~UI' ttl fl<·t 1i "l 'llhll!ihl r 1\1101 SIJtlr ------ GORDON a-FINDLAY CONTilA<.'TOil a.nd IIUILl>Eil MAINTENANCE AND REPAIU 01 R SPECIAI.n ' Cabinet Shop Service Oftk. ('ablnrt Shop 1418 Cout Bl,·d. 40'7 SOih St. f'lao. 41% Ph. ZSAA-.1 NEWPOaT IIEACII. CALli'. SF.\\'POilT·IlALBO.~ SK\\'8 TUIF.I4, S..wport a..e.., (;a.IUo ...... l'urtld.ay, ~loMr 1 .. ltu I n·'""1.,, "''' c: .• ,_ n.. • WarNw Again • Battlearound 11•• ... 1 .. r .,. '1••11 H•.,.rtl 1 '• ... r \\' "1•1. · II· J'I.OI 1 oro t I!• I ,. II~ T ill-:.,;:-; ho· '" "'~ ,,, n, ~t.d •· trvtna.: t•· , , 1 t , ' .. , ... • ,,r,..r, ,,.,,~ 1111 tho ~· ... ,,, r~an ·"'' 1111\•!tllt I .o ,,,, ''"" (';,1' I tJt.t kf'tlf . Ill•• 'l 'l~ ... l!!j;;I I •O. rn•• \\'lllo~olll II !hlo ol \ ft~•h' It lhll .. , \'I'Wf O olj l••lk • lo!o • ="· ,.,, ,, ,, ",,,,, , .••• pi• '''·" ,, , \ •• ' th• h :,t q · ,,, •• ;. r :. olh :.:. lo.• •. \\'11 •II I , f t tho, f flo ,,lith '•I• f t ,•, I •I .. ~J.'I J, 1 J• ! ~ 1 n , ... r 11 a •• , ,,.,,, ! , , 1 ''11• •l'a h 1' I It,• t 1 tl t •• • I I • it .. It fl n l .. , ,,•,,~, t~+ttr•l t • •• "' ,. • , .. k< .i ..... I '"'' I II II,.,, I \,\-I I off II • , I I ,, I I It I 'd-I J''' .... ft Jd ., \ If f ol \\ I I ,•, ' I ,11 j ... I f 1 I 1t 1 , I . '• I i I I , ' '' •ltJ '\t f,,' IJ \~' 1 • 1j1 ,, '!' II I I .of ,, I f t fl '. I I . I I'" •• I 'I I I • " t ,, \\ • I ':'II ,\\II 'I I."'-I'l l. I ,J ' •, \' • \\ I , ..... ,I I·' tU ' ('~ • II I • ,. I '• • I' Youth Fellowship N;~"~~u~c~ .. P~.~~~p. J bf' l'&lll'd thl' lofrtht:ldat Youth Fel- lowshtp 11 tt.< lur m •··l SumJ,,y o·n- t!ttoj; ;ol 1'1, 1 1~1 1 hom h h\' I ho· s , •I •nd •·lf u • .... \\til •• ,.,,., •,.,J sh~Htl~ ~It' lin)., ... \\ tl~ •·i•• n at '' I' n1 und la:-.t -4;, n 11nul .... tlt~-r \\huh th •f• \\ 1d In :a :O:Hlld t\ t \ t 1111\J.,! :ftl:tt k a nd .!oo• • ~ 11 • '''" Ft ··d SHilfh.l 'f' "fi':Onl7111): lh•· l'f"lll' 1\'olfl lh•· oiSIItl'lan;•,. ,.f Ht•\' t-: p l ;c.ooldl, 1 11nd nil y11un;: , ..... pit· .. r h11th :<1 h••"l and junior t"t11lt'gr &gl' &re ·' t•·d t u Julo. I ~ WHAT-NOT SHOP hl'llltwe lleftalaa~M A Be- ,.... Pk'twe Fnmlq. Patao uacl UnflAiabed l"ann· ture 8appiiM. W l a d o w ran••lri11talled. What's Your Odd Job? 107 Palm Annue Balboa $-. , 1JL.Oflu& aJ~n""'',J, .3£,pp, 3£.ri OY.JJu., ~ * ~~al~I1~r;la[b~~ F .,r, L..rrm }ftll•l•n • 11 s,.,..,,. s.,.,. Y • ... w. Cor. 4 .. & Sycamore SANTA ANA ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Building Permits • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • FOR BUILDING INFORMATION -See - Bay District Lumber Co. WAL TE" I . ·~ICE ... Owner Newport Beach • 111 Ita .. H ighway : At TIM AI"'het Phone 1150 • '················································ Rubber Lined 1 Winch Head Aile . l"'tabermaa 'a l"'rWM ..... W_,. ... T_,. • E!lwp- .. t...;. • • PrtMtt7 .... .,., b 1. IVa.cler penou.l eupent.6oe ef Olarlea II. llerralle, PNa. Pa..peet , .. • Before Y011 Balld or Remodel ......................... _,~,___'Coler ....... ,. ............. _. ... dURrlYe •ted! of ,.,..., ,.,. ..... llllote.m ~ ~ LUDLUM Carpet Works 1m ... tiiMabt 8L n.o-e-ta Au UM 8ANTA .\.110,\ NEWPORT Bf:ACk "''I 1111:;, \' .\:"11 IU·.\lJ III I I L \1'11.\1 til-1'111. \:"U. ~.,. ... 1>u• It~• on ruon• U~••••••~d ~~ thr« .,,.._,, .,t ••r«f' '" '"I"''C'tn~•t nf I•Jt .nJ nHtrt\tC'~ "'' h\t , ... ,. ••I t tctm•n orcup•hnn. \\ ,,..,.._ •&••n hl't~~mC' • hAll II'· VISION IS VITAU ~~~~ • l'•'t • • Ht ' I • 11•:1•: 1, .. I ••:.; . .. :.-, ... u:' .. •7 • ,., ; .... "'"'~ '•II~ Ulitt !i I J .;·t; '<fi I i 1:, ., •.••• 1 '" \uJ11•1 .. t rhu , .... , .. heft th, ,.,,,,,, .. ot tltl' ''' , ........ •t••""' rh .. Geraunt tlc-rt •• • "'""' of ,No•o Scna· I tor•L• ''""'' •hu•tttl 1(,,. St& .. mot~~.J ''''" I huJ' rnlumn on c .. ,tlt 'i:qu•r•~ ---------------------------- • 1ft'\' • 111:1!• . • 1114fl • 1'•4 I l't-4 .:. .~,, 't:,.'(l I 11•111 I.!.: J ~::~· ,,,. ~tlii !O:I .• P ueuc N oTICES NOTICE OF PUBLIC WORK • • • Jht URr-\' Fo·l•tilllf) \ltuo to Al•rll 1943 :o-:1 •TV ·~ T llt\T 11;-.; 1 ~~ :!.1;' t ,f "Tt HU·:t~ c •i:l:l 1:-111-:HEIIY I;JVJI:N Tllf: :!nol O A Y OP' 1!144 Tllfo~ CITY M,.,. Jun .. Jul\ Alllo.'ll~l S••l•lo>tnht·r 1 ,., '••tlo r S u\ ••nat•r I I )(>(•t•mbo'r T otal 1944 pH ' l . -.-...... 14 ilfjll 10 014 16 160 14:t,J:...'7 t 'lll ':'\t 'll. ioF TilE I 'ITY Ofo~ ;'\ ~:\\ l't oltT II~:A 1 'II I· A 1.1 FOR· :'\1 \ I' \:0::'~'11 A I:~:SI II.I'TIO!I: 1 w 1:\T~:-.TII '=" :'\0. :Jwm TO ttHI •~:I : T ilE ~Ytl.l.ll\\'lli:C: f),(. l'l~to\'E.\IF'\:TS TO HE I>ONF: T••·W1T :"FI 71• •'\ I 1 h.ol tl11• publtr ani• r•·,:o.t t!id • '""''"I' ru • rf'quirf'~ tft•• • f .... 1111.: up Hn•t utHu utonmf'nt ut H ... 1 t '"' ••f , '•·r Lt 10 ~~ r(•t•l antJ •·•r'.t!. •+II•\" l rt tlh C'tl\' ~tf S_.\\'• J nnun ry ... •·br lltory Mllro h I" r• II• • t ·''··I 1 o-Ill·· llttrnth•n .. , '"' ,.,,,. , ... '"" tl 11f lht' City of Slll~otJ:, ;'\.,,1. r• 1 Hto l •"•"•r t lor fnllow. '" 740 '"1: oJ, •• n l• 1 J• 'to"n" "' a o·l'rtaln .\I H)' .l1111r J)l,J7~ ~ootr.,f ,. •1 •'••11 .~II•\,. Ht J'l\1'1 4~• t 7:J l'o• \ I 1" o J,.,, .j IIJ' ol!\1 1 llbl\n• .luly 73.43 1 ol•,, ·' 1 • , II 1~'·11111 THIRD AVENUE J\ It).! II~· . S•·t•ll !!IIJ.·t ~~~. 71" Th, ,..;tu.t.·nt<~~~ •·f t··'(, •·l~htr l 'r ... n tla,.:h ttl~· ~tiiUJ! I" \ nl•• llll "hunt I lht•y ""ulol Ilk• 1 .. loll Ill•· loo,:l1• "t , 1 Jlilf'ltt•'n .~r 111. l.u-.t t·r··~hl•·t\\ "' j lh~ l 'ntlo'<l Slulr1< E,1 o•l"l"r ; • l'n'"" lloj;lo F OA INSURANCE &E£ Howard W . Geniab 1101 N ""'POrt llolllf''·~rd C'OSTA MESA I l'hont1 HJI Automobile Accident • • Fire Life o\11 Ito ol I'"'''"" "' Thlrol '''''~ l(i·~n,i•f l\ ·,·.rh l'lnf•c• ·n (••t "'\\'h i. • "'''lld•f1&.: l>t'· l\\,,,,·1h .. pr lnnt o~'••n ••f lht :o-l'lUPh t:-rt•·ff\ hn•· ••I (·.,run"on t\\~tttt· cf''''••t l\ :tol h Av· •·nu•·' '"''' 'll•· l•P tl•''"':·•U••n ,,, 1111 ""'"''' • -to·rh ion•· .. r fiRh· lo.; \\•IIIII •(o•rrt•t ly :ll!lt AV • r lh •• ·~ ..,i "''" IIJ~nn a n1ap .. t c ·~~r••r.., I '• 1 ~l.u ,.., •·r~t,..d tn n .. k ·: ~·~· .. ·~~ l!o•l1:.! .. r ,,, 'I I •. I I f ~t.tp:o-U··· .. ,.~-. • J f •r 11 •.•• t '•tllnt\'. • "•It t •rn 1a All£'YS IN BLOC KS ~11 AND 631 \II II ,1 pc~1r I ·eon ''I 111,,-., • r• t ' tl • '.., I I ,, ·, t t' '\ • tl ' "1. ·h· '•\J nn l •.:t I· ln l ' ,,: • r .._, ••\' n ••1• ~ 1 • , • ••I • ·,., ·· , I•• ~l ur ,, • • • I' I'• 1o • I' t~· I I •I 1 I \1 • I I ,.,. ""'"' \1 '"" '. , ... "' .o. ·" • olot•ol lltll f(lllo wa, to-wit: ll"~lllnon~: at 11 ... "'"!ll •1'"!<1· • tl1y ~'i•l tit r nl Hl·~ k :"'•:11. tL. .. """w" 11pun tt m••r• •1f <.:o rnna l•o·l 1\l:u·. rrc tordo•d 111 llo••k :l 1 "'1-:''~ •1 llllol •:.! "' Mt><r••ll<l· n~·••tt~< :\fapM, rt>cortla of Orange I '11111oty. ( 'alofumoa. runnllo).! 'II''"''*' nt~rth••u!"h1rlv al••n).! lh•• 11"1 1 hwo•totrrly II no· nf 111\od Ill•• k :,:IJ ltllol lh•• no,rt h\\'I'SI· •·rly ltn(' nf Bloc k ti:ll uf ~<a ol f'••runa ll1•l Mar tn tho• rn•-~1 n"tlllo·tly c u rnf'r nf saul Rl111 k o;11 llwno <' ""Ulh,.al'tPrly In n ollrPI't llnP t .. the mnl'l P..oSt · 1·rly o·n rr ••r I•( l'lt ul Rlt••k 1>.11: Ito• "''•· F• 111 hwt•!ltt·rly along the ~ ttl II• :tl"lo•rh· lint' ••f 1'81•1 Ill• ~ k 1\:l l :t n•l ltw ""lillo••a.sl <·r · h l11w ••I !<lid ftl,•k !o:ll I•• I ll•· n:+• .... t !i'"'·lh•·H\' t'''"'' ••f !":ud I tloo; k ~.:11 . ttoo>nc ,. n••t llll\ I,.,. ••rl\ .n ·• du··• t f u•· t .. Ill• r•f•tnl "~ h··~lnn•n .. SECTION 3. Th:ol !<Rill \\'.,rk of t f II \'!tt .:IIU!.; ,.r ,, I"Wt 1HJ1 u( :\ I f tfllfl fr(lt t•t•t Jll1d f~>ttrftllf~ o ( tt•r• I •lfl all• y ... tll'r•·Jnut"''"'' Ol"lt' par It• uf:trl\ d• ,.,., tiH't l a nd 1t apJ!••;n !" I I th•· c ••• \" c ''""'I] q ( t ht• • 'II\' ttl ,.,.\\p.wt H••tuh t~,ht nu :•};H••s:otnh·r~t I olayM nfh·r lht· •·xrHr.d t"n .. r tht• lim I' n( t hr puhll• all11n u( till!< I nnlt<·t·, wht<'ll uh)l'l t oull~ :<toll ll Ill' I do•lfl·c·ro•d t" I ht' l 'lo·rk of I h•· l'lty 1 C'ounnJ wl•n ~thltll o·ndoo·~to• toll'! f'lon 1 lh1• tllllc' of tiff ti'I.'I'Jlltllll hy htm, I JtnoJ at I ht> llt'Xt mrl't tng of thl' I , l'tl~· ('• ouwtl. nfl"r thr• o•xplrutl~on , ••f 111\ltl tt'n 11tlo ol:ovro lfl\' llfttol ••"·! I jt>cllon11 lwft1ro·• !0:11;1 <'II~\' ('nuowtl 1 w h o1 ehall fix a ltmo• for hrartng sa~oJ nbJP<'IInruo no t lt•A.o than one I :• 11 "'''"k lhrronf k r 111•· f'Hv I (1Prk "h"ll lhl'rrupnn 11!1111\' !I;P f rt·r~nn~ m:•k•n;.: !4114 h ''"J••• I ton~ ttf thf' limo' r nol pi:H •• .. ( l ito• h t•llrtnt: 1 "' l'llul •·hJI'•IH•nl' ,,,. t h·· l'ttv ('ro·ttu·ol w.d n••lto , 11( "''"' l11•n;. 111~~ Jfht•JI t--.\ ~1\·•·n hv ,,, J•'·~•• flf• .t nnth •· th"'''"' tn 1 h•"' I"'"'' off t ,. • 1 AAitl f'ity rof Nl'l\ l'"rt llo•,oo h f'u~t- l nJ:'•· pn•Jlhltl th,.,..,,,,., •dth•·-. .. ··d '" ff;tid 11bjl'lt"r HF:F'F:H~;:---1·~: 1:-: 11~:1:~:11\' MAP .. -: Til ~·\Ill 1:1::-'••LI .. I'IIl:\' nF 1:'\Tt-::'\TJio;'\ ;'\lo 'I'"" Fill( AI.L FI 'I<TII~:I< I 'AIITII '1'1. \1::0: II I . I'Ail ~:lt~tl'' !'t f••rt ''""'"' r ~··"·'~ (·11, :\'t'\\ ,. .. ,, J'1 itt h f ':d r•, 1 ,., 1 l't.l• llol ~'lilt ::o:tl• 11~1 . Xfl\' ~'11.! 1!*1 l .onol •~ rwc ''"'"'" y Cuproo·r "\'ou ,,,.,.,. oln1n;: fio , SECTION 4. T hai In•· 1•••,, .t. milo·~ a n hnur" In~' for Ilk c 1"'""1: up .,f thr ~"'1'••1 Yn1111~ Th1n~ •·oto ,,n ·t l'f"r··s •tol 1'"'11,.11 n f 11 11·r1 111n thnr ~plo•nllhl, And 1 ••nl,\ r. .11 rto•d 11trt'N .enol 111111 1 .. n~ .. r 1 ••rtam r'" rtn\'1' )'l'~ll'rclay."· IIIIPY" lfo l it• I 'll,. ..r :'\••wpo~rt llc>Rt h ,.:oa ll ,.,. had nn.t t:tk .. n urH!t··r a n•l 1n H• • '"''·''" ,. \\llh th•·• "St rtt•l I lpo·nmj; A• I .,f I''~' ap· Jlrovo·ll \f'rol 4 l'tl I !';t.•l•tt .. ~ 1941 C"hapt,~r ;~ .. l•t\·::-'1"11 ;, t•llt I. ~tro·t'l ,., Ill ol • llu I'•' ,,.,, o · .. .,, SECTION !». Tit ot .1!1\' ,,.,._ '" intf'r,·~tf"•l .. t•;··· lute f,, :...t\.a \\til'< nf tnlpr••,•·tt•ltl .,, t 'h· ,,, or the• olo~l rh l "' la!!ol,. I· tl ' . \, I; nf lmf•l *'\·•·~t~· t.t .1ft t ••• 1 1 ..... .... t to pny u ... 'o:-.1 ,.... I ,,It H .... .... ON CIIDITI &MONTHS ~.o."~~~ • 0 I If I A I IALl t• AMe •A¥1 YOII IYII IXAMINIDI fl'ffNIIrobn Lerw DUPUCAT!DI ...... t S. Mel •Carry an EXTRA PAll of GLASSeS With Y_, •Oia•" Mede to Your OWN Preecrlptlonl ~y ... Credit II OOODI Op• .. A•CMHIII ,..,~ .. y.., ... ...._h I I .... ~ .. llfr ..... -Of'tOMWI .. ., ,_, ....., ...... YWt. .. ~ DR:· HORACE CADEH OPTOMETRIST a •· Ctr. 4 .. & Syca..,• ~AMrA AM efftCM CONYIMIIMnY lOCAno Ole f1lt 1.1• ""~' 1\nol ( '••ntrart """'I~ \\ riltt'n 'tr ,. \'' • -.,,u.t·. '·. •I ,,, 'a 1 .. t . 1 .,, r 1 ', I 1\ I ' I 1 thc-r .. of. may rn11k" wrol lo•n .. hj .. •- tlnnll to I ht' ~amo· "othtn h n 1 II\' California Women! .r ' l I I 0 tho fl 'II 1 I • t\ :e. ,, \ ,,,, , : · 1 •t l 'l t . ... , ti t •• ' ( q ' ll lo i\\t• I I• 'l'lt tl\ ,,;•h • I 1•1 ~1 1\\1'\ •. 'I' .• I' I • I I•' ' 1'1 i . It I .,It \1 n I•, 1 !• 1 I I II !'I I ' f \ •• I' '. ' \1 1)' 1:. I f 1.. I l l Pt •• ( ,,,. " ,,, t, ,.,., d , 1 , 1: 1 • • ·•·:u h .. • v · rr It• upf f P\•' t ,,. • ;t 1 t • ', '';,. C.,.,. • 'nun. ·t ,., t t, • 1 , , ,. .. I t•tf ltf•\t h ,,,, f I 'I. uhun•t·~..,m,·r·t h\ I~ ..... '1 , _,r . • jt • \ , ·r • ' t I• • • ~ a:r •' ··! J: .... hal • ... ..;,, ·····1'1 HEAR "The U. S. Army ftfedical Deparlmelll urgently .J .. tteeus you 1/0li' MAJOR GEl'~: I RAI. NORMAN T. KIR~ ·''"f""' Gnrtr11l t'. S. A""1 IPth~r~ hurn' within you a sinc~r~ d~sir~ OPE IIIIlS II LAGUNA BEACH I I l SECTION 2 Tlo 1• •I ,.. In 'lOt! tf o • off l lt , .,.. 1 t f1 ,., •rf• I,\ •+' '• • ,. ••, co do something active and impo rtant co help win che war, h~r~ is your oppor· cn icy. Join th~ WAC -~n·e in th~ Army M~dietl !Hpartm~nt, -..h~r~ v.·nmen are Yitally n~~d~d now. You can help bring the war co a quick, succ~ssful ~nd. You can help hriog nur Jo..,~d ones-your lov~d on~~. p~rhaJ»-home sooner. And you can learn a valuahl~ techninl skilltnat may be fh~ fnundation of a career aft~r the war. YOU CAN SERVE AS '"AIMACISf ,M.UMACIST AIOf I Needed for Vital Defense Work ·Requirements: e Avatlability Certtfi~atcs e Proof of Citizenship e Social Security Card APPLY - ... COISOUDATED VULTEE AIRCRAFT CORPORATION Saata .~ ... .... , • ''"'"' •t I • , I ,. ,.,, t t l'.'\ f I 't• I ,, . \t I ,• •, I ' ,•,, II I f'll . . f \ I I I l • \ I -I ~ I HOW MUCH IS ENOUGH? ~ II ~ 1a v,,,m,,. A M4 D, IJI¥0UOH .. _,. rt..., -n• ,....._ __ u, •~ ............. '"-' ,.. .... ,..... ,..,..,, , ............ , ..,.,..., el .._ -ry ••tam,. .., ..... ONE~DAY ... ~Dt1" ...... V'.-..1,. & ... D,...... It...,......, '" ~· •'•I ... AMIID~•-..w- ... r e , .. el o.t '-• OtJ I ... ,,., alelaea Uelte4 Slat• ftw ell., ,rt l' I •-Y• ..... ..ty-.............. .,It_, c-..,_.._ ............ sooov .... el V.....A .... u.tt. .. Vota ... D. .... ...,._ ... ,..,, .,. ·---.... -· ~ ::am1o ~ ~ Gov. Thomas E. o·EWEY tt'll tht' FACTS TUSWHT-7:30 I '. ~. !"T.\TIO'i~ Kt'l .t Kf:C'A OC'T '!.~7 p . ~t. 0 \T.R ~T.\TIOS KSX tK'T. 31~ 1'. ~ !olT.~TIOS Kn ,(),. 1~:~ 1'. ~ ~TATIOS Kn '()\'. '-'=~ •.. ''· llT.~TIOS!i Kn. K~~ SO\' ~ P . H . tlt'L k S"-KT.C.~ ~ich the hi~ge~t haule!! of the Pacifit· ~till ahead, the Wcsc mu5t tak~ a still mort• acci''C' pare in che w.tr. Y nu u c nt•cdcd here, in Australia pcrh.1p~. or ci\C'wherl' hl'· hind hattlefrnnts. to ,:in• our mt·n thl· nenll'd anent ion. The care :tn•l rch:thiliration of chr ~ick and woundl'd iJ a "'~nun 's noblest work. Gl·c inco i1 if you can. lf~·ou ar~ bctv.·~en chc •Et<'S of .20 And '-0 anJ han no chiltlrcn under l·f.or ocher tlepmdt·nu, call chi.' nearl'st l ',S. Army n'<'I'Uitin~ "t:1tinn, :!i11i :'\.:'.!.lin ~1 .. S;tnl:o An:t (':tl. GREYHOUND SERVES, TOO . Gr~yhound i' happy to p ublish this m~ssage through- out th~ \Test forth~ WAC.. \T~ ar~ io v.·ar ,.·ork, too- pro,~g tran,ponation for them and och~r hranch~s ofrhe ~rm~d Forc~s ... aid ing in u oop mov~ments ..• rnnsponing wound~d ... at the same tim~ car~·ing on an es~ntial ~rvice for rh~ rran ling public. And Gr~y· hound is looking ahead, pl&nning for a finer, la.rgu, Mtrer highway tn,·d s~rvice wh~n che "·ar is v.·on. 'SYCHIA TIIC SOCIAl WOIICII DINT Al TECHNICIAN DINT Al H'I'GIINIST DIHTAllAIOUTOI 'I' TECHNICIAN lAIOIAT0-'1' TECHNICIAN OCCU,ATIONAl THIU,IST OCCUPATIONAl THI-APY ASSISTANT MIDICAl S!INOGUPHU Mff\ICAl TICHNICAN SUIGICAl TICHNICIAN EDUCATIONAl -ICONDITIONII O"OMITIIST li-UY T1CHNICIAN GREYHOUND~ I I • Y I M e T N I • A T I 0 N \', :: P £ N • A I ll T • A • I .. 0 • T A T I 0 • ------~e~e~YIC:IC -·---··----~------------ I NZW'POin'-llA.LBOA HKW8·'IUID. ........ ...... ('.Utora1&, ~y. Oc-h,._. U. 1... .... .... --------------------------------------------~---- P oil Reveals County Dems. Expect Defeat I Mary Pickford 1 Heads Committee . I I NEWS· TIMES CLASSIFIED OPPORTUNITIES For Schools Act READ NEWS-TIM~ fLASSIFIED All~ J.~OR PUOFIT • • • tlSE TII.;M FOR R~UtTS ----·If you don't find w hat YNt nn• 1<111\..ilw r,,,. '""'l'l'liSt-cl 111 thl-. i-.sur t'hnrw Nl'\\flClt1 l~>nc•h t:l or t:\ anclplnrt' :vour ow n ndvt•rtl"'~ttlf'nl IIOJ.I.Y\\'nnp Man 1'11-k· All'rlflhl\1( I" llttll\ .\ 1·: ... 1\ 'llljl Hr•'"•lt•f o:l• allo•llolfl~ Jo~hn L fnnl .lo~· 1-: 1\ro>\\ n rtl\\ ,If, I ,\r· nnlrt :rno1 fliMI\ t>tlwr nntnhl•·' 111 tht• '-l'f~l't'n t ,,lutl\ h:t\'t' tnlnt·~t Ill tho• o'llmpllll.:n '" 11\t:fl 11 h"•ak· llfl\\'1\ In { ':rhlllt'Tllfl', o•lo·nh'nlllf'Y '~'~"'••I '' •lo•m of \\ a • nnn~>uno·o·•l to.(lu\ and ,11 I' ;h'll\'t•ly ('0111111;11~1\­ int.; lor l'pUf'•>'lllllfl !l th•· l11'1to•r ~··lu"l' A1·1 "" th•• ~'"'""'IH·r· hltl FOR 8ALE-At.rro8 ~'l)ft ~AI.F. 1P3!'1 l'tmtlar ~port ''""I~ 1 ; ... ~1 o·o)ndtllnn. alao 'l · "ho•rl 1 m olo•r. 11t11kt' ho.ly. 4-rt 'II )l\fl 1-:XI'o'l o•(tn <l J I. ~tl\mp, :!:!7 I 'olf'RI. H111l>t•/\ lllltUHI 7i ·tf<' BO., 'flo\, st ···•·•.n:.~ ltl t";'~ II 1 ~··1·1 ru ul l'r11•k>•l ~lttrtl\o' FMo'I'W" ""'' I'H•I11 MAI:I:-:1-~, 1.", A, ,I' A'I;Jo I Ut:AJ. F.STATF. t'OH ~AI .JI'..-ISI'F.CIAI. ANN011NC'F.Mt-:NTS- ! t,'ltNIT1'RI'! POB HAl.&-. 1-'0IC :-1 A t.Jo: 1 I 'mu•ol• raltht, I""'"''''' rn.tt•• hr .. ho11t, .. prilll(o ""'' rnRI t •••aa, I h1•t """'' .,:111, "'''''"'' ,I I. Mtan\11. ~· '7 I '"ttl I llnlholtl h l1111ol 77 tf<' -h""' pl:t\'\1 n~ht 1111•1 pub\oo·rty 1 ....... '" 111 m.okP ll~&rr·y Tnllllftn lo• lthlh nn\\' ll\ tns;: an HatlJc••a ~h•tue run a~ , ... t• pt• .. ~hlt·nt T'ht'1iW' f.-ur ~t.•V.' J h :dt•}~ \\',11 \Ptt• filf ~~h'llth' 'h0r11 rto: H• lliltfaJl~ l•• n~y ~t'"' , ·It till ~"''''"'"''' 7 \\llh••ut tho· llt:al trh•nd hl'l' 1!"'"1: lot put ,.l!~htt·St ho•l''' ••f '"" t•l··· It• 11 l to•\\t'y In tht· \\'h,lo· 11••1111<· Allll "I bnvP fur ~''''•·rill \1 • ••k.• tk..-11 llthk•• llo " ko·r \11 •• I" o·Niolo·lll · n.:tkmg R qou..t Itt tit-I'"" o•i "" ----- (II\ II ' 9:t!ol :\It l ::lllll<h.l\1' "anol (~ong. John Phillips Tells Qf Europe Tr~p in Addre sses ,t hiUI '"'•'II lliH11 ult fc•r m" to· find Htt\ tt.,d~· In (lr:trH!•' • tt\ill' \ lt .. v, whn 111'1l111lly t'lll"'' 1!1 lhr N••W llo-nl '" wm thut \'o•ur A nurnl•·~ ,,f lk'IIJ'It' cnrry . tho•lt fotonlltt'lll wur !<hlp ••f Mr H owost•l'•lt "" ta r lh•·y "til V11l1• f11r htm, hut tht lldf' Ill ~·111 ol l'l:rn-",., ,. bttl h~r1:11 fnr nu"· runntn,:: !'u Jo~truna.:,lv lur 1 '*'\\•'\ th•· ,,.,•,•pt iult pf C'.,ru:.r·, ...... nl:tn and a bHUllt•• h·~nurlo! 111 \\ """"'): .lo•IHI l'holltl" """ h••:ul' .o •••rt·h· l11n that thPy Alll'k w 1th lltt• pr••,.t· h.;ht I'·"·"'' .. 1 Anah••on• \\',,.lno·,· <J••nt only (r "rn a !M'nll(• 11f •hit ,. "·" • '•·ntn.: .onol w rll h·• h .. ,.,.,.,.,l "Thf' mo.~t nulubh-•·XIImplo• .,1 .rl lltnrt tnL:IIIIt ll••ao•h '11111,..._,1,1\ llt111 I hd\'1' l'lll'ntlnl> n·.t .. , urro·ol rur.:ltl . '"' It""' :.t, ... \111\HIIIII't~l th.ot th•· lloll\\lo'•ol (' .. nfo·o,•no·o· o f SlruJu• .. , II( ~A I.E I !l:l!l (',If!\' I ~HIII'h 1 ll rt E1111t••ru '"' l11n · · hullt. ""I 11t•·l'l A·t t11···~ ,;,,~ .. r htult· t n~< .\lr l1rnko·" 1\llnthrrn• twal· 1•r Sll:l:> lltl Hll~ l'ou<..~l ltlv I 1\:o·\\ ltt•rt 1w.11·h Ktl-~tc MF•: '''. SOl .. ,\\ '·,.wml -'' ,. l'h ~"'' w 'I; •'II p11f1 llt'll• h \ <lli ( 1ti lfo INSIHt: UH ,\T STUU:\Cot: Marin•• \\'a\'11 I .tt • ..... , t \ e. I I ict ht\f POHT nt· st:\·t:s s t:.-\s ~1: '•,.,,..,.t l t 1 t \\,1\ l'h ,.,,, fl"(''l( "'\ 1.1·' ~II• ""II•• 1 ,.,., 1111•1 11:'\qil ··1,111 ~ tt •• I JtHtl "'J: 11•11 •. o.•l 11111 "'"l'·rl -;, ,,, ~· .. t ,, ~"""'I' •rt 1t1 It• JUM last Wl.'t•k," t'HOilnll•·•l ~l l l'htiJop' t ill' \lo'• k lttOII'InL: l )t · EamshR\\ "I wa.~ tnlk tlll( \\tlh li ·Ill>=<' rount~ ""' lunl'ht•om .._,..,,.,, man w ho hnlds 8 ~,,:.1 J••lt llllol"r .11 11••1••1 1..11!1111.1 In l .:t)..."llna Rt·:wh t h... adnlini.Jttrat lon H t• l t•ltl m•· ~ ,.,, '"'"':'~ .uut l.t'1 nh.:ht "a~ t hat althtougb bt• lilt..~ loiWU\'::, 1 ""'" 'llt'llkl't' 111 " """''1onr.: tn Slln N h A d · t'l· nw n•·· ,,l ran~:··d h\ ;\II' R11· • t • l·•r R(l(l!H'Vf'lt and \1'111 ''" "" tht.s · lg I lwrt;l \\'tlham,_ l~~'•'<'tnl'l c·ha11111.1n , !lOll', nt'\'Prlht'll'l!!f ftt'Wt')' Will b•• n.-xt p rPsuJ ... nt l11r th•· M is,.tun VtllilJ:•' '""' rt<'l J!l;:,; 1-'( tit II TuduT nmtoor fPbulll Tloo!l o•:or 111 \'o•ry • h•afl M11101r l.;ll>l nullt'l'tl lllllbua ~lnt .. rJO. 700 1-: llay . Balbt•" RZ-2tc WANTED TO BUY -:•• '"I' l'htlltfl", hu1·k I mm t:n~:lanl.l '"'''I "H e Wt•nt un tl.ltol t.:IH't• ""' tho• r f h o'ltnltnl'nta' F:llt1ll"'· "'Ill J:llt' hts Ttl lltrlhAr a 11t tit•• ro•.•<itlt•ul." olf p N t'Ba(on11 ••r 111 , ""''tdl11n 11•• f k • 1 9 eutd hill th ti . . ll'lool m:t}Or tlti son<'•• ho· ri'IUI'Tll'l'l lhla •·nnomunrlv wtlh 1111'11 ral•nn· • U LIC OTICES "'A 1'1 ., • ., I II • Y I 'rnp••rl v on or arounol 1 h•· ll.orhoo t111t1 111 1 'I''"' lob prdo·m lol•· ~~ollh m· .. ltho•ul bttlltlt n~• II""'"'''"" oor rf'Mt lr lllftl tft 1 "~ tl\rr Y hun all Ol't>o frnrn 1 ho• Rrtt t~h ..:m·o•mnwnl·~ll"n· 11 n 11 •11 1 , 111 \\' l'rl -- r l'tountry, Ru•l ••v~>rywtt .. n · sur1'11 Jllnkrt with s.•vo·r·al ollwr .,.,.ltnl! 1'r'' 1 '' 1 '" " 1tr ,.,. ('t:RTil'IC'A1T. Ot" IU1MIS Y.MM; p••.,plo· ""Y Huttlll'\'1'11 hn~ n\Rth· ut lo•t'lt'!i la\o\·m ak•·n: nnol Hnltl•non~: Rollrd hill< nrr·tt~J:t••l l FlC'TITIOt 'M t,llM S AM F. lo•ut fttur mnJur ma11tuk .. ,. 1 1 1 lll';ll'h n-,ai(•nb an· tnlr•n'Sit·d an f'Yf'nlng orrtr r• ~r\ot•tlull" "hh·h t ying uv with lltllmow 1:! o lo·11 k·lm.tho• Jluntin~:tom Rl':.u·h rally. An I '~'11 Mll\rt dttrltt~ 11T1'' ,,,.",'1','".'h ... ,,~',.1 TIM>. Tlndrnlpf'd r11N'S h•'"•hy or •• f•'tl~l' ''" lito· M~u A '"'" t·nr »II J•llrl I""'""'"' ""'""' •' NEWPORT TACKLE STORE ED SLOCOMB · MANAGER " Bait-Tackle • Fishing Information NEWPORT BEACH ~----·-;:;;~-;. ·o~ii~----~ Dt!lu:loua Sea Fooda Or. romplt'IP r(jutpmf'nt "h••rr v·•U want to catrh It )'our CJwn ~ HORMEN FISH MARKET ~ = = ON CE~TA AL AVENUE. NEWPORT BEACH "······-····--------·· ·---·- WHO'S WHO IN HARBOR DISTRICl F IREPLACE ANf) KINOLII\IC W OOD- II W \\"r11"hl. 17~"<4 :">p•. Jlh .t . r.,,.t.J\ ~lr~a l'll<'ol Lurr.lwr, Ph. 6~~-J GtNERAL CONTRACTOR - l.l)n11)n H F mdl:l\'. :t lfil ('qa <l Blwl l'h 11:.! l'l;m< ami \lln~tmrtlon LUMBER COMPAN IES f ·u~!.t. .:\'• ..,;:' 1.1 r t t .• • 'I" •., lt vo~, r~:-.y 1 .,...,, 11, 1 '.1.:t.t•• • , •., 1 hi•Zit' •·:~" OI='FICI: S UP PLIES- :"''!'" llnr t .. r I•,.IJIItlhlnJ; I '• PRINTING - I 0'11 ' • I • .,,. I 'I 1 ' •• l't•a ... t 11 :~11\\ 1\' 'll '"' llf' l:t "' I• 1• r t lia r I "' l 'nlJit~h n~: 1 • 1'111 •n• P iJ 1:1 ="''"1'1\rt 0eftl'! R( A L ESTATE. INSURANCE & NOTARV PUB LIC- I,, .. ,,. II ~'RIIII• <', :uH2 \1;, t'••.,lr&l A"""'"' l'bOIW •• 1'\U BBER STAMPS- :">•·wport IIR'tiH•r l'uiJhltlnnJ: t'·• l 'hnuo~• 1:? :">•·v. p•rt ll4>a c: SHEET METAL WOR K- I I Cllllh \\'oli o• 11 .. 11 '\" t " ,..;, ..... 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I' HI ....... ,,¥> • I If If; j ... , ,, '" • Ufl"ft• ~ Nl'wpurt lc>t~ ~ (:old Mione• 4 111 .,,,,. ~" ~"''"I""' 1 ...... It I'"""'' 1:17 7rl I fl' \\'liM AN '"' 1:"'"'' "' 'luou•••wurk , "'"' ""Ill \\m 1 "'"I'"" 1"\111 .. , ,H,, "'. ':·~~·" "'·'t:'" 1.1v•u~r ttl pr•f•rut•l•' t <~II nt ~·1:t V1~t f" \ '' t" I ,ttl" I •I• M'-" t f• l.fiS 'I' t\ .... U fc'Hf IN U l lt' 'I I ' I ' H H .~ ... t I I ... ' • I ···~· II., I ,, I ll ,... I I ,., , .• ' "" ... . ,,,,,,' ' .. ,,.,., ... ,, lf •'• '"'' , . • •I I 1 I 't ,, 11 ... l•l I ' lllu .. .,, \"II ..... ,,,. .... '" t h ' \\ ,,..,, au11t ,,,.,, •·•·\It I • 'I ~•. i t•• •t "•uJ ,,,.,tl, \'t• h.• PlumhoOI! !. ~hM't ).1eti\J Wmka Cn10111 ~~""" l'hoDI' ~111 VARIETV STORE-:u· ,. ... ·:I' l 1' It I tk• _.II• ' J Uo• I I i•tl 1lt•' ... ,, I .til o l I •• l!t\ • :"-\ • fl d l t 1 d 1 • t f 1\ !U I tltlt '-" f I • (If t 1\ ""\' ntt • r 11• I "'dt tu ·t· ,,.,I"' • l 1"l•ltto: "" l h•· lollh till\' .. r Prl r lhloll •' \1 · tl t," It I " 1 I • I ttl• I ' '• • 1 • ' II ' • • 11'1 1 I, I' p I• • I'' ' .. I \' •Ht "" \ ... , .. "'I \\ I \. I I" ,I . • lit :--.•••tHi 4 •, I t Ho•d•"' ifd Directory l,rof tt.SMiunal NEWPORT -BALBOA NEWS -TIMES I PltOSES: S EWPORT 12 a lS Publlalled EYert T\HIII4a_L!ftd T1narttda)' A~oo11• Volume XXXVI · Subscription Payftbl~ In Advan~·-$2 50 per y~er In Oran~e County. $2.75 per year to 4th zon~; $3.00 per y~ar to 8th zone. i:nte~ u ~nd·clll.'-~ matt~r at th~ Postofflre in Newport ~ach, Caliromla. under the Act ol March 3. 1879 S A. MEY-ER ·-• • -=----=--= Ef>f}'OR ""'A-,ri""D=-=P=n""'E:!=s=-=!=D""'t:,.,..i'="t OFFICIAL PAPER OF nr..: CITY OF NEWPORT BEACII ___ A ~ ...... lACS~ a..utw~ for Ovff 14 Yeen ___ _ SNOODI~ES Bt TOll\ liE For Vour Slgn11 I'HOSE 87 BENEDICT The Sip Man Specialty: Boat IA'ttnln~ C -..1\fT Of 1\ T MY f A n~E ~ tlu ,. =·fl··r Ill r•vt• ll t 1•,. k l llrtol lll:tl IIIIICII!\ 1••11d Jlll•H I h• t • s ol\ P~'l' ro,l "t11 hf' n !•1•·-1 '" o' · nnt"llHt thf"rl'n' and th 11 11 ... ,,1 Ufll'•halt ,.,..-.. n• 1 J'HI.t 1u tut•• tf,• 1\\o•nll• th .J:.ov 111 A lord,,.~, .ol 11\'t ••'t l•1\.k p nt a ll a.!.tti J•Irt.d 1 f,r,, P~'"""i wlll hr &d•l• d II•• •••I• 1 1. •' f h·· n •trlH I httta( IIU•' ..._ .. If .. ( 11u lll'(•·~r or. u.lf ,r r a; ,,,.,,., rl v " 11 '" pn)·hlilf• ••n ttu•t aft••• l h•· 'Vo(• ul • '' tlav ••f .lsttolllll' n• xl . """ "' I I•• d••'-nflU•·ut ••u ltw t W•·nf •··t h '' \ ,.• ·~- W•l t·· th• ,,,,, ''"'' •• ,. I• \II I ,,,. II 1\ ... I I ' 'f~•· th• I u "-' ,n..-t d ll,,• tat r.~''-'""·' 1 ~. ~~" ' "" 11 l lo\ 1 . ,.,, , r•rf•\'t•!t•,l .. •!•u 11 r~~t 1• t • tl I• , ... , " '· '.II I 11 ,,. , .... I f•• .... .,. ....... . ,,, .._..,. ... .,. --~· t..-o• •"• ctet Mer MmtnMt:n snmm. 107 c ... , .. Hall••• bland UA \' K('IIUfU. N.D. CASH All '"'(I '4 1'·•\lthl• ~~~ P.. 'I'll ' t'f• , ••• ' I' I ~···ll~ct,,r·,.. ·~r r .t. "'ttl' 11>11 ,,f I I 1,, ,,II• 1 II II I H,....,..: C 'nlh'l"· l'r"ptlr&lnry Nurnbf'n IJmltf'd 0 \1 M DOQ ""d (.Af I~Da~lfAI.. ••nto Atoo .... n••nr•h• Sr,uta A•u I 'l If • ffl''' '•1 I o1lfl$.; ,.,,, .,, t t::;: .. · ~1 07.1.1 \ I'"""', T.1~ t ' I• IIIII I I.. I :· ~""' t \ t ,, I l o .' t t•ot I ,,,, 'I 'I • I I ' f 1\ ,..111j'l I r •d••:• I I ,' I ' ' '\11 4 • 11 f, I' I II 11 ll• I' io ' I I ft 1l ~ 'o I '·1 '. • I I' '. 'I ,( tl A MurUnwr, M A., f h ford l'rlnf'l1 .. 1 1'11nnfl 11\'Z I< f Gordon M.Grundy, M.o] I r • I I J llll ~ 1. ,,11., P hyt ltl•n ,an lf &urgflon II -I Nlntt. .tnd C.,ntr• Ave , '\OffiU,H•• IO.I7•m . 1 ~pm 1: l elf,rtllone ) 7 LEROY P. ANDERSON AT TO RN5V AT L AW r.oeh ,. ... e..... llu tldtnt PIIOIIfl 416 (.Ot t .. M t h C.a llforn lt tt t4 ~u M•u, '' . la~tta Afta , Ca Ul l:onrad Richter, M.D. 1 ""r•tclen and l urgeen 1 Offloe 101 U nd l t reet lllewp•r1 ••coot~ t4oure 10-11 a. m & l t p m. Pt.-•• O lfte• 11): "-74·J -·-. ., DR. G. E. TOHILL PU 'I'atCI AN and I U RO&ON ~ Co oot lily' , ~twetrl --~hwtt Offlu 2118 W .... ,.. ,. ·-- 'T ,,. I ': L I lfAROI.O K. GRAUEL CHAPEL , .. ,,,.,.. Mra,. N• NfJ'·'' .,, ' L.tltf,,,.,L. nu v Now City Tn Sl\lr l.ota A. J . TWIST t,ro t •IA tt tf•'l' N•y P t ,,,,.141i' I '•II ' 11 14 Ill I M .l\1• ZM ~'• ,,.,, f•·ultf11 ,,,. 'I \.\ ,,..,,, lft•N h l'h Ill 'II ''' """""' 1 ~II Mil l •t ' u ......... 1 ... .J :\C'K ltAI 'B J.l•·•·nJ.•I lAnd Sun·•·\ur 2111 1 w. c:..ntral """"ur l'tlnnN: S f'wport om,.. Its; rc.. JBrl!fl 'I l>r. l\1. B. ( 'rawfurd II I' T II \I r. T It I t1 1 'v•·• ~·'·'" In• d '.It•"' I II It oJ tift'~ '•'"I'"'' "''"',.'""' ,., ...... "I :Ill f ,, .... , ,, "' ,,~~ HAl .'1 Z MORT UARY t It .A I'! I IIY Till 'it A .,. ,. '•· ....... )! .......... ., f'h""' '•· .... , .. ;tt 4J IHt 01:1-:H 1.1 '(',\S lh·nli ~t • ........ , \\ ... nfrttl ,, l li'O 't:" •·n 111 "r \1 u Nod A. Bottnmlf•y OUMHF.Itf'IAJ. HIVF.U r'-e !\!Jot. ~. 2111·W ..... ,._, (.._ ....,_. • I nwa·T'DID. SantaAnaGirt ICincleMembers IH b r· FeiTII.ni·ne . ·A t• •t• !Firemen's Wives I•COMINGEVENTS ~~~~~·;~cting IT:::~·.:~ ... -""'" . ar 0 c IVI IeS i E~.~~.:~~:..~::.~ .. m"""II W~N~~!·ori:m~~lll Palm lww ac1. u enunlaarit·a nr S 11n111 * By \\'inifred Barbre * Phones 12 and 13 "'(:( un .. \' .. nmg ur ~ttlt\IIY .t .. ·•~'-'Uil' avenul.', 10 a. m t11 4 p.m.. surgi- 'Lo\rely In lhl' qUil'l ,111w uf I Clau a. acu •nhnJC '" pl&.n11 m~<tlr ut a l:'"'rl tim•• wu prnvt'n Ill thl' cal drt>l'smgs. eaadltol lhintnc on Ull' aubdu .. d lhto mf'l'tlnt: or thr I' rdt· \\'•·tin• to II last ruunthly mt•t•tm.: uf thf' Cullta t<td <:roN \\'urkruom 313 .MA- eolan ol cllryanthemuma a.rul day llflf'M\'fllfl Ill til .. M m• .. r ~~r~ Humor of Nation .:asy :3 TAILOR ftft T3 SUIT A BOY'S TASTE lalL-a· Island !llt•l<Q Ftrt·m.·n's \\'1\'t'S \',ht.·n lht>y ' nno• lA\'t'IIUI'. Uulbua llftantl. 10 a.m . other fall noy,oe,.. WhiCh decnratt'd l l'arm.-nt .. r, 3Uii <'uruna .too Ill r····t s b. t' 1' I k Ut .JUII .., w~r (' tilt' ).!"U• Slll uf ~I r!l A I Ugd•·n I tn 4 p.rn euq;w al drt'BIInJ:!I. t.be Chapel by lhf' Sl'a C'nwna ,, .. , UaiiMt&. • u ,ect 0 a , ,-.......... l ..... Ph '"'' ... l:\..1 Wht'rt· r halliiiJ! Wll.'l puramount I Hc-tl l..'rutU! workrtcml, 1300 Mar, a wediliDg Ct'remuny w u Jlt'r·\ ('htl.tn •n rr.on. II·•· lt••tll•·1 T"'" r AI th.-t•l•·s•· ••I 1111' lllt'c•lnJ:. tl.-11-1 (lu·.cu IJtJUit'\'Hrd. ('ur .. na di'l M al, formed Sun4ay at 2 p.m. unlllnft rru.n hurn .. v.nt•·, ulll<ln~ S1utlu I•• '1'11111 l'l', u!t·•• ,1 ,,,I • ·, ··I t..un1,r j A group nf frit'nd~ whu hll\'t' <I•JUIJ purnpkm PI•· l UIJJh•cl With ,.1~,.,, lH u m t n 4 p m . eurj;l<~aJ ltl1M Mtorlyne Quldt"n. daU«hlfr c>f hrln.: th,.1n pro ~··nt" ,,1,.1 , "'II ,.f "1, 1, 1,t.,,, ,. 1, ,,1. 1, 1,• ., 1,11rt I bec•n aewing tur r<'fiiiC"~'" "'"'''' lht \\ hlppe•l l'rt>am wn:< ~~Prvrd the• ell ,.~8101!~ M.r . IU\d Wr•. F.dward Guldtn ••f tht' la.tll1'8 l•••k 11 l•·tlt'r l•1 ·lll"W•·r 111 thr """'''' ,,, . 1 ''"'I' r l•otll ht·j.:lnnln~: of tho• \\ar. ••nju~···tl a I!II<SIII ll&lll& Ana, and C'a.det Ll'wl• (; OUtrr wo rk 11,.11rlv ""ffii!lt·l•·•l 1~' n fllt••II:OI '" ,1 1,, 1,, : . .1 ,,, 1 , 1, I"''""' lum·h 1-'ruJuy, with !>I n Ans"'l'nng l<tll •·:dl w•·n· ~lru•·>~ Tllt'H~I•A Y (Jl'T :!ti hrmtor, aon <JC Mr. anti ~1 ~ 1;8,..1 lh•· h"IIIW·ht•l.t kill< 1 .. r H•l~~"'" ro· ,,1,,,.,1 1111 1,, l.<~l: 1, .,1 ...• h ,., w:1..~ II :'lltlrdwall whu l11 \'lll'Hllt>lliiiJ.: Ill It u rn· Andt·r"""· Ed \\':llt••t'f', .f.· 1 1 Harbctr K1wan1:< ('lnb Will mt'1•1 -Jl'armtr nf 1'&.-..tl•·ntt lid. l•.fol 1., 11,, 1111.,.,,. ,.1 •1,., 1111,,1,, ,,. Laguna liNU'h fnr H•'Vt·rttl wc·•·kll ('ollms, ~rl l;rf'f•nc•r, t; .. rtl"n AI· Itt ~t·l.l :-;hell t'll(t', 1:! 1:'1 nC~•n The ('enomony wa10 1,..rf,,tnlf•<1 hy After thr ''"'"'"I'AM lllt't•lltli: u11• ll,t'ol I'T.,I•·.~~ ,.111at \\'1.111• 1, ~ •I ,,, ,, Mrtc. Nordwllll II\••·~ Ill :lO~ ('loll ln!l n ••nd. Hlhl Hc•rt !;nuth wh11 hall Ho·d t'r"'*' \\'o~rkruum, Ill Palru. t.bf' Rf'V ll. L Hrahml<. J'lllllllr or hOI"tc•ss ""1'\'l'd ro•fn.,.hmo·nh "' .... lh t•lt 'l'lllrt--l.o\ I ,oil.. ',,,, . ll\'t•nuc· Thl18t• prl'~l'lll '"'"' ~· .. ~-:OMkt·d lh·· ""'"'' ttl h.·r hnnlt' (IJI HuliHIII, 1IJ 11 IT) ,,, 4 p.m . !I('WIIIj; tbe Prto•by1f'f'IAI1 l'hllrt'h J ..a~"UII~<,IHI•rull htari.o·m,.,f,. "l'l"'' 1,1,. ,11 : rrw••IIIIJ; .t1 \\ltll t·11 , "''"'' o.lamt·H ltflrrll'! 17nd••rwt .. wl, Ju~·n·d. ="''''!I I Ht·d Vt· .. ~~ \\t•rkn111tn. 3t:I,Mil· Bfoacb. anll """" lltll'tHit•,J lay furty : • ht·f'~l· •·llk••11, wttlt Mr~ "••lol• 11 1 .,,,. l!.rll· , 1 1, •I St•·m,.., ln·nt• Hoqman, l lt'llt: ~11\-1 '"'' 11\'1'1111". lluJIJ"a lllland. 10 a .m.. ~nda IUirl 1'1'11111\'t•a IIHiot•lti\J." &lllffAllnJ.: h•·r 111 "''""'J.: ~In• o;ro 'llol 'f'•ol' ,,. ·d I' e \ ntrtl, l>'rl·d BrtJ.:~I'. (;ran· Snnlt·v f)o You Know How tu 4 pm . l'llrglcal dressangs. panonta ,., both oof Itt•· 1'"'"'1•1•1,. 'Tha• n••xl m•,•·lln> \\Ill I•• ,,, "'·•· tn•t• 111••<1 II .,, ·~·' ~'''I llll o f Balt~•ll, Mill Atl•·linl' l':u·kr;r I ="''"'f>urt ll••tghts L'u·,·lt', 10 a.m ,.,., .. hrlllt• WIIJI 1:1"''" 8WU)' by N .. ,. ~~.at thr """''' ,, !>I n-II"' .; ....... "'" .. 1•1 ...; . , .• II I I,. I l'a."Hth•nll, !\Inc lt:lhly. Blllbtw. lsi· To Store Rayon~? htollll• ul ~I n• w II. T nasty. 3:111 lwrfaUh'r ~tntl Mit· "·•~:oltquh•<l"'tl :!Ill ~:ust "'""' fo'ro~nt ,,,.,.,1.,1 ,1,.. ~ •·1<'\ f •·· 1:u1tl. .M nt l..t•WUI ~l t•ln l.ulo 1~1" Sa.ratu Auu a\'l'lllh· llru.~: sa•k by Mra. H"~"''1 ~lt)'••r "' BAII~•It. 111 ,,1., ••• 11 I\ t .. , ! l 'ol1' .,,,, Mrl' I':•IWIIl \\'allia ll\s anol !>In• \\'1th \\tnt••• .. I'J'r'"'' h11•a: · "'"' ltllllh Whll• u t ~,,,.,.r lit I• l 11 1 t C 1 M \\ • 1 B··~Hh· L Ht•tu•tlu I "f t '••t ""a •It• I llt•ll"· t k•·•·1•••rw. 111 ,. t, ·.11 r ',IIi•• I•••• lito'' , .. ·~. ·· ",..,., irceto t 1"'"·"''1'1 ·'•" ···· ~ .. .. t:arl~t!'t ':-i ,pntlu•k .Jmn .. rat m AD ,..,. brlllt• r h.,,... ft ~>Uit If, ••••• ce I '". ,, I I, • f I h I l• I AlAr t lo:-.••l:t ·•"" ~t··· lf1g """lilt 11\t , ',, I t .... ht•U1t' •••• Mr .... t ~··htn .... u .. ''71. \\ --~· of the """" fl\ll f>ll.l>lt·l' &flo! , '<r~ Ncx t Tuesday 1. . '·'·. !>tr >tttol ~11 11 t·,., 11 l:urt•.n :tel" ·"'·"· \\'ttl• Ill·· "'''"~ :<vn llt•·••• 111 ,,111 ~ 1,.111 ~ ~··''''lUit\.14 I'· ,.j "!"·l··nu HV•UU•· r .. n T Ut !oo.tl.t\ l ·•r OIU1t•r J,tl!'i U••\\ lf!-ot•tl f••l d t•·:-....... I Idea ~··r j!NHil Nlll~ .)""' fl'h · \·::u r• •. t \\1 .. 1 ~ "'""!= '' tt.. u• "' r··~u~u t .,,, • ~ ra, •lhl• fuh • .. ,. ~ •• , 7 • I•• ft n l.t\ lht• lholl•··• l"lttlo•l l '&n lo \\Ill loll\• with It •• Sohlh:r ''"'"(;.I IIIIo· lito ~· ,, u. luut Itt ••w ,.,, • '''• • • ··dtn,t..• T~t• • •f't \ •" t ( '118:1 ·~ I Jl'' t! \1 ., \ l l\ I t·• t•Jit f llh hJr.:••t ttlld '" I I u. Ill• Ill h 11•••'11 a.,; 1•1.••. 1111'11•.1•1 ,,, fll••' '. I h· '·,,, I• \.\'fll Ill•. ftHI\' folh • H lilt tid lo •II I fit' I tt ·' T u• :-.d .. ,\, .tod tt."' •\ dl '""'"' 1 .. h ltHit IH I •II fJH • f I! ~· at ~1 il 1 t '·•. i WE WILL BE CLOS.~D October 23 to 291nclusive FOR :VACATION We Will Be Ready to Serve You Ocl :10 RADIO. SERVICE SHOP A. W. AllNOLD 1111 N_,.rt llh'llll, {'Ofn'A III:MA .... N,.._ ....._ 4t 1 (I Mllt! SorUI of .,._,._ Ptetrtrt) ·DEFEND YOUR HEALTH .WITH Yn-(u mor~ 1h1n the time, n .h u,,, ~­' i etory of liv~ dt'cl .if"t •'tt' watrhnu~1n& ~· nff'P I' .. ,",.,!, fl.,._ fot 1n-uu ry, •rJ"f'"•'ahtltr,, r&•t•· I!· "• a j:l'l, aa 1 ITcawre 10 C'hcrith ~ "llrK ll, ll,•nH> "1!! >rtH .,,,., 1n.: , , ru alfrr ~·r&r . 5ft our YanNI !inc ol llomu umrrtar•. S·ur.h. •Ur>m '•nrol ·''"!!"' '-' Mnt ••. Juninufh r-, ~t•mor<'.tl , r·r ... ,, 1 ' • •• "••ntrn J,t, •• , "'"'· 4, ,,,., ''· ~ $40 to $250 $40 to ~250 Q -RIO SHOPPE !OS ll.&iD St. nau-..a .. I • l I ,. t •• i I ' t' t· f•l f "' ... 1 I ~ 1 , .. t . ,. '· • I I ,. •I II• I •• ... .. ' .. . ' " Ji ~,,,,,, ... ,, : 't f I ~ \1 ' f tl•,"' \\ d , ~ I AI lf .. n t1 It t! IIIII ot •I • 111 .. ~' t , ••• , t t f••q•ht .. HI I •• '11-. I•" .... ,.,, nt .u Hu•,uu , d t. IIIII\ i 'toUfl• II Jt!•'' '1. t oll li •tl bo t • ''" I I I \'.I! Y. Itt, h••t At lltott',• • r: • nt ' ,,. lti!l ol•· thai Ma rto Ehl•·n "''"1·1 h• ff1,.,f1t\ .tlloon "' .t fl, "'H..:~·,...... tliJtt Ul••fi11H, .. "'""II" ul t•·nol "'". Itt• 11 ldst• t•tl t;fl tt l"''fhlh• • n t I :-*'1 Attt.e 4:••r1•tn • ~ J•l u t 1 , .t l h• hiAttlocf•t f luh tU1.f :tllfltoiHI• ,. •I I f1 d U11 trrll(t h''' olr.i'A t' !." """'" "•k•· J''"'' •· I hi"' \\ • •·k \.\11 t, t io\ ,, nuuttu ! "~ •ltft\\ PI un ·l .. UI•I tlu.t h\ • .. • II' I• , ... Cn nl! ra tul at ion.;; To Mc-.a Couple I "' il l to I \1 1\ ~· ~:-.. ·:.r.L "'' 1' j ' 4 •• .. t;• :O.h ~ • .-• !''''1' "Jr.: fit· ~·fhll •• t,,.n.., ••f 'h·•· It I• ,, ~'4 ''' ,., ' , , , v."" • f t ,11 ''' r' 11 1 •·1 • ..:••·nt.,;r •ttol .. •ri .tt lh•• :-;,111t t 1\ II I ~ '11 11111l1J I) f \ Jt "l-1•11.tl • ',p •'flt !" ' ( I,,. I "' \'. t ' .... t " I r~tt1'• I t11 ~t' ... lt.. t•·l·r 11r, ,\I t .n,f ~1 t t''t.u t ..... t-' I' !f'f,:, ••I ,,( f., .. , .. .. .. I •II " ~I IA't Our Bm·s \.; te ecllool lin hla ·tltlt foot forwanl ht • lwttd '"'' m'de to ftt.llt"", 8tfo;t tutt•ng Into new mattrial, look ever ll~d't d •tnrcltd 1u1ta to 111 If the)! furniah enough good cloth for J .. nlo•'• t chool outfit. Thla eturd)! model with ita all'lpla mannlah tailoring uttl high with tha etlldent crowd and Ia a real monl)! ... ver lor Mother. Sewln, leaflet, .. Halpf"l •11ggt1tlone en Malclnt a h)!'a '""" --~,. bt obtained 'bl! Mndlng a 1tamped, nll-addreaaed envelope lo · llt work Department ef thi1 pa per, IPtt •f)!int dtlig" Ne. 4l71. tho It ''"n t' 111 Ho!llrtfloolld I ·.oltl \'-lttl.-th•·u 41.tUJ,.:tllt 1 \'a•;t.t;t ••BI••t .. II ·•lllln·l~ '• II•·~:• 1!11,. '~ ,. k ~,.~ \\',ell··· f • .. J •• tllool 'hd ,. Utl lo,t•~· oUHI ='·l~llo, 11:! .JU\' l\' • flU•· .t t ,. lfl I ' 1!-l.t,lt•U.t ~1t·:. '\•I·· 1 hu,_ l"rt un•l•l lltt •lt-.t"r ""/•••·· rt t ,.,,. h !>t r... l 'hillllf•r J-:llo "'"" k ~111 ··ty ... fu) U\'•rlUt1 .HHI ~""' .t hll•tJ ! flu Ill' au.. ,, P• ,,, u I • \I It II• d r I 1rtklnJ,.! 'J\'I'f :t. 1\.td~t· If' :'·HU\ (;all!" und "'1:-oh t" nut a(\ .ell\ Hilt tnt. t 111'4\t•d IU ht11 111t1tf1).! .1 h •a dt•t ltl fl ~ll•lll• \11 plo•,IMt' •1111 !>lr:< llllllhllld llt~Wt', lill<t A \I• lid•• :l\'o'tiUt·. rllf· "n" d••l .M .. r. l•hutlt• 1!11 1 \\'llltaru l'nlllt'r Hul;.: Mnfl ~l r anti Mr~t II It Huu: f;rnnol ('IUlul • o·lt·ht "'"" hi~ .,.., - •·nth birthday ( 'olumhUK I lay. (kt 1:.!, WIUI II pltrty Thr' Ishii' In lhl' 1•81111 \\1111 dt'I'OI'Iltt'ti Wtlh (1&1('11 anti th•• 1 ••ntc-rp11•<'t' "~~~ ~~ lanolin!= I Corona del Mar News 1 hill l{f' Whll'h '•Jit'/lt•tl IUid I'UrfJrUK'll of ~mRil tan k>t wr rt> fuuntl by ""' h •·x• llt·tl l't'~<r• llf'r Suldu'r • an•IY • "I'" and !llllllll flag !I "•·n· t hf'ir r,., ... r,. l';umt'll ""n ' (llu•:•••l and L:u n ~l<'l< Rll 1lnrl l ltrk J>:ll•·rsun C. of (·.to lssUt' \\'ater Bulletin nvt•nu•• a.n•l olnltlr••n l'utrwua :;ntl Jt uJ,:h r+·ftii'T1t•d r•" ••nth lr ~trn u \11111 "11 h h••r l'"rt'lltlt, Mr """ :\In; II I> Mtll••r. San F't'lllll'tlo<'•• • ••• ,, tJf '. ,, ... II .. 1,, • 1\ h ' • ',l' ,, , .. • ! hhl:-IHld :••, • :--:-o.t~r h'!'l' t luo )''' • • ' ( pr .. ru•t ... torat.:•· 1~ :)uO,t 'It 1 .: t tlllttk ........ . v .. , tfl!--1.•1 ' "''' ,,,,, ,.,.,, liUII.C :)'.\ t\ I 1.111• f ',uh l lltl • 1 .tnol L•k• H tl ••Ut IU ., , ·,., t • flllol 1\ •I t ,.,,kl•o! \'II II I''" !·1· 'II t• I "111•1 t\it \ t lu •••n !1\tllolo 1 1 .\' 11 1 I "-, .. ,.,, lh· t ,tt.s. unot 11 11•\•1 tinn i 1o \ HIJ k n' ',\ \\ h 1 t e·t: • ., 1 \\, ollld p.q •'I hit\'•• "rl r ;P 'tlll ·• t\ud '' h•·ttu t .a !.!~•• rat•·rtt :-;h·~•'at.1 •" ,,I ,,., tiJt .. , f tol •·•t tl' d l.n•l t l:d ' All t h•·~··· thu~~~ :.,,. t••lol 10 a lt:llll(lhll'l p.ot ""' It, lt~t· m lltlll· f:tl tUTt·f~ n ( rn~·ntt (Jh•·r~. HtatJ \dll n,ay ha\'t• a I'"PY or t lliJ< liy so;ntl-'"1-: " "tamr•·d . a•l<lrPli!W>tl rnv~lopt> til ltu• l'>t•Ws·TIOWl'l Ht\ol I<Jh•ltl\'- 10)! tht· pamphlf'l "Hom .. Slorag~ fi1r Ha~'IIIUI ... Circle Members To Meet Thursday !>I rs W H 'l tll!ll\ :::w !";1111 1 \u.a "'I'""" "'til Ill' hnRtroq t o th• ="•'"I rt ll<'l;.;ltt,. ,.,., '• Thur-•1:1\ Or•t 26 IUirl ffi<'lllho•l• ,,,,, lll'kt··l j., • • m• at ltt a '" .,n,t t11 art).! ·• ........ k 1111.1 h BIRTHS A ...,.,,. \\ ...... I H'II1 ... 1 I .... ~II II, :~u7 t \ r••••·' I · l'l.u, I~ lt.-•• a .at t ilt ;' .ett 1 An, ,· .. auttdtt t1 \ h• .. l.,t.al ~lr .tll•t .\l,:ot I A.~t ,. • ·r,a\\ •' t•t ..! a;,, .~.\\I"'' h••t.l ' •··f t • ..... , • ~1· ..:a h u \• a '-••II lu 1 It I 1 J ·, .11 I. "''I" ... '···-1 f I 1.1 """ ~~ ... fl .. '·"'' 1:11111.~ :t:·• t\J•I •II U,l Ia\' ltltt• th . panrtl..,. ••I .1 t,.,, d t h t Itt .tl f'lllll. lt,dh••.l f •I • rt•l Il l •' uua..ht•·r \\h., \\a~ :"'t ,Jq'(,•ph i' hto~~ La Verne's BEAUTY SALON Sundays and Evenangs By Appotntml'nt H•tiLDRF:D BJERKE:'<~) :l(H l\larinf' A \'t•nuP, llalboo Island T(•lf'phnnt•: !'\. R 1827 Hnurs 9 to 5. t-;xcf'pt Sunda} POilTABI..E AND 'TABLE RADIOS . , ( Rl'i·nnttltlurwd) pop11lar m:akp, I I) du•o!'(' from a:-; lo"·as $10110 l'ltn~II'T IO:PAIR St:IC\'I('t; Short t'ireuit Radio and .EJeetric $1!i t: ... t Ra~ l'runt. nN r l 'alm Ba~-,.,,." llulf'l Bulldlnlt LET ROBERT'S STUDIO RaJ boa PORTRAITS BE YOUR XMAS GIFTS. THIS YEAR l 1"1"1 PI I r I I I I t I I t t t t 1 t t 1 t t t 1 t t t t t t 1 t t 1 t t t t I t t t I t t t t : Ht.·acl llmnt.: ltt.•ms I -'I' . • • f I , PALM-PALM DRIVE -IN CAFE IHth anti Xt>WI~•rl Rhtl. COST..\ :\I ES:\ • NO\\' t ':Silt:n ~\1.\:S.\Cit:\U::ST CW ROBt:RT W.\I.KU:S l'roaorif'tnr • SJ"'('rinlizin~ sn FRIED CHICKEN RABBIT AND STEAK DINNERS • C,... ,... ' • m. uatll :! a. m a.-~a)' I , •. r,,,, .tn· "'"t, ... ,,,.,., ... 1 , "'' ''\''l •nw ... '"'' ··nj,, .. ,· ln ... ttt'fll.. aho~tr1 111o '""··r ... t II• ', f.11 HII\ .11111 r, ,, "''' \\ !II \ill! \\ lttt 1,111•\\ til• IU, ldi!IJh' t H , ... , ... o~u "l .. , """' t d .,,.,11 ... , r ,,,.-, .. •t ttt'\\ ... Itt "•~" h tt .. , ''H~h r ,., thl••r••"'t•·•l • 'l it• \ "Ill q•pr•· • talt• U .tU•I ""'' \\111 ,,,. \\, 11 .... 1 It"-• to print 1ttt• '''""""~ 1, ftt·r .. •\\ltuh ~uu f•'tt'l \t• ftnut thft l'"'' '· I t; II 1'1• l FIUTI' .Jl HE H\H I nttt•r •'1" r '''' n etf ..,,.,. ~I"''' I 1lflt"' \11 , •••. t'ltl'lt \ ·' jill• ... f ••Ill• It"' llflli"" I ,. f f ..... It ltfltl.\11.1 "' :\Ill)\\'..\ Y H EFHHa·:H \TIO:\ .\ :\H ~EH\.ICE I II : J llou!oo4•lwltl .\ll(llian•·•·' uf .\11 k incl' / \\ ll.'hln~. ~~«·hint'"· t;lt•t•trii· IW.ltlr", \·a;·uum ( lc•aflt'r". I .• -. ~l~----:-:=,:=;u=.;=~=.~=~'=nT=,~=.~=:=.~e=H=a=:sd=t:=:= .• ~:::;i_:·,t:: \t·n J I'll(" t' '!I:.·. ' '• \ =---..:;__;:, I l h• It••' I' r.,• ~~~ ;< '. , •• ''\I ' t THW •'t C 1 1 I 11:!1 1'1~>• •11 \\ I .. 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