HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-10-26 - Newport Balboa News TimesIll SAND CRAB .., SAM I NNJVI:.R8ARY! Whoopee! Almost on t~ heels ot Navy Day, Friday, Its heroes upheld Its traditiON and knocked hell out of ~ Jap tJeet. Presumed the UttJe yellow (and I do mean yel- low) men ftaured on 8J1Qther sneek attack, but t.hta time there was no shut -eye 01\ the part of our fighting men and MacArthur's path back to the Phlllpplnes continues on its uninterrupted way. Of comforting note Is the fact that two of the ships sunk at Peart Harbor. the Califor- nia and the J\rizona, made their maiden battle trip and woere ln the forefront of the attack on the enemy. Both vessels are said to be as good as new and Its crew full of &rim determination to avenge ~lr comrades of that early December morn- ing ln 1941. 'I'hPre will ~ Uttle mercy shown the wan- too b'l\IJ'derers and torture" of our men and the cel~ra­ tion planned ~re Friday will pay fitting tribute to the forces in the wide Padfic. • • • Air Bue. Changes in the Air Base -.rill pring thous· anda o( seasoned veterans into the byways and hlgh- wa)'B of Newport Harbor and If our merchants, apartment owners and cafe men. feel they have been prett:v busy prior to this. they don't know nothin' yet. From reports that are filtering in these soldiers will be all set to have a good time and the enUre complex.lon of things will be dl!ferent. Where the cadet" were fine, well-mannered lads, the combat GI's have seen the world, have fought ln the jungles, in the moun- tains, ln .ttw heat and the cold, and are racty fOf' re- laxatioo. Sco~ta wm. ~ .. far· dw bltlllt . ._a. but llunclrMI ol OtherS Mil just u readily Uke to dance and play on the shores ot the bay and visit friends and ac- qualnt.anoe« here. Not a bad Idea to be prepared. • • • Hallowe'en. Broomsticks will go to war Tuesday when the Old Lady will ride through the sky a nd the Goblins will take over and see how things are done in this man's town. The palm should be handed local Ro- t.arlan.OJ, now doing their se- cond year's effor1 , in giving entertainment to the school kids, in order to keep them off the streets. Parents should cooperate with the service club in making the affair a success. . .. . Hoaor GallleDDe. Blll Gal- lienne, 2able and expansive !leCretary of the Huntington Beach Chamber of Com- merce, hu been elected gen- enll .. ~ of the third ww ~nee or State C. ot C. managers. Bill does iood Wcx-k and ranks with HaiTy Welch as an active and aggressive leader. His wor:k as secretary of the As- sociated, which he has re- juvenated with the help of Presic:Wnt Clay Kt'llogg, enti· tJes him to utmo!'t eonsider<~­ tion. A bouqul't to you. Bill • • • l.ov. I )(>wf' y 1 • o r r f' C' t l' d wnwthin~ I had ah\:J~'" C'I'PditNI tn th(' l 'r<'o;;idc•nl. II<' clairnrd tha t It w:1s \'nnrll'n· burg '' ho \\TOIP and forn'fl thrnugh the:-lmnl\ ciC'Jiflsit law: tha t Hoo~\dt foucht it, but it was Jl.'lSSNI onywny and lntf'r took full ··r'N'Iit for it. • • • Onf' for lhP Rook. LA•n Schnut'r. Jr .. Garrlc:-n Grow•, wrote his mother l'('('{'ntly Vrom ramp at Grand Island. Nebras ka. about the tail of e Seems that onf" day wer'1' all lim>rl up. to t;1kt> off. with pro- spinning. when the mascot wandf>red down . A propellor caught ermine .sent him skywam !'f'vercd his tall. The were all . hrokm- -· -,.. for 36 yean the beat advertising medium ia • • • the newspaper that coes home Buy Bonds to End War Quicker BALBOA 1\\ES (~ IEEP POSTEl! 1 Year •••• $2 5I ..... ca....,.... .. N ............. N_,... ... EMBRACING BAI BOA PENINSULA. WES1\ NEWPORT, =-SE::...:A__::.S_H~O_R_E_.........__..:_LI_!>O IS~NIWPORT HIJGIIU. 84~~A ISLAN_:O. CORONA DEL MAR. COSTA ~ _:v~O~L~tJ'I:IIK~XXJ~~~VI~==-=========·==~==...,..-~NXWI'O;::~a~T~U:~.;4~CII.::::~o::=:!~~::=A~\~',~O(::Tt~.U~IE~&~"~~I~N4:,=,.,.,.,. ... lllf I ' . • ...... , NUll-• Change in Air Base OuR Bovs II' o·l I BALBOA BRIEFS c· I'd d s I c ---IN~·~· .. ~v••!!_•-====1 IOtt I : ~··· .. :,.:=.,_ .. ornl l onso ~ ate . tee .P· to Accentuate demand for Housing, Business _ With Replacement Center in Effect November I, Transition from Cadets to Combat Units Will Remove Leave Restrictions 1 II B k .luhn V<~trt>l I~Vf' JIU~I lht• B s • 0'1 c e s ~c ~~~}.:!~;~;:·:;::::.:~ uys . upenor 1 o. Banmng ,:~~': .. ::"~':':!w'~:--:;..::·;~ Island 1n Bay, Report I 1\o• abM'III"r ol lltot.ut > lll1rhoar 'Wottl ~"" ro'\'t•lvNI llf'lt' ''"lt<V 1\IA~Io•r lha..,..•tl ( 't'IIIIC "'hu I• Uft .. U.,. rll~•l 1111•1 the-l\\•t otl \IINollun •'-1'1. \\ ~:ll~o>tl htut '"'''" ujwt Mo•h'lr\ C~I"IA'Vt' otl lht• 1-\m :1."111' .... In rh. 1 I• trill\ ut lltf' ~•Ill» a ut! o,.,.,,,. Munoo• ••t Mr :"1olh" All& rtvt•t , hM.I l•••·n· ,1u11 dl\1111• ,I 1~11111 hiiVI' JINOt'\1 lho• Mo•l\'hnnl .. lu ""' llt11111111.: mto•to·~l ~ M11t trh' '"'~"Y f'llJ1rrl Itt '"' r~tllo'<l lkaal Said to Approximateo Neoarly $250,008 for l1land and Huildinp of At"kennan Boat eo., Now in Elk-row, Say Attorney• ft,lcb ..... lh ·I I ht• vrup•'t ty otll In 11 ft•w (!Joy a .ftnd I h.') ''"' lllllh'l• (}nc> ot h I ,1~1 Plans are rapidly belng ronnulated Cor tht> change-over of ~ lho \It'll> '" , ........ 1••·1 INilln..: " '"" wt'O'k!O ... , ... nn In ' (' IU'\C1'St ... ~"In n-nlty n-port«'d for thla vktnJty the Santa Ana Army Air ~ nnrl cadt't trairting centE'r on 1 l\ ..... ""'" l•·"n"'d that 11,,. 'mt11tn~tt ,., tl\o· Mr•-..+a•nt M•u·uw In YrROl. itt the• ~ thnt t.ht• Coru•olldntrd Strt"' Co •• wtth a November first, lnto a replacerm•nt, redistribution a nd rehab!-~o 1 'u•u•t•l~<'l" n , "" "'"Y h••l l\1,,... at San111 t 'atallna t~IM~tl Ia~ plnnt rtt MnywOOd nnd Anothe-r Itt Huntlnarton ~ Utation area for men from combat units overseas. the report '*ft ""'' th•· ,,.,.,. ...... nll tl\al ttu• M"' A A Mndlonahl r .. m .. •dy lln(l KhlrtyantM at Wllmlna-ton and l..on& nt.<'h, hu ~ being that 40,000 m(>fl will bP handled ~lmost daily in and out ...... In C'eC'rUW '" take '"'''' u( lluntll\6(1nn l'ark and Ill"-' '"I tht' :l1 Rl'l"f'M In Newport Bay owned by ·~ Supn1or ou 0,. of the huge base. With this Increase and tht' departure of ~ ••II• anrt Ira-Thf' Wa1 • "•tlnllMIII bland, hu I•Jrrh•u .. '(t '"•' The pu~ lJJ aaJd to h.Vt' aJm lncJudtod ttM-bad ...... f1l tiW' practically every cadet on the base, the demand for housing ~Y •• lucaw..t 00 Paramount 1 hou.-•• l7'l:.! 1-:Aat tlrf,an t-"l'<lftt Arkri'Tnlln BoAt CompRnv - ln the harbor area and elsewher-e will be accented to such a .-e. 111 Otarwat.r, but uffl· 11 •• C'Onllldrrt'd Of'lf' nt lh,. ~thow w n w ..... ttor.t att"""' • · fur It about thrw. t..,.. .., Uld .-.. IIIII o1 lhe company b&d notbiJIC he~ ul lhfo (-,._n f'runt holflu ... lhr (~laulldat4'd .. at.S ,,.. >' 1_.,. at~t.d a .-.~ '-& ~ degree that already pleas are! . · · Pte. H0\\'4&0 t'OL80M .._...., on th .. r .. porL and thf' Pf'k'<r • 1111lrt In ho• In •••· A 1 ... t ... _ ,.. ..., plant wlltl tin. c1aa ,....._ .. being made for new homes. tht>S•·. mm will IIC.'f'k I!OCial and tT· 1-. ••U. are a1d to be ll aiu.l "'"'• ol l:l!a.CXJO. fill' • ... all ...,... JlUI< "..,. wu In dn ltwflmlntlftl -:-a-----.. Thf' --nf'l at th• ._ ___ '• '-~ CT"eationaJ mdf'avont and will hav(' Pf• --•---le ......... -~ Mr • .....__ V -•-M I 8 .__ J Nlt'nlW wh ,. Jam•"' l.rwta ttl thr ,,...~ --.. ..-·-· ~ """" ~ ..,.,.-f 1 -r-,._ .. · -"'1 pumpere· ani! havr hl'f'n c._.,. '111 A" 1"""1 '"'11'' u•l lr •I ci.-rtmrf'll ot Mu rlur nil 'nlte -pany n..ny G I •• fill lng rapidl)t ahlftt'd to other camps I the mean• to pay or entt>rtll n· ... •~ L. T. Fo'-. uf Ill .,.ratln,r rur abuot a J•ar. Mr l'l"t-.•lvf<Ci a llhiJlftlM'I nl rln'\1lat ln.: at!t•ll t:::t b• h nol:e 1, Ita ,.,.,_.1 pn.,.n1 .... ea14 n. with many olficeni and civilian mt'nl or hou~lng. , ......... Vo,_. "" Mar. ... ~ wu trtven pertn.I.Mion t.y PM hrat.na. Of ruurw It I• ne-t.~ .. ••1 .. Ina ,.... bulldln tn 1~ ........... 00 -- 1 Hnploy.s bf'lnc Mny lO the head· Tht> ~~ '·ha:X.C rriOfK'YihwJI~ _....,.. 1M wnift! .... , '· I MI. .... ,, oouncii to do 110101' •l•nt I ... ,.,. to ..... a raUonlna huant r.~ ·,~ ''"~ .. mtrany .... ,"-•1 ptlft)' • • lquartt'!nt at the Wntf'm Air Com· morr Pen 1 11 ause e wu ,...._...,. from Low17 ~ ul t abort" In Wlllll NI'W· C'Pf'tlrlaUf' !Mtano YGU r an trt"l ot'M' • "' ''"'•" um , pr.m• 11"" 1mand In Sarita Ana. \Vht'!ther thf' pay o( a aoldk-r In a combat :rone FleW. DM.er, aa "'-rer.... ,.... but lo thf' year or more• thai I • ..,.ancol• Ma,..U, lf'l'lt.l man· r.porta ~"•-•luu "'111 e,.. llv· u 111 u~~=-~ ~ . ....._ .many branctlft olwrvice. 11uch AS 11 cn-a.ter and .hla accrut'd aavin~ CIN't.lne.t ,.,_..c.e rfci'N'· .. lie ... bad lh• ptormlt no oJlrr&· qw 414 ("1u-WUan·a llul, hu , .. tnt· •t~ 11 .,~~-l"'tpuf1••l, aa ,-"' u tproc:urt"~Tlent, supply, trainina, etc .. from h111 lnablht~ t o spen~ sum.<~ tn -•thae• .a c-..._, ..._ h&v.. •l&rtrd. I'd bl• houw al !\'tO Undo Av• _ IJU"'•-<'fiOI .. nut ,. ..-row Rr . tur11 .. 1 ~r 1M Pf4U'J .. will be clowd has nol bf'ftl in . combat ~~Tu. will. be avatlablf' for .Vrtc., -1M' ... UMa ..-,._ Maceo c-omJ'&IIY '• r.punl!'d ~ to ttw Kan'tiJ ol Pl'lntrn two ,. pri<'e waa _.d tin bf' In ~'"''.... ~t!: =~ ~m lh~tlf':O J~:.:: I catt'd but it Ia ~rtt'd that otht>r purchase~ ol df'ru.cl 1 u" u r 1 e 5' .._., -u.. at o.-c-..._ .. '-worklna lhe l>oyl• l'•tr.ll· waa t'Gmprilfod to paAnt It hlfnMolt nt IU&,OOO, allh••••ll ••m.-""l"•rt• tatatra' to hutdle a dlfff'r.nt K'"l'IP hoult'S and otMt-articln loni de· .Vrtea. a-u, lie -.,.._. .._ ,..... '" lb. R•n J~uln whllr on YMa&1on. _,. tn lhr """"~'' that tt .., .. ::;~:!,.~r"'ou•h him liD tile 0.· lol --'dlt>-will bfo wnt ln. •lnlro. ,_.,.. lo 1111! l!tlt 41r .,..,__ ._ _.__ llllndaomf' A r I Wralr nnar·k. n••"'r '400.000 •• •nulh•r •hlp· WI· • • -bulldln tl 1... h Ju.. what th• plaft ttl liM Olft. t M.OOO at • ,_ 1 Ho•rt> iii t.hf' stah•lllt'nt of •. hous· lq ..ti.Aehel to tile lltlt or,_. llrontwnt ~ o1 ttw-Nt•,.•porl I rm wae • " '" avr eulhlaiOttl ,.,111 b. 111\air the '-* fill I Aut)t>nUc statemmu from un· lng otfiC'f'r In Mklng for cwtllan Nnter 8quadroa. .....,...,.. l llarhor Yarllt rlub And th• _..,...,.n ""•f'Wid Merly f;l'CIU.fll)(l fnr '"" war 111\IJI ,.,,.lr .. c~ .. otrlcial MJUrtt11 art' to tht> t>ffl'ct place~i to leaK': . Ia Italy. R.-I• • ,........,.. of w v ,.,.,,....,., '-tria-Juy hav• ho ... u land a~t butltllnp nut knuwn. IMII It a.u -.. ..._. 'that 501Jlf' 40.000 men will be in '''"!f' nN'd for housme f?r Army .. v~...adfl Hlch ..-JIIool ... .1-· ar et' St·rn In t•llt'h rnhrr'• t'llmp&f\\ •tllltt• Ta lltl~lr '"1111 ~Htlld that ttl" ........ ftk:ll and out of thl' basf' almn-.1 rlftlly Asr f orcrs ,x•rsonn~l stallonl'<i ~~ lor collf!!ce. He &I• ..... ... ,. bU rrl lair II •·u •l•t~d thai lh" ,,..,, ...... fflllllt boo rut up a.tto ~ k'IWIJ tand that th£' rur base. which is lo-Sanllt Ana Arm,y Air ~ will '" y..r poat·cr-cJua&e ~ .. Hill 1-'t~Jr. •It lt... llamot-..-'""' •l&tf'tl •·•omt•a.nv J'l•w• '" utlh'• l111y front loot., W«Mtld ...ate .. catl'd on Newport boulevard, t hrf'(' no way be le~nt'd ~ lhf' trans·! majored In acrlf'ultu"' "''-Ia B d F u l l/SO, lvaa non-IV1'11 wunt thnt Ill• lhP IIT"un•la tottol blllhllllK• fttt lhr lftrlt lfll• fur h•lftl&ll aad lMt milt>, north of C'n.o;t a M~. ~111 fer ol that ba~ from lhf' Wl'l<t · rol~. _ • ht~thhut.-At <na,rvUJ. n,.,.,.h In n-J•IIIr nf nll\Y lln•l 11r my ahiJ•• lh•lr .. 1. Wt'OUlrt n.e _,.... U... It handle combal ro~ from all f(lr·~cm l-1ymg 1)-ajn~ng C'vmmand to I Urle U Hynnn•• nn CAfW' Cort, M•• ... lll·h u l .,.n, "' '"tm .. tmh•t I\4Jfln •n•t the la.n,l •• ,.. •old rcw IM\IIItNI ' . fi hll a point!l And bt> lh. ·th(' Army All' Fore('!: Pf'n;onn£'1 N R d nd Blue I j aw·ll~ ........... ,..""Jtl4"1f'ly ..... ,,.., ..... II I lllutll•· '" 0\r """'" I"''"• ........ loy pull"-• ·~n :,(' f~r Soulh~m Cah(oml~ I D~tributa~ Com~and •. I CW e a . H I he r1.'t't'fll hurr1canfo uti ""' f-..a ot thf' ~nuth , ....... · .. nlj>Any II ....... "'""• •oc•h I'Ufi&UinmatkMa -w IllS the rrol~tribut lon l.'t'nter at Th<' aJr ba."<'. Lt. Donald S. Sta V I d Soon : Coo.c rtlau r r p ·rl••l thai thr &<Wrmm .. nt .. uuy nt Into "'-dtJ'• ...-.~ Santa Monica will be abandon!'d FlaMary lllatro, "will conunuc to I mps a I onors . , .. " llak.~r Tum Mk+ual,ki. uf ltlt' wa. In Ill"' •-d (If ..... h farlhll•·• plf'hiJ'Jt .,,, add anoUier ........ I Fatigu(' casl'li, wounded and slt'k ,, coopl'rate with lAndlords. to u·l --I Air I~•· who bilk,.. the-...,lk'!Oia• u atf•orlll'll by the ul•t Ar lart m•11 awn 1.n • a..a-., ..... w ..., tn addition to mm bein~ sent homP ~>UN! I hat military penonnt'l meN Vahtlntk n tllll•ll tor rlvl' mort' olf.u .. ohnullt lor Uw USU .wry K4tn• r""'f'I'"J aac.t IIUUiht '" hav• lh" wlct. tor tla -...utll\d rult ltial alter a yt>ar or 10 of active wrv· all rental lli'ftlnentl." bluf' •t.emp" for pr~uard f<IOCM f'nnk Clark Cbatlertr,n ,. .. 1 fbly n~. ~. thfoy' .,... llup.-nur OU rompany ,,.,... u... ..d NeraallcleaJ fae .. U.. !~c:e wi.U ccrnt' heft and u n:ptdly I Uf'\.ltenant Flannery. wtloae du· and funr M'''" rNJ atatnpe fnt Wilb full mUitary 1\onora JII:T\IInplloua Uld ~ ol -lan4. but thai l'Orle""' which te u • tJiet ~ ~led, e111t to tMa nquln tbal ~ look,af':.ieboth m•t..tala v.·•e UUJO.,_,a by C)ct. n II& S~ .... vielnwa .... ..._WilD haw •n· prtDel'p.UJ .....S "J W-. Kala, _.. o.la ~ tMir :__. ar tMo ClltMr eettw•1taw aDtft'Mta .._......,.. a ~ dl .,.,. ~..,_ eeod~ ~ ca~: .......... ~ ... ,.,".::; _ _., ......, ... -_. -'--*~•... ..., •· ;a a t f ....... ...,_ " thla COUIIU7~ •-rertar, Ul"''ff ' •• .,. te ......,. -· 8 ....-.._,... .....o liP"' f'ftt.l or u. .. r ~--c-~.,. tnr t!W ""7· • ~ rN80n wtty holpttalt..U.. at ttwl Ut' llstinc lhf'lr l"ftttal property IC&cll ol t hf' lllalnpll '"'11 lw ..,et l.odaa or 8ulla ·'"•· pan· dau.t at ~ Alft-rafl anc1 'nM' r .. antt waa purt'tla ... ll y,.,. contN!Cl't ha• bHft awardlld the blllf' had bHfl lncreaJ>ed to illl wltb hill offl~. which In tum will worth lt'!n pnlnu ._ .lt.JIIf'r1can Wu V•l rt-.na. at """'~ p1llr '" ttutt had hi• '""'" a•o with the "'"''•"' tn mlntl nf ~ v l'taal• _,..7, .... lpreeent capacity and why chanl:('tl inve~~Hcalf' any clalm11 or bl?8ch or On Sunday. 0(-t 2fl. r"<t "tam,pt~ 1 U.. .,_., Mflllnrl•l r h"f'"l. 1411111" r.tdlo bl~~tl,_ 1ft <11N'aco. hia• drv•lupln• tr '"" ... I, but rh,. r lly bull•,.,.. ,,.,.. "'IIIla. "IW oUMN I mad(' in quartPnl and J)('r· n!ntal contract which might oc-1-'1. W~. Nr. 11 "'1 P!'l will bfo Rood Ana. blof-n ltdrtrd to lhf' aJ,_,y c·np· t-•1 nnJinan•••• l'""""""n• U•• ffl tllett t.,-. a,. -..ot .,... 46-w•re f I f I t W t 4(11 HI wu born Au« 21\ 1/lilll Ill ,.... 150....._. t o handle thf' diflt>n>nt cur. Th011e desiring to avail lht•m· or mf'J\ -~· 8 "· 11 '' · " Horton On!mu l.'<,unly. 'r,.w• Ill' ablt• .t11ff ol ltv-StMK1 C,n'llll •lrtlllniC lllf" ull w11111n II• lllnlta tn"t hulla lliWI II\-an. nln• tfl I setup. I !'CIVf>S or this scrvtCI' which is pnlnu Con•umf'MI lll"l' "'mlndf'd I ' I Rntho Shelp ., tftr trrry lllllllln.: N .. lhtna 111111'" wu •'""" 'llllfh t.h• th•m In I hi• runtnw-t. IIICkilmt'll· ~ad<' without ch aroe ;n I hi' inte r-that lbr tour rt'd lllAmJI" wtll havf" • .erved durtnc thr SJtiUl l•h "mN·, Lt ' ... I a-; ......... -ro.n ••!ll~tlllnt I Fnoer LeaVf'e • ., 1 1 101 th" r ,. , "''C'I'k period k an \\'ar In the l'lllllpf'h "''· "''' , .. -· ·~ • • l'""l .... rtY wlttr·ll ,.,,.. rtn111ty "' ly, r au y ... , wlf'ltl 11 ,.rnt ., .. , • Anothf'r fnct thai will vtta Uy ests of harmon) bi'IW('t'n pi"'p('r1Y f• ~< " "~' ·•· In CtiiDa durin 111,, """'' ,...1,.,1• 'npt•lln ol port an~t (.AommAiot11nlt ,,.,,,...,, lty thr Mur ... rtur nil , um• ,, .. "'•••• 1·nmJifiiiJ' .. -.,n •tf lconet'm tht> people o( thl' harho.r nwnl'l'l' and mthtary J)f'r.<Onm•l, II . Ia rxp<>rlt'<1 111"1 thr n•xt. """ lion whfono bl' ,!,., IHU I•·rn .. uolrt ~ c•fllf't-r tll tlw tt S . 0...1 (~tllllll l l"lny until thr A•·ll"rm•n tr.-t mariN J)flllll••·ll 'district iJ ~hat lht> me n tx••n~: ll••nl m11y lis t lh(•lr l'('ntel~< by culhn.: rtlJ.:.nlP" will nut be valldal~ WIUI IM'flre&lll with C• ~I I :.til! 1,...,,, Suit ,.,..,,., I"'-"'• on C'.olllna l~~ol~trul, ---I thi'J"(' will 1M> CM:'t'r tu go Hnd ct•m•· llw San Ia Ana Arm)' Atr B:•""·t r:>.-c J v ·l •~ ts nn " wt•ll rt.~•od vac·nt hill I B II D k . f B I b · ·•"1 On · Wednr10ol10y N"'" I blur " un....,.,rw. L WIIIL -II I k 1than was t~a-'1' of lh£' train•·;-,. Santa Ann t()i'IIJ, Extr n•wn •n •• · r..omtn tnl'allf•••"t" ,.1 llttl~ 111, I (,.loti Lam tw1nn "In lu.:1 • • who an> on JX'I'mllll'<l IC'aVl'!: r •• ,. ·--nw C'llf)fl<'rlliiOI'l 'Ot hl'lll'h rrn· lllampa R!'>, ~-t !'>. V!'> 1\llll W!'o Ill--' tnl[ a _,, .. ,. dru• who•lt• hlA Jilll,.. durinc ttw-at..on···· Ill l ht I IC ey 0 a oa I I t , . will ~com.. vallrt f•lr 11r"c'rl!8f'\l • ·""' """'"'' ~~-1 E ~hort pcnod11 at ~tall'd lnrervltls. pc•rty ownt·n. an I 1<' JiltS 1 m o pen 1 b• waa zn&rn•d ll) Ml,4 llf'r1h~t IJOIN ar Ul[l'ftf' , The incomln"' no. will not hll\1' '"i: UJ\ homt•' lo lh•• offl~·l'!' ann foodll, 8 lot.al nt :10 pnlnlJI "Mlf'tlt' Kl .. _ Sh dl'· .. 1 1,1.,1. 11111 111 Mn-. l~:t Andrr.an, lilt• lnvo·h 1 I • ..-. . d h . r ., f •tamp" will hftVI' to Ill lit " munth n ..... r. fl! ...... n . ~ I ' I •• AI .. _ .. _ t F s h J N the!:(' 1"('1:1riclion" plac!'d on thc•m r·nlt~l•'<i men nn I f'lr nmr tes o tll:t:Z h 1 N 11 1.,.110 It wt •• •• ,..._.,.,,.,.,, crwnrt ""' • • las ihey 'will bt' :V.rmiiiMi In rttm,: Santa Ana Army Atr Rn~. hill< Under lhf' pno,..nl ay~ttrm, flvr liAr bt' cas~~J~'ttlll ~·~:·:;,11 :tn•rt "l"'l'tolnr of II• a.·un ;!;~ant• "''Ill tukt·, lrst to 19 t ap avy ' •-1 . •. 1 •d h , blue atamn11 Ar• voJidllll'fl on the w ~ • e ,.... ... ""' • 1 ..__ ~ 1... L ' •1 • and ao al will .... soon as lhf'" llrt' be<'n J.'Tf'ltl) llflflll'( Ill I • n' a~ II ,-til ... tt f I I lit I (" IV ..... -rv ,. • ... r un o•n• "' · ~ ,. tlrllt ot ~••·h • a lrndar mnnth liD u•f! me f> 11" ' '·' 1 1 N v k phyllically tit. acro!'~Jm~ to n-pc•rl:-. patnottc· lt~''-lurr, Ut•ul.-nnnt All A'l&m II ln ~ vallnatf'd. will He wu ... rvlnlt Oil jurv olul Y •l "'hi ,, II •• II WilY tn o·w "I I IThili mt•an!' that thou!-nnd~ nf ~1nnnal') ~otud, . dp • u .... ell hall whf'n 1,.. hn•l 11 11,.1111 l'lly lie· Ia t'IC JIO'MI'd hllr k In 11111 __ ---_ --------~ l[ood In •flolt,.ly Y h 1 k 1 1,...., 111 ahnul th,_ "''""'-""'' 11 •~ Tit • '"'' wit" l(r•· .. til• 111 llttl l.lounCity lltarll"t ltlt<'lla••y. 0••· I attaclt and e waa • ~n 111111" Of W -h dll'd 12 11 •·>.111~-tt'd llvtl Jll'lll•l· AI will l',.lllt' '"'" wlt•lltf' ••Vf'a l(l r"'' k••rfl frttlll tron lfu•ltawlll uf bulb ,., th• F Sh ~lr llll<l Mr.--'''"&C' nll\t kl<t"llt' w flre hf' at V I" lwwk wllh a numtw-r nl UJl 111 lh,.l w•t•·hlnl( lhr J•a,lflt h .. riP"n •''I• arr a l•• Ill .,.,vic:• rt r ~,,,.. I I hav rrtt mf'rt from He .. lllU'VIvei.l hy l hr···· m u 1 ar 0 ar \• .. '"'' "rrr " 1 tr\lnul•• ut .... fur hta t 'Jn :l,tnr II we,rlti·Wi tlr r r•olll wu ••v•·n ttt l• t · .... _ 1 111 I LouUIIana lhrrw Henry Chatt~rton tof ~·~•lh "''' <A N ..., v 11 nJt n • ,, "''lli~J••I'f'd that hi• 1\aa tellf'll' l'fUII a.flrrn••m In 1111' 1 Jr. l'rt'«t•m VOL.LM~" CITATION r 't'PliM • !"...adena l>r W W Clue!le·rt<~n An• · · · lu riUITtwllf" • ,_ IIV'IT)'·ten rounrt nvrr KNX fur thrv ann .. un• N1 II••• Wr• w11ntl10 Vt1tlm•r. tWill Or• C h 0 ~ p I f.,r 1 Ill• f"un :l..ont" In ~t~l<lat I• In tu l,l IJ« 1 IIIII I •I• ""Y "' Jt.fl.,,,. """ IIIII[• 11y,.0 11,.. •II• I nut h•v• h•r est Uota--a mer PORTRAIT Bo&afNASDtlae~K' ..... e,.....ek llllm<•n}ll~ rnhrr lldtW allnli'IHtn• 1"'"" l[lvrn •rrdll ,,,, lwlltl( flnot j ra•lt•t turn•d ""Ill 7 alfl -ru .. c.y 0 11 wllf"n'. ( lh wtwn· "'""' l it tit '" •lrchl II•• .h JtfUl_. fl•rl whlo hI motrnlflf[ '"' U\r W•r ftrrMe ,..,. ll<t)'l .:•·• thc.a .. n1lf" sn•·hr• r wu nrar·ry •lr•lrnv,..r In "'" I>AIIIr 1 vam •1n 1 KJo~l. 11111 Mn l'"'al. ,,.,. tv· hlell lln«~tt....-IIUIJM' Allde~l lu "' th• 1'1llf1J.>tll"• I h•r f,.ll•rw "mlllfry"' at Harmw'e "We mu!Jl all work • lot harder I oud, our war fnMit. our home if we ar .. t(l ~aC'h our 117.:1()0 rront. 10nd "ld for 1.ur •lllu. !......-----------------------------1ha. nM•Nf&'l' I IIIII Wll• l•ont In Hllttltl AJIII l•tll U•par1mrnt .... , ... ('tltlla ....... I •m ~tiVr•n lu ""'"'"'1111ul llttol t.kro lw .. n " , ... ,.. 11 rreltl""' '"' 11 •11•1 a111t '" ttr•l •I•Mtt thr ftAVJ quota In full an•l oo thnf'. LA.-t'• 1 ,..,. ~ ov~r twenty Qrgllnl7.3· l[et nul r,f nur head• thl\l ldu lion. lncludHI in tit• National W~tr that the war 11 ovrr A tot nr Fluid. a pert. of lh~ rhut . a nd It fighting remalnrt tn bf! dnnr nn thr I A1ao Inc ludell the c ·-.mmunlt y "''llr rmnl ~for~ we rlln Af!nrd Cbr.t J...:ally. II> go •1t1w or takl" il t'IUI)I, IUld ! Nev.•sw•rt Harlx1r ha10 I h r r,. rt'memh•r war nN·dll • "in~' f1r~l ·, hranchl'll nt lhf' \JRO a l~onf' IUld thr Thla "'"" till-lflltlem .. nl pf \\' .r t·rl!tl of mnlnt&lnlnlf lh~rtf! morr rhf'llt C"balrmAn P A Pl\lmt-r tr• than f'<lll&l" m•r t"llll 'I""'" fot 1 ,. J(rOIIJI of wn1 krr,. t11d11V Nrw· thr drive', lnt llulln& nrollon&l lOlA It' pun ll11rll<•r h811 thr r.-put~ttlnn ••f anti l•l"lll n~v"r tlllllnt: dnwn "" 11nv J"h A m"' tin!! "' I"" hr•:uol • f •lit ~· , ... , Thu• ,,.. oil thl murr rt'll ~''" ''"~ uf th•• \\'ar C11rRI was h"l•l wh\' •'V\·r·ynne, vunn~ u.ntl old, T tHtrP.. A\" nft •·rr•••nrt ,,t four t'• •lluull Ink•• !'110'• pur I II "" I '" ,.,,.., llR~ f•n 1 h• r J•lnnlt f•·r llw •I••"' l!fUI11 ''"'' to r • r • k q\"••r-urtd "~l.•hlt'4h 1ht ···~·, ,, taptnu c: ert• I .... fiUft\,1:-,,, dl I H )····"' IIH !t~· d••t:•~ 1111 11 ~<han """ th• 1 "1'' I ,l••r~rol "' dll r 1 "' Ho• I' 1\ l':tl· \•·HI help I••· \'"UT ~ •.• t •• h• I' n •r '''"''n ·q • t • t ' fl .. t1 f'\ I• '~'""' (JI.t!a"!lll~<~lfto "' l lrl.:•r 1\•'••n 11 f,, •••II•· ll•>ltl ttlol l lt~>n ln~l "''H IHh • :an .. ll•r l!~o•.•• 111 1,.1, • 1·01 ~l u.l• r•·IVI~tn "h'' nil RhHUtd an I n.u ... l lt'\"lr ';"''\'' t ~'·'d"' f11 H1•'-' 1 ~ htlp Th•. V\'nr 1'111'1-' """·''"It ,, ''"''" Ill I \1 \I r .. •llt:ln .... n lriJ•I•· , .. ntrthiiiH•n t .. r .• llq•:·· on<,. we-nt t 11 '' ork on Dogj:!q. 'His app<'nrlR~<' "'"" M'\\'('(1 on Ami while the pood t \\as m n· vt~lf'S('in~ the lads mad(' daily visits with candy and flt1w· ers. The d~ was relPa~ as O.K. but Len says that while th<' tail was tht're. thry for· got to put th(' wag ~C'k Into it! Huh! • • • ThankJIKt~. Bv art of 1 Congress "'rhank~Ying Day 1 Calle; on the fourth Thurs- dav of Novembe-r. Many Skipper Suddenly Ill, Ends Boat Trip c·R rt • ~'''•rt:r ~tr~t 'll"" ,r 1 • ,.d 1 !llt>•A >klf'l"'' .. r lhr l'rr~ '111 ''''m ~. ''" " l"''"•huc \' "" tr.k• n • It, 1h~ ~·.ut1.t /t.rn \"rt lf• \ ~· ·~IH' d hu•t Thl u CWlh\' f.,r ttn • Ul• r~· · • \' "PI•' ntiM ll••ny 'lh• l'l•·'•""' thr" •f•h '"''" th•• ••p• r.1 tl~thlng '""""''·" hnd • • •·n mnotr r• ~t•IV f(1r rr 11• k• r,.t tlllhllll{ &n•l rapt tofr MII11U\ M• I pllllllt• ol • Ito 1,.1(,. o,,. tlfllll "UI !hal 1\,l,.t·l • .. 1 M~ ,,.. "'._., ro~1 ~ O.rta.. el ...,.._ ....... I• '"'tUnc &II~ -0' ~ wtattt..r .._war., wwtdiiC for Utr t'"f11.) ,;___, .. .,.... ...... ...... -·~ ............... '" "'" .. ,~ Mr 1t111l Mn •: l\rnnt•ll, ,,...."''" 1•111,. lit> 1" " ,..,., "' M•• Mn• I t·ll•ll•lll X'""" lu W•rxiA'• hu• j111111 11\Jf'rlllttnl ttl ""' Sl ( :.-... .:·· I htt lilt lot I .. , :t .. ( ........... ,., •I ...... t .. n•l II•• It I I v"""'"'· m•elnr mil ·•l•tlllt-'L• till •:.t Crnlnll lut\,. IU.I I•"• Milo! hl~ fttlll"t '""'''"" nl l •lt lrt lol • lwtl•', 'l '~' l ~:"'''fl loll ur lh.·tr •JJftrliiWIIIII It HnllotOtt '"' .. ''' Mr" V•llhuf'r w.. pr.-vll.llf'tl •·••rnt•l•·l•· n •tll'(urallnlt 'J't ... y "') lin J(tiUinul•·•l I'""' :>J, "I"''', Ill"''' Itt''"" llu-r~>•llo .. allun l•t•r !hut th•·.r .tn• sollwt lo•lllllm~o~ "''" "'"'~·• lllvh ,.. 11·~·1 1u 1\f4tl ""'I In tltr m"n''"X llllil th• r on,ntrn IH•IIIilll! •~l"'l"lll•nl 'llw•y ,.,,. • t I• .. tilt lit• ~ .. I ttl All t "'I•• llr llll'lt rra•l 1/tr llrllt lu hf'r uv•r ..... n .. w h••ult•r"t IIlii r.-Wt•t•k, ,, ..... ""'•1•1;• I lol•olltf'l lit•lt wh lhr ···lrl•ll•ottr II .,.,,.,,thai Vttl M • "'" Mr• ,,.,,,.,_. .. ,.., .. , ··• llf ''''"" It ''""'""''' ••• IJH tl1.tf,l luu·• ,.,,~ .. l 'utu••ttit u nu tuul t••••n tfw ~···'w"' \\-'tiHiutt• l'tttnt .. , .. ,, "''•i"'' nrut '"'' •~,."'" "''" ~1u t u\AtHtl••l '''""''"" fut brttv•frv I 1 f I P/ u ... ~""" h"v" "'"'' ''' r-·t ~'" ,,",.ll•·v ••t f "''"'" •t• l ~1 Hr "'"''" Uh v w• r•· "'11"f11111ly tHt•l•·r 11•1 •. ,.,,, •• ,. '"' IWH \A.tt\4'-'• v.l,q w•u• fl,rttutlv tu lh• _. .. ,., ,.,, ,,,, ,,, .. , •luv" ruuuh•..c tlwu 1 !il l ll •tttl• • ttl l h t tfu,h ltaff ltt •'J jot II .II• ''tfiiUfl httfll ,_ t .. 'I\Vfi#•U ,.,,,,, nluf \ • 1 t h u-H l,. • It f t•t 1*1\f d H •' f •tn r•rP\ tf• j M itt ""I• • 1trul ~Jut ""•'"' I 1 I. \1 'I ~ Y I••• \4Uif f•••rr•• I I '' tlffl ot f Uti /,llflt fi;H t tlf I I t Ut I flint t If• r •,. '*,, .. : t-1 ,,. "1 t'••v .,., , ' ·.•. \'I f • I\ ., •• ,. Ill lttt .. uu I · ,. I ,,., M l n tyrr ,,, !·wll . , •' ',l ' t I fil t• Vt.,.IIII!J: h• ( tll•tt tu I H•fiH•'t ;.e1ul lu r "' .... t I ~ \ ,,, t 't•ll 1tfl'• t •"' ,f f ·, _,,.,. ,... l'Hf1 Hutuu••l f.,, d ' ' •·•fl t '"" Ahy •·l,.,. .. t• .. ,,., dltllrf•'• r Mr" ... ,,,,,.", r f ,,, . Grammar School Party All Set For. Hallowe'en By Local Rotarians f· lnJ•I l•tll ''" ,, 1 If,, I t 1 '+ • • •tt l•t • t ,,, v I I' I •HI t ''" t ,,, j ,, ltllf rt1n 11•f1•·••' •htl+ll•h .11 "''' 1•'-' ''' 'r 1,1 a t., '' dtfffl J ~tuiJI '-1if f ,., .... f·-•d f(.,th t \ 'I hi• I, • , •• fit I ,, •I , J•tJ, ••HI f• Itt• 1,,,,. .. , "' ''' .,,,, \tr.- "''" • idll M1 nrul M • • l•:t·\vtn pi• • t I • tt I ~If• t 'lwtttlw llln. t ''"' H ,,, -.4 I \1' Hlld ,.,, t T VJ··· '••U J I , It I f it lttul ~··. , ........ I ·, ,, ''fi•• if• I ,\1 •• t A lllH~·I• I' ,, ,. ...... \\'ltf•• .,.. rtf h1 1' '"''' ... , ••• , ..... 1 Mr~ J,,,. ~ .......... ,,. ,.nrt 1 itt ,,.,._, ,.( l.nt~~ A ''K""I,.. .. , .utf '1 • ,, ,.,,,. r· wh•• A• "Tt,. I"' t.. '" ,,,, Hu f "'•"'""" hll•· .• t1 '-'''' d • Htttf• rv l;tu rnl""'l fn Mr,. ,.,. '1 ... h••••l , 11tl•lt• ,, rd . ,.,..tl 1 r•ui·J h• ''" I ut d t., ,,,,... •rtrv ''''' •·hUtt tlttol !\I• II 1'1tl• \'' 11 r I•, li lt~ ,,( "'"'ltrl• It Itt '••II NIHI ""' It VJ<It•ll•lllll ntltnl Wlllt Ill• •tt"''' Ill 1/lo 1;1,.1111,.,11 "' '''"•I ttu•l (•••1,.1 1• "" .,, hi• !tllltr!UIIkltlt· ttr1.. Mesa Soldier Killed in Action ll••rlutu '''' r uttv ""'" 1.,. h••ftl u' 1u ul • PI• ''"''' .,..111 t,. Nt•nf flurru• thr• ffiJ.:tl W b#H,f ftJJollhtf IIUH f ftt 'I V\ lff1 •••tr•• IHIIttfl 1.;1ft Il l•·• l••lnl( lqnolly •·•l••n•l.,,j lty f'••lll/11111"• 1111111 I I II ltf'~d . .fllf'lt. Klolll••y I ttt\1'1""'' II I I'll trhootol ''•1lr 1!•111" ,. l':n~IIJ:O, .lflhn M 1 l'rln•-11"'1 'j AUf'u """ T""Y ltl'r.-,••.r 111•• I "~•• 11 "ill "I'''" I• I 'f p r11 "" \loltrlc hi I( •111 I h,. r vr11l Tu,.,..llly (ltlt,l,..r 3 1 .. olfl•l 1111 l :tlll'f u( 1'"11'" IIII'NiantJ llrtll«• ~~·I V.. tllt11m f) Utolt1r r WI>•-t;,, nlltlllr ~ 1 11 ,, 11 I 1 hlltfrrn lltt•& klnlllttll '"'II hiiV" .. ttl! I' uf hla mro ,. """'"' • ._. .... ~r1wrn aa :r7• 1'1um th .. lr 1,.,tl\lll ru•• ct'lrdt•lly tnvll,rol 1 un han•l Itt later raro• rrf lrafttr u ••r ol r• r t. f.,..... .. ..... hu bo-l'fl I 'r!T"'t will It• 11 'Ill '' ,. •I ,. •t Ill" -· ro. They gathf'red up . ru...tled him t o the and the surgrons at 'peOpl{' a re lnrtuiring about this and It shoulct now be noted thAt this change to a I definite daft' has hem madl'. I nt~.n hut ~~~·ltkntv 1, ,,,,. til ·•nd "'tu lmm,.•ttatloly lA.k,.n t•1 thr hn~plllll It Ill •f'liJ'I"rl•"l hi' wtJl bf' tht'!"' IUillt.h~ 'III"'Pk hf'l l'lr,. hf' I 11 abll' !•1 rf'lllm hr.m•· I ... -~.Dfdl. .. _.,,..... ..... ~ tfl .. ._put ..._ 11M fa.wtte ,_.._ ..._ ..,. '-"' ...,._ .. .._. ... ..,, ...._., ~ ttY 1111_.• ,.,...... "ra-tt.t _.w. .tar, ,...,..._. a.,. "" _., ~ ,__ ..... ! •• r:h tally f'OtP"~ IIIIINI Ia ..,...,tfl 'I"""'" ltV I lfUIWII, .,._, .. , llll•l Truf' rtuyrr ... nf>t uktnc ("tOll ,11 th~ l':ur•'P"'I"' '""'" by th• W •r '"'"" 1:111 ,,,, •••t 11 , IIU,. anJ a tur l•rv", II I• h••mlna tCI Jovt . anol l•~·•rtmrnt U• waa the b..-ad• '''I' """'"'' pt"1~ ft~r f'Vh bMt '" tnrtu•t~ all mllnllln11 In tJnf' ttl· •A Mr• ,..,...,.h,. M lfulrlrr rot"lum .. tl lwry •nol trlrl I rt<tlon W•ry Hl\ll~r YA:Idy 1.. --· .:If NawPOIIT-~A NEWS-TIMES 0, lpUw ....,..ae ln Advance:-U.IO per year 1D Onutl• County, U.ll ,., y.v t'l •ua aooe; aa.oo per year to 8th .... , With Ernie Pyle at the Front: n....,, OeeMoar ... IMt NEWS of the . CHURCHES I LE1TERS TO THE I NEWS. TIMES DEWEY-oR TRUMAN? I ~ar l!:dllt>r· I War Lacks Dra1na to the Real Front Line GI Heroes .. w FUtiT CHURCH OF CHRIIT, f I .~nKratulatc lnc DPW-s>apera l Wl'tiJ()Uf Excnptr'on ThPV an' ·-or utf'lr t'OUI'tllft' In reprlntln~t .the I I. A. llEYER · EDITOR AND PRESlD~T o.; ~ J • IV ICIENTIIT r«~nt a rtil'lt> by Frank C. Waitt- ...... P\ult, aou w. Central Aft.oue. s~wport tteacu, CaJI/omla Fillisla tlw Job und R(•tunr Home &.Ide T"-:!~\~~:_• Avef'ue ~~~~~~ w~~~'"~~~~ ;,~.~.' o~~~~: Official Paper of the City of Newport Beach A branch of Tbe Mother Cburcb, rl'alnnal propaJ:IUl<lllllll •·n tb~ A ~!tie l.ooa' lnatlt"' .... ,., Over S4 v .. ,, B E . p I :"he P'tm Cburcb of Cbrtat, llcl· nublk p11vruiiM hav,. t.l urrng 12 Y rnee Y ~ entiat, 111 asoeton. Wuacbueetta. :vrors built up aurh an oodOr or '{9 '' 1:<1 fii<H• ,.,,, "'•· 4,11,.J •• 4/t""'"'"'""· ,\,., """""• ftw • , • ., _, ,. Sunday School at 8:ll0 a. m . Mnrtity llbollt lluo8f'V• It t hat NAn~ .... -. EDitORIAL ,.,.,.,."liar J,,,, uf/1.,. '"' ol '·"""" '"'"' ""'' "'"'" "'''' ,, • ..,.,. Tlif ,.,.._ ! Suoday f!ervlce at 11 a m. Wid· when a "lnr ere lnqulrv Ill •"atJ .. lUl l SSOCIATIQ .,,. .... ,,,.. "lu/r ltr ,.,., •J•II '" ~.uropr n-s&y Tutlmonial Weetlnr at 12 ' tn hi• hl'lllth th(• :-Jew 0f'lliN'11 1944 ... ir==.=.=,;:r...:...::.y;...:...z , , , liC'Iock noon. _ 1<t'nd up ll WOII 118 If IJOf' IIIW c:om - L WRITTI::N 0~ Til f. T UNI_SIAN F'ROI"T.-The other nigh\ R~adlnr Room located Mt Tll l utlltt'rl s:t<·rilt·_:e. 1 _,,,...,~.._.._, I I wus SltlJng 1n thl· r0<1m nf Lte ul. Col. Sam Gormly, a Flying Eaet OtntraJ Avenue. Balboa, 18 Mr ft.ooMvf'lt Ia. h1·w~ver. n I r urtress l'tlnlffiltndl·r fwm Los AngeiPS. ~e wer e looking OPf'D dally from 1 p. Dl. •o D p. m. mu:tal man. dt'frPitf' aJI lhe etrorl __ ...;:;;~~------------------------OVI?f -. s Jx-we('kS-<'Id copy of an Amf'rtc an picture ma gazine, ucept sundaye a.od bolldaya oa-lhat hA!t ~n l'llpl'mie<l to eo.non-~ Navy Day thP lalt•st to rfac h us herP tlooalJy "'-rved. lu and deify him. He ean be 11M put.lJc ta cordially 1Dv1tld to 111c·k, he can t.llt' H" bu bt>en I On this Octotx-r 27-Navy Day-It Lo; ~-tood to rt'all7.•• t hat the darkest dll~ of our Nnvy whim follow t'd thf' Pt'arl liar· bor attAck haw been wiped out throu gh the s::~atf'Sf navlll bu1kMne proeram an history. It wu nrarly thf"f't> years ago tha t many or our l'i1 1Hlal 1 lhlpe lay desptorately wounded In PParl Harbor, and Tnkyo wu chanting, "Whert> U; the American f1('('t !" Tokyu krww I ~ latJihed. It knows now-and shudders! 'l1le ~ attack or [)ecoembf>r 7 w11~ dcsiJ{Tl('d to wlp•• out 1 our Padftc .. powec;. It almOAt sucaoedfod. Rut th.-. wnr· Iordi at Nippon mbcalculated on our ability to repair shi~ I ...S build new ones. VIrtually E"Very vessel damaged In tha t au.dl hu 1ona ago been put back into action and the num- ber ol our ftghtlng llhlr-has bet'11 •~bled ~Inn-thf' "riuy or intun)"'. 1D dUB YUt shipbuilding program-In whk h Callfot-nia baa played a major part-it hu been demon11t rntt"C1 how wt>ll A.meric:::arw can c:oopprat.e when the chips a rt> d~-n. I I hR1i llhuwn wbat capital and labor, blg buslnesll and small busioc'SS ean do in working t~r. 1be State's Jargf'llt bank. rnr t•x- ....... took the lead not only ln financing Califor-nia war pro- clucUan. but in aettlng small manufactun>rs to work tOJCrth«'r In order to obtain war contracts which th<-y rould not havt> bandied lndlvidually. From their Ut~ lhopl n~'t"d millions or part~ that have .,.. Into the bullc:Uhar ot thousands of shlllf'-Ahi~ wh01'4~ bi~ aw-or c:anVr planes have blasted the t"N'my on Fol'mosa ud the Ryukyua. and are making' poMiblc right now tht> ...... ln the PhlllppW$_ So DOW on Navy Day we salute our vn linnt wnnio~ or tbt -for the magnltlcent work t hey havt> done. nnd bid them Godllpeed in the greet task· that Is )'l!t to bt> accom· plblhed. They shall not faU. • Ulfe111EIS II COIGIESS It w as full of photos and sto-pt>ople ha lan't alrald Some 111 ~.a attend tbe cbu rch aervtcee and UM Prl'aidl'nt t · :,tyeara. no~· h" a.ska rll'S o f the war, dramatiC tales han lo ahov. wl''ra not afral4 You ~t Readinc Room. In lx' "It' I'll rnr IU1t1tht>r four fr om tht• St1lom•ms . from Rus -dou't have 1o You decided rtat~t-•· H•· h~ lr••a ,Jv wtelol'd mort' 1 10ra, a nd n~~ht fr,,m nur o wn I pul thlt allltnwn with auell blllnt powt'r ove f! Uvl'S ol his fellow 1 Mrlrin frunl Th" '"·"!"""" lurr-lu modl'<ly bc't·auu! aome Ill J OU CIIIU.8T CII1J1ICII B'l' THE 8&A I lx-ln~IS than MY Prc~idt'nt In his-1 '\~lf'd ml' and tAht•n I tl .. tl llrtl~h«'d, may havo• ""''dtred whm I'm 1o-· c-...rtJ lle....a.t tnl') He ask~ u~ 10 pt'I"JX'IUith•l ,••. ' . , • 1 1 It'll "" n11rm11 l •nr alone 111 dl'<rrlbe e bof'Dbjnl _ .... E. D. o..MU. ..... r 1th11t power. Haven't W<' il n i ht-- t ron •buut t h e mau rnn lor.ym•. ond If not, Wl\7 OOt. tburr h School 9 ·~ am l rsn't rt In filet our snrn'd duty, to ''"" I h .. dn't f('l\ I l'nt nut I OIIIIt ~nd the rae.., II ~omtnc WOI !"::lip 1t a.m. flnll uut wnt'lher hl' Is phy«kully "' ,.,.,.~, th .. t l'••e nlt••nalrtl'd myeeU tmo ~ \ outh Fellowahlp ·j P m. I fit to b.• our Presldt'nl for anoth(•r t'or "' ,,,,. "'~it· he• rns that fnr nne In my ~Uon, fo'~ o:nrng wonhlp ': p.rn four y1•ars! IlLII'" thr ,.ar I my a1tlr JIU'P"Sf' In IO•n r would be Mld-weekprayf'r~e~.Wf'dn~-~ Mr Rooe;cvelt'~ !"''«'nl plcturt•s IH med rllm~ntlc 1 '" IH'rpf'lullt,. my nnlty And l'v• 1 day; ~red diloh dinner. 6 :30 P-"'·1 rectarni)' do not look likt• -l h~ or and u tllrne lull d~l'tded to hl'll w1lh vanity. a W<'ll man. His volct•. in all hb ut hcor•llc• ami I wa• awar frem &lie ,, .. -.e. t'HKJ~TU~ ,_C lt!,('f. flll'H('Hil8 1 radio udlllrt•il!l<'ll begin~ with tht> vrt:tltty I kno"' rt lor • whll~ thl• lprlna._ Uvlnf witll The Ooldl'n 'l'o·sr In lh~ Sundl\)' ac("('planet' spc:-x h at San Dii',!{O . r~ally If, and yt't 1 other lroopa, and con1ld•re* llht-L e 11 o o -'1\Prnron on "Ev .. rlulln•j dt.wsn'l -:ound like that of a well 1 d u n· t 1 r t' m inl took plac• wh1la I wal JOC14. f'unlahm .. nt " In all hrnnrht>tl of T he man capablr nl fr('llnr When I lfOt rudr \o return \o mJ "orher Churrh, Till' f'lr~l Churrh Twclvr Yt"lll~ of the Prf'l;rrlrncy It· Only In the old friend• at lhe front I Wondered I ot Chrt"'· ~..teniiAI. lu lltl~lon. Ia h I k H r h' 0 maiCIUtne from Aml'nca r•n I IJ I would sense any ehan1eln tta.m fr om l.nm•·n'llll•mM "Wht•rt'fore as a <'~ rt~o 0 rm. nr Pilch lh• r~al •Pirtt or the wn uvr r The moat vrvld chance Ia VIa doth a llvlruc mun """'Plain. • maa tenn in I at 11houlrl tw t>nou~h ' 1 d k ... lor lbe I•UDIPhnu•rtt nl his alna1 Lar fnr th1• avt'rnge man. Two tt>nns her~ caaua an wor lnOp rna""" Ill I r bo h I 0 -_, .... _ .....,t--_a thr 1001 h-b lh 1 lie bo '"IW ua aearcb an•l try our waye, a.od art' ( nn~•·rou~. or t ncumbent -.. ,_ r--~ w rc ey now a e ut • na. turn aj!alo lo tllf• Lord." and country. A nation rnu~l be Cl•lll'rl'll quay wh~rr WI landtd In They have made the PIYCholoclcal The Lellson SPrniOO lnrludt'~ thfl short or statl'!lmE'n Whl'n It ciN't8 Alnn It 1ave me a little thtl i• tran1lllon from the normel Mtief parabll' of l ht' prodl~~:al snn u clveo a ny man of any party 10 be Prcs- ln look at It Fur aoma perven e 1 that U1~1n1 hum an IUe Ia ~. In Lukf'. Thf' POD, It I• rf'laled,j ldrnt for the-third trnn ff'fltOn It waa mor• thriUinl to looll over to a nrw proff'lalonal oudook "wa•tPd hiP Ptth~ranre with r1otou1 And if h 1 f hi at thr plctur-. than It waa 10 much 1 wh~•• klilinl 11 e craft. To them II Yin~~:." \\'hPn ht> finally "came to j 1 e JX'OP" 0 1 11 coun- aloo1 th,. dock IU.lf lbet lint day. now there 11 nolhlnl moraUJ -• hlm,f'lf .... lw uro~P. and came 1o try t'lC'CI Franklin R~velt for .. . u· ebout lliUinc In tact 11 11 aa ad· I hi• lathPr. Jlur \1 II Po h•· was J•t a 1 "trll anothf'r four years. a fourlh I ._ i kaew wMt.~ lwo e mrrable th~ crr•l'\l ""Y ott, hi~ falltt>r · <tW blnt, 1 tenn, then It l'l WE who Art' sick, tioe aa&Ur • ._. -· I w•. nnd had Mllullll~,.lon. an•l rno, and I and not R~\'t•lt. "tl.re W'f' ar. ric"' •• &lie frMt. I Ualalll I am .. lm,....... ., f,.IJ on hla n•·rk, nn•l kl«eol him. lias the ll'vel or intelllgvnet' and aM ,.t u.e war IM'l •amatk Wa •-aUit_. , M-ea-I& \ntl lhf' 1'011 '''1•1 untn him. f"nlhf'r. ability Md honf'Sty In Amenca &e .... a& a&l." lla.u't ~· IM'{'...a&rJ fw -I hiiVf' clnn• •I nll.tln -r h•· ,, "" and sunk '<0 low that on I one-man out WIIIC'a 1 aal• &llal, llaJ_ Qalat &e mab Uala l'lla••• a .... wt111 In thy ria. '1•. trt1l 0111 no mnr .. wor-1 r l :\5 llll t . l 't 1 b(> Qalt•la e1 ... lllaa...... Waa.ll., tile•. 4• a -C'IIIIMlaDl, aJ I h)' til t..-• il l• •I I h)' <ttll 11•11 the 0 ' , m., on p('Op t' IS 1 0 ... .__ .......... t II'-111 t • •a _,_ • .._ t 1lh• r 11111.1 •!' 1 ,, •••n '••nl• ttriDI I Prc~ldt nt . If that ls the case rew •• tram ---. M • .. ... e • .... , _, ., ' h 1 h 11 caJJ h ei!Htw. Qllrla 11 a llemlliof'r ~..._ ac-ca•lonal ('M II('f' w e&~ I lnrth lh" l' •I '"'''' ""'' pul rt on 1 rn w r m g t 8ll we l e re •• , ... lilaa ~-... ea Ita lice. CeaW>411H'ntl, I ..... ... hhll: Fotl ""• I \ ~1\lf ...... •ll'ad, I w~ole f'X'J)l'rimcnt In dt>mocrncy ll m:a ~~~ ae ea llemlliof'r -•tee tllllllll ., kllllal ta -• , nntlle nil,!''"''·''" II•• "oe to~•. Aod faJIUI't', and tum the count!')' 0\'1•r 'Ia 7 ... ,....._ I< found I to l lillman. Browdt>r, Br1dJ:t'S. or an r la~r•. II~ Ia .. mlrr• aad lrrma, aad IIIIUin1 &e ... le... Mnry U:tl .• , ~:.1 1> "tlr .. , In "Set-to llaJ:'U<' and Bos.ll Kelly and Pl'n- , ... .,....~ fer wMt ~·· IN'n m•rdf'r. I ':""' ~t nrl 1.1·· ".'~' ... lrh 1\·' Ill the lit• 11.~1 or llal"';ld lcke:<. Or tu 01••••"· 1 ... aal•: t'vr11 o~l•otr a wmlrr of llvlnl with S•·tlllllllr·• I l;o· •I•·•" rah r I on nf h ~ I'd 1 h 'It un't to m~ either I kno"' rt """'"'""' d~-•th and vile d•alnlc· t in •~ till· •II• IH•· ,,.,.q '"'vi prtrdon. t 01 r\IJ:t:: 101 l'r amon1: 1 I' •" •uh.l ue. but It ian'\, It' a Just hfrtl twn. 11 ta nnly spasmodic alb' that I · · · II•· Inc •I•· 11 ") ··•I, ~In n•·t>tiA no ~aSl»t';111MIIdl~~~· PR~·drktllnll. hOr 111 k d U I · n 1 h 1 •. 1 f 11 1 .. _ Olh•·r form ol lult:l\o•n•·.,•" t <: rr rng r 1 ( 1', w o Ill wor . an a want ra to rt ... rl ll't•m rupnu t o rea z na uvw I _ _ parnphrasc sornr· 11 n c i ,. n 1 Wll, and ret back home." rt·al and hr•w ~lo\ldul tdhla wadr la. My ST. JAMES EPISCOPAl. lsnN'7.1',.. whrnrvo•r :vtr Rtlo!-f'VI•II 8e I ._ •• lulew. la war •ra-errtnllnrts Sl'rm ~a an cruaty CHURC Iukes ~nurr lkre an lre&t \ra•e•ln. •• ol "''ar 1 nnd 1 can 1oo1r 00 ,_1 £bell Clubhouee Or. to rlrnp frnm the uttt•riy ~ub-1nallcl, w 1•'1 KT Certalaly wltrn presf.'ntf'd wtlh the tanllblee I H MlknW. ......_ ewn a ~ of rruh 11r11vn tflthout 1 lump 111 !»1!• ~al Ave., Newport .. ach lime to tht• romplt>tely ridiculous. .............. ,....,. l!pOke olj by the bedp, row•; put lhl' bttltlf'll lh t So t 1 loolt lf't U~ tum lhl' t'OUnlry OVI'I' In' ... PI t1rt'a ~ C*tfennce oa other truck' 11r1vf' in unbf'-1 =·~-::n:-~=::'ar~•.: ~~tllu~~~ bodl;::~~~:;.outc~~inl:; TempOrary Supply Clergy Hn';Y Truman ! . . ,.... dil.y, and told ~ be bad llevabl.-num~ ot mil~• tn wherr fl't aU &llel •ra•a Melli &e ,.. frl'lmc rie~ply 9.45 a.m .. Sunday IK'bool. Wf.'r le Now thr n • I~ somrlhrnc. to thmk I Hawe Your Chrlatmaa Photograph& ·Made Now s,e~~l Oflo RICH BRONZE $125 PORTRJ\ITS* ~-!..-c: * SID 6 x I INCHU .. P1'Hfs SIHnu. No Appoi11lwlml N~ _AUSTIN STUDIOS Bring . This Ad OOK~ N. Ma1Jl St. Phone 1463 SANTA ANA Sat.: DAILY HOURS: 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. , 10 a. m. to 8 p. m.-Sundays by Appointment s :r .-tO-:l6 aa11ec1 tiM ,.._ rep~tath'M I~ advanclnl( armt ... ha\'f' too l telh at IMml'. Meat., Ute atMr 11 I• ..,17 whn 1 •It .-. s MatUII'WII. aupcrlnt entlent. ahout. Can anynnr rm~J;:rnr lh••SI'I to U.. 'flnLite Houae and lbown havl' tM box•• In " hurl')· an•l l ft.,,-~ ... -...... -.-... _ ablll-1 11 11 1,_ t _._... 11:00 Am . ~lnrnlog Sf'rvlce and t;rand 11nd t::lnrrnu Unrll'd Slnll'' •---------------------------...1 • ._ ~ ............ ~ -~ -a,••'f ~--md a · er .... • ~: or Amf'ncn trnrlrr· P~s·rrl••nl ll11rrv ~ .., a rel'-f map of tb~ Nor-uo.-rt dr1vt' lhf' unhr>l•rvtthiP nurr. · f • It • m' .,... .. ,.. reerea .... ••-anmon •"" · aany ~· ,tu.at bow t~ lnvtu~lon bf'r of mtt .. ,. h&rk a~::un '"' ""'r•• ., 11 • · rlnltl'd ,.,..: 'what 1 lla•e _., Tnrman 7 "'"' would Y'lll hkt· 16 arla and Allls l(a Thl'y W•·• (' ,:nn••' ph•ted a 17,000 mrl1• 1 r111 uwr most had beal ll\llld~ rw-thl• bolll'a. plrk thrm up r•ul t hrn> j And 11•Uktnl of drama. l'vl' l "'1 lhlnlalnc and lhlaklar a ad &11Jn"-CORONA DEL MAR > r'fll' or Tnrm.tn ~ I hrl'<' and n half monlh~. '''''''"~ of I h•• Uru ll'rl !'t•ll• s, thr ou~:h Can· 1 wu tJwTe no Ulat bf'ar h 1 tlo•'l\ whf'~ ill lhl" l!lllm"' ;.1 r u •rd Ull my only OI/J)UrtiiiiiiY nl lnr . thai at laet tioe f'aen.ltJ COMMUNITY Clr.JBCB ll' 1h111 lanln~llt'~ II -.o, "11)17 mll"l or the Jlrinrrpal rilw ... ;~ntl I ' 1·: 1-'Hl• It .. r l 'a~~ttlo·rta eaml' •• lbe th~ he w aa t.alkln~t wa r whl'r-.. llrl' I hi' • 111\'t••lll' l llf'tr•l dramall(' In \hla war 11 "at •I aU thr!14! arwly •eM lltrflllee Congreg<~~tlon•l If lhco t·nrrupl ll<ll r!rcnl rnarh rno'" cam (' h:-.rk s;Htsfi<'d lhnt thl'r<' Wll' ol•o\\n 11u111 l':tll!tolr na anol ~J!M!nt about. n.er~ tuu nevn ~n a.nv-1 whrr .. a~ the m1'11al"' ,. luuah d,.C'Iatno f'tthf't way lilt. .. a llvlnl alchtmara. 4M Perry F Sehrock. mlniatf'r ID I hal 111,. 'liJir•wtm..: Roft!.,.,.,.,, for lttlllrn;: •11111<• hkP :"t'WJ"lrl li•·llt h >'•·v~>r~tl ""·" lh•ro• and I; ;o.;,.wrort Ultaa like tt 1n hl•lMY Arn~r1r~n TheN tnlOJ>f', rnl.,rr•l tl tlt>J'l" Aa 'f••'•e area, cerr,.•poetl-thu,. arr Umra wllra 1 feel &llat chartf' lht•-fnur·th tcorru r:ut nul hrm ""'r Tiw~ wr n · havin~: duylrchr "'"" Ht'll!hl:< .......,_tty made It pollll6bh• Am-white trnoptt woultl l:M' l h~ 111 .. 1 t•l ••ta at bat are allawl'd ta r• 1 caa't a~d It ... •Ill ••• on tht> P<'Ut•l•• for 16 years, why tnJ: t rmt: In lhtl~ dnya too. IJut It Tho 11 A Kart• 1111 Whll hat! .nc.a tn«in-. put It ovl'r thloll nf the hl•n<JU and thf' mr<l· al-1 .. ~te .. lliof'r •lal••· Ia• to 1,.a""·. Sundo)·. Oc:to~r 29 ran·l tltil'~ rlu lht• 'ami' lhrm; ror· wu,.. tn forrt' onl~ dunng lhr• •um-lwo·n ""ll\' f•·r •. ,10., lrm•· bought ~ .,.. Ollf' llf'<'Uon nf the I ab Tb,.rr 111 a job t" be ,111n,. ; wltll a ""'""r v••• Uul a·• • • • 8:30 • m .. Church achool Sn ~<ll Tn.rman ~ nwr anrl on <)('I :l6. al 2 a .. m. lhr I rt hron~t• 1~ Lo" Ang••lca lUI; I m nvet.l coellt at 1"nn.D.ce whr rr thr l';r r· and lhf'y'r~ tno l>•u•y to lh•nk nf 1 ll11ewa INolll Ia Eq&aM aa• Bat &e tlile laiiU.a .. , ... ,.that children meet at Jasmine anti Anti so 11 ~l'l•ml» II• rn•• ont• ur walr hi.'' and docks gOI w t ba<·k an 1 tht'or fumtl ur lbf're IDAM _,.. quJ~ •uno the Allin trtnN.. Tbey'vf' bf'••n wor ktn~o: 20 elM"wher~ ta 4frtea, a .. onaar rhu ' of lhe war II h.hllld. It wae Fourth lllrft'la. Older t'hil 1ren at thl' ou tstandrn~; '"'~ur:. of lit ill cam-,hour rf you ha ppcn!'d to lw " . IOUid DOt laDd. The tid• ran 17 1\oura a day. tvl'ry •lay, anvway el &ll~m are ~--1 frlf'ada lt•lt bl'lornd attrr his nnt battle Hit 816 Oceu boulevard. p!\lj;n is th<' tJirun nnd .. unplt• ljllt''· awnkr at that hour of Jh(• mum·1~ ,..._ T1M dlfta •ere 100 fHt, In eome of tbt m~n a t homr ou.:ht I "' aew. ~, aalllf'4 II I eare4 blood 11 up. He 1, fllhtlna for IIIIa 10:00 a.m . Adult Blblr cia._~ a\ tion nr RllO!tl•wll's ht•allh Thrs ;tn~. f'OLITICAL AOVEfniiEMENT l1tntdNe. That ta whl'n w•l t.o lhtnk of t baL But lhf'y hf'lp;-<1 '-1• aleaa •• a mlaun ""' lire. and llllllnl now lor him 11 u "Chapel by tbco St'a.'' .IJUET l'l('('tron may w pJI pmVI' hr he a Van C'.amp Packing COmJIIln) landacl. I ba" -the break-' wtn on Nnrmandy a• evrrywhu r &lie IM4 ... , el BbeiW. mucb a profeu lon u wrlUnl le tor "Cha pel by tb' l;ea." J £ P&ltt!r· choicr bi'IW<'t'n Olowt•y and Tn.r· was lookrng thr town over Wllh a l _....., ~ted by tbf' Am· I •Jar. Tbry ~rot thr fc>nd a nd thP I lr.new th .. day ot lhll lnvltettoo me. aoe. leadrr. man Vif'w to rstabli~<hing a fi~h and ..-... 11811 Ule Brttlah. n oated l ra-oflne and the etrella to P a tton would eom•. and I druded ll. Not He wanta lO lllall lndlvlduaUy or a 11:00 a.m .. Church worahlp al'r-H ARRY A. F:ARNS IIAW V('l::i"'abl<' pacldng comp.1ny ht>rr to ,.....,.., and auDit oU thl• It rip I wbo wu lfOIIlJ IIC• fut he ran t>tf \o 10, brend• you u • ('oward To vu t numbera. He wanta to Me tale vice at "Ch&Jl('l by l be Sea," .u n : TI1e Balboa Clamber of C'om- ol tlalt.. I ban IM'm llw dnrtta. hi• mapa and Vf'ry nearly ahn t1 IO mllhl make you • •lllhl hf'ro. or Germ an• overrun. m•nlied, bu .. Coa.t Highway s~rmon by Mr. 25 YEARS AGO lmei"C\.' wa!l full _or holiday spi~t I -... Ia aKtloaa tn l!:nJI&nd and ot hi• •uppllNI. and to tht' (>thrnt e dead duck Actually I nev'r knew ered In \he Tunlalan trap. He ape&U Schrock: "Let Then? 84! Light " and was sponl'Onnr an ('ntertarn-~ to Utta NOnDandy bracb. Tbat 1e 0 n l' lmpru•(lfl J whet I'd u y u11LU the mom•nl n clted.IJ of aea ln1 1rn t hupa .i lmt•nt and grand ball on thl' ni~ht w111e11 tbe DlrtftMn and Ulf' broujl'ht har k rrom Franr~ came When It did come. I u ld Ibis: dud. of uur bomb~ra llnktnl whole ~.A J1DA OOIOI11NIT'f -,.-ROM OUR nLES or Hallow<''en, Oct. 31: In lhr Pavi·j ......_.. ealmly put torwtJlar "Ne. I .... t an .. , _ .. Ia 1n7 lhlploada ot ftfl'lnl men. of a. CII'V1ICII --:linn "':'d a pP?inted F rank Knr~ht • _.. ftre rr-tiM clll'fe. 1 have T J h Co • ....... Other t'ornapondenta havr al· mana bJ lh• thourand• dyinl lftllt. Oa.rl B. ~ ....... lll•'•r P'.citrar 8&an-eata ~ An!OWf'r 1 a.~ c:ha1nnan 1n charge 1 -u. ,..JJUnr barbor, t.l\rOialtl e ep one • 10 rudy l l•ne. 10 I couldn't be lbe erablr In a ftnal 1\Jnlllan holocatllt IU &. ....... ft. U'JI·& To the Hoaatn~r Problf'm I Pre!llde nt of the Balboa Cham-, ftkll, w1aiJe we attempted the Co t •b t• t !lui anyhow. I'd be In tha way. and ot hi• own creatron. Olurch School. 9:4.5 a. 1~ (Sound!! likr todll.). r>xcrpt for tx>r or Commerce, A. B. Rous..~elle., ....... ot liM eatabll.hecl ......... n rl u 10 n 0 I" I lOt killed my dealb would beve l .. tills ear ••• ,.. ... t the,,... ~=~.tJ1~.-In· the IIL~t p8r8JtTaphl. :nnd MJ"l'. ROUSSt'll(', '!ad just com- ..... aJI •ppllee were earrtf'd tor r ---aJ War Chest conlrtbul~d noU\Ina. I'm runnln1 lla~ ••••1~r ••«r Nr frem all tale tennediate, .Adult. 6:30 p. m. Thr olht>r day a mun 11nd hr~ ., ... ,.,,, ,., Ath"'t'"''""'"" I .. ~lnl armiH . It I told I..AJ(; chancaa )ult bl'lnl herl' wlthcoul I rrttt ef ••· All lhf' rf'lll el -Ew!n1na Mrvke, 7 :30 o'clock. wif!' And grown daughll•r l'tnpPf'Ci ,_ liM f'llru~• for Ule amounta _ j •tlcklnl my nf'ck out and uktna lor 1 raa uw1 me and ••n tile ..,_ MJdwftk fellowlhlp and praywr, In front of Edgar's ~tUN', 1 in I ..ned ~rou.rll Utla "barbor.": With • contribution of J'r,l 00 It No. I thrnlt. I won't I O I'm tuo ..... ., .. l.lrrs behl•• Ule..... w~. 7:30 .. m. Santa Ana I .On the machrn<' wa.ot I Pretect •••• Rl.(bt I )'Cia woulciD't bellf'Vf ma the Southf'm CaliforniA Tl>lf'phnnr old \0 be 1 hero." I ef 4frlca -we waat W>I'Tt~I:J a hannl'r readmit "Snit Litke C'ily" I ...... -ow d ltf up wbkh cnmpany halt !IUpportf'd thf' Wnr 1 The rnctlr•n of the llll'rl Jilt ••ly l l'a.rmlully fer .... on LAD'I'OPIIOUNTCAIU'KL .. ( A!'kl'd hrm when' hr wa.• tl Wo..L .._ ''ftanlwll" climbed 90 feet. 'ChMit campelgn hl'l?. a ('('(lrdlnJ: "' e"ounded mf' I r xpected them to be war Ia lri enr. Tbf' , .. ....._ CII1J1ICII !tiling I Ill 1tft.1Ct1t up a ">PI ladder wltll C l MC'Donllld. dilltr1f'l m11nn~l'r pohteb' contemptuuua of •nYoM who MWif'r •a•t• It Ia be ret e._ lUI W . O.tnl. N~rt ...._ "I l't'llli} rton't know." ht' l't'" NftiW aboUt ntnt lnchM wide f'll tht> tt>ifophON> mmpnny dKIIned to do )u11 once v.·hat theJ lay dw •ll:rall'al •rereu ef We,. SWtda)o mall8 at 8 and 10 3 · m. plied. "but 1 know 1 can'l st•~· ,.., llbot up a gnpplln« bnolt. In a('("'rd&nC't-wilh ill' Pf'IIC"Itt'l' do •vf'ry day But lhf'lr l ltllude •a• etre)1aa n o-ch Germaaa Ia ... hPI'I' for I han• ltt'archcd the town VOTE N0o•12 wtlk!b caupt &«&tn..l a pm mon-the mmpany hR.• aJ'If)nrti(lfltod "tJm~ nacUy lh• 0 PI>OJII•. •nd you could lt. Be I• lratr al war. ~ l'fl1l ~·4 ~:::..~:=' ovrr without ~uccN<.<~ In finding a. _,., and lbe n..-man up. ba.nd to driw•11 In it~ ''ariou~ f'Xrhnn.:;r' t•ll they wrre •lncrre end nnt )uat at ••· •• maurr II•• liar• -S~ maa at 8:30 a. m. 'house or ap.'lrtm•·nt In whrch to ...,.. ...., ~ lbe ladlkr wltll rrom 11 total contribution n( Sl:l~.-bf'u•1 nice. wor la, are •et. Jive. We wontf'd to 111op ht>r·e for ...._ ,_. UU'" daye t-My h,..d 000 t"nf''t rthutt"d hy Thr Pn~tr1<' ''AaJM41J wlte •w.· •k• 1M' • • • FIJI.,.L 008P&L ClltJ1ICB s f c'A· month~ At lca~t. "·Jth u vit'Yt' t111at poblt. 'llrtMrt a C..rman block· 1 Telephont> nnli Trl~11rth c,'"'. ~·than to, Ia a •IA1• llama Say what you .. au. nothlnl caa 11M ... Ew.. e-ta 11-to pennan••nl loc11tion. hut -- - bowie bad been, undrr wtth•r1nr pAny and •uh~ltlinr11'!1, 1nrlurlln~: r .. l. liM'., tlwont aald. m akt a compl,.te eoldlt~r u c.,. Sunc:ky IChool. 9:45; morning lwel,l. we'n-on. our w~y " .. -I fin. t he Southrm California Tl'lrphnnt> "U 1 werf' 1• ,. •• , allwa 1'• bailie n pf'rtrnC"c trroM'hlp, 11 ; Evanc~listlc ~ervice. "Oh nfl. yc'IU 1'\' not. I «J~rd. You 1 Wbat l.mpreaMd me Utr m~t ! Olmp11ny. ••f'r •• 1 " aeoUirr mlnloa." Ia tile w mlllnala 14 thla r.., 7:30 p. m .; Mid-wHk prayer m eet· ,.,., .:olnJ: n~:hr dn\\ n ltl Hnii>Nl. rnte ~. Ule lnreoully, thf', The mAnllgt'r AAit1 thai tPir phont> •••th~r •net aal•. pale• -thr clear""" ~>ut ol c.. lng on w~ne5day, 7 :45 p. m .; tlnt• or th•• mnl>l 114'1\UI 1ful. fl,•- dll'f..-.ncea bf'tw~n lhl11 ,..ar and l'fllpiO)'I'!'. who hnvf' alwny~ ~up-A b••mbardof'r trith Ius ~rm '" • tral Tun.,la '" h.od Ia rat' unlu Ia )'OUng peopll''! evangelistic ll'rvi« l ll~h t rut spnt~ m lh•• \\ nr111. "ht"tt' ~ wan. the characterllllc ported the campni~:T~~ lltrrnlly rn tUna lr..,m ftak u lri "y,,.,·,rf' h:>ttle lnr '"•' ""' llnor f'ranklf, on Friday, 7:45 p.m. lynu ran 1:"' 11n tep~trtm••nl "' lnr~11 ~ IDcldent In "''hlch thf' t lw ptl~t. an> rlonatlng nr f,it'(1a:ln..: rtlht· A c.>r rrl'P•Inllent "~"1 "'th \h•'> •l•du'l "11 t~al Th('lr o--------hou~(· all furn1~ht•d and r••ady '"' ftr11t ID&Il u p Utf' rllrt wae nnt a rnnlribulinn~. nnd •hoi tlll'ir 1lom11 · ua. It wun't •ny r•~ Ill' •h•ttJhtn't ''1m"'·'"drr~ u.tnul 11, ruoti admire• FII&8T F01JK8 QUARE CJI111l(.'ll l,,lll rn m O\t' m HI .1 n•tll'l>nnhlo· ... eaJT)'tnr a n a tr. lUI It "'Ill tron~ will 1>f' tumt>d cwt•r 11• llw ltv ha•·• d,tnt It'' toty lit ~ d.m t tr) :,, •hl>l The Brit. OF CO"TA MESA I i·,•nPtl prtcr .....,.; "' ruturl' painting•. nl>r l'al CQfTimrtt~· Ul lht• t•nd ,,, tht• A llrUil'IIAnt l'nlonf'l. .. hr• hall J•l~l ·h h.Ht to ho lp ,,. ...... rcw llrn... (C'IIartb of tltP Hltrhwayl ' ..,.. a 80141ef' w ith 11 jCUn, but ctri\•1'. rot back from a nHs•uln, s:> od· I ut ror 1111 r ."<t• , 1" ,111 nor OrttJib ••· 0 . \\lllanl 8t..•,..,., Putnr. r ·Tt " 1 t J M at--Co pu•-r ~E\T.STH DAV \0\'.t:STISTI' a ...., ctrtvJnr a bull d<>'-,.r, \\1\ll'n-trrf' ar• n Y "·o rt;.,vn$ un ' •nuu.ut r •s .trl' "'' ",.d •b .. ul that. ee ,._, .. _ . ... ('onM'r "'alnl&l and Ourcla StL .... .._ ... f th n t ' lol N d s· rarlh why an) l~<•d) ohould "" Ellhrr r 'I lllr'l r " • II· It\ k ··I brev·-. Phone 1111hl c·~-&JI-· --pa... or f' ml' ' -ote lnO'er _, "'-'day, 7:30 p. m . Yt'nl"!!h lp St'rv-•~•• mt~ ..... T ... aJJ tb~w thing ... J>ar· ~ bC'CIIUie ht h•• to. or to l h \1 .. dhrr Tit(' It' ...... • \ IMk 'I ··~prroenee. uC:::.' Rev. MAC' Stl'am s In charge. Sahblllh ~chool. 'taturdAy mom- ~ tbe abe« C'OUr&(f' and To Appear at Sunday school. 9:30 a. m. In~;. 9 30 o'r l!'o<'k •••a o1 tbe boy. who a Cf'w Morning woT'l'hlp, 11 8 • m. !tpec.-Prt'nchrng servil'"'. _... .... ..,.. drlvln~ aroUild Church Dl. nner Fi r!Ot Infant r~ Cone I'"''''' (If . Bra \l' \I I'll. lllla~l ,;m::;u:•:'(';;.· .:;pru;:;;t;o,;.r',;;,s .;;~;,;";,;,";,;;o;,;n;,;,·.·-------~-------. .. ....,_ jobl." ukl 9-va-engtr " ..,. --aDd talkln~t about ----Tlw t'lul lnlaaln •h·l,laD lo "" I h~•rJ , t ~ 1 .:· BltiUh r•l"~ --wtaO. .-f', t he-Ir ptt r·j MU. Huth llm\1'11 •II 1nt1llh I ._ A ----ld r 'llll' ph• , .,.,.al our I',.,,., .. "' l<r'l' , ,,, 11 > l .o;1Jn1,.1d 1 ...... --w01.-.cl wtaat re>u cnmf' l!{)prano 11n•l 11••11\'\\ , .. •I """I -· ...._ 1 '""'" r-.u, l" .tftt•r thf') t -" t a. , ••t 'l.f' ~h • t , "' .,. , , , r Arn•rt-aa ---.a -Uon ~lo 11 "'Ill Rl'l"''llr Ill l hr• AnnuAl ' ~ -•-----Jhl>tllt:h tht null of t'XP'"""~" I '• •· • rr •:.11 I) 11 .: do ,J 10 their ~ _.. u.aa lttla ""t'n. th• 56 bAnqul'l l u l\t' hl'ltl n' 1111 o~l 1 -T h.,•e bo~·s dltl th•'""" 'f't pr~>.o' 11 1 '• h·• •I "" r•l'l'· •I 11 ~r~'l'i'li Ill .,.U.t. Ullll ok. ..,tndlog. w~>rk Churrh by lhl' ~t'li ''" llu• ,.,,·nlnjl thf' ••ml-1\nalt t:verrb.·d) fl•• '"'' ,. I I •·.: l•u•ttl r •n ilt~or dead of ... -tfbo I« DO ml'dale, nr Tblln!•ley :-.;,.,. !l Shf' will a boul It Our casualllu mrlu•h'd lc-\1 •• "'"d thl' , rt•, ,, ~ 11111~11 -.. • r.o. Ia 11M c~Wpat,..hca. ab&r,. prnf:ram h"nuno "tth f'lr t:oll~n prr~unera ~.: • .,. rtmarkrl llnlf .... t ··~tin. Ia a au a+ of -. tfbo ~~~bou: Oclnal,l H TlpJ>~'tl r •-"•••r o( lh• ''Tbey nevu IA\f' ao ln,·h,' e eon of hu•h ... l "'' ~· ''"'kf n oal1 -_. wodl IIMJ"• be -...g a F\nt llf'l.h,'<trl!t r hurt•h "( l.M arneral ••J•. -nte~ drrd ro1ht Ia .. htmu ll ~-a~~~ .,..,_t unt·I .Anrlrll, who \\111 bl' th~ lll'f'llkrr I the-Ir follhl'le• ·· •• mr n Dr .vc 11,,, • ...... .. ..... _ac ... IDp, It Ia f'Xpo>t lf'll lhal l :\0 pi>Oph• ___ ....._------------;--------------.... a ..... ,.., u r will llf prel!f'nt at tht llrnntr I "* .. * ....... ,.. et 00 which ~111 lwo r~r·ovtd.,l hy laat•el room a nd la bl<·e. and M01 R&y ~~~·~ t.urn~ )!till ,., tilth t u.tl .. ~:· ~ a fill ... ,..t or th~ \\' ~ C R w ith ltlr• ltlery rnond Hill In thP ldtchf'n. hA\'· SJ)l!llt the-Wf'l'k r nd In .... ,,. ~· a •, .... ~ I&8Cil 11M ...._ 8tanle1 Ia •Cba•e ot lht• \Jintq I~ • h~ of the <II lUI" 1 f "lte wHh her 11-lllttr Patricia . . ' MODEll MAlliE' SERVICE- SHELL . DOCK BALBOA ISLAND So.. el "'-41" G. I. J" will k c-•"t •-•· H.-11 •• ,., a ~~~~~ P"lct. We "" h•lp iii• by vott~9 NO 1111 No. 12, ••;,~t ol lmploy-ttt,• No••m- INr 7. Thol propotthOfl IIIICkt trHt •"io"' and threat•"• G. I. Jo•'• "t'•l to work. It wo•l4 l~t•alidate '''"""'""" botw••• IIII019MI"'I and labor. it would intorlere Wtlh th• war producl•o,., It wo•ld b""9 chaos, confus•on, ll\dustrlal 11r11r It wo•ld lowH th. A111er;u., t lalldJrd of li .. nt ~ Ill the post-wit tr 1. ProtiCt G. I. Joe's rtght to work.. VoteNOonNo.12 WMIOU• l'f CltllllfS 00......,.11 ,.,_'""" NOfOtlno.t etO, tt HEAR Gov. Thomas E. DEWEY tell the FACTS O<T. II_. P. Ill. fiT \TION IKFI NO\', l_.:at P. 11. ITATIO!II KF1 NOV • ._T:M P.M . ITAnON8 U'l, L"''X NOV. 6---4 P. M. KFl, fL"'ll.. JKJ:(;A It'• Tim, tn t:lttJn•e . IHfort• It'• Too t.d o!;. -· . -.., ...... , To You of --- I RT BEACH "- Will Hereinafter· ·Report Sales Made In Corona del Since Januar~y First Lot 6 In Blk. A-3&--Sold to Nancy L. Ward. Bul1nesa lot fronting Shor'e Ave., one lot west of Iris Ave.-across the strPet from the Corona del Mar public beech. . Lot 8 in Blk. A-35--SOld to Walter J . Chapman. Bt.Wness lotS. E. COl"N'r ot Heliotrope and Shore A~. at the intersection ot the East Jetty and Heliotrope. having frontage•on Shore Ave. of 36.88 ft. by a depth on HeUo- trope ot 75 ft. through to an unnamed street. Lots 15 & 17 in Block A-35---Sold to Roscoe L. Hart. Having a frontage of 60ft. on Iris Avenue. these are sand lots on the Oceen side below bluffS. Lot 131n Blk. A-~ld to Fred J . English. Sand lot ha ving a frontage ol 30ft. on Iris Avenue by a depth of 124ft. on the sands below the Bluffs- Ocean side. Lots 1 ~. 20 & 22 in Blk A-3&--Sold to Annie Chapman. Three beautiful unrestricted lots frontin~ Iris Avenue on the sands tx>low the Bluffs---()cean side. Lot 25 & Por. 27 in Blk. A-35-Sold to Khsted P . Wallace. S. W. cor. ()c(-an Blvd. & Iris Avenue. on the Bluffs. overlooking thf:" beautiful Corona d"l Mar sand tx>ach . the Bay. etc .. with an unobstructed view. Lot 5 m Block A -35--Sold to· Herbert E. Smith. A busin~ lot havin~: a frontage of ]1.61 ft. on Shore A venue and across the sl.r('(>t from Coronn del Mar's beautiful sand beach . Lots 4 & 5 in Blk. A-36-Sold to Fred J. Engll~. Two busil"'eS61ots having a frontage of approx. 6.3 ft. on Shore Avenue, aCJ"'8S the street from the·Co- rona del Mar sand beach. Lot 24 in Blk. A-35-Sold to Robert B. Soldini. Sand lot below the Bluth. fronting 30 rt. on Heliotrope by a depth or 124 ft. Lobs 18 & 20 in Blk. A-35-Sold to Gustave E. Polentz. Thes<' two Joto; have a toUII frontagl' on He liot rope Avl'. of 60 ff'\•1 by a d('J')th of 1:t4 ft., nnd are located on the sands below the Bluffs. 58 Sales - ma~y 53 fl'('t Northerly from the 40-toot eelill'mmt whlch run!.' from Bay- side Drive to the watt>rs ot Newport Bay. which t"ftf;(l>mmt l" ownro by t..tw Oty of N"'J)Ort Beech. Lots 2 and 3 ln Block A-35---Sc*i to Thoma!> W. Patterson-Bwcinea loU fronting 63 f('('t on Sh~ Aven~ nanning tt,mugh to a 40-foot unnAmed at!ftt. Lot 26 in Tract 102&--Sold to Martin C. Cul-y-Havtn& approximately 98 feet frontage on Breakers Drive with private roodway whkh lA attalnt'd through tile iron gates just Southerly of Iris Avenue. This I!' a sand lot n-- strlcted to residential and ~identiallncome USl'. North 15 ft'('t or Lot 22 and all of Lot. 24 In BIOt:k 2.17-Sold to Mabclle G. Goodwillle-Jiaving R frontage on Juami..rM> Avenue or 45 f£'\•t I.Jy a depth of I 18 fN't to a n Riley located betWfttl St>aVit'W A venue IUld l'ad flc· Urive. 1be East on~hnlf of Lot t:l and the West 011('-hnlr of Lo• 14 In Tract 102ti -Sold to Randolph Roland-BeeutitUI site ICX'att>d on tht' llluff,. havin~ n fronta~e of a pfii"'Ximnt cly 55 feet on <>ct>sn lloult~ard nannin~ thnlU~o:h to Breakers Drive. ht•lnw lht' hluffs. While thi~ i~ 11 hluff Nitf• w11h an unob· stnJcterl view. it has r .. nlly two fronta, both un Ot'\'110 Boulf'van1 nmllll't'ftk- ers Drivl'. Lot 22. Block A-~5--Sold to Nonnan P. Paul -On 011' ~tnt1:-; hc•low thc- bluffs-Olx-an sii<'-A tx-uutlful lot having a front<a~f' or :~o f<'l•t un lht• ctL~ side of Heliotrope Avl'ni.X'. by a depth or 124 f('('t . Lots 19 and 21, Block A-:\~~ld to Fhln<'t'S 0 . Ma1rks-ThPSe two lou are on the Wl'Sterly side ot Iris Avenue on the aanda from Oceen Boukwvard and below the blufb. l~ots 11 and U, J31ock A-36-Sold' to RJchard H . RQJ.tc~Bt-inK tht" North· west comrr of Jassamlnc Avenue and &n wmamrrl stn'f'l, on tht~ s:mrl ... two- low thl' bluff )I, a short hlrl('k from Corona d<-1 Ma r·~ hc•aut iful Ntllrf ht.,l<'h Ami ju~l iH'I'<K'-.l ;ts..;:.milll' AVI'OUI' from what is known a ... thf' c:ift l ~·adl T hey havt' a fmlit:u.:t• of t>tl ft'l"t (Ill .JRSJi;;tmlnt• hy n dt•pth of I :.!·1 ft.,•l tlfl 11r1 Lots 12 & 14 in Blk. A-~5-Sold to llawot'rl M. Paul. Frontin~ (Ill ft . on Heliotrope A\'enue by a. dl'pth of 1 ~4 fl . ulvng nn unna mf'd sll"('('l-approx. 112 ft. N. of S hort• Ave. On thr sands ht'lo\\ th£' Rluff~. I unnamm SI I'N''I Lot 15 in Blk. A<~fi-Solrl to Richan1 N. Ht)hl'l~. S;tnrl lot bt•lo\\ lht• Bluffs, ()c('an s1rl!.', hoving a frontage of :{() ft. nn the \\t'SIPI'Iy side of .J:tsm1m• Aw·- nue hy a rleplh or 1:2-t ft. 'lllis 1111 is JIISl :ti'I'OSS .Jasmin~• frtt~n IIH• IIIOt'k known as the• 'Gift Be:u·h · Lot 11 in Blk. A-:1:-1 -Snlrl tn N:Hw~· L. \\';~'fl. ll:t\'ing n frtmtagl' of :\(J fl. on the wcstl•rlv sirl• nf Jri..; A\'t'. hv a dt• th of 1 ~1 ft. <m r~n ur.n am•'fl RIJ'('('I. Lrx:a lt~ a shtwt blc)(•k frum.thf:" II(' utaftrl ('{lrona fi<'l M:or IK.'ac•h. Lot i & Por. H in Blk A-:\(;, Solrlto Katherine N. lla rris. \\ho hnught this lot for hf"r ~on John. Jl'.. whn i" m•\\ in II1P Armv. Thi~ is a lllls int'ss l'omt>r fronting Short~ Aw. and Iris A\'c .. thruu~h to tin unna mt•d 40 fl. Stn.oel. Lot 16 in Block A-~5-Sold to lloward M. Paul. A sand lot on the O<'f'nn side.• below the Bluffs. having frontage o n If eliot rn(X' of 30 fl'et. Lot 16 in Blk. A-35-Sold to Howard M. Paul. A sand lot on the ()rean side below the Bluffs. having frontage on Hl'liotrope of :m f('('t. Lot 23 and a portion of Lot~ :.!5 and 27 in 2:{6-Sold tu Clarence A. Falvey-Northeast comer of J as.o;a minc Avenue and Pacific Driv£>. Bea u- tiful sites restricted to residential or residential income u~. The Northerly 12t:.: feet of Lot 20 a nd nil of Lot 22 ln Block 2~1d to Arthur L. Raaberg-Having a frontage on Larkspur Avenue of 42 feet by a depth of 11H feet to an· alley. Located just above Pacific Driv<> a nd "'" stricted to residential or residential inC'Oml' usc. Lot 22 and a portion of Lots 24 and 26 in Bl01:k 2:~ld to H arold F~ Wilson-These lots are located on the Southl'aste rly comf:"r of Iris AvP· nue and Pacific Drive. Lot 21 in Block 2~7-Soln to W. R. Holt'-lla\'ing a front:tgl' of :\0 f('('t on the North<'rly side o f Larkspur Avenut' by a rlt'pth of 1 1H fl'<'l to an allf:"y. Lot 24 and the South 3 ((~1 of lli. Hlo('k :t:\, Sc,Jd to Allrn N . Pa lm<•r-A site ha,;ng II frontage o f :\5 fN"I on lht• Southl:'rly ~idP or U lrkspur AV('011(' by a dt'pth of 11 ~ f<'<'l to an alley. Lot 25 in Tn1ct 102tl-Solf11o J . II. G<>~un -A n,..ifwntial sitf:" o n the s:.nd~. Havmg a frnnt;ag(' on Bn.~ake~ l>rin• of ·l:.t ff"l't hy a drpth of 11:\ ft'('l and houndf'(l on the J',;m·t,herly si(lt' hy Lark~pur Awnw• and n privnlt.• walkway. ;it f('('t in BIO<'k ''I l"-Solrl to Edwin \\'ang .. nht•im-Fronlagt' on the il;1y and aiSI') h il\;ng n fronlaJ.:f' on Baysidr Dm•t• of HIO ft'f•l, a nd IM•in~-: approxi· Lots 11 and X. BIIH'k n.:::t Sold'" Thomas Jlanll:tn1h;'l.. ·n ....... IIIIS 1111' ,,. t'li iNJ in tilt' 1'\t'\\'l)tll'l 1\;t~' t'O\'t• ht •lu\1' the! l1hlrf!', ha \ IIIC ,o IIHIII.n:t• ttl ·:q f,,.., 1on "A" Stn'(•l. thrhtll.;h In"))" Slr'\~·t. wtlh n fi'Oillaj.!t• th•'l'"'" "' ·:11 r,.,., 1111'"'' lots Hl'f' l'f':-lde'lo•d to n•si(Joordiotl 111'1'. StJUiht•a-.1 t'fi11WI' of ( lc I'HI1 llc Htlt·\·:u·d untl t•t•mlt':d A' •'1111•• Sol! I to \\ :u· l't'll \\'. llamilton 11:1\·tn~ a frnnt:1•:•• of ~IC I fr>t•l cui Oo •P:111 Hnult•\ :on l fly :t rl<•pth on•anwanl of apprm'llnat .. ly H:l4i ft'l•l. ·n11 ... jo.; a l•·.tlll lllll lnuldin~ !-it•• n'Strkt('fl to •~·sid,.nllal ttSl'. Lots 1\ ancl 111. Blt'H·k H-:1:~ Sold Itt Dudlf'v fl. 1-'Ur'Sf• In th" Nt'"l"''1 l\11~ I'OVl' at lhP l'rtd of tlw FPtnlt•af A\'t'f)Ue ramp beJel\\' t hP ltltrltl,.,, havmg " fronta~f' or :r; f<.'\.•1 on "II" Slrt'l•l hy H li<'plh or 1:!11 r .... t on ~·l'mlo•;tf J\vt• OUP ,anrl a fmnlagf' ()f :1:-l ft'l'l on .. ,, .. SIN'f•t. • Lots ti a nrl 11. Bl()('k n-:t!-St•ltl to 1-Jfl"tard E. Rlxby -Th('"'' two '"'" nrt· in lhl' Bay COV(' tx>lm\ thl' hturr .. anti ha ving a fn.K'IUJ~p of :n 1:.! r • .,., fill "I\" Sl.r('(>l and a frontngr of .11.42 ft'f•t on "H" S ln'('f f)(•twt'f'll P 11hlltt and ~·t•r11 lcc>af Avrn~. Lot 1 in Block A-:\.1 a nrl Lot. ... 5 itnrl \.1 in Bloc-k H-:n Suhl to 1 :. .. on~·· ll•rt•o• ll-Lol 1 in A-:~2 is thl' Nru1hw.--;t L"'mt•r o f Jo'f'mlr•ar A\o•nt r•• 111"1 "II" S trcf't havin~ H fronlng(' or :n.:t:l ft '('t on "II" Stro£'1 by II clt•plh ··f ,,., ~~ ... ,tift Fr mlrilf An•nur . Lots~ anrl !I m B-3.1 have a front .. gt•or :11 f·~·f'.,.n "A" Sfn'('t hy a rlt•plh nr 120 fN."I to "II" Stf'l'('t ROd h llvlng It rront lt).!t" (I(:«) (('('1 on "II" Stf'('('t. 11u'S(' a n' sanrl lots in thl' llsay ('OVt• and '"''tri•·t•'(l Lots 4 nnc1 12 In BIOt·k B-:\2 Soltl lll Ruth A Vf'lltla In lht· Itt\ t'"'" I"• low 0<.'\."'.ln Tluull'van1 fmnling :~1 .'12 fet-t on "A" Str~·f'l aud :11 1:' f,,., ort "II" Stn-ct. Ht';!fril'l~l t o rr•.;itl<'nlml U.'l('. Lo ts 2:1. 2ft ;tnd Pnr. nf '.!.7. 2X anrl ~~in Blk. :l:n-Sold tu ll:.rnld I< WiJ-,111 Lo ts 2:1. 27 anrl 2!l front rm .Lurhpnr AvenuP and :lfi and :!X It~'"' 1111 ., .. .,. minl' Avl'ntK'. Both parr·••l-, al't·lo~~rndro on thf' South I1,Y l';wiflt-Ur i\•' Lot 4 in Blk. A-:15-Sold to llt•rll('rt E. Smith 1\ ""'-1111.., ... l•tl fnHtllllt' Shrln-AvPnu.•. :t•-ros.-.. lh•• stn~·t lrom Co nmll d('l Mut '" l t~·.tt~ldtil •,.owl IX'IIf'h -having II rrnnlaJ,!t• r,n Shlll't• J\vemu· of '11 fil ft•d 1••1\\t~'" lr t" :ond llclit,fl'otK' 1\ wnu..-s. I .ots I ami '2 in Hlk. A-:\li s.,Jd ,,, \\'. L . Kllrk '11)•· -,;do • 111 l ·''' I '"' lt~do ·d a husint•s...; lmilding I.HJIIg ht "Y \lt• Klint• uwl ...,.n,,• ,,.,n,,.rto·ol ml•• ·'I •·" 1 nwnts and l>usint-s.". Mr 1.:1rnr• :d"ll buug ht th•· \ :w;oul ltol :ttl )ttlllllli: tu• huildinJ.!, Lot '2. Th<•Sl' pr('l"'rll•'" are locsttt'fl urt tht• North"''"' ''"t ""' of ..,. -99 Parcels Shore-and Juml~ AvMIJC'tl on Hw .andtt l:W'Iow the-bluff• •c-rou ttw atlft't from CoronA ~ Mar'• IK'ftutlful IUU'ld tx.ch. ~Nord.~ ft"et o( Lot 19 and ~tU ol ~1 In l!lll&. :t:"-Sokt told Acki'O)'d. ~ loc locatt"d on Jumln.• AWI'ue pt lnuth ol Plldl'k-brtw, MY• 1n1 a frontap of 4~ ft"l't by a df-pth ot llll ff't't to an alwy. 100 F...t on Onoftn BJvd .. BIOC'k 0.:\.l-lold to 01Mmr I~ lAnnlnl. 'Mya la a beautiful bulldln~t !Utt' luc:at('(1 on ttM-bluff11 ow~lna thto bfty ~ t.- t""""' Femlcoef and < ;oirlc-n rod A vc-nUt'lll. Lot 16 ln Dlk A-:lt' ~»>r11o Jo'rank La ( "Qurn>yt.. Havlner n fronlai" of JO fort oo the t.Astt•rly Jdctc-tll lr1M Av.-ona..-on the-Mncbl hrlcM• CloNn Blvd. Lot 2!\ and South 10 ff'<M nf I AJt 27 In Rlk. ~~ lo f)(trl• J. Weeka. HAvln.c a rmntiiK'' on the• Nurttwrly llldr of Mar"'U('rtt ... .0 feoet by a dPpth ot 118 f~t to lln ulk'y. Lot 2.1ln Rlk. 2:\7 -Sulci lt1 Wlllhtm 1 •. .Shlc•lfbl llftvl~ " ft'(lfltlt~· on Larlt· II(1UI' ot :iO fC'C't hy 11 clt•pth of ttH fc'(•t tu un ftllc•y jullt South ot P~tMnt· Or1w. Lot :l, ln Blk 1\-:~i Sf1lcl to Puul M. At1hoft"'t', A htudnrM Jot tuavlnw n front- ftgt• or :\n r ... ,r. un Shon• Avf'ntN• IJc•tW('f'n lriJJ un(t .JIUIIT\lno Av ........ tnld •~ Shon• AwtlU•· I n lfn < 't.nlflla tlrl Mar' II III'AIIIIr\11 Mnct tw.c'h. Lot 21 In lllk. :t:\H Soltl tu f1111rlc"M II (~kln.-c. ...nlftlllKf' nf :\41 fc¥t un Ma~ritc AVMIIN' hy " tk•pth or tiH ft'f•t In Rn llllt•y Ht'llh1c·tetrl to "-""· denor and n. .. lck'fltllll·lnt'llflK'. 1br North 160 ft'l•t ur 1\lnc·k 0-:\.1-St»>cl to Wlll~r tinomlnK. F'run~ on Ocean Blvd ... brinK lhc> ~atht-ut ~·r or Ontftn Blvd. and F«"t'NNf AV«"- INf, 1bla bl rt t"utlful bluff bul1dln& •ltC! whkh runs from ()(an Blvd. down the Atope to rua ullc•y, 11nct huvln..c All rm.,b•tnll'h'ft vlt•w ol thr bay rovt". ~ boy and the• J•'flnlruuriH Lot 12 In Hlk. J\.:ui Slolcl ,,, ( 11urJ, .... ( :u~luvlriO 'luvlna.: II rronlll~c· ur :ut ff'll•t on Iris J\vt•nw• "" 1111' "'"'"' llf•low c ,..,.,.,. IUvd. 1111tl till' hhtffll (k,'fan ~i<lt'. l••ing Ill•' Soutlu•a -.lo•rly t'III'111 'J' rtf In~'""' 1111 IIIIIUIIIIt'll Mln'f•l unly 11 ~ohtJrt h'c•·k front lh•• puloho· l~·twlt . I All lt1 in lllk J\ .It: ·""'" lit HI!-., Trrrnltnll I Ill VUlt.:,, rr tlltl lll!l' "':lor ..... on ttw 1-:.a:-;lt•rh .,ld•• ••I Itt" A\t'IIIH ' lot •l"'' llu· lthrll-. "" tlw .... uul"' c k'1 •11n ... lilt• . The• N. ~;, rt nf l.nt I~< urul tlw " 17 t. ft nl L••l :•11 111 IUk :,t:l>' Snltltu J)tlflflld <: Md korr:tld lla\irw " lt'uutaw• "' 1:'0 (I "" l.m k"'l"'r hy &.L fkpth nf I IX rt It o ,u1 .dlo·v Lui 17 111 Blk .!.I~ Sold I•• \\'lllt.ortt Mt IO:IItH IIIl•lll lim 111~ " I ruutH~t· un Man:all'rilt• "''"""'' "' :ttl 11 II\ .• d•·1•th ul IIX ft '" 1111 nil•·\ tc.. ... hl4'fl"'' ur n'!'lfk•nt 1111 "".,,."" ~~~·. :U) ........ , "" Nt'\\'11111'1 l lll~' lit Hltot k "II" Sllltl .... l.mt•'' K 1111(1111111 , .. ,..,.,, .. 1 DflJ)f"fl X. M(l rt Sltulh nf lit•• l':o..,·m•'llt ''""'-.1 ltv Nt'\\111111 H11~. ,,Jah·h nrn"' fnwn Unyshlf• l>r·tw to tilt• \\alt•r.._ t1f till' Hny Lot 2:1 in Bln~·k A-:\;, S.olrl 111 ... .I N~ttlllt•,t:ul ll:wlu~ u f,.,•ntltl(f' tift ln~o Awnu;• ul :111 fl. hy u d••t•tlt ul 1:.!1 rt . lt~e·at ~l h.-1"" c ln•n11 Bl cl lll'lfl ttw• Ulurr~ on thf• suntiK < ,.,,,.n ... ttlc• 1nt• S.1uth t<, .,r l.ut IIi und 1111 of l.11t 17 111 Tmt'l lll:.t~; Sl•ltl tu J) W Brain••,.,! llu\'111~ 11 fnmllll.:t' of upfof'''" 7;, fl "" c ln•uu Jllwl., nmnln.c ctuwn the ntuHli '" nn·nkt•ni l >rlvt•, with II ltttlliiiJ,!,I• 1111 Bn·ll~l'ni ))rlvt• II( approx. 75 ft. This J., 11 lw•Hutllul hHIIdin~.: ""''J 't'lllrit'l tocl In '"""ht.•nn• tiN• t.ob :t1. ~i untl ~)(In Blk 1\ :w; Sfold to 1'""'/";ol•• l.c•ntl. l.cll'lllt'ft oo Uw 1-:Asft'MY "Ilk-of InK J\vt•mw lll'low f)c~·lln IUvt . "twn• Bn•nkc'l"'~ l>rlvf' rn- tr"' Trnrt 102fi. l .ot~ ~l and 1:1 ill Ill•" k Jl, :::...' S•1ld Ito 1\trh lro"l II l )fH r~:luN-'l'\\11 11"41til'lc'f1 lut.k hnvin~ II (l'ltllllll.:t' nf ::1 1:.1 r, ... , 1111 ''I\" s,,, ... , Hlld, lt•nrttHI.:I' or :IJA:l r .... t nn "II" Sln'f•t. I Alb 1 and !ll11 Blot(·k H :1:.! Sold lh lltJI•·rl M N'"'"t '11aro Nt11 thWt"''l n•r· rwr uf Jo'PfTII••n f A\r•rHr•· 111111 "A" S fr'1•••1 1111d lh•· :-\•111lhw•"'' o'1111WI' 11f Ft•m - II'Jtf 1\llt'fllll' and ''II" sa .. ,., hit\1111).: ll llloriiHI:•· tlf ::7 :!:'1 lt'f•l on ''A" S ln-.·t t.y att••pth of l:!lt f•,.·t "" t• .. nrlo·:tf A''''"''' ''lila ,, lt ••lltaw· of :n :t;, f, ... , un "II" Stn-.•t. t .rK':tiNI In llu• lluy •~'"'' l~<•lot\\ ( lt't•:tll 1\<HriPVIH'tl. I ,oil' :!. :1. Ill a111t 11 111 lllt~c k H-:t! Sttld In \-\'tllrh rt t II t!l'lt hlln~ 'J1u.....,. ltHir lot..."''' J,,.·alt'fl Ill lh•• 1\;tv 1'11\t' I••I11W ( ••~·1111 ll•llah·vu n l I••IWI'f'll I );thhn 1111d Fr•Jrtll':ol 1\\'t•ltiH'!'., i1a in~: 11 fl'nlll:tt•l· 1111 "A'' SlrH•I o f IIJIJI''"''· rual••ly fi:l ft.,·t "lilt ttw '-lt tn•' fnlfol11~··· """It" :-\lr•·•·l 1011 1-'torl 1)0 lh•· hhtHs 111 Hl(,.·k ( 1.:::1 So old I•• S H-..tll :"/ ( 'h;tplll '11tl'-t' ,, l•·:"rttrul hulldln1: ... tlr· lr·••nltn1: 11111lo-,•t 1111 I tn •;"l Ht,ttl .. v:tn l """" thr· -,1"1~· 111 lt1•• nJif')' un flu• ltluH ~o 11 I~1Vt• 1111' H1ty o·.,vr· '-' 11 It 11 11 tlllnlt-.1 rut'! t-el v11•w To "Our Friends" in Newport Beach We Thank You For ''Y '' C t. our o-opera Ion "Thanks .. Again" PROPERTIE-S, INC~ J • -· • ·. Windows Leak? 2 Accidents at Same 'Harbor Spot From Sdme Camp H • h s t I Veterans Backing F 1 g po f S Dewey and Bricker. --------_ Says Van Wyke We Replace Old, Lea k y Putty m Y our Window" J o.ln As hdown '" 1•·,,,1111~ pert ·I A t t r'.-uu ~t•nl •fl 'h•· t ·._,,,., th"lf \\Cl}' llaA.;h"' t\ Jwnl tl •• , It ' I '"'. '•• All huur htt•Jr, ~&t 7 .•• 1 ttuhhz.rd .. 'h• h t I~ ~:otu . .,, '"'' I,,,,,. ;,ttu ·r f 'n1n1• f't·nttl• I · .~ t.. ,u , • ,,, ,. •' •• I I•• I"· n 1.!"1 Sttt und. Mar , t jUry Prt~e 1 '~'1 'Pil l ROM Kol-" •• t \ rf)( t ! ,. "'' r.t.. Thl• COYt·r!li t ... , t ,, ! .-H.,:u.: I • t',flq I.Ht•u t ' Shltlt~. , •• ~ ... t·,11.n,t.,n ,, .. ,.,. ""' ""''•n.-,,, hi''"'' rh,. tu._:hv.n \' d ,,, '"''• IP t ld••fltH tfl\•h •tll' ,..,.,, •• ,,. ~J~•·I v..tw 11 h·· lfiHf'l'; '' I•• ~ ,.,,. 1 tl•l tl •d , .. ,.., ,, • .,., ,, •' J··•lr.,.trtan ~.ru •' h d til • t. ~111 tt l \f,f•r ·••'''•' q l ~•r1f~·•t~rr~r~· \• ,,,\, ,, ,,, 1··• ttik1 tt• l~uk•, 1. '''' ''' lk ,,,., k elrtv• '' t., ..• r. •• I I\ ht~l ·,· t\ t f • t t 1\. ,, t I I I h ,., I' • , '""'" •I II I •• w .. t t• l '• • \t•• 1 ! • 1 • <4 tuo~ """' u•l• t •,tka,:r ' 1 •• I' · , ... ;. l •• ,d \ '•t OH•L I L ,,.. I ., t •·H t •·hd \\'H~ I h\f''' II " 1'. ,; • t• • ' t I •" C.t ,,,, y ' .. I I . ' . ). ' .. I•· 1 1 N~ncy W 1t•on 1 ,, 1 . o1 l.,.r ll'tlll • /l' II• ~son ".... ha,. '.I J• '" Cl;~rk 1~ llt 1rt1 W I t .t I I )ilers and Sailors ~eet Today on Harbor's Gridiron , .... II \ llt 1111!-'. ~ I ' I I ,. I Bees Tie Anaheim 1 Prep for Oil erR LaY! Tht•r~<ollll 1\ftPrn• .. ln •f)(:t lil t lht· :--;, . .,..,.,,,., ll:ol l, .. r R.·•·· r•'· 'l'il't•d Ill•• ~lirJ•rt•• \\ lto•n I ht•y ,,., r·· rnu t1 h•·d pl.tv • , ; .. , h\' an l••tr l If tlh11r :-:.ul'"" ''"" • llun · ' I f.! I• II Hnu h lllh·r,. In 1.1 hat Is t'ltpr .. v••ol II '"""' :' •rrt \n:e)lt'lm lll~o:h~•h•"l i\111•• ft . I'll""~ '11 t"-· th•· Sflll~tr '"' li t\J '~h· ' ).!a rr•· 1, udt· t-t 1 1 •rt 1.,,,, \., , 1 f •111.- ' up tu tbtl• T .a· (),t. ' .. hHVt• t ts1s ~ l '\ did •• •I 1 k• J ''''' 1 tlu•••· "-.,, •. ,. ''11' "~ l\\'f• ,,..,t.Jt utt1•111nl •f \ r d1i~·· •I Clll'ltl n nd ''""'!: ""'' lht• 1 I)' hi Ill•, 1 I t ho• l • .. A htrJ.:l' ntR l<lrl'' nf v•·to·ranA •f "II "llrll anrl t ho·tr aux1lt.H tf tt '"'' l)lll'k tnl{ thf' Po•Wt·y-Bno k•·r 'antptllt:fl :II\• I ht\\ .. nf i{OOIZ<'ll In tht' !tLoto• n( l'<ltfnrnt,t llnoftor lhP h·R''• '"'IHp ,,. T•\110\U~ ·' ur ~J-10 Fl Ul• ~~.. l1d~t Ht•>r<lllrt ~t ,, .. ' '••mnu u ul· •· • f th~· \nl•·r•• ttn I··- l!lon nnd t }ul rma H u f \'••lt 'an!<' \\'••lfftr'•· H ... ,,.d ••f ~tu~·· 11.\'( "' l tns: t 11 c'h.o· I' \'un '' 1k•• "T h•· ,~ ... h·ran~ .. ~ all "nr1-•~~ ltn~ '\\'lth ttlht'f 1fHI1 11 1fll ~I UIIJ'!-4 pf ()rs.nt.:• , nlll\t\ (t ··1 that th•· A hi V••h ·t:,r "r ol .. ,. ' "''·hdul• PfNSIOIS ARE GOOD FOR POUCEMENI FOR FIREMEN! FOR TEACHERS! FOR JUDGES! Tht- What-Not Shop '"' 1 1 th •"1"'' t "• '' .k ""P'' • J•H • uh ~ 'f f , 1••t hutt l•t' l.••f, l . .., •'l 1h • •••IIJ'hll• t • • ''''"' 1 JK thrctu._ • tt • • '• • ·'' Marl)n B urrta II( 1 .. .';;;,~.~oav.:n~·"';.,':tllr .. t h:,•;;·, ":lt.~l'l~ T ARS PREPARf Th• n a•.tll• .• \(ttt~( 1111 ··nttn·Jy f1 1 n~t'\'l lt a 1\d th1 !•l.n 1 1 ,.,., •11 ,, ...,,, .. ,.J.:••• ,~x - 1114~ FOR YOU? 1t .. ' ·f t \( Hfl I 1!,,,, I o 1 ft •U lflfllr\ t ';t!t 1 I'• r ll• t n t \ 7 Th trt1 A.c, "''It I"Jp \ J 1 11 1\•l I 11 1fl• 1\ f111 1 I oil I hlt'lol t 'I ' ,, ••• 1,,; \\lth l~J!'; p•unt B• '"''-'' Luper ·•ltd Do,.een p,,,t ,. ' ' t l'!t, '"d 7·~ 1""1.\ltl , ~ I " 1"1.• I lt HUt t~ tn aill .tfHUU•I .f••rr\ l',·"•lo•\' .. ud I ~'·n \\'h ilt· w h11 tll ,,..,\ I• "k 1111 It I•· ~1··ud" n.:ot ttu·\' • nmmunt~t:t ,,0._t 11th•·• ~""'•'t :O.l\• .. f • • J• h r ,. •t f•·r lh•• t-I •Jnllllf..-'1.•'" to ph,,., ... ,,r Jlt•\\t~r alt' r• ,,~, ~' B·•a • 11 uuxt~p \t'iilt•rd;..&\' !':••xt , nhugtl r .. r ,., 1 han.:•· .. ,. a dn ''' ...,. Tltur·.d .• v w111 n,' •I tl1•·m· "" l hl'lt trnt t"n " Va y \\',·k sn 1.t • d"'' ,.)1, 1., 11nd ~I· ··p .. , .. ,' t. l11 , '" "' :tutf. • t ,, d M7Paltn ltalhotll f 'H• tHI\•' f tlf• tt~l,"t\ t\t'•t :t\t l•'l' \o\IU•tf u tar d 1 tl ,. 1 r,v.t 1,,, h f\ ••t • .. f l til l1o f. 1 h •U,J "'''" "';Itt ~t•U1 1 ,11 t h ~·\• u '"'""'·•'• If ,, , ·~ tr. • t ~ •• uh• A rt t tt.t 1• , .. , ._ ... , t 1 ·f· tf\d • ••I•''""' I •' f \ h .• I• IJ••H11 \ ;\r n•' 1:. ' ~··o 'tf I f,UIJ.,: I\IIU\\' A Y llEFIU(;t.~ltATIO!'\ A 1'i I> Sl':lt\' H 'E t ... ,.u. ,,, ... "11!1.1 I Htta T .t • <.>h I I I , ,. I td• •d \\ I rt ,ttlt I I " I I .f I ~ It ••• I j 'I•' \ t . t• t I I k I I ·I I I '· II ·'' .. I I t I d \\ 1 ~ II I• I '·''· •' fJ I I • • 1 • \1 •··~•wl..: up th.-''" ,. ' •It l ol , 1'1 u •· ~·In!( t" Joan 1\ell•r '""· II ~. ,.,., ttud . Corrin~ B,orrto•• I' tIt 1•14 .trill VIrgin·~ (,t I .. , If ott d Wtf ft lfs • 11 • 'l(o'i•llt•tH Jlot!'\,... rt•t ' t\'t .. r Bill II a I \\hot ph•Y•·•I • ··nlt'f la!fl \'o•llr I . .-fll""'ll I " filii Th•· O ilers '"'"'' :,•·v•·rnl •·~rnuil l""·"' trwludtnc ra. .,.,,, 1 t 1 ut l'liiJ.:It· \\ tUJ,: t-Uid ttw 1•1• ,ul \\'tlh lht>1r "I'''''"" tlu• tt .. tu•· "''"11J•lna,: a.=r••Uil·l~ '' alh tht' • ';• ... ~'\ 1(, ... ~;unll••t'~ u~ ••PJIIJU~ i 111.-. ~:t 11t a \ tl:• !"' Ht•t·s • ..,.,. hbt ,p ,, lh• •ltrnr>ttJII~IItp :UI•I <lllr 1 r~ ,,,, puantan~ l ur t hl-4 J,!Umt' t tl• I"' I ll'lo\••11t tlu Utt•.'41 • IHnpll· ( ,,tla E \'Cilt Slated ··· 1 ·•II• n•·· 111 '"' ''"'l.:"•· ,Ul., Ill· "'", ,,.,, :-; 1,.11 ,,,. , 1n th··u F tlr Ei t.:ht ()'Clock II • '""'1 . •la u·~··r"u" It " full "'I'"' h"'"'' ;.:nm•· "' ttw llo'il.'!"n f1 +: • th:111 .&11\' nlht·r Hu u t,,. t I• IJ,!t•l iu ht• 1111 li~Ultl \\lu+n •I f l,l)llh\ p .l!'f!'4ot,; ftrltf IIHl... tlt'X t ,.hllt'«dnV l(te•rn•-• Hun 'I '~~'. th o 11 '~ht' l'tun pku... J-,,, tta ru "(t ttm• :ott"h t .. •·arl~ ll,n •J:o.••rt fwlcl t 'an•holatt' llru k•·r ,,. 11 ,.,.,, I·•" ••I t th• ln..'it \\•u r a uti n nl•'tnh•·r ••f 1111' A ffit'l'klHI Lt•!!l"ll """' It• In• ··pt••'n COFFEY ST UDIO FIRE F'lr•· nt \h•• I .urn ~ l •urr,., a.ntu t>11 ~~ u•tlu ( ·nruna •t•·l • 11llo••l 1 Ill Ill•· flro• dt'JIItrlnt"nl 1•11'1 ulehl 111 Ill 'l'.! I' rn whPn 't •:ot .. r lltt• ,,\',.Ol't an•l ( hhr n ... v ~~~t Itt•· t•l Get routPIISiHI • Townsend Club No. I 1'\t'"'port Beach Jlowwhold ApJIIhuwt•" "' All Kind' Wal'hla~ M.,·hlm·'· t :l,..·trl•· ltaw,., \'&(•uum n"a'"'''· I 1\. ~ I \ I ,. I I " i l t•ott•"i '. 1,, ,,, '~ • 1 ' l •~· .. f, hll•t J.:••llllns " l •· 'h·· l...,ta.:-tu &:t ·arnt•, l l.q hnr \\ rll •• It , .. ".I '" rna k· I h ilt Pllfl\ I· II ~~~ rull ''''t•n~:t h F r to•lal( '. • th•· \\':tllN. T h•• n .• mP!-1 \\'• r•· PH' Complete Radio Servi('{· lr•U!i Ct:~~ttt'TKAI. -St:WI'OKT R•:A('If l'lfCI~ t: 212.\ h 1 ·•I .. 11. 11 'f lu!> Ill the flr•l .tl ·, •• 111,. k ,., full hr:ol u,,11.,. I ., I• t 1'1\l•ltl\ Jtame ur the year ol IIJ,:III """ Tilt• T ill:< "'" .... t " ' \It· I· ,\I ' (. «··'I I "' t\111li1 lol \I " ,, I I~ ~~~· ·•II tho· •·•·rnm lttl••· • '""lo:h th•• thl•·rH ''"lll<ldt>ruhly Inter-Club Team Races at BYC l tt t•,J 'lud ~ttl \\•··''' ·~• I •• u ,, . t \,\ H h ~11 II " I .• II ,,,. ''" 1 1 I• ,.j · I.• • t ,,., ••I'Rti""" Rnd '' Tloo 1 tth-r-. ha 11• a tnll ltn•• hut It• ''"" 111 ~ "ttl '"ltlf'ly with t n• 11 ,,. ""' t••• h t·ltvy Willi•· tho• h:u k ·n11 ftr>Ot \11 :o ~· rt•., .,( tnl••r '' :"-• I tl t' L. ·' th·n ~· \\Ill• h 1!f I f, h•· k nown n:c f J••Itl:. ilVt·r·ag ... ~~ ht (•U,t.;hl •I••Y.n t1v , l 11h h·nrn r 1u ··~ \\'A~ ..,, t\!t"'•t .,, II ·I '",,, t:a v p umpkin" &lhl O !lt• huntlro•,f ""'' thlrl\' fiVt• fl'1Un.t !"t'ltf"•rl HA\' "" :-;unt111\ ltv lh•• '' •l dk· "'" rn..L~t' IIJl th .. d~· I'• """'Y ,.,, • """l•·rao t l h<' T ant' l !~tll•"ll Ynt h t •lnlt wth rl th r•••· l'l' ....... Ill•••············································ "'ti t "·''""' a '"" Wlkh"• &lhl "''1!;111 tho• ltilo•r" \\Ill n·l v •m llk tppt'f.'< frl•lll :-;1111 flit I:" ""'"' L:to~•~t~l'""""'" T hi'I(OI">tlleawlll 'I"'"'' llllht~Uj.!h lho'\' l•""l th.: ,.,.,.. r•Juh "tl h 'l ht·or ,,..," taoo·ol t'tr••· I • oil II . "' IIIII " a ni( l'ltll'r Yum' ""'" •tf \\'tilton I ;:,h· \\ ho ltrttk t' llk lrr···,. IIIII I r <"A' trl Ill· ••• m .. PALM-PALM DRIVE-IN CAFE 19th and Nrwport Bh·d. COSTA MESA • NOW l lNDY.R MANActt:MY.ST en· RHBt:KT W AJ.KUN ,.rvprif'tor • S~'4:ializin~ in FRIED CHICKEN RABBIT AND STEAK DINN ERS • O~n from 7 a rn. unlll :e a "' INSURE;~Jpl~i'­ St~f/t Y.'ITH WAR BONOS """. lot, 'oolhor tlllllo· 1!1 l llo· (llfl'rlf I>I.St I Ito"" f•···rn J!YI' :\111•1• \\oil loo• (tlr:IU<IIt·ol by Ill• 1.!11111•• T ho II "1"'1'{1 Will ~ tTII•rP Th., 1 u••ttnJ: \'tlt'hl.~nl•'n ltt o'lt !hi t ,f, r ol• II t " I ll • ho·:<lt •• H m·w a t 't.:.n '''l"'•l··d l•y A I llt:<h•lp lUttS tht'lr ""'n ;oath• b ut tlrt•~t "tl h t '"' It ••II• t lloo~ l'••ar . "" •·•tm•• (IUlaond 11!1111• II:L07.<1 t l•ll'al llkiJll'"f" (or 1)(1111~ 1:"''' llt••ltt " lh'ul "f \kTI"· 1,1,. •. 1 1, I First plar .. "'WI """ \,, l~urt ~ .. ,.~,, 1, •' 1 • Uu•lln~JW• ....,.,. flt•ntl• r-"~••n. HYt · !l't)' urul ~lY I Jt rt, (NAGGING BACKACHE 1• , ,,. t t "''"""~::~:~ \\'h~t•h•r UYt•: third fJ\• f :P••n.:~· ,,' :.·· ,.,,,..,.,. .... .,, Kt·tt•·uburj.!. ~llYC f•n•rth hv I, I •·• f til I'"" \1 I ' n . "'~"""~':;~, t: ... or~P ~tr•,m H\ .. ( .. hftlt hv .. ;.1 H r Jt~ot .... 1 1'd o•r"'"'· S f)YC' Rllol ltilll wM ~F ;::.::;.~ .Jno k llttlll'. SYI11' ' ... , tl.H Hlf~t .... 11 Tht· 1 nn1mtlt••• Hn:tt tH Ur·· l•.t\ ,"':· ~· :.. ~1 ''h.,, • r ·~~~ /, wu~ rr a na~··d ''' .... ,,.,1 Ht • '-' • ' GaiiUtl Poll (~•"suit"' t luorr111111 ~.r IIY'~,. ,..,., •• · .. mmll· \.~-"" l •·•• ( 'un\'•'[Jil•' \\'tu d•·ma_nn and J11o• t: lllol(t f',lf f tll,of, Ill Jl,tt iHII ltl'tun .!'nttlh l ll~h ln~t \\···d n•:td.t\ tltltlfiC all :":· xt ,,,., k •·nd l h• 1••~ ,, ~k l • H , '"•n it ~··II t ,J , ...... \'•t•· 111 ft\PI t•f f!Htt; ... '\t I •:u' 'lilt (lt'\\f'\" .I I •til ·'• ,. • in '"' *I'" t 1 .. 11 •tfht• ll" I ''· I• . .. 11 lilt• l':•r , .. ••: . ' :' •••'\<it•J I II I I ht ftoltt I ....... , ••• IH I .. '· ,, ~ .. , ... ,., .tr\l •t•'\\<.C \\ u ,' .. "kq•Jh'f~ f rttrr\ ttt• ~.u1 llhCtt Y.~thf ·l ~'· 1tl ~ q 1 J 'l• j.-111 .tlld tlnp•• I' ltt• trt Ill' lh• U ''\\ 11 \\:l\ti i S Youth F't•ltowship LPadcr ~pt•aks :\It J 11n :.t, •.111. \ I fu t ~-.. .-..ell"11 Ill I I 111111 Ill Ill II I It II I I I I I I I I I I I II t ~•·\t•-o \'fi1HH! J•• ,,,.,,. :i fl , •1ttr• "''' 1..._1 ht tiiJ~I\1 ttl ,., 1 ' J•! • ill Now on Display $10,000 Stock ol TOYS GIFTS The Finrst Selt1rtiun Ohtainahle Many Items Direct fron1 ( 'hi<·ago and Nrw Y nrk Trains • (~an1rs BJork s~ts Animals Wagnns Seootrrs Boxing (; lo\ t~s Football~ Ping-PonJ!' ~Pt~ CHRISTMAS TREE LIG H.TS DOLLS~ DOLLS llOLL~' • Lamps Glass Tahles Patii• Chairs Dun<·an -.and ( 'andfrwi<·k (;)asswan' ('pr•unit·~ ('hinawan' COMPLETE I!-.\ H n \\. ,\ H F I I < l l ~ r ,, .. \ ~~ I ) l ' e Ill·:~ I(;:\ s • \ l I ' I " \1 II I I ' ' .. , . I • t ,. • I • II 'I I llt•l•<l l•.t '•'• f·•l llotl th" \\ .... I ,, c .. I I I II .. h ~~Ifill J ·ll I 1t •I .J lj f ...,, I I ~\I oo•( 1 \\hPPt '' 1\ \\:ttlt•'•l • t \\tl\ Th• pnll \\ '" I tk~ 1 •ltll 111•· ln•u 1 h I'"· 11•>>1 ~It IC •t,lt•·.~ qfl !''""' • '' 11 ~ t f ....... zo~t "l•·d U••· a!. 1 nnd Al lttlll••cflh•• htlloll ft lllll tit• !,ofl•ol 1'"11 e Costa 1\lesa ~(l_ws ~lr:--\\ F t "o l••tJ :tn •I( ~~~~n •, 'nn$!•'\ u\ • 1 u• •·tU • • t.• '··.J cu••:ot..: ,., h••r h"Uh' '•' •·nt ly Thf"~· ·.-. '" ht'f n ••·• ··~ ~11:-&.'-'• .'4 Hi~~~·· tnd ~1 ru \' ~1• t 'fu r. tnd t,,., I \l,:..,ht• r ~1 1!'1~ ... r.ctlt •~ t '•tl•nH\11 ·' 1.· .... I ,\ n~:•·l··~ )!,-.; r ''"nit I ll•wkrn.on .. , ~:a-1 Jlflh ... tro•o•t I 11fo II' I lito• ,..: I '' I \• t ('nmrnun '' hn.HJ!IIUI PO T •t•'""! ,, "'h• r~ l'h• un•!•••'' ••nl n 111 1. ,. l' PrAllflO .J H t :r t•t•O l:c ~till "'"r ''''~"'h· 1:1 I tr\ t ht· I ,-•ni! H•··t• h ~. t~ld•• h• ~­ pltnl J;JI~ C r•·•·n ft<'(•'mr~niP•I by lwr """"!: ~"" "''Pntl.~ n il d ~~· ul tu•r hu~hnn~t ~ h .. •t~·d,• Tl~t• ,.,.,, thuq:ht• 1• ."\It' ttt h••ttt•• u n.J• r th· , nrr nf ;, , n tH I'''' nt h · ~~~,~k 1 r :li n• L1l ll•• \\",.••1 Vtlo•, :111q ro· 1111 ""'' t•• h<'r ll••nw 111 :It:~·,.~ II ~f,, \ t:\ f'1H"h1P t ... ,,, !lflt r !"r•· It\)! (\\!• \\••••k-.. \\tt h ));or foll"'ll ll.·t fllf1 \\·oo\ I I I'd (1\0olh ~,.::t 1-t .. t•b\' Tlh tt r• 1 l,,, .... ''' \ (,,r )11!<' '" ~t.n· t tlt l1 let, II '• 1 t, •• pf• t 1: L ~ • t: 1 c-"' • ,, n -. • ,, 1 r 1 '1• 1t ' f 1' 1\ 1f 'I J t hn~·"t -!'\.L•t r hflllfl-\1 rt·r,·., .. 1 !I' ~1·'''' I f I ' I • ; tf. \\ I \ , f' t ~1 r!' • ~. 'H ··'•\ F to\ : 1 .l ~·,,,, '~.; '''" ·'" h·t ).: ,., h• r •I' ;..1 •, • ''ft • ~~~ l l '1\ , I '' ... r t•1p .. 1 t I t ''I t~ 0 t I I \\ ·\ 1111 ' 11' I I • h \I• I ' t• • rr I I u ,. . . . , ... ,, h .\\ .. I ' I I:• I , tl• t . Ba,ks Sons • 1n 'I l• I \e• 1• • Up Twc' Servi(e l.onR Uc1dt, Oct .!S -h~tc•rc• .,,K fi'.')•~~r CAila.ns•nn of a~r trans.. I•N I "" a ac~lc nrvH drc ~met! ot h~Htultlrt. ~Irs Hlanchr .:tw atr I(C'IIU ~I .1'•(111· ldrr ;at ehr Uoul(· Ia-pl.w c 111 Lon~ Hr;ach. hntls kcr11 1n trrrsr 1n hrr .... u rk and II• fu· tUrf ('fO>I'~CI~. ~lr > Lh u ~lt has lv.o "'") 1n ~rr' tee. • 'IIC: of "hum Charles l{o uat.t (Ro~o · IIIC' I \ lou<itC', II a pr t:o~'nrr nf w~r tn (irrnu ny "~o ont nn Mil. ate)Afl ~tl .. rol In t>l« ttmr n ff until the 1 v. H " w • .to, ~a it! t.1 ra Choate, ~c.trroJ.H' "I rn RLtd to br v.ork· 1111< m "" intl uury that 1s ..., dJ. r r. til h•·lpinl( to w on thr war a nd .11 thr -~n•r tulle lutltr•ll ta lone nn~er l'la n n11111 fur a Mlttr poet· ""r "orl•l "\\'r nit C'IIJOV 'WO~klllg in pC'f• lrrtly ·'" r o•tllhttonr tl hu•ld•nlfl "•\h R•" I ntrrrury hRhhnR. her e It U,oUI(f.,_ ~f y WOrlc III Ith h fue- ptii!CJ anol I•11•Ul~ ,. ~cry intrr• cctlnl(, anti my sk dl hu bteQ l(ruct.v ourrraH d by thr lrrr hlue· ltrtnc H h·•··l at thr pl1n t. "J lw 11•'•"1 "·'I t .. mt 111 the Do•II!<IA' ••lciCI I~. '"'' l..•nl{ oiUrtlll( U''' Jl('fhl~!' ~nd th<" p:• :t';,rH att•· lUtfC ~·f Clo f)•'ll~ <ITo>UIIol )<>U all nul.r f,•r the h~l'l'•c•t l•f 'A lllkona '-\'Utltlk' , · I Joe: c•vr tll.l t l hc ~trrat lucurc o f lhr ,;tr.r.llt 1no!u-try •tit aup· 1''-'l'f~•'J "' l l,•ui!'U ~l•n lor m y '"'"' h,,~ ,,ftt n they r eturn fr,,m ,.,f \\,tt ~t,· 11thtr '\~n~ yuu ~r~. I· • 11 ••nc o 1 L'nc:c ~am s b&ttlc •Itt IUh l httlt• danthJ:•• \\,, .. •~nth to ~·utnern calltornl• ~· .... Nowemlter 1 -Dece111ller 16 Th~ Hollywood Turf Club is confident that the sports loving public will welcome the rerum o( lhoroughbrcd racin~ ro Southern California. not only for rhe rhrilling cnrcrtainmcnt it providn, bur also for rhc financial bcnefils it will bestow upo n \'.uio us war relief .l~t·ncics and "<'1•.1rc urganiution s. The pro~rams of rhc d.• d r.H n hH. :·,:\:n ..trrangcd in co-opaarinn wirh public officials 10 ~lut rnns~orrarion of racing patrons will not tnrcrfae wlfh war wor~cn traffic. The public is urged to usc these. public rransponation facilities. Eight r.JCes u·i/1 br prrstllltd Jail.,. rxupt Su11d<~y .md ,\foruwy . Postti"'t daily, l P.l\f.-Saturtlay 1 P.M. The War Chest will recelwe the entire Net Proceecls of Opening Day 0.-.1 A4mlule" $1.00; Taa 20c-Te ... $1.20 eM He•ue ........ t2.~; Tea 40c-Tetel $2AO HOUYIOOD PARK --~~~-· l'_ ... lllt,Meny• .... ,_.a. .. ~ ,, . JUST ARRI\.EP: OI1.CLOTII • • EI .ECTHH ' .\TTH .\( 'TI\' E IIOT 1'1..\TES :\EW • 'I I' I I I .:: \I I' ' :..:~.. h.•"' 1' .. ' I I 1 I Eu, to Apply (Of 1 Job C n ;an' ~~orck •' ,, 1 1',. 11 t"lu f".,, ... ,~ r~·1 ''' , I • • , .. , n off·~ VISIT THIS NEW STORE COAST HARDWAR-E :!-t6-~~ FOHE~T .\\'E. LAGUNA BEACH ~t 'lt• t, • I :-:· ,,,, l ,. 1}•. ~t J'' .. ''', • :•r f t ,~\f• • • I ' ·· t'' Y.tr·1 ~ "' I IT'S A GIRL 1.1 .. I ,,,n , ~. •J l• .,rn· ~~ tr , "1 I• 1 r ,, '• ... h •lt•ll'•':'l \:1· ~ 1Lr • Bl ~l J f\,ll l+fo I" I •1 l ' :""I ,\rv• At,,rh~ a •:~·' h .t ...• ~=•· •I .. 1 OU"f•l\ Lt.. 1A('t'lt ••'!1 ... I"' •t•·. d th•• Am11 \11 \." ... A 1~ (.lulh•r •:r.J \\,·r·\·lo~t·1 ,"\r Cnmm"''• n l. ~ I !-tt:r•r ,I A.:r • ' f'r t ,, l '-J • • • •··rnt ~ .... ,,. '•1 \\' :. '',t l :"1''.1 .\f'.t, ~r~ ''' ~ "' \ \1 t~· 5•, 1 J' \I Part. Time Wo;l.: In Ora,._ Coanty Ooui!IU Frrdrr S hop< 1n Santi Ana. ~ ullrrton and Anah•om n~d •·H ,>ur \'octory S holl "'"rkera lm• m~•alrl1 Go to 1hr l ' !:> Emnloy- """' Srrvict, Sill \\'r•t 5th S trrrt. Santa .1\na, an1 •edt d&y frotn 1:• A.M. to S;OO P.W. .-- . .. '" . - SAVE OuR SHOOLS! California El£'mentary Schools Are Fal.'ed \\'ith BREAKDOWN Classrooms Without Teachers In Some I Hstrict~ CLOSED SCHOOLS In Others '{;: 1:( Thf' FollowlnJI: RESPONSIBLE ORGANIZATIONS Ask You to VOTE ''YES'' on9 · Amt'riNln IA"~iun l)f>n,OC'rafic' l'~&rt~· IWpubllc-an (' .. ntral nut)!lo Staff' lk>pt. of tAfuc·a flon IIBJ:Uf' of \\'cmwn \' nff'r"i •·c-.lt'ratlcm nf Wnm.-n'~ ('lull' A f' I. and (' I () Stat .. Count'il ur t:dw·afiun Par.-nf-Tf'ae'twr AslW('Iatlon ' B 5 OWLING lht' bo ya aome lhlniC to ab,,.,, a t. l'mk ,· l'r uwolo•r "lUI hltt~ them ~~n~ht In t h•t r~r:ot lmf' but lhf'y juet \O'oou!tln I fltll oh•Wil llf'y L<"' ~t. C'ttbo-''"'' Ko·nny I 'r"tU'It• }'K t:<ltta •lUll lnhh 1111: that hn ll lho•ll.;h I 11111~1 a ohlllt \ K IIIII I hr'f'llktn~: any ruh•>< BRE\lTIES .,, ~hlphllo'I'­ S.otlm.tlo.o•r-. \\'o li lo•t'- l"a tnl•·l' :'oll"<'han~o·-. \\ Ill 10 ., X 7 I . !\ ;, ti 7 T ol&l I 'In,. 1.'"-!l l.!t\:t.: 1.'1..1'1 11\1;,;, O'olllh'Uiolll ••I tho· S .llllll,lk o I' .11111 1-'70 I ~~~·~ k or l he· ~It",,,_ '' ,... )•''' t•b ~ SlU\t'' " ><. 1:.:,1..'1 I:·,;:, I :1~'\.' u r ~VIl~lfoll tfh) ••I \\t r•• 1 1\c~~ In K l lo\ • Thtt t "tiJit t\ ,urk tHt.: *'tt!lll L11o oo( 4 :1, lhl tic• \ 'uh•" ••h \\ h 1d 1 ;\ .'Ill lll l ho· b•'oiO!Iol folluw o•11 hy 11 "IH•I•I•IIlj.: :.'1~. 111 I ho• llunl 1 iro•tol 1>"\\ 1111). I :to II \\ hHI j;lll IIIIo• .I '' • 1•111 1 ,, ,...,. 'lhlot • ., ... II• It• l•111l uf ~,,..,;.., ~ 111 lh,ol lllllol ltuo•" \'o11 li Tt••l H•'<llll Ill .! 11 J•n•l l \ ft \ \\ .til l.• I \\ ,,, ~l1i•1 k 111)-!.ht•;l \ du\\tl \\111, IUIU"IIotl I• ,.._ ulu1·lty K lrt \\',,lt,.n )IIU ilhootr1d hill't• lllk • II ufl ,\'Ioiii' lf\\o•a to•l 111 that llrl'l 1111o· l'aul ::-.; .. 1maro """ I• lin AI llur\Uih ·"' Jllll'•· llnJ th··~ ~~ tttn,.:. ,, ~1/ll• c \\•i~ tlU~t· t,, th•· ,.:ura: ll •IIU t h•• .rlt· ,,,Ill' ,:t\',11~ ,.::t~n..: '" Paul Hno;.l., .uh l l<uiJ h BALBOA GIFT SHOP .\t tht' .. ••rr~ l.andin~. Ralhua HUNTING KNIVES Hunters • Ftshcrmcn Overseas Sold 1er~ • Ram:h Men • fa rmer~ Alm nsl 1'\ ··r~·orw 1·a 11 II~" I ht·n• I nvaon .. r thr <.._.,...ntn• 'T'wo iJO . , J f II nl· •.•. ll"'Y• anti K ···•uri<' .. r .-ood ~ ~ r oy u y b •w lf'r.• t..... 1"1\n· "" F.n ... r-aon ()fh,·nrs ~,rosh rf'Kll\' 1:•'1 .:••ln~t Ill 111111 ,.,...nrut '-... '-• lm·· ··"·' '"'' ~ ........ '"Ill , .... k '"~()ran•rt' .Jui<'t' No\\' hh• c•\'r .. .1•'•'l'f"rll '' hnt M '' t'rk .. r ~ 111 Jhc• 11 l1r\'~ 1.10 lhlll f"'' Jc·rTY , \ .. ,.uuu:;~.n It·· •'•" •\ ""' •·v.-rv ,.,, P" h, ,, t1•• It,,._ '·' ,.1 .. ,.,..,. ... A_. •'I" rntt''" ttrhl it '" h•• lh"t htta ana,:. 1,, ""' tun, ,,111 '"'''' '" dt•n•• u .,:rt·•tll tle·u l t t• h ••lp UlMk .. dhl""'• "'1 It .,111111,1 dt•tt1 1.., tht ..... lunu1 t~•AAtl•h· Thtu\k~ J~r·ry. "'"" t , .. , hr~ ,,, •h••\ '" ,, h ,,,,. 'n r \"n ttr Ol'lil'1"'llUfft ~A~· 1 "'"''•' rr."'tt .. ,t I I ll lh I "' lt\t'll d I•• tllf• '"' ..:••t •·• \\·~·1· 111\h ' ''' lh•• tt:ttna ct·-•t '' ,J,, lh• 11 ,,,,., '""' n lil'o~. l<>llllt'l' .. r lh•• Sh•:•flll•·r" II•'" a 111111 , , ,, t••ul h ta,: I•'UI!tlt'r lll\tl M 'A••lt'tlMf" ,,,, .. , \ofUIIt •• '-I.Utt d t ht"' t dtt1••n \11 tht• lt•l\tll \\1~h Hh•lt \I 1,,,,~, \\)Itt ''' \\'••11 t h t· ~f,lltnt• ke•rtc art· now ,.,,,,,, ,,.. •• 11 1;r-. , 11 h· 1 ... r" It ..... Ill .,..., ttHd pin·, t' \\1lh llh• \\'t•ltt t•i11 ltu• I ot • !IIIII' 'l.lftd dl \fd f, I !L;t}! 4'lot't' ho•hllh t "n\tlfh,:h fh•' .. '"' "t\ 1\ I llllt' fh ~ o!h fll .. do \\' ldPr .. hav.· .,.,.,.,,11 ltlttl't' totfll 11\t'l • o1 111 11 , f•11l"4 than l h•• !"ntllunk•'rll. thfl'lr II \\ I , ''' '"' .·nllto lt.Hih•l :t\I'JitJ:•' Itt JUI'tl tt lrtn,• t W"tt~r Hl•tt IHd 't. ,,... 1111\ I•,• 1. It I,! I\ Ill~' lh1•111 PI'-I II \\t1t h11 1ht• phllt I ho hUt I 1'-do II\ I It d t .. 1 '', ,,, 1 h•• ea.,. 1"h•· m•"" .. d "' ' • •· •• ,t • ··•t1 lilt• 1" ,,, ·~- IU•fl l t,, \\t•·k \\.t iP , .. ,,)~· pf the' ("'\ftl '• .... t . :'I"",. "'"' 111 t:1u n• nf :!31, ,.,,, ,,,, 4 It I• I... Itt 1\ t •• ,; .. t ... •·f '"' ...... 1 f(t•\fU \\llh u td.• f l d 'I 11 1 :-:. th,. .. r ··!•: 111 1 lt·•r,·nth •• r f,,, ·•' '' •· •• ..... 1\ d d· '''. r' '\,\\I'"'' ~'· h ,, It ~.=:~ ... ~::~~ ... ~~:,::~./.~:··· .. ~·::;:·~·.'.~~.:: tahur ( 'u urwil •h·· ,.h ,, .... ,.,_ '"···t lh. ,,,~ •• ," .... Ins 1 d"d \"d '"•' S),,,. ~ 11 '"' tho S t l'l•ll•·r,. tho· • I) t•fl I 1 I II arbor Polit'l' In I lrin• on Bay St>N•dt•rs Thr tlOih r bo•t• o f thf' t4.•• h('r· P "IH f" hA\r htf'n "'"' C\n t hr QC\ t hr l..t•t \ ""•''" l'f \.'f'f'k • ,.,,,. '" thr •t•rr,e.nu ('lf IKl-tt• ,, lhf' b •• , Otttr"" J c\f" ~ ,., "' ,.,,,, l It',,, John~n .,ty lhf'\ "''" l'UIUIHC"f' Int o 'nur-1 t '-fl v .... ,...,.,, 1 •'-''-'"' Ofl('r ,\t•"U th.,.., lit•.~• .,, ,.,, ,.,, ••I thr aprf'cl '"'''' 01 ll ""'"• f'l hflur l\1iss Elsie..• Nt•wlund II its Athu·ks un $60 •• t fiO frit it·s ~1 1 .. •• ... , ... , ~t\\la nl '-'•II "'"''"" I l'tltl .... \\flhl I ll tl C 1\1 ,,.1 -'I Itt. h It\ ,..1 •t•ftu I I ~. tt I•• 1., \•t'•·l \ t u ... t : ' '" l t•ll •ftf•f~•lf t I llh $•·~' ut•••• . 1'1"'"' ttl• f II t I IU .... '" ,., ''""'' ,, ,,, '"' ' I •. ,,,.,, I I Jill It til\ t h t I lor \\ htt • Ill'• .. '" ···~·t··•-.tlh•tt t' ' \lo•o hn•' • "" o•l lh·· Sul1m .. ko·r~ Tn \l·a r ( 'hc.•st \ .... oil "'" '"''"" , .. ··' ..... .,,. hn•l 1t••· 11-.,\1 IC""flt tttt•t•l• tt•.- 1 • • 1, rh, 1, 1 ''"·""" ,,1 t.1._ '"'" "' ..... I'Riht•·r ... t1111"' I•• "'''' \'••U 1\tl 1\t \\ lu• \\u u ltt h l\t I•• Ill Ulll i\IU \\I It lht• tt ll•\' .. Ht•'t ~1olllol,t\ nt),:ht t!t l .tl" t o l '•lltoU f•to .. t ltt' ••f l /tfi•'Uo! Ill\•' 1·1 \ll•lit tf l•l lhe• '11t• t~ll·•"lna,: ,...,,n,,. hrt• thf" 1h• fit 'JI 4' .. till\ I ,,, ... , t '•tPttll 1 \\ul h .. ,,.,"''' ~t •h• tp I t it> I l •~lllt '-••( tth• "''•ktv hot\\llfta,: fit In t ""'tl•ll••tl I •tu\ ~11 •• I \\h ,.., l•1 1ilttol l't •t••<~~l•••ll 11 th• SJ••I tlun ol ''111\' .. ~1·•tuiAV ,.,.,r\ Hl t tl tl• lfl 1 , .. '''~·"'"''''"" 'M••tuf,,., .. ,,, t•l ~!niP••I luh••t Just the Gift for an Outdour!'lman Ll DO THEATER ......... ",, t ......... ., ... "' It• "''"• at 1 ·oo .t ,. 111 "lattn ..... ""''"""•' •• 1 ·•·' l'entlrnl••u• ~trnota~· I~""' ~~II -------"•' ••·•rut tn I.,. .. , .... , t ..... , "'t ... ·\lurrrl,,. "''"' '" "\'UTJU "''•tl-"1 :"\un ........ t ""''''''' \I" rdo u •. ,,. l"lllllh In "Tilt. \11\ t '1'1 IU:~o~ Ill \1\Hh 1\\ \I '" . "''""" '''" ... \\ , .. lno• ... l ll I IIHI\ "\\ ltl,..t't'NI'Il I IIIII 'I l't.t'Ool" ........ "~tlt.'i!4 \ 'III.Uit M. 1'1111" ~~··•kina "' '"'""''' 'll•rllnl Thur•. '''' •: t •lhrr \\ llll•ro•-"'"' tc...J Mko•llu n h i "ti\Titi'CI ftlr.\I 'T \" t ""''"•; "Unocun M<...,_l". "Te... Cl rral \lunW'nl'', "~·rrl t ·.,.,. tllatod" "l.,•uhlr ltodo•mnlt) ", "\\ '"• and • •• ,.,.,.,,, ... ........ BALBOA THKAT&a F.\"'1"11• at 1 ;M • 1 :11 I A•t """'"1"11 nf a flnubl• ,.... I'UN' l'r .. raat' "larta al II:N Thu,.... ... rt. Uo•lh Ura ..... ln "l'l ' t 11' CIIIU." \\ l .. lflrn t'Nalu"'lt": "TMI \t, "' TMiclcllr.a" C '11rloHon ........... , ~"" Mun. T'"'' ln·n•• Uunn,. AIUI MaAhall I• ''1'ti!W: \\ tiiTLW: t 'l .lt,,. CW UH\'Y.M" "'"'",..'"' Unly Nl••h•r•l \tlc•n .INn l'arta .. In ""'l't:~\\ LW:t :I'I':R" ""'" "I'M \IMir MC 'IIUH~t:lll" .... ,, ... ," It '""" .. , --=----= Mlartln1 Thu", 'lillw. "! "tlcnn: I 'I I'UI '"'" I Htolhll "\tr ''Thr 1-h •IMI "Thf' Mlnr1 nf "\tart! Y.aln" Mkf'fflnat-", ..... "' ..... ~. .,, "'-11". All .tn• 1-tt•mtnJ,.rton Slttt•l t'"-L't'Pl 1111r :'lh•:\w:tll $5.-lil u11tl hand \\J'I'IUght kniivc•:-. l to~ in. (,I;Hil·:-o. l 'nl''' 111• Broad Bladl's . . . Narrow Bladt•:-. Tilin. (;f'lte)\'t'(l Bladt>S of Satx-r Stt~l ... Ml'lal Tippt.'<i WciOO('n I Iandi,..,. Noll'hl'd Wooden Jlandlt-s ... Cut"Vt'<l llandlc-.; of Wood. , .. , :.':lrtl '" thr• St•t•th c·.~ hA ... •••II• t" u .. lid,,( tt11 \\ur ,,h,lf~t l ,.,. .. t "h• ,., l(ft tllt•K•I •••••r-nutth·ut • ,,. -.t Ill t l ~ I,,. -.It I I ,t, \. I'Aint,.,... t•-.fltt f -411JI ... """'"'' '"·'"''" \\'1tllho•1' I ,.!_ IIi \ t .. HI\ \'!II "Ill If • Utl •••t ht l1• J th•• t ''IIJII' J.-1• tJI'"" t ••• ,. u.t h ttl t llhJ \\til f•r ~!\•'tl t'\• f\ t i'IU1Uiff11t\ t)htl I• .. , r I\ at,,,: IH t ttl:'•· rl\f t(ll••l u l ..l'h~tt \1q fH• II "' t hi~ •l'totff It f t• Ht t•1 "' 1 ''""" ''" "" .. 11" ,.,.,.11 II "tr~· \\UHf In "'I'\' lltt' r•t 11141 N\',.lt:lll "' ft •••• •llli t l•ll" n tt.t \\ltP '' thJ• I tlot I IIIIo ollu•, ..: I I' It t tt~ ,., • ,. .. "•11 Shamrot·k Cuft' ()pc..•nt•d ~'riduy ft•t IIWtlv '" • "I'"'" l•v lhr ~·•tryl•w ~'lit lila \\'~tlrt t ""'I'AilV .. t 184:! :-.'o•\0 l"•lt IRtlllrVMrtl to((l'n 111ft 1"'"11·· llw rlllt'RI Ill l•wwl.w Maeht"ft"!' All Kindt~ nf l'cwkf't Kni\'f"S, MO!'tt twin~ of T~pt'rf'd 1•rf'·"'ar $400 $500 Stet"l I. to Bont' llauadlf'd Mt'Xic'&l'l Jluntln~~t Knln~ StaunC'hly mad£' fur junglt• l\.<;('. Just Arrived from New York GENUINE SHEEPSKIN RUGS For Living Room. Bedroom or Den In Oblong, Round or Animal Shap•· $10.00 to $28.00 inclusive American Made Monoculars You look. throug h them with one eye and extend d tsta ncc of vi~i o n BALBOA GIFT SHOP .">1• 1·11d11"' .. r I lo.,;ho•-.1 <)u:tlll) \\'lllo• and lnt• 1•''''".: \.11 '"'' At thf' Ft>rr~· l.andlnJt, RallK•a. l'hnnc· fi ---- 10 ~ 1• TMI KITCH .. A llool"\'101 h S~dm~lo.rr• ~I IIIII••\' I "lllolllllt.:lllllll I ~" ' !-;lunku !':••nnu.n 1 M~ct•~nlca 1\lun h \\'tllo 111 E.,;. ~l>rk .. \lt•" Hu,.... • II Too t Roono Fur'"' h ~f'•'''-Ud fo l :tt ac ,,. 4 'L,.,,. Wtld~r• (,.4 "~tc•t '''IIIII" 1 •rarh· S IHII Io•\ ,,,,,, ... ' Sl.lvc~ , . .,,,. ~,. t;1llf't• H<•yd ~ •• ,. k ''1 n I• ,..,, fl Y•X> II v. ~111 ynur ktrfhrn I3~L' In m~nh alvnfl wuhnur 1 h 111 h (,, tiH m .. r(' drrou/,1/,, rhr 'j'f'l't!tt r, thr morr C(•n· V\011111 )"•II 1 .. >~1 1\JI ~pJ'IIIOCt'l l lt -lh( mort rlllllt ..J 1 Yn.i ll '""'' (,"111 c/ rnll/'lf. 11 '1 11.'. 11 7 11:.! I •\~; 111 11•·1 11!1 1 :zr, t r: 114-1 1.11 Il l a:.:a 11 7 I ll 17:. 1_'11 u :. , .... :111 117 II!• ·~!\ l'o7 I ll , •• j 11'1 , ... .:oo 1 4~ ~-~· 11•1 l~t II!/ till ~Uti !Il l I I !I •~n 1.:.: f J..fl\roJ "'' \\ ''' t 'h• ,., ,.__... '''" .. ( t h· J•f'l I t1 '''I r•• Itt hrtll~lllf.: t• lao f Itt 1•1t• JlH ft IH fht• ,_,,1\'h t' ttthl ,,, olnlf,• 1 fU1t l••h 1111 tft•• I I"IUf" ,., It.,., ..... \\I JJ Librarian Attends Statp Conclave ~~~..... I ..... "'' II \\ ....... I •• llt•tntt.u ,. •utt ,.,. ~'"'"••\ It ,, I I"" • \1 l 1 I• " lwt • wh, 'tt. n • t j 1'*' .. ..,,,.II .,f fl • I 'ullf• t rtht. ~ht1 o 'I tl '·" \ ,~, .. I,,,," .... I .... l't•tlftUi ft t•hto 1\ll ht I IIIF1 ,.,,,,, , ••• ,, f .... , '4f111 '''• .. , •• -k·,. ~II i fo.htt f \Lt•t:dh f 1\ \•Itt '"""' ftf t •,••Utntl\• \\1t t \1\H I 1'· •\\ I I ' "fl ' ftl ·~ .,, t ' • If r ul l~t ll ' IM,f•t. .. •tut. dn ••l••t ••I '"', t lf·t•lll ttlfl• d ,. ,, '"'" H \ I I" tl A 'klfl-.o ltt •~"'1.,.1 H ' lo, lt!o d• Ill HI lU1d• '''tHoiUit1• tt 1 ..... \n;, I· ... ' '''• I Jill~ i tf tJ11 t •, ,, I I f \ • t' I ,, If f "'" Air Hast' faotain Tu (;o On•rs(•as i •t •fltll I• I 1 "''HI •.• ' I '" t1 I \t \• If ,. \ ,, .. •, 1 I t •• , ••• I ••• I f '• I I• ,t, • If t t I t , .. , ,,,,, I f , I I' I I.~ ,,, ,. ' .. , ,. ' . I l '"•"' t;. II I ,., .. ''·' I. ,, '' "t" I tiJ•I l•l1l 11 ttf •,, • f"·'1 I I t I H •~ f. ~· h• •·I ::t,. P . ' . "' tp' Ill f "•t'4'h \l <,hopl•lt~r~ Mol 'lt'" ·r'"'n.h.- t :~orl llht no·,. :-;. "'"" r .. ,~nt r , I t•~IIII;HIO • :nl• I t•r fo\\r1t t H••v. I•, I•> '''" It ~' I I ,,, I I I ·• 'I I. • ~ ._ J 1 II fl l .>- 1 I 1 . I I, •••. II• ''· IJJIJ'ftl \\ 1 •' k If .,., •·t ' ,U ut;l•· Fn .... t I" • •UIIIItt.; u 1, I'"'IU I'll I IIIlo: lt••lnh••t ••I t lh ••uttr•,ll1tn ,.,,.,,."I'"' lft t 'ttlff•t M••"" th··~hfUtHI•k Allll\t'l ll•• ""'' fr•·•h In •1'1'4'al 11110 •·. ltot• • Aft• p1rt1r•11l a • l•l•,..lltiC ""' k11r•wtn•l (u t Ulf'lr oJ.oltduu.t l'lll&lllr "" ... ''""" 1111 '"l""'""'h Itt• ""''"' 1 .ur •• \4Ith h •'l"'"•·tl lu th. h tttl tlt1..: llttl th1 I ~ t '••llt H -..a. Itt "'""' 1 u ""'" 11,., I• It l1t•• l•·a.:,t,.lnl tllt'" ••t .•·: .. ------------------------------.. "'"''' ,.,,.,, .. fHn • '""''" t he• "'"",.t ,.. t lo •II I "' I I\ .. , t •u ttt .. "''" ... r ··c '''"~'~·~tth" ~~•·· ,._.'"'''too: , ... 1 .'I '' \'Ito t lu H t 1 •• I f Iotti I I r••t ' ............ llt l t•l l••l 1 Wife..• of l\1ajur Taft Hit•s A ftt•r LinJ!t•rin~ lllnt'ss i ...tlfh•tttl "''I \It" ot "'Ill I• h• ·I' •• t ., 'ht t tl •· , ... 1\ h ttf l tit'' ,,., t ',•I ho Ill t l 'tt\tiH 1 I ttl ! l 'o\ d • ••t M'""' tu. It '"' ': Tat I '4 h ..... ,,,.,., ... ,,, ....• •:. hf "" ~,.,,, t ,.... A I '"' 1\ II 111111• h· .. I 1• t ul u ll• • • lltq•, tn~t• 1111•• ,,. 1'tut 1 I' I' I I •It i l t 11 If'' I It f H tfl I tf It lit '•••• \1 til lo ltl I 1 1 t li•l fit• .., t\'l • ... l\dl 1 .. f., ll .tl n ,,. 1\ttlt l ~h+t\fl11f \ •f tj"l l 'ill !f I Jtj ~1nr I tt t • t Itt • 1 1 \\1\1 t... nt \\t.hH1 h u ll''',.. .,.,,, "•. ' ,~,... ,, t• IHI \I\. •I '•\' IIi f hH .. I•4nd \tu , .. , I'•• t . ' ·=·· .. Htt l j ,. I '•. ' I , I "' " 'I •• t ' ... ' ,, 0 HI \ \lfllct. 'Ill\\ llt-.I'OIIt. . 'IIIOUICEMEIT I lla\'1' l'urt>hUNJ thf. AUTOMOBILE and TEXICO SERVICE STITIOI •·urmf'rl)' Uwnrd b) \VILI.IAM II . l\1dNT_.;_.; :!·106 ( 'ENTilAL AVK • Allll wtll L:uiiiiJIIIC l• .. ~crvc the puhltc 111 the ~amt· prompt ami cft'i<.:icnt maflncr. Virgil Moores '!IINi \\lX I' ('t:~TU\1 . \\.:SIt: :\ 1'\\ a•url '"'""'' Orarige Juice [ DELIVERED THE SAME DAY TO YOUR HOME AS EXTRACTED t •• 'fl ' Frnrn I ,u!"C'iuus, ( ;uldt•n. Trt·t·-ltit•c·nt•d ( )ranl{c' ( 'mtnty ( )ranl{t'H lfi\S \'t:s c ·m~ c·m · 1.1· 1 117K i\.1t.1 ll.o\o• ..... 1"'''''1' '" '''IIIII\'!' ,,., •• 1 Ill 1111' n·t:i•>ll .. , llu· '''""·'· 11 '1:11 I I lo• •II• •• 11••11 ollll "'"I' \llllllllll!' ,ofld • •• 11'111111' If lilt""' 1111' l:olc t•fl ,1'1 ll 1•11 • h l•11 .. l••n t: 111 111·. ll1t·11 ,.,,., 1 1\dl t•·rtl'lr.tl ••lfll" llw "111 111 T ltc·v wtll • I •• • 111 •· llw '""" I•• IM·t ••Ill•· ll1:1t 1 :lltc lltl ll(!lllr, ltlr•" II t'l t lit ltl ,_, ... fit" I \f ft tt .. ,f\ ••tt '''·• .II ft t' •t fIt\ f U~ tool'""'''· "''H'' •••ltfl • \• ...... ' ' ==-=:-;;--:-:==-=':::tl \ fHti\SCiY .. ~ AUr. I 'NJVfl:lt.~i\I.I.V ltfi:CC)U- l'liiZt:lt 1••1 lltc·11· ir11Jt<111mt l ··••lltrllu•t lrtno.; '" wa rd h •I••.Valll. lu·altlt I ·;lltfc>nlla r!l'ant:" I"'' •· :'"''"'''' ,\1•11 ,.ridt, ••vr·ryd:1y '>IIIII '''' 11f 1111 • llllJII H'l;llll Vil :llrtillS IIIII( llllllr•t lllo,, Jtoll'fl 11b 1I V • .d• '""' l•ll•l:'lplt••lll-. :11!d "111 a II Who says a moclern girl isn't pr•ctlcal, tool W II EN Funcll••rJAI N~rY•oua h tatur har., .. ,. •'• h •• "'lr.-v• .... ftf'N., ('ran".,,. ..... , J.•'•'•'•"'P• kat I"'•" ... "" ur ~,., ,, •• ," II• :.•tA• ••• lnt•rf,.r• "'.· h r•··•r .,. ... ,.. "' •v ·LI JloUF r !l !"l l.rl • •, Ink• 11 111tlllll·. "' II'•" ZJe ~S ~M K~-Suppc"c' 11111'r•· l·tttl·r - t.llnin~ your mo\t ulro·,~\ 1.d Jmnl'r J.:lll''l~; ur Jll~f do111g ''rhr~ squ.HI'~" fct r your f.Jnlll~ ... Thl'rc·s nuthin,t.: s1r.1n~l' in ·w.IIHint.: ynur P"'t" Jr kirdtl'n ,,,rJcnl : :1 romf.,rt :tnd a dc·I•J.!hl to ""rk an ... And ftrallital: ~u ~nwotltl~ ctlil it·nt )Ou f.ur l~ "h"l.. throu~h )11\lr 1.1\k~. It's only huml n to t.11-t· priJ l' in your mr.~tkrn (,as I>Mutic• -\uur ~k.tmins;t CP Ga$ Rans:;<.'. )Our fulh autonurac 1-:·'~ V.Jilr .-.·, ••. ,. \Our prin ·J Scrn-1 \.J~ rdrts,:t rator. pt·r ltap~ <'Hn th~ 11, .o~r•ck<'d ··wea ther" o r a nc" all-~l'OH 1-!·ts .11r conch11una ... It'• 1"•"/ual-to IH "nHJdtrn" "ilb (,as. I it) mmb so! IP~ ,._,. ,-.4.,. ~ 1(/IK 8nul ~ ~~ IIODIRN ... ....-PRAmCAL.-., Dr. Iiies Nenine (IJquod nr l.u•,. ........ ,., l.lolo It ) N~rY'•'J" T. ,,., , , ··· u. Waikrtul, J ,lt,.rY. f, ',1 r .. '• r •••U.. 1.-• • " , • • , A .. •,. t , ' j. ll~atl•rh• a r I ,, , "'• ln•t ••• ,...,. t toa. lri t., • • J,,.., ~ ,.,. "'' a t.tt• J,k• •• t l "' t• It I ..,•rwr .•IJC •l a •l••• '" :L' •ut. ,,,,. a , •• llr. Mel ... .'\rt\Jii" • • ~· ..-J •• •'lve -nuld IJ Jl •·'' · ·' If 1'>0 ti•• n • 11•• flf '11:1,.. H•rvtntt 7.,,4 ,.,., t •• • • .t at ••II Ito f,,, '. , It r• ,..,,... ln U<fUid a ro•f I I' t'T-• r• I 'T o• • \ form, t ... t h .. I •• ,,. • • '' •' t.e ~ .. anti o"•' .,.,.,.;h• n,., ·•&.. WH1' OON'T yr,t' rll'r IT f c.t It at ,o., ""'I' ...,,...., ~en-r~t tal•t..,. u• .... 7~ I .... W ., .... 11 .... k.-.att dlrw-.._...,. _ _., .. ~ ' ··-. Il L I ''' I ••••••• '"" l ,,,.,,,, "''' 1 ,.., •'"' '• r ,,,.,,. .,, •") k lh•l 60c . ,,.,,,,., .. , ,,, •.. _,, .... , ... 'I I ,, I· J 'l'llt: U \II.\' l .lfrlfT fll \I t: f,f. \..;s 01· OIC .\:\t.t: .JI If ·1·. l•11 111 I" 1111• 1111 1 1111llt '1.1111 •ol \'tl.tll I I . \\ Ill• It """'•llflo' l l!ld lo•••r· 11 •, I•• 11 •1111.1111 •otdoltolll'• \ 11 •111111 I ' 111111111••11 1••1 •fl o• ,:111\\llol' 0 l•lld 111d fl1 tllll.tl l'lt d I \\ ICI'II. flit I'IIO,t. \01 IC OI:III.H ALBERT JOYCE 61fi E. B.\ Y A\' E. Balboa, ('ali f. f"htlllf' :\' I'WJH1r1 fj •;t ~tllt A ~J) I~Ortll FIIH \'t1l l ' I •• '" I fltll I It ''"' \It~: tu.,.,lt' thn ...,.,.i,. ••1 ., ""'"",...., 45c . ll•·lt~•·rt'd .. "ttur h4~Utf'l .... .. .. ~;~;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~~N~~~~~~~·~ALBO~~~A~N~KW-=I~·TI~M~E8~·~N~Mn~~~-·--.. :=~·:--OMU--:~~~--~~:--'•~rl' 1~ 'l......--cRE_D ___ CR0$5 -1 f01mh lll1rn-1luy of t'V .. ry rftoftthl... Cost M St v FLIWEI SlOP •• ...... hy tho· MuiOf' C'OI'Jll' Donora ~ HY I Ill FIW ole ~ • Actl itles m.·k·· .. rn~ng,·m .. nl ~ ,., call~ thf> v loo<'tol Rr-<1 (',.., ... offtrl' at IllS 'Sh a· De M • •t RADIO SERVICE I J 'llllo• no•lo\ r·h;unllt'O Will ~·..... OWl •c wey IJOn y IU>WERS FOR EVERY OCCASION '180 ' Ho-, Au ... Mart .. RadMe .,_.,... , IIORMAI'S 110'7 OoMt IIIPway-Corou del liar .......... ..,,._,.,w..,~ IUISEIY .. .,... a.etrtaaa M,... G l . And,..we lloothh •~llll lh•• m•Hllhfy ~-d C.,... m•~·lin~: l•ot18) 'Ill•·~ 11n• Mra, By· S••nl• 1•~•1~lo• havt• ha'.'. rhE' l'r ·lwrui found rh11t :-1-1 "'·n · fur 1>.·"•'), 'T'wrnt)·t'hroo• I•'"J•Io "''nl Jro .m 1'•11 •'1'1"1'110 n•'" ~urs.-,. Ald. rnrwvu' rdl'a that . <;osta MN-a 35 for J«>o...'vf•ll an'.' o·lto:h r dt~:lrno~l , II II ('uaet Hlcltway thr· hny :u•·a ''' lho hf•..,f """"' 'h·"'TTI"'' ~~~-""I:'""' Klllron ,.·1'1.11<1 poll a ma .)Orrty agarn!<I IIO sl alt• ------------------------------- c•·nlf·r '" Silnlol Amo lhl• ...... k. Ill'-,. ... <'IHOIInlolll .,, ,,,. uM tor ~ TIIo•lll·•· E 1~<•"'''), lout th is rclo•ll (' • ' n>nhn~: ro ~~'' S,oll\ ~""''I lo\hu """ .\lr-It•" A ll""' wrll t.. In h.o ~ I>• ,.,, r o•futl'<t by " ~Ira ... · votr ""'OrKt Rll..tnur of rho· lto•J)Uhlr-, Burt R. Norton ,._. un l'oiEWPO&T B~CB ' I I . ' r " 1'1"1 m l••·•rtlh t1 I I t lc-un t ommttl•"' ''lllo" '''''' '' 'ur· ha" t·hru ~··· ul t ,.,, Itt ,_,, t Hn t lh'· r ,. 'It •·• •• u •· ' an of ,.,,n U(' •·< ,~ :• """ 'I"'•••·• Vt+) hu .... JU'I l)t·,•n maul•• In (.f~ An- trvlly .,.,,., "too ,.,. lilt-•ll•·ldol I t Ill• ~··1'\ I•'• !\I t' Alfnrd ha• -..111'11"' K••lt•t-, Sitn H.•m:rrllrnu H .,. I I"'~~' tho• "llrd 0110111n<l thllf •1••11"1' IH •" •II 11~11·'" •ol r-.;,.,.,,.,.. Ald1•, loo ""'' I•"• lllt'l tho•l'l• wo•r·o· 97 Or· f1 S I I • 1\ ""11 1 1 Will I~· t:rko•n 111 ,'-,ollt,·r t\11.1 t it• '" d II 1' '""' ·' 111111'\'l'lnos ....._ I• '''" lo~l \oolo•r~ of \\hum ~'I w.. . o!cn((<' lln • an J o·~n l~lllollo'> -,, I'"' I ~ I ~ n' " Whll'h r·omprr~·· ahll\11 ha lf "' (':rlr· t t•·n '11'' 1' '1~'11"1 '''11 nr M,... "111'~·~,','.11'1 1111' k. "''"' o•puhlr-fnnwt', Jlltplllatttlll ami rho• .. ;1nw 1&1 PtODUCTIOtl JOAU'I 1..-SUUlY Of NtCUSlf If AUTO JutiUUDS 111011$ U PUCUCT nwtt CU S I[:"' ANTI-VETERAN Record l ; ... 1.' ' """ ·'"' '" ""'"'' Serv~t•o ,.,,, ll ,. m u on~ It r·~rnva'' uf C'llnf111run hoht~ t nw A llo.'m o·n-I , lo o111111111 "" Allo1d hull bf.t•n tl•· oll,trh·t tho· ,,fll'lttll' l'ltrrr!'d doth ,wfn~: 111 Tl<>wo•\' 1, """ l:ok · 1 olf ., • "" ,,., loo I .... I t••h ~ -m.rll hullnl ho Jo. a n<1 ~omo· l'lll'd' In" 1)1!1~ n ·.. ... r I '· I . " '•' .. mon,;: "'l:•''''l'~'<o )o•m -\1• ''""'"11 l!ooflj::krnson I~ Ill'· And 1''"''1 1'111'11 1"''"'0 n •·allo~l C>n ocmts lo\'hO •·nn't stomuch thl' Sirl- ,,.,.,1,r: lo•'l "•ork '" ,.,..,.h8tnTllln rl •h·•'' "'"11111 rmlrc-1111• ron lhP ~:arri i ""Y llillmnn T 1 I ool \ o•lo1111o·• o So·f":\ ,,.,., wrrh 11 hanJ.' !h•·or p rl'f,.r••nt't• for J>r<''idf'l1t .. , • I'UIIIIHI I' "IU" \\ ••loo•·"l.'' •h•• o•nrr•rllllnt'<f a t !I'll \\'hoon th•·~c· voro•, Wl'l'o• C'IIUnlt•cl 11 I" 1 '.'' ~~~·~·.~ thi'PUI:h " .:'""' 11111 11~ • I of Candidate Roosevelt Canclclate Roosevelt Has Vetoed 18 Bills Passed by Congress for the Benefit of U. 5. Y eterans 1933 fo 1943 .4monr Tltrm .,.,.rt•: H. I. 1421 , ...... , fw .W.WI el tollort and soldier~ H. I. MH Pett~laM far Civil War wldowt V'TOfO bv looHveh Vt CEO bv loowvelt vr•o ED bv Roosevelt VETOED by looMv•h VETOED bv loowvelt VETOED by IOOHveft H. I. MU IMrMN Ill ""''-"' H. I. 1424 IIICN4tM Ill IMftliat~a H. I. MU PMIIeM far hal.a..a chlldrefl af v•t•rant H. I. 1426 ''""••• far..,._.,. ct.. af ., ... ,.,., M. L 172t TeiMrl••• ""'laM from SJO te S40 for 11• tarwl• •••act•~ WarW W•r I ....,.,.. total and ..,rmane11tly VETOED by loosev ... YITOID ltv a .... veft .... ... _ ... , •• liN, ._,. ·~ , ......... , .. 11111 .... ,,.'" •• •v Mr • ..._., .. t. .,.. 1M .,,._ lit ..,.,, ••••••••" '•"'·"""• •' AtwV .....,._ llf ,_rol ••""M lolo o4"'1"1 .. rotl.,. "•• "'''"• ... .... .. -... ,..... ., .............. . ~mericana-Remember 'n. Record When You Go to Vote Veterans for A. lay H•rriiOft C>rtott H. lhHittr Dave Day left llebermann lalph J. Mitchell DEWEY and BRICKER GtJOrt• Kelloel I . I . Randel Stanley .. inhaua Chaa. D. Swannet Chat D Van Wylt, Chairman .oil "' •h• '""'"''''''' ..,.1vf1.., t'halr· c.tmpra~:n~. ~:ud AI l'tnu~,,.J11•. II,, ·'"" rho• 'Pill I "' I~IOflf''C'RIIorl Yf)Uf Frl·ends "hut thil-ono• I" ollll~·n·nl I >urrn··l ,,,., 01,,1111ot on1,.,.,1 111 I hi' vnf'iou, 1 1 th .. liOovl'r l'!lmpurgn. tho• Lunrlt)~ 1 t'llnlf.JIIIj:ll, we• Wt•ro• hllf"'''''"l' 1!•"1 t '1 oo.-Jnlo-"II' 'JIIt•nc111'1. 1 am A d M• 'I Ill• I ''ol'illl.'fl lnljilt''"'tl With tho n lne llk l<l'if \\';Jikll' Wtl,.. rtllll'h t'li'-lt'l, unci (C'W jM~>pl1• ro·niJJo• h"" ',.,, '-11••-·r• tl•·\••tlnn l u Rt'ft ("'~ ... C'lt"''' ht· ('nm•• lu •·lt·o·11oon llur r~ 1 '" "'"' lh·· l•'"ftlo• \lhll ltrl· llO ~.1 L'o till L'• \'l••r "llol 1° In l ilt •n " .~ " ·' • !Oprlo• or tu,. '"'l'tll:tnl\ "'' ····uldn'r loo•ol•' "' 111 "''"I""' llnrtx11 ,,.,. ~I" nl t h •·. "•·•·k ··~·I w olh '""'go•! nn)"'-'ho·rl' """ ,.,;01,. 1.111,..,,, nf I • ''' h "'' 1 hf'r ~1 r1l f.r11 ,., •' Sf'\'ll'r KR 1-I 11,, I I I II I i. I I I I I 'I -fJt'"l' ''· Jll'lno·lp.olh t ho• lfiiHol ""' oil I• ,. ""' lfl" H'C'II 1\o"l >' lUI• r '' I'Xl" t IPd too llo• l'l' 'n to• !'o:o•\\ '().•Ill 'l't•nt.-f Ill ol· " • , I'"" 1••h 1" "l\11 nn~e mn ~hq•too·d ""' ~'"""·'" r .. r ,,.,.,s,.""l ha l rl t i t1 ,, '"" Jl•l<'k rn~: IH''''' to lw thor ' • . • ,. '''"' t) pnrot If' tlo IIIlo ''' tl loo o'IHiill'••n rn "'"''l'llh~l ~to Rnol ~tr>< •:u\' L.· \'Rlll'v llr · I 'llut II '' "' rhflo•lf'lll thr' ~· ;ol ' , "'•II'" '"'"lldln~ Ill ~11' r,.•r· rll • I ~lunollt\' fr"~ !-;an FrRno l~l·u ll.~ dn~ 1-' fnlfll ntl:hl O u r olfllt'f', t! l'ut.r.-lur~1oo1 lt•·•l ('"'" C'hiur-ull 11 10hurt \'!lilt '" .Mrlt Lc· V>rt·· In !'o:o'\\IIIWI ll.•aC'h, ha' lll•f'n Ill.•· 101111 ''' tit• l:rllllllflllr '<'hto<ol and tO'\··~ tlltrt'llts !\lr and Mr11 A s ""1-:•·rl h) "t•r ko·r... 1'1 1"r ''""'' "'' '"'h "'' 1 """"'·"'It' ''""l"'llllrnn Th .. rnp~•·n :112 ~unr a Ana av-01W'n•'(f UJ' ·•1nt1 wo· hull• h11tl mort• "' rh• 111" •Ill lo•,wlwr, Mr,., Van rr ,,.. :o\o•" 11.,rt Hf'rghtl'l Mr v 1 l'l'tflh'"'' fn•m unron m••n fur llo.olt !•111\ '"''"' havo· llt'l'n \',.JI••\ I:< n tho· mt'rl'ltant m &rll1r . ~'"'''Y-Brll'ktor button~ und rnaro'r· I••• j.,,•rf lllol "'01 1111 lh••rr· WB) /toll lit d ~l•••d hv dllrlltl{ IIW Jlrn)!'rl'l<l! lUI than WI' hiiYl' 1'\o'r had rn tht• I\\• rrll lolo• .olo' "MIIIII: unly for •I th•· l.:ollll "' S IHiliUI pa't. \Vl' t an all l'o·mo·mlw r· ho" Joo('k.ll:tiiC lli.olo·rrul.. Tho·"' boxt•,o. \lo.• ,),,.. s o1111111,•n• ,.1 u.,. A n -WI' Wt>re mr,..l<'d hy tho• Lllf'ra ry ·n,, .. ,. f.,,,, • ""n"'"' man}· things ~·I·, ''IHIW "''"" Thursday 1\lltl 011:"~' poll. trr,•tlrl'trnc L.anrlo n·, "htdl I h· '"' "·" "'Om l'h rlclrc'n '""k • hn r j!o• .. r a rnlfl~t'mt'nt11 for t'l<-crrnn W ••II, l ht'llo•\ o• t lw :O.:t•W "ill Ito\ 1·, •llf•h '" 1'raynns. Jl('ncll~t. lfw runo•ral oof Frank t 1ratt .. rlo n Dt•al IS gorng tv hP ''""n m un • -..;qo ...,,,x ttrul many ~omnll toys a ncl ltl'r nwlho·r Mn• F'lun•nr p To r-budly foolt'tl. l thrnk Ut•wr•.) · IIHII!;S wlnl'h Will Mill to JW'MIONll '""' ,. rt'lur·npJ w oth h••r lol IAfO Rrrckf'r Will <'llfr'}' C'ulrfomra nnd l'<tm fnrt .11HI Jtlo•II>Uro• A"&:• lo•:-1 w ho•l'o• J<ht· w11J ltll\' a I'IIIT)I I he COUntr·y ·• Junrnr Ho•ll ('ro o:-;, t'h1hirc•n HI ourl '''"""' ,.( w•·•·k" · I Coftta M<'~lt ht adqullrtl'l'>o dl'l' ul c ..,.h,><•l aro· "''" hu.'' rnnkin~: ,, s T h .. nopson ha ... hi't'n Ink· 179:.! NC'wport Boult·,·ard an(l :\tr. ( 1111'1 m:o• I oil II.. ~'hlr'il "''" bto lnj: ll VIto alliin fur l\ WPI'k whiff' ROC'tnor. Who •• in t'hiii'J;:(', :.ny~ t.:" •·n 1" tho· hit~' 111 1 h1• hc~ptlal~o ri')'IIIJ: to gt>t n ot "' a <'llld. M il a dozl.'n m ore worker!' nre urgC'ntly I • • 't'rrol 1•111 :11 ( 1111>o tmu,o., t lrTW' 11••nt tr• ~~ll'inurl' wh"r~ Mr. and O('t>d<'d, Fuvor'" n111 ''"I"' and otho•r hnghr M r~ I.J•n•' nn• f'nJo,ving lhP 11un-r--------------""'1 lo·lllurt:'< foot rho· hosprt nl1-nn.• t hr •hrn•• f~>r rrn rntli•finrr .. p .. rtowl o·oon .. t.ont I'•Ju trno• of tht'M' t'hrldrt'n ~1 1 rrnu Mr!t l'aul L.>rt>ntzen or "hu ar·•· clo,rn" llu·rr ~han• to ht>lp. Hollh~ta l~lanol hncl as $:'Jt'8UI Tut>R· \Jr, ~ll'l'' Hurho•rfoll'll 11nnounces ''"' .\lr '""' Mrs J':tt>l'll!mlth anrt ~~~... su ... on Hut ho·1rnrt1 nn-All•·r11 1l11rn "' Bukf'rs~ll'ltl. whll .. l WHAT-NOT SHOP Fum II ur" Rfonnt,.bect a Be· palrt"CC PklUN' Framln1. l'atl" and l'nflnl•hfod f'Umi· luno Sujrpllf'4. WI n dow l 'ttnMt ln•la iiNI. \\"hat's \'our Odd Job? J,, t\ "'I'V "' Snn FrAnl'lsl'o was I ~• \\ • ••k ••n•t ..:u• !"t · A nut ht•r .,_r'llfl'Rt I •I lh· •~·l••ni.I'I'O hoonw . l!t-try :lolo -• H.th ,,, .. , "' Bnk•·r,fll·l•l '""" hatt t .. , • th• n· t••r 2"•'\••ral nlc•nth" h II 't•J ~:tt f:ltl r•fllt~ \l1• \lma 1:.1: h ,,. h:wln~o: IL~ 1,; •' .. f"' f•rt 'ott'\ t P :11 \\ r t•t(~ h t•l JtRt • • ·' \1 1 .o11d .\lr-.I ~: \'an \\'r~ ttl • Ill lh•· l·•rn i'.oollo lho" 1\0nl•·l Shell Produetl at lEE D'S Super Service !9%0 West CeatraJ Ne"·port * ~ GOOD NEWS, BUT- Wcirtime Stop and Go Still Scraps SOmebody's Car Every Minute Shclluhrication ctut h c:lp )tlllr car c!lcape the toll 11f \\ nrtirnc: Stop anJ Gu. Thi' 'ipc:cial ') ,. tem of car maintenance Ai' C!i you lubricatio n acc11rJin• to rnanufactun·r'• reconrmelltla- tions. Beyo nd that, it in,pcct.,. hidden parlt where •wear 'larh . .. and n :ports on their comJi· tion. )our ·~ial receipt llihll"~ e:a;ac tly "hat'a hcc11 J une ... what morr 1hnt~ltl lot' tlnrtt' to GET THESE HS~S fet STOP Olllf GO WUI ll••h tetf , . eaa,.,lne ch•c~ lot hl,.den Slop anti Yevr ,.,.l,t th:-w• who' "'-• ''"tl . h • w wobte . , • .,. 41t;eft" ,.,..,, •" yetflt ,., keep your car from joinint ~ thnsc I~ Jail)' junken. . • lls111H '•••11 StthLL OIL CoMt'AN ,, ""· SHELL rh lt!Jd ... r ~ / ••llf • )o" k.._....iJ .11 u" 'h1 -.1.~• '( ... , ·'""on l t. · '( I''' I • 11 'u ~ H• tt11.,, t•l (nltr \\t•t •' .tUJI dUll' 1.-' Itt ... d t\.t' • \I DEWEY a1ld BRICKER .lo\ • · 1 ... '' • I I • lfl'l I I II • r .•• , , •.. J,' \\till .,,., "·••· ·• 1 ~ 1 '"' '"I r ,., . ''"'"'"'' ,I 11, 11 I '\ 1o,p I fl t ,f q t I U rl ff' ''It l·•• I ,,, t f\ • •\\ I; I II ,. tht• • '"II• I' I f tf ,,, J I, I ···•l!t \\ t I ''""' ·I 'I I I' I•• I I ,, I \1 I 1 ... ,.t, ltl •·I f1•l' '. ,, tl n \1 II ~II Jl;j If I'" \\ t" 1 r rf I \ i•t•f, ,f Ill.'• tl .. tq• ,,.,._ \\, fn, d:1 \ J\ I II' t I ll r!l " I r n •.. , . · .,, ,, '"' ,, ''''" .. , ,, •II "'otk dl •' \ •' ll•h dul tl•• du•d•t tl1•"~"'' ••I '', "' turt h··n, , 1 r)J, ·nl, and dt," ''' '' lltuu 111 ~t\• , l~•luol•• ,.,, JOIII~ l• lfl,of\1111..: "•IL:IO .rJ tlf't'''-lriL.:" I• II I~ I '' •ffl•' I htllt.: .tnd h:ot .... rr 1 ... o11 .. r th• 111 I C ln l'llol,l\_ "''''' nJlo••r \ IIi• •Ill l ~;ll'al •lr •·•·rr•.:' L:l "''l'' nl tlw II '' hnr· '"' .1 '"" .,,,, lho'll "'''•·nol l'lrl'tlu l.o~ Jl,oOI\ .ol rho• f-'lo,.fl o•ltth hl'l\1"' .ol '\ "''"'k. \lr'-H111hor (ttnl. \\ ho h.•--lont,! h····n nllr IIJI• l>rt•luo·trolll o h.o11 n•.rn. ''"' "'·" n~'lH"c1' \\til lu" L:l\••n I•• \\tH ~• r'- :H lhlll 11111•' .111ol J•l,lll• f10r [IJflt I p rnoluo•ronn 1h•oll'-1'd All \\Oillto n l"h" \\ror k rn •un::l• tl olr.·--rn..:• "Ill 1ht' sn\ tt•·tl ,,, tht ... p.a rt~ ,, .... '''II , ... 't•m•· e•f lh•~ fiH tlllu•r..._ ••f lh• Snllll~t·tll t lt·:ulL:• l'•>rrrll~ H··ol (~,,,,..._ I h.tJ•f• I '' 1lf !'lot or 0\'f'rhaulln~: F:"'r for Vice r~ES ~Di::~i PRESIDENT D£MOCII ATSI Jain the Swino to Gov. Thoma' 1: D'c w pv for Pre,ident, .cuuf Gov John W. Briclcer for Vice Prc!identl I :JNf'FCtO EDI Those of vou wilh no 'Political affiliations, undcc:ded as to oorty p rr .('•H r . wt' Democ•oh who ore \,ppo,ed to the New AOeol. the Fo urth Term, and the dead hand of bureaucracy at our throats ~ae you to JOIN OUII CAUSE GARDENS ar~ Jtrand for the constitution and tht.· ~t1ul W\.''rt· toiJ. hut tht'' \Oon lt,st· tlwir .~tr r:lt · tiveness if rh~ effort of mak in~t and nuintainin~t tht.•m o ur" t·i~o:lu tlwir '.du<'. Th<' ·~urt•(t v. "Y tt1 avoid "gard~n-phobia" is to haw a compl~te SCI uf the: pwpt·r tools alwa~ son h.1 nJ .Ht'J .&lwa\S in JOOd condition. Whether ~t's a new shu\'CI or a v..&llht·r fur clw ho~. \ou 'll find the ~.arden s~·r.tl­ iJU of the South \.oast h ardware store al111·an rudr. v. i llin~t and ,thk t<1 h<· of ~n·in·. ' ' Motor Tunf'-l ·IW" Carburetor and lpltlo'n Adjustmf'nha FActory Tnun('d Carburt'tor Spt'<'IRI"t W~ 800 hand!(' and rRrt' fM IIARI.'NE MOTORS .., ll's Garage * WE KNOW IT IS TIME TO CHANGE-BEFORE IT'S TOO LATF! * * WE'VE SEEN THE RECORD -AND WE DON'T LIKE IT! * DEMOCRATS for DEWEY A ...... ON 01 MlfMA8.'1 IOUfM COAlY CO.Ii'AMY IMI .. IUil.lll • ua• ANe CfNUAl. Ntw•on. CA"f - ..uLEN OLOVI:R GIX>ROE \'ON ORl"BEN 11• OOAST lUG II\\'.'\- CGrOG& dfol !Mar HEADQUARTERS, 310 NO. IROADWA Y, SANTA ANA 'HONE 6170 Also Supporting the ~'J Fred F.· Houser fOf U. S. SENA Tl Election Noo. 7 of John H. Phillips for CONGRESS • . I G,.....lng ~rde and a Great Val"'.ty fl!f unueual Glf\a CAPT FUIII'AWARDED "WK IN\'ITF. YOU TO BROWSr: AROUND" • . c. E. LOUCKS R' .ITIME COMBAT STAR P uauc NoncEs A' tt.,.t P• 1\'••n "t It '"' •'.-tlat r~llt•\,. t .& lt'f"l tl\ \\1•\lh In 1.1 .. 1.• : .. 11 IIII I ... II .... t. ... l ''"' ... I -t •\\ H ''I',,, ·' II\ 1\1 , •• \\11 ",, I•• t M~:~r '•'• '•'-d t1 .:~·::fl~E;1~E::·::.. I1MA . --------~~~~~~~~~~~~~------~ t M I H ... •· 1 •L• • at '"·' •.' • 1 Rubber Lined Winrh Head AliMI F1Aherman 't1 Frieed S.YM Wear and TNr -~p· meat. Prlortty eetabll ...... Dacler penoaaJ .uPem..._ ef Charlee 11. llerraUa. ...._, PBMpert 1111 1 'ltptrun 1 -..ntru rt 111 A 1-1111k ,,f ,,11,1 ••lht·r I'' •'''I"""'" fn•ot t'u~tlat ~h'''' u,al'lltt "' t h o :O:I.u .. r ab,._,u.-r t,, th••lr t'Uh \tt\1\t tht ~"'. ' ' '""' \1 'I'J+f t• •• , , ..••• O t lt f I I , ••• , ,, •• ,,, •• ,., ' ,, ( ~~ • \J.aJ\•1 \th 1 ,, :-I ,...,,, 11,, ... \,·,1 nl..J:Ul.: (ln.• ••U th,• "'' h''"'"''' prf" I I ~~ h11CHH't \It ~tt•l tlh :t• t.'i \\hh h \t•tltt'l furtlu~r JllfllCY k I • 1 n' 1 • .. ,,t l-11nk W IU lltrn n••Uf'-'d '"• '"' 1\ t'l h f t I "' 111 I' d I tl ·•( '' • I t I ,. , .. , ' ',, l ' + 1 ''a :-"'un '' ., ',, t tUHtl ~u 11u,,,, • l it(f lh• \IHU4\ .,f =-'••ulh Aft hn l\\t• 1 \'•'t\ttoo n..:•• h.•:t h,-.·u a\\Kith't lit•• \\ t\1 :O:hlJ•p.u,.: AJn1uu~t.-.,t H1n ~ l 't•lllhlll llar \\lila :O:t11r. 11 hu~ IM'O'II IH U h•UIH t"tl ~~~·~ t'l\ 1U,.: th•• S,\1111' ft\\Hr•( \\a,.. ltHI I'' .t ~ 'JtrtUh ha\•l 111 1 St .J.•hn ,.llllf"t,l.t 'h~· ~\'t \•·d ,,:-. llhl•· :o.l"HIUt\rl :'\O\.\ ~t·r'\'tfh! HI t}h I '~'' d u ''" ,, • nu•t ,•hunt )4hlp , ttl '' '"J.! ~"IJ'IW!'t t.-•tcland ftu•u•.,. \ •Rt't,ttU Flu\k tl..1l h•· "'-utd hn\t' t•• ~u :u• JlriR·I :'f\ I \ 0 1 1 \It '(, f I ''\ 00 tt f\ • ··"·· ") • :t·· 11\1\11\ •••• • ... ~" , ••• ,. "I '"'~I"'' nit· htutr t" 1 hnt • n~tt· lw •·dd hi:' '"''''''" 11 \\1PUI•t ..... bf'8t I I•• ,. Ilk t h•• \\ hul••l.,nl \\till hill l'lt t•l 411 ,.,, Ill ,.It\\ ,,..,HI.i.:"4' \\lll\1111t h llat t)\t')' \'t ''~•hld ,._. unut•l•• ''' 11." 'Jr.:"t•· tlh'l •I 7~,p nlll•·!-4 t,, lhfHI F l.t\••d tt\'t'l 1th' Mq a hun !+u \t l'lt•\'IJtU'"~ l h•·Y tutd t, ''"·'J.:•'•t l r ••tll the· todh•\·n~·r. thr1 1\P ':,+lfl!Rlt... t ,,, •·h~tdt•t ~··I, tUh t r••· lt• t., l'hl ""' J•l "'''"'-t t" ~' -n th \\, "'\• 11\ lllh •I '\. f\l lt 't •I "" 11\ :\tit h '' I I t ~ II t tl H t :•h·. ' H •I .. I • I• q • , 1 t ',ot.•f\U \ •••l j, II! n,,,,~, '\ f ,1 •-. • t \1 .. • lL~t\•'•'11.'- I I· I ' II' I • " '•I' . " tl ll t U• ·I ,,, ttnn• l n,. I •pl alll I tt ""' t'rt'\"' l n .••. I· l'h ... ''II tl, tlol ha .. ''''" IKnd ... d ln1 0 ,,1 t • •'II lth .\fl h n qj''''' I II ud•l•1• I h \ ll~t• I \\h""''' \\tf•· ,,.,..,,h·o-4 ttl lh•• Jnnuh I tu•n ~· \\Uii pt•ttn•·t• .1 lu , •·nun.tthh'r In tl\1' I ' S ~\HIIIIt1h' ~''''"'' la!lt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~------------!~ ,\UJ. u~t I,, .. \It~~•• \\ •'••t' t h, l'1u lf t1 _: \\'u, Z••IH I< •t ''"' lth \tl.aJ;t t•' c ,,, ' . I It I'. ~1rs. Jasrha ll('ifitz ;~.~ .. I I I I 1 1 J I I t l \ 11( ~~ \\ I I I,, •• 11~ 'fl' ,, I I:• • ul '' ·l•t• .1 • Before You Build or Remodel .uat eur IAte,_a .. -pie -d dlaplay roo-. Cello!' cui.._ plaaa&Dc .u.. NDJ· prebenalve atOC'k of nap. cal'peta _. aa-ae.m. \\'ar z .. rt. 1111 11 .. 1ta l 'tpl F ltnk tl .t 1'111 • h·••l f•'''''"l t h•tl h~•Pit"'·:. •I ft11· ttH 1tt·. S l nr -..:. ••I' uHl 1 • '''~ltJ..'• fr t•n , .. ,,,H I• \\ft !'•u;t h \tn•' t•• l 'nt •nu.,:tta t~f'l7tt ~\t••u1 : • 111 ... r,,• '' lh •' I :th ••I :"'1•\ n 1 .. 1 tlh I ' I ..... ,. Ill• ,., "'1!'41 I ,\ \"' I I Iff I ···t t ,: dttf\Jt : ... Jlill• ....... \\U"'-fll••tt J'"ll\ h\ ;t (lt'IIH.tf1 ~UI• IOHttl 'l .til lh• !.r,n ... w ...... '''" "-tt l'l> .. hh.,.:••d l fl tuk1 I+~ lh• \\ tl.tl• htt:&l I I I Chairman Uussian 1 ·"·~ Sl \111'"'·' •• f ,., , •• ,, ...... J"t1 tf tf •' t ,t, I I I .,,,I • I 1,, t .. R('li('f in founty I '"'"' 1 I•• 1.. .t • '• ••I to. th ( fl, ,t ._, ~~ \\' • h111 r 11,UII t•f tht• t(ul'l..-.11\ll II' H•l \\ 1 1• ••I I I • 11 • Ht 111 I ' \\'nr 1(, ,,..~ •·ttuuuUt• .~ (,,, e ''"·'"lr='' t ... , ' .. • I ' ~ n tl. ~t ""·''"' .. q +UIIt\' :oi ~lrtt J,tJ4'h t tt.·arttl 4•f j ' ••t• ' ''It'· ttu r • t •'· ''·'''"'' l .. l.tn~t ''h•• ''I'Lu··~~ th•1 ,,,,, ~•••' '• tt-.~ 1 •·'I', I:,., \\ e·~th·\' A I tn. \ • r u ,\It• '-'1h l' 1 t 11 "tl F"l'o,jiJ.!tU'tl IU4. t h1UI U\hll l u •t '1tUIII' n ( \I t' tl '' 1 ~ ~ I t••' '" • J•• 11 ••1 1h•stlutt••:-l.ut\\h••\\d l f,IU•t•"'"'• ''' 1 '1• t ''\ '\,,,, .. ,., H, • • • • ,,,.' , r t '' u q , ..;t .t.· • '"" t ,,.. ,. •. , ''~"'f1t' 1l ! • '' .. ' 1\ • I sreTION ~ I"''''' 11 · I ' IIIIo 1 .. 1 ·I II I "I ., ''" ,, ·''''t•'" "'' I''" I .... , ""'''' flth t '"I'''''' "' •I ,.,, ''" I t I I ltf1 ttl1t'\ •I I ~. It I ,, IH I I•• t ••• \ 'I "l''''' ,,,,,,, M'l .II I. I • I ... I ll' ••• i' t \1\ I • r.l . \\ ... ''• :~• I I. I ''1'''"'''• \. ' • •t ''"''' tl• ,,, •\ I d \ttt If 1'14 1 ""lnlolt..., lHI I ''l,fl•l tt -;tt • I ,, :-.,;, t ' t ' I "' •• I .j t 11 ~ I ' \\ • ' .. ' + t + S£C'TH1N '\ l'll tl U l \ 1" 1 " tfllt I I• I lth,'IHI t.• ""1\d \\ •lh . • I IIIIi•• \• II tIll •'I 1.+ 1ho •'1 t h •• h ... tt I• I ,,, tJt H•t ... t 1 \ t 1 I "· 111 111 1•'••\•'11111 1 tfl t l ···· ............ , t., f' 1\ II • • I ,,.,, • 'I" tltt. lh• t11 tf IHH\ IIIII It I \\I tift H "''Jtt tl•·t.:-t • th• '•nt• \\ tl·nt •· n t td• t,i\' ••l11 1~ ftu • '~'" '''"" ,,f tlw I lith od l )u J•H1•llo 1111• I ,,f \ht<ro fl+ .... \\"''II "' ,, '' ,.,. .. "'til 1 .. · I h• ' '' \ lttt d tit ••I d .., I' ''"'' ,t 1111 I ''' It\ t>f 'I II II It\ ftl11t fl I I ltiU' oiJ 11 f t .,, \ 4 ' H t •I' t I 1u • 'I'" tlti'" t•l _,..,,,, I• ' • I'' • I'''"' t \ .. II t I I• , .. II '""" h· ' I I •• " I .,,\ '·, U" II \\hot ,t .. IJ ft ' I I Ht 11l htttlll' .. •td +It •• t ., ... ,,,., .... 1ft ttl •• ,, •• I I " I I 'th I . all ' rlu ' .,, \ t 'l•tlt t '" lfhlt llf'IIU ,, .. ,I\ l ht• I.. • ". •II I ' ~. Ill •II ,, "I• ,. I t ,, • I! .. I + f I''' t ,.,, t d f I t • • t t 1t1 th ,,, "'~ .. I •I I • 1 \1 I I• I .. It\ I h, t 'rf \ n rn•·ruh••r ••t tlw , ••trHlntt•·•· CHht'l14 ntt tltt• •t•l1111111ll•t• nr.,. ( •f lht• )-;" f1h'n tt \)(•"ltl IIIII * \h1• I ~'rs ,,..,,,., ~lrnl h• 1 11( llutll,on t .. t. ('Uft +r I 0 11 •I ltl• 11 l'•'''''',,tll\ ,,,.,..,I l•t •l ' .. 1+~11"\\"' lo \\ ll ' t •, 1111 tl " d IP•Ilt • • t ~H I '-••~t f 1',. Ill hl ,tl Itt lit •t \ ,,• II ,.,. "t t ill• .. 1\t'l\ It\ d•fu•••IIIIH' II LUDLUM Carpet Works tat haUl llala 8t . PliloM ..... .be 11M BANTA ANA '""' mutt· wo.~ ln~tl durin.: lht• •.• lnun• tun;~ 0 1 lh•· f lf)olt \\hHI••h•lU\ land ~1111~ !'t~J•hl • :-;.tr uth•·r tUll1 111111 whtlt• 1111,.1111,1111 .. 1, ,.,., ••• 11111; Mr10 llt•rho•t l Httllklot .. r ~.ttllli thr 'rt'\\' t·••·• nm•· l'iCt':"'ptt ,.a t••d (, .. 11,1 Ana (,, 1 L•t k h _. ... 1 An lun.ltt'"" tllo·•·t 1111: 11 ,. ll•·ld 'lJ ,-'" w u rrrnttsneu fl•Jif »'n 1 It h i• ~htp \\'ht>n llt'l'ttl'l•·d hv ll~t• h v t hl· ··nrnulltto••· In~! ""~'~' "IH·II l) 1 t th•·v hnd ••th•·,. J••·••J'''' l tlt • ,, ..... , • .t tt. 1111 rTIItrlno· 1 ro·w lln• •tur8\ '"IH••I r•·lid " .. rk 11, 111 d 11 1111 k t., ~I•,. lht> < r~wnwn ro ·plh•tl tn••v hRtl ll'ft ~~ 1 1 '~=;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~,-l'npt l-1rnk on lht• ~ht 1 I' Rrl 111 ,. • .,j of 1,,,,. Alii:•''•" <'X 1 ) 11 1 •·•ut,"· ,.,., n •lurv u( ttru<~tlllll \\'11r I lnh 18f''h"''',rt,n.: lh•· 'liptnlll '" Hl'l•..r '"' Snut h;•rrt ''nl:f .. rtllll '"''' I nnt~ ••r ""' n ,, "•At \\'lurh m••a n-1 u · h l•·nlull\o• planll ..... , •. filii-It• '"' • ,,,. r .,r, L.rrnt },.,./.,., • 17 S•rn to s,,..,. Y • "· w. Cor. 4th & Sycamore sANTA ANA llll' t htllf rnrtrlllJ:rtl In lllllnf It 11'1 tin,.; l 'ltr l,.llllfiiO I!III M f,.1 llro•tl\ lht• 11-lltllll m •·11 ""llfll'•lll r<1 ht" Ill 11ft\'ll!llllflnlll rn,.trumo·ntA nnol I''" I ll'Niltrt I h•Jdlt•O vlrunn,. 110•1 l•••k hom 1\ll"a"l llr••1 11uhmn rinr Tit•' II t h•·v ""•~I 11 ,. NEW SHOE STAMP NOV. I 1\" l'hHit :0:1 1111•1' :1 111 \\'ar Hit \\hllh·h"!ll t .. trnn,.~•·r· fr!'10h ( ""'" 11,.11 ll .... k Till• ,. 11 "' ,,.. ~~~···I 1111 Leaves Purse on Divan; Missing With $87.50 Check ~tr ... I 'l.,r •·n~ • Hlat k lt111 r ...'''t t ""''' .~t I· rt t11 r pu r"' .. 11 t\•'fll" 11 \1or;.l.l\ ·tlf• t H•·•n II" It• I tit I hu' lfiJ.! "' ~ J•talt .,1 tuthuwtl tthtH'II! l•·.:r1111111~ :""' 1'11 1 tlr• ( •1ft• •• • ·f I r" , A•ttut11t..'<t t ,,t '"'' ~,, I• I I •· •Ia\ P ueu c N oTICES NOTICE O r PUBLIC W O RI\ Ill I 11.\ •:t\1 '\ "11\ il lf ,f 1 ,1,,.~\ •II ... "''''"It,,.,.,,, Ill II••' ,.,,.,~·I f +i ·f "·'1 ' t ''' "' ~··\\f •••t f ~•n•h 1" .. ' I I \ \•l t •IIH I •• I \1 1 II I •' f1 I t+f d t•d lfl lit ~th { IP••I L' ·•t \l 1 .. If • '" \1 •I'•"' tt·1 "'"" ••f fltHitl'•' 1 I til f\ I d •J• t lll,l j ltld 11. 1ho H ftflh•H .. ftl el\ ti i"UI fh o U •t 111\\ • ~~of • I I\ I Itt•· t~f "t11t to ... • • .1 u•t.t , '"' "''' tt.~, .... ~ I rh ' I 11f f(J.,, k It '\ I I ol ( • .. , ,,,,, I•• t \fur '" "•• ,,, •"• httl 1 h• I I\ I tol l., ••f ""·•·t HI·~· k 1o.\\ l ht "' t ..., ulllt l'fto 1 \ H K •Ill• • I hth t •• lh• U•••,..t • t I • f 1\ .. It • r t•f "n I IU .. 1, t) n •. t • ,., ~~~· ., ... ,. , h ''""· tt. .... , •• ~. , ••• '" Itt,. .., l 1'1·. 'k I,: I •• , •• , I,,, ....... , . t t. I h '" •• , I I I ,, I .• 't '"• • • \' I ..... ' ' t ~ 0 I \ + •• I t ' I t •• •1 Ill•• I 'rh ... , ,, •I f H I t •• ,,. ' . • 1 1 t ' t 1 Ill t Sf CTION l •r tr .t • 11 l \\••' 1. • 1 r \ ' •' I '• t , ' ~ I I ... I It ,. I •t • 'I ' •t II .,, I ., I ll:t' J•l tp ld f ho'l+ tot\ tololll 4l,•o 11 '" :OWtltl +1.1,., .. , l,n rvln•!:-.• ·~· t-: 11 1'1.1 II \ \1 \I •F I• I ~·\I I . l.t '"I I 1'111, ..~· 1 ~'1'1 '1111~ ,, ' 'ltl"' 1•101( Ill 1·'1'1.11111; I \1 1'1• 1'1 \II '; t: I I'\ '1'1 I I , • '' ""' J·• 'I l o I 1• hi + f 'l I 1 I ,, \'I ' It I·."' h I."' I ' t ••· I 'I IIi '••t l I 'I f \ l'h' ,,,, • ........ AUTOMOBILE PAINnNG and Mechanical Work NO ·THING DOWN 1\11•111 hi~ l':t~ 111•'111 1111 1111· hahu11-.• If yuur <'Ill' 111 dc•u1· Ill ~ 1111 11\\'t• !I '>1111111 h :tl:llli'C' BALBOA MOTORS 1CNI t At.l I'-~ Ralhoa l'hcm•· ·~:,:;, Dancing Every Saturday in Costa Mesa Legion Hall Just Wettt of (~n~n,•r's Store GLEIDELLI'S OICIESTII .. JuHt (;clOd l>ance Mullit·" and a Full ~vt'ning of •·un • DAN(;1NG From 9 1'. M. AlliOMION GOc pi• IOc Tu • VISION IS VITAJJ @[L~~~~~ .t _. l 0 to! I "j"' \'1 '+ •I ,, ,, '"' ' • 'I• :"to I I• 'I '1'11\T t t"\ , "·r· •tit 1· 1'1 11 .'1• I I • \ Y Ill•' .. ----------------\\ II ull I ,,. • • '"' • 11 t ... ,,, l: 1 o1 , ~ ''7 ,n u • ''"" Tt,•· ft•'-~ t • , \ ..... ttfll .. , .,,•tt ... tl ... l"f,t"f • .,,., t hro- ' II ' I lit I' \ .... I• It "I II , . . . .«==-..4 ... ,:......;>>..-..::_ -~ ON CREDITI G MONTHS TO PAY ' ~~ ;·;-;;-,I MO tl f tAI C AL l IH AHD I' 'lVI YOU II E YES !X AM I NE OI •Your Brolcen lena DUPLICATED! Prompt Servicel •Cony an EXTRA PAIR of GLASSES With Youl •91ouea Mode to Your OWN Prescrlptionl tYow Credit Ia GOODI Open an Accountl Tow !yee •t• Y-MotJ Ptedoul Po•••'~ lofeguarct "-by WI~ an MTOMITIIII fJI ,., ,.,.,.., ... ....,.. vw.. It Yhl DR. BORAGE GAD EN OPTOMETRIST •d· 1\ .Ilk ~I r~ I '"'" 1 1' I· ' • 11 •l I • I I .. PA UL NORMAN 'A( HT S Ail MA K[R •, Phonr 207 Eddie'a .BARBECUED SANDWICHES Are Delicious! .. r ... a w. Cor. 4tla & Syca110r1 M.na ANA Moore's Confectionery 2100 Ott:~n Front e"'CII CONVINttNnY lOCAn• Ott fill &AM "OOe Phon~ 7l BALBOA'S RENDEZVOUS BALLR.OOM Presents C-huck Cabot AND HIS ORCHESTRA SATl'IU>AY SIGHT ONLY. O(TOBER :lR ('0 !\II~G: SATl;RU:\Y, ~0\'i':'IREit 1 PAUL MARTIN .. t•ql 1111 t 'IT Y 1 '1 d -.,;t'fl I q I 1'1 I I I \ ,.., 'l\\1'1•1'1 Ill ' I \ I \ ~ I I • \•II <\111•1· \ t I t 1 t I t• •': ltl.' I ,, I I .. , •• ... I I '• I ol I ~ I' ~ t u I' I • ' J• •• .. I I I •\ • 'I TIIIRO A \11 NUl I • • I "' I I f•• I J tf+ t • I 11 I \ • 1 r r , • l. ,,, ,, ••'h +I ,. ,, , ,, • I ,,, • ,.,r,, ·· l·t ''', • r 1• t I \ \' tl ,,, ' .,,, I t t f •• ~I ( \ •• IIi I ...... It I' •' • 1,, ., 1 ·,., "'lh J '' 1 ,\1ut H • •f ·I• I 1 l ~ .... k 'I 1··•1'·~.4 1 an•l 1: •·I \It I I I I.... \l •1 ' f f I )f ttl + I +It! t I '1 J f A LLEVS IN Bt OCKS '>II AND 6lt Alka-Seltzer I I C METHOD A -Alka·Sdlz•·r, ht.at\ tl•k1• I( ll at nne~ lu r• 11,.,,. lh•· lr 1'. Adun~r II Pad, """ 11t1· St.!! Snr,. M11••·l•·~. 1 -II·· t•:tr• rul. 8 VIolll tlr:ol•• ""I lttd•l•·n rlmtdl''"' tu t• ., I" r • t•~r•· I'• l 1 rd• r d.ty 11 t,. I h11 1• \\r1rtn , • :.l •· t , 1.: .. ·• ·!r•· ~ l 't, ry •.~f "·•'• r · fr .1l , • J:. Nt.r• t•, , '~ f'ftl• ~~~h \ ,f !I I ' C -1 11 f.,,. } ''" !· rr , l !a I .,,, , ... ., .• r , :. .. , r 1 1 , 1 • , , by ~tnfl•' ,, I{ .., 1l11 1\ ·' ~·r Iff,, .. , •lt·.tl 1 ···' ; . .,.,., , n-11" t.rr•,rnfl t , r~ .II )'' .. , ·I -I A I h \ );, I '1/1.1: ,. a 1 "'" r• "I I I I •• _f I• o • • '' J I I T ,.,, •' f• • ftt ,,f,., hr ,,, . .,,ul.' r.tt ... a"rl ,,, f• '" ...... ··'' 8thtt ·•' h. \4 f f I ,.y 11J t'AI• l l1t11 ,,, ....... . Al J"tn •~ ., L} ~, " 'J,. ....... ,, ''•f. r ar •.• .'•~ lU', .. '• , ---------------------~ ' . We A rn·JI I IIIIIC\1 ., llr.ll lng lib end. ,,, derermtrtc hy rhe pcnplc't. vr1tt "Ito ,Jt:a ll ht Jlre!>Hff·llt 11f thc•r t 'r1tterl St:lln J{ :uliu~ hlare and prn•c-r11ar ·r he p11fi11c iam g1<1W huar'c with r h r~r ,h ,,\11111 )'' . ro')y Jlf iJIIII'e", dire prcdu.riCIII". Hut the llHilllh :111d tltc ~thoutin~ will r!1e, . and the ~rcll whrcl ~ qf t\ 1ncr ic :111 indu-.rry will '>till be rolltll~: 11 11 The lu-.h ftrJd, nf yellow 14rain wtl l Mil l l1e ripeninJ~ tn d1e aun . A1ncr11 am wi ll he lratk un their j uh~ Pretty g~rh will still he prcuy and the hoy~o will whi\lle u rhey p~. Tht kid11 will arall <.hoose up sides in the und lou, and Stand .U nitcd we'll .. rill ha \'c the wr:uhrr anrl a rhouund other thing!. tt) argue ahoul America will uill he the -.weet land of liherlf where a man t.afl have hir. U\\ n opinion and h ali the Cunr.titulional riJ~ht to hpeak lt. f'rt,Jrahly no pe11ple on r:.11h 1u guc wirh •ut.h. heat and daflrr ho widely at rlel iWII rime, yet a~ree au unatt lll.IIIU 'IY when • I I itlcr ur a ll1rnhiru !.peal(' uul ,,f tur n. You hav.e your own "Jiilliflll w h o ~thould oc:cupy rh e White ll ou~c lom e January I 94 5 ... and Brother, here is one time yuu ran apeak your mind where it couut• ... in the ballot box ... November 71h . Write your ~wn ticket if you muat-but ~·" lflflll f,f ,, tlu ~~bf,, '"''"'' II ,,,11,.,,. Vote Nov. 7 I f S ,.,,.,,., C•ltfon•• .,..,1,, , '"' ,,,.,m 1/ ' -.. •. _ • ._ _ __.. • • • •n • .,.....,,e . ...-u•• ...,._......, ...... ,.._,,,,........ .... ........ no.. .......... l..U ........ Dinette Sets Hardwood, in n rt t u r 1t I and walnut. t;llll£> anrt 4 c-hairs, solidly huilt. BROA()FF.I.T C~Un~ A.'-'!ll'lt'(l C'lolnr' 1 -.wnplt•tf' I lltm•· ~\rnwJun~o:• MILLS & PARK ·~RNlTU RE CO. Owners Boat FIRE DAMAGE Santa Ana Wbfoa "'""'" Vour t :xtin.:ul,.hrn antt ('U-2 Sy,.trra,. TMW l.ut ! WC' arP authoriu><l to i!';...,llf' 1'\'rttfil'lll •..., :w•,•pr.~l hy t ill' Coast Guard und irumrnnN> r·omp<Hll•" for fan• t'~JUII'" ment t.l'Sts. Regulations Require a Test On<·e a Year OFF PRIORITY Four-Poaad and i~Pouad ('0~2 J'Hrtab~ \4'ilh S...tao.aJiy N E \\' ~uH.U' tirtp. o.e.Quart I')'T'f'IN' t:Xtin~hf'~ Rfoftlllllur 00-2 -J•) "'"" -t•Oilm \'L'\it Ou r Nt'\\' Bmnt h a t 1000 Coast Highway PhfMH' ISM ETS-HOIIN & GALVAN ........... NEWPORT me:~ MARINE ELECTRH'IANS OHald (Tn) IJbrrty Wea. orne. Nf'lkon ( 0.14" I ShaHtlrcl ln•lallallnll sua••· BaiHa Island ''"'"' • k ''H4 ( •• \ •f tl '' •·n t '' • r" 1n•·· ~·•· r• ,,.,, •·f 1 • , ', • , t"~ T h•n .. : ... v ntchl \\ •' r " f I •11 • • • r 1'''''\ l tnn•n.,_. ~··u ... ,., '' FLASH- "Satisfied Radio Service" ~ewport -Balboa -Costa Mesa JgS()l ~ Nt"wport Blvd. Costa Mesa 10 to 6 F.xN•pt l'\uncla~· &: Monday Appl~s ar~ at tip-top quality ri~tht now. Take advanta~tr o( Safcway·s low priers. Buy rhcm by the pound~r bcucr rer, buy a whole box of your favorite varicry. Airway Coffee ~;~ •o Nob Hill Coffee :.::d Edwards Coffee .~:: 'Voc. .. ;vl'9\ poe '-.-d '" Q \iU f")f Ben Hur Coffee .~: CANMED FOOOS • 20- .. 23· .... %7• ... ' .. 33• ... Treesweet C:t.::'·,";1~~· '!;: 13e So Beans l-l·-8•0"<1 "-·15• y ""-•"' tOf"QtO ~~ Mil Green Beans "';:'.::""' •:: 13• Highway Com '·-=.:~'" 1:= 12- Sugar Belle Peas ": 15e Del Monte Peas= ~·11• IAIY fOODS Baby F ood.s ... :::;~;:;" 3 ..... » Junior Foods Pablum ....... IIEAKFAST FOODS ::a· Cream Of Wheat o-. . .-"' u ... ,..... ·~·"" .... ~- Quak~r Sparkies :-:;.::, ::; .. Grape-Nuts flakes ·~;~ 13• DELICIOUS FAICY APPLES 37 -lit. lox, $3.2S WoshilltiOft·trowll, juicy, rtd opplts. S,.ciol prict by bo•. lb.gc JOIATBAIS FAIICY APPI.tS lb. a 3 l-Ib. nox $2.6-'i Ptrftcl rtd opplu for Hollowt'tll bobbi111 Critp 011d llliCJ. PIPPIIS F AIICY APPLES 37 ·Ill. Box, $3.1 S GrHII opplts-nict for cooktllll o• for rottng lwy now. p~~!!~ ...... =-~~: lb. 2% c (0.-..~~~~----= fil ··GE-GRAD-E A EGG. s FlOUR ' MlAl UU\ Kitchen CraJt Flour •o .. 53• l 'It I'<;J . ht ·::'!::"c!:· ha• 52C Drifted Snow Fl our to ... 57• I. · '""'''' ' ' t ~~ .. A,~ • H' 1 •.•• r TYPICAL SAF(WAY PRICES Cranberry Sauce r·: ·~ '~: 23• f¥t-t V f"tJ 1 "t.~w( 0 .,. I I t 70-80 Prunes ~ . Seeded Raisins Seedless Raisi ns .. • • I '' 34• .. .. l l ·tl 13e .,., Of! , , .•• ·~ .... ~.._ Buckwheat Flour:~·. 1!;:· 17• .. ,. .. '~ . ..-. .. Pancake Flour · · · "' " 22• ••• Corn Meal .: ·: ' ·' ,~ .. 10• ••• . . Idaho Potato Meal SPREADS Beverl y ,,. "•' r ., '"""' '" • • j Real Roast ··· · 11 ... " r ' f , ··toe ... l '-·37• •• Apricot Jam ' ·· · 1 -39c . ... Blackberry Jam ,·:~. '' :.:· 29• SOA~ & CU ANlRS Sweetheart ' ·· , .. f',. ·~ "' •• • f!OviGJ ' ''" • ~-, •rw Palmolive ' ··•· ~ 2 1 ... ~..,'" ...... ... Scotch Cleanser '' · · ,, ... .. fql ('II' .. . Duz Soap ... ~:.:-::. 1 '~;· 23• Aluminum Cleaner q ... 15• ... ~~'-' ... '•"t to-o .. .: ti I II ... a,l Cf'olr.tl, lWhoa Letters To The News-Times ( 1 r• 1.• !Ill II o 1P',.:tl f 1 \'Inti• I <lrol In II I ,., '" •·'ld• ,,, • •••Untf\ ,. ro· :IJIJ•u r• nl T h • •1r. n11,, .t hu pr- .... • nt 'r' t' n ,c:~unt I 11 fnrm l,· "' vl•ll ! \ \\ h• I' th• I t \\ 1'06 not '' n .• t• 1 ' trl fh• ntnt,.d 1• H • ~.: and In • , •• .. n il " 1 h " 1 h • ,~,.. I " ' 1n t~nt f"t'U F t \\ fHmlh•'"' t '"""urn " Jh• rr·t·• r \\'hn h' 1 • I 11\ t h• Qe•r"\ t• • ••( hlfit <'0111111 \ \\ loo ll"l t•r:-tl17•• tho \' bR\'f" l u • • H 1tn•• 'f'•·tr }llh fl.,. IUHI d iUIL'i!lt ,... ,.. '"'" (f\f {,, •• \'PAr" '·~ , .• \\f' '' "l11• lh• !ttratn ··n n·, ·•l·l•·r rn-·n \\hf"t (nr llll lh<'~• ,., • \'o'llrl' hnv•· hro•n c11rry•n,:: "" •n HI<' IIH't" ••f tlofrl r ult lrtlll•r ' .. n.htlooll/4 'T'h·· J.'lhoor l1nlnn" ntt· taktn•: il•hRnt.tC•' ,,f th~ !!ltua'ti••n In llltlh••r lht•lr <>wn rnd11 bv I''""''""'~ thl' ••ft•·n 111 c(flril·n·t 1\lld untr amrd h"lfl tho 11 !lpt'('illl hrn.nd oo( "prot••• \1oo11" 1f lh<'V will jnin liP ~fl•lll oo( tho• htl!lo te ho•tl~ h .llo polflpnnrtl tlt•••r ••r•·o\111~ ,., ttl• I>UJ'il"' n1.u pH•I•'n)! th•·tr 'h., .... , work At4 t•• rnt :ouun.: Ill til• h •I 1~ unr-II' n••t ·'"''r· ( '' ':; • l '''' lrm Tntlv n.o·:•l • I •II 1!11HI~ ' r lrnl tful ""' 11 ,,. 11••1 :,. " .... ' .. oNe ill_ DAY ewsse .,,,,. Kacb "One·A·Day'' brand ¥it.mia A and D Tablet ia ..-J.-alut i.ZJ Vit~nin A •nd D ,of#IDC7 to onr •nd on~h•ll ,_.pooalul~ ol Cod Livrr Oil •••tine minimum United ltatea Pbarmaco~ial Stan· ...... A aufflci~t aupply of thHe twe important vitamirs u as .-....-y for you aa it u ..,for .. childrea.. YOU CAN I NSURE ad~· ..... intake for you and your ,._ily by .-.in& to it that each _...., tak• a .. One-A-Day" l'ablet ...,....., day. I JAIUT l NY IS All YOU l AU Ccu·--~~. ~·c-.1, ,., ..... "' ........ ...... b1 th• GnCUYIOI'I ......t ...... ~lei..-. .\lan'·r pnm11n ulll'~'·'"', '" tn lot .. v1111o•n nf truth 11110 tw ,,. unu• r ••llh(;.•ll•·n loo Rff•rm 1t J ~n·· Alldnm11 LT. C.. . ~NOR FRED HOUSER U.S. SE~ATOR no .... nt'l '" .,, • q ,,\ "·" .lh"·nt ·,,,; ,,f -..,,,.,., llnll C.tl" l>u t ll·).: "'" ll'iH' 19·1!·1' t.. \\" ......... "'""' rlt.111 h.l!l ••I 1h '""' '-', 1" hr • '·" i OPENINGS MEN SWAP HORSES? In the Middle of a War? WHY NOT? HISTORY IS FULL Of CLASSIC "SWAPPING Of HORSES IN THE MIDDLE Of THE STREAM," and of "SWAPPING HO RSES IN THE MIDDLE Of A WAR." Thtre't nothing ntw in the idea, the pretent a dministration once favored it-now oppo$e btcauae il will end wasteful bureaucracy and Communittic regimentation, engineered under the g uise of the New Deal. SOME ·FAMOUS SWAPS art history now. In December of 1916, whtn World War I was holfway through, Great Brita•n awopptd Herbert E. Asquith aa Prime Minister- for David lloyd George, who p ushed the war through to a auccenful conclution. A YEAR LATER, france awapptd Painleve for Clemt nceou, the only political leader who could have held france to· gether for final victory. IN THIS WAR. Great Brita in again twapped-to itt ad· vantage. It got Wintton Churchill at Primt Minitter, aher dropping Neville Chamberlain. WE'VE SWAPPED, TOO, IN OUR OWN NATION. The most clonic example It when Prftidtnt lincoln changed com- mande"·in·chief of the Union Army THREE TIMES before he got a man to do the Job which had to be done. REMEMBER THIS- THERE IS ALWAYS the chance rhor death or illness may rt move a Pre$ident. Then, the Vice President succeeds to the highest office. TH:S NATIOf'ol IS OPPOSED TO MACHINE POLITICS. It wonts ~0 PART of any man wl>o m ight bid for high office BY REASON 0~ MACHINE POliTICS. - Senolor lrumon got to the U. S Senate os o "yes man" for Boss Pendergast, MiHouri ruler sent to P"''on for his crimes HE IS A MACHINE POLITICS MAN He MIGHT be Pres•denl 5ome day . * Let's Clean House for America's Sake! We Can by Electitlf! ~ ewey ard Bricker II f \'f) 'I'll F. IU:f'l nl./1' .f/\' 1'/f.l\ fo:T Oronqe County Reoublican.Central Commi"te Gordon X. Richmond, Chairman LAGUNA BEACH AND WOMEN Needed for Vital Defense Work Uequin~ments: • • • Av atla~dtt\' Ccrt1fi~a t c~ Proof of CttJ /~o:n s.hip Social Security Card APPLY CONSOLIDATED VULTEE AIRCRAFT CORPORATION \ppl~ '.!Hi W,.._t Third St. . . .. I. ·I ----------------• CORONA DEL MAR NEWS • L ll••n, l.o I o 11w thr<'t' ltllifl'l~ 11f !llr f'ra:'lk o.lau~hlt•t Lu~ola Ann llrt><•kln~ll !llr>1 A lll'l' l1u1Jt•nru41 ~to n .. w.·ll 8 \1PI\U'-' a n•l :\IU<:t Cur llllnt"n Sktnnl'r 8.tlt'll,lt••l H. 'uOl 0\811\.I p \.•f(llrfl\1\Mt'P r-r ~··r\ h··· ~t.•ns l"hr tslr.ln.s at I· II S 111 n~o: Llwu t (•o·o•nt V81'1l• U 11n 111 l....,o~~•s All;.!t'lt·~ ~11:-t !"\k tn• Nlt"'POilT·BALBOA NEWa·TDIU. N-.wt ..... ''auterw.&a, Ttlu,...Say. (-...tohH !t. liN• ..... N._ --------------------------------------------------------- hll' bndco 11rt' IJ't'O.IInfo! tht>lr h .. n•y·/ muon at tb•• hom•• t\f Mr ll01I 1 Mra ~m,.•t t' Amllng ~10 (;!'I· I 11C'nr(>tl II\ t·mu• Tho'\ wo•rc-nuu NEWS· TIMES CLASSIFIED OPPORTUNITIES ;:~~~.-~·-~. \ •• :;:" ,~ •• ~~~;:~~'"18 ':.~~.READ NEWS-TIM~ fLA~I}~IED All~ Jt,OR PROFIT • •• FOR R~UL~ bruh' "KJO tho• form••• ~l~trhiO K o·n· \"110 ~""'" Anll "hlo'h W8~ 8lllo1 hl8 h~>lll~ l n-..-n !llr 11n.t !llr~ All~·rt ""'"'" ::1" If you don't rtnd what ynu ""' lt10kin~ fnr Rc1vcrtiStl>ti in 1 his I !'Sue Phon<' Nt'WIM.H't Ht•:~o·h 1'.' or t:l 1tn1l plat...-)'l'IUr 0\\'n ~tdV('rtj~nwmt ,;ttt,th· HH•uk,n.::4 a.,.., An,;d .... 1n,l ~In• 1-'runk :--m11h 1011J ollllll!~ t•·r Ktolht•flflt• l.;tmlmlt :o;,•ltt n'h 1 "l"'nl ~llntl:l\ "II It I 11m tutti h1~ "tf,. II•~ no·h ,. 1'1\tlwruw t!O n·a t l llllhlltll;: Ill \'('I..\ "''' ~ ~"'t:--1 ,·1 ~1 t:o-J a01 ,.1 h~ ~tt'· <:,,hlt·nrt•t1 .,.,,.IIU•· ••tt•·n·h~l " ,~Hi t\ 1 ,.s ,\n~· h· ... \\h., llll un~ hu·tt\•lttv <iHUh'"t" Kt\'t•n an hon"r ... I P:MJ•JA,YJRNT 1111:1,1' WANTitll • I llh :IIU>h :ll:lld~ ''" lltnfo( MrJO fl,·, .... , ... lo\ IU'r ohollj.:hlt I !II!~ t •1 '':'"'"·' ::-1•1 ••c.r .n~l ,.,.1u:~ , \1tH•r l<••l.M•rt ~t··•nh••t J.:•'l' ~H\ ~outh h••••ltkrr tu•r ""'' •1,.nnanr•h•r rnr parma"""' r •..,•tto11 Wull( .... II• I"'"'" 111111 t'lll''\hlo "' lllf'f'l· 1111: poohllo A I'I'IV al I 'ltv It all Mr'tl t-1~tr\.•twt· Audt'll'+tUI I !' .\tarKUt't ltt• H\'t'n'lt' ).:K\ t ;, d liHh•t P•" ty Sttltuday lltt-:hl 1 .. :lit 1111ol Mrs C:•·ort-:•' \\'t :1'111 111o1 ol.oo1,.:ht· r Slllrlt•y :llal I .o1 I ~l o · \\nll•'l f;uud•• t \•!'•t!ht ''' t.tl ~·, ... A11e·n :--h I •••J\,dd t ·~ / •. q.:,•t, , , rt.·r Hllh l.l '"•' A J !•·t ... ,., ''" .. Ill~ A11 ~··~·1•1 l'••rt .. rn ••·t ... '""'' l•••t •'h\' l.urtlP\U IUrt h 1'41tt•t•l ~Kutu AnK .. ~tid"'' \\ ~ · • F.,.'Jd~ Ff 1111 ,.t.._ L.l!lJ.!l••rd t'\' .. n tnJ: Thnl'tf• u.tlt•n.hn t.: '"' rt· ...:1,,,, ,., 1 1;,,, t;""" !'-\Ill n ~ ,,ud ~tr und Mr." ~ 1 At,t.·n ~tr.M 11·111' \\ ":"\ TFI • ~ ..... ,.".... tn rlo lauD· ·lr\' l olt r,.,,lh• oof thr ..... 111 your 111·1\ .\It • t I, 1\tnrv '111•'1l<lt Srn1th ~nn :llttrln" Mr nnol l\1 1,. 1\lfr,•.t ltnookwnv V l •h u,•·tt l.·•~o~ f'" I 'H,..Itd•nu und ~1t und ~~~~ •ll,\' I I I '1\ \ ·•:t d Itt' I :-tt:O.\t'l """''' l'lt Nt•l 1!\ "' ~~:l~ cov.-'"".:~ 1:\·ltC' .\1r~ t ;,.,., ).!•' .,:u· .. ~l:o-h• t r , li t ,l.flu Mr" lloo11 1" \\ l ... ..aH•l .\I ·For Ser,·i,·. Rendered! ''·'I W INa you ,_. • ••• •nri•a .. 1. 18 ,.-1 ••bl.-•• ,_ ~--1a- lleoo.-a~7 D~l.ara-l••t­ eraa el Uwl. S.a'o ~• roruo Ia W'erld 'W•r II. ., '011 ..... ~~ .... 1111.. ....... II you f'aa'l, ~i•e All• a -il.-.... • <'ker. He .... _ ...... hr.! . Give Generovtlr to yovr WAR CHEST For Home Front For War Front 1.• ,\! f :II ' I ,,. l-ot I. I t , • I 1 I• '' da\ ... •I• 1\ I II tto·r I I •• •h\ ll tl ,\ II• n -lit; t•, 1 \I'll l'lt)t, It t !.t:• I l '·.ddt,. I&.! ,lf\d .. ....... ;:,.. .. p"b''' ,,.,.,.:, ,,0111 ~em~ 'Jr~wing · Co. H. It BIU~KEilHOFF :!011 f:. Third 8 &- S:ont" An:. VETERANS of this WAR DESERVE a STAKE in CALIFORNIA'S FUTURE * 500 000 C:olifornia Service Men and Women are now c.•1n1n~ the lti~ht to Scc11rity and Partial Rcco(nttion from a Grateful State. Give Them the Richt to Acquire their Own Homes and Farmt at Reasonable Cosh. low lnstall- mtnts a'ld Convenient Terms. throuch the Veterans' Welfare Board. Veterans of the First World War enjoyed thit privile~e. Our California Men o~nd Women in World War II Deserve the Same Richtt. Enable Them to Achieve Security and Happlne11 in their Own Communities. They will be our Most Valuable Citiaena. DHs Not Cost tltt StDt1 or J axpoYfn • Sf~ttl• '"'"' VOTE FOR PROPOSITION NO . 1 VlTERANS' HOitiE AND FARII COIIIfTEE ID W. IOLT, Ch1ir1Na SNOOIH.ES ( \.. "" It'~ 1'1\'t'd nu H \\ ln•UIII tlul L;l 'l :- 'l'ht• .,., t'rtltt~ \\tal'"' .. , .. ·ut 111 pLt\ ut.: I POl lito I Itt hit-:•· ~1 1~ Ht~t J.!h \.: I. ~t•l h•'H:-o ;~_:u ~ht I"':''HJt H\'t nih' t~ uh1e• t• I•' lut n a ft••r :t ht tt•f \\ut h VI 1h·· ·•f ft1• ,u.,. tol"oi It If I t l ,fl \1e t ·, tluu .tnd ~· ., ... H"' 1-c t ·,, T it• l!ttl •• ,,,., ,,. t kt .... ,,. It' lt.hl I fll••'l t l l \1 II• u :lit - I I t ,,, tl It ' I •I\\ ,., o1 '· "'" r•ll fttll,,l dP• H\•nlf•' •''''"I n l"•' "(' tn,l\ ut~l · ad ... llh ILl•htt"n al , c.t r"i '· ttl , r 1 r .. u t• 1\tll .. r lu r ftt,l a.•t th •' tl•t ~ t..' hnt n ,.. ~1 r """ ~1 r... :'.uuttt•l \turtll• r ~ ''' 1'.-.lf .. c '• t t'• ~It' ~1a t l u• r \\ •II f,, r. • ''' I, r• ,1 l lu t u : r \ t •'lttl:o-:•"'" IIi• f,., P1•'' ~1U t \ t -"'''\\atl ••1 tt11 ~''\'l '••r'l P u!•l t• l.•h""' Th· rn!t1•t u .1 J:ran•IJ•rt lt•nt '~ ""' ~1 r untt ~1r:--- l-= (' \lotln••r l '11~tol•ll11 A 'nnf••r••tw,• nf l hP c·,·rH:r•l;•n 1\••nttl t·~·urt·h··to~ nr ~ .. u,ht•n l l ';tl lf.,t IIIII Hu11t II\\ "~I \\'liS h o•ld 111 UH-F~ir~t (~ .. ,,s.:r..-•f!rl1 1 .. 11nl •~•un•h ~~r \\'ht' t "'r T I~""·IKV \1," • ~ •••• , ..:,· ........ ," 1111<1 Mt I; r:nqw ,.,.,,. lito ti;Jlf')!nt''" (,·n rn th•• t•.,mrnl11111 v (•hun·h t 'un~:r•--~nll•inf\1 ('-•r••n~ d•·l Mnr Tit• f.,ll••\\'tn~t 1-!1'"111' nit•• All •·mJI'.t !ll c-~olantt•~t llarrv ~IIIII• h A A l<o·nq ... r I :ro•n' til•• l.an~oll'll \\'Allo-r :-;wl~('r N llnu,;hn•'l'" A t;n'l..-1. A ~""' mnn .I \\' c·am••t"u tHH I ~hua !•· R f'u"·•or 11 t'ta1 H, t 'tf\ c·, u1 tl ••' tth '.,,,. •t ="•''l''''' f!•1h ''til h1•hl n .... 'ft ..... II • II l .. ~ ..... , '' ·,, \1 ' A\f" lh•friK'i'ratinn Sctn·lc..-, .... ~' t tfl :-;1 l'tu•U•• :•'U I I 111"'' I 0 dlf itolllo f ll''llt h· II "" •••• •'•·· fiiW~II II nr •.• , ••• , ..... \ ., ............ ,,., , .... : .• I Itt I,, l ho• "I'l l \Ill oof tho· 111111' hrrc•tn l lll •\'1 ,,,,1,,, J 'lo l lr!• ~.onol • ,,I '• 1"11' • l'hooto• .'l.':o II I • •'' It I h I ' !"'''\""'' : .. tfo· ='-'''1"''' ll.•n•lt t••(•rr•ol t .. Jtthl (,,, up1••••\ttl ul t 11 •t, 111 1.1 ,, '' 1,,1 h t p,,,nttl ul \t-.t tt111Ut :-;tl• 4•'''"'"' MAN "' ANTEP Cu t h •' •h h\'116 \' I ••Ul•' \ fo-t>\l ~ .,;.,,'t, pa\ \\ t• ~ '" \f'Jlt'h Y••U an • .ott otloll~hrd ""''" If ""' lnler-•. ,.t.,, ht luu•l "'''rk •'•' "''' "'•rlJ. Nf'WIM•rl lrfl a Cold f!ltonp 41 11 h•llt ~~ N1'"l""' ll"'"'h l'hoollr t!\1 i!\ ltc l nll l ht t,tttt i \\IL'•" l .h'II'K ••• l•t•l• t '''''" l '"" n t ::~•:t V1" I It\ It l~t t .1-1" IJ~\. ,_._. lff' lho !'ltooh ·" lollo•\l ll II\ •.llol lllltJII I • 1110 \\ 11 -1 1 "JIIWI I I IIAN\ I S Bt t U T'V 51~\)f> tl• ''''\'tl hl'lt • ttt~II'\\\STII •t • t t ,., tt ;.•t••t lt.1nh lht•t••·••'•"" •1f t h •• 1 1.~ ;•• ltttp ' t ••ld ,,,,,,.,., ~liultlU•'I•·'"" ' 1 • ' '"l'•'n •'t. IU l'tl\ .. r :o;,."l'"rl llo•nl lt ttl th•·l-W J lllHtOMO I '''I ""·I• .f 1'•1111""''"1• '""'"•l•h '"I'"' "I''"""''"' ll·•llt ,( lo•ur oo l•oo k I' :It ''" !'.llln· \\',\STF.n TO Rt'l . 1 ·1: l 'o , .. , 11•11 •• 0\ I \liOOII•toiOOO l!o•IOotl \ Tt ultooont .. • ..... "h .... , ... "', ... , .... ,. olrl ..... , I ,., .. 'olol \111 l 'old 'lll' l'',ln·l·,' .. "."" 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Tht• o·11r 1" \I,\ J.:lll"hfllf'•••J Hull•h ' ~; llllv llt<ll.noo ,, ·' l .. oll• I I I ··~ l '' .'•· j I ft l 1Jf1 .,.,,,, f\tttl ,, \1 •·'··· ... ~:1-21• ··a...:h' pt••tut•· ~~o.t.uur,... tllttl "a' ''I ~" .'I•• "J!• i'nrllll.;lt•·"· lntlr;t nntl Ill•· ,,,.,,,., 6 3 J-I11111L' Ttt 3 1 II 'l7 u .:. ., It; !1.4 i :28 5.2 10:18 !10 j J2 -0 ., 4:06 ~(•It ~AI.I·. II· '" 11 .o ,, , -0 8 1 I ;11o1 .. 1 M•ul• I Ill ~•· • I' 'I'H 1944 TIDE TABLES W~eh 1.-,w lttr;ll \\ d Low Tit NOVEMBER Ill II\! :1 ~.:1 11 : tO I\~~ 1 II 4 6 "J 111 ;19 •;u, 1:111~. 1\ 4 I ~' 4 ~ I • \ t•ll•·u t • ,,ndtt 1ul u, •; ,,fill 4 _!12 1 thr•"r~ll·"ll ): .• •I 1 ·• • -0 9 ·~'" Jtth•· ~~~·· ~., 'lllth !-It Nwpl H• oo lo . ' ,., .. ~.1 I' ,,. 1 .. "' ,,, •·•I t ' ....... . luc ~l••,•i• I I \I tot ko•l ''11 .. ,,. '• I t•t :"too \I l J OriOAN t'• I lo I 1, It '''"" I .t " .. '\• Ill ,\I. 1'1 I I 'I ~ ~ \.... I 'I I \11 N'l'l II• •\II '11t•' '"'' I I '·•1111•1· .. , Itt• .. ,,.," '-1'•1111 tt ••I t It I I I I I Itt I 'II lt.t• 'ht11nd ''"'\'tPI• ·,,,,h d•• "I·"' •J '" '"' ""I · .,, '"' 1.·u Jon! fH,nf',q•, l , ·It d, 111 h fh\\ l.I\\IP ollld l•1 tltflll!lh \.tiHh• ,qttd, t:U t'• Oil IIi ft.tfltt ttd'-" ln~utl d lft t11'-• L.'·•••'• 11 I'"' "'"' lfllt It t , • I d '"' l +~ot•f It\ 1111 I•·• 1' I II I •t .. ••t trt f 1 Itt ft fttf• f f,. I lttJ1t '"' 1''' I I ••I , 11111 ,. i•IJ \ d• •• I ,, t• I I I " ... II t • I t 1 1 '''"'' • ,.,,, II I I ,,.,,, .... '"" \\dh I .... Ill• p , '""i'' I f It It I )I I I ·I \\ I I' t I \ t I \ I I ~~~ ••• I 1° Ill I ",,., 1 t• tl tilt til 111 I•• •I• I ttl J • ,., It tl I II ,,,, It ,,. \\ l.1\\f ttl·l ttftlt looolt l'\tfth I tltfll \\ \'""' "' ·"~····· 'l'"' lfll •• ,,, , ...... ,., •• ,. ,,,, •••tlf't .... 1 I \\' .I I ,\ .... ._,. ·' · ; \f l '"'''11l h f '•••I t f~••tli• \Uitl (.,.u llllot f(, .-h f • tltf t ~IS('P:I .I .ANYA U '~ .. ,, 'I ',,. I I • \ I ' '~ \I I \ •'• ,., ql ·, .. · .. , "' I I I I \ • I .• ,. I , •• I \\ I loljl fl I I t • I, I'••A•,' I .t I' tt t • lo I• I ol• • I II t• '', d I 1 'tIt I "' ,,, .--' OCTOBER j 17 6 15 1:06 lr " nr n llr .. ~ ,, I• ·I • "'" l,ft~ •ltHtt· "'~II th .. u.:h "''"ru•, It I•• '• t. I -I II ., . I I I tof It • n 5.2 I'J'l 7:47 1.6 t.1«h' t1•ur,.,,. "' "' '"-'" ft•'u,..• lJ m 1 :52 TitS"" "'"' vi-.; ,.,.1 '" ••r•h•r uf .,,.·un-.a r,. w rhr.Jc th•' '""l' 1t"" ~~ d l • ' •·· "ttl 0ol I"~' d v I tint Fl• loltuJ: 1.• •Ill• It ,,.'' I ll " ,,. \\ •ol ..... WANTJr.U TO RJ:NT \\ 1\."TVII T t t Il l' :'oo I' I "' .I t• •ll • .. •u• '•"•••· f,, ,,,,., l'ltrr•· t•t futHII\ f 't i iH t tu tt lh,tlttU • t•h ="" t•l 1"11' .. , '" \\ o\-..; 1'1· I o I I I let• Y l "' ···-··· ,, ''' 1 , 111 • ••I f I I 111•1 •1•·111 • I 'I• J:o ,l '\11.\ '·• '" , .... v..u~ult ••I I I ,I I ., Ill ,, " ,.t \\' \ ""T I 'I ' ,,, ,_. ,,., ...... , ..... ,. ..... ' ' .. t I I tt II C.,, •r•· I ,· t '••r""' t 'I I t• It ~ 1 t i I tt t 1 l H.1 tu t I f 11 ,, I ''l'' I I' ' "·d I I• '" 1'-•ool o ... ,: .,. .. , 'ltt"fhll1 "'"' f ' ""'""'' ,,, d ft, I" lt\Uit; Ill :...: ;\ .,.,, I l•ffltl ,, II) •tit• I ,, I , ... , f f, II I ,. • ,, \\ I ,, , .. II I . I lit l•i 1 , ,,1c• u .• J•~·, 1 '~' ,,,. '' ICC H ,M I'OH ICt::O. T I ••I. I I 'Ill •• , 1\ ,,, I''" lo ~· ""n"'l>!' I •••••• f I 1\ ,, I • ffl o I I oo k tit. l'h .. , ... \\ ,, ,,. ,,,,. , ...... , I tfl .... "I II• 4tt,'" • ,1"""' I t'l N•'"l'"" lal 1tttol l 'h 1:'1117 t.1 II!\ lit IA~T ANP POliNO I~ •~'I' "" lhtllwon 1111111101 o ltllolr•n'• 1~ t • ttt • •'""Itt" t ulut l'•·r111a11 whltr A A \\ lllo whllo llft\tltltti'N 1'"",. It II I'" J ll!llt~JII 1•1 ll:l·ll• TKJ\ NMI'OKT A TION lilt '\'l 'l,to'tl lo4oo111, r-tf'4 Of ,.. , ... ,,.,1 ttalbooro Halbea Vt 11~1·• ~114 MaiD M.., •nil :I!Ofl Martn• A•-· I.Sillld ti•UI \\ \ :". I tll •~te'l lt.tfund 1 .. 7 "1•1 " ,..,,.,,. 111\lhtttt "tolo, l•·uvr al I'• '"I "' •• 11•1 "I :\It• II \ '\, I'• ol I \ 1!11'1 \\ "N'tl':ll I '-'" I' ,. ..... h it l 'lo t .... , • t\ I I lh t "" '" ''" \'~ •• "' .. t·k .. ,.1. '• 1• tu ll.1 II• lUI\' MOllY. TIIAN REJI'OU ftt\('K TIIY. AT'fACK Prof l'Msional Directory I MOIC11MY.It ~('II(HU . 1 .... Ad••oN .... ~ ...... lOt ('nral 1\elhoe l.a-4 rt& Herc.•••u• Awt N-110<1 ... C.••"• 4ef Mar UA l' I'M 'If(H)I, N.D. CASH n~: f .. u~c~. ,.,...,.,.,..,.,ry 0 v M J'lo u m t ... ra IJ mll.l\d OOQ .,. C.AT HO.~ITAL u A. Mnrllmrr, II. A., Udonl ..... ,. Ano .... l'r1n..e, .. l l'"o-M% 1114 •• ................ AIIO, Cellf. Gordon M.Grundy, M.D. Conrad Riebl«, M.D. I Ph yalol•n •"• l urgoon ~fly•ltla" an• lure- Ninth and Ce ntrA A\lo I OffiM 101 u.... lt....t (7 out o,-10 people read Ne•-.nme. Ca.....lfird AW..) By ( 'y Hungerford Offl~ H•• 10.12 • m l 'p m .... .,.rt ...... Hou,..: 10 12 .. "'· .. s & p. "'· , ·r--··-. ~~ , ... i -. ,. . . ~~~~ '.. ' I . ' I l, ..... --........... - ' I ' ' ........ 1 -~ , __ ---I bE\) 11 1 10 11'1 1 tl A~MY ~ uo 1'o fiT£ C'tt.ANE(.HS tT.S j~iffP. (J'o/(P.I N. l t\IN~ E l ~f T 1rll'l'll l'l ,s FtTIN ovT siue It~. t'{ILL. J';\1~ t( R I l l ~f { tl ·I' "ll f y """'I '" ..., . ~; NCA~'0 t f ~ ..... T•l•phont~ l7 LEROY P. ANDERSON ATTOANlY AT L AW Coli• M••• lhn" 8ultdlnt P hone 421 Coale Meaa HAROLD K. GRAUEL CHAPEL \\. 1 """'''"'•'"" ll•ll•r ll•·rv• ltv l'l•r vltol( • •tl•r•~ """' ' J"••••n,. Nf"WJ)•.Jr t !)b 1 ( r,.fA M•o• C .ol llo •nl• I ~hone Off leo Ul; ,. ... ft.J DR. G. E. TOHILL PHVIICIAN •nd IUAOEON net <.e .. t ••~d . N .... ,.rt ..... Ph- O fftc;e 211 w . "•• ne.,. II No Ano-• Colt .... .,. ... ,, t Ur. M. U. ('rawford f) f' T U· M p; T K I " T fo:y,.,. J·:,,llntn•·•l r ;In~"'" Fill I'll 11C.'l ""WJltlrl """'"""'" l'h<onr :!Uti f 'H'4TA MY.!'.\ RAI.TZ MORTUARY C.ttAr'Cl OV Tl~f '"" HERE C o M ES THE CA88Y Cv'< wH o -.~usT ARRIVED T rH':> MCR N INC.· NOW I ~I AH U"1 l Do 'YOIJ KNOW 1 Ill LAN lJ LA,lJ'( VII'(Y r - '(£<:, ANU "'I( \H'ol I URo i HI I<':J oi\N u . 111 .,.- At<£ BA 1J C "J I ·~ I._< Two CJ.-I Hf r•1 ··-~~ C.lo \.111 O tt t'., 1 IH H\1 llAH "I I ( i ·ot t N ,1 4,11- RUY.NOW C ity Tax Sale Loh A. J. TWIST 1,117 ( "••• tllghw.>y Phnno 2427 (JiflfJNA OFt MAR 410 Cf!U t 81~d ••• I I • -~· ~,., N•¥Witlt1 • ., •• ," I HAV F-TO I · ) L tSIE N l~f I I 9 ! r-1 J/11'. ~. ~ •' I I ..... tll ?~ ..... : r;- ..,.. , It I •\ •, ( I N I -..:J'l Jl\11 - I t ' .J , ( ;t•rald Hausa. !\1. I). %11!\0 ".,. ... f f'nlnl "'" N"wr ... ort 1\oo•••h l'tt 10'!11 ·Sfl •n•w•r rttll IWit llf X·Ra1 ~rvl,... JACK ltAt B \ r JN'nJWI I .and Rlln'f'l'Of t81'7 W. Centi'aJ Ave•ae Phollea: Newport Offtae Ill: Rea. 1M8 l't•on, N~W J1lUr1 4J Ult OUEU Ll '('AS I )t·nti~t • %'!11'!' 1 \o\ f f'nlral. 1'11. IUit "',-" I'OKT nr.AUf ---------- NMI A. Bottomlty OOMMf:R(:It\1. PIVER ,..._ Npt. fk*. Ul1·\\ -..... ·~ ,..,.., ~ l' • Leah Opp Incentive for Shower and Party Given by Mrs. Walter Compton C&rrytnjt out tht-H&llowe'l'!'l tend. Mra Bombny ltn lut 1"""k Uw.mto for btr dtcnrntrnn11. Mro wllh btr huahand f••• Dl'w "'''""'" W&lttr Compton I n' I t" d fort\ ll.lld F:l"ll.ll•IA 110 In nur~· ·,. tr,,' CUUU oo Friday to ht:r homt-ln.: in l~•nK BNu h 1876 1-~lltrt.on avrnut', l'ulfta oUrt·riO h .. nur .. ol 111 tho· I'"''' W... for ~ dt-Hr;hllul t'Vt nlnJC wrrr fl\'" r.: riM "'h" wtll lo'll'' boooring M laa Ll•llh Opp who wrll IIO<m for <ulll'jto· Th1~ l!rnup '" wed Edwin Dingf'r nf ('nllla M,..,, r luol~tl !l;•·lly t 'on•·luolll .\1 ur I• l DOW Hrvlng rn the navy ll"trh whto will f'nl•·• H<>•llr\ltol~ C~u planntd by Murtt-1 H~tch Wrlola !=!htrlf'V l..lll1an l""n, .. n OCC\&Pl~d Ule h our• 01 fnr•• rl'frtiOh· v. hn "'Ill att .. ntt 11 ~ r· '"'" f'11t menta wert •rvf'rl Strrh lllllumr llull•·r v.l .. wtll r•·t:lll• 1 111 ,,.., r &ta\ U d~kt•d th,. 11\ltl~.. "'hit 1\ flf'n\111 1 t ti('J't' were h&hted by I All "'"n~t" &n.r n 1,. ~~~~~t lrNI "''lor I• ·I,..: • r. ... 1 blark t&pc-r.. '"''' !'undn v •o·l""'' 1•111• I • .. r ~I• • A beautiful "h "w ,. r j(lrt ........ II ·h· ••n•f• ,_ • h•~ T h"!'l' '·'·1 , • M~<rtlvn llr>~•lrlv l'nl llllll••1 \' t ,, "'. It\ pnoaentf'd I<' •11"" (lpp f rt•m t ho• Jrnup Th,.ro· IA'•·n· r.:riU. ,.1,. .. ''" lktty Hl•yd »ornt.oy ll.lld EllA .. n•la J ohnat••tl wlu• '-''t•r• ... unnt'l' t .. At· f ·,,n, h .. IA 1 "I',.. It ,, t '.,,., ,., '•·•·· 1'111 It I'·""' 1.•··· ll.tll !llu~ '' I lint It I',, 111 11 I lid • • 1 La Verne's BEAUTY SALON \\ .. ndtt tt rn~· I ·••·IlK """'' t..t l 11111 h·l""' •f II• I•• • I ~I "ht1tlh \,,,, u. .l••llf1"'1t •• ,, l ,.•l f,l •• ·"·"I: \II ~If, Sundays and Evrnlnt:• Ry Arr10rnrm••nt ;\ I• ~· II I ., • t , \ t II I • ...; t l ~tii.IIREJ r HJ •• Itt'~'' , .. ,., \.,I J ~ \I I I h•tt n• I ., t ,, \\ I•' I I j, '' ~to II• •. Itt\ I • \\ t •It "\' I It I H • r r , r: .. ,ol I . l L ,, • , 1.' • 1, '-.11 t t t It ''' I ~""'t '"'' II• :lOot Martnl' Avl·nu•·. llalhoa h lanll 1'1 "' I'• ~ •I~· •.• \• 'tfl•l I ' I I I T,.J,.phC'Inr ~. II II(.'':' ~h.t\1 r· •rt•l lht ..: U'"l f•f t\tll•tr\J,! !hP tt1•1' II! IN Jfnurs 9 tu ~~. EJo.r•·pt !'unlla> "1 1•· M r" ~IIHt rn 111111111 I -MiniS pacts are t" DAProw to M tuokec1 under. \1'7 •••1041 strtpa o..t •u·slla'to the atdea. Thts 1a easy to clo aad •••ea pleatr of aaooyaaoe. JCMN UP- vss and 4o yo\11' 1111 1M \0 )oi!l the WA k Qood rat- part. lnterestlo& •:r • 101• and pay. 'C:s~­ ua1n1o& r~ro~ P Join war occupAGo to. your up no• • R •t NavY •-near•~ r 1\.lng su~tlon 0 o~~1c nendquorters. ~ear the NsvY blue • - uJ~ ' ~11. I-I arbor Feminine A t • • t • I Men D on Aprons. C 1 VI 1€8 But call.in w _ives ' I A Real Party o f I Fun and Frolic l For "Under Twenties" \To Provade Pte Phone& 12 and 13 * Th<· (ll'f1't' ~sy Whht mrtn1 mu .. Jl'llll~ 1\llll Jlri'lty tltmdlf COM IN 1 but d•N'tlrl't thrnk hr nrn r111tk•· will bo> thP <'••:<lllnu•:o of the t>v•·· '(:( By Winifred Barbre '(:r --------~------------------------------- Safcway Oper as Prove Hit Over Broadcas t Sys t em 1 Entrancrng S t o ry Of Life and L o ve F u r Ebell P rogram • G EVENTS I DDF Spends I lN'ttt•r ('IJf(rt· thrur hill wrft•" lht' nlng fur tht llalln\\t>'t•n pllrty Hf --E . w· Chill' W&Jin 't 1111 h!trd, hut Wht·n It the l!ntler·T\\('nty ('hlb whlrh ~,II 'fO~UA'r, OC'TOBEa ~ I ventn~ Jth ram.-In lh~ applto pre for dt'l!I!NI !)(> h•Jtl "' tni' t 'nl'ta l\lf•!!a \\'nm· \\'llh t~~"\•r d "'" ••1 .. ,,,... 'til ttr hf' t1rtth•l• JU.I ,,, 1 r I,,. l thl I; i ~1 11tuaJ H\~f••rrJ t•• ,,.,, H t• • 1,.,,. ,,( 'h•· ~un F r.,l •~ , 'J·• u, ~ \..,. r. I .... I rno I ~il t r will rt!VIt\\ IW Cr08s w orkroom, Ill Palm Cards Souvenirs I 0\Pn u ( Uw l'llut t 'hr..~ hiH'kl·d I pn'a l'luhhu118t• F'rltJay fVt'l\101;. .1111•nut•, 10 a. m. to 4 p m , suraw ' down and lf't the wlvt>s tal<.-""'"' Oct. 21 · t•:rl drt'MIIngs. M Tht> •llnner w~ h. II at ('hrr~t Com 11nJ pumpktn•. wltchu IUid ,,,,.,,, l•"ll·hrn SITf'l't" by F. f :,.~ h.'•· 1, ,,,,. nt•)(t mf"rtlng ,,, I' • I t. II • l I• Alii• h '''Ill be ht'l I II 1r •.tl 1 • '>t•\ :. A•ldlnJt mUI II f., lht Jd'"l I UJ+ Itt lht• ftH'l t hH ' Jle(l ero..~ workroom, :113 l\1a· t r: Rn~t"r Rsrrn~ w"~8 hn,.tPn I <:hon-h by I bt' ~ •. ,. 1-'r.oru~ ··v<•nrnJ:. gnnnrng t'Ris witt havr a plat" I' r rm• avcnUI', BaJbtta blHntl. 10 a 1 I) m mbt'rll nf thr r n F rlub at antt lhP w'""" "'' r. "'PI'"'f•d 1•• rn tht' drcnrlltrnntt and thrrt> '''Ill m to 4 p. m., M>win«. hf'r ~omt" In N<'wrurl 11"'Kht!! ~ guula AI that thl'\' <.lr.tn t hf' all th" old tradHhmlll gamr .. 1 u t,. ht-r ~.... I• 11 • n ! 1 t "• l:•·d ("'t•IHM wt.rkroorn. 1300 ~~dRy f'VI'nrn~,. !'lhl' w••fl nuwl'r"l mtn.t tutvrng to pro\'ldt• thf' I'll'" an~ p,l!'nlv of grand l'llUI, and • • 1•nn lroult•\'lrt•l, l'••rf.na llf'l Mllr.l m her Kard 11 frrr d,..·nratl•lnl< too ltiUf'h, for lht•y had lht• plt'lll'· hf'al <>I 1111 \\til bl' daru·rng. with Jllll.!t t ...... , •. ,.-..,Ill~ L ••• h 1 •'I\ •• .. ,, tr\'nhl'"l~ it( I :1 fl ltJ t I I t•f lh•· .. tur,. hn•t tl:tlt •f liP '"''''"'' ~tpp•nrs •n C'~U.m• "'1. I• ''' I·T.• •I" K t 11•· lltur •, whl! 1 ... 1,~,,~ , •. , •. ,,.,,ph· two alater .. 1•1 n Ill a rn In 4 p m ~<llrJCII'al and artl'r thf' gam!' lht> gu~t" .. n. Ur<' • ( l!l't'llljo! thf' ffi f'n ro<lk lh•• a gnnd urrh• ~~ r" prn,·ldmg lh,. ll•l!l!IIII(S I JOYI'<I lnoklng ov••r. the rnlt~·llfr'l t.llllnl'r, ll~r\'P rt , !rn•l lht'n, happrt·~t mwrll' ,,., n1r,n•• ,,~,.,.,.,1• •I \A.hlf h .... ,,. ,, ,,, ' t • .~~ ., ! "'' II t I ,., ••• Tt'F.SI)A \', ()('TOBER 81-or prt·turr~ nnd SOU\'I'nir.< Mr rt••m of all. "ash lht• •llshl's aJt•·r· l'l'lllllr!l 11t !"rY.Jlllr1 Har·bur l.rnn,, 6:30, Shamrock ""··t~ Rarrow, who •~ a ~rahl'~>. hal' ~•·nt "'arda. t •nl••n h 1 ht•H•hn•· I 6 '-" ~ hr>1111' from lht' Mnr;ha.JJ• and Grl· 111~" :w "" ttn· ... tnt:Jry, .:\0 p.m , Whllt•'s P!lrk bt•rt l ~lan•'ll I Aftt•r ,.,,.rylllin" wa." r•ll-nn·.t thl:' t'r•rnrnrltt't'8. ttml they ano 1tn I .1 11 .. 11 '" lolllll t, lh luy,. II th•· '~''''' 1 ,,,.,_ ,, .!tf'' n~<r~•n tu• 11 1, 1 1.,. ,, t•·t• ,.._. •t.l•• 11\• \ Mr•· Vf•ttnK pt'opt• t htr d r• I''"'''' I f 'h•· ~ .... ~ I• I I• •• • I II 111110'1 l~lnn1ll! rarly It ',, 1 •• I • • lqr ' uu+t f••llo\\"" lhetJ •I·· '·!'" .t• r lrl• 111 All!flrhl\ 11.1\•1 \\ •·nut\ Balboa Island . Am;1ng lht> llt•rr18 .,f Lhe t:ollec. &\\'tty all l{llthPrNI lll1uut the Jllum•, Dick Fnt•man. Ull'k IIIH JII'r, B<·h Ht•ll 1 ru!llll Workrw mt. Ill l'alm. U 11 1 1 1 1 I &nrl Jninl'd In " rmng·ft'l't '" w n 1 Dunlap (.;tpnn BOII.'ll, Pnrutlly H\11 Jildt1• T l •"'· f•tt\ t . t h 1 II 1.... 10 1 nn art-na VI' IJr IC "" ""'' ,. . , It""''· "m " 4 p m . li~'WII1~ II · UJI lhl' l'\'t'ntn" OOtid. Juno• \\ r)!htman, Jt•an (,aJ. IIIII• It I• .... r ,, ,., h \. ,,. "'" ·' r•· •·L' '" Ill• t ••ut L• • ,\tu:11:d .. , tt • r, '•I ' .. ,.... Khl' "· I!WI•Tdl! and ohtKIW"'· l'llffif• " ;\·' ~. "'"'" v'fl ," •OSS workroom, ~l :l Mrr· • nf whl•·h 1\lr IJRrrol·; 1111,. mod,..' .l'resrdrng rn tlh' krl•·hl'n wo·r.-'lagtw r Mur\' L<nr :llnrl!hall. and ;, .. pr•CI IIIll \\Ill f>illlfW a bn• rttll· ll\f•nuf', Anlhoa Island, 10 ,, 'hlml ... lf Thts \\'f'l'k h·· ~rnt hiiOlo' \\rlhllm ~trnonul•l Rn:l~ (h\l'n tho•n • lilt' nbu uu·mht·r• rrum all • I I' ' .... , .. , \\ bu h ....... er II lu ., p. m .. !oe•Wtn.: 11 l'llllrt'lllll1 ••f 7~ plrtun·~ IAkl''h ('h"r"·" llanll, <'t~rp LlUH' lln m · l h,. .. uwr I IA>'>II'!I nil rho.: n•mnut· •• • -If, li'>t '" fllll•h· v.rlh :\111'" I ntllk, Lt ~'r···l \\'(lf•IWIII'Ih II rio! , ... H !"lartll1~ Ill " r rn the l'Vt!· I , I t Itt •" ~ ': r, ... '" ,., ,. , , ... ,., \• 1 rn 1 ht• iRI>tnds f . ,., " 1·~ tJ. ··tthunt• ~~46·M \'our Frt·ends and Mt·ne '"'"n F··r~:usnn Otht'rlt PI• ····nt nln .. tlf run \\Ill ··net ut l:l p m A 1 play hrgh '" .. ,.. .. "'"" """ hv , :\tr~< \\'ttltt•r ~nllnr. l\l r,. Sh••lolr.n Wf'rf' MII!IJ El&rP Nf'wla nd. Alnt. Th•• H"''"~ •ltth "l'''n"'"~ lh• \h If I , •• fl .. I •'I ,,,, r • t It '•' ~" * ': I I I If I I' t• \• I If I t I .., •, \I \ «n)· Day Party For Ralhoa USO Smith 1,.,,."'"" 111,. tra\'olllllJ.! Hrrmnn HnrriC's, Mr·!! ~~ 11 1; •~•· l 'n<ll•r ·TIA .. nl\' l{t'PIIjl an11 \\'. D \lrl' E rl· ,,0 lnu" r\nll ,,.,.1111 """ prt7f. and ~~~~ llart\' lt'tk•·r had t'll. l\tr un<l !\In• H• rbo•rt l\1• flu •· llarh•·• .,f ll11ihna lslnnl! "' m ,, ... ,,,,,, \' ,,, .. '" o0 ll••nnr 1 11l•t !llr11 \\ rllram M1 l•••nald !llr " l'hArJC•' • lrr• hnw• hl't·n living \\It h l\1 r~ " Th•· """' hust1·~ will ho.· !\lr'l R1111~ Ow~n. lltr>1 llnrurnak :llr ~ :------------------. I•H1'" nllrPnll< l\1r nnd l\tr• n f ( Frc•.l \\'•H odwurth. l\l r!l Lt'"" 1-'···· ,. f .. ' I 'li'lt ,,, ,. ,t ' t .. l• .. , ,,1 ,, ,,,,, I I • • .. 1 • I t •' •'' I I• • I , • \1 .,. ol I' 111fl••l ~1 [n S:tflflhirr· ;1\'o•nw• n nl· F:oiWIIId t-:dwk 1)1 ('ustn l\f,~~;, l • • .: "'"I '· .. .,,., c · .. nrpany ul , 1 I!WIIIn And R. g11rl!t l'rrvnt.· B1 tt.Y • "" ll'I,.NI Rrt· g11tnr::-t11 Luu,.: Th••R•· prt·s<>nl Wf'ro• l\1 n• \\11 • ' 'l ''' t:. •• h '" "l'"n>~<trlng a R••arh Whf'rr thl'v will milk•· Ill• rr ·l••r NollAr, l\lrll ~hC'I<Inn !'>mith. Jon•·"· "t• I t '., ., ' I .. I I .•• t•· '" t •• .. I ' • '\ •• 1 11 I' •rt ,. "' th<> Batht'•u '• ''''" 1,1,.,1, 11,.. l 'l'll. Mhin ll.nd t "m" with Mr Inn,• "i~lr'r <1hil•• !\I n• liRrry llako•r !\1r" l':dwnr•l , '•.,. * •• • '' ,. t '' ~I 1.. t • • '' '' l :,.,t .. ' ... rHiav t•\"f"nil'l..g r. '" t•\'f'r1fl•f11A .,._£.!h k ~tr" F:lmt•l PaUt·r'(••U ~1 "" t-.•• •'• '· •'If •·rll '• t~rl·l ·r ~71f• ~tr nnc1 ~fr~ Jo:l\\-r, .. ct Ht•ult·: r"· H-.j Patgt-, Mr~ i\lmn ltftth l\041 Bridge Section In Play Tues day ru •u'"~"';..•'l4 ' •;•'''""'~ ,..,., 1 11 f ,. , .• the hrwJt.e,.. I'll•" " II '" •lttl11'111" to lh·· tllmt'l Tt'l'l'n ,.. rnm r .l'!'tl'" ,. " ut••L !u• th ""'1 1h' t • ' "'" •• ,.1 , ..r.,tnJ.: hantl frttm lh•· \\htlr•• thf"'v ""Pr•· \"t~tt ~n c ~1r.,. 1 ~tr' t" H ~~. ;\IUt\ llh! \l1s th• S~tu l-'1 1111'1''1 111 '11 11"•' '· Rall\''~ parf'nl~ nnl h<lh ·•r"IS •1 'B JJ ( Ira lAo\\~ wert'<'tl·hu~tl':-~o :l 'l'lll',.. " "'1 ' ''''·1 ''" hn"" Refl't'•h· ,., . . . ' o • aJ OrS a Or l'r"ll''"' •lrll '" 1. h1·111 <1 1 •1 ,,,111~ \\tlt I•· ~<•rV•·•I an•l it 110 nuw 111 lhl' hOIIfllltll whl'rr h•• ··;o~~ •'ay llftl"r-nuun IA'hen mt•n:h•l> n' rh.• ''"""I', tol Ill• ,, "'"• "' Hllll•>W•',.n ty,.n lrinrt-hll' rf'trrm fr••m ~~~~· H OO y ht Club 1 tht• ~·rul.ty Aftl'mfl()n tlrb hrr·l~•' '.'•• J•lHttn•·•l tt• hJl\fl> nHtO\' , ~ ar r ac ~'flllflllf' Th11r"l"' 1r.r '''·''"''" ~t1Rn<1 Mr10 n .. ,.tt~· ,,. o•mr·•"''''' ,. .. ,twn ,l:ltlht•rl'd fnr hn .tg•• llnltf 1~11_1,:~,. 1' ;: 1 .~~·r:;,:; rt.:: •. ~'' '·'r !II 1" 11''1"' ~:~;~<'rl Rlld Mrl! 111 ~~~~:)!r~':'p~~~t,.ll•· 1 'II' \'!I• 11,. Tht> 1\Jlntral 1 r~tdlttunal lltf.ll"r"' •·n~;~:~'.';;ns~.~ ,....rv,·d :rl 1:! ·Jet : ll1•ffmRn · 14t 111 I',,, :-'141111 •1 • a n 1 ria•,. ..ttarl'rl hnnnTit with St• ... , h•·;, " wr uo· •· " •' ewpor !\Irs I' A Cham!>( r·ltr. ia c·hAir· "'' ''"''"' "'""'""''~ Sttilur• , bo y h 1 h "'"II ~ t Sew O"nf'r • · • !il•me QuaUty TKO PI(' FRUIT J UICE BAR Under upuatJon of Louirt Daw· IW)ft SfM'C'Ialt1M· All cl&naa, car· rot, f'III.I&YA juklerl; freall.,.,._. I rllr .. r <ltrtr '"" ,.,.,. In r harge of h II II .... h ld l th N t l 1 ''' :!1' 1 K<•\'1\l'l'\'kh 1\nd <"••nnl'tlt• I lin•"•'•·\' Ha r r a•· t r u '"' roum ·It · man of thl11 PQpulu~ adlv!ty. ••lfH ~·r <rot 'tt~OI 'h'' 1\A.VIll hir lla · :)O h • at 1, hlrthd&\' ,mrtv at thr '\1·w· urday t'VI'nlng, Oct. :.,t -------------------------..-...--------- 1 "'" 1111·1 !r .. m th.. "hlp• In the f"•rl 11nrhnr :'1/nrll~rv "''nrto•l IR.•I It la to be a combination Hal· Harlan Wood<; Sh(tw Navy Lad Fine Time hhrl•·• Hr .. t0\'11•~1 tn alt,.nfl •·r••k · lnwt'l'n port;." M <l bl\11 and It 111 , !\I TN N f'ttu• Hv r••n '""' lll'r 10 untlentund that prlz~• will bl' Potluck Supper F or GSCS Group the t nurth J:T3tl!' at !';rwrort j a w11rdt>d fllr thf' ('ffl!tumrs lo be I ll•·arh C:rnmrn11r '" hnnl, Ill ·lCt"rrp·:. 1 worn by the ml'mbt'r8 DIUiclng ln~t thr homo• nt t4M \Vr~l n r.•11 n will I.Jf' to tht' music of Maurrrr ~'l ••n• .. wn•·.t "'' l\1 1,.. \1rlTI" lid·, and hr11 band of IJ>l' Angr ieR , ~t.&M tu&: hiH l.t.td \'', ~ • ,,.t " Cit\' J•,n•· l.wf••r• ~·~an~:·,.,,, ... , .. ,. \1 ' 1111•1 ~lr• llurl"" \\'•·1•l ·~~~· 1·1•·" ,, .. , ••f ttl• ,;:..;t·:.: \\·•ll lnf"t•t f•rn ff•rm••r '"r"•l••r"•trl~·n ,,,nc h••r -----'' ("••t'1' ~,, , •• """ .. "''" tt ' .. H.'ht .. rt I I I ( t'\ ,. ~·· n 1"'"' ·'' • \• r11ng ·•I · .. "'"H' u 1 p t • • B tJ ••f I;,~ ,\r•~-:•·1•'" """ 11 "11'"""" 1" lh1 t I···• t• r ,\lr~ l 'h.tr'l•" fi•1h10· n•'' In IJP"h ,\nil:'" . .',~ I a rJCJa U er II II rl ~· ,, .. ,~·n· r _ • I ,!t{r.. .. .n .#"n• ,. r··tu· .,... ~~n 1t•tt' ·••"'tn ' ' ....... · ... • ,.,.11 -','' \\•<~~1 ,..,, "' 5-r·•nl. fur "nt'1rdnv fr••'•' ,_,, ''·'''"'•d ~·•,-tt • I ,.,,, ,.:-;.., •• ,.,,. '1 • 1•·t 1"1·!· , , ... t •• k '"1'1" I Enters Occ1denta t nut . \1 '' f ul.4'f "''' '' J.! • lh•• :0.11. "H, ht•r Jt~t"•nt"f tn '.:, \' li•rtt '\" TlH•\" \\'t'''' .u•l,tfll}•h,ll••f h\ 'uff r•l l '• ·t il\ th• h••ftr•'""· ll•t hUFhHntl f.t l J~•,tl\· ,p·••O\ l.'rtll•l ~,,.._ J.a iH \\· •I \ ,,, .. 11 •' • t \I 11 II II . ... 1 111•.t h•·r ~Hfit ••t 1'41t 1ilf •fl l • • I I 1 I , ~I"'"" l ',ln•t • .nt·~ht.• t fll 1"4X If I I~ I tna,:,.. Waft 1 t ~1t tr) t ~1J 11 I :1.• •u•ta,: P.qtl•'l ~1 r \\',,..,f ._. 1 " ''' '", ,, , , ,,r. • , 1, •• 1 1 '·. 1, ... 1 ., .1 , ,...,11, ,.\.,11 Pvt Virj!ll f1h• 1·11"' '"','' 1 \\Ill ,,,,, •• (rqru ~l ul\"'"\lll• \tt l hd P!t \1 \• .! ft~l .. r , .... , ll.~-.,~'\'pnr1 R~R('h Jtt•l l•• utl ••l 'C lt11 J\ru~~.lt'l01 ·'''"'·' 1 1 (If 1 1 .d " ~ .. '"""'' "h••u 'h• \\111 •·ut• r \\, ..... : ~ '"'. ~•uutl .... '"" ·'' k ~~ "I' .,, • !:l•t ,,.,., ='• utJ t'hH.r·, h nu· on H l•·•·t• • '' ~ r '••' d• .,111 ',,jf, •· ,, .. ,. 'rt'.!'lhTlHl fl huu••-. "'' 1,1 11,, ,.,,rt,nl..' ... ,1, tw-~1 ,,..~ "' vdll hAVt ~Uil•l:" L,l:lt \\.1 1 1 , t 11 1 j ,.,,, k /\r'· ,,, •··J••~tt ''''"' H•; ,. A ~·udu:•'•' .. r :"··~p·,rt llarh .. l "'' 111 ''~ n~· ,.,. " !:'""' '1"1"' 11"'11 11, 1-'••rl •t"nnrl. •.t l\r\lt'l•' llr•·l• ,.,,., .. 1 111!<1 J r.rw . ~I ll<" 1'1111•·1 \\I r•· th• .:.•1•· .. t ... .-f ,,, .. \\' 11•·'"' ~"' _, ... : I \\'••r•l hAl' 111'1'11 1 • • ••··•I I· f'• I'''"' '" tn.t)"f' Ill lllllj;IHII;•'II Shf'l E tghtsun1C of Bndge Il l'·' l\lrll An-""n'l'mlth ... lbilllo!l "'" II\'•• .. n '"'' •· .. 11··~·· •IIOlfl:r- FAC Members Will ! Attend County Meet l n Car ver H o me l that their ,...,. """"' ;.:mllh • 1 t'!'A, hA" hforn pr,.m••l••tl '" ~··• ThrR Y•'"'" • 1'"1' nf IIAII••Wt•'t•n 1 1 ~II • J"~o·l'h l 'nn•·r WiUI bu.leJitl l ~l'llnl 1 \\'ll••h••• \\'Ill h3\11' In ny l<galnlfl I''''""'"' 1n t ... r h<•r111 ~ g rtt ..,._ C:lnrlft Ann t:uu-<• ,.f the h~trv~al "n ,..,.mrthlng othl'r1 1 \\'l,..r• 1 h•• r lrrtnl:•• c 'ounl ,. F· •I •I"' • '" '' ~: r ""II "' n• ·~hht~riJ ll.llfl WOOIIlf'r Ohro whu '" ~pl'n<hnJ: t1111n I hrlr l r11drl lnnnl brmmstlclu!.J o•rlitwn ... \·\'onr··n " C1uh8 .... ,111•·n··~ I frh-nd~ l~·r 1111 o•\'o'l\1111: "' hrldr.J the wlntrr with hl'r aunt l\trlt ft1r I hi' \Vnr f'rOIIUctlnn BorlrJ ut lluntlnr.:t• 11 l~t-a1 h 1,n ~·111 t11v f"' AI th• 1 I •·· •f th•• ,.,.,.nlng, ., Mary f'lrnlt nt r.o:t :l:lth l!lr•·d . hn:o '""" w• that h"lll'f'hlrld ""I'Ph~" nf I 1 h,. mill· \'I'll r 010 "'lnJ: 1 ·.,,.t,. \1 ,.,.., I <I•'"-'' rt , ·''I .. i'"" 1.~111 1.,,. anrt jotnrd tht lll'lrV" ~tr••up ••f )"n'"r '"""m" ttr1• l'N nmlnJC mrghl v I 1 ~·r h .t\' Aftl'rll•"'" 1Jul1 1\ til t1,. w•·ll l whiJ'I'"II ''''""' ""~ ••·r.1·ol Mr" b':"lHIIIPII AI th,. H11lhfln 1'~0 ~111 m •t:ht\' :<1'111'' r In• rrl\l'NI mltlt ttry 1 r••J•r• ~nt•••l Amnnr: th,,.,. 1'11\ll l'nn•·r "'' 1 ''~I' 1··1,,, • ., I• t:nnlu,la' ~mploye.J 111 Ht•l•·r1~ ~tlldlf•q "' An•l rn•hrlllt r d 11•" .1n<l" '"r n•· • I f • 1 1 t Santa AnA hruttn1~ a1 •• ~·XI'''', ... , ,,, "~'"' Up .•!1 , 01111-: '" :lltt•nd "r•· th<' prt·~~ol•·nt ·'"' • I' • •" r ·' 1.1 •· I<'• ul.rtrnn~<. ~It'll I'\' rarkoi: ru ~t ,1,., !'~'''" 1'1111• 11,111 • ,\11w r:11,, 1-~1118. Fril'nM l•f !\l r~ llt'rt l)qul.<l rlw n-rn..-n1 •'~'-!• ,,.. l•rn•-m t>nrn ·h·nl :llr• \\' ~: :>;uk••ll ,,.,,.,., tlr>l ,,, llllr\\.t'l''"'"r."ht l 41il l"I'WJlllfl l•,.ul••\hr.J \•ttl I• ,,.fnn· lh•• 1!'1'• or 1 ,~ ,,.,..,, 1 ,. 1 ROTTV 1o lt·am lltlll ..n• , .. Ill rn l"'"'k" Irk•• lh· ·•I • "'"""' w 11l h•l\0' \U't"' f)ri'P\tl•nl ~tr,.. •!UIHilllt,; l!uf '"'l'tt•• • to l..,h)t••·-t\\•1• \1U•1'- lt, ''~''" 1il~1, hold:. ''''' tt((u ,. ••I f!• t.1, • \\ 1,J.1' \\ d'•, ,,, 11,•lt .• tht (•nrnn'l11nttv h~t:-.Jtl1 111 :--..u 1f 1 1,. "'"'"~'I', lt·n11 ror H\\IHif\ \'tl ,''"'"'1.' (•ut.\11 lll·ullh ••nJ ~lr" l:•·~:or '"'" '.\ " \\ t: I ''"• •111·1 AnA c I ,, '"'' ,,,.,, I Mrtt .Jrrg••n r ..1•1 •• ,.,,... ..cpt ,,, Hr•rhl'n I '8\' p:~rll:tnll'f11.lll Ill r... llt'VC'r&l tillY' IR~I \\'•·· I. 111 ~ '" ''"' Mr~" ''"'' ""'' ll•hl• Lit••tttl •ll• J-f Fra.nr·t!OC'I• wh!'rr ~<ho nil• ""' d tl · , '"'""'~'" r .. r '"" 111un1v ~:r '"' 'Jntcma ket·"' I .e:>. I'll '" "" u; A v S mr~t·n~~ nnol • IIJ"' .. ' l l1• ~~ ._,.,,,n,_ '' harh '' 1'1 , • ~nl nu• 0 f .\ ·\ · II ""''".:" ,1,.. .1 .. ,. "'tr ,,. ,,.1 ,,, rv ad11ne Cau~cts I0P"""· Mr!l t . t-: l~•un,.r•,•n t-:11•t 'h ~ 1111111,HS:t••f1 1<, ,. h \\. ftl."\U... '"'"' I '•. 'h· nl~\Jl\ '''·"I nr ... "n hnule•\A.rt1. Hntt-•• a r••turn··~t 1 hlt thniUh • 1 ------"''n'' '''' Ill•· ~. ''"~ •n" I • • "''I h~tmt r•'C'••ntty sfl••r """·nolrnr.: l•·n I ----fh(' rn:.an lrltl'l•.•l o ( tth• ll'tl''lna.: ttav• "''1th fr1f'O~ '" rru•.t•l•lla n ntl !-:•Inn r.lh••"'' ;ll r~· ~1 1111 • I ll••11d• r ,.f til• II 1• •" ok•r• 1h wh:n Uplll.lld I"""' Mrl' """ II• nno 11 Mr .. lh• ,. a.;Htl • r•··l 111 tt, \\ 111a11·~ OIII'IIT \\'rlhur "h•• 1111" •t•· nl \'•.,In 'T'ltnllll•lltl ~''" Mtu lh,r • hrhtr'"'"'' fror ""'' •>f lh•'rr· ol•·rn"n lh•· 1111rnm••r y,•rth "'" ><1~1~ r .\l r~ l'l•k.•np .. ua.;h :>lr' :>;olio· l ••nc ~lmll"'• m"t lllj!l< ln"l ,.,.,k F:lllll' ~lllr•k l!ll:l t 'ourl """""'' l\l r• l\111rt• l'tAr•• !\!1.•• t •-. 'lr• l\l I•• 1 1 11 1 1 1 ·r n .... •· .... , ·' '"' ' ~.·••\\•'• , •• hn.JII r,·tum4'4l ,. 1u• ''"·' 1 I lit••""" Mr• I 11lrA l\1• =---0111\ lifo I nr••n.tw·r• h \\ '" 11 .tk• til •.• ''"" Puent•· l\1 •~ l\tauolc I,,.,.,,. ,\...,.r!'lor•~: ~lr~ I>Pt!l 1•'1"' 11 11•·••·~.•.1n ...... 11:; ,1, y,111n~: ~~d,•Rrll I' Lvnro u~:h Jr l'"ml•t11n Wt'r" Mr~t ~'rl'ol Clpp llnd ,,.,..,., t\ \\hi• h 1!1 h~r 1 '" .. l>t;;" wh" IHfl\l'll rP1 1'nlh' a~ St J•lfl· '\lr!' B,.nnr11 olurrnr.: th~ ""r. ,.ph'll h.,11111tal, Ill nu\\ t'• llll'r nf att~>nlron at lhl' hom•• ''' hu• L:"ran.tp:u ,. rat"' ~1 r "'t e ;,.,., ,.-n. '' h•·r• mullro·r \\Ill m~<k•· tn 1 :ltr• ! ... 111· nnd II lh••lr hootn• !'hRrl•·l' !'t .. rllll: who hn• ''' • r hon lt• 1111 \t•n\•' \\hal•\ r•'• t~r•·rrdtn~: frnm R fl)lf\ltf ,,,,,,, tl lnn \\a, en• I f\f h11n11r "' " .tun· t ~1~~rHtav • '• mn,l:' al lhP ~pRn r~h Kilo hl'n t:ll'f ll . fl r him h\' hll' '"' n. r rrlll>\\' rnt p\oyf'•'" .• r 1 tw fl"~t offlr I' an• I I"' w 1110 pr•·,..•nt••ol wrth R r; h'l'r rd~nlr· flc11tlnn brat't•lt'l. HI' lt-ft Wtdn<'l!·' day tnr ~An f't11n1 ~~'" "11•1 ~'XI"'''' 1 In bf' llhlppr•t ""' It,• •~ ""rv1n,: "',. p••lflfll , lo·rk. 11n•l hru1 a bruthf'r nnw rn """""" O\'PrAI'8.8 Hill m .. th•·r 110 MriJ Mnr~-:arl'l ~tnrln~ tOll•~ 29th :otr~t H Mission Trio Thrills Friday Afternoon Club With H our of Charming Music ·' , ... ,. ,, \ ., , t .... .. . ,, •• f II II ' . ~ '·'·"' :. $_.0 to $:!50 " .. . .. ,.JI',.,~· ''~--' ... -. ' c . . .. o, .. .• II . ' ...... \ , . .. .. \ .. .," ~ • I J -, "· ~ . .... H I I' • . . 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