HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-11-30 - Newport Balboa News TimesTHE SAND CRAB a, SAM JUST WHY! Hen> and then' around the world home boys are fighting. Some a~wounded. some are in thE' swamps and some will never return. Letters com- ing beck to loved ones con- tain poignant and chokey ~ges. M06t of them im- plore us to work for war chest, war bonds. USO. On~ boy writet> "the_ influence that helps most in building morale on the moving fight.· ing front in France and now Germany. is USO''. Mrs. Jo Verberg, whose husband , J!.n American flyer, is in a Nazi prison camp. knows )hat the m ore bonds we buy 'the quicker will her man be home. . I fur~~~ilie~~~~rl~~g~~m~~e~i~rt hu~_r_d_i_st_r_k_t ~·-·~·~~~-"-~_w_s~~~~~'~~_a_t~g~~s~h_om~e~~- Buy Bonds to End War Quicker NEWPODT I BALBOA ,.-NE-WS_~ ~TIJ\\ES ~~i ~ as· .-:..--,... ....-ill"'iRR -_ liOi """'-=' ...... . . --....;;;;:::_~ KEEP POSTED! I Yeur • • • • $2.50 Nail• , ...... ..., ...... N•--·11--.N...-rt .... EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA. WEST NEWPORT, SEA SHORE COLONY. LJOO ISLE. NEWPORT HEIGHT'\. BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR, COSTA MESA -----; VOLU)CE XXXVI ·~·l -------~-----=~==~===== 1944 8 ·td· H lfiG. William Grundy c t Arth Mort• Workt'rR 'FI·rst w· eek War Bond Ul 1ng near a Sails to Sea on ap · Ntt•ded lit-re for Million Mark, as Many l 8~~~.~~!!~.~~.~:·"··· Home, has ,~~~.:.~~:~~~~::~-~~~~! ... Sales $120,315, which E d '" lho·tr llhiJ'II but 1; Wilham A R d "••ric ,..~on tn bfotrtn nn '"'" 11111• Sh L New Homes · recte ~~;.:"~i' ~~7~~~,.n~2:~~~::;·~.:. 1·r ecor :.:::~'::;:~~~.~~ ·~~~"'':~,d~~~~ ~~::~ ows ao of $15 000 '"'''""" n.~lt.r.i... IJJ tlc•ubly proud HhHif' ............ r .. IW"'o ..... In "''" ::"1 I fo•r hr Ul "n 10 IK'flt whll'h wu C'OI'I· ,.,...., "'"''"'~ tAl th• W'C'ft'laor \' "' , • ""hlrmt'Ti'if fn llf11 nwn tlnmf' tmm ttw lo\rtaJ 'TnlciN \'1'1\ln•. 14. •· ·f I. -------Total to Date Is tt.ug •>to as A•ainst $142,357 Wht•n tho• IW'na,r Vf'Uf'l ••bleb All,,':,'.''' )',.. ''"" '"" "I M,., I ,,. t"''on•>lldal ... l •• tl<•lnJC ••• f 1943 Wh ~J Mt"' Th a) 50 R •d """" lH11111'h•••l Ill lhr South Ooa.lt1 \I'" 11.'1 \\',·•1 '.,.,.,.,. lrnlll\'r 111t•ralk>n work t..•lh an thr or ' I e ore an est ences l"m('lln~· yar .... In ~rptrmbfor wu •runt ''""'" ........ ,, !'>HIIIItl.l,\ ,\'Alii 1\nd '" U\r otrtr ... anol wl .. ·u i Are Constructed l'"nmroh·lrcl 1\nol h•f\ thr harbnr Ul1J1 1 f""" , ... 1'-lo-dill'll llllt .... lht•lfl•·r "' Ulta I• C'om~ woril will tii1U1 wrt'k on u·. flriOII.aMIJ."nmeot. UM i oy.•ratu•tl• \'""' h• '•'\•·•I ~'''''"I -th• ~ ..,_.._ 'l'bfoy """'' l~l"port ll("Vl"alH that Pur<"harwM by City or In· duMtrials Uo Nnt-AffHt Individual Buyina (;rammar Sc·hool Sf-liM $85,000 Worth BAlbo" m•n wu '"' 11 u 8(1nar mc,lllli• .,. t: .'1 1•11"1 '"lh t lw 1:•1!1 v.·•·l·h·r". pt~ flllf'"' .C..-trto·lana I Ml\ll I h trol ··lfUitl II•• hlUI 114-rn hrtl' I Aar h f... . ..... '"111111''''"' ~-' ""' 1111' NIAat. ("_...,., .. Wot"kln . "" l u • .,.ll1" fc II' 1111 \\'llr Bund!C 1~\lln~ lllo!l'llciC'K ln thf. ll~trhor Evidently recovering from fh<' doltirum.o; I hat t ht• WAr '"' thr r•u•l lhr .. •· .,....,."" ••llh . •1"1""' '" .. 11"'' .'lol , ... , ...... , '" n•.: • ,.,., ,..,. "' •laht t &-n Jlk'k•t show th•· rt rst wt-.•k '" S~llt.,. "' $1 4!C),:\1 !"' 7;l. nn·nntln.c to WAr Plunged it "nto Newport Beach is doing it!tt'lf prouci this VMr I """1"1"" l'tc'Yo' ~f IIIli nr f'ljC'hl mrn h.~'" .... ,.. and thf'y .,... ln ~" "' Jo'innndn.: t•hntnnan, Walh•r Splc't'l', lllwt Sixth nonct drive . . I • • • • • 1v.·h1lt· llw nl'w •nun<! matrrlat wa. · \\ "·•• I•· 1•'111"'" •h• hnll•'"' l~tr· fiiiiHII •·•rr ... n&rrw ·t 1 \V II Ill •h • on 1ls bUilding program and 1s rw>anng fh(' half malllon mark. b;tnr lnllt.llcod .:•·t .,, a. ... t • ,, 1 ""'"'" •• "·'" ttw Mrn 111,.,.,...., 111 wortat•a nra.-1 l/1 rnmn, . II mun. ,,111 Is $1.1,1100 Mhm1 ur nur .,.. with 8 total tO date o( $449,210 for f'(f'\'<'!l months anti _I'OI'JH' t y 1,11nlt l~run<ly h&ll bfo<•n In tht f'ltw •It "'I l~o•ltl• 111 ll•<rtlltnllt. 11\'l'r ht>nH' In a Ylt.&l w~ 11\dwltry m ay C'ttnf for th\• (lrst wc .. •k II( f'I,J·I 150 fl('W homes erected at 1\ total ros1 Of S~.:l.')(), Whtl<' 17 Nowy fur " y ,..r anol a half. and ~htl"ll It• "''" ·•~ 11111•'' Wclh lu~ l ,.rt•ly at tbP ~ 1111 thl' Mr tKI VitltiM ctrt\'t'S. 111~111 ""11"111 .th• •ludrt.'l" new n-sidences to cost $38.000 wei'(' started in Nov. Th<'SE' IU"(' I tua11 bH'u "' \"Artc011,. c-na. 11t porta I'IV<II• 1•1 1·••·• an~ t ho· ual n ·lll .. 'llt•. n acs.-a Uakon. 230t Oc~ .,.,.., .. ,1 lt.•lh duotnno•n ,.,.,. •·o~nlltl••nt I Ullth ~'""' lt~l" u.nc• lhfo aoublk.' fi~n•rcs released today b\' -------------Whilt' an lrl\lnlnJt "M1111 boat a t • • S""''Jotlrt l~a.r.h . .w r ail !'14 "'"' tlw tnlhl .... IO,CUI OJthtiA ~Ill 1" 1'1111' ltwll Jltln h•u•••• lhrouch ! .. ~ . . · ' 1 I · 1w .,.., I ·rth• 1 t 1 11 t r 111•• ""'"••I Building Inspector Nelson. to t h•• dw•·lhn~ of OHkll'y P nrk••r l('l'nvtrlrd Y W~ •• a tratnlnlf lllbJp. • ' . 11 '~' " 111 1• 11 "11 !\tr '""'''"'" •·f'N1ll, 1111K"h ot Th r l nt. . • 'II f\:o!fl C'lart Orl\'f' \nrtlf11\ rnol ~hu 1\ntl will J•ruhllhl)· lwo tmMtl Ill San J ~ L I H, that lh• $1.> IWWI Iiiii .... ''1" Ill 'I Nil " ancro'HS<' or ,... .. 1" "00" ' • I 0 1 lnl I ,.11, tlu• ha..:h "'"'"'' rnthu•la11m Itt • :\00 po"r r r nt ovo•r 1943 wht•n tlw ul a c.~st of $..~. 111".:" lilt· ntf'n Allc•mllllfll( In pra<'· . _ 1 1,.1" 111 " , .,..1,.1 ••~~rmbl b Even from a strictly (.'(.'(}- nomic standpoint Newport Harbor should strive to put over its )'1'Jr bond quota. Our 1250 war workers. in ship- yards, plane plants. etc.. in this area, know that tht> con- tracts for anny and navy boats and planes. are rain for by the very moncy which buys bond..;. Whk h means that a Jargl' part of that mont>y comt-s right back hOftl('. Th(' same applies In War Chest funds. which aid in maintainin~ USO and other rt'licf agendc:-s h(.'N'. Boys returning from the fighting fronts al"(> distul'lx'<i when they hear us ~Y that the war is almost ovrr. Win- ston Chun:hill. who l't'rtain- Jy ought t o know. acivant-e: his statements from this yC'8 r to next year. et<:. I total wa." $H~.357 l'o:ovl'mllo'l Sadtl' lN·m I!' il<ldtnJ: 11 ~•m ""~~ IIIW' run .. with ~l oHty 11t llw b&ar • I ,'""-"''"1 lllld~n11111 ••·mltul• 1.,.,.111111 11,.,:,,.n t ,.,.,1 ltf 1,!. AJ~ . Sl'f'm,. on•• M lhr ho•,~;r mon•h• , '" tlw rrnnr ol lwr pr()l'c·n~ at l.:l aol'hO<"II lof·.-..1 M ... D .. Dies ! lul,\•'r' ,,..,.,. ''"'' llll• "''"' ,,., .. tt.t~·· l'n ,,,..,. lt.·ll "" Altll't'k'an lht• )'Ntr Wllh A lnl:ll u r $6i.(HII :!:lnl •ln><•l, IOJ C'O!of $:.'00 I -___ ...,., ,,.,~·ut• 1""""1111"'' Ill full .,f "''\'••l"lol l"t4111tf011h}l ~~" ~~~ hf'1ll Anw>rl- • • • MrntaJ ('~. Thr hov who came he I'{' from 13a kf',.;. fi<'ld Sunday tu th(• Nt•wpm1 USO ttnd who was turned over to Jack Summers. was takt'n to the Balboa USO ~tnd put up fot· the night. And hf'rt' is wh1•1'{' thf' g n•:1t hPat1 of lh<' a\'••rage man t·omt-s to ttw forP . .limmv Sm ith. wh•> ki'C'fl!' till• JJ<aJI.N t;l t;S() I'IKJffiS d(•an. :anrl it's nn puny joh . t ••ok ,·;11'\' nf tlw solalit•r '' ilh t ht• !.h:tfff'l'\'ff rlt'l'\ ,.... a nd llt''' murninj.:, r,~, him. prn· \1dl'fl tran.,por1;~tion ;mrl ga n• tum a dollar r., .. fuo<f. a." hf' wislwd him ( ~~~fll't'd on his t'l'IUrtt to hi!' hospitid . 11wt's hont-st-tu-t;od l11•lp. • • + t~rom SUhliltl4" to. -A not h· f'l' •·haptl'r in thP Ball )();t a-.•nt squabhlf'. wht•t"C•in Lns An- gt•ll's n'nt n mt rol snOOJ)('n.. 111v intt•nt on tht•ir· pound o f fl••sh . j..; ttwt ''''· \'ogt'l w•..;lws In 1'111"1'1'<'1 any r••pot1!' U1al lu1·al ''Ill' (11'111' IKJHI'tls m-e in any "ay 1"\'sponsihlt'. who hi' ~l \'S, h:wr no <'On· rwc·tio11 "itt\ ( lJIA Kt•nt ( 'un· trol. LIX·al hnanls rnr,.•l in OJI<'n orrin ·..; wtwn• any- one:' mav sit -in anrl ait• thf'ir t n •tthll'~. "llan • ~-,u ,., .•. ,. t ni'O t hi:-an I >a \ 1' BaIT~ .it·.'s ol fit'('?" ask'-.J•,hnn~ .. • • • (it't Thi!'> (hw. \\"h ilt• • '" 1 ht' suh.it-t·t h"n ':-...,,mwt hing <'I~· ag ain. A "n111:111 drag· ~t'<l Ill a housa• from S..•;_ll n.•aC'h. t't•p;tit'NI it :and put at in fit~l da'-" shapt•. ~lw ~~~• hl'l' prinrith•-. "" lht• pr•,mi~· that only \\ar work1'I"S t·nl_lld 1,·nt :-:111w. T ha·n :a -.nldu•r e ama• alom:. altl•t· sh(' \'(ttlld nnt find 11 a-.•niPI'. and "unh'~l to (H "t'll(l~ ,;Ifill'. 111~1 ";,.... a d· \"iS('i l th;1t 11 ~·••uldn 1 ho• dllllC'. "\\'h:1l tlw h --· .. ht· P'· d .dnwd ''lll·r·•· I h il\f' II('C'.n fi).!htim: ttw hnmt• front s hattJ,• ... : 1 Hill l''turno>~l ht•t'l' .. V<'t 1 1-,m·t n•nt thi:-ht>ll:-:1' h (' ('f1 II s t• :-IIIII(' damph1,111) a~c1w~ 11th•:-. a ";11· '' ;ork~r mus t 111 ·111p~ 11 . If"''' •lldn. t hold tha·~· .l:a p~ h aa k. th··~ d hf. o\1'1' hl'1'1'. nnd tlwn "ha t \\OU)d hapjll •n "'" \ • • • 11 umor . \\"hi' :I llw :'I •II t h Coost '' <t~ g c>l I an~ n•:11l~ t" launrh 11:0 ltl).!l.:l':-1 :-!Ill' a f"" d;,y s a~.;o the• cTafl had Itt strn<idl•' the· .... 1'1~·1 f,.r ... (', · I cl,,, .... t ln1• t'\('11111~ ·• L:t'll· n: \uth a 1>11 fli'1H ' iti-.htp than \\.1'-a.:•Mwl lew im. apprn:wha•d till' l'U:crrl .. I"''" "IIIII t lnl: at t i ll· hulk. nfl a·n>~l · · "lluh. rna tlc•r . nm (•UIH l ('on~truo·flnn on fivo• n••W hnU~•'' \\" t-: t 'olrmnn •~ loulllltn); a two· I Aft Lo Ill ltlthll• ... '"'rt••l',.llnn• '""' lnthh 1 1 • 1 1 1• nnd a~'trlml'nl)o. \\'1\!t "IHrl•'lt In th·· room arlchllttn , .. lhr front " l rll' • er I ...... IIIII ' ...... II I ··~1111" ... lh•·ec•wwl,, II·· 1 11111·~1 '" ..... ltlllflo•nt• about I . . . . ~ f • Ch ~ .... I • I I I II •·uH .. ' "'i• '' .... " • uu ,rmuany. h"l 1"0 \\'t•t•k s und ''" llllll'r fCf•\\ I)W('Ihn~; Ill An•h llft4ll(llly Ill 14()1 rlstmas I'"'""' 11.:1111"' ''" ""' ~~.fff0\"1 '"" Ill .,.,.,.,, ..... '""' ........ ,..h·~· "'""" nt hulldm.: rwuwct,. b<·~un. whar h "'" \\., ... , o,-.,.,,11 1-'•~•111 c:ol'-1 uf llw .l .. hu l .. mrntn ...,._.,, M. pruml tlnhlu"l ltu~··•· 'I""'" rho• "'"' ""'tth•••.., tlw fl~thtlnec rnrn h rms: lh•• total of m•w hull<lm..: ••I'· no·" w l•hlh•n "'II lw· $7.'(1 l rl•·nl ,.,. .. ,.., M.-wt and Rtlrtnrr I "F." ........ "-..,.. "''' lllllk tn~; ..,,,1 ''"""l'lr, Mid f'l'l\111\n ··~t!" UJI I() s:.t.'.:~oo All A f'lt(l,lj;l' ('t•lllfllnlllj.! '"'' lfMIIII~ w If I ,,..... Wo•oltw'llday Bltrhl at hill "No•llh•'l ........ lh· '""'""""" otl l '••tlllllll '"'" "If " flvrr haa to ;ulthllhf'IHI t'IJ.:hl ro•modt'lmg Hntl "!,., .• ha lh 4' '"'"'~ luuh 1'1 ?Oa e are s lltotnt' 441\ llenaard ,..,.,..., ~· ....... $"7:11 .. 1 .. , lht· ,.,., ... N ...... , .... ,,. .... "" hi• .:l••v··· "' :\,'\,CWIO ,.,., smull t"Onstnat'llon jul}o: llt'l' unakr l,olll•·nruol avo·nar•·. ( cu-.o~:o at.·l _:O.IIIr I M•·•. "'l•r " llnlfrr11\fl llh•r •,. lit· '"'"' h nil•~·• ""' '11111111, "' fill'"' In 14''' Ill• l•otnl"' 1\WIO)', ht• know. wa~ whach Wllll'c.,_t $\3,920. hr·m..:· h~ Arthlll_~1"a~l r .. r .1-.HM K lcnt· •1••••! wh" wu ,..pany.d U a ttw m•h\uluul nllt••n a-,~,, ... ,.,,.,., h•· '""' ,,,,,. 11 t • ..,.. (11111,.,. hut hfo I an~: lho· 101:01 1111 lit $:'1ft,J'JO llllln nr j:.l(l ~~-· \ '"" •lrt·•·l I (•t ·d ..... 111 "' lht' hart..lrml\rrl•r·· ttffh ' .,,.. ,,., ... ,1.1 to:n\"l'llllltt'll' ·~ \'111111\ •I···~ .... , h•·•IIAit'.. • ' ~·-' ('1). ""'"~"""' P ;t'lHk na )I wrrl ""'' ~J!l(•l y WI e ,,..,,1 , .... 1. le42. ,,. Julv HI llfH ...... "''1···1 Ill ''"' , ...... , ....... "' tit·· .. I ,._ ... ~ ,.._......, ("tw•f nf lh•":<t" ~~ 1tw $!'i()fl(l r•· Mnuth ('na•t !41<~,.. I -· • HOI•' hrr .. alant1t 1 'l'f'lllll Alt" 1• t-:" lw •1ut """ lh ht 1, ''"' '"''"' '"'' t'ntllllllll•~· lllt'flllw•n< wh" hiiVI' moodc>hm: Jnh h••1111: dcon•• h~ th•· \\'llh th•· •·••lll ••l'•ltlll •>I lit• , I flo• """ l'hlfof cUt~f'ell'hrr '"' lh•• lll•l""'""l "Ill tu1\ 11111! th•· ht•• ,.1,11111,1011,.11 1,1111111• will 1,.. Kh"l tn ("un~olttl,ofl'cl S t••••l C'OI"J,IOrnllfln "" f•lllllf•r Otlfl'•·• '" lh•· i'••tllh c'na'-t l ft.,,k lalt~ncl tn Ml-t11rt. WIUI "'••! 1••1111 "'"'" "''' _.,.11•1 Ilk•: 1 .. ll 1 1 lh••tr nffac:1•, HI :!414 ,lhc· Rhtn• (h•pl;o~ Pof•m '"'" :on ;,ct.llltnn 1.. In l••lln\o lnl! th•• l•llf n IIM'fl fur l ~IIIJ:hltl Tf'nlplflt 11nol ~hrll1rr ""'' 11111k•· ltl' llu· ,.IUI.IIfll ,1,,.,1 11 ' '""''' Ulfntlllllllflll ,.r 1,. lillY lwlfl(\(0 I ,., Iii •••• n llt•·n" "'' 111 Wla 1 In wuh )A))o An"o•l··~ l"~tnl t:ICIIIt• th•• •lltlo' n1·w ttllr•·•" .tr•· IH•Into: Ill•· J>:l<l ,,.,,,,rnl ~''"I'' 11 t'tly·wllll' • '"'·m l•·r "' ... ,.,,. Rhrtur Trncplr \\'11h• t S t•l" 1 '""'"' ,.,,." t'lll " .. ·n,..,. "'"' tlu•l1 l•·h·t~l"l\'' nunahf•,.. 11-lcac and Mrnkan COmplln~ II! ron•tnw!NI IIn ..... lllt'//illllllt' n .... , ('tttllllttll• ... {tfl t lllt•l m;·~ \\"t•lrllll' '" ~I .lr-tlfl, .... ,.,. Willi .... "' ,,.,. ,., ""'!( '"~"''' llll•ltllnffl fllut Ill• Ml • ,. I• Sluow. lf.:\."'M: rhaf"J:I' f,,, 11•• ,.r ntl\·~ ,.(ftc•••• 1;om "n lh:a • l•~·n c•r•·:o•·~l :\l1•ml~o•l ... lup nf •• •~·II" •·-• ''"""-tbP hfo.. ,,..,Hitlfl•~ """'I"'"' 1 .. ,,.,,., "'"'' \\ ,, 1 1 1 I ll L ' II I II k II I 1 I t • 11\<'•1 wulo•w . ltulh tlt~nlrl\ "' 11''' 1 ''1'""· ...._ tlu Sht~p, tA llh ~tt'f ln f'•)••.J '"' th•• ··~t,.11 ... 1,, ;1 ~ ..-1nt a~ ,, , niUl.:, h \\ul t• ,,..,nunl11•·• ; ... ln iu •• Ul• u 1 ttN• ~·· ... u•t h h.t lutl .. v. up nil tnnuu-.•·' Ptt n1\kt•) ~fJ'J . .ltu•k P•rke•, ft.'\, •Jan l••r:lltnn' :tfl(l r••)IOUI ' \\h1rh '" \\hll"h \\Ill ,., ... ~~IJ(ll I•P••·-.•nl,lfl\<'' "1'1"''"11•'11 l1~ t h•· , ..... , ..... hr ,,. • .,,.. 11 •~•1 ""' un•l t""'l""'' 11,1,,,,.. II.I!IJI M,.., Mllllro-.ISian- ancf :'oft• :O.tar!ln II Rlt'hur•l :.1·· ,\d,oltn•· H""'· 11111; '"'"'' •11•·•·1 •''""'''" t'l\1•' anti v..-11.11•· ..:ro "''"' A lturn,.tl •of IWtw.,. •n•l " !'>tl••••l 1'111ld•"• .,,,. lllttotl'1: t11 11,.\ 1771 !\I" 1 Arono Vrct,.ra nta klnl! fill lho•ll htllllt' ill 1:!7 ~; .. ,, r· .. , •• n •• rl..t :\1111 ,, allllln~ :o ha lll· ... "'"' "" ''"' lw•:IICI "' ,,,,.,.,,.,.., ....... \\"llllllln Atl•·n , ltl u ... Naovy Ill .......... , ""' 1M"' ···•lth... '" lh•• 1., ,·,, .,·· 'I 'wt I ..... , u • ' /f ,.,, ·""'' , ........... ..,,,.... .. Ba~ Fronl H:tllkoll l•lt•nll Tl .. om:t~ r.~•ll1 It• tho• ro•flr 411 11•"1 h"""' :ol ''I of th•· l"ulltlllllnll.' Cht'!ol fo"l,.rtda\ l•flllth til l\'•• 1111• c;,,IIHII!<I rw·huol 1111 1111111,1,, l7?tl. W It ~t. 4l3: lla ll"'r ,, an d Ull£•· of lho• ""rk. ,.,,..., nf ~011 Sh•• •~ "''" t"'"" C"h111nnJon I' A J->alm..r, 1\Md~ "'''' wo•r•• nil r..tu•,.,,., "h•·n lo'Un,.ral &""'-"'f4!IJI..,IJI. wbh h ••·hlhlt•·n "''"' ~.1111 unol lllfVt• 111·1 "'rf'd ('roql<"t :l ii:J· Larry At..veM, wh1ch w1ll ROIOUnl 1o MOOO. lltructm.: " """" hiu~o~• al ~ · tht' \\'ar Chnt rc11runht"' and~-RuMU.fttl caphm'lt rtw fwlftr< lA Ill t. IW4d at t~ $)raw• c....,.l, a f'JIIIlllf •of ,tl,.,fllti I hi• lim•• 1 t ' :\ n W ;._ ' 642. J t...u. .llll'k anrl Hl:cnt'hl· i\nl.l·•r<;Ofl :?51 n nhlla if\'t'nll(', ''"niH lOin~ fnur I injl d u unn:on ,., tlw C"•·mm•mll ~ .. r lht• f 111011"11' 1\ lot•'" Ill• .,, ...... "" lllj! ~tvr.-1\11 ''"""' fh,. *'" I· At•r .. n hua.c ... ,,.,.,.,~, ,. .. ,,.,1111 ."· .( I ~'· • . 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" War Chest Total .............. ,, . ,j. ,, ..... ,. ' •. I' ,. I I I I • l\11• \It• \\•111 ,, 11.•1•1•1 1 1'" "1 ,t. 1' 1 f., 11• t lu·~ 11111) 1"' t•·uu"'l•h l••·\\dlt. .. \J••~• t•••ftt t\\t iiiH-\\l1 to~1Lt•·-··•1,.•.1 1 '-:t\A' Til~·:l lt l Jl,luu• • '' ,,\, l11 1 q, tfu n•ll•t t ,,,,,., ••ll·"•ll••tl h •,'l\l ('nll••tt lht'lr\ J•.I\HJ H (',ti l lO if~ ,, .... , s'''" ..... '" tiH· , ...... n t .,, .............. ,, ft•HI Itt Hh l dulllfll•tl :O:t·h .... t l "'f ,\ ... 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"'11< ·•• II t~l••l )..;,\\.till• d ul• \If• ,,. 1,,, 1• \I• tlont' h~ ('~trtt :~tl Shttttk, nnd "'Ill t.u•h•·•t ..:~•'••t..:•' .t1 l \)+11 'l'••l'"' ,.,, ... \lr J\•·tHn ,,.,,, ... ,.,,., ••f ih• \\.-1 1tal h · \ H•tu •' 1 ,• •I • ... ,, ~ \OOtt 1\111' n ltlh•· I , ... L.ntl 1h ·· , ''"' ,, t.. t 'h•·~o.l h ., .. tu•t n .t .. k•-il l•t .. I. 1 \\11 I lffl hi'l f l ,, ' "'· • f I 1 I A 1\\tt .. rfMtfl) ''''' \11"1..; V.f1h ,; 1\\•• c;;l~Jfl 1ft• ~1 '11 1)• •tPd luh l'·•· '•H ,,,,,ntu,, '••ttJ,:tt \\ftt t ,, ·I• 'II , .• , ~.tt .n!• , ... h.,IIIL:'''''' ,, Hl•·•f ,,, .t •• t~n '' 'J..nn•·tt ••t F•...,•·•n:•"• .. '"· ''•nu•u•••• ""'••tk •·s•••t "''''i' lu• I tl o \I F l'••lklutl :1; \"• '""' ,,1, '1':• ··1·•·111~; '" th• ll•onl a••••·h o~n.t "l11•· '""1111111"•' '''" "'' •' T•1• '"'I'IIIIJ II••t , , , • <1Hn•'· 111 1 \ft~ ,,, .... , 1 J,.,,,,_. •·•••td nlakltH.: ,, pan ... It, ttu· ,,,,,,.,f .• tr• n "·" I h•• • rul .. ·t .. ,.,, .tl \ I' 1u ,,•:• 111 th•· r•·,ct "I Ill• hnnw II 11 111 .ontl •I til"<"•• • '''""I "' l11• 11••11" •' '"' """'' ·•I lit•• :--."'I"'' t Jl 111 .. t'•-'' S,Ju"O Jlt't .. "H h '"'''''' ,.; .... , ;•f 1tu "' rl• C h.qnlu r '-' f'tttllttl•l·, A t\\ .. -• ,,, ..:.u:n.:.• '' I•• tn~ .tt l-\• •I 1-11\ll ~) Realty Board Invites Barry, Vogel on Rents \\'tlh th•· ''"~lltdt'\ t ha t '-"fi ll· \\':1\' tllH\ lu• t '•Un•o f 11 -.ct•t tl• tlt• J,:fl('\"ancr~ ,,f \l1• uruu t ru••r,l h••••~·· • V 'Ut•f "" Ul f h• t r ; ,.,,t r••\'t f !'\* V.'tt h l •:n ·~ 1~·•1r\ '"''''''' .. fl¥• )'")11 ,,,, .:a, r ... ~ .. ,tJ 1..-\•1 ',,,. "''" ,.,, n.t .t '"" t u.~ n t ,;,dJ H, p .. , •• 1 I , ... ~J t t I·, Uot J•'' '""' Tl,, J •dl Jl f •IIJC''"III d• lrrmcn•·tl , ~~, "'" ,, \'••L"· I _, liifMnti U• II 1•\ f1tt FIRE VICTIM BURIE D •tt:t \t''fltJr filii''"'' •Wt \lll t-+ \.\t l • h• I t•\ S:ttd;, A t a l•·d~· ;'\1 -;•q f H'f lfo "'1 "''Ia \ 1d J'''' l: llf 1 1 If oj.!h ~~l it\\ 1\ t,.' 1 h•o \\ I II Itt d f,, ,, ttl fl .\1t•ftd.t . IH•"fll 111 .. f~,tft lqj' ft11Uf 1 lllt rtt ,11 1 \1 1 to.ll t 1 J h • 11 II l•\ l ot t I' I • I •l ., ... ,, ... ' . \II. '•I• \1 ., ... \\' ·"' ... t• ' 'It h I ' \•f• ,,, . " '" ; 11•11 ' 'k•·l I' •i ' .r.l ••· I· ... 1 • , t II • I 1 • " •. '' 11 . I \I'' 'h•l • r•. •~·•' .• \!• I ' ,, II 11 1 ':tt Registrants U. S. For('(•s Decemht•r ·1 I·· .. • HUt ,,, • frutr t h• ~~~~11 ''I dt I • 'I ,. !'-' , .... \ I ,. 11 · ... , t I I, ... ..... ''I' .!:.,, ~~"'r' ,, ,.,.,n tplt I '· .. •' . ' ·.a fur '· II I""'' ..c • b...trtttl'f\ ''' , t. ,. .. ,, • 11 tlvtt ''''"~ hnt tt , .. """"'"'' lttt ,.,. .• .,.,~ lo t,, f t Mt h • V• I \ tfl•ft\'l•llllt l I\ I I 0\ \ll f I ''" \. f' ffttf \I f ,,. I ' •J ~ o •' !41 t ,u t l htlt1 IU ...... ,.., t 11' t • t , '"' n ttl •·• ut Ht• , .. , .. , • ,,,,""' 1.r ... , .. i,,. r •·' • p., "'' • r P''' tf .,,, ••I I t ~ 1 tu .. , A lf•tt Itt•\ f• Denies Heiuy J. Kaiser Controls Maceo Firm I t I tt f I I' ' I• I J ,•v•tj t:t f '' ''1'111 fttt• ', • lr +II t! '" •' 1 t ' I I f,.~ ,,,,..nt~~~ uuol , "'' 1 • • f •• t 1 1 I 1 • ' ' . 1\ .. Ht• '" , .. ,, It •• If ,.. "' •II I•· 'lit ~ ~ I' .. • I ,, " .. I ;1!, ... 1t 11t t ••H f ''• ',..,., ,,,, .. ,, ••\ ,. A t ·'''.I . · .... , ..... •• ,, • fl \ \\ I ! \ ltfl . ' ""' • t • tt t; 1 I ll•·flt I High School to Present Play Friday, Dec. 8th 1 If . ,, 4t I i o ... ',,' ' .. . ,. I' .. t ••• , " •••• t I 'I ...... .. I I o I I I •• ""'* "'"'''t •• I d 0•'1 I I ~ 1 1 ,,, I I· t "' \1 , , • · llan11ln1C t n 1• I "" . ~·· f t II' I f tftl ,,, "t 11 .... I •U P I "' h .ttHit, ,, t •• t l ... , • " I,,.,J l1 ttl'41 •I tflr• llo.. t.l11ff• ""' r ..... ~ li' .. I' \\ I tf f ' ·' .. ,. ',,,,, I I' + f " I \\ .. ,. ,,, u II .,, • ',, f ". fit II ) I' I \1 11 ' I " ' ,. It• ... t I+ I tl It I '• .. •·· \1, I 111& 1 .. ,, . 'I I u I H •' I I IU \ r .. lfiK ,. ' Ill '••fll 'I It t ... , I • .. , th• , , • '11' • ,,, t l I I I • t I( I ·~· t ,,,,,,. ',,,.. \\11,1, lUI ,,,,,If ttl ,,., fr'"ff \ tl fl u l.-lt f ftj ft ,, 1 ~ J ''•' ,. I ,. -I I I '"'.I ··' I ,., I \' ,, ,., ' t I . I, J .,t. ... t If ... , Ill\ ,,,,, U i •• I• I•• l lhl' (II:,\ :tlld Ill \\h I h .llollfl ~· \·~~~"1 lJ.t~ ..,,, 1• '''" 1 •U!'Ih • vt ... t ,.,_. Jlr<•un•l 111" ;:-.;."I'"'' ll>tll "' H· •• 1 \' H• . .,•rd h.~. .. "\'ll •·d \'••&!t ) Hfi . • '.' • , 1 •I If • •• • n'.. ,. I h • ·• ~~1~~~;~·:i·:::·"·;··.:~~, ... :l:'·.:· .. ~::: Relative of Gen. Patton ,,, •. I ,,,,,, " lt 'l ,, \o t , •• I ' I•· .... I • lit "t '' f tl• Jd \\It,.,., I fll •I I Htll \\. •• • •·II 'I ' .. , ., To flte People f o' this Community ,;r .r . · • • r·.: I 'h .. - ... tJt• .r t r-1 •q, r • I 1\ • I f • •I \ cl T• I t\ I 1 o 't t ,• I r ,,.. I I • ,,,, .. , :. !t\ . II• I ... .... ,, .. ' l \ 'h ;. ,. t '• , \ \' ..... r~ . ' ,, · , r' ;. r "' ·~ • 1\ r II ,r, l • , r , h." ' r I · 1 1> '' I T~.~ 1., , t \ • n ,..-\' • • 1 • t '••r 11' t' 1 r "' ,, r ,, i·• • • .~ yn14r ; '' ,, ,,r 1n y ,,:r \\ :1 r; 1 f' . f f( u f I ,J .' I " · I • '' I '~ •: t t • • . ~ ,. \. I I \ f ' ~ .• \1'" ,, f t \\· .I r ,. ,. .. I 1 •• I 1 d .r t r• ( j 1 .1 ' r " 'f .. , ,. . , I • 'II: • , ' I• '"' ·•' ... , . f ... tll0 ,,, ·' ~ •• I , '7 I !l'" ·1• I! H t \ .... • J: . I'.: ' I', I ' ''I • f \ ~ ~ .. . 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' .. .. o f l' I I .I J j ~,. ' ' .. r '•' ··''I J• d ' f t! I 'I ... •' ~ .. ' ... l ' , •• ,t ~ I 1 t I , ,.I , ...... ,, ' lo l'f I f . ' . .. If I ., ,. It''" I I ~ . ,, ,. '' 1 .. • •••• , •• ,,, , ' ' I . ' ., . ' .. 'I ' I • ~ I& + •f I • I h • II• ,,., I h 1 f~h·'• I,, tj t ; '4 '*•1, .. ,, .. ,., I '' •• I It I • ' ' I "' ...: ,, r; ,,,,,, • Jt•u t.01 tk ,,,:,,•,, Ill ,. l• fJtJif I .k10 , ., f '• MAVttl " ' I ll\r "'"' 1.• th., Athu •'• "·, ... -H, ,.,,.,,, ""'' t ......... ,.,.,,,,,, l/ ,, I IOJ: HI I '"k'' f If Iff ,,, I J I " .. ,. ... f .• ~ "'"'' , • ., j I' ... IV t t t l1j.• I C •.,ur,t ,, "' , . ,,.,,,1 ... ' • ··~ ,. t t.tw. t •·h, .• , 1\n•l I I ,,, f I tf\ I '• i h~t · , .. ,1 ,. ,,,,,, ,, I II· ... .... \ ,\It/,' I Iii I , I , .. •' ·..-1 -··· ... t• ''• • ,, 1 '' t 1\ I .. • rt f ...... ' •ltd "' • ••t.q.•· ,, ,,.,,,, .-\\ tlol. ll1· t 1,. ... .. II t ,t •• I fl t• Itt ••J•11 t fltft I t• ,, ·~· ,, J lit• . , .. ,, • ~J ... t: •. u , 1 , .... r1' 1 t••:tt lt••t :.1 Itt• tut•lt •l• ..... ,.'-' ···k· ,,,,,, f ~ ,,,, , , . U rfu V ,df ltf tfl , I I' I• • I •'I 1 ,, . ,. ... I •. I I'· ,, f '•. ') I ' t ,,,,, I ' 1 I• ·I 1 r • ... , .. ' ,,,., , •. ,., .. >···• "" ~~. ..... ~ .. '1 '.11.11a·t,·llnl,'tn t.,, \tr If,,''"''''' t.a , ,,, " . ,,., I"'"''" Ill• I• Ita II"'" '"'I J • ~f t'l' I' . . . , ,, . ,, ,.,,., , . \ ",.,, ... ,. ·'"" • ctl ns .-, '' ct .•• ,,, '•1\ ~tul f•,.t 1tu "''..~'u•v•.,., sh• h •I..J" (' ....... , .......... , • ..: u.. .. ... ,,,,•. I() Ul uln~ H. • " t l· v.J,, ,, Mr~~~o f''"'" \ rtu ~., 1-r •, ,,, "'' ( ·,.., • ..,,., ' t'"""' k• • I" r .. 1 •\I , r "'"' c:,,,,, '\''" . ''" , ,, .. · .,,,. ·I ... LunJ 1\r,tu l ... d tJ ln. r , ,1 1 f I,,., ,.,,,,,., I• '"' 1 It f ,,,, 111 I '1t '''"' ll\• ,,( Hu f JH .. , ,, ~lo I I .. ' H• I "·· ' •I I ' I I~ .. ,. l ., l c ..... li'', f ,,.,,,. , I • I• '· fl•l • r•l•l\ ffl 1•1 , .... 1) '"' '" f jt 1 thl ,, ' \ tft.tHt •,f ftl• I •'· • f t' I' ... ' ' ~ ) t " I, .. ,, II Jlt ... ,,.,,,,,._'I "''i '' ... I' , •••• ,. •• t •I• tt•••t ,, '• ' . ,, P •U, oftl H .f lh I fl' ,,., \I~ l,lt1l I lt\1' t ,, I Ult'llllt'11 t'l,tll)'ttf••t U1U h 'f '"'' f Kfl•l tt '"'' I'• I .fl., II •• t t. ''·,' • I I I •• I ' • .. : ,, ., ,, ... I I I •- I I ' I .. t • '' . .. I I I ,, ,, t , t .... tl II'' t ,,,.,, ,,, If .,t •j • t. 0 •• f f I ,,, I tl' ,,,, t il •' II I lin ,. H t q J h'u•' (f ,' I •• II• t \I •rt ... II v IU t "'' ·! ~, I \ I ·, I NEWPOPtT-BA~BOA NEWS -TIMES \olun~ XXX\'1 A:'\"/11'/U!..;,;a JJ::.."H , ,, 1 u •. ,., ''· c; .. l!f ,JJIII" I JOlt \\ of the CitJ of Newport Beach L.~at tnttotutl"" F.,. 0"''' l4 Vur. =--NATI~DITORIAL@)I 1944 SSOCIATIO!i ~ .AfMJOL -I Watch Those JWar Bonds! II Better. Bw!.IIK"SS BW't"RUS in Dtlifomia haH' llwir ~\It~. swtnllenl in thbi ~tate will find lht> goin~-: rar mon.• t'U~~~ .. t than they did at the f#)d ·of World Wur l, whf"n million~ of t1ul· Jan Wfft' lost lo l"llcketel'rs. Already, warns tht> public proteoction hi.II'-''Hl". t"Onrirlt•nn• men and promotena of wor1hl~-. rnlrtTtriSI'S nn• watching thP War Bonds and ,other 18\'inli:S mounting in thf' han.\, flf th(' public with rovriOUI: l!-)18. Age-~d nlt'kt'ts lll'l' hrin~ tlu . ..;II'C'I otf and given a modem twist In orrk>r lg transfrt· othi•r· pr•o· ple'a hard-4!'8med savings to tlw podlrts or the "I..."YP" artist ..... 1 On the theory< thnt "ror'f'wamf'd Is ruwarmf"(l." ltM," !Wtlt•r , su.lneoM BureauA ·~fly compiiM a list nr mon • than 7fl() tYPN ot rackPtlCI and st'hl'flk'S tL""-d IJy swindlt•rs In prvy 110 Uw I p.tblk ror thP put :w Yt'KI"S. This list is hl•in~o: d l'l'Ulalr'(J /I S part ot a broad l"dun~tlonalrln,.:tntm to nmkr tht• 11\'t'ntl-:f' mHn a wbt1' pureha.M"r or ll:ood.'i and A nu)n> t'ltiY'ful im't>sl ur of so•v· ..... ' Investigate befol't' you pnrt with your mfmt•y, so·~· tlw hu-! I'WIIUI ,becaw. "tht' h&w can only lock th(' t1oor uft••r thr hm-st• Jl; atolen." Better still, If' you have any funds to in\'t'st, n ·· i member that the ~t buy todav ia Unilt.>d S hih'S War Uonrls. . I ----- No Inc:orne Tax Relief 'TbP hopes that individual inc'Oil1l• taxi'S. as well as !host• or corpora tiona, m.ighf be n<dlJ<"l'rl in fhl" ll(>ar fUflln" hH\'1' f)('(>n ! ~. 1bfo "dadwl"'!!" a!"'' non£> ott\(>r tha n ttw two men who I heed the-tax JeaislaUon committet"S in t'Ofl~n>s..; -&nator ~ and Con&-reuman Doughton. ·~-:,.,;,. /',.(,:, :-;{,,,, "" 1111' liar: NEWS Cn·w Dc~ad Bt'lurn~ From the of the CHURCHES \'I i raele Fortresses • Ill OUR LADY OF IIOUNT CAAMEL .\1 issing. r.ri[•{'lr•d. '/"11"" fu~i11c.< l.r•fl .·lfmw to Fi.dll .\'a:i .·1 ir Hordes c..u.cli U '!S W. c-h'&l, N'8W1J<Or1 iiSealdl Sundlly rnaue1 at 8 and 10 :1.. T · ST .. J'OH."" VIA.""'NEY CHtl.CH Sl~ M.n.. A-. ....._ blaall Sunday mau at 8:30 a. m. II,[,,,.,·, \oo.,, j•,/, oet•/J• ''""• "' /111 .,,,.,..,.,., w~i/'!. ~ .. ~•• willl ... I f1,.,.JI/.,.,, '''"'"" tit• \,.th f/•"'~ r"'"i"''"" II• •· ,.,,..., "'"""c • ,_,..,....,! rOLL OOioP&L CIIVaCB ""'on\, . ., U.,,..... I ,!!-.d .... .:W.., c..&& )11- •\ FOHWAHD i\IHDtl0~1 E 1:-.: 1-'JU::r-;"CII NORTH AFRJ. SurJ!iay tchool. 9 :4~; momJ.ns · · · f d wor:h1p II· EvanplliUc ae~ CA You ro·ad lh•· <JI!w iJ I t:IJI IlJilUI1ItJU~·:> il c w ays 810 j ;,'\0 p.m.; Mid-week er meet~ 1Jbo1ut n dcvu sW\1111~ r<.o lol by <;\Jr flyrn~ 1-urtn•sses on a ~u~e inc nn W~y, ~J p. m.; G(•rmHn bnmbl'l ;o trdro1 tn~· m•ar Trqwll Wh~t yo':' dadn t ~vu~K. people.• tovanceUatic aervt~ reud. at l••:lsl in any t.kt:nl. JS the story contamed tn thew "" Fnday; 7.45 p.m. JII'Xt twu columns. f,,, thl> •. "'''"f~ltl: t• 1 dally '''"'"'~ thrntt r maUJ th .. , ""'e all "' all. thll .. t-••·rpt • .,, .. o ,,.,.,t ..... , .. , ••• ,ed 1 f' .. rr.pu <1111••1\11 Rtlurmnc t"I"U thld t1 had l•i~Crd behind IIJHI lull ~tl!otudt-JUJI Mfl"r lnviflll Ute tat· ~··t Thf' 1••1 r..-pun nid tht-P'onr .. u r·•u ldn'l Jl~y 111 thl! til TTIHrl' than n .... lnlnut ... It« .... had ptnt'd .. rn:. !h•·n So• It "''u ll<>n• Trt< ntrn ,..., .. tn lh•t pl:>u• Tht d"J'• a~~"'"''ll-hmealJI h..:l lM'm ,,,..,, b"l lhO' ~~ n! HI lnll fr•··"d• r~M • v•ll o ... tor pe<)ple. "'" Ud alre ... , -· ... alii rh•t atrr••-· r ...... "" ..,._ ... t•r•taa t·wv-. -.. ,.... .,., ... d • ,..,. lare •~• Qoe edtl, allodl ..... -...tdo ............ anlll thr ...._... ....,. .. thrJ ....... t&t ..... ,.let, ...... .. ..... ard ....... ·""" ...... ,. lltk-11 .... a 1$trieller. Thll '"'"' M ht1 n•w '"'~'' cr•~e. l nd nobody t•l'krd \'O'tJ L!Ud 0nl' mtn dutrhf'd 1 lnlhO'r r•p with bluod 00 <I The p•lot'l h1n::b ,.·rrr "'"'Y whot•. ' . . . Fl .. aT CHULIIICH OF CHLIIItaT, ICIENTIIT Lido ThtaJtr, Ctt"trat Avtn~Att IUIISGISG Tllt'SDE&BI8D 80.1: all<cl VIa LIM Tht-10 mrn ,..Ito brouJht UJ.Ir n,. A branch of Tbe Mother Cbu.rcb, "'I f'ortreu homto from ' r•ld OD 7ht-P'lnt Cbun:h ot O:uUt, Sci- Ttll"•ll, aflrr thry htd beef! 111' ... rnUat. rn ~ton. W-.-cbttMtta. up lftr loll, undoubtediJ wl1l pi drroraloonl N"thlq qldW llk• 11 Sllnday School at t :SO a. m . hu happen~ Mfort lD tblt war. i'uoday 8ei'\<1Ct at 11 a m. Wttd· Ht'rr 11 the full alory: nNday Te1tlmoGial Me.Una at 12 Thr Trt~~nll atrdr11me wat beeYlb' o."clock ooon. dt-fmdt'd. bJ both ll1hter ,._ Re&dlnl Room loca~ at Tll and anllatrtr•l't Junt. P'lJ'irll .._.ll::aat Centn.l Avenua. Balboa, Ia ~:: t~1~1:1r:..,";'.;.r':,~:~l~ ,:! 1 :~=pt~~!:;: ~ci ~;,:_;:· n:: nit. li1111aDy ot.erved. Thf' Thundublrd -for lhlll wa1 a.. I Tbl put.llt:: ll cordtall)' tnvltttd \o name of lhl1 P'ortreu-wu er.t lilb atlefld the churcb ..-vtcu and UM Ju•t u It droJl~d II• bomb ao-4. j W!.ll Raadlnr Room. On!' rn11Lnt went out. Then • ,..., momtonb lllltor thf' othtor tai!De 011 tht-ume alft went I'HiliMTUS ~rn:sn: fKI'IlfHF." W'II<N litO f"'tt:LIIf"' 1• .. • I "Ill lhto bt'f(ill!lhu· Ood cr?alad ~ .... ,...,.It h ~...a. lhe beuen and thr earth." Tblt olHi ilw-r•bl lift ...... ,_ ! Y"t" rrom Ge11••L• will be tbll! Gold· I rtl T•U In !he SU!ldly Le~tton-S.r· Ill ...._lnl h-IM Miler .,..as,aa won O!l "God lhf' 1)111)' Cau" aod "" ............... ap-4 ..,_,.,. Cret~.tor" lo all bnnche1 or The .. __ I )lothf't Cbutch. Thto F'lnt Ch .. rch or no. Thundrrblrd wn eti<R .. to Chrlal. Sdt!!!lllat. In Doatoo. • Uncle Sam Ru1s G. I. Supermarket ffty :\1. J'O\Tt:t Thr gre111•·~1 rt"!a1l ~'''"' ,,f th~m a ll h1111 ~"11'1 unlls ··•rd rn,~.: th~ tcl olw frorn "''hwh 11 ~•·lis "! hlllitm tJ.,tlnrll· w~or·uo .,r nwro'hlln· tlii'W a )'t'Kt mo l'•· than \\'1"11· Wilt\ h. Knol!gt•, ~hL<'}' . !..t:or.~tm tl l''leltl anti Wal~;:n·l'u <'<ttuhmo·d Thl• Is tht.' Arrny l':dntnl(o· St•r· Vit'r \hr I'X I PuHt l':.uhKil~t· 1 Thill ('Uillflllllll 11 m "n K """I'· I kerper• ha• ju•l """ t·u~\,nwr G I J<>f'. And J, ... !(<"IS 111l lho· profit•. Only marl antl l'ho"· mt·KnM I r~~ono to J ot> than ht, combom•liun lllt"r~ and t·luh T<> ..,..,. lht• film\\-1 lar. homey labo·la «n the ~hi'lv~M I~ guod fOr Jn••'a 11oul. Th~rc thry arto. In lhll Solomo n,, In thf' Alllu- tlara. In R.lmf':. In Pllrlll, yf'l!, a branch In every romrr r•f th .. 1(10be, Thlly t:11rry Rll thP lttlffi~·~ town brandt. Thf'tll m11v bt> bf'tll'r drtnkl In I! lily, but thr· 'hoy, w11n t I'Oke11. Alrllady u v ... r ~~ jllkP boll.ra ha\'f' be<!'n M"l up twf't!k·a9. Alrtl l =~ d;~~~: .. rr;~h:~=~~r;: ~:~:I dlln~ll and 1000 I\OtiK fountain~., Thll J)f'nKJnnel nf thla giJo::llntll' f'll· terpri~ll .:nmpr1l!<i'll ~very typt',l from 11tllfli~r&' wlVt'll at the r11mp~~ In thf' Unitffi Stnll:'~ to fuzzlt•· wun.iu In Nf'w Guinea In lht'' ~jis a PX hln.-d naliV<' ~:"iris and dKked thrm out In u.nifurma madr• from lwd ~hM>t ~ prorun-d from lhf' Navy. Thto polt.-y of thr A F.~ 111 t« kup prlt n antl proflt11 duv:n Thr Atlu PX llf'tVf'll a half-pounol ham· burl!'llt with roffllt.' for ten ('f'n\11 In S..rmuda ,J ()I' buy!< milk sha k""i ...jith two IK'f)(IPII <>1' lrt' Cft'Um f«r 1 a n tck ll\. Hot dnr;a are t"'·o lor five r.t'fllt In Grf'rnlan<l ~till lhll PXa pay tbtolr own way. Thll dllmantl m11dll on lhf' AF.~ hy IOitllf'tll' ... anta Ia IIN!mln«IY un- tondlnl!'. On B nU KaLnvltle lhr trnnp~ therf' rpqunlto<l 10.000 randy bara. In Chlnll WIU< mad• f,.r l .':t.OQO toolhpnlt-. Thr PXII lltuatlon. On\~· onl"f' ·~;·~:~m::::: hf'lldquarlf,. tw .. n Tt'aUy _..,btn a PX In thto Pacific .,.nt in 11 l<•ng 1111 <>I ltf'mll wantt't.l, thr I lut nnto r~r:adyiiiJII' "lOti dnl'. whltr womPn. AIIIIOJrtl'd," ------· Newport· Balboa And the MWD ' -. --~---·------- BEAUTIFUL . CHRISTMAS PORTilAITS 6~ AuJtiH ~JHeill Of(t,. RICH BRONZE PORTRAITS Sill, ..... $125 IACH ........ ·-- IIMIMIB YIM.r ,......,.,.. tltoe __, p•pwl•r 1tft te ,..._ 1.-..._ aervke, lfttiY 1M ••lle.l ...,. -..... , ..... wfthew<t ........... AUSTIN STUDIOS It ilnow dN.r that even if GermaJ}y falls hefon• lht'• t•nd ot thla )'ftJ'-whlch feW expect. to happl'fl-taxt.>s will not b•· cut be-fore 1946 at the r.rUest. On thfo contrary, Individual~ and OJII/Oiatlons will pay hlght>r Social S«t..rity laXl'S nrxt )'NJ' tD1.Ita coilgl"l"'S again po5tpones the im:I"''8St'. ln 1945. • U.. rate 1a .IC'heduled to rise from t\\·o to four prr l'cnt, tdi· vtdfd equally ~'o\lftll employe and empoyl"r.l Everybody lutew Uu· pol11t. Ht-wa1 IO :JOWII. I ~oupic al hou,.. 110 Tht ,...,, tlmt lntldt .,. tlwn, 1nd we felt 11 d,..pty drop b.-low lhfo othtr F•b 1111 A Strlptural cllallo11 from Ac:ta , Bring this Ad WhUr federal tax relief fades farther into~ future, there ~ dlaturblna: evidences that on the local ~nes ln Ga.Ufomla, 1t111 more taxe1 are betng imJK*d, or considered.-"Somr Com. 8DIItJM Aft' cSoUv thll: to ra.lle tunda to match state cmtrtbu· tlonLI allotted for tM pulJl(IR of aiding the devf'loprrlent of plana for loco! _.-pro)ectL Particularly dlBQldetln&' ls the fact that a number of thesco new taxes are of the "hidden" variety and are thru.t~l Pxdu.c;. twly on butdnrsR ron('ft'TUI. This l<i crrt.Ainly n ot thP time for lncrMaod taxation. But If new a.sses.vncnts are lntroduct'd. tbey lhould at leut be-sprNd equaUy thf"()Ughout thl" c.:om· IIUllty and lhoukl bP J"t''C''gnlz.able. They !'ohould automati- cally expl~ when the puiJX)SC for which !.hey are imposed has '-> acroonpllshed. Both lndividuals Rnd bu.c;\nes.c; ronc."("ms an• willing to l'arr·y thetr share of th~ tax burdl'n, hut all are lookmg rorn•arrl to tht day wtK."n the pn>s.<;Ure on th1.• national pol'kl•tbook cnn IJr> 1 -· Robots Over New York? Will robot bomhs. l:mm'h('fl fmm suhmnntw~. York, Phllack>lphia. IJ<~ton 11011 o llwt· 1'ili1-s nn 8l"&boa.rd '! l:mtl in l"'o'\1 1 ht• Ea:-oh'm ' AntJ tJM Dlomml a F~ .... 1'1!1la\H !hat ''lhetf' .. 1 a ceJtaln ° clown or ltll hf'hlnd. O.rmUI .... man at L)'ttra. lmpotellt 111 h\11 tf't'l, •Santa An11 Rrlflllto•r o Or-.n~t~ county Tf'ftldtont" whnll h&Vf'. t4lttn & IOOI{ Yif'.,l (of lhf' welfare of lht county ami a n- proved thl!' u~~r of Mrtropolltan Water Dllltrict wattr In clUe• In 1 order lhat a pumazuont aupt'IY nf water In tht umll'rgroun.l bn!<ln I .'WIH•, :00. ~aln ~L s.nt.a. Ana . . . M •• aWod • u.. ~.o..r looklnr do-ovtr thl1 pOWH'llll ac••· Ute d•Y bt .. a ,....._ ltNlt ,.. F lthtn pllntl, wtlldl patrol tM l!l .. ld til da)', .,.,.. comtq ln. All lhe wlditon ln tha lml camp1 hid flni•ht'd 1uppar lb1t ftOtatolotu paac:. th•l tomrllmn cornea 1,.1 blfa.ra dutk h11n11 11v•r U.. tlrdrome. MID t•lkf'd 11'1 low tonu about tba d•f pilot and Ow !ott Forlnu. "' trr on 11 WF:t ndtl.ara "-beloa • cripple from hl1 mother'• boya don't know how m•n)' o.r-womb, who nner had wtlkf'd: The m1ta wert ln the t lr but dM7 tl:lilllt aame l'lrard l'aul IJI"Ilk: who ~lf'd· · rut!)' ,beholdhalt' him, and pereet•· Uwr. mutt h...,, bftCII JO. IDI( thai I'll had tallh to ~hulett. Our lJ,tltnll'lr llahten, -u.tc Said with ·a loud •ol.,.. Sta11d u.~ th• Fgrtrllnn. tluc:k b)' tllll 'l'1llmo rl~ht on thJ lt'f'l. And hto 11laped dtrbird and fou,tlt 11 lona a1 liM7 aaot walk•d." ~ould, but 1\nally lhry htd W ltol.v• M•t')' Rn \;,.r F.o.lfly wrll,.~ In tht- w thr1 wouldn'l ha,·e tt.d l'ftOOib ~r1"L1n ~I'INwf' l<'•thook, "~cl; tuO'l 10 makr tt homt. "'o~ •lid U.,•11lr with K+'Y to th .. • • • 8t r\tl1Utet:" "lu n~rnurh 1111 Ootl h W• thourhl ""' wcukl wall • taw mmuttJ Mor• CG -.. It Ult Grnr!UUI wftl rombra ioat.,t. • • • .Ttt1 Jan 1!11httr lrft ll'ltl crlpplad F orl.rru tbuut 40 mUtl trora Ttopoll. f'ortun•tl'l:J, tha ••arm nl Gum1n lllht'-''' uutad homa at the ••m• Llmt. lor !heir 1111 wu low too. • • .IHHINO FOaTattal &ETVa!'fl T1te 'R110drrbtrd lllw ..... And lhO'n •n ti<Pt'trlc !bini l'ltp-,...,, • .u.... n~ , ..,.., .. pcont'd. O..nnaa a,tl&orr tp,.aff•. a .. l'u oft' In th• dutk • nd ftar. fi•M al laof'm . Ita 111111 f" lrMI tho! 1nl<> th• ak)'. It m•d• aa trc: famaaa 14 Ute 1lr .. ady ~r~ •l•in•t the dlltk b•ckrrO\IZid ot ,.....M, ••I almpl' tMW.'I thl.' mn<U\I .<<nl 1nd lt-U to t.ht< urtb. ...,.. It aat ""lllof •lr, It rouldn'l bf' 1nythln11 r1••· II bad Fifltlly the llrtltu ran out of 1m· 1<1 bfo Thr Ill dud ml'n ,.. . .,, com· mu.nllion, tnd lett. Our boy1 ..,.r• ln.: '""""' alonll now ...,th thlllr 11''"'' troublaa. "'o\'h~rr'• lhr n~re run,~ Glmm• Two ftllln•• •·tort 11ont-, mo11 11t u,. • ~rrrn n~r•"' ~·clltod •n om~u. run• Wlfl out of rommlulo~. tnd 1ft tdO hJ th• t'dlli!: or th ... '""''et, they_,. 11111 mora 11'1111 too mlle1 •hUutt•d "I.Ot•k out bf'l<>w'" 111d 1\red rrom homf' Thr rtdlo wu out. ThllY • n r r n TOI"krl min thr l it, ,..,.re lot lnll 1111\udt , MIG fetot 1 miD· Th~" we ,. •• IJwo pl•n-jull Ulll, tnd now thll:J Wllft do•-n 111 t tilt) blat·k .,..,k. II M'.,mrd 1,000, 11mo•t on Ulf' lfluaol, It wu t1 Thto pilot callf'd up hll cru· tnd 1 llw. •n,. In U... lr .. rlall<'t' we held • ~On luilltion. Did lhll! want miiY\111. h•rf'l1 1111)'1111 I• lllr t Jdt' tht pll nf' 11 Jo~ 11 rt wu ~~:nod aod th" '"""' ot ~11 bfoln.c. II<' dllf't n11t JltOdtt('" mot~ I nr ph)'lleal drrormlty; t l•~rHnn• ••u·lt ol~form II)' h not r••al. btl! 1~ lllu"lnn. l)e ntlratt:e ol f'rtOt." "t;ool 111 11111 1h1l aulhor or mnr111l r\l~t"tJnl~.~ CHfUIT CHULIIICH ey THI aEA Communtt)' Mltl'locllat t420 We-t .C~tl'al A"'enu1 Lllle .... t;. 0 . Goockll, PattCif' Cbprcb Sc:hool, t ::i-0 Lm. Mora.lnll' Worahlp. II a.r.1. Youlb FllU<»"ahlp. 6 p.m. E\'t'nlng \\'or.hlp. 7 p .m MJ,I·Wt'llk pra y r r .lf'tviC(', Wednellday; coverf'd IIIah dlnnllt, 8 :30p.m. eAL.80A ISLAND CHAPEL 218 Agalt!! AYtnt~c "'"'· Mart)' W. Whitt", A.!l!ll">l"ll!.tll I'H11tbr Clturch School, 9 :30 11m Momlnr.-Wt•l"'flh l~. II n,m. ST. JAMES EPISCOPAL CHURCH r quhl "~"'" thll It ., .• , h"'IJ to JUIIlp! They tU uld lbry *OU.ld I air. ('flppiPd •ad al<rap, lwt In thf' air. Hto derldrdlo ktf'p ~o>inl(. lloat• brh111d all the rnt, II •a• The t hop ,. . ., compleltoly ''Ill or Ebllll Clt~bhouae ,.._, ... 0 ,\IJ,\' HOVR.'4: t &. m. lo 8 p.m. Sufttla)'a 10 a.. ni.. to f p. •· It Pine Ave•ue Loq Be.cll DAILY HOtJM: t a.. .._ tot a p. m. t 'rtd•y ... S.hu'llay, 'til l!l p. m. SWHlap 10 .. f p. -. N.T. 11·30 may br a.ured will br chf'PTf'tl by ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~; 11. ""'"' mnvf'mt-nt In th~ Nf'lll'p<•rt Bf-a<'h-Balboll llff'& In hlt\'f' 1'1<' --- hubor diatrkt }oln thf' MWII The lnrno:~ In lrulu&l1'11ll 11rt111-, \ty tn lbe harbor ar•a h~~ ma•l•· gTf'&l \nr~da nn lhf' pre~t·:'l : \O>'IIt••r rnpply ami tht'tf' 111 rm:l'hlf'rAoiD d&IJ.I'tt, .. nglnf'<'U rf'port. thnt •nit watt'r tntnurlon or tht' undf'rl:round buln will m eAn that pt't'9••nl .,.-ell• wLII h•vf' to tM> abllnolnnf'-1 Tuf' arcummt for Ul•l ll.lfain~t MWU I <'1-hllrt' In lhll count\' wLU '"''''Y tor thll hllrbor dllltrkt !ln<l l'u"'t • FLOWER SHOP FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION NOR AN'S •• -..... 1180 IS07 Cout lflcbway--Coroaa del Mu who look to .Ulto t'nunt\··~ fut uro• We I f.el that tbll arj[Umllnl!l for hllrtl ·· Teltgraph I I R S E R Y 1'\u ................. y..,. ~ Lly out·Wf'll!'htotl thl' !lt~umf'nlll Flowers llpinBl. Evert t:rantln~ tluot r· .. 1.,. ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ rado rtvfr watf'r 11 morr ""l"'r.~h·ll : th.an pumping It frum "'•·II~ oiruw·' lDI!' on thf' undf'rgrnunfl hfl..o11n, tho• M"'f"l w&tr r 111 " rhl'llf' in~<l t!l!'<"'"" \hilt thl' c11u nty will h•w ,· " <'"n· llnuo•,J Will er IIIIJlJ•ly. ,.,., . ., lh<\lt):h t hl't(' ~h,ultt h.. 11 l''"tr:,..,,.,,, y•·lo· of dry wl'l\lhf'r . II 1~ tr• IJ<o hnpt'11 th.tl !11<· ····~·· oh•n\11 of the hlltht1r do-1 tit I will I t&ltf' ll lllt•p forv•llrol h~' \"<>lma.: l•o jolt! thll MWD IUid Ln~ur•· 1lw 1'"1'· VETERANS' ASSISTANCE &>n,.i('{' Cenll"r Al'THORJZim C.O\'I!:RSMF.NT SERVICE t..,.,. to World War \'f'lf'ranll and thf!tir U••pnldenh 'tfforo· ()I"''" W•·•·IHiay ... !I to ~ f•lr !his A l'(•a-Room 235 N•;WPORT HAHHOR l 'SIOS HIGH SCHOOL SP"'Jl<Ort llf'IJthls ln-lnf' A\'f•nuf' and l!ith Strfft Su<.-h a thint:: St't'ms funtasti~·. Bul il m:ry nnl ht·. 1 Reports comin~ out of Swt:'d<>n say that thr l"ali~ an• ~·nn ­ oenlnlting !nlhmarin£>S nnd surfa"' shi[IS in :"ifW\\l'l:i:w lwr· bon equlp[K'rl with \awwhi~ pl:rlftH'Jns fllr mhnt h .uniiS. II Ls planned .*l then-port dedan-s. to u~· thf'Sl' \'<'S....,•Is in t"t)hnl attacks on thl' Amt>ric.·nn Atlnntk t'O<tst, d,..1111n1 """" ht!mr. trim. corkrd «\'tt 11 > •~·-•'blo ~ I I • • 515 Cllntr.al Au., Nllwpo .. I ulllt Df'll<"h arra a l"'t!!l:on•·nl ~u;•· • euc:h ____ _ 1'1Y of R""d Wlltl.'r i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~iii~~~iiiiili We have henrd a lot or wild t:1h~~'::"1' tltm~o:s that miJ.!hl happen in this war. Many . ;r nut m .. or tlwm ltavt• n"t m:1~ tertaUzed. Some haw. EXJX"rient.'\.' has shown us !hat 1\'1' t';tn't jus! la u J.,:h ,,rr tl,lo ·!'-0· 8eemingly crazy pmlk tions. E.arlit•t· 111 tht• w on·, Bi•t·ltn 1.,·. gan to ~II nbont a Sf'('t'\.•1 Wt':lpUn wltkh it 11 ... 11hl u~· '" \1m ' the war. Most or us thou..:ht it \1 :1" hut r11r h ·in~: us..,! '" -pump up thl" !'ta:KI-(in~ mot~.-JL.• in the Hl'it·h. Well. thPir s.·>t·n•l ll'l'lt ptlll -ttw rvl~11 h1ml• lunJt.,t <>Ill to Jxt. n>al, all t·h:ht. and t'\t'n thom:h •I is th•l >:01111.: 111 11 m tlw war or P\'t'R EH'l'Ortl\>lish anylhin~ n p p tvdothlo• l!l !ha l 1lot'"'· tion. it is. nc\·t•r1hl'i('S.." Ol dt'Sinldl\'t' \l o•:q.,.t1l :r..:.lin:>t tht•t·nt\- ian populaUon. OurOO.\ll m ililaryoffir·t:d ... h!t\•' 11 :tt1lo~t t h.l! t'\l~•t ;,l\,wh.~ against Aml"rka nn• not t,.·~!'md '"'s.-.il •thl~. ·nll· ~~·rtll.t11 ~ might unrll'rtttkC' !lwm, ntll a~ :1 n wam: o•f TurQ.lt L~ till' !tdt· "' M'ar in tlwir ravor. hut a .... !Ill' 1;,..;1 fu·ndt•lt n t•·:t..;lll'l' '" :!11 •' vent to thr ir haln.'<l nr lhi:-o na t u•n. One thing is l'\'r1ain. tr tlw :'\all .. d·• .. u,),,~1 1 n ].I lith hm nyin~ bombs aJ,!ain,.l tht• l 'nilo 'l\ ~l:l lt·-.. il lUll dtl 1!1•1 '~· 1•1 MODERI MARINE SERVICE SHELL DOCK BALBO·A ISLAND - 1m ~ ··~·man, artd no lun •l.'r of 111!1[11. 8 111 lht•y ~radu11ly ("I 11 th .. l <"lt·rr• 1~· 11<~1 lllt 5. 1'<11 I ran tnmml'1i "" that tl ok•\lt•rd lo•sm~ fn1 t\ml ••t lh.•t mt~ntrnt I frlt •ltlludt'. TempOr.ar)' Supply Clllt'f)' 9 :~:'i am .. Sun.l;•~· llr h••)l. I S. Mllttho•WJI, ~UJlf'tlnlt'n•lt•nt. II .IKl 11m .. Morn in~; ~rr\'ll'o• IOnlO'thin~ cl.,.,. h• hurr,a., 1.•• t 1,,, 1 lly n .. .,.. thr.v "'rtr d·'"'" 10 900 th~t f.u1hlt01 l•nlll'tr,\ m11rlw•r, th~l I lr~t. and 1 ~10\ld " •II o.Jf ,11.,u,tam1 bt datlt >l•l'f k •tru ~.:l<n,: t '"'ard alu·.od b~n.'<i tho• ,.,,.. h""'''"'"d "' "''h ouo'l'l !'"''•'11r s[""''''' Til<'.' !'•" .tlo<IW 11,.r,;llt'\ 1,1 !hl'u .,.fiT',nn. All "' u~ •t•" '' '•'1"•'. ~ ot<lh tl'· ,~,.,;,J:: ....... f,c ~h•flt: tnnr. l!tn thf'>" I I CO RON A OF. I. MAR "'"" ",. tt ~ Hl"""' •• · ~ ·•· ···•'t•' ",.,.,. "''" ~~ 11,t,·ll!•'u~IJ' ~~hun~·'"'"" COMIIUNITY CJIURCR \l'nl• ••1<1 "''' ,. ·•·h :•-"P .t1t·:u,!o• f m~Ll.•· thry ~··! :!o• :hill!: COf'lgr'l!g.atlonal ""'t'O!'t'ol I• 1'<·11 ih•• I: <1 • ' \l, ,• ol "~ I,> 1 ."••~• f••••t I 1 · .•j • •: ,, t t· ·r ;·'· ',...,.,,, h~\'1" ~t,o)l"' 1, ~ ,.. ,,1,. 1 : .. : ... "" "',. P't'ITY F . Sf'ht(l('k. mlnlatrr 11'1 ~''" "' .·:·,,. ~~·. , .• ,,,,,,. •1,1~n 't 1·"n • ,,.,.,, .. , .,,1 ~~ rhargf' 1. :• •'·'"''' thn , 'l •j,,.,.... ' I Sm~tt:•.•· 1 ,,., ••mil• I' :; II' I I ,,. ,, .. : .•l'r•o .. ll':'•r t '·''' r•,~,.1 1 •. ," ···t .1 .,,~1 111 . !t::\1l :tlll l'huttl•~·lt·~·l \.oltl•• ,. 1 •••· · •'tllr 'o·:: :•: "': •'"\'i"''I'"I<!H~I!'·•" , 1 1 ,,.:· ,,,lkto 111<'<'1 '" srn:•ll h\<II·H!li~ "' '·'''"' •••1· ;'""1:1 ,,,,·•.1 ,),• I''''~ { ~l• o<' .,.,11 hi .lflton111W .H•'""'' :tnd 1!11 /1\to•••l "•l ft ''~"''·A f • t I' ,1.. •; 1 "~·• tnlt'!'ll h' ltalt• ~'"")' :11 !•.1•\ 11· '"•"' l:ro·.,o.,1••'''•·'•t'• .r ;:· .... :· ,,,. :11., 1 l)ou]f'\'lltol •H ll'• •' l '• ; ' I"'•· .I • "• , •. , 11 tltl .<m, t'hnnll \1••1'":"1' ""r- ai' '• 1: •! r ••' :·• II , '!, , .. 11' I \'kf' tn tilt' 't11;11"'1 11\ lho• ,.:, t ,.{ 1 •l ·l •1 1 • '•I :Ito. 1 ,, ,1, ~}llt '••t<~l 11·~·1"'·'' ·"' II., ''· ··!. . .•. \\, ·~· :.1•:\:!"i' ,,, ~1: ~.h,,.k 1\'lt,•tt :• '1 •'•, !•rd I''~ God l\o'• <•li lt'S 111!l'•dt .tnl ,. ••• • • " :ol\".tkt •n 11~ f, 1ht• l't".tl f').•t•rn· !h 110 ,1fl \ lhlflc: t'l~ '''111\t. ' t , I ~ .. , . ,!(,' ·····•!> · rt ~.:t • ..... llll• "''' ' •! lho l'tlt'lll)' \\t' .\l\1 11-11!111.: ('URI~T t 'lll'k('JI U\' Tilt: ~t:.\ ('.,ttllllllllil~ .\h •lhntU-t Rf\', r.. n . t;, .... lr\1, l'a-•"r t 'tllll' /" ' M •lit ·. '' \ .. u t • ' · ' 1 • ~-'',, . ~ ' , ' .,... Mttl·\\,••k l·r•~·'""'''': \\o••hl• In~·, ,.,.\.,.,, •I .:.,h olm11' '. !; :tt' l 1" :\It:~.\ I 0.\I~II""ITl' ntt~t ·n I BALBOA'S R·E N D EZ·VOUS BALLROOM Presents AND HIS ORC'iESTRA ,.;.I"JT IUI.\ Y \H,Jil. ilE( E~IB E H ~\ll ' and :o;.\'JTI!Il.\ Y \Jl;JIT lli-:<"DIBEH !ITil ) RA 010 SERVICE tfom .. , Auto, :\h.rtn~ Radle-. IWpelrf'G :\Iarine !:II'C'IriC'IIIO . ' 0 HARBOR HIGH NEWS Burt R. Norton Pho.,. un Chriatmaa Program June Wightman To Edit Galleon I Juniou l.ud in I Bond Cnnteat I Ill '"'•••l tllch"'•Y ~t.\\'I'OKT IU:A('H Due December 4 3£.. .f JJ!u.OHI& 3J~turw,. 3£,, ~ Of.JJu., 1lhlfl * ' F •ll'r IA'Jnt J~l•n • 17 S~orn 1t1 S•rw Y • ... w. Cor. 4th & Syca110r1 IANTA w ON CRIDITI &MONTHS ~.o.M~~~ .... , ... IAU 1• AM• .AYI , ••• lVII IXAMINIDI .Yow.-......._ DUPUCATIDI Pro.pt S. rlaal -cc.y •IXTIA'PAII of OWl. Willa Ywl .Oia ... Made to Yow OWN Pnnrtptto.l ~y-C,ecllt II 00001 Opea • A•a ... ... .,. .. y ............ , 0 ........ ., ......... . ...... ..., ............. ,... DR. HORACE CADEH OPTOMETRIST aw. Clr. 46 I Sr•••n ...... ..... ll•vat...-&• lMAfW- • ,, ,,,.,, ~"'"I""' 1 ···~I'll\ I I I • ltlt' 1:otlt< L<'up~o• c • .• l•lltl'/ \\Ill I'" ~~ · 1 :• \·t tt...:l :t~l' """l~ ~ 11n~'11\u, .• ~ th• l)wrn•· F'•·hH t:••:t •:,tl~ l ... ~ai.:.u•• 111, ,..,.t,·ut d• lu , .. , t.' ... , ' jtl!ol.t \\holt 'ht••• )! U h· \\•1 ft• I II. tk 1ng Hfl. hut 11 pr··~n•~•·' 1P h•• Jo.!l ~·•t ( 'h"Jo~tfi'U:~ ~~ ).!Yt'tHC !'Ct• 1\t•JH l hnl I hill 111'"''1111111' ha~ to,.,. ro J•l:uln•·.t lt r••ut d ' t Hl .. u ... ~ .. " '""' n\n~ !'11t'r' \\Hh t'\" 1 tth11t•·t !'-''''" und \"t•r.\' nr·1~·n:el tdr·H~ hrl,l ut 1'1'~'\'t'll\t'I\C.'\ ''I nu •kr a r···alh ,, .•• ,.,, r'ul I''"J!flitl1 ·nwu J.f,•~t:-. ltr-· , .•• ,,. ttrlt.!lnul -untl .tre• <o~:1111 t•• mak .. n'n otntiU<III)! p1 ,;1:o11t Th. ~ IH'••rnhu• In ,Q),, \\ \••tl th•· Ut••rt' hHtt\utuuJil ~~~t.· ••f tilt• t 'hrl~nl:t:\ ...... ,.,,,,. Jo t.A'f' ~t•·•-·• hun1 \\tt-t S4•h•, It .t '" lht• joh 1\( Frttllh rl'JII'o•t<o•nlltll\'o• 111 lhf' 1;1rl1f l..t'll):l/0' •rl ",.,., ··nt m•• .. t- '"R· ThP nlll••r I( Ill" • hcwu·n ( .. I \'ftrl••u!' JtthJi ,,n \th· • ••hln.-t »••· J.:llf'n J•n!kr llw "'"cat •'hlllrOIIIII I (;o•nn~-And•·r~<• n. Ill•· (lo•W• r •·hull n111n ; J uno• \\'r~hllllllll I ho· 11111f• •rr11 c·hnlrman. nnd t'rtln••'>' \\'1h "' tho· Mh•t\\'( tt"'-r t·tuurma n ; 19 Vanity Grid den Win letten Th.-L•ttf"t """I""'"'• .1•t .. ..... • :h lUI )( .. ,.... tt ... \ M ••• ~,,,,,,,. 1 1 A~tt••H Hu'''·'"' .• hd 1•• ,., H .. \,,~t .. ••fl T n•kiP• 11111 ''"'•t.!l 1• .. l11tk t-"1" f1t!tll Hlttl 1'1• k ll1•111t+l t:u111•t~ Uu•1•h ,;.,ut•\ •~•"'U• 1 ..... 1loJ r,m ~f ... t.oh f"t•Uf• I <!I ...... :O:h •• t .. t ,,, u VtHUdl't U tt k<!! I Iooft .\t tJI• I ICa fl•ll ..... II • ._ \} ltu•h"l' J .... Muur:r. n r Htfl lfilrl/t.f I U1ll \"uu Jl"''' utttl p,.,,, l •·•tt~tl'll'''" l I . $100.00 REWARD Fnr a Fair Way of &>llinf.! rh• ... fU••'llt • ..a l••r tlh• l fttllt•un :O::h ,u, n ~~u h•·l~ \\h• ,\\•It\ :-:t.,ll ""''' tt1\ldl\ '''t'tl "''h'\'\t'l' '1'41\ii iJ..: \\ iJ "'~""" 11\d i-l'ltlll'"' "I h •II lh.•ou l.l .,... "'' I dk 1/l.t T tl,• f,,q,,\\tllt: ~1t ts U1hl ..:U)'II A~P Pft1 ',t u, J , I L H •' ll"' ''' ~\•·u\.t ,: h,., .• , •h•z~a '" ••P•·~·ul •••u HO· ha''"L. 11~· I"'' •••t '" ,,u l th UHH1,. ,._tnfl nu,... ~··h: I ,..,.,,f'. I •• ". ,_. U h•lll" \\I t-:d 1t11t J unt Wtghtm.1n """bt-~lt.ln' 'lh\• \hu• 11 .d l ''" f'tutfp)' ant , "''"' Ou•ncy Cfla•: f'hll1•1t:*" 'rhn1 ~IH ·d• Hl.u ''"'' ''a ... 'H"• h r:t pht•r A rlo N~tman : tU~Wl.C:tflt •IH\\f •·•'• '1•"'• , t • til , •"'''' ""J'f''',. rL··t·~'·'1'1 t•t Nornl~ Ghr~; ,.,r ....... ". l •' \ ·····k Ut ,,,.,, \\ll•l• o ulaltnn nuttlllj.!o•r Betty Wright; II ·''" .,,., •· •I\ '"' 1.11.. 1 ""''"'' hu.:o~ lh'JoC"' ,.\~''""'': Gtn~"'~vt Hoi· l<t·tl "'·'"I ht '' ,, "''" 1 \\I 11 \• t .. brook : J•uhh• 11 v a n•t ~trt rnAnaa.-r. "• ' ..... 1 lr4• • ,. ''" hu' .,,~ Th•,_ '"' l.orta Mt")er: '''l''fit t•n•·. Gettr\J ,., \ lltr • 1. '"'h u ... t .. ,,,, Ander.on. 1.''1'1"1 '"'' J une Craw· ~~ ••"I '-·"•'• Sl ~': oil• ford: '•t• ,,, ' • '1'1"' Jlnt ,.ubel; I "'' =""·' •,.. ,.., .~~~~ • ._, ;u .. ~··CI;et ltrlt It;,., at, , d 1,,,,., "oee 'l'ot,d S~• '\':':tit' ~.1r1~ Crtbbtn. ,;,d:... ;.:r,.•r\ • .,Utur, '"'' ''' ,.,, n-..1111 .... , lfh '"" V•rgtntA Ff'rn.Jndf's Hu~ JC. ~purt ..... , 1 ... ''' • •' ''·'*"'.., ,,~ "' ~"' • ,,. o··hl .. r Rod Mc M1IH,.n ; oulvrrlhunt.; 1"'1 ·"' a,.:•·u1:-o t ·uf'(fu ~'''*I J~an Funk, ~. "'"' ._ ) lt1( .. , ~tt; ="''"I'"'' Bob Htnly, l(nlhooM ll<l· Jurur•r,. $;1 ~,;;1 ~·1 ;uh~ Dorothy DOdd. :-;..,J•h 1111 t • ' ) ~-::.-; 1 t-'' I II•• '• ) I ,;,._ t ~ ... 1 ht· t lh •n• 1 ·lur IU\1\ ,h••h• 1\\ H•n l1 I hi!< \ •·.or'< I ;atJ.•.,Jl WIIJ ho• ki'J01 lt Otl•'• f•1f Uldtl ttu~ tn,..t IUitt\lh' .\lr :-. .. 1:o11 Ill•· 1;11ll•·•·n,. Ncl\'18or "ruol 'Tho;. \'o·tar·,. annuul will be' 1 o•r .v ):•• •tl t nnl loo·ll o•r lhiUI I lUll of I hi.• \'c•lfr :< I :allt'•ll \\Ill I!<• ko•JII all ~r"IIJ' 1'11/Urf'~ "'Ill 110' \ltkt'll lw· Who·~ (;oing Tn \\'in :' \ tl o I 'II I II ' ''"I 1 tw••••n n .. w anol 1 'hrol'tnuu• \'111'11 · t•••f1 l•·u._., '\ '~'~ ''-•II• .t t.. lh• I••\\ ,,. •I'~''''' I , lh, -. ttl••t l''•"l•l•·l•t J u I,,, •1-l.t UJ tht ,, .. ,., ruli!\ ,,.,., "'''" h ·t .h.tllt•nr "l th.,, 'h• I .,.,H" ' ., ... ''••ul.t l•,ttl lilt• fr••~th f I Baaketball Trick Shoh Shown Wed. l tt••J )J .IIJ•l llHitt•f in flr,. NIHII11' :u uf l~o~ •fl t .tr "• 1: n 11''' ..... , • ll,tar,: J••u "' J••• '-t•l• 1 • ,1,,1 Y••uu..: .,.,,pt1 1•t••1u dt t.t ut•.t frtnw-.. A Mh ''""'" ptt •• J Ha,·, )•"• •·v••r ~·--•·n a h .. ft .)u•n•t· tit•nt ,, , ''J;I•··t '"' pou11unou,. tu tJII 1 f'd f••lll ~11"' "' 11 loank Mhoot o•f( thr 111,.,1 , 1,, ... 1,1, ~••..:•· ····lhf\)!~t"" :--;lfl•· ., .. '•"Ill ..:•·• ..... ;\It• .... 1 ~'''I \\',.•lno·•fool' l~<·t"•'•O fifth """I "I llllh•ll •ho:oJI•,. llro•l••l••l I nnu Mllth '~"'"' Ill lh•• ~:vm "" "'"""'' ,.,,,,, ......... <'II• h "'"'k '"II I" 1111111 h11n• lhr· 1111nkcf' "',.,.,.In« to IJ<I• tul h oli\'11/~•t ""'""!: II•·· I thOIIIf' t ri< k """' ~ Jlo•t fnnno•ol Thf' 1 t•·•hlll• 11 ~. ·1•1•"""''''" Jl""' •r" ·""' Jw-rr .. rm•-r w11l l~t· \\'llfr"l H ••lzt'l •·nr~or• B uy bond• ol '"" "11111 ~lr lf..tz.-.1 ""' tuurf'lf lht' r .. untr)' y .. lll , 1 •• ~ I• "111 I••• 111,11, II>•· Our Limih.'<i Stock of I "''""rill llnw,. 111111 htt,. AJlJ'f'llt<·•l In tw>nd,. lfrt' lh• •ldo•ntlllhllj! fn• '"'" H•t•h•y's \nrt""''" 1hre·t• ltmf'ft tn 11h • ,1,, .... , ~'' ~ .. ,,,n ,.. , .. ,, lhl' """" lllo lllol•·,. !lftl'f'rl 01111-l llfl>l' ,.,,,.t, 11 •lour/ I loll/ "1'1" '"" "" lj ult•JO to("''' ru•t rn~: <'omm,.nll' 11l>o>ul 1 fh, ro .. oln loufl•llu 1"''"'1 'l11•·t•· I lor lUll • Rn•o·r Ht'~h.lo-8 ho·lniC lho• (onh !ll uolo Ill• "oil J,. ulolo 1 .. 1 .. 11"" 1111'11 1 'f CUiARt:rrt;.'-' K()'J'F.X, t:t.·. Newport Pharmal'Y 'a( t -·f ,, .. kt11d h•· , ..... ht'l' ,. ,,.,.,.,~ • J:•.~ r·rfl&.;rf',.. .. rrotu \\t f"k (., \\•···k f 1[1 J'•'r"'''\'f>tJUHt IU1•1 l"flltHllutt•J l ht fHI)I \\IU S: alt Jht• Jtt,t ,,. tuutk••thull tnlt''' ,( •n ,.,..u, huyJ!II IUtu 1Ht tft• '"'"'t. "lt•l" ''''"" ~·I• and ):trl~ ft•• aJ,., \41tntll ''' •·n· .,.,, "!•II•• ,, )l't ti• ••• cuurttJ!ft th•· '"''Iii t o f'JWntl m~~rr ~··Ut•H ' s•tJr-J , .. ; tim .. pntc flt •n-.: ..n~~~·tlnJ,t ·"'"''''"" s:···~· •. ; ~""''' nf Ill" 1111 k ~hoi,. whu h !'<>JohiiOlllrt·~ J I : .. \!11, 'A'l\1 tH• JC.hu\\·n :tr•· j••ul ~,,.,,_ ·~ Th•·>• u • r•• U~·· • h.,.. .. "'''' •h ut"' Utf• t• (t Ulld fiJ,:ht ... ". tiOt' ltRnt .... •f :"1 \t ra ,lw•t .'Y lttlt ... ,,., t l h··rt ltu• I I foul !'ih"t '1" ''1''' .... ltfl~l ''"' k'w•u •t '"'' tti"Uhllluf :1 llltr h·~n.s,.. tunt 1 h11n k ,-hrtt "'''" "' ), IIJ1 tw•. t1 tu•u~ltt ,,. •nllt•;.t ••ttH·t' "'n.,lh•t 1 ---1.,.,,,.. f ~•ttu•• ;•n \';111 tl~t.-,_. • .., '' tt, I ~IIIII l•t\\ .. id• ••• , • 1111\ ···•H•I • ' •.•• f rnn 1 ,.,, t t••· t ''""htt1• '' ,,..,., '"""I ' I ~~~.111!-,, ... /4~10111 ,.,. •• ,,,, $11tllf inspiration for I StatiRtirs J:»rovt• That TarR Wl'rt' To1)s II II lo' I. • I , •• ,.,,lh!l 'I ,, 'I' • Seeded Raisins ~":' '~:· 12- Del Monte Raisins IS·••·J"-,~, v- ro,c. ,tf"d!tu to''""' Dried Bananas ~~;.~ Prunes FOR lUNCHES Nu Made Mayonnaise ~~.SOC p,, t 1o• ;~, ,. . ., 'fl' Jr~r c~\ (It (_.• !t-,_., · Ed d C ff co .. r <-• z • ._ 53• war s 0 ee •C'Q~'or ... Vocuv~ rof\t>d '""' Q an '·lb IO'. :--c Canterbury Tea ~::: ;.·,• 22• t-fc • t ~ ... o C<iC.,ogt •~c M I d 11 r9 '" • e·o~d l·• 21• arma a e 0· •Qr w·-~ ... Mixed Fruit Jelly ~.·;. 2~:· 23- Hi Ho Crackers -Busy Baker Crackers ~; 5oHrd Soda• ;_.rb ""-'' o;t ,:.c CIREAlS CHRISTMAS Gin SUGGISnON • IJI7 Edgeworth Tobacc.o , ... Velvet Tobacco /r:. , ... 73• Granger Tobacco ~:'.:t •.• II' Prince Albert Tobacco, .• 73' tables arc an { . { csh fruits ~nd vcgc U fresh at Sa cw:a). Realty r 1 Bu•; yours natura y hod of pricing delicious mta s. . £ Saf~ay's met c ·s Take advanta~c, too. o, weight. You get your mon y . d ,·c~>ctablcs b) frusts an t> w orth ea•er)' purchase. BUTDl~~!.-=:. ..... T•Y '"''",..,bod ond rom ABBOTS tOUIG , ~"' ""' ...... mo • .d· s~·~·· ..... ,nd ""d' . cEI.EBY GBEEI ... . ks Pcrfc<t Jllad .. as "· T••d"·'"'"'''"""1 . WEB ttMI'AC1 ClULD'LO,.IiR••"~"~~ ·I IC ht.Hh of i.lO() ( ~no•·> "' 11 lA nONED fOODS fl "'l!R & lf.tX(f ......... ,. "'" \'lilUI Ccr:1 ?v!uffin M • ..: Jl .. 36• .~. (2) Sunny bank ~.~:~1: • .'.: ._ 18• f -('0 I •·d f ~ 1 t •r-; , I Pastry Flour '. : :~ !~: 26• Graham F!our ', .. ···,· ~: 17• Flapjack Flour ~ ·.:~ ~:· 22' Suzanna Pr•o;·~.wo" • 4~:· 1&• (f'\"• b'o-to.' n"1 • .1,\-., • • , .. ~ r. :t l r• '''' o-wo lollf o' c I X,''"""• c• '" . nriCAl SAFEWAY VAlUES B b Food w,brr,., 3 II' a Y S S"o•-.d •-•(loop, l toll'\f'f 1 con• I )(, tw "I luJt'!d .: coM • ., Junior Foods ,<,::::,:., 2 ·-17• I Hf'H'IJ If pir COf'\, c;.t.r I ) CO"'t )'N I Green Beans ~~~~,:­ Happy-Vale Peas Luncheon Meat ~~= '!:' 21' French Dressing ~~:· :.:.a- Split -Peas '~··.:-~--~:·13• Lima Beans ·~· '~ •• I . ._ 1._ ]It>< ]lc ... A- Cider Vinegar C:,..d,~·::. .:0':.1' Red He-art -r;;:: ,•:;; 3 ,. .. 21' hU\1 111(1\ ll1 t•t (1 ... Ill\"' PI OC;"h.l A•l ,,.,,~,.1 , .... ,...u,.,w t.••ueoa r Of t,41111fl · ••• I (2) Troco O.Atr P•o•ll " 23 '-'~'':I'J' n• -I (6) Ch Oulc"'•' oP .. ·1 ,, • ._ 4Aa eese .. -•... ,.,. p _, ., ,., ....,- (24) Cheese ~~.::.~:· .. · ~= 70' (1) Sardines ,,.:·::;·~:·· •·.~·:· 11-.,. ..... ,. (20) Tomato Juice ~~~~ ....... ... <rtt. 01 co,.. :'r r'v .. •', · ~, 1 HOUSEHOlD ITEMS Old Dutch ·~~;.+-;:" Sunbrite Cleanser 2 , •.•• 15• ·-..... I• .... Mystic Foam ~.~-;:.; ..... as• White Magic Bleach ..... 1 .. H .. ~ I ~~ ,... ~~ ' Purex Bleach ';..~· 2 ...... 23• I· lt lt.. • I II ' l j I tit• ,, , f 1 , ''''"'' f·ff ,,, ... , ,,, ; II' I H1 to 1 , .. ,, I I I 1\ I A,, •• ,.. ,. lid~ ... I ' ... I I • I • .. I . ,, ·~ I I ••• "fl.l f I ,. I I . I' , ... ,, .. " . " , ,., .. I ' I I ' I'• Lt._ •• ,,'\(, ';.t I,,,. Tlo· • \11ltoho I r ,, . Ht r._o r r. i rl " W tn Ca nw~ At r ulle rtun PlftydHy I ' "'''. ,.,,,. lf)t • ' ,., H• •It• lolllik• II, ol ,,,. ~· , .... k lr}., :~ .. , It . I "", , •. •·t • . • I"" Jll' •• I 'ut '"'• , .•• 1 '''•Ot •:11 I ''"'''' th• , •• ' Senlora Orcidr On Gift At ttu ,, I It •• • •1 dfty ~). 'tl I • ' 'I 'I r 1ht •u f •''' • •• .\ f /• I "t , • I •lt t,fl,l 0 1 f 'II ,, ••. , ,.,.. ·~ ,,, I • ' I~ •' I fift qJ t' 1f \\"111 II • 1• ' n~~ttlv h-• • "'''' r t, , •. ,,. R''''"'-p ~ ..• ,., \, ' t· f ., ,,,, ,, . I •• '' ..... t• I. A II • • .... , ,,. "'' . ., .. , .. , .. . ,, tt l/ I I I • f If• I t t • 'I t • I I ~ I I j ' ~ •I ' ,. t '• 1-• .n . "r•~ J'' • ' ' lttt ln • ''"' tht> , ··' ~ '·,. .. .,", ,, .. rr • r 't I I I o , tft ,I 1 ~ GOOD BUYS·· LEFT I • 1n our '· BIA)(~K 0-:12- A Bluff k•t fruntm~ :tl'l'''"' !lilt It tt l tho• S I< ,.,, .. u( I tuhliu A\'1'1\111' un ( ~"""' 1\lvd . 11111111111-: """ 11 llw llluff '" llw 11ll1·~· •·•utfntlllllt.: ntiJtr'~'"· ti.UUU -.,. ft. 1<1'!>-lrWit'ft 111 "lll~lt· Ia nul\ 1'1·~1tt.•tlf,, think "' It' $:1.~111. "'"' Jll'h'~· T,•nns u( :.~tr', t'lll"h , a11d llw lo.rlnlll'l' ~:1:,:. 110 , •• ,. munlh, whkh Jill~'· rnrnt~e lndtulc· inlt•t'\'"' u l ~~·, RLtK~K 0-:t~ A huilclin..: ~111• on rtt .. Blull 1111\1111.: a lt'lttlfltt.:•• nil C h 'l'llll Hlv.t. of"'''",,"· :.!•11 ft.. with fmul:tJ.:t'llll ttw nllt·~· 111 ttw IM"tltum uf fl w Hluff uf :.t:l4i fl. 1'00· tnlnln~ HJII"'~'' )>(771 "'I ft ·n 11" p:nn•l nms In 11 peolnl ·""' Is lnc'llh-.1 ju"t II('IIIW uur Tr:wt c tfll•'f• H••~o-tr1•1t'lllu sm~k· f111nll)• n•11lfl•·nn•, llc•twc't"'1 "II" nnd "A" Sh""''" Full Jl.,,, .. $:\.~;II Tt•t1J\~o-of :.'fl'; ''""h, 11twf h~tlnnc..-• ~~.CICI J••r· lll•lfllh. "h1<'11 pa~ •w·nl" tth hull• lnh•n.,.t of ~~·, un llflJIHid '"''""'''· Lots .r1 and II '' h tdt 11111,1 l11• -.cold a ... ""'' frHihtin~ Kih• Fmnln~•· on "It" !'I n-.•t of :~u Iii ft 1111 ""1-!h '" "II. .. St .,.,.1 u11 "hld1 tlwr~· '" 11 :«1 ft . fl'llfllna.w '11li!4 Jllln,•l "''' J·;, ... t "' lhr• l 'ltillt'"' htH IM' Filii Jll'h't· $•1,:,;;.41 Tl'\11114 :_.l(t' 1 l'n o;h nnd lfo'\:.! OCt 1•·• 111"11111. 11l11dr I'll\ mo·nl' trtdllllt• 11111'1''"' ol ~•', RIJK~K A-:l!")-- 'flw-n• un• unly '!. """i"'"" l11t:... 11'11 ootl lhr• "''"" t .. •twh "''~'Hit 'ltlc• Lola li .o nrl 7 hll\'111~ 11 lrttllllli!•' Itt/ ·""""' '''''IIIII ' ol c.:1 II lhr'f>IIA(h IH "" un- fllllll•'tl .... tn .. ·l ;d'" 11 ill! ti::tt 11 "lll.w•·. ft\ ·' do·pl,\ "' ;;, fl f.'11ll prl,, .. ~1.·~111 1111' llu• f\111 lttl' ••I 1.••1 I• ,II ~'I' .. I •;I I .,f ·; .d '• I fH>II \\Ill "4'11 "''JIIII'• ,tf,.l~· To•ntl ... :•n•. • 1 lr lo.tl.o ll• ,. "'"''llol. '"' I1HII111 ,·. 111lo ... I Hl .. f )( 'K A-:Ui-- \ IM•.ollllflllltutlohlll' II• "II l )o• l\]1111 • • 11 o 111 ••I I "' " 1 .o 11ol .1 Th" loti • . .ol l·'u ll l 'tl•o· ••I '•1 ''"I 1•'1111 to •, l1 otul 1''''1 t ~·• 111••1111!, I lllo h I'·'~ 1111'111 lfll fllofo-IIIlo II" I •ol •' •II 11111•11oll• d oil• •· \)q• I I•• •••ld lu ···llu·r· ·'' ,.,.. l1111ld1c 1" · 1l•· I !·~ fll• '··rl 1 .. Ill" I• 1 '"'"'· 1• 11lo n• r J J ,, n'w IJ•JIIII\ 1,0 If 111•111 1 • H IC l11 \\• I II• orul'l ·II "II II•• 111 f;h rl lw lfll ' !Itt• ..._I ot•l ol'!ltl• 1/Jdlho•oll l :hd Tlt\t'T 1026-- .• f,o lo fl•olll Hfl II• 1 .t/1 1:1\d ,11111 IIIII 11111 11/1'11 Ill l \1• .ol !'I I ltl\1' II• dl "" • 1 o1H 1 .1 1 ·"' .. \ .,, 11.1• r llr:•t. .. j>ll\ .do· rlt 1\1'\\ o•. • I< lol• I I, ,1 l1 1 I •• I I II II 1111111 1111 ••I ... ,. ........ lo I' .. ,, ... ,. II llll·.oko•J• I Il l\• I 11 lo I• I I • •• , ••• •I ... Ill I· I ,, .. , .. I,. '"'''I',. ,., /1 ... II WI' I' "'II ' I ' I • ·' I ''I \ . I I •• \\. ·"""' llo.• ',., j "'" '""' • ltt .. \.•tt• tf I"' t. I .,.,. I It,., ... ,f •ot 11 '•II ll1• \\ • I 11lo· .11.ol I••• '11• /I • II •• t I I fl I· I oi l I'"" ... I .. ~lllo II Jt.o\ 111"/11 Ill' do 1111• I • I • I • trl••fll I' Ill dtiJol• •' ""''''' ''"'"··1 1:1. "'' I IIII •' I···· ,.J I , II "'' I :1• .rl ,.,. I 1r1 \•' h\ .o do•tollt 11 ,,,,tip · I .• I tdt• II 11 f t .. II '"''I dl l!t•··· I • 1 ,II• '"' , • .. 11 , "" ' I 1 w 1 1• 1 lrl' •I rl II \ llol 1 .. 1 oo • Ill' It d l•o llll'lr• 1.o 11 111\ \1 ~"-4t I ••I "• ,11 I , t I I I ' , ,, j t ,, •f I '·' ,... I 11 I• • ' I /Ill I I I II' I'IA.K 'K UU"-1\II'OHT\VI , ..... , •. ) \\t• h .l\1' ncol l1111~ l111 ... •I•· 111 1\1 .0( k "H" a t llu• pro-,t•nl lluw. \VIIY !\OT -- c ;o 0\' EH .\\ IJ st:E OF·H HEAL E~L\'1 E BHOKJ<;U '\ MR. TED F; RHODEN . In Our Tract Office on the Bluffs )Jr. Uhodt'n·~ T(•lt·l•hum·: :\ 1':\\' POll 'I' 2444 an~ da~· hut "unday ' PROPERTIES, INC. ;:.,; ~mth IIIII ~trt-.t l..c~~t J\nac•·l .. ,, ('allfnrnla .. ' \ I • ..... .... Ocean Front Store Changes Hand s .. Mr. l~t·u•· ,· .. lllplt• t 1r ,, ·ooltl h<-r ..:n•··•Y ''"'' ·•' ~'' •"'··•n F'ron1 . ,\nd 1h,, '"'" t ''J•I ,., \11 and !\lr• Slt~•lrl"" Stto.t lt ttl :.!~•lh ltn-f't h:t\ •• 1ak.-" P''''''' ... l••ll Ms-. 1 ·.,ntpfh·lol I•··" • ''"'" lor AJI('nluwn, J•,.nn "'l1• ',, •I•· "til l'f'mllln With h••r n tooll11·t 1\ lo" I• 111 til hralth .fttr an. lnol .. tuut•· I• r u•l Hrr dau~:hto•" !'.11" l"•>ftrtl• t'.tntl• lle.ld . .,..h., aro rn tramlnj!' tot ll\• S• • !Udl' ho"l•i•HI l ..t•n~e li••arh hnol Mrs Ruth H11rl"'r 11n•l 'mall '''" Mk-kt•y, wrll m.,,.,. to '"'" An~.:• I··· whi'N' lho•, '-'Ill ••·•'UJl~ lh•· ftlltltl~ .f't'lUd<'flC(• M~. Bhrho·r·, hll,iJanrt. Jlll'k h.•• IM-Pn tn l11tl) fttr llt'nrl~ ':.! m ftnlh• u a bomluord11·r a nti hll• ro'('c'l\'••d tM ~Ul('fllllll l'tlatlon anrt al•n one from lhl' F'n•nch fCIIVI•mm•·nt Eddie'• BARBECUED SANDWICHES Are Delicioua! M~'• Coafection.-y 2 100 Ocean ~ret\t ~7) Lt au.t ~lr >< NOW EVERYTHING IS DUCKY WITH SCOTTY Halhoa Lady's Dog BALBOA BRIEFS . • • \\'ins Httok Fame . BpAI.IOYC'E ---'Your Friends and ~line •, I I•' t i:oHn··~ knu" n J••rlo.tp• •·,' I I • 1 I•• of· · •I l:.dt.oa. 1 :. "''' ~· , , !rtbcr of •' ·•'"111 •• ,..,,., .,u..-'" iulb.,a . .;ayll Mr .• ,n.t ~lrs .J a utt·~ Atk t•u •'f1 uf ~~~~ llamtltuu ~tn•et are ,, •• \'t·l\'ln.: fo•lu tlath,ns from tho•u fru.>ntlll lon lh<' lJtrlh 1>f a daughlt·r 1)1•111 1-'rrdoy at Sl Joeeph hospital. She w .. r~;:he.J an at 7 vuunda, 13 .t•l•• , '" lh•· lltjll•or lll•lrf' •m llw ,.,,.,, . .\1r IUld ~f•s~ Rnrn M••yo·r·. uunl'l'S ''· IIIII• I I ••I :.1.11 110• 1•1•1: Pill· ,.,,11,1 •d 1-:a!lt IIR\' ·tnol I'Rim 1,.. lt'rtlflll•·•l '-'llh a Th·•'nk!'l!l\'ln~: .\It attd :\1 r.'l \\'udt• :.fr nnd .\In•. 1 "'' .It• tlulllt•or~>·•l 111 '()"~· at ,a\ "" t!f Jllllllng tht' ~frrchant I •ltntlt'r .ot lho•lr ltoonh 1:.!1~• \\'t•lll !tur rell l'tolmt:r ~!1· llJIJ ~Irs .loohn '~·nit \' , ..... ron~: tl\'t•r ..... ' "'' I \\,If "'' 11ol\'l1111 ,; ,;,,,ng, Ju.t \ItO .••. \\hf'rt' ht• ft'l'l8 It•· Inn I'On•' l'<>nlnol a \'o·nU• t; , .. ,.t .. \\••t :\lr l'arkmsun Mr anol .\I n< AI An· tlt .. u~:h t h•· tu·arll tho ·• ' · •• I• 1111 11,. !IHrTit'(hinK to tit .. ~~o·ar t:f· Rn•J ~l r11 J •olt n A l'";dtt:l :.tr anol olt·r!'>•ll. ~lr and ~I rs fliX"II. ~lu•:o I lor•• "''' ..... I•·""'"· ~ .. tt 1''"''111111: •Ito• I<• Soh •" ' I .... '"'' •:ahby I llm BUI't' that \'oUr ~r8 AI lfW'\'allt llllol ""'' Al'l hll' t-:ula ~'lll8h lilt ~ \\'u\lfl't'lllltll'hro•,, 11.. ""'' •I S ... ,, .. 1' "''"'''''' '·" "'"' '" • '' """''' '·'" o' '" In•". rr~o•nrl:1 Jntn 011, 111 wls.h ltlf a~tl Uh'tr h•oui<t• 1:"""' :llrs S.tdlt· !'>lass Vll'glniK Sh••.,ts tontl Htltory "' ""' ""' '' •Ill oil'"'"" '"''' '" r """' """ ''"''"''''' '"' II •"' •' l •ot '71'"'•th saoltn!! and (';,MJ SIJc:<•d I\\ ttll'n or L••li Anl(t'lt·~ . I La.n~t>n ·I •If 111~ '''""'I• I" hi A """''' '"'" ''" '" f•·lllh••1·•··1 d•l , ·" 1 " ''"·' hiiJlP\' o'otmt<>nanC'o· lllltl that Capt and :O.Irll J ut•k :-trt'>'l""· I \\arrant Of(ll·er . T '' Mu~,·r I•'"'"'"'''' '""'" I ..... ~ "'""'' "" '"''''"''" \lo llot••ll •• ,. •I' •!\··••\ 'ho:u .... woll tw mt~Md by who IHI' stayln~: Iii tho· ;'l>o•\\'llllrt 41)111 !'<t'IL,horo· nnvt•, l..rt !'lundoty ll tl'"lll "'''" •·Ill I\ 11 t h•· "'' • pn 4u to 1111,1 l•• .. k.11.: ,, ,., • · • • U> til Hbrbor \"a1'11t o•ltoiJ "'''' ,. Jmn··r 'ur :-.it'w Y11rk after a thorty·<IIIY 1'1-' S•••ll\ ~·• "''' I• ''" '""'' ~pll·ol u 11uml.-r t•l •lo•l. .. rl\.•'•ll ·'' 1\IIJ.,rsun loas aJJrd thc.~t~e J.:Ut'si.Jiattht>huml'ooflh•·t aptam ~< fut·luttj:h Itt' Wtll IX' Htallunt·ol lo1tv 111 •••urt 11 '"' ""' :,, ·"''" '·~· l·•·rl•·• 1 tnnnntr1on ll.tt.l: ''" 1: olo•li• ,.11111 1\nol l.l .. llghtful lnoklng a~nt .. Mr11 H 0 , Phtlltps 17114 th .. r~> foor ~ml' llmt ond ~lr!t 1 I•Ho·k • '''"'"'"'''" oo. h" l•t''• I•••' "''"' "'"' ~'"' '"' 1 ''"' ""'"'" II (r "' p:wks'' 111 hill JttJ't shop at Y.t'lll Ocl!an 1-'rlmt, T tH'><•Iny ,.,., .• ll1 usrr. wlw 111 tt.'ll.:her an lhl! Httn- lh• I•UI put "' 111,. rt "' '' '"'" ,, ,.,,, • T hrt·•· fuuf '• • '' 11 ''"·' • 111, 1,,1 ry landing AI liBYa that nlng Tht> <'B!Jtaln hll.'l l 11mpl0>ti'd tmgton PRrk lll'huuls. obtatn~ 11 " rhvt hmr• 1ooll11ttlt•••• "" •"' ' 1t lmrt~:•'•l hut "'"" r ''"' I• • lo·il 111,., art: the mt,st t~t·rumptloua hos 50 boom bang m1ss1un~t "' ... ,. C<>r· leave uf Klt!M'nl:t' anJ a~:rumpanlt'1ll M .. unottrtlo: 1''-'''•·rlwr ot '''" • •otJiol '• S•· .. tl v l•••k•••l ut lot~ o 111 ·' "11 upp• arlnl( uf any he has aten anl.l many anti Ia hom!" •m a :lll·l.l11y fur· I him raal _ l11·11ro1 '" ••• h•· II)!JOII•t th.: .Ct• ·"'"' ~<llrl.:tot h•• l•••k•··l >tl '·'' ,,., · ''" '111111 all yuu have to do 111 to ltav .. Iough,, after whu•h h•· wtll g .. "' Mrs. Lydia c. Groea. 3501 Ftn· holl~ 1 '"n rl >A ouo oollrl)!tol l'o~• "''' ·I• 111 • lho· 11801., and aJdreu or the per-lhl! !-;ant a :\lunrt·a r.,.ltlltrtbuttt•lt 1,.y 1\\'t•nue. haa bo>t>n enl .. fltairtlnt: l'"lotuollrrt•u>~h' I ,, "I ,. n t" ·I h •• ly h•· • r'"" 111'•1 ''""'' "''" lu• j.,,,l ""'" ''"' wi&h t•l ll"nd une to. and t·entf'r ror ten days h .. r noopht>w and h ill I r•uff•.,l ,.w,., "" h1" 1''1''' "'"' Mlrl(ht ·l lll(lttto IUl•l "''"'It'll lluur~t h .. l .tt ... l i.nd hf• will IK"e t hat It is speeded Mra. Cuthb(>rt Fflhlt>n. w11e otf wife, Mr. and Mrs. Art •Hiinlt'l tof tv o•lu .. tn~~: -h1~ ··y··~ h•· •lr•'""' lv lout Ill,. olw k~t thotn't ''"'"''h ... ~ tlOd M 111 The ln I .. 11 ,, .... way to b(> rt-cclvl'd by' <'apt fi'tlhlen •tf th~ S "AAB 111 Nt'w Y•1rk Hamt'l ill ~unm•r'a o•uvt!lll .. nr•l Ill•• hnll~tiTll( httmo• "' " !mall\• h .. Ml •II fllr hum•· .tt~· publtsh"'1 hy lit'lm 8 1n1. Th • XtrtdiJ. TruJy a wonderfuJ way ba<'k at hl'r homt' 11n &lhua lslanJ mate In thf' Navy ttnll hu lwt'n 1 , I I f I k I • t 1 tr• .tH•I h•n 1~ h\' ;'\\•• OIDU. . . ~.untl u """"'" o) ' ,,,. " ' I>; II".. . t ( lh In which to at-nd the rotlul back Whf'rt' 8he ,. rt'('U~l'atlng fmm an lllatll•ntod Ill San Dleji(O but h&ll 'I I h I I I ""k r ,.,,.. lr• .. •k •~ " s "rv 'I e war I f Wt•ltot 11 IIIIo: I ••m l"rn" '"'' "'" th~>tol(hlll •lro t•"' '"""''" 1 -1 It 1 'o-a.•t a genulnl' California greet· operat on, Tho> l '-''" son11 nf lhl' been lr&llll t'rrt>ol lu San 1-"ranl'tlll'" thrm tn hut '"'"I •'l'"'"'''o"' 101)'1•• lllrolv lo• hu• mllny frto·n•l:o h•· '"''I lrt•tn an unusllll •,ugll" !_v~l 10.. 1-~ahlena, whn have bP.t'n With thl'lr 1\nd h" and Mra. Hamel ltft I.,_ k h 1 1 • II f• 1 'h•• ftr-"1 limo• u df'C'OUnwo "' " . [ • nf'f'l •m•u lrtl( u• !I'" tn '"' " ''" tl•·•l lu ollnnrr ~'hill """ • th 1 h ..,. l r ~tnv member of the crew ur grandparent. ID Phllt'nlx. Ariz .. ~ eJno•lloJay fur that city t•· h 1 1 1 1 1 • ..ur oloo•• hrro,..ll a ave uv..., I 1 •• • j.l&u•l( t,. 11av"r~· '""m" 111 tho·y rmy• Whl\1 wootoo 1•" ""'' "' 1 1 1 r A 1 tho• LST tl66 that attendeol the lltncl' &atAurnmer whr n the cs p-mr11 Georgee Cunkhnand Millll II t II k I I .. I I , h 1 h•· 1"'''" t)f 11111• r,.• 11 '' ml'r can t I , ·Ill . wr>u t J)f'rnltll •• "' t ,. '"" "" \·\'••II hr wuuld "SJJ "'" '"' ,,.,, " , 1 r 1 tl h t 11ano:e held at "the Balbila USO a an expected to he transferrt'l.l, .... a n L 1 n den be rIC t' r s~nt II I h II f h II th 1 1 • lito\~ tn '"'" •· I'"" " lrflllg ou ,_ . . l am t'( a appy 11m " ur ,. """ • • •rul\.1 anti ltiiJM' Rl t 11'~' """" • • .... rtd cnuple of weeks ago would Jrke a uave now returned borne. -, Thankaglvm~ day anti the follow-I dt'lllfht hla m11ny frrrn•ie lloAt ho' un.t .. r.tanol Ht.a frlf'II•IJI "' nvnl lh• I'" 'L,re Ul the gang taken tl'llot Mr. and Mra Lellter !'>Jutlj :102 lng week end with ~rs Conkhn'a i ha•l 11wltf'd tu htw h<•mr for " tl,.· 111 thf' appoln~ hour aa po•r thtlr n•t:ht . they may have On«' gratia Weill Bay avl'nutt, Balll<,a.. are tht coo~rna In R1v.,rsade 11111'111• •hot k tlilln•·r 111\tlatiOtn. -· ~utly. tt•····llnl( J.. NOTES of the h\' lllqulrtng at the uso. Thl' prnud parf'nts or a dauj:hlt'r. whol Mrs Sadie Witten llf Los An· I Mlowly lhr boat rr»rhrol the "lw•t l tht-m at the door, nplalno~t IL• lw·HI B I h y h CJ b j 1.;, tllrt• wall tak~n by Bernard or waa borm Nov 23 at !';l. J I>Mph g .. les was a rt-cent glll'l!l tor llt'V· "ho·no ~ ntty hilA I plannr•l In •loo "" roo11hl HI' told thf'm lhRI lh•·tr a Oa aC t U 11 •llyw•wxl and It ls a rl'al guture hoepital and welgbed j pounds era I days at the hom" of Mr. ani.I J J httt hun lin< It wu " """' "'1\l'r•; dtappnlntmrnt ••u nnly t•" ''" --I"' ~:ctoOtJ llportllmanahlp that he Ia 7 t, <•1rncu . Mn1 Nott's m othl.'r Mrs. AI Horvath, N e wpo r t \I .I \I I' ·GIVE HER AN OUT EVENING • Make it a weekly habit to give her a gala evening where the movie stars dine. • Delicious food, superb service, pleasant atmos- phere. • A richly assorted stock of the choicest wines and liquors. OPEN EVERY OA Y EXCEPT TUESDAY hi' hall ~nltrn m11ny a duo k In I ''"llll•llrt•ol to hla "I'll 1 ry agtun ~1 .. 1 ,. t h.111 tl<tJIII lnlt'rt'llt ren·j prMenllng every memh4'r of th~ came from Mnntana and 1~ slllY· HetghU. rnm wr Yt'Ara ThruttllnJC hu• muttor, I"'"' Wo't'k.' Mltl ~·utty 1:111<1 If~ t••n • 1 Sllfl•l.o\' .11 lh•· rlalho•a Y8<'hl 1 n·w 0 picture with hie complf-[lng at the homt.> t or a whth.• A eon wu born Nov. ;!:l ot St ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t:h;r~t:w;·;o~t~~CIUTl;~ .. ~~~·~·~·~~~~t~"~l~'~a~n~ol \'llr ol lht'm all bar k tho· f• """' IIIIo: , Into 11r~otllt•l lth••io'l< 1'1'\Jifllt'r N u. 17 n.o·nta MiM Louiet' Montgnmt'ry, 211 7 J oeeph h011pltal to Wr. and ~ra.1 i -_ .,. •·•·k r•, 1·ntl\' potri"IIA~I'rt lly C'onverw Ll Frank Pat lY. 8 squadron Ea11t Ct'ntral avenue, was guut Hubf!rt A lib ley Lundtn. ;!20 Onyx I M~tyl,.. my hwk wtotJiot ll•· b ·tl••r \\'ur•lt'llllirlll lh'~<rtnl( the na.me l'o•mmand .. r at thC' Santa Ana at a large family dlnnl'r Thursdsy 1 avenue. &I boa IJJIIUIJ. H e we1ghtl.ll THE DOLL HOUSE 415 Eu& Bay Balboa PLENTY WHISKEY rh th•• Ul'ptor t)Ky thloul(ht Sl .. tty, "Sun ll11w wl!''" llhP wu owncl1 Army Air ba:'lt' is rapidly n :covl'r·l at thr home or her 11i1tu . Mra. 3 lbe. 14 oz. _ '----------------' "" tho· r .. llowlng wM'k UJI to .. "'•nt by Richard !';paldlng. the newl ,n. from the f'y<• infection that has R Ichard Cocms ''' Anaheim fi=~~~~==~~==~~~:~-=~~~~~~=~=~~F;;'i~ ------------ MESA UQUOK SHOP l at•, ~-pert IUvd~ c-a.,......, ('aUf. .....,.: N-port. « --------- PLENTY WHISKEY 1 In to111 lfttlf' bc~at early uno• nt .. m · ··~ "' 1 "olt , 111 hl•·n llo't "~ad-~hiJ>" k•:j,t him h!>l'pttall.z.ed the past few Among o thPra prelll'nt were her I 1 Ill~{ I '~'" h tll r o'1urn fr••rn hrll no xl Suuolro~· n"m•·•l '" honor of rnonl hl' WhUt' confinl'd to the bro thrr, Tarver MontJomery anJ I try m thr IIJipl'r bay he """' a.:son l hll tt .. rwtll ~~~~~ 11f Mr and Mrl!l ltii!<JltiUI at thr baM' hi' has lx'«'n family, Santa Ana. and Dr Rnd "·'" oumJWIIr•l too rnf11nn htll Ill· \\ Ul•l••ntluon "h·• •~ a mldahtpman !.ought INU hl'r craft and hP has o Ur~. Arthur C110ns anJ son A rthur \'tt<·ol l{llrlltJI that thf' uptw·r ha\' at llnnlq>t•lu• ,ltuwn rt·<al aptlludt> by t umang oot I Jr. who s~nt the balano:t> or the 1 "'11~ whllt he ~tlwaya km•w 1t '" hP H10lboll Yar·~t dull no ow haa tour ·••mP ho•autifut leatht•r hags. Lt.: week at thear home i.n Lillo l~tlt• I •1 tuul lttrntmg Jtft>un•l tlntl that It•• Hho ~lo·~ ("ruhwr~ an Ita neet.· Patty ha" ~n making his homt• j Ml111 Gertrude Montgomery, whn ""'' '" o11mr trlll'k without a ,...,,. \\'htno :"J. " ll "' uwnl'oJ by Tom ' ho•rt• with his pretty "1fe S heila, ot le alate prHldl'nt or the l 'nth•J 1 tan· ohwk C'ra-.·fonl nnw rn the aervlce: ~l-4 Lanrtu. ThP coopte hail fn>m I Daughtl'ra of the Conrellt>r8<'y lA I.Jtltl wro•k St•otlty w;uo 1,.,.,111 ":.1tstr•".,. · s .. I:! wa11 (lUI'Ch&Rd Cnrpus Chnsti, Texas. now In Nashville. Tenn . attendrnl{ 1 , lnj! deriptorlltr. A h. tht' 1.1111 k l~~~oy. In So·rt••rnbrr hy t : .. ra!.l H. Me·! __ I thi' nntronal t'l'lnnntlmt or lliX'j !~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~:~;;~:::::::::::::~ Lhou .. ht ~ntty 'nl,.re·,. "ltrrt• I II Fao1ttl ";'l>~trml'll••n " N•t 16. form· p k A•d whkh Ill In *'""'''" No\', 2l t o 29. " ··rl·· ''"'"''" h)' lltt·k l'owell. wu Pat ar e I 8 Shl' lt'ft earl.v IJnol \'tSIL(•d m&tty g..t 'I'm. ""l"·clally 111\tr Ul• r~ttn • ·' I 11,. ~111 up o•llrly lui w ... lnt•Mduy punh~<ll'"'' h\' !11 F Stt>Ughtoo .• 1 St d t 8 d D • frlt'ndll anti r,.lttll\•es In HoUAtnn. mnrnht,; and IN't aall. tlplln hil nt·w m;>mllf'T. "' th•· dub The l&at u en on rave I T t•xu . anoJ ~,.ent 11 days In MI .. CIIISTMAS SPECIALS Fine Selection of Nice Dolls •• r • ........ ,. ... 81«7 .._. ...__ 11M u.e .....__ ~ ........... ~,.. ..... -~uw.y-r. GAlli& WHEEL ud BUILDING T0\'8 Oara.l .... ....,. ...... no.-..,_ IORROR8-ALL SIZES AND DESIGNS W e .U.O Ba\'e a W..U..Stocl&NI Hardware Department Featurlq Item. ror All.,!oar Nftldll oa o P I N A ND V8 1., nv•l 1,. and b(>hold I her.. wrre thro·•· , r!lft wtll rtu·•· ''" Dectmber • ---11Heslp pl ~ho• ill Mtaylng with ri.'IH· 1h,. 1hwkl. hundreds nf thrno Alt,.r 11 u:t n~:· th•· !'lim•• o• .. ur!le u lht 1 Pat Parke of l().4 VIa Ytlla. U dtl tlve• in Jl>uhvlllt and \'tl'inity antl1 thr ahotutln~t had dlf'd duwn ~ovii:V I P I' n ... ·t l llol(•, Ia 1\monJt 60 lltUdf'nt leadf'ra retumang. wtll ~~~nd 9-twu •lays 111 [ ha..l h&«lf:NJ ,.n ht' wanto·ol s nd lw . \'1•, ... .,mmo«lnr•• a.n<t Mr11. Don .. r the Unl\•prelty of Southern Call-I Dallaa and two In • lln Antoni~ ,...1 11811 for bum!' Nuw h .. "u K~>nop had " 111•n "1lh them on l !~om Ia C'Uoductlng a campaign to 1 During her ab!lenct> Mrs. J I <'""'l'l"trlv .. u ..rll'd that ho> wuull Thllllk,..;wtnl!. Jrmmy who Ia at the raaw I I.OOO.OOO in bcondll u a I Thomj>llun of S anta Ana Ill 11tayang vanollcato•. hlmaelf to hltt tnRny Anny oon.t ;>o;.llvy A•·•hh•my In San f•·R~IIrl' nf the national llllth w &r I With lltll<ll L>•u•~" !ot .. nt~:umery an• I I frh•ntlll lhlll ht' had lnvllrtl t11 11 l>tt·.: .. ltllVInJ.! jfllll\~1 lho•m In their 111)an drlvl'. l'n)to)'ll ~lnll: nPar her daughtr r .lu•·k dinner . , \\'lllttu•r huml' T hi'tr uther 101'1. The campua week's drive ... ntllng Mr~. A T. Marsden of Balbooa, I Jmmrdlately, nn hill a r r '' a I ltA •bt'rt wh" v.·lll IH' at Co&lt !'<atur day. Nov. 25 Ia In cornpell·' It w.a• a grand dmner ~arty Uaat hnme he proc~'drl! 1,. ph••rt•· hoi! , :uarol ~ :-tl{lllll !ll'huul in Alameda !Inn with a almllar atudt-nt tvl'nt lht' Nt>wport Haroor r ubhshm.: trir n•l• that lhl• tlmt' Ill' hlul tht•m l nntrl F't'lmtflry. WAll with rrtendl at the U nlve ralty of Calltnrnla at l:ompan~ g&\'t• last '-"t't'k Whl'n I Thill lime lhty woull.l n11t bo• '"~"I' tn ~an F rlllll'lll< 11 fur tltl' holldaya. Loa An~relett. they entertained the ~r110nnel al po•lntrd, fo~ dklo't br h~tVI' tht'l Jo'rh·n•l" nf l'hll r:rHn UNSR ot t.he Balboa Yacht club an.d evtry· nrt'f'U&rY duc.IIA That nljtht they P!U!Rth•na. wf'rr 1nterute11 to le&l'ft une e njoyed It lmme.nRl). Aner rould all come oorer aDd really have that lll!lCe hill graduation from Ule your Friends dinner the evening wu spent that kn,.·pi&IUled duck t.llnnl'r Navy V-l:Z ~~ebool at Orcldent&l Ia playlnc rummy. Thoee preaentl TL.. l'~a M p • I .11 ...1 Ha ha. -.ld b w rrten<t. OOf' by llfll'. Ot·tuhr r hi' hu ~t>n flllaUoned at And Mine I .. ¥WUI -111 Ill II• lr•Wire Hooey. they aaJd u ht plt'a•llngly j l .td(> t~ach. U!nJC bland La Na val bf!Jirf'd th~ to come ovtr to hill Supply · 1 lMZ Newport Bh·d. COSTA 111:8A PhoiHo !tOS-1\' hf•U~W for dlnner. So St•ntty had A w rhal h•lltaL·wnrnung waa ht'· Mr and Mrll Lehman •rf Ontario ~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;';;;;;;;;;;;;;:I hll'l JIIC'Iurr ta.kl'n Ht> a n.l a no.:k l ing j:twn Mr anol !olrs. W . 8 . a re occupying the a~:m;:l ••• r 11r II• rat tha<'ka photogTilJ>hrtl 11•11 IAltttl """ '"''' t•·••·IHh· m .. vt>J to lht-lr 1!01'1. t'htl'f Spt'et t m• Y 1 1 tta: ~,·,. 1-oulol 11rovf' to hill rrlo•rt11111 311 :lhtt ll:••lol t • .. r.•na old Ma.r. Lehman. 1209 ~'e11t Bny a vt>nue.l t hill 1r thty wnuld <'Omf' 11ver tn h1.11 1 tor a few mnnth". 1 h"nw 1,, d lnn•·• lht•y >Ao•ult l ""'''' (' t "J N Mr andl'tlrlt I' J ~1 111er. whul • OS a ;t esa ew s han recent!)' cnme ht>n• fr om Lyn-I thll'k, • ' Wl)()tl , hn\'1' ruro·ha~l'ol th•· hnU!W' In I CARPENTERS Mr anol .\1o • ,\ L l'lnklt'Y nnd which they nrl' ltvlng. 111 art!:: I •r .uul Mrtt I' A ',\IIIIth• 11111 , lttltltt·n ,,,.,,. Th lllk•t.:l\'111,: ~'~'"'lll )[arcu11 avenul'. an•l lh•·tr •uuoghtt"r. !"lin•' ••·II •·f Pr ,111,1 .\lr" \ ;11 l 'ttll.lo•y of Mr IUld Mr10 J uhn ~It'll!!\ :1:.'1 and ""'"'"·"' t.•r llc·etrt IIPI "I''"_.. S:tn llt•rnnrollnu Llnd11 ~trt'PI llnlho>:t l'lln•nt..,. 11f \\ho·to·'th••\' "ill rl'nlllt!l I\\ .. w .•. ~.,. "'" lllpn "''" .... olo ~tui'\ol inn .. r Sgl l:t•olf'l!"t' ltl'ltrJO hll\'o' J""' .... Clear Vision for a A t:'"'.ol uf Mr ""'' \t o;< I .till .\lo :on.S .\l r~ tlttt ' t' llurtlt••k • rt>h'l'tl a 1·:lhll'$:1am ,.lal tn~: that. ho• Bright Futuft SHIPWRIGHTS 1 ~ 1 1.• I •11 •·r" 111''"' " " 1 :": 111ol tlllldr•·to 1 ·" •I" ·" I ll .. lolo~· I hnl! Arnn·•J !l:tf"IY In 1-'1 :ott•" II•• Ma ke certAin of your child's S!l .... • """' KnniL'VI s•·· "'11 r• "" Th~tnk:<p • '"· i'h· ' "" •' t h• ha~ ho•o·n 1n t rn1nrn~: .ot !-'uri l>:n""< good vi~ion by havins;: us ex· .. '"" t•lll il t•rto·r th11 fll <I ··f 'lw ~>!"""',. .. r :.11 .111 \!t ~ 1·. 1'1 \'a .. 1111,1 tn •~·111,.mna un.! l~t•tn~ amlnP h is <'Y<'S !!Cit•ntifically WANTED A. F. of L. Metal Trades Council ~ Wf""lt ()c-..an ''·''''"''" 11:1 East l'l't '•1''" t:11rol llt k a nslt\'t' of ="•'"1'"11 ha.'< "''"" lf n«'CCS$1l~'W<>Wiltpr<'~C'ribl' '' " So .. 1.t:"· .:u· ,,_ ,. · '~> l't •nk I frlt•nol~t h~'r•· for and til him with ~:Ja.«~I·S 1 thnt ._.;It an~ure imprm l'rl v1· \·1, h.• .,, 'tll• :\!t';' 11 101 't • ·' • '•·l ,.\ ntar·r ,;,.,:~· lh t'''~·· "a !'I '""'''•'• !Hun PAUL NORMAN YACHT SAIL MAKERS S.lrfs, Awnlnoa. Bo.Jt Cove~ ~lr ;111d :llr >< 1, ... ,,.11 ' ;-:, h • • r.', 1 IIU!t \\t't'k t" :O.InrJrsH>I .\1 n•· L•''"" I , 1 \n.olll 1111 11111 ~It I ·k.o \\ '' n j !Who•lt !:<land """ .1:1111•'" I'll l'f'!' . : I~• \!.f•l• • Sw<'ortttK"" \\'htlltt't \l,qlf '"'" \1 •• t t lfi•~ 11: !\ftlO!f Lmn:o ~loll!< 1~'1 11 ''"''' , lo,or•l "I :ll :t~ou •l • 'l"' I 1'1 \k• 1 !lpt>nt thl' w ••••k t•nd """1'1"111! Ill :. 1 1 .'1 ,.1 ~t !'lo "1'"~'1 11''11•'11 ~·' ''1: .1 1\' '' lit :.tr .111.! ~1· • t-: •~•!' Allj:o•lt•• nnd \'llltttlll: lto•r !'I"'' o Phone 207 1. • .... :t , r "' J.," \ .,., • I• ' p 11tr kla Th<'y flltoo llttr ndt•d I h•· 1.1ttl, l .ll.tfh • ;, .. , 1\• "'" ••t '·.cl' u••• h f"'-'kt'\ . .,:nuu· \1•-~.1 •11• rt 11111 11 111,. ,folio•\\ ' 11'!1 · Mr,.. Cathrrirw ~loiW•· t••:t , 1\ .. ',., 1:1 -•·, l1\ "'lh.u·n ~.-h, ... , , 1•1111 Frnn'. ,,. "''"''\~· rt•rtlv.-rtnJ,t lorrtl.l.l\ '""' \\flh ilo,•ftt t•• 11• fn•m thl' ~>ff•·d~ ,.f 1\ fall ol h.r :-'o:olu \n.o 1:ou•l,. ,., :.1r 1111 h"m" lhttt "'""k ··omhtrlt'tl wllh .1 \lr • \tloil • \\ l.ttJ •I••'I ."tl:l \'t•' "" hl'&rt ~"·n kn•'"'" '•, Tl\.t1tk ... _l\oH._ "''''' ~1 1 .ort.l SfCI nnol ~~~~ :\lanll•'l :0.11111"7 \1• ... i, 1.11ot , ,,,.,t ~~~ .u t ~f'\\lhttl tlU\1' ., ,Jnu,.:htt·r· h•1rtt \lr• t 'l\ I• lltt.:>.l'' ·'"" ~··" • ; •• , No>~'. :W at ~~ .r .... ph h":<J'olal 1111•1 DR. M. U. CR A \H'ORD OP'I'O~I ETIUS T 17!1'! ~f'" Jror t Httulf'urd ('o"t" !\I C'M Phone 2UO Crl'dit Tenns Brr•k«'n Lc.·n~ Duplicatl'd ; .. ,, :llf'" :.t.o·:il.t l.o~>llo•'' n t ·I'll'' wl'ljthln~ 'j Jtllltnolto •l l•'trh •'·" 1 ., ''I• ,,.,,,,-"h·• n1 .1k•'• '" t Thr (o;rnt•!ll :-.ash fnnuly .. r t tw 1 ,,,. •• " t -.,,., t ;\I• "·' • ""ol•• ,,.,, Jatand Rt>C•m•. Balho'" l,.lan.t. at · 1 !II' ~~~~ t.-ded a 'l'hanlmlrtv~ tamUy re-I A Gift She 'll fherish Genuine from our Handbags la rge gift array A Come' hnndha~ will thrill h"r on Olri!'tmas and for marw Wl'll· ~~ ~·n~" to ~ml·~ · L'"l\()0!;(., from our "ide scl(l('fion of many stylf.'S. some "i th ll'e'-<'lear Ludt..- trim!'. JtL"t ont' girt idea fmm our ._'l(t • ftllro folshion shop. fro m 1Hl·l Sorth Mala f't . S.\STA A~\ l 'htll'lllt• '"' ~lilt• " \\ II union !\l t he home 11f a dau.:hto•r l Snydo•r jr 1\thl !\In• !'nl'•l••r tho• tn VIC'torvlllt. r •• rn .• •r .luttt• I ;llhrt..t \\. r·· \\ •• ,.~., Dr. Coo r&d Rlt C'hf'r. who> has i •'Tl1l 1:11•'1'1-" oo( !otr an I :lit• IJ ,,,J bef11 out o r town (or l!lf'''t'ral oii\YII I r:nT•t'lc"l nr 11111!1 Hnrhnr h•~tH•Ytll'•' ·u n~t~ w roLw n Fra~y~- Island \\'~m~;.s- 1 Estate Is Filed !'A ~T .\ \"' \ l'o·rn t•M '" t•• ll<lmm "l<'r thr rstnt•' ••f tht• l>\tr :li t ~ .\l:orv \\' -:a.,rrt,•r \\1\.• n.•kr•l tr-Jill" rl••'r t'l'ltrt hy ho•r ~"" Thr11· . rf' T ~~~·flo t • ~ol:, ~RJ•IHro• 1\\'• , n11" IWh•ll 1 ~ .on. I ltr M ill the' •·!41 ft(•~ • t•n:;~1..•t~ ·r S \ ..... ,.., tn ~~·r~~•n· oi pr .. po•rly """ tho• d\\l'lltn~; 1\l tht• :'lll')'htrt• ·' \'1'11111' ,,,,,I,...,.,. l 'rtn· <IJ'&I l'trt~ lw !'1\tol '" t h•• "'"''" rt 11w•• I· •r·· 1 • :'tnffh'r M r!O ~t,,rn .. r 1' llotr 11• l 'o •I tlo· tlf I ho• ''".If l"lt• ~ 1•11 • • '" It• Win.,; W lh lho l'o \ I •, 1 11n,.:• .,, ttn,~ h.-~nht ~~r~ t •,,t ,lt .u t!' 1 "'In til ... ,n T, ...... , .ltr "I • n ht ~o. t • , \~ • • h tt t • • , ,,. 1 l t..t !l r q dtt., H • ,tH\ ••11 ~f r!l ,.,,,,,, " li "'' • "'"'"'''., tl "'' 1 I. 1 1 o;a t "~ · -···~:ot ' :\:•'!'U I It t 't ' -t • • •Jot ·I II•• ".,.. • ., •tlol "ttlt hl'r I •••.• Mt I I !\1•. I I \\ •1 ... ~7th •tre••t ONEa~y 1 ... •OM·A·o.to• ~nact l 'rlt k A ..ct D ,..Wet ll ; ,,_,,_Y~•A.-4D1 pi ,, ... -• ....., 2 I ~··,.,.,til, c• LhwUnltOtl.cll I ... , •L•••••••. ~ 1 ...... ~ ..... 1 ~ . l A •UW•t au.ppiJ of ~ ... I ... ~, .. ~n•••• 811 -, few you • it la f• ' .......... FOfl CAN INSUR~ ad .. ..... latakt for J OD and your t.iiiJJ by ... lnl to It that each • w talrH a "One-A-Da, .. ,....... .... ,., d•J· t TaafT l lAY lS All YOU Ulf c:aa allall, a--nlo•l. l'f_,.,. ............ ~ ............ .... fJI ADae-Selua. •. ....... Anti-Pa .. P .. uaau, reU... .. oNJ ..... arha. but 81• ... M"ralr ... M-. nlar Palu ... Faactleaal llloa~ly Pal.eoa. Do r oo ua• Dr. 1110. A•ll·r. 1"111•! U not whr Dot ! ~ ,_. rt Dr. Mile& Anti-PaiD Pin. .. r our drutr tt~'rl' In th. ,..ular par ltatre for only • penny apl- a nd in thr rct•n .. rny rackare ••n dii'Al·• r. Why not lf'l't a pa.rlt.a,. t•"'"' ~ y , ur llru1nrtPt hu them.. };ra i olt r ''''"' an.l uee only • Jlh'' l•••t. \' ou.r nhlnfJ Mc.k fl Jlle .,.. "''t antl,lif'd.. SANTA SAYS:- "Uncle Sam's mail s are crowded. h is work can't be delayed . Santa mail is arr ivi ng late.'' Santa Says:- "I won 't sta nd for t hat.'' Santa has placed a mall box -at - ORKINS DEPARTMENT STORE COSTA MESA Write you r letters to Santa a nd mail them there 1 No Stamps Requin..>d l ... NAGGING BACKACHE ON THE JOB REA DY TO SERVE YOU/ II J'I)Ur t)'l)f'Wrl t.r Ia u pee t f'd to I ut tJ II new onn apptar --urae )'OU to ,.C a cqu alntrd with Til'rnlln'J; ex~rt tac· t()r1 tralnf'd trt"hntdana • who are w1lllnr and l'ft47 to MrVe )'OU. Pbolle 743 tor lnlonnaUoo. YISIILIE FILING SYSTEM! Ask us about it. Sav" time, wrinkles and grey hair1l TUIIFEI FILES • FIUII EQUIPim • Visit our show room today. • Let us show you theM oHice helpers. W. !fOW RAVW DISKS-CHAIIS AM "' II II y efnco ...... Y-,..... we,.IM . VIol' ... IM or . , We .. ,.-.. ,.., SMOkl STANDS C.ftVettl•"' •••• wocd•" etal\dl ... 1u 111e for llomo w effiu UN . 0 "11 II tO. NO"' AVA ILAIII.& DUPUCA TfNO MACHINII '' , • .,, "'-"' •••ttc••• I• .,., "rlor ... 1,.. u It .-.eutd ••• T••rf"an•e teda)'. •uua CHA. CUstttONS Air-P'o•m Cv1filto"• '" a v•r· let~ of cotora .,.d •·•••· Lie"' '" ••••"' e ........... .,. •. Motor Oftrbaullag '\ Motor Tulle-Up~ Carburetor aud lpltloD Adjuatmenl8 Factory Trained Carb~tor Specialist We al.•o handle and care for llABINE MOTORS 11'1 Garage AISJ:N GLOVER GEORGE VON GRUBEN New LocaUoa 1120 COAST mGBWAY Vorou del Mar MAU LI NG ~I A PL ES the ll Slot M•c•ine CIMS Dismissed I As Jury Disagrees for Third Time • • • l"IJII'P t'f&\•1 1 o; otolo II 1;1 ,,, ~~ II~ ~t\\Jh•tJ\li1J' t\f l""'!'~t'!'t:')UU II( I')UI .t\OJ I\ 1t h ,h..,lll t''' •l l lh1 t&Jti'H,~••_. •l•••tl\t l Jllt t h tlo., '' Jh hlttc'lf h,\' ftl-1\ llt•l«t•tU\\C'f. 1-lrtt lha l a!r t 'ht•' ''' ''"' t • .. ulflHf If --~I ro ... t • at.• <'\'f'ra ll.H . j\'1•1' nnt "hUI!jt ,,1,., 1, 1, ·~ ... , l-ugue Standong I St-ipfttl~r, Totlal , :\1 • c ·,.n,. \\' L. 1'11111 1 Too~:ul ~ Su lmHko•r':< 19 11 2:>41151 ~::.rt ShiJiflllt·l,.. I~ 12 :!:otln:l !'to hrttll l'allllt>rs li 1:1 :!:11112 Me<:hanlca \\'t-111<'1"11 If\ 14 'J:>-1 loll 1-:to:" :\lt·o·htulw~ l ~l I !I ".lil.'Wi ~lllr • h Slavt>s 15 1~• :!:tl !11 ~l :rkoo\'llo'h 1'<K•I H•••m 13 l i 2:1442 \\'tlo·11t c .. , Jl"lll..rll i :.!3 :! HI 10 J<urw .-11 Th<-fullu\lo Ill): '" ""'" aro• tilt• r .,. Tllo'liiiRrt .. uu,. tof thl' wt'rkly b~twllng at the Sallm•ke" Sportland Allfya, Monc.Jay. Nov. t'un nlnJ:hAm ':l7th. in lht• ~uuth L'cta8t h~ague I""''')' lnurnaml'lll Norman ,AI!Is"ll 14!0 Mllllt>~· 13:! ll.tvee 14tl 14:! t HO 13~ H ll IMI tnc. 1~3 lli:l "'"''''" 111 ttw t nut "' 1\c'llr .. uwtr l!ll •II ~11rnhl1111! l'lllorjrNO tho· Jury Hi~ ho•lt 1 in~ I h1· , ,.,.,. fllllt Wf'o•k In .1111111•··· t,, .. ,~ I' I'IUln'~ "''"" re- 'uruo•ol " If\ ,,, 'J \'<'rolk t for ac-1o\OC 1-:'P Qlllltlll. l:li l t:t :O:h lrto•y !.ltUt•r JUry (o•rrruan, II:.! 1;\~ i'fltol lhdl th" t•tcl8('('utulll h&d 14:! U :.! fnllt'<l lo• prro\'t• oown•·r•hlp ur pU. 1 '.!7 ltll) "''""""' "'hto h Ull•l"r tht' I&"'' II li~o 1:'111 no'\'<'MAI')' ''' to~htaln l'llh \'ICUun Jt 17!l ~(ol """~ ln":v lc•o.l tha t fl.·Hrnu,.·rt nu·rd)' huol r o•tll•'•l "'""' "l''""f' on I ~ll l;\)C Whlt'\1 lht• do•\'fl'o·~ W(•t c-Jli&I'N . 142 120 Ttw lrtl\1 r •••ult,.rt frcom a-rt~ 197 lll<l \'IKIIIJ\h• 'rlll<la rc>flllur to·d lui J uly 910 122 :!7 lty He•\' "'""'"Y c; Ji:<lward8, 1114 1~7 S :tnlli Anll mlnu•trr It wu U\e 1t'o'11nd trllll u f t ho• l~llni\.IWt'r Cu penttrt Hctllrtl{:tn Gabe-l t'ru~·tJ··r HllWII'y IJ:v~~o:•n Toolroom 1-'Url!K h u u 132 911 163 132 Ills 128 119 1!8 (~Oil' 1411 1i7 li!'i 164 lo1cGulrl' 143 I i~ 132 11u• ,,.,, "-" ,. ro•:<ult "' ltw rnlnllf«t>r'• c·allt' """ lhP t hlr•l "'" h I rill I •·c\1\- 133 lH · ttl Boyd 11 7 117 117 &I'IIVIIINI llroylrll 120 11!\ 171 l"hllt.:•·:c tlllll tltl' olt'VICt'l bad U 5 l 'hrt8tt'hMO I~O 176 \!'II\ bi'Pn IBnt(Wr('d Wlltl whlll' In t'UI· 127 Palntera l ••ly •1f lh•• "hl'ttfr'• tlt'partment Eddie Millt-r Nrw Rende7.\'0U~ Musit· ~lt\h M II• I ••hi '"'"' Ht -h•·~· 't\ .,.,,n h, U~t '" '' •~fftu• , •• ,., n1 th•· ~~ ••rrlll l'la1rt> Cores 173 sa 200 202 134 192 133 18:. 205 HO 1~15 EmniiOn tlt4 I~.:J lJS p~"ndln~e thP trial "t•r• o.ha~lled 157 F . llurvalh 1~ 17,. 1t,7 1 Who'll II "'~ lntlh·lllf"d that llt'fect.. Dalbo"' H• ""''H••II" "111•11 h·· I'"'~~ 1uunham Sun~t·f Haskt•thall Lt•agut• St·a ~on t u Start .lcu1uar,· 1~th . n •.. ~'""'\' "', f• 1, ...... r..,,h. , haH • , .. ,,., \\ d' ,•, 1 ••n•l• 1 \\ 1\ t 't t d l\ "'" '· \\tlh .• ,,,, ••• , •: .. ,,. .... t·'lttf•~• fu" ttC '-·''''" Au,, ''' 1111l:•' ~.a tl utttcu~r~~u Jt, hh .uut ''''I"''' I t.u '"" ·'' t\u '"''"" !\ ''••\ildt1 tPI)hd ,,f )f) ~·Uih ' f. h '"'" "'·'"''~' \\t th 1\\t• l'ttfU•·'It ' f\t';lf h I\ 1'1 \ \\ t~•k ttl,ltl\•.:•· t t•h Itt It I "II"" , •-• 11 l tl tl I I I ,. t t1 ,, •• HI tf,.tl ... ,l I' •• t t "" t • ' ' ,, .. , ••• t ' l'u. 1 1 IH \r .t, u tl .., ,..,, \u 1 ' • t 1t 1 1ot ,I H 1 I • I I ' f, I tl 11 1! !I IHt • ' I II It+ flf tll•t of \ l h 'I H UHIII!tl o U. 4 It ,.1 t 1, I .. A••• ,t ' .,,, d U tJI t•"' J' • I ' ·•I ' \ ' •' ft ll tl II 1'-o ,, .\1 oio tl t 111t \ o ' ..... t•l fl Ule f of II I t ~,I , ,. 't• tf•tt I l•o l h t~ 1 I \I• 1f11 !llo 't I' I \I\ I tl I f •II• ~ t I h t f"h 11 '•t• I fltlle• • t '• ''II tttlto . -. tt , to •••••• ''''""~ •l'••t•ul ft o•f• "'tlof I ~ o tl t o '1+•1 I' I' • t I fo II .... U I 1 'Of t t l \If tf; fflf ltHIIIt•t•fotlt \1 I h tl ' •I• t l ft t '•" ........ t •,l ,, .... , II I I I U 4 11 ,,,, Ill• tl It! 11 t • • 1111+ fl II 11 U WUIItlt lo+tl '" 1 t, ' • ,.,.,, U t.•h · ,, ""•"' 41 Itt••• r".... r. t. 1 ' u''"'"' .. '"" u ... ,, ~tlllo ""' ... t~Ht•tfttu tl \u,.~t~t I I ••••• tl ' •t• •tl It 11 1 ... ., t t •l. 1•• \n.t~tftt •I "•••tllf\t I 111 t\o ,d, th 1h•• ._, "h"'• ,, •• ,. IUH I ......... ,, • ., • ., ',,,,, LIDO T II t: A. T F. R n..-:!II• t ,_. ''"rk•c t:'-'"" •• 1-nn a ,. I & 'tau ....... "-t•nl•' •• I ·U t .............. ,_, .... , ''"'" "! M ----= n .. ,.., t 'rt. ~t. ...... , .. _. .......... , .... ,... ..... . ""'"• ........ ··~., .... . .......... ~ ..... "" ... , .. ,... 'tarrll ''' n-,......_. "-' ... , ..... -,_ .. Mtut "'... .._ l"tMI ....... ~"' - "'1 \kt IT UN l .t: \\ t: IT" "\\ U't \' Ut T ilt. Tn\\ '" "'"' • l•lrr T .... , .. ~ . ·~·-, .... .. "'""'~•IOI\ IIMC) ....... Wa~jtortoo \\_,.,. •• ''\UI c \VT K\TI U' 1.0\F." .. _"I IIU\T t•ati'W"t:K'" -~·r~~ ...... ··~ ~.._.....!_ --------· ~c.ri-n.. ... ' ·-· 1 •··~ ,.._,"' Ia ··•a., u,.e,~ ......... , H ............... .... ... ,-,"It II .......... Ta"' ,_ .. , "U .-wlrlil \ Uhlp", "Martlw .................... r.,... " ........ e.c'",N" .............. ._ .. BALBOA THICATI:B r.,-_.._. •• 1:ee a t :ta ............. 1 ... , • .,.,.... ··-· ha"' l'rocram flt.rla a & I :M n .. ,..._ -t'ri. -,..._ .\hheft , ....... lo "I"-! M«N 'llr.TY" at ... , "\F.I.IA)"' C',\N.\11\"' C'ar1.,.,.-N_a "'-· ·-· "'"" •~ ._,.,.u,. n.w Ia "T t&t: UKt':AT MUMI:NT ' al., "MT \..,. U N 1'.\IIAP R'" c ·.~...._...,... ... _..,._N.,.. T-.. "'' .... "TtiF. HITII.II CJANU " ...., "~\U'U UI'T TltF. III.UU• C'ar.__......,.r..,...... Mt..U.. ~. n-. 1 -nil! IMP.\nJ:NT Y&AU" f ....... : "11_...,. ~ • NIIIM• Y .. r owa ...,..., .. .,.._ ........... '¥" ............ , "'&7". ""-'' ........... ... ......... 129 Waltun 13~ 1111 PO l in lll'&llnK appar .. nlly rnullt'd from ~t'rul .. I .'nol It!• I .. 1 ... (lo. ,, 'I ---1 1 \\'alth,.r l',lk 173 13,. lran•p.,rt.ulloon 11( tlw m al'llln<'ll Ht-hto• l~·o•n plto\'llll: nl flo··' RED CROSS lfi'-1113 11111 j I •1~1 ru I AltnnH•y Jam .. • Ua,•l• rllllll<l""' "" M .. n olu' ou.:r1t11 ""'I -~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;~ I A Hllr\'a th , &ah.l tuolay 1hllt tho· c'AM• ag llinl l lie a.heu ·~I tho .1 .. 111101 Mo•ro ,., '"'" • ' • ActJ..I&I- 1 Weide,.. I I~Brllll\lo'<'r anol lh<' o'IUII' IIIC'Illnll l htWI' Ito· I'""" lh•to• 1111 tho• '"'' WI~ General Machine Work & Welding IIA"MI'r ~';' 127 t H'•1Mre. Maud<'\' "tt.rtm. lnrm•r OJ>· nrlll ~"'''''I·" "'l:loh -~~ ~ ~~ ~ H •It M h• • C O••,.nng 130 t74 1971__ _ _ _ _. ami 011 ac lnln" ompanv l("rllnt' 140 1111 U 4 Mra. C l A•ut .... we a I I h is Ill tho· flrl't IIIII' "'"" noolhlnl( l[r&no! tur• ... ul "' tho• "''"'''" foollc• !lit L&fa,eUe Aft. ~ 111 j ~111111"Y 140 llifl 1:19 lCJ be-&nf't'l!.o~l ul Thf'rP II' Ill c•uu plt-Mnnt.ltw 1 ,~;Itt • t llunk ot,. ~"'"I II( "" ltv ... M'W"fl Ant .. ru "" ~:======'=========================-::!)' Haual'r 141 1:'1!1 1~4 ~ 11( T1111l lt o•1111 ,.:~nh th>tl Wo•lllol bf' the lnt••n •"' 111111 llio• t...ttt•r hutt'>t """"'~" Kro• l"'rtuiml"~ Ito ltot• """ Mariae "''ork 8oUdCed SAN CLEMENTE MEN'S CLUB 18th ANNUAL Children's Christmas Benefit -And- 49'er Dance Saturday, December 2, at 8 p. m. Dance to Real Orchestra Music Casino San Clemente Door Prizes and F un Galore Admission: $1.00 per person, inc. tax J'>oor ~T'-!Il Hl'H\\'1-:J.I. ho.'~ ''I rt•dll '" ""Y lo•liJll \\'hill ev .. r ' •r~ l h""'""' ~l llyl~· ....... "'11····· .. """ oo( lhr ,,,._1 "' "'"I •of "'" II lf'Ar ln, his hair IIIII h<-c'IIU~·· hP l(l>t Ill( II ~)IOI(T\' Lfo:~Tl-:lt Ht' m (lt# .. "I\ P-" "' ..... lo·r" lo•l\1(11" "' ~........ A hlfJ41 T........ '" .. ""'"" ran't g•l ht11 lr'rc.ll'n to ~tn•w "hill Jll~l oo•uiJn't llu llnythlnJt MIChl ln 1 anm«'lhlro~ IH\o l th•·n lilt· nu·ro lo·o·r• "'"" hrtv•• lrtk"" tnl""""'" hf' plants A ll , .... r llJ! I I IU1 lllllk o• ttl lit (I Mil hnc• ('• lllol • ' ,, ' ...... "a to h I,,. """"'" t Mil IIIII)/ .. ,... .. looo ~rh·.. '""II ,,,. 1 nut hrr·•' ~~ h111 t r,•ubJt-. 11.-plttnt-A nt•~ht\' rff•• u•nt ""h>'tJ:u1t· In Tht~r•· ~ te .. rn•·fhtnJ,: 1"' yuu '" 1., •• ,· .. t-·~t huut1111 t•~ • •'''''"" "'''' ~trftt\' • t'll randtt•ol ~·am11 In hi,Q j:llr•lt'nl lllt' ~lrc·hnrllt'~ ltno'lll' """ IO:III IJio:• m ott' Alii-' AIII-:I<:·H II.f• ltllol 1 """''""'• over ItO lht' ht'IJO:hllt Jlf'ltF th f' ~1 ••118 TAC'Qf! AHT "" """It'd th• laM I .... nn'l • h>or~·· \ "" ,, .. tlllllo.t '"' lltr s,.,., .... , '"" I·• "' ........... '"" •. and !!Om<'thln~~; I hAl ltt(lko>ot ltkP '"'" hn ..... ""'' lthu\lot'd I hill h(' I• I Up , .. , •• ,, "I' '"""' '''" •• "··r1hy ..... rhullltrh c•~tmt' up Thl' hh~lo·r11 "" ll ~'"''"' oo( ~··m•• ro·pulo-fo:IJlHF. lnndrlllall\ 1 .-:•·1 a ".''" ,,,,, oor•l• ,.,.,.,.. ""'"'"" ,. ,.,,. to .. n .. ,,.., 1 hi~< hanrl11 t,.strly In h1" Wl't>ohn,:: ,,. a nrwo """'r '" B"ll"'" mAk ln~ arnpl tnn '" n 1 I•••)"' I c•\o•n M .. n "''' I••~• T'"'"''" n1dot .. 1 '' , "''"" I'Otlt'I\\'OtrK. hut 11 1l11ln l o·ffl'('t ht~ hi I! h!<nll' nn Jo:tutl Hay "'hf'rt' hr l day Pljthl Sunwl ""''" 1 .:•·1 moor•• "'""' 'ro ''"'""" "' I h" ~'"''" Afu•' 'hc)w linf( Sllmc•h~tw I n '<'•·rttly loo•u~: hI ,. """'" The than ,.11,. 1; •• ,. f•·ll•·,..,. lhl\l'ro ,, l'oootnln • loot. M1• ~-,...,,It,,..,,.,,., PINKY C"H0\\'1 IEH'~ hcouk hall bN\lho•rll HOlt\' AT II ~'HANK II-: I nlre """.V .. ( Jll'll\'lll~ Ito trio• '''"' 'hnlr "'"" "' Nor~· • A •·I•·" '"' ""' WI\" <1111111(' " fl~lh· " all n•~o:ht aA to lid ,, L ""•tndo " n••vo·r I .. u to turn my r tfoorlJ. ...... ""' Ill ''"'" "'"" !-~ .... , ho·rn l lr1ro.:•· , ....... " .• ''"1_. .. , I hill l!o"Orl':ot tnthl'ltll' T hill I:U>' In tht'lr UIIUILI jl:oMitl .. n n •... N ot h -that lho•r•· "' I l'tt•h•r lnt o•rc•"' I; •• , 1'"'''1•1• ,, """ ·~•r ..... " M r• 7. II t \\'ALI.V t;OHI-:S I~ 11 ll•t~l••r (or tn~o: ~c·n.,altoonu l "'"'"' lhl'rn. juM tlrtl( I~K•'k r .. tho• "''"'~" f.,lk ll 1 \\'•·•1 ""ont\' •httom t•" .., ....... my mnnt'y H ht o·nntrul ""Jt al· olar n l('u •••l o'oolu•u•lo·nt b<~~lt'rtl noollrr <J MHS AI. ltCIIt\'ATII 1111·1 l•~ttl oh &ltmrTo 1'"...,.."'"'' _, m()l!t JW'rlt'Ct In that fttlll ltrtl' anrl , < ;1.1-.. ' I 'tiLl" """ ~··ll trtl( ~111to• " loUt!~. Jllll~ 1; I 1. 1. I ~ M H~ ,.,, '' Itt 111~·• '" llu•11 ""' 11 • "'I'" hi' l'llmP 11p Wlth ,a nt'Rl :!(1',1 II•· J'll.t"t' r .. r JIM M•·l :l'lllfo: lhi"IIUI(h· t l t ANK IIC>H\'ATII. MltS A NN nwml"'t• !otlluw t•l thilt up with a ntrty :!ll~• ""' ,,,. tor.ol '"" lin,.,. but lh~ RF.NTLt:\' Mit." 1-:MM A lit : Mr.. Mttr \ K At'l" ,.,.,., ,.,,, . .,, In lht' sr r onol linr a nc.J thlll tn mt' t•·• •· \\IU. l,., hoot f"t I•Mor JIM In! HF.HT, MI<H fo:I.HA 1.1-:~Tt:ll t .l Al'l"'',.'" .,f "'" Arlrt\1 Atr '" gnuol h<IWitnf(. l'Al'l. I"LAlltt : lht' third Jtltl.'J. Jill AIKt:Ns. MHl" (;(lit """" •• h• "' • hrtltrouu t "'"I ,,.. 111 nn 11lnu•·h l'ithPr That:.!(\()"'· ···•) trll•·t:< '"'" ,.\,.,ut lbat i PON IIA\':'1-:It, MilS WAI.t,\'l'rh••··l hrr :\lilt ""''' "'"1-Sh .. -I (".OJUi;!',MilS U A i liii.JI Trltl!'ttiiS !'"''"''"'"'' ••r1 r ..... t .. M~ Jo:ll••• MK!i. •:11 \\' l 1.1. c' t • T Mit~ l\oon """""'" '"''' >I no s t ... tnuua "S t• r· d Rad. Se . " ltALPH ... :.:tus c: Mil.~' A \'1-:ltY "'•llr '"' IIMNI h•·u•· '" ~··· t-:lo.c-a IS le 10 rvace I DF.Y.RJNt:. MI~S UNIIA l l.:t :H ltlw·l h t.l lllf't MIIO!O ,.., .. ,,.,,,. s ....... , NEWPORT BALBOA COSTA MFSA INC. 4 }rllr• "lol, MltS M All lln•l 1" '"-r•hlll•· lloot .. ,. '"' ">00 ISH AU. Md;l 'Ill,.~. M it~ ItA,, h •••H" I•• Wr• A•l"lllt•lr lltHIO.IJ. 1836~ Nf'"')JOrt Blvd. Ph. M5 CoAta Me.a BAI\NF.~. a n•l MHI'C WII.I.Aittll ~lr• l •uroollo~ M ••~~'"'' .. .,,. All· OpeD 10 to 6 d&Uy, exoept Sunday ~ Moaday BAILEY. n .. , •• , T••Jot ""'' ...... F:l•or , ... u ,.r. I Ya ~·t tell me that WILLAIU t 1'"" '"' l ~tll huu1'11 All •of '"-I RAf\.IBT IUuln't c&JM'hlv ftll"'l th .. ""'"'l"ff """ w rv1na .. Vf',...l ,,,.,. a lhO'!I nf JOH NNY Sf,PNKA Tilrn ..,..,.lc Ill "'" Sunl• Allrt l\rn1y Atr arra.tn mayb4-h~ "''"" •h""' IlK •off 1'"-U• tlll p r c•lly Wl(t• Wlllt Ill trw , ~~;alh•ry, Anyw11y• that "'"' " rntklnlf 1114 fo llll II WIUO lh,. 1~·1'1 lin•• ootJIId• ••f <~M i\1( !\:I tll:'>IA:-o::.; , 197 In lh,. "'"'''' S~<llm~<k• '" '• ~lon·o-, w l-loo 1.1-:11:-o:Aitlt 1-:AHI. 1\1 I •··I Ilk~ hr lllo•l -""111''""'•1: 111 '''" •·r· In t hat "'. ""'' ""' Fl•l •t ~· ~~~ •HHII.t.'li ,.,,. ""'"''" 1 ""'' ''"' l:• .. l ,.It h t• r on tlutl '"'' 1111• i\ \'1-'.H Y IIJo~EI! I :'Ill; mll~<lll luool llll f'f1P muru~l ,,,.,. tht,e 'A •• lt .,...,.,, Ito j.llmP, AVI·.IlY 1•1-:~:lt l!':•: ••' th• WrJ,h•r" '" ..:•lt-. :! htt• k"" II• .., • ··• f'A ill. t·t.AIIO-: .,r "'' r ... ,, I 11• II ht1 Ul~o C• r~ot ,, ,,, !4• • :tt;d 1 .. ••rl"" 1'1:"1.;1-:\' o"t,to\\ltll: •tf tht-t'Y&rl·•·n1• , .. ,:• t,. •h• •I 'tu• t •Ar Ju•tl'•r'-l\f1•t +• 11Mul••ttu f r h i-t ' 'f •t t \! •hty JJ,•t' rut,. r l't •' -~~~ ..... ,.,l,fJI' f trt "._'), 11 ~htl hlnk••r.-trt••' I )• I ' , f"· lho• !"I 11 \ o• 11 , •' \l h~t.ntt ,. t ta. f •a , t. r • 111• ,, ·•·nt• r-• u.n•l tl. \\ • r , T~oolrr)otffi BUY WAR BON OS ,,,. ,. •I ,. I 'I " " 3 SIMPLE STEPS To li'ELIEV£ That Dull. Ache A II Over Feelinq o f o COLD H..-h"''l'""l ~·· .. t.hu·,· ....... ,,, # .,, ~ •• r ... rt ft•·••d'f"' tut,. ,., r, .... , ~ ..... , ,,,,,,, .. ,.. 1 ftu Att ft,.,.. A•lol IJ• 1ho OtJIU I h•' •tl flttft ol,f\"' \••. ,\ lltt tHt \t• f•• Y.••t k f•• ''' •'-• ''• d tt ••tV ft•t4tl ~t HU I y,,., J..• t _.,,.,. f I• t ••• 'hr _.., \ I• t f h• ~· lw"•ftllt • IH• .~'\ tft•• Tth C••··~·r·••n • f t 1,. H • • tJnl! • •• r I• ... r•fo ,1 It\ ftu tt •• 11 h••1rtf• , .... id .,., '" ·~·· \Itt•'·"-' \it.lt h ~· lf I I 'f \ tit f ' ... , lf i1WIIo fl'\f ' • IJ•IIIII+h •ttHI \1 • I '' t I oft f•' '\ t•f<~ •f \t• ,, ,,, ,. • •• ,, ,,..,..,. ...... ,,~ , ..... ' lfh • t I I ' ' "foot• hf'••tyht ot,l t t 0 It • I• q I II• f • t t l ... ,,., I·'· •• t , •• I ., I .. I \ • f I 1 •i' I I'' f ~~ I rfH' Itt aJI I I I . ,, ' ; .. ,,. .. '·' th I' -. -·' '· 'I Itt q • I . . '. •' ••••• y ,, ••• , .. • .. • ••• , f .... ., • • ., • .J ,, ... , ' .... II f • ' I ,. \ . . ,,, . , ' I I t, f f I If tf,.o t tf , I I • I I. ' t "", I J .. J .. ~ f , • I • '"~ ,t !' t.. Itt ft,, l"t .... tt •• -. ,,.,,., ,,.,v-t ~•·-· 4 • I •"\ I ! • \'llfl C \f'• o\ lif 1lf ' 14 • ,,,,tna: ,., I tt• "' • •• I''"•J 1 h•t:f!t#• ,,.,. Jfl ·• •' '"1t1J,1ht~f h • •• ,. ··~·· ' , fl -· 'lA ,, t t'rt'l•l,. ttl·'' "" . ;· •, •' I 1·1••'"''" I•• Ute tw cro- J' If " .,, , , tj ) t , " .... f ,, ... Like to sleep late in the morninc~ Like to shop be- fore the rush hours? Like sun bathinc and fun in the sun? Like cool. pleasant worldnc hours? Like to earn more money? Theee are coupons that you can clip on the Premium Shift at Convair. Sound good? Then come to Convair and put your home experience to work on_ a vital war job building Lib- erators. Add up the advantac'fl8, then ask for tM Premium Shift. IEMEMIIERI 1!.11/Jifl lAGUNA IIACH Mo1~,, f re 4 ,. •· Alka-Seltzer I I I METIIOD A ...:.. Alb-Belta•r, 1t.art t.aktro~ It a& tiDOt to ,.""" the l•ull, Adlhlr Beat1, a nti the !:lloff, ......... d..-. t -JfJ't ea"flal, a•oiil draft.e and eGdden cbanc" In t.t'ml>"'ra-t.n. R.t -r•r~t .. ,..t.IJ In b.d. ltNp ••ron, ,..t "'nai- biJ, drinlr: pJ,.nlt of Wllt.t'r ur tr.Jt juit•·•. Bill wano w r~'t enour h Vtt.arni••• C -Co .. tort ,,,,,r ~ •• r .. , Rupy Throet., if rau~r•l 1,1 th,. r(,ld. I>J' PrTlinc w oth A lka S..lt.- k r . If f,.,.,., d,.v,·l•ot '• ur •yrnpl'''"a h" r '•,." ,.,,,,.. kul .. r 111H )''' ,, "''" lur I ••• •'· I. 'J,. .,,,. ,.,., ,,. ,,, '""'II( t•f ,.,,,.._ '"'""" fu·'lllt "' •I ,..u 'I' • ~ f ' ,,,,. 0 hll•l f., I f •lftf f I of! lr!f t.,.... (It r.,,_.,rt f httf f•••t ,, .,,.,,, .Ur.-"•tv •t,.. , •. ~.,.., Jt f f f I h f ,. f f1 .. If "•' ff o \, ..... : ....... , ~"'' l .. ,,.;h ... ,,, t •. ,,.,. ftr•• ltaa-., J'""' "''•'~· • ,·t ,..,,. t , • ,,,, "'• at "".ut~1 ,,, •· · 'h• t•••\ • t . , ,ff,,r1 ~ , ··••I I •u· • ,,. •t • h ·, Ul• t• ,...,.,.tJ r t~t~· ' J ~ew Telephon(' I )irectories I MMut·d HrJn_.H,J! s · .rt ,, • • '• ''''' t .. ' .. ,., .,..,.,,,HI. , I ••• )• ,,, .,,.. !i ,., .., __ ,., .. c.._ • .,.... ..,_ • .. ...,... • HUNTIN"CN IUCH , ... ~., ', ... , ... • C'urona del .\tar l·llnur ~hlft Hnl~· \JtJ\1) ! Ill \\ ~rd ~t , "''an\a Ana AUCA Sfo:L1 i'l ll ,. :o t·~in , ... ·•"lr• ••'"~ I H *' • •' •' · · • .• r.l ,,.: • and u \i v ft• 'I ••'f•' \, • .r1 Ta' ~ i• f .,.-u, ... ,,.,h, "'" ... '"'•' '"" 1n1) f t.r ,, ol 1 I II. '• rt f , • lo) t • • \I '' t r h ,. 1 t ,\t Y·~ur • ,, "'" , .... ..... ,. ttlf'1•·• f ttf ''"''•'' ,,,,,,., •• ,. t;, ,,..H.~ ''•"" ,,,q .... , •' r M, t ... , -•·: ~, .. ,,,,,,m ,. • .,. , 1• ·•J ··•• , ,.,n rA~~tlf ,,, ··' 1 ,, .,,,,.,,,, ·' ,,, ''Yt'ilh • ' •· ' ., f f ofttl tl' t tl J'''' .• '' " fi•tfl 1 .. ,, •• , •• t ....... -' • . ' ~ I .. , .. ft.\( k T ilt. \'M \f 1\ Ill \ )~Hilt: TIIAS UU'tntt. The Perfed Motemity Dress 11w Ill,..,.. IWHp ol tk co•trSiti•J front p••~l will J'w you elur dnircd eaU apparuc~. Ntw wick •t.ould~n clitt<l cyn .a~ w.ud. A"MCnftl inccra~ oa ,~,('~~ RM h U p lll HC~. • Cob-t lltecl ....... ,_. . INecl .... C'WIII ••• c.., wull cote I C '" oa tor.w• w itll •o'-•• · • .-It I ~l•• .. , ,.,..,w. ..... w.cL ,_ .... .. \ Ut f .a,l tc,. ...... , ........... I .. ................ ............... -.: UON7 Throw Your Old Mattn'fiH Away It Ia Valuable! ... c 'qlfon ne•~o·,.r Wt'ltl"" '"'' , •• llav•· It n•hullt 111111 ~tv.• thc• •hff••n •n r1• , .. .\11 ...._ of .......... re W tl. ,_ "•' .... .... c; u ~ T A MA.TTKF.HH ~ tM:t !'••poorl ...,,,.,.,., .. ''''"''"'U ( ttt•J' .. ,uf •• C.rr •t VAtll"t y of Unueu•l Gffte \'. I I:,\ I'll Yt •I ' 'J'I 1 I< I: to\\ "r: A HI 11 ':-;It ' C. E. LOUCKS Jf W l t fC V •nd llT.A110 N E AY "'J'"''"'" W •lclu~• J" '"" Atp.ur lng ...... _ ~ ...... ,l 11'1111 tc --------'.:..' .. .:_'_•:...'~~N•.,.pof1 8 1,d .. C.oet• Mew, Calif. -= ~==~~~=============~ POUTAIU.Jt: ANU TABLE UADIOS ,._...Uaw4, llw-y J•"•> '"'"'jllfully Trlld lhf'rt• a N' rruouy II'IJI'IIlor noak~• t u c·l···-h•otn u I•M· llJO $10.00 PKOIII._-ANU r.t-.1C:n ·.NT RF..I'AIR MF.RVICE Short Circuit ltadio and Electric 415 ......... , ..... ~. .., • ., .. At .... r.,~rJ ...... ... ltubber Lined Winch Head AI• ~·· f'YteiNI a:nd ror .... ,... ...... tMIIM'"'-Ioe "' c 'llar\M M. M"rral ...... ,__ ......... P"C', ., ... • \ \ ' , I I ... • t-.. SY."'PORT-8.\I..RO.-\ ~J:\\'8-TUIJ:S, Newpert ....... C.WenMo ..... ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;~R;-:u ,, a i I.e· a"' t an Ex l ra S I 00 Bond Today! ICorona del Mar News GIFT HEADQUARTERS • Before Y011 Build or Remodel ,.w, .... a.te,..Uq -pi• ...S d.lllplay ..-. Coler ~ plunlae aida, N llrt' P"__,."' •t«k •• rue•. ~ ............ Rue• .. d Ca~t· c·~. aep.irM ~ ~ LUDLUM Carpet Works ~ ... ._ A.aa UN IIIANTA ANA . ., ............. No/Jce! In Vh.•W uf 1 ht• 11fTH' ··1·...-n.·nt Hntf 1 t .. .t • f I. tUn tax pc-oct'dul"t' wall he• t·hanf,!o'll 111 Ill•· o·n•l of th(• )'I'Or I'Ut clh'n l" IIH' Uq.:o"'l Itt j!l'l lilt II rl.rTnJ& and mlllf'rilll Nli'Tlplr t<'<l ;~• •f••n .•• 1•·• •lble and rorwnrd Banw to u~. --A. C . HOFFMAN TAXKEEPING SYSTEMS ~· It ynu ha''~' Ut.XkM'pinr or Jl8)'1"1lll probkoml C'Oflfi>Uit A. C. llortman, Nf'WP0'1 BN<'h 1218·W TAKE HER TO • ____ '!I!"!_!'""_!"'"' ______ -. I By llfoaale lknedu t 1 I )lr anJ Mr11 0 . J J:colx-rt81>n 439 H t•ltotrnp.-nvt•nul'. wt>nt tn Hnllyw uod l''ntluy lo lift' Capt 8 !11 ! Chandl~>r 1 N't>ntly rt-tllrn .. •l ft nm F:nJ;:Iru.ol. w h" "' .. fru•nil ••f thPit IWlO'I' ( '11 pt ('htUHIIt'r WR;< the pilot t•n a l:i-17 .. n "'hit h tht 1r 1 liOn. 0 . J ftfoht•t1111 on Jr \\'U lt>R<I nav1gat o r for thf'-ll(jiiiHir•on \\'hen Robertaon u•mtolrt"l h111 mil!t!ilmll hi' WIUI k t•Jil tn t:n~o:honol N l Wt'Blhf'r rf'< nnna111antt• dut y Mra. Maudt' P uwt•rll, 601 Mar-l I{Ut>rltE>, hacl hl'r two ilau~o:ht..r~ und I their h llltbanda. M r and ~I r11.l M~>rle Tv.·yman , Htv(•fln•h·. a.nd S, Sgt. 11nd Mr11. M u•h ttl'l Am111h I l and 11on Junthr. U~tlhcll& ltlland fur • I llht-holiday. Mr f>nwt'ra u mf.' up I frum SIUl l>tl'l(u la to•r , who·rt' ht' \ had put on thrt¥ lthowa In Uut>r dlffrrt'nl I veal it w11 They had l.tvt' lalf.'nt. _,Ph-tun.> IIIIIIWII an11 game11 for t he boya. Mr. l'llwt'rl! l11 mobile ir:;:s;_;;..;;;;o;;~5il.atllllllia.-.-=-..;;;::;:~ dl~ctor of tht-l'SO. whic-h JtaY~ a Thanklllfivln~ da ne .. fur the boVIll tn tht Air Corplll. He ill n <N.' plan- ~· .. r tnstan<'l'. thf')' i(BVf' O.mo· nlng a Chrllllt mBlll party fflr them . 1 :ott< ,., .. ,uJt>nt Ruoef'\'f'lt a p r,•· T ht> r~gular IIOCial mtf'l tng of •l .. nunantlv tNmoe r alic (·ong rl'lll· th~ Sunda y ~hool Guilt.! of th~ •l"nal lk'l~gatlcon tn back up his ('ummunit y Church, Cnngrt>gallon-I natlunal atlminWratloo, and thtl' a l. wu h~ld at tht• h omf' uf !>lrl!.l playlnl( nn ra,·untu ga\'t' He·\ R uth Viet , 1014 Ocl'an boull'vard. • ,, 1, ., 1 ,1., o,,. rnlllnr; ,11 •• 1 ulolio an r;.ovt>m l)r Warren a Ke· Tuellday m orning . Quill p lt>etll l Califomia Voters Have W~illl; THy Elect Roosevelt, Then • Lecisldlre B y CLEM WH I TA~t·• "'t:l!• r 11 •J"'•I, f,.r Dt'mocr .. ·•• I'""'" a n UglAiaturr to ht-lp his were •wtd for the ~ Crou. Tbt' TOYS-GAMES-PUZZLES-TOOLS YANK-E-TANKS -\VHEELGOODS REFRIGERATION AND APPLIANCE SERVICE SEIERSEN'S I Pronounced SY-ER-SENI Home Appliance and Hardware Store 320 WEST FOURTii STREET S..ta Ana Midway Re~:~~::t~.n~ ~::~: • Washing Mac-hines • EIN1 ric Razors • Vacuum Cl<>ant>rs C'omplf'W. Radio Service INS C'e~~tral -Newport .._. ~!1!5 o':.l '"""" 111,. lu•• """ lh• •t• ··t ,.111, 1 .~,,1 ,. In thr na tion. T ht· maJI•r lts.tOn tn bt' ltarn~d JCTOIIp to mt'4't with them at tht> '•I ··II t h• :0:1 ,,, ~ on II•• ,.,,. .. n 1..,.,...,,,11,nt J:•w•M'Vt'lt t han ,. ,_, a•lmmll!ll.l"'lhun elf .Sta lt' atf.a trs. l Ca pilla C'lrc le hAll mvltt'd the I 1• ~111 1:• 1.1 and 1111 trH•··I "' l• • Til• 11 I· ,.1 1 hat rt·llult bt-I; 1•. r1 .. m a 111 udy 0( ("ahforma'll rect-nt Capllla Chrlllmaa party The •!'' I' ,,, '"'I'L Ill• •plu'•· ' I 1,,,,,.,, 10,. ..... mplt l .. r&>Vf't'tlllll ,. ,· .. tong hab1t11 111 that party rt'gll· G uild t'XJM'Clll to have-card part1ea ~=====================~====== ·• '' I'·"" 1111' • ''"'' 1"1'''' "1' '""'· "" Sta to•'!l lnlk'JM"n·' nt l:otll\' m a &trkt 1!4.'1lM . has ceaMd lall'r to f'artl money. · · I '"' • I·· • I• t "t: t:• f"l· · • 1 , .•·ol , ,.1,., ~ ,.,,., lt>ol a Rerwl 1 '" •. ~,.t. no •matttor huw much thf' Mra. C. C . WaJdr<·k contt'rtalned t.rH· ,,.,H f t,·u ~~, , . .,,. •• · '· '' 1 ·''"' !'"'L•t• L··~•tciHtun· and a ~m-~ s•arty l~aAiera may \·:l.tl it other· • ~tethering .,, frittnd" and rela· n.n1l a rr.1~•·•l ''' k• t ''' • •1• · • 1 "'t. do·l•·~o:atl••n t 11 OonCft~' Will<' Uve a at h er home At 436 Dahlia av· 'I '·•~ I . ., It• ~u !'-lf••'h d ht•nH· &J'•t•nrttntJy .•• ; f'nutt. ThankajC1vtng dAV H er BOn '· '1 ' ' ' ' I I !o '' . • • . .. .,11 ;.II• ol "•t h a •l't\ '" wurk. ·--·•11 wL•IS •n Carl WAll home frnm S.C. whl!re •hlp' 11 ,•tl .. t•· t h•· oh!tC'(Incertr . ... • p-ht> ill In Naval training, Ht-r •I ·.~::•I • ·",'' , ·, \' ~~· 1 •II , 1,1, , 1 ' ','I ;•' ~~~:.,'' ,;l~l ~;~~~·~ltt~t'=l:.,;~ • ., Ht.leH "· MCII41U..AM !I =·':t~: ~~::.r, ~~~:ri~~~V:~ "'' I• •. I• 1 1 , •· • 111 f.,fl,'n 1 , , '""",. ,,11,1 1.,.,,,,. rat• )Ill' 1, New pnrt Harbor l1 n 1 o n H llfh hll•l n ., , .. n,, "'"'"" 'h• ·''''' • 11 , 1,111 ,. ,, 1, , ... ,.,. ttw ,.1,,,. Th" part playP<) by Harbor dh~· .echool. MIAII Maynard. librarian at \<•IIIIJ' lr•·n>~• \\Ill Ill.,•• •I 1\1• .,, .• , 11,, , • .,11 ,.. llD S~>-tnc·t hnya In lhr Navy ahould tHo the Santa Ana Air Halle'. her , .... ~"I!" ,,1,.,, ;1h .,.,,1 .. lnty 1:~1,. Jl"'~rly noted IIOOIPWhe~. Thr nephrw. Frf'd Coetll('h. !'an Pt'drn. V •tn• ,..,. 111 11, :-oa•l• n• f~t••f"•·vl*ll an amprc-... c: ,., Na\')' ia l~n.~ a lood btt by let· •'ht~ h~ I• ln thf' Armv f'ruh 1 '<ohf• 111111 • 1 ''-' ,,, •t "l It• 1, ,1,.111, .. 1 "l'l'rulo:tmalely bloll a llnll! the-Army h&Vf' any local Boat dlv lalon antl her da ughtrr 1•11lol11 an •;,.,,,,., t-:.o·l "•••r•n ::.11 1,.., 111111ocl n t;ht around ~.1•1 bo-)'!0 twc&u!M'thf'majority offhem Beatrlcr and frlendll t'njnyt>o1 ltrll 1 , •. ,_,,. ,.,:: .. ·•J •rl, ·1 111 ma•'• ~··', 1 , Jt. pnlol" tU\11 a •·orll~t•,.: ItT'""' up m IUid on tlw watt>r. W ith Waldeck'• h~M~pllahty 1 lk • 1:r•l •• ··I 11 "' l!.lf'l·~ 1 :q•·•·•~ 1n IMi h hoWM"a of th1• thf' Nary using &o many •mall Or. and Mr11 N. D ('f\8h, 21:> , , r. •:o • ·•I-=·""' '"' .u•·· 1.· P" Stl '"' C"ralt. It ~·t take much train· Na rclu u11 a ven ur. had Mrs ('Mh'll .1 thl• ··• "' • ·.ohf '"'" • h•·• '"' T', n•.,. :-'Htl•• ~nate wdl bt' lng ror ttwm to (f't rnlnft. g~>tting nr icf'. M lM Ida tAu Oilton. ~an I•" I , I :lt) J:,,publlc-w an•l ahf'aol In ttw Navy. Dif'JtO. and P.MIJm William I'll· • ,, ... ,_ t hr A....... ~tr F.. 1. "Eddie" Moo~ pointed trillo.~ Plt'jtl) !'lla\'V Ra"!'. for ; .• , r 1 ,1 ''utt' ch.tnl-nut " r-· day• ago •·bat C'apl. J . Thanka~tivlnlt ltfll<ll n txon furmr rly 1:-, I. hiH 'I' a Dl"'. A. ~k hu ctacovrred at l!('a l attendi'O S••wpnrt H artK1r Htlth • oubloc ana 3o Nra-pnrt Harbor boyll doing a good ~ht' a nd Mrll f'allla IIJlf'nl th .. Wt'f'k I 1 •• : , 1 ,11 ' lndt'JWII.tlo-nt JOb bf'hlnd the wbef'l or Navy Pnd In Lo11 An~t••lf'" I I:. . I '. "·"'" tht" Statf' II c-nn Skill• thf'~ lf'&m4'd trnm I Mr an. I Mn• ~· II n••t~t•nbl'rJ! .1 , , , ·•~:: ,.,11 1 ""Jtatn t.oar-~ row inlt o«an df•nt'•. ~t throujth and <"hilllr~n \'lllltrtl ~lr l"'••t~l'n·l 1 11,. ,. fuml tall\, tbr IIUrf. piloting fs•htng boallll, brrlt'" pllrconlll, Mr unol ~I ll' ~I IMPIOVIS, THI IUMMIMC OF AMY CAll Authoriztd Hau•Jtinson Tread Stn,ict C. J. -S K I R V II First & Sycamore Santa Ana 1 •• 1 .. 1\,.. lUI 1111 ,.1 ,· 81 uolyl11g wlndll. tidee. and cu~-~ 0 . l klll'nhf't ~-:. 1'111111•lr 11a. n~·Pntly. I rt"fftll. aaillng an<l rJWimmlnJ(. II" l~atPr, lt•ll\'tnl( thP t'hlldn·n 1n lhi'lr If Ill•· "'·""" ·•f 1·11 r .. tnia '" , a na tural. 11(rllntlpnrrnt'lll •a r" l h<· y .. u ng ~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • • ..: :ollllh '7A'd , tbnt M~trtln Morale•. whOM! da•l hal! l'tlllfliC' sow l<"omt' uf l h•• nl~o:ht ,.1,.,t,. ., .. • .ONCE A WEEK , , ,, , , .•• ,·,no, hf'M'f'\'t·r . •·nrkr 11 for tht' ·City fo r m nny I At lht MO<"ambl• t h••y Jill\\ t:ary l , 1 1 , ,. 111 dllto1lc y ., ,...,. •. 111 a good f'x&mplt>, havln~t f'utlJ)f'r 1tntl h u• bt aut aful w tfl' _ _ ~aDded many loada C1f Marini'!! on Rllntlm !'un<lay lhi'y h r o u ll h t illlanda In tbt' "Amt'rican" OCt'an. thl'ir frlt•n<ll', ~~~~ll \\'llll lll'l<t•·r ~artln hu gonf' thf'f'\llgh t~e ttm k lndtult ~lal olo•ll1 j!no•r Ill l'altfqflll:t ,., 1t ano1 II' llvln~ now tn F:al!ll. lnl'tltu1<· "' T•, hn•• ·~·· and :.lr ...,;,.,,-1 ... 1t A"k h im ho" lhln~-t~< tt .. tlt'll lt••lllh It l'.o• '"' 1 :o ·", ho\ a n 114' til' knOW!t. I• • 1 ho•f',• \\ olll l it• Ill !'-Oif,o!:o \ T nt•• lfnlf'l! h::ss r••tume<l lu L o>\• n1,;11t lito\ 1 ... 1 :• IIII I<•' 1 ''" r .. , t 1~1·1 f\:l!l-31'. T t'X3!'l a1t.•r J:rad· 1~~n• t~ '' '' ~1· ..,d,ttll•.., r· \1 o ·otlnl/. frnm thl' A ir (",.rp~< llooi.olouol r'h.•tl•• 1-ot t:•• •. I . , ··rh:tl"u l" ,... .... C'M"! n: Hutfaln :"\t"' '• ~ I ·''""'·: 1 , i '• :~uuu L.: '"·"' ' rk ·••' • f t 't •tt•l ' .f I ,\l n .-.• lllllf'h Jrv.·m.l'~ , .• ,,., 1;11urtl,. s:n••l> n on h"~ rcoturn···l '" .-\na • ·'I'" J,.l. :\lo 111ol \It;. I r h ... a1l s.~·•~tant ll,.:hthnu~" ke"Pf"''' t1 ,...... .... t\ • f1fl• h.•·· ,,_,,. , t Batt<>ry & Ignition &>rviN'. Elt-.·tlic :-mn Ga~ \\'t'lrling Outhoarrl and Ma•in<.' 1-:n~inl' Rl'pairin~ \Viii Open on or About l>er. 1, 1944 TRY l'S ():"('£ ISLAND .GARAGE Complete Automotive Service 1:!2 Agatl'. Dalhoa b l;1nd A ttln P;111 s & At'Cl's.o;;ori<'S T il'f' Rl'pairing ~l;u·hin<' \\'01·1\. Tnw Ca r ~·•·it"t' l 'hll llnvoll'n ha!O hi~ "''" With II.•" •1111•11• II •1'1•1 11 • io !.oflollo•;< h •11 '" f';t• h1kBn. Ata.-.kn Th•·V l11·m • to Jo;t' u·•'P 1 •t. •, "'"'' ,..,1-.. .. ·t twm.'< 10 tho· nl'"ll flll\11• Thallk~l-:1\lfl~ l:ol t• I• .•k•'•l-., 1, ., t 'IL' 1~ u !:ttt 1n th•" ("n~:~1 C t~''lrd t••••n 1n :Ill Tt •. · h 1· r• ~ ~~~ an•t ~~r~ J :-•r k P 1lktn1nn Ott\\ c uuld tV•l t nnu• h••u• 1 , on 1~1tl~nk 11n•l ~~' lowokin~ i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ •• 1,,~trd t•• n hi• ..a:-;•••1 ,.,,.nt lt\ Fo'l•n tan · \\ nlt•'r ~h ~ltllan. wm kollj.! at the Fo·rl ~· l '••mrr.an•l faro> dt•pnrl nwnt 1 111 l'otl nt !'-l•rtnJ:I' \'tl'llo•d rt•lat l\'o ~ 1 111 !'IJ•'" l"'rt thll' WN'k \\'nit Ilk•·~ nflthin~ ,,.,ttr•· than •II 1\'1111: ;a J•~~·l'· ••r R. (11~,., f1nJ:"IOt'' Telephone Hour's Yuletide Program 1\ll'r•'l'ltutt~ nHI~'' .tl nurn\ • r.._ t a\*f' ht·•~n ~h'• t•··t f••t t h,• < "hn ... t ma~ S l,ht hi•'"'" :t!'t • ( II •• T o•IP ,.h .. nP HntJI ott !I r.m 11\'1 I tho r .•• tilt it'll nf :lw :-;at .. •n:ol llr"·'" onl't tn)or cnrr p·•n~·-1 • 1 ~I• I,,, •. ol•l ~"uth4'm 0-thf,.rnt.l T •' I •' I' h" 11 •• companY ..u~tr!C't msnA~cr !lint• .~ t tJIPniDit' t ht' pr"J:rllm "Ill llo "AI•·~e F1•1Pit.ll." w ith llo•lpn Tmu 1 ,,I Metn1J)(lltt1Ul r.rru111 llf"•r:o ~tar tlw ~~. nolrl,.~·hn r.l•••· l'luh u!",: th•' n u ,: , •• n • • p.n tu lf'·•t tn,.:: 1; :\II"' Tr'lllh<'l "••I .ol ""• >Ill! '\\'II•" II t .,, t.t,•'n 1,r:•~ ) ' 1 ••nr • 1 ··T·'' t,t•t,i r"m Hnl·• :-. lll r~·~ land 1 H · I I .. rlr Wlol "Tho I lnllllJ"''' Ito •• 1 ~hulM'rt I'•·• rmh•'r 4 w ill l•1 1n~ .lal"Ch:o llt'lf<'IZ. n•'INI \'H•l :m~: .1 ,,., ••mlw•r 11. ~lnri:Ul A.ntlt'fll•:l. pt•JI•dnr • ••II· trnlt.-.. ant! l'C'i ;•n:h<'r II-n .. ho•t I l l~II!OAoi<'I'\IP. t•mu•n! F r•·n, h I'"""''' ami r •'"'l"--r GO TO WORK NOW! ·- EVERY DAY YOU WAIT PROLONGS THE WAR ~o Expt•rienre ~e<·t•ssar)· \\·e Pay \Vhile You Learn lntere~ting \\·ork Building Yitalb· ~eeded _.\ir<·raft APPLY ~0\\'! Part~ TEN-TO-ONE that "all-purpose·· s.tw o u t in tlw 1-!·tr:l1-!<' j , r"'". dull .tntl :1 ru t of ~our ~~lOti c~mper ~'·ery time it'~ rue to u:~·. Yn11 l .tn t·.l\tl ~ n at '·'~i n~ ttm<' .tnd t•O.urt nr":mkd in half with a fin~ ne"· saw from the South c,,,,,t ll.~rd" .tu· ~Inn·. \\'t··n · .1 l.tr1-!t.' ~tnd, nf hi~h lluo~li~ sa~ !o of evef1' ~·pe a nd in c\·er~ pric<' r.,IO):l' •.. ,tnd nu prlt.lrtt~ " rl'lluirl'll fn r most nf th<·m . --CONSOLIDATED WLTEE AIRCRAFT · CORPORATION , I (:ORO~.\ BEL "An FEEDER PI • ..\~T A DIVIIION o• MUIIAID'I SOUfH COASf COM,,Un, SH" I UILDIU • 2)1D AND CfNUAl NIW,Oit IIACM • VOGEL'S ... ..... 8t. Calif. 1 I I• 10)5 Highway Coast Corona del ~ar, ' . • • t _.!~-.~~~-~~ .... /a;:i~~:~;.~:' ':C.~:r:A= ........ NEWS-TIMES CLASSIFIED OPPORTUNITIES Mr llllll 11>11'11 Ral-ph-0-mu~l -;.;_ WARfl\11!; SAL'v'A~f. AND j ~~.~~:' :~~·;;,a;"''~~·.""~·;.":~~~~ READ NEWS • TJM~ {'J ,APC'JFJL;J) .l()~ F"()Jl J>JJ{)FM' ••• {J~L~ THEM c"IVI'ol th~<lr rtr11t lf'tl~>r from tlu•or j MFG. CO. l fltoa, h ''''·2t.· r.A) • ~~ 1'. ~ ~ \ \ ~I". • ......... 110n. Pvt I c Rlr ha rd B Om1nut1 3090 \\' C~ntnal Ave. Pb. ~.w , . • If d n-..a hat I I N R ,.._, \\'A:>;T you on't lUlU w yuu :m• 1111kllt~ r .. r a<h ·••t1is.'rl In llu ... ''"'lie• l'hnflt' Nt'\\''11111 A.-ad! 12 or l :l nn•l pin~ vnur 0\\'n nctvrrtl~t l nfantrv. I!IJlt't' hC" wt•nt ""··~a" ~"''POrt t'tl<'b, ..,...(( • • 1't) Ill ·y !II anti ,,rr .... r • J""" HI" wniH ~at ~~ M~~lng ~C" ~~ ~~~ 19~1•>'40•~r W ell l~v -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~-~~-~~--~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ F.ng lll\h cnuntryaldf' tranlltnl:' by ,-Nflll~ or r•a\' 1'!\Jih l'lwno• ~-nTRNmTRE FOR S AI.JI:--.1 U .\J. F .. qT:\Tt: nt:.\1. ~TATP. HFAI. F.MT.\TJC "~AL bicyde. R ichard lett to j4lln the INSIDE BOAT STORAGE '"''•••·n ~ untJ. 4. Nr~'l•urt !.!64"10 --------.. ! ... 1-.t7.':k 11 .• 11 •'OR MAJ.Jr,.... ANNOIJN{)DfENTI- FOR R~UL'm 1 __ _. __ w o•k ( •• rL b'd F(lH ~AU:: Mnoll'rn n ut.tnn I ~'111( l'iA I.I-' II\ hllll~•a $!\!\4141 :: Army jullt bfotort' hi' wu grad-~ ays -or .Ul'uolnou ~~~-l ie-.. ,. IOJI II.' , .• \1 )11 '11 -- uated ln loofan:h . 1~43, from :>lt>w-U cenllt'd_Yuht Broker -------IINiks, ''1""'\rll· I-.IOkkt'l'pln& ma · ' 1" ',, S : · '. \ I LO\If ~y OCE AN f' .. ONT HOM£ 1"''1 ''"'111 11''11~''' 1'1""'"''•••1 awl 1\NJf: 11A'' ttJI:c•Af'f'INCl aAd Ure port Harbor Hlvh. P()BT OF SEVEN SEAS 1936 ,,.:RJt AI'LANF. 4-dour .,,.llll'l o•hlnt', aurllc•tuog mal'hlm• Ttu• LH•·u.,.,, 1(,.,,1 1-~1,11• llo .. l( •• , :--;, "' 1 ..... ,,.,,. l'''''""'"'lllh """"'/ hi ,.,, o•lh•ut , ""''"''''' .... u.-... 1-ln ..., 1 ,. 1 r .,.rvlc••. No priority n.c:.- Mr and litre~ Marion C Oo.lol. 817 COIUit H ighway, Ph. ~49 H~• rocdln. wtll ~•·II r ht'lll• Hnl-B11hman Col 001 l 'ciiUIC flll{h· 20S MHorl :-<I l'h""' 111 11 ~~ IIIli, .t 1 "'" •" • •'Ill\ ,\ II II• 1 Hl•l S:.!ll•-• "oil h.w.llo• '"•tUI1'1' ••ry rnr jll'al"' .. A". tnMIII 314 Amethyllt &venue-, l'ntl'rl&lned 11·liC "-t• .. -. 9.'.tf~ 1 ...- 11 r• 1 , lok 1 1 11 1 11 w 11 41 qllll.lll y lr)'lllhl"tl(o rtcblwr '"-" bcl!l M •tnrs. 706 F.a"t Uay Avt'., way. Ph•!OC' :!~K ISIS·tfl' H tll••ll •'IIIII 11 1-',,,.ll•llf ~·IUI I"•'I\1 •'. l"'"•h I ""I"'' :1111 r.s .. .,l•·•" ~~ llllll•u• .,.. "'-4; • "'" •r lho• f• llo•\\ 111:• ''"' • I< loll to I " "'""'' .,. "'" ' "' 1 " I' yntlr o·ar In l hr IYII~nlnf, It wW Mre. Dodd'• mother. WrA IWu·l BOAT SANDI!IIG Elf"Ct rir .. od· GJo:NJo.:R AL F.I~C'TRIC Uot.f'olnt C'<llll hlo , , "''''"'''"·j; '' •rn Ill \' I .~ kll· '"" 1'1\tol•l•• '" ·•l•l tln lllO -'". • •, beth Lambt'rt of IAa Angc•lt•ll and ~r. at ynu r pi&('~ 13 per hr , 4 193 1 MODF.l. A Ford rOA<IIItl'r )o;l,.•·trk 111111~•· l{lhlll'nllll: "'•Ill' fllo ,.1 1 '''''"'~ 1 hth .-,..1,., ,,.,,' 11 1 ,,.1,1,.~,. ,11 , .,1, 1.,11 ,.1,1,. 1,11hw l 1'11:'11 I :-<AI 11 11-1 • lo. ''"" '"'IIUIIful •~ noa•ly In 111 l h•l ev•nlll •. A11 Mr. •ntJ Mr1. Ralph Dim mitt, 301 hr. min. Wrelt' Bolt 789 Balboa Hu be•n In lltnragt-111 ntH' J:"&r• t•nrmal :•tl.~h. (;•\lr hunu·ra. what 1 , ,.,,.,,,, 1 "''' ''''"' '""~ 111 1,1 "'""' 11,~111 S:l•~• 1,.., rr .. u l '"'''I ""11-,1\ , • .,.,,,,.ll ltt lui" """' '"''' W l>rk aro.l 1111&1f'riala f'UU"aal..._ Coral avenue. fnr Thankll""ving .Ial•nd. 71•1,.1 ll"t' BAlboa Mulur•. 7"" ~uat l'~•ut\' ... ,,h t<fl-n-·11 t'l >t·k h · , 11 . h hlorloh'•••l .,,," """ "" ,.,,. l•l~tr1111,,1 l'HIItll M•• 1'1"" 6 a.c--~- 6' I q "p "' ~ ""' "'" ....-. . . -q •v l t'lt I• '1''''"''' •ltl'lth ~~ I "' ''" 1\t;l'll, ""''"" '"' ''"'"'I -dlnnrr. &r A\'1',. &I bola ll2-Uc-l'lllllrol \ lnolt>r ,,,.I lin.: pr ,..,. 1,.,1,.,.d 1,..,, 1111.,11,.,,. 1 Ilk•·• ''" 11 lilt·,.., '""''''' 1 .. 1. "''' "••If Woo till flhn1•. 20th 6 Newport ...... 141'11. Ralph Dimmitt. 301 Coral BOAT OWNERS \'CIGF.t;s I I\ II\' \\ II II I I r ·~ 11\lcl ''"rlll'l $;1 lltlel .... "'"'" ..... 1 •• 1 .... rt\. 2142. , •• tfc av~nue, entertained h~r brldgt' club 1 •. ; Ji'OR FIALF. 11'36 Old11 tl, 4-olr 304 ~~~In !'II . Balbnn :-ol·lfl' ( 'rl;-;1;1 ~l t•;o;a 1 ~1 ' 1 ' "'' 1 1111"""'""'""' PO lf•·M ::--:.--:i-d,--~~----_,f,..ri...,...---... ---Frlday alternoon a t her home., 4 b, ~nd I~ lb c-0 -2 ~>Ortllble 8P(IAl\ F.qulp~d l''lth IC<Kld llr¥a, 2·~1"•1111 M ... ,,.,, ""'ISO' "till -: "'""'' .. ,, 1\llll "' Sll~t,ll ,,.,.,,. t way Re . tera ....... Kud&mt'e Pt\Ulmer F.llerbr<M:('k,•, fore ¥11ttlngu:111.-."1 aro• paint &nd r ad 10 F.11c,.1Jeo t TWO Ji'1 'EL ntl h••a lt'no, mtotl .,..,.., tull A. ro·~ ''' IJIII•t 1 , .., r ..• 111'1'•'111111 ''111 1' 11 B .. ,. :I IH, ('ul'u lla dr•l Mill' lfnmt• ......... Dick Wllllameon. Mlc~l Carmi· Off P riortty 'tlll'c'hanlcal m·d•r. f'rk¥d bfolow Mtnkl;•r f."u"!lt urt• C'<~ A O..r~e~·· ~·;,•,;··~~~~:··! ~l ut "' l•h ~:;·;~~ 'J ll••·lt •M•II•" t'nfutne .. h ... l Uc•llllt'huld lt.ppllancw at AU~ chael. Robtort Allen, Jack Amnld.1 W "' t'C'IIInl{. to """ f1.r <'out\. CaJJ t'''~ I i ll R<> Mllln I . lillllte 90-11.&. 1 h nlw"llltl •• 1'"·""''11~1"" -----$:~XIIU. f)(l W ... 1 tn. Wu .. lruoe, 1:1ec!tftc ftMw. ){a rion Dodd and Sally Pf'ytcm "' a w t hl'm with nl'w and after :'1·30. ur ~un. l l. L Kldd lf', 4IC' $!'1,:!f.l) 4 h tt• f.ot \\ J 11 ,. 1 , ,., 11 1 , l :'!l-:' 1 '•"'•' lll•h Varuunt t:'lf'&nlra, tote. w•-tb• .......... rapidly t'(lech n ""l.l~~t' ~p 308 32A·J .a t , S.'t•••·•"lrl l·'"'ll<'h, ---~---~-----I"''• (',.nt-1, N_ ................. _ .. U'<' ~ .. -~--• r ....., ..... OM ., -,... .. Ht•:tll\' ()11\\'lltc iU'fl ""' ....... , .. ''"' Mtot ,,........ ...... •• ·-· -· Mr and Wr•. (' H. Bowman. Also 1-qt. Pyrene 92-tf,-Hallloa 116 :)() up. MVI'ral to N " • l 'tlun .. 1 1''" -....... 224 Coral annu .... rf'<"l'lvl"tl an in-E · · ,. OUtlt' rum. ••In• rr r unl urw oc " .,. , h r u "I L ..... It ..... 'l ltlrf ;pf-11'11.1111 lhr ~,". M "'·' !1:! II•· • ., _..,., terullng letter from lh~lr 1 oo.l xhng-lushers TRAN8P()RTA110N n,, 1211 So Main St . RIUita 2·~1t•••m "'" ~ '""' •·•'a.r ''"'"'~t•:o•·· "'"'""'""' Bay Fro nt House kEva -..-.oa WHill vou WAtT En•lgn Harlan Bowman. at•tlng Refills for C-0-2. Ana. 80·4tl· r•ra:-.-r•·••' ~ ,,.,;,,.,.,. , t 'nm·' I• t• M ... .,..,:;-.;~1 .. ; v,..,.r •. ao. Wua et., .... .._ u4 that h • h-" juat r•turn-" f-t~·o Pyr ""ne, Foam BICYCI...Il8-8old. ""ted or ,. p&et.l,· :-· 0 .11••l··• "" tunli..h•··l 1 ,,.,u,. :-.~ •. " 1,.,., 111vo1 c ·,.,.,,. M·-Th~ lx'ffrnom!(-Thl'f't' hotha :Mill Marlll,. Av•. f~ ~a~uc~. ~ _, ~ "" • v uo ~ '-paired V~l'l 30t .,_ 8l.. FOH 8 Al.F. l''rl't'ZC'r bull, ;.!:)() I be. .. '":' !t(;,:!r)(l ' ~:l lit M•>tl"no Sltr••" U..tt; WHk\:C~~~\!:?1 InN l ht 6~'11P·, ETS-HQKJN & GALVIN Balboa ud 201 •Ma.rtDe A..aue capat'll)'. l'h .... p. by pnvale • ..t '2 ~()() prnn .., n f'W u nu. 1000 CllUt Hlgbway. Nl'wport D-1......., ' ownf'r Ca ll F.lltua Harolwan. \\' ANT L',() '· ~~ •· He le 1'11g\n~er on a L.R T antJ Phon· 1384 ""tfC' ._ ..._ r.i.uMI. ~tft N ..,, h ""'41 I, II ' ,.. ~ .,.,. I ,,-port ... ·a•· ....,... P )a 111:' It 1 .,.t .. ·c· · ,. 1· 1 ,.,.., ·r · JN has bt'f'n over.eu alnce Sc,opt l"mbt'r ---- ---FOR SALF. A·l Mllh~ny LBu· -----• 1 4·Bf'•ln~·"' tt .... ,.. -: ·n 'I' "r • :-" .:oo. '' I ,, . c II'.~ Two Hon-..o and In the Navy for t~n yeara He WANTED 1 aon Jnhoar•l C~om ~kilt. l7x& 3·BURN!:R Kc>m ... n,. coukln" , 11 1\ \ ~· C'IIIH tN A l•t-:1. MAlt l•I~THit •r ._.. Jral'1ll¢• " , ,. .. t,J A 1•1 .. , •• 11 "" ,'\ l••h •·•·r•lr11l to Ray Av•n»" ._.rot~ Ulat hf' had rf'<"fivrtl a --~-----·--fl .. 2 .)'I'll old t F4 M951, $2611' aiCIVra, traolt•r and hou ... al.&u. dell 1111 1 0 . 1"'"' .. ,,.,.,,. 11 ""1 N,. 111 ""''hi ,,.,., o. a.. \!VU..l' (•P:tcTIFIItll TAX I'ON"ULTANT '""''"'" tu lt.r·N.ountlna u s ..... ., .. _ Bul .... raliUitorm or IMtenl m&rked Bal· PAINTING AND PAPERHANG· Burr"'l. S anta Mnnll'a plf'r or Mlnkll'r F\Jmoture. <.·"· I oc,.11~, , 11 S .,,,.,,,., ruo tf'd 1 :--;,." 1'''11 11•''" '' 111411 I bua b land. t ha t It waa Callfornoa INC Job• want~d In bt'a.ch ttrrt· "'rite M24 Newo·alflll' Avf', 1211 ~-Ma in S l . ~1111t11 Ana ~. l(l,ti){ll l '" 1 1111• eunahlne In dilfUIM, anct that it tory, any alu job. Phon~ Santa F.nclno. N tf. ~41JI 94).411' 1 B"'I.BO"' •'"IANI) ,,.,.,..n,.. l'al• ,.,.. lndHd 11Urpr1.1Ul,c how eoon An.a 2205 or Newpnrt 2303-W _ _ _ 1 " " .. ., :l l~•ta 1111 1'-)' lt.YI'IIIt" N-an.J Ullf'd a rreen bunch ot boy• trom the J. C Kirk. 90·9t.c FOR SALF. Ladle. btl'}'cl ... n .. w SAl:f: UN tJSJo:il ;., .. ,k~tvu, Balhoa l ~l ·ul 1 1 "'.'"''''h'r l'ul'•· c',.,l • l>t••tr ... •m•. Itt ~~ lla)'o ,.,_,.I $I :!,fiOO Z.lll w.... •th. Mal'lta Aaa, (~lit ... .,,. I (' dltl ~aJ t>r lur.,c•, ••r'·-.•-nttlll -· 2 n-tr m II 1 't t l I I I I ~ lwolh" J'ltt \' '"''"'· :.! flrt'ltltt< ,.,., $3600 MAlUM• •UPPUI!!Jt farma. or lu lcabe, meat m11rk~ta W NTE 0 t ~8 ~'II cnn on, 12!'>. :'112 _., n .. ....... n oco '"' "ll"'' 11 ru11 . ,.., I ., "'--~~a~ ...,,., __ 1 Or Clvll'-n lif· .. _came fighting A 0 ld nt'Wllp&~MI. 2~ 38th 8 1., Ncwrwlrt U4.•8(•h, ~2-lfC' olurllollJI, I " • I "' ):11 1111(1' 11111111 '""U•h•lt•h ._..__.,., r-I ... , .. ~ """ per 100 lba., If Wt' pk k ~em up , . _ _ _,. _ _ _ rovm 1"1'"'' "''''1 -·•'llr ~:nra.:•·l 1 1 1 Now. ,. lo Der 1 mf'n when put up qalnat Uu~ rf"al 7:>c-per 100 lbe .. If }'CIU deliver _,.8 sa•• Mlnkh•r l''umltur .. \'u. Bollt lottrth• ftll'tll>oht·tl 11 111110 "'' Nt·i.r l'iootllo 1111\' W . L. JOftDAN MI:Am N L.A.NlliNO thlng. He aald t hat AmC"riCIUIH. Kay F'lnch Ce-ramic«. 121 Cocut .. ~VB 1211 So. Wain St. Ra.nta. ~~~~ :O.:t•lll ='"$""' Ifill' p,,,,,l ~, GE.ATAU!( l ft:l.ll:·.l o•o..... I Tno IE. '"ntrll.l. nan.,. 1301 ,._. tntw,r, N•wl"•rt BNcl\ fHr a be.wlcally peacelovlng nation, Hi~thway Cnrona df'l Mar , 7f,OCI .. .. " ... .,....,.,,h un•· 1•3 ill ·:hc M ·lf•· baYe cert&Jn ly lhown that lhey 92·tfc BEST R ABBIT SKTN MARKET HOliSEHOLr> to1 tH.N IT\ltt)o; fnt 1'1"""' :.o:u \\' Il l t it· ---------- havr ~~ •tuff that Hitler, Hlrohil.n IN ll 8 A o-11 .• 1 10 A cr.... •~:~:.oo -... ,_ lt""•tf1'Y ""(.l P • • . . """ u ~rt. ~nd u~,. Som .. luvrly pl~e" fur ( 'orona Ot•l Mar .-"", t'U1J .. ._,_, ..... and loluaallllli trted 110 hard and WANT ro BUY Portable t)'JX"-thU. ad for llt•nalurt' Reliable llvlnc room and bt'tlrutlm. l'hune <>-•·M .. '1-Hnl l .. )t , ~14111 11\0 " Lot~ ,.,.,. ......... M<ldem 3 bf'drnum O>ld w.... Mat'hlnri- IOfl« to bu.Ud ln their YOWII men writer Al•o. lor u le. 16ft ... u Fur 1ndultr11'•. Mootehello. N -·port 8U<'II 2034 9().tlc Tho~ ,.,11•1 lll~tl 111111: "' 111 '"''llflllful ''"'""" •h·l Mao h•IIWI' .Su•·••n NI1Urlatr t.tltor, Ah Kltld• #II l'••rtnaii,.Ble tor ynr•. and &ny futur~ d1ctator bollt, ni'W Ph""" Nwpl. lkh Cla.llf. ~pt. B118. 88-ttc _ ~400(' $ a;,(I,{IU 110.80(1 MMkW'IIW· ... ul y Tr .. ati'IMiftta who attempta to pru ch lhf' .Jnc-tfiSf .J . 92-4t t' FOR S ALE No 2 Rhlpm al.e ~ r All ,.11,.,.. "'''" 111 •n•l t••iol ,,,.. IJ. r• w ... K JI:N:i'UP: 1M2 lfartlot , <"-t• Mto• l'tl. Mia trin~ ot a &Ott, e&R-Iovlnjt ~nemy --FOR SALF. Purt' bred t'ockn yll('bt at.Jve. fi'inl' IMiktr ~ JIO.tf, \\' J II I , 111011 N-purt Ulvt.l . fate .. ._ ... .,(' Ia u.~ U.S. wUI no doubt havf' ll WAJ\TFD TO 00 Laundr y wnrk Spanlf'l puppiPII Rf'lf. blaC'k and foldlnK F.n~elanJ .. r •·ot and ~t· ""' ,,;;,:~::,•'·,,:.j"~t~·;*".',~!1',~.~ tl-lte bard time roundlnc Up culllblt fot-Neat and fut. Your home or brown Claud~ M('('orllf'll, 1146 t Bo lf N~w•·Ttmn 2 Bt•(t Houm Hnu:-ot-' .. mtt .. All. I'IIIJ ... , ............ . lOWtr'l In ract It aounda u If m en.. Ph, :>lwpt. Uch. lliO.")·W Anaht'lm St , C'n1ta WesL l"t'N lit ' c '' 8J·2tp lmmrtlllllt• l'u-11 .. n lh,. .. ,1111" ~l v ~·! "'I 11M CAGet ut~ ~ty In Ow 1\&rnJiur., m•~h'l• . ..-. ....,.._. l!:llaip Bowman ~lnlu the enemy 92·4tc 9().t(c ----~ ,-r.o no -1 wOfld te ~ • .lfl ... t)' antt ... ,., truth --..a., Jllaallr p&Me 110 .... ----- u ked for It and th~y are gl'ttlng ----22 S HOf'P ING DAYR tJII C1\I'Ut· ··;,~.~ ·1,. I (oum fl•m:o~t• ror all bl'4auty le tnJth rtiN Aw ,,., Toy ,.hoop,.._..... lt. . W ~~..i~. B~nt.:~r ~~ -~~ FOR SA LJI: On~ pair •IIVI'r fox mu. See our complelf' tltaplay II ,. '-'"•·KF:N7.1 .. : ''•m•t•l .. trly ftlrnl•hf"l l'n-.... lun 8ball~buty lalulcl. tl-«c ':41. Balboa lt•land 92·l tc tu1'11 . ll.kf' nf'W, 517~ Pbonf' 2.'16. O( n oor A tablt' \amp•, Nld othPr 11108 s .......... n Hlvol c· ... , • .,,,_ ~~;:,,"' ~ ... ~,_. '1"' lcf'tt ''''"'" -~~~~~--------..;...:..._~~~~~~~-~~--e MRS. AMERICA MEETS DEFENSE 2294 ChannM H.o~ad, Balboa fumltu~ ctn ldt'U Ulle ~our llZ·IIt• "" , ....... Ill TELEPHONE OPERATORS 9l·llr Lay-Away Plan. Ml santa Ana All MtHh'lll 4188. IlEAL Dn'ATE WANTED ~fi{)Cifl.ll{l NEEDED 10 million zrppere tn he rf'lt'~ u Army 1urplua m ~ .. next few FOR S ALF. ------- MINKLER )o,;JtNITIJ ilE f'O . f 1'1U1h UIWIIIIIII WANTI:l> Ttl l'm y amaJ . hou.. 11 1' u ""N,.JL' 1211 So. Main St Sante AD& .. o..-t<r. ,, ,., montba. ~ltth• will vary frnm ..-ood"n box~. v&rloua alzee.. :k Perhape Tbanklttlvlng. \944, Ulf' 4·1nch modgf'l aolu til 108-tnr h !() 2:M-5·sal paint buck•ta with fill Ualb<• !ala n• I fur ru h Dr 1~ N"Wj11tr1 Hlv•l 1 'f•l• M""* 90-tfc J. F Wilha m•. 6f>30 l'arlfk ll'l IIC' W--, A_N_TE_O--Pia-n-.,--W-,-11 -;tor-1'-fo-r mvll . Hunlln(tiJo J'ark, t 'alit -med lnC'ompl.-t~ In your hom~ colo.a.Ja When lh~Bt' arp made llda. lOc e&eh. Nf'>a'J)Ilrt Salvag,. bee&u.tf' there wu no turk~y. dell· looka Ilk~· "''f''ll b.> a hit• to z.lp dump, Wf'at of Nwpt. Blvd., n•ar CIOWIIy gold-bn)wned, to l>t' placed ,I'Vt'rylhln~e from rlao'kPIII to (l&nl· Lowman Boat Shop 9 1-4tp to front ot Ule official fam ily car-aols, Ladlea ~w~all'n and Slacka ver. Be chM~d with th.-thour;ht 20<7, Off u ... In good humf' Nu chlld~n M -llc FoR RENT-PllOIIIJ 1M6. IJ·4lc th&t the bird which ml(ht have Nut llmt' J uniot-r h11 fathl'r We•tern Auto S upply. 1787 New· OW FURNITURJi: Doubt• bell, paced your teblt'. lnat ead added ca lla to y<~ur attentwn the tact port Blvd., Q>«a Me~~~., 92•2tc •prtn::; and matt reea; 3·bumt'r 1. touch ot bome to the Thanke-that ht. 11upply or llhlrta and ahort.. 1t.ove. llbnary table, rocldJII' ~Yin&' dlllDer.. of o ur flghllq men 11 getting abort. dnn'l let Ule EIIPLO'!iiiiCNT ch&lr, bureau, ~ davenport. a114 women. Although tur key pro-news lower your mora.!~. Al~ough fold1Dg lltH I bed and pd .. J ducUon th is year la expect.f'd t o you may have been unable to find! 0000 MAIO WANTED Prlv&te wooden lltn&lf ht back rh&Jrw. be tbe l&rrut IJII r~nrd. t he biJt------1 I'OOm. Phoae Newport 1184. Takf' all ror 160 UHS Oc•an CHt part of tbe IIU pply 11 golnr to 1944 88-ttc Front. Newport Beach . t2-2tp ~=':n 'C:::·m~n~o~y w~:;!~ TIDE T A~LES W-AN-T~D Dl.clhwa•her.-9-a-.m-.-t-o f.'OH.-~AU::-Day-bl'd, pra.ctlnlly War Food AdmlnWitratlon to per· ~ p.m. Cl.,_d Sund&yl. Good new Call at '211 ''» Marine An . mtt lOme .. ,~a to clvlllaNI. but Hlcb Law ~ Low ray. Loul~ll Cal~. 2Gl4 !:aatl Balboa bland. 81·1tc OIECEMaEft Central AV~. Nn1port Bea ch. --~~~-~-~~~~~-there jUIIt wereo'l eoougb t.o 10 F 10:15 4:05 12:03 S:lO Pbone 218. 90-llc FOR SALE A m&hCICIUI)' •lnl'le wound ~II Tbank,livlnl{ Hnw. . 1.5 1.9 4.0 -1.1 pedl'al&l typewriter de•k ewer. WFA ~ne out the lood 2 IO:~ 4:4.6 12:59 f :1? LAUNDR.&SS Aleo MU'IIl' for VOGEL'a W AHTJ;:f) Jl'urnlahf'd houaa for four or fin mootha l"nuplr wtlb 11-y~ar-<ltd da.uttltef O.ntUe, l'fflfM'd. Will pay to •150 M,., T. Ardrn, Vllla Marina. N~· port. 8IH\p "'Alft'a) ro u:NT Jo'OH llJo~N·r N""''Y funll•tMid r•M>nl r; .. llllr ntPu unly Hltat" haUl Wll h llnt•l htor l(<'llllo'tnan Whrk.llla nljfh l• A l.o./1 lfllrAifl' :111211 Manta Ana Av~, l 'tltlla w.... f'boDe 'Ilea tl-4tc: FO Jl JU.~NT .. \>rn111hrol r. wtno. pr1· v•t,. •·ntn~no·,. •11<1 Milt In ,..... W ANTI:D-To rt'nt ''"" or twu· flnl'•l h••m,. W11t•·r rr ''"' Mull bectroom hou .... tum l•hrd ••r un-ahlr '•·r '"""""~" m10n ~M fumlahf'd, by twu uttlt'l'rll' wlv"•l l"'ni"Y A v,. Nt'WJ• •r1 llriVh wttb buabantt. .,.,..,....... 1'.-rm-f1·1lp &JMr!l Call 872-M ur wrltf' 11i'•x , _ 475, Ccw-ona a,.J War 80·3tcl JIQR HAI.P',-.. oultry. - I GeWa Ulat the llttuatlob will be 8· • .8 1 chUd. Part or full Ume-. Phone 304 Kaln St.. Balbt.a auc:h improved for Chrtatm.u IUid e.,1 2·" 3 ~-IMS. 323 Ap»Jeaa An. 89-4tp New Y~are. Tbwt you may yet su. 3 11:33 5 :30 7:07 .J t ReclN eel "let Ule b4rd'' before the boUd&yf 5.1 .2.6 ~-4 , WANTED Woman fo;--jaund;)· -----...; Nolpr !, ef BLOTTERS!! ' I .. 'I IIC :-;A I..Jo: H .. • I fr y .. r •. r-'1 f<K lllr I'"" 11*110 :-1•·" l'"r1 Jllvd. l',.,.ln M""" 1'1'""'' 1232-J fCK I df'hVNy .......... v to-4tc Pai nti II}! -D•·<·oratinl{ lncn!UI!d Wqe Rate Now tn J::tf('('1 Sentce M.n and Wv Work..,. Aft All ~ Upon Our ntrl• 11t thfo Swttd'lboll nllt SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE CO. -100 East Bay Ave., Blllboft or 514% No. Main St., Sftnt" Ana &tatM~wnt ttl AvallabllJI )' IC....juii'Nt --118 t.t.c a uon 1.8 over, And &t prtcett eub-1 ... • 2~077 6 :22! t2~t: 1:00.01 I anh d lllghl bou•···~ 2 or J HOUSEWA.RD --' o--II' 1-.rlbu. I aantltJiy UllChanged from IUt "· ·• ~. I all c "Y• a -k ' a ll ILl 211 ~ GAS li I': A TF.R~ Gu<I<J IIPII"<'tlon. ~ _,a a~, year. U r:ht turktya are t'Ofltlns' Tu 5 3·18 7·43 1:11 1 :5t Maruw Ave• Ba lhtu• lllhuv1 Minkler 1-'\lrnltu~ f"H. I I(• . .,f ll••l•"lt " l'a1nl lnj( .Proleuienal Dir~tory ~-- a bout a c~nt Ina ~r poUild and 1 3.7 3l 4·5 0·4 9 2-ltr 1211 SIJ. Mala !'It !'lanta All& ~ !•hU-••• ~ medium and hl'avy elrdl! a bnut a l Wd. 6 •:~ 1:34 2 :26 t :57 II0-4k -• ---c~nt more per pound than a Ye&l" 3.11 3.1 3.t 0.7 1 any un your la.al "hllJIJIInJt tcm r. -'• .._ ..... fer tMt ~ ago. Ttl. 7 ~·HI 11·14 3:51 10:51 thr m~n llf ~ .. h'lUl'l· mAy 111w1n two dna wert~ And unlun Notl\11 Jll'rmo .. 1 -.# ,..,.. · · · e.-•r otftNo 4.2 2.7 3.6 t.O n•INrua.t~ly clvt.h••d again A re-11ion tt• awry l •>r ho~thPr •'•oiling 1 Ne_..n..,.. IILI-. When your jlve·lovlng da ughter ... Y-"1dlp th~ zipper lo m to, Zll· lah," a he m ay bave beard of the SNOODLES tNt• dayll.ht •••n• 11.,.1 I rtnl UJ'A 111 llun l<(tttnlinK mun u· 1'1 11 ,.,. "' t'ltJI<'t'l•·•l '" hrlnl( tthuul ~ d L tl NMrpOrt ,.,..,.. Llpt tlpn!e a. m.: ar. .,.,.. P-m. rarturers of ctorlatn tn'"" nr mc•n'll an increllltted ''"'pur ••f t "''"'' Tltl• .,. pl-d In order ut ~cvn-.11ca. f and l••y'll h••avyw•·l~~:hl Hhtrl!l, ,,,.11111 :....~~..:C..;.;.' ~tnl~:..· ..:_,.::...;;;~*:.:..;,h ___ _ tM S'f\)(;K IN 'f14' 1"\VO AN: ol.! ,.,.,., ~EEt<£RS 1M.t- 14l LA'I\,... ffQ 1\f£ -~· S\'III JI~rlll N NuU.C.r l'h 'I:~ I•! Ill~..... ~•l:l .1Hih 1'1 112 II• l 'a iul i n~· ,\· UN·11ratin~ f;tUH 'k,tlft•t••f UUt1••1'"'" ttn•l Wt•rk IIUttl"t~ll ,. I 1ht~IU' JfJf't<f J I DOROTHY [)ARNIT SAY OO~OTH'-{, ARE ~~ ) I -,-~INto< Yov Gooo AT c-' t A. "1 1.\ glanre pro\''"' tht> lf'twlt•r!4hlp ,;-; fhr ~t'W"'·'ftm..._, l~y ( 'h;arlt!H ~k~lanuM ARITM Ml T oC "' )~ \~ ·~~ ' I (-; r 'J.JI'I,OSf 'T'• "'''J r our.o UnlL IIIi'J 1\NiJ • CJ\Vf Y Ov O Nl ...,O~t WHA 'T ·" -- d IIORna&a 8VHOOL -OloNI ............ DAY IM-'HOOL GNoollllr OIUitore. Pa F,.......l , ..... u.. .... O. A. •.u-. M.A., Oal~ ... lllpl. n....tu Cortlon M.Grundy, M.D. pto)'elel.,. ... d a ureeen Ninth •<~d Centre A \Ia, 0ffl04 HrL tO. If • m.; J S p.m. Telap .. ona IJ ?;' ~ lEROY P. ANDERSON ATTOAN( V AT LAW Co•t • ..... ,. B•nlr 8 ulld1nt P hon!!' 428 Coet. M~u California HAROLD K . GRAUEl CHAPEl \\,. •• ,, • ., .. ,." ,,,,. ll<·ltf'r 1\<·r., .. lty )4,.rvltot; t ttlu·r~ l!•·lfl ' J'loqn,. N,. wpt~r1 ~Ill C.<>tta Mto u Co~llfornl• ~~~--~/------~--- BUY NOW Cit y T"" Sale l ota A . J. TWIST I 'btJI (''••'' ttlfl ll.ii.ty ,,,,,.,, .. 7<tJ7 f IIIC11I o/• PI I '<1,t 11 !11!111 \\•••1 f ••hlrnl \1•· ', ... , .. ,,t '"'"' " ' 111 I fnll 'II """" .. , '"" Mftl ,, X·IC.ay "''n "'r .JA('K llAf ru l.lt'f'h'f'tl l .an•l S un •· \'or 21H7 W. ()t•nfnal 1h•·nuf' Phl)ftf!A: NPwporf Offt~ Ill• fC.. l6ll8 ' .... 11.114-.... ~ ...... ~·-, ... ......... C.....a MIM~ N.D. CASH 0 \1 .... D00 eN eAT ~ITAL ._. ,,. ...... ,., ....... ,. ...... ,.. ......... CeHf Conrad Richter, M.D. I ~lt)'elclen an• lu......,.. Offloe t07 Und MrMt New~..._ HlMifl: 10. •z a. "'· a •·• ,.. "'· PhOfta~trlea Ul; ,._, 14-.1 1 DR. G. E. TOHILL ~HVIICIAN 1nd IUftGION .,. r.~••• e twll . ,.._ .. , ._ -~111M - Oftlc.a 2 .. W ........ It Nn An-•· Calf N-..... I Hr. M. U. Crawford O f>TUMJ:TRI .. T F:y .... l·:xnnolru••l • Gl•,.~•·~ .. ,, tf'd I'Jft N""'l"'rt ftf•ufMoant Mw•-UIO OO"TA Mr.AA BALTZ MORTUARY f.IIAPf:.L OY T H£ l f:A ~II) C.<>.nl lllvd, , , n• ·~., ~• .. port 8 •1c" t•1 ,,.,. N~w,,.,rt 42 I Ht OBEU f.I '('AS I h·nt iloct • \!'!0 ~ 11 \\ f "llf ... J, f"'t. I lilt 'Y.\\J'tiHT ltF.M'It N Ot•l A. Bottom l~y c~'MMI':IU'1.\J. nrvm .-....IN! Npt. ..._ a•n·w 11M ltMl o-. ........ I ., \ ' l ' t ........ Sunday Serv1ce At Island Chapel With Dr. White Gift Sandal Made In an Evem11~ A l ....... ,,t\ll•·l •·l t ,.,, .,,., '•II lu.aru· Jn• rnt., ~~1 H . 1 •I' h It to Tb~ op.-nlnK twi"'\'H• ,.f th• lin l-t fh >'It•·•'' 1111 ~:-. ,,1 I•• , ,,,,111 • '' boe J1laM Chapel CJt ~ C2l\&rllll IH maolo• .r ltll < \ • IIIII;! t1 11"01' b~· thl' 81'• Will l!r :'llllolh ,. "" :s ""'' "'Ill' ... I ul•fll I •·II I"" I ' .. 1\ II II' Th~ Krv Htorr)' \\' \\'h tlf' Jill " p 8 ir ,,r 1 ho ,... """ Ia I.~ ' t.a -.-x-latl' putc'lr ttnol II,.. • hiiJ>i'l For "''entn.: W••llr HI h,.,,, lol•l• k Ia lorCatl'd 1\t t21! A~;at•· 11\'<'0111.' vt'lvo·1 1,1 •t•n "'""'" I••· ,1!l r t• • '' H.#tlrlnl( frum al'llv•·tt••rvl<'t' l!fl'\· ""'' •• h"'l'Y trn~:lr• "'''' · ""' •raJ ytara &«'" 1 .. llv•· 1tl htl! Ual· tl'nlll r111 m••rntnl' "'''., boa blaJlll humr. hr wall I"'MIU&LI••tl l Rt:qulre-n.cntll f••r m~tk tn~: th•·rro w aaallrni' tht lt>a.cltnhtv 10 th,. • 11,.. 11tmjll" Jtn•i .,,, lwl·· " l·ll•r "' t~uildiDC of lhr I..Akrwo««l Vtlll4!" , 11rk Inn•••· ~"'''" an rlf!hlh 11f a Ctlmmuntty rhurch . whll h .,. ...... yo.r.t ,., fo·lt ,,, fo•l' ,, r111•· 111 <:Ofl"plrtf'd ..,\•tral m unlha 11go, He •'>l!hlh ,,. 11 , "' o1 ,. r "'"' ,.,,,,1 f• 1 bu aca.ln aniiWt'r~d lhr IIlli '" IJ• lh·· urrr"·r~ u ...... l """ l\40• IHIIIIII of •rvl<:f' and !'lundsy mnrnln~ 111 buckt ... 11 a.m hf' v.-111 "Jl""k un ·•(,11'1111 1 '"'''' ""'~ f .. r "·""'"" ''"'"' "'") and Hla C'hurch " !'un•lay 114"ho.ol llf' nl l~ttn•·•l "' ,..·n•IIIIJ: 11 ••·If wtU ~ at t :30 a.m •• uaultl I a•l•lrt·-~1. •'·"'IJ" ol • 1 \'•'1"1" ''' ---lh,. ~··"'~ T tnlt'll ;'\II'WI'"'' IW'Il• II Olarln Hart 118 41~1 lltrrPI ""'' 11.0ktrl~ fur ~""''"'~ :'Ill• I'!" Ia a boUt oneco m o.-.. aftn tM1Inj!: tn 147~· """ etVl'ral day• y.•tth • , ... ,,, Educational TOYS II and Hobby Craft Tile Toy Shop ......... " .............. lEEKS ""OVING PERMIT Appil• "'"'" hh~ hf't'n n.n•l•· t., \'t'rn(>fl 1. Y.'itlkf't ·,:,;\~ uvr·rolah· l •rl'"· !J,rr Antc•·l•·'l lnr \\'Rr .,,.. partm••nt rlf"rlllll loo • 011l111n11 I A m••·riOj;: n .... , ""'' III'P'" t··nrono ..... If• tw h•1tlr"•l m r1 .. n1 o•f l.1•l IG ; Ill•" k ' ~ .. 11om ~. un I h" •·II• ,.rly 1ldo· uf Ralbotl l~land Hllll r1111•nJ· ln.: lti f .... t JrM)'\\8r•l ool tho• I':-; Plrrhrad Llnr• lwiVot•t•ll I' :.; llulk· b.....S Unr ~tattc>ru. t:r4 811•1 '.!:.: •. tn NI'WJIOrl Bay. HAd BREAD-TIME STORIES lit •• " teaspoonful ot arated drhd l..on peel to chlckin or tur- keJ dreaslna. Drled le110n peel ls e&SJ to •ake. Cook peel ln .oderate oven until orlsp. ~tra work ls worth lt because it's 80 aood. kfEP Fit If Wfll·ffD. En t . every meal, weieh,n t Y or brend at Brelld i s not onl r s Enriched M'h ite cious , it 1 Y tenc!t'r nnd d l noturJshJng !t~~so enPrgiziase~d v t am1ns =~nerols or 1~~; ole •heat B sure to • e loat t oday~ et a ... -.. /) Feminine A t • • t • \Christmas Gifts Collected. Reports. c l v 1 1 es Feature Meetin~ of Newport Circle I-I arbor .!·, By Winifred Barbre ..A. Phones l2 and l3 C:1ftt< fur lht' T• t • rmR:'l !"· t' •, the mt'mberll - _____ __:""::..--:-:--:-----:-;----;--;::--;::---:--:-----·)..;~--=-=--=-::-=-::-:.-=--------------_!*~------mt!nt House at !=;an l 'l'llri• wo•ro• 1 ul-A It II• r \\.o:> r• aol frrom fir n.nd 'I \ \.' h F )) h. ' COMING E lt><'tl'll at Lhl' m<·t'tlng llf tht· ~ .. w. :lolrll Harry \\'..ri•·Y tu•adll uf tht> H l~h Schtllll J>./ .out e ows tp • :1 VENTS IComingBaz aar. Tho>ologualS!'mllllii'YinFot~<•hcw.'. 'l'o \ , .• \X.'ith Organization Meets F t A . . . pCirt N rdl'. h<•ld w ... tnt·lldlly at C'hina. whn 111'1' "~"'' att .. nohng a I'\ U VI~I DAY. OEC" 4 U Ure Ctl~ltteS lht homl' uf Mrs W [) llt~lllt~ l!f'ri~ll cof oMVtnllunl! In tht> New Be 1(1 k Pu rc h a 0..,(' :,;,•1\ S!'f)Ut nrganlr.:ttlon meeting, 0 f I s land Cl rcle 1:,2;.! Oc-t'IUI Fr<o01 Thf· c·hlltlr~ll Englancl l'lttlt'S .. rt.·r IrA vI D' An 1•1J:Bnlz:.altcon mM!tlnc Of ''" \nlt'rlcan v lo(l•m Hull. l:'ith arHI 'I _ wruh' 11'11HA lo Santu Claus. Rncl 114•uthrm C&llft>mia 1 •1,.11~ 1 , ,, 1 , 1 , 11 , '"d )" 1 ..... 1 , 11 Y lllh F•llnWIIhlp f•f C"hrilt C'hur• I l'c•ntral, 7 •30 p m. rac:h uf thf' Ntowpurt tlr< l<'F I like • Mr11 Hultb\' rt>vi••WPd "lf I Only 1 he 1 , 11 r• "".., ,.f ""' .,. o1 1 , (• 1 ,.,,. ,. "'' 1 11' So·a Willi ht•ld 'l'uf'aday ,., •' ~IONDA Y, DEC 4 F:vt'ryont 111 on I hi! hunt f<>l' It'll l..tter11 IUIJ proviJu th•· olt•· Had A Ship." ,, huuk whll'h h•lle of r.trtl: al tho· IHrm!' nf Ht>v and ~'r• R d r· I 1 ..,.. 1 "' II I l••·k~ ., ,.,.,. """''' ,,, " • ,,.,II II\'· ~: 11 Goo;h·ll •• ..:rose workr. urn. 111 Palm, c hrist mAll gtfla thut' tillY II ami, 11 rNI ..,.ttll. the lfr of "" ••arly r .ng sh m a-ltl'ltr•l m••llnl! .. 1 ''' "''"I"'"' llalboa 10 a.m . tn 4 p m .. 11urg1· 1 Mr~ J A. Bl>dmRn prt'HIC"''' lflunRry wh•• plo1nt't·rt·tl In thl' field 111 .,1. 1 1 ·,., 11 llr~:L .. ,,. •. 1 ,.,,,, 11 ! .\lo>ml .. •rll of the vartoua COCDHll~ o•rtl dreulnce. nnl' Pace to find th~m Will · b<': Rnd Mr11 G~'<>rgl' Cc>t•lrlnrr I'On•luc-1-' of tha• ~nuth !>~It lsla.nds. and T• 110 1.•, ·•~'"" IHI .. :t ·.- 1 ,,. h "fl.• 101"0H Wf'rf' appulntl'd a.nd a l'r" H<'u Croae workroom. 313 Ma-Ill lht> Mr.&ar anrl fnc1d •If· of thf' 1 o·tJ Ill' VOl if•nll, her 11ubj~ bl'lng , t.Sra. E . T I'll It lf;ltl <•f Ult> pt'I'IIOnal 1 . 1 -r ..... ol;,, :-;., :'' 111 111o· ~:mm Wllll "el up fur Sunday • '' rlnc a vtnut>. Balboa IIIIUld, 10 Balboa .llland C'lrc-lt. to ~ hf'ltJ "Hraring llllrt IX•In~t " Mrs. H(•lt-1 t>xperlt•nt•t•e Hf hPr114'lf and her bUI• ••·Jrr•l 1 , ,. 0 , , 11 lh· ~· hoo•d ,., , ,, 1 o1 "'~ whc>n n·purtll on the orca.nll·• a m. to 4 p.m . aewlng. Frlrtay llllrt Saturday a t thl' Movh111 by, who Ia mluionary IIK rt>tarv, band In th~ rnt,;ratlon of ~.000.000 "'~' 1 , •t, • \\' 1 -.;, \'tll•· 1 ,., ~" 11"" mrf'tmg will be &1ven. A fto·r llt·rt Croaa workroom 1300 home. Coral .and Park a\'I'Oul'a.l reported aendlng. $2~ to hl'lp !!'lrj,.' IJW!I(Jll' to w .. llt c-tima m 1M3. , 111 u rnol\ll that. thf' rommlulona wiU m~1 "' Oc-('&1'1 boull'vard. Ct.rona dl'l Mar, Balboa llllanll The food will tw pleml'nt tht aalarlu or C'hrtMtiiUl A aocial h(IUr fvllowf'o.l thl' bual- '' ttl 1 ,,,, ,,( , ·•·k:< ~~~·~·I mil \ l{ruiiJIII fnr half an hour to oh~ I lo 4 p.m ., surgical dreu lng1. on 11&11' Saturd11y only. end m om-1 w nrkE'rs m ChiD&. for the mllation nne m<'•tlng . with the holtf'• ~lc\'\\n:•l 11 ,. ~· ,, .... 1 huol.:•·t d•"'~ ''~1411 l~elr1 va~oua pro;.c'-an•l Ualboa lalanrl Cub Scout Pack lntr buyere eoon raid tht' tablu of \ In that cou ntry allow• Ulem to l<'rvlng rl'fr~•shm<'nl.ll , 11 . 1 ~lr•l• h H" '"' ...,, ot !Wlt·uld. Mil '~ ~t" w 1 PS a.n d l' pro«J'&&D f« lh•·1 ProtrTUD· Balboa Yacht club, 7 delectable da.lntln. purcha~ only a third of tht>lr ThOIII' JM'rel'nt wul' the Mu- H ~" "' 111 , I'AJ:•··"'' rof Am .. n o·a /' "'"';"~ un ay 1 U:Sder the c1!rt~ · • p.m .. part'nte and fnl'nds invitrd :Mra Donku and Mrs. Bettye nreded rallona. Thl1 munry 111 damn J A B odm an. ~rJl' .. 0,~ .J,., 1 "''""" 1 ,., t ho· f•llrt ha. .... , 10~h '\,.' ,. ~nmm • ~ a:' worat·1p PI Beta Phi. home of lolra. Ftnk an In charJtf' of the food 1 ral~d by aacrif1clal tlffu\njtl! <•f Goeldner. F: T . l'lltt. E . D. Good· ,. 1 • '"~ " 1 11 , .,,.,.. !rhm mo·mt>Pr· ;;;: ~ ;. ~~ au~ "P'ello ..,.. F.mut Carml"n. 761 Wilson etret't. Mra. D S Bl'ala 11Upervlaea tht' I !'II, R . H Hill. Blrdella Ball. Ivan >ohcp (t f'jo, ""'""' .. , •• $1 II. Y""r rwr o~r :;' tl ")' • at I exf"'<11l..aguna Beach. 12.30 p.m al'Wing dt>parlment, Mra. Ethel F ' p f Cnnaer. J H Mllll. c c. em. r:cm1h ,,ntl I•· huv thl' rnmr•tf'IP O'fl . t th F II Hoy Scnuts. St·out Hut. 1~th and Freitag lA In charge of t'mbroldt'ry lrSt rogram Or 1 Bl&n<'hl' Ha rrti!OI\. R. F'. O>t.l!. 5 . ''I "' 1:, \'oolum•'• il wtll t... ",...,.,..,, • ",·eraSoh ___ ,. e e ldowet\lp .,,. C'l'ntral avc>nue. 7 P m . to 9 p.m and Mra Rl<:ard hu a lf('tion dl"-Cub Scout Pack I Wuthf'rlolrd J.Attle Vau~ehn. W . . <'anrt I' '""'· pr'l'l ant· Junr T l 'ES'"'A\' D"'C .. votl'd to baby ~toth•a 1 b ... , J T ft ••·' ll/11\' ,,, hi\\'P at l<·a/41 t:.o m••mt>Pr· \\' h . •• r. "' • ~ . D Ho t y. -.. anr R ... u ~hlpfiAA hAlf of , H•·h oltoiiRr "•w·~ rog tman. l!ecf'l'ltary; Roy W at1l U 11ns. 6.30 Heinr. Kalar r'l . The nut regular meetlntr of tht' Ml811 Elaie Nl'wland .. lrt•>UIIII"''r romrn MIOIUI an J"ub R l . I; 3 . C1rcle will be Tu~ay, ~ ~ at The flvt Ol'011 uf t hf' C'ub So·uul · It thr """o""l ••r)(IOOI7.1\ttnn It 11 , Jty lk,h Fl'~ h&i I o ar). : 0 ;>.m .. White I Park Mar Cua with a hot lunr h -rv-• Pack of Balboa lalallcl Rf'a<·un "111 t .. • o~ .. ~lrllhh· t•• purr h&N thr · Q • c nnA1I AVt'nur. Balboa bland. -"" B d c d 1 M 11 t r omplt•lf' ll••t t~f h"olcll at $7f• u 1 ,:"nr '!:hrryk. Howb Thldo mpeon arro.l Red en.-Workroom , 111 Palm, nt ''?'30 I'm with a <:hargr of ay an orona " ar WI pu nnmr " oo · or Fellowlh•P o-lbo fifty CI'Dtl. oo a program for parrnlll anrt 1 hn• will tw> htJi:h"r tf purrh8M<I l ..... : II ' bal ' """ a, 10 a .m. to 4 p.m . wwlnJI: fri da l th Balboa y bt 1 b "''I''"."'"IY h~au Lf'"'nJa '.::".:.... c Jnnu; Jlsr·l Red Cr~ Workroom. 313 Ma-The next activity echl'duled will en a e ac c u Rr" • an• . .-r ... ra onaa Ralpll ,.; ~ thr Chril!tmall party Tuelklay, Mooday. DK. 4 at 7 p ,m · al'rurol· Til•· "''"' n·~ular m~"etln~: WJII •I Fr<'IIR~C IUld Dick Wollner · Recr••ll · ne avenue, Balboal l!llarul. 10 Orr. 1!1, and thlll Will a.lao be atl tnr to )r{n. Sally J>e\t<>n. toerrf"- IM· T·w~·lny f'\'rnlnK. D"l' 12 "' · a.m lu 4 P m . MW ng t ry t r t.be PaclL 7 :\() I'm In lh•• IIChnc•l c-af<'lf'rh•l ''hnn &nol DLellkauHre, Marilyn IIIII. Balhf•a lilian'! Circle>. Mar cua. Mar CaliA. anol thf'~ will be an a • ~IUUrer 0 , ,. :11rn11U1 . c arper. Bob Seal~ IO! 311 1 h exchllllg<' or glftl among the mf'm-A larce attendan<'t Ia dll!'lllrt'tl u , Thl'ro' will hr"a pro~~:ram '" C"hrillt · Joan !'Rilly. Clair• Crall' and Cal: I • p.m. unr I'On, berl. thrrco will ht' lUI t~llrn•lanc:l' awar•l I mAl' rltr"l" by I hi' llll1clrnt11. an<J 1 • 1 1 1 w hi d _ ---for the Orn having muet part>nll! I v n "1 n l't'; uri p a.n .,.van· C M L miiiiii'BI numbl'no by Mr IUld Mrl\ ~:o•lillm. [IIIRnf' Thather. ch&lnnlln . osta esa egion p~t. lt••l>•·rt . Rklll'll Hf'frf'llhm .. nta wtll l H"' w .. rrt. Kathleen Badletr, Dnru• H 1l S f Tiny Mesa MiSS It will tx> a 11hn rt program, hut tw• "''rvf'd at lhr I'll-llllltnl:" r;.nd J une Wlpt.marr .! a cene o. Christened at I'IICh Den wLII put on a aklt. and · Give a PERMANENT for Christmas A,.....__.. 1DA1 be _.. uytt-. £yealap U ~ PlloDe ... BOBBETfE'S Beauty Shop I Th~lpriNenl lthaltht~~mMt-rl ·l ('•mmurr~1\' A4-rvlcr . Jeao.etta M•l· Pretty Weddtng thrrf' will bl' l)t·n aw~trd" an.t "I ~K nr Ill... .. Jlrt'IIIO "". rl< lt•r l'hl\l~an . navld htterll<•ll I ---Air Base Chapel hiUld<:raft display and advanrl'·l 0 I .unnln<> Buth•r Rnd 1 h<' uthf'T' uff1· . m nt a'"·ard• will .__ pr A-nt•d the I .. , .... I h ... ~.1 .. 11'•· (lwt>n. Mary Gav Calltoll (If keen •ntl'rf'lll to hl'r man·· e -. ~ ""' ·-~ , ... r~ 1\llt unar• m •·m t'rll, mrll .• f'l boya !----------------Jnhn Radlt'lr. MArlin Orautl Mr~< 111111 .lllt'kJW\n Ut>lltettler. ("o11u1 Mrllll frtend!l WIUI thl' Wl'•l-. ghl mnnth olol M11rt1vn Pnto·h· I .:..::.::::·~----------------------:-:::-:-=-===:: I () z Jtnbt•rt I!OO M 111 Don ,.·h'('rol -,\1 1 ho· "'"~•· II( the me.ttn,; ro• dinK Thankllglvln~t night In C't>llln a rot, daught<'r nf M11j 'anrt ~~r~ It•·• ,,,. • •· •"' • • • • ••• • • • • • •I 1 ·• • • • •· 1 • • • • • 1 • • ' 1 " 1 '"' ·,, 1 " 1 " 1 ' 1"1'4'414~ • tum. N nt A 1~ f'lnklr \', Mrs fh· •:··o~hm•·rrl~< w<'rl' aerved by Mra l Mr"" l.i'gion Hall M Mrs M.artha C'harlu Prll<'h&r<l nf 170 ~taprnhR : i !1&'1r Nartne AYe. ............ I run )farahllll. Mno tf&~ry Rur.hf k I ••••lo•ll F: II All a.nd Jlly Mlill'r nf HWlt· avf'nut". C"f"'ta MeliA. madr hl'r tir11t ~-M PALM I Mno lA'" f'n•rr Mrll ~tRrvln lnl(lc•n f'Rrk with Rt\'t-rt•nd Carl hmrllfthl o!Pbut rt><'l'ntly wht>n Nhr : PAL t I Rri and Mr; \\' J :-;rvlllP L o ng Beach Girl R .f,.hiUIOn uffic-rsllng. Th. ,. bri<f•· wu <'hri•tenf'd '"Ul!! 11outh r h11p<>l 1 . • ! I -W d R Ed II'" fo~rmrr ri'8idt>nt nf ('ul'lla M!'M of tht' S&ntK Ana. Army Atr Blt!W' : ~ Th J h V I e s e view itor Wht•r·· l<tto• rl'!!ltll•d at 171h lln•l by l h,. l'hRplltln ('apt J cohn • DRIVE -IN CAFE i e 0 n oge S T U!!lln avtnuf' Movmg to Yurba Hryant, Army Chllphun v.hll 1~ al: f Hos t a Real Party at It• ll••)'nl'"'"'"g 1•0 Balboa 1~1-l~lnlla a )'t'llr UI(O, thr no•w )IrA 11(>4!C'I&I frwml of lhf' family I. ; Th . N H : 111 ,1 1111 • \\'•lll·.om "' To .. 'n. _111, 1 :lot lilt r IIRJI runtanue,J hl'r R!ftliR-19th aad Newport Blvd. o. e tr ew orne ... "' ~ Among l hlllll' prl'ltt·nt Ill lhP rJlf'.JI • i II "'H ~ A Jt•\'flll ,, ... k~.: \ IW' •'A\' t hHI ~lr And Mn• :oohn \'i•l!••l ~ .. htctt\'''' tn thC'lr 1''"·'·,,1 f~•\' 1.• mt· "" lhf' l'•·nlnJIII I:t 11111! fr • · •~ tn~.,. far nnft n•·nr :•Jt''v·t• t t lll 'i I to ('TIIOY I hi' feRflt II'I.J Ill Iii• 111• I '\ I "''•·~·rirll" 1 :rto·ttlll wo•ro• 1:,.. • ~l11rt•n•·llo J '·n•t I•Jl•''" t•'"·t •I lt I'Y'' '"'I 11 11 I Mrli !I.!Arfll' I'• \, an• 'l TtH nnh .t f'1nnlllt .t:,,l \ "f!tl t· '' ', 1 ,1t1d ~''"" ~n'"'' !"\\ 1~· \\':••n··· H• ,.tJII'r~· oi~"IJ.:I' r ,,\...,, 1•1 II II\ I wo.·d : Mr and N¥~ Ita\' Al l! loll!•' .,( lh• l'!tlrf.,mi" {'ltnJI "'-··t• .. tlon!t With th<' t'<llll:.t ~lt>sa GrA.nJ:I' COSTA MESA i• nc• -d L' "' Wf'rf' the bAI)y'll grftndparl'ntll. ('••I • • >llh l tJt< 11rr•l•• lh(' former J , I<O IUl r,(IS{t•m .,tar of w hic-h Sill' 1!! A -~ ml'nlh<'r anrt Mr• 1: A l'rrlo'hllrd Jr l..a · :. • _ l "lllt•l Ho•r.th .. ugh, daupter oo( Tho· wr•l•lln" Jl:trl\' •'nl•·ro•tl 11,.. gun11 Ht•at h ~1r a nd Mil! E. L !o Mr ''"'' :\lr~ F. r: Randall ool .. • G In I A I h • a•KL ' =.~ hall 11n•l pall"'"! alnnJ! 11 path ma •k 1 '"" .. ,. A!' nl!" ··~. "r tnR· ROBERT\\'~ IN o :u :r; (',,,,,. I''"',. l.•mg &ach h\' ( th 1 11 t f 1 1•·rnnl l!"'"t-l!llrn•llll"th .. r Mr!• • p ........... •-r •"' T l II 1 "':nnl•'n •• P • rt ••Am n ·-r~"'...-"' " "'•'' '"I! t•••k pace P'rttl.l\' !'l.nntu An11 :O.l•w•.l'•' l ... wt.:••. l'lh h 0 ;,.,.r):•• ~: l'lnlt. J.,.~ A~.:t·lt·~. 11 • ~ ••I • nurJ; "'"" ~• at thf' honw .. r KOWno·d 10 11 lt~vo·lv fcrrm"l. Tltt .:n·at -11u111 nntl un• 1<' .... 1 r ·'"'' • , !- '' '''''"'' •·f lit•· hnd•· A poy.·ot••• bride•. whn wc•r<' wh.ltt> c·h•ff"n ..,..,1h :\lr'K F :-: 1~1111< v, t.•:>l ,\n:.;t•lt•IO. 1111 Spedalizing in t hill• ~"'' "''h j:lll'dtniBD w .o ~ fln"o>r-II J• Vo'll lln•l "lt lrl"•l A IJ>II· aunt. ~~~",; l lt·lln ,,,.rolnrr. :"•·"' ~ •It"~'" l•r lit•· \\••ol•llng <'oMUOII' .. ' ~ l•••rl Br nd1 FRIED CHlCKEN ! nnd \\1\ll 11 ••••I ro•IIO'l' were carr r•·d qlwl "f ~:nrd~·ma:< and pltle pink 1 l:o•lrrr .. lth'rl' wo•rr ~lr·!l J Hhll : i ,.... rt'l"'ll. m•t thl' l;(l'tl"m b•'n•·R ih "" • RABBIT AND STEAK "' 1\llo•ll<lnlll~ W•rt• Bfotty '-'"'I· I llrt'h !fiJlhi.,:H'd rof fo•rn!l 1\0d Wl\ll•·t Hr~·anl ltllll MIMII III'Jo'll t:ar•ln1•r • ~ ".'11, 1"'''' lt unlla l l and J :wk chrll&llllll'mumA A <•hJsto•r .. r whll•··('llpl ~·rnnk l'ratr hnrdllt'I'V·: DINNERS ii 1 '~1'''' '11 cr .;tal bt'llll hun AboVe the l'"U I<' 1"11 1" I hi' '"1'"'11Y ,,( gnollalhl•r 1 • • fh•· hrulo •~ " ~;rn•luale of \\ U-~ th hr. <1 th p Afll'r lh•• n·ro'rnonl\ll tho• I'I••IIP 1• • ~ ,..., 1'11:'• H•·h•"oi •"•I htlended tht' w 'Al'f't'tt 1~"y,ext•t athngr l'tr \'OWJtl. wor< l'ntf'rl"inl'd ttl ollnnrr Jtt lhl'o • ~ , . t•n< 110 It II I' O'l'l't'ffiiiO\' WI • • • ' ... ,., ..... -~···&:•' I f c···mmrrC'f'. ll('~llt'cl hv II hundrt'd (rii'OdM. Wt.'rl' Offtro•r/0' o•luh Ill 1hl' air brtS'' • 0P*'n from ., •. rn. unlll '! •· Ill. !' oil· I h:r-,.. .... •'lllj•l•ryl'•l on Ulr \trll L'.:n .Jnlln.•to•n m·.tll'••ll .. r I I..UI•·r ~:a ,I ""'' .\!11• 1'1 Ill lu•rd ltOd • ''' llo\ll• •:~ol't!l• ''I ·1"'1.:''1'' 1••11' 1:• ,.•. ~II•I•I><'Dilt•nt Nr I "I I I 'J,q •l,llll ant1 ~Ill< llryau\ o•n)uyt•d • ('lnwd '111unoda~· ~ 1 .. ~ Anc-1··... :\I t•· 1.• 1, .\ldt1ol, . , H h ... m••· "' w '"'~ I.!<>Wno·• 10 r"~'' • ",• .\lr,. T r••••• \\ 'k• r I, "~ r .. t ' ,. . :"••v.po•rt eac ,.,,ttn ;\Ill' II ~: .B••l"ll \\ ,,,. ·' th•· h""f•O',dtl\' "I .\lr anol .\I i ll I "'1 J ,PI\ I~ •,. 1 ••111 'I fl"l li,.IJ,,, ... J wht'l•' hr W&JI \\hllt•floo\\•'r•••l nnn:ol .•lr l<ol.ll ,;,.,.,,_,, \nl 'l•\'11( llall•"" 1~1.111•1 ··••••••••"'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''Oi ·•n•: !\1 •!-~' F , 1 ••. , , ...... k''·' \lr ""'' !'olt~ T•·r 1·1 ,,,,,. lr..• • · ' t ' ..... , I I ~ ... t I I I I .. I ,,, ' ''"·'I ,,.IIIII! ~IRt t•lll He ao ll'ol "~ lu Ql m:on 11.-tnn· Ill•· '' '' I• 1 • • 'l ol• • I I II•• 1'111\T'I'Sil)' Of m••ny. !\lr' 11 .. \\.ll'oi)Loqu•l· al llh' pUUlH p1tV••t f t\ ~~ •• ~·le~l iPI~ of th,. 1 .. up I· \\ '" "' • r 'lrrt I" I h• authur Of p, I >ill to ~\cet A rc<•t•ptu,n .,,_ t...-,J~ f··~~ ''n•»! th•\ c••, .. n,•un ,. ,,!,1 tt th• ~fr an•t Ml!l :\frll• I • "' II·· lt.lo!IIIPOIII tu'n•l ,:~k• !\\1-·''' •~·t1"'' .. n.t r.t l!' t."tuul• ~ t; .... q.:•· I'' 11r• d II•UOof -., ... , 'T•' •. ,, I t f• ·CI( ''"' to''•''. "",I ,,. I \" i\ .r H:.l • . l•llt IIIII• \~ ·•"" ' ', ,..., nt It 't " At L a~una H ome II Ttw C'OIIi•l• h. I• .tt h••r' ' ',. 'll• 1 frlrndl! In Yt•rba Ltn.t;o n I 11 ..... \t b• J\f't I 1 \l1 \1 t 11 1' ~t.ut,t•lt't• \\'~-•U l'' I h\ ~\t """ :\l n· r 1:· ... '' t• ;\lr >111.1 !\lr~< llo·IH \ 1~•11• 1 I \lr • I !t 11• J.,! :\lit J ll d 1\.pl~ld t•f ~· ..,. .,( '" .... Ill 'l I I . I I I' I n~···. ru: of Pi 1 ,. · , 1 • .,l .1 ..... " 1 '"' hrld ~\·h·'t\ I t•, ,,, tt h•trnt' u! \lr l o • I 1'<'1111'11 ,•1 \\'tiiiO!l ' • . I ••• . ' I II· ... h .• 1 1:! 30 Scholars h ip So~iet y Of Mesa Elementary School H onored I m. \1," · • ·"' ~.<-4k• • '·' hrin~ Tht• h om•' t•f ~1 r~ ~1nt1•" t '••:u·~ •" !ho•ll '" 1 ·~•'•"" ,,,, ~ 11 , lh• h(>ft-27fl BrmuiWI\~·-C'n!<lll ;\1•'~11 wn~ 1, ....... • , • ,, 1, •• ,,,,, ~lt·tt--1lu• ,. •• \nf-' of n ~n.y pnt ·lH• k ,hn ''' r • .. ( n 'f(•r mPnlttt'f~ I f thf' ~: h·•1:l r!i1H1• An\' 11n• ,,11• h ,, ,,._ n1"'l" ttl'· Jlll(u·irty uf UH· ~1 •'P~Kt Jo.,J,•ml'n1nry 11 1 11 ,, , •1~ \, \Iori· \o•ll o·r~:.l rochoolnvPr lh<' l'l'"'nl l•"ltol:o,· T il• ~·"'JM •'l 1~, ,d. :.:••'' ,•, ,1 "''ill ,h•udt'"1"!' Ul i th era···· t••ni lh•r tn t • ot 1 11 ~··I \It I'. f , 1.., anU tht' !It ho••l :tlld ~f"'O~•II oo( 111•• :'• ..... ,, ,, 1 t .. ~:--trtll ciety II\ I, 1 1 oil• TbniOI' ROSW•'IIIIj: 1• lh• Jotll '.ol' Wl'rl' Or•n t-:11•" "''' 1-r~<h•'l' Ann F\or\'. l'<'m r.nllo•WII\' ~ h 1 1 1 •' \' G('h;llt ltnri•Hr.l "'Ill! l'rll l'lu~ m An. M~tynnr.l 1.,.1.,•11 I",, 1 •• I " ~ I.AST/NfJ GIJTS \\t• h n\1• ll ,j,,. '" .... it lll'i'll MllrhPII. R I II !"kll••l< \lnq :.•'ry !=;mlth. l~uth \' orr••·\· ·'"" .l~tnu I- I w'''"'"~---- Mesa W omen Attend Dessert Bridge \X'ed . "T'h•• hriclJ!t' ••><'111'11 • •f 1 h• Ft t<l:o~ A(trrmOC'In .-IIIlo m··· \\ ''""'"" ,, ,.1 l t'MH"I!ln 0'11 t-h•' t•luloilllll"'' loll' ,I tl• •· !to'rt tonol~<· wllh \l1· c· 1'1.•-·,nrl l\11" ''"'"' Plt111H'I' I' ""''''"''' ;\11·-'"''''"'"~ I'. I~· 1\ ·-"\\~I" I'll {oil h·n tn...: lra~:h ·• "'' 11 111 \J· ... 4 .lr: r .. 1.1 :'p:111,: I· 1 1'' · ,,,.,I tl•" "' f\T1d pft:'t' Tn,:--'' pr-, .... ,,nl '" 'nl••' lh•• .d t~'m"•'" .. r pl:t~ "'"' il,.· ,,,. rlnm••:-Ruth H•'•''' F 1 ,,,,,._ I'·' moth. W 11. l'l<•ulll H,,,·h· I \\ tl·' DIAMONDS I }o''rrtl ll:lll<'k 1-: .1 \\'n .;llt ,I \\ \\'t>llt. j('rr·'"l :'J'lt!'l!'• r l·'•l~o.•". Fl'n•·h•n t• t • FJ,m ;a.;.ln I"'':'""' p~o'. ;\\ark ,lo>hn ... ••ll. \\' F :"1 A \\'hen ~··Ill ).:1\•' a dl.111\tollol ~•111 ~"'' 1111' lor\<'lh"-1 1,f all t..:ift:;. '!111•~· ;1n· :t t'PO'Ia nl o'llllll':tlllt~l\ ,JOt! a n t'\'t'l'l:l~t tnt.: n•mt•mlu·,,th •' Columbia l )iamnnds ('n!'lt ~'' MnN' ... ~nnwtintt'" lA'"" Tlt••ll' Pi~ftl\t'll\<'111''' I' dno• 1\• 1111'11 '"1-"''• q11:tli1y -•'1 •1••1 .tnd o·u 111111.: , L()UCI\J _., , chC>ll. c F . Jl,ontl. (' 1; llu•l·•ll p , \', l 'nrk.... .,;.•nn••1h :O:t••\\,111 flftrT•'ll Km~ 1' C "''"' 1111 ' • 1 ,\ C1Rn'~. t'i<'n•' F'rnnll t1a:otl•' \k · I Ala.!')'. C 1'1:1~ ~~~·~ t .mlllol 1\.oi-••t ATIO '"<~ Alit'• l'hlllh I C"l'l f\Tiol :.; 1 • Thnn .1.• \I 111 '-k t &OZ Jo-:nttt HJt~ "'"\nu•\ H"ll .. ' : "' •" ~tnr lW'f''1 ~,., !~ a1 :O:f .l :C•'Ph lll•"t'iiAI II•' \\ ••t ._:h•••l : h~· 1 I 'r I BAL-ISLE • I NURS ERY SCHOO~ 121 (."l~~t:tl. n nll\Oll I:-l.r11C: 9-1:1 t.~llt'lt o'll PhClOI' 6.::, FOR G IF T G IVIIIG So warm, so wtt~· r~"pri~g"d r1ulltf"d roht•>~ th11t lcMik likt• ('hh1a'silk • . tailorNI t·orduroy rc1llf'., -lush and snft ~rff't't to slip onr thf'st> ~ail~· prlntt'd ni~htit•!o 11nd (lftjatna.'i. :\nd this Is onl~· Jlf\rt uf our sJmrklln~ Chril'tm&.'O bedtimf' ste~r~·. ('nnw ""•' thf' r4>!it nf it. \'nu'll nt-\·~r know hnw simJllf' it i'> hi ~~C'I .. d ~·nur ~1ft~>~ until ~·rm·,... ~n o ur wond .. rful c·nllw·tinn uf "hvdtimP~>" . e~d, ·$~4ti.tuu · .. B:H!' :o'lip-, . ' Rlmt:'•'' 1 )jd\1'~-, .J-n~~._ ..... &~ .l :h·k,·l ~ Sla< k ~uii:­ Co~lllm" .IP\\'I'lr~ , * :-<t•rrr• ll••nr': !I 11. 111. tu fi p. m . l"11tunl"~': Till !I Jl. 111 MALCOM] f.<\S~ION S~OP fOR ~OMII\l - 808 NORTH MAIN STREET · · • • SANTA ANA In !">Rnl:. \Ill• tl~tl ••l tlulhllro ~ _,