HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-12-21 - Newport Balboa News Times• THE SAND CRAB for 36 Jean thf best advertising medium 10 the. newport harbor dastrirt • • the that goetJ hume Buy Bonds to End War Quicker BALBOA IEEP POSTED! ., .. SAM M.ES I Year . . . . $2.50 ~ ~: •• ' n . •••• -.r ~! Perhaps " ~ than any Christmas .U.C. Peart Harbor. ·.the Ouist Dey next Monday will .,. lftnprred "ith sadness in many homes. WhUe ·our boys ID the Padlic and llaropt> are fighting desper- ate-ly, the ache at han¥, es- pedally when the Gtnnans VOLUIIa :1CaV1 NP:WPOaT IIP:Af'H, ('-\l.lt"f)L~I-' .....,.,. .. \\, llt:c F.MRF.R !I. INt t;MBRACING BAI BOA PENINSULA, WEST NEWPORT, _s EA SHORE COLONY, LIDO ISLE, NEW~~H T HEIGH I~ t4AUIOA I~LANI?, CORONA DEL MAR, COSTA MESA are counter-attacking, means tbat the cuuaJt.y Uats will be espedally heavy. The waiting and anxiety makes bee.rU M&vy and the tempt-Inc viands and gifts always ~ that one or more are ~ from the-f~ve 1J"0UP5.. Of the nearly 900 boys and ~rts r rom this dis- trict i.n the servi('(' or tht-ir ooontry. if i.-. wadily appar- ent that practkaJJy E'\'ery borne is armctec:t. Tht> Jist printl'd on another pa,::t'·l.~ incomplete anti it i~ hupe<1 that frk'fld.-. and J't'latinos •·ill acl\'i~' u.-. of the~· omi 1- t.ed, bt"C<tUSf• ('\'t~l"\' t•ffoa1 ''as ma<k.-to ~-:ct a ,'f;mplt.•tt' ·fil··· • • • I A ' ' I_ Cbristmas to fro a~ ' ' Staff Christmas Services In .All Harbor Churches I Sunday Dwell on Peace ('onaftntionM in Thi" Arf'a ,\rranl't-lmprs- Rfv.-l ... oJrramM Next ~ahbath to ('hronkle What th.-Man from (~alilttta ~xpoundf'd '1111· l••matlful 't"' ~-"hll-h n••n •r ~'""''" oltl, n( ( )nr whn «':llllf' '" ltnll:.: Jt•'lll'' 111 th•• t•ftr1h, "til l11• tnhl A~CJ~in •t thbl ( 1111..,1111,1~ ... 'IIS.NI llfltl IIJ,,.... ll"lt•llllli,! \\Iff tu-.•htftn • ~ ""' 111 '\\:tl •tl 111,· k l1111\lr'IIL;t' that Ill ,o.JIII•• 11( 1111r ltrlll trfrif••. p!'lftn~ ''Ill 1111!.'1~1 I•• hf'n• '""'''''"· ~llf••h t•n ... hnrtt"fl In th,. .....,rtt~ ,, 111 ... r•"'fll•· :-:,. 111 -111 1 hUt'''""' 1 .... ,,. ..... ,.,1.,1 Ju,\ "111 I"M.:n '"'' ,,,,.1.!1'·~·~~11"'" hut11 w 1111• d.1 ~ u f 111-. lttl'tlr S.•n·11,~ In llnr l~o•l dtiii'I'Jh .... '"""" • ~hr ••1 Chult h t' t h,. ""·"' • "' "': "IH ' '" ,. •• ••hf tu • rn "' '• t \ '''.. "'' t 'I t '"'' 11 •. :0:h fl•lu, f htt I •·h \1f "''"''' f "' ttt••l, atut Itt 1h ,, n•t••, :• ,, +'1 • ·I , .,,, Pt ,,, " tun "' Utht Itt • ftt uf ""f J•tlan lt~t ,.-, •• "tU "'' '"•11 th· ••·t'''"' Vtt••u•~' 11 ,, , t. .. k •• t," •· "'1ttt ,, '""' ,., Coron• d.t M•r Chu~., le·t t·~• ,,, "I'• l tJ ~,·. ttl••• tl•• AI Ut• C'••r•W\A •&riMfllr t, .. ult•uh •htl•t••"' l'''~'''n' ••t t ltr t 'h•n •h II \ •lnll•ll 4'•••H't'lfAfh.,..,.l fh••r '-'i b 1utl hotUf U f ' At f \o ••l•o 1 \\ltl '"' lllf""' t•l 4,ttt•tnl•• hiUMt h\ Ht H h '''H•tt·· tfto ''"tflt fo',flt~\\ ftu oht,ft '-'1ffl .. 11 thft ••I t ,..,, ahiJ• "'" hnV•• •hnt~•· ••f tt '" .. "'''' ,_.,,.,, ,,., .. ,,. a tut fh•r .. ••U t...-• 1 l•ol ~·-·-· ~·-.... ...,,. ... , \\,co ...... u... ~ ..... "' !'-IJW•4 ... , ftttl .. l• ,, .... ,,, I .... ,. St.:t•t t l \ tt I If• \ .': ••• \' .,... ... ,..., tl I "''" Itt• , .. ,,. Ult ,.,.,,_.~,, !"41 .. ,.... ''i·-··,, "' , .. , .. .. .. ,,, •· ~~'"" ,.,,.,,, ' • l•r "' ..... c-...... , \ \\ • If ~~~ \ 111 tUo t•lt fll tl II I .. I f-41 "' lflk ··--· ••• f , ..... ft\.jt .... JJI ,., • ., JtU•f It Plur ,.,,,"" tt\ ~ft • I•••• •It '•\ .,,,. • lh•tt Ufh l• r lfh •hr-... A•l•11•• ""'' 1-'t ,.,, 1-. ~"""'I ,.,.,, II"" "' to4r• )"''' ftt.n11.-il ttw I the 141tllu•"' :-;,.,.. ll.•1" I~ h1: II\ ''""!'Hithll\ •·llur• h •of ,,,..,. Wr ... .......... ., "''"'' "'1''"""' ., .••. ,., ."" "'" ,. .............. , .... "'."1 .......... .. I \\'IIIIo Jot fo1,.1 ola Hllol l 'tl'lr" \',. • • •I II to 01 "" !411n•l.ay To .... ullt~ 1..-flullflll lc ••1 llotltiiJIIt "'1111 M Jooflll.,•fl" 1'1 ,. ..... ~ Will hr "(looUII l•r"""" ,..j., lo\ ltf•ll•h J-"1• t•u• lu let fhlrhrlfl In U... """""'•· lho- 1 ftrv •:•lw•t<l ft t l••wl•ll \II 111 • hulo h 14111 1..-,.,_,, frr"" 7 Itt Ill 1 t•r>'•• h •41 llu• ••II•J•••I "11h l'lh••t• 1 f"l IJ'")•'I 111f'dllaUufl •"•I "'''" .... ,,.,. R •. n.," l'•tt , ,..-.. ·1·""'"' ""'"''" "'"I'•ICIIIlm•l•lr tb10 ... ,m,.n ~II • A I Hullrr Will .. .,.,..,. Oay A~t ... •tllg lh~ .,,J•r•n•• ••I" "I I ltotly 1 ,,., J4oo vo-nlll h a J Ad._t ... Nltthl 1.,. A•I"IJ·h A•latrt r hurr h wtll 1.-_,.,,. the f"tulat .... 'Oir ~11n1lay ""'"'"'' l'''"ltaftl w ill ,...nth ~ "" 141l111rda)' ....,_, at 11 tlf' I( IV"" by lhf' • hllolf'MI 10/ lhf' am.., t\ooYf'r•nd flWII I ~>liar wtll I prtmary anll )unl•lf '"l"'r1mrnl• '""'' ttl .. • uni~K•",."' lll tlw ........,. ... , .... , ••:v twu .. f tl1r llllh llt'twJt\1 f'u~r. In \h. dl•rn"'•· a .... ..,_ ,.,..,., ,_,.. lliftM ... , ....... ,.., ................ ~ ..... -- "n•l p 11,111, Tl11tl1 ""' "''"" "'" r""'' """''II , .... 't•l• ''' ttwo "'"'"'" thlldf'r ,.,.. r••• llt•• prot~''""' I hr til....., I Inti .. r Mr """Y•I Muflr, 11lo.w "•""-TI~ta .J;~p ..,,,.,_ alion i.-. '-'filf fr;•tu.:bt '' 11h ltn- told Sl'I'IIIUfooll'~. \\'h\l,• lt'- ports in«fi•·a((• hundrt'ds ur lhMl ~ill not oiiJlt.• b.--u·k to the P;u·ifw CIJGts t . th•~ f;u·t l'l"fllain." th<ll the Arn1,··~ d.·- cision has n.~ult,ocf m · •·haos t.brou~hout the sta t<'. Tiw hi-act-. uf prudu.'t' markt.•ts ~ quitt• natur-aU~ Jlth•ry. 'nlf.-y point to thP fact that thP farmt'rs. now t:onform- jqg to c.'eili.rn: prk'('S, an.> in better shaJ)(' than e'\'er tx-- fcwe, but with thy n>ttml or the Jap, he promptly C\lt.s rates ~-ltk> white man's lle.l1ing ma~. aM h a s newr been known to abide by the rulina.,rs or any slate cw national agency. Who wiU fi.nance them? U you read books on their previous activities. you will be appal- led at what the majority ot the 122.000 on the-west Coast did in 1941 to hurt the war effort and sabotage their adopted l'Ollnlry. ••• \'.,_ ol a Smilr. That a · smiJe. in 1~ pt.~nJous times is appf'E'Ciatl'd is· S('eO in ICllnC epegrams AI. Joyc..'(.' ays hfo \\'rote a year ago, en-1 titled "Tbe Vai~Jt> or a Smile at ~. ·· and ltw.-y are liven here: It C05lS nothing, but cre- ates mudl. Bond Sales on Way to An All-Tjme Record \\'lth !lh·,.·port Harbor'!! ~llllh 'nl~ Rwunf'IWI an•l I'Tuf"JIJIIIJnal War (A)&Il l'&Ju aropi"'OU'hln,; thf' Wum,.n·,. f'111b 11rco f'rf'dll~ wllh ba.lt million mark. perman~nt w 11r $100.1100 1n tw>nd ulu. part o( Ulu• !': belnc a $7:\.000 pu,.h~UW b.v thr The Season's Greetings Mt•ln iH•t"' ur tlw Nc·W!'-·Tinu~ fun ,, lakl· 1111'· .. ,,. port unity to Wi!'.h lht•ir man~· frimd-. ,1 :\1••r-r~ < 'lu-1 ... 1· mas anrf flapp~· N••w Yt•<u· \\'hil(' tht hulid".' "'':t~lft is tingm "'ilh ~n·t. sactr~e ..... -. ·•nd I•H ··lin•-s.-. 111 man~ home-s. lo\'pcf on~ PNltHIIy l.o •;•r th•·11· ""J.."""h f11r lhc:N> whn J.-!11\'(' lh<'ir all foa thd r Cnltnh·~·. nw folluwlng staff nnd ... h •• p lcNk ... !>if•ntl lhl!'-. lht>ir ~Greatl we Get· Mail Christmas Af fto '"' ,4,,,,.~ \, .. ,,, ''' h•t• ~,.""' l(,.lhhl••U ..:,.,ltt lt \A1IIf Nl\"' lftt• II,.JIIIH \ lllrltlr lUll I'"'"• if F eu~uar• Cfl""'" V"rt t •\k• ........ ,, q !O ''"'' t '' A ,,.. .. , •tid ten,, .,,,..,, .. ,.. ,,,., ~fu t .. , , .f ~a.,.,,,f '-' Ul •P"'"It ,,,, Ml '"' "fll ,,.. f•'' •• ut .. d ttY fhf" fi'ttft• "'' ...,, .. , •• ' • ' f .,11, ... , .... ~ ...... ~ ''"'' ,. ,, .... , ,,, "" .. ,, ....... , ... ,u .... lu,.. \\ .. •lot .. , \\u r Mnd 1(.--v f'' rfutr•h ''' ,.,...,. M"•• ,..rt•la)• PYflln r• ., .... .t•lf \\Il l Vh'• •• .,,,,,, rur• h1~ Mf 7 l•t ..... •h ''"-"• •tlt '"" .. """" Fttt1u~ IUJ.t tth v •• ,.,.~, ,.,., ,,,, • tttr "'""I' ,.,.,,,,,, "A Ill tutu lu n .. t.•tf1 '"II"" ~I• It• llw/1 "1111 •l•lttl(llflul• ftfltf t t W 111ft Mfltl ftu h It '"r•r l("t''OIp "'Ill •1"'1••1 111,. 1•·11•"" lua h"ur In 1'"11 ""'' 11'"'" will 1 ... ''""'• f,., t'v•·r \•••1,.. ttuu~t•v ru•••··uht" th,.rft •·111 two rnu•l• "'' 111 .. """I' "'"' e,y t h.-Y"l/111 1""•1~ " t ,._..,,. lli'WI " "'''" l•v lt#v ..... "lr arn6 Ro>•. t) Wlllat•l Ml,.arn• ha• •• hie ... ,_,_... ••h,.., I ·'Ttl• ,.,.,,. In lhr Waftl"r " It enriches thoae who ~ Cl!iw, wittKJut imPQ\'erishing thoee who give. It happens in a flash and the memory or it sometimes JuU forever. None 8I'P so rich thfoy can 1ft along without it, and DOne so poor but 8I'P richer few its benefits. It cn>ates happiness in the borne, fosters good will in a business. and is the countn-lign 0( ( ri('fl(k. It is rt"St to tht' weary, daylight to the d L'it.'OUraged, 1unshi.ne to the !o;8d. and Na- tu.re's bt.~t antidote for trou- ble. Yt>t it cannot II(' bought, begged, borrowl'd, or stolen, for it i.-; somethin~ that is no earthly ~ood to anybody till It is givt"n away. • And m thE' la-.t-minute rush of Chri.c:tmas buying ..-nt>· of th<> ~I<'S ~JPII..' should bt' too tired to ~ive you a smile. you might k>a\'c one ot yours. For nobody m't'ds a smile 80 much' as thotie who have k>ft to give. • • • Shor1eat Day. ~mber touted as being the day or the year. so. but it seem& to me a Iotta other mornings pretty dark and damp. ~ ol getting up iO L "in. to catdl an 8 is not what it's up to be. espedally a cold~ and the pat- of bare fftt on· the hard- But in a few ""~"' days •111 leng1.bm and IJ'OliRinl wt1J <nR. • • • AND 4 TO ONE L'lD 4l..L • ~tings to f"Very l"l'ltd('r of 1111 ... rMIJ .. 'r · Bur-n•ll S. t:~Jmpr .ll"an.-t ,, .. JohnNJn J1nan~ Ch&lnD&ll Wall~r City Of !llt!WfiOrt Bf'&l'h Spk~r. not only con~tulaled lb~ AI " mf'.-fln,; at Whtlf' s Park community today but. ~n10nal1y AVf'0\11! "" RAihua llllllnd today • thank~ lh~ m~mbt!n of the drtvr Waltu Spicf'T and rhAtrma.n W . H. commlttu. Hitchman rxp"'Med lh~lr &Jlprt'· 1 • '"Tb~ I!Um of $491.700.00 ll&e been e-lation fo r lhf' c-ooperation nf rom-I j railled by Nn.-port Harbor In Ule ' mitt~~ membt!l'lt who ar~ M r11 f' ' Sl.xtb War t.o.n rlnvf', S p11:er Mld. D . Shaw, ~rt Wllaon. Ralph Ma. l "and I 11lnr"r"l." llf'lleve Jt wUI ~' lrey, Jack Park~. J an Rrlll('"'· Mr11 John W. Parkinson I lelett IJAu~h4-r1~ .J. L . Wadf" Ida ~1M• Wt>fltzf>JI l-Alla Walsh W. 1'. Oilwn C. A. l-'amham \\'lniffl'd R<trbn- ~·f'll bf!oynnd thl' half million mark. Jueha H~lfi!U. Mr• Jn AM Vf't· I maJdng an all-llmf' hlch for bonl1 bt>rrr;, MrA Art Whit,., Stu OuniAfl. l ul~a In lhf' harbor area." W H. Plnkl'y Sc-ntt. (".f'r alrl fWrhlr. Arthur A. Klltc; l'lt>lty Patrh Hilary C. l .. 'lnnf'n ,l)f'lnrl!-' Cn:tnl' 1 ·a Uw rim• East nn Chtdys Wright J\1 Joy<"(' ~ A Mt•wr ~orn w •• ; ••. I The ''E" bonda which ~red be-G. w . Ra11 .. tt. ,...,.,.11" st.-rtarw•n hind thrrf' ,..,. .. k,. a go have-now Re>«f'T Wood, Hor11rr F:n111,;n. Slrl· 1 -'OAI'Pd way bt-yond tbr quota of Df'y Oa vfrl!W)n, lfr.rry Wrl• h H F _ =========--====~ $1:13.000 llf'l fr.r thai ty))f' of bond. K ,.n ny. Bob ("unnm~thAm s X p I T otal aa.lea of ln11lv1th1AI "!:" bond• A to thr ''"mmlt!N• mrt " 1 ''fhllr',. u 0 I ta nnw $147.993 Orl\·f' Chairman lhf' IIUit (lg'lltl'll Wf'rr d rlll'lliUII'IIIIn•l mas rogram I\'\' II H11t-hrran 111111tttht• r·Amplllln! pl8nll lalt1 f••r t'nnllnulnt: th,. "'"'.. , will go on t n lh•• rncl ••f thr m•mth loan 1lrl\·,. rhtfiUJ:h lhf' 111111 lwn "and mllvbf' ...... will h&VI' nver Wffkll .. , ~ .... rr ..... r ··u '" r~•RIIIhlf" Varl·ed and lnterestl·ng ~4\00 000 ~n t'nf')p Sam'.11 war brmtl t.hal ,..,. m11y r11ll•,. rn••lllth m"nry ch~lfl " to ht1y 11 IIOIJWrf••l'l ~""-or Sf\00 • Chlltl"'n t>f lh,. gramm.11r Jlrhncol 000.'' !'TW• r llllld hllVf' ani•J SM.OOO n ( bond1 to .. hllr Hl•gf'r \\',.od nf !';n11th ('fltuol ('I• ~111n,.y P11vlfl&nn or lhf' Hl~~:h s~~r·n ll'onrt ""ll•·r ··~ ~•·w1::r1 Thf' Balbntt t ·~r1-r-:1 'f ·~ f 1uh hn~ "'' '' r lay.-.1 flur f••ll""'''•l wllh lh•· 10rhnnl rf'pnrt,.•l 121.000 for Harbnr r hiUI anld I"'Tl'""'dly 12• · WTappo-tl hundl"f'da of l~r llfltr..cll "" 1r•lln~e ••f f 'tlrilltm"' J•r• •• n•~ H l•h 11n" r•nnrt_. ---~-•-I!UII 000 h-ond.11 In thP 1 urn-nt •1m· ... I ... .. ~.r . "" ............. ~ pac-k~f'll ,,,, Ule eoldll•rll ""IIIITI\ ,, •. , the h iiiCf' (~rllffmlllf lr .... lrt brtng1r•g 10 boodll ---1 and marin•,. vhtltln,; l hr • '"" •hH tt • • h1b Ref~luo .. nl" ,.,,,.,.,. ... -rv• •I Col Wm Robertson •n~~: ~~ f>""' rh,,.,,. ""v" Sisters Enjoy (?) • • • A Chr1M.m"'" r"rtr ·,,,,. rh ...... ,.v. 0 . s T. A ded Le0'1on of knr.en a nd th .. lr WIVI'II "''Ill~ Ill perabon ame Jme I war "'a !hilt Communi! y WRit h"l•l Ill ll11 "I H~• f"'nCIUftlttO t1f ftw rv,.nU\Jt .t 111111~ ... ---M •t, t A" B Hal~ Cluh lut Turwtey mghl Th,.~. Arc-n•tl 1w1n11. hut bt>tnll: ert a Jr ase G&mf'l! w hh prl&f'11 for th" Wlnn"r" J!IIOif'rll lhry usually enjoy the am~ • , t•y J•N •·m~,., ..:'! "'Ill ... 't1' d"' ,.,., u ldr (f•r lh·~ ...,.rv•• ,.. ' \'~ • 111 .: lhetr chllllf"PPI 'II f'tln .. rm,.. f>lli1 V It thf' 1\aiiJ!oH l'~f I .,,,. f111 Ill f IVfiVIllf'tl f••r 011• WI VI If l>n•l 't. 1•1•"" will al.lort •I 2 J() p m A ,, 11• ptMur ..• ,( "'" <'hll•t,...n w111 1. ••k .. b y l!l'rn•ftl'll Htut11<• rof plf'll,lllJrrll ' h• olo\'1'\'rr r:.·n~\'lt'\ •• "'"'I Cnl. Wm A rv.l/•·riN•n Whn WI!~ ~lla Hulhr1)(1k. d&ugfltrMI of Mr rcollf'Onlllblt fqr 11tjtantrJn~e lht' 1 and Mr11 H. H. Holbrook, 3200 ~ani A A nil Army A lr RaM and wu ' Co&at boulevard, n.ever eapec:t.ect to In rhaf"lt" up to ,...v~r111 m"nlh.~ llJ!'Il f'OJftY l""IJ app•·ndTCIUI! Qpt'r&llltnl Whf'l\ hi' Wl'nt tn thl' r ... ntral Pa- t.O«t'thl'r. rlflr . bu llf'l'n •werrll'fl lh" Lf',;um l.aJ!t WPdn,.llday Gen~vleve went of Mf'rlt hv th,. Wu rlf'toartmrnt tl) t be Santa Ana Community h~ for hie ouhtlln•lln~ ,.,~ hl'rf' on pUaJ for an o~raUon few c hn1n1(' atlmlnllltrallnn appendlc1tt. and Saturday Della 0•1 Robf'rtiWon 111 n,.,.,. df'puty tn waa ruahed Ul~"' •1th an arut~ rhartc" nf thl' 11Wf f•.r admlnllrtra· 1 attaclt &Del wu aJ., operal4ct oa. Unn of tbf' 2J•t Rllmbf't c~nmmano-1. ON£ ISSUE OF PAPER NEXT WEEK In orod!tr to 11~ eur ever- ~ecl ttaff aNt ,_....nte.f ,_ a -II·Uf'fted ""'· Oftl)' -•-.e fllf the ... .......,.., ··1--.... -Ttone. will be prilttN Ml'f -~~ aftcl w111 be '" the malla Oft Thu.-.d.11y, ••t" the Ntular , ~ue:aday p.ape,. ellmlnn.L ...,hlch llf'nt1a t h,. n-211·~ nvf'r Tnk \•1• Damf' Rutr.qr whu•Pf'r• that h,. llf 10 hne-fnr a1h•1U1f emf'nt to the 1lalua rrt ,;rnf'ral IUitl ht11 m•ny t'l1f'ndl hH,. hi•JW' lh" apJl'l'lnlm PTit 'll'tll f'orn .. thrnu~rh IAV£1 8A8V Gf>ll)lf lnt" '"nvullii!JI\a lhf' ~tm•ll baby r'1f Mra JaC'k P H1U tr.NI E&lt 0cf'&11 b'lulnartt bf'-r-am co hhll' wrtUI -.eu~ rya111..,,. a t 4 tfl I'm T'uf'lldAy an<1 I lr T••h II wu r All"tt ""hn br<>ujthl thr blotoy nut ••I 11 ""'"IY •~th rh,. 111•1 l'r1 th .. r•ulmotr,r Louis Ets Hokin Pays First Visit To Local Branch IIJ "" •. ' \ 1 llf r:bruiiOIIl• ,, .. ,., v a1111 •l11• • • v.11! I"' hf'ld 1m ~ltJr•ll•v "V' '""" I.Aul• F:tll ffok ln ••r RIUI J-"t1u 1 (,. •·rnber :1.3 wh" t. -..111 1 ... •I''" f'tai:O, trWllf'r r'1f I hi' Y.la J1.,~11n 111,,, •· r• I by lhf' JiAih"" Jl,,,,.., ••m• 1 Galvan •tnr""· WIUI In ~""''rtt•rl Ar .r1: .... ra frum lh,. Atr Raar T'uf'~av nn h ll flr11t IU1hlllll v,.ll -..111 ~~ lh,. mu11t1 f "hrllll m..- tn hi• 'new local branr·h ,..,,.,.. 111 ,.,.,,,~·J. anrt., <IMllllt"" .. ,,. . .,. II '"' 1000 O)&ft Hllfhwa y "'• • I •klnJ \o\'llh piH•• It • •k• •t1•l <:n·mana~t~r• ()( th.-•tnr,. N"l"'"' ,., tr•~ Rt.atford anti Gtraifl Lll.,..rtv ...,,.,, .: mday m•,mln.: ,,.., .. ,; 1..-r 24 ~aUy lnt,_r,.~t.d In hl11 "'l"·tl "' • ···~ an•l ""'IJI'I•t•••l• ._. 111 • • •• •• • Ul.e ...,.,~loua elec:trt• al ~lpm .. nl ,.,, rr•rm t a m ur.l 11 r1·•·• 1 n 1 r .. wh1ch Will ,,.. I"'' "" lhr m•H k• 1 ,.,,. rnttre f;hnatn-,,., • "'"'• -..,u •• Aftr r lhf' w11 r AI prPI'f'nl thl' lt~ll j.l~\•d <WeT IJI,. Jlllhlit a•l•tro-llo lrV1f .tore c&t11r• a f'UII hnf' r-tf mannr trrr. "tda W~ttll 1.-f•·ll••._., tl '•' ,.,,.,.trtr al "'I"'Pm,.nl •n<l I'Upph,.a, IT••up llltctnr: an•l r?fr,.,hm•nl• ud wpph"• f•Jr hrlU.,. w1r1n,., f'hrUtmu IM\' M••ll•l'•v 1•-.. • lalnptt ... h '"'"Y arr "t ,., .. ..,nt brr 2A; will .,._ a •Ia v ••t '""' '" • 1 n~ptattnr on a IINI f•H a ~'••m ltv '"" u.. vntunt...,.r ..... rk"ro ""'' pi.V lin .. '" ~14"'tti('IJ ~ll..nr"• cl•l 11 lltalt a. P"'Jlanntc • l"ttriAI\n""' AI..,, ~""'"'1 In "''"'" I• a lin .. at , 4Jnnrr .t laney an1J .r1 111,. 111m tl,...·flchl~ng "CfUIJlfl',f'..llt I aunat•· I ••nl!tn1• t 'hr-t•flrl iiU• • itf'•lt• f••f' v• 1 r""l" tll .. n•l• '" !'l""'l••rt 1t11•l Hal---..... In lh~ ,.,.n1n1 •t th• 7 JO ftoiiJr Y• "'"• , ..... ,,1,. "' 1 h" , hun h W\11 JOUI '"I a 1•1• y ·-n... c "ttrlllt '""'' " ·n1.,,. will 1... •1.,.11111 mu .. · t.,r I '• 01• "ll,rnl• orf IJI.-fttolltl.ay ar-lfl 1 azn,. fn... re.tJn ... ,., tt .. rt"''' 1.; ... "' nl ltal......_ wh.-n t.. lftat ... l Ural ~~ ~ wnuld ct.llvr r mall • .. .u. a..cs.y an;t M l\n•t..v • (~r1idn· u1 T111• rn•lln• lh11l ,.,,... ••I _..,.,.,. will t... Jlrlv•n '" •II par,.._ 11M .... ""''-nn~~• ''"I'"" Wtll b.-m ...... _.~"' "'~ttl 1lar w..,.ll 411J'8. On~-flfly •11-r--1•1 ,,,. IIVf't y IO!ft~ &M l[lft plt'kag,.• • .., •II t ... ,.arrtood lu ltw hrrmr• An•l 11,,. -m .. llf>pfl"• tn """""'Y f'111 II "'"" "'1rl l')r tt.IIYPrtod up In "''"" n ... f'artf\(-I':Wtr11' witt nm a ~~ .... ,., mall c-ar lu N-ptrrt ""' bo.r u wiU tJw mall lluf II fr<.m ~nlll ro Ana, bnU. rumtn,; In ·•1 ~f•1•11f1y UIOf'nJac_ Lta~inn lli-Jinks At Ralhoa Det. 31 ToRe Best Yet AI "'" «•lanlf Cfl•pel 1.......... ...'""" . "~'"'' ,., .. ,. ·A ttl .... S tlfH tftV ,.. hffft1 f'Wf"r• r &.r• un~·s.-r ttu-'"'~''h•n •rl '''" Jo: , • f ; •• ,., ... , ,., h ,,,, It,, l •r ll•rrv \\'11 11" will ,,..,..,II • IM ·~ h"•lr• un .... r IM l'tlrP<"IInn •of William 'f1IIIIUIIIII, will! tr:ll&.a· ..... h t•,,.. ., Ill• '''""'" at . .Ia-1.~~~ l'hrl~tnu .. -r11,.,,, • ·n ., Anr ,.l• A 111or•lal ''hrt•lnt,.. .,.""'~..,Ill ~11111, Il l fl••· rlrv..,, ,,·, ''" 1r l1,11r ''-' l1• 1•1 Nl ~~ .lam"• ,.,..,,.. h Mun 11n.t 11,,.,,, ,_ 111 1 .. ,.,,..,Ill I .,,, • ., llv 1t11v ITI• rnlntc '·,.mrn~rnl"" will ''"' H v••lllll' ••hi• rt1 .. \r OJ, hi• I• 1,,.. '''"'"' ftl II ""' IIHnf'• f1" W•llllfll w111 "'IC"III1"•1 ltv Mr• ,,,;II,.. If"""'''' lllnJC 111,. 111•1•• "('""'''"' Vr My "'"' v.lot• 11 will 1 ... " 1•''"1111'111• 111 1'"''1•1" · ttll•l I tr .. I!>•V 'J'h,,,.,.,. I ' ,,..,,,,, ,,,, t ht&rf Jt •• rv•· i" w .... ,udl 'A lii , ....... , h ... ,. •uh~r· 1 •dy nf Mt C••,....l ••f h lo ,,.., ,., •. ,. ltrlhtc "l.rl II a I;., flr~;ulllr -•VIt'''" v. Ill I~ tl"l•l at t';V<'/1 I '111 .. II• l lol .. llrt/1 , 11" 1 ~·lv ,., M'"'"' f •Hr ntt 1 ''Jtt t, rn,,., ... w til t~· "'' Ht.,l•lny • h fllllt t•h• • fttt r-~ fl ttt "' fH t•l 1ft "Itt ••rt ttl h .~, It fh l.ttt '""'r"'' ttt•~rt> wtll ~'-''''•"• v ,.ntl "t "' 'l'' •• ,, ,. r N• 1 t,., ,. ' ht '"' ,,,. ,. f'"' tv f••t • tut•trrn .•• ,.., \''''"'1'•\' H••ft ..... hdHII•I ''" "' ~· I• ,, "'''' ~:, .. Allh tl•·h•t•NUJ(h t11n•tru•u• rift\' tht•rr wtll t .. • tuUIIIt lu 'tuu ~· Mackerel Catch To~ Last Year In So. CaliF~ .. ' ·t • L -t. ~: • ! • • ---· .... -------____________ __:•:E::.:,.~·ro:.::•:::T~·•:•:::L&O::.:~·=--~'c''c;":__'c·•:•:":::':":· :__'c·-~,..::.:":__:":':::':..:Co'U:::':'..._::::.__~n.::::.......,.· ~r -:• ...... HARBOR HIGH NEWS Lt. Chapman Ill Receive• Air Medal MERRY CHI151l1AS TO ALL --···-W'e want to express our sincere wi she s for a Happy Yuletide Season to one and all . --··- Boardmaa's Harbor Market Midway Refrigeration & Service Hou...ehold Appliancrs or ull Kinde; • Wa!lhing Machines • Electric Razors • Vacuwn C1eaners Radio Service POTTED AND CUT PLANTS FLOWERS ,._ 590 w. -·- • • IOIMAIS' IURSERY 1S07 Coa~~t Hla;hMay--t'lorona llf'l Mar l"tuh &Ad '""lll~ lur \ <>Ur li•nl"" \\·,. T••lo•k•·:qll Fl""'''"' T 0 y HEADQUARTERS Ju•t Rot·ei,·rd an Array of (;jfts furY nung and Old. All Rra...,nahlr l'ri<'ed -----.. Rubber • .,ar.llhlighb. --• •• ,.,...x .......... Tired 8Tr.F.L AX U'. • Tl'p-nf .... ~&on• IIIII! '-II c;~u~o, "'•"' -Wagons • rlmnh Tool1t MAMT OTRE& OIFT!!I t'OR THr. HUMI: SEIEISEI'S H\!!'.E APPUASct: ... Thf' N-pnrt Krlftlt. O rclto wt!l m ..... t Thu....U.y, IJ~oc. 2:11, al ttw h"nu· e•f Mr.. Hf:nry Harlia. \\".-1ft· m>n~t,.r av .. nu". at 2 p rn. \'OUR EVES ARE mE UOHT OF AJIEIUCA .. lltr-nnt to mUst In a!. ilnM< of duty to wtn thfo war. Th<"l'l'forr )'11\lr ~ at wortc d~rve IJ~«Ia.l C'Onsi<Wntion th,.y di'M'rv~t to be !riven lh" l'Jr;pP'rt PlUiminaUm Ina fi!UnJo:: extf'ndt<l to all our J"llrorUo. DR. IL D. CBAWFORD OPTOMrnUST lmN-..n~ c .. ta •-,..,_ t-at Crtdlt T.mw BI"'kfon I.Aruln 0UpHea1 Pel \ 0 0 0 I .... •IIJW IIIEH IS ENOUGH! .._ • -• .,..._.,.,. A ... -/lltiOflo. .. -.... _, ....... __..,. ........ _ ... ~_,. ,_. f.-tr..,. • __. .....,. .. __ , .. ~ .. _ ONElijDAY ...., -o-..A-0.("' ""-'t v__.,.. A_.D~io .... .,_,.,y __ ,.. .. .,..o~--~­ ,.. ... -GM U.• ON • ...... ······-u ••••• ·~ .._ ; ''he+--. C ' -Y-.... ~-' ........... ..,. .... Jr ..... c-__ ......... ,.. ...... '!(IOQ u.- • w... a. ....... u ... , "'-.. D. ...,. • ,.,.. _.,.. fWrt' • .., ___ _, __ .. ~e Dae ' ; &. Aotrl\uiM _, .-_..., .......... "'··· '• I ~ PALM-P .. HARDWARE STOKI: -W-P'~ 8L ... ta AllA :========~~~ ,. ,: DRIVE -IN CAFE • Before Y 011 B•ild or Remodel ...,._ ........ ~ ... ......, -Coklr ,..... ...... ...,.., """" prrrtnltft ~ of ,..... _,... ......... ._ ... c..,...,, ~ _ ... ·. LUDLUM Carpet Works ·-._.. .... 8L ,_... .... AM 1M IANTA .utA " • . • • . • I ; • • • I 1M ud Newport llh·d COSTA MESA • ROBERT WM.KLIN .._.., • Specializing In FRIED CHICKEN RABBIT AND STEAK DINNERS 0... r... f • • ... uaUI I • a I ! n~ "·f'dn......t•• I ·-·------··I I I I 0 0 I, I 0 I I I 0 t .. _ ~··- • • ' '" ~ I"~ Suuestions For Ladies and Men -{:[FOR MEN : Hand Tooled Belts with St~rUng SUv~ and Gold Buckles and Watch Bands to match Wedding Rings ... Billfolds. .... -{:[ FOR LADIES: ~and Tooled Leather Bags ... Pln and Ear- nng Sets tn gold and sUver .... Music Boxes. Compacts. Hollywood Dolls. Gold and Silver Channs. -·-~rs· \\~tc~~~·s rri.r¥-~ ... d ....... 17 J<>W•II4k gold y•fl!:;, lf11Uall£ ca.:._ ~~~ "'(:( Aho Hundrod.~ of Gil l$ l OT e"Vt'I')'OI'It.' ... lndud· in&" boyll and gi rl~~ COllE ·:~'100 SEE /-.,'"".fA. e?~ SVGGESTIOSS r- Q ·RIO SHOPPE 5354 EAST ChJ• Ch • Phone Long Beach SECON:I> J 328·51 or 802-88 " "' NOW OPEN DAILY NOON TO MIDNIGIIT Famous for Good Food -· Top~ Ia F.aterta.~Jl.meal Private . Dining Room for_ Special Parties JUST IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS -- ,0 t 0 t 0 0 <i 0 I I 0 0 0 0 I 0 0.1 I I 0 I I 0 I 0 I I I I I I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I PORTABLE RECORD PLAYERS "THE HARD TO GET KIND" • • • BUT WE GOT 'EM • COME IN SEE THE SEASON'S GREETINGS . M To our loyal friends and cUstomers • HEAR THE SUPERB TONE We wish you one and all • the Merriest . ' . SUPPLY LIMITED ' . . Christmas ever . ... p • CHARM THE El'iTIRE FAM .... n ., II· .6 ... rr ~ I 16. • 4~ . ~ -m.u..IU tq_ .lf..UC ....J $_.4" "c-;,u..-, • 180i. :'lie"· port Bh·d . in Costa 1\Iesa ILY. • , NKp'I'Oin'-a.u.aGA N'Elt'8·'IUIU, Jlf..,.-t ...... o.ar..w-. Thn,..ay, ,,....._,.,._r tt, IMt ,.._ ""'- --~--------------------~-------------------------------=~~~--~~----'ETITION FILED TO .NO JOINT TENANCY I I ukN 1ft I!UJlf'MtV t oorl 10\lay b~ »= - biB wldn\\. 1lra. lllt't f'ur11('JUI\n I' • She• II&JJ h<'l' hu!tb!lt"l oll.-,1 p,., 11 M A u L J N G --E ----- the 115 Permits for Repairs, -Wit~ --------HARBOR PLA YEKS ON DON ROSTER BAl. ISLE N U I~SEHY SCIIOOL and lhat the lwo j.otnll)· ht•t..l 11t h· , Termination ot tlt .. jumt ll'll&n('y to 11. parc .. l uf r .. ttl ut..tf' 1n :"'t-" Ole for $10 • Dwelll·n· ,.""' ....... '· ., . ,, · . 1 ~t Cryslnl. B.tll>t~:t J,JJttt~l lht· lat .. J,.ttn l'urtteman wu pu rl lkac-h ~~ A p L E S • • • t fiW • Jlt,.:l1 t. ,.n ... u ''''"•, ,1 , ,, , n r f h t ( 11 1fl t•~••t fiflll t ol'-1 I f• Pll• With II I II "''".: 1~'1'1111110 '"'"' ~~~· ('••lllna ftYrnnr, nalbo .. '"'""" , ....... ~'"'I '"I ''"I •I . "··~·· '''"~"" 'I I'! ,,llh lto•fl 1'111 lt\4' t\5 "Satisfied Radio Service., Nt;WPORT -BALBOA -V08TA limA ISM~ Ne•·port Bh·d. Ph. So&5 eo.ta lieu Opea 10 to 6 dally, except Suday a llo.day r .,, LMJ-1 J_.,.,. 11 s--, J.... r. ... w. c.r. 4~-& SyCtiiiKI lAMIA ANA VISIOIIS mAU ~~mu ON CIIDITI &MONTHS ~~IN~~~ • e I I Y I A I Lug~ Stllnd4ng \\"om J':unlrr-~ Sadmall~n l'hlpfttl<'ra \\'o·lok•rfl lot .. d\&llh'8 Too~room Slavu (-. r-pt-n t na :!t 23 23 2\1 1M 18 9 , .......... ·~ 16 16 17 ll' 71 7 1 -'0 Th~ follo•,nc acur. .. an lh<' rr· IIIJitll of rhr ··-ady bowl~ at lhr Sportland All~y•. lofonday . • D«-t· 18th. Ill lb.-~th Cout !l .... ft\1 .. toumam<'DI . !TOOL AOOM- "'U..UCh Morn II I Ounharr. 1 Cla lrr ~~ ....... PAINTEA5- F.mrr8<m F'. HotVath Waltoo 1 ~h .. nn on I A Hnn ·ath MECHANICs- F..:•· ""'' h ~I tt k"vll• It \\ 11J1 Ill U uN ·I'II SAILMAKEA5- u; lOfi 143 130 UIZ H Z titS U fl I IIi 202 1:\:: hi" lf\1>1 IIH :!11.1 116 16t 100 149 :!II 141 204 ·~ 163 11-6 ll:o 14:! Jill HO 161 ,.,n••ttun.o 1111 a bo••·ltn.c all<'~· aa \'1"" f'•l fn•nt tho• t•ltt•• t'\'t'll <>(. twu !,.,.,.,,,._ H<'l • '" lltt· wO:v .1111'\' rr· ltnrt 11 I• I m,. 1 :"'·· what a citUpl~ ut t'Ulf ICUY• !'TA S 141 "l{WJo:tJ and I' AN \''HO Jo~)ott:H~N !"ay that HA \' RA RNt-:!' ta """ a ln& 11:. \"1" ....... ,~~ 't lh• P"~' "''t"k a t " ,.,_. ttl 1100 , '""""' • , •. 1•1 •• 1 d.,,, l, ., ,ut , onlY ''ll• ,, , ,,., ., •hlo•lht •• • I 'll· lo'f-11nk Y .. llrndr1o ka. 7t)2 AI•" ''"" 1 , It ",11, 11 .. , 11, h•t "''U '"\\I. 1,••11•"" ''' ,..,., '''"'' ll\'ftl""· luth ... '"'""''· II' :->14111•·.1 Ill•' Milh•r 1 '111•1:111"" Unda ,.,,,, ·l•~•·t \I'• t, '*''·' l•'t tualldtnJ a ttttr "'"''" ,.,tfUCitllt\ ,,, tlw •""'' l 'h k \'•''"~''"" ,_,,l, , ILt •, •tlllfi•l\1 •1\ ... , •• ,h,,u .. , Hll·'~!'t r~·:~htah,•u...,.ati\t•uet,,C I~ttl ,.,.._,""" Jrrttuu.l t '~tl)tifu l :• f tk aJ'etot~·l• t 1t tlt.1 .. ,.,111 t·"t·•••l .,_~W Hilbert, T31)4 , .... ,...., H"l'''' :->..th t;,1,jj IIIII Nf'lh C'nlt ... tl\1 h.~ ... \\ ·" t' • t•' l''"' """"''"'· •• '"Y'"K • 'UIW"N't~ n .\,tr lr:tHH ol tt•H .. 'Iaiii'~··'· IHI I '"'•' ·~··· ,,.,, t( \\ ,.,. ,,\, l"~t 'I ~ 11''' IUht fnUIHtaUnn fur " fUtUI'¥ rt~tCtll ~tiH~tn .l ,tlttllflttlH , t•tll • t avo·.IU1 I 't ' '''I •I• 1 \\1 " 1•111 lllllo' In "" lltt.t ... t lc> ln.. tr\>nl nl t ... r "'''"' ~ll<thllll._. lo•l I "'Ill• 11 II, In thl' '"''' t~oto .. 11·t ,1 , ,1,. ,.lltiiC ,1 ft,,.,,... c·,~et •I( Ow fttt.llllol•ll••ll "''Ill 1(1111.,.1 "''"l'"l' ", ,.. that 1·• • ,,,. n., . . •. . ~;"'' bt> JIOO Olr "''''" ·.u:, ~-... , •···•tln ll !"t1Ult4\ Atut Nl'"'l"•tl I lilt I••• 1"1111<'1 I, •u Anahrtru \\ I. ,. t II '1 •• 'l I ~ n Eddie'• BARBECUED SANDWICHES Are Deliciou•! Moore'• ConfectiorMI'J 2100 ac •• ,. •~• , Hunt111~h•n t~r .. , 11 ( INJI.I' ~ 7 7 ~ 0~--------------------' II \'Ul''l ,l . t\t: Ht:.\aiNU TIIS 't:\\'" ttl \'It TUa\ -... 1'.\Mt: ao\IUU \'U11 NO"' IIA\·r. ... If ,_ ....... It .. ....... _,..._. ...... "• ... _. ....................... ,... ..................... ..., .. .,,JW'rl ,....,. ,.,...,r -· ftl'o\K \'Titt:b lt·IIOt1a aAUIU IW.a\'h ·r. ~IIUitT ('IK('l liT Uadin & •~l«tri(" 1\U t .ul lla) t ',_l, ,.,..r l'alfll \t thr trrr) I~ t\ \IJ\Uo\ CAU IN ANI .AYI •0•1 IYII IXAMIHIDI nu:l. ,. r. .•. ,, ~·n••,. , .. k tnda • lh·• t '"'" 111• J .... ·, Th• r•· , " ht'\*' 1 1• u,.1 ... 1 1.,1, flturRt:• ' '' 1u ,1 ~ , , "'t •II s. hWI lnf••m•Uonal lllln'f"'lf'r TKt'C'kM A'iU TKAC"TUKM I·' \KM t~qi 'II'Mt:'T t ·r .... t u \\ ur l1l \\ "' \ rlo•r~ttl• 1011•1 tltt•h ltrl.,.....,h • ( 'lrrlltlhj;:IIIHO l.l\1\' I:.' I u ... C'ltl.... ~,, ,,,, .......... ·"•Jt• I H . J \111 u I,, ' ... '""' • 17 .. , ,.t,uth:-Jtti'l "" '" ,,, .... .,,): \•+It nil trt•tf' .-.wt. '' I I"' '"' " \I • ,, .,ow Brolren Len. DUPUCAT!DI Prompt Senicel *Carry an IXTRA PAIR ol OI.AS$!1 W~ Ya.l •Oia•e• Made to Your OWN PreterlptiOftl tY_, Credit It GOODI Op• • ~10" ... ""'"''" ~··r trli•lt 1'•7 A \"1-:R \' !\H t:I~Y , 'llt:I."T .\1 ,\:-' ~1 rtaf'lttlr !I' 1 \, 1• ...... 1 •·• ... 1T! 1'. • , d • •• 11 u, fl 1 trk•, tU•f 1:..•:-, Ahu~ '• 1 •I• .• J:d l .. • l l tl•of :\1 . Eltitctt• & ('o., In(·. St:\\'l"fUC'I' If \ICUUIC I NIUS 111ca1 ~C 'IIOUI. ~··" l"'rl llt·l~hl" In ln .. \HIIIIf' 1tt11l l."•th ,...,..,..., ..._.,_ .. v .. -......._,, 'a . ....,.~ ... .., ....... ~ ., ,_, .,., ........ ~ ~ v..l DR. HORACE CAllEN OPTOMETRIST ••. c..4~&s,. .......... Rubber Lined Winch Head 1\1110 fl!lfHorman's Frl.-nd g.,.,.. Weer 11nd T.-.r oa t:qldp· nwnt .•.. J•nortty eetahll~. ne-"'-"' ,.,, ,.,, ...... ~ .. •••••• .... -..... - Vach!r penouJ ...,entalee ef CJI&rlee II. llerrslla, rw-.....,_..,... CARPENTERS- ~! ttl• I ('ltt\A.'tl•l I'''"'''" \\ ... l-11111. T~ r~" i'"'"'l W ELDERS- f ~' ,,, I l •••••f iU~ <'ran•' !'rnnl1•y Jilt II"•' I SLAVE5- Ccolo· ~Jtc;utr,.. Uto\'11 Urt.,·l,•!l C'hrt,.l•·nl" n SHIPFITTEAS- ~f• ("rth<- T •M•Illl!l' Jo::>rl li.aml'a Schroll 1 .. , ... 14:t 144 1··--· ,. .. , ... , a:z:, 1•i1 12:! 1~!". 1M 2011 7~· ~~ 144 124 1•1 I ~ 1 ·' J ilt 11!1 Hili 14.1 IH ~~ On 111 • """' nf tw-<':ltlJiit> I haol 111 ,.,. tn J_.,~,~ ,-\n:,:t·Jt•8, >tnd •tur In t h• u t; I !t•l L• t ft. tl th, t .. ,,.' ~ \\Ill fJt• t II "'r•tl• .... _1\ lila,: hi I ' ~f \\ • • \, ('orona del l\lar NewA \!.t I \'ttU1· "''"'''' •f tit t ·~,,,,,,,.,,.,· .. tnn utu•t "' Jo:u-.:1:-n•l su hl '',h. H' r ". d :--;,,,4 •l,t\ tt lht t •tan,.:. t ·, ur,t \~ ,\Ill' rf ft"llt \\'""'""~'·"' ~~ .... • \\ tlll.om•, \\• r,r J-:a ... t ,, ... ,.,,,., f•• nu · t h'"' T it• ,\' "I" nt ;o (•" ''" ,.,. wt1 II t ,.,.,. I ''"''' 111 l floiii\IIKJ'"''' l•·fpr•· ~l tt rl ·l Ulft lt•.m• Itt~ l'l<f•'lltlO ,,, ''"JI ~1r• ~:.1.,. 111 \\ ilh """ l'll<lt•t l-1 .. r· .. ,,.,. ;\n·h·r ,.•ll. an• I n h·• ,. J'utt '' tH 6\ ,., ••l•.un uf 1 :!~ At~trlo:lll'rth' llVP·I nur. a "'"'"' llnol ll··r hlll<hllll•l.l AhtJ ""'' Mt • \\.lllfPt t;. ... , •• (•,., .• "1111 11 hp Ill•'! :mot Wlft· Mt All•! I Mr11 1-liiJ:•'IW \\'tllttuT ~ TIIJIHit.:a :01•·1 111~ :>•~tl•·r·tn·IMw. !\lr" Citlho•fl t '•tllar "'''f" uf Lt Gtii:M'rt c 'ullflt I ~tnd rhUd"'n t.lartnn anl1 Gii:J hr lrl l a happy rt!'Unlon wllh him "t hill hhnll.• "" l~•lu l:oh' ~'"'"">'· ~1r J If ltllll<'n 1111711 lltt•••• f.olh1•r ''' .\:r.. l,••hho St.·f(l·tl~l'fl. h•·uvv f .. ,.: 1 .~n~·•unt•·rt•d •fl hHlC ..:!J!f ~f,tt ia.:•,ld H\,.fHu·. t •·tut'ru~tt h:t• k. 1 .,.;(!' 1111atoh• '" Jrl'1 '" l h• ~l•onrlay ''"'" an l'r1PIN 11 ln p llll<'vl' ~t .. n•lny nt~ht 1 ha.l mv 1Ah•·r•· h•· \.,,.,,,,, hi~ • I11H r•n II•• ~"I" r '<\t·lllllll w 11rktOJ.: th"lll:h nn•l h•fl \\'otl'f\tnJ.:Ion \1\ lit•t ,, h•· hnd lh•\' "'l•"rl lhf' ~1111\j:!! un Ill rt "l~·nl •lim o· lln~o> "llltl11,. "'"AI munr11·t t .. •t tlltnl! lll fliiJ)II' "' ~:•••' ,,, .. ,.~. Jnn11·s ,. lh•lt••n ,.,,,~,, ,,.m1nm,. n ·r>-•rt"'" f',.r lhl• 11u po·t t:x~tmtn•·t ''" l h1· '""'"•r l~·lltd n·r~•rt1ng 1 "'''"''' ltlll' I•• l h""" I Wtlh ~<'hAl h•· th""l="' R tllf'f•IIJ.:I• t:vo•lvn UI••><IIAtorUt anol !llary '" rttl I t• l<t·l Hut l rtt1n11 wrr•· "'' l "!otama" All< rt<HI•J A rouplf' n( I !111,. ''"'' '" tlw :olurm" prt'vlllllnl! , !'IA'f'll 11:als s nd mighty P"'lly """" 111 ll1r PRAI l hRI ho• mlllll•••l 1h·· ""'' tno l•lfl wht('h h,. hR<i h l11 r··~•·rvattu.n ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\;~~~~n~IP;r~r;~~~~n~g~t;o~n~~~l;h;~~o~i l ""'' ~n hA<i '''~"~P In lhl' c hAir ~ r:.r Tht~ ""''""' ,...,.m ''""" " tMk lu A ynunjl' P"'""""· tnll n111 lito to lofr flllttm . alttlnu~th tw Ia n,.arlnlt hl11 r •ltf\114'th hlrtMav GO TOWORK NOW! • F".dtl~ And~r111on ~"' of M r10 f"lorrnrp Antl,.rll')n, 42.11 M&r~rUI'rltr avrn~. le rapidly r-t'C'ovrrlnr ''"'" all appendt.('tomy o~ratlon. P'rl· day at thr Gnmmunlt y Hn~~plt&J.! EVERY DAY YOU WAIT PROLONGS THE WAR No Experience Necessary We Pay While You ·Learn Interesting Work Building Vitally Needed Aircraft . Parts APPLY NO\V! New Shift, 4:30 p. IJI· to 8:30 p. m. Apply Daily, 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. -COISOLIDATED VULTEE AIRCRAFT CORPORATIOI CORONA DEL MAR FEEUER PLAl'T 1015 .Coast Highwa~· Corona del Mar, Calif. Ranta Anac F'Hend10 ud f~llnw _.nrfll~r• •I Lhr Kay F'\Ddl f"~· amlr• Studkl .,... Jlhow,.rtnt him ! with now,.,.. YAdlr Ia """ rtf lh11ar lm·at:JI,. boy1 whl) attr•cta frl,.notll a nd who Ia a loyal fril'nd In all Mr ud Mn1 Allrn. Albll.nlhrA vla"r•l llr aratl Mr11 llar,.Jtt Oavt~ 209•, F'rmlf'al avrnur ....,.,.nil~· Mnt fW rl{l'fl Oa vh1 ,.,.,,,. "' l"'r • Jtl'n n"""'· l"iunni'MI MAll' :\ ,. ,,, t.h.. loff'rThftnl MArin"• rf'tumro1 In Anaheim rrcently. h<'T t llrmrr hnmr. whllr htor huAhA ntl llf ••w•r •1111 Thl' Y'"'"IIC t ,,.,,.,,. ,,.,..,ll•rl In Ran t-•rllnl'lll('o .,.·sttln~e tit• '•r•lrr• &rjl'l'f! 1''1lll a ~rrstfuat,. l•f S"WJ•·•' H.srhr.r frtRh "'ht,,l •hill' h,. Jlv,.•l llf 2(191'> f'••mlf'llf IIVf'hll#' Mno f" II ~lmp~~t•r• :lllt ~n r1 Jtn),t Jll\'rnu,. h"1l :,• l{lJ,.IIt .. );• 1 rn••thrr Mr11 ,,,. ~'111lr.n ln~l· ""'""' IUltl hr r ~·~t,.r Mr" 11Hor 1"11•· Jlrn•lt•rllt•n ~lin l'rolro r .. r ;o ........ k l'ftpl Mu•11. r.u,.,.t lln•l '"""" r"""' d '" :.!0!1 F'f'mli'Rf , ... r nt 1\ f r'lm •~ V"~-!1111 A1r ,..,,.," H1• "'·'" f"rm<'rlv ,.,,,, ... ,.,,, tn ('nl11mhJ>t l "nh·,.r,.'uy Mf'•ltrtl] ~hr~l ,,. •~ •ltrt'('lnr ,., llltltutl,. t r~ttnln~ fnr I ~· Wr!'l"m F1ylnjl' Trlltnlnjr c 'nm m11nt1 "' th,. ~ant" An11 Air I~ f'"aJof (., .. ,.,,_ T'lt.h wh'• f~mrrh fl'~itf,.tf at lhl• •""'""" h11o ,,...,, lrllnllf,.rrN1 t1• lh,. La" Vl'jl'IUO A n RaM Thr ("1Jh ~nul P•r k ll ~ 11 I'" I r1t~llr llntl IOifJ>IMnjl' 11rpnt711! l••n lhllt t. ... r h"" ,.,., rl)tll'lflllnf' ,., un ,,,.,. h•rlvr "It'" tv.·:~ f'DIIhlln~ •h,.m t•r fln t) ""\'• '""'I''""" ttl,.lr "'' •I n• ~ """'"'"""'" .,f Itt,. th,. .,.,, oa! IOJiflnr t "n'l t hP •I~JIIf• f it t1~" Vr''"'n •Js• t h .. t r.,r ur•·" t hr mtn•t r.t •. , .•. ,., • ''" "' th111t ""..._ r..,.,, m '•th• , .... ,,- fllth•·r~ arr n • ,..,,.,, '" tnlcl' • ~P•rl<" ,, r lf\'1 ~~ ,,, r,,,.,,n,, ,,, t .\fhr "'1 I • Nt h r nlfl IA'"fll I ll Itt• m ~:\f'ry :.r., "41V ,..,t,.." fhr ''' • t ha' lllll ftrt l•lt•\' """' l10tl f thrr,. It> IU ·: 1onr "'h•· t111o '''" t •mr '"' lht,. lmr~<•r1 ""' ....... ,. IA'III t hrv raJ I JIUT ... !41rft,.n•n 141\?-W ,., ""IJII'II • ' It I lf f t-.•o( ' I ' tflff F:d\O HI I II \1 ''" 'Itt . ,, ,,, I I I \\ f • 1 tllllt•'n \\•P ,. ,, ' . tn..: ha~t L. u •I-,, • •. • 1 I I fo \\ ntt<,. nt ,, , "' ,, : .... I"~ ltnv 11H\'Ht .,.., .• d '\ I • tl ... • P rlvr. lt"ll\ '' , .. , ,.. r••diHJ.: II 111'7, t:. llh I'll. r.oo, Manta Ana 31'! ' I ~ "-ML I'll. !t:!t o\11•ho•lno 1hat Food • • • 1 hose Drink• THE DOLL HOUSE -~inJtilt~. Guaranteed topl~ue. lEIS nsmr11 I'IICWEE ~Iter OM nfrh~ at your Sa(e"''"Y· ?opCom Duchess ~""' .. '""' '·'Y11f •• Od, Pt•: ,..,I ~ .. ')d()-•·u ·a p,,.., J c ' .. 21• ... ... aa• ... ,. Stuffed Olives r ..... · ·' ...... 30-,.,,. ,, ,., C,.-(I, Ot 10". J It Seedless Raisins "'22-... Poultry Seasoning •. ~~ ::·: .. Shredded Wheat'', v•.ll·OIJl• f · ,.., ... Add .,....•o• bo,,n ... t, ,,_. _... • \ "'• ~..-' 1 Edwards Coffee ·.,." , ... rl• "•.. . ,.. ·~b""",'fQ(IJV"'r"'.'•P iol • ,,, t. ~JI BAI.JU lA Ualboa I'AI.M !'\11111 :-.:t ;s ... • I ·~ , TUR YS Ahhouah w~·ueoc han enouAh turkey~ co surrly ... who will wi'h c.u t.u)•. !'!airway m rat u•et iunt will h.1vr IHM<' turk c-)'' thit •«k ch-n tfM.y did at Thanlu11ivina linK'. II yuu lr<' luc. k y ~nuufth tu I(C'f your turke-y at Saff'WI)', )'flU c 1n ~ tur~ d11t '' ..-ill plraM-. h j, jtu .. r.ancc:-cod tu roa1C J uldrn hrflwn, r~ndn and drliciout . SafC'way ·, pricC'-the ·~~ for com anti hrn turk~• ol all ti1n-ia Sf nnu per pound. CAIIU fOODS Pork & Beans v-.. c;: • ·~-,. Highway Peas ':: aa- Citrus Juice o.;:::-, '!:·1 .. ,......, of .. _.,.._._,...,.~..., Crystal Apple Juice :!:.21• Libby Pumpkin ::;:, := lt- G Bea L-<>11 ' tl-... recn ns •·-"~· ... _ TomatoSoup<·~"'3'~-- Walnuts ~().,..,...""' nt f ...... " .... .,.~ P l OfQI' r...,.,.lf'QIO 0''7Wft ecans ,._ . ., ........... ,, Mixed Nuts ........ , ,,.,, ... ;~· .... •. J,. • . ....... '--............... ,, . . • ' NJ:"'PO&T-B&UM>A 'E\\'Ioi·TL\IE8, Se•'JIOrt ..... Callfo,..a, Thu,.....ay, ~ber ~1, IN-t I --------~-~-··~-~~~ ~~~~~ ~ Y:YW ~~ ~~'VIJ ~~, ~ .----~~----------------~------------~~~--~------~~--~·------~----------------------. SALUTE To MEN IN SERUiftr :~~~~·,!•.:; ~~!;•.;:~~~~~1.-. 2::~!~~ceWA.B~rdinger ~~~ttpi..S.:~~~t ~~~:a Island: 825 Are Serving Tllelr Collntry Wf(l~ Irvin J..lldl I.M' A. 0oughtr1 v 'Robert G. William<; jc1ifrnm " \',11'1Wr' William J . Camplx•ll Thomas A . San.c;on. Jr. Grorge L. Bosh'Y , ~ n onnltl c; l'htlliJ"' William H . Hitt Gerald • .A-Smith RobPrt B. Powell Select.iw Servi<'t' ~ OOC'dl I"E'Vea.l t hB I the Harbor a~a has <'Orltri- butl!d 825 men and w~ men to thfo annt'd r oroes. Of thia total. :\79 are from Costa Mesa. 219 from Ne\\'JlOrt Bea<'h, 102 from Balboa. 92 from Balboa Island and 28 from Corona del Mar. ~ records further rewa) that a hi~ peor- oentqto ol thesr men en- listed and a wry low P"· oentA~ haw bt>en ~ jected Of" f't'("(>ived medi- cal dbch.arges. AndrPw J . Hayman S.>('. notary o4 Lot·nl Jloatt.l So 171. atat•-d lhul ,,.. •• ,. rn.·n .,.,. lndu<'lt'd. lhl' hoford n•· crivN htrk• anformull.,. nn thea bo)'1l (""'" I hr• \'IUYII~II wn·cN'tl llnd 1 h••n• •~ u f""' · albthl) rhat ttu• tthm ·c• h~t '" lnoompll'l~ dur W I ht· filet that Nlf1\C' hav1• hforn In· ductt'd rrorn othe•r un•M Fro £'--ta M F. H. Moo!'(' .fnhn A. H•~:cn m '-""' esa: 'nloma.-. W. Mc•VN':' Hwh:rrf1 F . ~10K'IIll<tn Wa~ A. Ho-•ard Ralph Myn>hn · llr•nr"'· 1.. Um~eo J~ E. Rodrigut>Z Hc:JUSton J. Ntc'kt•ns c;.•nt~,. W ~mith Donald B. Steams Ooton Onon William R. Salishury• Nonnan W. Cral'k' 1 Herm11n 1.. Pnrtritigt', Jr.' IA•onnrd 1.. Le'Jt!st\OO ~ W. MyE'rs , F..atl L. Ptttlrrson H<~ulll C. ll<wkc-s James J . Crowe 1 F..dward B. f'aulhamu!" Hnh••l1 M. Cal1 .. r Frank W. Catherina Harold M. l'«'ntN'flsl C';n~ory ~1. lRfm SUnon Plu I Geof'gt> W. Pc·tc~rkm 1-:mt~l M. Mt•fll't. Oyde E. Davidson Geoll.>t> H. l,_f'rt'(' I Hkhsmt 0 . ~\·t>ll Ralph H. Coke Kenl)(>lh l.. Qunrry 1 l-1o~·tl Jo,. Hurk II.Uo 0 . Sjola>th Alvin L. Rasmw; .. <;t•n I Hny W. \oi'hn'!' Arnold H. SIM Alfl"t'd M. Rt'iflt'l1 S/)INI:td C'\slro • Frank W. SkinnPr Louis Rt-lnt.>rl'IOn I Truman W. Brt•wt-r Jack S. Forester Carf A. Hosenbaum 1 Geol"''(e K. C'OOOI')' Robert A. BerTy Carl A. Run in~ I SfP\'P P. Brock · ~ R. Sl Amour Oscar E. RunlnK Mantx'l I \>rPZ ~E. Medford C'harlef;; H . 5;(·hirk William S. Smith Alonza E. Higuera Jack F .Schick .JnC'k M. Palrtl('f' OlttGn D. Theu.rt't Donald D. Sdlnt'l'\\'t•is Axel LaJ"lllon Bernard D. F\lcher Etne'St J . Bo8e Harold W. Wright Ruben M. Ramo. Floyd H . 'nleu~ Stf'Ve Philip Brock Lyle E. Van de Walker Edwin C. Dti;r K. Cooney J'nU A. SUew ~ W. k GftK> V. Hachez Dw'd R. LqcJdwn Arthur E. listen, Jr. Jerry L. Hacbez Dan II. Stock& Raymond E. Rt.JJMey Manin B. Marks Charle. J. Wing Edgar Da Arney C'Mimero M. U>m Gordan Davis • Alfl"t'd M. Cra~ I f1oyt1 I.Rt• Fikt> WUUam R. Cont~ras Har)(>fl 1-:. Milltor I Jnhn R. Cox IVradlo D. Melende-z !Latt-lk> W . Woody 1 Rrfu~io M. 1.ron David B. Oyer 'Weslt>v \'. Ouncan .John E. MaekintOflh Fnutk F . Hirouchl . HarrY llt>ht•rt 1110\l·nrd k. U.~:htf'r Donald E. Ludi John P. Gar·l'in lllonwr S Mt'C'Idlan Jamea D. Bridges 'Ivan C. Madison llfnwanl I. ~·hnc.i\ J...eonard R. Ke!itel WallaC't' 0 . Wc.•be-r RmJy B. Dennis Floyd R. Swingle Elisanlo CamArillo Manin F.. Gray Calvin T. Flt'rtne1-&-mil• 0 . \amarillo Alfn><1 Sil\'n Carl A. Runn~ Carmf'l r.. St1rngOAA Krnn('th W. Brown Valet1tino Camarillo Mlnoru Nltts llarnlrl M l't'nh"'\'lflt Frank A. Swanton Yutaka Matoha Frank 1 .. Sh,.Oin (di.8chargedl Uoyd L. Rn•ant 1 Ruth If. Me<1esky Frank C. Carrillo Onvid R. ROmhoy 1'nmmy F. Ri\'('rtl John E. McAdams Geol)!r R. Rn>nwr Hotl(•rt \'. ~trffnni Ha.ro&d W. Boyd Fn.>dt'rir•k J. Brinkman l'hilliJl S. Hall J<Mf'Ph E. WebhPr llarrv J . l\rn!'nnn /\mold A. Christ('n John J . Paul Billv·v . Bro"·n Lnuis E . ~1<'1l'n<itoz James E. Stanflelc1 Colin 1{. Burlin~..:atnc• .loh11 \.. Chamhf'rs Emest F. MacKall('n Doonh1 S. Hu~h Kc'flrwth F:. Adams Donald I. Erualgn 1-:dwin M Cnn,•ll Ht'"'' t-: ~~~· Charley H. Brock Warn-n 1.. < 'n,..,.•J .l;wk 1.. \\'illinm.-. ManUt'l P. Contn>rns Amuld A (. 'tln'-h'n \\'tlh:cm A Hamc•tt John W. Landis. Jr. R:wmPn f' Ckwl:lnd Bohl•' <; ·nwmvt WiUiam L. Buck Jln~\·an1 1·. Cnt• .lnhn · t-: ~!lulling Qodl C. Drake Mt•l\'1 !'\ C'1w• I h\1•11 .I :'lo'.IITIS Norville W . Backes \\'a rT•>n I' C•'llill~ 1-:\'1'1'\'11 ,\ Ht>;r Ralph R. Canchola Glrn F Crort-. ,(~·at' L . .l••hnston Jalllefl E .. Stock!\ ,...,...,;s K f'l'(l11l Arthur 11 c;il~ Lester A. Smith Jmut-s R C'rml<' Ch :r rlcos B. I ..:mnilll! Harold M. Imato Norman \\' Cr:uw .h'SIIS P. 11••1;t Thomu H . Aitken Nelson M. C"nr" h•v AIIL'll"t ~ J ~·ncllin SamUl"l B. lA>wis Cf'<'il \. Omk,• . 1\t~·tor A. Sht•tnt> Thomas E. Grupek .lack I::. OulaiW\' Pn• ... lon L .lnint'r· PhillipS. Hall D:ni d B. On•r · 1 Rh·hur'rl H &~. Jr. WUUam H. H&lUII!n Aubf'E'y J . ~:khom 1 Fh)yrl T:lit Jamee A. Herndon Gilbrrt A. ,.:..,, nula 1 David B. Almond Cbartea F . Hotfand OarenCP W. Fl:'mandl'S William If. llan.'4PI\ w~ A. Howard MeN in J . FkkM I Jtaymond •.. Ck>wland Harold IL Imoto C.ahin T . 1-1 lc.•nner IJf'Se(lh H. Sht•flin Hltra&d •· Inman Edward C. F1lnk Farm Rfppet(){' Ra.lpb J . Irwtn Jack S. F<X'nter Cnhin E. Wells PauJ A. Jacbon John J . G~tfft'y Hobert W. Nt•lson Robert L. Jacbon MaMn K. Gl~ O•dl H. Crnrw Owies P. Jenklr).s ; Jt'Sfi D. Gilbf'rt Hilly E. Cowy WUianl G. Kanagy I Robert G. Grable Patrick H . Healy ~ L . Kesel jJohn P. Gr'E'C:ilcy \\;uTen W. Markcl Frank L . Knauer Duane D. Alben: Richard L. J~ Jam. P. Kniaht 1 John B. ~hirlf-y William I •. Pant:le Robft1 H. Knighten EJija R Woody William R. Larw WUllam R. Lanr ICIRudt> .T. C1"'ru'W.' Robfort A. Mf't"k ~ E. LaMy Fntncis R. StNlm.c: ShPiby L. Kann~· 'nlornu 0 . Sargent Ctlfforrl A. Lionbargf'r llomt>r 0 . Corson WaJt.r L. Lathrop I rom-st L. Hlchantson I Grorgt> H. Ch('('k Herbert R. Lee 1 Ha1Ty Petermnn I Rollf'rt G. Grable Keith N. Lee j JOf' Petl'tman 'Jack H . Cllll"k Raymond T. Lesnkk Evel"f'tt J. Lanctreth Dlljiel H. Trrune.Jt John C. L.lpdeman 1 Lesli(' L \\'hih'tlcac1 , Mantx'l ~tuniz. Jr. Donald R. Luckman Manuel L. Alvarez 1 WilliAm H. Sht>nin HomerS. M<L'JrlJan !Herbert L. ShOMnakrr John P. Gridle,- Ruth H . McCI= jJl"SSe J. HAr-mon JulhUI Ohlatt Delmar B. Mange> II....R;ter B. J>i(X'r Ludc.>n ~~; IAnlan~l Dona.ld J. Marzolf Arthur F . F:lsman Bennie ". ,,..1"111 Martin E. Marzolf Jams w. Di~~ J~ph n. Mt\<"kry Artn>d N. Miller Georgt> H. PlN'l-.. Elmer Z. &ckt>S Rohrrt f'. Millf'r I Forrt"Sf S. Pnull Nrlll100 M. Crnwk-y ~ J . Milll~an , WUJI~tm R. HoHm~tn A\.lbrey J . ~l·hhom Wlllinm H. ~fmis:an: Jr. Frank ~rt O!;;t~r E. Running Thomas 0 . Muc·h :Marion R. Owt'n nnrenC\' R. Rom.~y .h~N'flh n l•·llhlll' Chnri<'S D. P ieN•n James E. Frost JU>.x S. Albright (~rant 11 1 'hllllp-. C1'1al'lcs F . Thon11~n Wilbur 0 . Buck We-nrlell L. Pickens H.;liJ,h M~·r,·hn Danlt>l W. McMillan Lester G. Rees :David w. GJ"'t{erty William c; J·Nll:tn ~ll«'rt C. &-chl'l' Lankford V. Phebus, Jr. Acd\by M. Po\\>'('11 J 1 -.lif• L. l\4•nnc•tt filk>yd K. Ta)IOr Charles H. Storing J lah 1 St J A .• , n· hard C S '· P u1 W S d' os ~. amp. r. I Willi:Hn I ' l ··"" .,,. ac · tarr:••.v a · un an Leslie M. Thuet John .1 1 :aff<'y Paul H. Keller Clayton 0 . Norman Vinct'flt J. Ht>aly Frank 1\ r .. 1,·antt~ Harry L. Conowr Theodore F. Knowlton Herbert E. F . Comtassel 1 Paul A .l;wk-.nn Dan L. Patch VailS. Hansrom I Kenneth D. Haigh (disdlai)!NI I Robf.rt E. Boudinot Anton F . Suttora Conrad R. Ball l.:um •l 1 > !-·;t,,n•y Guy Boldman E rnest L. Stl:'wart. Frank E. Bartholomew l)('lm.'lr n. Man~f'ls Douglas 0 . Bray ,Eugene R. BartJett Maxwell M. Alford .Jam•"' K ;\;t•l ... on : Jt>rome R. Briggs Paul Blaine 0a 'd C Cors& Jlarolcl <: M•~ell''· .Jr·. Orlando H. BM-oP Amel Boldman IC'h:les ·F. t.a':gmadf: Willi;:,m n. llold('r Charles F. Buckland Amel Boldman. Jr. !Arthur B. Gibbs Phillip M. Witman William G . Buret I Eugene R. Bartlett Maurice E. Stanley Roht'rt J nam~ Saint Albert Cicforo I Paul Blanie Jack J. Boylan Gmwr I> :\1wkr•hHtil JOHhua M. Clark I Alexander J . Shand YORhio Okumura Boyd 1. Mc•fford William A . Collin~·wood 1 Myll'S R. Sinnott Roy 0. Anderson Jalllf'S c. \\'t>lls Manuel Cordeirn. Jr. I Francis L. Stafford Fletcher M. Haight ~Ravmund . \\'. Dill'!.! on Walter E. Oy!\Ofl Richard C. Starkt>y John L. Upson r,Wis K l'r·am F.dward K . Flar h Anton N. Suttora Euc1eiJ W . Whitmire 'nlerin E. J.:m•'Y David W. Ga:lE.'r·ty ,James E. Sussdorff . •Nonnan H. Miller [);will H Bum boy Eml'St Graf 1 Frank Swan~n 1 Edward G. Haley Marvin K r.il~Vl Harold w. Graham 1 Russel S. Teel ?nul A. [)('Ruff Arthur (' And!•r"'" Clare~ Grimes Herlx>rt A . Thompson William L. St. Clair Vim;>nl B 1\lc'( ;"'"' f'..ordon W. Gruncty Bcmftrd K. 11u'('('t Preston H. Duncan Frank L Knauc•r Arthur L. Hall Harold H. Thn.>e4 Milton C. Arbom .John (' l.inclc•man Rohert S. Hall Dwight G. Tipping Hugh w. H;rlt>y Earl Sdwtnl" Jim W . Hem.c:trN·I Victor M. Walker David \\'. llan·ey Virtor (; S.cr:cl,!os,, f'.rorge H. Hirn'r Roger D. Walton I discharged I R.'lymond H. Bi\lt•t' Rillv W. Hineslv Everett E. Welsh 11<-t.Jer H. Fowlt>r 1 ftolW't't E. \\'inlc•rhnurrw William H. Hitt. Joseph C. Whitf' Donald R. Donald!O;Ofl IWilfonl C nurston Rolx>rt R. HokP F.arl E. Wing Angus E. Rkhardson Jt"SUs G Ttii'J'I'" Harley C. Huhh;m:t -i::r -Robeft J. Parks 1 ~mtt('' .r Fro(·ht Kenneth N. John~on '•rom Balboa: Orvv~ z. Rotx-rt-.;on 1 M('ritln ~ \\'til)> 1 K(•nneth B . Johnson Hugh E . Dunlap l>uanc• I I. ll:tfnc·r Max R. Jordan Eu~f'flt' Taylor Stuart J. Inglis Louis Rf'int·r1~n \\';titer K. Kt>ll\' Vwtor E. Or-Julis Gordon M. Barker lt.1v W . l\hwr<ty .Tohn W. Kolyt't: Olivf:'r Stevens Rkhard F. Nkk<•r'l'On J.:uK('rlf' T. Wht!t• Walter 0 . Krohn ldischargrol John W. Yale, Jr. John M Si'n ·antf')> Sigurd Lea F..dward Bucko Jaml'S S. Brooks 1-~n>tl II S<•hnt""'eis Carl E. Mclnh't' Be\·erly K. Smith Rotx>rt M. Dickey Earl St·ht•lnc' 'I Claire E. Mallr>~· 'Francis C. Rowl•ll Richart! M. BIUt'l Howanl 1.. S<·hiX·h 'Fred F. Miller Saint Cl(."('ro John C. [)('venish Robert A. S.·hUt•IIN' r I A Ulll... I Jaml'S P. Loving -Paul E. Greiser \. "'h r :t u . roW!Ir'r rr ~<· \ · "' a t>r 1.tohn R. Mitchell !Constantine A. Kr-.tSO J t'romt> W. Par·ks Robert L. Stwflin William L. Mt'\'<'l'S Earl F. Glovt'r Jack H. OsgOoci Ward A. Sh('nnan George A. Nehring I Dallas Palmer Rit•hard B. Dimmitt Richan1 ft. Shipp Joh R Nelson 1 Eugene E. B.'lmes 1 Ralph J\,. Wilmot ~Roy II. Sihillin~ Vict"or D. Nielsen LeOnard llodgkinc;on John F. \'~E'I CbariM A. Smith 1 Lc:-land V. N9rm. an 1 M)'t'Ofl L. LA-hman 1 John F . Burke \~e E. Smith Oliver O. Qdpt;t{" Dougla...._., R. Pri<>St Marvin F . Meyer Lt'stc.-r A. Smith J Dallas F. Coleman Robert Haley NPlo;on M. StMfoni Paul V. ~..... r . Savia Aguillard Charles Milton Arbom Frederi1·k R. St. Amour ~G.~~~ Rex R. Canterbury Conrad R . .Ball, Jr. Oilford E. Stamp ~ :-r Don A. Gunderson George M. Barker Jatn/8 E. Stocks Charles R. · Woodrow W. Merritt Robert K. Barr Donald M. Swope ~rlarl ~ C:B. o~a-WUliam A. Kirk. Jr. !Harry James Blee F1oyd T a it ' a y,... • ._. .... y Stl"phen D. Rutherford Ben W. Blet> Arehi(' C. Tt'mple Chl'Stt'f' J. R~ -Joe A. Mciver I George L. Boxley Russell S. T.-mpl(' R~rt S . Sc~f Keith N. Lee I Harlan L. Bo\\ntan Cha~ S. Thoma!\ Loui~ T. Glesenkamp Fenton W. Earnshaw !William J . Bryant Phillip N . Trushl'im Jolln W. Bu~ Robert L. Allen ,James W. But>Jl Max R. VIPI«-F om--st R. uau George E . Van Pelt .. 1 HaJVey W. Clark Wa~ F.. Wntf'rs Rilttnrd C. Torrence George H. Conaway Jarries E . Crane Howani J . W..tx-r Jay Brannon Lronnrd PPTT\.12210 Heber H. Fowler J . C Wells Fl't'dcrtck S. CUrzon Basil K. Williamson ILouis T . Glesenkamp Clark B. Wilson Rot~rt H. Gardnl'r John R. Lu~o Fletcher M. Haight Oydt-0. Wia1lx>rlr \o('Orge A. Nehring l..E'Iand G . Fuller Franklin Hansen. Jr. Charles ·J. Wing ll.t>land M .• Johnson Clarence W. Noller Stuart J . Inglis ~rt F.. WLntt'rboume Clll llrlf' S . J\pams Rotx!rt H. Garrison James M. Keeler Airve-m Yt>ar'J,!t'n .fohn A. Gillis Anson B. Smith, Ill 1 William A. Lestl:'r Kmnt-th Earl Adams limit• Fortune Harlon c. Arnold 1 Percy Ma rples Clan>nC'l' L. Arm.c:trong <Iifton CorkhiU Wilham E. Dickey Bvron S. Man:hall Kart [..('()0 Amery .l~ph E . Doney 1 Robl'rt L. Sattlt>r 1 Norman H. Miller Elmer 7A-Inwr Bnckes \\':1\Ttr> t.. ~hannon John s. Clarkson Rol"lf'rt J . Parks Norvillc> \\'. Backcs \\'r~mw \ Hamblet I Nelson M. Stafford. Jr. 1-"rd.Jlds C. Pollard Rona1cl L'. 13-!ll'k(>S I .~ .... tt>r A . C'harfe Clifford L. ..Ev€'rman \'int't'nl E. Rhen \ot'Orgl' \\'. U;tml•tt. .Thnmir C. Tolentino Robf>rt M. Camplx>ll r· Ani!US F:. Riehardson William J\. l~mwtt Edwin M C'a rroll 1 Milton Kramt>r 0 . ~lll'r Holx•r1son ~ -\\',\ll€'r E. nyson I Duane D. !)(>akin.<; l Donald A. Smith /•rom N~wport Bea<·h: • Oon E ;\; e'\\ 1-'n>rl \\'. t-:<1-.rman Halph .1, Irwin Tt•rn· A Inn Hur1~111 F •"-le•r Hobt•rt ll lie Ik e• Ma ntk•l < ·n"ll'lm Wn.lt€'t' K_ K••ll\' Ht•m.<tni II. "11irwt Rot"•rt L c;ump Albrrt R. l)t•l'in:l J . Martin Clark Vi~l R. Ktmplt• Ch.'lrl~ F. Rul'kland John R. :-.!rison ~C lhne·t· Miles R. Sinnott 1 Wlllani L. 1\ illion lAJui.~ Pulj.:f'nCIO Harold A. ltun~aker C.arl E. Mdnlc'<' Wilbur L. Lnnkfnz'd 1 Waltc•r 0 . Krohn IMar'\'in A. White I Russt> ll s. T ('(•I 1 Albt•rt L. lie ,Jilll'S 1 Manit~\ ll. Clark 'John \\·. Cnlt•man 1 HarJ,•y C lluhhanl I Han,)\d K lh"trhnt>r Mauri<'f' A t\1~ Hownrd K { ~rrl..tl I 1 discha rgt"d) Carlylt> C Ham:>t'y IK<'fUvoth 1-' lloltl>y · ,..,,.f1 \. Colo'fll8Jl c cfischan::ro 1 · .J~i~h L . St<unp H• ".!'~r Ra .,,)W 1 Dnren F. McGavl'('n IRS! it> !\1. Thw't 11• rhf'rt A. 'Tbompson Gerald· D. S<·harll• U't' Wilson u .. wt E PatteniOI'l Rolx>rt ,J. Ram~y IHubert P. Yamt•ll ( ll.c.f i'\ :'\toll!;;oo AUdrt'y L. flf'vit>a Cha rle•o.; A :o'mith Uhl L. Loving 1-', ... ,,•ni~ Andre • Marlin L . Edwanison 1 ;\f;lf·,·n I' Anich Edwin H. Finster r~-. •1"1!1" 1-: :\lichaud I Philip A. Hayc14'n . t:' ,.,.,,It t-: \\'elsh Jimmie R. P«'arson ,, A'"h·· :\T I r .. lbrook Harold W. Novak l·l·•hn \" l.nke j St~n. A. Gorzurhovski I)Ji\'f'r < 1 f)(trtte Rolx>rt H. Easton J f' ~ ,oorf Hal G. Ledford ',!;~7~~{. ·1 1~;~--s Marvin J . Jurich ~,·('rlv H ~fcFarland Clarence E . Taylor Orland 11. Brtscoe VIctor H. Oxarart ('~ rmll n Mefford Brydon B. Bake r Lorin St:tN'\ George K. BakE'r • 1.1mht'rt R ·Fortune Dick L. Bronaugh F.arl L &-nte Edward F. Bruning l'a. ul Ch~t~~r· Georgt> H . Conaway ~ · George M. Crocker \\ alte•r '-. ~ Duane D. J)foakln R.,ni-om n. 11Jton k ... ~.,h Harolrl W. Graham Jac n . "''""'f'> an u •uUam E . Dickey F.dwin R. ~~~ " n-~ Hugh E. Dunlap l Ia rrv A. ~-· Marlin L. EdwlU"'dson William )f. Haun ctlfford L. Everman l.('O(Iard B. DeBord Charles F . Gage .Augu~t B. C1ark La 0 Good-"' , 1 di~·hl\f1r~) wren<'l' · ,........., Owi~ht G. T,J:!Png lames C. Griffin r.ctwn rrl H. Flach Donald A. Gunderson <~'''(' w. Homer !John R. Hopkin.-. ,... ord Robert Leigh Moore Frnnri!\ L. Staff 1 N 1 E 01 n \'ktor n. ~leblon (' s . St? Lronardo f>t'nlZZi '•( -~-I From I Corona del Mar: Rodt>rick W. Cox HoraceK. 1'\immo \\'illiam S. Kirk 'Richard L. 7\1acGinitieo ,Donald H. Hall I Fredt'rick W. Martens Billie I. Walker ! Harcy H. Noonan ,John A Droege I Paul E. Whitman JIUlX'S T. Johnston Guy H. Ander!OO John E. Crout Jr. 1 Wayne H. Walker I Joe T. McChesney James A . Wri.rht Charles D . Munoz WUUam E . Blat'kbE-ard I walter C. Brown 1 Harold G. ea. ... -. IJames H . ~ct Robert Lee Boyd. Jr. Bergt."fl M. Davis jHan·ey !\t. Oa\·L" 1 Charll'S A. Dl>nk~r John A. DJ"''(~(' James T. Johnston Clifford F". Porter -i;[- I • ' -I • Drrwood ~1. ~h:UlMn !Claire 1::. Mallor Willinm H. t\HoNt U>Roy C S1111irt'S Dnnwl \\'. I A ·a I"\' Cof'(lt1=1' W. Shafer I Richard E . J~ltE'r LA-la ncf V. :'\ onnan John M. f{.('('('(' F.ct" arrl G. Hall ck l Thomas H. R~vf'!> Vrmon F.. F1apatri .lames P. R~itt'r Warr't'n R. AtbiitDn , Francis c. Rowell I Am~ olrlf.'r persons • i in tht> ~nicr or who • htwe Pnlil't<>rl are the fol· 110\ling : John w. "''.""" Will hun A. ~f'lllJ._.,. J amc.,_ R \\'htl"' \ rli!«'ha ~t'<ll 1-:lmt>r n. RnldWtn C.eoqre H. SattJer Ch~-st.-r R. Scaad&P Ed"·•u-d C. ~tt>ptk'ns lni n .l. CIOJ'doa 1\f'f\nf'th E. Stone> Rd1~· F ~fnwry Jam<'S M. \'nn ~ DonaJrl L. nirwf\am \\'illii'lm \\'. Wtoi Rotlf'rt .l. ~ tcf'arland C:t pf. .l0!'-4-.ph A. &-f'k ~tatf' H H. Willi~tm."'rl (',apt. J\Jt)('rt Soiland Lt. f'rtl \\\'"\lt'y Smith . .. .. 'Gf grrim-OYln Suit witiJollt INI..J "7311khtr-hoy ~, D A wcJI cut, broadshoul~ mnccaling jacket and Jmcil· :: r:o ~kin .. superblycaiJorcdo( • :ch, long-wearing Suuttcr .• t'C'rfect year 'round wc.iabr . in Navy, Chocolate Brown or Beige .. SiJcs 10 tO 11. lSI Eut Broa4Wa)' oppos~ee ~·~~ Loft« 8Ndl MERRY CHRISTMAS ¥-.• To all who have been so cooperative these trying days. With you we hope for a bright, peaceful fu- ture. • • • BAllOW'S DEPARTMENT STORE Christmas Special for the KidcUes • ' ) . . • . • . r . . D LITE SOFT TOYS I Sitting Elephants. Dinkydus Dogs, Print Scot- ties, Standing Elt>phants. Susie Jane DolL~. FIM~tte Lambs. Fur-type Elephants. Fur- type Lamb$. and Bears. Esmo Blue. Pink Ele- phant.. and Fur-type Scottles. · Half-Price To Close Ollt FITZPATRICK'S • . ;, . .. . ~ ;, . .,; -~ - . . / • • .............................................. ·,,.; .. -• We Wish A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year To Our Friends and Customers Who Have Helped Contribute to Our Most Successful Year LOUCKS 1797 Newport Blvd. SERVING AS USUAL Our Traditional ~ CHRISTMAS DillER s2so Celery _ Olives Seafood Cocktail, Salted Crackers Soup Du jour Chef's Green Salad ROAST YOUNG TOM TURKEY Alsatian Stuffing Giblet Gravy Cranberry Sauce or Roast Prime Ribs of Beef Au jus Yorkshire Pudding Squash Mashed Potatoes Mince P ie. Hot Brandy Sauce PuMpkin Pie Sherbet Coffee Tea Milk 12 Noon to 10 P. M. RESERV A nONS SUGGESTED DOY MANCHESTER'S BRAZIL Lacua• Deat-h 209 CoaAt Hl~hway Phone 184 r .. :fl•41•t 1 I t I I t I •I t I I I t 'r t • I I I 'I I I t• I I 11 I I I • •t I> I tl I •1"1 .,., .. ,. l~ ..... t• -!---a -• -·- Merrie Christmas from 1 •.. - .. Wink.y" and ''Sassy" KAY FINCH CER..\~IICS \ .... ~. - _ro YOU AND YOURS We want tQ express our heartiest wishes for a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR I 0 TIC .E We Will Be Open nursday and Friday -.attl 9 p. m. Cloeed Saturday Evening, 6 P.M. Water Sets , • ...,.. ena"rry Clelw, wt .. OOLDtria ........ f416 ...... • • • kle ..,..,., PEa BET -. Cake Plates ..,._.._ ... ~...,, wlfe. IIATUI'I'ON& t II fr••••• _.... ...... ............... ~ .... Berry Sets Fw ,._ .. ,.. I ... ............... , .. . ........ _ .... ._, KACB . ·-·· - liAII• rv ,,.,. rh••hll;:hho .. t) .. II Wl'lll ho· JIIM " •lllr'k n"'m"'" wh.·t• th.t• ~trtuy :tiJ!n nl t ttflta l'~·I•·K~'It 11 ' 8111j•lll~ hitll• '"'" IIA :\11 ~11.•• I• fut ,.,,,.. '" oovlluua• The t'f'lll~ """'• prtt:<' t .. r "16<'11 IUttlt•ry Will IJo• 111 1 LIDO TREATER ..._ !t •• ,.,... r.ftlac E-a.c at 1M a 1:11 Jla~Ra_...., .. ,: .. c-u-....._, ,,_ !:.,_ T.,u,...y-Frtuy·S.tu,...ay- ~•ulett~ Godd•,... · ~"Y Tufte lit "I LOVE A SOLOIE"" Cart-. March of Time Nawa lullday·MOO>day-Tund•y- Cary Gr•!'t In ..AftiENIC ANO OLD LACE" c.rt-..... w, ........ , Ml)l'- ....... Gr-•~tvllla l~t '"YOliTHI ftUN WILD" alto CALL OF THE lOUTH IlEAl Cart-Tf'av .. ltwtlltt Thu,...,ay, Dee. 21-- ... I.IIH I:VIEI A .. £ aMtLING" c-"'tt IVIrMt anct L-down. 1"he CMtervlll• Gfloat, Th• lev· ... , .. c,_, Bartlary Coalt Geflt. K._,.t, Merry Christmas f•rosperous Sew Year Juad Arrivt'd Waterntal W•hl F011nt.l• Pens ~500 to ~875 II F.A llQt t A KTY.KS rnr )'OUf SWI!\1 FIN~ All S11.1'S in SftN'k Sswdal ! ! SJK"("iat ! ! \\'t• Will S.•ll 1 l 'uc·kn~ee ur Pti(.IUbu· Brnnd t·u;An .. n .. ~s 'l'n t·:\'t•r~· < 'IL'\Iunwr AU. I•A \' t'KIUA \' To Help Yuu Smokers to Have a Merry Ch ristmas Gllnderson Drug Company ..... A <:...tnJ R&lbna THICATJta F.,...... at 7M A t 1ll 1.-..t~ttf a~.,_ two. P"CYU~~ "lana at, I :M Tllu~ay-F"rlday l•tu,..y Eddie arac:ken lila ... 1._ In "HAIL THIE CONQUIE .. INO HIE"O" brtMII · Mardi of Tlmt · New1 a&.INIIIy·MMday- PfiU ••lltr l~t "TAKE IT 0"' lf:AVE IT" .alto SHADOW OF' IUIPICION with M•r.torl'" We•ver Cart_., N-e Tu...,ay Wadnnd•y - Cial,. Trevor In "W OMAN OF' THE: TOWN" .alto "U aOAT P,.IION£"" St.rtlng n, .. ,...,.,, Dee 2a "WING ANO A PAAYIE A" ComtnQ at~p LIYtl y, Glider ,,.,..,,.. Ghoat, 8tc.r•t Com m~"'d,, Jll"''· Or.aoon leect. Arwntc. al'd Old L•c:e Yuletide t'rJI "'.,...' ,. te 1\'('fl tth11r ' h1 •h·•· ut .,,,..r. "''"" ~tl " '"•• •'I •·h••IOJC them t•t~ntj.trlrh• r'-rry hu l'lll..,.•l, II ",.,. Jtl "'"''· nr hrlt'f'•l I" hiiVI' I'll lUI , • ., tlo•· hnullllll( "h"''"l"' In ll!r I Inti"'' •h•lt h I ,.hr l'l'at.:n"ll''" "' I,, I'"'"""' 1'1111\nrn· hl'llallll( "" h'rr "' lhr :olanlll An• ..._, ll IIIC'h • u ,,,,..,1~ ''""'"'"'' l•y til• rea&~~n•U .. n N' 1'\arry ~-.,. "-'llcovf'd \D lllaw t-11 "'"'Iff hi •'"""' hy ••lv•r• JHihllt'll y '!111• S.'IIMII'!'I he"'t tu ~11\l nncl ~'flU,.,. chuin~ot thi!it IN"!'I nr N('ll· ~ons ! l~"i'llll~· this ill 11 lllllt' n( ~unct dlt"i'l' Wt' "nnt tn c•~JII\'l'.'« uur twurtit•sl ( 'htil'htU\1' wi!'IIK-S In tlrK• IUltl 1111. "'ith utnuiHt "'"II '\'M' ~·. El Par•lso Spanish Kitchell The Market Spot Extends SEASON'S GREETINGS and assurance of ~rateful appreciatiftll to the many friendly patrons and cus- tomers who have g'ven us the pleasure of serving them throughout the year . • ·-Market S,Ot Market :-TAKfo; Hfo;R TO r •'kltuiei· Season's ·Greetings To Our Host of Friends and Customers We Wish a Happy Holiday Season . We Want to 1hank You All for your past patronage and patience you have shown when we were unable to ~ive you as prompt service as we would like to. We Will Be Closed ()e(ember 2.1, 24 and 25 Also ~~ber 30, :n. and Jan. 1 -· -- •·ord SaleM and Sen·ice for Harbor District 22nd and ( ·entral Phone 28 Newport Heaeh · ONCJ4~ A WEEK BALBOA'S RENDEZVOUS BALLROOM Preeenta AND HIS ORCHESTRA SATI.ItUAY NIGHT, HEC .. ~M IU;R 23rd ('UMISfi: HAn1KDA\' NIUIIT, Ut:.f:t;MRt;K 30th A,._Ht:U. 1111.1. ANn HIH OJU:H»4THA lh111't t'orpt N..w \'rar'" t:v .. lll...,lnkA t ~P''n-.,N'd t.y A,...rtran IA'PIII f"n"t Z!U ~ , . ~ .... ' ............................... +-------------------------~----~---.. .. . ' .. ' ......... . ,. • . ·~· -. ' . ., _____ ........... . ---- Once Again ••• O~ce aga in it IS Ollf pleasure a nd priv;lege to extend to all our best wi shes for th e season and rhe New Year. 'IX'e thank yo u s incere))' for your friend ship, •good will and patronage during this past ·trying year and hope with you that very soon we will have Onno Again --- • "Peace on Earth. Good Will Toward Men " . -• I N L: ' t:. ' : : : • •• :.. R E 1:"' r._ -.-.-~~ · -' ·, · -I :"" 5 !I'' I ' " ..... ! ,, ~I' I• .1 ,,· 11 , ·-········································ .. ~ .. : .. 1o" I h lo• , ... ' ' Homekeeping Skills Invade Convair, youR borne appliance~~ have cone to war dressed . up lil<e nveting CU'* ... electric dlills . and other aimple tools that women use to ... build Liberators. Home experience ••. cooltin&' .•. mending . . • ~;;~~~~~;~~ baking ... has taught the ~ housewife precision skills needed at Convair. Needle- magic ..• pot:n-pan wiz- anlry ... broom sticks are paying off in good paying jobs for wOmen. Put y our home- zzyde siUJJs to worA:. REMEMBER ~v~tl men, tool .. • You Earn More Mone:y £very Hour on the .•.• Premium Shift ... . . "'' ·---- >l <u k h.-f••J•• lltU """ l onoi1 11 K d<'t>fl T ~t~ h .a~t ;;o d.l ug.,ter, Oo.;:n.a )'•)' m rT ··y,,u ,...., th• .tu '•lr•·n arr•r I 'H.~' I ' I\ ol!""'' I• Ak•·r• . .on Lt~ .... ho .,.,.. bo rn A<4!l.,10, 1'}~. .•, t ,.1,. 1 ,,,.,. li'• ~··•· 0 ,,11. 11•unonlt • t ~~· "'"I :.ro ~ \\' 1" Akt"t'!l of , ,.,~ ,.n.-~:•1·1 T"··n 11lrw -..· ,-,~· 1 ,\•,,l lo· l o·l"•'l lruu"f'TI'"d 1r ollv ~tt.-t .. \•1 n· ••·r '"'" ""~" lt••llo !11• ,·,.rl•·l .. o I ~ .\1 Ann)' ' ' '' .,., ' 0' 0 <' , "II II• . '" • h''""''' ·'"" "' '• I"~'"'' ,., \• .. or t•blmf: ':-<•• I 1 'I ~ 1 I 1 1 ·. r, '" ''' t• •\ru: ~t l t ', Hon~ in '••n •lr. t t:.ll"•ll 1 ~1."'' Ito Ill.' I 1 1 ,. It 1 •'rr~ 1,,. ·' '1>''•" "' !'"'I I 1 ~ 1 1•:.0<0\ ·.··~ :O I'rtV<:<I ~~nol •h• ":'" l~wn !'<"' .r•l •·-al ,.:r '·l••·fll-! t:.·.· I ol I I• "k• •I "/'In ;•of• "-•'• 1" I·· I • '' lh o :-<·m ta AnA J•'"'/'11 h•.,.r•t:ol a n•f woor.:h•··l ,.. v••n hoot ,1, ~h 1 •II"J•J~·I Ill \ , ,,.~ f·•l ,·,.,1111\Ht>l'l I •1"\lll,ol Tllo•y "''f't't' ) r·. ,o·.,l o'! •• , I• • 11 1 ,1 ~ 1 • , , ._l"l:tl'ok It ~' hi '"''"'t H!l :.lr . K t•Jth ,',.v.. r<·••h'ot ~ • l.t·l•• 1~1. ·"· •'lln•l rt ~•"' ••1 1 oh. I ttl•• •11111 11•"• 1'1 ·''' · "' \II • t!oysl a n·nue, t•· ,. ,j ~':'-~· 1. Ill"' :n r ~''' J .. o•l J.r·~o~J•' 1., ,, 1,. h•·t I' oil,.' '• '"1 11' "'"IJ:IU~I hvl' •lio\ 'Ill o;1 ~ l.L•l" :o-;:,.,.,1 •I ll,.,;,,,, I' ~llllu :•.! lilt I I• I•· llfl I !" )•1111•1• Hhl f.,•lll••ll '111T;o'l'lt. lhe h•l• IIH~ Wl•••k troor,o J,.•ll.! 1: II h 1•,_: m !hi~ \•·\•''' 1.,,,.,.ful I'll•• "Ill• I''"' I• · ''''"'''" utlllt"O'.'T t. •l·•l"r I~ •••M)•·•I•··I "111' t l• ,,n•l ··•·' ••"•f\ 1 .•m 'l••l .ol ~~·t•• ill• II /.ol •'• >t l•' ~11,;1<" lltto\ Sully. X .. \.ol J I,_..J~·IL~/11\' 1(1 11'13 1 t'Lt}·. 1.>\. \\lll"fl ll"o• l•ll' !o•,ll >t!J.j 'l"i i\' •••IL rr ' -·1·1 • ., ,.,, I' ,; S lh·• lli"''h ,.,,.,,., th,. ont .. rrr,,ltl\· ,.1101,. 1,, T h •'" ,,. p,,. ,,,,. r .. ,, ,,,.,,,., j ,), .. ,j •• , ,,.,. hl'l"f' It"·'~"'"" ,, ·l lllt:hlo·t folf" 1-::n-.\It dllo \ )fl'" 1-:1"•••! ~'" I•• Watch Your Kidn s/ ""· 1'" ... too. ~ ·,r, "" •h•l l.l:or, n .. , ... 1" ..,,, t•··m ,.., • 1.\ •• t ~~ J"''"'i"l h"·l ''' ''""'t.:•t••! ,...-.n J••un•t• j ~"' n .. uno·r~ and Best Wishes h"rol )"'•b .on•! r•·ll• I • "'"''~ .~ I ,,, lo·;, •, 'Ill! 'lo,o I 1·• II• ,. lo k• ,d l • •I 1 .. ·1 1•••"' ,,,,,~ 1/uno.:.c ,,,,,~, •·· •· '' I••·· I l'•·rt•l!t •~ lo}" IlL•· tu: • ,,t '''": ••t Uh·oo" lof"ll lll olul t. tl hol o l~ ,,.1\ at .. nn.t ,.,,. \0.111 h.,,. ""'-<• • .,. ·· 11nlf•·r"': o·n"u~h ""'' •·JH il•·•t "'" , .... Roo•' Tho·'""" !'•"·'''' 111111 . .-~ ...... ~ lr~orn •1.-llhm Th•·n "',. • ,,,, 1 .... 1, for the New Year' Thanks to our Many Friends and Customers for their grod will and patronage WHITE'S 201 \\:'est Foun h St. SPORTSWEAR Santa Ana Everything that Adds Zest and Cordiality toY our Holiday Partiea ISLA II LIQIOI STOlE \Wit)Dtp B. Ka ufmann. Propt;.-to r• !'!l Marhw .h~alH', .,._ IMud ., • - Wrmbley Nor-F...a• Ti"- tlte ori ~ia•l K--CN~h• .that J'f'ilt.U wrinldr•-ia WhiD« •tri.yu. •olid•, plaid& that lie'U wur .•• aacl weu ... ...d wrarl ,-rmlolr~· Cl a~~i··• Tirf- ~martl!'t>l ul lite ~mart, in 1!'\o·r·i"'lmbr ,.,.Jiol 1!''/,J.,r,;, l)l)lk::. duu and ~lripr•. Th,. ,·,-u,lolry bl.rl lllt":lll! hl"'ll )u \1: 't'111! VaiDEIMIST Cordoza Gardens Bay F rant Dinner House 70:! E. Bay Front llalhoa i • SO OUR ARMID •oRCIS CAN • •••• 1rllleNIHNI'KSl t;ll . ' ... -----···-a..~· . . . . .. ~ ' .· ) t . . . ' .. ~ _.:J:. .. ··- \. HELP .UILD FAIT NEW A·26 AnACK •oM•E•s I Dou~l• lona Death hu the imponant U!ip ment ol buildin1 A-36 Inn~ la~t, 6tac111 Dnr type of all -purpo!Ot attack. ~ hea•ily eov.nkd -to aborkft the war in the P•cilic. Ooat;lu hu t416.0di).OOO worth Of contncu from lhc !O\'ern· -llo 611 ••. 10 theft'• plrnty of work aheed. WANTED ...., ...... ., ...... .... ,.. ............. y.. .,._ .. ... .................... .., ..... _ _._......._ .... ....,... -••• " .. IM4eW .. ....,. '''·' ()•, ''"'' JOO ~~-~J.·· I>ND '""',lol IN! Jf'r! AI'HY NOW __ ....... _ ..... ...,,.., .......... , . • :1 z' tk;u .. -....1212'-ic•An. • a ..... w • .-...,....c--..loi.SI,S.,.._.,...,.. or t'.s .t:.s . fJO I 1\· .• lch Sf .. S..ta Au ' r • I \ DON'T TELL PRIVATE MtNES THE .lAPS ARE EASY -----/. --"'--. --- • Tlllll All STill MILUIIIS II Tll"fl, lliiTAl .IAIS Tl UtK. lYllY .IAI WE Kill MAKll MY tiiAIItlS 1111"/IIIIIIMl llnll, Alii IT tilTS IUIITY T1 Kill A .IAI I p YOU lhiek J•pen;. • ~·,.fool inc.,.,.. - .. 11, mieter. Bv.ry Amerioan 1101dier, mariDe ... ..Uior ia the Paci6c knowe he hu a t~ 14ht oa hie bands. You can't tell tJ,,, tl.rlr wnr i1 almoet overt Bvea u JOU read theM worde, American m.e.,.. dyU., ia the icht .,ainat Japan. Look into your heart and uk ,..,_..If Mae.tt,.a •Have /etopped 5chtincP Ha .. t ~topped bvyinc w .. Bonde heceuee lthiftk ........... ahout o.ert• v.· .. DOC • quitter; your •newer ia "'No r• 'I'M &cbc in the P.eiicl oalle for • ha,bly epeeial'-d type of equipmeeL B-29 bomben that coet $600.000 ia War Bonde; M-4 tanke with INlldozer hlacMe thet ooet $67,417; •alliptan" IMt ooet 130.000; million. apqa a.illiclee of plto. of ....,aine. W• need more and __.tier equipmeet dlaa Ut7 wv hae evet' oallacl for. Aad dlat'a the tHe ...._. lor dla 6da War Loee Dri'N. J ................ J.,. , ..... ,_ .. .,..._ --we__. oond••• to IMIFWw ....._ Do yovr W thaN now I 0.0. _,.hl J'CN are ukecl to h, _, I#M ..w MIN 1111 W., ••u. BU7 • .,., if 70U poeeil»>7 oea. Not ealr ia it for the ~-Victory-it'• for )OW' future. Sitn ap for a11:tra War Bonde Oft the Payroll Plaft. Waleocne the Victory VoluntMr when he or ehe oall• at your home. R.........,_~ ioh in the Pactio ia etill e.rriic. • ~ J ~ . ' . ,. ~ -.. Let's Buy Eno11~ "E" loa* to P1y for 1 ........ 1-29 .. Help the High Srhool Students in ,--Their ''J.~" St-rit's (~•ntest Which Ends Saturday. llerembfr 23rd . -- 21111 ,,_...,.and C ··••t JUYd The Ualboa Inn Main Sln¥1 ~tl thl-flail."• I"Wr. l"h. N~ - J. S. Hur~tt (.;onatrudion Co. t~l ('untrvton 1300 Slat• lOch•., .. ~. & s. Salel Company 21lt South Main St. ...ta AM Tod4'a Dairy ... ,..._.. ... .. ..... ~ ...... ~ ... -... · Ludlum Carpet Worb IIZl 8o. lbJft lute AM A. B. McCoUU. Udol.a. Van Cuap'• Sea Food Co., 1M. 22'7 :10th Str-. N...,..-1 ,._. Bay Shor~ Camp & Cafe O..t lllch•ay fl..tna .. Man. Kalair N.-,..t .... The f)oll Houae t"a.lm Sprinp YOUR COUNTRY IS STILL AT WAR.ARE YOU? Sa wy~r Sport Shop 'X/7 Mann.. Av.. Relt.. l.a.nd Palm-Palm Cafe ............. Ollila.... ..... ............ Raw80n'• Cafe 101.!5 Cout Hlctnnr N~ BHc:h ' v alle)J Boat Reatall ....... ..,-.......... _ ... .,. ..... Boulevard Feed Store 2240 N.wport BIYd. Co.ta MeM Lowman Boat Builden -Nf'WPOI't Bml o.ta Mae Market Spot 2:10 Karlae Avw. Antoa H~ Balboa laland Hqh FAtUI Serriee Station 2'100 W. Olatr&l Newport 8eadl Balboa Ian Beauty Salon _ ......... ···~~ .............. , Gerald Raaa, M. D. 3130 W. C.tnl PIL N..,..-t 8Mdl 1031 Newport BuDden Supp)7 Co. llOt W. C.tNJ A.._ N...,..,-t BMdt ....... ..._ ..... ..._ .. Ba7 Diatriet Lumber Co. ., ..... ..-... .. -....... Reed'• Super Service _ ................................... ..... Deaa Termite Control ..................................... ............ ._..._ ....__ Loull w. Brina n• ~ o.atnl Rial ·~.._.___ ....... Oalf . The Famoaa Dept. Store W. T. Jeffenon 212 Oc.-Mn Blvd OJraN .. liar R. W. McClellan & Sou Rocb and 'n'uddnc ~11 Welt Oln\J'al AWIIUit , U.S. Government Bonds Are the World's Best Investment Villa Marina Motor Hotel ................................ " ........ ft. ... Boyd'• Gilmore Seniee Station CICIO w ... t o.tnl AWftUit McNall>·'• Boat Livert 1'05 • ., """'' a.a. pt.,. 405 Port of Seven Seu Boat Landiq ., .................. -.............. .... New pori Ice A Cold Storace UO n..trt.6etJI St N~ Seed~ Dennie'• Cafe llff7 Cout BMt 0arana ciPI Mar wrhe Arche.~ "~ • I~IIJe --. 0.. ... 1 .......... a.. ... ·-........... __. ... Culbertaon CheVI'olet Co. Ottu ('IJJboortann~ Ownlr El Parai110 Spanlah Kikhen Mc:!t'adtk l>t~. N.wport ' Balboa ·yacht Buin Sherwin-William• Paint Co. t•aH .... oir!o fWecl o A Half')' Ph. Npt. .Bdl. 1100 100 E. Ua)' A•• f'hene 101 a.Jboa Ur. M. D. Crawford .Balboa Canvu Shop 11'112 Nt'Wpflrt otvt~ Optonwtrt.t ec.c. .._ Z24 .. 21at "' f,L ... ul Nanna~~ N......,rt Baadl Sportland Bowline Center Main Strwt, S.lboa ....,.._: 3D ..... s.taora rw. .......... u.-...... 211t Place. N.wport )bada ,._.- CuinoCafe Dl MAin St Loula V~ l.ac-a..4 ............. u.. ·~ ~ o.u.cr •• _._.. Ocean View Apartment. lll6 E. Surf BaJa. bland Realt7 Co. . _._.. __ ................... ~ ..... ..... Cuboid Foot Balancers .,.. .......... r..t ..... til........... ..... ... B'Domea _ __ ...._ ........................ ... This Advertisement Made Possible By the Patriotic Contributions of the Citizens and Firms Listed on This Pap .. \ .. " ... ,. I I' ' ~· -. ~ •• ----·--·--. NI:WPORT·BAI.IJO-\ "r:W!O·TIMM. S...,_. ...... ~- 1 1 ~rlliP Pyf,.·.~ .'lttlll "" ,,,. H ur: NKWPORT-aAUIOA NEWS -TIMES PBOND: sE\\·roaT a: a 11 ' G J T 0 k C ~-----------------------1 I fort Ye My People:· by J am.-. 1-125 YEARS AGO to !"orf'llk, \'a., .,,tb Icy d«u NEWS of tile CHURCHES ~atldna. g.,~?" by Rev Thmn&A IUkJ AWl. IUkJ hke all l'lllaforruana , { · Ma,.}laJI Lrt Ua Go Even I I d tb ou1 lnwk all f UDto Bet.blehem. -FADM OUR FILES ~ ey .,. d oot • " ~·~en~,~~~~~~~ .. ~·~-.~~· ;~ ... ~n~ ..... ~,~.uw.~~-~~~·~-~~;·~u~xVl~ 7 s Ill" II na c · to .4a \re· ~ m. CbUdrs' --lllew York ._.,,. for !"e•-purt I p&rtt • Chrt.lt.maa The formal o~runc o1 tbe Se-.·-BMcll. ii' tpawa hy&tlie tn Adv&nct'' Q .(lt) ~r )'MU" Ill <:>r.n~ Coanty. rl·, • • · port Harbor Yacht du.b ., ... ~If'-Among U. ~-YWtGn aua per year to t lh .. JDe ; p 00 per year to IIUl zone I .J i k (' I ... i \ i 11 !! i ll lllll ~I a CHRIIT CHURCH BY THE IE,t bnted Ydlh a dlnoer dance, tbe were Sbeiby Coon. Or. Rlcbtf'r dliUlt'r bemg ~rv~ by the Cberry &Dd .1. JL BHk. ' ~ u ~ODCS-Clua mattn at tbe P•..totface Ill Newport Bea.ch. 1 ' FIRIT CHURCH OF CHRIIT, Co-nmunlty Matftodlat 1420 Weat Cent,..! Avenue Rev. E. D. Goodell, Putor Church School, 11:00 a.m. K ornLDc Wonhlp, 11 a.m. Ulo.om. Saot& Ana. Two bUDdred r--------------"\ Caltforuta. IUI~r tbe Act of MILrc;h 3. 18711 &. A. IIEYER ---. t;lJlTOR AND PRESIOEJ'JT I ... 2 'IIC PSult. .SOil W. Ceni.TaJ A\'enuf' Nf'wport tu-ar h. l'alltuml.ft I Official Paper of the City of Newport Beach A Dlfl ••~ Loul lnetltutlo.~ Fw Ovw M Yura Merry Christmas &CI£NTIIT Llclo Thutar, Central Avenw .-I II (',, f(lrf' \1 ; .... '<ill,!! fmt llrn •nd V•• Lido A btw.nr b of Tbe .Wolber Cburcb, ':he F\nl Churcb of Cbrlat. 8c:1- anUat. 111 ~ton, MaaachuMtta. 8unda} School a t I :.SO a. m. ,,.,., .• '· •t: .,.,, rl••t•"•'· ... oo /lltrn ,,,,, ,.,., fHiblitllrd .. ,. ... l'rl• 8UDday Service at 11. m. Wed· '"" "1flt th• t,f• ./,...,., t~• ·W foo•lllo ·ttl I ""' h \tor lit A/llt'G. lieU,._ Oft lUI .,.Uy Tl'•tlmoolal M .. UDc &l 12 ( 'urry ( Jn l 't~~lt•r 'J'r.' in ~ Cv111litioru II:• t-:rnit• I') It' "" l.i ,,., ,., ''!~I'",,.,~.,, :· .. . o'elcK:I noon. Til f: 1 ! · ~. l •,t \-.; ; W l[';T -It m ust be hard for you folks at R.lldlnl Hoom local-s at 111 hnrnl.' t•• ('IHH'• l\. ), w r1ur trolt•l'" right at the front actually l:&tt Oenlrlll Avenue, Balboa, &a It\•(• In f.H'I 1t 1~. !1:.rr: \() J (•st.n be It to you even when I'm 01*1 ally from 1 P· m. •o ~ P2 m. ltf!lf•n a.( th£•111, '•\ "''' 1n :-nm 1·what the same way they are. ucept Sunday• ud boUdap D&-• u.ally ~''-rved. peoplt> atlrnded. &.nod amoq the ~e.t.. were Secretary Hubbk and L>lre<'lor l.udrn:lbt'IDI, put Comm<;- ~ of Ule 8ouUa Oout Ya.cbt Youtb Fellowah.lp, 6 p.m. I club. Loa Ancelea Harbor. There Evenlnc Worahip, 7 p.m. w.re a~ecbu by Btlly Bumbam Mid-week p ray e r •rvlce, Dr. Conrad RJcbt.er and Shtrley Wednead&y; covered dlah dinner, Mut-rve and A H W"-wu r • 6:30pm. ' . . ........ e · elect-s commodore 8AL80A IILANb CHAPEL Mr. and Mre. s. H. Goodykoontz 211 Agate Avattua t'ntert.alned wllb a dinDer bonortnc Rev. Harry W. Wlllt., Ml• COnnie Folka ot Loll AAcelea. A.uoc:lat.e Paator wb~ marriage to tbelr &OD Beaver Cburch Scbool, 1:30 a.m. wu a comlnc event. Koi"D1.Dc Wonhl:>, 11 a.m. Doc wu.on IIDd Hu,.b McMillan. I Ynu r P" eC'""''" c••·ht U.t' !art A 11111., later Beuman lot out 8 Tbe put.Uc Ia c:orcU&IIy LD.tted to ( OOaGMA DEL IIAa that hoJm~n ~,,. • ~· ,._,., ''"''~ I""'-J:oartly flllf'<l bottle of ,tn ha had wltb etaend tr.e cburcb aervlc:ea &Dd uaa OOIIIIt7Jifl'l'l' c.t7IICII who wue brlneiD&' tbe yacht Uacu form New York. wrote of a atormy t.hrN-d&y voyap froiD Mew Yortl Th I 1" '' ,· ,.,. k.••· '" hHn •t•ti a~kf'd thla aame Hftaltlve ~ Rtadlnc Room. c-tl,...atl-1 .at homely poet of the :-ixteenth century , all , .. u · 111~- Th r•1•taon of he'd like li drink. The f'ie1T)' P'. Schroc.. ID1DARer LD 7 :30 P, m.; K~Wftk --~ ..-t·l Om&S Tusaer, WhO turned 0 Ul a CT0 0d b1't Of gaae ad-C n u I ol A II J U 1 t -. .--"' "' r~ovtaln didn't even reach out bla -·TJAl' M'l'l~c• c.t~IIC•U c.harp. inc an W~. 7 : p. m..; vice in lilting Jine8 and e pigrams Which haVt' UecOm t' U ,., ~c-1\••• ', ar· hand Hr aamply anawt-red: ~people tbat walked lJa clark· SUnday. Oe«mber 2t , 1944. )'OW\I peopi.P'I ~ ~ IMIS TIEES HERE NOW -·-GI'OC!e ...... Cald ..... Prlllta a Vepta'lla on.N 817NDAYll -·-()pea Vldlll .. -. IJata Dee. U... a....aa .... Dee.,.. .. httol's c,..n a t rt f h'J h II ce ptor a l v to • "tl;,,·r yr u aot enoulh for 1'11,'1 -•aYe aeeD a .-t lt_..t: , .. _ 1:30 a.m. Cburcb acbool U ttle on~-7:45 p, m. permanen pa o o ur v 1 usop y as w e al' o ur ,., ... t l ... n~ th.ol , ... -... ......., ..,~l!!!!!!!!i!..!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!~!l!!!!!!!!!!!!ldl!!!=~~!l!!!!!~~t=!!!!lr:!!!!!o!!l!=,....,. ...... lan~a-, left th .. n ·orld •• •.• l'mpJ•• Yuletl'de· m"'.""''IITC.I I. uri) •loo:htly mm too .. .... , ... n ID the IIUid or the ..... folk& mt-et In email building at PI" ,. n u '"' ~ , ,...,,.. ,._.-Hf" wnuldn't lake a drink hlmMif ew of dNtb, UpoD them !lalla tbe l Jumlne avenue and tth alreet bt e now familiar couplt>t : ,,,,,,,.,. tl.f' ... ,~ unlru thr enlisted men under him Jll't ablof'd." Tbla 'YefM ,.,. lDtermedlatf' ~roup at 916 Oce~ I · 1 "" •1 ·•1:~ cuulri h;we Jnme laald will be the Ooldaa Ten ta boulevard. At Cluiatmaa pia,, and make cood ch~r. I S• " .. ,,, uur I I but • ....._ d • a Be I A t otncers • re not Ike \hat. :;-8 1 D a~. ..,.,aaon· MDOII Oil 11:00 a.m. Church worahl •r-for Clariatmaa comes but once a year.· I :o ... , .• rau r dl· the balllt-llf"ld ril.lt's produce • broU., Clarilt Jf eua to all braoc:b• at I vice In lhl! "Ch. a I b the P Sea .. Do th h th . Ch . t . I :··· lh cu lh~ Tu· trhood The comm•m bond of deatb ,... Jo(olhf'•r. Church. Tbe nrat t10 "-'-t H' hwpea y ' wn r o ug e centurH~:'. rl:' mas. Ill :u -f'r•lf' f') lr n ..... , frnnt Atlrr ~raw• bumliO$ toward n cb other CIHarcb of Chr11t. Sclentlet. Ill Doe-..._._.. ·e y. I diti.on to its deep religiOU.'-i'irnifkancr, has h N 'II a I II,, •lftl(luU I llC'C'U· h .. I h f _._ I toD. Special C'hnllllllrul arrvlcf' wttbl d ,.. I """' t ~" arlouroo• Arrlf'r 0 ra.... Ia John·~ Ooa-1 JPIIUI df"mre., Chrietmu mualc and ~~ermon. The a:y Of aood Ch .. er-a day Of J)l' .... '. ~In() ••a.V"t.\' c'lllfl 1'"1'"n ''1 N• rlh and Wt·~l t\frtt'a, Aft•r a r .. u~p"s of front llna .. -,.. • ""f h 'J..I "t·' · l "' I' and h "'' lu ,., twrt l'v~r •"'c" · ~ •·~ ~· " • "He thnt .. ntl'rl'lh DOl by the door Choir wlll111ni: a mt'dl~y of Cbrtat-peat excitement o r c2 1 urt>n. :m_f a t .. ~.· \\' wn mf'll I Tilt·.• "'''' nul ,,~l·l In • brfl r .. r It viOl your \A"""' pt•rspP<"IIVefon lUilf• lDto lht' •hl'f'f)fold. but c:llnabelb up miLl! carola. ChrisrlmW! 1101() by •tre.1 d k ff ( I I n1re11u a11d ""co·sslUu o e 80111# oth••r "'av the 111tme Ia a tblef J ... M .. Ill c • h ' f h . ( ..1 I . hb I h I I d c litnl!rs. &114 a robiJ<>r .... ''f'rily, I aay unto Noel," by Adolph Adnm. • • • T"lt .IXTitltNTH CON.ItCUTIYI\:. OIYIDCNO AT TWit .A'Yit D~ , ... ltlt ~It· CltNT ta'l P'lt. ANNUM f'D• "Hit .1\:WI·A ... NUAL P'lt.IOO ltNOI ... G DltCitW·It· ata,., , •••• HAe elt&N DC· CI..A.ItD ay THit Ol.ltC,D•e D~ THie AeeOCIA'YION AND !tACH ACCOUNT t N•u•ca UP' 'YO ••• 000 an women too () tlmf> r o m ttll tn l 'f1.)11.\' t l t' Cllm··r O>oo!lll' n ... ,.,.,. lll't•rl lhiiHII(h thll I ,. hun . ... l.'r: .. antoqut dr p&niOnS lp 0 t e 1r riE'nu. :;;, 311( n C'I_g Or :-.·. t <I~ lt'('fl VII'"''" ""'"'' • l't'plrl tl •lUI owra <m l'eu U'l'd to Jw aorf' Wilwa ,.. JOG, I Alii flit• door Of lhf" ah...ep.,,. • . I d f b th I J I ( n I I 11" I: I Olllld rouldJa't ... , • , .... Now YH'v• I IIIII lhP I:•IOd ~hf'Jthl'rd and know St>nnon by •tr Sdtrol k2 "\\I' 2 0. ro er y uve, a ( ay 0 ~flO llf'S;o:, (\~\\'I' . a =--Tilt')' llot\l'fl I tlC'NI l'llld '" Ulrre atruda I Oid "'hr n ,.,. ... • DlJ lhP•·fl . ontl nm kno.:o of mine. See the Stan At Night." IN£ WPOR T DALBO~ FEDER ~L thJnf{S On the t~b)e, for Un Cl' :l )'(•:Jr mallkllld i ""'"lh~ Th•·y have \)r('n on Elrlluh apet wbf'r~ )UU r~n lie dew• e•t 2 .. Ami lllltPr lll'le~>p I hrtve. which ' !_'" P' n n eought to follow a little clol"f>r j n th•· ~t('p;-; of thP ' rut oliO• n .... l nl lhf' tlmr , and Brit· ., ·~ "''lnd. are DOl llf thl• fold : thPm a lao I FIIUIT FOtJa8QUAJIE CIRTaCH sAVINGs a, d L 0 AN Ass 0 (I AT I 0 N .. 11-... -r. l~lt r!IIIIIO>, tlouu&h .uud. ICt'l Olll hly Even "'·' "" n pf'r$1)f't'llve b.. muat brhtL', a nil lhf')' ~hall httar ruy or COAT A IIIUA ADM:' llrc-.1111,1• t'hnn~erd, a rod 11, 8 rnrrespondent •olcfo : und I hPrf' 11bttll be one fold, (~ of. tM Blc .. ••t) ln many of our h om es. ll'larlnAl'-"' w ill he t ifltl't.'cl Tht·y Ill',., IH"I' ooll lhror clull\t'~ ' and IJnt' ~h··pliPTII." lle'Y. G. \\'UI&nl '8'-'-. Paatnt'. ~ "' ' "' " l'\•e h'd ''' 1' 111~ b:o n·•t lute 0 lhry llako•r f:<lrty ~IYR In "Sc:12 llae ll~ Co·Putor with udness on Chri~tma." Da\' thi~ VE>ar. Moth<'r:', a~ 111 nu:ht. rurrt lho" .~woo~ Thl')' thr rnu.:h "''' t'oor 3 hfo•llme I have •c• arlll IIPal!h "''II II Kf'y to the ....... 1111·.1 they prenare the Chri"tma." dinner 'will prav silf'ntlv I ri•>n't ~t•·t • IH•Ih ort.-nt'r th;ln ''"".. hathf'<l wllh 11~-<'"m•nll regularoty, Sn-lt>~ur··~ .. "Our h••avttnly Father. Friday, '7:30 p. m. wonlhlp M-rv2 r . •. • · · · 1 • mu1oth Onto •mall tlt-tachn"'"' ar· Hnri I thn11a:ht II"' "ooolfl would comt' dh1n,. lA I''"• dl'ln•nrlll t hat all men lice, ReY. Mae Steam. 1n charge. that -their son~ Wlll come back t o them. and fathf'r~l q.uorrd hrr and hall IU be funtll lll· to :In rnd lllllr .. I ~·hotnjll'ri my lOCka ahould l•ollow the n anaple of our Sunday IChool. 9:30a.m. will Jon~ for their boys and bury the hurt in tht>ir t-d. but •II th• rut hav~ •acal'f'd c"~rv d;~:v :-.; " 1 h,"'" just had Mut••r Anti hl~ atlM IIt>l' and not Momlnc worship, 11 a. m.. ~pe-e- h ........ _ th • d th ta. bJ 'lh t th ao far Thry muv .. ao lrt-Qut-ntly "'" tlo ~~ l<,oth 111 n noo•l I h. and I ao -ftly .... r~ltlp hill pl'rJtooallty." lal m usic, pa~~tor'a ~ennon . .:::an.~~.W en e~ 8lt OWll to (> e WI OU t>m . th .. y don't allempl tu put '"nt::>II:V '"'" 14t'C'k > ;,1 ,. ll't , ,.,lhout e ven AcaJn l hP IIII )J', "It I'< the ll,tna For W1Ve8 and Sisters and swet>tht>art.-~. whose loved . Oulllt' touche& ... tht' mrn du at ...... nj! "" m) ..... , Ortrily t-nnuch. ChriPI lhr· rrnt'IIC'al Truth, whlcb • G I 'f h 'II b th t I d '' .. ,,Asn't •6••m ''' lr ·•k• mu~h daf· mUH Jv•u' 'the r.PurrPr•lon IUI4 ODe8 are weanna • . um orm.~, t e r t> \\'I e som e -. e morr pt'rtn•nrrl r amp• .... ar .. • • ' • "' .... v f f .... _ , 1 r ·n~ Ole lifo:' to aJI who follow blm lD ...... , __ m•-l·na from Christmas. But there will be cour-v•f' rur. ery f"W 0 u.... root-lnl" "'· •• • • • deed .. WI&&JA ..., ,.. u oops hav• evrr had any leave. I _,e and strong hope, too--hope born o f the SUrene~._ They nr ver 10 to town tor an ev~ Thr otht>r d;o> I had to l11u11h al ooa LADY OF MOUNT t 'A&MEL 8EVENTB DAY \DV&NTJST8 Coner Walll•t _. ~ .. Sta. c..-,.._ Sabbath school. t&turday m.om· ina. 9:30 o'clock. Pn>achlna ~~ervir .. , 1 l a. m. tlaat the tide of battle has turned and that the t>nd run,· I fun Thty v.·orll all thr time my~t'U •'H'r • loll It' r molonn I .,.. CIIUIICII ot be too I d I d Ne ... p IIH .. 'raell et Ute P«'"'''l<'l"<l Wr h.od Mmrd 00!, eve-lUI\\'. Ceaval N• rt ._. COSTA MEliA COM.Mtr.IIIT1' may n ong e aye . ..,. .... Wf'f'lla. I'U wa.er Uall nine .,. a O('lol rr .. llt ltnr hutftj uar· • wpo CBUliVH There is not the pall over C hristma." this year .. ,., Cftt ., e• rr .. uloe tr rs It wu lf'ltl('rt'd around a 'J'U. S\mday IT\8.IMS at sand 10 .1. m. Carl ........... Mlr'ater that there wu on that dark Christmas whic h followed ar ......... r .... w wlllea ....... ,. nlmn rarmhuusr. aa pracli£ally aD -.....--v .............. H IU &. toe. 't. ..... tns-a (oon.mand pu~!· IHt' •• 2 .IOHN VIAnno•• " ....... -.. Olurch Srhool. 9:.:> L m . ., eJoee on the tragedy of Pearl Harbor. Des pite war's ~=rmorr. Ult' old traditional ("emrert •• Greund ~!llarble A"ii :rboa ...._. Morning Wonhlp 11 o'clock burdens, we should all have gratitude in our heart.~ dU!erenre• bf'twrr n day and na,ht Soldlf'n and oolt\1-rr~ ;olo.ke ... ..,. rn.ua at : a. m. Youth groups, Hiah School .. In· tbat the defeat Of Our enemies, thouah n o t ,Vet ac-have almo1t t'f'lll«'d to U tll Ntt~hl· •l~rplntc ju~l ""''""11"" lhey could-ST. JAMEI EPISCOPAL trrmedlate, Adult, S:30 p. m. "' I 1 t In !rucks. unrl<'r lrl'rs. 1n the barn Evenin' ~tcrvlcc, 7 :30 o'clock. eompli8hed hu become a certainty anrl that th(' d ay tJmr nv OOiN necruara ., mrane •nd t'hlt'kt'n hll\1~1'1 It ...... cold CHURCH Mldw~·k ft>llowshlp and prayer, I • • ft'JI , nor dAytlmt' worll O!ttn ,,.. w---A-7 30 of ~ h much ne r"r An"' W"' ~houJ..I b {' •nd 1'13tnp, .. u~ual. Ebeii.Ciubhouee ............... y , : p.m. -•~e 88 ~ome a ..-. u ..-• \I JuM rrverufl The bulk uf our co•n· Nul>-•dy trll~ " c .. rrNIJOndrnt , !'I Central Ave., Nrwport B•ac:hl --------- eta-n&lly thankful that America has been s pare d the 1 vuyma or IUI'J.Ihf'l and ahlllltl~ ,of wlwrc· II) ~11'!')1 oor wh,11 IO do whf'Tl I T.mporary &upply Clergy, I ~-~~.!.~L(~t!_lRMc!!_ 3333 lilA LIDO NEWPORT BEACH, CALif'OANIA ........... WALT&• •• aP-ICit. C . W . TotWINKLit W. A. WILeu• MODEll MilliE SEIIICE SHELL DOCK BALBOA ISLAND A...-.-luJ devastation and trarrt>rlV Vil'iterl On Other \rt•UI)J II do~nr at nl1ht. ~f S•!l• .,._. -__, -.. _ ~-&...-1. • ."' , d lfro are ut'customf'd 10 trn•t•u& hr IS I!' 1•5) 11 c .orut~nn lht-trnnt He • 11 •· m. COrnmunoon and spwc-Sunday IChool. 9:f5; · mornln& eountrie8 WhiCh have been hud w a..o;de by homb~ and ell nl&hl, •••no~llrltrl thrrr or ft1Ur 1111t1S I• r 1-tn••••ll ~;,I OOif'd llrlollnd laJ C1lriltm&8 arvlce Solo, "Com-WOf'11hip, 11 ; EvangellltlC lk'~ri'Vl~Ct!~,l.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ·-V troo:re This year, far more than la.'¢, Or any Dl&hU In a ruW lrrraularlty or alrcp hOfl f, und A I ' ,I'(' h' llCt'fl. It IolBI ---v ~ 1 0 ldl ld uudrr a ,b•J! ~ rrnrh uaon wa1on ·nee e outbreak of War W(> havt> rea.~on to b e "''""1 norno.o 11r 10 er 10 tollinc an lhr barnlnt . • • mt' he onrf' """' UarH day1 and l-and reason to extend the Yuletide gret>t-noahta wllhuut •lrf'p Sumf' ~:·ldlt'I J h.tri '''''"'' S('\'rral t... M Ch • t" 1tnp• "r c·•" "'~·•l•·d 111 r~•nnn.: and .... erry nfltmas. Ynu ··~ men •lrl'plnJ •nyWhPre, ,,., them i '. •II HI .hrcr < odrs nf the 1 an}I IIOt' Thl' ••tht'o •I•> 1 uw a "'a1un, n .oku•.: "•1 1:~ The wago'n Tall Tales from Tokyo oh\'~ trr• ;1\ l~·u lit tht• .,fl("rnuon bf'd f,•rn ,,~t tl ' • f tt\' t tu•.•d Thf'Y A '"" ff'rl ~ .. n,. a full ,.,:,,·,!'l wa• hnri bruuo:hl 'I'·'" I• tn a nu rby l•e>tflwr '""'~"J.I on blnukt•t• unrit'r an ''""k and 1 •II 1 .. 1 • I" .:r• md 1111' W~'W (P"'W11 accustonwd to the "Vk10ri£'!1;" rnanufBC'· alrrtHnl, "'"noll) uol \Itt• a~ruonori In drr thl' "'""''" Thn r '-'r thrf'"' our tared by tM Jas-. I ball It' yo~ ~~·;,:~~~~!•\;r~'. dr••P brdda ue rt•ll• II w•• Utr • ..,,,.,, ptac-r t•• But .... were hardly prepared ror t.tM.> "feet" of a Jap pur-I The .. .., , ... al$f'lll ...... , , •• pie alt-Jt In for • ....... It toad twe llllt ..a.-which accordln frto Tokyo, smashed right through You lt\1' '".uch and talk rYtJ&h •nil .. apl6e~nt tnlur~..-tJw creaad .-.~ • If Y"'-' dortn t tnuchc-n "'' 1n11de you atf ~ ol. 8-29, aunt' out on f.ht> other side, and C'Ort· almply wouldn't t..e a hlr to t~llt• at .. a dry, antf tltr wl .. wa• C'lll efr. -tll1ued to fllht. An omcer ruend or •nUot' Lleut 1 wa• .. plr .. rd at IIMI•I Relnarkahlf>-•• Imagination' ~nnle Beuman or M •'-••u•~.,. , ... , a~Kil • wondrrhal plar t-&ha' I · trlhn1 me two lncldf'nl> d A rt-cent eHid rrt'l my aret'ral apirlh 1,. ---------b•ttJe that tnuchl"d hHn !it't'l>l) ., llllt-an •l~vator. I aT rk Fi ht One avenon1 he and ,,..,thu otn· ftt-e lllr df'&arllmf'tlt cnt .,. r "0 or g cer Came up IO a !1111 fArt flhOUie, •era ... mo\'f' lltr nrlll d•l I lrlt a '1\'hlch wu apparenlly rmrty To be Cf'11UIIl• '"~''"'at lf'a,IDI Ito•~ 111.. To the fif{htinf{ man whn today saw the lift> shot on Ole .. , .. lldl" hf' c•llf'd IIIII Who.l'l Ue l\1\'rn And" Ullak afi'F all out Of his buddy and :'tepperl Up Unhesitatingly to t.h~ro1'' bf'for~ fOIDI ln. Thr an· It WAI enly IOmf' pltlfal atra• R'l 6 .. 1. • } }} h f J h IWt'r came bat'k tile liard 1re1111d aader a warun IIA&e h18 pace, a t f! uro r about peop e at orne "Captain lllank. •nd ~<ho thr l.•U walking Out On the ir War jobs b t>fo r e the w a r jg d o n e, wanta to kn''"'' ... L 1 d I • '·I M f th b Th~y went on enol r~ound 1•1~ 1 ap-It If' lhlniC• eomt to mr~r. -o , hu aeeme scarce y ~oncel\'au t>. ost 0 e 2 oys I taln, hll d olllfl t'OYrrt'd .. ,u; .. :. od, milch Ill wa,tm:e writing home haV(' ~imply refU.~rl tO Credit the ht-a llnl a un uf raiiOI\a O\'rr a .O•UI'-At tho• rront I m thr •o.!~· o'r tJI•n r1Dft01'8. hnt-!lame Thry ukcod .r Ulr~ •·ould I . knuw "hn ba$ • can· I:' •: ,•rn b')' 2 I' I I rl I u .. -.. all noahl .. ,lh ham ltr .aid hr II I In r' c,,,,,,a t1rn and . 1-. r :u Recent War M o 1 1Z8llfl!l ru. !OJ!~ c a cu att> to I dld~'t l tVt'. <lamn Tht) llarl~d t ... j carry It jO Ot.Y ('ol\'~r•l_l P"• I·: to return thOU8&Jld8 Of men to e"..:ent.ial war WOrk Or l)Ut thrn_. thrar bla11ktl> du.,.-n, and the I<~Stp 1 1 1 1 (r, 10 '"·"I 111 '~'0 th • 'f U8t I h II I , I f 2 I ca tam aaod I tr a roe cr.u .. ~ to !>' Jo.•: •!r ',,. i em In UlU onn m SUre Y C a enl!e u . . Ct.n I· .~ v.llt-n , .. or.t'thon r ,-,,u nrl'<' • . lh 1 dence in the all-out backing n f'the h o m t> front. I U1 l.c~ll uul fOf' that man llV«r 11taktn l'\e .,.,,.~~ ~·· ,,. 2 ..• :. th •h 'j }' b h ( Jk • I .f'rr yrt, out I ~"•·'t!t I •:1 I' ,• ~ • To ose m e n ~ Ol'E' I ( ea 1Sm a o ut t (' u !' a t Thrre ··~ a d•·-·11 suort:rr lvontc In If d I 1 ~ ' b d' 1 sr un f'"t ... r ~t\f-f",rr ~·.1• ,. home 18 apt to be ~haken )' thE' appart>nf lSre~arC a Tc,l•rnt'r t h<l\ I' a I'"·' • f Onllfl'. , , , , • •'-• -I ty d If rl b th 2 r }. k or capl.llll "'a;. "" 1\11:1 ha• •up ath t l AGr WleiT IMLie an Vte are , an Y e !'eemt n~. aC pt'T and; '"l'"""i 1, .l.t) •II Ol"hl ., n.< ,111 nnr •Y ., 11 • I f ba kbo ' h ' b f " lr•ot It a ' :1r r' '" 1, , .., 0 c n e Ill men "' 0 J{aVt> up war JO s nr p e r-aiOnf' In that • , .... ~ ... Ill Tht' ... ·:e :~·! .. ~''·' ~ ~ I ' If 80DaJ beUennent, We On tht> h o m e fro nt Can S3\' o nly 8c'('d an<l tun "' M ·~I' "~'-••ut him hi\<1 All~ r .. ol r , r1 , ·, ,.1 ., • th• . · \hat o.Ja1 h••l It'll I " ool lrrl~ on I C.•lJ ,.,.tt': nn•! " ! "' . , 1 , •• 18, dlft'f'rt•nt .,._,I, t<~ :ht ,. ·• 1 """·•••hop .. , ... , .• ,, · "Th k h J) ..J t f t ' I "~'" '11 '"'""11 1 4 1 " Tn~ e wor e~ 'W 0 pu eu ou 0 e&"E'n Ul war of Ulf' 11~111 11 ., .I lho• III"C'III'f' of t.n• , ... hn<l .onol I ' < ' .. .. • Work and brouaht about the 'w ork Or fiJrht' e nict. the cSnd nalb. Nli!hl .. ~t~r "~ll' 1 ,, I 1'1 h d , • Th~ oU\n lloCII1t tll "'II> Josl th~ 0"'-" 1 Were not unpatriotic pro-F~~ists w o o n t J!'IVE> a • ..-a .. ~ • ·.-r"""' ., ... II-;~' H ! "' .; .: h ~ f th h polite Artllthrr ,. •I I~"' h·•rJ't'ned b•'~ rr.•m thr na'l ar~rl ·~ l M hoot Whether YOU COme Om (' rom e War Or W II to be atand lll£ l•t •tdf' RO'S•m ~n It ,1u, paon. . wine the final baWe. They w e re ft>llows prt-tt~ much waa Ju•t at dU•k anfl tl•ry "''Pre on Uur tr<•ope dl' r..... ..... ,, " \, Itt. . ) h t I • ~ Ulr deeert. Tht llllf hl choll .,..., .-om· t.nl:o clrAn ,,,1 I'~~>• ''*hlo , IV!. uae youne Vet', W 0 1tere 8W4?p a Onf{ m R WaVt> o, lnl down. Th• c-pt•.n lo.•t.rd to ..... , .. , , "'• \•1•'•'1" U IHIAr) h r.lo· '' a:t bJ)tfmism on the early end of the war-an optimism far hot1aori and laid. •ort .. t '" him· •lcomvy Thr All rorrr• an ''" .t>..-lr wftfch WU not diBCOUTaf{ed by JtOVernment 8p0kt>~-aeli:"Y" IPt al AJ Wre Ia .... , arlllttra Ill l(rc~< hr.,ri, tout ·r r ..... rut of ·th• arm~ ll•·r•n'l Cun•t· JDeiL ,_,. aM wtaat'a lllf' eN et h qur.n\ly lht mrn havt to •hae rt '1Jome of them looked arounU the War pJanti~ alit NIP&,_. rl-.e .. 1\'f"f 1ardiPU ut hO"'' 10<'00\ tnorn: II n :o• where they worked and saw m E'n and women fairly '" ... eWa• ye•." be falling OTer eaeh other's toes, producing gll!ll' ami planM ud ships. Some, perhaps, saw workers le~ frf'l"man!' Rrf'lk Out of Fai11 Pu." J Compet.ent than themielves in position~ of authority, '------------'---------1 lor h war plant organizatio n s were new, the job.~ t o Word ~ama to Ul ab<>ut noon chat I dO'II'11 I .... l l•d tn arrl\·~ be doDe were ~ti~t ~d n obody had ever seen &be G•rmaDI _, .. ad\laMina upon t thKIIf'd ln .. thp lnlelhl tnrt _ ...................... "' in all hlltOrv. So, beina nonnal men. SMIUI trom P'al4. So I peckt-d onto tent In IH .. t:at ..... &0101 nn d .....,~ IJ&W .a. -;, ,.. .., ,... IIIICI atar1ed alone on tht found that lhonas .. ·t rt dJIIII d:;, altiett tliOalbu-. eaeh dectded that one worl{E'r leS8 hmWar e,mlle dme anuth lo SMII WIUitht-CIOfn\nC or du'~ So lrotchrd eouJdJ1't ~ly affect the wtaJ p r o duction, ancl they la. ,,.. a briaht day and nrr.,., m:o trot and Y<f'nt lo bt-d, ~~~ ~ aa.med p.-aft-ful I eap.-r trd Htat rnomtn• I 1•'1 up before d .. qalt. " E h ' W ..... Oerman planel aa I nHrf'd 1 hl hl and u ucht a r!d,., Ju" ah;r "That'• about ~~ there is to it. xcept t 1~: e INIU.. ... tMN _,. nonf'. and I aunmt. wiUI ,., otntf'n I Oinl Up believe the majority Of thOle men, nOW that war needs I ...... tllto mr t:lua·pelch dutJ2 1 to the new P<'fllt.>n of our tonra,-. aN erfdeal and the vfeto:uepends o n the.m indi~d-....... about -ur bdort IIWl· command poet 81 wellu on yout }! back o n the1r war JObs anJ misakt. no ma~ •·hose. that n1ak~a tra.cedy or Uncle Sam's eerv1ce de you long before any ou our battle fronts, and •·ill tn· to makf UTI fi'lr thi's offfeial order forces them to. We kftow thE'y rttf{Tft Ont. We belfew you c11n count 'On that.·· · • - PLANNING YOUR "TOMORROW" TODAY? Aod to it che Gaa l.aduauy-with plana co deliabt your toW for the mote .. .-.., ;, ... jiu, ,., ~ ,.., '· ' Ript at the cop ol your ''Tomorrow Utt:' iaclude a fiDe Sene~-the permanendy aileot Gt11 Refripni!OI chat freaa witb oaly a bDJ pi 8ame. (You -. Sene1 lwl DO IDOftaa ,.,a. to s.nl owaen baft beee doubly lucky duriaa tbe war: ao repairt to plaave them, but loa ol looa·life depeadabilitJ co blaa them.) You'U like ia avina oo opentina Cl*l. -aDd ia •nap oa JOUf fOod.I:JuJina aad oa left-oft~'~. coo. Se"el Raeudl Baai- neen aaJ atill aao'le ncitiaa imp~• meaa an ahead. More than nu, yoa'U be at.d it'• • s.wt G• Jtefriaaa..,- the arialocn& ol tbeaa all! M•nn•• c•••"'' eae ••••a•'f 'MODERN ••• PRACTICAL ••• \ ·r-I .. nrarly thrt>e yt'ara. an11 ••ut .. t the NEWS· TIMES CLASSiriED OP~PORTUNITIES l RED CROSS -1 , ~';;~~~ \l'ltt~· rarrutr '"~ ''" ll~lbNI I BaiMa Island I • Attivjties I H .. has ~ .. n '"'"Y fn>m """'":or ._... L ~ r-.. ,... !II~ •eta-.~ I -·~~~~31:.k:e,~:<1h~./~;·~: ~~~~~~ H~~~~::.'"bo·:~~ ~~~~~:~:.t';, ~~~~: READ N. EWS • TIM~ fLAS....,IFJED ADS FOR J»R().,IT ••• tJ~E TJIEM FOR ' R~UI.,TS ~~~G.'-·. 111 "*'-wa un~r •·ombat C••D•Ittwn• anJ ~,Harbor A,..·,st&nC'r Ut\~'"' . 11• tu Ir vou don't nnd what you 1\rt' looklflj.! for adwrtlSPd In thL" I~M· Phon.• N~·port tlc•tu·h 12or \;\ nnrl phu."e your own AdvrrtJ.tnenf -Aa plan• for at'r"\'ll'f' mf'n'l! lllalnlla'J wtlh a Jo'tehl Ht,.pital be hl'ltl Thuno.IA)' l'hlrt~··fl''" prl• • nrt~mu~rt~a~~~~-Whu~~~~n~~u~~J ~m~h~~JW~t ""'"~---------------~~----------------------------------------------------~ plt'tf'd bv Mrll t>avl.t C"'llrtiOn, rhalr-dl"l'MID,p ll) BaYt' our bo•y·· hvu I tt'nd Wtlh thr hOO!It-t.lr" wr... .,'RNmTRE FOR 8Al.JC--. Rt:.AI. gTATK I R£AL ERTAn: roa 8AI.&-8I"ICCIAI. man of the 10('&1 Red ('T'Oq I'AIT'P j~ fHI there c~·t ~ 001' nf ua tllft Jay. Wr• J tU'k Hlllmttll M l'lll ---ma MAll-Mtacr.IJ.ANfXltJl' ANNOI INCDI~ and Hoepltat I'Ommlttrto nur attrn-'~'ho ~111 ~•ltatt! to do all hto can. Jamu R<>dKt'rl. ~d Mra M A. Minkler Furniture Mc11lt•rn II nnw tlon tuma to our next bijt' job Call the Rrd t'ro .. of!IC'e at Abbott AnnOUfl<.'('~ Ou h .. lr "•r•· h •n lwu.o(f flunrw. Fllll l4AI,F '"'''" ,. l'"'l"'rlv. 3· IIF:I'IT UAIIIIIT ~KIN MAitKr.T PNIC IIAY lti)('Af'rlNO an•l II~ ben. 1~. or YNI Vlctor Grae .. ur &ny· The U&Jbn& hlan~l Clrdto or thl" The op.nln~ q( It• nrw ~·a.noh~ •l•'llhlr ICIIrl'll''' """'""' arhl tcotll'l '""lr'""" I""''' r11.,,,...,..,, h•IU• IN I '~' A ~I'll ,tt,.,.,•t Hrnol "'~'Air ... rvlc• No a>rt.,tt,y n~~e•· Thr pthtor!nJ of pla.ma from ont' you k now on thr Rt>d Crou W . 8 C". S held a Chr••tmaa J'UlY Ia dllplay n oor """"•· J.Ut l!lo. In lt"'"ll'' ••lll lll•lr laomolry hr~. atwwe 11 It'""""• 1~111111 T..,lt\JI lhWo "d "'' '""'"turt llrll•hlr .. rv frtr rrad• "A", truck tht. arta wUI be madt on January board. and tbtoy will ..,., that you at Yar ea.. Tu-s.y Oc-rt wu Yatn• 10.000 alhlltlnnal 8QUaN ln ~~n,t •••t•l•l" ftrc-('111<'" •· .. n.·notr !\07•..,. """'"'I" :-11 IIAII~ .. l'h F'ur lfl•h•Mirl,.a "'""'"::~';;: qull.ltty .-ynlhrtlc tubW. l..-•e 13 betwem 10 o'clock an.t 2 1'he ctt a card ~d an appolnlmtont for Hrvrd at 11 30. Glt\a -rr dt.-feet or rumllUJ? l1llpl11y nuect ~"•1111r Uthl"r hnua•. "'••m•lrt• 247P·\\' II!'\ lit.• (.._I If .. 1'~1'1 1''1"· vuur l'ar Ill the mon\lq, It •rUl mobile unit will comt from LOll j' tbat January S..turday, when we trlbutf'd fr001 lhto Chrtatmaa tl'f'f'. ~1lh n-· ~.1 uaf'C1 fUrniture bal'-ntark"'t 'lll'ith I""" t ......... tn walk· tllll '~fo::-1 "'ltl ItA t.l': 1•11,,. .,,,.,1 ,.,,..k,.r boo I"Pa•ly In 11'0 tbal •vt~nlnf, All Ancelea ILild plana for the day are will have our chanct l,o <Jo tht. ooe Mr ILild M111 Rnland H~pln· ratn• P'nrmnly tht H•l•'• lnr dlet•nu "' d uu·dt l'<'.aHfrtrf' HJ•anlt'l 1,11111,1,.,. ll••t. hlal'lt lind wu•rk •ll•t ntat•l1ala tua,..t...a. In th.-l'apablt handl of Wra. Vk'-1 big ptort~nnal ~ for our men. Re· eon. 112 Sout.b Bay Jl'ront, ,.v,. a Bldg You a~ •·ek un•• to come •nil ao•h•~•l•. U:1~''•1 · 1'11 hnfWit 1 'IAI.tolr ?>h·C . .,,li,.ll, 17.411 \ .,,.. M ... Ttre 1a 1\e(~ tor Grace. member. there Ia oo olb•r aource Cbrilltmaa buffet aupper for eev· In and look around. iot·th: Wh:at a X m111' prt>lilf'nt I.A >TN Anahrhn fit . 1 •uela ,.,.... Hhnjt, 20UI • N•Wl'Of'( ..,.,, "A pint of blood for 0\rlatmu."' of thle plaama ucept YOU. • era! frtf'nda TuHday ennlnc. lluy thl• nl•·,. h•'fflf' antt muve tn w~""~.l ~~~!'~N tfO·tr•· t'owla y,.. Mt. JltJ. ft.tt. would be a food •lopn for every I Mr. and M1'11 Hal Smith, 108 NEW OONSOLE Gaa Ran,.., Ill: tim,. tor /{llnla ,,•u• t•• nn.J h1ll ':'011 •: ... t I "'ntral 1'-lboN~ Mid D-frl don peNIOil In thla city who can pou-1 BALBOA uso PLAYS Onyx avenue, havr her alat..r and with h•t control, 11M. way ®wn thfo C'hlmney T .. a ....... _ IM P7-2t. 2 SllOPI'IN(; llA YR way ne ,era lilly call the IUd Cro• ornce with·! bu•be.nd. Mr. and Ml'll. Oeora-e w. Hoeplt&J Bt.U t nr "'"t p . ~v"=()O ...-~ ......._ Ia tbe Cbn.tmu --~"and algn up CHRISTMAS CAROLS L7lb&ll. Kelatyvtlle. Calli., aa tANTA 4NA ~UIINITUIIII eo. rl<'t' of'Ot) TO f'H RISTM AS H~bnlcl AJ•Pilal\eM ell All Ka... to donate one pint o1 blood for thr I __ tu•• for thr 1\olldaya. The Ly· t~W 4th St . Santa Ana M ( H>EHN f( () M (t; Mhnr ,..rly, rttl• f•~ rnll,.. tamlly WM\~ Yacht~ I:Jeet.ne ~ wounded eoldler• and aallora 1'he aptril ot 0\rt.tmu 18 beau· IQ&IUI .will apend -· time at the ·~•tc AIM r IIUnt ry H omP Ulanhta, I a m I'.. • ....... Inn&! V&CUIIID a .. ne.... ... I will quou from a letter l"l'· t1tUll ... ,.,. b the pta"'--Bmltb a VIal& ranch near 811.11 on hair aut l'lrar. P • •• P N•: Ill .A" 'k •·ttou l'i'AINI, u ..... ·lut, C'Oc·tltall tabiN, I DOt\ C' .. tral, N-pnrt ~ tt Y a-,_..ed Y .1._ D\et'o. Blll S m ith -of the F'OR SALE-N-Italian aed Bel· at d iWf' or ...,.mw """ tabiM, Ulrow mp, piC'tur.a, l'tl 2\21) •uw cetved from a medk:&l o leer •t.a·l of Chrt•tmaa carol. trom the Win· •-J•... •· h t . f'lom «1~ tapeatr1N .Wtab&e lfK ('oc .. •·n .. t.a An.t • bnat ol .. t.hM on" uOaed ao Uyte. 'nita otftcer •y••jctowa of tt.. Balboa USO The buay ..... t.-.ln, .. to ome ~~. ooal, .. :~-H. (;, \hambt'r~ Ht '~IN •:~~ 1 •1:-~nttt"T ... . "8pe&klllc ot bunu you Red all al lal ~ • IO r ...... y w .,, """ chalr ..-at.a. pWowa, I~ tap-Cl'llnp lloohy at"otl.-r, U 71\ ""w Kll\'1 MAOII WHILII VOU WAIT le · 1 opptor. a cu u v tor, or an Newport quota to Fort MacArthur ••ry han(lnp, alan wovO'fl Jt&l· ~rlullln Apnt I'•OR~fo:l{:otlt IN AT ON I").~ Raby bollltyhor-. 12 2!\ n-Vt'CIII'a. 104 Ma!A at . u.Jboa ... cr-. pt'OP may want tQ lmo•• I otrerworited. Ured. abopkHper and Bill waa Jual re<'ovmn,: from ~ lan allk table tuuJ couch c--2100 N•'!"l'<'rt Blv.t Thaol• tbt' trt..ndly ll•,.nttahl• JOA Yarln• A.,... Jlalboe IJI&M. w~re 80Gie of tbelr puae and tbetr ak» .top JDOIDalt&ril)' U the touch of flu when ht returned to Phone :U.-R . ~tp ~at& MNa P7 ·7tt $f,:\H().()U wav at IJ.Ue pl.-a are UMd. One aevere bum I warm, dulcet t~of SUent Night, collrJ[e lut WHk. thton h~ 1njund FO-R-8 ... ., Chlld-;--a .... 11 _. __ --'ld WINKII.Il'M Y\11\NITP itV. cue may need u mucb aa u or Hark 1'hto Herald Anttrt. Slnf, and bt. ko~ wt..o bt fell. on tht alto~. ".__, ou -..,. At ('ftltClNA 111-:r. MAR Tr r111• !'!,.,...,nit """'"" ('"'"'tv o r~ ruu.Y enen unit. of plaama lo lbe ftrat m&n)' ot.hera of the ~autiful carola t. h tl H pan~l crib. no matlrf' ... Ill. l-'o\11 ~.uth of ttlrh•'ll¥ 1211 1'1 Main l'h""" 411111 C'ICUTlJ"''Jr.J) TAX C"'NIUILTA.H"'' t-:~nty·four houra are beard. :pee .. ":,~ .:~:.~:urnr~h~lt fin; Phnne 2028. 8T-2tc nnly S~7:'1 011 rAo'h 'I lrft n. (.' M ad\t•nzit> 1M· II I' lnl'llme l&a Ai"f''Untlnr Each untt rep~.ent. ~n,. pint. In a world tom by war, wheu a combat , W J HOLCOMB 1,.11,. No·., I""'• llo•III"VIorol 4lJ Hpuf'l .. ., BuUdlaf approUID&tely, of plaama. Thto ..,.tiiBUl)' olouJ' loved-arf' y J fko k :\2ll" th na ·•MrMAHAN'S I• hf'aoJqullrtf'NI for 1:'117 0 •ullftjthWIIV I'""''....... ..II It• .... ilt I'IAIJi: Yt.-n_.,.,. tn•w Jnft W,.-t .th, kflta Ana, ()allf, aa.mr eaa will rft(Uire a h~&~e n~thltnjt tn far-away placu the r Of' to ..\u' ''111 S ) I Xmu J[1ft arttclu IU\<1 &all you f'"r'"'" •1"1 M•tr f'&llt :-<trvrn•t ,.,.,•rllrnt ('hrl.tmu •ll• quiLiltlty of eauu, paddtnc and aplr\t of Peacr On Ea.rth G«>d Will F'root, and 81'>n tl "" ·~,.. forA.IaK'I • tn •hop Pllrlv f,r ~ ... ""'f"<'tiOOa ''\\'hno thr .. , .. .,:,. .,\' 117 ~211' lfl , I I I \ I'll 11 tillY I bandact. It t. eurprtatnl' how fut Towanta Yen becom.ea .. llttlt' dlffl· ~mil rntu.rtrKI t'" ... Y11· .. wulrfrf' tlton Wr Wli:IC"It . IW<'k•ra Occa86nnal roR RENT-IC "' 11 r ,., "'' ,. ,. . . -ntANC'Q UICAUTY "HOP ·-... IU\('f' • n •u .... r n Hnnll nn ...... _ u r· H R··· -T·-w•.-n man,'" In 2tr , ..... 1 WavM ltiAI'hln•l-tlreuau«l ~. on •ucb ca.e8. The c:uJt to cet lnto.our heArlll Nothing In h'· •nt•rtD th• ,.._,1, ....... 1111. -trrt'oNI, ll'tllrt'•, a.. ~ t~:.o ,.ar.-,.., ,.,.., I pl obe.bl ak the diff "'f1U'd I' ,. ~ ~ It ~ ~., S k [A C tr Ead aod I I-~ lit lt .. :NT !lo'r,lh' lurrtl8llt•l ~til >4 A ...... 1 hlf'll ,,.,, Armv urfl All Kll\tla nl l .. rman•nt. uma pr y m u er-we know ot wtU do mllno t<M•an:ta ••artttm•· AC'"d•mv at \'lt.llrjl• I . o<' •· mp•. :o N'. WANTI:Il T" huy ~mall houae! r•~•n• ''·•·nil"''''''' '''''" ... hll,... •t I I t•·· I ---·t •-toner \HolwHn life and duth for that achlevtment t.han tbr dell•ht-~.1 ' d lh" ' J 1 1 Lamp Tablt'a. Ru••· I"IIJowa, • • ,.. ,.,.,. .• I"P,Culatlun f<11l '"""'"· 111,.. • an •·ur 111 -u Y ,..,.. m41n ... .. "'en pa-• C'Hnt"'' I l\'o' c·ltRm· on llulb•o~~ I''""'' '"' ••IUih '" l>oollt ··'ill• """'I'"' ''"'''I"'''"'' I tM•., II •t~ r c• .-.... •-Ita tbeee bum ca8t'll and aW!o f.,r many tul m\lllk: of a Ckrialmu carol 1 U f'd ,/~ 1 11 ,... / Sprtada. 0 1m!urU. lll11nktl1 and J ~· \\' 1 1\:\;,( 1 tl j -~ :\14 wurn lw1r,. t•ll AI•• hal • ~•• •· ~• . •-..a -"• .,,, of the wounded." · na 0 01 requ•r &n "110 •• r•Y•· m&ny olht•r It""'" Y'"' will find Blvd , lllnm~ '' 1 'ad ,. "''"rkllll( 1\IIChl" AI"" l.tl'"'ll'"· lnf'tt,., t• :lll ,.,"'' "~"""~· ''"I to-UC! N ow, J didn't lDVrnt that quo· Tbe mea who auccoo.:l ~at ln leal AJirn WAll ~rr•uluuh••l !rurn hPTf". Trmle "~' '"'"' mtr Lay· lluutlnKfnn l'llr k. I 'alit :!11711 ~l<lll!t ""'' "''. ,.,,,,,.I "'"' llll•n•l l 'hun~ 11211 ll7 41•• 1 ---- taUon to ma.kr you ••en up tu publlc Ute are tboe.o who toi.ke the NtoWJIUrt HKrhnr HIJCh In lll43 ""'1 A-Way l'lan Jl)l.lfo'' M ..... 1'11"1"' If*><:. "" 41•' I aintin~ & Ot'coratina- glve pluma. T}lal otrlcn l.a my lrt.k of .t.a.,dlllg by their own C'OO· wu eorollo:•l In C..I·T1'1'h, I'Vll· Mr MAfiAN f1 !H~IT1JH•~ WANTEH! I WAN'I'ED 1"'11• "'"1 Wh""1 lkrr""• Cl""""'_.' mat .. r lala •nd won· brotber-ln·law. Captain A. V. An· Yt<'llon.a. J, A. Garfield. drna. thla yur. ('()!I>IPAN\' LI!'ITIN''~. IlL' l'f'(li'"'.I'TIL~, ... IN liJ'I, Of! tti&n.htr. l'h"n• ltiM·J ___ _ v r ' r.' r" \\''"''''Ill Aut" ltlll'l'l)' 17117 Nrw Second Ia Hr'"''I""Y ~IR'INA r1L·,r. •tAll r •I.~TI(Ic •r I'AINTIN1; A~ll I'AI'Jo:HIIAN•: General Machine Work & Welding '' ~ r ,. l••t l 111•••1 I '••I• "'""'~ liT 21•• ganta Ana. ('llhfoon lla Phnn" .,,,.,.,.,,., t.taJIArol JNt: )o•l• w•hl••·l 111 '"'"' h t"r rl Hamilt011 Machlni~~g Company 1944 TIDE TABLES H~b lNW Hi.Ctl DECE.MBE." N"wrM>rJ 1wlllh Jl\4~ loot\', 11ny .,,... juh l'h""" ~Anla I.AI •Y \\'llll o~vrrJ••IIIu•lul ,..,..Ill IM)-10\<' ' AnA '.!:!II. .. "' Nr" 1~•1 l :!~11!\ \\' kln1IIV , all f 01r tt'fllllot W .. .t•m •n H SA LF: I 'nlvc·r""'l !:"·• rlllllfl', lAW 1 U O. ~ Cliff lJr tv•• Nt•wpnrt 8f'a.ch 98-ttc DON"T HAI'HII-,1'1': yuur ..... ntlful J C' Kirk INI tHe· A IIIII NIIIIJ'I)' 17117 Nf'Wioolf't Uhrd ~wim t'ln" 1 ,,,,, .. rat N•HN Avallalll" uae ...,_,.... A-...._ 111 " Santa Say- •uwDntJu HAVE THE KEY TO YOUR TROUILE!" Phone Tiernan's immediately when yol.lr typ• writer shows the first "let-down" of eHicient performance. Save wear and tear by having our expert repair men call to clean and repair your typewriters and all_ypur oHice machines, to carry them through to victory. Make Your Office A GIFT THIS XMAS -------·-- W• ha\·• n•w fll'el)..-f ch..U, ~.. ehaln. nunc eablntt• and many other offlcto nK ...t· tlrs for your lnspt'('tlon-vlalt t Tll'rnan·a tnda)', I ~· ' I • ··I ' H% NHRTII M.\JS PHONJ; TU SNOODLES DOROTHY DARNIT F Z2 s 23 • 29 10 26 3:43 4 6 2 3 3.t :1 21 II :!W) S:1t 6.0 1.6 3.7 10:22 0.1 tt:tt O.t llka-Seltzer I I I •1T1• A-Alka-s.Jtur, at.art taktnC a at o~ \o nllne U.. DuD. AcbiAc B•d, and tiara SUI', Son .lfuc:laa. I -Ba cu.iut. ••old .....,.. ... -.sddcft ebanc-in tee,.,.. t11re. Raat -preferabl1 Ia bfll. Xeep warm, -.& ...t. blr, drink plentJ' ol wawr or fhlit juic"-Be •an \o .C enou•h Vilatltlna. C -Comfort J'OOr Son, RupJ' Throat., If eauatd by tiM aoW. by prcllllr with Alka-S.Jt.. ur. lf frrer cSeorelopa, Gl' aymptoma b•eome mont a C'utr call y<>ur doctor. AI.KA-SELTZt:R ia a pain,. Jil'\'1111:, a)knhZIIll( tllh)f'l, rlt'etant t•) ::. ~.e anu unuaually effective in a rt.vn. 'T~lt,. it '"" ""••hrhr. ~n~alar r ztlfl' and fur ,,, I 't• .,, '"• .;.,. oa s,., ... ,. h. "llf ll ...... t:J t.y ""''e&ll al'•ll•·•· II lh ltl. At )'PUr t!nJR' "'"""-f.llr~t• r"''l..'ll'' r.flt. !'01" II 1 "' k:~c•• 30t. ;. ·I· c:' '", ·.·.ro~. T 00.. ..... Qu'T COULO I 'TAL.K TO YOU tN --~--~ ....... -"'f R£c:; ""'o - BOA T8-&t. Bold ud 1"ra4ad Yar1na ""lriiM!Ia ud Part. KARIN~!: SAL"'/Avf.. AJolD MFG. C'O. Uath .. a l'l'fiiiiiiUIA luh uv .. r twu h•tn<Jrr•l """' h .. rn.-,. hrr j)IAnnr•l llo~no. ln•hlo• '"'• 11r" writ wurth $4!.1\Cill ~ ···m<'r l :t IWMI ••r m~•r" oo.u. HMAI.J. I'Aiti' .. :NTto;H J~llll4j ~l.a ..,,._ V'7 ·2l r WANTJo:l• Av10tl11hl" al '"''" ,, ... I IY.I'II IItiN~; 'I'CI 1\1111 l•1 ltaln I'll llo ot :1:11 l '.,roma rlf'l M•r. "'l'"l'""'"' ... .,,"'I'" l.lnn"l '"''" c 'Iatif IH If• tra• ka, ntn .. •••no au. I """'"" 11110 A• •• 1M. c '•lolita <t"l WAr f'l. fi r , Ala• 111vl11• ..... ka an•l ,..,..._ H,_.,. ('hrWotmu rtl\a ,_ ...... ,. '"""'• WAT.ON WOOOC"AP:T IHOitl Ill I l"<...C lfwy N•wstrort n..c• M ·•t4 _ \\'A !lo'TY.I• Olrl ""' •1•1"'"'· 2~ ----------------------------------W• •N~I l .... , 111 1'' L ' , _,.,, ,. noor 100 lbtl , If """ I'" k tt'""' "''· 1010 W . Central Ave. Pb. 118&-W "· 'r. " r "' ~ ro N-BftKb, CAltr. '"' 11r 1:11 ,.11.,. l""'l"'')' l'ro fr r 7:). Vf'r 1110 ltott If Y"" olf'lh•·r I ·-_.. M-th altl\' "" ltl\11"'" '"'""'' l'h••nr Kav ~"\n•h ''"r"""'a 121 •·~-~ Npt lk'h 223:1 PH·lll' Jh"h'" rtv I '"r"nll •1"1 )hi TELEPHONE OPERATORS NEEDED INSIDE BOAT ST0&.\01!: llarble Ways Lkenaed YI C'hl liro•ker PORT OP SEVEN SEAS 817 (;out H IJhway. Ph. i48 TT·ttc . EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL Ets.Hokin & ~alvan Elrctrtc&l O>ntractww 1000 C.out Ht~ehway !'-'~AND Jl'6uNo ---0008, CATK • P£1'8 V'l If• I Lll!iT In IIAIIJI•. Lady' II 17· J"Wt!l llulnva wool r h hrwar,•l ~I N:')lJI'OH ~AI¥. A•l .. r•f'•l,. luy Yurk nr I(O to Way~ Mark"! ,,..~,..,..,,..n Jttl~ t .. rrtr r I)Uf\JlY. 1\ muntl\11, n a.m. anti f\ l•·m .. !. 41• mall', hn ... l r-llcrrr WuntiPrlul LORT l.yrf'tnn wrl•t watr h wtth black allp·on wrhtlband Ralur· 4ay, nortb Bay li'tOf'lt. halbo.a Ialand, Rt'wan.l Call 17!\fl·R C'hrl .. mu ICifl Kay •"\nc'h, 121 C'c-1 llllthWII )', ('"""'• rl"l War t'h<lllf' N1.t Jl<•h :t:t~ .. 11r f\llii-J tor apt WT·2tc· e7-4t• '.---------------:: DIPLOYIIENT I llwTeufd Wqr Rl~ Now ln Elt«t ~ Men and War Workft"' Are All ~ Upon OUr Glrla It tn. Swttdlboantl i GOOO I'AY WIULE I..L\RNING AND IU!Xllli..AR IN~a Jobe Available In Man)! SoutiMm O.Utomia OU. Phone 13114 97-llo;. OOOD WAH> WANTEU l'rlvate -------) room f'hnnr Nrwp .. rt 11164 I FRED J . DuoLEV ANNOUNCES lH£ OPENING 6:06 12:64 6 :42 12 13 ~ M ·UC ~.4 0.1 3,7 1,1 WANTf:JJ Wllman f,.r kit• h"n ' 8.47 7 :,_, 1 :o46 work •1n 111oy• w~k Apply :I.S 1 02 .~:, 2~~ Bay l'lhurf' l 'otr,. "' l 'h"n~ Nrw· 7 ;,z; l 4 3.t -4.l • port 11211 \17-tfc· Su 24 M 2~ Tu 26 11:08 1•48 t :37 3:11 I~ 4.0 -1.0 Wd 27 TRANSPORT A 'nON 6 . H 4:> 2 31 10:23 3 ~7 6.~ IIC 4.0 -1.2 BJCY<.:I.I:S Sold, ren\ed ur ,.. 1 pall"''d Vcctl'a, !(M Ma.111 Rt. Th 2'1 o,.-HIS o,.-nCE , .. r PRACTICE OF' LAW COSTA MESA. CALl,-. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE CO. 100 F.ut &BY Aw., llaJboe or 514 It', No. Main St., Santa Ana .Statwrwnl al Avll.llabiUty ft.foquln!d . ... l l'oiiW' dayll.hl •"'"• u .... l l.lpt n....,._ ._ ., .•• ,. nau,.. p m 'ft"-a..t't! pl..,...e41 in nrdf'r ur t..c"rurr•o•. I:Jalbt ... aad 20" ~.rtn .. A•-ue. I:..----------"----' Proiesaional Directory IJalt.t~ l11land 13-U· j.------------,1 r-------------,j:-------------- Givf' Dolla111 to unc:~ Sam wttn .. I Educational 1, MOR'IDID fi'CIIOOl. I ,,:'~!~!:",. ... Btl\' MORE mAN BEFORt: you C:lln' lluy War Bonda' T 0 y s -~ ....... ....... c--........ . I IJA y IICliiOOI. N D c ... ~H 1 o ..... : o.u..._ r,_.e-,. 1 · u • v ~ • s E R v IcE and llohhy ('raft ........... UmUM DOQ ... ., c AT HO. .. ITAL Jltrrn~~. A•te, Martone ....,_ .....,,.... o. A. ll•rta-. M. A., Od11,.. I ....,,. ""' aMe RADIO Marble I:IMtricliAII I ............. 1-.o-Ill 11 14 .................. ,.,.., C.llf The Toy Shop 'r--------Hurt ll Norton l'hniM'I un AH! St~H'E WH£ .... 010 ,. .. ,, ~RRtvE ? Nr;WI'URT nr.AC'H By Cy II un.rt.>rf nrd 'LO ~! \ AL.wlt\'f5 liKE' 5~E COMP'.vf 't'~EN I IAA£ " ~~· • ~~ Ill/or-~ Tlff(JY I ~AT J "li( "fV!IF \N ~ur~~· A \ \()l' , \.\1 f'-'" (IV f'£.,f{CI'H y' ,___, _ __,_na GOOD ~AT'R - f.U.. iO 1 "'fiR ~ft.F • Giot ..,,~ 't$liNO-' ~ jtaffT Olta w A wiL' • - Ry Charle .. McManu!4 ·- I Gordon M.Grundy, M.D. Phyak l11n and !lU'If't"" ""'"'" and Ctfltra ""•· Office Hra.: I0.1la.m.; 1 ~ p,., T•lephott• !7 I LEROY P. ANDERSON ATTO .. NEY AT LAW I CM't• Ma• B•nlo 8vll411"1 ll"t\one 4h c ...... _ Callfort>la HAROLD K. CRAUEL CHAPEL "Wa Oui"NN r• ta.. 8attar ._... o1 ~o• ou-w Bet!~'' ~h-Nawpwt Nt C."'• Meaa Callfemla BUY NOW Cky Tax Sale Lob A. J. TWIST 107 C..et Hlehwa, ,..,_ Ml2 CO .. ONA DilL MAll Ger'ald Raua, M. D. -W..e C..tral A-. ,.....,.,. ..... ... , ...... _... Nil ...... x-aa,~ JACK RAUB IJMMfld J..ci knt~YW t611 W. C.tnl A w•• l"bnMMI: Newport orn. 1 ta: a.. JW Conrad Ric:htft', M.D. ) ~h,.alciM and l ut911" Office 107 21nd ttreet Nawport 8eaotl Ho,1r1. t0·12 a. m. a l I,. M. Phon•-.()ffloe tn1 "• 14-J DR. G. E. TOHIU. ~HYIIC,IAN al\4 MJJtQ80N IIIII C•eet a tvd , ,.._,..~ ._. .. _,... __ Offloe ZM·W ..... Ml-" If ,..G ..... _, Coli _..., I Dr. M.D. Crawford • OP'I'0.8'1'&18'1' r:.,.. t::.:am~MCt • oa-. ntUd . .,..,.. ....... .......... ......... OO,.rA .... A ·BALTZ MORTU ... RY I OHA~·l. ev THII IIA 410 Caa.t •tvll. c.. ...... 1 ..... • "-""' ...... , ltttefta N-pwt 41 l>R. ODED LUCAS/ Dentiat , • M Y, "'· ONtnl. Pli. 1 .. ~r:WPOa? JtP:Aat Noel A. Bottol!llfy oo~.u. orn:a T ' ~· -. Aft .... • - ... iii M TJ vi· • Ja iD eli cb ·ar &[ Pf •• t ·II tla 10 ... th co of • ,. • I • Assistance League Chri.4 ma:o Party At I-I arbor Fe1ninine Activities Lido Home of Mrs. Waltoll Hubhard Jr. Legion Dinner and Party Enjoyed nw ~-mu party ttf "'' Anwrk'an (Ao~r~•on po..t .an.t A"'"' tary n-tay nljt'ht ... .,. ""'"' ... , "'' aD ~Dl. llDd 0.... tlw-"GI"ftk Owf." proy1cled a *lk"klul diDDrr ~ -..:arool dlk--... ad ..nct-..nce.... and a1J tile ·~ lncl-dllllala. Otn.a •~r .. euhanpj and t beft ... a Cbl1at.m.aa t rw. Whit h wtn .. tall8l S.turday tD U.. old -·· ...... at u.. ~·, a.o.ptt&J &ad. puty wtll bl' arnanc .. J lor th~ ln- ..._ lily _.....,. ol Uwo AID· 8u7. Aft« Ia. ·-of .........,.. aftd -·-·-.~ ...................... .-r at _,., .. , auruoa And ron- tnct ~~ aad ~ ..... ol c.rda. ........ ,, .. ._ a.-.. _. ------~*~ ________ n_y_w_i_ni_r~ ___ nu __ b_re ________ *~~--~--P~~~----u_ud __ u ________ ~~~------- c 'lub Writers Marine Sergeant X t·WI) w~cl ~ At I f,,mt· On llalboa ll'land •'"nil• ,.tnl!' a "'·.->k •h•\•ttf'"ft ••• lh•' ""If' I o( '"\'10, "'hlf'h IA•It~JI ttf tilt' Thr1'l :O:h<lof1 ..bJt,.,. II})( la.lt7o••l Ill th.. llih••p l f,.JW'<I \\'"'ln"a•IIIY 1\lt<l ''~t I ...,:. ' ' I A rm tt\••OU• !\:t·\\ r••l f It• tc.ht:tr Hud •fhlll-'h ft r ft:•r '• ~• , 1···• Tt .... 1 c' f••r ~h"""'''' f •kl d ll•fll t T'• •n •lrtl'ln..: lhfOHij:h "tllt \lr!< T rwf' \' ~ '''"'h• f ., .. ,, \t h t• l-\t , ,,k1• hrtlt lH!"t ~r,,dl tn f••d !t••r • · I l 11111 r r m atn •l•-.1 unltl ••rw tlttt•· , . .,1:,,. '""•l lt l'l 1, tn .1ttnuan· ,.h,.n !hl'l.-\UII tw " TIP 1 '"II "'''' f I\ ; t f ~\ • '' t ,,._. I f 'tlt 0 ' ~lin• I r lr'lrl\llo,. ""'" Aft•·r !hill , '"" 11 , , fh .. Thrift !Qh"f' V.)&)J ho ' 1 ~~· I"! \1 I tn .. ,...,., .. , u,,. ,.. .. nth wntl "" , •t t a,...h · rltt\A •''" k .,. hrlrtt• "' • •1r•.,.t and arranlf"'ol. ar•"r•ltn11 I·• .\I t• t-: F. I""'JIIInn( wh•• ho·NI• Ill•• ~r c>t lattt ... 1n • tu. rK" .. , . ' .... ' \ ., • u • 'tut,•, •. , " J•lrl._, 111 1 t , · ,. ' • • •t. ''""' I 1m,. th•''' h1••• I • • n 1), •'1 •, Steal 600 Gallons Couponfi Off Boat At King's Landing ·1 &!• th• r '" ttl.,,... .. " '• •r !lom""f\~·,. .cutn.r I•• have I'U In nl .. nh• ,...,. ...wn.. tim~ tr lw ~~~alii•• -., ............ .,. '"-thf' t ..... "~n•f.,y, .. ""'""'t by H(tyl L lkllltJWr and m M r ttl "' Ktne·~ Laacbc 'I1My -taJree ,.,..,_ tile t'aiMJI o( U.. botat and w .. ,.. for tor-ftft to .U IIUDdred p.lhJnl n( raa. Anolhf'r ~F'IN'fl "hu •·a !'It~· I ~ but .... _ llf'of'oda Wfl'l' ,,, a IHa -btlk)u.a natu,.. ...-ott wtUt a IT'ftn lllr.lff f rom I • 1IUt lllnet ---.. IM.'t'Ordin&' to U... -. W. L KJIM. 1100 -.--. o.ta ..... I UCIITIIZ A1TA('I( 1 Lihrary Oi~pla,r Of Famou~ Print ~ A tt••rl•\' t•' f• •r · • " tt • l'nl\'""''"' "' t'nllf 'lfl.t 1-·,, t '"" OlYiiiiOf'l, Jllork• ,,.,. "•II I·· •· •It• pla y a l lh• N~··rnn Jk ru h I uhl l•' Lt t."'ry. fmm llt'r :!•• II • '11!'1 Janua ry Amon« thr r~'pro~lu• '"'n" ''"lll famoua MA~tnnn" ,,,mtlnf•" "~ 1:1 Gl"f'C'o'11 "lhf' llnlv F'amlh' ·~·. · fa•l'e "81atlnto Uad,.nn:t "lin "'" • • "Mattnnna uf lhr It" ~~~ · n~·l P nl· far1'11 "Madnnn11 uf tlu• t'hn•r '' Compt'te For Prize And Bride At Home Chr istmas Party For • Townsend Clubs \ nr..•un• •• ,. ••nt t\n11 bft~n ID&d., ,,, Ml!' IA·HIIt· fo'ot~t •·r. l'haii"'DU of Havln&' retum~d from lh~lr well-, :\fr an•l Mra. A. s. Thompeon 1., •. ..., nn•l ruhlh tty fnr 8ouUMm t!tng trip. Spt. Thoma.a L. Foeter ut were hOI!tAI at t.be TuHday eventn« r •t~tnf'l f"..,l,.r"tton nt Women·• the UnJted Statu .Marine Corpa a:eetln~t o1 Ul~ Townaend elub, and 1 J,1n~ thRt a prtu nt ~~ wtU bt· and bia bride. t.be former Mtu member• ot the Coal& .Mt'aa club 1:1"''" '"' th,. lft',_t 11hnrt letter on Maud Hodcea. or Jrvu1e. art! at were &"Je.ta. pro•1111 anti Jlubltrity wntlen by Jan h<llllt' at 2008 Court atreet, New-U wu a Cbri•tmaa party wttb 1 ~ l!WI pnrt Beach. exchan&'e ot &1tta. and alter U.. Lf'll•·r" will be jud~rW for two Their ID&IT'Ia&-e took place ln the 8hart buJIIne• aeMioa there wu a t tun~r" Flnt. what the Wrtt.r·e home of the brtde'a p&reDta, ¥r. quia pro«ram with the priM I'Oin&' t 'lut hu dvo~ to put It• lood ciMd.l, and .Mn. Kenn~th J . Cawthon. CUI· to ¥ra. Robert Jl'oote. 1 l~<·fnr!' the public; lleCODd, for IMWI vrr Road. Nup(lal rttea Wel"e' read At the eloae a1 the n•ln&' re-I puhllrlty ldru for future UM. by Cbap~ J'lood al the frabmeDta ot oott .. , pt. and 'I l'untl'lt Judge. Jtorene ApplebJ.,JI&r.l Attendant. were KJaa Evelyn ,...._._ l'~nlrlr• may be Milt direct to ll.artna butr." ~~ta were aervecl by the I n1sh, Ontario, Calif .• publillaef., llllj Ande,... a4 ....._ ..._ Marvin 'nMJM ~ ...,.. llr. and un. A rmt lfy Rquant. The award wtll l Taylor. USK C. For her we4dlng Robert root.e. Kr. and Kra H. K . ~ ~vrn at the dlatr1et IDeetJac' at tnaemble tbe 1 bride wore a ault lA.It.e, lin. Orpba Btua, Kra au- l'eul Sprlnga on Feb. 7. lt4&. ' nf gn.y wtth black acc~e• aDd 1le Blue. Mr. and .Mn. w. J. Holtz· _ ___ &II nrt"hld coraag e. claw, Mr. &Del .Mn. L K. Aab- .\Jr .11ntl Mn! Hubtort Crena~ The new .Mra. Foater attended baup , lin . .Mary A.Dderwon, .. ._ 19 14 Weal CenlraJ aveoue. aft Tu.uo ud San Jacinto ~ J!.:kie Newtand, .Mn. 8adJe RMhe, , .,, "'"" t:: bustnc·s11 with •pleaaar-'' h•.nle and ~anta Ana Junior col-lin. a ta OoonJW, Ku. I. 11 . "h•·N ttwy '~nd the Ctlrt.tmaa 1"1!" S«t. Foater llu ~en .auoned Gq e, lira. Allee llullee and t.be '·•·hoi:" ·.\lth lh•·lr 11un. K N. Oren-"t tht E1 Toro Marine baae aln<'e boat and~- lllt'd a n•l hi3 tanuly at Yt>rmo, t or hh• r~lum frQm over.aa. ~:, •;r•n •t• .. l \o\'hh 18 T£-g1on aJ rep. , ... ""''" • .. r th•· ('urtla PubJilfl. nl:' I• •mJ•Itlly, v.'lll alao go to BaT· ~''"'' "" hwuno·""' for the comp&ll)' BACK THE A'ITACK Bl rv MOD THAN BEI'ORE TAKE PLEASURE IN ANNOUNCING THE: ASSOCIATION OF' INSUR.NCI[ CDUNattLOR WITH THIS OF'F'ICE. AS MANAGER OF' OUR NEWLY ENLA R G ED INSURANCE DEPARTMENT P. II. P~ LIDO laLtt ~"DI"IE"Tt tta "I:A L TO•-IN .U .. A N C I: Altl""ltattNTtN• O "tP'P'ITH CDio41"ANY :131:1:11 VIA LIDO NI:W"D "T ai:ACH, CA LIP'D .. NtA PHONE 1500 -----------1 IIVY IIOIIB 1"'IAN BEFORt: I ~ :-, __ ·~ aslhoaslllls of .,. all 18 daliJ8r this Christmas ·r . . I . • I ..t .,. Last Minute Gilt Problem?- IlliG IT TO THE SOUTH COAST COMPANY • • • • If part or all of_)·our ( 'hri!\tma" gift list is still uncompleted, .don't wor~y about a long tr1p to a ~letropolitan shopping center • • • JUSt drop m at the South eoa~t fompany Hardware Store and you'll find fine gifts to delight any member of th(• family There are toys, books, ga~s ~d sporting goods for the youngsters • •• • glassware, household appli- ances and kitchen utensils for the lady of the house ... and tools or sporting goods for Dad ! ~ ~ .,.. RUSH. URGENT. IM· I'OrCANT -for. lkrY is -w. tiiiJ for ..,._ So 1''--1M lMif Di ..... ..,,., mnlli41 ~- I • I ., ...... .,..., ' IOUIIIIM CAUioaNIA RUPHONI COMPANY 111~ ........ ,..~: 1441 A .. WiltON 0' MUIIAII'I IOU TN COAU CO., ANT, ... l.fl.lll * tal• AN. CINTIAL, NIW.CMT lltACW WE WILL BE Cl:OSED from CHRISTMAS EVE until FEB. lst In Order to Complete ·Necessary Alterations -·-May we take this opportunity to w~h Q~r many patrons and friends a very Merry Christmas and every good wish for the coming year. -·-' FLORENCE BAKERY Main Street Balboa - IIOUSIHOtD llifT J11'U • U you t.hoU&ht of this one • Wbeo doi aa a lot ot haod sewing, try ooatloa your t i oaer-~ t.ips witb several i coats or colorless nail polish a s pro-..-_, l ·'l tect.ioo aga ins t " ~ oeedle p r ick s . It ~! does tbe trick! t I!!'~ •