HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-02-13 - Newport Balboa News TimesI I - COS'I'A .MES~ EDITIQNI:~~E:.~~~~:~=E r Til SAND CRAB ., SAM BIG-WIGS. County officials and other notables were guests last Friday of Col.. W. C. Farnum, C. 0 .. of the Anny ' Air Base. and t he topic that provoked ~ m~t thought was whether th~ anny and ~avy $hould bl' consolidated. So varied \\·ere • the opinions tha t it was rath- er difficult to de-tennille ~t what was the.right thing to do, but of more import was the subject of wc1ste and what could IX' dum• to stop it Military· folks said.. tli('Y had to follow orders anc1 that th£>y rould not help them· selvE.'S wh('n th£'V Wl're tc1lct to-dn Ct'rta1n things. 11ta t rewlvNi itself dO\\ n to t h e int'Omfl('tt'nts wtw ~ut Ott' 5uppl)· jot»; and how tiH?y ~­curro t h£' ~I s in the' fir"t pia~. As usual it all t•nrl"rl in. thC' thought that pnliti<'s had S('('(lt'(l into dll pha."t~ of ch ·iJ and milital'.)'.and puh- lk lif£'. • • + The U ttle ~tan. lnfo;'llllll discussion foc-userl on ll•nd· leaSt'.· on loans to E ngland1 Russia, etc. Tht> idl''l pl't'· -vailed that the littl~" r.wn. the guy at hom,•. the Ia~ borer, busine~<; mnt•. educa- .tor or wha t have you. seem gen('rally agre<:'d tha l lo:m s to foreign nations an:' the tounk. but tha t the I~;Hit"')'.~. th£' men '' ho s it on t J·e t11ron£'S in \Vashinj:!ton, f'IJ 1 •ght aheaci nnci gi"• bill inns u\\·ny on the pn~mi.c;e th;•t 1he taxpay£'r i-. in full accord. t,IIow rlirt they rlnr1 that ot•t :' Ar'C tht' fh'lannal mi_.:r.tlv~ of v:orld \\'ar I of anv ·vmu~..· as precedents? Ct>rtainl.\ th<' r,oH•mment officials or con- ~ressmen get Utlle enCI')Ilr- agPment from ttre vast. ina r- ti<'ulate majority who just plod 'along a11d pay ar.:l pay Newport Balboa~Ne\·/S TlmesciTY; MESA PRoBLEMs ' - I. f. Pr,)\ ''IIlii of S~llflll lnrtk"\'l"'nlnt:: tlw d uuuwl In N•'" ln~int• Snid lnh•rt•,.ted In St'r.uri.DJ HrldJ'e I Al<'ation I port R.I.' 1:-mac1,• an t h1· 1"1:-, Hin'r.-nntl ll.rrl "'l~ lull \\hldt . I t I I I ( fiUtllt~t"-lo:•\•U'""'"''' tfl•tlt .... !h .,Ia t>\Jio.'1'1•" 1,, t'1111ll'-•''' ,,. t u• ous.• o H•'l'l'"«~'rttntlvcos 11,.1111 111111 ""''' 11,. , ,1, ,,1 1 ,11 '1,11' 1'11111\ly'" h\1\lder ha.h- APPJ"I'"·'"''" ''"111111111, • "''''111 tl11· II•''' '"'' 1\•'1'1..'. lll'<'nnl-1 11 · .. It •-to..-t I lo'\l l-'11r111~ •lttllll<f lfo'l'lllo• IH pl••oh·o \\II\' I' 1111, \\ I I'JI UO ,_...,. inC "\ \'oiil'd ~1\'1'11 ""' Ill :--.rn t:r i\11:!. l 'lldl'l' 1111' fil''.;f'lll '"' 111,...,.1"'" foor Mo•ll"f"•hlllll '""'''!' \\ill 1'"'1"11~' 1'1)1\ltflll 1'011\fnlm · n rTtUlgi11H'ill:-. h ti\lt'\•'1 lilt• lull wlll ., .. (11 11'' thut lot'lll ur II"' I''"' .... ,,11 ,,, 111. '"'"''"'"'. ltu•.., Jik,. N1·1\I•H'I f\l•aC'h with l'OUnty Allthodtit'l' mnlt'h thl' C f ':"" '" •l•·• .. rrtllil•' """' I •·•~~' ..... fllt ll"' 111•1•,•-.,c h ll{hwnyM to ln· lr\~1111111 gra~1 "·lth ll_:"imll~~-~~~. un~_ -•1.11 w .. ul!l itoko·ln•··•lllllli' \\' .• h·lll~··nll\' h lilltllf' the> ht'l(~ I """' • Of 1 170 0._.,..--11'1'"' '' ~· 11 1'" 1~" '''"1''1 ,.,., 1111111\lltl of t l'll ffl t• of thf' fu-C'onJC••·"II~IIl .lod 11 1• 10 1 ,. J J 431 l~>iilol 1\111.'1 .. • '''"''l l'io• l""l~"ll~l'l', ln'<flc-ll'(l lit 1\,(X(),()()O I~ "••11.1111! 11111 11tl h ··'"'' tlu F 8 1.d loll •c•h•ln~: futtllo' \\Ill•·• "'""'''~ 1 1 I I ., I 1,..,.,. - mate 1 nl( '" "' 1"1"11 '1 I 1' 0)' ,. I• "11' AmrnaiP Main ~t-wll In llll'lllht•rM nr ttM-... -t I or r ges ' '1'1 II I II' " II I' lY oi;M, Willi thP hill hnd f<r"' 1•lo: 1••1 1111~ l111r ,.. -OVt:ST S AT S~ALI. HARBOR ('ON t't~llP:S(\1': from ~an Ulfoco lei f'an t'nuw·l-trO ~rd U•• Bal· hur I I'!'" I .,1,.,, ,,. .,1 1,;,1,11~'111,. ,. 11, ---Whll•· I Itt• '' 11>' lu•• ""' 11 alw1l !Wlrlntt"(f ('hnmht'l"'l f'f1 Oon\- boa for • r.k at Uae froat ,..rd nf NPI''J'Ort Harbur. Almc ... t .... tt4'Ddfo.d the n-t. ~ ........ bJ I \ll'tt l'llll'l 1'1•111!1 I ... ,. II I• II lido I llrlllll:l' '""llf) .• hl.;h" It) II IUIIIi 11'"1"'.""' 1" J:lt '" :•'"'""'' I " 1111 tnl~l'l't' nr Onln~ roun~ liUit the ('•llfomla-•!Uate C'.hambrr of ('ommrrN•, -..cl b rard H a rry \\•rtrtl, lll001l, and Hubbard Hcn.'ftt com· , 1 1 f Ch•• M\•l r"l••li l~tn \\ 11lo•1 1111•• 111 ..._ atood. Tho• 1111<111 ,., ool 1111• "· 1111' orll ~:··~ pr .. ~:rlllll ••r tho• '""""'lit • \\'l'l'k. l ll'lil K~nv lUll ... mill~"«' ('illaJrmall of tbe .local bod)' dt'OM'riiNI ·llol'' NP~1Jurt Harbor baa .,...... buJit 1!2: Thlt h!Mral pv· d fo•1·nl y,-11 1 ,-111111 fur 1111 ,.,1~n~ull C "r"''" 111·1 M~tr, ll "."' ''"''"' r~tnlll"l••r, 1....a th .. .~.,·_ ........ _ Pmmrnt bu miiiJon • to .ncl on harbonl, • '"'" llh·p,.,. ... Harbon bill 1101' , .. ftdl ... ··CHild allol liD(' y,, ro• -'•11•1•1• , ... , l ilt''•'! I"'' .-..4..~-· otf I I ..... " ' ... , ,. n -~-· .,... o-f I lur•· 1"'"1:111111 .. r $1 171l.tl:n I" lr ~~··-,....Y wllh k • • t""'''"'""' 1111_. .. _,...., In • .:..m t"-•. l S'!~9.000 hrrP ILnaAtA'~ loc:ai..Jy. il'hoto_hy .... •rhnrrll I ... -ne II II• IIi·· IH•r ~·r \\ilh 1111' I I ... .• I I II '"" Jllll"l r-... ...., Of 20 _F. ISHEIMEN FOR 'ATOMIC TEST'. ~~~,.:.~~~~~h .. , '""5 ~~~..:~~~ ···-~·~~:.7.~. ~'?:~~~~~:: .. ::: .. ~:~~:~"~~~·.~::."~:::t ;,~~~ d.~.~~~~::~ •. ; ... ·a. .. :.·.·~~.·::.~:·.~. t tw ~""· ·~· . • ~'L' 1_,11., .: ~If~:~~?, ::',.1' 1',','1 ,.1,.11.,n ~~<irt 1, .. 1.,>, IIIII kin.: uu hllr wnullt 1.-tlt,.lr~thl•· '" lUI II• mhtn 111\\1'hlll' nn1cto•t,.lll'dh nut11nr1 ol ''-.. t I d f I h I ,.,_,.., ,..,..•rv(tlr un lh•• '"''"'' m•·•n ,,, n I 'K '""'"'" nr ral' _., nn • Will rhtl Yo III II ... r. ..... loiii0\•11 I ... u ) " 'Hllll > II: )WI\)' ...... I I .._ ___ _.. -~:• '' In C'nllrt>rfllll r • .-IIIII' C'UI'Tt'ftt '"'""'"' m..lna wuullt rurry Wlll"r \II'""'"· . t WAI ,,.,......,nt ou• - I At B b • 'P nrtt 1\arrr•l' \mr Thl~ ttlw'"' 0 ,.1 lnrluclr frd to HAihoa l•l•nd •nd (',,...,1111 dt•l '· rn<-•1 1-.••• .. l'ttlt•f Pnl~ for eM om om eng Lorlll ""'' "''' •. ,,, IJ)IOflo ') )1\ ullllh ll' undrr tiW' Mnr lh•n lh<lfl4• '''"""'.., . '" '"'' SIHilltf'T'II ( ""'""''• Au ln ~ May Take Them Swims for Shore·, htltiY lh"' '"' '"'I 1\oolll I .:···~1 ........ , ..l······nol .. ,,.r .. prlllllun fur r"··· .. ltw-nld wuudrn ''"'I• IIIII' 111111 f lrMDII' f'Ottnl)l 1•. lhf' ~ • throurh M II IS II<'CIIUSI' ,.f lkt' 1 I _. d" II ---"-. -•1tr h II nuw fo•a'-ln" lut•ll' huttff•n1 r k of lhr alalr I hll(tiwQ Ph f H I 1 • "un ) ,., . .,,.r roa ~ r•~"' y .,_ -. " ,.. ' • A -f 6 M ones or e p· l popuh nh '"'" '"""' ••. , '"'11' ,.... 'I hi I . I A ' I I t I I I :.; "''"'"' 11 " a.ucYitlal .... mOnty-way or OS. ' I lru: ol.l•·n r•l• ,,,., ,,, " ,, l••rk r n'!:.'._lil .. I)' ~t....,h h nd ·--·~~ r, .... ··n l .. n, .. Ill" ... "I ,, "'" ah.r•· In ~~ ~u·r· m~l-w d d . E A R Bo t '"'' , . .,,,nl\' tr """)'II • ~ ,,. ,...,,,.,. n.: ""m'' ,,.,, lclr .., • • e nes ay V.j --rmy escues a t..,..l nwaJUrl' .. 1 11~'",•'''1 ',111~ hntfl(•'ll llrrttrrltm I• In 110' flnaftCY'd I,, .... , t:rt "'"' ltnP ..... , "' lhr 1110) rw w hlt,ztlt~:~--I ~~ I ""' ""' runli ntp "''"' '' !1111 "lr •. 0 • -• I I ""'" ,,... ,,.._ ~· ---'l'wr nly f1shrrn11'n frnm I'll'"· ---li d h h 1 .,_.4 ,(Mill fru111 lh•· '"''"'>'" •h•n-t""-"11 haa I~N•n h••• 111''"''' "' · 1 n nt tiW' •t••• All intl'rC'III~ ronm-ctPrl '"' h lhf- 1 port 1 hrhor \'nlttniN>rC'd for thl' Thl' nir ·o.• 11 r~I'UI' unit o f thl' ~~ I'W'('I'f "" 1 )' 1 ,_ .. 1'"11h111' '"~-"' .:"~"lin•· Ill' ro'<'O tpl•. Wl.tWrl t lrlk,. In lhr t'lllll ·n ... ah-t•l hu• ""h1"'1' wl'•"'l -Itt• • _ ..,._ · • . ,,,r comm1U 1•n lollo'u••n I rv IU•.-f f , f t... hi ... K 1 ""'"" -t' -.,.. drin• fnr fund.o. for thl' p,,.!(!ly-histone-nu~~1on to hr l"'rform•-d .\AfRl'. SIKIInn•-d nn the• pcnm-mlllf'd l~tll•lin!l ,.,tt<ll 1., 1j, loti rmn m otor \l'hlrlr ,,.,., 11 ~.111\3 not 'Y" ·n • 111•'' fur IIW ro• 111.11t -1on af ,ltW et•te .......... t<"rlnn hm:tnlal "•II mN't on tht' hy thr 1' ~ l"h\')' m M~<Y w hl'n sui a nt 1\alh<ln wr-nl Into urtlo11 1 p h from miiK'('tiRm 'IIUI ff'dlor'lll. atatr , lnlarnod C'OnCTcolo• p lpr, It '""' tur-. S . . . l'r a jtO\'o•rnml'n t I r l'l' ) ,.,., , ~~~" d . --.., ..... _ _. ,__ ._ • ..._1 r •.. "'I" on I h i' hluffs 1mmediat<•ly wcosl th<'Y askf'd· f<•r rt'M"ul•~ who url' • u ndRy nlll:~l to bnnl( m two 001111 _ _._1 1 . .__ h h 1 , "'' •~nml y r•·vo·nm'!l, and .......... 4 1..-•r.--t -... •" 1 ~''U <W I ..... ,•--...... _ ...-~••tv ........ ,_ . • . d' rr h ....ld IK"" nc 0 ... vr ' e (' !Inn•· tt•·•·p-r • ' h .. _, . .. .. ,_..... I ' n ..,. Ln,... •• ,,_,. , _ ... ·-or I he ArchPs on·rlookmg tht? har-<'XJ)('rts In trolffnr: to fil.h In tht' 1n 1str~u n t <·rot~ .. I , ont' ra," • f'~ 111 ... rec~unt for fund• !lid 1 ~~11_0'8 ,,. •~· • ............ , m• n. ·---" f'Of'IIIUitanl •ho.wf'd the nr.t *-" Hospital Conclave 'On Location1 IUld pay.. - + + + Wllere to lleH f FI'Jm timr. to time in the 1'\flSt ycur or so. th(' Idea o( n met>t in.~ place . of sufrlch>nt -.i;.!:' has been brought forci~l~· homl:' to our communH y. Whe n you get more than ~00 pco. rJI..! in the thi'N'-or fn11r uuiirlings in the ha rl>o 1'. di~­ t ric1. vou arc s tv m it·d hv bor tomorrow tWronesdayl t'Ve· watN'11 bcoforco and After the ntomlc, ly Wll5hm~ In to tht' !>Urf '' Hunt.-, not eN\')' tM llnplka t hm thai lh"' -. . lot lhe l'Wnly plan wt.ldt hit ... ;!::;.!J:'~ ~~~~ :=;n~ ~1.0)~~ =~=':,..~,.:.~~'i~~;, ~:r~·V:.;!,'~-=rj~t-1 ~:~~~~~ w~nt tund8iR H~l.& f1 I • ~ bla., !; ":i" \o pt thlt bell will fulfill tht'~r plan~. of 8 halt-At the M ondll7 night nlf'('flnJ;!I 1\ l\1 rVk<>nhnrk o( ~lin lllo•~:o .• T ho nli'Hll! .... Wll~ ,,; ...... , " .ect m-lJIU 1lte ttl!~ = '" .• r"l'-t::'Qoohoi mll~lon dollar lnJIIIU11f!"· Of lht' loo·~tl branch or I.AX'31 36. ownl'r or lhl: P irkl<' ll<l)'. ll fl•h-"" ""'~"'' I'Of'lntlllo•f' l•ovl '" ••• • . . --!,.,......,, ~ f ollowrn~ ,)>rPSt'ni~IIOn of lht' CJO F lshr rmcon'll tTnion . thl' g••n-In~: hn111 ~tnt into lrouhl<' wh•'n h ll 11nil till' 11)4;1 pr•" ·~'"" 1, lA Ch bP. f c lAII Anlff'l,. OM of lhf'lloo. Kl!ftft~ --lack of spa<'l~. n (,ll'll\ t'<- ampl<"' wl're the Chamhl'r nf C'omm ei'<"C /, nnual -.cs.«ion. the Kiwa nis ~a thrrinJ!. etc._ 1 his communi I v nrt•rl, a n c.url itorium \\i th :-tdf'quntf' f:u:ilities to scn ·r a ~~ (1\\ in-: p•rhlic dcm:mrl. :lt It•;,~( u·om -a pnpulation standpoin1. \\'11l lhr 1.ew city hall I~~'"' idf' for such ,, hall ? W01 ild it nl')t ! I(' d g~ plan for all t hl" d ' ic clubs, etc .. to appoint :t rom - miat'<' to work on tiv matter before it is too late? + • .. Udo lollt> AS~WMmPnt'l. Ar- t hur Taylor. 11 :~ \'1:1 Quito, writes: "Your cnlun·:1 in thf' J :1r.Uary 31 <'cliliOII of tilt' Newl'>-Timt>S mad£' " PrPnr'(' to ht'a rinJ:: somc ~·ri 1 id '-n 1 un thf' wav thr Liclu h-I•' ('c•m- munit\'. :1s."lx-iatior1 makr..; if pss{'s:-inPnb. ::1'' tn f<('I'JI thf' n'!·orrl "' r .. i.!h1 . t l.r· Jlllll· cip:d t•h.j(oc·ti•lO IH•IIlt: '' wrll b• to\\111'1"' 1"'-..!J<ll lt 11'1fi 01\o•d :'lnd unu:1JII'IJ\ , .. , '"'· , ... no~t h:l!-t d (•rim a-•I\. 111 • •I ;111~ q.l4''1inn nf 11111 ;111'11 "' 111· ~1'' lit\' 111 llt.tl.ll ih•· .. ._,~'IIIIth. "Thi• J•lllllt' I .111'1' r .. r '""'· ~-,!i,f:tll l••ll ,.: till' 'I• ,,j,• pi)::~, ,,f IIH · I I, .•. I ·, ... "' '" '1.1\. "'~". 1 1\ t ··t· t ;,nd JN'II•I' \\1111 11 lt d \ 1 1 0\\l.t'l' IIIIo iolo•i I ''I I 1 I plnn8 on l h<' IOC!IIlo~. all ITI('fn· I'T'al o ur hill' ur th•· j)llln ~ ""' un-l'llltinl' fsu lo•d l>ff thr ndjlllmn~; w~trk Ill '"' rllltio• .I\ ,, ••• ,.I I!' e" :\. ~m r 0 ommerce l •~tltl ""''1'~""' "'""''' llf' ltl'lrttofo hr rs of th<" oo~rd of dlr('~lor~. tht' f1,td•·d hr C'hnrll'll :-.tc-t.111u·hlnn, '" .... ., , , .1 ,. ' ,, •• , :ol 11'"'"1 11111-,11, , nd. 111 11,. "111 ".,. ,, ,. , 11 .)tJ l ~ . '""'1!"''""' In t'1..,.,,. Mra,., wlilrt\ rounty camp;ugiJ commlllrr. 1h~ ~· , .... 1;11·~. who hatl l• ,.11 pn'\'WU"I~· "' •I I 1'111 • • ,., 11 ",.,., ,.,,,,,,.,-! :ontt ,.,j ·nv• 1111,11,11rr, 11111,, ,111 111, o~n · 11 · .... ,,,,,.,. •ln ,l 'ro;r ,.,11•1 r()mmltl•···~ of t'arh '·'"'"ancl I'll)'. appronrhl'd by lhl' ll. s . Fl~h nnd tl• """''·''·''"'!:hi~ rr.11t ""'"''"' \\illun '"""'''"' 11 '" 1 ,1ol,•r,1•••l C1t!i<lll Mt-s~t'<l Otnmhrr ofContnM"t"'f,. wllllll•lu•nck'CI th"' f ' a~ \\1•ll liS rww"-rr prr·sl'nlaiiV<'S \\'ih11if•· :-;, r\1•'•· fur r11·nu t~ ~till· h l>r rol • n "I''" 111.-"' 1 '""''' t ,,.,,,.It\ Jl.,r .. ld 1' (;r;llll'l rutv·tww n, who \\:1" l'll"'ft'(l p r t•.,.l-«.75 r-~ft p Its lrorn ('\Pr) 1'0111111Unily will lhl n ""''' r ... '"' ~" illllil lh~· Jtllllltt ·' •'···lltl . 101 ........ "\ •.• 1 L illo ~ '•'lll,llf ,,.,. <1\11' 111~11111/lil lllfl a t llllll "''lirl~ ltl'lcll ..... t 1,1111'11:1\ 'fW .... ·~ erm all•nd admnl'rlill'l'1in~111IW:II .. r 'It "·''''''''"II"" lh.JI lhr· nn\') •I•·" '·""' t o lhl'oolkiiO ,\rt l\lltl! tt;60,000 Mote, o \t'l\11'"111 Fir••ll\l'll's hnll F ft 0 Oft pro~:ri'!<S Of lhl' dri\'(' 81 lh1• ;-,;,·\\· \\nUld f urnl'h l'tlo• IHt.lh anrl fl'lh· ~I '' h• ,.,,If, d il"' 1·,.,., 1;11.1ftl or ;"l avs; pnrt llarho r Yac-hl cluh mc cl •• r '"r 11.,. 1,.,1, 1,, rf, 1, r m ln• 1n 111nr II· .wit ~ Coaet ~p ;\I'~V It ''" ·" "·" 1 ' '' 1 " 1 '" 1 1 ' F • Tho• l'tlllnl)' c·amp;111!n Is holnl( lh• ••lfo•t'l ,.f I Ii•· •I• IIIII~ f>,ml•onc Ill•, .I ", ,1 "ltltl•'ll .,,111, ~ ' 1 '' l "~'''"u •I ·•• 1 111 1 lio ""''' r~":1 anuary lllltn•lfi•d lhi'nttl':hfoll t lhi~ nlllllill .. n •o<•:.n lhh.l••ll ,, "'''''Ritl 'iho· """ 1 ... , .. I '~ ,\tm\ ··ro ... lt ,,.,,, Unw_. Pl"fl_,. .. ,.,_. I ·• ''•· 1111·1 ,, owltl I• II '"''' I• ltunlllll''"" H•·tu·h ha~ arc-Ppl•tl a nw n \\hu aro· "'"1•~1 m ll•l ltk• Ill 1\.•11•·• \\ltwh " ~l:,lirolw<ll hll•' '" • I , ''' I''""'"' I' \\' lt ll••n•· qunr,, l•f ~h••l-~1 fur ·~ ~bar•' i\f , • .,,,. ''' llwlr """I" r-.uo,.t dl•·<'l~ .r.' "Iii' It:• II• I rllll\ ,\lilt""''" '' ".·I '• Jh• "'''lfl'f vu~· tth• prnlt t J. ttrhl ()fh t•r se•r 11nn ... ;tt"r" ''" , .. ,, ut 1""' L:•'ltlnl.! t ht·lr cornnlllttt·~ al "''rk to'·''' u ,,.,,,,1•1•• ~~' fllt~nth~ 'f h• ~\....~ ·•l'l'·•••nt ' lfu• ;•11'' .. , th• ,. "" ,.,., '' •• , '' .a. 1 •11~'"" fund~ for lhr tnslltullun '"''r "·''''r l••mtun~: '' '''IJ'I'Io•tl ru (' o~" t .t •• lr!l '" io '••U•' llu ,,,,1 '"• ~•''" •t , ,,,, • , .,1 · • .. t '"' '"I"" \\hh'h I!' h:~rlh no•f-df'd '"snulh tako• jllal'l' In !\Ia), hill 11 wa~ nn-II • otrlll 1••1••1111111 nntlltt\\o>l lli• .oil l '••fU1 hil'll"111 _.""''"'" 11 • '','.',,~:1•tt 1,'w , t'~ ':~•,:,·11 ,;·, •• '~ t•~·~! niiUDl'ld t·~l,l)'lh,'ll l'fll'l)tl,'l~l', llll' l •ll'kl•' lin\ Ill ~.o l•l\ In "'"1•11 1 • on••r I f ~·.,n (11111111 •'• •'• llran~:r l'(ll(nl) Rr;H1• n F int·h. unolo r-\\, .. ~1 • '"l .... i:ln. \\llllld ht• II trlMir Thf• c .. ~o~l I ;lift ill "'" ""' ''" ,,.,.,·,1:~;1 In·.~.: .• .:r:: ,., ,, ... "' '\ .• IIIII". "lltoloilll'k Jllt~trt•·nf nf ttu• flt:nptl{r of C"''Uffi· l•uStJlOOt d .. :url\••un thr· !U~•·n•• unttl.tll••r tiJ• ''''' lut (,,, "~t,,t urt•• •·t tltt tf!. ,,.,.,:.1 •,1 ,,.,,,,,., ,,,,.,~1 n1f•r<•t•hl"r ... v.tUn•,JrPS•"'nttht•locA1 t •"'"t,h· V.'it!' nutd••, :tnrl ,,,,, ''"' f,,, ·nu• 1•1 ,1111 1 ,, .. ,.1 ,, l•t •" ,. , ,,. • ... ,, ... ,. ,.,, f4f·r••Y l~unlmlfft•f". and tiS \"I('(' chatrn1an (;t•n••ral ~·····tine r:~, ...... ,,..rt , .... k uu.:ft,rthe•IKHif :\tn nt1.t\ J1lqJf) ••• ,. t .. , lt J"tt~•t •I ........ Ill d· ''''I' '''"''''' ••• , H · I I" •• , .. ,,. un•l1•r Rt>\' S•·,l t Mr Fnrlanrl ~of A •'••rwral nlt·t 11n•· uf nt•l•lu·ants 1 1 I I · San•a Anro "'" r~r•lam lo lhf' ap· frnm,..RII pRrl ~ of ~ltl' Soulhlnnd t::~~.~~ "'"~~au un th" ""''rf'""' '' "' ""'"'' l••m •n•• I ' :,:,·,~.1·1;,1:/.:1:: ';~·1·,~,,:;;:';,1'';,.:,;;·,~" ' lrn>olmatcl.'' 100 d ino•rs lww much 1 1 1 "' • ''"''' 11"1'11 '' 1•'11 '" ·•' I ' may lw ho•l1 1y I ''' l;n\'o•rnm,.nt 'f'lt,. nih• r '"'"' 1hf' 'J71•;\)>C ",, 1 1 1 l 1 1 1 ., 11, 11 ... 1 ''"' I l ,ooo ul••ll f'l 1 W.t I1Jt!l hl't·n rRISI'd towr~rd \li(• hos-l•"•·n~v '" lh•• ni•J•r ltiiUr•' lo ,;o I • ,. '" •I " ''''"I•' '•' • ' • .. •u " '"'"'tl inln l ho• harlx•r ,,,,,t,l ol ' It "1,,,.1 1 'I "•I'""· F I I IJIIAI I ' + 1(' 'Cfllt\o ... q ... ,,. '" CIVI'r ll'l llllS .. r till' ):rl'lll undo•r-flo I •• nil• 11•·1(111 -~ o•a rll•l Ill Ill•• I \I I oil l '"'I ll'"·" t\1 111\1'"" • II I >.II. I• ,, ..... , ... , ..... 1 .. 1111 fConttnuNI nn Pn;::C Fivt•)' ntt•L: , ,.,,,,,,.,.,,11 •1nrl •·~'" ,.d '""'''''' l 'ltH I•· 1•·\\utklt·, •rul Orange County Assn. To Ele(·t Officers • Tuesday Feb. 19 I ,, ... ,1 t\ l I 1'• ,, lht •f1 ,1U ,, J:!. Barrett, COntractor New President of Harbor C. cf C. ••f ,;p•rul•·d h \ Itt•"'· H ••I l (•t '''" 'tlllth '' I f ',,l,,,,d. 11 \ r···~·., , ' r ~~· t,, ·'I 'll'' •t nt lt~Ot'' 't i l 'o lu f I t+lf I t' 1 t '• I tlld lllflttiiUI, ,,j, ft d tftll I I I f I II • + t \I lu In lt l lftt"' Hl''f••' '! \\ I f fj I ·' 'I·•· 'I t ,• I ".' ., •• , d I,. I I' ,, -4 ,. '" ... •t1t 'I lot I 11-\ltlll II to M.\1 t I. 'J II I I ,, I "\ I · '• I \ 1 ,,,,, "" .. , .. ,,,,,,, "''lln r~·''' ""''" •' ,,,, ••t··n ·· t '•·•ut·~ I,. , • , .. , , 1•·•·n .,, ,.. t . 11 ,, \\ 1 ,, • _ •• ,,, "' .. •\lw•rt l,! I t \J, 1 t' I II ·otr d h 0 I t a n , ·-• t tt-\\ • • k It~ H '' . I ~ Ho~rn·ll . \\I•JIIo.r """''•lll l. ,.,,,1 "''' ··ll'•l••d I•• I• lh•• :'\1'''1~11 1 11.111"'' ('fto~l,tt'J·r ••I I ltllllllt It•' l•ol Ill·• ,.,., \• 1 fill._\' I'< d1•1lo' cl I "J•••·1,11 I o'l I'· oof 11 o l•to 1 •I t 1·, 1 .. r-..lr• lrl ''"''"·'' .11 \\'l11t•··.., 1 · .. 1: , .. ..:. .1• H ,~;~ "·'· .ot 1•1 It' t Hen ry J .. Si:er , Well Knov ~~: ,, \\. ., .., ... \ ~ I I I ,, .t~o• '··I 'I • t I ' . \'' ' ,.,, ' I •I I I let ., n11 •• ' • I • .. I I I ~ •1 ' • ':!' I ... , .. , . ,· . ' "· ''" '· 1111 11' 111 '"""'' •tl (111 I'll•· ,, I" I" I f f I ····I , .. I I I' I \ ;,, I t \· .. •• I 1 \ 1• ), I I H t'l 'I I .. ) I• ,, . . , . I f II II o I .. ". . --.1;.;. Theo1r.r Man, Passes Away I I, I 't • I I , I ' 'I '''" ' I I •I I I ,. •I· I o . .,,, Ill .... ,, , ............ , U IUHrt'' thf" ', •Jtp lu '""""' '"' , "'" tt '" tu•tt ••' ttl .,., t1 •· u "" , ""', t., •'-L> tfur· •u~· t lu ''I I ""'' tltH ttl uf ·, l•r tt 1 '' • '"'ufut 'I"'• ~ .. .,, !ttt Utt 1 .. , ,,,..,, 111ul I'" hul• •I "'"'" ntll111lnn• In h•offt• .''' •• tl trr1• ftl4,-tt\t1' K"' 1\!t•a 111 lh1• ltllll,.,r 10ro·n I ·'"'''"n•lllll( 101111•111' lhr llf'fllllll "•"' •I 11 1 Ill\ •·II, loull1llnv. tlrpsor l - mt "' \\• ,•. ,., .. ~""'"" ',,,_,. f;,r ~~,.,,,.,, '" •••• t.ulll '"' Al lr t· J•,ttv 111 I I II I . •\ '" '''""'· Nt·Wf•lrl, 1111d .. ,., .. ,, I '"'' J,l•· fut \\' H t•;n '•••r ... ,, I ••• .._. .., ,· "',I" I "-• \\ t••• t Itt• '' •• I• '' ·.f v , ... ,, t ,,, H',d" I "''' 1 ~t· ""'' ••··•• tit ttu •• t.~t f'''' ,f ttu· I •• ' lj •I ,,t ,,, I \ t 1 ,, I • • .. I .. ·- ' r1 t , ' 1• • ' •• , "", "' 1 '''•r J. I ' t f ' 'I t 0 tl ), d . I ' ,t. ,, ; .. ., •I \\; '-''' 01l (Ill ,f,, :1 o'\• I pi : '·! •I l ... tt I ··: ..... ., '· qd •' tl• II• \ I ld• I I ' ' I I fl••• If ,, J. I• I 'h~san ' I nt t~rt'~1 ('(I f•1.Lan d r ~e ~'··i ' Fo;. Cuunty An~a I" I i. .. "' 'tt I 111 l'lr· r1 ... ' uilh lan•l:nn!lr ft ·r. :•n-;·1··. '"'' n .. · "'' •· ,, .. P'"-'''d ol !lliln:L.;I'I 1 I '. ,, nf Ol l)ltlll )'~.q(H I .1 \o'.ll' 111 '-II· PI'" j ... ,. Ill•' ,., t•·n ;htul•' ,.f 1 poten!t:tl tn•·••ll'•' 11l :lpf!IP:>-1-· ma tt•!\ !-':tt.l llllt .t Otii P II~. 1111.' ;.>lllttlllll patrl tlll' 111:t tl· m~1'r i" !.:l'f':l11'1' than tLw 1'0 111· JX'nsatinn of .• n~ l!rridal or empln~·p ••f th1• l'tt~· c•f :'\r"-rorJ ~i_!~ h fi[ olll~ I Ill hf'l' communi I,. In ... out lw rn nr. am::f' 1'111\nh Ill• ln dllll.! thl' Cit\' nf . .a nt.1 ,\nt~ '' ith a bwkt•1 nf "1 1 :,?() 1 w 10 •• • • • T nmnn f\twht•l. .\ 1'1'"1111 • mf'nt nr'~t 11•• ~·n:il or-Tu m K 11 r h I' I ;"' C rmtp lrl •llr•r . S('('mo; :1 IIIIChl \' l.:f~~'ltf d V •II ''· I)P(':rll'o4" T"n 1~\·\ h ·,, t h•· .d •d- ity nnrl tlw ri1111d '" ol•• a ~ood '"'' I I I •1" 1l • • "1 \\ I~ ... ('osl a ~t e!'\a <luuta · For Hed Cross Drin• Set a t ~:lO:Il ( (t•"·· ,, ...... ·:-. ••thl ~thl#, ...... , ''' 1.. H.una..:~. h •• lu•·n "l"' ltttint. •I • h~lrn1a0 ''' tta•• h•t~"'-•' ... tu """"• \MUtltttl.,;:n f••r ttt•• un nut~tl IC•••I C '""' •lrh• 'tart ln~ 'l:trt h f 1 .. 100 tttl0• I I +H Of ""' ttHt•l• h \ ,Jnrtt,.·• U ,f ft•,.lt:.•• • h ntr'llnn ,.f tc . tl f r ........ tt• ''''' ,,, ... , ' .. ,,~· ,,, 'It ~ ., .... ,' h tt ... h·." •• " I tH I • j I• I lol I I ., 1 .. 11n \I II oi·ol '.\ q•J•"lh' · I ,, t ' ~ I • • ' • \ \ I ,. ""'I h I •· j ···~ •h .. , H l11 :, \\I I t dt '· t tt ,, ld\ I ''I , I '-... , .. I\' "' II' " , II .. , .... c ..... , •• ,, I I,, ll I ,,, , ..... " •• 1' •'. ·I 1 ' ' I 111 i ',I . 'I ... 1 • I ... ·".J ,. ,. I • ll"'l \ I I " I H •I I ,.. II "' ~ tt (, I , ••• 1\ I t\lo I I •' , •• • t ' ' ~ .. ,, I •• I f • I i ,, 11 I I " I f'\ 1•1rltU1tf••, I I .•• ,. "•• , :· f' ,. •' . . . ~ ' I I '"' 'I r • • . ' ,, .. • • t1 ,t,: o l ... \\ ,, ~ • I , I ' 'I 1h Lll I I •I t•\'q, J I I I I \' o t I I ., 't I 111 I t I , •'1'-• '''·'I j I I .,.,,,, ttl ,,, ,, t ,, ' .,, ,,, " ,.,. , ...... ,, ., . ' I• ., t•f "'"' '. \\ ... I tf t It tl ' ' ,_,., "' ;tl •• ftll I I H I,:_ I t I t•••ttn.• u 't • I I• 'I '. II ''} tl ." I 11 .... ,. I , .... ' ,,,,,._. I l!o i ., II .. I . ~ Iff .,A .. ,, 'I I' I 'I I ~o.+ I+• I • I' • I ll ,, f, •l I f I I I , l11 1'1 ,,, J ,, ' II tl ,. f ,,,, ,,. ''*' t t •• - ·' •I ., . .. J ·' •.•••• ..... t I I I t • • I lo ' ,, '·' lttl t,tttf It f I,, ol ... tit• n I tti I ,,,,, I ••• II ' • t I I tl j • ... I \. f I' I~' I If.. I t1f •' '• f J. fl I I •• 11"111'''' 111' I'' I• I , 1 ltfll ttf 1 f tfllt I tl flltl Jlu f t it.., It' •tl• ... , .. ,,,,,, .,, .. -.. ,, , ,, t it 'I• ., •• 11'1111 " ,,. t II "' " l(.\ll!\1. • •·t 1\ 1 FIRST PuauCATioN· OF 'fl'EW cosYA-MEsA~MAP of sTREET .. NUMaE*s~· PREciNCTs, . -, ' . I I ' I •I• I • ,_.,-.,. ' f .·.,, . ' J. I ~ .,. i. \ ' ' H fl I I I I\ fJ I '1 "I' ,,, I t I 1 , tlf llflk H, Ill S!olllll ,, " .... ,,' ,. ,,,, I I ,• I "''''''''• I tf It ,,,. '' trt•h I., •• ,,,,, tf " I. •t I'll'' .I ,, •• I I ••••• t.y · 'I t' I I t1•r lo ,. fl "•II I•• t I tl.t\ PAGE -5 ' Owrwr !fr:r:::r~:~~;~ ~ \ oll•)l•' Aeronauti~une Norton· Bulldlag Corona del Mar Boy .In A 'tistr·la in tht' Adarondnc·ks. wtuc•h '" hoHI O(fered at Fullerton Rad··o Phones·, . J \ bouxht n~·ntly frvm a pllPI'r rorn· pal\)'. Clucrlc•• I Hude•t rnM. •II• o f 'PI ' G Sk D •b p I abll'd \'t'tl"r An Of \\'orld War I l o lho• 'I•IIIW Wlll••alo•r'I,.TIIIOtn~ lie or oneer oes ·~~~ng e ' escr1 es eop e plaru to lti'VI'IOII 11 w. tt ro•trc•l\1 ftlr t'..t.o. <\ lhc l uJh·rtcon JUIIhll t'ol· WOUI'Idt'Ct Vt'tC'rii\J (If Wor ld War II'J:r 11, colfl·rlnl: ~ ,..,)11r,... 10 Gen· A.p(·mhl> lono• n lll'trurtlion o f . r D . lit' did nut n •\'o•fal thr ~nt !'rnl Ao•runautl<'S T lw C(>urtw• Is twu-"tl) rud uo to•l• p~toflo,.. w rll <IY'In ...._ pa'4 for I hi' V1IIIIIW hut. discltiil'd d o'5oJ.:rto-d ,,1 !.:"'' a JUrH·) r.f tto•~ ho•~tlri "' lhar 1 ~··rtnn'• "''" 1-'lo•l'· ( 'unro·rn l10r 11w u nfortunate 1n the· .S S 'l'ho•y mndr him jom and ~ fa~t lhl\t 11 a. &SSI'U•'<I "1 lm~lrtunl tuporll tn ;w ronnuroo.'S tu trlt' rcnfl H.uh" '""r•· """'" ho• h,o<; the· t•nunlr) "'too•ro h•• •s ttatlon•cJ ht• ""s sc•nt up tu Saalahurg From $250,000. 1rloU!ol' •nJ•ro·atc'<l tn Oytn.: t>ttlll'r 1\S i unh ro-..nth •~•'UJIIdl un C"oiiiJI 1111' IIH•Io•ll•l \lr Hrool Mnl Fta-rok tho•n • lu Mu ntch '>''hr n th€'y 1;e•t h t• Pfl\llh' plloiJI or u lntc-111· hl~h"ll~ lu ~''"' hoi•· lto't "t't'lc l'o\O o·n .. b()) :\lrHJ.:'IIt•rllo· nvenu• rhrcn~;o'fl trains Itt Munieh Ill' and I(!' III SJoo'C tato,.. l lc•monstr.ollun" II•• '"'" •~ o·n ··~-··mhillll: Jltcrr,. /llr ro·•·• 1\ •'ll I rom tho·lr .. -.on, S/S1•1 r.nnllwr ktd took off Thl'y como· 11nd lti:IUTt"'l will d11nfy th•• Jlrll' llw dt·\U•·~ """''' h•• Inuit IN fur•· F:tl"'atd P!lwo•rs. I 'unununk nllfln' hark IH !':Ralrr ld<'n and lht' ktd hid 1·tjllc-s ~or flight, m•:thnds ol l'ltn• lt\C' "''r ton•1 <oolol on 1"1'") pm tt..~•f llt•:trl•lor:ort,.n. ~:wll•·ldo•n. Austrr.J up In th•• mounlaonll for about a THOMPSO~S Richfield Station . 11TI N_,.,t......_,.. -·-We have a l"t'11able med1ank t o rwon~e yqu in all AutMtOb8e .Repelriaa l atruclln..: (tlr<Tbfl, prlnc1pl•·• Rrtd lht• •·•••11111 > rt'f'<•ntly mont to. <'Oming lnio town a t nit:ht npt•r~tlluN oi cn..:1nt'11 ttnd (Jropo·l· Norton o:oll• lo ' ~o·t W ~rrul ,. Pow<'rs rnhstr·d In tho' Infant, for. fnod from hill folks. In Aprll l It'"· .UAI' of •'n){IM and night an M11ny yM·ht~ 11nl1 l1shm~o: lTIIft 10 1942 in the· •l:tnd Ruinhow to1• lilt' 36th [>rvlaion camt' into Aus· 8trunwnts, ml'thoch of aerial nava: h11Vc• '", '' c·qllll•fw•tl wtlh ·,arrrllls vlsrnn. Allr r lanl1tnl: rn !Trance-h·· tr ill, so onc 11ight he came-to towrr ~atlon, a nd prmrtpiNI of ac:r~ al:tA'II llo· ~"" o no• on 11 ''""' ~~~ far 1mm•·dtah•ly rrru~ht 111 "ll' battl•• and found the G.l .. h<'rt' and .tb..- nnutio•al mt•to'(irul~y. l_ruotar U It WilY hll lloorno•ll "IH<'h ho• 1n~t ;1lh-d of l ht• "Ltl j lo• llul~t·" "" was 1ft\ S S. a nd Sc1J<tato IGt>rmJln (or !IOid- pouiiJie U1c Lr('a tmt•nt Will bt· nun· hof>fort· lht• r•·•·•·nt m11flirt s111rl"d I ,.0 th" Silvt•r S tur for gallantry in it'NI t had ~tOn~> up Into the moun- matht'rnatlr.t. tn~ wht'n ' nt.~· The-small St'IS cnn communk att' art ioon. Afll·r oetory a boy from ~o n1. bout a w~k late>r he Jook Mf&l")' thr rt(juin'<l math<'mattcal or alll'IQJt anywh••rc-In tht• rhannel 1 l'ach outrit wa$ given 11 ~even-dlly some Infantry up Jtnd rounded up ... n... ......,... ICit•ntlri<' backgTound .wtll:' he de-trom ship tn !'horl', tw said. The Jeavl' In London. Pnwrr• wu ctw~-100 Gt>rmana. Hill father, being a ~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;~~~''c~l;o;(lt!;~~l;n;;t.he;;;c;IUII;;;· ;;;;;;;;;;;;, ~w,.tt ~11 hiiVt' a dayt ime radius I <'n from h ll outfit. It took 30 da~s farmt•r and tht> father of ~even ol about :.!!'10 mlll'l. tl.-II Cflmph•t-1 10 rPach London and rl'turn to IH• children, wun't taken, just forced ·siegel's Son Joins U.S. Coast Guard ln~t an t>laboratt' ~tet for Vandn-bUt• Ht• wrlti'S : to work for a labor camp In Sall· '• bUt't PionM'r whkh will have ~-· I ft>lden. I know all of Utili to be A L L M A I K world-wid• rans:r Dt>ar· Mom and Daa . 1 true beeaUM r vt' checked with John .. A. Slect>l, 10n of Mr. and M". John Howard Sleael of Tustin, joined tht' U. S. Coaat Guard Monday. Just 18 )'t'an old, he hM been attending Santa Ana Junior ,. colleae. He had prt>vioualy at- tended Tustin Union HIP school where M wu student bocly presi- · ~-Well, h<'rt' It Is 1946. the th~rd lntt>ll1a~ce officer, whO has 0 ~ VFW AgainSt ("hr1atmu and Nt'W Yl'ar In thr lntttrTotat.e aU dvtllana. • , Army One in lJ. S ., one In Frann• 0~ 'W Me OW. DIIM-flarc Loan to Britain and t hlll one in Austria. nu. IJ• Ont> day ~n I h•d a ra~o G t e c a r d s ant' Of th(' ~t of all for ~al fllted by a 1\lY Whoaor .~ther dot's r e e' I n g . SAN F"RANCfSCO.-~ Vet«-: .. -:;ns~t h::! ~y t~=~.:.:~ my wuhlnc. ··I not1dttf that he • -of Forelrn Wa". with a na-dutln don't require muc h or my ~~~ta ~ 0~ ~n radio eq1uls>- dent, but hill tint two yean ot I hlch school and h.la cramzn&r. IChool yean Wt'rt' apt>nt in N-- 1 port Bt'ach. • _ ... _ Distintctive Costume, Indian and Shell Jewelry -.;:::: ' tkln-widco ml'm~"hlp In t'lllct'M of u~. and w• hav• hfo.rn hen In · a a•ven me a onl' UIOO.OOO are wacl'fic a militant Saalft'ldt'n 10 lonx I almnet fl"l'l ~"" that I thad bt'llt'ved until tht'n . dri-a~~:alnat Conlf't'Uional cp-at ho~. For t he-past w~k I'v" In t~ we ~d out that he was proval of Uw Truman admlm.tra-· ~n ttolnx sk1in~ every day fnr h d ~ Sllf\A]hlCo~ :'ad Uon apona«ed S4 billion loan to a~t 1i111 hc_>ura . <'~v:;~ke 10 ~:; 0 ,' tht' ~: ~ NE IIUT · THS PIECE TIC AAT SAL~ DANE. • Gnoet Brttaln. ~ Early Nt>W Years Day I Wf'nt m ana did I . bou M 1945 'nUll fact wn 1\nnnunt•tod her_•· with • young kid, 16, and his The a C:'~. I~ sialfel~n • CORONA DEL MAR. -.rpufs • today by Rk hard 11 N••whall. Call· father up In thr mountaiN and I ar t' not'::! nor do tht' h • · I'l'r.. ft fornla Ofopartnwn t Commander nf 1did not rC'I urn un til t his afternoon ., y ·...._A 't ....._ r y 10 uhn (By Be•• L. &<nedicto h II I h r ,.r ~auae ,..,yare arme" w o r the accompanied them the-VF"W. Nt'whall Ja ld that t t' A sum mt'r ong t e &rml'rs, ar(' 8 lot bt'tJer off than 11 fo lks. Mr. and Mrs C. J Hidy and 10n a r · · Mr. Slt"C•I. now with the enai· neerii\c firm of Slt"Ct>l and Raub, 'O.ta Mna. Ill formt'r aaalataJit <'ily rnalnHr of Nrwport Bt'adl. ~llfornla'a ~ty women marry at a latt>r aae than rural wbmen, a atatllltical ~urvey N!Veala. C88e8 NatkN\Al IAtciJiatlw Commlttl't', on around h<'re harvc•s t thf' ltl'aln and Tht>tr <'lothln thou h c ,; worn David, rorm<'rly of Santa Ana. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrenct' Q. Lrwlll tht ovt'l'twas vrti rans or~tanlza-l atorr tt In small ttrorns h\lllt up on nut 'fhelr 1~' hRw i f ha\'e mov<'d to Fon•st Grove. On•. of Oakland villl tt'd M", Georce ..... w..Urt ~--~lr ... Gl. ft Shop tlon mt'l r£-N>ntly In WuhlngtOI\ the mountains Whl:rr lhr grttlrl hcl~~ re lrro 0: •• 011 • ~n; 0 Mrs. llidy IK the slsll'r or Mrss L..c•wis ,304 Maz:iteld a V<·n.ue. ,Tun· .,.., 'r-" ~WVII to rnap 11 l'nrntlfli.:n agaiN! t·ht' 1 ~:rows, W t• wrnt sktlng ynt~rdn)· of th pa 1 h ny mes orne Lois Ott , own<'r or th1' n.nrlottr 'd ay. The Lewlst'$ are stopplnc with .. --Olfta 1111 o-a 1"..-t ~~:rMIInl: nf luunll to forehtn na-Ill hrin~t duwn som•• !!f'llln for thil •1 the. jl('()l Pk <' avt' to Wf'llr man y &-a u tv ShOJI. cnr .. t hl~;hWII}, 11nd thd r i'fousins In Lonlt FW11r h. 1-_h·, LAMPS • VASES • ~IGURINES Cabinet& Since 1898• -·-, I c. u <'5 o N'p warm . ' ( M G , _ ~~~~~~~;;~~~;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;~;;;;~~~~~;;~~t~~~;;;;;;;;;~~~·~~;;;;;;~~~~·rnan a ~"~~ , What i·m getting at ~ t hat 1 111 on<' 11m•• was ~~~~111111 ~~rator ~till' nr llh<'w" "· · ~w~.~ This m11n s ~nn ~~ th• nn!' t lo.or f 1 th 1 I h ld d . f at th!' ~hn•J Mr I ltd•· wa~ T S~.;t Mr Lt•wrs has chttr~tr or the rt>- PAY At TEa ""' \\'OaK .. CoalpleW. AI...,. ,•lAw Prtc. 1 c1 l'f' II s ou 0 50ml'lllln~t or ,. ' t . I . r d ' -~-' hn~ I)P(on l••a('hln~ rrw nn 11nnlho'!'....thltl k d It 1 1 hln k In tlw \ T c it'\ rlw ct11na-llurm a ha or I latwn nr tho· han IC'BPI""' l••lto•W hoo\lo lco•!Olo.t II ll<'f'rN lhry nut "~-nt~'d.s ·~~·~10''1:1~:~~: ~~,7:; Tilt·······' r ... r ~~ lllllriths. liP hll~ unrf lht• h~nd for ro ur stall'S, with WORTHINGTON lt•llrn hm\ Ill ~kt I••( lift' lh<'y wr.Jk. I d ~. k h • J >..~ I IIC·•·n 111 t ho• ~··n ..... rnr So'\o•ll \ .... r ... hiM rrfltf'(' in San Fra nc·isro. r I on nt)\\ " o>ro• to u.·){tn . frt•m 1\hoiUI 1\o• '''•If'~ on up I '''' \Vh 1 • l;f'lltllll••ci 111 th•· f"nllpptno•~ hdt•r•• )lr 1 .. "IS Slllll.; on lt~ht opt'ra 11rkl' "". J.:TO!lll I 11 "' '• I <:1\\ anyt hhon~ ,1f ~k~·n ~~~=s :~~~!: ~;~',? ~:~111;dpa~;.~ ~l;r ".or Ito tt·c·o·nt ly ro·•·•~' ,.oj hi' tn '>''a.shmgtun lto•furr coming It t' tl 11• "" ·""" 1~ 11'11<' m.: \\tlh mt'. H 11 hal1rr't l.tt'Pn for hls dl~c·huq;:o· ,oflll plrms In ""rk 11n .o "''"'· :ciMom •~'"" r1). \tooth hi~ \\ifr rno• ,. •mnll fcor '"' .ot.:l· llhoul Ill,. kllll\\ In I: ho\0 10 I :tlk I hc·s·· sho.-rknC'h '" llr··.:••n ·•lo, :wo-.onllllonl~l II·· '"II "'"~ In t h(' ,,,., oond unh ·~·· joullnll•, but .... m;•k····~ out o r tho• l'hiN' ll'alhf'r T\\' ~I' , ......... ,.1 ltul•·"ul -,jl( ('uttHIIIIOII) <'hlll<h, ('tlfll:fi'I:H IIIln · ~·Jcrt 111mp O\o•r "' I• 1 I nn hia sko' thl•\ ar•' h .. ardln I " 11.od c II 1 , Jasrntn<' ''" nuo ro·tur n11l \\'o·l1no'lo· al Surul.l}. F t•b. 17. rhl" "'"'k I Ill l••armnr.: hO"-lot · " J.: 1 .u • II I( •· ( • • th. l'htltl,_ 'I' · -· • , 1\ II huut th1•m I>IIMrtl( all I hiS 1 tml.' hoi~ r11111 <t f\ 1" In ° lw ~lllld·t~ ~1·hucol (olltld Of I hc I lllrn ;mrl ''"" •lllt(•kh T\efort' olll ,.r runnlnw a r uuncJ 10\\ n I t ... n · ""''" it~nr·, flo· "as or\'""'''"' o n.:h t Coorlllilllnll ~ c•hun'h. h• ld ·' rum-• I l'flllhl tlo• """ L:'" "I' .end de"' II II 1 tl rnc· ·r·tll' r •t· I'-"' h1 1 · \ '1 d I nol n \\'ttrd out ,,r ham :-.ltuu1 hi~ mun '' n • ._. • ' t ,.,_. ' m.,~, . ._,., •· in Sitn1a , na.~ ... ~ t11\ :t), h1l l. and 1f :on\th tnl: J.:ul ,In tn\ 1 1 r h 1 k dll>Ch:ors.:•· :\I rs Hool.,..,oon 1'\ llu· """ ~lr" l uo•t·k 916 ()('nan l'lvd " 1 • 11 1 1 1 11 It t 1 11 nno' nne nn )' p;clr o ~ ol<'l' t'n . · . • . . . . . , , ., (I) 'I ''' " I "r 1\ o ' lrtl: wa tc•r llnll kt'I'Pinlot htl! fl'f't WC't c1101tJ.:hll•r n( :O.Ir :orul :O.Ir-. Jamo·o, ·'" •·h,urm.on and :'>Irs Kopp a nd I 11(, .... .:0 ~0 sto~:· • • • . • ull lht• llnlt' lit• l'lornl\05 H pllir or \\'h> ••.. Ill> 1 hllt'l l1ll\o• :\lr Ht~IM·· :\lrlt I'I•W•·N kS!IIStiOil h~r Mrs 1 . ~ov.. ~'"' o ~o:wn~; un this 0 \0 r· Ill\ h(lots 10 go skiing whh mr '<om t.s a la1h•· mo•f•h~entc• II·· I• tn· llarold J:,·n•:llll.'l and Mrs Plrj!er ntl(hl lrtp. I no lunwr r ft•ar bam•. ·.fh•·n tho•rf' ar l' 10 mRnv lit tlf' to•ri'Sit•d on ra1s1n~ hnrn1n1: Jlll:t~'"" 0 hrnu~hl a d1•ltrtnus funrh for tht'rn f!'nN'll nor s1lddrn drrJJ>'~, I KO 11111 lhlnl:~ ht• dOM 10 get thlnJ:.S dono' :\lr 1ond ~n; 1l111ma~ llro•nnal1. :\!nn(luy 'flw l'Omm tllee mad<' $)08 I in lh<' mornin~K fur two Or thrc.• Olo all lh(' Wood fnr nur nJni j 'tl'Lt' ·~hr AV(•nuo> lt'ft \Vt'dnt•!t· from tht• sail'. 'Oolf"tV.I--Y~'• hoiJrs and lht• Mm1• 1n th~ aftPr-~ a nd r:.utlds flrt"S for a nyone that day for nn e•xtrndl'll trip '" lhP Mr and MNI Willour Car lson Sin<'<' 1886 REFRIGERATION and Air Conditioning 62S So. Los Aqelee St. DIEROENC'Y PHONE AaaWIII 6111 noon All I W('ar l_s my summr r lllllu him to. I t•ost. &toppln~: a t Chh'fll:" n~d IIIII· and fHmtly v•sited Mr: Carlson's undt'rwt>ar. my 0 n 1 lend a IIWP31" Civlli11na drop In lo our plact' tamorc and lht•n procN:'dtnl: to I !IIStl'r. Mrs llflrold Bene-dict 42'7 f'r.. L.a11t night I took my sleeping and drop hlnu how Wt'll orr we are I Pt•nnsylvania. wttr re thcy will vls~t Narcluus avt'nut'. DWT the ~e<>IC ba.._ lt you. havr a map Yotl 'f11ll and hvw b.Oolf'they ar~ and can't Mr. BTt-nnan s fulks Mr Brenn'}" s ~d. . tee that SMlf<'ldcn II juaC ')ffowl l 1-1 :::..:.:::__ _____ --..~..:.·..:..·-.,--.:_::===::::;======== ~II and boto llJ'Id we ~tel all of Wt glvt-them aonwthlng lh<'Y are , 1111 rold air m aking It l!l drltl't"t''l so bad Qff. J ~ss I will satlsry LA Food CostS. r-----------'r"'~--------"---------., hl'lnw lrrn' ,mysclfwllhl{i\'rngsom('of my • •' 1 11 ------•~ VENETIAN BLINDS · rations to th(' lioy nnd p:lrl nr mv At 22 y HJgh• I'~ ( Thill lriOy ltrarhr~~ll m~tcnml~h rl~tarettrs J~ th•· mnthl'r to ~iv~ r. • u.•ooo • STEEL ALU .... ,..,. .... 1 rom 11 urm nit 'Y" y "'-' · w , 1 hi d d SJ 0/ Ov p w n • M.a.~ .. u~n wrnt••r h••n • thrrr I~< nnt m1wh to 0 Nl~ 1~ thnus• c1 ds r .1 /0 er re• 3f ~ "••r• r • ...,.-r. .......... -~··--.a. ....... -rn. .,..,,.....,.. f:1rt11 II•• just fml~tho•t1 h il!h ~olhO()l r · .-In pnun • o mill . • Thdr ht~.;h Sl'hllnl ,..,lURIS lll\0111 IWO \VIIS hur11t't1 llll ~II nit'\\ lll'rt' and I -- )t'flf'l< in .J C' in thr stnti.'S llr al110 "·ond•rr"1 tf lh~ 1" "h) '"' ma ll l r1tlo•••IIIOII' or ~u.cror11: ll\1111.[ ''"'k l ht<•r yrars of F:n..:Hsh and hl' Ia 8<1 ou l'd up Rtrl} ,.,.,,, '"'r•· 1:1' • n l.o~l '" • k '"'" , ___ ..;;;_ _____ .;;;;._;;;;;;;;;;;;.._..;;_:.;;...:;;;~=;;;;; . l..n\ o• J AC'II • L I tn l..n• Anw••lo•t hacl ro•fl• lwtl ,, '.!.!.· Xl4 Coast Hlgh"·ay Phone Newport 27M-W •f••nk" l.n~:hsh l11•1to•r than I do l -----· llw nnnc•un•·• nwnt '"·'' 1\ om: o·oo•h '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~w~F~r~ ur~• ~a~e ~ ~tudents >~ar hlch '"''"••·n ~·~·ml•·r 11 \\ '"'l'r hi' "115 htdln~t from On Honor Roll .ond ''"'···ml~o·r ,-~ r· •• , h•n~: ", 1 r•·rf"'t•nl :.t. • .,, ,, , .... t("Pf lUI• :t\ I I ACt ,,f I !)J\.:\!l At ~c M School 1-'ol(l(j pnro•" ., ..... rrao•ho II -.. IT'S YOUR . GLANDS! Pro•tatt< 8ac'kuM, HMdacbe, Pa.laa Ia lep aad arot-Adtlea : aad patn .. and "d~t'd·out" feellnc Iii wonwe. a.-of Vltalll)' -"AI14'AYIO n~"M" feellnc-8llpplac and Orowtal( Olcl before your linN'. Ant'mla-Hll'fl &IMI Low Blood ..._.,..._III'OIIC'Ialal Aath-r..cuo~PAiorlaat.-IUdlM'r and ~ CoedtU.... ,.. apoDd -full)' to our ExciiiiiiVt' Oland Tf'clullque dt'veloped tllru 18 ,...."'. experlt'~. ANY MAKE ··CAR .. SERVICE ·ONE DAY SERVICE lO.U% CREDIT .· • (ALL (iUARANTEED) WORK • . tiARiiiSON·;'POift'IAC CO. .. . . Corner Serond aJfd Sy~amor~ Santa Ana • • f)('rr o•nt ahovr llw pro•\\ nr II'\ o•l .ond T!'n ll<'' 1'111 h ~o:rndo·r~ :md <!3 col~o:hth ~:rRdo•r'< llllldt• I lw honur r!'lll fnr Ct'-'1" :\11'<11 rl1•mrn1 ar~ S('hnnl foor tho• ~o·c'clnfi quAr lo•r So·\·o•nt h ~;r'acfo· 1\larlt-no: Andrr· !Inn, .lnl'k 1\llttnnrh. .Jo•• Rr<'•'l l.<'nl' l'r11111, Ro•orlnh llt•n~o·n. Pll· trk lo lluffmr~n. ( 'arnl) n .lnhns(ln. Rudolph K:1~l"'r. F:flclw J'IIUII, Looi,; Slralln.: Eltothth ~;r:HI•· \lnolrt<'o'n Allt•n, \hllrll'~ Cnvry, ,Jo>tcnnr <'n-<. l1oh1n Ann t 'ro"'~· I )o•\ r11 !Hidol. ,1,,.111 flrummcond. Shirl··~ r.rorron. ~1ar· lf'n J"'''''~l'ri. \\'nnfl11 ll111.r, M11r· vln ,hn~con, \\'ilnl111 Ka~flt'r D nls) l..lln Lo:\lao' I Al\l~ir, P orfllhy V II . 1111rhur11 '"""1: .lu nm) :\lr- Vf'y, lA'"'""" Mr11~ln~:. Bll.rhara Moc•n •. Lui'~ 1'1nrkk~. \"rimA l'n d ham. R11lph R•·A F Rtth ~mrrh. Phllht• S tAffnrd • In th•· 11 \\'l'~lr•rn •l.ol••• fr••m 1~0 to 19-H . thcrr "·as An tn· c+i-R!IC' In tnroml' from ~!l.~•flll • 00o,(ll)(l to ~.OclO,f'tlll.f.lll 8CAIICE ITI'.JI8 N""' OS 8.u& IX NW:"'POII'I': VITALI8 ON ...... MIA\'IS«io LoTIO!' "lu.IAM~ NIA\.I SO C .. t Ul ... Aqr., \T.U'' \'All.~ JIF.AaT .... ,~ IPA~~· \"1SC'P.e ~SF. Ne"·port Btra~h P.harmacy u• Ott-" ......,., ...._. " dnthonr.t 47 prrro•nt aiHo\o' AI'I'Ord· rnc"to l'o'ttOo\011<1" t roml 'h·· huro•au uf lahnr <l:.ttcllo"' llurtnfo( tit•• """'' "I l·q ·, a,·,·r· ~·~~· prJI•t•to; rn4;f :\ ti J .. 1rf•t rt ' U\ t•r tho• pro•\ I till' \ ••:11 t'otntl':tfl•tl \\ ol h l\\tt f)(Orl'rnl n"' '" 1'1 11 .o111l l!l l:l .1(111 to·n rw·ro•••nt tn I'll .! .ond l!ll l President Truman T .aud!il Roy ~rout!il On :l6th Anniver!ilary l'r~'~ld• "' Tr unlan, 1n tt m••(I('IH.:.•' tn th•• Ht" ~~'""'' oor Anw n ra nn jt,. ;\fir h ~nno\ •·r~·'' \ 1.1•1 Fnfla~ d ltt'[UOC n n rt1 1nn '' tdf' nh'•'l '.~nt• .. ·•f n o\ ~,,,.·111 \\'r••k, Frio ~ to 11. "-aut ,·,,.,, lh•' 'th• rn•• (nr lhl' Y•\fir , ='• ""'" .. r rhr \\ nrlrl r\ootlliin•· T••· .:• t h•.,. 1< 1 lmo•ly. rdr··~hln.: nnd oppropr1n1r ·· In Ito<> m··~<~•.:•• '" tit•• I !177 ·11'.'\ nwmh••r" uf 1111' lVI\ ~I"'ll I~ llf 'm••fll':l nr "'litrh hr l•,llnnnr nrv Pr.:~tdrnt :\lr TrotmAn lltllt1. "Your rrrnrcl r••r .... ,rllm<' "''r\IC'o'S AI'· '"nlf'lt<>h••tl t• o•n\ 111hlo·' L. Deny Permit to Serve Trailer Refreshments A rNt"""' I•) t.nui1 Koblk k nf If\....,. I l"o·\\ pnrt ~•1111'\'Ard. Ci)slll • Ml'f>A fr-r a prrmll to .fo"r\'1' rl'- frMhmr ntll ·In tn'~ triilllrr I\ I lh<' i r nmp ~rount1• wns m Adr In th~> t'ity rounrll. hut uron ndviN'. of t hr city AUnrnl'y lhlll nn f)rtl\'htlon hnt1 tworri 'mnctc<' tor ti'IW potrfl(lllr. t hr nffc'r "'nc turnf'tl down h' l l)r ·rll ~ rounr ll l11ct 1\t('lnd A)' •-;., At thl' po•11k nf lhl' wnr 1111' J'lf'f (':tJIIIII tilt'"""' tur the• 1 l \\'i•<lo'rn cl:lll'fo ~ ... ltl ~-'7 ' RHEl l\1:\ TISM and ARTHRITIS •uff· '"'l (otr yo ,11' nn<1 nm •" lh,tT1k:fUI thAI l ('.111 \\lllk And .... ork c,· o n \\ 11 111•111 l)llln th.ct I \\11l l:lnd· h· •11•\\o•r nm• '1•' "rttms: mr for ' nr.•nmt.o••" \ln.<:: F:~l\t \ 1\T$ SO PAIN-NO DRU08-SO SURGERY-NO lNIT..cT10N8. ('OS!WLTATlON FREJ: BY APPOINTMENT. PHOSE 1114 . Dr. E. F. Bell, D. C., Ph.C. 1t1 n-. 8L Newport' llea4-h, C'aUf. Houn: I :M to 7:H Moadaye and TIIUradaY• Looking -lor a Ho or a Vacant Lot? e ·Read the o ffer- ings of the Harbor's Lead in~ Realtors ad- ve rti sed · in. the News -Times News --Times Want Ads Will Solve Your ·. R EAD USE Proble~s THEM THEM FOR FOR PROF I T RESULTS · Newport HarbOr Publishing 301 1 Wf'!l't Company Tf'lfophotte~t 12 and 1! }J 1 1 I~'' I~ LP-An~o:o lr• !'i:!. Clnllf ,.. ___________________________ ;~ i, •.. 1 ' J ~ . . B~lbOa's 3 B''S·-:.bOating·, bathing, bowling Otto Boyd Boyd's Service Station l ... w. o.w.a-:."N-..rf .,_.., ..._ .. ltt Volney Hay Balboa Motel Ill ~ O.tnl-llel.,_, Oalll. · T1Jrp' M Ill t~~ . G: N. Wells Real Estate PlloM Newpert na UN N_.,ort III..S . .......CO.ta Jll~ Oalll .. t t t Dr. Robert A. Crawford OPTOMETRIST I 1M N_.,ort lllwd.~ Meu, Calli. noaeuso ' .t ·.t .t ... Curt H . Bowman The Bohman Comp~ny Telepllone-!088'.-d 10119 tot Coaat Hlctnuy-SC'wport Beach, CaW. 0. Z. Robertson General Contractor lilt Cout HJcllway~oroaa dfol Mar, CaW. Newport AS ;t . .t .t Harold K. GrJluel CHAPE4, 110 Broadway Coda MH&. ('allfomla ;t .t .t A. E. Groty -. J. A. Groty Groty Appliauce Co. P'rt&itlal"' and Ma,.tac DeaiC'r-PIMMM 111• 11tl Newport Bh·d .-<'OIU Meu, Calli. .t .t .t Balboa Offers 3 R's---3 B's . . So Necessary For Good Living 'By AL JOYCE To ~h and every 011e pf us. t.tw Th~R'• staacl eut u Th.ne leq.iWw. for IIUCC'ell! -bl We. Th...e. 'l1lree R'• to liMiflt pf ua hav~ beell ~ .. to ~pl"f'!8eelt "Keadle', &IU.' ud 'Rit.bmrtk" u faucht ... ly I"MM"4'!atioa. \\r,.· ha\•f' IIHn, and tak.-n thr time to ~ pow11-a... takl'!,. orA a Nl1'fi'N" mood In RaJhua '" •'\In ~ Ia a Nl'Nt MIJ'\'e)' of t.h~ who ridr thf' mf'rr\··~t-ruund, the fenta ~ Utd tiU' othfor rf'C',_tJunia.l f&C'IIItW.. It t. no •u.,.._ to n.l .... , the powli-U .. out.a•brr th• youo~tH"M th""' to ~- Wat('h folb bowt d &he Sportla~cl alt..~"· ,..... tiM!m clultwJ at ' . Dennis Hogland PLYMOUTH ........,,u--«..,.la .,._,,.. Ne.,..rt ..,._ J. .t .t Milton M; Maxwell, M. D. ••• c-.a Rlctl~"" Na.r r.o ... Newpel'tiMt .f, .t .! . · Burt R. Norton RADIO ELECTRICIAN . ......_ ... ., 1111 ..._. Hlclnway-N-,.11 ........, o.llf, • to • t. our dolutic \'Mn ud to thlla the writer COIIMin WMJqai-~. But tat•....,: ~ oa added ...,;.;.tap to tltOee of • wbo laave &Ina thoqht to the l"fqUirf'nwata of Ul&-ltalf. "RMt, Reel- de~Mle ucl Rf.c~atloa", Thrf'f' R'" 10 ~ry to hNith, hap.,._. ud Uw parwult of ltvta,, takf' on added lmportuff. . .. BeAitlf'a, ll&lboa hu Ita Three 8'11 ---Boat~Ja«, Bathln~t and BowUa&. .. ~adH\'OWI ballrootn, "'&t('h th.-m dl"l"'rflnJt Utf'rnllf'lv• ct.....,._ ____ _. .t!.t AL ANDERSON • ..,... Balboa IW'Ctioa of Nf'wport Harbor an"&. the playpouiNI of • thtl Padlk-, by aa act of God baA th,.. Th,... R'fil In abuadaaff. Mfdlnal IWieDl'f' ha.~ prond lhf' nN'f"MMty of thf'N' Wit thrH, MPf'· HOUSE OF .HOSPITALITY .._..h and you will 1M' Mllviltc-..1 that Ralhua ahmant!M In thtt·ftrN • .,..10 ~~·for ~~tood llvtnJt. l1t ua w·ho ,.,.. fnr1una~ ......... &o lh·e here ahnut from thf' F'lMiftOpi "'' Uuet all thr "·nrfd n•y hear, ~t Balboa, thc• t .. a~·~reuDCI of thf' l"aadflt-, wt•lc•(lnlf"' a8 to oomfl .-1 bfo a kid -.cain. CASINO, POPlJLAH SPOT Fun Zone ......... """-. J, J. . .t Bob Califs .......... , ,, O&Nr.aAI. Pr.Tr. C Jo"l,fiNCI IIURIQti'OWU) n1 *" st.-N .. ...-n-,.._ m .t .t ,, ...... ...... • :!1 MU1 Mt.-N-pM't ....... h. ('altf. ;f. i .! Capt. B. J. McNally MrNall1'• I> Ba1boa Boat Livery , .. ~ ... , ""'~ .. . t .t ~ Dr. CGnrad Richter c•..c.ac-..._: ()Inc.., Ill ........... , •. 1 -~-.t ! .t Herbert F. Kenny POSTMASTER IIAIJIOA ~ . t .t .t. I John ·E. Sadleir Real Estate -Insurance omee no...,: ~ .... C..o Wf'lM I. EWiw Wetll ~~ Pt!!!.rties <A!·_ MJ Mala 8trMt-Balbo., CaUl. F. B. Owen Newport Souvenir & Gift Shop GIFTS OF ALL KINDS PlloM JII!·J tiM Oceea ...,_t-Sewport lleadl, calli. .t.tt L. H. Ewen -PropriNor Mesa Radio & Electronics Co.· ftoae U5 UN Ne•-port lllwd.-Coeta MN. CalU. .t .t .t HUBBARD HOWE PrH. Hubbard'!! South Coast Company HIJ W . Ceatrai-Newport JIOt .t .t .t HEINZ KAISER. ()wrler Bay Shore Camp and Boat Landing 11tll aed Coa•t mpway-Pttone: Nwpt. 11%8 .t .t .t Lew H. Wallace R~l Estate ane Jnsuranct' Broker PM-: OMM> S-R.H. IIWit HO'l W . Cf'ntral A\-e.-Nf'WIIOrt l'tf'ac'll, Calif. .t .t .t COY E. WAifS Balboa Liquor Store 10t r.:. Cftltral ,,,.,.., Rnlh<111, C'allf. 1'11. ~n9·J ..,,. lf~lnf' nf ("nrdlallty" -n. u . 1\r"df'r, ~I[T. .t .t .. f. Loui s Ve rwev. Prop. ~ <;asino Cafe & Cocktail Lounge !0'! ~aJn 81.._&.-naaoo.-l'h. 179·M :t .-t. .t. .J. M. Miller REAL ESTATF. llROKJ-fR Phnne 1!4! , I lith at Oontrai-N,.wpnrt Rf'lll'b · ··on Your \\'ny to Balboo" t.tt Walter J. Gerhardt Our Phmo~rapher ,., f'ff111Hf A"'J.~.OI'OIIa clel Mar. Calli. s__,.m ,....,.. !t!·W .t .i .t Newnort Engineering Associates ~"fu.~nt:RJC' J SJ;o.;C.ER PrMirn-nt Manuflll'tll,." a 8aJM t:act .... J!IS C'na•t Kl«''•'ay-f'tl. ~t8! 1.. Coy E. Watts C'ov E. \\'<ills, ownt•r of the r<'lailliquo•· stcwt' At 701 Eot~l Cf'ntr;;l avt'nUf', Balboa. ha.'l spent :\4 of his :\!"1 ~'Nil~ In Cnli- fnr-nit and I'Onsidl't"S himself a nativ(•, 11lthou;.:h lw ,, .. s 111"\m in O klahoma. Raised in Omnge count ~'· hf' attr>ncjf'(i g l'itm· m ar scbool and high sch ools in Santa Ana and marrif'(1 a Tustin girl. llaZE'I S torm. Ttw ('(>trph• ha\'t' t\\o snn-.. Fr;,.nk a nd Robert. From the tim<.' h£' was in school. < "oy has workNt, ~tnd S(X'nt )()years in th(' cafe bu..,ines.'l. Artf'r doing war work HI , HuhhnNI's South Coast com~ny he OJ~t•nt'(l thf' ston' in Bnl· boa which ht' c--.Uis "The Jlou."<' of JI(Jt;pitnlity". ... Bcli<'ving that ('very man ha.c; n l'i\'ic c1ut y to [l('rform. Coy ~\'(.''> some of his time to community a ffairs. He Is " m<'miX'r of the chctmiK'r of romml.'rco nnd or till' Elk!'> duh. lntcn--str'(i in nil sorts of sport!'>. his htvJidlt' is. fontl,<tll. whic'h ht' pla~·c'<l in ~hool. and his .son.; ... hctrr hi-. int('rro;l . r.. 11. c 0 <H11 Bruder h••lp-. run th .. ~ton · anri C1nt•r 111 •• whilr Mn;. W:~ttc; hPips nut. althou(!h h•·r r:m1i l~· otntl hn m,. at ~1 2 E<t st Stwf kt'<'JI lll'r llu-.y Lrnti' \"•'""'·'' "'' ,., .. 1•( 1'1 C ·,.oil"' .of•· at ltl1 llttM. •'111111' hri'P fro r11 I lo ll t ' 1,, ,. ··~ 11! 1: •11 1•· I· ! \lwft :1~, ,\11'11 1.., agp ;ond ·.loll• 111 tit 1 1. l• 1 011 •· o• 1 .. , I \t .:.,, · •. l akint~ timc-,., .. t .. r '''"' ... , ''l tl o·· .I ,to lo• I •II•' 1:.111 l nll 111 tltt• A!Hh I )1\ i ~lllll Ill \'"' hi \\';tt• I Itt~ llllo'l' o•Jil'lll'! I .1 1111 • .,. I I II lo.ol Ill J;,•r ol'(lta, Whi., • · until Ill' ··:m oo• • I , I Ill , •• II I I :,.,·ulo•d '" -.l.ly. .. •• took 11\'••r· tlw 1 '·''"!". t I """ lft, .. h 1 1.o11~ (n•·nd-.. ,..,,,.,.i,.Jiy mrn In tho• :or nu.,i '''"''''' h •utr'1••d ••I 11 h • 111 I '"' vlSit"l his phw•• A h;wlu·lr•t llltltl I,,,, ,,. •I 11 "·"" 1·\:o lllrorlo•r.....,l who (..:han~o:l·d Ill· 111tnd ''"" l it•·' 11 ••n • m.oiT H"II tn Y11nm. f.oui!'l' bmthl'r /\ndl'l'\1 .. r ;\!1111111 l 'l•· .... .o nt \111" 1"•1111111' on r .. r lhr t't'rrmnll~ 111111'1 ll t••lltl~·•' ••f th• t.on11l~ :o nd I ,1.141i,' rnnUtrr livf' )n llt~ll;md :llld Ill I llt'il \ I h · II ! r l lllll llu•Jll fnr IIIM'f' yPnr... rhrn llt' t it•· 11 .11 T'"> .J\ 111•r:d•·t o•l tho I It .on I I II'. tilt : o1o \'•'t \\r·~·, hoh loio•-. ''"''' ,, 'I •'1·1 •• Itt• lldh I ,. 'r .. I tlo•l .. I .Ill' Ill thf• flllhlu . '"' It 1 ..to.dl 111 I ''"'"'~•• .. ,.,,1..., . """---_..,.., Pau I LOrentzen Balhoa Sportfishing Fl eet JOSEPH L. MARSili\ I.L ·r 1.1 1-'1·.\'H I . .. Ft( ••dlit·\" Barht•t·ue S. I )clic:ah·~~•·n Phunr ~~1-:-llaiiN>a '1'•\'lllnn • A"\;) (r\ S UCJ't 1:0.: Pr"l' Halhoa Market and Delicatessen 7011 r.. ( riit ral-rto. 21:!11 .t i .t. DON NORMAN Norman's. Meat Market tOM C'..,tral A,.,.__....._ .. -.t .t .t Howard J. Gerrish HAan·oao nar: IN!'WRAsc·r. c·u. Pholl<" Ill .... ,,.,..,, ......... '1anacrr ~hristian\ Hut 1\1\IIM• I .t. t ' Thomas F. ~ orton 1'1• I RAY SHOJ(J" CA f-1: l 'hunf' :!lH~-Iith o\ 1 .. ,., lflch""' SI .H\"):'>(1; I:! :--;t il l"· 11.1. !t I' \1 .t .r. • Gco. Weiss & I )•ck Otltmn Plastic Waterc·raft (:0. l'llonf' ~~~~~ 101 r.. ('1ntnl RaJhna .t .t :. Bob Allen COUNCIL.\1AN r n.,, ftALIWA lf'I.ASU \ \M.I:'ff ,.TORt. ' Itt: \I ttu 'f 1\ .• lftuu 11·•1• I \t t tVII' . • ' I It( lftt I • .. tMfl i ,, "'''''' ut,.t • ,,..,,,. ,,,. .... ''h t s•• Il l \\ "'""' "'' -lluullnto:l"" t~la !. .r. J. Theodore Uohins I r>J~I> 1>1 :/\LEH .... '!II '!Ill! \\. f "Olr"l :!· .!. !.• Braden L.' Finrh ,.,. , , , , · (;.'fl Mt.:• Finc·h ( 'c•ramic·M .. • I .SPORTLAND-BOWLING:-PAVILION Tc•lc•l)hune 2402 BALBOA "" 111111.1 t•••••• -.0. .. 111 •••"!!I ft II- J. J. .t W . B. Rowe Starrk's Cafe -.r. .t .t t•rltl C :ou""..r'"' · (;,I, Vnml.-r l.ln(lf• Balboa 1\fark·et .f J, .f. j-ack Hamilton Frank Al ack lleacon Sea Foods I"IM•II<" %M•·W ••• c·-.t '''•"••>-"i"~•••rt ,....,..,, ''•"'· .t .t .:t A I. LAN I )J\ HTFOJI ll The Blue Sails ..... .... taHuMr)', C ....... Art Mu,.U.. Ill Mal• .. t.-Baltw,._a'11. ~ .. •port t11 .t .t .t. Robert •~. Arvin'R . .lt~wf'lrnt ancl Waf•·hmakr,... I Ill Tw,..t)' """*•nd tftrrf't · '""''"''' '"'"•·h, f attr f. !. I Wllllnm M11• t '111•dv W I I fSklpl ( 'alkln Maceurdy & (;alkins. lnr. • ',J\\' t \11''11 111 •·•, M I ''"'" ~· t ~ .. 1\. To• o 1!111 ('na•t lhH '''"I'"'' lido l'lo ,,..,,, 1111441 ! ~. f. Sfanlt·,· .Jam••s Bardt•n -.,,(0..:'1"1.1' \L\1'1' I I' Rr•l 1"•11011' llruk••• \ 11 hi "'"' ..,.,)'I, llrullf'r IWII f .,.,.( lh" l'h 111111 \I l 0 I f . F. Ut•nnison ''"'"• t11t•·•• "ut. A .... ,._.,,_ .. '411 l 't II "'"""' ...., .. f .... ,, ffl~·· \h\ l'hhf\•· ;_·.'7 t I I I MJ\( PJ:I.I .J·IIl:H Newport Pharm;u·v !IfNI ,_.,.,;"" I t••nl I'IH•n•· r. • I ! I ! ANTON IIEHSHEY · PHtft ,, , '"'"\ ... Market Spot ·~ lnGO-flalt ....... '""" .r. J. .r. Donald J. Harmon RALBOA HORSE HACES Wf)ll, WMI, Wnn MaJn Ml,....t--fta.lhn• • J .. ., ,_JI:WPOaT BALBOA SE\\ ._ ~ t'tMir _.::.·-----------7"'.:.!!::.:.:..:..::;.;::....:===-"-.;;.-.---·-. ol ,.._..r, r~ ••1 , ... I ' 'r"'t••rt CoUnty water District Spreading Water Ro'bertson ·sci Ill If liE WDR_LII Outside Dikes to Replenish-supply IIILIIIIIDIEIHEIL ~~~~!~~,~~~~:. .. ,~.v.~.~dr~rt Continues Gives Reasons Orlllll!l' ('no1nt)l ~\ IIIW 1 1•~111• I IHW D •d to Ext d F ' Ci R the! SJtnJ.t Ann \'ullc•\ lrn,:fll tun e(J e en or lty ace Comfl'ln) "" S•ttUi fln~. I ··to '.!, v· to Cl th•. . . C0171m~nro-d ''"' ,.1n •·nrtln~ ''' wro tr r IC ry 0 IRJt ln thr· Sllrt lltloni! .:rountl ""'~•tl• D • Th F b of thr flnttd l'()ntrul tkk••t no ur tit•.-nve ru e • o z Rltlot•rl~<•m. wo•ll kn""·" t ·,, S:.nt11 AnA rl\f'r 'Tittllnl: of lhl' non11 dc•l M11r ,,,;nlr<oo'llor an :,, OllvP.Anahf'\m rrltld. 1 An t>Xll'nainn of thP Vktory in tcrvltow tnday Wllh 111•· -,;,"' 1'he nron~:r Cvunly W~ter lJit.·, C1ot hlnl<( drive Htrou~eh lo'o·hruary Ttmo'll, 1!!1''' Mon11' of hiS rl':oswt~ trlrt has IM-ctn aprradlnl( within thr•l tl! l:•lln~: to IH• nrCHaary hecauar of w,hy h•· lli~hl'll to •·nt••• llu· ,-,,, • r lvt't' rhannl'l Cor a nurntw>r Pf j rc-M'nt n:-porta of lncrC'uf'd bard-ror c tty r nun"tl n•• t Av;-11 )'Urt. hut thl.a 11 th<' tint lim<' al1ip 1tnd priVRiion of thr dt'lltltuh' "In Ill tint· pllu·•·." to.· ~'""\'' IJ>t"eac.lna 1\u IH•f'n Undl'rtnkt'n hy l vlrtlrna of war-torn ·F.urnal«' and "1 lnlt•nd In ,.,rHI•wl " .'l•·tol• hn•• thia diatrict outaldroof thl' <'hannt'l, tht' F ar Eost. -• n1.._~ Ill<•• • .,,1>:~1J:n. "'"' rw a11•u! a('('(ln:llnfl 'to 11 rf'lt'IIRr from..Jilc Thla wr•• announ<'f'd by llc·nry J alln.rln~t. no rt·fl.,l'litms •1r• ::tnv••• 1. wat('r diatrlrt hl'~trlqunrtt•"' I Knll'l'r, N11tlonal Ch11lrman for lhl' 8 •h~:oiiiNI r umpall(ll 11 Ill• '1llf' uprraUon \1 nt·c~anry lor l cfothln.: colh·ct)on r-ampai~tn aJ pc'()f)lf. cki nut w 1ah to t•I('C't rn{•, 1 the pulillc tcnod bl·•·~tllJI(• of thr "C"It>lln·OUI·Your · C"lothf'tl : C1o.A>I· •hall hf-ar · nu Ill will n~or r('(•l d i" larce CWTf'nt nvt•rdraft 11:.!,200 W!'l.'~" ''· lnauauratt-d throu~rhc.ut .:n.~ntlro • a<:ft' f~tl on lhl' undforaround t he county. "I Wttllt rn 1111)' thlol I ~tm ,.,, watf'r ba.iln or Oraner co.unty I Evl'ryo ho~wift-I• ukf'd to tdf·ntlffro will\ any clhtuc or croup. D)'lc" wf'N' built In ttwo aprHdln& Jl('arch the clolhet clOIIf'l: ltOf'i' 1 have not mndr any t ~,<J,·.-. u4. pou.nd with a reslltlnc b•sln. and I room or aaraae.. and rontrlhurt-df'all M prornl11et 1111d 'lrn r•1:1n1n~ with outlell 10 arranard that a:artnt'nlS neil ~-to the tUtfl!'r· on an lndt'pc-ndent platfol m lhM • watf'r bfoucht flooom th<' Intake. Ina mllllont of lmsw~rly clothed It for ttM-bc.'lt lnteresu or rh~ "'m ~ mUM aboYt' OUve, throuch wu-atrick<'n JWOPl<'. ''Whatnt-r•mon lood I shall work 11151 u h:tn' Clllft'l cana11 of the Sat~ta Ana Val· you can flnct. whethft' undnwf'ar for Nt'Wporl and Balboa .as I wo·1ld a.y ll'n.alioll Company will OWl'-nr an out-moded warctrot.. lt wm for any other tt'<'tlon. 'lS thi'Jk In· flow to euer-tve bulna. Water to help kHp a live IC)fnt'(lt'W and brln& l<',....tl are jwll u vital to rnl.' &nd the extent ot aPIJrO~Imately 175 at lt'ut IIOfnt' modicum ot comfort fOf' a r~atff, btrcfl-Nc·wpnrl ecft feet per d.a)' .ur pnocolat~ .. lh<' or hfo tries to re-fttabbeh IJ&rtlor," reedlly Into Ow aancS' bottoml or a nt'W life." Mr. !Wbrrtton hu bi-en a n;i theM ballnt end ,..,._Ish· the • ~tit herr tor t h'• past J:! yrars. water bNrinC.,... wtdc:tt atmdl B lboa A......_ moet ot which wu In the r:rOCt'rV ~ abow Olive to and ~yond a ... lr'llliiJ"I. butiMU on nalbo• lllnod. wholo· tJie OCMII In Ow vk:lnltr. .• ol ttw ,... T • for ttl# put y~u or mnn he hu a.n•" Ana rtvf'r mouth. I OII,.J bfom In the oontractlna buauw.u "nle buk Idea behind watn ~flt.l[t1JUI~J11JrJl__~a~t~Cor~~o~n~a~dlo~l ~M~ar.~,,~lf~t'~!Jf'~l~co~n:l:~'='~'':_ 'ntt Ia to •Ink the water ot the ew«· The Balbo• Anallntt «'lub will I Playa del Rey ISiot Mathines, Confiscated'Last Year, yacht Harbor ~Jan To Be Destr.oyed by Sledg_ehammers Calls for 9300 Craft -1 Coin operated llpl. madUnes . New u. c. Extension conflscated over a Yl'llr II(CO '" A n(•W yachl hurhor or llnllfll(' ced Oran&e coWify al\tr a M'rln of dt•St"n and ac) .. rnnw nt ~~ IW'Iftl: Courses Announ raids by the &her1Trs of. n~ and plsonnffi f{tr llw Pia~ a dt•l Tt<•y ·rn Education "VIJCilante" Rev. Wale)' G. Ed· 1 111r•·A flf '"" An~•·lt>e~ ha.rt.•r Ot'l\r ' wards, will 1w destroyed sonwtlmc El Slto:ttnd" h, 1 hP rtt)''s burr· au ---1 11 b<' In March unl~ thl.' ,hertff's offiCt> I of ,., ... "" ··rlnl( "long Wllh tll hl•r ·~., rwws scm n~t c ~. ~· is l'f'SI rainl'<l by I.'OUrt order from I fPntUrN; nf roast dt•\'l'lopnwnl II off,•ro•d .'n an lit Ana u~ ~ C' ruar) doinR so. WIU told ... a?ly this "'''"'k. HI h> t nav,•n ity of Cahfornhr-Ex· I OrttCt'nl RN' pot;tlng notiOf'll 'of Plana rail for t hr harbor to IX' 1 INIIion nrcordktg 10 annOuz:'C't'~t inll.'nt£on to dt>~tro)C the "one or horfl(•shc.H' shape a_nd 1(1 haYP a l mlldt' this W('('k They Will 1 I anned bllndlts" and the notiCH ll1axlmum lnlsnd rl'ach of 6!100 at l0l2 N. Mam street. , are going on the dooM! of plaCH ft'f't w1th s1.!"111ar dimrntlona for fir. A~thur ~ld, fonne.: lllsll~ wht're I he 'W'Chlnn W<'f'e found. Irs "idl.'st. portum. )II would b<' ant surxrmtmd~ttt or Los Angi.'IC'S Slxtl't'n of mort' than the 30 connt>clf'd with th{• oc<'an• by a! achools. ~·.ill givE' a senes or lee· 11lot. ,.achinn tx>lna ht ld we~ f'O•nh•rf'd, unobsrrurted channl'l l turf's on ;,roblema 0!' SKOAdary taken In a raid by a party lf'd by ~000 fl't't lonl( and IJ.)() fN>t wide. F.ducatlon, which Will 0P<'n on thl' JU>v. Edwards. fonner pastor It Ia Upt'«'tffl thlll 9300 ph•11sure Mondlly t>VI'nln~ at 7 o'cloc~. The of Santa Ana F'N!e Methodist •' craft will b<' I CI'ommodated In l aecon~. university course will deal rhurc.h. These machines wert' spadout anchora'grs with Critical Problems In the confiscatNI In raids on 10 cafes __ __ ___ l::lt'mf'ntary School" and will have and rt'Staurants In western Oranee a trio of Instructors lncludJna Mn. county In July of 1943 without the Sibyl K. Rlchardlon, Mlaa Corlne sheriff's co~t or knowted~ and S«>ds and Mn. Faith W . Smltter slr~Ct' that time th~ machines ha\lt' Six Fines Total $750 Imposed .on Six Drunk Dtivers January wu 1 I"K''M1 month fOf' colle<:llon of finn In Newport township justice court aecordln& to Jude~ D. J. Dodce. who announced that Sll!'\5.25 wu collectNI In hit court laat monJh. Of thl.-amount, 1750 Wf'rt' lmpowd llpon tlx dnmk drtvln1 offenden. S205 In other finn and $38.25 In lecal fC'fl. All money collecUd lOft Into lht' county lrf'uury for allocation lnto dlff~rent fund.t, the Judae polnt- NI out. • B been ln atorace. 0 W L I N G After the -notices a~ poated, Sheriff J~w Elliot will ask the B&EVmD 'r AL ,..,ca au~rtor court for an order per- mlttlnc him to destroy the ma· chlnn with aledeehanvnen and B.u.BOA MIXED DOUJILJ:8 turTt'~the contftiU 0t eolna to- LEAGUE the county ~. '-cue Staed!q Norw ot the rMdllnee hew be-en Won Ll»t empUf'd of Ill nlckt-11. dlmH or J. Vogel and S. Burwell... 32 4 quarters and 8 few h~ dol· v. BaJley and L. Wells 25 1 1 1 1 Iars .,.. expected to be found. V. and J . Blddennan 25 W . Mark1 & G. Humphrey 24 121l . M. Vote I and E. Johnson. 18 181 Discharge Two More D Toombs and A. F orgit HI l8 M Arth R. Lftlle and E. Wlllcut 17 19 At Fort ac ur C. LNch and M. Stanley 14 ~ P. Guy and G. F lah 12 24 E . L. Laurence ... .. 9 27 Among the 15 Orange county men dlachaued from For~ ·-Ch.att~n.•r of ~~. -=:~~~~~~~~,,~~~~iiiil for lrricatioll atattf' an Innovation tbil romlnl( 0 Coa-+v - .... iM l~t~ Thla IM'AIOn by plannlnlt a toumamf'Tt1 ra~e ~J • b lm~ the double llnl' land alleyt, Balboa. In the Mixt>d Msyfl('ld, 301 walft wiU t.. avaUable and can~ for younRth•rt In ratC'hlnlt Rllm" Mav ave ~aar --~..!-"'~~-!i"..!..!:".':'u:-L~~~::-... The trilll of A. p roo~r of E1 Doubles league. Friday, Fcb. 8: Palm strl't't. Blllboa; and Pfc. JIIUI'ftPII durlnl the lrrl&atlon wa·j llth. 11 wu announl't'd unnn the I · F Gl ---·-·--, -.... ~ ..... _ I ... u 11 Nido Auto court. who pleack-d not M. VN.et 105 139 113 I r--· N .., .... WMII. r•-.. lt&.la. ·----ee e.ra .. -'I -i d rr -.. 174 1 Richard F NiC'kl•rson. 214 Opa IJOft. ()('('Uion of rlN'tlon of offlrc'rl fnr ext June ............. ww~• ....... T ............. Mn .. u.a M.... RUI t y to ml' m I rmt>anor n .. nsr M Marks 124 140 'nw CUI'Tftlt opf'f'atioll II a at~· ttw> )¥Mr Th .. rt"teulu tourna!m'nt _ __.an lllel~ ...... Ut.retll.._t 111e wer .. &o ,_.aatae. nr lril\'lnR thf' tNtnr after l)('ing v RaUt'y 132 108 134 u\'t'nUI', Aalbon hland t.n halllllmel't1 of ~ltlon No. 4 ,,. .....,m"---w'-·• hR. \lr ruortlclnatrd ---= ._........... • -. ........ e1 ,.a-•·--*""•*'-... lnvnlvf'd in nn arridr nt, will !1<· 1 \\'nils 1 .. 4 157 173 1 - o1 the Walft' Polley of Ow-Oranc~ In (.;;: j:;.::;"r ·~, .• ,.. 1!1•-;;1!10 1~hrd·l Or11n1:r 1'0\lnty m11y rrr o'l"•' o ;,;:; .....;o...ov . ....;.-;..jaet • ..;;.u.. SeHS Unllora rallo'<i on Fl'hrunr) 14 I p G~y 1Z.2 113 121 1!..' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ''' '" '''' ·•; ~t~n ;:t' .. :. f~~~t. wM.ch, ulo~ t~~~~~ .. ':;~:S r~~~tc-d fli'MII · ~:::.~n~111':~~:~n ,:~"~~rl;x=t<~1•~-::..-... aa:-.:1,:'::!-. •:! = :r:..U.:::.r-4~ ~~::. •:;,;:~ I Colon~ I Shattuck . : ~ ~~:;·1':-s ~~ g~ ~~: ! ~ G G S ~ __,; "4. En1U'1(ftftf'nt of thf-J'I""'Mit N·nt J R MrNIIIly, vi~ pi"MMI· portN1 to lho· bollnl or IUIJC'rVISOrs ...... ~u....... L" I D s k R. Broyk>t l~>!l 119 11t41~ : . =. oc-ratlona ol the Oran&t' C'ounty df•nt , Jo'nnk C'rt.ot•kr•r. I('<'Ond viM' lty Auditor I. Jl. 1-:Cko•l. "'h" lo~t.~~•'<i . lnCO n ay J)e8 er J \'~t•l l!l l 144 ., ::::. ~rr!n~c-;:ad~~~ ~~ ~;-~~~·"·h~.~~.~~.:·,..~~~.::·w~~ ~~~.J:.~~~··:, ~~~ ;~~~':'t~;:.~~~~";; t r--• 9 000 Phone ExpanS.IOn I At Republican Rally 1 g. ~;~h 1~ ,~ 'i~~ ; F R E s H : buln IUppl)' ol Ow' rontrnllt'd nuw nAnwd llt"<Tf'lltry·trrrumrM'. A nt'W tlu• Wt'lltt·rn F~tlrt kli,.,W'Iatlnn ,I • (' l I E I . n:l S Sh I ·k V Rlddrrman 141 13.1 16<1 • r; \1 E 8 Y D A Y i_ ol flood w ii:M' of thr St~nta An• dirN'IC'Ir 111i• ''r llr Ill Frank M 'lllf· AUilllnn~· Ulll.:lll' has u ~I . I o on!' I c "'P • hn tu< J Bldd•·rman 151 180 12'2 ~ __ _. .. . H b A [..oc; Ans:r M IIIIOmPy w o 1.<'11~ · • • • riv.r, ,.._ . . Unnc>ll, l.c>n1: J'lr11rh aiiQf'lll')'. whn t<•ntlllho' aRTf'f'mr nt With SUJII'rHs· A d' f ,,11 ,.r nf lh If• ,81 lltnff of the 5e-R t..-slif• 11;9 136 169 • ER -·-----•• l llprnld••ntuflhrSotllh<'rnCllll-l nn to opc•rrtlt• It ~'tiU~·~ .ra•r In nnounce or ar or rea 1.~:11\'I'SI':.ire~nWno,hin.,.ton.and r. W lllrul n7 113 IR:?I: CID : Twl!l Bro*ln h>rnl11 '1'\mn rlub Junf' nnd vlnns '''r lho ''" nt "''" IIIH·r ;•h··n ro rty !'\l~lndlnn f(lr E t.aur1·m•c• 1:!0 93 61 • A ~ 18 ~f1:(' PrOM ~ '"' llkt'willt' rf'· bl• Jubm•ll•'<i ~IOn h• lht• county • Gt•n€'rnl Ma~~ur In tht' Ptulll>" L l..aurt•nt'C 173 147 1431" E R I E S ! 01 Costa.... l l'II"Cit-d" dlrl'<'tnr C'apt. Sid bottrd, . Sa,l\' :l,.,n doollrlr'"'lllbP•\· IH'•''"I'tipmc·ntfor mor<'I€'IC'phoncs fl'"'""in\a~lon,i~lo hrthl'pnn<"i · \\'Marks. 110 139 115 ~ GROC ,! JWntlt'r. fflrmc·r aklpf~rr for thC' lndJr AiwnJ arc· th•·rf' will two a .,. llh rn t 'alift)rnla lhl~ lncludl'l 161 major projtocts for 1 ~ ·akrr 81 n R••puhltrun r:alh G. llum(lhrt>) 135 :r.!<l· 177 : .COld Meats _ ...... d T,.,..ether latf' 7.ane Grf'.y, ~·ru• riN'tf'd tc• lharp bourn In funds 111 .ultohlo· h•r p;-ndc-<t 111 •,"' • ' • 1 f SQuth<'rn Caltfornhlr Fivt> of thew I Jl6 . ht ITUesda.yl at lhr Snr.r:, s. Fish 124 96 111 ~ . _ ; ----_,.. I like• thr pii\N> or T Wf'llton Jay, I fnlrs dll~ In lnCTf'afl('d wnac<·rm~r yo•ar b) 1111' !"<llllht•fll c a I ornt.l IU'C! pl*nned fldr the! Nt'wport I ~IREbPil I b G. Fish 121 133 133 : ~ c,l, Jot ~twman and hll rt"'IIJ:nf'd Th<' club It wu an· at ra'-" tra<-ka Tht> I lull'S Pt'r· T• ''I'""'" 1 ·,.n........._,~ f,•r 11 n<'W CO •II· lk'nrh rxcha.nge and two rela.tNI, n; 1 1 ~h~tt ck 1~ now I hi' n. Toombs 136 126 16S • FNita ...S Vf1l"etabiN , 1 twta ............ Qll Harry Pt>tf'r·l nounl't'd. will rontln~ to IUPI'fV\.e C'f'ntael' of wai<(C'rln~t ~tcwa to t hf' st ru•'llnfl l•"~-ru~1 lllmf'd at pr••· out!lldt' wlrf' an!S cabll.' job!! will ,ton~ ad of ~1VE1'S n nrw A. For~on t 1<14 167 125 i 0,. ...._ . ao..t ~ : wn. ._ 0( Mn. Aurora P('t~-wrlrhln~ of 11wordf1th and l•ulnl 1tate fair fond and It 11lloattt'<i vlslun "' llll'thtH><~ '" rnkC' Clift ·~C tx> rompletro herr this yt•ar." En· ~or~~ \:ar n Vl.'tera,;s• ~anha-i , ...,., 112~ Albert plaee, Coat a of parc:hmft\t cwUflcatN for t.hoafol arnonr counUel or qricuJtunl nt>ou1 I t~.OfiO Jlf'"''~ who ha\e &inet"na of the company. according 1 Gordon x Richmond wrll ChC'mists are attempting to ti~ ; DuHO~S ry! ....._ '""' "t.utd h'Ofn the otnctall)' ~f'd ln at tt~ harbor! tUatricu ataclnl t'Xpoalllont. • j be\·n wtutinc for tl.'lr(lhON' lft'Vice.l to Mr. McDonald, are ~ivln& d~ ~~~~'" county · ~poblil'~. , .. u~{'t) fQr cacha. m<'Squlte, dcvllt : f .,._,. NC!IIIU)' aft« ~ .. ~o-maater'a doek. _R~. ~a.la hu Thla It the an~ounC('tn4'nt madr to-fmpbaala to ~tin& the needs of ~chldnnan of thl' I'T\HUng. Thl' Lin· ch1w 8.11d many other plant• which !' 1111 ~ ~~.?a M apeaAAT le mutw aptD thll ,...... 15 Co ty M n•;.n·••·•T "'Ow' Nr~port Lkllch n RTE'W moat rapl~ly during the WlU\ !'l"itrd to he w.-11 attended. Calllornla. ,.,,,., .. ,.,,,,,~., .... , !-' ~·•••·· i I ........ 1ft ---~n-L ..,.-tela u olfidal ~-rArmy Releases . day by C. L M~ald, ~~ wcUon.-and ~unlues which roln Day dinn~r frn'l'tln~t ~~ ""' ~thou.nd In the arid regiont of !,,.. "--'atM.~- --IIMI'I, ' un en Change. Vellrt and whru, therefore, the • ---/ _... ""-• Mn. Donna L. M... ---A~ pAri of lhlt '·on~l rowtuon Jlro-;,N:'d for nddl'd Jal'ilitles Is most I ! ~~at.;:: ~t!n.OM Famous Men ~ud f'lfti'MI OranJr(' county 110ldl~r:_ll ltl'lln11 npprmomllto•ly $2:r.t.WO wUI ncutt• Rflri hal t•).iSICod lonKetl. Real Estate, Newport-Balboa_. T~urist B.ureau ... ._, MV)' ~ ... l't' na N Tra. . hnvt• ~ honorably rtt .. cluirjw-d tlf' !''CJlf'n•l•'tl hr•rt' In Nl·wpurt Mel t 'afllll'd Ordf'no r R .I s Le d ~ ~ •board. the uss Bel· avy Jrung 1 nt tht• t-"t MllcArthur ,..,pnrntmn }lf'Ach nnd Co~IR MNia thi~ \(•ar. In th(' r-;,•wport rlt•llf'h rxchanl(t'. etai tores a All Modes ot Tra'Vel t() Europe, Mexico. Hawaii -u -. _ N'nt•'r Thry ""' th•· •h~lru•t mnnagrr a&)'ll. to ~ thf'rr nr<' 31:\1 tcl,phonl'S and 1• • Round-t.lre-World Trips ln the ncar future. See D-•' 8 tan "EIIm whllr )rl lr_Am In lhf' Fn>m Sllntn Anu Slrt Donultl \ "' I.,,.,. AI tho • arii!•SI ~~·~~lhl«' ahout R"lll p~·r~nns hll\'1' (llaet'd ur·l Mesa App Jcations . S9 301 Palm.-Balboa ••• .,... •• an ,, l l\llv)'" is not jus a catch ptu:..u.el li Jc•rom('. 1110 \\' \\'nl<hln.~:t•·~· •llo t•• loot ~. ...... P''~lloWl 1\U\1 "" 1hc dl>rl' rnr ~·r\l<:o• ""•l'h arc nuw un-Mrs. Roy ~ne. Ph. 1. • Got New Bottom Job· but "Jltllii'IT1C'nt pf fAC'I , llt'f'm'dlnp: Avr•: Firot l.t lht)'\O llfll ( I w:olllrt. 11«1 "\\t• hi<\ I' tlro·lldy filll-d Amnnc lilnll "~" RJIPhi'IIIIOn\_;or.. . oun: 10 ... Ill. te I p.m . • ' to Chlt-f Ac W. IJM-m. rf'CT'Uitrr In llahn ~ t: S11nln (1:or~t ~~ · l'lt' ~otnrl • •I '"I'"' of rho· '"'rl ''c·. -Jttc:lud~ in th• ,.,,n~trurtwn l'r"n•ll hy lhr plnnnoru: rtlmm•~· Plana No lAng Crulle I rhsrjte of th<' Santa Ana fl:rwy R4'-Jnmt'" t. Rlldfunl. HI -~ S~o.-t l .. •n Itt • :t)ll. "and 11.'\'t'ral other pr .. ..:t;nm " :l •uh .. lartllnl pnrtlon ,;Inn 111~1 Wl"'k rf.>l' t1nnl 'll'l'rn~nl Humphl't'y Bol(art IJlOr'tt'd 11 nrw <T\Jitlng 1tatlon, who offenod ~•· C'1alr I. Amtf'l .. .,n :Ill!\ t. ~anl.t pr••l•, ., .oro• ~·ho;lul• d l11r latrr or thl' work t o I"' don<' in th(' hv thr hoard nr ~upo•r-l~nr<~ wr·rl' bott'om job on hll bt>autltuJ ampiMI to prove hla point. nan~ !"I . Pfl' (',c-rnlol n Ru~vll, th" ~· ... lnyln~: of R S.'J.fl(l{lJ)I•I unit or tht' the fono ... in..::_ Santana Whtcfl .,.. r('('('ntly acquJr.l Pat o ·nrten. motion picture l tar, Rt. ~. TN'h Flflh C.rlltlr Ch:liiC'.. "In• lwl· ,, 10 .... 0• \\ o•un•lrliC'· trnnsrontln(•ntnl COAXIal ('II h;. (' R H T l:onio•l, rr•fnil rnlnt ~torr. f'd for OOPan aallln.c. Tht' Job waa consldl'n hi1 l('rvi('(' In the navy J Rllrt"Z Jr · R:lO S Blr«'h St 1 li••n fflr lho• N• "I"" 1 H••no·h ex· v.•hk h Will IR thr n,.,, fr~ ~an N"wpnrt nlvd . nrnr llllh !'t . on the 111'&YI at ttw> Bo'sun Lockrr, th{o ln()llt lmpnrt•nt t ralnlnr In hla From lluntln.gton llC'IIt'h. r r , ,, ,, •. , 1.11111 ~711 ·-·· 11111 ''~~' n · trll\'t'NI' tho· l'()Uih!fJl·pllrt of thr C"OIItn M•'~n w T. lT:~n~hnw. u~('d wheft It wu lntpt'Ctf'd by the llfr, th<' rt"<T\Jiting offiC'M' aald. CC'C"H P Gn'<"f1. Rt. 1• SJ.tt JnmNo J)(•ndrd lor nl'\\' c•••ntr t1 ortl('(' 1 trn~lo•d Stnlt•s-m A l:llrftnlic Arc car Int. Nrwpnrt Rh·d , no'nr '.r,Jrcl famou. movlf' l iar bfoforT ~lng Otht'nl who .:ot thf'lr atut In thfo E Wl'hb J>f J h !\: .-pupnwnl nnd ~1.::\h •• w111 bt> from N_.. Yc>rk In Los Angrlt'll St. Cn!!lll MMA L n Hay. r('RI put lnto the bay for a Wf'ek <'nd I nB\")' lnrlud€' Thomas A MOfltan. From S.OIII H4-a~hi. s I' J·~h·~ It Ill'• ,,, ,, '" ftrll\'Hio• fllll'tt.lr plant,_l'triS C'nbll• Will pt'U\'Idt' hu~dre:<ft ~~~t~ll' oflirt', =""" rv•rl J\1\d . n('sr N ll. of ttM-S!X'f'ry CQrp. ~ B. Huftll~. 123 14th • I \t . J:'\. '"''''"' ,, ~. ~ arul r••l:ll••tl f,,~,;~lltfi!S . ~ n<lditlnnnl ll'lrrh.""" Clr!'\Jtls 2ht St C"O!<I:a ~~~A . ''Bc,.f')'" aald thllt hi' rtant to Kt'llflltll. Industrial ·('nJrlnf't'T, and Slmp!<Clf1, 130M ~111 .' ay.tllff S~et 11, ,., ~· •1n 111 rir tn ,, tlu• "'""land Hlso ('\'rnr.unll} Will IN capabiC' Pil'rrr 11 n 111mht·rlaln fln<·lnr" ftltf'r thfo Santana In th€' Honolulu Ch~trlrt f'ranC'is COC'. famou11 au· Frnm Anah ~m 905 S\\' Nnrlh r-••ntr:ol 11frll"\• ,~1uipm«'nl . 1•r lrnnsmttlmg trlrvl~lon pro-orn.-... 'N•'"''flOrr Rlvd , nrnr 19th ra<:'P nt'lll yrar, but did not pla n thor . · Phllllr> R <;"ll 11h (; J Walton ln•t.•II:11H•II ul n•" '''"'' 1 of·;Jrrnms. St , \oata Mr~n ; F'rnnk S 'l'rlrkry, MY ntenalvr <T\Jiac:o this summt•r. Tht• llll\'\' oft•'U rnuntlr"' oppor-, St.: T('C'h 22'"1wrt Sou.rnth,.St . rr•nl rstlll<' nlrll"'· Jl:arhor nlvd . fi I \. Vttlnlt 4 • 84 I R' I "' f' Ill Mrl'A' ... te C-lass..,...--Ads I unit iN! In Y••llnto: mrn to ' '1Pm· From f.:, rt IIJtThnr· nvc':• N ('"t Emp)OV+~S r Mesa Woman, ' :mt . rrnnrr . . n~ • : 't'l\'1'1 ft•r II dvihlln Jc>h l>r n navy M n 1<1~1 Plllm St . Pfc e\\· I y ~ J" C'rAtl: 1\arnt'l'. ro•lll t'f:tntl' offlt( cnr·rrr. 1\lllt··~IIIIW ltll)(O lh••yllr('l ~ h ~ ~ .NI<'k •!"'lnn 2t4' t)pnl Hired By Council Passes Aw~y at Home nnll ro•t tnl ~t om. N'o'WJl(lrt Hlvd . n1vrn thr chance ll> ru.rthrr their r 1\ ' • I On Tu•ta·n Avenue . nrnr ;\I• ~., Dr F.vrl~·n F' C:rt•r•n, WAJQTF:n -Hllfh •<'hn(>l boy to • 1 Ave o::~ .. , 1 "I .. 11.-nr k _._ rdut·utlon and rarn hllth Khoo .,._.., n Pnr'" Pfc Ja~ rr•tAII ~lnrf' ;.r wpor ", . .,. work In ~taurant w~ r nwo. l't'CrUlt1 r """ urnn " · !\:••" o•mplt•"'~ nf tit•· ''''-' "tier.' 11 1 HI ·rl 1 ~• M ·~a Phone 226R. 12-2tc , "~;1' rollr~t't'~('dit:· the nat 1. Lykln~t 422 Mnn!hnll Ave ~• r•·•·l . , ,,., t n• .,,,, •·ou·ano•• r 1111; d~ Mn Francf'l' t)livl'-PI I~"" II. f't; ar tOr ' 1 · 11 ' I 0 M'r pO n Oll . .. •• rtn•· nt• \\l'ft' >1'1'''''''" "' thl' flll'd i'un<1:ay Ill hrr hnmr, 17!l:i ·'!l..r rt• R E r tR Al·r Base Workers I·.... I nlo ··Ill\\' ... '"' o'il\ lt)un· Tu~tln n"•nw·. c;.1~1:1 ;\lo·~n Sh·· .~ewpo IBn e-n IS • I'll Th•) '"'rt' ... '"""'" Tatf' \\ 1\1' lw•rn in Nri'rlh nrnnrh, Mwh . After 4 yrR., 7 mos. ' w~ Specialize In Trouble Shooting -•"- Radla8 • ApplluteA S A I. F. 8 AND S E R \'I{' Jt~ Radio & Electric Reduced fO 912 by llnl••. AI <'I"' ti1•l .r .. -. \l•moz nnd hnd h\>('('1 tn ('uhlt•rma for 3.> J A S . tn th•• \\:tl~'r •l•l'·"lm••ur ,\rlhur \'l'llr!l, \A ,,r ttwrn l><•tnto: "I"'"' In n rmy erVICe E d Of Fobruary lhll tn th•• <:rr.•·t •l•r •"'"~~'nt: (·,.,.,. Mfsll. l ~,\'\T1\ ,\'\1\ c:,.n ft Jln'''· n c:: -A,..:u<:l !'I tnc1.t..:• II' Ill• oiM'"rt ... l: Fhr Is <:\If\ l\'!'d h\ nn{' llun 11" .'lith .. lrt11•1 :-;,.wpor t 1\t•llt'h , l.c~·n (. n •. ,,, Ill lit•· • I ' ., • ''"\ Fr:ank L ftii."S"II nnll II c1roUI:hlt'l rr-o•nh~lo•ll In ,.,, \rn!~ Air F .. r. ••.!! .ontl ''"I' 11 lf,o~,·r· 11 111 II•· • lfk+ ~~r~ Gf'OJn :ln Jo: l'An~h. IHII!'a ,.f Frillh) "' ttw ~.'lnln /In"> rmy M'• ''"" .. , 1111' \\ ••• r ,,, ~ .. ~ ...... nt. c .... ,~. ;\ll"!lfl Sht• \A';c• ,, mrmll('r or Air Till~" with lht' rnnk nf ,,, S~:t SA,'TA ANA ~1tnt11 Anr Army Air "~~~'" "ill M il It!< «'h'tlinn prr- •onnrl from 13.11 If' !'112 hi'Cflrr t th~ f'nd of lhl' mo•nth. 11 w:a<: nn· I Ia I••• " ,, I'll' • n ,, '•'-"' I •sl!l. th•· f"al!ll'rn !'lnr rh '"'' 1 ,,r l'til'<t, fla\ •• '" n '"'•'r:tn nr fnur '''Ar<:. I nnunN-11 tol111~ lty r_J!Inn•'l W ilham (' rnrnum, t-nmmRnrlln'! ortu·,.r !"AAAO I• hfolnc lnllrth'nll'li on or II'" " ... \Jo" 11·•1 ., • ''· "t • th!' Mldt ~''""n mnnllu <:t;:n·i.-... II€' s••r\'rd "lit• I .. \\ ol. I. ' .. I l" II I I • II Funrrlll ~('1"\ ll'\'l! \\ ··r,. h··lrl Ill· In I hr Ellr<ll .. an n 11'11 trr nnd about Mllrrh :II 1\ft'san Etrd('d i l'o•ll•nrl Fnrn1fm 1111111 hi~th>'r T 'f"' t • I hrnflqttnrtr" """ llf'111'n •c1 lho• r...-0 '-OOP.<'1:'3 1\'l' d~t) 1 Till ~dn~ t n 1 :! p m :o 1 t hr \~·rnr~ I hr fnll"~''lnl: ~~· ro1 • I onn• llnn •lll (~r:turl •·hnp..t (',.,.tn ~~~·~n. T'urplo• llrnrl I .noll I uruhul n111l wllh thr Rr1 c; \\'lllflrd ~lr(lrns, Yic·l!•ry mffinl<: I ·~Ct:t rd pn~tnr nr thl' 1-'lr<;f Fnur"•Pillf(' ll:tl i<: IS 00\1 un (llrllltil;h nl lhr• LEG A·L ·f·o R M S· FJUI EVE .RY TRANSACTA10r. Nttwport ~Jea(-h l'hurrh. orru•l:tllnc lnt,.rnwnl "·'' •ml •• r "hlrh he• "'" ..,., t••rl to I llt)rtlnn nf rlvlllnn workrn rffN'· tlw lmmf'dl11trly ll!!lnst prON•durr ~~~~~~~;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;:~;;;;;;;:;~;;;;;;;;;;~-~~ f'Sinhll!!hrd hv ht'lth lh1• \\'nr p,.~ pRrt mrnt Anfl nw Ch·ll ~('n'lt't' c· .. mml!•~lnn "1 !l rmplo~·····!l wlll '"' lll'pllrf'ltrd o>n thr '"'~'" nf n rl'l••n- In \\'o•<:tmln~lo•r :llo•rnolro:tl 1'·•1 k , (;no•lft'lltiW F it•lcl. T<'XII~ I 1 h ·•II· ' I I• I •• ool I· .... ' \It 'Ia ""' ·'··"•' "' ta,. ,,;,"ol · rll· ------•rop· COM~ .,,,.._Rarril-r····• .. ;• "1"' ·:"'"".r,;,.,.,..: of J)ee. Crash Victim, fht• \ t ~r)\o. 1J1'H f\o. '\,IU~t f •'t\1 1 t)r. a Our two New Army Mechanics Hf'lpM t '" Win PC'a("f' aad FrHdom. ntey Can llrl;• \'em Keep Your far First Class 24-llot'R TOl\' St:R\'ICE NAnoN~. At'TO Cl.l'B t:MEROESC\" STATIOS NewPort Autit Work~ F.nrl Mltr twm, Prop. ·Utllllla&C ......... \ 11n~:r .... nnl\, ""'I .11,,.,.,, 1 tn .Not Expeeted to L1ve:· <":n• 1li , r.n·\ •. '""' pr···i~l·. · r lh~ Gets Balboa welcome ~llii~' ''''·'' ft •' , ...... h .. ,.,,,._ n• ' , · '; on 1 ._ llnn r.•~:i~t .. r """' 1~<'1111: o·o•mriTrrl Mr rmtl Mr~ C.r\\ot F11llrr. 117 F. hr 11;11'\ I 1-:llllf nny 1\l'r nu ... Hull~'"· nro· pJor-1 , ... ,.,,,,fl ,,.,. I '.t.' '"" I •i•lny r•nl~ f'f A rlntll:hll'r l~•rn fl l .:;, r.-•, fool lh• • · 1111' tlin'l I· I • lnl( ,lt~l'l'h ht>~itlln1 Fo•ltrllt\1 \ i .tntl. '•''"'"' •' \I i< '""'lf" • •I I tho '"·'~htnc ~~~ 1'-"un,t!l 1.\ ,,unt"t"'" n• ,, rn•' t tt)... \\ 1t1 h. 1,' ,., ·~ 20 DIESEL "INJECTION SERVICE • ~ ozz I<' T c~t s C"wanln~. .-\dju~t~tln-.t :trh.l ICt·p;•lrin~.; • Harbor Engine & Equipment Co. """"'" ·~· ""' l s nn I.•'IH'h . :\1~ ,\nrorlo• ~l r••••l nnJt>f\JI.Ilrt\l'r nf I hi' lnunfln trllo'k whlrh 1\ AS IJl\'nll·f"d \\II h fl K••n· w(lrth lnnko'r n'nd thro ,. nlht•r cAr~ In 11 'Jlf•rtnrulllr <'OIIi~lnn n .. r('mh<•r I.' nn t'••ll•l hictl"ll' hi'~ rrlurn· , Nt ht>nll• 11flrr n••:trl~ 11\'0 mo>nlh~ In !=:1 ,lll!ll'(lh hn<>ptl.ol llo• 1\11~ "" l•n1lh tnlun••l lhAI lh• .1 .. '"r whn t il' • ftr<;l 11id dt !lpoolr<"<l "' hi~ life. Frttl I\ ,., o nm..: he •11'1~ nt • ,j il I ~I'"' "''"tt 1~'1' ltnt nil·' "''I r~ ,,...\ ... S ~• r••'t4.tn..: "'ttl''" \h ,net "'' I,( ···h \I t rt• Ill• "'"'I ~ . ~ •h· m"rrt lloul•l"" I••" lin.: I• ,..,,, •n•l thdr I• • nrl• '' ..:,,,t tf tn•l l t I t>.•ut::lll 11 (n•mt ,In ,,.n to• rrp ,,., nnl' 11""11 101 !hr '"'"' r•f tl. • .... ,_ dl'nt. f'ln•1 ••••lc 1111~ ''l'l"•rlouul ' tn f1'""'rn I II I,, IHI!l t HI!• I h, t II II h 1\ 1.-----------------------------~JI.If'l or fit"'''" •n rt 1111 >ltf •1/ll••..,,., d• ''" Doc't. "' ''l' ••" ' .,~n. h /Ot '"" ow:.il C. ,..UK ~ . ,. ,__ ------- We haYe'"'made It ronvenlent for you to Insure compliance with aU rcqulrerpents or the law by caJfYing a compkttt> ,;tock of all fonns and papers needed for the completion of f!Very traruulctlon. \ Aamembar, too, Ulat Ulla OfWaftlaatltlfl .. ) Nady to handl• M )' and eft of your printing problame '"'"' a oompeet. fou,.. oOior eomptlcat.t printing prettlam to the ( pl•nnlng •nd publlltllng lft tt1e .._ Timet of your actvwtJalng. He MlltatJoft ") will bt atuclt.t to your phon~~ oall fOf' lnfo,.matlon of any klftd. NEWS-.TI .MES • ~0>1···----...,. __ __ 'f:\\'t"f IMT ft \I,!K) ~ ~f:W11 · T1M!:!: N:;-.=.~r>"=.;_..:IW=-:-"=-:. :.:.·_:l_;'to:;ll:;f:.::•:.:.-=:... __ Tt:,:::: ..... :.=::a:;Yu•_:f'_;o~·h,;,:r.,:n::•::r.J.>--I:.:~u•....:l.:;~~-------------~ ........ Costa Mesa Street Numberi~ and Precinct Map-Keep Thls For IMI'l'elll't' lt'M ()ffiri;~l fi~t S!~nv._,in~ o.f Street Nos .. , (Pou/arm•J '-J j ~~rtd Precincts -in Costa Mesa Stat..~ National Guard llt'at'flvation Lat.r ~~n Hy Adjutant . ~ . ~ -~- \, 6 •... , Si ... n. llp or Atomic Test ''""''"'"~' ''""' 1'111'0' n,,.., lit•• I'IIIIOIY \,t,INI In inlprOVfl, and '' """ '''''" ""' ''' ,,., '"''"'-In I t lit' m""" '" t hn 1 to Ill"" l'l\lt ,.,. routo'Ci 11rnuntl tilt' l••lll .. rt•~·k "' th•• No'"' I"'"' 1"1111••' ftrt1 Jlnrhur I """'''':oro I I nit t ~····111111. ' Ho•rh'lh ullun 11f t 'r•llrttrnla't Na· ll••ou\l c ;ur.nl "R " fllnl'tlnnlnl et•tr rnlllt tlry ,,.....,., Ia nc•C t'Jiflt'<'l· , .. 1 ''' I"• t'l'o~ullflll•h•'tl until l•te tlu• "'"' •'I rnrl)• In 1947. HriiA· •l11•r l;o·n<'rlll \'k tc•r R lin~. the at/Ito· ttju tunt '"""'"'· ctN·Ianod I 11'\oll\\ In 11n """1)'1111 nf JlUhllah4'd \Y11r (\fopartmt•nt JW>IIdra rc•lat1n1 t u tho• I•IIIIWAr National Guard. . BLOTTERS!r '•j .JM....._. a.....-a's & ., oaa lllDrl'al8 OCCIDENTAL LIFE ............. ,.o. 8 t a 1.. eAY Ava ··'"·OA, OALIP' _ tnift,. laJ.o·r,...NI , o -----------:-.:...-----------------""""" It "''" ''"' "'"''el f,r lh•• 'fiMII tun•• thnt n ,-..nl• r•tw• .,.,,It ·'""""' l o \In•· r .. un•l h\tn ""'I" 1ntl\o· In• -- I ll~klnr• fotr flo•• ''''""''~"""'"' or lilt' "'"'' h h:h It•\ o·l hr\!1~·· lotl'llllnn I Jl•• I• r••1••• ..... , fn ttn\•• tultt n '""''" mitt~· "" hlt.tlown\• thnt 1f th,. ''"'" 11ul ""' rrurk• orp rt• mind M'lol'rt' 11 hl1•h lo•,·1•l hruhw notl1 •I• roroArhf'tl In It Ia In ItO. llf' wuuld I trn 11hc•11d with li••vr·luJllnf'nl pluna of hill own. 1\nil ld l ho·rn r undr•mn f l•n<t •flrrward '" aull lhl'lr nM'd KMift)' undt-ntandll thai th4' atatf' hl•ttwv mt~l"""' hu ftftelly nrdM'f'd • aurw-y rtl thf' hhch hrld~r•• :rnl1 hl~rhwn\ rrll><'ll t '"'' .-hlf'lt nolcht nfftVt tl11• fotturl' I ~tn.wth nf thl' ~'"''''""'' n,"' of tiM• •UI!fo!Nllo-..1 llirna ftlr)fllt thl• llnr "Prt't!Uif'nl Trumun ·~ on tho· M . t a· h right trnt'k r ation our food Rgain as er Ig way City.' Library Lists New Books; M3ny Exciting Fittion Works Included 9M Institutions In State Hf'lp To F.Aiucatc V ebl I• 11,.. ro· rooo1t otw .,f ""' ''""'' hlt:lo ~'"~ In "" \li "'"' .. r 17th •lrrd .. h• r• :0.:•·" I"''' ''""'''\ 11rl1 l"·r•ln• l•• 1lop ... tro·lllll' " oonto1r11l hrr•h•• ~r.tl • "'' '"'" lh• ,, .. , th t~nttt h fl•tlft 11 you must, hut !'11\l' some ltVC'll Plan n.·scussed abrood " Jnt'k Llndslo'y I _ ... uJ ..,, llu• """'L 111111-utlt nm: o •·•••I 11•1''""' '' '" '''' n•·"' ''""'''' tl ~llr· Lido Theatre n-!llt -Yrft ParkJnc '11tura. • t"r1. • 8&C Rollen Walker ~WHAT NEXT COIU"O&AL HARGROVE" I -(ContJnut'd from Pqe 1l tRkinl!. nnd at thnt time. It I• hf'· III'W·d by Mt'L:lu<"hlan. thr fo!OVM"n· mrnl may rf'llUtN' a ph)'lltt'al I'X· rtmtna11nn or the mrn to t)(' Sl'· lt'Ctf'<l. Other intrr l'lllinl! nrws WM dt~· russl'd hy thr fi~h .. rmr n ''' thr•r m1·1'ton1: at 21~ 20th alr~t h11t n il!hl That is thr unlon'a pr()I!TI'1!· !llvr thinking alnng llnM~ of df>. l':rv.• hook I' nr•• run~tDnt I) Ill,. pt'rtrln~: on t lor ahf'h·,.. of tlw Mty hhrar)·. non·l,.•tron for ,.,.,.... v.ho f'r :o-:~tthAn. Thfo Tkf'nln · l~ouk nt tho• Yt•llr, 1941 19-1~•: Fu~tl'r, 'lltr b lnn<k•f"': C'Arm•·r. ·n~o· .lo '"'' Janlf'l nf l h•· J tt\" S• u \\ llloqn >4'11h In knMI'' v.·h"l ' •• '""'n aolnc ~arnta and Stnon~:•·r Marlrn II on In lhf' Y.f'f'ld h .. tlo .. r lcldJt) 1\nd l'orturr Jlr•l.,r)' tol H•••••a I" 11 )<•lltf'rdA) thr Ot""'"t of fk t lnn . nt'll, Trouloll' Zone• K1111:. l '~tnottlo "'<'ltln.: nnd ontrl~o:uln£, and th&t ..nd thl> F il:hl t'11r Vro•o-l111m p,.,. ottwr popular "'..-tlon, ttl~' l'n)c~IA'ry tl'r:Trnll to \nllfurnln. Srklo·lnt:t·r, hook•. ,..,.d lo) t:rr•llt thlnk(•n fur The• A~:r o f Jackl"'". Frl'vr•·. n ·•llxllfonn lond lo)' ll'dl'r pt'OpW for l'ra1il : Slol)()(lklll. t-'n'•·~t5t lo· W1ollt tht' ~hM'r run of It nAjrhm:tn. Eurnpo•, /In Atlso~ of SAt 'll/IMFNTt I c: .. v ,. .• rl w .. r r•·n "'rc• 11111 ol o• rt '" tho· l1t•J•Ilrt m1·nt of J-Atw·nt111n t••lu\ llo.ot 9r'>-l c·nllfltrnlll 11-.tllllllnn• .. , trnrnlnl( hAVf• l'.M-n 1\I'IT• 1111• fl llflflo•r th•• ···-d•·rat "I; I 11111 ,., Rlt:ht•" A "VI'IrrAn!l' tHh'l«•:r" lo:o• lw-.·n 11NIIstnllf'l1 to t • "'r)' p11l•ll• ,, ")nrl Ary IU'hunl Ill tho• ~111ft•, it-o\ J" Slmp!IOn, •"t"·ru•tt·nrlo nt ,,f 1•11hlo•· lnllnJC"IInn, lulrl llu I ;ot\'• t n• •I h • tift\ •t•--.•1•"~•1 thut tie•· ~anl +t '"·' JIHUttf IIIHI ,. ,,,.,, 'h '''''" 14 t•f ntrt '"n•·r••· l t.t\• 'l••"""r•if tl .. "I"'"'"'' .. r llrl•t"l •If• • t ''"''"''" th.• "' '"' • rul ''' that t'll\ ''' ,.,.,, n•t·t "-"lth ''''-'l••r t t tt.ul "'"",If furr11n'-' ""''' h••t f• • tl• r t •••11f"' lhff•tll'l• "·'"'" Auu Tlo• llttllw o t I""'"' ,,r.•r "'~I'IRin ·------------~~, \'l'lopln~t fish ~~~MIIIIII't to brOAd· ------l'n th" mRrkrt for thrlr I'Airh Orr~tnn rAnn"r~ hBVI' taken 11 cur from lh£' army l'XlM'rlmenta In I frntrn fonds "11h pnrk!l of fhah B•lboa Theatre Amoont: l hr nl'" m)<l<'rro'11 nr" HumAn Gr<•warhy, lhtlloc"k. M) tht~f' Amuotr"nl' 'n lo· l 'f\JI~pt'l'l· II ·11d and My llo·ut llr""'"· ltood o-d, RAith)' I II•A•I •'n Arrl\411. 'llo•nt·\)nrd Kiplin~t. Mrl lt•r , .In•• II"'" 1<')', T r,..nt'll l.n~t C"lo:ouo """'"""r. Amo•r irnn , (irnhum, /II Sm1t I Thr Shllllt'• 'llt~<l Crt"'P· Ho)'d. J.m••rtr nn ·011• prot•r,om Srrtol"'"" tl• • h r•,.l. "htt• bl'fot•m•· ,, "''"' 1,1,, .. r 11 ... StHI•'' ~·r\,,.,, ft, fh• r•1rlrtHrtl' Wllr vrt1•non " ·nw Juro)oJr '""''IC''' Hllo~· ''' , •I •t. •' ••~· ,,,,.,,,., r•t '" \\ •• n1•·n h ht ,.•u J.t •nlf fur ,..tulh unft tunc I'• 't tnft'-d ' th''" '-IU~'I llf\(t Kf ft f thttru•u·h J'n •n•· ••\• r. t1 Y.turl•t lw· l•fl'&' •I '''' t.v lt1t• t'nUU"\ l•lltr1nft1t( t'UifHIII 'l••tl U tttf tJu•fl td ••ltlfof1 h\ flu ,,., .. r \ '"'''' "i #Ut' th•· ,._,tlht \ tu .~ I• 1 plolll /1 I I lo~t lit!"' II "'oolfltl I"' ~t• --.~, f! fttf lfl• hi'JitO Int .. ft11 \t n t.• ~~ Phollr 2t Tw-.• WM. ,__ltr Ma.rDotaa.ld Sri-F.Aid:r ''Sa!l!!t;r Mar1f'lta" n. ..... t'r1 •• Sat. ,.... War- a....rt M•tc-rJ .,__ ...... "TTft: ,. ""Ell E F.XPT.SDAJt&Z" I rakes. MrL:-.urhlnn undcniRnM n Wllmln~tnn m ncr'm hAl A dc-lir · inU!l nrw markr r r l f1lf'l fW\t'kC'd in • l'f'AOUI nil, wltirh (Tf'III NI A ('Ofl· ~ido•rahl" amuun• o f intl"rMI II A :'-trKitt rirk nnl1 l.rlhrrl ;l,:~(r:tn rrprM<entNI th•• varlou·~ hranf'hl's o f thr local unlnn at thf' St-Attlr ronferenet' whlrh d iJ('USS<'d thr fi~h produt'la nnd othrr m At· ten. M urd••r Wo·nr~~· Muklook~.· Onm· tu•ll. 1'rR~t•·•l) In l1h1• 1\ur tnn AI'· rll1rnl!l J)n 1111fllll'n ' r .. mrt~·ll , C'rlm,. In C 'n ~• ul ('f!INO Thr F ifth M un Cunnm~:lo:onl :O.lurd1·r 04•foro• :'-l rlln r~:ht llal). :"'oltolnst C:o n fl<'ll· ruo· :0.11•, lllln<') 111\rk Ito Noli, ~·,,,q,..r, Orchlc'b to Murrll'r. c;11. l>~'rt Tho· ~. 11rl•·t lloottoon 11 .. 1. hr1"•k. C'rtm~> \\'rno l l lll~;h•'• llro·ud J,.urn•·)', l.Awr••rw• ,\ Tome tn lilt· t rtl'krtdt:•. :'olourlo·c \\othrn ~1urt1••r FAiucator Describt•s Benefit of New Basic Language v. nrk rn~r: 1"'"' ~·rtl "" 1nl• l teuft"'' ·1 lront:U"II" "11~ IIIH,tr.•l•'•l lit I I fn"'t \\•t tf"• 'tiH\ ttU,.•tlfl~' ,,f I t .. • n nt Otrv r ful· Ill \\'hrto•' llllll•· I I mttkrng "'''"' 1·rtou I '" t•r•l tit•• \'t•tt•run Ht ht'-ftrtthl•·n' ,,f , .. "'' , trmml r• •••lltt•IIIJI•n t," """'"'''" ~n oll T l" \ 111• L• lpllll' llo• ''I· • on to H'lnk• tlfl-ml•h "' ,,,,.,j tl• f, .. t 1 h·~ llrul ,111 ,,ff• I IH !til ltl*'f• 'lt•nhl •u-•1'''"', 1'''1••' •• .,r, " , ,,1 '''l''" t·ntr ~tn•, n , .. lrl .. , odtlttl I" lt'd'Cf•tM\i f t "'~ r,r Hill . .~-.. .. : ..... ,,,, ,, ,, • .,~". , r v,..t,·run' t.' ',,,,,''"'"'It ,, .. •r h;•uh ''"'It'-''" ~ttl lf-.'A•\•1 flll'h\fo •• • ,., •n , .... ~. n,. If f~tr• k,,,.\\ '· tt,· . .r11l, ·~·r-. '•'"'" Formt•r ( •rri,·t•rH Can lt.el{ain ( 'ummitudonM B~· M.arc·h 1 ftt• h .... ~~ , •• ,.~ ., .. •tt ~fr I I f n.,u ..... ~ , "'" .. '' "' •I ' .,. t '' I I Scripps COllege Offers Scholarships !"1•W 'firt ir)n lnt ltttle·• that I'J<C'II· l11ntl (';tfo \\h••n ('rorl 1\ fi<J\1-11 '" thr· rn~tnl• ,,,,,, .. .,, r· t1 "•'•'' t ... ttppr'''''' '' Itt• ~tttt•fl"''''' 11,, \•r t• P tfl' ,\tlnu n• .. lr••ll ,,. \o\ttl , •·•~ ··~---• I t ,,. I,,,., I f I oo ,' tf 1 j "' I, tlu f " PI I JUST RECEIVED ---' ..... 8appty ot . PAPER CLIPS JOe per boa of 100 dlp8 News-nmes Tahp•a•e l'fi!W1'0'1-U lOll W . C"-traJ A-. ' rnu novf'l ()( 1\TIIIIOII by C111n·nN' 0Hdln~ttun K•·llttn1l l.an•l "' 1 It•· T11rrronr~, On\'1~. TI•r St1on In· -cion•·. Oo· Sh1•r hrnln. 1111' < 'hr1ll••n~:· 1'\<·o ·~fl"l'iRI ,_rh~ll funlh "' ,o(l l.11nd . Jfir lwnJ. Titt· \\'nnw n Jn S<-rlpfl!l \aik'~:r arr ri'S('n ·ed ror 1 hi llmlllt>, 11.,\1. nr1l B··r•tro t I • J,.'l'rt<IUAti'S <or Cllllfornla h lg h Sun c;IINI I Ito\\ h .ltohM lln \\'rlol ~rhnl'll~ ::t~ arr ~"""rfll local srhnt. '"".11 . .lnn•·s. llol:h Bot1n••t \l:or nr.oth iii!C fo r ~tudl'nls frnm Rer1· qUR nd. fl•·pt'nl In Hn•lt· :'-1"'• k•·r lnnt1~ L11 ,Jnll:o. and Loll An~:rl"', II -rh" l',er·/1"11~ :'>111~1'' I t<lhom, 'l'lw \\'II~ llnnnuncrd to hf'll(b or Cnll· ;\lorn !lolls llrnnumrl I) '"'""""· fornoa hhth schools thl1 wrek hy· Th .. ~t< < Ji b• r Pr~ot>l•· no·mnrf1U\l, tlw nffirl' nr Ro1missinn~ \11llfor nln Thl" Art'h rtf Troumplo So•ton Tito• lm:h ~l'h11•'1l s;:mtluatr~: mny al~o, Tur'll""~": Thl.rkrll, 1\11s5 ll~nt1n1: '"Ait••lf' tor •>IW nf fnurt('••n nil· ll;ord•·ulaki~. (.,Jot I n th•• St r'r••·t~ t1'"'"'" srhulnr~htp~ nt Sr-ripp~~; th" \Vrou~th. 1\r~dr~h•·ntl H•'''l~lt••rt r11rt'l'tllr of ndmil<~ions aaid. W ill1 .. r. Wrott .. n In 1tw W lnfl YPrh)'. Thl' FnXM< 11f Jlrorr•1w ="'• .... n .. n rwt llln 1\totlk~ rt<ltl··ol '" JUNIOR DAN~E CLASSFB · I h•• ll't nrc· \\'lu t ". '11\1• Hnnd I J<(ntow \\'rrth•·•mt'l" l'roolioH'trH· ·n tink1nc r11twn 1\11 1 ;,~,-< 1111. •·mt1lo\o'fl It~ "'" ( '~tlofllrtltlt T• o• I ,."· A4t~,...,..,~ttnn a-" :,,,u,.1unt r ,. ll\1' "'"'rt'lltry nppo &to•l1 IM'fnro lr"rt (,., •I· ••ul t••n ''' '"'''~ u .. t ,., • i~ I •' •• •r\ Ht It \l ,, ;l,... 1111' I " • ' ff ,, ' " " ' tf I I \11 t rh'' '' ,. I t f• •t ''·'· ,,, '"' ''• mo rnlto•rll ••f I hi• lif'n 11 t• I' loth ''()I ~ · • • I 1, I' otll 11,. II , "U 1.,, '""' ttor Itt 10\ ,. 1\owm:.n """" fntr·~'""'fl "' 11 ROn .,erVI<'E'Iil '' f\ ,.. t•• f'' tVt \ • flu If !otltftll• t "~' ~:n~if(n "'''"'r.'nl••nr1•·nl ,,, " Held in I AlH A nl{t•I('H' ',, '"' It I,' ••• '"' •U' • ' "' ' ....... '\• WJ>(H'"I ll:~rt,...r l,rl\mmror .,.,,,. R , • t -.1 () 1 R (I f t ' t1 \\ ''' ... ,.,, 11 r • I I 1t. t u,.,,1 ·n •. l.:llf'111 "''"'''''"r .... , .. ln•lo ' I e lrt."\1 n l f'CE'n y "'''"' I tof '1-'~·•'h. 1ln u n:o I ,nJ,:h•lo .WI• I/\.,.. 11,,, "'" ,. 1.,1,.1 ,,r I I'\", 1,1 111v •raturr• In fttJhll'' '\t'ht.w •l'\, and I ... ,.,,,,, d "''' .... r •• ,,,,,,., \f ·., l''ll •ttt lfl tfl• "••'I''+'''' ,•,,t, h••\•'"' th:•• nn tnl•·rn nlannttl I • ''""'" ·.7 ••I ·~~I I tnlt \ • rtt1• ,,,,111 1 ,1,,,, 1 , 1 •• 111,,,,,., 11 "••• CU:tl{f"', !ICU ~f'"f'l}t 1hJ11 lw •' 1\:r•\\'JWtf l tttllolt \\•f • l•l.t ' •''H ., ft VI•,.I•tl '-• t ·htnr·~r· flv••r'"' l•·urnrtf1 rutt,,.,, • rlst y, ,., h '• ·" f•,. ''' f r••• •' •1 .. 1 n (1 It 1n 111 oltov• nnrl 1tll rt l.nt Ani'• I•' "'''I "''' , . .,, ••' f.,l (t•11t•r1f'nttlf1 1'.,0\'tr'r \\ll1r ,\pol l10Wlrll' Ill I10;•J•'''•'•ol l'ot l I •I•• r••~rns \\lihin :\11 rtn)• II\ •o t1•ry Mr I tl "II •I • • '·' II• •I lt"l rn,.'thnd ~lo'llll•l !)f' wul••l:v~l' IIJ~nr ll•ll•oll .. 1., · ",.. '••ll i"'"' ~ '"'"' Ana•• t•"' • ,d t' ,., ,.q., '~ f 'ivilian Fly in~{ To lll'turn Soon Tn C'ounty AiraMlrt l~lander Earned ttro·lt II· "•' ,, "· ,. 1··, ··' I'·"·' ttn•• f.,~.,h·• I A \ '1 '} ..... ,.-• t • d.,,. fl·.u • " • tr •n ., , ''"'''" Seven Rattle StarK: rtllt ""'' ,, • \I . ' I •• If". I \•·• I ... '" ' ' ,,, ' .... ' olll•o ••• '•" II 1n ~.t.r , ... 1 ), • ttl I ••l \•1•1 •h• ,,.,, r I ''r lftn'• '""'"'\ ~nnlnt: TtH""da~·. Ff'brual')· 19th at i p. m. Cmda Mesa Women's Club s,-._, .. ,,.,,, ,.,,,,,n, '' ,,. ., \\J ·• v ·•~··I t \ •h• dr••n \\'tl~"" /lrhlrtttlr• ~In BttSI· \\ oll1:•m T llro•l• r 1: oil •·•·• l I ''Fnx Trot"-"Ball~" -·J':'Io1t'\\' Ynrkl"r"t nnr1 Swine Comhlnnl inns ]:; (.A""'."'nS ~0.00 ~-SJ'f'('inl ~ttf'ntinn ~i\·l"n to hall room rirpn~nl :-;n F:n n •llm,.n• :tftl"r Tl•"•rta' F••hno '"' :>f'lh For Information Call ~anta Ana ~10 Grace ~hipman School Santa Ana n• ~· I 11·un. ·nw Fttotr f"mllf'r· J :1nrl. h:t• Jot~t ll'" n r• I·,,.., •I fr "''"' ~ nr Pr:t('f' ('rnttl(h, Cnlirnr· II. I"'" :oft•·r "" r tiHt, , .... ni:• t;,,,., rnml'nt l ' ~ C..o,·c·rn· "' ,,.,., thar •·:1rn•ttl hurt .. , •, t,,• :P• nt \hn•trol B:tllth ,\ l 'rtr" Frtr 'tl• <r:or• ''" '"'' rohl••ro• ,, , r r nr< J>•·~r-rftll tnn ,,r \' S P•~l· Inc t" "'' .. rrr, , o oim f r"" • '" • •t''' s•·oll tJ!'. )~q ·, f.rJIIIIIO Mar '•r; •• , •• n C•nt•r ''" T•tllll" l•l. I •I roll C:;,nl :o I • II 11 1••111 '' '\ ol n <:::,n Ptvlrn 11 111-.r )n ("t,t ' ( •••t.lfl l'nUl~tUitf Pl.' ~l1'firr<~l I '"'''"""n H 'I" r I n \l':otr•• I' o ro ll.o." '. Soor• r J ~:.ta• r "ht• ,,.f"\,-.1 :... ,,. • , tl• ''rn,-lr t ·,...; J""r f, 1.• •t ,, I ' • tr•:tt• tl '' I· tJk . \l nr lltnn' J ' , lfttt V'"' ht -' ,.j, ·.,• tv. t it f• 1 • ~r ,,·,,_. •h• \A. 1r n ntllrt ,,,.tl ,,,,.,,, !' ,, • .r.tl ,tiUl• ,,,f",,,, I •'ittt "''''''•' lin•wlo•· 1 \.1• I "''" ""'' ,, Fornwr II. S. Student Enli,.t1' in :\rmy fll•l·:•r•l II •! ·• Jfils .''\fll 'I f t t I f .. '· I I fl ',, ,, •.1 t'' , .. , ''·· ,,, ., ' ·t t I I • • • t .J; .t f .t ~ ~.. H , , 1 f <4 1 'l••' f •r ,, •n•f •t •, • ,, ... • r tf • .rm~ ,,. It ,,y,. u,,. ~ ' d II I f I ,,, .t ., •• I '· •' ' ~ • ' • 1 •n~ P olopl• (~"'' 1'1) \\'11)11 tn I'• Ynur • '" n I lot<~• llt•:'ln, Thl' l'hol.,l''"'' f1 on.o V o fo"' 'I • lllllo el ,.,,, • ' .. ., 11• ,, 1•1 f .I I• ''""I , , 1:.~ • •·1 """'' c Pot•·r llunt'• \\' nr~ 1~ • •k I· <: (',.,,,. 1 n 1 'tTl, fl"r"''· 'flu C'tolf!JII• ·,, C'oor•l P l:l\· -.. ._ '" It ''''"', '\f•t•)• ,., ,,, ·: •.. ,,,,, o ""' t~or II II o;,. ,J ,, •I "" • •n • ''" 1"'' .ft•n;l n nl'! '•"u\:t\1\ • '•' tol'"' pl:on• '" • nrtoll "' !-. • l!nrt ITO .1,{; h •,tl"t t•f' l t tlll""' If• o• , I .,., · r ,tqo1,.nt '' 1 ·~,· ''h Pltl)ffl It t "' .. '"'I '''" ,.., ' r.,.(t~r•· t •• •·nla .. dul• nt ,, ' 't ,• 1 F' ll" '' H t' I IJ ltf•llt II I ft f 1 If t ' I '•'' ,,,,,' f 1 l " ! t f ( I f 1 ~If~ I ••• r ' , t ,, I, I • &- .. OFFICE ~su·PPLIES For Ill ;1•~-ltt~•in•••ll ••• .. ,..-, t 1.11 Is. S.,tr ,., 1.•111 Add. Mach 1M• Rolls, .. td ...... 15-30c Availability Certtncata Blndfor, 3·M"Jt 8'-".: x 11 shf'et. $1.Z CNih fl.l'j{IKh•r ftoll-. all nu.lct.'tl Ct'lutk-x :\{..Inch clear lndc•x tnt111 Clip nrnl Arc·h lltlllrdA, all Al7.c•l' !Kk a'nd up 'Cllpfl, nullrlt.l$( 1Ulll ~tprr, 81U1hl ~ClU'II ('ulumnur nnd AN'OUiltlng f'Mia, all 11lzee \ •. ount.-.r C:hc~dtJI C I"M It n ncf I )tt bit J'adll 250 IJifferent • LMcer S.~•ts 11~ Fonaa · Suitable for Every Bulnn~ and Income Tax Requirement Dully Annl)'llllt S~tA. !lOO for $.'\.50 f)ully ('IH>h' ~t'('tJt, ~10 for $Jl.Z\ fo:..Cllmnllu~ Sllf't•t~< l>t •sk Flit~. wttf'l''f! or I<'~RI ~elze ~JJVI'IIIJ•" C 'nlumllfu < 'la>~p, ull "lu•t~ 111 10 x 1 ~> Mrtnllfl , whllt·. 1111 !!17-I'S, pluln or ftr\nt•-rl UUihNttiA. l<uiNI pluln t1r pMntN1 H •r~ x 7 to 14 lla lt•r-." 1;...-. Fll.-Fnld•·t ... manlln. nil c-uiJC, lrllrr ~nd_lf'S{rtl A11.1". $.1 IJO in $4 no J••r 100 fo:n,,.,.,.,... Art <;urn, T)'lii'WMtrr I nk nod l 'm d l fo'ilr c;ulrlt'!l, fii'Y''-tllfllti'YI. lf"lt<•r ICI7A', S:l.:r.l fo11J,.nc not,.t.onk. mmrhrd. rull'fl or plnln ~ SCClTCil' TAPE Large an~ Small Si1.cs ( aus"'lm· Bnl{!! r.ummNI f .ftllf•ll' fntl~·xto<;, ull sl~r"' lnd,.x (';m l1'!, nilf'll, nil ~l;.t.I'S Inti•·~ Sit~wtl-; . I nk!~ Wrllin1:. ,,,tfft-,c or 1fll:tr1" C1111nk ~ S lu•ttrfror"' str>ndl, lrtflf•llhll', Indln, stnmplng lllVPIIIttr v Shr'f'ls r--·-· SaleH Tax Not Included ·Newport Balboa NewS-Times l'hOftfl II ud 11 ,. I ' ' -... N&WIOII'I' a.AJ...a6A N!Wf. !111!1. .!..... ..... S?PN .... T!t:MQ. r._, 11, .... JfOI"'C& QJVITIJfO AE.U.ED ftOP08.6Ut PuBLIC Nonca .! P.ua~IC NoTICES f PuBLtc-NOTtca PuBLIC NoTICE ' N T M F II . Ground. , 1946 Frank B. u-ts. 1010 Cout T~ ot aalt' an cuh In law-· ~ . Oatt'd this 7th day of f"\!hruary,l follow.. to wit: County. ewport·· ars eet u erton Blda will he f« ~ purchaM of t'RANK L RINJ-:IIART. Hhth"'•ay, Ne-wport Beach, Cab· ful mon~y,of the Unit~ Statee on a.t..aTLI:'IT UL&A8F.D . __ ,_ T«h. FI'Ua ~~de Eugrnt> R. Barllt>tt or 126 ~th ltr("('t, New - port Bt-ach. wu rtolf'al<'d fr1>m the army at Fort Mac-Arthur Jut W('('k. Purwuent to lnttructlona of the Otf Oou.dl ol lhe C'l ty of !"Jew- part Beech. c.Jifornla, notice J. ~ -'WII lnvltlnc ae~ ""o-~ or b6cla for purc:hue of a 1Jw (5 ) room buncalo-• onl)', lo- ca'-1 oe the bay at 1Bth Stftet at tbcP •tnbof to the C'lty Camp lhl' tM>uNo only and will not lneluck ht t11'rk of llw Cll) of fomJa. t~•nflnnatlon or aale, or part cub Tod • H t• H R • thr-lot wtM>r~ the hoWMl Ill nnw lo-Nl'"~pnrl O.•arl), California.' WITNESS my hand th1a 4th d.-y ot and balance t'VIcknet'd by a note! ay ·In ec IC oop ace calt'd. Suc('(>Uful blddc·r must r<'· l"uh Fo h 1 . 1:.~ 1!l\n f"<·hru8ry, 194ft s.·rur<'Cl by 8 truat dHd on the , movl' thi1 housr from 11.1 pr('S('nt NOTU't; IS\'ITINO 8108 FRANK B. L£WlS. property 10 aold. Ten pe~nt ofl )CX'at.lon wtlhm forty-fl\'t' 1451 • • Stalt> pt California ) · 11moun1 bid to be ~poeltt"d With days afll."r the bid IJ awar~ct C rF IS ltt:RERY i.IVEN. County of Qnnce ) u , blrl. • . 8~1N8ET IZAOUE 8TANDINOR Nt>wpon r<'mlllned a contrndl'r F.11ch bid ahall be acoompen~ N _tn · · c . 1 or tht> City On thl1 4th day &/'.f"t'bruary 111~ or offl'ra to be in writln.J -W. 1.. Pu. Opp. in tht> r11cx-by t11king Orange into CLOTME5. by a Cfftlfl~ or cuhlt•r'a cht>Ck that thf· Caty o::n~~ llfornla wlll 1\ 0 , 1946, ~fan rrv Nora S. .and ~IJ ~ reC't'lvt'd at the al«e-Huntington &-a<"h 6 1 265 206 camp last Friday 31-20 .• Yllrdll'y for 1«-n pt':fCl'flt C10~' o1 the of Nt>wport fWR r ' ,::r thr ~'I nit M~tr2""'arth a Notary Public In ancll •~ld offi~ at any time after the Anahdm . 6 3 330 271 was a aaan high acort'r and by nab- amount of tht> bid. ma~ payable• r.-Cf'l\lt> llf'lllf~ h:~ Park wa'th dl": rur 11nid County and Stat«', rHicl· Orst publication h~f and before NPwport Harbor 1 5 3 275 274 bing 16 points. took O\ler lngut' • to thf-ord«'r ot> thr rity of Nrw· of lh(' ('tty :u e in a("('Ordancc lng thl'f~ln duly commi81lonc'Cl ancll d~te ot u le-. Santa Ana 3 4 232 2•s ecorlng. honors whilt' Gomhs, his · POk P A J N T I N G port Beach. Bida shall ~ aealt'd rom~ I(Ta d ~pt'CifiCPIItonl ,111 ~worn. Jl('raonaJiy apJ)('art'd Frank DATED : Jan. 22nl!, l!Wfl. F"ullt>rton 3 5 262 274 leading competitor, was foret>d to U 1'..,.. ........ -.~ and flied with the ~ly C\.l."rk ·at with p an.t ~~...1. f thr C'ity En-R I..A'wts known t o mt> to the per. GF.6TRUDE PALINE WATSON, Orangt> 0 7 rn 258 the alifellnH followln& the acca-MEN -.w .,_ -I the nry Hi ll JrrN~ ~~ file In tht'-~ .. , () • Mln Wb()ll(' namt' Ia IUblcrlht'd to Admtnlatratrb: ~I the estate ot TuHCiay'a o--dent. HA .. R¥ HALL Ca.llfomla on or ~fore Fehru~ f lnt'f'r. • -, \M withift· I.M.Lrument, and 11e-• aald deeedent. San111 Ana at O rangt-: li'ullerton Tht> Baby Tara' won their gamt- 18th t946 at 4:000'clock· P. M.;-r-.. &.ell hid •hall hf' ll<'co.mpanicd know lt'dat"d to me that ht' nF RICCARDI. Wl;BSTER It . at Newport Harbor; Huntington OVl."r the little Oranges in a pre- AND BOYS '•, .,.(~== ~a.t·• janet 'w111 he ~ and publicly by a C't'T'tltlt'd 0 ': rll•hwr 8 c·twck , cull'<! th<' aame. . IJONAHUE, · Bea<.:ta at Anahelm. • ,llmlnary 41 -24. "-------~-----.;., r~d aloud at or aboul-"dlO o"clockl for trn l.ll'r l"<'!11 1 JO"t. 1 of th<' IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I By LEONARp L . RICCARDI, A coupTr of t'Yt'nts occurring the a A II H~W.~ ................. • oo.I'.A ...... ...... Aldaeobile • fin A.ccW..a • Life ........... .., Claetncl ~ ...... p , M o; that. day ln. the Council amount of the bid. "!adr payllble t&IW<' hf·reunto ~t my hand and af. Attorney~~ 10.. laid admlnla.-pne week combinl>d t.o glp' th<l .. neupa: O~Am~n In thr City HaJJ, NeW.-1 to the-ordt•r of 1 he-( ity of N~;'d thct'd my oftlclal ft'al tht> <Jay and tratrlx, 311 Ftnt· Truat Nf'Wport Harbor quintt>t, who had )(f'Wp'Uiwbor (II I (ZO) Oraac.- JlOf'C Buch. C'aiJromla. port ~ac-h Bl~ll ~1 H: tl yt-ar In thra cer(ltlcate fir~ above Bldg., Puadena. Calif. all but gl"t>n up hope for a 'chance Fowlrr I 41 F .. 1 11 l) Fabt>r 'nle above ~ntiOfl~ ri\Kk and flll'd with lht' C lty · er a wrlttt-n. • ' t 'K IMM. at thr Sunset league Ullt>, a mathe-Ward (4) · ....... F ..... _ Hlllebrecht II\&IJ bt' jtivt'n u a ltUAI'IIntf'l" that 1 th1· City Jlllll In NPwpurt Rtoach,j NORA S . MARGWAR111, Pub. J an. 29; F"eb. 5 and 12, 1946. maticaJ opportunity to at lt•ast a Yarc1Jt>y 116) .. C .. .. 13) Krage • t~ ,bidder wUI entn Into th•• roo-Ca11foml11. on or, hcf~rr Febru&r)' 1 Notary Public ln and For Saki tie for the gonfolon. ~ltag 14) G I 1 J Lil•rman tract If 11wardt"d to him. And will 18th, I!W\ ut 4 OO 0 clock p M. rounty and Stale. My Com-CERTTnCATI! OF DOING Huntington Bt'ach Oalera, \"ar tu-Und ... ....... G 151 Kraft $~'~! -s(MMI SIUJp "" ...... ""'" ..... ... Mil ..... .,. 'CNaful hlddrr re!-uac.-to entrr Into r~>ad nloud at nr" :00 oclock •Notarial Seal) NAill!. lt>aglU' after d(•f«'ating tht> Sallon H arbor-Horrell ()). ----or-----------' he d«'lared fortf.itl'd If the suC'-~ Ht•d will hto .. OJ?f:nl'd and VU.blkly mlulon Expires Jan 29, 1950. Bl'f41N'U8 UNOEil nCTJTJOtJ8 ally conet>d~ tht> crown by the Scoring 1ubtltltutes: Newport.! aald contr.act affer ~lng rl'(tuntt'd P . M. of that day In t Counetl f'\lb F"eb. 5. 12, 19. 26, 1946. on tht>lr own court last week. auf----======================::;:---1 to do 10 bY' the City Coonrll olf lh<• Chllmhf>r In thf' City 11 1• .New-No. p......_:.p......s-A ~A _ The undt'raignt'd ~rtlfiH that ferl'i! a cruel blow when thrl't' of city of Nt>WJX>rt Beach. • I pnrt R4'1ir h. California ~O'I'JC'E OP' IIALJI: OP' JIF.AL h• is conducting a buaineta under th«'ir playrn wett' lnVol"t"d In an 1 Thr C\ty· Councsl of lhr 'Ctty ot Th(' nho\'1' mr-ntinnl'd t' r•R!)PI:JITl' AT PRIVATE 8ALII th• n11me of "'Tht> Rod and Ret-1 automobilr IIC<'idcmt that cl11imf'<l l Nt'WJ)Ort &•a ch rHervt>"~ the rlcbt 1:11' 1:1\'f'n a~ a ~·utrll~t that tht' Sh•l fi'. at No 210 MariM AYenUt>, the life of Vt'rn Seltzer and rt'tult- to rt>jl'ct any or all hids and to bldrll'r Will '""'"r c· e'Ont rllct. In tlte S.awrtor C'our t of t•e Htate R:tlllOII lsland, California. That he ' E'dln injuries to thrir star forward walv.-any41tformallty In 11 1.!14 not •f awnr dHI to ham, lind wall IN' nf C'allfontla Ia aad FM Ute ll' lh<' 50lt' nwnf'r tht"rt'OI and and' aparkplug, Earl Com!». Tht' t>fft'Ct~ by law. I do '<"lllrf'4 forff'ill'd If fhl' suc-C'C'Sllful ('ouAty of Loe An&I'IN th:ol his n'lldt'nce Ia all s<'t forth cripplt"d Oilers must faCt' a IOUJ;:h i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;~ bil1dt•r r l'fJ,IIIC'I to r ntc•r into •aid · bf'I~>W AnahPim oOifit today tTuMlday l 1 1 cnntral'"l nfh•r h<>lnli: ro-qu( .. t~od so Jllnuary 12. 1946. and mi!Y not, in lhPar condition. llf' to hy thr ('lty C'ount·•l M II"' I'' ·nrE MA'T7ER O F TliE FRANK WISHON. ablt> to stor lh<' powprful r(lioni.~•s , .. ~ C.mplete Fountaip C!~--at -----.-H~I»-J:IIc\''PC'r1 Hl·Ach f'!'TATF: OF PRESS LUCAS , ~" ~ ~a.aed Residing at 200 So. who nrt>· riding in ~eeond place. Ttw fit)' ('nuno•ll of tbP City nf . . . IArraln<'. La. Ang<'ll'l, . Tar• P1ay TCJCI.ay 'Nt<wport IW·nc•h rf'~rr\'1'~ the rl~:ht "'"11~" 1~ hPrr·hy ~tlvrn thnt the California Till' Tars m<'<'t Fui)('rlon this ;------------------------...;.--, -lo....cdCC:I "OY .lllld. 1111 l11d~. or to unrlo•l ~lt!lll'd . will sell 111 prlvste Stul\' of Califn...,la 1 11~ternoon :on\1 with a win. tho• I I WIIIVt• any lnfnrmnhty·an a hid ~ .. -m '~•t:hr~t Mid ._t-hkJdeto _.. 1 HANSEN'S HOW OPEN ~08 •, UNDWICIII!B • IIAMBUROt:BS .. "'--.., Take Oat · FRANKL ltii'~:IIAHT.• •.•lhJ•••·t In ronflm,Aiion of aald C @nl) nt OrnngP ·) 11 . loca' "'JI proh11l!ly play CJrn m•e• ('tty rl<·rk. ~l!tt•ro1 ,,. Cn1~rt. ron or aftf'r the I In thr 1nth day of January, In a game that was poatJluiWI.I 0111,.d F('hrlllory fit~. 194fi. Itt 1 1.o111. rt">' ,., J. c·hru~~ry, 194n. at the t!H6. hr•fnr.-m.-J"ll'riOnlflly ap-~>ariiPr in the SNIS1on In lhl' P\ll'nt 1 No.•WIIIJrt 1'\l•llrh. ClllifM nill. ,,fflrl•li nf IUcc:-IU'dl. Wl•hstrr A pt'arc•d ~.·r11nk Wishon, known· to • uf vlc:-tori<'S ovrr hn th ~~ulh.•rton P\llo , Ft'll. 7. ,I:.!, I !\lB. .nnnnhu•'. ll llorn.-y,s, 311 Flrwt nw to hf' thr peraon whc»e name a nd Oran):t>, thC' Ttm> mny t.x> _ · • rr11~t Bullrlrng, Pasndo'lla 1. CalJ. I~ •llhtiCTihl·d to the fore{oh'lg in.l thrown into a lhre.--way til• for I • f 'iKTTt·tl·AT IE u•· Rn'INt:~N r .. i-nut. 1111 thl" riQ:ht , tltlC' 11nd ln-strum.-nt und hP a<'knowlt"dgt'd toj tht> championship. nil this In th,•1 · l•·n'lll of said d••<'•'R!II'd nl tht> tinw rnr thnt hr f'XN'IIII'd tht' ~amt>. <'\l<'n\-that Anr.hl'im IX'sls lhr Otl· 1 24-Hour Radio Service HOME, AUTO. MARINE RADIOS R£PAUU:U Fil-lll tou~ ~·1rm ;\:nmr· r-· th · ' 1 t h hi f i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;:;~;;:;:;~ nf his rl1•a th. nnd all the right. Wltnt•as my hand and st>nl at '"In car cr.ucaa mac t sa -I ·j,1(' unrlrr~1~11,~1 cl•'M'II tu•n•by tltlf' ami inl•·rrst that thr <'llate rn) ortir-t• thi~ 1fith dny of Janu-lf·rnfl<on If llunllngton Bf'ach l'l·rllfy thllt ho· ,. r'<ondurtln~e 11 of ~;ml d•·("<·as•'<l has acquirt'd by llr)'. 1946. ~ns. rhances 117;,1' tha i lhl•y w1ll r I f>lo'llrl rf'JNIIr llflrl ocnlr•tt hustn•'S.• at up••ratlnn ot law nr otht>rwlw, • ANN RAETZ. . strong l'noul(h to hnncllo• th•• Burt R. Norton 915 C0111t lflw~ PlloDe UJ1 th lh I --'dlti t th-• Notnry Puhllc In and for the two rf'malning ..:amt'!l on lh••11' 1'131'11 Coa,tt Jll~thway, City of New-11 rr. lin or n "" on o - I s ~·t 8eeclt. CaW. 11,.r1 f\collrh/ ( ·mmty nf Orllnltl'., of 81lld d('("('llSf'd at the time o( County of Ornn~tt>. Stall' of schf'duJe. Stat<' or Ca~Jiornllt und~r thf' fie-d t•nth. in and to aU that Ct'rt CaUfom ia. --------------------------:--------·-tltlot~ firm nllm~ of DlESEL ,.at prnJl('rty sillult(' in tht> coun· tMv Commls.~tlon Explr('S Au~ 31. Live Mortar Shell S TIE A K S --. OUR S P E C I A L·-1,' Y OENIJINE HOT • IIVTTJ:RMILK CAKES 0,. 'J to T -~ 8 to 5 Kids~ Cafe· ............. : -~---. aa ..... x.r . ..,..., SF.R\'ICF: nnd that aald firm Is ty of 0ran~tP, Stntl' of California, l'liR ) N S • comro-«1 of lhl' fnllowlng fl('nnns, J'l<trl•rulnrly rli'!IC"r&tw•d all follow.; f'IIIJ -Jnn 22. 29; Ff'h :'\, 12. 1946. 0 ouvenJr; who.e· n11~ nnd nddr('S~I'S nr(' as t..nt l!:l. ntc .... k 11 C)r Tract Armv Takes Over -:.1:\1, in lh~> C'at) 11f No•wport ('t:ftTit'U '\TP: ot· Rt'fUSf'~'l!'\ ' ..... Francis J. Horvath INOOIIE TAX 8EKV1CE 11 ......... .... I"'·R . IlPArh, ruunly n( Orang<', Fle'IIIJOIJs Farm Namr l'otr-nn lhf' pollc" hloll~r, 'TN! ~talo• nt rnlifornla. .. JM!r "'"fl rr.,.urcll'fl In Book 13, rm~:•·• :16 :oncJ 37 of ~fiS('(>IIan(.'- "11" :0.1 "1~-r•~'ordK of uid {'Olin I\ 11ncJ Pontam:'s T11rkll' !'fOro· h:e~ 11\1' murtar sho•lt par k1•tl IIJl "" th" h1'11ch " ·n,, undo•nu~:no'fl rlo h•·r<·l" rt·r· loly lh:tl lhr•y Rr<' Ntnrluriinl: a I!• n••rtol non I rnctln..: hUll I ness nt 3:?:-\ ('urn I A\, .. llnlhon Island. Cnhf•lr· Now !'llr'h :I thin~: mn:ha nrrlln· "'~ unl1<'r thP fic tllious flrnt rarily )It• 11 than~: nf r urm•ll) tr h f'r n:1mr of ("nr'tllfl nnd Rny Compnny n war. hut not this nne• It is nn.-' I 1111\1 I hill llfllli firm IS Nlm()t!l•'{i of those• dC'AdJy IU~MI Whlrh, if }lor• 11( tllf' (ciiJOWIOI: )')l'r!KlnS, WhOSI' rrd jUSt !'OOUI:h, might !(I) Off IJnd 011ml't!l In luir and piii<'C'II of rc·~l-hlow off n hRod nr 11 font A iarr;ct' cll"n<'<' Arf' 811 follows. to-wit: , QUanttty of lhrm were 10111 ovt'r · Racing Skippers:-- Sail Boat Hardware Sail Track and Slides Stop Watches Yacht Timers Newport Marine Supply Co. --.J 11,14 Cout Wghway Phone 2'780-1 '"'' 20 Rlock 11 or '!Tact :!:lot. 111 th<' C"it y of N""·rort lwue'h. Count)' of Orantte. SIRtl' of <lt:tllfomla, WI Jl('r map r~c,.-dt'd In Book lS, f'I.II<WI 36 lind 37 of MIIC<'Ii8n('· OUII Ma)JII. RAirordl of Sllid OAVIO CAMBLF. mRSON. hoard som<""'hl'r<' 11long thl' coast J IO'i 1, North Rlly Front , Ralboa SCV<'ra.l Wt>ek8 rtgo, Md lht• J)Ubhc ~;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; falanrt. California. wu, warnc'Cl not to tour-h them LOTS .Q F HOT WAT ,ER -AND IN A HURRY,TOOI I - •o• •o•uw uYtNe ,_~_.-~ .................. .•....•............... __,., .. ,_ o..&et. ... THE DEMAND : INCREASES EVERY YEAR Y oli'I-L •Aro~T your familf to INn in tlK ~ thai modern livin11 tw to t6r ... abovc all you'll wan1 )'0\lt onr horM or rtmodcltC'd QW OM to be in srridc wnh hot • "rr t-t./J! · n.. --~· wap to pro\•idc an a~ dan« b your bmrly'• muc~.un8 occJs -1s 10 ins11U 1 ap«Jy Automat•( Gas Watft Heater with 1 wclltnsularc-d Slot· age Ta.nk Just be surt if's •tk<quattl)' Jil<'J' -c-.. • ,.. ~"' .. .,.. ...... You a.n fiAu·~ you'l~ wane a IK'atcr able m dtli\1C'f bel< watcr 1~1ly (and rnou~h o( it !) fin "'"'1 rTK'mbcr of your famoly. 'nla •••~ ... ,_.~ nukes u m~ny .u 140 nils for hoi watcr daily ... for frrwn•nA up, b.Jiht. sho•·crs, shavm&. anJ stu m poos · lbr la und '>' 1 nJ houw . hold tinning, 100 • I' GAS .Enoo~h H<M W•tcr 11 1 ·m,•r" (nr )OUr Ntw frccdom Ga• ~11l l-&cn 1 \X'hat modern •oman J • .,nn't -.~nc 10 t>c frct Mff\'t't I rom hoUw~ecor&nJ<! s t'Wfl .Ire-A I) hrAda<hN ... ••irh Jn .i ittntlfllfl.-Jash • .uhN ... end an ·"'' '"'"''r "'Hh•n,~; mAdnnc! ""• •• 1-., to "(lit h ur " "'"" tht trf'n.f to•1ards I'N'Idrrn 1mrrmrmcnt' ( CIUIOI)', JC'I )'OUr •.\CAnJllrJ l.l( )I\ onF -· h1gh -burrou (ao buconodlially ~«· he til, too! flArTK'·J'(rfect 8U-to tptfd7 "' k~rin~t )'OUr hoi -. .nrr tuppl7 rt· J'lrnishe'J -IS &rnU.i!'gi)' )OW ln (l)st. l:.'ffOA~~h lVII llalff tall .,a., )0"' "'MHff l'l"":r nor~ • \'rt y•• dtdlrr ... SOUl HU N COUNltH 045 CO.It\,,U.V a..d ,._ faoiOIIY'• Mloo"-• ..., w-• ..,~. ....... STOIAGI-TANk CAPACiTY GUIDE _ ....... ......_ ........., __ ...._c..· •. ~ 1 1 ., 2 JO 1 , ... 4 40 -2 2 ... a 40 2 4 .... so I -J so I , .... 4 ... .s 7S ' . SPEEDS" 1/IIIUGN HOT . WATER FOR MODERN NEEDS .... JAMF:S DAVIn RAY. 3:.!:"\ Cor al nus on(' ""111.1 rurnc'Cl OV~'r to thl' Avrnue, Balho11 hlnn1l, f'nllrornin U S Army CTa~t'l hoat WITNF.SS I)Ur h11nds this 11th I d"y of F"C'hruary . t!l4n · Balboa Lawn Bowlers ~ DAvtD c. coRSoN. ot Affected by Sal JAMF.S D. RAY. e STAn: cw cAuFon:o-~IA, Of City Frontage COUNTY O f' ORAN(~F !o.Jt ' -.-·On-~his tlth d11y 11! Fr-hru~~r,v. I .A. D l!ltfi. hc'fnrf' m~>. !'lorn s .R"'TI ,howhn~ al l'lth anl1 All)'! II\ l'nU" ndf;eC'I'nt 10 thr Amr·rit'fln Marparth, II Notnn f>llhhr •n l .l'~tion hut will not he nffPCtl'd and for thr Sllld County Rnd StAff', hy lh4' Mle of " rity lot nn lh~> r1'tldinlt 1 hrrron. rl11lv mmmas-c l«'An Frnnl in Nf'" rl 1 If •1 slont'd and sworn. ,..,-r•on,.lly Rf'l-.,. . . . pn n u~; 1 _ _. 0 ld ,.. c-d J 1 r.sll~. at "n" rxlJiaml'd, 8" m1•m-pt'ar.-u 11" ' Of"'on nn nm~ bt'rs of t hr R IIX»~ I • hn I 0 R.cty known to mo' to bt' the 8 11"" " l'r5 I · h .__.... wondf'rc'Cl if lhl'ir fB,·orilf' sport Is 1 Pf'f'll()lll w O!!f' nnm<'s 1\rl' !IU'"'"' nJ-t~ bC' h m d r1 h t"d to Uw 'wtthln instrumt nt. 11nd trnnsfPr.a p<•rC' 11 l'r I l' ro·rl'nt acknowlc'Clgc'Cl to mr thllt tht>y rx-An itl'rn In n r 1 _ .. 11 r N:Utl'd ttw< umc , r rem '""1 on 11 1 TN WITNF-c;S \o\1fF:REOF" I th~~ nrw"PilJll'r told nf lhr-""' ' hf'1ng ~kt"d In rr -loK'Iltl' lht• I'" , have hneunto SC't my hand and howling and croquC't rourl·· ~~ ~ I llftiXH my offll'l81 ll'al th~ dAy r~ult of thl' s alt> rof thl' N••wport 11nd )lt'ar in 1hiK C'~rtifi<!llt«' first ()('(•an front lot Tiu• Ralhon lawn llboVf' writtrn howll'rs did 1 t h ' NORA S MARr.W \R'nl no USC' <' prnpt•rty N t P h. 11 1 :._ d' f . Or. sold. hrnl't' thl')' arc not afft>Ch•d j o ary 11 c n .. n ot -....._: -~--_ · an.l(<' County, Stnt(' nf ralt-(' t S . rom1a. reves on er\_;Jces Pub. F"t>h 12. l!l. 2fi: Mllrch :1. 1946 Held Saturday In Costa Mesa Christian Scienee ~ture Radiocast 1 Fwwrul •••nw··~. 1\t'fl twlfl at RMII~•I)I!I of th•• \'1C'1111tv may 11• n m ,.C:!I Iurrl:l\ In rhr ll11rnlrl 1 I1N1r 11 l•'rlllr•· pn' thr Sllhw•·t I< l.rnoll·l r h:lf"•l. c·o~ta :.t'"'"· f11r Chrl1tlan ~rlo•nrt' a R~h~;loJn nf Mne \'klnn:o ("r•'' o·<l11n, f\7 "hn Works" \\ hto•h ""' l~t· rnrhrw'll"'' d1••d Thursrln~ .11 h••r huml'. ,.JRii o•\'C'r ~tnllo>n I'F\\'11 ot'l,_.1 ko•• F r · \\'•·~t C••f\Jr.•l "''"IIIIo• Sill' h1aol !11)' 1'\'l'n&rf.: F•l•rllllr') I'• nl tl '"' t1 h••r•· lou •hr•, ,, ,, .. t11ul ,, m frl'lll ''"'" e '1t•n• It ol Clor1'1 C";ehrorn~:o for 2r. ~r11r" 'rirnt 11<t. I os ,\ nl:•'l"" Tho' k r· ~un " om· .ot, lu r 1•11lu1\, r lr~"r. ·'""" ~ :-<nnml"ll~ ••f Chi-It• 11n c· • , , •l••n t"" ,,,11, i :t. 11 •e!,!•1. I" .o nh·rut~ r nl Th•· C "hrc~l -•·I lll\o r ''"' 11111 ;,,.11l •rll ,.f ;-.,I' 10 :O:,rtt•n•...,•·· 1\4• ttll ••f Itt ''"* 'tup purt Jl, wt I I\'' d.tli&:'l'• , .... \)t, Carr'M Feed Stnre Hay and Grain Qunlily 1-'f'Nis . . ->- Dalh' lh'IIHr,·-PIIol'lt' ~7 18'!1 !ltl'"lonrt Rh·«t. ('O~TA Ml':l":4 (.,,,, \rn•11t1*tthl \h.;; (:lott.l t~r,t\ ••1 '1., "lt,l!'l llo •··h \II• I ol\\.1r•l • .r•, u~..,,, •' .our'""' \T '"' '' u·tu' "' h t\• l "ld• uut \1t":.. f;l.td \' t ·,,,,,,, ''"""fl ~t I o~ \tH.:1 It"' rtrHt IIIII•· ..:• onofd uj.Jr, Jl Jnt.·rn1••nt '' ·•'" '" \\ •• ..,,nun'-I• 1 \I• fll•ln.li 1111rk -r 'n t• n~ Inn ffnm "hwh lh•· raim •··~I h.--,~,, ,,r,.. nuul .... f1r "'' '-U\\' th•· ri.o,\ ··~ 11 <HIIfl Rtrqo nl. 1\'t>ry-hkt• ~ul.,.l/onl'r' Ttlephone 1347-J for FIVE-DAY SERVICE nn Cleaning and Laundry CORONA DEL l\1AR fL.:ANERS 4 103'7 Coe.•t fllptu~ Pick-Up 1\n<i Dcll\'t'ry Commerclal Refrjgeration Domestlc (N-aad tJaed) Newport Electric \ii A~!!~.~ ... Co. . · : Pttone t lS8 U0.5 (;out Bh·d., Ne....-port e--ta. Call_!, S E R V I C E Fo'""""y S E R V I C E Midway RehipraUon • Rella a Brti.Jaea • Rap ,\ l 'THOftlZF.D DEALI:R We Ne now oa-ht our DPW 1-tioD and ready to wnicfJ your every llt't'd In your ap- piiiUK"t' dlfnC'ultl""· • Wri'npr &oft• ....... • New l:lf!f'trtcal A~ e WP .,.. •• llrw """ -/.a :,~~·=-:.. ... ,: '-!":'~ ~ .... ...,. r .. thp .. -. ~-~(r,Y~ nAMIOJifAL H. P. .1~ :woToa A~t~auc:a .J Perfacold "}\!} Refrigeration Now AVAJJ.AIIUJ ('omnwrctat FOR DELIVER\' SAFETY of uc'h acco~nt INSURtD, up lo ~.s.ooo., by the (ederal SavinQ6 and loan Insurance Col{)oration savers and investor5 uve her'e ... where s~~~no PAYS Resources $4 ,90d,OOO.OO laguha Federal Savings and l.oan Association l~na 8f-:14'h. ('aJII. -l"h. S90 \ -' ' . .l ·I •• I L ' PliBLIC NoTICE WOLt'Tros ot· 1!\Tt:sTaos so. 3'!79 .... . • .r N o ncEs th•• Sln ... ·t~ and lll~hWll\S 11f tlw ~l:tto· of \flhf tlrnia. r<',;ol\" w; fr•ll•'" ~ · l'nc\,• 0<>4'11 Rf:Snl,t 'TIOS •ot• Tllf: ('lTV PJ:~cntPTIO:-; nY WOftK ('(H'S('Il. Ut' TIIF. ('IT\'' ot·. s1.,·1luo 1. ·n,,,, l h• puhhr tnto·r- St:\\'I'OtlT 1\f: \( 11. (',\I.U,.tllt· , "I :t{ltl '"'"', "" ll<'l' ,.,,IIIII<', ,,nd Sl \, ut:t'J. \J:I'\1• IT~ I~Tt: .... j h.11 11 ,, tho· IIlio nt11•n of t ho• <II\' TIOS TO Otlllt:tt 1'11F. tat \Jl. t'uunetl of tho I'll~ .,f :-;,."1"\tl ISc; '\S U •I'\\I'c;, tfl"· ll<·,Hh,C'altf<•rntl '''"rcl•rlho•I,.J ~Tit\'C T IOS I)Jo' :-'lilt:\\ \1.1\ lro\\ tnl; \\ttrk lf\ I•• <l••lh', lot-\\ II ASU ( 'I'RR. ~>it:\\ t:K f 'OS''> t:('. F 11 •I Tho 1:1 .ultm: ant1 IM\1111: TIOS ~. \\' \T t:lt \1\IS:ol, "11j 1 "'t•h.o'too· ,.,,11,·rtii'.JII\tl1h lll "\Tt:n c o ss•:c"flll'"· Flnt: 111111 ·, ,1,,, • , ... o1 .:m11tt•· 1o "' lll'IUt .\ST' .\SU .\l'l'l'ltTt:s . ('o n1o 111 1,111, 1<1• ;,II••.• ;rppru.u l1•' ,\,T \\Oit~ I" ('l:ttT\IS d!nl~o·t1 o•l" I'll~' h1111''' ~•"•I' :-'Titt:t:T~ \.S n \1.1.•:\·~ .\S n ··u1111, ,.,, .. n, " ,, 1 ,. r ''""'"'''I w11~. \I'I'HO.\t ll't:"' Tllt:ltt;oF IS tolll n~·, '''"' .11•1~,, I• "'"",, "' ,., 1 St:c'TIOS ... I TO .\ 1\'f J.I''nt: 1,1111 ·oil•''-,1nol <li•III•I,Jth" !Ill"' <lt" n \l.uo\ as 1. \~n \ s n ,,1 , , .,..;.,~1• '" 1 ,,, ·, .,1 .. "·'""'·I l 'ff \( T -.'0 . 71': I 'I:)!' \Ill C'l 'f\', l•l.q,.l :olitl '11• \<'I :-,, '';'1:,!, \tl "II . llt:C'I. \1(1'\C: Tilt: \\CII:K ·TO Ill tlo• ·P-us Lie NoncE 1: Uh.! 1 .. "'' • n 1 .. 1~ .. ' '"'' ra.oe•k :l ,,f ~au! !'o•t'lh>n :: t\( ll:tllll•n l~lnnd . nnd In th,· tn J\1,,.-h ... - .tntl :'1 ••I h i till 11111! '" ,,,. ALLFYS !\ 111 11 ::1 l'l J•l -"' S··•·ll·•n :l , ' ll rll"• 1 ALLEY hIll.! t-. f\\ • • 11 I p h, : tu :.•1; "'". H1.,, h I • t!tl :-\. t'fl '" I; t" '" I 'I 111ol ,rnrl " lll tho• HI II"' N oncEs ..... ,, ,,f P\HI-\ \\'1 'I ·~· ·~·,,,,.n •h•· flr~t :.11,•\ "'~' ,,, ~l .. cm, \\•1111• • .rt.l ''" 11•~1 ulh'\ ,,,,,,,,I ,., •. , •I I \'. 'I' ~ lo•llll lt Tho ..... ,,. .. ,, th',.:-, ., ··f c ·''' " •'• r I' ,,,... I•• t I'' .. ~ ~ •rh·," 1 ' '"1'\ '' tnj \\ "'·' ""l'l '" '\t\~t tt' ,, .. , ••• ""''' "' 't.tll I I I • ' t 1' '1 ,, ~· ...... rut 1 •1,tt• 1 • n • ~ '•' It c ,ltltl 111 lr••n IIIII pit~· Uhl tP!"l' I -.1 11h ... t\1' 1 "" t tJI 't t• lt\ h\ h '"'' IHI "' t I' \II h \\ I '\I I 1\Ll.E\'. h .,. • u tl r ''' .. , ,,f "Utt.• ,,,ufh• r·h ,,, '"'~ ll ''-' 1tl 'r .. 11u . ''-"' ,,,.f '."· ! , .. , •H··.' lilt 11'1\' l tlitf'k 1 .. ' ,.1 ,,ul) ~~ \ f,,,ll '' ,f "( 1 •11lt .. l.t1t\ \u f1 It' :1 ,,, lt.tl"" 1,1,,, 1 .uul t 'al•lo 'l'h·· tl•·• .111• ., ·"'" ,,,,, In 111· ·'"''h''' !tl , •• ,.,,, ''' 11 ..-qw '~ II• r \I I t·'Y ,,, ''fl"", ftt ht1r-" 'tPd II·;,, ''' '' ''"'-'"' h•nL' h.'"', 11 ''""" 1 ,,, 1'\ ,,,, _,,, I~·· ... tiJ •; I th'. • ,1 ..,. • ... , , "th·r IU: .\fOI(t: Tll.\'1 1.11('\l, Cllt ,\1.11 '\'' 01111" \11\, l'tlll.u • nt.'\'t.· 111 1:1 .. , . 1 I.· •. 1;, 7 !J. Ill .. II ·'•' :\:\ I ~IPt'k 11 ''' 'aht S, 1 ''"" J ..;q: ... , •11111 '• I •• 1 ••'• ~.'' '" 111 ' til f!d l•(•.t l'l u1d .ttHI th~ ... , •. ,,, .ni J :J};, '"" ''' ._..,~,,,,~ ol l,\ fl' h,t\,,., ... n h ~·, l 1 ' 11 tfld -'1 'I 'I 1 ,,... .. "I ~.' lh ,, t... :'tl \IU'\1 t 'IT. \\.11 III:S('Itlll"c; T ilt: ., '\ I I I 1 ,..: 1 1 f I! 1 1.>1:-.TUHT 'I ll lit: lll.\.t l 'l1' l :. I 111' '' ',,. 1"11 " .J · Tl II in "\1 1·1 \\II HI\. ''II,. ... ..,,, l~ll:mt1 , anrl I'\\ \ 1'0 111'10\. • Cll' T II t: l :l 1 11 \ILlY lnUu• ., ,,,.d \1•t ,,;q,,~ 1 l irhl t\l.IY\' tfl '' rr Ill \\I \.1'1 to~<r" ,, .. 1::\.l't.:o.,J:~ Tlll:ltf'OF , \'\II 111'"''.11 '11' h '1 ' '\f , TJI \T 1111' II"-;'" 11.1. II ~. 'J I t: ,n...,: 1·1 "'·' 111<1 J • "' ~ I· • ' •.: '"1111t vf 1 .. I\\• • u ,,,., 7 tu ... ''l'' u In tt • t ' '1 J 'l.-,' t't '· r "'"I ~ •• ·th•n '1 ,I I I. ., 'I " :-I lh>n ' • A I I FY • I' , •• II, oll I ,,,1 t.ll 'l t J J:f"'•t:f.• I I' I\- 1' \ I It \''-1 '"''"· '\'T-. l 'ttll I 'll. t o .... rs \\II 1'\.t't:"'' ... '"' II\"(, \ T l \11' ',\II 1'1. 't t~ I < 'It Ill 'Ill\. I; 1111· .11 1 tto\·· r o '\Ill \\<liCK. i • C~t\ t -4~1, ttl tf,,,. I I •r •' ' h t • tl1 1 n,:. ' I ',,,~ I ... ' I tl It ,, ' • ,, •II ,,, Ill. .: ,, ntl :\ "I l11\ 1<!1 ,n-f ,.I ..\1... r t j .. r .,.: d 1 __ •• 1 It~• 1 I f\\o I ' ! Itt 1 I tll\1 __ . f l!tf "I t ; 1 llllt 1 lu •• t '\1' 1:1~~• ,,.,., .. ·utls,,,.,,nJ••I ,,d ... o\1 I I Y 1' •r •1 l•l:01ul. ;~n•l In q,.. n.· t •• I\,, n I••'~ , 1.-:l'• Itt•' J· ,., • ' •I • '"' ...,,., 11 .. 11 1 .. r 1-1.··' I nd Ill "Ill 0 ... f \\I \I I I\' f\ lut, 1 II. \t ~ I :I. ~ " 1 • ',, .. I 1 II," 1•• , ... , and ~~ ,.., , I' II 1 s... 1 ..... ·• _.r ,., 1. .\l't I'Y '· ... • • ... 'I lh• lu '· t ''~ ., ' I Ill \1 t: .. ,\U I \':' : ' I '"'' II. ~~·I l ,,,.,, I, , I ul .Ill.! II' • 1,,, l·l.wd hlltl :-: .. •. 1-. tl l u t • 111•1 ft ,,, Ill Ill• I ,\I I I,"' 111 I , I, II I l I \I l ' \' :-:. "l ··I l "I l lu •h·· 'I Gr ' II •I " I I' •' ld "t . t \\ 1 I II l ' II I 1t \. I\ I l1 h I It~~ •1., ·····' I• II• Itt \1 I I'Y 1 '' r, \\I If ,, I I j• 1 I hI I~ ',., .. ' I' II t: II I ' \ I • "I t l ,, '1 h:t INr••• ··~c·E r.j ......... ~ , \ I J I .. I !I • \~ ' ... ,,, I I ' tt J ~ Ill r I ••. • •• ., 1 . r I' -•I I ,I, d '" I , .\I I I \...: . . 1ld I I f ~~ liJptll "' I'• lu '\\' 1,11 J 1 1 I ... , . I I ( f .\I.I J.Y \I \ .. \ I 'I ,• I I ,•• I I . \ P /\.P/\1 Mt~R. \\.0 HU h..- I~ ..,.._, 1 c ~ 1 ~f,~.,h/r.. ··I l!.dl ... I '" ,, . ,,, ,., \1 l I Y '· ... ·I ...... I. IH ... I I "' "' f\' 'Ill I I ''l't \I I I \~ .. ' \ .. tit 1\ I :-U• "' I , Itt .. I ,,, • I I I I I'"'"' I ,, • "~' t'l•t l't '. ,., I' I' I' •It :t . ' •I '" I I ,,, .t ,.\. •1 t I ~ • t Iii :' " '' I ,. ,, t• \\ I • •! l l ,,.., I• ' . I " I .11 \\ ,, •• I 11 • 1'• II 1 , ·I '' •·I \.. .. "' I'' f I I a. •1 ·It., 1.11 ttl I i 'I •I I I . '. 'I ..... I ! • f 'L I t . ,. •'· 'I II I I ' ud I•. )I ll I I ' 'I It II t•J tl HI f, I t ,I 1•1 " .. J •I, h'· h .... 1 .. ' ,,,, . , n, . • , ., ,. \ 1• •• . ' ' • \ ... p, ' ' • I ~\ t ••• I • i I I I "\1w I 0 H 1t I' \ ·. .,. d _.__... __ _J ,. . ' \ .. , • I .. \1 '' •I ' I "-I t tlo. II I , '• '\ 1' I f ,. ... ._,_. ......... ' 1• "II .. \,..J I I II I I II I ... I t ,,, ,. " '• • t ... I Ill 1'1 I' I• II I I I I \' I ' ' '-.· . .. 1'1 '. •' I o111ll I I • I' • • \ ~ \ I I 1•0 (' ~ 1..11 U.-l ,I,\ l1 II \I I I \' tt I' I .. ',, ...... ····-; • .,1 L I I I 'I I I '' nf ··--:-=-========.~' Orange Coun t y Truck:ng Co. Tl:t Ch S l'<IIC llll:t: Ct'nt•ral Tru<'king, ·tlauling', Transfer I 1 , • :111<1 Sltot·l 1 I.1Ul, '!'!!I \\, \\it""" St. -(',,..,,a ·"''' 1 1'1111 '\t: .• :\'\\pl. 2(jll, l•a,\ ... --olr-:"i\\jlt .. i 12-:\l, :"i i~hl." Ne,..t~ort F.!tsrRner:-in~ A~sn i fl t es .. flr ..... i:.:nitt ~. l:tltllf•w lurill:,: attcl ~a ir·.., F n':.:in• .. ·r-. ~larint.• <!lftl-:IIidu ... tri:tl 'l:h·l,i nl'r.' ln"ifruml'{tt~ "at t•ria I ! I :t nd I i n~· r .qu i pm t·n l I 1.1 ( l 'lttotlo .,,,! (.: \ _, ............ -.--..... ···· • ! \ ·I ~- ·SOUTh IH~ CAIIFORf"!" lEU ~ HONE COMPANY ''""" 11r ... ,.,. '1 ~. flultl 111(1 .. :. Ba~, Jl:lllt<1;1 .. I,' I • 'I •II .\1 I I Y ., I to ~" J I I I .. ., \~ • , f • t \\ t , 1 I \•, • · ,,. I ~ • · I • · I I \ t I tl.l ' .. I I' .... '1 II ·r ' I I ' \1 I I Y uri " ll • .. • I • 1 ,, ut ,_ I,, .. I'll · .. I •• I ..... I • t f I If f' . . . ' ., 1 l•l tl U t I' I ll II, • ' . \1 ' I \ l • t• t1 p 1 t\ 1 • •I I ( • t \1 Ill '"' • II 1 I j • ,,,,, 1 ' I \ ._..I'll \ If t I d ,.._,,, 1ttll) t. ol t.. 1 1-1 tnd, 11ncl In tit• ,\1 I \ " --. ~- :· ·-----. -------- ·. ., \I I {. I, •Ill •I r,, .. , • I f1 t!i \ f 0 IIIIo \ ., .. ... • ,· '•. \•' j •' q " Tl II' I • ..... J•f ' I• I I• '' "' I\• l 1f1• I ti tl I !ol ... llro.j! ~~, ..... 11un • r ""11d ......... : .... -· .... I • -I ,. --------: .· - P Cl mer Rad ro & Electric f I,._, \ I• I• '" '"' ' p.t ol '". . .. .. I I I '"'' •1 I ,, I ' ,,, I hI I til 'f l't\ IIIII I ••I •• •I I h ''''" l'j ·) '"' 1\11 I • ,,, ''''" .. . ' ' I• tl 'I ~ . ,, ,,, . ... 1' ..... ~· • '' u ; I . I . ' .... ·-' 5 '}-, and I j,h , ..... , • •• •• ' tf _,, It I I I 'I• t I IIIII It \It 111 II' ....... '' J lit ' , ... .. I ,., " ,, I 'II 111•l ,,,,, ,,,, .,... ., 1• ' I l I II I "' .I 'I •I ,., ,,, i lo \I p I , .. ,, .,,; . ll 1 • ,,, llwlo" "'. •n 1 d• I \1 ,, l '1!d '"'n t '• • ,, , 1-MtJ'u I 'f I' 4 .) " \\ . ,. . .. , . .. ...... ,,, . '. '. . . ·--- I I ' ... •• 1\t ... h . I. • ....,.. · .. , .... ,,liH ,pf Halhna Island •\ ,. ft''nrTuu~·J1 on Riviera ,I ••, ' •'• l't t t ••• t ,, uuf•h t un 'ntn the' 'I f ' •• , .. '" "" tu " ...... n ~tttu•l• ''' I It• ,,. thr '"" .. , \to ,,,., ".'" Jl,tph II lllm· ·"' t II til••••• l ~l1111t1 lit.~ httll)l' ' ' I fmJ.-'"t'r \\'ithdra.wal llt•lt•~ Knnwlnnd I ' .. I • . • 1 I I~ l t 'h:n1n·M tn Sl'n&tl' ' •• dlllll t' 1 I ' Ill, ,, ' ' ' ,, .... ,,,,1,, ., ,h ''"' ~,,,, • .... ,.,, uw ,,,jt, l'"•litlrnl . ,,, ,, '"""" "'' ''""' \\;,.l, ""~ th·· '\\ jptp In ' \\ ti1HI I 1~\ d ,,, I I t ;,t\ I I U(U f•'t t"ft '' h•' '' ....... :,;'.'' ''! ···· .,.,,,. tt' ''~''''r trHttl 1tlf' t •nth-.t ,,., .. ,,,,,, ·' ''1 u f l\ ,, •• ' ''" I '\ tt• u,,,,,, ""''·•••.1•'''"'' "'' ,,. -,, I I •••• ,I .1 I 'lt't1 n:... IJIPAtuu. '"' ,., \\ •• ~ \t•ry "" ._1\ltht I llro. ·~ i :1 lto,'ol' t ·• I It I h t ;,,,, 1l•1\ •·••1\•tt t'~ .lt•'JHthht·uu' u ' • , , , ,,,, ,f J •. ·• ''( , '' • f '' ~•• ltn~: Ita lu t t 1 f, t 1 ,",•1 ht.,. I I I \ tlht • I It t ~f I I 1 \\ 1 If t, \ ! P \ I p II II I• 'I ,., t 1' """' "'' 11 ~-•H•· t, ''"' I ''''''' ••th , t • • .runt tHJ'''~· ,. •• ,. ,, til•: ••f t ' '' hn t ''''tl•nt n , ,, th. , .•• , t~ .• ''' \\ .,, "" F ,_I ... ,'' i ottd P t , ~,,..,. l "'"l l t't'• Fir-.t l'm\·t•r B•'at .. \ rrl\'t' h~· ~ ft':mwr Frnm Jl\t'" York ••• I • " ,, t• I I ,, t Hl'• .. t f'{ll t'\ I t 11 tU It' II t U ti t J{y-•Jnlf I I tl . I ,,,, ,, It U"t' '· •·• 1 ''• • 1 I·•• rnrr · ,. It "•tU f '••11\tiUftt t "·\\ ~\t'lht . ' ... I . ' .. lo ' .... ·" .. . • lfl J \'•t I I u ' I• d . .. ., II .,. "', f "'" ·nH ,, • c .. eunu t- '• ' tt • u It lit t 'lun uut ,, I Ito• •I '' ',. f • •.. '"'' l tuttti~" t1 "'" " 1 •.11 ~".':-:.1' 111 11 •I•U '""' I• t.:hl"t}nn I lu ,,,,. tl , I I , I'' ,,, t t I t thhtt ".,. I 1 ~ t: \\' I. t N r; I ('r a ft (;rt•t•tin"' ('utdl-4 -< Stntl .. ut•n· ' Hruuk i UJ.CM \~ ltrit•h ~ r .... .,. ..... ,., .... •• \lie• ....... , ........ ·' ... ,. ., ,., ... 1 ............. . f'E()JU ;E U. ( ;t'IH'rn·l A(·t·nunt inJ{ FiJ.•Iwrmt'n'M l~unkkt•t·atinJ( 1'('0\lt: 1'\' s t :U\ICT l 'lt. I XU.i ,J .... - hI I '\ t. 0'\('(lt :'l t: I 'IWIH C'1~ ('UMI'AN\' llttl I 11 \1 Ill 11.111 \1, "III.Y. ~'\II 111111 K Ht,.. f oo t \U I \ I'"'"' "' Utttftfttta( '''"' J• .. ctu \\ ''"" • \I I I II I f.t l'.t 1'"•1'111 h 1t : I I 1 J I" t tl •·~·u• ~ •. ", ... ,, HHHtt, • .,.,A ~,,..,.. -------___________ __, -------------~--~--------------"-. .......... . .. ' I I I ll; r' ;, 1:1 1 .. .. II I h' ·'· 'I I ' • \ , . Pres on f, (l ltl:tin ' I I·· I It •II .. '" I I .. \ I • I. :)1 f'int· \q ·, ' , , <. HI. •• f"rr l 'lt. I . 1\, II! I 11 1 ., I ' r. . . . .., .. .. ~ --~--~----------------------------~H:~~~~=·~~:~;A~Ha~W~!~~!~~~~ .. ~f¥~"~---.~~Ja~r'!·~-~ .. !k--_!~~~~~~P~~~~~~~!-------------~~--------------------------·------------------ I 1 One of tM proclueta made from ......... _ NEWPORT-BALBOA The Parable of the Doctor's Office-• I RISE AU-Year Club ', oyaJ tar Ia ammonium auJfama~. N E' W S -T I M E S , ..... .. TO REMARK TimJni'"'PubHcity =:.a n&f!lc-prootlna aacnt for • raONDI N~·T n ... u (1'1)'11opel• ol ,.../moe sito: .. ·bf'd by nl"f•t lhl· f•m('fKt'nC!u or life an4 HOfof. JOHN rHILLtr• For Next Summer • 2 a a •• ~ ~ ... ..,......., .uwr--. voa-"'"n,u a• .. rry •.. ~"'Mk. r• ....... .a thr dally ruutme obligations with .............. ~ ~.._...._ ......... a--, W 1 st~o~ V...._ D , lltfo c~-· drJ MAr t •naunulty rouror:t• llnd'wa$dom ralifprnla Is familiar oulth the The race for lh"' tourist buai-'I'StJ~AND~ ____.. • -• • p _,. t' • Sullleli~ Pll)'abli' In Advanc~:--12.50 per year In Oraftct; ,('fiWII)'' ..twrd•. C'ttnl(l't•callunal.) ReUable fh .. dard workin~ts of thf. USES. w~ happl'n neu. wtuc:h tn normal tlmn hu - 12.1'5 per yeer to 4th :ullle; 1300 pu yHr to 8th_,, I 1)le oth~r dlly l waiW In a Annrh•T rommon_ n•·•'<~ is a tr. 'ha\'f" hlld l:oOO otrl!'t'11 In my I bt"t'n Sout.hl'f'n C'.ahlorrua'• No. 2 M. Elti8te &: Co.. lne. ----=-------doctur'11 nfhr.· I h11d an appoint· worthy llfr purf'OS(' and a rt!-rlastrll't, and r;:nod fl'lana~;era, b~t l lOW'~ of Income and juba, 111 • ....., u ~ mattl'f' at tN POJ'tolflce tn Nt"WPOrt Btooch, mo•nt a rod l wu~ on tlmt• Out thr liable sinnd11rd of rh:ht and wron1. not all were like t"'&t. nor did all 1haplna into a mad ·-amble tt7 a.._ ft. ... ... .. AM ...... _ •'"-A f M h 3 l.,...9 . " '' • ...... , Ill !II .. I. 4-M. ft. Mil • •'-tr CaWorniA, .,.......,r u~ Cl 0 arc • 0 ' ArTI81J ~'lllltnlo: r!>QrTI \\la.l full uf Lift" Ill prPif)' h umdrum If nnP JIV" l'fflt'"' gl\'1' thl' farmN'$ a brPak . throuehout the naUon. ---.--PubiiAher Jot"'plf' ahl'!ld uf m•· I hrtd 11 lull omly to t~l('('t his WRI{PI or draw \\ h•·n thP prt'SI'nt Attorney Cif:on-1 nua was ~v'-'aled today by Paul ~ ~T'ER • G4'nent.J Man~~Pr hnur to w._lt I had ro·ud all ''"' h•~ §fllary .lr~us ltnvl' 11 lifo• JIUr • 1 ral and t Wf'rf• a l'fJmmittN• to I Armltrong. lldVl'f'tlllln~: l'Ommlttee R 0 0 p S L,. B. Mlu.ARD ·-· · Edllor nw~:atlnH 1<nd 1111 I th(tUI{hl rhur f!O!I•• th~t ('ten, I~<· ur<o•d hy a ll mr n -sturly wnr prohiNTlJI in 1942. we chairman of the All-Year Club, in W • ...F. DIXON • Adv~ne,~.~~rt t woulcJ rt•nd !h1• P''''''l'· '''*'"'d or whlll•, rich or poor, cuJ. ,.nt 11 man ullo two liSF.S oftiC'f's Clnd.lncs of a &W'\'ey conducted by .&PPLIKD oa ..,......., Prillttnl Plut. JOll W. C~atraJ Avenue, N~ · ...,._..onua • F.arh 1"'""" Wll.l! •hrtrro•nl In lllrt>d or unletH•re'Ct "$<_.,•k first in Los An..:o•l1'11. HI' askC'd for a the National Anocaation uf Travel Ji'ree Eatimat. A IJMp"tloD tf'V.6:...l-l Pa-of-,;L_ CitJ-of N~port.Beacb looka. In drMs. In t••mpo •ram••nf. en tl o• Kan~otdom .. Thill c11n be the joh on a r11rm; hi' was told hc '. Of!l.ciala. -..-. r-U1C Jll'rsonlttlty It 18 ~ourpnsens: how ptlrptw• blll'k or (IIJI one'• dolnp. Nould !:N ho'llcr wa~NI a t thl' w •• r "Already," ht' aald. "forty-one W. ~ • ....._ A 8 0 ~ 1-.1 bNUhl .... lor 0.. 11 @)Y•rs pPOplr will revo·AI III'I'SOnl\llty Onf' m ay raiJW> nrRni:I'S or It'll plants HP lUIId, no. h(' wu 11 fllr· O\lt o( forty-clgl'lt atatn are com-38«2 M.are.la Pb. Nw,t. ~J truill u thP)' wall tn <• diJ('Iua 's ~:n~·rt••ll nr h~uld hOWK'II t•r man-, mrr and-wnntl'd to work on a peting'for the touriat ~~ineu t~~~..~...._ __________ _......~ . Active . oHict•. I as:r a hunk or tK" a profMKlonaJ rnrrn Nritlw>r USES orrlce would year In their sear~ for new!....-----.....,....---------, S<tml' of thl' Pf'f)PI" Wl'rtt "'•Jrm•n.: m11n but hf' r an milk'-' has da ily tttt a thin~ for him; both tried to .frj1.11!1[ sources ot lncomt.> to r'eplace 10111 Men~ber _ unc wa.~ an atlra.-uvo• }'nun~: ~t•rl j "c.rk n 'mrnns or lff'klng the .,.i)il him to war plan ts. war apendin~s. 1 0 L CULLy of >.-.. rn 11 hriJthl rf'd dro'llll nnd wath II Kln~dom ' l.o hark heyond that J'v.-sN•n 'fh(• All·Yt•ar Club, in a cam -~.:._. -..._ 01 • •• r•od 11carf on hrr 1•·1 lolltt'k hair j f:ur h a )if(' purpo~W l{ives a {IL:rirullural workers In California . pajgn to l't'\'IVC the Southland's ...---~-~· • ... She wu YeTY cuy to Wc>k at. One •trmd11rd (l( raghl and wronc. •l~~~ifiC'd as "mutlclanll" an d $20.000.000-a-year tourist industry, .....ao ~-- Carbo 3 womllll wu dn•slll'd In u rtripl'd Whlllt•\'rr aids onr In wnrk~ng for "truck drivtrs," wh~n they had1 Is timlne Its first Invitation to Specialb:l~ on ~ Tax n 1 l:rf'Y tiUl\> and lh(' had lhr !!narrtrs thr• Kin,~:dom Is rt~h t llnd what-n('\'('1' workE-d anywh('r(' but on thr l vlsitora fOr ''nPXl IUmmer IUld fall d lk_.. t 1 ·rh u lour_ .-patronace. appndated A major step in the hunt ror the C8\JS(' of C'ffTlC'Cr has an til .... coni ani y t'l'\' "'IL'i ('Ver tUndN'II Ia .wron$t. rnnrhPll, ndt'r that clusitkallon on " when lhl' load or rl'lurnlng, f ~ '--s ia.ken in UM>. ~·~--t oC "Carbon 13.'' a rdl'e a YfJIIniC womfln In 8 IJIUP·Itl'<'Y sui! I 'fh" lntrrrsl of th\> IM'Oplt' In ~~'51t•m the worker had to have SE"rviremen no longt'r ~111 be heavy Ul .,...,...._ .,.,... .. ....,. .. .,.... waJh an old,.r woman drf'!llt'd In ttw rloctor'l officp c~ntel't'd In ttwi'Jsullnhle Pmploympnt'' and It, nn hotels her('. materta.l f~ to h ave great value In blochemica! rt'Search blut' ~·lwioi.IIIIY mottwr und dllUI:h·J physlcwn. ThPy Jl)()kt'd to tum lor wft~n't farm work. If 8 truck 4 ........ work. t.tr. 1 hrlp Wath 1111 thf•lr dirtt>rrnet'l ll n,'"T snJd h,. ha~ drlvf'n a Mack An o&J company has announced plans lor c.on.'itnJ<'tion A young woman whtl ""r•· :o tth'} 1~rnc'<l .to t his une doctor. lrul"k, and tht' job otrt>rf'd wu . whJtp bloull' wlfh 11 ahort tfllil•• Tho·r~> ls onP who can 1x-to the llminll 11 Ford truck. 110m(' offices• ol two plants to produce carbon 13 In comparatively sub-ahorl blur skirt hRrl vr•ry llir~ot<' 1 fl''HJIIr or lht' world "·11rtt that didn't r•nn.~idrr that "sultablt' f'm-stf"Ual quantities, and states, "In bioch~l rt'SC'RJ'Ch , and \l•ry rf'li leps An ntrr:a!'II\'P ph~~ldlln wns to lh•• !)('Oplr in IUa plnv~Pnt In fnirnf"lls to th~~ c.rboD t3 W used U ftt t..r&a!r ln probin~ the secrets o f the young motht•r. In an ohl t;llh1 uffef'l' \\'1• .soorn1·r1m1-s <'All Jrsua USJ-.. C::. some of thCSI' <'ll!ll'll were \ . drrss WT/'IIP n lrllo•r l "TI G I Pb I I .. A d I I f'f'lt~'f. und nnt USES.but tht' lAmPI -· taDdafnentaJ PI'OC'e!ISt'S r that Ot.'Cllr In ull living thtngs, as Fl~vcn IX'OJ'1If' ·as diff'-'rttnt In '~' rrn 1 >" " "~·. 1° 1<' 1·1 p11irir!' IIJJplird to both. RAGGED o .. ralla an4 a ahlrt that I • ""' hi h ... 1 · · 11,. C'Rn Itt• p lhP sparttua ails we1 • lalla oil bla abouldtra offer little ft1) u fnE'tabolic dl~ pnxoesaes, of w (' (':"tn<'<'r . u a-JlPrson'\)lty 1111 In th('ar dre.-1 Dut h:e"· mo·ntlfmed. 11,. r·t~n mrt'l our ~ 11n. Y"o wa~t ~mmf'thang rc('('nl! otection to tbia butfoot un:bin iA beta, hardening of the arteries, and ~called 'h('art troub)(''l tht•y hl*d lwmr•thlnll In f'funmon-l sl'll'llwal n•·,.f'l Many of hll follow-~1 h:a\1' 11 lrttcr on my dl"llk llaylng1 fh.-. He tral not amon1 the for· ---...t-lndi tln ish bl chemJcaJiy from ordinary lho•y nl'f'drd. or· thou~eht I hal thi'Y l "r~ hun• hlld tht•lr sdflsh api('lts " r••lurnf'd soldil•r appllt'd for n tallale twtttny-fin JDilJJoa •bo. ,.,. ~ ""ACU""t'"""· S gu a e . . nN'd•'<l .. 14 dnt'lor !11r lhr•ar hPaeL! tr •n~r •rmtod Multitudes h ~·" Ill n fr'lifornia IISES orf11·•· cei•ed dothlol from the Anwncan carbon. Carbon l~is absorbed In living tiS.'\'U(' a nd undPl'· 11 Willi lht• nrtwo• ttf ·"' .... ,., o•yr·. fr•IIOd ·,nnt•r lllrt•n~tlh. Ht• has ;v:: Tho• l'~E:" llflld to him. "\YhY Brf" IPrinJ driYI. H!IP otbcra lit~ hilllll ION the ume metabolic Proa."SS a.-. does orrlina .. ry enrhon .,thrttfll lind nnso• srw•('lllhst (~ar IJIIrjlOSI' ,,, llrr BMI has providE-d yuu lr~·k•n~ ror a joh? You Are ~ i~r.: the v= But wbe onti""'"" ca~ cannot bt> traced a.c:t It p.'IS...;('<; ajt,.,, from o)d('ll to youngC'SI. ('IJV·'I a IU!Pahlo> lllllndarrl·'uf rhthl and f'Oitflo·rl ·.~ IJnl'mplnymrnl rl'llf'f I 0 ---cw.neu re · ·~" . . · ••rf'd 11 IJ)Iln of morf' than half a \\ r~tng 1 1,. hils don£' th('liP fhJn p:<''TTll'nts. The l!Oidlf'r snld he throulh thfote bllrlcat.e cherrucal react!~ which 81"f' fh(' ·~·ntury Tht' ('\lllural rllng•• \\11~ ror oth•·r• ;inrt h•· wail do Lhf'm f: "'anll>d ,..10 .... not rrlll'f He ('OUid uso Not Finished ~ o( life I~Jr, Carbon l :l cnn bt> ck-tac.hcd by ttw u..;c-prohniJiy jtiJII 1111 widr nur uld or 1 you nnd fllr mr. . ~ ~1'1 at fn.m th•• U~ES, liO h~> 1 • Clyde Hamiltons in New Ljdo Home Mr. a n<l Mrs -f":yd.-Hamallon, who OJX'ralt• the ll.amllton Ma· chming Co .. have mrov~-d iQto lhPir new home on CorcJo\'a street, Lido - lslt•. Mrs. Jl~tmlhon has put milO)' mor1lhs In the planning and con· structiDn of th•' I0\'1•ly plal'l·, which taad many unaque rcaturN and in- novntions. C"tlSI is apf)l'oxima~ $15,()(1(). PROFESSIONAL PIERSOL'S P'rodllloaal ~ Ill POIIDT A V1INUB IAeUNA II&AOII "I,. .Rwantu /of' 'Y 0\41' H e<~lth .. ................. _ ...... OOMP!Aft •II&OLOOICAI. a M'JO I'I*'S ................... ._ .....,. ................ ~ -... ._,. -.. 0 .,._, ...... DIRECTORY ACCOUNT A.ST . I PHV~ICIANS . 8(1RGEON8, !II.D. r-~---------T----~ ,. I J I - ol electrical lnslnunc:.>nt • and lck-ntifit>d with I'JlN'ific )'OUnlt. Mlllurf'd or l~tnoranl, WI' all ! -• ,I;HI ,) Job (or hlms••lf Wltl't a tiiXi· Wt.th Morale Work an · · · h11d a rommon 1'\j'f'd. • • rah company.. A almltar l'llS•' bodily tunct:iona." Thf" propiP in '"'' rtncror·~ nffll" Ktte Flytng Can OIJtkNI thr ~lllnf' report, PXCt'pt I u til D 31 1947 • >lieU. M. D.-+----• Up to now, the total worid t>roducti. on or Carl)()fl 1:-\ hnd r ithPr f'llt , f')'P, nn.~•' or thrf'Hll l hf' had 10 (ll'<'t'fll thl'. rt'liPf l'h('('i(!l n ec. ' bas bel!n at the rate ol leu than one-half ou~ JJ('r V"[ll'. ltilllbll' ,,,. nurw 51\ld l hl\1 lhf Be Dangerous, T~ ~OIJ SUJI~ somebody an ·, " <'OfTlmon mid hrou~;ht moro· J<Mlpl•· \\ AShtn..:lon lhlnks the USES Tbe new planb will be iMtnunental In lncrt'aslng world sup-to the-offict' thun 110)' ollht>r rum· Wheat Declares lllil:hl lw n flnlltiral I~SliPt ir cron-• Tlw U!:\0 wall not compll'le lls pilei ftve h\Uldred to ~thousand time5. plaint. Prop!(' f'lln l'ntch II soraal trnllf'd .F~l·rnlly untJI aflt•r lht• wnrtime acth'illl'~. such ns dr· WhJ.Je the layman is hopPieuly bewildered by lhl' m Y"· or moral or spiritual rold It Ill --n•·'l rlt'cllnn~ ~ mohllization and rf'I'OI\~1(10 AUUt••~ •y'l 111 , .. ,, I 'Ath"!il !h•t_.. ,...,...,._ U'7 lJvf\o.J t "lt Ill \ 1 t• f•h ., Ut h• n1• Ul f""\1n....,.,.... llttf'l ._lilt Ht··uOt• t ., l!a•ll• r- _llbllll '· lllltTICW'\ IIOOI\IUI.Ull'ill ltr.&l'lf'J'; Ott .... , ... e ·-IIIYol ( .. , • ... _ ,.....,...., ~"'"'" ... _ VI.~'*'-and Sllr1t"'ICI Hour<~ 2·5. by Appointmt'flt Telephone 2620 l!i l Uroa.,hm 7 COI't& ~ • . an lnfi"Ctkm lo whlrh lhP)' ~ul'-A frf'Sh llprln~: hrt'f'71" can prov~ The VOlt"!! tndny · f or lh•' llark-st•rvares unlit 194A ~ !X'!II'I'· ARCHITI!:C'l' terW ol ~. ~ pn grasp the baste natuf'l' of !IUCh diS· cumb. 'rhl'f"t' Ia •uch n thin~ Rll hi'· an Ill wln~ for lotr fl,, '"· accord· ~··n ttrnt•ndm.-nl. rhan'}!ln.r tht• dflf•· timl' rt'sponsihility (or which It ..---------------: ..---------------, ~ u Carbon 13. He kn~·s that the tireless probing lng spiritually hard of hParll\lt 11nd ln~o; It• Grn J Wh••flt , du.trlct man. lrnm Junr 30. 19-17 to Junr :111. wu cr"'att'd duri!)t the w11r hy Armand Monaco Gordon •· Grundy, .. D. and •-~don in laboratories all over the nation by h~tvln~t poor apitltual l ilthl I lilo;,-.5 for thl' Ede~~<m romp&ny who I!Hti, ~ nyrl! lind 12!1 nON!. Thl' thl' t'nd nf 1947, nnd in the m£•an· "'yi!Jclan and Sure- ... ·~· . . 1\plrltaal nl• AIIKI I l~.l'l ll."kl'd ['Aro•nts to mak(' sure ~~~~~~~ VOl I' on the b1lt, 118 llmrndf>d, tim'-' carry o,a lhf'ir SE'rv1ct' to SE'\'· AK<JHJTECT ~ ol \.8\known ~dentists, may one ~y save his 1~('. Not only do proJllr huvf' common l~'r rblhln ·n khuw the fo~ aaf'-'tY ..!t\3 Ayrs, 11:1 nOf"S. Th.-Dt-mocratie •·rill mitl.!Pfls still In the !l('r vices. 8 14 W. Bay Aw•., Balboo Ninth and Cf'ntral Ave. apirllual lit. bur lhPy nlso hnvr·j ~~ fCir k ll(· fl}ln~ \olr was almost an rx11ct davasaon l Tr~g and morale rnlrr Into NrWpOrt llU Otf 11 1o-12 3 5 Bo~ W k ~rtaln •plrltual nt'f'd.a. ·n wy htwr 1 "Ot,.'f'~nnr.• .. r lhMI' four l"''"'''''n lhC' 1'C'ons tllutlonal Ot•m· ttw ronrltwt a nd h(ocom"' cxponf'nla ~7'ZI a...kf'woud Avf'. lot' r.;.: a.m ; • p.m . . -ut ee tht' nN'd of drvrlopln~t Ullllt'lflsh· 111m11ld rulrs Wtll hf•lp prt•\'t•nt ac-n<"T'als" nnd tlw mnn 11nd \\ omr·n I vf rl••m()(·r·e•:y Tho· l 'SO h •·dfodi· Lo. ,\n~IH SO~) OlliS Td~phonc 37 Scout Week. celebrated rrom February 8 ~0 14. is nNill Mottl of thr IOrTOWI nnd ridr•nls," hr said, ''a nd 11\'Uid the \H' shmald prohnbly 1'1111 lhr "Pn-rated, IIS(:I!. accor(in~ IO Clyde '--------------! '------------__.J aft ocrulon when the Amefjcan ~e should really Rtnn, hl•arta('hNI nnd fvlls nr lhl:' world truuiJh' that rPsulls Whf'n k!t('l t•msteiiJ!(onfll ()(omocrQts " Y n u I Ashrn '" ~•'rvt' th•· r•·IJ~;Iuus. !IJ)irl-ATTOit~ft8 . ~ "I' ('Ill\ M tr at"''i In IPJnlhn~. Tho·rl' ll\1\jtlt• With r'C)"f't lin!'!!. flesldt!ll \\Ill fant1 'II•' r('('Ord VOlt' 0 0 fJIII((' 111111 ""lflll'f' nnd ~lll'llllonBl ~and llltaL b lltllf' hopt> for hwTlllnit)t If urr l d•llrllptin~ cieetrwnl Sf'rvicc, a ~:.! of aho• C'nnJ:rPSslon$1 Rf't'Ordl n•~ nf l hP ml'n and w_,. ln l J.RoBERT GARDNER 'n.y lbould ltop to ..J,be just what a great w ork is ll'lfl•hn.-u cannot bt' IINJUirf'd I tllni!lf'd kilo' mlly mC'an d~.ll th or •for Jan~ary ~ tht~ armro forces. • and .a-ln building b<' lim not ttllklnlt ll)loul "r;:h'lnl: up ' I IM'rlOUll lnjur)' to thr fla!'r I ri!W' to rt'ma.rk" f/a111 l hfl!'lf' ---DONALD D. HARWOOD ....... ..._, bJ tM BoJ Scouta of America tter to othc!r Pf'OPII' 1 111 tlllklng nbuut !Inc !IJ't' the snfety rule11: lhOf'l' i11 no qu · flon ~ thl' 2'.lntl N 2-14 M"J L" cllanldel' Ill our l'tllbll lll'f'el'lltlon. ~y should l()()k at tAiklnc that for..• otnd-drlV(' 11'1111 1. Fly YOtll' kitrl in an open f)latrict ~· lb COnit'ressman, t e.w : I e IDC ATI"'RNEYS AT LAW .. r.aMs Ureed'y obtained and they lhould listen to the "tiec:k ol wlflat: f'ffort .. nd <'han-~~. away from pow"'r lin" and would vo~ on auch Bn iuur. My l Will Bnng Gu n • N. ~-~~ ~r. • awUn~t it lnto effOf't for othf'MI alrl't't tratrlc ~et wu that t could not \'ole H fr T ,. a --tor ~tft' (!UIEipenUon and IUpport ol tht. outstand-~ Ann. tht>r common ni'Ni ill th•• d,._ :!. U!ll' <.Vltlon m rd for the kite &gllin to r eturn the USF:5> to home ere Om eXIIS .._a-n•a __._1118 --)I'OUdl ~ Vf'lopin« Clf an Inne-r slrrn~:th -a ~strlng. Ncvl'r usr W\re, tln~M"I or aupo•rvislon In 100 <fa>s. lnllt .. nd or DA\' IK'II90L 'l'bfre II alwayt a need for men who have the interests 1 M'ftl4' of Pl'rtonaJ adf'<1ullcy Wf' •II mt•tlllllc. cnrd thl')' 111'4' cnnduct-fh·e months. ' "'--... I de h I bcottan llfr Ill hPIJllf'Sfl lnfllnU Vl'ry ors or•Nf'elrrrlty, ----~ Prtm•~~lnn for lhl' t'tli\Sirurtion til Amerbn )'OUth at,_," to llervt" llA eft 1"'8-tO C Jl pre-I lOOn Wf' b(>gln to do thln~:s for 3. At> surr your l'ord Is p<'rf•'•'l· 306 Arr• of a :.114-mlle pi!X' line for natural ..... tbe ~ ol tDday to be good dtlzens of .tomorrow. OW'SI'IV<'ll wr IUI.,.rt our lndr l)f'nd-ly dry A wrt cord may IM'('()mo' . est8 Made· r.tu from Blythr to !"nnta F.- 'n.. Boy Scouta ol Am«ica is an ideal"l~UliU'M') through 'rnco' AI. W(' I{T'OW Oldt'r we ~ II conductor nr <'.lf'Ctri('it)' During Japuary Sprln~ at a ro!lt of $1.!,l40,(lfl() 1.. of ~... ..__ ri ('()VeT thllt ~ may b(o ablt to 4. H your kiiP de11•s ratl'h In \\:tor; ~o;rnn!Pd IMt Wl'f'l< lly th'-' rail· wbldl to lnculc:ate ~· many our young 'f'""''H<:' tur p n -WAlk Alone and feed tllfT\!I('If but • powrr lin•·. lrt 1{01 '()(o not pul\ rMf'l c-Ommission to Southt"m Call- --ol deaiiOCI'acy, ·-tolera.nce and understanding. Ev~ry not bo' llbk' to mal<f' hill own d•·· II Tl'lcphnnc the comp11ny (Wo'TI· Th~ city poll(."(' deparlmt'nt I fom r11 11nd Southl'rn rountlt'l GIUI led wbo belonla to~ Boy Scouts must be the better for it. rillon• W\sely nr mH I lht> Unt'X· lnr thf' lin" ttnd 11 lrnNnlln wall arreeted 3()6 IX'f'110n« rfurmg Janu· c;ompnnlel ,_ -. ... _ moftt extenllve and more effective work will be ~tE'd dmllnds or lif~> 11Jonf' wr ronw '" lot~'' ,your ktli' drown en arY. moe~.t of which •• ro' fur trar-·nw lmr 1s drJ~l~:nMI In hr lng PU" ...... ~. • must ha\'e hullt up wllhln 1.11 n safrt)' fie lntr11ctlons. Of tlli'Se, 29 Yof·rl' natu.r:ll RB~ rrom thl' rich Te-xas IIChlewd u the pUbUc realizes more fully the !K'O(X' nnd value atN"nr.tth thnr ran h<· dcJ)I•ndl'd I -not for traffic \<iolat1ons. and 4i 11nd N••w Mcxirf) oil fields and of ttw activttiee now beb\i carried 01'). !upon. Wr muBt nrqulro· 11 llfon"" of Scot,·h llll'lt', \nrlt•us ~1/l'll, nn traffic CUC'S wert' 11111 for 1llr~:al , r•lans rull tor cnnn('('tlon of thr l On • .._ --~on ol a-, Scout Week th~ Nation Is CS""· Jll'riOMI nd~••cy Thr n w(' OAn l!lal•· 111 thl' Nrws-TimrR . p&rld"Jr. Thr~ lnd~:,.rll wr re O<'· hn•· al Rl)'lhe with a 720·mllf' Jinr Ulfll:' ~ &IV~ ..-commodatf'd a t tht• •·at~ jntl. 11nd lfl hr lAid h)' F:l Pl!llf) Naluml Mortimer School 1ft C"onJ llalbo. llllaad 0....,.: Collece, l'reperatory DA V SCHOOL ::;::,. 0 . ,\. Mor1Jnwr; M. A., Odord Prtaelpal f'hoiiP 152 !!!STI8T8 Or. Obed IJU(.'U DENTIST daJb' proud ol Ita Boy Soout&-and they are especially proud • • propet"ty v11Ju<'d 111 ~ISH'; was rc-Gas Co. Total 1"0'11 of thr projN:t ~;z~en!~L ~~cted by~··'· tho . { : cRO~Sw~~~:~Ui%~~ ] :;.~:,~~~.:~~~.~~: ~~f~~-i·-···?-:;.~7.:~~~r L-~-!OI_~_r.:_.~-::-.~-~-r·-:"-EAC_PIJ_~_,_.80___l .. talk ot l!nd1nc rockets to the moon ~ been publici Y ....,... I YM!d. p,t~cu~Rorw on thlA subject have been going on more or Je. cUwtantly for Yt'ft1'8 among rocket ex(X'rts and In 1 the newspa~r "comics.." The president of the ll. S. Rockf't • Sodety liYa that the recent radar nchlt>vements provt>S thnt It Ia poalble to send a radi().(D'Itrolled rocket to our ne&J'l'St beaWI\lY 'nei&fibor and to bring it bat'k. We-ll, W@'ll ha\'C'I to tak~ h .. word for It sinct" it'li nll too rlet>p for us. Th('n' • one alla'ht drawback abOOt thl' rock"t. h owt>V('r, and tha t • .. tM coat. It would require $10 million to huild surh n milltle. Still It might tx-worth $10 million In find out if ., the moon Ia habit.uble. Ju.'\t think of th" thl'ill of , h:wln~ a -e8ftld place on the moon which could lX' t't'lldlt'd hy O\'('r· nlebt ~ lft'Vice. Lumber and Buildinr Material~ Bay District Lumber Co. ...... ,. Ill OOAft IIIOIIW AY AT TlfE AIICliFA GORDOI B. FI -NDLAY oo~"'''IACTO& and auu .nr.a .. ~~ .... c-t ..... ~ ''t CABI,NET SHOP SERVICE CABINETS ud ~WOR& t'. 0.1 ........ ..,..... ft.:~l 1 ObnoaJoua ctuld $Malt bevl'n ll•• 0 M<ountnln aplnach tO f'lam t~l nrl· II~ fAmily 12 II jtrt•lll Afrtr nn clan tJ ~hup 14 '\\'nama nuul I\ Pr•>nolfln t7 J~WI<fl numth te Hl\<'r · F1o• ' :_"(t f.,,\M 1111H1\ • •~n ' ~I T "T1 :14 ~If :'"':Tv, 'At''''''il \•rhtrlo IF h d I ~o r.,, .. r••\ f'r .,,, .. :tU< "' ... " ~' '"" 3' . ,,,. ,. ! :\. '' '" l 1 'I'\' J o I. 31· II I 1 :tS .f t ...... 't 1 II" • r ,,, ' I 4~ \'t 'II "' ft .. I t I I. •a t, t ,. , ,, f' ... r rttl1 ~~ p,,, \ ~q ~, .... t Br• "-t·r\ <"-'·•• ol l'f'j' ... ll r------iJIX!IgQ!glg~IIQIII~IQ~~IVII3VI~QgV-::=:--.....;..-r . lf'll ln• .... "-............ . ~ (Ill (11 , ... ~ ~ 121 ru 1!7 ISO ~ .n I'" I"' 41>. I~• I II \ 1• • Ol •• t 1·' • ' I!''' *' .. '• 1 II \• t~l ,. ~ I..) I' ~ ~ r• ~ r• ~ t) ~ •t ,..-~ •• •J ~ I Z4 ·~ ~ 1T !Jr ~ ~?) ,_,. ~3!. J1 ~ 131 4.• ~ j+4 ~·~ ['I w I"~ ~~ p,' 11 tt<l :':' .... ,. fh•ti. I·'"' t ·: 3' \\ \. .. ' ., r . , ,, I .. ,,, •n I At •\•'·•·• ; Jl.,(..illtl'• J op I 1111 •• • ,;,, ' lfl 1\ol't'l ':.•rt> I ·~ 11 rfiN ''' t ;~·•t t .. 4 ... nf t I ' t•4t t ' \1 I '"to h~ \:tu 'It" • C'',.."' • ;.; ';t~ ~ ' t1nnu• 1'1!1 1'' 4(1 \''I .... 1 41 C<'rral ai)vo 143 T~>llt 4S F 1 .,..h r• [f [I ~2 - ,, ~ (te ~ .. [I I 2 • rrr I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~; J• , .. ... , I( ~~: ~--""· .. , t• ·····'~ , ........ , ~ f"Thl5 ;I ~ 1\(ET~ L , .. 'l! LIUil L .14 !Nl ::rr H~ !PIA:A 10l8ll s• ' " li'T~ID rlil I T I.. ID.tf" CTIH ~ ~T I ~ r •L I nAt~; ~:•r .. , ... ~ .... • Before You Build or Remodel ,,. .... our latto""Unc ......... ~ rooiDIL Color gufdeS. phmnlng Alcfs. com- prehPn~ve mock of rugs, carl)<'ts and linole-um .. ~14 . <'ttrl,."' ('1-n,..;t. ftrpalr-.d LUDL'UM Carpet Works I I I t fl I I t I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I t' I I I I I I I 1 t , •• t • 1 t ' ........ .. . • 1: • . -.. ! . 6 ~ . Moder n and l ~P l o Da P Blue Printing Facilities . I Photostatin g un' l u · '·" in . lw '' i r1 I , I I f It '-------------..,....., 1 =_=_··, 1} I Pick-t p and Delivery Servic .. L-----------------~----------------------------~ f' New York 'Life Insurance Company DOS L Dl'RA."T ·I:!~ 1 lrdud Avr CCIHIISA nEL M AR , Harold K. (;rauel {'hapel "\\'I' 1 lur-.o•l\'o'• thl' I\. loor ~. r\'(' h~ St•n 111~ r II h• ,.., IJt•!-f' Pbnnr :'\•·~pori ~61 c .... ,,. Mo•"a ('"llt"mla OPTH'tt:TJUl"TH Rohert A. ('rawford Opl.. U . OI'TO~J~Tiu~·r . 1-:~ •' 1-:"!;tlnano•ol · C:J.,.,,..., Ftll•'<l l~!ll "''" '""-1 n .... t •• , .• ,.,. I'I'IJtn•· ·t a~u ('01'>1' \ "''~' Siegel & Rauh ) nrrtnf'>f'1' ancl ~Un't')O""' I </lA ~""l,..r& Rh•d., ('u .. fa \fr• • T"'"''hoiM'! u.~ll-l ""•J\ 7 '. ('pnf rsl SP ... .,.orl ftt. • ~ ;rplt•phon., I 'ZS PIANO TEAC'H{!:R '-, lj \' 1.1:'-:~E' H \HP t;r-..dur•t•• o.lldolll .... P'ooda Or. C'OIDpt.\1 eqwlpmmt ~ you .,.., to c.tc ll -~l I Ondt DEFEND YOUR ·HEALTH WIT-, !-1,' !t ., Watch for Opening . nnounccm"t . i . ")'a.l f """"rvator'). 1 •r '~" l'h 1'.!:;.'·\\ l:l~'h \\ I\, I' .til fo I ~tflf J'OUf ...... HORMIN ns~ MARKET tO I. \1' ~f) I ~ Bl~rlnt • Photostat Shop ~ !'Ill) ~'r;eno l•t't• ...... ~.•\\ 1\'~ ar•• L f :I ' ·····rl ,,, ., ' • ,. Ill llh· JWIC'f' or ~ta .fa . toulfo•r. ,., , n ll•·"l'o'h 11 "tit '"' fl"ll<'' • l'f'MIIrl•· n I • f.,,.,,, rl r.1l8lfl~ ""' : 'thl' prit'f• 111 mo fll, hnwe \' r , to ...-.,,....,_ 1 .---•·-• _ , .... __ , •• •4 1 , ... , ...... ..,.• 1 mnkr h• "' r , lll~ 1\\Aal:lblf• , CONRAD RJCIITER, II. D. Pltylllct-aad Sure-a 120 E. lRth St. COSTA MESA Hours: 1()..12 a .m.; 3·5 p..m. Phone 133 Dr. G. E. Tohill I'IIY*Ju Uct suiltMa <!209tColl.'lt Blvd. NEWPORT BEACH ·-.. -PilON&') Offi('c 286-W JU-s. 286·R H no Answ.-r. call !IJI'wpc>r'l 5 Gerald Rausa; M. D. 2830 \\'f'"t C'C'ntral Ave. !IJE\\'PO RT BEACH Ph 1008--1\'o nnswf'r call 301-M • X-Ray Ser\'kf' JIIJtoa M. lluwell, a D. '101 eo-a •• ...., ~rona del' Mar nrrtre ll()ur.;: 1o-12. 2·5 ft-. 111~_. IOit S. R. Monaco, M. D. ~U Bay Ave., Balboa ="""'P•nt n ·u • 11 s. mn ~t., ,..,... Anar.._ T t 'r krr 761! Ur ApJ)IlJnlmf'!'l l I:\ T. P. Reed~. 1\1. v. Plt.\·sh•laa aad Sur~eonu lllnt ·""f .,~~ ,\., .. , rf•h'plt•:m~ N....,pot•l t.o·~ ••u· 1'41f r '' ltUd .-.r Htil:ll '\ ..... .... \\:a,tnrr uruRt~ lbstltut Or. \\ llhur c·. \\ aa-ner rhimprnrtk. QiN<'tics. Ph~slo & Cf)lnnir Th"rnpy 111'!n f'nvt ,,.,,.. •uth ZO~E THEI{APY CLINIC . \'.&J•nr ftat~ · \lf'dlc<al '1-.p ~pM"Ial Trr •tnlf'nh. tnr ('old• ""· U~ Bafhoa Inn A~...se ··· .. \_ I! I I VICTORY GUDEN BONOI IWUDED NEWS-TIME CLASSII=IED~~9?.AJI Read Them for Profit l ' Mt' Tht•m fur lh•tu,llta U you don't t\nd ~hat you ""' lnctklna.: lor ttct"'~rtl~~ m ttu~ l"'-1M' t'.hnn•· N••wJIOrt lwch ' . \ • .. Oovorftor lbrl W~ flf C.llfornla pi'ONnta tiM National Vlctoey Garden lnetltuto'a plaq~a~ for eontlnuod laldo..-.hlp llurlne tho 1M6 vlo-li'Y fll'don P'Of''"' to C. T. ,-vrror (left), ltandal'd of California ma~ ketlnt .. ocutlve, whllo Norvell Olllooplo (rltht), Pacific Co11t director of the lnetltuto, elida lila conerotulatlono. Ttllo woe tho Ullrll atrallftt jloar tftl oil _,."1 W... Ulo lnetltute'o tllttloat awarll. IN~ ~ TIDE TABLES YEBRl'ARY Jll.:h Low Hl~th Low 13 ll·M 1:! -15 8:tf t:IO 6 1 ~ l 4.0 . -l 4 u 7·39 J·34 1:15 t:n 63 1.8 ·t'2 -15 15 8 .:1'..1 2::.!0 I~M I:U &3 u; 43 -14 16 9:02 2:r,9 lt:le a:N 6 :1 1.4 4.4 -1.1 t7 9•40 3:37 10:41 4:'!A 5.7 l ."l '. 4.4 • --{),7 f'td ....... p'-4 ....... , __ ...... ~L .... ; ..,, ........... PuBLIC NoTICE and that a 1&1~. tranaf~r. and u · ale-n~nt of th~ nnw will bt made ·and the consl4t'ratlon t~rt'for wtll Most Taxpayen Can Have Treasury ~~!!:~. ~~~ ~~~~:)' !I;'F~: F• J T D d t• ruary, 1948' at the offl~ of Tom JgUre flCOme . ax e UC 1008 w. H~nderJOn, Attornry at Law, • ..108 Wt'lt 30th Str~t. In thr nty Mort-than 2,500,000 waae earn-, the other may not UH thr with· f N~rt"Biach County of Or· ~n l.n Southern California can file holdlnc re~lpt u a return. To ~~~ State af c.ailfornla. tht'll' 1~5 fedt>raJ Income tax re-file joint -withholdlnJl re\urns, ~~; Fl'bruary 11. 194&. r.turns and have the Rt>venue Of. married coupi~P.1n aJI their -ROGERs. WATSON. ti~ C'a)cu1at~ th~lr taxi'S for th~ 1 rect!lpta tocr tht>r. b~ fill v~ndor a('('OJ'din& to an t'ltimate releaMd out onJy the ont> r('()(>lvl'd from Pub -Feb. l2. 1946. today by Collector of Internal tht>lr lut t>mployPr Couplt'S may · Re\•Pntw Harry C. We&t.O!'t'r. I 11M' rt'Celpta only if ~hl' combined ORDINA.~(y; NO. 541 PAINTINU ('ONTRAc,-oa ~I I'I'9VMF.ST Ot"Yr.KF.U PAI!'ITJ!';n t•A I't~H IIAN<il!';t a nll OtX'OR A Tl NO -H E Wr l.t.•nakl U4 Old Cou~oty Rd .. l'b: n\4 \\' Coeta )J,. .. 8UIUNUA OUIDit I. F O R A RELlARl.E Paint Job on .. yo_ur homt•, Cl\11 Nt•wport 1047 aftt'r 4 :30 p m 10-tfc ;.>OCAVATING. bRAT>lNG~-IN· ploughing, <'t•nwnt Wl'lk". <b lvt'e and hoult' found~ttiont See , Eueo C'ontractlne Co.: pho"'- Nrwport ~J. .!}tp EARL PHELPif, TREE S£1\Vl CE Dry WaJnut wood for aal~. all per oord ckllVl'~. 300 No. 1..a. ~lee St., i:lm. Ph. ~; v BICYCLES Bold, tt.ltt-4 or R.epUnd. VOOEL'I 100 KalD' 8t., Balboa -......... B&lbo&Wud: ...... ,. OUD OF TILUfO l~TEHE S TIN(_; W 0 H 1\ Plea~nt Wt1rkin~ Cunei it ion~ t.earn TELEPHONE O PF.RATIN<; Increased waRe rates now .in-.effe<'t. Apply ~outhern California Telephone Company tbo II: Bay A .... B&lboe or 614-,. North-Yatn lttrMt llult. Ana or AM tat Operator for lbe Ollel O,....tor To the many trlenda wtlo ao kindly lt'nt nowen and ~If~ ol s)'mpethy In my rt'Ct'nt bereave- ITK'nl. I wllh to exprl'lll my m0111 gratt>ful ap pi'C'Ciatlon. WANTED- J O HN H SUMMERS. WaitreM, Fry Cook, Dishwcher. RAY SJIORF. ~PT. 'RUNUO&TA'DON _ 11. ..lllh.Leualt llllhu.)' b IHI \ 1'1<. !<I t'I'I.U :M \\' '' r 'I'•• Ill'\' "'"''"' '" ~"''" httd 111 \ I ·~•tllllll"ll \\ lito• t.'i' n.,. ..... ~..._ H·l :--,.11 M-•'1"" .l. l~hllll s, •'11111 .. 11' li kl:'\ j -. !\ t(\• ' Ft IH-"l-·.-;..1 I' .'.' It t ·,,ltlll t 'rllt•llr St:u rnur lfH• llh•t••t \\ 111 '''" t ,l hl.:l..-,1 lthlotl I' I 'hill, ••• I ..... , •. , I :'1 t•, l\1 11ol1~•·11 ' t\ "' \\ lull,.., 1.' lt p ,\ 1.1 l'l.i\;.TII' I'.! II 11•1 lh' 'l't II' 0 -t'i\H )II IA'I' 111111 I 't\IUIIFH, lltl\\ ''" ·"~1·111~ ,,,,, •• , 11\ttllt·l~ ~~~111 dlr~lu•••. ~IIIIIHinlll • IIIII 11hnuiH, •·rul••'t'R It llniloll'llflfi(tll'o l.'ln~l h' w .. l.•n•r~tfl (',,. •70.1;-ti t ···nt n•l, f\ulllo\fl l'hlllll' tiM.'\ • i fJ 1r1· Muflint> Rarlios AvaJiable Imme-diate df'llvf'r)'. rom- plr tr ranlll' 1ll allft Your ln- IJlC'<'t ton w~l<'<•mrd. lliGGlNS PU:ASUR.E. , 110 COMt Hl1hway~ Ph': lt04 ~ P'1Rit II!QtnP NT '~"~!:8ft C.().'l'lro. l"yrtn~ 6 ,.._ nftlla ('()o 11aN ·~wm ._.. PortabiH -a....... ls.'TI HOKIN A GALVAN. tlot c.at ~­ PhoN liN. Tl.t* ._ ... , C'ABLN nunsrn ss-p. 4 ~~~rlnr motor A .!?at.:aln G E Mlnm•), ~1 Onyx Phonl' Nf'W· port :n60 1 KF..\1. lr.MTATK M . MILL E R Ht•nl l-~-.tnh• H"tkt•l' t!lth ~tml C't•ntml ·Ralbua Pi nest Full Size Lot Balboa Island Lido Isle tiO-tt. w on Nur1h Shn"' Very n.~*lnnl>ly_ pri•,-tl Modem Stucco. Beet J..,ocaUon N~•r ~ ~ter I Iirlced at only •.10,000 -I -I./ j. M. MILLER "'h and C'ttntral • N.wpon tt.d\ "On Your Way to rl•lbua" • • WAM'I'SO 1111 IMJI_.IIIIo 'No· ,__. -JAoyw. I « I ...,_ tanu... P'wtnanent. .... _ ...._ Gertrude A. Waldron Wm. W. Sanford 1!IRIOKD 311ft Marlrw 1\alboe laland Any t>mploy~ may u.e the 1945 incorN wu IPU than $.'5000 and -..tthholdlng rt'Ceipt rl'Ct'ntly givt>n tht>n only If tht>ir combined out- htm by his employl'r u a tax re-I side lnrome did not ~xceed $100." turn provldrd: 1 11 his tl'lt.al in· {){oadlinr for fithtg--withholdinA comr Cor 1945 Wll!l IN!s than $5000. rl'<'t'ipts is Marl'h l!'i, tlw llllrN' II& 121 it WIIS drti\C'd in the main from tht• dNtlinl' fM thC' re~-;ulnr Ynr,m 1---·t;.-o-....• ~uhjN'I to wifhholdinf,!, and 1MO WHF:RF.AS. many ltppllcallons arc.. nay.• being mad; ::,111~mlta for thl" <'ri'C'tion a n Hon 11f pre-fahricatrd ho~·~~ nnd ~mnll hous<'$ cnntainin~t li'IIS Untn fi(lO 1\qUnrf' fr('l of floor Brc•n f11r ~:r<111nd rlnnr or finot stury nf tiWI'lltn~ hoUSf'!l In tilt' f'lt)' of ~;;~~~~~fn~~~~J~~!a~~h~ .. !P~h~o~n:e~~;34~4~~~~~~.-~~~mm~\1Trr~r--t~~~~~~~-~~ ... ~;::::;~~~]i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~===:,; WANT ~&o>~ day• Wl'f'k, rrnm CoronA drl Mar bay Wrllf' M r M ,.,.,., uf Int. II'""' .,, h111liW•y l C:\) thul pa rt of thr total which ---------------"''~~~'~ Mt suiJjr•tt to withholdin~-; c1td PuBLICL NoTI~K8 C'AII Knlhlt't'n Ed110n Npt. R9-R . MJ,.I'; lfleCitLLANilOVI • 111 _ _.1,. 1-*"'r••n•-.·. ,.,., '4 S Ounanmtr, ---~=---~----~-----1_'l_·4-:-:.11. FOH SALE Mnn'• l•~t·y,·l••. S:!O I. A :\"1 WA Mtr.l I0--4Ir rn•t t'Xt'l'td $100 "\Vhrn u rt•crtpt is fih'tl aJ; a tal\ f"('IUrn" \V•·~I<l\t•r •ald. "WI' Will ('nntpUI!· lh1• t a'l ~IV(' ('rf'dit for tax "llhhr·ld, and ••·nd n 11111 for lh•• hnlnnt't' Thts must ho• fl•llrl \loithtn th1rtv r111\S If tho• \\llh· l\t•WfJI>rt 1\<•ftrh . and BEAUTY AJD8 ll ·--·piJ.,no• :-; n 1~:\:: 11-:.tlr 'IU'MIC'AI! a ~010 M =~<::-:O:-:L~O::-:an.::.:t.I:-=:-.W-:-A-:-:-:C-:-H:-:17~:-:~~~~~.&S=-:::R-:O.:n 1:!:-ii;, WJIF:RF.AS. tn tlw op1ntolfl 1111d XOTIC 'l~ Ot ' 01' \RfH:\:00.'1-:0.. \f.t:IJud~o:m•·nl n( th•• <'tl~ l'.,tllll'tl uf II)' til~ \1. rRt)l't~RT1' ,\T thr City ~!';o•\\pllrl l\.•t11 h ,, rrtn ATt: S .\l . .t: lutiiSI' "'1111111110!: ,, ,., thun fiiWl WAYE~ Tlllltnf( 11.1111 lolaul, urtng F:vNllnf( Appmntm .. nta r'h I i~ W f'OH S \1.1 I "'"'''' "•••I t'nllt ~tlt•• 111 hit" '"" :111111, "'''' (\• "" ''""' ·~· .... -------FOI! ._,\1 I I' ''i" llllllllllt• llll'' lli'AI'TIFI 'l. "l•lu>'l 1\1•' uurr .. r "''""' 11 hlltt•rtln T• ,,.,. l •nn• :-\•'htnhtt 1'1••"" c • ... ''•'U 'n ~'"' s,.i1t11 ''"" 14 ''' lt .. ldtnl: t•n •dtt tl' '~:r1•ntrr than ttw ht llu •'""I"'""' l 'nurt ''' l h• "'"'!" t:1x, wr "Ill l'l'nrl 11 r<'fund I'IH'I'k •lf C'nllfurnlu In ;ond l "••r lho· t'uunt• nf Ot:tO~;•·· to..:••ftu•r "tt h •nt•'n •titl "quart• f•·•·t ••I (t .... r ar.-u ,.,,."'"''' ,. ., ,.f th,. 11n·a u r ~nn·~" rtiM>r. lll l Y1 s Ueautv ~hop t11•11mwnt.d H.'lnultlllll( In Ill• l'tl \ 1103 C'OIUI IIIWII\' ~"~(•J.,.,I\ ''"' M11 nf Nl'wpurt ll•'ll<'h nnd 1 d•·•• I 76·lfl' dt •t•.. tl••ll t+•w•:' p.uul ''""' tn: ,,,., ,.,ul \ ,, .. , "'' to\" :u l (••l•ol \" llall•••• l•l•ll••l • t :t H •I • UM tl I'"'""' ~ •ttt• I•• l•rw 11• ~· t 'ln•• r1r t•• '" 1,.... I ""> 1••fUl' f h \\It t•t\t ''·"" ,\bout 10"~. tc•r D•'\ln~·ll"•• 111 111, :\l.•tl•'l' ,1r th• l '•l:o'•' ~n.t "ltllr lllX f'll!lilllil lllllln Will rtf· I • I fll \~!'Ill It lnw IIIIJ)fO>(ttnatt•h '''" tll·r c•••nt o r 111•'A1·1•lr'n'1"c;",~1!1.11 1 nr ·' · . . i,, fii'Oflllit'l••lll tho· n •tiCJrt•'<l tnt'"""'' t•l c·o\'o•r or- 1 :-..nTICl" j._ ltknnw Cl\'1'!'. dtnar)' dc'<ll~l'l lliO~ lolll'h ,II~ l'h!trll• lh~l r n C,nnflt•ll 1-:llllrlli:tn of l h•• Rl•h· I'Ontrthllltnns. mt•(h n tl t'X· tl . f HI h II prn~('!l 11nc1 lntr•n •5t paid. An ad· l"'r~nn nn '''Inti' " ""1' ,. dltlonal nllowanN' will bt< mad<' Cor llarn~t•n. tlltt111lllt'l• nt ~"II •I'll a~ tho~<> dl' xondc•nl~< wh•~sl' namC's arC' pnvat•• <~o~lc• tn tlu luch••st h1rldcr U _.. I h r I U1111n I h·· l•·rm" .mtl l'<lnl11111>nt: st .... on 1 r orlllS. . "Pn a.ll ,. .. turn~ of marrl('(l hc·n ·lnnftf'r mrnttt>n••d and .:ubjrct 1 h th 1 th ''' n.nftrmnltnn tw sa1d SUIIf'rl(•r roup rs. w t' l'r om• l•r . )Q f'nttrt. nn 1'-tnrrh I i th. l'l-16. nt lhj> -urked IRSI yt•nr, we wtll flgUrt• hour of l ll:CIO o'dock A M , nr thr tax two ways-u a joint tax h,. I' ftf' withm th<' t ime llllnwt'<l and A! twn ll'pBrall' taxea--and 1 r 11 r arnd 8 IJIII for the lcstwr tax or by law. all t hat N'rtaln rr~tl prnp- th 1 r c1 I l'rty t.rlontzln~t to and n10Vnt'l1 hy ~,!;;"8 r~~<';~ ~~~munil , ro ~Aid inC'Omp(.tf',nt And hrr snid rs- 1 PI lrd ) 1 P i In I•• h(olng I hi' hnttS•• ancl It'll In· erl) r Jllll!. marr N•UP f'! ll. ,.d 1 N 3.l0fl \\'rl<l 1 1r .. a11 C'ahfornla w)ln USI' lhl'lr Wtth-, ('~I II ~ • r· f N rt hc•ldintz r•·•·•·tpts :~s rl'tur:· ~ must l-ron I '" 1 1'' '1} " "" l'" do I Ht•nl'tl I It ;m~;r ll••tnty. r nttfnr n l;t so on " JOint 111~1~ . ••t)arAil· noturns nrr not prrmillf'fi •·!(l'o•pt Rnc1 mnr•• ('arlll'lllarly <l•·"·niH'd n~ on lhl' stnndard Form 111-10 If f.,fh•w~ :O.:V\\~ 0111' spous•• fill's thr st nnc1a~d fn rm. l'1 11j1(~~ ~l~~ A~J1·::' :: ~:-r \1 '" tlll'~·nf r<'t"•rr1••r1 ,., l~1nlt :1 p:tCI' It, :\lt~I'I'IIAO•'"II~ \bp-. R"l'<•rtl< of I Iran!:•' I ·nun I\ C'nllfnm1:t Vet Asks Permit To lun Water Taxi To Catalina Island TI·:RMS ANI l (YlNlliTII •:0.~ l c w SAJ.F· c·a<.h tn l11wful mon••y Prnhably RnliC'Ipntin~>: 11!111 C'nl .l· nr lhf' t lntlt•d Stni••S, nt IN•"' lt•n Unn b lnnd would IH:' Opc'nl'll t•l fll'rt'rnt 1 IIi': i of hill tn It<• """' ttw puhli<.• In th!' nra r futun•. ( • nn nr h••f .. rl' ttm!' nf !'lllr, :-mrl hAl · Jf \\'ilham!l. niJW "IAtinnr d ill th• nnrr tlwro·of '" llr pn1c1 Ul••il f'O{I· Na\'RI Atr siR linn In S:~n Dir~o ftrm:lltun 11" ~""' h\' th•• !',.ttl' h M nskrd lht• State• R:~llrnar1 rom -1 nids nnd nrfrrc; ~~r•• 10~ 1tdl fnr m 1ss1o n fnr " JW"rmtt !n ttfll'ratr a ~rnc1 rr"t"'r'' And mu~t-..l>t "' Wal••r ta•CI SC'r \'kt• lwiWI'I'n Oal-~ \\TIItnl:. :mc1 Will ht• ri'<'•'I\•'Cl h) bou anti Avalon '"" ~:uf1 F n "'"""'"· ~· '"' h1"'"' 1\ round :trip. thr ·pt•rmil ~talC'S, nt :IlM-I \\ •·~· et('l'hn 1-runt: !'.•·" w11ultt lH' .$4 ;-.o from f\aiiXla and pnrt II• :••·h. (';,lifnm111 1 wh1rh AI!· $4 frnm lfmt: fWaCh !'u dogs nr drr·~• 1• h••rrln c11'<;it:rtlll•'fl A<; lh1 lntmurnt••d pt•rsQns woulc1 tw pl:ll'" flf o:nf1 ~11lrl ~or 1n-•~ II•· ftl•·tl trlln~tM•t't,.t1. thr apphcnll .. n \\:1~ \lith th• 1'1• rk 11( llu• nltn\•• nnml•d rt'I>Ofll'd tn r•·11d A night lw••t Sup••rlnr r.nurt, or tlrh:•·rrtf '" w as 11r, ~·~·-tl fr,.111 LOng II•··•~'~• 1-r .tnlt I. n'"' mnn. :-!Ill Spur~''"" ffidc . Snnla AnR (·;,I If"'"'" ·•' 'l'or nctter Pnnllng (".all 12 or 13 lllrOt'\ f•·r !'fltrl Cllllrlh:tll 'II .• n. tm\1· ;,(t••r thr hrot pnhhr.~li"n ol •OP' COlli lyl~wHarn th1~ n .. t,r•• Rnc1 '"'"'' tit•· m.kmt' of -.:dr1 -.:~1•• l lat1.fl Fl'llru11ry II 111<t•~ I-:1 n c.no 1 •Ft. I. I ;tt:lrfltRrt of I ht• JM't"nn anr1 •'ltlllll· nf IH11nrh• ll )-larrl~nn. ln!'nn•fl"lrnt Puh l-'••li 1:', 14, 1!l :.'1 :.'fi, 1!111i ~-~~~:~• •. :-~ ;;·~;;~,~~:~."'.:;'"~,'.;,,~::·: n•!AI.Ttl iUD• 1\t-:wh. andfa ht"1~·· .. r 1·-~-cltnt••n· Sit'ki'I\Orll Supplit•:o' ~~""' thtm h• n·•n st••rtlwd "'"' 11~:1 , t',\:0.:~ 1111d ~~rc· ''''Uh'' h n1~•nu•••• tu hr.~. p1 upe•rt} and ht•alth In th•· ltl\ nf ,, W] II Ni•W JHH"t Phanr.acy l:! :.!t· ·----1./1. ~li'S IlEA I.Til I 'Ill " \'1~<1• I lni ·II·R••tl, \'••n l1 ltav llaltt'll•"' fo1 llrnrtnc A id~ null l 'ol'llll•l • R ru1i.,. M f:SA 1l A 1•111 Ill 1-:1.1 '<' Tllf)!'I<S ('0. 17t'l N••wt••rt Rl"l '' II•· l1-!•ad1 and iliii' -~~trliwr tht• J~lt-:!lift t il'f'an Front Plum•• !i mC'nt 141ft E/) fJ\ n( I h•· ( II\ I :J-11•· 'Cnunol ~~. t} ul ='<'" ""'' St•rvrl El~ctrolux "'''"'" thAct "nn 'Jlt•rtnll ~hnuld .... ~ Alnl rotJllfn • Aff """ 11\llllllhll' t'rll'f'a frum lllliU•-d for lhf .,.. t10n N•n~llll~· LOST !-'''"'"''' <O.•rmnn poll!'<· do~. a1~ 4:'1 up Juhn F \'u~f'l. ltMl lien nr movlnlit .. o thr (',,, •'1 :.t yn old llu)•'s fl"l ond an•wl'n Matn_.._,., ll~tlhnll . l'htin<' NI'W· !"•·" 1~1rt l~ach . f any dw..thns: to nanw Llod1t Wt•anr; e<JIIar port_ IW•arh 1_4~---_ _ 9-_tfr hous<' rontalnin~-; h•ss thnn ft1~1 with IBit Call Nrwpr1rt lflNl squnrr f•·•·t nf fll~lr nn·a mllllfllr u 11-:!IC' TIIOR MANGI.E for aalf'. RadlOCI the tint story or vmtnd flour of Pf!(ak'e4. 24-hour IM'rvie<• Short !<:lid c1 wrllln~>: hout~ It conCI'rll(.-d, f.t)ST JAn 'df:' hlnr k t'Alr «UI'dt' -n rcult Rn'dlu Shnp. YY.l.P11lm N (lW , TIIF.RF:Fn nt-;, tlw Cit} punt•. h•·t~N'n B'nlhwt anc1 ro•tn ·A VI.', R,AIIHlrt Phon•• 11\.'VC-W of N"" fHirl fW11ch. h~· nnd throua.;h M•·lln If fnund kr••'l' mnn•'Y rmd 3·1(•· 1,, ('tt~ ~~ .. un~·•L riOI•ll' •lnl;w1 ~~~ rl'lttrn v •• lunhl••" ~!r.drlln In· l,.ll .. wl'l cr11m fl,,u ... ,. 1·,.,,., "llJI(IO(IIt' ~'In· ....,.II,,.. 1. 11 ,., II• rt•lo' •l• .. ·lnr•'ll 11:.11, Hull••:. 'I ltr unla\\ ful f,,, .. m l"'r''"' ltrttl "' t.-=..PLOTM&~ WA~ftD • ,,, pttr:1t1••u tu • r••rt .... n,..t ttu 1 ,,r II n'"''' mto th•· <"•'' .. r "'"I••'' \\11.1.1WI ""'''r""'~ '" ,,,.. ""'" 1'1<-:t< h nr r;ttt~l' to lw• ••f••t'l•~l "' l'hntll' ~""1•11'1 1111:1 II It• t¥tf1""l r·tu•ll·fl ur m••,.,fi ant n ,J,.~ t '11' ,.f 'IJ,." r••rt ll••:wh nnv ""'II "'~ ('i\ltl'l !'TI H ~·1 lith ''' ll•utr "' h•ill~l' \\hlrh ~l)itll c•nnta111 I•"" 1111111 •lay Trl••t•l•11n•· IIIII"• \\ 1 1-tt.- f,(l41 ~qunr•· f•'•'t (lf floc1r hr••n un thf' \V-11-.1-.-'TAKF: t"ARF nf rhllttr•·n ..:rourHI llo•lt llr r.r,l flnor .. r I h• t•or onn 'tlo·l Mur """"'' N n dwt•JIIni: hl•ll", 11ncl in 'h•IIIJIIIIIII!: !'\;;(l.tof, '} tk lh•' :trt'h c :tiiiL!,t• -.:p:H'P '-h~•11 IH•I l11• tnl'lttd••c1 lh•·rt'lll I:XI'EHIEI't ·~;11 l 'i\l !'Til\:t: 1111\ISE "'~th•r ···•1•·•. "'''''I• 1'nll ut i~.O..! TilA1U.rt lttitll Ill tllluit! fll\•llo IIIII tl••tr I I ·.,IIIJ•l• I• h fttrtll'\lt• tl Ill N•·" I•·•' 111\tl l 'h••ll•' II lip C'llt\\Jl.ATINI; I ll'•'trtr ll••llt•·rw, t•lll)' $7!Y.'• IINo ltlt 1·'"'1"'· l 'ltrll \ 101et. lnfru It• •I. \'.-r•ll lluv 1\lltl!'rir~ f•ll I I• ·" 1111· Aul ... & !'or1Ah1~ Rurlt"~ M ~:SA ItA IIIII ,_, Eu:c-rnca:-Jit'S ('ll , 17!}.t ~·t111n '!. ="" fit rm1t !~hAll lw 1"111•d It\ th•· Htttltltnl! ln~t•••·tur uf lilt' ('II\ HI ~I\\ f'llfl Jl1'f1C'h for It()~ tl\\t lim~ hntt•l' \\hu·h ,h,,tl •• .. ntnlll I•·" I h:.n j;IWI """"r·· r •.••• ,., II···· nrr·:. "'' t h<· 1:1 ounll flottr "' ltr'<t f l11nt tlf " 1tri IIi\\ t tl1nc holt~' I lttns•·~. jlll'rs nnd h11ra.;••• It)• llu• huur ur dn} ('a II I lriH'I:'' II'\~' \\ _ Fire PI:H'•· And Kirtdllntt WOOD <:, rtlotu 1. i\ll\ t••• "'n trrm 11r Cl>f1••ra tion. wllr tlwr ~~~ pnn•'lfilll :tCf'tlt t1U\pl!t)t't', ttf h1ht•f'\,HU\ dol.•llna.; llfl\ '"""''"'" "' 1111' OttfiHiiOPI', ~h;tl' ,,, ltlit,f\ nt 'ftll' .. r Fullr·rtlln :\11:-\\' 1.! ~II• -------r-Ht-:1'1\ I rt 11 nrl R1 :1 'i\ 1:0.:'1' "''" sh1ncl• '""' f<•r I filii" •I• "' "''r' ,..,. •·all ='•'"' 1••rt 171-C'• I 1.! .... ;o\l'l·lt1 F!'.< 'FI I ufl'1•·•· • I• 1 k •h• ~ur··~ \\'t~rk an r•·-d f•-.tnt•• ""•• • < ;,·nPru I .. rr ..... " .. r k l'h ,...-,'1. \\' 1. _.,, ft• Hl1•:1nur and "I"''" , ... ,,\I''"'" .., th"'""f ~hllll '/.,. pllttt'ltl•ltl• "' ·' \\'t\!'TI·.I• lotj!hl III •IIS•·""rlt ·illll ru-. ,,r "ff' ,JH•' th,,H tht•• tture u•Hun~~,y thP h•••u \\ttl ,.,,,, l l••ll\•·r··d H w wrwarr 1'h li R4 -"""l••rl 111\tl O fii\:o\C ,}-I 'I 11'-..:TY I)PHO I.~T t·:HJ I'\(; CO. Munul:u•tttrlt• ()f , ... , ....... I,,,, I· Ill 1111111 I "1:\ y.· lilt "I '111111 ·'". Fnrttll"\ ;,,uJ ~hH'-'t iu••n ;.,. W··~t c • ''"' '' ''"~'~' '" t·hnn•· ''"·"'"' '·''···II··' I.' II dr• rl ,1 .. 1111rs t $:\1-lt ~l' 11r .,, '"' 1n1 t'htldr•·t• •·••f'nlnc• t•h .. n• 1,,,,.111"' na m •h• c," 1. •• 1 r .. 1 " 111'.!:1 -.1 1 " I t ·rm nut /'""ltnc ,,,.,. ''' ' h t th .. 1,11 t111, 111t~I WA:O.:TF:I• 1.11•ht ho•t"'"llll. '''"' mnnt '· nr ') "' . \\' 11 ( 't If( I I!' 1\1 II I F.leclrk RanJ!•·. $17~ 1nnn• ""'''' If'"'' • )' , , .. nm• 01 Sud I I" r~1111 firm 1rnnmg t.y th•• hnur 1 rAt •• ltnll l 'I fnr rhtldr•·n "'""'"lo!' Jlllnn• Hr t~IIIJMtf"ftf lon ,h,tll nl tl••ffl•t Jl f ).'11111\ nf :1 ~•'paral • ,.lf••n" • I••• 102'\.-J ~ _ 1 1 1 ••nc•t1 11nd ,.,-,.ry 1l11\ tllltlnC '"" F"MJ'I~ Orrii:IIIID "' L••rlllln ,.f whuh an.' ,.,.,IAi tnn nf IH:L P WANTEil !';ltu~t tl"n "~-n I thl~ nrdlnn nr<· IS •·nmm1tt••rl. •·•>n· I Aul,, Batterictt 18-monlh fJl n "·" PetHlt'vlv~nin Oil r:~llon, 11)1· I . tln\1('{ nr [ll'rmt 1' " ,~ · 11 1 · 1 ·,, rl liv .,,, ... ,.,.1 l'lu•nl'~. :t .!2 Mlltilll' A\'t• ll.d 1 SO'tlC't; Ht ' INTf:S~)~;u "\1 r . ~1111, finn lif ('nrpnrillillfl .• nrt ~ll.oll ho:. .r~lnnr1 • ,. ' . ' I We~ern Alll'' ~uppl,v-u l 'n•l .. r "-";'tlnn-UAO C-1\'lt "'""' ut • l~o• l"'"'~lw!•l• :.~ ho•ro•tn pr. .. 111<l••d IIF.I.J? W.\~'11.;1) \\'11nt rd,lnr·tl lhr •tatr nr (. ••llfflrr>h 'rrtlun Thl~ I fr•!tnaol'• •hull wnmnn In u~Uot~l m•llh••r nf :o\t 1'rH'E IS IIFRFIIY 1;1\"1·' Th:tl Jt,.\!,•r S \\'"'""n, \'••n•l1or """~•· nd clr•OS-• "611 l'c ·:t~l lltl!ll "~~~. '" pnrt !ll'nr h. 1 '11llfnrm •• intrnd• tu ~rll '" t\ 11 Kttcl•·r \'••nrl••1•. "hm,c· ~tr1drt·~!< •~ 17:\~ (l!l•mll !'<trl'l'~ T"mflil' Cit~ ('nll- IAkl' l'ffrc·r tlurty l:\1 11 rl:.\• (rum d tilr1r•·n fi(l(rm l~·r.rt1 arc~ ~,.1 ""'I ror •• r ,,!> a"""''"" 11nt1 ntt• r "ry Ph ,J n 2~111 -. •r· ,,., nr1nptton •hall hr llltl•h•h•ll ·'' Jo.:1q 1,0,.,. 1n """""rt llrtllw•i X1 '1-'HII-~t 'l ll r ,\HI'I-:.,-TII' ="• "~:Ttm•·~ A 1'••m t ''' •·k h rwY" S tt•Hd) \\ork 'hnru• _If.,,,• '· '"'I" r pnn~••1l :tnr1 puhh~h•-.1 '" I •' 1.' I If• ' IIU.I' V.",\!'T~.I · .lnnll"t I .t' At10 Jorl1•;1 l\•·lll"r .Juf't ArrivcJ · ~Mh fll'fll"'n«; Aid UAT'f.l!;Rift~ Oundrrw>n n rwc r..u 17 1-11Un 1'1.. ,_ "'!) St 111111111 ''""'"I· .. ··-~· :-; .. MillO ~untu i\uu Mt'ICIC'AL A KAUIH .. S'I'~:I I"\\'A\ '''"11•1. l1lu '""· ""' ,,, the• "''' I• I"' ~· ••u1••~ttl puuu• r.ur ..:••uuM ''"''' H••uU"fttl 1 f'1Ct• '11u" I• "" ln•IIIUII•"III l•lf llu• dl•rrlmtnllt ln~ "'"''' 11"'11 Sl'lttnllll 1'1 '"" ( 'o , 1'>.'11 :-In Mn1n S11nta Ana Hadin Repairin~ II"""'' ('Rill dally r1H'f'1JI Sat aod Sun. Complrtf' stock of tu~ It f11c-tory n •plal'\'n>f'nl porta Ph: :14~ MFSA. HAl li lt .4 h i yt• THONIC's Co , 1'794 N.-,ari l\l\'c1 'I II< I hill ••l•lllt11nnl • ""'l"'lrnt I•·• h llh lfll II IH•' ltVnllahl(' ¥.1' ll~f' al>lf' l0 ft11lkf' •• r-\',t t"l I Ul\111 ttf\ ltU wr run,..,,t..... A It \4 t•r k JCUHtNflll't'-1 It At cnl.l• I. II t\ \1M . ~~ n ~ 1(., ...... '"" "·"'"'' t\\•• I'll 1'HI I I I II• )bdio Rt•Jt:lir~ "" lllllk•• '"'"'" ... l 'h :tt17 ll1111 :-;,.1 I1Mi.lll:o I '•111111 II1WrtY "•'WI"•rl ''""'It IM·I'•' ,....f)(, AI. ~~~,..,-r.-_N!" -..:tu,h "' ll••lflt' ftr"nl .... t I lf't 'fUU' c;u .. , inl• • -''·" ...,,., 1111'' 111•1.- 1' ,, "'' ru• 1 .old I I ll•tt Nn Drlay H• r,,.,,,, '""' k1t•l•• n '"'''"'."" "'''• "'*\\ ~~~ tt ...... . F. P. Walflrnn T• l1 ""'•ll•· ~·'\JI\1.' :\····· n .1-'1 "I II lt 'A I. /1.1'1'1 ,I A :'>It '1-:S ntHI ~11 fl' 1IIS r•·t•Uit •·(l fl,...,,rdlnv '" fl1t'lot y •J~·r·lfll'llr1"nt hy I liS _/1. Hl.~.l , \'l·'n HANS w ,, r 1< l''lnrnnl• • d f<1•1•nt \1 F S /1. H A Ill• i ,ct, I 1.1 t 'fit( I "'ll '<.; I'll 1'•7 1 ....... ,.,,. llh tl :1 ,,,. C:Jrpt'nt<.-r.. Avail:lllle tor •• , '••r"t m""''''" '"' ... • ' lVIII ,.._JMIIr , o. z. "oeaaTSON l'fo 1 t N •-w-p•IF1 lUI r·t 'STq~' I 'AIIINFT Wttll.< n,. 1.,,., '"''It hll•l '' m•~•• lin' ttl I\ II ktttrl' t ·,,.,,,," l~tlllt.P, f•1rnl ''"' loltllr,I.A!' ~ Ill I'A',cr1 ('II , :214111 \< C.<•ntriOI 1\\ •. KE YS '/J',·w Cl'l·.tt' , ••I• Whtlf Ynu W•l1. 1 fnrntn, n fl t1"·half tnl~'r•·~• tn I hr fnll"" 101-: tll'"''rti'INI t••r•.nnlll flrll~>- l erty: • " rtl) II( l'o>Wflf)fl RN1rh ~:ur1 ''"" ltrllltnn '" lit• ml4c1f· nnt lat••r lhnn '"" 11-1\1 dny~--frnm tl< nc1ol'l"'n TI1r 11hnw• 11nr1 f11rr~ntl\~ llrrl1r1 ""''' wn' lntr .. r1ur •·•l 111 a n ·rttl11r mr•.-tln~ of !ht:! Citv C't~ttnl'•l nr thl' l"'ltv .. r -..:.·~port f',.,•rh t.r·lt! lin thl' 1'th ria~ ,,f ,Jhnunn I'l-l(. an•l Wll• finn II\ P••'" r1 llntl M11>ftl<~1 ••n rh• 1th r1w\ .. r F<'hru~n I'll~> lh '"" o(.,,, 1'1"'"'''' :.t ·o r1•cuhtr rt •, 1 .nc · 1 h1·r•"•f "' tllf' fl'lllnwlns: \'Uft tu---\\ tt l.1tl11 Tlu•n tn·, ,\,.,~r.n Stl• r ~11..1 I.' _., ·-:, ~TU ...,.,. • ••I \\'A!"'fl-:1•-~,": ""rw •n I", •• 1\,Li:"PAY <"A!'III l8r V"''' .vl' I· VI M:t-~1 .'14 ~IW ~aln HI, ""'"" ' All •ltM'It '" lrlllk, r.-.tun·~ n\11• , btl! ~ rtunc:r~. ~'<tllllltnl'nt ""'' ._1o.tl '' 111 Mo JCIJI ~~ ~.! ~-~ ,..,. -•-of th11 t ro·r lnln "'"od ""rktrlt; hll'l 111"-t-ft Ul ,,...,..nl --rw "\\' \'' • • (I th 1 kd th' A171e-rlc»ll nr!l''\ knn~·n A< Rl•"n ""'>l•f'' :c:.. Z, 1 ~til' u.· ... Shufl!l" fii("At•-.1 "' fill r•ctJ"I llu:h ,.,.loltl)n•~ 1 v.11~, :"I''"'Jll'rt Ro ·:\r h, l'11hf1orniA, WING SANG BOAT & REPAIR YARD ti('AI nilr~,.. 1onrl ltl!hl IH•I•••·k•• 1• o...,. or wl1at h1.v~ vliu f"tl':IO• ln~e f'Rll Cf"•r~or•• r;1111•~--'ll•·" ,,..., • :-twpl. 3000. 11 1\ ~·,....-t..,. .• h 1 71$f; . .r ><fl•·r ''"' nlnl(a 12 "''' ,. • ..acf J111ak•l tlol.l :1 ..... .,.-ort \\'A~·n11 ""'"' m11n -:~ ..-. '" •1• 1 ........ Oaata M-lfii W ''"' mpt :0.:<-rot ••fll~ "'"'"' 11 t•l ,-raJifiT1l11F. roa ~ ... r ·---- "'"c"''' rc1w·ntion 'I''''"' I'••••' ·~·•R SAI.I ·r,. ,10 'l•hl•· "111t ! 1 *' trn rt tsul "'' rt·hurl)t,,tru' '' •t two hf·nt tt,, J ... n f( l utr ,,, :/Ilk M""'"'' fllllti"•A lalrt nll CU-1 Nn •h inJ,! it1arhin~t\ J~pnirerl PaMo .,-,,. A )I ,_.jt,.e r'lr ll up anc'l o.l,..f!r'Y 141 'HI l.r.H 'II' Y.'tuohln' M ~• h ln,. :-4h••p 17611 ~rt Jllwtl l'l'lolltrt \1,.,.. \\'ANTI I t "'""" fur n'flt tur- •111111• t'ill In I ''"'''".II (itol Mcor • '"" ..... \\ 9-411' . ....-\\A!'.J'l-1 • I'' Ill NT •• .... .,., un huut•t>o .. l '"""'' l'llnn••. IK"'4,1 R ~-tfe $(jMOU Nt•W 'J. ... ..,, 110 holfllf' llf1 ICood C'OMW'f' ~7r;oo • \\·"" r· ·1, HI '~'I' 111t t.t:t\st: Hnll1111t l.td nncl ~ill 111,1,. ,, """" 111 ,, "1.,11 'J f~t'(lru••m ""I"''· turn . tUMt ln('QftW l t. ••II 11•11"'" 111 llnlt•"' l•lhll•l ' 1\pt 1,1111•• hlton~ 1 ····~~""" 111 ..... ~1.t.· ... rn1ll">''"1 hy · $1 r,,nno Tf>rmr~ :--,, t 'nltl T•·h·lollllrt•· 1'11 N1•<'~•ll· .t .. II ('nil I I w. ,..,. lltlrl ho-I Fill(' Lu~ at $461l0 & up 11 "111 ""'I '• I'"' Muu lhroHI(h 12-tltl I• 1 ulto) I.' IIC' IUtA t. IIC8T Aft New S·Rtdtoom Home~~ • 1-'lfiM•nth ~~ and S.n Jl«narctino Avr . N•~l Jlf'IChta IIAI'dwnod nm Till' , .. ,h •nt,. alnk Dout.lr ICArAifl J:t'll1t 1 ll•'"'" fY. llt'r mnn I It llllo- 1:' motll't n J lw'(lrrtl I ltrplt•Jire at llro••t~l""' 111111 ~""'" A1111 Avr. l'uaiA M••ll R :t I ph P. M ""key ~4 111 f'nto~r nlvcJ ,._.,.,I'"' 1 lit 11\.,. ,.._ltfnrlllll INVESTMENT PROPERTIF..S I UDitA. 1 LoU S16,600 Several Good Bay Front Lota L Con1er Income Lot F.J B"yu Trnct, $:1,260 If nus(•K $H,r;no nnct up W. J, .Jordan 11)1} fi:,. at 1 • ..,,1 raJ u.Jboa l'lumr t:\.' ~tie l'ht~nr 4CJ2 ·' ,,,. ( IJtf'll For l n..cflt'd inn . 1 Sunctay 1.1 fl' H •It S /1.1.1 1111. 1•. I)C'f'An 11-1-11ut1ful 'J l11••lr•••m ('ttpr C"..ocl Ill \II , J:ll~wt hv "" twr. 1-: I. hl•lll•' U•·c"lv Itt "''"'" Into In 80 N1•11n11l1t''. r 111!\ No11 I h Slutff••1., llll\'" II""' II rtnltlll'd tu , IUlt l .,.""""· rcollf • a.4te l .yww .. w,, ,,..,,,. 'I'll" Ooora. alnk, '..._, , tr..-tll Y ttrtl f•·n~~·ct ""~ JancS- l'H'WJIMl II f'l~ht.A I .,.,.1.,·rl 1 .11ra:• lut A rl'f\1 h11y at Mrll'l"rn ..,,.() l•utlr :• t .. ~nn h<lfnO' 111•· l•rh-.• "~""I ;wl.'\ llruedwar. l.t~rv• II\ l111' ''"'"' llllthll.:,.ny · ('uot" M••ru1 I''"'"" ~r.l. t1-4tc: lltotol '""· fit l'ftllll'f' <1tllllf'll ... "'" ld t•lu·11 10ntl ltnlll IAundt)l ''">' P'flfl s /I.J.t: In t'or,.na llttl Mat, In 'J n 11 1'"'"~'1 1'ntlo 1 .. 1 ,,,Ill 1 'J '"" 1 un Mllrt.:lll'l'll•·. 4()xllA, f'lt'ldy l••n•·• •I ••n•l lnt~tl••·•lll'd 1:111 fl from l ••·•••n. S4~Wl Onto E'<r·,.lh•nl '"I"" nt $tll,~oiWI 1111 llttl"l llrl". !\llx\tlll J>tO()I) I' 11 11"~ "•"'· < 'ornna II•' I Mar C:rrtr·11dt· J\. Waltlnm Wrtt W . S anford '-11·2tll I C(f IIAI((;AIN Lllt r•· 1Wt"1:lT~~ 1'1•"11" ;t'\ I It I I t I 1·••1' '•1\l I 111\•1 \ Ill-• "'~, 'Ill ., .. , fIt ftfU'• I J ,,, Itt•~ k I, f "'lU I ... ''" "' t ~ ..... . I. Sit.• II··· t.: Ill fl l11• 1111' t•.tt• S t "' t·nrru•r of f ff \fl''' 1\Vt 1\t•f"l I fl Alt•ht•11 • I ~~~· ,, M•-. .. Tit ... ,,,,. '"' $.11JrWI "' ""' ••II "''1"''''1•1) lt<-otrll'lo-d r• .. hh•ntt .. t ""'' I'""'''•· 111:1'111 "' I A II• • k .,If I• • l'huru N•·w l"" I Ci1 \\ 11 :/If• I I •II .... \1 I I , ••• ,.. ' •• •lr••llll WUNitl' '1'0 L()M tullllil!' fit V. f\ ''" "' d t tl fl• II .. "'' • ''' •tr t m\ utul ''''' • M l:t·, f,,.ld•tll..,fl t ,,JI \lt"'J•Ht 1H1 !\1 ,,,,. .. ""''' '"'''''""I''" I.' .-1tl I ""I 1"1 tt\ llllhltl•• I on I II 111111, hnlf ltlo ~ I< ''' ',., un '"''" ".1 ••1 t ;~,, •• , It''" I .... t '''''"~~ •I• I M tu "-'h••ll• t •, H ,,, t. ,,, 'l'•·tfltlnttl . .,,~'1 :l 1 ,., 1111 .. .~I I ~ ""'1•••1 t '"''",. •I• I Mur :--;,.\, :..! • \,•cl rnnm it .,nw $:,:,no Hnl1·t1rnl 1 q I'""'' IJ IVIiWIIV r·,,,,,",. rlt'l Mur 'W tw11· th•· ~'""" l·h " .. ,,r ,,,,, .• , Ill••\\. 1'1111111 th•· l..l tANM 1'0 IIUII~D. tlluy , ~· IDIICier111..."' ,...,__ N....,..n HaJ"-~ fiiiWtiiCII aAc'l l""'a A-1 M .. , llftU VIa IJ., ..... .,...,., 160" >'~'·· ''l>-1r ) ,..,, ",.,.., "ton" )I l'11ym• ,.,. '" VII V1r11r lor flmf' l••"n' ••n ('111'1 Trur kl ~tntt ·rnllf'1'11 Ov•·r :a Y• "'" ·,,. ~"nta Ana ~···tl•·r:~l Fi11ance Co. INC' 1;1'1 N•J Syr•morf' 1'1'""'' tl:tf~t 1-'1111111 Ana, Calif. &-Ilk fle A liT~ W AJifTSD • r • ·sn Coast Highway 101 1\YI S l 'r•unrllm•·n All•n I•'"" flH·fl "'; 11 h !'< ('ounr 1ln11 n l'tnnll·y rt-fn v•·n•••••n f:h • '''"''"'' "''' 1~ rtrrh11t /1." l 'ltf••n, •I• I, ""'I ""····~ ''<!"':-'• r1 \\ n •• H•·• \fllr I 'II :\.'\)( =""Wf"•rl H<•(lf'll I.! .,, l'tlttM ,.__, M-tfr l WE NEEO LAT E MOOEL CARS and W ill Pay Tnp PriceJt !'F.IJ. Ynt1H ('Art NOW • • \ Moorh•«-ud .,.... avtitlWIW for Doata for 8&le Paddlfo BoardA for .,...t bJ tbe week cw ... tb. !IIIII \ll--:1 -..:T ('.,ltn<tltl'l" 'nn• f~• :dwt\• untJ f,,,r,•f't•n• I tl rtut .. n•·• 1" ~•~"' tl :tnd u\.t,~r o\t--11 ''' , .. •k•• 1•1· rf·,, 1,( F· lttlll<n 1'•1'• t (1 Y;\-..; II 11.'<~.1 . !\1 nVr•r I ,\Tri'ST I ·~ '. " I t •lt) 1'111• I • I 1!1-..:1 11.\H'I' (1•·rk I~ 1111'- W/I.:;TFI• 1"!.0 .1~ W/l.tl• Ultlt)l•ll l_tUI. PhNllf' , II I fr 1 ,;_1.1; \\' 1\ :-.; _.,, M111t· ,,r r• '' • • l.t,t•:d ••r 11 -•f • )inl' In hi'"'"' f•tr ) '"'r•dl ~·i '"''n') r•~l''" • 11 r .... ,, lnt"om•· ''r.u hr• \ ltljf t '. lw"~ Apph \If \'ftn I •• "' ·~o.•. ;-..;,, :>.t11tn St ~ . .,,1,, An • lit II• I l tllSi\1.1 I''" 1.1~ I I•' 'h~tlr, ..-,,.,,.,, .,.,, 11•-'" o1 " hnh•t"r' •t 't,, r "' ''~'', •'hint· ~l l • 'J•••l \ ' Litufl J'h•uu 1,,1t. I ~ f • t ,, , I 1 J .,. 1"111.-\\'t\1• 1•,\1, Jf',l'l tl' I A ! 11 ''' r.,ar .,,,.rl•'•"' '' " .. , flf l(k'f\ltt flft t I I dft •'tol f 1 tf tl Ja Rr.NT \\Ill I '.l lf t\'.1 ,1 ll, .. ft ,.,,,," ftptq•t,ttl hi'Hffftl•ttf I Ll f''''• \• '*'*'' ,,,, f tl 7 t "~H •t ltf !rtf 11 •·~ l 't1 ''''' In -..,:, "'1 .. ., t _,, I ~ dl,.,' '" 1111 h~·'l( Jt ' ,. .... :. ". ',,,,. 1 ,, II• , "'''•nnl , •'·'" .1 • t •If• • I F1,. 'tlllrok ,,..., ... u•· ='''""'"'rt PI• 1 ••• It l. ~11'1 'nsna-d&Mm.d o~IN "'""""'I Wh~ Pri-.,s ""'" ~. !'hone for our l'fJIU'Wotn t~r who wUI call .net ~t~MIIf' _you" rfli'tt rtllng 01' A NKUiatJOM. <'t!Wnl JITket~ 1\1111 a rinngr 11!1 ~WI11 CULBERTSON-CHEVROLET CO., lnc. o-nolt't 1111d o~u. '**' J001 W"t C...tra1. Jill jZUift ..... D a.-, -· 8' ~ '1. .. J·" .. Enrico Martinelli, Many Other Friends ll!_I b c:.~-~:~:~ .!:~~~~~ :.~~~ !:..~~ ~~~~~.' ... .... ... i a r · 6 r ha.d t')oiJt'C'Icod Ito go 10 Srtnh• Amr ~·umpbntS\, \\'am u Trll. played 'l'tlursdll> r \t'nlnl! for h<'r ltrrth· m.111\ "' In•• wn~ ,\rmantlo !llt•n· d•Y d lnrr• r. I·"' "11<'11 '"'' 1 •·llrrll•'<l tl•l'·••·ha "' !It• XI('(> Crry ~~~n· 11 hom!• In I Hllll•l•n) "rill (I h "'"' whn I ont.;n Anti !ll··"('an d:rnt···~ CDM Brownu.: ·scouts Plan Valcn ttnc Tea T\l r~. Ha rry Cartier Rctur(ls from Lo n~ Visit in New York had lttt•n $;1\c n lhf' 1115k hi '''tlllr.( (;w ~I• lllo'lUl.l••tl !llr nncl !Il l' tha t ahr• ~1111 ·~I on llrt11.J1111 "'' un !'tarrrn•'111 !llr 11nol !lt r' T••mt•lt• hour or 10. ~tw lnund 11 •uqon" ,\!rlr llh'l' a nrl M r T r11. ll•ollyv. ... ttt 'llr••"'''", ,,1 111, , ·111 .,n.1 1trl b uUc-t drnno·r hac! ho•('n urr.tnt.;•·•l .n M r ~ l'lnnt, l'i'.sadt•II:O, ruid l.t P11ul 1 d ,,.., '( ;"'"""'" ···h· •II I IV' " "rrr: \I II . 1 I I I lwr h onor hy M rl> J uo•· \'<~1:•' ron l 'l<tnt of \'lq;m ln. Jll'll ) Buurh c·y, 11 \'ltll'nlln•· 1,,,1 1111 lh••u rrrnth•·l r• 111 " .• 1 '"11 '1 '~1 hllo' mall)' frr!'nd!l had jt8lht•II'(I IU """ lA•· i\n"dt'S M r hnd ~l r' r ~···n S· 1' n <..;,.,, .. ( ····" '"''""·''· • r " 111 lht• loll'hl11t")llnl of tilt' II•'" ('w h('r mlln)' hrrpiJ~ r•·t ur11• 11r tl Colt•, ~1rnl11 Ana. llarollt Altl ro o""'' •I '"'' "''' k l•••n1 '\•ow Yor\.. '""" dol !llo~ ,,.,,..,, hi 'L ;\(Inn t 1 I h Stw ,n •·••t\lod 1111111) ln11 I) ~;olth, 1 11J~;I', lnt.:I••W()(>cl, Mr rtnd M rs ' ,.,, .• ~twr•• ~h·· /lllf oo • • '"~ !tor • • '111ur "In)' ~···h 14. \1 1 ... 1 •-lncludrl)l: thr<·f' .. rch1d'. lwu dnLt0n ... dl(lni(IOII. Snllnn:-t<11n~u~ Mr~ ltr tAn W•·nt n •"!'''"' lf'r , •two)'· American Ht·auty ros~·~. ~WN'l IX'al J)unh11rn and M"' ~:m11) Ald rttll!•·, .,,,. ''"' ''11'•11" !rrun 1111' oJI• ·' '" • '"' .rn .. ~t ••f ''" '""'' a t tht r •-J d 1 b (',or•• .. l ,, rl•·l Mur ;-.;, • .,.,,uri llo•IL:IH · 1• 1 1•1 •1 1 .... and A rrrlln ""' ;olJI, t.n liSt ut l..nm: 1\N II'h ' t>tn. IH•rOihy ~I· 11 ohl ol/otll 11/11 ~ ... rl'fl<tr '"' " not lt'alt, n)lun lrnsr 'l:hl'rl0 Wt·rt' J-'Rrhrn(i s1,;,' Fr~m·rsl'•. Mrs lt.1y l,rd" hi• ·11111 ll;dt .... , 1•1""1 ·or· "'•nd• d•rl 1rrp htoln•· un "'o' fH"M' "" I I h I d " . o J' '""'' 1"''••tht·l l nf ""' ·~·· "''"' ...: I I d ......... twn ocautt 11 rrl , II) ('U..,<'S. onl' S stundt•n . Snn llr••l(ll, ~~~~s J\111·1• ' " .. , , tllo' •'r''.'" rno·r lint 11 l(l'nn UIJK' the gilt of M r :111d ~Irs ~-,.,.: Mall) und ~nor Am1i1111f., M•·n· 1'0'1 o•;wh I.!IUIIII "11 1'111''11 '1111 ~ 111 ="'''" ,):..,1·k~ ''"'''I'' fnt pnl'u bankllo "'hit Wt•ro• n•'•1 •toltlo· \ol' '"' if11o;IH'hll. ~lt•)(ll'tl ('it\ ~Irs ltll,\' .,,, •. H I'""'"'''' 11••111 c·.,, .. ,.,, tl• I "'""'" wlro'lr I"'' hi ' '" otht• hOII ofll"t'lll'nt. .,_,o,•nl'. Mr~~ llto/1"1 """1 l r• 11, \l.,r wtll tlr irrn:ttll•' till' llt.,\101• 1111 111 "' =-:o•w Yl'ars Ertrito Ma rtiDt'lli, tnmoWi tt•no r. Stu ll, ~tr 11nd Mrs 11 c ·,n11wt11u•l St•wy · 11 ll•·ll.:ht loll I' ,,Jr I•·••· 11'1 \!1"> r::rrr l••r r•·m.rrnNI-In 1pend Marpret L 8cbarte (ME 'rr llllllle ~o A.a ., Calli ...... ) ftACIID OF PIANO 1\l'rt (;nrflll 0 olnhn\,.1•tl lll,Ton} Ill"'" "hwh lh•· Ill""""''''"'''' 11 f," ""•ks wittr 11 ,. .. ,.sir .nn l'trdrt·o C"P <I. \'S:"' "''" 11,1~ tak•·n t\'l'lt' h:t"~l. 11ntl tho•1 lltll ·""'I''' \\·,.,, w;!h !olrt•o•t; h ut wrll f <'IUrrr o l pr tsuru•r o n <:unm onrl•llll~ r•·•·•·ntl) .... n t II ft~lk fhtnl''' Tho· ·•·o·n•" f•·• loor ""' \l:tfr·h ~•·m•'"'' 1 ''' 1'1' L J\ IIK'I'n hhl'rall'd fro•lll (1111>1•11 C'Rrnp. lh•• piny "''"'o rr\utl•· l" th•· t.:'""". lol< fl•·h ~;u·t l••r •~ now iu ~>n" Mr nn•l 'I" It o\111""'' i\lt1 ·n lo' flalhillt '''''"'" ., v.lll. f'T'" • '"I""' "h•'r•• 'Ill' I~ nn 1n~otrll!'fr.r '" ' • 11 11 ftr I "Shu 1t 1 H · 11 I rtd~f· o t Pusudt•na •l'nl 1r••l' ~lllll'' ,. ' '" r" on ,. 1'1 stl .;lwly1n~ Fulll" :-.. a n•,,••l l\ ntuntu r 1" tr1't""l• tluin~· 4i;nm.-t•pnJp .. 'lflL: Met --"hlf'h I th• C. II ... II •' 1•11nP• t'" lh• \ 1\ ~t\ iiU' ltl'llltt J• ""'''"' I Chanoes Announ ced hh\'1' mar1r<• "l'twok .•luolf'ol .• '1111' t ;:rrtl••r hnU<;fO :ll l~il .nltf "" flolln•l 1111<1 "1'••11'1 llorlolul" 11 hrrrn· tlr 1\o ,, lo~•tn; 1 or• ,1, tl .ontl lh•· In Meeting Place of ""'"': noarnlw·r Wllh •urpll'<l' oo\\flo r' :tn· Jlrqmruw '" lllll\1' In St. James A 11 xi I iacy ' '"1'' '"'' '"'"'' 11''"'"'' ~,,,,., ,_,, "i tP"•I' plt\lnt"''' "" ··ntt•thHnln~ .l. t .. IHfllt•" v.uwl\ ·h••\\ \\tth .. .,. Last rnln•ll•· 4 h.u u••' Hl th•· nntan~'• r urul '"t••u•-..1 :tith-.t-.." mt•••tut~ J•l+t'*• nl ~1 .Jrtnh' Auxal-Afl,.r ttH• ''"'' 1t.unrnt-nt ,, .. l.luh -Mem hers Meet at Oran ~e lnr), h'l " l"o''ll IIIIO•••o'l11'• cl 111111 Ill fr•"h mt'lll'-"lfl lu• ••1\'o•tl \•rllr u '" \l• Htln r·, ••I lttt f ;,., T llht•\h«'l hlt•1tfl ,,( ht'lll}' lit hi tl fht• lttiiUt• u( tht• n tt•\\Oit'J "''1"" Iff\" t. •h \\t f't t'tt'''"'' J') HI \.ti.t\ "tl lh• ...;..: lt'7 Go~ A ... • Mr'< Ju1n''' t 'l•"'l•·•ol !11111.;1111h.o \lo•ont~·1 "1'r th• 1•"'"1 '-"1 .,.,.,~,, hoort o .. r :"-1" to •Ill< f:,tllh•or l Or o.r-... Jlar ' Ull•nut•,(',,.,l,l \(,.,,,II Wtlf l><o lwlil l"tlllll'lf ornol ll'lll ht'l' .,f lit•• (,,!. 1111''' l.llllih••tll "" "'''" .nl ' ~ ..• ,11 ...... , L I I I I unit ''••I '1dr ,, ... ,.,, ·'" 1" Hl\ 11' f • ul 'J II "' 'f'h111"l"' ,, • at I It' I t 1 It (' ,,1111 d• 1 I,,. '"'o ntl 1 dolo• rio "'''"I witt l-:ji..,..":::""'i:=PB=:O=~=I==N=It:W::PO:::~·=T:::::':N~t=~lr"1,''~"'' uf ~lr'. ~~~~~ 1\l••lt.:•·Ct, ::cr:l o~ud .til mot 11'1'" ,,. " ....-1 ~ ~ M 'lra....,.~,-;-nrr7-, -~11n<. f'iT""m'l'ft~~l'lfflTttm"o,tq., t •-f-4 _,., ..,.......... n.. l l ,. n;tlf.Hi:t 12'111· \It• I I ,,.,,, •• ,, \ •' ,,.,,, ~~~~~~~~==~~ For . Your Valentine New Albums of the World's Sweetest ·Songs Both Old and New and Recordings By the World's Famous Singers .and Musicians Phooe 2310 of Endure Large Selection Hcasonahly Priced ~:•~' h:• Ja,. .. h,•·u rH•t•·•~ 'tttlttu~t ,·,oo'l 1 ~,o ,11 '••ttl• l':trl1 1\ull""' trn•l ll:orr}' J<:rulmitll 1•lanr~l """ "'" rl'lurn••tl rn•m :o 11 Y••1 k wlo• ,,. It•· ~··•''t' n rnnt·••rl tn ''arn•·L:I•' 11.tll ftr•• '" r tnv ·• ~··n•·" uf ""n:.tn rc•- t•rr:rl' in th t-''('1"'"'1: "l'l'k~ 'l111" roll·nlnl' IT011·•rh ' • lh•o" "rll npfl''Ar nt \\"hlttll'r rolll'l!!' and \\'1 th w.,lill\' • '••non~; tlu'\ \\ rll pr"· ~nl a prn,·r:tnl ut th•• o~\~..:,cf:tnP•· I • a cta•• p 'n \ huUC•". I .tt<e A nc:•~1.~4t, 14 ltrrrtl 11•1• '" 1111'• l~<·1n1: th•·rt· on \ \', 11 no·~"'"', l-, 1r '.!7 ·nw t "''' rrtl'n•1~ hill,. 1'''"''11 t••~:··•h··r ln'lnl '"'"'' .. 1nt• lloo·or ~lud•·nl il:r}" AI ttw l n•rrlttlo .. r !llu"'r11l ;\II ;'o;o·w Y11rk Dau ghter Born tn Former Resident · If It's a Book Clrdt·r It ror \'uu. ESTRELLIT A'S BOOKS 611\ !\urlll Main MI. K<)(llll II Ar.-adf' ftld~t. 14ula .\n-l'tt. 16;!ll ,.r S:tnt , \n ' •nd n•",''' r "'''' nu•rr1l" r "·" ~lr-1!11' l'll:rroh nnn of H all•"• "'''"'' lllh•l' prM<'nt wo·r;• ~lr-I lo l•·n :'>I • I"'' w h, Mr' JluH'"\ l•·'k•• \1Ht '\an.• \\"altt•r"' Mn; l A•Iit·!\lo•\ltii.Hr tllll \l r" f:d Zuht• Mrs. Jerrold Spa n ~Jer Lum:h.eon Hostess BE MY J' ALEN-TI-NE .. ·Ju nio r Stamp Club En ioys New Contest '. Yn ur Friendc; & Mine \If ... ,;.,,,. \\f1• 1t ~~ ''''P'·t' 'n'•' ' .... ",.,,, ,,r ,.,l., , '" 1 J ,,,, .... , r " I ( " r.u fll ' I d· f 'I \\ 10 .. I I• 11 ,, J, I I t I, I '· ,, Needlepointers Sew At Hoffman Hom(; FOOT FACTS 'VHY FEET HURT SOC llariM Avnue BaAoa lllaDd-Phooe tAn• JONNIE Opt'fl 5.\turdays Until May bt Cl_.d on Monday JOHNSTON 1 las joi1wd our staff of fk';1utkians, whil'h will e n :tl1l t' 11:-lo give " m1 •n· Jil'l •mpt s\·n·ire. HEAD TO TOE BEAUT\.' SETWICE WELCOME ~A' FE :!,'i4jll St'WIKrrl Rh tl., ('(~ta ~lr..a l'hunr lll~i ·!\1 •I ·u! t It It t t f • I '• t I :·.,.'' 0 ';; • 1 F int•!d Place to l>ine ,, •• ~·:·.0·~· ~ ·Famou~. fomplrtt' Dinne r REPAIIU~(; I{ EST.Y I J :\(; ('I.E.\:\):\(; H •••htf'f'll l'rkr" ~·1 )( n STI)J{,\(;1·: \'~ll i.T 0 :--.: I'H t-::\IISI·~..;; SA!\'TA :\SA . --: '" ••••111111 I ttf 1•1. •I ., J I I • • ,,q · '"I I \\. ' .. i 1. IJ!Jtonl.l kL'r~ t•) S·t; h lh ir~ P ro1dt1-.·t , ')"'L'II t)r ltl •:~··~ · ~H>Il •II 1) k · ·~ ... ., II u ,..... . L .:.r.. -I " I I ~·, I I I I' I! ,. l I •I . . I 1' ••t I I I I '' It f ·-· o, ,;, r .. II " Thf' t!•,;tlf II II' 'l•'\ Jt\• t>ftl l J,' I ho I " 1 " 11 o II t .. It' hl'lol 'n1tll"d II to·lo .'I •I I I' •1' <ft\ " • f h \ l l ... ' I ' I 1 'f I', 1't I • 11 .. h•~I,Pf th; \ .n't'l dt 'th• ,1, ff••h'"'"• J' \ •'I• 1• fl,.., ''1 1 ''• ..l\ I,, ,.I, •ll ' ll'lth !ltr: l'l>n<l ,,,., I \ '. 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I' '\I\\ !'-II• •I 1.1•1:1: ll'ol 1'1 r!lllo\ )111'1 111!\1111 I II '\!,i l l :'Ill\~· :\ 1.\\' .\11 s s y DRE SS E S t• \\'ill Find I ncfh idur~ lit~· Expr rt Shoe Rt'p~~; '"l'H! \\'hil<' You \\'ai ~ "'' I o .1 •' o I o 111 • 1 · r.' ' tlr' T \\CIT!•'\:1-: \\(lt \1 .11·.1::-'I ~Y=-' 'I )r('S~('S Sl:at·k Suits • • Suits Hnht•s • • .JumJK'r~ Bt•d Jatokt•t:-- Dnnna-~larie Shoppe .iloi Surth ~l~tin St. ~ant~t :\na -. ••• RaY Pag-an . 51 !l East lb~-Front I '""'' """' '" ''""" I ,.(,. I 9 :1 m t•• 6 I' m 1 I \' .. \Vhite House Cafe l'hnnf' ~~ ~2 l..A~In:\ llc-:wh. ('1•11f crbe frances,. NortOn Shor ·~·~ ,,,,.n H•l•).,n\ '''"'''f'' J .•.