HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-02-20 - Newport Balboa News TimesTiff" SAND . . CRAB a, SAM p r om ptly and ficials s h ou ld provide is nl"eded quickly. . + + + Annoyaace. Talk ing to BiJI Grah am the:-oth<'r day and Bill h a <; a griPE." about sn oo(X'rs. You know he a nd his nice Missus jus t bu ilt a go r-grous ho use overlooking the OC('an etf Corona c'lt"l M a r a n d <'Very tim e ht' wan ted to cut th<' g nt.<;s or ha mm<'r' a n ail or put in a sprinkl<'r · syste m , somehody w o u I d ph on <' • the city h all .an d sh m1 1v som <" cop or o th<'r of- fici<ll ·would <'Orne ' poking a rounc'l to S('(' w h at wa~ j!O- in~ on . !'lo w Bill happens tc,, be ht':ld of W, R. Grnham A~odates. a pt>werful .publie rt'l<lt io ns group w ith offi~ in Washin~on. Los A ngP)(>!' and other big cente rs. and he can be very h e lpful in d o in g thin~. if :vou know w ha t I m ean. Bill is d isgusted. w ants to sell h is plare a nd gpt out. Aftn llll we're h u- m a rf a nd moct of w. nrc ni('(> ~uys. n o matte r h ow big or how little our busines.~ a rt'! + + + Gold~n Boy. M ost Of'"trs always pictu red C harley T t"'· W inkl<.' as..a serious bus in <'Ss m <1n Rnd civic worke r , u n til you go t u nder h is pl<.'asnnt ex ter io r to d iS<'Over h is Jon• for hosses. In st.ablcs out ne a r 20th strwt , COf;tn Me!'.'l. "Go ld<:'n Boy '' a 6-year-olci sta llio n w it h a bea n tiful w hit<' m<1ne a nd t nil. Cha r- l<.'y's p rid<.' a n d joy . g ambols anci frisks. S() Inn,; Rs ht> doesn 't ge t ton close t o Mo r·· rie C rawl<'y 's bay , w h o livPS a c i"'!'S the /<.'nee. "Gold<'n Boy" will s h ake h a nds with you. kneel. stret ch a n ti 'IX' "s gentle as a d ov<:'. tx-rnusc soon h<' \\i ll be a pnpa. and the w <.'lkin \\i ll w hin n v with joy. . + • + ~vr. or N., Vo~. This S(.'(.'m s to IX' ahout t h e quie t · est C'it V"riN1inn in a gr.._, aml ~ist ra tion which soo n d o!'('s, is light. If you woutn vo tP fnr J.:it~·, I"Oitn r ilmPn \ . ~ •. Costa· e .sa Edi.tion •• .-NewPort Ballt;;cl.----News ·T!ri1er .. '- -------------------------I 11:...1 \ \lt . ._\ t \l.lt tlll \1\ \\tll\1 'It \\ 1 11111 1 \11\ 'tl l'tlt• --'' \11\F.K l6 = Large Airport· Development N-ear · :Harbor I • ---------==--:::: fire Started in Classroom· BurnS Out with LiHie Damage_ Over Week End at High School ltlackQ11nrd nnd wo.Jd trim m tlw I room wr rr hurnf'd and charr1-d hy ~'nr•'JAtrh'<l """''" t l~:') t:•rr N\·w-1 f ··c • th{' bhut> "hidl tht• state for<'stry f1Cir l ll~riJur J rm 1.. I aol and or onstructlon r11n~:1·rs, who wrrl' C':tlh'<l to ln-1 Jllhn Z.'tar. hrl'lht·rs. und John I oyment I\"('. stiJ:atr lx'Jir\"!'d Willi t'Uill'l'd hy l llohn~o:r•·n, hnllho•r·tn•llt\\' or Poull , earr ll'U iy fi'II\·Jn~: 0 I'I'Cord chnn~:-apparPnHy art' 1:1\t•n llfl folr 10111 In lnR deviC't' ph.t~tl:f'd into the wall lh•·•r :wl-foor ft~hln~: hCiul thl" Amy Co . G 0 0 .••. i De . d rrtday 1\ftr rnocm All far 811 k nown lAu, "hwh "All flshtn~; fnr mark· unty Due to et ver ne Ml aon, Des e-rne In., on!' WAS 1n lh(• room Saturday l'rf'l until r<'l'o·ntly for thr r:&ll· nated for Higlnvays, P•blic Buildings, or Sundny fornilt !\tnrin•' l'ttl'ktn~; l'n rJ•>rnllon _ Thr firt·· rorrunarf'l)• hurn('() 1j. Nn tmrr h1111 l,...·n ruund or tlw Sewers, etc.; IJOCal Govt. ~UIIt Go 50-50. Candid Camera So- liciting on Streets and Beaches Banned 11f'lf our 1n th•• un•· ro11m 11 might boat 1'\·f'n rhuu~:h rh" l ' S Co.ul · ----------- hn\"P rr.u~Nl lf'riou~ •·nn<or•q ul'nl'\'5 Gu:v-ti mndl• 114•\t•ral lrlfl!l to tht' 0 t d th 'ti I th '" .-ir wrntlrtw!l hofl not lw,•n t'losf'd vlrinrty nr Sunt11 Rosa l~<lantt to ra n!::"<' C'OUJ1 Y an e ct ~ n <.> coon._, can "'""' nnd 11 draft or rur hlld rlf\lsrd It· whk h lh•·s "''rt· rrt1nrt••d hunnd ~1 .5!lt1,:Wi7 out o f th<.' ~!10,40(),000 8 Jlllroprio,t,lon jul4t mtuk> hy In rnn 11110 a I I ~' 'h h . ld 'ft•r huttum flshtn~; "'>filii th•· mid· Ill<-l~tslature with the <.'n actm e nt o f tbe C'OnRtructlon and '117 " tr \\IIU ~ I I I ct " ro., )"f I T"~ ' ' tl l..a, t sprc:>ad 11r0ng thr \\ttll!! tntu ttw dlf' nr l~st rnonlh , ('ffip oym t•n a . \Al I o m R ~JlllY<'nl ns.~m on IUl u · «>- r<'st of thr hulldln~:. tht' pr'tnr1fml l\tr11 Zllnr of S~en J ,.(lrt> 85kl'rl day . makhi¥ public lt.Ci a nulysis o r the JlroyVJIOI\A ol tJlto I'X"W Applic-.ailts fo r various sa1d. Livr roots wt•n· still SP<'n In the roust ~:unnl tn s•·Art'h rnr thr• ·J~sl:itlon . w h ic h w ill ta.K,l' t"ffect olnt•t y-onl' dayN art« the ty pes o r bus iness within the tht' AShi'S on MondAy mornlnJ: hlllll whr•n tlv·y 1hr1 ""' NlflHnunl· S('S.<;ion Pncis. -I d ty· lim its h a d van..·iono de--\\·hl'n chtldrc>n (';10)1' In Ml,~t lhP I'll II' Wtlh ho•r ht~l J nn 2(L Plnnt-11 l ' I I r th t th Jll'm'lct.• !'.0 pt'r <'t'nt of till-actual • .. 1 ,.... • "'" , .. ,. • ... 1 . ru •'r t 'H tt•rnu: n t• ,..~ • f'l f ..._, • f grt'<"S o f SUCL'l'SS at the city ftrst intimation thrtt lhf'rr had anu wutls rr""' thr n!IVAI untt m u nt) ~ •h;~ro· will ,,.. SA49.0110 nnd ('()llf o nny Jlro.r, t, r xt"''pt or Coun('l.l M on "ay a ftnm oon. l,.•,•n 11 flrt• In lh•· hulldin" Sl'llrrlwtl huncln·tls t•f rnllr·a of 11 1 1,_ h ..,.0 1 NlUnty rood r•nd hl.:hway 11r0Jrcta, u "' · ... 11 1 , , 1 1 , . thr nfl''" unt n~:lon .. -ar . .,....,... 1 hi h , h 1, tUd SCV<'ral l'X'inK cit-nlcd, but a Thc> for<-Stry firr drpnrtnu·nl <'(last "'" 1101 ,.,v ur• 0 "· " '"rrn. ~:.!; r.11~:unn nr ru·h. S.1H.973 . N•""'·l n w :7 .. ;;..••, 1 ~•t• ' may 1 ~ · I d" roll wa11 1ummom•d In ndclition 10 l h«' hul wlthout sut·rrsll, A<· 1 $39 7?fl· Or i( $70 • up lo • .'1, I n t alti{T('flalr or <'W. me u mg. a new <.'r city dl'pa.rlmt'nt IX'C'nuS<· thr hl~:h Art IIIII, prN<Idrn t of t h•• F ish-~~~~ s ar '· A ·· siJ 91~. ~~~ · I nny m unty. Any ottiM' ff'Cirral, skating rink a t the old New--school is outside the city juris-f'rmrn·~ Ln<'ltl :\h hrr<' «' pri'Sllf'd 1 .. nnt ll na, . • ' n. at all', or lunl monif'll a vallrtbk• port theatre on Central A ve., diction . 'onxl<'l} owr w dn)"ll 111to when 1$8511 . may I.M' UIM-d 10 ~t t he met.c:t,. next t o Robin s, Ford ng<.'ncy., I thl·~ tlor1 nul r•'JIM I h:wlc hr••t~IJOI' ,..,. N'W ... ~-lllllnn •JlPMlf}f'illl ... lnr.t f'I'<JUiff'm(•nl won approva l of the cil y fath -,,,. kn•·" th.tl tlw ~'-'flflt'r ""u.ld S9f•,.JilO,OOO. "·lth ~UMI,I -Vl .:ntn~o: for tllc h""''· "'"'''"•.., rtr . ers. o r nt ~lA\ ollll Jnnt.:o•r ll'illl hi~ o•olftf'V ~I •'t• ut1mint~l rllliutt. 'ti~•,I KVt,lii'MI Ill (lf lht• .f'jiNVII U I for ""lllllt·a, A pr<'viouJtly o-nntl'd JX'rmtt tu Register by Feb. 28 ~''"''< """'t1 ,,. .. ,_ anr1 11 '"' .. th,.n ,., '"'"""'· nn(f ~-~~·•utt M•• '" dtl•·~ nnl'·t hln1 '' ,,., "" lor ,--d ,.,., L'ld Cnd the Uruon ou pk'r rerlh<'r To Vot f ltnlf' f•lr lhlll 1(1 run IIIII Thr ,, ~~~iuorf'• tha t "" till\ , ....... trtu• lll~h\\ ,,, '''"""''' Ill llntrn~·rJtur .. t tnlo thf' C'hAnnt•l from Jlulboll llll· ~ .e Of hrntlwr .. \\'t'f"'"-.fll• ntlw•r<c I'll lh••• Ito on lhrrt' ITlll~l lH• II ··~tat,.·• In· •11 l••rt lint ~ 1\1111 t"u-thlrdil "f.w nnd subjf'Ct ro '"" \Vnr DPpnrt-City Council union ,,.;,.st nrul tluol hw'll ~fll!•'-."""'"'"'' ,.,.,,,,lwt ... n or flluf•••·h •11111 u m~'nt ok<'h 'wru~ hl'ld up n~:nirr du1• '"'"'"'"I' unrl ~ tnllnrlttnflll. clo•trn- lo lh<' d1snpprovnl or th1• ~:ovc:>rn-14 A~~~ ~-NIIEXATION 1 '"" 11"111 '' "11·~·1~ "'""11'' fudll ITII'nt, Y.h tr•h automrtltl'ally vot<b ' ftf'ttl,tratlrlft ftl ""'" in fhf' ""'· •nnlt~tlinn frlf•1lttl•.,.. to •ul!l, llw coum•tl nt'lllm of ln~l mnnlh. it City of S r "pnrl Rf'.w·h ... .......,. • ft IJOI'Il"l'''· rl··~l '""'I''"'· rt n • 1""' .. "flS t•xplalnr•d Rnl11nd T hompson. at mldnlcht t 'rh. t il, •lill:hlly "' • ";'" ~ "_. • W I·,.,, .. , atttl "'"'' """" lltt"llil lt11. Ctly otlorncy, .said I hal I hi' com-U\"f'r • \\ ....... " .. "· "'hlir ro:ct... a PPROY.ED BY COMNC~' "'"' h "'"'' t. .. ,,,, .. :... Jlll~'\tTIUSI hrrni: a nt•w npplica -tra tlf>ll• lor aayoe,. plaa•lnc to I (If tlw $t:;_(.WI/H t l•t n il••• prt l ion In thr m, rtnfl th<' mrt ttl'r wns run for r lly rt>Un<"ll "''" f't«Mf' .,,.,.,.,. ttr • .,., 1111 ~~~ '""""'11 Srw h£'1d ovr•r unltl thr•y rould f'om· at noun nn thr ""'"'' da\', II ""8" ~-..... ' -• • ._-x Ill'•· lrll'tltlt•·•. ·muj11r ~•r•·•·l~. ~. •lat•-d !today hv Clty. t'Jr rk ply "·tth th,. wlsh('S of In<' W:tr ~ "lo•••l~ "'"' 111 •It ·"'"· uull tr"f'"" ,. Dt>parlml·nl. .-ra nk Klnrttart. --· -I) r""'"'"''"" olf tnt••nrt"" ool th• "'' '" .. , • '''''"'' puloltd y """''' " tranlll l"uuld nul h .. ...,tlmall'd Th<' zon1n" nf r-2 on C•·ntrnl Thr '"'•' nomhl-r nl rf'Ci,._ Sm(tkt"nlt"n Be'd • '" ''oUn<'ll !\ll'lnttn' ·•f'"'"""' "'. "·••• r ""' .... ">"'''""' 'vrnt" :1 ' lht' lue',olinn u: ''11" tllll b~ thr r•lt•rk bl"f'auat• thr boo..e.a ••l h•·r !1nnt•llltltooll "' ·'•''"""'" olo I) I lhrntrc hutlllinl!. \\lll··h lin~ '"'"" h., ... ,. ', ...... In lh·· rouaty Caused ire·, Other I I I(T( .. ,,, lh•· ('tl) ,,, ....... , •• ,I Poll Mt'mh('r~ lw:f'd for warltmf' ~tor11 ·."Inti lhr• t·l•r k • ,.•r,1., •• hut 11 I• ,1111 J\, ••·h """' lnllt:tlo•tl ... tur lt "'" ••lol M R~:"l ntlns: rr nn,thr r fl"rnlll for II "'''"''"'' In r-l•trr ,. .. h .. r at, .. _ Blazes NQt Sert"ouflil. ( )f eSc'l (,. (' f (. rnll('r sf 1 1 I' ,... ·" '"' ., ~ loiJI In , I h•· t·ll (' t :" '"'"'"' "" ;:) lrtj! riO ( tn 110 '"111 tn It r lly half ur at th,. nrf' ttaJh, ('.:_! '""" w••rt• df'ridrnr.: f:trrors in KlnPharl '1\ld. nt• tlhtll'i)' 1111rlh uf II" ,\, • I" ()n (n~>ornc)r·• tJ"I tl' fll\"Or or thr rumh:n~tlnn ~kll l l nl: ··~······ •m.ol l fill ''-1"1111"·11 111111111 Th' pr tlfl''r ly. nWnt•tl "' riru lwor '" rink anr1 da nro· floor !\t tlt) .\lll'n tl,,m;•~:•· 1•1 t h·· h~erltnt ur•··• d 111 lilt.: I ('l tff\fll' I U s It Se ln••,.tmrn l <"uml'""' '''" 1'w wn~ thr IIJI[lltt•llnl r.uge a on a tho• ...... k·· nol lh•· m,' •lt•:t•lnuo• ~ "' """ lUI llrtrl •• r II• "'"'' " 1\l~u cr nntftd \\fj~ kll :tfll.dication of \\hi• •• \\It'-"' '\It'\ l'ultn h \1 rHI• • , f "'""" ,,.. I ,, I , ··nlurtutl R 0 t P d II II I I I h~ onl} unpro\•·tu• nt ..... ·.' rl nf -I,.., "'tla\ , . ,1 ,. • ~·H ,,.,. 1 nfln · of (' St:ml 0 1)<' fnr unrl··rcor nllncl es r ropose .... ~.. •llf nlll~ H ITlllllfl'" fll" ., I I I I I ( • I I tfl, cit:. "''"" t)'llt••f'' IIIII ,,r r ''· ,. ''""'' t if• ,,, If • h11 ttll .. r #.,1 "IISOflnl' !llltrll"f' f,·,~tlt.l l~~ .. \\hlrh w•l I 111\! Ill I ''' 1•orno• n " . '"'''" ... ~ , ··~ ',:. r nHtln• tu lh• 11 ••' • "'' 1 1., •.• ,r ,~ ,,1, 1r 111,,,. t~1r , .... , hAd r•rc\·tnusl• ~PI'Urrd lhf' IIJI-I '·•II••· tol '"'' ltllll•" Ill I I I I ''"" ... J r·r \\\ ,,.,. A I t I ..... , ,,, nt•ut t Jf~l ,, ' .,,, 1'14 '''"''''''''''' II\ ,,,,,,, ,,,.,,,. \otlt• It I I I r I · • • • """r''''' 111~ w•,.n 11 n•··l1t "" '""' I•> '"''"" ,, t• " provn o r 1r tr•· t •·fJIIrt n~o·nt "' 1:1' • 11 hy an lml\' rtal '"'""'" t·tom · h ",, '"" n , ,111.,.11 It) '''"'k"'l: 111 No Phnlo !olollrlllnl( r '"''" anti th·· lrnt•Ttttl )t rH·.IItun "' o1 ~n1 .. 1;•· '''''""L"'' "" 1 "" 111 ~·rllnk I lWfln' nf,.ttrwrR nhrr. I 1 1 1 ( 1 1 1 1 ,. ... ,. ., f lf nr 'l11 r. \I ltflttlt ,., fl Jt If" t. \tilt ,,,,, ... \\.1 ht t f.lll tl Y.ho srtirl 111111 lw wnultl l'lt• tm;tlol;. ~-~~~"~IIMt(l 1,,..,,r1 .II s,r11111 ...;, 1 1 "' 111 •h· dt ,1 ,.,11 ,,1 ,1, ''' 'nL:u"' •n ~tnnu"''' \\•trk nnd l 'l.tu\o:·t'''' t••r ltnt1cl'-h•1IU1'-1t1 ft• f, 111 '•I•'''' ,,.. \~ •••k•·rl rt I" 1'11111 I • r , I,. • ·, nrl1'l "' :ur''' ' I trlHn.· l•"h···' 1nd , 1 .t '"·' ''• •1,1 •• , "• , 1.1 •• 1 •• ,;t •h •""l4 1•t ~h'11 ' ''H th~· ""'''''" und n utH n ttd•· l ... l ,nft 1t1 lh • ···tHif ,, 1)11h•• • , ft t•l~.t .' tit• 11 I' l':tfft f '"" '•ltl \\oiJIJ ltf1 1 ,., .. , Jt lwn-rh r'lt rfh • ,, •• ,,, H, ,, t 'l tlv '"'II"'''"' pf •h• ''"' I' l Hd ( 'uunf\ l(,,,,d .r1d }, 1 '' f• •r• ,,, • It• •,. • .... ,' ht~ \\'Itt• r '••! 11 ,, t ,,, rltftl' t. I ~, "'" 'I· tjl t• f d.,,, ··f tilt d· I I •I•U I • f ., t ft• f .:. ,, 1 • ' I d .. !~ ' I· •It··· "'' 1 1 Jl n• '" ,., • h• 1 t t 1 • t:iu ''" t hr I • I " I ~ I , .... , f f f •• •• " I " I II 'I f't I I' I I I I ' . ,, ... •d I t of rol I I , rtol•l I "'' "''"''~ ''·· '\f· .... j Business Firms M BeLicensed Army Officers ' Plan Airport ln Costa Mesa ( 'luhrooms, Shope. E~·. &-trr at V ldoria St. Tract I-:\ lt•n~lv Jlln nnlnK rN' a :.! I t ·•tt'l'l' 1 ••rt tc• tl(• ..-tab-· 11-.tu .. t lty thn-.-. ••x-1\mly air ''""'' J!llnb In C.•t11 .Mt'IR 18 u n• t.• rw 11 y. It w "" n"\o'1"0kd this ""''~'k hy n n Aflt.llr·ntlon on firms "t••r· Af'('jmllnl! inC' ~I llll(llJI, roun· 11ttn.: In unlnt'OrfrcJn tt...-1 ""'"• vr t plt~nnlnt: ronaul111nl, "'lth whom f till-,.nuntv Ia mlftrr altll1)' 111 Jlf"NI· lh•• ••Prtllr11flon WIUI fiiMt. till-,.,..., ml, a N.'Of"dinw In \\'1111• Wnrrwr. '""''''"' nlr l"f'nlrr I• phtn!Wd b1 rll•lrmlln or ""' niUnl)o ll(lllrd of lhr.... rurm.-r air r~ pl~t .. •uprrv18orl. I ~til jon c: F. M•)'flt'ld ai'Mt """'"'- Undff Jlf'f'1M'nt l11w. all Oran~tr t . Murphy .. nd f'apt M. R O:fnft, ('()Unl)' n tlf'tl hiiY" lh~·tltlf' ro•strh· I Wht) hll \"1' l'tltahllatwod a lempar..,. tk-but I<J far. till-l'fl4tnty hila nul h••Adlltlftrtt'r'll al 7M North Main, eoucht novrnllf' front unlnNorpur· l'lnnta An111 atf'd "'-"-...urTr~~ Jf • manat> It Ia llf'flt'(*"C1 lh•t ttw thrw Wf'f't' rnadr, It would rr~rUIN' •II mf'll will lrn..-till-('aprot~ ~ tJ.I..._.. In tilt-~Jn)y tu ulllaln M"l)' Wf'tlt ,., c•oata ...... and Uw a 11_.,,._ .to UJ)r'T'IIh' Slt<', Whlr h I hi' I'IYIJ ll.l'ntnautks 1'tW' atudy .. only In lla l~ait lftl IIUi horltv hns rr111:1rtt'dl)' I IYMI ap. lta.a:r but prot;ably wnult1 rt"llllt'l• prov11l, 118~twt'f'n Vlctpria, ttth ...tablllflnwont ot a IW'J*rntr '"'' atrN>t,, Plft 11111 ~ and lM wtlon itf>s-rtmt'nl In utM•rall' In ~llnlll Anl\ r~.~!..l aomr eonjunrllon wllh lht• ruunly .-F.at·h or ttl.-mr~ who plan tM plannl,. romm ... lon. laiNtt In swlv111t,. alnl(ll'tt, tutw hell 'AbalOne Poaehlar Brinp $35 Fine flv.-yrartl 14"1':\'1,... In thlo a"")' aW fllf'N'tl •• pllolfl, hl-ld pOote «ll!'''- tlflrllll•,. I"'''"''' ttw> war .net ., .. 'r'f'turnlnl frMn war .._.. and JlrW to lf'llvfntr thfo lll'mJ' ..... ,.,_. ..,.. _ ., ...,_ 1'-:N at~tot lnatturtora. ,_ .... fft ...,....., t• ,...,,...,. f'IIIIW aattJ f• ,._ , .• ,..,, .,...,.. fur fh,. ,.,. ... , ""'" 1'1""• •·1111 fnr lltf' ,.,,.,,..,., to trt.-4 hy .lrod~,. ft . .1. 1.,N11 ,. 1,.,1 ''''" I I• ""'' '" " •~n•ununlly In It• "' ....... a..t t '. 14 Knn .,, "'""'" ... 11 """ HftftiiiiHilll for rnt• ._-flll.r4 .-.s4 1.., .....Ja,,. tlq ttl"''... " """I•Pinl( ,...n,,.r , aufo .,..)-.,411 ,1 "''""'" ~n·•·~· nnt1 l'"flnlr •fltlOI And I1JIK'- A,....-•t•nn 1,, t ho· jud""· thr lmt• pnrl<lttl( frwllltl,., ., .. ,,. r-••n·· ""'' "'h .-ow~ ... ,.,,.. Fu" '""' '''"""· T ~""'""' h•nc· lila I •fwol•>tt•· ma,-"" 1ath,.r l'd ~<r• "111 1" ,.,., "'•·•I nnt1 II Ia ft• ''"'" ,_. ,,. h 111 1,, """ 14 ""'' 1"""'•~1 I hut t lti' ""'"'' t will JW'0-1,,,,,;,,, • fur II llllnhuuno fin •• oof \ Itt.• t'111<1 f••r lrlt"' Ill ttfl r111r1111 af .-ln 1.,, ''"'""""· lito• • "''"'' \ nntl 11lr. nmltttlttnftt •;\f \ I• •' "' ~ •'It u-. pt"'n\'ht•' ~ttl••na"t• King Will Add New $72,000 l~•·lf To Fleet in April ·r,.,. c•hnr t••r tw•·••• \' ''' f'l"'' "''' ' I '''" t ''' • ttd' •' ''. f r .,, 1 1\ ... tfl t t .. jllll lt l I ofl ..... rr k nu wn •1••; '"""h"'""'"" '""' ''" • ,.,,, r nf I In .. ,. l.ttt,.fllll( Itt uti ''"'"'' lu , .. ,. t't•hl t•'l '• 1111 .. l:hl\' ·till ""'' lhi'Y will 11""' t•·" 111 lrnttl•. · In• l•l•l•n,· hi• ,,.,. f,·, I•••' Sport Ktnv , '""' In 1,. , . .,.,,,,,. ,, I ·n -\"'''· .. , w . II z• fh•· \'u'• ,,, tit I .... f\ II o fooo Ill !to ' ful Nil pt'lVaffl flylnv A, ... ftiiHIIII"d i• " ,,,,,.,. ftUI'fllhly lt1tlltlln1• '""I ,..,"' lltlioon lflN'hltnlca al'ltr•ol, ill \o\hl• h lito •till•• lt••rlflrl• nu•nt ul • tlttt'""''" to •ultl 111 l11• ln- lrr,..lrol '1111' rttnlrt ltulltllrt~t Y.•lll llwh~ '"'"''"I lt•Wo•u . uh r•II>IW •how • u••n 'fl•~ ..... .,,,...,, ntlon r•ltlf'N. " N\ll• ,. ah~IJl ttntf rluhnxmu !\' .1m•· Vaux Whit.-~ ·,•o llr. ~, • ., .... ,r PMt on Pl·•nnir ..c ( 'ommi"8ion ""''"" to.n, "'""t ,.,,..,,.,,.,), ... t • .yt1 II> """"it"""" ,.,,, .. r ~It•• ''";;;' I~ fl"'l u( Matt It "11t• ,,,., k n• w '''"'" tl :\lottttlto\ toll• rtto•llt Votu• •f t .,.. ,.,, ,.,, .. 'f. I! ~'"' •n•• •11t•f \\ Jut•· ~·II knuntt • •'• """ Tiu• f'\4"W •'t Hf f ntt\o\ t ... '''~' t;uttt Hu ltwm •'' •• ,.,.,,, •I •. •• • ,, •I l)r fn \Vfhrtltta•t.•rt "'Ill fHI ••t•• "' ""' ""'"''"' '• ., , , ''" flu , '''· l•lh n l u• ,. n q., 1, '"'"'I ·• ,t 1 d hlft~· ,, rt r '''" f•• ·• n••t t•·• t tiie• f., ftu f lkf trt\" l'l 1• •rt•l It ~~ 11 tnr•l•• •wrrw. If.""• J• p f,. 11111\ ,, t~t1tt1ttt• ..,ftd trH' r;,, 1 ,• I• In '"' rotltft tl '" flw ll~·•·l !ttl• I Ill h f 11Hfl I ... ,.., 'f .. " I t • H• u I• ,. '''"'"' \ " .. ' ~ ,. \\I t ',, lu f,t It\ ... , ••• ••fhlll .,J II '\\ ,, ,flun~: till• h:l\ froon t ttl I Itt• I'll\ lit•• ,-, It\ :1·•-Httl• I d ' loot• ''' tl Ill ' ol r oil '""I ••I '•\ t t•untfnu~ nn P;t~•' .... ,, ,.. • h· ht •• 1 ,,f ,." ,, ...... rt , t1 • , ~ , d .,, , , llu 1r •• I \\ t II lt. , , , 1 t, t f flf.' I'\ t1w,tlf I It 11 1 ... . ' 11 I I "'f \\ '" o I I o' 1 ,, I I t\ •• , ,. ,., II .. 'It• .. , .. f • I ' .., ........ "• ~ \ I •I " llu I A pri l ~~. yr,u n P \\ t·n~ Mt."ST n".:istN' h,•forf' Ft'h. 2~. Thtl'• f;11·. :tn ·o ri lilll! l o n'J)(Wf ' lt d ho:r bland '.; l':m- d irl;tl "· I f:t rn lrl C'h r'i ... t h•l·. no.'" not rn t1•nrJ t•l m11 kr• '"" rll t~·. \\hit h Jr:n ·,.,. thn·••. w i th l \\n tv Pl('(·t Youth Drowned in Bay· B;;hy , Saved When Canoe Overh 1rns '' '. 1,,. ' ' It • • I ' ... 'I . .. ,, ,.. . ..,_..,." . I I> . ,, • tfl ,, I''"' II •• It ,. •'' :-l'H I /I I ~ I tlr tt lftt 1 h tt .. , .. , .... lot •• t ••• I It• II I H• t I It I ,, • ''""" tt ' ,, •• l tilt I I 1 fl 11 I I • t ,. ittlllll I II" ., '• . 1 ,1.• .. ' , " ' ,, Jolt• f I I ' 'I I."',., ....... """ , .. Il l ""\I •. '·· •tilt ••• , , ~lr•\ Uu ,.,,..r.f,.,, ,., ,t-cflrt• Itt IJ•• I 1-. "'' " .•• r '·'""•l' ,~, "'' 111• .r 11 , '"'' fwfr '•( "" ''" 'I I I ' I .r ' It tfl. I f • If I tUf ¥1'1f Y l I ... ,,I • fl t1 f•tf f I futf ffttt f11 fh t '-Itt f f I f '~ t •rr' o ( f "••• <I tt• f 1.! "' f I II·, t I I I d i \ ""'It' , ,,, •ft•f H•.t Vd !ltf ft t l u ,f, I 1•, I ,, ' ''I •' •• ' I "' .,., ••• \, • u ·I. .• h I •I or• + • + )I i r:,.n..r I t''· ( h ••r 1111 tlw C'o<.t,f I h~hw:t~. I )(II\\ •'1'11 ThP A r"f'l'•'" . nrl B:t\ . · h ,, r " C.llnJl. lo~nd ,._:ilt t<'" h '' l' ,lllml ~'fl lo dill.' r rit"••-: ... : :\1. Smith. '' ho h~-: dP1l!~ ··d som,. of thf' 11.11-.idf' ''""" i:. p u tltnl.! n p I " • • lan:P -:t 111 •'" n nrl prop Pr l ~· :ldit•ining. (l\\"n"d It\" ~ti r:wlr• \til•• .l r f- fr r.,.,.n, '~ !1kh illlliJlC'd from $22~,0. \\ hHl hr J1ftirl !' (P\\ ~rc; ;,(!n 10 S:!:i,(IOfl. wh irh hf' n'fiiS('(I. A tfj lrsidr lot nf'a r t lie Gordrm Dnre -.tr·r•·. 5(1 fN>I. ~ntly sold for sssoo. + + • TGUJ;h Ooin&:. P n'l>irll"nt TnJma n is h:w inc :1!' tu ff :1 t im £' \\'lth hi l<'~i-.b th·r hof!,· 11c; Gov W n n't'n with h i.- l<'ci!'lahrn'. whRI w ith '""''~(". and ha\1€.' onr'c: f'nr; -.l .. r- ped tio\\11 on this anrl tha t t ll)t 1 1J f o t 1 ~ • •, o' ',. ttl I I f 1 I t l ·I .. •"li• tJrp\\f•'J \'1 '' II• I' II 11 ltH •I \lrd, I'Pf Ill I J I till 1 "r 1! •. h I t It • ...:..,.,, t '' 1 1 n•t \\ '" "' ! ",,. I • tl••t ••1 •' u\ lt ••tl' '" J ltrl~·l '''''' ,,, ,,, , '~' ' r. r , .... 1. , • • ,,, .... I 1 ,,, ,.,,,,,.,, ,,, 1, ,, , ,., ,, 1 .. ,.1< I Jli,U I .... ;JtJ\tJ ~., .. ,, loU~·l.1 IJ otfJtJ Itt• ftt thltiJ ftJ,tllf 'nu1d 1 • '' ''"· " " :, , l .. Ill • 1 •• 11 '*'" ,, ,,.,, ""~·t~"~•'l f 'r' (,, 1 f•+lt...,tlt/••\ · ,. ,, I"'' • ·•''•r ~:-"MJ1 ! •,' "' 1 l1qt ,,, 'U!•' ,., ''' 1 , •••• , 'I .. • n •t • '1 It,• 1 H -.111 f .. ,.,, .. ,,. ,,.,,t n, •,,, ·•• •I ,f.f .rl{•l•n.· '''''~'~t I ttl• ''"''' \'• •ot, _....1 ,, , I•! 11, ft, :.·1J ,, •• .,: lil(t \\.l• n ,,,, ,, !4 '. r· ., ,, ·~ , I •t I •• I I I ,,, tt,, I"'Ufh·•S t•\•t l h• •htld "I' ~h.·u· \.Prf:u t "''" .~ \', ,,, , I thll lt f'("'•UMn .,. \ f~ \Jtfllll\'t'-t*'\•tHtlf•'-"''!1.1 ., I• ltl•• t\', I '•tl) I h ....... J •• t \. 1 Uti J ,. '' ,, , .. ••O••tSIU. I •h ttl fly '-h•H• ,·.,:;lp o~rt•l t •Oh·l •f • ,.,,,u,.. ''' Hutj"' ""''''''' '"'"'" '•k•rt ,., f••r .t !Idol •11 lloo lOot\ \\1.,11 ,ho\ tliH1 JIItl1/ ~lootll lol l , ~:••t "" lfarl··r ,,~.,,·,I II ,.... • .-, ,, It I ,, "' I ' .... Ill• r~ f)i h 1\tl•rnrm••)lf•rl\.n••d l t:.n .... : ,,,:, l.t• ,.,,,,..n !\1 r~ fl.tr11t11 1lh• ~mnll 1'11•111 IIPJ•rtt• ntl) r ''' I '" l'"' r ,,.,1 I• r •It!>! f••r ,, -.1 t • Ill '"'""rtltr n,Anrl th• '"'""'""'( ,,, 1t~on "''" q , "·•t.:"•l, 11 ot • "'r" thru"n "''" th•' h :tv \f ~rk I" .t 1 l '1•t•~' "'II kn""" '"'" Anr:oi~'S' .r , 1, 111.11n. •·f tl,, \•out h _.,r,. l rnttt ',..,,,n "lw r• ""'" fit .l\ J.J.arl '"' "·lf"• •I '" h ,, ).,.,.,, 111 11 n I t)t.r b l:ontl pht•n• t1 l.l(•ltt~· of t h~ ~ .. ,1111 p 11k•'•' 11 \f.,n•l···· rtwlt• hy oiiTIII••nt • I Hurt :-.'ortnn '''II knn~ lt~o•al lht> II:!''' ~1ttrlloltr} : '""''ll , .. Il l rartt11 11 nd t·l•••lrt•ntt"' r••nt~fllt'lur••r Ill' ht It! lot ~~ Anlht•'l\ • ('h .rrh "ho "IU on l lar hor f,IA nd a t th• t11rrr .. ,. ~I ' . .. . ' .. I •I ,\ I 0 " I . .. ,. II' ' '' '~~"''•'•'•''. I ' .• , , ... I •I I '. I .. I fill fot ,, I I fflo 1 • P, Four II. S. ~~w~tkt ·r·" f'ompef e in Li nns· 4f..;fl J •fl .. f ftft'll I til flttfl fltfr t• qll It l11 I •1 1 t f f lu If ~tf I I ft f o 1 .. oft \,-I , .. , .. •t •• I ' \'I fil'• I• Dr~nkenr.ess Casfs :;t r rr~~e ; , ,, ,, 1'1 -ft Ill ' n t ,. , ,,, 19 Cases Me~sre~ .\nnual funh·"t •·•I It .,., \1· t ' • I•• I .,,. , ' lltt ,._. NJhr, fined in T '!wnship Court In -Costa Mesa Past Two Weeks '-.'tr '•••n' ,,,, ,,( n1•l•'''" \'•' t• J~>~·l " •I 10. q ,, r·,,,d:t :..t ..... t, ur• • 1 •I ft t• f • t t \\tl II(;\.(-hlotU' \1 ,'11 q •• • , r rtl'j~urt4\ .. n~ ,,, 1 , t , t 1 • 1 ,..,.,.,, •, •t•t;nr t~f , • •• 1\ ,,, .. lth.••Ht" .. "" "''' '•0• ool I turlht r tnf•utlullloon ·••n th,<'t l ,•t ~t·•'•· ;,( Jnt•~t1•·nt'fo ••nl) "''' l'ft~·-~ ''' m• !11'1•' ,. 'f• rt I'"'" <t lrrtm ~rwp••rl l\rvh '"'' ~· '' n f"A,•11 rot r tJwk<•llt••IC · '"'' r:U•11 r.f mumtl"' 11n•l I w .. (;.·rm~ mt•fl,lr·~ .. .,..r,. I tot• (I f••r lh•· '"" ~ "' k po·rtrtd ,.., ··--··· I ., ,,. ••• I ••. . ,, ,, II lw tt f'l Ito I ~ f, ~ ~I 'I I It .... ,. .... , f ,,, .. ht f'J I I ~~ ., . ' .. ' f ttf I '"'' fl I 'I • 'I I I till '"'' t • f I lftl t~td • I •••• •' •• I t ... H' ' .. II '' ,, ,j 1 ., 1,1 t IIU ,,, \'t'\' !'-'uhdivi,..iun '• Of :.W Lnt~ Pluftcd •• 1 •nl• ,,, 11 • • d ·• •~ •• • ,,.. , ,. ,,, , td " .,,, n u'l' I'• •llt·n l "'"" ···• ···' .\t Jxtt1 ;t '1 d.;\naht·im ,,,. ,.urt A1., ... ~,.,,, • .,, '"'"' •tu1f1nt~ w-f••• '·"• 1 'I"'.~ ''" t l, _ ,,,, ,,,,,k,·n"f• , ''"'$'', , ... 1 ,. ' • ,., . '''" It• ''",.~I 't., ''" ft I k· "''•It "-: ....... ,, ' I ,,.., f ,,, ... . \ .,c Arn"l t•,n ''• I '''"'I' \.\',,rf•l l.,,•,n• ,,, .. ''""'"'• Ff( ~M~rtl A. -n••-t'"''' r .. "'''·' ",,,,,,, J.,t ,,, I ·,.,,.(.Htt J••''' ,.,,.,t.,!.rt• ,.,,,,, ,,,,, , .. ," ,,.,,,,,.,,.-~~ ,.y , ·~'Y '········ , .. ., .... , (',n.t .'1• •. • ••n. Mull'v I!• •lo ... not .,n\r ·s ,,.,, 1:•, ,,, , . ''""' ""'' "illi•rn Lotti '"""' $1:'· 1 luiml~" l"r 'n• ~· •~tl~tll• l•t•m ''" l l't•• "'"''P\ f '''"' r ~ltlu• \' I I••!•~ Ill., fln•·d 'I • , • •••· wtnn• r --;:-,-;:-~ .,, ~,, • t\l ',,, ru t ,c•t 1 )(tft ant1 A rv-tw•tnl f~nJIU•ttn I fttffl'-'•n t 'hu n• II• t '-'It' ... Ana Anti n.n f" ,, •c.;ul.lr ~o r·,~·' \i• ~· ,,,. ......... ,fl. , ... ,, Sf', 1 II t I I r'l1111~ rll I •r IIIHtol\ :.'fl l11)• w1th t .,.ofl ,. l •r".-"· t 'tflllll M··~n '. "y l'fltfiH~· ... , " •• ., ... n ,, 1;\-(twl l !IOIIIIIIIIIfrt lllirtl~· tn llr rtrw..t It:. ·'. l;tt .. l(nt'fy Arlll• ''''"· 1-.tl•lt<• ~>rrllnt•• •I lll •ttllt•J I rtrn tfar drlw I Ar1htU • •:latrlllll. c· ... ,Jt MI·AI4o M'·~ and II J ,,.,.,.:;. ,., ""~ lln~I\IOfOr tl • flftl'd 115 'I •I ' \1,, .. I tnt t) ~d I fl • t I \lo ~~~. .. , ,., .... s ,,, """· Ll.JLt-tt•" I. h• lhv IIPP' tn'11l on I I hlllt I ( '•' I I,, ,, • , r ~ • • , •1 • 1 111 ,t h• I• I •UtHit~\\ .. ,, •l'' ,,,, . ,,,.;t wn,. ~·n· tlt • til tilltrll )' )rtil, 1 ··n•l,.•1 '"' •·ondttinn ~ ''" "'""~Y lt••furo M ool••ltt \"r•• Jill 1 , lot11t AnK••Ic.'!ll, I I• tool• •I 1'11tlt) to( tot· I ty the( I, I~ '"" "'~' ,. • lu~·l. "'"I• tn•ulfld .rtt I ""~ urul ",.. 11""'' $:"l0 doll an ~~~~~ ,,.,.. ""'' '!"•r~>·ll(tr•tl And r(·lrt· l 11t1 '"" f11r IIi!' f'111'f'k - ,. r.. .. ' -. .. . .. I' •'-. . - I I I I t I I I I I I I ,. ; 'Let'S Fish' ---SPOrt or ·Game frow Balboa ... ~otul A'! ~IW!k 8 . Siegel & Raub ENGINI!.r;R.<; uncl SURV~YORS 1111 K ewpor1 Boult'vanl l"tM»IMI !IQ·j {)oeta J'l- • ~ ~ ! Volney H·ay Balboa Motel Ill .... 0.~ o.IU. Tc' fb •• Ill ~~~ G. N. Wells Real E~tate . -..._,_...,..nm 1-Ma~ ......V I ...._ QIK ttt .Dr. Robert A. Crawford OPI'OME'l"BJSf .,. ........... ~ ......... 01111. .......... --, t ·t Curt H. Bowman . t t t 0. Z. Robertson General Contractor •• Ull OIMt ~~ ....... o.lll. Newport U tt ~ Harold K. Grauel . CHAPEL lit B,...way v.ta M-. l'alllontla ~! ~ A. E. Groty -J. A. Groty Groty Appliance Co. .........,.. ..., ... ,.... ~........,..._. an• 1111 N....,t ~ 11-. Qa.lll, tt! John E. Sadleir Real Estate -Insurance Offtlie ..... ;teN .................... Calif. .t ·! t F. B. Owen Newport Souvenir &-Gift Shop GIFT'S OF AU. KINDS ..... tllt·l . ••• o-.i ,.,_._lfewpeti ..... ~. ~~.t L. H. Ewen -Prc>prifotor Meea Radio & Eledronica Co. ......... 17M N....,t ~ta 11-. O.W. 't t t HUBBARD HOWE Pr-. HU~I'd'l South Coast f..ompany D\J W. O.INI-H ....... ,_ t t t . aE1NZ KAISER. Owner Bay Shore Camp and BOat Landin• ,,. ... o..t ~~ Jl(~ tlll ttt Lew H. Wallace Real Eatate and Insurance B~r ...... : omae a-a... •• ... W. Oflltnl A.._Newport ..... Oallf. &.tt COY E. WATI"S Balboa Liquor Store tM a o.tnl Aft.. Bal.__ <Wit. ft.,.,.., ..... -, ()ef'dlallb"-o. B. ....... lip. tt t I Louis Verwey, Prop. Culno Cafe & ~ktail Lounge ....... ~,,.. .. !.t ! J. M. Miller ., R.EA.L ESTATE BROKER ........ , I ..... at O..tlr»-New-port BMclal "'ft Your Way lo ~" ttt . Walter J. Gerhardt Our Photographer tn F1M h ' .A...........o.r-,.. liar, o.lll .. ,_..,......_,.m·w ~ t t . Newport Enaineering Aaoeia~ FREDERIC J. SINGER. Pn!sldf.nt . ~ ... --......-.~ . uta """"' ...... ,._... ua ttt ' ~o ·Boyd Boyd's Service Station ... w. O.lni-N...,.n .... ... ••• - ·t t t Wallace C. Matoon Mattoon's Shoe Store .. Foot•·N r for AI lthe Fftmll)• .. 1111 )'lie ...... B ..... ~ta M-' . --· Oiii-Briney Aquatic · Front Yard r-Where Yachtsmen and Deep Sea ·Fishermen Di~port for. Thrills · c:By BRADEN FINC.H I ~- J: B. McNally J . B. McNally, <k-an of Newport Harbor's sportsfish<'r-.· men, came from Toronto, Canada. when he waS 14 years oTd. Fim 11viogin-si'n t emando, the family later m ovro to Pa.'ll!· dma when.-James attteQded school for thPee years. Flnding It necessary to go to the mountains for his health, ~ apent. much tlmt-on Mt. Wilson 'and liked it so well he llta.rted Orchard Camp on tht-Mt. Wilson trall and ran it for II!Yel1 )'t.'tli'S. His health lmproved, he returned to Pasadena and entered the electrical buslnt\85 with his brother. ,F1rst coming to Balboo IslR.nd in 1912. he latt>Sr built a home and caJTie'here to live In 1922. First fishln~ for p!Pns-~ and to again ~ain his health, he be-ga n taking friencis on fishing trips and thus sta rted a full-time business of gaine and sport.,.fist11ng. At present he keeps only one· l')()al hut his son. Bernard. has his OWl) business In the Mcf'\ally Ront Llveey. Considered nn authority on all types of r~ing, M(':'\a lly is a charter mt>mlX'r nncl vi~prt'Sident of tht' Ball)().1 An).!l in~ club and weighs In nil marlin brought lrf. the dull prt'~nl inJ.: the lucky fishtmnan with nn official certificate rcgardin~ his take. bUbor and of a progrellln lratent.lty or Boatmen. By &.be latter. I IDeU the ahlp · buOcfers, com.nterdal ud sport llsbermeD, )"aebt IIMia operators. broken. caooen. 1upply ~ repair hOUMJe, harbor offldUj aDd developen aDd all otbe,.. who ha..ve hooeatly eamed lite dlplfled ud wortby appellatloD of BQatmeo. 'l"be .....,. ol IIIUlY of tfM.i mea whom we all our frte.dll' to. daJ ud wboaa we have kDon ba the put, wW be wrtttea with B:'l:. the falart OD die N~ ~f ~ ftDaJ hlltory bf Newport . For U tMee Boatmea had oOt beea tnae to their vWoa of tbll ..... ud ... rteb ao.d ol ~ ud eODUDerdal'"~ ..._.. ~ ol water would .. ve l'fi'DNaed .t-t a llballow. pc.d for •adb• ud a h=·k!ac crocuada for ribapaya -like U. · 'Upper II& Alld :.. ftae ahorelllle elty of which we are 10 proud woala M'ft Mver eDited u we kDow It today-. ~ port for people M well u for ahl~wlth u ever-brtpte~"fatu.re. • Paul Lorentzen ~ '. Paul Lorentu-n: native son and a .,...'l.-unf'r 1n t~ arf'8. has quickly risen to the top In tt'K> sport.sfW..._ hulinrM and is tht-~ p~ident or the Sportr~·· ~tlm ol Newport Harbor. Starting wnh ont> ct.)· boat. .lbr CrtWttlt. he atqulred AI Forgit's Balboa Pavilion lntf'ft'lta ...._ ._ four other boot" and Scottie's ntf <'. Snm ttw <'rftenont wW pull out or Seal Bench. . ..,(. Born In San Jose. he nttendl>(j l'.S.C .• .....,. tw .,.. on ttw football team (or thrre years. Aftf'r rol• two •"" to thl' Santa Fe for thrre yt'ari ns muter ~· and tbrn .wnt to France' with Gf>n<'ral ~rshlflR's 114th ~. Aft« the war he opmro an ice (T('9JTI a nd bottUnK piA.,. in ~­ dale. Ariz .. and thf'n went to Ba kersf!Md IUl chW C'fUtint'('r for Kern County hospital. Tt-n years later hi" built a ncl ~tt'rl ttw> fanl(J'I" Fn'n<il Village at Bakersfi<'ld. which has made hll' na~ kJlOI,\'ft·up and down the C'O.'\St . nnd it was wh('t'l he dl-.pc:.w>d or thiA that he came to &I boa Islnmt when> he lin•11 with hl4< "Iff'. F.dna. who was a Rc.'d Croe:;.<:. ntlf"S(' during tht> first World War. Lorentzen has R s6n. Paul jr .. of Vista. and a daughtt>r. Jc.-an. who is a ck-ntal hygt'nist. Former com manct<•r of th<' AmPric-nn ~on Jl(>!'t in B:\k· ersfield. Lon>nl7~n is ruM ll ml'mher of lh<' Vcternns of For- clgt} Wars. a Mason. Elk and F.a~~l'. • · '1 Paul Lorentzen . JOSEPH L. MARSHALL T.LEFEVRE "Frenchie's" Barbecue & DelicateSsen ... Balboa Spo rtfishing Fleet ..._. Sll~ l'aYwo. ~tt ANITA SEXTON •Prop. Balboa Market and DelicatesSen 708 r~ c-traa-r~L "" !!.t DON NORMAN Norman!s -Meat .Market ~fielraiA~ ... !t t Howard J. Gerrish IMATFORD Fllg; IN8UllASf'1t CO. ftoM~1tl . IIIII ~•"'llin BIY'II.-ce.la M-. ~. ~- '"Fr...,.....,Muacer -· ··· .......... Christian's Hut .. ....... tt~ Thomas F. Norton . .. Prop . BAY SHORE CAFE l'1toM ZU4-1'711l A (lout IIIP-Y SER\'lNG 12 NOON TILL 9 P~ M. t~t Geo. Weiss & Dick ·Othmer Plastic Watercraft Co. -........ ·- '703 £."-~ . t ~ ~ Bob Allen COUNCILMAN Prop. IULftO \ I'IAND VAIUETT 8TORE •• SPORTLAND-BOWLING-PA VILION ... : . .! . . ~ ~ . 10, Ma.ln 8L-Balboa Hotel Arcade !!.t Rolx'n L. )Short>y-Rt'Cording Engine-er Davis & Gay Music Co. 1110, Newport Bl\'d.-C011ta M-Pil. !110 • It Walaat-8t......-HunUqtoa Beaoclll ·t! ~ Theodore Robins FORD D"EAL ER Ph.tl !Ill W. (;f'fttKl .t .t .t Braden L. Finch Pn>• C o( C Gen M~:T. Fint"h Ceramic-s Te~e~~~ne BAL'BQA :: Damia Lopt ien Orkin's Department Store Ready·to-~·<'nr, Beach Togs, Pirce Gooda InJants' Wt>ar-Jio<isehold Ware no--zu o-t. ttae Heart or eo.u. M .. l ~!! . lruton M.· Maxwell, M. D. 1 .. 1 (lout mpwa,.-eo~ Ml liar l"tM»• Newport IOU !t~ . Burt R. Norton - RADIO EtECfRICIAN noae un UU 0eM& JDPwaJ-Newpen lleeelil, Oallt. ! ~ ~ • AL ANDERSON ·· Fun Zone._- ~~a~ ... ........ t!~ Bob Callis ~ .. · CJEIOaAL PETE (ft.YINO BOIUII:I'OWD) m ,.... Bt-N..,_,._,...._ m _] ROBE~T-t J. REED Harbor Cold Storage ... H PMIIe t4l ue ..... st.-Newport lleadl. o.m. ! ,-! . Capt. B. J. McNally McNally'• Balboa Boat Livery ,05 r:. Bay A\'t<.-Phoni-· 406 !!! Dr. ·Conrad Richter Cooola Me.a Phone: OffiN~ 1 SS ~dl'ncfJ H·.I !!-t Herbert F. Kenny POSTMASTER BALBOA Calli. !!! Ceo. Weiss L. Elaine Welu ~ast P~~rties Co • ,01 E. Ceat:ni--JSalboa--PitloM ... !.J.t! W :B. Rowe Starck/ s Cafe !ht Pt-Newpon ! ~ t Fritz Goossens • Gus Vander Linde Balboa Market ..._. Newport 1&-101 Mala 8L !!! • • jack Hamilton Beacon Sea Foods ......MM·W .... o..t ....,..,._Newport Beada, o.llf. ~t~ AU..AN DAR1TORD The Blue Sails ...... 8t.tao•f7, Card-. Art 8a.,.,ue. ....... IIL-a.I...._PIL Newport 111 ~tt Robert E. Arvin's lewelen ud Watchmaken Ill ""-t'J•Secoad 8trt!et Newport Beaclll. Calli . ! t !• William MacCurdy W. H. (SkiP) Calkins MacCurdy & Calkins, Inc. NAVAL ARCJ rrrECTS M. E. Nlrot'Ckrr, St'C. &. ':f'n'ns. Ull CoMt H"7···NeJ1t110n lkh.··Pta. NwpL 1181 ttt Stanley James Barden MASTER MARINER a.I,Eetate Brolier-VIM'ht and rAhlp llrollw ... Cout a...,..-n. MI-M r--~ ! .t I '• C. F .. DennfAon A.odat.d wtU. A. "fiiANDV" RTI:JSF.R -RMJtiOr 114 f'out m,t~w.y-Phoae tan . .t.t.t (MA C PELLETI ER Newport · PhaJ1!1acy !IIMI Oc!Ma f'rG11t-Ptaoee a .. ! ~ .t ANTON HERSHEY Prop Hershl')"'s Market Spot l'ttoiM! 100&-Balboa bl ... .t .t .t Donald J. Harmon BALBOA HOR SE RA CES Woa. 'l\'oa. W0t1 ')faa• 8t....et~boa ! .t·;t Dennis Ho~land PLYMOUTH · "'-"' 1~011t• M-neo S•WJ10r1 BIY'II. -) .. STEAKS ~-­ !~ .~u :, ' I Study TB Wards I In County Hospital !·.· SCOUTING .FOR ALL BOYS r ~ 85 falifornia Bred llorses Have Won •. 99 Ra('(ls at Santa Anita in Six W l'~~ , Mr and Mn Janl('ll R John· •·•" 1.~1 :.'\ilh ttrt'C'I. are ~nt8 •>f a 1o011 llurn t'c•bnt .. r y l4 111 So•nla ·'"'' t \1111111111111)• ho•111tal. 'ftw' Val- •·nt 1t1i-dny a rrh•.t Wt~llh.._od tlf'Yt'D h \ SPEC IALTY o ~ "~~~• t 1 N E n tJ lr T E ~ M 1 L K HOT' C AKE'S • Complete LUD<'h.f'OD~'X' • Ot'len 7 to 7 -:-Sund~·s !l t" 5 Tlh' nt •l .. lllll "'''"' flf Rllyrnflnlt l 'lholl, llunt •n~to1n O.•twh. n,.,. Nul\h\ J•J""" .. II•••~·'" ... ' 'hM\'•• oulolo•ol t'\lll~ltlo•!uloll ''' i ,, ... ,,It 1 """''" """" ~~t .-th Pa ... ~ 11 '~J.UtH ,IIIJ \\IHI\•1 ,.f th,· lll'h $-•oOi l -~1 ,.---------------..... --. ~tlllt •'•'•1111 > l l •to•l""''· "''"'''"' ''" ,, .. , I,, I ~ ' 'ltt tH Itt • ,,, ,,,, \\ 111 fl• t~ ,et :--.,.,,, • \uil.t tltH"'~ \h\• ,,,f)t \\tt h ,.J thlHi d tl\t\J\a I'''''-t1 hI,"' h tl\fo I lilt~' II"•• ,.,,..,,. I' ht•IU•I•t• '" tlh·71u.tthh•' ,,, 1: tltfh I t t•t I 0 thlttl IUU rl\dr ''\t• ltl•lt'd fHtl't 1 h tr. t If 1\1 .. $t~l,,l1n h\ fU '' lth•HII ' ,d,•n· rfhl ,•,u n t•tl ft•r th• 11 "'''''''' t\\ "''~ ltlt!\Uu•: ~~I 7'11 It I fo •' 1 Or .llf•U 1111\ l>t:tltiJo pl.u •• t \\t·ll lff' "' • euuuiM'I ,,( 1 , Kids' .Cafe' 1%56 Newport Blvd. .J. . Coata 'Fto'<l \\' :-;.,,. .. "'!!"'"'" und Holtlh 1' ('111•'•11•·' S olllfft 1\n:r. '" wu rk 1111 11 l't~nmilll<'<' with l)r~ Edwa n l L•·• ,,Ht•~~• II hnd l'"llo·t t 1: l.unolo- 1'·' ot ol ''"'"t' lw.olth ••Hh·o•r ,111<1 ll1o•.ltt'Ctl d 11 ,.,.,.,, oil t lh• IUih ro'll· hi''' 'l•tt\ thtlrt t t ,, .. ,.,.,I h \\ ·'' \!P- 1•1•1\t•d "·' llh '"''nl "' •hrh·t.>r< ••I th•· l•l •trh'~· ''uuut) ·ruh,•rt.•uh~•~ .llltl lit ,dth ~,,,.~·aa llun '" l't'~ul.\r 11h•l1t hl\o llh'< IIIII: 111'1.1 lit \'\\ 1'.\ I 11th:. ).;..,\l,o Alloo :'-l••tnl.t) nfto•r- ruwut, :.H ~ t•nhn•• Itt nn anthHU\t'1'- tll! nr lo) \\'tlham H II ~ nth . pro·~•· 4-·nt n( t it,.. I 'hrt1>tftlll!< SPill 1•r· 1.:111111111 ron 1 •·~""''"' ,,, l•t "'..:, Uh ldtul "'"' kly , J _ Jim a nd na.., Kt-Uer, Props. l l.,r h •r ltu,-.•lf, r.·\•11!to••l t11 IIW lw•11r<1 "' dtn•o'loors tlw l t h.: l-.•nl· nutt ... ·. tut.:t'th••t: \\ tfh .1n e·n~tn•"t'r. t'Jt1 1\lt1..:' ••f httl ''' ht··~ Jn ttu•l II ;,,l,fo II "I •t• I·• ~Ill ' ~~•1 I ''111111' ,, ... '" \\ ····k• ,.f r MI'Inr;: Ht Sunta ,\tU iu >" • h••l '"''· tlu• ,.,..,, a ..A-••nlploo)o•d hy tf,.. l"ulllll), 1~ Stllrl·l X 1n1.: h)' tnnkm.: 11' ~tud)· t•f tho• prt•SI'nl hll11<1tn.: to> dt•h•r·mlno• what 1 ~~·~~~~ "'"''' ~r' "'"'~' '"""' • .,, •hlt••n •nl 1 t •ahftt.l u ;,.· t ••rtt\"1 ntH I l llltt'ht•<e, hn.\'4' "''" !~I ''"'''" "'"' f'.!7tt t;:-<1 In flnt mo>n(,., "'''"'' unol 11\l'fll'<b I"'''' 111 tlwir ht•••••lo·r~ nttl•"'"' tu ~.'t.l,· ~>II :>41 Jlh hhhlll.: \\Ill /\till fll&l'' 111" 11 ,, )', I 'nltt .. rntn hrt,.l ho\f'.,,.j Need Money i•an and sho•ultl •~· d""" With tlwm llllft thl' ('(lSI , l oo r<~'IOllllf'n!.l 1)(1._~1· 11\'4' plans '" f'>rro•t•t \\ h;ll IK \\Tong I :mel too l'all 11t t.•nuon tu sumC'I un~lt·s ooC t'llrt' and l>''r Sl•nnt'l, 1 tllklnl: infO I'HOSidt'rAIIOO l'\'l'ry ph:•s•• of I hr prllt.:Tam I • ~\ \~\ . ,I I I I For Your Raneh?1 ~n-yea; ct~b se~ds 1 . );1-Ft. Geramum East If you need grea~er wor~ing capital to keep your ranch at maximum production l. see us_ about a low-inteJ't'St loan toctay. The First National Bank has established a policy or unqerstanding the (:n'Obk'ms or ranchers of this community and have given individual attention to e·very case. year after year. Th()S(' who have de:'llt with u.s. in the past recommend our services moo highly. Ask them about OW' friendly interest. Complete Loan-Service I'll~ S I' \ \ T I ( >" · \ I . n \ ~ 1\ "' 5 C...f\t(, I J.. tH~ t. • r \._) U R T >-1 & M A I N MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT fNSURANtt CORPORATION -· '1' In a ~:"ro•a I hit: hn'( I hat lnuks 1 hko· thl' Thm !\Inn's ,,,rrm, 11 .:•·r- nnuun 13 fl<~'t fi '· tnC'ht'!l lon~: WRs 1 •'n rooUto• lodny '" Mrs l.tlllnn P I !lucid on r..•n•'l'n, Jlllnuis l\lrs nuctrt lt~k••cl th,. i\11-\'o•ar 1 ('ltlh ftlf lh<' l'•'f'.tfliUIIl '10 Sill' l'!IO ,.,nf•'lln•t dunhlim: lllonmnns w ho l:otlt:lt••d ~~ lu·r "'tnr y ahout gcr-1 tonot1111s .:rom 111.; Ull <1\'t'r the r ot•f 1n Su\111\o•rn \nllfornia. Mrs nudd I Is n In) al l'outht•rn C'nhwrnian who's w ith ht•r Na,·y hushund in llhnUIS Th" All-Y«'llr Club fo und the 'I pondf·rous pC'Isy growln~: at the honw of Mrs. Sidtwy IIO('df'maker. \\'!((' or the P ig'n \\'hiSII<' ('XCCU· tlvr, in Sh<'rman Oak~. Cahf -Engin~rs Organize Refrigeration Service ,T~[ • S~dallnd phaRs of tM Boy !koul Procra• hut bHn dntl· oped for boyl on lhrH ace ~nls. ('lib SC'OuUar It dnlrntd for bo1• t , It ancl 11. Seoutlq la Ultt ftoop I• for boya IZ to 15 and oldtr. T he Sealor Seout Pr~ra8, wlllth Tnetudn Su Seoula, t.:a plortn aad Air Se9uta, Ill ~--for IHiy• and youa1 mta 15 aad older: "Sieft ltlt -rt Uuaa l&,Mt,ttt IHIY• aatl •t• bAn liofta •t•Mn ef Ute 11o1 .~t.l el ~-rkL ~ County Grand Jury Finds .County Buildings in Need of Repair; Has Praise fot Two ~unty Officials Oran~:<' ('nunry ~:rand jury this t hl' r;rnnd jury: Wl'f•k ~ubmollo•il thrtr n-por1 ond ,,,. ~:r:md jury found tho• <'0Ur1 ri'<'nmmt'nl'l.i:llcnn' Itt 1111' bonrd of HcXJ~·· h11ll nf ,..~nt_.. nno.J court \\',•dnc'Sduy <'"<'ning. f't•h 13. 11 'll(ll'rvt"''r<t nnt1 rn t1 foon<1 that h110~·· nnno'll. hllllchn~o."ll In a batt mN•t inrr.: \\:" C'Atlc>d or r··f_!'tJ:t'tllltfln "'VI't'lll •'011"1)\' flllllohng~ lorr In a ~tlllf' "' ro·pnlr,, and l't'Cnn'VTlt'l)d mo•n '' Orung<' rounly for thr pur· hurl •toll' of rt'fWllr lout flrTII't•tl thf' thry h·· p:llnll·fl nnrl n•novatf'd lrf\• r•ust• of rnrmin~t a lol('lll rhnptl•r of work •If ,the• •·mon)y nurhlnr oml nu..-ll.ot ••ly N•J l("nf'rlll r'<'novotlng tll'f' lll'fri~tf'rnirnn !'••nr~ En~:in-tht• rnunty f"tn·htt!'inlo! n~··nt hll<~ '"'''" olnn•· tn thf' hulldln~tll for N'r,.· SociNy It was ht•ld, at L<'e's Fullu"in£ L' tho• ro•ronr1 I'IW\t'd noon • rhron 13 y('llnt. llrrw-ln banttll"t rc>nm. S11n1a Ana. hy Elm••r C"rn" f.,rfi. furo•mon of w1th 36 mf•n In '"" rl'frtr,:f•rattnn l _ In mrtny I'Oflm5. th~ plast~r Ia hu~lnPss rrf•1if'nt , most or thl'm full ·o( h .. t.•s, and In II('Vl'ral In· i ••r u .. :tn~: th•·tr w"···s I Eleven Licenses ~>tnn•···-lt•rg" portions hav" fal\~n I n,,. m<'t'tln~t "118 rondU<'I<'d by uff, lo•ll\ ln..: lht' lath <'X:~ Some WilhAm AIIIIIOn nf IAl!l Anr;:<'ll'S.,Issued In First .,r "'" f1rtmlli(l' wu done.-by thto 111111' prHid<'nt of lh<' MX:I<'ty. I, l c·nrtll'lllllkl' of 1933. pt-llllo!! Will mild<• for a charter I Fifteen Days r Tho• t'Ollrt hllll~ llnnrx llbOIJirl 11nd C'll'dum o r o ffi<' .. rs wa1 com · ,,.. t•••JII.-il immo~fulll'l)•, rt• th••t pl<'ll'd with tl\4> followln~t nam<'d: ,·,.ntlllrn n nf thl11 hurhlint: i~ vrt') 1 prrsitknl • -l\lf·rlc> A. _Sodrn, A nil· j F.lrvo•n tndl\ lcluu" nncl howc'~r's hll<l I hf>tm: ftNI vfC'C'·'PI'f'Sitknt . Harry I fu m• wo•n · ch·rn 1lr •'n""" clurrng \luro• f111• '''llllr,:lll,h•·r .. 'ho'>ulrl dFox, A'!_&hl'lm: M'COfld viet'·prt>s_!~ ,1 the Lint hall of • th<' month .lO '"' J•IAI'tod Ill t h•· "'""' h"ll'-' nntl l'nt, Tom Mukham. Santa Ana, I "l"'r,lf•· in 1111, nl\ Thf') N>vrr hnll n1 rrron1 "' th••rr 1~ only lf'<T~Iary·tl'f'aiUrt'r, Jim Robin10n 8 1.11rlc•ty of huJtin•·II~NI .from pro· c,n•• IIVIIIIahl•• 11t pn'"'"' of F ullrrton , AASistant IIN'T'~tary-fr a•lonlll lln••l' 10 rl'ally lind >'ttrht It i• hnr,.~l 111111 ,~"""' ..rtnn wrll trrasurrr, \'lrgtl A. Payan, Santa hroll••rato:l" lw• mwlo• lmmo~llhftoly tu rl'llll'll) An11 \\' L Nlrhol~ "'l'llrf'ti 11 llr•·n-" ,..,. hll lll\lion i\ny ton.: r11nw•· Jllllllntnl( hy I h•• h1111td fur n••w • ~MArinA' """"U''• Rllllwo~ l•lftnd. h•tlldtn~o:~ ~huulrl ""' hllnft lt In lh•: for 11 ;donut· nn<1 wnffll' l'hop "' I F ifty ('l<'r c;'<'nt more highw11~ aan • • " ~ 1 f 1 ·111 • llnc,l ttt 312 lllnrln" II r<'lll ''"'""' "'"' "' HI '1111: lt'JII•Irll "' ~''''''' fH' fluiJt Wtlh IISphaJtiC C'On~re~ llrtn~•· WAC icJtUf•f1 In J-:rno••t I.Vn · o•nl ll\1' f'untllftutl tof tho• lolllloJinl." t h11n w1•t> •'<'mrnt ronstructlon, at ,, anythonr: hnt 11 1"1 ••lrt '" o ""'t:'' <'qUal rosr. Wtood-\'lo•k Alllto ton I ho• l51"nll t • I Jr F F Kd tur "~~~ llrl'nll•"rl to n 0110 y ----~--prnt'lll'•' lll'nll~lry nl 2~ On \\•• f•~t~nd l h•• nfft•'o• uf l nlll11) YJt , fllll"''h"~ln~ot nr;rnl in l'llflo'lhl<' hnn•l• ~~root wl~h to o'•lntpllrnc;nt MN C:llltl\11 Rowl'r nn rho ,., ... ,..,, h on•ihn~ot of h••r ,.ffl •·•• ft\'f'OUt' Frno•q lint l••t'\,·nrt h w1ll "IN'r n tr no ""'"""'lrv ~~~ <'••nlrrtl II\ o•ntto• fl J.' C:IIIIAI(hnT 'W<'\lro~ n llf'f'nt.· tu '•fl•·roolf' n phonnt;tr oph nllt<'hmr In the Ptvr llll~rMtlluront In llnlh1111 11l~n. Sh••'• App11n·l RIOt<• "A~ loo·••ne.•ll l11 ~··II lttrllt•~' r<'lod)- to-"rAr "' :\lo"• M:tin !'lro'f't Sh11w's l'phnl~trry Is plrcnnln~t ,, lnrrtlf' ,,, lilt r...... ho~:hwrty \\'tfhln II loltlf'k It! 717 C'ooflllf hco.,'h· ""Y 1\,.h C'ttnntn~.;ham "'"~ l(l\'t•t1 n (M•rn11t tH "lw1rttt•• n~ " yru•ht In ••1-.• r .\ o;~tluou I 11h••p 1~ lllun- "' •I •·~ r;.,, "'"'''' at l ">l:l ,."',~' hr,;f1wn1 I In .(' .. r••ll• tl•·l :\1 or pro•·f:1l•rl 1 •'• d h"''"''"" "11! t,.. "old tl\ ( 'ha"' \\' l\).,...,1•-f' ,tl •l 1f , ..... ~''1f'Utt A t•ttf I •• ,. , ... ,,, • ' .... •J ,, I" f , I If,, .. I .I • ,, ,, ........ \\ I ' rt'l tl 1 I , ~I' \\ •' hotvf' rh ... ll,.,l lhl' f1111 (un•h ''"'' lhC'y A(lJl''llf' to ,.,.. In molo•r h:on•tiNI 11~ nrr nil rounty foon•l• '" \1 • F.1•ko•l Sinrr• th,.r•• Ill<' !loll 1 t~·· 11 11 ('1111nly C11ir "''ro·ntly nll 1 th '' WAlt p:tlo1 Oltl nf lhr· fnn•l• 1 '"''" rot1Jn•t m<'nl' flllrlfll: 1 "'' h"' fo..rr.t yr11r. \\ •• hnvo• C'hN•kNI I h•• 111!1'1'• tl' on)..' lund.ot nncl thl'\ 11111• '" '" II" in '''"' r-Tht• ro11nt\' hll" tn,·rHt1 • •I tho ln11l.:o•l fur lloo• ""'fll \N il \\'•• tin ''"' hnvl' nn \ ... , ''"'""'' I· raoc·iH .J . Hu" .tf lt • Ourin,~t lhOJc lon11 m o nchs of figluin~t ,.,,t •II half rlrt ""'• ,111t-11onn< and pbn, lo r the I''"' WM pcrond: ant! "'''h V JUay, loookcd co nf .. lcntly ahead !o-W,H<' rlan• hccnmin,~t rc altlit'•- '"m" of th<'m ha•·t'-hut other~ • .,., ll .... thr~ ha"" ht'<n dda) cd. ,,, ' '1tl I· t· ' ,,,, f f •It 1. •I ,, ••••I I .('Ct,\lf 1T \ '\ St:l;\ fl I J-.J,t .. ,, \jl• I! 'f I ~~ foo t •olr r al '"'"' '' ,t,. • \\'ich the (ooldon~ n( J•ran, "t .,( P•<tf•c I It rtrot •nticipated, """I! woth nrhrr•. thO! h•dh no•t•l\11 ni"' ""'"" ~.,.,._h,s woul•l ,t,.,nh he·''·"""''' ·""'''lid tn>IC'ro .11< fo r the ""l''"'('mc·nt ,( rAil I''"' n,:•·r cqutpnu nr' "ud• h.l\ nM htt n t~t ca\1.' Alth .. u~;h '""'' ...... htt n ()11 Ofoltr r •• , "'10\ ""'"'"'· "'"'" lo r dr lf\( ry !11<· 1,.,1 H ''· nn "'" ('•"'"~" "I'"P"""t h., hot n rccllvl.'d \00((' \' ·) 1)1~, ~r\ll f•t't.Oll'l' "' rr• \ diiiOj: CtltHfotoon<, probably "o n'l hl' cld~<t'red fn r '""'" '""' "1 • 1 hr•lly a da) P''"'' thu ou• • "'' onol hu<c·s art rtnl on spt~oal noolttH\ •e-n of t' (nr returner,, m2n~ "' .. hum ar(' hlftlr Cl\u'\f.o c\. 1 hr'c he rut\ ,. ho ~:~vt (rcdy fo r tht•L councry Jr(' one o£ nur fi.ut con1iJr rano n• \\<'I. no"' > o u .. ,. .. fJ nor ..,anc 11 o thtr,. o<r . • Comrlicluion o f cht local uan•r o rruion pwhlcm foflo ..,ed ~otr n~ul ab andonment o f 'uggcrt~ hnurs of employmcnr: Th_it ha• rttulrt d in congruin,~t uavel 1n1o rnn:n1rlfio rtcr p rrood tn tu\h hours. The intviublr rcsulr hu bttn ht l \ trr lo adong, more u~ndru, u chert hu brt n no addouollal eq uipment avaohhk * Wt confidtntly anticipate and l rt planning fo r t arlittl iJtiliblt improved iran!pottacion ~f'liCt'. In 1hr mun.lom,e, ·~ art tnt•· getic•lly ... orktng co provtdt maxtmum w rwace poa~blt ~AG4Jir prewol conditiOflt. JOIN THE MARCH Of DIMES f ight Infa ntile Po rolys;. I• I,' ,., . ,,., t fo •f j I I''' ,. l •t 'I , .. ' 'I I I I lfl J:,th S t. I • I\ .. I ,' 0!\('E .\(;,\[~ SAM'S SEA FOOD SPA Off•·r' Vou fht~ t1n•·'t l'llWI' tr•_!!lnn In 0raDJt& (;Ullflf.): All New - - - En·n the Locati on . ( •nr..Half Milts J-;;,.,t rtf ()Jrf l .~Juot••tn on Cortst 1111-!hwn y Rcautiful New C-4le.ktail Bar We l..c-ad Southern Callfom l:t ln the C5erv1ng of -SEA FOODS -· ~ ' ALSO l'Ot 'R , kind ttf STEAM -VISIT f>t;'R Krrr;JIDI - Sam's Sea _F~ Spa and Fi8h Market h11\t' nlr••rtol) •·nrno'll $-1111),710,1 \\ .,,,,. onwr \\'•'l'ft't'f\ ''" ......... ~ f Dan Patch -Huck Witb Navy Release P n11 l'll to·h. SS~tl. :\ J, \ISNit, '"n ••I \lr 111111 :111~ I. I, l'nfo'll VI Mo1Cio•toro ''' •'llllt', · N~111.-1 lll11)..'hl•. lf't'o'l\t'lf ht" 11111\otrhhlo• lll't'h'"'0.:'' Snt unlu1 nt Jt,,.,t~W•vo•lt H11 ,. '1'>'1111111111 h lnoul II•• ""• huli :4:.! mo•nlto• hJ'rl 1•~·. m<..Cl' u f It un tho• ttln't'ull l'llrrl<'r Suw"'""' It net "~~~ In u II I ho• mttj11r •'•1111· 1'"11.:1" (r011n tlw t';ltlw•r t l•l•nlla It> (lkllllfWfl 111111 1'1'1'1'11111~1\• 1111W llt'rY 11'1' In thr Alo•ut lnns, ll1· 11 r ntltl<od to Wt'lf fl>ur rlhhon• 1111d nin<' t .. t. tlr atAr•. On hit... !rut lt'll\11' 111 htlflM" In NoVt•mlw•r, Mr l'iotl'h wn1 nuar· rlt'd to M lr.• O.•ttyf' l'oWl'Fs Gt lljtllw111 IIIIMnd, and t hl'y .,... ,._ maklnf( thrlr homr 11t 21:.1 O n)'ll 11\'1'0111\, llniiN~n lalMml M r l'lllch plan• to r nl••r an IIJIIIrf•ntl~'' • wocl<iwurkt•r nnd l'"rt"•nlt•r . Cue8 Cabinets Slnre ltl98 WORTHINGTON ~ .... ...,, .. \ ... -- Since •• REFRIGEilATION ..... Air Conditioning 623 So. f.n~~ __ Anvw St. t;~n;Kut:Nf:V I'IIQNt ; ; " ....... ;. .... InCOmPARABlE ' n • .ey .......... CeN ...... MOl. iiiiN-. TIAL ..... over Hf.ro. Do11't let .... of ·: Ne4y cese-ste11tl 111 yo., wey. • • • Y" tJ!N wolco111o te ovoll yeanelf of Dr. Cowe11'1 Llberel CNtllt Plea WltttMt 011o Po-."y Atl-dttloHI Cott. AI of yeor HC~~tory worll wiU H co•preto4 11r-~T NOW ••• ,., letor I•_MMII · WH~~&ty or ••11t.hly .,.. ...... llr. C'.o"·.:··· pnc... ....... •• thf' ....... low 11-vfll ,_ all bnuarhH oldNtal wortr. .............. ,...... t .. n•lfod tn ftlaht Now Uld ! 0& VOWJ!N No Advance Ap. po.intment Re- quired. Co"'~ In Any Time at Your ('onvenw~.tllay or Ev•nlnr. A T' T E I T 1.0 I~! ! \ The~ County A. F. ol L. Unlona ronreomt'd wtah to ~Jl"'M thf>:lr RJlflr'f'~-u.tl9fl of t~ friendly •ttltudP ~ hy .lrw1 ... t Rrot...,.. pnrraJ con- tmc1o,., Jo'ull.-nnn, IIJII ''""'" ''"' hy ftN'Ir 1dJ,.'M· turc> on lh•• lahur rw n ..,.nwnt ~u..-cl. IJ.v lt':t• lkdkUn1,( ( :unt nll'tw UuildinJt--an4· ConMU:udion Tr•defl CouMII of Orange County, A. F. 1 ... ( 'entral Lahor ( 'num·il of OranJte County, A. F. 1. •. . -· ; , Our lll'tCnt st tha~s a"d apprtnatlon ~CI rll ou r frimd4 who IU!ut hem Jtl ''"d ro tAl d~o~mag cm4 1mc~ lt0ft4rd'l 'acctdmr. CLAkA fllWN.UD U ACH ' PAINTING t lJJ'..,.8entaet.N_,... ...,._~ HARRY HALL •ADmJ~·~ ., ........ -A. .., .• .Radio Servlee At Rea80nable et'ices Painter Radio & Electric 1148 Newport Blvd. ALLMARK Jjreeting Card-s i1 I .. t t I Distinctive Costume, Indian and Shell jewelry LAMPS • VASES~ FIGURINES P.\f' "· n~.-. 1! ~ • .:WUtJ t'1t. M). ·-·~91 ~·" 1'111•' '"'· I. H 10.-4 IIi • . . .. .FRESH EVE&Y DAY CI9ER ......... ud \''"PtahiN ... 8... . ~ ,"'"' • "fl··r· 1 ,, • '\'lll' ,,. '" .. . • rrUHst. '" ''''' ,,, , , , , ..... , =DuHon's Groce : 'f\ """··~···· '"'" .. . rv. 1 m,~, '"' '"" .. r l"'' . . .,. : ......_Hill : · • _ •I'N Nr~ ...._ O......M ., , ... , ••If to• ' 'I .• ••••••••••••••••••••• ~~ ""•\\'C r .... c Newport -Balhoa T ri~t . Ru l'au All M~ of Tnwl'l to F.\11"t1('C'. ~ft'\lro · 'ali Round-th•'-\Vorld T:i~ in tlw nrar rutut'\'. ~ M". Rn• llN"IN'. 'l~h. ~-~1 f'!tlm. Rallltn 11 ftnu": It a. m t• 11 r '" ....• brcmu t• IC4TC£ IO ~)tot II ,, : ,.,. .~,. "1111'1\ ""'"'" 10 ,_,, I •tqht \'mar :Suf"'i4• H••r·u~nlzll!\ Clualll ,. \\ """" 'h•• ..... "' our nllnll• on n """"'''"'' """'~" .. h.-knn" • th•~-flrt'"t·rlltUun ''"'' tw"t•n .:h t·n ,,,. rr'lnl. """"'•lrntl•"" ltlll'lttlnn Onh t h<' frr~•·•l 11nll ron,.. •I ltt.:r~·•lt.-nl" ht\\t' lwo.•n n•.•·•l l"'ttr pruttt1•f Afttl Jlf'·f'Urnt•' ...." ,, ... Iorin:: "'"' r·r~riJI· llun~~t tn "'· ~.-wpurt f'hnrmnn · ! 1M r....,,.n l'runt t•rw.,f" :\ Kl.l~t; f'O~c·~et:Tt~ rnnm T~ c·o'll'·\~\· IIOI.I.C)\\ Rl ll.llf'(; Tll.r: \\U flRIC't< ~ • t-,,n•l 1! tnt'h l•lt-k • flftf" for .\11 ~~-of Rnlltllnr anl1 l'11tlo \\all• \\' \1 Tl"" 1.' 1\11"\f' P~o ro·to ,, · ~T't .nr I •• ,·.~t •' Ia. Sf"WPQrt Rotld. ('~Ia "r •• • • Cylinder Head . Grinding llartDe EDat~ Puta Duplicated ... Arc aD4. At-etyl-Wei~ General Machine Work ·• SAMPSON ~£hine Works lt~M s~wpnrt Blvd. PhoiMI U U . COSTA ~E8A For All Business Ret~uirements ••• Let Us Supply Your leeds ·Add. Machine Rolls. 1\s.~ht sizes 15-JOc Availability Certificates Binder. 3-ring s•,<z X 11 sheets $1.25 Cash Register Rolls. all makes Celudex %-Inch clear Index tabs Oip and Arch Boards, all sizes 90c and up Oips, Bulldog and paper, rua~td sizes Columnar and Accounting Pads, all m.. Counter Olec~ Credit and Debit PadJ 250 Different Ledger Sheets and Forma Suitable for Every Busineu and Income Tax · Requirement Oajly Analysis Sheets, 500 for $5.50 Daily Cash Sh<-ets, 500 for $4.25 Estimntine: She<>ts Desk Fil<'!'. letter& or legal liu . " Dlvclopc" -- Columhin CIHsp, all si1.es to 10 x 15 M<tnil~ whitr, all si7<'S. plain or printed BUihl''nds, Rulcci-plaln or printed 81fl x 7 to U Dnter!\, 75(• File F olrlcrs. manila, all cuts, Jetter ~d Jegal stze~. ~3:00 to $4.00 per 100 · Erascr.;-Art Gum\ 1'yp<.-wr1 ter Ink nnd Pencll File Guicics. prt'stboard, letter size, $2.25 FIJI(•rs. notehook. punched, ruled or pJaln Large and Small S izes Gla~sine B<1~s Ciummeci L:thrls Incil':-o:rs. a II si1.cs Jnrlr:-o: C'arcis. nlll'fl, nil siz~ lnrlp-.; ~it::n<1ls • ln~s-\\'riti,[lg. hottlrs or ~l(ll"tS Qt11nk & Shr:1 ffci'S stencil. mdelible, India. 8tamptng 'n\'enlpr:• ShC'cls '"' ."') Newport -Balboa · News~Times l'ntt Wf'!llt r~ntral A\'l•. Phon" 12 and 13 ,. } Lt. John Upson Hopes to Return I To Police F orc:e Skating Rink Permit Approved: Others Denfed .,. , C'ontintu"CC fr.•m Pal(t' Ond Pt.•(U.'t•tinw Um :d tluyin.! funtinut•s At 70°~ uf ,l;·a~u¢ ,.,., Ht.l:i ltatt•: ~huw~ lnn.~stnlt•nt Ut'rn:tild. Tn·a~ur,· Noh\~ . . . (' t . n h t d •• I ltH ''"'I ,,. " ' I' ., •' litH ,.. 1''·h· tth u ... tth l "''""''" At tlw o•rhl "' I I' 1-,. I ' I• '' "•• ll'nll' I r prl\'11'~1' ,,. 'If'· n ''Ill ,l••fo I I'" I II 'lo. '' o I ' I ,I '"' ,·,f f, d··l,ol rtf'S! 1.11'1!1 ./o•ltn 1!("'"';· 1\\IJ<o''r,':=~;;~olt~t~l•l1~fl::':~· '1~fllt~:~~~A~d:~:-u~~::: ·11 '1l ol!l \ 1 I ' ''•· 1 .. '" I• I, 1 t l••• ••I Iloilo •·lo ;::•.'','.',':,'·;',;::,'1,~:~\l• .. l:, .. ',:.':::·\l,:,"",,,:·~•;•,l ' turn_ •'d 11<'1111' ro·o' nt b "I~'" "''' tn~; II,,-,,.,, t•r••'-thi•• .~nlll'll in.. I t I' I I,'"" ' " '''•.'!" ''· II '·I I ,J I'''' ol " ' '"" "'• "I~ .... I t f ''''" "''''"'"H't'-t1•1'"' .. ~''··1 33 tnunth'.''''''~··.,~.lh1t .. '!'\ tu .t~.lln "'' richt In t::tkt• th·· ''l('tUrt < ''Uf \ ... "' .... , r ,,, ~ , ..... ''" \\I , ... u .. l ,,, .•• , .••• ,, ••• ·~·"t .. 1t1t• '"''" '''" 1111 "lllv, join UH., !'\t'\\ft(rt B .. tr 1 d f, ,,, "·" ''IIH•• tf,, \\ '' , H ,,.,, ,, , , 1 , ''" '"''" ,,,, .. ,_. t' l'" ' f t'•h Jl4l u~t' , •. nnt tn !\uhrit 1ht• SOle' of tht't1\ ,, \\1• 1 t I ,,, t, ,,, ,1 • ·'''''' ,( ttt.· t tutltttn,· t '••ltlt h ' ~=;.~n~~~n/'','~~",,:;1~~·r~11111,.::1tr::~ r~·; ·n~mr~~~ rlf•rl.~rr'o{ . 11 r· 1 11 1 .. 1, • ~.;, 1 ;1· ... ', d 11.. ,:.':,.,. ',',.~,11•1 1:.• ~;::·,,~ .. ::::: 1ol"."1111 :' 1' '' '''"' 1 '''"" "1 1··'''''"111 ' 14~5 Ha) •--'''l\\h' • ""' n )On P0'1 '''" ''' 1\t\"~' ., I"' I''' \ " .... ~, 'h ' t ~ttu.! dt It• I'' 11! ~'·n\t ... ,,," I\J•lhl•n'' ·hu,:••t '-"''•'Yt .,.. T l(''IJ.•!Ion, ',"··r::c·rl 1\l~h tho• ,I:!tlt :~.rr.n·rllllnl'~":~(''('·~·,·r··'r'"n·~·r·n;.~fr(·,·~(·:,lll,•o l·:~ ,',' II"' tho• II ·····' 11.1 •11 1111•'11 ' 1,.111 'II I'''"''" '"'' , •.•• 1'1· •. " n .. l:•·••'tllllh Ill 1'1"• r 1•'•1'1111111' R 1 r· l~ r' ,,, rt1T,.. •• ,-n ., 11 lit ,1 111,~,1111 , • .( 11 • .f,II\.U,\t~ ,.1 til\ 11, h••t•flfl• !h-· r .. •IHt .. llh \ f't l+•t lllt•<tt ,,, hta)Lhu~: ,,,tf,•ttth• Jand ''·'_.'1'r orr•·~, •• roup ltn .ng. rN IIIf'~l fnr nn nm lllll'mo·nt t1rf':11h'l _ -'lo' '•·IS..'lll•'·t•ol'ltot -.•11•·1 I ' I 11 I •I l I ll lto••1•1l•l•'l '"11'1111'111111 '''''''"'"' aq" nt•·r tn , .. nC' . co "" -"' ,,,u •. ' '"' tHL ,, '' ,, " '',' ·" • • •1 ''· .ll;tlit•m -in thl' n nlhnn t:mclmrrrk ro~r-WAR AIR-AGE ARTli\'E~ IN TilE w~:ST'--r r~·h ('\If th~ Ill I;''"''"··"··· ,,II II 111•' ·-'·""'-;I ,,,., ••lll o•l .olll'l"'"" ""1 \1•1• •1• .J .. "'1"'" "'Ill bour~: .. c.~·rman~ lind llolla nd, I'll· A c·on~·. slon fo'r linn"' li n'• ·.()((I l.l"rm'·t<f·hn!'S or th(' 0\lu<>lus AIN'rart ~Ortlllflll)' an S anta Mllllll'l\o I I • ' • d I r '-•., .• u ,.., ~ u r "" ~~~ 1''1 1' '''' 11 tl• · 1 1 ol I '' I 11111 1 •' ' f •1111 1 ,._............._...a.. . .,lll 1•'"""1~ • 'l"'i ,, .. , Ut \\ u,tf,uo,h•u gnt:o• In II r olr<'.<' a dmlnlstr'atl\'1' drin k!' In lhr rilY r ;,mn "fOIInll~ l ',olllorntn, tht' flrst tour-rnutur('d alrltnt' f'll\1\1' '" hr nollnttlal'llll•·d ' -• I ' .. ' ' ' ' I• .... I I w~-n lo ,,, 1• .. II .,,.,..~, ,, •• wo rk fl••fllrt• "''"'I' It Ctlr hom e tht• 1 . 1 1 rl . _,.· .... _•·· "' .. slnct' P!'nrl llnrhor ss s ho11 n ttho,.,. on tiS mnul<-n lltghl Tho• htJ~tr 14· '" l •q ;, "lt1·n '11• " 1' 'I '11 11 '' "' "' ''" 11 • 11 '" 1 • '" ....... ,, 11.1llooll ol ""11 ' 1'"'''--+- wl•ll k ' rr· \\'II<' 1 ~ !'Sitno"-0 1(1 ne('nmr II q (' S k ' I r . thr ln•l wor l ln nrovrn r)l•fl-'llllt T'II't' ""''I'll· hi It /IIIII \ihl' poooohlo 1."'" "·'' Ill Ito''"' II I• .. 1 lito• ,,111>11 "'''"" "·" 1•1 '"'I~ flU" n o I ('(Or spent tOme ltaxft trn'olftt park ,,.,.,, .__ ln\'ft•ll· paw·ngo•r yn ~~~ ,. •~ • • ,. ' • • t timr In t'Onlntfl ld ( d ,. ' • '"' '' M'llg<'l· co mfort. \\'r~lrrn Air LtnM. Wh1ch rt'<'el\'t-d c1o•l ll o'r~ Of lh~ !It lol 1'1 h•• o~ol l ll.•tttl Jolll o<~'l' lito• 1'1 ~orr II I Oil fftof' '"'l"lllh•• • I squadron. 1 n 8 guf\r ~:l ll'd h~· lolnn_rl ~nllors, IISl'i:\IMII plan e a fr w days llt:O. tuu on ordrr $1~.000,000 w orth !If lllt'St' ~Icy-o•l , ,., 111 "'"" t•lll.ol• 111 II•• II ,,.,.,,, ,. I'"' ,lll llllllr \' I"', Stlt. '" I hi' ("II \' l'n~tnr•rr. I ~:lants t\\f'nt)'•t'l!;hl In nit. Thl' ~K)'fl\1"\o'rS nrr S('hl'tholo•ol ,,, ·to ln(o ... olho•lll • "'"""' I "' '"''"'" \\'ill~ ,,. arn(•r ,\Hk!4 ,,,,,.,,.,, 1 •• •11 Ill \'lll'lt•tl •'"'"· ,,, Anothr r \'o'l!'fllf\'!!' f f'(f\11'51 fo•r :. lmm••lh nk' wn·lct! on the West Coast anl.l b<-t~n t.o.. An.:dt's and ,, d~o•ol ~ 17 ~~.-:~.'I • 11 loll h " " , • , d f I" 11 I • o1 '"""lllo-fl,ltt V11• hr•u-Annuall\feeting hot dol: stnnd nt th.: rnd tlLttw ' D\'11\'('r. 1'1. l••lh• ,0\l'llit't:lll .. lllhl\ I"'" ~nnstar~· Stu)' 0 ,•'""'1 IIC••Io·•· \\IIIIo• "lllft .\1'111~ Of C . I Nrwport pio'f WAS hl'h1 m·i.'Y rnr . ol "'··ro··· ,.. ,nlo•-. "'" 1111: """ ''"''' J.:ntirt• ( 'nunty I "'""' •·•nt•' n •\11'1 '''""' lho• ,,,.._.,. ommuntty di!l('\l.~~i~n will\ the lh'<' halt ~n-1 E t H . Ch.ld I"' ""'' tn Wl\1'111111' • 1"'11 Oll<loor IH ohllllll m nC.•rl"la Chest Thursday I ressionnlrl' lind en drtt'fm tnr mergency ou·stng I I 'ntl"'f' ll~;olll'~ fli t• ,,.,., 1:111111\ \ 'hlllfllllln Wtllta \\'llfl\l'r ur th4' lll'l'•lo•tl '" tlnlth Hll•m I \\'hr the r the idl'3 would ron nlc;.t l • I'" 111 lho· lrt'll'"" ol••llllr llllo'll l '"""" 11.,111,1 ,,1 •lit•·!\ I&"" 111, \\'\'nil 1411• 11•ko'<1 111 ollt11ln PI --h-with thP pl.ah lic-fadllt irs ror u t-r "'"' ''""'"' lo.• '"'"'''''"".: "' ,.,.,.,' "Ji,.n t•hfrs r rf1lffll•·•.'' whll'h ~'0\114 t'll!ll' noll" \ at t hr nnnual · 1 • 1 "''"''''I 1"~' "1 • t.. 111111 ho· h11• 11•1! tM by I ill..,_ h IJld y wa.s takt'n. • "II " '"'onr 1h11t lh""'''"'" "h•• fl I r C'\1 lou r I hi' N"'lll..-t~le wr.-.. lcn.'f'.-.1, Rilla w.•.oeu• . .._...._ ... ,,.._ r ... , ... , ..,..... '"' .. ' • ..-u.. ............ ._. .... , ....... . ,... ............... .w. .......... .. ... _-.'" ,.. ....... ~.._.......,. .. .. _ .... Nlt.a c·~N m.:aal-••u.a ~tmg or th t-: 1 11 bo I m g unrhes rn th.-g la!ISf'd-in hnWl(' c Get St t. Ap . • • l Ofh· ,. h11 l<l(lk pltrl In thr· w11r •'<t 1 .,,11n1,,_, .,.111"''' Juri \ )jilt• ((;r Nllllolr auf'pllr,.. tn rt•l•'•"''' u11• n 111 Community Ch~t. ~:'PO:-ov,~ b rl pro,idro for ti~hrnnrn. N o e N ion are s a e propr1at1on hor>ml ,,.,,..,. r~un." J>lhll'"" ~-'''' 11 ,.,11 ·r.•r•11 1~ ,111 how lltr 1.,,,1111>' to·rt"l n,.,.,,,.,, loil;:,fht\Jth thr hott.aM, • aws , w ""' P on Thun-W t T l t .. -• • I t>Ofldl f trl II ,.,.n """"" " •'"' ' " • f't"l~,. uht • -day a h "m oon Feb • 21 1946 at a f'r ~.-.it n \.,QD .., bf't.:lln 111~ tnt.: s cw r·~'t '' o· o''>•llnl\ "toJ•· "'"""""" •H it'lll • p m at lh. A I • ~ Ukewlsl' a rt"QU1:'11t tor a land-~ f'f'.:l•OM rilll inl· th•• ":ot ""'"' 'f1lr l'luotnnnn ulol IIIII! thr Hut. ISth tr ~' rr;:r:_an on lng Pt'fTT\lt fo r t he plannt'il l''ater ntlla a pproprl&tin!' m oney for \'t'tt'ra·ns onl)·,-,..t n ntr to C'fiV<'r f!lnnrd th•· h"hlt l•f · "'"'m ntk ,11111) 11,,11t.t 1,.8 11 to1v.nnl 11 "'"''"r 1 ~n.J. ShattUCk AJ•1 A-~--Hit an y. !-taxi st>nj<."f' bt:>tw('('n thr C'lty and "m<'f'il'nC) houaing fo r \'<'ll'raNI of thr Nlm 'rnlon ~ · 111111n•• an'c1 lhn t thr r.tnk nne! ftl•• 1 \ "' m'-'>uut:rs and Olht'rs are 1n I .. I' 1\11 "' IIIHII II\r\' ol· ''' .. """ 011 t .. r Rail' Yitt'd-t tl n4 • -~Avalon was not forthromlnc lx-· tht> atat<' and Cor OJX'ra hon of c-hild Thr St'natt' mrantmw Nonrurrt-d ol rltl7<'n' '''"1171' thnt ltO"''~'Inu•ut lltr munty 0 8 whltll' but ,.mbrace le8 300 GOP 0 a ep ·A PALMER C'aUS<' no Information wns avail· cart' ~ntt'n rf'<'''"'rd fmnl 111-'" m inor a m r ndm•·n ts to 11 $.1.~.· ll"'lnltll """''~< n rl' 11 '"P"rh•r l'"fllf'ltlu ly llw 11 , •• 1 , ... unl)' ar«"a • A.~ ,....__, __ :_ , ahle on the appllcanl'll q. ualific-a-~ proval of th<' stat" f"gi.Jiatun-Jut 000 hill co continu<' ch tld <'llr<' pt'IIN'IImf' tnv .... t~l. too -·A "hrr•· lh•· ait111111,,n ,, 11111!11 11,·u t•· I MemL-rs c I '-""""'•"· [lions. priC'M or otht'f data. He ~·<'f'k. <'f'ntrrs in oprrathm until Much "1\l lt'll•l until -ur-h tlnw "" -·· lie ---------------, ur~:C'd the council to gi'I(.L' him a Tht! uscrnbly lnlt a $1,500,0001 of 1947 Thr IIJlflrOJ)rlatlon waa J , l"tlllllrnt:lnt I hill ctof' ""mlntllln · d "Cinltr landing loc-ation to hrlp cmt'rgrnc-y-btll to th<' .:ovtmor 1 nt'<'t'Snry to· rrplaN• Ct-d<oral aid ''&JOf H.a(('nf('ld, /"''"'" J:wsllr lt .. "_"r In "~'~'"'"•h•n" ...___._,! Ml$8 IENXIN8 Lovely JlaJr Scy1Js1 Experl<'nced In all Un~ or beau ty work ... has joined our staff. with hi~ a pplkatlon bt:>forr thf' I ronc-urrl11~ In n s~:ntttr am•'ndmcnt funtb whk h t'lll•irr '"'"' month 30 M th • Aft ""' nnly fln thr 11MnMttlr rrunt stair r ailroad c-ommts~lon within 8 1 Cor us~· or somr or t hr Cundll In .At tht• if!""'"' limo'. tlw a<'natr ' on M In Ut Inti 1t1 ln1t•rn11tl"n"l 11rt11ll"'l 1u new fr w da)s . The rouncll hahdrd 0 , • .,r 1 rurul arNls. l11r m<'IIIUrr wuuld I rducntlvn c-ommill• o' r,.,.,,mmr OJ}Eona Ralboa ()(fice r, ... .,,~fl<d Itt ·u;,. llnlhlfl NAtion• I \f' l n•uriRC C'Onl11mlnallon • _lr • e m ilk, 11n ullrllvloll'l ~t.rtfamp call rrtlurr lhr har lf'rla C'OWII In wuh· rd milk ra na 98 l'ff """I In Ofte mtn ut•. WfttltlahouM Lamp Dl- vl•l"" ,,..,, ahow. Spra)'ina lnvia· lblr 6artml.'tllll1.-,..,.r. ttw ..., l11mp Ia btont U·ahaiM' to~.obtalft m4UIIntum radl"tlon nf all «'"-PPMd ' ""'u In tlw ran and CCJIIIUIMI ._ r!N-trlf'tl )' tl111n a :f.\•11\'alt tolec:lrio llahl hulh. Evr. Appts. for l"f'nnancnt~ Fraaces Beauty Shop 184Z HArbor BIYd., C'o.ta ~ O pl"n Mondays Ph :?4:-!R a HEADACHE IS sUCM A BIG unu"'' ... lh~ dispo:~itlon of this ma11rr In fmllni'L' up to 90 IX'rct'nt qr ttl(> cost ll rN<Jiullo n rttllrn~t for n 1 1111nllllllr•n. C'tll 1-:tlwt~N'l Sh•ttu.rk a f'O'!'mittrr n r Earl S tan11•y. C'nl· •lf ronv<'rtln~ SC>ml' l~.CM"tef Wllr jliv<· 11tud~ of ''''' "''"'k• 1111olkf• tu ~ ln('n a.nd nnrl S;ftlors and Rus!lrll CrRilit. • houain~ unit tl to Jl<'nco·llmo' UJW. r an• cc•ntrr probl('n\1, lnctu<lln& . hnrhnr mn~trr Thl'y w ill havr !h,. Th<' remaind<'l' or thr costs would wht'lhrr tht> l't•n lt•rll d 11111lcl lor 1 ·n,,.. \•JI'IIIrv c1nthln~: Prh·t• uf-"~'~'""· • r nll)' 111 Sttntn An11 ,.:t~o•ll l'luh-~ ttpt'Ut•d Urt IH"l~IUH Hf)~ uff.~l1 nt !\fi1 pnwr r of drdsion follnwin~: lhrir lw• bornl' by Cll i<'l 11nd counhl'l, 1 ma\ie II J)l'rmnn ('nt ftll rt llf lht' 1 flt-111I1V 1'1\tllocl In Ill" No•WI•nrl llnf · l'tlltn 1111 lllll;( lltoil••ll nntl II III IH• htoll••• lllldf'r apnniiC'1nlhlJ1 of the im'l'sti~ntlon. . Thr umts w ould t"' r1•nt1'tl lo 1 ~rhnol ,;yslo•m. l.tw'r nr•·n 1111 .!.on :ll llr C N m oon I '11 fli'Jl'lhllr a n l t•ntrll Com· 1 Lo<.-1t1 srlw11l dtl'frkls Opt rut•• thL' Po··•~•· · clrh•• t'111•lrmttn '""' ''""". 111 ~llnltlo• t•r 1";'·11ll' 1"' ~··n lro·, "'"'''f' Upholsterer Opens Shop on Highway IN'nh •rs w h1d 1 w•·.ro• ~I'I,IIJ• olurln" rw11ltll'' nl ro·~l ntllhl!~ lhul lhr 1111111• 11111 11"1''1"1"'n 111111 twrvlo• I '11w r •ll\' Clr at """"r"l "_.mhlu Power of Attorney .... ,.. ,.. , ... fl' '""'~", .... , .. ,.c ,. .. , .... ,... . .. ~ • • thr "'¥It~ t•aro• fur lhi• rhlloln•n Noll ot'flllll \\11Ulol "'>llllllllo• lhr11111:1t ;\It llllfo•ulo•lol "'" "l\k't• 110 olf (,(IJI 1111'11 !IIIII Wllllltn a nf1 Jill •Needed by Wive& 1 .. r '"'rfon~: mul lhl:-. l lho• ""''tlh \\'unl '''"" 11n lttut11l ••rnthon~ 111111,,., 1111), "" ,.,r ,,~ .• rmllln~: llw ~lnr·r "' ltoP l••lltlr~tf 'f1\o• hltrhor tor• II.< , , nl• r '' ,, .. lu ool,.lllort• r' n( lh•· olrll•' "'"'lo-.1 1 1 1 ,.1 '"'~' ""' l••n nf'<l l•V <~oM\un X Of Ovewoa .... as ve•-~ . I,,, \\Ull' "'" ~., ... ·" tt\uutha Ill I c-J Sha" l•ao: nr••nNi nn IIJ>· • eft; Ut 1 <'1111'c1 In C fl!llll Mtosn It is unll<'r-llo Ill, 1 1, ...... ,, o\11 ,., t••r '·'"' I hi\ I 111 11 ,, 111 1 11,. l\l••ltllnn l•lnnrt" • • lutltuu . ••hnlrnonn. n• "! hr •t lltl hnl~trr~· ~hun al Rl l ('nu~t llt~o:h· ~llllli'l that t h••nur~•l' "'h•~•ll\u•rl' 11 to.ul lll•'lltlo•!'lol•·•l ~" ''lo•uil tho•..-lu·l"to• 1,111 ,,111~: lh·· nrn"~"" "'II• to( lito• a\\11111 to( ll11• w ay, 0\'f'r \\'inc Snn~: Tlnat R o•rwtlr \\'"''' ur ~··f\h'•·m··n s tW (1\t'r-11'111_1)(' mmnlltllll'tl II\ ,, ..... IIIII' m ll•t'llotll llll•••lt.:ll 1-o•l•runr)' -I f'lll•lu• uoool '"" olo ........ imlnnt 114 ' \\ho•n llllllunl\1 :ond will 'I o••t:>hll" ,,.. "'"""'' lip-....... \o\l'rl' wrorn .. fl ltlllll)'l>Y ColiN'·• Ulltlt r ""' nf•\\ )111•\I•IHII• .. 1 lh• Ill l'o·Jo"' ""'"'''~'· 1111\\o•\••J' llolll \\llh t:• '''""' •. ,,. """"' Ill ...... lllt;t'fll!"'' holsh·n·. nook!< nnd hocoths. as 111•1l '"r .. r l nlc•rn;tl Ho•1rnue I lett)'(' ~l:olo• '"" lh• "'"r" r•••l•1• 111~ "11" ""''' o'''' 11 Allt.:rl•'ll nncl 'f'"'""'"· Arll 11,. hr , • .,, :O'Iol\llu••k'• d\nllnlll' llllk. f lllltl<l"<l tlt tlolttl( '" fl•m•olo• ""'' · l••llllh ii)JI'IIlttolo-tl nl lllf' f'(\1\o li!Jilcln a~ on llw 'tu(linc nnd ri'Siorln~: M \\'!·~tnv1•r thai thrl) must h rt\'1' · "'' ' I\ 1' t 1 •11\ltll' nn lh ll•" l•lt11ul 14tllo '"' 'rin,. ;'"'"'"" furniJIIr<' -Cl•tart,,'lJ fl'"'''r of llllornt'~ to V • { p · l•ti•OOS till' '"'"' '" I..HI'IInro ',.,.' ' I ,,.". wlf•• ""'I •mull """ Mr• ''''''" nn•1 r•un•·t~~r·.-.t tty ''""''"-. apo Mr Shnw hRrl IR ~··ltr~· l'XII''r· "11:11 lht•tr hll~hnncls' namra to 19<1!; I arte y OS • d· '11 ''· ~~~ llo.ol. ,.,,~ ha•l ""1 I, .... h-ll'ltl ... ,,,.. .... '"'I 1\.to '"'r" I 'T•l'll•·r. 1'1"11~·· thtrln~: hi• rrt~lllllllnst "' lht• '""1'1· tn thr uphnl~lrr) hllsin•>«!' 1n lo·fl•·rnl on.-oml' tro\ ro•tums. 10 • St t {'.JV•JJ Nl "''I""'" "''"I"''' ll•·nrh pnt·~-tll\lli:hlo·r .,, 1·,, ,1 1•,,,.. ... , 111111.,,11 nltllunnl t••lltlntl "'"'lw'a "mU<J<11,.,''1 I """ TWtwh prtor to lhr w :u-r>ur-\\II hour 1'111 h ·~·"'l'f ,.r attornr}. pen In a e ,.., .onol "'"l•l•'il 111'10 !'Ullntl•. I ,,. \ttdtl hrnk··r )tll(f llfrll 't•,, .. , .. r '""" ltlsdlo·ll< ... t•r.ol,.• \))' hi• In· I in~; thr Wllr hr W:L' n chilhln I'm· nn Jl"fl!On Is ll''rmtllt"Ci lo al~n a Se • E "'" 1,., attltl, nl1d t~r~l~o-cl th•• "'"'" """" I"' '' :\:...'".' l~lr•n•l "'''IIIIo' • "'•'•'llrr I hill th•· ttnltf'd Slllll'lll 1fllny('(l or thl' army as l!l'nt'rtll !'ht)p '" f<'lurn fur nnnth••r Unft)rtun-rvtce xams "' It• r!l nr '"'' rt,•d ( ruu nnd l..itrT)' I"""''" It• ln lt'l ltlf llllltltl '"''"''( .. fnro•mttn n( m ntntrn•tnrr M thl' otdy, nn rXt'l'pCion r11n IX' marl~ ---• Or"" n "tw..,lwlpoo(l fln<'ft 11"' Rttodtl 0 1 A 1"""'"11"1''1 .. 11•· ht•lct ·I hal tlw- 1 \rmy Air Fnrl'~" fil'ld, \"ortnr1 Ill!' fnr, mrml~<·r!C M tho· 1trmrd lor<.'t'~~ SA('H,\;\H .:"TI 1 ~t:oto 11 1,,,. ot Ill• tlnlhnn :'>lnruw llunh1 ,or•• Jl e nMWerR I 'NI I olo·lo;~enlt • nr•· mul(ltiut Am•-r· HI mar .. T A VWNUIC ' ............. .. ,,, "'"'"1!'1' '"' .,..,,.,, "~·''"" ....................... w C'W•:•-=1n •="'"" ............. -.-.... ....... _.._._.,........ "-' ... ..._,. ---,.._, ..... Wanted: Fishing Chain P. 0 . Box 601 ..... • II·· lind hil' wlr~· havr thrlr own \\'r!'tll\'(•f '(1\1(1 I,. I\ I I "'r\ II'•· r•O(:On)lll.tiiiiO' nn ., .. ro I Grand Jury'M Char..... II~~·· --~M.!IU.:t:Ltufl(('r-r<•l•· •rwt nul hun"• 11 1 :\1tdwuy Ctl} hul phrn 111 If stw II<'IUtllly rrc·l'ivt-d Sl200. Mnrrlo 11 mui Mnrrh IIi 1111\'f• '"'''" ll:orn·l~ hll''" '"''11 1' 1J"I''•·•I frnm J ~ ta A ,.... l""l"'rly ""lot••rtlnw thlt n~tllon'• l. h • tl -toffi<v-In wttlrh r~ldenta 0 ~an na 111"'h"ll••n~tt11 ll'~tol<•1'11hi&J In w-1• 1\'f' l'rr . nr mo r••. lltSI ·''''liT. llw 1\l(o• "' n ronno)ltnt•f-d "'' tho• S tnlr l't•nonnr l ,.. I"·• •·• • ·~ " I ' .A II I ' ;•~l:f•:•l~l"'l:. ........................ ~~::::::::::~:;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ !'o•rvkc•m11n • 01'1•rsf'as i~ f<'<JUirrd llt•llrtl f•1r tlor tnllnwm..: "'"It Inn~· 11'"' ''' llwtr \'IIMiu o:.lll• 1' · · 1 1 Lr•nt.:lh~ nr nmwny!< nt Army '" (ill' 11 rl'lurn hy thr n•~tular dur., Mnrdl 14 As~l~tunt :-;11r.-1 ~ l 'n· l'ltlllrm:on ··~tollllfl<'(l, 111111 f.,r lit I• f'uunty lnuru11•l .lo••l Ot~l••. "'"'I A U. UT f.w a 1004 t.D da.1"' atrfwlrl.o; 11rr rlrot,•rmlno·cl in rxnrl dntc (If M11rr h l!"1 Shr m1sy file hL'r t•on•·•·r .. ~:!~•~• J'l:tt·o•m•·nl 1 offlr•t. rr~t"-on "" fllrtlllh"' 0'""1 ,,..,., folr l~ltrownt to(""".,."""''' l lw o'oollntv work •beD a MC&'I~~a ~ad-rntlo In lht• allillulf' nf tho• alr firld ""'" ~rpnrrtll• rt•lurn rlr•t•lttrlrw nnr-C rnd1· 1 . Yt,lllh Aall hflril)', ~~30; ltrlllflltn~t lin\ nlllro l it· lhunk•"1 .:non•! ]oil'\' r•·•'""'"'' "'''"l l1o•t "'••• k ' -.ehe -u ap oa ,-ocL'V ... •d• Till' }lll!h<'r lhr nirfjrl!l "'""''' ~··n h11tr ol I hi' lot!nl mmmuntt~ lll<'llntf'l Jn~tii iHiun ~l:olloolllot' I n.:ln•·••r . ''"' pullllr• r• •rw•ll••· 11'' 1" lh·· r•• 111 11 1' 1"'11 1" lit•• l•m•rd •·f •ur••r· -d~O d:;IN70UrWOrL 1 '10, fill' t•ltort• rllrt•fll'll ho•('UITlo"ll 1111fl lrtklnt.: ('rf'()ll f11r 110f'·hlllf O( $!~~~ t•lld fill r::o'/1.,"1 1• ~I'N I 'tllo·~t f.,r tJtlllllllll!l'<,lll)ll "llliJ II hat! 11'"1 ' '•'Il l flt.tl lfto jill \ llll~•hl a..ay f• u ..-... "'...-..; ,til~· air wilh lessened lt(liru:.,l)Owrr rtw IMnl wllhholtltnRll. or ~hi' "'"YI J'otnr• h 1r. A•~•lonl 1 '<1111'·''"' l•·•·n h tl!hh t.:rallhllll' 1'' hlln """ ""'' '"'1'"'' tl tll• '''"''' tl 11 lortlf atJoe and .,~n,....,-. ~ I 1•lf plllnl'!l ftlf' II joint r!'IUrl) p ru\·adf'il Slfl' hn,. ,)( nntlrim;: I ''"'"" ll<'holll, S-!711 "111''1 111''11111' rll ,, 111' '"111111111'. "'"'' "" 1' "' ltnnol • I ~datho lat.rf-wiU. 7otll' f-. I ho• Ill "I~ r I• 1\\ Pr n( n llnrnt•)'. I A~~i•r :till F oor< elf"\ l 'nL'• '" ,., ~_'jl)· lUI W I' I! l l• ,-.,.l lfllwo(~ Uu•J. IJo.I'II•Aal.l' ln .-&, •Jo:rmMR .,. Nla.uUoll. Tit"~'' "hn Ctlo• M'Jmrlllt· ro•lurns Junlur ~ oro•,lr) En~:.oo••• 1 "-'.!:'11 1 t••tootl '11"11 ntllllll'ltt'llll"n nl l:u\'· DL wu. OCCIDENTAl. '"'"' '"" n~;hl '" ••h:llll!t' ltl JOtnl l n.ftllllhlll :'\t .... htnl~t ~:.'".'II Sll llivorce ~uit AMkM I''""" Ill" .. ,,,,.,.~ fllllt '''"111•'11, "' An P I rl'lllrns \4ho·n t hrtr h u,hancls r•·· Jlf'r\'NiOf ur ln~lroio'tlflrt Sdi•••JI .. , od f c~ rulr• olllllol• '"' lll<'l• ''1111' ""'k tl-aln PIUs I .IF'F. JSSFRANCF. co. IUin lrnm ()\'rr~··n.~ (;orl~ ... , •. ,. IH ""''' n .. nlv. ~~'" Cust y 0 ~un l tn "'' "'"'''' ""'' t h:ol '"' I "lc' •uallr rl'll"l' .f..t only ndd-Ray Nielsen Tho~· nwmlo• rs "' ''"' armrd \\':onlo-n·Polul, p,, 1•'"" •·f ~-'"" •• nol nr• '""111111111' '"'1" I -.rhe. bul ~i.,&e f'tlt'Wfll~a, !ill-fur•••·~ OUI5il'll' tho• l'tonlono•ntal \.:orotr. ~'.!111 A'~l~l:tlll )11-lrl<'l l~t•mlondln~ t'"'''"'' oof l11" f11 ,. I I• l• It• '~rolulnt'<l, lt•l(ftl M1v1.lt'r nlar l'aln• aad Yanttll,n at Phon~' !'!"!h i I hmitl' nf thr 1 "'''"' Slltl•·• \\lll.ost• Man:.~:•·r "' T;" )1 •• ,.,,,,1 1 on•l• ··nr· .. h1 ""'" ""'' '' tll\<•rt'• frnnl l"r • '' '' •• .. unly nrfiN·r. f'Vf•ry •••tlllr l'aln~ Zl $ 1:. Bay~,.... RaJbotl J ""''~ do nul loll' Jntnl nlurns f11r ~:!111, lnh •rllu"ffo.,h l olo• t 'l•tl.;, '"" h11y'• m<olltt•r , Mr" Fr a •u···~ 'I' ~··lo···1 ''""''' ''"' •II •l••t ol •II• VentllatiOII Gas Heating " • CHARTER & PRESTON S llll" IJI"'fl"-tl ~tNtl r-nrlflr 114-etln& l••tallat..,.., Maluo "'llltft .,..,....._ ftu..t-,,..._ •uw "".,,., ... ,.......,. Mft or tt11 Do )'Otl ~»e llr. Miletl AM!-..... 1thl·m mu~l Ill(• n~tl 1;111 r lhnn tho• .1 ~"1 llll•·rrn• '""'' I.,, rl< ~~-~~ Rtne'lk•. l<~'nn,.lh T Hrow•k• "' I roll• Ill' ""'" ,,,,,.,II• • nil '''"' Pill~:' It n"l "'hJ' ~lt ! YnD r.s-RHE M !."tth d ll)' nf lh<· .<ttr.lh rn11nth n(lrf: .on rf .1""'"' f'l•·•k '-IJit 'll'wpnrl H•·ll• to "'"' 1111' "" k 111 lnw • lr ---------------------------:::::_ . ~ l lr. ~llf'tl Antt-t'asa Ptl .. M 1 U ATJSl\1 lhl'y r1•11rh lh•"''' ,hnrl"!l, \.'MIII\I'r All apl•ltr;onl• m•t•l I• l 'tnt• •l •llpt·rtnr 1~111rl 111 '•'"'': H• odt :w , .... "''' "'"' 70\i~ruro:~ : tM ~·lou I and ARTHRITIS! dl"darrd Stlll t•JI !'111/l'n; :olld ...... 1 "·''' I• •II •-or,tnl' h t r• t•lt I• Ill I It'll ',,,. 1: ln the e<'OII()~, ~«e-= I I rt•sJdl·nl~ "' ( nltftornw lur "' ''"'' nrookll rhllrrNi lnft•l••lol \ •• ebeep.-r. WhJ' Dot ltf't a ~ 1 •uff\'!'1'd for yN1ri a nrl om 1'0 ('~PT . .l~f'a)>IOJ'II ttt:LI:~:41:D "nr yrnr Jorulr In lhf' tint•· nf 1111• ''"'''~'" ln~t :'>Ill\' 11n•l 1,~1 N,.,·,·no- today • Your dru, .. ltt 11M tllona., thllnkf:Jithnl 1 r a n w alk and work I -I rxunun:olio•n Ar•pltrnii•.O'I ~"""''' l~·r Ill thf' llr••11t' '"'"'' 'r.o ll••nr.,n R1'11d rl 11nn1 and -onlr • Rl:llin 14 11h0111 plltn 111111 I wlll t:l:lli· Rrlrtnsrd from Fnrl Mnr Arthur lw f1lo-d "olh ll11• no:ord'~ ttltrl•"~ 1111)',• llntl 111 l':olm ~I" Ina'" Th• cllrt'<'l"'' \ ••ur .n,nt!7 '-c.k t1 ,_ fly un~wrr anynn•• "1 11 mt.: m•• fnr l in~ I r rodny wn~ ( 'nJtl flurry P. I nt Snl'rflll'lf'n to. '"'" A nl!"ll'!l, tor • ouplr w••r t• rn11rr1• II tn l'o lit :oroll _.. "' •l •fi,,t T on(nnli:JIInn ~Ill$ ~1 !\li\ 1\'J.~c; .lnrk<~nn nf.1'.!3 1·: Hlly 11\'l'nll<', ~~~n ~rant''"''" I;) c111)~ hl'!llr!! tho• ·•11rtod lro~l l"nl 11 ""I"'''""" I p 0 n.., l R9, u " An~:t•lr"l !'!:!. Ca hf lllllhna ""'I "' llw 0 \nnunAihln '"""' thr flrTnf'<l ~··r\'ll'l'' '"'ntth• ••r tuU~~oiJtttl 'u'lt t tr• 'h \\ '•1•·r-' "1• ,,,,., \1 utn• '"''"' I '""'" " fw ••••· • ~tnn~ •t f"' u •• ~ h r-.t tuur· .,.,, •. ••t tCUl·•l )lJ,,·~· '-'' , •• uuul• fur : tlo• Arm• :-;., "'''-''~~'"">' •• tlw t""''"' I tJo:ot II tnll)' A••ll) lltotlf•"r ,., '"''''"' "" lb•· Mvlll11n mnrkr·l. SNOODLES (8evte .. , ol JO people ... N""·n1Dfl8 ClaMiflfld A~.) ny Cy Hun.rerford ~----------~--~~----------------------------~ , Y OU Y OUNG R~':,CAL t'Ll 'T'£~C~ Y(JtJ"' llS::,<.N It\! Ml\11,1"-!lQS IF I G f T I .I I • • • Book kccpm~ Service • Audits IN<~OME TAX 1M ....... ""'· ft. roi. HAI'T.,,t"t:l.l) l'othllr 1\.-·•llllt.l lolll """"' 1 • 9:~ p, m. l'htlfWt l!Wl LEGAL FOR .MS FOR EVERY t I \ ( TRANS·ACTIOI " w,. hnw• m :1;l,. It mnvf'f'llont f1>r you to ln•.11n· t'tlfnpll~tnf't' with nil ""'lt""'-nentN 11r !hf' lll\·Y l1,v r'frrry ht"" •·uoa1tft-.w "trlrl< vr ;oil r~,nn-; tclltl '"''"''), II(~ for it. I 'f ITTI 1{)1• fl On ()( I"\/ Pry f 11t nMI'tJon . .._,., • ._, U\at .................... I ,_., .. haltdle •ny an4 -'' elf ~ P• '"""' ,robl-rr-a _P...,. ,..,.. c.olcw _pl ... ted prl~ttlnt proelem .. h plaftftlftg .... eubll ... lftg .. Ute ,....... Tt ..... elf~~ ... .WI ...... ) will bo a tta..._ \e y-,.._ oalt fw tnf...,.U. fill.., •IR4. NEWS-TIMES - . - ~ • .... I m~ ~~rf !:~~~!~ ~t!;~ I PredictS Industrial llland. .,.. n:qt'ivlnc rongratula· Lead for "'alifornia' tkiM on the birth of a liOn. born I \( l'.twuary 15 at St. Jn&l'ph'a hQS· pltal. He W('iched elaht pounda, t_,., ~. • f Chhr{"lf'lllll C811 IJCCOIIIO' 11\l' lt>.IIJ .£....!.J 1111: lndoL\trlal 111111•' ,,r '"" nati11n Watdl t.be O....tled Columna. K T :-iurra~. pr,.,ufo•nt ;,, tl\!' rlt·\\ ly rornwd C"!tltlorma M .. rwf.or tur· I .HEW LlliE ·entt Greetiag Cards 8taUoaery Brookirli'S V arieb' '' .. c-. ~· "--.... .. ................. .,~ .. ..... t•rs t\~f;f)f'IUifr;n, .tUUU\It)t't (I 1uf.l,t~ 'fht ilS.SfJ('Utl lura \\ ·1'1 Ul ~·lnt,,·,l 1•1 prumut• s tul•• "'"" intlu"lfliol un1t) rond luult111 ro••l" r ott"' Slllrll '"''"''I'll :-iurth• ru 111111 !"tolltho•r•u C~throrrtllo '" olo l•·hl tn•hhtrt .. l olu.. t•rj;HJ11/~II•m \\hldl Ill tllf' p.o~t hit< rrt urdrd pro.:n•SJ> 24-Hour Radio Service Burt R. Norton 111 o-.l m-., ..._ ttn H-..rt .... (WK. C.mplete -Fountain -Service at HAN SE N~s ,.~. ~ ..... :OWWWbJ!1' !!L!9A JlfCtN • nxg. .,...,.rt ~ • ._..,.,._ ru--.z. F*-z It, INt • Auditorium .-Unnecessary Here, WrHes Pioneer Otizen :-..."I"" r u .• ll••·• !lio•" • Tam•·"· ""' 111 ,.,.,., ••d :.!:> 1>4\r l'o·nt jan th• ;'\t "J••I I !!1 II h I oth ft~fnlol 1!1 olltltl.tl "' ho)lt) • ,, uti• n"" I J"'' w:ual '''loran~: )••mr Kllo•u 1 '"' ''' ottl of I rl11 ""' ''''I' """ ''' tilt' \\llr f'ry "Tnx ond Ill\ t )ltllll' II" to lfwr ~Ill• 11f ~~~ Ill oft\ otllol 'I" nol otll!l !>IW rtd ;a~ fiiPn •a••· ... ,,, .. " th lf ttrt'' 111 ~·ut ,.,,, tl••f1•••t und••r your h••:trlln~ l.id· t1 ,, ~"" \\Ill h.o\1 tu ho 11•1 )""' l•l• As"''"-'"V rtf!>" llolilll ll "' "'"''' lollwr \\11), ~·ull ttlfo: I 1101 \pUr~ r .. r lhl' clt'\l'lttp01('n' '"II tit• ·~ '"" •11111 I• ''' Hlfo: "( ·,,,h ui !lit'wport llo•af'h 111111 l'\o•WI~r• '"' n••· .:-•• "''"'> ol t ht• fo:O<t<l f••l· llhriWlr. hut nor tn lld\lw:tl•• prior I""' wl•"" •···~ I ~••·r un Ita\''' I''' drfinttt• di'Vt•lnpmt•nt hy th•· fo:U\ r• ... lwd t I •. pmnt .. r rr·M:nt;.n-•nt l ••rnment ~>f lht> \ 'l'l"'r ll~oy. an' , "II• 11• '' r I try I•; 1-:1\"t;--Uw sad•· of rnun .. y nr ~"' t•n r no·r..:y '"" :trrls dt th" qut~ll!on that, In my nr tnt .. n, \o•rtinrt thr truffar frnrn ll•~o:hwu\ r• I" • "'"" ttw !>tdt· ,,r th•· fl<'Oplt• :-.lo Hll. tQ ~n,. undt·\l•lufl'•d ltrt':, and the taxJII'l~S I'" Y.hllt Is n .. w Costa M•·sa IPrrl- '1'1 ... · nuuil thinK I \\ttnl to draw tory anrl rt>dur1111: th" usattJit ty and '" yrmr nt t.•nllun Is undl'r thc j lllxulullty of tht• ''Mir:~r·lo• ;\!all'",, ht•Jtdtnrt ''Whr•rt• to Mt:l'l." Wtwn ordl'r to ~acllit11tc trnf111· l,y tit•· )'i>U ud\tll"'l\h• l ht• ('X~M'ndtture of f'OI\Sirurtaon nr a h i1:h hrorl):t' 0\'('r I tl>ns "' thuusand., or dollar:• to IX' thr -llpl)l'r flAy F or ttw US(' of addl'd to our m•w C'tty llall prog-whom? l11 ... ~Ill IIIELI l1 lEI CIIIILEI LIIE Tho 1946 Clwysler "loyal" ali~u•ntet, fowr~-r soda". Thh ceftl,.ny ~ a tot.l of 26 body styles. ------ Geo. Van Pelt, Farnum · Denies .~ Resident 28 Yrs. 1SAAAB for Sale; Dies at Balboa Making Inventory ram, J just Wllnt I() call the Ill· or courst•, If thr (~)mmuntllf'S o! ---I l<'nllon of you and your readers Coeta MNIIt 'und N~>wpnrt Ht·acl Gl'o. H. Van P<'lt, 6."i, a~ldrnt . SAI"TA ANA. The "For Salc" to the faN tha t th('r(' ar(' no morr Wl'r{' ronwltddto'd unrlt•r th•• on• .. r Balboa for 28 years. dil.'d Fri· stgn Is nnt nut for th<> SAnta Ana thAn fuur mrt'tl"l:~' in the yf'ar I r tty ac1mmastrntion ralh•d !'('wporr day morning at Orangl' Coun ty Army Aar nas•• or any of its rna· whf•n a ~ar~t·r 1\t'('llmmndatlon than llnrhor. W(' might ~ Justtfll'd tn hOiplt al He wu well known Jor pr~•Pfrlh·~-n t lrAst, not as Yt>l. is now. obt11lnahll', as n<'t'<k>d . or dl\rrt ln~: thr traffH·from th11 t por·-omong ~tmen, havln~ be<on ('m.l Thl' annc•unccm!'nt wns mndf' r uuld IK' of any srrvke wh~tAOI"\'t•r tlun or tht> llh:hwKy r-;,, 101 ployl'd by Ron Greeley, Rog('r lat" 11111 w<·l"k lay Col .William C to the commumty lnumuch as thr I kno~IB-th;: "Mtr.,rlc \Itt .... wblsh llro_thers and othcr, as 8 boa t me· Farnum In r<'ply to) numt>rous srhnol auditoriums now alwAyl 111 prCIQultly nnrl l•roloa'h~y "all al o hanic during his loog rrsidl'nct' In 1 quc::rit'S from lndl\'ld.~Jah;, organt. a va ilable, are scarcl'ly evt•r us('(! I WilY!' ,,.. ""'' .. r till' rr111St r:o'< pro thl' city. llc also ,<'as employed t nllons and corporattn~s ronef'rn- for public (IUr(Jt~ And Wh('n ·used, durmg ar<>AS Jn~rtl•-"' ·•ur cit) loy the city at one time In th!• lng purclpiSC o! proJ)('riiE'S dl'clared u rar as I know. hnvc u yet to I lima!~ If a~:.rc.Jo IS nnt dt'· water department. HI' n.sld~'<l ol s~rplus ?~ t~is hll~l'. s~h~·dulrd (n IX' Ullt.'d to full <-apacily In thf' stru~<'lt hy' tit•• "'"~"' .. of wt111t I> tht• PaviJion. 1 ht i~~"':.'1:~:d 0." ;\lnr~ h 31. hiRh school and very frt->qucntJy no~w lht> hrad~;l· ··nd The deceul'd Is survived hy a F.\o r .Ill t lht puhllc nnnnunC'I'· ------------' Yours v~ry trtlly, C E V pI R lbo mrnt of the lnnrth·nt l<m dnft', r('-1 son. M r.:c · ,An (' t · 11 a. qucsts have bcfon nddri'Ued t the -- Mr. and ltfra. J011 lah Stamp jr., Mr. arid Mrs. Olin Sulll\·an. 1630" Avocado 8\'enut', Corbna ll..t Mar, Ne"'J)Orl boulevard. C011ta Mesa. havp a.s house s::ut•sts L,t and Mrs. aTf.' purents of a sun , oorn Ft>b. 17 Cror.:.. Peachman of San .-ran· a t Santa Ana Community hospital. cisco and Lt. Nuccio and Mill H I' Wt'tghl'd nine J¥lunds and a Mar ian 'Godcafsl of San Marlno. quarter ounce: • --~==================~~~- I P. A.PALMER. LIDO ISC.E PPDP!!Jcrfi!:S -------·--------w 0. BUCK-Insurance Counselor • tJknL isoo ~~ 3333 VIA LlOO CALIFORNIA Reserve Your Frozen Food Locker LEW II WAI.I.ACE. "ho rt'ttntly return~>d from the t f . . 0 ~~~--1~~-o~r,-~~~~~~~=~~~Mmm~~a-~H~~~~~::~~=~~-4~rt~~;mri~~~~~fi~·; dJo'~h f d , -M~nha~~.~~~~~ • st•r\'ICI' an Inn. t ~ ore "J•aT .. mm rt hlr proiJ('rt it's. · liDl-.J.!J!~ _)!~. F.mmu "Wc._arc 111.11 in a position toot: lee ere.. to TUe Out . • • • !\torelaDd, Santa Monku. and ~trs. fer anythinl( for sale at pr('S('nt,' For Ma Shop I OCD Responstbihty ' ~lay Ahl~·· Redondll, also onl'll ,,atro Col. F arnum. "lx>yond what NOW ' D 1s I Se "'E ..... ud s.a. l'n&heen --·--Marine and lnduatrial Machinery lnatrumeata • Material Handlinr Equipment --1-- lJU o..t IIJPwaJ Newpon a.eh ~ 146% ·~--------------------------------------------------~ Onlip Collllty T111ekl111 Co. I C k A • .:randdaughter . Is and alwn~ has IX'I.'n normally --roc er ppotnted .F'urwral ~rvict'l will 1X' held disposed or through lllll\'agl'" A new gunltt'-IYJM' concrl'tel \a. ednl'~ay at 1 p.m. at l)lc H arold! The air hue is, nt prt>St'nt mak· bulldi h ~ 1 1 _.. --K. Grauel chapel, C011ta Mesa. 1 · ng to ouae wee rna t.... R('llt·f rrnm n•sponslbtlity or lth R F. 0 Good41ll rn . 1 ng a complefc Inventory of Its milk shop facing e Bay Front lcx·al t'\Jstoctann of proJl('rt y und<'r r,; _ 1~;~,;~nt. will be 1~ ~~~r: pr~rties and is rt-fe.rring the In Balboa 11 being built by J. 13 th,. C'lffil'l' nr ('1\;ltlln l)('f<'~ was hagven et>rnett-ry.. l&ml' to hlght>r headquartl.'ra and McNaUy, pion«'!' 1pbrtsfl1hennan givt-n R L Pat tr rs 11 rt-tl 1 • to supply depotJ. and owner of McNally's boat d ty l'n£tnl'('r upcan 11,~ ;rqtH'I~ ~i: "Befort' anything can bl' offered llvl"r)' next to the Fun Zone. Thc the city Mun~ll Monday art<'rnoo~: Error in Amount for sale.;· explained Farnum, "It , which will he 30 by 110 lK'<'OUSl' 115 bl• rxphunl'd It hr w . Of G Req • ed must IK' d('clarl'd I'XC<>ss to the ftoet I have two frontages, one und"r $lti.OOO hond to a.rr~unt r~~ I D. • Ulr neech of the stilt ion and surplus on Bay ,.venue not )'et being pro!)f'rty lnnno'<l thf' rlty dur'lng u1,. I For Camp Ground to t h(',requlrements of thc armro lf'&IK'd, acrordlne to~~hc owm~r. wnr and this (•mi'Tj)('ncy hod beeni . for<:ft. MeN-any II l'rt'Ctmg thl' rf'in· wound up 1 · -------- f(II'N'd roncretr building for Frank Th .. nff~ro• ·~ twan lit uidn The...,J!nt bid o':' dt>eompoll('d Me&an Wins Medal Llnnf'll, prominent attornl'y and and ·h 1, 11 , 11 . f ~d 1 1 tl'd. wanltc for tht> t ratll'r park lots I ' . wh I I ' " I I ll I' } tr(' "PIIr rnent In t"-CJ'tu camp .,..·ound calling For lwo J•"ma Act1•on Jli'OJX'f' > own<'r , o P 81\1 leVI'rll hns m:u1o• an in\ o•ntnry of most of '"' J .,. unique rl'aturra In tht> 30 by 4~ thl' m 1,_ . 1 1 d f 1 f~lr 5000 cuboc yarda or this crush· foot malt shop facll'llt orf'th<' wAlk <'~n llnl r ul ~ 11111~>r som(' 11° h t '•·d rock was a mlshlk(', II was dr-. · .. nc 11· Oll'f'f•un ,,_, nr liS a~ d th 1 oppc:.ltc McNally's plcr. The room Rppar~>ntly IK•• 11 n ·mnwd (rom th~ c1 l'd by c city cng neer when will rontaln a fin(' countf'r und r'lty Tholl. 1111 Fir•· C'hlf'f Frank l huts wcre .opt>nl'd for the firlt Item Jun<'h ~ulpmcnt ~~~ the ~rround CrC'X'kr•r Jnid lnl'htdNI mis m kll an improvm~t the city proJ)('rty on noor with 11 dr<'k roof for patron.s h"lm 1• ,., t th ,u .. thP south <'hall.IW~e wor k t-n· • Only a Few Ch.oice Ones Left • Your Locker Will Insure You of a Good Supply of Meat. LOCKER HOI1RS 9:00 .\. .M. to 6:30 P . M . Harbor Cold Storage 426 30th St, Phone 448 ROBERT H. REED -BVOII8 roa BJU: Geaeral Trueldna, Haulinr, Transfer Lane and Sbort Hauls ......... -~.~ PBOHIB , •• ~ R_n .. 11 ''"' n rr terns lied coet-of hi ll w.ho wish to tift IUid watch the bay wtu<'h till-fo:O\'I'rnmrnt rrobably ta a aornet ng ke whiiP OM!y eat. Y.f>uld nM I'JC 1 thl'm to ri'COvt-r $7000. It was dlscovcrl'd. Dnwnstal,.. al.a will be an Ice Pattrrso • P"<' 1 11 1 1«-allzlng that tht' bldl should Prl'!ll'ntntum of thr:> nronze S tnr to Jack R. 1\·('rsun or Cost/\ Mrsa was mad,. r t'N'ntly IIC<'Ording to word from LL t Jlt) Lowell E. Mil· ('r. hl11 commnndtng ofCiccr. who madr lh,. award. Thl' rnl.'dal was givrn to Iv('r· ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ·.. n s rrs gna on was ac-h k-.. f 2000 b --"-crt-am making machine In onl' cor· cc>ptrd, u thl' cit had id f r ave u . tn.J or cu lc Yan.uo ner or the 1tore and a hot doc hll hond. and C"r~kt-r :tl.'d 0 l~tud of 5000, the mattt>r wu Vf'nder In thto othtor . Box lunches rrvrace him I'VI'n lhoul(h tht' ~ held over for another rnet>t.ll'\i un· ar~ to be-put up In the rcoar. It wu not palatahlt> to the fire <'hlef tU the blddera be glvt'n an oppor· Ia expected to have the buUdln1 The city has asked to reh~ tunlty to fiRUrc on the unaller rt'Ady by thfo Eutf'f' vacation. A part r the ul 1 ill~ h quantity. Th<' t-ntlrl' Improvement son. a pharma<'lst matc 2/c, for r------------....,..----...::.;.-"'""'i:-------------... "hl.'rnlc service In connection with R I ' OJ)('rai.JDM ag.iimt tht> e-nemy u a a c n I skippers:- member of a beach party during February and March 1945. during Sail Boat Hardware . thl' II.Siault on two Jlma." Mwp&. ile. ~Nwp&. au.a; "HH&&til p-mVt tor $15.000. wu he .::C.~ bwt.~ar~w.4!duno ~~ at the camp KTounds wu not to for the bulldinc. on the mattf'f'. t'ClCt-over, $6000. Shep's Cafe Moves To New LOc&tfoir ~--~-----------------------=-~----~--------~~=--~--~ -------Five G I,.s Solve . . • Watchmaker and ·jeweler Balboa l&land CLEARANCE SALE Ja MoviJic Oar Wuehoalle St.ot-11 Wt~ Anl Foft'f'd ~ Hecla~ Our 8todL Oar Ld• b \'our Gala. Sale Ends Thursday, February 21st -Houl'& 9 a. m. to 7 :_30 p_. m. Daily MINKLER ·FURNITURE CO. 1211 South Main Street -Santa Ana 'lbe Follmlin~t l!lllmltnlt~ !'tut'H; uf Our RMh•<:rcl l•ri"'"': A LarK.-S~k to ~'l••r•t t··r tml ·Living Room Sehl ~ttular s ..... llo•~o,•lii:H l"•lo• l'rif'f' ........ ..... .. . ....... 1 :\.t ~'() 1:\!l ;.o "l.tr ;.o. '"'"'0 tOfl.,\0 nn.;tn 1-'ull tollol 1\1111 !'11• T'" 111 ~I.•J•I• • '!1.:011 '!!1..\0 . 1-2-pc. 1.>6\'',•nr• •rl ~··t h -:l·pc. 08\ o'IIJl<1rl So•t 1-4-pc. Boo O..wt'nl~wt St•l Bedroom Sets 1-3·pc. Set 0 <'<'"'"'"" I T.thlo·• 'i !t;, 4.1l.i <_;, ~ICI ~t·l•'<'llo>n Ho·ohh'o;J fl < Ill $'! \t~ S6 o•n l-4•-po.. SoiL . -.... 1~-pc. Set . OccUional Chairs i950 ~~~~· a.:.o Crickt-1 Olalra . li i5 .Natural F'tnl~h ChAin .. 14 .50 Several Reduf'<'d n to 13 MC'h • Q.liO 18.110 lli.Ml 14.&.\ IO.MI Throw Rugs Ill In SO";, ,,, · f'att~nloll•• Hn~o: ,\It t.;trul!' 1 Shnflolw llo•'ICN! Ml'tnl KltchMJ ~~b l\tt•ta l. Kit<'h•-41 l..llrlt11'1'S Nf'W Hl'OIJ'r< Ollldrt'n's lla~:h O.ntr' !I :>O :::t Ill ').110 !UO 6.1.\ !I.Ml 40 lb: Cotton ~:10 ,!·.~ Ollldrt'n'!t Crtb~ 40 lb. Felted Cotton 14 50 • '"' ~ lb. Ft'ltcd Cotton . 19'!'10 l t .AG Frnmt'{! M1m 11l". 1r, 'i:l l ~.:.o 60 lb. Ft'lted Cotton . :t3 50 ltM Blt>ek•~ !\hm•r< 2:1 !'oll l ll .. '\0 • 50 lb .. ,tnt:; ... _ ... , ---. :\150 ~~.M ,L.Qr,;r. s~Jo'o.'ttnn l1•"ffuo· • ..-l 10 to !!O,...., th 'l'·ln anrt Full sltr~ L.,lild's CAr S..'ntr. -: ~!l 1.8., Platform Roclct>n ;;!lso .e.MI 1\lo'tlll ~nwk··~ 1\ !Y• 5-lJ('. Dlnc1 te Sct · ........ 4';..5(1 Jl.MI Chtlrl'll <111;1011" Tnhl·· & Chnu .' -' ~l ~.M 16 .• \0 'hb&e ~mps . ·-.... _ 11> 10 I!.M Desk Lamp! 9.~ 8,.,_ Pktu~ 10 "' '!~•Y, uff lte.. U.W abon an-only a f~w of tht ~y morf' idntiC'al itf'ms. "''' al--.> llan ... )" oth~r f~va..._. th:at ~ dOf'!ll not IM"rmit Wl to m.•ntion. U. S. Engineer Requests Map Of Mooring Areas Housing Problem At Fulle.-t~n J. C. Tht' U S. Anny Oi5tru•r ~:n~o:i· nM'r hu rf'(Jw-stl'd a m1111 of the FULLERTON -t·lvr World War I L. Shepard. who OJ)f'rat~htop't~ Cale at 11 35 Coast Highway. closro his form<'r lt)('ation and mewed to thr fnrrn('r Rn~n Cafr, a nd hns rl.'·namt'd it Shcp's at 1015 C'oA.~t hls::h" oy hay showin~t th(' mOorin~; a.rrns, J1 rombat \'t'll'rlln~ hllvt> IX't'n !'IIIASfoRA·I~ ON FIRE I which Will hrll'fly diiC'Uilll'<l hy the fl~t;htlng a IOUI!h "hll ttlr nr thl' Nt>wport has it's Shangra-la, too. city rounnl Mon"aay artr rnnctn brooms," but at thr rompl~tlon The small flshang boal caught on Chanret~ In IIOfTlC! of tht> monrinp of tbelr camraii:TI they now ha\'1' fir<> Thursday In the galley wilton from ttw-orhdnal map prl'parl'd adequate housin~t facllitit>s for the gas stovc caught• on fire. No Wf're note-d In thl' IM'ilthhorhund themselves end otht>r formPr Rrrv· apprl'nahll' damagc was reported of thto Ralboa Y~tcht <'luh And nth~·r loemen attending Fullerton Junior llto~po~ll~oe;·~~~~~~d!~~ ~«tors. ,. matter was laid on collecc undt>r the Cit Bill or Rights. ; ::O::~~~~~:\~~~~h~~'~'npm~~~:~: w~YrC:~r~~~f';li~~rn:nor ~~~~WiiQUP.J.ll:~~ JtOvemm<'.C community orlginatl'd nl'arly a I ___ IL . ____ , .,.,.. caa I,.............. year II ItO In planning the FUIII.'r· j Ji ,. ... , .. .,.A It .._ r••e M C {!•tr/t:,., tor I '••I• r n , ~It~ rropa 1t1n ~ lo No-r ,,,.,, I>Ur!'4tJ.CrOI.. 11ncfn, ROSSI 'S Liquor Storll •10011 {'oa.'lt lllwa ,. 11 Mile Rn\IUI of th .. Aj,.h"" Cl.-ct nn Tuf"dll\' college men. --.-• ton Vl'tt'rans' host(') for junlor l Site of thc hostl'l which these • · v•terana now h&\'1' In rrodinl.'ll Is the old ButllnC'hur y ranch how«•. onc-e 1\radqullrt,rs of thl' hiJOtlt<'~l citrus ontrrprise In tht> wnrld Throu~:h thl' \'o'tl'rnn~· <'OIIn•·tl, compose-d nf 't('pr,.sl'nta tlvrs uf wt- l'rans or~llnt7.nli<'n!' nnrl o•ro•at•·ll "' ~~~ ~lty ordinllnN' pnstwrl ln~l Apnl. I thr hnu~r hn~ IIM•n lwu<Nf r •• ,. ·0 1 t \\'I'·Y•'IIr ~>rriol(l, It h (llltc<.l•"(l\11111' ~pnr,. f1•r ,.,, rot•l nil\' hml~illl: ;anrl fo•Nitnt' "I"' 11 d-. n( ~tJ<t~· wnr \'••to•rnn• t nrnfl. ol 111 t'l>ll,.ll•' ho•rr I I '' t 1111 .'!loti 111" ilCNI noc a t.,..,.,r•r•IS\• h' th, \tl rrnni< tf,. m~•"· .. Jll.,., ,,, ""I ''" • I .Sow you t'ftn hkr lh,. 10u n '' h,.r. 'Ptt fi1f1,· C"'u iUl••tl " •'Ill _,, II •' .,,._., )nU en anfl nn n l.ttlr r ,.,,,, t ·u· of II •• r\ lo'o' .mol ·"" ... , I I "''' ,. \ wratttr r, "Hit thl• """ r nrtahtr .am .\n~ \t'fl'ran I~ • lo loT, lnr rtl• 't\ lamr. :O.ol nnu•h t • .or~··r th l ll ,, ft>l ,. ilo'r•hip _ In~ r ar'l'<-r:t, I hi" r 1<'1 ,..r H•·m • "'" Lako' 1111~ on,. o•l•o •• •'kitH.: II\ ln~ hlnln~ t ltr,I·Yinld and lnfr.c t:• •I fJ '"'rt•·r<> tn tht, 11·• , '. •, 1,,11• opt'ralo ~ "" \(' or HI ' ~not toll!' ing to sc·hrw•l ,,,, (,, 111 _ llh ,.·11, k'· quirk I\', It I• ll«ht '""irht. rnrnr 11 t and ,.mat!<-with jr\\ rl-llkr prr • l-Inn 1\r I hi' huti,IIH! •lto~rl :O(!•' ;\l••t'•' ,U «'all ht' tlttnl( frnm • hook, U•l'<l Important !hun th.ot ''" \ l•'l••r l ., Ji&nd or K t on Its aldr. tht> rn•mthl~ •ttl'-~n•l ••I ~•:; Cro01 I . 1 thr ~n\'l't'nii\C nt d•w• ""' 1111'1'1 o'llr·l ____________ _ rl'nl I inns; t'•'"'-" Tho• 'o•f,•r.on< 1 holltd rrontt!ll'~ In ~o)l\ t' fill~ ltrooh· lt-m nlln. ' Beer I Frn7"'" fruit• C'llrt hr lh:J'I•·•I '" I onr hour hy ""'' 1111: IJtll k<it:•' ,,. •. ~~~~~~~~~---~ forr an (')rrtrtc f:rn __ ·__. ___ _ Wines Liquers ·Whiskey n. , .... r~ aea Ftvt<18 0r • • '1 j'\et'e f'QUlprntont ~ h"n ' '" ..,.t to catc:b '• ur own. AV E~UE, NEW .. OAT Boot~ and Ro~· Kf'f'nt' Palm and Ba~·. Balhoa Phonf' 391 Sail. Track and Slides Stop Watches YaCh t Tim~rs Newport Marine Supply Co. 814 ~JIIcbway Phoae %'780-J GEORGE D. BASSE'IT ........_ .. Generai 'Accounting Fishermen's Bookkeepin• INOOJQ: TAX SERVIOE 2602 W. Central Ave. Ph. 1805-.1 I SAFtTYof.each account INSURtD, up lo s.s,ooo., by the Federal Savings and 1<>•n Insurance Corpora-tio n Care ful s~ver s an d i nvestors save her~ •.. where . sav1ng PAYS . Resoun.:cs $4.906,000.00 Lag~na . Feder~l Savings. and loan Association l.a~tuna 1\f>uh, ('aJif. -l•h. :iOO -......... ______ .; 1...--.r=--------_... _______ ;,__-...__, .... ' I • •••eoa ~·~·· F~r~r It, ~~~~------------------------------------------------------~--~!!L I !l.ono 1\omcoe. ThC'r~ art< 7,000 elfl)o .. -----~._..,·,......··-· _____ .,.,. l 4 ... .... .. ,!• ·~,_ ! Expert on fire •AKBJDEXTaot•s·· owva More than 283,000 )'all'S of white Bowli.nr. on the Green l cotton elo\'et, enough to CO\'<'r thl' hands or t>Yt>ryone-_ln ~ Paul, At the Nf'Wi)Of't Bowlil\a ~n t Minn., IIIII t'\•ruui-tuktnl( ttmt', F.\'rry ttftl"r~oon may b. '"'n: r 1 Warns Against , Cheap Housing were bought hilt year for the, ·AJ." past pretldt>nt, ht>ada t.ht' Jut, f Westinghoust' La m p D1\'1Ston'1 C'auk ht" bowla with a wtckf'd 1 plant in Bloomllt'ld. N J Known I twut! u "rever~tbii'S," the I!IOV<'I fit ·•MadntO£h" ~&lways br~a h1l bit either rtlthl nr ll•fl hand ao thl'n· o' cht't'r Ia no probh•m or matchm.: freshly-Whtle bowhn& all throu . .:h thr laundt·rt"d pwrs. Gloves ~:Uord ••It'('· year. trlc lam11 and t'IN·trontc lube parts "J ohn." th• prcsidt•nt, comes next from the hand mOIStun• or as· When he bowls oppon•·nla are lf'IY\,t/len. vexl.'dr "Torruny,' the nt"'W pru ldt>nt, Expert . Shoe ·Repairing While Yeu Wait ••• t-omes a-whirl • Wath hla dear smoke a -curl Secretary-treuurer "Bill" IJ next In line, . He ttypnotizea bis bowl all the I time. · "llerli' geta·hll bowl ri"ht on the Jack- Warn1111 of thC' ft no thnoal In th .. ut~ ot unlt-•1•·•1 Anal auh~l •tuh• butllhna mah'llab ami h"P""' ol ,t C\>IUtrUl'ltOn lu nil~\ tht' ll<•llt.tll\1 for enterllt•nry ho•ustna. p,., •''I B uct>coe, l ••n\'ral mana~e••r flf I he I Jllauonal }'1r.., Prutect1oo Al'.<oo··••· tlon, today uretod all communstses • to be alnt \o th e pott'niJIII dan- l~r. Ray P~gan 515 Eut Bay Front He just pula it there-with a -..~ ... _1,....__ w""l•"" will ...... till• 'Nortlllr.; Auoaautltal ~rtain knack. • •·---· • •• Fi b IIIII It "Fred" and .:Percy" are quite a laa&ll•ta an alllewa la tllla uc"t-"• allletdll.. nl • Ill •••" t~aafe eorutructlon ahould be Ulallt.d Uf"J n, he .. ld and adequate 1\re-1\&hllnl equipment ud water IUf~ply auur.,d •t,o QlllcklJ combat al\7 l\r1 that lirealu out lA emer&llllcy bou.t1n,c ~u. PoLntiftl out that 1,000 homH are attack~ b)' t\r• every dRy m the 'bllt.d Stat-. Mr. BuabH ~ 'lleelancl: '"'!'her• ar• certatn Avtau-ra.dl-u , Utlrtl ....... •••lalatnU.e ••c-. e.,t ... rl~ •ratd .. roo-aatl duaroo•a, team-w illie tile .a•• eeatalM ... era ... ,. ... laboratort ... Botll are SHin& tht'le dapper youga ~ • ... •peclallJ ._, ..... for til• Nenlll,.p Kllool Laat bulltll~. ..... .,.. ..... ~ ILa.tolp.a you know what I mean. aZ:t a.,., •ll•·l•q N•nllrep n.a• alr atrlp, la a ror•n Ar•T '1'aylor" u scorekeeper• can't be UIIP'· Ja•• L. Nc&laleJ Q ... n) la Dtrect.r of tl•w Khal tlulc prlDcipiH of bome ftre aale· .. ,. uf Mr. ud Mra. lk,..W ~ tJ that eho~ld be ~rJ'Otat.cJ In f'f'lUt, Hl l'-4 lit,. N--t beat, _:.;......::._ ________ :..._ _____________ _ all MW ~ aDd boln• that ara · .. ..-~ ·or· remocAleci The .,.,.h, ('allf., a ,. .. teru of II F. C. VENN Hla bowling ~apt to be. d•adhut! "Mansell" 11 ·mter known by hiJ hat, • HJt bowling IJ well known at t.hal 1lle ~commander" 11 .always jolly and..,.. ...... He a•t• to the Jadt-yee, all the eo._ ... ...,, Calli.. we:~. .. &.-----------~!"Webb,'' \be ~per. II I THOMPSON'S Riehfield Station ~by at tbe aanw. . With "Old Hlckorya" he bowll wtdtedly Jt,.t t.be. aame! U I've D'\liMd an)'ODt 'tia an over· alabt. lTriNewpert........,.. You aee I do all my bowl.lna at nl&hl Happy bowll.nl all the year. -Dorothy L&llbenateln. 1945 to make Ute worth I .. __________ _. quit llvln&. It dldn't. I quit." PtuiCOGd VENETIAN BLlNDS WOOD • STEEL • A).tJMINU)I ...... '1--o-_._._.,.._ ..... ,...._ __ _ 814 Cout JDcbway Pboae Newport %180-W Marine Upholstery Nooks and Booths A SPECIALTY Shaw's Upholstery TuiUq, Funlltwoe Upllolat.ert.c ... RepUrt~ Pickup and DeUwry Service • Free Estimates Over Wlq 8aac Boat Re,.U 811 c-at Ulpway "101" ' Mesa Boy, Radioman On Carrie• Enterprise, Out After 3ljz Y n. -. Corona del Mar News (By Beeale L. Benedict) ~ Sunday School Guild or the CommunJty church held a Valm · tint> Box Suppt>r Monday nlaht, Ft>b. 11 in th• aoclal hall Mr. F'rank Powt'n con.ductl'd thfo pro-vam or enjoyabll' caml"' of thfo ~ ud bHUiac plaat are -u.a wtUt U.. _ _..u .. a ._. ~ o1 Ire huarda ll d..,ert-t ol UWity .. __.,. bu.Ut aDd aot proper-"-'•-.. ....,_, .... w,. ,..~ b tected, S,.clleaUoA and • ,_-. -e. n1 ta Tw..tlal lal· .. fll labontor7·teat.d aDd ap· """ .. III•UIII ... ~ Mrn-1 ~ • ._..u. ... .,.. a...unc ._. aat.riall. , • ., aDCS I"" wW _,__,. boeel wbee pro,-•tr JaiWUed and maiDlalaecl We ...... til "'-I aDd &rraftle-__.. tor l&fe huutllAI .r Mbel elllouW -....w ... ecL .., f• .....,._, to tllalo -· llat let•IUC'-~ ,_t.... ., .... .......... ta.-(t t. A. NaVJ ,a.oto). · ___ _......_ Wlltred ~~· O.aplln, aon o1 Mrs. E. Chaplin, 120 Wilaon St., Coeta Meaa. wu ~lUNd from th• navy lut w~k aft.! ~ and a halt yean In tn. anvl~ a.nd par· tJdpatJna In flv• major naval cam· pa}&na. •vmlne. In one tht' partll'lpantl ..., Tar=·-... had pa~-hfoarta plnn.d on thc'lr -rbe root 11 •pecl.aJlF tmpor-1 backs a nd each conll"'tant had to tant a.ad a v~lnerable ~l t01 que.tion' aome on. to find hiJ any houae. Sparlu falun, on, ldmltt)' for th~ evf''ntnc.· He ot ahfo ftammable roofa 1land thfrd would uk whetht"r thf'y rould alnc amnna tht'. major nuan of home or If th•Y Wt"~ dram11tlc 11ctrt'U<'S .ftHt, Jo'ire·r<"tnrdant rooftn.,..u~b 50,000 Recruit. for Regular Army In WesternS~ Chaplin, a enduate of Harbor HJch achool, &(TV~ aboard the famed carrier Entnpr~ In the Marthall IJiandl, Truk, Hollandla, Salpan and ttw flnl No deti:lillililD.I'-"LW~l:4..:u::,;ll~sphalt sh101lra._IJ a .. teauarcl ln4Jv.laual home ftre Tht,-Ninth Se-rviN-Command rf'• <TUIIIng vn)llram \o IH'<'urt' 70,0oo vnluntf't'ra fnr the ·Rf't Uiar Army hy June :.0, 1946. r,.arht'Ct lhe :'1!'1.· 000 mark on Jan. :.11, Major C..-n. Invite Famous Compoeer to CIO Fishermen's Party represent for tht" c-venlnR 81' Crablt", Clark GahiP. 0111rl1'11 Boyrr. Prtrr Lorrl" nnd oth••r pl'r· aon11gcs wert• th<'rP hy prot'y The box I Uptll'r fOIIowNI tht' dand n5:. BoxNI wr~ aucllonMt, lht> higllMI hidct.>r ohlalnM hl1 wpi)Pr partnt•r and IUfiPI'r About S30 (lO wu rt'UII7.tsl frQITI t hr affnlr Earl Robinson, famous compoecr of the Ballad of Amer ica &nd Tht' House I Uv• In hu l:let>n Invited which Ia to hf' UM'd for th•· hl'&l•·n to hrlng his eultar u a guest of for tht" Sun~y !'<·hool rnnm Mn the CIO fo~lthermen's Local whl'n .S tuArt Oltml wu cha~rman of tht• a party Ia glvPn In honor of t hr t commiUN'. with Mn Mnrtha l.hr(>e r tct'ntly married ""'"'ben of PtettrT. S tanlt"y Smith. Hrrhr'rta the union Jenkl, and Harold llf-nt>dlrt aaslst· The couplt'l to be honored at l'nll: her. tht' dan<;r and entt>rtalnmt'nt plan· Mr .. ·~ Mn. Alhf'rt ~·e·n. 21R nt'd by Char IN! McLauchlan at thc-1 Goldt•nroo avt"n\14", nnd Mr. and Costa Mesa Womrn'a cluh. nr.·: Mn Roh('rt StPinh~t.rtu•r. l'11n111 Me, and Mn . Arthur D. H'lll. Mr. Ana. drovt" to San 01r1tn. to At· and Mra. Ch11rlcs H. Walla<'t', and te-nd a Junc-trfoon ('IArty Mnndll)' At Mr. 11nd Mra. Ber t LAckyard Old· rtlr homr nf Mn GrnN' Crulw>r of rashiont"d danet'a and polkas ar• Coronado Jt wal! In tuonnr I)( ·Mr planzl<'d fof the OC<'allon. Bowt>n w~c-btrthday was F••h, 2 Laguna Meeting on Labor-J\1anagement Othf'r fC\.It'ltl Wt'rr thf" Mllll'll Pc.-arl and CatherinE' Brl'thwa1tc of R811imor f', Mnryl11nd. Tht• llnw- !'nll 11nd StvlnbArl(('nl 11hollf'l'd AI 'ria J ua.n11 and lhNI ('(tnl lntll'd '" ed by r. Buabee,1 whether Jot' emrrarc.-ncy housln1, private home , corutruct)pn or remodellnc, are: 1 Fire •top• at the lnteneellon of tloora and wall-to pr•venl the ~·od of ftre fruat tha baNment \o up~r ftoora. 2 I arlttto ru a n$1 eelllnca throughout t he house ahould•have non !'hmbustlble ftntm Masunry j)atlll tonl 1n buement furnu~e rU<uns With ftr.,·rt llaUve l!ooT construction above. J Jt I ICUijC~ II attacht'd \o the hou~t'. the w1llt adj•r..,nt to ltvsnc qu arl!'rs ahnuld b. protecl.d w1th oun·<"umbusllble m•terlaiJ. 4 Evt·ry · new or nmndC'Ied h ome sh!luld h•ve aafe and adC'· q u.otf Wlr&J\I ClrCW~ proper!)' l.ru • • II cd. "We muat fec:C' the fact real- SinN• lui S4-pl•:.miM•r. "''hen lhl' W~tr ()('partmc-nt c11mj\al11n 111 of., lllln 1,600,1100 Ar111y \'vlurll<'<'r& wu ln!!UII\Irllltod, !\:'1,11.'17 ""'n frn111 the ••l1tht W•••t•'rtl 111111 .. uf th•' o.•nmm11nl1 luwl' •l~:n•'<l '&' fur Jtc-C't· l11r Army ••·I"Yh'C', G••n ghtodd llllllrd. TilE\' WJlN'T lllNUW Outtt•r, C'Urrc-ntly hI! l' u m In rr; l<'ar<'t' 011 th1• Amrrlr~tn 11111rkt'l. Will a ratht•r aiiUJofod 1\l'm 4.000 yl'ara •tro Jn India, II ,.. ... hurrW'd to ph•nll(· tha· l:•odt. and the tirM'kl 11nd ftvm11na u~~t,.-d It u 11 brauty lutlun,' l•1r hnlr drrulnt.:. lind •• 11 aalvr ----.,. laltt ~lly," Mr. Duabce concludea, WELCOME HOME! ''tlo.at olrt>ady In the face of the acute huua1n1 ahorla&c lht'r• It a -dt'tn•nd for a brt'8kdown of U• Newport Harbpr P.t at lallllll a\andarda of uf~ ~o.nstruc-AMERICAN LEGION tlon end _,rote<'tlon provided In clly bu1ldtnl codea and 1tonsnc , !::!"" .. ~~\!4: -:. ~ ordsnan~• No matt•r hnil Jlrnt .., .a-, .. 1 ..., T-. • 1 • tlw deman6 for hou11111, few peo- ple w1ll be w tlltnl( to aubJ<•r t --= -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;il Thf'mf• nf thf' sixth public l.a-Carlsbad for dlnn••r • guna Town MN>tlng, to llC' held Mr11 Arthur K~>mrJt·r !ICI(I Os• .. ron lttelr famlllf'J to nrl' dllnaera, and ----:-------..;,_ __ oil people muJt be mudt' lo real- Ize that WC' l':lnnot aiTord to hre.•k 4o"''n thu funcbmt'ntlll prsnr 1pll'l of flre.:'ai"U -foltYtl'Ue-rton-1n any hou.LD& proarom." Carr's Peed Store Hay and Crarn· Qunlity Ft~l<~ -~- Our two New Army Mechanics Helped V• Wla Peace aad Freedom. Tbey ·Caa Help l'ou Keep Your Car First Class NA110N.U. AlJTO •CLUB EMEROENCV 8TA110N Newport Au'o Works Earl Mltchrm. Prop. U4 10th at CoMt Blvd. Phone (day or nlpt) 14%0 Loo .king for a Ho ·me or a Vacant Lot? e Read the offer:: ings of the Harbor's Leading Realtors ad- vertised in the News-Times Sa.lurda)l, .,,..,_.J&, "~ t41-m~ln bouk>.vard .was...aucst u[ huoar 111 ht..:h school audll(lrium. ""'" bring thf' P.-T A. Found••r11' lilly Iron at a conJ truc tlvr 1lant to lahor·man· lforaCC' lli~h I!J'honl, i\nuh,.im. agrmt"nt proble-ma. and II 11 hup«'d Thursday. Mn Kr n1pC'r "''"' 1 tw by lht' prOf(Tam rommlltM' will tln~t prNIIdl"nt of lltt· Annha·lm offer IIOrnt' mutu111ly aatiafaclory P -T A S hf' wn1 nl11o prMid•·nt of solutloru to thOM' prohlt'mll Not th,. C'"ouncll. Sht• 1\ns not mlsliNI tilt-~ut or the problc.-ma IJ the onv (If th<.'llt' F oonct.>n '"l>ay t"IIJI In pUght of tit•· oon1umer In any atrUR· L"i yean New Ruling Made On Surf Fishing &It' het•H'f'n JailOr 11nd m11na5tf'-('pl. Robe-rt I.AnsinR. l"•'l'ntth. mt'nt, 11nd II IJs antwlpatro thllt Wis .. Ia vi1itln~t r.tr. 11nd Mr' F II both spc-ak,•ra "''ill atatl' a plat -~lfolfman. formrrlv or Appt.~ .. n. form for ttw futun• which ~·Ill take Wla.. who N'Sidt• al 2 14 \arnatlnn lnto <'ON&Idc•r~tt lton br•th " •••·thnt.: avt"nuf'. thls wmt<'1' Mr. l .llnltnlt on lnnatlon and a floor under un-1 rf'<'f'l\•ed hi11 dltc-hllri!P In r '•·tnhf'r t•mplnymt'nt from the Ale For('(' whrr,. h•• 1wn. II I'd on ltw ground rrc-w at Tnruntt•. INLAND LI'NIUNO Italy. Mr11. Llllinn H••nnrh<•rry, :1419 If· currrnt pl11ns or lhf' No•w Marigold avt"nU<'. r!'turnNI from " F.n~tlllnd Tl'lf'phonc-.t Te l<tr'Rph "'••d1's \'Ill II with frl('ndl! In <"n th• '<I· I Co. 11re C'nrrii'CI out, l'li:ht lnn~t rtsl City, C'!Jllf , 11nr! rrllltlw• in dlstnnN' rrlll'ro-w~tvf' rndlo \I'll'· I Idaho. phunt· t';rt'ult• wtll llf' liN UJl llf'-P\'t John Mllll'r, 711 Mars~t"l;l IWl'<'n Nuntu1·krt 110d Gnrx• Cod. st\'r nuf', arri\'('() hnml' FridAy fr11m Tht' s)'SI••m 18 simllttr t•J lhnl used C'amp Ft Sill, Okhlhomo. nnd Will l)y Ill!' Army and Nuvy in th~ war., soon r4'<'••iv•· his l'll~rh~trR•' ( 'ommnndf'r Rnyr! ft. I .foWl~. '"" , ~roP" lOU a, R..-w Kant. I nr Mr!l c;,•on:•• l .t•wts, Jlto1 M111 1· ~iiiiiiiii~af~r-;:;?.=~, !;l•ld 8\'r•nu*'. r,.turn,.d wilts "" IC 1 WI(,. 110d son AIHn Crnh11m, rr .. m 11 pl,.llsnnt tri~ to M••1111••• '" r· .. 1 &.!IOII!h a.~ Ott\ltf'R, frum lll·c $1 In ,.Fch. 14. \nmmAndfor ,.,.,.,.,~ u• "" t 1<'11\'t' anrl "'II rl'f't'l\•· tal~ dt• •·hars.:r· ~~~'"'" II•• ~•·r••·fl '" "'" tr111ta for 1!'\ months lntoktnR Al!t·r I lit<• hariY•rs. lnylnc n••tM til ,,,..,,,.,., ,.,., .. I I h•· l't.a:<ts rn.m suhmltrlfll'' II• "ns .'r"nsf••rrtod '" W~t•htnlo:l"n whf'rt< t,,. wa~ hMid nf Jl:wk:tl'll1t• ff•r lh•· l"avy Tiv• l.r•w1•r~· 'IIIII• m••r hr•m•· Is .a.t :1 15 Sul•t•hlra • ... ,,, 'nu(', JlAlhOII b htn<l. ---------• t'AT ~ALVAOr. Wr.IOtfT\' • Mon• th11n three tonR f•f u~s·lt la ta hAVf' hforn laJVIIRN'f 11t fill' 1 Wr,;l 1nt.:h•11t~r LAmp l ll\'l~l11n t· •• t l'lf'rt<J In liltlOmfif'ld, N J , stn<'!' ()J'df•ro of thf' C'"nhfnmln fl~h find s.:.am~> etlfTim1~•1un ufft'<'lsnl( 'l"'r1 lt•hln~e Wt'n· '"U"'I .htnuary :l9 nl lt>r dl'lf•ll:nlt·~ of llw mnJi•r •t~•rtromt'n'll fll'1tllnlu:1ti•m• me-t In '•"' Anct>lt•' "'llh thr comml~''"" f••r two dn~ ~ to ,,,._nt arr.tu· 1n•·ntJ1 hoth tor nnd Oltliln~t th<· 1•• •'fii.IYfi modlfir11t ion~ nnrl 11•hh· lltof"'~· to thr C'ahf••mlo rll'h i1n•l s.:;smf' codf' Amon~r thf'lllo• oniN"<~. •·ff•ortlw I r• hMIR!jl )!), 194fl, Wrl' lhl' fqflloW' an''' ' • l "Jo C'"llllf~tml" "'hll11•1: ul••• kn•~'" ~~~ s•~orhlnn ""'' ~..,, r li•h. •·t 1 I•·" thnn 12 ln••h•·• In l•·n~:t h •hnll l' I" tOkt>n or l~'lfl'""'l'('(l. W"11tch tht" c.'laulrll'li rolumns 1 ---------·- 1 CLOTHES POR I MEN .. -. A N D BOYS . g~ . gpMJ S/u,p ten...,.... An. ~ ... _. PIIOitelll OaUy f)f'Jh•"f')'-I"IMI-IU 111:1 N-port ftl\'cl. COPnA Mr.IIIA fH,OCIO r.I •• WTKU' 1\lU. trll' 1HM'kt111 11l(lfM! In t~ lifo 'wet l'lto• "'""1,.11)' t'lo't'lrl\' Vttwt"r but lltbo.•rlll04')', W.,...... lull.-and ~· "' tlw \\'a·~tltfrh•'"'"' l .!tiiiJI Ill\ 1.11· l fllllk l\lb\, .. llrt<' burnt'CI around· "'" • h•·ull•t"'"'''' • l'l"11t 111 llluuln· tho,·,, ltM'k In rndural'loe teeta 1" hi ~ J , '" ''''"1:•'" "Jlll'"'l"hnRI•• ~hill I hly ~:u bUl1 far the' plant h ~:~o•.tlll\1, t'\luh uh'111 It• 4111'l'l)'lnt.: 1,,, •'r"a.:•· ~tl~t M.UOtl and t•IC'· '.'"' a·l··''' t II' I'"" ••r 1 "I"" •'lllf'llll uf i llh4~ ..,.rvi('C' a»la 1:),000. OLDSMOBILE. OilERS We Are Equipped to GJve You FKtory Service 011 All Modell Genuine Factory Part. 0 • LOwe.t PrieN IUiilble ~with Good WOI'k BUDGET TERMS IF DESIR!D Culbertson Che·Y_rolet Co., lne. A•~ CHEVROIZI' AND OLDSIIOBILia D&Auai .. 1011 C..tral Ave. .Newport._. ..... 1111 II..UWWARE J.I.ESTUS GENERAL ELE~~ LUIOU • u:nuot:aATOM • w•• DJaBW•psre• • IL&DIO. Pllloee 118 News -Times Want .Ads Will Solve · Your ·- READ USE ' Problems THEM THEM FO'R' -PROFIT FOR RESULTS Newport Harbor PubliShing I lhl' fa! ron~•·rvatlnn 1t11rt••li durtrll' thr wnr Th,. 'rollf'C'tlnn 1~ •~•II linulnJC Or Glld)NW _, • COlli ,_,.tctor- OlllJ U..• -110 r-.o -· 110-b<ldr eo.W .,.., tu"' ., or ,.,.. I IJtm o6 OftOt IU 101 IUVU4. fO .. INtU .. A'NCIE IIEl Howard W. Geni'eh .. ,.,...n~ OOft' A IIIUA ......... Automobile • Fire Accident • Life ' = IT'S YOUR . GLANDS! PNet.atA<I ftarkac~. 11-.twhf'. t'lllM a. hltra and lmf~t-A...,_ and pain• and "d~·out" r .... unr a. w-. 1...-nt VItality -"Aiwaya 11rM" f...,lnr-HIIprolnl ... Urowtn1 Hilt ""'"'" ,., .. , ti11W'. A......u-Hip .,., I AIW ...... ~ .. ,_,., .. , .... , •• I! I I A-•tllm.-r~..._PillortMI,._IUdMJ ... H,..rt (AIIIdltiiNI,., ,,.. .. epoDd w~lly to nur t:'IIC'IU•h,. 01 ... Ttw'hnJqiJI' d .. v,.lnl""d I .. .,,. 18 ,_,. .... ,...,._._ l S(• PAI~-SO DKUO~'O ojf ROF.Kt'-S(t ISoiP'A"TIH""· I ('OSMt:r.T Anos nr:r: "'' At•t·orHTHJ:sT. Pno~E .u lu II Dly~l.lrla· is the poe we th.in_g to use when you fly your kite. If suing geta wet elccuicity can uavcl along it just .as it will over wire, tinsel, or metallic $Uing. Play we. UJe. dry suing for your kite, and re~m}:)(r the three o<hcr safety rules of IUce n ,. ing also. llcte they arc:: 1 • .f!l kha in a.o opeo 6rld, •way froaa power liiicS iOO ocbtr ovetbe.d obtuuc- tiona. 2. Nner uic wire, cjoicl, or meulllc string. a. Be autt tbe aui.na il rcrlectly dry~ 4. lf 1M kite catcbc:s in • power Uor, Jet go immcdiatclr. Doo'c pull! PboM the comp&ny owoins ~iM. and • lioe- nuo will c~ co gu your Idea foe you! I lOll Wf'l't Company Tw.,.,__ 12 aad 13 U !'l'n'"' ant1 Cnnt:rart R-onda \\'r1tt•n II Dr. E. Fe Bell, D. C., PheCe 107 !!ltd IU. Nf'wpr~rt RHrll, f'.tll. Hmu ... : t :Sit to 1:!11 "f••ntl•r-a..e 'Jllur-da'• UOOY ~LOWATr, Yow ,/,ari& un~_, 80UTHERJi CALIFORRIA EDIBOK .COIIPA.Y· --- > NEWPORT-IIALIIOA NEWS -Tf ~MES I'IIONDI ~ lJ ... u I ..a~w·~,;,,1Etw7:;;;;. .__ ... r;,;;e;,;,~ ... 'nenda1 ~ , ... _ x.xxnn c.. ..... -.... ... , c ~w ... t•7 , ... _u ~,.)'able tD Advanc:e:--42.50 ~r ytv In~ County: • 12.~ pt('.,.... JO 401 IOM; $3.00 per 1M'" to SUI_ 1.0114' , ._.., • kcoDd<:lul matter •t lb. ~toltlce ln N-rxll"t Beach, . C'alllomla. ~r the Act ol March 3, 1879 a. .. M.£Y'ER • f"ubhMier &All D. PORTER • Gen~ral Man~t..:"r • L. B. MJILARD !:Allor W. F. DIXON Arh·~·nlslne Manaat•r PrtD-Pl.a.nt, JOU W. Central Av~~~~~rt -~&l'h, <..'8J1fonu11 Off~:,• £:!:: ~h.:_~-!.1-o!o~!:~'!~ch .: IAL i\cti~: .8 Membe.. ~~~~~~ of ~ ~·~ "()•g dup·'" "'~'' """' '"'' ''"" : . '"'" i< " j word~d ~md hor 'J'oy·d~rr"· .f.o\C:K LI NII~I fY I I I Capital and Labor ~ current wav" of strikes 'throughout the Nation Lc; often referred to a.s a struggle between capitnl and labor. art. the fact la that In America It l.s a pretty dlrtlcult thing to draw a line ~ the two since. in many rcsJX'(1s, tht'y ·~~tical. . 1tie man Wbollpends &e. than he ee.rn.s anrl puts his sav· U., Into U. S. Savings Bonds or a brutk savings account. or a .tutft ol stock, creates caplt'al. So, whilt> he may be a laboftr hr Ia al10 a capitalist ~Y. then, capital l.s not compoecd exclusivE'Iy of walthy Oft ~ lnvestot"'S who do not have-to work for a llvtng. ~. there are many wealthy individuals In the · <»PWlatfe eroup, but In It there are many more pei"SSt'\.8 of ~;:f:::==,~~~::~~ftl~~~fti~~QIDrrCW~~uUraca~- ~ It would l!!f!m that IOI'Ile elements ln the rount ry -.IE to crate that lmpreuion-t.hen that stigma 1.8 on theo sn&t ma.. ot Amft1canl who are wi8e and caretui enough wtth their lno.9nwa to keep l.a.hee.d fl.nanBaUy. 'n. American ecuMli'O&c &y'ltem Is a capitalistic system and there Ia no ,_.,., to be apologetic 6ecauae It '-· In t.M biPer wapa. better proctucta; lower prit:oes and generally ll,lpft'lor Uvtna oondlUona It hu created, It la without parall~ In tbe woricL What America needa Ia not f~r. but more capftallst~ man lndMduala lhouJd practl~ saving regularly and' putting tJM6r IUrlJiul fUndi In ~t hoods, bank ~vlngs or In Giber fonnl ot ln..tment which will pnMde safety along wttb a nuonable return. Capital Ia not a «.'\l..W, It's a benetlt. And In the final anaJY*. tbe Interest~ ol capital and labnr are not dlv«'rgen( they ue WI')' much the ume. Wives Oversea& • In UIDIJmldnl that wiYN and other dependent relatives cu IC)IC)n Jam the IOidlen c:JVeneU, where conditionS pennJt, tbe war deputment undoubtedly hoped to ease the terrific p ae pOt on It by tei'YIOI!!men and their famllk'S for speed--.+~---Jiitilrii ancJ ClelliOtilllia«<ft. -- But 80 many "UW" and "but." ha~ been attached to this DIW plan that alreedy there are rumblings of dlssatls:faction wtdc:i. lndlcaw more trouble tO.. the ·war dtopart.ment when the plan bu been fUIJy analyzed by the troops and their fami- U.. For~. tbe provtslon that relatives can go to Ger- many or Japan criy when ~ Is adequate housing, food and meclcaJ eve ava.Uab&e In t.M. area where they would Uve auto- matically puta a ~~eWre crt.mp in the whole scheme. U no effort weft made by the anny to provide these fadllties-and It lln't dear at tM moment If tM anny will~~ could be barred from occupied OOWlt.ries almost lndeflnlt.ly. Then, too, the traditional anny 11)'8lem which In this ca.te require~ all men below tM top three grades of .ergeent to pey tbe coat ot their dependents' transportation whUe the families ~ thoee ol hlfher rank will have their fares paJd by Uncle Sam limply doesn't set well. And It wUl keep ~y wives a t home unlela congress changes this ammgement. Added to aD thla Ia tM regulation that !!Oldlen. in orde-r to get prior- Ity t:ran.portatlon for their ramUles. must agree to stay over- _. for at leut two more years. So It )ooka like w1VE'S Md other dE-pendents In ln11:e num- bers wtU be-staying home. And our guac; il' thnt th(' war ileparl:menl wiD hear from _them -ana not in happy ton('S. To Test Strength ~ CIO la nt>xJng llc; polili~li?S and goinJ.! t ht'Oil~h .arne v.'BJ"U1'-up caltstht'nl<'l' In pl'l'f'l.'tration for a t('<;l of it' ~ at the ron~lonnl primRry cl('('tior:-s thi-. sprinc The ftnt tellt w\U come on April !:l in 1llh1oi5. Lrslt'l' fhl' ClO wU1 try Its ••a.llop at tht' billlot hox in lncfinna ;~nd OhiCl <!!J May 7. Oregon May 17. PPnnsylvllnia ... May 21 nn!i Cahfo~~nin on June 7. 1lle unJ-on wiU 9Ct'k to dt>fc:\1 cn ndk:tt<'!' unfll\'tll'· able to It and to el(>("t thnc;t' who will ~1pp011 lalx1r lf'):isla - t1on. From the pf'CS('f1t Rttit~de nf Congn.•s.c; townrtl llu• unions it looks Ilk~ th«' CIO will hun• pl(>nty of incumlX'nl:< to work agaimt- • . .. , ............ -.. :~.:··-··•·e :' ,.... ,.. ... .,_,JheAy....,.,Sa.· • .....,ig,. ~ Grand;ury Protests Indifference k:,..,,.,';!"..!' ,::",'·!~.!. •• J Shelter f?. _f: _ _ y .... .. . . . . . and argon gila at tire Westlnr- ,J,OEORGE s BENSON. ~I!J . Of Supe'J"VDJOrs on Hospital Conditions . OUSf ~,.Amp Dhiston plant In ,...w., ol H.NII\t Colle ~p,OO, --a ~ ~ .r;r ....-• Bloomfield, N J .. Will wltlutand t t' PrNW ... t IIKF)' 8. ~ Th~ followlnr rHOiutlon was r~ 1 ~lpt of said communication as to an mtPmal pr~ure grelltt'r than ~M~ey.Artlan.Ms "From the atandpomt of economy lt'a.wd by the Oranr~. County sald recommendations which said the wri~ht of a l,'),QOO-ton pock~t t-------....-r-------1 as a whole the large amount of Grand Jury follow1nr IU blast at Grand Jury dt>t>ml"d impel'atlve tor battlt-shap. Each 22·fN>t-tall lank ' • SIIVIn~s In lh~ form or sndividual the ckoplorable rondltlon of tht' tM bPndlt ol aaJd hoeplta) In the hoJdl t'nough &JI to tul 'on~ mil- OS£ TiliNG a lot of peopJ. nerd I acutely •• 1ht ltC'f. Short.acn of bualdane mattraal• and tht •car· ell)' of akolltd worluntn hav• com· barttd t" nuokr hou11nc about tht rart-at t .. rnnood4ty -In c•.mmon u•• to break. A l~ral redinron n-· sa~1ng1 bonda can have 8 atabtla~-~ count y hospital rect>ntJy, and fall-tuture a.nd lhl' welfare ot the peo-lion 60-watt bulbs A mixtur~ of homt price• miaht bt ~~~)' to u -1ng lnnu.ence upon morll>t~ con-u re. o1 the aupcrvisora to l"t'ply to pie ~t Oranre county, or taken ~Y thrse inU!rt gasea !. pumped ln-1"~" in a Ollll.htmati~al curvr dlttona and can h~lp to ·de1Wiitt de-thetr charr~: offl.ctal action on said recommends-al~e the bulbs to rt>latt evapor- but ou rt•ltU would be bad. It flatlonary rorC'ft in · caae thl'Y 1 &Hq~uttoa lions, and said Grand Jury now ~lion of burning filaments, auur- "'ould tend Th cheaptn cun,truc-should ckovelop after lht' transition WliERE AS, on January 15. 1946. unanimously f(>i.'l that said. board ang loni~r lamp lilt'. It 11 an tYrry-da}' n~eully, tou. !'tuple 4o•' t4 have a phott to • II• r a nd thty wall pay whattHr It tOitl IO j[et In OUt of the .. uther. or thty wall take "'h~t ah~lt•r thty can alford., ta•n and enco.aag~ j"rry-buildsnr . 101 peace has been accomplished .. 1 the Orange County Grand Jury may not be 1n sympathy ~. 'lth im- lln•and CLAMPING down on __ · made a rt'port to th~ board or proving the conditions existing at • ............ ~ l 'rrtnt the lilt uf vacant Iota IU.. . SUJ)('rvtsors, makln~t N'rtaln recom-aald hospital, or \Improving the w6uld aurtly bl' w~9ng ..• 1· Ororrf', Loedua: Eaaland-j mendatlons whkh at dl't'ml"d n~· m&nnt'll of conductln& SAid hos-ftUCila AND-ftAOI'OU on point 'f u~dlroce. It wl)uld ( early th• 0\JlJitandanl( feature sary tor tmpro,•ement ln the con-pltal. ' PA&II,IIQu iPii&N'I' kall much predoua tim•. Suvl~e ur m~mbt'nhip In 1M United ~a-dltlon or and ·the conductln& of the NOW, THEREFORE. we. the M. Eltiste & Co •• Inc. nwn are comtnr: home ...... not tiona Ia eervice-not the aclftsh · Oran~te County HospUal. and at Orange County Grand Jury for 1.., &. .-. t Conou now propottd leculatoun to \'ru•tcl home buytra and homt bur II• ra from lnftllllon, by rov-~o oloo1tnt31 t(>n\rob. AdmlnuJM· Uron of ruhnl" alway• bro""' dr i•Y· and mo,.. dtla, ~ow w~ n~l'd hou•lna, and tnOII\ houstng Natural, competitive ~onftro:uarda will provide better PIIIDt«Lion a~:u1n1t lnftatlon than r ullnp, h rtruinly aa aturdy • walla wall kecop out mort eold than rrd tape • aft••r •I txt ytar. They wAnt placn, • service of' mere national Interest, • that timE' requt's.ted aald board to 1945-46 -ft. -..... AM 1o liv•. no later thon tht~y can let' t.ut service to the whole oommun- 1 acknowlt•dgr t <'('('ipt or said recom-, wish to t'Xpre111 our dis-Ill Jlfe. L.A. 8L ... Nil , ....... Hul for STRATEGY now !. to Pewer till eene., price. Oil n al- dential pro~rly, new a nd ol.ll, to .Uocat.e b\laldlnr mate· rlala and rtl'llate the tranafer of new rtal e.u ate. Allocatina IIUI· ttrlAia II'IAM r lvtnc FOIMboclY a ••Jht to uy, who un buUd and 11 ho n n't: A narty ''co~rcll­ oator" with auch authority t ould aoon havr a rreat 111a"1 fellow citonna doinJ hi• blddlnf. Arnari-u oHda a V-B Uay on buru ua. " ife and ba~y out of the In-law•' try of natlonE." mendlltlons t)(!fnrc F<'bruarv '14 )llllfl' roum. They art entitled to ' " hcmoe and outeht'to have it aa I -• 1946, and lndlcall' what action said I approval ot t'he lnditference of the . board of supervisors ot Oran,&e fuH a• thear local bailder caD llarold E. 8tuHa, formtor Oov-board would take aa to aald hos- nltt>t their nteds. f'raur of Mla•~ta-;'Housing Is pita), a.nd , • , one or key .-conomlc and social1 WHEREAS, eaid board of sufl('r 1-dtoo l want to '" tot.llly 1 nt'll\ probl~ms of th~ poet-war decadr. visors has nol acknowlt'dgt•d rr-ho_mt' onakt n lltast of all aerviu .. ,,, can be a major facto I the . men) pa)l Olree pric~s for houau, . r n but . natural t"uonpetltion anoonr suCC<!IIful operation ot ttee econ-1 p I bulldua wuuld prevent it it they ' omy-or it can be one ot I hi' e 0 p e could ret ruterlali .. Pa~i~l a s tumbling blocka \hat will. trip u.s premium for prontptneaa In • I anro a futurc depreuion, after the time of emerrtnc:y ... trivial Utg<'n t ro-t-war gem•r"aJ consumer malttr corupartd to the "~irhway drmand ia met." robbery" we art courtlnr tn ahod· dy houaea, built cheaply w MU Waller Longmoor . ex<'cutlve o the Weatc·rn Cannl'rs of Nl'wporl ChariH W . Uauck. ·Profi'UOr of 1 has tx-en conftnrd to .hla homt' for Oh.lo Stat.e t:alv..ll!lty-"Enou~:h srwral da)'S with a touch of nu luod !. wasted annually In the and Irritation rf'l!ulttng from lh<' t United States to f~ the tiv~ N<'W rrmoval of a tooth sinC't' he re- England Jltatea or to frro the hun: turnl"d frnm a trip to. NPW York I Kt'r-ridden countries or &>lgium. and Atlantic City. Hr was un r lmd(r .a mllnr. . . Holland, Greece and Czecho-able to altrond lht' orricl'rs' m<'f't . I bluvakta." lng or thr c'ham~r or romm~>r('(' Mr,mdny, ro whlrh ht' W AS dl'cll"d county. aa to saJd matter. P~ Ull~rnoOsly this day f F~bruary, 1946. 14th ELMER L. CRAWFORD, Foreman Quality Lumber -and Buildinr Materials . - ~ • COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. .. ": £. HOSTETLE" ~ .... 41 ROOFS APPLmD oa IU:I'....._ Free r..tJmat• • Inapedjoa W. I . lleMow 360'.2 Marcw .Ph. Nwpt. 1012-J 0 . L. CULLY OerUhed Tu ~' hblto .Aoooutaat SpeclalWnc on Income Tax Your patronaee appreciated Ul .,...,..._ I!Jallcl.blc 101 w. 4U. l!laa&a Aaa C'tlllnJ pt\cta on old rui~n· to•l proptrty Ia an absurd ldta. Thert i• nobody In my alate able to umplrl' the tra nlfer of old homra In my tllWn, miKh Ins r oun. Suc:b lewa are onl)' madt Govtrnmtnt'a moral oblicationa to homr-aeeklnr arrvic:e men are three: II) Help builclera ret rOOd buildinr materials quickly to make auiUble, small bomu, (2)• Bti'ln no public works to busy the buildtnr tradu until the hvn•~ nt>td I• reli~vrd, C3) Se~ th•l n1nrtcaee money Is nut c•n·lt,Aiy thriJwn aroun•l. IJanl< !nan. .. urht l 11 bt tUY 011 "-'Lil·bUIIt hOUIC'I "and impoaalblt on puoa· onu. Captua F . .8. Forkaf'r, Army IIIJit wet'k. C'llaplla Ia M-u "I ask I'V<'ry l J . B. MrNnlly, who h1111 ron party contcmplatlng a GJ-Flllpino ductl'd sport a nd gomt• Hshlng <'X marrlag<' to know that a Filipino, pedltlons out of thl' harbor for thc coming to the 'United S tates with I past 25 y<'ars. Ia at present with her American husband wtH not be I out either a sport or ~ame fishing accepted aodally. Her children will boat. Yet hi' hns 25 boats or othl'r IJe lookl"d down upon by other 1 ilt'Scriptlonll, not lndudlng row chlldn•n. SIJch diiCTimlnatH;>n ia to boats. HI' has just addtd two new . PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY . . Nothing to Live-for? World! Why, Child, Beautiful • 1>e condemned. 'But aince It ia a Dolphins. ror the' comln~t aeuon fnct, it must be taken into account whil'h hro <'XJX'Cts to be the largea by Filipino glr!. plan·ning lo marry l in 'yean, at his Bay Front pie , ( Wlalfred .,._) WANDA WILUAMS 1181, l&l.llmlnglon, In aulrid<' notr- "1 decided that It aomethlna didn't happen In 1945 to m&kt· llfr wor th llv1nK I'd quit Uv- lnc. II dl<ln't. 1 quit." tall1•r, statrly I'Uralyptus' fringing 11 akyhnr• with gn •N o, df'Odara spreading straJR:hl 10 hl'8\'£•n a nd palms _bra\'t'ly withstanding the hardships or <'ity str M>ts. Vlolf'll a nd IIIII'S sN'nltod thr aprlng 11lr and rust'S hloornl'd on unul it'r Fhll' t r GJ'a." and boat rl'ntal agf.'ncy. ...... Sleplaea 8. Wiae, c-.JaUr- ..._ of thf' ~rica. ZifliLial f'..muar~u·y ('ouadl -''Th~ Jews have virtually given up all hope ot ever living again In eutl'rn E""'IX'· The gates or Palestlnr must be opened to European Jews now or ncver." F ATIIJ:ll OETS A 8JlEAit ! I ~I ~ ACCOUNTA.'iT -I . 8. WH YTE INCO.-& TAS COJIIIULTAJIIT Autborl&M bJ' IM UILIIed Sl&lee T,_ 017 0.P&I'Im~nt In ,..,.,_.,, clleola ID eoa~uon w1tb t.noome ta.a m&l~. AtiDITII 8l'ITIDIB IIOO'&&&PIHO e&I YIC& Oftlee .... --...... c... ·-.......,..,.. ... .._w A.RCB.ITECT - Armand Monaco AJWII)Tf'£T 814 W. Bay Ave., Balboa l\Oewport lltt Uti Lakewood Ave. Loll A.ace&es NOnnaady ltOI DAY SCHOOL • • • And yet all during that lovt>lam·ss, sw<'('l storks Wt'rl' ful· y~ar.thc aun roee In thl' rool hW!h lnwl'd by namlnl: 7lnnoas of hot of ('llrly morning, JO:ildlng diStant mid-summt>r, 1Jink nnd y(·llow and hiUs, noodJnJr; thl' windows of mol-{ rW!I C'hr)'!illnlht•mumJO of fall h)' lions or homes with light and thl' rl'd ht•rrll'!l or Otnslmu a w11kln~ Jl('Oplt' to a new day. Somro-1 nc•wr-••ndtn~: pan1oply of h<oauty. tlntt'l lhe wind bi('W and lhr rain Gr•'at mu.~ocoans playl'd wondrr· fell, answrrln~t the ~<'I'd of thirsty rut musoc and 11thrr m,.n cnucht 11 growin~t things . on records so that all thl' world .IUDH N. llutt~rly, for mrr rlllof'f appru wr Ia N~ York 8tatf' ftV tlillf' IIOLC'-"Honorably dUcharged ''<'lrrana dc."SC.•rvr something better than a return to llfl' in barracks even It auch barracks art> labeled emcraency housing." A new one-wa tt nuort>S<'E'n night light. guarding Dad ~gains stubhln~t his t()j' a ftrr h<' boun('(> out or bed to warm baby'p bottle has bern di'VI'Ioped by Wntin~t hnuae l'ngint'rra, Th(' walnUI·SiZP lamp, whsch bums a month for 2t cen111 worth oC <'ft'<'trld ty, produces E'nou~th light so ohjrets cnn 1>1' .SPI.'ft I rt'adlly yrt Its sort ~tlow wm .not dlsturh thr most St'nsltive sl('t'JII'r ....--------------. Tht' hulh also is uaetul on stalr- st<'ps and to provld<' t>on,·<'nient lighting In hallway!! and klt<'hf'na, Mortimer School lOt Coral llalboa lai&Dd Ora4M: CoiJece, Pl'flparatory PUYI!IICI~8 a BURGEONS, M.D. H. R. Hall, M. D. Pla,.,..claa DAd Swr- Hours: 2·5, by Appolntml!nt Telephone 2620 lSI 11..-dway Coal& ...... • Gordoa M. Gnmdy, II. D. ~ aDd aur,_--• Ninth and Central Ave. I Office Hrs.: 1()-12 a.m .; 3·5 p.m. Tt'lcphon~ 37 CONRAD RICHTF..R, M. D. Plly•ldaa DAd 8UI'I'MII All that yt•ar habll.'a wcrl' be· mlgh1 h<'ar Arli~ts drraml'd lovr- lng hom . bringing Joy to wt•lcum-ly lint'S nnd rolnrs and put throm lng homes. and little animals WE'r e I on I'Rnvas for all to (,('hold. Books ht'lnlt born, cudly klttena 11nd pu~ nnd mo~:a1lnt'11 wrre .flllt-d with plt'l for chlldrt'n's playrnale11, colts poetry, storor!l and artlclea on And riiiVt'F and lami:MI to frisk In 1rovl'rythlng under thl' sun. familiar the fltlda, II tilt blrda to tumhlt>, and nt'ar. far awRy and atran~tc. from lht'lr n~au In' r~rperlmrontRI , for J)('Ofllt' to rNt d and t'njoy and nt1ht and to grow up and fill I hi! I lt·arn of somt•lhlnr;t n<'w. Mra. l rf'a .. M-afr ldt, fl. t·., llf"a· DAY SCHOOL :::,. o.'h-yl Zaauek, flollywood-"We t-ef'd to Teh~hapl for mae· 0. A. MorUmer, M. A., Oldord 1 cannot kt•rp puttln~t whlskera on Pr1ndJ* Pboae t.U 120 E. 18th St. CO~!'t!ESA Hours: 1()-12 9.m.: 3·5 p.m. Phone 133 air wllh 10na. And FOmt'llmt'll a Thr world was full of llfr and lrt'Cfl turtl~ or a wild duck with love, happlneu and aorrnw, two " brokrn "'lnJt would . Sf'l.'k IAnC'-1 wars I.'Jlck'(l, pea.ce uod lil,>t>rly came ttlary '1n a ctty ~rn W?IE'rt' 1 hark to the lttt le JM'Oplt· uf the hummlnt blrda ri'WJ"Tled )'l'ar aftrr 1 world. and yt'l In it all thrrt> WU )'~ar to Pip at twilight from tht'j "nolhlng t.P make lift) wnrsh Uv-<'Ver-IJioomlng trump('! vines. \ • All thai year lr-grew a little ing." --\V R. I Slaclla IBrohn 1plb otantn I Uclt 10 Chao. IJ ftlll&ecl mountaln crtat 13 U vlna 14 Pt"nnarlvAnla labbr I I& D11patr.htd 11 Ptrformrd 18 Orttk letter 20 Ktttln 22 Natrium '•Ym I 23 nr nar1f'd ~ Anlm•l ••nhoj'(j lor 11• fur 27 J'o~no '" •I run • <I IP•t· 2!1 Na ro "" mlo t :141 ~~·~ .. 3J II oo t•r V. ~~ t I 1 'Ill 1-:~l'l.<ooo•lo n ,~ r,,.,.,,(' .,,,,. •.... tH \\t•• H \'t'U\ . .,,,,, ·~I,,. II I,., 4' :'\ I I .... ,, 4~ fl II fl1 t7 ..... ' ·-.... ,,,I 1 '(I lloljllo • 1d • " I• I •It h'o·•l I·• ~2 l\.1 1111 l•l l l lllirllt$ --·· ,. ........ . ~~· 1~ I~ I"~ II I' ll II ~ I" Ill , ... ~ , .. I" ,., ~ ~ In )0 II I" ~ 1-I'" :on 14' ~ Jl ~ t; '"' • \boo~;l ~ ._ 11 l•t I • 1' .. ,,, \ 1 1·1. I I I' -; \,rh k t•''•11 ft '·~. "'(' ll l'u, 1 .r, "·•t II-Tar• ~ 110 ~ 1fT. )Ill ~ liD I&" ~ IU ~~· ~ IH t' ,.. ~ .1 lla ~ :., •• ~ 141 ~ ISO ~ IU ~~ n .. ,.<'l¥<'1 hrcooonrl' !In \\ .o!•·rt o .sit J l ~·nut ~~ ;'\,,1 on~ 34 !-tn :.~ d rots •nRoot 1 ~~ l'ott'ht•u 38 ~-.~~s Iii ~ l1 Ill ~ Ill [U ~ ~ ,, IH )I ~ '" , .. ~ ·44 IU ~ A,. •• ,, •• r •• ••• '"'"''"f •. all Rusalana and burnooses on all alau~tllt#r-"Thls yt•ar I repay the ......, ___________ ___. ...., ___________ --.J Arabe. Our audien~ or lhr future State. Next y;tar I repay my thrN> know bett~r.·: ----·--------~,.:.-.JJ:bil.i1ren." DEFEND YOUR HEALTH WITH . I.ADnber and BUilding Materials Bay Dis~rict Lumber Co. ..... lilt U OOAft ID8IIW .1' AT Tim A&CJIIII:8 • Before Yoa BaUd or Remodel Nit oar latereetlq ....... aDd dlilplay I'OOIDL Color guides. planning o.lds, com- prehensive stock ot 1'\1&1. • carpets and linoleum. I DENTI8~ Dr. Obed Lucas DENTIST . u.oz y, w. c-tb.l PilL 1&10 NEWPo&T BEACH IN8URA.~CE New York Life Insurance Company DON R. Dt111A.'IlT 428 Orchid Ave. CORONA DEL MAR MORTICIANS Harold · K. Grauel Chapel "Wl' Ourselves lhtr Bettl'r Serve b)' Serving Ot.hl.'rs Best" ...._ NPWport 1511 C'ot11& Meu Callfonda OPTO:W£TRISTS Robert A. Crawford Opt., D. OPTOMETRIST F:y<·~ Exominl'd • Gla"-SCS F'ittl'd 1791 Sf'~110rt Roule\'lltd Pllnn~ !"4'!0 · rosT~~SA St:RH:\'ORS LUDLUM =~ Repalrf'd ~ Carpet Works ' 1,......------, Siegel & Raub .. ..... , I I l lot I I ••~I I I I I I I I I I t 1 I I I P I I I I I I I I I I I I t t I I I I I I I I t "-• .; ,.. -. Modem and UP-to-nate . :' . . . Blue Printing fa£ilities . . . . ~ . . t:n~t~nrel" and f'un·"Y""' 11108 Sf'wpnrt Bh·d., C'o11ta 'INA . Tf'lt-rohone 23.'\~-.r '!61'7 \\'. ('rontrnt S f'wpor1 Bt'IU'h Tf'll'r•hnnf' I'!S r i ,\SO Tt:,\('U£R PI ANO TEACHER c \" 1.1 :-: ~ r::;.; n M t n Gr:ulunh• Rt•YIII Con<tlf'noatqry, LP4p.ta I I Dr. G. E. Tohill .....,.... aDd Burr-2209 Corut Blvd. NEWPORT BEACH -PHONES- Oitiet-286-W ft.t!l!. 288· R It no answer, call Newport 5 Gerald Rausa, M. D. 2830 Wm Central Ave. NEWPORT BEACH "' Ph. 1028-No answer cAll 301·11 X-Ray Service Mlltoa M. Muwell, II. D. 1101 CoMt Blw..,. Coi"'Ol& del Mar Ottlce Hoursi lo-12; 2~ ftoae NeW]IOrt 101% S. R. Monaco, M. D. 814 Bay Ave., Balboa Newport tn• «I 's. HUI 'Mt., t.o. ~nplea n:<'kf'r '7812 Ry Appolnlmt>nt T. P. Reede~ l\1. D. Ph~·likian ~U~d Surxeoo 1001 Wf'tlt Ra) Ave. Telrphon.-St>wpor t 602 A. V. Andrews, M.D. l•unnctAs and s t·Rr;t:os Trlrphont' 2218·1 I! P hotostating llp to 18 in . by 22 ~in . ' DOW'i ll'cold IIIII. '"' o,l .n.:• • 41 B1m ,,f a l!l A• n If •l o~nc~ I'C$~1'1 :'1 ~r•·kc ~ ~~ Dt>i'l<Ti\n•tl ' 24 ~·wa r 4t\ l\lr\nllac rtlrk l'h. l:.!~Z·W :1 l!>:..'fi \\'. nr('an F mnt I -. 2 Orow !'ld 26 ~C'IC ro·ntrrt.>d 48 Snake . .,, ..... _,. -.---- ·GORDON B. FINDLAY C'OSTilAC'TOR and BUILDER orne-.: S.10 Clout IUYII. Mtnnl' 11! CABINET~ SHOP SERVICE C'ABU\Tf& and MII.LWORK T. C. .lobMa, IIIFp&. Pit.: UAI·.I l II Pick-Up and. Delivery Ser viee -1 • t • I W""tch for Opening Announcement -~~~~~~· '""'"ton rt n ~'1·hnur !<rh~ulro .. : ClfiiSC. t 'P • Tlw Jl(ll>\ll.tlonn ul l hl' l 'nolo•fi : S l ;olr s '"'~ 11hol\f' }:l'l,(lfo l,llllO hM> .. Ia . •nt ._ Photostat Shop : tnfTI',I"~d l•y l<'ll""'~'. anrludano.: i epn -. rhucl\ an lh•· arme-d . fnrN'S, tl\(' L .I \••niUS n un IIU AI \\'l\shlnjt1nn ~ ~~-: () C , h.od r••i•lrtl'd I hi~ \\N'k Till' ~ ,.,...._ . : BurrAU A11rth!l1t·d lh•• onrro',l (l' ln • thf' ~Arllm•' rill<' 1n thl' nntoon 'a _,_ ............. --••·• ,,. ___ .,. .,.,, --~ har lh rntr ~ \\'101'.: AW.\KY. . worko•rs . Whlh' 1hllUSIInds of In . I hi' n,\tu•n lllO' I'd for ~al,sry In-M •. r, 't~••t"' " It h tho• hl·htlllf """~ ll.~ . . A IHI"<'·l'll~' l'<IO~Idt•ra ltnn, Rt(Vlk· 6 . lane•, :'-lAs~. altrml•h•d tn o «t.o'hlosh . n iO·ht"ar 1\ r<t•k fror !tr•'mron Thf'y ... \\'aK'ler Drugles.t~ ln,.tltut~ Dr. WQhur C. Wacner C'himprnct k. Dif'tetics. Physio & Colonic Therapy llr!ll ('nut Blvd., So.- aftf' ZONE THERAPY ~LINIC \'apor 1\athll • M..tku MMa.cre ~Pf'('tlll T,.....tn-c. for Cold• PilL .!tit llaUioa ... Areelle ResidentS Declare Corona del Mar Beach Filled with Debris,. Broken Glass Uead Th('m fur Profit In an opc.-n ll-tter to tht• Ma)vr Jl('<lplo• Ul\ln,l; tiH' bt•a.rh would mill«> or Newport l\(>at h. 3 ~;roup qf r··~l· (II dt·t··rmmt'<i \'f!.1rt to k•···v II dt'nls. prl'sumahly of C:nron!1 ckl d r•tln, Tiw mainlaimtnt•t• of ll CINin, Mar hl've protestrd thnt tht• 1>4'1\l'h 1twllllhy l~<•adt would tx· Ul\ nssl'l ----If you don't nnrl whitt you are look~ for llllwrt\8l'd \n this Ulsut> Phoo~ Nt'Yo•tlOI't r~u·h 1:/ or 13 anct place your OW11 actvertlllement ---,• , south or th<> Jt•tty is in a d.·plur·, 111 the C"Jt)' ol ~ .... Jlort &och Pro- \able condition and should be• clean· 1 '1d1n.: JUSt such l'uhhc rla)'\;ruunds ~ up and kept clean 1 fur tbc Anwrll'lln youth Is om• stt•p lM~ TIDE TABLES· .Jt t"l11tSIT1'Mf: !_'Oil AALF._. __ at kf:Al. f:ltTA1T. I'AJ.-.:TI NG l'AI '&H HANiolNG WA '>:TYJ l 1ll~I JI:I. i.l t\111 1\Aitll ·ll TWJ:-.; \Ill'.; llu~o·r~IH'III!: mnt •• The groUp calling for I>I'O!)('r m <'<iucaling thrm to bt> good i.'ltl· clttanlng and aurervlsion of faCiil· uns tJes on the atrand, were listed as Stnct>rt'l)• FEIIKl'AR" Hh:h Low ll11Ch .1.-"' an..t [lE('Oft A TI N~; Inn l'h•'U. f\1\ll t1 If• I f"t'" Jol' "Ill 'l•rtn.:• l11·•l H. 1: MrDouki , ~I" ··u·l' : ... ~\I>C :-,,.,~lhlrt• Prl-.·. j . M. MlLLijR w :lO 1\:37 5 .47 " 1:48 Frtf Robins Jr.,., Philip Jenaen. Adelbert Alpert. and The». H. HamUton. They aiked In their let· mEG R.ABI~S Jr PHIUP JENSON AD~LDERTJ.ALP£R~ THOS. Jl HAMILTON 3.9 I 4 ll !.1 tit ()ld t'ollltl )' Hd .. J'h t64-W W i\"';TITl-1'\lto'l t '"'"' """''"'" "''\'l"r I llo•rtt·lt l 'lh•lu• :!:\74 II Coata ,.,.,.. 8~-tlr "' "'(" "'I"'' u·r~o· ... t ''""' r•'l'ttlr JJ.:Jt(l Re-nl E st nh .• 1\rokt'r t~th nnct n•ntl'lll Th 21 12:UI 6:43 U :U 1:11 ter If the beach has to be ft>~ 4.3 1.5 33 1.5 ·~OU'ID& II .111 ~'"' !If, Mlllo•r ut !lA\ It :-,1,,.,.,. 1 •11mu J J.tfc: t'\)11 S AL!-' l'lltn11. $1~. hl11h , - rhalr. ·r,.> '"r T11\, <111)' l>t<d. "" hollltc'rt~ rhalr. Wftahlnjl 111ft· ln to be k~pt clean. The' letter F 22 12:!'>5 8:~ I :tl I :M FOR A REUADLF. Paint Joh 9n KFI I' WANTt:P W11nt..rcollnN1 Balboa follows: Mayor of Newpott Newport Beach Puauc NoTicE• CDTIFIOATK OP' ,BU801D8 FlctiUOUI Firm Name 4.2 1.5 27 2.0 s 23 1:42 9 :53 u 14 yoor homt-. rail Nl'WIX>rt 1047 ""'m"n< ''' .u111 f1¥'th#t ,,f 2 after 4·30 p.m 1().tfc cohtl4lrrn RriC'\rn, l'Onrd and ul· rhlnf' :JII Op•l Ave•, nallk>ll Ia· l~t~ul l'html· fl:.'t\ "' 12-~ Corner Lot, Central Ave. Dear S\r: It IJ our understand· lne th!t [ e beach In Corona del Mar li un r the care of the CUy The undt>rslgned do hereby C6· of Newpor Beach• The aeoetlon tlfy that they are conductlnc a Su 24 2:48 11 :2<1 4.1' 1.0 .,... ... ~--ol­~..-. ...... :e.n~·-we refer to the btoach aouth of ' ft'nf'ral contrao11nc bualnesa at 3~ \M breakwa . Recently we had Coral Ave .• Balboa bland, Callfor-p N •_:X_C_::A_V_A_TING, C.R'AOtNG. le-t _ary Ph N n :.mo_. _ l ·tfr lllauchlne. C.ll\('nt Wl'ikJ, tlr ivH WANTF.l · Af'lh•o· "'''mnn, rrar · ·~md booM' • 'tbunclatlonJ Sf't' l h'al nurv 11nd light hC\t~kl'f'J>- Eatco Contractln1 \o. phn~ lnr Call C.«trl r t~lhMt Ncwpc>rt Newport-2N-J. ~9tp 'H6·J aft«-r 6 "''""'"'' 12-ftp •·l'R !'\AI_,: -'1!'1(1 t'~~"•·war matdl lnl: 1'\}lll'h lind r luolr. t:l(c: I'Vt\d . down flllt-d, full 11..,.1 aprlng l'tm atrur tll•n \'t~lll71 3·W. or!l4'f at 2133 ( k. ... an Dh'd . n.lboa -1).2tC' ------ 7:lx 100 Bt"St LO('Il lion ff)r I nromt' Property. te~ooo -i - occulon to Jt that beach and nla. undn tht' tlctlt!oUa firm UBLIC OTICE found lt In a plorabl~ condition. name of Corson and Ray Company pla~ of uld ult>l. or may bfo filM! BICYCLES Bold. Reet~d or tupatre4. Restaurant Help Roth Mrn and Womrn 80A'IW.......... • BaJboa.lsland A rut~ lltUt- atUa:e Costa Mesa · On n~ay .. aa.~ln 2-bld- room pm-war atucco. VOOEL'S 100 Mala at .. Balboa JOI -Martaa. Balboe la&u4. ~ )er Silvt'r F'OR SAI.F:. 20 h p ,Mt~rlnf' l,}ttiiM'I. llkC' nf'W 11•1f orlclnal roet 'c all . Newport :r.z34.w 14·1f<' wtth 2 plM ..... It wu filled ~h bottles, broken and that aald firm 1a compt.ed wtth the Clnk of tht' abow-Mmed &lau, and othe cSebriJ. To avoid of the followlnc persona, ~ Superior Court, or cSellvered to Injury, one had t be very careful. names In full and plaCH of l'ftl· Frank L &owm.n. :no SJNI"'f'''\ Allo, the condltlo~of the comfort den~ are u follows. to-wit: BJq., Santa Ana, California. at· ataUon wu one o aad nt'&lect. DA VlD CAMBLE CORSON. tonwy for ..Sci cuarcllan. at any W~ reallu that urine the war 1107"' North Bay Front, Balboa tJrM after 1M nnt pubUc.Uon ol help wu unObtaJn•ble, and y~' • bland.-Callfomia. thla notJce and before the maklnl handl wert' tled.lwever, now .. JAMESBaDiboaAVIDiaiRndAY,C325fCoral ot uJd aat.. -.. ...,. Electric Grill , Balboa • U ·3tc HELP WANTED-Maw or t•m&S.. WE ,wiSH' to tt\ank C>Ur many LoeaJ or tn"ll"' ln bualnae fmnda for thelr kind wore» and for )'OUI'Wlf. No morwy Hqulr'f>Cl. It woo rilRUY--snr~ or s.;;. btrclln A·l con4lllon Wrlttt l:lil Roanok• ftd.. S.n Marino or . phOiw 8)'01Ull0r9 1-8:.\57. ..uc and . a..petlo for only fiO,OOO eo.ta M..a 10 acree on Newport Blvd.. A bal"'''ln at- tl~ per acre that thll 11\'ork ahort e hu been "ven~. a • all omla. Dated: F~ 11. 1Ne. --.omrwtaat relteved, e f~l that WITNESS our h•ndl thll 1Hh E. D. GOODELL. the responalbilllf"'l with you. clay of February, 1916. Guardian~ the Pft'IOil EHhn throuih your !~ranee of DAVID C. CORSON, and estate of Blanche K the aituatlon. ·~YOW' necll&ence, JAMES D. RAY. l;laJTlaon. lncom~t"'t. deedt durtna our HC~mt 101'1'0W. Good 1neome. y.,. ~oWn Jloyd E. Hotfd and Family. boaa. Apply Mr. Van Dtnn, 14-ltp ~~ No. MaJn St., Santa Ana. ft&NG'OiiTAftOif II -------:-.-: ____ l_G-4_tc FOR SAL£-2:l.ft. Cabln CruiNt', Star MIU'Ina motor. Will' aell to hl1ht'et bldcln. Olarl" Hapner, ~ Madiaon /t'f• .. Wt\lttler. j . 11th and O...traJ M. MILLER • N..,._..._.. • the beach remains In a tdfry atate. STATE OF CAUFORNIA. Pub.-F~. 12. 14, 1t. 21, )1, lttl. Corona del Nar 11 o~of the COUNTY OF ORANGE-a. ~\Met public beaches In Orance On "thll 11th clay of February, C&I&TIFICATE or BUIIDfUll county. Why muat a ch be A._ D. \946, before me. Nora S. Flctltloua . Firm Name pivately owned and fen in to Margwarth. a Notary Public In The undentlfled doH hereby be bpt clean? U the beach were and for the laid County and Statt', eertJI)' that we ar~ conductlnr an Jiv~ a good cleanlnc and a"ough reeldlng Qu·~eln, duly commit· Infanta' wear ,bwllnesa at 1211 and dilpo.al units provided, we feel the aloned and ~"'om, pcflonally ap-1713 Cout Hlehway •• Corona del peared David C. Corson and Jamn M llf n1 ck-... ~ ~ D. Ray. known to me to be the ar, Ca ~ a, un r the n ctJ· .,.-•)>.~ tiOUI flrm ~e of 'MIE STCRK ~G pPriOns whOS<' na mes are subt<:rlb-PENTiiOUS£ and that 'Said flrm ed to the within lmllruml'nl, and It compil4?d of the following pc.-r· nck nowll'dged to mt" tha t they «'X· sons. wile»(' namNI and addrt-~ •••• 't ('('~~l'd ~h~~~ WHEREOF. I are as follo"'3. t o-wit: ~ q-: h&\'C' hrrcunto Sl't mv hand and l:>re lloyd. 1711 Cout Highway, . # nffl'lt'{l m•· OffiC'IIli 5~111 thl' day Corona dcl Mar. Calif. ,. ' .Jon Hf"ndrrson. 713 .Jn..~rnlm•, ;~nd ~Par in th1s C<•rtirtcatr first Curona dt•} M ltr, \nllf al,Jo,•r wrilten. Wltn<'Ss their hands lh\.8 26th 1'\0R.\ S MARGWi\H'I1 f. day nf J nnunry, 1946 WANT RIDE to Lonr BHeb atx clays week. from Corona del Mar. Call Kath1Hn Edaon Npt .• R. ll'-4tc WANTED RfD&-~twHn Balboa a.nd Loe Angelea. Arrlvtt L. A. 8:30 a.ll'\ .• depart !'5:30 p.m. lntn~ Hted In drlvlne altf'rnl!t'" Wf't'kl. 1217 East ()('ran Front, nathna. 14-2tp BEAUTY AIDS II COLD •nc1 MACHl~EU.-:ss WAVES TlnUa~ and 14snk\lr1na Evening A(l(lOintm .. uta Ph 119·W · Vi 's Denuty Shop 11 03 Coaat l llway, Cnr11na 111'1 Mar 76-ttr Nnt r.ry Puhlic In ,11nd for Or. DF:E llOYD, • . an(:e t~ount y, Sta te of CnJI. Ji\NICF. llARR IJENOERSON -~. / _. fonlia. State of Callfurnln. I.O"T .._.Nft rorN• ~. • _ ' Put. 'f d• 1:.!. 1!l, 26. J1111rch !i. 1~1·16 County of OrtlnRP, ss. LOST flun~h of kr•ys ~'!;nuth \ On this· :.!Sih dny of Ja nuury, 13ny Front. nnli~CIIl l"lunrl l'it•n•t• ~ 1'\o. 12!'\?:l A D. 19-16. hef~lr<' me, Nora S. rt•turn tn J rw• HtJPk ~ r)rfH~· 111 · NOTIQ: OF o t· \RUIAS'I1 I'AI.I: ~,ar~:warth, a Notary Puhllc In Ft•rry Land1n.:. 14·1 f<• lfYiau. Had MYJOB ut· •F.AJ, r•Rorr.aTY AT nnd for said Countv and State. 'f'RI\'-ATE SAL£ 1 \ personally appearl'd ~ lloyd and ---EMPLOYM.E'" WANT&D wtLI:::Dot.ou.•~k 1•;-thr hour .. INTERESTING WQRK Plea~~ant W orkinr Conditions Learn TEI4EPHONE 0 P E"'n A T I N G I ncre~t~ci w:l.Q<' ratC?s now ~n ('(feet. .Apply Snuthf'rn \:tlifnrnla Tdt•ph fl n<' Company 100 F. fillY Av• .. ""'boa or 11 14 ·~ =""rth Main RtrH>t A•nt. Ana or Aek thl' OJ*r•lor for the Chief Operator K EEPING BOUSE. laelplo• take can of the t.amilr-J,i: Yould ,_lise that bum.. Ja thr !ilu1 rlur ('ourt of thr fltatr Jthan Jlend('rson. known to ml' to hr R" " persons whOS<' namNI are sub. of C'allfllrala Jn ud For tiM scribed to th~ within Instrument. 86-tlc C'ou•ty of Ora.nl(r. and acknowledJ:t'd to me t hat they C'ARPE:r..JER WORK h) h~ -- Pilon<' Nl'wpnrt 1R43 11·4tc !'X('('\Jh'<l the some. day. T('lt-phonf' 1800-W. 11·tf(' ULE ~Uti In the 1.1abrT of thr EstAt€' nnd In wtt ... -a whDr""f. t "'avA -.- G rdi hi \ r RLAN,...ll"" H' ·~· ' ·v " ' WlLI TAKE CARE of chlldrl'n DILJ.F; & MrGUJRE Lawn Mower, un Ans P 0 ~ "' hereunto set my hand ..... affl.xtd ' !J>4 75 Comer Acacl and P dt\c .. _12-4tp Manne Jfadioe Available 1mnwdlat.• deiiVft'Y, com· pl•t~ ran•~ ot ~... Your &n: IJ)I'ellon ~Wicon:Mtd JIIGGtNS PLEASURE CRAIT. 810 o.t lllahway. Ph: 1104 .9-tfc P'JlU: I!:Qtni'MENT 'fiiri'i - c~,..,o. Py""'e A P'Mat ,.nu. co, thud e)<r.em a-nd rort•bl .. now available IC1'8 H6KrN 6 OALVAN 1000 ~ IUa'hw.y Phnnr 1~114 7l.tfr WA~T~:p ~n"'lll•ltlr•1 m11~1. houm nml ~1111, llttll t "' 1111: •hwk. r11,. out nf •hlfl1!'-W II l'<'•Wrr. M11d· I"~" llrh ••. l\t1'llllnl1•. ('ltllf 14-41 ll t\11, I'I,A~TIC' 1:! II Jill lit Til)'. 11-('Ail IIIIAT IU\tl C'AitniE R, I111W .... ·11~11111\ I II h··· lflt N1t•l, MillO rlltt~tltlt·~. ~ulll~tmt•, run nlwruta, t'llll•r·l ~ ~ pllfJ•II···I-."lhrlls l'l1111llt' \\'trlo•tt'ttoll l'tl , 711:'1 1-: l'••ntrul, llitiiNtfo l'tum•• ~ l <l·l h· f'()R SAU" lin~ ~•llrd mntnr, fl'>el l .lnf' 11'-11 WloiM'· prrw1t \f•l\f'o'r (lllnl, 4.M In hf'•m. $'7~. with llllrt; C.nr f.ln ro·nlrl· fll~t:lll Y.11trr nump, $-1:\, 7f'~l r .... , '\o ·Ill tott~·l I'll hit', $71> 'J'¥17 VIlla W11y, Nt•WJIQrt Br11rh Ph, 4~W llltr'r 4 :Ill 1• 11• 14-tfr era aot the onJr oDM wbo ao- tim• r.t Head&c:M aDd Tln4 Aebln• lluacl•. We boru dril oft.n work jaat aa hard aDd 11a .. jut aa Dl&nJ' Heada4:._, jaat M •anr St.oa~acb u..-Uloll .-· lut .. 1'tracl. JIARRJS()N~nromp('tl'nt. IV"" \orona del Mar. Phonl' N n • . a a. NOTICF. IS HERE RY GIVEN . my orticial l('al tl'tt> d11y And yenr ~SO-M. 2.tfc· l lrlvr, ("orunll df'l M(lr _ 1 .. ·41<" In this ccrtifiCI\t.f' flrtt above .. 1, .. tha t E. D II. gut~rdlan of thf' -R""."AIN'f FOR S ALE I.Arll•' f'Jt!)llrily Wll lrr -"IC."l' e RADIO (l('rson and rstd:!: or 131nnch<' If wrltlt>n. RF.PAlR llnd r.r )'OUT IIUftt-nr r , IIIITI(tlll . 1\t'W, Phonf' .. .Aboat a feu' a,o, I ...... ALKA·SEL TZER rrl·rr•·~~n. ln~m trnt. wt"ll sAil at Pub. J &n. 29; Feb. 5, 12. 11, ltt6. ahlnglt• rnnf For lmm•odlntr N n 1,vu \V 1 1 .... ' "'' "' ,. llf'rvi('(> call Nr>w(l<•rt l 7R9 J . · "'.... ,.,.,.n n~:• .,_, it• privAte Mit> to the hlghrst hlddcr uoon th<' trrms and rnnditloni ''(UTfFIC~ or ausuu:.ss 12·4tc FOR ~ALl: •l·hc•lt• dl'l'll fr•·••u ·r herdnnftrr mt>ntionPd and aubjN:t Fictitious Firm Nllml' E~-JIIP--LO--YM-K-NT--O-r_P_&_AD ___ t_t·+-$325_ r•twnc 1l!l·J. 14·1111 to cnnfirmntion hy snid. Super ior Thl' undrrsi~rned docs hf'rc•hy F.XPERI FN('~:n CARI'I-.NTF:R - Court. nn M:irch 11th.~. 111 tht' N•rtify that llf' is conducting a hour of 10 :0(1 o'el()('k A M , or DiMII'I rf1lflir ond 11111"11 blllltn<'S~ nt Sll'lld) work PhtJn{' 2f/(}7·M tht'rt'llfll'r within tht' time allowed 1301 C'oallt Hi£hway. C'lly of Nf"W· t:.!·illp by low. all that ccrtam r n l prn~ port R<'ach. Cnunty of Orange, RESTAtiRANT IIELP \\'A!\"TEI> !'rly IM'Ion~ln~ to and ownl'd by Slate of California, undt'r thf' f ie· l\m11y Jo:J,.ctrlr C.rtll, Bnlht)il said lncompc.-tent and h¢ • ._.". tltiOWI nrm name of ntF.SEL 14·1t<" tate. b<>ing thE' howrr aM lot lo-SfJ(viCE 11nct U'111t trafd firm h ---------- - cated at No. 320R W~t C'k't-an compoeed of tht" followinlt )X'rtonl, WAl'rnE~~E!'i WANTF.O Ba)' Front. In tho. City of t"o\'POTt wholle namca and addrrt.ICI arc u Shon· Cltff'. 17th & Cf1a~t lfiRh · Bc>ach, Orang I' County. Ca ifOf'ftla. follotn. to wH: way. Ph· Nf'WJlllrt 2:\44, 14-trr· and more particularly d~hed u Frank B. Lrw1a, 1010 C.oaat WANTED __ IIIIth IW'hoolliC'\Yfo foll'71r 5 In BLOCK 32, NF:W-:~:.ay. Ne'lll-port Bf'Arh. Call· work In ~taurant WN'k ••nd.w PORT BEACH. u pe-r Map WITNF.SS my haftd.thll •th day of Phonf' 22f.R 12·2tr lhert'OI recordt'd In Book 3. Ft4Jruary, 1946. pace It, MI!!C'ellan~ Mara. ntANK II IZWIS. ~rdt of Oran~:e County, Stat• ot r11Ufurnla ) PuaLte NoTICE FOR SAJ.F. (;lrl'l! lrlt')•••lr• (;,"1(1 N'lnd. 711!1 \\' llny Aw·. ll11lhw1 Phonr 2:\17-W 11·:-!tr ---IlL A("'< Cork••r srunl"l 4 mont h• old Phnnr· JH02 tlllyl , ~17 ,,_.,.,. --• 1:\·:.!IJI HOUSE TRAJLFiR, R x 211, hni wat«'r hf'ntr r. ltullt-ln hAt111 IOIII'I. lnlnld llnulo•um floclf' Slt'E'fll 4 f'nmplrtr•ly furnl•l1rd Call Ill 441 Nl'wport Alvei J>hunf" 7'50-J. I 1·4tp nr. Pl11N' 11nd J<ln41Jnc WOOD Dfollvnf'd , 11. W WRJGIIT Ph ~no nJ·:AtiTIV\.11. !'lplnl't l )lw• mlr rnr J'llrmn, 11 h~tr!rltln T•·rn1~ P ••n.t Srhmhlt l'l~tnfl I 'o • !l:.IQ Nn ~fllln Snnt n A 011 K·lfc -(' ,()() n UIIPd pllonl'l!l !'\om.• lUI •low 111 $H'l Jo'inl' fur f>rflrti,... t-;IIJIY lf'rm• ( lr wtll rntl Jlnnt Srhml\11 Phmtt r·.,. !\:ij) No M11ln !'111nta """ N-trr Zrnith J'urtahl<' Hallin All "'""" n""'''Y 11nd A<~-nc· Piny• ttn INtfota. ""''' '"••· 1r11lnl\ M~~I'A RAIIJI) '-.. :r.t:C"TIVINJ~ I H fl Nr'Wflurl lllw1 l'tlflltt M•"llll .... tfl' f'ry!'(tal l~flrf!fving ~d .. 'l llukr•lll•• • "~' V.'hllt• lhf"y 111111 $2.!1X California. COURty ot ~ ) a il!'f'n..-4 (Of" thf' Ulf' nf Almhnltr MVI"Tal(f'11 171M N.wport Alvei. :l.lfr :'>II.SA llAIJJt\ ~ Ef.Jo:!"I'HONII'.S ''On Yow W&¥ to aan.." .,....._AJflfO~~· Wuhinc Muhln• raruRt,rm..._ rtolt "' ... o.atww,. 8CHU~I w .... MaoiUe ~ ,,.,. N_,.rt aawl. ()rll&a llaM ftloM ,.. ... uo Carpentenl A vail-ble fnr rne,..l malnt-· Mod,...., 0. I. RO.KflTION ~I N-pnrt N 42 Ur -----('\1!'-1'1"< tM {!A.UINF.T WORK-Re- pnlr w ortc and l'••n1odl'llnK of all klnda \ \••""" tlUIII·In furnl· 'tul'f• J'()tJC.t.M~ OOA'r 6 CANOE ('() .. 2819 "W-.-<'flntral A \'0 f'hOIH' Nt•wport :M.'\4 -.uc KEYS Wad• While Tuu Walt VOOI!:L'll 100 .. ala 8L. ll&lbolt 2M Mann•. ltalbo,. lal4M M •tlo Et •• :c~ICAL APPI.JA~C'F.8 and MO'J'( lltS rrp~~lrfod aroon!ln1 to fll('tnry af)l'rlflratlnnt by 018- AnL,.:O VJo:"TJo:HANS W n r k &llllrantM•tl .<'ICI'fll : M t; R A llAnff) .t fo!I.F:f'TRONH"!'1 rll, 1fn4 Nrwpurt lllvd. ).tfc: ---·----~ IU1JtfT •• Wl l.l. •:xt-'I_I_A_N_r:-.-~:-2 h;:{t-;.nnm t"in. /11rnlah•1l Apt lu l••ttl: fiNorh, l lo•tm .. nl ~'""'''ll •ll•t•lf'l. 1 hlork r~''"' ton) l11r t1nlurnl~ll1•d M IDf' nr "I~M•WfJolr l Alo'a l'hll"'' N II J~tl'tll 14-41(' W ANTIW TO IUIJn' U w ANTt:n ~m11ll l11lUllf' or •r•rt· l!tf'ttl. Nt•WINtt'l It! ('1111111 MHII 1'1111 '.11<1!\ W ~tllt·r ~. 11m t•·l lp ltOOM ( 111 i\PMtTMJ.:N'r wantld hy ') t'rnfllnyPd ~elrla ~ 171i." \~ llll••r 4 JHII 14·41t" W ANTI:U by rwponelb'-or.te· 1*1111• Kntployeoo, 2 or I Mdroola hriU.., J>ttnn•n•nl f"bnft• ... ta Ana~ 80-Uc: Gertrude A. Waldron Wm. W. Sanford BROKD " dM ...... Bal'-W... -PhOne 2M-A Corona del Mar Bmllll :llwdroom holM and ...... rev ot lot, IOOd locaUon, ICIUdl of hiJt\W~, $6800 - N-l bc!dmt hflme on lood ~ $7600 Balboa ltdand :1 tlf'druom hom•. rurn., •nd #.notlfltll A111. Uttlll' lalt~nd. $15,600-TermaQ Fine l.ota at $4660 • up U.:tlc ------------------Lot On Penlnaula ~for Dupin $27&0 Jlay Front Lot.t J114.vwal C'tlo6c-0.... 2 HoutWs on 1 Lot At Corort.ll ct.. I Mar .JR,nOO Homt' On Penintrula " n..drooma 2 UathJ. Yt,...,a .... $16J)OO W. L. JORDAN 700 fo:aat C'Pntnl. ltalboa Phonr l!Sl JJ-tte VACANT -cOJtONA f>F:I. MAA J>utlally rompl•ted houM Oft .... , alct.-nr Ja•mlnt!, .utll ot J'ourth. Price S24100. llolt, tot& M"l~ Av~t. Lol AnltMttl. Ph: N(')..2$HI2 1'-Ho F'OR 8 Al.Jo: ln Nrwport ~ ' 11:'1,000 1nrom. SIOO JM'I',mOfttll. N-mocs.rn IIU('M, furnsahfod, 2·unlt ~Jf'~ tlnkt. dt-ubl« l(araa:r. haa wlr1na: and plnmbfnc rl'ady tn romplele lhlrd unit. I TERMS ANt> MNDrn oNS 0. tt.ll 4th dAy of ~lnlary OF S ALE : Ca~h. in lawful ,moof'Y AD . 1941. ~ 1M Nora S. of 1111' Unitl"d S tatNI; AI lt>ast ten Ner~rwuth a Notary l'uhllr In ami f)('rCI'nt I 10 7-I of hid to '"' p~~ld fnr &aid rn.1nty and !::t11tl', n'llrl· I on or before time of 111lf', and bal· in~r lhrrf"ln duly mmmh&.,nnl'd nnd ~ARLIt A RAY MrC1'LLAII P•Jit Ff'h 19, l!ttfi LiJCht Bulbf' ~:•tmJilon ( 'orthr I run I ·,,,,lc I ,,. 174'1 Nr•w1~·1 t HIVII c·,,.,,,. M,.,. .. Arvin & Enwr~1111 It A J) r 0 S 11 It,. WANTJo:ll 'rll llEN·r ur ll'ur, Un· "'h•rnl•h•-11 hull••· l'htm1• 111:'10 ft 5-tfC' Ph: Nt>WfWJr( 1()03..W. 13-211' MOJifR W LOU • wAMa rro·lftJlU), ""-'· .....,... ~ A anrr thrrrnr '"~ 1)1' p111d upon cnn· 11wnm flt'"OIIIIIl)' IIJ1p'11rl'd f'r11nk t Tr , flrmlltion of !lal" by the Court R J.A'\l'il kno•·n tn ""' to thf' v-r· ~ " J'4 1 Rids and ort"f1l !lrl' invltt'li for son whfl!l(' namr II •ubtlrrlhrd tn •1 · ~<nid prof)f'rty and muat br 1n Itt. within [nstrull)l'ftt, 111'1C1 at'-'-1'--} f · ,'!/ • 1/ '\\Tiline. and will hr rt'<'l'h·Ni hy knnwll'd~.ol'd to mr th•t hfo n..- ''"(,' ·"-. ' • tr" !lllii'l F.: 0 \.ondMI. lit hi!! hom .. rut~ the lADle.. ~ ., • -I ,. ;~ -t 111 3000 West ( l<'f'an Front, Nrw· I~ \\Tr.lfF.~S \\'JIF:nFt •F. 1 (~ftnf'ATZ or Bt'MINF.,.14 .. lrtltittll~ ••trm"'W...m;.- , rf' ''"'1 •nt~rr. ... rp ,, .. '" r• h} t"'t"TIIh I hill lhr\1 llrt """''''' ••n1· :1 ""'"'"' JlrtflKf"'rt,\f:l l'~tl• • 'I Nrw ~.. .,f\<1 M•rllll• .SU~.t .. lu, NewportPhT.rmacy 11 I 11 ( R.\Nij l. I'( ll'NTY UPHOJ .ST~;J{JN(; ('0. ~"I I l•u1r ltnt,ltl ~,.r, it'•· Sh11rt. ( 'i rc·uit Hadi<J :Vf't 1'111111 """""' l'l•ttlll• llo:Jk W I :l fft s·n.J~W.A V r ·•••n•l hll·· n•" ""' ,,, t h•• w~,, lt1 • wr•'"" ... ' 1 •I""'~ _ , ... ; : ,.. \. , ; .. ~ dri'!IS I• hl'reby df'signated ..S the fiXf'd my orriMal "''"1 tltr till\' 11nd d • ' · J't'lrl Rrach, CaiHornin, Cwhlcl\ a4-hn\'1" hi"TMJntn ,..., m)·'hnnd ~end nf .. nit •~t•ut"""'nl .. r • \ ··n k '"'' ""'' rhnr11r lf'r l~llllnt"''< /i f1!'• I '<ti\CI 1111•1\v. t\', ..:, "'l••r• llo odo I nh f""n1•. tmtltT ttTr-ftrltt I"'"' ft" ... n""'" {.t n• •nt·nT ,. ~·r,. ',.._ M"nuf,.r tu••·l,. r:'''"' uutt •••••• I\• "'''''••1 •·niU· ~ <•'Jo<~'"' •.• I r• ._..,,_ yrar In thll t'f'T1iflrate flr•t aiiOVI" ~ ~~:. r·• ••n AI· • wrillrn .._ {'tf Uphol•t••rrrt F\lrnlhlfl' '11n" •• 1111 l~talltJIII• 111 l•n llw I A A "!!t t ·~p l inUs. .D ~"R 41.1 W 4th ~~ ~"ntn An" rll•rrlrrllnftllntt lo•H ...-''""' ''-. 41!1 • SP l'nlh. Rt Sb • 'J A ~ MARr.W AR11 I. c'• t\ff'o\NY ·•n•l ''"'' • •••I '""' " o•otniiJf .. >l\ nf I It" f11l111WirW l•'t """' I'"''"''' f'lllffit•tl In frill rrnd pl .. ,..' • f ~ .... J,.nr-f' 11r,.. ,i'"' f~oll•·w-lo "I • F"r tnry 11nd ~h••Wr•~•'" ~··lnnltll 1'1<111" I •• ··'1'1 N•r Mtttn .,:;;>~\ 1': t' 1·11ua, R2 z,... NM11ry P11hllt' In 110rl F'rlr S~th1 r,l)t W•••l f 'r·nt••r ~~ , Au~tlll'htl ~""''' i\nll -._.. ...,.. Jl l'rrot•·ama. 8.nd ·~ rnunly und S tAi r !\f)' Com· J!rft~~t.lz..lt,M II lrrotnu•u NIC'~»!-.. _ •• ....__ ,..._ , ... ---.. ,ml!t~lnn Elrpirf'S .Jan 29. 19:50 Ph•m•· Anllltt•itll 1i 11 • ""' • I .... • · --u ,,. Hmliu f(,·p~irinf{ ._.,,,~. 1ne noqui"'d 11mounu fot' ,.... •-...--aebrr i1 Contplu Vitam!AI bava Ao$1 _,_,...., ,_.. INntnri11l S#&ll pt ~n MtabliAhed. . ' .,...'~'-...... _ .. ~ ........ Puh Frh ~. 12. 19, 216, 1946. 1 llan,y people do not ,.t ~ of _....... • ht ... -ntlal VitanUna. IfO YOUt ......,._..._ Ia ._. :trbT-* P1a7 _,. "'\ak.1nf .-.. • ._.. .. ... NOTICE OF INTENTION ·pNE·A-DAYvrr•:,':f~at.m I t:;;.':b:":J.~ ~.C: TO ENGAGE IN THE rtf1 BfRT \.' !lTAAT"'', 62"i (•,,w lltl:hY.I()' N•"'1w•tt lll:wh f ·ntr fnr no11 rt;\rJI ... I. C' c;;·rAA'T'l'., fi:!"• c·,.,,, H t(:hY.II) Nrv. j1tlf'1 fll•n• It r·,.ll fflMi ill ('()Hf IN" 1.11' I Electric Range. $178 lrT\IT\f'tli11lt• J)rltwry Auto B~tteri•·~'~ , It• rnA•• •·All' rllolly r·xrt•l•l l\11 1-11m1 ~un C '''"'JII'"'" at•,rk nf t ul11•• A In• 1 ·•Y ,.,.,,J,,.,."', nt f>ttl l' l'h :H"' MJ:S A lti\I IJII , IL!-.1'· 11l11NI! ~ I'!)' 11M NfWJID"' Ulvrl ~ l h· ' ~ OJG.A~DAY Vllamla 4 aDIII ,.:.'{'8 .... 1-~ ........ $ SALE OF ALCOHOL' J) Tablet_.._ lih' -of \be ---.,....,_i · -Wt-r..: .. :ss .. ur h"nda thl' 1··•h •l~v ..t u ... a6l ........ ~MD~~""'-, ............... ..,...., JC BEVERAGES ..._, ••4ttr Me ..,..... ~ ~ . . , ,.f f'rl•r1111rv, l~ ~~ "'-8W~A~Y-Vltaa~a ~ .. : ::.. W:.:t.= ~ --i 'itonrnT v ~T '" r · ~Taw.._.... filii........ ~.;.:::=:..~....,. F'rhru11ry t:l 194*1 JtArJit'l. (' ~TAA T' ..... ida rn'lllllfVituabll ~,._.~ .. e=..._. Tl'l Wllrl~f IT MAY f 'fl!'/\1-:R:-.' ~'"''' nf (·,.~ornmlll 1 --.... J&ur......... . .._. ... ,.._, .... T~ • ..._ .... ~th a iNb-=~ o=.~...... -N'lllt'l' t4 n,_,.t4~ ~IVI'I\ lh40J nf-C.aunt:v o( Ur11n2r 1 ~' -..a.!--., . VblaiDa. -...... ,. --~~--wn d&,)-'!1 Aflf"r, lhf" dill I' fit'"l•-d. ( ~~ , ~~~ ,.,,h dll~ "' Ft•ltrllah · g-:r-=-,_ ~ I:::' '"" • -==• II>' ""'''""""'''· "'"'""' '" ••II A.t> . 1'14•. !,•!o~ me II " , ... • DAY _..,_ te tile -l<7 -· ""'·-I nlr•1h••llt• l~o·\·•·rrr~:"" nt Ito•·«•· J•f•·m · kr r 11 !'1•1t11n P uttllr In ,,,,1 f • ---- ~ ~-... ·~'" •1•-.r-rtl¥·<1 11• f••!l""• th•· •nll1 C"i"m'v 11nd ~,,,,. ro • l Just Anived -w. tbt CIIIIIL J-ISJIJNr. nA Jl r.Jo · f;A :-.~~~I!" ln~t ,.,,.r,.ln, duh IVimml"'"'" tl " I J'Y...tl HH1r1nt: A td o.e ..._ .. ,_......... 11. ml !'\.(> nr Nh.WI'f lftT Plf'R awom. J)t'nOnlllly ·~ Rnf\ D TTL'RIES :-.'F\\'l'n rtT n1-·M11 '""'' 1 •II· n tT ,. STAA'f'.. ·'"'' llM'lll r r A ,., o\:'\r.F ('f')J'"'TV <:TAo\~ ltntt\lln Itt ,.,, 1, I• ,'' ~ •f,Ufl.,..,_ l tNtr· C'.o \A-month S(j 4"1 •:x PennAylvania Oil r.allnn 7111' W ftltem Auto S.up ply Autllorh.rd O•••lrr IIIII NI:"Wfw,-t Tthd . c.,.,. Meu ~HI" W\NG SANG BOAT & REPAm YARD 811 Coast Highway 101 f>tlr"ullnl tn ~•V'h lnt•·nt '''" th• Jlt't v•n• • "'"'' n , , • ,.~, ,,,,,.,. • )1 Matn ~ r'h &tft 1mri•·r«ls;onMI 1' "PJih ln&; tn "'' Pd In ''" "'" " Jn••rum., • t l\l)oUr "'nt r llt•arl! •1f l rputlllllll<rn f •.r nrltn•·" It •lc.o~t '" '"" u,., •' • ·.I w~ TU IR"Y t\,uttnt•t• ••n tof'll:tr'lltl ll lfl•ltrntlnn uf "'*" t !o ol II • "" I'\: \\'I r· I ·' an :tlf'to)tttltr '"''''t•11:•• Hr .. n.,, l •tr \\IIF f!l •• 1 1 , t1.,,.,,,, •·' '•"ANT,.I ) Tl• Jtr·v \llm •r•~ ltN''n•MII i Hr lh••4•' Jtt• 1)1111•~ A• ffi\ I ~1111 'IIIII 1ftt..u'tl ~ IJfi t, ,•1 l'lll.nf• :-;,.,("JJflrl I ltd ll IIJ r .. ll""' .,.,., "''' ,,., '"11 """r '" " • ,., ' V.'ASTJol ,, .. 1"'1"' .,u '·'''" I•:\' \"iA I.f-nf I It tlrJr,,,, fir•• ,,,.,. • WTIII• n ' ' An~fol\1" rlrJotll\1: tn Jtf'll•·~• Itt• II \I Jlflt.Kf II I ltlr \\'til I•"' '"1 ""'~ 1~'' PboDe Newport 888 ttt • 81 RA[tfll HOIJPIIC t'AI.ut -N•- lbat at1dltlr"la.l r<om~teat t.,.,., ll.lrta.na a.r• •••lla.hl•. •• .,~ .,.~ to maJI~t ... rv,r .. • Aile ~>n larf'" r unaolliH All W~trk J11anLitl-11 HAIU>I.O I , tfAMM , A fl " n .. m ... ·MO ~hr-4,..._ ;.. ... ~ Ph--71«l 11·tf• ----Rariio Hc!paii"R All malt·~ ,.,,,.. ·•~ f'h :!417 Tl\lrt Ntrtttot\, lltfl I ., .. et UtWII)' N•""Jit •r1 lli'IH'h ... 9' ,.,. Sltlf1Y hi l ltollll'lt, ;j I ,,7!,., '"''I r;''"' '"".. . M • , u.," nr.t,. I'"'"''' .. ,, t 'allf II .t••l t• ~~J Ut:lay .. ltt>f1nl'l! )·.,.,~ kJ••••• n t.nll,rOOf'l '"l'h "UO Ill• I•·" I lloorfbp ud l.,.oe avaJJable '"'lill\1"\'' ,,, "'' h II• ......... -. m ·~ "•·l l1f\ '"•1·11• In ,, J r . ~" ;:--n ........ 11"''" ~ ~ for Doata for Sale •I·· " '""'''-~'1 r•r"" •t w••h •~Y <~r-.• ., t•,,.,ntv ~· ,1 wtU. J•AT r'AIHt h.f voor fur F. P. W:cl tlron 1 !'=lnl" fl<•11rrl ,,, I '''"ll'"''"" "'I C"' .. ttt .. rnlll Mv t••.mr • I ~ ,, what tiA¥• ••<11 ""'.... ·r"'"'''''"~" :1:\1W l-41c Paddle Boerdl fOI' Beat ~IIM":'lmr nlr, (' rltt .. r.,.,, •'llflnc: •l•tfl r ~l"r'" M"" 1 -l 1.•1• ,.... 2000 II It ,.,..~ 'lbo - by tile ....... ~or IDOIItb. L·r•HII'Ul• ,,,,. ,, "''" •• ,.,. ... t•lr<l ,,, --~ \1 ' ,..O'ld 1\lt#~l I •• ~ ,_,,11'1 \II \.tn.,, 1.''1• "r '• r t '"'"'"· In L-... --..... =--=-==-::::::o---==-=---==-=-------.t2,.,. n. ,.,rr· "'. ,,, ,..,. ,,.,.. •···t. •· ·· ,., " " .. · 1. 1 .,. Ph , ••• ,.,~ ,... ,, ........... t),, X• ... ·1 1rn•~ • . - WAN"I'I-:11 '1'1 I HI'N'I' ! IH I.•:As•: .. t~rnl-ltt••l lttlllru· '" ~r·WJ••r\ l\4 tt• It, lin It"'" ttl' llnlltout l'l"nd p,., ,,.,,, ... , , .. u,,lr. tomployf'd hy s .. , .,,., .,.,.,,.,.,,.,, .. I ... Nil ··htl rlrr n ('~til IHI•, Mr• Jl11rr. llf't 'l II Ill lltrtf ~ r ~ Mom l hrr ..... h t Frl•llr~ 1:! 4tr • I ,r f J' II •H SAl I lllu•·lt f; fkrau lll~tl . f,;t1 ;ct1 t.y uwrwr 1-: r. ~'''"'"'" t 1'1""• N11tlh Hh~ttfo·r. f ltitlll!f', C'itlll 12.<111" FIIH ~AI.... <4 r''""' ~ lwodr(J()Itl trltll.... n••Wly •Jr • ,,ntr<l, r\t•llt r'lf"rf\n ur llftV f\1111 •IOrt.. il:\.'1 r;,,rrlr lltttt'l 1'11ll N••WJiurl ~I M I"""' •1111 ' ,, I• ...... ~ .. ~"" I 'l fit I Dlodet"rrt .. ,.,.. ,...~ N_,ort ..-.... ,........, ...... . u4 Lou ... ~ .... . UN VIa Ulkl T.,qltGea IW LOAN~ tiM ()t) 11~ lip tu -$10.(0)..00 R-fl~ If X"ll nr•·ff ~·n-y f'r.ynw11ta I n t 'lt y.,.., ln('flfiW l 1r11na "" ( 'ttra 'rru•·li• ruu11'tflll'rl ov,.r 'J'I. Yt•flr~ In !o;11nt• Ana ~.,Nif'ral ~·innnce Co. rNr -t:n Nn Syr11mara l'htrnr r.·11~1 S11nln An11, C"..allf. tl.11tc Oru·ll ,.~,,r Jnxw·<'t ion avrollon~ •.,.... ~ ' Swul:.v , Fill\ ~AI.I 1 "" f, ·~'"'"l n-rr· Jlt 11 ullf•rt .1. I•• •l••••;n l'~tpt' l '•otl I t'IIJt lit··~ N•o lllll<"hl"t . J>hnnl" ~ l••lflt•· It• 11•lv '" ,., .. v,. Into In :Vl N• "'I••• t l7",2.Jt 13 :llc tfA>' Ill•" 11 lt~hlt~'<l to l tJI! AIITOfll WANTI!h ·--. Vttflr <•"' n 11•11'''~ 1 11•• fl 'lVra. alnk., _ lu;lt, Vnr•l f••n•·•tl """' lantl Wfl.l, PAV r-A~1 fnr 'AA·'"2 car .,.. •I• •1 I ttl I''' lfll A rr·11l lt<IV rot In lt"rt1 • ""\AII•rn (:tv.• rlrlalhl. lh• J'''"' n•k~ :V."i l it ''"'1W~>V,I I' 1 1 lt•o"' :•I r·,.r,,ull dr l M11r. r·,,., \I••• f'tiMr ",t(J 11-'ltr l J3.2.Lp . -------An W AJif"''.o IMU"''<MI W A 1'ftWO • -WE NEED LATE MODEL CARS and Wm Pay Top Prices , SEt L YOUR CArt N0W While Pr1ce~ ~are I U"h. Phnnt for tJW OiAIIMoua buyer who wUl .all and wtvt..t you ,....rcl.ntr OPA n-1:ulntto ml,' ceUJ.nc. pr1a. anct arranae aJJ &rtali.M CULBERTSO~ CHEVROLET CO., Inc. a..row1 and Oklnnot* o..11rn ' ... w• a.tna. llftwport &Hdl. !Oil <leMft. Run..,..._ ~ • <! a .. ""'''''"" .. ,. • t~ \ I tt ~ . . . ..... . < ' .... """ • . .. • • Dr., Theodore..c.ben Gives FAC Member.s I Picture of China's Politkal History FI rbor· ~ coalition ll0'''·rnrn~nt \1, l\l('h NaUonaliJtl &1vlnll UJl monopoly a !'u!!dy. ,.._,., ....... r eiTiinine A t • • t • I WSC~ Report~ f 7Qg Raised for Presbyt erian C I Vl 1-as l Hos~ttal F.und at K rwan is Dinner wUJ llarr in China 14'ith tho> 11dnp-ol pu14o•t In fA\or of " ,.,.'""'""J • . V ~-'1:flktnt; as thetr thl'mc•, "\\'hat•·-...------------- l I Afru·u ran <'~lrlhUit> tv lh<' Cl\'th· M tMlfl of a ron~~otiiUII(m on Ma)' 5. lt<•nal ll"'•·rnml'nl wrth rt'llrl~A· J1fi~ 1:\ and :lOR MUkl t.M bfot:innfn~~: in that roun· tallon of 1111 J"'Rr tlf'S thllt unit\ l'lln tl)' ol an era which may pia~ her ,.,. '" hit·\•·d Or ("h('n 'tatcd. u.nd among tht' grl'8f r••Wo·r~ of tbe fillS 14:11~ lii"NimJIII~hoo(l \\'hf'n lh1' :lit world, acoordlne to Dr 'fhf'()(.lnr e dt>ll'lllltl·•· nth nltm~: th1· rltr• • ~-En Olen, head of the dllpart-Y,o· .. k~·· , ... ,,. ro lilt ~· llh·•l lloo•tr Oi~t n cr PTA H ears Of L ack u[ Teacher· Dy Wlntlred Barbre C. M. S couts Obs e rve N<1tin nal Sco ut W e ek ~---- 1 PARTY PLAID ReMdeDol Phone 1837-R r~IIIIOO of tht' world"and'what we M esa e tho dists Mus l·c Students can ('llf11rlbUt(' to Africa ," ml'm· Take Part in bt·rs ttf I hi' sl udy Circle of the Presente d i n R e c ital I Nl•Wport Bt>a('h w.sc.s. met I Brotherhood Week I \\'l'dnudey morning at Ute church~ --- • :.t;tStc sludtonls •Jf Gr"ce Dal Wtth lho•tr ll'it!lo'r. Mrs J. II .Jt,.dl 1 Rl'\'. Cnrl Juhnson, pastor ol ln~;raham a nd l inn lngTa ham wh~ ~tom•. ~nd l'<tn llnut'CI the .. study of Costa lff'sa Cemmumly rhurch, ti'I'IC'h 81 thl' l>a vis·Ga, Nu.slc Thr ~ rvss (1\·,•r Afrwa, by N, .• 1 v.as Oft4• <lf thl' SJM'Ukt•rs Tu':'day meat crt Allatlc 1tudl~"'at the 11r .. t•l••tn~ .lrrtll',lltly ·nus t'Onf•·r· S1···•k•" ·'' rho· ~-o .. :rrh l ••·•rl• 1 ,,"'' '• < 1 I~<•~ S!'nul« umt C ,It Unlvenlly cif Soutlwrn ('ultlllrlllll. In····. Y.loirh till' 'I• llkt•t l••t lfll'll ('.tltlootrtll r· .. u.:t•''' •·I 1'.11 111 Srt•UI~ nh~··r\l•d N nrumal sc ... • ~~ at t.hl' ml't>llnj; ur tlh' I hi hhu:•.,, Of'\\ s \\ hll'h '"" '"'~~'' "'"' .,., .•• h· I' ""'''•Ill.:' lu Jot r'• 1' • ' I "I'! ., , •. .r .. •l•• t hrlilll(h ''" Friday Afll'rnt~·n t'IUir of C .. !!tll filii or Chin~\ In ,,,.,, ······1\••cl tl IIIII') II,, r ..... l,n (;,.,, •. •I I .d lotiS!fl•" '"'""11'1 anrl a rtr." I • Measa . '"'"~t no :'"''fH I••" lt qJ11 J\rt1'f 1'·.,,, d1• (utu~t• 'hl')lt l\...:t• n( ,,.:,r·h•·•" lr•a t t••·r··nturl\ nt fht' post nff1 • sruct111 ftnd ,.15,, tak(' pUpil~ at their well S , B•~••h F •ft<'l!'l'l mt>mtk.•rs ntl<Jn 111 thf' nw{•ltn.: <>f t hf• S11nta lll)ml' II)"" 1..,1.. lr 1 ... we•,.. rn·s•·nt. Ana Rotnn · l'luh. uthl'rs IH'I~ Dr~\hl•rl\\'U~Inlrt..l\it'l'dl·\~lr. F't!r\t\'Rpap·r~. ht• ~11tl•tt If•• •tlfeu •tlld tnt •u······~ thh ,,. I n·· I•\' 11 1114\fit\ Nt itrlv:.}(-oSc•f)li\StJ ·'' ·' n ... ~ ,.,. ' n ··re IJI'l'· I I . nd l twnl!•d in a rP('tl.tl l\lnnday ''''<'·i At I ~ :\jl pm. mrmlw•,._ nf lib• from the Jo•wllh synogo~tu•• a Jc.c'n>o Jlnmt.l1•t. >tt'ltf11' fut' Ill!' \\ 'lrnt•IJ !hill 11!1\ tvoflflll'f 1n C'hln11 1\ t,;• !I•'" 1''''1~111111~' 1'1 IIIIo I I• '~ r11t~ purtlrlpnlf'4, rf'l)rt•~r·ntlr•i! .-• f Hutlt l.t n•oon 't~llll• ti• p ~o~:ram l'httlrfll,ll) :>In SkHr·~ ,, I! IJO••·II • cl \\tollftl "''',.,ell roth··t' • '"" 'I:. ''1',. ,., .• ntl ..'0 Hllt1 ('110 II :< • Fonner prct~t·n• 111 Fuklt•n l'hll~· nllltun~ '"·•"!!'' 'llflfll\ '1•l•llat• · 11• 111 "1 106 mn~ hi Cnsla !\1··~11 Cummuni\)'•BI\lboa•clrcle err•td lwl~ to 1 th~ Catholic diW"Ch. T he program o·hurd 1 .\Irs 1 llt.:rl'\b11111 h'll<'he•s :11; mt'tlrlwrs. alt,•r \\ hich l'flnlo· the Is in nhM!'I'\'Rnct' uf 13r uttwfhl'o0Cl . --··•"f*...,.,.."nd ,·muo. Am!' lll'r huahand 1 bustn~·s~ lif'SSilln and IJtlll:l'!tfll wi! 11-l.Wee~ . , lion unl\'••r!ill~. I •r l'lt• 11 1111~ ko•pl \lr. \\' 1·: :-.'wk• II pn·~l•lo•tl ·'' d~t •tl• otld ,lo,ltn II '''. F ' tt tl, Til" l wol'' llt:l rdwl! frn111 1111'>-tn:il•t In CIOi(' lo~lf'll Wtth ltw polJ tii'UI lho• ltll~ltl•·\• ''''"''" wh11•h "flt'llt d J•t·II WI .,...,,.,f o•d flt 111''11 ~t:•n· "''""'' ''' 1111' lural JlfiSI nfft .. 11 .. nl't11.i ·~fml)('t , snxuphon•· undl Mrs L>, \\' Jlolllty prrsidtnt.: .\Irs. Thts I'\'Prtinlt I l uo•sday t b .,, 1'1~11 111,., llolthy rrfll'lrlr ll 11n ,1 \\' S~l' ~ rnn· Johhlon attrn~~ a dmncr ml't'tln& aituaUon ln .tm t.'QIJnlt \ t1ntf ~;;1 \,. """ th•·11m• <t'lllll' "r• ~~~·llh•rt 111•111 ''"•1•11•''11''11 11"' ""11 "1 \\hpro· lh•· rlrum unci hus.:l•• I'Off" -• 1 ttt.'l''lt•·l tll'•t••rJ;•I. t..tHIIn"• ,h ;d nnh · 1 <• hla audlem·e 1111 und•·t~ltttHIIIII( of nr.~· r•·tJII 11 rt''"'"" nf !h•• 1"' ''"~ s .. llntl•·tl n •tn•;rl ns I ,, ••• ..;t.1rs n• I I l r r,fl() 'tPI• ,., ... :el l'';, ... ,.tlf .,, •··•11•·~.:• ..... •· · 1 1 "' IU backgrnunll. lo·~t•l"'l! "I' In o ... ror1• ttrHII•IInt·•·tn• ''" "'''"' '""' •• " :-lrtt••s wr r•· 11\\'t•ro•c rt l " p 111 , I ,... I " II ,,,,. ''·I•Otr1•' 111 tht• fto'ltl I:O·f•l'•' I · 1 • I ~ ~nt C'ltllf•·•• Ill'' I• '"'•·• 11 ull<-Uw lll•·•·llns.: ul I t•' ,.nrcrn "'''' on " '1v· t lr:'"'''' '"''"'" lt1 mrlttwnt '' -'"' II III, lh•· f111fflllll nllfl r ... r \\ ... ld II pollllrt11 p11rtl• > "Itt• h hr.-111111,..,1 nnt1 Arh ttn•l t'raf" .,., 1!1•11, "" I•· ~~--• :>tr ""nmun' ·t~rl••tl 11..,1 ol<tr \'t'hh'l••s &••nl n ·l~•·•nl •' I \'orolut '"'"''"''' \\'l'l't' r:u~;"~n(' !•n•nn> twld In Los Ancele. reocenl-ol o r.anrr.• rount)' Mf'th~'ICIII'I Mtn· I ]':~'" :>1111~:•• S ntllh and Mrll. Clark , IY, and annoum•f'd tht', nll'l'tlng o1f ~s ~~:nowshtp at the Flnrt J'ro•so·nl1n.,: 1w.n.e• S•·l}·cth•ns wr n · ~e. WHt~rn Juri!ldict.ton.,of tho•, ~f'lhod11t t•hurch. Santa Anu. ~r. 1\1'1 tc· Sm tl h. Larry Bhbur, kx·en w !" r s Iii '"' hr·ld al lht• FirS I 'JohM~In IS, Jlrl'sltltnr tl( ·~(> f d- l't•lrrslln, Jhll narlll·n . noh Eru.:-1\lf'lhnlll!'l e·hurr h. Los An~:<'ll's,1 1\>~~tp. • (he ('(tlfnlr~ 1111• r "'''ny )1'/lr . ·•I \\'l't"ln<-111111\ ·•' !Itt• ""' r····rn and n( r ,.,., '" t1trt't'l lrHIIif' Hllol I··~· 'I lJih·rnul !1\rtfo• th•• 1\ll(lk s•·rttnn l l.lli••' 1111d nf tho· '" •·ullfltl! n .. ,.,.,.,.ntuol·. In tl.•·tt I••·•· • mpluVi'S ~~;ladly I'IWIII('rrtl • d "rlolop •••l'llnn w~dnt Stilly. rl'lt 27 •• , ... ,1 liltlll.!l'1' lh<•y ''""1" ........ '11 • Wllh I hi' ,._('Oifl• tn lht• tl••rtto•n,lt I n w ~nl lon ..... 1:1•\• """''"' II .. .. • ' I 0 polltu·nl u11rt)' Ill r,,,~tO.IHI m•·m· "lth Mrs \\'n:ht 11nd l\lr~ An·, 1'''"' "'' loll ll l't•·~ lion · T hl' t't•n•rnllll\' "'" rl•r•·•·l• ,f ., · 't1r,.w• nc h••<>ll'"' • M lh l!' fnr 11"' ntltl'nm.: "''"'"'n hv ~''"ll'"•'•~lt·r~ lln.l K n,.-h,.n nt I 1,11111, .ltmmr<' lind Jnhfjntt· :\1K ·11r. Wt•dntWlny, Thurttday and Frldq 1 Jo rtllay 1'\'l·ntnl: II,. M.Y.J'. JP'O~ mtl'k. 1\T:trll)n Schl(•nrn\·~··r. Carol of thts wN•k. Mrs. ~~~ llbr-or thl' Com.munlly r hurch Will at· S\'hlt nnwyn Marl~· A ndt·r~ttn l{ra\o' 14aS I'I(•C'h'd dl'h•~tal ~. a nd I \fond a scrv uxo at OW Jl'wlsh S)'ll .. Shtrlt'} lkarh, Gussil' A<·llc.:h. Ulxl~ S<'Wral mrmlJrrs wtll utlc•nd on<' 1!111-!11<' and "'ill hn\'1' lr t'Xplain~ 1 .... ,. 11~1. ('onnlo· Arnulcl, llurothy ur rnn,... -slons. In th<'m hy llnhhl LI'\'IIW. b.n, 14 n~ a•• I llf' \\ 1••'11 I 'luna lx•· 1 ...J.!) 1 r · It 1 - C.Jne n :;C.JIU1•111 uutl \lollS pl"nnfod \llrr\lnt.: 11111 tl\t' I lrl• ntnl thPtJll' l4'll' Ill''"'"''~ 1 "'' ·~ 11 ·~ llarnld Jlall. to bfo • tranJittmn ~:ov,.rnmo•nl ll'nd· " .... th~ 11r1 < nrn~"r "'"''"'' hl't~uliful t nwmf'u:t' from ttl" C:ot '1''" ''1 "';" I :.•• 1 111 • h•• <l:n 1 h•· h ,o.kl"th '' iq to a CUiltph 1,, llt•n~tw:rii<'Y: tn f•ml•rlll!l••rNI ''"'.JIS a nil hnngln1:1 ..rh•••1' An noun• ··nil"~' w;t'K rrm <' .,, . .,,.11 uf Tro••ll I; m..t 1 hr• 1 .. 1t.;u• , I \\'illwm~ Joll'\'11 G:.y, Cnrol Pu~r-PTOCf'<'tls c1f I he banl)w·r Sf'rl'•od I sun umJ Alva Ann Denlun rf'C(•ntly In l~lnJunc:t.lon Wllh lht' Mrs. Inns H o n ored • l"foCt•nt yi'IU"' It hu tN•••n "I'IOOC1'<f WM'I' dl~pl:tynl. nnlt fl lfthlr• on nf It n•'"' dr1o.• 111 1 111' St 1 ''' ••nn~ So 'filth nt I lllrhur fit II) m and lt8' by • thl' COmmunlslll :\.000.000 w hkh "''"' I "'nn•·~·· t'f'rnmll'!l. trl'lllrrt••nt Y.htdl "'11 ,~,,, Mnll·l· l h•' nsttor" 11 do•f•·;,l •·I 'lo '" I TI1r, •. ,. pupils who IJ(•rfurmt!d j l<tw>tnis chth Wt>rt• r l'purll·d at 1 A L Sh altc•r Ml}' lhr···· lo'SSOns Wl'rl• Ron· ahout H llll. thr \\' s.c s ilnd Kt-' t aye tte o wer . 1 .. 1 1 ._..__1 1,. nt \\'••o.tmtn,l•·r :>to• /\t1h11t 1 1tronl(. but ttw l:f'l'lll bulk nf rAn n~ nn .. ttllrr ar ett•r• ~ Sl h1• 1 ,,., .,-,.f1 111 hn lh th•• fv,h !\'<'Il l<'!~ nf th•· ''"'" lrOo•P aid Eslt•rl~. 'tllltn, and J n••k \\'hllr wttnrs :•luh lu shan · •~1ually in 1 hi' . nnrl :>l:trJurtt' L<tratnc Plum, pta no .,;tfl to t h<' Prf'Sbyt•rian hospit al ' Mrs R R Rundt•l. :!Ill SaJlJl.hl1'9 !\ttl rum )),,, ''>' 1:"""" trltmfll•l ~11o, fund , 111\'l'nttt'. 1\;rlbtJlf' tslanrl. ••nlt'r rnmed < '.1rl Slhtllm~ a saxaphon~ solo I Mrs. E. o . C.noct.Jr told of 1111, I rt>l't•nlly w11h n la)l'lfo• showe-r 11nd .\!ar~hall w,1r l•·> pltt)ed till' I J.inl•oJn II") program J::iVl'n at thC' 1 hun~rtn~ h•·r rlalll:hto•r, _Mrs <'. F . l'lar lllt'l 'S l)!lnlsh·Arnrrwan institUIP at Car· I Inn~ c.uurl \\IllS I \\ 3S played. "'-Ina's "50.000,1WV\ """Ill" h11,~.. Arter lhr llF•II;rnm tf'n 14/IS s••rV· • f1 " pr 1 W:t'< htldl t•ninl man Tlw• 1!1 II•• .._., "' "'"' .--' • mnm1n1: 11n<l l h<· nfl••rn .. nn r '"' t· ~kmJ:cd to nd th<•r ""'rl". nor lhl" rd 111 11 tnhll' t1<'<·nr111<•<1 with flOI4 · rt h , l<•'i'"nrt "'n ft•r 1'rnt'•l• ll It"'"· wh • •-J 1 II Int.:• ln,tnwltt•n" ,n . 101$ ,..,1· f~w a~lll'r onMI ltn!l ""''' (11111111 t-r1na.: p..:-11 h It '"''"Ill' Dlllt'lctll'' 1 1 1 1 1 n ·l't·nth 1rnunl'l'd thr• Snnla An.• Wl"l'l' Mril i\111'1' I "'nn. Mrll naudl' muktng l)lll lh•• tlt'}l pr••tt< ,., 'I Sf'loiii!O much to l'Tittt'IIA' In ('R!'h, Uw 1\ _. .,1 ,. G d l'l'flllrl • "''''" ~:1v01n In th•' nit ·r· 'P'!akl'T lltttrd. nut•n:t~n . t ' '..-urt.;(' ,ny An It Ia only hy Com muniJll Ill)'· Mn .I05Iah Kirhy nrw;:'~ 1.,rr llnrtl()r lltch <d '""' inc dttYt'TI lhl•lr ftrmt and the D . K J s d I ..... v( ro•prl~l'nlo'fl '•Y. Mr-w R R<1 thoa (~I andere; H ost s at En io yahle Eveni ng of Bridge d••na. She also rt>la tt!d thl' Slilry 141th prllf'S I:Otnl: to Mr<~ Fiarl B. tt d Di of lht> sch()Ol ami its C'Ontriltlll tnn S lnnlry nnd Mtl. Mufll' n.nlllng. 1 r 1 ay. nne r 'In dl'\'l'IIIIJIIlg l!•adr rs hip <tmllnj.; Mll'r t hl' horb'···· hnd OIK'ncd -1 a vas y e pen s· 1 r o"'ll'r • I At T o r ren ce H ome La lin-Anwrienn a nd C'hini'S(' ho s. lll'r m:eny ltll<'l) ~·~s. r!'frl'Sh· I . >' n••·nts Wt>n • so•rv••d -------..., 1 w eek End a t H o m e I ----:-=--- If It's a. Book Da~·ts K.vlr . t:t·yl'ar·oltl ~on or Sr: J ames C hurc h t o . , .,. :>1 Jtlt' Sutntt11•r:~ 11nd l\1 Thr RaiiJU~ riro•l<' will 5""''" Sun· •1'hosl' prf'sl'nl wt•rl' Mrs. lrvtD . rs rs dny l'Vt>nlng lum'hl's to ml'mbt!rs G • • ·d •t L' ·I 5 A M !\lr nnd 1\fr<~ .lo>~Htlt I. .... tnmp Mr. and Mn, Trf'C1 Kylr. Opol H o l d F irs t nn.• eet ·~ sr. :{27 \nral 11\'o•nllt', ·nlllhnll b l· Paul F arml'r nf Los Anl(l'll'S Wl'rt' f th y h L• II h' t•or~:<' lifrl on. '' rs. r.>ll lUI· • • 0 I" OUt r e OWS tp during 1 '1 J1 • • j-' • , t '\I 0 Z ,.,,.,•nlly httn"r<'fl wllh o hirrhdor M h ('y, " r!l. em) ·!:1:1 r . · rs. · · "'• .... It 01' WUJ Ol'ller It ,. l'oe. . l ave nue;-Ralholt hlnnd. trpl'nl' ht~l ---t<ntl. t•nt••r l,uln1·(J ;,1 ht tda.:•' Satrtt flrwt W<'t·k end "' hom~ "!~· hial 1\ rn~ !P~~J.J~~.w&~~~...d.~..ti~IO-ilwi"-"~ldiloot...IA..Ul.c...&.:llJm..,_ dinnf'r nt tKe hOJTIC of their . nr<' . . Robertson. Mrs Naru·y Ward, Mnt. moth•'l' Mrl' f'lor••ncl' ·Torr1•nct> j Mrs. J. f'tschnt·r conducted lhr Gt?ruld Ritchie, Mrs. Gcort.:<' Slat.rr ~nrollmca&.,..at Bmwn Jlillt~try for ml'r,;IM'rl St .lumt'll men' or thl' ~II'S IS WIIS ~itl).:llll; fl tHI aca&>lfly, Pfobbie &a<'h,,"ll~ hAd, pill churc·h will Ill' h('ld Tul'lloli:w , pi11no ~··l•..,.·ti•on~ I"' \\'u\no· llrtfiH'r a glorioua time vllltl,rlg 1111 hill f'rh. 26 ot ll 30 p.m. In th(' F:IK'il Mrs rt'llr:td Sh11uk lll(•k fir~l 27,1 t, 1 ()I' 1 ' dPvorlnnal prul{rnm, her lht'nw ])('. of Son Mannn Mr.J Matlt• Rolling 1 11 rrc• . 1ll'rs r,.tr<'SI'n Wl'r<' . .., . ,., M · ' · ' Paul Former nnd aon llichal'l, Ed rn~. "".'~sons "1' 1 ay ~ern F rom Santa Ana, Mra. Inns ttnd the 1\e»-ESTREJJ.ITA'S BOOKS-frlfondl. , -• l'luhho\UI' R•'flf'rvRiinnl mua~t IH' In pri71" for lodil's und Mr~. Harry PkH ,__, N-y ... v.l11 , .. ,;,.,, \\'ohrly nnd Ed Kin~: I Afrtra. It'S!!. Mrs. Randl'l. 'l'ui'Sda) Mrs. Tnrrr nl'r•'s sister, It wu an lntf'l'Htln~ !-'Oint-!· hy Friday or lhra wr .. k, Rrv. Ardyll Welsh was s<>cond; J ohn Sadlr11·' pLI!lABINO both mot hen llnll ck-net', d.IICCn'f'f'ed at the Ume of {)t>11n rf'mlnda tht• mf'mbt·rs. was flr~t fnr nli'n 11nd A J Gall' · ua1bten bu been the parllcu· ~ traoaler, thAt the ~ 1 At th(' dl~"" .eonv~ntlon Iaiit Wll~ sl'filn!l 1u' taa11 of New York det~hmen of wu founded br ColOMI DaVIa. I month St. James wu takt>n ,Into r.u.•st~ tnrJ~trl•'fi "'"" ~IAmJ"'''I ~ ..... dotbea. The amart plaid ~\1'1. ~l!lit·.KI'nni('OI! l1f ldu~o. who I M 'r s Willard Mellott 1s wtntr-rltlr: tn rursnn, Ariz., · FAC Boo k Section I Meets Friday IUN_.. ..... .._ ..... ~ .... . arrlvl'd ror 0 visit. S he wus' H ostess at Brid g e hrou~;ht down by twr nrrh<'W . Robl'rt i'UJlfl('r of Camp llaan. a nd his wifP and son, who llw• n Rl\'l'r!lldt>. Anothf'r bister. Miss E\·n KPnnicott. orrt\'cd Thursday. Alsu d1•wn for u visit was a cousin, Will Johm>on. snd Mrs Ra~tnn, .... t ..... ... 1 falheT of Dl"l• lncht't' at th(' union ttnd-bt·C'11rru'>o 11 Jlt•rm anl'n! $i"h•r and h•wL~I' l:llt'St :>1 r< W l-: tdet.a 4,_ abC>wn, neither too Nrwport Bf>llch Gral)'\mar I!Cftool, pert of thf' DlocM(' ur Loll An~tPI<'s. Crowt>ll of Cinrinnntt. who hn~ '-'rlab. nor too aopbllli<'ated for --------------~1 Mn. McCrackf'n. Thl' mtlllon 11 no" l'tllahliahi'<J ltn4, t>urrh~tso'fi a homr on 0<-t•an hou l•·· tJa;a )'OWl« junior, ta typlral or the ·WELCOME .·CAFE IMO Newpcwt Blvd., ec.ta 111 ... l'ltoee41S-II Fineat Plaee to Dine Famous Cotnplete .Dinner 0,.. l,l .... to t .... SPIX:IAL ARR,A:NGEMENT FOR PARTIES ot111 ~ onN roa INSPmOTION .,... E. LUDEWIG, Prop. ttw chur ch ls"n olfl<'tal l'ttn~rr-' vart1. ('olronn d"l Mnr. and whn drWT dreue. fublooed apec:laJJr sr•Ut>n of EpisC'Opel worahlpt•rll. As rlans to mnk•• lwr homr hw", I« her rt!Qulrementa. IU<'h, It 111 rt'qulr<'d thlll an annunl CaJ"'I nn<J ~rs \\'tlllilm L.nn~.tjahr, CrUp Utlle wtn1 IIMTet trimmed mwttn~t I"' hr ld and a ward(on .• a nrl Ml'!'~~ 11nt1 :\1t·~fllltn1·~ ConrrH1 llat.,.U..IJ' wlt.h la!lloe ed~lng t-lc•rk 11nd r rt'lli Ur('r I)(' I'll'<'! I'd, In· Shook. 1\ J loilnl, Krndn('k \' ID&de ol the t.atret.a 'lave a widen· ltl'lht•r "1111 u many oth .. r owr.tl· Dllrs lf:trr~ \\'l'l•h, \\'-r1~ nl' Jlnrprr. ~ ellect OCI II&J'l'O<i lbouldera. Ez.. lur>' mt>mtxors nf rhc offt~·lnl cum· John S:ulh·tr .. Slclr•••v 111tu•kO<>nr<' va hall-1a the all.lrt Ul the mlll('l' 11s Ia wish•'<~ • und .1.1o;;1;1h 1.. St:~mp jr. .-ter Croat rt•• tbe dr-plenty f'oundatiuns. arc in for the nl'w ol pretty 11rteiL Finally, there'• a dturch llrueturr· on \'Ia Lido and R oon e-Wl;-t't ft'e ld R.l'te~ W..eh ., ~DI bla.c:k ID • aathl th<' l'•·ml'n \ floor 11 ltdn~t IJOUrtod 1'1 " llow for t.he neck ud a pat ... IMI& thla w N'k. At Hunting t o n Beach ,__.._ ~----- hoth nf \ollon. St. J a mes Y P F Guests at B a n q uet Th<' Youn~: Pt><lpll''ll ~~rllol4:shlp of S l J nm••N F:pisC'Qpal <·hur('h al · tl'nd•>d n hi.)Ofllll'l Sunday rvt>nln11 at lhr parish house of the Orange Wife joins Local Man s .. l.•m nl 71'r! in llunlin~:t~n lleRr h iWedding Solemnized Episror nl church II~ ltlll'!liS or lhl' R I D. h d ' Suntlay til th1• ~·irsl Mc•thodtst j A C h . Ch h AnahPim, Ornn1• nnd Santa Ana ecent y ISC arge I ('hurd l Wt•rl' \\'l'dr1tnl: rill'S !or t fiSt urc f'ellowshiJI.'I .• Afl!'r dinnu lhl' I ~ I Mt~$ Rarh11rn Whitfil'ld nl Hunt·) youn~t JJf'Oillf' <'nJoy••d dnnc:ins:. Nl'w rraldr nta nt nnlboa ar<' :\1r. ingtnn Jlrnr h nn!l rt1nrl!'tl noon.-, MarTi&al' riles wert> r('pc:'atcd at Attending from Newport fkoach I onll Mrs. < 'lyd t• T. Mayfll'ld. who 1 f11rmrr ~t ut1rnt a t ~''"'flltrl liar-("hri~l C'hurrh by the St's S un· Wt>rr Bud F'rnnklln. Dlxil• Ann Rr(' living at KN-nl' Court. 1\lrs. hnr llnlron llillh si'IH>I•I I !lny, Ft·h. 10, hy .Mrs. Viola M. Smith, Rrucco F:lll'rbrOI'k .Dolor!'s Ma)•fl('ld hu ju.tt flown hl'rt' frorn 1 :\fr Ont'ln!' It thl' !lon of rnrm<'T Nl'al. l.n~unn !Wsch, and Daniel Ring, Unn~>ll Gay and Charlottr 1 Omllha, N1'b. to join ht•r husht~nd. loc111 rrsld<'nls and on hi~ r~ccont Y. lll'rkr tt. f'ullcr.ton, Rev. E . 0. F inney. I who hns Jttat . r•·wtwd his honor · dischnr~tr frum thl' Oft\')', whl'rl' heJ Goodt•ll rf'adln~t thl' double ring 1 11blt• dlschur~tt' from lht• U. S wa~ pharmnrtsl's mad<' ltf"ll l"la.u . <"'rt•mony. C 1 b d CJ b Army II·· Will &t&lf s•·r~:t•anl. nnt1 rt'$11ml'd his :lpJlrl'nlll'l'~lttp 14l lhl S('rvlng as Rtll'ndants Wl're the a r s a u w o man we.s in btruJX> lt•r lim ... )'f'rtrl'l llarold K C'.r~tul'l. II·· fll.•n~ to l<ln 11n!l ,dnu~:htl'r of the bride. l.Ao·1T o Speak Here W e d . I ·1 Mr Mayfil'ld Is 11lrm th~ brothl'r nttl'nd nn l'mhalm1n1: !l<'hl••l 1n l.o~ roy J . Nt•HI of Lynwood and Mrs. __ _ of Mrs Vlr.,.,J I> Smtth of C0$1n An~:('IN~ nftt•r l"rturmn~~; rr11m the \\'1lmn I..c'<lin of \orona. fkfort' Mrs. 'Flora Kny!l lfnnson nf I Ml'Sn II•· plan~ to f'ntrr httSIOI'Sll ltun••)mtw•n. "hu·h w1ll 1"' ~pt•nl In I tht' ct'rl'mony R~v. Goodl'll plAyed \~~rlsbnrl, prnmtno>nl dvh womlln hl'rP nnd "Ant a to huy a ltomt> c•n llt\'l:'r!>!rl<', Carl!lhRd l 'llv••rno. N M. "11rcacts••" a nd ''I Lo,·r ~·nu 'T'n.tly" and l<'rturr r. "ttl hi' 1:\Jt"!ll !l[)('akt·r th•• rlC'nlr;~ula and othN·•pnmrs of.1 nt••ro ~~ a t lh•· ri"QUI'st of lh•• brtd<' a t C'hrrst Chur<'h hy lhf' Sl'n Mrs. Will;~rd l\1l')lutl cntr rtained 1 The Book lt'Ction of lh<.> f'r~ with 11 do'lir;htful dl'SSt>r t brldgl' al Aftt>rnoon club will me<'t FnllaJ, hrr hnm(',r111 !:ast JRth str<-et. 1 Jo eb. :.: 111 th•• 11111 ruom nt thi club Costa Ml' usin~t a Vall'ntinl' ho~JJ~e with Mrs. Elrlabl'lh 11ink mottf for ratiOM. 111 t'hiU').:c of th•· progr am '-Mu. \\'. E. Nickd l h('ld hifl:h sC'Orr,':>lril .1. :\1 ~hcarrr won thl' For qui* I'NU!ts u• N.,.,.. tra"l'ltnl( prtze 'lind Mrs. C'harhos nmet cl&.Uitled columna. lttdl!') 11as low. llrs. c-. V Plas w 11s a i:!lll'!\1 . taktng lht' pia•'<' of Mrs. P A. Chamh••rlin !\lrmh<·rs J"'n•srnl wwe tlr<• Ml'sdamt'S Eiml'r Wrtr;:ht, J . P. {'oopt•r. C. f'. HAnd, Ridlc.!y, 1\;tl'ko•ll, P. V. Parke'S, S hcarl'r, lJ \. :\hcKcnzie. Sh<'rman Salt('r and W. F . Bolin of C arden Grovr . White House Cafe .,..,. 118! ......... Beacb, c.ld. lOt .......... ... ._ blad-.-.o111 III'J Open Satlll'days Until May lit ~eeed an "onday S w1>dish Mnsse\JS«'. A1!lO SJ)I'('i<~list in 1-'actal and S<'11lp 'l'rea tml•nLo. NEW ME~tBER OF OUR STAF'F' HEAD TO TOE BEAUTY SERVICE ~!r nnt1 :>tr11• lorAIII'I ,,,.r .. ,1111,n1 Fourlf'l'n t:Uf'lb w .. rl' pri'St'nl.fnr \.Vrdni'Sda~ 1'\'l'nui~t. Fl'h 2ft 111 tho· :.•no nr mom· I:U <'sls """ Ill· th(' N rl'mony and 1111' re<'C'pll~n, 7·30 o'rll')('k followm,;: lh(' mtd·j -- 1<'00.'<1 llw Wl'drhn~t wluch ",as hf'ld a t tho• t'lmrch. Mtss wrrk pnl-lurk d tnnl'r Tht• oc- F:Islt• Nt•wlnnd a nd l\1r11 J. ..\._~0 will he 1n honnr rrr Pranrt'll .\ marrl:ll:•· "''''""' "u .. ,_.,fed llodman s••n "'I: tht• W!'ddtng cak<'. \\'illllrd Day Mrs. llnnson will Rp- :ns t \\rrk' ,,, 1 'lnr .. no·•· :>Il l• hdl -'6. R -S-d-A -d 1 J)('&r undrr lhl' sponsor~hlp of thr I :-.'r wporl nra. h, llntl H1l5t• u .. n:wcl, ev. an e tte n s local \\'.\ T p -· I ~OQ 11 ETTE PliNT - ....... w.cua W1Yt e c.nfi"MUnn ~ ... thie ~.c·1utiv~ Coha .. ~ ltr Jeior Cullcl. pr;.ttf'd 1n lute:ioue rhal~)' putrl• oo r-nc blat6 ••. m.nou.ly rut tOI"'hM witb f~r.ftun~ ~ ... , .......... . .,_,.,._..,. a.d eki•·hu""" .;drift. It'• nr-..,._.iuQ,a .... •l ,, .••. Edythe Davidson 213 N. Broadway Santora Bldg. SANTA ANA Phone 1486 ,. . :!!1. ~~~ v .·rn.m Church Conference ' Eas tern Guest at 1 ~teaks • ~hic:kt•n e ~l)ctJ't• Uihs i i.ohstt·r • • . ccaoked to perfection • , , •• ·1, r \II ' 111 ' • .1 , •I 1 \ '1:,1'11 1, 1.'\t ll•,l• Pl:'\:\1· H . ...:nn Ill ·, II I (1o..,ocl ....... ,. Vil'lt Our 8<-auttful J)inint: Ho11111 • RESTAU RANT Joi \,T \ ,\,.\'~ n~t:~T f:.\TI~tl f;ST \IU,IIii\IF.'T .W'l W. ·&lh St. Comt>r RlrC'h I ~nln \na T~k-llfi•IRf' 1\Sft'! ,.....,nard \\ ll..on, \fr.r. ThP Rl'\' l!ln w. Snn!ll'. rmsrnr c del M • r f thl' le~·al A!lse•mhiii'S or Co!l orona ar H o m e church. Wl•st c)('('an 1-~ront , attl'nd· I t'<l t ht• ri'C••nl ~outhl'rrT Cnltfurnia :O.tr and llr~ II F:. Rlll:$:11 •. 50-11 Dl1trtr t rounril of thr ,\ssl'ml>lil's Goldl'nroo avt'nur. Corona dr l Mnr, of Cod rhurrhl's whit'h rnn,l'ncd In havr n~ hutts•• f::U('SI Mlu .Jnnt> j Pasndl'nll. "nt· rhnrl··~ S. 'Pri('f'. Frt•dl'rir k nf f't(l('ht•sll'r. N Y M iss notrd worlrl 1 r>tl'<'lo•r. "M sl)l'akr r 1-'r<'dt•rlrk i~ a nil"!'<' nf hr•r hosll"~ll 111 t h1• l'\'t'ntrlt.: •••sstnn anrl is in l hl' m~>t1trnl dl"pnrlmrnl · R<'\' Sand,·. wtw h••s IM'I'n ill t•f lhr l·a<lm:tn K•ll'lak e·ompnny.l for ~ontl" ltnll• al twr hcmw. hils Sh .. 1\'tll lw h••r" for thr•••• month~ again rl'sUmNI h••r t1111lrs ns paslt•r I Mr Hu~~;t::lr!> is 1'1 rou~in of Ill'' Dllrtnte hfl'f' leW. .. ntv 1111' pulptt hn" Sl'I'H n •••m•o(ltiHl. ('h*l•::t Ruc~;l~ ~n O("('llpil'r! by I ht• H1'\' Lora'"'' Rode·~ tll Pa•adNI.t. I • 1 H arbor S t amp C l uhs Mee t This W eek .P a c k tO~ De n M o thers T o Meet Thur. d ay 1 h n 'l·•'twr-.. r I'l-l• k II\> '"" II" f 11t'll'tl l\ ~·,.h '.'I 11 lfl ,; 111 N• "I~" I llarh••• :'1 •mp • h.h '"ll o1 tft 1 •·nt·· .,(:,11, 11 11 Hn\\•, m•"'' Thttr~ll,, •·\' 111111.:. F. h :?1 i • .,, \\, ,1 c, n r1 •I ·", 1111, 11,;., Il l tho' :>l~n ll •• rt '' •h·•p ('11<1 11 "''"' ""''·•· tnt• II' ltd tn ('uh· 1\1•·<11' nntl I hi' lum"' "' nrp, "''' • 11 • .,,. I·, •·11, 11 1 ,,,. rlt•l 1,.1 1 t "dl "'''' :'1''''1' l•l• .':l .tl '•'hn,nnrt4nr1. I :\(I p 111 I I \1 1 , • n•· r '" '"'' , • q ,, ;\li<~s l'llt n ''"" I'· ''• t 11 "'Lh , ·1 •• .• , , .• 1,n ••f '"" 1 •. 11 ltpr .. ·ol lo>t of llr nnd 0\lrll ,\n~ll!' l'nll••r "" 1 II• 1 111 11 h. 1 h.,,. ltiiO 1 PNtrl II\ l'nlll', Rllflk>.t h i. IIIII·. •h'l< '' • 1 lllt•· Ft irf.'.' on d " ,, I rrtllrnl'rl 11•11111' frt•lll :-;, ·'"'' !•h •, 1l, h "ftfl I f 1 ,f •'ht, 1, hn~ptt nl \\htf'•' <ho• lllldt'l'l'o·lll 11! 111 :-:h· I' ''l"''lo•ol h1lll'• 1111~ ! t•nl~'r..:•'nt'\ :t pp•·rut• '""'Y .,M,~~ ,,. • 1\ l'nlt~>r 1~ " "'"'nr ,.,, ,ll:'lrhlll' Ht..• \1r< 1. I·' l •'lllt-1•• '" :'1" I nnri twr unr .. ~~ .. ··n 1lh··--, .. ,. •. ,.,, 11,·, ,., """''''"" n .• u ..... ~~~·-:;""' ht•r h• Ill"~ l,.1k1nt.! ·' <~·h·•l:ll'''"l' '"' I '·tlm ~f'I'IIIC• "h• • • •h• \I I II ~~nliolll '" l\flh fri••n•l~ A'M'EN11()N, MOTHERS! IAt l la "7a~h Your Baby'8 Dia~rs Ptck~ lip <mrl rlt-liwn:'rl 11m.,.. limn..; ",.,.kly .1.50 per week Tots Laundry 8utl\ "- Tiny 41'7 n, Bln"h TWO wonc.lcn ul rl~an•inJl ca-am~-"' help kt•••p )nut' Ill in silky•no<>Lh ! Tu-~y E mulsified Clr ansin!(Crcii.ID for dry, flak)· ~Lin ... Tu~y Pink Cleansing Crca~ for Dormal or oily 'kin •• ~ • ON SALE! UMJU fiMI ON1Yl ....,.J. ..... , .... UCII Ml ,n-,Ju• au : . SALEI ... ;;;;;, .UlStFIED ClEANSINI CIEAM eltCI Pill ClEANSI.I <I lAM f'ourth anti S'yC8mOft Sant& Ana ·---.-·----............. --.----.·------.. 'I