HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-04-04 - Newport Balboa News Times·, - J A CIIMLENGE-te'fb -., .. illty ......... 0011 ....... " ...... .... .... De C4iat:r'll .\\·aa. sate IS NOT A PAin' oF lila Gil I 1IASrER PlA.~. -- o.. •••• ~ ........... ·-·..,..., ...... . a. ... " 0 , ............ .a ... ~ .... .. By T. N. ''BI\ICK" <JADmi Well, I'll be Mmed! • . In t.tiUt colm, the Jut one lllle(oft. our municipal_ electJon. l wu ItO- log to gh·e nire, fAt r~ advu. Ual11g to Rob Robiort.on. Lu r.- bf-11 and Stnnh-r t';I'(IJ:urhovakl. th<' thf't'e f'lllll•'S whu with Col. T. P. A'"kln~K~n 11mt Cll~tt Seal a N I rurnlnt! rc...-lh·· ,.,.y council, .. 1 te t!ae eatlre ~-Mnded hlfttOI')' ot the eft)' coucWa aethrtty to feW a .,. """ hal 111pcN1 the ft!lllclealll of Newport._. at tJae C.fnl Aveaat~ toc.Uoa. t.a.ere hal ~~eVer..,_ a ai.aUoa of Kood pia.aalna. .,...,....~ C.o brlna;, ttw-matt•r to a hM4, .tu.t • ... ,...otNaWJMltta<*JIIall.. ........,~ ftt ..._. wtt.IIMt ........... ........ ..., fw ..... -lllcoJpal hoU "houkl t.. brou.-ht te a hMd 1 CleUOr for6 .. ~ C!MCUdat., ...,..... ... to Ita.....,. tile ,,t l8 the hOIM'tlt -ud \'lerlfled -opWo. of THE PRESS that ao ron·IM-fA'nt qw,l.lntd plaaalq expert woall appro\'t' th• c.ntral Anaw l..ocat.lotl over other su~ If tile fllq ....... hM f'ft4HtJ(t. .... ,, ,. to .,.._. Ita .upWa-. ed ...,edae til ttM-('Mllr:tl ,\,t'nllt' *..,• 'l'tH' p.,.. wiD pay tile C!Oit fll aHUrtn~ an nJIInlma from .. y ~ .-u. of OUbeft hi ... o. Z. ....,.._ a& aile alt7 e~er:::l£) AMid ,.....,., And whnt h»I'Pt'»•! Rob hu taken orr ror n~gon hurriedly and 1.• • Al~n Is unnvoldAbly out of town ~'·"'''''' was kind enough l to IP' ·· I hl a drpt 110n1e mate-r1JII but. du•• to lhe othf'r two bfoln~~ unl'bl" to tnlk 111 thl11 time I'll bave to cut him down to the ~~~m~1 1pace lll!l th" othH'II. Which ta for·' lunate fnr Col At klnaon and Set1.1 They both ~rot off to a fut ata.rt, u you probabl\' l<nn\'' If YQP ed O.Del. __ _ _ THE PRF..SS IS ·WILLING TO 8.\0 K l iP ITS • OPL~ION WITII SOUil CA~II-NOT TilE CASH OF CITIZENS AND 'l'AXPA\'t:RS WITH WIDCH nt"E COUNCIL IS TO\'ING, BIIT JT'S OWN MONEY- thllt no quaJJfiNJ comptolent and hofM"8t plaaaJaJt rouuJt.. aat Ia Soutbena Callforala \\'OUid tp,Pro\•e the _..., wtdeh three city oouaeilmea .,... ra~nmlaK do"'·• the tbroata of the N""'POrt taxpa~·,.nt' with tbfo ~yen' ori ..-ey. ua11,0ec1, ooaa t'ftt, h·m•·,t. ~ltltht-rn CallfomJa ph•alna; , ........ t. 'l'lle PreM ~,,.,thai '""thin&:. nf Utt' lmamrtaac. of a dty W ._..11\Jt "hll'lt In\ uh No thf' t'XJM'Dttlhn't' of ~a qa~ of 1\ n•illlnn ,tnlllt"' nf Uw pN)plf''• ~)' .. worUI ~ plaanln~o;. '!'1..-l'n• • r '('unamf'ncl" thne ... bN11 .. U.., ..._ ...,._ .. , taclldat"-ttw!)• are .at ,... ... , • a Ual&e&. tbfly lh-e ha two ai"N8 of Chel tlt1 IIOC DOW ff~P'""'tecl oa tht~' c-It)' rmuaclU uct tf.·~· ha''" U. latfollla•n~ aad the tbWty to maM C'OIDJM'Wftt, u .......... .,.....tath·M of aU of the ~Qf..~-:~port RMch. Jl'wiJW~ t~>' ~\·e ....-':ito,... elr•·t&ott prumW. to Ul)'OM ou.er thaa tW The CJ.a.l .\nnuc• slt4• h..-app.,.ntly hHe a cut aad drW .._. for man~· moathii. -A )lu'N mu bloek of tile elt7 e••• 18 ~·~ to puHh It &rou«fa. We thlak tile ~ ol *-'port B..ac-h a,. NUUed to ~ little aoa- ........... a volee la how their mo~~ey .awl lie .,_t. Uwy will clo tlwlr .,_, to "'''" Uw rlty UM!tr .,.,_,, t~Nort. ud to Judp all probiHn• 01t tWr ....tta after all Uae ,..,.. ...... ProtM&a volefd by leadbi& bastM• _. aad ehlb leeden Ia popular votM have beea ~pored. ~- A .-for ..a. ....... ,,.._ wUl bf a voe. fur ............. ~ aabs..d. ,_..-, • ...;.. ..tty IO'"",......t, thf, weelur. 'n\e other thre•• denltand. lknowhl~ that -contact 'em, anyway! ll'IIC1711111ENT Ill A .LOVELY WOaD Jl"'rwt." throup aenionty, v.·e'l'l dl.cu.. wtlat I lcnow about Let! hbell, who'• al....,dy on the coun- cil, wt.kb e6me people tay b a dtrttnct &dvantqe l.n an election. Lea ta ju.t complettn« 1\S. nm ~ur ot1duty .u a. coundllnan. Jie a. ~~ Oft bit record. VOLUME VU NEWPORT AI ~ ..._ bae been wuiftc ~PRES uM&ppy llloat the dty ball bQm • ... ,or .... ttm•.lcan.'tblurt CANDIDATES =-~~~u. ~~ f't~ . OFFICES CITY and etc., ot Ute council, of wbJdl been poUce eommt..~oner ctunn~!"f~*l~-1':11:11i b.la term of oftloe, ani! I hw .. -:. about him, and 80m~t"'•W'I,. LM' fncndJI ••Y he I• a p ·: who ~.-.Y >'" or no and aUck by .t. They contend that. It he thlnlu eomethlng ta ba.d for a community !le'U blurt out hiJI oppo.Jtlon no matter whoee toea are at.epped on. He 1\ae reotdded 1\.ere m yean. ~Un.r a bUIIc!inc aupply biW· DHI all that Ume. He IJI marned and 1'1 .. a aon, 1uat out ot ~ei'Ytce. Be Uve. In ftlbotl and "" bta buatne• In Newport. • 111t nltT AeoUilPVM No, 2 man on the ;rorram s. o. Z. (ftobl Ro6ert.on. Rob hu been around here 10 lonlf tt. hu quit teWnr how many yean It 111. But It'• quite a while. SomeUmea. It you'rw taJJdna' to lllnt..,"t-•1'1 th'rok 1\e w .. a lf"WJ'b- ler, o-~~. wtddl 't. far hr1 th .. ~ .. e. Jte 1a a nne lftl· • ~~:~? .. :=~i~l S_c_h_o_o_l_l_s_s_u_e--;--:', F-~--v_e_ean_· -di-. d-a-t----~....-fdiiiiiir~ Lon~ before the ~-eta,. · -· ~r:: :o:;~~~:'':::Cf'0111ov'!taJ':: Comes Up to Seats in Oncoming City EleCtion eauae he had frah muai.room. when n~ed. It wu a IIUC~- f\11 blleln .. u Thl'n durtng th ·Vote Expected to Split Fairly E ·w·cn; Interest :::; f~~ ab~~=-~~=~ ";,~ Vote May 17 I Quickens With Rumors of "Single Shot·" Candidates May Operate Near Harbor· pi~~ '::e ;:,.ttJ:~~.IIng pro-i Lut mlnuk lntel"t'fft la oomJa~ rlt~· .. a t·Uotu! :.."'..,, promlw today of a wann 0011• Thl'n hr went iQto th,. I'Ontrllt'l-1 VOII'NI of thl' Nl'\\'fiM't Harbor I tf'f'lt at the city poU. next TuMda,,-. Ttro ..... .!Jell berl :u. JU'f' tu be mw, with n,·f, tng blliii:I<'IIS, ~aturdv. l!<llidl t11strlct will ballot on two l'lemPn. f'.:lndldat. In tht" field • .luat who he. l!t(' l'tl:"t' ID Cite l.'OUDC'Il,.,.... a,. a q~Uon. "--. Pl"n" "' Anth,.nv Rttalla. heltl'r hom,.,. for N'Qplt' He now '" I d '-'-known "" T11nv c '""'""''• tn lilt "'" con~urt11~ that bu!llnNI!I .auccen-Jltlry s<"hool bond t•~tul's nnd n hlJCh c i ~~~ m08tly f'Ofnln~-from varhul4 ~wc••kmt of th.-rlty &hould Mpllt thf' \'ote falrl.)• n••w IYlw lu•ury acfllnhltn~r »hlJMI tully i1 f'ornna d••l Mar, whert-h,. 1 achool ta.'t, r~~C'Tt'Me Msy 17, C'\'f'D U f&r &8 tbe MCtioft&l VOtes 11'1' OODC'l ;&led. BaiJotinR JM f'XJN'clf'd t6 he Pll(ht. 11ff th" Nnulh••rn (',.llfHmla c,,,..t U'·"~ ' to l'&rP for ph!'Mmlnr~l growth or ~flan~· mmon cooef'I'Dln& ·'sla~le llllaot" c-.andidat.M alld ,·arlou'l ot.hrr poUtlt'&l &t'f l\·ltl.-,. w,.,.., '""'•·•tniC hlt .. hllun "" Or. He ~ mnrr1Pd :tnd hu two !Ions. IU'hn<IIA In thl• art-a I -l:IVC! bl'tn hl'ard about tow.• but• ""ll" l'uuntv Ant1 N,.wpor1 Hllt httr ~mnaf-~~,.1'~ N"Ct'nUy dU!el'lnrgedl A l!""c-111 l')f'l'\lon -llln .. for N• L I p I hulA)' 111" An..:•'l"" ('t~unty ..,_ ••• , •. ,,.. r ,.. U D ... the l'llmf\nlgn hrl!< ht'<•n C'l~an ,, •• ,.,Th R b. u fll'lnl" hr..:lln ri!Nr!lhlllllnl{ forf'r• f:NTf:n nrr. I approval ()( " $1~.000 bond lnue I lne oca . eop e of mutl ..t iiiJ:III)I.. diMrl(t'll . ""I eo. 0 InS rges . •l··~·lfl y ,.. l'lllflhnl • Rtrflll"'• WAft \'P:TV.Ri\S r .. r 1'-tf'An~wn of btl~ l'\1•wr rort , rount.•r l'htorl:•'" All """ ,.1111 11_ 1 n~w .. •l ••n•l""""'· llllll with lh11 ~tn· Stnnlt•\• r.orzuc-f!Ovll}ll tMA lhlld r:··nl'h ••I• rnrntllry llf'h'lol at Nr~··-' Cited for Traffl·c riAl..,. f••r ,,,,,.,. !II •. IA't•ll kllll\\'11 I p . f s h I llll(llniMlll' ntlllllll" rlll•r• ..... ,, hy 2! Yf'R''" l•l l•arn to rronounr" hill f>'Jrl B••tu•h 11nd provlulng for pu:·.l 1'' ass1ng ·o c 00 1 1 1•~ All!:• I•·~ c· .. unlv Mlllhurlllt'A 'hn"'· nf I''"'' rtv for '' n<'w IIC'h• •I thr comrnunlly " ,, " I lin I '' ., "" l"'""lhl,. fo r namf' I've .,.,." Irving for !1<)011' • . • • • Vl'olatl·ons l·n Week ...... h II I tlmt' IHHI C''\n't 110 ti \'f'l bUIIdln~e~jn :\'••WJ'l()rt Hl'lghi'O """ 'llf' " 11( Ill II phab• twnl nrllrr Expansr'on Program ~lrnllll Ill l'l""' .. ,,.., 1\ll'li\JI orr the RJght """' SlRnll'\''~ " 1!IUI11'nl ''"''" ' .• 11.· I r .. r Ml\\' I ~. h\' 'h• ~ Will lnt'hlt1t• ('• I Thomn .. p Al· ''''"'II" (''"'"' v """'"" . NC\Vni'Jrt B h re t h 1 .. Nt1\\";nft If " r h " r. n._.rv,.r• tn 8Mta Ana J:lY""~' but h,.'l l ,.. •'Rr r Ol~n llry !If O'l Ln•·ul r••Jiillrnl" wftr~ Lh•· "hir•f klnt~~m. '"""''' ~.tnl& Ani\ Army l . board • r • rl'tlr•·l1. Th·· IIIIIIIIUIHo'lll"lll ,,, Ul•· Uluh I'""'' ·I ... ,, W••lll l lw ,., ltlrlll r·,.nl ookln~t to thP llml' whrn th~ mt'n · 1 Air 8811" nffl• ,,1 nnw " .,.ho wrr" In th,. lt"rvlftr M"'hlfltllv•• c:,,.,,. :lf .. ~n l!l'ht11ll nf(lrlnll' II'· n ff ttt.ll'r~ In trl\rfl•' ra10r11 th • 1 S•·h•••l F:'<l'"'"'"" ••l•·•tl"n to II" I•·• ''l"'r"ll"ll rof •m111f tlOAb t .. ' .. -· .. I lh t • """ StllniPy o ..... , .. rh111'~1. youthful I I I •t -"'''' I IIII" -~I I. r .. r ·t .A. takl' 0\'f'r thr thr rrlns or nmnln~t ult\' nnn•IIH1 <'I fl II .160 ...... , "'''C'k II('I"Oruin~t to rrport~ from I• I "" "nv I I "'""1:''' hn• k .. • ' .. "" '· " ~· the countrv. hfiA•I l'll'l'!lnn ha.c h••f'n C'lll,.,·tl for . lhP ,.,,nrda of 1'1'1111'1' Chl<'f R R. 2l -yt•ar ••lcJ ""' , .• lt'tAn and junt<~r f'llll~t·nl rn• lll••rt··· ..... -.. ,., tl..tth•l , ••• I" fll""t.: th·· IIM\fll(f' C'nunty Aa r llllld. he'll 21 He hu be<'n ,.,,.m,nttU')' srhnnl ~'XPilllllion P lnn.1 Hnl11!'klraon. In thc> dr1vc> io collc>ge atudt•fl l tl'ldy pr't'alcJI'nt . Tit""'""'' "''"""' ~~~~~ wn.A 11 m~•n , .... ~ll"rr Itt" 11'''"" "'' ''"''"' body (IN"aldent at tht' jaywf'f'. nrd und,.r t he 1~,,. I• Mnstructltln I 1A11ter t._ l•b"ll tncumberlt coun-l~·r ••f th•• f•n•t "''"''' .. r Trt~~~t,.,.,.l r. "~·· """ r~•lllllhlltv 1 ... '"'"" thAI hi h I •-of alx more 1rhool rl)(lml &t "1"'iJrhtf'n out the lrafnr lltua.. cllman llffkiJtg r"-eletUon·, 0 . ,. nf thr• illt'hnnl """ wb•• Ia nr1w ur". """n~o~•·rn<>nt .. mll!hl ''" '""'I" 111 w c po n.., to a r..apaclty for ""' .. 1 lead~rwhlp. Re entP~ the Ann v Llndber~r. four more m nm3 at the linn In Newport Beach, thl' follow. RobfortMn. C"'""'' del M~ build-InK I hi' nu·•·nt"'" ,, "' .,,.. "'""''"' "~~hi"'"" r>"''" ,,.,. "'''"I '"'"' "I•· Air tor~ In June. 1~3. ~rolnl( ~~ mAin al'hnol. 11nd " two l'&.r It"'· lng local people were clte:t for lng contra1·l11r .. nil Ollbert Sea.l. '"""'"""' Th•· N"""""'' ll:.rh"r ""'"'"'• ,.,Am&Jillo TC'x .. tor bulr trAJnlng IIKf': Supt. 1!:. A. R,l'll N"mlndl'll ~~f'(lfnJ: Newport H"ll:hllll ,....dlrat and fln111n llll(h H• h•••l '''"coh'C """I H•·•·•·rlll nr w "'"I''' IA•I fran. later to Scott fit'ld. Ill .. for furtl\,.; Metan& that 7:1 J>l"r l't'nt of lhC' Ja.md P. Barret. Joaepl\ It Pll-ahlp)IIITd workr r f11m o•, lv n worl ,, th• ~""'" A nil • hi ll• l'"rml~ hiiY•· 1..-.-n ,., .. ,.rl r,.. tratnlnK A.tl a 1'8dlo o~rator and votea <:LI!t on M11y 17 mu.t favor I~Y. Geot'Ke Checlc, John P'. Kull, . Ther l' ar,. n•• •1ther oont.t.t on H llfh lkh•"•' '''~'"' t An•l 1t .,.,.~ • • ntly hv "'" A1111.-Jtrollrult•l C'mu- wu t.tklnK ov~r.eu training at the hnnd 1uue In nrder to carry Norman ~. w . o. Lucado. the. ballot An•l n•• 11~I&J ltema tn ""~'"""""V t•• hHI. " "'J''' 1111 111w '"'""'''" "'"'' """ tn th,. AYalrm Jeotferaon Barnt~lu. Mo., when the lhl' el~cuon ~lll Al'x Hall _... •topped tor hf' voted upon. P"""' t1 In th•· J-•~o~l•llll "''' I" t>~'rmll I Tr~on•Jl<•r1o.llun r .. m,•any for Pf!r· WJLr ,ot 10 CJ()jlf! to bring OV('r Rapid ~rowth of eoleml'nhry not makJn.-a &ouJeva.rd atop, withdrAw& I '""" lh11 l 1ll•l r11•1 I"''""'''" '" 111•••rfl\l' wsiPr liiXI~ they told him t o ~ back t.a hi• achoola In the area determined while Ttleodore Koo.n did not have Wher«-to Vote Thr C"hAn~h<·r~ .. 1 (',,n11,.,..,.,. 11r frn111 Nrwp•1rt ll11rtlt•r to Catalina bookll. , the board!! to ~•II tht' el~tlnn. a mutnu. P . c. Jone. of 814 Surf N"wl"1rt Jl"n•·h "'"' f''"''" ,..,.,.,. 1~1""'1 He want. to repr't'llt!nl the war PNMnt II' hoot faclliUea are taxed wu rtnn a tJcJret tor 1llepJ ~~~-pert .,.._,.h ......._ wtll ,.,.0 ,..,.1 11tr•l In ,..n•h»K l.l't'IY An·j flr .. n..:•·, f'oltnl Y aulhnntlu had •ek rane on the council IUid Alllo beyond capiU'Ity and rw!ed for more pvklnl' but declared that the \'Of# ~r. April I, a. tiMI dl'nonn, ('""'" M"-" lllt••rn..y •n•t l ~lc"n I n;• •• ";'" nnA l h~ mt~tll't .,. he tl'llnka that, belnl' )'tiUJlgeJ' room Ia de"J)erate, R ora('e 0 . t!:n-alley to hta 1\ome had been block· folotwt•• pial,...: r.~ Jofl'l.l'n•l 1•• fl" r r amrnt" ,.r,. "' ~v .IWI "If",., ~uf'O'•· than mo.t candlclatea, he Clln un. alrrn. IU~rtntencSent explalned to-ed. ,-~ .. __ wh••r,. t h•· lrl(i•l"ll"" wu JlUllh"rl vla11r• Y"•h •rt1•)1 ,'lrl1r..,.11 I,. de ... day _., ta .,,.. ---,_., throu .. h lrll'l 11tlnnwy 11nr1 •h,.rtr.ra tof(k,. cSerwtand juvenUe probll'm1 better. · • 0\lt-<n-townerw rtven-. tralnc ~tlvf'l)', ""' ...._ M oe. .. I He Uv8 wtth hla mo\ber at 303 'nle election wtll be'held at the tlckl'ta for ~edlng or othl'r of. -t Th,. flriOI """''' flf Tru.tr~•" tn lak•• ""'""'""'" """Jljl In hh>Ck • .... A nme time voterw of the t111tr1ct f tncoh'• Oarar. ~~ .,.. ..e..t; ,.l~t-.. f•lr th" n .... ·•i•tnr·t •·nn. th~ Kllmhllnl( "hi(lll frllm OJ)f'ra. ... .._y ve., Balboa. f'niH were J T. Plummn of ,. ... u-. !.1117 w. Olatn.l ~ ... , ·-u ~ f Now JOU've 1\ad a •U.rht.peek wtll be uked to b&lJot on a pro-ltlveralde., C. I: Hunter or 8M fall -11l•t•d nf ,...,,..,.v A n•l•·fllt~n p~•t. Un'" f th,. IIWI Antrl,.. ct>eJ~t at all tile candtclatM and r thope po.ed lnc reue In tbe l'lldl achool Oebr1~. lt. c . H&Rn of S.nla ;~:~;" : .... !,:~ dl'nt: Mf11 f"TIIn,.,.~ :>:t),.nn, d ,.rlc ,, M .. anwhll" <:.>m,.r•• 1" r,.,.,rt,.•t tbey aU tblnk thll deP.t. hal done tu r:ale to provide addU:Iollal fa-Cna (nolle and no lleeDMI Jlel • ThPOdOT'" Robina lh~ lat,. f)r '" t... pi:CIIrolnJt " (1,...1 ••f ultra. tta be.t by aU of 'em! cllltlt'l for tile hll'\ ~. vin L. Putnam of 8anta A~a fn~ P,.....,.ae,. """ ~ II, ,._ P'•l'f'y, anl1 Jude~ 11 J O<>oiK"· ,m'ldl'rn .-amlnt ehlr • which wfll $2lS,OOO More Needed to Meet QUota Set for Hospital Drive Ttte t'ampat~ tor tunda for the ·new hOilrttiLI iJI to be lntenatned aa commltt~ memberw announced that Newport Harbor 1\u voted to ratw I~ quot• to MO,OOO. Tb1l! "'-"ana that 12:l.OOO. moNI mun be rat.ed In the community, Xn. 0 . L. Andrew~, publicity cbalrman tor UIJa Uf'a. .tated. CIII'Ciur may bf' ..WJed to the Clla.mber of Oommnoe: ~ tor the nnt two ,._,.. an Wflll' llf'lr'!'d. whllt 11onol"' WtN UIUY't'd Ut11t In r,.lOfl tlwl ~nt does not .. ,,.,.('f'(l, Ntntr'fbuUorw wouJd of NlUntP "" r .. t urn,.d Six ll4'W ~ roorna a10ftc wtth bouln&l'd ltop), C. A. RarmiUI llpiW'tlvf'ly , . .,,,.: W....._ P.,· who I• th,. f!nlv nrll('loAI hollrll f MliM unlfrr lh,.lr own JXIWU far llhowerw tor boy. and &1r .. pltyaJ. of Loe An~le.e, VIctor D. WUeon ap, lllM ,,,.._ ~~ m,.mb<'r Allll ..ervtnlt' rrom •llt•rr , A fnrmrr tran~·AI· c:al education cl._ are plannC'd of Banta Ana. J ohn H. Wetnr1ch Ftr~e Hlatl••n, ~" ~ •-Some very turbulent m..,tlnl{l! IAnllt· lullury lln,.r ~~ r"pt•r11'tl t•• for the maJn Newport llcbool with of San Cit-mente, and John P . Wll-•-· ft&Jti<MI ,,...., ~ " I'll' al a """"t M IUtt "hlpylll'd un•r- aome of the ""'!'•1 eannartred for ber of Ora,..e, no ~YIU'd ae.l l;ala&, flftk'tl, IIJI v..t fConUnufld on Pea'• 71 ,.,.,~ r""""""''" ""' • A"lmbllnt fe.n c ea, plaYJrnNDd.t equipme-nt. ltop. Robert L. 'l'ualnlw of Ar. Jftctlt~~ay: f;br•ll (,_, Ill w.' __ __ 11hlp lancMI:aptng and equipment at the llnrton waa atopped tor Clrl ..... -c..tral. IJ&It>M; JIM...,... OW-f'Mnrr11 form,.rly nptoralltott 1urh Corona ~tel Jlar acbool. No rro. on the alcSewaJk. -.. -.. .,.... w ~ta ~ .... .,..: Leads State In NeW ~"n•hllnK "'"''''• u th .. Jtt~•. Tanr>. viJiion will bf' msde for ac:Mol • ..._,a 0.f11W"· A .... ......, OIJ De I t M•,nt•· I'""" •n•l •tt.h~ra which conal.Nctlon on land to be AC• ------.....,... J.a-1; ve opmen I WI r•• off I hi' OranK" rnunly l't)AJit qutre-d tn Ole Nt'WJ)Oft HeiJ'hl.l C'Aa 'l'ldn' CAa& 8ft p.,.,.tMta II lit,....,. II, "'· M"v•·rA I <1f th•·m, lnr lul)lnlf Lh" lll"f'a at thll Ume. , ~ pN>IImlnary hearin,r ot lpf'f'tiWIJ: l.lcto ... () I• • N..wport Rt-wh l,.d the ""''r" M••nl,. f'arl11 W"rl' wr,.l'kl'd ,., the Ttte Newport &•ch mllln ~~thool Dorothy MArtin. 1t and I:I&Jnr BouJW; Arn••ld'• o.r.,.. He 11t1t" nf Callfnmla In n,.w t)tl ,,,.. hf'R <'h dunn.r atnrm• I tnt_, _._ ftl~l dunn,; the la1t w,.,.k o1 • now " ... nr; • ....,re 1"'0mJJ and Jl:nrilt'ht. 18, wu llt't for MondAy "-Pphl,.., M.ll..,. 1 ..... ; .,__ I lhn'P bulldinlfl' for cl.. moma. at 2 p. m. In Judfe Donald J dtt't'• R-&!trn•·"· -MaftpN March e State nur!'au or 011 and1 tNOJ.I:WOOD VJIIIrTOa 81\op cl~ ""'"' b4!en cSlecontlnu-"-"'-'• court. --__ --· • ., .. ~. ,..,,...,. ,_. liar. Gu ft!POrted tod11y. 8f!ven of :111 1 '"""'A"' Ane •wv , __ ,. Pt'rml~ IMlll'd f••r nrw W"IIA In oMnl Bo•ll V Atiam" <o( lnll'lt-wnwl ed M d achool nrt\elabt ano plul· ~mt'n wA-11-t,.d In -nnnAr . k ·• t It ~· •· ""'"' " •· lht' 1lalc> are to bto tlrill,.11 In thl'l WR~t-a WN· """ v • r,r In I h,. ftlnr em lnatltullon of half day linn w1th th~ Ull'ft ot" JHO r nrd AtiXIJ.IAaV Mr.E'n Wl'tlt Newport .,.(.11.,11 All Jl4'ven h11m,. flf h,.r paN-ntA, J UIIIfe anlf CIURII It enrollment continue~~ to1r11r bf'lonr1nr; to A.&, Jllc:Mnllon, Th,. w'""'" • AUIIIllary of th,. JM>Mnlta were IM11,.,1 1., lh,. Marolt M,.. 1>"""''1 J f)f);I)C,. uf C'lltlla ~. 8uJ>I"l'1ntendnPt l!r!M~ f't'· 1115 t . c.rttrat, Balboa. ~~ J am,.,. ~I·I•Mpal Churdt IJI Company tor drtlllnte In Ae(tiiJn M•·•a. rnrt~. Th,. lmpmvf'ment.t con-Ttt!' two l"lrla atat.ed that aome ~~eh!'dul,.d I•• m• ,.t nut 'n\ur.ciay 20. townahlp 418, riUIIC" lOW 1'1\PJ t .. tnplsled "A•ould allow nwumpllon boyw hsd lli~n them U. car. I Apr J lth. In lh& home ot Jtln: .., .. u. will two kn,.wn "" UJUlntn11 ~~~ T1U;\f. W ;\\'P: nf 11hop riUII,.. •nd mualc cluaee Uld pollcl' are cheekln« on the c. L Th11rn ~.4:1 VIa Udo 8oud at nnw u tlllr.lnJr •tnr&J:'t rnnm!l •tory. 2 o'cl~k. · well• numbf>rs 411, 1\41, 1'17, r,IC, lilt "'' 82 11 • I 111 f'11nt r11ry 11'1 r~p•ofttJ th,. AI~Utllln tf•li•l """"'' dW IIIII hit h~r<r ... ,__ Abnl te -...... fat' ... .-,.,u.s. aad 0\\M ,.-neet ............ .......,.~ N'1JM8Ia. Malibu ·Fleet ,..., ........ ,. ......................... .. tor ,.,.,..,.. u.. ....., ......... .. rtved In lftwport 11..-a.. lilt. Ut<lay fi"Gm lan rr&Mt.t!o II\ CIOM• mand of Capt. Walt•r ~ po)l"t u ptaln tor u.e Mallw Yuill <"h•rtrr lnterNtt.e. It tlt4 up at rll y Jll"l'l alot~l"•t,.,.. anoth•r N)m• pany Yl'-1, th• yacht Ve•a. Anott1"r IMrr yal'l'lt. tha uo.root c·n11""'r P'11h mil,. I• cfut-"""' trom I'Jf'attlt within lll" nut th,_ WI'Pic.l ON't~cna work actJA4'.at to ,.har-k bl•nd II l'llf)N'l."d to' «<Np- 1'11 ch• nn,.la •utnclf'nt for t.ht lllrl'l' yt~••hl•. It w11 r~'f'O'l1'1 t~ •lay AI .• ,~,.nt the bljf aallllllf """""I Vr~ra •nd ttt. Mallhu ""' 111'11 up 111 lh" r lty pl .. ra undllr- lfr.ln~r ov,.rh aul work Hamilton 1.1 r•'t•nrt• tl 1<1 h""" llt'«'UtPII 11 Inn a trrm 1"""" "" '700 f,...t llf bay ffflniAil" llr1J•u•vnt to th10 hiiC'IIway t•n•l ''""' .. r t hr llppPr liay brl~l' ., State· Park Soon to-Become Reatity Th" llt&tl' p.r1r ~~ f'n,.ma llel M" r •• rut IJI'(<nmln• a ,...&Jity "" lh,. atat" ~A"ln thtr purdaaM ol b#'lll"h Nlltl blUff& lhla WHk Jnflft A """"".,.">'· IIU~r¥1.oln• lAftcla Pur••hulo~r Offll'l'r, Dlvtatm of llt•al'hl'll llrltl ral'tcl, t.nday tolcl ~ l'r•••• that u far u pt!N1blt, all 1Anl1 .,.qul•llluna would ~ madlt hy pt'r&Onal c~.l'tact btfONI \rytftl · "'' n d ,. mnatl<m p~lft&a. H• 11111111 thl' •tal,. haa l'f"'-~ Nt'Ot'd wllh th• C'lly lUI h<oinl ~ to ll'f" hoiiiJ"""" of ilnv morc> bullcllnr f"'""'''-In 1 1\t~ ar,.11 '"'" flltat~ Park ComfntttH m,.,.llntr at Mnnnrw Ma.r. 115 autl.or· llof'd th,. acqul~llllln of u-. bluff 11nl1 burh pmf"'rt v In Corona 6ttl Mar, lnrludlniC Chin-COve, on th11 bull ot t.h,. apprataala made by tht' lonl ,..ally txlllnt. n.. f\1' rk proj,.,.t at Corona dill Mar t. ttw r<W\IIt ttl t~ f'ftort of ("..orona 111'1 Mar riUMNI, appr'O\'· ed by the city ~n1 eomml•- alon and rounrll, Ul,. llouncll p l•n· ftJnl' l',llmmlnlon .,., tltl~rvl~tnf11, and wu lntnJ(Iut·,.tl· lfl th,. llf!IC'I•- I•tur,. anl1 ..,.mbly by ("ly~ Wat.tnn a.nd 1'11m Kurhl'l. 'n\1' commltt,.,. 11n th,. pvtc (lm}N't acUn• for th11 city CQUnrll coMIIII· ~d ttl r nundlml'n l!ar1 Atanl,.v. 0 B. ~. antl Bnb Allm. Jlfno n IJ, Andrewl waa .pt)k""""'" for th,. Ollmna 11,.1 Mar l'ltlvnt~~ at a recmt m-t lnlf H11nnHay, who hu ,...pr.,-.1,.11 tM •talf• In man)' 11hnllar JlrOjl'l'lll, 111111'1 that h,. wu lmJI,....,.., will\ th,. c-Ivic mln~d­ """ •nil r•tbllc •plrlt 11'1\own by the Corona. d"l MAr rr lllttrniA llft(f hy th,. l'flup41rAtlon 11f 1111 ~ .. n•l OWIII'fll f•utl( fll Jll•ol ·- I • NEWPORT-BALBOA PRESS Coast Guard Patrol IIAJuau; OOTTAC.t: orEN • ~monc lh011r 11ludt nt• ot River· Is Urged by County tldt~ wllo are , . .,r ullur\lng Mrc '' C . t ..& ~ iatl Ma rJ'ftit' Math!<' 1111 1 " jfroop ()( Tuuday, .nrtl e. lt elect ion day 08.8 n.zt80C Oft J'l r la ~·ho ar.• h"IOI: rhaperont'<l " IJquor Buled Out for Election Day • ' • by Marjt)rie'e rnuJ,Jw·r. Mnt. St8J1· In N••wport Beach. Ttu~ nQrd tor • Cout 014~rd Pa· ley Marble In lho• J,fllrblt• I'Olt"ge Wm. 0 . Bonl'lll, toUl't.h dlltr1rt PubiWiecl IVIItrJ Thul"llday evenl~ at Newport JIHdl. Oallfomia trol of the Orl!nl(c County Co;all at aose C~Ul Uh•.t . Ncwp011. ml'ml>tr rot lhe State Board or Otnce and Prtntln&' P1ant at 2211 Cout Blvcl.--Telephcme stJI wu 11trongly pointed out At • F.quallutlon. u lla a ttention of mNtlnJt ot thf' OMUIJt! County ttkoholle bev .. rage lf~n•re and l:nt..r.d u eeoond-dult mattllr J une 18, St40. at • the poet office 1\t Cout Aa.loclatton held at the f:APTAIN Of' I'ORT the general public to Sec. 69 of Mewport Beach. C&Jifomia. under the Act ot J(ardl I , li'Tt W,.Jcome care. TUNdAy night UCI!!NSE8 OI'T tht' Alcoholic Be\•f'rlilgt-Cont~l .............. ~ .. !'f~II-'-A,_ 'Populo" 'PO/>tT of tV 1'~ --- lui. wht n rltlt't'n ~lf'Jtal~ fmm S~ctal Capt~<lu uf the Port Ar t, forbidding the eale oC alco- Coa.llt CJU"• mf't u the Boar.J or Uce~US cor rono1111·r••lnl flahlng hnllc ht'ver.gu on el~llon dar as Director. of thr Orange County ve-la. tugw ttn<l w~rhh In the follow•· Cou t Auoclallon harborw of thr f:l .. w nth Nav11l "Every on or off.u.le Jlceneee Main apeok~N of the ~~eulon Dtalr1ct an-nu lonKrr .rNJUlred, who at'll•, 4Pvl.'l away or furnl•hell • wu W L •. Fu~. Cha.lrman or according to 11n annuun«~ment any alcoholic beverage• In any the Sa.nllat lon C~mlttec of the from the Slth diHtrlct United election dl•tr1ct or precinct In a.ny Auoclatf!d ChamDent of Com· Statu eo...t Guard thl• week. county ln the •tate where an el~- Tbureday, AprU 4., 19f6 I _f J _I I a I 3 11 ; ALLMARK -EASTER c~ Iuter April 2ht Co~tume and Shell Jewelry MANY NEW GIFT ITEMS ' ... part la-Ir •nd lift lhDII m,I"Cl'. who report~ lhat the Sup· _ lion 11 In pro&Te&l!, durtng the ~rvl1101"11 lOOn would appoint noted hourw when-by law the poll~~ lrt ·WW! W1IAP OIPT8 vcpert. to prepare a tftan tor an Telephone Increase nqlllred to be 114!pt open tor vot· ' .... -·...:..~------------------....... ~ • !lot OCEAN rac>NT over-all Sanitation proram for V-J In&', •hall be I'Jllty ot a m.iade-:========:...:...:-=:-------~---:-------:: CHAJ\LU F. CRAW.ORD &ad JiliN 0 . llmDICK Oran&'e Coullty. 138,000 Since ma~&nor." Own.,. and Publt.aiert Ttle Dln!Cl Orll &p-eed to 1Uppor1 Koura for vounc on AprU t an! +--------~~--------._,. ____ , SAMUEL r . aHJ!RJDA.N, su.tna. M&aacer the nquut of the Ci ty of 8e&l ''Tbe nwn~r or l"lepllone• ln from T L m. to 'T p. m . EXP' ERT WATCH REPAI•RIG OltNI:Vmv& aYLV1:8'1'111t. Beach for eoru1der.Uon of that eervic" u of February 28, N"Q.._~t.c# area for a Naval School or Collere ahOWI an lncru at-DC 138,000 alnce +J\TR'UR F. MI.L.LilR. aupertnt.e~ If 11 1.1 planned to Nt&blllh OM V-J O..y, ot w hich mort! than Nornt.nated tp r the hall ot Fame: =:---::--:---:----------___;,------__.--:. the couL lt wu .-, -.reed 87,000 !"er-. added•ln the rlrwt two That Harvard Mnnt wbO could ~ 'l"'lle ...._ llu ..._, a4Ju4pcl • .....,.,._ ot ~ clmalats. by to plan tor a JJatlnl' of evenll lftOIIU.. of 011• year. almo.t tour make alter . cbMar .,..ehee In 'l'IIREE DAYS SERVIC.~!. ...._ fll tM ...,_ ea-t ot er..,. ~ Uld ,. Nly ~ alon& the Cout In order to avoid. UmN the 11.1180 telcphonu added Ru.tan, .. tbWl, Daru.h, awed. .. JIIMIII all ldMI Of .._... aou.. U4 ~C. If ..,.aWe. a conruct ot datee, et.c:. ~-J,.be conupondlnJt pu1od ot lib. ....._,dl. ~· AIM .,,de~ .. ~ -------..--=--------------·:::·~::_ To caa~t u.e ODut a-ret. W. 1111. Our total u.nfllled onkl'l, 'l'w1l1lll. but cllcln t. -• ,. ~ U~: . • M ~..onp~oor u a..Jrmu of Ute Mwe¥er. are •till larlfe and ac· New~. . ENGRAVING .AND • 0..... C..l)', fl.IO ,_ ,..... o.t.IUa ., ()nip Ooua~. •oo H~ Commllt .. of the Ooe.tt I'"P'-morf! than 2e0,000, ae--======-=====::, TWI'~T DY -u•D~JBS .u.octat.loa. wu Ulkecl to bave Ilia co~ toN. R Powley, pr'Mident :-•r..n EALAD ~ ,._ PT .a ., ~ A p• ·.a~ Coi'IIIDittee ctralt a Mt&IM ,..,au-of t.M lloud of 41reetorw of U.. l'l••s FEED Prll£ Pt-pt ....... • &) t•'e ~ "a .au &.a.m..~ ... ~ PERSPECTIVE lion reque.tln&' lhe .ervtce tor lhe Pac:l11c: Telephone and ~lepapb ...... •• AmllfQ Ra" you ewr .._ aD of oar Newport Harbor Dtatrlc:t ~ Ooe.tt .Area. Ttl• ame eommtt-Oo. Gt7~ WAftlB AJID ClLOCS ... Haft,.. .... --tile~ ftWP of the Bay around ~~Of~~. to,.,~ w1:. -------Hay and Grain u· YE . JEWELERS ta.. p-'"ala, ~b...._ or IWeepinc far lnland Naval eou..,. plan. JUIEUMATJSM Quality Feeds .-c.t to the~ CouatJ Airport~ Prealcterlt Clay Kellog of lhe and ABTHBITIS ~Dill .. , ¥; I.., Ba .._ ~atecl Cbam~rll of Com. " yoa ftW ~ over NewpoJ1. Harb>r and merce ot Oran,-e County, wu a un 11tiw,.n ......_ -our earth wblch thou.uoda p.et ot the whk:JI wu ~· ..... ....... ! hMd ot the Caul I'J'OUp . it you hne you'll WODder at tM Idle prattle ot Uttle .. wbo SQ without thblldnc that !-tU. put t.hil bere SPIBU ctaETIIE • tMt U... You wW IICOif at tJtoee who •Y a road sbouJd lie .... or u..re wttbotlt coaaidlntbl to tM gr.te.t of ...._ r. •· un:a aJI 4etermtninc factors ... 'niE CRb'roR WHO LAID Witte =-::' ...:::-~. OUT OUR HARBOR. . ~ ... Motber nature dJd a toUerably rood job. Her waters---------- Wok tbe aborte.t COUJ"'Ie, the road liDe of leut I'Niatance. ap.ln without pain. lhal I wtU fladly arwwer anyone wrlUn« me tor Information. MRS. IIIOlA rva. P. Q. aox 1at, Lot ADceJea 52, C&Ut. AtJ'J'OIIQBII.& WOII& ·~ ....... ......... ·VIrc's Gara~e 1411 W. Ontral N_,., ....._,m ... ,,.._w. TAXI Semee. • Call Circle Taxi IUIJ ..... Da7 -lf1cld. • .._:!'f-..n .. ........ Olldnl ...... . NEWPOft a&ACR Jl'84iQI their ways with gracef~l ~Her green bills ..., pntly from the qe of the onto the highlanda lea.tna-Ideal homeeitee, clvtc dtie. u u.ineea d'-tricta_ . .. ~~e:un:::.r:;:~~ many yeara t.his which Romance in a Box ~ Newport Shoe Repair Shop It matt.era not what little men, tqotted men, may think do uoJt baa been ... 1 .... ~ There z..a __ , OUr ma.tlbox II one of the m011t EXPaT •o..E a&P.uJUIIO or ' our comm y ~-are ~ tmportant eommodJUe. In o u r llpota tor dvic: eectera, on hlp OYerlooldng aU of the beau-u._ lot • u.t 8&., Newport lleiM:Ia dee-of tbe natural harbor on ,rhlc.h m&D baa improved for TIM bola of a trft hu held 01, CHARLES E. COX utilitarian reuoos; but mother nature made the muter rom&~~Uc tortunee of untold mil. plaa. J'rom tbe point from whk:h N¥olve. the airway bea-lklNI, ., hu the boll on Our porch. ;~~;;u;;~~~O....~~;;· ~·~-~·~..-~~~~;;;:~;:~ COG. a plcljDc Ucht to airmen &Dd marlDen afike, can be h ta lhe II~IOn "' · ._. our harbor, aDd OUR crrY WIDCH IS TO BE. =-~~ De• ...... bllaDcl .. boaDd to COllie, ~It be the TIM lq one oa .., af ea.t& ...... tbe dty cL Newport IWa.eb or \. aty of • Po • t. on • ~-a.a.a&ft COWI\rJ laDe, II .., • ...,~, ~R ,......... for the tide of time to de-a deopot ror Ill ' 1 But. cert:Ua delkLite 1m. of p-owth have been m e r c h andlee 81UNii+ed Ill aeou put and it • abc:Mat time our eity and n-.paper11 .a • .,........:.. ...,._ ..~ .. ,_ . aa well u lht' r--. oar ..... ~~ .,...._,ra, and m&Dy ot our cltuena took roman lie b 0 1 ~ a ride in the c:Jouda, breathed 80me good clean air and clear-In a forn't or ed their braina of Uttle 'thouabt.s &Dd dreamed with mother ln a t r e e I<'N Da~ U their -·lAo.. p I a I n. T h 1 t •-r r~e n box on HAROLD K. !he corner re· GRAUEL ---•--- ~~RGE D. BASSE11' Pllllk Acc.blt • •• Tu Rlbns NOTARY PUBLIC 21102 W . CENTRAL A VI:. NJ:WPORT BEACH P HONE 1806-J SUW'titftla8flele. .... &u I I '8 YOUII CJIJUIDII rro.ta&e a.dleeM. Bnte+e: ,..._·a. llep _. ,....._~ wd ........ "d~...r' fMbc Ill w-. a-of VIWHJ .._...UW.,. Tlftd" ~ ... ONWtq Old ..,._ ,....,.. u--. A-a.-RIP ...s ._ Bloocl ,..._.,..__.~ ~r.ae.. PllloriMf• IUIM7 ucl R..-t ~. "- ..... ~,...,. .. ..,. Exdalt" 0'-4 ,........_ ~ Cllftl II ,_,... upertl!.llee. NO PAIN-NO DRU08-NO 8uaGER\'-NO INJJ:Cl'ION8. OONBULTATIOl'f I"B&E BY APPODrniENT. PHONE liM Dl'. B. r. BeD, D. C., Ph. C • lt7 !% .. 8L · Newport Bekh, c.Bt. Hoal"ll: t :IO &e T:M -..ctaya ... '11uar.-ya COSTA MESA .BODY .WORKS CAR PAINTING BODY REPAIR METAL WORK · Guaranteed Good Lacquer Job Paint Job $65.00 and Up t'f'IVN Lhe teanetalnelt noll' of 11 ':~~ ...... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • Jt 81 d aad Walaal ....... mald~r. hl'r j<>youa llCI'rpfsnce In : . ~~ 9 • O~ot~rt~~~~~~~t~*~'~~ta~~~---------------------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SCHOOL NEEDS be .cratching their heada and wonderina just what about ••Ice• rendN'>~'d. lnllmat.t' al'roun\11 . BADIO • .,.. ... .._ , • of OW' pu110nal expenPnCf's and ___ 8DWA~8 .choola. Growth of our communitae. hu been eo rap1d ~tput ae.-ret•: we know thf'y that 80met.binl mu.t be done about echoola. Bo~ high are Inviolably IH'Cun>. HOME • AUTO • ·MARINE 8Chool and elementary achoola face expanaJon program~. The attAin of man arrive and RADIOS REPAIRED Tbe Hi&b ecllool board bu evolved a plan which wiU 4f!part fMm mrtal conta.lnt'rl we rai8e the tax rate ud pay for improvement. on a "pay u CAll Mall Boxt'a. MARINE KLECTRlCIAN ,ou 10 plan" eovertnr a four year period. BVBT B. lfOB-.OK Elementary .:hool board. probably will ~eek funds HAROLD K . GRAUEL • t.broucb bond t.uee, beaau.ee another booet in the achool FUNERAL ~CHAPEL 1 tu rate to carry e.lemeutary ICbool improvement. on the ume plan would re.ult ln a heavy tax levy. N'IWPORT !1&1 COSTA WDA Phone 2417 1111 Coalt HlQhway NEWPORT B!ACH • We feel that lD ei~r event the cU.trict need& echoola. -------- The ec.t.a mu.t be met ,y the tax payers either one way or another and the people who pay the taxee will appreciate any moYe-that IICbool officlala ma.U to eue the burden of taxe.. Jlain advantage of a bond iPue. It is pointed out, is that paymenu are spread over a long period of yeana and are small in comparillon with the heavier tax payments of the "pay u you go" plan. Both plana bave lola ol merit. It'~jut a cue of hitting upon a happy plan which will suit mo.t people. WE NEED MORt) SCHOOt..S. ---•--- SPEEDERS TO SUFFER . Speedera. reck.leu drivers, noisy car. and other evil.8 whk:h ~~eem charact.eriatic of youth are in for eome aad daya In th..e future. Newport· Harbor police have 8erved notice · to an effective manner that Newport Harbor will be a eater, u.ner community, u far aa trafflce il concerned, in tbe future. .. We aincerely hope that police will continue the drive. NEWPORt ·BALBOA TOURIST BUREAU 101 Palm St.. ....,._, <'aUf. f'MIMI Itt Brt A If' .... B11 .<:, .. ..,,. .. t!w f/11ol . ~~~ fl•• ( a-vtnl' Ln. Anrlftt Uallyl MEXICO RAT£~ JO to 10 day Rou1ld Trtpa: 10 Day Air Tour ... 1238 ~~ Day Air Tour 13:11 11 Day Rall Tour . 123~ 11 Day Bua Tour ............ 1179 Above n~ tnclu~ all ex· peMH e•cept U. a. Tu. Infor- mation f\adly rtven.. on eteam- lbip travel u -n u .Mexico ~. Air_.._. .... ~--,, ... 8ae Kn. Keane, aulhor1.1ttld &&'t· 0,.. t• •-. .. I,:-. We hope that it ia not a fltab in the pa.n and that it wW not -------~-----" be fOf'IOtten tomorrow. We don't mean that we dOfl't.. JOUDI' folb to have a good time ln our eoaunUDfty, we -wuat theiD to be e&ftful. Atter all the.. exuberance of youth leada to a reck~ ..._ whieh riDp the lmocker at the door of de,t.b too ofta. U our f0W11 people mu.t, they will ha~, to 1eam u. h.ud way. ---·---SVBI-JUSES IN STORE We wt11 watela with intere.t the codification of Newport 8lecb atJ Lawa. It baa been a 80UI'tle of con.tant wonder t.o • _. botr, Ia the put. all of the varioUI oTdinances 8DII .... ol tile c1t7 Maw been enforced. Tbe codifieation prc)c rr ... 6cticate. a Dlld to alleviate a mud~ city law ~ . " ....... · •• BALBOA Cl FiltERS_ 105 E. Cllllnl Aa ~. c•. - HE-DYING A(L COLORS , ,. Pn .. ~ C..tlt Altlllill tD Y•r · 1-E NEEDS Expert Beauticians FOR MILADY RUTH • ANN • CARMEN Permanents, Cold Waves, Hair Styling, Tinting, Bleaching OPIN SATURDAY; ALL DAY !•eoloq Appolotme.ol lor Pe1111ue.ota Phooe 817 ... boa lim Beauty Salon OUR HIGH-GRADE MEAT NAS PURE, FRESH SAVOR, REAL TENDERNESS AND. TEMPTING . FLA~/. Oeeao rroot •t the Pier FRail 'IBAft Of~ ....... _ aad FlaYOI' ~~COTTLE~ M'AR·~~rEl ~ • C.. 0 e W C f N T A A l AVE B A L B C A ~h. '1!( II " -- ""'-. - - I I . ---- .... , .. ,. . -• . ..... --... --} .. i .. C,OSTA MESA 'MERC~ANTS INVITE YOU. TO · . .. . . ":;:-.. . -··:-··· .. . . ~ -. ' If you' should take a springtime pilgrimage today .thro~gh ...... ., ~ta Mesa Stores, you'd fFd ·sui_priseS at every st9p ... ne~ oolor ~d design to w~e up your wardrobe, your winter- fagged home ... and you 1 YOUR MERCHANTS HAVE BROUGHT SPRING TO YOU RANGES RADIOS AND SMALL APPLIANCES •• GROTY APPLIANCE CO. • · FRIOIDAJBE aad MA YT AO D'EALER Ouanuateed 8ervk-.e o• All ..._ of Appl.laacM PlloM II'Jf 1111 N~rt Jlhod. Costa Mesa Paint' Hardware 008T.A IIE8A. CALIF. . CARR'S fEED STORE ': . AND NURSERY Feeds -Phone 627 BARROW'S '-_...., Dlyllalls ........ A Complete Line of Nationally Advertl•ed Merehan.dl.ee Trees Sportswear for Every Occasion THE SPORT SHOP IBIS NEWPORT BLVD.:. GROCERIES MEAT.S ALPHA BETA MARKET I VIEW OF WEST SIDE OF COSTA MESA BUSINESS DISTRICT ·,shamrock Grill . STEAK DINN~RS Qullity Bakery PLAY TOGS and SWIM SUITS· Orkin's Dept Store •• wawtGWt -.va • Men's, Women's and·ChUdrena' Sboee New Spr-ing Styles FRAN'S DO-NUT COTfAOE • We Make 'em Fresh _ to Take Out OOITA WUA NF.XT f)(M)A TO WONI:N'II ULUBHOUU RF.NUIX· \\' A!CtfERK ·illl . . . DAVII aad GAY MUSIC OJ'f:S II A. ~-TJI.I . l'IIO!VIGhT . 'l t..,.nrda, • lladl<"' • Au'-tk a-Md a...pn • MESA RECREATION Rt:NDIX PA<'KARD Rt:LL t:MF.R!i40N ,_, RADIOS . AND FRUITS APPLIANCES · vEGETABLES ••••a•a 111 EIICCTRDn• . \..._,__· BOWLING and ..,BILLIARDS ......,.~·~ REAL ESTATE VALUES· J. E. BARNES .t SON PHON& Ill Flae Jewell'y DIAMOND8 PROMPT WATCH &t:PAJaJNO LOUCKS -. IE\\'EL&Y -8TAT10NEft .. . 8At'I8Fmo I&ADIO 8EaVICE -PHONE Ml . -r 11\EifZGER 5TO.RE$ · Ttrttfone . , . PHON& Nn. ,.._, MESA RECREATION REAL ~~ATE HOMES • LOTS •' ACRES 0. N. WELLS VWt Our New ...... 811 aMI ......... ........_ o-..... lll ~---~------:-===~---1 . )' o.&:-)t.np 8h IJI I • ,_ AD -........... (M ~ ... ca -sTA .ESA . ~. PINK'S DRUGS ua,-. • ruta•o..t. • ,........ .,..,_ ....... 18M Nt:WI'nKT RLVJ). p~·638 . I .. P~e 4 CtA.SSI 'FIED . ADS -P'Oft S.\J.E 40 vr>'ll In O~"'ron. !) u .u rn house. L:'"'' ,,., bttrn rhl<'k••n houae \\··II "llh wind. mill, r .. n1·e<.1 In r•·v-tur• nmJ p t . rt,.n ..turlceruo. ttu• 1.11 KnJ cow William Sllvwy, S•lrHa. Oregon . .,- Orange County's REAL ESTATE (For s.le) REAL mTAft (P'or Salfo) tp Biggest Real Estate Medium --------......-' ' WANTED! l..oT FOR S ALE On MllJ.'llOIIa atrt>f't , C• .. ta MI'Ail Inquire 224 ).tagnolla. 4c BY OWNICR 4-Bedroom Home F.urnished, $20,000 PHONfJ NEWPORT 1140. W Sc uln'INOB or PftOP-a-TJ-ma• m Gertrude A ·Waldron CORPA D& IUJl ~ • Pbone ,.,._, W WILLIAM W, 84N.FORD, Broker Hew,_t ..... JM1 808 Marine Phone 234·R U.U. IJI'I'AD (• ' p) aciuMaa ft.DPONIIIBLZ T IC L. P BQJg IDCPLOYU: wa.nta to ~dlup Vei-y At~raettve 2·BEDROOM HOXJ:, .._ tMa 1 yean old. Ntce 1oc:&UOn, un. UIN&llJ' larre uvrnc room. l!n. ~ p&Uo, ldtctlen, dinette, bath 6 I ~ roomL 2 car pnp. 3 bedr ... boUH lq, We.t 1.- ~ for MaW~ hi ... ta Ana 1 or YiclnJty. Southern OI1UWala $16,000 UntllJ"rll.-hed ~....,.. eo. aaata .u. -· ltf BEACON BAY FOR 8ALE-P,.rfeCJt view lot on The comfort of modem -day ltvlnl{ Bay Ave., factna-bay. 36 tt. blended Into thl' l'ham1 of thl' front.a,r"e. Re.lrlcted ruldenllal ' MODIFIED COLONIAL extt r . -----------------------------------------A. ''SANDY" STEINER, Realtor C. F . DENNISON, Associate Realtor REAL ESTATE AND BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 634 Coast Highway 101 Phone 2573 . .LIOO ISLAND 4-BEPftOOM HOME on lJdo Island. LIH_!:'e Jot. Beautifully furnished. 2-cu garage. COSTA MESA 2-BEDROOA\ HOME. Large living . room, tire· place; large kitchen. All modern. 2-ca.r garage .. with maid's quarters and waallroom. 2 blbcts from center of town. ~ -. HUNTINGTON BEACH 3.-BEDROOM HOME. 8 months old. Furnished. Refrigerator with quick-free~tng unit. Rarlio. sew- la-g machine. washing machine, table-top range. n oor ' furnace. hardwood noora. · For leu than to- days coet of building! CORNER CHANNEL LOT Priced for quick sale. 101 HIGHWAY LOT 170 feet by 250 feet. ' FRANK P . JOHNSON -- - - -REALTOR ' " SPECIAL 2-Bedroom Home Comer lot, Anade- B~ Ave., Part new construction. -yod- ern, At t r act i v e, Fenced, Redecorat- ed.· 1664 Newport Blvd. · Across from Costa Mesa Lumber Co. • SPECIAL SERVICE to G. I.'s. Have several homt-a that finance full price to !}. I.'s with no down pay· ment. ACR.E RANCHO 3-Bedroom 6-toom home, furnished. incl. clee .. refrig., piano, Philco radio, wub. machine, dining _ tei, Singer aewing--·mac.hine and la.rgeet bathtub in ~MJM. ..A1iQ FQN.. V -8 trac,tor, lj33 PJj,unoJ!.lh O>upe, Jereey cow, horae It saddle, chix, rabbita &nd pigeons. Several outbldga. Owner leav1ng Count,. $9400. Terma. 5 ACRES for $5250. 2 ~1:.: ACRES for $3500 {bWI. property ) 5 LOTS together 50'x165' ... I CORNER 80'x165' for -c Several Inc1me Properties. 1/:! .ACRE RANCHO FURNISHED ONE SIDE $1000 cub $1800 caah 2-Bedroom home. fireplace, hdwd. noors. Ea.et.aide. Price ~· Terms. - $8000 or Furnished '$850o This· one will n o t last long. JOHN E. SADLEIR Realtor 302 Ka1n St. Bal~ Phone Newport 2034 Balboa Island • FRAME AND SHINGLE HOKE. P'U.mlatle<t 2 )'-e&n old, Corner lot. Built with view to ellpand· lll,f $12,000 Poueeaion cl~ of u crow. Gertrude A. Waldron • William W. Sanford, Realtor Exclw!lve Agent :108 Mar ini' Phont> 234-R SPECIAL NOTICES ~-----~· Wrtte Boll ::_r;", Nfi"!JJIrt· 1.2.t...mY.kl thla [l!lli'IY .£0liU!lt_~d Balboe Pre•. ?p two bedroom hO!ft!-~f' paUo -_...R 8 ... • adjolna covered porUi. J'tr,.placl' NEWPORT HEIGHTS 3-BEOROOM HOM~. fireplace, hardwood floors, 2 car garage. Lot 50'x127'. A good buy at . HOME ON CHANNEL -------------------·--- FIRE WOOD .. ,.~ . . % ACRE RANClfO "" ""..-bordered with bUIIt·tn booJ(cuea UOOO 18T TRUIT DUD A·l MC:Urtty. Pay. 1'%-. Call H. RJcllter. wiUI Eu1 W. Btanll'y "'-te 1 'Tft. 4c New Duplexes IANTA ANA 6 BROADWAY, 008TA JU8A !Ncorated and planiled In u . ceJJat. t&lte. Two bedroom I'U~t aulte over three-car pr· ag~ plu. IH'rvant'a qu.rtera. EARL W. STANLEY! Realtor Balboa Jlland Ellclualve Apnt . 1-'*"-.-.. Ule a.lnll 6 batll. ~In p.rac-e. Term~. -At Corona del Mar RALPH P. MASKEY eo rr HlOKWA T •P'RONTAOJ: j MlO Cout HAPwa7 $52{)() Newport -.eta. oaur. ~­Itt IDEAL aue.t Raneb Site LOTS I B&AUTI.J'UL Lot. llo. ot tap.. .. ,. ~waD ... ...__ .... IWlJ ..... leU .. .U..-IQIAA ....... t1IOI. 81111. ....... fit o.ar tna OraiJI ...... ..a. .-... W04 -.. W. J. HOLCOMB __.. .......,., N-.r"IOOO ft. 1111 Clout mpway eleftUoll. Woederllal cUIII&te. Corolla del Mar Oood 1-rooaa ..OC... ...,..._ --.n ranc:1a bcNM aad oUMr __ <_""-_"_tll_• _nap __ n_Yl __ '*'........ Cull -.......... $20,000 RAYMOND P. BARRETT Brdker Brand New S.IDIDftOOX 801111 on 1tth lt. $10,000 Harbor & 19th Comsr. liO'xUIO' $20,000 -·- I N"I:IID HOU81tS TO SELL. Brlll,f youra In I See the "Smiling Irishman" of Costa Mesa If you nerd property! I llaw plrnty of uapn~! Buvl'n snd gl'llrf1! Tt,.AIM! with f'ourtl'll)' and. a SmUe ! ! • LINWOOD VICK Broker Balboa Island NI:W TWO-BED ROOMS. Partly tumilltled. Nl'&r South Bay and ~ &trtet. Immediate peu1..a.on $13,900 Dt.JPLID( NEAR NORTH BAT. Fumlthed. lmmed. ~ton of one unit $18,000 BAT F'RONT Two bedrooma 11~ batNI. Boat bou.e In ~ar. 8~ tour $25,000 MODERN. Only II )"('&I'll old. Four ~drooma. thN'C' batha. Ou\Atdl' l'nt rahce to all bedrnoma. NNr South Bay In nlc,. dlatr1ct. Double lfllr&gt'. Completely tur. nlabed ~·tUI two ell'c. mr1p. lmml'd. ~Jon $27,000 AN EXCEPTIONAL \\'h,.r•• 11nd how do y11u :;Rnt your V ALU~. LOT NEAR LOT~ Btu!! I got 'em!! SOUTn BAY $5100 NI"!ED Alii ACRE!? WHERI:!! Corona del Mar NY.P:n N""1'011 Rlvd f'T1)!)f'rtyT? TWO STORY STUCCO. Thri'I'- Wrll, ate!p lntn or c:"lllll my otnee. bf'rlroom11. O lfler bou.ae In nN>d -01 n'Jl"'"'· ParUy rumtahed. ('')Jlll1 r Lou. V~ry l'~.£11fl •• , Aol"fa • lmmrd. P Oilll Prtc~d to IIC'Il at nnly $750 "Call or Come in" • to the "Smiling Irishman" P'OR U8TINOS A;'o:D Dt'YS. Ray-·~tt, Broker l.tU H.-port Blvd. - COSTA IIIDA Phoee Newport 1•10.R • $6950 Three Bed Rooms Ml'drrn NC'a r 11fhool tmmrcJ Pt•l!ll $11.000 !'IEVERAL C'lllll<'f: LOTS M lCl\1' .. ~1300 LIN\VOOD VICK Broker .H2 Mftfln · ,,,, ll•''"'" lall'n4 l'h••n. :11 .;\1 Garage, private pier. furnished, very clean. Six years old. Com er lot. Immediate possession. GOOD INCOME BUY cONCRETE BRICK FACTORY. Fully equipped. Small home and 1 acre land REDUCED FROM $14,500 .to $11,500 ' $1 ,000 Month IDeome BEACH BUSINESS. Malt Shop and Hamburgera. Home and 2 aptS. on 2 lob. Blc tucome. A tiinely buy ~ COURT on 2V:! acr. laDd. Thia ia a perfeet Motel Site and barp.ill. Preeent income $825 per month ~ROOM HOME &Dd • .wl &pta. J'urniabe4 011 2 lob, lm......U.te po••n•km of bou.e. 'rre.nt ID· come $HO per month. Barpin price A. ''SANDY'' STEINER, Realtor . C. F. DENNISON, Associate Realtol' REAL ESTATE AND BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 634 Coast Highway· 101 Phone 2573 HARBOR INVESTMEN'f COMPANY Realtors OUTSTANDING VALUE Facing on Newport Canal l·Bedroom home. Fur· niahed. Immediate Occupancy. $6950 DUPLEX-EL BA YO TRACT Permanent unobstructed view of Bay. 3-Bedrooma ant/ fireplace upper. 1-bedroom and fl.repl&oe low· er. Barbecue, double garage. ' $22,500 OUTSTANDING BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY BOAT ANCHORAGE in industrial zone. 100 ft. water frontage. 132 ft. on Highway 101. Some buildings & slips already in. Prnpt•rty hu ample depth for substantial improvem('nls PRICED TO SELL NEWPORT AREA SMALL COUNTRY E~nATE, mnJt•rn furnished home, stables and horses. F1sh Rrceding pohd. Landscaped with over 200 trrrs inl'luding family orchard. Fully equipped. Prh-c $35,000 BUSlNESS. OPPORTUNITIES FULLY EQUIPPED R F:~TAT 'R,\NT, ideally lo- cated in Balboa area. Wt>IJ c!':ot abh"'hcd. \tADIO STORE in Co~ta M('sa r' •rnpletely equip- ped with weU stocked St'n ·i,·r P.·pt Hu a num· ber of nattonally knowr~ ('.xelwm·.. franchises. Favorable long term lease • $15,000 LIDO I S LE 3-&.-droom. beautifully furnrsiH J. Immediate pos· l!('Ssion. S18.500 . -t ;f; .:t. HARBOR INVESTM ~"r CO. Realtors 30th 111 W. Cl'nt nol •' ; me ltoO 1938 Home. 3-bedrooms, upstairs bedroom. All Redwood. very good bouse. comer windows. All fenced. Price $8400. Terms. E . SIDE OF NEWPORT BLVD. DELIVERED. Al.o wood cutthiJ, cea-pool and .epUc lank work. Phone Santa Ana 11079-R. · 3ett lntl'rnallonaJ H arve.ter TRUCKS A:'IID TRACTORS FARM E)QUIPMENT Sm&II ·1-bed.ioom home. very well built. Good eigb_-. - eolid foundation. Uving A dinin~ room~ ~t M. Elbste & Co., Inc. ia eo'x.UiO' Garage It work rooma. ~ Term.e. 407 E.. 4tll Ph. 3200 Banta AD& 312 N. L. A. S,t. Ph. 2421 Anaheim COSTA MESA HOME 2 ·bedroom. 5 room home completely furniahed. Garage ic workrooms. Lot 100'x135'. Cloee to shopping center. Price $6500-$2500 down. AU.. PLASTIC 12 rt. 110 lb. TOP· ().CAR BOAT .. CARRDCR. now oa 418play. Othn moclela eoon-4lftChiee. aallboot., nan· about.a, cruiM1'11 6 p&ddle~. noo:DIA TE DEL.IVJ:RT PluUe Watercraft Co.. 70S m. Celltnl. Balbo&. Phone .... NEWPORTBLVD.BUSINESSFRONTAGE ____ uu_.....;.-__ JUI'bt m abopp!Da' center. Lot 149 feet oo Blvd. • Prb-flO,OOO with $3000 doWD .. ON NEWPORT BLVD. Large home with 6 acres of land. 330 ft. on New· port Blvd. by 900 ft. deep. Juat right for aubdi· vision. Price $35,000 only $10.000 down. II. NEW HOMES" 11SPECIAL" 2 bedrooms, large Iota, garages A chix equip. Fenced. Price ~Terms.. INCOME SPECIAL Large beautifully fu.rniabed home and nice l·bed· Jroom home a.hlo furQished & redecorated. With' brick patio, barbecue, baking oven in between the two houses. Theee houses are on 2 lot. and are connected with a blvd. frontage 96-ft. by 45 ft. deep. AU thia for the price of $20,000. Term.e. BUSINESS LOT. CENTER BALBOA Best location. vacant at this time for inveetment or business. Price $5000. On Central. OCEAN VIEW LOT~LIFF DR. 2 lnts 50'x135' at $)995 each. COR ON A DEL MAR . 80 FT. LOT between pce::m & high"\ilY· All fenced.' 20 avocado tre<-s. Price S5!l50. Terms. WILL SELL OR RENT 1900 Block-FOR BUSINESS 3-BEDROOM HOME & busin ess J!rOp.: on New· "' port Blvd. 100xl58 loL Price $18.500. Terms. 2 112 ACRE RANCHO, E . SIDE Large modern stucco.· 3-b<'drooms, 6 room house. Hdwd n oors. firl'plsu•c, Ooor furnnrc. shower over tub. tilc bi\Lh. brkfst nonk and dinin~ room. RRbbit equip .. chix Pf1U ip f nr 1000. Water on all 21 -.: acres. Pme $13.950. Tenps. $5000 down. .. Trucks and Trailers For Rent · • lleHell .. 8sDaet! UIOl W..t C.tnl Aft, Newport a..dl. caalf. Phone Newport 320 DELIVERIES Now betnr Made ELECTRO LUX CLEANERS S&Jea.suv1ce-SUrplla R. BABCOCK. R~. Nr.vport Beach • 406 • 40th St. Pb. ~K 4-7p .Portable Freezers WeJ~t ·26 lba,·deep t~ wltll dry lei' up to 2-day.. Ideal f'f1r boat or beach. Newport Marine Supply Co. 814 Cout IUghwsy, Phonl' 2'780-J 63~tf ---------------------. WOOD Fireplace and Kindling H . W. Wright 1784 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa Ph. Newport 2030 . RECAP ,.lUI Your Local Recapper One day Ser.1Cr Tires and Tubes Complete Lubrication Tirl' 1\nrl Bnll~ty !" •n •lfl" F r ..... plrij~p ,(· ,• oiH r)' t~erl'lc't for Y"~r,..r11r I Costa Mesa Tire Co. • I FRANK P . JOHNSON · - ---REALTOR 1664 Newport Blvd. Across from Costa Mesa Lumber Co. --- 11110 Texaco Service Sta. H. J. MITCHELL, Propnl'tor 1-:-r.o :"'··wrn~· P.h I r •ta l'lfua Phnn,. 1'\ B 2.112 t 4·4~ntrru•·!,Jr. ~.,, P;•:~' I ...... '· , . • I , Thursday, April 4, 1946 NEWPORT-BALBOA l'JU.:S."' . CL.USIFIBD ··---- J. E. Barnes & Son 1soe N~~" w¥c1 ·~la Mna. Pbone Ill. Residence Lot .. St .. REAL ESTATE (For Sale) REAL ESTA'tE (For s.le) Stzt• :'12'x l2:\' on Mapolla t'ltttlt' m. PTict' only -$1075 ------------ EVA F. RHODEN • Costa Mesa NEW 2-bt'droom home, Eut aide. L&rr;e lot. Double floor rumace. H o u a e a!JtracUvely flnlllhed thruout. Large alngte c-arqe wtl h extra a tore room $8660 Corona del Mar NEW 2-Bedrnom home, comer loL Will be completeo1 wilhtn a weeu. l"ireplaee, double Ooor tuma~ Unu.uaJ &rra.D.~"ement makee lhl• home very attractive- ~ $9500 Country Home 2 ACflES with 2 lovlly homu 2 yt>a n1 old Large b"-m wtth brooder room 6 lncull,ator room. La l"gt' r! niJy Or<' hard Thl'41f hoUMll ttavro bi:'Ml l'l"lllnge, hiU'd- wood floora It partly flnlahed In knotty pine Fireplace ln ow ner'• home. Beau.llrully land· l!Caped • A. E. JOHNSON and Associates Today's Special Canal Fronta,ge COZY 2·BEOROOM and wnroom home 11-. bal.tul, colored Ule kltchfln, hArdwood n ool'll, fin!· place, world• or built-ln.. Ou · qe. AREALBV'fAT $6500. Terms Brand New Monterey LAR GE LIVT~G ROOM, 2 lovely bet.lroom.'l, <'lllorfd Ulfl kitchen 1<-b3th, br.,akfut mom. All ha nh \'OOd OoCITs. Lsrgt' doublf' garag,. U.t 60'xl&O' Splrndld locaUon. Priced $8950 Just Walk in Jt•~t walk In a.nll ha~~g up your hAt! C<lmpl~l'ly furnlaht'<l T. mom hou.'le In Santa Ana Hl'lghll; furniture-Include• ~­ friJrt>ratt•r. plano. wuhlng ma- rhlnt•, J'hllro radio, a'-> lnclud. t'<l a row, hoi'M'. chlckena and rabbit.. Double 1ance. bath. work ahop, tractor and automo- bllt'. 1 ac"" land aJI feneed. You won't btlleve It unUI you -tt. Price only $9400 c 2-Redroom Home ON W <'BI aldfo or tc>wa+-part!y fUr· nlahf'd; •. acno ot ,land; p,....e: M hrn•, chlckfln and rabblt f'QUI pmt'nt: t'IKlric brooder. HOUH hu ju.t bt'en pe.lnted. Full price $6000 Business Property Nf'l!r ,.,.ntt>r of town 100 fL nn Nf'wpnrt Blvd, 127 ft. deep Thla location t. hard to bfl"at. $25,000 Nwpt. Hts. Addition . Good Buy . I NICE 2-b+'droom horne. Till.' kit-'Unflnlllhrd hou.w wllh two Iota on r ht-n and bath, tlrepla~. hard-Jlll'W"'•rt "vt•nu" A r<!sl bUy a l Newport Beach Duplex 3 YNirs old, compll'l«'ly rum lahed, in<'ludln~t r olrts!X'l retrlgera· tor11. Exrelll'nl loc11Uon. 'Large double garafte lhnt c&n be con· \'t'rlt'd to third apt. $15,000 Newport Blvd. Tl'x120'. 3 rent.alll lot.allnc S95 per month. 2 furn .. hed. Alao amaJI bu.lne .. bulldlnf now va- cant and double garage $9500 Costa Mesa Reduced to RU I %-Bedroom hou.ee with ,.,.... near &'rade IICMol. 1 ~ yn. old $6800 )Costa Mesa 2-Badroom wtth lllftCie ,.,..... on lllut Side. TtUa bo\IM ta only I '"' old and .. 11tueeo eatenor 6 wtute plutar tntanor. Qulcll po•IIM!Ien $6250 Corona del Mar 2-BI!:DROOM HOME tl.lrnlaMc1 $8000 • EVA F . RHODEN Broker ELTON D. BAJ\NI:'M'. 8aJMIIW) 410 Newport 'Blvd., Coata 'M- P'tlone N.wport 1N6-M: A. W. GffiBON, Broker Close in Jmmf'dlate POMt'lll!lon 3-BI!:DROOM HOUSI!:. 1 ~ bat.ha, aleeplnr porch. Lot 83x137. Prtct' $8500 ••~oo cuh. b&J. at 146 per mo. Santa Ana wood n oors. guagc. Splendid ,., ~50 loca Uon. Lot 54'x240'. Comer <~Ju 1 Only $5250 Nurly nPW Monteroey atuooo. Born~ rurnlahlnga Large lot C1011e ln Coat-a Meaa. Corona del Mar NEW 2·bedmom home. Ll~ room 15x24 n. Ha rdwood noorw. ttrepl~. lot.. or bullt.-1~. deek mom. Corner lot. Only~ $9500 On Magnolia LEYJ:L LOT IIO'xlao' $2000 On Newport Blvd. 8nwa1 lota 15 ft. t.o 100 ft. ,_~.­ .... Call ~ tor pn~ ucl tenM. Y2 Acre Complt'tc-ly tumlllhed new f.room home. Immed. pou. IT WON'T LAST LONG. Only $6850. Terms. Balboa Peninsula Marvelous Bay View DUPLE'(. or Jlomc-wlth lovely modern upttalrw apt. I.arwe comb. II~ 6 dlnlnc room car- peted waJl to wall rtrepla.ce, 3 nice bedi"'OOM. Complet. bath. Uled. Colored Ule kitchen. many built-1M, ~· bllDda. Low· er apt. hu lar,e liY, room. nr.. pla.ce, bedroom. kltchaft 6 ~ ~lh. Out.lde lbower, pat.lo, ~rbecue. double .......... rre TOPS AT $22,500 2 Lots -$875 each CLOSE TN E. SJDK FIVE .A..CRE8 on WUaon St $5000 NP:W 2.-BEDROOM HOME on E 17th St . hardwood floora; dhle. K""'l'e, tu~re tnt $8950 2-Bedroom Home NEARLY !lfEW 2-bedmom bouae on ~rnard St. C'loae In; lot 80'x 100'; trult ln'H, alnKie gar. ,..-, and """'lltl hou.ae : hardwood floorw; pn c:t'<l now a t $6800 Furnished 2-BI!:DROOM HOME on 1 acre of land ; doublt' ~ wtlh extra rnotn upetaJn; lmmedtate poa. MM!on $6850 Newoort Hei2hts 2-BICDROOM HOKIII on '1~ aa- at land 1'1-.r Ntwport Balc!IU. Chaeken equtpmtlllt and 100 chlc:llena. Berry plant.; axt.ra mom off &'U'..... P~n dllllt' of Nei"'''IV. Full price $10,500 A ff'W lot. In Newport HeiKI\t. at $1000 each J. E. Barnes & Son 1101 M_.pcm laY4. O.ta MilL Pbaee Ill W. J . HOLCOMB un 7 Caul Highway Corona del Mar (Where the flap ny) Corona del Mar BOMI: RmAL BUYB-Beautttul 2- bdrm home, turn, on eo tt. lot c.. near oee&n. $19,500 W. J . Holcomb l&th Pll\re & S&nt. A n. An. F"ULLY F ULNlSHEO on West 5lh Coata Meu. !ltre<'t. 3 bf'droom hom,., large l!U7 Cout Hl«ttw.y, Corona ckl Mar IW'he~ lhe tlaga ny1 tile wM hhouae. Poueaalon ci<Mtt' or !'fiC'row. P riC'I' $8500. Terms :l:t!l E 18th. C"'osta Mt>!lll P h,·n•• :"rowport B~ach 1237-W SE RVJC"'E GARACF:. 5 rm. hoUH & prh·nlr s;nrngc clor~e tn on Ht~rl'w'lr Al\'(1 lnt IOO'x175'. Pr1ee $15,000. Terms $12.500 Montesey Beauty l..ovely 2.b'!•lroom stu.-ro Colored tile kltl'ht-n wtth rnmt'r 11lnk, lots of bull! -lr111 Largl' llvtng room, rra l f~rt•ptace. tllro bath. all ht1w d nodn!. \'rnl'lllln hlln~. 1~. douhll' g-&raJ:c> & workroom Lot.. of 11hrub1 & flowen~ Clott' In Costa Me n. EARL W. STANLEY Realtor · Nt>wpurt B••arh 311 3 \\' C"'~>ninll Rnll)oa llllltnt1 r ttronn drl Mut M&rln,. 11t Balboa &15 Cou t Blvd P'hOnf 1710 J'h()nP 1 &•ft Contact M Y or lht' &bd\tt''offlr••" CORO:-\ A DEL MAR BEAtmftJL MODI-:HN OCl-:AN VI~\\' HOMF; with 4 bedrnnm:>. rnmb • n~o: at.tf 1linin~ r11(lm, la.rJe kitchen IUtd brt'• fast bn r. 1111 Jar~ HUll d('Ck. [)oubJe pragt•. l l liMliShl.J Ill ~(l,O()(}, CAPE COD 11tylt· Rltwcu and shangl(' h omt• on lllrg; lot. Six rooms, indUIIIn~ 3 bt.'\.lrO(lffi8 and 1 balh. Fireplace. GaraJ{l' :!O'x·IO'. 1'088t•Mion <'101M' of eecrow. Unfurnhsht•d at $:!!'U)()(), · A TTR.ACTI\' !·; ntr I' I. EX. Two bt>drooma un r-aclt· aide. Doublt• g-arag~· wtth luundry room . Sixty foot }ot in exrdlent rental locMlJOn. J.'ireplal·~ and dual floor funuu.·r 111 ouch unit. Full infurmution u to price, incomt• nncl furni11hinga on requ~t. We now bave st'v<'rnl 1lt•sirMblt' IotA liat.ed in Corona del War, pricro fnm1 $3000 up. BA LBOA ISLAND VERY ATTRACTTVE SMALl_. HOME juat com- pleted. Five rooms with bunk room and larp muter bedroom. Cumplt't(' mtt>nor In cleafl.16 mch redwood. Modern dct~t){ll will ~t11ow o lot of ·living with little hoUl!WIJrk. Un!Umtshed Ill $13.000. NEAR SOUTH BAY. Two stor~· fr~&me and stu\!co home. Four b....Jrooms and t wo bat.ha. Double garage. Hardwam • flctors throu~o:hout. Unfumi.ah- ed at $25,000. MODERN APARTMENT built ove r double garage. One bedroom and bath upfltnlrs. Down•t.aira bedroom wit:b~ ~jt»ning: _ ~tucco conat.ructl(m. -piji:. session close of t-se row Fumiahoo at $14.800. CORONA DEL MAR 6EAtrriFUL MODI':RN OCEAN VIEW HOWE with 4 bedrooms, comb. living and dlnlpg room. large kitchen and breakfut bar, and large aun deck. Double garage. Unf~JmiAhed at S30.000. CAPE COD style stucco and •hin&le home on lot 118'x188'. Six rooma. Three bedrooma and one bath. nreplace. Gara,e 20' X 40'. Pa.euion cJo.e of eKrow. Unfurnlabed at SZ.DOO. "'-..... A~ ttiuPLJ:X. "I'Wo ....... • each aide. boullile pr. With lauadry room. 8tlrty foot lot In excellent rental location. J1replaee and dual floor tunw:e in e.cb unit. Full information U to pnoe, lDcome and fumiahinp on reqUNt. We now have ~raJ deeirable lot. lU.ted in Co- rona del War, priced from $3000 up. BALBOA ISLAND VERY ATTRACTIVE SMALL HOKE ju.t com· plet.ed. Five rooma with bunk room and large m .. ter bedroom. Complete interior ln clear 16" redwood. Modem de.lrn will allow a lot of living with little hou.eework. Unfurn .. hed at $13.900. B~ACON BAY The comfnrt of modem-day living blended into the charm of the MODIFIED COLONIAL exter· ior mark!\ thia newly completed TWO BEDROOM ·HOME . Huge patio adjoins covered porch. Fire· place bordered with bullt-in bookcaaea. Decoral· ed and planned In excellent taste. Two bedroom guest Ru itr over three-car garage plus IWrvttnt'fl quarten~ \ EARL W. STA NLEY Realtor Balboa Island Newport 1776 ,., • KF.AI. t:."'T.\Tt: (t'or SAif') RE.\1. ~ATt: (For Ma.lfo) .. --- BEN" J , \VHITMAN Urokt:r G. N. WELLS. Broker CQ8TA. MllB. WI" t ·.~u.t llljlhWI\) 1 'fiRP N A I ~tl.l. M A H I')H•n•· 21\H.W •"f'HIC J\ICliT TOWN O!'ol tcAHTtt" oro V. II'OX, ~141aman JOID l!kKltJ:. 8.U..man BALBOA . 1-,.,., y 1111 ,, ·~ l~<••lnM'ltl1 huntr lttU 1710 N"J:Wl'ORT BOUUIV.A.JU) Ml cvnc• ~n f'tl K .... 170.W 1-Bedroom Home nil·•· •"""'' It\ lnl( ""''"• •lhllttll n 'llnl, klt••h••n, hath, ... ·rvh't• pm,·h amt l(ar~>ll" l 'olMJ'lt'voly furnl~h.-.t wtlh tJ<-auttrul rurul turr arlll ••lrlv ., hltH'k rr·unl lh•· ()N ONE·HALt" AC'Ill!l (l"'"~e. ba>' ,.,.II '" "'''' thl11 f1nr hnml' $11,500 New :l-Bedroom HON E Ll\'ln~o: ""1m 10'1122' with danoly fll'f'llllh.,., t nlca bAlM, dlolna n><ttn , ktt4'h<~n arht taull· 1lry n>nnl II u larJ I" .to\1bl" tca"'C'f' ruul 111 1111 I •, ltllll 8tup hy anti ••••• lhC11 lo¥<fly b<unr tl2.* 1town. b&lan4' .. ttnaru'4'tl $22,500 Beautiful View nf I'ICf'~_n llllll ht<y Hum•• a(lr ... •IIIH1 ,.,, hy ff•l"'"'"l f rm••• H•• larl(•' It vln11 l"f)4>nt wll II l'oltpJlf'mM"oletl n ..... plat'¥, l!lntroa all'il\.. .. ... , Nit''\ ltr •lnMllll "' ~alh Vf't')' nlo'r rllllllllllllll' r•alln wlt'h ullt oluor tu.-nltllrt' Tt\1• t\OUM Ill <lOnlplet.-ly furnt.,h•l1 and 1t•a11 thiU\ '' bhoo·k "''"' !)('flail. Own. r r wtll (lnllnCr I.IM"II WOK $13,500 2 Houses-2 Lots llou-"rf' huth rumluc-d a1111 .. arb haJO 'J l~nn11 fi'Yunl hm- hu Ori!JIIa.:.·, fluor f~ .. IN' I rll' "'""" rot r . trn1-In ~Tar n!nlt'd and nflarly makf'11 pay• ml'nta on both 'hOUIIIt• OWner wm rtnanr" S40Cln ruh 1M ~"'' month $10,000 Don't Miaa This A nlc'• 1 -bfod"J('"I. ~ftmf' at a pr1t>4' you ran afford l..t• pay BoU\ brdrooma a,. larr Y•ry lara• tlvtn• rnnm wiU. tln!place, ftlot ll.lt.cht'n 6 laundry room aftd a CSanciJ d~tn or nam,.. ,.,_ wtdl rtuaect In tmn\.· ~ n~n• lhrou~t M800 CMh, ~nn~ ,._ $11,000 2-Story Home HlCID OCII:AN VO:W Hu larr llvt,na room wlltl n~pl~ alld hMt&lator. Ypry nlc. lcl~n and 1 •-, bA""-:1 ronm apt. over doubla Pr&«~ In ,_.r, lt'a C'Of'll· plettly turnllltlf'd and vvant Jmmt'dlat. po--'<m $19,500 Immed. Posse88ion A 2 atory I room lwlua. r. of aturm rnun. CQNlrudJon with red u~ roof. Ru niN nrorptarf' and ~raraJe aiMI Onnd ll'rm• $6950 han .. vrral 2·bedlvom tiOUIN'• tor Nl" 11t 'bout fiOOO t!al\h. Tlu•y may bfo ju.l wtlat ~·,... waltlntr tor Business is Good Ben J . Whitman Real Estate Broker lOIII l '•tiiJII llll(h·.-·•v f'l Ill r .~A l o ~:1. M A H l'h•on•· ~~H W H..in, 1·t\lrkrn o•qUIIlll'""' $4_300 !-Bedroom Home l)oubll' •• ,...,.. Ntf'~ lnc'at~, Ll't lOO'al~' • $4760 2-Bedroom Home ....,.... Kt'rvlu Pof'et\, Tltalllv b4tn · 6 belt\ IAJI Jl\'•181' . $6000 3 two-Acre Ranchee WIOI ftk!f' hon1U af'f' look hiJ rnr ttwm ln you Juat what JOU v' ua aMw Fumiahed O,.,OT 2·UitOU00M HO ... wU.tl flrerl~ ('flmpl.o(.,ly "'"'..._.. $8500. Tertn8 2-Bedroom Home n n N-11011 Rlvd. Oood __. .... w auon On 011 .. Mlf .,.. '"*nil rrutt trww $15,000 Bay View Diatrict :\-REOttOOM HOM:ID nn• G~M~.Iilalf """"· 0&,..,. ...... ........ $8500 Brand New Duplex tA Nt!WpOft BMfiiL • ....._ LD- ,..t.,d tn ,....,aud Cl.te C.*· Ba"'aJn ror .... $1&,000 New 2-BR. Home .:n. n&OiftA.O&. ,. ....... ......... $81100. TenM LOok Tbla Oftr . ........ o.-......... ---All New .....,,....-.a-...s• -..... wttll ., • ·-IIIOIM t.o ltw bl. A ......... UM ,.....t .. , ....,....., $17,000--$8000 down 1h Acre $900 IIRA.Jifl) JlfiDW 1101111 -~ ... at 1"*'4-.......... wttll ..... ty -tvnlttun $5850 Notice ~ Homeownen left~)' ........ --... ... n.n arw tour at w • tMa f/1. nee wnrtrt,_. da)' Md ..._ ... ven Jla,. a wMII. II J"''' Will llat wtlh ua, ,., MYitt' 11,. .. trylnJ to _.t Ula job daM. f'11m• In lltld mallie • prcrnt ltl Business i8 Swell G. N. WELLS, Broker n,;n v rox. RaM!nnaa JOID Me!KJ:It, 8al8mu r 11: """"" r lftlefl 17110 NeW'l)Ort Blvd.. Ca.ta JthM (('IIU"''IfH-cl ~tkm rontlnUf'l(l on l"•ar R) W"'Y 'th"'l 111 wh111 IIIII M uffl'll an•l 1 .. ~.~o Ht runk tl1•· t'l''l"'r1V man· AK"f• "'' ""''•" I• rinK f •un•t bit •ttr'fJri•N'f• 1f vun m ill• thnt 'Jllnfl t r•·~ ••n Atw fnonl Ill Wit ur I hat 'vptot• lr•·" IIHtl Y'"l hllvr 1-n IIIII •ltojl nl•o'l j< (11r th• IIlii I .,n :S.ROOM HOUSE on E . 18th. A cnrn!'r prlct> 2 % Acre Ranch for C"holr e prnpertle• now a vaJI. able. REAl. F .. ~ An: (F~r SAle) I RF.AI. Y .. 4ifrA1T. (For Male) Actors:wondering Where to Get Christmas Tree yrtHII , 'l'h•• •hiiW ltoll"l it•• ton, Yfl\1 ' $4250 cash BEA 1 mFIJL HOME on Lido t.le. Soul h Expn11ure on Bay J'ront. Onl' & onP-hnlf b11th11. Two extrA ahow~'rll It tollrla, 2 eun ckcka. Prlcf' $32,500. % cash. tnromf' NI!'WpOrt ~c'h 4 cotta«• 11nt1 ~ rnom hnu"r S200 pt'r mo. OPA Prlre $15,500. $8500 cash 8e,•.-rAI othrr Int.. "nd hou-. 11111t11blt> f"''' hturln""" or ""1~­ tlal A. W. GIBBON. Broker :t1P F; 18th. rnstn M"IIR P honl': N l'w por-1 Uench 123i-W 1 OOOD 2-Bedro.)m hou11e. Tile _ kitchen & bn!akfut room. Qv. Ll•t your pr .. pf'rty wtth 1U for a~re It laundry room. 2 lai'JI'e quick a~llon M wro haw• buytonl ch lckt'n 'houi!NI wlth cf'mfnl on our waltlnJ lift. runa. Bfotwt"en 700 & 800 chick -,.-----------....., • en.e. Close tn E . elde .. $10,500. Terms. .. -- On Santa Ana Ave. 3 DANDY I.QTS ln.-1 <"Om Pr, tae. lng 2 J'lB''"d 11trrr t. Cloae tn. Pt1re $2250 <>pan. .. Evcnlnp and Sun~y. A. E. J ·OHNSON 488 Nf'Wr<•rt Blvd., ea.ta M- FINl'AT TASTINO 81 Z Z I.IKO RAJ(BUJWll:ll8: ltTF.AKB C"'--"er M ~ ,.,m)l II O Mit IIAili:D 1'U IIIIl' RERRY AND APrU: PIEIJ -w- SHEP'S . JOIII COAAT mOIO\'AV NI!WpOrt 'l'hfl H~ of (iood F.at .. l"hoD• 404-R. ._ __________ _ .~ TELL ME YOUR WANTS l receive 7G or more new liRtingR each week, ( rcsidcnl i:Jl, income and jarm property I mostly LoR Angeles and vi cinity, -som<' in other partR of t he State and Country. AJ so ha\·c and want local listings. A.\\'. c;JBBON, Broker, :l39 E. J8th St., Costa .Mesa·. Ph. 1237-W. (Ring Long). 4&tr 'I' I --- ltnriW Hil t 111 tiiOY llil{hl '" tl•·nlllr l'lo y Kl•ltt """ l'••lllnl( tlrk"'" Ilk" Will '""' 1,11 Ill' r ,,,.flllll•m .. r .. untl l m11d f'Vt•rywh.-.r•· H•ll h A l•lrlr h 11 ;,,~ lh;tt-w••••k 1'4••111'"" "'''I I• In l'h•r~t,. rtf IIIII' •kpurl11nl'nl , ,.,.1 "'""""'"'II r t.r .. ul(h th,. IIJ\1111, and Rnthlr mttv tw llltlr hu at\11 ; llll "'"'" 1 .. lti'IIII>O'l•·H, Tit•·••· Ill 4111fl' If"'" fl '"' nf plflf'''ll II III! '"-' olk ... lfollrn lttV • 1111''"· , ····krttfll h ,. lrol or -fhln~e• If yuu hrw r n' hall oil• • t ,,. •I I'' ~~~·ltil•ll ""'' f'hrr•t·l• r h•n,.,. ~, huv n ll••krl it ,.,r. , 1 1, 1,, • 'rh• ••· WI• r•l ltl'ulll 11 lalnl)' 11111 I hl'r hull rrf ,.,,.,"',.. I M r11r tho J•I"Y ymr """ "1111 1{"1 lhri'li"ltt t hr •lnor · , ,., ,., I ,, ,,.. II,,·, \'\,, •I• 11 l)o• "'l,#;i U.1IIIJI Thi'V IH~ Ill\, ftll un•l ~~~ • ••nlll , , 1 , "'"" ~. ... u,rrh 1...,_h,,,0,.,, th• ,.,.,.h Th•·Y '"'"••·v "'•tl"''1•,·t ,,..,., .. ,11 , ,,. 11 t h ••••l\t ttn•'l th,_ tltk·t • v tJI h•lp ''' f•••·· fhr- • I '• • I h hi• ooWn li on• Ill ,Jot• k lh•• ~oolll"t I 'IJIIO• !:If! I" I h• ~ t\nol , ,1111 ,11, 11 1 ,1111 1.,1 pnlnto 1 II ,." I~> ·o•1• rul r•'''""lt"U ""I pub "" , 1 1 ) 1 1,, ""' , Jh~ ""''r ...... v~t, 111 lhht ,,..,. ~'~' hCJf•l , _, ,1, "1,, 1,1 .,,11o 1 """''" IH••IIv ,.., ,.,,,·u ••·· hr .. ~~"IC " I 'I• •f tt,, If f du' '•'" (• r fh • t u t ~ • ,, • . \ 'l't ... ,, I I'' IY. I 't "'"''' ,.,._ .. fill, ua w• II rut ,.,.,tnt.: ""m•· V~'rY l:""ol o-nl•rt olnm••lfl 11'11 1111r" 1•1 IW' 1:'"' I l'lo•NIIn" thr • ,. I• ·~ •' I I I.Y ,,,, .. t .. ---· .. loti lllllltl """'''' ....... I''"'" llht'11 lhl• "), t ~.t ''' ' '' 1 y,.ar ""'t h• ''"u"'r "''"'" rtuth • '" • "" '" Ill• 1 lit •tm•• ,,,.,. •·,..r," h llrh '" •ll•"•lln~ Ill• m Rht-"a \~lt•t• •• ,,, nl l1 h ;,, 1•• fltt t tt o r, •~In''" II•• 111 i\Jilll' "'"' I ('tift! IIOII"tl fill f'Ajll' Il l • •• • ·~ • ' ·. . - ....... ''Where to, Di.D.e'' DOfK -.... am&: 01' ..... ..~ • i'iiB GALI.BY ·.cllrB AT UDO LAlfDINO Veaturln~ Hom e Cooklnr by 14" Zlna Kelly OverlooldnC the ~l ~ the ~ Brldp O.lktou. Toota.lome, Home Cooked Meala wtth Plee ......, rrom Our Own Oven. Under M&n&J"'nnent or Aee Tennta an4 Dorothy Dillion ~ ........... 1.-:11 ... ._, 1 !It ., -. .. I p. -. MAl va. Open.. -... ....._ .. ....,. w.. Complete Fountain Service at BMNB.N'B 2100 Ocwcm Front, NeWport Beach •• , o, ........ .. Malt. • SaZJdwicb• • Hamburger. Ice Cream to Take Out ' OPIN DAILY AT 4P.·W. s . t'l_LI£ - "The Houe of ruae Pooda" r .......... ... MESA RECREAnON • "Where Good Sport. Meet" BOWIJNG · BUJJARDS • OPIJf 11 A. W. TO 11 P. W. Pla SettiDQ Aftemoou & NiQht:a VISIT OUR SANDWICH BAR • PboU 114-J G. N. MOSIS, Proprietor ... . .. Reunion Honors Sgt. ,4..,.,J ~MW. •• Returned from ETO lAI'OJ' BatAte, lJ.ye~r old N-- por\ Beads boy, wun't llated u b&vtAc ooMected the ma.t paper In the recent drive to11 nothlnc! Leroy, wt\o Ia fast be<',mlng the Harbor clty'a ~·oungut 8TO hu decided t o aell t ht' local newa- pe.pera on the atreeta. u hla lat• eel entefl)rtee. Semr.-hlng tor eome IIM\u Uonal n.-we lttm witll which to l'ntlrt> the public to buy hl.a papera, In lllg-clt.v newa boy 11tyle, he decldell lo) yt ll. "Rtad aJI about the Corona o!PI Mar myatery mUI'GPr!" All or whll'h alarted him thinklnc ~tt>nul that ·com· ''W h · ·,. · · ere to-· ---a II • In A happy family re-union wu held In th~ home ot Mra, Vlor· t:ncr Torrence, 11 t 27th etreet Sunday whf:n another member of thr fanuly returned from ovt>,...eu ,. •rvir,. SAt. Joe Sum mere, eon· ln-18.w of .Mra. Torn'nce, wu the honor lf\Je;t of tht' occulon, hav. lng ~nt two yee111 I)Vt'I"M'U wltll th,. mrdlcal corpe In E uro()l'. Othrr K'J I'tllll wer.. Mr11. J oe Summw~. M r and Mrs. Paul Farmer and IMln. Mlchu l, Mra: O<-orace Vr•nc~a, M111. Ray Craig, Mra. l.•·wla Cux. ano1 MaJOr and M~;•. Koy W. (>ay, MaJ. Day had rrcenlly been llberatrd from a J:1pan"ae pnaoo camp. Both he and Mra Oa.)' hl\'1' fnrnda In the Harbor a~a. having Interned In a Santa Ana ha.pltal whllf' M,ra. Day wu a nurae. • Lt. Dick Tor rence. ~ormerly with tl\e Newport Beach poetal lkpartm~nt, Ia the one remaining mem~r of thr Torrt'n~ family 11Mil ovrraeu . He wu tnnaterred from Ok inawa to Naha a few weeka aco u Anny Pa.tal Ortl· cer. throw tb&t w l t h h o I d I n r ta.x atcha!" 1000 new cornua to Newpdl't Beach w111 u y, "Ooah lt'a awtul cold here-1 tho~t It wu aup- poeed to be warm In CaiJfomla!" 939t Newport ~" will hutlly r:>marlt. "Oh It uWally JS wann, but thla le juat trea.klah w eather In Newport Beach-flrll time J've known It to be thla w ay In April!" munlty, "Hmm !" llllld Leray, Gene.Krupa Back at "probably a gam~stPr war 11Larl· Inc out at Corona dt>l Mar! Won't RendeZVOUS Ballroom caJch me han~:ang around that place, wb&t with all •thl: monpy J F~t'1~~Df~ll8~, April 10 ca rry!" When "turtlt•d PreM em· ployea &MH how much that wu By popuw demand Gene Krupe. he .t.old them. "Twl'nty cl'nta . . . ''That Ace Drummer Man." and but eome day r may have a dol-hla Orcheatn are returnlnc to the lar!" RendesvoUII Ballroom. B a I b o a. • • • DediMq So aohed .... llltel· ~ ... ,...oftM- alllecxlf"e .. u.,. Pullf"r"' lie Ia -•fllclturtn~t. Fn-cl !iUnl"fll' Wedneeday nl&'ht, April lOth. Gene won ·ha. audience when he ap~d here on March JOtll and hundreda or requ.ete have been pourln~t In uklnJ' fOI" fila return. ~lied w ct.vote a wttole Twenty Attend Pa:rty ..,....,. .,,,__., to 1t1a atue cteaptf'r. Pht<tct.c a ae •• both a capable m.eetr'o and a talented and entertalnlnc ahowmao. • Knawn u the "Kin~t or hide beaten ,'' and hu hie network bro&dcutAI from hotel• and c.luba, together w ith hie Columbia re- iordinp and hta perfonnance In "~ Uke It Hot," ha¥e en- tnonched him tlnnly In the hearta or the natlon'w dancen. V eatured with the band Ia love. in S. A. Young Home bri .... -r.-t '""" .... owa The home or Mr. and Mra. Stan. C'ld..u.ood "'"'moriH, '"' "0 (· .-1-ed: "l""t'• llk.lp mPfO oe ley Ynung. H 2 Vlr l(inla Place In tile .-Ho"· HI• ~ Coeta Jlka. wu the IICrne of a 4tdc-td1 apprcn-f'd. "AU rtpt•, bir thday pa.rty lut wf"ek In honor aiM .W. l.hrn ~ few a of Charle. Smith, eon-In-law ot p.ar of dlrf' and p~: the Youn~t~· Gamr• tu rnh1hect dl. "Lrt'• roU to ltH who llklpw Fresh, Juicy, Rome Baked Pies TOP YOUR HOME-COO~ MEAL AT Dellllie's Cafe •• I 7 L m. tUl7:SO p.m. (The OreybOUAd Statlffll) IIIDIBOCK GBP.L PMIM ~¥ S;.IM. CocldaiiBom" 4 ..... ven lon. 'with lht> guPsta en joying n t , .. a bufftt eupper l:1trr. The honor " · • .. • -. .lJl!I-A-=aii"Ol!~-Gt~-I'M>-4<~e4-U..t-t-4 II"UHl ~lved a number or lovel~ outfit recently when AnJta O'Day g1fta. The fabuluu~ Jnhnny Africa, lett. a nd Boddy St-.r~. the ~~en-Tho~~e nttcndlng Lhe partv were M~orr or the 8 11\'llhMc r~trf', Ia In a tlmental b&J1tone. Mr. and Mn Chart ... Smith, Mr. '1HIU1dry that bnrd,.rs nn a dither and Mra. Bell ~c-lu!r or COmp-f'ark~>d b)l ..th•· ··s~v~aho1'9 .. cafe H Jlh d Lee A i ton, Mr. and Mr• Pf'te Mlllnf'r Monthly Newsh•tt"r R'l Lhe Rf"•t 0 ,.,..an ga I) An\J daujrhler Be\'t'r ly, or Slln ra .... , On•t~~~ed M(\n .. 1" lh•· Bay&hOrt' Pack Bamboo Room mente. Mr. and Mra. Cliff v on l"'ha nnel Area. thr• rurrt>n l c:loth- Kennl'll mother 1\nd fath"r of tht lnl{ and l hOl" ahnrtiiJI'' hu llt>rloua-A gre11t treat la In 1tore for t he honor Kul'lll Mr ana Mrtr Alii lv artected h11 SIHtnr•al aplenrtor many trll'nda or that famoua Smith or N~wport, Mr. &nd · Mra. Ul\retooted by April unli'M eonfe team. HO LLY AND LEE, when "Berklr" McDonald, Mr. and Mn. IIIJ'.t thlritl'n and a -hnlf brog&na they le.m that Bob Murphy'a Paul WaJLi of Santa Ana. Mr . a nd can be found, Arr~ra &ttended the Bamboo Room prettenll them tor Mn. St&nley Younc, Mr. and Mn. Sufl)lull Sale at lh<'-Santa Ana the aeaaon. atartlq Friday nlpt Albert Younr of South Gatl'. and Air BaM to tlnd somr •hoea to nt April !lth every nlpt ex~pt :Non- Mrs. Rllma Cedt'ratrom of South hla hll«""! feet. Howe''"'· all "quon· dava. Gate. l<t't huta" w ere 110ld beforr hl' a r . Thle Ia their tlrat public appear- Daughter of Lt. Dick Torrence Christened Maureen Ellen Ton-ence. bAby da urhter or u . and Mrs Dick TorTenee. wu ehriete.ned lut week In the Chu~h of Chrlat lbl Klnr In Loe An,.elee. Rev. Pf'ter J . Conroy, who perfonned the aer. vleet, wu the aame mlna.ter who I1'I&ITie4 the Torrence& wtaen he wu atnbat.cl wtU. a 1laJboa J• land Cburdl a f-yean .,-o. Rubert Roth act.d ln the place rived . 8o eho<-s an11 aome rain-ttnce .-incr 1942 when Oley took bow -tinted aocka mu8l be found tlmr out tor 1.-to enter the by Aprtl to mftlntaln hla "Beat Anny. They were then conald~r. Dreued" tltlt td t ht' moat popular team on the . . . v.-.s .. havlar ., ....... y tt.e _. ro(UW! laucll · Ia Newport ..,.II Ia llex -'I· lll'tpt-Ae mntorcyrle "f'ftP" w ... petnh t~ .. t .... tcll ol !5. mlM .... ,._-c-tftl. He -~ rhatt&ec wtUa ~­~ ...... , wt.o ......... coaa.t and detlnltely the South- land·• favorite&. Dozena or reeervatlon. are be· Inc made etery day and a pe.cked hoUIIe Ia expected Friday nl&'ht. Holly a.nd Lee wtll pi"Mtnt many new numbera In addition• to repeatlftl' thoee old ravorltea Which made them tamoue. ~ . • DIIID'O E.., r.. • aftl'liTAINKDft _.. * DAJfCDfO .. JIIICK mrAft -1""' ---:--• ........... .....~111 !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~of tiM: .,_...,,, Paul Jenntnc-. w ho. wu unable to attend. Otherw pnoeent were Mra. Paul Jenntnp, a.cldi~~·"""ata ........ ....._ tM ot~M!r M y. 1lnM .._ a-' ...-r ...,. 111e .. ._ at a -ct•c a. a ""7 ,._ IIIOIIIftlta, -'I· brtPt _. ... (wttll OM foot ftll UNo ataner.) "\\'ell, wily &a't yoa flua&Y! .. ! M! M !"" • ONCE AGAIN SAM'S· SEA FOOD SPA • COCKTAILS CASINO CAFE AND Re&eahment Loun9e I.OU18 VDWIT, Proprietor A Good Place to In joy Y ourMlf and to Meet Your Frienda Comer of Main St. and Central A v., Balboa Telephone 779-M ·' ' ' Fw cecktait ...... a.~ oa. • ,_.... ...,.,.w. to ........... Sky a ..... ., .... aue. Hotel. r., .• .., ,.,....._-4elodahi• f ' m ..d Pf •pi* denciiiJ. N..w • cewr • ... ....._ Mlb at tiM Sky Rooa 'I'ONICHTI UIMCMION-coacT AU-.... -IUPPII MtJSIC BY --rilE TOP81 it&8" ...... ay Twraee AL &A \'LEE AND 818 TRIO ..... 8IQ' t.o.p Q'~~­ HILION HOTIL \ONO IIACN I Mn. RJila Rath. Mn. Joe Sum· me". MN. Paul rarmeT, and tbe baby'• mother, Mra. Rk:bard Tor- ren~. Lt. Dick Torrtnce, the baby'• father, Ia atiU on duty wtt.h the Anny In tM Pacific, and bu never eeen the baby. lira. P'lor- ence Torrence, (T&ndmother, Uvee at 114 27th etreet ln Newport Beach. E l Salvador baa a oout llne of only Jeo mllea; a population of about 1 '4 million. Jta capital II San Salvador. Chief product. are C"otree, aup1". tobacco. lndllfO, Umber, rloe, balum and hldea. Your i.d ln the Preu ta read by thouaanda every week.. Preea want a4a brin g reaulte mo:BTT...-.0 8 I Z Z lBO IIAIOIU1101!8A: 8TLUUI (wt: :• lie .- tlt•ns); BO Ill 1: BAllaD YUIIIIY BE&SY AND APPUI Plat -·-.. SHEP'S 1015 OOA8T HIGIIWAY Newport The Home of Good F..at" • • • WE PREDICT FOR APRIL lN NEWPORT BEACH: !14011 hu•banda will aay to their wlv~. "Do you call that thlnJ a hat!"" 11408 wlvPII will lgnorP the re· mark IUid uy In a worrltd tone. "Wet~ J 1uppoae It'll ralo on Eaatn It alway. ~:.;: . 1000 IW'Wcomen to Newport Beac-h will say, "tech tach! tht'lt kldll around here Mem like a wild lot'" 93941 r"~mlar Nl81denta or New· port Bt~~t'h will eay. "Oh ! you h&vrn•t ~ ... 'n "nythln~ yet! wan until E."l~t··r week!"' Twn h••n•lrrd wlvt'll of Legion 0 11'mlwno tAking a rrltkal ~der at lh••lr •poWteA will uy "Come to think of 1t. that unltonn didn't t lonk ~ .. hod nn you 11fter all. Jnt'!" 4:\lo,ll ~· ''" h<'arted mr n will 111y, ··~"f' h"T"' I hr old jlllOflf\Y will hold '"~'''' llt•r & little longl'r. M\• Inn .. ,..! II!• .. n Theo Robina walling "'' ... fl"••t I. !~ w111 11ay, ''Vo'11Pn ar.l' "" ,., n~: t•\ move out or thlt1 h••ac h "th 1t t( dad~~~ IHI\!1 "" t tu•r11 will 1111)'. "~·hrn • ,, • , •• l'·•u·,; tn movr out or thlll h• '' h ~"" h Dad?"" Afl·:r• •l •·l~·wllliiAY, ··Huh?" 1'<~•1 rWI\'Iy relnwtlll4'd clvlliiiM wall s:l\·. "~ay what ynu w11nt atw>ut lh• Anny a t leut It dldn"t Welcome ... Cafe t660 Newport Blyd., Costa.._. I ' FINEST PLACE TO ~M~ Oar llettD Alway. HM ,BMa GOOD FOOD, nRST CU:.S.'\ SDVICE. MODERATE PRICES. 8UAirAST llllV'ID rJIOM 6 TO ,11 A. M. '-. Bt)SINES$ MEN'S PLATE LUNCH 11 A. M. TO 2 P. M.-SSc TO 7~ lacl..lla9 Soup .,, S•l•d. latTH ond Col- FAMOUS COMPLETE mNNER$ llpM'W Al'ftlll""f'WtWta for P&rttfto ... Ba Q • OPIN rJIOM 6 A M. TO 2 A. W. CLOSED WEDNESf\A YS PHONE SE\\.PORT -'SS-M OlTJl IUTCKEN OPP:N t'OR JS~PIK7I'ION WM E Ll"l 'EWIC.. T'rup. LIQUOR STORE Boota .... Roy ..... PalaaudllaJ, ... Jlta.e Ill ~ 0..... '1'*1 .... ~ ......... ..... OrMP o.-e,: ALL NEW--- Even the Location . . . OM-Halt Mlla lllut of Old Loeatioll OD Cout mpw&J. . BeautifuLNew Cocktall Bar We Lead Southern California ln the 8e rvlnJ' of -SEA FOODS- Also YOUil kled of 8T!:Ail8 -Vl8IT OUR KlTCHmN SAM'S SEA FOOD · SPA and Fisb Market (Near a..J Beech) · NOW OPEN . fte ltanlad Room With the Well Kpowu Cowlt:a BREAKFAST AND LUNCHES a Specialty • -...,...ill 'I FiDe Drinka at Moderate Pricee a Guarantee · 215 L rm, Llll Beacll . .. • ,. .. ntt'tr.day. April 4. HHG Blac:ldc Befdge .. adoa Be pain Your retrtceraUon troublu aolved with lmrroved lp.ttrumt'niJI. de.tcn~d eepeclally tor rl'frl~r•·"'tlon analywla. WE n.ND TilE TROUBLE \\'HEN OTIIERS FAI L doni'. Our work IJI apeedily and uperlly Our chargt'l are nominal !teaulta are ruarantee<\' 1 ~~ WMt .... 8L ···~SEll'S -.-. ~ tMte A-l aM S~NTA ANA . Harbor Engine & Equipment Co. Agents for ()S(J() MARINE MOTORS 90 h. p. Oeco .,Ford wttb ~1 ~uedoa Now ID Stock. 111 Apt.e Ave , B.U.IIOA ISLAND --..c. • .... efectl_ General Sheet Metal Works .. . ·- PRES.~ JJ:J:P H ERDERS Ia the UUe ot eo.ta 11-1lof 8coUt l pciiii8C)n'd picture. St&n J une Carl.on and Jolul Day pk:tured~·e will play ln the. all-color W•tem motion p~ to be lbOW1I J'rld'Y. 7 30 p. m. In ~ bJ&h ~~~ebool aud1tortumoii'AprtJ lith. I l\1111 IIIU••d fr<nn l'a~o:•• 1 1 \\• ••· ho•l•l In 11111ktn.: lh•• '"'~''" t \J\t '"'' l""'"li th't.*t'J(~f .. \' t u a.:··· "" . . Pap 7 Lumber and ·BuDding Materials BAY DISTRICT LUMBER 00. ~ llll ~>l••tt~o~t.· pl11n1 •• ,,.,,,.,,"'"'In op. AT 'I'll& ~ , ,,,11•111 t>n• ,,, I h.• 111.: •II••·""I ~=~I~I~I~R~tA~P4=T=H~IO~HW~A~Y~===~~~~~~~~ ~'"'"' •h•,.ll "'II II I ht• •lao• u( I hr pt w1. ~llh'l' u .:•''''' """'~' .-ltiJ.,..n~ ch .. ••.:hl lhl\l th.· , ... , .... "' '"'"'"n"' nt:JIIfCOGu~•• BLIW .. !nnll f1>r "·'"1""'11\' ,.( 8(1(1 Wo'l"f' 1'1 ............. '1111 .. '1\' C,..HI ll\r~o• Ji .. W,'\'O'T, tho• llnn rd h,.,, " jotl~··d '"'"' llf flllth jn Q __ .. • ...... ,,. "••o•eM•• r ... la4lla .... lito· fulur .... r th·· li•rbnr ntatrlc"t Jud~,.. llaraat.-. n ..- WOOD • ITIIL • ALUMINUM .., .•• 11 IH"k In l ll:\0, a.nol lhl' plant 81'4 ~t HJalllway PliloM N~ J11t.W ,..,.."·huilrand r ... dv "' r<'<'to1\'f' lh• ~~=~~~~===:~~~-~==~·=======~ II'AII Chan 200 pupil.• 1111d 12 tearh. P I'I'W who math' up tlw ,·harter rn- rollmrnl "Sinrr UiOIIC' liaya,"' .ayw Robina, "th .. vowth or thl' hlp echool hu bt•,.n p~nomt'nel. ha1•1nc mo,.,. th11n tripled: and t he faculty ha• ln.-r .. IUW'd from 12 to :u teachf'ra. AllhoU«ff I have lonJ ~~~ lf'rt thf' Board of TruatHe, I . ha~ riOIIt'ly oi»Hved thf' operation of .. CONRAD SHOOK CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER COM~LCTC .UILQINII .C.YIQ& ~HOHI HIW~D-T ID8•J ... .......... ........ ~ .•....... .... I..DA !OU.HO, Oo1U.I ... the l<'hool tor the paet It ,.eara, ~:::::::::::=:::::::::==~==========~ bolh r~m the atandpolnt or eduntlonal procnm and eeonomy In OPf>ralton. I lrROW that the ed- uutlonal etandent. of N-port Harbor Union Hlp 8ehool rate amon,. thf' hl&'heet u Indicated by the coll«'tff' rerordlt or Ita f'l'du- atea 8tatlatlt» publlu ed by the Orance County B~q>erlntenden\.'a Office abow thai our h1p echool bu alwa)'11 been amonc t.be low coet ~p with an averq11 0011~ Carpeta, Rup and Upbolaterlq m.&\NED A C ... l14o U.. of J:IOOI Co•ed•ll LUDLIJII· ()ABPJ:T WORD &Uft'A AMA 1m I. llala a. ~r ~pO ~~~~~~~~~~~~::~~::::;:::::::;:::::;::;::~==~~~-----Jfg race. r or exahlple. In 1 u. .. ave_r~e 00111 per hllh achool pupil In Or&nJe County wu USt. Or -------·---·----lt--==~~!I!!!!!S!I:ii-~-...-..:l181w..~a-..~~~~~~~f..-Aiiiii~I!!L4U...:I:...J:~U!:.UDL-l.._,-l:.J Oran.-r County, Nf'Wport Coata 11 ... Boy 8<-outa al'f' Union H l.-h School had the low-Drt .,_.....__-a,.. With 0.., 6-McCullech 3807 YWa Wa~ Ph. .. -.sa.w ........... ell Auorescent Light Fixtures • •odenabe ~0111' .ton, oBlca, diO., Ol' ~'••••••ca willa ••• rLuoazacz•T rlzTuaza NOW AV AlLABL! AT .. _ISM C-0· Two Fire Equipment mDDERIIDD UP-TD-•n lluapri.nling F1c1111111 Pllllblaapglng ap Ia II x II a. .. PHOTOCOPY WOBB OIO.Y Blueprint & Photocopy Shop 470 ••wpol't aaa.. COSTA iia& R. L. PATTERSON J. R. LESTER BOYLE O F · Phon•: Santa Ana 0405 OR 5915 ~CJUDA Beach 9744 Newport Beach 1082 • gotn1 way over the top In lh~<lr rat pt"t'-pupll coat t.hf' amount a,e. VeW&)'S -a --a tiCk l't aalf'a for the' IICOUI-bell"fll ln .. I20f , ' mov11' J~p Herder to tl" ahnwn Robina further atat t'd, ''I havf' GEORGE W _..&anN 00 Aptil 19. 7:30 P· m . •t lh,. h•Jth nn hNitllllon In ura1n.-the JMIN· • ~ • 11chnnl auditorium. Sroutmutrr lng or ch .. high achool l'llJM'Ill•lon IJetaJff ()ua....,..... Harllld Hall announrrd totlnv prnJ,"T11m on May 17 Thl' Harhor Thry anticipated aeUing !'100 tl<'k· 011trtl't <lt-vrlopm,.nt will ea"l'"d 2016 Halladay St., S&Dt& ADa ,.ta 111 the moat, but nnw thcor<• I~ th<· propnfiNI lnr,.,.u.• tn rap11r11 v ,.vrry indlrllllon that sat,.. will co 1.000 .,n,..11lml'nl In " vl'ry ahurt For I'Atl• tell v.ll l!lulta AM .... tor tho• 2000 marli:. ~om,. hoy-tln)t' Hlalory will rC'I)f'llt u .. ·lt, ~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ hllvl' 110ld 11.11 many u 100 tlrkrlft only rutl'r .. ,.,,. boy• really mran bU111ni'BJO --------..-___ _ In thP new .,..rn-your.OI.\'n·"'"' lu ,..-------------, Camp Ro.KI-U proJC"<"t thl~ "ll~'l-n-~ ~-.. 8 ~I. ~I ml'r. TM-y are wnrkln~t h:orrl un ¥~ • ~arlilf thl" pro,-ram w hlrh will lnrlud~ Mlt o-t ...._ ..._ tel conte.ta and atunta 11 typo· nf See the new, permanent. · de.irable fDd artiatic AWNINGS and CANOPIES Distinguished good looks -with penn'anent. trouble- free eervice -the answer to your awning and canopy problema. Enjoy these features: • Sua otit-D~bt 18 • Rain out-BI"MU In • Pennaaent-- (no upe ud dOWD!t) • SUcnt-No RattiM • Harmonious I>Mip • Custom BuUt For estimates, phone or write to Slata-o-Wood AwalagCo. • ofOwaa .. Ccnmty Pll. FULI.ERTON 16SS-.I Reverse Toll Charges boy and Jirl acout Jambnrl'f• '"' well u the exciUn&' wr8ttrn (tim In color. Confined to Mr homr \\1lh a rotd lut ..-k wu liON IClJrlt> Newla.nd 0( Cout Blvd., N.wJIOrt . OOVDNOI EARL WARREN SPIAKI to ftll flo.u Of CA&.WOIMA IVEIY FIIDAY 7 p.m •. e011 Ul MUfUAl IIRWOH --., .. trY1C not -.. "WINDSOR " SHO\\'F.R I o( )()RS T lJR F;:'WI.IIS IJRP'.S rrn 111 $'!11 ·,u un Phnno· 1.·•1-:'"' 1 482 J!"f'l' I' ·.• 'I M il BAKED ENAMEL ALUMINUM BUNDS NOW A VAIL ABLE. ESTIMATES fREE. Shade Shop Open After Feb. 15th .. _ •• 1111111 _. lllital•um IIHip _ PHONE 1843 351 Eut 18th St. Costa M ... CARPET AND UPHOLSTERY CI.I! .. IKG RIVIVE COLOR AND IIAUTY -US! WHILE DRYING ........... Y .... Bo•• PHONI N'IWPOJIT ~05e·R DBAII WARD loocal Y.._aa of Wol'ld Wan I-· D .General Contractor CABINET SHOP SERVICE • ntOIIAR C. IOIDIIIOH, lllept. tt 1 nlrUf!tal aL Ph-,....., co.Operatin Roafill Ca. NP':\\' AND RP':I'AIR l'h'-N"'l""1 111"-M !II r.-t t etlt HL OU!'ITA MF.MA I K eys Made Locks Repaired VO OII:L 'II ......... "t.. .............. .. HI ~ ....... ...... CIW ~res. Roofill Co. ALL TYPES of ROOFS APPLIED and REPAIRED FREE ESTIMATES Monlbly Payment Ptan 12 Year a E11perience 2044 O rano• A•• Coote M••• Pb N.B. 1476-J S A 38J6.J ~dil&lld Decoratilt Contractors I. L. Patter..,a . o,:L. Archer 'pli~D• 135-W Pbou 827·1 Pat's Paint Shop 3&0 . 2 2ad St. COlT A WUA ROOFS W. J. Benbow Pboae Newport 10 ' 2·J .. j ........ .... Kline Concrete Products Co. • ...._ • ..,., .• m•••• 1 .. 1 u4 13·t•oll I~ hcellent l6r all type. of buUcl!0 9 ...a pUio w.U. ......... , ................. .. ~----. .. 11111111'1 Unaleul flrCIIIIt ~ Y•llillllills • M1~11D1~11 UNOLEUMDUI .. BOATSiRVICI T&UPHOMI lfiWPOilT UACH 15:17-M or M-pod ..._.. 1711-J Roof LeaD ate CG1d7l Let us check your roof FREE ESTIMATES • 01'aage Coaaty lloo8Dg Co. "A COWPLITI ROOFIMQ IIRVICI" , 725 South Main Street. Saute Au l PAUL JlACO BS, Wa••cer nn PITIRs6N, ANt. Naqy. . . HOUSES OF "NO-LITE" rGI IE.NIT 30 New Hiles to _. Bull -..llbly ... ,.. ......... C..ibiiCIIoa S.lf'laeulated aad Walle wttb o..cl Air Speoe ,. lilliE Of TilE FUTilE IS II JIIE lAY TO Nf.IPOIT .lEACH • I JACKSON TURNER CO. Builders 203 Farmen and Merchant• Bank Bldc;r. · Phon•• L. B. 62943 aad 888-1!53 LO•G 8UCII .. . . , - - 1- ••• - 1- ~- ': 1- .. .. .. ~ ,• - .. -- , CLASSIH£1) -'i<.'la-.lfiN Section. ooatbuled from Pa,te 5) HELP WASTF.D I UELP WANTED lrotrNTAIN lliKI~ W A~·rr-:to l .1) Hltnl'• n" !!I ~. Ot·o '"' F'rtonl 1Telephone Operating W ANTr;:u lt~tf'l maid. BIU.boa l Inn. Phol'e l"ewport MO 48ttl Wi\ITRY.~~ W ANTEO Hurl· tum'a Cafe-, 17th 6 Oran~rn. CostA Mo•aa. :!Ott WOMAN COOK Pays Good Wages Yor mnrnlnc 1hlft 6 .30 a m \I) I :10 p m. Newport c are Ph. No expenencr neceaury. 1380-W te Earn whll" .JI:OU Jearn J'O'n'II!RY WORKJ:R8 W ANTE There are many oth.er adv&nl&£aa W D lu bfolng a triC'phon~ t'mplnyee. ome Apply Sarah Catherine Oeramlca 1M Vlra1nta Pt, Colt& M-. 1tt HltLP WANTED H OtlaEJc:&JtPIIR C o m p le t e cllarp, llloy 2. mother worldac. No eooklriJ', amall ha.e. P!wMM 1171-M Ull 12 noon or 1-.w att.r that. te Help Wanted AppUc&UoM art belnr accepted and lnlervlt'WI will bfl arranjft!d tor applicants who c.an quality to r tile followlnJ' poaltlona, available on or before June tat NIOHT CLJtiUC H•talel ' ftOOM MAm BEAC H OR ILL A 'M'ENDANT DAY Cl.ICI\K • CABHTICR Only pei"'IOUU q uall tied by u - perlenu and Uvtnr In or near H-port-Balboll need apply. NEWPORT HARBOR T ACHT CLUB. 5-Tc WANTED 6 Skilled Yacht Painters 6 Experienced Boat Builders APPLY Mr. Petty SOUTH COAST CO. 4-5<' Apply 100 It Bay Avt', Balboe 5U 4o N Main St., Santa Ana or Ask the operator tor the Ctllet Operator. Southern California Telephone. Comp~ny WOU WANTED Tl!lAMWORK' WAN'MtO -Any kind; plowing, dleklnc or exca· vat1Jl6. J . C. Sho..-21 0 • 18th SL. eo.ta Meaa. Phone Nt'W- port .u. · att LADY WILL CARE P'OR CHJL. DRJCN. Phon" 22&8-W Mra. Coe, 232 1: 2001 or Emma Crawford, ttza Oran,e, Coel& Meea. •·k WORK WANTED f"-nm.,.-tPnt llf'Cretary ct.l,_ ~t­ tton In Harbor al"f'tl St'veral )'t'IU"e l'Xperll!nce Private we· ntary, g.menLI bookkHper, PUX operator and recePuonlat. Bolt 1107, 'Balboa l&land. 4c 0008, ALL BREEDS Strtpj'IC'd, trlmm~d and bathed by Nation· ally known profC'&IIonal doc bandlc:r. Will come to your place t o do job. Bend card tor appointment. Ru.ell L. Keteh- &ql P. o. Baa ae1 8&1~ au WANTJ:O CARPET AND UPROL61'1:RY Cteanl,. In your home by local Veteran World War• I and U . Color and beauty revtvtd. Olve nt'" lheen. CaU DII:A.N WARD N . B. 20M-R. 2tf SCREENS RepAired and Rewtred Cop~r • GaWlLIIized • Plaallc Pat's Paint Shop Ph. l36-W 2lf IlEAl. F.STATF. (Fo--!'!:\It•) RF.,AI. ESTATE (Fol' SAl") BPO S E REALTY Cc.rona del Mar 3-Room Home· LOTS LOT !lO'x 1\11', ""II h nr hiiChWI.Iy, 4!'> F'T LOT nn Ml\rlgnld A \'1'0111'. COO" '"""llun, huu. t• In ~eorod ttOUth nf Hlghwlly, block &.nd condition, tuml~;"ht·ol fm•"'~r11Atl" hll.lr to M.~An rront. ronvPnltmt Pt-ulon 11nd bfoauurul lt'll'lllll'n, Price $6000 $3000 down Income Prooerty · UN8URPA88F.O Vtf:\(• OP' 'sAY AND OCP.:AN. 82 rt hv 111 tt. Bay fmnl lot. twn 1lqry bulld- lnl appmx 42 n by 40 tt_ three I o v e I y apartments upetalra. ~ dowrultalr• r,..r two good lillt apartmt'nll! and tlvt pr- &l'.t"· bull dina romr lt't~ly en· cloeed but not quite cumplt'ted. Lot rune to an alley IJI rear aa4 hu prlvat.l' ctrl.....,.y In front. Zon!AJ' ~rmlt. more unit.. Price $25,000 $15.000 down LOTS ., rr. ON l'OPPY A-,.,, north of Hf.ltlway, P~CI'l. locatlqn. amonc lo-~e I y home., B£A1.7'11roL OCZA.N VlltW. Can build tour unit.. P'llll pr1N! tor both Iota $3800 ,..~ u cllalred. • PT. CORNEl\ on Wllr.,ll'rtle Avwnue, aoulh or Hl.,tlwa.y, u- otlJflnt locaUon. ZOnlna pumlt. 8 ualt. .$3MO 30 P"T, LOT on P oppy Avenue, IIOULI\ nt hl~hw•y. belwf't'n !ka- viPW and OCt'an rmnt. bt'autlt\JI Vti'W $4750 424, P"T. LOT on Lark1pur A\·e .. aouth or h(pwa.y. rood location $4000 ~auUtul uno'-tructt'd on Poppy Aft., north -y protected vt-. $4500 vtew lot or hljrb- 10 rr. LOT on trte Ave .. lOUth of hlp-y -., $1800 30 P"T. LOT on Oahlla Ave .. aouth of~ay $1500 ) Business Prooerty. 100 P"T. J'RONTAGI!' on eout. Hlway In Corona !tel Mar. UM!l. In w_ry c:holee locAtion, oomPr lot tdl!al lor motel. eerrice ~ 11taUon. etc. Price $20.000 ~ C.48H, BALANCE AT 1'1- BROSE REALTY Corona del Mar 1307 Coast Highway Phone N. B. 2048 .. ·- .. Vr•\l•tan. l!ln~tl••, 28 deaire• to nnt rnum In N cv.'port or BILl~ Wilt~ r 0 Hox 882 Balboa ~p ---------- HltjruaT-BALBOA PRIIJ8 VOR B.ALE-Ice box, food eon. dltlon 810 ZH Huel CDM Op SEWJNO MACHINE For Sale Oood cond1tlun 3302 Marcus. Newport. ISp 111 1\JII It\' p••rmnnr·nl p ·lllllt'nl Phnn.-:.!2 !:\.J :\:Ur FOR SALr;: On" F:lo·t•t rlc, 8-cll.te. Cora Cola h-ri!IP <'r>Oier PhonP Newport 7.1 6c -------------~M .II I.I . Fl'f<.:-i AI'T , r<•r>m ur httll"' fut tlll•l•ll•··"i:'''' laolv Call M t-F "•l• v, H M, art.-r 1 I'RII f'OR SALt-; t'f•l\11:111' f'IANO, l:!q·1 M ~ ~l!'Tc lll'ht oak •:•••<I \uno• 12~ r uh Phon~ 212~ M •c 20 rr. HOUBJC TRAJLI:R ma.. hor-ny tntmor, Blimp dolly. rood rubber, new -tra Ure 6 wb~l. l1aGO caah. 201 0n)'1( J.ve., BaJbo& lala.nc1 P. 0 . Box 182. :)tl 80ATS FOR SALE --....--- MOORING . for 3:i-1t. boat off l.ldo Larce new can~~ 1150. Ph. 1891 lk: \ \\'tl lllr .t '" H• 111 Furu """~ .. In :-..'o'"l"'r1 011 l'nl<lll M•·1u1 Must Man'a Schwinn lllryrle 2 speode. FOR SALE-17 In'. SAn. BOAT. h•· n ·u.• .. nllbl•· li"X :.t. :-<rwport· Good ahRJW. ~·IL) •·1u.·11. 2&1 0 n)'1( Canvu covered. WIll tPU WE 00 ALL KIND8 ot p&I.DtJ.Ac. JIPr&Y and bna.h wo..-. r!UIZ e.Umat.e. No job too blf or small. Robert H. Daniel, Jr .. p&lntlnf cootra<'tor. Ph 14~7-R Box 137. 33tl PAINTING One room or a maNJion. l.nterlor 1: Exterior Free Estimates BULLOCK and JO~SON P hone 920 ftanday, April t!' lMI Model Airplane. 6 Boat.. Xacto Knlvu. MESA HOBBY 8BOP. 1794 N~wport Blvc1, Coel& M- TYPEWRITERS REPAIRED. ICX· pert urvlce.' Work guaranteed Mesa Radio 6 El~ti'Onlcs .. 17 .. Newport Blvd., Costa MQL All tYJlf'l! tlnn<:lng l..ssons. Satui'· day11 only, 2 .:lO lilt 6.30 Scout H11ll. Vlrjt"lnla Valudln. :Itt Bulhou l'n'"" 6-7p Ave., palt)()n Island. Mt !'heap. 1770 Newport Blvd., F -----Coeta MY&. 53tr -H;-E . M'OONALD MARl~~~ MAJOR A:-<n WI P: f"OR SALE l;r·nUinP lkunk chub-,ft-~111· flt11) h'J('UI•· n1· "J'Il Ph b -' 16 I ik ... , CHR18 CRAFT 19' SPEED BOAT PAINTING, paperhanging and TRUCKING A f"..XCAVATING, Grading rock, and, top aoll. R. W. McClellan A: Bona. 2817 W .. Central, Newport. Pb. 123 1U HOUSE C'ALLS made dally ell, cept Sat. &t Sun. Phont' :~•~· Ml'sa Radio 1: Ell'ctronlca, 1TH Nt'wport Blvd-. Coal& MeaL · y, ••I.e 14· · • ll new. ~.. deeoraUna. 41t OI.J County Rd .. ~"MA Ann 4601. Ext 401 Ma. J'lowao c M call daya ~ P'l,.t elaaa oondltlon throughout . " j(•r MMlt•·rll .. ld 4-!'ip ' ' · Never In all water. Private ~ta MML Phone N. B ------An.A8 BABY CARRIAGE-AU owner, Auto 8&lea Lot. 2eCM W. lM-W. 17U VETERAN wants to rent apt. or ateel lprinlt rnune AIAO b.-1· Central, Newport Beach. ~p hnUM"-tum or unrurn. Pt'rma· oett.e and bathlneltc, AU for 140 nl'nl Rl'fert'ncu . Ju. Sexton, Phone U20.J. 5c: 2378 Elden, C'o.ta Mesa. lip WILL RF.OEOORA TE 2 bedroom houH for ptormAilent renl&l of N mt' Couple with 1 child.. Phone Lone Beach 84.300 col· leet '-6p Qultt Couple. no drtnktnr or 000 BOUSE Wl'll buill. Modem dMqn. Wood platform. Euy to e-. and Oentltate. 3612 Karcua Ave. Ntwport. 5p FOR SALE Prewar collapelble b1ch dl&lr A: cbUcfa crib with mattrua. BoUJ tn ,.ood condition. Purch&Md at BuDock f ..:ood quaUty. Pl-. 1882·. Wll RA tSE OUR OWN Hutch's Fryers BOA T8 P AINTED -Burned off -and macbl.ne iiinded. can al.o tum1ab way-. JI'RD IC8TDIA TDI Phone N~ s-eh tus-R 'tt FOR 8AL&-New CbrnlH BD)'&l Manne EnJinea. Complete with lnatallaUon. TbonabuJI II:JI&1· ltl8 Newport Blvd.. Coal& M-nee,..,.. Service. 14ee Be&l- Tile Contractor SlAh, Bathroom&, m-Blockwork. JOt 0rte 8 L. P. 0 . BoiP 81 C08T A IIJC8A • ., C. E. McCormick Construction Co. IS3tf Lido Electric Co. · Applta..ncN and ServicJnr ~18 Slate BJcb•ay. Phone 12tt dtt AAA NATIONAL At.rrO CLUB8 c .... to all ctU• hourly. No c»- lay Member Ch.aJnbu of Com· merce. 24• Ramona BI<SK. 111 W. 5th 8. A. 8720. LICEN811:0 -BONOJI:D-JN8URJ:D. 'Us COKPL&'I'I: BOXII BUILDIIIl8 Cablnet llbop 21SI NeWport J~oWeotoarc~ Willey's P. 0 . Box 10CIG ut Vtctona .treet • Refrigeration amnklng-. no p&rtlea, nee-d un- tumllh~d or fumlall~ 1 bed- ,_m house .or apt. Bolli ~~· &.lbo6. ~ 8 . B and HagLHutcfll[!! Pro,2!t· brlpt Ave., Lon1 Beach. Pbone l"ot' Deltftry Phone N. B. 1UJ.J. ~'r. DC . ~A ~~4~.1~~--~--~-~~··nD-e~----------Pbone ~rviceO. __ ,. WANTI!:O to nont during JULY or AUGUST, tum. houae or apt. Contact Or M. Sotlln, 127tl Kllnlf Sl . North Hollywood 8T 73111~. 4-lk WA NTED TO RENT-Anywhere In Harbor Area 2 or 3 bedrnnm tumlahed h o u a t' .Permanent noeiMnts. no children. No ~la~ Phone 1370-J. 4c ROOM AND BOARD wanted for elderly mAn In Kood ht'altb. Wr1tr !:. 0 Shute, 5124 Cren· •haw Blvd . Los Ang~tu U . (1vlnjt prlct' and add~aa. 4-Tp 31tt Everything Electrical ETS-HOKIN and GALVAN mectricaJ Collt:ractore 1000 ODMt HI·-Y ....... lilt JI'OR RALP! DIIUiicT C'Uft.RI:NT MO'I'OM and c-raton. t-12. 110 aad DO 1'0ita. " to 5 k1r "otAM'I 1... to J IL p. An l"fCCndltiOMd and ...,..t.ed. Varloua ..._ ot tltM1.-N and "'J'Ulltor-.. WANTED TO R.!:NT H. P' V O\\'RY By tht' yHir Houae, turnlah~d or 10'7 VIa Ban Remo, Udo lale. unrumtahf"d anywhere In Ru -N~ Bead! Pb. N. 11. IlL bOr a..-. 2 f\dUit.l Writ!' Box ·==='-=;;_.. __ _, .. .._===--_..;;:; C. Newport-Balboa Proa 6-tp ----------------2 DORM apt., or house ror couple 1: 1mall chllc1 W1U lake yur'• IPIIIe, tumlahlld or unturnlahed. N~rt or Coal& Mea~ Need hoU&f' by Hay l. Bo1l 0 , New. port-Balbotl Preaa. 11-p W A NTJ:p TO RKNT 2-bedroom rum . bo~»e or apL. In Balbotl or Balboa I.a., by lady and aon eomlq home trom ovei'WU aervtee. P~rman~nt. No r hlldrfn or pet.. Ph 1114S.J 4lt FRP:E WANTED ~msll ho~ or apt .. 2 or 3 room•. rum . to r~nt tor about S25 nr $30 p<'r mo . Y"'H ""'''"d Will p11lnt and d--corat,. lhtPrll'r frt'r for lt'U" JonMy'll Sl~ RN'vlc,. Phone :\38-W 2H EXCHANGE \\'JLL F:XC'HA~f:E nrw · bldg. tumb••r rnr hullttln~ I!Upplll'" ,;r 111'1'\'lr r•s , sur h IV' plumlnl(", tiM'o. r11lln~. ;•tc., 2648 E lo.lt-n. Co!l'l Mo'lll\. ~(' \\'ANTED 1 nr 2 h!•rlruom hoot:~•· nr tlfll. rurniMht'd or unrum \Vlll '''lt'ht<IIJ:!•' rurn ~trl In I .n"~ n "nrh If drllll"l'd. Wrllr H. E . FOR BALE Lnvt-eeat, kldnt'Y ahape. $90: Ch11111" Lounge 110. Both Ulre n~·. nne t abl'lca. 521 F emJ.t, Corona del Mar. 5-7c Cll4~ ObiD~ We buJ, ldJ or trade. lor ....Ut ba" yoca. lllJ Newport BJvc1 o.ta ....._ ftoae 1000. Ttl 2-riF'.CF. LJVlNG ROOM SET ~ontrn!y. 11ber nJK 11nd rail •nl\ullral dMII'Il All ror ~ :l409 F inley, Newport Phune 2147.R ~ Fl 'R~Tn11UC FOR SA I.E \Yhll" pnlntcd be-droom ll('t r.nn11 srrm~ nnd mattre•. Rl'ol"'""' por•·h chaJr 6 lounge Tl'l 1'186 lie FOR SALE o ,utolt" u••n b<'d, mnttr"~~ und ~rJnJ:ll Sln«le beli, box 11prln~ A mn ttr!'llll. Foldln~ ~d. f)nd & f'l'tl• 11 • ooV M'. F1nl tnp rnokln~t mrs:•· :\07 Anade. BAlboA, h<'· (oro , J'l -m, SAl .. Arrll 6. rtr Ml'Stf' \I, AND RADIO li'< hnt·r. 3)5 OrllnJt!' Av,. · L<ort,::; AI': II I •J \'A ~ with mr~trhlfll! • l1111r Do'IH'h 2. l'ifl &: "': ,.,,a n. Prk~ $4!1 J'>h \1'16 5p WANTED TO BUY !1F:A I 'TH'l't.. S plntt t~ ml tTOr ptttn" ., harpln. Tf:rma DAn&· W A NTEO TO BU Y g, hn,l·ll Plano Co .. 520 N Ml'ln, 35 to 38 tt tt.hlniC bnal. \\'Ill pn v • Snnt.• '' na. · •ettc cub rhnn,. 20112-R 4C .II C-:4 II H • ll~<'\1 planoa. SOmt' a.l low 11.., S..~l' Fine for pra.c:Uce. Ji:a.ly t ... rr.~ Or •Ill rent . Oanl· S• hmult J>laDo Co~ 530 N. Wain. 8tinll AnL *fe .. PC" Pacific Class 32 ,_ One of the moat popular fut 111\.ller-. on the cout. Now bulldtnr for aummt'r delivery. 'Alao used PC'a. Georse Strom. local rep. Phone lle-W. Jtf BOATS-~ 1014. tndld. llartne ._... aD4 .PaN. IILUUN'& aAl.V AOII AJm 10'0. co. N~ a..ea_ calif. aGIO W. OUtraJ Aft. PIL JIII.W Hunt-Craft 30 ~t equipped 30 tl. boat on the market. CUpper, Ze"phyr and ~luxe lounce. Order your-. now to11 IN.I1\Iner delivery. Eileen B. Richardson Rtrhardaon Yacht Anchorage Phone N e"J))r l 389, 5S~c SPECIAL 4e' WATI!:R TAXl Exc,.l· h>nt rnndllfon thrnughQut. Pnw"r"d bv twin Chryslt'r C'mwM .... -tth 2~ 1 re~ ducnon, tm•talll'd 194•. Top 11rN·d 20 5 m p. h. ("ruiiK' 14 ~nw Of>t'n\1~ lnJt undPr <'harter whll'h •·~<n tw lr'ftn!lft•rr!'1 A Jl:n. lnJr bU!IInl'llll fur romplete rrlr,. nr $11,000 37' WATER TAXI. Built by A I I.Arlll'n 1934. Ptw:f!re(! h\' f"hrysl,.r w1ll\ 3 '•: I rl'dllrllnn ~ I' a r N o w worklnJr unrler chuter S :1:)00 20' FlSHl~G BOAT. n~l- ooa Dory Type. Built 1941 Pnwl'rNI, by Cray 4·:.12 S !J~O !JO' SWO P R~palnted. En- ~lno• ju"t nverhaulrd. S !l51)() Ill A""' l(c•tl'h Buill Fo•l. '""' M ol'r ~t··wn~t Sh···rs 4 RC'I'I'nclltloned &t repalnt. PI(. Mar.-onl rll(' I 5000 :'!!\. ruot F'IJ!hln" Boat. :-: .. w (' h r y " l " r C'~vn with 2 ·~ :1 reduction grar. Thla II A r!'AI (Mt hull. f"om. plt'lr w I t h all tl~hlng- ltt'&r I 4200 20' f"rulst'r l:lleepa 2 Con· ttnental Manne I 1500 WANTl!:O'Ride from Newpor1 tn El 'l'oro. dally Phonr 106[,-W ~p STF.I").'W A Y Grw.nd. Uke new. one or tho• world'l .,._t•t pianos. 32 rr. P'18HING BOAT t:o•r~r••nu~ tone. S..uUhll ....._..ralrbanlu . Mor.e Ole.el Engine. Thl• \4 an wtrument for tM 1500 mil~• crut.tng ran~ $MOO •h•r n mlnaU• buyer. 0 a n s- BICYCLES WANTED Jotan'1 6 Woman·., racn t~'J)P Schwinn or Enflllh malce. Ph 1H8-R. 4c ---------· MOORING for Nle. Foot of l!'ith 8 l. J. Ill. McBride. Gi>n f)llllv- t'rf. Newport or aboArd "Foot- lOOIM''. ISp BOXER PUPPIIlS-P'awn A.K.C Cbamplon etoek. Phone N . B. 2•52 or Charleston 801101 'Bur- bulk). 4C FIRE llQut:PIIZNT TI:8TS COl. Pyrene, and P'oam Renna rtll COt 8~ and PortabiC'I Now Anilable 1!'1"11-HOICIN AND GALVAN 1000 eo..t m-y. Newport. Phone 1314 Floor Furnaces :47,000 B T U lmml'dlatP dtllvtry U ti 40 V()(:F.L'S \()() Maln St. B11ltx>a 308 M11rlnt'. Balh(l11 b ll\nol 47tt ~ --. l'rhmJ•It PI&DO Co., 520 N. Main, Ssnta AnL '~ .. USED CA&S Why Shop Around Sell Ua Your Car \Ve Pay the Limit! ... Extra Cash FOR IIXTRA EQUIPMENT C.\LL SA~A ANA 31M AND • tt'R roURTiX>U8 BUYI:R \\'ILL CALL AT YOUR lh ~IE OR OJI'FICIC GUARANTY CH I::VnOLET CO. F':~. t•'f'Y Dlnet Of'11ler ~ 1•t and eycamoN" t• 1 h l :-. ~: Santa Ana 32041 -~ Colonial Yacht Anchorage (P'ormerly J'owlera) Wllmln~tton-Berth 206A WEST of FORD AVE. BRlDOil Phone Tt'rmln.al 4-2847. Firestone Tires ,_tone J'act.ory Recappl~ Service. nrNtone Deluxe Champion TUUtS NO TUBm5. COMPLE'TE ~LiUBRICA TtON ,re and t.ery eervtce Ptck up an4 ellvery tervlce tor rour CAr v'i.tt our F rutone Rome and A uto S pply Store. 1--- Gus Beach Service Station 10th 1: N-·ror t Bh·d .. Coata M•aa. Pllonl! 202.5. l7tf IUc Steel Kitchens G LASS TUB ENCLOSUlUtS SHOWER DOORS Oom•llc and Commercial Repalra and Service 920 Cou t Bl\'4. a t Sid'• G&n~,~ CORONA DEL MAR Ph. LaJuna 654 or usa Southern Counties 47tt Supply Co. B'rlng your 1u eout Blvd. N. Battery Troubles Ph. ~2 • LAGUNA B•ACH to us-Battery repair worlt Ia ow 50\f Bualneu House Plans QUICK SERVICE H . ft. llRJIITHAUPT 12M Harbor Blvd, Coft& MNA Telephone ~-W. 43tl r . E. O.NVID80N'I Cabinet Shop CaiiUMt Woril, OC Ooo,. and draw.,., wtodow frame., etc Oomer Walllut and W..unina· t.r, ODIIta M-.. Pbone l'TU·W . ltW Painting-Decorating Roof RepaJr • PatnUnr Sympson & NoUar STOREY'S Batt~ry Service Wt'lllmlN!ler t ~twet'n 18th 6 Magnolia) COSTA MJ:SA ltt Tailor Made SEAT COVERS SPORT TOPS BOAT and AUTO ' UPHOLSTERY TRUCK CUSHIONS Pb. Nwpt. 1211-W ~~ aatll St LEA'MiERE'n'll AND J'ABRIC I Ultt Paper Hanging and Painting Kenneth Quarry Phone NPWJ!')rt 1471 41p·tf Have Your Floors Renewed BOAT OECt<S SURFACED IN ALL COLORS alao GE'NUTNE LEA THli:R Huntington Beach Top Shop· HENRY HERMA.~. Mgr. 210 3rd St. (ln rellrl Huntington &aeh Phonll 651~ t C'nnllnut'd on PAge 17 1 JAMESON FLOORS ActonWeadei'WiaeN Phon~ to Get "••• ....... 371 Avocado COlla )filM Npt 2688 1 C'tlQIInu~"rl from Page II 1 tl Mobarry -McCartney Electricians Walter Kidde C 0 2 Sr-tem f"alrbanka • Mor.e Generator-. and Pumpe-Automatlc Water Syatema. .. Marine Wlr1nl' to USOO SpeeiMca Uona Commerci&J. and hou'ae wlrln• 215 Marine Avenue Balboa Island Phone 2068 Painting -Decorating INTERIOR -EXTilRlOR Bpeclal1m.n1 In Marine Paints the .-tnt on your boet boldl up- why not paint ydur hoi*' with It 15 tir8t-cl ... peinterw ....ortd.nC H. SDIONBON 7311 Stuhono Drive ~· 8701-J2 or E. J JACKLIN 0<-rl Contrll<'tor •oos MarCWI Ave. Phone 1522-J 2tf brand nrw from collt'jl'f' and 111 8tr1rtly on the beam. Vlf'Jt1nlll RachmiUin hu worked hard too. She'• the ualatllllt dlrcl'tor IUid ll'tagt manager. Bf'madln,. Cou- ron l• In cha rJe of c011tumee and E!aln,. QuArry 111 displAying her l&Jenta wllb mak!'-up Dick Me· kee Ia publicity mana.gt'r. Tht' mt'mbers ot tbe ea.t are all from lht' ~rraduatlnlf cua and lncludee aome of Harbor'• favorite charac. tl!rw. I think lbeyre goln~r t" have 110melttln~r lhl're OAA BANQUY:r A SUCCESS Tht' G. A. A. banquet hllld at the Cc:wl& Mel& Club Houu lut 'lftke wu jUIIt perft'ct. tht' R1rla reportl!d. M,.. Sherman and Mllla Adam• 'J't're pr-nted with pr- denlu and th~ cablnt't membe,. eacb recl!lvlld a cameiiL The kldl had a riot of tun lnlllaUng the D...., membe,.. They madt' lllem do tklt. and gave th~m much trouble With tht'lr dinner. llvery. one had a riQd laugh, however, n en th~ tablet weno turnlld and Sarah ae.t, an old m ember ....... knocked orr her llt'at by aomP OYer ~er lniUate. imlt&ttns thl"t'e p]loptng borwea. !:Vt'rythlng hu 1\appent'd to Sarah lately. Sh,. and Pegy Trine 11hut lh!'ml'eh-e• 10 tM mumm• catH-that Mr. WorMn made for lht' rlay. just about didn't l t'l out Th,.~ wer!' In It tnr nt'arly an hour lind ti\P air ~rot J)rt'tty lllln befof'f' I hr JAnitor h•·Artl tht·m calling and trt them out g,. A~l"F: HOI.IABA UGH 0 . I I \ . . .· Tbanday, April 4, 19fe . I I f Mat do.. sixty mi Ilion flollsrs ' - f-ve to Jo wit~ ""JH mer • Young ,Cady, t his particular ai:dy million dollara can have a lot to do with I you because it will be used thia year to add awitchboarda and other equipmel)t to the Southern California Telephone Company's system. The bigger the system the more youn1 women we need to fill good jobe in juat about rlflrY building in every town we serve. And,.il you qualify for one of these attractive, pennanent joba which now VBY better tha,.. where you <'"'Tle i · • ..~re, that's So woa't you com• Ia and He MRS. RUHL 100 E. Bay, Balboa or eall Chief Operator. BALI-80011 B4tJOA n-.na aa DRUMMER MAN ,Ill OINI AND.a HIS WHtltLWIND "DRUMATICS" WEDNESDAY APRIL 10 · Wedaesday Nile, Apl'. 10 ~ l'raDide Slam - All liS oasTRA SATURDAY NITE APBIL 6TH Forty-Five Attend Tea, Buainea Session G4.ren by Women of ~orona del Mar Church Capello Clrclt-of the Coron& dfol April I a.nd f . A non lin ollllll ,'(\no. M11r Community Chur ch mt't mlttM wu then Nl•·•'l••d ····~~~~-~ Wt'dnud11y In t.h .. IIO<'Iat hall or Inc of wn. Jllet'nr ~tuwk, M•·" lht r hurch. Fo.-ty.fi\'1' '\)l'mbtrtl O«J~e E. lA!Wt•. anol I. A ~ .. r 1 at\t•ndt'd one of thr m011l f'njoy. man. I able lllC"t'tln~s of tht' MMUIOn. Joerw. Arthur K l'mJ'• r • h.1ttnuu1 IA"Bolln~: lht' dt'votlonal• wu Mn dlac~d plana fOr l h• .\I I\ I • '' DonAiol Button. follnwt>d by a bual. RC'nl'rll Party, on,. t•r 111, 11 ,,• 1 nt'llll l!('ll!llon. Important ell'<' II' ,., 1"11• ••I I h• Mrs ~v.lnf'y Blnrkbt'nrd rero•t· vt•llr erh~ulf'd (nr ~'''' I II II•• •••I thllt $100 hlld b•·•·n rr&Jir;f' 1 ~cl~l h~tll nf lhr • "'" • h ~~· frflln lhf' quill for the Ro•d Crosll ~tatnd th&l rNK""''I\11"1 1 I •' 1 -''"' Frllnk Batrs announn·.l that may ~ mack with lll ·' '\'· ·'loon I ht• Wllllll'n \\'0111<1 quilt tWO Ad· ('Olt, lfll'phonf' 2lfl \ II II 1 I I .ttthuuol f'nrnrnrtt•111 Mnt John of very nl~ table' 111 •1 .. ,,, SAoll.-tr ~tn<1 Mre. Ar1hur Kt mp.•r awu~l!l will bl' ~""'1'0 '"1 lh·· •• """f' RJ'll>fllntt'd a; d"l"~tlll••w to the cneton. • \Vomrn'• F'f'dt•ratlon or Conl'fegll· F llllOWlfll" 0111 bu~1n ~ •• """" tlonl\1 C'hur('ht"a in Loti An~teltoa on the ~n ..VO~d II l!lomu uL '"·I ......., -....... ~.. ,_,_ '"""''" - u ('a) 1101011 by foCr11, flo•JI Hill! 11 I. I\'• Cirl Scouts Enjoy Skating Party; Plan Easter Egg Hunt H~ aC'eOm.,.,u.d by M 1" ,,..,..,r•l both of SantA Ana "\' ,.,., ... ,.,. · h\'1 Flahf'r, "\\'Mn Chllolr.•n I 'r 1\ h \' Bennl't, and an l'nl lltl' ··r no !;I,, • 11plrltuala wert' tht' ~~lo'o'llr\11~ pr•· lll'nted. NeWl)qrt H &rbor Girl Seouts Tea wu aerved rrun1 ,. 11\hlo Troop 21 with Scout Lfoadt'r Mr11. bl'autltully dec:o ratt-ol w1th, lllo'l' Hf'rbtrt IC. Morey enjoyf'd a alca l· cloth, candJN, and rt"l"'r$ 1\ llh ln~r party lairt · week at H ynN Mre. Qet:trude HOUll". Mn Ad~ Rink.. Thaw altMidlnlt thf' f'VVlt PetUJnllrl. a.nd Mn. H~tn•tu_ L!•ul;)c were Joan B~>nbow, Roddlf' Lou u 1\0IIte--.. · ' Sh•..ro. Bard•n Greenleaf. Sonya John•. Laura Mae Lanfleld, M11.ry WEEK END G.l!I:I:IT~ *M M-)'. Mary Kay Morria, Olllnnr P&tlf'reon. and Mrw. Herb- rrt E. Mort')'. Week end ~t. •n tht> """'"' of Mr. and Mra. Stl\111••\' Y<>Un~ot. 142 Vl~nl11 Place In C'•l•lll Mr·u , wf're Mra. YounJ'• 8IJ!Io•r lll'ltl hU8· band, Mr. and Mr'll. Guy ~m1t h •tf Thco Jt'l'OUP of 8th pl\de girls comprlalng the ttoop h&\"1! a.rf ac· tlvP pm!n"l\m plannf'd for the aea· son with Bevcorly Bechtold u 811' Bter Lalrf', A I"" l'l~trln~ Ill the Y oung hom• for lht• ... ,.,..k ""'' 1~1111 ev~nb chalrmlln. Th~ nnxt Mr11. Hllman c,•,lr notrnm r big e''""' will ~ an Eaat•r egg I ~th 0 t 0 I hunt at the B t'Clllold ranch. <7VW a "· Thf' troop mHta ell<'h Wednea. I day 111 tht> hom,. of M ra. H rrbert I F. Mnrry 312 Coral. Lido Y onth Fatally Hurt in Auto Crash Following Wedding The hont'ymoon t II a t ~a.n Monday tor J amN 0 U lhiTOw Jr .. 21, of U do lale a.nd hl~ bride, Al••l.a Lout.e, 19. dauchl•r of Mr. and Mr'll. Frank A. Lai'Wn ot Lo"- 84'ach wu cut ahort when YOUAI" LJttlr'Ow wu fatally Injured near Bakerwneld rouowtnc the weddlric l"f'Ceptlon. Tbl' coupt.o wrr~ "n route to San Franct.co wht-n the auto accident occurnd 1'1, which the br1de(1"00m wae Injun'<!, later dyln« at t he Kern County Hoepltal at Bakerw· field. Thr bride wae only allfhlly lnju~. The youth W&l the .on or Mr. and M,.., Jame~~ Utl\cOW or U do late. R e wu .-octated with hll ,,.lid a-""s~.op 2827 W. Central Ave. Phone Newport 1781-J ()pea T..clay ud n.w.c~.y a.-....~A,.._ .... , father In a plutlca manutactur • .__ __________ -.: Inc bUll-1.11 I.a. AAc"el•. liarpret L. 8dwte Ubm~Nr Mu.k: 'h&ebeft Aaa. ol Clal1foraja) TEACIU:R or PIANO Orpru.t -AooalllpuWt ltudio: lOT OolclannNt A,_ue Corona del Xu PRONE: NKWPOitT 10.. 1..-ou at.. at IIOf'De ol PupU II Deltnd from Gu1'a. Try ua and you'll diacoTer w hy ~-·-HARBOR RADIO & RECTIIC SHOP Gu Clark, Pto'p. 2802 c.ttral A•• BALTZ MO.RTUARY t WY ATTDIDANT 410 Coaet Blvd. ~ORONA bEL NAR . . ~~~ DAY AJifD llfJOHT A New Home Service for the People of the llarbor Area! • We'H· the Answer To Your Problem! \\'ilh r•w 1 I ~· no hrlp avail· n l1 l1• Y"" ', prohably been w011 vt11,.: .1 11 1111 yuur Spnng t•lf'nn&n)(• Our n•·"t 111 fotr mf'd workrra ~·•II h•· 1 . • •• I • • joY to offer you our 141 n " Wh•·lll• r '"" want your hnullo• r•·n"' 11• •I While ynu Rre llvln~t In ll oor would llkf' It rrl\dy f•or ~···•• I · • mnvf' Into thll eeuon, W•· ur• lhf' ''""! to ht'lp you v.llh Y"'" problem. Window Washing .. Screens Repaired . .. Wall Cleaning ... Furniture Cleaning I( Y"" lw•. · n home In tJMo Har~1r ,.., ... 1, hAve your 8pr1nc Cltanln~t rtun•· r"r you and M Vt )'ouraetr unr,.., ~ual-y worrtee ! • Bo•• ~· Sajlel'lenlce Cl CO .. "-UE HOld .IM0¥AT1 ... · ~aor" t ,.,,.,, lfl....._,. ('ORO,,\'UF.I. MA& l'hunt' !'\pl . 1&1t-W ,,., .. .,,. ,.,.. ......... Ill "-m Md I~·-. I ,. .-..... ParkJnJt Mete-rs N_.t $917 for City RADIAPHONE Hal'tlo~ll.... hau• ......._ ,.....~. ~ topralltn.c Uitt!i.r ~ oa ''"' nu .. ·hln•"' apln, IW'4..,NIIftt tn r•'l""t-u f c 'tty 1'~11nor J, \. cl•nt. Thla lluw, hf' ""'"" 111!\1 llu• •·II~ u\\fti'Od· nta4'hi- IJ•~trklrtc mrtl',...l tun·,. ""llf'(L ti'IH 1 lu t ', \. \\'alta, th" """'" '' hn ··~'Ut4."-•""uwt" ,... t"'ttla,...., lht• t•o\111" fur lltf' o·ll~. ' McmtL u $1119.00 .• • •·r.oqu""'''""· l 1ll'l1td,... Tranamltt .. r, ltro·rh'f'r, tAUII I'CI-...kf'r, l .. •wf'r I'M'h, •·nur c ')•tala, Mlo·n•1•t1-. and Tu~ EARL W. ~'TANLt :Y RMU« Notary Public I'II•JII• L ~ ~· N,\ \ IIY. M•:t:N AT HARBOR ENGINE & EQUIPMDfl CO~ ~ H.\J.IU)A IMLANU 2211 M.an ne llatbn• , .. ,,.n•t ,. look what happens April M ..... . . ·11ooil DAYLIGHT. IACII ltll1llc .... 14. the 1treamlined N«M ~· /filii roee back into tet vice between Loe Anaeles and San Frandlco. lea¥e tc:. An· l'e~ 12:15' noon,daily ,arrive 9'.55 p.m. Stope at ~~ale. Santa Barbara, San LuiaObi.lpo, Salinas, Wat.anville Junctiol\,a:nd San Joee. Streamlined chair can-you can ~e your ~eat lo advan~. Tavern car, parlor obaervation car and tJiple·unit CXJtfee ~ dinina car. M...,.. ~lal wiU contin~~e to leave at 8:15 a. m.0 arrive 6:00 p! m. FASTfi·SM JOMNM JAMIIr' One hour and thirty minutel futcor to S.. Frandllco,atartinc April 14. F.-. ~ to Baan6eld,Fr..oand otberV.U., d~ too. SttMml1ned daalr c:a...-you can~ your eeat lnlldvuce. Tlvem car, J*1ar • -.vatlon car and CICII• lhop.dlftlq Clr eenic:e. Leave Lae Aqele. 1:30 a. m. ci.UIJ, ani" Sat Frw.ndaco ~_,., Bide.) 8:lO P. a. • p fASJfl·courrr .. , 'OM' ....,,cmnUaflteo.t Uneec:onomy trw&~. Coact. 1DUrilt ........ can. ......... Nban. r..-;mon coe..U.t ........ ~ ~ 1c. a.. .. 1.01 ~ 1:e p. a d.UIJ, antfe ............. L & ....O'Nna,httoS.~· .. ,.. .... v.a.,. muda , .............. Lei Allellla 1:30 p. .. Mar. arm. s. rn. dlcoUOLm. S •P ... ,.., ............ of both Bu.!DMRWJ and .choofbo1. apatmeat dweller and home O'llnlel', tarm.r aDd bind band-t.b.y come to Bank of America for wbateblr bankh'l help t.be;y DMd. 'The eodeavc)r ~ tbia be..n.k bu alwa,ya been to maintain a bank for c&ll the people. In ita l1letiiM, Baak ot ADMrica bu hell*i to build ~rreat bridle .. factorie .. eno entire commuDiU..~but moet often it.a work hu been to help Ca1.llonUa m.a ud woc:wa wit.h bomee. Wma.lllWI eot.rprieee. Banko( America proWlee oompl.t.e ....aropaittan 6dlitr. ba &.be tow'DI and cit* ot Ca11tonUa. It adaptalta -·-to the cbanlinc oeect. of Calllorolau. Ool7 ~b 8UCh aJ.rt operatba eu it cootinue to proride "beoldq t.bal .. bufldlq CaUfon~~a.• • ......... reDettAL DIII'D.IT IN·U-AHDII •OD.II'D.ATID .. waw•a• riDII.AL Ra•a•vc •v•T•M Pap 10 - ... MAAI."'P: BALIKIA ISI.A~I' PHONE 1M I ' Day Badlo Service Let our·ltaff of trained technicians 1ervice your radio. Bring it hi one day ... qet it the next .. Fac- tory Parta, Guaranteed Labor, Reuonable Rate1. RADIO 101 BJ.BC'fBIC ................ For MARINE HARDWARE · PAINTS& ., VARNISHES t Ira the~ ~rd. and Central Ph. 2600 • ~-· . r.:" •• • ( EIT2_HII _T!ICE > v.·r i I ).....4 ~ 6 -J.lf • YOUI MIIINGUI ... ,.., claaiMtl te .ew.p .. flat, ,..........,., .... het ............ .._.COUM,~ .... WNftl ptepOtt'-"t ef ••t•r te .. , white. <,_ ~ l••••t..r, twe table-::::... ........... ,., each .,. If ......... t KOV!_IHOL~ ~IIT) ~ .... ~r ')....1; ' ' .... # TO AVOID Hu••• ........ ef ,._ ....................... ~ ,..., ~r .. , thla trlc•. I• .W.AhNya...,,._ •n•ta ...... , rvHitl•t ........ ,. ,.. h•"•'· ......... APPLIIAUCI TOPPINO "' c. ........ 1 .. ~ ........ 1........... _... ..... "' ... _ ............ t.thhlr .. ,r • ...,ce,..w.,....rW ..... tvlce. ,. stiffly ............. . ,, ..... y ..... \4 cvp ...., ..... .... ther••thly. felt! l•t• •ppleM•ce. .... 1"' ~., "id •• " YO Wlm TODAY for ,._ ,_ _, ef *•et.r'a "GOOD IDIAI" ...._ ......... ... , ...... c.., o.,t. 11, o..t. 12. e.. 1730, Wll ... i....&...,_ ~ .... M , C.tlt. AM lt'a • 0000 IDIA te alwoys ltuy WHII'IUIADI • JfitWPOM-BALROA 'PRESS AU.P:S'~ ('.U'E ftl'ROlAmzz.D A llf'n'a Cot~ nn the Ocean Front 1n :-< •·wt~t•rt w u burg lflr1led Thunullly n1ght Thlt'vtlf ftalnt'd .. ol ,.,,.,.,. lhroo11~h • windoW wlUeb hlid bi'Pn hmkl•n 110me tima qo, talon& $21 20. I.EGAI~ NOTICE ( l:ltTi t-'H'ATY. H t' a·nni\"ES8 I·'I<T ITIUI'ti t'IRM NAME Till·: l'='!IF'rt:::;lo;:>:En ~~ hereby .-rrttrv t l'llll t l'l,.,. ""' romturttnr a O<'lnu t o11111 <'M(, • ., Shop bual.-s at Pun ~·n•• 1 :-;,, P:.lm 1, Balboa. r:ullfnmtn, undrr the flclllloua fiYno n<Hill' Of DAI.ROA DONUT SHOP 11ncl thnt 11111,1 firm Ia compoeed of t h (' f•1llnwlng-J)('MIOna. wli'&le na mr'w on•l at.ldresllt'a &rt' u fol. lOW I!, tn Wit: H ARRY C. ASHEN, JR.. 408 Surf. B11lboa. California: CLARENCE L. HEPPLER. 124 Wf'llt Central Avenue. Ba.Jboa, Callfomla . WJ'TNY!881 our handa thle 2ttll day of March 1t41. HA~T C. ASHEN. JR. 'CJ..Aft.ENCE L. HEPPLJI:R ~ or CAUP'ORNIA 1 , •. COUNTY or ORANGE 1 ON THIS 2tth day of March A. D .• tHe belore me. Helen 0 . Klatt, a Notary Public In and for the eald County and State, realdlnc there- In, duly eommiAiontd and -om. J)f'MIOnally appeared RaJTy C . Aehen. Jr. and Cla rence L. Hep- pler known to rn• to be the penona Whoee namee are aub.crtbed to the wtUIIn lrutrument. and acknowl- ed~ed to l'le that they executed the •me. IN WJTNIC88 WHJ:RJ:OJ', I have hereunto eel my banct and atrtxed my official aeal the day and year In th.w Oertmeate nrwt above writ· ten. HELII!1f 0 . K LA 'M' Notary Public In and for aald County and Slate'. My commlaalon uplrea Dec. 3-48 Pub. Mar. 28-Apr 4-11 -18 CJ:Jn'lnCATE OF BU81NE88 P'k-ttu-Finn N.,_ TlfE 'UNDERSIGNED do ht>re- bv l',.rtlty thAt tht>y are con- dul'llnr a Sport and Commercial rlllhlng bualnua 111 1301 Cout Hlpway. Nl'Wf'Orl &ach. Cali- fornia, undt'r tht' rlr UIIotM firm n11m,. or S MOOTH SATLJNG SPORT FJSIUNG COMPANY and that nld firm ia compoaed of t ht• rollowlnjf pt"rson... w h 0. t' n10mr1 In full llnd piRr Pa ()( r+>al. dl'nl',. Rr,. 118 follnw11. tn-1.\11 : MYRON H KLTNC:!o~R. 41 :1 A. !'ln. RpAidlng Drlvr.' Btverly Hills. Cnllf. .N&n('i , ot· t:LEC'TlO~ Fer HJ~:h ~·huul Tru•~ NOTJrE • t~ r l•v L;"lvr•n to th .. 'JU8.'Hh•c1 • ul ~I'WJlC•rt s-:~l•h Cl 1 1 r I : ' SdiO'll fJ(t;tru:t of Oran~ .. I II I \ !':lilt•· or '1\llfor· n ta, that. 111 , • "lo•n•· · 11 rlh Ull' prov"blona ror th· !.: ntvol Cndc or the St .. te ur c-•' , r • h·· nnnur1l ~>IN·• lon f J • , o..: 1\•~<•1 Trot~l""* for NF.WT'tri!T II \lli~OH l'!lliON IIJC IJ ~rptot rt. I•'STRirT . will ty. 1\"Jr! :ol l ' \I '' ~·· !lr>o~l, N••w. f'!'rt DeAI'h, IH ~ • I :-\ ·l''l"lrt Af'ACh Jtl.ml'!nt-.rv !4• '•·~·I TJIRtrlcl on MRv 17. JO•tR. ·'' \1 l!kh I'IPI'IIon II 1.\-111 fll' rpnul~t•ol ''' • '' •'l tw•l lr\1!1· !"I'll fnr 11nlol :-;F:\\'l't lilT JIAHBOit UNION HIGII ~1'11()01~ OJS. TRlCT ~nr th · t·•rm or lhre,. vea,..: thnt th•• pulls at eald tlKtlon w111 b·· "P"n<'d at the hour of 7·00 u'••l••• k a m :~nd kept opt>n until th" )l•••u· uf 7:00 o'clock p. m .. on tht dsy t111•rt>"f; and !.hat the followln~r n•ml'd qualified eleetonr haw hr~n Rf'lpolnW u otn~rw to rontlud 1111ld election. viz: 1 New..,rt ........ h~: J1111pect.or ·'\fr11 Anna 0 . Bod- man. J~: Mra P:mlly McGavren. J~: 111'11 !JIIIen Cant . c.-dfo4 Mar~: ln8peCtor: Mr11 Js11bel AndrewL J~Jdc'e: Mra Ann t Andenon CroWl. Juctce: Mrw. Vt>lma Galee Cue. Dat.d UU. 11th day of Mar., lN_e. ...J>. J. ooor.E. Preal~!'l ~ADEN FINCH 'J. A. BEEK W. B. MELLOTT A. H. FITZPATRICK. Clerk Truat-or Nt>wport Harbor Union Hlrh S{"hool Dlatrict. Publlall Mar. %1-28; ·Apr. 4. NCYnCE OF 8CHO()I, P:LilCTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVltN to the quall!lt'd cle<'lore of New· rort Harbor Un1on High School Dlatrtct of the County of Orange, Stale o/ Callfon~la. that In accord. ance with law, !ln ••lt'<'llon will bf' hf'ld on the 17th rf.w or May. 1941, In aaJd Dtalnct. bl'twt'l•n the hour11 nf 7 o'clock A M llnd 1 o'clock P. M.. dunn,; "hll'h ~rtOd and belw~n which hour11 the polla 11hall remain Of"'n at whll'h t>lt'C· tlon thue will Ill' ~nbmllled lht que.tlon of ahnll thl' maximum rate of laJt for ~nld Olalrlrl b~ In· cr"I\Md trom" S ~~ Pt>r ueh $100.00 aaat'fls•• I \·nlu11tlon. tn $1.45 J>f'r tllr h Stm 00 aUt"Mt'd valuation to pro\·Jolo• fnr the pur- poee of: BuJidlng acho111 lniii<Hn,., .. ; The maklnj:' nr nltrratlon" or addiUona to th,. ~l'hnnl building · or buJidlnga; The aupplyln~: nf lll'hool build. In~ w1th tumllurc or nt"Ceuary appa.ra.t.ua: The Improvement or • c h o o I I ;;rnundl!. I S:lld riStC' to be In err .. ct In tht :-l••wrort JlRrbor Union H 1,; h So'hOOI DJI!tJ1c1 COr thr Y•'l nr 1911- 1947, 1947-19411. 1948-1949, 1949- IPM. th"l for )loi..Ung u ld PII'C· LWn. the saU Jl>ewporl Harbor t 'nlnn Hll?h SchiVII Dlatrtct nf Or- Rn~t r ounty. CollrorniR, shall hl' 111\•1 lrrJ lnt!' thr"C voting-preclnCIII Prel'lnl ~n. 1 comprising Or· ··n•••· County voting predn~. "1/o•wport 8 <'8Ch. NOll. 1, 2, 3, 4. 5. R fl. an1 t1, In which prtclnet the rolling rlare shall bl' In the r llre. I 'I~Pr'll gu ng<' lorllted on Flft('rn. t h SlrN•t on 111\h.l echnol ground• 1., ~nlfl nletrkt Prrclnel No. 2 comprlalng Or- 'lnge County voting Jlre<:lncta. NPWf'Ort ~8Ch. N~. 8. 10, 12. 7 11nd 13. In which preclnrt the rc>tl· In~ plaN~ ahall beJ 11'1 the main en- trance of the '~na del Mar School on ~amatlon Bt.rec.-t In Co- rona del Mar. Precinct No. a ~priall\« Or . an.-e Count)' votJnc predncta. eo.ta liN&. He.. 1. t . a . ._ a. •. 7. •. and •• aM Ute ~ nlace ...U w a-ted at UM Main 8ehoo&o • Ha.a.-UII ltrwt eo.ta Ill.... . . 'nlat lira. AM& -o. ~ wtu an .. ~ &ad ..... l'lmll• Mea-.,... &ad ltln. LOitan Oa.nt wUI aft .. ,...... 01 •Jtt d«Uoft and COIWIIIet UM -. In aa.ld btdnet No. I : aid 1....,.c:. tor and J'.._ ~ eompeteat pet'80M and 4U&Itfted eleet.on a' Nld kbool Dlatrtc:t, r.lcbc tn aald PNctaet No. 1. Ttlat Mn. laaiMI Andreww wtll act •• I~tor and Kn. Anne Anderwon Orowt and ·Mrw. Velma Oatee ca. wtn act u Juq. ot aald election and eonduct the eame In aaid Preclnct N o. 2; eald In· .,ector and • Juq. belnc com· petent penona and qualtned elf'C. torw of Aid Behool Dl.tnct. reetd- lnlf In aald Precinct Ito. 2. That Mn. Jennie Ba.Jrd wtll act R.a Irupector and Mn. 8a'!ly Hlnealv and lira. Karpret Myerw will 11r t u Judc'et~ ot aald election llnd conduct the aa.me In n.kt Prrclnct No. 3: AJd Jnapector and Ju~es t>er\K compete-nt perwon8 Md qu•IIMt>d eleeton of Mid ~hoot Dlatnct. re.ldln~ In aald ~net No. a. IN wtTNIC88 WHI!R.EOP'. Yfe havt' he~nto ~et our handa tht. 15th dAy of March. 1941. tSipe:il D J Dod~f' 18fr-nt>d I A. H . P'ltzpatrlck !Shtnedl J. A. ~ ISI~ed ) Wlllud B. Mt>llott I Rl~med I Br11dron P'lnr h 1 Slr-ntd l Rn~~ rd nr Tru.1tee.oo nf NewJ)'}rl Hftrbor Union High School Dl~trkl of O range County Cnltrornla. • 'Thursday, :AP.ril 4:1946 Have ~l«ir/i !fOT WATE·R ln your home for Thrif11istM 'tiVOrd for an Electric Wa~r Hearer! Whe,!l you have ,/ulm bot warer in your home, you set the benefit of a special Edison electric rare r.Mr makes the operating cost surprisingly low. You save iD ochtt ways, too. An Electric Wiler Hearer gives uouble-ftu tcrvicc and lasts for years. Add these ccon. omies to the completely automatic operation, de- pmcbbiliry and cleanliness of an Electric Water Hearer ••• and ir'• easy ro S« why so many families are pbn- oing ro dunge to ,/ulrk water hearing as soon u new Elcccric Wacer Hcaccrs are available. BRUC E J. HANDY. 1}.1~ Weal ~n~l Avt., N._po~~ach, ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Calif. ! WITNESS our htlllda thla 18UI I Pub Msr . .21:.1!: Apr.' 41 day of March. 1941 MYRON H. KLTNr.ER BRUC'F: I HA="'TTY !frA'M!l or CALIFORNIA COUNTY Or ORA:-ICC: r ()~ TlllR 22nc1 •l•v f'f M-.r,.h A . n 1!1411. bf'fn"' mr. HnlanJ A . Wrtg-hl. " ll'ntnr v T'ublk In nn•l (n r thl' AAid County an•l Sbl•·. rf'. ~ldln..: th••r,.ln. 1luly rommla!'lun.-d nn•f awnrn. lll'n~t>nally appear ed Myn~n ll Klln~rcr ""d DrurP ). H nn•lv. k 'lnwn t•l mr tn bl' tht' l"'r~on11 whf'lll' namNI nrl' llllb- rrrlbc'd to t h•· within lnf>i ruml'nl, 11nd acknnwlrd,~rrrl tn n1r thRl lli n f'XC'C'Utl'd tl\1' "oml'. JN \VJTNl'! . .'~S WHERF:OF. T hll\"t' hrn'unlo 11et my hAnd and nfflxrd my offl<'lal lltlll the dAy Md yt>ar In l hla Ct'r· tlflclltt' nret abovt' writtt'n . ISJI:AL l R OJ.ANO A. WlUC:HT. Notuy Public ln and for Oran~ County, ~tal,. of Cr~llfomls. !Pub. Mar. 28-Apr. 18) Ot.:a11P'ICAft OF p Alt'I'NZUHJl> BTATJ!: OJ' CALIP'ORNTA I u . OOUNTT OF ORANOE ) We hereby certify tha" we are partnerw tranacUn.r b\Altl1('tlll at 114 Cout Hlgtlway. Nt>wporl &aeh. Cnunty of Orttnlf". Stntl! of Callfomla. undl'r a dt>IIIR"lllllnn not abowtng the nllmta or thp ~r· aona lnteft'lltl'd u partneno In aueb bualnu". to-wit: PACTnC MARINE ASSOCIATES . Thf' naml'a of tht' pa rlnr l'l! 1\f l' T. F. KILKE:-INY. rr,.ltlrng Rl City of. Vlrtorlll, Hong Kong; P'. R. 'VANOHN. rl'lll<llnl!' 11t Rlchardaon'a La.ndlng. N('wport &aeh. Callfomla: • JASPER MORGAN. fl'!l<lln~:" nl 211tl RouMevel T,.rrarc. 1...&1:'\lnl\ BMeh. CallfornJa. W1TNE8S our hlllldl! thl1 22nd clay ot March. tt4e. T . P'. KILKENNY r. R. VAUGHAN JASPER MORGAN. ITA Til OF CALJroR.NU I Ill. OOUNTT Or ORANOil 1 On Ulla the 22nd day ot Msrch. 194t, before me P'l"t'd J .·Dudley. a Notary Public In and for Pllid County and 8lRit. f'C'rMnAIIy Afl· pl'aN'd T. F. Kllkt>nny, 'r . R. Va~&«hn Md J a • p e r Mor~n. ~ to me lo be thr f>t'riiOn~ Wboee namee are 11\bcnbed to the fOft'lrOlng lns!n rmt'!'t. IIJ\11 Ill'· !mow. ~ed to mt' that lht>y ext'-, hlt ed thf' IAmt'. W1TNE8S by h11nd 111ld MflcJnl eei!. I P'RED J. DUDLEY Not nry Public In IUld tM 1111t.l Count y and State. 1 Publlah Mar. 28-Apr. 18 I I IIIII lAIIlE CDmPIIETE IUTD IERUICE DPEIB IPRIII Bth .. Halllar laul111rd 11 llrnanl . . .... -· .... .. . -complete Automotive Repair, Maintenance-and Service E n·rything under one roof! vah·c grind, reboring, general overha uling. One day hrak~ scnicc--bands relined on the 'only relinfn_g machine in thP area. Quick charge. battery service, Fisk Tires and Tubes, Aero Batteries. Associated Gasoline, V eedol Motor Oils and Greas~. .. Open from 7 L m. until 9 p. m. Every Night . HARB.OR GA·RAGE . -. PAl'L TRAUTWEIN C'H:\S. KAISER CESSNA McfJRAVER RAY TRAUTWEIN Harbor Blvd. _and Bernard Street, Costa l'lesa '#' . . •• • • , . -· r iGIW~Wti"'A ,._ ..... 11 APP&AL POll 80.AIUJINO J11oWer Lover BaJks CKilTIPffiAft OF PA&'nfal. .,_----------------------9 1101D8 1'0& CBD..,.., •-•--d IUOP ftANMAC'IUIO BllMI· ROW'S. They Are Back , f!gain! NAY AJO TRAIL MOCCASINS ' u ...,. _ .............. ~D _.. Woman NF.8M uNoaa nvnnoua P , __ T II NAMF.. ~ .... ..... ... .. er-....... Uproota rr«" u p8 WtlJ~IAM HlNns anlt J'RANK ...... All a a-* .... tN .,U. endall TIO . GLASGOW. • do hert'b)' ceruty n.. .._.,., • .; ._ fer diJI. H. ~. K · tlfl~ Front, lhnl lh<'V an-ronductlnlt a bUill· --.,._, ... _ l.aaad. Ia alwnv,. h"JIJI\' I•• · ... _ ... __ .. _ w'"-w--........ _ ... .:. . I I Ot'tl8 n( I~C' nit' tl( tlah. nah P · ...... ~ ~ --.... _. • ., -pr!Z.t'< I''"''''~ I•• -"t ._,.. A ....... _ ....... .--.e& ...... ...-. \11'111, froun fooda. pov-oU<-e An< --trten• and atrang,•a ~. "11'1 r\'rn '' 1 h ,. ,. mt'rchandlaf> lncldftntal = ::,.:. M ·-. -: to ~w .orne of thrlm '"'"" nut lh-'n<l•• or In ronnt>eUon with Ita ,.......... to •t.and In t.bf' "''"' '1"' nn.l watrh prln.·IPAI pll'"" of bualnt'aa of 4tl\ u.nc.u.a !~d ~ .. aomeone puU up " ''""'·'''1 111111'· ~.·wpNI Bnult'va.rd C'Mt; MN&. -.J ... o.-......... ,__,. bUlb •"d all. WU \(>(I 11\lll'h I II',,,,,,., (' \ ( 0 'st \ ....._ C-'1 M le1 ...... A ...._, -· oun y " rAni{«', a ,. ._ ou • ;:... 1... -., Kl'ndall. He pron mp!l" •luMho•cl ••ut turn lA umlt'r th.-flrUtloua namr -Into the raiD a f'r "' r,o Mu~r··• 1,,, • MacOonnell, ot !I HI A ow•llwBI nvr.l F' A B PROOU<'TB cOMPANY Jury Asks ActiOirOD nue, Balboa btan.t. hrtn~an.: hrr ""d th.at aid firm Ia oomf'<*'d of baolc Into OM bous;o • . 1 h,. followlrlr; J)t'"r.ona, whOIM' County Sewer System Iii alplfte t.hf' ('(>lllplatnt ·~""·~· llllllli'R IUld add~-" ar. u fol· . . Mn. MacOonnel~. K•·nd;\lt o·xplllhr· lnwa· Foreman Jl:lmer L. Crawford ed that nower lovf'no nn thr l~llln•l Wli.LJAM HINDI, Partner. and the oran,.. County Qnad baw been anoyed for lh<' ""'' ff'W C'OIIla Mt~aa, C.llfornla, Jury \Na wMk uked that COlD• yea~ by the thrft ,,, ma.ny of P'RANK OLASOOW, Partner petent aanlt.ary l'ftgtnf'era be em-Uletr mo.t prtMd plllntll Ho• wl~th· OOlite M Callfornta. ployed to m&lce a complete 8\ln'e}' ed to make an «'1"0111JII" <If Mn~ WITNJC88 ~ 1\andll thla lith of Ol"aftt'e County 8bow1n& boW MaeOonMII, t.hl'nby lflarNaragtnt dav of Febnlary, tt4•. beat to dt.apoee of Ita ......... tile an.,one ea. trom IAkJn~: (low,.n . WJLUAM HINDS co.t. bow to reJ.. t\lnda, ~ ~ to blnt or hlt nr•l~thOOrll. P1tANK OL.AIIOOW malntl'ft&nee. KacllllJ ~ thl' romrlalnt STATII or CALIJ'ORNIA I "lnv•ta.aUoD Into the aanlta--.atMt Mrw. Kac<'onnPlt Mond"Y· OOUNTY or ORA.NOJJ: ) ... lion. dl.apoea1 pt'OCienw of Oraqe ch&J'Stal' "-wtth tlu•tt of 11 S2 !'10 on Uu• the lth cia'! of February, County abOWII atartllil6 Meda," plant and Wb, but to d11tco ahfo hu l&4t. before me, J'R&D J. DUD- JUF)< atat.cl. not bMe aocated. LmY a Notary Publk In and fM llAW OaD "nley endoreed the aetton tabn aald 'county ancl--lt.at. pe~lly 101.51 by t.be A.octated C!lamberw of ftAY orr ftl& CIRAMIO! . apl)f'a.red wtLLIAll KtND8 and 110~ Conune~ and Orance County. Oollt.a N._ aef'dt'd It• publiC' P'RANK OLA:IIOOW a-t! to •• 'DB' t4.a0 ..... 8'*M ..... Jotnt OuU&Il AI"'Mniant tn Ub-pat'lk Oala week, prior to the rain. me to bf" the peraone,~"-namM a•••ors ·~ ...... -., .......... ... ....,IIJiy,..... l'boae A C..,. .... • wtae requeattnc the eurvey. Man'! ReeidefttAr _,.. cautlonfd to ata y 11,... aubec:rlbecl to U.e wlt.bln ln. ueu In the county wb!eh wl're off the ~ ln ll'll· hoJW thal trum t and aeknowlecli'ecl to WIMtUed at t.be Ume of t.be Out:_ qo.ta M-wUI 1106'11 bout of • ~,. 01:~ 'thf'y 'executed UM .-me. fall .tenement are now well pop. natural ..,.... e~t for ll.t pub. WlTNUS my hand and ofttclal ulated and need -p dlapMal. Uc pulL Mal. ,., J'RI:D J. DUDLJ:Y Notary Public ln and for aald C'ounty and Stale. Properties For Sale by ~--------------------------------~ . tMv ('nmmlMion expll't'• t -4·1HIII . Pub April 4-20 .. JHt .. ----~--~--~-LQUffiW.BffiGGS P£R(£ ~~~U~u~ S All X ~ JllE 6ROTV !CfYrtf'E Of' INTENTION -ro F.NOAOF. IN TIIF. MALF. OP' RADIO SERVICE Wo"rk Guaranteed on A.JJ M~es ... , uROTY APPliAN[f [~ ,. C' ·~, T fl.. ,....,, E S ,r ~ # • • • • -• \."' • ~ ... ~ #-:. . . 714 Eut Central Avenue, Balbo4, California Telepllone Newport 80 On Balboa Peninsula Fum. Bungalow with Bay View $18,f>OO. Vaca.at Bay Frontage with eutern cxpot~Ur<' 45 foot Oeean Front lot ... '$:5,000. Several Iota off water front $3,000 and uj Near Newport Harbor Yacht Club: 5-Bedroom fum. Bay Froat Houae S35.000 --4-Bedroom unfumiahed on 3 Iota $35.000. On Lido Isle: A U'OROU(' BEVF.&AOF.H A,ril 2. \1'148 TO WHOM IT MAY N)NC'ICRW· Nul\1',. 111 h!'r,.hv r;lv«'n th•l flft••l'n •lAY• aftf'r th" llatt' poet .. tt. lhr umlforwlllfi"•J propotoea t o """ alcoholic bf'v,.raac• at th-prr m· t-. df'lln lbC'd u follnwa: 206·08 f'alm fit . Ralboii·Nf'WJI')ri Bf>•rh. Purauant to 1uch lntf'ntlon. thf' unl14-ntl~f'd Ia applyln~r: t.o lht' IU•t" Board of f'.quallutlon for tpuancC' hy t ranaf,.r of 11n alrohnllr I bf'vrrAJr:r ll<'rnw for t h,. ... pnoml•· ea u follow•. On Sal .. O«'nf'"'l Anyone df'!Jiring to prntf'lt the luwanrl' nf auch l\('r nu may flit• a Vf'rlfiC'd prnt,.•t with thr St!\lr f Boud of F.quallutton 11t Sarra. One and one-half North Bay ront lots $25.000 mento, California, at11un~e r;mund• Large North Bay froat l"Mideace unfurn. $52,500 for dental u provided by law. Th" · prem'-.,. now llcenaecS for th., . ""'--.u. ot alooholk .,.. ....... For tn1ormatioa reprdiag Harbor"lalaad Propertiea ..-A.RTKUit an.V111l 11.114 call at my office Ill penoD. OORDON A... PA.DnJCLD Whether you'N! en· joying • p r i n g on your boat, In your home or out. on the golf OOW'IMI • • • '" have the clotblnJ you need. A com- plete llae of aportia- wear 1.11 ree.cty for your lnapec:tion. • _.,.,. .... .,. I' 'PDDLftOir I Mt•n about the houac wiU co . IHt•TI . fur the• PENDLETON aport sh1rt that really geta lhlnlt1§ dono for th~m -give. t.hc.·m comfort ancj timoothly nowtne .fit. Thia be.autif\11 &hadow-plaid. 100')4. virgin wool keepa you teeUn1 ri~ht. looking amart. Red or blue. AT BALBOA . . , J -. ' .. ~ .. , .. ACI.Cl l ,.._ I ALL ~IGHT ~ M . R. M; aOBB'S -' TJ.:..xAOO OCEAN FRONT STATION H•tia,to. ..... A• ..... pa a.d oll wrdOfJ ~-,.._ ,_ t ~ m ... uJ I p. m. 1M Oc-. A.e., HUNTINGTON BEACH .. P._ llt.c. Bell. JOt ··~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~M , PHOto 23fSl . ' 717 Cout Highway Newport 8eacb., California SALVAGE ~ lliriM ...... Deep Ilea DMq-Tow Boata DREDGING 81108. 80AT WORKS ............... , IIOORING8 aad SPACE AVAIIA1$LE ..................... t '-;;. ~ II.&I&INE WAYS NOW OPERATING ft • ..L.~. ' •... • .... ;I ....... .,...ar -· .-lft~Sang Boat: Repair Yard Ill 01Mt .._..... (111), ,....,. ~ 1'1100 JO:WPOIIT .. !be Bqalpmeal T81b Carbon DiOldde, Pyrene, and Foam Refill• WHILE YOU WAIT. fixed C 0-Two Sy8teJU and Portablee Now Available. &ri·BOBIII AlfD GALVAII 1000 Cout Hiway NIWPORT PboD• 1384. LOUCKS Jewelry COSTA MESA W. H. KNAPP Welding and Blacksmithing Portable· Service Localecl ............... . ARrS TACKLE STORE '11 .. 1 CO&ft a&UW&Y lftl'yt)Unglor the RT Alii COMJIRCIAL FISIIERlWt UIJ n~ om TYPE • ~ Bental Tackle QPen_Sundays - .. ) --NEWPORT-BALBOA PRESS ~undfy,. Afrll .. 1~ OJrfstia n Scf.-n~~ SuhJ•·d •(Jnr•·ulitv' This ·Is Where the City Money Goes .., .. .. ' Tl DE 111011 11:68 L Ill.. 11:14 p.m. TABLE LOW --:u~ 6:38 L IlL -().t IUS 4 :51 p.~n. u Th,. C:ol•l,.n 1't•lt of tbe SuPdaJ Le.o.om :• .. twc;n no "l'nr-.IIIJ" IJa all bran•·h••s nr 't'rl .. ~l oth4'r l:llurcll, 'l'hll t-Jnt c'huro tl ol t:hrlat, &-len- tlal, 1" nouon, Ia • hoJO<'n fmm ProY· .. , b11 and rnda. "Tht·tt• Ia that mall· Nil htin""" rl• h. >'•'I hath uotblna: tl~t•r" '" llt.al 1un k .. Lb bln\llelt poor, )'I' I lull h .:• ""' rio lol',," r or the benefit of res1Jent11 wbo wonder how mueb It coet. to run ~ elty, the toltowtng list of dlabunlement. t. taken from City TrM.urer'a J. A. Gant'a report Dtday Aprtl IS Saturday April t Sunday April 7 Mon day April 8 Tueaday Aprt19 Wedneaday .A.prtl 10 Tbura4ay fJ ;4e 'a.m. -().S tor March: C'H,\I~LI:Y CHA\\'1-'0RD :!"here are a lot nt ~t range fll'h CUrrent Expenae Fund~ .$24,333.13 Park Fund 477.2:5 Water Maintenance Fund 6,730..41 Advertlalng FUnd ... 1,101.80 in the old world and aume or them Library Fund Special Fund can be found right oruund New · Retirement Fund port Harbor we Jram We got Pro klnda curloua the other day when perty Fund we read an article which atated M. I. D. No. 1 Bond 1,018.81 1,498.87 1,233.49 M7.&9 , Aprtl 11 1:22 p. IlL 12:19 L m. 3:SO p. m:' 1:34 a .m. 5 :2& p.m. 3:11 a. ITI· 8:12p.m . 4:39 L m . 8:45p.m. 6:48a.m. 7:13p.m . S.l 6.2 s.o 4.8 3.3 4.fJ 3.8 4.t 4.1 4.8 4.4 5:43p.m. 2.2 8 :15 a.m. -().2 7:00p.m . 2.T 9:441 a.m. -().2 9:22 p.m. 2.9 11:00 a.m. -().4 11:03 p.m . 2.5 11:67 a.m. -().fJ 12:0fl a.m. 2.0 .12:40 p.m. -().8 ~altltt•\Oo ·,. t ;n! t••·l relatee tbat ~I\ ht•ll It II R• t•II'IIIIIIP;," I be dl• t·l1oh·~ 1'1\1110' ttl ,I• """ ""yln.c, "Tbla 111 a •l•·••·tl 11111• "· '""I the time I, now Jtaal , b,.ttol tl11• auultllude awa}', t ha.t lit I')' uHtJ ao Into tbe vii· IRICttll, 1111(1 buy lltt'lllll"ivl'a vlctoala. llnl J~IIUM Kltltl unto them, TbfiJ n•-,•d IHJI •I,.Jt;u 1: J~lve ye them to f'lll. An•l tlwy 11ny unto blm, We- bkYP '"'"'but '""I'"'"''"· and two 11~11 .... lie u lll, 1\rlna tb••m bltber to"'" .... klld II~<Jklua up to bUY· o·n, hfl 1Jir1111Ml. and brake, and aa.,e tbe Jr~avu to hl11 oUarlple~~. and the lltaclplu to the multitude. Aod tbeJ did all ut, and were filled : and tbeJ took up or tbe tracment. tbal remained t welve bulleta hlll.w that the w~rld'a r<'I'Ord tOI' the DedtmpUon ........ ··· Gene"l City Bond HABOLD L IOIDI80N ···-· caNY·'* ...... loncut hibernation of adny mem-Re~ptlon .. .... . .... 24,160.00 DN.8UR -.JIM'" ber of the anJmal king om waa Gaa Tu Fund .............. _.2,006.00 PaOPin.LI:a .Q -.a. • ._. Ooftn • _......., 1~.00 .----------------------. be:;::: .:·doean't lt. Yeah, we C&mp · ..... ····· ................. 7311'031 Jla'AJaiKO ~ llartM U~terti!C alwaya t.boUfhl It W$.1 a bear too. 'foTAL . . ............... t2,Ml.11 ' 181·1 \'lllan.;,~........... .... ., 214,. n.t ... MIT)' Deller Edd)' a&Ja Ill "!Jd. enc:e &Ad Unll.b with K.eJ to ~ 8cr1pturee:•• "Ia tbe acleaunc reJa. uon of Oo4 to man. we nod ~ whatever bl••• one bl-all, aa J•u• abowe4 wllb lbe Joayea aa4 tile fl•bN,-8plrtt. not autter, ~ Inc tbe aource ot allppfJ." But nope aeoordlng to lha pro.~===========:; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~f:::::::::;•:::•;P'poil~rt=BIMia=~==~ f~ who malle atudlea of wc:.b ~ ~-It alnt. ll'a a flah-the MA URA y ~· Actually eclenutlc re- Mardl ahowa ua that the lunaflah ~·t hibernate aa much aa ._ Ude ....._...., 0. ..... A...-e ... VA&Ude A branch of The Kot.ber Clnareb. Portrait Studio tlnte, wbclb meana K'O to liMP ln 11015 ~ A.._, eo.ta x..a the aummer lnatead of the wblt.r. PllaDe H.-port U3I-J Tbe luncflab ta quite a (eUow. When pondt, lq-oon•. at~ana or .m.tever he ta u.eed to awtmmln&' Wecldlq o.oup.-~ arounl! In, dry up, for any r .. aon We -,I d .._ ta BabJ Pbotoll at all, the luncftah wrlgrMe down - tnto the mUd and goee to aleep. II Shell ~arine Products AT 'l'I'IJ: . I --SHELL DOCK The J'lrat Church of Chrlat, 8d- enttat. In Boeton, Ma.eaachUNtt.. Sunday Sdlool at 9 :30 a. m. SUD· day Servlc, at 11 L m. Wecme.day TI'IUmonlal Meettnr at 1i o'elcoiL Readtnr Room~ located at 111 Pall]l IArect, Balboa, Ia open dally from 1.,p. m. to 5 p. m. except Sun- daya and holiday• nationally ob- eerved and Wedneadaya from 1:30 to 6 p.m. the mud beJ1na to dry he wrlcrlea 0pea 1 L a to t p. m. all~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ until the next rain comea alone. the Ude cornea In . or the water eomea bade. aomehow, lk:lenUat. nle public 11 eordlally lnv1t.ed to attend the church aervtcea and uae the Rtad.lng Room. tt declare that tnatance. are 011 rec.. ord a!owtnr the lungflab to have elept for •veraJ yean before be. Inc fi'Md by ralna. Yeah, we know a lot of yol.l are aaytnc "well ao what!" The ·"ao what" t. that accordlnr to our beat advtaora there are a lot of lung11ah ;1&11t here around N-· port Har\lor. Harold T. G"'ham, who with hla good wife VIola Graham, runa the nl.l p J bait and tackle atand over at ng 0 .. l';arl'• Landing. le authority tor Deep Sea and Surf Calcuttu All FlebiDCJ Acce .. oriea the fact thnl luns::flt.h abound hen;o. GriLham hu hePn g-athering batt along the Southern Callfom la coMt for more yeara than we have ""Y bWIInns wrltln~; AboUt. ant! h" tw1f run onto any number of lunJrliih. They look 110mcthlng .... ~DOW•IIJIG.-llkt-a catrlah and 801~ or them .. W'Pigh u mueb Ill! rQur pounda. BALBOA Grah&m reporta. . At tbe f oot of rbe Pier , Manuel Cordltro, bt11thrr or Snm '-=============· Cordlt>ro who run~ llnrNII King'& -but flahlnc boat Vnlrnl'la; and P'JNE 11008, RUUt aad f'.qutp_, for ~ Aaclrr F.I.U'TRIC A J•t•LIANCES For Ro&t 11nd lloml' • I n utbnnrd Moror• • C'harC'f'" I Frank Wish.on I Bill Grah&m. aon t•f Mr nnfl Mr11 Harold Graham, wh•• nr,. doing m011t of the work In the ball and clam gathertnr lm•lnf'h for the Graham aewp. report Uaat wpec.kl· cd bMs h11ve put In an appPara.nee In the Nrwport HArbor. Speckled Bue havr been plentlt\Jl In Mla- alon Boy tll'lwn at San Dlcgo for ~veral Y''""' but have nrvtr be· fore> b,....n r aught he re In any numbt>r This yra r the boyt1 re· port th•·re hA\'t' been a number l&ken. s'>me of t hc>m 'rang1n~t tCI five pounrl11. R. S. nuwnlng of the Downlnll Tackle Storr at the foot of the -TRUNKS FOR MEN and BOYS Plain Colors AT THE gruvd gklp PHONE 576 207 MARINE AVE. BALBOA ISLAND -------0-~-~---r--------··' &l~a ~~r Is oil ~~~ ~~e ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ days. \\'•• hnnratly thing Down· lng Is '"' fiiPnsrd &3 an auto aales· man wath a new car to aell. (which hi' nne!' waal bec&Wie h,. hU II<'OIIirf'd t'Ome n-Mshlng polu. TlH':V arr beauUea too. 81'at MARlNll: WATB • thing 1\b<mt them. according to Downing Is the new -type doublr locking swedi{C 'type reel ftllt which thl'\' feature. The aeat I~ design~!! hv Gc>nrge A. Saller of Glen!lalt' Rnd 111 the latelt thing In kt>eplng n rrrl where It oupt ttl be whll~ ynu'rr flablnr . Maj<\r t'rrntlce Moore or Loa An,;elrR. who lnddentally le ru.n. nlng fnt State Senator or aomc>- thlnK 11nd "'''ho bu a aummer hom,. nn f.l!ln Jsle hU teamed up 8oJu,o, f10Mnef'11 wlth C'Apt Ollvey Davtdaon In a ,--· --, vrnturr knnwn u the Port Lloo sport fl~hln~ crnter. Moore, who 101 Oout ~ Is julft b1wk from the aervlct> on PbcJDee IOil tl'rmlnral !"""" may talk the rleh to dPAth ar h,. can't catch ·em. C11pt l'tl\'f')', who 11 a goo1 !!IZI'd hunk nr man In CIIIK' you Boat Owners • At lleduolld CJeat w ..... _,......._.. ... t.n ~"'!''II~DoWW .... f!lla.d '"'" __ ..... ...... IIAVE YOUB I'BIIDBBI RJ!PAIBED AND YOUR AU'I'OMOBQ.B PAIIftBD AT REED'S SERVICE STATION ••••• eae ., Marine Engines Upt er .._~ .,._. o .......... ...:nu ut:tMATD- \\'Ant to I'IRrt somethlnr. 111 a tor- mrr Lns An~l'IMI policeman who hAs J!nt 11 lnt nf kick all hla llfr nut nf .:nln~: flehlng and dec:loled 1\~l'n '"' r<'tlrPd from huntlnc: rrimlnnls tn rome doWn t o Nrw. nnrt lin rho"t r and .juat frO fl.llhlnJ: lnridf'fltn1h-Capt Davey Is 111<11'· pP r or t~ ~:nod boat Nertun"l whlc:-h will ply out of th,. cent"r ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ this sul]lmrr. Bob LewU'e Re· capture and Earl WU!ard'a Mary Ann are a couple of oUMr nice boats thAt will add to the attrac- tion or thr IRndlnr. The Neptune atuted n;o~Jiar daily tripa at 1 L Thora bury Englnf)erlng Service .............. Aft.ft. .. U1 ........... ,~ ..... '"· laat Saturday. $2506 C_ollected by City BuUdiDg Dept. A. M. Nf'IIIOn and oene rene· lon or lhr Bulldln&' INpectlon De- partm~f\t tumcd p&06.015 Into the C'lty cnrr .. rs. ~ to the trrlliJ\Iry rrport of J. A. Gaal. Thla waa • ~•It of the Mttdtnr ~ In Ney,'l>Ort Bead! aad wu collect- f'd f()r iMulng bwldtn«. •lf'drical. plrLStrnn~ rhlmney, and tJie, per· "lllttT lmlt n .. ctrfdD arret phlmbH' f'XAmintltinnl!. --~ FOR YOUR HEALTH~S SAKE, BOWL KEENE'S SP.OtiTLANO BOOTS AND ROT UINB Foot uf Main St., Ballm ,I ~ , ·' • " ~~~==~·=A~~==~'·:l:~:::::::::::::::::::::::7.~========~~~~~~~Mm~!W~~~!•!B~A~tan4~~P~R~EW~S~------------------~----------------------------~~~~, !13!_ ThY AdYertJNaeat Cootrlbuted by Newpart Supporter• VOTE FDA Cllb•rt· Seal FDA CITY COUNCIL • For the proqreuive and well planned fut. ure of Newport Beach, witP a well outlinect program which will ltenefit the entire COIIUDunity. Give a worltinq maJi an opportunity to repr .. nt the people in the City Counc:il. Thru the Porthole By VELMA B.u\BI:R Llkl' a youn~ bridt IUld groom nn th~Jr honf!'ymoon. Dr. and Mra. A l~rt Soli and will embark Mon· day on lh10 10.000-ton trelpter. "l.Auritr. 8Wf11~" bound for Nl)r· 'ny . . Tht. I• the f1rat trip to thl'lr natlvf!' land alnN> U\1' .um. me-r nr 1939 an4 they will be ~:one (e>u r mllntl\8. "Ita th.e ftrat time r~ tiVt'r ht'en rr~ ft'om my prore•lonal dutlu t<> enJoy a let.urely crul~ 11nd vil li_." explainf'd thl' doclOf'. Tht> .ahlp"• compua havtnr bet'n •~t tnwardt thl' Panama Canal. ahe will nm down wtnd with nice weather &II the v.·ay. r.-vtnl' the Can•l. her courw will follow the warm Gulf Stream up the Eut Cout to cro.e till' Atlantic. · 'nle jour-My requlrM J8 daya and the ahlp will ~tut-tn at ae-veral awed· t.h and Norwectan porta bd'ore tht .&llan«t. ant~ In 8t.aYU~pr, tAt' city where boUt were bpm. The La\&rtta a--ean1e1 only 12 ~1"1 who cUM wtUt the ablp'a otnc.nt In their m- room. PrevtOWI to the ma.ln dln- n.r. t~, pt.her I'OWI4 a Bmor. pu 18Wet't-roc-. 1 beU.nl table rro&nlnlr wtUt YU'tOUI kla41 of cold meat cull and aal&da. Ally- one not " kuwlanavtan una.tty rourmandia41e on t.IMM deleet&We vtanda until be cannot enjoy; the re,ular dtnner. Dr. Bolland, one of the tnaly. ~t men 1\'1 been my pae&.ure to ~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::=~ call "fr11'ncf'. wu born May II. -1113. He arut Ml"'. So&land -re r----------------------• bapttud In the aiD~' Lutheran Telepboae 1347-J Fill 5-DAY SERVICE lit CLEANING AND LAUNDRY • PICKUP AND DEUYERY • Corona del Mar Cleaners 1307 Coast Higllway Cart Pbllart, Manapr chW't'h In Slav&JII'U. • He came to thl' USA w1th ht. ~ll In 1113 and bfogan medical p~n Loe Ant;elt'• In 1900. Tw later. manfed the buutltul ne Berner 8vf'ndll'n. who, thourh the dOctor 111 Internationally famon• In tht ttl'lda of ra:ctlolo~tY. Y"c-hl- ln~. et<-.• 110 t.he powl'r behind the lhrt>ne' Shf' h"" lltl'rt lly atoke:l thl' tuml\1'1' -.·hlc-h ln-pt the englnt' rollin~:~ ., I fH '('I(Ir S<•IIIOnd l.s a !n"'lll hu- ,.,nlt'lrlpn, not only to lh" sic-k bill In lhl' W<'ll B"lng tne "Paoltly" (I( yAc-htlnl' In l"t•wpoo;t 0:\V Rnll South«-rn Caltfllml". l·c- h'lA """n.ttnr"tt and fnet~rl'(! tht' g nnw111rol Fll't't Tht' affalr11 and R ... , .. "tl••nt nr young P•'r80n!l b1'\'t' l>•·•·n hl.tt lnt•·rt',_l , too. fll'. RltoO lf\f rt, •"t"llt'r '';'' tn<'nt tt'\ tlll)'if' not 1111 '"'•1111~. !'\"!'n wrlt<'no' Prt'vle>IIS In ttw war I h~ SoiiiUldl' hnspltlll· II v ,..,.~ knnwn fllr llnd wide. Eal'h ~'t'IH on th!' Oot'tor"a birthdAy, thP ;::=====::====::::::::::::::::::::::::::; nur~a 11nd atatt of the L.A. Tu-mor lnalltutf' were en._.rtAined 'UI't U IJOVally 1U Wl•nt thOR of royal blood. ... ' _CAIIDID&ft FOI CftW COVIICD•a• $I believes that all ~e problema of our city government C&Jl be •olved by Common Sense and Common Honeaty; that the taxpayers have a right to know in detail what their money ia spent for, and that the official acta , . of the Council should be govemed ~y· the ·wishes of the peo:Pler . :, ,_ ,. I • .. Bic:yc:les Ol'l 8olland hu aerved In the Nll\•al R~>al'tvP Ml'dl('al Ce>rpa dur-~-------------------------------------------•••1 • Sold ..... .. EZPEilT JID~qgo Typawr.lclers .-.-~:.:.~~:. -·-· Off,c• Eqalp••nt ae .... g-OUiag-.&d,....._g~;,erlaa..U.g BOB'S REPAIR SBOP 2602 Weet Central Ave., Newport iSSSSS8~i5e!SESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS~SSSSSSSSSSS We Have Everything For Your Pets! FRESH MW ... REMEDIES • ACCESSORIES NOW r Something For. YOU, Too! .. A Fine New Line of Redwood · Patio Furniture, Barbecue Stoves and Accessories and Barbecue Charcoal • Come in and Look Around ft ....... ···~ 113 aa.an awuaa ~ •aL80& IIL&•D "Jut a Step from the ferry" PHONE NEWPORT 17!3-W In~ Wnrltl W•r.11 1 and rr. In N'C'- ~ntllnn "' ht• wnrk A.~ AJI.tlla!Rnt of mr di<'AI 11rUvlt I"" for Ow-rntlr,. \\'r.111 rnAI'I h,. WAll mll•lf' rapiRI'l nn hl1 70th blrth<lav dur-Ing " !l'l'· ttmrmllll h11nqu,.t gl\·c-n him hv Pu• n lllntngv .. ,.rt ton of th,. L A l'nunh · !\fr•hr I AMU><'III IIfln \\'lth h"n•lft UK rt••r .. 111 l..on~: Jknl'h ht• IIJWI'I(tl' flttly Willi tht• 1!1 1ncll\rlll• 1.1111om ••f rft•ll••llon t h<'rnpy In :>:11, •• t ho•r•tl 11:r '"'" drw-tnr, a ntc-m~ of l!<'nr~>ll 0 ( f'll'lhc-nl. 1'1\"11•, 1'0<'11\1. Vllt'htlng 11n•l fr,.t<·m n 1 nrg11nlt.Atlon11 hi\.• rN"•·h·Pd IIC'II(:1!1 nf hnnnrtl from 1 high piRI'I'.tl H,. l~~..oprnhl\hlv mol!l proufl of hi,. titlr "Rir Allx'rt" v.•hlc-h hf' rl'l't•lvl'd when mAd<' 11 "Royal KniJthl o( Rt Olav". the hljC'hl'lll honor Nnrw10y bf'~nw,. HI' h1110 wrttl«-n IOI'Vf'rlll vnlumf!ll on r&nN>r and nn y11rht1ng 11nd J hnpt' th11 t he-write-• hl11 IIUtoblography whlll' nn thl10 trip. Specll\llzlnll' In Cllnc-er. Or. &111· 11nd n«-vl'r 1pllrPc1 hlmllf'lf IUld WAll hl11 own •liiVP-drtv~r. H e wouldn't quit now. but from yrars of work with X·R&y and radlum. hJII h11nd"" an 10 badly burned he could ron- llnue no longer. Bo. a gTeat COUJliP IPIIVI' on It WeJI-elrned V&· c11tlnn Bon Voya.:e, and OCf'llns of Bl'•t Wlah<'l Cor Smooth 8alllnr! . . . P11yinll' 11 ,-hilt In our h11rbor whlrh th,.v llkf' \'iorv mueh. llrt' Hollla Md. J~O'Hanlnn who ~ft thf'lr homl' In Vanl'ouvl'r . B. C"'. lut Oc-tobo'r 27 aboud their 40-n. Gllff.rilfl!'l'd yawl. N <'lmar Th,. brothera we-re RAF pllolll from liUO to l11te 11ummer UH!\ whl'n IJ)Py ~lnd honorablr dhl- ch&rJI'. They aervf'd In Enrland and on the conUnmt. 1"tu-O'Hanlon• anfved bel'l' w o w,.eka ~o bavinr made a lf'hl~y trip down t.he cout. •t.opplnl' \n San Fr&nciiCO two monltul, aao. droJptnr aachor at Catalina and CorOnado. Thll ... a 81lake.tlown l'rulae tor t heir propoHd trip to South America and the We~~t ln- dl• . . . The men weN deep. water yaellt.lmen yun before tJw war beeau.e It wu In the lt3e 'l'ranlpe.clnc Yacht Race to Hono- lulu that U.ey c~ tor J ack BIIM aboud ht. 48-n. yawl. Al· lair, which won 11 nth plaee ln competition wit h 21 boall. . .. . Warn'n BUM. J>&a~ll. tJMo hoUM-,u..-t at tM BurT WhJU., Balbo«t, l1 warmln~~:-up In Dyn No. 401 to •II In the Dullea ft,.. ll:lltta at Balboa 'TIU'llt nu,_ BTinn hu Jllllt rt'Cf'lvl'd hi• diechatiP>" from th" USAAAJI', havl~ ~rvl'd th~ and onl'-htlf yean: wu at Okinawa and JBT f or J t month" ... tk ral'f'd 8 unctay In th,. Ter. k l"l aer1H, lut day of ll'rira : r~- 9S98~~~~~~~~~~SSSSSSSSS9~~~~~~~ will •nooun~d la~r CBBVBOI.fi • MOTOBI Beeoadllloaed '39to '43.11odell ...................... • factary Trillll lldllics II Slnil Y• C. Your Che-vrolet Motor Reconditioned • \'ah·N~ Ground • Engine Timed • N ~w 011 Rings and Pln8 • New Spark ·PJup • N ~w Polnt8 • Motor Flushed • Main Bearings Adjusted • 6 Quart. of 011 • Rocker Arms . Overhauled • 011 Pump Inspected • Clean Vent Pipe • Cooling System Teetecl CULBERTSON CHEVROLET CO,, INC . Yll CIIYROLET AND OlDSMOBili Df.AliR •. 3001 Central , Ave. NEWPORT BEACH Telephone 513 • ., I . .. . • .. ~--~-~ ----~- lt I•••-tll•t ·cllerlslle~ Oltl PlaetepQII l111r•tl•c•tl · i• a Lev ely lew· . . Harbor Red Cross Qfln-. Ud thoee ·~ to W. Reub Clt.r ~P&kel tllloald e.JJ ttw ornce at t•. WJ 4 .-tnr ruolutJoc! of ,...._ Goee Jato Aetloa "n lead• s • •n ..,.. 1fwn Wn Grac. lor Mr ooa-1 , Wlmml g ~·of t.M r1nanc1a1 camp&lp '11M 8Mcll ~ v.e--t ..... t.b&ll ,_,-u aht" ooncludea ber tro1 wat lllto action 1ut wecl Classes Announced tuUa ,_,.with a 1ucc~ drtft. n..S.J ftil'l\t Ia )lfewport Beu:b wilh loeaJ IMalta runea reportedlJ tu htpJJ e~~thUIIIUUe ewer tbe p1aJL Leading all branchM In the Vogel, Burwell S I Walt 4P11Mbur7. prtftd~ ot u.e chaptu, Newport Harbor Red Lead Doubles League orpDiaUoa aJd that p&trollftc ...... ,.-p .......... AUSTIN PORTRAIT - /M• .. ~Z'c, Ia within $500 of ~ If• In Balboa 11 llated to ltart llelrt R~d Crou quota, I&Jd • drive J . Vop~and S Burw~ll are ltUl =y u:'~ other 88CtJou ::::::::::=:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::= chairman, Mn. VIctor Grace, to-:!',nc In tht f Mtxlhed Douk bl~ ~ 4ppleburY brotlaer of Inc LeaKUI' or e wee en..-.. • day, In urging lhOM who atUJ In-tnc liar. 29. Not far behind .,.. Cllter• Walt 4pplebury and .-, tend to «ivt, to ~~~end 1n ~r tbe t.eame of the two Bldderman~~ worlllnc wllh the patrol bu been checlul at once. Judgen LorentMD &Dd ror,lt and Humphrey wtlo notlt1ed of Ill. CC>IIUD1a.ton M -~ Red Cruu ch&ltman eoncratulat-. are pracUcally running neek and tatn ln the Army Re.rvee alter lira. Grace and the community. neck • ~IJ\1' ftve yeara u a commt. A aummer ewtm campaign. w1t.h · -._. eioned offtcer hMdln&' a ntwtary , datea to M announced. wtll be pollee outftt. . conductf'd In the bay for a aU: J. V.-LS. Burwell .. 110 1~ W. H. ll&nllWt.er, "fteld man" f/tlr,,, week period, lht. wmmer Mid V. 6 J. Bklderman · .. U 11 for tJM BCliP hu been -tacl- ""•nk Crocker. Water a a' f e t '1 P . hrwtt-0. Humphrey · 40 S. lJII' buln ... ~en wbo cSeetre to chairman. Swlmmln&'. and ltfe 0 · Toombe-A ~org1L ·· 9 18 /lAP up tor tbe MI'Yice. nvlnc will feeture the an.tnacUoa V. Balley-L. \\ella S4 10 tor all a~tea. with a llkllled In-R. ~E. Wlllcut... -" 10 IDP II'I'ALLD 1truct.or here to conduct c1---. M. Votti-C. A tkln110n .... 10 a. . Home Serv1ce announcee per-~. ~R. nouah .... 21 II 'nM lateat ID wlllele trouW. IIOI\Tiel c:han«"t'l, In that Kra. Ray 11:. 6 1.0. laUtel'ICe .... Ill • !:'IliAd lut llaturday WMft the Alford reelgna u chalrm&ll to 8 · A 0 . rtah · · 22 U ~ Jeep ~ to continue u vice-chairman, ,riu. P. OuJ-R. Ogden ... 22 t1 WI.Dlam llarplaJ o1 Pomoaa wU Jane CaliiiM u chalrm&D and &. 6 R. Broylhl .... 11 . U etaDed at the bre&k llae and drift- Jew Hendrick.on u .taff :.Xeeu-::. ---~t 4l'a -ro.t;t Car pulled Uve. Polly Wt}ker and Kra. 'PA'r'n HANSEN aJ:OOVDDfO pair~ • t.aldDc '1o the re- Dick Whl~ wUI contlnue to · PaUl RaftRn, 2 daupter ot · _ «ive one day a week to volun-llr. and Mn. J~ee Hauen of POIUID IIDIDDT Vl8l'l'll tHr cue work. Rome 8ervtee N to .. _ here hu taken over the eo.ta ewport Beach returned ,_ lira. 11&1')' Tralllt, former New- Weaa Cue IMd. •hlch t. announe-home Jut Wedn~>eday afternoon port a..dl reatdent and DOW Ur- d lhl ... 23 alter lllpendlng ftvt' dafl In the In{ 1n Lone Beac:ll, hu been Yl8tt :...... 1 mon .... u 1 carry over at. Joe.ph Hospital where ahe wu In&' Mn. IIIIM 8t.arelt Oft 1112 Willi 0 kck h h tUen lut Saturday momlnc 11\11-· Court .U..t for the put few d&yt. am • n. w 0 u .erv-feJtnc from an attack or double ed u Lr-..rer and I• reelpln,; ~ ShP Ia now out of MOV& '1'0 HEW liZ for hNIIlh rf'uolta will M replaced dan,_ but m~t remain confined II() by C'llln Brown. Public Account-to bel' bed for the next week. llr. and lira. Lealfe L. Bennett ant, llvln~t on Balboa llland. have moved Into their rww borne Orig inal ;utored J,y ••o1u of Awfin'• ...... copyittf ~ Ml'll. Ra1ph Randel. NutrtUon at'lliU lloutlt Par8on road. Coet.a ~~....u-... announrf'l that recent aiVa.IIIDE \'J~JTOR Meea. Bennett 111'U recenUy .. 111.181'1 pro~~d IH> popular and re.. lira. Rollo Fmt11d or Rlvenlde c~ .from lhe Army. qurab tor inurr 116 ur~tent. there and three amall rhtldren were va-·---- f« Y"" Auttin Sfvdlot hove tpeciali&ed fn '"tonne JadfHJ, badly tom fK dla-flttvred lftopahota and tlntypet tb t~r erfeiMI deorMu. Iring In your triOS- wed old photograph• ond hove ,.,.,. .... Into beovtlfvl new portroitl for Mother'a Day gifta. The pricet ore Jaw, ,.. .,ollty .. IMfh. . AUSTIN STUDIOS We ore fully eflulpped to talc• portraits"' H .... 01 Clturd• All lhHIIel epen 12 to 6 P.M. every Sunday ...ct two or more ........ per week M8 ~~ No. Mala Sl ..Pboae 1463 RANTA ANA DAILY HOURM: 9 a. 1L to 8 p.·IIL Prtday ud 8ataf'da7 'tal 8 p.m. AND TID q..,.g~,gcl.otJ/o~~~ 30&3i East F.a Stnlt, Sam Ala PRESENT A DANCE PAGEANT 11 FOR THE BENEFIT OF l i wtll bf' new cltllllt'l planned for tunc In the hnm• of her moU.w, VIMTI!I. VAK IIRJY8 nrly tall. datre to be announced. I Mra. Ora Rackcr, 1918 Court lira. Nick 8uttora of 2t24 Cen- Voluntren arr nl'edt'd In many de-au-t lhe put Wt'l•k. Mra. J'riat&d tral btu be«\ vt.iUng her daup. J)ll rtmrnt. p r In<' I p a 1.1 y Motor Ia ~ former Edna Ra.c:ker. 1 ter lA Van N'U1'L JOIN the . EASTER PARADE Deck the family out in their holiday best and join the , par~de of good grooming, be~ter looks. A neat ap- pearance is made easy by our quality and quick service . Orange County Presbyterian Hospital AT NIWPORT HARBOR UNION HIGH SCHOOL j ... I l Friday, April 12th, at 7:45 P. M. I I . I Adult, 75<: Children 25c 1 ADMISSION: NEWPORT CLEANERS 2119 Coast Blvd. Johrr M. Quint Phone 1510-J .,...., .. ,..,.. ... ,. ..... ,..,. •. , liN .," .... ,. S.. ..... a way CO praeea JOM tncWI cndt JOller btu. .,.. DO-bow.., .... daecJ cbe pdc. JlP)( Tnc- cw JloUer J..ulldcaat Ji eepeCilly ClUDp DIPII'ied CO aeaJ mo. .... beuiap from ..... &Del .... k COftft .M ...... IW'fw.. wtdla coup 6Jm &DCIIUJI dlere ~)'OU IIIOft work~ kcwtca Jubriauioas. S.•• wetl1'11,..AP.M------I TIIICtOr aolJft l.abricaol-h pa JOW cnctor Jooacr Ule. 11111111111 TIIIIPIDI Whol...Ue' Distributor For Newport Harbor Phoae 155 Ree. Pbooe 1094 It's Always COFFEE TIME . . At The · Serving COFFEE and DONUTS • W AFFI,.ES SANDWICHES • MALTS and SUNDAES • COMPLETE FOUNTAIN SERVIcE.. 305 Marine Avenue Balboa Island li-J Nkhola WBISBBY Schenley's and Others • Full 8tod& t.,ne Tabte ,Winf'1o 8peC'lal lmrnrt-Rum• 0 1• anc' IWixeo. • BALBOA LIQUOR ST8RE 001' r;. WA 'IT8 TN r;. ~atral A\~ Balhoa. ..._:~ ...__ _____________________ ___. -------------=-=-=-=-=-=-~=-=-:__-:-:-:-:-::-::-::-:-:-:; .. ~!:::::::-:r:================ VOTE FOR COL. ATKINSON -FOR CITY CO-UNCIL An · Executive of Tried Ability. _;The Man Who Ge~. 'Prings Don~. THIS ADVERTISEMENT CONTRIBUTSD BY BA.LB04 8UPPORTIIRS } YOUR Cfl'Y NEEDS A VETERAN BUSINESS .. MAN . -· -., ~~--~!:~.You Get_Ooe Wben _Yqu _RE:ELECI_ISB_ELL ·Next Tuesday., April 9 GO. -TO THE POI .IS EARLY TO AVOID THE RUSH AT CLOSING TIME . .. .. I Tb~. April 4, 1946 304 .............. . llalha ..... . Phoael827 . Where Hair Styling Is An Art Ow tim 11 to enha~e. milady'a beauty ud provide tbe ultimate in beallf')' eare. • .pfL\0 TO TOI BIAUTY SERVICE:.. MARINE INSTALLATIONS THE .AVJ SHOP Geaeral ~. Wodt. Wll. L. OA V1U 216 • 20tla Street AJ.IX. V1'n'l EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES WANTED Aho Mt.ceUaneoua Help W eted. Apply at BLUE ROOM '• .. J ... _ .. ....,. a· ....... Bleebtc DISilW A.8f11QC8 • BADI08 PBOQ Ill 1116 OOAST BLVD. . NEWPORT-B.ALBOA PH 1':~~ 1 Judge Granted Help as City Fines Rise to $24931n March Judgea. Cholen ·a~ School Art Display Plans Move Forwn rd Arthur MUller. Art ''ro• •' t he Loll Aqelel ''T'"" • ''·" Agneci tO IH''e on lh• I •' I JudgH for the ..,lay .. ~ 1 • 1 • T ht· 'It v rounrtl Monday aftt~r-lnp of Ult("Newport H •II•. ,., 1, , "'"m ~authortud Ole temporary to be held at N..-port "'"'~" q •·nll'tnwnt or a clu k to work ln lfl&'h School May 4th '" ':'t'a 1'1t·· thr city ct~urt and poll~ depart-J ud,lre• will meet to "'""' th• 1: ot. mrnJ tery of PtcturM one ",., k 111 n·l In " lf'ttt·r to the <:Jty cOWleJI vane. of the openln.: ..,,.,,, ... "\..kln.: fr>r t.he Additional d ertca.l Juda'tnc wtll occur 8ahml'lv """' hr lp, J udge Ro~rt Oardnflr atatl'd 27th, when the &o.rd or · .lttol~··" lhu.t flnra oolll'cted by Ule court will mHt at the High ~~ Jl,.,, ,,, ' thl' l111t ntonth had N-a ched An all make the awardl. tlnlt' high of 12483.00. Ttfta II an To bt Included 1n tho• ,.,p,. t 1 ,1 'lrcnrfttt• lndu. to the work of both llll plctunt~ mUll havl' 11 ·="''"'""''' I ll••fl'lrtmente. he aald. "The ln· Harbor Area pne fc>r tho• ,11h crl'nl!f' of fl nl'w In Mardi doell not jt'Ct. The School hila bo•o•n pro I lnc1.1rate a crtme wave, but rather vlct.d b)' the Newport llllrll(\t' th«' &Teateat population In the hla. Chamber of Oomm•rr•• with 11 tory C?' the ~lty and the '.~t tund ot 1100 · wttlt whlr h In 111•• wt-tk. l'nd Influx of viallora. quire one or mor. or lhl' rktur••• In hla appt'al for more hf'lp, ctt.ptayed In tale lbhlhtt \\'hlrh JudKI' C:trdnu p ve the council a opeM lla)' 41Jl. akelch of all the work• lnvolv.ed ln A.......,. a ....._ of .,..,.11 known thr lll!luance .or an aver&C'f tratne SouUMnl c.11ferWe arthlll!l hill'<' citation IUone. I.Ddkattod u.1r ..._tk'n tn •ub·l "After the cltaUon ta written, It mtt ~ ... .aMra art' rum. Ia rf'tumed to the poUee depart· ,....... ._,, .... work• v. hl<•h mc-nt where the ct.k •rweant. be-u.., ...-t .. ._.,. rudy by Ult~ tw~n telephone calla, radio can. tlme ftad ,_ ,.._.~ ambulan« C&lla, parldftC tlM col· 1ft ...,.... et U.. -...&bll fnr 0\f- lrctlona, ttl« IIOOthin« of Irate RIC' 8dtiDol 11 .a. Rutll 8t01-w r MU~na. book.lnC dn1niW. a 11 d wt11o o.a .. r..e1Mc1 at tht Hlfh other ocldll and encll of police trt&· ldMJol ,,. ,._. or mall at any Uon proc:edure, doee the fon-iq U... .W U. -lenc:" of art. for each dtaUoa. · lltll ,..__ ~ tte t•n at t M He t)'PM up an llMtNet of t.be mac. WeMI Art Oalh·n•a 111 cue for tbe Kotor Velllde Dept. lUI W..t 8llltlt ltnet Loa An- In Sacramento, ~ a CA8e ,.t-. at tJM ~· &a<'h Art card at the fact., prepare. three o.uer,. or at UN Rich School a~ card~, entera the Incident In In ad. .... .. .... _ _.._ opnoe ot April ITth. the day the then to ""' J-· ...,..., JU4It-. wtl1 oceur. entera the cue In the court dodult Md ceneraJ Index book. Often Umee much c:orre.pondence .. ,._ p,... wut ... Pmnr reeuiUI qulred when ba.ll a. forfeited. nten -;:;;:::;:;:;=======:-, Uawe .,.. matt.ent ot l.uuinc war-r ranta, wamlnc Mtte:ra, eert&tlea· UDUIG'a t1on of ca.eee to Juwnlle COUJ't, .... _, If 1 w...lrv lrtala, hearlnp and conUnua.nCH. ...... •• ~ J F or every one of the hundred& of •• •• 8o.Q~ Dry parklnc tlcketa laaued, the above form le followed. -althou«l\ wiUI-808 • 146 at. ftloae 8521 ... \ FOR YOU WONDERFUL NEWS e Gorgeoua all-wool alaob- ci.UQDed to ~it. Grey c;>Dly • · S..utiful all-wool alWta to flatter your fivure ... e T.eamed with a cardl9au jacket -ao atylilh, aow ud alwaY" Siren StuH, . but definitely .... AT THE ~LIPHOIO p _6 ~,. 1 NIWPQRT 138 ~..,., EMMA V. HUGHES AltboUKh DNk Ber,-eant Cha.rlee __ _ out the c:OmpllcaUoN ." ~~~H~U~Im~lf~GTO~~If~B~IA~C~H~~~~;;~~~::;;;~;;;;;;~;;;;~:;~:~;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;~~;;;;~i K . Prieat and the J ucfr have eo ~~~iiii~~~~~~~~~~iiiiiii~~iii~~i fu been able to handle th~ worll, I It hu ~n a trem~ndoua lo:td BOB MURPHY'S ._, g~ PRESENTS Southland's Favorites _,. lta .. t,lag Ap .. ll 5th Rigidly Except lloaday BamboO Room BALBOA ... and lnrr tuta al~thr tim~. Jufls:t Gardnt'r l ugJtated that a clt•r k bl' tmployl!d who wtU work bnth I>~ ttl!' court and' the pollrr dl'pn"'l- ml'nt, her ea.lary to bt pald one- hntr fr<>m thr rlty Court App:-o- flrlatlon a nd onl'-hllll from lh e po. lice drpartment app mprltiUon. Apple Valley Ranch Gates Now Open to Desert Devotees ~eert d(ovoteea tht11 w~k wtrt• -nvrn an added ouUet for their hobby whf'n Apple Vallf'y Ranchoe, a Tripp R~>111ty Co., projrct wu madf' available to the publlr. AJ . rrady well known. Apflle VaJI«-Y I• located nn HJghwsy 18. nl"&r Vlcton •tlll', and t• approxlmfttrly 100 mllt'll from Balboa a nd NC!W· port. Thf' valley, plcturesqu,. wl Joahua trt'dl snd" chaplln'lll 111 !'flmplt'lety 1urroun drd by the Rterr" Mad~ and San Bemartllno mountlllru, a nd h1111 an r lev11tton nf epprolflmately 3000 fci'L Th!JI elf'vatfon ac:counta for thf' f11rt that the wr.ther even In the sum- ml'r 11 livable and f'njoy.ble. mll.k. lng It a year round dt'lert ret rea t. Becauae of the evenet~~e of the lemJM'rature Apple Valley will not bf cloeed dul'lnl' the wmmu mont.ha, and re•denta who aurter rrom hay fever, .. nua and ut.hma wtll bt able to enJoy round.-the· calendar relief. A recent report by tht' Mayo Brot.here Indicated that the climate In Apple Valley Ia the moet healthfUl In Ule United State.. Ptarur now tn the proefltlll or In« compltted for the Apple Val· ley Rancho. are elaborate. 'nl~ Include a d..-d up, atrea.mllned dude raneh. complete w1th two dlnlnll.' r nnm11. cock!Atl bnrw. ~·tm. mint pool and wen laid out ji,"'''Unda for loun«tng And I!Un bathing Cloee to thf' dude ranch w1ll bP A qusrter mllP hoMOt "'"" tM\r'k, ILIH'l rodeo arena. And ju11t ncroa thr hllf}lw11y will be lln air. • Walker's Frozea Foods . . GRAND OPBKIIIG S&WURDAY=--------- FROZEN SEA FOOM Crabmeat Minced CI&ID8 Salmon Steaks Shrimp Shrimp Creole Fi~h Creole ~a BaM. CmCKEN Fryers Roasters Creamed Chicken Chicken .t Noodles FROZEN MEATS Roll<'d Rib Prime Rout RePf SlA'w Mi nute Steaks Sirloin Tips and ·MU!'4hrooms l\lt•at Balls Corru·d Beef Rub Chile' ('on (.'arm• <:hop sm~y (Pork or ehicken) Tamales FROZEN VEGETABLF~ Asparagus Green Rcans Peas COm on Cob Cot Corn Spinach ~eel Beets Broccoli Cauliflower Urnas Peas and Carrots Brussel Sprouts Vegetables FROZEN JUICES Orange urn on _ e, 194& FROZEN FRUITS Apricot& l,e.aches Pineapple rlla<"k Ring Cherrlea nluc•berrlett o()()H(~berrles (~rat<~d Cocoanut Ra.~piM'rriett Boy Hen berrleH Strawberries . Rhuba~ · Grapef It Segment8 Date. ICE CREAM lland Packed Ready Packed DellclouA Ice Cream Sandwlchrs 318 MABINE AVENUE, BALBOA ISLAND f'Ort givlnJC Apple Vlllll'y rP!IId,.nlll ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~-=~~,,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ttulck contart with th!' Los An· : jfelet area. nytn« time fmm Lon~r Rfii\Ch being approxl,111ately 30 mlnutee. ' ln charll.'l" of the whole plllll Ia Benn~tt Tripp, vet~ran L o n ,. B~ach real eetate man, with wide ""J>e~nce In MtUnl' up new com- munttle. and reeort areu, who wanta It dertnltely known that Apple Valley I• hla faYOr1Le proj- eet. Harbor HI P.-T. A to lnstan Offlcen The Jut rerutar meettnc or the N~rt Harbor Unlon Hlp lkh.ool Parent-Teacher ~ ... lion w111 convene Tue8cS&y, Aprtl t. at 1:30 In the acbool c:ateterta, Publlclt)' Ctlalr'U\&11 Kra. J . ~­ ler announ«"d.. Davtctlon wtll ~ on the tfJCpid,..i ,.._, ~ wnt be p1a~ by 11a. Paula Cutle, and ofneerw WIIJ bt JMtaJJ. ~d for OM new year. lira. Jla.r)' O.y Brown, put ~drftt Md council dlalrman ~Porn L o n O..acb P.-T. A.'e w1U aet u ln·l llt.a lftnc otftctr . ....... ..... MAIU ...... l'hnl'f" . . .. . Pap te Flower Growen AJ'e IDvlted tO Enter Anaheim Club Show NI'WT'Ot't B.-acb nQ"~ JfroWf'nl arl' rlii.Lt'n~t a apedat lnvttlltlon In pnrllrlpatl' In lhl' Annwtl l<'low,.r 11nd Hobby Show irn-- t'd by lhC" Ana.htolm Ebel Club Arr 211 111111 28. Ml'll Arthur Kt•mJW'r, !II)() Ocran bl\u..,v.lrd 1n r.,ronll .J1>I lol#&r. whll t. ~aln In r har,;'t' of rl.uu1lflc•t10n, will bt' 8t !he Allllh••lm F:h,.ll Club Huu•w 111 7 a m A pril 2lllh tn IIOCI'fll •·n. lrct·t which mut.~t be Jn plaN• bv 10 a. m. AJI ulriu of hl)bblra should b,. In bv Wf'•tn"lfd"y lJie Z4th. ~~-Girl Re-.Jolua u Sergeaot·ln WAC S&t. Ju.&llll• Bond. who acrvell J8 monUIIi with Ule WAC, hu .... enl4tt.ed tor the durauon plu• 111x mOirth&. Sgt. Bond, who I• the dau,4t!)tl'r of Mr. and Mra, H arry Theuft't of Ylowi!r lllreet, lett yu- terday. Old Discovery of God That. is New is CDM Sun~y Sermon R\'Y Po•~y P. Sc•htock, nolnllllt'r of lhe Cornna df'l Mar Community Chunh, C'OIIj!'rO~IIIIfJnlll, hllll hn. nounc4'd the tn t or hie Sunday ""rmon t'l be "An Oltt Oll«'overy ot Ood Ulat 111 N~;· 84-rvtu • ... MM& Eni'OIImMata Still on Upewlng Averqe dally aUe,nd&ooe 1ut month In lhe ·eo.ta Mt'aa elemm. tary achool wu 1104. Thl• t. an lnc-rMUie or 118 pupil• over the a&mt' month lut year, Supt. E. A. R~·B dlaclo•rtJ thllt w~k. The ~nrollmt'nt now totat. 1 1~ and I• lnc reu tng dally. Rea 11lated In hut rt·flO,tt on overcrowded COJI· dltlnn.~~ In Ute Meaa School&. Mesa Liquor Shop tnt•1 •(_...,n Blvd. c-4a II-. C.Uf. I"IIONI:: NEWPO&T U NEWPORT-BALBOA PRESS 11011 IM)IlS TO KUAN8 Born t o M r &nd Mra. Elmer Rartford. Costa Meaa. 111 Santa Ana Communi ty ho.plt&J1kar. :n . 1 .... wu a i pound 11 ounce .on. MACHINE TOOL REBUILDING • cvr.t.•nt:n nr:AD l:RISlU~G M.arhlf' t:n~M l'arta Ut!ftlk-&tftt Arc: aad ,\••••tylf'D41 "'"ldJ•f· A N N 0 u ·N C I N~G ANEW , .. Watch Repairing· _Service . ' M t.. K11mpc~r ai.At l'd that there wrre a number of <ffaldl'nu In t he Hal'b<lr' IUt'tl who haY<' had con· lllderablc auorcra In Ult> ln"'wln« of tw)auttrul nowen1, and ahr urg· Ml t ham to partJdpau In th11 ahow. CI&Mincauona Include ,_. awnt peu. anrwala and "'"'"'tala, bl.ilbe, c:amrllu . orothlda and mn.ny othf'nl. Ttlere are oUMr d aMlft. l'w~ln ftl 11 a. m durtn~r whk h '"====:z======~ UmA! beJinnera and prtma.ry dr. ; partmenu will a.t.o have M<rvlrea ot their own. The T outh Mf'coUng -~ atches and Clocks Repaired~­ Workmanship Guaranteed. • Sensible ~ces PIC--~ ~ Da.nlal'l' t. llclledu1ed for 7 p. m. caUona for ftower arranp~M-nt . anrt .chool nhlblt.. Visit, "Just for the P'urttv·r lllformalloft may be ob.. Rid , · taJMd from-Mft. Kemper or by I e fte80Jts in t unlnll' In on u.. On.al'e County Frozran Food Fi Broadcaa~ Btauon ICVOE on ---S rJD ~)'I at U :11 L m. at whldf A vi.llt to Newport Beach "jll!ll t1.lb Krw, o.or.. Oft:dlr. Cbat.r· tM ~ rt•" a wH k ~ MOflday man of UM ' ,....., and H~ ft'tllllted tn Ule ~lltabllllhlnll' or a Dow. will dlacu. the rowtnc of new buaiM'M, Wa_lker'a F roH n orehlda and olhn blooma aullable Foodl and Jcco Cream a t 318 Mil· for IU'Tilnr-tnenta for the 11how., nne avenue. Balboa leland WhPn lira. Norm"" I.Ambard of Fulle.r-IA!'W'III and "Bobble'• Walk,., notlt'. toll, .pubUctty chaJrma.n. will. a~g that th«" Marine IIVI'nut bulle!· be «illi1 lo • a.MW'4!r quNtlon.-c~.' Iiiia wu avaUable, thry lmm~'dl· Ha.rtlorltf'a lna..r.att'd Ill Ule ~-altiy took ~Inn •ntl com · Judges Chosen for Kiddles' Pet Show pte ted plana for lJit>l r rrozrn rood~ bu•lnf'AJI No new I'Omer• to the~ Httrbor An!a are Mr. •nd M rw. W11lkt•r. A .. 1 t I •· howf'Vt'r Whl~ W &l.kl'r Wall IIlii· Ct'Oru n~r o reC""n ri'porwo. 11 two of lhil J~«'l for tht KJddlea' oned at S1111ta Anita with Army ...... 1 6.. 11 ..... 1 .... 1 ... Ordnancr Tralnlng Cl'nll'r. th,. .-.. nOW II(' <vU ""' Ot ... av, m11y . be Vaet.or Pot#t hMd b t.her ot youn• oouplf' apent turlou.rll time u.. AIUmaJ Wf'itu~ of ::_ U. S. In Balboa with Ule lnll'nllon or ftaoeopldcaJ 8odety. and H. w. nentuaJJy lnealln« In Ule arc-a lle.IAut. ,....dent ot Ulf#' l..ool An-Walker wu dt.eha~d thla ~­ «eleel llodety for ~vfllllon of !'ember HI' S. fnfl'nrrly of Bloom. Cna.ftJ to Anlmala. lngton. llllno&. wh~f' be wu dla. R.unane OfnCft' VInet' C uauma· tri<'t A JI'tl pr<:~mollon manqer tor M recetftd a lettu trom llad .t>an General Motora. . tJa1. week ~ rnat tntw. So although II Ia a far cry tmm flllt lA u.. doc ~ p,.rim hot mot.o,.. to rroun tOQIU- • , .. ~ UM ~ lA-mulA, poultry, -t ood, fNlta. J'IOD, ,.,_ No. 111. tw Newport •ec-et.aba... troaen ju1ct"a. and Ice BMdl dlUclreft. o.wnano alated cream aandwlch-the Walken1 tMt dUe to rain Baturday, e1.-an mJoyin« lt. .,... P'*ll D.ed but will rt'INnM -----= ...... --::=:. proridlq t • • Harbor Garage Firm Establishes Record APPII8CIA'I10N -We .W.I/-0 t.ll&nk our trtenda for Rapid BuDding aad Mlpllorw for UMtr •ympaU.J aDd muy .et.t vt ~~~ _., A nc!Ord tn buUdina wu .. t by our NeeDt .,..._...,_(. U1e J1&rtJor O&rac•. auto ~r 11ft. aad 111\1. v.utON oaa ftrm. wbo completed Ulelr mod· ... I'Aii:ILT. em, 1tueco butldina' In to da)'8-;===========::; Pull Tnutw.tn. head or Ule nrm, ....... "-'*"'·········'·" ,.., ., ... ..._ r--u•. cn.eoar ...... ,., o_,., •twfa ...................... . .,...,, of CCIJIO!l A ......... M 1.11 .,..,... 0Mppo4 .... lotlt, · ,..,_,.,. .........•.. J .'fl .... I!\' .. ,..,., o-...r .. J .tt ,..,... a4M of ... ,, A• ,_ 1 ... ~ -::· .~~~.~ ....... roc:~~.~~~~.-.. u• ....... .tt..U, .. ,.,. .• -...... ,_.lA. Q~. . Y«t-Pre ...••....•••••• l .'fl .,_.., •'-" a,... aaw ...., ..,. Otrew ~ ... (,..,,........ ... , ...... ~ ........ 1 •••••••••• 1.11 ~I...._,,,,,_, •• JM Malt ...... bit ... ked .... ,... ,.... .-.... ........ .....,, -0 iQ IJIIIJ ....... ..... ~ ......... ~ ,..... ..., ...... o-f ... ._ fielt .................. ... ......... ,.. ....... .... ...................... ............... .. ,. ..... c... Loaslleacb Ul . J.nk• ,.. tlllat tt wu qutu an ae. compUabment, con.tldertn« Ulat he and h1t UII'M aMOCialH con.ttruct· eel the butldin« Ulem.wlvM. TIM ....... e and aerv1ee alation 11 )ocat.ed 011 Harbor bou1eY&Nt They will llaacn. all typH of auto ,....U WOI'Il. A.aetated l.n lJI~ ftrm w1UI Paul Trautwein 111 Ray Trautwein, Charls Kalaer, and c-te llcOaftm. AJI of Ule men are local ~t.. ~aelflc Vet Helps VFW Organize New Branch In Balboa Tu~y n~«t~t. MArch 2tl)l. vet. "rana w ho aerved over.eu and I fouct~t on many • forf'llfl\ battle front.-. ~M-t at John IC. Radltolr'• I office et 302 MAin •trc-.t, Balboa. I to orJ:llnl:tl' a hunrh nf th,. Vrt . f'r&l\l of Forrhtn Wu11. C'nllln lf llw rnN'tlnlf. ~·1111 Mont r R011• Grim•'"· \'t't""'n of the Pacific. Tho• m~'••Unjt WAJI A JITI'Al '"''• (T!!!t "'1t:h iiiiTTY H. HArdin~. ('hlt-f nt SlAH. Ol'pllrtm .. nt of rslltor. I nt" rrr .. rnt tn help thl' vrl,. tnv thf' ~'•n•l wnrk fnr t hl' Balbnn 1 P~t Otht•r nffll't'NI nt lht' VTW l'~nt w••r·r R ll•' F.lrl lll'~'. A110't I C"hlrf nf Staff F rr •l P ~.,,.ph,.r· 110n. C'omrn11n lrr n( I.RJ:11nll Rl''ll h I ~nAt. llntt llll!ll Mrtl11l nf lfnnor 1mnn of thf.' ~pl\nl~h Am,.tlr •o W nr. Rntrh C'nml'rl. C'ommnn lt'r I EIP<"l. lAJon,lnll Rt'IIC'h rn~t. And M onte C Grtmrs. Srnlur VI("'C' I Comm&ndn, Lll.(llnll 8('AI'h Pntt Tom Rolr n ilou 11ppolntf'd ttm· 1 pon~ry Quartcor olu trr until thl' I no«Wu offlcen 11:1'1' rlf'clf'd In thf' IIHI' tuturf'. Mr. RotC"n Ia a local I boy, and property owner In Nf!W. port. He ll a World Wu 1'W'o ftlfnll. and recently retired (rom the U . 8. Army. u C.ptllln. He · Ia a fttera.n of European ln.- lou. A number of veterana JOlnf'd the Q11ra11laUon Tue.day nlc1\l, and many mOft aft to ~ome Into the V. J'. W. Ia the nee.r future. It 11 I bellned that the 'Billboa Polt w111 be one ot the very "-t In the State of Callfomta. 'J'IIe ChaJrman ~n d1arye ot ~t­ tbrF thtl po.t underway Ia Monte Ra. OrtmN. ~nuy diach~d Otter Yeoman. U. 8 . Navy. antf 1J#'f'Ura.n of two Jlma and Okinawa lllvuiONI, He aerved 011 board I Uie U. 8 . 9. Highlands !APAtlt l wbtetl wu ~ l'lf Ule \'f'ry tl,.t 'tlltpe to land troope at Yokohama Tok,Jio Bas on v .. J . pay~ ,.,. Ortm,.. 1~ the !knlor VII.',. Cnm · rruu~tt.-r nr LA~n11 Be-ach Pollt. and wu Just n '\ITlt'd Deputy rtllet I of Jrtatf for thla d111t rtct. H e II 1 now u•odated with .'ohn E . Rossi's Uquor Store .... ea.M ..... _7 -4BIIIa.h.ol~ CLOSED TUESDAYS • SAl\fPSON WATSON'S Machine \Vorks 1512 So. East 19th Street COSTA MESA .... Nr .. port IJiyd. ....,_ UU COSTA II(E8A a~ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooea6oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo . Blarl• FBIDAF A11rll 5111 TzWINKLE'S Bad• SA I'UIIDJI Jf I· Aprlli311J .EZPANSION The new addition to our store will soon be ready for occupancy! In order to make room for large quantities of new merchan~, we of- fer these many. and outatanding specials for your inspection. · Shop early! Quantities are limited _on some itemfil and subject to prior sale. .., \ 'Kat.._.,. ALVJON1111 ~ .... ...., ...... I IIIONING BOA&D PAD ud OOVU ••• ..... 8pet'W \ RAND-E DU8T MOP ~·. 8pedal '1'' \ 6!r 1-PteN PeltWJ lloWL 81:1' ... .... HpedaJ AMBEa "'LD t'ASIUON" OLA88E8 ~· ft.48 li'Pf'C'W 8rt of " FIJU:..IUNG GLAS."J ()()FtY.f: Ml"O 2 for J !)'" ...... 13r ~lal fl and 11-('up llllncl ralolrd CHINA Tt:A NtT~ ~) ~!t \'•lu4' «• S'?.:ID ~11('<'1"1 \ !\. Pf'P:('F. C'RY~ I, ("JUARr.TTr; S F.l' ICf'J:. 11.411 "'l"'''lal ISUI\'trll'i\1. Tt. \ I'OT \ ICf'K. 9llc-:-11..-. h i JW1'SU Oo\Tt-~1 GJ~\:00~ Ot'Tt'll 0 \'ES Rf-1. 1'!.48 s.--w o\dju,t:ahlf' ML':TAI. ROAKT R.\CK Rf'C. II.~~ 8pt'C'Ial OIL("J..oTII. Row & Arrow TARGET RA-e. 11.1t ~pf'l'lal OLAS8 WA~IlBOARf) a...c. ••.eo ~pN:I&J AUE..O.MAnC SVRt"ACE 0\'EN •«· Hoe 8Pf'C"Iai iltJ I'I 98" 7W 7W \ I f"nldlnlt \\'nnd ('I.OnfEM DRVt:R \ ~~. fUO MfM"clai ~!t \ ~0-Gallon Painte<i Cubage Caa ~ REGUL-}B 52 25 SPECIAL .. $1.89 HOUSEWARE SPECIALS .... , Aerowu JlfO.R UBalNO WAX ... tte SpeeW. q.ut A-. NO.RVBBINO WAX .... tee 8pelMl. l!r, 37° OOLD-PAA CANNEll f4lt ......... 8pedal ~~ '4" .... N..N 8podal CHINA WARE SPECIALS . S.Qt. ltlvwa GLA.ZED U:AN POT 4 7e ae,. Ne SpecW. ... _ 1W1 Claa.a SALT _. PEPPER 811AAE&8 98e ae1. sua 8pedal pr. %-Qt. o-raeed ltelre.O.- C A88EROLE 3!r llq. 5o5c: 8peclal. ... CtDNA GRILL PLATZ fj3C! ... 1k 8pecW ..... !.Qt. Co~red GlASSWARE SPECIALS • Deoo ....... TUIIBU;q & TllA 1' f}lt ~te~. • •. ,. 8peeW .... !:Pieee 8alt & Pepper RANGE SET pr. 57c ..... tee 8pt!eW. ... TaU ~tal FLOWER VASE ~ •• 8peeW ~ 8AIA' & Pt:PPU 811A1l.EIL8 wtUt ...... 3!r ... •toe 8peda.l 8et GAIJDEN TOOL SPECIAI.B 8ollcl ........ IIOSE NOZZLE !Nr a.e,. ti..U &pedU. ... - 8-IIIda l'RUNNING 810:AR IItl Bee· ~.u spee..a. ..... HEDGE 8REAR f3" ~· f6..N 8pedal. 1.-~~ LAWN EDGE& '2" ~,. IS.%a 8pedal. .. Lo•r R...sJe . &ouad PoUt 1-n'. STEP LADDER fSM ......... SperiaJ CASSEROLE f!r .... ,. 1te 8pedlll .. ... . !.Qt. O..lllar OLA.88 SAUCE PAN ., ..... , 8perial . 8 H 0 vIE L 'I" 'Itt ...-. "·" 8pecW Uaftatea~M llJTCIIEN STEP STOOL fi1t Mlt'k4!y & MIIIJIJe M-... 8l.et Mpecllal COOKIE ~All • liM Rrf. f!.N 8 pec-W M,.tal VEOETABL.f: JUS• Rrc. 11.18 t;11f't'kll Fnlcltar IRONINO BOARD .......... 13 8Jif'dal flpllnt TOOL &PEJCIALS t.c.p lhullloar 0 .... Tt:A POT f}lt Rf'tr. fl.11 Rpet"t.l. Dunbar OlallA <"OFFEE MAKER f} .. Rer . fU3 I'IJM"C"W A.J'IN'# WATt:R IIOT'l'LE 8ET f}lt Rf-K. fl.18 ~pN·lal S-~ ('ON SO I.E 8F.T '2111 Rf-«. $3.95 S(lf'('laJ SPORT GOODS SPECIALS ("L0T11&"4 BAS RET sz::u Rr.r. ~-~pi"C'lal 16-ott. t'uli-Bound Polb!Mocl 81"181! n .. \ W IIA~IMER nar. MCREEN s13ts Rco.r. 11.8& Mp#C."taJ l'!.fn. Offll'lal ~~~9 ~Ot"T RAI,L flloK. JU $ Mpc!C'&al ...... fii.N S J)f"C"tal R&tc-hf't 8oft Ball ~A t4 K '2· PAINT SPECIALS RIT BRACE 1583 ~~. M.!& S~l&l &.FT. ZIG.ZAO inru: 2se ~«· S8c 8Pf'Cial. . • ~Jr. ts.ao ~lal !.CELL FLA~IIUGIIT f}79 ~-t U & SJ)f'C'IaJ Compte~ wtUI Battf'r1f'Jo J....OeiiH .... L T Z PASTE ....... ~1&1 1 15 Adjoatable t'uii-LMth~ . 15 HACK SAW FllAMI: 8!r BASEBALL GL0\'1! •:s• .. ,... Dutdt GL088 WIIITJ: EN A.MY:L .::-.. ...... ':l • ..,.... o.nc. GLOM WHITE ENAMF.L q..n •t•• ..... ..... Mpedal FIAT WIUI'E o.ao. lloc· liM f'.,.ciU q-.rt ..,... • s.-w .. .... 11.10 . 8pfidaJ ae,.. fl.t6 I'JJM'('lal I...Jaw Cbadl BREAST DIULL '6· Re~. f1M Special U ·IN. \VOOD LEVEL 'J.ll ... fi..U SpedaJ . O,urtlud "~rnAIIW' Tt:NN18 llAOilET f58t llec· MM 8pecW ' O.lop TENNI8 BAU.S s for II•t 8pfoc'JaJ ...,...,Ilk' Morh t'EA DIVE MA81l t}• .... 81.11 RpedAI I Ia. lloyoo GARDEN HOE ~ ae1. 'ut 8pedal.. ..... •.oar Kalldle 8PADINO FORK f}A Ike. tt.15 SPft''-'- 4 .Prnn~t C ULn\'ATOR IIII~ ll#;:. fi.S8 "'.,......, St~l Tooth lLAY RAKE 7!r •r· sua Speelal. Revntvtn~t LAWN_8P_IUNIU..EB I}JI ft#c. tt.98 Spef'l&l Tulip LAWN 8PRIN1U.'ER ggc Rf-lf. I J ..s9 Stlt'(".bl h1n J.AWN H_PRJ!\f1U.Eil 24c 1\foJr. 35(o 8Jif'("lal ~-Pmn« Nnl't'r.._ l'l"J.TJVATOR f)•t ~Jr. 11.19 ~pH'Ial Kf'nhH'ky Bhlf' Gra. S F. E D lit. 47c Rf'K. 85<-Ill.. Sllf'dal . BABY NEEDS SPECIALS S·Piec-e C"'dhf'" Table & Cllelr l'l t:T SnN &e,. tiS.85 8pecl&l ~., BABY CRIB ••. ...%5 '695 SJ)f'C'W ~I· fiU3 tgM 8pedal. .... - BABY T01' WALKER 1nM Re.r. 110.95 Spec-W. ~.,-- RAllY lfl-ciiAlR f7N ••• ••• •8pec&al. ~--------------------~---------------------------_J 55-l'b. 'hll' 8 Urfacecl ROOt'INO RoU 'I t1 ~~. l!.t~ ~proc'b.l 45-lb.. 'l'aJe llurfaclod ROOnl'lio aou '11t Rra. f!.OO 8.,..-W to. Halln111 ~'""' GA..Oof WATER HEATt:R 14715 Rr r. Nl.ll Sproc-lal { Sada.lr, lnJUra.n~ ~ Main atreet. ~lboa. .. ........ ~ ............................................................ .-;;~~ 1 ' ... ... •I - .. ..... ~ ..... ,,. _,.,..,_ ..... • ~LBOA PRESS , ~·. .... 1, (ColltiDud Prom PWJe 8) Seiw. Bclaerluled Cr-mvs Buab Splicing For B.~ McC!~Ihnd lluge Phone cable V~NS INJ'OIUIA'I'IO!f -VI(JII Your local Draft Board No. 111 6a located Ia Rooal ,._.,.. ..,..._. tor Hw y Mu ('ut bi Bulldozer 306, Clty Hall, Santa Ana. Phone Santa Ana usa. M~ .. el 200 lOth atr.-..t ---.....,.----------------I ,._.-·~~ wtll b-' h ·li I . R••palr c-,._11 today~ apllc-Inf t1 t -..a V • .._..._.., JtEAL ~A'I'E (~ a.le)REAL D'I'A'I'E (JI'w Bale) a ..,_ -• • ut t ~< tnr ot a •o7.patr 'Newport. Ba orma on on re umouu eterau ... -IDA¥ ~------....;....------------<JnMl ~ .. turdlly "llh R •• ,. 11ubmarlnt-tel.-pl\one cable. o. l be obtained locally by c..Wnc: -=-~ ... =----=-. -7-_.~-::-:11:-.-.-,--~ JoiiMOa canduc-Un~t. lnttr. Mc-Donald. dtatrlct manapr of Mr. Duniap-Vetei'&.IB Service Qa1naua t1T8 J. M. 'y ILLER meat wW 1M at Wt-elmlnllttr Me. thc-Southern CalltomJa ,..lepboft• A UNIVHSAI. ._..,_ Veronica Lake and Eddie Bracken Ill Hold That Blon«Je • ...._.., .... Wda ftv• Ann Sberld&n, · Humphrey Boprt Ill It -All Came True _..,_ VanJoJuwon Ill Rom for Trouble start. ft....., Aid n DoD Face · wttll Perry Como, VIvian Blaine, Car· men Miranda and Dennie O'Keefe. N-llllewtJICtflrw ......... 7 Adventures of Busty ~---Junior Miss wtth Zachary Scott. Betty P'teld _..,_ Real ERate Broker 16th uad CeDtral LIDO ISLE r ·I 2-Bay Froot Iota -$10,500 and $12,500 each - ODe iDRde Jot Wx88' ~. BALBOA ISLAND . Beautiful 2-Story home on South B&y Front. f. · Bedroalna. 2 batha, boat hou.e, 4-car prap. Sep- arate Gu.t. hou.e, with 2 bedrooma. TIUa Ia a very exclu.tve home. Price anci tenna quoted on requeft. , BALBOA PENINSULA LOT BAY FRONT, BMt location $1!5,000. CORONA DEL MAR LARGE LOT South of Highway on Poppy. Priced for quick...._ --COST~ MESA J.arge modem stucco located on Magnolia St; Prac- tically new with all modem convmieDC. E1rtra laJp lot. . ... . ... ' BUS~~ FRONTAGE "ltiiRACLE MILE'' 0De p~ OD inland llde. ODe piece Oil Bay llde of HJcbway. · ·.-. .... Phone. Your Listings, in ADd we wiD clft them every cooaidefation · J . M. KILLER -- 115tll and Celltnl • H..-part llndl • noae 1141 ·• · "• Tov Way to Balboa" FIRE Atn'OMOBD...E ' .r . YACHTS OOMPENSATION Both Barrels Blazing · "STU" DUNLAP modal Putt. Co. Nld 11 llnta -re put out of and American U!ck>n . Service ~ 1301·R Mr. MeCielland r •u•Md ""'"Y ordl'r wh~n a buUdo•r workln• tn or Wec1Deada7. He 11'11\'<'41 Ius wlf•· th,. an•a or the Bay 8ho~• camp Mre. Calklne-American Red er,.. lila ~Sor~~M: a eoa. Hlll'n · Ma"<. Jr . dllm....-d the uble. Both toll and , _ Ida Ill'.' anct M rs J E local liMa were damaced. -=,::=;;;:;:;:=;:=:=;:=;:=;:=;;;::=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;~~ Ko<:wl¥d,' aU ot C'oata M ~'""· " In order to prevent turther cllun. (" brotber" oeepll N ., or Lnui~\·1111'; a &«1! to the cable, wu w~ pun\Pf'd 11n1tMr I:., or N<'wport Into th.-llu to k"P out lhl' ..-..u: a llo!"' HIW'I H "'t~,... crewe have been at ·work . aa..aa ., IAII. 1~·-on nlpalra ..tnee lut nna .... y, Mr. McClelland. " ll'll'tulur~:"lst, with UIOO mlll'l·houn needed to bad U._. la Ooata M l'llll for thl'ff put the eabl.e Into cooc1 condition montllll ... wu for mtrly or Jn-comllll' and out·,otnc UdN are ~. Jr1.' <'ompllcattnc.lbe wortl. • p A.INTING I TO WH,OM IT MAT QONCERH: I From thla -te on, we will not d TUlUI SERVlC'E · be reaponatbfe tor any debta IN HEWPOitT HARBOR AREA contracted. by any one otHiat .HARRY HALL wlth the su._.t eerv1ee stauoa l thlln ouraelvea In . eonn~t101. ~ 7200 • Cout Htchway, Newpod rAINTUfO CONTRACTOR Bf'ach. IT• & 1ttll St., Coeta l.ff'aa . VINCENT R. MORRIS • PbOIM N. B. 8.'17-W. MART ANN KEPLIIR 4U ~p HUB POWERS, AGENT* We have lle\'eral attractive Balboa Ialand bomee that ahould pleUe you and th~y are priced to 8ell now, be- pmlac ~t $10:000. Good two-dwell,iftg unit Uattnr at $16,000, and others . A most attrcative Island romer dw,ellinc. 2-bed- I'OOIIi.l with -gul'st room : Also apartment over 2 car prage.- $26,500 HUB POWERS, AGENT Phone 62-W -J~· A ... Be.e k 0 f f ice Ferry Landing Balboa bland 2 ~ on one lot, Corona del Uar .... $18,MO . INCOME PROPERTY 2 bedroom house and 4 amall rental uiit.t. LOTS ON PENINSULA $2500 and up. Several good Bay Front Lota. . . 80 . ~ . I . Apple · Valley Ranchos I ·~ ........ .,vw., .. . ......, .. APPJS V.iu.I:Y a.Uf<JIIOe .. loc&W4 Ia U1e -.rt ...._. lbe beauut\&1 anowc:app..s tuura ....._ rup, ud u. ~ llf'• tardlno mount.Una at an e&.v.Uon ot ...,_., .. tell - ff'f't whlf h IMUrea PI!RJ'IlCT TZAR IWUMD UVJNO 0011· DITJONA. Dry 11lmoepherle' climate, full o1 uiUa .wet ""' aet.t aa a curt tor .anua, hay tewr PCI ..UU... APPLE \'ALLEY aAN<'II08 Ia a caNIW17 lalcl out ._... ..... attc-a lone t~l acre plolat pi"'ject wiUI ~ fw a.,_,_ llnc-d bualnr .. dlatrlct, ~~etlool, church, holpC~ -tmmlnc Jt>ol•. airport and all Ule fMtUN o1 a ~·ht__.....,... .... een&.ury eomm~mlty. APPI..t~ VAI.LEY &ANClH<NI Ia approalmat.ely 100 M11ee ,.._ ,IAII An«elr • and Hollywood and leAl U\ul aa ....,.. *"' from Arrowhead and B&c lkar. 'nae perfect ,a... to WW your Out-of.tht.elty home. API'LE V AI..LI:Y aANCIH'MI vial lora Sunday wtU 1M ,._. at " W<'lltc-rn atyle blarbf'i'ue lunch. Drive out and ptck -. o1 ~ prf'al'nt choice ~electlona ot ""nchoiAlN " for rout OWL 00118 OUT ANY PAY TO APPUil VALLICY RAHCHOe AKD aa THIR. LOV'(LY VALLI:Y P'OR ~OUR.IIal. •· w......._, o.I:J, Aid tt Insurance ~ SEE US FOR OTHER HOUSES, $6500 AND UP ·TRIPP · REAllY COMPANY Zombies ALSO LOTS OD ~--,. 701 1:. C.tn.l Pt...e ,...... ' J w. L. JORDAN - Brighton Strangler Balboa •· TOG •·· ""=tnt Pelw Telephcme 1M -- -j)..,. •• ,J . ~ ... ., . .. ... .. . . .. . . .. .. .. ca.•n JUOiiDl. Ill. D. ..,... ..... - "11t .. 1Mil .. . co.' A laU 'hi J' I lJI -l .. lJ La.; ....... . l lllu·l. ...,, 1. D. I ...... , ............. ••• o... If .......... ..... ., ... . Dr. G. E. Tohlll ~ ... ., ..... -c.u& ........... Till,,. .. ' a...... k :-.& _jl • ......, • ..a ~· •-.un JLW8A. II. D. -'WIIto.tnlAft. ilaww ~ca -.. ,..., 8lnioe ... 'X...,l61n.fld7 -,._.: H....,..t 1-... • • ....... Oau IOl·M -TOll M. WAxwaJ.. W. D. 1101 Oout IIIP'traJ · OOROJfA DilL II4Jt ..... lOa --..... ll.s ....... , 8. R. lloaaco, Jl. D. -., All I I I I -• .... .., .......... r. ,,,,, •• Jf, .. 11M .... _ ... r........- til I 2 'IWIItat tal T. P. Beecler; M. D. . ..,..._ ...... , .. I .......... "' • ,, .. _ ... ,.,._ \.. H. R. HALL, M. D . ..., .............. Oftlee W ...._.,., Aft., OOI'rAiaU a.. a U.UJ W .,. .. J tl ' .................. • A. V. Aadrewa, M.D. ftlnMlUJf ... -.-oJif , ,.,, I Ill~ Dr. W. T . Mooney -'IIIJ ............. . ....... o..er.r. ..... (M-Iilr ..... ) ... --·~ liM Newport 1loUinard oo.TA MIBA. .._I_ - ........ to Ranor Area Dr. Obed Lucas ~I WI • ...... OKinl ..... 1., JfiiWPOa'l' DA.CR Dft. c. J. CA.RTJ:R DGdWI •• a ....... ~ .._._ ............. o.e. ...... :::-... -•. I. I. llstrUIIIIDD~ DD'i'lft 1 .. o..e-... ........ c.-... _ Relit. A. Crawford. Opt, D. 0Pt'OM8'1'al82' ,, -' ·-t I ~ ..... IJ -ll . ~--.. ..__ .... , .... II If~ ~-.&.-A . ... ----li . ,, ... LT:IItlllllll, O.D. OPI'OJIJ:'I'IUST .,.. ......... m..-11~ ...... •.. lllf \\'. Vf'atral NEWPORT Bl!:ACH ............... u. ...... ~·- Siegel & Raub l:nctnMn U4 S urveyon 1101 Newport ClYd . . ooeTA MESA . PboDe 2153-J 1117 CeDtral, Newport Beach Phone .123 Armand Monaco ARCHITECT - l lf WMt kJ A""·· e~ooa '" Tel.,t nae Newy··•rt 1-?4 . JTJ1 LaJwwoo.! ''A v • IM.lJWilee . TeleJII .. Jlfon~~•n<!y &Ill'S I · S. WBf'TE P17JILI() AOOOtnft'AMT ~Tall OoMdant A utJiottaecl bJ. tile U Dite d Stat. '1'nuury Dep&rtment to lepr ..... t cUata ln conMCUOII wtua IDcome t.u mattan. A11Dift ~ ....... ~u*PIJif<G ~OK lifO 11at1or Bl~d... C'o:;ta HaeA. PlloM Newport 2UO.W . Mortimer School •DeN~. ............ Or.clee: Ooll. Prep; Anny, Navy DAY 8CHOOL NOW oriN 0. A. II-*'-, II. A. Od ord, ...... :. ~ ---LOUCKS ~ • ft'AftOifDY Wat.ell • Jewelr7 ......... ar.a... CUdl ror AD ao.llau "~ ... ...,.__t au... • oar..., ....... Piu 1m Jlf..,aft ~ I'll. ~ OOII'I'A llaA ---... Old Dtablllbed InnraDe• ~ AU liMe wrtttea. 110W ARD W . G111UU8B. 1101 Newpol't .... c.ta ..._ PIIOIQI: 111 .... IJieate-~ LfMIIIIp ~~meed .&.W.-....... Qvla ... ~ ....... -New York IJfe Insurance Co. DON .. 8uaAJ!fT . ..._ l ll6sl .. OftiiiW. eo.-. ... liar • RAY NlltL8EN Special Apnt OUi~•ltll Lifl-..ca. l UI 1:. Bay Avenue Balboa, C.Ufomla Pbone 2289·1. ~ .. ...,.elY . ·- . CJHt·Canla ._ ........ --BIIOOIUJ!f08 v .u&n:'IT noaa 111 Cout BlYtl., COrona del Mar ........... Oar ..... l..llllwJ. •n TIIIIJIIDI· - H ospltal Campaign ded by Pageant r . 12 at School AI Ap Th e Glrla' Leape of Newport NEWPORT-BALBOA PRESS J Ha rbOr Union HIKh Sehool, to- r wtlh the Grace Shipman illl•llllt.::::_ 1 of Danctnr . Santa Ana, pruent a Dance P~eant at get he Schoo will Ha even I rbOr High School on Jl'rlday ng, April 12th at 7:411 p. m. progTam, apoNIOred by the League, Ia for the bepeflt e Or-.nge County Pnabyter - The Girl•' of th - Hoapltal Fund and the firll oping to rat" at leut five NO APRIL F OOf-JOKE wns t hiH scene In Grand Canal ott Balboa ed dollars to add to the lm-Ialand Monday, Aplil lat. The tide roae and tell five lnchee iAn ' are h hundr nt cauae. lo'¥er ~normal Jnw tid•· anti th•'n rose to 5 Inches above normal porta ty member• of the Shipman low Ude every-f1ve mlnutl'l. Thla continued throll&'h the day Six 1 of Dancing wm preaent an with the water. runn1n~ bNh In nnd out ,of the channel at the Schoo ng of dancing with lovely arne Ume, creat•nK wh1rl pools and eddlea. Realdenta atated t~t mine t o add to the effect. ln all the years tlwy hall ilv•·d In the vicinity they had never Linda Sue Blue, dauchter of before wltneued ,such a sl~:ht which was cau.aed, doubtleN ly by event COitU Ml11 Blue of Newport Harbor the Udal wavea far uut in t h<' J'acltlc. (Preq Photo) . Caaey MIN Kay Pridham of Coral I and sven ue. Balboa ~atand. are among Woman· Arrested for Costa Mesa Lags any entertaJnen . Authentic t hf' D'l number& will be pr<•Mntf'd by Violation of City I in Red Cross Drive hula nla Valodln of Long Be'\ch G b O d• Huntington Beach. ar a~ _ r 10a nce . Coeta J.ft•a Ia lagg1nc far be- vance ticket q)ea wtll be .. , ' ;:. hind In their quota of ~31 for ed by the New])Ort Harbor 'It 1 only the b<'gmntns · :my~ the American Red .CroN. To date Vlrfi and Ad hand! Olrl'a area Thunday, April 4>1M6 ~JM"1•g r.tda7, Apdl 5th ... ,.ODDII Fish Markel IB& rooD r•aa . raO&Idi .. OKED NORTHERN CRABS JUMBO ,SHRIMPS EASTERN OYSTERS RIIE-i .......... ......... SWORDFISH STEAKS SALMON STEAKS .._ HADDOClC Flll.ETS ow .... FI'•••GI•~gow ~ ......... . ~ ~ - OPEN SUNDAYS _F. & B. PRODUCTS +IS ••wpoat .. ,._ League. All perwona In the VInce Cuaumano who Ia aanlta-only $3000 haa been collected. Do- are lnvtted to attend and tlon officer along wl~h his dullrs nations havt> been much lower themalvea u well u to u humane officer. tn "l!p~>akln~ ~f than In prt>vlou.a yean . The larg. ole thll wondertu.l cauae. the arreet thll wt>ek of .It !'\ e"-cat Individual gift wu $100 while port Beach woman f111 '10lnling tht> amallt>st collection wu l!k: ~=========~;::::::::::::=======~ enjoy prom . Ordinance 638. ~ rectlved at the table In the poat ta Mesa Chamber Ordlnance-531f rar of cou~ om C"e tot the whole afternoon ... Cos Co lttee everyone knowa) la,lhat city rul-W1th about M"i o! the realden-mes IDJn ng which tella you nhuut not Ual dlatrlct and OO'fi: of the bu.ai- aldent Harold K. • Grauel of ! mlx1ng up your garbagt> with nNI3 district c;ontacted, Shelby L. 011ta Meaa Chamber of Com-other truh and aays you muat Kanagy, campaJ&'n ch&irmaD .. Pre the C merce ment joint hN announced the appoln~ keep garbage ln closecl 1111'lal ron-hopei that anyone not conta.c:t.d of the aeven member& of the I talner, 8 gallon mii.XImum. This will telephone him 10 that a work- Committee on Community· II to d.l.lcourage nles, worms, and er may vlalt them .• De vel bpment. Theae aeven mem-undulrable · in.eects who ~''"'~uh•r Help In time of dlauter aucb u from Colt& Meaa with .even your potato peelings anrl kft ovl'r-the current submarine dl/lturb- nted by P resident J . S. Bar· atew a• q.llte a d!'ll'ctahl•· mor~<'l. ben appol r~tt Cham Announcing QUR SI LICTION AS DEALIB FOR MO'I'OBOIJl IIADIOI MAAINK, HOMK, IUSIIfUII MODELS SA LIS ..... • ~ ... II!YI.,.. SERVICE HARBOR RADIO AND ELECTRIC 2&02 C&NTUL GUS CLARK Supe of the Newport Harbor . 'I'ht> woman who v.·n~ nrrestN! nncu hitting Hawaii and Aluka ber of Commerce and the thla week had five boxM' 1 not will be g reatly reduced, due to rvlaor for the Fifth Dl•trict. metal containers) of m1X<'d gAr-lack of fundi If Costa Meaa resl- ete the Committee of 15 bage and traah right nrll r hPr d<>nta are unable to fill their :::======================:;:~ com pi bt'r1 and will meet reKUlar ly dOor and' that of her nl'l,::hbors. quota. . '! mem each month t o dh1cua& mutual M&l'gota (Yes, MAGGOTS' rl'--============. m• a!fectlng the Newport peata Cuaumano, sh~ kl' 1•. w.·rt> :-proble r and Costa Meaa areN. thriving In the nuxturj> Thr o.e ae~lng from Newport woman wu gtv~ a $10 (uw. \\lth FOR YOUR r are Ralph P. Mukey, Er-$10 au.apended and put on probn- . Spicer, Oordon B. Findlay. lion by the Judge &>b Gnnlnl'r'll W. Henderwon, H. F . Kenny, City Court. Harbo Th Harbo win H Tom r S. Spicer and W. M. Long-Maximum ~~tntenct> for ,.l .. t:~•ton a nd from Colla Meea are of the ordinance Is a !;!\ fme or d K. Grauel, F. B. Owen, C. 30 daya ln jail. Walt~ moor, Harol W. T eWinkle. DenniAI Hogland, Sltgel, Fr.ed S. Dudley and n Smith. John Bertre The Initial 18th. Dee Committee wtll hold Ita metelng on Tueeday, April p Sea Delicacies tured at New F ea Nels Olsen Honored With Surprise Party . A aurprtse housewannm,:: wall given for Mr. and MMJ :'\!'Ill Ol~t>n who recently purchas('(l th~> Rob- erta Courta on Newport boull'vnrd Arranging the evt>nt was Mra. LeaH~ L. Bennett. F. & B. Products Co. l!:njoy1ng the party were Mr . and Mn . Nele ~n. Mr. and M'1'11 . d-t.o-cet aea food the yell{ Floyd Gage and aon, Mr. and Mrs. Har rotfnd ''Huak tfOW In I'm n IDI1UIUIC8 1'1-oblems (YACHT FIR! • AUTO) CALL Maurie Stanley INSUMNCK ONLY • Phone Newport 1776 225 Marine .. Balboa b land boulcv Ia the tal kina' point of Bllf Eugene La Perle . Jr.. and 11on. y" Hindi and Frank Glu-Gene, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dl' opening up their new, mod-Temple, Mr. and Mn. Frnnk 1h market at 4411 Newpor t Frazer, Mr. and Mrs. William Dill- ard. But Just plain nlltl hong; P'ra:n'k Bt>afi!, and MT. 11.nd d~acribe.e the dllplay at Mn. Lealie Bennett. L---------------1 harclly tht F A B Producta Co. They --......... ---------------------- " Eaatem oyaten , big north-r------------------------.. futur em n ab. aword flah 1teaka. aal- l!'aka, halldock fllleta. a'ftd other ta1ty fooda from the A huge "walk-In" treeu box mon 1 many ltf'a. U Wt' II u two other tarce boxea e~p thr food fresh. and a glaaaed In front will ln11ure neaa from dirt and dust . will k large cle.nll Th~ pATtnen are well known d N ewport BKch 11nd ('nstll Jl'ranlc. Glasgow. 11 native m lan, wu the ownrr of nnt' 1 nret trailer courts In C'011t11 -the Muon Trai1Pr Court. ct1 In Newport R~nch with te 11nd 110n. aroun Meu. Call to of the Meaa He llv hla wl ,;;H him. t usky" Hindi. u !rll'nd.'\ cn\1 akea hla name trem his fllh- at. the Huaky, !rom whl<'h hrd for three yparl'. Hr ·111 d 11nd la the proud fat h.l'r daughter and four 110ns. lng bo he fill marne- t!?S on(' 8th Graders VIe for ors In Debating Hon SUDDENLY IT'S SPRING! Slip into these ~autiful white, lowheeled shoes and you'll love them.· . . Enjoy foot freedom 1n the smart shoes at ·BERNADETTES . CASUAL WEAR JIIC'k Rt'rd and Mll!!l Stl'phany .Jacoba' lng ch ytlltf'rday v.-on thf' drbllt-305 Madae a,e. BALBOA 18LAKD Amplonahlp of tht> rl~tl\l)l "-------------------------11 at the NeW-port Bellrh rl~-t'TIIde mtnlll ry 11choot. The-atnrm11th,. ---------·---------------- toll!,. nf qul'rtton 'RI'IIOlvf'd thAt tht Statrs 11hould cnt~>r lntn a n.tl IIMIOCiatlon with Gn-at n ,,. propoaed by W inston hill." waa upheld by thr v.1n- t •nttl'd trntf'r Rrital C'hur<' f You are cordially invited to visit the New and Distinctive IB0~- 2o2a L ••m 1'1'., 1&11'1'& ... Plaoae L L M7·S·W Dresses • Sports~ear • Play Togs .~ our line of Blo_u.es, Sweaters, Slacb and Slcim _ . The -Seaso n 's newest, in Beach Apparel /rom Honolulu -Hawaiian S wim Suits lor Men and Women I A lso exclusive -Hawaiian Print :1. Blouses, Kerchiefs, Luncheon Sets , Wed., rriflay .. ,.,., lilt•• llil 8:30 POWBB .WHERE YOU NEED ITI Depeadable, low-eost electricity can be made 1\ny- where with a Kobler automatic f'lectric plant. 1830 Newport l l't'd. COSTA NISA nen Kobler l;t a completf-portable poweA.taot, easily set up iJt a Small comer of your country~~me. cnbio, camp, motor boat or barn. St.artA at tum of a swi ~ch. \\10 •rate all boU!IIe.bold appliances. ldf'..ally suited for sen ioe st.atloDA. con"tructJon jobs and flre fight-Plloae Newport 875 Bonded and Insu red f ~~!A:~,. ·......-:-~-~ ICI ~ -• rntr --~· --.::=.. • --·--··~--., &.--.. .............. ............... -••C..JUI •-- Ill _ .......... --~ .. ~:· . ......... . ~--'..M!..~ - Uph oldlng lht nt'j!"Allve aldP of tt'llt I on wu Mlaa Bordrn l'llf 11nd Bobby Helft>tz. 1rnlll on tht' que!ltlon wrrr ly c!l'batf'd by ('Otltt'lltanta t he qt Grrl'nl Arg1m warm bt'for~ ium. 11 writ flllt'd school awlltor- Thri'C loc111 new!lpllj>('Mnl'n. Col s. F . Franklin o! the Cotota Globe Ht'1'111d: S. A. Mt>vrr N('wport New11 Ttmc!l ~~d {'nl\vford of the Newpori- T'rt .s~~, wtre judge!' . Mtlla of the cr.. F. nalhM Poll ce Break Record In Recovering F ord ''Tw o d11y ~rvlce on stolen Is the mot~ of local pollct day11 alnce Offlcu R~x Al- can," thtlll' bright -llldl'd In N'CO\'f'rln~t II· I'Br "It to Hf'rbl'rt Morgan MC'-belonlt'l natty o f LonJI' Bf'll<'h • t.ht look-out for a 1 fiJo On model the kt A Ford t;tport~ m\MinJt. tn eyr of Albright apott~ awt ring to lhf' dt'IK'rlptlon on Cout Highway In New- bne an park~ port . pollet' . Checklntt with Long Buch he found it to 1>e the mlllll- odel A. ''Well. aome day I find a Cadllac!" BIY'I 'A!- tnc m mtc'tlt brtpt. " ' Darlin g blo uses w ith th ose ~aptivat­ ing c ap sle e ves a n d silver 'o r gold studs aetting off the round neckline to the very b est. Lemo n yello w or whi te • ..•• or the beautiful striped satin m ate rial o f G ;andma' s you nger d a ys which has 411 e y es lookin g a t t he · lonq·.IHve bloua~. BOTH ·AT Bldg. • I lnJt. Valuable for fli'D~r,;-· ency service ID h08pitaiH. s c h o Q.l • • t heaten aa d storH. GeneratiD~ staadard cur- rent AS NEEDED, Kobler Is economleal to .,.a. U, S. Go\'el'1lmellt u • e • thou- sands. Let as gtve you an estimate. No obllptioa. ' lii-HDHIII I IRbUAII ~ SIMCIE ~ 19 10 1000 Cout Hlway Pboae Newport 188-1 AIIIO Ia 8U Fnltc't.IO-Wllmlactoa -81odlton-Sul D~p-Oal.laacl • C ·O -Two Fire Equipment FOA FACTORY. PLANT. STORE, OFn CE, FARM. HOME • \