HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-04-24 - Newport Balboa News TimesTil SAND CRAB . , Costa es·a Edition . Newport Balboa-News Times .. SAM ------------------~~----------------voeTA ...aA. C'AI.l.t'ORSIA, WF..ONF.SDAY, ArUL U, , ... C•ty Ott• I Red Cross May w •t p Harbor Industrial I Pol·lce Is' sue sr~~As.e:~ I . leers Hire Director . rl er ays ltommittee Picked ffi~~E Given Boosts swim Program Driving fine; ~~ ... ~~.~~~ .. ~~~t"' "'· 600 Otations tlonal, comes what is re-I Sal te:O~,·~~: ~n~~ou:t~:.l''! Fr·lends Sought ~:~.::;, (~~~~~{;~~. ~:nr:~r ~~~~~'hlec~·: I Easter Wee!k --..A ""' an authoritative n ar·les platln& the adviub1llty of hlrlna a ... 5ou~ -m''"" urrn, 1~ onr of lhl' m~tllt>rJ , opinion fi'Q'Il John Watson, fuU-tlnw director \0 coordinate of mutual lnto•ro•1lt to IK' ltlaCUSk~ 1 actin& executive otfloer ot and manare flnt aid, water In lht> m•ar future hy the "-lnl --· .. ~· 1 Qty Action on State Pd Grant Again Delayed Unb1 Atty. Gen. Opinion Received ...., -+-te land ---•-•on aafety and accl~nt prevention In .. A-o -ao... ,. _ _.__ "' 1 a to•-• -• 818 ..... ••--f uae .. ...,. \,;UIIUIU-' • Seven aupervllln& orncen or the county. O ty J-e orwuvrt ·~ C'OITim!ltf'e from tht' Co.ta Melli ltlo .... Ul ata..-or Coro d I M ct i A I tt p-.U"'-0.. Mrs. Andrewa. hard.-hitting Newport Beach city deputmenlll FrAnk Croclter of 8 nlboa Ialancl. nwted out a fine. of $100 f~ reck· anrl NI'"J.IMI llnrhor Chnml"-'n of trafnc \iolaU01111 ""'n! 1Muect ft8 e af V C IIOC 8 OR CU._ advocate of a state park were rt'COmmt>ndeod for lhcreuet leu driviAC and 150 f~ fa1Jure Conlm<'·rN'. · 1 by the Newport I!IMrb poiiN Alb City Proceed With ltl Part of .... here, reported today that in In their monthly aalar~ by the who Ul chairman of tM wat« to comply with lnatrucuona ot a Thr rommfllr.•, conlJlC»('d of &-partmeat Ia EMU>r WMk. p k A.-1-l.t..l . a telephone conversation • dty council a t thclr recu.Jar mH'l·l aaf'~ty commlltt'C.' of IM d\apt« poUCt'fftan to Harold Ronald Ra· ~l'd J Pudl••>. Rnlr1h I' Mllak~y. t.p~aala~ 'iut Frida)' aad af ~Qq won with Mr. Watson he stated lng yt'llt~rday. I and alao chairmAn or the Newpqtl-Jc-y. 21-year-old radio 'll'fiter ol \\. l\t Lc•ni.'TII•"'r. John ~.·1.:<'1 and f'..lldi .... Salida ---------- that he wu famillar with The sevt>n were approved -for branch, aald Y"t~ M under-~ Enrlewood, when M appeared In Han ld GrnuH, .'~ olw r.·llult or A ~trh •ummany~mrlllf'd by With exponent. and oppollfntl of the Corona clll lllr the P ........... nt -tup and when-raises of S25 monthly in Uwlr atood that the dlr or when ee-d ty court )TSterday lo anawn a the-lira~ .l<>ont '"~~lon of a lpt'Cial Pollr.• Chh·f llt"'•land llod .. klnaon Stl\tf' f:'rk ~-411-. for a verbal duel to detennlne ...... ~ ~~· '"" I I . bee f d lected wiU not auume actJvitlft reckleu drlvlnc ch&rge comnullro· tlf thr '"" chnmlw•n .. I •""u• ro-... asked: "Coold any city deed ~~sen 1 '~t arlt'S k a':r 0 a 1· now bt>lng handll'd by other direc~ 1l't' court a110 iuued warrant. wtwl '"''I h~t Tlu'Jidn) 111 \\'hltc'• )•'SI<•rdAy cllll('fo"~-c:t '""' hi• &--n ot lt 8 to becofne a rN.Uty, repl'e8('tlativs ot the~ tide lands back to the state?" bl:l~:! "~l:h ~:~e ~ r::~~ tors In the chApters, but thai the for the ~t or Raley•1 two com-corr•'<' •h,;1, In Rnlh,111 Tht• ron•· f'llrln. "'"' ~~~u•'Ci 197 l'loallnn• In MRr Civic uaodaUon and ot the Bluff and Sand Lot o.- answered, "yes, without any In th.-t several months and new man will do I'TlOIIt of tM other '*nions. Ch&riNI Mullarkey and mit ,,,. "'" nw••l "'"' tho· I'<>Wttr nn".""'· I Hit "" 1\Aihoa llland, 119 1\Modntion I"CCpl"Ctlvely alllgned for and q.m.t tM ,... q uestion." He amplified this In whlc~~re Ul not now any in-I work that the voluntN>n hAve not Richard Aubachuat, al110 of El\l~-plan11ln~o: c~•nm1i~slon In llw nur '" ~ '?~~"" c1o·l 1M"r.,K.'\ In ,~t~r~' 'h('nn1 the ctcy att~y aak form. Ol'l' t:lrQt before brtftatnl .. by adding that where the dlcation of a lt'tUp I been able to taC'kll' and which wood, 'll'ho f~tllt'd to ap(X'ar In f'Ui urr• '" il!Sf'II~S in•lu~trlahZRiion 11111 • I \\l·r·· ••u••t ,.,, II I IC ., WI...-to . head In Of'der to obtain a n.allna rrocn the .... state granted tidelands in Rt'<.'Omnwndt>d ~ approvl'd for must .1M' dorM.'. I answer to an assault <'harle 1 and ''""''' lnl••o ··~•~ .uul do'('ltll· un ,. 1?. , d . • tome)'Jtl:'ral on ~ •• ,.-u booltl were J 8 Wt>bb I Tht.• chapter plans aummer awim brought by Spt'<'illl t Hft('('r Albt'rt a pr~t~;o ''"' nnd pl.111 ''''' d 111 ''"' ''"'" 111'1"111.: ltrl ., ... ,.,,,,,.: w, ..... I B p k ri<»hta ,.._~ cftv .,.~ front of a dty (Newport -~ . . . . I I hr diff I h " ftl I nef'l1 '"""'""' 1111111111: tho• IH•' .. r \lulu-" nv v · Beech) owned beach. it city ('Rginf'er ; J . J . Salton. city Campa cna n ~ t'C.' erl'nt I Dlxon, t e arri"SIJnt: 0 N'r . '"' tho• llrt'n. '""' '"' """'" ""'''''" Wo'lf• uena ar 1\(lfand ThompMIII ......... could at any time return administrative offict'!'; John Me-places In the Nt'wpor t Harbor ln hi a rom,lllllnt. the! poll<'f' ot-! ,,,,. ~:r••lll• nl~" '"I:~:• ~•··d 11 ~~~11,.11 , day '''"'noon's mMthlc f1 .. Millan water IU""Mntt'ndent· Bill 11rca. Inatructlont will be KiVl'n fleer Alil'"cd thnt Aubachoat and atufl) nl 1•·11• ""' nl .,, ht~·h" ·" ·,. :. 1 1 If ( <'II" C'Ctt•..,.·ll thet he W _,. .. 88J1le ' .,.. • 11 1 f h "' ... _ 1 · ll•u·r 1 ,,. ,. ,.~,. lt'nlh•n n ., .,_ • · pW ed Cover t strel't su......a-tt>ndcnt· to A peope rom t I' age IIX MullllrkC'y RJIS('r1cdly aC('(»ted hlm 1 uo-\'l'01)1'1~'1\J t'to11ol<ro"n~ loo 1\\t••'n I k II II I I I w o· In" tu;iniON 01t the maltlf' fll It was further ex in · ~· "' ' d . d ..... rill ..... · h -.· . "4' ).4 rna 1na,:,. ,. ... u. !C '"'t • ._,",. • ·• Dlt'k Whitson, t'ICCtrical inapector. group An up.\\ar ..... t're "' . ""' Wht'n he olt~mpled to Issue a t (' '"'"IW•II "'"'"'''and tl:.:.;.,!!""' l '~d'·sd .! ,, I'IIIIIIHII •. ltAI'•tNl, oman les Whc.llhM' the ~tr t'Aft .,... ... thatacityonly h oldsltstlde andPeteNelaon and Gt'!'!$..l!ns.\m begln n e ~:Jia!l<L1ntcrmc,d.i~te ••wll8l to .. It,.. · • ~~ tl.t. 1\w•u111 d..t Mill, 71 No•w.l tldl>la'* ••~ to the Ita• II lands Ill trust tor ~ ~ b011cR1{2-~~nt n8' JUniOr anatl<'nlOr-hfe Dixon ltAted in hll rl'port to po-Alto 11111111; lh·· llh'••llllj; Wl'rl' -I . I I I ' I malchl ... the l•tttr'l -·t fill .. nd . ti and .. uqHUUJft: • I I A I h~-' If ld . '""'t, h . llfll I ll' II ~;hwuy, {1, ... -a naVJ.ga on purpoees In makln .. the recommendation aav ng c HII('S. " tenlat vc ac "" uce that hUI eye-a I aut'S were aro t ,, ""''1. F' n o w.·ro J11hn ,. dl 11 .•. Of 11 · . tdbtulon. be turned • u1 11 r •·-tn-• .... _ J .,_ 1 ... · '"'J'IO''' "" " <'<'lll tml• ''.CCC .w. ... · that saJne may re for approval of hlkN In the sal-e ca • or ...... , w n& ""' pro knockvd to the ~tround In the ""'1~1'. rl•··· ,I lludJ.•y, Uert.rcn lUI rol.lmr.'t' nnlbon blnnlt ,., ' Unger OM opinion ... thet ... .. to the state at any time. He ariH of the seven munldpal of-rram the tint wet'k or July 1n acutfk that enaued. Smnh. llnlph I' MDJkC'y, c:ord.•n Ill lhun ~7: ('ore k-1 M • ti' I • the Jut mMUftl, .......... . dted the caR of Long Beach flcena, Councilman Leltft' Isbell Nt•wport. Dalll08's lf'ntotlvc pro-8. f lntlln), II F Krnny. Erwin N: . ,· 3M d'"~' :hi h llr, t4 .-c:Uon ol the ,.......... .._ fill - whlcb recently deeded 2200' stated that the lnc:reuet would ~;an(.~ICh~~t'd In begin J uly c I w·ll ~· S~lrr~. w M. l .on~o:moor and 'c~= 'vioia~fons' :(., .. " ~:~~ ~ ltat• tnr-. a dtr ot tM .... feet back to the state. Local ~ temporary until a alate penon-• er . ou son I liT) .... t•lch. numben .. folloW11: Halhoa laland, Orallp ••• , ........ d .. to trrallt awaJ ........ dty councU has held in abey-nel lurV<'Y man r«lauiflea tht' 46; BaiiJoa. 43 : Corona ctc-l . Mar, -' .,.._. ........,_ Ia-hult. AnottM!I' WM tn ..... anoe a resolution from the salary bracketAI of all municipal Slier Takes ' Cl~ to Purcuse 17; No•W\IC)I'l, U4. and thf' "'&h· w'tutbs ... -:..~ .... wUh thlt naJina. whk!ta -.!..!!! C. D. M. folks to go ahead dt'parlmenta soml'tlnw In the rK"ar p •d T •1 "''•Y. 'J .....r. 0:.... , , 1 ef ot Ow 1tate aon~ttt-.u.. ;-;iii with the project but C ity At-fu~u;:;u of all alx departnwn ll Cotlncllmanlc rOVI es rust More Steel Piping p .--. --H--....._.:::... ,:.... ~,ct•!.:..:.. to .... ~ .. ~ t.orney Thompson is h olding hav(' been working overtime on 0 th f Offl --alnflngs ere ......... .._.Ill ...... llft1 ,.-tvate u p that request pending an lhl' nddltional problems and work a 0 ce F y s Thl' !'J,.wport lll'IIC'h <'II}' m un-·~-Patti. a& 1 .... lncllvtdual or opinion he has asked of the now l'Onfronting the .city of New-I ---or oung on d l )'t'lll••fc1ll)' approvf'<i a ~-. II t ,. tGmer ...... ata\e's attorney neg<'ral. ror t Ek-ach. said tht> councilman, •Muon Sllf'r wu ~twom Into ol· rnt'ftdaloon hy C'1ty F.ncll'lef'r J. B. F H bo H• D1 1 • Mia ...._ B. o.au-ol tM • • • "and I am ·ASktn.R thAt alll(ht in-(I~ 81 the Lnltial rnet'tinr ol thf' Wt'bb for lh(' purchaae of 1000 or ar r I .. ....! !. Out .._ ... two nallnr-. the ClttJ PrlortUes. A!t.er aU they-tt<'&IK's be granted them at th1s fW'W Nrwpon 8Mich city council mol'\' (N't of :14-lncll l tN'I con-~-• •1-fJd II \he! cnuncd wouat have done for their countt·y, time." "' th<' c;oty hall yf'!ltc-rd!ly Stlt'r, Tht> will of th<> late Mra. S.r-c:retr-lln•'<i Jllplnc for UIC' In the & & ......, ef .. G:'-1111 to hold tWW U.. it Is only right that veterans Cuuncilmnn Bob Allen lt'COnded the youn~:Ht memtwr of the new bara HortOfl Coulson.-who cUed rxtc-nslon by ttw t'lly of the plpr-s h I E hib•t OD IJ ...... I II • Ell nnt nwetln&, the ftlet should have priorities on I ht• motion (or approval and nwm-counctl, waa sworn In by Oty March 6 in. San FntnciR'O. wu or-llne IO Ally Shor'f' rnmp. c 00 X I I ,..... ... • a .... -Mq, wtMon he ~ bu"ldin CW hom ~ But lx-1'1' of the coundJ concurrt!d. Clt'rk Fntnk Rinehart. fi'N'd for probatl' In superior court n w nddttl.,n~~l Jllpln~: will be IIMtlr ........ ~_.. .. tanwy 0tnenJ 1 ~·Ill 1 g n . c • I nt Snnta Ana, )£'liter~ She wu bou~ehl rr .. m lht• Am.,rlran c· .. n-.... .... ~ JM. na1itll ,lft tHol tMe. --- how ~y Will they be abe 0 IS c EANUP lht' dauRhtt'r or J. c. Horton, a CN'I•• l'"llll••ny or LoA Anilf'll'JII, --. ..... .&1&7. L. .,.. to ....... to tha. .,. to ~Ud, and how long these BALB A L L Santa Ana merchant. Jwhh'h \\11-the orlltfmtl rontrar torl Alr<'Miy ow•r 20 r-lntlnp tulw lrr 7... , 0 I a.& ,.-.u.. U.. Clhtl prionties will stay on is a • The \\idowcr, Hansell U. Coul-for th.-~ fH't of atmilar plplnc la.rrt"f'd fOf' thr art t'xhlhlt planMd 0 --I I • , .-Jd tbMt & .. ,., .. tM subject f?r conjecture when ~ton, ukcd prooatt' or the wm l whic-h wa• purcha•NJ hy thl• dty. for IM N..wport )lariiOI' .JIIfh U. w -... W • • ... to -. you consader that It is next ASKED BY CIVIC GROUP which directs thAt a trust shalJ he Sttel roncrete-ll.wd Jllplna hn• I srhool, May .4 to 7, u'rol'dln& to , ... c:.rlr, .... Ill..... A pttltlon IJclwd .., ...... to ~ble for anyone to • l'~lnhll•hprf for their 1W>n Olr1A· ~I a ararcc commodity In the Ruth StnrV(•r, who II In chari(C' ol ~ .... .,. ... flpiU. hUftCINd ........... lfl llw -a-iel a home bWit and fur-lophf'r I lorton r .mi!<Orl :l.' Onfl he ra•f. a nit AlnN' I hi' C'lty hAll not 1 thf' J)rnttnm ror thr. hlch lll'hnof. ................. , • _, Colony" ol NC'WpOI't ... lllllt. n ished for less than $10,000. ' tHimino,lo•n•d hy tlw fnth .. r VaJul' bt~ 11 1 abl~ 10 prot:uro• 11 •uffic···nt• Plun~ tm• hC'Inlt matt4> to ditl)lay ,_.... '"--t• ..... ...; that the ~I ciNd HI - How m any veterans can I EBRIS" IN AREAS CITEiD or thP ··~tilt<' wn~ not matlt• known 1u1'11 Y ,o 11 twrl'tofun·. th•• ••~ ni10Ut :0.0 or mort• J.IIC'IUI"C'll Which h ....... .lolul ,._ ...... ...__ ... h'ont JI"'PM'I¥ In thai .,. .... stand ments on ll .<JeaJ Thr Coulsons low• In "'''""IIOI"t l'lll:lnt't'rlniZ dcpllrtnwnt, Wrhh " IJ ··~p.-.·t•'tl Will .... llw numbt•r -_. .. -ltate without &tl&)l .. It .... llke -~~ M r th Beach. MIUJ. brii•'VI>• lhiol now lhllt t hc-rc-,, proilltlnjt, .. "' hand (rw ctl•pllty i,..U. ............... out the IMue h~ ..... llttW .. t . an~ o em I• nn ('Jitlra •ul•t•IY or It th<' C'll) by llw llnw 1,._ f'Xhlbll I• ••·acly f'OtldiUotl Be ..._ &e a l•raf' numlwr o1 r If Atl f1 are young m e n JUSt out or A plea for more atteaUoa by thf' t'lty of Nf'port BeaA-h to llh .. uld lllkr loll\ ont.oo.:•· "' I ht• ••tu-'(Ill" (nrnll'l "'"'lllllt.t Mny .. I . ... that I'N'a, and by .............. sch<>?l who an! incapable of the pn>~Wnt oondJUon of ~walb Ia thf' bay front area of Col. (;ill Returns nllun llnll hll) 1111 ''"'''' ,,..,,,,.,. ;in• I ( tfrlt'IAI• "' ....... ; ...... ! In t'hllriZI' thf' ClCMIIIty .......... tic-uf tlw ruundt. eemmg much . mo~ tha~ $50. Balboa l lllaad ,...,. mode b.v MIM Katf' Mt'Cua, &C'lJVf' fff'f"N"-• 111hrr 1lumto .... h In '""' 'tlt·•·ttiHI t .. 1,11,..11.,,.. , .... 111, .• per week. I s It WISC to u e up tary for the Balboa blaDd lmproveR\f'nt tw!Oriation, to th• From Europe· Now ---..... ' l"llh Ill!' 'IIWI fwul Jlf'f'· m ost of his w age or salary h I v· . . .' Propose Maseum .. rHo .. , II\ "" ~ .... , ... I lll<riiUr for 20 years on the su ppost-rnemlwn of t " dty oou:a~ 1 j ------JSitlng FanuJy l ·1''""'"·~ ,,f 1 '"nrn-·•·~· tur '"'• tion that times will a lways at tJtelr ~tin~t Y"tforda~·-11h<' sldewlllk• nt I<'BJ<t tw-l'l .. nn•·d Of Sea Life ,,ro .. ut,.r , .. ,~, .... l 'o•'llln~ '""· Thr lmprnv<'mf'nl aSl!OCoatinn of-on('(' A month. ond hr nrlvoSt'd thr I II I Week K p I 8 be good? + + • ficlal df'plon'd tht> undt>anlineu of Lmprovt'mc-nt uaodlllllln ofhroul Col ('hurlo-.: (" r;,u, I' ~ !\1···1• EIICiosed ··n l,.e :.~:~~::, ~~·11·:~; .. ·.~·~ .. :.;:1 ·~~~~.~ ,'.~:~ eeps ~ ·Ice usy Col D-:r.· c:. •• ..,..,_ ..,_th th<' sldi'WIIIks. whiC'h. she 1ald. arf' to discus.~ thf' I'RIIrt' molter with ""' l '•ll I ~ hu~ rMUm<'<l (rum :!li llloo .. 11.,,01 11 n.m Jll~tnttlntt DOC ~· uaa _.. . h d t d .-... ... ~ d rol J J Sailors lhl' d tv's admin.. r.tonlh.~ Sl'r\'iC'f' m·r rSPIUI """'" ht• CO\'l'r•-u "',t WI An ~ •11• an · · · · ' " t-"nr «'II< h tlroy uf tt ... r •h1hlt a • of "Colone" A. B. Berry, llhP askl'd thAt thf" ~ty council hllratlvf' officer . "'1111 statlonl'd in Entthtnlt. t-"r11rw•• An "PI'" uor mll<rllm ''"l'''l\ on~: o:ruul• nf r"t•ro'llf•rtlall\1• "0111.,0 I By ...... O..ltoff major far! or tn a lhr-ar pa. Reporter finds Easter vigorous publishe r of the AUthorh~c Ita lllr<'Ct dt'partme nt to At thla junc-ture, Col SAlton lind Germany llr is II mo•mlw•r "' 111111~11111 11)('('11114'1\, ,., II• It .. ,... 'n-lmrn lhf' N··"'1Jflr1 llarllfor lllf'lt It may hr an ~adu ... ur •• but up. hurtll'd lhr rurtP .... .,....... Santa Ana lndependent, hu c-II'An the walka. ad\'ISI'd lh<' m•yor that almllu lhr· r•irul~~r llrm' nnd ~a~ '""" ''"',..' In lf•r wo~ '""I""'~' "" ,. "-'Ill ... rwo lf'a tu \illll!tr~ uotl ''"''" l~lna a pofloe ~ clurtnlr • "'-' In tlwo land bet .... shocked Santa Ana and She alao said thAI the JX'Ople complaint I had reAchl'd his office mnndln~ offll"l r "' lhrPP ~:rn•·r~l \ llf'llnt lot nlt j/llnon\; ,.... J'IO•hN• tltoy " lt'l'tllrt' '"''" lw· 1:1\•·n ''> ...... l(•r ~k .. dd\nUetr not for I Ow NWidWa)'11, ... a •• .. Southam. Orange co unty.. of BAihna Ill land would appn!Ciate 11nd hf' hiiR AlrcAdy taken the m'!t· ho.«p!tnls. on!' In F:nttlllnd "~It '"'"I ~Ill liOn by llu~th 1\11':\lllluro. r•·•·• nl-1 a.mnllt lluttun. w••ll knnwn 111111, 'ho• ahort-wlndrd ~ thr weak-1arrif'lly ruuiiM atutf, but 1 au.w- 'Ibere Is n o questloh that It If the dty fAlMn would 8('(' to !C'J' up wUh the llf'Cf't &opartnwnt. on 1-mnr,. AI thr h,.glnnlnlC nr I\ rl'tuml'd vrrrrt~n "' th•• l'nt•tlw urlfy on art rqpinl ht·Mrh•d lakf' It hun -who Ollt' ,,._.n.,., who Wll ee.M.,. Berry WAS The Independent It that atr.-et departrncmt em-1 Before clo.lnR her ltatement to thl• Wlar 111' Wll!laiRtlnn<'d at p,.,.,, ,.,.mp.tlf(n, In a ll'ttrr '" rtw t'IIY~ "Tiu• t'lvoo• l!lntl ('ulllu ,al I n~ l h•~trnf'd II ltv. hard...,. ,~•f hll wlla. lf4! wantf'CI to ... and The Independent, Berry. ployes enga2ed In the cnllectlon tht' council, Mlu McCann f>Md a l llarhor '"•unt'tl Monday A&klno.: fur " J••r-~1111rtnnc.-of I hi' E•hlhlt" ••ttl hr Thla •• ,.. lw a)JI'f'll Wf'dnf'tld•y I lhr rnl nf th41 way home, .... 1be Green Sheet's sucoea of garha«e and rubhlsll in that glowing tribute to memben of thf' Thc-rolunrl i11 vl11ltln.: hi• wl(l' .,,,, for auch a vrnturo· ,11,. •uhjrr t nf unf' .,r '"'' l~tlk• loy t>\>enln1 wtlh Patrol Car No. 47 ,11\t•y WfJUidn't tel me. he orea h11ndle the cont11lnt'T'll And pollee depArlmt'nl for the mAnrK'r ' 11nt1 son~. Rnl'prrt and Ch;,rll'l. whn • M<'Millan, 0111' of lh•• 11ix o.:r10nol-~ Mr llultun 11nd . hl' 11111,.r lalk w111 • ~lrh it. varioul and eundry ac-An)'hciw, thla Ia the llll• ot Ho. WU due to the. punch put lids more cArefully than tht'y In which they COO(X'rated with the n11 vr hl'l'n livint.t with Mrs Gilt " ~""' of the rton!'f'r riii7Pn. Juhn hf' nn •wn,r ArllltA and 'llir ir C'OmJJanytnc atnc.r., and "ol' 47," 41, Offl~a t:nrJan4 and Callhaft. in his sayings. A report re-hA"e. sh~ addl'd. In the pAll. auoclallon durinR EMler W~k. pnrl'nts, Mr 11nd Mr& Jo; A. Rar ~rMIJian, and 11 wrltrr nf rt.t1• Work." All of thto plcturN In the U I ahall rewrtrt~Uy ,...,,.r to hrt', lhto va••rll't ot human netun .... oently said he had refUJed Uniform contAiners would be a Sht> addl'd that the uaoc:lalinn . n<'tt, 210 F:~tst 0ci'An F'ronl. Rttl-'"It nl.'W11 In the Nrw•·Timl'tl. 11•k· rxhlblt muat have for thl' aub~t a(lf'nt • vrry huQ -·rune rhulna a lf111011 In "lww to pt the ,_,.. IZT_,fXX) for his publication good city contribution, u these rrquestt'd hM' to m11ke known to hnn llr hnM ho•l'n AllfllgnNI tu 1 ,..,. rc1 for thf' pPrmlf rur lht• pur. 1 •onw Nf'""liOrl ffath•lr lat'f·n•· ~onlt •po .. -ct.•n. h•uftnl( rtrunkll. dUiprra-on trouble and 1tay nut ot Jt, un- and later sWI. $40,fXX). No would keep the garbag(' Jrom be-the city council thAI It would a p-lt•rmnn (;l'n•·rnl hn<~!)ital. Snn l"""e of brlnalng an l'duco ll••nnl j lllla Ia the nnly condlllctn rNtulr.'fl lnr ~ ""'kin« up fhrhu, I11M you'rr a IJOIIcr ntftotr. doubt the widow will con-lng strewn about the Alleys. She preclatc conlinuPit cooperation of Fr~tn<'l'f'o fur n rrfrc-,.hrr room1c-•lt~nlay to vtJitor. In N••wport for c-ntry. and In •rllf'f'al lu'f'Jl•na t~n· 7:30 11m. kilport.cl to t.M tlnue its issuance or open ne--~ crtttdsed the condition or thia kind from the pollee. 11nd will lravr 11hout th,. mlddlc-of II•• ""Pf'~''"lt t11 h:o• ,. rm•nv r llrt' 1 __ _ rrnwdl'd ''""•• and Nrwport 1ata11nn and watc-ht-d lhem book 8 aotlations for Its sale, as It Is h!'ach a,Pall. where. she said , dr-Two or the wont trnHil' \'lOIII-Mny ll(frr n "'-·dny lf'll\'(' J\fr, '"" frmc-n In lr•· ''""''\\ ""~"~ F. Aid 100 rrnm ho•noutlnl( anythlnf( mort'II'OUplf' of lllilfln for hu)'tl\l lkfuor Ita ted the Long Beach Inde-brill lilY 11hnut unpickcd up by the Uon8 in tht' Hnlhon lslnnd ar<'A, c:on a n•l 1 h,. cnn~ "'111 nrrnrnp11m 11, wt•ll 811 to ~1111" '"" ,.111111111,~ 1re111en lh11n '' noouor Dant,.'• lntrrno for m inun lind lf'arne>ll I hat the pendent is a nxious to again city clc-pertml'nt men. ahr I'OnC'Iudrd. nrr, C'ilrS thlll r!IC'I' ... ,.,. ,, lovon~ <lllllrtt·r~ f'lln I~., .. !hi~ llr<'ll whll'll '"''"'' n[lf'n Easter Week TIIIII Cllr 47, Whllr tciYlDc c:f\aN lflt to• ~~ ... rei 11( ('(fUAII~IIon ha4l Invade Santa An a a nd i)epu-tmf'llt Notlftl!d up nnd down lht• strrt'IS nnd the !1111nd. , ,, 11111 ho\r ""' ~,.,.11 111 1111., tn " l••w (lying "hot rod" down rtl(«'nl• 1111,11, • ., at all lllioprnaartt, Mayor 0 R Reed thouctht Wt'll hlowon~: of nui~y nutnmnhil" horn• r·11und tnH·n n.:r•·•tf " 11, ;\I• • • ''''"' flv••. llll}l(•t lJN·•uYw a • ol'unth111..,r ,.11 f'al• •• change the paper into a or Mi~!l Cc('ann's SllltJCf'Siion t hat at 1111 hnur~t nr •K·· dtly Rnd nol(hl R. f \I I "' I hil l Itt•· 111··· ·~ I , ••• .,1 l 'trt• ( '1111 r t"rllnt. ('r• .. k• r '"'" -------daily. HOW('\'~1'. Jhe ~~ I - -ltes or Alvin ,.,,.. Ioiii I 'ot . '""'"''' 1( .. ,,;,., '"''IIIIH r• n l lh•· d l\. ,,,. ,,, lj,,, Wheeler, Wurdemann 8 . lng of the "Co lonel" w il lA' B II. Sh B . Wed ll•ompcon "'l•llllnfll '"" I ' I , •• "' "·"· '"'or hn n•l• ''"' •I •• "" ullding Pace m oumro by t ho uc;ands as Southland Ready I one I ows I erry . I ·lmun···· rt"l'llr•' (I ""I I • ''"" .. 1\1' l.q• ''""''·"''' I"' . ,• 'l';eke Top llonorH Sl Berry was a hn lnnl'e wh('('l To At.d Tour·Jstc. Tax Ra' te Hike 'I '-II• I l"'r ,,,,, l"r 'IIIII -·r •II· •lui 1111' I ,,,,, r "' ,.k ,. h. h "" \ ••wcr in April; Santa Ana net.>dt'Cl. ·~ ,., . I ~·I \ II .' \\oil 1.. , ... , \" ,, ''"~ I I·,, ,. II ,,, " ,,,, "''' ;, '" "'"'. " ,,, ,,., I I \'. ,.,,, ... ~·k· ml Wf•,•lhf'r N•n•ll· F~ • • • SA< ·nJ\~JE"'; rt 1, ''"'" 2:\ \\'tl ........ ·I .......... "" ••. , ,·,.. I I ltw' I I nl 11~'1'1 I" lhl• " "" .. ··~· ' I I• I'"'" "IIH • ... • • .... I ... I I "' ",.,,. ltl•···· ''" Jll~"''"'"" "' ar IJe IC)W March L ... t T' )'I<V'tt'on cf II n •. J'·tl llo r .. urlh '"~''"'' ~ tlu /Inti .. ,,, I '11•1 '\. ,,, .,, 1111(1 •• • ..,,,, ,,,,. ,,,. '''''""'' ~-~·~'''' '"'""''" •• , ..... .. ,rs tmf'. '•"· . J <.:'''l'"•rn ,.,~,,,..rnn i~ pi H\nn~· 111 •• "'' 11 I' II: '''1 ''•'"l•o , .. "' • • ~~ ''"" " , , .. Mrs .. Ed~at•lli ll ns pt't'Sid<'nl II""''"'''·''" I"''''"''''"'"'"'' """l .. r nf '"' "'•'• 1\n,or<l "' \• I . ''.,II 1:•11 \ II I t• llnfil I '"I 11"1 ,• •'• '"'" ""' '"' Yoolol lllolo tloo lll'hl lt~tllolu ""('IJ•Itl llo•urhl'flll· of th(' r.irtn lCOi.lt' ('orn tnltntly "· 'J·i~· ,_.-, ~ t ,, I :enrt ,,.,I· 'ttl~···· ,. 11.1 , •••• ,n. '"'l·lt • d tu•t• h d.t\ JHihft-.h••r • r ,,, ~ .,, t • • It I f I r oint"•' ',., J,, ••• jj '" •••• , '. fl ' ' "'t • ,,, .. , •.•.•• ,nt• ••• '-kll• ,.,,,,, •I .. I I ••••• I tUifHith•tl nut'C I I I • I • 1 I I I I hi I • f ... '''""'t h tlltlh ''"""I'" ,. associa tin n. j., thr fi ,..,, IHnr to ... , .. ,, •' . I <•fl'li" I,, ... 111 I,,·"'··· ,,, 'I I' Ill ... J• ··1•111 ''""''"''' ofl•r lolllllr.• I " "'''''"''' ••• ,. '" ,,, I "'"fill""'" Willi tho ~ hA I I I ' I rt I :rl,-.. ·,·,~·1•1'1 '" ''"'·'' f'l'l(ol tfoll In,, I •or f A't•r~· ' hi h I ., ' •I II I til' ,,, I ''" ""'" ~ ... ,. ~"'''" ·····f•l i.,. ,, ,,, ,,,,,,·,,11 ,,, ... lorrlt th.·tt Ol'••ant7.:ll •• s Jl rtCl't • "'' • •· ··•·· .,, "''' •,. • 11'' • " • ", .,,,. 11 ~ nmr n · ... ... ,,,,.,_ l'llol•oro I hI \f II \1" '1'1 ~· (•II llt·.o t ,.,,,. B h D . d I I ,, ..... ~, 1"'' ""' '"'·"'" I la... ' ' I ' ouc ey ente " I·" , . ,,.,,, ,. , "'''" ~~ ~!.11"1.110() a·. u\' 1!1 l'I.OI ! t• (I I .... oil I\ t ..... 1 ... , .... , X'"''" \.1··· "'" ,,, I " ',, "'"'·•)'. l•lli ""' '-•111•111\ r . . I f I ' wwo ' ltl ,,,.,,' "''~ "•·r• n•k•'<i ties. sh'''""oi"PI'f"'H ~·nl o • "· " ••• ~~~·•· ,~.'" ,.111 ·tt··, ·· ''"' · .Leave ['!tensl·on ·•·I ,, •••• " ''"""'"'"'t 11''"· •···'~'" the P.T.A .. tnrl """" IJI'(•n ,If'· ·t ·• \< I'd'' •'• "' ,, '' '.,, '' ,,, ;, •' ·•I ,., I •I '' .,, lu .. '"'' ill•• "~~''~ 1\tll ou II . ' ' """'~ '111o rt rat I I ' 1"1• • • I 1 I 1111" ''"I • ool I lot• IIWtol lo araW tlv co in d \·i·· ('lldi'.I\'OJ''S to n 1" 11 1 • 1 ,, • · , ' · ·., •. I• • ., 1., ",., ' ,,1 " '1; ,·;, , , ,1 ,',~···I • ':, "I"•'' t ,. "' • • , .. "" 1"''"'': k•"'"~·"' hil t , 1, 1 1• 1 "''" ,1, .,1 hulltllni(J marked •h\ !11'('. f )ftl~· I'C'! L:t'1·, • I+ ••I • I ~· ' t t "-J ...:. ,It,·, 't. '"''I,, '" ... , ..• ,,. I nl.l\ d•' I I tl, ••• , • I •• , •• I " '"'I , ... ,,, .. , ... I fl l" • , " "''*rr. d ,,,, .,j .. t ••'If • fllttn fh IHA t.abJe t hing j~ fh:ot ht•t' 11111· ;,,' ·,,· 11 ·~,:1 01 .,,,J I 1 1•7 1 I I, "1 I, , , 1111' I I' •' ul.• ''"'I '••V••n d h•" hr·lll l.oll 1, 1.. ,,11, "•'. I,, I" 1 llllJ H du:. able bllsinf'~s hn<;ht~ncl d is:tp-'""''.'''' '" 11,,,.,1" 1•1• '" • 1,. ·,J'"''"1 ' ,,,, , '1"1' •1·'' '" ""' '"" ,fm: t-1·"'" '''''" 11,, 1,1,..,1,11111.nul pl'OV<.':' of lilt• idC'H ()f Jll'l'll1il-r ' I r ., I II· I • Parkt·ng Met~rs· Ill\ Wh··· ••. , ~""'''' '"'· '"' ol • I v;~, '·'"~' \1" II"''" tl h I f 11 Ntt\l~t tt •ft rtnn IHI ,., •• ' ,.-_:_ ,, ,.,, ' ... ,., ...... ''· •~k ...• ~ .......... (,,, ... I I' , ' I n ng R p o lngr.t pl n ,,. lur' I• I•" 'I''' 1 •t ,• .. S II p 1• ,, ,.,. ,f l 1.,.,., 1 t''""ll ... ,,1," :It,.,.· l.:.·l 1,:,,,:1;,:'":hlt~h-charrning IHl''old<•Jif to l11• Jtllll'• 1'1 (1\l)lllt< \\Ill \\'1~11 1 1 .t '/1 '' \Afe as 0 Jff'e lttoll.ol-' '.I.OIP iolli.olon.or hlist'"'l. l'ttltll•' ,'I I 1.·1r •.·o• '· 1 • · • (r•rr ., •, ,, ., 1 1 1 ' 1 • 1 '" •' ••I l11tl(fl hullll· "' • I R t c J -,•••nd , • .,,. fu l pt••• In .. I,. ei10r rowr s If• .~ .. ~ ,, .• '"' '"Jill,., ·~~ '"~ to M't' \\h:t l IIIJI l'~l'· I h· \ll y, '' l · oh "l loh h,oq •1 'thol • I• r S11·11l 1 1 •I '1' '""'''"" "''''' Mit t . I k l'k ,,,,·,roo l111'1•••••··nt r•r •,.!~··o.l •···· . ''I I I ,,,, M,,,. I \ I .!·•··~I 1' ,,,, "''~' ,,, ltw vrr-1\'CS tJO I l'. , ·'-• I • I ' ' •~ " I"''"' lUll ••••• 1,1 ,.. ttl•' fl r"t thrl'(l + + + \t lf nln•t f1\ '''h"'-P··n• Y..l'• , ,, , l1• \:1 1 1 ,,., •I I· • '•n~l h tl •'''"*'' •.. '""'' w r'" ~tu r .l )a "''' ,1 \ ,,1 v ••• 1,. 1,,r llmnU (ifwlCI ·Inh. C"n1 "'"~' o; ,,,. ····~·r "''' T"'•in' 1' .,.,, ... 1 · •' I'' 1"1 tl1o• I• •I " ,, '' '\IIHo , I'" 1:.r1, l htn 1,11,., ,,,.1 1 , 1,1,,1r l•·h~ \'(' '"'\'II ('llllltn'' Ill •II 1111' I''',, '• ;" I ...... ,:-I.,. '"".,,.,II ,,, .,, I•: tn lh•· wro \ ., ' I j 'I PI• I ''""": '"'" ,., • .,,., • ••• , •• , I I I I t \ 1 1 , ,,, • .. 1.,, 11,,1, /\Ito. 11 , •~,,1111,111 1 " ,,,,,,. f••r lho ' j(lh ll•,od I'· .. h !ttl·\'"' k-• .. \' .. I • I I I "i • I I Ill I I llr1 • ·A ' r •• I • ' 1 • 1 ·~· • " • '' '' 1 ''' 1 , • 1 ' 1 1 r • 1 •.·. "' lt .. t•·• 1 1 ·"''••I·· ·r •·•I ' " ' ·' 11 1 1'' •u onst I '' dtd ,,,,.,. t·::o .f<·r ~,.,~, .. .' .. ,r' ~ ", \• 1' .. ' ' t ; ",..,,,:, ;;•; '• lo' , \'•1•1 "'"' '• ''''"·" l •1'1''''"1'"' ,,, "• ~~;?,,n worth nnrl tl•o J••ll•l' '" ,, ,, I ... •rl•tl.: • l•oon ,.. I' .. '" I" .,,,I \jO\ Jf .. """ l·ul ,,, 1•11•11 "''' ,, ·l·•·r .. t ...... l•"t"t •n '!•lt11l'niC'tl nnl,("t'fl· •!· "•ttf! ....:,. ~~'" ,, ''' '' ,, • I. •' '"'' t ' I•• ,., \tur~'u, C'•• !-\•""'!'''"·• tJ lu ''" a•••ttUtl \\Hh lh' 1 ' '" 11' Ill " .:n 1 1 • i111t ·1 ttl! ••• ' t•ln} l~tt· 11 , 1• '. '" • '' \•• • • , ., •• r 11111 ·I 11 \ 1 ·• 1 ,,. 11 11111 l"wk•·• ' ~'I , • • 1 '""' r~1·1"'' lui lin II"~ "" r I I.,,._, 11411 ldU'II ( •••• no! • . • 1 • • .. ,. • •:· ' I'•·'· ,. \\I 111'1 II ,,J • II· •I ,,,, r ~ M· v .. y . Fllly-j'"'"l •••• "1 t ' iflllt~\lmflto•ly !..:1;1 ',,,.,,I I lh<•ll· ttol :I· ,, h ; "I 1 ·" , ''f oo( I' • I or l•d ., I " 1111.f hi~ ,,,, I'I'IIJ'Uito l~tlo IJ•t•""•rlh'a o.rlov • anclll<I',,J~·n!Cif1 ,\L:•J"'' lrolli\l ,,,,1111,1_. 1 11 ''I" 1', • 'I '•l•u ,.1 o, tllll•l •lo ,.,,.,, ,.,,i 1i l\l•lll•m4 lltt,S nowhlni.HohY:orol !\lauv l•oh1 "' t .••o0t1 to $~000 tlmt'. 11 can plainly ,.,. J•, :-1,r,n , , 1 \1 • ·""" .r11, '"'" IM '" 1 , ,, ' ~I i '' r J•. 1 ,, • h ' '•• 11 ttnm, "'"' "'''" ,, "''" I•.) ~ Nu 185 ; Bnlhon: M"x M~tr· W<'r (' H't.:l-l{•rt-1! .,,V<• hll(hl'at ria- that ):Omt'lhin~; mu.•.t tht t1•11:h SAn (;or~:onto Jill~~. an iu· ', u1tl• r ,,,unl) 1 ••'' i" '""'•I l 'l of'• of lnt•om•lll i• y••l to I~< ' ""~ I• l><'lo •I • J ( '' IJ•• \o 'I•• I •'I.'•' <TIIW<I In ,fl\• >• "'' 1(1tn'11 y,.ll•.w J•~t: N~I'S &11-~n> ~ti~•Jt Ollt wna " l)(•rmll for way her•c a nd thew .. rhno• 111 61~~~ ''~'~ $..!11!1 nnrTVd .:•l•t Jum• 6. 7 1on•l >< l''' •li••y ""l'l (' tltl' 11l0111 r.rflr·oly. h,,. IL O.vUI' 1~. •Mtc)ll "Col'fmll &I Mar. •I ..a- \ I!*P""'*! aAUIOA HEWa-!111!!. • ...., .... a...• !e!t,r. Apt! !!, .... I l 8.00 &:'.:1~ ..... Mrs. Edgar Hill Heads Udo ~c!t ~:~ ;~;rr:;;;~ ~!;;;~~: 11 ... I .... Plall Ass Vi dl Rest• It wu "one down and one to and will be declared forfeited it load or between 6 ~The ctlty a of Ncvorport Beachy~ _n as ar ey gns so·• when another ear wu atuck the auccesaful bidder refuaea to I and 15 tonal ...• 1.00 In the sand trap between ~at entPr Into aald contract afte-r be-DriYfl' (11&)'-~ ..., Jtr«'t and ~uhore drive the in& requated ao tO do by the Qty load leu than 6 terday rf'«'ived a chKk for Mrs Ed~r R. ltlll, 615 Via -other evenlna and which wu re-Council or Newport Beach. tona) ... .. ............. .95 7.80 I'J183.21 from the Callfornlll-~ IUd.. ~ldent or the Newport To•:-r, BOII-..L.-V «:t!ntly ttw nemeail for a atolen Blddt'n are heoreby notlfled -Any Clualflcatlon Compmaatlon lnauranoe.1und In IM·ach Grammar School P.-T , A. Ill ~I car whlch the driven were forced I that pursuant to provbiona of OmiJted Herein t.o. An&des. ..A l has bt.'t'n honoN'd with the pnsi-Gives pas to abandon. t Sectlon 1770 of the Labor Code. Not Leu Than.. .875 7.00 _.:;________________________ That tum ~nt.:u a aav ng Th.la driver. belne a car ~: SfafuTH of 1937, of the State or Provided that one and on.-balf of 5M IX'' cent In tht' coat or the 11•'nl'Y of th(' Lido llle Community Harbor-•ster calJed the tow_ truck a'l!l·.) \UI California, the Oty Counctl of (1 \V l llmea the pr~vaiUna ,.ate JUST ARRIVED - - -New Shipment of FRONTIER PANTS ~ .,, ... ..... ucl Boot. for .......... .. ... a.o.tr. AI Sherwjn Ridin1 & Sport Shop -Jre. ...... .,, .... A. ..._ 17%% Pre-W•r Steel Toys H•ve Arrived ...,.... ....... el ,..,_ Ia ... , •• n: Cellfon:ia ....... _,In IMs-..... • --.... • "*" .... ...... ~ . ......,........ .......... . ..... ,. ..... .......... .,..,. Or•"B' CM.ftty'• Onfy Cotwpku !Wry caftd ]tWCYIIU Slulp clty'a workmen'• COinpt'nlation In· Auoclatlon. The well known 11.. hauled back to 4llt 1treet. lh the City of NeWport Beach hu ahall be paid except watchmen. 1\Jl'ance undt'r the policy which the matron and civic leader la the paid 1M tow car driver and eot in ~ ~rtalned t:hr general ~vail-naemen and other non-manual ctty hu with the •tate fund I t1nt woman ('V('r to hold thla of· til and unable to return lmmed· hb own car and atarted ba.c kine lne rate of . per diem w. aps and workers. for any worklnc ttrne board. nee. latr•ly to hi• for'TIM'I' poet u har-out, only to get atuck aeain In the ratea for J~al hoUday and ove-r-~ more than el.tht (8) houn dur-Oty Treuureor J . A. Cant •aid Mn.• Hill wu elected to the ell· bormuter at Newport S.ach, aand bulk whlch eoven a aooc1 Urne work tn the locality ln wtUm lnl any one (1) calendar day th'at the earned premium for the rf'Ctorate of the a.uodatlon April Th01. Bouchey·~ he wluld ahare of the atreet. By r~llent 1hla work Ia to be performed,. for i where •uch' work la HQuired ID • fllc:al year encline June 30, INS, 13 and they In turn aelecte4 her not resume the poettlon Saturday footwork he man&~ed to catch 1M each craft or t~ of workman or cues of eKtraOI"clinary emer- w.. $3787.:10. The •urn of to' hold the position for the com-when hia leave expired, lt w~ tow car. and 10t hauled out the mechanic needed to-..execut., the 1enctea cauaed by fire, noOc!. or t2185.21. baaed on thl' fund check , In¥ year, prealcline ove-r the ~even learned .trom Santa Ana .eow-oes aecond Ume, makl.ne aure that tbe contract which wtU ~ awarded dance-r to life or property, an4 report. Indicates ln part that the dirt'cton, motl of whom are well afrer the board ol aupervtaon car wu on p.vement ~ore he le.t ~ aucceutuJ bidder. for time on Sundaya and lecai number of Injuries occurring known In pubUc Ufe. fa1led to extend hla leave for SKI hla racuer 10. 1lle ~vaUin& ratee ao detenn-hoUc!aya. among dty employee•for the put Two nf'W dlrecton. G. H. Roten daya. lned are u follow.: It ahall be mandatory upon the !l.cal year we-re practically nil. and Herb Nacio Brown took otftce . Bouchey hu bHn lpmc!lna the p • N , Hourly Per Contractor ~ whom "the c;!Oil.tract Purpoet' of the refund check iJ at the aame lime. Others oa the paat few mont.ha on the ~ UBLIC OTICU Trade or Wqe Diem 1a awirded, &nd upon aiy M- •plalned In a lette-r from Ed· board are GeorJe Holateln jr., helplne ~pare a new tract wh.lch Ooeup.tlon-Rate Rate contractor under hlm, to ~ DOt ward V. Ryan, aalatant executive 1 treuurer; John Moore. RobiMOn. " aynclicate ol county matS, In-CZilt'D'ICATJ: or 8U8DIUII Alpha]t Raker an4 leu than the aaJcl apedtled rata. aecretary of the atate compena-lf'Cr~tary; VIctor Sayre and Dr. cludln1 Bouchey and leYeraJ other FtcdUOUI Firm Name Ironer ........ -........ $1.125 S t .OO to all Jaboren, workmen an4 .-... Uon lrwuraDC~e fund board, to the Stanley Chambers, vice-praldent. well known Balboana plan to IU~ Alphalt Plant Mbt-ch&ntca employed by them ID the Oty of N.-port 8HdL I GeorJe Yardley reelcned u full divide near 29 Pal:ala. 1lle unduslped ~ hereby er Operator ........ 1.25 10.00 ~ecutJan of the contract. time mana•er of the uaodaUon, 1lle .. u ltnowD hubortte de-cert1ty that ~ Ia Clonductinc a AlphaJt Plant Dry-The City CowK:lJ of the City Any drtwr who atopa hla car on and Dan Grown hu bHn named clared after the ...son that "It GeMral lnluraDc. Apney and ennan fir Ftre-of Newport QetiCb reeet >'el tM curw ,.. atwmpta to SIMI .. to auceeed him on a part-time the harbor ~ wu not Brokerace "'-'-. at n' EMt man .: .................. :. 1.37'5 11.00 rilht to reject any or aU bldl or :thlr C8l' t1Mn ladul .. ln oae of bula. Gradual lmprovementa are lntere.ted enoup ln hll expel'-Central AVenue, Balboa, Calltor-Alphalt S~a~ waive Dy lntormallty Ja a bY. the meet thcM11tlt1-practic:B ol planned In Ute community club-l~nce to aWnd tu. leaYe until tu. nla, UDder the ftetiUoua ~ name Machine Opera· FltAHK L. IUNEHART, drtvlftl atatee the pubUc safety houle, but these wW not be work· h~alth la recovered" he Would not ol BRIGGS A: MaeKAY Ucl that tor ........................ t .m 11.00 Cty Oerk ol the Clt:J o1 ~t o1 the National Auto-ed out until the clireetGn have teek to recover the Job whlcb hu aakl linn Ia compoeed ol the fol-Blade Operator_ .. 1.25 10.00 Newport S.acb. cautor-. mobtJe J:!ub met qain to dlac:uu them 1D de-been taken over. ID pert by Jlu. Jowtq penon whoM name la and Flqman .................. .875 7.00 Ida. · ~ tall. One of the ldeu ciVftl con· aell a-ate. Craie wu appointed to plaee ot reeldence Ia u followa, Laborer .............. -.. .m 7.00 Pub. April 11, 2S, 1ML ' 1lderatlon Ia a •nack bar ln the the pomtlon of ctty harbor muter to-wtt: • All k1nda t:JP"'rit.er rtbbaal Ia b lut >'"~'· ttoelt at the N.,.._"J1ma clu . Bouchey wu honorably cUa-Sandy F . MacKay, 1m Ocean CLOTHES POa. MEN AND BOYS g~ S,_.J Sl.p _,..,..A,.. ........... ....... ,. Mr. Yardley hu been ma.nqer ch&J'Ied from the cout ruard Boulevvd, Balbo., Calltomia. for the put eight mont.ha corning Jan. 20. He became a lieutenant Wltneea my hand thla l2t.h day here from San Pedro where he commander and NTWd OVft"BeU of Aprtl, UN6. wu In the contractlnc bualneu. At aoon u • he reee!ved offtd&i SANDY F. MacKAY. He l&.id today that he would word that the IUpervlaon clented STATE OF.CALIFORNIA, l resume hit old efforta and would I extenalon of hla leave he will tell County of Orange ) u . bt' employed by Mr. Hollteln In the bovd he doee not intend to On thla 12th~~ of April A.D., fhe ~nstJ action-«; • ftUiftber of-rt'lume hla former poat, the Santa 19t6. before me, Loula W. Bri111. hnuaes tho.• latter &a buildine at Ana 1100' atated. a Notary PublJc ln and for the I Coat a Meaa, the projkt belne I · aald County and State, rt>~ldlnc known 8JI the Newport Bay Co. All ldnda t:Jpewrlter rlbbona ln therein, duly commlaaloner and I atock at the Newa-'I'lmes. -orn, personally appeared San(fy P N F . MacKay known to me to be UBLIC OTICE the penon Whoae name la aub- PuBLIC NoncE tcrlbed to the wlt,IUn Instrument, NOTICE OF SALE UNDER and aclmowledced to me that he ~t:CTION IUO CIVIL CODE executed the same. J St~t. Newport Beach, Oran1e In Wltnea WheTeot, I have 1 NOTICE IS UEREBY GIVEN County, California, and Eurene hereunto aet my hand and affixed that Joh{l 0 . Ahlstrom, whole ad· Wl'yant. whote add.reu Ia 421 my official JeaJ the day and )•ear drt.,. ;. :;oo Eut Ba)t, B&Jboa. Rlvertlde. Newport Beach, Oranee ln thl.a certificate fint above Oranae County. California, Intends County, California, all the atodt, written . I to Bell to Dudley R . Fu.111ell, whote flxturt'l, equipment and .personal LOUlS W. BRIGGS L------------~ addreu Ia 44:l San Bernardino property uat'd In connl'Ctaon with Notary Public In and for lh~tt ct>rtaln boat building corn-l&.id County and State. Ifs Always ' COFFEE TIME At The • • • • • • Doll c&lWiii='FLE UTSHOP • . -. -. . Serving COFFEE & OONUTS • WAFFLES SANDWICHES • MALTS and SUNDAES • COMPLETE FOUN- TAIN SERVICE. 305 Marine A venue .. Kea~Hkltola /Balboa Island Oeorp Sterllac pany which hu bet-n conducted under t.he name of "Douglu Boat (My Commluion Expire. & Canoe Co." located at 2819 <~al) May 28, l947.) West C.ntra.l, N....-port Beach. Or-Pub.-Apr. 16. 23, 30: May 7, 1946. ange County, California. That rhe aale will be conaummated and I the purchue price p.ld at the of· flees of Leroy P. A.ndenollJ 22698 Newport Boulevard. Coata Meaa, California, on the ~th day of April, 1946. at the hour of 1 o'clock p:m. Dated thla 15th day of AprU, 1948. PUBLI(J NOTICES Notice b.tU., Bkll NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Oty Counctl of the Oty of Newport Bea.ch, California, wtU receive aealed blda for furn- lahlne all labor, material, trans- portation and &eTV1ct'l for de<:om- JOHN' D. AHLSTROM, poaed eranlte aub-bue and for DUDLEY F. FUSSELL, the 1urfaclnc with aaphaitlc plant EUGENE WEYANT. mix material, of Beach Auto Park State of California, betwet>n Palm Street and Waah· County of Orange-u. lngton Street In the City of New-~ On thla 15th day of April, 1946, port Beach. In accordance with before me, Leroy P. Anderaon. a plana and spedflcationa on tile Notary PubUc In and for 1ald In the offil:t! of the O ty Engineer County, realdlnc therein, duly of 1ald City. commlllloned and aworn, peraon-Each bid ahaJI be made out on ally appeared John D. AhJatrorn, a fonn to be obtained at the of- Dudley F . Fuaaell and Eugene oe of the City Engineer and shall Weyant, personally known to me accompanied by a certified or to be the peraona whoae names cuhler'a chl'Ck or bid bond for ten are 1ubecrlbed to the withln In-per cent f10%l of the amount MUIICI Tk:ket-Loac a-da Aud1torlum, Pboae 1!3·U or Hum.pltrey'• Mualc. lSO PIIMI A\·e., LB. Ph. 131·81 Hau'a a re.l opportunity for the younc ~ who wanta a cood job with a futun. An Army job ia a ateady job off~ ina cood p.y, 1M ~t eecurity, every opportunity for promotion and a chance to -the world. you cet valuable traininc in technical aki11a, 1ood food. clothinc. quarten and medical care free. If' you co ov~ you cet 20% otra pe.y. You can retire at ball pay after 20 yean or tet:in at~ quarten pe.y ahes-30 yean. And you cet a 30-day vacatioa at full pay every yearl Many other advantacee not offered daewhere. If you are 11 to 34 and phyaically fit (or 17 with parents' COOKnt), you~ enlist now and qualily for one ol ttw.e fine jobl In the pcacftime Rqular Army. You owe it to younelf to &et all the facta NOW! Apply at . . •• I. aaMY a1ca•n1•e IIATIO. S02 City HaU Blq., J~uta ADa Long Beach Municipal Sunday, April 28th, 8:15 p. m. atrurnent and acknowledeed to me of the bid, m.ade p.yable to the ... -----------------------.. that they executed the llllne. ordeT of the City of Newport lAIN AI YOU LIAINI w • .,. 80W tniDiDc .._.oplftt.on lor per-(Yo~~,~\::~~ 1 ID&Miltpo.idoul No ~DeCMBU7· w....,.. ~beall ba I» tory, Pwy btfiDa at ODill. iDc:nuM ,..,... I -.' larly. Pleaaaat work In pluuot ~ with helpful, friendly peopii.Vacadou.-tth pa.y. E:~ctllent oppommidee lor advaocement ; ... curl t,y for tha IIJtve. Go to any t.lepboDe DOW and uk • ()pent« for Chief Operator. She·u be fled to Ji'f'W you the a'.ldn11 of the employme11t otic. DtlrHt YOI&. 80UTBIRN CALIFORNIA TILEPHONI COMPANY IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I Beach, CaUfornla. Blda ahall be have hereunto aet my hand and tealed and Wed with the Cty affh~~:ed m.y official aeal the day Cle-rk at the Oty Hall, Newport and year In thla certificate tint Beach, California, on or before above written. ' May 6. 1946 at 4:00 o'clock P. M. LEROY P. ANDERSON. and will be opened and publicly Notary ·Public In and for l&.id read aloud at or about 4:00 County and State. · o'clock P. M. on that day In the (Notarial ~al.l CouncU Chamber ln the City Hall, Pub. Apr. 23, 1946. Newport Beach, Call!o.mia .. The above mentioned check or Ka.nlla tolden at Neww-nmes. bond ahaU be given aa a guarantee FREE LECTURE OD ' Christian Science Christian Science: Its· Subject --• Revelation of the 1\ingdom Wit.ftin. ... Lectu CLA \'TON B. CRAIG, C.U . rer - -ot etDcblnatt. Ohio Pllce --• - NEWPORT HARBOR UNION WGH SCHOOL AUDITOJtRJM 11.. Ul4l 1m-Streets Coata M- Time _ • •• • Su.nday Afternoon, April 28 at S:OO o'Ooek u ..... , tile Ataplt'etl or Fl"'t nan-.h of Orht, Sc.ifofttl•t.. ot Newport liMe-h. C'ollfomlo . ALL ARE CORDIALLY INVITED • Let Fluorescent Lighting Increase Your Sales ~ Store wbldow aDd abowcue displays are a.t their attractive belt IUlder tbe daylight p,w• · of ftuoreeceDt Ugbtmg. the IIJOdel'll way of llbowbtg what you have to leU to the bMt ad-vutap. There are Do shadows to dJatort the picture you wtab to preeftlt to the e111tomer. Colon appear lD their exact llb..W.. · We are Dow able to provide ftUOI'MCleDt Ugbt- lq to meet your special Deed~. from the uuii- MlllltltallatloD to the aup.t. ~ can. for eetlmatee auwerecl wUhoot delay. RepJar aervtae mabatabaecl. "- ETS-HOKIN & GALVAI DNOE 4 ll!t· 1000 Cout mway P1loee Newport lJM AJao Ia ... Frandeeo·WUmlnrt-·ltoclktoe·llu Dleco-?1'1 .. 1 ELECTRICIANS C-O-Two Fire l'.aalpmeDt for FACTOaY. PLA.'lT, STORE. OFnC&. FAIUII, RO- -,- .. l • J GEORGE D. BASSE'M' Gellenl Aocoatlllc • .,..__ .. Boc>ll.frJJ,..I IDC!OIM 'l'u Ser"Yice - ,_ w. Olatnl -'"" ,..._ uet-CN-Port .._.. ;:;;;.;;:;:::;:;:;;J;FLOOi'.4-rv R-FU-R-NACE~·.=;;~~ InstaJtect Immediately Terms If Desired • WW 008T INSTALLATION • NO EX'I'RA FLOOR OU'ft'INQ • NO fU)()DJNG OUT SATISFACTION GUARANTEED _H~rdware P£RRY'S Appliances uoo Cout Blvd., Coroaa del Mar . of this Clean, Family Newspaper THE OIRimAH 5aENC! MONITOR ............. , <•••-......... ....... .......... :..~ .......... ---....... .o,_ ........... .._. ...... _ .......... .,.,... • t .... ,. .... ~:, ........ _....,_ .... ,..,......,......... .... ...... .....,,__ ............ -------------------------.. .._._............. 0.....,,.......,.,.. --------·-UTt'~,__ -.,,,.,'"'''' .. ""''''"""'"''"''"'"' .......... ---·--··.................... 0 ...... ~.----~ .... ····-&""""'' .................... -..... ,_,1 ------------~------~-----~ -_... ________ "" UJhether it is ~aving for a h:1rrie, comfort in later years, etc., you tan do it better thru our savings plan J Pc1r# c\ All you £arn is Your·s to Savt! Resources $4,906,000.00 Laguna Federal Savings and loan Associaflon VOTERS! Don't Forget Ill Aprif2Sth Is yo•r Last Day to REGI.STER FOR THE PRIMARIES JUII 4th .. ,,., ........... dM '"" flwllt .. .... lor the ,..Lt .... et '"' ...... Welter I. TIPTON .,... c ......... ,., SHERIFF rrs YOUR GLANDS! Dr. E. F. Beli, D. C., Ph C. 101 H lld IR ~wpor1 R4-IW'h, Calif. Hoa,.; I :H to '7:30 MondJiy• and nar~•Y" HurrY! Hurry! Hurry! We Have Just Received a Shipment of HARD TO GET RADIO TUBES Maylwo t\·,. llnf' thf' On" Vou NHd to Put \'our S.Ot Bat-k In 0JM'ratlon Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! -- PALMER RADIO and APPLIANCE Phone U32 P.A.PALM~ uoo ..... ~..;..;;~;,;;.;o~ W. 0 BOCX-lnew-anoe ~ /L. 1500 IIJ....J,~ SlU VIA UDO cAU~ Gas ---·---- CHARIER & PRESTON ... ._ Uanud Ollnti'lletOr ......................... w ... ........ ......... .._.._.. • III ............ .. I"' ASAU.:NA to: ~. ,._.. P'lll. .,. t ·n• Nl ,.._ .... ...... .., TIME-SAVING SCHEDULES u The people along the Cout Hil(hway nat· urally count on G reyho und tu pmvidc a tystem of an·uratc. convenicnr. r irne-~avinR schedules that 10 many ccunmunitic~ depend on so comrletcly wclay. This impo rtant Greyhound "first" in trat· el aervicc i8 more important now than ~~cr befo re, and G reyhound dO<'t this job IHIIn' ... because ir has trained, experienced experts in tchedulc !?_uitding. the buses and equip· meot to putrhcm into effect. the sho rt, direct • rnutes mat MU time, aDd a thorOUJh kno w I· cdttc of local truu~atioo problema along the Cout Highw~y. -$·~ G rcybound it maadody plannin~t more .. new tdledul• co mon rapidly and safely - y~-t provide a complete local intcrcommu· niry ""ice. And when die nefti ari.Jft for nt'n furcr bus tenic:e between larger cities <ircy· ho und tea up Dttf'tl schedules for additional /i,il"l b..a co sin ltill mor"C and bcuer ~n·ice thaD belore. fll Til lliT II Ill llltl e i ... IIIIY !I IIIYitlll GRIYHOU.D L I II I I 1 • Puauc NOT:CI!S P.uaLIC NoTICE M rk Pierce Pays S55 000 Pollee Kept ,.,1 ~1~ ~ CU' doina at leut,=eda: f:~ ~~e= --' a I . (Oolltiftued born P••• 1) 70 m.p.h. going the oppoalte dlrec-ctvlnc ewt')'bQ4Y, ln -'lht a haDd-• ( UTrFICAft OP' llflRfN'£8" fnr thr Mid County find StAle. re-I ot Wtne, beer and liquor and u~, t~ on Central avenue IUI4 swunc ful of Uckeuo. 1--~ l'lrrn NAme sl<11o.& th .. re ln, duly rommis~lnned F K I Bea L d• gin mJlla. •I around after him. Several can I 10 :30 to 2 a.m.-After the nar-._If...., ........ oo.r.& IUaA ........ 1 -and IWOrn person111lV llflpt'llred or emper s con an 1ng 7:40 p.m,-A CV WU Ull&ned Wt>re bt'tween us and the "low row escape from 1ettJD1 my Ieee 'tlfTht>y thua.ndent , .... 'Y$ln"ro_ drono hd(Tllf:'c. htiYn .. c;:er Dt TKF-r-P., ~~n~"IRPnRdrRtn~P.riiE. RkTno"C'UNwn to. I • to lnvntlgatl' atJnk bombla 1n the j Clycr" and England gave tht' red Krambled, l loet lntere.t ln pro.. i ,... .. . .-V'J' ~· • Balboa I Meter, wher e a double 1 llgtrt a fluh to move them O\'er ceedinp, bUt I know that we ra"'o. radar and l'lf'Ctrlc-el aalcoa mt• to N-the pt>non• whtlll4' ntlmMI Sale or Kempn-'a Beacon Land-· bill of "Monater Maker" and "hie I and Jet us at thl:' rn.l.aeant. Some picked up a procesalop •of drunka A..tomol»ile • Fin Auident • Life l....loeDM .ad Oontn.ct ..... w .... ana lnatallalion hut~lnNII Ill NI'W· arl' tuhacrltx-<1 to th(' within In-In~: to Mark Pil'rct• ror SM.ooo L c II M d of the Dead" wu In progrfti. The people do funny thingw In an em-and ~cltr.,ta, took them to port Beach, ('aJiforniA, undN' tht' strument end lll'knowlt'di{C'd tO mt' WIIS \l'rlfit>d y~terday, the lrlnll· ast a a e ltl:'nch must have been terrible.' l:'r&ency, we found OUt, U one fel· the station where a weary dealt f1ctltlouJ firm """'~' ot J. K. th11t tht>y t>x{'('utt'd lhe IBme. action twing placro In Mcrow latt> 7:45!-0ut on a call with Officer tow, aeelne the red liJtht, put on aereeant consigned them to the I RROWN co nnd thnt 11aJd firm JN Wl T'NESS WHERF:OF, T lui WI'C'k hy llarbor lnvntrnent Callhen and 47 to a Wl't'C.'k on h1a brake~ and c.~e to a atop tank. Ia eompoecod of thl' followin.: P''r· hnvl' hl'rf'unto IW'I my hand and company. 11H~ prop('rty, located F Art w k Central and Coronado In ~alboa d.lrectJy 1n our pa~ All In all, lt wu quite a hectle ION whoiK· nltn\O'S lll'd phH'<'S ,., nrtixed b y otrlclnl aeal. the day Ill 1301 \toast highway, hu a or or VT'lwd at the scene of the By expert manipulation, Officer evl:'nlnl and what I aaw makes me ~ art-•• folltrWI, to-wit: nd year In thla ~rtlflcete flrst frontage or 131.90 feet, 100 feet accident, where the; uaual crowd E0~land manaeed to prevent ram-believe that the hats of ret~ldenta Gtont"ral Partnt•rs: t nbove written. 1 on the bay, and hu a depth of . had already eathered to try, con-miDI Into the rear of the bewlld-mould bt' prominently doffed to Carr's Feed Store Hay and Grain Quality Feeck J J K Brown, 10M n 1rr Drive. T R. PHlLLJPS !Rl re.•t, it was discla.ed. vlct and han1 all partldpanta. ered clrlver'a car and 47 leaped the pollee force, recuJare and re- Nt"WpOrt &•ac:h1 C"~llfomla. Notary Public In and for I Pit-rN.'. hf:'ad of the lar1ett chaJD A last call for entries (or the The ~k involved three care the eutb and c.ne to an l&DOID· aervn alike, for herculean efforta Robert ('u"dltr. f.459 W. R2nd uld County and Stetf'. of mo.rtuarlcs In Southern Call-Nl'wport Harbor High School Art and two of them were towed away lnoUI b&lt ln the aand. The ln a earaantuan tuk. St~t. Loa Angrlrt 4!\. Cldlfamle. (My Commlulon Expires fornla. bought a large bome on exhibit has bem 15stled by Ruth -by AJ's garage, who, Incidentally, .,... _____________ ;..,.;.. ____ ..,.~_...., Llmltt'd Partnf'r: Autt. 19. 1947.) I Harbor bland just a year q o, Stot'V('r, acting on bt'half ot the did a whale of a 6uslneaa all eve-""\ W•t Shore Company, 1801 Wll· (Scali and hu since extt>nded hia re.Jty ~p{'('IIIJ commlltee In charae at nlng. No one wu injured 1n th1a . -1-..., ... ,.,_..., UI'I.Jisw.-e ...._ oon.IDL\ ., ahlre Boulevard, Loa Angf'lf'l 5, STATE OF C'ALIJ'ORNlA ) 1 1nveatml:'ntli to a parcel et the thl:' dJ.spl~ of palntJnp. particular auto tilt but one driver, CallforN&. ('nuaty of Loa Angeles ) u . Archt't! and the n to Kempeor'a Picture~~ may bt' left at th~ HJ&fl a local lad. received a ble enouch W1TNESS our haalta t.hls 8th day 1 On thlt 8th d11y of April, 1946.1 Landing. He aald he Mptet.l to S(•hool u late u 9 o'clOck Frida,y bumP, on the heed to JUJtlfy hla ot April 194& ~fore mr. a Notary Public In end, Improve the propt>rty after l'e· afternoon of the 26th. memory blank on the wbole af. i. K BROWN for the aald County and State. rt'· ceiV!ne a report from fomwr Qty Judges wW ~t for luncheon fair. ROBERT CUNDTFT •ldlnc thf'rrln, duly· C'OI'I\mlalioned F.n~nl'ft' 1t. L. Pa«ft'IOn, now at the Newport Harbor Yadlt dub 8 :00-Cloclced and atopped a General Partnt'T11 and • ..,om, Jlf'"OI'ally appeared maklne a aurvey of the IUOVoDd at 12:30 111 runts ot J. S. Barrett, "torrid jalopy" racln1 down Cen- WEST SHORE C"'MPANY C'arlton E. Byrnto and Esther and water front. pn-sldent of tM Newport Harbor tral, wtth no taU IIcht, ~ ff'W ay Carlton £. ByrM Smith Byrne. known to me to be 1be price of $.';5,000, buecl on Olamber of . ~rce. altff other acceeeorln, ~pt a has>- By FAther Smith BY"M t he ~~~ and Sec:ntary the highway fronta1e alone which edjoumnvnt to the hllh ped-up motor and a demonlcal Umlted Partntn of Wnt Shore Company, the lim-reechn a new hleh on per ~~ school will be made to pau upon driver. He wu tJcbted and ._ STAT!; OF CAUf'()RNTA 1 lt...S pu1JwJ' narnt'd In the fore-valuation of approximately MIO. the plcturet~. ' procHded on to the alation. Loa An. In 1 aa aotnl tnatrurnmt knowlt to me to It wu obl.el'ved. WhUe other mare The commltt.ee hu approved the 8:05--R.ecelved an aU-ear caJ1 to ~tt.: lOth .:~ April 196a be the penon~ ~ uecuted the el,boret•ly Improved l.andiDp plan to acqulrt!-two pktures witll be on the lookout for a couple ...,_. . Notar7 Public ln ,nd within lnatrument on behalf of the have been aold at hllher ~ tht! S300 purehaae f\md wtllch the ot teen qe lirla who were rm.. me. a carpwatlon hefttn named and It ll· thou&ht that th1a aa1e In 1M Nl"Wport Harilor Ownher ol. Cam· Ina from Ulelr hornft tn Santa ;Iii~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ aclmowledaed to me that such cor· three-mUe lnduatrlal 110M ol. bay merce hu ·~ to ~Ubeeribe._ Ana. ;-oouptrot de••r pertllit. S R 0 0 F S poraUon necuted the aame. front11e polnta to even blctwr The •xhlblt wW form.elly open weTe abt. to IUftl where their I 0 $ $ I ' IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I valuea tn tM future. Some t. on Saturday, ~ Cth and will klda would diaappear to cturtn1 ~Oil--~ haw hereunto eet my hand and af. Ueve that t.hf' ahortqe ol. th1a <"ontJnue until the ewn1na ol. May Euter week and rot "tn touch LI\J:aor Store nw .......__.... .. ftxed 1"1'1.1 ofndal eeal thf' day and type of property may eend It u 7th when aU pictures not acquboed with Newport pollee. ynr ln th1a certincate tlnt above hteh u $1000 per fl'Oflt foot.-will be returMd to Ow ardat.a. 8;i0::.1Sadl at the ataUon and C,......, W. I. ••r'uw wrlttftl. Mr. Pierce expect~ to IDitall A very reprdEb~w ahowtq tched Raerve Officer Howard K -. .... f/1 • ...._ 111112 Marnif' JilL ,..._ 10lN AUCE DA VE'NPORT. all new bulkheada and lloeta u ot the worb of Southern Calltor-Gerrlah typlnl out aorne of the JfO UIIB Notary Public In and for part of th~ improvement pr'Oinm.l nla ertlata la a1rMdy ...u~ and more Ulan 600 dtatlonl handed ]E~~~~~~~~~~§~~~~~~~=====~ ..SCS County and State. He declared that he w1.U m&U It ~~w~ne':"" ~ C:~ out 10 far tn the week and·learn-fs.ai) one of the ma.t ettrac:tlve 1aad1np or £'nt a n ed that the reef'I'W policemen had n. -30· M 7 1946 1 h coot pelntlnp are eeunt1!d on. ~~..;;..-11--aaiMU Y01JII IL&DIO '10 vu Pub:-AJII'. 1.,, ~. . •Y • . a one t f' . The exhibit wW be open to the turned out m muse and were do- 0. _, -.......... It ... .-.. 01111 ...,. It ... llf~ public and local ladle~ connected ine a wonderful job in ualatbll ~ ............ ~ ~ .,..._. ~ NOTICE OP' AME88M'ENT 01...-Sfoabcwr . ~w ..... of with the hleh school PTA have the reruJan In keep1ne the altua· D-~lo -sos Dl.--6-1-. plu._._-"Carbor 14. a radio-volunteer't'd 10 ~erve tM to all v11l· tion In hand. <:hlef Hodlkinaon n.IIU r..~K BAY ISLAND CLUB Location ortlve aubsten~ developed thru tors for each day the exhibit la and Aut. Chief Gorto!" were Vocl· of prlnclpal ortl~. No. 5. Bay atomic rnt"arch. may be just what I Ofl('n. feroua In their prala. of the Har- Ialand. bt'lng the rl'aidc-nce of is nei'dl:'d to aid mankind In ayn-This Is the first tJme that the bor men who, after working at H. S . Ha:wltlnl'. In the C'ity of thMIIzlng food a,nd fuel at will." NewpOrt Har!M>r art'a has at· thl:'lr own particular buslneuea or NewpoTt Jlc>AC"h. County or Or· tl'mptl.'d an art exhlhlt but the ln· jobs during the day, were willing an~tr. StRII' or C'allfornla. N(m ('E tf'ri'St already shown In the at· to donate their time at night and I IS JfERF:RY GIVEN. That a PuBLIC NoTICES fnor ~~~~UI't'!l It becoming an an• turn In praiseworthy perform-mH"llnR of tht> Aoard or Dirl'Ctnrs nual OCC"nslon. Promlnt>nt judge11 ances. 1946, an auesaml:'nt of St>v<>nty-Assistant Secrl'tary of aald fM· .(rnm Southern California w!U pass : 4 changed keepers •.tiiOLD L &UDl ..._. .................... Pt~~~DN•I VENETIAN .BLINDS WOOD • 8'I'EI:L • ALtJIIINt1JI hrld on thf' 16 th dRy or M Ar('h. I 8 45-01' 7 I five lind nnflM Dollars 1575.00) poratlon, at l Aid ofrla! on •aid upon t he pictures and make the and Officer George England took ..... Newport ~W IX"' ahare Wid ,lt>vl~ upon t.he Ray Island. In thr City or Newport award~. over and we went cruising. Got ~;~;:::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~ ahal"t'' nf tht• abo\l:'·na mt'd rnrpnr· Renrh. C'ounty of Orange, Stall:' a call to S<'e a woman on a Bay s of Callfom l&. Any share~ upon , Judge Dodge-Removed ltr('('t adclrt'tls and round her quite etlon. peyablr to A. W. pl:'net', whlrh this assHsmcn t remains • • I perturbed about a motor boat that unpAid on thl:' 15th day of Ma y, To Anaheam Hosplta was making p&slel at her moor-a • I I d e r RHEUMATISM· 1~. will bt> df'llnctut'nt and untt'SS For Minor Operatien t~g slip. The boat had teft by the I!!I!!~U!!!!!!!!~!!!!!~!!.. __ ~!_~..!....!..~~~!. Jlllymf:'nt Is made In the meantlmr . t:tme we arrived and nothlne had J and ARTHRITIS the aald shares. or 10 m&n¥ ot .... --h-1 . J I f been disturbed, 10 we went back • Gerqe FJoon • Drfwways • ~Fences be I Newport • owns P s ust ~ o on the prowl I aufff'red for years and am eo said sh&rM 111 may n~ary, thl:' PPace D. J. Dodge Is In an · thankful that I can walk and work will bt' sold at the ofnce of eald Anaheim hospital this w~k un· 9:l 0-A can came In to brl'llk aca1n without pain. that 1 wi11 1tad· Aulstant Secretary, on the 151h dl'rs;olng 8 minor operation. It up a fight at thl:' Balboa pavilion Jy anawer anyone ~'!n.J me for day of Junf', 1946. at the hoW of 1 is <'xpt'Cted that the Judge will be but It must have been a one-round Information. MRS. EM~ A. IVES. 10:00 o'<'lock of uld day to pay abaent rrom his Costa Mt'S8 bench affair because all particlpanta had P.O. Box 189, Loll Aneeles 52, Calif. said &llnquent as!Wssment, to-for a WN.'k or 10 daya and C1ty departed when we arr'iv!!d Spent Reiher with nve percent petia)ty, Judge Bob e a nJner of Newport the next hour keepine the gen- Pd. Adv.-NUE.OVO lAboratories I or bt' forfeited to the corporadon Beach is handling Dodge's court £'raJ peace and chi:'Cklng on age~ DATED: April 17. 1946. cases In the Justice's a~l'P. o~ kids running a.round looae ln • -Gel .. · Complef Summer-Proof Job HERE! Let us put your car In fint..cl.• ahepe for the hot-weather days ahead. We ere equipped to do the iob fully. Drive In today. Let us inspect your car end recommend the Mesonel service• needed. Boyd's Service Station 11500 West Ceatnl Ave. .., PboDe 986 • Espert~ Typewriters Office Equipment A. W . SPENCE, • r dArkened pari!! of the pcnlnauJa-~Want~ct~of~-LewWallaceVI"~'-~~~w~a~s~d~~~ed~~e~m~b~a~rr~u~s~l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ lt!IRnd Club, at h1s otriCf', Bay lUI.I!I ltlend. Oty of Nl:'wport S.ach. St. Josep~'s Hospital fa~'::;~~ of Orange, State of Call· For Check-Up WE WILL BE'ITER THAN MEET ALL OFFERS ON YOUR CAR. . . . • So atop In at McCARTHY USED CAR WT at IQ20 Newport 6lvd., Costa Mesa, and get the top dollar for your automobile. I. R. BUWI:B, S.lrme• ENJOY WEARING YOUR PLA'TES WHILE PAYING Take .. ~lace ol Dr. Oow· en'• .Uiberal c....cut Plaa ror liD brN~C"tw. of ...... ., • .u.....e to lllve all your .., DJ7 won romplete4 RIOIIT HOW ... .-Y .... , •• _. • ......, or nlOt'lthly ,_.._ H 0 T OSt: PJ:NNY ADDITIONAL ('08T. Make \'our 01m' Temw ... \\llhta ~ .•• A_,,..t No. M (Note: Please make checks pay- abll' to the order of Bay I1land (~ Walla~. well known real- tor and Insurance man of New-, port l:'ntered the St. Joseph ha.- pilal laat Friday for obaervatlon a nd a possible Op('ratlon, It wu I learned Yl'llll:'rday. Mr. Walla~. one of the plonf"er citizens and moat active harbor booster In ttM! early daya of Its di:'\'Ciopmcnt, carries the well wishl'tl or his hun- dreds of rrlenc:t.- ROBERT'S Typewriter Service HOI W-* O.lnl Newport BMdl Liquor Store lloota aacl llo)' "- Palm Uld a.,, Ballooa none 111 Club.) Pub.-Aprll 23, 1946. FRESH FISH Dally Direct from Fisherman ~ C ustomers ' 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. ~ On the Beach Foot of Ne.-port Pier Spring Opening Huntington Dinner · House lltl\ a~·-lhatlllctoa Beech U..ter a.-MaftJitll'nwnt Open Dally, In<1ludlng Sunday Phonfl 4961 ~. 12 to S Dtanu, 5 to 9 85c $1.35 Up SuaclwtebM -A-la-{}ariof' Orden All illnda t)'pe'\\Titer ribbons ln atock at the Newa-TlmN. Co•~ Auditor Eckel Anaounces O..Wt7 A .. tor 1-aie B. Eckel today ....te fonnaJ anaou~l I of We C!UMUd~y. "l.M" 1:4-kJe, ~ .--------------------------=7 ,....._ Ida ftnt hiD te1111 ae Couaty Alldltor tW. year, wu I ftnt of tW. Cotuit, Oltleen to ftle ror re-elecUoa. '11M! Orand olary ...... ..-tty approftd ... .., 111e MadliCita hie off1cle aad he haa .,._ ~ lty U.. A&MIUon or otiM!r eo-u. who ha~ f'lected him PnAideet oi Ute County A...a- 1 ton' ~Uon of the Slate of C'.altfonala. DIESEL SERVICE " D~EL MOTOR SALES RE-BUll.,T DIESELS I. PHONES Offt~: Nf'W'J)OI't 2008 and ~t'wpnrt 2fi~I-W .._ llt~ MarlDf' Annu«-BaJI10t\ bland Ia naaldnl' hla an.nOUIM'f',._&, F.dlel ealcl : -The Ofn~ of Auditor 111 of aa· ~ lmportant'f' to ta,·paytnr dti&e-It t• tiM-bMrt of the nnaneJaJ •tnH'tu"' of Uti' t'Clunt y IUid lb St-hOC\1 and SJW"C'Ial D111· ~ta. Tax•pa)'f'MI' mo04'y mu11t I llbe adfoqn&tf'ly Mft'l'\tftrdt"d b)· pro· per and lnlf'llll'f'nt tw'ntlln.~. 111111 e, a publle tru•t •and I ha\·r rn· dl'avo~ at all tlnw' to nwrlt t~ ronfldf'n('f' tm~ In nw. 1'h4ol 1 Attl'llto.r • UNo Ta.'JM'ytor'" protN'· th-.-arn"Mt. Althnuc-h I hnto po I n,.,.t-nt. I '1\111 'llnr.-"'h app"'· ,.latr th" ruh'k'" rndo""'""'"' of mt' l'ndf'ti\'OMI at I~ poll" on Tllf'tl•l I ...,.."~ 4 • .. ___ lll:..,_-------------:-------------1 (Political AdvertlwmM~tl MANUFACTURERS at~t• that both tirea and batteriea wiD be .,.;., scarce the balanceOf thia ,..,.. You can't drin your car -'thout either of them. That', why it'a to your beat interat to 10 into a Nlety huclcfle now will! your ·friendly Independent MobUpa n.u.r. . IAt him checlr both tirea and battery. He knowa what to do to help make them lut lon,er. Don't take cha.Kee on bema without the uae olyour car thia aumrnw by wailina until theM vital acaeeoriee are beyond npair. Thia ie put ol the three-way Summer-proof Mn'iee offered by Jour Mobilpa operator -dealer in Mobil Batteriea and Federel T--. See him today -at th• Sip ol the Flyi.;_ Red Hone.. T omonow -Y be too late! ' ~orisult your friendl'V ·~ . ... t __ These Mobilgas Dealers .,. ,,.,. .... .. ,.,, , .. 3•WAY PROTECTION in correct SUMMER~PROOF SERVICE CORRECT OIL CHANGE CORRECT MOBILu')RICA liON MOBJLGAS WITH FLYING HORSEPOWER See theria today J Boyd's Service Station Johnstone Service eo..t Blvd. ~ 101 mpway, Newport 1500 West Ceatnl Newport Beada R. L Callis W. P. (Bill) Boes " G. P. Mar1.De Dock, 20th ~ the Bay General 227 20th St. Dilltribator 1 Petroleum Corporation v PhOM 797 ~ --- Rodeo Scheduled 1 . For Santa Ana . '::':~" 0~.~~:..~~YR'"'" I Tlnrlrn wnrld r hnmplnMhip r(l<l• n \\HI mllll~llrllt " thr nutl1o>nr ~rnrt ••·:•~•m n l !''"''" Ann !'unrf:.,· fll j '1 :ln f\ m I\~>:1FI lniZ llw f in• •I r"nrh ,,,.k nt hrrrkinl! hnn r• ""'' 1! rirr<'r Rrnhmn hull~ ,lulllln Smath 1 rnrl1•11 rlrrN'Inr nn<1 nwnrr nf .Sun· '"'' f\:tnl'h , rrnml!ll'!! thr r;rrrntr•t ,,.rif'l' of mml'lf'lit lnn h<ot"'"''" rilkr rmd horo;r rvrr prrsrntNI Thr f'nwhov~. mnny of wh"m hnvr j11~1 rrtarr nrli from lhr .,.,_ • l<'f' ll,..,. Rl!llin rldint;t thr rirrult nr 1 thr RMt'O A-~t>rlntlon nf Am,.r· 1 kn. Mnn,ry pri7NI. for thl' rlrtf'r~ I 1 h:wr brf.n lni"T'r!III('(J for 1941l nnd lttr MmP'I~Inn will Ill' krt'n I • Rnm11n hllr rhn(')( rldin~ riK"f'fl hnvf' hN-n AmiNI tn thl!l V<'nr'~ I rnd<'n l rnturl'tl lnjtt>lhf'r with <•IC· l'lf'rl rnpln~t, 11~~rr l11•vll nrta nnd an unru•vnl t>"flt' or tr'lrtiri"""'l 1 rodm rlnwnlng. I Bill Ca11is Enters Oil Business Here With Brother, Bob W J 'nlll I \allis, hrothi"T' of I Rnh ('nfhR, (~no•ral P"tr11lt orm 1!1~· tril•lll"r In Jnulht'rn (lr.1m:•· ~''"'" I ty rrtumrd from srrvlce "llrh· • tha~ n111nth :.nd l11u Joinr<1 Po~ot. ,, !h•• ol1•'1olout 111n n( Mrohlll.'"' nntl 1 11lli1·1l r•ttlllllrl" l11· hn~ l•oowht A ~"'T'I trot• ~ ""'' trrult•r nntl ~~~~""' ''' lortnl( J•r•o<J~u·t ; h~'rl' '''"'' l!lf• rdln• r v I n oll t ·rollt' """ '"thru a I• w I"T'I l'lolll rr .. m :·rat1u:~tlns: lr•·m I ·~r· \\ h• n h,. l'""' tl lh,. nn\'\', an•l ~· rv-~ N1 "" n holll••n ront 111;1 nn ·a l"r h, o 1 ~ n 'I ,.. I • .o II 1 • ·• • .... c. ....... a., . .. 4o ..... ....... -TNMMinhl Mel ........... s.m... -w...a, ....... ...... ,..... -n.. •• ...., Sen4ee Joll1da11 Service o..a ........... .., • Newport ...... Ot.lf. ..... lftW HOT WEATHER AHEAD YOUR CAR Your aging car fac~s another sum- mer of hot wnther driving ... and it still must last you a long time before you can get a new on~. Now, more than ever, you need to give it the best of care-to see that ir is in SUMMfl Mobiloil proper shape to face rhe months of hard, hot driving ahead. Go to your nearest independent MobiJRU dealer, displaying the Sign of the flying Red Hone. Ask him for these important Summer-proof services: OPEl' o-.nlll.... Refrigeration o ...... . or .. ..,.,..., Ne..,rt IDeeble _.. .. Co. ~~~~~ -c..& ...... ~ ....... 01111 • ...... ._._.._..,..._ ,..._,., 81:&VJOE .................. . ....... ... . ...,.. Refrileration NOW AVADABU 0 .... N& DIIUVUY ·VIOLA liON OF TRAFFIC LAWS PA YS Off • IN TRAFFIC COURTS ; . • . HERE'S THE PROOF: Keep Your Car Seven Loee Licenses ' . tn. .,........ tJlroultl OMult HJway tl'lillle at ipeedl rancinc from 70 ,. ...... Pft' hour ~tly, COlli &.-C BlystOM, the maxlmwn ... far ..,..cllnc. S!'O. tevil'd when .. ...,.....S ln justice court. Suspt'ndln~e the lic'('fU('II ol II('VCn motorists. Mun1clpal Judge I l Leonard Kaufman nnnounct'd )'<'tl· l <!rday that srntt'nCI'l!l for t rnfflc violations will lx>cf1m•• lnc~ulniiiY IIW~n· If fla~o:r~~nt violations per bl~t. Good Condition "If motori&IJI don't Cart! to drive u fely, then lhtolr llcen.-s wtll be ~I.I.'!IX'n<kod and they will be dt>· priv('d ot the UM ot their cnrs," • Judgt> Kauhnan wd.. Slnct> thr jurUt wu ual«Md to traffic court Have Y o·ur Brakes Tested Regularly • DON'T DRIVt: wtnt S~IOOTH TIRES HAVE TIIEM RECAPPED ........ ~. pa.ded cuilt)' .. ~a autamobO• While urt- ... tile IDtlufttce ol I~ and -IIMd Sl.50 ln dty court t.hll .... on March 11. tw haa IUJI)t'nded 11· cenM"S ot 167 driv~rs. The National Safety Council Reports ' This "Drive With Safety" Message Sponsored by the Following: Vallely Boat Rentals lllotar and SaU Boeta CJ:: ........ ....,.._, I 11 ,.,... .. ...._ ..... n HI· Way Garage OGida1 Sou\Mm C'allforntA Auto. O ub Cerqe n .. N..,.rt ......_..._ 111. Reed's Super Service 8heiJ ()61, Gu, Lubrication and A cr<'MOfi('S me w..t c .. t...a ...... Port of Seven Seas Boat LandinR • •' • .... .....,_M.,..., "'ap--81 1 CoM& lllc'tt,_..:J Balboa Circle Taxi AQ Roer . Day or ~lcllt-1'11. S pt. S!O I Newport Auto Works a-.1 RftJalrtnr·24·hr. tow !lefvlce. Sun~~et Gas a Oil t.rt ,..liMIIn lOt~ a ec-t. BIYd. NatJonal Auto. Club EmerRI.'ncy Stntlon llanlhaw'a 1-Stop Service Station o.nlllete Auto Service Lubriaatlon --BrRkes ~llnN1 l nl N~rt IU...S.-<'oeta M._ Lowman Boat Builders • N....,.rt Bh'd.~oeta M- • Eta-Holdn & Galvan • Elt'Ctrld&n" C()-Two Fl~ Equl~nt for Factory. Store. Ortlce, Farm. H~ 1 ... Ceu' JD...,......,..._ liM Dean Termite Control QanntMd ~nnltc Control-Lateet Jmprov('d Methods ltl'f l)o. llaiA 81.-&alata .._f'llloM IllS Market Spot Anton Hershey ttl llartM A--Balboe blallcl Lido Richfield Station Wuh • PoUsh • Luhrir"tlon NU-W. ~•tnl -Enn• Toelle Newport Tackle Store I N MeF ...... r•a;_s.,""port Oolrunerd nl ant! Sport r;,,nr Good Stock ol PrP.W:-tr J.lne ..,_ alma, M-•C1'r Balboa Fun Zone Bal~• AuthoriZted Shell Oealer t!1 M~ho41 l 11l1111d "Luhrirnt lon" • W-1\.~hln~ • J>oH~hin~t nre Re·('applac Our ~peclally llelf\ft and Don Wood-~ l!l9·W Boyd's Service Station 11\00 \\'f"lt C'f'nt n~l -Phone eM Mt•bil.:n!l nnc1 Moolloil Luhrlcnlln(t • Wt\.~hlng • Polish ing Bnll•'rlrll • Auto A~Y~riMI Bayside Fish Market· U th ll IAI•Jl'UI'-Stwport ~IW'h Sportland Bowling Center ''Thvlls" 11nd Roy Kl"'"n<' Mala ~t~t-1\alhM.o--MIOftt' !AO! "For Y1•11r llrruth'-Snkt-. Ilowl" Excelsior Creamery !)onto Ann Cal1fom la Foster & Sons 1'n.Jscot 1 C"nlll«'l'l' Phone fl36 !l'.lO CuMI Jli~hVI"R~· ~rwport ~ach Gus Beach Hancock St2rtion FiN'l<ll'nr• Plt'(hlr" :mrl llnni'N'k C.n" Home SuppllN•. Apphnnr•'l<, l'nint. llnr-dwar~ liM Sf'wport 01\'d, -C,.ta Mf'M Lester's ~ppinl' • Complf•te 'I'lft Semc. New-U~ 1Wpaln-8·hr. Servicle tMO W. O.~Newpert Virg's Garage and Texaco Station ~ t tM Weet Oeab'al A880Ciated Service Station Pop•' and Sc~r !t th A Ceatni-Newport Newport-Balboa Auto Supply AutrlmOII\'r Surflll•1! -Open 9 a.m. to 6 ,p.m. Lt't u~ ll••lr \'.,u With "lour Parts Problem \.l••n \\' Conkle · M11na~:rr 2\08 \\'. (',.ntrl\.1 A.e. -Npt. Bdl. !I S'e farrell's Garag~ (;(on,•r:~l fl, l••ot mg • Brnkcs R"ll nro l\lmur Tun.-·1 I• • WhN•ls RalnncN1 304 '!lith 1-!t.-' ,., t to l.ucu~·· lkaut y Shop. Casino Cafe & Refreshment Loultge 20! :\11\ln !>lt.-Loul11 Verwey-1\alboa Kenn<·t h E. Wilson Co. Otri~·Crnft t "1•:o , 1, Olm lcr MRrinr En~,1nt'll 9211 (',.,.,, llljChway-l'hone II.IU Ray Shore Cafe C'n: .. t 111, hwav-T. F. Norton Rrrnkl ••t :-.. ',.,, Snturdny nnd Sundny llp,•n 'i ,, 111 •. !I ll. m.-ct~ Monrlny ''l'~•' ~1>11r 1\ 11 , lnSI('Ad of Ynur llnm'' .Johnstone Service ('out llh ,, ,( ttl m.t-way-~4'•'POrt Phone t j;7:.!·.1 '' ~.. • Is nnt or your hal11•ry run down ' ''· h1 ~ and Mobll<'il HigJ;tin~ t•leasure Craft I I \\'attlt. Mnnn~:rr III II ( .,,..1 tflway-l'h. 1101 MarCurdy & Calkins, Inc. Nf\\OI ,\r. h,,., · I 11 1'\UIIrlr~ Oo.1t Rt•pairin~: : ~:1p· \ •' For l~ts For Snl<' I ll;, t nn'l lt •~o:.''" ,,. l'honc' teN Freitag to Pitch For Harbor HI in Santa Aaa Game llarhor Hi Coa ch Wendell Pk k· I t>ns is throwin~t his biJ;: acr. Ralph Fl'eilag, a~alnst the Saini& from San Ia Ana today ITui'SdAyl, in I 1 the hope of coii('('Cing I ht-ir sN'ond le ague bllS('ball win at lhe t"XI'lt'n.sc or the visitors. Last Wl.'f'k Ralph I hUTicd a onr·hit shutout to win from Fullcrton. 5-0. I Thur<~dlly aft~>rnoon thl' locats1 20 up a~nin111 llltntington R<'a('h 1 on thl' ll)('al d111mond :~nd Frrll111: ~ 111 I.Jo· llHiilnhl•· only for rcllrf Scotch tape, varioua llJDia, • lllle at the New.-Times • canvas By the Yard Wide Widths-All LengtN . Santa Ana Tent & Awning Co • 1829 8o. llalll 8&. Pboae 20'7 SANTA ANA • Before You B1lld or Remodel rillt our la&enlltlq •mple aad dis~y rooms. . . . Color KUidee. Plan- tUng aids, oomp~ herurive stock of n.tgS, carpeta and linoleum. :;.:. a-..4. ' . . ..,... LUDLUM Carpet Works 11%% Soutlil Mala ,_t. "'-e ... ta ADa tiN SANTA ANA ~')\:C~~ ~~~fl~l1~r:,q:~~~·~~~~v1C:"~ 1 ~;;;;~::;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;~ n llttll' ru•ty.fmm IIH'k ,,r compt'· • lltlon during F:n.str r Wl•l'k, hut if the h111trrs flnli tllrir (')'(', thl'rr may f)r soml' UJ)f«'ts In t hi' INI~>:Ue which findA Ornnc(', who n•cc'n11)6 wc•nl to the rmnls in thc tournR·I nwnt at Pomonn, slttinl( ns Sun· !WI favorllt'll. Thcr1' will Jxo quite a pitcher's du1•1 next Tursday whrn Frr•itlll( and Co. mo't't th(' ( )rnn~:,.mrn 1 Ernie's Cle~ners Now Mercury In Costa Mesa Mrrrury CIPIIOt'r". ror m<•rly Ernir'~ in Costa ~trs11. Is now Hnd<'r th<' mnnBJZ('m<'nt elf William C Pnw('ll, o~nt'r &nd operator of Sto\'('r al ci('AninR rstnhhllhmf'nts in Lon~~: IW&ch Thr plAnt, which ill self-cont Ained on the Pft'mhwa and handiPll the Clf'I\Oinjt Of clothes wltho.ut the 11ppnrrl leaving the H ta blishmcnt, is now featunnc two-hour lpl'cial service on men'• sulu, If nHd be. 2-Bedroom Homes Built on the Lot You Select .• Payments About $30 per Mo • 100°/o G. I •. FINANCING You Pay Only: Appraisal & Escrow Fees Dennison & McBroom Sales Corson & Ray, Gen. Contrs. We AJ-. Balkl f•r 'l1loee Wllo WW .... ., ._, &o v...,_ Powell declare• the plant hu ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ the lat"t equlprnt'nt and II prop-- erly equipped to handle rut and quallty-alvlna aervt~. • Mr . Powell, who now rnlcSH ln Long ~ach witt. hil Jttle and four-year-old 1011, il looklna for houllnc In the Harbor IU't!t. Slats • 0 ~ Wood AWNI NGS PA \' Jo~R TIIEMSF..LVES Fr'('('(lorn f rom upkN'p nnd t'<'plncC'mcnt expense m akes the first C'Ost thl' last cost. t•abrte whlf'll fn~y• and w..an ~· 111 C'llm · plf'tely f'llmlnatecl In -I· SLATS • 0 • WOOD A\\7fti.qlll 1\lore com(ort ! Pl'rmnnf'nt ~ood look~! Tnilorrd to fit th(' nrr hl· t('('tUr(' nf YOt.:R tu'm<'! FOR F.~TIMATt:~ P HOS F. OR WRITI': Slats • 0 -Wood Awning Co. of Oran~tf' County 7U 1\o. Mllladfol1lhla ~t. Anahf'lm, C':.tlf. l'hnnf' t'UII.-rton 18.,:1·.1 IW\'f'rMI T oll C'har&f'11 AVO I RUSHHO ·s~ $-.1 s..r, ~ a..~,.IMrNtreo .. ..Wr 'hopplaalh)o ... t, .,._.. ..., crip ~ 10 ud ), .,..,._._ poMibl~. <>on aMd.yw. too, .,;.u ....... d1Miboppi11J dcariaa ~ ,.,.. -.k llooan pe)'l ~ dtYicleodJ ia b«Mr HJYia ud oeJ~ II dw lfONI-ud I _.. -fenallte ride ..... • ·-. ~-.. ..... • ~--• 1. --· CoSta Mesa; A MeGca For Smart. BuYers~ Dr. Robert A. Crawford OPJ'OMETRIST 1,. N.wpel't ~ 11-. Cllllll . ......... £££ Curt H. Bowman The Bohman ~mpany -...-......... . -o-.t ~-.N..,.n ....... a.M. --£tt 0. Z. Robertson General Contractor U1l o-.t ~ ... -· (Wif.. · N.wperta ttt Harold K. Grauel CHAPEL 111 ......... o.ta ..... c.lliwllla -,,, ---- A. E. Groty -J. A. 'Groty Groty Appliance Co. fttaldaiN ... ...,... Deslw-ftwr lft6 lftl N-..rt ~ .... Oallt. ££t John E. Sadleir Real Estate -Insurance omer..._..:,... -.. ~~~ ......... c.au. £ £ £ F. B. Owen Newport Souvenir & Gift Sh<!P GIFTS OF ALL KINDS Pboae !11%·1 1101 o-a Froat-Newpon ~ Calli. £££ L. H. Ewen -Proprietor Mesa Radio & Electronics Co. ftc).., M3 11M Newport BIYd.-eo.ta 11-. C.llf. £££ HUBBARD HOWE · Pres. Hubbard's South Coast Company nu w. O.I,..._Newpon Mot £££ HEINZ KAISER, Owner Bay Shore Camp and Boat Landing l'HIII ... c-t mp_..r-PitoDe: Nwpt.. lW £££ Lew H. Wallace }\eel Estate and Insurance Broker ......,.: omee ~Rea. 11519 lilt W. Ceetnl Ave.-Sewport 8Mda, c.ut. £!£ COY E. WA 'ITS Balboa Liquor Store 'fM..&. Oratnl A-. .... .,_, 0a111. n. u~ ...,. ...... o1 Oordlal:lty .. -o. o. a...a.. Mer. !£! J. M. Miller REAL ESTATE BROKER PlilollelUt lM a& CeetrU--Newport .._... "On Your Way to Balboa" !££ Walter J. Gerhardt Our Photographer 4.1'7 Fenlleal A.--a&---<:oroaa cJel lllar, Or.llf. Newport a-ell !tt·W t £ "! Newport Engineering Associates FREDERIC J . SINGER. Prealdent MuufliCtureN & e.Jee DactBMN Ul5 OoMt JDrtawar-.,._ UG ! £ t Otto Boyd Boyd's Service Station 1111 w. Oeatrai-Newpon BeliCit-....,_ 116 t!! Wallace C. Matoon , Mattoon's Shoe Store .. f ootwrar for All tht> .Family .. 1'7H Newport BIYd.-Coeta MeM £!! -. FRANK A. AND MILDRED WALSH Costa Mesa Pain.t &'Hdw. ~ Sbenrbt-wtma.... Qoa.flty Pabat. Kelvtaator Appllaat8 .,.._ UOI·W Coata ,.._ 114! Sewpon 8h& t t! G. N. Wella Real Estate ,.._ Newport 111 , ... )If~ ...... -e-ea ..... ()alii. ! ! t . 0 . R. (Pop) Cmwley-N. M IMorrlr) Crawley Dl~tlnctlve Homr Fum iAAini[S Crawley's Furniture unt s ewpon llh-4.-Phow t noo Costa M~-"ln thE' Hrnrt of Town" • ! ! t :W. t. \'AtiOKS 'Tm no 'ht'PI'-my 'Sflir·~· in t hi~ husineM'\ · Modem Shoe Repairing Collt M--R. W. Se"·port Ave. Through Their Knowledge and Experience Many P.eople H~ve Chosen Our District ~, HAROLD K. GRAUEL ---~sA-tE-S SEIUICE _ I - I I I . I· .· • ·? I . ' .. . ... . . ' . A. E. Groty Joe A. Groty A. E. Groty ud his brother .Joe an puiaen Ia the Groty A~g,e Co. of Costa Meg, loaated at 1791 Newport Boule- vard. Botb boys were bora la Delphos. ObJo. but the family AOOD moved to Florida aad thea came to Saata Ana where they settled on aa oraag .. orchard. A. E. Groty went through the Tustla aDd Santa Ana IW'Jioollt where be .bowed a talent for botb mathematics aad mecbanlal. Uke hk brother, .IM~ A. Groty Jlbowed mec'hanlcsl talfoat 't'hllfl Ia high llcltool at 1\allUn, takla~ both aato ud ........,. ahop work. He WM alllo lnten!llted Ia athlflU01 aad won hill lf'ttn Ia trvk. Oa lea''laK twhool ht~ f'DI#red ~ for himself, havtn~ a kayak ren~ at BaJbua. He left tbM to be- oonw ~~ervla-maa for the Kao• llanlw&N" Co. Ia Manta Ana. llf'rvk-laK domMtlc eiN!trtcsl appllaacwa. (Jolng to the DouliM AlrC"raft Corp. at S..ta Moalal be bf.camf' a radio tHhnldan and .. ..,. lat...r traaafeiTf'd to the l..oag Beach plant. He ~ an expert In ~ ~· Dlflnt for aln'raft and ~lnd hill IN'eOIICidaM radJO.Jete- phone II~DIM'. EnliAtJa1 In tM navy hfl atteadfld radio tedl- Dk-lan IW"hool but wu retUJ"IIf'd to Doudu at their requed. HuntJnc ud fishing are hilt rNJ •u«hi: Be leanlrd the plumbiq tnde aDd Wf'nt lato the shl~ )'al"d8 u a ma.riDe plumber, ata}'lag wttu 1945. Ia the meaD- time be had married bla w11e. Neola, aDd topther they plaaDed the fiDe 8tore wblcb hu DOW become a reality, la puiaenhlp wltb .Joe, wbo Ill •rvb maa for the. firm. A. E. I. lateftlllt.ed la m.tahar1y ud UU. to .Dd bla vacations ~for metall. J . E. RAGSDALE fne~ owner) Balboa Motel 115 E. CelltrU--a.Jbo-l"twlee S%8 .t. .t ! Louis Verwey, Prop. Cuino Cafe & Cocktail Lounge 10! Mabl ltreet.--BalbO.-PIL '7'7t·M !!! HowardJ. Gerrish IIAA1TOJU) naE INBU&A."fc& 00. 'PIIoiMI Ill 1.. Newport 81~..--c.eta 11-. C.W. . ! t! DON NORMAN Norman's Meat Market liMO.. ... A__..._ .. ! t! ' Balboa Market ancl Deliutessen ANITA SErJ'ON Prop, '" ~ c-..........,._ nu j Paul Lorentzen Ba1boa Sportfishing Fleet· ' PlloM N1-&lboa Pa.Uioa A. (Sandy) Steiner HEAL TOR C. F 01::1'\NISON, IU.'IOCillh' IS4 <-~• to...,-~ %611 l t £ DAMIA JI)PnEN, MunuJ(rr Orkin's Departmef\t Store Reedy·to-wettr IIHdl Top, Pk'Ol' Goodl Inf11nt..t' WPIU'-Howehold Wan ..... !U.._ID tM ~ ef Coeta ll- £&t Bob Allen . COUNC ILMAN Prop. \41.80.& IRI..AJ'IfD VA&Dn'Y I'I'OII.E "t t t JOSEPH L. MARSHALL chrl;ti~a:;Hut ..... Ltt Thomas F. Norton Pr-op. BAY SHORE CAFE ...._ IN._I'nll A o..t 81rtt-7 SE'RVINfi 12 NOON TILL 9 P Y t'! t " 111M A. ,... 8. Siegel & Raub ENGINJ-:F.Jtq and SURVEYORS 11108 Srwpert ~.,... ...,_ tUI·I o.e.. M- . -. .. SPORTLAND-BOWUNG-PA VIUON - Mary's . Bay & Surf Beauty Shoppe PNIII'UI"'t' nnrl Mnnlc:'Urinr '701 P:. C.tral-fta,..__...._ INI-1 Thru th•• lloftrllf'r Shot• .t .t .t Volney Hay Balboa Motel t t .t. Braden L. Finch Gf-n MJCr FiRch Ceramic11 .t .t .t ~ r~ Shant" -R.foc'on1lnc li.:Ja&lneft' Davis & Gay Mosie Co. 1101 Jlflnt'pOI't .. ~-ta .. _ ........ 616 Walaat lt.-fi•Uqt.oe ,._.. 1!! Theodore Robins FORD DEALER PILU II II tv. OIIMral ! ;t .t T. LEFEVRE "Frenchie's'' Barbecue & DellcateMCn ,., ..... ,._..,._HeW"'" ... Telfphone ·2402 BALBOA ..... , ........ . AL ANDERSON Fun Zone -...... ...... tt~ --Bob Callia . ~ ~ ..... ~ ..... (ft.YUfO _,.. -t 117 lltll ..........,_,...._ .. II ttf ttt" ROBERT H. REED -· · Harbor Cold Storap ....... ..... ._....,.. ...... 01& ''' Capt.JU~cNally Balboa Boat llie11 •a-• .... n •• ''' ''' Herbert F. Ke~ POSTMASTER ~. ''' W . B. Rowe Starck's Cafe ai .. ......._H..,.... --. ''' Fritz Goo.ena -Woody eocp. Balboa Market ~H..,.n_. ..... ''' jack Hamtlton Beacon Sea Foodl .......... till o...e ...-.r-x ......... ella &&t ALLAN DARTFORD ·The Blue Saill ....... ....... ,,.~ ............ -~ • ............ ....._.._H..,...N -t t ,,.,. Robert K Arvin's lewelen ud Watdl ' ,. ......... tr ..... ...... New,.,. ....... OriW. ttt WUUam MncCurdy W. H. (Skip) Cal'ldN M~~~rL ~s, me. K. E. Nledecl&er, S.C. A now.. Ull OrMie JIW7,·•H..,.. ...__,.._ Jlf ....... ttt Stanley James Barden ~ MASTER MARINER ... ~~"_.., ........... 111 C._t ...... y_,.._. .. ttt C. F. Dennison ~ ......... A. -aANDr' IITiaiWD-....._ .. ()aMI ........, ......... _ .. .,. t •t! . MAC PELLETIER Newport Phannaey 1111 o.-rrvea-ft•• 1 ttt ANTON HERSHEY M~;tSPot .................... ttt Donald J. Harmon BALBOA HORSE RACES w-. w-. W• IIAIIl ler.M ...... ! t t Dennis Hogland PLYMOUiH ttt ARTHUR SILVER New Blue Room (Wu F.t.c-trtn Orlll) FA'M, DRINK8 AN() KOIU.Nca ~Jelll·W !llhla £tt Burt R. Norton R~DIO ELECfRICIAN • ,.,_., un 1111 c-t HIPway-Sew.-;t ......, o.llf. ~ 'I See Atomle Help In Locating Oil .......... ) ... iifenadeiMar NeWB (BJ' ... 1.. hl•lllet} For Milltal7 Serriee ......... M.1M Gl)'de Maynard. ~aview -~tv~. ap.nt Saturday wtth ~ fll Ita procram for hitlii!l Ia Clarftnonl ., •• ,. ~ from mntllrY ~data at the AIN>rlc:an Chern· W". franchlae ····· ·-·-·····-··-·--·-· ···· ··· I •. 91 111'1. S. W. Black~ll'd. Ill Or-~ eo bldudt annuity Cl't4itl leal ~ty thla week reported So. · T~e. CD., r.-/. atadoM Ia dty .. 25.80 ctrid avenu., 8erWd a cWSptf'td wu &nDCIIIIDOid today by ~ m .. ~ mattiTit tbe ~ tDtJ:apart a.d\, the ~lbUity that In the future So.~rtlr:.~~~~ .... ~ .. ol_ .~~ 2,288.30 delert luncheon to nwmben o1 o1 c.utomla ~ ~ tile Ad ol ~ I. vast new drpoelta of crude oil South Coast co .. rent on ~tral Av~. the Starbricht club at their rqu-President ft. G Follla laid _, • f'\abUiher may be dt'trcted by atorolc-aae Md Dock• No. 4. ~. 1 ...... 332.!50 lv mqnthly meettnc FricSay aft«-· .... . • General M• -..-technlqUN. Plannlnc CommtuAon, beartnD, efwrtl~ 30.00 noon. 'rhe afternoon wu ~pent 1ft afble emplofft would ~ crantecl nt.()8T • • • • Editor A theory that c:rudf oil is form-Croft .t Neville, pier pennlt lot If, Udo 25.00 plqiDc bltdp. ____ .:.._ ____ .=...:=:.:.:..=..::==:....:====----- DIXOf'f • ---• .Adwrtialnc ........, ed by the radloactlvr tranafOT· U. S. War Dept., rent on ~ frontage . 1 .4~.33 Mn. Blanche Lanl'l\&de. Palt-r-------------------~;~----. ~~~2P!Mt.~~3011~ w. O.tJaJ A,._.., Newpol't a.eh. Calilonlia matlon of familiar orcanlc aub-U.S. Treuuill, bal. rent 011 .. ,.... A A B · · 4 12911·.5200 aadt'l. hu returned trom a vta(t Newpwrt-. D-IL-T--..Z-6 8••-• . _ atanon baa beftl 'ckvdo~ by a ' Geo. Vanderb II, rent 011 dk. :Z 6 r.fe 6 ···-··· , ~.9'7 fJl NWn1 ma.U. wltb ,._.. _ u.auu. UUI"IBt. ua- ()fficial Paper of the City of N.wport Beach • poup of M ... chuaetta Jnatltute 1 g~lt~~: :=-.· ... -....... -and relative. ln the eu t. AI Malt. ol "trawl to Dlrope, Maldco, Hawa.U .& DIU , Me l...a .......... fw O..l'f y_,. of TechnocolocY lclentlata. They vacatl~· of alleys .............. -.... _.. ... 130.00 Mr. and Mn. Newton Cox, Blue ftcald..tlle-Wortd 'l'rt&J-Ia the DeV tua.'e. See • told the convention how their In-Patterson .t Boyle, uw ol en~ equip.. ... .... -&5.50 Haven. Larkapur a venue, enjoyed lin. ._ t•: ft. .L •1 -..-..- I ~ · Ac:tive veatlaatlona artt deve.loplng In the F. L.. Rinehart, quit claim ~. : the company ot thtir panddauah· -~ •- . Jaboratl)ry the radioactive pro-Lot 1. Blk. B. ht Add. N'!Pt. lh:hl• ... ... 785.08 trr, 'usan Cox, Puadena, durlni 1 • a. & ta I .. & M.ab.r C8NI that may nplaln hoW na· Lot• 9. 11, 13. 15, MJk. 638, C.D:M. .. ....... 1.137.40 Euter week. . of ture, over a p.rlod of ten million John D. McMillan, aewer aupt. MWer connect. 596.83 Lt. Col. ~. 308 Lar~ ;;;;~~~~;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;; ·~-'Ia .. -th U. S. ~asury. rent on Aquatic Tt, Centt'r.. . 625.00 a-n"• 1 1 al da t • yeen, ... """._ ·~ e conver-DQJ\ald w. Douglu, l'ftlt clod& 1 It pra(e . ... 7!S.!50 .... -· pen ~ever )"' n ,f,;.-----------------------alan ot protein, tata and othn Ru.."-'M!ll Cral&', H.arbor Malter,~ permit• 617.10 Bernardino to aet their future acmpln materialt Into oil. A. M. Nelaon, Bolldinc lnapeetor: home I"Nd1 lor OCC:UI*JtCY. 1'he1 11M reee.rch hu ahqwn that 1 Bul1dln&' Permlu •. --·············· .. •·· .. 1,902.00 haw 8014 thetr place ,._. to Mr. bulc hydroearbone found ln oil Bulldln&' pHmlts ... J .................. _.___ 331.00 and ~ln. • Robertaon. San Ma'tino, ean ~ proctuc:H by the ~tfect ~ Electrical permlta _. .......... -... ··-·-· 146.05 ~ wW tab J'Clllsn'm u -.oan r~vity In ~anle com· Plasterin&' ~rmlt~ .................... _ 24.00 • the Khool t«m enda. pounda by bombardment or radla· Chimney pnm.ltl ···-···-···-···· .. ·-····· 6·00 lira. Eva Dutter, Ocean avenue, dl I . Tile ~rmlts ····-······ .. ····-··········· 3.00 and Mn Doria ~hl Golcltnrod Uon under laboratory con t ona. Removal permlta ....................... ::. 1.00 · · • Whethe-r atmUa.r converalons may Sale copie~ zonlnr ordinance . .•... .. .. 9.00 avenue, wiD wrve u c:ourtft)' fll. C'Aelplete Foataln 8erriee at HANSEN'S ·N""J'Jri . ADotber t'" of aJdden pi"'OI)erity iB in prospect for tbe M · u bualnea and Industry rtraJn anxlooaly aplnlt grad- .-Jy yleJdtnr po.t-war banien. Wheels which have m.de an ~~ ctant ol tM country are going to hum u t..bey haw .. 81\W bummed beiDre tn peacetime and the pace, undoubt- tab place In the orcank: mah!f'iat EJectncal examinations ........... ........ 62.50 tk:en Friday eovenlnc, April 31. prewnt tn oil flelda to form a~ Plum~r examinationa ..... _ ...... _... 17.50 ot the Lacuna 0\apter, Order fill MAI.ft e MJtbWJc M pr«iable quantltln of petrolrum R R Hodgk.if\801'1, Ueenw coil. bua. lirrn.~... 1,117.00 the Eutern Star. Mrs. O.t._-, e J1A11B11801::11 • .... wW be bNatbst&ldiW and bafiU.ne, .,._,.. are to be puled b\ lpeeds adjusted to an qe "'** hu produced ma.atMy ol the atomic world, lUper lpl8lll Ill rocket plaDel and projectlles and other major dls- ---~ln tbe tleldl ot ldmoe and~:. Ia not ~t kr:· Fur~r atudy Rober-. ~ardner, poll~ ~. ftne. ('(lliecttd . 'n3.00 wttl ~ Worthy Matron and .. ~ te 'bike_ ()at Ia ....... u 1 the 1 port Parkmg meters, revenue for March 917.00 14,!5M.46 M"ri.".Diehl u Star Point. Ad&. """'"' ma o m • R. R. H~inson. lAX collector: ._~---------------------.1 ance of ndloactJvtty In lhe forma-l Taxi'S and as..~ments. C:UITeflt 7,988.52 M~· laDdd ,lfn. L. r• __ ,_~ --o;~~ ..... ~~.,iij~Ui;i'ili-"""i;-;ftip;;Mii;jiU!Mj";i"".-_ tlon of crude oil. and of mf'th<wil Tuxes and ~ents. ~ptirms 478.52 .... go avenue are ente> ........ whldl may be u.ed In dl'tectlng 1915 a('t, full paid a.ueurnenu . 59.70 Mr. Folsom'• couatn, Minor a-. AD tb1a repraena tbe '.mactural pattern ot t.tha<irow, but a world moving 10 rapidly la apt to think slowly, ~bly ..._.. tbe npldtty ~ recent developmenta will leave ..-aU nrw oU depoeltl F . L. Rinehart, -..or: aell and hla cSauahter M'1ar FJor.. Mea.nwhlle, wtth the · world'• Unattachl'd ~non~ taxes . .... 228.88 ence ~II. Grand Meedowa. AODOOII'I'&Jft' PIAJIIO DN'WM proven oil l'ft(lUl'()l!l atJII of limit-Dorothea Wllllon. Ubr., rent• a: fl11E'11 .. . 188.14 Mbm. u.-au..u hM jult reo r------------, .------~-----·• ed ntent the Inn~ of Indus-: E. Slekler, camp c:ust., ~ipu, camp ~;rds. . 113.80 turnec1 tnJm oveneu duty .. he.cl trial ~ on cllplomacy wu R. B. Th<k'r. 88.1e or houae at camp grounds. 1 ~.0000 ot the 173rd General Hc.pltal In .!o...•;u'!BYJ~ .. _............ 1 Robert Gart:llwr. pollee Ju~e. traltic finl's ...... ,,.., ---........._,_ ..... _ ..... evt ........... by the nt matH pre-Bank or ~mea. rl'dm. of war bonds ... 75&&3.99 .... ..._ .... ........, ......, -""~ a year • ......_. llr ..,. u...,.. ew-'1'1-ia. aent..cl by the oU lnduatry to the ~ ~ dty Iota .......... --............. -..• _ ....... ~···· .. ·~-3:.U75 and a balf. She MrYed u :-tune .., =~ •-=-:. -=:-..: ~~a~~~~!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~f=~~~=:~~~~:~&·~~~'''n~~·.~~~~·~~ 50~~the~torftwye~. ·~. •=~ • and we .. the nation tully corwdoua ot Pollee Dept .• n>«ipll from parklna iol 442.80 'Jl)e Sunday Sdtool Guild or the Ill I .. _..._ Property Ownen, Newport Hu., IE'W<'r paymu. 1~.00 Community ch\D"Ch, Corona del ..._ .......... ......_ .,..._ .._ ~ dDed for,_,. to eo~~~e-. PIANO TEACHER G. V. LJNIJ:NBAJU> Gndua"-.. ,., O••·~;......,. Ph.l.ZD-W 1P8 w. Ooean J"roet I a ...... tor pr'Oipell, when we note how q\dckly ~ mudl about thil Vitlll resour<'e John McMlllan. water SUpt .. rev. Wft!(•r dept... 7,5{}g.65 Mar, will IE'J'W cllnner for ~ '--__ ..... _......;,.'.....;,. ...... ...;,.... ___ .. ~ .. ;;;;....;.·.:.._ _ _. .. bu taken to the aJr. 1be fann«, in fact, who wu dUrlnt the exchan~ti'S on the qul'a· orseJR1;~F:NTS·: ... . ....... -........ 1663.370.72 younr married couplea ln the ao-~PIIY L.--MOIAl'f---.-.-.-UIIG--IIO-D,--II.D.--J ' -~ to a. a b&t behind hll dty COUilna in accept1na t::. ot RU.:Ian troop~ ~~ 1~;"i CUrrent expenst> fund ... .... .... ........... .. $24,333.13 ~:!-u h~t .:~:::Ohea.:.~~~ ,------------, ......... aa -o'm out u.dln .._....._.effort to make I try apo etmt'n revu a .Park fund ... ... . ..... _. .......... ..... . 477.28 Armand Monaco H R. H·" M D _, l~ --4.2 per cent or the world's I Water maintenance fund ...... -.... ·-·-·· __ ........ -... 5,'731).41 mav be made by calltna Mn. Bob • ...., • • flU. alqllaDe. ~ about the nation in plans, at ''JirOVf'd" ~trolrum r~rvt'A arr J Advertlaing fund . .... .............. . ... 1,101.60 Call Ia. 672-M or Mn. Gamble at .A8II atliiXII' ....,.._ _. ..,._. · .... MtuiW Unolt U (UIIInOn to the farTnHS of the ~the~~t!:t~t~ru;;;:se,;:;~ ~~~ fu~ ... ·· :::·:::~::::::~~:::~:::: t~~ 1~·J. J . Muatanl 721 Hello- 81' "-.~';;;. ••• Houra: :Z-5, by ~taMat -.lllddsWellt. U thetr former trl~ to town .bY auto. Into the Sovi«'t Union. tht aiea 1 Reti~t fund · ........ ·· ~·· 1.233.49 trope avenue, entertained Tecently mt •v .... A-TelephoDe 21:10 --wiD come U. ~ habit for dty dwelJ«s and cian claim 50 per ~t of I.M Property fund .. ···· ..... ·· ................. 557.69 wtth a br1dal ml~Cellaneous ahoWer I.. ...,.._ ntJr ,.. ............... .._ _. .....,.... I f o0. M.Ll>. No. 7, bond redmlptlon ..... ,.. 120.00 f Mn Stuart Neebltt. 'l'wentJ ..._ ~ tllat Heawn lalows what. It Ia ~ an lnterestlne ~. world' a ult mat~ r~ o Cent raJ Oty bond redemption ........... 2t.I50.00 or . . L.-----------...J !...------------J ,. sea,---of tM tefldelrv to Uvea ......... button ~X· aecordlnr to an Hllmale by Stan· Gu tax fund .. . .. -.... ........ . 2.~.00 11JeSU 'll'lt'ft ~in and M.':. CUNICAL IA.BOilATO&Y • ._......_.. -., .....-• clard 011 of Nrw Jer~ey's geolo-Camp __ ... ····-··-·········· 735.03 $ 62,161.11 Neabltt 1nft Seatt e :-------------, •IIIQI. Uld It wtD IJ'OW more In~ with e8ch pUlling pt, WalteT E. Pratt. I Total tunds per clerk .. ... 800.409.61 a rr w w~ka ago. '1lle brid<'~tToom Clina·cal Laboratory ... ~ ....... MIIadlatenlational clftesenca lettle down toa · ·· Outstanding warranu ·· ... 2,624.28 ~lvf'd hla di~c:harge recently ''" GGvt. News Handling Total funds per treasurer ···· 603,0331119 trorn Navy R 2/c. '1lle couple will Otllce ...,.....: •. ,: .. .... by appot&'-t a.r complerency. I Bftpect~ submitted, leave for Connecticut aoon to live All a. IIPIIII .ad n&*1 IX'OII'f8 Ill ~ ~r Clumay; Hands Off J . A. 0 · Trn.surer. wtth Mr. Neabttt.'• parenta. 1 ' · ' & -ked b Servi~ . Mr. and M.n. Georce Hookam. TELEPIIONE HAJIBO& 111 .-&1 a...l to~ reeembl1n& a global neurosil. lUI Y No-Pass1ng Lines I :. • . 1302 Larklpur avenue aold their ..... ._...., ID qe made jittery by Ita own pace, and lt --Chan~ by State LETtERS TO THE house N"centiY to Mr. Wrhr of 1111 w. C.tnl Aft. P'-t••) to ftnd ouneJ In the -'ti ot Durtnr the war the preaa ~ 8~ Balboa Ialand. '1lle Hookama are I:: ..... w.tlft apt vet ....... on datlona fUTnlahed their~ re-Diviaion of Highway& NEWS.TIMES caring for Mn . Ida Ac~ DAY 801100L Jil••• with too many ~ We are Ukely to ll'OW weary, porn to r ovemmt'Tit agencln and __ ranch at Vlata while ahe and r------------, .... IDd .,.._ and •~~~trt ollll'loua pull)OIIe. Such theee were ~ tow~~:: ~.::O~t SACRAMENTO -The yellow C'A.LIJI'OaNIA NOT LOODT alateT, Mn. MacNeal of Pasaden . Mortimer Sehool --· wwJd be ciiiiMatnl to inteJ.li&'ent planning and ;:..~ '7o'dtC: acltiZt'nl of other "No Pualng" tTartlc llne 10 fa-MTATJ: fllf U. 8. r: t;:n~l:nd ~l~ c;omtfl-.. Oanl ...._ ...... ........ ~,. .......... ol OW' natSclnal problema. nlltl~. The rf'COrd of thll rov-1 ~llarli to Calsltomlahl molorlat,• Sacramento, CalU.. t~ves in Eng~:n~OT four I ~o~~h~-0....: OaDep. .. a rOn7 At tMI pcDt It doNn't teem likely, but another• era ot :nmen~brt!'n'wer~as.:::; ~a~~ ':.;':t. tate ghways a Dear Eclltor: April 18. 1~ Mn. Ackroyd, Mr. Hookam'~ DAY SCHOOL = rJ.IIiiil ....... lldlbt wtllle.d to a dJmax more jolting ~~tit 'mtareP-tSentaUonl and A aoUd white or barrier line on ,. N ..... nmea carr1ed a brief mothe-r, WIIA the !orrner owner of :: ... ,:n ... ~= ........... ~ y.u. ~ IC)o(SJied prosperity in 1929 a coocl deal of clwn•y amateur-the npt of the broiCeJI linl! And ltrm Ia Ita .... ol Mardl a. l!M6, ~~ ~ .k s~ ~· lba -r-· 11m On bel~ one may doubt ln the driver's Jane wtll Indicate quodftl me u atatinc that "Call· ,;;J4'e e .,::· Mr. the. value ot the contribution to "No Paallna." to~ 11 now prot.~ ~ larsst ~ Mn 00~:'~ ;.'!ce 1~ Pa: the war effort. A drt~r may overtake and pua t&ta 1n the union. dflc drt · t th St j ph hot· DI:NTIII'I'II Dr, Obed Laeu a._..,.._.. ol tbraatioa have ~ orpnbed _, ••• far ... pnpu"doft ~ foods to be ahlpped When It was propoeed to con· a llower movln&' vehlcl~ If the I I do not know wheft you may pit I S v~ ~ li ~ Unue thla activity Into ~ace-tlnw. broken line Ia In the driver'• lane, have obtained thla Information, :, ~ ,tY· ~ ld Scr the Allodated Prell and, the provldtnl the way ahead Ia clear but It would ~·utterly bnpoaalbte 310 r Martaold n~ven':. wtth an~: ~ tfnlted ~ ftfu.ed to make for California to ~ the tint Scranton'• brotheT, John and n. --~ w. 0an11n1 ft. ttll -~ •tklnl a~Jr'Md. Ttlla Ia one ol the real worth-liliWi'OIH' B&.&al ~ that eoukt be made in the nation at thM · jM ._.. M eo~llklered alpedally by all women'• t.Mtr IM!'WI rttport avaUable for Billion Dollar Boost State In ala, In View ol the fad ter, Dorothy van Lane. Lol An· IUch ~· For that refl»al F Ra•troact M that New York hal a population aeJea. ~nt the Wftk end ~ na they haw been eri~ and the 01' I 8 eans tn excesa ol lJ,OOO,OOO. Juana. .._ _________ -J eritkl have treely Meribed mo-a· h Tra I Stand d Tbe etattment I medl wu that r------------Uves. Thla eampalcn hu been IC ve ar . CalUornla Ia now prot.bly the n,e retlna ot the human eye Ia akltd by varloul commentators HCODd tarcest State In the \Inion. alx>ut half an Inch 1QU8re and Dr. W. W. ••• I ' nd WhoM whoAe outlook hu beeorne Colnlna out ol the war-ln tn vt.w o1 the fact that CaJUor~ about .,...ftttleal fll an Inch ID DeMiil& 1L•r.a1~ ... U.-take~ ol the prdlnl. 10 ~an that any reference to whJch 1M)' were called upon to nia'a pneent populatlOII ia bt Ow thktmeae, aceordlnc to the Better Anwriean ways and tredJtlona In CUTY ~ than 90 ~r ~nt of ne.lahborhood of 9,200,000 and V1aton lrwtltute. the conluct of forelp affalra Ia the military tranaportaUon load-very ctc.e to, and II not exOHd-;::==========:::; ,., _,DOt a. able to r.dllta new pJ llt'lO,OOO c1lvorc:l8 uaually cSfterlbed u "naive" and the rallroadl are belnc asked thia &ac. tMt ol "'-State o1 .Pmnlyl· ... ,_.., Wr .,., GUl & Jamal ei:J*I1IISon ~ 1ta blgeat Vfl'Y ~tm far leta eharltable queaUon: vanJa, Whlc:fl f0f"''Mrl7 ,... leCOnd .... ~ wldctl 11 ... ltwd Plnblln& 'Tbe nnw. tt'1'1'N art' t'l'npi())'M "What are you roln11 to do to New York ~ lise S H o·E S "'" '. ' -about peacetime equlpmt>nt snd VICI'OR. W. KILLICK. CJUef ... 111-. . Judge laaac Pacht aervtc:es?" I ltur'Nu of StatliUCI Be,.trecl W.. Yoa Walt General Chairman of And here's the anawer for 1946 : I Dept. ot Motor Vehlclea _...__ be ..:..._._.. --1-, A billion dollan' worth of nrw ~ lm.-t QWCMIU, • .,. .. ..._of temporary Roger& Ca.lftpalp locomotives, nrw and huvirr Happtnesa Ia that clellahltullt'fl· f.o"~~~~~~~~---~ tf OUI' economy Ia tO IUn'ive. BureaUC• --• • rails, new OpeTatlnC faclJitll'8, n('W A tfon a woman fee.ls when her Ray Pagan 515 Eut Bay Front ; -.., 11 a ...... Cluftt tbaft lnftation, Iince it multiplies for-W111 Jtocen Jr .. Dernoeratk' can-eqUipmt'nt. matl'riala and sup-I new draa Ia the admlratlon or ... wbUe 1111 lld~Mklrt----'oda ew~ttually end "-Win-dldate for U. S . Senator In the piles or all aorta. This means new ! ' _, .,... • June 4 prlmarln Monday an-ldeaa In cars-whole new trains men and the envy of wpmen. Nut .._ e. au Vllw Oah ........ ~.... ~ Scott. Editor,,. Bullttln, ChUUcothe, Dl.lnol.a. nounct'd ll'kctlon ~f Judgl' Iaaac providing the utmoat In snfrt), -=======~· ===============:::; C PactA a• Gencr41 Olslrm11n of comfort rnd luxury. New m01lvc i A .6uwt ~.that ol a New York thief who saun- out ot a hotel lobby with a grandfather clock. Not W'111 tt. atopped by a clown, asking: "Wouldn't a watch .. ~~aa~~eor-·· '~ San FraDC1sco Chronicle. 'Jbe R...tan espimqe project in Canada might a~ havr been designated Operation Flatfoo~.-St. POit Dllp&tch. D YOUR HEALTH WITH 24·Hour Radio Service ROKlC. AUTO, MAJU~ LU)IOI!J REP AIRED • hts ramp11 lgn N'nlmlt.tt't' Ralph power. Bt-tter tracks and road· T11ylor. late nf the l1. S:·N.wy, will beds. New standarda of drpt nd· 11ct ,._ sdmlnlstrnthl' ll8l'1~tnnt to ahll', ntl-sPason freight srn't<'l' Judcr Pttctot. Ro~ten s11ld For thl' (uturl'. thl' omm n •• ---lo he found In a mnlmUnlt<~ll ot Eve was th c-nly we~mnn who railroad rl'81'arch for IM·ttrr trans· rould aay l)t•)t•nd rhnnl'l' of rils· portatlon s<'r•ic;-, carril'd on m••r• put~. '1 have lhr hc-st h~hand in Rr ti,•cly nnd on 'tl broarler !runt I lh<' world!" ' than 1'\'l'r before. OeltclnUA Sea Foc:xt. ~ Or. complt!te rqulpme.nt ~·hen you w"nl to catch JOUr own. MARKET ~ ~ ON CE:NTPIAL AVENUE, NEWPORT BEACH New, Sensational Trolling Jigs For Albacore and Barracuda OOMMERCJAL n8JIERIIEN OOMPLEI'E SUPPLDS FOR S~allzing ln 'J'roUlng Gear McCallum & Harvey Z814 La Fayette Newport · •Phooe SIS ONCE AGAIN SAM'S SEA FOOD SPA Offtn Yoa the Jl'lnMt I~ to Dlae Ill Oranp Cooaty: All New-- - Even the Location ... One-I Jnlf Mile East of Old Location on Coost Highway. Beautiful New Cocktail Bar \\'c uart Southern C:tllfomi:t In the ~n·in~ ,f -SEA FOODS -- ALSO ... Oenlt ..._, OOSOK£ DEL 11.&11 ..... !f ..... I- New York Life luaranee eo....., DO!f & DmLUI'T &II ()roeMt .a-..... ·~ OOROI'fA DEL MAl\ OCCIDENTAL un INSURANCE oo. RayNie18en ..... lUl-l 118 &. iiQ .a... ....... IIO&TICIAJ(8 Harold K. Graael Chapel "W~ 0uf"1!('1ves the Better Serve by SeJVina <>then Betrt" Ptllotte Newport 611 eo.ta ~~-"! Caltlonlla · OPTOMETRISTS Robert A. Crawford Opt., D. OPTOMETRIST Eyo'~ ExAmined • GlasSt>s Fltted ti!ll S "'lJ<lrt BoulttYard Ph•ml' Z.SO COST A MESA E. T. Bttt1f'M\'orth, 0 . D. Optnmrh1•t P:\T.S f:XA:\IJ~i"ED U:'~f:~ Dt'"PI.ICATED n.__.. ll•po1"'4 •• A.U .. w ~II I W, l?ttf ... l '-" Tr l._-t.\1 I 'lUI rmn 11r \r n OONKAD .. oat• 11.. D. ~ ........ ..,._ 120 E. 18th 8t. COSTA IOBA Hnun: 10-1.2 a.m.: W p.JD. Phone 133 Dr. G. E. TohHI ... ,...... ......... 2209 Cout !Jml. N~al Otflce 288-W Ra. ..a It no ...,.r, ~ "...,art I Gerald Raua, M. D. 31130 Weat C.tral Aft. NEWPORT NlACJ} Pll. la'a-No.,..... .a 101·11 X ·1\1.)' s.ntat llllteall. ....... aD. 1111 Olnelt -..r "--... _ omc. Houn: ~12; H ... T. P. ReMtr, M. D. ~-...... lltl'Weat ~A- TelephOIH! Newpert 801 A. V. ABdnwa, M.D. PRTID(1Ur .... SUllO EON ~1118·. Dr. W. T. Mooney Pbyllclaa ud 8arpoa NIDUt _. O.tnl ftoDe (!H~r. llef'VI«le) tt__j Wagn"' Drug!Mo .......... 1 Dr. \\'l.lbar C. WIIC1HII' !Chiropractic, Dlctetlcs, Ph~io & Colonic Therapy uno eo..t Rt\'d., &. .. Lapna "-eel ZONE THERAPl CLI NIC \'aror n.t ... · Ml'dle&t M~ Sllt'd•l Tmatmf'•ta for C'nld• I Ml ~Ill! n~tlboa Inn Arrll&o Burt R. Norton \'Ot"R llbld of STE.<\.KS SiP.gel & . Raub -VISIT OtJl1 K l'1'C'HEN -f:n&1n""" and Surw1n" 1 Th, .. I h S ' Se f d S IIMMI Sf'wport Rim .• ('.-•t• M-' mnn \\ tt 1 1 o ""' · '" h••inc Ill OIM&......., ..... Ml'J N ........... OIIIf. am S a 00 pa N'fllnN'fi un •• •n• <~•u•h•·rn rntlnn Telepllortt! UAI~ f h a'nd Fish •tarket . llmlll ) lin nd:tpl:ttiCin nf thf' WAr• 1l %11'7 W. OMtnl NI'WJ)Ort IJeetAt tlmf', nom~> throwl'r, which c•n L_.;IIO_t_o.t __ .;fllcha7_;....,j ________ -_.<N_eer_.a.~_ .... -_ .. _, _ _, 1...---T-.ae_,_•_-_'_ tts ___ ...J hum wf'<'dl In C()tton ficlda at far leu coat, ., ~ York Co. B•llds Pualtc NoTICE · ;;I:IIPLO;;;;;;;;nm!ft;;nr.;-.w;:AII'IDu;i;;;;--.. a&N'I', 111~ua ., 111't4u·.u • llAmo M "'ANTED "P u:.NT u l IIIU.L ..,.,.. ut~ll• al'ld "''llf'H tocatecl In WANTEI>-(;ardmJna work. Se-e 8 AT T E R 1 E S R adio Rep ain nE\'ERLY tuu..s rouph:-_-ck-t-1,.; ------------------ •• 11 NeW Boats a nd ahout the cafe known u ~ Balr 10!. Balboe, or m All mnkes: tubH, etc. Ph. 2417. l)l'rmanc-nt C'(\tt"lr'' or a1\Art· J. M. M I L L E R --"R'Domes," which Ia 11tuatN E . Bay Ave. lf-81p f'or Portabl., ~ aDCl ,BURT N O RTO N n'W'nl. ~lhoa or vicinity. Mrt. RNJ Dtaro Broker York Boat Co .. which formerly at No. 2200 Wt>st 0<-t>a11 for llt'Arlnll Aida. 915 roast Hl&'hway. N_,.,rt £ J W Rohln .. m, Nt'"'l"•rt Th'a{'h l ~th And Central eonltned ltlldf to bMt ~ at Ft-ont, NI"Wpm't ~am. Ctlll-WIU. C'ARE for children eva.. -23·tk 7()7 »-4tc l•• Coast hlahway boat yard, la fornla. and twl"" 1\11 of uld lronlna In my h<lmr. 309 llaM-Mt>sa Radio A Eli'ClrMICS co . .., .,. 1olcl .. v• ~~--..a..1 M•r -· ......., N t 81•... BEAl'Til-'llL ~s·'net t)._ ml-WANT '1"0 RF.NT-Ant or hOI&af', now bula.lne bMt1 at a new )•ard ltt'ms locatro ttt<>r('in f'XCf'pt "' ~., .............. --· '·"· 1..... ewpor Y.,.. • " ,,... "~ '' I 102J..J . I 19-tlr 31 tle piallu .• baraaln. 1"\'rma. Denr· rum. or ltnfUrn. Vf't('ran. pn-. locat~ at Harbor Blvd. and Wll-• the ooff<* making equlpm~nt, • S!'hml~ P1Ano C'o . 520 No. Main man<'nt. Bt'llt "'''•'l'f'nC'rl. Jam.·1 .on St. In Coeta Mea. Juk~ box, rlga~tte machine dPLOYIIKNY OJI'I'D.D • Ftn P'l-and ~ s11n111 Ana.. a.tte !)(-Jttoo, p () tiox 11.'\, Balboa Now belne conat:ructN at the l and all coin opl'rated amuse-WAN~HOTIIL MA~. !S&IbUe W 0 0 D 26-tfr Coata Mea yard at present, are meont de-vleet: tog~ther wUh Dellv~ ron :-.\I.F 1-'hw Jm~tll, Wlllnut, ------------ alx 34 ancl 38-foot aport and com-the good will of said bualneu Inn. ~.MO. ..ue H . w WRJGHT-Pb. :1010 Sl\1\ll u l'Vrl.:ht Plano. •t15.00. NEWPORT bualneu man. wife 6 merclal flahlD& a-aft and five ~ apd tM unexpired term of the WAN'J'E'I)...::.Hou..keeper In lovely 1~ N~ Blvd. a.ttc 21 :! AIH•·Ihyst. Ralboa b lanc!. ~yr.-<>ld dauahtM' n~ penn&n· foot aport c:ruu.n. All are belnc leut> on aaid premises. honw. 2 In family. Prtvate room. 4-32·2tp f'nt houal' <">M. two or three bullt on contract bull and .,.., The dl\te w~ &nd the plat'f' &ood wq•. Ph: 1~. :H-tfc WILL TRADE--Onto US niJn tur-Arvi ._ E bedrooma. Balboa leland pN- bullt from Huntcraft design~. where aald sale II ,\o be made and WANTED-Rellable lenft'al main· rf'Hypt ~II 6 H~U. tele-n ex mereon fen't'd. Wlllln& to pay one ~ar Planned for 1M future, accord-lh~ conalclt'raHon or pritl(' for auch wnanc:e man. Udo Theatre. acoplc lena, wide anale ..... ., R A D I 0 S In advan<'t!. Phont N. B. 49:l-R. inc to E. J . York, owner. II build· aale la to be paid a~ on May 11, :1&-Uc F ·15 &ena, full tiltlnl equlgrrwnt, U -Hour Radio s.rvtc. ._.tc inc o1 pw sport and commerdal 1946. •• 11:00 o'clock A.M . at the tripod, 'FSO-watt movSe proJtc-S hort 'C ireuit Radio UAI. ..-An •• ., crafta u atoalf mode II and de-offlce of Fred A. Wilbur. 509 Ftrtt WANTED-Met~ for work 1n Plu-tor, UMd only onee. Will lAde -3015 Palin. 8&lboe velophent of a 27-foot aport National Bank Bullc11na. Fourt.h tlc Mta. Co. Apply 1n ptnOn at fNorordaood .•• !~.~. !:._~ V1ta1~. Phone liS-W lt-tt.: EVA F. RliODEN c:ruilft' within the nelrt llx montha. and Main Street a, Santa Ana. 1015 Cout Blvd., Corona del ......., ....,. .-.-... -.. The yard wW a11o ha•·e fad.litlft California. · Mar. 30-ttc ao..~ ITE1NWAY ~ Wte ..... _. S anta Ana Heights . tor owncn to bulld or 1~palr their O.tN: April 13. 1946. WA.l'I'RESSES WA.NTim _ 8Q ORA.NOE C0UHTY ol the li'Widl ...__. pMnca 2 b.droom .__on " acre H• own boata ln 1M MN' fut ure. ADELE BEDOOME, GorrfOUI tone........... c.e. . ~hteen men are ncM employed GEORGE BEDOOME, 8bcft ~ •• 1'7th 6 Oout Htch· UPHOLSTERING CO. '11\ti t.a an ~ for tM aarap wtth washroom. by the compuut, York tUL Inte-nded Vmdon way."': N...,..-t ..._ l'-tfe .... ulaetllnn dllcrtmlnatlft8 bQw. 0U. $6600 Pub.-April 23, 1946. HELP WANTED-Kale -Female. Of UJioall ..... F\lnttw. 8chlnWt l'taao Co., 110 tt.. ..... - 11n. John Tubba o1 B&lboa 1a1. Leal or ~~Unc 1n ~tar tlJ w. t~ at. 8uta AM Santa Aaa. .. * Newport Blvd. pel left Wednn~Aay to apnd wv-C&I&TIFICAft OF PAJrl'lf'D-J'OUI'Mit No lftOIWY nq\dnd. r.ct.y ... ..._IOilll IU.DIO J1Pu. &lli _ ,.._ 50-h. rr-t ... W1th ~ bu!W- .-al da.)'s on the deeen. IIRIP DOING 8 CSI"N'I:B8 mt-Good lncome. You an JOUi' owa SCM W•t Olntw l t., .A.MMI8 tlll&t ~ ~ ._.. a,. 6 houM. beell~J't looatlaa. oza norrnom H.uor: boa AJ~p~y H. vu o.r.. 1101"' PhaM ··~Mtm tnt eollld ....,. .,.. ·~ ... .._ aa~e . •tt.ooo --N. llabl St., S..ta Ana. attt.r tS-tfc .. .aile ...._ _. • ..... '' • _ We. the-"'*"~rned. do hereby RJ:LP WANTED -w... tor J• A..rli1fM ........ .u .,... ....,.,.._. Coeta Mesa certify that we ate partnen con-boUM work, UDall bouM, two ~ -•• .,. a.u.ou> 16 . II.AMII.. .a 0. a Lowly 2 .,..._, home ln beet ~ ODTIFICAft OF 8C81N'Us cluctlna a buaiMU .. Marine Elee--adult&. Private recm. out81dr B .& .. I -a... aoo KariM Aw ..... 110. •daft In Oalta ..... Bl.dlt .. Flctltiow Ftnn Name tridana at 215"' Marine Avenue. eetruce. Not IIIOUCta ww11 tar A -11 tt. --BalbM lalancl. Cal1tomla, uncStt-an d&J. U\19 Ill, but CXNJd haw Qsr, .... ~ • ·1M1. Hardwood neon. dbL IU'-nn: UNDERSIGNED dot I the name and 1ty~ ol lofOBAJtRY IOIDe tro. houn. Can Newpart llf *'-M. .._ •• DOCJ8. .C.ft. I'S'Ia • t,p. Attnctlw ~t. twr.by certity that he ~uct-AND lofcCART'N!:Y. and that the lfl.J. 25-ttc -.._. FOR S.Al.E-P\&rebrecl ooUa. _,.._ $10,6()0 Puauc Nonca 2 Bedroom Home, Costa Meaa Panly tum i&Md. Lot 65x330. Brick nreplacle. ~ ap And work lhop; tn I[OOd condition. ~tly palntlad lnalde and out ; paved atret>t. 1~'-p r daa. tenna. . Full PrJce '?985 Balboa Home , 2-bedroom, beech. Some tumleure ••o.~ 30 Acres Newport Heights RJpe lor IUbdlvkllna Lido Isle 2 Qay front .. North abcn. Priced to SeD Balboa lanad 2-Bedraom beach~ ' SaiM fW'Idtllla -• ••• ooo Full Acre 2-Bed.room heme, I'Nlt u... lhnabbery, etc. Gar. Woe klhop. OJn. crete noor a.m anct Ocean Front Lota ·· other $G~ ~ re.-:--I Phone Your Ltstlngs In and '" wtD 1M thlm .wry airllkllfatlaa • __ ..::. -'..=:::::±::::~ 1n1 a retail boat and mariM equlp. namee and •dclrt!l8ea of a1J' tM • -r-- awnt aa1e1 bualnete a t 407 E. een-partnen ar~ u follmrl~ ~ LADIES, 21-410, for H. to H . cae-Auto Batteriee ~· 20312 8· w. enn-l t., Newnort Helo.hta J. u M 1 L L B R ~ tra1 Avenue, Oty-of Newport L M. HOLLADAY. 829"' Pa-metk aalee work. Full or Part ~-th -•. tl h 1 ot Country O ub. Alt« ~ r 'A Jn. . &ach, County of Oranae. State d ftc Avenue. Lonr Beach 2, Call-U Harbor dMtric:t l.nqutre Co ded I( tor Ofi 5:30. !:Ate N-2 bedrm. honw jult ~· l~th and Central e N~ s.ch • PboDe . __ • fornla. .:w t 1b1rd St ~ta Ana mpoun 0 _.,..u. AJIO'f01711f.._._.l.. fld. In b&ocll W1th HWW and all '""-y a.ta.-L'W-of California, under the fictitious ell ·• O.Don. 10c ~--· ....,___.. «'ther uUltU... OompietftJ ~ vu our ay to------_ _....._ nnn name of PLASTIC WATER-J. S. McCARTNEY. 28 Brook 10 a.m. 'to 4 p.m. 31-4tp -MOTiiERS DAY -Give her a nllhfld W1U\ beat o1 new 1\,rnl· ------------------------ CR.An' CO: and that aald ttnn Street. Poet Office Box 326. South WAJTRESS WANTED-M~t be WNtem Auto Supply Canary and C&&e Low-Birda. !we.~. hantwoood noon ll ecmpoeed of tile foUowlnc per-Lacuna. California. ove 21 yean old. Apply Archei Authorbed OMl« ParrokH'll. array and wtrltf' and n tf'nllw landlcaptna. • 110111, whole names and addresses ROBERT G. MOBARRY. 423 Cafr all 361 32-4tc 1818 Newport Blvd., Coeta K-Zf'hra• 505 F.. Central Aw .. $12 750 are u foiiOWI. to wtf: Jumine ltrf't't. Laguna fkoach. e or c · . 2S-tk Ball10a. 3:l-8t~ • RICHARD W. oTHMER. 312 Csllfornla. 1 HELP WANTED -Houac-kf't'pt'l' - A.lvarado Place, Balboa, Calitor-IN WITNESS WHEREOF . we for 2 actulta. Priva te room and WA.JIITD TO BUY 11 KEyS Santa Ana Heighta nla. · · " 1 hav~ heor~unto set our handa this ulary Nlt'f' home for right Mad• Wbl .. You Walt 2 bednn. houa. W1th 2-car ,.,..... WITNESS my hand th'-15th day I 18th day of April, 1946. party. Ph: N. B. 1075-J. 32-2tr WANTED-oM-ft. watf"f' taxi type VOOII:L'I and f'Xtra room. on "' &CJ'9, ~- of April. 1Me. L. M. HOLLADAY boat.-WUI pay 14.000 to $5,000. 100 Malo lt.. Balboa rral fruit fn't'l, Quick poae. RICHARD W. CYnfMER. J. S. McC'ARTNEY HELP WANTED-Salesman. 1 100 Ph: Orang• 680-W. 32-ltp 208 Marine, Balboa IAand $76"0 ROBERT C MOB RRY a Wt'<'k . euy Call at Suite 206, V STA1'r-OF CAUFORNIA ) • · A 2nd & Bdwy. Bldg .. Santa Ana. W1LL PAY CAIDI tor ,_.. t\ar-M ·tte COUNTY OF ORANGE 1 u . 'STATE Of' CALIFORNIA l 32 1 nlt.ure or wb.at lila~ JOU. Pb-E V A F R H O DEN On thta 15th day or April A.D .. mUNTY OF ORANGE I as. • tr 2000 o R er 1 1812 Carpe nters Available .:.alt- l o..c"'. "hfore -Wm. H. P-n a On th'-18th dav of April. 1946. Nwpt · · · IIW ey, · ....., .... """" "" """' u. ~ SALESMAN-Insulation. w('atht>r NPWPOrt Blvd .. Coeta Mesa. for c~neral malnl.__ 470 Nf'Wpnrt Blvd., ('oata Meea Notary Publlr In and for aald btofore me. the undertlgned, a stripping: old t>stabHahN firm. JO.tfc aDd ...,..ar EL C&.ufty and State. rcsic11n~ therein Nolary Publl!' in snd for aald HI~ s Main St .. Santa Ana, o. z ... oaa,.TION TO~. ~!:.r;nl~~ duly commlsaloned •n<l sworn, County and Stale. J)l'rsonally ap-phone 4370 for lntervlew. MOORINF OR S U P wanted for Call Newport AI l t -2tc pcr10naJJ y appeared RtCHARD IX'arrd L. M. HOLLADAY. J . S. 32-4tc ~ft. achoonn. Will buy or rent. 42-Ue ~=-::-=-::~~~=-~....,.....,~~ W. CYn·fMER known to me to be McC'ARTNEY and ROBERT G Lewta, 31 Ave. 26. Venice or ------------NEW CORNER HOME Ule penon whose name 11 aub-MOBARRY. known to mt> to be phone collt'Ct Santa Monica C O S TA MES A ~albed to the wtthln Inatnnnent. the penom ~'hose names are IUb-62390. 31-2tp T E LEPHONE and acknowledged to me that he acribed to the within lna~nt , ~ roa 8AL& .. executed the same. I and acknowledged to me that they OPERATING rN WITNESS WHEREOF. J executed the aame. FOR SALE-Double Iron bunk have hereunto 14.'1 my hand and rN WITNESS WHEREOF. I E XPERIENC ED bedl with mattreaat>S. Good ron-PAYS afflxN by official aeaJ the day have hereunto Jet my hand and . c11tlon. 116 or 119 Pearl St . Bat· G OOD WAGES and year In thla certificate first I affixed my official aeal the day bM ,laland. 32-2tp above written. and year In this certificate flrtl W AITRESS8S (SEAL) WM. H . PENN, above written. FOR SALE-Dlnln& or peUo table Notary PubUc 1n and For CHARLES WOODnLL. 8 by 3 feet, 2 benches. hand· 3 tx-drooma. hardwood ttoora, t.Ue link and beth, c!Qubt. 1arap. $1 2,600 Ralph P. Maskex ado Cout Blvd .• Nt'WIIOI't Beach, Calif. Pho ne 402 -HUB POWERS, AGENT _ Balboa l8land ~ -·-·-·- BALBOA 1SLAND Make your IUmmer lmwbillftt In Bladl ~ _.. to alll.ln! po••ton thll IUI1\I1Mr, 2-Unlt llatlng on Topu Ave .. near Iouth 8q FrGat. FUm~. Sl~.~. NEW 2-BIDROOM llOME near South 8q rrc.t 00 full sized lot. $14~. 2-BEDROOM BAY FRONT JIOME on ~WDGit Chan.nel. Ow\cnote bulkhead and C!CIMl!Ctial ftaat for rnoor-tnK your boet. $15,000. Lrt us know what you wanL Reuonable _.. wtu .,.. 1Ubmltt8cl. --tl- HUB POWERS. AGENT ld Count d St t -and ~ather proofed. 428 Orchid Said County and State. l Notary Public 1n a nd for hewn. 'wroucht Iron bra~. fire (My Commluion Explrt>s aa y a n a e. Ave., Corona d~l Mar. 30-Uc N o experieDee neeeaary Earn while you learn 10-Uc Phol» 62· W April 20. 1946.1 · (My Commlaalon Expires Pub.-Aprll 23. 30. May 7, 14, 1946 December 29. 1947.) IS'£AL) BLU E ROOM NOTICE OF SALE ll'f IIUL& Pub.-April 23, 30; May 7, 14. 1946 209 P a lm Bal boa TOWHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NO'I1CE IS HEREBY GIVF:N, TIDE TABLES pur1uant to the provt.lona of Sec-APRIL, 1 ... ~n 3440 or the California Ovll i High Low Hllh Low Code, that Adele Beddome, whose 32-tfc addreu II Route 1. Box 486, Coeta W 21 1:48 10:22 l :lt 10:!1 Mea; California, and Georce 3 9 0.3 3.~ 3 0 SALK JID()II:LI.AH1'C8 Beddorne, whose addrHa la Route Th 25 3:32 11 :12 1:111 II :It ~=-...,..."":":::---::-~-:::-~-:-----::-:-• 4 0 0 0 3 8 2 ~ FOR S ALE-Boy's Schwinn bl· 4, Box 482, Santa Ana. ~allfornla, · · · .. Inte-nd to ..,11 10 Olarles E. RePS. F 26 4:54 11 :51 8:11 : cycle, S20. Ph: 212. 32-2tl' whole address la 227 Nor th Helena 4.2 ~.2 4·2 ... CASH roft USED FURNITURE. Stre-et, Anaheim, California. all S 27 5:48 12:09 1 :51 lt:U PHONE COSTA MESA 740-W. ol 1M penonal property described I 4 5 1.7 4-7 --0.2 23-Uc l •n•rally a1 follows· Su 28 6:39 12:49 1:11 U:51 ==--:=-:-=-:=--::::-------:::-:7"-~ ~ · I ~ 7 0 9 5.2 --0.2 FOR SALE-One gorgeous Silver All of the 1t.ock In trade, ... ' F f k 1 Onl ppUee furnlt flxt n._.,.. ol..,.. .. _._.. •-011 urn~ p t'Cf'. y worn a IU u1 • t 1 1 ~tl tur~, ~ ,...._ L -.; ..,_ ,...._ .._.. few times. 108 27th S t., Newport eq pmen . na a a ons. oo . Beach. 32-2tp · FIRE A U T O MOBILE YACHTS COMPENSATION "STu·· DUNLAP Insurance 7 o. 3 E. C e n t r a J Bal b oa P hone Number 683 8 CfUNU 8 GUIDE lt l PADf'IIJifO ()Oif'DAQI'Oa P AINTING and DEC"'RATJNG- 1 PADM"INO -PA.Pa R.A.llfOIMG R.. W. Stlmpll'. 842 No .Orange &nd DElOORATDfO St., Orang('. Ph: Orangt' 247-W. H. 11:. Mc:.DoDaW FOR SALE -2 Royal vacuum cleaners, 1 large. 1 hand model. $50 7~ N. S.y Front, Balboa llland. 32-2tr Steel Kitch e n s GLASS TUR ENCLOSURES SHOWER DOORS Sou t h e r n Counties S u pply Co. 144 'C'out Blvd N Ph 5R!12 LagunA Of>ttrh 3:l-t tc FOR S ALE 2·kr~: drnw C'old lw('r DiliJll'nKt•r F:xlnt cond. NPwport F:lf'<'tnc Appllanrt' Co., phnnf' 21~ 32-2tc 31·2tp 414 Old ODuaty acs.. Pb: l ... w UP'RJGHT PIANO-SAte or -r;nt --P-A--1-N_T_I __ N_G__ O.C.. w-16-Uc: $5.00 mo. Ront will apply on TIL&.N8POBTATION 11 ' purr hase. Also 14-tuhc.> \larlon 12 Yeoua Service In Newport ron110lt-type radio. Dual t~pl'ak· HH~wbor HAreaaJI BICYC LES en. Harbor Radio It Electric, Boid, Reat.acl or Refl&lncl. 2f;ll1 Ct'ntrRI. 32-21c PAINTING NTRACfOR . • VOCI&L'I FOR S ALF.-Ro~r high oven Phone Newport 837-W 100 MaiD lt.. Balboa ranl{t'. ovt'n rontrol. Good cond. 274 !:. 19th Street 24-Uc 208 MartDe, laalboa llllaDd. $12 00. 512 3.'lth St.. Ne-wport roR A RELIABLE Paint Job on ----------"'-·--N--tt~c: Beach. 32-ltp your home. ea1l Newport 1047 II&A O'ft' ADe 11 DOUBLE eon Sprinp. double cloeet bf'd with matlr't'SI. lar&f' ah:e davmport. t'X~llent con- dition, 6x9 rug, occulonal table. O'dora wardrobe closet. 416 32nd St.. Nf'WJ)Of't. 29-tlc BOAT8,8UPPLilllt .. FOR SALE -New Lathrop Marine There are many othe r advantqee to being a telephone e mployee. Apply 100 E. Bay Avr., Balboa 514'J6 N. Main St., Santa Ana or Motor, 20 h p .. :2-cyllnder, up-Aak 1M operator for the right. Phone Wt>stmlnater 8211 ~ Operator 31-4tp Southe rn C alifo rnia 28-FT. TWO MASTER YAWL far aaJe or trade. Call Hamilton Telepho ne Compaay Lowe at Newport 2590-J any 18-tlc night from 6 to 9 p.m. RHidl'noe ------------229 OpaJ St.. BalbM laland. ll0-4tp No Delay FOR S ALF. -21-foot Mattard ft.e&IWI ,.._. ~n ,bethrootn Knockabout, bullt 1945. Slip wttlt new Ullt bouc1. with boat, 12000. Ph! N. 8 369. - 32-111' F. P . Waldron -----------------------ALL PLASTIC 12·ft 110-lb. TOr-~ 214W 1-4~ 0 -CAR ROAT and CARRIER. ~~~~ OPI'ORTtrtUTI£8 .. Jmmrolatf' d~>llvf'ry Oth•·r mnd ----- Pil IJOOfl dinghies. llllilhnats. NF:W-USED Furnlt~ StorP Low runAbouts. crui~•·n And pndrllt•· rt'nt lf'&lf' lA-N••t f'urnltur,. Co . hoanh Pl11stir WRtrrcn Jt Co.. 20t2 lo. Main, Santa Tna. T~tl 71)..'\ 1-: C't'nlral. Rnll)oa. P h· OX:\ 5429. 31-:llr Marine Radioe 3.l-l tl' STUDY AT HOME-Rf'•l IAtau lJornle. Quick r~41 u Guaran- A v allllble lmmecSla t.f' cit' II very, com· plete ranae of 111ft. Your ln- tee. 8 Security Blc!., Pulld~na. :10-tfc llPKIIon welcaned. HlGC.INS voa aENT 41 PLEASUR.P: cR.Arr, 8lO Cout "'PACE FOR REN1' '' d Hl h PI!· 1104 t-tlc " ,., ronlll• lin I way. · · 11;Atllllf' for nfflr•• ur •h•lll 1\al- rt:R& IIQ~ ,.... -l~na Jalnnd rtwn•· 7f>4. ':1.!·11r ~. Pyftar a ,._ llllflD• r -- CO. n.NI qso.em ud Ponablu ~I.F.EPINC R()( JM with kltt'hen a-available. ICTII HOIUW 6 prlvlfra:es for hrf'ltkful. rnr rf'nt OA.LVAN. 1000 Oout JUall•"1· to bualncSA wnm"n 31A Orchid ,.,_. 1114. ._tl.e Ave., C'oron• d,.l Ma r. Phone 169. 30-tfc FOR SALE-Motor bM~ 1~ft nooM FOR RF:N'f Twin bf'da. runaoout. W\th Johnaon motor, 15 PfT pt't"t!On or •10 alnJrle, pc!r like new: boat compll'tf'ly et~ulp. nl.,ht. 217 VIa 01'-, Udo llle. ped. Ideal for ~Y or lake. ~ .. I"" C&lh. 1800 Eut Central A"•· __________ 29-_U_c ~. '21-tfr \\ AJifftD TO aEJifT U FOR SALE-A Good Buy. N..t J. A .. 8 e e k 0 r f j c e cuh. 1" •er-r. and I-bedroom Fe,.,.., Landln.,. a.Jboa flluld framf' houM, turftlaMd. Tab ·' ~ •oe - • ewer S1aoo not" at S20 per mo. -----------------=-::-:-::-:::-==:-:-:::=-=::::::::::::-:' :-:=..,.~-·~· J.\\500 cuh lnquln> W Otol ~-FOR BALl'.-UAL DITAft ~ • Coeta Mf'ttll No Blf'nlaf 25-tlc B a l boa I sland WILL 11lADE r'ftltal ., m 2 Small H o U8e8 , On Lot Zonrd for Buattw. $10,500 C h oice Bay Front Lot Priced Rtatw . 2 H o U8es o n 1 Lot • t Corona del ..... $18,600 Inco me Property 2-Beclroora HOUM and 4 Small 1\ft!tal Unt t1 O cean Fro n t Blvd. Lot saooo W. L .• JORDAN 700 !:aat C.<'ntral, Ralboe Phonf' 153 10-tlc BU I LD N O W L O W COST H O MES B e Sur~ a nd See M o dela At 711 Bego nia Ave ., Corona del Mar Phnnt-~W S&Je~~man wtn CaJl PJCO BUILDING MATE RIALS Modrm, nt'W, {'(lmplt'lely fW'ftllah· ranch cott ... 1n ....... llf eel, it troo-18 • T e rms ~:.::!: '::.-=., .. ,: R•Y Front houa•·. wl&> lot, p6f1' fruit, bern.. and .... IM!I Ill 11M rao.t, unfum.. lmfTN'Cllat• E nJoy a Vat'allon • • euu.tlp 1on IMin In mol ....., el ..._. ax-$. GO 450 ltfloH Writ• II. R. ~. I{IUU 1Mt South Dltttll A._ • Gertrude A. Waldron Wm. W . S anfo rd, Bro ker • 3M Marine Av.mar Phone :t:K-R at-tfc R EAL VALUES 2 ~mom homf'. fti'Ar OCf'an. Com· pletely furnllhecl. F'lrellla('" Swlmmlna and ttahlna. Only $6350 'J be-droom hllmf'. % ,.~,. < lllrkf'n houafo anti ~'~WIJtnWt•' Uond dlat Sfl!;OO 2 ~num h~>l' ~ttl""'' and tU.. I.Af'l(l' ) .. 1 nl'llr Nrwpotl Oi vd Good !li~t rlrl $7250 ~~ ·81'1'1' rllkkr n ratwh. (iood 3-bfo-d· rocom honw Alonul :\:10 IM)'erl, to d1wk• NI!'P lr vt•l lot Oood aoll n~ Itt. c;,,Jd dl•trlcl Thla t. h•lftll' •nd lnrmnr Jo"ull prll'f' unly- $R750 -T <'rmH B. A. NEHE.~ON R F: A L F-'\T A'rP. J ntllltanCf' a nd Bueln1'111 Opflnrt•rnltl,.• 1972 NI'Wport lllvd . (~lA M•-t~a 31-llC' UAL DITATE D OIIAJifOa 41 ~ A~at,r 11T71S, 11-JOtl IU:IPONIIBU: 'l'elephaM -. ~wantlto........_..._.. ,_,.,...,. ....... .... f• MIM lR SMta .... ...... It)'. CAll Southern Otlll. ,_. ..... eo.. ......... -. tt.tll § -IIDMI ;~ • WAM 'IV 8U1LD. -,, I ¥4 •• a '• If pp'l.p .. , ,......,... ...... ._.... ..... ... LiiM All 'M= --IMo .......... .... Atri'OIIOftt& a~ • FOR IAI.E-19.:18 1 "'-t~o....l Moten tnadc wtth 1&40 C.. fn(>lJIII' ,.nrtnr Phone LIU2-W. JUte Bring Your BATrERY TROUBLI8 To Ua. BATTERY REPAIR WORK IS OUR BUSINESS • litter 4:30 p.m. W.Uc OOLD aDd KA~ FOR SALE-Andirons A tltrplace FOR lA~ h.p. Marine Dellll. \\'ANTF:D-To rl'nt Portahlr 51-w· acreen. good u nt'W. CaH 169 or JiR .... Half orirtnal cx.t CaJI Ina 1-'llll'hlnr Call ~ 32·21c :1&-tfc WIJ.L F:XOJANOF. 4-room fur· COOP.,ERATIVE W A VBS 316 Orc-hid Ave.. Corona del ~t 2'lM-W. 14-tlf' \, ,\NTI:D To rfnl far •umm••r nl•hf'd •pt. In Jtuna:Aiow Cr~•art Storey• a Battery SerYtee ROOFING C O. TtnUna u d ............... Mar. 30-tfc I to 3 hf-drnoms. Ocf>An Frnnl AT COlli INA OF:L MAR In lfollywooG, numlnal rmt, ftJr 1\. ltv~DlQa Ap~t. "-l.,._W ------::E=l=-e-c_t_r::-I.C-a-:1----KUeiCAL • UDIO M or nu r . Wrltr Mnt John Bu•·k· Ch . I 'ft hoUN nr spt In Nf'wporl, Ralboa l~ WESTMJNSTEJt AVZ. ..... ~ Re lr v·· D-... SlloD I OI Ce A~ or <AMIIII ,.. .... dlatrict. Jal'k w. (Bfo~ 11tt.h • llllfii!OISa) New CIUIY pa 1103 c.!! ~~d:l ...., Repair Service ~ -~·pr':::e~ E'::; :::~~~ flll!'l So. {)1\Jc Knollj}.~:~ Wf'll Loc:•ted . ~treort. ro~•nrral r.wllvrry. n .. l~a. (X)8'TA llDA Phone m.M I TI-Uc: Appllnn~. l lomt' Mntnn A ..,.,_, Or wtJJ rent. Oanr __ _ $) fiO() 31 ·4tp .. tiC! 218 E . 20th St., Coat& Mesa MRrlnf' Scrvlcr Immrdl&tr ~t Plano Co., m No. Main J \' ANTf:L> 1Y) RENT 2 •lr :l l~tod· -~tfc Orin Carefully-Spare a Ute. • Allcn tlon. Saata Aaa. • S.trr lllfltTI h(lwlf', rurniAhf'rt. t11r ~. 3 W. J IIOU::OMR ~ .,.._, ....,._ -~ • iii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ S. L FRANKLIN ,.,. 4 w~tu. hland prPI•'rr••l1 1517 ('n.ut llhchwuy • 2RIR C't'nlral. Ph 17111-W f:XCF:IJ.f:NT mn~~nleo romhin~tllnn Mn S mllh 107R g IIR•I•·n l lr , · f'rvronA dr·l Mu '4¥_. ........ ................. ...... ::: .. ................... . ,,. ...... N .... 10t,11•..-nJ ~ 118 <mYA liiVcmtl W J,VOO ~~S ~NIM 32-tfc RAdio-Phonotrraph. atandArrl A, 1. A :t'\ iihom· ,...,u,.,.,. \\ llllnr•y "Whf'r .. lhr• ,.,AI[~ Fly'' 32-2tr R __ U_G_6 __ UP1_t_O_LS_TE_,_R_Y_Cle_an_ln&-. llhort·Wil\r , alliQmlltlc rtw trd ~9· Jl·HI!' AT ('tiRfJNA Of~IJ MAR R lzed h pooc1 e l eel. rt\lln~:•·r l t\Andlf .. trn 12·1n ,.,. -B ·r 1 H ~ 11 '1 11.m ' ... ~an t.Jrtv,. Ill-an rr~l. mtth<•" WANTI:OTO RE!"T II} l•tt~li•·r. CaUtl U orne Oventuffrd furr1lture deane-d. .. N 1...... 1 1 any fintah S13S 00. 212 Amt'· ~mall fUhl huu••• tJr IIIJI by .-.r "···lin .ar~ea ot 3 day pkk-up and dellvl'f}' ~) u 00('' 35 Yf'IH'II of aatlaON ~tomt'rt. thy111 . f\elhc)A l al•rw:t :tJ·:.ttp .lu"" I for 3 11dtrll•, on)'~h•·r•• .., n , c1 ORANG£ COUNTY • ./ In If arbor ar"• p,.rm,.n••nt <'nil _ ~A AWNTNO CO. FOR SAL£-....Rrndl~t R.adio v•m <'oron• df'l Mar •<'ht)(tl :IIIII W .I llfllfY>MH J'NIItl P lrr<'tlnn Flndf'r Jl.oC'I(.Itlu 32·tf•• 1'll7 Cn11~1 Jrluhw•y &1 4th St . Sanu Ana. J k n _ ,,. _............._ s .. U I' """• " r.-..vn. UiiAIII•I ---f'OI"tmll drl Milt J>h 27fMI Phont M.r Ilenf'dle1, 1569 Santa tor &on. wANT TO L&ASE-2 .. r :l lll'drm "W~r thP Flap Fly" 32-2t(' Ana. 22-tte . R h o rt Circ u it Radio twNa.. Permanent no ch1Jclrftl. -------~---m p 111m. nalboa Pay to 1100 prr rnunth l}t)lC "II'' For orn~ ·•uppl~. 1ft' thf ~mtrh II!JY' \11lrtOltl •ll~. on ~nl< "' ''" ,., t'"\ Tim•' JJt1oN 1~W ~~ tl Ntwa·TI~n~-· :u II , Nrw.·Timft WE HEJ!O LATE MODEL CARl and YUl Pay Top Pra. • M!!f!W! !"Pft.t !Jt!H#" !N rt .... (Mt .................. Business and Professional Women Elect Offil:ers. Hear Annual Reports ~= .... ~~E~t~!:.~~~~ted_w__~~w Harbor · Feniiriine Activities New~~~-~~ ...._. lut wHk When Mill Ivy pranlwna and white latin , + .,, ...,.u.u~ Da£un: R-+'ece PlllaDe U137-R wer. elected at a dOled ll'leetin& ....... lu1Wia were ..tted Ia deoal'atecl the eb9tl and pink D.. ....... ~ n-...._ • and Prof,.alonal Women'• dub Rare Anta'~e.s Used .... ..., J)rab. daUibC« o( 1 1 boww were t-' an ... ot u. Thunday even1nc In Whlte'l Park For Ebell kly Set =--.!w s:::. ~a~·~'=" ~m:~:::: Balboa Circle Plans Assistance League Plans Future ~H bo •t ~~ ~v::.CS ~~~ ~ldom hu any ataee play had -~~aot.:=~;o-:,:!k 1 s.:,~a:.,:'_;:•~ Bazaar and Luncheon Activities; New Members Accepted Iiiii ar fl es ~ =~~~~; ~ct!~~he~tJ~:!!t:~"=":! .... at • p.m. WtdeMd&y ln ltw wore matcblna ta1Joncl Nita ol Mrs. Stephen Weather tor d, Mn. Stanley Cllamben, INC Via •---Marie Ehlen, cornspoodlnc drama" which 11 beln& 1tqed at a..paa b~ ttw Sea. Corona ck1 clark blue herr'lnabone tweed. the prelldellt otthe Balt~ circle, and 0L~do~OC:d.:_,~tnante!..~ .. ~at rsa MY F to Stage Carnt'val The Ira Chand1en weekended retary; Natalie Michaud, tnu· 8 p .. m. Friday evenin& of thll week liar, tbt Jt.v. Perry Schrocll of· bride acaontlne her'• with purae I twar hWiband. Who tB a member. • """ _... ..... ----at Cherry Cove, Catalina, on board ~ and Gretha ~. parlla· by the drama aec:tion ot the EbeD 8dadN. and shots ot red llnard. lin flow· wt're among tho.e who.e birth· buffet luncheon TUel4ay with 1 Friday Evening their crulaer Guardsman, and had ment&rlan. Inatallatlon will be dub at the Friday Afternoon cl~ 'iiiiiXicz~c;:;ac;c;ac;c;;~ I!TI were a 1pray of blue orch1da. daya were honored when the drcle Mrs. Vlrc1n1a Culle and Mra. u ~ta Mr. and Mrs. Maynard held at the May 16 ll'leetinc. houw, Costa MHa. Wltb the~ ,. Mrs. Robert Boyd U, aliter of the m~t at the Weatherford horne Jut Jack HIUman u aaa&atinc host· An old-tl~e -,al; with all Ita Clarke ol San Franciaa> and Mrs. Dorothea Wlllon praided and tlon takln& place In the ••ntne- bridfocroom. wu matron of honor week. , -. , ,·nrious aclivltles In full awinl Chandler'• brother and h1a wtfe, announced the annual meetin& ol ties, tumlture for the McS'We7 THIS WEEK Bottle Warmers Ltoo ELECTRIC CO. Ill--~ ..... IJM ............ aDd Mr. Boyd acUd u belt man. A ble cake wu aervt!d with Ice Mrs. Walton Hubblu'd Jr. was will be staged at Costa M.esa the Frank Perew jrs. ot &verly SoUthern Dlltrlct, ~lfornla FeeS-Uvmc-room In which the eventa Jo'ollowln& the ceremony a re-cream, and a beeutJful baakf<t ot chairman at the butiMM -ion c-ommunity church and Scout hut Hilla. eraUon ot WOGWft a cluJ», would ta.ke place wlll be fine an~ cepUon wu held at the Boyd lllaca, dArtOOU. and. atocia were when plana were dlacuued for FridAy, April 26 from 3:30 to 9:30 Amon1 othen at 0\erry Cove be held at the Mlulon Inn, JUver· loaned tot the occulon by Georp home, 1211 Cout boulevard, and )'.ll"eeeftted the honorees, Including ralaln& additional tunda for the P m under the aponaonhlp of the were the Arlan Moores and their sitS., April 27 and 28. Deleeatea Kopp and Bob Franklin ot the afterward a wtoddl.n1 dinner wu Mr'!l. E. A. llarm•tt., secretary; end Presbyterian OO.pltal. 0\alrman Y.llU.th FPIIOW11hip ot ~ Com· I'Jelta the 0\uck Chandlen, on wlll ~ Mrs. Collver and Mrs .. Coach Lamp Antique lhop.. aerved at The ~. Mra. J. K. EUlo(t, vl~preaident of the oomrnittee II Mn.. Sally munlty church. Fundl·ralaed wUl boerd the Slfa(PI'a.k; the WW1am Tubba. • The plot ot the play, wtdcb The bridr la a Jraduate ot the and devotlonal le&der. Beat. A ~ for fUndi to aid the I go toward expeMet ot rMmben at R. Herve~ on the Moa.na Mele; Annual reporta ot otfJcera and wu written and II belnc direeted U iveralt)' or· Calllornla an4 ctur-Mr.l. £Plott led In devotions, her propoeed cancer dlnlc II a18o parT I summer camp and ~ wm eo to Dr. and Mn. Herbert Winkler of committee chalnnen ~ heard b~ the drama ae<:tlon leader, Mrs. In~ .the war wd In char,e of the ·~b~t belne "Jesus th~ 0\~t", ot their procram, and chairman of I the general tunc! for the pur-Pua.dena on Three Winks. Blll and .It wu decided to haft a Florence Morril, II a deep secret lntelllcence c!lvlllon ~~ .. theM P~ and llhe a';:,.l~ a~. ~= that conynttt. Ia M~ R.obt-rt chase or three new Methodlat Stewart had a btl party on the blanket club next ~ar. Borlhl~d to be revealf'd only at the per- of Embarkation, Oak.Janu. r . ..,.. de nd bo of 111 Walker. c11mpa. 0\ubuco and Art ,Wfttermark StepheM reported aendln& aut forman~. but thoee tald~ part Lol R.la. wu a major ln ~ U. S. ma to It' a x necess es Other plana dbaAMecl """-the Circles of the w .S.C.S. are aid-and IAatriee Joy were there on peckqes ot eJoth1q to Norway ..-e the Meed&l:net Harry CarT, C. Infantry aerY1na much ot the to Suzannt-In Franct-, May belnat part the local branch wtn tab In ln~t. the W.S.C.S. u a group hav· the Lady IAatrlce. and tour more are about ready M. Deaklna, Rorer Wood, R. L. time OldnaWL Before ~t.erln1 the month for this d rcle. partldpatinr In the Or~ Coun· InK a farmers' market. wtille ' Mila Dorothy Franz of Loe An-to eo. A donation of $10 wu Allen, Dorothy Levmna and 0 • the ~ce he wu wtth the at.ate ~ ~,.~~~~~~ ~= ty Fair ind flower ahow at th" Circle 1 will aell hot dop, Circle plea waa Euter vaeatlonln( at voted to the county cancer fund T. Johnson. BNides the ~ hl&hway patrol and upeetl to re-Sa11ta Ana Bowl June 21-23 In· 3 punch. 11nd Orcle 6 &1\llhnuta the E. t':. Boudlnot home, Weat drive. · . proper, there will be varioul danal tum to It with duty In Oranae drcle will lpo~Wor ~ 3 at Olrlst clutlve. and cotrN'. The Men's Brother· Bay avenue. Members of tbe oommltt. who numbers by Mrs. Morris' baller- county, lJvtna Ill o.ta 0\urch By the ~a. and memtx·ra New active members accepted, hood will take care of tJeketa and The James L. Rubell ot Udo put on the 1Uooesaflll Bouea Ni&ht lnu. where he hu purchased one ot IDIIt lf.onday at the Weatherford all of whom were pr~t were prlzt't Isle apent a recent weekend In dinner were thanked, and Natalie Tickets wfll be on sale at the the DeW bomM. home to price articles Cor sa.le. In Mrs Robert PoweU Mn. '8 R I Ge · a.l ch 1 the Loe Altaelea and dined at Earl Michaud, who arraneed and dl· door t th On' ~rvice ta~ ~ o1 U.. ba&ur wW be lira."\{' · ii<latn -Drat~· · ner a rmen .Y! -earrot's ~.tft'"l'I!Staunnt Holfy. ftdecl the entertainment ~. • a e • Guft'"ta who attended the wed· Baker, Mn1. Pannc>ntcr, Mrs. Ynr onaro a · nrutlon. Misses Jeanne Edldt, DoHa Bll· wood. • wu preemted with a eJft. WIMer Central av~nu~ and McFaddea dine and reception Werf the nf'fl and Mn. Neblett. Or the suttlllnln& members aeotpt· lin~ts and Dora Eutman. Work-Th H d Rl G d Canal of the \-atne prize for the evenln& place, or may be obtained fJ'om ~!!~!!~~~~~~~~~M~t'll~rs~.~a~nd~M~ead~amea~~R.~L.~Bo~y~d Luncheon wtiJ · be at 12:30 aDd c>d Mra. Walter Splex>r wu pres: lnlt with them will be varloUI were eaJJ ~ "f~ v:~lonln& 1~ wu Marie Ehlen. Mn. Snodgrass, phone 1321. Tbe ,: will r,.ture-turk@)' supr~me ''t 'l'nt. othera beln~t Mrs. Henry Mill' comml ttt>e~ In charge of such fea· San Franclaco when a cheek with 'nle next meetlnr will be May 2 price II 50 centa. 75 centa a plate. !WtervaUON may Kay, ~"'· Braden Flneh and Mrs. [ turca u fortune telllne. fish pond, the doctor called It aU off-Donna and &lril of the hl&h school gTad· .. Me+e A.._ ., -f be made with Mra. Barnell. II Fl:e~c~~e~~nt were the Me. fun h~\t frl'ak •ht dl~f jallt 1a wry m wtth meules and Bill uaUng dau will be special guests. Drtve C&re.ruUy-Spen a I.Me. · • 15CM-W. M Mrs. EWott. 2137. Mn. c j)('nny P t<' ng, games 0 · eren expecta hla tum next but Dolores Prftent for the evening were ------------.....,_ .a..d -~ tm ~It will b!> In chart'" In 'h•· dnmrs M. A. Abbott, C. L. '"'. om, I kinds and an evening program. hu _ .. _._ I ' t It f Clarice Brown Betty Barstad ..._ E T Chapman jr C M Deakins .. ovwn no I rna o 10 ar. • • ' ~ Uld 111 daup ~ _,... · HIIU h H~n; N 1 · . --• Dr. Gene WlliJama of 'Hunt· Natalie Michaud, Marie Ehlen, :1 0,. le~ UDW ~·lilt tiona and tM dlnin" room nn· .111g ~~~~ Rutn~r'ford, ~art:. "VJ::: Ptlot Class Danner ln&ton Park hu bo~qht a ne VIrginia Shlrh.•y, Mildred Stanley, Corona del Mar Malt Shop .I'"'UTV a.-4 an IIGDday .,.. Murn.y •. Mn~. Moe, Mr.!. Hc>yman A th r Best E E Boudl ' Frt'day Evena'ng . cruller and hu named It "Ti MaU• Rolling, A~tnes Blomqul.•t. ,.. ' and Mr'!l. Elliott. nl'r, r " ' · · no • Tico." £valyn R.lder, HUdli Briscoe, TYLlNG Is AN AR:... Ttle next reeular IN'<'tlng olthe Walter Franz, Everett Gardlnc>r.l --Dr. and Hn. Lester Lowe of Elalne Welle, Borghlld Stephens. 1tlll eo..t HJctt-7 ..,........,......,..,,.. -WHERE HAIR S · I c:lrcJe wUl be held May 15 at (he E . M. Harvey, Rowland Hodckln· Fealure of the evenln& at the Balboa Island are fl,yln to Dal· Margunlte Way, Mlna Hershey, • Old fuhloned malta f'-aim» to enhanc» Mllady'a t.uty and·provlde. the ultimata In bemlty care. home ol Mn. Alma Blodgett. son, Gcor~e Holstein jr., Walton I me('tinl{ of the Pilot Clua, to be ... Wednetlday for tw~ weeki Allee Slemons, Ger trude Collver, We mean just lhill. <:>c.an boulevard. ~~~[d Jr.,Fwn;lar~ ~Jonj Don I held Friday, April 26 at Chrllt comblnin& a. bualneu trip with ~ Ruth Gerrish, Dorothy Suther· :.,_ __________ _ urn. · · ar e, amM1 Church by the Sea, will be an vtalt to Mrs Lowe'• brother land, Do110thea Wilson. Aida Gor· ~~ J ~~~~~~k~ ~~:!ria auction of hard· to-get articles tor They have bee~ holding open ~ ton, Helen Kennedy, Peggy Ege ..--;....._.A_L_L_M __ A_R_K_., DAD TO 'roE BEAUTY !JBRVICE Ebell Bridge Slated For Thursday e. ac ey 1 which mcmbera have been doln& this put w~k with their 10ft and Marie Hamilton. 0\ambl'n~. tome extra special ahopplng !OC' Tom home from Elllnore MJiltary -~ .... 1-••••••- Gaberdine Summer Wetght Butcher Unen Summer Shades Stripe Denim Swnmer Work c some tlme. academy and their daughter Pa-S Cl b H C A R D S ~ Thursday des~rt bridgt> of Capilla ircle The auction will follow a 6:30 trtda fully recovered from her lll· tamp u ears the EbeU club slatf'd for this wK>k Elects Wednesday dinner to be supervised by the nesa and plannlne to return to Long Beach Hobbyist will be In charge ol lht> Thrift men and on IM cemmlttee ln aehool next fall u her husband II Shop canmlttee, ~. f/1 A rPport of the nomlnatln~ charge are Harold Glua. Herbert still on Wa.ke lllan4. Telling of the adventures of whl¢1 AN' tM Mt'Sdnm~ •:. E. rommlttl't' will be heard and of· ~cDonald, Olear Moe and Leon Bob Boudinot, ton ot Mr. and joining the Federated Stamp Clubs Boudlnot, H. W. St>ager, H. Hll· fl<'t'ra e cc cd when the Capllla <'rguson. Mrs. E. E . Boudlnot. 1120 West of Southern CaiJfornia. Mr. Talent ~r. Roc't'r Woods. fluk'<'ll R.l't'd. Clr<'le meNs W~esday, April 24 T f Sh 'A d Bay avenue. has reeelvf'd hl1 dlt· of Long Beach spoke at length Fred Catlin, S. A. Me)<'r. Henry at 2 p.m. In the sotlal hall of th<' hri t OJl tO i charge from the navy, is now at at the Thunday e\'t•ning meellngl For Mother's Day May 12th VMM :: f'llurtDel E~tJtt"rt , Bertha nUotJton, C. M. Corona dtol Mar Community Hospital Fund home and Is planning to return of the Harbor Stamp club, held DeeJdns. lA'W Wallacr and Olarll'l' church. to school alter a Jon~t rest. Thl1 at the Mesa Radio shop with 25 Lamps :: Cofltume lfftltfllrr ~~tM~·~~~':''o':'a~~ ~~~ 1 Tiwrc will be a panl'l dlac\a81on With over S2500 given In dona-week he and Mn. Boudlnot are membera present. kin~ . on Africa, rl'ports from Mrs. ~ry 11005 thll year. the ladles of the driving to Corvallis. ttre .• and will Kent Hitchcock presided and · · Schrock, Mn1. John SadJelr and" Thrift Shop are workln& very hard bring back Bob's slllter , Mrs. Burt plans were made for an auction] Mn. Arthur K('mper, delegates to to eive another sizeable sum to Aubrey ~d her children. Mrs. to be held at the next ml't'tlng, Aid Church Campaign 1 the rt'()('nt mcetin~t of the South· the Prt>sbyterlan hospital .fund Aubrey ll enter the California May 2. Trading occupied the bal-1 em California Fcdemtlon at Lol after already havlnc eJven $500. ha.pital for another operation and ance ot the evening. TWo other! Newport Souvenir and Gift Shop 2102 Oceao Froat We Wrap Gift8 Following up the rocent church C11nvwu1 a cnlllng C4mpoign Is be- Ing lnaucurated this week by O.ta MHB Community church ana thlll t>Venlng (~tday) mem· ben from the F\dlerton Method· 1st church will assist local church people In th~ callln~t pr'Oiram and Thurlday evenln& helpc•n~ will be from tht' Anaheim church. Angell!l. Plana will alao be made Each day ot the week members the children will 1tay with their guesta were present, Mr. Stout Cor the May Day party to be held of tht> committee which Ia headed gTandparenta. and Mf. Fletcher, both from Long at 12:30 on Wednesday, !hy 1 tn by Mnl. E. E. Boudlnot work at Mr. and Mn. 0 . P. Hunting-Beach1 1l-.----------.....J the aoc:lal hall, with deucrt fol· the llttle llhop on 22nd· street, ton, who have told their Bay ~==:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::==i lowt>d by bridge or 11ny other either sorting or selling articles avenue home. were down from .-:arne deslred. which havt' been lfven them a." no Beverly Hllls and spent the week Hoatcasea for the Clrcl<' mf't!t· longer usable by their orieJnal with their nelce, Mn. FlorenC<' lng will be the M_l!ldnmes· Sndlelr, owncra. Morris, No. 6. Bay Island. Schrock. J. 11. Smith, Harry ThP shop fllh a valuable place With their --granddau~thters. Stauch, Walter Swl~ter, H . Car-In the community, provldln& ~ Marthellen and Lujcan Gnlloway doza Sl011n and Harold Wilson. thing for any shopper, no matter ot Puadf'na down for Euter Sewing Qub Meets what their station In life. Mothers vacation, and Donald Oliver of who mWit I!COnomlu find excellent Santa Ana alto a house KUest. the> materials whkh may be rema4e Fred Catllns of Udo Iale held open THE HURLEY BELl 135 COAST OPEN DAILY AT' P. II. s-daJ'W at % p. m. Team them with our gay blouses ll, R. L. Boyd III, Jack Boyd, Lawre nce Romero. Bartlett Hen· deraon. Ll'o De Ln. Ria. ar.. Dean Bradford: Mn. Fred Earle, Jarnt'S Johnston and SaJnt Ocrro. Mrs. William Trusty entl'rlaln-lnto IUTUiller earmenta; men AN' house all week for the younger ed her Iewin& club on Wcddea-among the ~t of shoppers. crowd. On Sunday they enter· day evmlng at ht'r home In New-The!? an> books tor adults, pmes talned Mr. and M.ra. Cllll'tl'n<:t' port Heights, refreshnl('nU fol-for chll~n .even anUquea for col· F1etcher and children Bill and lowing an evening spent w11h n~-leeton and many everyday hou.st'-Martlyn Jo of Fort>~t Oty, Ia.; lnl needles. HUibanda of the hold Items. Mr. and Mrs. Ed -~non. U n· members met at the Balboa home But the stock II gettJne low and coin, Neb.; Mr. and Mn. Styver '"The Howe of Fine Foods" Ethel Neff, D. 0. Orkin's 1193 Newport Blvd. ~ ... n. Dr .... ._ lleti!M of Eye of William McDonald for an eve-with surnrner nH.rly hi!T'e, spring ot Tustin, the Charles Swansona Tralallltr for Better VW.. nine of pinochle. rumrnactnr should brine out many ot Santa Ana and Mn. Nellie ~==========::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ .,., • ·a. -"'' " .. '"••••t Enjoyine Mra. Trusty's ha.pl-articles not needed which 'would be WJ11dnson ot Udo Iale. _ • .... r. ..,._ .. Soedlwnt wlda · ....... u .... 11M ttonhera ,.,.. ,... sao• .. ,Wu el Kaa ... eo.theuum Coaondo._. 10" Oftt the •- taiuMRIIOa Pua. 11tt IOedaem routt laaaa toed! Ia ..... ~ta..._ NaathrooJh Okla· ..... die Tnaa Penhudlt (when It II ~taod by other Suta Ft u- ~JTnu),croaNtcf'lllral N- l&at-... Join• the DOttbtm ...... •pi• _, Alb.qwrqM. Aiotl1 dieM .. t. ll-.s Sanu r. ... l•cnuH Ita ,.,d t;t.ilitiH. __.JMtnM CNt cvrns and Imp- _.. IWiDJitO hMdJe -frtiJhC ...... I Uatnliucl Tta.Ac Control .,~ -• .... btea lnaullrd. •lma.tly acldinJ another "mein lint" ro 1- ponant paN ol alae Sanu Ft. I. A IJ'ral n-doublt·track ettd bridge ecron tiM Colorado IU.uo _, .. , the "bocdfllcc:k" atattd ., the old aiaJie tnc:k brid .. lc rep lieu. 10 giattt H~:>.bomopo•w ~I locomoti .. ea -the mon powenv.J fftlabt Dlueh in ·-world-'IN pellln' hury (rtl~hll o•u o•r atH~Jt IDODIIWD ~radr<. ThHt lnae.wd factl uies Oft the S&na Feue ready to"roll 'em futtr for thippt.rt nca mort •lidead1 tha11 Mfo tt. SANTA ~E SYSTEM LINES ................. ....._ , - I I -· tallty were the Meadame1 Lillian valuable to IIOmeol'le elle, the The Charles Tannen and 110n1 • • Owen. Joyce McDonald, Genevlew ladl" say. Tom and Jimmy, and 1 YOWl& Barnes, Billie FO'IIVler, Jean M~ --------friend, Larry Porter, were down Donald, Doria Fft'I'UIOJI, Ludlle N....-nme.. for the naatta. and 1pent the MullJnl aDd 'l'rDby Fc.4 For oltlce IUppliel, aee the Wl!t'kend on the Trade Winds II. -------------------------Amon& Udo Ialanden down thll 11 . s AN f40N OR 1 TO HAVE A 8AIY' put week were the Duncan Fricks of Beverly Hilla and the Baird "":\ Marbles of Altadena. AI a beginnlllg to the Easter v11catlon Mrs. Walton Hubbard Jr. weekendf'd In San Diego. With her were her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H . I. Thomas of Sllntll Ana. her daughter J ean and cousin Mr5. Beth Gromer.· Newport Circle FOR SUN FUN Newporl Rl'nr h Clrcll' wtll m!'l't Wednl'sday. April 24. with Mrs. May ll'Rr n. 3:it 2 Wr~t llCf':~n Front. !he time lwinl: :.' pm I ' 0/Jil GAY PLAY·A BOU TS ~ UlATlD WITH OR/t/NA IIU flor Llu [,pcrfnllf ~ Jl ,ff.. r J "rerr I ACitr, 1/IOUS, "~Itt~ 115 90 .. .. For t'JUk k results \I!K' New-.· Times clM;.cified column!\ - Sandy F. l\1a(·Kay I• ln!<>urnfl('4' ~ ·n .. r ~.\I "' ur" -,\utu -l ~n· ,\rf'ltlo'nt ~ .. Ill ...... ''"rtrv• - ( ••nllll'll"'l 1 l••r. J,ll\hllll,l -'''"'''"" l 'hll'flt~ I; ~IIJ'f'ly Jl111111~ II \I~IIIH: '. # • -.. JJri~gs & :\lad\ a~ ; 1 1 t .. I toni r•l • fl••ll"'·' !.• I i Hew vacuum tube I . equipme'nt will speed ' long distance calls Long dlatance expansion progrpm In full swing At d o zens ot 'ptacu up and down the Pacific (,put ,.,,e're going aht'ad wTch new vac:u u m tuhe l'quip111ent "'hich booso the num· ber of telephone calls ""ires can carry. This is just part of oqr unprecrtlcn•ed long dulllnce ex- paruion'program no-unclrr way. For th• pbeoomen";l de\clopment in this part of the country has resulted in a tremendously increased oum· bcr uf toU and long distance calls. (In 1945, for U · ample, we handled more than half a miJiioo a day.) But we're ,.,·orking fuU speed :~head to install the addi· rional facilities ,.,,e need to pro"it.le n h<"ner and fas1er long distance seo•ice th•n t>Vet before. Southern California Telephone Company ···--......