HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-05-22 - Newport Balboa News Times111 AND CRAB ., SAM AJIDJCANA. This is "I Am an American" week and ooe sometimes wonders In these hectic ~Y5. of strikes, walkouts, oeUfngs, ln.flation and c o n f u s i o n, whether the veterans 'of War n all believe it is such a hot idee.. Decialons of great mo- ment are being made dally by pubUc officials in Wuh-lnaton and eJsewMre in the world and one wonders just for what are we striving. Becauae voters are d.UQnter- sted in aolng to th~. does lt mean· they are d.ls-KUSt.ed or that they have lost faith! And yet that ls the only w~ we can register our approval or disapproval ot what our chosen repre- ~entatives are doing. A CQIJlic on the air last night aammed it up ln a short sen- tence: ''Truman plays the piano while Congress fiddles and Jimmy Byrnes!" • • • . ----Sdlool Votea. Some 85Q. people out of a total of more than 8000 registered voters went to the polls last Friday to give the harbor disirict Dearly $900,000 worth of new achool buildings. About 10 per cent ot the population Indicated a wUUngness that the improvements should be made. Just why more peo- ple did not feel incumbent to vote ls a puzzler. Some Mes- ans were worried because they felt there would be many anti votes.. yet the tabUlation revealed there were a few more against the program at the beach than at the Mesa. + • • Staaley's Race. A poll of the newspapermen on the trlp to Catalina Sunday re- • vealed that practically every publisher favored Earl Stan- ley fOI" the ~bly and in· dicatlons polnt to the fact that the Newport Harbor man will be nominated. It ls hoped he can poll enough votes to obviate the neces- sity of a run-off. Stanley told a group that he did his first work at Catalina and later was taken to the Bald- win Hills by Anita Baldwin and taught the art or selling realty, which he has been do- ing successfully ever since. + • • Is 11d8 Fraud! In a bold broadside editors are warned ol a trick playing on the name of· the Ia te Harry B.' Riley, former state control- ler and the post for which Tommy Kuchd of Anaheim is a candidate. One ol his ta is Harry ''E" ~and his literature is evidentlY planned to indicate it MIGHT be Harry "B" Riley. Harry "E'' Riley is ln the electrical buainess and whethe"r he is trying to trac» on the name of the former controller, is hard to say, but voters are urged to acquaint tbemaelves oC the situation before going to the polls Jtme 4th. + + + H~re's aa ldl.&. Frank J . Fogarty, who operates a anall grocery at Westmin- ster comes up with a plan that might be copied in Southern California. The ldea comes from New York where many meat markets refuse to open their doors until they can buy and sell meat at the proper price, thus doing away with black markets. U such a plan were started here it might react on some ol our packers, who are accused of selling their supplies to Black Market ~ erators rather than Jeaiti- mate marketeen. + • • Newsprtat 8c:al'ae.. Wlth ~trikes fn the woods and saw mlOI of the Northwest. newspapers ol California and the country face a real shortage. For the flnt time during the war years and Iince, "fiat news'' (which 1be News-n.mes uaes) bas become !IC8l'Ce and our quota bas been reduced. Number ol ~baa been~~ U the ltuati~ does not eaR otf. Costa esa J:ditio·n Newport Balboa-News Times VOLUME -DXV111----------OCMITA MDA. CAU~oaSIA. WF.DSEADAY, MAY II, 1... " • 1 '"'-.. Sliit Over Land For State Park Site Looms AS Defense· CouDsel · War~s Of ·Civil Action . School Expans.ton P~ogram ~:!:.r:~:r~ Bldg. Volume ~~:i~.08:~~~-: COuncH Outvotes Proposal Over Newport Harbor In Weatminster Park ·lSSuredbyVoteatPolls ~:.:~"'r.··~~?·.::e~ Rises as 4th o::.7.:~·~ .. ~~~=.~~~.:: To Plate Land in Escrow oct'an wall be onf' of thl" ruturs w k s pott~ uf Jhnllln~;h•n 1\4-arn. Sooal Aft Adv• . b c • nsel All thrM' i.ui.IIPI In the pr~ f the Mt'morial Oily tervict' to . ee tarts l~arh. c:ardt•n Gru\l' nntl Mhh\ltY I er ICe y ou $810,000 Newpor t Harbor Union M•11 d B 0 d ted h •re Mav ~ l)y ('It)' 111 thf' WrJtmlnstt•r Mr monal Hlch achool and Elementary school I an uys . -r,;;~C::~a~c Uoglo~ POll . No. 291. , P~trk and M•utauh·um nn 111Ur~l\~. j bullcllng program '!"l"rf' carrled ln Commandf'r Don Durant &nnounc. __ May 30. I • the ~al clccttona conducted lod today. A tt>l~l n( Sl94 000 In hulldlnjt l S.•rvll't·a \IIIII h(•~otln at 11 • n• c· F •L-- lut Frtduy. ed E t' t AI ' I Tht! lolN>Uil of (ly('nl, Who wiU It \'Piltltlf' WIU r.•!'ln'dNt ~~I Titt• jlf'olt:ram rollullll! I aty ·~ Ve»te 3 to 2 to Poatpone Adloa Only 824 of t~ 6600 t!'X'J)f'Ct l s a e so pay trlbutt.' I() tht> nation·· h"oel· thP Cit) ,,, Nf'W)IOr1 l\.•nrh hllllcl· 1-'llllt ('o•n •mony lind SIM'I'Ial An Week ·u ,Thompeon Allo State. to turn out to \'Ote at thl' pol'-n I art• rrh•nds of E~trl Copp.namllh ol Inc I~!Jlo'<'tu>n tlt,lltrtm••nt durin~ NumiM-r hy nrum and llu~;lt• r QI'llll.j t u-1&--bv AH.v . ~"-K-•v Ja In Coronrdel Mar, C:O.ta Mesa and l ~Corona del Mar . a COfllnctor and ltht!' fll't 111 da~• or MHy \\'•·~tmin•to·r ll('hool .._..... " ·~ ~ -v Nl"wport &·ach vot<'C! In the three Catches· E• former rt~hJt'r plaM ptlot. It wu On Sn1urdlly, C1l1rf Mulldlna In· Conflict With State La~ prf'Cinctl. Fully 5776 votl"r'l rt>· 1 he who madt• tUTAn&etne!nta far hil apector E, M. Nt>Uto!t rt•por1t'l1 that llpt•nlnw Chairman Pr W Mr ~~)(....from~ ,. -·-0~ &o ny ewer UM d tY 'MJ.lOO Wl111 h of llf'W hutldln.:1'1" ~tr .. na / On the propoul to expend ap-1 on necoratlon Day. work .. ~.L• ,.... .. ,~ rnr tht' thl'f'<' Tn•no'Att(ln flrvl'rt•nl1 f l11rr" 1: ~a nJIJ call vote ol three to two on a.tten.oc., proximately $500.000 on ~ l"xpan; I p h I---;;;--Mllland the Vi!tt>rans of ~OI'fljfA Wan. Boy ct.)• .. '"'m 11•Ur.sdl\)' ••• SIOi urda) Rank• / l the Newport Beech aty Cound1 dc!dcled to hold .., unu• aion program for the ewpor 1n'6urmco~t"o"n pi>Yctur/aca<k'm" 'prize, Scouts. Girl Scouts and Sea Scouts Up to lu>t \\'l'dnesdl•y night thf' ,. Muakal Nwnber -lhanlln&'1(>n lfOC' .llM ftlk ~ actJon on a P"JPC*.I to ...... Ill ...... Harbor Union High achool. by way "" J will be amona tht' oraanlzaUorw total valunw •n <Jnll111 for the ('n· flt•nrh \Jnffm IIIIth arhootl lllnd It bwnlln Uw 8lutf and SandA ...ctkln ol OCIIana d!l of douhling the high school clls· winner, or IU2 via Lido Nord. Udo pal'liclpatlnf.: In the American lA-tire harbor ''"''II Wll.• $150.800 I'!Pifdlng Patrlollr NumbM-for lltatr putc .cqulltUon IJUillC*!S. Motion tor u..=..: .... trlct tax r11te over a four-year-lslr, lor $55,000, hu btot>n an-filion p.,-.,SC alona Main at:rHt ln Ktlt)• Cut' I ~,___.,__ .... .._ ......__. hou period. thr voters voted u fol-I nounced. The actor bought the Balboa. Earl Coppenmtth 11 chair· Rt-ptlr1" fm thl' Ia;. I thn"t' du}~ Mualral Num'"'r -Amf'rll'an I.AO-msu:ll! ~~n Robert .IUllt"''t, wa:lliiii!Ci .,sz lows: 'rt'llden~ rrom JOIWphLM SpeiU"'. lnd.lcate thllt Muy llulldln.: will 80'1 ginn Pn!lt Nu :lOO, Sf'tll Rf'ttdl MaMJn • after Qty A~ Roland R. ~ ...... y8 No Mllland and hla friend, Roy man ol 1M prosram. anotht•r nor'Tllllll)' hiKh rutl' for lh(' Mrnu>rial Addn-u JV·v,.rrnd and Gearp Penney, prominent Loe .AnaM at UMI Newpor t Beach . 226 31 Grt>ene. havl' been catchlnr any clt"t. RniW"rt A Rlumf'. ~ for Uw Blulr and Sanda Property Ownen tlaft. Corona dl'l Mar .. . 241 15 numbe-r of weighty apotfin, some Stage Une In th<• tlww Iitty~. opplleant' f 'lnrltl Trlhutr tJnknown Sold· ln.lbrulntlatl!d hl8 hint that the ~y ownen in ()wona .. Costa Mesa 280 30 Wl"ighlngtrom rlvetoelghtpoundll ruf'd plan~ for $21,500 wonllur lo·r -l.t'rtlon Au,.lllariH, WCiml•n'•IKa.rwculdlllltltutraadtqaJrwttherttylfU.lnuwfwredtM MNA a-att In the bay recently. Some one re-nf'W homrs, $5700 worth of ultera· JWIIl'f c·orJieo, c;ulc1 Stu Moth••" ---land to t,tw. state. On the proposal to spend $160,· mnrkl'd. "Wher~> art> tht> boys cet· Uoa~ and $900 fur n rw"'' ~:araRr. Ralulf• to· llw l >t>ad -Am,.rlcan Nicky-Wi 000 ror a alx·room addition to tht' tinrt those razor clama IIIith whlch Start· s New '"'-fnllo.wlnR IX'n!onll fllo-.1 l;nlnn Pctlf"1\lo ~~. Mldw•v C'ltv. • Ins 'l'ttf' m.Jotrlty mc.<mlf('ft OR .... h th trl •" "' _, ., c"''anMl alao tuuk Into _...._ Undtwrgh achool and a foour-room thry cault t ose apo n · 1 plaN '''' nrw hclfm .. : T~tr111 Rill Mlllf'r addition and a two-bWI garace to W~>ll. honeatly. Wl" do not know.1 E. J lluf'l Jaddln or 400R tttlon ttw> lf'&al anal)'tll h)' ttw at~ ~~~~~ ~~~-~~.a~o:.~,·~=. ~1tx;e~yu:r ~y ~t'~ho:~, Se • Soo ::'r~~~~~7~~~~·e~~p ~~·~:1 Property Tax Up To·p Pn·ze ·n ~~~~;~2~: ~= VOII'rS in that school district voted Whatta ya say, boys! 'I rvtce n t.achl.'d 1111111!:1'1 At IU2 Fullt•rtttn 12 Pet. .• c nty I follows: I llfnt't. No•wnnrt 134•nl"h, $6."10(); and I n oa wu In ('(lftflk't with u-. a...-.1 81 ·-· Law. ol the Stat• In r.f.......-to Yes . 291 St I T k at ~ Rl1U<tnds ~ti'N'I, ~t>wport I L • Sho tt"' COft~a~ ol land b)l. • ...,. N->port RHult 1 Stagt' Une opt'rated by S. P. Carr M. C. f)fohhlln Ql-1l08 36th llln't't.l county, thr arhc101 diJtrlcta. llnd .......... ___ ._. No .. 15 an ey a es I 'J'hto, 1...<111'\JnA RHch·Santa Ana Hetehts. S9000 ~ Thr prnf)t'rty lalC hill for Orllnl''f eglon w nlriJlAIIty. On the proposal to spend $150.· I and C. P. Rhlrn~rd hu bMn ,..nt· I I TII()m~ Yrl.,. IIW' .__....., 000 {Dr thc:> ert>ctlon of a new ed authority to oprratt> alone an Ne-wport lkoc)Y.'" ont-~tory. "n& •·j thr •Pf'<"'t~l dletrlrt• In tlw m unty Uk'C"n t .S.lay U.. matw • Willi IIChool plant. to complete the, Co-Edit t I altt!'mate route bctw~ Santa famll)' ~..til nit with dc-taclwtt lOla liNt SA.filll m fur thl' 1'\ll'Tf'nl ~Ill hr ~ .. ~ cltftnlt. ... oronn del Mar school bullcllnr and I ors 0 I Anll and LAauna over a new hlch· caragt-.>a thC' l'aJI'\(' add1"6J', sr.ooo fltar al yrllr, IJII lfl p ·r rrnt or Nkil)', ODdlw ...... t»lonaln« frnm Uw etat•'• attarMJ to mhrrge ~t facilltif11 at t~ ~ lalown .. MacArthur boulf.. ...ri...-t o,u.eraJP.~~-\ I SR!Hb .• A:!:\ frnm thf' $.'\·71171·44911«'VIfl'd to ·~ .... ,.., 5:18 Sou~ ~! offk-r. that ttw ~"' .......... I vard. IU an mms:lon and l"nlaf'IP' ,rTTmuts or tara ......... WCI"<' 11· y th('SC &ovt•mm••nt• un 11 frt J"ren1. n.a.. • ......_ •-t ... o..ct\ ...,.wd t. wttHft Hll ..... main plant of thl' Newport Beach 8 yhood II 1 ol 1 ~ 1 t wu ~ llled to Clarks and William 11944 ... ~. California T~j aritrld fll't.P truph)' far ....._ tJw rilht t .. ~ .... Grammar achool. t ~ voters voted 0 s e nwn p~ rou ~fetN& Setwll ol 940 ~an Way, Lacuna 1.ull0datlon •aid today. makl"'[ m011t ..,t pupil In tJw '""'-trt)':. Ollt~ iMII D1J u rollawt: nounced toda)• by the -11 eom· ~fur a bulldlnr a t 1117 Cout puhlk Ita atudy of property ta lt'f-• ~b)' Hum.rw Ot- Yf'S 471 ~~~d~~;.';~:o;'AIIf~elda eom~ h~way. NI'Wf'Or1 Rfoach. 11~:' h•vl~ In C'allfnrnl11 munlll'l. v v-nn-r VI,...... o.umano wtwn clop OftleHl lA-of the Ita._ _... No 47 Sa· Fra cil! Y E F Otri-tmtiOfl or 2021 Miramar l•'ll 11y lh" dty wuvN"nmt•nta In tt1• ~·,.nt thmu«h thrlr pM!N at ttw r1f'l a ~ wt\ldt •'-• ... Aa a result of lhl' pusaltl" of Editors, publishN'$ and rl'port-; n seo. 1 •11 t th dJ I clrtvr. Balboa JX'"'"'ula. cnnvenrion rmtnl\ Art· n .. t lnl"'udt'tl ttiO"'' and ~ at thfo Amf'r1ran " rHJ ma)' not t!llftW')' • .. thr Newport bond INue, loral odu· <'1'11 of pract ically evl'ry nl"wspapcr tAn<': f= ~: 1';' mS~. oned ~~~ of flhllo to ()fottroom, S:IOOU:~Nricrdk II Pru111·rtv '''"w' lt•vl,.•l h)• tlw r,.a!Qn D • S.lurday. wat.-rh-ont property. cators can now carry out their In lhf' 74th district. were g\J('IU travl'linJI; tlml' fmm one hnur and llumham of !'>44 VIa o o . rount) t .. ttollr•tl $;.1,('()2.47t for I!W\· !Wwf'rwl ............ .,...,.,,. ._ ln ..,...._ f'Wal 1t1 proltl'am for IIX l&r61C cla.uronm!l. Sunday nf F.arl W Stanlt'y candl-rlvt!' mlntat~ to fo,rty minull'S, with r • ..-building at samt' nd~., 46. ,..,.mpnr"il wllh $1.7!11l,tm fur ,.1.,.n~. wft}l .. mllny ectulu In a atat.-nwnt ,.a.,...,. lfl a. nurt14!11 and otht'r fac1litil'l piWI date ror the Stille Aunnbly. on a no lncreaM> or cha nj!«' In fnno. ~1!100: Ml"'l. Ann D11vl,. flf 407 :\Rth l~H If> Hu• 1ttllltlf'l11tlon aaid '·"'· ,., rttllcfNrn. lfW'fudlnc saerrnt•. a rno•ral JlN'M tha .....ar. w_.._ $12,000 to huy a lO.acre Sill' ror hnolln~ trip tn Catalina. boyhood At least two F1l"XI\bll' 0 1' Dodge ~ll'f'('t, Nfwport Drnrh. ror .!'Jiftr1• lr• fur lht• •r honl dllltrkta In thf" ····ll'llf'1'11, """ jwlt l'f'<Jt)lf" who T flttnnutn. rrpr.-ftt.uw ot .... a ~:rammnr sl·hool. home or Mr Stanley. wht:'rf' he coach IYJlf' busses, 3J·pa!llWflger nwnt nvl"r gRrllgl", 14000: Crf'Oilt" NIIHtly ttmount•>cl to S.J.7fl7.~13 fur ''""''' ~ thry wrrr lnh'n'lllro atlltr dfol•,.rtmrnl ttl natural ,... workl.'d as a JNintry hoy In a Cllpecitv 111111 be-op«'ratPd '" the. P··nnt'y, 1400 ON-an hoult•W\rd, lh•• •·urro•nt flllrlll y•·ur nnd tu $.1,· Tl'" ~ wtto lnf'fudrd tl. w lllllllrf'f'l. •tlll>lfod Ally Cleft. ~ Catalina hotrl. I P~ nrw J(>r'VIf'l' goin~t vta the Comna dt'l Mar. llltr rnllon' to 1~ ·,9:. for lnJt yr·Ar S&~N.'tlll ttl• M•o('feln f1l lhr 1...,. AriC'f'let ~ W K,.nny u havtnc ,.W t1111t Amorita Sails For Newport Wednesday . Whill' t~r journf'y was Ollf•n-Or11ngr County nne! SAnta Ann J~rt'l'l'nt bulldl,ng, $1,200. ~ ~r~. tr.lrt lo•\'lo'tl wo·r•· $R91 ,Al~ fnr 19<1!\.-rh·t,r rnr Pn••'l!ftUc:.t of ('rucolty to thl' rH.y of !llrwport ~ ... 111hly a ftshln~: f'Xpedltlon. thel Alrpon~ with M'l"\'ll'l' impi"T!Vl'd wo Gllld)'r< K. \\hilr, J.l~ <•'""'' ·If• ••ntl J7Rtl,'r.\7 for ln•t )'Y'ar. 1\nlm"'-llrrt.ram M~ ot thco n ... authority to rt>nW)' .......... finny trllw-r('fllsed to bitf'. Roll.; fnllows: · tWl"nue. Balboa bl~nfi. ntldlllon to I -•-l.na AnPIN Cltl' AnJma.l "hrltn J11nd In ('ONWW .S.I Mar to .. Gutld of Thf' Santa Ana Globt-he-..... lhl"rl" would IX' ndded prcaent bulldlnr;t. 52!'10. N. M ...... Former News-TamN l .rtd Mr n---"' u-. Anwr1ean ~tlltf' ntvlaloft nt rua ... lng the only or.e who caught a tWrvice ·or four round trfp~~t dally llt"l'ltT"t'n ol 414 PnlnsNtln nvo·nu,., • S 1 "''"'alii! "-itt:)'. CA lfw.cl• tlw t..-ed we. ~ml\11 ~3!0!1 On(' or tt)P rratun·• ~IWl'l"f! the Newpor1 Harbor area Corona del Mor. t"llnWNon 'of Edator Hu a on nfrn lr • flllr ........ It .... spun-In l'alllnl alll'fttlon to thfo ..... or tilt!' trip was whrn a weary a nd Laguna Beach rf'Sultlng from garare Into bedroom and mnkmlt _ _ 1-fllatr IJW Anwrialft IAtlon poet flirt hrtw,...n Ow attnrney ~ aparrow Alighted on thl' llrm or the COflnl'('tlon betwc't'n the pl'ft· aftdltlon for R""'rt''· S.'\.'\0, nnd J \\ tth qullr a hmad trtn nn hlt l fo ~ cNI*'Pn In bfooomlna Ill'• nplnltf!! aftd that nlatl"' • • Mr. Slanlf'y ror rl'lt a nd Rht'lter. ent ~hettule and rour round trips IS. Barntt nr stat<· h1~hway. In· f&N>, Willard Mmnr. rormf'r rlty I hrttrr Pl't ow--. and 1ft charp thfo l l'nrt"lll Ia .. ot thr at.atC', Mtltt Thr party embllrked from Port or the adliltiOf)lll I!Chl'dule at Cor· atall partition an~ hllthroom to rltllor or thf' .N··Wlt·Tim.-t~, today I Wft'C' ~Dan Durant and nty A It)'. Roland Jl ,.. ... I Orange In thl" new r~•t boat of ~· .• Mar. ·wtw!-1'1' alternate u. Pl'ftftl\ bulldlnr. ~. ann<>unN'd t hat an ll-pound ~ ,. Cllllf ,.,.. Qoodln. and a.-a" ~. --a .. Bob Gibbons, who butlt moet of S. rttway 101 and MacAnhur arrlvf'd. Sat. urday at St JOlt' ph., .__. ,..tall; tlw .,....._. doc ttw Rlulf aM .... f'W.,., the \'f'SM!l hlnwelf at the Lowman ard ~t. In other word~! C. C. MEET FRIDAY hoapltal Thr MIMnl r.-.ldl! at liOJ ..._ .,. __ ._ -M w-ll (lwnfon ....UUOR, .... KtMf Waltn Franz' Calllornl11 32 9o y da t f 1 1 ,_ --_.. •-• ....-~ ........., clau Amorita lOit the Perpetual "' ar at a coa o near Y t ht!' p~l lnvolv~ t~ prf.'tiMit RlckOf'y, ~ant a Ana. wht f' t M J'klo,. ....t ._. ca..or mlud f01l could f'Mil)' ._. ......... • $15,000. Glhhons wu a fiye-r In ~ea. plua el~ dJI"t'Ct trirw Board of dlrl'('ton or t~ State proud p~~pe Ia connf't'tf'CI whh Uw ,--..... .. 11 • ... ~-"---'l-aa att.ornr,.. ott-.. ., ....._ _.. Otallenre race ulled Sunday at w ld w ri J G ah ,.... E _. _ ___. C'o. t ....,._ -.. • • ---~ ·-s or ar . ay r am was on the fU1 !IChedule M~ Chamber of Cotnmt-n:'f' will ,_t Raub-BenMtt n ............ nc a Ita-'--m ........=...... ~~• •-•. tak .. . the C«<n thlan Yacht club, an hi hll ~-G ah h d nd E • • _, _.._ .._ ....., ml 23 • crew w e ....-.. r am a Santa .Ana and Laguna Btoech and Friday ln the St. Franl"'a hot•l In l oet11 Met~a, whrr• Gra pe V. · ._ _. ... ~ ,.u. aet ot Att.r tJw dty attarMJ ,.. .... Fran<;iKo. by one n.:,:t ':: ch&rre of a well atocked rallt!'y. four additional round tnp. on the San Franc:laeo. Minor llvt'S. w1 1...._ ...__ t:, au.te 1'4 ttw nwmblaa ot UW dtr _. onck and tht!' trophys o Fr~ Thoel' m&J<Inr the trip wert!': Nt!"'l'poo't Jlarbor-Laguna Beach ~ -... ,.:' ....-..; t11 a&alnn· lnuneoctt.w acUcla • coast. nomalna In an Ronald Fairbairn and Dr. V. V. run .. -thr proprwal ... '*"' WM al"ra 1 • from which It hu bH'n takl"f! only Carlson of the Oran~tf' Dally Nev.'S; The JMl.'lleTifl'l'r alAift' operation ~ ...,._,, 1111 Wen Orntral by P'.arl W l'lan"'Y ol ,.....,..,. once In 50 yea". l W. T. Erickson and R. A. Hoefer will ~ ovrr and alon~t the fol· avenu.. . Jlfoar h. formoor ooundlmatt ... -8 The Amorita racl'd agalnat the or the Lali'Un• Beach South Cout lowing ck>!IC'rfbl'd route: Thft df* .c-ud wtth thr pa-t'llndldat• for thr 1taw Ml lftbtr, ll-mrtrr Huuey, IBIIf'd by Myron News: RL'd HodcH, Laguna cor-Bec~nnlng at t~ junction ot j r•~ rf-. ...... wllldl lnch.W Coui"M11rNn 0 . 3. ~ • Spaulding with the owner u crew, rMipondent of the Loci An~tels Main strM't, Newport boult'Vtu•d "'"'"'JtMC ,._ • OrMt O.M to jf'Mf'd to thr .S.'-1. and as the challenger had a handl·, Timt:'ll; T. N. Galni.'A. C". C" Wilkin-eState Highway 551 and Mnr · " tiny "-'-~. 0rw lrilh "Arr w.-&o'nl to k..p tonU.. cap or 11ix mlnutH , the ('()f'N!Cfed aon and W. J. Monohan of the Arthur boult'vard. t.Mn~ I!OUlhrr-arttrr .......,. -lf'edlnc hilt ml• llllt tltl• "'"'t"' lllaln and ..-..e tim<' was ·over Aevtn mlnuti'S f0f'1 Sttntn Ana ~Jriatu: Bob Gelvet ly aJonr MacArthur boulevard tu ,.,.._, ... tlw -llf'at r!lhlhllor Why rttn't """ .ct •m II now?" hi th<' Huuey. A San Francisco man, or the Lon~t &-ach Preu Tt!'IC'· Its lnten~«tlon wtlh u. s. Jri11h-: WIW tll~,_--old M.ry J •1 Mo. ,. .... ~ who Wl\S In have lxol'n 8 memiX'r or ~~ram : NC'al Weatherholt or tht' way 101. or....,. wttllt "" C'cdf't', J\coatt. I 'l111ofn1JI")" ncaln ~tltvt.d the thr Amorllll'!l crew was not able S!ln Juan Capistrano Nrws; Sht'r· ,..,_.,. ~ WJ"'C" Jud&•~ olnly 1 r•uctndl thut •h•JUIIt thf'} t.ke lm- to 111il. wh1ch may ha.v" innu<'ncl'd mnn PAddork. Laguna Pn~~t ; R :>< Spring Breakage nn "f'P'•r•"""'.,. enndltlun Firat m• •llut•· ""'"'~ t.y plat1nc tM ._,.. thr rrsult. L11d1, C011ta MI'Sa Globe--He-rald; \4 "" thr t-.tiful n~~tlmAtl~tn.l """"'' fl fur at A If· pttrk pur~ Althou~:h losing onl' fR!'f', the Co'Or~otr M Shnffrr, SAnta Ana ln·. A ronl.idl'r abll" amounr or sprtnt.: llnrty, •.wnrd ..,. l\lnl row•·ll •nd '"'" , A<TIIW, l'l'nnt•y would na. Amorita won thl" Valll'jo nee dt•JX'ndf'nt. C'has. t• Crawford. brn kagt!' I• due to IOOSf' Rprml( , Wlnm,. Rulflvan'a r.rt•at (lant',l1'"" nl(llhllt ttw rtty 11tnd he .....,. a~:nanst !flO hoau on a pri'VIous Nt•wpnrl nalbon PrrM; S. A. tl·holt1, r t'port1 lhr Srrvar r I ••· l.onnlo·. wtw• twd hfo11nt1ful Qllln·f lltnt ttw l"'ty ahl~tlll'l not tw the W('l'k ""d Thl' Pngi ne ,. belnlt r('· Meyrr. Sam Portr r. N('wport Dul· partment or lhf' NAtlnnnl A ttln Of'U. --"""""" Tf'ddy Kn,,·. '"' "". "' tylnl( tlw lull!& ,., the plac"('d in thC'. oont 11nd 11hc will I)QR 1\:rW!I-Tim,.s: W II llltrhtnan. mnblle clut, ·nw!U' holts ~huultl \ .,,..,a~~rr~~., "naffy. wM thlrl'l llnd 1 c '••r•mt• •I•• I Mer fll''lt)l 'rty nwnrre h•avr Wl'dnf'!lday for hotll('. On the puhllcl~t. Nrwport Beach : R. A ht' C:ATl"fully rheckrd at fr<'<plt·nt "' \ t!rnmla, • ._~, twlonl(lfll to In lhl'l o11Hr11111r bo8t 811 crf'W are 1.1'0 n.-nTJnl. Bar-Alhrfght. County C"lerk't offil'f'; lntl'rvalll to Jlf'f'Vtlnt llf'r.fil••"'" 1 Hmna Wallll\, wM fourth Fror ... '"'" tlv· I'll)' piAN'tl the n<'Y IA'hman and Kenny Watts. f<K'I E. OglP, county COWIIf'l. brtoakag~. rn tho> • ...,.... • lralnlnK dllllll( ('tt•l•·rt y tn '"'"row ttru.S l~rwy tn- ••llwr pr1JP wt""'n Wf't'• ftoYt'r,,.l,lotl• a "'"'· th" pro'P"f'ty OWrM'f'll ··~"'"' .,,.,. ,,._, Ill (7yltRI J•rut••ltlll' 11 ... "'~lul•ltkln ot thttll' Tidelands Oil Controversy Goes Beyond Contest for Oil Lands ' By ~"-•e Eridulon 11945, since (which ~. chartP9 fontla cout near S11n ta Barb11J11. ~-and counten:hartft, polltk;al man-A ff!W monlhl later Attorney Gm· Editor of the F1nandal Pa&8 of euvrring. and a. Prr!lldenllal proc· t!'nl Oartt, In order to avoid tho• Tht> Otri.ltian Sdet'IC'e Monitor. 1 hunatlon have muddled the water )on~t-drawn·out Uticatlon which h•• \Vlwre hundredaa ol mlWonl ol until the obllerver I~ aJl at !11:'8 for!'MW would artM out of 11 lower doUars are at sl•ke, ~ one j over lltates' rights. nil and mlnf'nl coun dtdalon, wlthdrt'W tht' '-lilt ~ look ror the sharpest of COfl· own•rship In l!ubml'rced areu. and and Instituted one bef<lft the So· trovenlt'll, That is the cue at l thr que!ltlon of tftt:' naUonaJ In· I preme Coun. maldnr the Stoll' or p!'ftftlt_ ln ~card to offlh<lft oil. ten"ttt Cllllfl)fl)lfl liM! defendant. lie uk· The Senate Judiciary committe-e Thl" Ju~tlet> ~J)Iir'tmftlt hu ed that lhe Court rule that thr urc.cl the pe.saaCe ol a jo(nt retO-I tried to have t~ matter Mttled Uhltf'CI StatH OWMd thr IBn•l Iutton which would n!nCJWICr to by hrln~tintr In a ault about a ,Yftr I thn"t' naut~ mJ~ out frnm th,. the at.tN U.Y Ftden.l daJm to 1•10 befort' " dl.atrict C"'Ur1 , ask· low·wa. tf'r mark and that lh<'l"' Udelandl. 1anda beneath navtpble Inc that a ~t..nct. 1~. ln thla f<lft ttwo •tate had no -neht ·to .. tt!'n wtt.hln state boundarles I cue. the Padnc WHtl'm on Co., and filled lands. ~ Houw puled bfJ rfttrained from taldnc oll out 1 koue ludl Ianda. a btU to tNa effect on Sept. :10, ot a IUbme~ arM off the CaU· <OontirtuMt on Pace •) !·'""''~~": Wll't*:Jn. CIWnl't', Joan 11 .. -l ''r'•l"'"'>' wi ll not IH· 1\bl• to f'lthrr '''"· 147 Hey •1 ,_t. Trrry. nwtll·r ,.,.nvo·y ••·II "I tmnlfc·r lhfotr hold· I.J.,fln Allrn. 1fti1R W.-.t ()coo-flf\ 1rov' '"' "'' lun~t ll"rlod that It I Frront, Rnd A.ady. tiWnf't', Ann•,.,u t•tk•· ''' lry th•• o•afW! In the. tJ,'arnrr. fll8 Vla fJdo Routt I Nlllr•• Tht>nlllllflfl uhl Votl' I t'l 1 SIIIOle an Indicator lly '"'lnytn& fVtltnt11 action • I w"'*· thr c1 ty ull('lrnry npla1nl!d tlnw wtll rl"l"f' (lurlnl( Whkltl pet'• • ,,,:.' ~~-::': ~:": ~~~~·~: lud "'" •tnlt•'' attornf'J·CeMral's ,.. er-r tlila', h le 811 lndlaaU•lf' ortlff will luoVf• h~ an "'bo'*:~-- uf ...,_ f1i1 Gl1 .,._tn Ute ny Ill •11111)' thr Jll1111tl0f\ uo In .,IJrt: ,. .... ~ t.hl! s!rv!Cf-th" U.:ht or th•· pr~ tn the I • ""'""' ftl tlw N Uonal Auto-•tall' Ia.,.,. and ln ,.,.... to " P" • J\f'nrwy'e rreent """'--~ rn6 I tlntll thto rlty ttl NI"W'part .....,. -111 d.-flnltdy lnformecl ~ dte Haw a« Taken ~tau'• attomt'y. rmeraJ'• ornt. Thrt't ftl -e.t o1 1 \6 -frdl that tJM' StAte wUJ a.calft a .... nnHriffl ~ rr..n tJwo city &wiut autljN't ro lhr I"JII"'«'pt'-miJIU... "'"~ ,..,;.rw to "-•port DMch In thr C'of'neral LaW\. II"''hlbtUIIC r••IICIP .. _..., _ _.. .., IJW eale or CClfl¥e~ ~ ..., ... .-. ~ & ..,.... e1 DMA I Ndpallty of waterfront 1.,., .... ~ !ConUnu.d on Pap •) • # M!pi'Oa9 a••MA !!!!!=!ll!'a. ••._..n ...... O'M Rb. 'l'!!!fal· !1p l:!la..!!lMI~:..._--------""""'!~-------~--:----:--------------- .Nettport eo-.lttee Gratified I Fire Qlefs Dl.e, ROOFS ........, oa IIIU'AIIl&D ftw a.um.t. A IMpecoon --· By Hospital Drive Resalt · Hear Los Angelan OPA Removee Grip On Some Fllh PriCea No Relief Seen Here w. ~ ... bo"' 3&02 K&reu11 Ph. Hbr. 1012·J ...... .,.; AI Sher wbt Riding & Sport Shop -Ne.Br ... way, Available to the Public . P R 0 V ED··· For. Five Years by Armed Forces KEMIKO , ....... Colors for Concrete ,...,. ,_ .. Life ot the CeiMIIt) WATERPROOF. WEARPROOF IKO IS A STAIN ~OT A PAINT ·--. a&81' '1'0 APPLY Color St)'tlnl tar ....... SldPwa1k. Pallo and 'hnnll Olw1 ~ AT TilE HOIII:S or. "-... C'harll'll 8oyt'r Ronald C'o14>mau Blnr. C"ro8b)• Spt-ll('t'r Tracy _.. .............. ... ..... ... ., ()8t:D BY !"--. ll S . Go\l•'m mr nt ""-~t C~tJiromlll ngrlt'll Counly Douglu ~ntft Q). .............. SEIERSEN'S .. HOME APPI.JANCE AND HARDWARE STORE ............ ·-. ·-_,. Santa Ana le Ready for the Nation-Wide TRAFFIC SAFETY CHECK-UP Law Eftforcelnent and Trafflc Of&.n Demand More Dep 1nclable Safety Controls On All Cars. n. Checlt-Up st~m This w .. k. Pho.r 1M5 Fullerton Coli. Gets New Bell • Before You Balld or Remodel .Wt our Ia~~ eample display room.. . . . Color guldes, plan- ning aids. compre- hensive stock ot rugs. carpets and linoleum. Ral'l a C&l'pett OleMed. a.p.lred LUDLUM Carpet Works lin ..... llbbl k ...,_ 8ulta Aaa... MNTA ANA DIESEL SERVICE NEW 225 H. P. DIESELS ON HAND ReooeciJUoaed Dleeela 011 baDd with choice of redactioa a.alta. e WE AU WR~O OKDt:M Ol'f KIGHT-AND LEfT· BAND aoTATION Dllt8t:L8 FOR TWIN INSTALLA· TIONS. CHOler: OF Rr.DUCTION liNITS. OD Ha.act: 165 H. P. Genua! Motors-Ne"·· See us for lnfonnatlon on V cnn Severin Diesels Dlfwl Oen~rator S.fA of All Klncb. FILUI'K B. LEWIS (~ uwte) O...·Maaacw PHONES ~ Ofllce: Newport 206S and Newport 20M-W Ill~ lilarllle A \'Mae Balboa blud Thirty m('mben; ol the 0 11lllae County Fir<' Olicfs association were gul'sts ot nre Ollr f Bert Smith of Costa Mesa at a dinner ~:•ven In uw Wrlcome cafe, Costa !\h-sa. last Thursday night. "Flam!' Proving." wus tht' sub· )t'Ct of a talk made by Jnspt'Ctor FnuUt Carlyl(' of Los An~rles, who repres<:'fltS the Orang<' county dis- trict In tht> sta le !1re marshall's office. Fb.hennl'n in the Newport fiar- bor area are not lookinc for UlY m~tteria.l lncreast> in t.he prica ot certain varl~tll'!i o! fish u a reiiUJt of OP A IU&J)(>nlllon ot sonw pr'ic:e t•ontrol.s on them. Followln~ this there was a roundtable discussion on aniOn, mutual ald end oth~r k indrt'd sub- j(>('ts. C'harll'!i Mc lauchlin ot Co.ta Mesa. bUJilnt'SS ag:ent ot• the tbh· t'J'TTl('n's union ht're, doubtal if prices would go up u the de- ma nd for fish In t~e harbor ~• is too low. Nt>xt month Fire Chief Rudy Nyboe of Anaheim will be host to t ht' visit ine fi re chi~Ca. Fire Chl~f Frank Crocker rep- reSt>nled Newport Harbor area at th~ eo.ta Mesa !t>tc. H~ llad as hia personal guest . Capt. ~ip A. l l.aydt'n of thl.' Newport Harbor fire ~rtmrnt. . While priet> t'Of'lt rols have been removed from 11uch fi.shea u the barracuda. white and black 1ft bass. bonita and yellowtail, ·con· t rols remain on all canned fbh and St'nCood ('XCt'pt fish by·products, all varieties ot fresh and fi"'UD Pacific salmon. halibut, tuna 8DCI tuna-like fish. pilcharda. alewiva and sea herrlne. salt cod. hake, pollock. cuek , line and aalthe. Ortve C&retu1Jy-8pue a Ute. ~UST ARR,IVEDI ........ CHILDREN'S PLAY SHOES Oxford~ 11811 Stnpl Boys' alld Mea's H•araclles ....,._ B•VJ SoiM Men's Casuals Bed Bobber SoiM ......... MATOON'S Shoe Store Footwt>ar for All tht' Family I '796 Newport Blvd • Gas Heating & Ventilation CHARTER & PRESTON WANT TO SELL YOUR CAR? ••• We WUJ Pay You the l(ighMt POMible Price. • Stop l.a at: ••• McCARTHY USED-CARS 1920 Newport Blvd. $ CASH ON THE SPOT Going to C08taMeea • You probably have your dream botllf) all worked oat l.a your miDd -or maybe. your arehltect or contractor already bu prepand plaDa oa paper for yoa. · Deetridty wW have a lup pui Ia meld•l ctreaa. of pomrar 1Jvtas oome trae. Whea yoa JO over tbe plaDII wttb you baDder be wre to ulr bba aboat the De'lr.t ~ ...... l.a hOUMbold labor ..... aad ~ tloul bMat7. Our\Experta 1.a efti'Y1hlas electdclal w111 be pad to help ,... layoat plaaa 01' ...,..... ODe IUgNUoa may IDab a lot of dlff-.ce .... ~otu.t~ I ETS-HOKII & GALVAN . IRNCE 4 ltlt 1000 Coaat lllway Pboee Baooa Mit Aa.e .... ..._.._.~-·~-... ·IMep·OsM 1 ELECTRICIANS 0-0-'ho Jlh Eqalr--t fer FACI'081', PlANT, M'OU:. OFFICE, r.-.._ BO- ,_ • I I __.1-.--'-. • CUSTOM BUlL T DEEP FREEZE To Your Specifications Newport Electric Appliance Co. uo~ Cout Bh'CI. Phon!': llarbor !ISII Se~wport .~cC"b prices lower than much, much lower. "Now I know why so many. wo- men from Newport and Balboa shop at the Sport Shop in Santa Ana. "There isn't a thing you could mention that they don't have-and at I've seen anywhere- "I saw .. such a display of beautiful blouses, I was amazed-thousands of them in 16 colors. "And bathing suits ... play suits ..• sun suits ... gabardine and wool slacks ... slack suits . . . cool summer dresses . . . sweaters and skirts •.. pedal pushers ... jumpers ... and those white shorts and bras for only $1.98. "Whoever does the buying there must be a sty list. "Go there and see for yourself." Where L~ that stA>re! It's the talk of the county. The SPORT SHOP ttz W...t Fourtb Street S..ta Aaa THIS WEEK T.AVt:L IROS8 . Ll DO ELECTRIC co. 1111 _!I tate_ fll(bwcy Beacoa 5605 s ewport BeiW'h • &.ep.ir &-nice Oeaeral I' E&ec>trlc· H-lteld AppU.- Pros Open New (;olf Gamt• Near Npt. Blvd . .\ I",.,!''('· "' ·' "''"' 1:1111 ~am. lh.ti_."-'J "' ••nl11l ""'"'' ~·Ill "-\\'("t'll lh•• f"t "tntr:. tlkt• ttHUihtUit' J,:u)f d•tl a rt•\\ \t';ll "'-n).!n , "'"' qa, • t ',,,, ""' t111,;h1 1CI lh•· ~.tnLI \ot ((,._.,;,,., .. ) .trttl St•\rl~ t't'ntt·t ••U Ito\, ·HI h ~1utn '' r•'•·t ln Sunt,t \11.1 ttPHI th•• lftlt'"'""'lton of 1'1••"'1••1 1 1•~11••\'llr•t Th " · ,. ,,f. ttl.• "''"' ,:ulll•· I• 111·11 II tttol tlw 111\••lllnr. Hn~ A:ti}•'' ho~• t'l t"4 'ft•tl I h•• ru~t f'f\\U '•• u( II l.illol Ill th• t'lllltlll'}' a t tlw lr•·al 1• •1111 1-:'lul otonn• lt\ 'tll'h ""''"'' ... lllth· lnmi a: .. lf , ... .,i, . ._,,.,, .. ,, "" lluol 0Rk lt•\ .,f l',tl•" \'••lflt'>', Fuy \ttl••· m . .n • • 1 t •' C ',tlot .. rnttl C04tn11) ··hah 'I 11 ~:"'"n ••f · Munt..tl4•11o ( 1a) 1 "' """~:·· .. , n... """''" c;..,,, ..:• 1. ok•• "' ••·n~ 1\••: .. ·h C1Hwk \\ "'•'I' "' lh•• ~~~·~~·11 111111 ,-.(•flft I .~fld fll.lfl\ ttfh••r"" \\t•lt• f••h l UI t~l _._ flay Bridge RepairR Wi11 Co~t $26,000 ,\ fl, w• t• II u ( $~'(. IJO(t (Ill I o•p1ti1 ' '0 ,,, htidJ,.!•• ;u•t _,,.. t h•• nut I h I CLOTHES ft)R ~1 EN A~D BOYS Ba4£'1ed. g~ 8/uJp • !e1 ~ .. rt-\n•. ftalhna l•l1111t1 l'hofM' llarbor 1\111 Corona .del Mar Malt Shop 1011 <Aul IU.IIwa, 1\11· 111111 Mrt~. John Martell. l••mu•1l.' ot 14:.19 W O.y 11v~nue. N.-,.,. 1 HH<it, ·""' now U\dna lD lh t•u• lh'W hunw, HUO 8uah 1IR't'l, SAIIIII Ann IIIS~Wo-E V. A. PALMER. LII>O IS\.1! P~ ----·-~--w. 0 BUCK -lnsW'ant-e CouneeJor ~ 1500 IJJ.-d~ 3S33 VJA• UDO cAUPillunA lli•tineti.,fl but •o.t expe1alwe! ....... -.... . "' , . .,,..-h.,.. .... .. .... . ... ,.... ...,_, .... lt••W ,..,.. J.tt!.. • 1• ttt•t• .. ,.,.-,., N • '"""' , .. W't. t ,, • • n f t h • I r ''' '"• (ti•Un• tu·• ...... , •• th· ... ,,. ....... 4 ...... . ..... , M l'\it•• , hrt ••• • ,., an"'",_ .. ,., 'if •t' 'hi I• ••M • U f VI ' .... fiW lt. ttii\Jo t utnfttf"\ •"" ~, •• ,uu, .... , ........... , , .. , !~JOY \iiURIII VOUft PUTU WIIU PIYIH , . , .... . .... -.. . ~::~ l-..... .... c-... ·---· :orm ••f "1'"'1"·•·1 "'" rm I tlt·hwll\ I 101 • \II 1 h:" lw~n """'"lnt'•_;l ''""1 !'>lortllnll'niO '" tlw ~l:tto• I fi ·ft" :t\ '" •rurnr, ..... u) t •n•• n r t. .. , n "' 'f' o··•w••~ Itt h~.t) '''JIItir • <11<1 fa•hlnnl'•l rnult• W <' m~nn Ju~t "''' .. h .... , ....... h• , ....... ,Itt;: .. l ......... .. I ~~-~! WOO D __,. ••• too4 loo~•~t. lo~t lu••~t •~d •co"o"'oul. A ~ "•" w.l br.., 0\11 -d.,.,..., to ,.... , ........ "'-· .. tl.u• (wtiOM bwoh ohio lo co-lo<tobl. t;.,.., hATS-G·'NDDD , Awnin« Co. of Onnce Co. 113 ........ ,_., ..... II&. A-hMM, C'ollf rh-rt'LL&&TOS 1-.~.J 11-ILICT CONGRESSMAN JOHI PHILLIPS ~IUTY PLUS IJCPI.IlNCI JOHN PHU.LIPS • ., •••• ,." .. ""c ... ,_ X ,..._, ·~ 6-. .... t•l-4tr•• ,.,.....,. ,,.,~. , ..................... .... l I.AC.l'~,\ 1.1:,\C'II l\11n : . .'0 !\It• 1 1111111:0 ... ,, lltl'll ltl('llnlllt'rll, 'tn• 1'1••·•••1 tn ftltnt.: lor ,.,,.,.,inn Ill< I• It ,,,..,.1\'lllj.: '''"' lott.:hWII\ '""''' 1•·•1• .. ,.,..., •• ,....,._, ............... ~ • t ,. 1 tun 1• Ito ·It\\ ') 1111 ,.,.,,. '"'" _ 1 ,.,,,,,.,. ,.r 1h1• l..:•r.:una Ht'ltl'h 11n1· fuotl '"h'Wll dl-t ,,.., \\'I' r••·• ,, ... ,,,,., Frut:" wit It l'l.! 1 • '•, ' 1 \ tt1 nn'if h-\tu .... --\\ht•tn ~if) ------------- ''" "'Ill '"' ''"t••ruf••d "" '"''""·; ''"'' nf o·IIIVI'rt-. RENTAL EQUIPMENT Cement Mixers-14 and % ~ack Size -,Jaeger Compressors Comet Saws on Trailers Planers, Jointers, SkillttawR and Sanders EVERYTHING FOR THE CONTRACTOR BUJLOING --OPA Rental Prices-- PHO'E HARBOR 502 --Watch for the New Location - It's Always COFFEE TIME At The • • • • • I)OIIUTcj;J;ii~FLE 1 • .· . . . . . . SP.tvln~ COFFEE cl OONU'J"S • W A r f1 .E." STRAWBERRY W A t• FL ES ~~ith whi~1 t.TMm I • (Y)M'f'I.F.TE F'OL'l\TAIN SERVICE. 306 Marine A venue Balboa bland ._,~.. a-.. ...... o.-1 & ........ UaW ae o'Ciedl -a... • .,.._..., '" UJ!aEY 'r REFP.IGERQTiull =--:..= JER\~CE COITi. niiY 8&1,... -PMct-rtna -I'Wrvl• • ItO n ... t Blvd., ( •o rn"" drl \Ill< Tt·mt•tn, ry l'h"""· 1111.\ 1-;:', I I ,, gun11 Ot•11rh . l'hunr l\l1ltf, t t:lft:• I 1..111.(111111 1\o•nrlo Do YOU KNOW ,_, ,..,. rltoft 2ft •' our day'• trovol from los Angeles Is now ltandfefl lterween 4:40 ond .St40 p.m. 1 With th~ ahanc.Junm<'nt n( former stag~crcc.J hours program, peak-h our traffic h:n l(radually int rc:a.,c:c.J to iu pr~scnt ~norn1ou, proportio ns. As no addit iun :~l equipment h:n hc~n ohtainahlc J uring rcccnc m onths, this grc::uly inuc::a't·d pc:ak-hour 1raffic rc,u h ~ in heavily loaded cars and buses, mut h cru"clt• · .1nd some inconvcnicncn to passcng~rs. Additional buu·s ancl \!reel cars alone cannot solve the congcs· lion problem during peak hours. Of counc. mo re ccauipmcnr is nttdcd, and will ~ in \crvi< c: as soon as received, bur su~egcrcd hours of tm• ploymcnt7 and u\C of hours hccwttn I() a .m . and 3 p. m . (or 'ho pping ~arc still nccnut: tl the peak-hour craflic boulcnt<k is co ~ rdicvcd.' AVOID .. .... ,. M&W!'9!!! 1!1.!0.1. MWW~ M!!JO;. ...... ~ "'-*l• lllaf II., INf .... EWe Sci*) of a.w1and. OWo. ._.a .-.t tor tM IUIIVIWr ol ..... Roy Keetw. Belboe. Sh& wu 111ft two )'NJ'1I -co and Oil Sunday bad frimdl1rom Hollywood dooA•n ~~v::.v~-=~'su·lt Looms Tidelands Oil Case lu,tllll ivr of the concern felt by thr· ,1/Jit'fl over the problem it the ~<latement by OrMn G. Judd, I PuBLIC NoTICE& Orownlna of DtlrGIIt. who .. 1lwt BRING \'OUR RADIO TO U8 0.. De¥ -We'11 a.pu. I& _. I'• 0.. ..... h -N..&. ~ Pu1a. Wnrll GuannUleil. ,....1'7 Trlllllell ~ Radio SOS Eledrie IIAAOLD L HAM» Over Park Site L d IC"untln~ from Pa1e 1) an . President Enten PuBLIC NoTICES l'OIIcltor gPnt'ral of the State of That the prHC.>nt office of ="""' York, in pointing out that NOTJCI: OF SALIPJ vr ndet-it loc&led at Suite 200 Re-====--------- uHu·h of thl' valuable New York Section 3440 CC llance Building, Santa AAa. CalJ. BUIIJN'Us OUJDE u t"tty property has ~n bulJt oo fornla. ----------- lll'o•M orl~lnally under wa ter and , I Dated May 8, 1946. P A I N T I N G thllt hunrlreds of mUUom ot dol· Nollet' 15 hereby gN en tha t the ROGER S. WATSON. 12 Years~ ln Newport Ia~ have 1-wt•n 8pt'nt on submerged undersl~ened, ROGER S. WAT· Pub. May 9, 1946. u.bor Area tide land!. on Long Jsland Sound, SON. doing buslnMa under the No. 40161 Harry Hall the Hudson River, Niagara and firm niUYle and ttyle of WATSON I ALIAS SUMMONS PA.IN'nNG OONTRAC!'OR ..._, .. ........... " ............... 1 \on tlnuf'd from Pagr 11 Picture St LaWn!net> RJvers and the (Actlon brought In the Superior f'bone Beacon ~ Great Lakes. He therefore con· WOODCRAFT SHOPS, located at Court of the County of ~ 274 E. 19th Street M-ttc ' 4\t .. 4\t .. .. .. ~ ~ 4\t 4\t .. .. ,. ,. .._. ., am ..... ... CAPA ..... • • , . Yacht Club Building Exparu~ion Plarul Are In Indefinite Stage No definite plana have yet been drawn by the board of directors ot the Ntwpell't Harbor Yacht club for the expanaion ot lu property. althou&h It beemDe known over the Wf'f'kend that the dub Mel ~ 1M ftCUlt lou adjacent to the clubbouw ~ for a reported IW1l aald to be 131.000. . Died repterln& the aa.le of the Pf'OPf'MY by the former owner. Fred E. Lewia, wu reportfd by the county recorder'• office on f)1day. ~ purchU4!d property Includes thl'ft beech loU and two mor? which ar? oppoalte the club on W. Be.y avenue. RESERVE ·YOUR lEEDS NOW We Control Our Solll'te of Supply. ---·--- We Are Divertmg Our Entire Mill Output -of- SURFACED LUMBE~ to Serve the Home Building Program of This Area. Priorities must be served first. FIRST COME • - -FIRST ~ERVED ---·---- Deliveries will start In about J 0 days. ----·---- WOOD PRODUCTS COMPAIY ,. .. . . ~ 4.25 30th Street N..,....._. & Ickes' Claim Is Deprecated It not1'<f that thf' bill was po'l~•· I'd b) lh~ H~tM' n month bfofor" lhl' ,uJt was rilrd In thl' Suprf'm" ('ou rt It di~JV~ or Mr. Jckr<' r lntm wh"n it said : "Conw•·~• '>h11ult1 not f'('rmlt lt!!!'lf to lw rmhnrm~sed 1n itc: consideration nr 11'1::1<1ntion hy thl' sublequrnt Institution of judlrinl prOC'Pffiln,:• by nnoth('r hnmrh of !he Ft'<lt>rnl Govr mmrnl " II brought ~ti ... rrPrtlvely that w ... ~ Mr. kk•··· contention valid. a.ny one could thwart thl' flll!l."ll~ or lmportnnt laws by ml'rt'l~· fning JUit In tht Supremf' Court. 1 t..ast Junl'. Mr. kkr~ ~latf'd t-1 fore thf' Hnu.••• Judlclsry I'Ommlt· ,.,... that the l'o:uf' wn~ soll'lv who got the oil, but R()b(-n W Kf.'nn) nt tornt>y general for lhe Stnt<' of CAlifornia. In rebuttal poinlll out that In thP nrl~tlnal ~<uti ftlf'd by U. S Attnrnt')' General Tnm C. Clark thE' court was told that the i!'l'UI' ln\•olv~ nil 11111'11 In 1111 ~ub­ m"rl:lf'd land.~ In all the statrs hor- ct,,ri nf! on thl!' OC4'an. Thl!l con· elus ion W Af; bll!t4'd on M r (,ark's a~wrtlon that "at the time vf thto formation of the Union, tht> first 13 statMI dld not own the lands undt'rlylng th" thn..-·mil•· bfolt ·• Th,. J ustice Deportmrnl's <'Oft· ' t('ntinn. In the word~ of Mr. Clnrk. "that no lltlltl' littoral to the oceans evrr had nor n~· hn!l nny .,. proprltotary lntel'l'St In lht' m.,... glnal !'ell lands.'' hu hrougtlt thund.-ring oppo&Jtlon from 45 tiP Stlltr:< which have jolntd Califor- --The New Club Lid nia tn dr fend what thl'\' ron<:'1'1ve to be an lnVMion of stat!!!!' rlrhta. .,. Tht' stat<' attornf')~ t::~'neraJ ron· tend that If the IntPrior 0ep.'lrt· mE'nt, "eM ~LU' one 8Quare foot .,. of tide or submt'rged lnn<lc: In ;my Formerly Galley Cafe NOW OPEN Featuring .1. Sea Foods • Dinner • Dancing Presenting Dorothy Dillon at the Organ A. A. TENNIS. Manager , state and malnt&ln surh selzuN'. It wiiJ be the official duty nr Frd· f" t'nll officers I'VI'rywhl'l't' In rom· plete thP ronqupst of 1111 llkP art'u In all thl' J<tal~" ... Support Quitclaim Othl"r gTOUJlf' havP joinrd the ... attornm gt>nenll ln-thf'ir support of the quitclaim bill or !he llouc:e, such a~ the> C"nu nril &f S tate c .. .v- rrnmrnts. th<' Govemo,....· Counril, ... the Natlonnl Instltutr of Mumci· pel Lnw (}fflcers, thr Aml'rican .,. A.~iatlon of Port Authorities. the AmrMcan Bar A~~tntlon and harbor and romiTK'I'C't' bodies. II· POll INSUIIANCE Sf:t: Howard W. Geniab 1118S_,ort~ OOSTA MESA I"'MMee a.co. 5151 Automobfte • Fin Acddent • Life ~ and Contract Bonds Writtf.'n Expert RQdio Service PbODe Beacon 5816 ,. Ju•t Oppo1ite Lido 41tp.ONIC a~aaoa 1111 Theatre on Bay for R E 8 E a VAT I 0 N +" Palmer Radio AND ELWI'RIC !148 N-..e-t BIYCI, COSTA MQA ' . ' dt>mM the "dlsqultoting clalmll" 61 1 Coaat Highway, a ty of New-and Complalnt flied In the Of~ against the state~' IOUrct' of tltle. port Beach. Oranae <Aunty, Call-fl~ of the Clerk of tile Suflerior FOR A REU.ABLE Palnt Job oa The Depert~nt ol Ju.tlc. de-fomJa, lnundl to ~ell, tranater Court of laid County.) your home, call Beacon 5330 and convey aa.ld bullneu to alter 4 :30p.m. 1~tte nit'S that It Is lntereated ln Utlft PLYWOOD FABRICATORS INC .. Ia tile 8uperlor 0 _...., tile 8tak BU81ND8 OUJD& of CaUI-'a Ia _. For 1M o-at)'., Or .... . lt to mad. land or to sullrlwreed a C&lllornla corporation, and that ar?u now fWed and on which the aale 'will take plac. and the structures have been built. It purchue price be paid at the of· SIGN PAINTING probably will-DOC try to pot are-flee of HARVEY, RIMEL A CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH versal of the ICOret of pnyioua JOHNSTON, Sulu ~ ltellaDoe a Munldpll) C>rporatlon of ~ Boat~, ~ WJ.ndoww tlllh court declaJons wb1c:h •Y ln Buildlnf, 310 North Na1D Strftt, Sl.xth Clau, Plaintiff, VI. JESSIE Walll and BulletiDI.. eff~t that "abeolute property ln, Santa Ana, Q[ance County, eaJj. K. SCOTT', et al, Defendanu. Ral8ed Metal, Wood &Dd and dominion and tover?lrnty over fornla. on Jl"riday, May 17, 1N6, ~ ~ ot the State of CalJ. Plutlc Lett_.. the aolu under the Udfwaun ln at the hour ot ten o'clock A .M.. fornJa Smd Greetlnp to: JESSIE AL LACHMEYER the oMalnal at.atett were reMrwd That the addreM ot the lnteDcS· K SCO'M', E'I1iEL lONE FUES-1726 W•t Cetnl to the le'Veral 1tatea.'' (142 U. S. ed vendor .. 123 Grand Canal, SEL. ELMER A. CAIN, MIRIAM Harbor 124S-M 38tft __ T_o_ae_eo_n_t_m_ue4 __ N_n_t_w_ .. _k __ Bal_boa __ Ial&nd. ___ Calll __ om1a __ • ___ E. CAIN, hla wife, ORANGJ! ------------- COUNTY TITLE COMPANY, a COOPERATIVE ............ _ .. _ ..... _.....,._ ....... _ ........... 814 OOMt JDcbwaJ corporation, Truatee, W. W. ROOFING CO. CAJIPBELL. AR'nfUR H. RICE, LULU B. IUCE, hla wife, J...E. TITIA W, DYMOND, BENJAMIN New an~ Repair W. St!:LBT, A. L. SHJ!:PHERD, fl'boDt ~M JOE SHAU.ENBERGER. E101A 211 !!. :JOth St., C..t.a .._. C. HAFNER. LOS ONGJ:LES Z.tfe MOR'IGAGE UNDERWRITERS. ----------- INC., a corporatJoa, FRED S. EVANS, GIAN DESPALATRO-TIDE T·ABLES VICH, M. L. JACK, JOHN DOE liB, 1MI JACK, h•r hu.band, STEDDOM HIP Low HIP ARE YOU GOIIG THE ~*~~~~~:: :::·:· .. :~J -----------tt"lN~Gt:ftJtcoMl.,.~L~td~, ""a~COiriporrrl!ai.;Uon··~--0.1 AME I leAN WAY' ruptcy of the eatate ot KELLY • ROOFING CA.. Ltd., a corpor-F 24 atlon. Bankrupt, WM. MERE· u 2:48 -4.0 0.2 . 11:08 0.2 3.8 2.9 l:tt 10:11 u 2.2 Maybe it isn't the best way But ~e haven't heard of a BE II ER ONE to Date Our home, und~r the AMERICAN WA\', has re~ our t'Ut~. We',·e enjoyed the ~ht to home owuer- llhJp and th.-ri~ht. to control our own land, our O"W'Il propf'rty. We've <otten along 10 far without dldatioa. Shall We FIGHT for These Rights? Wf''rf' MISpldoUit about this .. PLANNED E()()NOMY". It's a pet pbi'Ue of the Wuh.lap. Bureauuat. He u- JA111Ml8 that the home owner • IDcapable of ~ for bbnlleU; that HE MUST BJI.: DIRECTED. AND WITH ..• More Rules and Regulations A yeer aco the Germaae laid doW1l. LMt Au~t the .laps threw in the tpoa.p. We bad readily accepted repnentaUoa. We made aaerlflcea ~ly. W.-wuated Vldory. BtJT THE CONTROLS STILL GO ON. We Need Action ---Not Words Then are tome 27,000,000 property ownei'IJ. If pro- perty • eodalbed thlll group face~~ extllldloa. V oa can ftcbt **' JOIN The National Home and Property Owners Foundation I . I 1 ~atlonal Home and Property 1 Owners' Foundation --.. I tnt " street. N. "'· w~. o. c. I PLEDGE I hereby pledge the amount or $ Signed .............................. ·-····-········-· ·······-·· ·········-· .. . Address .. . .. .... .... .. ... -· ..... ·--···· ·-·· .. Oty and Sta~ ........... ·········-··-···············--·--·····-···· Local affiliation (If any): ... ·····--.................. , ..... . Date Make ~lal payablf' to FOUDdaUoa but: . r Mall to RALPH P. MASKE\', S. 1'0 Cout Blvd. N..wport BMcll, c&llf. This spa<-e contributed by Newport Harbor Realty Board DITif, WlLUAM L. HOPKINS, S 25 MARGARET H. BIGBY, LORNE 4:08 10:51 I:M II: .. 3.9 0.3 4.6 1.4 5:18 11:31 l:el : 1 ADDI KEMP, JAMES P. COS· Su 26 TELLO, COTNER SECURmES I ('()RPORATION. a corporation. n..s..,.. p~ ta -s-o1 . .,_ TITLE fNSURANCE AND Llatlt n.,.~ L tn.: ...,.. n.u-._ ., TRUST C'OMPANY. a rorpor--=-.::-.:-:.:·:.:·==:::....:·:=====~ atlon. 'TrustN'. THE FTRST NA· PuBLIC NoTICE 4.0 0.4 5.2 I TIONAL BANK OF DOWNEY, a Nationa l B!Uiklng Associ/Il ion, ------ JOliN DOE ONE. JOHN DOE I TWO a nd JOHN DOE CORPOR· A'n ON. Dcfrndants. I You arr dlrerted to appt>ur In an a ction brought agalnat you by thl' above named plaintiff In the I Superior Court of the Sta te of Callfnrn1a, in 11nd for t nt-County of Orange, and to an.'lwer the com· pl&int thrrrin within tr n da)'l after thr twrVIOP on you of tM• IUJn11101\1, If lt'rvNI wl thin the I County of Orange, or within thirty daya If !ll'rvro eleewhere, and you arl' notlfiNI that unii'SI you 110 lappt>ar and answer u above reo qulred. the plaintiff will takt tuda· ment for any mc>ney or damage~ 'I demanded In the Complaint. u arillng upon contract. or wUl a~ ply to thf' Court for any other rP· llrf demandl'd In the complaint. Given undeT m y hand and seal l of thl' Su))('rlor C"nurt of the Coun- ty of Orange. Statr of California, this 24th dsy of April. 1946. B. J. SMTTII. C'..ounty C1<'rk and Clerk of the Superior Court of thr State of Calllornla, In and for the Coun· ty of Oranee. Ry ROY J. IRWIN, Deputy. (S,.al Suf)('Tior Court Oranre <Aunty) Pub Apr. 30; May 7, 14, 21. 28: June 4, 11, 18. 29; July 2. 1946 OaDINANCE NO. Me thr nN>, southr rly Along aa.ld NI.SIPrly li~ IO a point In the southrrlv llnP (;f thP 100 foot right of way of StAte Highway ORA 60-A. said llnr being tan· j:tPnt t() a curve llavlng a radlu. of 1 ~50 ft'f't: thenCt' weaterly throuRh said curve. h11Y1ng an angle of 13" 46' to a POint In a line. aald lint' bfolng tangent to afore1111ld curve; then~. WHI· Prly along said tangent to IU paint or tanstl'ncy wtth a curve, havtn~: a radlua of 1550 feet; th<'n<:'l', w('Sit'rly fTom snld point of tangency along said curve, a distance of 60.21 (('('t: thence. South 9" 27' Wrst 339.42 fct!t, more or IPSS. to lt.s lnterwcUon with a II!'M' dHignatNI u "North Unr ," bfoln~t the mt>Rn hhth tide lint' u J'lP" Superior C"ourl ('U(' No 23686. Book 201, Pagr ~ of (}trld al Rt>cords of Orange County, !1'1\ld point belnst dbtant rastf'rly 83 55 f~t from thl' In· tenectlon of a llnf' having a l>t'arln« nf .North 37" 1' 30" WMt ""'h a line havlnl! 11 hear- Ing of North 73" 34' 20" Wf"'t : thtonC't', eaaterly along 1aid m<'an hl~th tlde line to 1111 lnten ectlon with the wPSit'rly lint' of Ct'ntral AvenUt'. sa.id weaterly Une bt'lng the eldatinc boundary line of the City at Newport Beach: ~. northerJtl, along aald boundary lint-thlouah IU va.rt- ow CO\lr'lt"S. to the point of be- ORDINANCE APPROVING 11IE &innlnc AN~TION OF CERTAIN ~ttoa !. That th<' boundaries UNINHABITED TERRITORY 1 of the City of Newport Beach~ CONTIGUOUS TO TI-tE CITY California, be ,and the tam<' aie OF NEWPORT BEACH. her,..by alttored to Include thto above described temtory. the annexatloa The City <AlU\cll of Newport of which Ia approved and onta1ned Bt>ach, California, dOPt ordain u hrreln and lncorporatNI In the follows: 1 C'lty of Newport &ach, Cautornl&. RedtCIII 1. That the annexaUon s.c-uoa s. That the proceed- to the City of Nt'Wport Beach. lnRW and annexation herein or· California. of that certain unln-dalnNI arl' had and taken undB habltNI territory contiguous to and punuant to the pro'\1alortl of lAid aty, lying AdjaOPnt to the. an act of thf' Lf>gialature of the aty boundary lin<' extendlnR along S tate of California. deslanatfd and WMt Newport Channel IIOUlherly I ref('rred to u thf' "Annexation of of State HlgtJway ORA 60-A, and 1 Unlnhablttd Te rritory Act cl Wl'lterly ot State Highway ORA 1939." 43-A, comprising approxlmately Al'titloa e. 1l\e aty Clerk lhall 16 11 acrft. Is hert>by &pprovro callM' this OrdlnanC't' to be pub- and that the IRnle Is hereby or· llshed •ithln flft~n flSl ~ dalned to be annPxed and madt' aftt'r Its puujte. at lf'AIIt once In a part of the aty of Newport the Nt'wport Balboa News·1lmea. Beach. Callforni&. That 111ld tn· a new~paper oC Ct>nf'ral drcula· rltory t. particularly deacrtbed u tlon publ11hed and drculated In follows: thf' City of Nt'WpOrt Beach. 8eginnlng at thr point of In· The foregolna Ordinance wu ln· terwectlon of the IIOUlherly line trodpct'd by the Council of t.1w of Stall' Highway ORA 60-A aty of Newport Beach at IU ~ prod\Jced euterly, said line la.r rneettn1 of May 6. 1946, and meuured 40 feet at rf1ht analet finally adoptfd at a ,..War meet· from the center liM of .. ld Ina of aald Coundl held on the State Highway, wtth the south· 20th day of May, 1946. erly prolongation ot the euter~ 0 . B. REED. ly Hn.-of Newport Beach Boule--Mayor ot the City ot vard. 111ld euterly llne belnc the N"-'])Oft Beach. tomUnc boundary 11M ol the ATI'EST: Oty at Newport Beech; thenc», FRANKL. RJl6:H.utT, tram th1J point of ~nnlnc Oty Clerk. aloni l&ld IOUtherly line ot State B:v FRANK L. RINEHART. Rlltt...., to the ~uterJy Une ot CSEAL\ Deputy . State Hl&h-.y ORA 43-A; Pub.-Mq -~· 1N6. WING SANG BOAT & REPAIR YARD 811 Cout Highway 101 .... a.aa. N14 ''t • lfoort.p udl ...... :, • ._ for.._.. for IWe ................ , .... .., .............. ,. .... UMA.L aTAft_. -----....:":.._ • 11JLDING, IIATfJliAL!J ll H.A VE a &QOd stock of roll roof1n~ and Comp. Shln~tlca. Tile Board LD many colon. also &yllt'n'a 100"' Pure Paints at p~war prieee. CQJX'I&nd Lbr. Yards, 5th A ArtNia Sta., Santa Ana, Cal. SALE 1118CELLANEOtl8 10 BOAT8, 8UPPLIJJ:8 U \\'ANTSD TO llU'I' 61 U:A-7E8TATIC ~-------------I ----------APT or SMALL HOUSE wanted -------rnR SALE-Garagl' door with aU FOR SALE-Bout. "&-wn Seu ." fast•·nln~:s. Call Harbor Z'l90-M. New Chrysler motor. 40-rt. ovl'r by man and wttl'. We do not · -tf FRANK P JOHNSON REALTOR 1f ~ltc All. clrars for Mex. 3 tona. Holda drink or amnke, no rhlldrrn 01 FINEST VIEW LOT ON BALBOA ISlAND -' • - 5 1.v 1001 cruahffl il'f'. Moored pets. Phonl' StAnta An& 0991-W '"' ~ Hift4 Nt•Wpo11 BJvd. MEN'S pre-war Sc-h"•tnn blc)lct.. or write &x "X" Nt'Wport Ba.l· [) in good cond 2'..!4 Hellotropt>, King's Landm~ S<'e \' L John· boa N I.'WI·T1mt"l. 37-tfc -- -----0 -- Corona de l Mar. Phonl' Harbor aon. l650 Nrwport 01\·d • Mon • --OVERLOOKING EN11L\NCF. ' 1287-R. 40-2tp Thurs .• Fri. after 5:30 p.m. WANT TU RENT -:.! <lr 3 lx>drm. TO nAY EAST Sl DE.NEARL y NEW M-tfc PADTINO OONftAOI'Oa P.AINTil'fG -PAPI!R KA.NGTNG and DllOOR.ATINO IN~ ___________ 37_-_4t_r unfurnlalwd hoUM· WUI ll'aae. 2-0L'Jli>()("M lft)ML~. tadwd. """" ... , ft...:._ D c.' • c. SET and dinl'tte rue. Call Sam Portl'r at Harbor 707 0 ~'~ ~ ' '"-· ....,.. • ... front room aet, bM room ae.t, Fire Equipment Tests oc 13. , Motte ---1 1---pi&~"'. 1'\<tk••l'HI'ntrd ln:dalt• and out. Lot Packard-Bell 6-tube radio, noor c-O-Two, Pynone A roam retllla. HAS 70' FRONT AGE ON SOtm.f RAy ti4i'x:l:\<l'. nit-,• gurdt>n und landlcaplna, H. E. Me~ lamp, cocktail table, front room COo flxl'd aystc-m and Portt.biN WANTED-Small apt .. Of" room for AND ~ FRONTAGE ON JoJ\ST nAY $!l750. 'r&•t'OUI. hnter, 2 pr. drapes. gent-rator now avallable. slncle buatlwu woman. Pt'nnan-414 Old Conty Rd., Cclata Mesa Phone Beacon 5013-J 85-tlc ror boy'a bicycle. 572 Hamilton rrs HOKlN A GALVAN rnt. Roaal~ Sctlac:hnt'T. 1~ FRONT. FORMER LOCATION OF BAL- St., Cocta Ml'la. 40-ltp 1000 C'.oaat Highway Coast Jllway, Newport Beach. OOA Y ACliT CLUB. BANAPO&TATION II GOOD. used aprlnp A mattreues. Ph. BHcon ~22 7~tlc ___________ 39-:Ztp $36,750 .. ~IJ. ~9e~~~ Harbor Furniture, 1962 Harbor FOR SALE-26-ft. cabin cruian, WANTED TO RENT-2-becfnn. ; , VOOI:L'S Blvd., Cocta Mesa. 39-tlc maho« .• Ouyaler motor, aleepa furniahed apt. or houw for sum---~OJ.--- 100 M&lA Itt., Balboa FOR SALE-Boy'a and rtrl'a bl· t , new condition. on wa-ys now mer or permanent. Prefer Penl.n· , ... 101 MartM. Bal..,. !MA4. cyctes. Schlfl'iM rnocSell. 28 ln. for tnap«Uon. Ph: Harbor._:!_ ~~~:!~~ w. c.n~~ ISLAND REALTY C0-201 A~ate Ave. M-t*l E).llly.equlpped. Call Harbor 604. 6 "' BALROA ISLAND HARBoR 377-W DA1JTl' AJINI »ttc IIU-=~u-C:-AL--a-._.-.un-.-o----.. -WANT TO RENT -Small upriaht 40-ltc COSTA ME SA --~~--=------~~----~~ ------~~--~~-------p~3or4~Uw.Ph:H~ ----------------------------------------------FOil SALE-Adj\.Wta~ bt'auty Electrical FOR SALE-Small atudio uprtaht 1146-M.. , 40-4tc Lido Isle •--' ..... _lr Ow H-...._ R · Se • plano, walnut f\Dlah, $125. 212 opera_. • ..na · ap. ..,_ epall' rvtce Amethyst, Balboa Wand. MAIL CARRIER. Balboa, aJnaw. Fundtw., 1982 Harbor Blvd., Appliancea. Home. Moton 6 40-2tp wanta apartment bet-n laland O.t.a Meu. 39-tfc Marine Service. Immec11ate ------------Ave. and the Point. Call Harbor FOR SALE-Penn.anent waVftl In Attft,Uon. KNABE Grand Piano. walnut caM, 13.2. 40-2te J'DUI' home, SlO up. Mrs. Bond, S. L. F'R.A!'fKLIN Famoua Knake t<lnt'. Al8o Weber Uc. rap-. 19 )INn np. Box 414, Ph. Harbor 1m-w Grand. Sohmf'r, Schultz.-And IIIU.L ___ ._'I_A_m _______ •_• Nf'WPOrt. 1 38-ttp 2818 Orntral 32-ttc many otMr famoua makn. EVA F. RHODEN COLD and M.ACHJNLESS J1H Plac:a and Klndbnc DANZ-SCJDIIDT PIANO CO., WAVES W 0 0 D 520 No. Main, Santa AnaS.ttc Costa Meu. 1:\<en~~~~M.~~W H. :,u;GHT STEINW===-A-Y_Grand ___ Plano ____ M_ahol ___ V~~.::. ~..:CS ~~~· Vi'a Beauty Shon Ph. Beacon 6666 any cue. BeauUiul IA:IIw. lied-Good JocaUon on Elden St. t~ tum W.. D.ANZ • SCHMIIYr $7600 UOS Clout Htway, Corona cklllar 1784 Newport Blv4. a.ttc PIANO CO., 520 No. Main, 35-ttc ---~o=-=RAN=--~a""'~:---oo"""""'UNTY,.....,.,..,_--Santa Ana. •ttc IJ0 __ 18'1'_.um ___ P'OUND-----.. UPHOLSTERING co. RADIO HOUSE CA.Ll.S- Manuf.mJren Now that additional competent LOST -Lacly'a Helbroa wriat watch on Bay Ave., nur N.H. Y.C., allo kP)'S. Phone N~ 'nlnPI, Harbor 12. Reward. 01 Uphollt~ FumJture technician. are avall&bw, we an tl3 W. 4th St., Santa AM abae to make ~ ea1ll an Factory and Showroom 1~ coniiOles. All work ~UU· 504 Wflt Center St., Anaheim antHd. HAROLD L. H.AJOI. 2·atory :Z-bedrm. home wtth at- tached rare&•· All rooma are lara• wtth llvtn. roont aCI1* en~ tront of houac'. ~ block trocn t.)'. LOST-Diamond rlna. 5 large and 12-ttc 17 ana.ll diamonds. Reward. Call -----------Just Arrived Beacon 5210. 40-2tc LOST-Tackle box Sat on NE'W· port pier, atatlon Uo 4(1. Lllwral ~ard for return. Lt>avc a• Po- Uce Station or write H. A. Coff· man. 233 Linwood. Monrovia. 4()..2tp EIIPLOl-..::NT W A.l\ITED II WANT--Odd jobs, such 11.1 yard or house work. etc. Phonl' R€-acon 5854-M 39-4 t p P'rNb Heartnr A1d BATTERIES Gunderwoo ON« Co. 117 Main ~t. Ph Harbor 515 eo-uc Auto Batteries 18-month -$6.45 Ex Compounderl Motor Gallon. 70c Oil WeRtern Auto Supply Authorl7ro 0<-alcr VETERAN w11nt-t joh for summl'r, surveyin~: nr dl'Ck hand. Wnte Box H r o ~ws-TimH 40-ltp ~ Newport Blv!l.. Colla Me-sa I:IIPLOYMENT OYP'EilED H 23-tfr W1LL DO houa<' work by the hour. VENF.TIANRt.I NDS=-Al;-mln~. Phone Beacon !1635. 40-2H• sh••l. wnod Cl\11 U! for fref! cstl· DISHWASHER Ray Shore ci"ft', mall' RPnovation & rl'flnllhlng 17th and Coast Highway. Phonr So. Coru~t \'1'net1an Dllnd Co. Beacon 5745 40-trc WI'St 18th and Newport Ave., Coetn M<"Sa Ph: Bearon 535S.W. WANTED -Woman for gent'ral hOUM'WOrk, 2 children, salary open. Phone Harbor 2336-W 40-2tc GENERAL houae work wantt'd. wuhln~t or lronJn~t. p11rt tim<' Write Virginia Beck. 2230 New· port Blvd .. C'osta Mesa. 40-ltp W A.NTED-Accountln~t lnstrurtor buaiPII'SS school State cducallon, eJrperlenre nnd sAlary. Addrrsl! Box J . c/o Nrws-nmcs. 40-4tc WANTED-Reliable ~teneral maJn· tenan~ man. Udo Theatre. ~Uc HELP W .ANTEI).......Gt-nf'ral house· work. No cooking. Two days off a wt'Ck. Uve In or out. Good aaJ· ary. Tw~1~1u In family. Call Harbor rot. 38-4 tc GIRL for counter work. 5 ~ d~ week. Muat bt' ste-ady. P. 0 Box 842. Balboa. 39-3tc W AJTRESSES WANTED -8a) Shore Cafe, 17th A Cout HJrh· way. Ph: &aeon 5745 14-Hr HELP WANTED-Care of child 3S-Uc Steel Kitchens GLASS TUB ENCLOSURES ) ~HOWER DOORS l ~uthem Counties Supply C'o. 144 Coast Blvd. N. Ph. :'1852 L&Jtuna St-ach 40-ltc WANTED TO BUY II -----C'~Slf FOR l*SEO FURNITURE PHONE BF.AC'ON ~J. 23-tfc WILL PAT CASH tOf" you.r t\l.r• nltur. or what Ill&.._ yOU. P1101M Bearon 5656. 0 . R. crawley. 1812 Newport BJv .. Cclat.a Meosa. 30-tfc P'UJlNJTUilE roa s.u.a S..OS. Radio. 300 Matlne Aw. Ph. Harbor 780. • 34-ttc Radig Repail'8 All makl'S: tubl'S. etc. Beacon 6763 BURT NORTON 9~ Cout HllhWfY. N~ 23-trc SEE the new etyle world fllJTlOUS uphot.tercd planoa. Many colors to choose from at DANZ- SCHMTDT PlANO CO. 520 No. Main St .. Santa Ana We at.o .rent planoc. •ttc ---REPOSSF.SSF.O Spinet TyJX' mlr· rnr-Piano Thill Is a real bargain. Other ust'd pianos u low u ~. S87. 1125. $175. DANZ- SCHMTDT PIANO co:. 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. 38-tlc Arvin & Emerson RADIOS 24-Hour Radio Serv1~ Short Circuit Radio ~Palm. Balboe PhoM 1638-W 13-ttc SPECIAL ANNOUJIOEIR..VI'B II BE COMFORT ABLE. ynr around Johns·MBn\•IIIP Rock Wool hnnw' Insulation F'rf:'t' Information Wnte Box M, c/o NI'WII·ThTIPfl 40-4tp -TYPEWRITERS OFFICE F.QUIPMENT Ch•anln~t. Oiling. Adjustln~t. Ovcr,hauJinlil ROBERT'S TYPEWRITER SERVICE 2602 W Central llarbor -147 TELEPHONE OPERATING PAYS GOOD WAGES 40-tfc for working mother. Your home Of" mine. Phone Ha.rbor 106. ... c W .ANTEt:-Temporary bookke4!p- er five da)'11 a week. Call offi~ manqer, Beacon 54l2. 39-2tc FOR SALE::t[)()Sk. twautlful hand madc-Philippine mahogany. !'\~ Park, B&lboa llland. 40-2tp No experience necessary Earn while you Jearn There are many other advantages to being-a telephone employee .. ;ooo. used. rf'C()fl(iltloned Gu Ranges. 11 3 95. Harbor Furnl· ture. 1962 Harbor Blvd .. Coet.a A&JIIlY $20,000 Newl)ort Blvd. Comer lot, '-' fHt frontal• on Dlv Elll:t'llent bualnctll location. $6000 EVA F. RHODEN JWaltor , 470 Nf'Wl)orl Blvd .. C.oeta Meu ELTON D. BARNF.TT. Droker Ph. &aron 5713-R 40-2tc AT C(IRONA OF:L MAR :l Bedroom Home F'lnr vtl'w of l)c<-an $13,000 .............. W . J . HOLCOMB 1 ~17 Coast Hlghw11y Corona del M11r ll11rbor 2'766 "Whl'rP tht' f111J(a Fly" 40-21C Corona d el Mar Exepptlonal valuc-. Mock>m 2-bed- room honw': UvlnKJ'QOm. fire- pia~. dining alcove: 111tr. patio: 1;:ar prage Good location. be- low highway. llf'llr !!ehool. Con· veniPnt to shoppln~t N'ntl'r ant! bt'ec:h For quick l\4.11' $9,500. Unfurn. Wl'll buJit hou~. n!'ar ocPan. L~:~> livlnrroom. fiN'piaN-. 2 hronn~ hath. kltcht'n·dlm•ltf', l!('f'11'<' porch. laun!1ry rot~m. rum1~1• nlOfTI nv<'r 1-cnr ~arAI!P pn 1 iu and barbecu,. Lot Mxl Jlil ft Well l11nd.scnpcd and pl.anrrt1 $1R,OOO. Unfurn. BuildinJt Sites Lt>t us assl,;t you ln SN'Urlng a kl- cation to suit your n~. We have a wid~> uii'Ctlon of chol~ lou. Balboa Island Beeutllul 3-bcdrm. homl' Uvln.:- room and nrPplace. !10lar1um with charcoal broiler opening on etlCI08cd p11t ln. Guf'!lt Ap11 pm- vldlnK 1!'1tl'<'lll'nl lncomr. ~ value-at $27,500. Unfum. Wc-11 bu11t hnnw : 2 hPdrm~, llvln~ mom end flrf'plarP with lafK" 2·1x-drm. ln('fli'TlP Apt qyPr :l- ear· gara~tt•; l11undry room. ~­ cPIII'nt VIIIUI' at - $19,000. Fumisherl 2 Bedf'OOOlS, ~ hOWie. hardwood noon, stucco lnt.-rior. • Avallable"now. Located on Short St:raot, daee to Archee $9000. Terms --I-- HUB POWERS, AGENT Phone Harbor 62-W j. A. B e e k 0 f f t c e Ferry I..and1nl 'Balboa bland 38-ltc j. M. MILLER RM.I Eatalf' Broker 15th and Central Balboa Home Lido Isle Very ciMn: 2 bedi'OOmlS; large lot. Near South bay front. I.rrunrolate ~on. Full Price. ~15,500 One of the most attractive. C_ompletely tumlAhed hom8 ln the HIU"bor aree. Beeutl- fully landscaped. R8dy to move-ln. Te-m\." Full Price $35,000 T.-rm~~ • Balboa Island Home Llrlo I.sJe .,. Bay Front Home Inmme property; c-hol("(' locn·14 IX'ftrooms. Furnished. P1t-r tlon. Mcxlem. anrl In flrRt and n oot. · cia.'" ('Oflrlltlon throughout. lmmerllnh• t'()lll!lleMion Balboa Peninsula Lot $3000 Phone Y qur Listings In and we will gtve them eveey consideration j. M. MILLER 15th & Central • Newport Beec-h • Ph. Harhor 1242 40-1 t<' AT ('()RONA fJt:l. MAn 1 Be(lroom Hom<' P11rOy l''umilalwd $6250 • A. E. JOHN~ON Reultor and A~'40ciates f'h11nf' """ron !'lliY.l·M W J Jfl II..('OMR 1 ~17 ro11,1 Hl~thwlly Cornn11 df'l Mllr Jlarhnr :noo r'n1y l·llf'rlmom hnnlf•. furnlalu'/1 "Wht'N' thf' Fla~o~s Fly" 40-2tc I In(") Flo..-tr nlull rc-tr . tabl!' tup N('wport Heights Corona · d eJ Mar New. :l-h«>drooma. II InK room, I fireplaa •. ""r~~t·t,,.,. kllrhC'n. din· In« aktWI' rrwoollt•nt !oration. ~an vii'W $ Hi.fiOO unfurn. 111t1V••. f'lt' Nr11t 11nd r h•11n 11nd you ""n movl' right In Garur ~ workroom IAt 100' • 127' Sf-wr-r· In ~tnd ron!IM'tl'd. Srv- enl fruit trM'I PriN' ooly $7~50 $47fi0 3-bf'drm htmv• (;,lOCI vlo·w nf c~11n 'flANT>Y 1-hfodroom twr'nr ('lOIN' In and rlos•· '" llnthln~ot IW'at·h 1 nru H11r1,.,r ntvd <:ua~el' and $15,000 Furn. wnrkrm m 72 ,,.,., frootu,. I Prl!'f'd fnr •tulrk IIlii•• Balhoa 3 be-drooms, 1'-'1 hath• '"'II'' living room. flr••piM'I' hnll'un) rnnm, outdoor hvlnR r•••rn. 1111' kltrhl'n, rrar patio. l·•·"r Jl"r"l:''· nl!'f' furnltur ... $11),000 Onwn 2 I .. A cr(' H:1 n('h WANTED-Combination steno. A bookkeeper Cor new retail lum- bt'r company, Good pay ani! houn. Apply 425 30th St., New- port Beach. New bld~t. 39-2tp Mrt~a. 39-Uc ------BUNK BED Complete wtth mat· trt>SS. springs & ladder Harbor Furniture. 1962 Harbor Blvd . Costa Mesa, '39-tfc 100 E. Bay Ave .. Balboa 514•.-. N. M11ln St.. Santa Ana Gertrude A. Waldron Wm. W. ~anford. Broker Balboa 1:-lan<l Beautiful 2-1 .. ·11rm hml1•· l.lvlnc room anti llrrplsN', llf•lertum with c-harrl'lfll hrullrr OJJ"nln!( nn lt .. mhlln~o:-ntnr h I yp•· h10n)(' furn J.lvtn~e room :Z0.2!1 'J. 111r1•• 1-lrd· rf)()m• ttntl ~l••••plng 11nrr h l.Uif' • .. mil kltd1••n 11ntl btrakfaat r<>Om MIJI1•••" Ill,. hrtth. 0111 ~:r.rlll(t• 1\t•nutlful 1.-nrtvAplnJE with tr•·•·• •hrul,. 11ntf fl11W••r• An ld1•11l •l'ttlllll f1..r .. ,flit"'"' whu >4 Ani • llf'IV•ry WANTED-HOTEL YArn. Balb6a IM. ~ eeo. •-'* LOCAL or traveling In business for )'OUJ'Ielf. No money requlr-.cl. Good Income. You are your own boaa. Apply 508~ No. Main St., Santa Ana. 36-7tc BOAT BUILDERS WANTED an Plywood Skiffs. and Sailing Dinghies Ask thf' operator. (or the Ollef Oppraf6r BRAND N F.W unllniahed ~ of Southern California drawen. all aiUII. Harbor Furnl· ture, 1962 Harbor Dlvd .. Costa Telephone Compaay MNII., 39-tfc · -------18-ttc FOR SALE-Bedroom wt, comb hlboy wardrobt'. aoUd mahoc-Carpenters Available any round table. aeatl 12 wh~n for ceneraJ maintenance opt>n: rr111. chain. lawn mower. and ~ '"'· rlec. ranR,., oddl and enda 661 Cliff Dr .• ""N~ Beach. , 0 . Z. J&OIIJCaT80N Ph: Beacon 5958. 38-4tc Call Harbor D BOATI!I, l!lt1P'PLID fl __________ M-_tt_c FOR SALE-10-ft.· eo~ble row boat, like new. Ph: Harbor 515. 40-ltc KEYS Made Wblt.e Too Walt vooa:e 100 llalll Itt. ........ :lOR Mar1nl' Avl'nU!' Phonr 234·R :YHfc AT CORONA DEL MAR 1 Bedroom Home P11rtly Fumlahcd $8600 W J HOLCOMR 1517 Cna.at Hhthway Corona de-l Mar J\F. 2768 ''Whfore the Flap Fly" J9.2tc ------------ Balboa tslanrl H ome 2 brdroom. FUM\IIht'd. $11,000 Ocean Blvd. Lot $3,000 lt.~ a ~ift at $101400 f'nrln!W'd P.11111 "'~~''' AJJt pm· Balboa PeninRula vldinK I'IICf'IIPnl IOI"'onw $27,fi00 Marvelous Bay View 1 11 )I'J>J.F.)( or home with IOVI'Iy 3 ~mR. N•mplt•lt·lv (urnl•h••d I mf\dl'rn 11flii1•1NI •PI l.arl(l' Attractlvt• mutl•·rn I•Jrnl~twd gu•'ll •-nmh llvtnlt ,11. tllnlng rnnm car apartme.nt. ov••r 1 rar gara~et Jll'trd Willi to wall. F'lrrplaN' Bay vlrw lnli!WIIIlll•• l"~ll( .. •lnn , :\ nlroo ~rnnml. rompll'tl' hath of •Ill . Wid•• lnt nf'tlr !'ill JliiY tll,.d. ( ilh!rl'd til,. kltl'hf'n, many W I I hullt-lns, vrn hllnfta l.nwrr apt Gertrude . a ( ron hu 1111"1(1' ltV rnom, nrr piiiC!' Wm. W. ~ nf(,nl , Brokc>r 1 hf'drnnm, kttl'hl'n 11nd "" bath F:XC'Lil JVt-; A(;FNT ( >lillldr •hQWI'r, JHitlll. huhf'('Ut• lloubll' llr"l" fT'S TUPS Reduced to $20,600 Well hull I hn -; l~t-drma . llvtnc I ()pl'n EvrnlniC• nnd Sund11y CORNER Y2 ACRE RANCHO NEARLY NEW. 2-berlroom atli(('O, larp llvtn.~ room. klkhM wry modem. Qalat hot.~t~e. gamac. chlck. ~tnd rabbit equlp.1 rorral. Comer lot. Sfl'x.'\.10'. StJftt paWG all around. 0011." ln East alde. Space Cor 2 or :l mono honw'tl. Prl~ -tU.~. TenniL LIDO ISLE HOME 3 BEDROOMS & DEN,..,.. llvtrw roa1B. ftr-.J)laCf', IA"Rt' dln!l"'l room and ldtlche. Elaborately turn1lhed ln lood t.ut& HM ~ bethl on each tfoor. 'nuw and one-halt Iota or lCXS'xtOO'. ~ walkod wtth lltM rftnton-.d COftCIN 8 ft. hl&h. Two patlOI wtth butleaal ~~ ct.rful sun Mck. top ot hoellr: view ot ~ and bay; ,. and now.r..,.. den bfeutlfully lanct.c.aped, aim hu ....- twu.. Plict $35.000. 'l't!rrla NEWPORT BLVD. OORNER 3--Bedroom, den A . .un room: lO.rm. ~. UvlnK room 2CYx21' wtth n....-.~ room 20'd0': la..rae kttchen Wtth Nborat.ly an.t&Ded. Vtn. bUndl, ~ drapea and curtaJna. Lot U2'x255'. eon. all fenced wtth redwood ln ~: ..... Ina cabln. pool A be~. Fndt ln be'* yan1. Pr1~ $21 ,500. Tfonna. COSTA MESA •.c.~ Block to ShooPlna Oln~ 1".: ACRE of land wtth ·3 (nC'Oil'lP unit., 4 K81'ft1'8 which could be <'OftWIWd lnto JPl renttlla. Unllmltf!d PQMtbllllkoe for fu,. tu,... lm'Ofnc>. For tull lnfonnatlon IN UL Prkt.• $1 :\.~). T.-nm. CLIFF DRIVE fi-ROOM llOME. ocean v\ew unot.t:nacted, Rll-n'dwood houR. KOOd foundation, newtJ l"'edcc·. ln,.tdfo and out. Sun ronm owrtook· lnx on•ftn. Prll"f $13,000. Tenna. --01"-F.N SUNDAYS-- --a- , -tr-· FRANK P. JOHNSON -REALTOR--11 1004 N~ Blvd. ------f'OR S AI.E Ololt't' bull-cor· II&AL .rAft DQIAT-• rwr. Mart of N~t bualnMe dlatrlct , 3 fronttaH, partly lm-EXCHANOJ: UNTAL-"'- provfld, hna fair lncomt. ExQtl-houM ln Loa ....... w - lf•nl lnw•tmMit lif'WiopmMII In 11alboA or nat. lal. P . 0. .. prnprrty lnformallun N. R 684 fMihoa. ..... l'nll,..y. 1197 So. Cuaat Jllvd .. La-' ,;•m• l!.•llt·h. 39-2tr WrLL EXCHANGE reat ~ .... ) hoUM-In I~ A., O.V. 6 V ....... Homl'S uf Valur ror whal ha~ ~ on a.L Ill. f'"rmiiiiMII tor T Phone I. A. Pully ftu'ul•h•od, 2·111'dmom horYW'. Fl 1016.~. ..... 1'1 11rr•· ~··vt•n fruit IN'f'll, l(rlpH MOHIIY '1"0 I.DM • and ht·rrt•.,. r'l•-to llll'wporl Rlvd. LOAN8 '1'0 8t1tl.D, ...,, 0 U¥4 I80dena18e or ,..,...,... $R,00() H.-port Bal..,_,.._.. .. ..._. -.-11 Lou U.d .. 2·1M'flruom hnmr C'omplrtf'IY fum 33.U V'-l.kto Ph. llar'W- I.Arlfl' lnt Oond dtat. no. to tnlna ""tt ahopplna. 'nita Ia TllAO'I'OP _ II rrally n It' >Ott buy FOR-I-AU! -rorct.oa tnet. • ..., $6,850 UrN, nruonable ....... - -!\.")()K.W .lack"• ~ • .,... 1-hNiroom h1111W c mly ~ yrs ol4. 11th A Santa Ana Aw .. a.lll 'rtt,. & hardwmd. .,. •tT• nicely MN&, ..,..... l11ndanoprd ~'"""'' l.nla of fruit ACTOM~ a ~ 8 and ai'Mk-n Thl• Ia one ol the f.-whom" uf this kind f11r aall'j J<'()R RAJ,.!; 1n311 v.a ~ ... at lhla luw Jorl<'f' "' dan, 'lM carburt'tor, 1,000 ...a. $H,9o0 · al,_ complrt,.ly .nwtt ..... ~ Good """· foe llltfta, .tc:., M1'l. IIAVJo! 1\UYF.:RS WAITINO Ji'OR --'-'1_• _,_,_•r_bor __ 2_14l_l. ____ 404tle __ JIO MF:.CJ ON 1.11•0 JSLF. YOtrJt AtJTO "r:aVICllll • LIS'nNG WIJ.I, RF. Af'f'JU·~-------- r'IATF.O Wo• .. tao hav .. t•lr·•· hulldln~e lntll 1111 lc.w $7:'111 ""tl 1111 WF Allt-: IH;rt.J-: ·r~ I SJ-:nv•: YOU n. A. NRRF.SON R t: A J. F~I\T A TF. lnauranre 11nd 0Ual~ 0J)JlOrtHnltiH l!YT'.l Nl'wpr,-1 Jllvd. r.oeta Mf'tla Ph lwn•·•~n !'l~J:\ 411-1 I<' I ll&AL DITATF. t:Xf11AJ'ij0J: &a Wll.l. T'RAUF. t.F:ASF. of S.rnom I fumlah•-d lwmr, ~ hl'drOOflUI, 2- rnr Cllrllli:l', r .. rnnA df-1 Mar for 11pt t.Yr honll' In AaJboa M N.-w· por1 Addr,. .. f\mr P. c/11 Ill....,.· TimH 38-4tc ------- NOW HF.Rfo~ Ymrr •uthorlJ.I'd Ch~ Plymouth O..al«, Attlhorluod pa.rta C"Mnplt't. Lullt'1ratloe and M" In t f"'•I"ICI' f:IIJ)frf't Mt-('hanli.W f<l'ndall 11ntl Quakf'r State Gill NEWPORT HAHBOR MOTORS ~16 W f 'f'fttral Av-e. Phune J I arbor UIM-J TOP PAY OVERTIME BONUS FOR SALE-Rowboat. -11 con- atructtd, copper rivets A bolta; no oars, needs paJnt, $20 PAD-, 108 )laJ'tne, Bal..,. Wand N-tfe Bay Front Lot Good Location Prltf'd to Sell. room 11.nd flrr 11r<• with lartcl' 2-bt'drm lrwumr Arl' ovrr 3-l'llr I 1ar11"' lnun11ry rn<lm $1~,1)00 . Furni:-~hNI RF..'\PONSlBLE ·r•Wphone mt· ployr wanta to exchan1e ~1»4· room houlf' In Weat Loa Ancelet far um .. In ~•nta Ana or vtdn- lty CaJI 8ftuthem Calif Tet. •• A. E .• JOHNSON phonl' ro , ~~~nta Ana. ~. 469 Nf'WptWI Jllvd . C't~IA M•·-" ----------~~~~~tt~c~============ • WATSON BOATS 611 Coalt Hllt!WIY Harbor 5ZT7 ~Uc • FOR SALE-High oven ru at.ove. lll'TiaU gU Mal~. m'Keii&MOUI. 527 San Rernantlno. Newport Hetchta. 40-2tp FOR SALE-O.thlnette and bla~ tlfull)' Uned bulnette. Pb: Har- bor 105'7-W. 40-2te DLEBOA.RD. 14-ft., perfect ron· S_P_E_,...., --------- dltl ""Y -'Ated. 125 231 ClAL Ollt' M"ek only, May :10 on. n _.,, · thru May 2!5, 3 tlel duned 6 Arate Ave .• Ralboa bland. Ph: ~ with ~f!fY man'• orciPr Harbor 25e'7. 4-ltp amounllnc to Sl or morl'. Corona ALL PLASTIC' 1:Z..rt. 110-lb. TOP-dt'l Mar Clf'anen, 1307. C(IUt Q.CAR BOAT and CARRIER. Hlway. Ph: Harbor 1347-J F'1v~ Jmm4"ddate delivery. Other mQd-day aerv1~ 39-3t.c ria 1100n -dlpghll'S, IAIIholltl, ---~=-::--~..,...,..,-------­runabouta, crulwrs and peddlf'· HOSIERY MENDING -Edith boarda Smlth'a, 408 No. Sy~ St .• 2 Small Homw:!s On Lot 7.ontod for Jl•UIIn,... $10,500 W . L .. JORDAN 700 F.ut ('rntrlll, 1\l!lholl Phone H11rhtlr 1~1 ~tfc Plastlr Watercraft Co. Sarita Ana. Mail ~~-34-8tc 407 E. C't>ntral, Balboa roa a•-tl FOR SAI.F. hy ov.'nrr. hl'1<~w mu- f'hont' Harbor 2673 <t().ltc ...... • kl't f!l"i<'t' -Rood :.1-lll'drm t.ou. f'()R RF:NT 105x:Jo ft lot In on lAth St . Mar Nr•wpurt IJ\vd .. ~-Ft n SHING BOAT, 6~-ton hold, TWin ~~ 0\rysler mc>-ron. Mackc-rel and albacor~ per. 653 W. 20th. TE :Z-3044. San~. 37-4tp Miracle MIIP Mar Greyhound C:O.Ill Ml'lla 7-onl'd ft•r hualn81 atwtkln. for dlaplay or other pur-A rood apot for ,,.,rJ•t rourta (lOM\ Ph: Harhor 212 38-tfc IAt lt 300 f<'t't tl••l'p· fmrTM'ti poeteMton. Prl<'f' SH!6il Call at Manila f~l&ia at Neww-nm.. 18153 Itvtn4' Avr. •ate Ph· IW.11rnn !'HO'J·M 41l.Jiro Builrlin~ SitcR [At lUI '"'~l•t you In ,..orurlnlt • lo------------- c•tlon 1() au I! ynur nrl'dJI We VF.TERA NS h11vr 11 wid,. "•lo•r ll•on t1f cholrr Ynu r11n buy my ni•·•· hla.c I •' In lou I C~t11 M••at~ t .. r $!Y.IH~l t 111111••• evallahlt• ( :o.xt ""'lhl,.,rl"""l (1()011' I" ('1111 llt·tiiNlll '\Wft .I Gertrud•· A. Waldron Wm. W. ~·anf11rrl, Broker j -"-vr_n_ln_~t.,-• _______ .,,_,_:.!t..;.JJ :Vtll ~lurtn• ,1\vrnut· AT C'OR( rl'IA JIJ-:1. MAlt ~"" :t:\-1-H 40-tfc :l Lot.o;; S,.JI thr•' unw~tnto'/1 article N•·•r ClrPan ""'I ll11y thnN~oth Nt·w•·Tim,..,. 11/.U All Thr()e $22r,n Srotrh '"I"'· \ r.nm~A •lcr11, on I aal,. 111 ttw N••WA·TimH . . ... W .I IIOU '0:\111 1~17 ('1111•t Jlll[hWIIY C.:uruno dr t Mu.r llurlll'lf 4'7(\tl .. Whl'f'l' ttwo t-'1111(1 f'ly" 111·:.11~ WE NEeD LATE MODEL CARS and Will Pay Top Pricee !ELL YO\JR CAR NOW WbDt Prk8 are JDch. Phone ror our CIQIUI'tiMIUI buyer who wtU c:all Ullll advtae you nprdlrw OPA f'e~Ulatlona, ~ prkft and aJ"''MMII. all deWia • CULBER~ £~~V~~ 00., Inc. 3001 ~-t c.t:nl, Newport 8eKh. aa2 Oce ..__... ~ • .. ·~ea Plallen De••• Democrats lead Repobfican ~ptp':!~ ::;; To Speak Five Minutes Blrtc•er Reqaest R • f 1. f p • With Power Boats A fMture f!ll tM rMetlnr or The Newwrt 114 .. ch Oty Plan-egiS ra ton or rtmary ~AIMrka Jn the Ebt-U club. ,Ung ccmm~•on Ja't ThUI"!IdttY ~E\V YORK. -Du1board radng Banla Ana, next Thuriday eve· night denied the r-.'Litton of F. E · dtl\ O'l'll throo~:hout the count r)' ... will be flv~mlnut~ talks by Rlrtcht•r nf 30:.! LHrk'I·MJr IIVI'oUf' SAC""RAMF::'IITO The largetrt Tht• smlllll'lt r egilllratlon In th•• ,, 111 welcomt> th\' nl'WS that thr aU llilr eandidlltPSfor rhe olf1Cf' of l rorona del Mar. fur J)('rml""um Primary \'Oif'r r"'!t~ln<tlon In t hC' ~tall' l'(lmi'S from Alpine county o·11um·1J of the Amo·rican Pow<•r lheriff of Ont.llft:'! count~. ro ronvnrt pllllls o..-allin~,; lnr 9 hlstnry uf lht• -.tal(' w 11s nnnmmCf'd wilh u 1o1ol of 164, Including 31 11•~<'11 ossoclullon has appr'Oved 11 Pr\ndpal apeaker. howP'Wr. Wlll ~1-st I)']Jt' hou~~e on Poin~f't llu Friday l>y f'runk M. Jordan. Sccrc· l>o·mvo•rals and Its Rt>publlcans. fllCCI,!C.t wllh the Nataonal Out· be S uperior .Tu~ Goclttwtn J awnut• 'anto 11 IJulldin~: whlc·h hr l!lr)' of State c rrang,. 1·ounly rl'portc<t 8 1011o1 '"'"NI Drivt•r.,.· IIS!<codatlon. Th<' ~~ ol l..ol An~;ell", Whu Is n c-nn II~ fnr Pxprriml'ntol lob(lrn-J urtt1111 118jd tht' rurro•nl rt'I:IS· !'l·gtslr!lttun nf 76.93-1. Theil.' wero· nclion. taka·n tu•re ftl n m('Pilng at· c:andidatt' fw llt'Uit'nant govc•mor. tvri,.s. · -' trnlinn ((>r rlw June 4 llrfmnry l1ruko·n du\HI as folluws: J«>puhlt-ll'nd<'d by m<>mbers ot both or- White Hoase Cafe Birll'lll'T. who Is ronnrc·tt"Ci "11h t•lo•l'ltron IF 4,lll,fitlR or ~2.312 ,.an.~. 37,367, 0.'mocrata, 36.(23 a:amzallom •• means that all future tlw Orttn~re. Cnunl) Llthvratron, .... ~:ro•alf'r than tlw Jlrf'vioul' hir.th thus•• whu d!•f'linod It> alate lhl'lr acllvttles will be-r onduc tl-d und••r 11'1(' .. Santa Anu, 1'1-<:Pntly touk n1'1 ,.ft11wn (m· tht• primllr)' l'll'cllon of llfftlutlt~Jn. ~~9; Prohibition, :i(b~ 1he namE' or the A.P.B.A. II !JCrmlt With th<' City nf New· 1"11:! and 15 only n 7:!3 IJo'low lht' ~tnd mosl'l.•llarft'OUS, :.!17. In a furth<>r m<We to enhanc•· f.OOrl bulldlng Jnspecror's o((lcc feu '11 limo· lll"h for all t•lt't·tlonll !l('t ••ulbollrd l'llCing unity, tht• <'OUncil 1 ,. 1 " • .. -Rlv··rsldt' rounly repor ted a tqrul 8 f t~ conMnx-1 till o ,a ~""'. Yl"' I In tho' go•no•rul or 194•l. rl'~:islrolion uf 49.750.-Tht'M' wero· , • ..-ontnwndc<t thai Art rown o howl(o on •lots hi' ownll In ( OIY>nlt I lo•murrats rontlntw to lt•>td lht' hrokt•n dnwn as follows: Dt•mH· c "I••Vt•htnd. 0 . PX('('UCive S('Crelal') dl'l Ma. r. That project l~ now un· lto•rout,loran r••"Jslrallon Wllh 'l.-,,r th•· N.O.D.A.. ~ oppoinlt't1 ,_ t ~tl<~ "' l'rats. :.!3,788, Republican, 23,581. ~ 1 f A p B A o,..r C'Onl ru~ "'' ·.l'l." '."17 a-A J."."" .""" r'-n.-•rlt'voJy, I''(I'CUioV(' St•('r\' <try 0 · · . ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ . , ., .. "" '""-' ,...,, • ~,-' !ll'<•llnt'<t I•> alatl', 2 127; Prohlbl tlon. · 1 nd 11 tfitfero·n~ o>f R63.662 H 5, :.nd mlscellanroua, 109. OurhOArd Racing commtMionl aN (Jlhc•r n·~:istrarlnns 11how Pro-thai Ltou Eppel or Monte a r. } ht htlaun. 6,!VI9, mlac.:f·llant•ous, 5,-San fkrn~trdlno county report r·d J i)C' chairman. Ttler<' will alw 10 1Utal rl'J:islrallon of 91.87:.! t 1h A p R A ln'·--rd n -cino •:l.'lfl, rlo·dtnt'('J In stall' 177.377 • "' l' · uuu '"" .. 1\ruko•n down 8.!1 followa: Demo-. or WhJ'ch Ert'~ Green· Sinl'1• tht• ttrf'VtOWI rl:'glstratlon rotnmtssJon. • Mertury-Cleaners & Dyers . -Off« Rql•la• d t--rats. 50.AA'T. Rf'puhllcans. 35.99~. lo•nf of Washmgton 0 (' is t•x · fl!.!Uro· rf'll'as•• a month agn lin foilt'<l to sill I<'. 4401: Prohlbltlon, ' . ' . . nrlfhliunal :t1:/.0I:t pt'~na rt'll:ill-"''!IIi\•' secN>tary. 3~DAY SERVICE ll'rM, lnciudtni: :l14.nm [)('m()(Tats '149, nnd miscellonl'Oua 14.3. Aftl'r ron"tf"rablP dJsc-u~~>mn on R San Diego county repor ted u 1 hf· rmunc111J aspects of lh<' mer· uno1, lfl:\$1:.! •'JIUhhcons. rnlltl reglalratlon of 193,05!1 ;.:••r. 1111• <'toundl agrN'd that esti· Sinr" tho• 1!+14 ;.:c•nf'ral ('!f'ction lkn10<'rats numpcorf'd l07.m. Rt·· m<tl•·~ ,.f cno.ls submlttro by oW· 1hc.P••mo.rr:ors lust 24,96R refl:il· )')Ublh;-ans. 71.46:1: declined to stalf', o.,.,... nf lho· a~<sociAtlon would form lrallnn~ nnd thl' Rl'puhlknns 1R.-t3,0fl'l; Prnhihilinn. fi i O, nnd mt~· tho · h11'1~ or annual bud~tNs from 01' IJ6fl l ... ll!lnt'OUS, nun€'. "hwh '" !maoce ouli.Joard ~111· 1 (If thr tnl:1l rt•l:illlratiun 5R.I9 111~ pN ro•nt JS P••rnuc·r;ttlc 11nd 37 :.•o n w t"ounril appNWI'd o number -~ • Day 'Special Serv~e If an Emer1ency Arises _,_ Your Clothing Ia Cleaned ln Our Plant Which Is Located at 1844 Harbor Blvd. 008TA IIESA We Are u ac-to Yoa u Your Phone Beacon 5613-J lll'r e1·n1 n •. ,.,,,lt,·rtn Drinking VS. Driving "' ,,,,,. f'han~,.~;. most our~randln~: Throu~:huut Jhe stu re Dc-mocrats .. r "l'lk h wrll t'('(.lUire owners and 1 h>t'l' mnj.,rlllf·s in ~3 ('Ountil,. and "Drinkinlt ha! 11 profound cffecl t1rivo·•" tn ~nnctionc'(! rt1tnttas to I Ro,-HJhhrnn• In tho• ro•muonln.: :;, upon tho• traffic liccident !lltUII· l~t• lOCh\ 111Unl mo•mho•N or b<lth lht• IM 1\n.,:o•lo•<t cnunly t't1nltnllt'S to liOn," oo'(·ordtnl: to Bert Stewart 1\ I' 11 A anti of nrflliato-d club!< l••1ul 1 ho· st 11 lo• "11 1'1 11 r••IC'fst rnllon jr., Public Snff'l~ nirl:'ctor of 1 hf' ( 1\.•n~:•·• 1r1 mcmi)C'I •hip classihf'a· ''' 1.71\J,fi(JK, o-nmp11srd ~~1 l,ll:!7,!l88 Nntlnn11l Automobile rluh. "Drink· !ton "''''!:'"-'<'~ tn t't1lisl the sup· l~o•mt><.'t'nls nnd f\:tl.4nl llc•p\lbll-1n1: wht'n you !Jian to drlvl' is n JMII 1 olf a Wldt>mn~: cirdr of n>- l'nn~ . ·un f"rannsl'll ~unr y pl11~ SM'tnUll \'iolation of lhl' rules nl .o''"''''"'" i'Miflt ownl'r,. aiSC'1 W<'re 11p· lllo'I'OIId Wllh '' 1111111 of 412.60R rommon !1('118(' nncl 11ecency. AlcO· ptu\o•ol m:ulo' up ur :Jfvi.!Y.>4 r~t•mocrals and hoi. evo•n In §mall quanlirlea, lm· 134.-t:N Rt'I)Uhhrans Alam«!.ll patr!! \ISIOn, jud~;ment . and 11\laCU· Fro•d Lnro·n7 nf Nrwpnrt left to- Mercury Cleaners & Dyers lo'flt)nfy 1~ in third place wllh a Jar ,.rfwh•ncy H no on~: would d11y tllluy :!31. flyln~: In Miami on lf}tRI of 349,76.''>, ineludirtr.t 19fi.Cl93 driv<' uflt•r drink in~;. une of thf' his "rov In llavana. C'ubn. on a n.'mocrnts and 139 0!17 Rt•publl-major caus('l nl auromohllr accl-hu~tnf'S; 1 rtp l ie• WB.!I ll'lOkl'<l t:llf\1. dents would I'M• eliminated." lhruu~;h thr KPI'ne Tra"(•l Rurc11u, PRESIDEIT TRUMAN ASKS CURB. ON RECKLESS ~DRIVING DON'T DIUVE WITH 811001'11 TIBM BAVI: 'I'IIDI JLI)CAPPI!D . This "Drive With "The Archea" •.JI.t a lJttle Bit Better" Coc:.ktaU Loun&t' and Cal• Oil o...t lllltnniJ. II& N""J!Mt ea... Vallely Boat Rentals Motor 1\nd &Ill Boats 0pa1..,. Soadl 11&7-no.. n IWpwatn at Pal-l'tllolle 11 Hi-Way Garage OftJdaJ Southern Callfomla Auto. Cub Gerace 11 .. Newpvrt Bl\11.-Pb. U1 Reed's Super SHvice Shell 011. Ga&, Lubrlrll'lon 11nd ACC<'II.~r1es 11M "'"' Oeatnl Port of Seven Seas Boat Landinr .... ..._Ill~ "'•,...........1'7 Coeft lllctl_,. ' . , Balboa ·c ircle Taxi Aa7 IIMr, Dey w Nlcttf-ft. Npt. Mt Newport Auto Works PRESIDENT TR(!MAN called upon tbt n•tloa'l' traffic chlt fs to halt "M1 'RDER" ON THE IDOH- WAl'S by BARRING "MORONS AND NUTS" from the drlnr'~ ~eat. m.-. appeal for action w halt Uw Ot:.\TH TOLL -NOW NEARING THt; U~1'1VALENT OF TIIRt:t: ARMY DIVISIONS A l 'EAR-1\u pl'f'fiHtt4"d to th4' National H IKhway Saft>ty Confert>nCf' In Wa.,hlngton, l'f'ct-ntly. ~ n... Prfolilldf'nt ~Jtalf'd:· ''Thf' na tion eannot affo rd and will not tolerat4' thi'i 1raJ:it• wa..<~te of humau l'e80Urt"«'." Deaths 42 Percent Higher On Rural Highways in State "Sioow clown nnrl 11\';• lnn,l:t"r !'' Tht~ lo'P"' bit Clf llcl\ ,..,. 'II (':,II· fom ht nu>tnri~>ol lo rnml' r~ln)' frnm • F'Algnr t-:. LamJ1ton 1111' n••W I hr , .... rnr uf Motor Vo•lt~rlt•... ulro·r a !llllfl\ n( 1945 11'1\ffll' C'd~UnhiC•~> tlilot'l;,....,, 109~ IH'£'1do•nt.s In "lllf'h nm• or m111 t• 111'1"«10~ i(l!lt t ho•11 ftvt•s blocnu>~· ul tra\'o•lmg 1u.o ru•l for tho• CurHirllnn,, o~>Oimi'OII'(/ "Ainlf, .. l (IVf'might "l' h:l\'t• n·turnt'(l In pn .. wr.r con· rfltinw~ of I rtlfftC ('riOI(l'~lif)O.t 'nH' Ill ••1'/0go• ('fll' un lh•• high·Wll}" i~ nnw mun· I han o·ta:ht > '''""' nit I. c tur llro•, will n•ll •I lind r•u···~SI\'o' '1"''~1. • '11w nl>\'ll>lh lln,"\n•r 1~ 111 ''"" """" '" a ,,,(,• !'pt•oo(l nnri nvout ~··I IIIII: lntu I I'IIUhlo•," l.:tntllfon nt1dl'<f thnt hi:' hllll m· >lt-uc·t!'rl Collfnmla lli~:hwny Pn· 1n•l officinl!< to pny (lllrticulur 111 · Tho' llllllll' •11111\ !'hm\ ·~I 1(1 1 u; aN'Ifi••nu: m wh ti·h tint• or nu•n• IH"r'-(mN wo•t'•' Injun'(!, :til n(lr;hul· ol)lo• tu t'XN'!'sh'o• "lll'o~l. fX>nllt' "" rural hljthW~y•, WhPn• ~JIC'Nitnj! U~tlllllly ()('('UNC, wo•nr up 4:? of II(' I' Cl'nl nnd lnj\.lrlt•~t, 4R 'J l""'r C't'l11 lt•nt 10n 10 "l)('ed vJulatlnns IJ,. • 'Thf>k• figtiN'« lntlknh' r<ondu~­ ivl'ly lhlll mAny (li'OPit' art' olriv· ln.: 100 fn~t for safrty," Lllmpton fnvnN an ovl'rnll rc'(!ucllon In !oj,;'t~d limit!' until wch llmr n.c woni out cqulpmerll can 1M> n•· placl'd ond ~tl'nl'rnl condition~ rr · _.Jum mo)rf' n!'llrly to normal. GOOD BRAKES MAY SAVE YOU FROM A SERIOUS ACCIDENT! Safety" Message Sponsored by the Following: Market Spot Ant on Herllhey tee MaltM Aft. -BAJ"-b&aDd Udo RJchfieJd Station Wash -Poli'h -Lubr1caUon Mil W. 0..\ral -Enrta T-.e Newport Tackle Store 101 ~~~~,....,. ~ewport Commercial and SpoM (;(>ar C.lOd Stodc of Pn.-·Will' !.Into ll-Rima, M .. acer Authorized Shell Dea1er n1 M•n-Ba1boll btaM '"Lubrication" • \\'a.•hlng -Poll.~lng 'nre ~<'apptnc OUr SIJ(daltJ 11e1N .. ct Don·Wooe-notte H II·W Boyd's Service Station tHO W...C Ce.tral -PMat! 114 MobUeu and MC1biloU Lubr1Clltlna -Wal'hin.; -Polishing later's Reeapping Comple-te 'T1re ~ N~-U~~.~m~ 1MO W. Oeet.w-N..,....t Virl's Garage and Texaee Station U0t WMt O.tral Balboa Fun ~ne Newport-Bal~a Auto Supply Automotive Suppli•"t< ()pen.9 a.m. to 6 PJtL Let Ua Hl'lfl You \\'ph "lour Parts Problem Gl('n W. Conkle· Manager !108 \\'. ('f'ntral Avf'. - Npt. Bdl. 11ft Carrell's Garage Gt>nernl Rrrlfllrms;: · Bralctt~ ~lined Motor Tun~·t'p -Wh~b BalanC'l!d tN Utll flt.-~f\J:t to 1..-Hie'a Beeal7 &-. Casino Cafe & Refrealunent Loun&e !Of M atn St.. -Loub YenNJ -......._ a...a Rftlalrtn.-2.4-tlr. tow Mrvi~. Sunllt't G&a A 00 ................... o..t ........ BlttteriN • Auto Accessories • Bayside Fish Market Kenneth E. Wilson Co. Ouis-Cnlft C'ru\S('r< -Ot Y~&er Marine Enpnes t!5 f'nu t lllV!way--...._. IN National Aoto. C ub ~cy StaJ'on RaMhaW"1 1-Stop Seniee Station OlmDiete Auto ~~ Lulle1cldola -BrakN Relined lnt~·~M- Lowman Boat Builders .. M..,.n~ta-- £t.-8oJdn & Galvan EleetJ1daM ec>-r.o,.. ~t tor httory, Stew. Otnce. Fann. Honw 1M OIMt ....,._..... Ull Itt* a ~~New)IOrt ftt'at'b Sport]and Bow1ing ~enter "Boots" and Roy Kwne .... l!tt.rf!et-11&1... ..._., !4ot "For Your Health'~ Sake. Bowl" Excelsior Creamery Santa Ana-Oallfomla FOiter & Sons ~ erw.en -9'20 Ooallt HJgh•'8y Phone 838 Nl'wpnrt Brech Gua Beach Han~k Slation P\l'fttOM Productl and H11nc:ock Gu Home Suppl• AppllaMft. J1illnt. Ha~re . ~--fof ....... ~ -CoMa .... Bay Shore Cafe Coeat Hiehwn.' T. F . Norton • ~kfRsl St'rvrrl Saturday and Sun- Open 7 a. m to !J p m -Cioltd Monda7 "Uw Your Rrnk<'~ instt"ad o( Your Hom · Johnstone Service Oout Bin i. • 101 m~..,..rt · Phon'! 1672-J If your Ill"!' iA rln1 or )'OW' battery nm clown Mo1>1Jp~ ond Mobtloll Higgins Pleasure Craft Delt' E Wntts. M~ 110 Cout Blway-ft.. liM Ma~urdy & Calldna, Inc. Naval Al't'hltects -Rnet Bullcten -Boat ft.eopairinc SIIJ"I!I Av1Ult1hll' Jo'or Boatl For s.le _ uta 0out IIIP"'"' ...,_. 1- . - I La~. 214 ~h street. He never talks of catchin& any te.l .::.1-.a••lllliil than by th«> dozen. t-I e Ia a firm lx>Uevt>r In raJOr clams (or bait I and ualn& a complet(' clam meat on each hook. He throws the clam &hells lnto the ba,v around whc!re ht" 11 flshln& to ft>Cd the fish on LaBrucherie~ Satisfied With UCLA Showing By RUOB MeMII.I.AN the few particles or lllt'at clinaln& Rl'(.'Or'd crowcb taxed to capacity In the shell. He us('l plenty of the llvr bait boat~. fishing out of bait and doesn't mind losing It, Newport Harbor over th(' weekend u It keeP~~ the fish fc·edlng. Once as Southern California flaher-men l hc! fl.sb atol1 fl'ed!Q&. It ~ h&.r4 "Satisfactory" was the H•r!w took advlllltage of fishing facill· to Rl.'l tht'm back to biting again, but eloquent stamp of approvol lit's out or Nl'" Pftrt-Rali.K~a. Fish-hE' l'Xplains. Coach Bert L.aBruchcnl' placed on ang had ,,..._,n goud all Wl'Ck long Whrn you rt'nl a hoat and buy Uf'L.A's 1946 spnng football prac·-hut Sunday most bouts rume In , live hail at 1he Balboa Pavilion Ill''' after st.-eing his "Blue" fir~l with onl) fair catches t'XC<'Pl for you ure furnlsht>d ~A•ith a wooden lt•am trounce his "Gold" :seconds. the boats lhut fi1hed Catuhna. basket ~Ahich floats In the water 33·7, 1n this week's tradltlonnl The Jt'nnle I.A.'(', from lhl' Balboa behind the row boat in which to l.ntru·li(Juad "b1g game" endJng lh•• Pavilir!"· mud(' lhc run ov.er to keep your bait allvt:'. You Cllll row r um,nt s~ml'Sier's Spaulding Fll'id Catalina Island ~c majorrty of to wherever you want to fish. tow- dnlls. orher boats llshed from Hunting-ing 1he basket behind. There Is the Plirticulurly impressive was vet . ton Bearh to Duna Point. Calico, livl• halt when you want to fish. t•ran quartt"rback and 1~ capraln rock. and kelp bass were caught A neat Idea. Emtt' Case, who sparked tht' em moat live hart boalli A few -------- "Blues" by passing 24 yards to halibut barracuda. Sl'll trout an!l • C • . f~~hman m d ' DIIVe Dobrow for l<'hth• ~JI haM W('rl.' also cau~:ht .. Haghway ommlSSIOn one touchdown, ronwrtln~; af~t•r but not \'t·ry many. Allocates $26 ()()() thl' first and third scorl.'s and &en· Bo1111 from King's L11ndin~; In-t o•rally running the team well. His c!ud<'d: Val<•ncia m. Ma Muc, S•'D For Upper Bay Span backfield running matl•, lf'fl half Gal. L&net!r. Tropic, Moama, TyN·, Emtc Johnson, the 157-pounrl Frl'rkll's, Sl'll Ourint. Blul' Woh'r, Sacrnmcnro IJoy who played ror llurry Home. and R£'nO. From Sr. Mary's Prf~FIIght last y£•11r, Earl'll LJtndmg were: Musk. U.•ss hu~;gro out the cy't'S of ~ 60001 T . Pt>Cr. Mor~llr. Sail f'lsh. Mar- partisan Bt'\Jin spectators by his garet K. FrO\fl Port Orange: shift} ball-carrylnf. Johnson !IE'I Mlsnwlt. Jay B, C"yoluru~. Nobills. up thl' S('('Onrl -Biuc-scon! in the ~pada. Sarda Sarda. SuPno. Bam SC'C'Ond quarter hy taking the ball II, Tradl' Winds. Southo•rn Crmt· on a IJ'VC'r!'t' from Cn.~. rotlndlng k•rt and Ella May. The stale highway commill.lon at Sacramento haa informed tbe city of Newport Beach that $26,000 was allocatt'<l by It for the financing or th~ needed repaJrin& of lhe hiithWllY bridle aci'06S the upper bay. Th<' rommlssion a.lso reported $60.000 ha5 bt>en eannarkro for culvf•rts and other lmprovem<'nts on Highway 101 betwE-en Galavan a nd lrvlnl' right f'nd into a broken field I Roals trom tht' 19th Stro•o•l and ~nnlnK 20 }Dna ICJ the 17-Landing lncludt'd: Flyer, Scuur, y<trrl ImP, whl'rt' h~ Jat~ralro 1o Jenme. s1~nal. Mt1r~:ec II, Oun 21()-p!)Unrl John N 1kcev!ch· W~t• Pal, Grori(IA M. Marlin IV, ~1111:1<' hulll'd his way lhP .remaming dts· Isle. On Thursday thl' twln-~c·n•w ..---------------: 1Unt'l· to the gool hoe. Al1hough C'omc•1 will be launched 10 npcrah' 0 John....on lnjurro hi!> ankle on th(' as II day' boot from the 19th Slrf'('t Boat wners .. I play anrl went in for just one mor.· L~tndmg. • during the second half. ht' sho~A'NI I . th€' Uclan coaching start that flc'll Pil'r flshf'rnwn ar€' rnjoyrng n ~ hllrdolo kE-ep off the rma tetlm fair catch of mackl'rl:'l. halibut. this fall. lie carrl(o<f lh<' ball for pI u 11 a n ,. ()('{'ll!lionlll yc•llo~d111 nl }aNis in fi vl' trit:'S for an aver-croakrr '>' tth lh£' !>hortag~ of agr or ~tier than 1:.1 yord.~ 11 m t'ot. thc catC'htn~t of an {IC>ras- Canvas C'rack ional fish" from thr pif'r, ~urr. h~t), · ' burli(P, or llvr bait boat cun ho·I!J Wide:' Widths--All Lengths By the Yard Othrr.fiN>1 :-;tt·lng s tandouts in· OUI' 111 thl' dinner tablr. C'hutro ccntt>r Les Stl'iner ruggf'd 195-pounrler from St. Mary's Pre.-· Flight's 1945 club. One of tht• (;u;tc-..1 mt·~ on 1he f'nlln-squad. Stein£'r was o Jargt' thorn in tlw sidl"!! or lhl' "Golrl.~" both on nf· f!•n!l<' und dt•fen!-1' N•kcr•virh. n freshman from Blu1mn~t Ill. shuw· l'fl a ~N>£11 rlo'nl of promrsf' in hi> fir.<t rollt•;:anll" o'Cfnrt Clothes Theft "ntdr ur u hlut• ~u" c·:o~o' twlnn~:· , Ill' lol 1\fllrJHI'it• 0 . J (:1''_1,'1'11\'1' from 1ht• l~lllOa Y<ot·ht landrn~ ln.~l Sunol:o, wac; 1'1'1101 l••ol In :--lo•\\liOrl no•llt'h. pn1l1·o• h) 11w owrwr. II 1 runlntno•fl ~10 "111 II\ uf o''ll•"'•d 11\ 111r11 ftlm :mtf <'h•r.-.in~ \ .11Ut't1 at ~~· ---1 I ROSSI'S I ' Liquor Store 100 ('oast Hl«hway t'ormerly Gordoa'a Dnac Sto"' O&wn t~vl'ry Day VETERANS Two-bedroom homH ... boOt on the lot you select. lOO<fn G. I. Financing You pay only appraisal ud lepl fees. PHONE !.«'7·R Denison & McBroom Sales U50 Newpoon Ill.._ C08TA KE8A (In the Mesa Rc!alty Bldg.)' Corson and Ray Oeftl'ral Contradorw .. ELECT Fred HOWSER ITTOIIEY CEIEIAL .. Pledged to serve • Ill 111 PEOPLE •All liEn. Rargl' fishrrmt>n C1UI of ='••wpnrt havr I)C'rn t•alrhln~: srnall harra· cuda. smoli cahro hass and mt•- dlum-sitl"tf hallbu1. Thl' hrtrgl' can lx• Sef'n llol'hor('(.l Off lhc• :'1/f•wporl Santa Ana Tent & Awning Co. 1629 So. Main St. Pboae 207 SANTA ANA pil'r Pmllabl) t he• chnmp croak<·r fiNIIf'rmon or thCSt' pari!' IS M. 0.!1...-------------J DON'T TAKE CHANCES WITH POOR BRAKES - .. Com e in and have them tested today and avoid 'a ci- tation from the Hig hway Pat rolmen or C ity P olice. ~----SPECIAL----~ For Onf' Week Only: Brakes AdJusted f I f t t t I t I CULBERTSON CHEVROL£T CO. INC. 3001 West Central Ave. Newport Beach Phone Harbor 513 . .. ~. ... .. --------.---------~ Surveying and. Engineering Our Domain G. T. Evereon METZGEft'STORES .... ~ ... lftl N...,..n ....... ()MCa ...._ ..._ IMI-W ''Rome and Auto Supply Sc.or.'' ttt 11&-&l.aol' Jee~e L Elliott _. 0 ••t-- SHERIFF 1'1' ....... , .... ttt Harold K. Grauel CHAPEL llt........,_..... ..... lll. c;,.. ..... ~ ttt A. E. Groty -J. A. Groty Groty Appliance Q,. ............. ~!::::::-.• ,.-'lftl X..,.. .... 01111. ttt John E. Sadleir Real E'State-Insurance om. ft. llaJtlor .. -..... ........_..._, o.lll. ttt / F.B.~ Newport Souvenir & Gift Shop GIFTS OF ALL KINDS PIL llaJtlor Ill!·~ n• o.. ..,_._N...,.rt a.e~~. <WK. ttt HUBBARD HOWE Pres. Hubbard'• South Q)ast Q)mpany HU W. c-trW-Pia. ...,._,. %ttt ttt HEINZ KAISER, Owner Bay Shore Camp and Boat Landing 17 .. A C..& ~-PiloN Be.-MM ttt Lew H. WaUace ReeJ Eatate and lnalra.nce Broker ..._: OMee. Bart.r ~ llattlor IHI -W. {)eaVal A.--N...,.n ....._ v.lll. ttt COY E. WA'ITS Balboa Liquor Store 7M E. OeMnl An.........._ ft. llartlcw 14,._~ ...... -., o.r....atJ"" --: o. a. ....... lip. ttt J. M. Miller REAL ESTAT'£ BROKER • Pit. ...,.,_r IUS IM a& O..VU-N..,..rt ..... "On Your Way to Balboa" .t.tt Walter J. Gerhardt Our Photographer _, r. , , A...........ow-... Mar, Olllt. l'ta. Bartlor ttr·W tt.t Newport Enaineerin&' Auoclatel nutDERJC J. SINGER. Pra6cieat ....,.,.,_,... .............. . 1111 ()eeM ·-)'--ft....._ ... .ttt Otto Boyd Boyd's Service Station "You Otto Bey from Boyd" lilt w. O..tni-N...,.n.--ft. llartlor IU ttt Wallace C. Mattoon Mattoon's Shoe Store .. FootWNr for All the Family .. U'NM~~·­ tt£ • FRANK A. AND MILDRED WALSH CGsta Mesa Paint & Hdw. • • .... ,..... q.ltJ ....... ......... Applh·.,. ...... n.-1. Ooeta 111-. 1M2 Mew,en ...._ .£tt ·Dr. Robert A. Crawford OPTOMETRIST l'lft M..,.n ~ ..... 01111. .._ a..ee. IIIli ttt Paul Lorentzen Balboa Sportfish tng Fleet ft. llartlor Ill___...._ PaYI ... ttt 0. Z. Robertson General Contractor lJlt OeMt ......,.-eo ............ (Wit. Pia. Jlutlor II t t t AL ANDERSON Fun Zone Much Study and Work is the Preliminary ··ro Actual Building' Construction · · SURVEYOR jackS. Raub r:By LEW WALLACE ... . ENGINEER -.... '. # .. • .. • • ,._--: • t r !. "*'.,~., ' j • • • • r........_ • Fred V. Bennett I Jack S. Raub, member of the finn of Raub and Bennett, surveyors and dvtl engineers of 1808 Newport boulevard, Costa Mesa, was born in Denver, Colo .• in 1903 and after leaving IChooJ entered the state highway engineering depart· ment u a flagman and rear cha.irma.n. Fr'f'd V. Bennett. IIC.'<'Ofld memlX'r ot Raub and Jlf'flnett, civil engineers at 1808 Newport boulc>vant, Caata Mt~t. wu born in Milwaukee. Wt.sc. inll909, golng through tM ~choola tht'~ and af ter a trtp around the world, complt•tlnl( hl~e edu· cation at South Dakota Institute o( Technology wh(.·~ ht' gradua~ with honors. At the age of 21 ~went to Oreogon and worked for the Cobb-Mitchell Jwnber company cn.lla1.ng timber, buUdlng raU· roads and surveying. contJnulng wtth them three ~ars. Then he came to California and became att\llated wtth Thomas A. King, heed ot the ltate hydraullc engineers at San Diego, working on highway projects, l.rr1gatlon and sub- divtsJon. later with Newport E)tglneertng Dept. In 1944 he opened his own office which la now doing all IW'Veytng for the 1rvtne company In the Harbor area. for the Presbyterian hospital site and for some 20 new subdivision!\. H e loves fishing. gardening and volley ball and Is a member of Kiwanis. He and his wife Marjorie have two children, a son and daughter. ~nnlng a~ rodman with a liUrv~ylng JtlUlg in Olstet' • State park or the Black Hills of South Oltkota. he ro.e ra, ptdly untU he tx-ca~meef engi!"M.'t'r ror tht perk. H~ moved to Orange county in 1. 0. building a home In Santa Ana where h<' Jives with te VIolet Md his two trtepdaughterl. First employed the U. S. engineers In 1910. he 1000 ~ to be 8JI81Rtant M ct f"flgi,....r ll1ld aflf.>r brln~t tmna- ferTl'd to the Santa Ana Anny Air fl.1~ wn" rcppofntt'd Kftl· eral superintendent of post ffiSCii'M.>ers. Bob Callis .,......... OKN'DAL PE'I'S (rL1'010 BOa&a'OWD) In IOtla St.-Newport-ft. Harbor,.., ttt "CHUCK" SM1TH-n~ owner Balboa Central Market (WM a.l.._..ea& ll.artrlet a Delh.tnn•> 1M E. C.trU-ft. ...,.,_r I'Jtt ttt Louis Verwey, Prop. Casino Cafe & Coektail Loanre Ill .... 81ree&--IJOUiloe ............ ,. .. ........ ttt Howard W. Genish IIA&'ITOIID na INIRJUNm 00. ..... .._ 1111 ~-N ........... ......O.C. K-, ()alii. ttt DON NORMAN -r Norman's Meat Market Nit {)eetNI A.e.--ft. llarhr ttt He is a ~2nd degree Ma1100, mt'fllher of ttw F.JUrtt>rn Star, an Elk, member of the Triangle. an engnia+fng."fratemJty, and also o( Sigma Tau. HP says his only hobby is WORK. VOLNEY L. HAY Sea-Esta Motel "Sleep by the SN" 1-Newport -... -OM4a M.,_ ~ itt Thomas F. Norton PNp, BAY SHORE CAFE ...._ a.oo. 5'rt6-17• ·a o-M Htway 8DVING 12 NOON T'(lL I P. M. ttt A. "Sandy" Steiner REALTOR C. F. DENNJSON. A.uoclat.e ... VOMt .., • .,_..._. ..__ 5111 ttt DAMIA I..OP'MDf, Maul'!"' Orkin's DeL_artment Store RH4f~wHI'-~~.:A)Oda ...._.._.57......,. tile -.n of~ M- £££ Bob Allen COUNCILMAN Prop. 8""L80A 181.AJIID VAaD:r'Y 8TOD Dr. W. T. Mooney PHYSJ('l.AN and BURGEON NI•UI Mil C:.tna 111. Harbor (U·IU. -~~ M NFLSfiN STAFTORD e GERALD LffiERTY . . Manaa:H"a . Ets-Hokin & Galvan Newport Ruch · San Frand.eo • Wllm1n .. on San IJieao · Stockton I:I.ECI'IUCIAN8 I , lOOt C.... ...... ~ft.,..._,.. IIH · • · ..._: ...._ IMI·W .t .t .t Mary's Bay & Surf Beauty Shoppe ~cu~ and Manlcunna '711 1:. CM&ra&-aal..__..._ Harbor ..... , Thn.t Ow Ba~r SIIOIP ttt- Braden L. Finch C'.-n MIT. Finch CeramiC8 ! t t Robert L.. Shorry-R.cordlnc Enjflneer D'avis & Gay Music Q). 1101 N'-..,t 111\'f-<Jaata ,.._ ~" 1nn ... ........ , ..._......._ a-:11 SPORTLAND ~BOWLING-PAVILION Ph. Harbor 2402 BALBOA ··---- T. LEFEVRE "Frenchie's., Barbecue & Delleate11en , .................. ...... ttc UOUJID a. •At I 'OX Chti&JIR " 0 Patterson & Boyle ....... liNK-ft..,.-........ 1 ... o-M 8h4: N_. ~I~ ' ttt Capt. B. j . McNally ...,...,. Balboa Boat Liven ... ._.~ ..... - £££ Dr. <Anrad Rlehter o... ..... ..... ...__ .,, ,.., ,,, Herbert F. K~ ~­ POSTMASTER 8AUI06 " -«JJa -- . t t' a-. w.-t.. a.a.. w• Cout ~· Ce. •&c.tnl ..... ~ ...... - ttt W . B. Rowe Startk'a Cafe .. ...... ,. ....... ttt Fritz Go II !NI -Woody ~. Balboa Market ...................... ttt jack Hamilton Beaeon Sea Foods ..... ......_ ... Ull OeMt .....,..__,...,.... ...... ~ ttt ALLAN DARTFORD The Blue Salla ...... ..... .., a.... An , • ... •• at. •• ~.; • ..._...,...-,. ttt Robert E. Anln'l,.. , ............ , t • lt .......... .... N...,.,. ._... 0.. . ttt WUUun MacC\Jrdy w. H. •sactp) O.lrtwi Ma~r:c!lL ~~!" Ine.- II. E. Ns.dedrn. S.C. A ,....._ tJtJ c.. ... ...,..-N'_,_. ............ t t t l:ti.CI' EARL W. STANLEY ........ ASSEMBLYMAN , ... ~ ......... ttt Walter E. Tipton roR SHERIFF ''ITS TIME FOR TIPTON'' VOTE JUNE.,_. t t t J. E. Ragsdale (Qwner) Balboa Motel and Wincllor IIILC.I.ral e tl1&~ ... ._ l'tL llartwlr n• ....... o.a t t t Donald J. Harmon BALBOA HORSE RACES .............................. t t t ANTON HERSHEY M~;tSJ;ot l'ta. Rarllor leoo-..a.ta.. .., ... t t t ~~ Curt H. Bohman The Bohman Company J::t•·--.._ 1&11 ... ..... ... .........-Jifewpan ...... Oilt. ttt ROBERT H. REED Harbor Q)ld Storage ft. Har~Mr 443 ........ M.-N-..rt8'Moell.~ • . ! ! t J1ck 8 f'Ntd v . Raub & Bennett ENGINEERS and SURVEYORS ' llltiN .... rt ........... ..,.,..., ,.,.._ MM-W. O..ta ,._ ()011&.\L DtJBT 'You',.t nor ntceu.rily o mW1Cl41'\ u w e you "f•ddlt'' ;YOU' l'illlt awoy. -jACI< . INOSLI:V •• TO REMARK··· RO~. IOIJH Pfrn.LIP8 Conna del Mar News By BEA81Z L B£NJ:DIOI' Editorial Opinions LN m(' rr VIIW lhl' fl gurH I ~ave lut WM'k, for thr prdimlnary Mr. and Mrs. J ohn Knox S r .• 221 L------------..J "u w• th~ OPA'' cllmJMthtn . NarossUI awnU~t, ~ • ,._ Different Outlook I t wu tl!t!• ('Vf'fl lng of Apr1] 11. union with thelr famlJ)I rx.ctpt wttllr th•• Jlou..-of R~>pr•·vnt~~th•es two nn Mothers' Day. Mr. IIDd Wall fMfeet .Joanaal WI\S 11111 votln~ot on the hill. tha t :O.trs Jnhn Knox Jr and liOn J~ Sb o.-. Wily a-la thr j)l'raonally ambitious Mr <fl ph. Sllnlll Ana, Mr. and Krs. Aad Natlo• Quane& Duwll'l df'mand•-d tlmr of th•• four C1ll•strr Staffnrd and IIOfl 0\est«, FtonJ the Russian conception radlo rK'tworlu. In ordt'r to attack N .. rth Hollywood. Mr and Kn. that 1M lndJvrdU&.I /uJtUls hil dew· the ("on~treu That mrans. to at· \.ll lr J•~rdon and ramUy, Laauna tiny Ill part ol the IJ'OUP lnevit· tar k th•• pi'ttJIIr thl'mllf'lves, for Rl'aC'h. !\1r and Mn M~IV1n Sal-ubly sterna the conception toWard "C'ftni;TI'Sll" ts thr wa y thr p •opk w•son. Anahdm, fMllrl tribute to nth,·r nations; If It Ia right to •llf·•k. In 1 h-1!4' V0\<'1'nmrnt. I Mrs Knox. 11\Akf' the Individual confonn to It wn" rur10ua: thllt d .. mand. It Mrs. Harry Sllluch and Mn. 11 pattern det"reed from the top, would lit' In nrd~ for th<· Pn·sid••nt1 Gront" Lewis, Marigold avenue. thl're 1.1 nothlng ~'TOni with malt- to ••~k fnr timr. t hat qui<'kly, C>n lltlrndNi lhr C'.onJT .. a llonaJ 101: nations conlonn with a pre- thr NalinMI iwtworkll. H mh:ht C'lrur~>h ronfl'r t'ncr at Claremont. •···n~lv<od Jlllltf'm rt>gardi('!IS of hr '" r.rrlo·r, In snmfl rmf·r~l'nry. f1•r W~>dn<·-day. the chalet> of the nation concern· ll rullln••t m,.rnlwr Mr Rowlr11 Mrs Rlrrrl Walsh. Dahlia ave-(od. hold• nil rlf'<"tlvr of;IN>; not f•VI'It niiP. 11old hf'r flllleto rf'Ct'ntly to Mr. It Is this clash ol morals which an ofti•·•· cr~>atl'd by thr C'oni:J'"SII.I """ Mr11. RusRII. Hollywood. Mrs. wf' are st't"lnK in the Un!ted Na· H e holds only one of tho•..-muah· Walah bou~tht at Bav Shores and tlons dell~tlons over Iran, rncmo• o•xer utlve·ordr r ofrlcea. •·)(I'W'rts tC\ move bv July When It Is <•asy and convenient to crt>ato-rl for the war ••mrr~rnry Mrt1. C'harles Kv1e. 312 Orchid I do so, the-Ruulana llfKUe that only, 11nd soon happily to go nut avrnuf'. entertalnf'd Mr 0. ~ll1d11 th(•y arc not violaUnc the r'iihta nf r xiJI,.n<'P. wh!'n W~> r,.lurn again Dt~tml'r, l'nH> Happy Lit~ -dub uf a smaJit•r nation and that their to C'onatltutltmat 11nd rt'prt'ilrnta-1'HI'IId11v, with ten rnemben pree-ti"'OOll' nrc not on Iranian !!Oil tor tlv" j!oV~>f'nmrnt Thr«>r or thf' fnur enl for the lovely luncheon etw thP JlUrpo!lt>eOf coercion. But Whm They Say··· Dr. Arthut H. Compto{t, atomJc 1 phyDd.at and eo<hairrnall ot the • • • " • y 'I' • .,.._YM~ NatJonal Coftlerence ot 0\riltlan ._ ...... • ..,. 0.....,. "-..._ and Jewa -"The drvelopment ot .. ~' .. _, .._. 1a a tomic ene~ hu aceelerated oer-_... "'" -t.q -.. tal.n human trenda toward In-.:::::;:._u.a~ creased cooperaUon, education In CNn. ta.-.. .,.._.a..._ Wllderst.andlnc others and eeeklna ;..._---"'-:---..:•;__....;...:1.:.-~';_ _ _J of common objecd ves for aU man- kind." Arthur W. Rcdlord, Deputy Otlel ol Naval OperatiON for Air-''tn my opinion, very larce planes wiU not In the future be ot primary Interest for military ~­ poaes becauae aelf·propelled eulded Armand M~~~aeo ~ 8lf W. BaJA.._,..._ ....,.._ 1'71& m•~•­a--... mi.sailes will make very larae 1-------------.J planes unneceuary." Frank SUllivan. columnilt-"Oh. Cor the day wlaen we'll all wake up to find that t~ il a Scardty ot ScardUes and a Shortqe of Shortacee and the world ca n dual otfJ the comfortable old word piJnty and put It to ~ a&aln ." CHnical Laboratory Ofllee .....,.., • -t :lt ... ~ ........... 'I'I:U2BONII BA&aOa -lal W. o.tnl A-. llarpre& IJuoll& ~ 0 .............. .............. ~-~ E. Neff WeOda, D.O. ..... ·-~~.-:•t.:L. 0 t rt -.... ~ ..... , ..................... _ Raub & Bennett .... ,... ... ............ U. N..,_.tJII .... ONea._ -.~ ..... ..._ -·· Hl7W.t:J.thl N...,_.._. Tr'•~·-..,.., lJI PIANO TEACHER G. V. LINBENBAJU> Gnduate ..,.. 01--a.I'J, ...... Pb. Harbor ~-w -w. OcMn rr.t We Need More Ships n .. twork~ rvldl'nlly r••t~ll7f'd !hi~. aerved. Tht'" dub wu organiZIPd In this lf('ft•nlle is successfully at· """ rl'fu~t>d thf' n •ttl#!lt. thl' fnurth 1~3.'1 ~he of '1~ ,--. tnd<t'd. then the Ruulans mer.ly f i'IR('I vlo'ldt'd "'"~' ~ wtll meet tor ~>IIY that the whole dilcussJon , HU'Oid Lukt, chalnnan ot the :_ __________ _J Executive Committee of the Brit-PBYUOLUraa Bt11101l0N8,1LD. ilh Labor Party-"It would be a r----D_A_Y_IIOII __ oo_L ___ _ Aftrr four yean of tOO per cent conversion to war. lh(' Statel Merctwnt MariDe Ia being returned to peace-- operation. Marl tim! Day, May 22, 1946. aUthorized by OinK•~ and proclaimed by President Truman. marks tta> ba1fway point 1n tNI recorrYel"'li< hun Kiobal war to gloi.Jal ~. Prior to the war, Maritime Day; which. is the annl- wr-ry of the WJ~ntr ol the tlrst. trans-Atlantic ~teamship from the United States in 1819. was dt>dtcated to the c~atlon at a Merchant Ma.rtne adequate for our foreign and domesllc commet'Ce. and capable of supporting our annt>d forces in war. After 1940, Mariti~ Day was detticated to the great drift for ahlpa, ships, and more ship&. As we got the ships, It wu dedk:ated to manning and operating them to deliver tM.upplie8 needed to win the war. Both jobs were done. On VJ Day, the Maritime Commission, charged by law wtth CU1')'tna out 't~ provjsl0111 ol Ute Mercha nt Marine Act ~ 1936, turned from vtctory to carrying out the la te J'kdldent RooeeYelt's dtrectiw ot.t 944 to prepare a "bold and darinc plan'' tor a postwar Merchant Marine. During the dl.ya that followed the Maritime oomrniaaion has hammered aut that plan. World-~ ltUdiel were being compl('ted as aar troop~ were broulht home, u food and other essentials _..lblppect to war-devastated areas, as the Merchant Ship ..,_ biD wu ~. after months of dl&cussion, as many QrfwiWDI!IJt-recJ&llidolwd w.Els were returned to their own- .. aDd tbe bellM1nP ol nonnal shlP(!f.ng service were mad(>. Oar ~t ltlaJ1ne wu heine ftftdled for a greeter peace-*-role ~ lt1l1 cleaning up the residue ot work left by wv. -Maritime 'Day wu eet u the target date ror the com- JIItlon o1 the planr1iftl work. On that day will be announced .. plan whkb wUl ~ m~ American flag vesaels on more r-r~--. .... --than .wr before. Tiw IJll'l'f'h w11r. full of lhP cus~ foomdrn day with Mrs. J. 0 . mak•"' no ~ and walk out. tom11rv lnRN'Urod•~. """'"If lh~>m Ht~~wlf•r. ~11nta Ana. In two WP4!k!l And 10 tho•m II d~ not make lhr lmf\llrAtlon th11t WA~hln~:•no 1 Mrs Stuar t Dl~>hl. ~ Golden·l "'•n•l', lll'cnu.''f' tht"ir codt> is n ...... f111l or "~pcdaJ interest rod IIVf'nUf', t>nlf'rtalnf'd the St"r-tho• AAm• .. 8 thnt of the Other dis- c:rOllf"''" nnd thnt C'on~tT~"~" hlld 1 hr1tthl rlllh F ridav oftt>rnOOn. for ltUtnnt~. yi•·llif'fi In "prr!l"llr••" J havrn'l d~rt lunch and hrlci~:e~ Mr. 11nl1 1 S4'f'n II lohh~·,~t . nntl !It) fnr .. ll'< I 1\frs_ Dlrhl s nd family spent thr Exchange Prospects know . thl'!l•' 'f\r~lllu-1' ~:rrttlf15 ron-wM>k t'nlt "1th Mr. 11nd Mrs Journal of CoDllnerce slst ol ,mnll hu~lnl'll5 mrn and GNlr~,. Hookam Vh•la fnrm<'rh · ' p ut tracedy it the ~u.nlty of European working clau('S were to conUnue to pol.an t he lntegrlty or the Socialist movement." But factory backl~ probably c-annot be worked off before la te 1947. Warn.>n Smllh. secretary ot the Hat R.eseerch Foundation trade Mortimer Sdtool -o.nl ...... ......_ 0,.._: o.a.c.. ~ 8tJIDIER SCHOOL ::-. o. A. ltortbDer, ...... OdoM PriDelpal PlloDe ~r II% DEN'TI8T8 wnm,.n. 11nt! hit:: hu~lnHK m~'n 11nd nf Coron~~ d~>l M.Ar Th~ Hookam·~ N. \'., JWporls FinaoCM wnrnrn. 11nd f11rmr rs. 11nd all sf'rts lll'f' Cllrin~ for thr n nch hfolongin~ot 1 Abroad Are Improved nf proflll', who hllvr rom,. to Cnn-to Mr. Hookam's mothrr , Mrs. Ida AllhouJ;h World War II was by assoCiation. estimates that 14,000.· r-------------. DR. GORDON E. BAPP DENTIST ~ot'rl'".' lon11l C'ommllt~ rwhlch the Ackrovd whlll' llhr 1' vlsltln ro: rrla-1 fnr thP mo.."' dt>'tn wtlve conflict c-onstitution III}'W Is thl'ir ril(htl tlv"' In F.n~tlanl! Shr C'llhll"d them 1 tn h"tnry, thfl ~ll lnok for foreign 11nd tnld how OPA Is rrt11rJ!In1Z of h..-r 1111re e.Trlval there. Shr aald, ''"~'him~<· ~t abihty today Is a ·good production 11nd thus krt>pln~ prkl'l' 11 tonk only 12 hourt. l)y plant', •'•;ntl'ffltl~r thtm was thf' 1'11.'4.' after ur. and lnvltln~t ln011tlon Thfl for thl' trip from Nrw York. ' \\ nrlrl \\ llr I. rno"t I'X""nl'llvr pronn~11nd11 and I ,. f ,.. 1 d .. h I Sl>\•<'ral r!'llll<•ns for adopting a , '" ,. · "Tht' ~of f.'(' .. r n rr. t I' namr 1 1 1 •· • • thf' I!Tf'&t('lt 'IUIInllty. romf'tl to ml' . m()( l'rlllfl Y opt m .. ~tlc VII'W as re-dlr••r t from Mr RnwlMI offlct>! ~rlvrn hlw nrw R1'·29 pla ne by Bill ' J:anl, PI'Qflfl('f'lll for <'XChange , _.._ h • .--.,_ C'nffH , 6()0 C'ollsl Rlvd .• hrtd thrll-~tnhtllt v or.• odvnnr('d In thE' C\lr-l..ct 1 lit'(' wrtal Ap(W'nru ; ,.,. .• IPd Th d h · ' · tWt'l'n A 11 17 11nd M11v 1 dur -pll!ISI'ngrrs urs IIV w eon N'nl I~SUfl of lht• f'N1eral R~rvl' In~~: whlc~ tlml' the OPA PrOJ)II· C'.ti>ne and Rrut't' 84>nrdlct and Rllll••tin In lhl' first plAce, ~told d ~ h 1 d Robhy Dl~hl took the ir ride In It nnd rort·il-!n exrhangP holdings of ~ran a pour.,.., out, ovf'r 1 l" 11 r an 1 nvl'r-La ... •n11 nnd Corona dr l Mar ( 1 rt th h th hil ffl "'u nn• 1:11 rount t'S aggregate some tOUit f' p&Pf'rt. 1 0 Cf' Tht> hnya rlaimE'd thry rould !I('C' S:.IO 000 000 ()()() h lwhll'h It a typical orflrd rf'<'t'IVPd !hAir d"" lind bl,..,cll"'l In lhf'lr . . . I a! t eh prel S<>nt -1 lc1 .. ~ •• ,. '' ltm••. or ""vr ra limes t e s ze of .,., t'IIM11 n. nl( m«> tn SAVI' hiiC'k vard and thAI thrv lnn'-rd h h 1 11 th d r w ld OPA" and 40 letll'rt on thl' other · '111 0 1 n~ at e en o or ld On ho M 1 M F'll \Ike an tl'l. Annthtrr pauen~rer, H ttr-\\'ar 1 S..rondly gold produ ction • ~'· f!r 11 ut "Y · r 1 -• old Brn~>liirt. thlnkJ Nl'wport Ray uh1<t1ul i~ ohout · thr<'t' ti~TW'!'-as ton t-Ill. Jr • Alnrtl'd to sth'r I viewed from lhr air, Is hy fnr th• lnll!t' n<t it was thm. . 000 felt hats were turned out by tactorle~~ last year. only 16 per cent under tht> 1940 figure. How much higher the total output might have gone If labor and ma- teri~s had been plenutul Is any· bOOy l! guess. Despite short~ell. SDme retaiJen: hod record tum- overs. The lncrea!>e(i ooll•r volume i.s partly attributable. of course. to the free-spending mood of the day. Drive caretully-Spe.re a Llte. 1,000 Americans Die ,., ,.,., da..1 trnm Dt•h Blnod ,....-u~ &~"'-or-.Jin' '" Aft arU•'I"' ht th,. tV·-.drr 1 U•P«~t. Y h t• b I• rnw u '"'Tlt• M u w lllllor" • f11ct1 and ~~~·-I Ju•t ... ~ th~: mO!It t'tflliutlful alonlt tht:" COli"! A •hm t fnctor ir< thr t"Stablish-column hu ,,....n ..,., n~t. a .,.,.,, 1 Rill .C'nffry and wlf!' Art' to Oy 111••nt ,.r rhr RN'IIon Woods insli· OPA Fdor2 11 1 Wl't'k thM'r "'r'!UI a to TP.xas to \f\sl t thPir kinfolk l!non 11111on nntl thP rl't'Onsrru~tlon lull, an 1 r ttrn camp In nvor.l . I In ()PA with 23 ll'tlflM! 1\~lllnst How~~:rtt Fot~nm IIJ)f'nt thl' wrl'k l':"1n~ lhllt nn> bem~t mad~ by thl' It It with h1s parrnt~ Mr 11nd Mr~ ~·'l"'•rt·lmport Ra~k. Finally, con· ·~ th,. ltll tl'l orw-nl'd May R L. T Folsom. :\19 M11rh:old II':"· tr"l' IW<'r nbnonnal capital movE"· 3 11'ttM'II for JlowiMI 70 I U r tln • 1 nur Mr. And Mn G R PT1or m••nt' liN' t'Xfl<'CII'<I to ch';"~ th~ 1 Vnur rww•Pirw'r V·ll• nf PTOm iDrn\ , .. nlil.. ti.Yht• aJrnu•l •ta•t) •Ub 10 r· .. Ufl'ld 'H•·IU1 r..J!u~·· mt~•tb hrouabl "'"""' b.t IUcb Ulu•td l~u,. (l.,, I'!~«IUoiY~ ~~..... Jllof\toa M• .,,,,__, ""ttu,..,.. l' out of tO ~ of u n I" ~u to &n M t"1h ttw u,.., ,.....Allll" n t -f"••nUf\\tt .. l TrriUfW'nl ma.lih • tbP ,....uu p. rnlili\I"IU Out ,.,...•tttt•nll DO NIIT 80J>P,..... lbr If• ._,., to c .. l ,....,.u1t '" ,,.,., fh• fle.at1 •• lol:tr~o.rth,.ftftd &.od n.•nt~fU\f"(J (" M 9 ll r t~ C It anrl son Willis. Rivrr<oidr. viltl tl'rl fl1~:h• nf fund.~ thai prE'CiprlatC"Ci ,:nCl'M~d IIY • 1 torlt Mr 0 1n0-th1•m Sundav wh,.n the f11th!'r~t rnn ~.r rorrlgn rxrhangr fluctu.a· ... f'IA an non!' lilt& ns II.Y • ·-ri at 56 fo 11 d 2 r Rov.•ll' 11nd w ns rl'nrw<'d their lntr rcAt in tum' 1n many rount l'j; tcr the Thr ;,.:~n ~·. at~ 1Jt~: 161 ,;.I lht-lr IJU&rtf.'tle as of tx-forl' thr 1·nrllrr war. thr C'onsrrMIII w1th only 2 for OPA WAr. H S J -- Totltl to dlltr In the hattie of Mn. P . Ru~t. :Yl7 Mnr iltold IIVI'· at a es Climb Jt J'HU ba'l'" ''dUq •P"II•"-b'"ad ,, .. , fult -oJtJn" In f\1\t't.., "hnuf•h 1• knd ~~W' •f )'nUr •J•p at nlcht '• .. ,., tul". ~ tu 1ot"fnnt roo ba•t a ltSTV)U• t tall Wee& Ceatnl I'MIIe ll&rbor U l ·J Newport Dr. Obed Lucas DEN'I1ST nosy, w. Oelltnl. llart»or ..... NEWPO&T BI:.ACB Dr.W.W.Westmorelaad Deb~ 1•1 Ooeolt BJwa.7 OORONA DEL MAR Phoat-Huboi' tHO Sandy F. MacKay ---INSURANCE-That's All H. R. Hall, M. D. ..,.*-... ..,._ Hours: 2-5, lilly Appob!tment Telephone a..ooa 5848 OONRA.D BJCH1'&&, M. Q. . ..,, .............. ~ 1.20 E. 18th S t. COSTA MESA Hnura: 1 ()-L2 a.m.; 3·5 p.JD. Phone Beacon 5075 Dr. G. E. TollHJ ....,...... ........... 2209 CoMt &nod NEWPORT BEACH -PIIO!f~ Ottlee· Barb<tr IH·W' &HI'*-: B&rt>or su. a U Jlo .... -• ..JI R.,bor 1 Gerald Raua, M. D. 2830 West Central Av~. NEWPORT REACH PboiW! Rarbor lOIII lfo """""" (all O.lW'OII ~• X·R.ay St'rvlce MOton M. Ma.rwell, M. D. 1to1 o-t BIW~~~J eo,.-del Mar Offi~ Hnurs: 1()-12: 2-~ Pltone BarWr JOC Rowlet vs. thr C'oni(Tf'll: For ~UI'. ::t"'"'t~ln~ h,.r hrld~t~> ~luhl RU!dn• Week aaPI.:;::.:::::,':':~S:.':~ Bowlf't 91, for thr C'unCl'et!l 4fl>1 11111 11Y or 1 r firs t time 1 nc'l', F1ndlt Public In Tbui'IICla)'a. t:OO to 1:00. Eft· Tt I• thl" sAm•· In All dtstrk ts. to movin~t to C'nrons df'l MAr. This 1 Frft-Spendln Mood n1qt1 a., Appolat~Mat. S. R. Monaco, M. D. whnl'l' ml'nllll'r• I ha\•f' tiiJkl'd J d ub hAs bN>n m('('tinR for thir ty J 1 h th .,; , h f . d .. Wblle IW:keteetl and dlahoneat deelers continue to hold have -not rountrd hundrt'ds of l~t-yean ... _wllih lw mThl' or thrl ~rlclhnal I ry L':nswg:;ntlyt' c':~~C:, ~~!'~~ DL EMIL F . BllLL. D.O. Pll.C. '716 E. Celltnl AYe.. 81f ·~~·;~~ .atmd rke lert. on nther •uhjc'l't~ In which mem .. cr' n I, Ol(' rn nyon~: rr tl'l'nd toward hart•hl'adf'dness thE' 10'7 Z2ad Street Balboa-llartlor Ut1 . .... at~ apJmt the return of ma t-tht' writ,.rs mtontlon OPA. hO!!pltallty w~>rr : MesdnmM II. R U s nnnffi r ' if . -"' 8. lUll 8t~ Loe ~ .... ......_ __. theft Jeema to t» a. ray ol h,_ and 8UJl Pear!lon, C' F.. Hnrbt:"snn. tL F. .~' 0~ tan onn n-gu Newport Beaah. o.ut. Tt1drer '711! --· ..._ -So let Ull lie(' Wh11t ConRTI'II lor Ramn . H. H. NM11ll'. Ruth (' lnt1on!l makr millions of mnlr .. ox· "' By Appoln tlll«<t .... ~ OD u.· e&lterD horizon. ~ honest deal-111 tr ut thr HoUIW' nf Re pr1'11'nt11-Smith Homer AmM G A Peo'k t N'mely con~ctnu~ nf h('adwPar. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ r-----__;;__ ____ ---: L-------------' ........ and aft fordn& ~ black marlteters to rorsake tlvf'l. Whl'rl' I ~·ork 'I ,, tryln~t IO A h ·. Gllbe I K. • d. MAnufnr tunors 8N' Inclined to liN' ,-------------...., Unoobl National Llfe • -.a-~ ~. do· I I ) To ""' • time limit. Thil a:.:r.~krau!W r PIAC:~~';.rrUI\n~y liOflll' t·nr-rr:la tlon bflt ~•l'('n I hi~; far! s H 0 E s ~ Co. ._. .. """""""' ill not vrry lmpm111 nt Tht> OPA · ' and todny l! unpl'f'('f'dentro order "llo !lame tDdl~a18 ha Chr~· . I I T. P. Reeder, M. D . Ia Ptdladlllphla lalt week a ~tlve asaodation. wants 11 sntarantN'd llf" until July Sf>ars, Ontario. and Earl Ahl~<'v, volumr. R~>t11jl hat saiPs ~n .............. ~ .. o•c&-ln -~r~ .... ~ local black market in ..aae. 1. 1947 Thr House says to makt-It C'_CKona dt:"l Mar ThP hhrh m •r<' cUmbin~t soon llftrr th~ discharge DON n:JINIOAN -,. _. u • ..,........ ~-~ April I, 1!K7. u Conltl't'SI will be 91 11 won hy M". Nrvtllr point ~'YIItt'm Willi a nnounced Be-RepUnMI While Yoa Wait PIMee llartlor t M ·R .. IUIIIID'l', II d.arUne a ~ butter campaign. Pur· blldt In Jllnuary, end can tell bet-The-hOC!tt'tlll aerved II dl'llrtoll~ (Of'f' long, bftm.--n ~helves became ltl lllartae A\"e. Balbo6 bl. 1 PbyUdan uc1 s~ 1001 W..t BaJ A"' Telepboee Harbor 602 * , W wwldy ~~butter from a fart"'lenl' co-opera-ter wha t to do about the-OPA. rhlckm Junchron P1:fp11rrd hy tltr thl' rule. t"\'l'n in store~~ malntained Ray Pagan tiYe Ill tbe Great l....&kel c1a1ry ~. the &MOdatlon wUl _.u (2) To uy that evrryone who Triple M cafe. C'out Hlp:hwa~ by ~udt manufact urers as the John Rrow. somt'th lnR on 11 farm. or Mrs. Fl~neto AndeMK>n. I~ ll. StrtMn Co.. Ma ny Who re-515 East Bay Front a ID open mu1rlllt. makes IOmC'thlnl In 11 f11rtory, In MAJ1tUf"rite avrnul'. entf'rl111nrd In Cf'iv('(f gift certificates la~t )!~r Nat ~r t. Jl&.r V..W 0a1e tD New YortE a t.w weeks 880 butchers for the fim Anwrka. ll entltlt'd to the coeta honor of hff daUghtt'r Ps1m1~t's 11tlll hold them. 1VaJting for the t a. ._ t. t p. -. - ...... _ ... , __ _......-.4 cHUsvtta ___ ,_ ,,. __ seal ot ol production, plua a reuonabko blr~ annlvt>nary SundA) with ~~hop~! to ~ a brtter ~)f'C'tion ._._."Y .,. ..... ......_. aa•oua ........... ~ --&~ e · J'lroflt That happt'M to be the a trip to t he Ioecapedes. Gu•·<tc -==========================. ........ Since then 500 Brooklyn butcher shop owners have bull on whl~ America beearm-lnc:ludt'd Mlu Jean M<'C'osh. (',,. f ,._ ln bo)"cottlna aiJ meat oUered at black market pricea. areat. and on which we won the rona dt'l Ma r. S11. Wlll~m Yo ~l . -._. baw •""'--' to ...a-tbelr .-..ea unW the black market war. The altt'rnlltlvt' 11 National Laguna and her 10n afclll' Antil'r-~ ..-~ .__. IOCiall~m, of which Mr. Bowles Is 101\. II a.-. now a minor propht:"t. Mrs. Helen Conway, Jlq P1•10· It taka c::oura&e to rllk the Ia. of lea acrupulous <."'l'n· <3l To t 11y th11t whton any nf aettla avenue, had •• (Nesl Tu•·~- ..,..tun o1 bodl -·....Jy 80llJ'C'e8 a.nd cust.orners by defiance 'thfn 8.000,000 ltema on whlctl the dlly, Mrs, Edna Kress. PasadrnR ...-........,. OPA af't c.tllnl !l. hu rt'actw'd a " tude marketeen , states the "Bolton Ouistlan Sdenoe point whert' IUppty eqUilll dt'· Jlanltor," reviewlnl tbe state ol atfaln. But such derianOP, mand. the ~Uinll! on thf' ltt>m , and .. M'W""""per adda should a,. su~ed by the public for lhf' rontrol1, cnml' nrc automaiiC'al---• ..,..,. ' ' 1)·. not when thr OPA dec.ldN II u; wtthout pUlllk: aapport the blade ana.rltet cannot be Ucked. polltH'Aity ~enod to takr thrm off At dab JunCture It mlght be timely to obserw that legal Tha t amendmPnt wu not WPII JI'C*CUtlon ol black markt'teen and dlshonest d(>&Jen In ~ordc-d, In th,. llnusr. hut the In- -a_ .. .._ Calli la fail· only _ _.__ -....6 ... _ ent Is only u 'l statr lt. nnthin~ -DUUUICHI om &l'ea ut WI..:U ~!I!'VII.....-ulll: 111(tff' ~lade ~ courage to 'tl'l!lit).t in a public court 14\ And last. and I'TlMI Impor t· tbe atndavttl they have lilned in private. ant to 21'1 rid. ow•r s111 mont h~. • of lh;• d~i'rn1111 .. <'\m!lumtor "ub- lltlc11\ benefits. It delay~< produr tlon, and normal condition~. and toada an addrd rxJ)E'nsr on 1 h<' r.•. turning veteran•. a nd nn futur"l ~rnerallons. and lnviiN mfln '*"'' l 'ntll I <'lin £t•l lu nn,wt•rlfl,• the Cine ll'tlt'r!l thlll hAVI' ,.,011• 1 to this orriN' in thl' Pll"t lhN'f' Wt>eks. fh•s will h:wr· lo bt' t ht8n 1 krr '"Th11nk you.'' It Is gn· ,, •'n· rouragem<'nl 11 Is 1 '1cf••nro ,, 11 tllid last Wl'rk. thnl tho l"'"l'll hnw dcMdl'd tn tl!lnk lnr tht m. srlvrs Thnl :tlf'nl' \\Ill •n•·· ,, PI•' ll('nta tivt' govrrnm•·nt, tntl tho tim~ is tragkatty short , Newport-Balboa Tourist Bureau All Modes of Travel to Europe, Mexico, HawaU Round-the-World Trips In~ neer future. See lin. Roy lleeae. PIL lla.rbor S91. SOl Pallia. Balboa Roan: It a. m. te I p. -. 24-Hev Radio Service Burt R. Norton t tl eo.t m-7 .._ 1111 Newport ._. Oallf. And 110 lf lt la tnJe that black Dl8.l'ket operations are silt>· t•rn~o-rnm, whl<'h "~~~ politl-8aurtlhlnl throughout California and especially in tht' coa.stal cnl to llt:\rt w1th. and hl!!lorlt'All y -..mmltiea. racketeen and cUahonest &?alers aJ"{' getting dlauteroull. Th• Jlf'Ottl'•m heneflts lkh limply becauae the consumers are afraid to testiry no 011#, f'XCf'pt lor t('mporary po- ~ r!: ~crying to price adminil'ltnuon offices r;D:ri~~D~~Y~O~U~R::""f'~H;;;E;=;;A;=;L:=:TH~~W:=:::=:::=ITH:::::==:;::;;; ;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;o;;;;;;N;;;;;;C;;;;;;B;;;;;;;;;;A;;;;;;;;;;G;;;;;;AIN;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ about -.pectt!d black marketeers and dishonest dealers un- a.. COftiUI1W"''' are wUllng to slgn affidavits Rlld to stick by SAM'S SEA FOOD SPA t1111r nom t.eattmony -wbeil they are called into cow1. Neltber price reeufators nor the courts can do anything' to~ plio. vtolaton If a complaining COilS\JIIl('r refuses to back \Gl the f!'Yidence be has paeeetated. 8D lana u ronswners fall to protect their rights. black .......... and cflahon8t dealen wm continue to get rich in Ol1lfanda. Fre.A Dai(v ~S..J'oodt OR. C!CIIIIplete 6Q ,, • t ..... you ..,t t. ceWI ,_ ... HORIIEN FISH MARK£T \ Oftfft Yoa tile PbtMt rtace to DIDe .. _~ Coa.aty: All New· -• Even the Location ... One-Half tenJe East of Old Location on Cout Highway. Buutiful ~New Cocktail Bar We Leed Southen Callfom&a In the Se~ of -SEAFOODS - AL90 I'OVB ldN ot 8T&AJI8 -v.-r ~ J(JI\SD( - Satn's Sell Food Spa and P'ilb Market cw.. ........ , New York Life luuranee Company DON IL DUJLUIT ttl Oft6ld Aft. BuWOr 1116-J CORONA DE(. MAR OCCIDENTAL LIJI'E INBUIIANOE 00. Ray Nlellea ...._ ............ ........ Plott~e ....... -.. ''II &.. .., ..... ..,_ MOIITICIANII• Harold K. Grauel Chapel ''We Oureelves the Bettft' Serve by Seorvln& Others Best" ..... a-. 5118 ('.oeta M-Calltonda OPTOIIRTIU8T8 Robert A. Crawford ~D. OPTOMETRIST Eyes Ex11mlned • Glas&es F1tted · 1 '711 New-tMrt Bonlnard "'-......... 111113 E. T. Butterworth. 0 . D. Optometrt.t EYJ:8 I:XAMIJifiCD LENSD DUP1.,10ATED 0,._ ._...... ... oWJwW aut w. ~ "-n., ...,_ •u• lfliWPOn a&ACII A. V. Andrew., M.D. I"BYIIICLUr \ ... 8IJIIO&O!f I Jl&rtlor ftlW Dr. W. T. Mooney ... ,..... ud 8arpoll ZONE THERAPl CLINIC Vapor Baths • Meotlkal M--.. 8pedaJ orr-tme.ta for Oolcll nay, EM& ~ ...... ~~eu E VAPORATI!:O MIUt UP Evapor Ated milk production ln C'allfornia during 194!") cxet>cded 325 million poun~J4, 11n inCTease ot over 16 mJIUon pound!! u com- pared Vlith 1944 and 84 mllUea ! pounda above tht• 5-ycar Averqe. :..,. _________ ...;.:._,..J U>dcer she<>ts at News-Times. c.tnplete Fountain Service at HANSEN'S JlOOOt.u~ NEWPO&T BAI,!OA NSW11·'!DIM l!twp!! ..... ,., Call!'!!!!!, '1'\.....ta), Marti, INI~----------------------------------fW Dl -------....... ,Ford Claims Title PuBLIC NoTICE Be Safe On ,_...,..Trip 'Police Car of W eat' HAPPY EVENTS NIITU'F. UY 14 \l,r: n•· !eTiWK I . ... Jack Wrt,ftt of l.l tTih tlftoet, ~hoHiht ll motllt'l'' IM· folr<'h • to c M and hla fM'phew I f . In H bo Ar The Ford a~an, rom a rt'<'ent ar r ea l•ur\'<'Y. to merit tlw llllt' "poUro I car of th!' W"t " MoN' than four IN "''I.M. I pull ,.,., 1 ''' tho• '!toto• oil llw hl~;h·l .... ::nt :~ ot t'low.r au.t: "·I> fur • ""''!:'''"' n•palr11 .,,. It • 0 two N""'"' ·~ lh·rl'll\ t'l\•'11 Jlllr""""' l'ltltllt•tl•"' ,,, tho• l'ulollo-Sllfo•l) ( ""''" M1'11411. n':~. ~dil\lt •L-' ... •n · "'N'Jc" 011 " ""nt' t .. p o ..--,,, ths· l''"'''l•h•IIJ< ••I l"•"'''"" ...... llo•t>~~rtnlf'nt "' th•· t'l"l"'llnl Alii" ~ Mr. and M rs. Edward \' Pot>e-,uut of ten police cars in tht> 11 1 joy, 430 \\'t•stmlnst.C'r O\'cnuC' W~ll·rn-moll Stain arc Fords. ''! tl>o· l't\ 11 I 'swlo• ••I ~·~·: ~'""' o~fl "'''"''''dull 111 ,.,. •'••tlnln llu•,t tw 1''111111 I ulot.>lilllll. thut Ill SSI-.1.1 t>. "\\o•ll s·ls•ltl' uf ll\o' J~ll o'lll•'lll ntl~ ' accordtnR to tht' surwy. Co.ta Mesn. are announcing thr or the 4.859 cars reportt'd In l<lllt'll . "''''"''''''"'II In \'llt<~ll . will nv .. lct '"mto• uf tl11• t.:t''"' Sr-.ltl'h tttl)t•, variCJUII al.-, mt a rrival of a baby daughtt'r horn police work tn this tf'rrltor)' :/,067. May 14 at Santa Ana Community! or 42.5 JX'r cent, 11rt' Fords All hospital. She weighed 8 pounds, ot~cr makt>S of automubUes com-~ 11 ~MITJI .sll th.st •'•'tlntn l"'r '''""''o·r ••f ""''''\''""'II anlr 111 th4' N_,nwtl . '<4"lHl p•··•••·• t \ '"'"''"''"..: c ••ru•r n1h --- pr111e the remaining 57.5 JX'r rent. 6~ oun~ and ha.a lx-cn nam(•d or t hl' fivC' Ford factory terri· Kan>n Lou. tories In thl.a regton, ~ Beach Mr. and Mrs. Theodort' Rlachard, r!'portcd 41.8 pt'r Ct'nt Fords, and 301 CoiJIN avenue, Bllboa Island. Rtchmond, Calif.. 33.8 pt'r cent, are parents of a daughter, born 1 acc~rdin~o: to loral draler Theodor~ May 13 In St. Joaeph hospital. She Rohtns. wrl&hed 8 pounds even. ----------- •It wu a son for Mr. and Mrs. aon anc:t hls wire. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Reid. 440 Bt'mard str~t. Marshall Rickard. He has been O.ta Mt'l4. He wu born May 13 named Marshall J oy Rickard Jr. ln St. J 011eph hospital and tipped I Marshall IT. Ia a ..:r,aduate of Har· the tealt'tt a t 10 pounds, 12 ounc... bor ·HI of the da111 of '41 and wu Mr. and Mn. Roy Rickard, 121 1 an rNIKn In the Mt>rchant Marilw North Bay avrniW, art' erand-, until hi.l dlacharee In January. paftnta 'of a 7~ pound boy, born ,.f tlw f" I lllo'• •'JIIIJ•tll•'nt, tlltu•h ltWn 11t1tl ,,.,,.~-, "' tlllhllllolhllo• p11r1" or' 11 ~'"'·'l''' lou,tru•u, kthm n 1 '"' "HIPJo'H'~ c :AJtAC;I~'· tl(•lnllt.: I ln.: In ""lt1 llll"o•ll 1-' flhlo•r l\rtt1 lnr11l•~l nl ::~11 \\s•CI 1'o•ntrnl A\4• 1 nil•·. c ·uv ,,r N• "1 ••• r ll.•:wh. C'uun- 11 c1f C lr"n..:••. ~'""' nf c 'nllfolrnlft, und "'"' ..... pw·o·hu~o' prh¥ thl'rs•· olf WtJI II(' ~lc1 1111 TIINiftl\y , ttw- ~'!ilth ''"' .. r !\111\, t !l<tA. "' ~nk ••f """'' lrtt N T At ~ A . T\alhnA T\r11nrh In T\niiiOft. Coonty nf Or· lllllt•'. ~~ "'" of C'l\llfnrniA. at 1n :OO GEORGE U. BASSETT in San FTanclaco May 11 to lhtolr Drive &retully-Bpare a Lite. A. M 11uct tlw ucldn·IIA nf aald vrndnr 111 R•>lth• •1. 1\ox -Nl.'\, Sant11 Anft, C"nunl)' nf Oranttt', !'latf' of ('allfomla. a.nd fhf' addrMUO of aald ~rnd~ la l~ Snu~aal. l"th StN'f't, C'011t a Mrt~A. County nl ~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ anl(f', Statf' of California .:. EDISON QIIOCP BONOU OLDTIMICII = sh,_ ,._ .. Mewpot1 ..... ..._ o.r-... Mu, DatfOCI Ma)' n , IN&. e-ta M-.a-..-. a-ll_. a..-~ of 1M-............ h 6ltrtd • ....._ el U. .... Rtl!o\SF.L L F. .. IDER ae,. Callfenla &iMMa ea r.,. ,_, ~ • a.. L. .........,, ..., ....__ ekft., u.. .... ....,.._ · · 'v~·"' · a-ll omce, for ... J4 ,_,.. el aervlc!e la tM -fAIIJ'· IAft ......... frot~t NW, are: Leta I!MMAIEM VIRGIL 0 SMmi, o1 Newport a-la; Leta o..lda, ,._ WlhH-. Aaa W...._, L L 1'rtc$t!J, Mn. ~. 'nll.r- -M . N1111h•m, ....... 1-Yoa.c, ... 8JIN w.-.. ... NWI Ar1lilur C. 1:111 ... \\'UOana 0.· VrndH. ,......, FrM ........_ a.IJie Vblsaa .. IMlll WUta, ..,_ Monta. OMrp I . "'-'• KM.IM!Ul za-,_., Puh May 21 . 1946 aut eoa-tl,..,.....,...... .,_..,...... ... WU.._ Meo-N. Photo by Burt ConMII. I BOOK BRE~ OM BULil Announcin1 the New Vi....,_ Buildinc Unlta BrWl ... oo-•"••••...._ If .. 1a Pr• .. * Heacock Will Open Yard For Renting Building Equipment -From Balboanesia l NOTIC'E OP' f'4U -;;;;'I'OMl NnrtN' t• hf'rflhY ~~:tv"" punuant Walter V'll-e £'-~te Prod-.6 .. I"-. In thfo provtalona of Sfot-1101'1 M4n aJUI ~II'-&~ lift; .. \AI. nf thf' n\il Codf' ot thfo State ot 1....-----------------------' Calltornla. thAI CLAUOF. R Mr· 1-N ....... Aft. Ollea ... Ru llzln& that thert' was a need POETRY OF EAR'Mi Ia crulnll hll•lo• 15 , nut n..:nln In a third C'ORKF:U. lntionda to IM'II tn ROO-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Budcet Tt!rnu No E1tra (,O!It $125.00 ~~ for someon~ In the harbor d.istrlct no'''M" Thua Krall hatt bntt'n ed1,11110 f!l.OROURED RACING F.RT L JA YRF:D 1111 th11t N-rtaln who could handle COf\lltNctlon Plt>rr<' Van Pauen around tht' All: I 1 HHJo.t.l..,l Nr. by tlnd••rwuod ~~"AnnAl profll'rlv l'Of'lltl-tlnr pn· t'QUiplllt'nt on a rental basis for buoy Van Pa~n·a EARTif U<on:• "~"rksnk Uw ~LD PALO· I f•rAIIy nt mll('rllan•"•lll fllllllrf'tl thl' t'ntire county building indUJ!:• rot LD RF. FAJR 1011111 Ia lndeo<'d MI I'I:CI ll .• un~:rnlln'l I matrnlfl-s nnd NtUitHTl"nt ""'' thW'k of ·-- try, Dutt·h Hucock , Nt>wpnrt har-rrudltr, forthrhrht, mf'llow nnd hU· o·nt .:o•ld nnct ~tht'r 8111lliun roam-llnr. oils l!nct ~.tro·R~I'tl of " !'f'rv~N' lx1r cons I ruction l'nginrt'r and man. But thr title ia not commt>n-~ln..: 11•:: pr:u~lt• "'1111 ht~ hnnd of 1 ~t11tlnn l~t~alnM•, known "" "Mr· butlding c·ontractor, rect>ntly de-siWate, a nd 11 K"atalan rurvr hull nHtro>s lh Sto•ptw n llolt C'ORKI-:I.l.'S RIC!IFIF.I.O ~F.RV· cidro to ix' the fi rst in lhC' county might 11trikr out the mllllngt'rl'r at FlltST F l •ITl\IN 1.1\VI-:IlS Ynul w..: STATlllN" '"''""llln1 1., ulc1 to UJX'n nn cq~itlml'!ll I'C'ntal yard thr world's pl11te: OOtiRT. PVP 1 ar•· ud\'twd tu •~· nn th•' nlo•rt <'I. A 11rw n M•<'l lRKF:I.I. nttll ln- ov,,r lh~ Wt>ekcnd ht' was in· hlltl r('(X'IItl'<l thr llllt'I'•11S nr his whrn M l~·nn:ss M A~IIAM'S t'lll•otl "' 411' •: f'l'nlnl A\'t'nll .. , romwd I ha l his ronstruc11on 1 OA YS ()F OUR YF.Afl~. In his RJ-.PitS~ 11'utn:om t OJtl'l'll r• ·nw """N'" c•m111, ~ uf 1 lrAnlw . ~'""' "'tlllflOlC'nl ~~ on thr way. It will lu trst hook lit• \\Til•·~ nf tht' puhlt~hrn~ oluto· 1~ nQt o·s·rtuln 11r c·11urnrnln, lind thAt ttw lltlr· rtsmprlsr two nt>W J 31'1tl'r cnm· youth in thl' nutrh tuwn or \.or· II•IJN' II ss ut isltrlll'fl"' ~~~ Lll\'1-:-c·h~t~tf• prlrr thrn.,,r will IN• t•nlt1. 1 pri'S.'IOrs. SO ,-,..ment mrx.,r.o;. ~ uf rum. th" Jll'onh• h<' knl'w from I.Y IS T II J.: 1.~.~~ ''" Tw••clnv. tit•• :!tat rlny uf Mil)', ' thr quartt•r s.~~ck type and 20 t.hc 4'\'s'ry lllnlwn of lifr Thr C'onrl'r· 1 I lit\ \'E 1\11 "1' \\'ITI I \\11 1:'-I~:N l!llf. Ill llANK uf AI\IERICA N ·r half sack I~Jl('. jolntl'n., skill SAW!', tor, Or J11n Snl'tlncr. nnd thr• """ J """II) think "-HUlr1 hko· In /(· S A . flnlhuu llr~tnrh. In """~llt sandC'r'S, JllCk hnmml'l"'. hack·ftfl· YOllnl: ltif'f\1'11 With h1~ how)rr ht• II"IITio'fl In 11 1'1M'tn fll1ot !11 h•• l'oount\ olf llrlllll:l', S t"lf' o~( ('All tors, SJl!ldt'~. Wh("('lharrows nnd I hat. liJ)Itlll 1111d !<ll\'l'r knohllf'd llh• n 41\\IIY hv u Nmo·l .holm fornlu ul Itt ftlln'f'lol(·k A M '"'"' p11inting l'lllllpment. 1 w11lkin~ ''irk. nrr All wnrmly l<••:sl~ llw 11tltlr•••" of """' v••n•lflr I• :llt:t Hearock ls noW looking nround mrmnrnhlr ~~~ any l'hllrllr t••r ynu Tit• falro••t curtlo·n In h••r l•••k• F: f'lro•nn t-·runt. llt~IIHllt , C'rounty ror a hx:ation for his new equrp-haVo' rrnd nhnur Thr ~torm nr thr Ant1 tn h• r m lnrl thr w1~,.,, ho"ok11 nl flr111111•·. StAll• uf C'AIIfnl"niA, and mcnt somf' or wturh h<' will use In Grrmnn lnv111inn lb lmraM in c·nwtr) tlu• ... 1r1n .. • .. r hnlct ,.,.n!!N> I• 416 his ~ construction work and thr huok. til doni'""''" thr finMtll' E C'o·nlrAI i\w nuo• nlllhnll. rnttn• "orne of which he willlrt out on R of 11 naturAl story ll•llrr "('o(tins;t to -I) nt ttrnnttr, Stntr 111 ('"llturnln n'ntal basls. lie ciul bto rearhl'd Go:· 001' w!'ll·knnwn C'ritir &·1 Mr und Mn rtliy t 'rAil'. :.!7th n .. t..cl "'"' 1e. IN41, by t elephonE' at Harbor 50'l or clllrt'!' So PVP !!ihould hnw• s n-s lri•o·t. rntf'rtatno>d hla·p~~ro·nt•. Mr c 'LA 111 11-: II MrCORKF:l.l., TI·A. other ht-st arllrr and Mrs Waltl'r l'rat~e of Whittier \'l'ndnr ALL ~F:T TO GO ANY·ion Muthf'rs' 011y and vlattrd her RWlERT I. JAYRF:D. Huntington Has 5121 I W IIERF.? tr 110. Rrandt Aymar's r1aro•nts. Mr nnd Mrs J E \'11n \'rndt~t• nt'w hoot. hook Itt ynur II:Bll<'Y Wig or Whlttlt'r thllt evrnln& Puh Mny 21. 194fl mr11t : 11-IF. C'OMPLI-:TF. C'TWIS· --- Santa Ana , Main at 5th HUNTINGTON BEACH. May 'f:R. 20.-F\rst S('mt-offir tal count of a I'Jl('Ci al fedl'rnl Ct'nsu,; con~uctrd hen> Friduy shows that thts city ANOTIH:n RF:FRE.<:;Jit-:n i- lhr rdltinn hy N1•wtun An In fm Knopf. T1 IF: ~HORT STCIRI~:s riF JIAWT110 R NF. llnW' Ylll! ,,,,,., l"'imlw>d thl' Mrrrl'l ~t nir-~:1\' t .. • hincl thr flrrpiRN' In hi!! Jlnll~l: hns 5 121 n's.tdl'nts Thr lust 1940 crnsu~ o:how.o('(l thnt thl't'C' Wf'rt' only 3738 JX'OI)Ie. Post War Prosperity Club Roster-Continued The full-pap art layout by lack Uadsley, cowbo)' artMt. • our'"'~..!' ee1 rv· 1q oar JMden wHb portnyalllD JII'OM aad peacU. the face and life .to..--o our ... ,du.ary. OfUmM their work is reiterated for tbe beaeftt of aewoomen to the area ud to remilld .. oldden" of their ooatrlbutloD to the bulldlnJ of tbe lla.rbor district. New fa.ce8 8Dd tbelr stories give "backloc histories," d18playlng them u ..eta la our midst. Walter A~ Prtftd,... Beach t;ity Merchant Patrol ;t ;t ;t Theodore Robins FORD DEALER !111 w. OentnJ PlloM Harttor t3 ;tt;t Stanley James Barden MASTER MARINER Ileal Eatat.e Broker-Yaelll ud 8W, B"*- 1111 Cout Hlway-Pil. BeiMlOtl MI.& ;t ;t ! C. F. Dennison ~ .... .., .. A. "SANDY" n'EIN'E& -Bealtol' 114 CoPt Hlpway-PI\. Harbor !511 ;t;t;t JOSEPH L. MARSHALL chri;ti;n~;Jut ...... MAC PELLETIER Newport Phannacy !leA ()coHn Frollt-Ptl. Rart.M 5 ;t!! OLADV8 BF.VT.RU:Y .,._.tof'-ftrokt>r Beverley Realty Company .., z. ee.tni-Pit-llaltlor 1'711 •&eo G. N. Wells _ Real Estate , MloM Beafoon 5111t nto NewpOrl Blvd.---(;oata MeM, Ca.IU. ;t ! ;t Dennis Hogland PLYMOUiH ;t!;t Arthur Sllvt>r -BQh Padfield New Blue Room (Waa_E!«trie Ortll) EA'I'8, DRINM AND ROMANCE I Ptl. Harbor !t!4 • !01 Palm ;t ;t;t Burt R. Norton RADIO ELECTRICIAN Plloftf' BeiU'On 678S 1111 eo.d &IPW&J-Newporl Bead~. ()alii. ;t ! ! 0. R. CPopl Cnwley-N . M. fMorrlel Craw\ef Dllltlne11ve Hom<' F'umbhlngs Crawley'k Furniture 111% Ne~rt Blvd.-Pia. ~-5IN Co.ts Me!'A-"In the Heart ol Town" ;t ! ;t M. 1. VAUGHN 'Tm no 'hrel'-my '!!Oie'll' ln thl!l bullinl!ll~" Modem Shoe Repairing Coet Mf'tl& - 8 . W. SewpOrt Ave. ;t ;t ;t Dutch Heacock HOMF. RUU .DF.R w ~ •r ,.,_t-""'-Harbor IWn-7111 ............. OF ~F.Vt-:N C.Anu:~ In Snl•·m · Th!'y uY'd tn C'ltmh rr lu hldf• front lhf' Indl11ns Nnt rrmrmh••rs WJLDF.RNESS i\11\~EN'nJRF: I Rim•hnrt t Is n hlatnrirnl no\'" I hy ElizRlx'lh P11~!' lndlnn8, 'n f'Vf'r)-thtn~. 'n dnnr rll:hl Yuu suw hrr "Trl'f' nf Ltllf'rty" mmpn:s51'd I into thr movie "1111' llownrds nf VIrginia " l'NLF.SS YO U IIAVt-; A UAC'K UROER you cAnnot ~ert a n auth· or I z" d Wr h!!tl'r's Olrtlnnary Th<>rt>for!' thr (Y)LLF.GF: STAND· ARD Dlc-t10 NARY rt-'unk 11nd Wlii(Tlall'!l) i~< )''lllr lt•xirogrnphl· cal INtn-tn 1 WATCH lllJT fur ·nt E MA· IIATMi\ i\:"[) TliF: WORLO t D!'Pt ~ ShrtdhRrn nl AI lrast hi· rtotPiNI hi' ldrn.s wrth rnn vic· tlnn C'ALI.INC~ A I. I. I<Ql'IN~;~. ~.Ql 'J-:STnti\:"S ,\:"0 l 'Qt 'ES- Tllll-::":"t-:S' ll••r•· 1~ ro hnrsr· lun·r·~ ruunolttp fnr f111r r.rtf:i\T JI()RSE STf IRI 1\S 1 Ouuhlo•o1ayl ~d••rCf'o1 hy Ptst:" C:•><>pt>r nnrt pro· ru~··ly llttiSirlllf'•l to~· Pnttl llrtl\\'11 I '( litO:" ER'S Cltl-'1-:t< I ~fn1 \1 tll:rn t '" t.ukt· Shr•rt ~:unr1 rl'. rt'\'s•nt:r .. ;, IHor~•·lt11d(, :onrl lht• h"r~" fan·, Memorial Day Service Sponf;Of't'd by American legion Posts Huntington BM<·h Gl\rrl('n GniV<' or :met ttw Sf-HI BHch Mitlway City Westminster Memorial Park :11 Westmin~tcr Mem orial Park and Mau-..o leum South ••f Wc•'oltnlll)olt•r· on lluutinclon l ~·:wh Hl vd Thursday, May JO. II :00 a . m. URY CORD WOOD FOR SALE Bhlf' Gum, Euralyptus and Cttru~~ lmmedirtlf' drlh N'Y 1\ll)'" h•·" tn hny nn•n J>tt: Da)'........Manta Ana I:IJOO·" E~ta Ana 614fl·\\' !/1,~. ~ $M~s~ ~.,1;4/ CALIFORNIA PHYSICIANS' SERVICE Carr's Feed Store Hay and Grain Quality Feeds -·-o.u,. Deltwry-......,.nn 4'!4~ • ., l'if!'Wl~Grf Bt•·d. COfltTA ~I'A RHEUMATISM I and ARTHRITIS J I!UtfrN'd for )'('Dr'S nnd llnt oo 1 thnnkful th11 t I ron ""lk onrt "'"rk n~tnln without. p11ln. thut I Wlill(lnd· • ty nn~wrr anyonf' wntin11: m•· '"' lnlnrmatlnn MRS_ EMMA 1\'~.<; P .O. Box 189, Loe AnJte lra 5.! Gular Pd. Actv~-NUE-ovo lAbonltfJrtea l .. ,... lho everat• Amartcon family frH4om frem rho •••• of ftMtndel cUMttef whan • mojot lllneu Of ecdclel'tt eccun. y., ptOtect yovrtoH end femlly from lhe un~rotUctet.t_wtt., Y" eftrelt In CPS. You -frHf.4 ~ row o-'-'My ~ ,.., ,..,. • ..htcf""' ., ,..,.," rOJ Oln.T 7 MOJI DATI-eN ...uJ .. riolte .... lla _ .. .-Icy .. -· .......... -.41 ecc: ....... llU DO'LOn:D • AJf1' QJOUPI of DO'f.OTDI ' ·····-·----·--····· f'le.. ........... t.l ..... ,......,. •'*"' die CPS ,ft 'AID JIEALTM ft.Aif CoiUonoto "'fllldo ... lenic. let' I L Fowtll .._ ......... AIM o.,. .. ........................ ! ~ ..,_:.~·:.·:.::: .. :·..:!.~::.:·.:..:.:..:;,: YOUR PAitmNG DONE NOW! All Hlrhly Skilled Workmen. -tr- Journeymen Painter., World War II seek- your permanent good will and patronage through the use of only let rrade materlall and unexcelled workmanship at reasonable prices. PHONE L. L. BEAN ' After 8 yea111 ft ia lime to elect a Yiqoroua exec:uti•e with the moral and phyaical couraqe to perform the dud.. required of a aheriB. WALTER E. TIPTON .. by far the mo.t quaUtied mcm b thill important paM. Harbor 2MI PIOIIAII -.. .... a,.a.u.~n-·C'P..._ .. ............. ,,,,..._ .. .. oee.a L To ....... tile aa-1tra Otllea • tile ...... I ataw .... l prtMIP ... .C -hal~ .. Te _,.., ..a, Mid ,.,_ .. -.-.... tiiiWtY ... tile wW .. ..._. .. , ..,.. tM ..._. eJ 1M ......... whole. a. To t~otoct ta. ..._.., wtUI tiM -• e..... tMt ta • 1 .., ta tiM puntaJt ., tiM ••Uty. ~ To 9ucnant .. tbat botJI maJoriUoa aiWI .-.1u.. abalJ ha..o equal rtobt to aecurlty Yn<lor lila •-· a. To onlotee all tile Iowa w1tho11t lccu or la.or an4 wltb no r~ard lot tbo p~nonallty..or poiiltlon of -otr,..nch~r . 1. Te provide Gdeq\60t. protectloa tor tbo rap dl' olrpCitndla9 rurel a r-ol Oraate C.u_.y whwe • crllllo Ia lnaowa to ....,. IDCTeeMd and romalaod •ecbedred In tho Pffd. 1. Tq u.mocUetely «reat. • J~&•oalle Dl•laloa ad· equotolf ttaUoct trad dacmJed wtth tiM '"ponal• blllty o cSoU~cy ~"ontloo. 1. To doal wltll Mth coa•leted end --·MD•Ietocl pono.. wttllla tiM NftU.. .C tho ~ely JaU, .,tthout pampr-rlaq oa tho OM hcmd or mlltr'""• maat on II•• othar. 1. To eocrrc!tnato tho WMit ol the Sh.,.llft o lllce wltb tbe wotk of other ••fated d..-utment•. to -old duplkwtt-el off01"1 -<1 lo 9taorant~ offle1 .. C'f, 10. To ochvely CIOCIP4"ote wiUa public ac:bool oUlctala aad oth.,. eommunM'] loodou to atttoll ltella- qur ncy C!'!'ld ahna aa to promota t oo&ral -.curlty .adJutlce. VOTE JUNE 4th FOR • ••w LIN~-~­Craft'Ureedq ~ MnM ._,. Brooldnp v arietv ........ ..._ .... .............. _.. ..... *--The Coach Lamp . ...... .. , .... . A DELICATE FRAGRANCE FOR THE jUNE GRADUATE (1 BY B A R TN E l. t •... C.y Gt.ucr Col~e ie a h~ cnn!'f'nl~ll'li col"gM plu,, .A ''"" c:olnj:JI& aacdt-tcbed lei UK pcriWDf. 12.:-:, 10 .1(1. pl~~t I&L Dance Wed. for H. S. Students Wt'dnt'Sday afternoon. May 22 lh<' acnlor clu. of Nf>Wport Har- bor l,;nion Hi~th IChool will givr a danct-aftrr tChool In tht' c-aft>tt•rta for lht' atu~nt body and alumni. R~ will furnish tM m\llic: and lht>no w11J ~ rt>frf'ShnwnU. No admlaaion charte will be made. Jack McKJ~ .. In charce ot ar- r ancel!lt'ftU. Guests p~nt w!'re Miss W•b- 1 cr, Amt'lia Ollvt>r, p~1tlmt of the Lnguna Bt'ach club; lmo Ran· dall. \'ICC Pf"l&-nt of Snnta AnA club; Edith C'Urrlt' prrslrll'n t ol Fullf'rton club: Cathryn Brl'wer. put vice presi&-nt of Orange club; ~ Pomroy, Tont•n•a lUI· derbran, Norma mO!It'r, Agnf'S Samra. Elizabeth ~ Cha~. Aline Merrill, Pat Reid, Chc>ryl Johrulon, Mabel AUbon. Mable McQuinn. Mrs. W L. Tubbs. L.ou Sutton. Opal Buck, Dorothy Dun· can, Martha Whitson, LH Pllt· ton. Juwt H~y. Edith That· INDIVIDUALITY -··for the Mother-to-hr. U we do not have It We make it, you see! DONNA -MARIE SHOPPE 515 No. MaiD Jrrprf's~ions of Italy Wt'rt' brought to thc group known u Men of the Church, which mt>t Tuesday f'\'t'ning at Christ Church by the Sf'a, by Homt'r Aker of Eb II PI Santa Ana. a former major In e ayers I the u.s. Army, who wu in chargt' I Honored at Luncheon of GT educ-ation In Rome and I Naples. Mrs. Rogcr Wood rnlf·rtaincfl A dlnn<'r prc<'t'ded the hu.•lness with a Mul<"nn luncheon 81 her ' mC'<'tln..: and prowam, with B. S . hnml' on Mont<'ro llreet, Sal~ L. Freitag and Rou Owen In for ml'mbt>rs of the r 811t of the' charge, 11nd Fr4'd, Woodworth pre- play glvrn rf'Cf'ntly hy the drama siding. Thirty m~JTibcrs attended. ~t1on of thc Elwll dub. Place <·ards at thl' table bore names of tht' charaCtl'rs In the play and plcturH takt'n that l'Ventne wert' vlewt'd. Guestl Included the Mf'Sd.amt"S HMTy Carr, C. M. Deaklna, 0. T, Johnson. Dorothy Levt'rlnc. Bob All~. Vcra Doane and FlorenC'l' Mania, ~tlon leadt'r and author and ~tor of 1M play. Harbor Stamp Club Meets May 23 With the Mesa Radio shop closed for rep~~lrs and the pro- prletort, Mr. and Mrt. Larry Ewen away on a vacation, the next mt't't· lna of the Harbor Stamp club -Will be on May 23, according to the ~tary, Mrs. Frank Perl'w, Public Invited to Grang~ Program The motion picture "Sun Val· ley" which wu postpone-d by the Colta Mt"S& Grangt', W\11 be J>r?- 1 sent~ Thunday evening, M~ 23 followtnc a pot-luck dinner at 6 :30 p.m . "''M~ will allo be a short memorial prot~:ram. ThJs Ia an open m"'tJne and the public Is tn· vi ted. Former Harbor Girl In Calif. Hospital GRYPHON PRODUCTIONS, Inc. ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OF Headquarters American Legion Auxiliary •• Mrs. Burt Aubl"t'y (Dorothy Boudlnot) of Corvallis. Ort'., un· 1 derwt'nt 11 m11jor operation Thurs· day at the California hOf'pltal, 1.08 Angeles and her concilHon is very satl~factory IIC"rording to her motht'r, Mn:. E E Boudinot, who l"t'tumed Pl:lime S unday evl'nlng. Mr. Aubrey Will< down to bc Wllh h1~ wire hut ha~ rctumed to Orf';con, whllt..,. thl' l'hilrlrl'n arc s tny1ng ~>."ith lhl'lr J:TRndparl'nts at the Thly fl\'l'nue horne 11.. ..e~ /J~ P•~• . The Seuon'a Playa ANGEL S'I"RErr OOODBYE AGAIN BLlND ALLEY GIDRGE 110011 IEit\'JCS 2klt CDITUKY PI:'ITICX>AT :n:n:R 8&Atrnn1LPIO'LE .ulf'IIYTRYON M June 25th thru September 9th THE SEASON OPENS WITH ~ ... ~~ \.,,~':oHN ~; _, ... ~Nw~_. ... t M IUN1C 15th to IUNE lltla, lad. The Guest Stars HE.AniER ANGEL JACKIE COOPER SALLY ElLERS JOliN EMERY RE!x HARRISON EUGENE LORING CLAIRE TREVOR RICHARD WIIORF KEEN AN \\'YNN 8euon Tieketl on Sale Now for 9 PlAya, $20 TAll l!Cl' ..... ,_ ... A> • ._,. 1 • .... ,_. •• et •• omoe n ...... ••• tu -.. MAD amaa1 PAYABLE to LAGUNA BEACH PLAYHOUSE. LAGUNA BEAOI. CALIF. POPPY SALE Orkin's Department Store. 1000 Feet of thelle poppies ID our window On Sale Friday and Saturday --· Yoar poppy wOJ help • ftt.fta Mrs.-nut<'h-I ll'3NX'k --;;-nd son I Charlt·~ of Halhna Island arC' hack from SC'IIIIJ,. \\hf'ro' thry Sfll'nt n ml'nth with ,lr I lrncock·s par- rnr~ Thry rrpnrt thl' wratht>r. &ftrr thr-most rain m 20 yelll's,l cll'llrC"d up and thl'rl' Wt're only two rainy days whlll' tht'y wnc I thcl"t'. ALLMARK CARDS Graduation and Father's Day Vuee::~ ....... :: Caetume Jewelry Newport Souvenir and Gift Shop !101 Oc.u ....... We Wrap GU'ta Party Honors Miss Rose Rath Miss Dorta ROS4' Rafh wu hoo- ort'd ri'Ct'ntly with a surpriae blJ1h. day party given by her mothft-, Mrs. Ray Craig, 27th str~t. It waa a weiner roast on the beach, and among thOle present were Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Banks and Mlu Lealyne Everl'lte, formerly of Newport ll<'lghta but now of Huot- lneton Beach: Joe Klagucs ol San Gabriel, Miss Pat Andrrson and Mia Audrey Sacka of Baldwin Park, A. F orn-st qf CitrUJ, John Forelc, Mlsa Rath's fiance.', and a friend from Occ{l{lsidl', Eddie Rath of PuE-nte. Mlu Jcunne Ratb and Mr. and Mrs. Ray CraJe . The Only Safe Protection Against MOTH-HEAT FIRE-THEFT Cold Storage Vault On,...,... .... HAVE YOUR FURS IEMODElED NOW AT LOW SUMMER RATESI OIANGI COUNTY'S FOIEMOST fUIIIII YO HA Y I A I A IT ; -, ~ ~· (ir..\6 ·~;1·~t ';.~ ... r: I) ~ Our New Location 129 West Third St. Lonl' Beach