HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-06-19 - Newport Balboa News Times-THE SAND CRIB ., SAM • f ABEWEU..! One 'Of the most forceful and pictul'cs- que citizens to ever gruce the shores of Newport Bay, was Dr. Howard Seager. Time and again Doc. Seager was the center or frontal attacks for his adamant position on the city planning commis- llon, the chaml>e1· of com- merce and other orgamza- tions. It was Doc. SCagl'l', who years ago, importuned our official groups to appoint a harbor commission and get sotng under the had>Or dis- trict act; it was Doc·. Seager who some five years ago brought in a l'ewort on tile Metropolitan water, Ut-ging the C. of C. to proceed and that body in tum ut-g~;>d the dty dads to proc~'d. llut the report was tabled; we're still chewing the fat about '' ute1·. One thing about Doc. Sea- aer: he never l.illk£'<1 mu~..:h about hls acc'Omplishments, ol which there were many; two-fisted, slow-vokcd.. IJut powerful in debate, he could boJd his own in any battle of words. while his younger days in the anny were full of bn.ulque encounters with maD)': officers over treat- ment of the wounded. 1 ask· ed Doc. one day whUe amb· ling down the street, what was best to do about one's heart, and his reply was typical of the man: "Don't do anything, except go along the way you have all gonl'. but more slowly as you get older, and you'll live your aJ. loted life." He followed that concept, but. gosh , Doc., many of your fliend.; would sure liked to have you linger longer wlth us! • • + llach Ceramjcs. 'Tother day dropped in to get a pie<.'(' ol pottery at Kay Finch Cer· arnics, C. D. M. and was taken in tow by Brmlf'n Finch, who ga\'e me a per· 10nally conducted tour. Last time thel'e \\'liS wh•'n tht• Finches had just mo\'ed in from tht•ir old kK'<l tinn. Clnc1 they WC'rc just ~ct I ing I he new place goinJ.!. The visit the other day was a surprise and a t'i.'\'ela1ion, not only from the numher of em- ployes-65-but at the ex- pansion. which induclf'S the addition of more grounrl. equipment. more supplies, etc., all nect•ssitatecl hy grt"at busines." growth. The plant is now 30 days behind in il<; orders. It's worth a visit. lf you're interested in lovely ligures and designs. + + + Honor for Hub. A well d('· aerved honor has been lx'- stowed on Hub How<'. or the South Coast Co .. in making him head of a state--wide IIJlall harbors dcvcll')pment group or thC' Cnlifornia Chamber of CommrrcP. ThC' new group's job is to pro- mote a series of sm:11l port..; and refuges along thC' coast, and while this adds more work to ;\tr. I lowe's already heavy clul if'-.. IH• is young and acth·r f'no•tg h to take it on for t ht> good of the indus- try. • • \\'hf>at to Mnlco. Here's som<'.t hing for Ill<' book. U. S. ships a million pounds of wheat to Mt''ko monthly because our nC'i~hbor ·~mls us fa rrn In t)(H'. Did you f'VI'I' talk to a farm IJUJ'CAll man about that labor? \\'c>ll. in the fi rst place most nf Jhe worker.:; send the bulk of their wages to the mother country and a good worker can average from $20 to $25 a day for picking oranges, based on the price or Sl.OO per box for picking. Tilen ~xt comes an item from Bakt>rsfield where the U. S. Rl1s 1000 carloads or suds to dlstiUers as a substitute for IJ'Illn with whi~h to make aloohol. Yet we use potatoes to help make bread, of which 1ft are short: all of which adds up to a lot of damphool· ilhness. All Plastic P lane ~ airplane manufacturn hu l:leeD nperlnvntln1 with plutJca wtth the hope of CDMt.ructl~ an all piMUe plane. COsta esa EditiOn Newp.orl Balb·oa-News Times -------NVMIIU 61 VOLUME D.XVID ...... , -~--~==~=====-==~~~-----------------------------Telephone · C~. Halts Work on . Balboa Lin~, Planned.New Yor k-San Diego ' 1Delay in Laying Conduit Line Route Would Bring Eastem· : seen as Aid to Business Men Traffic West More Rapidly : 1\,1' JoltS UOSIIOFF i . -.• , That Oranl(l' c•uunty In !:''"''"''· Me• 1 s t ' nnll "" l'ltll .. t:tl t•umnmnlllt... In s ~ an a partlr ulu . ma~· lw a link In a t U I tr~tn .. t·untlnrnll\1 hlrth\111)' "Y"'"ni ' , Weiss Buys frosty Shop 'l'h•• S.out hrrn ( 'nllr1ll'lll11 Tc•lr· 1 hllllo' 1'\lflll'llll)' llniHHIIII'o•ft toldA)' lhul II "Ill' lli""'lllllollllllt It• work nf In yin.: I II•• o•ttllo lull II no• fur Ita lh'"' lo lo•t•l~tu~t• hulltlln~: In IM l•u•lnr,.. ll<'l'llnn of ll~tlbo.WI until ~''l''''"lho·r Ill In un o•fful't to alit llll'lt'IIIH1ta In thnl ""'" "'htl wtiUid 111 ho•l \\ l•o• h,J\ I' low I I loHIIIIIUliD ol r,.a ... hln~r from Sl~t!;'nra f'~tll• In thf' A B b• :'\•" "" ,,..,. nf ttw ... , ""'>' nne! rlo•ll111 ~ "'"I h "' lllllllt\t'r IH~tlne._ ··••t anlt rontlnulna: '" Snn 01··.:-o na a leS "' l"lt'lllll Mlllurl In ,,,. Fun i'AIII(' II tlu• J<.•lt \\l'r•• I'OIItlnu•-tl ... Ot'l&· and I.Aftc f\,. ... h, ""' "'"''n ., • t 111111• .. nt ,. Mr ••oft •tra (~ .. Inn II\' t•lt~nllf'd f>OI'•Iilhltlty aftr r a lnnr hl'lln nwl'l· \\ ,.,,., ,,, "'"' ~ u( I h.• (""at J'r(lp-'11w to•lt•llh"tll' t"\omtlllny t"'Jft· lnl: hl'lft In lA•nll' "''lll'h Mnnllay w·,n· Pr.lzes I ,., tit·• I no· /IIIII M r nnd Mrll .luhn 1111'\ll'llt>ll ('rt·W \\Ill I'Of'lllnue tM noon hv a thrr......,onntv rllam~ 1 l.luklt•, tt \\n1 11n111"trtNod l11at \\'ork 11rto t thr N'lllrmbc-r d•te. of romm,.,,.,. df'li'Catlnn. ~·ndn) j Mt•all" hi I•· 11w ronat~llun c:r't'W ~nnw :\:i mrl"'lwr~ of t hr ~an Tllll4 I~ \\It \T IIAI•J>t:St:D wfMotl a -t"rl•t mh•••t n o·uhul \\lib ll•"'•llnr l""t T11ur-da,y "'"'dq. Th•• ~ 1,,..1\ Jltllltd w 11• fMlrl'hllJit'(l \\'Ill 11111rt lll)tntt llw liM rrom ''0 '' n lrcn r nunl\' Jlh::hwny J'Ho\•('10()-Tile al)()\'f' ph'tUn' .............. few ..... .._ •lt••r lhf' t'ra•h 'rwar tl\4-lJdu thl'at .. , In ""'""" • "'''" ... I''""' AI ,,,)1'1', W .. tl IIIII rf'tllln• '" "(1" •trl't'l. whltil Ia not 1ft . I _ .. with L"I\'A "-Ia ""118 <'htldron and "''"hurt -d "~-~-~ htlnl&Uod •• -t lOOO .... duno•, """'" h• K··nt l h11'i14'1)<'k. II k thr ._..... t lhf' ··-··~-.... _,,. ___ ._ a-... ml"nl :I~SO<.'l:Ot t:ln l'(ln\'rn.... r ,. \ ·-.-.~ ~ I --• I ll NlnN'IIIt -'"' ..... _.. • -~-.._ • ...._ _....._.. """ mrm~r~ nf thr Long JWnrh on" ~11ni R Ann hahy "'"r<' 8~· 1 'llrnna dl'l Mar whlcoh In no "''•.)' will obetnart the lhAmiiC'r nf rnmml'r('(' lln·d its )Udc•·O wlnn .... r!l In thc· hahy IX'atlt)'l w Hurt, Three Cars Smashed Th·· l.lnkiMI • r c• ""'•. Hnw mt'ltlnuance of "'-IMM In !.hilt hiJ:hWII\' ('1lmmlttl'f' 1111 Wl.'ll ns II coniNll h<old In ronnN'tlon with oman rrll'ndlo .. r ""' Wrt.' and the four arra. dt'lPJ:IIIInn frnm Orllnlll.' county 1 thr Costa MM!a·Nt'\\'pttrl I.lons nno ahar1ntr lhf:olr ltutiH at ''"'I 'J'h. ll'lrpholw C!oft'lpall)' cledded r~"orr~:rntinc th(' honrt1 of stforr·' t•lub rlsh fry and cu•·ni\'OI In C'11SI11 11t11net whllr .Mr and Mn WriN oo 111 cohanp ot plaftll aftf'r • \'i50rl' rn'lst AsS<IC'IIItlnn lind thl.' I l\1<'88 on Sunday. Ne' ar l.ldo Span; or·tver p . hed I o"()fftlnm· In t ..... lr no•lty and In· 1)\l•f'tlna "''llh ttw> RalbM lmprov.-Assoclated Chambers of Com· Th<'Y Wt'r(' linflln<')' In On<'·Yf:'8r unts IUranc"'' ~--n\f'nt aa.oclatlnn lut 'J'hwolda)' mf'rf't'. di\•ision): G!'rnltl r llu(15on, $('\'f'n I --nlahl SuJ'I('r vi1or Jam.-s R11kt'r hPAd· months, son uf Mr. and Mrs. Cal· I Mo>mho>r~ nf thf' tulloOriatlaft, N1 thl' rountv rPprf'l!.-ntlllion vln Hurll<on, ftr!tt. llllda Ann!' ' i -------·------1'(11\ll'lf'l•lnl( hu!\11 ..... or proprrty whirh lnC'ludl'd H F . Kf:'nnv, Ral· Clnrk. six months, dllu~o;ht<'r of D I s I Thl' old ·••lo~:•·. ·"''"""' ~~~~~ 1:8~· s tl• h owtll'nt 11nd IHIIIIrw. mf'n. r~U)' hnn ~lm!l<'o'r 11n0 prMidl'nt nf Mrs. l!B:tl'l ClArk, tiCConrl. Olckh>~ ate s et olin<' dtl ""' "'" "'"· prtt\tod por IS er proh ..... ~ Ill mc•O'Iblon 1)1 ow dt,. thl' OrAnll" rount" ('OMt IIS!toda· Anne Curtis, ft•Ur months. d11u1:h· lt~Wif Ct•r,.·•·l ""' ·n ,u.-..tl:o)' ''"'"· 1 t'(~lnc'll 11'1111 ('OmtlnullnNI of the tlon : Ch11riM1 nig~:s. county phln· t('r of Mr and !\Irs. J 8rk rurtts, • I IJno5:hnwllC'A~ ,·',','11111,1111·11~~?.",•,1•11' ~:f'",·,•:, h1Y 1 J rllrAVIItlun of Ita.-•:a.•t c.tltr•l nln~: mnsult:~nt : DAn PAtch. fnr· llurd. lfinl' to '"'" )'<'11rtil : Oulnnll F 0 I IV l hed '"''-"'"' IW'UJrc't lo\'OUid ..no.ty nwr nrMidl'nt or thl' A~~nrlnlrrl Lon~~:. 2t mnnth!l. daUJ;hl<'r of Mr. or pentng mlnattr ''" 'mplll\'1' of '"" l'l'n· aunc I jropllroJIP'• 11\t'lr hiiAI.w. = Chnmlx-1'11. llnrl \\'illiAm CAIIIrnnl', and !\In< Jlil'lmr•l LAm~:. r1rst. Tnn1 trill n,',rot \\'t•l k~ lu·••· rra.!IIWd · thf' aumffil'r montl\t -a (f"'r• t:~rv of thfll nrrnnlzatlnn. !\tumt, I~ months. dau~~:htoor uC Into Hf"' h.~olh ol,oniHI:t d thr~'<' wtwn tho•y ally tlw-)1 noall• oa Primllrv purpo~r or I hi' ml'f'tln~~: I Mr. and Mrs. 1\ttlnUI'l l'otUnll jr . s s·d O\h('!' 1'111 .. llllll ln)llr• ,, II ""mon Off c t I tlu•lr lllrte" ln\• ... tmrnll "' \he WAS '" ln~urr rroprrAIIOn hrtwf'f"n Sl't'<ond, 11nd Ronalrl r rnmm. :.!3 ewer I s I near . ,,,.. 1.111 .. thf'lllrr lnuh11n~: • en ra fllllltOA llrt<a. S8n Oll'go And Lon~~: Rrarh In thr m<>nths, Fnut St . Sant11 ,\na, Sufferm..: l,u,•rotuor\11 of 1111' M<'ntllf'no of lhl' dt)l round~ ..... formrr's rrrorto; tn prnvidl' An· third. :\tr and Mrs t 'lyd(' t )tto fut't' u n r• "Ill uf thf' acod••nl I'UaM'd lhla Jllllllfl with wwt~lbure nthrr lnll'l nnd outiN to South· 1 und Mr11. Onu~~:lns Word wPro• tn '"<I Mr11 \\ '" ~. "of,. .,( Hw hl•r,t of tlw """IC\II lmp"OIIetMttt ...., f'rn l A)i(nrnin from thl.' f'fl'll and ' Ch8TI:f' or the ('f!O if'SI. 'f'h(• ~"""l"•rl 1\··~···h C'lty Cuun· yurd ""'' : •• yt• Silo· Will lro•&ll'd Spurtfi•lwr IV. II fi.'\.root, All· l'llltlun Ill "" f'Jlf'C'UU\Ie ....... at hy h•1ildlnv or r~'·routlng n rom-t•fl "" !\lunOII) :ol '' 1 11u11n adupto'fl h)' • ph)' I' 111n And Wl'nt humt• hy •to~· I ;end roll..,h•c·trh' fl-hlniC )'RC'hl, thfo rll)l hall on Mondlay .,....._... mercia! hit:hwAy into thr lowr•r tip G c d A f l'hlllullon authou111nl( th(' nm· tllXI. nwnood It)' I lito Klt'111lllto:. JII"Oillltwnt of '~" Southlnnrl. ln~urinr 1~1' I'X·' ay row r Her •• w.h~tnd. John WRtl.l, W8.1 1 s .n fll••un Vllrhllman and ,...._, .... llRnSIIIn nr Snn nlri:O and till' en-~·rUt' I hln I' "'''"'' intprO\"I'm(•nti trr·····~ bv N··--•pu ' llo·a···· po.. .. .~~ .. - ' i 1 11 Or for 1111' < ·, •IIUI.o dt'l ~far 11••·tlon ul 1 1 1 · k 1 1 f ''""' rn11uo '"" lnunl'lwtl from t Itt• r r I'OI1~ ~~~ wr · nngl' mun· :"o•\\ port II• ,.,.,. lt1•l~ fur tIll' o'fm· ... ,. '"" ""' "' on n ,. 1111 J,!o• 0 "''"" "' till' ( '••n t rnl H•"'• \\'otf'kl tv·~ nnrl in lhl' ll"OI;l"llm lll'()t'':>rs Ch N 11,11,1 ""rl. ""' 1.,,· r•·url 111 1111, thl\'ln • 11 c·,or \\lult ""''''' !II•· In· 1,, • .,. 11"1 'l'hur •dtt) ,.,,.111111: ' • \ l.itll ,, .... , .. f1 llt tlu• ,~nun,·el I r .'\fMU u ..... ,,.' IV ,, ...... ur foUl In bl' II !tllhfiNJUrnl on<'. :'1'1 I hi' eers ew I h11•n ,.f 11<111111' Nlllnl\ r .. rm~ A IIIII< ""''"'' n l h(' .,.,,. tol··· ;\n ''·'"'" Ill I'll\ """' ''" s .••. tt'l " rn:•lnl\· tnt rrt•~lf·o ~'''~~'" fnil)"' ''"1 '"1111"1 ~ ""''" ''·'"' "'" l in• II • .'-~1 .111tl loll' f••lunt.: lwo;o~, I"''"'!'""''"' Ill•' Thl' s":~n nio•t;(l t1Pio·Q~IInn fW\1111· F. h. B 111'11111\•<l """"1'•111•111 ... ··~~··· ,.y,., .. l ... '""'1•111" '"' IOI'IIt·l~ , ................. \\'.,lk~ , .. , I .. ~ ... . ··rl ltlll thAI anv hlt;:ll\\11\' prnj····t IS lng oat ·'"'"'';••Il l•'""'"'"'' \ol•l lll "flo ....... ''"'' ,.,.,,'"tilt''""" '"'"'' \\•11' olo•l~:n~'<l ··~ rnrr1"d uut h~ :.n~· f'•'nlnluntl) in . a' ·• pll~tdllf·•fl ·•' • ,,.J •r\ nf l•all ·• tt•Urlt • t tl·''"·•..!t' ,. .... , 11n 'f\•n\ taut••n• t·o .,""' 1 of Uu· Snufl'li'rn ('nllfnrnlll. h<'nr(ol~ 1111 . '••• '" n1hl\ .11ul .111th"t II•'" lh• • ol '" tht:'m •• n r• .ctlt "I '"" '"'"' 111.okou..: ,.,,.,.111,11, nth••r •'nmmuniti••s in thr nn•n. onpl•"m•nl .. r t'lo,,a l•• tl\•'r' :.-!111\ln.: Jl,on l.to''' tJ,,,,. .... ·ro· :-;1.,,,,""'' 1\' "'"'"' 11.,.,1,11 ·•nrl In nff• rrn1: :1 llhnrl<•r t rAn~· SII'UI'k h~ 11 hottl• of t•h:unplll'1h' JIIUmlooll.: 11~'1"'' '"' 111 11 "'11111.<1 • •11111 •••'11 at 'tlf .. , "'·" oh 1.,, •l~·rt lhhllll' 111 IIH rnnlin•·nt•ol rnlll(' n<'rn~~ t h,. ~:on (furo · "' """ Ko•nn,.th Dnw'"" Munthl~ "·'I'• ol 'nnlllill•ft "" l'o~·· I • Dlf'~t\ rrHHIOIAins 11110 thnt ,.,,, .. t HI\• r•111o· ""' "Knthtr Jnno·," nml thc•n A Inn~: thr N>~tttl lntn 11 11:.(,,.11 'IIII I I·•··•'· '"'"' tl ff<•ll n l.nnl! ~··:orh, t hr r••lolir '"'' ro•«ls tho• "'"'" "' ,... :-: ...... 1/ofl l···t' nnc1 tnuri~t "''I'd" nml rnmlnt " arc ~ :onl. ( ·,.,,, 1 hochWA~, o111d ~lui C'lln~lrll"rrt'l ~"""'"'" lnl•l I Ia• \\1111·1" n( No•\\'· Thr hmlltln~t or II nrw N>m· port n;n, Ill ""''" Snturday, one mrrclnl hh:h"'IIY nrrn~~ th<' m•11m-hour lltw:ul uf ~chNlull' tninll has i)o•rn prni>IICPO lov thl' Thr• hmtl , whit h was unll•·r rom· r<•mmlltf'(', It Will' lolt'l. Rnrl th<' "trurtinn ft•r "''< months In th•• Nmtinuanrr• nf l' S 1-fh:hw:l\' 62 n •ntrnl P.ont \\'orks ~11rf1 ho•ro•. thAI n0w trnvc·l~ from :"Jin~:ara j:luvc no trnuhlt• a" it fl ontrd ""' F'lll<~ nnt1 ll'rminnlt'll nt El Pa~o., into thl' wutt•r llmld ch!"f'r!l of 11 T<'xas. is hl'lng a!tkrd. with thf' ~:ny and hnppy crowd that <'Rmf' "' f'(l(lfl('ration of AlAI~> hlt::hwa)• tt<'f' hl'r off. mmml~slon<'r~t It 1! prt:lrlO~rli The proud ownr rs nf this bt·nu- thflt lhl!l highway tll' MntlnUI'd, tiful IJttlt• lady or lhl' IJ:1y M<' with U S llil:hwn:v mnrkinc~. Into Krnnt:'lh D:~w!lnn of Rlvrnmh·. San nif'~O :.nd Lnnt.: RE'II('h C'h:HIE'!! IJaW"t)n of C'orcta Mf'q HrAdinc thr Snn 1>1rs:o dE'l<'S:I1· <lnd thr• Jatlt•r's l'nn-in·lnw, futl11h linn WAll Prl'~ldrnl \\'illiAm l OI· ()l:lr•rnrlo' nr ~llll\11 Ann trn, "hn wa~ "'E'IN'Iml'd to Lnm: Th•• !'TaCt 1s ~til l'l<'t'lrrenll) D<'nrh hy C'lnr<'ncr F.. Scott. l'h111r· Curnlsht•d t hrou~huut 11w ,.n.,•. man or tlw hlghwn\' Nlmrtliii<'C of trio· plrtnl 111 11 111-kJitlw:cll AC rlw IA'Ine Rr11rh C. of ('. And ern• ra••·r llfl 11ncf ::'!11 'llw mrun :\lrtyor II Jo: I·•'WI!< of l .()nl: ll••:lo'h I pl:'lnt I< a lf.O.hnr<o•powt•T nulla AI th,.. ~~11krr'N tahlo• Wh!l \\' 1•1•·<~•1 ••n1:11w, "llh 11 !'IWpllrrl A Smith , hl1trm:~n ~>f lfw hno~rt1 I••··~· I ''"C'"•' f•>r auxlhnry or ""fl"r\ asnr" ,.r 1.... ,\m:••l••« I t rarrlrs :!~111 l!:olon!l of <11• "'' ('1lllnl) Roh••rl ,\pill, Sl'l'rt t tr\' of f•Jt•l :tncl IS C'llpahlo-of C'llrr~ Ill~ 1)11' ~an Tlll'i:O lo~<tlf'iHii<lll .. "no .11 '""' nf If'' II fo'<h It h:l!l 11 Frnnk Forwnrt1. l'lllllrman nl thr lhrr,..h"'"' Fr• ttn to •· plo1111 It hlt::h\\:1\' rnmmltt•·<' ••f San 1 "''ItO '"" so•rol 11 •·rrw o•f ~I» 'mrn rlwmlto•r nr C'nmm••rr, 11~ \\t'll liS 'l'lw tl\\ lit I ~ 1'11111t·mpllllo • fishinj' Sup•'r"s"r llnkt•r. 11lun.:; lh• p,,,.,r,,..· <'Oil'-' as f:u \1,.1n "I~ ak• r ,.f t h<· fl a\. \\ hn n11r1h .,, \~ton. 111 ••con, nnrl prnh nutlino•tl I hi' prot::rarn nn whu·h ahl) "" for S11lllh "" r .. ~t n lt1• :o the ~an lht'io:" <.1• I• l'alt•m '"work· mr: \\ ;o< I >t~nalcl l111~·drn, form<'r pr.•sHI• n 1 n! 1 ht• do•\ ••lnllrtll'n I PENCILLED PERSONALITIES ~ Bv. j\q: Lt sto\1 I Y, Cvw hol\ 1\rC"I ..... "Uftftll'l ulf ~HII ))I, l••t \\Uf''l'\ IHIII Ill ll~t • Wllll••l II "'" II<• H•t'lt f•ll t'f\U .. tt\•• Ul \tt \H'IItt \\,tlf't" 'fth '"'• II hu._: • ll..'hl •tnuhlt• lii1nt••rt)f)flt"- Hrtd • 111 r••... I•; '""'• "• • '-., f)II·Kul• If ,., •• \\l ,,, ,.., ... tUHI u •klppf!f fl., l.oll•·r "'''' qunrh•rt •·I~·· "tu r • ''" tfu· , • ._~·1 1\1'" I loo I o• ll> II II <•It•('! fi<' I o• r ............ r ltlott:crtl, "tlh ,.,. ........ .. •~tii•PI•od with •'"""II'' •11111 ,. t .. r ull kln<lll ol l•wwl• '11to•n· I• til~" lllnt llt•'l, \\llh U llt'/llln~o; f'IIJ'IlH'lfy f01r f'llo;hl fW'Miflll<l TI11 11 hor11 I• 1111111 '"IIIIPIH'fl wtlh ( 'urrutHf'"-1•••""•1 '"•" '"'''*"' •·n 1o;1n1 I', \1\olh 11 1•.o1o h•ll '"'lltt\\•·r <'11 11'1' ol\ II hi" .:1·, lcolol'hlt 1(1 111 rulno• !It 1\ I'll lo\ I'I111111X lilt• ''I • ''~"'' 111• 1~ ... 1 '' '"1"'1•1• d 1\llh f1" a nd ro:otl 1•111111~ Wlllol l ""''' '""" lo\ "'' 1•,,. ''" l'u111111n•: """l"•n) Til• ''""'' ",. '1'1.•11-'11\ lol :\lo' \1 I. ltiiiii<HIII "' Souo I''' I'" "'"'I" r .. r I 'upt Huh ,. "''"'" tfh ~k'l'l "'r ttt•., J\ ......... t" "'" k'"'"') u11 ,.,,, f l • 1 oll lf ,,,,.., J ltt'"'Prht ''"'' I lol111 ''"·"· "''~ h111lt ;,t ''·• '••f• ''"'' "' t1 .,,1111"n~ \ 1d t t H '\1·0 )t f 1rtt• Ul'fl Uil'lplay II igginH Boa be llcrl' Soon. SayM Watt ~ 1 •• t. 1 v_. ,, •.. ,,, c •• "' , 1· "·• 1'4t•nll')' u .or ..... lwn..... ,,..._, ......... t ..... '"' , .... nrn .... "' .... ,. • "'""'"'"'""· w 1o " l(nWiuat.,.. lr""' 1'4allla A•• .1 ... 1oor """',. .. """'' n """ ,,...,.."ood • .,. .,.,... ......... ~ .. ,~..... • .. .rd. .... ...... , """''r "' tt. .. ..,......... If•• •- l'""'l•l••nt ttf tlof' at......._t ltndy, ta an a44l•l•nl .,....,,_a,, .-4 I lo11jtfal11 .. , ,\...,.r,__ .......... ...... , 1111. Ralboan Given Navy Distharge I ,.. on I. N k"hoiA. 1111r1 ol M r "ntl "'' l<o•nny Nlc.hol• of lhr t '•II •·•a:•· I ~·nut S hut• un 1\ftiiW'IA l•lnntl, "11'-•••l••tuwod fnxn ttw> naif)' 111111 W•••hu.,.tlioy A(IC'f' lllnv•t fwr \ "'"' In ..c•rvll•t•, AN"Ctrtlhtl( In nn· ""' fr<ofll tlw• .,.,_,..lion c•o-nto•r ill l'•·nulr\lr l l~tland Y·~u•.: Nlt'tlol11, wtwt WIUI •11•· • "·"I'' •I with tho• rnl ln~e u( ,, \1M I'• wn• IIIOttl<JtH'(I •lurh11t th•· "'.u hI Nunrum, ( lkl11., M'""l"''" 'I'··••". nnd ,,.. Alnmil<t~<, ('llllf. I ltv~T C'I.AKH Alll f AKKti':K-. 1 •I 1 l11• I .f 1 "'""' • Ill"" nlr '''" t t• '" ''I"'' h llfH' lftruu~·t'''"' th•· "',,tlof ~·· flv 11wlo r ""' ll.ol( "' "" l 'ruh·t1 .·tu1 ••" ·not•' tl.tr w"• •I'IN'Ird h)' tM lw u11 t1 nl •hrt'<'lllf'll n( I two ll.lholl f T .. urnntll• "' n f l.hthh OtiUoe>rlAtl<an "' '''' ,,. uw•·llnll '" ""' Nt•wvort I lou '"" '•o•'ltt l'luh f'l•n• 1111 ,. rwo<fo• 111 h•ntllr a I t'T'II"'' ,.("'II" .''oiiiWW I JN'f)Jlh•, W'ho >II'•' t \fN't I• ol lot \I It Jlttllxlll lind I lh· ""''"'"''' "·II~~·· '""n r~ ... atw I jii'PI!f'lllll I Till' ,,.,, .. tl 111111111111•'• •I I .... WlltM' f•·•lh'ttl \\Ill 11'111Ritl •ltlt'IIV li'K• tnlhlnn llot" )""", \\'llh llwht..d nn•l ,,,.,.,., "'' •I •~•OI• lllllltllll( fr(lftl ·o·ut""'~ t•l hill!•' YMt•htll lu I"' tift• ll•rt-.1 fnr " 111-mllr· nl~tht parade '''"'m•f t fo, loll) I ''"II''" •nd •lml• lnr t .. .,,,. "Ill nnt '"' l'nlrnod. A tfnottlllj! I hr m~lllliC ""'""• ( 'mumudo •ft' 11n1t Mnt Or11ndln, I · .. nm~ttrlor• f'lfln11ld Krmp of 11&1· ll .. n Yud1t l'hth 11nd Mr•. Kl'mp; Vllo;· ('""'"""'"r" lth'h11ttl Jo'rnton "' llnll11'111 V11rht dull 11nd Mrt, t'•·n "'". c 1111ml11•r "' f'orntnf'f'M' l'r• dt1Pnt .l"nw• I' fltu'rl'lf and Mo• ll~orr••ll Mr 11nd M,.,. W. II. Jllll'htnlln Mr 11ntl Mnt lhtllbctrd c· 11 .. w,. M• ""'' Mr• .I It Mr· N11IIV, ~~~ 111otl ~11~ ll11rry Wf'lt'h, M1 mul Mt~ """"' llnrtll'r, Mr. nmt Mr.. f • '" llu11.:'. Mt' and M•• Wulto·t S1••• •·r, Mr null Mn. l 'lt ,.,,., I'• )I"" Mt n~ul \lo• llr11· ,,, " 1 1111 h !\lr 1111•1 M•• c;.....,..w V 11•1f• }, 1\11 11n•l Ill" 1; I. An· d1• "~ \It '''"' M11r llnrulll II''""' \lo '"'' \lo• I. It \~';l~ .. n owl 1\ .I 'I'"'"' Coastal School Officials Propose Jr. Coli. Survey ns,;nn :ctum nn•t prumin••nt in hi~o;hwny dr\'o•lopm<'nt work Must Have License To FiRh in Ocean Says Mar ine Of ficer ""1'. '" '1' '•' I 1"' ''"' 11' T " I lrfl•1nl" "' tl..-l'f>fl~tul ••lu•ol ltlitoll 1.. "1\• ,, ,,, lito klrtll or ) 'It 1 Itt t ., aft t tlfftflltll\' •If f • I MESAN F INEU lhnr~~:rd with stx•l'din~t nnd no np<•rfllor's llcl'ns.'. C'h8unrt'Y R. Orurk. 47i, t93 1~ !Rth strl'••t. (."o)sta Mrsa. WM fml'd $15 hy SAnta Ana City Jud"l' It M. Cl:l)llkl<hank last w<'rk Robf'rt l..et' Hoyd, 45, Coast hi~:hw11y, Coron8 del Mar, plrlldl'd not ~:ullty to a charg<' of llp<'edmg and a trial wu hcld .Saturday, June 15. •lo•lll• 1 .. ml't 111 tlw W••l•·•mw· • nl•• 111111•>1 "'"' ,.,. 1;11• d '" Ito•· "'"" tu1·fo\\ t\ =-'•''-'I"•' I ft• ''' h h '' t '' I I 1 .. \ 1 1 -'-I '·od II 1 1ortd nolol• d t lo t I llu· ~t'h• ot; ~hot\ I n 1\ wnrning in rl'1::1rd In An~tlln~.; 1111 11' '1 11 1'111 11 1"'" '1'' 11 '1• 1" '1'' 1' "' " n•.o •n "111 .,., 1" '11 11 • 'I'"''' "" '""'''"' 'IIIU/tll"fl w hll'h lo•·•·nl'<'ll 1~ bf'ln~ •s~u<•d hy Capt l•hont "' tlu 11•1'1'11" 11 ••n11f n• 111r "" ,,.~ ~11,11;1<1 IM· '"'"II· '"' tlw 1111, , ,.11~1 """ IIN'IIfll• d 11,. nvon· Tilt I' ~flllrr who Is In rhargc or l.nv I'<JIIIfllt!IV 111 '''" I lrlo·•rn• 1··•"'"111 lo·~ ,, t ... n.ttr~v, II jomlflr I ll•m•·•l flfl nl 1.111(111111, '"" yucht· thr Murin<' PAtrol uff1r<' "' Tl.'rm· \\nil'< 1111111•· 11•• 1''""'1 trip 11>' "•"' ,., 111 tht' n-t -·""" uf ' In I( .,,,,. "''"'"II u t :'1/o•WJlttrl liar· lnai' llllllnd, nnd whn ~tnt<•ll t hnt 1111 1 r"'•~l~•rt 1'11111' t If nut'•' t:•uunty. l '"'r, ""' ull ol Jluullol(lttn J'l.fach, I hi' l11w which r~.V~uirl'll nn angl!nl( "'""''''' hy '"'' f•u·ololl•·~ to I llw 1\ .. •u•b ur th "'"''r hll(h ••·loOt•l• llu• "''' •··••l•w•• II• llw nrrlt t.,_ck ll{'('nsr to tAkt• riN'Bn 5:a1Tl(' f11h ll11•11ll•"' N•·" llo l•···n~ I'"'"' 11, 'llo•· ofi..Crkt will tN• 1111kt,.l to "' •lo•· "•1•~• ""' Mt•~lun at C'apta. will br strictly t'nfor<"l'd I H F K p \\lot !<I •n1•l prowlou'll•m .. r ·'·' I•••' til•· rtrl• l'f'QIJI .. t ror • curPJlfl'hf>n·l '"'"'' "'"I lh• mnnv oJlhl'r atlrac:- Som<' people do nnt know, hr • • en n y. U'it master •l•·•·<llro'llll. lind :M 1111•1 :1~ l•ro'tl \lVI• ... rv•·y ant! •tudy w11h ..... linn~ st11trd, thnt surh a llcrn~c Is rr· 0ra~<8 frum u .. rhartlt f'h"'" • ''"""r' ~ .... •lntl•·r ""Y ""'' I lo111 Stu It• Jlonrd tof .. :d•101Uon. lh· l .ln•l•uv '''~" l••lnl<'d oul the quirM for tllkln5: pismo clamfl. A ·nRM RF.LIF.VER In t hl' futur·· ... s-pnrt ""'""' an<l ,... 'h··~·· .... •I• Wtllll•l lw· ••·lilly '"' 1 Jr HAY t-:llkltt ol lluntlnl{tltn ,,, noo·n•l .. u~ IIIII I lllt:'Tf'l\llln& de- ('tt('kll' darnll, llhAionf'!l nnd ICA1. rntlr, Oran1,.· C'OII8ty l'oaatlfn,. 1~ 11,.r!wrt t'ranklln Krnn). A •lllfllll• "' fu 1/'11' N•·w1-•rt 1\r•:u fo II< lt•'h Jll'••-t!W at thr mM'linl( rtlun•l 11n tlu• hhclo ln•tltutlont ol lOp!!, 11!1 well 1\S fish. ()('ran f111h r,..ld,.nt 11t t h, I'OIInty !0 y.._re, J•u,.lm\IAt-. lll'nny ha• t ..... n ll<-.1• '"'''~t•••lll lllwuol mltl l.11'1'1'r!ll1'·r, IJr 1-'tRnk B JJnrla.wy tJf lhf' lf'nrnllll( Ill 1111' Alhlf' llf• 111ld lMy ror which 11 IIC<'n!lr IJ requlr•od l rn&~~t,.r hf'rf' .aa..,. IN I. ••• lhnl Ill• Y wlllltt· r•·ntl)' f•1r ~ul•·• ~'"''' J\r,nr·tf ut t-:dui'Atlhn J!lrv•• w••r•• lr.ntl•"l"''''' 111 th•• I(TOWth ol ArR RECORO~ \\'11.1. J lnl'ludl' tuna, yrllowtAil, mulln llr rt.rrt Franklin K<'nny, Bnl· n ul• dally to all• ntl ~trammar It• '• ,.1,..,,,, Jron1111ry I {_ •"'"'' vt•lunlll<' and lntrr ... un~e dr· th•• .. , .. ,, ..• l"'''"l"tl•m. lie potnted f\E BROK EN and hrMdh11J t~wordfi,h. jf'wflsh hon's pnpula.r postml'l!llf'r, whr. rr· ~· ,,, I Wlll'n h•· w:o• I I y••:tr~ nltl '""" r,r thf' prni"Mturr n•·N'!I•IIr y, 11UI ,,,,.. l'hlln~t••,. Ill thl' Jl'lli)UlaUoft Many or the 1?9 oHicial world black aca bas,, albacore, bllTTII·I C<'ntl)l r<'lurnrd rrom 11ttrnfflng A 1onrt •. ftl'r two>'''""' on hl~o;h ••·hrw.l, Mayor Reed Appoints 11~1 lt.r '"" ~rurv,.., antt thrn to !n ttw ln111 Zl Y''""' And the 1ft. and internal tOnAl 11lr records ruda. whitr 11<'11 hsss, bonito. rock postmMtrr'a rom'l'ntion north of )"'·:.: Kf'nny l••fl Sf'h•••' 1••rnpor-B d • '""''"" 1/Jrt'lltr;h It 11 Junkw oull"l(f' t:'TI'II8Inv niJIPiw·r uf ynunatT peop11t which were set up between 1906 biiU, k.-lp baas. corhlna. yrllowfln I Slln t'rllnclaco lind II vial\ tO Vstn• arlly to b«omc at·tlnl( fllr••mnn :J to Planning oar t l•rrn·rllm Ia ulllmall'l)' dt-dded nfiW In C'llllfnrnlll .. comp~tred to wh<'n SantM Dumont establ111hed croakt•r and apoHin crollk.-r, elso l couver, n . C .• wa• born and rai11-d ••I •J,•· home nmrh ""'I r••m;olnrod "I'"'' rnrll,.r Y"""· 11 ~JX'('d of 25 mllPI per hour In all vanr tll'l of 11\Jn flshMI. In C'11n11dA and Is another of UK' 11••·•· for 1lx )'Para • HwloAr <l Plt•~e•·r uf (''"''"'" dl·l l'r f.lndaay .t1ttMI that It ap Mr futy Elliott or lfuntlftctora the air, 1111d 1940 when the wu No ll~n.sc 11 ~u1rfd of thoee hordM of CahforniAI\I who hsvr \\ 1 ''" he wu 20, K••nny went ~'"'. ( · II Jtuod of :-I••WJJOrt ~~·..rNI ,.vldt-911 th•t any rllritrkl l\41111'h, whn JIT'MIIdMI at ttw ..,. endt-d ruch 11ttempts, will 10 by under tR ol· of ITl('mlwrs of thP. come to thla 1tate for thelr health. tu l't>rk for a lumhf'r )•ard In • ll••lwht• rond ItA) Cuvo•llo of ..., llh tllf' vs lu.tlon and tlw num· at~n "" chAirman of the Educa- the board thll year. 1be 1.940 armed or auxiliary 1~. Fee~ Kenny wu born Jan. 7, 1M> tn rurn•ture •tore for 121,4. ccnta Pl"'j Wf,.t N"WIJ'Irl ; _.,.,. n<clt\M hy ll(·r o)f •tud,.nu wttlch he brill!¥~ tlon Commit~ or the CoMt Allo- recordlt wn-e divided amonc aome for ruldnrt dtlzen'a Ue.nae ta 12 .• Belmont, Ontario, and pew up hour and pulled ln • nut SUlOI MJiyor 0 . n 1'\.1'«1 u lhrPC ncwl the ~t 6 trict WGU1c1 ahow, Ill dation, Pff~nted some IDte•- 50 cluetflcatlona and were beJ4 non-~t dt.lJeon, S3 and non-'011 a daley farm at Guelph. On-for an ftcht·hour day. For the membc!n of Uw dty pl&nnln1 fully able to ~ • jgnklr col· facUI llluatretlnl tM JuNar ..._ b)' 9--airmen ol nine couatna dURn. 15. tarlo, where he waliecla ~ o1 <Oaatlaued on p._. 4) commlalion Monda,. altft'Doon. &ep. lie ..... 11111 dlltd Oiillllldlr· ~u.. ADd adYMifll& • GEORGE D. BASSETT AC('Ot '!llt'TAJ~~.--r Monthly IW.,kkeepln~ M n 'i<oe Ito'! W. C't'ntral A\·~ .• 1-bnnt HalblF l ~·.t,, N~tonrt Be&C.b IIS;t.;r;CE P. A. PALMER. LTDO l~t.l!. Pl<OI"f.JUli!..S -------·--------w. 0 BUCK-Insurance Coonaelor ~ 1500 ~#.,( 3lll VIA UOO CALIFORNIA ALBAC .ORE For Canning ••• Onler-1 Taken Now for Future Delivery Phone Beacon 5387-W ••• .. Tuf'Mtay, IWII' 18, I ... __ _.~------------------------------------------------------------------------------·------------------ ONE OY THt: BF.RT (',\T<'Ht:fil of alblu-ore for Ole 1-.., lu• made ha the laat weric by Bert Milt., toldpper or the IAlrna Pat. Ttw-party roau•tt•c of Dr. and ,\Ira. E. G. Klac aftd Dr. 0 , L Hubert a.rt lillie doc·k at 'l:SO and Wt'rf' bac·k at 2 1:SO wltb ~~ albatoore, '"'"of them over !0 lba. aad ooe of %1 1-. Bert _,._ they rould ha\'t• talif'n the limit neiiJ, but tht' anl(lt'" were too Ured to nllb u.y loapr. -~photo by C. A I ;rrffl'l of Lhe Sportsfi!Jling f1l'l't Assn. Japanese Wins I H b B . f. I f lk Court Contest I ar or USiness, . I m 0 ~~~.~~~h .. ~:~:~ Attend Opening Photo Studio latur<• drrri,·ing .alh•n ftsh,•rmr~ of 0\'er 100 rrsltLnts of thr liar-In the fil'ld of photography. thP right ~0 ftsh In Amertcan hor an•a wr rr Jlri'!WIII a t the oJ)('n On r xhiblllon in the receptlo. "'111<•rs Is dtsn-lml~at?r~. ~U!X'rlor house hl'ld uy Ed BlontlE'II a t the room uC his nt.'w and attractive Jud,::t.' I l<'nr~ M \\tilts 111 Los A~· UJX'ntn~ of hts nt.'W photographic s tudto llrt' photos of ha ver, ~:rlr~ on Fttday ord!'rc~ the C"nh· s tudio tn Ha lh<w last Thursday af· phutuJ:r'nie dau~:htrr, who bean • forntu S late Fish and .amr. c·om· lt•rnoon -and quilt' a !;lllht•ring of rt.'mar kohle n•semblan<.-e to little mldon to IssuE' 8 fis~mg ltrt·~sl.' llalboa and Newport notabll.'s It Margaret O'Brien of the fllml. I'" an all£>n JapanE'SI', rorao .T ak._ was. Nt-edless to say, the ambition "' ahashl. who prt"viously hsht'd . young Kathryn Is to become <'nmmerrially In California waters Thr gut'st book. prrstdt•d ov<'r Q slnrt> 1915. ~ by Mrs. Blondl'll and )Oung aaugn· liCtrrss. . I The writ of mandate wru~ sue· ter Kathryn, was signt'd by 110 Gut•st or the Blondell• laU>r q 1 f'rss fully sought for the J aplln<•SI.' 1 guests who rnadl' an appcaranCI.' the evl'ning wus ·Patrie Knowlel, hy Attornl.'y A. L . Wlrln of thl.' at some time durtng the artl.'r, han~ome leading man of the Lo8 Angt'les orflrt' or the Mtlonal noon. I movtr:s. who was I~ Balboa .. American Civil U'tx-rtlrs union. I Blondell. brother of th(' film gU('S~ or the DUkl.'tte I at the Gn, Prior to 1945, fish and eanv actrrss, Joan Blondell, has been Goose apartments. laws had denied fishing lirenses to. connected in the still camera de-~ Fish Change Meal Time Until Nightfall, "allt>n Japanl'se," but a fact-find· I partment of Werner Bros. for All kinds typewriter rlbboal .. lng commlttl.'l.' r~>portt'd to thl.' Sl.'veral yean and Is well known atodt at the Newa-nme.. · st'nate thrrl' was da nger of the s tatuti.' being held unconatltu- tlonal and the words changt'<\ to 'rf'ad "persons lnl.'llglble to cltl- Zt'nahlp," Jud&l' Willis polntt'd out. (f!}]afboa c)(arket i Playing Hide and Seek With . Troll Boats "As It was rommonly known to the 1945 legislature that JapanHe were the only aliena lnt'llglbll.' to cltizl.'nship who engaged In com· ltlore Tlaaa It Yean of 8erYb to 1M llarllon 87 HUGH a . McMILLAN , 1,f tho.'llf' albacore have shown in box that morning b<-fore he went ml'rclal fishing, It is manifl.'lt the SOlllaiD ~'.,=~ Bal'--Calif. • S11n ()lr~o or Catalina wAlt•rs. out! l leJ(islature lnt~>nded to eliminate :;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.....,;;;~;;;;;;~ TroJUne boats out of Nrwp<>rl S kipJlf'r J immy Stt>venaon of th<' Night fishing at Port Orange Japanese by dncrlptlon rathl.'r I' 'Haflboi-ar«' continuing to hrin~: tn ()uisy, has I'K'('n catchlne alhacorl' F'ishing llole Is proving popular than by naml.'," said the d ecision. catches or albacorr lll lht' run for many )'E'ars-when th<'Y run. with spotfin croaker and some "Thl.' thin Vl.'ll used to conceal the F. & B. PRODUCTS swlngs Into thl.' second Wl't'k. Tht' lfr Is still nuzzled u to whrre hllss betng raught. H erl.' you have purpose was too transparen,t." first school which CO\'C'rt'd about ,. 1 b fi hi f thry romf' from or ll.'ave too hvt' ba t for ay s ng rom a a thr~ mllr arrs on tht• rourtef'n· 11 h _, b B'll J .... Play Pen· Thf' ~lilt Petrr. trolling hoat, It t.-u arge. I uunaton v· w PI b ..... ur ~--..... mUe bank Ia IC8tlf'rl'd now. but a 0 fl d mce as um _, .n .. -....,. • ........ nwnrod hy Eddir Gr~nrnd)'k<'. ('aUght 1 yt'llow n an one cor- .,._ a' ••'= ()()8T• --a Bet all .aecond good school Is showing be· lm•m:ht '" thrt't' albacorl.' Sunday. hinn in tht' surf at ~th Street A N M Wlln __ .., ,. -..:.on. yond thr stcnmt•r -lanr· on II lint:' I N s d I h I nary 0 esan • :.--i;iiiiiiiiiiii;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i!,:~~~~~~~~~~~~~i'~V~al~I~~·~G:·•:ri~'S~II!n;d~5M~r~.~E:m~t~'r~s~nr~·~"~L('•Wp<>~~r~t~a~t~~~:~,:;y~n~g~t~,~u=s~n~g~·&u,-ld no' That--. l art' bc>lnR t11lk<od ahnut by rom-mf'rdal flllht•rm•·n "" llu•tr r adto Snulh Cn11~1 C'n and brou~:ht tn trllnsmittt'nl frnm us fur llS tlw 1M nlharnrl•. T\\'0 boalll fr(lm Tann••r llllnk. J.;mt:'s l.nndiRg. th• T )'l'<' :md nr t h•· lrt<•.tl .,.,,,.,, '"'' t•ntiH·~I Frr,·kl··-hroughl Ill albncon· l'urt l){llllll · .,111 hrl\'t• ,,..,.11 ~~ ttim: th•• l lrnn~··· 1~ runnlnl( nlbaror•· 1lay fjsh, nil hi~ 1101., \ ·.tpl .I II I~'"'' '' htt•h' nrl' limitf'd l•t I I "lkrt" 1\ltlls. 111 tho• IAII'O•l J'ar, p:""'nt:•·r, P:tc-h on W('('k tl.rvs hnsn't t•tln1(' nPflr till' ~;1 .rlh:wurt• .. nil r 1\pr rhr wt>rk rnd th<·~P hi' t'11UJ,:hl \\'• rln•"''1.t\ tn l.tlt•r '"'·'" "' ,. r•hnrt•'rl'd.· Thr f.rt'" Is ris htnl! thrmtt:h th•• 1\•·•k II•· It)!· ~i~~••:odl .rnd 1111' boats h ,,.,, ·'' urr·s lit I!' hwal "''"••I 111 '"' 1,1,1 11 fi ~~ 11 rn Th•• ftshrrmt•n 1 111111r Occidental Degree A waits H. B. Baetz From Sunday noon to 2 r .m . P11 t rulman \'tnt'l•nt () ('u~umFtnu Of thl' 1'\l'WflOr l nt•,trh poliC'I' dt•· llt•rhl•rt nan· lay lltu•t 1 ~on Q( purl ml'nt rnanwd t ht• t:ll rnivai :\Jr and Mrs ll••t iH'rl H A;w t.r: uf ~:rounds 111 Cu!ol:t M; l'll tr} in~: to 1:.111 \\'. nny: 1'\o IIJHtrt Ht•at·h. IS l t)!Url' out ""''"' "''\\aS to jlldJ;t' llllUtng 1111' 7.l (':tnllulntc•s fur t.J\o. ,11 pr.•t !<ltf"' ~om•·nnr• 1111 thr• ft.,lt fry rnmmit· l•t h:rd t11lcl 111111 throt h,. had l11•••n ~t•lr•rtNI tu c.l• •·•d•• tho· \\ tnrwrs of flan • 11ncJ llw !!'""' lt~httll: 111 ,.,1111 "' lnolhnl! :.nil tf 11 sch••ol " htt , I tn July, ,.~ lh•· l~tr~;1 1 ~<'houh ''" IH•·"~ •IIIJI :rnd thr fi~h• l'm•·n S ( u,.., u,,, h:ut t_·•mw ln._ ... Rr, lrllt"'n·llt l~. tuHu' .\I l'tlf'l'tl 11t th1• :'llt•Wpnrt T:wkl•· ~:rc••s '" I~<• ~:••l'n :r t rlw t>lltlt rnm· nwrw .. m. nt ,.,,.,,.,,,.s ·•• 'lcl'i· •l••lltai cnll•.·~:•·. LltS i\rtl:l'll•s, TUI'S· tluv t•\•·ntn~;. JUrll' :n :rt H: 17> 11 m. "' th•• llrlbtdl' thPat .. r llt•rhrr t IS a \!!'ltd U!ll(' of rkr· I·• 11 I ''"'''"r l lt~:h ~l'illt<JI aml •·X· 1~ 1'1" 111 ro•t'<'l\t' 11 l1111 ht•lnr of arts d••t.:n ·• ;11 t tt•t·•rl••nt&l, h:t\ tn{: rna· 1111' show, "hll'h llt'rf' tu eumpnsc• l.UI'It ,.,lultits '" :r l!t•:tl \\ilh trip- 11'111, 11 cuin•'" 111~ :11HI fum1ly. a t.:ui•S•·. u l"'llil:l'•·• II dot.: hodf l'lll'kt•r ~p:rnrl'i :mel hall ".ll•·r sp:uu• I. rr rlnnkf'y 1111d ~"""' rltl!'ks 44HOW CAN I FEED MY FAMILY PR.OPER.LY aad still keep within my budget?" ia the b;gett quatioa facing most hou.ewives •.. aot oace ia a while, but •IJ IIH ti"''' Oae timple, basic answer to that questio.n is, ,.u .. ...,.. tll!liry footl.s., Dairy foods aupply the minerals, vitamina, protejat aad carbohydrates in the wetl-balanced proponioat you need for health, growth and vigor. '11M7 are the richest food source of calcium, needed for suoag bones, beautiful teeth, clear complexions. Prom the itandpoint of nutritional values, dairy products are your most economical foods .. Attuit1 1M Jwi• . tiHJ wo11/J stiU 1H yo•r btst f'fooJ buys." California Dairy Products ••. For Life • Jk C....,.,. DeftJ lrulw•frr AJ..;,.,, loer4 h ,.,,.,..,.-4 ., .. ~_, .-4 tlet~tll•" el dolry prorl~ctl •ltMfl ••• Slele ••rl•• ••lhrllt el •• Acl el lh Slele el ~ ... ,,.,.,.., ., .... D~r el o4tricvllwre. l_jALLMARK ,, CARDS For Birthdays '"Wf'ddln~tt Anninr.uarit•!l and t:k. · VUfJ8 :: f1gurines Lampe :: Coetumf' rl~welr)' Newport Souvenir and Gift Shop 2102 Oceul Front We Wrnp Gifts HOW IS YO\JR INSURAWCE? HYDRA • MATIC. SPEC I A L·IS TS Oldsmobiles & Cadillacs PLENTY OF GENUINE PARTS AVAILABLE . • BRING YOUR HYDRA-MATIC PROBLEMS TO US. FACTORY TRAINED MECHANI CS Culbertson Chevrolet Co. Cltj\'l'Oiet ~li OldmnobUt• ~r 3011 W. Centrd N~wport Beach ~'"''' r•J••rl<. tlt:tl thl' alh.t•••tr•' "''"' '" ,,,. hrlltn~ hc~t em t hl' lot II' hi ''"'"r' •I pl:"t ic Ji~:~ ;\lrony fl .olluw "" ''" :rrr• lt~hin~t l'llllltlll'r· 1 1 tl 110 tl.t \ • lift J).-'ISS('OJ,lt'! ~ IUP o11rl'll Ill l'iH'Il11~! ry. ! 11 h• r •·••nun. nc-••nwnt II'N·k '''·nt" '" 11 h11'h tw '"" p:trttc-1· pull' ifiC'hlllt• S••ntnr I'IM•S riot} 11n Tlrtlr"cll~ .. lurw :!II, . .tunmt tl••> I hr' lrllht" trll: Saturdny tntltulin~: Ill<' llr''sid••nt 'Q r••r••ptlnn, 11nrl har'Nt· lnurr·u tr, Suntl:r~. J unt• :!:l The• ~ .. nu•r hn .tkfast 11111 It(' hdd th!' "' .lllltltlt T h •' Mllrlo(Art'l K lu 11ll1'hl 111 :!:1 rrlharnr(' nnd .l:lt'k Tutl•' cnt t111·· l't ••r l'lllll:hl .'0 AI· llrt~·•·r••. 1 '''""" r· .. rnmerctai ·n 11• .\nrlr '"·' 111 Port J.ido, Akil•lt('r f'd '" I .u I I IA~;unan hrou~:hr '" 16 :oll•'lrton · 'l'hursdn~ ••nd 18 on Frl· rill\ Thl' l'hantom. frnm Ri<'hnrd· mormn~: lwf11r1' l:rftdu:tltlln. ,.,~·!' Yarht LnncJ•n~:. $1klppf'rNI hy I Nllrmrt.n 1\l'l:l!l'. had l:'i alh:wnrl' Hundreds Attend ·r. \\t~•t.:•'r, 11f thr .ll'an•tlt', hrnu~:ht '" 11. allt.trorr, thr Inn:· Furniture Store ··~I ""'' 1\ l'll:htnJ.l :lfl p<ttlttds. I • Thr "!""''llfP hdn~· r.tUJ.lhl hy Opentna Saturday trnlhnc: '"''•Is llnll ,,..,.r,hacinwr•d ~ rhr· l"ntt·hi·~ IH•ing hr••IIChl in b) l lttndrr•ds nf ""OJtlf' \i~itr'(l !hi' tit•· ll'~lllar Hvr• h 1111 IH>II!<;, H11rra· . ,.. . I I I h ~ Q trnut I Nr•wpm·t rurnltttrt• Slon•. whu:h ••w II, "11 '' "''11 as. •·a ' 11n.o•m•tl at :!JG l'c•ll'l hl~:hway, 0 111, k••rr•l lwhhut. :~nrl hull hnss ~.. H h . t1 ·~ tlw fr!oht nlo( n""~' fr nt!l th!' Ji\'l' · ~1"11JOlrt 1 •·;te· • s1.•••1•r ny. • l•' s nrt' 1~ •,u llrtn~ n n•·\\' 1• '" """'~ n tt'l"' IKtllt!o h:t\'e con-1. · 1 ·. 1 1 r · lflttt• rt tll•·tr rPJ,llll:rr (-.ling, Ill 1111' II ll'ltllll':t Oh lll' ttrnttUrt r h II •rt I' I r .. r thr• thrum~ room. dl'rt and II\ mg ... 11,,,. n 1 r n lttNlff\ H' tt ,, l'S ,1•1 , , " • 1. 1 r "til hal,. tn hf• hit lirw hot und ri'M)m. 11 rr !~; '1 sn outr '"'r ur· nlturr• for JlHitO tutrl ~11n JH11'!'h t11·a\, ltd,.rr• th"Y "til chan~tl' 1 Ill k 1 ( .,.,., <' I · 1 _...,s a c•s t') n .. -·l nra f'\l'r :t\\'IIIJt•, und \'an ll:t)t''l of :l1:;•2 Th,. hndtt tntlf'nlrt.:hl Pf thl' ln~l I'Ntl'l 11\'l'nut•, IKtlh nf 11:rllto11 J~t­r,.,, nu.:h•~ hn~C l!t' ~'" r h,. Ctsh n l"hllnt'r• In l••r•cl at night .nd with plt•nty (tl htut, it has ;tllt'l'lrd thl' ft,hrm: 111 !'nnw r•xtr111 S kirll<'r (' n Jlrc khnrt. nf tl11• T'"l"<'· how- ,.,.,.r. hrnudll nu t ··•••Itt t••'s<'ng('rs 1 fro~m ..-~~~~·~ Lnndtn~; :tnol hrou~:ht "' " full It mit t•f "h•t• "a hnss. II /1. r.r fllm m. 1\tth tho 'l'rnrl<' and. nrt• t h·· 1'1;.11\\ n••rs or nrw f11rruturr t·•tnhh,hnwnt thts C ·u~umann "'hrl tll'd • ,-,•r)'IIIH·n• IIIII l'r utd nut fm1i II •Ito\\ 1\ It II all I hM •• ktnds of otlltllllll" in II 1-1(• w11s • t•ry ~:;htm :to< iw 11 alk• d tlw ~;rnunds. "'llld<•nm: 1f ''"n'~'"" on th•• ftsh rr~ c-''"'nllll•·•· hadn't i'Uil· ··d t• rast 1•n!' .. n hint 1'. ~. 1\NO HRITISII \\'ORI.n AIR ICOl 'TF.S IJA:\1JI.TON Th•' n't't nt m••rt· t11): ur llrttl'h unrl Amt•rt<':Jn dl'lr· ):alr·s 111 th•• t't\'il A\'talion <'on· ft-n·nc-t• It• "' lll:rP•'il that th1• ' llrtllsh ""rt' 111 rr•t'l'l\t' 7 routrs 111 1rncJ tlt rlllll!h tht• l'ntto •rl Sta t•·~. anrl thr l 'ntto•d S t.rt••<o \\it~ tu t:•·l 13 rotl!r·!'o tn 1 :trt(ltl~ P•Hn ts 111 1 hi' l:noplro· Thl' rlt-lr·c;ut••s itl<(l a~r••NI 11n ,,,. ln···rlum flf u .. rr .. · n~:llt :uul unlmtllltl (r .. tlh'lll'l•'" ttl ,..·,·hr·thlll'!< WELCOME HOME! Newport llarbor J•Olllt 291 AMERIOAN I.F.GION lnrttN aU Ro~~n ..... tr m-...,.... V,..._ ~••• .. \'lell .... l toiL 11\th 1'1 .. &1011 kr A• .. -IN a llrrl T..._, II p, •· \\'tml. c-nu~:ht :t '"'"' ••I '·•rrarudn for• ... , •·r~ mn11 ·'""·•rtl SklprK'r lltld Hf'l•tly. 11! 1 ht• • .-. ,, Cull. hr11111:hl Ill \1 lilt•' <• • I• "ll• hull h ''' trul l••t tom f•,h · Ktns(s I. ot11ltn~· ~tlnclh\ llnth I •1'1' IX'I'II lr-1 11 • lrnm I''"' • I'• '" to lh(' lltllll tnUI"Il Ho allt Ur• 1\illl:·!lilr' '11 dut•·""' '''' fll h i lt~9_y . ttf (C'A· ttlf•H I ••It {tto llhiH\ I• 11-{ thc\~f.' on Sale Now at .),, ... ll.t rro• I "h•·t nt• " • ,, r , ' 'l;ewport h '"' '"'''" , .. ,,, lttm: 1 • • 1. hass. plq ... ,, Ju•t r 1111 .. r ·· 1 ' ..... 1. Pirr ft~lwnn• n ·tr• ,.,,.,,,,,._1!\...: 1h• .. ir '"''" '1111 tot lo.dthllt \\ .• ' rl··nty nf "'·" k1 ro I. a 1 '" • ·''' 1.11 11f yf'l· 1 '"" rm.· r-rn:•k··•. t•r t1 , • ··n one l•.tl'f /11'\ttl:t "·" ollll\.111 ''"' wcrk. I t~ th.•• 1\'lrl ,,n lh• --:fwport l't•·r' 1 '"' ::-:.p .. untl I• •lthUI w as ('ltttt:llf ''" 1111' Jlh'r r ·~• " ;\t (l(', of 111111"'"· t a~h··d :-•lltnt.,, tt•lm thE' fl!l'r tlntl ""' l t~h lhotl ntt;ht. or r•u11r~··· h•• had pin~ r•tl It ~.-ale and "I" th.•t 1111 ,, "·'s r,~h "' th,. Ire 1,000 Americans Die ,.,~1 rlv rro"' "''"" "~ •.• ._. t~r.. 111•\t, ,,,unr t•• "" r""' t .. P• 1 h h.-Wt' • 1•1,., .,t. -. hwh '' '"'" Jt rh• Mu'"'' K11111r' T nur nr••·r'\tv• "It• ' t •• tftlllflnt ~(\PI~" r1,1n.-"'""' •t •11 ' " tb .n f'ltt11""! "It• U \ P'AJ 1114" n ·~•H" 11'\lfht ••-nut ,,, tllrb m\ .. "'1 ... ,.. -ur· nur .... ~ h ..... ~ t"'rut l• •• tv t ·• Ill• It , .. t ,....t,,,.,.. fl f'\ot f'f I• ,_. of H n r ~·' '" ~o rNrh th ttAt ,..,.... •tt•v ot -I • "'"."'' 1" ''lnl'nl .,,._,.. '"'" ,._•ult ""'" ,,,. .. , Our r-. \tm'"'t~lt O..l '•'T '-11'1'" ...-. th,. ""'''' ''~not r,-.uft• •n f , t n Rflart t• '-tr ,,,,hrnM ""'' flf•w fttlt"'' , ' ,, h"""' . •'-'t •t .... , ~ _,_.,.,., 1 • f•• 1 r.un• '" .... -. ·• ,. .,..., .,._, tf tuur •tutt I r.t l • "IU '' • --u• , .. r ,,... , 1111 , ••• 8 .. , ..... MniOI' ~ Jla rhor I I S4 fer aft AptK!tftlwwftt "" M~>nlta,. er 'ntnnoday.. t:eo t., &:00. IIC'fe· "'"«' by Appolftfnt4'flt. Oil. t:..WU. F. ftJ:I~ D.C". ft.C. 10'7 !!ad St......t N-.-t ....... Celli. GRYPHON P R 0 D U C T I 0 N ·s laguna Beach Playhouse TilE SEASON OPE~S ,Jt'Nt; 2.1)th \\lTII ,. . lill•rrlnt ''ANGEL STREET'' John Emery SeMon Tkk«'hi on Sale !IJow for !l Pia~·~. S20--tax in('. Ptt11il nrder!l ncct'piNI-mokf' <"ht'f'ks pil~ ahlr to: LAcuna &>arh rtayhllU!It\ l.ai[Una 8eAl'h, Calif. Ph. Lacuna 191 --•OTHF.R PLA \'S--- CH-or~ Dark Vlrtory 2oth CenturJ t\mphytryon S8 &autlful Pt'llple • ~ubject to C.han«e DIESEL SERVICE NEW 225 H. P. DIESELS ON HAND Reroaditloned Dit'M'h on hand with ('hOICf' of N'dpdJon units. e WE ARE WRITlNH ORDI:R8 OS lliORT· AND LF.F'T· j ~AND ROTATION DlEiiiF.I.R FOil TWIN L~8TAI.I.A· "4{10S8. CIIOIC"'E OF RF.ot:fTIOS \'SIT8. Oa Rand: JG.; H. P. G4"neral Mofo1'8--Sf'w. ~ us for information on \' f'nn &>\'t'rin Dirs.(>ls JlHttwl Uf'nN'&for Sf"tA of AU Klnds. ~K B. I.EWIS (LU<'ky Lewta) Ow'ller-Maaqec' PHONES . -- otrlcle: Ne11rp0rt !Q68 aad Newport 2084-W 51tli ll"a.rt8e Ave~~• Balboa lalucl • 738 ,PIDe Avenue The Store that · Specializes in Baby and Youth • FURNITURE • TOYS JUNE SALE r\ll ~ahn~:any Baby Swing With 14!18 ('~tiiOil) CAR BEDS ('h.lld,...n'" Table Sets ~turdy ('nlnrful PI a y Pen s Shootln~e 81ar Aircraft Scooter ,\II ,\lumlnurn; $898 R•ll Hf'n rinK rt ... ue Tea Sets 28 '2" ... ~ .. · Made t 0 Order Hall Bfoartn~ '1098 S llt'l .. t :R \\',\I .. KF.RR r----------------( 'nmpll'tf' IJnt' of ---------------....,. Educational Teach-Tot Toys nn 'Til nt~u. !'\I' IUS c;s \;\ o :\1.\TTRt~S~t:s . . . C '0\ll'l .. t:TF. Complete Nursery !3091 Furniture Going to You probably have your dream hou~ aD workt'd out ln your mind -or maybe your architect or contractor already hu prepared plans on paper for you. Electricity wiD have a large part In maldng dreams of po!Jtwar Uvlng come true. When you go onr the plan' with yoOJ' buUder be sure to a.'k hlm about the newest de\•elop- ment. in household labor u\i\ng and tune> ttoDal beauty. Our Experta ID evel')1hlng electri<'SI wiD be glad to help with layout plaDA or problems. One tt~ugxestlon may make.alot of dllfereaoe ID the "Uve-ablllty" of that home. ETS-HOKIN & GALVAN 81NCI: ~ 1 • % 0 . JOOO•Cout lllway Phoae Bearoa 65%2 Alao .. 8u ,....._.tc!C)·mJrni.JI11011·8~ktOft·Su·JMeclr·OeldMt ELECTRICIANS CO-Two Plre EaaJpment lw FAOI'Oal'. PI.ANT, IITOU. OFFICE. FAa .. HOlm Newport-Balboa Tourist Bureau All Modes of Travel to Europe, Mexico, Hawaii Round-the-Worfd Trips in the near future. See lin. Roy Keeoe. Ph. Harbor 891. SOl Palm, Balboa Boun: 10 a. m. to 8 p. _m. ,_ t 'ou.rth and Sycamore In lianta AJaa • SUMMER GADABOUTS This beautifully tailon>d skiJ1 of !'uP4'r -soft wool is just the thing f~.Jr all sporl'i. Wear with yoU!· favorite blouS(• Ol' sweater. This Bobbie Brooks original has three 'grand box pleats. ft-ont and back. Come'S s i..ze5 9 to 17. In all colors. Piny l'nJ:.. Str('l'\ Flll(l!' 540 fair Opens On Thursday Ornnl:<' rounty';~ lt~;rwultural and mdu.~trinl Wl'tllth "Ill I"' on d1splu~ dur111..: fnur (un·J»o('ko'fi clays of tho• annu;ol et•unty foir and hnn;,. s hnw "hkh 1~ ~··ho'(l- ulo-d In thl' !';:onta Ana l\l unlrlflrll l10\\l 11110 tl11• 01'" lu;:atlnn In till' rnr11wr nrmy h•·adqunrtl'r!< c•n \V. 1-:i~:hth ~rn·l't, Thur~l1ny throu~;h • •. Sundtt)', Jun.-20-:!:l T ho> flllr, with l\tn1. J amrs llK.-\UI'ATt:M Ot' TUF. t"lt"TH UllAUI': "' lho• "''" ('"'""" •l•·l \br .. ·hunt""' fur tlwlr ""' "''"'"I l•h• TrvlnP os .~tc•nt•ral muna~:c•r. IIi tuno 4acl her~ lhl')' ano pubfa.Mcl u a IC'"'t fur I Its• ""' Unu•. tolrl~: llarlutr" T ru .. t\, \ lr11I11IM l'lht·t•· spon,;orl-d l>y lht• .,AS.'IISt a n<"V ani, Mary Lou Mcunua~n. MarlJ)'ll hl-•n. ll•·11 u ....... """\' :-o.unMn, t:llraho•lh Snrlun, \lariC~tn•l \br· 111\.all, BarbAra Manlf')', s-Luen. Doruth1 tlnrrrll, Joullth tlaouwn. Jo•lla llannun, ""-" "'"'d"""· LA'III:Uf' o f Orllnl(o' county, with (:luarlf'ae (.'laambflriUa, NIUIC')' 8....-ko)'. l 'h;llll• t\o•a111,1o-~ Mlul l'ah ) \llt'fl. "")": J ao•k \\o~l . l'>om .. b pr()('('('Cis to tl<' uso•d fur •'Siuhli~h-llaU, Da\1d Ttlloa, D<lftald 'l1lolnaa, Dflan 1 to\ loor, llolllo•rh'k !(to•" art, t'r•..t P'h""'"'"· tluntun ltnric-k, mc•nt of 11 cnunty·widr canN"r • Karl ()qul..t, l't-lf'r ~lorn-. Tf'4d)' MrM~to•r,, ft'fltll k "l'l'· Uuu,.hl ,fao·k ... •n, K"o_llu•\ lim"'• llarnlol tlo•l clinic. brook, ~rl HJII, Bnwtl Haylde, "1lllaou I MllaJ, Kuho•r l •:111-. 4lo•ralol t;.<ouno·lhuan, """""·' ( ""llrr, llundrl'rls of nttrll<"lions hll\'<' l':uceae ~-cUrl .-d .laa BonlM. MI .. (""'I lh-ntuu '" to•at•hr r ••f tho> c•la..... ph .. too h) c :,•o h.o~tlt :~~~L£~;~~ .. ~P~~:~~~~~~:~:i Dr Howard w Seager o·les· Air ShipJX'r Ul'Mt-arrh :~~~~r:~. d~;~~~:~ctlo~~~:i:~~~~t':y:c~~~~~~::~: I • • , \\.\~Ill'' ;T<t:'-1 l •uo· to> "'" d' I I w D h d s 111111111\ ''""': •fllllllh•llf-••• lilt• 1 .. ~:~:~:~;;~~~~·~·~~~.:.~':,11:15 ~;~~~~~rf:::1 as •lsfingu•ls e urgeon f ;;·,•:.:;;;,, 1:••;::·•:•,•: .. •:,•;;•;,~ ... ;~··•;h,.'':~·~·, "·ill ht• 1h•· ~nnunl hnr~·· Shf)\V. l't ·II'"~'"' I ,,, ..... , l·f' I.H\ ur A tth't wlul'h lhi!'< \oRr \\Ill tlflt\\ o-nl rh'S I Act•lve ·In Harbor c·lty L.lfe .... ,, ,, 1111 '" "I' ' Shll'l~·· Ito• l from man\'-utho•r ""'I''" liS "••II "'"'11 '"' 1~'"1' Tho· "''" '"''~1''11 liS all So'l'lhlll" of C'allforma Ttw "til '1"'" '1111 I'" p.oro• ,., ~;ultol lllll• fin•·~l hnrso•q on tho• c-.>unlo') AI-d• olllll' "''" 11,. .''"'' lr1111°1""''" rt•;ut~ hH\0 fwt·n !\lt:nt't.l t n C''Hn1-''"".I h• tttllltl ... ·.-nuHtNhtu·~ h) po•t.· lc•r ~7:0.HI m pro•n1111m~ :oncl 11 ~t'\\ I~'' t I I 11 hor \\ '' '\hp-c•k.-'ct .---'" It "ttl ""'' •h•,, t lut""'' ult•l) full~"""' is promist•tl t'•"'" cln} fo>r S.lllll llll) iu lo•ollll ol tho • <IHlolo •n Pet Show Judl!'e 'I" 111111 Ill• 1!1 flo· '''"""': ""'' 1111 '''"'"'' olo·a lh F rt•lt" n11 hi .ot "I J,~•·ph's p ,,1,.,~ ••I l'·"'k"l'llll' '1•···11..-ullntl~ Tho· ho)r~,, ~"""' ~~ """··cluto·rt fur ""'l'''t" "' llr """·''" \V So·u..:.·r. Vanishes• L t• 7.:\0 11111 .Fdtl:o~. 1 :~I ancl 7 .:\(1 i f. uno' n( thr 111'~1 lotn\\11 huslno·ss ' IS A , 'I' J ~t J• ~ I d ... nlo II unci 0'1\h' lo•urlo•r• In lhr• Fades w.·th H•·m UXI mry ~ ower p m 1111 :oalurr It) nn I :,.I p m on .. tuul:t\ CIA~~*'' to ('ttmJ')t-f(, c•unU1HUl11\ Ft•\\' ,,. uplt• kne•\\ 1hnt t ht•· "' , ••• •tn"1f ''h ult hn· ~ hu~ inchu11• thro•,• und r11·,·-~.:nito•cl ~itrl-tho• nol•••l ll.orho>t ll•• l111!1 l•••·n Ill I lk~'''""''"'" \u1,,11, c·11_,1 '''''''''' l•••plttlt' IIIlo! \\Ill hn~t• dlr hurs•·s. polo m ounts, hllntt•r-s. nntl h" hacl only llO•Pn '" th.-h•••-m tlllo ·• • ,, ' • '"""'I I" "l'"'"l"n UK """' jumpo•rs. hncknry llOnu•s. h~trni'SS 1111nt n f•'l\' clav~ 'Tl\'n1r funo•rn l 'J'Inol • •• ht. \ '"''"' 1 ""'"'""" 1,11 ) IMIIl tt :r1w ltlneu•8, 1wh1 IJOilll'l>, road~trrs, rlrrlft hnnws. ~··n·wo•ll \\o·ro• lu•l•l ="ntllotltoy (rmn tlw :'\• "1·•111 1,, ... 11 !'·'''"'"' 011 ,11,1 • .. , ... , ''I"' • •1•·•"1• .. r II) In~ 411 s tol('k hONl<'ll. t rail hursc•!l. chit-tho• llarnld Gr:IU• I c-h:q~o•l 111 Cns111 IJot•Unoltu . .-t. • I'·'"'""''" \\Ill t .. • '"' o1 lut •I"'' th ., clT<'n's mounu. Aratunn!l, l\lo1rgans. M f•sa. llo• "• 1111· Jilol•••· otl tilt• 1~ t '''"""""''"' lln.:hl~ ol I•~•• tmh•• '" Aml'rl('an sadcll.-hon.c'S a net palo-nr ~···tl:f'r hRrl II lnnc hst nr shu\\ ,, I lhr ( · ... 1.1 ~·· ,,, '· \\ lo·,~ minos 1 nrhtC'\ ''"'''"'" ttl hiF c·r·••lil. nnt purl 1 1"11''' luh 0'"1111\ •'' •lilt I !1 1. f\-:ICOO:::XXXX::OOCIXXX::Q I Anotlwr f••11t un• will IK• n r1nrniir on!) 11urin~; ht~ 1:\ ) ••ar~ ro•-.do•nf't' lr') "11 =--•1""·•} ' of nf'arty ..JOO of l hl' rounlry's lwrr. hut nlso In Los Am:I'II'S nnd \\'II• 11 .. 11 lito ·"""'·'I" h.11l '"'"" ] ftnrsl sad<tl<' hnrsr~ hfo~tinntnt: at h1s dl!ll lni!Uillh<-d ~··nw"' in lh,. JUdt:'"1 h~ \ ""'' · I" 1-!"1 hulol "' I THIS WEEK noon on Saturday. with tht• pa-Unltrd !';tntP.S nrmy ns 11 !lllr~tNHI th e "11""' "' lloo "'""·''"' atul thut rndr r outr 1n lo·nd from Eichth llo· lltld """" :o nwml~o·r. sc•,·n·-WIIS tho l.o~t h"'" "' o•ltho•r t '1ts11 u .. r.. - nnd f'lnwl'r l't r('f'l!l lhroul!h th•• tltr~ 111111 pr<~oclo•nl u( t hr rot~ munoo "I '"'' n.oltl•'' llt:ATIS CI I'AUP4 husint·s~ dost rlr t uf Sanlll Ann hnd ttl llllnllllo! '"'"'"""'(Ill almH~t fttlm Alth"''·" '"' 1111>,1111; l'II~UIIIolllll n •!urn tu thl' mulllf'IJIIII ho\\l its in<""Piinn onnro• than 111 yoaf'l' wn~ fllll!•d '"'II I IIII•'~ Motlltlot)' h) !\!lin) pn 'niiiii1\S hll\'l' hc-.•n 11r-lit: II 1111t1 Wll~ l;orl;• h 111•t nm•o•nflol l'o iH'o• ~· '' 1 I 'h,ll lh I'l l• •I 111 tlw ran~ .. d for tlw ~·ntnf'~. With JUd£-in fnrnntlllllnl( 11" l••h•·" .. :met Ill Nt'\\1.1"11 f:, ult tl• I'·""'"'"'· h•• , In£ lr> h•• at Ill n m ~lllurrtn). nl I:J\1111.: tho· l'ollllttlllllll\ 11 /nniiiL' ('<IUirt 11"1 lh I• II It• II h) IW\\11· I Eit:hlh ami FtnwPr str•'<''" 'l:ow thllt "'"''' lh•• o<uhl•·•·t ,,( 11 t I•OIII'r nwn , Eluhorall pion~'"'' '"'''" m:oclo• flork In ~""'~" qunrt•rs ,, ~t ill ,, L.·t"l "' toll ,.,, 11 ('luulw (nr a huhll\' •IH•". to lw :.o·o·n in l(llrd••ol :•• nn,. n( '"" 1 .. "' (otr .l ' ~vuhl11 ' ··• •I• hun ••II 1111) ul lh,. lh•· lllillll 'tHIIIclolla.: ltf I hi' r~lr-I'll~"' ,.,,,.,,1 • .\ ,,. :-.;."I""'' Ho•;,.•h , f\lur •.• II• "' ""' "''")' ..:···~ ~rnunob, \\llh lht• ll1 olll;o l'oolllll) !hut l'iln h• (mut<l ""'"111·rl' An•l llo tl ' \\II\, fnlk•. "' 'tt• 1111 n aolnt.oti rluh '" •li'fJ'·'' 11<, rllolllrl s.,, rol "''" ,,.,. ,,. hlllll ,.,,., """''"I •' I'",,,.. le-I tol \\lllll.ol" L· DO EI.£GI'IUC CO. lUI State IU.taway ftf, ..... , 6604 Nc>wt"'rt n.wh I lr:-~•n .... I hi' t't!llllf.' IIIY\:ol•'lll I .othn l\lro llll l ;,I ""' ll"''cl•· lh 1\'1" n Ill l . .'u'""'·"'" ... ,,.., 'h''" ,.-----------------------..:....-------~ cl11h. rtw t'•'lll)f) t·:orowr:o clo1h 11ml )H!"III an• h111 ''I'• '""' l11d1 •·I , I t'~ ''' ,., , •• ~,n.:o !hat \'ttlo'o·n• l tc~oa...tr Moorvk•n 11 lhto Stlll'horn C';o11f,.rnHI CoHn C'luh '""'' 1-)-:.,,.1.,) nonnth< tot.;ot I• "''" ltlf• I 1"1"'': 111' lht• •·1'1'1'1111:~ 0 Y 0 U al••l Ill 'nl• r '\llllllt< ,\nnlh· t pUr• h·o-.·•1 '' h ' I• """ l'ul I l.ool• .ohuut lu fl•"' uti IIIII•" '" "'Ill•' Otonc-ral t: t:lf'of"lril' l)p""' t•nvtl C&l'\lfully a.,.,.. a ute. Roberts' Summer Special On(' Oil Jlaintin~ 1 ~ " 1 Vlprtte IS.O Sun-to la~qulno Allm1t ( 'nl'~ ln.-Clltl t•nrtralt.l Sec Us About Church Home and Wedding 'r.W MIIMMI:II HOVM • P ictu res tO:" A.M. ~ t;e. r .M. l..atr-othfor Tltuf' h)' Appel•'--' wE wE LC ME ft•:ofllr•· \\oil Ill· a dr•plnv n( 'flllll~ n•·.or If,. Arl'll•' lllloL ll•·lor tlo. •ulkiHt\11 hlcl•· .o\\loy Ill ""' llnl•' ~ » . oC:.:h on<. lwcl•pr• ""~-l:tl •l··• lulh' ,1111 ,.,.,. 1,. l.td•• 1, 1, .. urul whwh Ito "'' t ... •tu~; 1"-11•"1 ;\lntl<ilo)' rollo"t'-::l-:-:-t:l•o:o-whntd Awl-~ lind Ill•'" '":lo h ·'> Pan ;\l.or,h.oll hi' ~nltl •I '" th "''' '"Tum Jf," "'"'' ·II• '~.:ut "'"''' n -rrroplt<••k. -------U ~ ~~~~ ~ to( Atl'lllt 1111 I .otlcllln~ ~111 lo • nfrtt'h ~~r~nn ~rut ·''''~ 1 ,1,.. '""' '·'' \\nnth r II II rno·lllll~· • ;~~~~~:·:':·~·~·~·:•~·~·:=:·~·:·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tho• (:ur'~ IIJ M'f\1111: ll.o\ Thill~-fl•t'• 111 ''' '" """"' 11 1'' 1 I :tilt I" 1 '"" T\\u·"·llr \"'••r:on 1 11 Z C H A R G E A C C 0 U N T d11~ \\Ill I~ tf• \otl•·cl IO Jllnlllr I 11111-l •r ~· 1 ., 1 "0, lu•rn 111 1;11111, ~.',,',"I"' '1111' 111' "' ·'"'·'' · '·"11'" (30. 60-90 Days) Marbro·s in\1l~> you to com•' In and open a char)(<' at-count Our ,.,rocks nrc compl(•tc• wllh th!' latest style~ of Ludi(>il' F"'nc Arrart'l Nationally Ad,·erti8NJ READ\'·~-WEAR mR'RBROJ c/ania a~ Ul WEST 4TH ST. PHONE 140Z Store Hours: Dally lacludlng Saturday 9:80 A. M. to 5:30 P. M. We Have a Complete Line of .fRESH AND 0 SALT WATER TACKLE KERM RL\lA e Rods e Reels e Lines • • • and all kinds of Leaders Sinkers Hooks FRESH AND SALT WATER BAIT • PIER AND BOAT FISHING TACKLE TO RENT FISHING INFORMATION Newport Tackle StOre 105 llachddea JJtMe ~ 11arttor 91 for I.at.t l"''lb.bbc laf•-U. <'1~. \\llh '' hill!•· lo·nl '"Ito fiLII·· •I l•tor k. I ll ''"" • '"'' '" f. ,ltfnrn•• '' '' f 1 \I f1 I 1 ti of II• "~l'•t• t nu·n nrl' Ill 111ft • H' ~H n'•nt!l! In on :l•t \•' ,, .. It"ll A ph~,, •. , .• n nnd '"''' ,,. l•n';lf, H,, • '·"n ~ t~n'l •·1•1 l•utlolul • '" lit ""' tilt• tal~" 1 "''''' ' • sure• un (ut fll~trt• If "' ·• qiJ ••1• 1 t.H• '''''''' t 'u'\III.U H• t,\_ f'llndtt\\ll ''' II·" tlmg ~"•'"'"· '" "'' • •It • I' • "'"'I' n~ .mel I •''"""· '"' \1111111: .. r .. ,., nlllr\ h· '"' .... II "" •• lowl \ .... It lllo\o• tho• "~' ,,, II 1111•' '-Ut L!•n n .,, If~"'~'''""' \n,,,,, .• , f 11 " 1 'ft 1 "'"~ 1ft hil\•' 11\1'11' 11\\1\ jllllio!tll$: \\.tr :onrl \\.t• 'Ill II l•lo·tl Ill lito 11 tt• 1111111 o< Ill ""''·II h rtll : """"~ far n••·r' Ill• 111lw•ro, llf l'hthpruo•, In \\ urltl \\ or T h· 1••1• r th• II duh~ .and 1-ntwo F .11 111· \1• ;mllfll• 11 \ ,,,,.,. ~·' ~ 1111~ ""~ ·• It• Ut• n.trtf •·••Inn• I t~nd "'''" It t II• nutu·· "'' t ••I• h• II r•·r.-•• I •·•~ I'"'" Futlt•t lo•n. '\o "I"'" l l.or- hur. ( ;,,Jtli 11 ~ ~ ;, n\ 1 , 4 )f".Ult.:l , 1 'll· r nlo . ""'"""·' •• nd ''" 11.olk -ol· r•·ud~ h.l\ ,. ~~~~~··ol up 1111 , nfrl•'l'. In atlchlonu, tr: "••Hh~ "' lhf' 111.11f1 l.olr lt11ohltrl\! \\Ill ,.,. do•\ nlo•cJ Itt I hr•1r lwme o•l'flllotniiC"! :one! o)llu•r lll~pl:t)l< I l••ft'lllforr unri'VI'Aio'd Sl'('l'f•ts nr modtrn 1\ttrlnn• Wtll IK• cll:opl:t\o•d hy n SJll't'lal aan1y grnup from Sail Lako· t'•I Y v.t .... h w1ll shO\\, l'hr t hc flr•l t1mr• m thl' 'nit.-d Sl:ttl's. ullrn-st'<'f"l 1\ ••npons a net r>qUip- l m('nt. In adrllt um. tnnks, ht•IJ\) artiiiPry. S<'Ardtll\!ht ~. ,.,,., w11l lo<· sho"n hy anoth••r army 111111 A rtowo>r stww. fror "hwh 11n OW•rWhPim mt: nllmJI(•r O( t'nl fit'S half• IH'I'O rt'<'O'i\l·tl, V. Ill l11.• Sl.l\!•'d 111 t lor fnrmo•r oH1r"r·~ rlulo A tntal nr Sl3."lfl on pr••moo1111~ hlt\o• IK•en offt•r('d rur IIHS lohf)W nlorw ,\IR ltt:~F.,\RC'II "'<'IIOLAR~IIIP S t:\\ \'OtcK-Th•· fo rst '"trkom: nno1 •··~··arf'll ..:r.oduht•• S('holnr,fol p In .orr ln•ohht h:oo, lw • n ••!IIIIIJI"I"•cl by ;o.;,.w York Uni\'1 r~1t) SI.An-a·t¥aaa AWlllq Co. of Orup Co. ,. ............ ta ..... ......... ClaW. .... ~ ...... "''''' 11\f t'001ntnrullnl! "((u·t•r ut JWt~nto tn t .. ni'lu.11 t, 1.., lloo,pll~tl "" 1:11 1n Fr:ono'" "olh 0:111••• ll(•rl• Fro111 t•nt tn l!l:li lo<· \\;,~ up '"""'~"~' rnll•••·tnr of 111•• l't~r l .. 1 '"'~ An~;• It<; It~ l't •·•1d• nt fl ,.,,, ,., 11n•t ;J(I<•r h1" ro·,H·nllfl"ll mnv .. ti In Hllll><m l•lanti II• ,.,.,..,.,, wn• 11 ltf•• mf'llll)l'r •·f :'11:1~""'" l.o<IC•' :t7~. !.1•• Anl!l'l< ~ n l1f•· ml'mh<•r o( Th••od11rl' B.•Kl"'' Vl'll p,,~, Nn !1. ~pnnl~>h-Am•·r· at•nn War \'f'teran•. an addition '" '"'ln2 a n~t•mh•·r n ( c 'nlumtoll Po~t : llfr• nwmt .. •r co( Sr·ntlu<h Hit• C'nn~ISI•lr)'. l.n~: Ant:I'IC'!I. 1111d 11 :\~ clt•gr N' M11•nn. 11ll!<l 11 llfl' m r·m h••r of 1\1 :'ol:olalkn T•·mpl•·. m<•m l)l'r nf 1'\ .. wpnrl llnrt,.,r l'nst :..~11 Anll'ri~>lln 1.<•1!11111 l"oll'\1\nr• nro• lhl' v.1rlt1w , Mr ... l.ulu Srn~;r•r, "'"' se~•··r. ;\I r• f'.thd Sl'hlllfl . :-.Jurt h 11'1111 "•••I """ hrnth•r.l.~·~ll··. I.A..; 1\n~;••l•·~; . \f:RIISi\I .TU'i\1, c Ill lt"t ; IIF'I:'I:IS I'IIRT Tho~ l':q~ c ·nrt ~ c ·~~u,v .lunt••l c·.,u ••• , 1 .... ut •n front ••f rtl''~' s·•rl'' '' tt .. (.J' 11 nff•·rrn~: ttn 'JM11f11t' .1\ •uttiJ'I •·ntu" l .1ct f•d <tfl1t•nc t Itt t'ull• •'' tor. tilt}• ' t t~ o~n '',\t fHrt,IUfl• ,tl "' t f• I lllt l 1 '11111 "'" 'rt11• 1'<\111.., "oil f.11 11ol '·""'' slllllo·tt l<; "I'll""'''"'' 1•••1'' :., ""' 11 tt'-' pr••JMH' tfu 111 ,,, 1 .. 'r ,,lfl•••l ~· •·r••IJtrt•·" \Itt \fl "lt.U \\ \SIII:'\!,J i t' ,,.,,,. th.o11 ~lll l•fi,I N MI \\llt lh 11! .\1111\1 1011ol ="-•' • tw•rtlh• 1 '· I ••'"'' r"' .uul ,,., f'f,,r• ••qtupn•• ••• 1,,,,,. tw~. rJ ut.uh· "'·'"·•hlo• '" "" olll lo'tl ,.,,,.,.,,, .. ,11, '"''''''ttun, ·n ..... *"'I'"P'"' ''' ''·'' '"'" ul llllllltllol lo•oo, thrulll!h th• H•·• ••rullruct 1011 ,.,,,,,. ( ·,,, .,,.,, C'LOTH E·S POR MEN AN D BOYS s~.'l! g~ Shop !01 Marini! A•e. Rallw1a laland f'tl~ HArbnr 1\~fl It's Always ~COFFEE TIME - . . . . Serving COFFEE , I J()NtrfS • WAFFLES S"rnAWBEP.t:Y WAFFL ES I with whippl'd r rf':tm) • COMPLETE FOUNTAfl' .'1-:RVJCF.. .. 305 Marine A venue Balboa Island "-7 Pftdlole o-p'......- 0,.. J:; 0 1• VatM II e'Qocl& -0... • W ....... J Kl.l.\" \1 Utf tct.Ftt l~ot:IC \TOH'4 Kt:t.\ I'\ \TtHC t:t.t C THIC ' k \~loi':P4 I'll II A. Cl JCt.t 'kiCot IC1\TOIC1-C .......... \ ....... ltroat.t 'urcr H•·• h•r Cttt•* \thtul•' \lui .. Uuo·~- UU." t:tc!C : l ronrll,. r ... , ('urol .. n t\o•rtdh ltAUIOP': I . It C. A \ lrfur . ..,. ..... "''"'"'""''• C'art-'4ulurt~la r: ..... ,.... ... 'Mounura 01\ ,.., .... ""In \lo·o:k 1 .... . \\ .... tlntehoouoof' ............ t .lr<'f ,, .. \\ "''"' ..... \ \\ \Tt.lt -.ot TY.'\t:IUC \\ \Tt lt Itt . \Tt:fllol : "'"''"" I •• ,, I• t t .h .. .,·t rtt· ICCI(I\1 lit . \'ft:lt"<· \1\111 lf1• ruuul••r \ A·c I I \I ('l.t:.\ ... Y.ttf'l · ... , .. ~, .. "''' ... ,.,,.,.,, .. , ., ....... ~ \llll(lll'llo· t'.U~'Titrt "If\\ f':ll~: !'<·hid• Munhr-..ut' tto·rnlnl( l•~n. Manti H'4 \ 1.1. \1'1'1.1 \ '' 'Y.S 11\.: ,., ..... , .. , """'"'""' T .. ,.,ftnN•Ir r IUI••hf'nalll """'"'"" Rrarh \\,...llnl(hnu- 1 •••m·rMI t.IN'I 11•• '4•nnlnte ""'"man t'nry Mil,., Tt-IN'hron f'I<N"IIA ,....fh Thom&M ~""" KfT OKU UP:f',\RT '4t:ST: \'lrl.o r c· .. lum ... a o-ca ('apflnl Majettlk- ,....,. ,,.,. l••·vt. :!M "' ... 1 ..-.. urth Mtr .... l KANTA ANA, C'At.troK'I \ IIIII "'"· Main MI. l'hoont• 1\lOO FRIENDS: Are You Looking for Any of the Products Named in the margin on the left? -You Will Find That Turner·~ 18 the logical pla(•c to get tht>Me fine naml' hrandH of Beth•r A J)JJiian('t•H; PIUI; the St•rvic(' You Are Entitlt•d tu More nf tht•H(• J(uodtc nrc c-nminJC in and ynu may rt•Ht aHHured that; Your t•riority· Order plarcd with UH will be treated with the fairneSH you have a right to ex- pect. I 0 .I W i T A K F. f : 0 ~ S I U t: It A 8 J, t: PKtnr. IN IIU NU iti NU TRF. VONJI"IUENC:Y. \'Oii IIAVIC P L A V Jr. U I N ' li 1'4 • • • TURNER'S ....... YOUR f:t.Jo.X:'nlTC' AJ•I'I.IAN<T. DEALI:Il .....,.. '"' ·-. •' ' ' !Hard Work Earned HAVE FOUR DAUGHTERS: Po.~~,!~r .. ~~~!'~. I a•u.oTs EXAM ABRoAi> • PuBLIC NoTtcE WASJIINGTUN -The Civil ------------- ! Ac-rundullcs Admtnistrntaoo . has TITLE INSURANCE AND made• urranRt•nu'nts ~o a trllne '!'RUST C"OMPANY, a corpor. Ranging in Age from 7 to 14 nPXt rl\lt• )'l'llfK h<' ltttmr•sl••:l(kd Ill Northt·rn Marul(lha Th<' nt>xt twu ) o•ttrs "o·rt• ~~~··nt In Wlnnt'l'l'l: ullrndin~; l'lloU•'I' "' Uw llnlvo•rslly 11f Manlloh:a a.nd lrltllSJlt•rt p1lots ~sed In Europe ntinn, 'f'rul!lt'(', THE FIRST NA-~an olttmn their s1x-months phrs· TIO~AL BANI< OF OOWNEY u·al cxariilnat lt)n O\'t:'r tlwre. 'I he a ~1rtionnl Danklng Assoclatlo.\ ut·~nngeml·nt IS temporary pendmg JOHN OOF: ONE, JOHN OOB !hr nppo1ntrn1·nt uf CAA mcdtcal TWO and JOHN OOE CORPOR. t>xamonl'rs abroad. ATTON, ()efendants. ~ You an• dJrl'cted to appear bt "I have hunt~ all over and couldn't find a bathing suit doing or-ganizntann \\tork In '"' t lplll'f' lime, llnd. uflf'r a ~h•orl time, Kf'nny lo•fl thf' uno"•rsit) tu mov(' to \1\ll(ury and t·unlinw· tu~ I org~tnlzation dullo'S !Wf•lro· l•·u' 1111-: PuBLIC NoTICE an llt'lion brought against you b7 I lhP nhovc nomcd plalnlltf in the for them. Emma lan't that •wful?" I No. 40161 Supe-rior Court of the State of ALIAS SUMMONS 1 California. in and for the Cooney (Action brought In the Superior of Orang(', and to arwwer the com. Cou.rt of the County of Orange, I plaint fhj>rein withJn ten da)'l the Sport Shop CERT "Listen Gert, go right down to Santa Ana - - -at they have hun- dred1 of them -in gorgeou& color& -and only $5.00. You'll ju&t love to &hop there. Marvelous values -. very pleasant ule&- ladlea -and grand &election& of hard-to- find merchandise, like blouses, play suits, white neaten, 1kirts, jumpers, bathing IUita, handbags, dreues, &lacks, &lack suits, beach eoat&." NO WONDER THEY'RE THE TALK OF THE COUNTY Alhf-rtll in HU.!, K••nny hnd t•·r· forll'W'd on v~trlota h•asano Sst"ll lrf- t'ludln~t lm.uranf'<' nod oppr:ol,ln~;. hvt'SIOCk and l(rnln, ruuJ ~~~··nt tWo• 1 yt'an u an ~~~,,~11\nl t'(!ilnr on a WM'kly nt'WJPIIt•·r 1 AftPr ono• >••nr 10 \'nnNtU\Cr,1 th(' Kennya Rrrlvt•d in Califnrnia on Nf'W Yt'ar's Doy in 1924 nnd Kenny w•·nt Ill \\nrk fur '' ~hnrt I time on a fnut ram·h n~>nr Fro•Jnu. K~>nny'a first lntrudul'lion to t Orangt' t'ounty t'nm(' o\'cr :.>o yean I ago "'h(•n l11• wa~ a nwmht•r 11f 11 aalr11 forl"t• In 11111111 f>11int and for the nt'XI :w y••11rs hi' wa~ a rrsl- dr nt of l>oht•ny Park. Santa Ana A•· • rJ'"""'' It OF AK ('RAt;H Mar Lhlo t.hee~r laat Tflurllday I'VIlnlnlt. Conc-ealf'd ~ltJnd ptllow Ia l'ar a. ~ «t•·lna: tlrM aW to M"' oll>lul Watta of We~~tmJ-t.-r, "'ho ,..... Injured In C'r,..h, Pol~ ...... '"'arhy rf'ady to queetlooa driver, olob.n Watta. (Story on Pac-e l ) .. • photo by Kt'nt IUtcheock ond Oaltlfla. ffF;~::~~;:gf§:;~r Woman In jured in Three.Car Collision way widl'nin~; prn~:roms. Kenny •Continued trnm Pa~te I • , __________ __.__ ran for l tlllf' BSSI'mblyman but F AC Section Honors l --Ra d p G Will dl'ft•sto-d. Kt•nny WllS latl'r B rily Jud~c Bob Gardnl'r also n y atton ·ets a ctlvr In ('lUllplllj.!n \\urk for Cun-irthday of Hostess t ~uspendcd for two Yl'ft.rS 8 jail • u· N R I l:ff'lll!man l larr) n . SIH'Jll)8rd. h·rm of 1~1 da)'l, which Will be IS avy e ease 0-tw~n 1""9 nd t•"•l Kenny Imposed on the Westminster '""' ·~ "" tt "" • ~lo·ml>~•rs M tho• drt,a and CTIIliS w~ in chnr1w of t~<· PruJX•rly IJ1-1 rlonn nf 111 . 1-'rlday Afto·t n • .-.n driv('r 1f t•\lrr hr is cited by the \llllon of Ontn.:•' ( ~unty Wt•lfart• l'lwh of 1 • .. san !\It ~11 WPr<' ''"'' r-flOlit'(' In th<' future. The court c:k·parlmt•nt. and In 41. hi' assum-, ,1111.,1 .lltrlo· 11 l!l tl:l' r .. 1,.11 rt ulsn !taJX'ndl'd Watts' automobile Mnkin~: hi' homt• iJl Ncwpon Br-ach MnN' arrl\'ln~ in Califom in is Rnndolph Pnllnn. former OrnnKI' His.:h ~hiNII athlr te and ~flll of n (' J'AIIun Ynun~; Pnt- tno hll'-r•~ .. i\·o·d ht• tft,/h:tr$:1' th1s mHnlh nt thr l ' ~ :-;;""' ~rr~,ro. lion \t•nt••r Litlu n .. :.,•h, Lon~; d hla dun :1 of ptlStmastn t llc•rnse for a period of Sill months. ~~I boa. t ' 8 ": 1' ''1 lottttlt· uf Mt·s. D C :\l.o•' The acddo•nt cr<>ated quite a Kt•nny Is now r t'lltdent of the l .••;ui,. Mt·rr.ht•rs brour;:h• lh•·tr ~ltr ln thr vicinity or th(' Lido 0 c· C'p "" n '•lnlwrdt• 1 und a f'l, '" r t alw:tlt•r Tht•atl'rg(l('rs wrr(' just runt.:t• ounty uASI. As.~n . J)!iSI I' r••· ••I lt'o· l'l'l'lom and t'ako \I'll~ IJr'<'1itrlo·nt nf l ltan~;o· 1 "'till) Pu!il · ,1,,of It\ :\II~ .MnrKf'n•af' \'''''" •·n••·r lns.: ttw plnyhous(' for the ~st A h f th -· Sf'l'\)nd ~ho\\ \\hl'n thr \\'ails cor ll~ 1 o•rll »SO , < 1111111110 IJ t! lt1o ''ulll\. \\II~ 111,1.,d Ill ll 0, , Ill. hluntl · h 11:hwuy l"<~mml~'l"ll nl 1h1· /\"""' · 1 llpNi m·•·r lho• \"io l.trln hridltP f'IIII C'(I Chumho·r!l uf c 'ounm1•rcl' o1f ' 111~ nnrt I'J'ttsh1 ·d into nn ( Jltl~mohllc J•:tttun ".,., ~\o\'rHn in tht' navv "'1'\'IN' on 01'1rolwr 1\ I ~13. nnrt f'11ll1·t1 I o nt'll\'f' du 1) 1\1:1 rrt"o I 11\.11. l otkm~: ht" 111111al 10111111n.: ;11 :'lltnn! ""rlh ();okool.o l.ol•·r ll 'o n-. '''fTirl'." ro C:n•tll l.;d,t•lo. ':1v;l) Tr:un1n..: Sl ~•t u.n t. fur•' ~·orru: tu r•o•br I r.oin1n1: 'l'hnt•l 111 S:tn l111·~o IJrnnl:t' 1'1111111)', '''<'""'' \'ICt·-prt·~>•· tk•nt of the :-;,."'TIO'' Harbor Corona del Mar Malt Shop • OhJ fll.otht(tllo'<l malts Wt' ml'an Ju~t Lh1~ :t.chul••tl tn •·•n~ IIIO!.f' pt'""'lll ,. • 1 r :'>1··-t1:tnlt•; C ··mrloltt• t'. "t•·r. 1111· !'t""'ll11q~, c,,,.trg<' o. ",, !'.ol:h• \\'roi..'IH l~lth,..lh• <ktottloo• oil I l•l•h l'•••t• r i·I"~"''OC(> Sit. on·r l I• h•n 1\o ,.,, r l .lttl ll Small . ..:·,. r- n 11 "tlt•·t l.ul•a \\'nlkrr, \' , , '"' 1:1 "' ~lsollh I • • '" r, Lue\ ,.....,. I· I•' ,\ .I l.•o,.•on Ethel ::;, ' 1'1• \,. olhll ="•u on. on. Mls,.•, .\I .,. 1'1••"'' r untl L\du Conant. slll 11011 """on ownrd hy William II \\'o•h••r t•f 111 \'1a Zunt'h, Lido hit-. :onol "'hu·h "as park•·d nt th(' I'Urh IIU I Sldf' I ho• I hl':O I o'l' 'Jiw fnrt'l' 11( ''"' 1mpac·t spun thp "'"""n \\sti:On nrctund in thl' "I•Pn~ll<' rl1ro•o·t uln I rom "hich 11 ''''' "lanlluo~; nnrl tho•n rnrn~·ct 11 :!II fr<"l P u• Hll' h1 • 1 '''fl '• .It, nf na\'\ l'h••n tho· \\11 '" mn<'hinr plow-'''" ,,.,, l'.ottton "11 ,." n I "•• \'I' r n.l I'd onln lho• 1\tlll'k St•dton of 1{,1rt mont!>, a ... to mo•mh.•r uf 11-o :1mwtl H"HI ul :11 i ,\polt•na a\l•nut•, lllol-c:word on II !\l••n·hunl ;\I:" on .. 1 ,.,. hua l~lnnrl. \\hiAtt •tr• n !'lll h~ll ••·I Ofl"lll ltnC rn lhl' t\11111'11" r.···an ( 'luoml11•r .. r l'o•mrncr('(', trrzuurr•r ' " ~ " " IIIII 1-rfl 11111!01111• lhf' thi'Ut"r Till' a~ II troop "hiJI ••f th•• ""'pllnl c;unpalgn for ="'<'W· ' port 11.11t"1r nnrl during thr wnr r .. ro"t' "' tho~ 1mp:ort stnt I hi· tnt-l-'11r1h• r ntH~ nl 1'rf'il"llrr l·l:•nrl "·•• n1 111 , 111 \\'nr Chest or~;anl-lo·r lllllt'htno· min a Uod~l' ~ .. dnn :-tnt! Jlrtl(lklpt i\rmrd l.urtrt! r,n. '"''"11 ,,111t IIH' lloiMa USO. rrJ.:IStrrwl 111 l..1'0nnr.d L l..tl$:"01'11 lf'r~ found Prttlnn il"'tl..'nrol '" thr I .11 K h lA#' of :.!t'lf'~l :"oirwport lloull'\'ard, Co•ta ~ S 1'u•rulum \'lrtnn• 1\ hil'h l'ilr· ' lt• o•nn)'S, \\ 0 Wt're marr '"' :\1o•SII, dnmn~;on~ it. too. 1"11'11 him In ~t'\'••1'11 1 0\'•'r'f'll• hl'l~•·• 111 IIII I h;'''' 01'11' d~ol:'htPT. Norma Pohl'•· fi'JIOrtl'l1 thnt it walt m Euro~. • .lo•on "Ito IS mnrrto•d ond lives In . , Radl•o J>epaa"rs f'folllltll'flO nf'f'•••<;;try I(') hlllll IIH' \\ntiS, ~1111"1' rf'lllrntn.: IO lhl' ~tnlr• ~ I : \\'l'ht•r alfd n rld m:whonf'. In a j la~l J)o'('t'mllf'r Pnt Inn bll• ~n Hrrh h11~ ll dllfere~t twist On• pr1' "'" $:arngr, whtll' tho· Los:sllnn Rllnrh•-.1 tct th.r Rmnkl\ n Armrd I NeW'\)ort Electric hohlni'S )lr hkl'S 1\U ktnds or OUI· m;orharw "'"" nbll' Ill INI\'1' unlll·r C.unm t'l'nll'r ll~ ~hip'• l"omp;tn\'. • 1 cloor St••rl ns long a.a IOIT)('Qne Ill' 0 "' n powl'r. · UO., l'c••t Bini. I'1L tlartlor !138 l'lst• is t••rformlnJ: thl'm. SOCJF.TY Newport Harbor's Newest Circ.Je Officers to Be lnsta11ed June 25 OffiN'k of BalllOa Island Circle n( n msl Church hy lhf' Sr·:t Will Bride-Elect Honored At Surprise Shower IH.· instnllt'<l Ill 1111' pustJl(lno•d .lum• ~Ti~s .Jr :tn Funk. rlnuc:htrr nr I mN•tlns.: "htl'h \\Ill hp hl'ld Tut•s-:\lr nnd :\tr!l J II'Nh•·ll F unk, :?()(VII day, .Junr :t!'i, nt thl' /lnme of l\1rs. 0rnncr :t,·rnur, (',)<In :\T,.~n. "'"~I F' 0 \'arlry, 207 !'apphlr(' !IVI'Illll'. ff'lrd with 11 surpri~r mi•c••ll:tnl'· ll will hi' n pnt luo•k htnrhrnn. and nu~ llhOII'I'r F'ritl;w nl thr hom,. t'Jf ml'mhrrs h:11 ill~ hlrthdays in May, hrr f•tlurr mnlhl'r-in-ln"·· J\lr~. Featuring . Furniture Store Is -~ 0 W o··_p E N a Complete Line In the Mollern of Mode Tropicala Furniture I Jun(' 11nd July will be honorrd. John :'<Trl\fiiiAn, !'i10 Rl'fll:tnrl' nve- nur. Nrwpnrt Jrrl~ht!t Thr mar-l 1 d M t ri:tf,!f' or MisJ> Funk nntl Drtn l\JI'· I s an a ro~ MiliAn will 1w ;tn f'\'l'nt nr .Junr 20 Leaves for Mmnesota I nt thr Cnpilln dr ~An Antonio. 1\fn Rolwrt L 11oll' nf F:l ~- Mrs. Esther Richll'r of Ralhno f.!llntln, mother of thr host!'!!~. II!C· Z.land left Monday for Mankato. !l.i~tll'fl In rnt('rfalning C.nml's Minn.. wht>re sh(' will visit hM" Wl'rl' playl'd. ";th )')ri7~ ~nln~ It'll daught('r She wu gueat of honor T..f'oln. F'tank. Sui' K,.lly, Linda at a farwtll hridge luncheon last Morns And .Jrnnw Andrnton. Wrt"k at thl' hom(' or Mrll. Colin S trrnmrrs O\'!'r thr prrttlly ileror- Brown, f>('arl Avenut>, and re<'('ived lllrd lnhlr with rhyml'l! nt thl' l'nd a prttty girt u well u th(' guest of !'rtf'h, tnld thl' hnnorre whrrt> prize. to !'rRrch for hl'r mAny lo\'ely Prizes for hridgl' w('nt f(l Mr~., prr"('nts. William Lanf,!jahr, ftntl , and 1\lrs C.urst~t ptr~rnt lnrludl'd the Nap Rir ht('r, sN·ond. Th(' lunch·! Mr!lf'IAmroc Sadir Tr\loi n. ~Adit' ron wu serv('d In the lovely pallo 1 How,. II. Ar::nr~t F:ll!lworth, 'Ruth of th(' nrown homt' C.l'rri~h. Mnhl"l t"l\'1', \nocslr RIU(', and Complain( filed ·In the Of· 11fler the service on you .t lhJt flee of the Clerk of tht' Super ior summons. If served within the Col&rt of IBid County.) I County or O range. or within thlrt, days If sl'rved elsewhere, and y~ In Uae Superior Court of the State are notifil'd that unleu you 141 of C.Ufornla Ia aad For the appc-11r and answer Ill above re- Couaty of Oruae quired, the plaJntiU will tab Jude. • ment for any money or damare~ CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, dt>manded _In the ComplaJnt, 111 a Municipal Corporation of the 1 arising UfiOn cont.ract, or will ap. Sixth Clau, Plaintiff, vs. JESSIE ply to the Court for any other re- K'. SCO'M', et aJ, Ot'fendan u . lli"r dPmanded In t he c.mplalnt. The Prople of the State of ·('ali· Gi\'l'n under my hand and seal fornia ~nd Gr('('tings to: JESSIE or the Su~rior Court of thP Coun- K SCO'M'. ETHEL TONE FUES· ty of Orange, State of CaJifomla, SEL, ELMER A. CAIN. MTRIAM this 24th day of April. 1946. E. CAIN, his wife, ORANGE R. J . SMITI-1, COUNTY '11TLE COMPANY. a County CJ(>rk and Clerk of the corporation, Trustee, W . W. Suprrior Court of the State o1 CAMPBELL, ARTIIUR H. RICE, Ca lifornia, In and for the eoun, LULU B. RICE. his wife. LE· ty of Orange. nTTA W. DYMOND, BENJAMIN I ·By ROY J . IRWIN, Ot'puty, W. SELBY. A. L. SHEPHERQ. (Seal Superior Court JOE SHALLENBERGER. E MMA Orang(' County) C. HAF'NER, LOS ONGELES j Puh --Apr 30; May 7, 14, 21. 28: MORTGAGE U="'DERWRITF:RS. Junt> 4, 11 , 18. 25: J uly 2. 1946 INC., a corporation, F'R ED S ---- EVANS. G IA:'II DESPALATRO· .------------. Vl CH. M. L. JACK. JOH N OOE JACK. her hul'hand, STEDOOM & BLA!'II('HARD, n t'Orporntinn. STF:DDOM & DLANC11ARD. a ~-o-partm•rship, KF:LLY ROOF- I!'IIC. CO. Ltrl , u corporation. lliCHARI) not:, Tru~l<'<' In Rank- ruptry of thr cstale of KELLY ROOFI NG Co . Lad.. n ('(lrpnr· at inn. llnnkn1pt. \\':\t ~IF.Rr:- 01111, \\'ILLIA:\t L IIOP I\1:-;S, ~TARGM!ET II 111\.RY. LOH:-;F. ,\1101 Kl::'>tr .• 1.\:\IES P C'llS- TI-:LLO, CIIT :-;r:n s~;('l'fliTI ES \0RPORA'n o:--:. .1 curporatton. I t ' S A N 'H'O N 0 R * F1NF.8T TAI!ITINO 81ZZLISO HAMlSUilOEU STEAKS (wheGever be pta them) i H 0 ME B A K r; D \'O MMY BEaRY AND sHEIVs 101~ ('0.\ST HIGHWAY St:\\ PORT "Thf' lllln~ of Good Eata" T 0 H A V C ., • A I A IT Modem Furniture Designt'd f ()r California Living .... An entirely new type of furniture that blends in with your in- formal, careflft way of life here. AN-y-looking and light with its sunny ash and elm woods; yet. Tropicala js heavy and &ubstantial. Saddle leath er thong tied for just enough of ;l rustic Western feeling . . • no-sag spring bases . . . spring filled cushions in combination covers-tropical prints on one side, solid backs. Orphn ntur. \Vilv:t Rht". Hrlrn t Mirkn\'irh. n rtty RAilry, Nadine oiJ,. • i 1 APPLIANCES: Zenith Radio& . Ma~c Chef Ranges Quality Ranges O'Keefe & Merritt Ranges Western Holly Ranges ABC Washers Mattresses and Box Springs .. Floor Coverings Pictures Mirrors Lamps Colo·rful 0 u t d o o r F u r n i t u re • • • • • • • • for the Modern Beach Home --FURNITURE' 82.2. COAST IDGHWAY, NEWPORT BEACH \ . In the Miracle Mile on the Coast Highway ••• Three Blocks South of the Arche1 ~ •• Quality Lumber .... and Buildinc Material• • COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. ft. E. HOSTET(.E:ft Pbo-.,_ 5015 WILLEY'r REFRIGERnnon JEAVICE COffiPnnY ...._ -1.:11~ -s.mo. etO CoDat Blvd., Ooroaa del Mar IJ'mtporary Phnnt', Day 654 La· cuna fleach: Pttont' Night, 11362 Lall\llla Bt<ach - ROSSI'S Liquor Store 100 c-t mpway ,..,_rt,. Oo...SO.'a Dnac Store ()pPD F.'\_,. 0., P:'llml'r, Lorrninr Kf'lly. Mnndt>r-/'l,n IJ.:J\r~b. ?oc '~'~"· Dolorrlt Irwin. F.mrnn Funk. <;.,y .,... 11olf', Hl'r~thrll Funk. Cook, n rown. lrJ f'S/ 'Ill • F:lmnr, Mr:O.fillan: thl' Ml!lll('l .._'11~ b 'l'Jij loll LroiA antl \'rrnR F'unk. \Jrnnnp U~~~ •L ~d a Ann Grrrish. \'irl!'if' Du Rolrs. C#l ot. Llndn Mnrris n nd J ennle And('r· i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ~on Anothrr snrprill(' showpr wn.s lr oclrr('d tht' brid!'·lo-lw AI a din- nl'r last W('rk at th(' n L Dole hom!', El S('I!'Undo. Mr. and l\tn . Sldnl'y ll. D:t\'ld- son and son Sidnf'y jr . nr (' ('X(l('ct- l'd hom(' Wrdn('!lday from Grnnt'1 Pass. Oreston. wh('rr thi'Y hswe ~n vnrationing for a ":('('k or morr. Expert Radio Service Phone 8eaC'Otl SR18 Palmer Radio AND EJ.ECI'RJC !~ Nf'WPOrt BIYd. COin' A MESA EVERY WEDNESDAY -18- KID DIES ' 12 Nooa to 6 P. M. Merry-Go-Rqund, Ferris Wheel - - Tu lc Concessions-Sc Tu Jc DAY PGAODGd VENETIA" BLINDS-, BALBOA FUN ZONE • WOOD • STEEL • AI.tJMINt1JI ...... ,.... -··---.. ,-....... -....... -,__ ........ 114 Oeatlt .......,. ....... c. 5881..1 Three Way \Veather 1 t:MrwvMENT uYYr..llED tt T~ obtain weather and aerody-, \\'A. :-/T EO Woman 10 h<'l with -8ALE MIMCELLASEOVS IG ' BOA~. Ml'l•rLIF.I' al \\'A' n ;u T(t tU~'iT U UoAL .f'.tiTATI!: U I REAL E8T4TI: 61 U4L UTAft tt FOR SALt: -t "''" llnllt•ll Rnfltv CliR\'SLI::R Jlt))al Ma rin•• enaint': \TRI:l 'r• h ··· 1111 "''l"'nMI•lo• Fllit ~;\l."t: 1-'tt'•' tw\\, •lnt.:lt• tHll:j-J-------------.------------- Shlt•ldln..: ll)'lltt·ms fur Chryslt•t '2 ''' 1 n 'l1ucllnn ll<'llr. t;xN.'llt>nt rH II ""'I" "'"'""I "' t~·ar """'' lltlh '"·'""'"•' ~-'11 <'II Thuc L U\'(\C'Qn ~J.l:! <l~:!rp l'Vmh tion. P rll-c $675. or wtU 1> ""' tl .: ,,, .• '"''h '""" l;oollli' I ·II~ ·r·: !'111 r. 1111111••·• 4tl II\' oanuc data und<'r so•Hn· nmtlt· 1 ,P tiona the U. s N , •. • a.e I , I u~t.~wwnrk. H alf tiay •. Com<' at • ll ) s ro OI:ICa r 2 o'l'loek Off re • d N j. M. MILLER -research uru t at ~anuna Hiw r. gmull d uldt·en." 11~~it '';:f~l~ Fla .• ~Inc Arnty A•r For.<t> t'fJUip-rook. Phone llarbor 6i<2 for ap- rnent. under the suJ'l('rvrswn of th(' pointment 46-4t tmtiC' for C'l\1' nr \\hal hltve you. P h·m•· ll ••!~·r .:e::'·' .. r I( F L'l' \Nl." I' 1•)11"''-'•)N FOR SAI.I::-:l n•'" ltWUI. V.'rmlln SN• £>or SI.J'Ickt>r. 717 Coalt 1 f, • • 1 l o~111 1< 1 ,, Anuh.•~tn ,. \' " · • ' ~''-"~' makt> 16·!(3U~t•• shot~un. lloublc· 111~>:hwny, Newpotl Ao•1w,10 ~·H. 2'.':•':' ' •IM Itt> HI·:AJ.TOl\ twnl J-:,.tnlt' Urokt't' 15th nnci Cent ral U. S. Wealht•r Dur<>au will fly • c pllotleu p htnl'S rnto r lortda H ELP WA!'ITF.U -\\'1>man for barrel ; 31·Cj•Jibr<' ~tnust•r spor1 -...tc WA '\I 1,1 Ht-:\1' , ,-1-1-\\' ,. \\u~tt··• "''''".'·•'-· Hn,kf•r rlfh•. Bolh fin<' ~,;uns from Krupp • '"' ' '~" 1111 ltiiU N t lth I II • 11 ~1'1. W FOR S AL"'. -NAW .. ,~rinA "ohiCl llll I lOt• Ill tl llllll•o• \\'ill lt•IISI' . I'\\ I"" 1 o•:u 11 ' ' plant. C>natdt•r trod~ or goud r. ,. •• " " t t J car. Contllcl G. \\' Couron. P lo· Gt-neralnr . 1500 watt., 32 voU• (',,It "'"' ,.,,,,, r nr 1 1.11l~•r 7tti I 'thundentom u . ' gcm•ral housc"ork. full or part BU81NE8S GUIDa llnH', llvu In or o~ood wu~;ea. Balboa Income Lido Isle I =:-=--:--::-:=:-:-:-:::--=--=--:-----'-' F our in f anuly• ~ Ph Harbor ct'ntla & Victona Sts .. Custn D c. r••tniLprlt.'C' for thla power or 1:1 :l~·tfr t 'urnna dt•l f\t ar Mt>ta. 48-'2tp plant 11 $516. \Vt> have 10 left APT ••r Sl\IAI 1. lflll'S~ """''-d :.!·11•-.ll'•nu. lunH•Iu•f. o•x•·••fl••lll \\'('11 locutcd htL"'"'.,._" t'Om,•t•. Plit 'l': 1-&'(troom home; pO.e.son dUt~C• or (>S('J'OW. Price: FOR A RELIABLE Paint Job on 1992. 45-lfc your hom e, call Deacon ~ after 4:30p.m. 10-lfc PAINTERS and DECORATORS R. E. ANDERSON Paint Contractor Phone ~aeon 57~-J 47-tfc PAINTING and DECORATING By the hour or job. Al.a Spraying. Call Harbor 8701-J-2 From 1 to 5 p.m. U-Stc SIGN PAINTING Boats. Trucks. Windows Walle and Bullt-tins. Ra1aed Metal, Wood and Plastic Lellel'll AL LACHMEYER 1726 West Cen tnl Harbor L243-M 38tfc COOPERATIVE ROO'FING CO. New and Repair Phone m -M 216 E. 20th St., Costa Mt-sa 20-ttc --------------------·-PAINTING 12 Ye:lrs $('rvice In Nt'"'J)Ort Harbor Area Harry Hall P AINTtNG CONTRA<IOR Pht'lnt' fWocon !'i:t:i!>-J 274 E . 19th !"trl'<'f 2•1-Hc P~Tl."'iO OONTil4rTOR PAINTING -PAri':R H ANGING and OFJf'ORATING H. E Mcn onald 414 Old Conly Rt1 . C'ost o Ml'sn P hon<' R•·AN'•n !'111:\-.1 R5-lfc t'RANSPQRT,\TIO:>oi 18 BICYCLES Sold. nenll'd or R epalrtrt. VOGEL'S 100 Main St .. Balbon 208 Marine, Balboa taland 94-t!c 18 COLD and MACIII"!"LESS WAVES Tinting a nd Manlcuri~ll: Evening Appt Ph. Harbor 179-W Vi's Beauty Shop 1103 Coast lllwa y, Cor ona del Mar 3.'~·tfc UGHT house work hy th(' hour, lronln~t or ca re of childrl:'n C\'NI. Phpne Harbor 1023-J. ask r(lr Mr11. Jlennrhcrry. 4~1fc IDIPLO\'M'I!:NT OJI'FERI!:D 2t FOR S ALE-Firl:'pht('(' eqmpml'nt. c1ectrlc h<'lllf'r, roll-nway hl'd Phon<' Harbor 1026-J 48-2tc HO USEKEEPF:R WANTED -2 adults. good homl', and salary to right party. Phont' &tnl'on 5304-W. 48-21c FOR SALE-500 sq ft. of Ullt'd hardwood noorlnl(, 16~ E. 23rd St.. Coeta Mesa. Beacon 5208·J. 48-ltc SALESMAN-Insulation. weather e.tabllshE'd finn. 1415 So. Maln. atrlpplng. Exclu.lve territory. Santa Ana. Phone 4-470. 45-4tc WANTED -Mothcr 'a helper, all· silt with hoUM> work nnd care of baby. stay nlght.s, W<'l:'k !'nds oft. Phone Jlarhor 729·W 45-4tc ·PuBLIC NoTICE ---------- CERTIF'ICATE OF' BUSINESS f'l•·llll"u~ nnn !'Jame Th~ ,Jtnttrr~IKn•, tit> h•r•* r~r11ry that rh•v ore rt>nrtur lln« ~ ,TALIZ-r:sr. huoln••" AI !Jiifl Thlrll~ h !!I N>f'l. ('II y o! !1/~WP')rt B•••h C'tlUnl v or Or· anll'~ 111M• or C"•lllnrnla, und.t Ute tlrl lllrou~ It m1 nam• ••f n..A R K .t BA TF:!' rnMl' A!'O' anti thftl f'lld finn to r"mrw-d of th~ fnllow ln« """""'"· ..-hnll'l! ll&mlltt an, adrt~""•• M~ a.o r,)Jinw8, to·wll: Manl~y II r)Mit 14!1 VIa WrutiPr&. Ltdn bl• l"PWJ)f>rl Rrv h r allfnmlll. ,.,.,. R Bar•• 2111 42n<l !!\,.....,, Man· ha~m!'i~~h'"'c;-•~~!a·u.,. 25th dar or ltlay. 194roh NI.E'T H. C'J.ARK. I"AT R. RATF.S, BTATP.: OP' CALTP'ORNTA. con.;~ OP' ORASCf:.-On 1 rwrnly ftt1 h dov nr ltlay, A. D. 19 . 11.-ftlrt me, Rnland A Wr1rtlt. a Jl/(ll ry Putolf~ tn and for Mid C<tun· ty and Stair, ~tdfnl( therein duly commla.•l••ne, ~nd ••OMI. pe....,MI!Y ap~af'f'd Manl•y H C"larlt and P'ay R. Batf'a. knnW11 to mf! tn he th~ per,..lftl whoM! n~me. ar. ouh,...rlbfod to the within Tn~\rument. and a~ltnowled~ed to me rho'l lhry Uf'rut~d the ..,..,. TN '1\'JT'<E~!! WtU:RroP' T lla•e ,..,.unto ""' my hand and ainJCM! my otrlrl&l ~al thr dlly and rar In t'11la certlfl~at~ "?t'm~~ ... !p r'.J:~·IORT. Sntary Puhll~ In and fnr ,..,d Croullty and !'llalll. My com· mii!JIInn •xptru O..ln!)er It, 1M7 (NOTARIAL J;T.AL I Pub. MA)' 28. Jun• 4. 11, II. 114&. ExC<'IIent po111tiona Ol)('n, A ComPf'll:'nt Seer(' lacy-Stt•no~:r11phcr Also a Competent Dictaphonl' 01J('rator Pleasing IJ('rsonallty and neal appearance required. Lots or work and darn ~o:ood pay. Phone P. A. Palmer Harbor 1500 For Appolntmt-nt Expcrirnced • BOAT BUILDERS $1.47 per hour ~ SEE MR PETTY SOUT11 COAST CU. NEWPORT BEACH 4S..4tc 41-3Thc 111-:J.P \\'.\:"TEll Elrl• rly man all wnt<'hman on ronstruclion o ( new IC'l.-phon!' huildln~: in Dnl· hon 64 hours 1wr WE'rk. &••• Hnrris. 313 E. Ccntra l. Bnlhon 46-tfc DECORATORS KAY HNC'H CF:RAMICS hru oiJ('nln~es nnw for a rcw girls nr woman with art training or ahif lty. Ask for M in Dlrrkt'r. 1:!1 Coa~r Blvd . Corona dcol Mar. 43-tf• YOUNG WOMEN Telephone operating position~ are avai lable to you in your own community. Starting pay is good, experience is not required Frequent increases. Vacations with pay. Advancement opportunities. Apply 100 E. Bay Ave., Balboa ~14 ~ N. Main St., Santa Ana or ~k the ·o~ratOT for the Chief Opeutor Southern California Telephone Compaay 42-tlc ~ALE lfl8CELL4NEOUI'I 10 BABY nt:GGY FOR SALE-41~ Jlnrdin~: St.. nnlhn~t. 4R-2tp RADIO TUBES Many IICai'CC ones now in atock. BA'ITERlES for portabiPa ond hearing a1ds. Electric brollerl .t routeMJ, E lectric Ht•atenr. Meu Radio & El<ktronlct C'o. 1794 Newport Blvd .. Ca.ta M<>11a 47-tfe Fire Place and KJndlina WOOD DeUvered H. W. WRIGHT Ph. Beacon 5665 1784 Newport Blvd. 3-tfc Just Anived rr.h He&rin« AJd BATTERIES Ounderwon Drulf Co. 117 Main St. Ph. Harbor 515 eO-tlr Auto BatterieS' Rub~r Sf'par lltt'n 111-month -$6.7!\ E". Compounded Motor Gallon, 70c Oil W estt'rn Auto Supply Authon zed 0<-n11'r 1.836 Ncwport Blvd .. Costa Mt'SII 41-tfc \'F.NF.TIAN BLIN OS-A1umlnum. stN'I, wO<ld. Cnll ua for frl'l' C'lltl· mall' RrnovRIIon & rrfinl~htm: So. Coa11t \'rneti:~n nllnd Co. Wt·st lRth and Nrwport Ave. ('()!;Ill MI'!Ul. Ph· Jknrt'ln !l:t'1')-\V 3R-tfr StPPI K itcht>nl' GI~ASS Tirn E NC'L0StmES SJI()\\'ER f)()ORS Southern Counties Supply C'o. 144 Coo !It 01\'11. N. Ph, 5~:! L.'tJ;ItnR n ... nrh 4>l·ltc· -I!"STR \W'T1()!'1 or cw•rs•·~ In rhr fnllnwin~ IIIUJ:ht ,::rnllfl." or ;,,. c1r~·it1unls na1 h:lllton, !<tAtlilih & hull I'I'O"trurlion. l'nmpll~~ comprnsnrlnn. J:l'nl•r.•l !'<'llman· ~hip C'npt Stt•ph••n "f'rr·<'lhn:>n n S M n~trr, \I. S Mrrchnnt Mnrinr 1:\12 \\' Crntr~tl, Apt :l ·1~· ''" \\'ASTE J> TO an· Sl WANTF:l1 TO RlTY-N••rrl lmmNI· lati'Jy, gC'O<I. C'll'nn lil!'ht car Prlr" no nh Jcort. Phone llunrlng· ton R('llf'h 3.'l21 AA·tfc WJLL PAY ,~Al"'H ror voo1r ru r nltu~ or what hiiVt' vnu Y'hnnr Th'l'lron ~~ n . R ('rawii'V, 1!!1:! Newport Rl•·. C'ost 11 M<'sn :\fl. t( r C'i\SH f'()R llS~~n F1 'R~T11'Rf-: PJI()!'lf: RF.AC'()N f>!'>:lR-.J 23·HI' \--.-.A-N-TF.-.n-.1-'0_R_lf_Y __ '•_t_t p-f·lf'l'· tri<' motor, 1 t ()()() rJ!m , !10 ryd!'. P honf' Jlnrhnr :t~l · W 4R·1 tp Will Pay f'a~h Fnr your fumifur" nr whnt hll\'1' you Phnn,. R"oron ~"16 ('raw- ll'y Furniturr , 1R12 Nl'w por t Blvd .. Cn!'la M l'l'll 4R-tfr 80ATS, IUTPPt.ll".S II STAR SAILBOAT . Ju~l ,-,.ron. ditlont'd ami n"w p.1lnt . Phone S11n1n AnR 414fl brtwffn R 11. m. nntl 5 p m. 46-HI' WANT TO RENT or huy moorin,:: 20.ft cnhin cml~"r Atllm llr 217~ RI'V('~I' r hnrJ:P<. 41>·41r F OR S ALF. 22·!1 hull, C:~pc Cod dory t~. S250. Phonr Or11n11:t lll!ll. 4:l-t1t! 20-FT SAILBO AT. rlrsill:nl'd h ) Srh1'1'1 . ...,,.11 built In 19 10 Ph Burhnnk Olarl('l;ton 1;.~05 4!'>-·11 r F OR SAl.F.-On" n~'w r.rny Mn- rlnco Dil'!ll'l mntor. 22!'1 h p. 1 1~ tn 1 rN1ul'tlon. Pril'l' S2:.00 Tirn!lll'y·RI'hriJ: C'o . f .II!! An~rfl'!l. Ad:tms 14:\00. 47-2tc FOR S ALF..-Rrand new bicycle. J O!II'ph Car1•y, 11922 E. RAihoa, F OR SALE-20-ft. fi!!h hont. Stnr, rnsta MPtn. CAIIL 48-ltc full ronvl'rted motor . !llf'l'l hull. A-1 condition fi2R \luhhml!ll' 9·FT. NORGE Dl'!:>p Freeze ~nd DTivf' or phone A11antic 1-20:\6. Wntinll:hOU!If:' Elcctrk Rllnl{f:' ownf'r 47-41p N('WJXIT't F.lf'Ctrlc Applhltet•. 2305 Cout Dlvd . Harbor :.!I~ F OR S ALF--Star Boat. ll~hl con· 4R ·:tc atmctlon. ~~:a1vanl71'd mnrhlnf"d -----:--:-~-:-:~-:--~--:----:-[J'· staln1H8 stM'1 rht~lng. ~ FOR S ALE-Uand lrrrgula~~.o,.._... ed Ill J7!Y7 F.. Bay Avl' .. Bal· wood. ]{)() pi('C('I, 12 n lon~~:. trftlr. . Namv: lfyllll' 42-6tp wide,· 1 ln. thick. See at 206 Ruby. Balboa bland Sunday. br F OR SAI.F.-J ohn•on Out hoard call GL 3725. 47-2tc fn(ltor . 4 ~ h P . good rondl\lnn Al110 dory. Frida y ~vr. or ~11t. A NEW 2-horse trailer. built by oftemonn. Cnwll:'l, 109 F.dl'tf'· North .American. Wlll !':t'll a t wstf'r . Bslholt 47-ltp dealer's COtlt . ~ Doc Stricker, 717 Colll'f H ighway, Newport ~ach. Phone &-aeon 5551. 46-ttc FOR SALF: 2 nutriii:J<<'rll and dnmJlll Nl'w rl<'llf l'i1mhl'r. 2x:\ t11pr,.,.d, $1!'1 ()0 T Rrlnrir~Y~n, F.1 Nido Trnllf'r C'mtrl. · 1630 Nl'wporl Alvd . C'mt a ~fl'!ll\. 48-liJ) WING SANG BOAT & REPAIR YARD 811 Coast Highway 101 WANT S~ nr lltlllt y 110111, 11rnund 1R f1•<'t P rl'ft•r Mnrim• Mntnr . C'•mt nrl Jim Wil~on. :\:i S11nt11 Ann Avr . Lon~t Jl<'nrh • • Pboee Beuoll, &114 ''' ......... ..,ue.-• ... for lloa6l fw 8a1e ............ ,.. ... " ............. 4R·l'r -A-L-1.-P-f._A_S""'TI---:C'--,12,-·-fl-1-11)..,....-lh-T()f'. 0-C"AR R()AT nnd C'ARRIFR lmml'dla ll' drlit'M'y. Oth••r m•AI· rill ll()(ln -d!nghl~. ~~~llho:~tll, runnhouts. crull,.ra snd J)lltldle- bo8rdl. Plastic W•tercr11ft C'o. 407 E. CentnJ. Ba1bo:~ for clc~trnnct' aale, ~74 Yf'Okel b> 111,,11 •11111 1111,. \\',. ''" nut 1"'1'1111 '"'" ""'' I•.•> ''"'" An Rros .. 2:..~ So \'t•rmunt. Loe An· dr tnk "" Mth•k··. 111, dtllth •'n ,,r 111 t •~• ' •It-"""' 1 .11r~:•· II\ ln.: n tt. s:t•lcoa Phone EX.~ 45-lh Ill .,_ l'lturh• ~111,1 6 Allll tl\f!.ll \\1 \lith n•ul l•lh'k Itt"'''''""' Nh'l' l:n l\11!11-\\II h 1IIJI 1:111 Ill( I' l'tlt.,-d Fire EQuipment Tests 01 ",,,,. u •• " "X" New1t0rt 11111• f•"' l:l"'"k ""Ito 111 ~~. tull C-O-Two, J:>yrcne & Foam rt>fllla. ~11 =-'••ws.'n nws 37·trc p rll'•· $25,000 $31,500 Bat~oa Balboa Island COt nxo'Ci l)''ltem and Portal.llet VETI IL\:>; und hrld.• plltllllllllt In Nrw :l. Bt•th'll(IJTl in now available. rt>~hl• 111 t 'ost11 Mt•sa W11n1 •m. Co:;t :1 ~~ 1 "I'll ETS HOION & G ALVAN f\trn •IPI ur hou•t· t 'ontllet Mr I ~ • 100() Cout Hh;hway Jur;;,·n~··n 111 lf11rr'a J1•wt•lrv. l..tJI 1411'' 1·k1 ~(\(t Lnt :\0',.,!\30' Nror bay. Gonet m•hchhor- hood. 4-Bedroom homt'. lm- medll\ t l' poRSt•tudon. Soul h bay front. Charrnlnl 2- story hom<> wlth ~r and nOf\t. Dl'8t locatlon.'()nly~ S65,000 . ~"'.:Down Ph. ~aron M22 'D-th Ul'!l llurll(•r 111\d . Cot~ta Mt'11~ ""i'•rrtlltl: '"' nul) I~<· hnll f11r 41-tfc $U0,) Lehman Kits of Pam To ronv~rt Ford A. R, VS-8!\, V8-« enrlnt>t to marlnt• WU'. Klta .,.. rompl. with dlrcctlona. C'omlna soon Ford 4, fi. 8-cyl. and Willy'• "Jf'<'p" maiJnr PnKirwa and klta S~ your dto11ll'r or write Allk-4 Wf'al Dlstr., 1 lfl N1•w Mt.:'y St .. S F .• Calif. 4S-4t( T hr<'<' 50'x12t.l/x:\1'2' Shnin "Trl~ mf'nhlp" l'lCJirrts crulaf:'rs, round bottom. twtn C'hr)"'ll'r Royala. Built In 1943 bv hC'st St'&ttlt' yards. Full llvi~K at't'Ommoda· tiona. 6'4" hr adrtl(lm thruout. $15.000 00 rach Th''' :\7' llhtl'tlnJ rt'liCU~ la unchl's. Douhlco plsnktod bottom, 250 h p. Jlali-Srott In · \'Bdl:'r l'nr.rinl' Rulli In 1944 by Wilton Boat Works. ~ I'R<'h . P h L. n 47~lft7 47-Rtc ~~ ~----------~~ FOH SALE. l 'hu•ko•n Fry1•r pl~rnl , llt'lll' LlarsiO"'· output 1:..'()0 lr)'· t'r' '"''' w .. ·k t-:x,·t•llrnt t'qulp '1'\1 " n~o>d1•t n 111111~1'" (;{1011 watt•r IUf'J!I~ I'll llnrhnr :tt\::, .. 1 47-2tp El Ravo Tr:wt Loll un hn~· Aw·nue $4000 I.ar).!e (' ()rtl t'r Lot !In l't'llltl~IIIA . With VI!'W $!l7flO On Pl•nin~ula :t 11ootlrnom llmwr $1 !J.flOO lnrom(' PrnpPrty :.' lk •Ill Mill! IHIIISI' II nil ·I Srnftll r, nt11l units 1 .. A'-'f{l in Santa-Anfl H ~·ights Mufl,•m !\.r'O(IIIl h•'l.l"'' Hnhhrt ~ anc1 r lt lt•ko•nll With I'IJIIlJJflH'Ill ~lrt• J:IINII'n c:nrnJ:I' tm •l wnrk~h•ll•• $7!\!'\0, ruJl fli'IC't' J-:n~y ll•nn~ N{•arly Nt'W 2-Bt'rlronm t:11~1 ~ltlt• I111Nfwoud f1o11m• nml flrrtlhtl'o•. r.r.·x:l.10' Only $97:'rll (' o~tn M t:'l'lt In pul••nllul hu~ini'IIS ill~\dl't L111 HU' 1J..I'O'. \ntllll huslnr"ll bldw l.11rw•• :l.n onm nwtl<'m spt In rt'lll' u\'1'1' duultlo• IIIII IIIW "'hk h 0'1111 f,.. murft• IIIII) '.! fllof'• 111111o Ill Itt! lo• \'11'1 '!111~ I• II d lllllt'l' Ill lllllkl' "lrflh' niU!lt'}' ~ :!-Rl•<h·m. F.a:-;t.-.id t•, Horne llullr ju't lw •run' wnr. -.,. Acn-. l lc1wtl """"' nnll rln-jtlllt'f• $97:'141 MI\N't' MIIIIF; f'PMI-: IN ANJ) .. rAt.K IT ti\'1-:H" 1 )po•n Sumlnr~ F'RANJ\ P .. JOIIN~ON HE:\1 /1'0 H ffi l I ~I'" I"" I llh•tl 1~·111'1•1l r..t:W.\\1 I 4fl..llr $17,500 Wanted : 2-Bedroom Home, Udo Isle If You Art' lntN"t'CIIf'd In JlarbM ArM Property Wt 0an Help Tau --1-- j . M. MILLER 15th &: Ct~ntml • Newport Beech • Ph. Harbor 1242 -.uc NOW AVAILABLE !)1:-:Yf.R AL C'IIOICF. RJo~IDJ-:NTIAL PROPERTID ON BALAOA ISLAND SOU111 BAY FRONT --I -- YOU SIIOULD SEE ~ l..lSTINGS BI!:I"ORP. YOU BUY. ' --1-- H U B P 0 W E R S, A G E N T 1. A . Bee k 0 f f Ice Ft•t-ry Lttntlln)( J>h. ll~trhor fi:l-W Balboa lund 48-ltc FOR ~ALF: Ront "\.nit• K .'' Jfl·ft twin srrrw crui~~·r. nil'l' KAlil') with IC'C box. hutnor stOIC' nn( pl••nty of Mtph11nrd !'fln::'l', sh••'flll rour. Mahncnny ttlnnklnl! .Sulrahh• fnr pns..~rnc••r or rom· mrrclnl husinl'ss. JIIIUII\ 7 '~ tons no deck ·n,,.r•• lo; n11 hrtlo·r ho•11l (nr 11.'1 ~171' in Nt•\\ pnr l llnrhnr A L, lollltth•'W~, 'Ill!) :\1 ~1 ~1 . Nt•wpor t R•·ac·h l'h~tol' 1 1t~rhnr 2':>77 4 1-t(r 1.11 1' t 1:-.; 'WTAN 111.\'J) $:tnoo :\.IH•df'tWifH h Pitl•' llfttl •'Itt \I htt\Uit' ,.n ' ,.,., ,. !'•litH fu1 n•t ur •· ,.'uU ,., 11'1 IIIII} -( ;,•rlt'll<l<' A. Walclron-JI:'IM flOWN. "-'".M monthly W,. W W L' f I I' k nttr11rtlY1' MW 1-brdroom ~ m. . ,-,s.n ore I ,ro l'r with hlllf IICI'fl. l~riNl S.'WiO. Vet S4 s ... , . ., h •t llllu r lfoll'•'•. ~;;'i!kl '"'' t'p ,\I•·• I All~ Fl tR SA !.I: Ynt•k Trumf>l'l , th .. r· nuchl>· r•·r"ntltlll•rw•l. ~i:l 1 '1111 l111rlll'lt' :.!(\ 10 1\7-:\lc W . L .. I OHDAN :..! tH •th onf11 llntl\• t-·u~ JttJu·•• NP,,,~. 7••· 1. ,., 1111'11 ll.tlllol:l ~~ ·~ IU I • ' t .11 L tl "''t" ( 'hl• '· •u P h rHW ll arh"r I :,:1 1 '''"'I' l 't •~, tl fu :--• II "' 1111l,v F (IR !'AU : :0.1 oruw rnd1n. tlit ••r -<1~·1k !j:HftiHI llttn findt•r. :l h:mrl fi \nit fi~lwr \ :"l'arly n•'W ;,m 31•1. N•·Wpllrl rn~TA 1\tF.SA ~ ,,,.,,,., ... ,, '"'1:'' '"' Bo•.u•h Ph llnrhnr ~-.;; •1 I ·lfr 1 , '" llr ... oll\\ '' """l•l•· l'i>rrwr. n1•w l'lw•k• 11 n~owt. '" ', . .,.,, . .,,.,. I fr,nr nw•tr• 1:'"''''" Kl'An E l.r:mrl l'iiiiiP, wnlnoet •·n111', 1 hi' 11,,.,1 """ 11,. ltu-111 .. ~11 ~ht' Fantnll~ li:nnkl' '""': Al<n \\'..ttt·r :-;1.,11., l .. r I( o·11urt ln~tlrlln~: "ith Grnnfl. !'nhm••r. St•llultt ArHII '"" ,111.,.1 o•~ttntnrr~ 1 hlk rrum mrtn\' r•th• r flltn""" m:rk1•c , l'l 1 11 . OA~Z ·St'TIMII lT J'[,\:-/1' ('() "' nlo•r ''' '""" 1ll'l' 11 '"· • -• • \lith ~ouncl ln•· .. •lmrnl !l'20 No. Mnln. S11ntn Ana ll? 1 r: ll(' JR-Ifl' ·r-,., .r STI':INWA Y r.rnnd Piancl Mahn~­ nny ('n~f' Tknuiifuf ,,,,. 1\f,.,, i11m •io~r OAI\'7.-~('J f:\1li1T PI A=--n rn , !l:.!ll No :'linin Snnln An.1 :\~ If•· Ralph P. M a~kPy :Wltl r.·~~~~ Hhcl Phcine -102 4ti tfr -Fl 111 SA L~: r;,•n••rul 1·'1• •'1. io•, FO R S i\ 1.1•: r hol1·•• l~t<'nll'll lnt- l'"rt~ehlr Jl:td1u, ••hnr..:1 ~ •lWn no1l '!. no·r· •. ~Hill 111 ~:II• WI hlltl<'rl••q 11 IIIIo• 'rn t·l··•·lp•• ,.,, Arrl~llr ~.,.,. ""' :! '"''" m Cnr• rtrl1 : nl<n l'hrll"f• l(,,.,,d pf t••• nt.:•• 111th .:u•·•t rm ltn :• hlt.t lnl~. pl:t' s t hruu~h 11ny • ,.fl t•t ~.·r fln1•SI '"I' , 'I• w .. r h''• 1111 n1·nr l\1•nc•o1n !>H',;.\ JX lr, nil l'llnt•·nt•n•·••s. S11o 1'1t•m1'nlr RAJ)I() JIOI '~Lt.C. ---, $12.!\0n unlurn , ~I 1.7!">11 rur n !l·r m hflllll '.! lw 1lr "'" ~ ~:nr111:;o•, hnrch•·t•Hl ll·~·r~. lllr ~hiiW••r ~ 10lnk. tan••· ••lu~•·lll, rt·•·plnr•· T'rirr• $Kol ~l Atl• II• l.u11l•d, 'l", J){'l Mnr A"·. l'hon•'!i :\1 I nr :11 n. S an Cl••nt<'nll' 4:\·ffl' NoiW thnr nrldlli11nnf routprt.-nl tr•rhnll'l~tns ar•• JWnllnltlt• WI' lift' I a hit• tn m11kf\ 51'1'1 t('f' l'nlls nn 1nrJ:r I"Mt~olr•!l, i\11 work 1:11nr 1 nnt('(•d IIAR()J.O t. IIAMM S O.S Rndlo, 30CJ MRrlnl' """ Ph. llarhnr 7RO :\4·tfr FOR SAI.fo: 2-•1""' ~front SEF. tht' nr w slyl,. world fnmou•l hom<' nnd tnr<~m•· l"o~·rty, Up- upholstr n •il phtnnll. Mnny l'!llnr• J"'l'r : 4 hrrlr•••ms, ~olt•l'fliOI: flOI'I'h to rhOO!!e from o t nA=-'i'.· nntl 1~ bnth Pot .. ntlrtl lnc;->ml' SrtrMfOT PIAN() m. ~:.!0 :-;,I ,75 f"l('r \\N•k Lnwcor. Sun Main S t . Snnts Ann Wr nl•" J10r•·h. llvlntt rnnm wit h r.,nl fire· rf'nl pill nO!l :v!·tfr ph!<"<'. rtlnlng mom kllr hrn. • . utlllly J)Orrh. hl'dronm, hr1th anrl RF:POSSF:SSI-.0 Spinet TYI"' mlr· ~hOWI'r. Fumltur,. lnl'lurll'~ Cold mr·Piano Thl" Is a real brtr~:"aln Spot Pl<'l'lrir rf'frll!. l'll'l'trk OlhPr u"ed plan011 as lnw ~~ WfiSh•>r, onil 1: ~S I:A• rnn~o:r ~. m . $1 25. $17!\ OANZ· Prlrr $20000 41R F Surf Onf· SC'HMIOT PIANO C'(), !l~ N" b<-llt • 4fl.4tt• Moln, Snnta An11. :lff.trt 1 -------~----- Radio Repairs 1 .nr~:••. m~~;~a:.t-~~~~"; h11mf' In All mnkl'~: tuh••l<. ,.,, good 111rn tlnn nn !'II~\ "'ri" All Beacon 5 763 tl)llm!l Art· lllrtt•· ll:.s flrrpht""· BURT NORTON· 1 rtnur f11rnlil'"· tl''''"· k••rh~·n ~·h•t•\ruut1\ hn11w 11 ,, .. , '"I ~· 1 ouo" I ,"' \ • •t ••'•I ''I ltt•r• uf CIHIIf ~1111 I ;,H ill tll,lrlt•l C'lcMII' Ill ltHhlrt•'~~ 1 ... nr.•r Thl~ I• ro•ull)' a 1:0<111 h ll) Ill """ $10,2Ml ( ;twJff :-. rottrlt hnltH' tUt I IHTt* 011 !'lt·WI•trt Ill \II 71 ,, ,., "" IN IIIII• \Uffl f 'l""' U\ If \htl \'\ltflf II 1:1w•d """"' nnd ''"~'""~' ~I !••, )HI~ lftU'f 1101 ••\••tfuuk t ht• l't ll't'l' t•• ~I'll $I 7 /tOO W F; Altl< Ill. Itt-: 'l't I ~1-:HVJ< \11 Ill B. A. Nt-:HESON Il E AL I 'STA'I'I•: ln•tll ~rl• ,. nr11l llu•ln•·~• ''l'f"'rtunllil'll 1117:? Nl'ltiWlrl llhll , f'tHIIII M•••ll Jh lt .... u·ntt ;,:,•:!~• SH Itt AT l't iiCII:'\oA l •~;t . MAlt Be:autiful L•·vcl Luts $1 :w r; a If i 11:-;i<l(> Lots A II Fur $:l:lf,o W .I JIIJJ.('IIM II 1~17 ( .,,.,~, Ill I( It\\ ••Y ( '"r''"" If• I :\1nr ll11rl"•r :l7ftli "\\'l11 r ,. Ill•• F lue !I ~ lv" 4H-:.!lr ------.-A. E. .JOHNSON Realtor and A~«tH'ial('R Plwn•• II••Af''"' :.ttf..! M :\1~ fl-l nrlr11• Av 1 ••rnr•• l'rlln'• ttn•fcrem•.-, Nf'f' '""""l l'h"'"' :.t:w t Momt>ovls . lll'twocn 17th .,.. 114th. C•Jfltll MI!IIL ~tp Hal hun J~lantl Ext•hJU\~rA MONEY TO I..OAN • ll~tlhull h lntul Nnrl h tiny •·•lfllf'r Iori ~~~ tiny lnl nt11l It'""' ln•ltk LOANll TO IIUll.O . .,_.,, UD~ l11t, ()\\ Ol'f!O Will l'lli<'hnnt:o• rur mndooml• Of r.ftMitCO., lrnl'rnv .. d l11lntul JlrtiJit'' 1)1. Nt!"'llirt I)&Jbr,. f~ .. ...._ anti lAIU\ AA~Mel&UNI l\.'\'\.' VI• Ulto Ph Harbor 11110 '"''" •tnr1·~. •• •·•·ll~·nl lnrntlnn. 411TUNflTIVJ: a ftiUia ~1 nrlrt•• A \'I' nth' ( tf'4WI lru•uml' ii Hous''~ \Vr ll hull t, Inti:•· llvtuw rtlt'lfll with fl rl•pllll'l', •·nt·l•lll•"' fr11nt t1nrrh. hN1rnllm . dr,.J•Imt ronm . kllrl1en •md hnth l'rict' $1 n,HOO Furnl~hNI lntm('(l fl{oUJ•nlun. Vrrv nllfl~t'lh•· "''"'" furnfllhl'd h;•nw :\ t ... llrru•. :• hlltltJ. p11tlc•. Pril'c:o $~:~. 7!iO.nn I Tr·rr11~ l rnn11'1l 1••~~··-~fnn -:.! lw•llr•><llll, 1111'1 h rurnldtl'tl hom r tln "''"'•· lnt. :1 ••nr ~llf1tta,tt'. ' Pri<'(' $1fi.UOO Ftu·nllll"'t1 Allrrwrlv1· :.! l!!••lroorn """"'' f1n r••nr "' t\11 rr r;rllnll ( 'llnlll lot . Rl••m In hullrt l 'ron\llll'lrly rurn Prir•· $2!'l ,li00 Corona cl<•l Mnr J,otfl 40·fl lui, llC'I'I\0 vlrw, Ill' low hlah• wny Prt•·" .,.;Tro() T wo t '''''1111 F ront '"'"· lll•tfh priCf'd to 11•1l. n th•·r !1111 from $1,:\7:\ up. .. HnuR(If' . Mnd•·rn homf', 2 llf'tlrnnma A d;.n, lllrllr· llvlnlC r011m, 1111" kll<'h,.n 11011 h11th. lf'r vlr,. J)11rd1. :Z·r11r &!flrlll't"· 11n wrll fllnrl11rnr,..d lui ll<tUih of hflthWII)' Price $1 f),OHO Unfurnl•h~ 2 hl',roum h~tm1•, 111-fl lot, 111~'<·1y hlf"IIIH1 ~uul h •tr S1•uvlf'w With J.'llll S AU: '41 Ford ~ lltlr• C'oupt• Call Thuet. n.ea. ~Ml. .. .. Fo rt ~At.F. r.r,.h•m Ttuc.'k \- m«hllnlrlllly prrlf)Ct. can "-- lltrt ~:w.n. , ..... f'<tR SALE 1~ Uncola ~~ S7~.1ln. 301\ Crart Aw .• Jt.-.. ln~:tun 0.•11d1. ...._,._ ~·(~1.1·: ·:m mntlrl Panel .,. 'l'rurk, ... 1'1. mutfrt. new ...... $:.!1' ... ('1111 aftM' :\:30 p.m.. 11:. Ald1l~un, YMCA, ~ant• ANt HF.CAPPfNG H~cnp All Five Tlree In One Day Whe(l) Balancing ~ectlon Work J,F.RTF:RS O.K. Ruhher Welder~ 2000 W. C'l'ntr•l. Nf'WIIIOrt ..... Atrro "l!aVIOil • NOW HERE Your 11111horlud Ctlr,...,._ Plymouth O..a11!r. 915 Con't !Ughway. Nl'tt·p~~rt rang•·. \1'111•11/ln hlorul~. rurl•ttttk. 2.1·11• nnd wr.ll·tol-wnll r•t~:• ron 11nrr uf S..' hOil!ll' wl)(l/1 Vli•W ltf , ....... n f(A,.,m '"' TtJCiay·~ Sp<'cial bullil nn llw fru111 of lnt Authorl~flarll C"ompll'lf' l.•thrlratlon and Mllhtll'nAnN' F:xJ"'I'rl Mf'f'hnnl<'l $11 .001 ) N('wpnrt Blvd. llomc $11i,OOO._ ~_·urni~ht•d 1 rtlt•l 111'!->I:>.:FSS III.IM'; • _ K"ndnll nn, Qv11krr 8tat.e CIOI FOR SALF:-17 month~ nl•l m:ol•l I)(lhPrmnn A K r rhnmplror !IIOf'k W Purtly. R nlhnn Mrol• I :\1 ~ E Crnlrn1 4~··11 11 .!H ft l< ;'H f! with llvlntt IJ<IIIrlr•n Smnll rtllfAI'IIv1• '"'"•" with vi-I (' o~ta !\1 1'!-'a Lot 50xl!"•:'i fl. 1••1 ltlf'ltlf'cl I lolk of NI'WJ)IIr t 111\'d l l'l'"'' 111 ro·ur. with lllllr flxlnlt l'nrtly furniKiwd. nt•·•· ll)('llfl,n,l l'tlltllf t• lltllll•• rnt 1, ~;•w..-1 ro·ntal ano1rl1 nr hljehwny l.11rt.c•• Jlvfnlt Wl"tl 8Pr:C'IAL ANSOUS<'r.MF.ST'4 ~K $HOO 'T1tl~ IM '' Kf•l••nllill pro•tll•r ty. fo-:x-r•.,,m, flrt•pfnN' 11nd pntln, '1.·1'1\r I r·rll• 111 llll'll!tlln <.,lull·k pncllll'tlll l(llrlljl<' NEWPORT HARflOR MOTORS TYPEWRJTF.RS OFFJO: F.QJ'JPMF.l"T (1,.11nln1t. ()llln~;. A,ju~lin~. Only $11,000 Pric(• $H,7fi0.00 Ovf'T'hnullnlt ROBERT'S TYPF.WRITF:R S F.RVIC'E 2602 W. Central Harhor 417 40·tr·· Carpenters A vail a hi<> for jteners1 malntPnAnC'f' and rept~lr Co~ta M f>!'a I 2·bt•d rm h1111~f' Wltlt ~lf'l•l !lllll pfJrrh nn l••••t .,,., nr ... mA ar•· lnrgr l>hl l(llrRR" $6(){)0-1 ~ down Lirlo l"lr. 3.'\-fl ('tlfl11'r I··· $Goon !i().ft froni:IJt<' 1of lrt•ldl' lnl!l $fi00() Nearly New ~ Unit ('nurt :1 I ':"'ITl-\ N)miJII'II'IV f•trol~hMI, 1 unrw 11 ( '11rrt••1 t .. t I' It fl x Hl:'• ft fii·AII tlfullv l11n1l"' IIJlt•tl In· rtlm f• $1 ~17 !'}1'1 l"·r tnlllltlt lt•~Jfl1 for :\ rnnrr unih 1'11 • .,. tn 1•: '"1". ('<Jill A Mf'~n v. rv n••111 nrttl Ill· trnl't lvr• ( mly $1!1,!1!')1) 0 . Z. ROBI!:IlTMN Call Harbor 83 I -!'IHT. 1-l>l'dromn h11m1· 11rlll r11h· 34 ,1,. r. 7-ft. T ,ot hltr y. 70 '''~''"· fh ''''' k' llalf ....._---~~~-------·-_l llf'twl'rn r.,,tn !\,,.,,, nnrt :-l•·wrtnrl I ar.rt• l11nll KEY S I s4r.oo I sr.1r.o Made Whll~ You Waft , voor.L·s ('orona rlt·l Mar On N••wJu tl't Blvd . 100 "'"10 ~t .. BAll\011 f'urni~hNI ,..r,,.11,. h•1mn Vll'w '-:1•VI'rfll 1•••• r,; (t '" ~,1111 11 frnnt· 108 Marin~. Dalboa llfflli•l •. p4.,,. Ot'Mrhll' f.!:lrlll(" Y"''' flin• N1 F.x· Ill(" l 'ull '" l••t t•rJr••·• ,., l••rm• ---:-----------::-:: ('f'flt•nl r ltnrl tll••n 1-trrl'lll"" fm· -. f'OR· RF.ST u l mNIIntl\ pn«• ~·•"n {1, 1t11y nl I N(•Wpttrt Blvd. I FO R RENT (;llrll~tt•. 11 th ~ I '7 1 $kX!)O II' •\H '""' Itt '1'1 :>.:~:~~ I f;c·rtrudf' A. Waldron 1 W m. W . ~:tlt fnrd, Rrol<f•r l • :\161 M11rln" A 1 1•nur '261ft W . C'f'ntnl Ave. Ph11nt' Harbor 15M-J P hotol' ~34 n ~,,..1 11m n : ANI I JNf'f tMI-:-=:z llf'1lrm TR----A~rt.-:-::F.::-::U--::---------.. -._ h""~'·· :l llf'T'I'!l Jtrl)(lowtlv,. lemnn --------,...-,~~=---=--· --.. ~tr•,,.,._rtl!lkr rrmtl•••ut dlatrlf'l TRAJLF.ft~ •'OR RENT--Do ,aur 111 nnR" C"n Nl'nr town 11ncl own hllltllntt lind mov1n1. AU ••·h•o11l Prlrr $11 ,!VJ(), lfll'l'Tll. Ph Of'W cvtulpnwnt . 12.:2:1 and .,.80 Orunllr-fnll7 n... 4R-4te J)"r clay. W,. fuml~h lht hltdt. -:-- -• ---Myrr·hn Rrr•~ Sf'rvll'f! ltatkrn, Hlrt ::IAI.I·. NI'Wflllrl JII'IKhta lot ,., 171h A NI''"'""'M Blvd. o.ta ~,rt~1:t;, 1111 utllltl1•11 nvnllnlolf', Mlr. ···~· •-.dt ~17~r0 0r1. Ownr•r . :t.!:l:\1 Wl'tll· 1-..o. mlnMt M" ~~. f'n~~ta Ml'lltt. 4fl.2111 -M•nll;-foldcn at News-nm.. 4U'I'08 W4JifTIIlD •4trr0fl WANTED • WE NEED LATE MODEL CARS and Wtll Pay Top Prices SF:1 J. YOUR CAR NOW Whll~ Prt~ "re High. Ph Hrtrhnr 1472-M -1'-,,. 1 . r; r'""fl I""'" "I'" 11'"·•1'• :',It rt EVA ro. J1,Jf QOr::N. frllftlnl'• o'l•••• In'",.,,,,,, M•1ih wrr.r. LF:AS F: I )(J() "J'ITI rr , • I .. .., d' r: ( I I wood WM klntt l'lnrt rnlttnl't ,, •P I n ... ,ltnr $1~/1011 ;;. 1,,() I !IJWTI • F\Jml~hNI v.•lth nil nf'w r I · 470 NI'WJ)'lrt Ill· ,J r nttA Mf'a• chlne11. Muu oo rr•pnn••tM ELTON n nAI~!'.'F:"M'. RrokM' < IJ•·n f:H·nlnlt" an•l "unrt~oy Phone l or our courteou.<~ huyt'r who wtU call and advtle yflU reprdtnst or A regulations, oeWJw prtces and amtnee aU ~talll CULBERTSON CHEVROLET CO., Inc. J)llrty. Ph. HarhM 2427-W 11 r ) Ph. Hl'nr.•n !'1713-R --~ Doc S tncbr, 1112 w. n v 4flltc A. F.. JOHNSON ~ and O)damnbllt Dealen 4v~ .• Newport &!edl. 41J,Itc fkU that unwante-d arUcle 4(19 N,.wpnrt Jllvd. f"V'IA M1•1a PhoM Harbor ~ 48·1tc Manila folders •t News-nm.._. tbroui:h Jlfewa·"nmmll ada. Ph: J)l!nrun 5 11'12-M 1lf·lt.f' 1001 •• 01ntn.1. N.-port BMcts. aaa ~ -~ M ,- Ml NI':WPORT RAI.ROA lvat' 1!, a-.. ._... IICIIOOL OWNS AJaPOKT' high achool In t hi' nat inn tu own Cit H b p t IIEMPHLS-'nle SMiby Countyjlts own airpor t. Ttw lollltltng rJd d e ar or OS ,_ 8lbool ol AHOnautlcs, Wh!tc-lind parking spa• ,. II nl'"l tu lh<' For Member or·•ve ..... Hi8h ICbool, ia t ho flnU ~1 ~ 1 ---------, Nut onlv '"'" tlw Ill•·• lllh! rol t tw 1 tr:on~~· l'folltll 1 , "''"''" 101 tt,. Arll• rH·Hn f.;·t '"" h. It! t·' 1•1 •• ,.,,tunc ut \ 'lt'h I 1&1+~ II• I•••, "' Lumber and Building Materials Bay District lumber Co. 1"'-Beaooa 6111 111 OOAft BJOBWAY AT THE A)ICHE8 BRING YOUR RADIO ro tJS .. 0.. 0.., -We1J aep.&r It Ul4 \'ou Cu Have It tiM> l\i11x\. r.dot7 r.rt.. \\'odl O~&eed.. F'Mio'7 Tralned lt1pt"rta. .. Radio SOS Electric ..... ,.. HAROLD L HAMM 100 ll&rtae Ave., Ba.lboa lllland C'.<'t rt>ady for I hC' big~-:est anrt lx•.;l VACATION C'\'l'r. Throw your \\ orrii'S t o th<' winrls ami play fN your heart's content. Our SPORTSWEAR Shop is th£' Sprin~board to your good tlmM~. You'll rt>V£'1 In our P laydothcs you'll ban> up lx'aulifully ln our new play suits: Proal PlLo;;hf'f'S; Slacks: Shorts; Brus. Ev£'rything for n St-osational t imt'. t•\t•r ttt )tl \\llh II' tl1t t•tl Ul t f 1 "' • r u hun•h, cl "' u h• tl• ,.t • t t ""' ol numl .. l ' lout ol ", .. 11 lllf1l' lllf'y h Jt(l t~ I" \\f lc'ftP,t tt ~J\ n ,.,.,,.ran of \\'.,tid \\ .• 1 II 1 · '' lllnnrl··r I>Pn r u~r .• nt ut -~·'" 1~··1 I II otllor l'c .. ~ I :." ol (',,nun.tnd• r I hu .,,, ''' ""'''"' tl tht• \:U• "-l"l und t;). nn ''t ''' • 1 ul C ·n,l.t ~~ •• ,,, p,,..,., 1·, • ,., .. .,,, "' ttt r ll o•omun •• nd· r PI• ""'' •I 'T •t•IM 111~111·11 1:11"''~ IIIIHH!olt••tl 'trtt llt lo•tl i l h~ptt1\ \'w" ('t•lttltl.tlld•r ~~~"' lltt•l 11( \..\!ln (JPJ'o "t'' ,.., ,,, F ttth .u t '' n •tllrfl,tll•f• t (' t 1 "'' I "uutl o f 1t.o\.tn J )If ,, .. ' .. rut d , ... ,, • I r"UU10l.Utd• I f :. •H ._. h • u .... ' I I Yt~tkl L111rh . .'l•t olt,lrtt 1 '"'" nutndt•r, (;••or~·· Htddt u •d I 1n 111111:. :!Jst Ot~trwr 'II'• ''"'""' •n•l· •·r "•·n Htt.:h) ,,r ,\n.du·orll . ''' ftt~tt IM .,,.,·nnd ',,.,. • tttnrnund· 1 nwm:os \\' ~t.llll' .. 1 .... til lit• .• ·uunl~ t·n•uwll t'unuu .• nd• r .uul llru t' I ~~~~~ r, lht'l '''" 1•••," ( Ufltll) c•ounctl t•.,ttun.uut. 1 Tit• I .. IIIII II IIIII• ""''" "' It\ I t\\ ,,, ltll••\\ lh-· ..,t ltua: 11p ttl t I" f rn1nH·nt r• Itt r •·••tnull,.,h,n .:u'd dl i'" .. '' t HnttUPt rUIHI tt tf t ht "a•u •• , ., •• t. '"' •h· '''"k •. r ,,. h tf 1111 lflt•fl tntl t Itt• t J.!t·th ~ rt It f ht lfU ft '·'"'' d t.\ ,,~II( q 1'1 Ill \\f'tt d i ,.,,,..,, d f~tf )~,., ~~ II• "hlt'h ",,, "''' h• It I I'"'.' ~, ,,,.. h111 "hu It \\ dl II•• h• tct ,If ~ ... , a•n• fll•• (nt 1\\u \\t t 1l<i,OC lw\;II,UUU.' hU1• _: 1 •J'Ih r•utUh rl t llflut '' d C ,, ,11 •, llultl• II ·•~ r•;tttollll olo f.,r llh rl• \I :,! 1'1 tl"l I II I 1 ullllll·lll<lo t I H>liiH I ('1U,UI1~1r11llt c:,•t•t..:.f• .,;, llttl:l.; l•rtl-••nlo•ol lht• '• "IWII't f~'"' \\llh tho• n.oltotll ol t'll.lll••n lor nh ml• r'h•r. fur th•• "(JIIIStllndtrtl: nd\11 'o•rrwnt · nf J,,,, 1111: 1 h •· ' n· ltro• I'l-l~> mo mlw 1 'IIIJI o•nrullo'(l h~ ,\rmt~ll<'o' llny f11r tl11· 'I'). Ui >• .,r ('ulllnlllndl'r Ko·ll"t.:t.: tol•u Pl•''•'l11 · t'l'l r•twh pn~t \\llh" ptl'lttrt• o f tlw ~11(111111: uf tlw ~urr••ndo•r nf Jupan on l•onrf1 lh•• h•tll f• 'lup, l\lt,.fiUrt Af't• To nnt~ .a 0•'\\ Oll mho·r nr p .. ~, :.'!11 ant1 pruJtl "''"r ul Clult l.ttJ ... \\;1' rtompllllh·ntt·d hv Sun ll11•1:11n Jnhn lln..t f11r th•• tfmn• 1 •t•n 't•oi p .. ~tll r••lorP~i ntr•<l 111 tlw rnr••t rn~ \\'t'r4' thP"•' fa•~tu L~• ll.thra. l'lr•·tt llnaho•1111 ll•t• n,o Park l 'llt<'l nl HI, l:'ullo I tun, s .• nt I i\n 1, Lncun11 Tk'lrh lluntlnct••n 1~·111 h. So nl llrnrh. (; or!lo n l :rn' • c·,,..tll l\1•·,,, No'"l~trl Br 11<'11 t lr· """"· Tustin nnd San Junn l'aptS· trunn t•hont' IIN<'on ~2l Sf'wport II Coo;ta M~ CAB CO. 24-llour Sfon·ice 8tt~~s,1 ~--------------------~ ,... ,.,.,,.. I,..,..MY C...IRIHH U'flelffly ApPflll• to tlto ,..,,..,,... ol AIMtlca to Help llflltl Storv'llfi• 1 t 'PuBLIC NoTICE :-.=~:w Y<JH.,; An huur und 41 minutes wu shaved off thl.' two-o r Juno• 1916. Roy ~i ,luhn•on Bermuda Nearer '""') ;-.;4·w York-11./rmuda au-unrt Ho)·c-r 11 C~tn·in th tl\\DCJ'S lllt'\11 11 ltol' C't11lllth rnul fl)trt~ or lhl' h• r1·tnartl'r drscrollt·d fiX· C•llt'fh·r tlu:< )t•ur . One uf thl' l tun·s nnd ,~1u1pmrnt of thAI {'t'I"- S. ffllt.: ooll'hno " C'll\t•h·d lhP 131\J t 1111 !\1•'"-1 :-.hit Shrop sillt.oh• nnd I mile·~ from l'l'll' Yo ll k tu Ut•rnllttiH lut•nto·cl .tt J77ct N!'Wport 111\'Ct , 1·111\1 !talk 111 ;) h•Jurs ami -II" (', .. 1,, ~I; • 1 c' tltfurma. 1111< nds Ill lUlU' rt:H"'. Thl' 1~ pert of thf" .. ,,.rflo\0 uf hundrt'tl .. of r .... ldfont... pro(N'rty O>'~'"'""' and bu...t.,...,. .. ~· t•l•• ul II.• II"'" "ho all«-nded tl\4-r.,..,.nl nlf',.lln~e ttf tht-Halooa lntl>ro\f'nwnt A~lOOC'Iallon to d,.mantl lhHI IIH· I'll) llu .onwthl•c to hnpru•·,. t·ondlllul\!o In lhlll ,...,.,,""· l'h111o h> Don llum wll, Balhna mlrutlls Th. fltt.:hl ell""' lt••k .: pl.w•· 11 1 h 1q, t mnrt~;ac•' uj.IOn the huUrb olllf1 .!.! 111111UII'~ .1nd 1111' 1111' s uri ("1111•-. un1l t'\Jlltpnwnl t•.lf k r•~IUII'• d :l huoll b .rntl _ti ·' R••V :-.1 J,1Jtnsc•n aud Ro) l'\' II. mmutts 1••11 ,111 ~·r• th.· nwrt~:.t~;ors of the Doro thy :"undtn ''' !.us Ao11: lo•" ~to•n~ti)IW' lo ildh'r, I~ \'lSI lin~ .\!1' ( :l .. ruo l'litl'l' ul ( 'ur tona dl'l .:II tr and lu•IJ<'S tu !.lll'nd lhl' .. umnwt m thts h.o<·ahl> s:ud prop••r t)', anti 1 lwu· adclt·t•ss '" ITi'•t ""''port ntvd, Costa .:II• bu, l '.tltrnrma Till' Ftr,t :-.=at ir)nal n .1nk or ()rans:1• ts tht• ntnrt~al:<'" nf lh<' <:otf1 !Jrllp•·t·ly unt1 tlwir adtlrr~s is , p (, n .. , :!n!l. Ctrnn~··· California• Puauc N o TICE TilE Pill •rf'TlTY. fixluro•s und ~ ----··•1uipnwnt upon '' hit'h 1111' said NOTICE 01' &ALE 01' •REA l (t:hilllt•l nwr iL!·'I:'' I~ Ill Ot' pl:tl'l'd PROPERTY S~T 1~,~.~VATE SALE ('t11l'>I!'IS of lh• fo•llnwins:: 1111 or tht• po·rsonal pmp••tl~ tn lh(' Mt•sa 1\n!t~. ~·~;::t;~;:n.,•;:;U~{' '1'~· r~•r; ~Tall Slwp lurnlt>t1 at 1770 ~'•'W· •••II Tilt: t'11t''T\' Ot' l.t>:' A='-pnrl 011'0 . C tt!lla ;\IP~a California, •:.:t.t:R. and m or" ll:trltnlla dy dt·~t·rlb<'d 111 tit•• ~t •ll•·r .. ( lit•' t:•t~ot•• ,( t'A I1'11 1 11,.. J 31 IS:.'.~\\'·~ \\'lll'lhtns:ton t:u-:,..T 1""'1"1"1•·nl F l:! :-.;11 ,\u-1'1-,li c·,,nd l 'ntl. 3 ,, II• r ·~ ,.., .... , """" thl<l th~ till h p . 3 phlllt' .:llllll•r :o\n HY . 1 ''"' •~• •·•I "' ·1 ""It 11 \'rhlll•· "''"' tu "\\'plu•r" 1>'-~NI,·I, 1i.' l~;t) llarrl Cuh-lh• lu~htt~t .&rhl a, .. .-1 111l•t .. r .-qt Jt ~ l tn urtruuatl+~n .. r ~alol :o;ur~·rhtr ,· .. t.rl In• 1 tie·,..: untt t . 1 :'up r f{nld, 212 :.: ;.~. ':~;~~ . .r·.··r ~f'r'.:,•.j!.:L, ~r:~~tf!~<·~ l;al It"•· t ·n .• n, Fr•'' ,, • =-'• nal No. Geological Experts find Salt Sea Waf'er Seeps Into Wells; Harbor Oty Hearing Called 1\ltttrH• > -1 1 ~ \\',·~• ~.,tit Stn'"' 1. ..... tJ:\7 , I•·~' untt •. ' .. \Htr'1t11n Rt.•il. Co bo A · w·,,· '··~~······ H ......... ) ·I I ..... """······ W Y rtlst I ,""lltt• .. t t "•hl"ffll t t I tht• l'tJ,tiH tUii· \\ilh _.• drnrt llrJTt'. q plltOp~; 1 "''' '"'•'"'"'' •. r •. •t lftt " .. ,, .... to•ut '" .. ~ud• n'' :!O c•u ft , "' '' 1 2 rlonr Sk h C F • ,, I I • u:l It•• t •flulll r•:tl l''"l"fl) \' 1 etc Ounty air ·II"•~•· II 11 .• t',.ut•ll (<IIIII~• ~4 •t" II•·<~ Unti l to•o•IKI\ . .! ll\p :t\'I'S t • •·d·•r ru. , • .,,, ultd) •I• ntf• 1 fur tJIJ'•'•'. ,,,,h· fttr t,.., nru.• for As Sherl.ff's Guest t,· t'"i7 .... ~·· ~ ,. . • .... u. • frM•7t"l'l 1 II· \o, ••• ,. ('•···•·r with ft ...... ,, ~ l..u~un, t:• .... .\\f) cltHH' •h ........ uno• 1 Exp. OffidaJ .. uf tht' l'lt'tropolllan Wat.-r cllstrkt annooJU't'll Monda~· that th.-~· have ~~elfo.·t · t•d ,Juh· W a..~ thf' dat4> ~t for hParin~ th.-Cit~· of N~wpor1 IW1u'h appli<'atlon for la('IU· slon In tht cUstrlet's "'at.-r '4Ujtply ~~~·K1f'm. Tlw lw11rin..: Wtll lw lw ld in th• Lr11:una llrad1 \\'nll•r dttillwt lou1lt1m~.; ,,t fl ~· fl m on lhnl dfll• AI tlw ~ .• nw ltrn•• thf• distrH''' •· .. mm""'''n "til huld a ltl'nrtng '"' tho • "l'l•lu til• Ill nf 1-':un t!'W Fnrn•• 11! ( ·u~lso .\l•••n. "hwh nlsn hilA 111• pltt•tl lttl' lrwht~tnn m tn lhl.' C'ttlo• 1 ,.t1 .. '' ilt• r '"JiPh '~~'•'nl. I t.o l'lt\ nr ,, "port 11.-IH•h 11! t , "' "'n•• 1 ,, • .n:u n1•"'' to d ... tll'l-II • 1111'1 • fiM'd llt·tlliolldS I• ·I 1\ ,,,, 1 l1 10111 ru "' rNitdo•n ts mm 111 • tnlu ttw h.ul,or .tr• ,, It ",, nt:l• • tl :o t th:ot ttro\1' that the Ctl 11111'1 111111 utili I "'lllt'•'S ()( (ro •I ",t. t '·•Jtl•l> tu l •u msh Its 111 <'lo t•lrt.: t••JIIII.II:'In II< \\l'll U lo h ,,, .1 "'I Itt" nt ""Pt•l~ on hnn •. ft • '"' J•t' ""' n 1 1..;1'-!Hna [\('ot't! ~m:rr•" \\'lilh• th• M••lrott••li iHn \\'ntrr tft•l I II I f•t lrfl \\ " .ttlllllllll< 1111: I he tltlt '"' tt. '·"1•111 Bo·u<•h nnd F.11n "''l F;,rrns h<'llrtn~t•. r <>porls rn·rltto'd tn lh<' U . .S Go•nlot;h•al Suno•y l'nt.:lnccrs indtl'itll'd that • dt \\Atf'r from lh•· Par1flt' ocran ":t• nlro•l\d) in,·adtnl!! I h1• lwach· ho•arl~ from Santa :'tlontc-:J to a pwnt south of l"i'"l"lrt ·Ralbt:la nnd 1 hl'r l' "us somo• d t1nt:l'r to t ht· '''I filii: I' fNtro>d 111111 I hP frNih wa ll'r wells her<'. 11w l' !' I';<'Oinl!tr><l Survl'y r P· l•'r t~ lht' •'"<l"'''•nn:• uf 1hr•••• s.:aps tn lit< h;tHt<•r ""11 formM hy lhl' l ncl, "•••I :-.;,."l'<'rt fnult hn•· Th•·1· art• 111 nallunn C"ro~ k m ,,,. r l;l\a dC'l R··~ art• nthiiOIII:h 1\ht<'h Ill<' ~•'1 ""' inl'llikd thl' \\,ot• r llf•ar1111= s:~nrls u p to Cuh·rr I 'tl \' ~nmr l'n~·tn<'<'r< hr>lirl'f' that 101 n<tnn' of tho· •mrl1•n•rounrl \\.tt••r; h) thC' '<'n, unl•· .. ., hlrl('k• •I hi "• II >hill !111\\'ll'. ma) n •nC'h :1~ r .... notrlh a• l\l;un -trN•t nnd J<'f. fr rsc•n strt•rl in Lo~ J\ns:c•lt". ""' rl'pnrl ~I n to'S It •• I ht1 \\ .tr' of " o1 •·r~. ~··'~ nt!ainllt rn·•h. flllll.'hl "' •'11 IH·· I•·" tlw ~uti "''· Ill< n·u om: 1• rh.qos 7tMI ~qu:rrl' nuh·~ "' 1:11111 on Lns Am.:Pir!' nnll c lrnnL:•' r•omnltt'.;, with ·n pnpuf.tltnn ol ·~oiiWIII \\hu.,,. prtmltP \\.tl•r ~lo\tkS :rn nl stakr Alrl'ndy thr rnrn" h'" Ill"' •·•I tniAnrl. •outh nr ~1111.1 Mnntc-a • tnwnrd 1 hr l111un•l.•• •· ' • •f ( 'uh •·r Citl" II hllll r·,nt.om n tit tl '"'""· fnr~i-m.: m'HlY In '""' ""'' 11 111 tlw I El Sr.:undn. !ll.rnhntt.tn !:1 wh , Hrrmn~n ll<';wh anrl ll•·rl•'n<ln !WaC'h nrron«. h,. h:t• ~I"\\ .. ct Ius hrtnl' Into thP w:~lo r l~o ,J.; from thr Anuth hnunrlnr y nf P,tlu~ V11rclrs hill~ In Lon~:: Rt•ut•h, nH" • inl!! 10 milo·~ lnlnnd In lilt' P flm· ln£UI'l nrra. llunlm~o;lrtn Bt•n<'h hAS hc-t'n !'truc-k <~nd \\ ••II• sttp· plyin~t "'""'IXIrt·Bnlboa anrl Co In M t>!!ll are fl"'lm~: thr sltn~ of O<'f'an saline. J,t~•l.. J on.t'l'·'· nnto'tl <'0" lwo\' "''"I · \\til 1 ... a !-:"''"' nf Sit•, ,,·r .r..,,,. I. l.ll;otl nnol "" pat·t) "' tho l lt.llll:t' ('llllrtl) F'utr tn s .• ntlt An• nn SaturdH~ l.tnct-h•). \\ho '" 11 I~PH'tl hmn and lor,.(! \\',~lf:J'nr•r of I ho• pl.tlll~. \\'Ill dt•\ttto• ~onw uf hts ltllll' skrtduns: pr11rnifwnt l'h;lr,octl'r<: \\Ito vtsil th•• fatn:rouncb. 'flw t'll\\ t••Y ,or I t~t. who ts J ravont<> \Oo ith :'l:l.·w•-Tunel' rradl'r ... is \\t•ll knoown thrtiUI(hout thr• "''s l lit• htts 1)1-t'n skr-H·htng p rom· ml'n1 husltll'i<S nnd l'lvlc-ll'ad('r~ In all purls o f Cnliforma and n l.'tJ.:h· hurtn,; l<lloto·" for nNtrly 5() years. OBITUARIES ('11,\ICLt;'i f'Rf:t:~l \S lt.\SDEL rh.,tlo s Fr• t•tnan Randt•l. AA. of :!Ill ~.opphtrt• It\• nur•. ll.tlhu.t Jst. .outl. dt• rl 111 a S.wt.o An1 rrc;t homo• afl••r :on ''"' nrl• rl ttln<·S~ :rnrl "1\tl'l''> \\Prt• ho•trl Satunl:~y ttnrlt•r !ht .rUSiti('I'S of 1111• :-.lll~onic l<oflc•• '"'h prl\·a tl' ~··1\ .,.,.s lnlrr Il l F1111 hiJ\111 <'t·nwtr·r \ 11"'" m :'\l'm1lh:! Kn~ ~lr llnn· •1•1 r"tl""•rl lltr• r·,1r1~'11t•r tr'lrlf' I f•• " •• • ntt•mht•r nl Lo.·" 1~. to: a n Lrlill:<' I'••. 2~0. F .onrl A. !'II nnd thr• l.l\\1• )I )(J.}' lit• t" '<llr'.'l\ t•d hy l\\'0 son<. F)n\fl I· llanrl• I nf S.tn lltf'I!O :~nrl Jl;tlph R Ra nd• I ol H.1lhoo., i•l· :ontf :r t1attdll• r . :'>It• Gf'Or~;tn \l.ttlh• '''of l-i:.111 ... 1<;, n <;t~tl'r, ;\Irs t f l1 Jtlt.t r:;,hiHn' 1-i:tu<;lo•\. K an , nnd ll ho oil IH·r, l .lmo r 1·: H:ondt•l nf ",,,..,,., ('11\ICJ.t;..; 1 .. J)f: WALT C"h:~tl• ' L I•·· \\'.til 7!1, ti11 cl S.olltrdn~· nltr·t nuon ot hts horn1•. :!:107 :-.;, "t••rt l~mlt·varo. Cn .. tn ;\lt·~a 1 If• wus hnrn tn l'hllatlo I· r•'"·' 11 ntl h:vi hrl'n 11 r;.n<'lwr In t hi~ ~,.,.,,,.n fnr 1 lw pn~l :.'0 yc'ltn!. I llr •~ sun '' foci hy Ius wtrt1~w. !Will'. nnr l<On , l'l.trt·n•·r Wtnf' I)(' W nlt. :'>lonlann . nnl' IISII.'r. ~'r• H r•lc•n l':ulfwld. l..t•" 1\nl:l.'ll'!l, and on1' r.rundt·hild. lit• \\'liS 11 ml'mbcr 1 PROl\IOTF: AIR Elli '(',\TIOS nr t h1• Mason ic lodJt" or \'r rmll· WAS IIINGTON A\'lation rdu-lio n. KAnltM C"atio n is h<-tnlt promote-d by four Funl'r&J i'MVH'f>fl Wl'l'<' h4-ld 111 o r lhc dnmi'SIIC 11irhn<'l of thl' 2 f) Ol tndny tTIJC'Sdll) l, at Unitf'd Stairs which mamtain llllroltl Grnul'l c-haflf'l with lpcciRI dl'pllrlml'nls stnHI'd by RC'\' Carl J ohnson o rrlcialtng and I full-time dlrl'clors anrl able rl.'·. intermc-nt "as in Fairhaven ccml'·l lt'arch Rnd fl t•ld workers. tC'ry. • Before You Build or Remodel VIsit Our lnt.-~tlng Sample and Dl.<~play Room~ C'olor guiriN', plan- ning aids. <:ompl'f'h<>ns- ivr s to<'k of carprts :rnd linoiC'um. Ru~ & Canwts Clt':lOPd, ICRpalrt-d ~ •• :' ... ,· .. ·,~:~-·~~, 1it~ .~·~· •. ;:~!." t .•:•· \1•;·~r \'uh r .end HIH' ,,.J, n ... ,t fr•r nl)()\'('. :.· •• l~:··e;'.'.'., ~~~ ,, ... a ...... ~~~ ''1 (jf.. I lfl l"rlJt ('Uflttnl ., ~. t ... ur Bn(t1hl": 'f• '"'" ••f ... •• • • 11 lU !t.-.fu1 rn• ""'" '.! 1:)1 ("uur-11• t" 'Hl!l "-'tunlli\ f<•nrT\· ··~ ltit l "n•~· ''.. ~'t'''~ .... ,.,Y," .:::.'•'ru,:.:a:!:;;:• plf•tf· ~·'' t . 1 <: '" 'lf)tJ•·•l lo\llt'fl•·n • •I• • ",,,. • .,, ... , t \ ll11,., !'tnk ··Jtu..:h.-, ~ Tu :! f•pt•ntnc~: '-.... :t ~·.•: '1 ,1 ;· ···!~~~·•• .. ,t•·.~ ... ~:~;f""l,~~ 1 ~lntnl•·'~ Sh·•·l Spt•(•i.tl ~ink for , .. I. '''l"'"t~·· "'"' ,,,,, l('r c·r·· .. m !loom. I St.llnlo·b~ Stl't'l 14 /1t1' \ ... • ', •. :·~.~·,::, ',;, •·;~11~'\,~.~~.~!,!:~1 ",',';~ Spf't"'iAl ~ink for lount.•r u.st•: 4 ~·:;-, :~' t!:':~: .. :~·:.'.·:dh~!.'',~,,t.h"',t.~:~:u~~f't!!::~· F'hulr4'sct'nl LtJ..th1~ "·ith tube: 3 1•.•• 1 ''"• ttrh ,,,,1 .. f Jurw t'll•• Malt M1X1•rs: 5 lr.l' ('n•am $('oops: IIAittJI.I• i< I.A WHt::-.o·t. 211 2" 1\UII'r pip(', 5() !1._," Wall.'r A·-~~'"1;!: .'.',' .. 1:;!1~~:~ "'"' ,,,. "1 ptpl'; I Suctton F an 1 u tttityl: 1 MI I.PH~~'' •:ll.)tfltlt. Sh~'l Grill llood . 3 !lltrror!l . 1 A•:·,·~"~?·~!,'' ,..~~1'111 ·~·;,';.~'.'""' \\'nto·r <'ool•·r and Sud a Cooler L-·• Auo;rlu 11 ,. •ll("r""' u~s•·mhly : 1 1iurbo11 Curhonatur; 1 ~:ptht.!~~:~l· h ::u ~: •. :!7 July :: I'J•ti C< ):! Rt'~ulator SUTH'F. CW 1:'\Tt:STIOS TU C 11.\TTt:L ~IOICTC •. \Ca: TilE ~,\I n r hutl<'l morii:IIS:I' is 111 hl' •·x•·•·utr•d anrl th<' ronstdcr- :tltnn lllt to•for \\Ill he pnid on the .::ilh rh~ ••f Jun•·· AD . 19-16. at I'll \\Ill I .:II IT !\I.\ Y ('( 1:-\C'I-:Il:-\. Tht• F1rs1 :-.;.llu·nol Bank or Or· :'l:utll·•· •~ lwn•h) l:ll•·n purbltan l IO I hi.' flrtli'IStllnS or ~<·t't I <Ill :1111 I 111 !11•• I loll \ 'todo• I)( tht• Stall• •Jf C<1lirornm, thut on thl' 13th d:J)' PASADENA U N. r.ucHd PIL 8y. %·!~tl .tn~.;•·. ( lran~;o•, l'nlirornill Hy n I. llruh.okt·r, Asst C'a.shlcr Morii(IIJ;N. r uh Junl.' l):t, 19 16. LONG BEACH L R. ~-0'7 LEGAL FORMS FOR EVERY ~ TRANSACTION 111/u# fXUII -rf4. {# lu!lp ? . il ....... ~~~~u~~M~!~~.! ,!0~~~TA ASA ~~~~~~~~~~~ HOLLISTER . We h a\'e made It convenient tor you to Insure compliance with all requiremecta ot the law by cnrrytng a complete stock ot all forms and papers needed for the comphrtion ot every transaction. ntl ttOMI SIWtcl DIPAITMINT Of YOUI GAS COMPANY SUOGISTS THISI PIACT1CAL WAYS YOU CAN HILP IN TODAY'I PAMINI IMIIOINCY- ., BRE~D& 2 FAr8 3 eA/.DRIIS Clll Mtv. Oft all f'ata and oik. Sne Wt.oftf potk aod ~ &t fOr cookin&. 'lU.m lA \lrl\Uable &t lO JOW butCh«. S•atstiMI: substitute oile .. or coobd 11lad-dressiogs. Awo id 6ied foods. Cw MP. on all high-a..lorie foods ... sucb u brud, putrlts. fats, meacs. S•ws,_: aubtttitu~ milk and milk prodU<U. more ft~ablrs, fruits fOt dessem ... 6sh, su fOods, poW try, tggs. hctminy. 1011\'MIIN COIINTIU OAI COMPANY } Brothers LANDSCAPING LAWNS LAWN RENOVATING Orchard and om amt•ntal shrub pest control ""ertilizers Yard anrl Orchard Maintenance Advice on Planting a nd Soil Conditions IDqure at CARR'S FEED $TORE . 18!'7 NEWPORT BLVD. COBTA Ill&\ P.o. 11u 5e7 -....._ ..__. au R......,ber,-tNt *e otplttatt• 1e ~ l'eMy • h8fldle any end ell ef ,..._ prl~ttlltl '"otlle,. from e -plete f.,.. oolor ....,.,. ..... pri~tt.lng problem .. tho plannl"' .,.. pubfloltl'ltg Ia tM N..,. Tlmee of yeur ~.._ ,.. _......_ ) will be ·~ to r-,._.. _,, fw lntorm•tiOit et ..,. ktft41. NEWS-TIMES . .. --·-..-. . .....-. .. c 1 1 i~ i .. ill bhliiJ I Iii i I I i i i i i 4 i I I l i I I i i I I I ' I I I I I t i i t I , t , t i i i I t to~ I i Ct ~1 I I i I i i I i i t I I i I I i I i I I i i 1 i I e T f i · J._l';laLiJ i•li I 1 ' 1 I I t t t t t t t t t '' t t ~ t t t I e t t li t t I t !! • , ! f OUR DISTRICT A MELTING P-OT- G. N. Wells Real Estate l'hone Beacon Mill 1'7to Newport Blvd.-<'o•ta Meu. CaW. 0 . C. IIAHR -· ."(' (' OTTO Otto's Sporting Goods and Saddlery Harr's Jewelry Twtn UlCRtimt3 18!1 H ARBOR BLVD. ('o.ta M .. u-84". ~...1 Arthur Sllwr -Bob Padfield New Blue Room (Wu Electric Grill) EATS, DRINKS AND ROMANCE I'lL llartMir !!U !08 Pll.lm Burt R. Norton RADIO ELECTRICIAN Phone Beac-on 5'711 1111 Cout HJcbway-S f'""l)lrt Beeda, CaiU. \ 0 . R. (Pop) Crawlt'y-N. M. <Mortie) Crawley Distinctive Home Fumlshlnp Crawley's Furniture 181! Newport Blvd.-Ph. Beaeon 54151 Costa Mcsa-"in the.' Heart ot Town" . Otto Boyd Boyd's Service Station "You Olio nuy from Tl<>yd" 1500 \\'. Qontrai-S~>" port.-1'11. Harbor 1185 AL ANDERSON Fun Zone BAlboa G. T. Everson ;\lan~··r METZ<;ER STORES ..• .,rt',IOnt' .•• 1189 l"t'" port Oh•d ., c·o,.la !\11'3&. llf'a.ron 5US·W "Homr onrl Auto Supply Stores" R f: • F.Lt:CT Jesse L. Elliott -ln•·umtM'rtt-SHERJ.FF Tt 'f:SU.U ', SO\'. 5th Harold K. Grauel CHAPEL 110 B road"·av-F'h. Bt'aNin MilO co .. ta l'ir~. Calltomla A. E. Groty -J. A. Groty GrotS' Appliance Co. Fr1KfdaJ~ a nd l\la~·tac Df'aler-Be~f'on 55415 11111 l"C1"1tOrt f\lvd.~o,ta Med. (.'allr. John E. Sadleir Real Estate -In su rance Offh~ l'h. Harhor 20St S4n l\laln St rN.•t-1\alhoa, Calif. F . 13. Owen Newport Souvenir & C.ift Shop GI FI~ OF ALL Kl:'\0 . l'h. Jfuhor '!I :1'!··1 ! 102 (k'4'n n f'runt-"' <'" tMHI 1\I'IW'h. Calif. HUBBARD I lOWE l't ••q l luhh11d'~ South Coast Company !'!I ~ \\'. C'4'nlroi-Ph. llarhor '!Mel HEINZ KAISER. Owner Bay Shore Camp and Boat Landing nth • Coa'lt HJ.:a~-J·honr 8 f'RC'Oil 6l50 Lew H. Wallace Real Est alt' ami Insu m nn' BrrlkPr rtlnnf'•: O fflrr. Harbor ~K•••. lfnrhnr 1MI9 %%0'Z \\'. Cl'ntral t\,· ... -sr"t'"" 1\1'.., h. ('llllf. COY E. \\'ATTS Balboa I~iquor Store 1M r~ Crntral An• .. ll~tlbw•. l'h. tl~~rhor 2-&79·J '-J'be Dome of Cor~'_::_l•. tl. llrndl'r, ~tl(T. .J. M. Miller RF:Al. ESTATE OROh:ER f'h. ""''"'' l'!•t'! 11\th at Cf'ntral-~f'Wf'Ort 1\l'arh "()n Your \\':~y In n .-.lhlm" Bruce B . .Johnstone nl thr S u:n or thl' "YI.\'IS<o Rf:O IIOK~f:" JOHNRTONE ~ERVlC E lfarb<>r I 8'7'! ·.f {'opt Blvd. At lOt lll~th"'·ay Newport Engineering Associates FRF:OEIUC J Sll'GF:R, PrN<trlcnt Manufa('IIIN'"' a Slllf'!l r.nc11N'4',.. 1215 Coa11t Jfl"·ay-Ph. ftf'arnn 6~:\!\ Wnli:H-e C. Ma ttoon Mattoon's Shoe Store .. Footwcnr for All thr Fomtly .. J'791l Se"'J)Ort Rlvd.--('oda Mee.a Dr. W. T. Mooney P HYSIClAN 11nrl St:RGEON Slnth and ('~ntrsl MI. Harhor I'ZI·hr. M'n~l 4t Robcr1 L Shon-y -Rr<'nm lnt: Enl!'in!'er Davis & Gay Mu$ic Co. 181'7 Newport 81 ... ---Collta ~~~-.,.._ 1'111 , tit \\'alaet 8~• 11eM1t .. Men and _Women .from Foreign Soil Bring New Blood, Virility and Ideas to Our Shores c:By HARRY WELCH I llrt·. A wonderful and \'ery tnt4-Miltlng fact about lN"In~t a mt"mber of uur great Anw.(icaa family Ia the realbatlon that "'~ are all a blend of many ~ mlxtul't'l of tbOM who ban roll'M' from abro.d to thh luid of fi'H'dom and opportunity ln Uw Mearc·h of our "·ay of We Ia the "·orld's grMt MIDOC'Z&C3'· 'l'h~lr Jtrtw'aclt' l'l Ilk .. " mlrrur In whic-h "''' find mar cocmnt ry· .. luuncJ .. ,.,.• rt'flt-.·tlon N'mlndln~ ~of nur flnd \\&I'M for frN"tlum •nd llu~ "Ito fii"Mt handf'd un l'l~·nwuth ll•H'k--tmd the IN• lat.•r KI'Dt'ra· tloM th•t "un "nd ttiOIIf'f''"l our Krt'at \\'Nit. I We ban many Auch adopted cltlullfl In California. aad value their pre!WD<'f! and rontribuUclu o our ach·an~D'M'nt In m&fty fleldl\ such u arb~ and scit>nCf'J!J, proff'Mions, butWwM and &Kri<•ul- Tht'tif• t>OI•t.at• an• toun,.hantly Kh'lOK our el\'UJqtinn lu 1\lnf'rit'a frc·"h tran<~foslunM of .,.,It and "ith IM'W life ud ltlcHitl, thlt!C ARN'r- lm l'f'maln." thf' ~tn-•t..,_t cocnmtr~· thf' \\•orld hu 1'\'f"r knctwn. l • From Belgium Fritz. Goossens Fr it 1 ( ;OII'>St'll' '' ~~~ fa~winn It'll \\it h l'flll'tt'!'-,,f 1\Hh't'ir•:t and u lttm;tlo•lv J:rnrlr'f! in C:rlif'o t·lli:t l t'f ollt h i" n .tll\t' l ~·lt.;ttllll. Arri\'lllJ..! tn ~.-•• ,:,. Ynr·k "hr•n ho• \\:t ... I 'I ~···••·.; 11ld hP \\t'lll llll· mo'lliatr>l\· t n l\fi..;h ;li\:1\\'H Jnd . whr•n• ho• \\rorJ\r~l :tl lilt• 1'\111· hr•r· lttt .. lfit'' ( 'unlln1! In ( ':tllfn tlli:t 111 l'~:.!ii lt1• IH'I nmr· :111 u r - d l:u·rJi .. 1. \\•trktnJ.: Jus 0\\11 ,·ilnls ltl'll!•'l'ltt•!'-a nd lhn..,.· ••f utht'l" """'- In I 'I Ill hf' 0\\ nl"d :1nd llJM'rato•d a fuw l'lt lo• at Lr,... Ala- mil no.; a nrt•four ~•'HI'!'-in lhf' lt11sin••o.;s lll'('p:trPd him lor h1s n~"'' \f'lll\11'1' IIH' grcl('l'f'Y ganw: so tn l!t II lw nHt\'t•d "tlh h is f:tmily tl• ( i.trdf'n Gt:ll\'(' anrlla to•r wilh a frif•nd pun ·ha,~·d tlw B:tlhoa ~l:orkl'l. ·nwn lw pm···hn~l lh(• inl•·r·•·'l .. r hro.; pa 11 m•r :mfl ltt•t·arnl' sol(• nwtw r . ·nw o.;to rr ff'altfl'"" m NIIs. frlltr•n foods. nnd ha ... ll uniq11r• "\'ila min h;u·" fur the di ... pl:ly of ft•('o.;h \'t•g r t :tloll'"· \\'oudy t'PIIJII'I' I' :1':-0d:tlt•d \\ ilh (;llfl!'-'1'11!'-:1' p:tr1 (1\\ OPI' :tnd lll:tl1· :'1~1'1' of llh' lllt':tl dr•p:tl'ltnl'nl. Frill.' hnlthi1-.; :tro • hi" r-:m o h ·r nd l lh· ).!1'1•" ing of flllo' flro\\ ""' 11•• j, pn• ... id1•nt of tlw Flt•mi~h -Aml•rh ·an l'lul1 ttl S11llllll'll1 Califtrtl11:t. IIi!'-fatlw r . hrotlwr a nd'"'' ... i,,,.,.._ ;or,• s till in Rr•lg ittm and las t Wl'>'k he fh'\\' m ·,.,-on n lnng -d .. l:t\t'll \'lo.;t l and\\ 111 "'a~· St'\'•·r;rl monllh . dttrtrt" \I Ilii hIll' lt:t'-Jll'l.lll • is('d 1o .tt l ,., "f•ll'l'l~ll r·oti'I"-J'!IIIdo•rll" l111' th1• ::'\1'\\'·T illlo '' From Hungary ' ) ..\6'.; c ... A. "SamJr " Src111tr To l l~t• ";\ltr:u lo • :\fill'" "ll ( ·.,:t'l llrg lm :t\ 1111114' S:or tt h ~11'1111'1 lo l lt•t' :trt 1'\'1'1111111 lifo· '"'''I' It•· ,;1\\ 1111• 1'11<'111\ l'lllo.'r h1' ll.olt\•· Jlwu:o~r'.\ in Ill•· 111,1 \\'odd \\'11 r A I llto,':tl''' .,f tlu1·o· It•· .tl'tt\t•ol \\till'"' J,mul.'' "' AIJth.t. 1': • .1 , Inti lho·y St>111t ft•ltll'llt•d l11 )Jurw :rn \\111'1<' I)Jt• r:ttlt••r \\,t, f.,l•••tl to <'1111'1 1111' ·II Ill~· • . S;tnd.\ '-llldit'lllltl'dlli nit ~ Ill .;dtool anrl \\It!'-tlntl lt~l (til' 11 f"'''lll·lll'" 111h 111 an :tmlllllllllll•ll pl;tul '11tn'f' ,\'t•af"' lr~trr. In l!I:.!J .. fnunrllltt·l:tn lll,v l11tl'k 111 flu• t '. S. A and Sand ) \\lork•"l US H Jl'llll' n t:t!-r'l'. \\'lllll'l :tltd l•l'iUtll' f'!l:tlrlfl'tll', IJ1o• lil lll•t' lr•aduw hun in111 1111' :wfrolll"IJIIo• l•tt,tllf''-'• l'l'llllltl' 1111d ..,.lltll).! I' a ..... ::-.;,.,, lu• '"''<~Ill•· 11 r;od ln tf'dlnld•ul :t nd :tfl,.r• )u ... d11-· dlal-g1· rrom tl11• nu\y Ill'":" I" tho · "n ·o.;l•f'l r;:tlltl'" llllltl l!r::7. tlw11 o" rtt 'l l .tnd ''l"'t':tll'd !ttkt· ,.,,,,~, tn l llluotl!'-Jf,. r·am•· 111 C':-t hf.,,'TIIlt in 1411 1 and 1.!1 •1 illll'l t'-ll•d iu lht· n•;t) l''-111 11' hu!'-il1t''' .rnrl l'l'l'o •fltl~· IIJ>Pilt>rl olfW<" tl e.:\t 1 • .. ;,>.t lltg h \\:t\. """'"'t.tlo·d \\ rllt him Ill lh•· In"'"~"'' I" I ' I· lt.·nltt'"" ;tit ~tld· llfl lo•f' 111 I Itt • ~:.till•'. :tllrl f ~'""-~'111• B.tl<•·t . \dtn t-: ,.., ••n i l\ 11111 111 tltr· ...... \ 11'1' ;mol i' w1 •ll k n •ll\ 11 111 lit•· ll.11'l,.tt ar·r•.t · IIi-. h n l1l>to· ... IIHinrl .. 111lh "" rirl•· .ond 1''''''1 '"''"'uti: :uHI w:tll'l 'II''"'' S lr •llll'l' lt \o'' .d ( ·,.·.l.t 1\lo•'.t \\ tth hi' \\riP ;md )o.flfl :'ll t•h.wl. "('Ill 'I 'I\" !'" 1Tl1 '" " • •II n• ·r I>A\11 \ I III'TII·::-J. M""·•t:•·t FHAN K A A ;o..;I J MII.I>Jtt-:ll \\'AI .~II Balboa Central ~1arket I\\"" ll~tll>u:t 'f•·:tt ;\brkrt ~ 1.,.11,.,.1,.•...-n 1 11111 t .. ( •·nl r"l-l'h. llt.rh<•r '!~'!!I Bob Calli s Ol•t rlhufor Orkin ·s Dellartment Store R••·••h ·t<r\4• .or II• "I TO!;', 1'1"'" f.o.•l' lror .• nr ... \\ • ,,, I f.,tt•l'httld \\':tro· I'"""" J\o•ou·ur~ 1nro.\-lu thr IJI'art "' f'u•l11 ''''" Custa Mt'sa Paint & lldw. ~hrrwln-\\ llllnm" (lurtllt ~· I"Jtlnt" Ke·h Ina fur i\flltlhtnt·f"''l Ht•,.t·uu :\1141l·.f. C u•l11 "'''"· 1141'! NrwtwiFI llhtl. ' OF.Sf:RAI. Pf:TF. (f-'1.\ ISU IIHK~F:I'fl\\'t:R I '!'!o :!uth St.-"""1""'-""· Jlarltnr 1tt7 Donald .J . Harmon RALROA lf(lRSE ~CES nr: UohPrt A. (~rawford Howard \\'.Gerrish II \RTF'ORO .-IR F. l"~t·R,\SC'I': (Ct. l'hi)Df' ftf'IIC'fln 1\1!\1 11101'1 Sr,.tW"•rt Blwl ........('n .. ta "4--. ('allf. MAC PELLET IER Newport Pharmacy ~tOll Orran t'rnnt-P h. t111rhor 1\ C.Li\n\'!'1 nr\'E KI.r.v lti-Aitor-1\rnkf'r 1 Beverley Realty Company 1\117 f:. ( o•ntrai-J>h. J111rhor 17AA-Ilalooa Thomas F. Norton Pmn RAY SHORE CA FE Phtonr '"'"•'"" !J7 &~1 1t1i II ( o11•l lll"av SPolt\'1'\(; 1.' -.;1 11 1'1; T ILl. 't I' M . A. "Sandy" Steiner · I <F \1 1Y't r. r F' TIE:":"ISn-.:. A~<l)("iotl' U. ('na'l Ill" :n-l'hnnf' llf'unn l\11ll Larry Ewen-Owner Mesa Radio & Electronics Co. 11M Sewport Blvd.-81'-IIUI \\'nil, \fon, \\on ''"'" ~tr .. rl-llalhoa. ANTON II ERSII EY Pt••f I ', t"h••y', Markrt Spot l'h. llariMor IIHlf> -llalhua l•loorul 1"1-:1~<;11:'1: STAJ-'J-'(If!f• • t;~:HAI.I • I.II:FJITY \1 r ~;• r' Ets-Hokin & Galvfln J'l:••v.t'"' I 1\Nol'h · !-.,,. ~-t lonrt"l'll · \\ llndn1;t••n Son I''' ·· S ttlrklnn F.U;t TltU IAS!i4 1000 f "·"' Blvd. l'h. ftf'~W>nn ~~22 · K• .... : Rrou·u11 ftOill·\\ ~1ary's Bay & Surf Beauty Shnppc l 'o •lt••H• • I \tlln11'1Jrlnl' 70!\ 1':. ('rntrAI-IIroll" o-J'tt. lhrh11r tllfWI ,f 'l11nt tJ l "flflr ShCtp L ouis Vl'rwcy, Pron. Casino Cafe ,'( Coc ktail l .oun~c Zll'l Main 14trr••l-llr.IIHla.--Pit. llarhtor 77D·\f Rrad rn L. Finch r.•·n MIO'. Finch Ceramics ntn ~ .... , ... ,. ntvft . .......( ........ "'''"· ( alit, I 'twnr '"'"''"!~ r.11 I :1 Pnul Lorentlt'n Ralhna Sportfi..,lt i rH : Fleet l'h. "'"'"'' :\111 -n "'""'' I''" 111 .. n 0. Z. Robertson General Cu nt raclf>r 121{1 f'na.l llll(hway-4 "'""" tl•·l ~'"'· ( ""'· l'h. lltHhur K:l Curt H. B ohman 'IJle Rohman Company Trh•t•lw""" "''"''"" ~tllt ""'' 1\1!1'! !Mil ('n .. t IIIah" ")-""" '"''' llo·n•·h, f'llllf. R()BE lrl f f. HEEb> Harbor Cold Stor:t~«· l'tt, ......... , 1411 n• 1141111 "'-"""''"'' u ......... , ..... , l<f .~, 1.1n·.• t.~:v ''PIK-t J P '' ( •• nu•:.l r .. ,.. ... n. -,, •• ( , .. ,.,., \fllltf'd \1111•• -lfo.l lh•K• -f "lol Cftollff• zut \faho -""""•a .. \\ allrr ''l•&•lf'hur''. l'rlncl&l&l B(•arh City Merchant l'atrol 1\p.l l}fllf'<l•th" ""'~ .... ~l·h::::tA;~ .. i::bi: ...... f ORO DEALER ~ 118 \\. ('4'11trl•l l'ttu!lf' llarhor t it Stnn~I,~~.,!~Tt~~~~~rden ._, P';etatf' .. ,...,.y._,,aee.t ...... , ..... IU I c •,...,., lllwav-t'tl. ~·• ~Wit C. F. Dennison A_.taw wtu. A • ..,_AND\'"' ln'l:ll'f'Ea-.._._ t.'l4 f1•l4l•C H&pwar-PIL ttart.r ta'fl J 11ck !'1. Frro v. Raub & Bennett F.NGINF:l-:RS Rnd SURVEYORS ,,_. N•WI"'rt .......... • ...,..., ~ .,...,W. Cloata ..... jOSEPll L MARSHALL Ch;f;ti;·nr:;iiut II a It- T. LEF'F:VHE "Frrnrhie's" Barbecue & llt•lirate~~~Wn lll1 "4Ain I'Ct.-1\alhua tlelf'l A ..... Klt'IIARO 1. I'ATTF.IU~C)N ( 'h11 r. .......... "' Patterson & Royle "r"l""" nlda.-Ph. /IIIII\ -"-ata A .. U f 'ua .. t lllvct 'lnrlh-l'tt, &ltt -1...- Capt. R J. McNa11y · Mr 'll•ll>''' Balboa Boat Livery 1M 1':. 1\a)' ~~ """"''' 401 1•: (. "I 'Cli''S" Lt IJ)WJC: F, UN Z 0 N F~ l.ltrl(•"•t Nttn•h••r 11111 1 lilmtt·• "fl <"•IAat l'l11 v llull \4 llh llt<ll~ n. "· tun .. ltan15r -""'"' .. Htrbert F. Kenny POSTMASTER ft.\1.11().\ ('allf. r,,.,, Wo·l~• I. .. :hllnr W~ Coast P~~!r.~ .. rties Co. lUll t:. ( rntr11l-""""'"-'"'· llarbor SIN W. H. Howe Stan·k's Cafe ! lot l'lao ....... '1/r,.cw•rl Woo•ly C:OOJit'r Ralboca Markt•t l'h Jlarh••r 11.\ -liOI Main l'llt. .J ack Hamilton Rencon Sea Foods · 't:\\' MI'UT I U /1 f ·.,,.,, ltl•hwar-'"wl""' 1\l'af'h, C'alll. A I. I. AN I >MCTF()HU The Blue Sails · ftr>'lke, "'"""""''· ('a ttl"· Art llu..,_ l'lflfl Main Nt. -1\•lhna-l'h. llartw" l'fR nohert .;. Arvin'H .f•·wrlf'r'!lt ancl Watrhnlllkl'"' llfl T"""lf·~llftll NlrN't S r" ''"'' n.-.. rh, f'•llf Wllllttm M:w('u,.lv \\' II. ISklp) C11lklna MacCurdy & Calkins, Inc. '-1 \\'A I /{ICI 'IIITJ'(•I"" ~1 r '.:" ,,. , It• , ~;.. AJ .,.,. ..... 1211\ ( """" Ill"'" '''"I'"'' Ut·h.··l"'"""" IJfilll I>ON N()HMAN Nurman's Mf'af Market 'li)(IU ( o•ulr!ll ,,,. -l'h. lhrht~r IWWI ---- .J. E. Ra~sdale ,, )\\Ill (I Balfm\1 'luh•J and \\'indMor IIIIi K ,.,.,.,,.,, e U~tll>'olt l'h llnrl"" 'I'll 111'7 r.. f lllnlral ll•llooa. l'allf. Rnh Allen COl lNC J LM/\N l ,.,.,1. 1\,\I,Ufll\ rMI -\~tl \'\RIP:'f\' "'TIIRF. VI 1t.N~:V I. IIA V ~\a-Esta Motel .':ti!v1·p h v fh•· ~··a" I flfl'! ;-."" 1'"'' IU.-•1 -c ,..,,. \1,.,. \1 1 .. V'\1'1•11' "I 'm "" 'h•·••l' mv ·,.,,,,. ' lro lhl~ htt•lnr"ll"' 1\fodt•rn ~htH· lh.•rmiring • t · .. ,t ~ ...... -~ \\' ~ .... , .. .,, "'"· Dufrh H(,acock ltfl'tt'; llt'll.ltf:IC lt!l r.. ""'' I ruul-l'huuh llarhnr 1102 -'fll """'"" ""'"'' EAIU~ W. STANLEY llt·~tllur (',,v, • uot• ':ro11 t•·1 J'I:••Wfl'll l llttrhor "" \f..,.lu,.-1\nlhue hland-lflll'hor l'ne flll\ C'uto•l n t,•t.-4 uton• 111'1 Mar-flarftor lite liiiJ C'rntral A\-1'.-~ ..... ,.,,., Hflaell 7 1' tr:M1 I I I '1 I t 11 .,., I tt'!T"T•·rr=rr:rt • ,..,.., r 'I!ll •• ! I ! ! • I ' ' ' I ' 1 • I I I I ,, . ..,,,,, "='''T:rl"1fl l T I rw ' , I ' f • ! I • ~. 11!' .. fJ<!'ftr!•f!+' ,. , I I I ' I C• I I I I ! , ! , I J • I •• ! ' , • ' I ' • I ' • 'J I • , t , ., , 1'1"! I tt r I I ' I ' ·-· •• .. - N~~M~A ~~~~N~rt ~~~~~h~b ~J~~~ul:N~---~----~1~~~----------------------~~~- NEWPORT-B A LBOA I. I MI SE fo• ur Asked l Corona del Mar PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY ··=~iW--;ii~EYWJ£;"';; .. 1:;;;:;;;;.._;;~; ;-~-:;~:Vol~--~~~~ I noll I:.:::.;~;~::~~:;: ( ~: For Floats ~ sPP.~I.!~·m ,: :~::~:~:~::.:.~:.,. ~Payable In AdVanrr . :.!.:50 JX'I' yrar In ()range Coun ty; ""''. '"'' ttll" th•· 11111 :.nd un ut. \.\lt·d•lllnr• avenue. has a11 I:UI·St for thrf'o 12.75 ~r year to 4lh zone ; $3.00 per )'l'&r to 8th~ "'"''''' ,,,, '"'' 1'''" tu k 1 n. .l.to•us.:h the l'llorra. ur 40 tm nch wt~ks Mn;. Churl~·& 1'\tcbola, Aus ----------· "'''''"'' .. , 11 ,, 111 "''~'~''''' tloo• Fu'lr "Jll'li•·nllnns 10 COntlriH'I ,• :• "'" \\hu work at Cunsvll· tin,'l .. •xns .trs =-:u·hnlsii\'P(Ih('ro I:Dtered u Seeond-<..,nM> matte I' at th" Post'lrttce In Nt>WpOrt &ach. , ,.1, 1 ttdo 1 11, 1 ·.,n~ltiiJIItofl, 11.,. I'll''" 111 '11 rtonas purls nf Nl•Wpt•t l d '• ol ~l••d. N~·"' IJOrl Bench ill dunn~: llu· wal' and Californlll Clllt(()mUI. unJer thl' Al'l or !llullh 3. 1879 II . I .. 'II "' ,, ... ""'' 1:.1. lt.l'. l•···n ll'l'tl\t'd In ''" I'""'''" Ill tlw III'W softball llli<llt• Slldt .HI imprt•:lSII)II on ht·r -~-~...,.,-M-EY_E_R __ • Put>IJ,Il• 1 11, , "''' h• ""''''" n h•·ttll! l""t to·w "'' 1·' ~~~ lh<' Engine• a " "htt It L!"' unuu wuy Tucs-"ht· sa1d, that she had to return D. PORTER c .. neral Manttgt r I.,,,,, •I ,. ,,, I ll lo• I "1 tlll' \V:ar Dcpartmt·nl ". IIIS,:lll . '"' r Ill lluntln~;ton tl unl} '"' It \'1~11 lh•r '1\•)>11 F. C. FROST bill 1 l.oo• ,\II>:• I·~. :tl'l'nrdlng to Kt 11 1 1 It i••ncls Sll" sh•· ts not a lnyll "\\ t!l tlu llnu •·. •·II I• I ""'""'1 I I I I r I I II 1 J W. F. DlXON Atlv.nL,Ing Manlil(t'l '''If ' '1 ,. · 1' 1•·· " .1 If' ar "'' 111, lo llo l\\-, \\II·' •'nil th"lr te"m T\'I<Un, l.nlf sh•• f'lll't t•nthuso• a list ,.. n~ ... ''hit 1 ·''"'" ,'•''' lit 1111 lh• t•loltl'lllll\" I O.:I ! t t In ' v~ ~ ~ o\OOOUNTA..'\T ' ' E. T. Bu~rworth, 0 . D. " . 8. W H YTE O&~tometrtat L'ro'lll& TU ('OS~CLT4NT l:l'E8 EXA..'IINI'..D AtHburh~ b, &M Geu ... J ~\al~• Tr.ta. U:SSI:S DUPUCATED ur7 hr·p~a.rtm~u\ 10 ,._ p,.. • m eht:"nta ta . t_"t,H~Ck'-.itou 'tli'Ub lfkv tt.,.. , .. ,. w .. &tMre .. Ga.-~_. AA.I..W . At'IJITI!J 1!1\IITf:~l!l 31 U W. !'ntr.t ""'' t'll. 11M"-Uti IIOOil.KE&t'l.~O tiEk \ II & S lllWI'OkT 81tACU om .. •••• a ....... '"''. I .. ,. ....... t'lo---.'WIII'.J II ARCIDTECT Marxaret Uarst Corbett I announ<lf't tbe ua~nlotc ot a . Prtntinc Plant. 3011 \V. C'('ntrol Avcnut' . .-ewport ucar.n, ~1 Utl111 "' 1111' l'r•·lll•nl 'li•· ''""'' ory ''" • 11•1• '"' St''''. '• 'Sil•t•lt•rs," ure tn lhl' II'O!;Uc •·n••• \\tlh II d>'~tn• to \tStl T t"xus 1 \A th•l trH IIIII: .. • 111 '1""''' '11""'1111: lrwatiun 111111 " tlitiiUI:It tlw11 nwn ~·Horts ''~'O -'Vvid tS ht•r tlt•.srrtplhlll of II Official Paper of the C ity o f N e w port Beach I""'" ul th•· l'"'l~~~··d work '" • 1 1 ,1.,. 111,1 hcing buckl•d by any-t-har\ns of varied climatrs nn Armand Monaco brandt ttcllfKII of E)t' F .. duratlon I I• E. Neff Woods, D.O. A.RCIDTECT ,., 4 Depetlclable •~•I lll.!ltltutloa fur Over 81l'ean I ho• "''' "·" :•:1'i '" 1"1~11 1111' .,1 ld•· ··r l h• J-:n~:in1 •'I'M Offiet• .11 , , " 111,. tlw 1,,81 uf 111,. lt•am.s S•'f'nf's. So 11 h.ruks us 1t h•·r uffl'C -~-(b. l1t" 1 '~, '•• ''•l ·l"+l l tlu ''" .. nd --1 "-' L·,,.,,,,.,11 "''''"' r .,. Atl ..ot'~·~'-' •·' '' r " • · ...... ~ tit .. l•·a~,;u<·. Otlu•r 11•1uns. wlttch ltuns arc stall "d C't·p 111 11w hcnr EOflORIAL Active {•i ' • 11 .ot. '111 "1 ,,.,, '"1 111~ :-.11"1' ., ·'' •nd 1111 '''t:.'''·rt 111'rsona llr• 1 , ,, trnm S('al Bl•1wh and Hunt· of Texas." SSOC~ATIO £ I\···''' •l' ,.,,,. '' 1S .tt·•1uu•·•l ;-, ' t '• ,ut n'l•1 hJf•Ct ions hasttl M e 0 mfber _ . _ ~ •,·1f11 .'.I ·,·,',',J ',',1,1", ,,',', '',,',', .n',',',· ,',',;'",'1 111 .:," 1 ·,:" : •• '"':" l~lo•ro·sts !wft•l, ' ·~:,. ,:~·;·,~·~~tst~:~;~~· ... ~~y !~~~ , f ~~':::. J~~~~·~:;,:=· ~~~~~ ~ -\luntl>t) • J uno• J7. oll'COI'dlng It• ,.,~ ('llnCt'l'llS and are beini ;\f,lri~IOid 11\'t•nUP, \\ ·" !:f>tlllla f• 1 ''1' '1• tnl" '' '"'1' 1 '1 """ ""1 1" I'•' 1 •••un•d wtth t.m tnl<'rt•st Saturqay, June 15 from USC an In tho I• .11111 '''I 111 Ill 1•·1" •l11• \I•Joll• '''""' t l'• It' follows: cl , ,,,1 II, •' '" ,. ,. ,.,,, '"·' r1 II\ .I 1 llttldl• "'"· 3111 Ftnll , ,, Sit'' h•rs hit\'t• had to chip n·~\~' • tl lwr 1'1.:1'"'' of BM·Iwlt '" huy t nou~o:h balls and bats of -"cacnC'c. Sit~ will havt• ,.,,. I ''' tlo. l' . .lof,,,,,' "' I• '"'""' r, •·· 1111'' :-.,,."'"'"1 H•·:ach. fur I" r , t tluuu~;h thr lt'ili.:U<' sc·h••d ulc months \\ork an as man) '""i'"·'' 1. tl 11, 1,.,, l it• lttll 11 ,, 1··•1 ,, '" ••·u~lt•to·l a I'" r With land 1 "'' 11111 S.:tii.U'Ilnh•<'<i support in line with her (~UJ.I!OititOU I ,, rl , 1 1111 1 tlu·ot :11 haY\, \:tn l • nd. to 1. · 1 '' ~1" 1111 " ' " '1 '") "'~:ant711tton or t•\'l'n Therapy rours<'. whiCh will he F a l.l""" of 11"'',11 land JKlli"· alltho rtlll'' to ('nfun'\.' IJ11• full al.-l'nl I '"11 ol 1" f' '~" tlo• 1 I .._.,to<l In ''"111 .,f Lnt fl. tih"" I I bl h h th t f I It' ...., " ., I I I I .o il•• I Sl·t I lull I on I ht• nllt t lo I w J:l'no r.t JlU 1<' I r r <' , ... ,,.,. t' ) pi' u tfl~Jl a J 1 · 1 · tl I' n " I 1 l• ol 1'1 1 1'1' ""11 1 11' tht· f, lluws ur th~ tC'am are sho• prd••rs l u work tn. u~ th letter o r thl' trnffie Ill\\' hy seven·~ (lllnl<;llnt: 11' IIHI " ,. \•I ott''" 1·111 111<1 \\1'111 •l o,•, ''ltt l\ ""' n l 111111 •·XII'ndtni: .1•• o\o•tl II\' ('lln~tllldtllt'<i StC't'l Aln). :'\1\~ tor d u ldr.n< ltOSJ'llfu m o torists who fla "r.tntl.v vio late city unrl s ta te onli11:.11t t'~ I• '"' 1 lo•u•· h""' '"·otl•l , ,..,, • I , "''" ''" H"" At••• t"'hann-• ,... It, '''''"i'•'"' '"" fnrhodl' lht' totall\.1 ~. fV\n!<t'lllt• (()I' I lle m o unt in!! llt•.·ttll toll on I ht' hil'h · I' oluor" '. "' I" flrtn Ctl • .. \\ IJ(II't na\ . .J n •. .:O"' •• ,_,. ..... • 'l 1~ r ,~ .. H•JH fhi O) numf' '" con-:l 1~ Ptttrl~PIIta ,:l \flOIJ••, In t~t.Hll(lUO h .. I ·u · tJ ir pi \. lht• 1' •oltl ''''·'''11 '''''1 I '·"''" p,. '''''''""''· -•· toll\\llltlhl•ttUifllhnt1is in \ d\t H I n d ways. Th<'SC:' a ut .,nlt<'S t:l\'e WI ltn lC . " ,., . 11., ,, , , 1 1, ,1 "' "'·''' ,, 1.,.11 " ,,11, ,, ,1111('. 1_..,,. ,\m:~"l••ll. 1 1 "'"' .tr. i'" . r<> "••·rt 1·•· h I I th h '---Jnn II Ill Ill 'II "• ''"'""'""~' th··· hu~o;. Somt• =-:1·\1 flurl ll•·i~hh :\It 11nd ;\l r~ \\ mea ns to Pnfot'l'(' 1 t' :sw. lUI r y a\·e IA.~·n , 11·1 ' '" ,, • ,, "' " 1,, ,, • ,.,, -.t. ,. 1., ,.,,• ,,, ''""'"'""' 1''1'' "''h '''".1 . '• , "•flJit•t t I•· hind N•'WIIItrl P1·t•·t ,on , I lun11n~;ton l'urk. ;\I dutiNl,..-tQn kni<·t.l for lilt' pultlw .t.:r•od . There Cl l!' "1111'' f~<•· It 11 1'tl•l "' ' "11 ""111' 111' 11"" '" 1"'" ,,.,, 'nrl. 1" 1' "" , 1\lt n ht lwlp a lot ln and l\la·~ \\'tlltam llt•wl ll. Gurtl1• I Ht 'It tr\ ~rnrl ''" 1 1f•1f ,, .. 1tttl "' f1•nt ttl 1.,,, :!, HI•H• ... )I<X' ju,til't.'" h tl\\'t'\t't .tltd ~111lll' f'llltt •' dt'p:lr1mc·nls. Io lii, \\ II• '·'1' · f 11 "1 ' floo "'1l'l•.tll l••ns.:u!' 11 sue· C:n•"'· ltnd Mt· and 1\l rs. \\"a1 n• . • I I 1 ''''•n"''" ... , •••11t•·' ,, •.'t•! t '"·'' S••·l 1uu ,,n tl~t· soutl ~l··"sin"t. Anac1f"' ~tvenu(', Balbo n.t't' rv>rfo n ntng l ht'll' tlttl i<"'. l•'w• ··~l ll.'l't:t r-o mtnt•n f :t ron ,l''''"ltl 'oil"' th• ·•roo•r.tl I "',, . ,,,J\ .,,,.ttl rrnd ~'~>ltndln~t :1• ''" •-1'1 Ito• tl ••l ttfil "rll prnh ohl) ""''ndrd th•• hlrt hllay Jlllrty 1:"'' there nrc J ustwt'S Crc.x.t:~h:ll.k llf Santll 1\n:t, ~tntl (;,tl'dll!'l' 01 111 1""11' ol '' ''11 '' "" '""' 1 ··' 111'"· 11" H l\''1 "1''' ('ht.nnol 1 1 If unrl os ln11d1-d with in honor of 1\lrs l\11 ~~t nt:: at Lnk• N 1 n -·h ..t tl" r·llt',:-;:tl'll:t All:t J)(•lit"t'dt'Jl:trl nl r•nl.,1111"11 1"111111'1 rlol't•''"1 \\l•o' '1 "''\ll fl\ 11 '"11C No•\\1fO~·t_Ru~ II I II \4 (·Arl r·lltll, l..tttt•• nl':t<'h. F'ridu e·wpc:u rx:Ul I llnu I ,,() I'"'""."'"' '"·•'" It"''''"' It,.,. Ill l·.ot\1111 ;\I Hl:rll··. ,,1,) 3to•1 j ,, 1 11 '. .,. y ,.,,.,,n , y \I'll op· ~" ,.. All, tllJ't'C <tl't! ttdJitinio..lc·n ng tlll'll' Wl.t h to tit<' ltt...;f nf tl•1 •it' :tl11l-r~·•r"ir• tl ntllnot ., 111.,11 ,111,1 1,1 .... ,. ~11,.1'1 , :'\•'"l~lrl H•·ada .. ror fll'f'n , 1 ot• \ltol1'1 ll<'tll :;(Jund •from ntt.;ht 1 ~ I I h d 1:1 • '11 .. ,.,, l!,.,wh It~ 'hi' lop.-.itl•·cl 1\lr 1 td M1'1': JT nrold WI I so jty and m' o rttnk moton.;t~ •'<'I tlwtr Jll:-'1 r I'S."'l'rl.<: 1\ h'll 1 t') I to ,, tr··"" '""" "'"''"''1', r1ntl at '" l•trl!'ltlll"l " float w 1th lan lit): " .. · '"' 1 1 "t• "' ::'1 :1 • :l:lfl ll'i!: IIVCnlh' 11nri ;\Irs. \Vilson within thl'ir JUrtsrlil'ti•uts. Hu t llul 1dl m i..:ch·m••:trtnr" ' 1 "'11 1"'" '' '" tl ''~ .. ,.,.,,,,,,: "" 11"•d 111 11'1 ~"'11"0 "nr · 1" "' IIJI'':' , 1• ,1," 11·nc11,. is a s trp in come . It I""' l•duro· I \It'll,. "' 'I lo•d< • " Ill fto lnt .. r llntl I '(fo •nflint.; .\. p:lrt•nf,. :\1r. :lt1cl ;\lrs. 5;was.:••r. 31 by m nronir mnltlf't.;l s lra ppt•n rn lht• ("t ilt'•: mcr.-.1 nf !ht•llt IK'· , ,11 "•r<'lt 11 1o1 111 1, 11 111 "' tn feet into llw RiHo Alt•l l"h:lnn1 .,.,:11 tltttt'lilln t .. r Pn;anizcd Larkspur avt•nlll'. vi~ttN1 ;\lr :u1 . I 'fh • I th n t '·. t "I"'" ll trltnr and it ,,, .. l'tl 11111'1 ·and f·lnl't\\1 II\ L'to cur on th e COWlty a n d ~tllll'htg 1\\':ty~. at s 1\ )t•l'(' ,. lllil· "l"'r·'''"" ..... ,.,..,1111\ Ill \ltnn• • \\1•1• II ''"'··I :'\o•\\1101'1 ll) •• s ·. . • ' . r I I !"-"'" E ""' ~~·rlht"'S opinion that a n•st llnm1• T lottr!'rlll\ 1\trs. liar 4AP t"lon o f m u tor rh•:tt h' and ~·rious ucdcit-nts IHJPitt'n. • .,, ' "'" ''••" 11 '' lh 11 ! I lt .. mm•·r, ,,,,., ~<~st IV& po ' I I• '' • • ,, .t f•t~•t f1111llfll' pru· t :.1 ,, , ~ 1 :\1""'''· fm· I" rrnit '" " '"1111'1.1" t1 1•1 l••:ttn'< •lk ttl· Is lht• !W<If'r nr ;\lr \Vilson . And Whill• Oil lhc SUhjl'd of highway :tt'l'tcfl•nfs. 1\t' \\'OU If r·t·rlllrf', fttr tl!'flll l• n1 •1\rm· 1'1111•1111·, 1 11 pit'!' \\tth lam1tttl! flt>tl 1111 I•\ "''1 tl nwto·hanoo; Ill the ~Irs l·"1·o·d \\".u'lll)', :!11 Marh:ol like to know w ha t the stute hig hway pliii'UI in Ol'ftng t' •·tJttnly pttlo1 r ttttltti•·' \\ h·1• I<; \\rnn•· ,, I•·•"' trd 1'1111. 1, he' l•w·:a t1•d 111 1' 1 1 I 1~ o.tarl• rt Ill tho· llnr · a\••nuco. ~·nt••ro11Hwr1 nt dinnr r Sun ,1 ,11,1 '"m1• r••.tl fun t'(lUid 0 1 h 1s su........,....A to I)(' doing th ('Si' davs. It has lx'('n m o nth ... s inC1• ",,,, un ''''' 1111••. '" h ,,., .. ",m' r. 1 r~o.ru .. 1 1~•1 ~. lllrll'k r,:lti C':on tl tl .. y. Fathl'r's ny , n onor o ~ • • l•ll:tltlt• Jornft•r IH'II lll''ttn~t <IOJl--.. 't••n on th1 south• '"'•·rl\ ~"'' of,'' 1••1• hol hushaml ;\lr •ul \lr< c;, we have seen n highway ptttrolmun on the J"'Oitrllx'tw\'f'll . l'\\ · pint· !ll'rvl1.,,~ 111 ,.,.,_,11 , 11, ltf•• ~•n•l ; 1 ••ul ·,,'~1' t!dtlll! ~1 ,,.,.1 1ni,) 111, I' ol• l<c•t"' r n tht· different ( .1,.,.,1.r. 1 ... ,., ·'"~"'· '· .tnrl ;\lr 1111 dCos Mesa d "'-t A Th t t ... ,,1 m ro....·t • I I ·I,, .. ·01••• \\tollhl lw tn· I L· 1\\' II Ill .. 'I port an ta an .:><.~n a n a . a roue L<., l' "" I'" ~llfl'fv~ 1.• oltot \'h:ltlnd. ·I \\1·-·· ,,, :tl'lll .. 1 •• " ;\ rs rl'l'l :It • y ..... linin ·' un tlagrantly violated 0( a ny· we know. ThC're isn 't a day or n It wo11111 hn\•• rtollhttriiNI l:,twv :-.,. "l,•rt ll.t' ·' • 11"1 II •li••r ,.. •ttlo·nts "'"uld tnt. ;\lr-. C'INt\• r as ~lr. \\':HIIo·~ . . . I ""'""~ n n1l • nopl•o\ r~ '" ~~~· ••:or·h 1 • 11 · '' 111 lin "11 11"'SI' ":arm dauJ:;htrr anrt Fn·rt \\'.rdll'\' I II I night that some one of many careful dt1\'<'1'S tsrl I a m fY..t I"'"' r In F··tlt' " <'•"" •• (ltr 'n:nu· \1. ~t -1'1'1 If:" R\" .\lit '., •' 111 ·Itt• son. 8aU"ed out o r hls wit." by a damn m oroni<' drivt•r who C'lll'i in ltro•;whc•<t ,,, rontr'tl'f<; p.,, .. \\ ultl I 1'111• .. l' ""' I• I l nllll ftlt ... •I, ,. I '"" lt.t\t• tht~ ''1"1' \It ;ond :\lr' tiH,\111'11 I\ trn rl f I I I 1 t 11 o o! '\o \\f'lOrl l larh11r" and out ot the t raffic la ne , en dang<' 'lg th4l li' <'S o 1is O\\ n ""1' '" "'""""' • "'1' 1' ''" .,,," ,1 \rtt''. ~·~· · \I.,.,,,. < • .. ,, "net tl.lltt:hll't "''' • rh. I 111 . ,.,., tl\11to "'1 IIJ> In ll"ll:nNf ni:T'f'<'-· Ill \\lonllott" ~ll~ll\f'OU<',IIIId;\lr 1\:rrn••.' 1111111 rw-.oers 8S w e ll as riders in Other C:tr.\. The majw· pa 1·t IJI Ho •I t'rtt•• .anti "1 '' 1 "''' tnll•ttnt 1 , 1 t , 11, '·, •It 111 pn~1•, '' _....... '""'' \\'hal'• ""''"' "'"' " .. ~ 1 H ''''I .. t ''"""t:tli• cr ;\lr~ \\'illi:rm 1\:orn•~ ·11111 h these reckl~ and speeding drivers art~ young .it•rk~. hill """ '""I I I ", '" Ia•, ''" ' , ,,., 'I ,,,1 '' ' '""" ' " n '"'·II '' r .. r I •II ,, , rll ' Itt t I•• clam "' t ilts n• I''"". [)(lull ttl llru" n. ~~··nt tt 1 • ,,I , 1 mrwh 1-: kn11\\'T1 fJf there also are som e o ldstt>l'l\ nmon~ th<'m . too Zon1'fl ltnail~ 1"'1'' m• 111~ I "'"' "' • 1 • '" ,,.1 ·1~,· ., 1 ,,1, , r 111 I•'' l'''"~h:~l · ,, ,, s .• , I •• ~~~ t·rul.1y Tt ·" I ' tl 1 t '" •l•.tlll•·••l til• llw'.tl•t•ltohl I on I . ) 'I I •n ;".tn • ''"'1"'11 \\'''*"'II ''.,,I, I , .. p,,\\1\ ,.,,, ..... 1\o. r ... 1! f~·.·n·' :lllt"nfft•t11h•· Olltl•PI .... l•1 mean nothing t o them as th£'y hit ;;.., a n t t.t t.H I·~ a n w tu 1 1 """ , '"" 'I'· ''".'"'' will """ "" • I• t•'l •ltt'l.'• t1 ltl ·• '' td 1 \t,.,,. 111 , "'"H' nwn ;\1• t! !-=otntl." t1t C tcond:ll1• i\ottltll•l'!ot and eornetlmes w h iz so ci()S(' l:x-side mol"(' C.lH'\.•1 Ill cldvet ~ t h .tl • r ... "" t ft, \\'. ~· I· .. ,. t ""' I "' ,, ol ol " •lr•t•l ' " \ II tr h. " • \\ '''"' I 11"'' ·It lolllll'll .. r l;ocl< \\ l>t ..... ~ l,t ~ "1,()/Wt \\ ••rl h "' S.:• If l I -' 11 1 l 1 11th, ··nl!llnt· \\til h•· 1-:H••d one doesnotknowwhen On('Or l hi'Oihc t·wiJI X'I'OIIU'I;IIlg t•<t •m ""' 1"1 tl "''1"'' ;t "'n ,,., 1t,11 , ltoll""' tho· lull ,1 '" \l o'l •·•ltt•wn Tlw ,lotm l!<llot l.11• . I tr:wt "'"' lh"" It• clttt ''I' tl ltll t I '' "'' It• '' ""'' ~ 'IIIII•. lh· I 1\1 Th rn ~· frlf'n uplnacrash. Some clnyit w lllhaplll'n nn lh ill hrg hw:t) :till ,.111,;11 111ntr.wt th,ol 11, ,.,,.11" .. :·:t ·,~~·.',~.,; , .... :,,'t' .1 ,:::···:~'1'.:;·· t• 11111t1 ""'\\Ill r,,, .. ,1n:•1 '1~,:;,'',"~~~:·:',~nl:,.;1~;,n~":;lt\\hu If It does, the Orange county offkc of the high\\ay p:tll'ftl ' mnro , .. , loi· I"'""' Ito •. o•o tl•lltt\t 11111\"l ,;.ot~IIMOII , .... ""' ,, 111"1 n··· , ..... l• ·1 l'ttll•·l' "I "" ltllll It• b,h takc•n f)llln)' lrljl~ tn the 1111.-t.lhare SOflle o r the blame. /II• ht''tl oO\o'\ Ill It! 0 tl lilt' lito• 1 'I 1 .tf >Otl•lol!" ft Hfl\ f ll>l.olld Itt I 1.• •llltf l ttrl' dt _,I' ;ond lltt• 11\\ no•r .,( tl 1,11!'1 Please No te, Gov. Warren: d 814 W. Bay Ave .• Balboa Harbor 17U I U21 Lakewood Ave. Loa -\nplee NOm1andy &tos I "I C~ICAL LABORATORY d , Clinical Laboratory ·~I ornoe boun: e · 4 :30 , I an4 by appol.lltrnrnt ~I TI:LI:PBO~E HARBOR 8S8 !8SS w. Ceatral Ave . (' I DAV 8CIJOOL ''· )' Mor timer School . len Co raJ Balb<-1" b land I r OradfO<I: CoHec-e, t•r~paratory n SUMM£R SCIIOOL o,.. •• n • ~uiJ a 0 • .t. M~>r11mer, l\1. ;\., Odord U, P rtnC'Ipal Phone Harbor M2 •n .. )' OY.:">T ISTS DR. GORDON E. JtAPP n, ·s DENTIST •I tJ 2RS~ \\'t·~t Cent ral r· Phone Harbor -121·J t S ewpo1rt d . fD·· r Obed Lucas I d Dt:NTIST ' !20'! !~ W. CrntraJ: P ftrbor 1-180 I S E\\'I'URT B.t:A('II ~~I I• Dr . w. W. W.-stmort>laod " :::1 llentist 1801 Cna ... c llh\&) \\ Ill COROS A DEl. ~l.o\R " a•t•un•' ll11rbur *!•!"!U d Ill I :">Sl"TtA=-:et: 1 ) t l ' l I 11 t t I \', ruh I'••'''" h~•"' , • .,1\ 1\\l il We're not being too h ar-sh on the O r11ng c count\' offic·1· ol 1 n · '111 < 1 1 ,. ' 1 "' •• 1 •· ,.,,,., tn· "' • 1·• ,,, 1 .. •" •• " 1\tt t.:t, • · r .t•·tt· min .... lt:u.l a tahlr rsh Jtt j , -. '"'o\ •• .,, (••;,,,.,,. f'( \n1•·rll '" ) \ ' l l l l I "' • •nn 't' I •1!1' b .. ,. II 1h• r«• ~~~~··r4·· tile ltate h ighway pntro l. They dl~rve t his rril id~ln. If 1111· rttul l•lo ,, •. '" .,,1 ., .. .,.h " .. It ,,, ''"' '' '' "' "1 · 1 'I"·''' ,, llntt tl I·"' lr• 1S ,. 1'1111· , •.. ontl ;\Its ~~uart fli1•1tl info~ b)' perfonned an)"Vhel"l' llt:'i.ll' f\S \\'C'JI :l~ lhf' l'i'm,tindt•l' II( h• It tho 1"111111\ 1'''"!1111'111'• ;, \II: I'HOIII (I l 'l. \-.:T ., ' '1 '"11''' 11 I ·I'' 01 'H ''''1'1tl (;,.ltll rtr(lcl ;t\'t•nuo•. and \It n:tol Sandy F. MacKay INSURANCE • That's All -._ _._ hi h I ln th ... f r• I'() . ·'fl ''f•••llh•f\1 I' I"''' ol ""' ·' •I II ttl.; t 1,.,., I ' It \lr" '••• ;\l.-1 'hl'~lll'\. Jl.dloo '• .ol· uw awate g way p:ttro O e r pnt..s o '-at 'tnta. ""<'''~'I'· 1, """111 11 ,,,. 11,11 ,1 '":-; '·.c :1 1 1...: ' , ,,.,., ~ .. "· 1,1, "' ,., 11, 1• '"·'' ,,., .... 1u·•rl t• ntl• ol t hi' hahy shm\l•r t:o\'l'n tllln)y would be the first ones to praise I b('OI. \\"l' l'i'lnn o l :tp-, ,.,,d '" It,, •'oott \' , •t"'" .•1u l tot t, • • •' • '• ., •• • 1• tl lu lwht 1 ••II tl ,,1,.ttltl lw . 1,., \.I 0111.,11 Sklltn< r "' 111 r ,,,. ~ what we d o not 1'<.'(' h er<' ln Ornng<' county . \\"•· h a \ I' ' t • '1> •' 111 1 • '•I"'" • 1 •I I • • •I• '''"1 ''"' '1 ·•• ' "' 1"1 • '" 'I" • d~ 1 ,.,, ... h\ ,t1·\arl\ .. r llttt:, '")I!CI, l8eD the actJvC' rood patrol work done on the h i1,!hways frlllll "'1" ~1 "''1" 1''' 1 ''11 ' • ' '""' ·' 1 1'' ''' 1' 1 1 1 1111 I '• 1 I ••n• "'"'' 1 ,., i tl urin.; :'a turd ·,v That i~. th• t .. t .. ·~ ,,. lOt .th","" lfl ln l:tlo .. , o ollflhl~" 'II• I " '" ''"''I '1 t" lo( '1111' "'"''''' " tlt;rt '"' tonrtod ·,hr sho\\l'r :uld Ill<' nhn s.crarnento to San Francisco and from tll<'I'C to pnrt.s on I h<' 1 , '"' , , ""'"' """ tlr<.t<fl .. 1,, , • ' I · • t • • olll••1" • 1 •I • 1 ·\\ , 1 -,111p1o11 1 ...: • 11• " 11 t.. ju .. t gathrrl'd :~t llw hom (· nf llorran autakirtaot LosAn~elcs. \\'e've~·nhit.:hwnyp;ti i'Ohnl'll•tn ''" '" '" llu•t ,,,, .• ,, ,., .• , .... 1'1 I •. "1 I"" lt 'tl ""I•IJ't II• r •ll I• I!·• \\t"l'o l'lloJ'fl(\\ ... • I':''"'"""' ~ duty In th vici it r R l h cl d 0 kla nd CSJ cit . '" I . 111 11"'" ·'· '11' ,, • ! I t • •• t• I '" ·'· ,.... ,, I ... ,, •n llol \ \\o ,,. a ,, ol•• ,,., .,. I ....... , :\\.t'" I \lr-C 'lo--n ' \\ II . . (' n y 0 c m on a n ' 1 • . 11.'-Tlu ···II \\ ''"'" " .. II"' •• " " ·•. • \. ·'' \\ '1 I I ,,, '''"Ill' l:r~l \. or r .. r .on\ "' h• I lot• l'l'rn• IIIII< lo•CI as lht• Jlll':l<:lnt .Uy on the coast road from Richm on rt to Alhnn y. \\',~'\'t' \II I 11, (ooUnfl l'llttl\ to[ tllt"rtii'IIOt: ·:I t ' .t I ••• 'll.uo• \ ,, I • <<'11111•1 Ill tho s .. llthltnd .mrl lit rko; "' lo.ul ,,, lhC' , ••• , .. rr .. I lelll them nag down spcocrlin~ m ot orist s n nd \\ t•\'(' wit 11('-...<;t'(i l'•lfllfll• ...... "' I """··n otf ,., '"' 1tvn ,., • ol • ,, •II \\ .I 11 11'1 ···~I I lilt n:• rl ;t'l I 'IF I It I nlp-<. llt'rt• ;t N\1,(111' nf )'!':II'S :t,::ll Th•' tbe dedslons that Were ha nded OUt by some Of tht• ju.sl it 'I'!' l lo~o" ltnn• q lnl~•r ''111•'''1 1" I IIIII ~ I'' :,., . ' 1 ·' 11'". '1 I._ fi, l••t , ftt '" I lunttnt:lon r.,•;wh l'nr·t•·rs I. , tl fPtlllt'rl~ on .l.t•llltlit h h Jt \\ttllld h .n •' r•~111in•fl jntnl l ohtlr· m•·nt '""' 111•11 I Itt 1 d1 1 • "til ft••ltl 1 •l\o•nttt· Ill that part of the s tate. WC' can say that upslK'lte th<' ig • m~tto:rr·r nu•rot r•''l""'~ohtltl} tnt thl' "fl;tml o r lro h• '""'h• awl l'llllld lw• Marilyn Hill. dallf{hlr·r •If \lr• LirE • FIRE • AUTO MARIPl", ETC. BRIGGS & MacKAY 714 E. Central, lblbo:~ Phone Harbor 2597 I J.nroln National LHf' ln.•mran l't> (.'o • OU'\ .Jf:RSIO .\:'\ Pbnnr ll:.rbor 2S .. •R :108 ~lartnt• "''~'· • 8 Aibol\ "'· 'w-.ys-trol lsdoinga swelljobtryington'ducc th<'fr:lffkto JI nrlrrttr11,trnl ttt11 uf ·:-wit fn11tl' :Ill (I'R\f:..; Kt:f:l'l'l.\'t;," \lrt ,,.1, ,trom· l lf trll.'•' h:t'< :o 1•:-'h' llo"..'l.' llt•ltt•f.rol~' '''''1''"'·1 CD the hlehwaya. B u t we canno t say the same f or t he "pa-111'' 11''111'"·'"111''"·1fnr .. fttnfl~ ~"1 Tlw lo,,, ... ~· ''"'' ,,, 1 1"" on nc•w t'I•IH'h :1n•l ""' 1111t to m :tk .. :end twr rral'nd Jnno· l.roH't' or R.t. :---------------, up In ro•••••nt 1'11111 hl~r····m•·11ts Tiw 1 1 1 1 1 1 · 1 1 1 rt f tit, sumtu• r N y k J 'f trol"ln QI'Qnl7e county, :tlrp .t11t'IIJ1 t~lto'l lol •llot ' t•• thtS~I :arlt<•tt olfll.:llltlll\1'<1'( \\In-lltll. ft'Umf' 01' I. I ew or .J e ·-ooe So•nutt• 1'111 lhlll 111""'1'"1 111 tlw .. r till' \\Ins.:~ "'""' •h 11f11\ ttlt\•·11 nin~: nn('. frum the Univcorsity of Orn:ttn I htll nn fht• 111'1• r than "" ""' I·· 10'1' nt Eugene, Friday. I Insurance Company Thr blll '8ald forrmt•n t'lllllcl j11in 811r rnrt•s. Th11s th•• air It,,, to I 111111•11<, ltttl tl ""llfcl 11 •I• It It •I lot ll'/1\t I (;trlht 1 '"' r tho 11111,.1 , II'· Ull'I'()S.\1. OF \\ \R ,\IRI'ORT~ UOS R. DURA:">T Plo .. ~r to r~1•• .... _ u ,,. '·"' 1 I',· ·1 ·, t't l", \ r td H t 4"11 o hid ... u bo II .. " • . n ··m ~~·I! •wa•""""' u-fOCI'. rrratin~~; !ross IIIP«ott o Jlt lll 1\ ,, ·' ' lrj>\lfl II' Wh•t 0 se II " rc n \'C. lll r r .... -. Atomic Russia The atomic bomb ls not the only w eapon w h tc h Is our-tilt' hnr <•nlnln•· ""''IllS (tlr 1111' , ...... I I I 1."''11 nf ,,,ft ('t\11 Ar·riOtllllllt'l'l':. J\d· I e u CORONA DEL :\1An ~ " ~ u• tt\\ qu l h.tl 1 \t1 l.'r• at• t· I" .... " ~· llb1ng on a new basis o r intcmntion al rivalry whill~ Rtts!'\ian l ml'n. Till~·~ IJ{lfl or lht• nr~umt•nt !<llrt' hdn\\ t'ro•IO II ' ·1 .. 111111' It liS.: fllllli~truftllflllr•• 1111\\ 111\'o•Sft~:-tting Cafe :1 '---------------....:. and Analo-Amerlcan policies disagree at e very drop of the 11'''r """'"''r fntl m•·n •~t··· purr "' Corer. Tho' push or ttw '"" ,. ""~'•anrl mnklnc ro••'11111tH•·ndata .. ns un 1 h•• • 1111•1""'" """"I' "' part 11f 111, 1 tl tt•d lull"i' , 111 ... , . .r,,. ,.,11_, !ltlmt" it XI ~urplu, lii'IW•t'l .. Thf' I'! I'· Phone 818% I bat. ~Walter Lippmnnn h al4 JX'rtln('n t ly anti AAgely nb-manllg<'mrnt. I do not lhink It is lrthutt'!' 11, 111,, ltftllt!: (,,111 c•on~t r111'tu"' 1-'ln:tnl"l' t'orror:atton Q(;CJDENTAL 111'\'ed, a revived Gcrnmny m ay IX' th e f'{'Su]t o f thl' rontinued "'"l"tl ~· t. 'I ht~ ~··•·tt(•n howl'\...r "ill hnv ... "'' fut.tl q ' "' II•·· "''· Laguna Beach, CaUl. LIFE INSURANCE OO. Alwlo-Soviet dis pute over control of occupied territorv. Th<' tlart 11"1 "111'.:• "'' tit·· '' '" "IC \tii\S" IT 1, posal of t h1••• •"fJ"'"''~ ' . . Thl' Pri'Sidl'nl nskNI for ll ,.,.. -----~--Ray Nielsen cllngef, h e has pomted out. IS n o t tha t Ge rmany may fall un-,,.r,. hall 10 rnntrol unions and Th•· """'~"~·''"m' .. r , .. r... .,1.~-...,.. "~"""' h llrlr1o der onecontrol o r the othl't', hut may tiSt.• as the balatH'(' o f ... ,,,,,.,~,,_ "" l''"fl"'l••rt " •·m · lur('. pr'"'111 ' """ 111111"1"'' n trlc {' 24-Hour I 1·h ..... ""'.,.. ~¥~~N -.rer bctwl'en. , •• , '" lull Th•• ('nncr•·"~ c 1,,. "' tn<ttt "'' ~~'' trl I•· I to I •Ill' ... ~ ·!t,, .:. ""' "'"· Bait>--~ tum ,, nHwh I•"' "•'\l'tl' hill ruml'\1 •"''' t r;tn•l' Ill• of ''' I ttl • 111 ..; Next, put G<>rman y and th(' a tom ic IJom l> togeth C'r anct Ill • , ... , .. fW lflllln• nt prlo)!r;om n! \\ • I t h r I . I II• II • ,, )-.,, Radio Service I ••oRTIC'lA:-:8 ~have SOfllC'thing likt• thl' l't"tll clangl•r in world l'Oillrm C'l"l'~ r 11'11 '"" I~ .... I~"''." I tl•nt "n w lo'l. '"r r ·I ~-----------~-- today. Nor is this such an unlikt>ly IJro<'kC't m itS<'lf. 'The •'" .. , · "· ,. "' 11" l'r•'""'' "' ~....1· • '' 1 Harold K. (;rauel '"lo.-.1 that hill :'\om· whert' art• '"'"HI• d II•• • ,,, • " ,, IIOMr:. AUTO. l'lAJU~t: Gennans.ln ract.hnc1nlrcadythn u ..;htin ju. ... t !'tu'hl\'t·mslw• "·· '"'' ''"l·l..l•n~oc:..,,"''"·· ''""'m,.,,,,. ,, •• , ... , •n RAOIOS RF.PAIRI:n I Chapel fore everyone gnt t o l;l'lhE.'r a nd lx•nt them to t ht' fini. h Lrsl '• '" " ,. '''"'""tull\ t.Ja,h•·.n ton • 1 : h1• 1• "11· " 11 1 • ... • , '"· ''\\'e Ottl'l'c-h ··~ '"'' B(•t tr•r Sl'l 1 <· we forget. ju~t a n OC't'asinnnl lwu~htng u p of n11r n u•n wt·y u n '".! '1• "' I"·· 1' 1 ••. , """' "' ""' p,, '''" w' · '' as 1 hy s'''""'4: (llhN~ n, . ..,. _._._ lh· tn ,,., ,, \ ..... lo~t..,r. ,, •. 'I til '" flu :---.. "··· \' I n Bur·t R Norton l'b _.. polnts s hould he lp tts to st~ lll<ll'\' doS4.'1~ "Itt'"' "l' prh-' • ont! llea(oon !\1}10 fe8l to~. At lt'\lSI it wo u ldn't do Ru.,~ia fi n~· har·m In ,.._________________________ 9 1."1 c ne .. t ltlw111y ft(tlll('nn 576S Cn..t.a ;\h"'" ~ remember what C'~1m:tn) ulmo~t rlul to the &)\'it•l l.x>for.· :oo;,.wport BeiW'.b, Cattt. ewryone DID g€'t hlgt'lh<'r. ltemc•mbt•ring til;it <-:t'mt:tn~ ('.-mp lctc Fountain Servk£• t~f dld that without the a tom hontb. it would It<' 111.-st for Hu""ia. al8o, to agn'(' not t o c1i~t~t't·t' -"" llult no otu• <'\'l.'r h as llw final combination . --------- A Costly Service A lot or people llkl' t o lx• Jli'Oilli~l SOill{'lhing for nothing. I IUIIIIJOee<Uy a t th c ex J'X'flst' of tlw J: CIW 11m1 c n t. T lw y u vc:> r - loak: the fact that they llhHtys pay llll' hill for whnJt'\'f't' kind ol "11ft" they get f rom gowmmf'nt. for they nre tfl,. gove•1·n · IDIIIt. Nowhere ls this tx•t ll'r illtt~l ratro than in puhlicl)·· OMied business undertakirlg.s. ;\lew York City. a ftp r buying .the IUbways In order to gi\ t' lhP JX"lpl~ a 10-('t'lll car tide fo r t a ftve..a!nt rare. Is losing S50.tKlO.O<.ltt a year nnd tn kin~ it out ot the taxpayers' pockets. instC'ad o f collecting it from car rklen, as lt s h 9Uid . It is sad bu t t m c thut puhlidy-ownro 1 ltn!et car and electric systems arc <notly plnythings for the 1 ~. Sea Trout and Halibut Are Biting ••• off the Newport and Balboa Piers ~ .... ~·e ~'.A~ George Hiner HANSEN'S 21041 Oc•t'"" Fr•mt M At.l'S • ~0\\ Or'fo:N t:\·l~~INC.S ~.\NHW1CII t:.S • II:HI Ht'IU;t:J ~, l t't• Crt'lHn t~l Tat.f' Out ~--~ .. ONCE AGAIN SAM'S SEA FOOD SPA Offt>rs You the Fln ee.t 1'1~ to lline in Orange County: All New --• Even the Location ... One-Hair Mile Eas t o f Old Loea tion on Coast J{j~hway. Reautiful New Cocktail Bar We Lead SouthE.'m California in the ~rving o r -SEA FOOUS -· ALSO YOUR kind o f STEAKS -VISIT OUR KITCllEN Sam's Sea Food Spa and Fish Market llll 0DM1 ......., (JifeM 8MI ._.) t llliiiiMJia U I'TU~I t:Tit ISTS Robert A. Crawford Oa•t., n . c H'Tt I' I ETRI!iiT F.yt•l-l':\at· rnntl · Gln•<l'« Flttl'd 1 7!11 ~ f'Wpc>rt Ronll',·nrd I II"TA Mr.••A Scotch Tape Now on Hand Supply Limited -at- NEWS-TIMES lo•trul'tor I llewn: t ./I ... ~ bJ Appel•t-1 I 11M So. Ray •·rone. 1 ll11oJ!-\ol&a4 1'~-11.,1_ -· I 811RVI:VORS Raub & Bennett I I Survt!yon a nd J:ncineen 1808 '\'ewpor1 Rlvd., Collta M-, Ttolt!phoof' ~uon 6808·W 1 zen w. C~lral :-;,. .. -port Beac11 I Telephone llarhor I!S : l'IIY~U'L'\ '\S ttl Sl!ROP:OI"S, M.ll . I I I I I H. R. Han, 1\1. D. l'h)lloiC'IAD and 8U'l!fiOG I llou r~ • ::!·5. bv ArpulntmPnt Telephone Beacon 58-1~ lSI Br~:ldway C;O!tta 1'1- CONR.\0 fefCIJTER. M. U. Ph.J'Illclan aad SurarNln 120 J.: IRtlt St ! C'OSTA ~Jr:.'-A I ll~'mr~· 10·t 2 n m ... 1·5 p.m . !'hone n eacun 5075 Dr. G. E. To hill Ph\-.lrlan aad S~ ·:,'=.11¥,1 C"ttB•I )II\ . NEWPORT OEAC"JI -Plitt'& ,.,,,,.,. , ........ 1"'1 w ltJ•I•',.n,.... tt •r••~r t~"I)..R tr Sfl •• ·•• , • ..,., Jf .,t .. jl" 6 Gerald Rausa, M. o.l 2f!.10 \\'• •I C•·nt rnl Av<' :'\r:\\ I'~ lflT RF.i\CJI l'h••lt• If •r'·•" tu:" ~· ,, • .,.,r I dl J,. Z.I-,•U ~~~o a '\·li I\ S··rvirP 1\lilfo n l l . :\la~w.~ll. M.D. 1110 1 (o MI lllway C'urona dt•l Mar (llfll't• ""lll' 11)·12; 2·5 a•hune lfarhor 1082 S. R. l\fo nac·o, M. D. Rl -1 Bay .h f'., Balboa llnrhor n u l I~ ~. IIIII !ill • l..n~ An~ll"'l Tl'1 k•·r 'HI!!! II~ Afol!!•tntnu•nt T. P. Reeder , M. D. J>h~·si1·iun and SufReon ~illlfl W I'NI ('t•ntral Teleph one Harbor 002 A. V. Andrews, M.D.! PlfV8 1CIAN I ""d I I SUllO EON Telephotte Harbor 2!18·J I L..._. ______ , Dr. \V. T. Mooney Phymclao and Surpoo S tndl and Centra.! SOR~IAS 1'\I~OS, M. D. I'Niiatridan (', rt I fl,•d ll~ till' A tnl'l wnn Bo;1 rcl of I'Ptll:l 1 rtt'" 1007 01\\·lota U r .. lo1111;11na llNch Trii'Johnn" Lfl4:'unl\ l ·lllill l.aur£'n~ H. Dclrt·~·. ~1. D. Phy~idH n & Sun::~n 321 !\Iarine A''"·· 8 AitH•a I IIIRnd l'hnnt' llaroor 20!!1 Wagner Drugl~-. lnstltu~ Hr. Wlltmr C. WACnf'r Chiroprnctic, Dl<'tellcs, P h y st , & Colo n ic Therapy 1920 Coa10t Bh•d.. 8oath Laruna Rt'al'h rhone !OSS • Super foOd Market Will Be Modern in Design, Equipped With latest Improvements Some Have Fun, Others Swelter At Mesa Fish Frv ., Pnolt.tltly lht' llll•'l" \\ h" ""'I tit•• '"'"' fun tltll t•f !Itt· 1.'"''~ oluh '"" rr~ 1'/lflll\,ll Ill c·.~··· ;11,• " last Sund." "''''' :'li n• ll.ol uld K ( ;rllltl'l .11111 L} "" •><~I \'ot•k, llttiiK~I l sl.uul r.•ul .·stat.· ConstrUCtion O( t h(' IWW homr I IHJ.;h\\11~ IS !lh' hutltltllJ.: <'0111lrar tor lorttko•r • u." :-. ... 1 ..... 1 '"'""'" l'l, ,,r ·'•·\\ J••tl ~'•'·" h. \\ '"' \\ n" t .-., n tl) .lfll•'""' •I I•• ttw t '~tlt••ol :-.tnt•·" ~II Itt oot') "''"'''"" 14! \\'o·~l l'••tnl, "' y . lt'lllllll'il tltl~ "'"" fool " c·,.rly •r hoolln" In tlu't dty He l "n'( ~nuhtnt~ fr\'"' the-s .. nta A1111 lll~h llt'ho1(>1. Jlr c•nh•n'd ttw \' ~ ann' 1111 " prlv~ttco wlwn ~ \\ H~ 171; )'t'111'~ "'' ll~t•. 111\d lm.- llh '"'''I) ~••IIcht 111 c~•ntlnur tua ···h·~·""l' II,• 1<1mh,.tl unckt' MIN l'NCII 'IT AIK t-'cU 1'\IMTIUN ( l-1'\'l·a .ANII t 'I vii' and bual- 111''" lo•utlt•rll ........ ha\'1' ronned • of th<' Grt•~th'r AII-Amrrrcan :'<lor-a nd I I J \\'c'l<ld c•f (',.,,11 :'llo"'<• is Mrs (;rllut•l '' .• ~ ~;ariH-tl all n kt•\. whirh is tn 1:><' bUilt by \\'aym• thl' fun•rflan cou 1111· , ... n~tru••l!un r hi••C of JICihn• v. tlh It hu1!1' s11\t-r Jlutchinson or Downf'y, at ~11'1-fl~O I Juh. Jo:. M ~IIIII II ,,, l.tdo Island star rasto•ni'Ci to twr b iOill'<' Plort CollSt ·highway. NC'WJIOrt Rt'ach. do•wlnpl'd th•• Jlrupo•rl) and wtll of \lw ttrnl' shl' wnn• an n lll wns well undt•r way \oda~ h•aso• lht' huildtnJ.: hl tht• llutt·h-hlue Jl()li('('man's rual, '"'h tlw ·I ' 1~11 \\ llh htJ l'"rt'lll~. Mt nnc1 M111 lhllll:tll llun~•·n ul 1!\~'lil II"" 1•1ufll Air Found~ttl1111 whkh I~ otfft'I'IOII •t•hotll\rthllll to ad- \nno-.• II\ l1ttlun The Ot'W markrt. which Is 0 01.1 tnl!On enll'rprist', · ho•lt hlln~ting down \.lw hndt or thrt>e owmod by t he Oownry 1'\c•txx!y had 11 saff't y pin for tyinJ: '"~.-:-,." .. ''"'' I I'll~ nit• I tnruo•t\ llo'\\ I•\ IIII'Jtllttll' b u.,incss man. will tw installt-d Fullerton 0 It nround ht'r waist. with $50.000 worth or fixlurrs and penS Virk was .:arbo'd with ilowln~: will have the lairs\ lmprow·mrnl~ Summer Classes lk'Ord and whiske rs as Kn old· po4Uiible In a toocr mr rchandising fostu onl'd.. l>'P£.. rounty jUitiCf• Cll market . tht• JWatX'. Whllco "am'llted There will tM> nothing like 11 Thl' Summt'r Sr hool or the F ul-folk," rn<l41UY m <'n, tJW<·atN! un- anywhl'rt' In this <'nd of South<'r n lerton Jun1ur roiii'J.:t' otwnl'd Mon-d t'r Ilk' hot noonday 1un. Ilk' Callromla. It will lx> rompl<'l<' day. Tl11' s<'ssion this )l'ar will .)<'dg<' emiiNi romfortably un<k•r with rive check stands Cor r('('ord-N•ntrnuc for t'tl(ht wcl'ks Classes a widt' umbrella a nd impoll('d ing the purchas<'s or commodi\IC'I. wil~ m<'<'l from ~ If rn to 12 noon, dollar tint'S g~tlort'. 1 l'nlrll om July l Carr's Feed store Hay and Grain Quality FeOOa -I - Pan, o.a .. ~ &Mol _1n1 N-.e.tBt..., 008TAIDAA 1111111 Arnho r~t . :'>ta", !01 1 111 lln~. To•:o.n~. ltlltl rroom I ho'l'<' tu llllr• lut~~k llo• l~ n1u• 111 :.!5 l'•tlollo•rli lt11t11 lhl' o•ntl~<• '"'""" tn ~tnln ··n• 1'111\0'1' ft·"" ""' II I'll\)' rttnk~ ,., I thr lll"''"''' No'\\ Vttrk lrl•ttlulhlll Ill' l' llolW t>n lnno'll\ I' 1hlf)' an1·1 b •u•tlt-r urdt•n II• r'•'llilt'l tn Wt'lt I A nnt lw nf 11.·11: llntw.•n ~tnt '---------------' It will have RTOCCr y, m<'a t. \'<'l(e-Monday throu~;h Friday, and will Soml'tim('ll 110mr or thl' "arr<'s t- table. and liquor dt•partmt'nts. ·tx-O()('n~ to high school and rol-~ Ni folk" werl' pla<"Pd In a wlrl' Thl're also will t>l' 11 drug store ll'~l' studl'nts. cage-. which had a tugn on it and a delicatessen concession. .colfl'ge stud<'nls will be pl'r -n •ading, "Collta Ml"'la's F'lrst Jail " Most lnterl'llting feature of t he mlttt'd 10 carry as many as eight Among thou who «ally got ,. DEFEND -YOUR -HEALTH w new market will bl' a self-wrap-'!"115 rort~r(•di111dunng tht' •essio~ 1thc worse or th<' hot' sun's ra)'11 , C'OMET OS WA,'8. ~-~ ..._, to a.a\1' hrr ""'' ••~•• nt ... u "''at,.r at .,., laWN"htq a ,..... lifO •• ping mea\ rounter . P acka&('S or mong e co <'1!1' courws to were 1M crowd or 110mc 2001 u.e c-t. IMIW eport n.W•• endller ""'"'CI hy Kay Kltn"-11 aiHI toklt'lwh'd tt, ~oha Klrtl. 'fiNo lltU.. meata will be Individually wTap-nr.fer~ are algl'bra. Am<'riean in-: JX'OPII' who came to IN! Coata lady a11ot1t to a.ft&k a ltottle -U1e boow I• lltt&to l'at")' Hart.nuue. trranclda.apt•r of klm .... l, ftaakf'411 ped In cellophane. There will no\ stltUttons, analytic geometry, cal-l Meu-Newport Uon club'• flnt l ,,. Mr .... Mrs. ILUtl w1to ualaW at Itt.-i'brl•t•nln&. 1111' <.·-• I• now pl)lnc twor ,,... ... ,,. '"'"' be a butcher behind tht> counter. eu!UI. chemistry, physics. paychol-camlval tiM! tttat 8L ....... photu hy Kt•nt llltr ht'Ul'k "'-r ogy, S paniah. shorthand, t rigon-. ---_,.,ven r t' r igt'ra\ing lockers will om<>try, t yping and zooloey. H ow -l ~re wt're ~ ahade trei'S l . contain rresh meats. and thE'St.' t'\'('r h Is undt'rltood that all Wht'rt' even S ht•rtrr Jt'Ut' L. E l-8 b Wagner Frog OutJumps Iocken will be open to tht' view clasSt'S will lx> oHerM Cor which tio\t and h la C'T<'W or deputy 0 or <.'Uitbmt'rs at all times. thl'rr is a suHiclt'nt dl'mand. i •heritrl could go to ('tl('apt' t~ Field In Lions The c ntlrt' market wtll rover High school IUbjecta wiJJ ~ heat. ThcTe wu a rush for tht' 13•000 ~~t or noor lp8CI." and orrerM ror s tudents now t'nrollro bl'ach('ll around 3 p.m .. ('\'(.'n nylons L N Derby at Mesa s· l IO'Hanlon's there Will be 8 paved parking lot l in high schools and for non-high didn't k('('p a ll the crowd at the eaves avy on arry In the Tear of \he ('Stablishmt'nt school uraduate vrtcr ans who de-l car nival grounds. I I'" a rei~ of .!~ •I l"'"'""s llltttl , where motorin g custom ers can be .,. . ___ -----_ Rrlnol""""~ rootnhm; ntoon' t han r aC'C'Ommodated 01 all t lm<'ll. It IS st.re t? m<'<'l thr reqvtrl'men ta Cor H d .~ f V ~:,o·,., '" l'"rt"k·· ,,f !Ito· '''" r. ~ d t t'Xpl'('tt'd that thl' no•w SU(X'r mar-htRh S<'hool dtplomas... ~t.bc_ UR re ... :u~i~O~-~-~~~~:L.-t~ii!717:7:-:fr.~~;;;;..~;;+;.;~~;.~"~"~'l~l·:·~~~h~.o~r·:...;·~n~tl~··~·~·""''' "".''", ra ua es kt't will 00 rc•ady for buStnt'SSI ':ohurs,··s ':' ·~ Otri'~-M l~reh alhg~~ra, A I r-H lll:nf·r .. • . l!\ !Ill I ll)ll\ t_l ahout August 1 ~ ( I'm Sir). o•l\lf'S, ~.ng 1" • P )IIC5, pp y Of omes l l••rl , \\a~ rrto•u••'ll lr•tm tht• Oil\')' !\!.-., --=•"1••11 I 11011• olulo "' c ·,,~JA Gordon 8 . F indlay of 3410 c t.:Omt•lr~. lr'IJ.:tlll010f'Jry, ll II hiS· 0 Ar B 111~1 WO'o•k ah t•r '"" ~··nrs or S('r'\'• 1\lo '" •on "'"'""" ________ _:_ ___ _:.:.0:.:.:as'i '''r) l)pllll: nnd-shortha nd n my ase ..... nnll \\nrl.. \\tlh ra;llt)-('Oiltrullt'tl Tt. I••····· till ··n,·tlll ' r·~· I•\ Ho•J.:IStrnlll•n w ill !)(' o•undu•·!o•d lart::f'l tu1o•r . .tt . 1n .. to ~I ,,,, ,11,1 .lu·l. ~"'" r1111111~ N.,, .... ,. "···"'' '" .• ,,.,,,n,t ltt•tt\,. t"\\11 f,,, th•' l •au • t'ltuf\\ttn f 111111\ ••I I 1111• I loon f011 lito \\ • II R 0 0 F S 111 th•· otfu•o• nf Adult EduC'flllt.ln, ~!nr(' t han !l(lO "'t<'rll n!l ht\\o• \\'u..:n<'o , \\hn "·'~It t'lw1tt!~t Wtlh ""'"'"'"'' 111 '""""'' 11 mul """ Adtl1K1t~lr:11 11•n Rid~:: .. hit.:h school tnlld e npplic~tl lltn f~tr 1111, hllll<;lnJ:: l't .. lh~·r F ltnl•'"'' ('to ltt·f•Jr•• "" uf 11,, ''"'"' 11 ,,, •• ; ,,,. 1 111 ''"""" •· oil"' 1\.,~ ""'' 1111 ••flw• c·ampu~ ''" Thou,.,o1:.~ nno1 Frrday. UOIIS ll(·tn~ l'nnv .. rto•fl froorn l ht• to•rrn~; lhl' "·'' tl ''nll'o'. IS II c•lnd d '''" I•• q•tll' ol·•''' ·• ''''' '"' '"'"'''II''' "•II "'In .lun, 13 Ht111 11 l1um 9 am It• 1,,11111 r harrar k;< of !Ill' \\·,.,_,,.rn l:l·••lttatt• ttl' ""'""' otllt\'o•r!llty and I hal•\ 1M"'"'' ,,,.111 , ~• •1 l~otll""" ,, ''" loll• o • ''' .111ol llu l.1111lh hu• APPLIY'..O OR RI:PAIRI:D ~ Estlmatts & Inspection W. J. Beohow :> p tn and lrt~~n 6 3C1 tn 9 pm Fl~tnl( Trntntnl( ~-.,mn•.•ntl no·,tt 1•l.o11' h> r• turn '" "" I•"'""" 10 f'•l"" 11 01111 1 1• 1 •lum 'I" 111 nuwh IIIII<' ho'tl' l """'''''r rr~astr:rl tt111 m toy I)(' ~.lnt a Ann, nl't'tJrtlinl! to t 'v r ltt mt,ll ~ 111 th• IH cr lUI Ill<' I I·· .... \i "'" .ttHt , .. ,., •• "' ••• tt\•• 3602 ~lan:u.s f>h I I h r. 101:.!-J t fll,ufo· loll any da~ ''r 1'\ •·1111111 •·X· F••·atl,.rl~ m.ttHI:'•·r nl th•· ;,,.,.,. ,_ _____________ _: •.• "' ~:rltrnlay. Fur rur tht•r Ill· """'" \\Ill '" u:rmtod (',a<.R flo• Record Crowd Visits Bearhes ;---------------:;: tnrm:rtlon roc•nl111't urftrt• or Adult !":tnl.t Ana S H 0 E S. l:d\lf'illtlln II 1< I'Xfl'•l'l('fl thnl lht• ftr!lt f~l .. r tlw ~ un11~ '"" l~o· <~•naplo•torl ~ \TI0~,\1. G1'.\ttU .\Itt t'ORC.'f: lo\ luh I ·cnd nffit•i~tlot ·trr """ f'1 • '\Ill t•l:o~ lu·1n1: !It·" lut~t'<l . . ' . ' n"' Ill rrm"l' \t!'otlo•tl "';o•I\'Jl<lrl IWpal~ While You Walt Ray .Pagan 515 East Bay Front 10 tlw prrl('l"" ,.r ..,.r,~nm~; :•p 11 .,1.,, 1.,.1,,,,11 !-'•nttl.o\ It\ tho• ,\I ll\\ A or ~·111'1'• t•.tll lotr phl'lllll!l l<t flo !o·rnlllll' lh•· !liM ! Th,• ftr•• ·•"" t••fll ,, "•'I'·" lllh'lll!< l'l .ur ;.oiii;HII"II' !If lit pl11t11'S <'Itch do <,o nont.: of tho• hundrt·d' 1\ht' had 1111 ,11.,.,11 ,,1,. , ,11111,,1,. ,,r tho' 1•11 rho :0.:.1• '""·'' l .u.trd '•n,.uuta· IM' ,. :tf•l•h•'l1 11111111., r 1,1 I• ,1,1, "hoo ", 11. , ,...11 . I·"" Tlot· l'o I Mtllrrdrons "nuld Ill' Tlw Fl"dt•rnl f>ulolu• II!OIIl'ollll! 11.,. 1111 lh•· 110,1c·l••·" 111 Ill•' .uo•ll ,,,.,,tNI at -rrotk~a· [XIInts and TJ. L .,( 1111'111 \\ltllhl tw• ftt.:llh r unlls. nrlminlo;lr a ttnn ill In rh:trc•· cof Ioiii <'<•n•hto•on~ "''r•· l'otlt'h ltuol Next door to Ba1 V1ew Oale 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. l:at'h :<I" lo· \\Ill hrl\ <' at lo•ast On(' ''""' l'rllnl: I hi' rnmlo·r lt.orrno'kl' ,., I r\ lo\iltl ololo· ,.arkllll: ~pal"' "!oM unit. 1ntn nne' nnrl 1\\:t>·l~o·drnorn dill'· 111.,.11 _______________ _:::.:..:..:_..:_ ____________ , u nry until' and ~:t~rnf· "''" t)(' lut 1 ~1ooto11;.t_,. "'"' arrt"'l1 "' lilt' nt~h••rl nnd ~l'rs unfttrmshro. it ho·.wlt•, ,h,.rr 1~ <tflo r '.! 1, ro1 t•"llld Wll~ 511td. 11 t11ft tl'llll I•• .:•·I :o ~I'·",. t.•r tlof'lr Riding Appart'l and Saddk-ry, En~~:llsh and Oom~ LiM of WearinJI: Apparel for MPn, Womt'n and Chlldrt'n AI Sherwin Riding & Sport Shop 20;) No. Broadwa~·. Santa Ana Phone 6722 Go all the way by Greyhound Because G reyhound hu a~ agent io your co mmunity you can buy one ticket, right where you are, to anywlwre Eut ... aod back. Go one way, return another. if you like~ Grey b ound ofTen a wider choice of scenic rout~s, more daily scheduJes, better-timed departures ... for less cost chao any ocher way to tr avel. Round trip tickeu save even m o re. Plan your trip u you likc ... o r your local Greyhound asenc will sladly d o it for yon. 0•1 WAY ,A.II .... ,. ..... 4J:tl (lolc•t• ...... .. .............. ,.... • ..... Cit, • "·" ' I'JaJ '~ f,J,..,J , •• Wetlll"t'•" .. 4S.10 Newo rt-•. M .40 I 'SI\'t:R)o;IT\' "\ST~ \lltl.l s f:!' ~;\· ,\ "1;~\'1 l,l,fo l 'urrlllt' \ 'n" ,.,. nt.tt'ltollt'S :ol :0.:••\\lo•rl II• .orh ~~~.u~ ,,,,,, tflrntd ·•" 1\ ut.S "••nt ... u ,·.lhur. \\lh·r· ''" ,,tftlt' t~on elttlt•n \\;pro tJtp.u • "' t Jltt• , ... Ju~l , ........ f hlt~tfCh ~.,,,.,,, H flll H.tl '"'·' HU(t "''"I hur"' ~~. uUl l!.•lh Ito o tllll J••ltoo ti•JO II I "II) """ h:t< !tJl npplw.ttuon I" foro· t~uo Cl\d At•t pnautu"' l\4•111 41 t u o1•·r:o1o .t n • \I• I IIII• 111.11 ft-•-tlo•t twH'•'••n 1tu' ,.,,, ilr\fl c·hh•lL:•• '''' nt, "•I• , • 1 t uti ttu , '"''"tl tt.etl Th• l'nl\•·r•tlv "'"'" ""''' ~'''"· " odto·•l ''' 1• ol. .ot '.! to 111 'trl•l II Pr.tl a\t,tllnn •·••Ur'•'' IH iu•\t' ~•u'h :m :til hlh' "''IIIII pon\ldt· p1 w til ,.t tll\lfUI'II"Il l••r ~t oulo·nl ' ,,, "'II II'- :till 'l\1 tl1ttll ~·•11• r·oll~ oluo l u lh• 1111•'11'"'' r···· ...... \loork llt:ot ('totllf1 lh ,,,., otll11•h,ho ol Boat Owners •• ·I Canvas By the Yard Wid(' Widths-All )..('ngth~ Santa Ana Tent & AwninJt Co. 1629 So. !\lain St.. Phnnf' 2f)i SANTA ANA ~' ,, thl' I•• '"' ''tlht•ftflJ.: ,,,., 1n \ ,f I ht t" .u h•' f11 It \\ IIITt:tt''\ C It \~II' Am• o" til pl.tllt ' II\ lfll' '" Sooll lh AJturu.ut ••••tntru'.: h;,,,. 1•• ,.,n, :t~ tn.tn\ :, ... ·.:7 tltM·uuu•nl ... t • lat lfl~· I•• f'HII'H llr\41 p:''"'ll)'•'f ' /\11 tlu• thtot'llfl H "'' '""""' I••• C"• t l tltt•d 111 h) lh• t•;op!.orrt ••f tlo• t•lro n• t"OR fSSt'RA..,.C'P: AP:P: Howard W. Cerriah IIIOM S""lturl Roul .. vard COST,\ ~r.fiA l'hon,. lk-IW'On lUlU Automobile • fire Accident • Life I. ,., "'" nnd C Cinl rae I 1\mvl~ Writt .. n GORDON B. FINDLAY 8410 c·uul Bh·d. l"ttnne II arbor 4 I 'l CABINET SHOP REUVICE CABISt;t'S •AND MU.I.WORK T. C JOHNS0:-.1, Supt. 40'7 SOU1 t4tl'f"t't Mloe4': Harhor !SAihl YOUR PAINnNG DONE NOW! AU Highly Skilled Workmen. -(:r- Journeymen Painters, World War II seck - your permanent good will and patrona~c throu~h the use o f only Jst grade materials and unexcel1ed workmanship at reasonahlc C. C. Swafford, Agent 60~ Coa.'lt lllgtnny Ph. Beacon 5-122 W"ices. PHONE L. C. BEAN 'l:....----------"-ar_bo_r_264_5 ___! ''"'1·1······' I " It 1(1Hk '""'' H1 th t'lt• • 1 IIH h ttlt1 illf11)" d 1tlt nttu r "\••• .. , f••l lt••1'' tU *''' ltut I jlllltlllll~ t •I lo I tltll l•••k I Ito• f II .I JU t It~• tll ld l tn<h l HI \'••"'~'' :<.to t I 1/11• jtlllll• ol I.' I• • I \\I II· •h· "'"'' , ..... , tiUII""•·d tHtl rd It ~tit I• • 1 '"'"' Ibn•..:. ,.,,.,. p, 1•· l 'r•·• • I t I • ~.till 't ,\uu It• ~'''' 1 '''•~• ''"'' .1 -·n· .. r lh• '''":""· \'4•Yidn t uwl• t '' .uut 1 '''" 1 tr••\.;''l""',. .. r~ \\t''' •tt r·luwtt 1•• HL!'I' • tn th•' L:•·n••r al , .. ,n .. ,u-.uc ••I lltel't•· tn •hur ,••· ••r lito fo ttJ.: •I thlo·~ lhlll • ltlll'r lht•f• \\ " "',."' lt.•.: \\'ronc \\ t1 h t tu u fn,,·~ ••f • f,, I ~"'P f,. '''-'~ tt I tttu JUtl'l ''''' ,. h,u t ttttff1k• \ L;l.trut~ \lflldl llo•lt• <J fto'l Ito lllliiiiJOUtlll• lho• 1.' fo.,f 1, 1111• C•lll\loiiOIIIIUI\ ttl \\I I flt ''(tu•~~t ~OIIh ttUt• I'" ff'JWH ft tl fo 1\tth '• lit'' ..... lh I .tl f Jtuflltl trl ht~ "I'"''"" I ll.ol I" IIIIo f.,. tIll fllutl IIM'ft fttl tit• 111111 tt•,l h:td lw••fl I 11111• I • <I "o I It I" l11ro l lu tl• lit) ft~ttk pl.u • I .H••P 1.-• ~·~·· •I Lt//lf', "") ~ •••I It,., ""' "" ol lith ll•llol trtfl I'" t • It • II ttl• I" t ft•f' lllllll' I ""I o.l • I'•'' tl !.111 to ro f tl"•d lu t In·•" '"' I'Utlll•'1tllt•f1 ' o I I·"''"" • lulol1 t 11 I .or 1) t.:raoftt ,,,. 1,, tl 'II '"I ,.. ull• t '"" auul ru \I \• II IIIII '" 1111 fl!'l 111111' .. 11\ot If•• '' hu••l "·•' t .. untl• •1 lu I'•" Ito 11 lito II tlloo oof I I lt,lllfooll \\fll tu•f •'1 1\M ·•• .... ,_ tlh' ~ h•u•l f ttl!olt•r ' •I It t ttl• \ 1t•t1' ''' \!I tu hl.tt•·•l Iron• tlu-'' h•"'' tht• • ,,,, '" t•t1U t'IIHtfHtl \\tte k 1'• .,_.,:,, fu '' In '" .:r.utu.ehofl '' lht\\ u ttur''"~ Jlt~~tft•t u1 !'I Ju· ""'l •h'_,. hu'ltlfnl If\ t h ilflt:•· l tnn Jl '"" :t ~.:,e .utu ,,, ••f Lu\t~ht uru \tl'~ll\, I ~·~ Artro•l•·"· ltntl J""''"' lfo• ·'' •Ill I .. lola I Ill 111:\'l I,, II III tw t tU tit• t. ·~··tu;t._: ~lull 111 L tt\ • '"' 1111• tnll I II• • II '' :-."'' 1 ~lnr\ 1\.ollolo o 11 f I '" , ~ .,, • •• t I tl' . k I " u '' 1 \ h • Ul tl~· t •ut•tllt lltt•l '' lfttt'-tH/h Itt' • •lu••.tl lttU 111 f..,,,nlu If, ... ,.,,,,tit tf '""' h~t' u hut., •l••h ht•t 1·\.elftl•, n It••'• ,,, .• ,,,.~1 fu I t I f tf• lilt ,f, IHtftl \If .... . ,,,,,,, .,.,,., •• ,,..,, ,,. ••• J ....... . '• u ft til ,,,, ••rtd ''' urttf • I• ttt• ttl H \ • ,.,.,,j..., If, I ... , •• , ~, .. ,Jill I• "'.u lj• ,, "'"l•ftttrff•H • ,,t ~t ~1Ht),. lh "' I all let All l FEATURES-Yoil PaJ lo lore 1 Genuine, pre-war, Dupont "Weather Tetted" 'ft:ermal I M"inQ enamel, or POII·WOr enamel if detlred. 2. Enamel '{Chemi-fu•ed" to metal or cooling with tpe- ciol Moler binder. 3 0Yen-balled, thermal controlled to give precltion • chemical re-action to enamel-glvM amooth, glo• .. tone finith. 4. Se 6. 7. Thermal controlled, oven.baked enamel •'"" granite- like fini1h of tupreme beauty. Special weather-proof treatment aeolt out moltture between m•tal and enamel. GiwM tltht-grlpplng, long-lotting finlth. Every car hand aonded and rubbed to give you a sleek lu•urlou• finl•h. Horri10n's "7.Polnt" method glvM you a point lob that rul•h weather. owldotlon, wear obrotlon. lote: p,,. • ..,., ,.namrl I• varr ... It YnU wert! Uti• q11alll )', .,.,,., )our ear palnt .. d nuw •hll,. olM k I• avelf aM,., CORNER 21D AID IYOAIORE ------·~-. Freala Dailv • Delldouallea~ Or. r<omplete equipment whm yuu want to ~kb )'OUf owa. HORMEN FISH MARKET Vl~N ·~TI AN BLINDS Wood st~l Aluminum F'a•l Ht-rviN>-FrHo FAtlmalea ('all11~t and fl4olv•,.. l"hotM" c...,..... Intercity Lino-Shade JO!t!\ Y.. Wardlow KOIIod ltttonr l.oo~r: 84-arh 41\.'--~ Co. Gas Heating & Ventilation ---·---- CHARTER & PRESTON I ~ IINUnc la.t&llallone Matu• "'•rm ,.,.,.... ,_,_ rtao-NN a. .. , • ..., I..._ Na er tt1t1 SAlTA Af4A PUOt:E 1038. YSCS Members Hear Stories of Cape Cod; Pledae $1000 to Building Program of Church Harbor Femiriine A • • • I Mrs. George Devenish N amed President of Ctlvltles St. James Auxiliary; Ins t alled S unday • .....,;olk ol the -t learned at the plano. I New otrlcx-rs were elt'cted by".--------------.. Cllle Cod m.artMrs and thelrj At the business aeulon, pre- ~ from the da)"' ot thej•lck-d over by Mrs. D. W. HoltlJy, Willlld-famed dlpprr ship. and the memtx-rs of thc tour circlet which ...._t betPnn1nP ot Swift andl make up the W.S.CS. \'oted to 00.. lD that M'Ctlon with the tell· ~lw SIOOO toward the building ... o1 meat f1'01Jl J'puah cart andl fund. Mn~. Jost·ph Bodman W fU; tbe tmportina ot bananu rrom •·,.JipOint•-d dt'lcJ.:ate to tht> confer- .JUD&k:a by the United Fruit Co. 1 <'nee at Pa.1!1ldena June ~. 1><'· 1 the Women'• Awdllary ot St B lb c· I By Wln!fred Barbre + Re.idenoe Phone 1637-R James EplacopaJ church ·at the a oa lrC e to ---------~~~~~~~~~~~ ---~------~~----------Jut m~u~ ~ ·~ ~u. ~~ Install Officers Phonel 13 and 208 • The apeaker who told of thil l votlonul lt•adcr tor lhl' afH•rnuon iateftstln& hl1tory at the m«>ting was Mrs. J ohn Fischner, llt'r 111b· o1 the Wonwn'a Soclt'ty of Chrlti· .l('<'t l>i'ing "T hl' Spirit-fill~ Life." tlaD . Stn;cc held Wedncaday at )I ""~ annuunct•d that Mrs O.Ut Church by the Sen. WIIJI Fb;clmt•r would Ill.• hosteu nt tlu Jilin. W. Waldo 'Welln. who is lwn• 11• ,., rtl•~·tlng of thr N•'WJ')Ort Crr· wtth her husband. Dr. Weller. cle on June :.16 ot hc•r home. 34r16 -.. Weller la twrt' !rom Phrla-l "ast houll'vard. ~ for a mont11, heading th•· ·------ •• 000 burldln& camMicn of thc Mr. and :'-Irs lPG Smtih. 1111 dlurd\. Mllrlnl' a\\'nUt', u .. IIN•U l!w1und, Mn. Edward burns gave the ore prort•nts n( a -.rn lworn Jww 1 • muak:aJ pros:ram. sln{,:ing a vocal ut Sl. Just·l•h hOo>llll!ll. lie \n•il(h· -..m~r with M,... LouiR Hanacn Nl ~ pounds, 14 uu~ces_. _ LJTII..E WOMEN DRE SSES ALL THE NE\\'J-: .. <:;T MATI::RIAL-c; 1~\Ll'J)J l\:(; SANDSWJ-:l'T CRf-:l't: 1:--1 L t . W . A . Kemper Released From A c tive Ser vice llttnw this \\••••k frnm S••ltltlo•, wht'rP ht-" \\a'\ rt'lr-a.,_,.,l I r~ un tu'l •\ .- r!uly wa$ 1.1 Ill-'' \\'rllo.nll A Ko•1111Jf"r, 1' ~ :-.; n.. ~nn nf :\lr 1111d Mr... Arll\ur ,\ I\• ll•J••r, ·~•• ()o•o•lln I)(H,IIt '~tr•l. ('ornn.o t1• I ~l11r ll1· ''"I" I'IS In "JW nrl.lh•· ''rutrn••r t·njll~ tnl: lrfc• 111 luomr nnd r••I!:Oin· inc :.~ 1 ,.,.,.,.s~Rn p •uodc: lw•fpro· rul••rrnc sdoOill In llu• .• wumn \\'ith ono• morl' y• ar '" t:lo, he• tlnpNI In r·n to·r o·ith•·• I'S(' fit t '.C l.A. 1-:nlf'rlnt.: llu• nnn•u, I "'''••mltrr t>f 1~12. I I l(o•111p..r· '' f\ltl in thl' Suuth p,.,.,r, .. for 1>< lll!,'ltlh<l 11~ ''"nllnkltdint: nffif',.r of 11 1.\T . Iff" wr nrs llw i\~1111 11' p,.,.,ftr Am· rroran Th<'lrtt>r. f'lulqtlllnf" ltltl'rrr· ~~~ .... Carol Woldf'DIN'rc, daurh.· 11nn nnll \'k tnrv rohlw.ns, ro11<l ha~ trr or Mr. a nd Mr!ll. H . t'. \\'ol· ftlllr hal II•• •t ::r!l fur I" 11 ·""'·' drniN'r~:. I :wet \\'""' ('tontral .,.,.. Uktll·l""· L•'' If' 11nd th• l 'hrlq•· nuc-, "ho-.e rn.•lllrlnt .. , mouldc•ol pin•., ,\r 1\1" .1tn111 hr• •Ttl I o•.u In rf'nwnt, will tbJ" "w k lw ri<'d in th•• l\furrnr~ nnrt hr \1 r< l'""""<f at firauman·~ ('htiW'"' 11,,.. lht•Mio•r, llnltl"nod "tth tho"'· s tnndont: hv \\lr~•n th•· '"''"'" ., .,1 thf' ~tar... ~~~ .. ,. \\'11ldf'niM'rc PRINT'S STRIPES, Wllln; ANU I'ASTEL MANY IDLES AND COLOR COMBI~A110N~ . SJZES 9 TO l5 crhe Frances Norton Shop rnill1n:.: •l<'<'Urr••tl "'8" rh11-n br I"'Jmlrtr "l'lllnu>-· I c:.;inr1• r••t •n tHOl" rt "'"' • '' "r"'• .,, h• .. ,,, .. ~, h••a\ •·nh• !t!ult• .. un t tu~ [.u, h 11' '"''It •l:ortono•d tl \'lflrt:t .ond \n.:c•Jt.,, ('ftnlJIUl' or lhf' f'uh·rr• ~ • &portn«41 ~!Q) A BJWADWA\' ........ ........,.eq. Larp .u.ortmeat of SANTA ANA 8eco.. .,.,_ Wool Yam, Cotton Rug Yam and Canvas Threads Steel Knitting Needles Ednbroidery · peeA-dtt for u.e lae Bride THE NEEDLEPOINTER 111 E. llrcMwaJ 11'•trll;ond .\1 l'r•rll·ottrl hi' \\ r• ""~' uf ('~tllfurnla In " ,ro-.•,.nl I Cllf!llllllnrlin)! nffrn•r of th•· L (' S. t•unt,. .. t. ,. 11Ji, tho' dh i'i"ll fln ~:~<hlp, 1111111 11t1 1-.if,n <'ll'!lun.•n•l•r ,,J l . (' S llt-s ·1 A · vi~ion n . llo• r•·•'•·h···ll hi~ mm· I ver ..... nn1versary mrs•lun from Mld~hlpnllln !'rhool. For Mr. and Mrs.' Columltia uni\rr~ily, :-.; Y. H o llingsh ead Country C lub Bridge Season C losing C<~rdon I lollint:~hf"all, :\I r. M rlr rt'l'lnr. and l\trv Jfo1linf(shrnd n • rrntly crlebrated thrir :.15th wrcl Mr!l. Warrl'n f'l1•tdwr and Mrs dinR annl\"''rsnry 111 thc•tr summ••r ue Mrtz~tar W('r(' hoSI('Ss('JI ut homl', 119 F:IIS! Ray Front. with thr hrldgt> tt'a. last to II(> held AI a huffc-t supprr f•rr nwmhc?rs "' Santa Ana Country cluh for thr thl' fAmily. ~ason. wh('n lt'n tnhll'll wrrl' In Mrll. llollin~llhPnd wns pn·· flllly. WhitC' chlffnn dnlslc•s and lll'ntt-d with 11 Shc•Cfu•ht llllV('r cnf- yellow tnJ)('r!l made o pr<'ttY plr· fN• urn wloich <'Omplrll'll h<'r St'l tur<' of tht' lt'a tablr Rnd pclUrlng nnd I h1·rr wrrt' nowrrs from wt'rr Mrs. Rotx>r t Powrll Rnd Mrs. nUmProus friends ancl cubll:'gram' Chari('!! Norton. SociAl chalrmnn !rom mo •mhrr!l nf hl'r rnmily and this month is Mrs. Gnylord Tohlll l olhrr frirncill in :-=nrwRy or Ralboa. In lh<• aftpmnnn 'hf' wnct Rll"'' Thf' hrldJ:t> lunchron for mem-of honor 111 a ruur!lnmr nf hri<h:• I bcrs only IS al 12:30 p.m J unf' '/7 Ill I hf" ho.mf" ORf h;;r llnt1t~h1';, l\lr~ and thrre will hi' n(l brid~tf" 1111rt1t's 11 ll flint:, 11 1011 ~ ,''" • "'11 1 111 July and August 11\lrs. Rr<•Wt'r :llld l\lr<t rom Jlf"ll cll'r~on as thr olht•r Clll'ctlct Thr Comus rluh srml-formnl AI thr llllflp•r '"'r•· Mr ::tnd l\lr~ dnncc I~ Thursdny c•vt•nlng, Jum• fliNt and 1·hrl1lr1•n, f)lmnn. P otion. 20 11nd hnsts arr Mr. nnd Mr11. nnrt Rill, nncl Mrct Rrns: ~ st~r.·r Gllh<-rt Platt. Dr and Mrs. P••rry l\frs Rohc•rt \\'r•hh and "''" ,Jimllt~· Da,·is. l\lr. nnd Mrs Any Trt'W•r· of \hr,.1.,1 1 tills r ow and Mr and Mrs. John Pit-r- 1!00 . Costa Mesa Lad y S E 1 Thursday afternoon at tht' home Plays H ost at O Unger et n jOyS of Mrs. C. H. Kelllps, 2124 East Titc ml't'ting of Balboa Island M oonlight Dance Central a\'enue. Balboa. Mrs. Wt'b-. c h b the S I E strr of Lido lslt> was assisting circlt> or Christ hurc Y firs t ocia vent At Wakefield Home hosrcss ond Mrs Bert n Drrwer I Srn. which \\'liS postponed from and 1\lra. F·ronk Cunningham l 1.o. st Tursdny, t'lt•ction day, will be :'orru11o.\' aflf·rnn.m at lht> homt• Thn•e young Bolboa Island poured. 1 hrld Tlwsday, Junt' 25 nt the ol Ius ~run~nrenlll, Mr. lind Mrs. hosh.•sscs, the Miii('S Diane \Vake-Mrs. Cunninuham prrsidc·d 111 home of MNI. F:. 0 . Varley, 207 \olllllr I lnnaldson. 210 Knox fi.-ld. Pt>~gy 'J'rinC' and Dot Wright, the bu~inrsK St'sslon ond llfl<'r Sapplurr uvf'nue. • r 1. ('usta :\t•·su. :\1ul'lt-r John c·nlt•r·taln "'' '''ttl h d ' k II _ • ~,.. ~ •• 1, 8, ar ·time· lht> rC'"'Irl offl'rE'd by 1\trs. I.Mr•••• ll' will hrgrn with a pot-luc '• •·hulas S(v·lsa Ill ohsr•rvl'd hrs d ne(' 1-rrd y I'\ ·n 1 h 1 1 ·~ "' d '1 ~ '"It !n\v •• ?''l' .Y Yardlt•y. chairman nf thf' nomiA· lunt'lwnn St'n 't>d at 12:30 p.m. an l•• ., lo1rt hdny "''' h u party for patio or Mr<~. Rrnnche aketwld s atrng rommitt~·. tht' following of· hirthda>s of m<·mtx-rs observin& ' ,,, lru·nd!l of Ius own a~t·. home on Grand Canal. I nrers were el<'<'ted· prE>sidr nt thdr llnnrw•rsarit's in May, Juna 'I'll• n• was n cukt' d!'<'Onltrd in I 1 w11s n Ill rr t t ,. · h · ' . ' l't' 5~' rng "''' Mrs. Ceor;:c.' Drvt'nish 223 1~ and July \\ill IX' honorc.'d. At tha 1'''1"NI or rt-d, yrllow and !IWdrngfsl ;md t uhlM. potted plants C'r\'Sial a\'t'nu1• R~tlhoR · blnnd businc•ss St'Ssron n<'W officers wiU ....... With Ill)(• l)lj:( ('ltndlt' In thl' an owers and 0\'0rhead, bri~hl ncc-prrsldt'nt. l\1 rs F. E. Fi~l('r; he.· rns lull.·d. ""'' r, nnd tht•r•· Wt'ro• favors nr OIU(mllf:ht shmrn~ down. As."itst-SNT('!Ary Mrs C'am,.ron Thorn ___ _ 1, , 1 ha l' Ar·wm• look ~ic-'".R tht• young hostc·"~"~ .wnt> :O.t rs.' Rnd trl'a~urc•r, · !\Tr,;. f:d Rnc•'rs · • , nf tho• .. rr,ur. the most 1111-\\ akrfl•·ld . Mrs. BPtty rrrn(' and ThE>y were lnslalll'd by thr Rrv 1,, ,, .. ,, suo'Hoi .. w nt of J vhn'll lift•. Mrs . Gl~dys Wright. ·nwrc '-'<·re Ardys Dcon at 1111, <'ltrly Sl'r\'ll'l• , "'" ~any r evrr ('()Sfunws but thoseo on Sundny morning Mrs. Roger Barrow D .D .F. H ostess ' •"rt:.: 1:111'!11!0 lnl'lttriNJ !';tt'phl·n JUd!!l'd ·Ill's! nnd wlnntn~: prizcos . · . J', du·r. Llln<'<' Collin~ und P~tul W<·n· \Worn hy Charlotte Phinnl'Y The frnAI fmrr drnW1n)."S wr•re Mrs. Hm:<'r B.or-row t'l11<'r1alnc4 11 • 1, .til 11ro11ml Jvtru·~ a)::e, and and Slt•wnrt GIIIN tr. Pictures nf .made for thr hlank<'t cluh and it mPmlwrs 11r tlw 1> u F. club Fri: .. ·--· . .t•ll•'t ('huln, n hit oldr r. Par<'nls tlw llffnir wo·r•• takrn by Ars!•nc J was votl•d In 1:1\'c• two I.II'WS to lht' •• "Ill ,,,.,.,. l\l r. and ~Irs. Rol>f'rl f•ll' '"'' n~·ac•ht•ttlnh<'r. I ni'W <'hurdJ. F inal plans W<'r(' 1 "' h• 1. :O.Ir. nnd Mrs. R. Col-,\mnnt.: 1 hus1• prl•sc•nt Wt'rl' the mArl!' for tho• dt'SSCrt IJridgt' to be.' \11· .ontl ;\lr"'. Gt'OI'I:I' Chula !\li<so•;o D~olur('S fimg, Jackie Good-! ht-ld Wl'dnt's<llry at thC' Friday •r ·1ml .Mrs. Ct•1on llart. also Jtm '}'C'ar, .lo'ln 1)()(111, lfl'rtwrta John-Afternoon cluhhnu~ ... Cnsta ~IPSA .-oll•·n 'lnrl tlf I'IIUI .,, • .luhn's par-son. Jt>\ N' J11n1..;, J e-anne.' Lou It wns. ~nnounrl'd that the ho) s' • \lr 1111<1 :\lr~ ,lolhn Scdsa Cr11n1l. \'ir:,:ima llnc:hman Sunh II r holr v.hrrh hos fwrn tratrung lin· "''" ha\• ju't rc•turnNi hnml' Rrs t, i\1. nr ~rrtr11r11, R:trh:tra df'r the dlrl'cliop of l\1r~. ll.al.l i~ •, It• "'I> [I\• mr11J1hs in 1\:('W Stm·aiJ, Nnrmr• rullo'r. Judy C"at-nt'arly rC'ody to makt' rts m•tinl lin. :\l.or~il' Cllths, Charlotte.' Phin-OPJX'nran('<' 111 church. nl') .• J~iiln !\!no<'n llum nnd Tanra ~Harbor., f. es ;~~~~;,s.~:;,l·~~:l~~~~~:~·~d s;;:~~~ ~ • ___ _I hn. J ohn F'owh•r, Quincr Cass, 1 Rill l\loffill. Dirk Krllrr, Bill Pt'Y· Social Evening Planned for • Local Catholics 1.1 T••rrrll Root nnd his Wiff'. ton. m,·k \\'nllnl'r, Fred Hope r• olnl'i:o, "hn wrnt to mN:'t him, Oirk Brncf', J tJhnni<' Martin, R~ The Altar ·Sodrty of Our Lady tl• 1\' in Sotndny from Snn Fran-Crlfwrt. Oi<'k Dunn. Don Hall, and of Mount Carmt'l is sponsoring a , ,.,." 'ilt" liNI!rnnnr has tx-en on Curtis Phinncy. blngo.party for Newport and Bal- \\' rl.•· lslnnd for 10 months and boa Island parillhont'rs. to tx-held :O.Ir" Jlnot ha~ hl'rn llvln,:: with her Th_ri ft Shop ·Head Thursday, J wne 20 at 8 p.m. in 1• ,,., rol". Dr nnd Mrs. l..A'slt'r the Balhoa U.S .O. rooms. The •~""'· H:olhon Tslnnd. The Low('!! Fetes . Co-Workers main obj('ct or the party is for h:'ld ,, husy W!'c.'kt'nd fnr their the ~rishoncrs to bc.'come better wn. Tnm Thnmns. I(Tndunt<'d Sat-Mrs. E . r.. Boudinot, head of lhf' acquRrntcd nnd to make for mort' 111·<1:" from F.l~lnor<' Naval and Thrift Shnp committ(>(', E'nlt'r-SUet.'Cssful grt-togetht'rs of mem- :0.1i11Tnr\' nrudrmy and Mr11. Lowe's! talnro ht'r cn-workt'rs at lunrh-lx-rs nf both Mount Carmel and lornrh1·r. Forrest F:. S t.ve or Dal-con at hrr Wrst Bny avt>nut• home ] St. J ohn Viann~y churchC's. dfl~ ,., , nrn~; ,,, t. .. r ht~mo• on \\'t'st· mrn•trr awnut•, Nt•\\ 1111rt Hrights. rltl\\o•rs (rc>m lho• ~;onl••n uf Ill( lwlll•" "l'll' ust'd fnr cl•·•·uration. Jlrhh:•• \\1111 fullom < d 1\~ Cl mid· nrJ::ht 'UI•Ik r :\Irs lhrry Raker ho·lcl his,:h smro· and ~Irs. Sht'ldon ~rmlh had !<4t honors. lllhr rs prN· 1'111 wc•r••.th•• llk~dnrn<'S Huy Craig, Ed E(lwk. Jo:.o•phint' Oquist, El· 'nll'r l'htro•rson and Roy Page. Ttw July hosll'SS will tx-Mn DDDi'S las. ~··x:~s. Is vl~llinf( for a few Thursdoy. Sh<' was assi~l!'<i in r n-No charge Will tx-madr. and days anti hn~ alrrndy brought in trrtaining by ht'r daughtt>r. Mrs. rt'frrshmt'nts will be servl'd. Mrs. h•~ :~lhnl'nrr. Tut'!ldny of thilll Burt Aubrry, who plans to returnj W, J . Neville and Mrs. R. N. 1\"f"k a nieCt'. Mrs RoiX'rt V~ur tn hl'r hom(' in the north early In Cunningham will be In charge. 0~ Eveala.,._ Ex~t II~ uf Ontario lt'fl with ht-r . husband • JuJl_'. ' .... i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ .ond !'ml111 daughter Suzanne to Gursts Rt thf' lun<'hi"'n W(>rl' r m~k" thrir home In thr HawAiian Mrs ll••r mnn lllllllf'r, Mr!l. Russrll h hnds. 11'11\'ing !rom Burbank nn I Ro'l'd. Mrs. Frrd Catlin. Mrs. S . A. tho• \nn~tl•liation. Mrs. Valur !'lt<'~'t'r, Mrs. Hr nry F:egrrt. Mrs. • \l:trrnn Koch I, hall spent much BrrthR Tillotson. Mrs C. M. Dra- ,.f hl'r t imr hrrc. i kins. l\lrs. C'hnrlt's Prirst and Mrs. ~~r~ Frl'd('rick A. n otl('rts or I L<-w Walla('('. Porlhmd Willi ll rf"<'f"nl r,ut•St for i rwo \\'f'o•ks nt thf" hnmr nf hrr R d C W ~i<;to•r. 1\lrs. I..c-wis Clark Fabian I e ross • orker s .. r C" .. rnnR del Mar. Called to Rally InJrl'rdualrty for the "Muther•ro·be · If w t don't hove 11, we mo~t 11. you su ' ' 'Donna--cOrCarie Shoppe RBOV£ EV£RYTHinG Stamp Enthusiast s l Mes a Couple W ed I n Arizona I I R. Ring, Grand \ann I. Rat-_ 1 ~::t 1,;11ncl, Rnd hii.S hrothrr \\'1!·1 All Rt>d <T~orkrrs of !h<' I ham, "ho Is a Rl'd Cr05s offr-l ll:trhor arra nrr rrmindl'd of the r111l •tl :O.tnnll:'l. rl'turn~d Wrdnrs: rail~ "hrrh 1~ lx:!n:.: t'Aill'd b} 515 S. MalA 8t. -· • Invited to Attend County Meetin g Y_o_lr b I o u s_e. M:~rri:~c•• '""~ "' r•• n I" •••·ol d.,,. from Onklancl. \\hrrr 1~<'.} l\lrs. l'hno•lu• Mullr~::m fnr \Vl-dnf'S·I Tuf"!!dny . .I lint• 11 '" Qrt:trlt<llt', \\l•rt> <':tlh•d !)('(':JUS(' or the err! I-, day, Jnn·· l'l Ill 1 Jl.m. at I be Arr1 hy """ B orl•·w• t.onr nl 111 ~•-ss nne! !Ouhc:rqllf"~t dl'alh 1 \nrnwr 11 .. 1 :\lnr g-r nmmar school. Rif"hnrd<nn, ~~~~ ~:."1 "'""'" of 1~1}:1r fnthrr. ll 11 !long. Th•• hurlclin~: os just uff Coast l Thr l lnrhnr . Srnmp o'luh nlt'l ~tr""'· c."r.' :\lo, '· 1lnrl 1-1,.r,•ll l ;\fr~. J.. \'. Linsrnhnrrl nnd h<'r lli~h\\ay ltnll fl n,::s will 1x-out. I Thu:~d.ty ,., ... ~1111: Ill Ill•• l\t('Stl II Srhn····l\'l'iS, '''"' nr f'o~l I tr:onrlson., Thomns Shl'ddo•n, It'll I --- . w .. ~ -.-.-. It'• ......... -. ft'• ~ l-ew, ley" W....,. a..oc...t little rvfRe 'roufMI -. .., ,-to .-. y.;.. tool -..~c. w-. ll'l--~ .. ,.._ ..... _,_.....,., s.t_JJ.JI. •• Ftay Pa1a Street F1oor 1 Rttrlro ~>hop Wllh thf" vii'•' prf"!li· Mrsn. l\londny for Pnrtlan1l, '' ht•n• tlu•y 1 ..tf•nt, .r (I Jrnkln~ prr·sidtn~t In T 1\ t \\Ill \'I Sit fric•nds rrn II ranch at Balle t Dancers h I f P I K, I hr ''"r<'ml•m '' o< 1" ll•trnt••c I (' 111!'1'11('1' n ri'SIII'n! ('n.t h ' r I . Jr•wrll, nl'nr A~lnrl:l. nnd Wh('rf"'ln Two R ecJ'tals llrtdwock. > l·. B 1.lnrl 11! .... ''' " 1 11 1~ H'<' tho'\' Ollty SJ)('nd lh•• l'llmmo•r • I 1 nf thr Arm•n·• I'll\. anti e~ll••nrlm,.; \\-h'l h It ·c; :'l\l , \' Miss --- It was ~ro~s··:l ns 11/' nmt'nt • thr ynllnl' '''"'1•1• "' n \!1 ·ond 1 1 "L' •'r n~~r~··~,. ~ ~c; ~:· h~u~r i l\1·n r•·ritalc: '"'r•• hr•ld hy F1or- rnl'n1 Ill ~ ,,. I}'· II\~ !I. I ~at mM•I· Mrs II. I. l';orlrlllt.;c• t>f ('n"tfl • ('~~' ~~.;" r~rmrr .• ro:tm,;,nl!' Ill rnl'l' :\torrrs' hallrl cJm;S('S last ln~ts bl' h let I ht' frrs t .md I hlrd l\lc•ttR Th•• Iondo• ""rt f••r I hr ~ k 1 ,, !\lose; \' ·1nrs :-.:1'1son of Wo'<'k, on•• :\lonlla}' t'\'f"nrng and Thunutn.}-s "', t'al'h mc>nl.h mslt>or.d IX'<'nsinn n hlul' '"'I "hr'r •lr••«s . rh;:,~~d · ' 1 • 1 a nothrr \\'l'(ln(•sdn~· f"\'t'nins: a\ No. of <''"r) ntht r ThursdR) nnd thra l with hlark llCI'!'l'Snrtt•s ~hr ,-·onte Ric : . I f. Rav J.,lnnd. will .tx-votl'd on 111 lhr next to I hi" IOI':tlity frnm ll:ok• r .. r .. ld Mrs J.. F:. lltuulr.not lrft 1~.1s T11king pArt In the program m('l'tmg. . . nhout thr!'f" monrloq nco t11 ~un w~k to gn nn~lh, "hrrr s~c.' \\Ill w('rc> Jllnc.' Nunan. llun~:arlan Llln Frnnco tn\'llt'd lht' club to hPr fl;Jrf'nts whn mn\'t•rl hf"ro· lu~t join Mr. Boudmot nnd lhr1r son d . D' II I t t danCt'· mrrt with th<' Ornntor<' County ' · · Boh, whn nrr on n fi~hinr;: trip. an('C • 111.nr or )('r • oc ·. Philatelic auociatlon Friday ev('-Yt'ar. and the thrl'r will look nt ranch ~t'anrl p ·Brrggs. t'IIC'('('ndtrlc dMan('C, 1 J 14 1 hi h c.' l028 Tht' hride ,;:rnclwttrol frnrn thr t .. aro rrrROn. su or an<'t'; ary n n~e. une . • a !I om · Bakersfirld !ll'hools nncf l\lr. proper y. Ann Mort'y, Mnmmy dance; Mary Richland strec>t, Santa A no. The h -----Ka M 1 0 tch d and "-I h 1 t Schnf"<'Wf"is, w os1• pnrt>n ls nnw y orr s. u ancc, I ""anet> or t e C\'t'n ng was apcn I " l I FAC B 'd S . Sh' I F~ kll t d Also In discussion and Lradlng. Jivr in P11 m ~prlnl:ll. ~ II l:riiC U· rJ ge eCtJOn rr ry. ra!' n, CX' an.ce. Tht' next mCt'!lng of the club ate of l':t'"1l0rt llarhor t 'n11m Meets Next Week apJl('arrng m Interpretation~ set , . H ifth school. .ft,. i!l 11 rurmt•r I'm· to waltz numiX'rs were Donna v.•ill be Thursday evenrng, June 20. I r h L' 11 n I s-..r· s . "'Ill' s M'tCk'-' p OYt' 0 t (' r II l'r 1 II nl ('nffi· <-ulngr r. USII' n ram , , pany and at prr~rnt '" ••mplnyrd Memhrrs of thr hndr;:c• St'ction Nichols and Andrea Cribben. at the Fun 7..on•'. Ball><tn of the Fridny Aflr rnnun rlub will -----met'! \\'C'dnc·!ldny .• tunr :lf> ar the Mi.o;s Llll'omn Crnu.·l, d.llll!htrr c1ubhoust'. A drssrrt rours<' \nll e>f the Harold Gr;'lth'il' nf 1 ·.,~Ia tx-scn·t'd at 1:!::\11 p m. hy Mrs. ~kso, was inilrntr rl lnst \WI'!.. rnto William Nlckt>ll ttnd ;\Irs. J . P. the nat ionnl nnr~ll'ill ~oro1 o1y, CooJX'r, host esse's. Si)::mn Alphn Ioiii. l'$ ( · rh·q·t••r. Th<' arts nnd rrnfls S!'l'linn nf NEW LINE Craft Greeting Carda . Statloaery -;;;;;;;;;;;;..;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;..;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. _______ -: thr cluh wrll ltnld n rm·nic Tu"s· .! day, Junr :.!:'l llt•nr thr Laguna Brookings V arieb' -~ Jlwy. "--.... c-.._.. u.. et ~·· -...- TOGS • • • Stream M ountain ... ~Jo- OrKin's Department Store for Park o r Back Yard Fun - 119S Newport Blvd. Vo.ta MtM • • Beach Arl r;:llllt'ry. ~--------------- $15.00 Anita Colby -"T h e Face" i:.f i:.f i:.f America's most famous cover girl is certainly a competent judge of good pho- tography. She is enthusiastic about the Por- traits which Bernard made or her. You too \\111 be equaJiy thrilled if you have your por- trait made by - Our Balboa Studio Now Open Daily troaa·to A. 11. to '7 P. 11. Balboa Inn Arcade, Balboa, Calif. ..._ llarbor 10&8