HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-08-21 - Newport Balboa News TimesTHE SAND CRAB ., SAM • DlJBUCIT\'. Let us say .-that 200,000 people (if you counted 'em) saw the first Toumament of Lights in five years, and that the show was more than the fondest desires of the p~ moters d..re8med -if the balmy night and the back- ward moon, (not due ~p until 11 p. m.,) gave the spectators a rea !thrill. then indeed was the publicity worth the effort, because it gave Newport Harbor fur- ther evidence or the dty that did things in a large way. There may be bet1er and finer shores-try and find them-than t.beee delightful ~· but certainly there are no greater bunch of boost· ers who know how to work intelligently to put over their messages to an eager public sec k i n g recreation. The magazines, newspapers and radio gave thousands of dol- lars of notices to this and other activities, like ttae F1ight of the Snowbirds publicity that could not be purehased for money. But if you happened to get ncar enough to the shores of the bay, you witnesst>d a real show oC noat.s of various hues and colors. s o m e brightly iUumined, others not so much , but all e11ter- ing lnto the spirit of the festive oCcasion. One diffi- culty seemed to be lack of signs on the boats, at least large enough for the specta- tors to reed them. Just how. to remedy that fault, if it is one, is something the leaders have been trying to solve. Of COUl"8e in these times siJPlS are hard to get and expensf~ and many of the youngsters did not give them a thought. But is was a lovely night, a sparkling body oC water with gay col- ors and lights, while the fireworks were some of the best seen in years. • • • Tnlflc Trouble8. Pollee and J. P, courts in the Santa Ana-Harbor area take cogni- zance of the Crabber's re- marks about traffic disas- ters. Main complaint of the judges is that the newspa- pers In the district are some- what negligent in fighting the problem-seem to adopt a don't care at1itude. Court officials don't want to be knoWn as "tough" jurists, but do insist that some l'O- operation on the part of the press would do much to de- ter the reckJess speeders. In Newport Beach township they have nearly 300 cases a montt\, quite a job for one small section, whUe Santa Ana township has hundreds more. At Newport in the week of August 5-10, out of 90 criminal complaints riled, 31 were for speeding and of that numbt>r fi ve received jail senlffices for going 60 miles and more in a restrict- ~ zone. • + + What k) Do. Point is that some of us should give more heed to a menace that is growing and not getting less. We all know that public opinion can correct most of our ills, but such opinion must be insistent, broad and determined. The kids who drive the "hot" cars don't seem to gi~.a hang and I learned tha~ubs are still in existence where member- ship requires a cert.ain num- ber of d a r e -d e v 11 noee- thumbings at officers and gettJng away from them by speeding. Cops know this and are ~hat helpless. because the kids have noth- ing to la&e and glory ln the fact that they can give the tramc offlcers a run for their money In escaping. U laws were more stringent perhaps that· brand ot im- pudence could be checked + • • Wa.nbl&. VetL Now that the Tennfnal Leave m11Uons are coming through for the wterans. the effor1 to separ- ate them from their doulh will become more and more vt1Ja1nous. Veu get appedls by the docllena to Invest ln (O.Umlld ....... f1w) ·-- We Have 0~ Harbor · · · Now· Let's Get Water • • • Water and Harbor Made Los Angeles a Mighty Qiy., Costa esa Edition . . ·--.N-eWpQrt .Balboa-News Times ..... of ~OLUIO XXXfW COffTA M~A. CALihiRNI.\, \\'F.IlND'IlA\', .At 'Cit'IOT U, tH41 . ,_ City Delays Action on Amuse.ment Whee~~ -------------------------------------------------------------------~-------,~ ----= ---~ ----- Beardless Balboans Face ROUSSELLE ENDORSES MUNICIPAL /'-. ~ Councilmen Unable to Real Penalty for Shaving Now MOVE FOR METROPOLITAN WATER Decision After Debate Over I Request Made fw. · City Fathers Adopt Ordinance Making It a 250 Boats ''Wit h ~rantHd wa~r. Se . Misdemeanor to Appear in Balboa With-untold twn .. nc. ror ,. , ... r Y rvtces t G wth f H · F · F D • workln~ mu ud propt't"t.)' ou a ro 0 au on all' ace W'Jng owrwr ln Nr .. ·port llubor I Preparations for "Pirate Days" Celebra-c 0 n t r ·, bute will follow," dNia.rtod A. 8 · F c I tion-Fines for Violation. ~ or Balboa. p&onf'f'r or U ver I T F I =~:w~:w:.%:,: .. ~~.~~ w d Any malf' citizen living in Balboa who shav{'S betw't>en t• tw ,·oluatf'f'nod h&. ..upport tAt I d August 19 and September !I wUJ b..• subject to citation for 0 es IVa ....., 't • ni!IIWJr I e nes ay violation of a city ordinance and will be.> fmed fi ve dollars., --~·: .)' 11 1 '' or JMm-..,.,..up a the Mrlropolltu l 'ICCOJ-dlng to an edict issued today by Mayor 0. B. Reed. Wat.-r J>~Mtrlrt R}'lltf'm. The mayor said the ordinance adopted by the Newport By WIS it'HF.U BA.RBRf: Mr il4111~"'"''· \\hn" Jll41hllloh l'rl\'ll h•luno•rnl "'r\11 .... rnr IIIII · nw tlul"flt ot o(f1daJ d ty action qalnllt the -=::It'; &>ach City Council .on Monday a{t(>m oon would be.> enfo{!."ed Nl'wport llnrhor·s tweh•e mil••• on.., .. 1 1 hi' l•r~:1·· ~• 1., "IM'' 11 11\1 n•·•, n 11 c ·.,". r ,, 1111~l 1 <'••n1r nl of nwn·hnndbdn.r or nJUiette wheela ln ~t a from ncow until nfh•r lhe c.-It-, or 5htlrf'lin«' look<'<i like an rnd-11nc1 111\JIII\t•r~ '" 1tw 1111rtwor 1!1• '"'''""''· llulhwo, who lo•1111C1•,.1 "'"'I llullw10 f\'llflp('fU"t>d tx-fore the rneetlna of the Newpalt hr!ltion of .. P iralf' Days." 'T I h c '"" gr~datand Saturday t'V('nlna trl$1. •lah'lllh/11 lhtlll-11nc1~ ,,, "''" hulll 1'111\o•r ('It\, will .... 111'1\1 "'·l l'lty COUIIC'il Mc:ntay ~when cound.hnen .... A0)001: lhu~lt' ltlkf'n hy surprlllt' e ep one 0 as IWrTled rank~ of SJit'C:Ialora. esU-honw• '"" '"' hlllll, unci 11•'" ltu~l-, Smlrto X. Snll-lour)' l'hllt•·l. :tO-t I In t{rnnt A rx•nnlt tn Don Hannon tor the .,.. hy cou.n•·ol nppr.1vot or 1 ht• m••asurf' r~11ttro 111 ~~.000. watched the 1 nt'S!t ciPJlOI tuniiii'M Will rf.'llult, conrt• Matll~ton "' rnll•', t 'uh ,., 1'11 y, ut whNI At Ill Mnln lltn!lf't. Balboa. wu Clly Attorney Rul11nd Thomp-· . • ''"' JlQtll-"nr marin,. parad«' of thot lho• n·~~~to·ro'll ''""'1"11 rndonw hi n rn Wt>tln•••(lnv C'l'•'mnllnn I , son. who rubtxod hls <'tlln and sold, c • • • ed 0 thf' annuill Tourmmwnt of Ll~tht•. thr rrll'r•·rulum ut tho· :">~colo•mho•r l \\'Ill rrtkt• 1'1111.., In rloo• Jnsto•wc~e>d ' _ l_!:,lr'n~n Miff ln hill pctiUon that he wblhed to rq. a 1111 "Goah, th•t ~ans me, too." t Moro• than :..'00 boaiA, fr(lm a elf•I'II•IO. l'11rk l'l'm••trr)' j .,. I t..... r~ --g Thompson li\'I'S In Balhoo rl I CIS n hahy IUhll CllJ}Jlf'r l(t liiiiP JN'diiiOII 1'1 •-.11t'lhll: '""' NI'WJl(lrl llllr·l Mr ( 'ulv.·r . nnl' nf ~11\llh••rn R. ht Out ~anchalnl W'-1 ... A rity offlcllll Olhl'r thnn the rnrrlrd out thr lhMnf' of .. King-bor'• f.OJI\IIallufl would rt'IH'h th•· C~ttlrnrnllf't lnrf'mll•t l(f"I(IWIII ftm·l IC er "'"'latne wu not a .... mnyor sn1d lat('r that 'fhomJ:*ttn s·d lk J b d•>m of lh(' Sf'A" Thr) \Ot•rr ll>d 50.0rMl murk m u ~hort prrutel ftlll'r l '"'"""dur!l In rn l rat11te l'lrl'lf'll, lnwet'""'t In that Je .. tlliii' ll('lll'r not mAk(' thl' mlstakt" of I ewa 0 In thP p!lrade by Gov. Earl War-th(' riry •• , No•I''J•lrl 1\t'ltth J<•lna dh-d Slllllrc11\y "' II hr~trt •tt•r k In ar.de to Me place. 11:nc>ring thl' ord lnanee. for thl' r••n, who wns on bonTd J. S . Bar-thl' MWil "''"'"' th•· \'('lf'ran rl'nl llolh""''"IC.I huorJIIIul ltNiro'<l fmm \ 0 Ba•l Aft Alttwqh Uw dl7 feU..' ..... '"" IS no ('('SJ)l'l'IOr of JX'rtiClns I rf'tt'l I.JIIo: crUIS('r nlmnlt'r Other. .. 1011' dl'\'''"''"'r J•linr.'d tlUI IIIUI nrtl~'l' lualn('U rr~r .,., ... rnl )'f'l\l'a, n I er thfo ... tllJoft until Ita .... -- prumanl'nl, 11'1:111 or othl'rwisc. ---in rhe ~0\'l'rnur'a party werl' Mr.. Nf~IIC•rt h>t• I'OITW' to thl' CTOU· Mr ('IIIVI'r wtu ••rkkrn In hla whrn IOfM fannettw - Tho' rr110lutlon for adoption of The Southern Callfornl• Tell'· Warrrn and thf' youngrr ch1ld~n; r0«1d!l .. W,th ltl resort emplrr hut~' rn Relhoa and wu remov~ ,,._. roWette C...: ' .. the ordinllll<Y. which wu pr('l('nt-phon!.' rom~ny and Oty F:nglnN'r Capt. J . A. IU>ck, commodo~-of around lh•• Ray," hi' addrd. "It Ia lu thf' Jlollyv.•uod l~lttutlon fm"l A t c ash t&llen, ~ ol ........ t'd to Oty C1~rk Frank Rinehart. J B Wt-bb wer~ IUhjM-tt'd to thr Tnurnament of Li¥hlll IWIO-t'QIIIll 1ft lltt• li('St In lhf' wnrld .. lrl'•tnwnt. •nw A6-yi'U-tlld rt'lll u 0 r thorouihly d*'-d .... In advan~ of the callrd ml'etanto:. public critit-iam at a rl'gular mN'I-1 t'lation and Mrs ~k: Mr. Bar-Thl' ctuf .. lltm bc•forf' thf• rl'l( ... r•tatr mRn wu Ill only two d11y,t 1 t'Jt)l Atty. ,...._. hy Al J oyet-, a mcmtwr of the lng or rhl' NCWJ)llrt Beach C'ity rf'tt, who is pr•·lddcnt of ttw t~rt>c1 V(ltrn ~~. hr IRhl, wlwthl'r Allh,IIRh rrllrrd. Mr Culvf'r I ~ ~ L. COI)'lmittt"t' or lhc Balboa lmprovt>-Counci. 1 Monday 11rt..,.noon. 1 rhamh('r or rommcrt"t'. and Mr.. 1M IIIXIlll)'t•rs sh111l IJW'ncl H~rrt-or mad!-II a pr11rtk't' h • k(;••p In tourh . ---cont"'Uon that U.. mt'nt association, whieh is apons-Councilman L. L. lslx>ll aa.ld that Oarrrtt four lhm.11111nd doll•rs nn a ~upply with t'lvtr artlvltll'l II•· v.11a oftrn . t,~ward Hu~ ~ •• ., Midi wtwell In .lfll .. a1 orlng the "Piratl' Days .. relebra-the constml·tlon crcw of thl' 1,.1., Lt. Gov. 11nd Mrs. Frrd HoUMr, of Wfllt•r whlt>h m11y be only temro-j ••¥n In tht' mld-ltusln•·u ~tlon of 1:17 roJMX avt'ni.M'. Balbolr ....... boa. ,_ ,_ ........ .., .. tlon, follows: phon~ company had r eplllcf'd Hu~ Mrs. Cl)'dl' Kt•mp, A. P. Bfolllale. rary, nr mny ~ro h11d "' 11ny tlnll', Bllllklll, '"'rtlrul11rly In Johnll(m'• 1:r·•l {,.,,., .. Nll'tlmlln, .... lbooll-faur .._.., two Ia, ~-olutJ-Sldt•walks following the lnstalla-who Ia nulstant 5('('Tetary of thel "or ahall W<• join the MWI>, which rf'tllaurant, "~'h•·re hi' took IIOm4' t)f ~~ hy Nt'WJIOft llcoadt ....._-.. ... 1ft the pe¥tlaia WHEREAS, the Ml'rchantl of tlon of lt"lephonl' uiJ)m('nt un· I ll ate ... nat~ and John F . Lfoa, a t<'Ote nf other clrll'l hav" donfo. hit "''«'nJna mr•l• •nd Whn'e hf' ay nl&ht on a C"hup fill *-* tilalll ltrMt. Balboa, California, have planned dl'rl:f'nund In such ~mann<•r that 1 acnatt' mlnut,.. rll"r!l. Wf"re lt'UNIII •nd &ullrHntN• and lnsu~ fr1r llll k<·pt up a I>OliOfTI frlrnt1ahiJ1 with dnvlnc alter hia aut~,._.. Jt ._ r•tr. 1 -...,. nn Import an~ nnd lnt<'ri'Stlng eel!'-thl' t horou~hfarl' ..... 01 .. 1 11 and •or Mls~ Par nntllns o r fiR JII('IIl. flmt•. thl' .:ruwrh uf thl' Nrwport nyd•· H .John110n. r··~rn~trAnt nwn 111111 II"' l ick of an ._ llwtl at ..., Wifed to dlar .... ~ hrAtion known M .. PirAtf' DAys" 1 1 .. po y l hland nn onl' of thl· Rollrns boats JIArbt>r 11r•'l to" t•oont hf'yolnd thr rr. whn kn••w Mr C'llh't·r whr n hr :Nllh llrl'f•l and (..,at,., •--..... JcoiiUon for a ........ • .. to be hr ld St'pll'ml~r !\, 6, 7 11nd rri>R'U nr 1 1\fl~~ flollrn~ l1 IIS!!i~tnnl S('('TI'!nr~ m011t "JIIImllhr tlr••Bml or nny nf "'"~ In lllulln•·•• In C'uh·,.r City Mr ho•rt•. "1 10 fl!\ o'rltrt'k. I!IOfltrnUon that 0.. _,. ... R and The councilman asked City nnd arnrnd1ng di'Tk of thr lll'nntf' "'' A ""''' for tlw MWJ) lnsurr11 .Jnhn111111 w"• ul•u 111 l1111ln•••• Ill WJif·n "' rr;IRnMf In thr N_,.,n many wfwoc.ll o1 that tltf Ia...,. '\\'Hf:REAS 'd n 11 En~:rnc•rr \ '••hb if thr lattrr hAd and is a nwmllf'r or rhr C'Ommlllt•r 11• 111:111n" nny futun• wntrr th111 d1y fl•u•w \Nor~ "ll" I'll\ ,.,,,,, 111 !l 11 m. lad~Qr, U. atbl at the ~t u.., Chants •throug.hsatlheir An•~~·amtif'orn· an inspt•ctor on thl' joh Wht'n thr on d<"Srl:n for !hi' Tnurnaml'nt nf trouhlr... 11-..... ,,.,,.. (•tn...... lll•ndf'r plr•drd not a:uU\1 to U.. (""-·--'t .. ..._ ............__ ~~ Sldt•walks WPrl' r«' laid Aftrr lh<' Ll h · 1 ... • 1 ~ .. man ... aeon --have urged mAll' citlzrne or thej cons I ruction work -Webb r«' liNt ' It ts lllllorrat on. Mr floUIIIf'lh•'• atafertlj'nt fol· A ror•u•fij;nl ,.1-.nn .. ry r•nsf '"'lOnR f'lllll ~,. "'" ~~~~~ r~l ... ~ b)t c ·,J~ .,.. to ttw drnlel ot UW Jllllft • Balboa III'Ctinn of thr C1l)' of NI'W· lhar Alii C"ow•rt. 1'hr srrret ,:Jlf'r-.MI<bhlpman Alliin !WI'k D.nd RN-d lows: thl' nlltlon·• rtr·-1 lllr-mlndtorl I'll.· .lurl~o~r_ Hull 1 '11""'" r In ISIO ball lN «niiU!dla lh 1 H port R••rwh. in rt'<'OJ!nttlnn of this on!t-mlf'nl was ·nn thr Jf)h ~ rllr11m~ had l'f'f•n dt•l111 l•'d b} ":\I)' thrrty ti,.,. > """ ••xpo•rirnf'•• •·mill\'•·~ "oth hi~ uwn .. tlytm: .. r ft•r a ~l'llrlnK In hl. a.rt at I Nt In rllmln•~e~ ,:n:.,:.:..; Import/In I CX'Ciutlon thAI all said ( upl C"I!IUdf' Mll)ll. l'nmmandllnf Ill (Irani(!' ('fllllll\ roflll !'\IIUih••rn fir·· .. In It '"" /f it• l"lfhln fllllrw. 1\11 II Ill \\ o•r1n• '""> ••mr. whim wu to -... ne rnnlt• d lo.trns grow "IH'nrds" or I~hdl lh••n !l~ld hf' lhJJut.:hl It nr tlw Culll.,,.n.,, Mn•·ollm~> nr11d t'allfurnl11 l11 llt·\••lutllrt••nt lint'' ('111\'l•r fl,.\\ rhou~nn•l~ ••I "'"'"' tu i\l'<'f•rtlllll: 111 JIC>II('t' n"C~Jf"Ck, with ltH• nlf•rt•h•ncll•lnc ....... whrskrors such u , acrordlng to wa~ 1 lw. rt'llpnnslhlllly of th,. 'Cit)' ••my In 111d In f'nlt•rtalnlng thr tnd worklnJ! (,r N••'VJIOrt ll11rlw•r ''''"' tlw \'irtw"' of rho• !'\oulht11nd I ltll'hll'l "'''• drlvlntt h.ta aut.-. (' -II flob accredlrrd hletory, wt'r<' wom ~··n· ••nl[rnr'f'r 1 nf(IN' 10 I!('(' t ~at thl' ~:uvrrnur'~: pnrt) anti on thl'lr ho/11 •·ntlllf'11 m •· '" ,,.,.,, "'> optnlnn '"' nnll to uh~·r-·,. loo1Aint••11 f'lonc11t lnna IHI• •w11h "'' t'••nlriiiiiVPfNt', wtwn 1 ::•;1\ r;;•n ~ ..... .. rally h)' nil plrnlrl! o r oltl lrlf'JihOn•· company WRll nolrfled 10 \.\l•rr E11rl W nrn·n Jr. und hiJ ""t"r 11nd hf•ro· 11 os throm~:hmit llw ru11ntr)' II•· ro•flfl•d 111 •klt.lttt-d "l'~oxlmatC'Iy 311 f...t ~~ 1 ,.. tl ttwt ~ tM .. t 0 IRk• up thr lltdc>wlllk~ nnd rl'piii<'C! '"~'•'r \'lr~tinln Milt~ Nnnr•• Gr1111 "('allfornln "'IS r••l'lhinwtl '''""' fr11111 thP r•·••l ~t11t,. t1110t11,,11" lni lr!lo lhr •ltJt• ot • tfUC'Il f1l ttw . 1,wrN>1 llf~ ltllln)' .,..._ N W, we•. I hi' f'lty C'nunc1l of th 1 th , , ' • " ' · ~ ""W"ra 1nn 11 r..-Huy h ,... f .. , 1 l'm COrrN"t Y liS "~ nn!"'" \.\trl' tltn .J••:on lruhn 11nd IIAr tnn Jlo·,.k • t1t·Af'rt. t urru•l lulu Allah'~ r;,.,. J!l:l/1 111111 l11r .,.vf'rnl )'''llr·• w1111 ~ .. lflftl'rll l'•nrntl ... ltor ~~-v ·-. · I r '-II y o '"""port Bt·nch, n . . · -·....-v Sllrr ld r<'I[Uinr mt•rliOI! llll~•~mbled, do < lly All). rhomtt~~on th.-n r"· rr·c..-.•nll~ r••trr••d n• IIIUhmArinl' ul· tl•·n hy wnr ••r 111111""~ ••I <l11ll11r~ """"''''I'~ "llh 11 hott•l "''"'" In nl IA'I!C An~:..r,. •. whlf'tl w• f(OUc N hfo thnucht It, ..... h,.r,.hy ••nnct An ordrnnnl"<' whlrh mlnd.•c1 thr• I'll}' f'n~:rnN'r thnt any fll'rr of llw l1 S Nnvy. II/IV(' foll(•w••1l C 'ni1Jnrnl11'~ Wlllt'r ntorllu•rfl c •11Jitornlll "''"' ''" :l/llh ,..,.,., be an ll\julltino to the IJI'UU.. t1 prm·idr s that no mAll· c:it llron" nf ""rk nf " puhll<' nAture· thnt Is F:Rrli••r In '"" ,., •·nine c;.w nnd ilrvf'lnpm«'nl "" w~o• nnr ,,f llu· rllrll•••l . ,ltohll :--1• l••oll l'f·rkl"' 26, nt t.hfo dl•ny ttw t•·rmll lln('t! the ..., Rnlhon shaJI l:w' ~·rmrlll"cl to ~hll\t' don!' by 11 prlvatr I'On('('m lhould Mn. Wnrr1•n Rnrl rt ... lr Jlll rly hnd "NI'wporl hfl1i no" rnm•· '" I hi• "'""'• 111111rd ht•n • 1n ,,,,.,.1 tor m•1 1"'" Ana:d··~ rlnn, who, pollcr Nld, ::.;:::'1 •ln-ady had allowwd & MW for a pt>rl.od b(>glnnin11 AUKUKI 19 he auprrviM'd by tht' <'IIY l"nRint'f'r· hc"t•n !'OIPrtllinl·d at c111'Wlf'r nt j cronroads W11h II~ r••l't•rl "'"J'ltro• llldftill 11lrpnrt, to• rwc•o·11111ry 11d· ""~ drtvlnte thr trudt, ~ ~ ~0 ,::;at~ In • ....... and continuing until grptc>mhcr 9,1 lng d•'Jo~trt~nt. "Tt is not th~ :--lf'"llOrl lfarhnr Y~trht rluh hy Around thl' Hny II I~ •~llln l tn 1111' Jurwt~ In "'"'r"JI•IIIInn •lrvt•lnl .. ""'' lu· waa lllrnollt ~ U• )' n . Vot•l a. ...... nnd I ff'!IVOflllhlllty of tlw> ltn-1"1 ~UJlC'r· Commflflnrr and Mrs Tfrnry n 1~11 In thr worlll fl••lld)' lu hi• d••· m•·nt AJ ••nrly Ill I!Yfl hi' tl••chcn•d llllt·rflo•l'lilm "r c 'rntral •-· l b"eet, Ralboa. Any m~th• rili7r n who. hy ah•v-j lntrntfent,'' thr City oounRI said 'Grllndin. whilr thr llrutl'nant· \'t'IOJX'(I for thou~nndJO .,f h•ortl1>41, it thtol .. within I ll yrlln 'th•• llh ''''""' t\ ht'n thr d,.frndllnt'• c:.r hit the ~lman 0 1. ~ ....... In~: durin~.: thr ll8id prrlud. vlolatf'tl "TI1r only thing WI' can dfJ now ... , ~tnvrrnnr And hill wlf<' won• dinner is Wllltlne only fur A RUIIrllnll"<' w1il l11• 1111 lmpurltlnt tn o•wryd11y rnwk 1111 liM· rllht ,...... jl8t In tiCI wldt 8Urr. Ill' ••ld lhat he ..... th1s said ordinllnN' shall hf' 11ub-1 Wt'hb Nld. ··~a rn -to It that lnJl'llls or C"nmmodorro and Mn I of •ufflcll'nt wa••·r \VIII\ gu11rAn· llfr 1111 rhr 111utnmohll•• Ia nuw " ~ frtml "' rtw rlrht ,.ar ........ not _.how thr d ty oouedl .... jvct 10 A fine of $5·.00. the, .. kt'walk• are takm out and I l)(ln l<l'mp at nAIII('In Vnc-ht cluh. tM'd Wlttrr untrolrl llf•m•frtll lor 1_.,011 rromlnl'nt rn 1,,. Anl(f'l"" Poll('(' f!tfiCf'n 0....,. W. c.H-clfon)' the llannc.NI IJI'tJUon ..... _______ ,...-; put In rl~rhl .. ('apt fiNk, v.•ho 111 ,rrrrtary nf .. v,.ry workln~ot mnn und pruJI••rt} rt•lll r .. rntro l'ird••• Mr ( 'ulvo•r hun •nl1 \ I Mc-Manl1ko, wtiO b'l-tJwo dty fathton aiJOWf!d VQI!el tl Gary Porter, 511 2 , I 'nwo COtti\Ml ,·otrd unanimously thl' 11tnll' Al'nntt•, Ml!t~ rtnllln11, Mr •1wnrr will follow. Thouundll uf ~··rv,.d nl pr•>t~ldr·nt ~r ttw 1,.111 An· """tl~tllll'd ttM-er..,., nparted, CJpl'f'lllf' o.Mt, too. • ~~ to IIUttMln:rr thfo city mcin«'r to Bclllslr 11nd Mr. Lra had hullt n-hoTnt'11 w tll '"' llullt. 11nrl nrw 1.:"'"~ n r ,.ny hnnrd tlw C"allfurnlll r~•11'''' rrnord• lilac...... that Unlf!'W you mnt' •••••t aD Makes First Cakh notify the phon!' romp.11ny or the• th~ entry nf thr offlrrrs nf lhr l•u•lnf'1111 npportunltl•'• will r •· .. ult llN•I 1'~1111,. 111, .. ,.-tni11,11 'lind 1,. !9'~. 111"11"'r Will undrr U. ...,...,_. of thrm," tht• C'OUnMirnan ,._ From New Fish Boat lltiUAflon. !lf'nllll', I hi' ('IIJIIIol dnml" Twn A fair l'llllmlllr uf I'••V.1)0rt'J I"'" I wu ,.;,.,.,,.,, ho·utl uf I hi' Nllllf.nlll l "' il'tllflr "''"·~· llllld JUdi ...... Corona de-l Ma.r fl'lnrlrd ... 111111' llou~:h 1:1rl~. nll'('rl nf Capt ulatlon is !'10,000 In " ~hort Jll'll<•l ·A~"".111111111 ,1 H•·ul ~-:~1,.1 ,. l\otlrflll ~~n~l!n~~~ 1~ 11 ~tian ~~~~ Mayor o. n. fWd uked CN1f ---I B lboa Ge IX-C!k, and Jim. thl'lr hrnthl'r. whfl ' of ,.aN. Frt•m l~:v; Iff l!l:l~ 1,. ar tl'd aa ~, .... t r u ,._nate"~ --of t•oJIN> R. It lfodaklnaon hlld ... tTf'dir for cat chin~ thf flrl!l flah I a n ts nrP down her(' ''" thf'ir VliC8tlon 'Tht' llhl!Wrr I~ In )'UIIr loandlt lrnnnN· dlrl'rlllr , .. , .. tlw l'h•mhrr I'll.""· foUnd any vtolalltww of the ....... from Prrntlu :'oloorl''a 72-ftllll workl'd nit wrrk twlpinl! 1!1'1 ~up-Rrmrmllfor thl' ltwt• II t Ttw lin· I 1 r romnwrn· hl•rt• nw rfal f'lf•tf' ~~ oar u tt•mhlln~o~ ~if-vi,...., 10 wt\k!h Lucky Strike of Port Litio ... nt'~''· plll'll for thr rntr11nu tll'rtrruunc1 IIIIJliiiY r• ~.;utn~: •l11wn ' "'"~ 1•t•IIIV tlnmll"lod. the front ol lfndl(klniiOn nn•wt•ro•fl In thfo MI .. 1'51. hhtS:I'III and brst" sport~fishintt p I H Residrnls drd thrir pnrt wrll h> m nslttnlly . f:ll Mnr•· l:.nt1 r• ~""'"" Shurlly hrfllrt• ltiM l f'llrromr nl. tlw mllrhlnt• •;·tnl ca ... liL , .. Uw. hoat or thl' harhor, WPnl to GllrY l urp e eart drcorntlng homM slnn~t I hi' Wllll'r· Into MJIII\'Illlon r•w•ry )'Pnr. Ill nw Mr t't11V«'r II!'I(IIOI1f•l1 It $111fi.OOO.· Wll. oot hurt I ··rklnA. and h .. t wo Porter, five and a ha)f )'rar-old front u~ll thro hsty ll&rlf Will' II '"It morr 111111 "'"r.l' on llll•'lllllllrd IM~t trll~l nmlplln)' tn l:lllhrr 1'"1,. ~''!mJlllnllln~. wh(o W~N' alao aboerd '>on of Snm Ponl'r, ro-O"•nrr r.ntl ""rltnhl••, rairylllnd. 1'\'l'n morr· •uptlly , 1:\1 Snll Wlltrr lrlllllllllln ltul t•n•l ldll• lunllll fr••m thr"""" lilt· lr~· rrw·k. 11111<1 .-.ca..,cl In· SuperV~f8 Appoint hli h f 'h N T T' I ,,,,1 '"" •·•umrrv ff•r ln,·r•lllm••nt In 1111 1• ~ S fa! A M pu S l'r 0 f' ' C'WII• lml'~ ftl\'l'f•. if j)f>!llliltlf', lhllfl fhr n:rr11f1•• 11 8 Pf'rlnu' ll)l 0111 1 \\hi• It fo •01'' o an nan anqa• f d h If d I I ' o· """"•••rn ( 'NIIfurnln ~ was 11 our an n A poun •ar·' fl•'<'f'nt rt•l·ipi!'nl nf a I'IIOIIOn (Jnly h y hl'in£ on thr w11trr 111111 m·••r u~ llkl• :on f\ll•fl1 11••1111 • 0 Co Ai racuda and W81 caught hy th(' d p I H d . , d r h I II l 'ro~or '" f'(omlnl{ Ill l~ott Anl{l·ll•!( p G range rport YOUORSII'r on N'I:Ulallon trwklr• ~\~lin~~ rr:~~ ~~·a:(''r\~;:.11~8 i~~ I :::·~~ .. ~~~f'ro~~~ n~t· ·~;, ·~IH~';'/ ·r;~~·~·h;~~· ~;1"r~:.1,'1'\::~11~·:·;, .. ~t lfl••r•· lluon :\r, YN•r• """ I rum !.Ill resent . ov. .··A N'fA • Thi~ Wl\11 G~try's first f1sh1nat dor Strpht>ns. ~on of Mrs. Jllll•·n lltrt' of lh<' tourn11mr n1 a~ A whfllro, lnr11 on n 11111•1•1> "lw •h m11y ,,.. '"1"· :-;,.,, · :O.Ir 1 •rh·•·r wu~ 1' ''"' 'f "" " ANA. AUK I~ .Ap- trip, u Wc>ll a11 thr mald,.n trip of St••pho•ns. Rny~lc1,. Villa, 430 E for th,. hMhor ltsl'lr wall surh " nnly rrmpoornry. or muy ~~~ luo~l '"" n£1'nl lur '11'' Tr•·llt~llry P•·· Jllllntnwur •1f Wllllrom II NIC'holl, thr hollt ThPTP Wf'rf' 4() Jllllllll'n~trrll Bar A\1'. Balhoa. tll'finitr pnrt 11( It and only II nn us "' Btl) lirn• or ''"'" w•· ,,,, lm•·nl In 11111 ynlllh, 11" tlf'I'Vf'lt w·lth Sword """ "' ""' Ill It• Atturnf•y J. B. .. _ d U d th · 1 t 1 t .. _ 1 "' ro l•lf"l••r d•lrlnn lh•· S flllllldo· Nl· .... -1• •· tl)llllll""r 11f t"-.n... /lunar . n l'r r supt>rvrs on o Stf'Jthrns. Willi(' 11n oUicf'r In I hi' I ~mn I r11cllun uf It muld ,,.. lf'f'n join thr l\f\\'IJ, "lou lo a ., • .,,.. n ~ " ..,.._, · -" ,,.... vr-n d G h • tl 1 1 h I An11·rt•·lln W11r lind lut,.r •l~t'lll a ,.~ ... ,. -~·nty wlrt,rrt wf tt ••Ja..v .J 11 • ..sry as •H'"n prat' c-nl[ u. s. Navy Wits In command of 11 .,y t 011c• on J11nd Qther South,.rn 1 '~thl1•rn1u ,. Ill·~ .... '.,.. " •• -·, "" cast In~ from tht' if' tty O n honrd gunnery dJvision A hoard the lit-· TI1r right I>OIII.II from J111rhur havl' 11lrl"11dy dnnl', und 1:11111 nnt•••• ''''hr 1~1 1 h•• Phlllflt•ln•·~ '" "'' tm. I S.Wl a month, "'"~ """"unced ~ tht" host SaturdAy. the small fish-j•troy!'r USS C"lllllin YottnR durln~t Mastrr C'ralg'11 offi<:t" Wl'rr r<tul1~ And ln•urr for 1111 11m•• rh•· l"rnwrh ll!•rt••r ~ ""rnl Wl'dnHtf•y hy th•• ""'•rd of IUprl'• erman Clllll his hook out. Said Dad. th<' aftermath of tht" O kinawa In· Jl('d with flrr-flghtlng antf t1r, .. of Nrwpnrt lfuhor '"'" ,,, " mint I II•• I•·'"'''" hi• wlt1t•". Mr~ 1.11 t;n"""""1 ~.,.rl W WaTT'ftt trot vtenr.. "You can do hrltc~,than thai. pu11j ,·aslon. aavin~: NfUipmcnt snd kl'pt wslfo•r lll'yond thr m011t optm\1~11' rlr••nm11 ll11n C'ulw·r, " d/'lll>:hl•·r. Mr~ I'•• lh•• ,..,rpt l~•· "' hla nf, -~ Bat-Nkhol11 unrll rrl'r•ntly wu a It In and try again and turnPd to On AJirll l2. l945, following a tr11fflc In orc1r r : C"hlrf lfod~tkln· of any or 1111 A ""'" ,.,,. rh,. MWP trt..tu """'" M. J~vrrly HI~ I~ " urt.hty llfh·rtlll(lfl Whl!n MM1tW INinlt· n11mtnr·r •uul hr 11 11 rormer belt his own hook. romhinalion Japal'l('l(' arraring. ••m nnd his mrn h11ndlrd llrl'rl lnaur••t< IIJI ngaln'll ""> f•tltlrl' wn ''~"1h"r, J..lwin f-. c ulv,.r 11f' ""'''' M">'' "' llo•·,llulhoNI lound\ uf the atudt-nt of lhr S11nt• Ana Juruor Dad .heard the rl'el whirr. then hombing And 1ulcldc plane attack, trntfic amoothly and apt'('(tlly ter troublr. C.IIY 11nd II •l1lrr. Mn Aryunr H ~"11111"m f'llltfHrnta 'llizk ... • .. roll,..,. II .. m.tlhrr. Ml"'. Mary ~eone said "You bf'ttrr help the Cusln Youn .. was racked "ith with nonr of thl' ja.mmlng up ol "In a word, II 111 11 'l''"'tltm nf I 1'\lmJMW'In ''' S 11n !Jiro~o~o r uml••ny Jt"lll.ll'd fucw_. ....S ........ NlrfwJI•, IIVNI nt lr.l'.l Spura.on " ••·llll·d h~ll wilt. a •-• .,_ lhe t t th'· M that youngstE-r, hf'll got a fish!'' t•xploslons lind S l••phens auffercd ~so~~~lohtll )fl"~trs : F:vanCh.lonPs whethf'lr "'d" ... o~Jt pl•~-lrlj/)1" ,on .. ~, Ph to-f S h' d ' Jllrr.tr· ahrp "' anttu ... Ia U.. ._,. In...,' ,. ty. and lhf'r(' he W8ll. reeling it In but S<'ri0\1.11 wounda. . au,~.·~ I ~. to~ng ll]ld • llrll,. punrh w•ar nr Jill I II ...., • llr n .... , 0 0 ~ now If " . 'I hi• ...... ,, .. prii'IWI!bd .. ,.,... Nlctwll• will h•v·· char~r~ ot all t'K' N.'QUirrd help lo ltt't It ov~r thP Youn Stephen~ who ll'rved In Pryton •nd Doc Stafford pro-h11nk. A VIJII' Yl'l on St·r1trmhl'r FJ• h J p bJ' hed OSJ""AtkJfUI Itt th~ •lrport, now railing. And thus Juak Walton th~ Na~· for ovPr ihrl'f' yt'llr. wu l vldt'd lighting th11t stllyl'd l it; all lOth to jnln thl' Mr lrnpolrtnn Wn-Jg t R U 18 !;/''":·:,','.'"~~;.w""1~~ '::!-:=.. ~ •llll'd by th,. Floyd Mutln-J ue acquirf'd 11nother dlsclpll', plact'd on lnacuve duty last 'Junl' M1>11rtnwnt1 In f11ct hllndl~ their tcr Dl••rlr t Ill th,. guu.,ntt·r ,,, I Jn Time Publication ., 1 F bld'l ,_ arrtwd H•lf"' pt~rtiM·nohlp undl'f' Jeue dt' bod •hllr(' wtth thr UllllOIIt f!'ffll:ll'nr:r Newport'!! ruturr I (.""' urlllnl' "' w1th thfo f'<lllnty, and will be re-D--urface Balboa and II a formi'T stu n t y prl'll-1 to make It Of\1' of the' ht-llt ma,;. .., R rumss~:u.E." --I 1'1 )lllrl I hi' llhlorrvwnol' fill f'tnrtlo .... -11111" 'for placln"' lhl' port on . n.eiJ ldent of Newport Tfubor Union .... I ll hi h d I'••WJll)rt lfllrt, .. r hll lhl' Ollllt.n· ''"Y" '" nutbo..llt _,. •• &optrtn-..---.. h h __ ._ 1 , "It"' flllrnllmen w~ v~ • • • lf'Jf I UIIlldnlna ha11l11. Auto Parkincr Area rg t~Yooo · F:nrrt... ~tathfo t'd lilt R 11 O h . T k 'witt~> puhllMty lollnt1wn~:nn thl• lw·r Wr tm•t Uu1t t\la r.. JlkiiCJf a f • Eddie plllnl to r('tum to Occl-y .hi •. b It I r , h a ~n ver ang~ng rue "'····k with " Jihflhl Hnrl.•hftrl •••lrY .. til Ill' prr•Nnt ,.., «'n,ln)o thf!' '"· rrtmully hi• IIJIIh:nri'W'nt wbl be Tile Sully-Miller com PlinY n d I II I th Fall ar <' u wa ng m' t ,. pArn .. l' Load J I C . to ""'il~ 11•1# with Ill' II f Oran~re ...... the only hi~ fof'l enta ro rge n (' . In ltArl. IOITII' Ill Anchor and un· mpa es ar I,,, lhl' F light ,,, lh•: Snnwt.lrdll 11\'111.'' llllltl llrl lnvlfllfi«XX that IIC-I ~ or ... lh(' r<"Surfadntr of thl' Ralboa lltrhtfd, othPn! milllhtt about. fully -drfllrlrd In lllf' •port lll'l"flon nf f'llll)Jillnll'd ..,,. oh. ::,."0:, f:;-;;~.t~~J:r.~.hcr e..,.... 8f'11ch auto p&rkln~t propr.rty whrn Kiwanians Visit Here llghtl'd, 11ltmlrlng and htoing 11d· ()vl'rhlln~tlnt.: JW>Irt ''" " hf'twllyl thf' 111"'1 laaur• nt Tarn" m""'"711\1' -- -y,..,.... O{lltf'allon hudcet fOf' the the blda WC!f'f Cllllt'd for hy the I mired. Llttl(' motor bolltl rhur· I loadt'd trurk lmplllrd "" IIUII'lmo--- -I N 0 R esrrictions on lrport .. f321SO I Judi Nt'¥'J)OTI Belll'h Mty council Mon-Vlaltlnr Ki,.,•anians who attl'nd-gt'd And puttfd ~ aportaflaher bllf' drlvron by ~:tm Loynd nf lA-4She' Begins Di1play Ce t · I A p k · :, ~ r . the ' ne ~ .!J:: day aftl"rnoon ed lh(' lunchron mN-\Inr of the Southrrn Comfort . sklppM'ed by a'\Jhl l4<'111'h on ('f)UI llr~thWII)' Of Fall M h d. n ra ve. ar rng or m•n•CM'I • The company bid $5450 for tht' C:O.tll Mcii·Nrwport lla.rhor K l-1 Roh Arnst. was ortlrial prl'tl• boat neu Ml'lrin•· JJrlvr Ill,., WM'k, IJUI I ere an 18e Plan Ladl • Nl h contract, which the dty council wanls club at Ylhltt''l cofft't' thop, And wound In and out, hUM')'Inl:' Loynd wu not mjllrl'd --j Tht• N•·wpor1 Bf'ada «M7 CIIIIIRdl ell • t awarded lt. attn 110m(' dJacualon lAst Friday were Carl Wil"eman to pick up a 1ub~, hecklnr up l 'nlf' drlvl'r told potiN' lhlll hi' "!o\hr" of Blllhoa •nd ('tfllfll ton M•md~ty dl'nlf'd a ,...UU. _. which followed 11 rt'l'llllrk b)' thf' and R. S. Savt>r )' of Whittier: Vrrn 110 ft't't and holcSJnr It wt.lle hulbll did Mt .,.._ thfo warnlnR light• rm 1 Mr .. ,. I• announMn« thr op•nlnlt ot mlthod hy ral&-nu ......-dl'lf: 'nw <'oeta Maa-Newpon H.,.. dty ~nclfi('('T J. W Wrhtl that the Orr of Paaadcona~ Jla.y Docnc:hlatr naMM-and pretty irtrlt wavrd antf thfo truck driven tt~~ll'ff Cruz fii"W 1'1111 worN>n'a lnl'rt'h11ndllf'l th•t onr-fviC1r ,.rll1"-jllwS d n bar KJwanll dub wtU · CitiNrw dty believed th•t 54500 wu a of Pu.dma and Elrht'r Worthey 1milrd for t~ oornerllmt'ft l.o011 of San Dlf'tto and rttm~ lntoj display In thla lu1» nf the! N~ he• l(rantl>d on c..atnl--. .._ r....dtW N!Pt •t Uw IUd .... rood Mllmate for the proJect. I ot Glfttdale. fConttaaltt • p._. f) t~ ovf'riwllinc toed. 'TlmM. -. '"'""'" :lillh 1od DJa. ~ mt. • ....._., • ...,_ . ._. I. VotcuneXXXVlll Voha:u,. II tlpduu Payable ln Advance:-12:50 pt';yi!IU" ln 0Ml11&e County D.'75 per )'ftl' to 4th zone; S3.00 per y~ t'?_ 8~- ;;d • Second.Qua matter at lhe Pa.tolrlor In Newport Be6eh. ClllUomla, under lhe Act ol March 3. 1879 -------- Balaneed Building There la pat ~atJ.sfactlon ln beln& the "man ol the ._ .. or tM "lady ot the houR" -If you have a houlle. But tt ,au hawn't then your title Ia an empty ~-And America today baa many mon empty Utles than empty ~ • '1'blll • )lit another way ol aaytng that although the na· U. aea mlWona ot new dweWftp the t.uk of tralwlattng a lllulprtDt anto tbe muctHuna..about ·~ room'' la proving a bard one due to the ICIU'dty ol bulld1ng materials. And the mu .t» 1-» a home tor his famlly ta not ~ happier ~--~~~~~~----~~ eo6ne ahead. It .. DOt dlfftcult to appreciate hla potnt of ·v~ew. Yet ......, ta-w ..n~ Uttle )M!tlftcstJon for allotting materials tor Oll't&ID DOIHWe'DUal ccm.auctJon, the fact Ia that most o+@+dal bu1ldin& Ia neither unjustified nor non-.ntial. 1be a:rowth of many ot our oommw\lties rna.k8 IIOIJle c:aaa .. erdal OQIISt.n.lctlon,· u well u home buUdlng. lmpeora· a.... 'l1le need ln 1101ne lnstancel for new mn. or buildings II vttal not merely u a matter ot public conv~nlenoe but lt ne- ~ t.O permit~ on which home seekers de- pend tOf' thelr job8 and ~. to carry oo their operations. ~ J)C*I~ mu.t be dane to speed home oorwtn.ac- lbl but aD other typN ot bu1ldlng cannot be completely bUtld. Tbe answer to the phole problem lies ln greater' produc- Cbl o1 bulJdlrw maw1a1a. ~ labor difficultie8 and other oo. lltnactiona to lncreued output are ironed out the hou8ing Blt- •UaD will bnprove. Let'• hope thla will be 100ft. Divide the DoUar If ,au were to uk the proYeltia1 man-on-the-street how ...tl malt lnduatriee keep ln proftta out or eech gna Income ...,. he would be llkety to stimate anywhere from 25 per -.t to 'lS per oent. 1Wa ~. althoueb oornp&etely erroneoua, ls one ..... IDdultry lt.lell has ~ u~ to effectJvely correct. aad wblc:b ~t otnda.la and economists have done .a to perpetuate. _ You wUJ remember that. shortly after V-J Day the Ad-.....,,.tion bepn to expound the theory that industry could par hllber wqoes, whUe keeping prices at the then existing ...._. at1ll avo6d a n!d Ink bath. 11da eacounged labor to push for higher wages. But wbeD the Gov«nment helped negoUate new wage contracts tor tbt lteel, coal and meat lndusUies, it found no way of PQtrw the lnc:reues granted to workers except through bllber prices. 1be fact Ia that our major industries pay out in wages aluM ~ from 87 per oent to 97 per a11t of every pooa Income dollar, according to the U. S. Cammerce ne. putment. '1be remainder must cover taxes, depc~Uon, ~--....W. and ~ and va,rioua other ope!:1'ting cmt.a. In -,an the bltumlnoua coal industry actually pays out IDDft In wqea than lt takft In from sales.. This means oper- .._ at a heavy Jo., ol C"OW"R. n. pr"!!erttaUon of these facts is not intended to Imply tbat American lnduatry as a whok Is on the verge ol bank· ftlll&cY. MaR entellJrises make money. 'They have to or tbeft wouldn't be any bullnel&---or any jobs.. But lt is time the public reaJlzed that industry's share of the income dollar lallnalllndeed. that labor is receiving the lion's share ol tbat dollar and that hight"r wages can only be paid out ol hlabet' prices. Shennan Rogt>rs, notl'CI economist, put It this way: ~ Nne pei'BOfl waAls labof' to !Wt e\•ery cent it Is entitled to ... (since) ... th(' more money lnbor has to spend the more goods It wiU buy ... but ont> fnct is as sound today ul' lt wu a cmtury ago--you cannot take mOre apples out of n ban-el than ~ in the barTel to begin with.'' Atomie Power 'Ibe rect>nt admission by a navy spol<Tan that atomic poMr milht be used "'ithin the next thn.6or four years to apenate bat:t.Jeships Is quite startling even in lhe8e days when ~ advancemE"fllc; have made us vi rturuly startle-proof. Juat before the start of World War II th~re were ()CC8So laDa1 mapzlne articles about the possibility of such a dewl- apDIIll But then lt was nothing more than a wUd dreem that .emed llkely \0 remain ln that rt'6lm than evet' to c."'One to nail~. But lt'a a d.rNm no longer. The day when a few d~ of Alii wiD drive a hugh ship thousands of miles Is coming as ....wy aa tomorrow is. And If this fu~l ran be used for ships ~ war, ~ day It will be used for ships of peace and for ftrbal oCher UR1u1 peacetime pu.l1)08eS. • 1be wortd today stands in awe or the terrific~ of a~ enef'IY, but if thl.s powt>r can be turned to con.<rtructivl' u.s mankind wUl have found lts g J'l"atl'St friend, instead ol ltaerat..t foe, In the atom. --I-- A mall ollnti!Dect wttbout honor a~ to lt ta a fai.lurt>. . 1-- WbiD wol'k 10M <GUt of~. we may expect to .e. dvW· .... fllll. ~-. NY.:WPO"T 19UI Red Cross Asks Volunteers To Entertain ·wounded Men Shooting at Shadows THE WORLD •... ••• AT A GLANCE PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY 1\1 >O ift:LUO"i S IIEI'.\IU) iri "(iO()J) Ul Sl~~ .. ACCOUNTANT 1 PHYSICIANS· 8\JROEONI, D.O. r------------------,1 ~------·----------- By E OW.\RO ('l.A'l'THS lh1rtll,\ llll)'hOt• Ill :lll'llrf' ul llll' :-------------- " 1t11ro· •11 lho· ll:>•lllll t In llhl<'h ht• )1\'1-'Tt:RICH'S MIS~ILE" /\11 UJ'P<•rtUIIII) tn hoiJI 11"111ldt-d lnr '"" ll•·•·k ''1111 Anyone "11" 1" ~11l1l••\l 1\lll'n lw ,ulf,·rs Ill· \\'nnl from th~ Scandmavian M''''1'' lllt'n Ill .. ur 111'11111) ~'"' rll· '··" 11 '"1' 11101'11' J:U,•st •tUIIrl,.,~ tw~:o. m· \\hut hf' rnlls unl'fur tuno• ('OUIIIrll's r~:vt•ai.l that miss1ll'l mo•nt hnSJII tul, '\11 l~:ln~t (lflt•r••11 <'11111•1, ••t 1 ullr•• · '"' lurm~ht'CI as l',woll> IJ•• lollrllllllt·s 11 tO !.ulllo· HiUl'h llkt' the Nozi rockets are Bookkeeping Service ('O LI.S t•. HROW.S (Harbor IIU) SlS MartiNI Avfl., Balboa lal. llw ''"ld,.nts nl N•·wporl Oc••wh lllllrl) 11\l'll ·•~ Ill' r t'\IUCSill tlllll);lii:JI'} o•nt•uly and .:•«·~ off ftUI-"'1111: "''••r and l11nding In &parse-\ l hmu~o:h rlw I<K'III hr~o1wh ol the 'l'lu Wo Hrll'!'d·') llllrtles an• -ht>llllnK at shudo"ll whllt-tlu• r.·al 1.) 1101r•lliilf'<l llrt'a.t. The rockets '---------------.J J\m•·rlf'.on H•·1l ''r"u J""' tn1 lht· du) aud w .. will ut>-11 oublt>-mnk•·rs continur lv snipe du nt•l rarry t>xploslves and In ,.-------..,..--------: A plnn hro~ l>er n furrnulott.'d J•r··~·tal•• tlw t~ff,·r OJI hom•·• With "' h1m from btohlnd thv scro'•·n of s1orm• ln~tunct•s uppcar ro be radio I • 8 . WHYTE Who•rt'l.) tl l(fOIIft ul l h1'"' llll'll will 1111'1''' 1 ,11(1~, jJIIIill!i, Or beal'ht•S loiS ignot'UI1<'t'. "1•ontrnllrd nf!lciolly, lht'lr IOurct' .,. .... TU COJIIICL'f&JIY h I II ·" I 16 t I" Ao~-b7 lM Uallecl I'-'-~ lh hrflll.:ht II> tlw IH·af· Url'll 1'\ o•ry l•lol• I I\ 1 oll'f·•unmo.,_.a (' II " f-;\ t'ry ldt•a Of f~·ar, \\Uri'), aog('r, IS a ffi)'Sil'r)'. but thert> 5('('m5 Ill· ~ Do!Jlari-t \o -.-u Ia W1•1'k ••ntl ltntl to lw> o•nto·rlft\f"'d 111 I"~'"'"' 1111' luoll'III'On on that ch•~ t nl'}, dc•f('at, "run~ prll<'lh't', and IlL• duuht th;11 tht')' ori$(1!'late In -....uoa •lUI a-~ ...a-. hromo-s, wh1lo• '' lrlr~tt•r ~;ruutJ will '"II 1 ... I'" "''h•·tl and prepared hy 1,,.11.! is 1i"flfth colurnnls! ()( 1/w 1 Rus~lnn-hl'ld c;,..rmany wht•re th41 =~uU,:~ I)(' l.rolluht dn\\ n l'llt'h W1~lm•sd11)'. tlw c·nntt•t•n Nm1111111ce of the Rt·d "1ut. Yt'l ofh'n eagL•rly Wl'lrnmtod :-.:nti~ had thl'lr principal research ..._ .... ..,._ ...... .,_... .._ fur II cluy ul "" 10lll11111(, l!:UOIIH11! ( 't·oJS$. '" thai tilL• ptorliOn offerlnl! ,1nd c•ar €"fully houst.'d Ao lmpor· flu:llll II'S for tht• dl'Velopment of ,.._ ..._ _, anll •~•nlan~o; ho< lrnm• "'" nut he asked to do 111nt l'if'mf'nt of sound strategy for rock~tll. Appa r('ntly the Rusalans ;._--------------' ·nw r"cl th11t th{' war II' nllt ! any '""k"'~ ur 11411'Vh~~· nor to fur-.living is recognition or tht'SC arr mnkin~ testa with these mia· ~ Ol'<'r for thousand• of youn.: men I ntslo an) .. r the food. ltnemiH within the gatt'll Knowi-~ silrs just as we a.rl'. The dlf~erenct> ,.--------------, waa brou.:ht homt' to a jO'uup (I! Thnl>t' "1shlng to acceept h b ,'(!g!' of their presenct> and under-11 howcl'<>r. that _..e are IJ.IIng our local P.'•lplt! who vl~itrd two gO\· IIPI.Cn '""''>. 111 b.· ur IK'rvice tu ~tandmg of their nature i1 an im· own tr rritory for that purpo~e Armand Monaco cmml'nt hospilals and found thf' thcs•• nwn arl' r~uestt'd to cull IJUrtant part of our prrparatlon for whereas the Soviets are IJ.IIng A.BCJIID'I'X)T n1 •l'd for r(•crullon for th('llt> men tht• 1<1·d ('ross ~ice at Harbur dcfeJUe. what«'\ll'r territory they need-8U W. Bar Aft., lit ... to be u great aa at any time dur· 1R65' But It Ia also Important to (lnd either their own or that or aorne-..,._ I'll' InK the war. and the outlets so 11 good plan of attack for brlngln& one ~1St'. Could It be that the m1 •• .... Aft. mnny t imes ft'Wt'r than at any y f • d d • nbout tht>lr removal. Su&&esUons rockets are beln6; llt'nt over Scan· Lee A....a-NO...., Mel timr durlnK thP last five years. OUr r1en I an DUDf of fllllure and adversity however dlnavia JU$t to lhow how euUy '--------------= • Tht> ro-chalrman of Voluntt• .. r are not overcome by many of the their cltlt'll and factories could be 1 Sl'rvic.. of the local br&nch of Mrs. Jnn Frantz and Mr. and practices moat commonly ~ destroyt>d In case or war-and to ClllaOI'aACI'OU the Red Crou, Mrs. Lloyd L. Low -Mrs. R(lbert Ingman or Anaheim against them. Somct.l.mes these help "pf'rauade" tha.e countT)$1 to ,.-------------..... w('re sunday .:uesta of Mr. and land. has fonnC'd a commltti.'C to practices are boomerano.a 'hat be nice to Ma.cow ! Mrs 0 \ MncKI"nzit>. U6 B<'r · • -handle the placinlt or th('ll(' mt•n nard strec.l:, s nd other rt'Ct'nt strike the unwary thrower who 8 EA P&JZE SV&PRJSE In loeaJ homes for week ends. thlnlu they have gone to the mark. It Is not hard to understana which lncluck-1 the following RUf'SIJt ~rr•· Mrs. J. Taccart of :.\~ent, hutrucUon, .PI'ohibltlon why there was so much aurpr\K wom•n: Mrs. Lognn Hendrlck110n, Los An~elt'S and Min Betty co~mand-these familiar weapona and auch a wild scramble to &et Mrs. W t>ndell 1f CalklnJ, Mr11 Hu~thes of Minnnpolla. In our arynal of rl&hteoiJ.Ineu are there first when It was discovered V. E. Ellsworth, Mrs Cia) tun Miss Jt'anet~e Shook of Balboa not ettedlve. While we are argu-that the freighter Amer lc.an Farm· Thompeon. Island is homl' &rom Bef'kelev me •aalnat an Idea, It may slip t>r, wu still anoat alter bt'lne "Our hope.'' said Mrs. L<wl.'land. Wh(·rc ~hl' has bet>n 'lttendln~ unnoticed Into our aubconacloUI abandont'd by hPr crew following "II thai enough Pf'Opl.-will off<'r summt>r lll''ll!ion ·'t the IIChool or a nd Intrench lllelf there. Com-a ht>avy collision at sea. It l.sn't tht>lr homes so Wt' can bring at nur~lnl! ~hr will go hack to rf'· manda and prohibitlona ma.y bt>ar often that a $4 1~ million prize Ia least alx men hl'r e t'Vcry wt'C'k ~umr her sludle-s Sept 22. so much of the nature of the for-I left drifting in the sea htn<'S. Nor f'nd and 16 to HI men on Wt'<int•ll· Mr am1 Mrs Murrny L. Rabbitt bidden action that their chief In-Is It dl((lcult to undrrat11nd why da>·• for the d11y Most pt•oplt' ran nnd ramil)• and Mr. and Ml'll. Neal rtue nce is to impress tht• undeslr-the British !K•amt'n who firat arcommodntl' two I(Ut'Sfs owr Sot· Rmwn 11nd family of Balboa nt· t'd result upon our mind boardt.'d ht'r were 110 dllrn mad urcbly nljithl wh ich w~tuld m<>ao lt•ndrd ltl<' raCf'l at Del Mar Wed· Tht> prime force for rcpellln& when th<'Y Wi'rl.' rorct.'d orr by an thrtt wo· would "'"'<I lhrr"' homt'S Ot'llday those maraud£>rs or the soul. thelle Am('rlcan cr(•W fre>m thf' sisler e I RISE TO REMARK- RON. I OWIC PIULLIP8 I Tht' dUty of a lcgislatlvt> body I~ not only to approv ... ; It is also to \ono~:rr11s ad}Ournrd In a blatisappro\-t·. The \DIU(' of a Coo· uf .~:lory! rf'Ss IS olten 1n 11 hat It prt>V('nl~. Wh11t's that you say; W('ll, al· !I much ~ In what It pas!ir·!'. rljthl. 11 adjournt'd! Afll'r rl'lldlo~ somf' of the rorn- false ldt'as suggested by thr en-' t'hip of t hl' Am ... r if'an F armer vironment. is 1.1 wholt'IOmc out-F:vt'ry mf'mllt.'r nf lflf' Rritlsh crtow pouring from our mind and heart wa.s l'nl1tlrd to ~hare in thr prize, Of positiVi'. WhOIC'SOint', t'OnSi rUC· IICCOrr1lll,t: IO lntl'rnaiJI)n!ll law. t ive thoughts and emotions. Here 1 And wht>n M 1-2 million Is dlvidt.'d too tht• bt>st defc•nse IS n stron& -half to thf' c·ap1!11n and shipo~­ uffl.'nst>. This Is the reason why I crs a nd half to lht• crl'w-therl' II love cuts out tear and fuith con-a suhstantlal chunk of cash for quers 1111 that opposes it. Her ein cVl•ryone. We can he prcll)' sure ht•s th<' secret or the undying ef-that thl.' British s.-nmrn and thrir fectlvent'lll of the strategy of hv-, rompa ny arr going to dl.'mand sat- '"" outhnC'd by Jes\1$. It is 8 lsfaclion t'lthfr In or out of court. positive program of confidence, LOOIUNG WESTWARD w ..... Dncf• JaJiwte br.w..ro.w .... Chiropractic, Dlet.etlc8, Pb)'M tl Coloale '1benpy ••o....-.... .... 1..-pM ...... ~- DAW 801100L Mortimer School JIIO.NI ...,._...._. OrMee: 0111ep, " e.,...., SUMMER SCHOOL 0 . A. Mortimer, 11. A.. o.t.r11 f'ltMjpaJ .............. - DENTUJTIJ Dr. Obed Lucas DENTIST nt:IY! w. O.tnl. llaftor 1410 NJCWPOBT BKAOB Whau·vt•r you thmk about tht· m .. nrs on the r onrreu, In n -cl'nt 79th CnniO'l'SS. it wa.s part of an , months nnd yl'ars. you· would IM' Important pc>riod Jn lhl' history nf l piC'asl'd to know how much It rl'al- thls rountr y, and It had an un-ly did dn. '" ennnt'Ctlon with the df>nlablt• lnrlut>nc.• un thnt J)('rlod war. and In thr suhsequt'nt pt>riod It hu txoen crittciU'd for dolnr; too or slowing up thl' 1peed of a trl'· much. and for doing too llttlr. Ten m<'ndouK war rnachinl' and con- yl'arl a~:o. aa a IC'ss expcrlt'nct.'d vcrtln~ It to r"'8Ct•lime Industry, l~lslator, 1 would hav" bt'£'n much and ho~· much dAmage it prevent· UJII54'I to have &C'C'n b1ll1 J was 10· C'd, by 11 judicious USE' of 1~ pro- terest•od In, die on the Senate ccdur:ol powers, 11nd thl' nation's rall'ndar In the Ialit few momenta systi'Tll or o·hl'ck~ and balances. hopP. sympathy and good w111 Amerlt'n look11 westward today Thl'llr art' the soldlt•r.~ or the soul. towa rd the land11 touched by the r--------------, nnd when on the march they beat great Pnclfic Oe,..nn. Amt>rlra's DB. GORDON E. RA.PP of tht> IK'liSion. Today, mor(' exJ)('rl-N!'vcr forJ;tl•l. In thc worda or f'nced and pt>rha!M morC' tolerant, Con"renman John Gillson, as hl· I take comfort 10 th(' fact that ex-retlrC'd this yl'ar, 'ilwre is an elc· tremf'ly important billa did pus ment workine unriC'r .rovr'r in thla and ny, with Speaker RAyburn. country whM(' 1'\'l'f) aim Is to di'- "Aiwa)'ll Just ahead is anotht•r !ll'S·Iatroy thC' confld<'nCl' or tho· Amcr- •lon of Cnn.,-cu " lean pt·opll' in it~ \nm:n·ss Jt is down thr 1•nemy before hi' renc·hM economic future. partlculurly lh<' DENTIST the vital stTon~eholds of our lndi-futur<' of California. is ciOSI'ly r r- viduallty or fortune. latt'd to these lands. Thr di'gr('{< of UQ w .. t O.tnl Harry James, Band Appears in Balboa Hall Next Thursday prosJlf'rlry they 11njoy in tht> years ...... B&rbor Ul·l oht?ad will haw• an imwrtAnt ooarinJC on our own Wl.'lfAre. Tht> Newport recent announCl'ment by Rnnk-or '----------------.J Amt'rica that it plana to •-stubll!ih hranch QffiC<'ll !n Shan!:hlll a nd INSURANCE Manila '' onr of t/le indications :--------------....., U.oobt Natioeal Ule Insurance Co. pr. W. T. Mooney Physlclua aDd 8urpoa NlaU. ... o.cr..r ,..._ (e6~.~~ ...... A. V. Andrewa, M.D. PBYSJOJAN ... IIUI&OEON UJ (}out ...... ,.. llarMr .. Co,_..,...,. loba IL C. Cbaac. II. D. ..,..... ... ~~~~rpM 2 • C T • 8:30 and by appob\tm.nt ae.con 5075 1M J:Mt 11t11 s.....-o.a ..... oaat.nla l.uareMe B. Dorey, II. D. Phyadan tl Surgeon 121 llutM Aft., ...... ~ ........... -. Oordoll II. Graadr, II. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Balboa Inn Arcade Office Hrs.: l~U a.m .. ;~ p.m. Phone Harbor 'YT H. R. Hall, M. D. ~ .......... Houn: 2·5. ~y Appolntm.Dt 'Nephone Beuon :MMI 111 B,.,...., e-ta .... lllJtoa II. lluwell, II. D. • ... eo-&...., o..... ...... Office Houn: 11H2; M ...... llll.rtler .... S. R. Monaco, M. D • 814 Bay AYe .. ...._ Harbor 17M MS 8-B1U 8&., ~ ..,..._ TU«*er 1111 By Appointment HC' N)ntlnued, "Jt Is gnin~ to be pitiful to know th11t in t•~l many soid t)l!lt many thlnJ;:s havl' ~n 1 instont•••s th,. prl'~S nnd radio ll'fl undunt' 'e•nt should hAve ~n 1 rommC'ntnt()f'l! hlll'l' llo••·n 1 Hfrl!r dune ln n It~ lnstan€'('11, this is \\illlns:; nr unwllhnJ: ~mrtn,.rs In tru.-. l'\ut many times It Is hl'llo'r j th1s I'On~Jnr;,C') Tht• rmrt••~•· ~~not In li'oVt' undonr som" thln~s than 1 to hUrl nny mdl\·u1ual, hut tc• dt•· to rush and do thl'm In t un ~o:rNtt stroy the confuh•nr1• of tho' flo•ople a hurry Som••tmws II d•~"' not '"its ll'j:lslnlllt' hocf) II t hiS can hurl for S\lffil' HI'UJlt.IS31 tn fll"'" n 1•vrr !)(-acct•mpli~h~·fl. IIH'Il, of little." o'flllrSI', our rt••mnC'rary c-rumb)('!! llarry Jam~ and hi~ Music lhRI busint'SSml'n or California aT(' Makers Drt' comlnJ: to town Aftrr kf'••nly nw«re of tht' chilli" f'Conomic II \'1'1')' SUCCI'SSI Ill lOUr rtf thl' f'IISI , rl'lnlinnship f'XISIIn~ hf'l Wl'l'n the Jnrnes anll has ltlmous rnusio'lll lilt· Far Ellllt And th ... PadfiC' Coast I Gerald Raua• M. D. grl'gation w 111 uppcnr rot tht> Th<•Pf· hankin~t offaN•s wilt ~tre>~tly DON IERNIGAN ...., "JIA If.-llldlt'a._ IIA Cia.,_ .. 'fht' (.'Sil('net' of dcmuC'r a tlr 1!0\'· l1kt• snow l~t'for•• a bhstrnn~ ~un." Prnment Is in that simplr stall'-:-.:oxl \H'f'k. "'hPn thr d!l> ,.nmes mrnt. Th1• ho~ and ~iris who want for nw to writr lfw mpy fnr thll th(' "mlllenlum In a hlt•nnlum," IU Wl'C'kly rolumn. nfl" 1n its 14th v.•e ul('(l to say In Sacraml'nto. are yelll'. J shall h.· rr1111ng thrtoUI:h the lmpAII<'nl with the l•~l!llatl\'e wlck-opl'n IIJWIC'I"S. Sflmewht>ro•s be· proet'Ues of a Rrpublic They arc tWN'n Wa~hlngton and Bunning. so •urc of thenuclves: 10 aure W.-will drive out In th<' rar of an- lht'ir throries art' better than the otht•r California Con~trl'SSman who slowt'r but Mstorlcally safr r wants the Clll' thi'rr· for thr cam· methods on which thl.a country has pill~. 8(-fort! I J(ct away, on the I(I'OWn, that they dash orr to fol-low any ~tn~cn tor pink!) movt--12th l ~OfK', l will try to !WI dnwn rnent wruch ICCnlS to promise SOffit> of thr thinlt5 thE' 19th Con· qulckl'r acUon. gT€'51 did. and did not do Sweetness Sticks to the Spoon B)' IAN MACK la "Good Business" ""'" I w .. a -u bny I o'W'd to male• It my IUO"t J.M'rwma.l ap-potaC...t-tlll• all oUter tlft\all hoy,., r lmactn-to btl In or nf'IU the iutdMIII w'-~e batter wu l)loln~~: bratf'n Ia a bt.~t mldntr bn~l. be- ca.-I kn•w tha' alt.f'r all thf' t'a.kf' Urt• had beN~ •poonrd lull It IHiuJd bl! my lnal.lf.aa~ rtpt to llrk tfwo •poon! TIM' bttr mlxlnlt "poon .. .,. by far U.. m,.t Important lniJill'lllf'nt ln Uw kiiC'MD. to my tooyt•h mind, and ttt. """'t bat1f'r that dunt to U. -~ -• tm~t .-n of cake-makln ... I WI')Uid l'nJt•:t 111.1 l"•r· Unn of C'a.kf', of t·uu,.., "''"r II had hfoton hakPd and ...-r"'il. hut that finN> llf'f'IJWICI to lk' far In UN' future, ~' a ,.rnall boy nlf\Aiouro• .. thue. TM fiPOC'n waa miiM' to llt-k rtpt a~ ay; and ~'lrllf'WII~ thf-hatto·r 'tlrk - ln~t to II al~~t>a)'' liUitf'd nmrh ,.,_.,...tf'r than 11\f-t>ookl'd •·akl'. Netw what t>t•oUJl'ht thl!' "'.'!'J"""Iary m .. mor~· from boytlllftd bR4'k Into my mind lhl' att .. rnonn "'*" an att•mrt &11 lil['lln' nut fnr nov~lf juttt ltow a ltd why 11 )• I hat "JH'Itt'\f I ln•·ok,. dh1n«> hl'lp for 1• rr1,.nd In lt.k IM'f'4 I mY1'f'lt al>4a~·· -"' to 'lba.l'f' In thf' ""'ultl.._-bf'n,.flt. llutow that I h&.\'f' nolfdntr to do M1th maklnr; lhf' mat.-rlal• that 11:0 lato the "C'ak.-" lntt'ndtd fnr my frtf'tlch: U1at I am not at all a l(nod cook: that I doa't n1akf' ttwo rakt'. All J am I• thr hand that hutd .. the t1poo11 that mbN ttwo battf'r IU'Id diP!' It Mil Into tlw' J'rtlpc'r ,........"J'tal'lea, Bat thf' point that -.n' tAl ~ •IICiklnc to m~· mind at lhla mom«>nt t.a Ju!lt I~! IIH'11tahly IIORMI of ttt. -~~ 11Urka to \be llpOOn! DEFEND YOUR HEALTH WITH C.mplete Fountain Service at HANSEN'S 2100 Ooeu Fr-oat Newport NOW OPEN EVENINGS Rcndrzvnus ll.tllru•)m In Oalhoa. f:Jrlhtatl' thl' fmnncin~:" of trndr Plloae ll&rbor !S4·R 2830 West ~ntral Av•. on Thurstli\Y n1~ht, ,\u~u•t :rl , and t"''"'"''n tlw OrH'nt :mrl oursl'i\'f'~. 108 lllartne Ave. Balboa lat. NE'WPORT I'EACH n~:ain on tht' fnllo,win~ Thursday Th1s will h.' thl' f1r'lt llmf' In his· Pbo• a..,-1011 m~:ht. August 29 tor) that n Pnl'1!1c \onst hank ,., .,....,.. t!&ll a,...,. 100-& Ginnie Powdl. Rllddy DIVItO, has I'Stnhh~hN1 hrfl nCh('!l In thr r--------------. X-Ray Servlor Corky C'urr'lrnn, .luan Tito)l, Will"• Fur E:~~• l'\Hio"f'l l'o'-lh:ot th.-. Wf•st OCCIDENTAL :......------------' Sm1th, Arnold R(•~P . .llmmy C'llmr-/J11s n1tuin1d 11 h11:h fi,.I:,.N' of fl. LIFE INSURANCE OO. bell a nd Lou F romm r1rl' lh<> ,.11• nnnc111l mnturity Jf th<' livlnR t un.'<l soloists 1n the hnnd. whh'h <;tnndtm1s ol \hma·~ multl·mlllinns Ray Nielsen . last yrar won more populnl'lty und nf ollwr nrlrnt11l pt·opll'!l art> ...._11M~ • ..._ polls than any othf'r band. rnis•'d ""'"n !'lillhlly a ~trf'atly In· ""'• ..,._ ....., Jam€'5. rntl'd hy most musical t'l'f'flS1•d dl'rnnnd for Aml'fiCan ua 1:.. a.r •-..._ authorlllcs as thl' top band trader gouds will follow Whl'n this OC· ...._--------------! of the day. wlll f€"ature the many curs. 1111 It will I"Vf'ntually, II wlll song!l that he hlld popularizt.'d mean mor(' johs. mnre pay ch!Cks IIORTJOIAN8 throu&IJ his Columbia rrcordlngs. nnd more prosJ)f•rlty for Am('ncan :------------- The Music Mal<('rs, who have In I workers. Harold K. Grauel their rank• many o! the country'a --------Ch J top muslclanJ, are now composed M" Crystal Davis and son of ape or eight string11, four tromhon('!l. Portt>rv111e. who h11ve bel'n ~ul'Sts "We Ou.rwlvn the Bettet-Serve four trumJ)('ts, four rhythm instru-, for some lime nt thf' home or Mrs. by Senrinc Others Best" mtonta and five reeds. Nellir McAdnms, 23rd $Lreet, ..._ ..._.. Nlt Costa Mesa. rf'turnt.'d homl' Tues-~ lleea Oalllonlla Automobile manufacturers have., day. Accompanymw: them were been shipping scar~ ports by &lr Mrs. Ruth Marlatt. dau~thtl'r of In rt-cent months In order to keep Mrs McAdams, and hr r two sons, production line's rolling. whn will stay thn•e wt•t·ks 24-Hour Radio Service BOllE, At:JTO, MARINE RADIOS REP ADli:D Burt R. Norton tall eou& m-r ~teeeoa na N..,.,.,n .._. CaUl. ONCE AGAIN OPTOMETBI8TIJ E. T. Batt.erworth, 0. D. Optomec:rw ll'tT.S J::lLUIIN'ED LENIJU DUPUCATED o-... ._...... -....,.,..,. Ill& W. OoacNI &-Pia. ......_ Mil UW'POa'r auc• ,bert ~ .. ~~awford 0PI'OMETIU8T Eyes Enmintd ·Glasse-s Fitted ITtl N-.,ort Bolllonvd ............... ~&WKIIA Moral Indignation: jtoaiOIJ.I)' with a halo. T. P. REEDER, II. D. and WM. S. mETON, M.D. Ph~ aDd~ Nil w. Oeatnl Telepboae Barbor 101 NIC'bt-leM-W PUBLIC 8TENOGBAPIIE& M. D. Keeslina l ..... A Newport Blft. o.ta .... 8UBVEY0&8 Raub & Bennett t'larftJ'O" aDCI Ellct-en 1808 Newp~rtiU..S., O.talleea Nepltoee llelacoa AOI·W !111 W. Oeatnl N-.,ort ...... Telepboae Bartsor 111 .... Why l"ol ln\'ltf' 111m tn ~tay For Rr,.aJcfll.llt ~ "\\'hAl 1!1 thr ltl!'tful way for a l(lrl's rat ht>r to It'\ hrr I!C1)' friend know thnt it IS tim!' 1(1 lenve!" ''Ill' mr~y casunlly pass throUgh the room Wllh 11 l>ox or breaklut food."-Wampus SAM'S SEA I FOOD SPA Newport-Balboa Tourist Bureau All Modes of Travel to Europe, Mexico, Hawaii ~-the-World Trips ln the near future. See Offen Yoa tbe I'IDe8t Plaae to DIM Ia Orup Ooaat,: All New· • • Even the Location ..• One-HaJl MJe Eut ~Old Locat2on on Coast Highway . Beautiful New Cocktail Bar We Lead Southem Calltomta ln the Servin& of -SEA FOODS- ALSO YOUB ldad of 8TEAX8,.... -vmiT OUR Kl'OCHEN - ~ Sam's Sea Food Spa and Fl8h Market ... o.... .... ., .. lin. Bo7 Kee~~e. Pb.llarbo.r S91. SOl Palm. 1Wboa Roan: It a. m. .. I p. IlL BEACH THEFT Red Cross_ Worke r Returns From China Orange County's Latest Oil Boom Continues in Costa Mesa , l\lis;. Jo•~tt• l ' ll••u, flrtuJ.;hlt>r olf ~lr ,1111 :ltr,. ,,,,1111 l ' 11,.,1• \\\•sl \\'h ,ol A\•l•'llr ·HI Ill' lhl' <Tf'" 7. ul'lllll ,,,,,. lhtll'~< l'li!CI ,,, llunt• lh•n 11f '"''' ••I tlw lfii'IO•'SI .,11 d••· ln~lo•n J\,•,u h llh• l.\1hl11n '\C'o•ll. \ "10111111'111~' Ill I II' :on!;\' (~IIIII I) lo•l \\ hwh I• 1 ">) 111\.ol.·ol I•• IH• "l"'l'•llilllot many }'t'llrs is lltkinl! \IIIW\' II\ th•• frou11 11 tlo•tllh "' :'1:'11111 111 !\1',:"'14\ hot•t 2 Islanders . nArPv Ev•:Nrs Enter Pomona Id Harbor Area IIS~CE art! elf Sell !hat unwanted through Newt· l'll'lK'I ads. jUST WHAT IT SAYS HERE llt'l'olll 1-'nmt. h11~ l't'llll'llo~1 fn•lll < 'hin8 who'r r she• hus st•n ·t•tl for llw past ) t•ar "tlh lht• Atth·rk8n Ro•d Cross. B\'fun· ~uin~t 11\l'rl\t•U!I Mi~s U'Rt•n "us dmn\'~t•t· SCit'llC't· t('Rcll· I ~r In lh<' C'unnn high &C'hool. Slw IS 8 gradualt• or PonmnR hi~h I school nnd S trtlt• TPHCht•rs rolll'g<' at Santa Barbara Costa Mt\!111 11r•··• wht•rt• l<t'' o•t.ol I•> "hllr~··l•;ll'k .:•·••!.•.:>" I~ l'rtodll<'· 1 'I \H 1 ~I 1 . , \\dis !11'1' OJit'rlllln!: ond l"illlpllll: 1111: llh<~llt !\f•l hnrn•b " tt11y . · 1 :'>I ,l•lhf '1'"•1 hundro•1ls or barn•l11 a day Tlw n1l Th1• Sun-.·1 t 'lll l'l• 1~ ti•"'J'k'nlnll' )lli~IH' nwn lrnm Halt••" l ~iiHhl I hll\o ~~ 0 II ll'l'o 111 '\l I I I Ill ~t\Om " l'•·ntert-d nro und llw ·•1 •'11 n r.•nth r dr\ hulo· In !h•• m>rthwt>at · ' " 11 "~""'n \\t'SI ••f th•· llt•~n t'Ommun•t> ,,, pnrt of lk'<·tion 17 , nt'l\r th•· t .yddon 11 " ''" '11"1'''11 ' ''1 1'•"'"'n" ,.,,,. thl' S 1anlll An8 r l\'!'r wdl ·n"" n'<irill1n.: or th•• Suns••l 1~"' "1 '"•' Lo ll 1' 1111• .1 ~-.~~~ .ord • ~UI "· ,.. di!''' ., 'I I I I Tho• 0 1>. L>unlnp Co. hus 1\\'U \\o•ll Is ''"ll('('l('(f tn 111 1 till soun. llw ' 1 ' ' '' "' 1 ''~'"'m~. \Wits In Sc'<'l lllfl lA of To"·nshtp rompan)' dis<'lo~~··lf todHV ~~~~~ ,,. 1' '""11~ • M r ·''"' \11 > ,.~,,,.,,..,. ltupp t'-'-' I t 'hthh,•U't' '"'I HIP Ut•• l'tU ,•U131 ul l u ~'''' ,,,,, 11 \u.: ltl tu ~t ,l,,~•'llh'~ ho••1•1t.11 Ito• \\ • r,'h• tl •I' l~llllhl!l, ntlto• llllol (I lt:oll l llllll''"' I ,\ olwr~:ltl• r "·" l~•rn Au..: I' In S.IIII<O \11.1 l 'oollltlliiiiiiY b•llljllllll lu :llo ·11111 !\l 1~ Aul•r•'' !\ldhlllh'). :,.'1"1~ I ·~• • ·,.,It rill '"''""'' :O:Iw 1 P. A.PALMER 1.11'1> t~ r~ ----·---....;:.;. W. Q 8UCK-lswu1 a nee Caunaelor ~1500 ~~ JJJJ VtA LIDO cA'"'Lf"'~JA 6111 r I h • ·'"'' lhuo'~'l•'r ''Ill f tl • <'Ml <I t w At 11 an·a Thl'~· Just \\<'fll 111 tho • 1\nnnm,~: h•lm ' .,,,-• '' " h' fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii., WI' lis, whk h art• ~nld to lX' drill<•d 1lt'1'1~'1s ltw S nntu An:l rl\'t•r, on the ·;' '1 '" "" 11 • '' IU ... nl~o <'lllo·rlu.: t I I tllloo •11.1 II•' \1 S•'tll 'llll~·o 1 1• , I '" nl~tHII :woo ''"''· an• p11111111111: khonn H.•ut.· Jlr•1JI<'I'\II'" ('!ght · ' ~ ' • "' nn r~limtt h.-d ~~ lmrrds Jlo'r c1a) \\l'lls ''·"'' ht'\'11 dnlll'd tn ,,~ 11,·,·r· •'r"'' 1 "''''" \\'nr II, Snthlo·o!l :~.. • .... 1 :111 ~ ·'"~" 1, .... , ..... :\I!\ Sea Trout and H•ll....., Are Bltl• "•'•.:h••d ,,.,,.u I"''IIHt'-, •·•.:ht anct II ltAJ! Hlllk'o , Alter 7 Maths WaJCfal ••• a Telephone!! Beacon 5183 • Battery Service • Your Cv ~ • Your Boat for: I • Your M~haokal EquJpON'nt If you can't C'Ome In, at~p to the nea.re.t k'lephu ne and call:- Beaoon 6 183 II_..A_L_L_M_A_R_K_ , CARDS For Birthdays WeddlDc A.aaJ.enariftl and~ STOREY'S Battery Servlc Vuee x Ftprtne. .....,_ :: OolrtuJDe ~ewelry WMtmlaster Sl, (betw-J8tb a Ma.pulla) COSTA MESA • Newport Souvenir and Gift Shop aot 0oeu J'roat We Wrap Glft.l WE WELCOME YOU TO OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT (M-60-90 Dayw) Marbro'• lrwite you to come in tlftd opera a charre aroourrt. Our stecka ere complt'!f wfth the latest styiH ot Ladles' FiM Apparel. NatJouUy Advertised READY· TO· WEAR mARBROJ c/an.ia ana, nil WUT tTR ST. PBONJJ:IMZ Store Jloun: DaUy IDcludJDg Saturday 9:30 A. M. to 6:80 P. M. tl'{ltn 1101' "''t•Jland ~Ill hart·c•ls from ~~-tl•·111h nr ::!tt'l\1 fN•I, mdudintt ~llhl ,\ 11''1'..: Ilk .'lS lit'\\ 111'11•'1 the Olhl'r ~ ft'l't nl '•B" L<mo• '11~t• o•sttmat~'Cl j '1""111' 11 ·'11 1'111 thr•'•' 1111' "'' Thr Mncoil Constru<'lhtn C11. proodUl'lh1tl of tho·~·· we lls l~; 3001 ~. ~'.':'' "hllo· "II hut .!7 ••I tlw ,.!1 now has !\Cl wdls OIX'ratlng on tht• hat•rt!ls IX'r dn)' 1' 1 11'' 11 '"''' ,., ~··n lt'o'llh n In· Banntng l<'asc, producinlt from --------cluot •• l '" ''"' l•st "~ no•\\ -luJo•nt• I "A" zonr, Ill an ('lfimatNI d!'plh or Three Generation.& ar.• l'•7 lurmo•r l'lllllt•nfl f'llllo•~tf' 20~ f<'l'l l'hallowln~ out to 14~JII "'''" 11 11•• '" '' n "'"'"'..: "'""' tltt· ,\, ,.,.,., ·" '''"'''· C'flrun11 clo•l Mnr I .,. .. ''"'•'••Ill••' .. ''""w"'··r. ""rn "".: 4 ••• off the Newport and Balboa Pier~ m s• ·'''~~•'llh ""~'"'"' s1 ... "''''to:"•-.1 ~•ty.,ot-...u,..ve ...... . A................. Georle Hlaer JIK J'IUIUHl~. "'"' ..... , II hrtll 11\JIII't't I -... • -.. _.,., -·-· It "''" 1\ """ t11r Mr "'"I 1\\r~~ ~"---------------------------------=------------..! llnw11r11 ThomiJlatlll. :\113 fo:11a1 ""Y R\1'1\111', ll11111111t IH>t'n Allto: I" In ~~ J,~••'Ph hl'>!iJitllll tm<l "'•'ll(llln~t I ft't't. lrr One Fa"'iiY Plav aratt• 11 1''"'''' '" ''"'"""'''' llwlr .. ,. ~ f'dlh'itheU\'t. Th•· w<'lls h8'''' avera~t,'<l ahout On Tenna·s Cour'"" .,, "'''''" pmmou. ~~ ••umo,•• I 175 f('t't or oil sand and 1~ {('('t U5 '" 1"1111' "1 1"'11 !Liullo·nl!i Mr 11n1l Mr11 <'hKrl<'ll Furto• 14!1 l'ff('('fl\~ oil S8hd Thl' yield Is ('II· "~';;";' 11''' 811111''111 11•~<1)' no•'t filii Moll(hOluo llt ro•o'l. C'n11t11 Mo·•f\.' 11r~• timfttt•d Ill 401) 10 450 barrds 11 Sonwthm~t unutlwol Jn tlw way "'1 " 111 Jll'l l'o'lll ~:ro•ltlo·r. Snnd I Knnmtnl'ln~ot llw Hrrl\·,.1 llf lho•lr day. or tl'nOUI lllllll'llt'l may lit' 11'1'0 <'rs ........... IIlii Tho• '''INtnSILIIl "'~"ntf t1rtue.:htt•r. holrn Allt.:Ullt 9 at V.'('SI ur Lllmb S t and south o r m•nrh '''1'r)' ""''''k·('nd on thC' fr""' " 1"'' "·•r 11''''"1:•' .. r Mllll ~nntn An11 Cornmunlfr ltc,..pltal Atlantic Ave., 10 what 11 known l l'llUrts of llarl11•r bland wlwrt'l aruof,•nl~o ''' llh>f'l' lhton 111"1 1111 s tw "'•'IIChf'd ~'" JM)Und•. llfh 'l'n as lh(' Atha a rl'a, the Alha Oil ri'Stdc•nt..c ttnd lll~o:h IIChilOI f('nnll· dc•lll' tills .l•·•or t'I'J'ro·~··nt li ltn<' nf .,1111,~ •• 111111 hu bM·n "'"'"''I 1\o•\'t•r· Co has thr('(' otl and one gas W<'ll tl'rs ''llJO)' tht· l:totnl' ttw 1:1'• "1"'1 pr"l"•rthlllnh• In-I) Ahn \Val lin& 111 hvmr to ll''"''' J::stamatL"d produC'twn of lh<'~ Th" thln~o: I hill m8kn C(•rt11in ' t'ro•,,.,' •tl fll)) tll~>lllutuul "" tho· lwr rww alJtt•r o n S~tluttltl)' IM ll ll h•l I wl'lls •.s 800 b8rrc•Js u d8y. Thl' matclws uou&UIII 1s th8t playt•nr -~t·sJ <'t.ltuol, Srondo•rs at.ldl't.l n urhllrlt '"'"'· now nrllrl) thro•t-. W<·ils tlf"l' drlllt•d Ill an avt•rrt~-t•• llf uwludo· thr!'t' ~;o•no•rauon!l of on<' h• mwth !It Smhh, s•m ••f Mt :llr null l'ot~ M••rir' c 'ow·. Houto• 26()1) fl'l't, f~n11lr c;u) fluntml:llln, who Ia ~ntl \tr, All~·•• II Stttoll\, 'Ill 1 ""' ~11. c ·,.~111 Mo•t<n, "''' JHir· In lh(' SOUi hWf'llt quart!'r or 1f. pin~· 1411h '"~ dau~o:hh'r, M rs Norllo ""> ~·runt . I~ o•nlo•llne.: •• ,,,. "' u "''" IHII" ''"1: 14 "' St To\\nShlp 6 .1(1, IWIII' lh<' mwth of t-l .. ro•rt•••• !llolrtl~. _nncJ Ill~ .:r~tnd-""""''"' ''"11''1:•' ''"ll' lluiiMI.o t.l ·'"'•'Jih luo~p•tnl Ito· '''''l:hNI ••'\o•n tht' s1111111 Ana rl\·c•r. the Si"noi 1111 lfau~;:hlo•r. :lllor) "·•)' ~h•l'fll§, who IIIlO ~' " ll··~hlllilll ~turli•nl, whtl1• l•uu•tl~. ~''".''l 111(11,.,.,. ' I Co lm.s \1111' \It'll 1\htdl is purnpm~o: IS 13 Mr llullllnl(lllll Ill UIW or IIIII \\'dl l'ntrlh jr Sllll ,,, Mr Mr llrtol ~In• Alo••cttnclo r Stt•lno•r from lhl' "C" ron!' ~tl 11n c•sttmah'd llw 1"1' pla)l .. rs ''1 tlw •-lund and '""1 '"' 11 \\' !'\nlllh, IIPI lln)' ::1.!:'1 No "J•urt '"'"''''"HI. , . .,.,,~ 1 d('JIIh ,,( JR(K) rf'l'l and )'I •lc1in, S~'\lrt'S 111 ... 1\o' bUt'fl Vlrt)'•·rs IU 1''' ""' H n \ 'IIi. luo~ ro•lurrwol Mo·•il 1\o•lo,mwo l 11 "''" ,1,11,11111,.r Rhuut MOll hnrr·o•ls n ·day ' " ltf'n8IU MorHH~• und oth<•r high frru" '''" '"' U• '··~"""' '"' '"""'"· Au~ I I. ,..,,rll "' S t .Jn•wplt '""'I'll· Mfonl~ .. In CfHo PaUo M You Woald PI I...,. M Ano ttwr !!<ood. o.·o•ll, hut IIO<' ror sr·h•••l 111 hll'lo·s 1 •[!n~n;:':''="="=n="='"~"====~===~'~"~'~'"~~~~ ~~~~·~··~~:~h~"~'l:~' ~.,~.,~·~··~· ~~,.~·~u~n~d~"·~~~~·n~·~~~!0;;'7~.,.~A~K~IN~~t~:~A~V~t:~ ... ~~~~i~~ILU.BO~=i~AiiBIAJm~~~~~t Wt'Urh 00 I'Sflrllllfc• Iff r•rcl(!y(•fiOn Krc•f'ho·' C'umml••lllfl l \\as al,lll,,hll', lms bo•t•n jllllt <'om· Jll<'lt'<i by th<' Barnrhari-Morrow Pnstm RSI\'r llaL••I Gill thls Wt.-t•k Co. ra~t of the S•~:nal wt•ll Thl' rt·~:dvt•d ho·r lll'rttluno·nl rommll · \\I'll IS s:ud 10 1,., pumpHtl: from ston as postmH~t•·r of t ·u,.~o M<'Sa 1 I tho· 'II" ZOO!' Will• tho• "A ' l OOI' shut olf . Ort•te C&refullv-Span a W e !"orth ctl 11nn•11n,1: Pl. 10 ~l't'llon THIS WEEK ULTIIA· VIOLET THEaAPl' LAMPS IUe l!ltale 111Pwa1 ..._.. .... N..,.nB-* ..,.., 8entee o.eraa C' a.etrte Boa 11MW ~aac.' Let ll'i tell you fa-ankly, whether your radio can be ~ired l~xpen· sivt>ly et'l<X.Igh for it to De worthwhile! Newport Electric Appliance Co. !JM c·-.t Bl~. ...._,. !IIA r~ -~• 1:1 • • • ~ 41 •' J .'\ _. t. • • • (•·.:1' ~· Jtl'l .-,·ll.•t'"" . ·il*t ·'IA''J~ • ._~ ...... f· tf,. ~ . .............. .. eiJJ'' .... ... .......... e..., .. GOOD HEARING FOR SALE I hn,. ~""" nne H~rln.: Alc.l!c that havf' IJN>n rf'('ondltlonNI and are full~· ~rantNd. at pricof'f'l l4t ~<ult ~·uu. Sonw a.rf' nf'arl~· hf'W and lnt'lud,.: ALL STANDARD MAKES n :t.t:x. wt:sit:RN t:L•:rnuc MAJ('O 80NOTON•; and OTARION Som.-fi&Qa:k> l'aco -latf"iit mnflf-1 battf'riH ror an mak~ ac N'du<'f'd p~ --. __ ..,., I ,.-......... _..-.... _._........_ ... _ ..... _ .... ..._ I -.......... w AI .. MIIto ........ ,,..__ • Ill h lleo·Sroell ·•·C.,I" I ... -·., •"•-'-' • ,._ .. ..., .,.,, -. ..,..,....,., e~t \ ~-I -· . .:::.l .... , .. ,._ I • ... .......,,. Sott .-4 ..... : -"'-----1 .... Wtlt<• ..... s.,.. I I 0 ... ~.Co" o.'t• ·-0t I ------------~~---'-----------------~-----------~ BEL TONE HEARING AIDS OEOIIOE DE roaD, OLUIOE coum D ..... ..... --..... .ua-... ,... " ...... 8111111 -.-. BACK -TO·SCffOOL APPAREL OF TOP QUALITY Boys' All-Wool Suits Our larrst arrivals for the )-to-6 boya ott~ ahorr·pants auiu-all wool and qualit y·huilt. · Our aport auiu for t h t s.lfT!f' group n~ Et&rmtn~ your youngstrr wtll Wt'ar wi(b prid.. ~c them urly. Shower Gifts Y our fr.,nth wrll apprfCI IIC • alwwu aift with the W hf'f'lno 1tamp of quality. Amoae th• "'any 'Uitltn tlnm ... nn•mell• effr (J) Bahy ptllow•; ( 21 S.11on rroh hol,rrr u·u: fJ I rml>rnid(ry lhrrl ~nd polluw ·'·P trb; (41 Satin c-.troa11 rnl>n And rrmrmber, all are Whrclt>r qual.ry m rrcltandl\f . Be Sure to Visit Our Kiddies' Paradise ' ~ ~,. l onttd in the bastmrnt, wr h;tvr the lari•" ... 1tork of fine to~ In all Southern Call· l ornle. H rre wind-up toy• are in etoda •11ln: autot, ra.th, fire lrudra, tnlna, .-e. Sped al N ot.-We l,eve jun received a '"'•11 '•hlpment of the lamou. lloael ElM-me TralM. S.• thc~nl AIM Ia .._ ~ r• .. 11 ... ~..... ·~i ....-................... ,.....,u.,. 6tlz\,J't!Wifll ., ........... ......; ., ....... • ~) r ' Fan Sweaters for Girls 1 IH ~lb-4 ,. W e have juat recei•~ a lar1~ ahip· mrnt of fine 1wataw in a •aridy of colora and arylr.---.11 the lacnt. Tha1, we hav~ • farge ueortmftlt o( new drrsst"s, hlousu and all . wool auirs. St7t"' Z to 14. Other jadt~l :anJ akirt I •uits-smatt anJ practical izf"a 7 to 14, nnd in .usurf~cf plain colora and clu•clts. Ynur yuung foUta well love them. • / • WHEELE-R laby & JUVIftDe Shop ~,.,. ud Flor~na Taylor, iofe Own ... .... ~ ..., ._ ............ ,. .. >• a •• , ..,. ..,,....., ... ..__ Fre•la Daily O.UotWaS.. ~ Or. comptet. .., .... , wtNrt you -t to ~~~ your owa. HOlMEN FISH MARKET f ON C&NTRAL AVIlNUE, NEW~RT 81lACH DRAFTING SERVICE ROY M. WATKINS aa4 AMOd•te. 111 OeMt......, c• ... ....,. ... , ...,._ 111 ·P o r t r a J t u r e and Commercial Photography Pbone Harbor 1033 BALBOA The Bathing Is Great Palm Ave. 307 in BALBOA BAY "-*-'• fUN ZONE Every Wednesday ARCADE- BA.'IHING- Kiddie Day 12 Noon to 6 p. m. ~~~~ Jaa~ • mr llaltat Rides 6c Coneessions 5c .---- PIRATE DAYS Sept. 5, 6, 7 and 8 Stewart -Warner Tllls · Panel Available Chrome Now In Flexible Shafts Ellclne Drive Jolllts ETS • HOKIN & GALVAN UNCZ. J Itt •• 811111&..., . . ..._a .... 540'7 ............... , ~~ --. -. ----..----- 250-,Boats Compete In Lights Tournament 'oltf to)uk llllol l!or l'I'I.IU!CI'S, II IJi l>( , "'''"'l•·r .. r ~~ •-t·n t•ht¥lwdoth , .111n11l m hi: hi o; 'rill!'; \\a<. t h•• o ·I I IIllo I fw llo,rd•·u' hud • '• r • n tlw ltournaml'nt, 11nd lhC'ir • utry had not ~"Vf'n had lht• ll~ht~ Navy Near :'~~.Is 10 thl' ln!lcti\·c: naval r l'- 1 \rl• rl' 'ltlllll iiii••U,'' ( 't~lll· mundo·r Lt.~'•lll•'l ll' stall!(!, "thl' Carr's Feed Stor~ Hay and C ra in Quality Feeds -§-' tm o'fl tm until 11 wns out in lh!! 1 ,•ad,• t lfh••tQ '" utftf•r ''''ff' J P nnlo·l nwnn" th:1t tlw n ·crUJtiu!: ea(et.fme ·H·n "'" '"u an thu rulu.re'c:unlmc rh IH'tl\'111• ~ '" liiJtaining nwn fur 'I'Pim·•·m•·n: .111cl SJt~•clahted tram· tl'nntmuro lrom Pa~~:e 11 I •arltn~.:tun. Flym~ Fish: \\'ultrr 11,.to:•• r• "" "' ''" ~:hllt•rtn" llt•ll· ·, ·m··ll~ Fl~ tn~; Yllnkt••·. :ond Ted ""' • , ,., 111~ luto:h t•n the mast, '''''"'"· TrnptC'al Swordrtsh. An~l'l··~ "''""IIIIJ!<•r rm·n tn II mutur \\11111 '•m.'l. t iH· brunette slall'r, 1\o tdr dftlll!, H. H. Urandln'll mu- hcllcl )l'llt-'d th•·rr en~;lrw w u11 tlt·trd ,,,,. 111 ttw l<o\\hollt "Adherence w.ol I"""''' ship; sclu•••wr dn~s. E II t mt.:. und at thl' same lime m •un· nro men raining i.ts. frlf'ndly n•lations with tht• J.fUIJIJc.' ' Dally DeUVerJ-Beacoa U&a l &n !\ ewport Blv.L COSTA JIESA Jnnd th•·Y wan11•d on. 1\ h11rl!or '" "''' 11\l'nlt', ••111.:10<~1 ld•·n anol I! 10: ll•lrvt'y's Good Nl.'il,lhbora: 1 mnsrrr's hoat llltoU~ht tlwrn O"'"· ''''''"~"'' <'lo.l'1'111tun." stud ''"' tltn:lhouts. 1-:. L Rt•nwhn ~:lrl on -- Rl•udy for any eH•ntunlity, the 'tull'cl St1r11•s Navy has pra.:tical-1 lhc·n ~:ot S•'nt "Fur h1'8Vf'n's snko· ju<lr •·• · ,11rfhonrd , snr.wh1rd, C. B. Saw-y r• u.:h''<l its full po.•acet ime go IIOmt'" hrro• nnd 1:1'1 us some C:r.•nd JJ"''" '" nt Ill Ernie Tay-'' lit•, Hawaiian sc••nt•, h rst and 11 sundwirhn. w••'n • nc•nrl~ litun·t-d." lt11' ~ :,-, fuut k('H'h f'onalr, with 1 '.11n••ron Th.un 's bubhlmg fish m It wun't lht! Joc:ul l'ruwd. TIIt'Y 111 .. c;1r1 Sr.tul :\1nrtn<'rs Around ,,·c•und. rowhont clau, Jam6 Ural-c werl' sll fed, rxr r·pr Isabell An· tlu· ''int:. a hnnd!ome entrY: 11 n Ill. llt:hthoust•, rlrst, and Mary dn·wt. who hnd11 1 had Umr 1o e11~ tho·mo· I'''"' WIIS ltWa~ded H. 11 .• flnrv('y, swan noat, s<"Cond, m610l'· and who ahurcd sandwlch£'1 1 J11hnsnn s Undl•rsus Garden, 11 l11•nt ciJtSs. John Hitchman's polar brought by the lW$Clstrr's P!'te n11"'' >tnd ClriJitrnRI underwal~r f.,.,,,, t•nd l'lvlc class, Lido Isle b f'on«-y with "Sky" Dunlap or tht• st•·n•. thP euv(·tcd_ f'om.modor<' 8 f'11mmunity association'• st•t horse tr£'ngth todlly, acrordtng to Com· ander J. M. LaFollette, offlct>r in hl\1'11:!' or thf' Navy n •cruitlng sta· tion in Los Angelel, who disclosed that' the entire r~ultlng service has IK"en plactod on a rigid quota uls. Globe. Mrs. Andrrwa was .:unr· ,.,.11 "'·nt to nob and Alan An· IHid shell. Orders designating tht' number of men that may be enlist~ in dian angel ror thl' prcu and guid· cln •ws. who "l'rl' ustslcd by their Mid shl'll; sportrishing class, D. W. f'd thl'm to all th<' photogenic st81t'r ('athllrin<' and hy Bob l{rog a]lcl N. Hagen, fi rst: Capt. flOIIII'I. r ven tracking down lhl' (;n·rnf• rn c"Qnwrtlng the 36-foot J:cl Frtll'hlln. sf•cond. The com- Southern California WC'rc received I from the burl'au of personnel, Bimmf·r to where It WM idling In slnoJI Andale• Into Moby Dick, thf' nltodon•'s JX•rfX'Iual c h a II e n g e an lnronspicuout locatlun while bil: white• Whllll.' with huge nod tr·uphy wus nwarded the !IWN!p-1 thl' aovl'rnor and his party t•n.iClY· muuth . .a lull that wiggled and -.tnk<'s wlnnl'r·.s. Nancy and Peggy ro lhf' pllr&d(', 80d fftr whom tht' J•·t~ n( ~JlOUIII\lt water. Baird whll!' thf' Balboa P(•rp('IURI Navy department, Wuhlngton, D . C. In accordance with the ln- structlons, Commandt•r LaFollette Jut n ash butm had h<'t>n saved I Thf' King and Hagen sports-< 'hallengr trophy went to the Num('rOWI ahot1 wer r taken of tiKhing boat with pr!'lty glrla pull· ·r 1 thl' spll'ndit1 Cl••npnrra's Rar~:c•, in~; 111 a hll: tunA was lmpressl\11', _-rand pri;w winner. Ernlr ' ay or. enl('r<'d by thr National Orange the' Pirate Ship !lchl~>vcd fame b) SflC('Ial awar<U: Lola, Dick and ahow, and of llunliniZIOn &-ach:S drowning ou1 the Eltlsle callopc .lim Kt'mp, ghO!It 11hlp: National BlAck Gold l'ntry . Ont' tnnall sail· w11h· tht:'1r piratl' 10ngs; the P olar Orange show. Anthony and Cleo- boat dell<'81ely !M'IIUiiful in drslgn. rkar w;rs rmprrsslvc and hJ. let'· {lalra n oat: D. w. King and . N. I allpPt-ct quit'tly past thl' JJri'SS boat l tK'r~t look<'d cold. If small: Busi· !logan, aportrlshlng boat car ryang with no nlltiN' takr n or hl'r, and n,.ss and Profrs.sional Women's monstf'r luna and pretly girls: wultro mo<:h'~lly '" I hi' srdt' until ~ t'luh rnthl•·m was handsomely dl'· ;\'pwpon H11rbor ,Buslnt-111 and Pro- tim!' to take h•·" flli'IC'C in th<' ~i~tnNI. \\;th Its ROidcn Victory r.·~sional Womt'n s club. living I'll)·, I puadl'. nf Sllmothrnt•t·; Wayne Har~r·~ ~llt'm; D. J . Gr_ihbon, l~..:htr~ cr u·1 M d 1 1 1 'clrw k (flrl f'traCt·s rode on a ttUIS•'r J~f"r ; F. T . Karnt-s Jr., ll;;rhtf'd on ay mur,o ,n~ 11 OJ'::_. thl' d••c-nrall•cl ",tth frl'sh S('aweed: rrui.spr: f'h~trlt•s T. F irld nnd ('. pri'SS rrpn'S•·n 11 I \'I"< r • ._.,,. r: ·rw· 1 l!{ sl'rpent · Nl'wport dNIIItfll'rs Nuncy and P•'t.:l:l Ralrd, In tlw t•ht~~•·s. frrst for auxiliary ' 111 · 'R • f' said, and breause of the greatly curtailed enlistment ltUota, a walt· lng list of applicants wlll be ere- a ted. Tht• l'l"<:ruiting officer pointed out, howl'\'l'r, that rccnlistmcnll and cl(•ctronlc technician's school candida trs arc not llmltoo, enlist· mcnts being authorized In excess or quota. In addition, he pointed out, tlll'f\' is no ftuota for l'nlist- DE.AL 'S n I out or bt'd and hsul 1 hr m post• ~r.llhoats \\t•nl '" S. M. Jarvis (l( llnrbor Girl Sl'outs, r11mp trc ,,,ith th~ Mal fur pu•tun~~. H GIC"nda.Jc, "'tHlSC k~tch, Bluejack••t, ~t·rne; -----'- wn~ lh•• S••fl !'\~mph hntl Sh•ic h. 111111 1r~;htt·ll hrw~ of sig11al na~:s llalhon l!>.lnnd Bullinrss,wn'>< -I' •W•·•p:<tukos "llllll'r t:rlll" tlut-1 '''"" tli" f.,r,·ancl hack sttlyl, with \s~n., fishinc: ~rrnt•; \\'n~·nf•, llnr- l••t o·tl ltum th<; '"" tof ho r mnsl, 11 h11: l' S flnlil hung betw<'f'n, J"'f , ~:irl ptra!f·s: flalhon "'•nd l't•~:gy, the lolnnrl•• ••m•. hll\ lnJil nnd thro'~' lto•autlful girl~ slnJitrn~: 't'RI'hl cluh. Noah's Ark: 1\tar •h .rwn thf• "mrun~: ,,, "" rnd•• 1n ''t" illy 1 .. auuful music. Capt. S. r· '"" nnd Pasudc•nn Pr<'Sbytt·rian th;• ~tlr·l~:h ~~~ tho· lml'l) nymph J . Harden or \\'in~:-Sang Runt 1 t.un·h ~1rh.' cluh7 · Stur of :>.tar .... the new "A LL-AROU N D" Shoe THOM ·ASETTI'S "'rlrcy Ccr AnJUntl'' • WE HAVE ALL S IZES IN TiiESE PERFECf "ALL·DAY" SHOES IN F ABRIC AND LEATIIER. COLORS. • See Them at Ralboa Island NOW-'Round the Island Ferry t:SO A. M. TO 11 P. M. 1 '·•'o"; llllt.:h A. Sprint::f'r, Rntm-r oluh who·• I .. lohn C:riffi1h. I'Pp•'\t' IIH' Stllll•l . THlo'nll 1\:,1• '· 1110 , •• rtt.wl•. n .. r. ... , I !" l.on~ II h. I Ill: ,, ltlllnt• l'.tiiY nnd Ttlll'\m~ llof· n•.:nn. "hnl" Roll< rt \\'1bun so·a· -.ht'll and Kin~ :'1/t>ptuno•: llurctrn c;,.,.,,nll':tf. In•~ flt>at : P. R. N PW· lotrrn •l•·•·,r:o11'!i 1~1ntocm; Nrwpnrt IISJtluw ~-,,,.,.,. n~sociation, F'alc•on n,.,,,: G£'•cr~:• n C'leml~on. ·~n,e I World Is Our OystPr": Sonny a nd Ruddy Coan•• C'uh Scout'; J . n. ~ll'mnn~ jr fig-htinlt ~\W1rdfish: Howard llnll, "UJK'rman "n fl)lnt::l I bont; A. R. Hawk, "Thrrl' ltty Flshr!<," whlc·h wrrc thn•r pl'da- lo~: S. F'nlnhHr~;. nun<'ry rhy mC' noat, and llarrif'll Lf('wellyn . :~wan flm\1 . Award~ f(lr homr drcornlio11s Wl'nt to f'hnrlrs Sehonlaw of Beacon Bay, F:dt::ar H ill or Lido llll<', Pnul Hnward of Nl'wport Beach. Wilbur R. Smith or Ralboa Island and thl' F'arwt>ll hnm<'S of BalllOA PC'nin~uln lti~BII'd Lil How l'lo you llkt> your nl'w bo!<~. !\tnyml'7 llfnym<' Oh. ho•'s not !Ill hnd. only he'~ kinda bigotro. 1.11 \\'ndda yn m"an hi~Oit>d? J\!aynw rrr 1 hinks a "ord ('nn I hi' l\P"lll'd only onr• wny. Use Smoked Fish Always FrHb 110 McFadden Pl. 1\h ln Fltore: 101 llli:hw11y "At R••ut.l to BalboA blAnd" Expert Radio Service Phmu~ Beau•on 5004-W , o-s. ... ,. ,,.., 8 ., a . 1e I ': ft«Nift Palmer Radio AND F.LECTRIC %U8 Newport Blvd. COSTA MV.8A I South Bay, Bnlboo Ync;ht Oub. East Bay, Richardson's, Evans'. VlUa Marina, Shil'lds', Balboa Yacht Basm, Bt'acon Bay, Harbor Island and South Bay: Hail from any dock or float. I VITA-FO?T ~MEN-WOMEN~ I Prostate - - -Pelvis I BALBOA ISLAND FERRY IIA.IlBO& II·W C. R. STA.AF MOORING SERVICE ;t ;t ;t Moorings Installed and Repaired. Buoys Painted and Lettered. ;t ;t ;t Phone: Harbor 1080 or Harbor 1698-R for Prompt Service CONTRACTORS' RENTAL EQUIPMENT jaeger Compressors Comet Saws Cement Mixers Wood Working Equipment -, For Athletes' Foot -·-Perfected by an athletic coach. Sold on a money back guarantee. At your local druggist -·-THE MOREY CO. 111 w. tth 8&. Loe Anple. 15 .,. ,.. ""'"' __...,, ..... Ia ,.._._,._.,,.,...... ... ..-..117f ~ ... --,... I ..... .,.... __ _,....,,.,. U..f......., .......... -....... , IT'S YOUR GLANDS GORDON B~ FINDLAY CONTRACTQR AND OUTI,DER ornoe: U JO Cclut Bh-d. Phone Harbor 41! CABINET SHOP SERVICE CAB~ AND MILLWORK T. C. J OHNSON, Supt. 40'7 lOth Street Pboae: Ba.rbor !188·1 HOl~~!ER -~~ Lumber and Building MateriaiA Bay District Lumber Co. ........... 1111 1111 OOAft BIG-AY AT TilE AacRU E. J. (Bud) Jacklin (JON'TaAOJ'O& c E M E I T w 0 R K . 1'1at Work or FoUJHiaU- CALL I 5 U -I To& INFOIUIAnON . Bra ken Lenses Duplicated G.._Ad)asted • Frame~~ RepUred . .,. . Eumlned _L I. But.kr!!orth1 0. D. St 14 Wfltlt Central PboDe Barbor !Ill En~lllap by AppolllbMat @!Jalboa c}(arket l\loM'I Th•n SO \'cars of &-rvtce to t he Rari)Jfr'111 ~01 ~1,\1~ t'lnt'llt ('llent.4.'1e U.U .BOA, CALli!'. ATTENTION BOAT Owners, TRAILER Owners GET TIIOSE BOAT COVERS, SAUJ COVERS, AN D TRAILER COVERS NOW. • • • Quality Canvas -Quality Workmanship ......... • • Lockstitcb Se~ms Throughout • COSTA MESA CANVAS & AW NING CO. 1021 S. E. Roch~ter St., Co8ta Mtl8& Box 101--Phonc Beacon 5023--Across from Fire Station • Before You Build or Remodel Visit Our Interesting Sample aod Display RooiM Color guides, plan- ning aids, comprehens. ive stock of ~ and linoleum. LUDLUM Carpet Works l ftt 8oaUI Mala Bt. •11111'1 A IAVf·Mtlllf1'11fl'- ,,,,, ,,,. BANTA AHA Everything for the Building Contractor LANDSCAPING LAWNS LAWN 'RENOVATING Orchard and ornamental shrub pest control Fertilizers Clayton Thompson ~Diavt .... I no-1M ... Phone let& You'll baYe balthy, wealth·W\.. Dinglivescodt wbeo you use thia germ-desuoyu. Srandard Sheep Dip is 11/#-elld a aure coouol over paruita. Mix with wacer aad trar yow aaimala (except a a) and poultry with a quidt apray, nrab. or dip ill ir. Dutch HeacoCk Telephone: Harbor 502 or Beacon 5508-W l'7U. ud Sufa A..aa Ave. -O.ta Meea Yard and Orchard Maintenance Advice on Planting and Soil Conditions lnqulre at CARR'S FEED STORE tm NEWPORT BLVD. COSTA MESA P. 0. Boll M'7-Phoa~ Beecoca 5246 ' .. And the best bel against epi· dank in your aodc is regular cleaning o f barns. .tht<ds Aod pens ...tth STANDARD SUP£B. GERMITE. Costs only 2 or ) ·~nu a gallon when mixtd ill proper proportions with warer. BRING YOt:R UAOIO TO l iS Mel Ferrer to llirect IR · d Ch D -L d f 'Uear Hu~h' af I~aguna , e OW og ea S our 0.. Day -We11 BepaJr It aDd \'ou Caa Hne It u-, Sest. Facto.)' Put.. Work GU&nUitiNCI.. Fac!tory Tra.IIWid I':IIM'rta. Radio SOS Electric .. Policemen a Merry Chase HAllOW L HAM M Plloae 110 S00 Mariae Ave., Balboe w..ct WILLIAM P. MEALEY GENERAL CONTRACTOR Residential and Commercial Building .. 1NewpeniUM. eo.&. ..... PtU~CGG4VVENETIAN BLINDS WOOD • STEEL • AUJIIINt1ll ...... .....__0_ 0 ,_._..._.._,..__ftw .......... Bob Jayred's RICHFIELD SERVICE Washing • Poliahing • Lubrication Cars Picked Up and Delivered. Phone Harbor 497-M R) JOltS •~•suclt't' thl't't' t•! • • ''· lt.<) .l••hn110n. R··~ 'llw llf•• ••f tlw murh-nuoh..:rwd Alhrl~hl ""' ll.•h l l·•flmun (fulo:•'llkht·r 1 tl' liM' 1111 uld (ash· "1'tw ''"'" •111!1"'" luu•k lu ''"or .. l tnnl'd h ut fnmilifir tt•r·rnl, 111. atj nn~l "'''"' 11P \\ lh~ Aw t~1 1t IK'lll. ttn unph•I\Snot ••nr. hut wht•n prlvstl' ~ttrd IIlii '"' tlw l'h'l' und l thl' Cantq.> Puhlic ~:nt•my No. tl JUmpe-d '"''' ''"' '""''r. u( l"<'ll port Jkach dt'Clrl<>s Ill Nm-1 "I h:ulo•tl 1' J•IISSIII~ 10\.lltl nnd du•·t 11 ont>·do.; crmw Y.'ll\'t' that fullo'""' hom '"'''•~~ 1 ht' rh8nn••l rt'(tllirt'll four poll('(' dt•p~trlnwnt I Albrll!ht '""' ·'••hnson k•·pt him off m<'mlwrs to quell. lh<' life ht'I'OO\NII ahorf' 811•1 I ftnnlly rupc'd him 1111d ht'CtiC. _ IOWt•d hun t '' 11 pu•r ''" t he• l.tctn . h it' •ld• 1 put h~1 In 1111' trctl"k ; Mo\1t'<lom I Llllh• C':W!IAr cnuld and lmpo•UIHl·~l him . n''' h a\'C' hod llw lnw a ll('th •r l'hltllt' CUaum • ., .. , uls11 nmwnted t hat thHn did n nod chow do.: Ialit S8t· .. 10 (fir u~ 1 kn•'"· '"' htlll no urdDY Wht'n VlnN· Cuaum<~nt>, prt>vlnw. ('tlmlniCl rc•('llrd .. Ne-wpor t's hnn tnmrr. JNll rt>· Sand Crab tril'vt•r and animal pnrlflf'r, ut- tPniiJII'<I In rapturt> tht' animal &ftt'r r~lvinR many complaints Alxlut lh<' wa ndl'rlng canint'. (C'nnt 111111'<1 from Pagl' 1 I And what 11 cha11e it turned -- OUY lttiAD180N out to bt'. I this and that . rrom $25 Up 8tan la Play 1 In addition 10 running all ovt>r l to thousand'i nnd 99 per Gu~ Madison heads the list of ' !'o:l'wport B<'rcr h, with C'usunu(no rent of _tht' pl€'ns nl"f'n't guest stan appellf'lng In "Dear and his Blark M oriah and thrt'C worth 11 linker's dum . Tnlk Ruth" for 8 o~-week run opl'ning motor<'yd l' offlrt'l'a In hot pursuit, to y our frk>nds. boys, or August 20th at the Laguna Play-the rhow l'VI'n •"'am the chann<"l your bonkt."r. or ,..OOK' n•put- hoJJSC. The stt'llar cast includes bf'twf'l'n t.he mainl"nd And Lido able bu..,lnt'SS man t~fore both stage and acrt'l'n favorites. Isle In an allempt to shake his you take on any Ot thet!le ~16 ..., _ _. Central Ave., Downtown Balboa I Barbara Brown from the New pt>rslltl'nt pUr11UI'nl. n by tl'tCTht~s nd Y""'l "'I'll .. ~' y k · In thl' ortic'lnl r<'port flied 8t y-· ,.. · • a "' " or SU<'<'eiS, "Pt>rsonal APIX•ar-be ' h d S' · · :....-----------------------....! anCt'," U8rbara Whltini from the the poiiCt' dt>partmf'nt llfll'r tht• monc>~ n N\ · ~ln<;t> !OOCllC ,-----------------------"'!!20th a..ntury F ox Production of apprt>h<'nsion of thC' allf'~t'd crlm· outfits hnvc> len~~ m frt'(', "Junior Miss" and Natallt' Thomp. i~nl, Cusumano outlined the c11se they ~l't thE' not1on tt might ~on of th1• ro.;,.,,. York ijflll:l' a.s w••ll htstory and recounh'<l thl' l"'nN' be ea,o.;y to gl't me to Invest :u Frt·tl <:lurk, William F.rwrn nffi('('ra' p11rt In tht• arrN!I: in ,;omp uf tht'ir p«.•t ~'t'TI('f', ' Balboa Inn Bldg., Cor. Malo 1.! Ocran Front HOl'RS: 9 A. M. to 10 P. !'t. DAlLY MELLOW FELLOW Sa ys: "WEAR GANGWAY SHOES FOR BOATING ANU LEISURE" i:f Washable canvas tops. cork insoles and ha rd rubber soles. Bt'Own or tan .. PIRATE DAYS September 5, 6, '7 and 8 I Mort ~larshall, L<>e Riddl'll and "l h~ve rN'<'tvf'd quilt' 8 fl'w which lllakl'l' ont' wonder if ,.,., . .~~ l'e' oomh. N.m•rlamls thnt " mnni!Y c-t~''" that I' I ht• way they pt>r· Th" play will be siRJ:I'd by Ml'l doJ: "'1'" runrun~ 1•)(•~·· "rotund l.•th sttttdl' lht• widows to Sfl('nrl F••rn·r N<'''' Y11rk drr.•t·tur nnd 5':, tmd 11,"' b<.·ll<'h, hut 1 h~d ne~···; th<' munt"V a htt.<:hnnd hns llt'ln r ·nliR hilartously funn" ~om IH' n nhlt '" ftnd htlll tl\1 r thl " .•. I ( I r' l'f r kl c ' ~ • "Txl d ~ I' t )1'1' I ll't' II I I' 0 \\'01' cody IS ('Xpt'Cto•!f IO lw one of thi.' I It). NIOI'Ilj:: IIWII ( <lit~ I ' ' top shows of Ow sea!IOn. ntvd. at :ltlth Sl . I ~J)(Ifl t•tl htm __ l r .startNi chll!'ln~: tum tiuwn, hut 1\ 1~·11 ''"'"''~~'''"' h,\ n I'"' l11llnl h•• rrOSJooo•d 0\t•l '" .!lth St. In :riiiOIIIIII ' '""'w·i:tlhlll ""'"''"'~ Scotc-h IHJ'lf'. various SIU'll, on ('c•ntrnl ;\,1• untl .,111 1111 tho· '"''"'"'' 11 ,,,., '''" , . .,,.,.,.,, ,,,,. ~:ole Ill tht• !'\I'WS·TIIIIt'S • 'f', ""'"I'"'' llt••rt ll.tt I. II> ('t•llllll) t.rllinn .t II''" 11 I• 11 lu lh•• 1111 In 17 th ~~, ,11 I'"'·~ 1, lh !11 (k t•nn mt•tlllll• t•"hl " '' ot I ll'hl \ tt\• Fr·ont . .,,. to l*tlh fll •h·· ltJt•r ~uuJ p••• C"tll "' 11h \ h ollUilH ,, 111111 qUt "" Ow pit 1 t'ltlo cl h I""" • 11• • tur HUIIJnlulnl•• "i\t tlus ltlllo· I had lite· 111'11' or 'tr·~tw•l. TRAILER CANOPY Buy Now! CLEARANCE SALE Standard Sizes lnC'Iudln~ Save $$$! Poles -Lines -Springs -Stakes ct;tl R U G U S T S ~ L E / ~ 531 7~p Thill \\'H"k Hnl~· Plan to Buy Your Fur Coat Now on Our Convenient Lay-Away-Plan En ti re Stock of Fine Furs at Generous Reductions • St.ylc • Beauty • Distlncti6n e QuaUty Outstanding Savings! FUllS 218 NORTH BROADWAY SANTA ANA TELEPHONE 373 Foremo ~t Monday Thru Saturday Costa Mesa Canvas & Awning Co. 1021 S. t:. RochN~tf'r Strf'!et 0 P t; N ('~ta Mt'">a R A. M. Oppooollfl t'1n' Rtatlon P. 0 . Boll ltl MIDWAY AUTO SERVICE • 1501 West Central\. • Phone llarbor 21%5 e Auto Painting SSO up • Body and Fender Work • FIRST CLASS MECH·Af)lJCAL WORK Motor Tune-Ups a Specialty • I _ Prices lleafoionable No Delay DlESEL SERVICE NEW 225 H. P. DIESELS ON HANO Reooadltloned OS..IIt oe haad wttb ebolee of reclucUoa aalfa. e WE AilE WIIITINO OIWEIUI ON JUOHT· AND IZPT· RAND aOTATION DIFAEL8 roa TWIN INIITALLA· TIONS. CBOIOIC OF &r:DUCI'ION UNIT& 0. Bud: 165 B. P. OeDenl lloto~New. 8@e U.'J ror infonnatlon on Venn Severin Diesels DlelMII ~tor ~ts of AU KliHh. ~~''ll B. LEWIS (Ladl7 r.ewt.) OtntH·M....- PHONES Shopa~~SUJ at Co. Newport Beeeb Offlee: 'BMeoa 5889-w 415 PllteeDti 8t. Newport DeJpta bla,nd llt.•alt'r Plt'ads I Not nuilt):: l')oRts Bail For l\1ent ( 'ndt• Trial • II ),J,. ,1\17 ~lnllth t\\1', ll:rlho>a b lmul. "/If• 1 1'), •••'II S.tltll'• ''·•' 'I" 1 n ... ,,, ttl\~..!'"'~' hutl f,,u,,,, Ill!: I 1\o '' 1 \ 1111' I•\ tltt• ~•·II t~•l I IJol)lt'l' rio I'·" lith 111 ••I II \\oil I llfll loll \ h•lalioo11 oof th• ""'"" l11•ulth tuul SIIIHialh•ll ''"''' lolo• \\)111 plr'<1t'lt '"" 1.!tU I1' """ un tc·t·o•d h• "1'1'•'"'' Itt ,.,,~ ''""' \\ c-dllt'l'llh~ m••rn lJll( Ill :1 II Ill Poltl"' ••'llt'l lo'l.l 11..-\Htrrnnt dlt<r~ot•od IIC)S~•·"~I•III "' apolllo'll lllt'KI, '"' IIC'\'IISIII11•n """ h M r ld1• '"' n lc•c1 \\ ho•n nrr~<t~n··•l 111 ,.,,~ t'\lUrl Orlve C&r~tully. Spare ~ ~-I CLOTHES P0R MEN ANI) BOYS gCU4~ S(JDI&i g~u,p %01 Mann.. A""' lkJtaoo. l ohua4 l'tlniW! llarbur 1\,1 GILL'S! DELICATESSEN ---------- FOOD SHOP For FrNhf'r \'f'JtelabiN Bellllr Mf'atA Fuf'y G~..W.., --- %4~ Fort!d Avf'. LAOUNA BEACIJ e Pwhape ,our bouee A. ~ &boN whicla ebow tbe uuw&dable -.~eo& ol war ,..,.. U eo. JOG cua .... 110me of tbe aipa of that -.a.et b7 repe.lriDa or ~ DOW with tbe aJd 01 u PHA·~ loaD arrupd a& Bank ol America. Tlie aew ~ bouainc ~doGe allow DO~ ........ • f400 apeediture for IDOCiembatloa, with DO limit OD decoraUq. palndq, or JNiper{QI. When you aJ"l'aDP • loan to bu, or modenl.iae at dale baD. J'OU noelw prompt. tn.db. aperi. .aced .moe ... a ..moe whk!li bM br tW llaaQJ t.bouMJHk oiQaUionia home owww. u,., • Jao.e DOW DMCJa repain. a Jluk ol A-* 1ou wm .,.,.. u.. ooe .. --t. ~way to ..... .... fll.)'l •' ._ ......... Till ......... JIJ ... rt'll ... Bunk of America NATIONAL Jl"Ufol ASSOCIATION -NNeat. ....... fee•eaell IIIPel.,lle • •1111111 fiiiiAl. 1111 ....... . --... tJtRo.oH SIC_ .. j A COMPLET£ STOCK Of ~ • HOSPITAl HDI • WHHl CHAIRS • SICICIOOM !QUIPMIHT • SUIOICAl liLTS e !lASTIC HOSIIIY • TIUSIU PARKER "51" Famous Pen & Pencil wttm CAP NNI .. .. . .. $12..50 WMm CU PINCIU .•... ·$5.00 coMP&m sm .. . .. .. $17 .SO Nv Ft'Ckra.l Tu MAIN AT FJFTH NO .WI •he ·Pen and 'encll Set. fveryone Hot leen Waiting F~ ) The Famous "51" Parker Set Available Now F~ lm~lote D.tJyery At the Some 're·W~ ''Ieee Choose Your Set While the Selection h Complete at STEOMANS ..... the beautlfvl preten ............ told 141C goW cope. 'The Pen Set for Giving" P'lltCaD AT ..... racs. Tu l:stra MANTA ANA ·----:,__. '• -wANT ADS PuBLic NoTIC E PUBL IC NoTICES • TOO LATE TO CLA8tprv • Michigan Yachtsmen Want \WiJ,,:,rN::es Plans of Snowbird Boats 1 ... ~~:~-~~ •• ~:~·~, lnous plant m ix to bt> d<'llwrN:I _REAL ___ a_T_A_TZ ________ •,_az.u. ___ ar __ A-4V~t--------n-and appiiN:I to approximat<'IY 200,· 000 SC'J. ft. of playground ot thl' thl' said WQrk char~t<'nhlr upon a dlstrirt. For the partlrulor de- scription of the· 11uid A.SSt>ssment district rrfl'rt•n('(' is hl'rt•loy tnQd(' to th<' Mid R('solution of Intt•nlion A T W 0 - F ) S T E D ._ main school, 14th and C'rntral. P R 0 P 0 S I T I 0 N SJW>cirlt•ations to ))(' obtalm·d at • COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. IL L Ho.TaTLa R ..__.11 Reffileration 1"81D0Jr AMMOJIIIA ......... Air Coaditloniq .......... Prt1ture PumJNJ Catrifupl Pua.,. .......... M UtiMIIa .... caD •••• ..----•-&~.-.......... ·-· h ...... Michigan yachtsmrn art' lnt«"r· "I wonder It you might be ahl<' e.ted tn tht> Snowbird boat. E t· tu put nw In tOU('h with the• yacht denct' of th\a COITit'11 tn II )('tll'r I'IUIJ thAt lpoNIOra thetl<' races. I from R. E. Borton of JaclUI>n. I hdi<'W our y~tcht club might be Mldligan, who wrltl'l tho• Newpc,rt Jntt-r('!ltl"d In such £1 boat as thi~" Harbor C'hamtlf'r of C'o)miTlN'f''' t 'ull mrorm&tlon ts going for· In hi~ letter tK' aa) s. "On th•·1 wud to Mr. Dorton. Th11 may r•·· COVI'r of the At.liWol IISUe of l ault Ill Eaat.,41nd W('lt compelltiun Traw·l & Cam••ra Magu.tnl' I in thr Snowbtrd cl~. not1~ th«" lttrge photo t ntltlro, --------- "t'llrhr of the Snowhlrda" at. Nl'W· port, California. "I ha\'e ~ many pu·turt-s of t~ boats, but u y<'t haVl' nut befon able to li4'CUf(' a <k>tatltod description or plans or lht>m. Wlllte H011se c.te U:C.Institute Plans· ·study Alcoholism LOS IJIIGELF.S, Aug. 14.-So- lutlon.w 'to the currt>ntly lncreulnc problem of alcoholtsm will be aouaht ·~ a tlvt•-day Institute on Alcoholic StudiH OIX'nlnl Aueuat 19 on IM LOI Angl'lt'S campus of the Uni\'enity or California with tlf'adquartt'rl m lh<' Education building. S.uggestl'd hy Supt'rvtsur J ohn AntOn Fnrtf, thl' inJ~tltutt' will be modell'd aft«'r a smulttr and suc- C't'Uful onf• twld at Yair univt>rsity. Th«' Los Angt•lu rounty bottrrl or supPrvlsors has (•Vtd<'nN>d approval Of lh(• pro~·ct hy IIUthorizinR Ill· t('ndllnce nf 110mc• f1fty county I'm· ployt'l at the Institute. Plans and Specificafions '1llc-r«nrds of Los Angelrs C'Clllnty show that enormous amounts of public money are belnJ IJ)('nt beca~.~~e of aprl"ading all rohollam among our population. It Ia my hope that thl'll! scientific studies will contribute eftE'<:Itve r('ltnlnt to thill growing social n:ll. .!.'vl"n though IM Institute ma)! not hav<' all tht' answt'rs to ttlf' probltom, It should properly •P- prall4' ao~ nf the Jx.st solutions to tM current evil." aald SuJX'r· vt.or Ford In com~ndatlon of the Institute. which will ~ offf'red un- der auapict"S of University of CaJJ. • F• BuDden, Contndon & Enrineen --·--BERT J. MORRIS, Jr: fornla extension. Motht-r-Johnny! You frll down In your Rood p~~nta! Johnny-But Mom, I didn't have tl~ to take 'em off. po·r ('(•nt or th(' 80.000 <'nrollrd \Ill· c•rt< t•f Onn~o:<' C'Clllnty cut halluts 111 tlw prlmariNl, County Clo·rk II J Smith warns ro•glst<'red vut .. rs thnt 40,000 names will bt-r<'m•Wed I frurn llw C:rrat Rl'gister If t lwy do nm vote In the Novem~r o•lo l'· tlon. SJ)f'akinK hut Frid11y to n.• rn·! hc'rl •Jf tht• ('oct a MI'Sa·N•·" ,..-,rt Harbor Klw~tnla club on the ~IIIJ· j(·ct llf duth'l\ ,of a county rl•·rk. Mr Smtih rt•marked that un.· nl the sad 'comiT\('ntarles on rounty history wu tht' lade of lnt~·ccst shown hY pcopll' fn• elections. "If these namH are remlo\'Pd from the Great Rcgiater, the tuX· payt•rs nf the COUnty will bt-81Sf•SS· t>d 50 cent~ fur l'ach namt• ~<'II h· drawn," Smith added, atatin~: thnt If thls hapJXNI "It wUI be doni' bt-cauw you didn't ro •eros~ thl' at reet to vote." Smith also aald that OIK' (If the moat difficult Jobe of hia office was trying to get pt'Ople to serve on the election hoarda. Tt~ after tlmt' the county c:ll"rk'a office h~ tu acour the! county to find IOrn•• .. n•• to let'Ye. "We cannot operate without fl\t' memb<"rs on the board,'' Snuth d"clared. "and if W(' do not hll"' a full quot11 on tht' night bt-fur.• an 1 I'IE'Ction, we havt' to draft !l<onw- one on l'll'Ction day morning 11nrl th('n it isn't ~tn f•Aay matter 111 I:•'' out of serving." ' C'larlfy .. r tjN! 1-f Futht•r So you w~tnt to n~o~l't >.' my d:IU~:htt'r. Wdl. youn~: m.1n do you thtnk you could aupport a family! Young Man-Colh, I only want· ro Rolle! A small home for sale for approximately $10,000 that will serve nicely for business, residential, com- mercial, on Balboa Island. On thE' next adjacent lot is an "Iron Oad" garage building available for Ieese on te-nns suitable for someone to set up, in the garage, or marine engine ---or your choice of businetlS right now. Remem- ber the tie-in -buy your living quarters and set up your business-both available now. Call Hub Powers at Harbor 62-W j. A. BE.Ek OFFICE .Ferry Landinjit ED WE NEED dte w.p yw _...,_ ... Pll. J~r 1M •For Plak-Up Brou. .. r~ First Brother-Whatl• the Idea of wearing my raincoat?- Second Brother-It'• raJnmg. You wouldn't wa.nt ~ to gl"t your nl'w 11uil wet, would you? FOR JNIIU&ANCE IUIZ Howard W. Gerriab 1801 Newport ........... 008TA IIUA no.. ae.-a l lOJ Automobile • Fire Accideot • Life u~ and Contract Bonds Wr1t~n ROO FS APPLD:D oa III:PAmED ,..,._ Eltimat• It l.nlpeetlon w. '· Beabow 3802 Marrua Pb. Hbr. 1012-J UJILLEY'r REFRIGERimDR JERVICE COIIPARY 61 2-tc t 1._ • I(',-, (v,)JIMZIL SHOES Repaired WbDe Yoa Walt w Ray Pagan 515 East Bay Front Ned ._r t. IIQ V... CW. ..... te ..... TIDE TABLES AUGUST, INt 21 5:41 9:49 t :U -... 3.3 2.7 5.6 Th 22 6:50 12:07 I :H 11 :II 3.7 0.0 6.0 2.6 F 23 7:3.'5 12.58 8:!1 1!:15 ·1.0 -0.6 6.4 2.4 IS 24 8:11 1 :4:l 1:15 l :el 4.4 -{).9 ti6 2.0 rldee .,.. p&aooM 1a _.. 01 -·-Wcbt n,..,. .. Ill.: ~ n.v-p.. .. PuBLIC NoTICE CERTIFICATE OF 8UIINESS FICTITIOUS "lf'M NAME Th~ undualgned do hereby certlty that Ut~y """ ~ondurt lng a boat ...pair &nd '"'"'od·wurklnl{ buolne• at tl6 Co""! IIIIChwey. C'tly .,r Newp()rt Beach. ~~~~>' ;~(' 0~1f(1uJ~••11~ ~~~~mt~r PLACE IN TOWN ..... -....... --..... STERI.ING BOAT WORK!'\ and that -.Jd firm Ia eompoH<I of the follow· Ina P<!NIOM. wh<-namu Uld ad· drt..U are u ft~llnwa: to wtt: Or1n ThoriUidMa. 130 Vta Karon, Newport SMell. California . Do1': N. Thorltlld· ~lro~a. VIa Koron, ewport Beach. SB&VIC 8 • Hamburgen Malta Sundaes Coffee and Do nuts Wa f fles L l & B TBE -~ AVDtJB M.UIOA I8IAND ._, ,..... -Oeelp .....-. .......... .,.. •• ..a.. -a...-...... « 7 Any Make or Model OlE DAY. SERVICE No DoWII Paymellt YOU PAY NO MORE FOR THE BEST September lOth Water Bond Election VOTE NO! Newport Harbor Taxpayers Protect Your Property fro~ a 38';; Tax Increase VOTE NO, In ..umia« a half miiUoa debt for the prh1lep of bu:Yial Inferior water at a hJ«h rate. 8.A.A.B. Army eqlaeen developed wa~r for 100,000 pe~ ud ref'*«~ M.W.D. " .. ter on t he .,.... of qaallty ud cost. H ~·our prGpf'rty here 1!. worUl "i.wnln~t it'!J wonh protectia~~t DO\\' wtttl a NO \'Ole OD &-pt. 10 Df'xt. Retwm brr the promot..n of this t'WlMme pay a o tau. here! TAXPAYER8' U!AGtiE ·-., ....... -....... . ...,__,--.... ...,c..-._...,..,...,.._... ·~-...... ,_~..._ . .._,....,._ ..... ,.._. .... -OeMt ..... ""'-...... ~ Pbone, n.y 854 La· cuna Beadl; Phone Nlcbt. uec Laauna ae.eh E NJ OY THESE ADV ANTAGESl Ia: WIDdow AWD.lap, Doer Booda Poreh a Patio Cuoplel e Baa Oat---U p t Ia ; • .... 0.& -- -Breece Ill: • hrtDADent - --No "U .. a DowM"; • SO.t - --No RattJee: • au-lou DeUp -•• ea.tom Ballt: • Utm.t F..eoaomy • • -Loq Ute, No Repl.acemf'at.a. Now! Quality Veaetian BUads (Eith<'r Wood or Metal) Qalell llentoe For Free FAUmatee CaJI Rcverw Otargcs ROSSI 'S Liouor S t ore -~ Jllcltwa7 Wttneu our hand thlt t.t day of Aucuat, UHe. ORIN THORKTLDSitN DORIS N. THORKJLDSI!:N State t>f California, County of Orana-•. On thla Jat day uf Au~.t, A. D .. 11411, ""'"" me Tom W. UenaertiO:l, a Nutary Publtt< In and for -.Jd County and :>tatf. r('eldi{IIC theroeln duiJ com-mt~!~t11~rtn..,.:hu'::od'~~n ":~~~.a~: ~lllrktld~en, knn•·n to me 1~ be th~ f:rt~11wl:'h~~jn~~~~:nt'!nJ'u!~~:.~ edlrt.'d tv m~ that lht)' tltecuted the •me. 1:'11 WITI'E.~ WHEREOF' I beve hf'r,.untt.t ""t my hand •nd airtxecl my """tat ..,,.I the day and y~llr In thle r~rllfll'nl~ rtnot ""'"'" wrltl~n. tSEAI.I TOM W. IIENDERSON. :-: .. ta.-y l'uloll< In and fM lAid Countt and State. My rtomnot~aloll rxtJI""8 Mll~h 7, 1!149 Pub . Au& 6, 13."20 27, 1!148. CERTIFICATE OF DOINQ 8USINESI UNDER FICTITIOUS NAME Thf' unol~r•llto•~•l. H W BARTJNP. And Ttl t~U ti. MrF.I.R{)Y, hf'r•br cer· tlfy that th<'y ar~ the partnerw. and all .,r the p1rt nen. t•f a pArtnership ~rown by lbe firm llllme &ad atylt "IIUC'BARS" That th~y are the 1t0le owner• of thr aald partnenohlp, and u eatd p&rt· n~r~. lhal they rondurl buatna.. at ~~~lr!~~~ ~~d"~U9 HM'~1t~n~~r'!etBe~~: be"'>.. California. bo•th In the Count' of vr11n1t~. St•t~ nr Callt'<nllo. Ttmt t h~ n811l~a anti piJU•ee ut '""""'' drnt·e "' HI <I pari n~MI and I be Ji4'T· _,,,. o•nnductln~r aald l11111n~lllt are u rutluwa R W RARTll'-'1': 3(13 Sm~ll &~r Avenue nn~"'J."'~r~!:R~Y California &16 curt nnn l:'e••port· 8""' h. C'Aitff•mhl WITN•;s~·· our hhndd. thta 26th da, vf July. 11146. TIIEOOORE S MrELROY, R W BARTI:>a ; ~b~·~fv0~f'(i«!'~lt•l'~~ (Jn thll lhf' ~lh day .. r Jul)". 1916 .,_.flort mr t'IH:Il J fil'lli .. EY, a No· ta~ t•ubllr tn anti fur e.a.id CouW a~ R~·.~;: r..~r"1-Wt(J11rr."~!:~ROY. ~~:-:~~ ~~~m~u'•~~:;~~~~~ /::~~~" :·~·:~rn ln,trom,.nt n.ruJ "l'kfl•'"'l"tltH•It tn mf lh~.~h;f;is·~~~t;;~ .. :r~n~~.'frt··lal mi. I"REll J. DUDLEY. :'1:•11ary I'Ubllr In IWld fnr a&ld C'uunty and State. C l'utMIAI !'\rill I Pub. July 30. Au& 6, 13. 20. 1!146. NOTIC~ C'AJ .. U NO FOR 8Jf)8 The Board or School Trustees ' or thr 1\:('w..,rt Bt'ach Schoctl Dis- trict. Oran~~:e County, will rect'iV<' b ids at the school nHIC't', 14th and Crnlral. up to 8:00 P . M. Scp. temb('r 2, 1~6 for the purchase or approximllt<'1Y 2400 Ions of bitum- Does Your House Need Palntlnc? ~ the office of the District Super· lnten<k>nt of Schools, 14th and Central. The Board of School'I'rusu•es or the Newport B<>ach School Dis- trict reserv<'s th<' right to reject any or aU bids or waive nny In- formality In a bid. T. WESTON JAY, Clerk or the Newport B<>ach 5cltool Diatrlct. Pub. Aug. 13, 20, Z7, 1946. CERTIFICATE OF DUIINEIS Flc:tltloua Firm Name The UJ1den11ned do hereby certify that they are condu~llq a water aort· enlna Mrvl"" bwoiM• et 410 &:lad atrHI, City o(, Newport Bllaeb, Coonty or Oran .. , State ,or Callfon~la, uader the fldlttoua firm name of S.Ch HomM Soft Waler Service. and that .. ld firm Ia conoi)UMd ur tbe followlul ~I'IMl.!'aiol~~~~lun~~~· and addreMee • _f!eary 8. BonnelL ltH Vlrs1ala An .. ....oil&, California. Cal'7;~.!l!"ln, Rt. l , Boll 2012, L&M- Wttn-oor handa thl• ninth day of Auauat. llHI, HENRY S. BONNELL. PAT BRANIN State ot Callfon~la, County or Oran,--.: On lhla ninth day or Au6()at. A.. D .. lt4e, before me Tom W. Henden~~~n, a Notary Public: to and for wd oounly aad atate, ,_ldiDI therein du~ com-mt=neciHe~~ B~0~n::,'r~1/ ;~t rr&llln llnown to ma to be t.be perwona whuiH! nounea •r~~ eubKrlbed to the within lnatrument, and "':lulowledlred lu me lll•t they al<oculed 11111 .. "'"· ln Wltnrsa Whereuf 1 have hen:unto IHI! my hand llnd ,rltaed my offiCial euJ tbe day MUd Yl! .. In !hla Urllflcate fir" above written. !Seal) TOM W. H.ENDERSO!'I, Nvt&ry Publle In and fur -.Jd County and State. Pub.· Aua. 13, 20. 27. Sl'pt. 3. 1~. CERTIFICATE OF BUSINIESS FICTITIOUS FIRM NAME -... The undenol~o."Tol'd do llereby certify that lhey a rt' o·,.nducttn.~r IC' Moat a.nG G~ry t.ualneM at 7011 Eut Central AYenue. Balb<wo. California. under !be flettllou firm name of Balbu& Central Market anti that -.Jd firm ta cocn· J)IMed or the rollowlna pc!riiOna. wboet ~':~1~: and •<ldre•Aea aro aa tdltuwa, C.HARL£ij L l:IMITU 1506 Eut C .. ntriOI A•enue Balbo"' C11lllomta HOMER Jol SMITH 1506 Let C..niNI AftftUe Bal b<'*. California WITI'£8~ ••Ur harHia thla 29th daJ of July. 19-46. CHA ilLES L SMITH, ltOMEH M. SMIT II. STATE Ot' CALif'URNIA. COUNTY OF ORANCIC-M. On thla :19th d10y or July. A. D. I$4C. before noe, H. M HOLKER, a Nolery Pvlohc tn and for a&Jd County anti Statt, ~rll<in.Uiy apJ)OI&l'f!d Charlu L Smllb Uld Homer IC Smt.lh. known t~ me to ~ the penovna wh,_ namu art auhaut~d to the wllhln 1n11 ntm~n1 ~~~.,.\"'~.:'~'~~:ed to me thtat they eu IN WITNE~ WiiEREO'Jo' I havo hu~unto ... , m y hand , ani{ a{fhred my ~~~~~-~&Ill~ ::Jvean:rif:~. 10 lhlr H ll. HOLKSR, l'ot.ary Putrllr In &nd for Mit Countr and State. My com IDIJIIIIun eaplree March t. 1!149 Pub. July 10. Aua. 1. 11. :ao. IINI. NOTICE OF INTENDED SALE Under Section IHO or lhe Clvtl C'Ode .. r C.lltnrnta NO'T'I{'E IS HEREBY GIVEN That RALPII G. SESSEL. V~ndor wh._ add,..... Ia Ulll {'nut Hll(hway. tn the Clly ur N~w11"rt S..Vh, Count)• ur Oranl(e. Sl•lr ur C'allfumta, In· t~nd• '" Mil 111 1,. II IIARRIRO.S Vtn!l~ whh ... AoldreSl! te 2118 M~ro \)tan A••~nue. In the City of Alhambra. Cvunly .. r U)a Ang~lu. State of Call· foornl~t. the followlnl dea<"rl~d per· eunat llf'OJi4'rly· All lurntohln1a1 flaturu . ~ulpmenl . IIJOJ!f't• IUid l'""'·wtll ••f "RALPII'tl C'An:". IIN'al~fl at 13111 (',....,1 Ht!lh· way. In the Clly or N~wport Bearh. r .,unty u f nr•nKe. ~ta•t,. uf C&Jlfnrnl&. 1o1111 that to o<al~. t nuoerer and DAJIIICII m~lll Of th~ AAffil! will he mild~ 01111 tlof' rnnJ!tdHIItlon th~rdor pAhl at HI IMI ,,., ... .,..... a.m. lln th~ :!:llh d")' o•f A11((1lal 1946. Ill the ,.ffl<f'" ll( IIAIHiOR INVESTMEI"T ('()JoH'A:-IY at !lll!h anot W"ot C'~ntrsl Av~nll~,,' In thr C'tty of .S~WJ)IIfl u~ ... h C•·unl )' ,.( ( )t.an.c,.. Rtlt(~ ur CMhrnrnta IJ.ot~d All!t\IJO! 19. 1916 IUI.I'II c.; SEg~F.I., V~JH.Jnr No. 3279. 1 Said City Council has clcter- mlned and d<'rlared that thr City of Newport Deach , will out of Its General Fund, pay the sum of $15,· 000,00 ·toward the coets and t X· p<>nst'11 of 1ald Improvement. Said City Council haa deter· mlnN:I 11.nd dKiared that ~rial bonds hearin~e inter('('SI at the rate of six (6~) per ct>nt )Xt annum. and utendin~: over a period f!nd- lng ni.nr (.9) yE'ars from the aec- ond day of January next succeed- Ing th" next October fifteenth fol- lowing their date, will ~ ltlued herl'under In the manner provided by the "Improvement ~ct of 1911," bt-lng Part 5. Division 7 of the Streets 11nd Highways Code of the Stat(' of California, to re~n.t ~•ch aueurrwnt of Twenty-five ($25.00) DoUan. or more. remaln- lnf unpaid for thirty (30) days after the date of the warrant. All of the work herein order't'd 1hall be done and carrit'd throucb In punuance of an Act of the LegialatuN' of the State ot Cali- fornia, <k>slgnattd thl' "Improw- mrnt Act of 1911," ~ing parta 1, 2 and 3 of Division 7 of the Streets and Highways Code. Said City Council. punuant to lhl' Labor Code ot tl)e State of California. h:u uct>rtained and dl"- terminf!d that tht' gl'neral prevllil- lng rate of per diem wages In the locality In which the said wor k herein de11cribed Is to be AfT· forme-d. for each craft or type of workman or nlC<lhanlc ncede41 to toxec~t(' the contract 11nd al10 the crnl'ral pr('vaiUng rate for legal holiday and ov«Urne work for uch craft or type of workman or ml.'cllanlc to be aa follows: llourly Wace C1&N&flc-atloa St'alf! Asphalt plut mixer operator $1 25 Asphalt pl11nt dry<'r· man or firl'man 1.375 Asphalt raker and iron~r 1.125 Asphalt apre11dlng machine operator 1.375 Carpenter ............. .: 1.35 C«"ment finlsh<'r Flagman 11nd watchman Heavy duty repairman Laborers MilSOn, brick Oiler, powtor shovels or cranes Operator, air compressor Operator. concrt'te mixer Operator. motor grader . 0J)('rator of power shovel or othrr I'X· 1.35 O.R75 1.50 0.875 1.50 1.125 1.25 1.25 1.625 cavating «)Uipment, &hovel type controls Ot-11 than one cubir yard) . 0 J)('rator of power shovrl or othE'r eox- 1.625 cavatin~t t'QUipmt>nf. ahovl'l type control11 I one cubic yard or morel 1.75 Opl'raror. pump 1 25 Opc!rator , rollrr 1.375 Operator. trActor 1.50 Operator, tn•nt•h P~r .,..... Wap $10.00 11.00 9.00 11.00 10.80 10.80. 7.00 12.00 7.00 12.00 9.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 13.00 14.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 l'ul•. AuiC 20. 1946. mach in(' Pipe! layl"r XOTICE INVITISO SEALED Truck driver 1.625 1.25 1.00 13.00 10.00 8 .00 PROPOMAL.Iil. Any claulflcatlon omitted hert'ln, not Pursuant to statute and Rrao-ll'SS than ..... ... .... 0 875 7.00 lution No. 3.-,oQ adoptt'd on the Provldt'd. that one and one-half 4th day of March, 1946, by thr n ~) limes the Raid prevailing City Council of thl' City of Nrw-, rate of wage shall he paid, ex· port lkach. California, and on fliP cept watr hman, n agman and other In thp office of the O ty Clt'rk of nonmanual workers, for ROY work· thP s11id City, ordering the work lng time morr than ('ight (8) dcsc:r ibed In said ~Wtolution. to-houn durinR any one ( 1) calrndl'lr wit: day wh"re such work is r('(luiJ·ecl Th(' grading and pavtng With In C81t'11 of extraordinary emerg- asphalllc concrete pavement with encles caust'd by fir('. nooct , or a drcompo~ed ~<:rnnil<' hase, C<'mcnt dan~ttr to llfr or proJ)f'rty and for concrNr Allt>y npproach('S. \'ltrltird timr on Sundays anrl th(' seven t•llt} pipe hou~,. l!I'Wer ronnc>ctio>n!l, 171 l<'gnl holldRys. to-wit: New wntpr srr\'i!'l' connr('tion~. c'ast Yt'ar's day, Ml'morial 011y, Fourth Ir on pi()(' WAII'r mains. rtre hy-of .July, Lahor DRy, Armistlrr Day, drnnt~. tittin~~~ nnd appurt('nant'f'll Cf'hankl!~tlving D11y nnd Christmas. and Rppurll'nnnt work in <'•mm·r-rt shnll hr mond11tory upon the lion tht'rc•with In nllrys and strC'('Is l'ontrartor to whom the C'flntract in ~r••tion~ I to .'5 itoclusivr. or Is awardrd. and upon 11ny sub- Balboa Island and Tract Nn. 742. contrnrtor undl'T him, to p11y not all Its mMe parllcularly dl'scril}('(l ll'!IS th11n th<' said speciflrd ratt>S In Resolution of Int('ntion No. tn all Jahor('rs, workmrn and me- 3279, passed and adopted hy thr chani~ <'mployl'd hy thrm In the C'ity C'nundl of snld City on thr CX('C1ttlon of thl' contr11ct. 4th day of Fehrunry, 1946, and on NCITICE IS HEREBY GIVEN fill' In thl' offiCf' or the City Cll'rk Inviting tt('nll'd proposals or bids or snid City. for doing all the work hPr ('ln- For furth<'r particulars ref<'r· txoforl' dt>11cribed and ordt'rl'd In <'nee Is hl'rt·hy m11dc to c;nid R~o-Mid Resolution Orderin~ Work. to lutlon Of lnt('ntinn No. :\279 and he prt'St'ntt'd In the C'ity Clc:rk at to ll9ld plan!l, profil('ll. 1tnrl !i('Ctinns his office In thr City tlnll of ~aid Nn. -1M ~h('('l~ 1 to 25 lnchtlllvr. City up to tht hour or four (4:00) nncl Standard Plans Nos. 1016 nnd o'clock P.M. of Tul'sday, th(' 3rd 10(>1 on fil<' In tht orticr or thl' day of Septrmber. 1946. C'ity Engineer of said City of Thr propotals or bids offrred Newport B<>ach. ~tnd to the SJ>f'CI-llhall b(' a<'C'OmpRnil"rl hy 11 chE'Cit fl catklns for fhe said work her<'-made paynble to the nrd('r of said iofor(' adopted by the said C'tty City, ct>rtltll'd by4 11 rt'!fpomlble C'ouncll and on file In the offlct Bank, or a bond as rl'fJulr-rd by of th~ City Clerk of said City. law for an 11mount not ''" than and all of aald plans. protllt'a, ten !101'1, l per ct>nt of thE-11qore- aectlons 11nd lpecltlcatlons here-gate of fhe prnpol!llls. F.11r h btcl tofore appro\'l'd by thl' Cit y Coun-shnll !)(' mAd(' out on a form tn bt> ell of said City arP lncorporatt'lt obtainro at the ottice of the City hrrrln and made a part hr rrof Engineer of said City. and rt'ft'l'E'nrr Is ll"rclly mnd<' Thr City C'nonM1 nt ~ltid City thento for a morr ~rti('UIRr de· N"!!4'rvrs thr right to rrjrct any ICrlptlon of SRirl woriC. or all bids and to waivr any In- SAid C'ity \nundl hsu drtr r-formality In a hid not c-Hrctl'd by mlnt'd and dE'Ciart'lt that the am-law. templ11tro work and lmprove~nt D11ted this 4th day of Mardi herelnl><'fore m<'ntlont'd, was in the 1!MO. · :nlon of the aald City Coundl, fRANK .t... RINEHART more than lqea.J or ordinary City Clmc ot the CitY o1 public hl!Mnt and the sa.ld Oty Newport U..d\. CaJifornl C'oundl hu made the t"Xpt'naet of Pub.-Au,. 15, 20. lttl. •· . . . ........ ll8n\l.Xr.5S Gt'IDE -----s-Ml» ........,.. 8 . . _ --------_ ,, UA.I. aT Am tt .... • c•• • •N&Ofl "ITt"lfNnt•Mt' t 'OM K.U.E Jt aoA,-,.., a.l'l'l'l.n:~ N \\ \~'rt:n ·r u llt:'T FOR SAL'-'~ Compll'lt• "K\\'Ik· Fo•H $1-\LF \\ ,oshln~:, nuoduru• S Al'HI f. II 'I h•t •11111'1-. ''"'. lti• 1 \\'A :'I: 'I' 'I'\ l HI :~T ~ t<r 3 '"""oil. •mrurn hdt•••l ltutL"' \\'Ill l<·ro~,· • 'nil ~~~~~~ l'oll'to•t nl li"Arhnr' 'ill7 ••r l:l ~"·tfc .----~~--------------~-------. \Vny" t'n~tint' rt•huildln~o; i'qUip· •Uok douin)( ttohlt• .on<l so" r hnlrb, rt 'I• '•It• .. t1 "' 1\ 1~11ht nn.t men! ~1111 F.l t.t.ldt•ntJ. Nt>W· kn~nk I• ulrth•hunnl All for nw lt•t "' ''"""'"""' .1 t-1 i t 'wt~t purl Jt.-i~o;hta. f\2-41p lltl 1111 t '••lltn~. Hnllw•a hi· ~~ "' ,;;, -''1' -I NS.U RANCE -LI NWOOD \'ICK Brok('r • FlRE e AtrrOMOBILE e YACHT I'"'R SAU: t.>ouble bt'<i, :opnngs, ""11• t\.1-1\tc Ntlfill( .\l. " IUitlt_'--....,.--,-•-' HI ~ 1"'1 11 • 'I tl 1'1.1 ,11 "'""I ml\ltn•ss und drt•ll$t•r, $30. ht)flk· IIU.\TM, !'lttrpt.fE8 u R.AFIY \:((A :'I: I I n,.. ... s~···-•><1 Nnw II\ lllj; .lf'"llllmo .. l tt IIIII• s •.•• , t'!Uo'. 514!. lrt·~>lC, f lO: atudlu ,...,....,~~~---,....,----~-only ~~~· Thb ·~ II l:r\'11 1 llllr· lht'olllt;h 111.1\ I' 'r II." 1\11!1, • COI\lPENS.A TION llarlldl ~R-M much. ~. 110 Pt•url Avo•, Hnl· SNO\VTIJ Rll ·-New, rompiNt', Jain. l'ont-Srhnmll 1'11111<' ( ·~. II.• II ~•·• b louul 1'1111 llut lo;.,- boa Z.land Call twfore 12 or $500. Call H-1!\~1.1-J. 61-4tll Sant.1 Ann. M-Ile an cr 4. 6.'5-211) FOR SA' L,· 14-ft. dlnk,•r built ------------. "STU" DUNLAP .'I i~l \\' Balht•a Island Hom,'t4 ~mull "'w•l"•dr••"rn l\lrn1111uod, N'Ar 1•f 1111 'J't'1'UIII ...., GOOD Ill Y' ""'"" nntl '"'1\l'h, APT ~·tAl 1 11 IllS"" _.. \YANT A HOME• Ea.starn ho"·~ row boal. Harbor 1971-J 63~1c or '" · · 1 • r~ want.,.. . ~ ~ Wh••• l····k uprt~;ht. ''''"' ""lnut hy man and wtfo•. We do not 2!l5 Marine Aw.t._Balboa Island Ph. Harbor 200-J $10,noo av&~Na& eum& u Painting -Decorating We u.e only reliable matcriall. applied by ~tn paintt'nJ. GERALD E. VAN, HALL 4.24 Heliotrope, Corona del Mar Tel. Harbor 89-WK 6:>-ttp FlaiZ'Btone Contractor PA"hOS-FIREPl...ACES STORE FRONTS-WALKS J625 Frendl St. Phone s.nta Ana Janta Ana, Calli. 1121-J. COOPERATIVE ROOFING CO. New and Repair Pboae ~ .. 63-4tc 211 &. ,_.. St.. a.ta .... ..... SlON PAOO'ING ao.ca. 1'nldm, ~ .,.._ a.d BullttUIIL Jt-.. ltleUJ. w .. ud P'-dt Lett... AL LACHJOYER 1'1'11 W..t C.tnl HarlMr ~ .. lltfc PAINTING 12 Yean Servtee 1D Nt'W)IOI"t ~ .A.rN Harry Ilall P.AINI'ING OONTRACI'OR Phone Beaean 5Zi&.J trailer and cabana. butanf' gas. FOR SALE-16-ft. SniP<' type c••t•. "htto• ltnt~h. S!lt• IKt AI II~ drink or lnlnkc, 00 chUdn-n or running w•tcr and lots of rxtru boat. all mahoeany, $~ ~ Cry1tul ,..,, .• llulh•>n l11land 1:!'•'' P~'~•· Phnrw s11ntft Ana O!l9l·W EMPLOYMENT Orrr:&I:D M C'an sll!'ep 6 people. On nlcf' lot E. Ed2ewa\ler, Balhoa. 61-tfc Rottrmk••. ~~~~ 1\ltu tno. At :.:1;\1;: or "''Ttt4' Aox "X" Newport Oal-N<'ar Nurth Ray ;;;-~=:=------:-::----;__,:::..._~:: on Bay with low rent year t'l ltp bolt Nt•ws-1'1t~~wt. 37-Ue WANTED -l'lousecleanlng, one round. Priced rl(ht for quick WANTED-Jla1boft Dinghy. 120 ::-::-=--::-:-:-:::--:-:--.,...--.,---...: cby ~kly on Pt~nirumla. aale. s.-c-owner, lot 99, Newport .Abalonf' Ave., Balboa hland. FOR SAI.E--Uprleht ptano. guod MAL DT.Aft " Please call Ha.rbor 772-W. 1>1-tfe 84.-h Tr 11 p k 63 tr 5!t-tfc condllh•n. $."(10 Phone llc11mn "~ a er ar · • c · 5712. 11r c.tl :ll~ WHtmlnlh'r w ........ E"C!., w •..,..,..,.D -•-... __ ys Concrete Prod·-ts 23 ft. fantail boat; head, gaUey, A N Two Nt•w Humes .... • ~ "', • L ...,. ..., ....... ve., 'o'Wpnrt Height• 11fter week. Norton'• &y Shore Cafe, Dlv. of Fa.tn Sand A Gravel Co, bunk and largE" cabin: 1500 lb. 5:30 p. m. ~-tie ReAd)' f••r tl<'•'"f"'"''>'· ~-,,.u '1'\4 u-twdr.,."lln IMtUic' · hvln&·room t6x:..04, tlrea.l•l"'· Iota of rul'flOolrda. I In 40 (I kot OuiJIJde lhower, dnulolf' ll"r-ar. lWirb«\14' Ruoy lltlt'W Yo II h hclli!M' , Oldl'r hciUIIC'. !Jut In lhr bc .. t ol l'ut'<IUion. 17th and Cout Highway. 59-Uc Ph. Fullerton 283-W capacity: plenty of albacore ahowt•I1J CiiAu d<>c.•r.. Rua• rear, $2000. Docked alter 6 p.m. ANOTIIEH maantflcent Stctnway. Kl'I'CHEN HELP wanted. Apply 1015 S. Spadra foot of 20th' St., Nf'wport. 62-4tp W~lum mr. 84.-auutul mahoa · ('all 1 622-J Olft-yi'L 322 Marine .Ave., Bal· Bulld.lnr tie, building bricks, face any rt.ts... The &Mano of till' boa lalaDcl. 54-Uc bricks, patio tile ln colon. See our MONTEREY type 26-6x8-4 ; motor Mukra. D~t Piano M-tfr Lnt on Balboa Island . $7000 diaplay. .A-1 eondltiatr. hull tn wry r;ood HELP WANTED-Woman or Jtrl a2-8tc ahape; albacore aeul: capacity Oo., ~:lO N. Ma.ln, Santa Ana. for lftlt'l'al housework; rood 15000 lba. Dockfd alter 6 p.m. M-tfc ;;.:-; live Ill or out. "= Storey's Battery Service foot of 20th St.. Newport. 62~tp Radio Repairs ' F'OR SALF:-Lot 30x18, t'X~Ik·nt hl\'lllhVI, Oflf' block off (.'out r llhrhway, 703 Golde"I\('Od Avt'. Corona dl'l Mar Phone-Atlantic 4~. • M-:ltp Lido Isle Comer .Lot 67x88, $7000 SMALL SAILBOAT and trailer All makf'tl; tub8, Pte. WANTED -Experienced core WHtmlnttt"r Ave. for we, pri~$200. Call Ham-Beacon 5763 maker for small cores In brau (Between 18th and Maanolla) Jlton Lowe, 229 Opal St., Balboa BURT NORTON , foundry. See penonnel MIJ'., Phone Beacon 5183, eo.ta Mesa laland. Harbor 2590-J. 59-ftp t15 Cout ID&tlway, Nf'WIICII1 South Cout Co. 65-tfc (~fer to dllplay ad, pqe 3l WILL EXCHANGE 110 rt. 111p In »-ttc w~~;:~~.=~~ BARGAINS! WUmtncton for aame ln New-GRAND PIANOS-You wtu be In cllctlon and typlnc. Box sc, Loweet priOH ln tumlture Ia nu port Harbor. CAD Erwin Ptenlon utounded a t1Nr creat tq Newa-nrnes. 65-tfc motto. I buy rlaht. I -.U rlaht at Klmble SMS. 52-ttc: atock. Kimball, Stelnway, Soh- I allo buy turnlture. · FOR SALE-Snowbird, r;ood con· mer, Hallet and Davia, Story LADY for aeneral housework 'ln Needle'• Furn.iture clltion; needl paint. Flnt reu-ud Clark. One aorpou. 0\ldt- eo.ta Meaa. Muat be aood cook. D>4 Newport Blvd. eo.ta ,_. onablf' offer accepted. 2!W Chi-ertnr and It Is the real Olkktr- R.eflned home. Call Harbcw 57-ttc quJta St .. Lag~ Beach. M-2tp lnJ, too Many othen to dl008e 289-M. 65-tfc -----:----=:---:---:----from. Prloed to atart at ~-Auto Batte • FOR SALE-15-ft. runabout, 22-FOUNT.AIN GIRLS WANTED· nes h.p. Johnson Seahorw and Tenna,. Or rent. Dana Sdunidt STEADY WORK. GUNDER: Rubber Sepuaten ,J equipment, $390. 424 Ht'l~ Plano Co., Exdualvt'IY planoa. SON DRUG co., HARBOR 515. llkDonth-M.75 Ex. trope .AvP., Corona del l Mar. NoUllnc else. 52Q N. Main, ;;;:;--;:::-;;:7.:'==---=--..;65-;.::_:l..:;tc Co111pounded Motor OiJ Pho~ Harbor R9-W-K 6.')-:ltp Santa Ana. 55-Uc HELP WANTED -~ Gallon, 10c FOR SAl.E-{"llnk~>r-bullt sallln& Radio and Electrie clerk, pre{Qrably a mother. GQoi dor All __.__ flttl lo'OR SAU :-Comna drl Mar, (5- ft lot, I bk>t'lt from l<'tloc•l. aouth A-. E. JOHNSON ol Blvd.. aood location for In· rome. OwfiC'f'. Ph. 11-2139-W Realtor · ~,.._,,c and Aelociatee FO:::=:R=--s::-A-:-:LE=-=;;..._t--==1'900=-=.oo-=-.-com-pl-:e-:t-:f'l:-y Phoae O.K~~~n 51oca. M furnlaht"d nw rooma and 1\M'&t -- houMo, lmmed1ate P:: r 'on. • Today'a Special 202 411t atl't'4't, Newport neaet~. Newport Blvd. Home Ph. Santa Monica. 7-2939. and BUSINED BLDG. • ==--=:-:-:-~~--,....,..,...,.._-6S-4_...;tp 21 lt. X 21 ft. wtUI Uvtnc quai'Wn. .. OR SALE Corona ck-1 Mar 40-lt. llouae In rear, with Uttle ~ lot at 310 Larkspur rwar S.. could be ,._. lnto laod l"ftttal. VIew,~. Phone Santa Ana Thla Ia a ltplenclld ~. £11. 2647-W. Owner, 425 So. Syea· CPIWf!t kxlatloft. Quktc .....-. more, Santa Ana. 62~tp Only $11,000 SIX-ROOM JIOMF. o~ hklck from ahopplna cllatrlcl, Ca.ta M('N IINTit'dlate poll8ellllion. world.... OOIId.J••--.. --···· Western Auto Supply >'· · "'~ • copper np. ~EPA IRS ... ........ ~~~> ... _ Canadian bullt. two pair ~. houra. Permanent etnplo)'mPnt. .Aut.hclrbed DN1ft-sail. with ·t'vt>rythlng compiPtP, 24-HOUR SERYlCE lnaprc t tod•y 1"2 RochHtt"r Nearly New 4 Unit Court Inquire 'I'M Bobby Slaop, 711 E. 1.836 Newport Blvd., eo.ta Mesa W.l5. 12'..! Collins, Balboa Isl· C<'ntraJ. Balboa. Harbor 1158-W. 41-tfc and. 65-4tc 164-3tc Steel Kitchens FOR SALE--Cabin crul.s6 22 ft. All MakN -Pick Up A Dellwry St PhoN" MII'Mr, Tornnc-. PERRY JIARDW.\RE l7fli·R. 64~tp 13<X5 Cout Blvd. Harbor 232 SAN FRANCISCO 2-btdrOOM moue ~ Ba7o '~'rae& lM•IIQA._ 14710 -Larp eon. ld O.Ptn' _.,....._, ti'TIO W. L. JORDAN ,. E. O.tnl. ..... ' 2'74 E. t• ~ :M-dr Painting -Decorating R. E. ANDERSON LOCAL or travellna lft bualne. GLASS TUB ENCLOSURES long, 4-cylinder Starr motor. for YOUI'St'lf. No money required. SHOWER DOORS juat painted. Will trade for 22 Good lnC'Omt'. You arc> your own Southern Counties ft. or 24 ft. hoUIC' traJier or pay bou. Apply Mlu Bayc>r, AUIUn-cuh. 7311 Seuhort' Dr., New· CORONA DEL MAR home> and 2 AparlllW'nll for ln· 54-tfc cOrnt', will ... n or trade for -------------Newport J:farbor propf'rty. Har-90QD used pla11011 fOI' practice. bor 1600. ~7-tfc 3 UNITS romplfott'b' turn1at..a,. ·1 UftiUrn Cc~ lot 1:10 ft. • '1e ft. BHullfully lancltraPf'Cl Ia· OIIII:M> 11~7.50 II" moftt~ • .._ ft.W 3 lnOf4' unit•. OOM' In F~ lkle, <d'olta MNa. Vrry Mat aad at· tractJve. Onl)' $19,960 Phone Harbor 111 .... Santa Ana, 508% N. Main St. Supply Co. port. Ph. H-1493-J. 64~tc 63-6tc 144 Cout Blvd., N. Sonw aa low u $.0\7 and f79 or rent a plano for ~ per mo. Let FOR SALJ-:-Lot In Ji'alrv&ew Free Eattmatina 41-ttc toR A R.ELIABLE Paint J~ c. your home, call Beaoon 533G after 4:JO p.m. lG-ttc WAITRESS WANTED $37.50 Pn Week and Meall Good lloun Also FRY COOK Ph. 5852 Laauna B<'ach 65-ltp VENETIAN BUNDS-Alumlnum, ateel, wood Call ua for trM •d· mate. Renovation A r..rtnlahlnc. So. Cout Venetian BUild Co., WHt 18th and Newport .Awo., eo.ta MHa. Ph: &aeon 5762-W. J .AINTINQ -PAPER RAN GINO aa4 DIIOORA TDfQ R. E. Mc:o-alcl 414 Old C.O.ty Rd., C.O.t.a MHA Phoae Beaeoe SOl~ -.ttc MR. E.ARL~np onl~:-. KJna Landing Newport 84.-ftch S8-ttc ~ Placr and K1ncD1nc WOOD Delivered raANIIPOilT.\TIO!I .. WANT TRANSPORTATION to 61-Uc Loll Angeles five days week. Ph. --y-0-UN--G--W-O_u_E_N __ Beacon 534~W. 62-4tp .u BICYCLES Sold, Rented or Repaired. VOGEL'S 100 Kaln SL. Bal-. JOe Karizw. Balboa IUDd. N -tl< Telephone operating positions are available to you in your own community. . .on AND FOUND ft I st,~·ting pay is good' LOST-Blond Cock Spanil'l. mall': experience is not required on Udo Isll'. Saturday night. Answers to name of "5:handy." Frequent increases. San Marino JIC(!fl."'(' $25 rl.'ward. V • · h ' ean Harbor 23~. 6&-2tc acatlons WJt pay. REW .ARD for return or infor-~ matlon leaclln& to recovery of brown biiUold of L. R. .Alll- 1011, Box 943 Balboa Ialand. Phone Harbor 1320-W. 64-2tc LOST-Walll't. $50.00 reward "for return Intact. Tan wallet !oat Aueuat 5. vldnlty Bayshore Yacht .Anchorage. tdephone BaJ- deraton .Angt'lu. 21123 or Swales Beacon 5122. 63-4tp LOST -S terling s ilv€'r rosary beads. Ncar B'Domf'tl on 22nd St. Have sentimental value to Advancement opportunities. .AIJIIly 100 E . Bay Ave., Balboa 514" N . Main St., Santa Ana .. .A.ak the OJIITill« for the OlJef ()pent« Southern CaHfomia Telephone Compuy 42-tte ownE'r. lrv.in ~partrru>nts, 22nd I ~Lt.LE ~Ull • and 0ct'8n Front. Mn. Stc>en, ------------- Room 200. Phon!' Harbor 103.1 FOR SALE-Air rompri'SS(·r. $100. Reward. 6&-2tp l 7311 SNt.shorr Dr .. Newport t:MPLOYJIIENT WANTED 11 St-ach. 65-trc TAlLOR-ExpC'rienC<'d; all kind, FOR SALE-Man's and womnn·a H. W. WRIGHT Ph. Beacon 6666 1784 Newport Blvd. 3-tfc -,-----Just Anived rr.h He&rln~ AJd BATTERIES Gunderwon Druc Co. 117 Main St. Ph. Harbor 515 • 80-tlc Order Your Serve I Gas Refrigerator Now at Vogel's 100 Maln St. Harbol'· 145 52-tfc Hereafter if we recap your TIR ES WI' guarantH' our "Capa" to Jut 20,000 MILES and that'a not all- WE WILL GIVE YOU $20.00 IF ONE COMES OFF Rt>gardless or Spero. ONF. TIRF. R F.CAPPF.D IN 5 JIOLIRS . repalrin~. n •mod<'ling And re--blcyclc>s. 120 Ah:llone Ave .. J3al· linin~:. C:tll Br.aron M 23. 64-fitp , boa bland. ~9-tfc for a romplr tr ~,., Wf' wtll cAll SNOWRIRD SN-330 In good con-the chJJdren learn. Danz-Sctunldt lff'ljChtl, 66-ft. to ~ ft. •1~. dillon. May be ~n at foot of PiaDo Co., 520 N. Maln, Santa Call 110 Prarl Ave., Balboa TUrquoiiiC Ave on So. Bay Au. MoUe Islancl. G-4tc Front. Best offf'r. Write> Stan WORLD famoua Spinet ~ FOR S.ALE-:l\4 aC'I'ft, Fontana, KnoUIC'. 308 Hopkins Bldg., rnlrror plano. Rc>pocaeeued. Now ~•r atf't'l mill. Will -.11 $2SO() Bakenfleld, Cal. 64·2tp reduced to ~. Terma. Su))M'b or trade for hrarh property. 231 SMALL SAILBOAT, aultablt for tone. Ma~any cue. Dealanfd W. Columbia St . Wilmar, CaUt. chlldrl'n, complete with ('(!nter for style and long wrvtce. Danz-;::;::-=--:::-::-:-::--.::---:-:-:-:--=-:-----:-:6_1-:~~tc board, rudder a nd sail, ready to Schmidt P lano Co., 520 N. Maln, I''OR S.ALF..-IkaullfuJ eo ft. lot go. Idt'al for learning to aall. Santa Ana. M-tfc neu l'lubhouse nn Lido Isle, $90.00. 322 Anadc St., Balboa. RADIO HOUSE CALLS-$6000. ll11rbor 2447-R. 64-2tc ~~~~-,--=-----63-__ 3..:.1P Now lhat ad41tJonal competent WANT A IIOMF." F:ut.-rn houM BO AT F OR SALF,.-to close estftte tedlnlclana are a vaUable, we are tnllc>T and cabana. bulaN" ru. thE' only grnuJne lc>akwood lady able to make teTVIce calla on runnln&: watrr and lou of ntru. In C'allfomla. Built In Hon~tkon&: lal'fl! coniOIH All work ruer· C'an all't'p 6 ,.-nple On nl~ lot in 1940. Complf'lrly ~tone ovrr at antced. HAROLD L. HAMM, on Bay with low rf'nt yrar gn-at expen~ a month a&:o 226 S O.S. Rftdlo, 300 Marine A vii!. 'round rrtc.'tl rh:ht fur IJUirk VIa Lido Nord. Phon<' 1194-J. Ph. Harbor 780. 34-tfc talt•. 5;,.., Owrwr, Lot !19, NI'W· =~~-:-::::--:-------f\3..4--1<' I)(HiM, C .\'1'8 a r~ 11 port IJt•llrh 'l'rnllrr Puk. l'a.'l-lfr FOR SALE-New Mulnc KohiC't G<-TIM'at or, 1500 watts, 32 volt D. C., retail prl('(! for thla poWN plant Ia 15UI. We ha\'e 10 lt'ft for clraraneto sale, $374. Ycokcl Bros .. 225 So. V<'rmont, Loll An· lti'IMI. Phonf' F.X. 0882. . 45-tlt Fire Equipment Tests C-0-Two. P)'renr & F08m refill• CQt fixed l)'ltem and Portabln now available. ETS HOKIN 6r GALVAN 1000 Cout IU~thway Ph. Beacon ~22 73-tft ALL-PLASTIC 12-ft 110.11•. TOP 0 -CAR BOAT and CARRIER Immediate drlivf'ry. Othr r mod· rls soon -dinghies, aallboalll, r.unabouts, cruiaf'rs and paddlc>- hoards. PLASTIC WATERCRAFT CO. 41Y7 E. Centntl, Balhon Phone Har hor 2673 f,.'\-ltc Flll.l' Kl'rfEN!-; !'tiC "o·•·ks uld \'••r > "''' .• nil Ill•'">' ""' 7, I-I llll)h l'uurl, 1:\1 :! \\' l '••nlrul ~··" 1 .... , u..,wh 1;:; :lt ,, DOGS-All b~. 1triJll)t'd, clip- pro. and bathed by .A.K.C. 11- ,.,.nsf'd handltr. Frt>c pick-up nnd dc-livery scrvlc<>. Send urd. Ru~IJ L. Ketcham. 421 Poln- !lf'tlla Avl'. Corona del Mar. 52-tfc PRE-BILT HOMES CO. GARAGF:S -UTILITY l!lJ\IS~:s HOMF'.S tmmf'dlllll' IX·IIvt•ry A. M. DTXON. Dealer 201 WM~tmlnstf•r Newport l lo•lt~hls Carpenters Available for rennal malnte11aneto and reralr 0 . E. &OIIt:RTI'tON Call Harbor fl3 .John D. Burnham ~)(IJ ( lr o•nn lllvd. P hun•• ll11rhor ;u ;, lm•omll' f'T'!'I"'rly 1111 J',.nln•ulll l'nlnt, $1 fl.~illfl furnl~lwol llftwn· ctttlr!l. 'J ho'tlrOitiiUI. lltvlniC·rtll.lm, olinln~:-roorn t'<•mhiQrdt, bnth, kildorn; UJIIIIItlra, l l.,•dr•••rn, ltnth. kltt"lwn. htriCt' Jivln{C·rnom 11nd aund••rk C.nrliiC•' npl In r rAr, 1 Jar~.-rtoom. kltchrnrtt.- and h11th. ~tood r••frtanator In r 111"11 Two-l'llr lfAraiJII'. R.-3 zlnln~r. 64!-lfc Duplex l )ftl v 4 month• nlll. hnntwuoct tl~1r1, :1 rut•m• 1111 o•twh •idr On unr tWrr• ( ;rwld dlatrlr t I 1o-._• Ill ('country l 'lult f'ull IIT'It'<• Only $fi~7fi T" u.lof'tlrtwont hnm•·. 4 1'fi(Jnths ••I d. lollrtlwrwNI (lt.,,r• A nlt't• lr•vf'l lrtt '!11111 lA u r ,,,1 huy "t On ly $(iXfiH 34-trr T""'l"•tlrow•m hl•nll', '·• ul'rr, lt·vr•l ------------1"1 ~o., )"'"~ ttlll f't ht'fl Itt KEYS ••·II 111 114 -Acre Ranch 2-bedrooni houile, barn, c:hleUn ~.price- $4760 1j:l-Acre Raneh Dandy 2-beclloom home, __,, df.ocora ted lrwkte and out. Ga· rap, bun, c:N.x houM only-- 16460 Open EvPn.lnD and Sunday A. E. JOHNSON 4e9 NfWIJOI't Bl¥11., C.O.ta Kaa Ph l~·11ron !\102-M M-ttc John D. Burham 2001 C'INoan Rlvd. ~ Jlarl>nr 11!\......Jlalboe 2 n<'W C'11 rwo Cod hnu-on ON!an Frnnt nn the Pt'ninl'4ula 2000 C)(T.A N f"RONT ) .. tory And 11 hnlr, 2-hr<tNWW'f\. beth, lar~tf' rnom IIJ•t•lra tor ~t. llvlntr roc:wn. flr4'p!JtCP, ldtC'tlf'n, hrdroom and bath CM."r aarac4'. wall heat"' ~ OCEAN FRONT 1-atnry and a half, 2·bedroom and bath. larc4' roam upatalrw fGr NEWPORT HEIGHTS JOHN E. SADLEIR 10'.1 ............ Phone Harbor 20U .... IIIIAL D'I'Aft W«Wiil. a I HAVE A HOME tn C'ulvn CU;y. CaWonla, ... MGM •tudkla, brand MW 1on1L. :l.bedroom. l!lnntft'ey, ....- alxKJI Jl3.~. lmrnf'dl1t• ~ ... -..to)ft J WANT • A WF.F.KEND PLACE I .F:T'~ TR.AJ•E t 11nd .. vt• tue.) Wrltr ur ~ tfAMES H. McCARTHY II M 8. Bmedw'-Y PRolptct 1Ml Loa An ..... 1'\lftt, llvin1 mom, llNiplaee, ~ dlnJrw room, kit~. CIOW'Nd MM _ ·-·-• porch wtt.h b4trbecue, lawn, -.., -n.ow.n. bua~. br1c:k waltm. i:LOli8:@liii1NI51-&E!iiAui:i••;:. iniii:iiaiiu~S peat fencet~ 8UITOUndlnc NCh. .. Ill I ... tp a 9 I beautifUl unrettJicWd vieW ~ "~ ...._ ftiiiNI ...... ocean. ""'-houNII ,...., d.aOJ _.a... ASCI ' "an for lnepectlnn. 52-tic liD V1a U. JilL ..._.- Immediate Pu~Ndon Complt-t.<>ly Jo'urnished (Jnc hi(JI'k rMJII uf Nt•wp11rt IJiwt Jndutfi11R El•·•'lr ,,. Jlt'Jrl~to•r.,tnr 111111 ,.:lt•t'h tr· Wn~lwr • GIRL "i th (•li'C'trical and m«han· FOR SALE-Monroe f'lrctrlc cal· for yuur car In tht' mornin~: lcal ·expc>rienro n(.'()ds pc>rmanrnl MJiator. $150. 1R40 Hnrhctr nnd dt•li\'rr)MmP day Al~a FOR SALE 2 St11r hosts, No. 2069 Sioux, with one Wott11 suit of sails. and nn.-n.-w Murph¥ and Ny<' main satl, 2-whM'I trnllrr and I>OIIt Ntvcr. fiM'I rhnmpinn fsr p..'l('l yr nrs. $2200; No 24:\3, onr suit nf •RIIll anll 4-whN•I trallr r l flrxtnhl l ri~o;. ~lRCIO. n11vl11 lla l•·h. :.!19 Mill{· Ollhll "'" Mto!<:t llt>:JI ('q ' 1~ Nt•W[ll'rt nl\'d ' l'o!ll fl 1\11'~11 I 'I"'" Sundroy Pht~nr· BNwun VJe Willie You Walt VOOP:J;A 1 work. 11!) Ba)' A\'1' .. Balboa. · lll"d . Costa 1\ft'!:a R<oncon $2 00 Mnhll11ta!lr h11lancc job - 63-4tc ! 58!)2-J . 61 -trc "hrn WI' rl'cllp your llrl'1!, for --------:-~---:--$1.00. No 1Nio1 wl'i~ht-~ Clr Ci-\RETAKF.R. middle a~tcd. r<'-ELEITRIC ffiN\'ERTER rr~m fi "rxtras." habit', n•ll Pr nnins:ton. PhonP to I 110 \'nllll. 100. wat t!l. I""'"'" Parkway 6469. 1567', So. Har\'-tmr l): m . Wnt•· RoJx H. r o ard Bl\'d .. ~ An~tc•lP!I. 6!\ .. ttp' NPWl!·Timet~~ 65-:.ltp COLLEGE GRADUATE, 38. de-FOR SALF'...-Hondm:tdt• quilt, two sires responsible otri('(! position ro~fortf'rs, two 9xl:.! rUI:'S, tnhl<' Harbor arE'a or vicinity; 12 1 r ndtcl. drMISCII, two. hnt pllllt'l. years' expc>rlrncc of'tirc man· canned goods. <'lr. 15~h and 11gement, pc>rl'OnnE'I, material Crntra l, rt'ar. Mrll. \\ irtz. procurement and controL Typist. f>S.ltp CMla Mesa Tire Co. In Rt'ar at 1760 Newport Blvd. COSTA MF.SA Ph. 0l'A('(In !)743 • Ask for AI or Hank Especially interestcd marine or FOR SALE-Man'l pre-war blcy.< 64-tfc allied lnduatry. Considerable cle; juAt like nt'W. Heavy dutJ ... -TO 11.,... boating knowlf'dge. Salary r~ tires. 512 28th St., Newport. WIU"' • ..., · "• II qulrt'mc>nts rellSOnable. Exctl-52-tfc CASH FOR USED F'URN1TURE lmt ref.-r('nces. Write 8oJr E, PHOo.ft'O BE .. CON ---'· N FOR S.ALE-Uvinr-room kt, new ,,£, " ~ c/o Newport · Balboa I'W11 · electric water heat('r, table-top 21-tfc 'I'I.mes. 64-ttc •1---...c ran•e. "' h.p. outboard ~""'u' "' " WANTED TO BUY-Waahlng ma-~U that unwanted article motor, etc. Phone St-aron 5743 chine, nl'f'd bAdly duE> tn lllnM!s throuch Ntw'S-nme. ada . fll ·tfc In famJiy. Phone Harbor 2031 63-4tc WING SANG BOAT & REPAIR YARD 811 Cout Highway 101 .,.__Mit ''' ..... = ........ ...... ,_ ... 8lile • Will Pay Cash For your turnlture or wbat have yow. Phone Beacon 5f\56. Craw. ley Furniture. 1812 N.wport Blvd .. eo.ta Mrsa. 48-tfc f"111lN'''''t1 FOR I'JALE ~ It FOH SALF. -WO-Ib caparity LMnnrd r~'frl&:l'f'lltor. ltNi~. drn· '""· chain nnd tahlf'l, etc.: aood ron!;lltlon; priVIlt<' ownrr. :no Lindo 1\vp, continuation of :.XH:t." 6.:'\-4!1 o· fiHi t~:R N(IW' P -1 I , ~nowlunl~ 1•nll ~tRrhwolll l><•h11•ry thl~ fnll ('rm<~trUI'I•·tl I 00 M a.1Jl 8 L. O&l.boa ''IlK Ma.r1nt', HaJboa lllancl 9C·lte t'Oil RF.NT 41 Ill dry IH)Il f t'o•tlllr nnrl '''"'' CT.\It.\\,1-: rr11 om (tor rr·nt f fHft111f r.-. It• spru<'r Oron7t• ftttongs tond Olst· JW\H.J 'I h•~lr'toiom hnnw '" n•T•' ·n11~ I~ fHtf II 11'0\\ f,ttiJif', h ilt lf f't•hJ tfU)t I 1 t• "'• II l•tlllt ""'' rl••1111 lllr•r•tt•ltnlll l't lt'r•tl 111 n "'·"' $xxnu :-./••WI•••• •n•l ull llo·lj.tlll• With II IIIII It•• $14CIU I .\fllPI.A!'II'M • Ft til ~A 1 .~: I 'Ioiii l'lpr•r f'uh: MW IIJO-Itr r h.-c·k Will 111.-cept c:er ,,. l rtlflt· In J\f\11Nm ~~7-W. ~2tp ln~tM. sltunl•·s~ ~IN•I rigl(tnt:~ ~--=~~-~-:-:-:--:----Wf ArtF. JJF:RJ' 1'() Sli:ftVF: y()tJ Plllntrct In ~uit Trtulrr~. ltt~:tl I·T II "'IS III-:11 lflti 'SI. (ur rt•llt. • •. • • • • ('t'ojtln r•u\lt•ro; nnd llnlls AVIIIIIIhlr• for S• ,,, ,,, .fun•· ...;, •. "I r,w~· So •• Mr t111 Fl 1ft ~ALto: -N..w F.rrouP", I lll•rttnl'll~. r.Jnhr SwtJt' ntl(tlt ln- thrst hmttll only Duvis IIIIIc-h. Shorr I 1r11 r, lor·!\~"''" I; 7 J1 '" 219 MaS<nnlla Avo•. Mr~<R "''"' r,·, :lip Co, 1R.'l Nc>WJMort Olvd . ('r>~~t" ~Min. (lpc>n S11nday J'hllnt· lk ncon ~)$(8:5. r.;,.4!tt• BOATS F'tl< ltJ-:NT lh 111,. "'•·•k '"'' I• rlroom furnt,ht rl ''""" I 'nr-"11·• df'l Mur :-.;r~r l;•nrh, Sf'pl 111ol v. l'hllfl" II tmlllll' '"'' ll•·lld t :l<IR.I. li'i· lfr• MOT OR READY T 0 G 0 W.\Nftl) TO Kt:HT Take IIWily-Juat a r.-w dA)'II aftrr you order- 1-Your chol('(! or any of our bo111~ .tA to 14 ft I, msd,. of II~Chl tough, wstrrproof Jllywood with 2 An .-xtra f'fficlent 1"' h p In- board mt>tor ln~tftlled and l-A 1)8trntrd "F11•xldrlw•" n rxl· bll' shaft-propeller unit lprtJ· prll,.r All'ffl 1108t. )lfta up In br11rhlng hoat). C'omplf'll', f'l.'ady to ahovr t ft. at tht'lc typical pri<Tt~: 10 rt ak1ft .. t2fl2 12 fl 11klff ~~I lwhllc our atock luul WATSON -BOATS - \\'A~n:n !-:tnralt•' 'I'll"'' tor ll•tolng IC' ur. :--.;,." 1••rt :trt•n \\rill' n''" (', "'" N•·W• Tnn<·~ (;-•. lip \\'A"''fT.IJ TO 1.1-:AS~: I ror 'J \ t'ilrl, furnl~hr<J nr unfurn h••II'V' or apt Any ,,,,, ••. Ia ""wpm t nr ('011111 "'"'" dl~trlt-f' Will hiC II[' at Olio n ··z··n~·· Ph ~IIIII A """ 71).cli .... 114! flip \\'1 tltKl~C; \fiiT IIEJt nntl-;,);". •·1•1 ll(tn in "h•-•1 ''' trr "'' ••p•n~: H••m .,,.,,,.,, :.=:.~.t. IJf'lt'A~,,, u H nn!J 4:3(1 f'~•·11Jl B. A. NliRESON rtF. A I. F;.<;T A 1'1': ln~urlln('f• 11nd Buslf\1"11 Opportun.I Ura 19'72 Nt'WJ)fwt Blv4., OMit• Mrsa 1);-, ,,. AT C'OitrJNA OEI. MAlt Th n ·«· Bt·auti ful J..-,t."' Nt•ar Oc('an B«·autiful J.'ot N••r•r l·•~t•lffl•·•· $Jf)00 I F.VA F. RHODEN 1 atrucllnn 11t ~k)lharbor, oM mO. WMII tm 191h at , Coeta M('N. 63-4tct 470 NtWJlurl nlvd . r.llllta Mea EI.TON BARNF."n' PF:R NF.J. r. OARNE'M' n rokM'II - T A KF. A JIOP owr the Jtarb1w .,,."· J2 on: alto nytnr tnemao. tlnn. Cnrnprtrnt n -A/13 a... atructon. .Alto ~alen f• .AeronrA aM thfo new liobe "Swltt" pi anN. , Come t4 N .... port S.y Sky lfart»or, C1M m1Je Ph. IW'11ron :'171:l·R ,w,..t of C.O.ta MMta on 19th lt. 6.'\-ll(' • •ttc •Atrroe wAiftiD • WE NEED LATE MODEL CARS and Wtll Pay Top Prices SELL YOUR CAR NOW While Prbtt are HI-"' Phone foe our CDD'tloul bu~f wbo wW call and edvt. you recw•-. OPA Jlll\datbw. ~ ...-and arruwt .. detllll ~LBERTSON CNINaOLM" CO., Inc. ............... ., ...... -n· 6th St .. Balhoa. 65-<ttp 611 "Small Boat Hdqn." (',out Hlway Beacon ~77] W,\:-.rrF:O 'N) RF:NT t•qrnlllh<•d hooaac for vhool term ffrr ,,.~t·h· l'r a.n(l hr·r mt)th.-r, w••ulll lllw lll.rlf' llvtn.: room fur pla~o ('toll Jlubnr 23. f\:\.-ttr W. J, I fl ll..f'flMO C'orOnll 11.-1 Mu "Whnr lhf' Flap Fly" a. .......... c= ......... ' ··-a...n~.~ ..... •a-.• ....... om. ClarltUQ)'-a...,.. • uta. 90-tfc fi.\-:.tfc W:: .29.!. _.. .... ---. -- • CclroDa del Mar Malt Shop tnaa...-..-~ • Old falhlciMd malta •• -juat tbia. Mary DUIIhllra fonlwJo for octMe¥1"' the ••qulslte ............ of the Deotonahl. · COfllpl .. ion It baaed • her fa•ovs Devortahlre Sldn Preponrtlona. U.. theM f,..ty In otl the!r tleouty tMno purity. fratrant 01 the raht--ahe4 olr of Deotonahlre hllla, ~her .,. e11 lndlef*'toW. oW to Aowtett lo¥elineu. • +ha.....c.-.•.-w .. ,.._,....___ .... \ ... -~.._,.._ .. _ ... ,... ...... , ... $2~1 81 ¢' ... Letlea. A ........... ,.. .. -., ........ ,.,eM_.,. ..... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 11.00,$2.00 •. *'. ,_ c.-. Dellclevtly _... ... -·'-' ....... ...... • • ......_ .._.._fat.,.,... • · • , 11.00 .. $4.7S ...... _ ~ ... 8J"'ll'ftl·-·••a Ia IIMiaA.a ww••·rwm•s •eet ...... ZT Social Eve for Fellowship Class Th<' F<'llowshlp class of Christ Olur;ch by lh<' Su Jn('t at Uw 1 homf.' of Mr. 11nd Mrs. Stcph<on Wt'attwrford, 3:.!:.! Alvor ado Place. I for 11 pot lurk dinnt•r F'riday ('\'('-1 , ning. Mt·s. Wt•tttlwrford Is prt'Si· ckont o( thP dau. William 1-.:St('S ronductl'd Dihl<' .:am('s and Miu t:lak> N(·wland d.J· rt'Cted a local "Who's Who" qiM'II· llonnalrP, ttwn utr•ndf-d it to Biblt> charact<'n. '!'Wt')V(' Jn('mbl'n W('T(' prelftlf and two eucttl. Mrs. Addi(' W al· Ia('(> of Girard. Kan.. who ill tM d.aueht<'T ot Mr. and Mrs. Wt'ath- mord and Mrs. Ann Humphfty ol Co\1ncton, Ky., guest of Mr. and Mrs. Eates. Placentia Bride-Elect Honored at Recent Events Including Saturday Buffet Supper Walter Tangpman ot POir¥Wla Ia at th<' Tan~:eman cottact', Z7th t lrC'f't, thla -k. OMlo&in& lht' t'\'t>nln.: of the Tournament ol Uahts w1th •ts ~eant:ry ot wat<'r -bornt' n 0111' 81 an opportwv time, Olarl" Tuf- f~ entt'rt.alnt'd with a cncktail party a.nd bulf~t IUPPf'r honormg his alster Joyct>, whollt' marnal(e to Lfonard JCJII('ph Doyl~ Jr of lnd•vidl4411ty fcw th~ "M ochCT·to·bc • -• If w~ do not h.av~ If, w~ ~~ If, you u~· 'Don~rie Shoppe aaaN ..... a ...__ Yur ~~~· Linda win tak<' place Fri- day. St>pt. 6 In St. ~niface Cathnltt· church, Anahl'im. The bridl··l'll'<'t is the dau~othtl'r of Mr. and Mrs. S Jamc>s Tuffrf'c of Pla- cc>ntoa and Balboa. ml'mbt-rs of one of t )T!In~ote rounty's I>Mt·known ptonN>r f11milii'S . ASJI('mbh>d 111 tht> Tul!rl'e horne, 1101 WC'IIt Central avenue, were 0A\1d L.yppa or Placentia : Mr. and Mrs. Robt-r1 Phillips, La Habra: J am<'l Helm, Nc.>w York: Bob Rollon. San J 05<'; Mr. and Mrs. Wollhtm Brenna n, Loa Angeles; I Mr. and Mrs. William Watson, Mr. and Mrs. William KarnmeTer, Barbara Lang, Bob Seamans, Buck 1 RrU('(>, Fullt>rton: Mr. and Mrs. I' c.-rard Callt>na. Jt>ann(' Robinson, Betty Platt, Maxine Hillyard, Ro- 1 Wl'na Yorba. Bob Steele, Bill Sex- 1 ton. Santa Ana : Dextra and Anne ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Baldwin of San Marino: Barbara Smith. Mart>n Jorltmsen. Barbara t Locke and h('r rlance, Allen Nicol of thf.' USN. Harrison Kelly, John J orgensen. Pasadena: Pc.>ggy Cub- NBW LINE Craft Greeting Cards ' st.ao..., 1 Brookings Variety .. .,_ ....,_ 0... ... - ~--.,~--- NEEDLEPOINTER • Rue Yam ud Featuring Columbia and • Crochet '~'brad~ Bernat Yarns Free KDJ«iq Inst:mctlon - COSTA MESA CJinal elearance..; CLOTHEs· FOR ·rllll g%fiec14111 QJ/o/JeA In, Denver: Mary Al iCE' Allen and ,...---------------: DRASTICALLY REOU_CED • I ,,.. N...,..,. Jtoul,_., a...w. c.JtiOfWM . . , Fall Come• To Balboa and Costa Meaa Fall Showing Now At Both Store• .. ~ 806 fast Cfttr.J Aw-, ~ C.lifcmta. -H•rilor 8H David MPinlkon, San Francisco: Mhto; TuffrPI.' and Mr. Doyl<'. On Fndll)', Mrs. Emi'St Ganahl ond her daughtl'r Pc.>ggy compli- fTl('ntPd Joyce with a luncheon and kllrht'n ahowt>r. in th('ir home on North Cl<'m<'ntuw strf'C.'t, Anllhl'im. Mrs ·n,rrr('(' nnd Mrs. Doyl<' Wl're inrludt'd on 1 hf' JtUI'St li~t with NeldA nnd F:lainr S...humacher and Jan<'t Po"t'r, Anaht•tm; Joann<' Krat'm<'r, Mnr~tar<'l Jt'an Bradford ''"d Shtrlry Smith. Pla('('ntia; Mar('n Jorgt>nsf.'n and Barbara Lockt>. Pall8dt'na and otht>r friends. Another affair wu th<' luncheon And ahower at Balhoa Yacht club wh<'n Mlu Janet Power of Ana- hf'im and Balboa <'nt('rtalned for Joyet', guH ts IX'Ing former school· mAtt'S at Anoakht. achool. Flint- ridge. Pr('S('nt wrr(' lktty Dunn and Carolyn Clock of Long Beach; Maren Jorgenl<'n and Barbara S mith of Pasadt>na: Mar)' Carlc.>ton or L8guna lkach and Peggy Kal· tf'nborn or l.u V<"gaa. , RMerved , Seat. $%.40 a $1.80 (.; Tax Incl. :l • Gryphon Productions' ;I Cal ·, ~·~· PlAYWOUS~ o<l u: ,, X • Guy Madison 0 :z: 2 --c Starrl~ ill ~ , .J 'Dear Ruth' ~ 0 It; c .. :z: - 0 Opens Tonight n .... '"I ... Thru Aiapst 25th ... lJ 0 -Cast Includes z ... Q fll c Barbara Whiting ..: (ol 'Junior Mlss') t" ,. llo Barbara Brown :l (of 'Janie' Pictures) d :z: z c Umited SNtinc Capadty ,. = ReRrved Seats llo A va11able at Gl ... BLUE SAILS l'f • ,. 0 BOOK SHOP :') .......... .,. ~ Or ........... , lMapd ·by ~ llel ...... ./ Pboae BeaOOII 5824 Newport a 0o.ta Mesa CAB CO. 24-BOCIJ' Servlcle The -l "Bobby" Bob and Sally Brown Mostly Half Prlct> or ~ .. Dresses, Suits, Separate Jackeli Play Clothes, House Coatl All SALES P'INAL AnTICIPATI00 SHOPS Bobby 129 West Third St. Long Beach ..._116-M Shop Cost CLEARANCE. ·sALE Infants' and Children's . APPAREL ~ 711 East Central, Balboa "Pirate Days" -· September 5, 6, 7 and 8 -----