HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-08-27 - Newport Balboa News Times1 Tlf SAND CRAB ., SAM WI!! NOT! Been carefully reading the pro and con a..rguments about Colorado river water and believe the antis are putting the dollar ahead of progress. Folks, we must ALWAYS stand for advancement -to go back- ward is a sure s1gn ot decay and a retwn to the desert. When the Colorado river was fi rst voted the board or directors S9Ught to persuade ~e city council to come in at a cost of $20,000 annually. Then as now the News- Times advocated acceptant.'C but the men in Lootrol, then as now, clain1ed there was enough water in the wells to last the city for years; that aU the aqua flQwing in the Santa Ana river had to · reach the ocean and would thus kL't"'P our wells fillE'd. TI1osc of us still in the land of the living have seen our wate&· levels dropping. dropping -nobody e>.lJl.'ClL'C.l the famlS and towns in the back countr y would be inter- ested in taking the watel' lJe.. fore it r't'achL'<i the <><-ean, yet that is what has hap- pened. U you are going to be plagued about the expense you may as well make up your mind to move into a community that has ample rainfall. because if you tail to vote for more water you will have to move anyhow, because this area will revert to its semi-arid condition, and no Coolin~. None of us want to pay for things we · don't need, but, brother. if you intend to see this com- munity grow you had better begin d.i~ in your jeans! You have been getting your cake these last few years; if you're going to keep eatin~ it, buy the f lour! • + + Mexico Prioes. Since an article rcccnUy in the News- Times deploring high pl'it-es 1n Mexico City, friends who have ~ there, along with the Crabber, have been pro- testing. Roy Wendell of Costa Mesa, just back from down Mexico way, says meals cost from $3.00 to $6.00; hotels around $20.00 a day; beer 80 cents; whisky and soda $6.00. etc. etc. Roy should remember that the ratio is about 5 to 1 and a $6.00 meal in pesos is about $1.25 in U. S. money. the same proportion extending to othet· prices. 'Tis true that in the old days befor-e the war, one could gel a most enjoyabye dinner at Sanboms Cor about 75 cents 1n American coin and ac- commodations at The Re· fonna for about $3.00 a day, but Mexico has been having its problems too, yet the prices are not at aJI unreas- ' onable and tourists can live as cheaply there as at home. All you need do is check the costs chargt.'<i by the travel bureaus and you will find average rates pt-evailing . • • • Telephone8. Was getting p retty well riled up over the fascinating (? J telephone service (rendered is tight) 10 decided to talk to wonied Manager McDonald and am more or less appeased until his company can catch up with 1:.:!~ pet. twnover'in op- erators: mtllions of shorts m wire, sets. c:able. etcotera; 800 people in the harbor area clamoring for phones, so will not tell wh~t l think about some girls who give you the run-around tor live minutes or so before aJll>'\\'er· ing; try not to become pro- fane or toss the damn thing on the floor. J!t fact I'm g~ 1ng to be so lady-like that no phone gal can compete with my duloot voice. + + + Plrat.e Days. Those BaJ. boens are sure brigands in fOI'dng all and sundry males to look Hke desert rats pend- ing the big event 1n early Septemt)er. Just why feUows like Herb Kenny. Safewa)' Blower, Bob Brown. Cafe Johnson. etc. are allowed to remain at ~e for 10 long a period, is one reuon wh)' balboa never pennlta beep to arow on its chin. So hail to Pirate Days next month. We Have Our Harbor··· Now Let's Get Water VOLUIIK DXV111 NE"'POIIT BEAm. C (UF()RSIA, Tt'F~ocU,\\', AI'Cli 'MT tl. tH• ' Weei&IJ Newepa,.r .._.._A .... ... ol Marine Planes Collide Over El T Oro ·Ba U. S.INDICTS ' fire levels FIVE LOCAL . Sloop Winola FISHERMEN Off Harbor Upstate Coast Group Plans Harbor Visit ('ot'RT RELF.AI'F.!-4 MARINF. HS ISJ;tWnnr.s.r PROot· f'RODU('EO I N C'AR CAME Arthur R. Walliams. master Marinr ~l'rgt>ant lllalaonl'd at thr F:l Tntn Marini' h11Sf' In Santa Ana, "~~~ dl'<'lart'd not guilty on charges or drunken drivlnl! hy Clly Judge Rol~t•rt Gardm'r In Nl'wport Beach rlty court Satur day mornang Thl' complaint was lodged ngalnst Williams on August 17, the nl~tht or thr Tournamf'nt of Lights, and was 1 he rl'1!ul t of 11 traffic mixup on crowdl'd Central avenue. In Judl[r Glll'dnt'r'a opinion. the prO!'M'Utlon falled to prove ttl<' al· II'Rillion and Williams. who con· durt•'d his own dl'fense. wa.a ad· judgt'd not JO:Uilty Kiwanis Election An elK'tion of offlcen for thfo 1946-47 term will h<' M-Id by the C'.o~ta MC'IIa·N-port Harbor Kl· wanla club thla Friday noon. ~ will not tx> a apeakn for ~ lunch- f'«< meeUnc thJa wwk. G 0 p-Honor FISHERMII Planned for RESCUES John Phil6ps AVIIYOI A dive Member of Serious Fire Hazard Here Within the put three weeks three harbor boats have been clelltroyed by fire and yet the dty does not have adequate w a- terfront flre..f\&ht.lng apparatus to ewn lt\ake an effort t o ex- Unaulah the conf'lqnltion in time to save the boats from total detrtructioo. Information has reached the NewlY Timcs that when a boat owner uked a dty o(flcial what was he to do to prot«t h.la boat from fire, be was told to take out m ore trwurance. Tbere rnay be no truth ln this statement, but ~the story is being l!pft8d as authentic. Ills both tbe duty ot the county haJi)or commission as welJ as of the dty ot Newport Beech to provide adequate waterfront n~ ftchtlng equipment ror 'this harbor., The..;re are millions or dol- lara worth o( craft as w ell u vaJuabl~ homes a lo ng the bay that lhould h ave better rlre protection from h arbor <.:onflag- raUons. ln these times of building material scarcitit'S, it would not pay a nyone to invest more m oney in lmmrnnl't'. if be cannot rebuild a ruined house o r build a new on<' afl.cr aparks from a tMming boat have !tel the o lrl one a fire. ~ county harbor commission has done its part by ad· vanclng a sizeable sum o r money roc its share in tile ~ha.~· ~a reliable fireboat for Nl'WJ)Ort harbor. Now it is up to th€' dty ot Newport Beec h to advance its share o f tha t ('()f>t , nnd tbe quicker municipal offidals initittle tha t ste p a nd o rdt•r thla nre protection the better it will be fo r Newport llarbor's JnlWon dollar boat industry. A municipality s hould not havt' to walt lone to get fire equipment, becalJS(> even tile federnJ pernment would go out of ita way to S('t" t o it tha t no ob- aiadea would be placed ln the paUl of a ny waterfront com- munity that needs better fire protection than it now has t o ftcht boat tlres. This is a very llf'riOUS situation. Fi~ fi~otht­ tDcequlpment holds equallmpor1ance w ith ~e net."<~ for fresh ..-·-.applies. Witll all the good w a ter hindy fo r fighting &.. you will stUI need a good pumping outfit to carry it to the ~ ot a confiagraUon. Let's do sornettiing a bout this lhuatlon NOW, not tomorrow or th~ day aftet~·ard. It's im- portant enough ror the city council to call a SJX'dal rn<'ctlng far tbe Immediate appropriation oC its share of the rtreboot ClOUt and for tile initiating of a purchase order for lht' equlp- IDIDt tt.elt. Ills our ee.metrt hope tlla t Mayor Reed will ''all dill meeting. Tomorrow rnay cause the lire or a nother har· bor boat. e I RISE TO REMARK liON. l OllS PIIILLlP8 Soft Answers Tu uti do·ll\t·r} mf'n there comr I IIIII'' "h••O II IS \ ••ry ht1rd In t • 1111n '''''' Hll~"•'r Nnw untl Th.tl \\.oil 11 hArd j.11t 1 so•l fur II • n II t'll''"""'r t':tn lH' I·Xtr<'Oit'l} Ill)'' 1r. In l ht~ "N•k's rnlumn It lllllooltnl: Hut ·• drivf'r wit h an~ rc Ollrld~ lllo n( till' fO'Itnihnr IJIIO• '''pr·rfi'OI"I' :11 llfl knoWS that lho tnll"n lr·oom PHICal. "I hl:l\1' madr !J"" ko·'t ''••> h i l1r101( suc-h 111n tn 1111~ IPIIo•r loon~;o•r 1h11n usuul IN'· "'' ""' ol '" hts <lr tlt'r so•nJws Is '" I'I<IJ"'' I II•C'k tho t niH• IO mak•• 1t 1 • 111:11n n olrn :uul l'c)llo•Citod nod to ,h .. rt•·r " pr:~•·tto • tl r Ill most JlBIIPnr·t' and About 10,1.1011 bill~. und impllrl· t'lttn-ln\ :till r•..,olution•. ur<' 1ntr011u,.._-d in 1.\ttlo•utl\ •>ur o·lrtvt•n hi:IYt' lw- 11 '<o'M•H.m 1,r th(• C'•m~:n·ss. 1 llll\'e' t•omf' •1111"' '"'o'''' at handlin.11: auch '"'''l'r ltKIIrt-d tlo1w rnnny nn· r·usltllll•·r-. lor "'" occasionally re• flloSIIr·d. nor what flroporlloms of e•o•l\'t• l..tt••r» :wol ('lllls commendtn~ tlolfl fllll'l'lhe>r ,.~ C'follllni'. Ttw f.llf· rrlt!rnllo•r.s ul uur ur~tu.nlzatlon to• ft'ri'OI'<', ro•pro•so•nttng tho' htiiA nf tht•tr ...,.lf-rustrulnl intt•r1•51 In t hl> tolkll 111 llfonlt', sttll Th•· otlwr rlay a NI'W York Cit) lt•u\'1'8 u list Inn Inns:: for tho~ "'""""' o•~tllt•fl In to f'Xplaln ho" "t'l'k, without t'lll't'(ul ('\Jilin~. qowr) ~11•' \\AS that her huabanll l·:wn thdi. tht• bill of .:ro•u h·st tn· ltarl "lllo1wn his top." ll'rt•SI tv ""'' IK'Ctlon. or po•rson, Jq "You ~<'f'," said tht' ~rturbNI I•~• Important to AIJOihi'r so•<'liun w 1ft•. · nl)' hushand ·has a terrlltlto nr tnrllviduttl. This wo•o•k, 1 ~hall tl'nl(.tf'r: so "'h(•n somNhlng I had takt' nnly lhC' bills h..C .. re one or ll(llll:ht rnr htm htlll'd to arrlv.-tw my own commodltu.>s. 1 Rot hot and told ocr ybur man • Tht' Ito~ Commlttl'(' on A~rt· Whl'n hi' dtsrovt•rl.'d the purchaSe" N II Urt' had ~ billa rrh•rrr-d to tl: w;1s madt· at 11 store you don't mort' than 30 or whirh w .. re e,n· ,.,l'rH' he f.-It hadly and uk.d m•• ar tt'<l Into law A rew w<'r" on to •·a ll up and t•xpla ln how aorr) Sfonal<' or lloUA<' calt>ndurs HI th:· h,. Wll!!. so 1 hopt' you'll t.-11 your monwnt of lldjournl)'wnt, so I tHn I 1n11n He N'rtainly acted Uk.-o ~eivt' lhf' t•xat·t numlxor llfiS5t'<l' ~:o·ntlemao .. IIllO .. som<' ttre still on thr Pr€'S-Anolhl'r I'Xamplr c-ame to our ldf'nt • dMk. lor algoalurt· Thl'r<' allo•ntion throu.:h a lctter aent hl Wt're a ro•w. pasSfod loy llu• II•JU~· John David. mrn'5 atort', Nf'w hill not h}' thl' Scnall', and " fi'W Yurk and "hich rrad as follows · rl'poriC'd out ol lhf' commit lf'o', hut · no t J>UII('\.1 hy thr linus•· In lid· "It Is thl' purrl05l' or tht. lett•·r d illon, tht• rnmm1tt1-.. "'urke-d hard 10 stalt' that I "1J1h to apologiZ.l' on RCnrral mattr·rs, not rc•!iultin~: II• nno· or your drivers twhOSI' In lulls. tnr ,.,.0 mp1o•, th\' ""'"I namr I clo not knowl and to com· ffN>Ii 8ttuution. ond ton llj)l•t'lflr mo•nd him In Yt•u as the sort 1>f lllo(rtl'llltur~ol mmrno~lllil'~o l'mployf' llkt•ly to add to your o"n Yuu t'llO pwk IIIII }oHlr nW'l rt'IHII.tiHm in tho• t'ummunlty. dwlt•••. lur No. I 11111, hut I t hink "T1w m1111 in qu£•stion dellvt'rrd I'd ~o•lt•o·t tit•• ~o•tiHtL: up I)( a n •· a ~!HI of rlotlh'<~ to m(· from JClhn IWIIrt'lt llflmm"trul!l•ll Ulldo•r tho• l /11\111 rot ah.,tll !'1..1~> lt. m. Slllllr· l>C'purtmr·nt (lf t\~o:rwlllturr Thnl ·~ rl~ty ;\pnl :.JH. I lrtl't my tempt·r IH't'll 1111 ""'''C'Io\o• .. r IIIIIIC' tnr hrriiU~I' of II nu•llokt> or my own )'Pill' tho· ~1,.1 •· ""''"''''~ 1.:1<\'o• \\ ludt I t hnu~:ltt 111 forst WBI hts, 1111• 11n into-r11n t'lllltllltlto·•· 111 \\ork an•l ~~~·k•• '" h•m on n mannt'r of n11 11 111 l!l:lli II Ifill• \1 ,\HKFT· \\hll'h I 11m \f'r} triUt'h :<shamrd l Nf; n·~•·rtrt'h "n tho• ''"''" ... ,.,., 1os l'llCII•t '( •ntt' '' "':ttdt. tn \\ltwh 1111, o'olltn lt) .,t,. Hh lt•ltol• Tlw Ioli i pro\ tff,., '"1'1"" I looc "''" C'nnuntt(lltll'' c· .• hl•ttruu ttJt,. It "f"•r'lool II• ''"''II" nt t .. r 1111~ 1ol· l l'htl~ '11u• t-•111 m ~~ n u II\' t\lln11nl,tr'to- 1lnn '"" rt'f•t 1:111111• ol 11nd "lo·~ of· 1/1'11 llllol ft,I(J ll' '"' lolftl'fll' ldt•otS 11ro•ll) \\o ·ll "'l"'''''''d 11111 II 1N•- Nimo·S tlw "''" 11"'" llnnto 1\llnun· istrroltfln ·nw Ao'hou1 lllnt•h pro- ~o:rnrn \\ a• '11111 lOll• ol Tlu• \\ltrk nl lho• ,.j-;\1•'11''"" :-;, n l<'o• \\ .• ~ \\ otlo·n· o'(l 'rht• t-··~l••rul l'urm lo<o.tn AC'I was nn11'ncl•od \\'t• fH'II II \1°1'.\ 111\fiOflltnl ft1ll. II .. 'Althuogh I lofii>IOI:"•·d Ill tho• tinw I Wl~h In mnko· this addo•d llflOinJ.:y ~to that tilt' drivl'r Chn ""''' prnr-r ,.,.,.dtt "''" lhr corn· I'·"'Y· IN•o'.tlf"' h•• ~·o•rlamly hehuvf'cf "orh dt,;noty :;no I ro'lt lr:11nl and 111 n manno·r fu ro·IIN'I •·ro•dtl Uptrn 1 lwm I ""'"' ~ 011 "ttl 1•·1 him kntt\\ !IIlii hi~ illlllllllo• "ll~ loppro·CIIlh•d " 'llw P tt'k·l'p Color Pictures Is Hobby of Ad Man in Balboa m) "1'1111"11• "lu•n 1 ht• So•rwt•• (·,,for fthnloL:rloph\ ·~ :o llpt'('lal· wnulo1 nul p11s• l'llr l11ll (n ('IIIII· hmo· tho• frorrn lo•nclrnj! .o~:o•no•u-s 1111• 11''11 hol•lt~ "tth Rotu•rl I l)()yl(' "' clo•r ront· llrlmlnt~luo tl\o• c• .. mmls· :.IO:l'o 1-. ~t:\tlt 'tro·l'l Oa l"''" slun 'f'hlll "Ill 1•1101,. up n~:run n .. xt Tlftylr•. "hn i~ tuh o·rltsln.,; tnnnRs;:o•r Yl'llr W~· lOIII lito• Itt! I protf•rtlns:: fnr \olllflfl·llnlto•, lrtr • 1 \ nwood, •l"'l'JHII•t• '" tlw o·un•lt lll'l ir>n of liS tt,:t/ltOSI o11lll!fllrlj,! shrp'• ~:ar· lllll>l'if' lulllso·s. h11l\ ~nltl "'''l"ral lon~;o·. and th•' "IH' rn nrno•nel llw r .. lor IHt'lttr'o•s In 11,.. tr'"'" Mnrko•ltnJ: A~trt't•nwnls A<'t. St•\'· t\ ~unno•r ""tlh lito· ~:l).!hth Air l't lll wllrlllfo;o lu ll~ pns~cod, Ttwn• l"torro•s durin~ 1 11,. l:t~l I'IIOIJU.'I, wrrc> hills ron ('nil ('Ill und tolonc-c-o. f){t.\ 1,.. i~ llw 1111,1ttonll ,.1 l'lll'rnl' Soli conlll'r\'nltlon pr .. ..:r>un;~ •trc• n •· Fors~ 111, ... r l'lllshur~:h, 1•.1 • host· n •tvlns:: lnrrrro~ln~o: lnlt·rc·!ll nnd •'!'" ·,., I hi' Balhflll t•::;o cluh llrr ~upport Ttt.• prnh11'm o)f 1\to·xicnn '" t h• I . I\\ 1111: Fttr<\ I ht•, ·~ 1'\I'('U· Raaaia Must Understand !~thor "II• with l.l~ nil )ear. '"'' o•n..:lltl'o•r '" ''"' l'rllrt• dl· Thl' 111/trko•ttns:: ~uhrommillf'l• , i~i .. n ol lltt• llr.o\oo f't•qwtr;1t t{tfl. h1111 lnstnn·to•d liS !lluf_f to !'l udy 1 nno• nf tho· 111 l ol~;~;o·<.t o•rtlo·rptt<~l'lt f v J Da fo•rfllt7t'r prohiC'OI!C thl!l !IUmmrr in t\rrtl'riC:l IJf' 1~ Oil\\' ltl J.t'Jf l\fC', ~ 14 was no t only the first anniversary 0 -y And r{'f'll.trl 10 Januury Your C'em-, Fr:tnN'. (10 l•u~tn(·C~ •llut It Al8o happened to be the date In 1941 when, following J,lrf'S.<~nwn """~ 11hlo• n•r .. ntl)' to ll<•)lo• al!<l\ 1~ !<ro·r••t'lry of lltP tbelr ~ meeting at see, President Roosevelt and PrUne fllllko• II !1\\lll'h of ... rloltll'r with C'alifnmta Adt•ht' A<~n('l:tltnn .tnd decl . r UNRHt\. \\htl'h n('('(fl'd It lnh·r . liS Slll'h hr lt:t\1 •1• 11('1"1'"'" oily MJnWer Onu'ChUl lslued their joint arataon ° common Rnd J:•'l tl ft1r Snutho·rn \altform11,, rrnm Pnlm Spnnt.:' tn S.wra11,, nto prtndplet. on which they hoped a "better future world" would "h1•ro• tl I!' n('('(tl'd nnw You \\'ou1d nod hal'k A ntm1too r of 111tull(' be built. I'<' inh•rt•sh>d, 11ncl u~tnnisht'd, to hmlsf'S h!l\'(' ho·o·n tout II In t hr a&t on .N•m••t 14, 1946. only five y ears after that h istoric !Ill In your Wn~htn~:lnn < ·on~.:rrss·l sinh• and one• "It' o•r .. l'tNI In c ·o- -e-hmnl lt(flf"l' f<•r 11 WN'k, :onfl 5('C I n•na d••l Mnr rN·o·nt I) dlda.raUon, t.M Atlantic Charter, a s it was called. was all but thl' vnn r ty or prnhlrrns whkh J:O _ farautten. Even though the aims set forth In it W<'re adopted thrnus::h II Thnl wns only nnl' HOI'iE~T WHRKt:a by tbe United Nations when they first came Into being in ~mnll ltl'm A knitlinR ha~: luuml nn 101 T lw fli'Ohlt•ms or rmrily Wt'rl' I hlghwny hy l'o·flkl' tlrto·~u. 3110 ~ 1942, IIOIM oC theee nations represented at lM Pari!'! ronstnntly Wtlh us. nnd ~~iii II(', in· CC>IIS! hl'lulr\'hrrl, """'fWirt f\o•.tch ClCIDference act as IC they had fleV{'r h eard of tile Atlantic M'I'IUtln~:ly, nc•x1 III'SSion The• saml' Ctty stro•c•l dl'pllrtnwnl \\lll'kt•t. hna thin~t uppltr11 tn tho' drt'<•ptin• suJo.l tH'en turnl'd nvt'r Ill tho' fwlll<'P Thr OlaJ1er. "'dl<'l!'. nhoul which I writ<' Crc· bnJ: coniRinNt '"" ~"111 rho•f'k~. o 'Jbe old game Of powe r politics n ot only <'Ontinues but is 'llll'ntly Almost withnut e•xre•pllon,l wniiN nnd a hlolhtn~ !'till, !••Iter Wnc played eve n more ruth)('SS)y than aftE'r World W a r I. th1• Rl'J'lt~•st'nt••'"'I'S fn•m farrnin~ !'nld Freedom from rear. freedom from want, freedonl of nro•:u• HPJ)OSt• lhr~r ~~~h~HIII'S W t• _...., and 110 on. Noble! J.nsptrlng. ! But toda y there is rf'altLo• thAt . un1<'ll~ s1npJll'\.l !'II(IN. CITED f'CIR ~Pt:r.o ~· tho ·)' will hn\'l' to I~ nh~orht•d hy l s!<ll<'cl Jl(•lir'" ('lf :t lll•ns f11r <Jw• ct. IP'fttel' fear than ever due to til<> failure of Rq.--sia and tile thr rarmo·r ... ""'"h will b<-nt'ftt in~: this "'''''k \\rort· ,lu.m Aht'l' .Wf!lltenl nations to see eye to eye o n \'ital is.orues. Want h as nc•tthr·r tho· fnrmo·rs nor thr l'nn· Cnrhin nnrl Slunlo·y :\1 nouw.on of ~tumrrl' nnrl W (' rf'fiiS.' to he• pnr· Ralho11 l~l.oncl. '' "" ""l'' dll!n··•d been prol~. if not lntensifted. by tllis lmpa~c;e. The many til's to> nn llllJIOSitinn upon thr ml'n '"ht clttin~: 10 nr nhoro• on rlto .!5 CXJUDlJies wh<>re opposition to the gO\'('mmf'nt rla re not lK' and \\t>lllo'll \\Ill' \\o•rr 11\\IIY fll:hl· 11r mnro• ltmtlrtl t'tly '""'' l'ntl.tn voiced ridicules fl'f'E'Oom Of h~h. Jn).! tftl" \\or fnr II~. •'r tlwir rhil· Will ,:<•1 II hl':trtnl: !'nltlrtl.o~ 1•1111· I • ...t tJook. A I t t J · tlrl'n. "hn rt'llrt'~to•nl I ho• J:• ncor-cnn \1 ttl Ito• 11r1 II).!Oo•ll \lool!l f " . t s not a n en<'Ollnt"'.n~ ou · n< Y<' • n o on Y 10 fll111n~ 11• "hom ttw lull "til hr 'Illite ot the OUtiO?k, bUf l~"nU.<;(.' o r it. Wl' must •WOrk hardC'r 'huntldJ f11r flll~ mo•rtf I no•l flit f,1 1\lllf.l: 011om:oJ~ lool fo L'l~• thanevertoronvmceRus:saathath<>r safe t yas\\t:'IJ as thnt of ·n"'"' ,,r,. h to•\\ nr the hill!' lntl\o' puq_.,,__Ic:,. 1h.11 l'••nt:t·'s tM world can come only through full COOpc.'ration with otller f'H~··o;l fho•rt• l\l'n' lollS or ullll'r'< cfl'd;or••tl rh.ll r ........ ., \\1 I• . ol>'rl• • ns )o•u 1'1111 ,,., • .lu-1 us tho• Cnh· cultur•'' 01nt1 "''' untlo-r tho Jlll t<~· Datlonl. fttrnia l o< t::l~llllllro•, \\IWn I WAS rltrluon ttf tho• I •rp.orln\1'111 ,.f the It is not easy. nor t:'Vcn pleasant. But it must b«; donf'. th<'n'. dt•l·l"n•rl thnt l~<'nrs "'''r(' Ynlo'l'"r U we succeed even in a d<>gn-e the w orld will bene fit greatly . ------ Editorial ThoughtR · --~-- ~Othiiii sucoeedS Ilk~ su<'<'t'Ss~But f a ilure ~~ 8s oftat, --§-- Moat th.lnp that are clone well are clone with exactness. --~- ~ pluck. Let the other fellow trust to luck . ---~--- A talndred )'MtS cannot repair a moment's loss of honor. YOUR HEALTH WITH NOW-'Round the Island Ferry 1:10 A. M. TO 11 P. M. South ~~. B&Jboll Yacht Club, East Bay, Rlchard.~on's. £vi\I\S', VIlla Msrina, 8hlelds', BaJboa Yacht Basin. Beacon Bay, Harbor laland and South Bay: Hall from any dock or nOI\t. BALBOA ISLAND FERRY IIAIUIOil 1!-W C.mplete Fountain -Service at HANSEN'S -. 1100 (keu f'rollt ' NOW OPEN EVENINGS 11.\Lft • SANDWIOIID • JI.UIBU80D18 I ... <JnMa to~ o.t Newport Harbor Fishing News KelealiH by Sportfishing Assn. of Newport Harbor Nm\'!('('n 11wordflah hovP IX'Cn Cuh·cr Anothl'r Clllf' or this same !'loUI!hl hy ftshl'rme•n out or :'\o•W· Wt!lght w as l'aU~t:ht by Or C M. l•lrl llnri.Nor 'fllt' run rC'ally ~ot &'i'bt>, in c•nc hour :.11) minuh•ll on undt•f\\ftY lilts "t .. ·k . \o\tth un aYt'r· hca,•y t;wkl<' frnrn uhnard th<' o~;t• or three• hclng hnou~:ht m eac-h L>orothy J::lain<' 11. wtth sk1pper •boy Pt•rc MIU'plt'S at tht• w lwcl. \ PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY AOOOUNTANT Book-keeping Service COLIN F. BROWN ( lla.rtlor 16&4) ' Ill Marlae Ave., Balboa bl. PBY81CIAN8 -8\J&OI:ONS. D.O. Dr. W. T. Mdoney Pbyaldaa ucJ &upo. S v.·ordfishlng should COillinue 1 Tuesday, Aug 20. saw two mar· l:tl(l(l untll latl' in Octollt'r, With I lin land(·d. A 1R6-poundo·r Will r---,---8--W--B-Y_T_E---. PIUSIOI.Ur8 a euaOII)()NS, .... tht• t·ntirl' N('wpurt llarhnr sword· cHu~ht hy T. F Wilson In ont' • • ftshing fii'C·I a t st•a pl'act ically I hour Cl:.t on ht•avy tackle from •• U::.S .. w ,..!;' o=:"..!..utT ,.,_ o•\'t•ry day, thti total cau~eht shoult1 1 Rll(lard the J anice with skli)JX'r Gl7 n..>an-t 1o .....,_, aU.u u I'On1Jl81"<' favorahly with last Y<'ll r. C. C. McDonald. A 153-pounder _,. wJU. '-tu ... _... l 'ntll this run i tartt•d , the fishcr· wus caught by Ralph E . L11rrabce, =~iNo1~ A. V. Andrews, M.D. PIIYIIOIAN ... 11111110110N rnt·n wct-e dtsiHWiloncd and we.rc in 15 mlnutoa, on twavy tackle -.... ...,_ ~ • .,_ ._ h~tlf·I'Xpe<:tlng a bad year. Many from tht· Amtga, skippered by ,_ ...._ ..., ll()llts t un day aftt'r day without Mick Frawley. Ul O..t lllcta"1l7· ....,._ .. Ooroaa del..., luck until now. It hasn't bc<>n dt'tc.>rminl.od why • Todll.)' saw thrt't' marlin landed. a ll the fiaherm<'n arc using h.-avy t\ 191·()0Und marlin Was Caught tack)(' inJit'ad Of SOffit' Of thr r gU· hy Dr. C. M. lk-ebe In two hoUtS l latlon llghll'r varirty, unless flfti'<'n mlnutt>S on hPavy t ackle arp a rra.ld or the fish. Many sports· from aboard the DoroU;y Elainl' mm a re waiting to hear of one • Ill aklppeored by Perc Marplrs. lng caught ..by 11 thr«!·slx llaher· Thla Is _the IN'<'Ond marlin for the man, or at least Onl' using light doctor, as he landed one August 21 tackl<'. A 30-pound blue fin tuna also. A 14.2-pound marlin wu was caught on a thl"l'ii·IIX outfit ruught by Guy 1'. Burroughs on by Fre-d L. Phinney from aboard ht•llvy tackle In 51 minutes from the boat Coualns out of Newport oboard tht' Tight Uncs sklpperl.'d llarhor. which took 30 m inutes to by M L. DeGrasse. This is t he land. The f11h was caught about St'COnd one that Skipper Dt-Grassc five miles oU Church Rock on hns brought ln. A 149-pound mar · the eAst end or Catalina. tin was caught by Harry M. Brown A OO·pound blue fin tuna was tn 35 manut<'s on heavy tackle from caught by AI Bloom from ocr the tit•• Sttng Ray skipJX'reod by Bill live halt chartr r boat Minn<'tonka, Gulllll. out of King's Landin$(, Nrwport Wr-rln<'fiday, Aug :.11 , saw thrE'i' llarhor. onr day rN'f'ntly Skipper mnrlin land<'d A 160-Jiflund~r was of this hoat iii Arthur Mello, a nd llonctrd hy Mrs. C. A. Mc:'llt'il in saw a feather jig u11t'd to hook l•nl' hour und :.m minut<'s. on hr•nvy '"" tuno IRrkl<' from ahoard the Alice Thnt yt'llowtllil are still to he Martf' Ill, sk lpfN'r('d U) C. A. MC·I hr•urtl from is ttltl'st<'d loy 11 30- Nt•il. A l~'l-poundf'r \\us caur.ltt IMJund••r uf sul'h 'nrit•ty ltl'ing hy Mr. M. M. Culn~r. in one huur 1 o·au~1 from off the LDrll't•r by fl at on ht'II''Y tac-klr frnm aboard \\'ttVnt' 1\lillt•r or tht• Southw~·st the l'atult' II sklJ.IIN'n •rl by l'oltorrill t\n~ltnl( (·luh Over Your -Own Shoulder By JAMES E. SWEENEY In GOOD Rl'SL~ESS J Arthur Rtenk, nnr uf I hr ri('h· ltt•l rd 1 h:o 1 t'ltn'l " .• , lc.uktns:: O\'f'r t'81 mt'n 10 1-:ngland and t h<' ht•ad Ill) sho>uldt•r'' It "uuld IH' ho'll•·r uf lhl' lllrl:o'l'l nmtton·pt<'IIJri'·Prn-~··• lor h11n tu ·'"'k it 11f h1111'c'lf durm~;. orgnniLllt wn in 1 hat N>Un· "lulo• cloJlOI: "'' "nrk llo" dtr. lr). \loll'! nn("(' ('J'tttt'"c-d hy 11 popll· lo•rf'ntl~ '"' \\llllltl tno·o·t 1111' 'till· lar Rrltlilh C'nlumnist wtlh wh .. t atttons 11nd lll'l~oll~ ool 111s julo Ill' ••·o•rnt-d Ho IH" llnno•('o-ssar) harsh· "''"'d rnnsulo•r tho• , flo •l'ls uf ht!< n!'ss and snld tlo lum: allitudt' ''" r.t twr.;. Ill• o'ffilllu)l'r, "\Vtwn you writ\" thln,;:s like o•mpl">''''~. c·ustonllt'r', •'lllllflf'lllor~ th:tl all(lll l po'f1ph• do ynu ro•nli7' C'hrtsltan hw:tnl·s~ ts ~nod bust· that Clwist IS lonktnj,! 11\'o•r )follr no•S!<, nnd k••f•Jltlllo: thl• lhnu..:ht in ~to .. uldr·r-:'" minrl ""'' rhrt$1 •~ ltM1ku1~ ""'r \Vhnl 11 ~tood idra 11 woulrl It~ your !111tlultlo ·r as }"U d11 )ooUr \\otrk for o'\'l·ry pt·rsnn 111 huslrw~s I() nsk l1 11ill lwlp )"" rnak .. )ltlii'M•If '''"'' hlm!lo·lf OCCCIS10n111Jy. "Would J thP ('hllfll'rll;l' uf llOIIIJ.: II lltt• ( 'hrtS· htl\'1' don<' I hat if I hud rt'rnl'm· 1 inn wny. • • lilt:! tnl'dtc. l'f•l Aolt·o:nl l·:n~o:~tr.,m. Air Lines Boost \lhll "~ \\llh rho• '·"'"'''Kind Atr· IIN'Irno• lii\'IMun. I!"''' tho• ro•o•rutls Army Recruiting I Sllmt• lip!< on nt rii<Wno• lifo· . _ Bo th tll\'"u•n~ """ :tr•• np••n for Army recruitlnJ;: took to lhr air o•nlt~lnwrtt); "' }IIUOL: nwn with this Wl'f'k when l 'nitl'd Air Lin<' :ornlotlli10 '" '"'"r p;or,otrtlllfW'r ptlrots l>~•~;an plurin~ mo•ssa(;i'!l un lwNil• 11nrl In ••:orn tho•, -,o "''"''"· lhrir hu~tt• mamtinrrs rcndin~: ly IK•nu" 1"'"1 '" Jtln>ptn).! 'k}· ""Cl\1.' \Vorld's &•st Joh·-Th<' U.S soldol'rs. F11r turlh .. r rnl~trmflllon Army.. roniiH'I f(l(':tl t\rm~ Rt•cr UIIIOJ! (If. Pnrtidp~~tlns:: in thr drh•t• ts fiN' -~1.!1-: \\' 3rol <;fl o•, I, Santa Cnptain Arthur E. [)('rhy, who hns Ana l)('('n with l 'nttl'd Air Lin('S for ----------~--­ ('1\'Cr 15 yrar!l llco tnlcl a ~rOllfl M rt'rruitl! for lh<" lllh Alrlt<lrnl' Oi· vlllinn that thr Army orf<'rl.'d "a \rry fine" opportunity for a young! man to .~~:et expcnslvt' traininR which. In many ('asrs, he would not tw :thle to Hfford." Caplaln Don McBain, anothrr vt'lrrlln pilnt. s howl.'d thl' future paratroopers the OC·3 which hi:' flies, t hi' Cl\'lllan Yl'rl'ion of the Army'M C'-47 which transports alr- hornr troop!!. S/Sgt. Jl'rry llnyhur!il, w tcran of acorN! of jumps with the 1 )lh Alrbornl• Division. nod thr jump-1 24-Hour Radio Service .., BOKJ:, AUTO, MARINE I RADIOS &EPA.DU:D Burt R. Norton · .. 115 Cout mwa7 &Meoa 61U Newport 11eac!1a. Calli. ONCE AGAIN SAM'S SEA FOOD SPA Offen Yoa the 1'111Mt Plaee to DIDe Ia On.ap Oowtty: All New· -• Even the Location ... One-Half liD! Eut ot Old Location on Cout HJghway. Beautiful New Cocktail Bar We Lad Southern Calltomla ln the Servin& ot -SEAFOODS -'(' ALSO YOUR ld8d of 8TEAK8 -VISIT OUR Kl'IaiEN - Sam's Sea Food S,. and Fllh Mnet -OlttMt ...... (If_,.._.._.., Armand Monaro ABCIII'I'EOl' 81.6 W. Bay Ave.. llalboA Jlutrop 1114 1'711 LAkewood A"' .._.....,_N~ .... OIIDIOPaAOI'OU Waper .,...,rr1 l..w.te Dr. W1llMir o. w..- ChlropracUc, Dietetics, Physlo 4: Colonic Therapy IIH c-t 1119d.. ..._.. ....,._ rs.da no-HIS DAY 8CBOOL Mortimer School lei Coral Balbo. blaad 0 ...... : ()ollep, f'repuat.or'J' SUMMER SCHOOL 0 . A. M ortinMir, M. A •• Oxford Prtad.-J ,..._ HArbor 15.! DENTISTS Dr. Obed Lucas DENTIST Hot ~ W. c-tnJ. Rubor 1610 NI:\\'PORT BI!ACB DB. GORDON E. RAPP DENTIST !SU We.t Ceatral Pbooe Ba.tbor Ut-.1 Newport L~SUilANCJ; Lincoln National Ute wurance Co. "IS. Nom<O lodlcat ... 1 .. Cbaractn" DON ZERNlOAN Pbone Harbor !M·R 108 Martoe Ave. BaJboa bl. OCCIDENTAL LIFE INSURANCE 00. Ray Nielsen .... _ ................... .... ,.._ " ...... 1-.J •.• a...,.... ~ MORTICIANS Harold K. Grauel Chapel "We Ounelvl'S the Better Serve by Servin~ Othe~ Best" P11oae Betlcoa Mit eo.ta .,._ Ca.UforaJa OPTOMETRI8T8 E. T. Butterworth, 0. D. Opt4metr11t EYES EXA.MINI:D LEN81:8 DUPUCATI:D 0 ..... ._.... ... ..,..... Ill' W, c-t...l Aft. Pat. Bat-Ul 1 lti&WPO&T aucw Robert A. Crawford Opt., D . OPTOMI:TIU8T loba IL (). Cbaq, II. D. ..,... ... ...,..... 2 • • 1 -8::l0 ud by appointment Beeoon !10'75 lJt EMt lltll 8.._. e-ta ..... o.au ..... Laareaoe D. Dorey. II. D. Physldan 4: Surgeon 'S2111artMAve.. ...,,_ w... .,._ Bart.orle. Oordoa M. Gnmdy. II. D. PHYSICIAN ancJ SURGEON Balboa lnn Arcade Office Hrs.: 10.12 a.m.; 3-5 p.m. Phone Harbor 37 H. R. Hall, M. D. Pb7slclaw ............ Hours: 2·5. lty Appolntn'IIDt Telephone Beacon 5N8 111 BI'OIIdwa7 ..... ._ llllton M. M.uweD. II. D. 1101 COMt .. ..., Ooroaa del Jlar Ortlce Hours: l<rl2; 2-5 Phoae ~~arbor 1011 S. R. Monaco,~ D. 814 Bay An •• Balboa Harbor nu ua s. Bill s&., r.-~ T Ucker '7812 By Appointment ,' Gerald Rausa, M. D. 283d West Central Ave. NEWPORT REACH Pboot Bub« 1018 P<o .......... ~.n Bucoo tHHI-a X·Ray Service T. P. REEDER. M.D. and WM. S. IRETON, II. D. l'tl,yslclaiUI aacl ........ MOl w. Oeatnl Tel~ Harbor 101 Nl~tht-11194-W PVBLIO 8TENOORAPBJ:a Pltone Beaco11 5808-W ~· p. Keesling IIN)8..A Newport IIJYd. Cotlta MM& 8UBVEYOR8 Raub & Bennett SaneJOn IUICI Ea.....,. 11108 Newport BIYd., O.ta ._ Telepb-8McoD 5108·W ten w. Ceatnl Ne..,.rt B-.ella TelepboDe Harbor 1U ;-;atural !;:til l"r"•ltm•s in the l 'mtl'(l !'talo•-; no\\ tntnl upprolti· malt I) :!:!ii,IKMI nul•·~. ~~~ a~:ainst "'"1ut I I I,("'" for ml llllll'hn<'s. Ey.-s Examint'd • Glasses Fitted 1111 Newport Boute.ard ,._....., .... a Tlw wnrld's pro' t•el IK'I rolrum ro·~o·rH·!' tolfll ~tJ}flrot"lrnlltl'ly 60 I h1llroH1 harrrt~ . .,r "hwh more than ------:---------J ~ :w l•il lron hnrn•ls Hn· tn the l'nltcd Drive c:::a,.efullv-Spare a LUe. Stntc,;. Newport-Balboa Tourist Bureau All Modes of Travel to Europe, Mexico, Hawall ~ound·the--World Trips ln the near future. See lin. Roy Keene. Ph. Harbor S91. SOl Palm.IWboa Roan: It a. 1111. .. I p. 1111. . • INR&;;CE P. A. PALMER LIDO IS L:e Pll.OJ>f.RriES --------·--------w. 0. BUCK-lnsuranoe Counselor ~ 1500 ~#.,( 333~ VU. UOO CALIFOJUJIA E·. J. ( Bud.l Jacklin CONTaACI'O& CEMENT WORK • Fla& Work or Fouadau- CALL l Ill· J FO& .JNI"'UIATION Open'Ja.ta.tola.m. ~ Servin« In the Patio as You WouJd Prepue It BALBOA ISLAND S01 MARINE A Vt;. Portraiture and Commercial Photography Phone Harbor 1 0:~3 BALBOA Palm Ave, 307 YOU a Pi/uJte4! WILL "TREASURE" portrait in pirate costume-by Special Discount for "Pirate Week" Otlr Ballholl "tudkt now OtM"' ._.,, ,,_ It a. .._ to , P. IlL BALBOA INN A&CADE ' ....... : llartrtlw l Ml .. 'n tNt ·American legipn Convention '''§!~ ~:ts;s · Swordfish Activity Told by Cusumano I ~:.:.:; ~:::::~:::: .. i~:::::~~:;;.~:.::;:\:: Caught Here ~I to 1 I• ,of llalfht I ll\11'1111.: tilt' I>IOSt llunlltnt• Offi('('r \'trH't'lll ClliU· m11no of t hr N••" pttrl ll.•rteh Pu- ll<'• dl'p:trlrtwnt. who """ Ol)l' u( five dl'lo·.:ai•'S frunt No•wpnrl Jtar- hor Post :O.:o :.."J1 ,,f t h•· Amo•rlt'lln Lc•s:rnn, In th'• n1111unal 1'\lll\'o•ntlon 11151 WC't'k. \\'RIO th1• Spl'ltkt•r Ill lht• lun<'ht>on mo'l'lin~ of 1 hl· ('osl 11 Mt>!SII·NI'"tJttft lk'ut•h Ki\\11n1s c-lub In Whill''s Coffc••• Stwpp~•, Bnlho111. t'rrduy. Tht• humllno· ulftPI'f und his \\'llr dtlR, S('rt.:o•tmt :\t1ko•. W1lhurn B1hl<'. Clt•nn n ·otft nnd t;u~ '"'mplis, wt•rt> N••wport Harhur Lt•gttm r~pri'St'nlfiiiVt•• lo tlw ron- fllb. plo•ll'<l And 11ro• IIIIOC'\'IIIIIo'<i l~'<·au..-· 11,, 1. nh·lo'h.uH~ r1·slt.,.nl~ "'"' ·n1n.,• mnrl111 •\\nn!C.-h Wt't"' som (' ntul m•<'t'll!lilll'll arc-un-,.,,11 """'''~ ""''' t;,•1·n "'''"'"..: l•l•~<o..:hl "'''' '''"1•1tl l l.ll'lll'r 11\utlllhh• Tho• Anwrwan Lt•..:1nn t11 1 111 ,,,,,11 ,.,1 ~hill>, hlllo(t' o•ar !\lufhlfl\, ltti""Jo: Itt 111 tl~o• •••hoi \\'t'nl on r<'<'o'f,d 11~ do•mRndlni; lin ru , lt.ol'l•t.111,1, 11n,.lun ''" It••« I II!< 11111111"';. o•f lllollllu IIIIo I lu.,~ulhllll ·IIIVC'Sill:illlon In t•hnnnfth' lh•• hul· llll·l lh•· ~I. Ill I .I till ,., •·~~ ,,.,111., '"''"Jo:hl lnh• 1111• 1"•1 1 "' lui 1111 .. 1 lt•n<'<'k m hn11~1111o: Cow H'lo•raM 1111 111 l'r•·l'·" .tl 1,.11 1111 llulf,.,,,·,. An "''II""' Cusumano al!<o Sllld l hnl Gt•n<'rlll , no: •I 1'11,11,. '''''~ 1 1\ 1111 '""""' 111.ollh1 ""~ l'l<llto:hl "lhtJ)' Arm•ld .l!ml 1ti'J>r•·•wntstl\'~ l'h· '""'IIIII ,.1,.111 11111 ,.,. twill I" 11 ... ,., \\' 1 .. 1no• 111 ''"'' "'"" 111111 \\'UI ftogl'rs unt•'<l Amt>rlcan pre-111.,1111 lhl< 11,,1r. nll•'r 11 ""''r hoy tit mtn1it•·~ "" "'''"·' t.to·kl.• ft.h. pnrl'dnNCs lnr tony o•mo•r~:••nry 11nd nl' 1111 ~ •• 1;1,,111114,1• i•. 1;, 7 "'"' R. 1111: It ••Ill ''I"""' tltt• """' II •kip urgtod I hil t tho• t tnihod ~I IIINI CoO" ! 11~ ,, 1:·•~ r,.1111,11t,.1. 11f tho•, 111'11(111 1"'1 ·~I h) ,I M :-;.,.,.,.""'" o•rnmc•nt kl'o'IJ 11 lnr.:•· nrm~· rt>Rdy Sp:uu~h plrllto·~ w hu nnl'1' r~•nmr.t I A 1~1. l'llltlltl mnl'lm '"I" hr .. u..:hl nt a ll tinws. '1111' t'llll\'t•nlloln "'""'I Ill• I'<IIISI IIIICIIlfolhllhl> huriNI rlt'h In h~ t"""t.:•· """'' 111 '"'' IHMII'>o, 1111 record tn Jlluintuln lho• throry lfo ...... ··~ nl.•n..: 1111' llnrll<•r···· tn 111111111•·-11411' lu•u\') 1:11'1.1.• '""" olf oompuiiiOr)' 1111111111')' irlllnlnlt nlllll} '""''• I "h1111nl tho• 11••1111••. ~klf'f"'"~t h) (or the youth of lht• country ~\mr ''">~ '""' nlt.:hts uf ,.1111t111,1.1 J II 1\1, !'lull~ Maj. C'ooC'n. Ulrl'<m nf ttw M11nnc-I 011• ,.111 ,.11 .. 1111111.n 1 "111 1,.. ht..:h·l A l:to I""""' "'"' 1111 "~~~ o·nu.:ht 'i\\aniuns rorJ115 ad4ir('SS('d llho• ron\'NIIIon ll.,:hto-<1 11, ,1 ro·nl 11.,.11~trro• 1111111 lor h)·\\' 1-' I \ol\ '' 111 4!\ tllltlltlo•!< t>tl In has tlllk In I hi' K • on ntomk ptl\\l'f lind UrJ:.-11 ttwl bot I I It nn t ktdch'tl t)th••r ho •.t\) t.ll·klo• """' "'"'""' tho• lh~ human!' oCCtC'C'r ••xphun~od) Am .. ru·sn L••t.:i'ln to aupport the-0,,, ,:,:·~~~··!~<1·• ,: 111111, l:>nlo! P trah• -.,,..,.,. •ktpf't·r.~t h~ llo•nnr\n F'lnk hrll'fl) tho· suh)('<'l uf lh(' d••lmrr. ld('a 1<1 kN'fl th·· lllllllliC oomh un-1 p I In I ' II •lr'<'lhn I A '"''"lft·h ''"~ lu••k·~l It)' Jell• m('nt commandr•r's crittdsm of I hi'• d<'r U S <'0. nt rul Cctr mt'dknl and 1"1 1''1 '' 1111 1'1'1"'" 1 t.: '.':,>r· 1 ' Qlll'~nJ Slrill r>llll••r. ,,f ~·nllh"~ok .nhnnnl A i \'£i1 nl ronlmiHN' us .._. IUlt '''rutut un" " ,-, "P ,-II I • k mer l'an ·. · rrn 1 sl'it•ntiCIC' r<'SC'IIrl'h purp.tlll<'l. ""'' w111 r1·1..:n ov••r tho· o'llllrt' tho• tm ln.: ""' 1 '111'111' ~ It•· a t't,mmum~llt' ~roup ~net lh«' ron-('Usunwnu 111~., ~:nld tlw ronvt.-n· f•·~lt\ul 111 ,1111 ~ln•o•l tlnndn.: 11 t~t•ro••l lo\ , ... ,. "''"'''' • ,liM' turn.~t V<'ntwn \'Oilod nut hl rt'\.'O~m:r.t• II 1.1 . favor~'~! PruiM>KII 1011 No 1 0. 11 I · k 1~1 > 1 • ' 1 ho• n•t title! 1 t'o·l "' ••r It> IIIH>Iho•r· 1 1 n on · . Jill ,,1, "'" 1'111'111' n . '"'"'"~ • k liS a \'<' t•rans ur.:llnlla 10 th<' Now•mll<'r b~tll;,, This Ia th<' IIIIIH•tu• ,., o•n l•. " plrnll• lt~.•nrtl "'"' .. ulllo""' hu',""''~IIUtll """ luu~:hl Th(• ronVI'nlirm nlso Wi'nl on $100-milltnn honcl IS~UI' n n vel<'r· dr•'" r'tmto ... t, tltl'lllint.: p11u11• hHitl 1 1 '11" 1 11•11 1"'' 1 ·!'1 lllinut••, \lho•n '1"' ri'COrd RS lll'lllw r Cor nor n~:nmll nns' farm and httnw h111n~ laruhn~: '"'" o'hJIIIII'o' ul 11w tom n '"'' •'I' Jlllrl•" lh1• stall• do~; rat'•' pro~;rnm, hu t Wht•rii\'C'r t lw No•\\ purr llurhor by "'f•'tlllllllto: "tld-••r •-<1 hlll't'll I Ono• lttlllllr .. .,l 111111 lu1 I) fivl' thf')' volt'<!. to strlkP oul tlw words ]..(oglon's commltu~~ ""nl In ·thl' n•·· 1, '""l'l'ltl•h "''''' """ll:hl 111111 N••" ·,·,•to.orans' or '\'l'lt'rnn;. W<'lfnrl'' rom·t>nlllm <'lly, ~l'fltf'Rnl Mlkl'.• 1,11111,. (',111 1 "'"l"•lu•lrt r>n llal ''"""' ll111hor tn 1\~1!\, .'1:! Ill I!W4, (rum lhf' c!OR rnc1nlt 011'f11111rl' thl' W:\1' ho•ro. rnarlo• 11 rll~hn<'t lm· lx•a·, 11111111 -lr•·••• ,,111111111111"''~ 14A lu 1~1:1, :J I tn I!H.' :.•oo rn 1941 "l11d1 llw dos.; rll,'llll: <'OIIlllllliSi•m . JIT'MO."ICIII t\!l l:l"ld" til HmluUISRtior 1 hi nucltootll 1 11,. po•fhlll nn•l I"'"""~ hilt I lifi In HHO \\lsho-s to pill<'<' on t ho• NO\'I'nth.·r fn•m :-;,."-t••rl llarl~1r, ~l!t M1k•• (uluul I!UII I\ t•f ""' l~o•tn~; In tllll>l•• fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil llmllut It \\(lS. t'llltJhH.!!III•d lhRI lht• •hnuk h.ontl'< \\)lh nllntiM•f'S nf f'o••lolttto• 11;,1 hjl\lfl~ 11 IM ltl'll. IUlll l.c•I(IOn IS not 11 ptlhtu•a l urjt.llll· poooplt• un til•· "" ,.,.," und I'IICh I 011 , 1 ,.,, 11-.·~. \\.Ill t .. · ll•lt'o-.1 tn llliiUil and"'"'" OJiflOS•' an~ r..Ct'f· llntl' IM'I•ttlt• fiSko-.1 \\ho•rt• ttw lint· \\ o'l tho l•lunk 111111 ''"' ·~··I I'Ot't• 111 ll'l.:ll>laltull lhnl would 111111 11\'t"'l, ('usun111n1• tuld tlwm. "·''''' ,,f :O..o•\\pull l\t1) mHkl' 11 lliJI'''IIr II< lht•~l:h tht')' "N1•\I JJ(>fl Jlnrhorr ' I Tl,. ~:.11.1 "''-'lotll 1\ til ,.fllo•tulh wo:rr pulllot•all~·nun<1••d. ( u~umano l 'u.•umow 11 "'" t'11111rman nf lh<' s:tt·l 11111h•r "·I) 111 11 t11~: ""'''"'" I ~:11d. II• lo·..:ntlun un t ill' •'111\\'o•ulhm loop lu111 ,tl llttll~l:,·~ Ho·n•l• ''"'" lntll· .Tht• ~!" :1k1•r lll<ot :olh~tl.•·t.l In."''''. · I rc••ll t S••lllt•nll~o·r 1 M ot~ to• "1!1 1 ... \\ nrr• n s talk 1111 ltnusltu.; fN lht S pr"' ulo·ll t.1 \\'•~<lily t ftorm11n oonll lill(l,fM~) in·r-lal•· anti ''"' 300,001) Better Meat .. torage ho• "·''"'"·"" 1111111•11' tll'o'ho·<tl'll mtt-uf-,tnlt· ,.,.,,·rsul~ H•· ~aid Pled ~ b ('afe Man nu .... ,. th• , ,, ""'I! th. ,,.,,.,.~on·~·r• 6:!:->.lltiO hum<'" \\Ill 1 ... llt•o·d<'d in ( g ~ ~25 F• Will 1 huo1., 111 tako• "' •'I tit•• doU1t'o tht• nt'XI fi\C' )l'UfS. \\hilt' dnly A ter Payang <l' ane nntl l'otJIIIIto till' '""'' llltl.tt'll\1' 20.ono ha,,. '""'" t)artmlly rom-I da11 , ,, ''"'"'"' Don't lf't \'Our· ('8r 11uffrr df'lt-rioraiion h\· Df'JI:Iel't- ln.: bod~· drnt~ and ln- jurif's! I.OW1•r Its dt'Jtre- datiun by ha,·ing us re - pu.ir it. • I'AIXTIS(i und Wt:I.UIS(i • n;~ut:tts ·nxt:n • HOU\' Rt:I',\IIUS(i at 1..0\\' C'OST Central Garage & Collision Shop S.·a,·un .i I :il ~1 '! lfo4l ;'\ •.•• '""' llh ''· C OST.\ ~U:S,\ JUST WHAT IT SAYS HERE (' Jt lrlt•, JlaiiMI,t l!.l:t111l 1'11'1' I 11\\no•r , \\11~ fuu•tl <q;;,, \\tlh ~l:l4) ;,ll"'"'m t.·ll fur "'" , •. :"'" .. n c-.m· May Ask l\1ore l\1oney 111twn .. r "" furth•·r ""l.llto ns. m .,or 1•ropoMt'd Park l'IIY ('11111'1 l\lt~lltht\ Olotfllllll: 1111 1'<>11· vn·tum uf 't111UII"II t>f lh•• ~ta t•'j .1•11, 1 11 • ht•llltlt Hlhl 'Hill I Ill IIIII l'll\lt• 'l.tlt l•'l:l•l.ollll • IIIII) ldo· \\'1111 fOIIIIHt l(lttlt) 1111<1 \\t•Pk n~k·" loot '"''"''"'"" I Utili~ loll' •h·· hul IIIHI nsko•rt for 1111' !\11111illo) ''''"1'111' Itt 111 1111' llllltlit• 1'•11'k ulull).: dat•• fnr INI!(~III).: nf ,,,111,.11<'' Tho• lh•• •• •loll llo•llt N••\\ltltfl 1\<•ftt 'h II• 1.11,,, ll\\lll'r 11t~11 1 'l'l.tllll'il 111 t'tl) ltuullrtc lllll II• II• II 11< 11 1 r•'•lllll of .Jud 't" ltuiH·tt (:,utlr111 thai pro· th•· 'PI'1 tf'(t 1" t•'IW•tt n •' '''UP t.: uf '\•1·, ·~•I f•ll lito• 'I '1•1 f••• I •>f ''''""~ hun IH·•·r\ ututt•· to .-untpl} ~ .. \\llh C'<llit• ro•,.:lllllllotn• Ill lht• Ill· ~ll hltol t ur·o• anrl 1 h:•l Ito 1~ lutollltn).: un ad· ''' , I• I ,.1 I • •'Ill •I m•·•·l 1111' I lw tllttun to lu• pia•••• .. r h11~1n••Sl' fur ~l.tl• l•o<h Hllo~·ototl ·•·~~-.. ~~ loor 111•11•'1' nu u t •lur:ot.:•• lh•· 1 11 k I''"' ha~•·. hut '""'''lit· "'·". ,, II•·• I •• ~· t ., ... I l.onol lltl••rtfl TI.Jt:tT t:KU~t llll~t: of rio,· '"''' ltu.:h"·1) "'"'' '""'Itt :\lr< T II l l"ll'lltl ul It:\ lla\ ltt:t, l.otlu hi••. 11'1~'' l o•tl j hPfl (I( S J;J II' till II Jllll'l' lit honll', \\'i'dno '"·'), t••lu••· ~"''' \'1,1 t~ hullJ,!ftt ,. .... t lhU kUh' ,nul 11 •·•••a 1111' I It •II of -Ill' Now Open P & F Light Plant Sales and Service SERVICE and PARTS for Farm and Boat Li~ht Plants 1595 N<'WI>ort Blvd. • '"'IU'IIfl 1\'li\'! (~ocker AKC Puppies _.. ... """''- ··••oN.: BJ!AOON MUS-.~ C'•la Mf'-.& Suggester for the first Semester! t:nr~·flnt~ In IIIah 8Mool ud .lulor ~ Can w .... Ute_..,..,....,.,. .. ~..,., • ,._ ,._ _, ~ w ... _..,. ,.,.,.., •• , .. ,... W!MI'· .... u o Or tew. Wovh « ~ *-'-......,.. ~.. .tll.to • Mrll""tr~r'• t1tctll ~ .... _._ .._. ......,.. .... .. e M..CI,....,r'• { ........... ~ .......... .._. .... .. 0 ""'-'"" Ia f'"-'1'7 b)lll ... 11t7 a.. )'-Nil l.,...t•l e !'llti•W N\"f' ( ......... . 0 WaiH· .......... t ................. ...,._. ....... u,... )14'11 ..... ....,. ~ • ............. -&alit .............. ., ...,,.., ~-­at eaa.ae ...... • "'•nn·l't• ,...,.,... .. ,_ ......, ...a." 811.11 • A~M~u-•u. ..._.., ,......, a. ......_ w-. ......... • ( 'a•-.J r)' twill .a.du • t1 .11 • Standard Batteries the picture that .couldn't be printed! After i MonthM Wailing ••• a Telephone!! Beacon 5 I 83 • Bat~ry Service for: • Your Car • Your Boat • \'our Mf'Chualcl&l EqoJpmmt If you C'aD't -ln. aifop to 1M _,..,., ~l~pltone and cai1:- Beacoa .'i I M S 1 STOREY'S Battery Servlc Wstmleeter St., (M._ IIUt a ......... ) 008TA IIE8A • • Water PumpR WE WELCOME YOU TO OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT (30 -60 -90 DaJW) Marbro'a llwlte ya. to come Ia lllld op1t1 a ~ account. Our atocJu are complete wfttl t.M Jatnt Jllltyles ot Lad'"' Fine A~J~~~Uel. Nafloetlf AdvertWd KEADY-TO -WUR mARBROJ cia~ Qnb, i11 ft8T , .... n . PHONE lt«< 8ton Hoen: Dally, ......... , s.tarday t:ll A. M. to 1:10 P. M. IN ANY NEWSPAPER! \\'•• \\:lltl•-.1 to print II . \\'•• trwd Itt (ll'inl II .. We• w1•n• HO Jlt'oWI I•( it. Sl1 :til WI' t'llll dn il lo•ll Vntl llfltntlr it w,. wu ntr'ff lo -.h•m· :1 p il'lt1n· ,,r 11 t.:irl wPari~ ull lh1• INu·k to "''hflnl f'lo lh!"i -.hi' flt.,'fl-. IJil tltt• I':IIII(HI);, A "lqvrly ~"'''"'""of ull wtl(lf in 11 Rllpov•-r· Hfyif' and u c·unll~tm 11\'l'r tha t in a Jllilltt ,·nln1· or j ttrtru:rr·rt rk-siJ:n . '11H"h a prrf('Ctly rulomllh• }1IOU.'W'' undt•r t h:tt "it II a ~~ unnln~ Jnts:mt or plftln td<lrt-and 11 "'lt· llflnllnf• tnpwr "it h a plmcl it-horuii.:•J: ---with a Jlfdr of .Nhl<'k s to mull'h ttnd a '1"111..; jll<'kt•t nnrl 11 Hltll'k lrult with n gorJ{I'(KJ.~ wirt(• k•n I ht•r· tw•lt. BUT WE COULDN'T PRINT THIS PICTURE So w1• ju-;t ..sty You -;lruply rTIIINf not mlHH Mrf'tnJ: ftK'HC ~OI"J(POUS' sty lf-. 11f lllw,..,l in tlw f'lty pti1V"'. .. THE SPORT SHOP 212 W. 4th SL SANt'A ANA WHER E ALL SM ART WQ MEN SHOP AND SAVE ! O!t Your Way to Santa Ana Stop at CHUCK'S DRIVE · IN Barbeeued Sand~Fountain Service WIN..,.... .... ............. (~ .... ) AWNIIGS • All Sizes ..... to. Order Bn rulale Prto. • IDcreue the value u weD u the looka of your property -NO'I'IOE- We allo llaft a wide ehetloa of TRAILER CANOPIES FREE ESTIMATE ON ANY J OB• CL08E 6P. II. ........... AU. RDADS lEAD TO I.ONG CITY~ WI THIS WEEK BQAKY A8ttR (T_.r aad Hot Ptat') OneDay 1 0 N L Y • CLEABINCE SALE • J • 500 Participating Stares Dt.*t •ill tllis gip11tic, llistory-•aki11g "parade of uiMs". AlliMt of mercha11diu, il '"'7 price ,. .... , reprt&tllttd ift this great co"""•"ity-wide, frit11dship-building ·• ..... ....,, Pb• I hll ll.y'a shopping tour. Watch tilt papers for tht thousa11ds of ••• .. •4 ...... wWdt will 11:-offtred Satvrday, A•t••t Jht, ONLY by mort than SOO ;...c.,.,.. .... ""-tho.t tilt tntirt city. Alt4 ,...,..btr, sim~ar month-tlld ct.-............ i. loftg lud tt.e last altllfpillt d.ay of ntry · •on til ...... ,..,. .poaeored by LONG BEACH RETAILERS, Associated ------------- CLOTHES "' Phoae Beacoa 60()4. W PabDer Radio AND ELECI'BIC lltl Newport BIYII. COSTA 10:8A The Balboa Improvl'm<'nl asso- POR MEN AND BOYS BIA Meeting CaUed ciation has called a ml't'tlng of '::=:=::::::::::==:=::=::~ members and proJ)('rty own<'rs for 1 1 VET'S Taxi 0ompu1J PBOllit:: BEACON 5659-W We are partial on1y to The People -()lTR CtlSTO~ (Ownrd and 0J)('rnt~ lOll hy Vl'tl'rnn!l) BROAD\\' A\' lt. eo.ta MI'M Tue11day evening, Sl'ptt'mbcr 3rd. at 8 p. m. in the Rl'ndezvoua b:~ll­ room, Balboa, to discuss mattcl'l or vital Importance to the com- munJty. Carr'a Feed Store Hay and Grain Quality Feeds -1- o.IIJ Dell..,.__.__ lUI lll'r Newport BIYII. OOSTA KUA Quality Lumber and Buildina .~teriale COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. "· E. HOITETLil" ...... ..__ 11016 l Fresh Daily Dellcloua Sea~ Or. compl~>te equtpmeat when you waat to catch your OWL Bob .Jqred'a RICHFIELD SERVICE Washing • Polishlnl • Lubrication Carl Pldcfd Up and Deuv-. l'hcJM H&J1)or 497-M 41~ Eut Central Ave., Downtown Balboa FOR IN8URANO& BU Howard W. Cenieb 1 .. Newport 11oa1enr4 COSTA JIEIIA ...... ---1111 Automobile • Fire Accident • Life u~ and Contract Bonds Written Allyn Joslyn .. 'BOY MEETS GIRL' wttll Marc Lawrence aad Joyce Arling TaM., A"'. 27 thru Suclay, Sept. lit , " 0 0 :: :'1 -i ... 0 :;;( tA • r SHOES . I Repaired While You Walt . Ray Pagan r 515 East Bay Front Ned .._ • ~ VIew o.t. ............. . . . DEAL'S Famous Smoked Fish AlwaJW l'l'elll Rate or return on Invested capl· tal by the 30 leading U. S. oil companies averaged 6.9 per oent !or the 11-year period ending In 110 McFadden PL ........... :ltl iiiP~ •At ...... ...._ ....... 1944; BRING YOUR IIADIO TO US 0.. 0., -We'll ..,_., It M4 Yoa 0.. Raft It the Nat. FaetorJ Part&. Wortt Gaanateed. P'Mto17 1'nbMid llsperta. Radio SOS Electric The Bathing Is Great in BALBOA BAY froDt of the Every Wednesday FUN ZONE RIDES-Kiddie Day ARCADE- BATiiiNG- BOATING- AMUSEMENTS- Eat.! Saacbl MaltB! 12 Noon to 6 p. m. Rides 6c Concession& 5c PIRATE DAYS Sept. 5, 6, 7 and 8 MIDWAY AUTO SERVICE • 1501 West Central Pboae llubor 2125 • • Auto Painting $50 ~~~ &Dd Body and Fender Work • FIRST CLASS MECHANICAL WORK Motor Tune-Ups a Specialty • . Prices Reasopable No Delay SILVER PLATING W• Claim to Have All of the Silver in California!!! e For the flnt 'time llnoe the war, you can have your keepsak~ and fliMl tea Mr'Vtoea l"MMI- vflftld With - PURE 100% nNE SILVER OOMMERCIAL, TRIPLE OR QUADRUPI..I: PLATE • EXPERT SILVERSMUTHS ALL WORK OUAAANTIZD • • ._..latlt ~ AU &a-(~ Plate) ._ay.side Plating Co. ~ 11MI Newpert A.--0 . a. COftA 111UA ::; Phone Beaeon 5358-R 1-mll wu cited by polic(' w,'Cint·s-Outsal·l Others Ont'-~ , ... 'h.t ~tand ,,n da)' for driving 35 mi1C"S Hn hour " Ht''iUt::t\ Ul'14 1\.\NUST.\NU I'UA8t :l'l IIAKK\' .IAMt:P': 1'1 .. \\ 14 All \IN T llt'R"UA\' . M~dr':d ~~~~~l'ST~~~~?.<'rly!I;-·O_B_I_T_U_A_R_IE_S _ _,I Dodge Says I Beardslee, North oiw-'~!'n-Band _•hK's a.:iven a bearing by City Jud.~o:c Bob !\Ira. Myra "'· C'orrt'U n oca aces l 'r•" I !II: II• Itt• I ho• 111"'' ptljl\11111 In a ~mil£' zone. She will ~ 0 d ft I I L I R Mt.•l'a l\lam Strand Cardnt>r neJLt Mond•u. ~1 u \\"11 ver ra s (.'· I t'llh'fi.IIII•'T t<l'ht'<llllt'<l l uf ll.llholll -v •• rs myra 1 1\U' Corr£'11 66 l'y \\ I S if'llt:ll ll \RftKF. ul 1''"' s 1"1'1• l'li "''fi' c•uto•r dltod M .. nday at ht•r hom.·. I 16 '2Sth IMine ·• I I•• •' ""'' "lk '"'"''' "'"'""lr•· tlu~ sucunwr """ II urn ·'""''"' '~~•• stn •••t Sht• hat! ,,, ...... all ht•r life s I c ''"'' 11 '• "'1 "' ''''111 ••I ''11'''' ""'' '"'"'''"'' "'""'· "'"'' l"'l''""'' WILLEY·~ REFRIGERnnon ERVICE CDDIPnny .-u • llnrlnnol l ll n .. lo.l llt•nrd~k•·. ' I Ill 1 ~ 1 I d , o , •'"I"''' 11r '"r ,,. ••rnn ~I"' I 5· I Ht•tHio•J\••u~ lla llt••ttt• t:1•t '!11111• I !I Hilt'T'Idt•, t'O!lllll'' lh'l'l' Ullly .. a tne ause N I II I I I I f<trd'~ l'r 11,:, ( 'o"t I i\J, 'I :0:111111· ~~ \\ I "' • .'I' N-.• •1111 Ill 11w murHh Hl.:ll. 1 1 II .._. 1 1 · • II~. ' ,. ,,, t, t••l''•'ll "·' 11 ''"''In~ n\1111. IIIII "'"'"'' .,orl I. ti·Yt'IIT· I lilly nt~;ht /1 ",,,Jttl" nll•lUI t\f llllt~h· S h•• ts' ~ur\'i'-" b 1 h '· d 1 1 "" 1,-k t ... St'rl M ""'' • J'''' h"l'l~ ,.,.,, h,• .. " ~ '" Y wr USuiUl 1•1 "'"" '",:'' " 'Ill"'''. rl'f"'/1 ,... ·' '"'''"" ..:.otho•ll·tl l llt•l tlwr.•nhnu t• \\'illiam G. Corrdl; four 101\.1: tContJnu<'d from P-ate 1) ttwir l"·rfnrtniiiiN'll al thl' S.C. Y ..A. Dr• '"''' '" ~~"' ""' r•'l.:"ltu 'J',., to m""' 1•1 11 t till' "''" 11t11•11t uf 1111' John, Stani"Y and \VIlliam, all of r q :&ttll 111 S11n lli••t.:" to lt•lld thf'lr Lurk ""'' "''"' ,;, rtt~1~ ·, ••n~o: "'·" ~•I ••, l~•pular (:mt.tr•· Rivt•rstdt•, and l::d\\tn, r...o. An-lh€'m. Thl'St' have bt><'n rf'al'hi"d l'ln~~•·r< tn lht' RAe-.· "'"'k IJI'OitTI!.I1'l 114'114'1 '"'"" \ttr'tl '•'"'' ll•'·h·h. ••-·11 I'm l.ud,~. · r • .,,.111 1,.,.,11' ,., •• gel<'ll six daughtl'rs Mn Clara 11Her completion of en~lnN'Tin~.: 111 N••w port llnr h••r \'nd•t C'lub. I'(' I\ • •I ''"' utl••ndllrh' ,,,. """' ·•II tu.-lt• •put lt.:t.t111~.: ·'""''"' ,, 11a fol-Poiri~r. Costa Mesa. 'Mrs. Harriet Black, San Dlt>go, Mrs. Jo.cphlne Pau. t..o. Angell's, Mrs. PauiLne Spt•ncco, Corona, Mrs. Mary J en- klns, Kansas City, and Mrs. Phyl- lis Ubby, Rlvt>ralde. studlell a nd discuuiol\l of tht' r<'-S tllr\ing on Frtdfty, 11 ~~~ "~' "''"'(' '""" ll<h' '" 111" '"'' ""''"' '" 11 t1·nt1411\l' •" ~k• to-suits at t"'llblk mt:'etlnRs With tho4w promHh..-l mt\rt' t•)ot'ltlng ~i WIUI\I """'~'"' !>kill. \\'tth t\\t> )•lllrn 111 I td ~tn,l-"tth Ia r.r"hlt' mOIIt in h•rc•slto.d. I'""" thlll SN'n at s ,.n llit·~n. hut violin· tllll h harnhlnh'll, "'I'•·'. Jllld tl\tl\11\ Il l~ '"''"''"" will .. ,. Announcing THE OPENING o1 Meredith's Ve~~etlan Blind Co. Maeuflt.C'turt'n of C.t.om BuUt 11111161 Compl~te Repair and Renovat.inl' Serrite -,.. ..... llubOr-1 ..... _........,..._..,..._ ... ()eM& ...... ()e .......... Gravl'slde llt!rvlcea will be held nrnporuy Phone, n.y 8M La· Friday at Olive Grove cemeter y, IUD& 8Mcb; Phone Nlcht. 11862 Riverside, with Harold Grauel Ln 1AauDa BMd\ ('haree. Th«.>ae condHiont promptl.'d tn.Y It d id no~t hold up and SuturdiiY ftl\l\\'• 1' •I r"tlto·sts olf all 'f'lw n •· u~;aln ht• into•rruptl'd h) llnt>tlwr hom£' area, the Nt>wpor t Hel~ttts Cllnl<' t•losf' to twln11 11 Cllllll \\ith ault "'~ ,,,.,.ht·~ll'll unc i (n•rn "'I'' "ont• nl.,;l\lt•1" "' llu' ll••n•k'l\'O\.Ia Irriga tion dl.ltrlct and Newpor t In ~lh.:ht ly lwlt('r hri'·N t' on Sun'lny. man :OO itd t 1111 '""'"lllllli~hnll·nt 1s , n•'"'' ·n111r~rl11y, Au,:u~t 2!1 Mt>sa l rrlflalion d istrk t. C011ta Tloth IWardAIP<• In thc Rhodt·-33 pral~<•·•l '"'11 tl•~•u,:h "" la••lll tt.·-.I11IIW> full~ ''l'l'fl"'<-.l ••f thr n••W M {'SII, to be<'ome part of ttw M<'l· 11nrl North In thl' S tar ('lass kt•pt ~ In '~"•rth.'.IIIIH\n, hut I.IU'k d llt-lumrl~t tmc) n 1~·11tl> •~mlpkto-d 11t i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~~~~~~~~ ropolltan Wat<'T district by votlng1 ""'"" 11he1td of rompt•lttlon on the ~l"f\tl~ ~:·'''' \\llh thr lllll<••nt••• llf th•• h11llrnum "N .. th ull.: t.. mnrC' ----- tself into the Coastal MuniMpal s ix-mil<' roUI'lW The' fnrffiC'r Ia Ill\ an llrtll lll'l•rt'('lllll-<1 hy "" ••rrht·~l rll thMn a Water distr1ct at an elt>etion held l lnl<'rnatlonal S tar ('hamplon and ,,, ,.,., '"_ '" 1"') \o\'111 thr .. wn a nt1 S'jwu•lutt.A hllnciatnnd It t11k••• t'ftrt'·l I Sea Trout and Halibut Are Biting .•• off the Newport and Balboa Pien ~ orot.!!e ~.A~ George Hiner PtUCctJGd VENETIAN BLINDS WOOD • STEEL • ALmiiNUJI ...... ,._- o-..... -.....,.-.._,...,.._ .._ ......_ 8U~JDpway ' PbODe Beaooll M&l....J ---- C~ R. S T A A F MOORING SERVICE Moorings Buoys ~ ~ ~ InstaJied and Repaired. Painted and Lettered. ~ ~ ~ Phone: Harbor 1080 or Harbor 1698-R I I n June. 1942. Th<'Y are th<' same youn~t North hlds f11lr to ht'. hrw -tram,•l•<tl h} .nn lltlj;!ry hnN•' :Itt ful ~tt nt.:lnto: t n plllt'l' :\:.' nwn In an ronditlol\l that now confront the lng, CJ'{•Wt"d last Yt•ar In the Inter-, ycars ....... " l't111lii11Uild frlll'h lrt' olrd u••tra. hul h••ro•, thf'rt' .. all•nt:r City of Newport ~ach at the nationAl lk'r it'11 Mt C'hlmgo. flarrwy C'VOh o·d '" .:un..:ro•no' lnft't'll•lll, tht•n nr NW•m nru1 '"'"''"''' ''" •II of u~ I ('I<'Cflon of S<'pl('mber 10. next, 1\nd I.A'hmlln, runm·r-up In tht' San amJllllhllnn. Wt• nrf' "''' lllwny• t'<JIW<'nlcno'Ci." I believe. ar" l'<IUally compelLing! ~lt•~:o Star £'\'f.'nt, did not €'nt .. r ''Wiuon I l011t my nrm ' I dhh\'t tw f'li.Jllalm-.1 .. l hat the C'lty of Newport Be11ch hts nl'w Srout V hut lnsh•ad ulll'Ci hill<' 1111 IIPI••t•tr." h•• l'lCjiiMint-.t, E 111't1 ofh•rlnw ur th•· lu•nd wu hould a lao Jx>come part or tM his 0)-t'r dink. "r.o I , ..... lu'll m em ~~~~ h•>hh}. ntTittlnwd hy "•·rwor.•" applaW~e Metropolitan Wa tcrr-district. The I Stxty-flve I~"" wr re entM'ed. · muak .. 11nd Man an Mur~o:11n, •haJ)I'Iy vo- only way open tor the dty to som<' from .san lliC'~to lmd Lnll An-I Th<· ""•··m An _lru•trumt•ntHI'-11 rr~llat , thrllh-d 1111' Mud•t'l't'"' wtth do this 1.1 to vote Itself Into t he lt('lf't. Adding rotor to tht> lct>M Will apphHtrto-od fttr hi:. h"dY ~ "1-:mhrart'ftbl•• Yl>U" and uttl('r n ·- Coastal Munld pal Water dlatrlct. was th<' 8'1-foot KRthnn~:a of Core: ordln:ott11n \\'tth tlw h~trmunh·A 1 '"'r•l•od hltJ · which altl'lldy Ia a unit of th(' 1 modor€' Washburn uf Catalina Jtrl'l'l" •I '" ht~ t\l'l'k. th•· h <IW uf t 'vll"'""'" th .. r .. turn ••t IIMrry I I I I Mt>tropolltan Water district. I hland Ya~ht d uh, which w11s Ulll'dl a vlulill tud~··•1 unrto·r th•' atum1• of J11ml'-Thur•d11y, 11 numhcr 1,f na- ,,(' wat€'r ronditlollll In th<' as romll\lltc>l' oont tlw lotst da)'. On hill IMI ;u m l•·ndlnt.: mu~ir Itt 1111-tionlllly -Jirmnint'nt mus ic maalen rount}' that prompt !IUch action. I board . Wt•rc> .ttwo m mmntior.,, Mn. ofl~r \'l111ln utxtn hts IIIIJ. ll•t.:••thl·r 11r,• 111 tlw •>II into: On actu-dulel I ~ n brw r. are th<'tW: The ltf'f'at bul k I W11shhurn. l::ver<'tt Morrill And Jim with " tit 111n hrH'kt:r"""" o•fl••t'lt'lt urr·· ;\1\tM•I IIIII., Auau•t :u """ f thr watr r usi"d In Orang€' coun-Wt'bclt<'r of the NYIIC raet• com-hy """' '~ uttno•h•od ''' ht• fec!t Seph'm~¥·r I. Wcklll)' ll••rman, &•tt- y is pumped from wt•lls. Th('S(' mlttl't' "ltO ·WI'N' lltd•-d hy Mrs "''hlr h "'"'''d lto•:ttll It• Additional lo'ant ... 1 1 I , t .. ·~ llruwn, St•tJif•rnlxr I "dis draw thl'lr supply from thl' J:tar1Am1 IW'Rrdsh'<' Pon Ayers of lllrtm·.. I '" k tllflh'rt ,, mulln'al :..'\1 (;t,·n Mtlh•r wtll mak•• "" np- 1 large underltf'OUnd wa ter tiuin S C. y A. wn~ llrt'lk'nt · ht~ nr w S ky-trlek llt'llrt.lnl''' tn Ut:tultt•r. th•· ''"''' nut thnt Il l'S bf>nc•n th thr roastal plain lark bcm~ nnchur'"-' ho·rl' fnr the AI~" ..,,,.,,,,11,••1 h) fl•Ht 111·tlon )'l'l ,...1 Most of the di'\'<'lopm€'nt of Or-s umm<'r. w:"' 111' fl,~,, '""" '~'''" ••ulo•r .. fl nn~;" <'OUnty OV<'rllf'S or is adjnt'('nl •-nut"•dr '.''"''s"s ftriiSih'd as fol-dnll 1'·1'1" '' "> ll.onw, "1.1111;· Snm to this basin and ~l'ts water frl"m luws: llandl<'ll iJ C'lns!l; ~irst, Tunta-From \l.tl•.thl 11nt1 Slu-Fo1ot-f.u It, including tht• City or Nc•wport !''"· S it·\\ ar t ; St n :nd. \ ''" ll!'t'mt•n, From h ''''"'"''~'. Jil-:t.:l'l,l Ill t hr 8l'· Rt>ach Ln~t YNir. thr stall• enlt'l· l'rt-plt>; third, SA111.111a . IJm:art: comp·ll'ltrt• n1 l'tl r•"•~ '"'"' nl'f'r "omplrtf'd a n engmN•rtn~ In-fourth JuliH, A"•lsnn ftfth. flril -pl••:u .. I ,.,,stigation which show('(! that han t, Gould, shth. '-·• ltuhan 7",,1- mnrP wat<'r Is ht•1nR plllllllt'd from lr ry .v this basin tha n I~ rN•clvl'd hy It Six-mt'll'r· Spt'nr: In its nvl?rn~c ttUpfll)' And that !'f't'unrl, Lulu, I fttrlnn ' 11. Lanni, l '•mtn>ll•·•l dlrtwl 11>1111l (lr•tlltn~. "hH'h mnk•" tl l•••~tlolo· fur th•· oil dr,llftor to '"'''I tlw lk•ttom •If hla l \\t•ll llllolo•l lltl.o·"· I I\ o•rll nnd '" • ·lin•. l .. ·~;un nh •ut 1!1:\:!, tn t 'all- t .. rntl\ I lh<' only Tf'IISnn thnt disRstrr hns 1 Sl~t trr: fourth. H••l11•l: :t·1•ry P C not overtnkl'n th" county Is thl' C'l118s: flr~:t, .f.<•('. St 1:-~I'Nmd. L----------------------------J1tmm<'nsc volum£' of wa tl'r noturnl-'''=""~· F:rlt-k~nn . thl ,' 1nwn, Ml'- -ly storC'd In this basin from timr<t F;orland fourth. PnJlOO"o·, \\l ll'<'l••r. he for e t hrrr was any pumplnl: PI (' C'l:t~~: ftr'<t \\',,.. ThrM>. from lt. '11"11' nv('rdra(t on thl' C'h:.-r : «••••nnd. i\hhln R1'111f"'l; hasin. howc•\'I'T, hal usro up 8 ··on-lhir<l. ('IJIIII••n!;t' 111"1'"''" Star for Prompt Sen1ee Ill'' ri:'I.I:TC 1:'1/ 111·.1\C'II, ,\111: .!i ~ ''' ··•lttt"n ,.J l'ltt• lluntu11,:. tom II· , h \\"I lot t~ '" •t'l"'"' h•·••· Frl(l:". "1th ,l11h11 :\I l'111 k··•, lur- nwr f',,.,, ""'It l lt•r.ti•I-'J'r•llt~tn•· an•l St11r~ ""'' Sto "" s l"''l•lrlt•r. ,,, 1111111• HJr,tl n~.: • •It fur' t1SF.8T TAIJTINO MI7.ZLINO HAMBV KOI!U MTF.AK8 (w..._....r he pta tiMom); HUMF. BAKED t'U MM'W Br.aa y A N D I sldt:'rable Jlllrt of t he stori"d wntt•r elMs : fir"t. Ncorl h St nr. North ; and water lt••'ela In the basm ha'''' sl'rond, Stormy. llnxtf'r . third, cll'llflJX'd uccordingly. AlonR thr \\'hirl\,·m\1. C'h11pmnn. Alha trou 1 ()('{'lin shor€' tht"y hill'•' r('('('(i•-<1 h('. C'lu~~· firs!. \\'Inti Rlrlrr, M•'lll:t"r : I low S~tl I€'V('I for most or'·"" tlm('1 ~I'{'(H~d. Jl(>.(';Sty, Ru~tl·r~. third. No. 11nd salt w!IH•r Is •'nll'nng 1111' 2tt. (,orsky: fourth, f'H'III'''· P••llr - hn~ln from th£' <W't'an Thr Cit y <o()n RhooM C"ln~"· f1T'<I. St•u Ht:'f', In( Nl'wporl Af'AC'h ~tmf' yc•an a~" O.•nrrlsl~¥; !<N'ttnd. Hut h. Allf'n: had to nhllndon tht•ir ori~~:innl thlnl, C'rl~pin. flhllhp5. rourth. W£'11S nenr thl:' OCf'an shore hC'-llr nny fl••nn)'. (;rtfftth l«lnnd I r11tt.Se thl'y pumJX'(I snit "ntrr (.'ltpf1('r : fint. Alotto•tl"· Smith: from th<'m. and movt• tlw ir pum~t-crrond. r.uidado, llrn" n: third. In~: furtht•r bark into lh<' ha!<ln Plilorlt's. l..Jmdcrs. fourth, Gnyk . SinN' then lht' La~~:una fk·ach McKI'Illps I County \\'!ll('r di~trkt has h11 d In ' Small t,OII t!l nw••d •n lh•· hny :~~;;~::!~~~~:::;;;:~::::::::~~i ~thandon two wt•lls for the snml' with thr,..r r•nr•·~ N"''"nal rln-s, r•·ason. ftr!<l, m. llrn\\ n ~"•'c'onol :..'97 I Inn- .,. • • ~<~n: thard. 3, llnrd•·n Sntrw d A55' N 0 P L A C E I N T 0 W N TH ERE IS lout un•' snlutton to ftnit. 421:\, lH'HI ••r <PI'ond. :lfl24. I th is !'tiUntlon That tS for ~nmo• l.o·wi~: thirrl. 42ftU, .\\'h1to•, \'lkinlt e 8 E R V E S e of lh<' draft ttl) 1111' undc•rJ;:TuUnd 1'111~.~ fir!'t, 4. C'umpiM II . SN'onrl I basin to fl:f'l anothr r sourc<' of 13, Pt•d••rJ<~•n· lhlrol :\, F.dson supply than pumpinR rrom wells Sabot I'IMs· fir~•. :ll. lllo•hnrd: !ll'f'· that draw from this hasin. Thr onrl. 40, Dnl'lll thirt1, :!11, Rk hnrcl, Hamburgers Malts Sundaes Coffee and Donuts Waffles LIKE THE DONuTi..lMAFFLE SHOP S05 MARINE AVENUE BALBOA ISLAND Ketuty N ldleh -Oeorp Sterllnc Opea Ev-Jap VntU It o'Clock -CICieM -Wed-a.y I only sourr(' nvllllahl(' i~ C'olornt1u W. 0 )'<'r dtnt:ht•·~ lin t. 373. ril't"r watf'r from th<' mains of the rtnyl't' ~rNmd. :iti7. Mt:'rritt : third. 1\ff'tropolitAn \\'alt•r distrir t. Thf'r€' :l.'VI, Lc•hrnan Jnt('rnRIIonRI rlas,.- ls no othl'r choice. fm•t. 11 f;, J-'('ntnn. 't'<'Ond. :_lfi(t, JWspcctfully yours, DONALD J. DODGL. Dlr('clor Oran~~:c County Wa t('r Dis trict. WORTHINGTO Refrigeration P'UON AMIIONIA I toa to Itt. Air Conditioning I._ to 10 toe Pressure Pumps Centrifugal Pumps \\'aterprnof Adobe Brick MADJI! ON VOUR PROPJI!RTl' -F ·-tJ ·I'- PRQJ\"r. BF.AC'OS 3!%4 ROOFS APPLUD OR RJI!PAIIlED Free !lrttmatee A Inspection W. J. Bflabnw 3802 Marcus Ph. Hbr. 1012-J 1'l1pmun tltlrtl. 11 . ·'"''"''"" 1\.tl hoJ1 •lull'hto·' 111•1, I~ :'>1ur~:.m. '"'l'tttVI Ill l ;rttlll lh11tl. ~ •. Whit· 1111: """"lttrol rln•" ftr,t, 1~1 . \\'ult• t I , \\ "'· ~~·c·uml 1!11 , !'o•y· mour 1\. • I,, tltlr'tl, 1!1!1, Frl'd Th1•m 1111. P·ll o•la~o~: l lrlll, I. Kylo•: :"'C'· fond, II II ll.utlc·r , lhlrcl, :\. St•no·ll. FuiNIII • lt ... ~ · hn•t. :!!'>, Ymtnj;!IP\1', ~Wrond. 1:\, Lf'"\8. thlrrl. 37, All<-n. EX-SERVICE PERSONNEL Ytl\lr III•PII<'rotion f11r t•·rm - lntll flii'IIIUJo:h I'll} "Ul I w ""' nr11• 11 t-·n 1-:1-: • l l••n~o: Yuur lllo·ntlfwaltun F. \. VENN "·" "' t'ul tr S A , lt•·llr••d l IWrrJiur • Nntary I'UbUa li0 7 t'llll~t lliJo:hWliY ('"'""" d• I t.lar F4W AU · PrMoar. uc1 All Uqulds In Stock Call .... MASS M.EETING Tuesday Evening, Sept. 3rd APPl-E PIM SHEP'S 1011 {lQA8T HIOH\\'AY .. NF.\\'PORT '-r'1IM! H-of Good ........ ENJOY THESE ADVANTAGES! .. : Wladow .& ....... Door Boocll Porch a PaUo Ouop&. • a.. 0.& -• -Uatat •: • ..,. o.a •.. a,_ .. 1 • ....,.•••&-·'No "UpoA ~"; • 1111,_& ··.N o ... u.., • ...,...._ o.tp -.. c..... •••.rt: • u-... r.c-7 -. -.._.u,., No .,.._&a. Now! Quality V eaeUaa Bl1ada IEithrr Wood or Metal) Qlllck llenlcle For ,.,_ l!o.,_._ c.IJ Rf"Vei"IIC' OIAI'Jtl'• ILAn·a:waaa AWllla~ Co. ol ()nap Co. 1111 8o. PNI .... pllla ,8L A.....am,c.at. Pho..., f'tlt.LEaTo!lf 1111-.1 • DELICIOUSLY PREPARED • • • • • . ~-...... , ~l· \· Newport Cafe Nllbt &Del Oa)'-U ·llov ~ IIU Mt·t '...tdH Plaftt NtM'pOI't ..._.. "High Unifol11l8" Wh lte Blouses Navy Skirts Sweaters All Wool Cardigan A VarJety of Colon Slip-Overs Turtle-Neck V-Neck Grammar School Wash Dresses Cotton Spun Rayon * Anklets All Colors All Si zes ORKIN'S Department Store 1'793 Nf'l\'port Blvd. (;CMta ,.,.. • • • • - 114 W .. 4tll SL PIL 8888 LONG BEACH , .. ..., PASADENA M!f ..... ft.tr.l ............ .._ Let us tell you frankly, whether your radio can be repaired 1~­ slvely enough for· lt to De worthwhile! Newport Electric Appliance l,o. _OIM& ..... ...... 111 Open Forum RENDEZVOUS BALLROOM All Members of the I Balboa Improvement Assn. and Property Owners Are Urged to Attend C. a. IOHNMON, P,...._t; ---For Your LABOR DAY Week End--· Coc ktails B'DQMES Fine Drinks Newport Beach - --Ocean f;"'ront A Distin ~u i shed Array 'O f W ines and Liquors Imported • • • Dome stic Sunset Liquor Beach Store <:out Hlway, Ma11114!t ~h (South or Post orn,....l Sally's Liquor 002 r .. FourUt Rt. MANTA ANA "Sally" Reel, PropriMor 'I I I ~a/boa c.ft'kulfef • llefoN Y 011 B•lld or Re1Hd81 .......... ...,.. ... Dllpi&J 800IDI Color guldell, plan- nine aids, comprehens- Ive stock of carpets and Unolewn. LUDLUM Carpet Works ...._ ..... A.a... BANTA AKA COITRACTORS' REITAL EQUIPMENT jaeger Compressors Comet Saws Cement Mixers Wood Working Equipment Everything for the B1111diq Contrador Dutch Heacock Tlllphone: Harbor 502 or Beaeon 5508-W 1M ud 8uta Au Ave. -Coeta 11 ... ~ls ··11anel Available Now In Chro~~~e - 'Flexible Shafts Ellclae Drive Joints m-HOIII & GALVAN 8Df(S -ElL I I t I ....... lllwaJ f'hOM J1eMoa 5WJ ' r W'S .... TttA:kc --~ ELECTRICIANS OOTwe liN lit 'In rt ... ...._., I'Lllft. ...-, w•-. rAmi. •-, .. Strenuous Objection by City Attorney Causes Councilmen To Delay New Building Plan County Board Aaree8 PuaLic NoTicE To Appropriate $2700 · F H bor Fi W k right to ~jeer any or all bids or or ar re or W!l\'e any informality In s birt. I --T. WF~TON JAY, An 1\gr eement hat been rt'achi!d Clerk ot the Nl'wpc,rf lx>tw._-cn tlw Oranee County Hllr-&>ach School Di.itrict. hor rommlulon and the d ty of Pub. Aug. '.!7, 29, 1946. Newport lkach on fire prott'<'tion for thf' million dollara worth of hoats moort'd In Nev.•port lfot·bor. The county rommlu lon has agrf'l'd to appropriotf' the Rum of FoUowia~e ..tftnuoll!'l oppollloiUon from Ctty Atty. Roland $2700 as Its shore of thl' cost of TlaompiOD, the Nrwport 84-&t'•h City Couacll Monday attf'r-momtalning n firehoat 1taff 11 the 110011 ftfralaed from takla, ... ,. dt-dalve acUoa oa tbe clt,· c-Ity v.•ill match that sum tor th~ plaaabli oomm!MJon'11 rtt"'OIlmendaUoa that tbe dty aaqulrf' llaiTlP pu.rpo.t>. lalld Ia thf" \'lclJLitv of thr Coroaa &-1 Mar IDfJIDOriaJ Mayo.r 0. 0. IW<'d said th•• city 1D01't1 -' • I df,;•s not now have ade<tiiBit' fa· park ue&. il to dfola aclloe tl t'tlittl'l for fir<> ~t•rvlce In thP l>ay 11tf' c-Ity atturney u~f'd thr rounc Y . oa .... and ha~bor. hut tha t the city f'f'\tt•· .....U.r for two n-MOilK. fiNit, that he thoudJt the laadl no~ e-ll will undoubted. take &on tl' uc- la fi!M'I'OW were sulflcif'nf for ~ park purpo8M, a.d ~ liun in th<' rwa r rutu.re to supply ' a good fireboat when that La ondly, thot it wnuld lx• u l(rll~~ the eity lihould walt until It r•·· lnjuJtlc:t> to ntho·r proJ')('rty "" m•rt. ,.,.,,.,,s dl'fmate lnlormaiJon thr~t If thr C'ity snu~;ht 10 tako· a•l· lhl' lund alr<·ady In escrow has Vlln181((' Of ftiC'tr lund& ht•t•n ltet't•plo'Cf hy the l tate bt'ftort• Councllmon 0 z. Roi:K'rtson, II decides to lake more land lor the ~.r.......,, who auvpnrlt·d lhl' rl'!iillUIHtn. in-,,_ ..--- r~ tht• city uttornPy t hat th<• Th•• f'ily rounst'llor atubbornly city wu only 11uhmlttmg a skl'lch rl'fUit'd 10 budge from ht. neaotl\ t' to thf' 1tatr for thrar •·xammat10n poos1tilln. "You ore not loalng !lOY availabl('. At the prM~ent time the city Ia mod('rnlzin~t two old and antlquot- 1'11 fireboat models which were l•mn('d tel It by the Coast Guard. A firl' d('partment offlclul rt'Ctmily d asaitled thl' appa.rotua a.s "plc.>ee!! of junk, unfit for fl.re Ulagt', but IH'tter Jhan nothing when there is nothing rise to be had ." City Atty. Thompson IH\S\\t•r•·rl, tlml'," h,• snap!)(.'C:I back. "You t'un "That may tx• tnh', hut thr rt' 1~ hultl this up until you c.an ret an no t a thing showln~; ht>rt• "' what l'ltimA h· or wha~. this pllln Ia eouar: Mesa Girl Recovering -·• t d " tu ,.,., thf' city. , , you propos ..... 0 o. rr w!Ul thl'n th11t City En11n•''T ' From Auto InJUries Robrrtson rejfolnf'd. "Of rnur~r. J n. Webb ln,lt>cted the remark --- wtwn tht• s1n tf' ll(lprfl\o'S, lhi'y "'11 that $130.000 worth of new buol•l· Mona llt>rbst, :.10, of 22ii Hom-· eomt> back and ll.lik Ull for u Oltore tnr:~ would IX-erected on the prll(l-llton Jllr<>N , Costa Ml'!la, is re- dtotall plan." Thl.' t-ctuncllma n ar· ,.rty 11ddrd to th(' city. The hu~•· 1 t'tw••rans:: s lowly from injuries re-gued 111tainst nny d••lny In th•· mut · d 1 ter for frar thr plan would n•ll nt•ss rnlt'rpriae, he ad t'd, wwail ,.,.iw d Friday when hal hy on rt'ar h the sta to• pnrk cnmmlu lon lw:• 641WI ,;qull rf' fr«'l for 11 rest:au· autnmohllt' drivl'n hy Anthony D. by St-ptt>mbl'r 15 lind In tamr for r nnt ond f>.IOO I!(JUOrt' feet for un Antnn, :!I, nr 19:.!6 !'lt•WJ)Ort Blvd. tht• d ry of Nc-"f10rl IWach tol nfl lf'l' huildinR. Antnn tuld CahfQtDJ.;LS tate Ulgh- LIC'nf'fit by any •tll tl' llpproprintlon i\rtr r CounMimlln L. L. h l••tl '"'>' Plllm l nffJN'rs hr was pUll· that m11,y he mnde. 11nrl Rob Alll'n won opproval ur ;I ong :'""> fn•m a parkanr: spncc and • mHirun '" pnstpont' action on tho• oltfl ""' St'f• thl' girl. "Putting this Olho·r prnrw·rty nn ro•suluuon until the next m('('t tnr: top uf that alrf'fHiy In l'!ltTuw. only uf tlw l'ity rount•il, Assemblym:m - h SeU that unwonted •PUcl• puts .-nrum rancl'!l un somennt• Jo:lo•('1 f.ar l \V. Stonlcy, who "'"S -"' f'l14.'," Thompson sold late-in arriving for the mt'4'11nr:. throu&h New.-Times ada c .,.t 111!,000 "arm'd t h!' ('<IUncil that 10 df•l.oy A('('(')mpanyrn~: thl' r .. romm<'ndn· t h!' mall('r any lnn~tt'r was to J<'ull- llon wa.~ a lf'nta th'l' skl'lc-h whlrh nrdiLP thl' clty'll share of ~t.otf• dl~ciOIW'd In J>llrt thtH It 1s pro-runds ror park puqll!l!l'!l. Pf*'(l to crf'<'t $1~~.()00 worth of I hUIIneu hulldinl{s on tht> short> 'BJ k G Jd D t front of thl' h!utrs propo.,rly In 3C 0 3Y8 which the sta te pn.rk would hel --- ck>vel()fX'd. M,.n whu dlsrowrt'd and dt·\ •·I· Tile buildlnl!.<~ would Mmprillt' orwd thf' fnhulnullly rkh llun11m:· an nrtlce. rt'lltnurant nnd drl's&lng tun fl(·ach ml faPid.• wtll tx• hPn· room t tructu.rt'l. 1 <~n·d 111 ltw pn~t ·war rr vivut or Uppolllnt.t 11 resolution th~<l t h(' Rlnc·k Gold llays Fetl' In '"' would havf' won council appruval hf'ld 10 lluniHJt:l•m Rt-och Aur:u~t of thC' plonnin~: rnmmiuion's rl'!'· :ll In &•IHI'IniH•r I and :l. omm«'ndntlon. thf' cary rounsel snul --------,---1 Cypress Postmaster Resigns ·His Position Use VITA-FOOT For Athletes' Foot -·-Pe rfected by an a thJt>tic coach. Sold on a money back gua rantee. At your locAl druggist -·-THE MOREY co. II! W, lUI St. Loa Aapln 1~ IT'S YOUR GLANDS TIDE TABLES AOOOST, INf \\' :!>I 10 :21 4.(1;) 10:64. 4:0% 4.9 -.{,1,3 !},7 L2 Th ~'9 111.51 4:35 10:'8 4:U -1 9 0.2 ~I 1.:.! F 30 11 .:l:.! Hl5 It :SI 5:M 19 II.R 4<1 1.3 s 31 II :71~ :i.3.1 1 :%9 .Ui 1 4 1.5 rld"o art! pl&.eed ID order ot .-u"- 1 ••n• u.,..,... L ... : clara n~ p. "' PuBLIC NoTICE NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ENGAGE IN THE SALE OF ALCOHOL· IC BEVERAGES. AugUit 21, 1946 To Whom It May C'-N"ra: I . NolJce Ill hereby given thot fif. h-en days after the date posted the undt'rsitnt'd propoaea to sci aleoholk bt'verages at theee prem l~~ea, dt•acrlbed os follows: 2114 ~an Front, Newport Beach, Califom1A. . r Pursuant to such Intention. the underalgned is applying to the State Board of Equalization for I• suanrc by tronsfer of an a lrohollr bt'vcrage license I or IICC'nses I' fo these prem1ses at follows: ON S ALE BEER ONLY. t Anyone deai.rfng to protest the iuuance of such li~nse ta) may fi le a verlfit'd protest with the State Boorq of Equaliza tion a "Sacramt•ntoe, Ca lifornia, stating grounds for d.-~1\J a.a providt'd by law. Tht' prem\aee are now licensed for the aaJe or aJcoholie bevcragt'l ARTHUR L. LAWRENCE WJLUAM L. DAV1S. LESTER CA TE. Pub.-Aug. 27. 1946. NOTJC't: C'ALLINO t"OR BIDS . f - . t . The Board of School TrUitt't'l of tht! N('Wpor t Beach School Dis trier. Oronge County. will receive bim at the school office, 14th and C('ntrul, up to 8:00 P. 1-L Scp- tembt'r 2, 1946 for the purchase o approximotC'Iy :!40(1 Ions of bitum inous plant mtx to IX! dellvf'red and applit'd to approximately 200, 000 sq. ft. or playgTound at the main school, 14th nnd Cf>ntra l S)X'clflcnlions to I)(' vbtnlnl.'d a the off il''' M the District SU)X'r intendcnt of Schools, 14th ond C<'nlral. t . The Roord or School Trustees of the Nl'wport Beoch School Dis trlct rcscrv<'s the rt~llt to rejec any or llil bids or waive nny in formolity In o bid. T. WESTON J AY, Cl('rk (o( the !\c \\ por t llf'neh 5dltl0 Otstrict. Puh. Auc. 13, 20, 27. 1946. SOTI('E Ot' ISTt:STIOS TO SELL I t 'nr1,.r S••t·t inn J 1111. Cahrurni, :1 Ch al C'c>dl": ; I I'\( IT I<'E IS llt:HEBY G1\'F:N Tl111 t t\, .J. Ghtl .. ni, r•·~ulont.; a >lii:J 4111 h !";t l'l't'l, ;\;I:'WJl<H I ll•·ach Cll laf.,rr11:1. <~nn, i\ .I lllln ,..ho•r, r<•,atftnr.: at J!lO 1 ~tar•'"' ~~ ,.,.,.,, ;-... "111•rt Rt·act I, C'alrlurn1.o. ~otnd. Jrii ult H•t<l•·uh•'< r. I, "'''"""!: a I l!l:!lt FIIIIPrtun '''''1111'' t',~l tl :\lo ·~rt ( ',ollfurnth, nn•l, floho•rl ( · ~l•·wort, ,.,.,,dam: 11 777:!. F ''' 11:111 ~,,.. ,.,, \\', «tnun I . sl••r. ( ':ahft•rnlil, r ,. I t ' p UBLIC N OTICU acknowledged to mt> that he •lined the above and foregoing lnatru· ment u ht. tree and voluntary act and deed for the uses and pu.r· poace therein aet forth. WlTNESS my hand and official teal the day and yea.r flnt above written. E. W. AUSTIN. Notary Public In ond for said County a nd State. My romml11lon r xpires Jon, 1, 1950. Pub.: Aue. 22, ZT. 19-16. 1108JNU8 OVID& .. Storey's Battery Service W<'lllminatcr Ave . ' tlktween 18th and Magnolia Phone Beocon 5183, Costo Mesa 67·1 tc Bayside Plating Co. 1943 Newport Avenue COSTA MESA, CAUF. Phone Beacon 5358-R (Refer to display Ad. Page 41 66-Stc Painting -Decorating We use only reliable ma terials, applied by mu te.r palntera. GERALD E. VAN HALL 424 Heliotrope, Corona del MU-'f<'l. Harbor 89-WK 65-4tp COOPERATIVE ROOFING co. New and Repair Phone 8'75-M 21J i:. a9tb St ., Coata Mea ~tic SIGN PAINTJNG --Boats, Trucks, Wlndowtl Walls IUid Bultellns. Raised Metal, Woo4 and Plutlc Letters A·L LACHMEYER 1726 West Central Harbor 1243-M 38Ut PAINTING 12 Yevw SE-rvice In NewpoTt HM'bor Area Harr&,Hall PAINTING NTRACTOR Phone &>aeon 5259-J 274 E. 19th !,.tr('('t 24-th Painting -Decorating R. E . ANDERSON .; Free Estimating Phone Beocon 57&>-J 47-tfo t'OR A RE U ABLE Point Job 011 your home, call O<onron 533( after 4:30 p.m. l O-tte J'AlNT l.NG -PAI'Eit HANGING and DE<.:ORA l'lNG H. E. Md >onald 41-1 Old Conly Rd., Costa Me1m · Phon<' Th•ac·,•n 5013-J 85-tft fiCAS8POft.Ti\TION IC BICYCLES St~ld, P.enttd or k ep&lred. VOGEL'S tOO Main St~; Balboa 208 Marine, llnlhoa Jaland. 114·ll< .O!iT A:SO FOl'SO u ROSSI'S Liquor Store thtf' •f't.lt..,.__.1f'l••tffl.1 o•r •wa ___.u ••-b•w ,........._ NA ,.,. -S• •r•rw--!lrle • .,..,-x. •• ,Iff II•- c•n .. poar l flf'l""i tioJnC huc;ln.~ .. ~ unrl•· "''' fwtt1 11111' fot m n.tnll' uf Ill II 't•nlr,J ll11:t l \\'orll~ I nf :'\t•\\ Jl"l llt•>tl'll, I 'rtlolurnia. lo•· olo·d 11 Strl'l'i :11. n .. , :i, !'t'\\ ...... , Rr•IH'h ( 'ahfllrna.a. inl•·nol In ~•'II. tr,an~f,•r 11''-lt.;n ,, ntl •~""') all tl1•••r ror.:h 1 trill' :tllrl lnlt•rl'<;l tn 111111 ICI lh '"~t·l~. IJII~IOO'l'" lind ~~~Kh\1 11 II ~aid Cc•ntrnl Bnal Works. tnr.:e lhl' wit h thr folluwtm: prllJ)(•rt v: c• I.J lST :! fllll'lll' ~··tnt•r "kllfS, ~. L F ... II, II. C .. r11.('., lOT 100 Cout Rlallway " ....... ~e.....-. -· ........ Ho..... II U f• 11'.-l•t-nt. .. ,._.. !1-lallol .. Ia 01 ..... Formerly Oordoll'a Dnac Store Opell ~Day H-" l ::te A. M. te l ,.,. P. 11. .. _,.. ... Th~o DRAFTING SERVICE ROY M. WATKINS and Associates 1118 Cocut Rlc'IWa.J (Ia tile Mll"'lde Mile) Harbor 118 WING SANG BOAT & REPAffi YARD 811 Coast Highway 101 • • Pboae B•eoa M14 ''' Mool'lltp ucl 1111*'8 .......... for a.1a for Bale Paddle ac..r.t. tor aeat ., &1M ... 01' --&b. Does Your House Need Painting? tl OwDeCI ud operated by World War 0 Veterans teeldq ,.,ar penna.aeat pod w1D ucJ patroaap. .r ~ For Ftee ...._._ Phone HARBOR 2 6• 5 Bea1 aid Hoi•• CE RTIFICATE O F B USINESS F ICTITIOUS F IRM NAME Thf' untt,.r~lW:nf'd ~t .. hf'r'#'l,) ''trtlr,-f thAt tlwy •r~ t•u ruhu·tlnJC n hout r~rr•lr ""'' ,_,~V•Kt·-.'vrkh•ll luJ:otiiWJtJIII bl fjlS CtoA~I llhrhw•y. f'lly .. r :-.~"·•••rl H.,u·lt Ct•unty nt On~nt;f'. Stutf" fl( l "ftllfttrUIM under t hf' fli"tltl•l\JI' flrt1l wuu•• ur STERLL'iG IIOAT WORK!:-' Mltl llo11t •i4td flrru Ia r t,nll)l•lt1!'•1 ttl th~~' fullu•- lne pt"rl't•nll. • huiM! IIMfllf"A ""'' h•l ... d,..-_,AC',. ft.re u li•l_,w,. \H "It '1r111 T h'•l'k thh•f'n . I:Ja) VIa K(•rt•u :", • ..,. 1.,. .. t B~ut h, l 'a•lf,.riiiR; U.ortr :.. Thnrklhl M il, 1~(1 VIa Kur<on. N~"'l>••rl H~ut h. C..llfllrlllll. W ltu .. ,.,. t•ur h"n.t \hiA t~t ''">' of Au,-u•t 19tG Ofll:>: T IIOI!K 11.11~~. '\ lt(ot([~ !\ TIIIIIIKJJ ,It:<t::>: SIAII' u ( ('lollf••ml&. Cno~h;h':! c;;~•n~'" ~~~ Au •u11t A. U 1~8. bfofnn.• Ill" i{,m \\' fat"rllh*r'PH"" " Notorr. l'uhhc In ~nil l11r •ftltl <:"""'>' And StAt<'. r-'P'ittln" th•·r••in (t ul.)· t•uu t· mltul~tOt'fl "'"'' '"'"'"· Jlt\r~m"ly JtJJ .. J'eert-d Orin Thnrkll(h••n t\rl•l l)t•rb ~. Ttu;rk tldMert, k OH'A'rl '" m .. ••-lJ4\ tfw pen•untt whn-n•m .. ,. •r'" ltUhiiW"t lh.,tJ 10 the wtthln lnPlrum,.ut Antt ar knvv.J. Nllr"(l lu me I hal tlt~r ~""' ul~ol lh~ Mme. IN WITS P:~ \\'IIF:Hf'A'II'" I h&•·~ hf',.unto ..,, mr h11nrt ""'' atrllff'd my Hfflcl&l .,.,., Ill~ •lay ""'' Y~"tr In lhl• cerllflt·Aie flr•l Ah11ve wrlllrn. (SEALI TOM W llt:,.m t:HSOS, Nt~fHry Puldl!' ln •n•l r •• r IIHld C~ounty •nd S llllr. )ly ('ommlu h•n U lliN.'• Mar.h 7. 1949 Pub.: Auc 6. IS. 211, Z7, 1946. NOT IC~ INVITING a tOS Th~ Bu•rfl M Srhovl Tno•l~"8 nl }J'~~t-w~-~~~t ~f'1;;1~1 ~~~j~.t,. r1!:~1~rh~1 the s<'h•"'' c•frt•~. 14th •nrt L'tnlral up In S llfl I' m. ~pt~onb~r 2. 1S.6 ~~~~ .. '.!:" ~:···~·~:~·"(-.. ~~~~-· ~&~"k~':.~ !lc'hoool. All m•IHiala ""fl l•hnr In be f\Jml•h~d hy th~ ro•nln~t'l"r abr~-~~ ~~: t')f:(~'~r8~~~.1~::~~.~:~~.l!; Otfl~. 14th "'"' Ct'ntnol. Th<! B< .. rol of !khool Tno•l~"~ or the Newpur1 Bfo•c·h ~hnnl Ololr1rl ,..,.,.,..,., lhl' rllrhl 1" ,...J~I &ny ,,, all bltl• ''' • atY~ any lnl .. rmallly In • bid. T WESTOS J AT. Clf'rll of th~ ;llewpur1 ~uh S..hnol Dl•trlct. Pub Autl 22. :n 29, 1946 NOTIC'F. L!li\'ITISO RIU~ Tht-Boarrt of School TrustC<'S of the Newport R<-ach Srhool Dis· trlct. Oranr;:f' Count)' will f'(.'('('l\'1' bids a t the school offiCt'. 14th nnd Central up to 8:00 p m. S4-ptf'mhtor 3. 1946 for furnlshinl: 11nd instn1· ling l lllr;t(' I'QUipm~>nt for lhl' C~ rona del MAr School. Plana and ,;peciricalinnl will IIC' found in th(o District Supt'rin· tenMnt'a otrl~ at 14th hnd Om· tral. TIM' Board of School Trustee~ o1 the Ntwport lk>ach Sch<¥>1 l>la· trict. <>ranee County, rtaervH tt>t r r I ,\('l'ttlln ts ro•cdvnhlt•; :!. Mnr hlnf'ry and F.quipm•·n t, :l ~llflJilio·s. malt•rtal~. laulchm:s c>fftl'•'"· nfric-t· i"Julpnwnl. c X<'t'lllin •udo tlt•m<: a~ :1rr· C'fl\t'r('c1 hv th 1: ~:1111 \\' "\t,m l") Lt•a<:o• . I' ·I P lan!'. Spf't'lfa t·u I auns nnd olt·:o\\ triC "'flll pmr'nl : n :'!. Tht· Earl \V Stanlt•y tRII!II' rlntl'rl Sl'ptl'mhr·r lR. 1!}.17), is t llC' as~tl:nl'd with n l'nn~rnt to th :o<«rcnmo•nt or tho> Lt·a~ .. '<tRnf"d hy (' F:arl \\'. ~tnnlry, fi ~··lh•r!< ar•• In ~f'l l. rrnn~rr and li~Rh::n nil tlwar raght, till 11nrl lnlo•r,•RI in tbr• ftft} 1 .)(Jt to C'rnnt· a net lht• ron t ra<'l to huy th r ,. n f' srunf' I I . : : 7 All rnntrnrts In rnnstruc hCI.'ll ~ llnff nJI ri~thlll Of Crnlrn Ront \\'urks lht>r~tn arc-to hf:o as sis::nl'rl nnd transrc•rrl'd to huycrll ~ On,. wor'k holll 24 root No :n~:;r,t In !)(' ronvl•yc-d lo buyrrs 11dnft off !\'f'\\ port, small skalf In!< Ill I' harr.:•·r on.-. Lillo•rnl rf'- \\ Hrd. !'hom• T t: 3:l· 116, \\Tile F istwrmn n 's l'ni••n U K":! I 33. R••r th 73. Snn l'•·<lrn. ('6-·ltc E~IPLOnU:ST \\ ANTI:O u TAIWH ~ ;l\ I tl'flf'n('C'd: all kinds rcpalrinr:. r<'modf'llns:: and rc· lining. Call lknrun 5423. 64-6tp t 'ARI':TAKJ-;R, mlddir aged, re· haiti•'. l'll ll l'•·nnrn~o:1on. Phonr l'llrk\\'<J) 6469. 1:l07 1, So. llarv· nrc( n h fl., Los i\nl(t•li'S. t>.i -4t p C<JLLI-;t;E GRADUATE, 38. de· sarrs rc•sponsahlc oHic<' position llarhor arra or vicinity; 12 yrars' ex)X'rloncc offi ce mun· ogrmrnt. J>f'r~nnel, mater ial procuretnrnt and con trol. Typist. i::IIX'Cially lntf'r~IC'd marinr or n lilf"d industry Considrr11blc oontins:: knowU>dj.tl'. ~lary re- quir<'mf'nts rl'nsonoblc. Excel· lent n•ff'rcnres. Write Box E. c/o New~rt • Balboa News · Times. 64-tfc -UIPLOYMENT OFFERED 9. Thf' tron.<~fPr of oil insuranet' no1iclrll, rontr11ctll, acroun rs re N'i\'ahlf', ~toodwill, honks. papers r('('ordll nnd 1111 othl'r RS!I('ts who! S()f'Vf'r of C"l'ntr al Bont Works no othf'rwlsr speciflcnlly mC'ntiont> hf'r,.ln; to th, followln~ \'Pndel'!l: • Rlrhmond P. Hobson. rf'sidin 111 1~7 ilt'Sperion Routrv11 rd. Sa Lor<'nzo, C"alifom ia. and . I d g n 4 R. P. Jorrtan, r<'llldln~t a t 401 Channel F'IIIN'. Newport O<oaeh C"11llfornla. a nd. · e . c W. Moorr. reaidln~t at 240 Hyd Sir('(' I, Snn Franclsro. Ca llfornht on the 3rd day nf St>ptember. 1946 at 1 :00 o'clock p. m. at the office or thl' Q>ntral Boat Works.~ Box 5, Strt'et 31, Nt'wnort 114>arh. Call fornla. Thf' m nslrt!'rutlon to he th paymr nt of credltoMI on n deferred paymr nt plan ht>rctoforc submit It'd to surh crcditora. A. J. G HILONT. A. J DUROC'HF.R. J•\COB BODEUHOEFER ·RORERT C. STEW ART Stilt(' nf Cnllfornla, County of Oranr;:c--u .: On this 2h t day of Au~tust. 1946 bt'forc mf', E W. AUitln. a Notary Public In and for sa.ld county and stale afof"C'SIIId. J)t'nOnllll.y appear ed A. J . Ghllonl, A. S. Durocher Jacob BQckouhoefer and Robert· C Stewart. known to me, and NCh . FOUNTAIN IIELP WANTED- P flone Harbor Z7. 67-2tc TWO 114AJOS for hotel work, Dal· boa Inn. llorhor 660. 67-tfc W ANTED-Laundrcq one day a week. Phone Horhor 59R. 66-tfc WANTED -IIOU!It'·keeper, part lime. middle Agl', live out. Call Harhor 1916. 67-2tc COUNTER GIRL WANTED - Harbor Service Cleaners . 113 Palm S t., Balboa. 67-2tc WAITRESS WANTED llx ct.ys week. Norton'• Bay StlcJre Care, 17th and Cout Highway. 59-ttc KITCHEN HELP wanted. Apply \heryl'a. 322 Marine Ave., BaJ. boa laland M-Uc WANTED -Dlthwaaher. 84llboa Inn Carf'. Surf 11nd Main St., Rill boa. 67-2tc WANTED ExJ)('rlt'nced rocktajl And food "'altrea1. 841Jboa Inn Cafe, Surf 11nd Main St .. Bal· boa. 67-2tc WANTED-Cook and otl~r help- en for cafetrrla N~-port Beach Gummar School ctiatrlct. Har· bor 23. M-4tc mil' LOYIRNT OFFDED • HELP WANTED-Woman 01 Jirl t01 &f'neral housework: aoo4 wagt'l; live In or out. Ha.rbOr 1~. ~Ue HELP WANTED-Need 2 maldl, 1 permanent. other tor extra )York. Top aaluy. Miracle Mile Mott'l, 706 Coa.st Highway, New- por t Beacll. Phone Beacon :l99-J . • 66-2tp WAITRESS WANTED $37.50 Pt>r W~k and Meals Good Hours Also FRY COOK . --Se~ MR. EARLY (mornings only) Kina Landing Newport Beach 61-Uc LOCAL or traveling In bUIIneel tor your101f. No money required. Good Income. You are your own bou. Apply Miss Ba,yer, AUitin-! Sonta Ana, 508% N. Main St. ~tc YOUNG WOMEN Telephone operating positiona are available to you in your own community. Starting pay is good, experience is not required Frequent-tncreases. - Vacations with pay . Advancement opportunities. Apply 100 E. Bay Ave., Balboa 514% N. Main St., Santa Ana or .Uk the operator ror the Chid Operator Southern California Telephone Compaay 42·ttc 8ALE lli8CELLANEOU8 • FtiR SALF. Cook stov(' and radio. 309 Coronadn. llalbt1a 67-ltp R. C. ALLEN addmg macht nt'. 6 c-olumns. .. ,uhnnks, I ll Grond Canul. IJHihOil l ~l11nd. 67-ltp FUR S ALE-A1r c-vmpr~·sscr, $10(} . 7311 ::it'ashon · Dr .. Newport Ikoch. 65-tfc FOR SALJ:;.-Man s and woman'a bicycll's. 1 :lQ A l>alone Ave., Bill- boa lslnnd. 59-Uc AI'ART J\11-:N'l' SIZE STOVE- {;(Kid m ncllt10n, $15. 51:l 35th St 67-ltp 1-'UR S r\j,.E-1\tunroc f'IC'<'trae cal· CU(<!IOr, Sl:iO. )lot It) llnrbor Blvd .. ( 't;~lil :\t,;~, .. Beacon 5R9:!·J . 61-tfc Fun SA u . lkll and 1111\\'l'li 16 mm. mudd l.ofi. ,. t 1lmosound prnjl'Ciur p, rl•·l.'t C'(>ndtllon. PriCe', S3.!:i 1-'ttt' infvrmoiiOII rail l lnrhnr :!ti7. 66-:ltc F'OR SALE-Mon's pre-war blcy. cle; just like new. Heavy dut) tires. 51:! ~lh S t , Nr wport. 52·tfc F'OR SALE-Llvan~:·room 'let. nt-w electric wutrr ht'at~·r, table-top ci('ctric range, 5 h.p. tJUtboard motor. etc. Phone Beacon 5743. fil-tft FOR SALE 1111!11 tt\'o•n j.;IUo SIO\C, ndd chrurs. ctr.--s~··•. ln\nlld walkr r, snutll "hr<'i !'holr. 5U I (lrou~o:co Avt•. !south ••nd l, \mila :O.Icsa. 67-~tc 1-'liR S ALt. .. , 'ifllon wrl h ras!', . Ill: nnt• 1.1 r1;1' dr•'SSf'r. on!' full !!t'l l!l lll t.nl')('lttp•'tlo.o llnt,Jnnia wilh honkl'llSl' llarlour 1193-J . 67-:!lc WANT A IIOJ\11-:? t::nstt·rn house trailer and cabana, hu1one gos, running water and lots of extru. Cnn slrep 6 people. (Jn nice )ot on Ony with low rent yea.r round . Priced richt for qUick sale. ~owner, lot 99, Newport Ikach allcr Park. 63-tfc Concrete Products Div. of Foater Sand a: Gravel Co. Ph. FuiiCTton 283-W 1015 S. Spadra Bullding tit>, building brlcka, race bricks, patio tile In colon. dlaplay. See our 62-Stc BARGAINS! Lowest prtcn In furniture It mJ motto. I buy right. I ecll rtaht I al8o buy furniture. Needle's Furniture 2204 Ntwpart Blvd. Collta M81 57-tfe Steel Kitchens GLASS TUB ENCLOSURES SHOWER DOORS Southern Counties ' Supply Co. 144 Coast Blvd .. N. Ph. 585:.! Laguna Bt'11ch 67-ltp Auto Batteries Rubber &!paraten 1~1\'C)nth -M.75 Ex. Compounded Motor Oil Gallon, 70c: --Western Auto Supply AUthoriRd DNler lD8 Ne'WliOf't Blvd, O.ta Me.a - , I' i i --UL& IIJ8CELI...UIZOU8 • 80AT8. 8t1PPLIZ8 ~~~~~~--~--~ FOR SAl£ -Bulldm~ Matl•rtal. U M1.181C.:AL a llADIO 6' II&AL UTATI: "UAI. UTAft " ,,UA.L .... M'II • used 1-pant•l door 2•vx6'~"x l"'a", 1 glus door 3'x6'~"xl "'I... I matctung ll<.'r">t>n door, all With hardwarl', JOmt' r001:h lumber. FOR SAL£-Clinkt•r-hullt .Wling dory. AU a-dar. ropPf•r fittings, Canadian bullt, two pair oan. aail. Wtth cvt'rythlng romplctc-, S2'l5. 12:l C&lhns, Balboa bl- and. 65-4tc Radio and Electric ~EPA IRS 24-IIOUR SERVICE All Makfll -Pick l ip A Drll\lffY PERRY HARDWARE Two New Homes R••11cty for oc<'UP,'1ncy. S t8ll 8h0 \\t't'S (;llt.'l!! docws HU~II. Call 1622.J • $20 for all. 14!1 Dit~mond Bal. IIJand. 67-2tp FOR SALE-Cabin cruiser 22 rt. long, 4-cylinder !ltarr motor. Just palnt('(S. Wllf trade> for 22 ft. or 2• ft. howw truil£>r or Will 1305 Cout Blvd. Harbor 232 VENETIAN BUNDS-AiumJnum ateel, wood. Call Ul for free nU· mate. ~vaUoo A retlnllhlnc So. Cout Vt-netlan Bl.lnd Co, Wnt 18th and Nt!wport AVf'., Caet.a Mesa. Ph: Beacon ~762-W. 38-tf< F1re PIIC" and K1ndl1nc WOOD Dellvft'M H. W. WRIGHT Ph. Beacon 5665 lnN N~ Blvd. 3-ttc Just Anived J'rwb H-.rtnc Aid BATTERIES 0\ID~ Dr\11' Oo. ·111 Main St. Ph. Harbor 515 t().tt( Order Your Serve I Gas Refrigerator Now at Vogel's 100 MaJn St. Harbor 14.5 52-tf( Herea.fter lt we recap your TIRES W<' guarantro our "Cape" to last 20,000 MILES and that's not all- WE WILL GrVE YOU $20.00 IF ONE. COMES OFF Rt'gardlt'SI! of Sperd. ONE TIRE RECAPPED IN 5 HOURS. for a complete set we will call for your car In the morning and deliver same day. AIJo-a $2.00 Mobllstalic balanre job when we ri'Cap your llr('S, for $1.00. No lt'ad weights or CORONA DEL MAR FOR SALF. vrona dtll !lfsr. 4~ 54-ttl' ft. lot. 1 block from 1\'huol. lOUth ol Blvd.. lo!tiOd location for In· come. Ownt'r. Ph. H-:l\39-W. 65-tfc takc cash. 7311 St'ashorc Or .. 0008, ('Aft a Pln'8 II Nl.'wport. Ph. 11-1493-J. 65-4tc DOCS--All brft'dl, atrlpped, cllp- FOR SALE-Teekwood 1pt'('dboat, ~. and bathed by A.K.C. 11-SAN FRANCISCO -2-bedroom 16-rt. lnbo~~rd; very fut; jual <*\lied handler. F)'ee pick-up home and 2 apart1Yl4:Jita for ln· •reboroo and refin~hoo. Will and dl!llvery wrv1ce. Send c:arcl. come, wm II!!J or tradl! for consider as part payment on cor-Ruawll L. l<t-tcham. 421 Pam-N~t Harbor property. Har- tage. 3440 Via Oporto, Newport ll!ltia Avt-. Corona dl!l Mar. bor UIOO. &7-tfc &aoh. Harbor 33. 66-2tp 52-tic EXCHANGE for ca!Jin crUIIE'r, 8PIJCIAL ANN4fTNOIDO:NT8 II Chrysler Custom lmperltll It'· v dan, perfect condltlon. Write of"' PRE-BJLT HOMES CO. call 635 W. Garvy Blvd .• Bald· win Park, Callr. Reno Nt'On GARAGES -tml.ITY HOUSES Co. 67-4tp HOMES lmmt'dlate !Nilvery A. M. DIXON, Dealer 201 Wf'StmlMtl'f' # Nt-wport Ht-lghu f\S-4tc F OR SALE-40 ft. cabin cru~er : sleep41 six: galll'y, dlnl'tte, hud, large whl'el house and cockpit, compll'tely r('COndilionoo, bow to atern: Chrysler marin!' engine. SC't' owner, 133 Agate Ave .. BaJ. -------------boa Island. 67-tfc: 15-ft Thompson huU \\ith Zl fl p. E\'tnrude and aCCl'liSOries with trailt>r, $150; 28-ft. Montl'rey double ender. Chrysler englnt', complt'le commercial rishing rl~t. f'Xct-IIE'n l shape, $1550 Must sell. Phone Harbor 2653-J. 67-t tc P'OR SALE-New Marine Kohlet ~nerator, 1500 watu, 32 volt D. C., retaU price for thll power plant Ia $516. W e ha\·e 10 lefl for elt-arance aale, 1374. YI!Okel Bros .. 225 So. Vermont, La. An· gel<'fl. Phone EX. 0882. 45-tff Fire EquipJ!lent Tests C-O-Two, Pyrene ol Foam refiUa, CO flxf'd system and Portable~ now avallable. ETS HOKIN & GALVAN 1000 Coast H ighway Ph. &aeon 5522 73-tlf ALL-PLA~·nc 12-fl. 1 Jfl-lh T< )p 0 -C'AR AOAT and CARRIER. lmm•·~t~tll· df'li\'t•ry Oth•·r mod- i:'IS ~n -din~>:hiC's, satlhonts. runallftUI S. cruisrrs and paddl<'- hoards Pl.i\~TIC' WATERCRAFT C'O 407 E Ci:'nlral. Balboa Phonl' llarhor :.'673. 67-ltc Carpenters Available for 1eneral maJntf'ftanoe DC! repair 0 . Z. IIOilD'I'80Pf Call Harbor· 83 KEYS Kade While You Watt VOO!:L'8 100 Kalil 8t., Balboe '108 )(artna, Balboa Ialand N-ttc FOR llENT FOR RE:'IJT Buslnt>ss lun tlitJn. 440 lll'llntrojll', C'Qrono d•·l Mar: J6x10 Phon~> llnrhor R9-R. 67-:.!tc I 10 \'SI-: FOR RENT 3 l~'<lrooms. 1111' haTh ond kllchr-n. hardwood rloors, unit hrot , In <'(osta M£•so 'l'wo-bC'droom hnw<t•, 1 tlr-hn th nnd kilclwn ltK'uh-d em flny Front f!<>n('(m MJ!l: fkoacon 5AAli-W oftl'r 6 fl m 67·2tr WANTED TO RENT U El Bayo Tract Lot on Bay Avf'ftue $4750 Large Corner Lot On Pftll.nau)a. wtth vtew. $5750 Business Lot wtth two amaJJ hOUift $10,500 LOT ON OCE.U~ aLVD. • $3000 W. L. JORDAN 100 E. ~ntraJ, Balboe Phone Harbor 16~ O&-tiC John D. Burnham 2001 ()o(oan Bl v$f. Phone Harbor 315-Balboa Income proJ)('rty on Peninsula Point, $19,500 furnlJhed. Down- stain, 2 tx-drooma, Oh·lng-room, dlnln$t-room comhlnt'dl, balh, kitchE'n: upetaln, 1 ht•droom. bath, kilchl'n, larlt<' Jiving-room And sundec:k. GarRj:te apt. In rear, 1 IIITgl' room, kltcht'nl•lle and bath. ~ood refrig<'rator In i:'ach. 'J'wo-l.'ar garage. R-3 7ining 6:.!-tfc: "l'xtras." Costa Mesa Tire Co. MOTOR READY BOATS T 0 G 0 WANTF:n TO RENT :! or 3 l~t--d­ room: furni~h!'d or unfurnl~hr·rl on(' yr~tr'll lf·os(' l.ot'al husinf'ss tJt'Oflll'. Phomc• fk'nl'on ;,:.'67-R 67-:.ltp WANTED On•· or morr-room Immediate Pm: .. "es.~ion Completely Furnished Om• hlock f'ast of Nt'\lo'J)Ort DJvd. Takf' nway-juat a few daya after hnUSI' 6r Apt hy younto: m:trril'd you ord<'r-r11upll' Call L II Jl;tlvnrsrn, 1 tur"-r :lR!)-J fl7-:!tr> Including F.lrctric fu>fri~rrttlor !-Your choice> of any of nur boats .,., fR to 14 ft.). made of light, WANTF;D-Storaj:tc spacc for and Elrctrlc Wnsh•·r. ln Rc.>ar at 1760 Newport Blvd. · 2-Berlroom Horne ------ LI NWOOD \"ICK Urokt•t· llnrh~~r !\-11'-M Ha lhoa J:-;land Honw~ Smull "''" hc-dn"'"' fllt'ttl~llt'd, r••t•r {>I lot Tt·r~•~~~ $10,GUO Near North Hay 'l'wc>-IM'di'\-.•O) 11\>ltll': U\'ln~-ronm 11\x:l<l, flrrpl11ro·, Jut• u( I'UJIIIOIIrtLI. I l n 40·fl. Int. I It) I IItle •howt•r, dn ubl.., 6/III'IIICt'. lutrllo'('Ue>. Ruuy ICllC.. with IM•I.IIIt' llhlr·r lwtlih', but In I he l).'lt uf t'tmclillon. Lot on Balboa IRland $7000 Lido Isle Corner· Lot 57x88, $7000 67-ltc LIVE ON BEAUTIFUL LIDO ISLE A completely rumished :\'.!·bedroom hot'll('. It Is 7 yettrs old with ·an unex- rollt'd llvlnR and dining room. TIIP kltctfl'n. Plumbing fa cilities on first and S(>('Oncf floors. Bathroom tliPd fi'l:! ft. high. Twe>-car garag~. Off ~ 2nd floor ls n beftutltul deC'k with an PXCl'IIC'nt view. For peopiP who wunt n fine home with n rirh sutTOttnrllng. Cull u." for nn nprointml"nt. It won't last long. J>rtt'\."<1 at-1 $29,500 B.A. NERESON Rml E." tnt<' lnsurnnt'\' nnct Busin<'~" Opportunities 1 !171 Newpot1 Blvd. C'~tn M("fiia Phnnt• l\4.•m·on 52Zl A. B. JOHNSON Realtor and As..«<>ciate~ J>honr Tl4-nron 5102-M Today'A Special Newport Blvcl. Home llnd RUSINF.SS OLIX:. , ti7-lk COSTA MESA Ph. &neon 5743 Ask for AI or Hank tough, waterproof plywood with fishing gear, N<-wport arc-a.~-:-.. 2-An E'XlTa effldenl 1 ~ h.p. In-Wrlle Rox C. c/o Nrws-Timrs.l ~ honrd motor installed and fl5-4tp $7850 Terms 28 ft. x 28 f t. with th·ln~t quarten . ' Nt>w pnrt Bt>ach Hume T illS 1\: .. ;w 111-"M 'llliO Mt: I~ jual lh•· thln11 f•1r 11 fAmily wl•hln~: o •mnll trr11rh hmuw nr11r tlu• ("ttnltl tct '' nwtlo•r~tt•• Jlrll'f'. Itt•· N·nlly ''IIIIIIJif'tNI 111\<l furnlahtod l.orllto•d In r")Hdly ..:r~n~'lniC nc·t~hl,.,rlttMI(I nNtr the> l\11lblm ( 'uvN! rlt·Vt'lnpnwnl Althou~eh smt~ll It 111 nrranwt'<l In •lf"'lt l'li!ht SR1!'!41. J. M MII.LI-:R, l!'tlh nnd C'c•nlr111. Jl~triHir 124:1 ------------64·-:-:lfc 3-A patented "Flexidrive" ficxl-_W_A_N_T_E-.0-1-r.-tM_E_D_l_A_T_t-_:J-.Y--F-~,-=-Jr· bll' shaft-propeller unit (pro· LOTS -LOTS WANTED TO BUY 11 Pf'll"r stccrs bollt, Iitts up ln nish«< :tpnrtn1r-nt hy t~t•rm~tnt•nt CASH FOR USED FURNI11JRE tx-achlng hoat). resldt'nt of Corona drl M11r Hc•f· Nrwporl Hri~thts-wlth arw<'r PHQNE BEACON M38-J . . .. Complt'tc, ready to sho•Je crt, t'rrnl'rs furnishf'd. Adult ~ •mly and aJI ulilltiN-- 23-tle at lh<'~" typical prict·~: Call Harhor 4R7 daytlmr. JloriJOr $l400 -----.,....-~:::-:----:-:-:----:: 10 ft. skiff .. $262 42, eVf'ning~. fX'.tfr AM LF.A \'lNG riTY will !It'll 2 r k'ff ~·"'I w•N....,..D TO I.E •s"' I or 2 C'osta Ml·so-cheap. small upr)~o:hl pinno wtth I '-5 1 -· ... ·• ~"0""' " • r. -" .,.. tK'nch and wrllin~ dt'llk "llh !while nur stock luts) yrars. furni!'hf'd or unfurn hous" k ·1 • or npt. Any plnCt' in Nt'wport chair, also·down and rlrlr "n P• • WATSON -BOATS or C"usta MI'Sn district Will fix Jowl!. H -550-M 67-111' Bo d " "Small at H qrs. up at own I'XJ)('nsl'. Ph S11nta wm Pay Cash 611 Coast Hiway &aeon r;m Ana 7().11~ ftf>-Rtp (jl)-tfc For your fumltur<' or what havt WORKING MOTJJF:rt nncl 5-yr.- you. Phone Beacon 5656. Craw-MU~IC AL a RADIO N nlrl son In srhool dt>lre slrcplng lt-y Fumlturl', 18l2 Newport BABY GrtANO-Repos.sessed. Now ' room llarhor ~'>1 . b<'twrrn R Blvd .. Colla Mesa. 48-tl< only $4S5. This ls 8 gt'('at bar-and 4:30. 65-4Jp FUaNITURI: Foa BALE It gain. Oanz-Schmldt Piano C'o .. WANT TO RENT-2 or 3 bc.>drm. FOR S ALE-Antique chlmr~ car.·· San ta Ana. 55-tfc unfumlshrd house. Will lf'/IM'. oo t('akwood tnhle 11nd chair. FOR SALF: llnward upri~hr pi-Call Sam Portf'r at Harbor 7C17 Phon<' H arl10r 598. 66-tfc llnO with hrnch: in VE'ry J:llf}d or 13. 35-tfc FOR SALE-Washlnlt machine, ronditlnn, lhr ftnt $150 tak1•s it REFINF:D C'OliPLF: \lr~1·ntly nt'cd oak dining table and six chslrs, f'11lisadf'~ Aparlmt·nt,;. C'oronu livln~t accommodntion~. St'pt. kayak, paddlrhoard. All (or d('al Mar, cornrr SPRVil'w and through May. P. 0 Box fl09. SllO. 116 Co11in11• Balboa 111-Carnallon. ll11rhor U!lr.. 67-~tc Aalhoa bland Cull Harbor and. 64-4tc ANOTHER magnificent Stelnway. 2179·W. li5-4tc BOATS. 8UPPLIE8 II Medium slze. Beautiful mahog-APT or SMALL 1 lOUSE wanted any cas<'. The piano of the by man and wife. We do not $1000 EVA F. RHODEN fWaltor 470 N('wpnrt Blvtt , Cotta Mesa F:LTON BARNE'IT PERNF.L G. BAR.NE"'T Brok<'l"' Ph. flrnron 5713-R 1>7-ltr BALBOA ISLAND Twu-l)l'rlroom 1'1'111111-!'' nn rc•11r of 45-fO<rt fin} Fronl lut . I'XI'dlt•nl locatlun und I1Uilding ~tit(', Rol· ht•a lslnn<l - $2700 JIOUllt' In rear, with little flxlnR rould b<' mndt' lnlll t,:uod rf'nlol T'hls lw n ~JII••ndid prClpcrty. f:x· ,.,.lll'nt lor11llon. Qult'k possc•lll 67-11 1' Onl_v $11 ,000 I FRANK P. JOHNSON N early NC'w 4 Unit f'ourt Realtor W C'. WnJ;:nt'r, Aai(IC'IJ~tte Jfl('A NrWtJOrl fllwt lli•Rcvrn !"1434-W 3 I':"ITS <'(tlllplc•trly rurnl11hrd, I __ unfurn ('ttrn('r lol 1;.1• h . x JGS fl llrnutlfully lnnd!lt"RP«'CI l n-New 6-Hoom Home ' ••rrw $1a7.r){) fl<'r mnnth Room :1-h•'«~ronm In nh•f'llt N'llflftonthll f11r 3 mnn · unl111 nu~t' In K 1ldc•., l'lt•c·t ton or (''*'" MMin Llllr&f' C'nsto Mr~n Vc•ry nt'lll and at· flr•·plnr-.•, hrfw nonn, Iota of lr~ecth'r. Only • tllf' In b11th nncl kllrhcn. Cl(le4't $19,9!)0 I •pm•r J;:olorr. dou111,. ~taraar. __ \'IIC'IInl ""'"~" rhcht In }111-Acre Ranch. $12,260 2-lll•droom h01111r, hnrn, chlckt'n hoUI<', pril'l'- $4750 . 11:~-Acre Ranch Dllndy 1=hC'droom homE', ni!Wiy drcora~ ln1lde and out. Ga· ragt-, barn, chl.x houlll' only- $6450 OvcrlookinJ! Ocean • ... ·nt·r•·. 4-rnom llflUJW In vrry drnn condftlun tlhlll 1-room n&)l In rt-ar with ltsth lllnd kllchrn, hsri)('C\11' 11nd l'o•mrnt waJJf'd fllltiO, r;tord1•n 11nd ChiX ('(JUip. $94&0 1/:! Acre On Corner WANTED-Balboa Dinghy. 120 Masten. Danz-Schmldt Piano' drink or amoke, no chlldrr n or Abalone Ave., Dalboa Island. "20 N M 1 S 1 A t Ph S t A 0991 W NEAR e>OUTH l)AY -S!-tlc Co., " . a n. an a na. JX' a. On<' an 11 na -., l A. E. JOHNSON ------------:::--:: 5!'Hfr or write Box ''X" Newport Da!: Open Evc-ninltll 11nd Sunday 5-room houa•• plua dbl. r:araat- wllh Rll~t room. On wr 1t aide with lll'f'lln v1rw Vnrnnt, movf' rl~tht ln. FOR SALE-Star boat, C'all ---..,.R-d..,...,._--:R=---:.----~ boa New~-Timf'tl. 37-tfc Allr:ll'll\'r rhn•,..t..-<dr•o~lm hom(', 469 Newport Rlvd., Co11tn Mc1111 Whittlt'r 112560 or writ!' Rox 8 10 epa1rs l: romplr•tf'ly furnt~h"ti pntto nnct Ph fk>11ron 5111:.1-M 1\7-111' AJI makes; tubes. etc. • WANT TO RF:NT W~tr wiclow, l(llrlll>(t'-- 2411. Rt 2. Pul'nte 67-4tp B 5763 with 2-)r -nlrl son. wou\(1 hk,. to In come Pr~• wrt.v. Balhna FOR SALt.: Snint>, ~xrcllt'nt con· eacon rt•nt how;r nn Balhon J<l~tnrl 111 $16,500 ~-·-' BURT NORTON TillS TWO-s nv 1ll'I'I.FX '" dillon. forml'r ri('('t champion mod1•ra1r rf'nt, with purfll•~r of --a n rx,..,,111,111 n .. ll:hi~<Jrlttltlll 1~ $R150 "" :l-Betlroom Home 1-:l\lt 1ldC' Int. r.:tx.l.1t1. C1n1r In ----------------------------- F. JACK SULLIVAN C'tWflfllt dc•l Mnt• Harbor 1247~ ' Exclusive ARent for These Two Ftne Homoa t N fiAUlOA- '111ht '""'('-lll-dmom htlll\P h£l8 hardwood noon lht·uu~hnllt. llvht.c mom tn Hrtnduru matqany wllh 1111~1' n"'l.lll\1'\' nnd ('ntrn~ hall, louvre cto.ws hHn lnrg<' lllnlnw-room, beautifUl aii-U)e kllt:ht"'tl with 4'koc1rk W'fltil.-tion. Two twl a1J. tilt• hnth11 nnc1 ~OWt·ra with ,C'Iectrlc heaten tn Nw h : nil dnthf'!ot and llnPn C'lcwU ""' cedar-. II~ floor r\unn*!. All wnllll aft' .aund·prool. F.xtrn lnt~\· .CIH'ItJ..'t• with _.rvke room. Nice ..n- rlc'f•k ovcor gRt'ltJt(•, 'MWit oo lllf'l('t1 to lM' appn!dated. Won't ln,;t long at . $45,000 • IN CORONA DEL MAR- A two-bt•droom hocne that la c:Urterttnt from the \urual run or h~. h&8 a lar,e .,....m ~lnl llvlfliC·room with nn-plft~. Nee aJI.tJJe kitchen with bmlkfMt nook. lhP ,..rvlC'ft room Ia lnlkle hOU!IIe. llc)Ol(' la on ll comer lot and II Just com· f)l«-tt'd. Tht' mat«-rial and nxtutN In thll home An.-ttw ntW'l4t money roold buy. See U\la at on('(' .... S15,000 I have' lntll And homftl in f'YPl")' J)l'r1 ot the HaltMw """' !IC'IIIn..: In all pri<"C' bnt.cketa; lt you are In the IMrket to buy or ~u. will ftP(ll'edatto )"'Ut bull· nt"'M. --Listings Wanted- F. JACK SULLIVAN 121~ Coo"t MIJthwoy. Corona dt'l Mar llurbor 1247·J --·---''----- FOR THE MAN WHO - NEEDS A HOME on R good •I7A.od lot , wt' hnvC! a two-bedroom unrumiRhMt rmmc-hnt.Ull'. IO<'fttf'rl nMr the Archee. C~tll HUn POWERS 1\t llorbor 6l-W or 794-R Ewn.tft11 j . A. Beek Office, Balboa Island 67-2tC F"rry 1..nnc11nR ISLAND REALTY COMPANY Tw.o good buys on Balboa lsland for- $ 15,000 each • ------ Choice Bay Front Lot ... with lat"Rc> "'11('\.'0 RBnti(P. lntc,...Rtlnl{ llc.•tnll!t. CuJI ua tor otMr WeJJ Built Stucco Unit ... on rmr· of Jut : ha~ th~rootn tuntl&hfd apart. ml'nl with lovl'ly till' klkhm nnd IJath UJMtaJrw and "mull nraut1m•-nt down; wulloo hrlck patio with bu-1.1('( "U('. ISLAND REALTY OOMPANY 201 AloCIIt(', Balhtlft llllnnd-PhOik' 377-W. 6Wtc A. L. MATTHEWS Nice Trailer Court In rtlvrrallttt ~A"1ultiJ>I'd for tM lrnllf'rl Ltll I lltx:Hr•. With rww twll•hfodrnnrn rf'llldt•rtl'" 11nd nf. fk i• l'lr>nty rt .. •ITI ,,, hulld l'llh· Ito• l mm•·rfllllt> J•u•••·••ll)nn $1 1.:'Miil Vour A <'rC'~ Incnme Property Balboa TIIIX w•:LL IO:PT=\fp ,. .. ,~ lnchadee four bunaalow oourt aln,te apertrMnt. .-wltal bath and kltchPnette and a t-. ht!droom huu.. with ..,_ • ._ aartttcr nn a :\C)JCJOO lot In a 0.1 1un.-, l"CrnYmlf'nt tn .. th«r OCMa ur INly Ylt~ldl llJI«'t!lll'nt net lao r.mw, 11nd lrrc111-of locaU. •hollltl ,,.. a anod lnna-t.nn .._ Vl'111nWtjt tl6,!'1011. J M. MJL. u :tt. 1!)1h 1100 (',..ntral, ...... IN,r 14!4~ t7-1to ltiONU '1'0 I.O&If • 1rn S!!pphlrl', RAII)OIJ Island. 91S Coast HJghway. Newport l"~lllllli•hrng homr Wtll lt•IIC(' Th r lb d I 67-111' 23-tlc Rt•ft'fl'ltl'l'!l Ph L A Arilllna ree-Bt>droom Cottage lrx ly l"'tl(n••l ~(I thltl ,, l!ilt) --------------:-:c:--::-hr Wll'd ,.,,,,,,r ~~~ 11 ~~n~l·· h .. ,,,. S __ M_A_L_L __ S_A_I..,.L""B,..,O'"'A~T=--a-nd~tT:-:-a;-;lln:: GRAND PIANOS-You will bC' :JO.l:l.ll or MM. Rfrhllrd~on. liar-on lut tnnt•d fnr hu.~tn•·s~> mnnt nr n dttpl,., c 'I""'' ,,, p11hlll" for sale, price $200. Call Ham-a!'toundl"d a tour grf'a t big hor Jh!) f>G-~tr '''' "'"'" huallfrnl( In tr<~nt lo!tY..d lo~•nch lln t.A, fr•rnt fo'urru'J••·d ilion Lowt', 229 Opal St .. Balbo8 stock. Kimball. Stelnway, Soh·' UAL ESTATE ., 'oluc• at-flllllltlr lrl} · (Itt '"'l'' loot "oth $R450 Thr(•t•-Bt•dnt(lm Hom<• F•rrnl~lwtl In ,(''"''" Mt•ltt, ''"'' 11lt1t•, <nt~'•h~tlf hlot'k from Nf'WJ••rl r lty llmlla Will milk•• "'~lr-r•n lurl{t' l~tla I..OANII '1'0 8UILD, bu7, -J 044 miiOem'-or r.ftrlance. Newplrt R&lhoa P'lld«nn .. ..._ and Lou~ Island. Harbor 2!>90-J. !>!}.6tp mer HallE'! and Dll\is. Story R Jh H $1 0.!)(1() thrrt•-r11r ~nrHt.:" !'\.!1'""' .1 :O.T ~ L L~ ,.. and,Ciark. Onto gorgro~ Chick-,: • a . o_a 'orne :0.111.1 .1-:R, I ~Jih ,.,,, ,., rllrtl S:-JOWRIRn FOrt . A .r. 'om· crlol% and it Is the real Otlcker· ntiS I JIIIPJ-.n rY tnl'lllrll'!l ;, luur---llttrhur 1:.!42 f.7 1 tr plct(' -car. Trallr-r, ~ntis. canvas lng 100 Many othrrs to ChOO!'l' l>~•rlrl ••"' huu~,.. \\tth '"" hnth~. ('ORONA l>EL MAP ', '"to· I''" 11~1· tn r f'lll tlutt .-.tul•l hr moll, lnl•• l(trr·'t httu.,• A. ~.. MATT If Jo; W S 1 .. 3333 VIa l~dn Ph Warbar u: I.II 'I,:N~t-:1 • llf.AI. 1-:STATt: 1 ONEY W NftD cover. Good ronclltlon 1!)64 fro~. Priced to start at $395. slt~'ftlnl: Jk•rrh nnti "tlh " rom-\ 0(-ean Rl\'d . RalltOn. 6f>-4tc Tf'nru .. Or rent. Danz Schmidt "'' "' <m~o:l~ ho·llrnnrn I!~"~' ltnu~~· New Two-Bedi'O()m Hom<.' HJtt tK ~.It 1 WAN'J"F:D-Prlv11tr loen. IJO,OOO. 4/:.t:l~ Nr1t 111\•1 1 ·,,,111 Mf'll•• ~r.-..1 lty ••XC'f'Jlt-nt pr~. 1<1·• T• 1 ll~tri~<H '/'i77 Bmr fl:.!'l, O.Jt, .. bland. at.tlcr WANTED TO BUY -Sni(ll' t)'l)f' Piano Co.. ExclUI!iVt'IY pianos. tn rl'ar f urnt!lhf•rl I 11nvrnu•nt hoat. fully rls::s.:r-d. rral'lonnhle Nothing else. 520 N. Main. In l1011t hay llntl ()('f·lln front nn condition. morlf'rntt•ly pricrd. Snnta Ana. 55-Hc lot ftlhdhrt. with lar~: t·~arcl ror Rox M. c 'o Ncws-Timr~<. 66-4tp l'htldrf'n $2;'t,l!(t{J .I M MIL· .Sm tih nf hiJ:;hWa.\. \\t•ll rlr•ll(n•·rl . WORLD famous Spinet type I l.ER 15fh nnrt f'rnlrnl liar- WILL EXCHANGE 50 ft. slip In mirror plano. Repou1'51E'd. Now hnr 1:.!•1:/ f;?.Jie - WUmington for same In New-rt'duced to $295. Tenn1. Superb • ---------,------- lrorl{•' lt\'int;-rtonm "ith ltrt•pl:o('l', tltnln~t·n~~m with flunr trr c·c·tlrn~~ wlnllfl\\ opt'nlnto: (•n &mlill; '"" cnr I{Arlllt" wtth lnunrfry lrtt)S port Harbor. Call Erwin PleT'!Ioo tone. Mahogany cafe. Deltgned J ohn D. Burham " at.Klmble 5283. 52-ttc for style &nd long service. Dam~-2001 Ocean Blvd. F'OR S ALF:-Sallhoal Snowhlrd. Schmidt Plano Co .• 520 N. Main, PhonE> Jfubor 315-Balbofl Good cnndlllon. 1409 w . Bny S&nta .An&. 5!>-tfc AvE'., upstnlrll. Horll(lr 1930·R. RADIO HOUSE CALLS-I 2 new Cape Cod houaea on $250. 66-21p Now that adclltlonaJ competent Ocean F~ont on the technldana are avallable, we &1'1! Penmsula FOR SALE-:.!7-ft. <'rulscr typr, able to ma• ten1ce calli on -- unci 11hnwt>r; unfurntshNI $17,500 W ell Built Home Gond hay vlt>w. llvlnl(-rnnm wft/l flr,.plaCt•; tiltod ktlrhrn, Pl•lw and two-c11r g~tra1w- Two-H<~rlnH •m Stun't) $>-175() U n fi 11 i~ht'd H r •m<· $6000 ~~ :.:·A <'I'(• lnduF:trial Sitf' r In \'-tl~ .. n ''' ,.,, .. ,. 'l'•·rm~ fl adwr-Blvd. Frnnta~£· A dttrody 1111~111•·~• •1t mol•·l •lit• $Il ?r.n F0R RA NfiJF:~. I M !() AC'Rf:S --Sri:' U11 T (Jf1ny. \\' .I llf JIJ'f 1~11 Two ~prrlnl~ f'rlt'Nt lo 8.-11 t 'nrt.nu tlt•l M11r _ f'.7 :!tr AI'TOIII Wt\NTEIJ • --('orc,rm cl<·l Mar lfntrw ~~1 11"ll l I'Art WANT•:o TillS w...:a.a. ''~-··at:NP.II ,w,. t 'MHI f.,U t'{oN. HARBOR 114••1nw.m 111•11••· 1,. ""'"'' •I "" u I 17:1!}-W. 87-ltp lllrlo(l' ,.,,rnr•r '''' ""rllt flf lht1 TaAILr:RA t1 ltll(ltwu,v. "'''"" In 11 ~''"f!JIInl( • t•fll••r N••w n••nrlnl( ''''"'''''·!Inn 11 \4•111 11111 IH• '""II '''' lit•· m11r. kl'l )'rlr•• trll'llltlt•" ''llntplo·t t•m of t.ultrltnc ... r ~t••l'lnl tl•·rtl rltlt)' l11• urrltnl(••tt l11r hlly••t 111 t11kt' IIVc•r "~ Ill $111,1rtMI J. M MTL- I,P.H, l:'ith nn1l !'t>ntral. Hu- TRAILERS VOR RENT-Do,.,_ own haullftl and ~ All ni!W f'Qulpmt'flt, IUS 9it lila per "•Y· We tumUh' die w.-. MYT't!hn Brae.~ a....-. cor. t'fth • N...,art BML. o.e. M(!ll(l. ...,.. lw,•r 1!.!1:l. f\7-ltt· Manila folderl at N...,. .• 'J1mla "Whr·r,. llw Flit~·~~ Fly" MANY Mr)rtF: f'()MF: tN AND _A_VI'OII ___ W_A_IIfTD ________ ._A_VI'OII ___ W_~ ________ ._ ll~trllf)r :nf.fi 1\7-:?1• I ''TAJ.K JT f)VF:Jl" <'quipped for jlgRing: rf'arly to large consol". All work ruar-1 2000 OCEAN FRONT go, $2500. Phone llorhor :~--~~ antHd. HAROLD L. HAMM. 1-atory and a h11lf, 2-bcdroom. S.O.S. Racllo, 300 Marine Aw., b!lth, Jar•~> room upetaln for $22,600 FOR SALF'..-1 C.D. No 4: rxcel-Ph. Harbor 180. 34·tfc lt\lt'lt, living room, tltepla~. Othct Corona del Mar l<'nl rondillon. nt'w paint Ri:'Rll· _:~...:..:=..::;:.~~"':'""':'---:~-,_.ood--:; kltchrn, bl'droom and bath c:rvn onable. 66 (3(-acon Brt,.. Nrw· f'OR SALE-UpriKht plano, i I gua~r wall hcai('T'tl. two-1,.-drllnm hrtmt'!l from •• port. Phone Harbor 1521-J. condition. S200, Phone BC'acon 1 • __ 69-1 5712 or call 205 W"tmlnster tr Ave · Newport Height. after 1 2004 OC'EAN FRONT _f'O_R __ S_A_L_E--H-yd-.:-ro---:pl:-a.-ne-.,...-H;-;:-:ul;-;"1-5 .3()' m 55-tfc 1-slory 11nd a h11lf. 2-bcdroom and bUl'lt 1942. 1 ..... 1 llud!IOn rnglnE'. · p. · I bath, IIITRt' room upet&ln for (' rt 1 A W 1 1 '" "'""D uaed pla.not for practltt. "'""t· llv1n.. room. firt-nlaet'. IC ru{ e . a ( rtm 50 miles. "i th trailf'r. top shape. V'JV r7Q I .. u " ,. lind 1700. 951 w est Crntral, New-Some u low 1111 S57 and •1" or dining room. kltchf'n, covered 66-2tc l"'t'flt a ptano tor S5 per mo. Lc-t porch wtth ba.r~. tawn. Will iam W. S. anfor·' PQr-t Bnch. t.M children learn. Danz-Schmldl nowt"n, bua"'", brick walka, u FOR SALE-Gull 13 Cal boet. Plano eo .. m N. Main, Santa plckt-t fencn aurroundlnl uch. REALTORS Good condltJon, newly paJnttd. Ana. 55-tie ~autJtul Ufti'Ntricted view ot H.rbor ~-R 1300. 911 No. S.y f'r9nt, BaJbOI For olftc» IUJII)llee, .. ~ oeM.ll. Theee ~ op~n daltr * Marine Aw., Balboa bland •bland. Ph. Harbor ti2o-W. tor lnlp!etton. 52-tte 67-2tc 86-4tc N..,._TimiL $1 1,000 WANT A JI()MF:• F:1utrrn hnu"" -OJ')I'n ~unttnya-- traJI('r 11nd c11h•mR, hutnn•• ltft-",1 FRANK p .JOHNSON rnnnln~t w11trr 11nd llltll uf rxtrl\1. R · I ' C'an lltt-p 6 J)l'<lfll" nn nlrr• lnt ea tor oo Bay with Jnw r~'nl yu r 161'A NrWJ/fJrl IJivd T11>11rnn !WJ4-W 'round Prll'f't rlsrht fllr l]ul•·ll f\7 1 tr '"~-Sre YM-nr·r. I .Ill !YI. NPW· FOrt SA 1.~: ro4,..tl ~•-rnum pllut- port Jikllch Trlll)('r Puk f~'Hfc ,.rNt ltotll'" with IIJlarlml'nt <-IX-ROOM IIOMF. unr IJif)('k C"nl•tn r••nt11l In r•'nr f·ln,. tr .. rrnm lhQpplnlt dlllrlrt. (:ott a "" "'""' (jii!U' ,, hu•. I tor,.. lind M8a. tm~latf' JlOIIII('Uion hllth 11/'htJtJI. Owrw>r. 004 rn-. lnlpect tody-1112 RochHtrr Anf(l' Avl" leouth nndt, 19000. St. ~ owner, TorTa~ ('oat .. Mf'la. &amn lU4l-W l11l·R·. ··-y-M..Ctp t1-2te .. WE NEED LATE MODEL CARS and Wll1 Pay Top Prices SELL YOUR CAR NOW WhDe Pr101!fl .,.. HJift. P'holw for our COUI"ttiuu buyer "'ho wU1 c:a1l and w:tvt.t you ,...,._ OPA .,ulatiorw. CICIInt pr1aea and ..,..... all detaUa CULBERTSON CHEVROLET 00., Inc. awtaelllt IDd Qttht....,. ~ 1001 w• c.tn~. Mc~wpert......, a a-. a r ,_ -r.. Two Birthdays Observed at party Mr. and Mrs. R.. Haworth of 117 Harbor Feminine 4ut atrftl, entertah~ with a • weeke nd hoUieparty ln ~lebra-~ 13 and 208 By Wln!lred Pvbre Activities , iJ + Rwtteooe PboDe 1637-R lion ot two birthdaf'. Mra. Ha· ------------~--------------·----------------;------------- worth oblft.vt'd tift" blrthday fo'rl· Sockerson-Boege "Skt.pper of the Week" I Newport Island day, and Sunday her amall .on. • BUiy, cut a pink and. wblte blrth-Rites Solemmzed at l•how.;.urlhed h) l{.·z nard of Hoii)Wood Matron Honored day cake whh four rand!Ni on ll. Newport R I I By D.D.F. Members Gunia owr the w~kend Wen!' • • · Mr. and Mn. Robert Tedford and -- dlll~n. Shirley Ann and JlmmY Dr. and Mra. J ohn H. lloege, ot Alhambra and Mr5. Ellubeth 124 'I'Ur(IUOIS4' ave_nut>, 11re lt~- 1 nound~ the marriage ol lh<'lr HawOI'lh of Long Ueaeh. daught4'r Lois Anne to L t. Comdr i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Edw~trd C. Sockl•rson, U S.N .. the et·remony takl,ng plaC<' at lh<' J"dividiUJiitv /o>• cht "M o1ht1·lo·bt · · If ~<•t do '101 havt 11, we m~t al, yoaA uc' 'Donna..e71Carie Shoppe Ill N. Mala 8'- I chapd of the Line OffiN"rs' Truln· In~: srhool. Newport. R. I .. ar HJ 11m .. Au.:. 2. The 1Jr1de wore for t he occru<lon , a dr<'Ksmak~ lUll of powdt>r blut· WJih hrown accessoriCA, and a 1:"-"· drnia corsage. She drove Cl\81 wir h her parents and Mr s. Franrt·s Soc·kl'rson of Jfnwthornl', morhc•r of lhl.' bridrgroom. who 1111emlo·d rlw c<•rc:-mony and later flew homt·. r<'lornmg this pnsl wN•k('nd 1--------------------.... ~~~~ !loth prlnr1pnls arc well known -----r---1 In N('wport R4•uch for Dr nn!1 ------------------I Mrs. llo<•ge havt• had had lh••l: See Our SPECIAL PORTH IT 'umm<•r hnml' on Ralboa l~<lrtnd (nr I 24 yra~ and for the pol\1 '"'n j yean hiiVt' mAde-it tht•ar f>o'l'· mancnt hom1•. Comdr. Sotkl·rsun lr1 also wl'll known.• havin..: IH'·•·n a Jlfe~uard ht>r(' lie-Sf•rvf'd owr- 1<'1111 for 'lilC )11'11r!! and art .. r ··nm- One Carbon Finish 5x7Size · to be aulgnl'd to the WCit co~l. The brldt• alllo) was In l hf' N:o\.' Ill a Wave. and rN'I'IV•·d hPr fli'i· <'hnr~t~" in :0.1ay. Roth young pc•u. -· Sl 00 p. lt'lin~ot his training rounlt' hop•·~ (~ Sh l pic· ar(' gradUill1'11 or Anahl'im ll a~:h rf'IUia OWJl 'school and rull{'rton Olstrll-1 PORTRAITS OF BEAUTY AND GLAMOUR Junior collt'tt<'. th~" hrldr ronllnu- lnR hrr education to ~;raduate from Mount St. Mary's, \-\t('~twood. whilE' lhl' ('(lmmnnd•·r l(rAdUilled from Wn!lhmgton Slat<• umvf'r- slty with a d(>grrc In forHolry They w~nl In Cape Cod for tht•ir honeymoon 11nd will tx-at hom•• at 19-A, Sh('rmnn stret>t. N<·wporr. Mra. Elmer Pattf'r.on of Npw. port laland wu honored with a surprise layette ahower Friday evening Wh4'n memben1 of the I D.D.F. club were etnertained at the home of Mra. Harry Bakt>r, I Orunge; Mra. Ed Edick being the hosteu. Gamet pertaining to the oc-ca~lon Wen!' playt'd instt'lld Of the usual l:'vcning of cards. A boun- tiful mldniJtht supper was served at the cl~ ot the enjoyable even-Ing. Mrs. Betty Highland of Bay Shor<'ll was a aprcia.l guest and l members prelK'nt wt'r e he Ml.'ll- l damt"' HlliTy Bakt.>r, Ed Edick, Waltt"r Nollar, Roy PagE', Elmer 1 P<tl~rrson, Sheldon Smith and Ray Cru1g. 1 Nt>xt lll<'('ting will be September 13 at t1U' horne of Mrs. Walter Nollar, Newport Island. Newport Matron I Returns from Visit I -- 1 Mrs. Frank Perew has returned from R.•verly Jlills wht>rl:' ~hi.' • sprnt ll'n days with Mr. and Mrs. 1 Fronk P<•rt•w Jr. and their home ln S11n Ysidro canyon. On the cal- l•·ndar W<·rc all the new. pictur('l nnd shows, M Wl'll as a barb<>cue In lhl' pll\io of the Perew home. I Now that Mrs. Pt•rew Ia back sh(' Is r£•mlnding ht>r friends that I shr 1s takm~ subscriptions for \1 lb ... tlllrr of bl" rJuamplma Snit><' "Rol\f•tt.-Ton" '" 111-yt•,.,-old mn,.;aunes, a prokct of one or the "''" \\'hil.... n.. youns: lad) 1-Koc.·-1\tl nu-th·.-twin "l~trr. Rf'tty. book Pretty Post-Nuptial Shower Honors Mrs. Robert. Ehorn, Former Newport Girl Mra. O.arJH Porter and Mn.1 Walter H oneycutt, Mn. Walter Wlnil~ed Barbre, 116 flat atreet,l Alvord and Dr. EVelyn Alvord, were co-hoateues S~ at a Oolta Mea; Mn. V. C. Barbre jr,. poat-nuptial •hower honorlnc KrLl SaDta Au; .Mrs. WW Si.mmonl, Robert Ehorn of Beverly Hllla. Mrs. Paul Schml«E"r, Mra. NO(ml Mrs. Ehorn 1.1 the former Edna! H~nctrtcbon and Mrs. Joe Farmer, Walker and her recent marriace Lol A~lea. came u a'aurprl.le to her many! --·----- friends. . Island Hostess Yellow h.ibllcus and pon-pon E . Cl b dahllu were Ull'd for floral ntertatns u arrangemt.>ntl. Sllvt"r rain dripped\ -- from a window at the end of the Mn.'·Charl('l Hart of Newport llvln&·room and bf'neath It rifts bland entertai'ned memben of her were plied on a table. protected rummy club last week. ·A potluck from the "raJn" by a while um-1 picnic lunch and a aieht-aeein& brella !It'd with a bit yellow bow., boat trip around the bay were en- Bridal ¥11mCI wert' playt'd with Joyt"d by the group. Mra. WIU Simmons and Mrs. V. Th<*? prt.>sent wert> Mrs. Annie C Barbre jr. u first prlz.e win-I McLuckit' and Mn1. Joh~ McLuckie nl'rl and Mlu Lorna Mills con-or Pasadena: Mra. W1lllam Me. soled. The honort>e opened many Gowan and Mra. Margar et Crfl& lovely gifts and after the shower, of Glendale; Mrs. H. W. McGeach· wu .. surprlled by a "dl,·idend''' ic of Claremont and her aliter, when wedding gifts Wl're b~ughti7ittu P:: Mclnnlctt of 'Pltt.JbUrl'l. out. Pennsylvania. After thE" gamt"' rcfrl'shmentsl ---------- we-re l(?rved 111 a table centert-d l..e<licr shet>tl a t Newa.-TUneL with a bride 1\nd groom surround- ed with yellow dahlia.'! and maadcn-~ hair fern. Tally cards ycre d<'- slgnl'd and painted by Mrs. Porter I and bore a d<>sign of orang" blos- 1 11oms with a bar of mu•lc, the opt.>nlng strain of th~> wedding march from Lohcn)lrin. I On the gut'st list Wt•re the hon- Corona del )lar ·Malt Shop ltll OoMt mp_, • Old faabJOMd malta We mean~ UU.. orl'e, Mrs. F:horn, and her molhf'r , I ------------- Mrs. J::d Walker; Mrs. E. D. Good-1.-------------, White House Cafe ell, Mrs. Birdella Ball, Min Loma Mills, Mra. Hugh McMillan. Mrs. Roger Barrow, M~s Adt>le Van 1 Fl('('t, Miss El.slc Newland. Mrs. Florenct' Torrence, Mrs. Esther I Williams. Miq• Dorll Moulton, Mrs. Bca Chapman. Mrs. Myrtle 1 Iluycke. Newpor t Beach ; Mra. ·------------ NYLON BRASSIERES 32 1 o 38 Sizes Gird l es R. I. In addition to tw•lnJr two o( lhf' harbor'"' out .. tandlnc y...-hhnM'n. tlile SCCIIons to r::Us(' money Cor Whltr twin• aN' tiM' ltolden. of lhl' lnt,.matlnnaJ SnJtN' Champion-I the Ebcll dub She will take sub- ahJp. "'on h)' thl'm lut -.n at ChJr..-o. . . . Wbrn aot bully 1 scriptlons or ren('wals to any wlnnlntr .. :otrln~~: hono"'t• ~lb ,., a ~>ludrnt ut thr l 'nJvl'nHy of Call-1 ml gazine and her t('lrphone num- fornlll. "'hi'"' hi' I• a ..opltomoN'. R4-ll)' h aJ110 a toOpbomoN', but IX'r Ill Harbor 6~-l. c-hu<•-Stanford a• hf'r alma mat,r. . . . With thdr pa,...nt,., ~r. I I I and ~'"" Robfort \\'tlltr, Utey aff ar u,.,. ml'mhrn of boUt the balboa Thl' avrra.:\' least> fllken out 0 0 Mr. and Mra. Braden Finch 1 \'...-ht rlub and the S,.wport ttarbor ''u ht rlub. land consid<>rrd prosr.lt'Ctive for 011 • WE"nt to Julian this wrrk where ! --~-product ion In rhe Unllt:'d Statt-s is N y Ion S!('p-in and ZiPJX'r Side Modt-l'l Small -Medium -Large Tailored s ) j p s they art' building the first unit. Townsend Club Holds nt.mu .. l~>nf'd t>lther trstl'd or the lease sur- later to IJe the '-'UCit hoUSt', or A I p. . 1 '11lo' ~ nun~:~h·r hncl hr-:trd much rrndert:'d In II'Ss than four )'1.'81'11. h I ..., h M F' h nnua JCnJ C Ah~>llt hiS lilllt• <'OlL~IO Pt•trr al-l t c r ranen omr. rs. me re-· ·r 1 1 11'1•wpc.trr Bf'neh ownsend ,. u 1 11u 1•!1 lw hart nl'\ ,., <s<'t'n h1m. At In lh<' past s()c years, thr Unit<'d ~ntly returned from spending I noel , ... ~·nil~ :•I lho• home ,,, \II )ton~ Ia~! hr 1\ "" lull I ro•tr r was I S in II'S hilS approximately doubled lh~ WMkl there. ":'•I ~lr"' !' r: F'cwll. Ac11cla sll•'•''· ",mans;: fnr 11 """ and ht' rl'~as·l its tanker tonnage, so that It now ;-.;,.,,port llt•l~;hl< wzlh IG memh•·l':s 11 r• d ~:n·ut c•,r ol<'rn<'nl. hils nbout 65 p;.•r crnt of the and fnf'nd."' pro·.;· nt 11 W'\11 lh•· :tf1· :'l:nbt•.-Jr <·nuld und••rstand II world's total. I nual l>ll'nll' uf t !a..• na~:an.,ation .uul \1 h• n hi' lunk on•· l<Mik at hi' lillll' I --'•'------- 1 a pol lut·k dmn• ,. was Sf'rvrd 11 t'uU."lan nml bur"t inro tears or dis-~ 6 .30 p 111 an lh(· (Jfllio. Supplo--nppuinlnwnt. Drive Carefully Spare a tJie. mrn11111• rho• nwnu "'' r t' chl••k• n "J thou~:hr," ht• s•1hhrd. "that ,------------.. I noudlrs . ..,,rn un lho• cnh, sliCNJ ,,,_ r NI'r \\:tS a rahbir'" Cnpprr's l matl'l«'s, pzrklt·~<. jdl}. hot hoom,• Wt.'l'kly. ~i~i~~~ madl' ruiiJC. hur It r. crram, m1lk I ______ _ tp;ooO;q;~~~ and hon• ·r. all pro\ aclo-<1 hy the hO"I Thr numl><'r nf unfilled ord<>rs and hOlll!'lls and produl·ts of .,,,.n on the books or the oil-burner aM"t• farnl . I manufacr urinJ.: I n d us t r y now PboDe BMeoa 5824 NtJWPOrt A eo.ta Ilea CAB CO. I IALLMARK CARDS For Birthdays Weddbla~ ...s De. v ... x~ ...... :: o.tame Jewelry Newport Souvenir and Gift Shop 21101 Ocaa ~t w~ Wrap Gitta U-Boar Servlee A shurl hu. .. mr·~• "1''"" 111 v n~ 1 1t11nds ot mort• than h11Jf 11 million lwld. when rhe \'nc·»n<'oi'S or vac.·•• unlta. pr<'sadC'nl and S<'crrl.ary-tr•·:u uro r, -----------------------.•---I.•fl v:wanl who•n 1\lr and .\fn. L K. Ashb11us;:h mo\'f>d rn l k !l••rr Hot SpnOJ:II, wo•rr f1llrd. Mr and :\11'11. Fool. who hC'Id thr sam•· ofriCM in Yuma l><'fore comin~t h••rr. arr new viet• pr!'S'idt'nt ond S('c'retary- lrf'UUTI'r. F lfly ye11rs Ago n puhhcaHon w11s c•stubli"""d 1f1 l'I'W York •n- ratled Thl' llow<~rles.!C Age Ther(' we~ cxaclly fnur "honwh>~o; car- rll,gl'S" In the ('ntlrc• Unitl'd Stall'S at the time . Th<' rl'wnrd is in l<t'f•pan~: thE" rommandments, nor for kt•t•pinlt lhl'm Lydia Marla C1Hid NBW LIN 1: Craft Greeting Cards 8tatioaery Brookings Variety .. c-. • ..,. 0... .... . ~ ..... .,~ .... ... JADE . JUST ARRIVED NEW JULLIARD WOOL DRESSES FiRST FOR AUTUMN DA"iS LUSH NEW COWRS OF CHERRY . OOVE . S MOKE . ONE-AND 1WO-PIECE STYLES S IZES 10 1'0 18 --·-- NEW SHEER WOOL AND BLACK CREPE SKIRTS SIZES 24 TO 32 GINGER crhe France& Norton Shop ~ * &partn«m !U 8ec-ood a Broad-y Blda-. ( ~ floor) -8&Dta Aaa TOWN & COUNTRY HOUSE of Three Arch Bay -. ---- Cost CLEARANCE SALE All -You • Can • Eat CHICKEN & DUMPUNG Dinners every Tuesday Thursday Evening· "'" offet" a Sew lnlloutlort-• During the pa.~t ~'<'Veral wrcks we have ~n husy ob-A OOMPLETE talnlng the &pccl&l cooking Infants' and Children's APPAREL 711 Eut Central, Balboa "Pin~ Daya" -September 5, 6, 7 and 8 • Chinese Dinner ~~~~,~;~~~ ~ U&l to the concocting of the finest ot ChinN:C f()(•t ... We are now noad)' to offer you this rype of mc·nu <'ookc-..1 tn perfection. This Is another ol our All· You-Can· Eat spe<'llllt iPS. Friday Fish Fries are to t.1 a Replar t;v,.nt! • Yoour ovef"f'~l~ and kindly ~ 11on 111,t Friday has-placed it on our l'l'gU· htr prt>gnun . . . Our spccialtit'f! are ofCo•n..-1 In conjunction with rur varied mrnu nr CIMkle 811Mka, Clllopa. &. ......., Frop' lAp, De. -Domestic & Imported Wines -Beer W" C8llnot St-rw All the Food on ~ Cout. So We 5<-rve Only -the F1Met - PRIVATE BANQUE:r ROOMS TELEPHONE 9458 Jloun: 5 p.m. . 12 Saturda,,. 5-p.m .• 2 a.m. Sundays. f p.m. -10 O OM'd WtdneedaY TilE ST A.Ni'ONS. DOC A: JO FORMERLY OF "111E OOAST INN The oclud ve Stautfft' ...a.- InK method oftft'l the .-q, ple .. ftnt ,.,., to ~tour ~ trol -t.hat ~Mal' bootta vitlllit,, -~ cooct posture. No dnap, ea.. triclty. a~am or eller1lOD. Jf• dlsroblnf. Jt'1 ,_.a ~ 1 ... Uloroulh -it'a IUD. STAUFFER I SYSTEM ...... ,.11 .., ........ LAQUWA II&ACII Whll<' nnd Tf'IU"'S(' 32 IO 40 SIZCS Deauville 7 37 So ut h Coost Bl\·d .. Laguna BE>ach 115 MariaM IT 'S AN SHOES Man y Popu l ar Makes, Co1 o r s. Odd S izes Val~ -Values -Values HON OR• TO H AV £ A IAIY NOTHING LIKE A JUMPER '14.95 ·-'-"" I N CRISP IJLACK BBifCALINB (ILOUSl ta.M)