HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-09-25 - Newport Balboa News Times---Vollllnt XXXVTII LETIERS TO THE ~E\VS-TIMES Federal ~urity Act Changes To Aid Some Aged, But Not AU v•-u THE WORLD .•• I ••. AT A GLANCE I Hy EUWARP ('LA\'TOS APPRECIATION ni'C .. •nt llrnt!ndnwnlS to Tttle I have lncomr which Whtm added \0 of ttl(> t't'<lerat Security Act aal the aJOslstttnCC l)Uyml'nt m r P t 11 tm!I.M'd b) <'ongrPS!O lncrru~~t'li t he th~ir andividual lludgt'lro ne<'ds. ~~~~tstan<'t' pnymenls und!'l' the ' 1nto·rprl'totlon of the bucli!Ct II CE PQabie In Ailvanoe :-t2:50 per year In Oranae County PIC' ,._,. to • th zone; 13.00 per year to SUI 110ne Mr S ,\ Mt•w r. Puhllahc-r ( 'ulirornia C lid A~l' S«:urity Law. ruiP!> would inrtlcatc that many on This chanj;tf• is t·Ht•ctl\'c October n uudJ:€'1111')' nct·d basis would not P. A PAI.tMER. ...... • SecoDd-Qu.s lnlltt~t"tJ.e Pott.olflOP in Newport~. LJOO lSI£ PWPIOO'ti!S • OIJ.>Iumall•· ( ln·ull" N1'"1JC•rt Rotlon11 N('~'ll·1'1ml'l , cautomi&, under the A~~rdl 3 1879 ___ _ W. 0. BUCK-Insw-anoe Counselor -TER Publl&her ,..(i8f -. Editor In lh• thr•·•··rlnt:: mt••rnattnnal N•'"l~·r 1 llo·arh C11tofornla t·rr('us "" mnny "nets'' urt• ~:•ung O.•nr Mr M••yf'r: '"' 111 tilt' ~mnt• lintt' thrtt somo' Th•· ftn,. riXlJ"•notion you havt> .. r th" must lnii'TI'Stlnfl diplom:•tw 1:1"'" 1r1 r•·•·•·nt )'o'lln! to the War I no kS t'IWRJif' lhP l')t' 0flt' pl•r· f'ht•'<l t IIIIJI/Ilt:n~ if•ods mf' IO hope lua lllllllt:o• "'luch WIJ .. tlo~crvinx of .)WI 11 til '" "tllrnt: In r1•ndt>r alml· more ottl'ntlon lluon it ~ot from ltw tmhhc· S••r\'ll't' in the forth- tht• \\t)rld 8\ldlt'lll'l' \\liS lht• Elul·, ('(tn111•1! final f'llmpll-it.:n durin1 ()c.. Jo:FtriUII dt•montl for (in..-.k to•rrl• lllfW•f row funds with Which to tory. It WHM t• n•m:orkrthlo· •·xhl· fltush ,.,,. i11b (l( thc United Serv. btiJOI) or "no•r\'t·" 1\ut~:arut fuua;:ht irt• nr~tnnllllllfln~. r /I mIlia r I y "" I hi' sldo• nr tht' Axis. Grt'C<'I' knll\\ n H~ tho• L'SO. I Th~> ft'dt·ral incrl'alil' "hlrh will r!X'clw the tot11l ancrrase or $5. ;omnunt to $5 J)t'r rt..ociplo~nt w ill Somt' will r l'ceivl' an lncrl'&Se in a tntnl ~tpproxlmBI<'IY !§9,720,000 J)l'rl ll'sser amount, and olht'rs wilt rc- p•ttr throughout the State of Call· ccive no im·rt•a~te at nil. The law forma. The $5 Increase to E'ao'h provid!'11 that thP amount of In· n ·clpil'nt of Old Agt> SPCurlty dOt's I come piWI the grant or aid may ~1500 ~#.,( DIXON -• • . -• A~Wna Manager 3333 VI.A. UDO CALIFORNIA Plant, 3011 W. Cfontral Awnue, Newport Beach, California ~--~--~------------. Offtelal Paper of the City of Newport Beach UQ o' ~ ~ >••••:;;:·@) OORRAL DUST Be rich in ruemories but look forward to golden oppor- tualtles. -Jack Lindsley. Reputable Profession ·~ ~ ot ~w borne owners 'transacting ' ......... with ~lable real state ~ ln the Newport Jl.ut)or &1ft cannot be over-emphasized. For these brokers ue memben c1 a lllgtt)y r'C!'IIpectl!d prof~ which is dJ- nc:tl.Y .-Jdated wttb the National A..odatioo ot Real E&- tat. Boerda. No one can join the NAREB or any ol Its ~ oliUbdtvisioniiiPI'ead out acrou the nation unless bt ll.lbleribe. to a code of ethk:8 wb1cb Ja bi.ncln& for all U... In the near future we shaD present the ethical elnter- pnlation of this Ideal. Meenwhl.le, we repeat. It Is important tbat ~deal with a reputable broker when you want to buy or ..0 a howe. '!bey are ~hly familiar with all the llh-ol real esta~ laws and procedure, and when they a d- W. you. you can be certain that their advice is safe and amd: !bey Mut Have Homes! ,. ~ tllrat by bomere. war veterans to level by .... or ftre ...utboc'bed constnad.lon In Orange county Is ... 1al&al ~ ln both fedenl and private housing <;ir· • till.; .... tbe ftel')' Altatemeut IMde by Fred ~ ot -. AM. war veteran membfto ot the combined veterans a , ... boultnl commlttee ol Orange county, before II '11M• Cdfomla ADwricaD 14ion, VFW and DAV or- • 2 ..,.ln Loa AnleJa Jut week. beapoke the probable ..... t1 tile btt1er attltudN ol bclmere. veterana, It did give ... 2 a .uthorttiel ln aU tbetr ~ wam1ng ot what to ..... Ill tbe nar fUture II the needy vet.erana are not prv. ~ .. ed~Qlat. IMnl quaJ'Ws. What hu happened In l~"'l~f.':·'--•';.=.: J>wlencl, wbrre hom 'e. mot., mla-led by Com-• ' 1 , lqlattld In ftCUlt bomea and forcibly oppoeed evic- ..... ., pollee. aould euOy happen anyw~ in Oran8'e -~· · A8d o.n.n..wt ._.... In this country are conn-._ tlllllt tldl candltiaD Clll ........ heft, CJnCe they get 001'1· .... Gt -......... wtdeb wm YOI!Lmteer to make the first -. Bw1' ......,. ~In tbe country have a J111M eo ht ~ but"tbe)' ClllnOt JJve cleceotly, with thetr ..._ ud ddldnD lhelt«eelln one room. . 'lbeR boys fought .. .. .... AIDeliea a u.fe place ID whkh to Uve, and they came lill* apec:Unc to ftnd an apal1mmt or a twa. ln whidt to ,_ tb8r brood. They didn't mind walt.ln& a few months for ..., --to be built. But IIDc:e tbere baa been little mnstructlon ot homes ,_. wt11ruw In ~ CCUJty Ill tbe put aewral mo11ths, tt. llomr'e. familet beUeYe that now Ia tbe time to ltrlke .. that ~ that wu promlled them, and lf they cannot ~ IIIW taoa.. u undoubtedly Fr-ed Devenney meant when ..... btl alann1ng statement In t.o.. Angeles, then they will deltroy 01' burn ltruc'tures wbldl do not C8JTY posted ...a.artlation .notica Thr!'e II no teWng wheJl the veter- _. wtD act. but otrkfts ot the vvtoua veteran groupa make DO denial ot the fact that the homelea vetera.na a.re gettln~ aut-of-hud VeW'an groupa admit that they have dlscov· ered that tMre a~ 700 ot the 1700 structures raised in Orange county which have not exhibited pennit notices, and one •-he> aeems to have more reliable lnfonnation statt'S that ~are more than that number without authorization no- Ucea. There is one certain thing and lhnt is that no o~ man II to blame for the SOfTY ~tate ol affairs In which &he country tlnda lbelf In the hOUAlng 81'Ult'l. As n group, private and federal authorities, must share the blamCc'. Selfishness is the prime motive In the attitude or both C'ICc'mcnts. And It is now time that lJoth private and federal agenctf'S and municipnl housing depaf'tm(>nts should combine their efforts to pi"'QVidc more homes for the vet('mns. To lgnore this situation now is only, to invite disa.trtc.>r for every rommupnily in 0ranJ'(t> . county. ACT NOW-TOMORROW MAY BE TOO LATE! Good Appointm~nt It Is with R grt'at d<'~tl of (J('rMnnl piMsure a nd satisfac- tion that the editor of'thi!' nC\\~P.'\Il(>r regards the recent a'{>- polntment by th<' Pn-sid('flf of n great democt'atlc American, AverllJ Han1.man of Ilurriman. Orange eounty, New York. u 9ec.retary ot Commi'!'<'<'. 'Tfil.., lirie gc>ntlt>man or a· grand old Pioneer ramUy of New York stele will he a great asset to bullneM ln general. A h<tnkf'r and r'tlilrood mngnate. he has d6ltinlulshed hi.m8elt "" :.moossndor to Soviet Rwssra. and aD h1a ~ he has lived the democn1tlc idt'nl. Those who know the famlly. their (•arly lx'ginnlngs in Orange coUnty. New York, can verity this small tcstimoniul in thetr behalf. It wa.a an exoeUent choice for the Pn>sl<lent to make. UR HEALTH WITH ""' nt't't'MarUy apply to thoae aged not exet'Cd the reclpi<'nt's total -----------------,.--------- ')1 r,ons whoae nt-ed is determined need If a J)f'f'SOn hu nl"t'd of $65 on a budget buis or to thOM' who and hl\l $20 lnrome. hla grant at Navy Post Grad present Is $45. Any lncreasl' In his grant would mo'ttn that hi' WOUld r<'CeiVC in t'XN"SS of the PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. Wl\ll a valiltnl member of the AI· As you know, l!SO has estab- lll'~. Yrt. Rulgarla. one or tlw ll~hrtl '' unique rC'cnrd In aervtne losrrs, hwd thP brtill to dcmnnd thr n •nrutlonRI. morllll' and sptrit- te>rrltory from Gr~. onl' of thf' uol n•·l'd1 of th<' memben of the wirn-ra. Thnt'• ont> for the hook ltrrtH-rl forr•os. Its work throuah Rut muyl11• th(' Bulgarians arc th•· yt-~or~ or rl~thling war bec&mt> qwres no'('d. This Individual. tht>rofor£', ____ 6_000 __ UNT--ANT-----, Sch~ Re • amount neceuary to mt>el his H would not receive an Increase In r 0 ng fOr 3000 his as.~lstance payment. AillolhM' PBY8WIAN8 • 8\JBOEONa, D.O. I c•xampll• wo11ld IX' a person with --II need of $65.00 and incomt' of morl' nt•rvous than. n~rvy-n<'rvo~ I n fltmtliur symhol ~r. the spirit of Sl'nator John L. McClellan visit· $12.00: his prC11enl grant would Bookkeeping Service COLIN P'. B&OWN ( ...... 1164) Dr. W. T. Mooney PbJIIelaauda.ua- Nlatla ... V..lrel ..... (..._ ......... , ........ ~.or ff'ur th~:y wont plt·BS<' l ~t·Jill AnH·r·trlin cmumumltes Pffhapl! ..cl Nt>wport Jtarbor and Ora~e I IX' the statutory maximum of rtn.:maslt•r ~ Stalin. Wllh· you d" not ,know why It Is ~ ( 'mmty to lnvl'ltlgate tbe mattt>r $SO.OO. On ()(-tober 1 h<' would rl'· out oouht. th made thrir dl'· sary for l SO to cootlni.K' this nf sill' for the propoted Post Grad· celve an incrt'ase or $3.00. Thus man~ on hi lnstructlnnll. Joe '".'rk for unothrr )•ear. uat .. Naval School. He waa ac. his Rrant of $53.00 and Income of :.....-------------' :....:-..-----------' dOCin t llkl' thP Grl't•ks twrau~e 11w ~nr lind Navy [)('partmentll o·ompnlned by Capt. H. A. Spanll· 1 ,.12.00 will mt'{'t t'ljs n~ of $6.'5.00. r-------------; . , . ....._ ............ .... they refi»H' to jum))' throu~h th<' IISkl'd LSO If) COntlnU(' lndeflnlt~· gl'l, C'halrmun or the Offict>r BOard I There will bt• ~ rcw rPCiplenu " rommu~ist hoor» wh~>n he sn11pt1 ly Tht' nnll~mnl nrrlcen of USO kJK>in tl'd by the Navy to llurYPY whose aid Is currt>ntly being paid • • 8 • WRY T E ttw> whtJI. B111 If .]()(' l'<'mrrnbers fPlt th•· organization could not ~ut.:t.:('SIE'd sites. Capt. Spanagel Is on 'a budget uasls and w h 0 1 e •• U:.~ ~ o:::::..Aft~ hiatory ht• knows lht• Grt:'l'k• can't 1-do thi~ hut tht•Y did determinto C'ommandnnt of the pr('S(>nt Post total nl"t'd Is somewhere IX'twei?n 1117 _.,_, te _. ..._..a. ~ pua.~ed arou.nd They "have that thl' job shoold be continued t.:rnduate School. ' $50 and $55. Clttms In the budget ., ... .....,. wtu. ..._ -_....._ a woni for thPtr nttltudf' cour· for on•· more yl"ar, to terve the' 'l1tf' party I"IIITK' by pl.ane from schedule are~vera~E'd amount.a .fn:"wrU.o•~1:;. a~e. n••f'ds of men still in !K'r vlce, men S11n Diego and was m('f at the hailed on staT"e-wide prlclngs.) If -.... ..._ ....._ ._.. .._ A. V. Andrews, M.D. PBYIIIOIAN ... / .miG EON Ul OoM& JIIPw'Q ........... c.-del .... ~ ... t Rlatf' I In hO!IJiita!"· and youths who arc u raNte County Airport by John I th<' need of the recipient currently :....,. __ ..:111..:_.::::;_·:...:.:...:...;_;.;;..._• __ _: Talk Is rr\1vin..: ag11tn aiJ()UI ad· nf•W In trlltninl': lnst('lld of DPenl· r hilllpe, Con~ressman from this r('C('iving aid on a budget bull Is mlltlng hot h Alallkn and ltuwail •nit 111• 11~ Jll'llk ur m.orc than 3000 l lt~trlct. and Mn. Phillip!. Willis not more than $55 on October 1. ~ ______ .............. _____ • to th<' U nion nnd thus r al11lntt thr l'fllciltiiNI in t~c ~'00JO'~"t"'nl:nltt'd II Warner, Chairman of the Board the Income ne<.'t.'Uarily has to IX' r--J-olm--IL--C-,-Ch----'..__JI.--D-.""" numher of alan nn the Amt•riran. Stntf's. h~~('\f'r. Y n 1 7 will uf Supervisors. Hubbard C. H owl'. dl'duNPd from $55 because the -- FlaJt to~. Almo8t PVeryonl' solcmsj opera II• 4:.!J. Carolttirs at home and C'halrmlln or the Harbor Com-law provides that the Income and Armand Monaco -0 0 .......... In favor nf thf' irt1•11 th11t is, nvPNtf'llll In addition to Ita camp mittrco of thco Newport Horhor the grant of aulstance muat equal ABCIII'I'IX-"' 2 -• 7 • 8:30 '· E'Vt•ryonl' <•xc•rpt th1• 'rf'xnns. You ~hnw dn·uit and 115 ~ork in mill-Chnmlx•r of Commerce, and Mrs. this amount unless tllcre is ncoed 81.1 W. Bay AYe., a.lboa and by appolntmeat IK'e, thf' Pf'OJ.lll' of tlw Lon~> Star tary 11?811'18111· In thiS Important llowco. Harry Hanson, Secretary of in excess of $55. ~ l'rM ee.con 50'75 atate art' vt•r y proud. Thry'ro• transtttOn IJ('rlnd only an agency Itt<' Santa Ana Chamber of Com· -------------ma •·tr .... Aft. lit llMl U. ...._. proud or lhf' fact that Trxos Is . hkl' usn can do th~ job. And to mf'rCf!. and Ae veral otht'rS 1M ~ N~ "" o.e. ...... CltlllfoniAa ttw> iargi'SI stntr In thr Union rto tht• joh Wl•ll rt•qUJrE'l! funda-al· ... I a I I 'S r~ the standpnlnt of territory. thnugh mur h lrss than in prevl~ Thl' party ~a.s Iuken to New- If Allllka M mf'll in T(•xas will Y<'llnl. port Harbor VI& the Burma Road d d 't · With 11 You rnn hrlp as you have In and returned by way or the Santa ... ~~~ llf'C(m fKISt tOn.AI k i'!J thl' pas t hy o·ltOJ;..ratlng with your Ana ,Army Air Basi' lli tr. In order .~ .... "'h S~Warlr m,lni'SI ruf~Tn ~ lno'lll nn'd C'OUnl)' t'ampai .. n com-to save timt• lht' party flt>w ovrr fTlOI"i! t an I W ~~ 1 11' II Zt' 0 •'XIIII "' h . d · _ _. '--h h ..... 1 h , 1 d . .. , .. 'J67 • millo·r!l Anll, ht•t:r&Ulll' m11ny per· I e area an tnspcct~ ""' t c ..... C 1 X f'n s uHr 11 m<'rt • · Harbor and the Air Base sih• 339 ti(JUttrf' milt•" Sc·rrt'lary o1f 1 h<' sons in your community may IX' ·· I t I J II A K h unawarl' l)f thl' rl'asons for con· from the nlr. Senator McCI(•tlan 11 M' or u u~ ru~: 111 SUI!· .... 1 •·-h 1 1 1 _.. h AI k 1 , d' •id -d · tinutnj;t t·~o for nnother year. l appcnr ..... o .,.. very muc n r ro•s • geslt.., I Ill fl5 11 K 1\ I tn· · bl'-h ro in the Air Bas!' ee.,.....ially from to thrrf' staf('11 Tt•xnns will lw in h<IPI-' you will tw wllltnlt to pu ... , · .--. . • ct· t 1 • tt 11 f the standpotnt oC utllizang buald· favor of II hut wtth a tnt11l JIOJIU· nn " 11or1101 A nng te nl'l O . 1 laUon or o~IY 72.000 Alaska hardly tlw (onr •'ncltiSt·d Uur State head· mg~ a ready constructed . rat,.. six srnllloN< nnd thri'C r<'p-ctunriPrJ w ill co~tt.nut' mailing you F aclllti~ at NcWJJ:<>rl Harbor rt'tll'nlatlvf's In rnnttri'All. So. 11 1 ut:<'llSionnl puhltctty pl<'«'S. and w('r<' l'Xamtnf'd and pOinted out as appelln that whrn Aln!lka "joln.s mots whirh Wt' hCipt' you wtll I:K' readily avallnhle. Mnny sm11llcr up" Trxa.s ~111 havr In llt• ~ll llsfil'd l ahlt' t~ use. esJX'dllll~ now In an· war craft, 11111 undergoing rrpair 0... •• ' p, ~ • ...., with the d.latlnr tlnn or h('lng the tiripatton of and durin~ the cam· in tht; Harbor area were a Is o ------- largl.'lt stall' south or Canada palgn this Fall. nott'd . N 1\' a. Wh A"' lndl\'ldual cltluon~. you and Th(' proJl()IK'd post Graduate ;:(' l;est ~z.l ex~lanAtion <'m· I ahar£' with all nthPr American"' Naval Srhool will require housing II r 'h d d the r('altzaUon that murh u we for about 3 000 students It ls ana ng rom , c un ('rJI(roun 81 h ·"d l'k t r 1 th(' tasks or _.. · bo · to wh <knnany loat the war B Ou• a e o orKt' report"" that a ut hlilf the.> stu· Expert Radio Service Phoae IIMeGII SOCK-W I PabOer Radio Waper ~ lilltftvte Dr. ,.,...,. 0. ..... Oliropractlc, Dietetics, Pbyslo A: Colonic 1berapy ... o...& .. ..., ..... ...._ .............. DAY IICBOOL Mortimer School lltOonl ............. DAY lKJBOOL OPENS 001' 1 0 ...... : CoiL ....... AnD,. 0. A. Mona-, ltl.. A.. ()&foftl PrtPCIIpal ..._ llartlor 111 Dr, Obed Lucas DENnsT ahowll Ythat lh(' Gc>rmans are as war and 1(('1 on With the work or dent• are maniE'd and th is means cll'V<'r In manufacturing •llbls as Pf'rtce. W£' must complPII• our war-that addro accomodatlons for the they are In turning out toola of tlmt> joh--ln ju.tlc«> to ourseiVl'l marrlro peraonnel as well 81 for cte.tnlction. But evf'n at that. 11 and t? thr. boys who ~<'ar our the. 1tarr pf \he ..-chool are n~­ muat have taken a lot of t wlltro na.tion • unaforms . I had t h I • sary. The facilities at t~ Atr thlnklnc to naure out thf' excuae driven horne rathf'r forcibly to me BaH School site ahould ~ more that Hltlf'f' wu really a J"' and duri~ a ver_y lnsplrlnK pen:onaJ than adequate for any d~nds that afteT plunging G4mnany into Interview , w1th Gl'llt'r.at EISt'n· which the Navy might make upon t~ war hi" "threw tbe fleht". hower In \\ ashington thas summer. lt. ~~~~~ W. o-tnL ....,._ 1.,. Alibi ch this Cl rlell • He speaks of thr prHent pertod Following the vlslt the party aiU as soon ~ cu u the .. n•tldual pha:M' or the war" ~==========~~ NZWPOaT ll&ACB loua to ua that we are prone to and 1 sm sure you will agree with flew to Loe Angeles where Senator _ :.....------------..: lauah them off and foraet them. this great Amt'rlclln in M rl'gllrd-McClellan planned to return to r-------------, IAaJreDce B. Dorey, II. D. Physician A: Surgeon ftlllarlae Ave .. ............. ............ _ Gordon II. Gnmdy, II. D. PHYSICIAN and SUR.GBOH Balboa Inn Arcade Office lin.: 10.12 a.m.: 3-5 p.a Phon~ Harbor 37 H. R. HaD, M.' D. ...,..,.., ... ..,.... Hours: 2-5, ~ Allp>lntmet 'l'elepboae a..eoa -o.e.-- ..... II. .....,..., II. D. , •• a..& .... o.n-....... Otnoe 1:1Dur1: lG-U: H ............... But t~y ahould aerve. to warn Ul I g It and rK'Ognlz.lng Its •mpor· Washington the following day. II A L Li MARK ,....--------------. that In t~ eyl'l o( many Gf>rmans ." D&. OORDOV ., a a- their country wasn't really de· anNt. ' Calli All WACS' "' .. -..-c .__---------~---J f ted. Thl ttitudf-t da t My own responsibility, no~ that ng • DENT1ST - Pa 1 1 en ° .ahe:;)\/u Cber.t tlAll IK'en llquidatl'd, C A R D S S ::t:' tbelr error~ 10 r"'b~ld the Ia shouldt•rinr thl' d1alrmanshi11 of Move over, Phil SpltaJny, with -.Wed o..tn1 • R. Monaco, M. D. tary powM' lit a moll ovttr-the California USO C"amp111gn your all-girl orchestra! F Birthd ...... llutler ._,,..., 814 Bay Aft., Baa• ran the world . The AlliN be~t C'ommilh't''s puhltc r<'lattllr\.~ di,·l· ~ WAC ba_nd. complete from Or ay& ......_ l'rM Gennany down In th(' war hut 1111 1\lon. 1 cannot do the joh wlthnllt piccolo to big bass drutn, Is about Wedcl.la& Alllltft.....W Newpon ~toinJC to takf' 8 lon~r tlml' 10 put th<' fine cooprratl(ln lhl' C'altfor-to ~ re-activated. Army Recruit-Uld Etc. 461 L ~e:!; ~ ~ her "out" as a potl"ntlal threat to nla Prrss has always 1(1\l'n such lng headquarten here announcro By Appoint:ment world pra<'f'. worthy cndl'avortc I hotl(' '"' can today, for duty at the San Fran· v .... x ,_....._ I.NStlaANClt n-Oatlf'llf' · l!!t,...._ Th r Lo do I 1 count upon your hrlp. cisco Port of Embarkation. f' •tory rom n n a IOU Sinccrt>ly Ex-GI hand!lwoml"n with quali· Lampe :: eo.taJDe Jwelry t~ boy round on thP Arabian Rohl'rl , c;roa,~ nro MOS's I Mtlitary Occupational df>tlert llvlnj;t with the li117rlll'!! Roll('rl It 1 :ro .. s Specialty I, ranging from l'<'('ds. 110unda Ulll'rly fantststlc but 11 Stall' PuiJloc Ro•l11tions brau and drums to the euphon· spperenlly ls true. A photosrrnj'lh Chaarman tum. should apply at Anny Rc- Newport Souvenir and Gift Shop or ttw> tad llhO~'S him to ,,.. of Sun Fntn.-ISC(I, Si'pl. 17 crultlng Officc, 2021'1 w . :lrd St . lllhcht 8tatun• Wtth 11 mop nr llnrk, RRG . . Santa Ana. Cal. ICI'IIItltiY hair rt•achlnR down to ' 's hll' ~houldrrll Ill' ~ ~t!l capturro I hy on Arahlnr. prince who ells· Have YOU Registered? rnvc-rt'd him runnio~ ntonl! with ------- ltlr ~tazeiiH. These a.nlm11ls can mo,,. "' 11 lll"'ro1 ,,r ntorr than tWkf• that Of tht• fA~\1'!11 ('VI'f rf'C'Orflt'd for 11 humnn ll('in~ Yrt ~--~~~~· I ht' l(ll/f'!lt• ll<l\' Wall :ohio• lu ko'l'll Sandy F. MacKay INSURANCE ·That's All up with thrm 1-:ffnrl.., ~•I l11r h it\'(' hl't'll IIII~IWI'o·SMIII lot ~o'l him IO wo•:.r o·l,tlw~ ,,r ~to~·p nn n lit-d. Llf f r lf1f ·AUTO MAR!rl£. ETC. BRICGS & MacKAY '· • E ( nt•al, Balbo'! P•·cn~ Harbor 2~97 "''' h11• lw l••nrno t1 '" ~~w·uk lf•· is II(' lit•' e·d 111 b" lll•llll I~ yo•nrs of Ill'" i\ppltr••nt h lw "'''~ rth<m· dnn•-.1 I•\ ha~ mut hrr wlwn quite lltnlltl llu 1 """ " 1ll ht• nhh· to p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;~ ~ur\ ., ,. •'n t l11' •1··~.~~ t •• y.,.trr: t ·s,lt•r ! Fr"m ('nhfurnta h• =-: .. w Yo1rk 111 !'>'.; huu11! Thnt'< "hal ill un 11111 In tlw reahtl elf c-omtnrrrwl nvi>t- Uon. Pnn i\m·•rt('nn Wo~rld Atr· Wa)'ll b o1skl•11: 1 ho• C'h'tl Ao•n•nnU· t ics lln .. rc1 f,w pcnni~~ion h a ''l"'f· nte dumr~twally \ln Inn..:. non·~'"P flight Sl'1'\1t~· l>r1"•'1'1l 1:\ nr lh1 Nnti11n'~ pra ncrp11t citto'!\. 'liiN~•· In· clud1• Lm: An~,.tl's nnd ~1111 rrun- <'18NI ·nw phHol's wuuttl rru-ry ~~ llO~Wnt.:•·n nnd would IX''"" 1~1"'~ onl' 11hi1'11 llo>uld tr11vf'l 111 4341 rnllrs IN•r IH1111' o11HI tla•· nthl'r nt 3411 mph 'fh• ,,·ho•l1111•·~ prn~t'd hy l'nn Anw t 11'·111 "••uld hf' mort• thnn 111 lt'•' 11< t.o~t ,, ... '"""" 11011 In Opt'rhlt"n Fu't th in~:"'' know tho'rl' \\ ltf h, II 11UllllHIII r !<o 1\ ll"l' I fnr fW'<>plo• \\ lttt "o~rl, 111 "''"' YPrk 1 Taxi PHO!Io'W:: BEACON 5fi59-\Y We a rc partial only to Th~ Peopl~ -OtiR Ct 'STO~IERS- IOwnrd 11110 O(X'rlll•"l by Yrt•·rnn~l i Ott. BROAD\\' A\: hut 11 wt "' "" "' t'ahl••rnla. ,._ ___________ _. Cooeta Mf'tl& ('ommualty C'hurr h I'JEPTEMBER 11th 2102 Oceaa Froat We Wrap Gltts 24-Hour Radio Service BOIIU. AUTO, ~ llAD108 a&P AD.ED Burt R. Norton tla Cout mwa.r a.-.,.. N8WI)Orl Beeclll, (ldf. ONCE AGAIN SAM'S SEA FOOD SPA Offen Y oa tbe I"'DMt Place to Dille .. Oruap Coallty: All New· • • Even the Location ... One-Half Mile East ol Old Location on Coast Highway. Beautiful New Cocktail Bar We Lead Southern CautomJa in the Serving ot- -SEAFOODS- ALSO YOUR ldnd of 8TEAK8 -VISIT OUR KI'OCHEN - Sam's Sea Food Spa and Fish Market -Olell& ......, (If-........ ) Llaeobt NaUoul Uf~ l.asaraDce Co. ..... .._ ........ lla a.a.-er" DON IE&NIOAN n.o-llartlor ut·R 108 llartae """ BalhM .... OCCIDENTAL LIFE INSURANCE 00. Ray Nielsen ....__ ............... .......,. ,_ B..t.er e-.. ••a L.., ..,.._ ..._ MORTIOI.AN8 Harold K. Grauel Chapel "W~ Ourselves the Better Serve by Servtnr Othcl"ll Best" Plloae .._. Nit Ootlta Meaa Calllonlla OPTOMI:TBI8T8 E. T. Butterworth, 0. D. ~trfat &n:8 I':XAMlMm LENSES DUPLICATED o.._..,...._~ Ill& W. ~ .&-.... _._ Nil W.W.OaT a&ACII Robert A. Crawford Opt., D. OI"''OMrJ"RRIIT Eyes Examined • Gla.saes F1tted " 1'711 Newport lloalenrd Scotch Tape Now on Hand Supply Limited -at- NEWS-nMES Gerald RaUBa, M.D. 2830 Wm OmtraJ An . NEWPORT BEACH PlooMB-1011 lfo --= can .._. -.a X·R.ay Service T. P. REEDER, II. D. and Wll. 8. IRETON, B1. D. ..,..__.sa,._ .... w. Celltral Telepboee lla.nor Ill Nlcht-18M-W G. N. PEASE, M. D. ConMullaUon -Dl~ lloun; by Appointment Phon!'-llarbor 2191..f PUBLIC 8TENOORAPBJ:a ftoDe BMcoa '*-" M. D. f{eesling 1808-A. Newport 11mt. Ootita Meaa 8UilVI:YOR8 ' ... Raub & Bennett 8carft7ort aad l:nctMen 1808 NewpnnBI~ .. eo.taM .. Telepltooe a-n 5101-W ten w. C.tnl Newport..._. Tei~De llarbor lll PI -\~0 Tf:.\f'IIER . PIANO TEACHER I. V. I.T:'\~F.NRARD Gmrluntt• Royal f'nn•n·atory, l.dpi6D Ph. Hamor 1252-W 1526 w. Ocean Front I DRAFTING SER-VICE ROY M. WATKINS and Aaeociatea Ill eo.M JllallwaJ (ea ... IIII"MM 118e) NO PLACE IN • S ERVES Hamburgers Malts Sundaes L Ill E THE TOWN • Coffee and Donuts Waffles DOIIU'i'£ 'Wi11:FLE SHO.P 105 IIABINE AVENUE BALBOA ISLAND II_, N'k!Mia -Oeofp 8tertlq 0,.. ~ Uatar 11 o'Ooek ~ • We4 ' r Lawn Sprinkler Systems -F. H~ A~ TERMS No Down Payment-36 Months to Pay SAVES MANl' DOL.LA.R8-Lower wnter bills: a aystem good fOf' a liteUme. endlns frequent ex:pendltures r« sprinkling equip- ment: a decrease in cardene r hire ... all th'i,'St savinp t>nable a Concealt"d Lawn !pnnkling Syst('m to ~y for Itself ln a short time. • IIA.IlE8 8PK INIUsiNO E A8l'-1be weary work ol watering by hand is changt"d to chlld 'a play. There is no more bother, fuu or muss! To sprinkle just open the valve and leave tJR rNt to the ayatem. TWenty minutes sprinklll'\i twtce a week ia Ul· ual\y enouah. -PHONE FOR FREE ISTDIATE- GOLDEN RULE .SPRINKLER CO. 105 w. JIVth Scrimrilage Prepares Sador ~;ys~te;:, ~=· S1gna on H1ghways Gridders for frid~~ Opener ::.::::::~~~.·:7:;::~~1::~-i~.~.=:. Soml' tou~th acrlmm~es. 'l''itl\ ('d for dummy gam.,., 1 1h111 tltlM ~otrllnt .. d t pc'rminh•n f'mphi\~JI <~n prt><tt•ntJn~: 11 dkk ln..: Nursina injurl<•l lnat wN'k wc-rt' 1" 1'l11n• s t:uut .. t••l t)'l"' 1111:11" ''" oHt·n~l\'o', IS un the slat(' for tht"1 four ml'n on •hom Plckl'nl 111111 I' ·l··~t"ls '" ''"' ·~·nto•r uf ,.,,,.,,,.. Harbor Ill grtddcn th11 "''''t'k 1111 probably tx> dt-ptondlnjl for etart· ' ·••• lu~tmu}, H<llhl 7. llt :u•~;•· they prrpar<' to visit Sl. Anthony l lng dutiC'tl. Tentatlvl' ttrst atrlna 1" ="'t'\\Jl"rt 1"\(•Arh t1. or Long Reach on tht>lr fll'ld thill Ends lloJI'y Horrl'll and D 1 c k In ru·~•rdnnN• with tht• hli:l•"ny Friday ufl<'rnoon In thf' st•ason's Hra('(' and Dacka Roy Ward and ''" l>lull~ tn>tn wlitlnS thf' st.:n• wtll opt'nl'r. Buz Ch~&mht•rs wrn• aldC'Iii'M'd wtth 1"' PliiN'd In • h•· <'t'nll'r • tlf t hi• C'011ch WC'ndy Pickens &ttll had minor hurta but will probably a tart <'"'"" alks at th(' lolh1wtn..: h>c'Lt·l JAMES A. MUSICK hla chur~tt•s ronN'ntratlnlt on sound the' St. Anthony tracAI. ''""~ Frt·nl•·nl st r .... ,. I h•lwt rup•·· I fundnm('ntals \hill Wl'('k but .. Workinl{ out wtth the f I r. t !ll!ll'll(tlltt. San ll.•rnnrdmn II n d ,..---~'!"!"-----:""-- counling on th1• practit'\' t lrr tol strln~o: thll wf>C'k 1 n d probable 111 ••l!tll·rlto• 11\'r niii'!C. l'nronu 111'1 • rouod out tht' outfit inltl 8 pill)'· starll'T'11 W('l'f' ~nds BrAN' and Hor· ~l.ol I ins: unit. rl'll, taeklo• RIB W cathf'rwax, n,.. MI:OS wtll I><• In up.•rnth•n Friday uftt>rnoon should 11nswt"r Guards Han14'm and MoniiOf\. and dt11 tn~; lht• d11yll~l11 hmu ~ ••n l) lll'\'l'rAI questions In tht• mind or ON<'kS IIMnZIII. Ward. Hlllhoult'' IIIlO I \\til Ill• r•'llhi\'O'd l'l'mn ttw the Tsr mentor-mainly ronet"rn· 11nd Chambers. 1 "''"'' dunn,; tlu• hours ut 111u·k i n g ht. ill('Xpt'rienet'd lin('m('n. Mf'llo 8W.N n. " Pick('ns Is pretty confldt•nt or his Five lllf'n art' hattllnc fM on4' ------I backrtt"ld matt"rlal with eight good tackl(' and tht' Ct"nter pcM~Itlon and Car Wheel Theft lllf'n jockeytnK amon" themS<>IvMI "Pick" ha• Indica IN that l h e l . , for start ins: potltions. Pract ice atart.ln. g nod wtll 10 to th«-two ltwr·~''' II wht'<'l and t.irC' frum, thl11 WC!'<'k has lndicatf'd. however, makin~t thf' tM>e• lmprftlllon In thfo Mauru ' I I Iddings of 32'7 Story that ~<••·cral line poaltions are still Important acrimmagt'l thla Wf't!k. ~1"~'''· Allt .. mbra, 11nd hla rar whkh wide opt>n and only ~tam.-l'Xperi· A IW'COnd backflf'ld compoaed of 11~ llllrk•'it rur tlw ntltht nr11r tlu· t"net" will round out the boys that Mello, Alhen Pl'yto~ and Brown S····~huro• 1'""'"Y· Nt•V.-pttrt Ht·n•·h. havl' not playf'd much football IX'-Is rlaht behl~ thfo othf>r quartrt "''" ''''tJortt'<l to thl' rxlliN· I for('. and could ra te almoet f'QUally. , - ••Jury PliiCUf' None or thC' backflt-ld candldatt'l ( ar Stolen The squad wu plagu~ with a havt> 11 atranglt>·hold on their poal· 1 'ar or RoiK'rt N Law of santlll batch or early·I('IISOn lnJUrlt'8 lat{' tiona and therl' mR)'. bl> chan~rcs Amo "'"~ tolt1h•n rrorn u lilllu"'<· 1w11r lut week which elimlnatf'd thfo before thfo Opt'nirut gun Frlct.y. ttw l.ato tht•11trr 1t11rln~ ttw 'l'tlf'lh chanCt' for much scrlmma&(' or Mt"lln. a 140-lb. scAt baa who• d".' no,;ht "h"". l••lh~' wt•r•· told hard workouts but Monday prae-,aparklt'd on lhl' Sailor B ttoam la1t I A 11 IIH1\\ tnt.t or thl' mnC'hlm• w · Uoo WAll devotNi to scrlmmnltt' and ~11~'<10. htu lookt'd t•arx'Cially well I hr .. k.•n. th•· thtl'f unht~·km.: t~ Tul'lday and \Vt"dnesday aiJO slat· on runnin~r plsy• durinl thfo peat em duHr th11t w11y, hi' aa1d --I (f'w practt('('l and will probably _ PTA Congress Selects tx> UN'd I'Xtconsivrly In the rom•ne c '"ta M ..... C'ommualt)' c'"urc·ll Four for Fellowships' game. "r.a~\4nt:R ~.,,h 1 l mtmling 11 n<'w !:eholnrslllp pr~ je!'<'t the C11llfornin C'ont:r('SS of Parr nls and Tt'll<'h<'rs this w('('k is annound nt: thl' AWarc1int: of four one )'l'llr t:rndwur FrlloWJ<hiJlll In Psychiatric Ro<'lnl Work to four California rt'llidl'nU Thfl5t' rl'ceivtnt: th<' nwards and l'nlt•rln~t 'hi• fit'ld or Psychiatric Social Work tn thl" rf'alm of Sl'r\'· ice to chlldrl'n "..,,,. sf'll'Cil'd upon th.: ha!ltll of ability and InterMit. Th<'Y w<'re chot~l'n hy thl' Congri'IIS committee aftl'r very carl'rut study of their records and tll•rsonal in· tervlew. They were: Mills Vlr~tinia Jnc· obllt'n, a nativl' of Mlnl'«Otlt and now rC'tll<k-nt of San Dit-go: Miss Rtomice Hanson of Berkt"ll'\' who hu an AO rrqm the Unl\·l'r;ity of California. where l h(' held a ROI!- enberg achohtrshlp: Mr11. Lorna C. Rrangwln of lkrkt>ll')', t:radu:lll' of t h(' Univc>rsit y of Orc>Run and Miu Phyllla Howard of San Fran· cisco, who graduatNi from Deniaon Unlvenlty In Ohio. whfore •llt' majored in Psychology and took annual and clrpartmental honors. American People and U.S. 0.1 Receive Pope Pius' Blessing ) llow Potx• ·Plus XII ~tHVt' 11 spe-cial hh•uinR to A USO-Camp Shows unit Wttll n·,·raltod today In II OWSSRI:I' to Clydt• Asht'n, l)lrK; tor of lhl' Rnlbon l 'SO from Ml1111 Jeun fk•auvHis. !'II'W York City singl'r· jUst r('turno•d frnm " C'amp Showa tour or Italy, F ranet", and Germany w»s dftln..: " rtn•' j<)h nr •·nto·r.l lllllmlt: tho• tli'I'IIP~<tto11 '""'I"' ll•·1 It'" •• 11 Sl"'''"' I I ·l•·tt~•nt: ''' Ill<' n nd m} \\ork :ond tu Ill) l lSO 11n11 II•• abu to·llwrk••ll t llltt 'tw ""~ o•a· JlCt'lo~ll\ lnnd ol tit•• An•••rlclln P''''t•lo· •llltl ufr••1·•'(1 " ltlo·t~tn..: lur th•·nt •• 11. Miss B<>auvnls, who 111 a lyric y f • d d toprano and solot~l 111 the Churrh 0Uf flen 8 an min• of St \'lncent dl• Paul. the Frt•nch C'hurch of AITX'rlca In Nl'w York C'ity, Will 1>(1\'l'n 11 ll'lter hy the Reverend SA ivatoro Picclrlllu of that church to Itt.-R.evl'rl'nd NOI'I Auguatin Aretbal, a fri<'nd of hla In RoiTX' and fornl('r pcutor or Notre Dame In Nl'w York Cit)'. Th<' lett('r reqU<'11tl'd thl' Revl'n •nd Arc ibal to make arran~otl'menta for Mlllll llfoaU\'ala to ml'l'l the I'OPC' Mr Hnd !\1r~ M••rnll C.oodrll And ~nn \' 11n m•W•-d to y;hltt II'T T u,•l\duy, whf'rf' Mr Cnctdf'll 1~ a stul1o•nt HI Whtltlt•r l'ollt•,;o•0 Tlw fanul\ hrll! ht•<•n llvl n11: with Mr. Gotll1.·11'11 parc•nt11. Ht'v. ttnd Mt'll E. I> Goodrll. ~)0 WN~t <)(o('an Front rver alnce rl'tuminl( (rom t~ «'lilt laat aprlnl(. Mra. John Pfhwhnt'r. JtllH C'Cinllt houll'vard, l'ntt•r('d S t VinN'nt'• In private audlf'nce. "Sin~ 1 wu In my USO unl-ha.pltal, LOll Anll<'lo'S, Sunday and YOUR CA NDIDATE for ORANGE COUNTY SHERIFF -·-W ho n•allzrt\ I he• Vllnl Nt't'CI for INTELLIGE NT law cnfom•mt>nt ond Adeq uate Protection In unlnro.,lOratl"d 1\n>ttl' -·-Who leanl('(t FAIR PLAY on football (~Ids -·- -OOMMu; a COST A MESA - form," Miu Bc>auvals said, "It was ~nderwf'nl . a mttjnr opcratton thf' not ~11ry ror m<' 10 W<'llr the' ext morntnK. Mr. Pflsduwr r<'- trlldllional hlack. Sf>C'In11: thl' Vall-turTIC'd l'uM!dny .snd rt'portf'd lhl' can and lpl'aklng ,..11h l'opr PIIJ.I wu makln~t '"'l•fttclor) f1rtJ2ri'IIJI I Wll ttw l'f'IIIIUIIIon of 11 li(('lon~t And would !).• honw l'lt'Jt.l WC'i'k. ambition. I found the Vat1r11n ------- Who gnirw-d Practical Experience a.s cJt>r IU t y w ri cr -·---- AMERICA'S FIN}Nf WATCHES .,ne watches are he~ again ... and natlonafty famout~ makea for men and women will be avallabw in Co!;ta Met~& on or about Octolk-r 10, when Ted W. Brown. Jeweler, or Long Beach, opms a 11\Qdem jewt>lty at~ at 1797 Newport BouleviU"(\. Comparabl~ In n et·y way te th• 1\'t'J W . Bro-12 store at 411 Anwrican Avr .. Lone Beacfl. th(' Costa Mt'SA •~"tahli~hml'nt wtll reatu~ hi~thest quality m er· chanrliM! ... budge\ term.~ at no •lCira coet . Lortg , Beach hall lonJt n.ocognizNl tht> truth or "Buy from Tl'd Brown ani'! Sll"" the D•rrrr<'n<'l'" ... a truth Nita~ lishcd by squal"f' rll'aling for 16 year~ tn the AAml' Iota· tion. Wntchl's tiiJrct"I&.<~Ni lmm Trd W. Rrown are ac- romJ'l(lnlPd hy a chart r('('()rd of accurucy ma<W llutnmat lcAIIY on a IW'il'n~lric "Watch Mll!lt('r". • WATOI REPAIR 8 F.R\'1C1E • No watch Is too comttbratt'd for the Ted W. Brown mll..lltrr craft!'m<>n . . pricN< N'8$C)flllblt> consiJ<tent with quality rl'J>Illr8. •11 A.'IERICAS A\'E~Uf: HAMILTON • ELGIN • WALTIIAM • LONGINE • GRUEN • BULOVA • BJ:.:NRUS • H ELBROS When )'OU are In Lon;t &.-ech, vtslt Tl'd W . Bmwn. J ew('ICT. 51'<' for younwlf thl' hiih I YJlf' of bu.~lnrs" liOOfl to lW' rstabli.~hNt in Costa MC'IA. / bC'suUful ht-yond all lma~~:lnatll)n 0·0-0! PEPPERS!! and thf' PopE' wu Vt"l')' kind tol Sill 111ck~ uf pt•t•JlC'n nf>l th•• m~: I 'laudf' I ypt• Wo'ro• 'f"llllt•lt un I ht• h As I knelt In the room Wh<'rC' ltiRhWily "1 c·omn•• d 1• 1 M 8 r !h~:;~PI' ~tu to ri'Cl'lVt' me I ws~ WNfn~dAl m•1rnln..:. pull•·•· w1•rt• p It a I OVC'r, but when thr told. Pollrt•m••n N'•uldn't ,.,., thrm ope entered and helped ml' to •n Hod~otk•n""" r nll•·o1 tho· ,,,.N.j my f('{'t hit friendly mannt'r IK'fln oll'parlmt•nt "htch "''nl ,. wrtt.t<m pu.~ ITX' a t east'. I fOt' thrm Nul ttt•d. 'IlK' Popt' laid hi' thou~tht USn ------- WORTHINGTO ·•· = .. -~ Refrigeration PIUI:ON AIIMOHJA ........... Air Conditioning .... to 10 toe ·Pressure Pumps Centrifugal Pumps F or All PreMarea and All ......... 8toc:k Call ... . HAVr. YOll HF.OI 8Tf:IU':Df Vott• rr·gi~trnn. nrr n-o:j•t1•rinl( lli'Of)IP rnr lh4• :":fl\t•mht•r Pll'('tlon , on odd numlt<•rC'd 1luyJ< at the fil'l'· hou.lil' In No•wpnrt ll('ltf'h. I IOWI'Vt•r, th(' C'tty h11JI 11nlt othrr fin• atA· t1on11 ""' rt;ICI~to•nn.: th••m dally. Carr's Feed Store H ay a nd Grain Quality F'eem ~~-.,.,,, DeU•er,--a-eo. aua UtU S rwport 81Yd. C08TA MEI!IA ·-------1 Who~ <'Xf('flSiVt' KNOWLEDGE of juvHJUt> prohlcrm -·-Who ..-rvro hiA (.'OUOlry In the U.S. Armed Forces of World War n -·-REG ISTER to VOTE ror JAMES A. MUSICK who will l'l('f'VC hi~ C'C"'anty EFFICI ENTLY SliER I FF f Pr·•"'"'•nt••tl t., fr h•rul" uf J.m" ' A Mu~lt k 1 UJILLEYt REFRIGERnTJDO JERVICE CDffiPnnY MaiN -FAII(trtflflrtAI -""'~ ItO c-t 'IU"d., Onrnna dfll Mu l"hotNN Jfarhor !'Jilt Nlct-&. 'l.acu-Ulll MIDWAY. AUTO SERVICE F1nt c·aaa. Mroeluutlral \\'ortl MOTOR.8 UBUJI.T • n--t l1"' • llpf!c:MI t y • 1501 WEST I'II ON t: CENTRAL HARBOR AVENUE 2 I 2 6 • Fendf!,. Fbfld • Whf'lf'h t'Cf raJ«fat4-nrod • Body KfopaJrln~ • Auto Painting ·~ ·~ Have this 4-Point Check . • :..-=.... A Cocker AKC Puppies PHON& BltAOON 5IOI-ol ' 0.. .... For Your Conveniente We Will Remain Open ._ Friday .and Saturday Until 9 p. m. and AU Day Sunday Balboa Central Market ' - MEREDITH'S Vene~tian -Blind Co. Now Open .....,....... . ., c.e----... Complete Repair aad Renovatlna' Sertlee Fn!e Eltlmat.ea .............. ...... .• IODY '" .. _ .. , •• Ill •• , COMIOIII .~ c.u .. , ~ .... , ... ~ ~/"'. =1·-f t J'le ·Leutl ~OL\ DAY. A SHIRT FOR THE ACTIVE SPORTSMAN I i~ ~ \;~j ~OL\UAY. lllaJGolne KniH .. Shln., Tal...._. Ia C:.llfonlla for eoll&rNaM &~ ~~ I' .w ......... If· • ••--~~--a~ ~ .. d"-·lotee. lore-, ulro Ioree' ... C".alweJa •" Lk: ...,._o..t SeM s-et lA~ ........ T .. -· • I ~} •$1.95 ~I .. ...... •== ..S Up 1---------------.... --------...IJ _______________ _::_ ________ 11 A· I 0 tY r• atLL 1• I II II f I 00088 SOUTH OF BARS KOII:IItJCil •• .u. ....... c ...... --... ' .. • \ POCKET PICKED IV ~ f I l4 C MJtyer or :,!11 Diamond e._) rown . . IVC'nUl', naJboa bland, reported to 0 s 1m d I polict' Wl'Cin~y Ill«' thcft of a n oc•ta • e wall~! contatninc two •100 war bundl and. a.l20 bill. lie aald the j wallet wu filchN:I from h11 pocket p I :..:-....:~ ··•··• ·...,.... Hsg. ansi PuBLIC NoTICE ceoattnued rrom Pace 1 1 I NOTre£ or IIAL.,; !IN' Its way dear to hulld mnr<' ''A PIMc Wltnw l'w.entiWIIl Mttt" STARCK'S CAFE hoi'TWI for I h<' V<'t<'rans. "We don't blam~> privntl' hous· lng agenciH for tht' snRrl In the· ronstructlon flf'ld us much as W(' dn the f('(\{>ral J,:nH•rnmmt.'' llind· lt.•) dedarN:I. "If therr was n war '1 tomorow, the Santa Ana Army Air bnst' W<Juld h<' NlflVf'rtro (or troopa In 90 dnya ... Hlndh.•y SKid lhl' veterans knuw-' lng t hi'SI:' condll ions cannot under-~ atand why the ftoderal go\'l'rn· ment hesllatcs to mak~> rocilitil'l a.vailahl•• to the ""r Vl'lf'rlli\J lind I their famllit•s 1\0W whl'n they l('r- iou!lly m•o•tl tho•m "If the \J ~. Gov~>rnm<'nt eRn mak,.. ,,,.. t.asl' hVIII1ahl~> for troop!! In thrl'l' month~. why CAn't It tranlform 1 hr prt'lll'nt harmrk~ Into hnml'll for thl' war vt.>tc•rnns or thf' <'llltnly In thllt tim<'~" asko•cl Hindi<'Y "On ynu kfl(>W why thc rovernml'nt will not do thb~" 'J"twrc wu nn answl'r to elthf'r Balboan Urges Conversion of "ANNOUNCING" A New 8enlce t.o t.be People of t.be Bay ArM Your Palntlllc _. Deoor&UIII' DoiMI byl'!spert hlaten. Army Air Base BURTON PAINT sTORE We. .have a veteran crew ot paJnters and paperhan,el'tl walt.ln& to do your job. All work ia given a written guarantee. CaU us for a f~ t'11limate. · (Continued rrom Pace 1 l "Service l$ Our Busine$s" then thcrr Is one other thing to PHONE BEACON MOS·M tal& NJ:WPOKT BLVD. do," Voccl added, "they may work 1-------------------------.....: through their membt'rshl~ In the .. ,_ _______________________ _ various aervice clubs on a plan to provl~ at least one unit each Ward & "arr1·ngton Lumber Co. w~k to a nfl'ded and homeless n vetcran." LUMBEII AND IRJILI)DfO MATEUAL8 Vocel aald that Captain Roaen-•~ De.lltot 1'.,.. blum of the Army Air Forces. who ...._ a.-lilt WllJ housing officer for the lanta Ill COAST HIGHWAY AT TBI: AIICIIU Ana Army Alrbase, realded at hla ~;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ home during the war, and It waa i h' who originated thc "one unit" id<-a and put It to aucet'Uful uae hcre during the war. He would go to each s<'rvice club me<'tlng week after week and ask for 'just one unit of housing for a l('rvlce- man'. "There's no reason why the one- unit pion can't worlc now, If the authoritie-s will not cooperate In a plan to SJiace the army alrbMC on an e-mergency housing basis for Orangc County's homeless vet- crans," Vogcl concluded. C.mplete Fountain Serviee at HA'NSEN'S tlOOOc.a..,_t NOW OPEN · EVZNIN08 IU.L'l'8 • SANDWICRES • B.UIBURGERS lee Cream t.o Tab Oat Beer -Mtsed Drinks -Short Orden ·-snm Row~. M.n.an-joii!PtuN~ 0Qu1ST. Oumn of Hlndtcy'a qu••stions which ar!' tfi:RMO!i\A RF.ACH 80\18 WIN. Tbt"IOe are the boya who IUia~ltled pertlnl'nl to lhl' l~sue of housln~t the tropiwll In title New-pol't Barhur Ch.amber of Con-rce 1.,0.• the country ow·r as only t h•· llOnlcl paddleboanl "'9" ~~ere I!JIInd~'''· -K~>nl Hitchcock l)hoto. powen -t hat·l.l<' In Wllllhln~:ton. 0 c.M~::.:~~. a .. n::~~ In thP mu. Hermosa Beach Boys w·ln - Quality Lumber and Buildiac Material• DORA LEE'S ·How Does Chistian Science Heal? I F you would like to know more about this scientific religion which heals hu- man ills and solves human problems, come to -· A FREE LECI1JRE mcitW ~~ST~'SCIENCE" The Way of Complete Salvation" ., Earl E. Simms, C. S. etA--. ....... ~~the Board oliActuJ'ftlhlp ~The Moth« O.Urch, n. 11m Olurch ol O.rist. SdenU.t. In BoBton. MaM. TUES~AY, OCTOBER 1st, 8 p.m., iii NEWPORT HARBOR UNION MGHSCHOOL ............... a.... .... Flnt Chareh of ClaW, Sdentiat, Newport BeMh, CallfOftlla.., nlclpal howdnc.t hun•au in SAnta Ana. diM"IO!CNI thl' tnfnrmalinn dl b d R H thAI appllrl'nlly !1-u•rr llrl' 700 \'1'1· p d e oar aces ere I'Tnnlt In thnt d l) whn llrl' ~till a without hunws fur tho·ir f11m1lit•s. "Aptwwdrnnti'IY 7()() w tc·rons nf t-·11~, ttnlt' for Poddlcboards WR~ Santa Ann one! vlrlnity npplil'd for thl' r.o avnilnblc units In thl' mac!P tt\o•r a two milt• ocean COUN• old hf'llrkt11Artl'r5 barrACk!! of tht• "" Sundar In~! ttl Newport H ar 1 hnt urdl'r All contcstanls were r rom lll'rmosa IJ(>ach. • COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. R. E. HOSTETLER .,. .. a-.co. 5011 we have DOW IDdaded Venetian Blinds t.o oar Mock. Custom Slip Covers -Draperies Sll Marine Avenue W€'8lt•rn F1ytn~ot 'T'rllintnlo( rnm· m11nd, "hu·h wo•ro• convert I'd h)' thl' rity '"'" munths a..:o," ~a hl l.or Tlw raC't• Wlls run from tho· Plf'r at :"1·\\ port J\('cten to tlw l'll•r a t n .. u.na With J ohn J . Kt•l . Thl' t~an PaddleiN'Inrd Race :.------------•1 lot'IW('('n the Ncwp<>rt llarhor Area IH'I'otn Jllt'rs WitS 8 (lrOmlno•nf !'(X'rt• :---Ce-IDe_ft_t_ud __ VIa __ -+ __ ~e-~ :..--------------------------' an~ ,.,·t·nt hefnrl:' thl' War and ·--&"",..._ thl:' Informant Snnta A nil munlriPAI OffiCIBIS \\Ill or rr .. rmosu !Wnch placlnl; aald thol thl' hou~tnl' bllrl'll\1 nn f•rs t. tlmo• :ttl rn1 nuto•s. 35 s .. cond.~ duty 111 ttw ho•ndqwu'trr!l huilclln~ F .. llowan~o; Kl ''"ln. LA-w Leis cam•· arc mnklns;: t he convt>r1Pd untts 111 llt•rono \,•ith ·n. D. Scoles an1i 11\'AIIttllll· to lho• ,· .. trrnns and tlwir """' l'f'runwan finishing in third famtllo'S on till' hnsi!l nf nc•C'd nnrl ltntl fourth pia<•<·~ II.CCOrdtng 10 tho• numtlf'r O( do•· 1 prndent chll(lrl'n in l'aC'h f11mlly A haJJ-mile No~'IC<' ,Rae<', a l'" In ~ Ani:I'IMI. An otrwinl or thl' .on llC'f'lln l'\l'lll. "as ~on by £u- n>lll I'SIRII' df'Jlllrtmf'nt or thl' Vln~ ward A. Edgar of ·~rmosa n..a.f'h &.. Ad 1 1 1 tl n ndmitt<'dl \\hf>l'l' ltmt• for tht shortt'r d\l!l· """l't~ m n ~ ra o . 6 · 11,.11 35 scco d thlll Nlu<'IIIOrs werr 8N'kinlt the n~C'<' was . mlnl · • n s, army h111W a.s n ~ite ror u junior Wllh lt. D. Scol~s, ~ltvl' Perwnean collf'l(l'. Hc said thP FMI<'rol Pub-and Mieharl () Brwn finlshlnc 111 lie." Houslnlt Authority h1111 not uk- ('d It the W AA to turn the base oVf'T to It ror conv~>rsion Into honwa for the veterans. Clean Windshield Blll"'drKw which drlv('rs uper- &enc:. whm traveUnc on crowd- ed roact. at nlcht Ia not clue en- tirely to poor •ctJua~nt of the "othft' fellow's" headlights, re-- ports National Automobile club. A dirty wtndahleld do8 much to marnlfy the wrloua effec:ll of 1larinc heacll~hll. Ha•e YOU Reaittered? CLOTHES POR MEN AND BOYS S~IIA SpMJS~ lt'fllaltMA"' ............. ....._llart)or1J'71 1~ l!tt. ... ~ -~A.Daod B Campa VItamin rw-~t.oftbeav_.. ... pu-.on ~= A ._ ... USP. Unitt.. D -USP Uattt.. Bl ~ VSP Uatta, B% z.• ~and..­''1'4,!.1,"' Mln"OCntn' Sl~ E "r req_ulnd omn•ml-> for ..._ B c-plex Vlt&min.a hlove ~ "' ..._ ... bu.hro. • 1 ~ ~ do not pt ~nough ol -..._,Gal VItamins. 00 YOUt ..., MC plq ala by t&lllnl[ •oNE-A-DA v VITA:.r~~BlETS .. ONZ-A-DAY Votamin A nnd D TUiet eootainl ZS~ mo~ of the .. ._ oU vitamiN th.:in the mini~ -dallY rwom.m~nd<'d quanlit;r. t ~ ONZ·A·DAY Villlrnin ·a Compla hblet eontains full mini-ID\D daii.F nqulnmmll of \'11.,mina Bl .ad 82 aDd 10,000 Mlcrt•J:r m~ ot H~ toc~Ull'r w1lh a sub--.mlal ~t of other B V1tamona. W1lc )'OU b\&y Vltam•na. c:nm1.~re ~ mdltri~l. NotehowO:-JF.- A • DAY TabJew c:onlorm to tl.' •-... h\mWA requlnm~nu. Sec llaw ,__We the ron. • 0.. Ia.. at your dr~ ll.ort'. ()pett'7Lm.~lLm. '-• -s . . ._ . ..,...., PATIO WALL • W. P. n•...:. ..... LEY-General Contractor . ..., snrpon Btt'tl. COSTA ME SA PtUtotJGd VENETIAN BLINDS WOOD • 8TI:I:L • AUJIIINUII .._.,.__a .... _._.,._..,.,...,._..,_ ......... ttl loll.\ "o•ll known padclll'IN'\ard l'X-~ Contractor ~~·rl8 partlcipatcd rLAT WORit AJ!ID FOOMDATIONI Tho• nffnir this y(•nr. \\hill:' it Rt r:.ttmue ,. olio not nttract II lot or outside Harbor 2574-W l'ttlrnnts. dut• to rAN'S elrswhere. Quick ...,., .... : •• hue t ... .....,, ~~ 1 h•• ppo•ning gun or n hig race wh1d1 "Ill llf> staJ:wrl n1•xt yl:'ar. This rvcnt is a P ndric Coast ( 'hr1mpionship w hi l' h Nrwporl llarbor Qtricials pl11n to sronsor. Till' plan invit('S r:~ch Coast C1ty '" nrran~;t· Its "" n l'hmination l'wnts for Paddlcboard ••xpcr ts. Thl'n toward th .. closl:' of tht• sum- mr r. winnl'ra to he seleclt.-d from c11ch City to compcte In a final cvl'nt for the Coast Champion- ship over this two mlle rouch water course. Two events are suc- gesttod. one for clviliana and one exclusively for members of Ufe Guard crews at Coast ClUe.. A permanent trophy to be provided with trophies for Individuals also. F. W. Crocker, Chief of Newport &ach Ufe Guard St>rvlce, wu ln. charce o( the races Sunday lut. THIS WEEK IUVAL CAN·O·IIIIAT ENJOY .TH~E ADVANTAGES! Ia: Wllldow A ....... Doer Boodl Pordl a Patio euo.,- • -o.a ••• I..IPt •: ..... o.t • -• ._. .. , e._ t·.-No ...,,. a DowM .. : e lllllat • -• No aaWea: • ....-. rrlloee .,...._ ---o-e.r. a.Dt: • U..... Zca••., --• ~ ... Now! Quality Veaetlaa BUDdl (Either Wood or Metal) Qaklk 8en1ce For Free ~ CalJ Reverse Ch'aries Just Received ---N on Display Runabout The Equipment Co. lt51J Cout mpway Sewport~ C. R. STAAF MO.ORING SERVICE t t t Moorlnp Installed and Repaired. Buoys Painted and Lettered. t t t Phone: Harbor 1080 or Harbor 1698-R for Prompt 8entoe Dellelou.l S.. Jl'oodoe Or, complete eqtllpmeat when you WMt to catdl JOUr O'WIL HORMEN FISH MARKET Special B A J J E R Y 5 a I e New War Surplus Batteries 100 and 200 amp. hour 'Idea] for boats .... Yes, we said new b&tterfM. and we don't just think they are for we have charged and filled them for the first time. And the life of a battery begins when it is first charged and filled. We also know that our price on these batteries is only a fraction of thelr rea1 value. See us at once as they will soon be sold. • Your C., • Yoar Boat • Your r.. ,, •• Storey's Sen lee Costa Mesa WHY DRIVE back east? Go the easy GreyhOUAd way ... ea.sy on you, on your ~. on your paae. ·· Although other things cost more, Greyhouod'a dol- lar'-saving fares are a.s low u ever. The cost it ....6 kss than driving. Remember, too ••• no other trnel system gives you 10 many acenic routes to chooee from, so many convenient, well-timed depe.nura See the Greyhound agent in your town for com- plete informacion. 2S DAILY TRIPS EAST FROM LOS ANGELES O,t W~y Fam New Teril , ••• U .U C.lc ......... a.... • .......... , . a.te Ml""••..-llt .. M.6J •••-City •• , 29.,. New o,._,., . , MAe ,.,., /,, f*-1- Se! 0 u r .·. . . SPECIAL PORTRAIT One Carbon Finish 5x7 Size J SIOO (Proofs Shown) PORTR!ITS OF BEAUTY AND GLAMOUR '"" I . [ . : --- WE BIUNG YOUB BADIO TO US . r 0.. ~ -We'll ..,.ar It ... Y" 0.. llaft I& ti.e Ned. Faetar7 ....._ Wel'tl O.UU...._ F11et«7 TniMd Exper11L Radio SOS Electric .... ,.. IUJIOU) L. .... ......... A .... ..._.._. NOW-'Round the Island Ferry t:ll &. II. TO 11 P. II. South Bay, Balboa Yacht Club, Eut Bay, RJc:hardson's, Evans', VD1a Marina, Shleldl', Balboa Yacht Basin, Beacon Bay, H~ 1l1ud and South Bay: Hail fn.n UlY dock or floet. BALBOA ISLAND FERRY IIAJlBOR C ·W By NA.'iC'Y N~"PPBT I Pirlllt' nays, without their ~ ..... . -conw to gl't!('l "l'ap'n Don the Don Dickermun I formal open· rt"tirl'd plratt> and hla T1lt'1TY matee ing Thursday night was just what J who hBd pottpont'd tht'lr OJK•nlna "'t' <'Xpeoctt'd. Thl.' rl"--penln~ of to act'f'pl the ludd<'n .... Invitation to tht> old l rvlnt> Country Club, over-join tht> fi'Stiv!tiM and lend an looking N(•wport Bay, attractl.'d autht>nlic t ouch In ,lud&ina the many of tht> I o c a I oldtlmt>l"'. contest for the Ro al Court and ~~~~: p;.';~~~~lo~~a:~t'n 1 :a:l~ crowning thl.' Qu~~. ' I'd a "Public AsM't." Gounneta 'l'hl' Club looka down from tJlt' wt'rt' on hand to aample tht> nt'W bluff on that TTl()jlf plctun.'llque ol t'rt'ationa In food dilhes. "First all aalllnK craft. tht> ''Swift". ka Nlghtt>rs" W<'nt to at>t> It th<' at-ownt•r, Rill Ca~rn<'v and frlt'nda, mOllpher<' waa a prop('r a<'llin.: for Wl•re among the tint to arrive. champagnt-. and wrre dt>lightec:l 9rad4:'n and Kay F'ln<"h bearlnar an by the harmony of 10ft music and approprlatt>, and much appreclatt>C! popping rorlul ln tht> Mt'nnald orll(inal Kay t'inch "MI'mtald" aet. Room -whill' tht> morl' al»tl'miOUI Mt>l Ford. popular local band lrad- wt>rc imprt'llt'd with the apacroua t'r of Rob Murphy'a Bamboo room · Nf:W HAIUIOH HIOH TI:Al'HI:U. ",.._ ........ ....,_,. t• arranging of tabiM which gave t>ntrrtalnoo a IIIII' party lncludin& t~Molr C''--"'""' ....-tly at N..,..n Hart..r 11 .... Hiett privacy to Individual grouping. thr Hollywood atar. RarMay Amt"t w.h.,.•l. IMy foun4 wvra -nwna~ ~ to IIIIIP a .. utuU..'• Bo h local and La Uat a lt'11dlng fhtUI't' In the Plratt' daya, &eat·h~"' tolalf. l1ft l.o ,._. .... taw IN!W a.&.nldon an Mia a._, 1 .gun& ar 1' who Is WOI'king with M«-1 Bill FOll •-• Bt.wa, Ea....,. _,.. Lat .. : Ill._ I . ........,. Cttalu. ~: di'COraton. and cC'r amlc dt'algnt>n and Don on a nrw d~C't' with IIUrt Waw~ ,.,...... ... .,..._,: Ill,., N.,.. ~ .._ W<'rt' attractt'd by tht> wiclr varle-wordl and mWIIc ·et al ·called ecunoolk-1t; MJ .. hul lUIIe,.,~ .,.........: ... ._ l"a1 w_, • .,.., .._. ty of Dickerman'• arts and crafu, "W lkl h PI ' k .. M _._ 11 ~lrlto, IUI4I ~!I'• Hall, apt.rttJt.,..._ _ photo hy GC'rhardt. 1 "A t " t bl a ng t <' an . a .... a I -mura s, qua 0~ 11 "· axe-of Chrlatlan'a Hut, ate the fl"t carvl.'d table lt>Jtl, driftwood ~net'r dlnnt'r 1!4'n·t>d, on thl' "quarter· Iampo~, the charming and or iginal dt>ek" with Cap'n Don Pt"derwn d111ht'tl, and gem•ral decor, all of of Viklngaport and Mrs Peck~n which hu taken him over a year weartnl( a w~tt>rmrlon. b I o u • ~ to com~ete. .. which "slayt'd" the C'ap'n, aportt>d • The Social Gadabouts found <X'ramlc butterfly In her hair Which th<' friends ~.hey hoped ~ . .o ~· and was ll{'ntationlll. Another hair or- th.., quit>lt>r home-folks ~ho vcn-namt>nt wu worn by Junt> Vogel tu~ ln out of curi()fity were •ur-which, Don aays, has lnaplrc.'d him praac.'d and d~llghted to find tht> to d('~h:n a et-ramlc fl )ing filh for unusual rombmat\on of qult>t gale-th<' gift shop which he wm OJ'C'n !~;;'!tv:n:;~t~n~f~:~y tl~ :~ soon. . rould just bring the family or plllll Mn . Gall Goochnn of nalboa J a top.notoh party. had a sp<-cial hair-do for tht' oc--• Last but not least were many casslon, which Don descrlb<.'d u ' of lht> leading figures or Balboa the "M<>rmnid Roll, with brl.'akera I on top". Wally G<'rhardt <'nler-1 tainl.'d the Erskin<' Johnsona, thl' Oalllonda'• N~ aad Moa& MM4!n llo&el Mirade Mile Motel 708 OOAST WGHW AY Rrx Orand I!!, and Miu P11ullne : Or~:an Harry C'ojxoland, dir<'Ctor nf "M<X't tht> Mrs." radio show l'n- tl'rt nirwd ROll<'mAry LAPiancht', of 1 \'BNty-Co-t'd" nnd Migs America 19-11: Milton C'hnrles, .top radloll orgnnist a nd Mrs. Charl('!l, lAon Schlcsin~;cr. th<' J:rt'llt mnstcr of CAPT. n . T. CLAV880S ef tn 81111 .,,..,.._a-. N-.on M<'rry M<'lodi{'!l. nnd ~uch of N('W· JkoiC'ht. CllhoWII ..._,,., h UN~ tokiPP" of Uwl ,.......,.., _,... ..._ )1M , ' I WvlliC'ht lato lM ...,..., II• nnot -rJO ol ~••'"" port Ikach. <'nh'rlaml'd Mr. and Nt'nl n.-t·km•r photo Mn~. Altman of the I.. A. Tlml'll, - ~~~~~::dn!1~~B~r~~~i:: r.~ Motorsh.lp 'Curlew' Arr·tves ~ra!'~~~~~~~~('.:;t~~~~~~t'd s:"~~~-~ Th•' at•Jc'CI \()n IJf lllck S llt'ff t'rn o11 All""''"" a• E)(f'l'\11 lw• S~T«'· tnry am1 la11hnr Rt'lfttlnn~ ('Cln~ul­ tcmt t o 1 h•• t'~ran~tr C. ~till I) l<m· 1•loycrs Industrial Jl.tolatlona Coon· I'll wu un~tnlmoualy af)IW'tlvC'd a t " apc-dal nlN'tlnr nf tlw l1<111rd ot k H G___._ l>inx"lllrl at SWIU\I{)n'l C'llfl!, SAn· Hoi en ave ~ Ia An,, Saturday t•wnlrtlt I --Mr. lll'ffrm Ia a natlvr IIOh of llankt>r and ..,., ..__,t .... t 'lt'lln~tr (""unty and " Vllduat" or k••r o( 130.'\ WNt Ba)' a~ ..-\IJo•r ton llh.;h Sehool, Sant11 Ana N•·"''JIOI1 llt'odl, -.,&na~ M Junior C'ull•'ll•, Oc-t•ldf'nt .. l ('ol. tht'lr lot\l("all the put ....--..-l•~ac• and till' l..ny.Jlll t lniV\'I"'Ity llolkt'r'a brotht'l"', l., 1\, Hoi...,-' l..Rw gcht)C\1. • l ..r111 An""IC'I and H•"'Y HoU&w -' t'or HI )l'ara, afh·r runtpletlna Mlnrn'apolla, and thl'lr ftun&J.I. hls l'ducatlon. Nr. l lf•ffrrn wu lh,rbt'rt HolkH la man..-ot tM Olatrlct' Manlllt<'r and r l'nonnel O~tlhc>ll Oank of Amer1ca. "~~\'t.IUII ol ttwo Mftrinen" .White~s Balboa Island Cafe AND {)()()KTAIL BAR ..... .... H JIJCTWBBN' 88A80MI'' ........ s A L E SMA L 14 BOAT 20% OFF _ _j N• ~ Prte. • AnhllftiMI..,. WATSON BOATS ... .,,., .......... • •• u n. orr. Jill lllltTl'll. .,, Olellt ....... .. ... Jlf~ .... WING SANG BOAT A REPAIR YARD 811 Cout Rlahw&J 101 ........ -1&1. ch~~~~~~:: :~~/a:~/~~~~dl'd w·,th F·1rst Cargo Cocoanuts ~~~ '!~7 ~~~~~~~:;d go~~~~ I ', • 40 Units and Baths • Unit Heat • •Box Springs • Innerspring Mattresses • ''' ~-.-·--­......... both arclt>nt yachti'TI('n, Mlu Mar- lent> MuC'IIt>r , and the W. C. Pt>tt-By NEAL BEC'IUIE& from the Amerkaft Fruit Co. In PH. BEAOON 5!89-ol. ................ ~ ... .-... • lngflla. Wlrpl~g into thC' Orange County tht' C'aribbt>an. wtwlrt' a h e w a 1 Thvrt> Wt>rr tht' Harold Paytona Dock with a cargo of approximlllr-c~trryln.: bananaa tn Tampa, Flor· ':=======================~~= of Culver City, Dr. A. Wallaet-, 1~ thlrty·lhrff thouaand r r e 1 h Ida from various C'uhen porta. She r- URGENT Fw ...Uare of ...r1-... ._, .,.rtz ' ... ..__ ~--' ..... larp ..,.__., OOI'I'W .. ... TraMtent.c ,,_ 111- cllaDa.. ~~ . hllllll7 PHONE OOLUWI' 1:10 to 5 P.M. ANGELUS 1116 Esteua-n • WEEKENDS AND EVENINGS ATLANTIO !1515 another local yachtman t'nt<'rlain-cocoenuu, the trim freighter "CUr-"'111 rN't'ntly ovrrhai&W and re· I'd, Wt> saw E. P. NickC'rtz, a. F . 1 .. "'~· romplett>d ht>r flnt rt>gular flttl.'d at Lon~t n.-ach for hl.'r Pa- Vallt>ly and Mr. and Mn. MAc car110 trip from Mf'ldcan watt'n cific C'o.ut IIHVI~. E. J. (Bud) Jackhn C ~ E M E I T W 0 II ,.. W.,. • rnu fuM•• Sltort, all of Balboa lale, oh yea, last Saturday aftf'rnoon. IWputl'Ct to b.> tht> world'a and Louis Gr11ndaJI, Th<> John Am-nw "Curle-w" Ia ownl'd by Mr. small<'ll mmmt'rclal frel1htt'r, Uw t>stroys Wt'r<' the R'\K'llta of J«-rry Roy N. Baird uf 526.SO. Ray Front, "C'urlrw" Ia a 9H foot woodf'n ahlp Hughes and Mrs. Hughn or C'-a.ta Balboa laland. 11nd Ia the fint ahlp of 110 tona ll«'t "'CiltrN'd carao MMia. Wt> aaw Edward D. Neu-of the projectl'd Baird Ship Lines <'RJMI'i ly. Sht' h• powt'J't'd by two hoff of Bay Shor t'tl, the R. r. Doy-i which will IX' operatl.'d on 8 rr~:u-Winton Dlt'114"l enalnN. and car- It's, the Wm. Bannlsteri, and Tom-Jar cargo I"Jn IX'IwN"n thla hllrbor ril'l tht' most mndt·rn radio And my Holmt'tl of Jlalboa Ill<', and and Manzanlllo. Ariii)\Jit.,'O, Mll7al· nBViJra tlonRI c>qulpmrnt ShP Ia Dan and Baba McCarthy of Nt'w-l lan. Rnd othr r P acific Coaat Mt'XI· mannl'd hy a crt'"'' or 14'VI'n, four port Rt'ach. Mr. lind Mn. E H . can porta. of which 11ro• nwmhrn of the-ortai- Hill of Udo lilt' f'nt"'talned thel Mr. Baird purcha.cd tht> llhlp nal <'nrlhtlf'Rn crew Roswell Whl~t'nl from Pittllhurg I Tht' ~CkiPfX'r Ia C' • Pt. G T. ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ nnd W(' hurd Mrs. Fran~ Gra: ttw famous LA~eunn ~Pf"''•..-rs. Clauuon of 427 S11n llt'rnltf'dlnn • h11m of Corona clt>l Mar diacuaslng and tlwn "''' disrovt•rl'd Mra. 1-:d· 1St .. N••wpurl llf'i~tht~. who Ia a Don's old Nt'w York pla<'C'S with '"'rd II Gntr1th, of 'Oirf't' Arch \'t'h'ran nf IIOffif' :\.'\ Y•'sra u a him, all o( which she knt'w \'('ry (h) un•l w1h• of th•• fnmous Purt· "~irma.at•·r t.n llw GrNtt f.~tk•'l well. And 1 ht'n 1 hi.' Rnllf'rl 1.4'1•· m•·•m 1 lllrt'<'lor ~ hn. !lt'\'rral ltm•·~ < npl~tln <1ntiJIJWln flll(b " l-'••·lfh· mans. Bclh·I.A>hmnn-IX-ngnt'r and fl,,, •lmw the 1>.-st plrturl' of till', n noMt "'hnrmnn n an" v.•t) vlrn11ant Art Whitt' cam(' In and joined tht' ~· 11r l ••ntt•rtalnln~t a lnrQ:c ~)llrty J"nd rolur ful lifh•r lu•ttlln~: thr C:t~;m•y partY. We ml't IC!V('rlll .. 1 llollywood nutnloiMI. f••ll~ unol lry a.:uh·!l nf the• l(rral We H•ve Now P•rclulsed parlrcs from J..ong IWRC'h and thr•·•· .llu;t ru1 W•' l•·fl, wr m·•'rhNord Inland 111'81 for 10 mnny yrara. A lEW BUILDIIO from P II.SAd('n/1, nnd n.chnrt1 Ill ~,, ~ lllf"k<'rmlln Arrllngin~; ~ lth Plrgt'r. Cornnn d,.l Ma r nroh1tl·t't 11" .J1111"~ 1!. B Haly~ uf · Slw" tl'!'" N~ovy'a ukuy • Saitta Fe Thrrr wr-n• mnny partil's from ch o''IR ~~~"II to dt'lliRn lll'r un 1111-l \\ h•·n, PIU hnv•• " •It 111' La~o:unn. indudin~o: on•· ho~lt'<l by p1 •• pru;ll• !'tOWn fnr (';utawny~! !lut I cl l r••f1•• II toll Cnpt. II ho Ruc1fl, llw lri'Or~C' n ~~ t\NIIAL: SCJmf'thlnlo: , ... n Will i fn 1•· II \\':o\'1•8 dnl( t .. ~ Rn~o:nc•lls of the• Bra~tnf'll Pnth·rw;~. :-:• •T.hAH' do'S11o:nM1 fnr u,.. d ull' the Frunk Roots. and thr 0. Z Ph('IJlll, and !Jon ttnd IV} Wil~un, Olfta at ('ummu•ltJ ('hur•·h lla....,. We Claim to Have All of the Sliver In California • Our New Pholle: 8MMII 5111 through the colorful Southwest .... ~ .... .-....:.._ . .. .. .: . -..... --:· . -. romaadc laDd throush which it rwu-and a real respooaibiliry 10 '*' pMI'OGIIt to cMc thea duoulh ir-iD the 6aeet •• ,. • TRAILER CANOPIES AW'II.IJip Made to onter . ' h ,. .. t 1 .. '•"--tt loy d~t~ord•r ut \ld .... , , ... :... .... " ,.._.~ , .. ,,.. •• ., ...... , ... w ···•• I 1 .,.,_ ftfo•tl•h • 'I~ I, ... .,. ffte•)' •····r" ,,, • , ,.._,, •.• ~ • ._tt ,.,...,.,. •• .,. ., 't tt,,-.. uj.-t)• f• f II\ ,.pt.,H 41 •• ,... ..,, ....... _. ...... , ••• ,. 11'\tttl•• '""" lh• lolm rlf \ "" may •u"'"' n•r-w•nt •••"'" •rh•, 'hrum•hr f1a111e, ll••ft•r h .... tii•J•'l...,., l;,~·;~~m':.!: ~~:~:~; r~~ '': .. l'•!:.;~~~ .. ~~:~~::. """ •••h emer• '•r e rut L"r&lnll 1• ••· "'"''' elt rt th•t ... , ..... ,hln• .. •r•:m• •UII tb• ., •4n• 1• •rf' t,t•dtl•r T.,.,., ,n.,._,,_. t• no d""ht , ... l wo,.pt trP•I t , nt II •1-r t he"' ".-.IIII'M. f .. ''"". ,.,,. It ~ .... ,,., ,., '""' ,,,. • m...dlrln• th•t hu •r"' f'or,\UIItY••It• •j' J)'O\Oal Uutft utt ... -.~thl"• ,.._ fe•mel 1 ,.,,., ... , • ..,,.., h••• '-" ,,, ....... 4 .... food •• ", , •• ,. ,.,. ..... .,, .. ··~ L41t 1-~M• t ttllfl•J'· MEN-WOMEN Pr01tate -• • Pelvis .. _ ............... , ...... . ._ ..... --., .... , .. .. --~ .......... -INIIbf 0 ......... .._._ ,_ .....,.........., ......... . ....... , ITtS YOUR Gl.ANDS Ow _____ .......,---_..,.. ' ...... --.. "" .... _,_ ..__,.. ~-l'· .. ......... ... IL F. .... •. c.. ...C.. ,., ........ ,..._. ...... ,._ _._ liM ,_ as; I I 1rt • ~--.. , ... ...... --~-A. .... , ... .. ................... • SILVER AND GOLD • Too &-rvire" • Antique Jo~lnlshlng • Trophll"''' • Jt'Wt'lry • Candf-la· hrM • ncnect.on • Bathroom F'\xtuml • Baby Shoe~~ • Marine Plating • Badge~ & Souvenlra (A)ntract PLATING Plating by Estimate • Expert Silversmiths All Work Ouarut.Mcl • BAYSIDE PLATIIG CO~ c. c. 1914 ~arbor Blvd.·· rnJc R. "Chuck" "Bob" Wirth Colt& Mesa Hanel .._Bel,.. 5111, claJW; B•on= 1111-8. .._ L•-• Di!plcated ...... ,,. . .,_ bnhsd . -E. T. B•tterwortll, 0. D.· ......... tall 11:•......,_ t1J A111'rt t o.... .. ········., .... ·-a ¥ahr-ll ».,.... ............. • ...... ........ ........ ... I pal tl ... ,._.. -know ..tlet thq -t and rlan l'or it. Ot'-" .,.. .......... for tWr ak.be. Tbe Delli' Jt.rcu!. Army C8ft help both. ._..... JOQ want to 10 to roUcct: but ('an't dord it. If you ...... tbe Arrfq, JOU'D .. JOUI' chana. Honorably cmchaJ-aed .,__ a U...yur enu.tmmt. JOU are ~:Jiciblc foe-48 months ol ~u­ .-tion at any coDcc~:. trade. oc-l>iwl.ne. .chool for whidl you caa ....,._ 'nle OcM:mmmt wiD piiJ you~ tuition, labontnry f«S. *-• up to lSOO per onlinary 8Chool yt:ar, plus $65 • month livinc ~-$90 a month il you haVt: ckp ndenn. U you bavt~~'t found your epot, an Army c:nliltment alfrn you tnlniDc ln an)• ol 200 trada and aklUs. You lean tM wrvicc elipblt 6lr 1\uther trainina at tm best C'i~-ilian ~ You o.n ... ~,. your•ll of rhfo lwne~t• of the Gl Bill ol /U41ite J/ you enter t"-Army on 01 befoff Octob« .5, 1944. .. your -s Anny Rec:rui6na SUtion foe-dt tail&. HIGHLIGHTS Of aiGULAa ARMY INUSTMINT L ~•-a y,,,.,.,,._... u..,.. .. u .. -to , ....... u..t ,_ --..... """" wldo 6•-__....,...._, I. ~ •c• fr m II\ tv 14 ,_.. 18d-•• 117 Wllh po.r...u' ....... )_.. .................... Alw8p, ..... _, ,..nlltl al any •&• ... , _ _.............,.....,.. .... -..... ol ...-ric-e I. A -a""->t b.ln .. ot a!o '"' _. ,_ ol KWr• _...w. olwe ouch '--'-peld. ., ol""" laor1 _,...,..~~r..alotot· ............ ,_... ........ t ................ •· A f~~rloulb ,.,. -"'"" ,_,a._ """'•n '0 deyo. F'.,.l <k:aolt ol GChoor fwloullb privileceo .--be ot..ain..t ,._ R""" Itt.. Oflicoen.. 5. Moat ronc-out ,., (be....t - lenclh of eenrk.) to ell -who ... di""""'w..t IO -loot or ,_Jilt. e. ~~. ... lo min '"' h olf ,.., '"' tbe .-011 your hi• .,,.,. 20 ,._.., ......w-e ...f\C'T'N•inc to 'h~Mn ..... ""' elt.t )() r....n' _...._AU-.;.,... ech,. f .. r.l molitery _,... to •nt• ..,.,.,... rwt_i,......,.. .. 7. a.-. ol ....... ol _..._ ... ......_...._(olthow ... ll ..... ) -J.,.....,..u.- ~· •11111 PlY ,_ liMY .. ....,., 'f ......... "' .... PWr .coM~ ..,.., ,., ,., ..... , ..... ...... ,....~ ............. ..... -....... ...... ..,_ .......... ........ cw-o.. ............. -.. e.mc. o-_ ......... 11 .... .. .. ,.... ... Qll4er o-.a"a .. ,_ .. ..., ........ y_ .......... .......... -... _ s-.--16'-00 -107..n I11S.6J T~ s.w.-. IJJ.OO ~.:;, UJ.- ............. 115.00 7"-" 12'!UI .._ • • • -100.00 65.00 lll.JO c...,...l • . • . 90.00 , .. ~ JOI..n ..,_.....,a -eo.oo n.oo to.oo """-~,..oo ...,, k.Ja . 11le IIQUIRIIG _REPOITEil ~byR.L..,__ Phot011 1IJ Walter Gerbantt NEWS· TIMES SPECIALISTS 'Q•-•h•: Wha t tS your hl~,tgHt .., .. ,..: R:olhoa bland l lri~! Youth Joins Army After Navy Releue; Seelm CommiMion "If my brother can earn a com- ~ In the Army, 10 ca.n I !" aa.id 18 yur old JamtS Barnet to- day, awttchlnc from t hfo Navy to tM new ~lar Army at R«Tult- lnc HeadQ•1111rtf'n two~. 11w youthful vttera n took the 011th for a three yt'ar cnliatment lll'hl~ atiU ttarbt'd In t ht> navy blue. Ml,.. \'lrclnla Prk~, laland ~­ ord Shop . Since I've ------------Notte-~ lnvttlntt llld• Barnet'a broth('f. Donald, carm- lnto the Army at 27 In 19«. Al- t.houlh hia formal education con- liattd of ooly two yean of high k'hool, he peutd lhe Army JQ lf'Sta and won a commlulor) In Th4' Roard of Schuol Trustl'H Offlt't'n Candldatl' S<:hool. of thr Nt'wport IWRrh ~rh••ll Dis· "Look a t It thil way," Barnet trkt, Oran~o:<' Count~. w1ll rrcelv<' T&ld to rt'<TUIIN'S, "I'll have a rt>-j bid.<~ 111 thr 5f'hool offtrl', l ith and tinment pt'Mion Wht'n I'm 36, C<'nlral Up In 1(·0(1 fl 111 (l(·l()b('r and •i th thl' cdu('atlon from Army 1. 1946 for th(' fnlhl\\HII: tll'ml of Sen1~ Schoola. I eRn go Into hWii· ~chuol rurniturl': nt'1ll for m)'S('If '' 196 :o-:o 111·14" ~~n~l,.·r Chain, For Information lnquirl' 111 Army, madr nf h11rrh"""l ... ' lo o o 1- RC'CT\IItinll Srr\i('t'. 20:.!1, \\' Jrd hrown hni!lh. St .. &tnt& AnA. Cal. 25 Amt>rir:on l'n11 ''"" ol fl.uwl typr ----tahl•'l'. Y-" :~. 7.! ':.1• hiJrh. Ration Book Taken "''••h :\-r'tlmpnrtm· ... '~··k rflc:k nn o•n• h ~ltll' ,,f I ,J,I, to b<' J. M. K<'nn<'dy of the F.l Bay Court rrrorlt'd to pOiiN' I hi' tht'ft nf a r "lum hnok from thl' ~lovr l'omrar1n11·nl ''' hi" a ut"m"lult· lilftl' at ('-miUIIt)' ('h11rc-h ftauar Corona dei .Mar Malt Shop .... (W .... ., • Old t.uhbwd malta We meen ~ tbla. Amrriran Sc•nllm: 1 ·, <: table for l'<lllRI Anwrknn l'nt' • ""' I'"" I type tnhlt•. 3ii • x i .:· ' :.•• hltth. '"thout l¥Hlk r.tt k Anwric:m \ 'nil•·• • o1 1• '"'I type tnhk . 211• ' '" ' "' high, "i t.hnut ·t100k ' 11 h 3 No :\142-F :\1\1 tl• 1•· ,k Com· pnny. II'H!'IWr', tl! •h :1.' X 42•. wnlnut llnt'-h :.! :'licl. 3."\-I:.!·F :\b rllt• lio••k Com- puny. lt'IH'Iu•r ~ do·>k. ,I. • 42". oak fml~<h. " · Nc•. 3ifi1-F ~1\rl lo• l lo•'k Com· pany. prml'ipnl' tlt·~k. 60" x ----------------------------- On Y~ur Way to Santa Ana . Or When In Collta Mesa~ s:, ~~~· ~-,/ 6 CHUCK'S DRIVE -IN. Barbeeaed Sandwiehes-Fountain Service . ., . ................ ··~ ......... (~~) . CoMa .... Newport Harbor Fishing News .. , . ., Sportfiahin& ABt. of Newport Harbor 34", walnut fln!Jh. 2 No. 2761-F Myrtle Desk Com· pany. prlnclpal'e ~k. 60" x 34", walnut flniah. 4 No. 8412 Hi~rh point and Bend- Ing Chair Co.. aide rotary ChAin, Walnut nnilh. 3 No. 7113 High Point 11nd ~nd­ lnr Chair Co.. rtralght al~ chain, walnut flnilh. 60 No. LB-44 American Seatlnl .... ·-~Ill& Newport a o.e. ._ CAB CO. M-Boar 8tnltle JI'Oil INIULUJCE liD Howard W. c.n.b l .. N.-poft~ OOBTA IIUA .......... 1111 Automobile • Fire Accident • Life u~ and eontnct Bonds Writmt GORDOI a~ FIIDLA Y OO!Ir'IUOI'O& AND BtJILDD om.: Mit (W...... ..... ...... &11 CABINET SHOP SERVICE VABINET8 AND IIILLWOBK T . C. JO~N. Supt. to Y•.........., Mft .,..r .._..~.a worbd -.. ,._ ..... -01' _,.. roar anlaltea& 01' ~ .are.d7 .... ,.......... plul • ,.,_ for JOL •s*ktt) d baft a lup pan Ia -wac dr! -ol. .................... tne. WbeD 108 10 over tile plul wttb yoar ballder be .... to ... bllll about a. ...... deftlop- ---.. ~ labor ........... ~ UoulbeMdJ. lo. Oar Espert. .. ~ eledlbl ... be ilad to help willa lafoat sa-01' ,....... o.e Rgelltloa maJ ...a a lot ol dlff~ Ia tile ~ ol ............ ETS • HOKII & GAL~ll IIINOJC 4 I I I I 1000 VoMt lllway Pboae a-eo. M0'7 Aile ~ ._ rr . II t W5 I ctw It I 'tw ._ IMIC• .. ., I ELECTRICIANS COmpany tables, 18" x 24", ----------------------------------------------------------------~------------ \.tt.h brown muonite top. book C"'fJ'lPUlmenta and pen ell IJ'OC)Ves. (30 of the above tables to be 23" h.lchl. <30 of the above tabh.•s to be 24" hlrhl. All the above fUrniturE' delivered F.O.B. 1chool, lt't up. rt'ady for lDt w1thln 5 daya after award of contract to the 1u~ul bidder . The Board of School Truatett of the Newport Beach School Di•- trlct. Orange Countf , reterVes the right to reject any or all bids or waive a ny Informality In a bid. T. WESTON JAY, CleTk of the Nt'Wport Beach School ,DiatricJ Pub: Sept. 24. 26. 1946. ~ NOTICE OF 8 ALE A~D MORTGAGE Notltt> 11 hereby glv<'n t hat (i('orgt' Von GruiX'n and JOIU'ph Poullet. addrl'fl Rout<' 4. BolC 463, Santa Ana. California. Vendors 11nd Morl![llge<'S. lntr nd 10 It'll to C"harll'11 W. Ahrrn11thy a nd W B O'Nt'llll, 11ddr1'Ss 1~1~ Orang<' Aw.·· nue. S11nta AnH, California. thr • followln~o:: All hOWK' Cl<'IIOin~t and r<'pair tools 11nd N(uipml'nt. stock on hand. Jtood will. and Tradl' Namt' of Homr Suprr Sl.'rvi('('. doing husinMI~ 111 11\1~ C'n11~1 Uighway. CoronA dl'l Mar. Cnhfornia. .,.. And Mort~:n~trrs intr nd to mort· gAg<' to MorH:II$:<'«'5 all tools and I lmplem<'nls nnd ('()Uipm!'nt ahu\'f' mentioned. I ~ Sole and mort~tlllt<' to be mndr 8nd the' con~id<'rntions pau<'d at 10 A. M. <)ctob<'r 1. 1!)..16 at nHir<' nf GrAin~:rr Jlyc:'r, 319 Marin<' Aw - nu<'. RnlhoR I~lnnd, CnlifMnin. S<'ptrmbcr 19. 1946 GEORGE \'ON GRllRF.R JOSF:Pll PAtlLIOT Vt"ndora anci Mort~:ncrrs CHAS. W. ARI-:'RNATIIY W B. O'NEALL Vrncil'<'~' and Mort~:agcrs S1'A1'F. O r CALIFORNIA. County of OrAnfoti.'---Sl!. On this :.!(lth d11y of !'<'pl.. 1946. twfore mt'. F. C. VF.NN. a Notary Public In and for' said County and Stat e. penonally nppearcd Gro11tt' Von Gruben. JOIII'ph P au I I o t. QlariMI W. Ab<'rnathy, W. B. O'Neall. known to m., to IX' tht' ~ne whoa<' nRm<'ll al"<' su~ acrtbed to tht' "'1thln ln.~trUJnt'nt and acknowtt'dal'<l that tht'y exe· C\.1 ted t ht' 1811'\(' • (Seal) WtTNF.SS my hAnd 8nd official ~MI. F. C. \'F.NN. Notuy Public In and for 18id rounty and Statt'. If l'JrC!'CUted by n Corporation the Corpor-atl' Form of Acknowledr· ment mUit be Ull'CL My Commluion ExplrM Jan. 21, 11150 . Pub: Sfopt. 24. l tMI. COMING ·OCTOIIR 6 '?he a new claHy Mnlce to CHICAGO wla l111perlal Valley ANOTHER Southern Pacific transconti- nental scn ·ice is coming-a daily La. Angeles-Chicago train that will ... OJX'rate through Imperial Valley-and on via Calexico, Mexicali.(Mexico), Yuma. Phoenix, T ucaon and El Puo. •.. arrive in Kanaaa City at a morning hour that pennita prompt connections with trains for St. Louis, Minneapolis and other Midwest cities. • .. arrive in Cbkato in the afternoon (juat 52).( hours from Loa Angeles), con- nect ing conv en iently with evrninr trains for all principal Ea!>tcrn dt1~. THIS TRAIN is the Imperial-the newest service on S. P.'s famous Gold£'n State Route. It roes into opention October 6. THE/mpnio/is to be a no-£'xtra·farc ttlin. offering both standard Pullman sleeping car and coach service-with lounge car and d ining car. It will Jean Los Angeles at 11 a.m. daily. arrive in Chicago at 5:15p.m . the second day following depar. ture. Westbound, it will leave Chic<~ go at 11 a.m., arrive in Loa Angeles at 1 :.S p.m. • ...... _ ....... a •• are-..... ~ .......... ..,_c.- ,_ ....... --: f'aclftc ...... S•P, .. lrie•rlly s..t,. '-clllc (Agent's name, address and -phone) ..... _ ... ............. ..... CALL BEACON ~'M f« free aUm.Jtes on )'OW' paintinc, ~en~­ lce Ia our buslneu. Burton Paint Store.. 74-4tc NEED CHRISTMAS MONEY1 Pleu~t Part-time work u an Avon R\'pt'ftf'ntatlve here or Costa Mt>tla, will provide it. ~.~ BARGAINS! • IIOAft. •urrua ,... U U'F.CIAL Al'mOUNOI'oiiiiUfnl •, W.uri'KQ TO RUT U II&AL DTAft ., I.;;;•;;:•;;:•;;:•:...;•=..'I':.;A;;:.ft:.::._..,.... ____ ._ FOR SALE-Snlpt' aood eondUioft. KEys \\';\NTFn '1"0 Hl-:1'1'1' ()!)('or t wo C'OSTA MI-:.10\J\ IIO~tl-= At <'crona del ..... ARE YOU doln~t your own painf- I~T ,Why not get your adv~ f.rom the i»>Pk' who know how. Bring In yoUr paint IJX>Ublt>s to us, we love them. 5<-rvirv is our Bllliness. Burton P a I n t Store on N-rport Blvd. 74-<Jtc WHY WAIT months for your Vl'ni- tlan blind, we can give 7 to 10 days delivery, 14'rv\ce is our bUll· nt"U. Burton Paint Storl'. CaU B 5503-M. 74-4tc Lowest pricet~ in turnlture Ia au motto. I buy rleht. I ~en rllht 1 a'-o buy f\lrnlt~. Writ\' box 177 F'ulcrton. 74-2tv Needle's Furniture WANTED Lady fot general 2204 Newport Blvd. Co.ta 'MMI housework, l or 2 deY~ a Wt't'k. 5'7-tfc Ph11nt> Harbor 1244. 74-th: G JaRS Shower Doors <'OUNTI::R-GIRL "'anll.'d, llarhor . . . madt' to nwaaure and In· &·n·it't! CICilllc:rs. 113 Palm, ataUt'd. Good dt'llveriH. BaiiiOO. 74-llc Bayview Builde~ Sup&lly WAITRESS ·WANTED alx daya 818 Cout Hlway Ph. Hearon :5o~!! We6'k. Norton's U,y Shore Cafl', 73-4t<' 17th and Cout Hlchway. 59-Uc Auto Batterie!l ijELP WANTED-Woman« ctrl Rubber 5<-paraten R.-al har~ain. 125(). lnclwke Wad• Whll• Tou ~'alt 110"1"'"'111 "'""'o' 1-'urn&.hc'Ct ~W-• 'J'.W'~" ly rlo·NWIIh-d h0\1111<' Ju.t 1 BeHutltul New Home ulls. Sand-dolly. A~ 110 VOOEL'8 ·~nfurn!Aho-d ,;,.rd,•n ,;mw 'to!:.!. Hllflllc1t• tho> n ...... ~~~·-.. c'lty llmlta Gr.ncl v .... C'r)"'ltal, Balboa 1aland. 74-:hc 100 Walo St.. Balbo& lull ruiiN't 73-·11<" "HI 11111kc• 11 tin•• hom!' In thl' Nlt'\•ly f.'llrnlal}c-d •tu!l War1nt•, Balbola taland WANT TO RF.N'f-2 t•t J ~odnn. •"1111111')' "'"' 1111 tht• 11dvnntn~:•·• ~!JO Q()O Balboa Canvas Shop N-ttr I unfurntshf'd hou..... Will ,,.. .... ot tho• dt)• l'r!IJJI'rty tu·~ ltlO' So'o' Thill Stmw P1aot Salls -1\oat Covf'l'l t 'ft11 Sam f>Mtt'l" at llarbnr 70? fr.,nt "~Ct' C'n Pl''''-..1 I"'OId, ll\0 ~). , -Marine U~terll\l faR ftF.NT ll or 13 M -tfc: "llh ~ <"Ar IC"'"llt'. ollllhullttln... \\ . J. JlOL(X))CB Harbor 207 -224~ 2ht St. I •nd "" uttlltl"' tn•t~tllf'd to~~nd "uron• ckl )tar Newport &ach 71-t.fc f'()!( RJ-:NT T'l.•l.ullt' roo>nlll & UAL UTATI! n l'olllht I'<• furthc•r aul>~ll,•lct.-d b:v .. Wht•l'(' tht> Flap ny,• "I''" l'm•t•s r~tna.:!• from f-'1 ''' hu)c'r tt• '"'"'''"" 2 nd•llth•nlll fln~ llnrbcn :nfitl 1~ FOR SAJ..E-..40 ft. cabin CI'U'-«: $1 ~ ~.._, JN'r Wt'l•k. ""' ITl(onthl) I.IJ)O ISI.t-: IIOMt~ 1 1,~.,. alx: 1alley, dinette, hMd. ron l'flrn••r lot hulhlln~-t llllt-. 'M1i11 "'" JnAko " •YIR SAI.J.~ ckl Mar, • 1 •• ,'..---~I .. _____ _.. --ar...tt, r'11''"' 1111 l!t'r t) I' A r-rtlln~: ll•t7 2 110 111, 1 nn down fhw aurllurhnn f11mll>' 1101111•, "lth ft. tnt, 1 hl~k f'rom ~ ..... -~ ""'~ ,..,__, ..... ~... 1-1 'o·n lral. !lull""' Ph. 13f~• \1 1 1 .. comple~ly N'C!Ondllloned. bow to 1>1·tft• Flr•'l''"("' nmahlr Garnllt' ""' l l\lll'tl, lUI "''I "" prowlnlnll II of ntvd. trtlOd loct!Uon ,_ .... I I I Wttll•·d P11 tlo rlartl('('lll' a.:•••l '"••uwn•11th•1• lnvt'llfnwnt for . t.'Ofllr Ownc:r , PI\. 11·2\JI.W, 1tern· Chr)"'l er mar rw ena ne. = 11 r ......... 1 See~. lSS Acate Ave., Bal· F'(ll( HENT R\'1(•111 "lth llrlvnlt• A '''''Y ll\'o'llhll' horN' It' uh&r•• ........ ~-......._ 1_, __ .. --tfft l'lll rnn•~· & tmth I'IK>nt• 111!1 $1!\,00000 _ Trmw J M Mllll•r 1!\th .t C'~·nttAI 11 -1:44:1 uuoo ......._ "' .. ,...... l'USTA MJ.:.~A DUPLEX TYPING & ACCOUNTING WORK Laura G. Belden Phone Beacon 5186-R, 22172 So. Lquna Ave., P. O.'Box 941, £gsta Meta, Caut. for cenerat housework; &ood 1Prmonth -M.?S Ex. waces; Uve In or out. Harbor Compounded Motor 199;2. 56-tlc Gallon. 70e '"'' ~-~1-J 74-lto• 1 Ralph ,. Mukcoy CORONA Pl-:t. MAtt 1\'''"ah.-y OiJ Fire Equipment Testa FOH RENT ROOMS _ Oouhlt• 341 I W C'l'ntml f'h liArl~nr 402 knott)· p no• honw. ~ lw'tlronma, 01,'~':,:!r~r~~=~ta~= C-O-Two. P)'Nne A Foam rellD& , O,dly s•·rvk•· >\d1llt• only. 4~1 __ 89-tfe I '-1 hAth•. flrt'IJlnt't', 1~1 1 1to South «'al'h ~lh waraMI'. M cww 50' • 1'11' Will Call For and Deliver. 70-8tp CLARK & BATES Metatllzlnc Weldin& Spedallsta 50S 30th St.-Harbor 2509 Newport Beach 69-9tc COOPERATIVE ROOFING CO. New and Repair ~~M 2a ~ ~ 8t.. eo.ta MNa 20-tf( SIGN PAINTING Boeta. 't'nlcka, Wlnclmn W&UI IUid Bullettn.. ~ Metal. Wood and PWtk Letten AL LACHMEYER 1728 West Central Harbor 120-M PAINTING 12 Yean ~ce l.n Newport Hariior A~a Harry Hall PAINTING CONTRAM'OR Phone Beacon 5259-J 274 !:. 19th Ctnet :H-tff Painting -Decorating R. E . ANDERSON Free Eltlrnatlnc ~ Beacon 5780-J 41-tlt toR A REUABL£ Paint Job 011 your home, call Beacon 533(1 att... 4:JO p.m. lO.tlt fiAJNTJNG -PAPER RANOINC and DIXX>RA 'nNO H. E. 'MeDouJd Got Old O.ty Rd., eo.ta Mae PboDe BHcon 50\3-J 8&-tft LOCAL or travelln& In bu.lnea for yourwtf. No moncoy .-,qulred. Western Auto Supply Good Income. You ar e your own Authorla!d Dealer bou. Apply ~ No. Main St., L838 Newport Blvd, Co.ta Mt'M Santa Ana. 7()... 7tc U-tfc HELP WANTED-Ex-navy radio _VENETIAN _____ B_LINDS-_______ Al..,....umln--um- tP<'hniclan, who wishes to con-ateel, wooct CaD us lex-frM •ti· tlnul' with technical radio work mate. Renovation a reftnlahlnc u civilian ocrupation. Refer-So. Cout Venetian Bu.d Co~ C'nC\'8 requlrC'd. Local resident. West 18th and Newport AVf'~ Wr ite Box BU. c/o Newa-1'\mn. eo.ta Mesa. Ph: Beacon 5'762-W. 73-4tc 88-ttc COOK WANTF.O-Man or woman. ---=Fn=---=Pt~.-cr--and--:--:K1ndllnc:-::--=.:---- Nl'wport Call', 110 Mc:Fadck>n W O O D Plaett. 73-2tc Delive-red \ H. W. WRIGHT . WAITRESS WANTED Ph. Beacon 6666 $37.50 Per Week ~ Mull l78t Newport Blvcl. Good Hours Just Arrived rr.b H~ Aid Also FRY COOK BA 'M'ERJES ~tfc ~non~ Co. -Se&--tIT Main St. Ph. Harbor 5\S MR. EARLY (mornlnca on1yl ~tf( Klng Landin& Newport Beach 61-ttc • Order Your Serve I Gas Refrigerator . Now C()o fb.ed ~lem and~ Jlnrdm~t, n11t11011, ('allf. tfr ,llAI.Ill ll\ 1'1-:l'<:l!•.;~t'I.A llliMt-: nf hh.thWII~'. t•IUII)' c-.mvrrtc-d lot ~I)' 1.1 alt\&&ted lft tM now a~. ron RENT-RulldlnR on ('rntrul 'rln~ l'l'llUflfUI IWUIW ,.,, I h t' lntu twu 111\1111. $14,:\Cl() tl\1:1 ( '••ta Mtu buainJIIII cUitrict .. ETS HO~ A GALVAN A,,. hu~in••u hK'Il tloo 17~ ·r l"'nln,ula "•II 1'4'11 ltto•ll lo llll)'tuw :.Inti A\'t' 73-:!tc: ff't\4'11 ~ mulcf Mcltl)t bt .... 1000 Cout R .lchway rnnnih. H11rhor lnvo'tlt.:Oent g,,, 111 tlh• 1"'"'~o·t f.,r " full' lltllll<· 111 CJIAIU.UNG nt•w mudt•rn ~I'Ol"ll tuoclfoll'd Into atur. or otftce, 'nlll Ph. Bc:acon 15522 13-tfc 30th ~tnrl Co·ntnl Phbnc-ar· lht· hl'ttt•h 11w htiiU&•• Ill '"""tllrtr-hiii1W', l'«'dar and r.-dWOt)(i t hru-III'Ot)t'rty ahuuld '-"' "~ t. NEW AND USED bnr 11it'ott tfr 1> lurnl•l .... t Ill 'l"' ho'lt nl IIIII(', out. New modt'rn llvtnlf and din· trn,.ttnc to an~ wlllhlftc a~ , 11nt1 Jllsl l<ll nttr.lr t h t• out.aili«' u Ina room fUrniture :llJIOC'kl from blnatlnn hnnw and bull_. ~ Electrical Apphances ron RENT Nr... hoUllt', nc•w ln•ldt• Thr.-.• ll('tlnt;Jnll. twu tllt'd tctlool. $1~.!100 ~ Carn•tlon, '""' In thla f&lt III'Owlftll -- Of AU Kinds furuihn'r. W!tshinl( m•rhlno•, hathM 11nd tllc•d kltrtwn, wattf'd C'..oronrt ctt-1 M11r. ('all narhor munlty. ~.000. Newport Electric Appliance Co. lill'o'rn ,.,..., l'hlna llnl'n. For FlNll f'l'''"· '"" ('Ill wntllllo', and Jli"'· 2179-W. 'll-4tr J. M.. Mlllt-t' ll'th a <'entrai II·Ud 2309 C t Blvd. Ph. Harbor :n3l to lima II family, whu would t'(IO to-.•t<-.1 aun~k II ,)'011 ctnn't want ------------------------ 0&8 .atp ahlo•r hNirdtnat mr Two hlk11 tel lilt) ft hom,, don 1 lrt your wlf• frn111 .-.•nt('r Of C'ultl l'tt f'lrt lit-.• thl-hOWl(•., llwtiC'r offrrt fl• S M A L L B 0 A T S Plunw t'VI'nint~•. 1\t•n!'on ~'\ n1mdnw to••·m~ nnd htlllk'tlhtl•• pot· 74-21 c rtt"l~hm SOlM.Oflll -Of touch. light marine plywood ~~~.,-----------J :0.1 Mlllt·r l~•th & f'o·n lr11t 11·1242 -Molded hu11a or nat-bottom. FOR IU:NT ltuom10 durtn~: wtnto•r -Skiffs, Din~thiH, Stlllboata. 1''01"011· ulltsldr "ntrltl')('l' ,_Ill MARTIN OUTBOARD MOTORS Bay 1-'rnnt, RKllllm. rtwrw. Jtnr· "Flexldrlve" Shaft~ f« tnboardl bor "...'t:ti!I-M. 74-~11' ------------ WATSON -BOATS "Small Bo.t HeadqiiU'ten" EJ Bayo Trart Home on Bay Ave. ~"~AN~rrr:.o-,.:-~TO __ RENT ______ ...:.u 3 Jk'tt Roonts. 2 Batha. on Lartt Lot EX-SER\'1('1-:MAN and wlfo' wish $25,000 611 Cout Hlwa,y Beacon 52"M 89-ttc lltJBIOAL a LUUO HEADACHES? Sl)l!l ll hmuw or 11p11rtm~nt fur pc"rmttn .. nt ••r wmtt•r r rntul l'h Hn1 l••r 2111 7:\.. :!tc Fun1i~herl Duplex $2ll.OOO VACANT -MOVE RIGHT IN Owner mus' 8('11 at on<"l"-2-bNtroom honW'--e yn. old-Hdwd. Fl"'.-1lk.~uto . .,r. f\amac:e--..MCJCI.. rm kltc·hcn with lot8 of buHt-lru.-Vmetlan bllndl. Th1a l.-rmlly a good buy JtO you bett~ hurry on W. ~. Pnt't'd to-.-11 at -• 88o9C50 Radlna are Too n· WANT TO Rt:NT -~-l\t'droom or larl!•'r huu.a('. rur. Will pay up t o f.HIII l)('r 11'11\, r~tll Mr Full!'r, at Jlsrhur J:.!M 74-2tp 2 Dc-dmmn1. t Reth Down :l Jk'ttroonut, t O.th .Up • WE HAVE IIOMES RANGING FROM 14!500 'ro SM.OOO ... ALSO VERY GOOD BUYS IN INCOME PRO~TY. COME IN AND u:r US TALK rr ., , OVER. 1bey A~ Not P(•rformlnK Right Let us cure your trouble with the tatf'lt t'QUipmf'nt and expt.•rt W . L. JORDAN 700 E. Central. Balboa ["-WE ARE HERE ro 8mVE YOU B. A. N E R E S 0 N Steel Kitchens GLASS ENCLOSURES SHOW ER DOORS Southern Counties Supply Co. Rl'palr Men AU'ni0 RI7.ED. PHIU'O SHOP Wr 1!1peciali7l' m Phiko. Zc>nlth, II Wl'lltinf{hoU8<' and Majtoctlc RAidoa at Vogel's 100 Main St. Harbor 145 52-tf( WANTED TO BUY WAI'\T TO RENT For I Y<'llr. furn1shl'd hou~~t•, '2 ur 3 t,...droo"' Pll) 1111 In $1!;0. po•r rnunih W1ll pay 1n Rdvnnet" l'hont• llt'lll'fon 5173. 74-lt<" Ell11hllshl'd lfK'II1 nu.sini'IUim~ lind wlfr wrmt )'1'/lr lt•~t.a.> on h011J1<': Phone Harbor HiS 72-t fc:. Two New Homes REAL &Cn"ATE RROKER AND A.SBOCIATDI Phil D. Soloman ._ Salelman John Bondra -Salemwl Phone; Beacon ~225 1972 N~rt Rlvd. H--A-VE-~ _C'_A..,.S_l_l ......,..fo_r_"'_ood--:-......,..ln-ro_m_l' 420 E . 41 h Sanla Ana Ph. l 30 " 73-4tc prl'f«-rrllhly furni~hl'd. w 11 """"v fnr occupancy ~tall 144 Coaat Blvd., N. Ph 5852 Laguna Beach 73-ltc property at Nc-wport, Balboa or surrounding ar"a. Wr1tr 610 Penn St., El Segundo, Calif Ph 320-J. 74-4tp 2 DOORS fflr single garag(', rom-WANTED-New and uaed cl('('tr1c pll'te with hlng('S and locks pt"lct> motont: Jii~thest priC('I paid nt $10. Phone Harbor 2393-J. prest'nt. Call llarbor 2l3R 73-:Ltc 73-41<' FOR SALE-Thirty ft. of 6-ft. WANT TO BUY-1 or 2 pair army rl'dwood KraJX• stake fence. ptnka; 35 waist, 31 lcn&th. Ph: Phone H-1682. 74-:Ztc Harbor 114fl.R. FOR SALE-Glass Show Case 3 -CA.S--H-FO_R__,.US-=ED~-::FURNITURE=====- ft. x 9 ft. Box G. c/o News-PHONE BEACON ~J. nme.. 74-2td 23-tfC' KnApp. Haroor 223:.! 72-2tp ahnw('n Gtau donn. Rup. HIGKEST pt"lce pAid for your pi-WAN'I'EO TO RF.NT -Sm11ll hout.• Call 1622-:J ano. Danz-Schmldt Plano CO., or Apt. by couplo'; no c:hiUlrt'n 63-tfc Sant11 Ana, 520 N. Main. 70.tfc For lnfnqnatlon t'llll Hubnr SAN 1-rtANc:ISC'O 2-bedroom USED Plan011 from $65. Or will 5M-W bt'twN'n 9 am a.nd ~ p.m homo• and 2 11par1mftltl fcx-tn- rl'nt. Danz·S<"hmldt Plano Co., exc.·pt Snt or S un 72-4tp COfYW', will ~ell Of' trade tor 520 N. Main, Sants Ana. 70.Uc WANTED T0 RENT-By rrtlrf'd Nc-wport Harbor pt"operty liar- FOR SAL£-Upt"lght plano. cood army major, two-be-droom ho~. bor 1600. 51-tfc condition. $200. Phone Deacon turnlshl.'d or unfurnished. For PLliMilJNC. ntiSl NESS FOR 5712, or call 205 Westm.lnater wtnter or perm•rwnt. Phmw SAL.F: Ave.. Newpt)rt Relehta after l.aluna &oach 2084. 72-4tp w .. hiiV(' today 11n <'XCC'llmt • 5 :!Wl P· m , S&-tlc WANTED TO RENT -Gua~tr pnrtunlty to llt'f\lllrt' a romplc•tt• R Ep 0 SSE SSE D Mirror Typp bu.-for on<' car, monthly rfite. II<' fUJI lur 11 plumhlnlt conlraetor Spinet Plano. Now only ~. Call l111rbor :.!292-W. 73-:ltc wlahing to tnlt·r hul!llnt'D In th .. BALBOA ISLAND Immediate PQR........Uon. :\room l"'tta&eo 2 csr ~ ~-· On good comer clc.e to Eut Be.y on "uttle lllland." · Price-$10,750 ftAlfBPO __ . ___ n_A_n_o_N _____ 1_1 FOR SALE -Restaurant dlab.es, · Will Pay Cash A very pretty plano. Fine tone. arn . One of the-t.,adlnt local Danz-Schrn1dt Piano, 520 No. WANTED TO RENT-=-Aat. miT. plumhlnc oontrac:ton off t r I a Main, SAnta Ana. 70-ttc M~t. Life, dcsl~ lnw or rent p~erkajrl' rl<'nl on hill h(I(Tlt', •hop. GOOD LOT -a..osE TO SOU'Mi BAY EXCF.PTIONAL VALUE ~ BICYCLES .rluaes, etc. 182 Rochftter St., 8old, "-ted or RepaJft4. Co.ta Mesa. Beacon 5412-W. P'or JOU1' tumlt\ft or what haw )'OIL PboDe Beacon S8S6. era ... I~ Furnl~. 1812 Newport smt., 0o1ta Mesa. 48-ttc voam.·s 74-2tp GOOD Grandi. Mehlln, Kurtzman, Story A Clark, 0\ue, Hallet A Davis. Kimball, WetJ.r and oth- ~n. Prices 1tart at $485. Ttrm~. Dan!-Schmldt, Santa Ana, 520 No. Main. 70-tfc 100 lia1D St.. a.n.oa -Ka.rtDe. .Balboa llilud. M -tfll n LOST-<>n Beach at Balboa. 10ld fr1ane rlmla. claues. Reward. Phone Beacon 5360-J. 73-2tp LOST -Ledift Hannon IWw rod wrtlt watch. Two Rubies on each aide. Vldn1ty of Balboa fun Zone. ~19-46. Phone Beacon !161~WK. 74-2tr FOR SALE -Binoculars, Ca.rl Zeiu, with carrying caae $100. ~ roa 8.ALZ II 131 Opal Ave. Balboa llland FOR S.u.E-t2x15 Twist Broad· 74-2tp loom nag, aolld bii.K' pattern. FOR _S_A_L_E __ O_R_'_TRA __ D_E--_F'_or_ AJao O'Kt>efe Merrlt atove, 4 fiahi 1 kl dbl b . 1 12 bumen • Grill Exenlnp . Ph. ng ac l', . arre 591-W 74-ttc cauge Fox ahotgun like new; ____ · ----~-::---~ alao bed roll. Lot 28, 12th FOR SALE-Beautiful 6 pc. din· St. Trailer Park, Newport ning room lt!t, onl' bedroom rug Beach. 73-2tp llkl' new. 9 x 12. Bamboo Pallo Venetian Blinds furniture. 6 chain. 3 tables. Rt. 1, Box 12, Garden Grove. Ph 722. RADIO HOUSE CALLS- Now that acldSdonal competat techn.ldana are avallable, we en able to make aervkle ca1JI on lart~ comoles. AD work I'W'· ant.cl. HAROLD L. HAMil. S.O.S. Rlldlo. 300 Marine Ave. Ph. Harbor 780. M-tfc 74-2tc St~l 'or alumlnum m ade to ml'a&· Rad• R ' LOST-In Balboa last Wt>ek, Ri-W'C and inatalled. 10 epalnl F~. black A white shell rim· Bavv1ew Builders Sup~y F'OR SALE -Plum colored rua AU makel; tubel. etc. med rJaues. Reward. Notify "· • 11'3" " 14' $45.00 Dlne ltl' 11<'1 Beacon 5763 428 Floral Park Terraet'. So. 81R Cout Hiway Ph. Hearon $15.00. Phone Harbor 2669-R BURT NORTON Puadena. 74-ltp 73-4tc after 1 p. m. 74-4tc 915 Cout Hlpway, Newport DIPLOYIIEN'I' WANTED a FOR SALE-~ h.p. lngersoi·R~ _FO_R_S_A_LE---Retrigerator, -G-.-E-.; 23-tfc compt"esser. almost new nt big ki h bl d ===:-:-:--::--==-:--:-::::---:--:":"::-: ACCOtrrANT and Office Manager discount. H. 141-J. 304 28th SL, gat Ta ngP; tc rn tn t' an S'T'F.JNWAY GRAND. BeautifUl I I. bl fl rhaln: dining-room buffet: IIUrf modPrn In hlllck and silver. Gor· "''an11por lion with rl' 18 e rm NE>wport. 72•3tc Board and m1sc. artic:II'S. 217 All-.. f'OUI torw'. Thl1 l11 an art plsno H. G . Er1cson. 400 E. Cf'ntral .,_,boa lsi d 7"4t "' Ave., Balboa. Ph. Harbor 30. 11'0R SALE--Neon Sign Cafe. atona, D&J an · ,.. C Jf you are fumlthlnlt your homr 74-2tp Reasonable. Call Beacon 5117-M. 9xl5 J\ml'rlcan Orll•ntal tKarn•· in "Mndeme" lhl~ lnatrurn•nl I!! -------------____________ 7_0-_t_rc: tanl KRIIhRn dt'tr.iRn. prnC'I. nc•w, perfrc·t tor yo~a. Rl'ssonnbty WlLL TAKE c11re of children prP-war. rl'd hack~eround, $1 25. priced. D~tn:r-Srhmldt Plano Co., · --"-" 1 f · h t ~· G. E. varuum cleaners (19381 ; 50-"'20 N M I ~ t An 7"tr evemngs. mus urms ra.~-Call HMbor 2241-W 73-4 tc ,, o n n, ,.,lin 11 a ..,. t' portatlon. Phone Beacon S566-J. pound Ice box, ~hite enamel, 74-2tc good condition; new bathinette. -F'OR SALE- • ALL OF THESE ADVANTAGES YOURS ... when you ltl't a job aa a telephone OJX'rator. Good pay from thl' start ... yes, e''"' while you arl' learning. Raisea at rl'llUlnr intrrvals ••. and a chance to advance. Good working conditions ... attractive. pleasant sur· roundlngs . . . . frlpndty fl'l· low-workers. Paid vacations. slckneu tJ.nents. etc. In many case~~. work In nelghboring <.'f'ntral otrlce near your h~ One tJI theae lnt~relltlng, ~U-paid jobs is waiting for you, too. SOtrniERN CALIF'ORNlA TELEPHONE COl'otPANY 100 E . Bay Avr , Balboa 514~ No. Main St. Santa Ana or C.U Olid Osmator Call Harbor 1797-M. 72-4tc ELECTRIC RANGE FOR SALE-Monroe electric <'al· Apt si7.1' Thrrmador, thrre-burnr r, culator, $150. 1840 Harbor 0,·~1:rl' 0, l'n, P«•rfl'<'l C'Onditlon Blvd.. CostA Mesa. BC'acon 117 .JIHIP. Halhoa lsl:md. $75. 5892-J . 61 -tfc 73-tfr FOR SALE-Air comprester, $100. 7311 Seashore DT.. Newport Beach. 65-tfc: FOR SA I. F. F'umrd I lnk rurnl· lurr. u1o'lll rur mountain "' l••;lth I~.! Rtll'nc~ll'r St . Cu<IIO 000~. C'AT!i4 ~ PP:T!4 Ll )Vf-:L Y COI'kl'r Stlllnir•l, fi rno n I rl, c·llt'l'IJI lonllliY r('ll!l4lnololl' PlrA~I' lin no I ra II A ftrr :1 fl m 44!1 RPdi:lnrlll ~' =--••WjV>rl III:IS 7·1-1 ljl -----:-:-:----\\'ISII TO Pt.Ar F nil"•' e:tl 10 ~::•vwt hom(' r h .. no· II II t " " r :.!ltlli-.1 74-ltr Mt'NH 1\t•uron :"><II:.!·W I·I·:Lip UVJ:ATOf'_K__ 11 -----·-----;.~~=-=--=----:-:----:-:7--:--Hl'rl'nrtt'r if wr rf'rllp your TIRE S 20,000 MILES and that's not nil- \\'E \\'ILL GIVE YOU $20.00 FO RSALE Wn.;lun..: :'>tarhlll''· f'OR SALF'..-GI'ntlr 1111ddll' hnrsP. Phnrl•' IIHrhnr Ill"•.! 7 1-lto' !lorrf'll mlnr, $1 2:1 Sf•e at 16!'\6 Fl IR SAI.I-~ -l'J '( 1:-l IWo~lo·d hroatllt!om. <nhr1 hlur• pro·WIIr ru..:. G01~l ronrl1tlnn ~7!'\ Fnur lou rnt>r 11'1\o't'ro· !It :'>!••roll lolhlr '"II ·~I n'''' \lith ~ritt .... ~~·rfcrt o'oHHIIt•nn $7:-i. Four ,,.... Mnpl•• ho'flrnom So·t, l'nmpll'tt· w i I h !!prim: !It matt1•·s<~ :tlf.l \'111 PI· )('n l.1du r~to· Phonl' Jim hnr ~!11-W 7'1-:ltr Tus tin A"''. ro•t11 Ml'l.a . f\9-trr RtlSINP:!ilfil OPPORTlTNITIF.!il 46 l.i~o:ht h:,ullnlt Y:url do 11no•tl 1.;•" n~ put In · Atlln puli~hinc ; Pirk up. drtivt•r. Outdoor rrpair . l r ONE <"'OMES 0 FF lt€-gnrdi<'llll of Spcl'd. (. ~rZ f',:;;;:.-.._-;. ---•• F';.nrf'11 fllllnlt d anrl r••Jm&r•••l Srrc·,.n~ wr11thrr • prnnf••tl --F'rl't' F.~tlmntt·•• - CALL IIARROR 1713-W ONE TifU: RECAPPF.D IN 5 HOURS. ~ a complete ~,., wr wttl call for your car In thl' morning and dl'llvl'r ume> day. AIW>--11 $2.00 Moloillltntic hnionce j(>b whrn WI' rrrap your tlretl, for $1 ()() f'n ll'ad weights or "rxtrns ... Costa Mesa Tirr Co. In R«-ar at 1760 Newport Blvd. COSTA MESA Ph. Rraron 57(3 Ask for AI or Hank. Motte Fl •R ~ALE NI'Wt~ttrl dory u;· oc ;-,· nl~tho~eany !It t'<'rillr. w .. ll fur outl1011rd motor "''' In hunrd Mn!'l & ~1111 l'('nlr riKtltrd Slf~l 1111 Phnnr DnnR P I 7:\1 7 1-:!lp --------1-'IJR SAl:... :!1-rt Fl•lum: B""' 4 t h Jl. Murino· ~.o~tn•• l'hnno· llariK>r 2R7·.1 '7 I :!I!" FOR SALE 25 ft. S••11hi1, <~lr•"ll. full~ t'ftUIJltM•ll WII h :-onrl h J1n\ mnomng 11nd fi•·r -mnn lifo r:1ft , ~l<'f'fl" twn; \'l'r y ~·':!'"" 1h)'. •• ,~~~ C't~ll r. F' Hm" n.,lllor- l'lnr 2fi II. ,\1 1 •·r 7 p "' • 111 Hurtonr ':tr••J·R 72-411 F< iR SALt-; ('~in rruls{'r :l:l rt lnng. .,._,.ylinl1r r Stnrr mtol•lr, jU81 tl31ntl'd. Will l rlltlf' fror 2:.! fl or 2.C ft h~ tr(lllt'r or will l3l<f' CIUih . 7311 S<'1111~e Dr , N.-wport. Ph. H·149:hJ. 70-tlc: 73-2tp Ru~inf'l'S Opportunity For Act'tlllnfllnl or ho()kkN•fl"T, nnd/ur Slllt-<~ po•rllfm. •m pnrt tlmr h1111iM In ~:runR: hullln,.tul MU~I 1,. ntoh· tr1 invo•&l SHl,OOO Will P"Y po r•~·nt:Jitf' qf rrnril~. \\ ilh f"lnimflm nr 7r'. lnlc•rr·~· • "IHII "lilt o•ll. pill• IIAlllry Writ,. ltl'·•ru: I" r"unnl nnrl fln11nrlal quallfl rrolfron• In own handwr~• lnll i\rldrr1111 Box 1HR:l Snntu Ann 71·41Jo -'rr.n \1. A~Nun~cr.Mt:NT!ll 1t1 Carpenter~ A vailabh!- ror g,.n,rnl malntcn~tnoe and I'C'palr o. 7.. IU)u:aTti()Jif eau Harbor a M-tfc until Jan. 1 of 1 or 2 bedroom ln"·ntoory, trurk. "'JIM on .. ,.,... houae. Cart-CUU· Phone S . A. holllt' •nd yard, and &ood will Fi- 14.28-M. 71-tfc: 1 nancln& <"an bfo arran~tt'd to PI')' A.PT or SMALL HOUSE wanted I off a aood part of thfo purf'hU4' by rnaa and wtf~. w~ do not pt"iCf' fNml profit• Thl.a Ia a rart' drtalr or .noke, no children or upportunlty In '""" uvrr "" t'll· peta. Phone Santa Ana 0991-W tablisht'd auod p.ylnc bullneaa and or Wl"tt. Box 'T Newport Bal·l hom<' fl 11 minimum cuh outlay boe N..,.-nmes. 37-tfc J M. Miller 15th A Ccontral H-1242 Linwood Vick llrokt>r BaJboe lsJand Harbor 548-M BALBOA ISLAND ATTRAn"IVF. DUPLEX in nice loco tlon. 'Two bt>droom" i n eorh tmlt. Double wall con- s1ruction. Nicely landscaJJ('d. Patio. Good Income property. Immediate pofiS4's.c\lon. A reel A real value. A ~ood lnvf'St · m('flf. Shown by appointment only. $24,500 7<1-lt<· -----------ISLAND REALTY COMPANY 201 A~HII", Rail~ l slanrl llarhor :177-W .. BALBOA ISLAND TWO Sl"'OHY HOlst.;, laf'l!t' ffYII\1 I'UCJill, Ulcd kifl'hf•n nne! lilr'll h<•th: unr larw· 11{'(1- room. All V<'ry nic<t·ly fiiiTli.;ht>rl. Down- !ltul!"!.. smnll npat1nwnt. Orkkt'(l-ln pnlln. $13.750 r • ----ISLAND REALTY COMPANY :.1()1 Agal(', Balhon Jo;J:111d 1 Jat·l"l'' ·:n.w 7·1-2k CORONA DEL MAR BeautlluJ new \W'II-buUt ~bedroom hltnw. South ol highway; <.U'Iverdent to Khool and:. dlltrtct. F1oor to oftJJnlr window~ patio In dlnln& room and bretakfut nook. ~ght t~ mc:lo.dnr enUre lftl' yard. 11u1t ._ le('f'l to ~ appt'f'dated. lmmed. IAJIIPII&on. Prlce---1 15,000 CHOICE <X>RNER HOME-SITE IN BD1T LOCA110N. 1150' X 118' Price---$ I 3,500 GERTRUDE A. WALDRON William A. Sandford, Realtor :JOH Mltrtll(' Ave .. Balboa bland Harbor 234-R ISLAND REALTY COMPANY ~11 Agnte, Balbott laland Phone 371-W 7WO ~'TORY UNIT ON REAR OF 1..01'. LARC.E PATIO AND BARBEX."UF.. It :l. 7!10-T~nM I ISLAND REALTY 201 A~nh•, Rnlbon lKirtM COMPANY Phonfo ':l.TT-W 7-1-:ltr. U .U FATATE DC llANO& &lli AVTo--.roTiyza 'l"llml • \\ANT llo·""'' m lllo\ lr•on t """''' WILL ~1-:1.1. I!Mil ,..,rd. Pt•lux Tu· '" ''""'''"1).\•· f•ll '"'" lu•(lromu.l r..,,r Sf··dlln. 111 rl'llln~.t ·rn JlRrly 1\\•o •l•·•·toln~>: l••r• I• H y• .,)II. '"""will rf•11t nw 'J tol :1 ho-druotn '''I"" l•••m•· '" 1 .. 1 t'r ,., ''"'" "''1 lo"ll"'' furnl•lw-d ool unfurni•IW'CI I o•'l ,. R' '"'"'' "'" .. 1,1 fl J"l• '"~ I yo·r" l'hutw :.0:11 Y.' 7 .. ltC' .,.,, 41111 Wth hlfl• lll<ol I. A •• 1 '" 1 x 11'-• 71 71,, SUJn·y·~ lhatt«•t'.Y SNvice I \\'•••lrulnl''''' S rro .. •l rt• \l rl fl'lo~t· 111 1 Jtuplo • •ol tl ll•lwt•t'n 11-Cih 111111 ~lultOf>lllll I , • II . '''' • t ~"" lit' '"'"I'"'' II• twton '\IH:I f'o>t~ln Mrea RELIANCE REALTY & IN.VF.STMJ:NT CO. 1'""' .,, 11··: 7-t-ltc k-rt. J::bril1• anti J\,..,odalo•' .1. W J)uak TRAU.r:&.~ tl 1c"t iSIIMAN ~('f)(YrJ.:Jt J>r('·W;.. Bt•nron 5R57-W l!l:llt Nt'\\l>'lrf Jllvll .. ('l,.;l;t ,M~t I Tfi AII.I ns FfiR S ALE '""' 11"81 qllrollly :.1% II II n,. 1-:r•rmomy Brin.g Your Jluying and ~·lltnl! Prt1l1lt•m>o l•1 Ls. 1, 1 "'""'" fur ro·nt nn•l ~1:111' r·nalnr f11 In l(tllld ~hnJI•• ln•lde • Tt otl••rrt 1111ulr• '" ••r•l•or I 1111\IIIJt """ nut , h M h1111 llltlo• IIlii' and Costa Mesa t:.Jtoom. :\.IJ('(imom ft-:11111' htlffif'. c'Ompl1•lt•ly furnished ' acre, gnmgf', c·hic'k••n!-o, I'''' ~)4;}(). !'> i\f'Hf'..S Nf'ar B:wk Jlav: J!nntl ... ~1il. nil f1•nf'f't1. wull·•· ln. · ~I ll,:"o(IO 2 A\H f·: HA :"J(i 10 2-t)('(ironnt hnn11 ~:ar'll~r. tn all>lliltitnt.:" ens, """ ( Jtl l••a-.l' :.ntl rT'I'1p lr•:tt.;t• ~II r.:-Jlf() GOOO J1A< 'K 1\AV VI~;\V :l-Tk><JnlOm ht>ml', o"lfTllll'·fl ·h fllllll:""ht•fl . \ 1'1 \1 III'Ur: I • ;w t'(' of lnnd: •·cwr;ll ttntl I''"'"'"""'. d ir• ko·n .... t•tr , l'rH· J~t•r1y all f••rtn•d in. I 'li•·•· ~';;"til T o•• I I OpM'l 7 Dny-: F:wn \\·1 .. •k , >< n m. I•• 1\ p. m. RELIANCE REALTY & INVESTM ENT CO. 1 Tt ud• r lt••nllol~. Nr•wl~t1rt Auto I hn• lll'r n wr•ll mnlnlltln~>d. $1~ ~ul• ~ '"' :l(,t•t hl•l<'k on C'r•ntrllll 1'/\Jih, Mn1 k I r.-.,ly, II ~or 1416-W. A"''""' fl!l-8tp l 71-ttc TR.Aif.EnS FOR RENT Do your IKOI'Ol:Y TO LOAN M own hnullnK anc'l moYtnc. All n"w t'ftUIJ!fnM'-. J2.Z and S2.$fl l LOAN8 TO BUlLJ), ~. :.mpron. por ti"Y· Wt' tumlah ,,__ hht'tl modrn11u •rr , .. n'IAIIce Myf"f'tln Droa. ~ Btatlofl., Ntrwpurt n.Jho,. ~.,.... HAYI~ r.,r, 11th,\. Nf'WJ)Ilrt fllvd , C".oat.a "011 l~n AMOd&Uon. Mo•1111. M.rlt ~:\'\~ VIII J .lito Ph Yarbor 11100 . . -----------• .,.,. WA.JifftO .. Atn'Oft WAJifTED • ----·---- WE NEED LATE MODEL CA RS and Wtll Pay Top Prices SEl..L YOUR r i\ n NOW While Prta!?l 11 re High. P'hcJM tor our courwou• huver who Will Cftll and advtle you n!IPU"dlnn OPA ~latb'w, OIIUnc prbl and arrana. all detaUa A. R. Ehril«- 13<'1loon 58.')7-w CULBERTSON CHEVROLET CO., Inc. und "'".li't;•fl~ .1. W . Donk a..-.oa.t ad 0........., o.11n 1 fl:~; Newport Rlvd., CofltA MeM IOD1 w• Ulillei'U. ~ ..._ liD <*M, a t S .... 74-2tc:.-~ Legislation on Institute Program Harbor Feminine .......,, Ill* , II .. !W Activities Sunday School To Reopen at St. James Church Cub Scouting ·tQ Get Under Way Friday Parent.· of boya of the 9-1~ 11· al_t.bt bc!mt Mra. A lectal&Uve lnltltute wlll be ftiiiiiile 'l'laa"**, 21th •treet. tn-held on ~r 2, at ~e Oranee l'bcJia 13 and 208 • W~. Mrs. F1cJr. Intermediate ec:hool. N . G}Jw(>ll • ---------- With rqiatratlon ac:oompliahed ~ ~ ~~ ':,.~::'~u~~ a= lat Sunday, Sunda,y ldtool c:lu-in t be h ld Friday eovenine at- -,......_ and da\Cht.er PeDe-ltr'Mt, ~. atartlnc at • p. m., = or a.ta Ana; on Thl.ll'lday 80 that tMChen throucboot the Island Postmaster To Leave Soorr for Vacation in East Legion Post 291 Plans Oct. Dance; Sponsors Scouts lift of St. Janws ~ church C o e ud1 be!rin thla comlnc Sunday at 9:45 7:30 ln the ITammar school ~t L m. Some of the teachers are torlum. Robert Eutman, atill away on vacation and with comm1Jiioner, will be preacnl and the ataff far too amaH even when CUbmuter H . 0 . 13c!yvey urges all aD are preMDt, volunt~ are committee members to attend. IUD& Roth o1 Loe A.nplel count)' may attend. IICICOI'dine to ellA lin. Rotll'a aunt. Mn. Vetta Unton Slmmonl, auperintmdent = WJ ud the latter'• IP"and-of -=hook, wbo announced the ' $ ... Valerie JUckett.. both meetinc at the Fourth Dllltrlct, If"'--a.m. California eoncrea-of Parenti and Mn. Harry £. Rider, Balbo~! •••-· Walter Kennicutt and TMchen conference held at Irvine laland poatmaat«'r, ia leavlna Mon·l needed CUb Scout troops are under the N~t Harbor American Leg-1be '.wv. Ardya Dun who haa 1ponsor1hlp of the Parent-Teac:hft' ....... .,_and Grace KftiDI. pail on September 19. day, Sept. 30 on a vac:atloa which -_. Jllr, and Mo.~ltan7 'nle lniUtute wtll he dlvided Into •·IJJ take her Eut to aoend two ~ ........ or South ~a ipent three parta, ABC' a of PTA leriala~ montha In New York City antt .. -wltla·Mn. Tar1'enee and Uon; how can we accompllah tha Jameatown. In New York ahe will ~ blr 8CID-Ift.law and cla&llh-pr'OKI'IIm; and how to win tr1endl vlalt the mother or Lt. Comdr tlr, Mr. Ud Mra. Joe &.aniMn and Influence votes. All parent· Taloott Batea of Balboa bland. ., Loa ........ _.. 1\*ta. · , teiiCher unltl In the county are Al80 Mn. Wlllard Travell and Mra. ion Poet 291 usumed apohonhip been a ttl'ndlng the 55th triennial Al~atlon of thl' Newpar t Beach Q.f Boy Scout Troop No. 5 at convl'ntlon of the church, he4d , Grammar schools and. the tint their bu.elneu meetine Tuesday nt'xt week ... \ 11 Grorgr Mo1 timcr , rl.'gular Pack m<'<'t will be held eveninc. Thla troop hal their own church nre:mlat, who Is vacation-Friday, Oct. 18 . Scout hut on the Lecion IJ'OUDdl lng In the north. I ------- and 1a UJ\Mr the leadership of Mt. Carmel Society ----....:..........:..... _____ __;_ requet~ted to have at leut three M. Margaret Pa.r&e. :------------. •leptes In attendance. Dinner On Lone Ialand Mrs. Rider will ~~!f{ :::IY :t::· planned 0CapillaSCircle !Meets Tuesday wu a dance for Lelionnalrea, pens eason •rLI ... Ha•se wt11 be ae:rwct at the Onulae Wo-he t.he aueat ot Mn. Vlratnta w u. J-~·• clubhouae at 6:30. Uama, aliter of Mn. Arthur White, t.helr wlvea and (rienda to be held -The regular meeting of t h • at the Letlon halJ, 15th and B&y Capllla Orcle of Corona del Mar Allar Society of Our Lady ot Mt. avenue at 8 p. m. Tueaday, Oct. Community church, Qmereaat~ Carmel will be held at 2 p. m. 1. 1bey al80 llaued a challence nal, wUJ open the fall aeuon with Tueaday, Oct. 2 at the pariah He- to eo.ta Mesa poet for a IOftbtil a ~ting to be held Wedneaday, tory. C... Calllomla eoncrea-otrlcen will and at Jamt'ltown. N. V. ahe will be preeent to partictpau In the vialt her aliter-In-law. Mary Rider. IIUIJII'nCJI\ln up that wtl1 follow while ln ~nver ahe "'Ill apend dbuler. Spedal ernphuls wtll be two Wt'eka with Mr. and Mn. llwn to the .ahlrd Pf'OIIOiltlon on J~ ~ik. 'MK' trip Ia belna ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Uw;;;bUkK;;;;;to;;be;;~;;aw;;n;ted;;;'o;;vot~--~-•-b_y_'a_rr_. __________ ___ eame but no date hu yet been Sept. 25 at 2. p. m. at the church aet. U Coata Meaana are dubloua with Mn. Franklin Warner of Claremont u apeaker. Her aub-about a~ptin~, a tip to the ef-ject wilJ be "Friendly Service". Ooeta ·-C1 •'~ m.nlil UP'I'I:IIBD nua H 0 S TESS. C 0 AT S W 0 0 L J E R 8 II: Y, F U L L L E N C T H , Zipper froDtL Colora : winter whit~. Lime Blue and m~lon. Shea 12·18 jersey Neckline Blouses Loa& and •hort al~ev~a. Jn whlte only. Slz-a 32 • 36 DEAUVILLE South Coaat Blvd. Lacuna Beach Delidously Prepared + + + + NEw-PORT CAFE -S&Boarlel•lee + 11 .......... ..... " ........ ...... · IMft1•11•lary for 1M "Motlsn·eo-bc • • · 1/ IN do *" Mw if, IN ~~ it, you •eel ........ ..... _ presents·-· Country Club In 1ft with our poUcy of delivering the ,ftnelt merchand1ae available to you, our valued t'Uitomers. we (>l'l'9ent thls shirt ••• with a touch oC a perfectionist ln ita crtllp oollar, dean-cut shoul&!rs. Simple-to- _. rQOft. lmmaeula~ whit~. Putell. Sizes 32 to 38 In COSTA MESA 15M Newpol't Bmt. In BALBOA •a.c.tna en at the November 5 f'le<'tJon B&ADEN A.'IIID IL\ y FINal aod ,_.. ...,.. Ia attrf --. at ... which would raJae teachf.'rs' sala r-..,._. ...-..c ., u.e ~· d-. -.1Q' ..,.... e11111 evwlnk· lea In the atate from a minimum llalf s-..n HartiN. '1'1111 ftneltea ,__ ... Oalfa U. wt• -!![ 11000 a year to J2400 a year. orltrtaal kay f1wll -rnaM Left .. ~ ..,.: lira. ... Bnalt. &nt' tNC:ht>r shorta~ Ia stiU acutf' .. ,.... ud K.,-n.da. •til WU.O.. 0.. a..u (of......,_ ~ In CallfomJa with 7000 emH'gl'ncy Jlalh) AIICI lion B,...t of ()aro-del...,. ..-a aet.. feet 80me of the Newporten have Mra. H~bert ~ of Udo llle not toucMd a ball for four yean wtlJ conduct the thank offerin• or more might be In order. • It wu voted to change the datea and everyone Ia urged to· brine of recuJar meetinp, beelnn1nc on thrir mite boxes. Mn. E. E. Bou-dlnot, who wu scheduled to be Wednesday, Oct. 23. Heretofore the 80lolat, will not be able to meetlnp have been held on the cert.Jtk:ated instructors being t'm·l-_ -Walm Cemardt Photo. tint and third 'I'ueadaya; from attend and Mra. A. A. Kemper that date on. t,hey will be held on will appear In her place. ployed. Unl('lll! salaries can bf> y A t A 'd H • S k D raJsed to mN'I competition, mO!II ' OUng C OrS 1 am n tea inner of CaJifornia schools w111 ha\'l· to Veterans Program Xmas Gifts at WSCS ~e ~d and fourth W~-~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::; days. r?Vert back to half day IK'ISinns. F ' M k Dr. w. Melvin Stmn~: was thr EllrmnrkNI ~ Vt'terana' t'n· armers ar et lpeoker Of lhf' ftay. Thf' 0ran~t(' tPri Ainmt'nl program the 1Um Of --Tickets on Sale For Dessert Bridge CouncJJ mcm~r.o; Wl'rr hO!!tll. Sf'n.·-~ SM.1:; was prt'S4.'nt..d to Stuart I "Something for Everyone" might ing coffM' and m ils to th<• 17 a.l'-Dunlnp. ,·ke-!'hairman of the:> lo.-a l ' well be the aloea.n of lh(' fall baza- Jembled d.-Jpgat("!< at thl' pot lul'k Rtod Cross board by Loe Comkos. nr a nd Farmt'r s Ma rkf't to be> =:c luncht'On. Conff'f'l•nf'f'!l WN'f' 1 th!' .:roUIJ of >'oung t.hetp!.ons ~:iven by the W.S.C.S. of ~Ia Tickets are now on sale for the th dl uctl'd by YlcP prN<irll'nls of whirh l'lll'h year llf't'!ICnla Th<' Meaa Commu.nlty church Frldnr. bc>nf.'flt deuert bridge to be held ~ 11trlct in .thr ~ft!'rnoon. 11\llknrlo un•t.•r thr dln'Ctlon or thf' I Se,t. 27 from 3 to 9 p. m. Wedneaday. Oct. 16 at the Aml'ri-M~. Harry nurdk k nnrt M,.,. J L<•"h<' ~lt'fff'n.owna There will be booths Wi th mnny cAn Legion haU. COllta Mesa, under Jt'rrold Spanglrr rrpn-srniNI lhP Procr•ods l'nt'h Y<'ar have l~<-c and \•ariro art kl~ fnr sail', a the> apanso~hlp of the Parent· SEE OUR NEW COATS VARIED IN STYLES OF COACHMAN F1JLL LENGTH LONG WJTii DEEP ARMHOLE SHORTIE SPORT AND DRESSY TYPES DRESSY THREE QUARTER WITH BELL SLEEVES ALL NEW AUTUMN COLORS SIZES 10 TO 18 Newport Harbor l~h:h !khool Pnr-J.:lwn 10 tht• rtt·d ('·rOlls but thi~ Farm«'r'l Markel with fresh pro-Tf'acher Association of Newport t'nt TPacher a~I'OCJatinn. Y''•'" 1 11 .. sull1. lur~:est Y«'l collt'f'tt'd, duce and from 5:30 to 7 ::l'l p. m., Harbor Unlo_n High school anl:l b ---"1)1 IH· US('<! for lunt'hl'S and'hoat· dlnnt'r wll be llf'rved at tablf'!l S<'l may be obtamro at Otto SJJ?rfs cr BAZAAR ridi'S for \'t'lf'rnns from hoepllall under umbrellu on th~ cl•urch G~ and Saddlery a.nd at Pink-e Frdnces Norton Shor 1 in J>n~adt•nfl nnd Corona. Mrs . L. lawn, only a nominal prl<'£' 'lcinl: l<'Y s Drug atore. . Assistance League , .. Lo, .. tllnd IS in charge or the j charg<'<l. All board members are aslsting Meets Next Week hlCnl prn~nm, which ~ill be only Offt'ring a choice>, thC' mt'nu will Mrs. William Tru.,ty, gene r a l ~ * ~-------- as gOtod 85 lh!' local p....oople make f~at~ bak<'<l ham with all thl' <'hai~an and funds from the af· WJIUTIFl«<lr - -I'' And ~h•• may be called by ha.-faxin • or Swiu steak. and thC'rP fair Will go to furnish a r~eatlon ~ s.!,!.rOIId•aJ' Mn. Gc'Or~e(• Yardi<'Y. n<'w chair· t~ who d~irl' 10 aranae a will be>. hot rolla. <'offl'e and d"S-I room which will be part of the L------•-8_~ __ ~ __ 8_Jclc_. _<_Secolld ___ .,.. __ r_> __ ..._ ___ ..__---J man or Nt>w-port lla~hor branch party. --..,rt. whll<' the young«'r J;tcnl'rnli·m new adltion to th«' school. !Wser- of Orange County .Au1stan~ Lea· For large partif'!l for a day the may prl'fer hot dogs. Dinno·r "ill I vat ions may be made with ~· r------------------------.. rue. and the rl'tlrlng ch111rmnn, R<'<l ('ross l'llniN'n hel w 1 1 h I ht' served from 5:30 to 7 p. m Trusty, Beacon 5417, nr the presr- Mn. Walton tfubbard Jr . ~ill txo lunch Uthl'r hostf'llws ~y uk and at prices 10 r~uonablr th111 de nt, Mrs. W. R. Fnwlt'l', Ha.rbor ~hoete11e1 at the lle810n'1 Opt'n· I~O Vl'terans as hoU.SC l\lftltS for the Whole family may come for 56. Ina rnet>t ln~:. to hc hl'ld Tu<-sda)'. tht' w~k cnd Mra C A Neigh· dinner, attending the movie which ~t. 24 at thf' home ,of Mn. Hub-bo~ 1619 Ea~t Bay r~tly had will be shown In the auditorium Glfta at bard. Udo IIJt". On Tueaday o1 ' ' at 8 p. m. C-Ity C~ardl lluaal' thil Wt'f'k a board rneetlntt wu a group of six and thoae who en-Boothl will off~ a aelec:tion of -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; held at the home of M Yardl tertained for a Wet'k t'nd lncludedUc:l .. _lr b'-f !' n . ">'· the Meadamf'a J a n e CalkJna ar ea. many ~ a "' or Chrlat- ------------Grorge Und Ruth Jones a.nd mu or other rlfu. The~ will be Gllta at Craln&er Hye~. ' lovely handmltde pillowsllpe. a~ c -taalty Cltvdll ...._,. Memben of Loa Comicol who rona. pot holden and 1'\111; artlclea have aJded the prosram 80' well for bablea and amall children, baby HaYe YOU Reai.tered7 IU'(' Sally Beller. Jame. and Donald quUu, nowmnr planta and bulbi, Stt'ffenaen HarTy Wl'Stover Bar-cooked food and homemade cook- ry Beller, Margaret Diehl, P'enuta .... u wen u ''white el~anta" Horn Alan ~ Bob White anc1 and a ~ pond, belldea all ~ Bar~a Benton. · · ti:D:! of st:J'ollJng around a "farm-GILL'S eft' ~ket". DELICATESSEN RepublicaruJ Plan Party for Howser F AC Book Section Meets Friday FOOD SHOP • .,...... .blleiuc. • r.ey en. .... •WDr 'p ......... c... • a.e.e ....... ........ ~ ·~-......... • l'teMia Rolla SHOP AT GILL'S Pew 1"11 •• VeptaW. J< ........ f'ueJ Orocalw 1&6 PONit Aft. aPenJng hla campaign ror 1tate'1 Flnt faJI ~ting of the book att~y general in Orang«' county, aectlon of the Friday Afternoon Dilt. Atty. Fr<'<l Howacr of Loe club will he held Sept. 27 at 2 .Angelea county will be gueat of . m. In Letlon hall when Mn . the ~publican ~ntraJ Commit· John F. Weblter, club member, tee and afflliated ITOUPI at a will present a review of rurrent aerift of meetlnga Oct. 2, It wu llterat~ . annot!J1Ct'd today. Hoeteaea for thE-occulon. Mn A..aemblyman Sam L. Colllnl ol Jack Shearer and Mn. W. E. Nlck- FuUerton .next In line for speaker· ell, will aerve tta at the cloee of ahlp of the H~ he hu aerved the procram. All members and for 80 many yean, and a 1ftU· fmnda are invited to attend. known attorney at Fullerton-and ---------------- Ont'·tlrnt' Oranee County 6trlet o1 the Oty for that appeArance. att~y-Will be Howser'• '1toet" At 3 p. m., he will ~t the pub- for the day. lie at Santa Ana Muonic Templt' Howwr'a tint billed visit II at in an informal aettlnc. c:ontft'ring the Fullerton Rotary O ub, for a with vartoua dty and county of- noonday luncheon and after-lunch flc:lall at the time and vlaltlng apHcll on lllues or h.ll campalp. with all who arrive for thla affair, He will Jay palltlcs aside tfhen which ls scheduled to end at 5 he attenda a FulJt>rton d ty-.pon· p. m.. IOftd picnJc procram at Hll.lc:rat Alta a brief l'ftt, Howaer. then ~~~~~~~~~~~~~P~ar~k~ln~Ful~l~er~t~on~.~·n~d~be~!"*~t will be aueat or honor at a pro-:;; cram arranged for hlm at Hunt- IAOUNA BBACB lncton Beach'a Memot"lal Hall, atartlnc with a 7 p. m. dinner and I concluding with 11 full program or entertainment arran1wd by St'C· ~tary W. II. Glllli<'nnr of Jhe 1 bead! clty'a chamb<'r or C'Omrnt'rn'. NepboDa for • All II llrt IQ STAUFFER SYSTEM ..... ,u • .., ...... LAGUNA BEACII WE .WEL.COME YOU TO OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT (SO • 60 • 90 Days) Marttro'1 bwt~ )"'W to come In and open a eMr-p account. Ol.w n.:b are eun&Wt• wttb the I.tat ~-ol lAdles' Fine Apparel. N.ams'IJ Atheru.ed , a&ADY·TO·WEAR mARBROJ cia~ Cbta, 11.1 1nB'1' •TB ft . ._. B-.: Da1J ....... Sdlnlay 1:11.&. Jr.. to 1:10 P.M. Portraiture and Commercial Photography Phone Harbor 1033 BALBOA CHEN YU JADES TICK • ·. Chen Yu rmr<>scs th1s jcw\'1 o f :\ li~tick with tlx- h.·autr of nrc ,.,Jc ... sct up•'" a J:oldcn shaft ... II!' h.es.: .:.1rvrJ like :\ mmi.Hurc Chmcsc trakwo('IJ .!'t.)nJ . .faJ,·stid • IS rcrfn·tw n for }'OUr J.p.< ... S\lrcrhlr t .. ·;ottun:J. lnn~·bstmJ! . . . rn cl(lnnu• <•llnrs. Oricnt.tl S.epf'hm·. Pink S:ei'J'hr n', Frnu-n f m:-. F1n: fl)•, Flnwcnng Plum. T~mrlc F1rc. C hm<'k Red. • Su~tukltcd CHEN YU JADESTICK • 200 Fourth and Sro morr ~ntt AN. plus t.u T mlc-tno Srrccr Fl.wr