HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-10-09 - Newport Balboa News TimesI· . II SAND CIA~B ., SAM IM:BIIIIJIIOII. Next Oc> fttoblr -i610me u Nul b)' brutal 11«- IUD wUJ &0 to the p~~ow~. •vaae . tnrt.h -4Dd It Ill aid niUctUtiY ot u..e wbo OlD laid ... to~U! MK II that ... Wbo ....... : ~~~'!~~10ft aalmal thaD DIU. ~ -... IDeYltable, but tt Ia bar4ly pllllble to CCIIduct 8ystematk: aDd bMia1 war qainlt tbe bule dlplty ot man without undet'ao'nc the metamor'pbolia wbidl, 1D re- ver., ODOe elevated man above beUt. 1be murder ot a m1Won Jews, to IUdl u Hana Frank, differed only quantitatively from the mur- der ~one Jew. Tbe ~ to-be drawn from NuemberK ia ~t the lntler order. with lta lnfln- lte record cA. the beast-and- prey reJationship that exist- ed between the Nazis and the exponents ot decency, mi8aed by the narrowest maJ'Iin betnl the world or- der today. ReveiW G Ala- metn and project the Dun- ~ debacle 8CI'088 the EDeUah channel, and you haw to grant a 1946 in wblcb mOlt ot the world would have COI'1'lf! under the laah ~ ~ 12 apostles of butchery, and their departed master. 11le comfort ot the Nuembef'K example of the enactment there ol the kind ot Justice we had hoped would preyail ln a world in which free men had tri- _UIJ)I)bed. It would have been ea.der simply to steal a page from the "bOok of the man who killed Jews becaUJe they were Jews, and to have killed the Nazis because they were Nuis. . . .. .. 1lzbc' ,...,......, Having ftllisted that human impulse, the Judges at Nuemberg pla.oed an unbridgeable cbaml between Democracy and Nazism and left it there for all fu1ure generations to ae. This 1s the kind of jus- Uoe that befits the symbol ot Justice we have conceived -'blJnd to those distractions that make for prejudice, but alert to the prlndple of fair- ness. But it is also, no doubt, the kind of justice thoee millions of wronged peoples, dead ln their com- mon ditches, would approve. They would have agreed with the Judges that the roots ot the system that pro- duced these blood-Just crea- tures. that denied the exist: enoeofhuman dignity, would be turned up and .., burned. But they also would haw agreed that ~Great Effort should be toward a durable new order, built on the broad highway of hu- manity, of justice tempered with mercy. God willing, there can be no other. • • • C. D. II. •vtval. They have a new system. or rather a revival or the old. with the mail at Corona del Mar. Some patrons. not imbued with the rree spirit or enter- prise. object· to the reading of post Olrds or the in4Jpec- tJon of photos and other me- mentoes S('nt to them. You ace the~ are periods of Idle- ness and clerks must find IOmethtng to do In their ~ time -what better than to pen.me the mall and stay abreast of the wishes and asplra tions of their many friends! Then too, what is better than to keep tab of the boy friend and pus the girls the informa- tion ln that happy comra- derie ao prevalent ln our Ub- erty-loving small towns! • • • Traftllllq. By auto up the coast and what better pu- UIM slogan than to study cxN signs. A new line on the biiJboerd slogan: ''Nen time try the train." adds this ---"Faster Now''. A service ttatlon at Ventura labels Its a«hbll room tm.: "Rest-lnlhouR'' and on each en- trance: '' B.e a u t )' " a n d "Beat''. Cut~. don't you tldnk! Costa esa-Edition • . Newport Dalbo-a-New~ ,~ ;IJDi~~.; .. ;;------------, CDM Residents Win 1st Rou -nd Bea·ch Till C.rt Wa Bollnaaa Buaineu Engin~r 1 Bldg. Valuation Nearly Triplet I ' 45 Dollar Mark Park Land HofJW Drama wm Be PJa1~ On Laguna st.p Ac.:on Set I \'"h.IAtlcm of bulldlnc prrmlt• fl "IActiN An ~ttr.lnftlt," Uw 191'" l1ut>d In No•W)l'lrt o..ch durlnr F F •eta c.wt\11 horror clra!M btt .........., tho• pftst nlrw> monthe c-ndlna In or n y l>c>fthtm and F..ctward ~.II tM ~ptrmtwr wu $.'U97,09t 01t 12.· lle<lOfl8 play In thr fall·wlntw SIC9.A6~ morf' than Chat rut'h\•d llerift to bfo ~\f'd b)o U. ~ durin~; lhl' I'IUn<' pt'nod In 194:t Cc.wnmunlty Pla)'1'n et thlt lA· By 111 a&rH!Tif'nt rt"adwd here l'hlt•f Bulldmg lnlpt'('tor A. M t'lvf' mt'mhen ot ttw-Nf'WPO/t1 pna 8Hri1 play~. Monday lhc Souttw-m catlfortiM No·l•on lAid hldll)' J'\,.,.,.h C'lty C'oun<"ll And two Manta 1'tw' 1)1'Qduetlon wtll· OIM"' PEIIIT. . . Tt-l~ rompeny and ttw dtJ AJiproximah'ly $1 .4!07,"l'.l9 w a 11 Anft tltlr rom,panl4'1l W<'rt' n~tnwd Wf'dflf'lday and will ~ he ,_..... of Ntwport Beach wUI .... In I N'f'or<k'<l for I hi' 11\m<' prrlod rnd·l do•ftondanll In a n vll Jl('fltll rn..ct on the th~ fallowt.. • ... Ow e~nw Of tmprovtna t"'-IICIUtb In~; Sl'ptl'mho.•r 194~. In lht' Suprrlor court at Sotnto Octohf'r 10. 11 ond ll. nwo ~t aide o1 Central awnue a.W tJw 1\ brt'rtkdown of tht• two (ll'l'lodt I An11 t-'rlday. II f'OmJII*'d <1f ~t and Nb' Ill prot•U., rull ,. .. E'UI aldr ol .,_lm 1tnet, &!boa. "'""rionro b)' the ~'''> hulldlnc In-1>. •<Tihlnll th<•n.-o'h·r • ~~~ lntr r· t'JCpM'If'I\Cf'd •cto,., dlrwtfid ~ o1 Ollrona dftl Mar ... b)' lll'a. CL Accord.lnc to ttw .. rHRWnt. Uw '"''o'l"r follow•~ o'ltf'd ciiiZt•n• llf Nt•W110r1 lkmch Marjorito WllllllmiiOft. L .A....._ o1 Ita J....._ -.. ttll'phont comJlllnY ~ to PIIY MONTI! J!Ke 194!\ I" n d tupa)'f.',. Mr and Mr• 'n<'kl't• may Ill' ~ at nw, Corona cltl Mar, Who .. 1935 01t OM·half tlw 118110 caat iJ·"" S ~19,08."1 $ ~.32'.! Thom11.a l)tr&•n ~ tlw H•lh'"' Inn. the Ruhal)•at Book llhop an lA· ...,... at the munlctpal -- for the ln1tallatlon of C\IJ'blJW .-cl hh 289.9:.1 1:.1,946 rhllll«'n~:rd tlw valktlty nr th.-Ml)''t l:llftft IW.rh l9l curt.an n.. lft ....,..,., to l'Vr)' oe tM ,....._ nt'W 1idt'Walb on thew two thai'-I :\l ur 9117.~ 9'..!.~1 1 tr11n11ft'r of C'oii'On• tkol Mal l~o•rtl'h 111 11:30 p m WOft a ttomp01'81')' vk!tor)l ....... ougt\fllrt'll. 1'ht old curblnC and o\Jir 300,7111 I 1~.37~ fr.,nta&<' to tht 1tah• In t•unn•···tlun aiWftuon white ttw)t CIIIM11UI ... 11dcwalu were dlalocatro by uw I Mu~ W .997 97.~26 Wllh pl•n• 10 Ct'\'atf' II .,., .. hof'adt a Hi Newport RMdl Ot)' OauMII • ln1tallatlon of conduit llnee for J uno• 261,110 n:\,745 park. ts would bet to ttw-~a. Ow new telephone buikllnl which ·"·h 3:l'J.Til"l l!l!l.~),,O ... ..~ lrCUS 1 ....... t to ~·· " •• cw-... ... Sou 1w c llfornia __ .. ., ~ :17\ll-' lSI.~>~ I ''"""''' 1111 oK·ft•nd11nt11 In 1 he' In· """ t m I ~._....,,,.,.Ill: ' •li '""'.7fl:1 j\m,.tlnn nrtlon ttw-l>u~tan~ fllrd ....... U. ..-cloft fill • ._ • ts et'C'ctlna ln Balboa. ~·pi 771,350 -'UV wo•r;• M11yor 0 , 0 . R••e-.1. l'ulrnt•ll·l Sant An the bNclh ltrip IIHI' 0.. In the a&Teemt>nl. Which tlle Mra. A_..__ -· II -~ -----T I .,., 97 '""' $1 .............. m•·n l .Mill'r I. hlw-11. MIIMn ~lll'r. a a --~ _.., • • dty council approvrd at lb """"''.I otu Jl ...,,5 .~1 o6V• .... , n .. ' I All . d 0 'I ,. .. • I ... raJ ec.r.. ........ I ,. .. ln here Mo~ the dty ..,.... ' "1 • 11 "" • ,, '' ~<>r11ton, ...___ 10• 193."i or half ol the total · 1 1\1~" nftmf'll 1111 c11'ft'ndf<ntll wo•rl' thl' Who want maet ol the lftlle - pay II ahar ol the I I M•lt d Wi I Jlf'llll ftt'f' Ttl II' ('() lind lhf' St•('llr· --at OlraM ............ ., ..... roat UA. r: t I 3."100m= I an InS II)' Tlllt' C'OI of S~tnln A"" I On ··--··ry N< .. ']XIrt If arbor...,.., for tM ...... ...__ tht ... ~~1'0r ~:;a,: :!cs 600 Unaal 1'hn-.. pllrN'Ia uf Pf'<IJ)rrly ar•• youna•trr'• u,. today theft -Jt.rll Oaua:lMIIIfl wiU ....... .:: fN'I of curhlnK la Involved. w ld H lnvolvf'd. 1111 of It watl'rfront lllntl nnr rruvokln~e 11Uf'lltlon. 1 ....,. ... llr • llete ,...., ..... I It 11 tt~tlma'tl'd that tht lidt-··•rlortllnll !ldt•IAnda. dc-r If l>lldtty will t•kr me to U. ...,., .. to the nwmGI'1 fill ~ walk lmprovt'm«'nt will COlt $1120., or onor I """IIM<'<t lraftlfM' of 1111' 11111' l1t('UI'" lcMwn who .... 1ft Uw a..t whllt> 111r c11rblnR COlt Ia Htlmated "' thlll llNilJI•rty from llu• l'l!y '" y,,., th•• C'ol«" llrnt C'omblrwd ftk!t, IIWI.....,... othw ~ .. at $750, 11 city t>ngln<'f!'r'll ri'J)Oitt on 1 th•• Stnlr T'rtrlc CumrniMinn. to• rlrro• h11" rl'nll'd Iota at I'Jnu"' ~ =t8~ll~-:.= the mnttt>r II a ted. l~u) Mlllnnd of Udo hit', C•lm ',.,.,,, tr,r Jlllrf'h~t'll of •ddlllurwl Main """"' and ~fhl Mad, a.nte thl aouadlnwn to oontl• " Jilt ,1111 ",~ ·'"••rd·-.1 lhr l:fltrld mtrr-J•rf•l"'rll••• fll ( <1ron11 df'l M11r Ann. nnol will h11Vt1 lt. ll'ft .. _. land 80Uitll fflf' • ctw.oflblt. "••ll••nlll rriiC• Ill Cnnn···· Fram .... l~" lind r .. r lhr I)C'III'h jllll'k ·•··Vt·loll t ''" !" I"I'Mdlnr•• ft)r their two .._. It ... bf'oulbl out ........ Reddick Extols oon Sunol.o\, '••r hiii JIUrlrll)'l\l nf lhl' mo·nt wrr" hit hy lhl' nuj[nmr 1n 1111 :l:t:'l and M I' m Wl'd~y. (O..t ........ on,... f'Mt Print. I f uh .. lwhr ~10 "Thr U~t~l Wl'<'kl'nd " lhl'ir tu'llnn, dlllmln~t lhllt tho' 'nwo Col,. ltr011 cii'('UI Ia ,_ fill _______________ __. ..... er • ... I )ud~;•·fl In ho• I hi' I)('SI m:llo' llt'li~lt l'ity l1 nnl l"'rmllll'l1 II• tfUtk<• ~ltl'h ~tw lnrtrl'llt ll'nl •hfiWI In Alnlortci. P ess Add.,... 1n Rn) ITI(ttlon pit'IUr(' t•xhlhllooct 111 1 tran11ft'r1 1 I hAl all lhe familiar pat.. ot r I._. tho· ('.onnt·~ 1946 film fl•lltl\'lll Thr)' 11t1tlo..-t I hill lh•' 1111' uf lhr fl81tAnt~y Ulllllly •tt11r~ to bl1 :\tu·t~t I•• Molt'j;Hn v.aJ naftw.d rho' prnp.•rl} Wo)llltl he• rr•lrlrh"' hy I llh<lWI l'hc'!'r •ro• :wll f)l'rlCif1NlrW, TI'It' full lnl'anmc of the ]Jihr8M ll(·~t actrl'u fOC' 1\<'r l)f'rfonn"""" ~urh a trnn•f••r, f'\'f'n If ft•r hc•11r h hundrl'da or anlm~tll, IP1d a ._.. "freE'dom of thf' prHII" wu fordb-10 llw t'rt•nch film, "~ymphonl«! 1111', ,,..,..,.u_., ln<'•l rontr11l of ttwl 111\lt A nllloJ,.. ly brou~tht honw to the mlndll fl. Putoral«'" 'nl4' awud for th.o fl"'PP'r\Y would he-di!IIIIJ"'trd •net ---------- c.n w ......... "' ....... ., ...... -of N-..o" ....... ,.. _. lhE' propiE' of N('wport Beach an4 ~,, film Wo'nt to lh(' th·nch for rr~:~•lntlnn, 1'1111\hllahl'(l h y lht' Boataman's Claim ~. -· -· ........ _...,,... I'IIC ,..... -. At ft 11e 111 __ , of tile ao• a Co., ttl it1 t-nvirom In the rl'mArlu m11rll' "La natallll' du RaJI." ''""' wnuld rontrnl H• 1111r. 1• F D J'NI'I that I hevw nWII Ia IIIII •' Cout IIIPW&T. =rt Beada, ..... -'lila ............. ..-...., by Ben R.Pddick. ro-pubtilht"t' of --l 'nlic•r II Stlllf• l.rlll•lnturl' hill, or amages Sent munty, 4() ot wttk-., hlvw ...... --II L I 1111., ........ tal .... an ld ... of ...... '"'"' ... the Nt'wpnrt·Oalboa Prt'U at lhP s.·ler s Y8 C--tion ~'I(M),fliWI hwt ...... , ••. , , .. ,df' tor I To Jn-·ran-.A-nt ........ a Jaw ...,.(.'f at .,. ..... bll or Utt.Je. I . dlnner-mN"ting ol the Newport a ~ I Jlllft hn~·· nf prtopo•rllo'tl "' f"Of'nrlll DU ~ ~,.; nc.r. haw I .wr .............. Born In Minne11polla. Minn .. In hu; own nllJTI(> hcrt" In Nt·\\port 1 Klwr~nls t'luh In t.tw w.-I<~IITI(' BaJI)08 Walks Bad tfo •l M11r rnr ttu• •'"'" llt'llf'h 1111rk hrftt 11Uppor11'd b)' allot U..., 1914, the yt•ar or the outbreak or Harbor. cafe In ('(lltll MH8, Frldlly. -I'" r••lur n, lhl' d l IIJ:r•••-.1 '" lrftfll&•l A C'lrurn r~r rlamnlf'll .......... PI'\'Nir')' l'lndlclelfll tor lUI ... the European wu, Curt Bohmsn He hu 30 emplo)'t'tl and a I)IIY· Rrddit'k th(' aprakt>r of the Cnund lmAn Mnt;on 8lll'r told (,•r rltlr to 111<1111 llf 1111 puhllt'ly· ln!l '" $1114 .Ill aubmlltt'd to Uw ttw otnce." wu roucatPd In the dty'1 puhllcl roll of m .ooo I ynr. Thnl Is eov. enln~t f~r the l11dil's' night J!r"· I'!'W'mbl'rs of lh(' dty cnuncil Mnn-,nwn('ft hrrtrh frnnllll:'' ntllwr thsn ;~'\ "' No·~Jrt fltoat•h by~ 11W1 waa t)w ata...,.....l .... ~ehools and attended the Univcr -aomt'thlng wonderful In tlw way of IUilm IZI\'I'n hy thl' Klwnnlan-. tulrl 41y H•al llidtowalks nn Cf'ntnll .... nr rlhult• 11ny mfttc·hrnl( funftJI ' ';'~IIOflh lf J> 0 · Rox IC!, lluft. thla -~~ by ""m Jlr'll .. ~ ""- slty of Minnesota. He was 10 an achl~nt tor a youn~tlt('r of in unmialnkrtblt> '"rm" that fro ·o·· avt'nUf' bNw<'t'n the 700 and 800 'J'hr lltrllllftll nr•• rl'pr.--t'nll'd hy .,., At' . I Wt•• rrfe~rT'f'd b)t tho ClllllftiO ntln« .. pllfl llhwttf J!llon'a pleased with his Jlrst visit to 32 yean wbo Clmt' to California dom of lh«' P'""' m~'anll morr II• '" block .WE-N' about I he woN t In /\ttornr)'ll Otto A. Jflrot .. nf ""' l'lly t'<IUrt•·• In lh••lr llablltt)t An· .....,.. ft'W't'ltl (Of' ,..._.lettlon by tht California In 1934 that he dfodd<'d 12 yean ago. Bohmlll'l yacttt juat the right to print nil ''" that ·114'CIIon of Halboft nnt1 rn-nrm of lft>Ad, Wrllln~:tun nntt J~o~·· "'r"~··;· r•omllftny. eandldAtt!ll-llarT)' n.n. ,.,. w. to visit It again two yun later bro.l<er II J~ Hlnalt!y. Who Is neWI thftt Is fit to print. thourht IOI'IWthln~t Mlould I){' •Jntw ""• In Srontll """ nnl1 t:t-.trll•' l'l'n· mlr:,..:t/~;':~;••n:~~tl~ ~-,.._ ltc-ard, Waltft' •.:;. ,.,._ ... whl'n he dedd<'d onl'l' and for all US~IIed by hll lOri, Douglita, who "II m<'IU\1 l hnl you hAvo• llu obout improvlnlt snmr Thr mal· no'\, l•rumlnt'nt IAII An~tt•IH hNr· WI It w y --~ u;;':~~ ll I. Morrie wtw.. Ita._., it t '-hi dopted 1 1 la m chargl.' of the n!COndltlon-1 ' · rhllo•r 1 n "· 11" rn .. ,.,...,. on ......_. Ia t 11 Willi o ...-5 a • a c. 1 E-nd C lhe b 1 rhtht to disflll:1'f'f' with thl' n1u••· ter wa~ drft>rrNI to the neJCI 1\Ui(lr-t IR 111 IO·:IO a m b)' .,: par, arw .. o OWl: His first 11t'p after ('nterlna the n~hma~ Is a ,:ll~~nthualut · Ions I'XPf'C'S."t-d In lht' rollflra·ol ~tJnc. <Xt. 21. I :' hP~rln~e In "'" ('1\llf' will ,.,. Vi'llhlt' flrw;llnjf lll'l'f'l'kai... Pn:.wn-llany lieU: "I .... l"CCIIIItutlr at11te WM to <'nroll for 11 bmint'UI hft pln)'l both th . 0 , nd 1 .. .: I columm of your nt>Wllflllfll'r." Ho•fi. ---1~• Ill 1'' :1 P rn thiR F rll111y In ltw rthly fmm ,,.,. nll1 IIC!hooner Min· mnhvrltrd wtth the abWtJ, .mo. I . I U C LA , . t r,.an a '"' dl k de<:l rl'd "Y II LeV II M k Snnrn Ann rourlh''"'"' ' lirtle)' and «<NJmy ol lhtorilf FJ-enhgi ~h r mtj.tf lt~f'l<'hi llf hi t' plano, hiiVIn~t played with orchH· yoCur . Ia . d OU lf'lllln IWl' <' a eys ar et I tlt'IJI <'llllr nll r•-nll...o ....... u ltllnno, Whll'h Willi hurned fwno w \: ou • '" m or s nex lru and with v ud viii 1 op1n on 111 w.-w pr n t 11 • ' '"' "' ~ •nmt• llnv· pr rviou•l)'. "'-Bun· llott." step into tht' California busiMAS Golf filhinr andafas~ c:;... ~~ That'• OM phlllf' of frcndum nf Loses $450 Cash lhltl ~ MAy 20. Mr~ Pl'nn!·~·· II~ IW•I 1\f\nl'h lNHII-man held tM dty ,.._,.. w. Howard: "I hew ale world. His love of boat a INS him le~urt'l But he ia a at 1 11 t~ ])I'HII." • rotJ""' 1 for 1 h•• llluf. •nd S~tnd•l m'1(11'("Hul 11ntt II• hit' fOf' 0.. 41em-WQII ~ Upllfl ltwrttf Elliott Into the business ol the PE-.yton ~.an and hla wife :J:,ia am n~ Th«' publlah.-r e•pl11lnl'd nth•·• l'rorlf'rly, 0 w n '' r • llUOI'IIItlon aal' In''''"""' hy hill "-'· M -o1 our out8t.,.,. law CompAny which ~ purchased In 'G ' n. a phUH of thl' println~t buJOon• .-Caah amount In~: to $450 wr.-1 Wllml'd I'Tlf'lllllf'r. nt ll•r rlty NHJn· _ nforff1r..-•t oltklfon." 1944 11nd' hu IInce 0,_.atro undn ~~· ary, are the Jovtt~ ol hla durlng which he peld 11 glnw1111.: ~ from thf' L<•VIIIIl'y mllrkl't,1 t·rl thlll tllf•y could «'JCIN'('I l".""'l Build& He-Weltflf' Jl!. 'npton: '1 IIMW that • ..... · tCoottaueo on r qe II'IV"I 11.2 McFaddt'n plaor, Nt>wport nppoaltlon In nny lran•frr Dl rf'11l •~ _.., EWott'a ~lon J. .. S.ach. IOI'J1t' tinw Saturday nlrht, "1111te l•nd In I two •t•tr, for l"'rlc h bNt lft"""t ot Or.,... C!IIIIUfto SAILORS BEAT BEARS CPA De • J accordlftl~ to 11 rt'pOrl madfo to IIUrpolf'tl. I. V C:rl'f'n nf 720 N P:ucalypha tJ." ; . Con~:tiona~:emit e:rr~~~oar~;;· !~"~~~ ~:.~~I L. B. Jeweler Will ~~··,7~~~ l;lt=~:.::r= ,_!;,..L ~'n:.~" .a= G I OVE F. 1 Of'dton r tel, pollee wrrr Jnformt'd Open Store in Colta , ~~~" '!71 ~lr1:,m~lve, Ralhoa, ~t ~~.::.::. .. wa)' In wNdl tt GIRD FOR GARDEI 1 11a:~~~;uon Adm7:,:~~~~~~~i~ Villa WaYFolk-Mesa About Oct. 18 1------------- Wuttlngton. D. C .. 1tiiiPd thE' m11-I lstructlon of nonhoulln~: proJ~'• 11 Cite Bad Street I T l'lt w . nrnwn, '"'"~: Rtoactr By oiOHN DOHliOPT The ltCOnd t:'"' came.' In thl' thrO\IIthout thE' nation tlld:1y --Jo•wo•ll'r , will nrarn n mod•·rn Jo-. Harbor Hl&h'l vlctory-~tarvl'd third quartE-r a climax or II Amonll: lhl>!!e In lhr Onon~·· Oty n l'rk l'"ronk Jllnl'hltrt WR~ rlry Ilion• in ('0111 11 Mo'l ll ,., 17W7 , fans were tr'l.'ated to a ll<'intll· Tar drlvt" whkh took ttK-m from County 11ru to ffi'C'I I hi' hrunt •·f author'!J.ro hy thl' NI'WJ)OM 11P11rh Nl'WJW)rt nlvtt on or ahnut ()(-. 1 latlng brand oC footbnll antics Ialit their own 28 to pay dirt. AahE'n ttl(> nt'w et-aiP ortiM' wrrr ~~ h ••I City ( oune·•l ron Monduy In l"<tfTI· loiiH·r lit A •l•'flnltl' uprnlng d•lt' F'rlday nfternoon on Dnvldson rllll It fOC' 12 yards to thl' Tsr 40 aul11orltr1'!1 who wer" plronnln~: ''"' munlcntr wilh C'1nl't'n<'l' MrCul-will Ill' ftnnounl"<'d ,.. rooon "" lin Field whrn th_e S~ from Nt>w· lind LouiE' Mello. on that lame.' building of Ill<' nt'W Stmln A• "I loch. " bullrllns: mntrnrtor of ~l'f'1rrn•r rt~llmlltr of hulhtln.: port • troun~ vla.ltlng Jll\'l'r· n'Vef'S(' plAy IMtd In the tirtl Junior <'_?IIPite, 17th and Bro•• .. t 2S17 VIlla WAy, thill rlty, n·~tnnf. r''"''''nllnn nnd mM'I'hrtndlllt' 1."'.,.. side Bear outfit, 19-0. 1 quarter 10 effectively, galloped atrP<·I~. :S11nt11 Ana. nt 11 l'lll>l f Inc hl• N'flllf"<l th111 th•• rlly pnv•• rrwnt rnn 1.,. madr Mr ,r """ Sparked hy hard running bacl<sl 29 Yllrdl to the Rl'llr 31. Mt>llo $950.000. tf\t• Wny, '"'"" :.!lflh to :l9ftl Mlr••••r. '''''' . r "I Loult' Mello and Orlan Hsm;t>l,, 1111:11ln took t hl' h•ather on thr ~ to thm 1·llmonlol o• thr htrOIJI'I 11n11 1 11 •· 1 1 1 thE' Tart! rolled up ¥<1 down I hi' llllmf' pllly for llnothn 16 )'II'~ to Fishing Banned Near ctruck-hniNO. 1lw city wnnl• ... • 11 II'. r '"''l' ry Hill,"""~ "'""' I flt•ld with long rnd sWt'('ptl and the l4-yard llnr. 'nlt"t'r t~ S11llnr know Jf MrCullll!'h nnfl nlhl'r r .... ,: .l.rJ I. Mr flruwn lu~• nJw•r"''"1 11"'r quick-opening llne plays and I offeniiiVI' wu rru>mentllrlly stllllcti I San Clemente IHI. . dt-ntll will •hnn> lhP N'l!ll rtf ~•Ill r •.• , w llmwn. ( rooct ll ,lo•WI'!t·r~ clicked for •three IK'Orf'l In lhf'l for thrPI' downs. but with thl' S U I Off' • I lmpt"QVI'fnrnt. I"' llu· •nm•· ,,..,.,.tltm .,, '-'•flit r I<'Cbnd, third and fourth ClliiiOI. hsll on I hi'· Rt>11r 1!; And 11 )'llrd' ay8 n On 1('13 ll••111'11. 1 IIC Amrrlf'lln ""''""''• fur The aame wu CE-aturl'd by tl('V·. n~ tnr " first down. lll~tnftl· W ) A .... Sold tlu· Jlllll IG >'"""'· ('rill long runll hy MPIIO Htln7.CI ' f'IIIIM' Roy WArd I"III'Tlf' up wlth II Olarll'll McLauchlan. hu~tn·"~ aver y p...,. "TI•r ('ll'lln MMII •lnr•· Will , .. , nd "llogty'' Horrell ~ho lnci-1 hont"y And Dll'k Brll('t' mlldl' 11 sgcnt fur, Nl'wpnM llnrhl•r l,;w•ol To Santa Ana Man I hr onrr••ly n hrnndl ,,.,.,, • .,. •• 11111 I ~ntally, .,.,1 playin .. in thl' hllck· yard~ on 11n E-nd around pl11y lind I No. 36. I FAWA fishPrml'n·~ ""'""· 1"" 'lfJ·It.._' hr·mln111o•, m•·lrtofllllil un .. II fl t down nd r _ _.._ ri.'JlOI'1rd Mnnda.y aftt>morJn '"·''I ""--\\'• ·~ ~--/\-"'J• .. ~tllhll•hmrnt I hill will IN· II neld for the tint time In his &Tid "''" Ml • OUT Y"lnnll thC' COO!'! Guard hu wamo-11 ,,,..,. ..... IIVI'r )' pr~rtnll'niA ·'•'' ""'"'' In lift) tYtmmunlly W I· carN'r lind by hard smuhinll: llrw> nt't'drd to tOU<'hdown tt"t'TII~ I . b _ _.... Marlnf' Av!'nu•·. Blllhun l ~lltm1. II will llnntil,. •h•· •nmr hl"h 'l"llllty I la b the entire Sailor forwsrd Ward l'llrril'd tht' bell Into (h,. ng ·~ anrn.-u In thf' wntrr' 'Ill. '"'.• unit, ~lx .Rarllit" r-.n~trtwtlnn, nrtllnnnlly·knnwn lllt'rl'hll"'n .. l••·. ""..; ~·aft )' lint' for thrM' y11rdt and thf'n 1 rounding San Clrml'ntf' l!clnnd u eold tn Kntl n R.-ltl hy Wll -.,1• rnlo• on ''"' •lim•• pnllr;•,-;, 11,11j~ ln. the flnt quarter HOI'I"f'll l'ltllrd on hla "Roirey'' HOTTel!. N-.vy tlrtng will commt•nrr ltl f llam. w. SA.nfnrd. r•·:ol.lltr untl ~~~-1:··· lt•rmll Ill "" •·lllrn ru-t ln ... t-nJ -•-~ 1'3 nd .... who trullf"d hla w11y 11rrou thr thfo Island. hfoginnlng Wf'<tn•"'"''" 10e1 t r ( 1 t1 \\ 111 1 '~ mlluo:: -o Ct' , ...... "' • -lin~ for the llf'Cand tall and continue through Friday, !\1•·· II " " ,,., ru ,. " rnn, rl'll f .,,..,II MMIA no wr do In lm•~: JOHN Al.fi.N RA'ITII,. !•; ._ .... ..,. • IIUIJ' ef ,...._.. ..... ylll'th, but the plays weTe nulll· y. I Llluchlan statl'!l. lfc h""~ nskrt1 Htatl', 01111)011 hlnml. r?r It ro·· ll•••wh," Mr nrnwn nnnounf'f•l n,.t htr1hda,. perfy le... .._ • ......... II ...... tiM by penaltlt!S. 1bt-thil"d IlCON' Cllmt',ln t~ lui 1~ Newa-nmftl to bro&dclll!t 111,,. portrd prl<'l' "' $-tfJ,{)(JI J rh" ,,.,,. ( I• tlwl-et Mr .... Mn. ~A. ....... llr. ' · But lhe Tan came rolllnr back quArteT With Coach Pickton• ulinr.l lnformatlon u h.-uld ,.,,. ""' perty hHd ht-rn ll•tl'd In llw t'l/111·' J A W ---c:.:k In th•· l!ruuJ• of l'l'kobrant• rahclrwn and the! tint ICOt't cune early ,. leCIOnd and third ltrtnc play-foun<k-d nrnor amt II IOO.t,.r !rAJ') unf'd IPI"!lon nf lhP Nf'WS·Timl'• • • oman ·~ 8 ct.ul(tlll'f or Mr. •nd M,.. E"PN ft'l and Hallbadc Dick Brown tlshe ~Jd Ia IJIIInnlnl( rxtrn-ivr lm-Damag-from City .::K,,':"A·,'r"~! tt•W: '"'' 10 ript, ""'· R. •:tlkltt, IWbnA. In the! IIE'COnd quartt't' with Hanzal --..c ... ._h, .. -._ 1 rman to that vldnlty rnrl~· -l'fTienlll And f•lrnl•hln"" Th•• ~n ·~ 1n •~linn.-. John An.. Bet· Nutl'f' R1tymond L Pat· .. -11 lu-nJt t~ ..,_lcJn a.c:n. thE' ...... ,r.ntt t,.., por .. ,.... rrVJTI ttw-Monday. 1'-flatwrma.n "'""' n111 ... v. "' tl•• Jr 'ho!at -~ K • ......__ ...,...., ••• ..--l~yard ma.rktr and taJI....C former ownrr of thl' Jlrllllf'MY "''"" . --· · · '· ...... a.._ tfwo 1011 ol Mr and Mn. R. L. double marker from t~ alx-ysrd r•niC 1 ewart that tlshlnc wu lll••.:al eu. G. Jl!fllll'n of S•ntll An11 A ~l11im hmtJI(hl a~enln•t th,. rlty I 11001'1. P•tc-fwoft, n.u11111 ltrtpe. ~ touchdown canw a/tn ltand!na up. 1 lht!n', he uld. ..r :-o'""'I"'M 11PAMI hy Htlrry• J. In '"<'. l111rk r•f". I• ft to r11frt, Ntwpart took the ball after a Herbor falll Wft"C! trfoated Frf. . -------MIIIPr, ,..,. An~tl'll'll """"'''>'· t or torf', n~trhllrll ~:llioft, Jlllymnlld l. ..... JAnrt lfulwolll t~ dauchter ahort Rh·'ft'lide punt on ttw Bear clay to a ~11-pla)'fd ball JtllrTW Bnv Lobi for ~"'---t Gant Report& City h r• d i••nt. Mnc MinnA J>un'hlnJr nf f'•lrhr·n fll. J•rW't lfotW'I and of t:dw•rd L. lloMI. Mr. UM1 48 and H()I'TeU made tour yardt and •••• n~t~Hnc Harbor tf'am -.., ~ Rece. t8 E :11'1 N11rlh 1-'nlrfttx nw•nul', lho ~o:ttl11,. W!'l•l! Mn •:ctw•rd ·~ lloflel. throuch the ~ter. Mtllo madr that wu rlrf'd up for the oontftlt Boulevard Widening lp ' xpenae An~:•·ll'~ ..... ,. .. "'(r•n-rd hy lhl' f'lty Mlu s .... Ann lllorm~r .. ,,.. Mutrr ·~ Wrill .. the 10ft twp and tMn Speedy lhnzal •nd llf'f'mlnjtly dt'tM'TI\Ined to brtna ~I "'"'"''II lift' Mnnrlay ,,, thrlr llllloll-tllllll(hlo•r II( Mr lind Mnt a... "' Mr. IIWI ,.,., Oeorp B. w.- llklrted hla own rtcttt Mel tor 12 horTw tlw lint gridtron victory Pu~ by ttw> cfty ot NPW· pt• or $(JI'I.l.77316 ~nd dill· 11 y lnrumnr,. I'OITtpllny, I R Mnni'OP, Blllhmt Balboa. • fOit nnt down on ttw JUvenldr lincot l!N-C. Thla ... ttw ftnt port OHm ot two loti from Mr-. bunnntnta of $(,07,!172 9R Wf'rl' rr. ('fltlrl~l'l for lhfo wnman llliM'MII Mll .. ltr John 1\llt'n flat tit' Jr ,... dtllclnon Wt!'re ....,.. ~ 28. Ha.naa.l llaln mad~.' thrH and vanity crid w1n far HartJor In Matilda Grtaa. ol 4481 Thlrt)· ::-~~ f b)' ~~Y d;"<'"•~r~~ ~ A' I th~tt ~h•· Wll~ lnjul"f'(J Oft tho· ~e•n~t·j l• thP lon ot Mr lind ......_ ·~· .._ Nfr...,.nt8 b)' the halt ... theft Mello on a nicety ~ l2 lellll&. lilxt.h ttnoet, Sen Dlelo fM thl" or Y n 1 I'Wpnr Jtlu,k nntf lb-k &t '"" 19th •trt't•t Alkon n•ttt.o Sr Bellloe a IFand liiDt -.. ..,_.. ._, 111 hand-df play, "'* 19 .tw yare~~ 11w tntlft Tar lhw dearrwa wtdenJnr ot CoMt ~rd. "'"JI :::::hi durtnc SE'!JI"m'"'r Gent 'I plo•r, thl~ l'lty. on July ~th. Sill' i Mlu Kllthlwn H.i II t file M.-t« JoiMI II now ..._._ -· to the • .,. stx-JWCI ltr1pe ~ Cftdat for ~,. up hap holea i1plifVWd b)o the N...,.,... &el"h a rt"PP/tt to ttl.-rlty cnunctl rl111m11 that hf'r rtcht foot wu I dltughtM' o1 Mr. and Mre. ...,.. ..,.. to ,. ~ ,;;::;=:-,._,. Huual took It O'M'. • (Oaftttn ... ., Pqt ,.., Ot:y CliMM!U on Moncky. :!.:' JnNtJnl on Mond.ly after· huM •nd ""JUinod medical '""'· I~ 11*1, Belboe. ....._ tl•• he -.-..Ito-' at : : ITII'nt. I Ml• Barber• Elliott 11 .. 10,. lltU.,....... ....._"Mit - •Aelft ·--of .._ ll ~ 1D ~ •'llw etiquette in fOretan affalnt we Ml.tr:l -arelllctien. 'lbat"a wby we ., ottm ~ stuck. A-ID polat II that olllanbal 'nto. the BeJarade bully. 011 ~fran IIOEOW, nto•a a1.r'men shot down two p g 1' ~ tnnlport ~ wbkb '"violated" tbe a1r · · ..., Y111a*fta. rtw of our ftlen were ldDed. For Your . Convenienee We Will -Remain ..-Open ..... w. ... Friday and Saturday Until 9 p. m. and All Day Sunday BalbOa-Central Market FAREWELL ADMIRAL 0.~ ........ ---. .................. .., .. n..-.; ol ... ,...,... ..... J'MIIt ............... ., ..w.u-.1 Alllert ................................. _ ..... .. tale o. ..... ..,.,. • ... ,. ........... --...... __,__..._ ............. "' ............. , ................................. ......., ~------......... ,..tv. ,.... ..,. -=· .... ..... ......... 1-*7 rea-... . ,._ .. '"Jt>' ,_. wutwtJ ...._ .. .._-... Ita _._.,..., 111.,_., ........ ., ... ,. A._..._._,.._.. ,...,...., ..,.. ., .._ ~ • ........_ n..w ._pat17 • u.e tneteel...,...wa.-! 0. "-H ..................... .me-.. .Weeten ... • t .. , I! .. _ ...................... Jlldlt.., tiM! liNt ...... ..,. After .......... -.... ., .......... 1: ......... ,.___. lie¥ .... ,..... .............. ,,_ ........... ~ _.. ... lllle ...................... IIIIR .......... & .. ....,..,_ ~ ..... ,...._ .... ., ,.~~~ ... ,. ........ c ..... lie -tile ...... , 'liZ o1 ... 8 at••n Celli--. YMIIllaK a· tdaU.., • ......., ., ta.. .._.. YMIItt-c a JJdaU.., a ....._. ~amar., -•v .... .-...,., nrsta ... a o....-la tiM! 11 ... ; ~ ........... , -........... tw7 ....... .. ................. _,......,.. ....... ,... .... . •a.-ate -....... IT • ,... W. .... f• W. ,....., -.....,.. .................................. ... __ ........... -,_ ..... ,), .................. ... ~ ............. ~ .................... _&- "' ............ 1 7 I' I -IAsiL ROY M. WATKINS and Auoclatee U.Hour Radio Serviee Buit R. Norton ONCE AGAIN SAM'S SEA FOOD SPA I otlwa Y• ... n..& PIMe ........ ()roup Ooaat,: All New--• Even the Leeation ... One-Half IIUe Eut ~ Old Location on Cout Hlgbway. Beautiful New Cocktail Bar We LMd Soothem cautomla ln the Sening ~ -SEAFOODS- ALSO YOUR kW of 8TEAU -VJBIT OUR KrlUIDf - Sl•'s Sea Food 5pl and Filla Market -Oml& c--......... , .......... ,...n ................. .... -IU.Df ....... 0' tth ... ...,., C&i.lr. DEFEND Bookkeepinr · SerYiee oouxr.-.cnnr ---c-... JIM) 111 .................. D&. OOIIDON ~ a&PP DEN'I'IBT saaw•o.tn~ ........... &11~ H....,....t IN811'11ANOIC Llaeolll Natloul Ufe ~Oo. "'le ·-......... J .. ~ DON IDNIOAN ................... ....... A ............ OCCIDENTAL 1..11"& IN8t1RANOB 00. Ray Nieleen ........................ .............. ... a,.•-..... Harold K. Gnuel Chapel 'We Ounelva tM Better 8erw by Semnc Otben Bet" .._ ...... Ill. Ool4a ·-Olllfwtlla E. T. Batterwortla. 0 . D. Optu-a.w E1'l:8 D.UIIN1I:D ~IIICIJ D11PUCATZD -......... ......... ...... .,...,... ·-........... . ....... -..c. Robert ~ Cnwford <*l. D. OPI'OIU'I'IUft Eya Examined • Gluaes J1tted 1111 H..,..n ............ ............ .,..., ...... Scotcll Tape · Now on Hand Supply Limited -at- NEWS-nilES HEALTH WIIH Dr. W. T. lloo.17 ..,.... .... ,,. .... -o.ea.a .... cew-. ............. ........... Darq ... D. Physldan 6 Surpaa at llutM Aw., ............. ........... - o.doa .. ~ ... D. PHYSICIAN &Dd 8't1RG.:»f ~ IDn Amide omce 11r1.: 1~12 a.m.: a.. ..... PboDe HariMir In H. R. Ball, M. D. ftw'' .......... Houri: 2-5, lily AR fit t ~ BeeCIIIIl-o.ta-- IIDtoa M. ~M.D. 1111 c..&......., o.r-... -omce Boun: 1.()-12: H ...... llarllw ... S. R. Monaco, M.D • · 81~ Bay An .. ..,_ ...... l'!M "' 8. BID .... 1.-. MliiiZnn 1'1JeiDar 'MU By Appolntmmt Genld Rauu, M. D. 2830 West Central Ave. NEWPORT BEACH .............. .. --=-..._ ...... X ·Ray Serytce T. P. Reeder, M. D. ft7*Ua ............. ... w. o.tnl Tah11•••• 11a.rt.r • G. N. PEAS.E, M. D. o..rtaaoa-...... Houra by Appotntmeat .._ ..... llJl.,f Raub & Bennett ,...,..,.,._, JDach I 5 1111-X-..n ...... o.ta-- -,., .... ---· 1111 w. o.tl's7 Jlf....,....t ..... • -., .... ...,.... 111 PIANO TEAORE& PIANO TEACHER G. V.LINSENBARD Graduate ..,.. o--r-..,., LsTpate Ph. Harbor IZ2·W 1526 W. Oc:Kn Front Veda Thomps()n Teacher of Plano ~Organ ...._JJeMo.Mto-.1 ISLAND PAT I 0 WILLIAM P. MEALEY GDii'&AL OON'IS&O'l'OII Relldi!DUal aDd Cmu••dal ~ .......... - Balboa Improvement GroUp ·Will Build Veterarl's Home 'Mlr rfalboa lmpro\'ffllfftt ueo-auatalJWCI at ttw ~ ot Uw d ation la "-.flnt Mvk ooranlta· hullctl,l (lf'ltlrant, the ~ tlon tn Nt>wport Harbor to an· mrnt aiiiOdatlon will roncluct a nounre that It v.111 flnanol' the-bauar 11nd makt• ~ for tlw ac. construr tlon of a h<MIM' fOf' a homt~ In that man!M'r. ll'U wnr wtl!'rAn and hl1 family 'nwre will 1\j' ~ \)th« \)'pe In this ~«lion o .. thr city. of romtrucllon u"ftl the wtw~ Mt'ml'M'n of t ht• board of dl· houalna problt'flt li "ellmlnated. all rt-ctors or th~ oraanllallon have> offiC'Ial of tiM-BIA bulldln1 CIOm> 11ppolntN1 a hulldlna eomrnlU~ mlltf't' addrd. "and wt' mlaht jult of nwr~h11nta whu w\U make ar-u w.U make a 1tart now to build ""ftm YA.U", ... eew .... fW M"t'CIItb .. ~........ rllllRNllt'nta for compt'tlllvt' bkt· ~ Gl hornM." J Portraiture and Commercial Photoaraphy ftAI.aoA ..,.ar ...-.11M.._~ wttll csAiv' ,..,. ._ ~ .... dan~: for tiM-contraet to build Ttw t)'pt' of ,houw whktl tM _, ... 11M tm • ..,. te ...,.11, .... :..,. t. ,._. ... • tht> Gl ~. • Balboa lmpr'Owmmt uaodaUon ,...._ ...... __. -. ~. Ns~rlt ~ ... .... Afti'T ttwo ~ 11 bullt on a p&uw to nnance 18 abni1ar 1ft ct.- ....., a._...__. .. P. a.., a e1 .. ., ..... -........... lot )'l't to tM' pUrd\ut'd b)' tta. ltp to Uw i•-o-~ homt st .. --------------------1!--•ill Otpst. ~.C. • .,.,.,.. ......... ......._ organlu tlon, tiM-1tructure wllf tM' 2U2 ~an boulevard. 8altaoL HeideCker, Calld~-BOat Yitd §S'l€~: gL7~";,1&1 Equ.,pped for ' Bmlned The bulldJnc commltlH 18 now '11'tlls type ol a,o..-," the BIA ~;;~;;;~~~~~;;~~~~~;;;;~~~~~;;;;~~ looklnc for tomf'OM who will wll otndal aatd. "Ia known .. u.t ' tlwm a lot on • CGmpt'tltiVt' balta. Paloe v ...... model. It mstta au The plan c~lla for plactna ttw lot In the rtpl requlr.tNt~ta .....,wed , Hcrow, th«' aam«' to be p.ld for for mA ~ftNliiCIIII." _ ...... MEREDrfB'S Vene_tian Blind Co. Now Open ... ld.adaren of o.t.... Bdt Blbldl Complete Bepair and Renovatiq ~ Free Eltimates COITRACTORS' REITAL EQUIPMEIT jaeger Compressors Comet Saws Cement Mixers Wood Working Equipment Everything for the Building Contractor Dutch Heacock Telephone: Harbor 502 or Beacon 5508-W l'Hb ud Suta .ba Aft.-eo.ta ·- Going to B1Hd 1111s Year? Yoa probUIJ baft J0f1r clreuD boaN aD worbd oat Ia yov IBbld -or -:rbe ;roar ueblted Gl' eoaVaetor ....,, .... prepared ,.... .. ..,..,.JOG. •II utrldt:r d baft a lup part Ia -khl ..... of ,.,.,..... ..., eotllle tne. .... JOG 10 Oftll' tbe piMa wttb JOV ballder be IUI'e to .. bbD aboat tile ...... clevelc9- .... 1D boalebold labor •.t.& ucJ fuo.. ...... ....,.. Oar ......... ~ eledlbl wll .. p..l to belp wltll laJO'd ,.._ or prall OM wa.U. -1 ..a a lot el ---Ia .. ...........,... ., tlla& ...__ ( ETS-HOKII & GALVAI .ore. ••••• 1008 ()oM& llhraJ ..._ ...,_ 544n Alae • ._ ft P ' &.._ •• I I ._ Dll&o au • ·ELECTRICIANS . ~!'w liN~ 1 .. r.tDrOU • ......,, -%f r.u.. ... BJH.L~UM 8eWil ,e.,.. on the Dollar U. out or a Gl loan. 1lw Balboa ~'8Mftt ~ followed b)' two ~ wtth t1w I Howevt•r, II thfJTt' 18 allY 14* daUon clo8 not uptet to make Thrft times-and a charm. At l~ut that ~.,.. to ~ what hu haPPt'ned to "The Yard" on tM Miracl~ Mil~. '"nw Yard" Is ttwo third tnlt' taclteod upon ttw boat worka alJICt' 1944. Offld ally knov.'ll u MacCurdy and Calkhw, Inc., and In 1944, the Channel Boat Co .. the outfit hu made great 1trldes In Improvement 1lnct! a l"'t'W pe.rtnenhlp wu lt'l up lut June. Marshall· Neldc!ck~r. for· mer L. A. manufactul'f'l''l rttpn-- wntattve, bou&ht out Bill Mac- CUrdy's 11hare to act aa p.r1ner with Wendell "SJcip" Calklnl. Mallon SfNmahlp Co. Anund-any proftt out ot ttw bulktlna or ~or:.~thwuhlm.a common oceur-()ctober Pennt•ts Mit' ot thfo Gl ~. "If after CHUCI, IMIE· on~ -• thfo ltrut"tur. II built and It 4oM Valued at $7.4725 not ~t loen approval, -wUI Ttw new pertMrlhip hal In, ataUed multiple way., and 'The Yard" la now a blc to accoml1'l()- date ~eVen boata up to ~ fet!t lnatead of on<'. The wa)'l Wt're 1treued by Bill ¥•cCurdy, for· mer partner. who wu one of the head navy archit~ll fOf' Glblon Cox, New York City. The Cox company designed about 75 per ~nt of the navy's dHtroycn and cruiaen. MacCurdy wu alao aa· IIOclateod with We~tf'rn Pipe and Stct'l. At 35, a decided and am, biUoua man, M hu r~tumed to his Michigan State aJma mater to ob&&ln • doctor's ~lrN't' In n11val ardlltt'Cture and t-nglnct'rlng, <'V~n though he Ia now rtteottnlud u one of the fort'rnoat atreu analyai1 ~xperts In the country. Nledeeker la "plenty aalty" a1' the saying goes. Boat experit-nre began for hlm u " purser for Cemeat ud Jl'laptoee Coetraetor n..tT woax AlfD rotnrDAT10ifl ., ac.u .... Jluobor 26'74-W ou~ own.: -..... u.. - GILL'S DELICATESSEN FOOD SHOP • Fb!llb Apple 8uee • Fuey <frSb Meat • s.a.d Dr I .... ·~-~ • Cheeee ...... • 8ardiDee -~ • Craeken , Blw:ulla • Fnedl.,. SHOP AT GILL '5 For ,.,..._. V4etablell Better .... Fuey Oroaer1M 145 Fonet Aft. lAGUNA BEAOR o.lll.,... •• Neweet ... ............... Miracle Mile Motel '708 OOAST BIOBWAY ..... ,_-,._ ... ___ ......._ .. • 40 UnJta and Baths • UnJt Heat • Box Springs I • Innerspring Matt.ressE>s · PB..BI!AOON 5..., R d WHAT THF.SE S:OUR I ea EX:CANDIDA ~ES SAY • ~~---- HARRY BELL-"1 wa1 constantly con1ronrrd with rhr Ability, Efticirncy and &onomy of Shrrilf Elliott." FLOYD W. HOWARD-"( havr alwayt looked upon Sheriff Elliott u one of our out.ttanclin1law rn· forcftnatt officr:n." WALTER B. TIPTON-"1 know chat Shmff Etl;ott't re.clection • ia the bat uuerat of Orenar County." I R. I. MORRIS-"Sheriff Ellioa'a r«ord i1 eo firw altd 110 cl.a ehet thin il 80 way ia which it can br IIIMdtecl." . II·ILICT SHIIIFF JESSI L ELLIOTT YOTI NOV. ITH TIJN131N ·~ PettI I e ............ ~· -L \',0 .& . .. , .......... ,.,..., .... 1tand' ttw ~." ttw offlcial _aald. I.ssuecl by Nelson toe:• ~ht".:;: la •xp!'C1rd Th4' Ralboa lmprovemrnt uao- cilttlon II tompriwd. of a lf'OUP of ~anta wl'low C'fltt'rprllft BarbeeuM BaMwlett• • ........ Savill '10-a. ... 2 p. IlL .~ 11rc> localrd In •two B11lbo8 lf'CIIon ::::::;:::::::::::::::;::::::;:;:r_~ of NC'wport ffarbor C1ydt' R. 1111 N..,.rt..... OIJD ~ CENTRAL 80 JohniOfl, proflrll'lor or JohMOn'a N>etaurant, Ralboa. l1 IJI"f''klrnt ot th«' ~tl*lclatlon. Bwlclen ot AJI.8W tllnt~ra Jll t dJ I MO'I'OU llaltJDJr .• ~.,,. • .,...,, • Have thle.4-Polnt Cheek . . :..~.,. • ==-• ~:= -• :..'"::: YACBT8 ........ DO lALII'S ........ > '11;1 v-.•••111 .._ .... 1501 WBBT CBNTRAL A VBN1111 ••ow• ••••o• 1111 •-• 'm~ ..... .. ..._.. ut . .._..,..,... • Auto Palntlq NO ->-... ., ••• With a New Building and Fadlitiel VENETIAN BLINDS· • • WINDOW SHADES -Quick Service - FREE r..81UIA'QB ~ JlllltUUADOJtf HAISOI'S . SHADE AND'LII .OLEUI -HOP lllJIIN COSTA MESA ......... _....., .. ------ Grut't'::O,.I8each City :.~~~:~~~ Will Stage ... t .. , ~so:::,,~ u!:~l Ice Show ......... tank on IU &NM!d propM'lY .,._ the Marine IJC."'"Ykkr 1tatkln 1 ....... . Apet J. H .. Goode ot the TOM Brand nt•w Ice t'Xtravqanu CliiiiJPUIY said that the new tank UUed "ffoll)'WOOd on lot" hal will be u.ect ror storing and dia-Ju-t IOnt' Into production under ......... ol euoline, Whl~ Ita twol the guldlnjt iM11ua ot Soria .Pet· a--t 1000-p.Uon t.aDk1 1"l1 be roll. Petroff will lnt.roduce many .-v«ted to dl.eeal r~. Sbme o1 aew and novel producUon trk:U It• cwtorncr~. c:ornnwT'CiaJ nwr-In th.la novel loe ~. IIWI\, muat haVt' dlesal fuel far With Audrey Miller, Canadian motws ot that ~,ype. · Gold ~edall1t, u his aka~ &. rector: Marco Montodoro, tu. art • ;;ii:iiiai:iiCii:iiCiiQcciii:i~ rec:t.ar; and a well WlecUd CMt ot pat )'OU"' lkat.n hMded by Jeemw Sook, forrnt"''ly an lot Fol· Jlee featllrf!d akater; Petnllf will &alllldl "'Hollywood on Ice" at~ttw ~ 8e¥h Munidpal Aladltorlum, 8at~ Oetober 12 coatilluinc far riPt ciQa. The ....... II booked lor tht Mll1 40 ~ at audU.oriwa. up and down the hdftc C.O.t wblch tn- ct..S. a aon. run .. San Frandlco and a alx Wt!t!k run at the Loa A&- plee ShrtM Auditorium. Two par- t.a. Ice ................. CCII'ft- pleU. ... wW "-.... audl- tortw. •to Ice dleatera for tbe preamtation. Saata are IIIGW GD Mill at the ~ Beedl Audltortum pholw pbaae 125-42 · a n d fluntpbreYII lluaie Store. 130 PlDe Av..ue '---Bead! • m..-. Court Colleets $W&in Fines ftlllal YAft'DfO NW!DfO llAMa~ ........... , ....... _,, •o•• ••••o I'VMMI' aaaal' .AND ....... ._ SHEP'S Happy ••• u a lftrk becaWJe her clean. smart appearance rates admiring glances. MANDEX Cleanen and Dyers H.....,......, a......_ NtadO....teiiiiN.IMI ButaA.M I ASSAILS .~ CLARK'S REMARK Jottn S. Barcome, chalrman ol the Loe Angeles a>unty Repub- lican Central rommlttt!t!, hu aharply attacked U. S. Attorney General Tom Clark'• crltlclsrn of California ol'fldala In the caw of the &ambllna ahlp Lux. He aoo rabed the quesUon ot Clark'• pur· rx-In elecUoneerinr far Fred How.er'1 opponent foe attorney ~ral of California, polntln& out that Clark wu proeecutlnl the •'4lt 91 fedet'al rovemmmt fO( wl~ of tideland propertift worth hundftdl ol ml1l1onl of dollU'I. Barc:omt'l atatement wu u follows: "United State. Attorney Geqeral Tom Clark bO come to Call· fornla at thla late date to ralae queeUon• rt!t[ardlnr the 1arnbllnc ship Lux and to electlont!t!r on the aide. M.r. Clark should know that thl' feder al government'• retuaal to listen to repeated rt'questa of Labor OffiCial Endorses Howser Olarlet Real, preeldeot ol the State Federation of Labor today eadoned Fred Howler far at • torncy &t'neral of C&lltornla. Tbe rfeently e lected president of the AFL organlaztion luued the rol· lo~1n~t statement In behalf of Howt«: ''Freel Howwr's record with 1&bor Is right. "He hu not been a 'rubber 1turnp' Cor labor, but neither bu he been a 'rubber 1tamp' for any other Interest, and that, in m,y opinion, Is the moat any respon· slble labor group can expect of a publJc ortldal." .... Radio Service .-....a-GOM-w Palmer Radio AND BLIIOI'IIIll .. N...-t .... OOM'A..-& • IN 1910 THE AVERAGE DAY'S WAGE WOULD IUY 22 QUARTS Of MILICI 1MrtTHIAVII· AGI AY'I WAOI WILL IUY41 QUAITI Of MILK I JlfKW On&ATOU IN TIIAININO. W1llea a..., teh,hal ........ Ialiie N_,.n ..._. telt,t'M .....,. M 1• E. .. ,. ... .., ......, Ia _... ......_, ,.,. .._ Jill. • ftnt .,.... ..., M8ra at a ............ ~ u .......... ....,._, It II ..t a ....a owtt•t , .. ..._ ~ el It Ia el ... .....,." Callfornl11 authorltlet hu coet the ·------------ taxpayen of Caijtarnla thoulandl r-------------, l ai.d thousands of doiiU'I In court n .......... ..._ ...... arda aaywllen ...-wWdl ai1k 11 s-ci~ .... ell. lriMud ....... .. URI ....... JIN'e-4lllere a •JM*"-........ Ia NeL YlflliaM lleBMI, at l'tpt, Ia .. tUlle Ia tile.,....,.. epera .. r'• peaiUoa aM 11M aeta u a. a~ ........ .., .... tale tw. ...,_, operat.n .. -1etL Vlf'llll o.Bola. a ......... ..., -· .. llle ........... .... ....... ... ...... ... tadea ........ IIIW '!...!!Lt!IM! plc:hlre~_ from ~t..L..IIeverl7 Claire, ...._ h' ' _ _ __ Aak Health Dept. 1 Legion Counsellor _ To App~ove Cafe Places Veterans fkon Schmidt ot IRLJ E. Ceo· tral ayE'~Uf'. Balboa, mu1<t get the j approval of the health c1{'()8.11.1nent In Harbor Jo~ before tM' can open a delicate5JWn A Vt'leran'a council. recenUy ft- at that addreAA. tht' Newport tAhll•hl'd by Arnt>rlcan Ledon Poat BMch Oty Council stated Mon-1291, Newport fkoach. camr lnto the day. This Is ttw-~aual approval ! hm{•llght wht'f\ It took over duUN pi"'Cf'dure for such plact>S. almllar to an employment bureau lut week. Gekhel Must Get Many veteraru found 1ultable and stt•ady job& through the place· Health O.K. for Cafe nwnt C<'ntt'r with wagea ranctnc Balboa Photographer On Jr. College Staff The first two luuea of the Wt•c-kly Torch of Fullert.on Junior Q>llt'gc are now oft the preu and rr ..:ular Wf'f'kly publication· Is es- l!lhlished Starr memben 1 r e : Man lou Neja. Anaht'im, edltor·in· cht,.f . nillle Jenaon, Fullt'rton, nt•\1 s o•ditor; Jeanne \VIIson, Ana· lwrm. fl'ature editor: Hal Yates, A n.tl~<•tm, sports edltor; Marilyn M1'{ ;uin•, Fullerton. adverU.in& afHI cir('Uiatlon managw; Jack Hntld""· Dalboa. photographer. 00111. Our •tat~> and local oftl. clal• were on the job and the govemm<'nt wu not. Mr. Clark tefWied to_ ac-knowledKc.> the facts wh~h every well Informed Callfor· nlan knows." Publishers to View Southland's Vines Member~ of the CallfornJa Nf>Wipaper Publls"'"' auoclatlon from Loe An&eles, San Bernardino. Rlver~ldt', Orange, San Diego and Imperial counties "111 make an aU-day tour of th«' Southland'• fllnOUI vape and wine.> producing dlatrlct on Friday, October HI. M.ore than 100 publishers are eX])t'Cted to be gueata of San Bernardino coun ty ~'inegrowen Why Suffer? ...,b-... ·=·· t ....... one. ... ~., Vla.l- ltr-"'~ TINr--.. ... IAW ..... Pr!IRN-~ ....,. -or:::= Olt ..,... J'OU" Db ... 11141MJ~ .............. ., .. HI' ~:sa~..n. 'ftl:t ..... Wtu-t Dnlp. ...... llvpJ'J or laJecu-. c-ewt.e,.... •r.._...e4.,... oa. E. r. BELL. o.o.. ft.(). lt'J Had Street Newpll't ae.cll. Oallf. l"'toole Banor liM 11M.: llartlw lltl ..... , ·--..,_ ..... a.- 0.. ........ ~F ··~ 1 1 .... oiCalilona& l'WI .... , ••• _ ecoao•lcal 1U.. diu o( Jraod•a'a daJ. AITFICB 1!1. PRICB -•ilj w••ltl•till 6. ,_,BEST fwtl BUY I The N('WJ)On Beach Oty Coun· cU ~£-don Monday that It tht> health d top a r 1 m t' n t approve~, Geor,:l' L. GethPII of P. 0 . Box ~. Balboa. may conduct a cafe> to be caUt'd the Sponland cafe ln Main •treet. Balhoa. Gt'thell't ap- pllcatlon noted that hE' had takt'n up 1M leaM-forTn4.'rly held by Paul Lorerttzl'n. from $1.00 to• $1.38 per hour. Bulldc>r&, ront rllC'IOI'I and boats· men arc> findinl( the leeton hall a Kood pla('c> to coli whl!'n they nt'C.'d 11 .ma n who will "put In a Thieves Grab $1330 From Orange Bank and Comellua DeBakcsy, prealdent ._::::::::::::::::::::::~.!:====~~~~~=~~ of the State Agricultural 'District ~~- No, 28 on the tour. full day's work." 'n\e event will climax a series V!'terans who are out of work mAy apply at the p<»t located at 15th and Bay Ave. "There are more job& to be had," accordlnc to Rill Bannilter. veteran'• coun- i('lfor, who in addition to hll job filling program. helpe veteran~ with their G I lnauranet', Ioeiia, and fumlahet IChoolln& lnforma· tlon. Several KOre of vett'rana ,\II poiiCf' preclnctl were.> &lerted or celebratlona and teaUvlties I tt•llu\1 '"~ thl' th4'ft of $1330 trom which have been ICheduled thru- th,. 1 >rmi~:r ba nk. The.> thit"vea out the United State1 In ~­ snafl·hrd tht' c11~h in the 14-mlnute anet' of National Wine Week. Oc- lnll·n "ll IH't•'<'t'n '2 p.m: and 2:15 Iober 13-19. Handieapped Veteran Subject of Meeting In S. A. W ednelday were aullted lut Wt't'k. Jl Ill Suulhland pollee were told that tht• bundle contained 1ix 1100 bllu, lhl' remainder wu In $20'1, $10'• and five-dollar bllll. The rerular monthly ml'C'tinc ot • Harborites Will Alter the prantc" County wterans' Ad-MonroVtan Hu Plans Properties They Own v1aory Council will be held at the 1 --ottn. of the United Statet Un· William Krutzkamp or 920 \\'ett Several Harborltes . are making employment Sefvloe, 501 W. F1fth OUve 1treet, Monrovia, plans to plana rar the altering of proJl('rty •tl'ft't, Santa Ana at 7:30 p. m. I build a OM-and-hall 1tory, ••n&le they own. on Wednt'11day. October 9 with Jamlly dwt>lllnc with gara&t' be-Amon& thea<' are George A Ely Guy Warner. Vl'terana Employ-lnw at 601 Cliff drive, Newport el 6611 Seashore drive, WaiUam ment ~nlllltVt', U.S.E.S., a11 ~ach. His coet will be 117,000. Letta or 3208 Ocean Front. and chairman. Lyle R. Pope of 2602 Weat Cen· Thl' prow-run will llt' fkovotl'd tn tral •venue, all or Ne'fP(lrt ·-nw-llandicuriJIM Vt>teran" In I Beach. ~rvant'f' of "National Employ A. Nordl!trom of 411 San. l)(>r- the PtlyJCIC'ally Handll"ftJ'll)l'(l Wt't"k". nardino avenue. Newport lll'll!hl.<t; SJM'IIkt'ns •111 1x> F. William Dohr, AJMI Vour Streqth •nd Arthur Netch of 440 ffellotrope, coordlnlltor. ~tote burt•nu ot re-E.neray l•lklow p., Corona del Mar. and C. F. Kerr habllltlltlon; Ht•nnan ShPffleld of It -r bo •-"' by dloor<Hr of l.ld of 809 Udo Soud, Lido llle. Five New HoU1e8 Planned for CDM Typea of new conttructlon clear- ly •how the way Corona del Mar is growln~t theae da)'l. Among thoae plannln~t to buJid homl'l In that section arc R. A. R erchlehrldge of 3434 Lemon ltreet. RJverslde, who will build a brick howw at 512 Dahlia ltri.'t't: Lloyd G. Wood of 510 HA7..el drivr. COM. who wm erect a house at 710 Poinsettia 1treet. 6:>M. and Chstrii"S Fipps or MO Se&\'iew avenue, COM, who will erect thrf'f' new hoUI{'S. one-rnc-h at 606 and ~. and lh<' o thc>1· at 61 0 Nar· cissus 8\'l'nuf'. CDM City Sells Grader the Oran~ County Vt'terans g.."''· • .,. lunrel ... tht JH'rmiiJI poloonuv• IC'I.' Ct>nW : Dale Wlntl'rboume. ;::;:. 'i..4'U.:.~•·!:·.:C:..i"!>', •• .'~:.~~ C'OUJlll('lor. Unitt'd State!' Empl(ly-:.':: !~ ~!.:~~ ·~:,·;:.:.•c;:: I OOTOBE&. IMt mpnt ~1"\'tl"t', and others. 1>1-t. w 9 8:04 1:51 1:1'7 <:IP~·~··~~-~.~~~~1.:a~~n!R. ~~: rb: .. o,:.,r..,,.::!,•~.::!:!:!. ':it~~.':: 5.4 0.0 5.6 TIDE TABLES C'lt y CouncH Mondny votl'd to BCCCJlt A bid Of $20() from I he R. W. Mc<lc.>lland & •Son <'flotracting 1111 romrJany of 2617 WE'll Central . .. r..·.:::,,..::.: ~~~:.·~.·-: • .r::;..~·~t:l::: 'Ill 10 8:30 2:19 8:51 c-lurlln~: F\{on Lirlwrrnnn of the Or· 1100 with omottlnr ••d biU'IIinr 10 ••· I F 5.7 0.2 5.4 nnst•• C'ounty Vt•tN'IIn!l 8<-rvlce ot~•r oip t bot .,,,...,htnr le wronr wllb ] 1 8:~7 2:48 t:H M'Dtf'r 1tnd Jll~ Mt'IIOfl of thr •~ ~ldn•c..,.,. bladd•r. Vt'll•rnn>< adm.im~t rntton will be .. ~:-=.,·, ~e'<l,.';:.:•,d,,'=:,'\'!',i~~"'lr.! Is 12 9~3~ 3~~ It:~ Jll"'""t'nl ,_ •. , p,u.. It lo ,. .. ., .., ... tr "" • N..t~IM lUI laM • ..,. ...,.,.lr)'w\4• •P' 6.2 0.9 4.5 ·nw mt¥11nst Is opt'n to the Jllth· t:.':.":!.'~,:":':=':;''=:;:/:::1':;'{. Su 13 10:16 3:51 ll:tl lk nnd rmvloye rs Ill"(' e11peciallr .. a .. h I ~ •. ~'1_•'-•"lod,._•~-,. at all dtur ttorN. 6.2 1.4 4.0 0.6 av('nuc. Nt'wport Rt>ach. for a %:4& surplus moto•· wader 0.1 a:n -0.2 t :l4 0.4 WILLEY'r REFRIGERnnon JERVICE COmP~nY 8alee -~ -8eMea tit OoM& BI..S •• Oo,.... del liar WE WELCOME YOU TO OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT (SO-80 -10 DaJ11) Mubro'a llwtte 7C* tD come bl ... Ol*l a c:huwt a.ccouat. Our ltecb ..,.. ~ with the .... ltylea ot lAdJea' F1ne Apparel N.UO=sly A.dftrtlle II READY-TO-WEAR mAR BROS clania ~ Ul WEST 'TB ST. PHON& tm Ston~ Bonn: Dall.y ladadlnl Saturday 9:30 A. M. to 5:30 P. M. / Ward & Harrington Lumber Co. LtJKBJ;& AND BUILDINO IIATDIAL8 ..., IM8trtet l'art .... lleecoa 1111 1111:1-u ll> attc>n .. 1\11 t e mportan<-e v • ..--y 14 10:47 4:25 . . ~==~=~~;;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~of provldln~ tra.lnlnr and suilllble wnrk npportunltlt'l' for the pbysl-n.a..,.. ~ 18 ~;~., 011 .....,_ calJy 1Jmitt'd but VOCAtionally CDpl I UM n.-0 ..._; 41ara Qpna .. A 5:t'J -0.3 8:1t -0.1 T O W N ablf' \'t'teran is to bt' ~tr't'Aaed . ....e........, I'TM Ill OO.&aT BIOBWA1' AT THE AJICIIU H1cM. ...__. 11- PLACE IN acavss • Hamburgers Malta Sundaes Coffee and Donuts Wafnes L·.IK. 'I' B li _ _..... A~tJii ILU.BO& miA!fD .,........,._Oeolp ........ ~--11518 1JIIM It .-a.. ~ • Wr D , 0 O.tt lie ..-tor f'\lleftlrC data Let ua keep your clot.bes cl~ and llfeMed ready to slip Into u .oon • the dlshel are done. Newport Oeanen K &I:PIKO ROUSE. helpinr tab can of the famlll-YOU ............ U..l bum.. r lrla an liCit the oal~ -who •ome-tt.. r..t Headache and Tired Aelllq lludea. Wa boma rlrla on.. 1t'OI'tt juot u hard and hne jut aa ~ Head~hes, just a• .aB7 &o.aeh UINta and pt J•l .. Tlnd. AIMiat • ,_.. aco. I 1\r~t u..d ALKA-Sn TZER I a• that It NIH my Atllinr BMd, takol Ole kinkl out of Tinod1 A~ llaadel and brinp ~llel wt1toa l Mft Adcl lndire1tion. 'I'M fuallr ~ I am a lot 1 _.1• to Uft wi&la alnce 1 have ...,. .... Allla.s.Jtsar. Raw_~ trW ALIU..SELT· aat u ~:,~ :~ ret :.rt= ' ~ a:.uc ............ ; . \ Allti-Pa .. PHis ..u1lJ' nlleno not only HN4· ._ flat ll•plo Ne.ralrla, M•-..a.r Paw _. Faactlonal lhiiWJ Palaa. Do TOll ue ln. 110. Aati·Pala ,..., U not why not T 'Vou <'an 1ft Dr. llllea Anti-Pain Pilll at ,our drq atoN in tbe ~tar ~ for oniJ a penn,J apl-iecl In the -my packace even elleapet'. WhJ no~ C'f'l a Pl<'karo ...._,, TCIIU clnialst hu tMIL n.d 4lirectioM alld QM oelJ' .. !111ncW. Tout 1MM7 llack V ,_ ... aat •thW. T H 'ftll A"f11,.. to Y oa Phone Bea. 5131-J BODY WORKS ud PAINTING na UTDlATE CALL BEAOOJtf 1111-1 Central Garage and Collision Shop Proprietor--G. B. lwi"'Ift U. Newport .._ OOftA liD& ·---------------- CLARK I& BATES ___ ..._,... .... Metalllzlag-• Oet9=' Deer ... Welding_. -ALL woaa OUAU!ft'IIZD- NJCWPOaT a&AOII 1M IMia ..._. ....__ GORDOi a~ FIIDLAY OO!fTUOI'Oa A1m 111711.DD Ofllee: Mit oa.t ....._ ..... 11ut1er tU CABINET SHQP SERVICE CABINEl'l AND IIILLWOai T. C JOHNSON, Supt. ..... , ..... ~ WING SANG BOAT & REPAIR YARD ; 811 Cout H .. hway 101 ..._. __ 50, ''' ................ -.... ,.. ............. ............... ~ ........ A CHRISTMAS. • • Jt's Wonderful! Especially for the Children DON'T BREAK THEIR LITTLE f:IEARTS AT CHRISTMAS TIME BY YOUR DELAY TODAY .. Replaeement.a .... • 8CU'CI, but we t\ave Southem Callfomla's ~t atoc:k ol Ouiatmu thJnp for chlldren. ... Play Safe • • • Buy Now For n_, Tots Blocks Wagons Rattles Toy Animals Story Books Roc_king Horses ForCIIIIdrH -up to 14 Trains Scooters Footballs Tricycles Table Tennis Chemistry Sets The WHEELER SHOP HARRY AND FLORINE TAYLOR, Sole Owners See Our Roan: 9:30 to 5:30 INCLUDING SATURDAYS 415 North Sycamore SANTA ANA SPECIAL PORTRAIT One Carbon Finish 5x7 Size Sl 00 (Proofs Shown) PORTRAITS OF BEA UTY AND GLAMOUR . ' . . . . WE SPECIALIZE IN 'WEDDING PORTILUT8 g...., -Home -Claarcla .. Be Sure to ~ About Copyin& Old Portrait&!- U.L& .. t .. P.& .,.._ .._ ........ lib , a a , .. e••=a '"W e•••m= e Paragon Unloads Qty lssues-7000 Bananas on -~.i~.::.~ ... ~~ Cease Order ,... IIQUIRIIG REPORTER PROCLAMAftON rwnr q..a-.., a. L. ........ .W.. b)' Waher OerbaNt NEWS-TIMES SPECIALISTS = ~:~~z: ~;7~· ~~""'~~ On Bu.tld.tng !!.1~0 ~~;.t~~~"A:~~~Ir7~~KII1~~ ol bannn11~ q..ttee: Wllat .. , ...... .. Uw .._, .-tltocl to .u.vtat. tiM' llaouMaa • .._..e f.w tiM • •• hn ..,....~ Pla<'t': Cotta Meta. A. R. Ebrite, &~ RN.Ity 0>., 1936 Newport Blvd., O.ta Meta. Mv CIIIWon Ol:lrlwrtl>d rrom " yarht ,tht' hA· nana ht\1\t t'llnit'd a crew. ol 14 un ltlrou£h with the meM ~ look· ttw trip It,; a 2()().ton, 140-foot. lng ror a pla~ to llv~ ar trylna nUih ,,Vt'lf'd job ol 800 hotw- to obtain the matcriali to bullcl. power O\\ ned by H. F. Samp!on ol tM $11nlllt'On Machine Work11. Nc.h mo(t.> one trip with a lot MISS RENA SMALL. 2U o1 u.lmals. but tJwo Parqon II Sparks atrftt. eo.ta ....._ bound to tie his n.ocont In puwn· I'm for lett1ftl the wt.a mow ,.. numbers aftpr a few more Into IOY'ft"'''l**l ,.._..., lf'UI In tajalwe. Nollh'a houa1na and for-~~ (Cirt to ttw wol1d dktn't .mer U1ft,J ud ~ any four·lfoaed oddttJfoa navy buR uatf1 u tiW tajonf how~; h.la port tuch a Ume wu aot In C'mtral America. The \hat it wW be ~ l"''tums with two or IQDft worth theW o1 t.1w pet!! pact\ t..rtp. 'nNo t~ while to appiJ looka llkl' a ahort·halrwd aqulrftl, abort, I'm far far a Gl loan. or a tvt·n~t>l, with a IWN'tf'r dt•· The)' an atJ. palltlon. but he more ~ private lnd\atry nUed DOW be-the banfoy·bev in minJature. He'a Throw WUaon ,.,. cau. tile)' caa't that C:Utf'. A brown~)'\'d bNut)', W Y at t • the ,et materlaJa for a home. 110ft tbe animal II on.-ol the rondHt ' houainc lrxpedlol~ ahould 1» done to c:nck down ol attf'f'lt lon, but la not too aClc:u8-~t, out on black markeu toO. '!be prklN teaM tn Amftican waya. Hla otfice. Now! The aooner the hf't· on tom6 bulldlnc matftiala &a way floor hahlts ...., unconquerable. ter. Let private enterprt.ze take out of rt'adl for t.he aver ... vet. 0... mt•mbl"n find natlvea ol the care of houalnc problema. We'd We've r ot the atulf-wl\y Mt let t.nitory wUUna to releaar their ret produclion and aet IOlnl. them have It! ~y·w eamtd It pita. It's thr South American Wyatt ~ wuted too much time. the hard way. ~. MORRIE CRAWLEY, O'awley F\lmlture Q).. eo.ta ..... You can take my oplnion fcx- what lt'a warth, • but I bf'Ueve that t h f' IOV· erlunent ahcNid releue a b a n • don ~d bate houalna for temporary ~ jecU. Two ar thne family on.. ~k1pper ot the Parqon la G T EVERSON 331 ~I Mar. Peter St<'lnlt>; thP first mate, AJ. eo.ia M... ' · .tn Danlrl!!, the d\Jer mJ'InHr, Durin& the war I wu Located Jolin Wlntt>~. All the men hall at RidunOnd. tram Coltta MeM . Wuh.. when Pva~ton ownt>r SamPIOI\. al110 niO() h o u 1 e 1 ol 0.11t Mt"ll&, l"t'pprtt the boe t wwe eonatruc:t· wtlJ lay ovttr for about a ~k be- ed for workf'l"' f~ l"f't um ing to southern climes. at an atomic bomb project. Plans Gara~ n-h o u 1 e 1 E. M. Smith. IJdo Jale, hat made were Pftfabri· pi&M In build a frame garagr tC•wttlnued frum ~· 1 1 lona ctl~·uulnn that c•n•u.>d that a Mr. and Mra. R. N. tlt('klk>n of Loa Anat>IH purehUf'd IN-lot and Eqar H. C.tlnt•, an ardlltet>t, wu ('()f1'Unlaai0Md to ctra•• the plana ror tJwo ~. part nf which would hav• bf'(on built on plllna .-t Into ttw watPr, An.ta Wtwn Oty Atty Rol.and '11\omp-n.ut• aiJiflaiAAT, a..t. aon lNI'IM'Cl that a part of ,the at.rueture would tiC' bunt on pU· Two Home. Planned Ina tn the wat•r. he almoat ex· TWo _...ramlly. &:JM-IlOI'f plocted. "I told the dty buUdlna hUOMI wtth detached praaee'wdJ lnapet!tor not to lMue any permltl aoon be .-..c:ted at 1100 and SO'.l~ far atrtactunoe. a part ol wNch OaaciMrod avenu.; C... del h~ to tiC' built ln the water," &Aid Mar. The owner 1.1 Mr.. Aena the c.."'WWellOC'. G. Fox ot 1459 WNt !Hit place, 11 wu on thla polnt alone, Loa Anplra. .,.,ued lat« by the dty attorrwy. ------- that the rt'Ciclrnta ol CIJrona del Add Apartm •-Mar won thetr cue, If only t.m· enw porartly. AI polnted ~t hy Atty . Stanley C. and DorothylikC\aJ. ~. It woWcl be haurdoua locll of 2114 W. Nth atreet, Loa for the dty to permit the erecUon Anaelee, haw C'Oftlracted to bu1kl o1 u,r a truct ure, a part of which a MCODd a tory 1ranw • apartmeftt hal~o liC' built on floodUde. over their prf'Nflt houae at 8100 On the advlw of the dt)' at· ~an Front, Nrwport BNdl, at a torney, the rlty ooundJ YOW to ocoe~t ;of~S2000~' ~~· ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~O~;aa~;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;~ t ..mpor ali I y l"t'VVke I he buiklina • pt-nnlt, pendlnc an lnveetlraUan, which Ia to he made by O ty Enal· M'M' J . W. Wt'bb w1thln tM next rt>w cla)'l. Penina\lla Plan Ulllan McAdoo ot Balboa w1U build a onf'-atory, alnale f~ dwelllnc at 1M2 Ocean boule- vard, Balboa penlnaula, at a 001t or $7'..!00. STARCK'S CAF.E· , "SPUD Rowa. M ... n--jOIEPHINI ()QuilT. ~ n f cated and wen at 1402 1~ E Centnl avt'n\K', Bal· SaUor: "C&n I take you home.-. t _ au o army wt up ln two ... _ u .. r ~==========~===========:::; / deaign, ~ntral· d a y a. T h e y boa. Girl: "Sure Where ..., you I~ located, art!' much bf'tter than ~d bf' taken down ln the tame ,-------------------------, laving quart.ers otrered by dty ~~·ngth of time and moved to any lt"'IWPIMe x...,.n--... parks or traller cam.-. The llmlt· part of the country whe-e there &a Inc ot bulldlne to \-etenna does a houalne •hort.are. Hundred~ ol not improve the aituaUon at all. houalnr projecta remain unocc:u· Back r~ prove that such llmJ· plro all o\·cr the country. Break tatlon would ahut down a lot ol rt'd tapt' and let the vt>lt have a lnduatry. 'J'he govern.ment ahould place to llvt'. act durlnc an emeorgl'ncy. ------- DR. ROBERT A. CJiA WFORD, Optometrtat, eo.ta Meaa. houlft neartne comple- tion are delayed for monlha bl'· ca~ae of a few critical l t e m 1 Why don't we uae • the tame method of build· Inc houaft dur- Ing thla c:ritll u we c1HI to buDd ahl.-d u rl n a wartime. Expe- dlton ahould liC' hired wtao are hlr;h enough up to rel.-ue mater· lala for conat.ructlon. We were abll' to aet matnlals, lii'W'I and ammunition to lhl' boya when they Wl'rl' b<'i nR ahot at. Wl' ahould bf' abll' to 1tt'l matt'ria.la ror thl'm now that they arc Reddick Extols Printer in Talk <Cont. Ft-om Paee 1) tribute to Bill Muwell, "one of the bfat typt'S('ttrrs In the pub- ·llshin~ ~-":""*'·" and Incidentally an l'mplo}'t' or the Prest. "Bill Maxwell la ·1\n lnsplration to moat men. He's a ItA-publican. God blt'U him," R.Nictlck aald at nnl' point. ''He'a the rrt'C!CSom of thl' pr..u. and I might add that he Is the backbone of the Newport· Balhoo Prf'M. Ht built It of aolld atone:'." Followtn~t hll talk the Klwan- laM and thl'lr women eueau wl'l"t!' ~tlven a pt'rlormance In ledger· dcrmaln by F. W. ~. Balboa care owner, and Jack Ford. Ford alao g11ve a.n lmprftllve character plcturt' of an Italian who had loet hiJ wlfl', Rolle. Mila Baryl Haley, dauehter of Mr. and Mrs. William Haley of Balboa. was nslllstant to Mr. l..aral'n In hll magic act. I Sailors ·Beat : Bears, 19-0 (Ow•• I,..._ ..... !) throu~th wtalch the hacks ambled aU nrtl'rnoon and they vrer.-wtla.lf'l on deft"M<'. BraCf' and KlUlfer at l'ndl wert' out11tandlna u Wt"re Wt'atherwtuc. Hant10n and R.obcrta. Local followera w1JI haVf' &n· other opportunity to \1ew Wt'ndy Plckcna' c:hargM thl1 Friday af· lf'rnoon on the local RTf'tlnt'Ward w~n thf' Tars mt't't GIIJ"den Gnwr at 3 p.m. Startln~r lli'K'upa: Nf'WPOrl lfarbM Kllllft'r LF.'R Robins LTR Mol\liOn LGR Roberta C Hal\liOn RGL Wrat~·ax RTL Rrace REL llanZAI Q Ml'JIO u-1 Ward RH HornJI F IUv~"r ..... Waddln~r Karman P&c:t.do I narnett Tavlgllonf' Herrln~t Eastman nlrkt'tt Taw Drakf TnaJOlo ,._ quWr ....alta-N .... ....._ d 'N eall-• Sailboat Theft An 18-root white hulled ..Uboat was atolt>n rronl" the Wane Sane Boat company lut Thursday, the company told pollee. PRICES INCLUDE FEDBRAL TAX SANDY'S DRIVE-II ELLIS BRO •• NURSEIY t• Yee! We Rave . HAM • BACON • BEEF e PORK l.on1111e'a Wal<'h, 17 jeWell. Do me C!T)'I· .... cold·flll,.d . $90.00 Watch, 1T jeweM. IO·K rnllt'd rotd plate l'"3" $45.00 Aenn~~. Wall'h of dlatlnct, Jll. Lovely modem cui $71.50 1\eJClO, 11 )ewela, 14 K Oold Cll~! R,.;z.l rlepn~ $57.50 It's Just the Gift for th~ I · r on your pt~fured liat The 13 E.N R lJ S Entbraceable WATCH It's the 17 Jcwc:l Wri~t ·O·Crat of Watch~s Rud~J:rl Paymrnbl No I ~<tr• CoJt 5~.50 ---...-..-.. ' Landtuping • • • Flowers and Shrubs a a.,..._ __ ..._ a ...... ._. tiM Joe...._ -··-·· ... .PtM.e ...,._ taJ6.,I Blllova •PrlnC"elon," 21 J-wele, dLIUnct lve ao&cJ·foll•d CIVA. $52.50 21 jt'"' ria! An "fo:• ,...ll,.nry 0 r 0 u p" Uulova WAtr h .. $62.5~ R.ryro 17 • ,,...,.,., bt>auly With olrll <!Ale lhok tarar,.let $47.50 r.ruen Veri·Thln to· ..:::1~1 " man. With J!, Jillnl lon Bracelet! $39.75 ASK US ABOUT OUR XMAI LAY.AWAY PLAN ,------------....,....-------·Pu81.Jc None& 'Alfl'r AJrD romm Winter Mail 0 -hedule NOTICE Dn'n'Dfo .. 08 L08T-Dlalh.Y. about 12·rL. """'-~ lap atrak.e. Square bow, ~- L • Oc!toller 8, 10, 11, U • ,..... ...... Sa&. .t l:t5 ~lldoally Prepared + + + + . NEWPORT ·CAFE -M ........... + u .......... ..... If ..... ...... ' Fou, Departments in Fullerton CoUege, High Schoo~ Disclose 1946 Profits =-.. ~ . .....,. ... .......,.: a.lllc AntYM .... , .... 8:00 a.m. 5:40 a.m. 11 :30 a.m. 12 :55 p.m. 4 :50 p.ni. 4 :47 p.m. Mine • above for Loa Anplel. Balboa 7:65a.m. 12:30 p.m. 7:~ a .. m. 12:30 p.m. ~:30 Lm. 2:30 p.m. ~:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 2:30p.m. 12:30 p.m. 2:30p.m. HunUnston Seidl 11 :30 a.m. II'AftJIIDAY (...,) ....,m&- 8:00a.m. 11:30 a.m. 2:45p.m. .ua••n~u , ... __ ......._ 11eata A8a •• •..., trtrllllr eoata· MMa 7:45a.m. 12:30 p.m. ~:JO a.m. 10:30 a.m. ~ -· T I M ..al7 MIII ... I Balboa 12:30. p.m. a-~ •-r~Jifo ..,._-.. ..,.,.. 8llJIIDAY -Jifo 8en1ee. BOLIDAY8-Lol Anplea 9:00 a.m. ~:65 a.m. 10:40 LID. 2:~ p.m. 2:65p.m. 8:05a.m. 4:65p.m. 8:05a.m. 12:55 p.m. ·=~p.m. 3:00p.m. 5:40a.m. 12:55 p.m. Nane 8:05 a.m. 12:~ p.m. 8:e a.m. 3:00p.m. 8:57a.m. 8CJD:DUT •t _.... te ..._. .....,_ ..UC.. Send important mail Spec. DeDwry or Spec. DeUfti')'·A..Ir Mall New Air llail Ra~ cenll per OUnct' or fraction. Effective October b t , 1!H6 An audlt of the n•cords of t he the junior collt>ge atudent· hod} atudent body funds. tht> bookstore. I auociatlon of ~. of w h 1 c h the caff.'tcrla And thl' agncultu~ 614R wa<~ ln\'ested In l'n•t•od '--------------------------! cSepa rtmo•nt ol Fullerton J unior I Statea· bondl. C. Mcintee, Rlchard W. Mcl<ee, Louile Wagner, Q>lla Wakefield, College and Fullerton Union lligh Thc High School Student Body Louls M, MacMlllan, Roderick H. Ray Wa llace, Fred Watlon, Sc:hoQI for 1945-46. has bt'en com·. auodatlon showed a net ad1110n MacMillan, George S . Markel, ~U P. Warren, Frank P. Weill, pletC'd by \'alii', llcnlcy & Rober ti to opehtlng aurphJS or $1189 aftrr Joann E. Martin, John H. Mar· Norma Wllaon, Barbara Wood and ot FuJJ~rton, and the firm rr poctt the purchlllt' of capital uaets Ill:· tin. Louia ~· Meyer, Cyrus C. Eleanor S. Youna. that the audit "disciOIK'd no evl-~'l't'gating $793. Caah on h 11 n d MIUer jr., ·Don S. Mlyada, John • cSence ot Irregularities and the amounted to $5483 and timtrol t:. •. MOI!tt'ller and June M. Mozley. WORTHINGtpO recorda were all well kept." Statrs Ronda to $7220. Jamea J. Nelson, Roger E. Neth, I ' Titt' bonkttort' ltUide a net profit Richard I\. Nickeaon, Carl N. ()b. ·•· . of $4~1 for thtl 'current year 81 Prto, Jcralt'C' Olaon, Robert B. ~;....;..--------------------, compared with ~172 Cor the Pf'CVI· 89 Harbor Students o rchard, J ack H. Oagood, Fred Refrigeration ............ ttl the Mariner~'' OUI )~a.r. Tht' gain was dU(' prl· Enrolled in Jaysee PauiJ!t'n. Katherine M. Phoenix. IIIL:..-'I Balboa T -Jand Cafe marlly to An tncrt'aae In n l" of Donald c. Prldham and Char· n Wle .lB about ~ fJt'r ct'nt. t:xpanded <'n· l · lot tc C. Priest. &MD (X)()&'IAJL BAa roiiiT\f.'nt made nt'Ct'UMY an In· The follow n~t art' the nam•'' of Dent T. Roblnaon. Van Norman P'IIEON AMMOJifU l&.telt ... c:rPasc of ~ In lnvpntory. 1t1.h<'1 stul dt'tnhlsNgo•n~: ttoHja)'S('bof• and Rii<'Y. Thomas A. Sanaon jr., 0... ..... a~ .&w.. .. 1 Althou~o:h lhl·re v.•as a loss of "' n~: n " ~'~'PO~ ar r area lla.rold H. Shellln, WiiUam H. ........... Air €ontfiti01llq ~....;;;;;;;;;....;;;;;;;;.;;;;;...;;;;...;;;,;;;.;;;;...;.;_ _____________ . $1046 on mt'als llt'rYed-the I~ at tht' prt>aent flmt'. Sht'nin Edward C ShuJU · :....-----------------------being attr!buted to lncrt>nS<'d lahor Jant' Alt>xandl'r, Paul Alexnntlo·r, Lawrc~C« G. Slckl~. Anson 1~: ........... E. J. (Bud) Jacklin coata-lht' cafett'ria showed a pro-John G Aidoock. Arnold A Att· Smith m George W S · d fit or $1013 for the )'«'ar when tht; ridge. F.lrn«'r D. 831dwin, Patnc•n Charln H. Storing. . pmg an candy storf.' lind fountain opt'rB· A. Barnho';IS, Robt'rt E. Rtoardslf'y, C'JarcnC« E. Taylor, Robert F. tiona wcr<' Included. Th•s Is C\lm· Glynn Roll'S. Robcrt E. Roud t· Tempi<', Loyde H. lberkt'llen, pare-d with a loss of $384 for 1 h.<'\ not. A avis 0 Burk«'t a nd Donald Earle 11\omu Donald A Tri Preasure Pumpe Centrifupl Pum}JI combillf'd ope>ratlol\ll during the E. •Burnt . ' · · pp, prt'vioUJJ pt"riod. I Jsmcs M. CArrillo. Ha rold G. rw All PI ... _. AliU. ....... ..... CEIE.IT WORK Tht' ,Junior CoiiP,;tt' s 1 u d <' n t Cau, Helt:'n Collins. John R. Body ftlll()('tn 1 u)n had s nl'l addi·j Conn«' II. Uollard A Deboard. lion to oprr atlng surpiUJJ or $1~1 3 Ht'nry N. Dc.<>llv<'r. Re>IIM't M. afh·r tht' t'Xpl'ndHurt< of $790 lor Dlck•'Y. Richard A. O•~•ru n, John capital IIJUI('tl. I A. Orot'gt:'. Wm. El"nck.-Robert .n.. ._. • ri • ••• lncomt• from athletics was morl' E Fe,·chson and Sally Forakn. a.u.L 111 I • I roll llfFOIIIIAftON than four tiiTK'I that of thP 1944·1 Ralph S. Frt'ilalol. Rarhara E. 45 aeuon, and showe-d a profit of GRrtl«'r. Wm. Gibbons. Robert $2205. At till' end of th«' pl'rlod IIRI<'y. Frnns R. Han~n. JUdlard lhnl' W81 an operatln~ 14rplua In K. Harpl'r, Robert M Kenley, ------·--Masaru R. Hirata. Da.'1d F. 3000 v et-StudentB I Hu~thH. Aile<' L. lnnml. Ect)'the 1 C. Jacown and La" ro•nce B. Attend College Meet Johl\llton. __ j Shelby L. Kanagy, Ardt'lle Ken· SuJ)('Tintrnd<'nt T. Stanley War· nt>ll, GraC(' R. Klddt'r. Roee ~ burton. Dlroctor W. T. Boyce, and lt:'w, Vir&lnia M. McBain. Gecrle Dean De.rwt'r CarrK'r, all of Ful· lerton Junior Collegc, sttl'ndcd the eatem c:onft'rl'nce mi<etlng of the Junior College fedt'Tatlon at San Bernardino Valley Collcgt' on~ t em bt'r 24. Qualit, Lumb. and BuUdina M•teriall • VENETAIN. Enrollm«'nl fl~turt's of the vari· oua junior collt'll«'' reprft('nted at the meetlnlt were gl\·t'n out, u roii0W11: Chaff('('. 1100 1600 vcter· anal : Otrua, :l25 tAO veteranal : FuJlt'rton 1530 ~ ~ Vt'tt'rana); Mt. San Antonio 650 1380 vetcranal : Rlvl'n ldt' 932 14110 \'NI'rans l : San COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. ... E. HOIT£1'\.E .. ..... ..._ .... Bernardino. 1200 1750 vet~ranal: ~;;;;;;;;;;~~~;;;;;~ Santa Ana. 900. • --BLINDS Pan · Coast Venetian Blind Co. Ada Metteur Erecting New Home on Heights I Among thl' nt:'w homn undt'r 1 conatructlon on Newport Heights ia ant! for Ada L. C. M('t!Cur of 115 HlckoiY aven~. NcwpQt:t Hclghta. The new houae II bclrig ert'<:ted at 418 Redlandl avt'nue, Newpor1 Hr lghtt. · All kindl t)'J)C!Writer ribbonl ln atoc:k at the Nt"WW·Timn. PUBLIC INVITED · ~ Clem and Laelle Herold Christie ANNOUNCI: 'l'BE OPENING 01' AN ANnQUE SHOP AT Ill~ II&IIIN& & VJ:N1J& ...... -.&1m FRIDAY, OClOBER 11, IN6 ~ ATTENTION! Home Owners! 'l'beM Add M .. .xlm.-. Comfort ud Good Loob to Your Home: Slata-0-\\' ooc1 AWNINGS ud CANOPIES -- --,.,.. ... , aad .... ............ .., pi1IM ,._ aay ....... u... ... o..lllt ......... tllat .. , ... tflwo ...... We .. " U. -.wf'r for ....,. .•~rq;f~ -q..li_!l V .enetian Hlinda Wood - -Allum --steel For Frft Eltlmllt~ Call: 1un-G·t¥DDI AWNING CO . 111 ... ft'hfrlpNa .. Amt' ft. - -Jlfe. DNite ......... ......... roa l!ftua.uroa: .- Howard W. GenUh ~ ........ Automobile • Fire Accideat • Life l..lcenle and Contract Boadt Wrlttn Call ...• Anahim leport to people waiting for tele!lhone aervlce • ... ••• ,. ..... c ............... --............. "" We an addias equ.ipmeat and iastallins telepboaea }ale • fut u cood.itioot pumit . . . at • futeJ' pece thu yev, ia &ct. thaa nerbefore. a. c:oatioaiaa tllortaaa o1 equ.ipmeat ancl rettri<'- doaa oa bai.Jcfjas c:o.aa"Uoa lane to far made it im-,_u. fw ua to keep pate wida Soathera Califonia'• lf**'dar powdl. ~~~ we lane altndy eclded -. ...._ 101,000 ..., telephone~ clurins dw 6nt elpl ..... oithil Jftt ucl nftJ bit of Out equip- -II workdta to capedcy, tlaere hi ICi1J • bia job ........ YCMT cu be..,. we an doiaa naythiaJ we cu to pt JOV telephoae to yoa u 10011 • poeeible. T1aaak JOG for 1CMTr ...S.raeclias aacl pedeace. S.•IL•n Cllifol'llii ·T•pll••• C.•p•y ......... "_ ...... ...,.., .. 1 ~ '4,.. ... se1A4 ;r. 1$, a•uu1n j!!-. The Board ot School Trultees aft.)' -.t-125 reward. Ret1lnl ol Ole Newport ae.ch Sdlool 0'--to 0\ar'Ue, Newport Jlarbcw trict, Oruae County wUJ receive Yfd\t Oub. 18-~ b4dl at the ld!.ool office, 14th and LOST-Hamilton pocket watcta. Central up to 8 :00 p.m. Nowm-d.laappeared between Fri4a1 6 ber ~. 1946 for ,the pu.rchue ot Sunday nichta. With init:iala "&: OM Uled Ford Tranalt School Bua Me. H. Train". WW the ...,_ ot f~flve td lixty elementary who pcked It up pleue returD puaen,en c:apad ty. Said bUI to to 117 Onyx Ave. Balboa blaDe~, mftt aU requlrementl or the State Reward ·7&-Ctc Board ol Education and the De-I:IIPLOriiiNT W.urt'SD • partment of Motor Vehlelea. The above bus to be deUvered WlLL DO Jaundry work at own to the IChool ready for u.e with· home. Preferrable jult WMb- ln five c1Qw after award ot con· Inc. Acrou from hleh ICboof tract to the a.uc:ceutul blddeJ;. on Irvine Ave. Slen In drtv. The Board of School 'J'rusteft WI,)'. 18-ltp ol the Newport ~ School 0'--WOMAN will care tor baby « trict, 0ran,e County, HMI'Ys the chUdrfl\, day or ni&ht. Mab ricbt to reject any or all bldl appointment• my phone 151S; or waive aft.)' lnfCII"'Dality ln a b6d call before 10 a.m. 18-2tp T. WESTON JAY, URS ••--Oft'k o1 the Newport Beach GRAJ>.N · E, part .....,.. 1u·•• School ~ Ina, or relieve on-apedal CMe&. .... ,........ Will take lhort c:aM8. Pbone ~=~·~~='~u~.~~~·~1~~~·~~~ 6533. Addreu 71~ Delaware, FREE FIREWOOD for Uw haul· Hunttnaton Beach. 78.2tp brc. Phone Beecon Mll. 18-tfc: WILL tab care ot chUdreD bJ ..,...._ flmD8 11 the hour, day or evenlftl. Pb. PIANO 'nJNING and repalriJII. Harbor 201S.W. 18-2tc 1. B. BrowD. Write Box 6SS. RD UBLE colored help. Mea 6 RL 1, $118 Broadway, O.ta women cooka, hotel maicll. clllb- Meaa. 78-4tc wuherl, janiton, couples, howe LANDSCAPE O.llfnlJII. 2 6 6 8 Newport BlYCS. ~ S a D t a Ana 115-J. 75-6tc COOPERATIVE ROOFING CO. New and Repair 1 Phone Beacon 5280-R 211 L aiMh SL. O.ta aa .. 4JD..tfc SIGN PAINTING ao.u, Truc:ka, WlncScnn WaUl ud BuUetlnL RaUed Metal. Wood and PluUc: Lettera AL LACHMEYER 1 '728 Welt Central Jlarbcw ~M Jltfc PAINTING 12 Yean 5ervkle ln Newport Rartlar Area Harry Hall PAINTING OONTRACI'OR Phone Beacon ~2:59-J 274 E. 19th ~treet U.tlf fOR A REL:iABLE Paint Job oe your home, c:a1l BeJtOOn 53X after 4:10 p.m. 10-tft FAINTJ.No -PAPER JaNomo and DilCORA TINO H. 11:. Mc.DoQa.kl 414 Old Coaty Rd., O.ta Msa Phone Beaoon 5013-J ~tf• TJLUI8POaTATIOJif II BICYCLES Sold. Raltecl or Rep&.lred. VOGIICL'8 100 Main 8t.. Balboa 208 Marille, Balboa lal&nd. ..._tic u MAClllNE and MAOUNELESS Pennanent VVaves Tlnting and Manicuring Evt'nlng Appt. Ph. Harbor 179-W · Vi's Beauty Shop 1103 Cout Hlway, Corona del Mar 75-tfc: keepen. Uw ln or ouL 0.... help It hour work. Pwtenon'l Employmeet Aaency, 1427 C.U.. fornia Ave., Lone a..cb. Pbmle ~2-oJ. -1f-4tR DIJ'IA)J'IIEJif'l' (}fj w • WAJTRESS WANTED 111X da:ra weft. Norton'• &y Shore c.r., 17th and Cout HJ.ctlway. ~­ HELP W ANTEI}-Waman or ifli for eeneraJ houMwork; ~ __. wagea; Uve ln or out. ~ 1992. 56-tfe ALL OF THESE ADVANTAGES YOURS . . . when you get a job u a telephone operator. Good pay from the ltart ... yC!I, even while you are learnlne. RaJ.aea at reeular lntervall ... and a chance to advance. Good workln& cond1 Uolll ..• attractive, pleaaant aur<s roundlnp . . . friendly fel: low-workers. Paid vacations, alc:kneM bmefltl, etc. In many calel, work In netehborinc central oftlce near your home:. ' One of these lnteratlnc. weU-paid joba II walUJII for you, too. SOUTilERN CAUFORNU TELEPHONE COMPANY 100 E. &y Ave., Balboa ~14 ~ No. Maln St., Santa Aaa or Call Chief Operator .. tfc We Have Now P•rchased A NEW BUILDING • We Claim to Have All of the Silver in California • Oar NfW PlloM: BMeoa 511S • • SILVER AND OOLD • Tea Services ·=~ ·~ • Jewelry • Candela- bras PLATING • Reflectors • Bathroom F1xturel • Baby s,tOell • Marine Plating • Badges It Souven1n Contract Plating by Estimate • Es:pert Silversmiths AD Won o.ruteect • BAYSIDE PLATIIG co~ ~ 1914 Rubor Blvd. I ~ I ~ eo.ta Meea Hand .... ..... 5111, -,..; .............. ~ Oh •• • ug ~ • aGAR. 8.,....;ma • rGa ~ &I DAL DTA'I'r. •· R&AL aTA'IW wAN'J'ED-Oapable mu or ~ Auto Batt.iee W1LL PAY IOOCI boaUI few •t FOR llENT--Slftlle room. outalde to take ar4ln for bandbep, Rubber Sepuat.n llip. Haw 40' eu~tom b u II t ftltl"ance, ajoAnAac beth. C.U .u..-.. .__., compacta, etc. l&eoeth _ ... 15 Ex. cr4ll«. Write Boa T c/o Rubor 50. 'M-ate ~~~. ~~t~ Compounded Motor OU New.~ • • T5-ttc roR RENT-Rooaw ape.. ovw-,._._ DlA·.: lAnl BHd\. .' a.uo.. 1'0c roa IW..E---40 rt. c.bbl ""'*": &ook1ftl harbor • OClMD. Pau. RELIANCE REALTY & INVESTMENT CO. ~ ..... .._ lleepa lla; pl)ey, dinette, hNd. aadN Hott-11414 S.. VIew Aw. --~=-::--=:-:--:::::-::::--11-::-:::3~tp Westem Auto Qn.,. a.. 1arp ~ ud ~t. Carone del MU'. Phone Huboe' A . R. Ebrtt~ and ~at8 J . W . Ooek sECRETARY-Girl with .tw~rt-AutlloiUed ~,.p.., Olllftllleteb' r.condlttaeM. bow to 1458· 'J&.ttc Beacon 5857-W 1936 Newport Blvd .. COitR Mesa hand. typine and .arne book-1811 Newport Blvd., e-ta..._ mom;~ IDUtDe ......... ROOM FORRENT--Oceu ,.._t, kHPlnc W\flted Good wqee. 41.tfc a.. owner, W Apte Aw., Bel-clouba. roam.. Ttwtft bedl. prt. -- N..-office now belnl opened. boa Ialand. I'T-tfc vat• ftltr&nee Slncle room prt. &,_Jv Newport Bay Co., 1~1 VJ:Nrn.ur BLINDS-AJnmlw-. ' '._. __ Ulth. eo.ta Mea. BHcon •1ea'.. woo4.-<:all ~ tor rr. ...S. 8 K A L L B 0 A T S :_.w 1:._tranee· Relentoeee. .,;..-.; !WM-J. 11-2tc JM\e. a.ow.Uon • ,..,........ -a ,touP, Ucht mariDe ptywoo4. ==--===---=--=-----""'= wANTED-Mkldle lie houle-8o. OoMt v....uan Blbld Co.. -M.olcled huDa or flat-bottam. FOR RENT-DeLuxe roama 6 Jteepel', experWnced only. M~t W•t 18th ud N.wpart Aft., -Aiffa, ~ Sallboata. apca. Pr'kla ranp fJ'CIIII 1&. to drive car. •125 month. Harbor e-ta lisa. Pb: &.con src:a.w. IIARTIN OUTBOARD MOt'ORS flT..!!O per WMk. or monthl1 2130• 78-ltp .. tk ..,......ve" 8batta tar IJibouoda rata • I*' O.P.A. ~. lOQY "'" ~ ud ICiadUac WATSON -BOATS E. c.ntr~ Balboa. Pb. :aaeo.," ~ HELP wANTED. MALE--Local w 0 -UlOl or travellna Jn buatllftl for 0 D "Small Boal ~" ==-'i£NT==-===---=--::'-:-younelt. No money required. Dlll••ecl 111 OoMt Rl~ 8etiCOD 52TT FOR -ROOIOI-~ ,...-...~ lDclaiiW. You are your own R. W. WIUGBT •tte DUly ~. .WWta ODI)'. uo..-Ph Be ~··~ Hardin~. Balboa. caw. ttc .._ AIJIII¥ -~ No. 11a1n st., • aeon uvvu IR78ICAL a ...., .. =-:~~~~=~----=-:: Saata . .Ana, Callf. TT-Itc l'ftN Nft'PCII't IIMI. 1-dr FOR SALE., PIANO-WurU~ ::::W~AJI'I'D:"'!':==:--:'1'0~_,.~-:~---:--:---:-:~· TEAOIER offered room board. BA.RGAJNS I SplDrt. S.autlf\al maboclftY WAN"''El>--.EEtabllabed loc:aJ a.u.t- aad aa1arY for reftDed womu t..oww.t prtc. 1ft tundtun· Ia aq e111e. aa4 tone. J . B. Brvwn, ,... man and wtr. wut ,....... to ean for chUd 6 help wtU. motto, 1 buJ rtpt. 1 ..o...ftabt Piano '1\!nft'. • Broedtny, =..a.on ~ == upt ~ Pbaae Beec:al I a1ao buJ f\a'nltura. Ooata lleea. 11-2tc! 2232 . ~ sm att« e P. m. T5-tte Needle's Furniture IDGHEIIT pnc. paW f• rour ,._ ~=·=-~~--~::---=-= UL8 ~ • aM Newpart BlYCl. Ooata .._ ano. Dpa.......st Pluo Co. W~Wlatft' retal, Oet.ll Pt1one Bncon 5088 5?-tfc Santa .Aaa. 530 N. liala. -ro:.tt~ to~ 15 arT Multi, DO pete; FOR SALE......Z.power Japu~eW ~,.,....apt, or ...U blnoc.'U1an. ISO(). SHboarcl Order Yom' • USZD ..... fr'CIID •· Or wm howe oa Balboa J,alud.. T . w. Equip. Co .• I.e Cout Bllhway, a~e1 net. ~ Pluo'Co., Soule, <>rup OowlQ< nu.. Newport BMfh. '78-1.te ga-y taO N. Main, Santa AM.. 10-tfc Phone Saata Ana 5100. TT-h: FOR SALE--Small buDdhlc llt14. Gu Refrigerator rat ~ ,.._, .-. VE'I"EEU.N <S.'riFitlll) w t,. traUer m.e. Four window~ aa4 Now ~U.. 8300. ..._. .._. ('J'Mdwr) c111tn turalabd door, alalbl\ new, CaD &.aeon at Vore_!'e STJ2. • c.n 2:15 ••~ apu1ment • --. tar ,_.., 51118-W. '71-ltc 100 MaiD St. 11art1or 14115 A-. NPpat ........ .,._ •tD DIW bamt II IIIUIIt. No •* s:ao p. m. ~tte ~ cw s-ta. Bon• pwe. J"'R SAJ..E.-LIIrp femUr IU -----------1 R Z P 0 811: 8 8 ED IOrrar-... CaD JClmbUl ZT1. CIDDeet. l'lflle, two Oft'DII. !:Jt'ctric .,,. _" band •• with motor. Beveled WAJI'IWD '1'0 IR1'I' II ap.t Pluo. Now ODIJ ... .....,tp -Weber'• all-llua abowcue. 315 WAN'I'ED--&cond bud doll A._,. pretty pAaao. P1De tGae. WANTZD TO TftA.DE -Ratal Ooldnrod Ave., Corona del bugy, wkker preterTed. ue Dua-Sdo""'t Pluo. D Mo. 2 btdloom howe Ia Lollc s.dl Mar. 11-tfc Ff'l'll»af, Corona del Mar. Ph. Mala. Suta Ana. 10-tfe tar ..,.. bt Balboa or ¥tdaltJ. FOR SALE-F 6 E chtck writer, Harbor 89-WK. 18-ltp JlADJO JIOUB CAUJL.... ~ ~ ~ I P. IlL IWYft' been liNd. 8ftiel 800-B, CASH roa UIIJ:D nJRNmJRE Now tbat SEdawl ,....t.t --. --1'5-4tp 1180: a11o teo-lal. can o1 FuUrr PHONE BEACON SQI.J. teduddanlue awdable, .. an WA.NT'ED-To r.t or te.e, 5 or permanent blue pa!Jlt. 125. Ph. 21-tk .W. to ..... Mntce aDa • e room --.. By Boat o..- atter 6 p.m. Harbor ~. 11-2tc a.p COMOial All waft IUU'" pU)' I'MCUUW. Pwmaneftt. rb. FOR SALE-Metal cabinet for wm Pay Cub aataecl. BAROLD L IIAIIII. Mr.~ Harbor !MO. ,...t.: • ldtchm alnk. Phone Harbor For JOUr f\a'nltwe or wt.at baw S.O.S. Radio, 100 llartDe Aw. w ANI' :1 bedroom ~ or u•J. 11-2tc )'OM. Phane a..caa 58. Cn• Pb. Rai1Mir '710. Motte apartment, rur:nilbed or unf\lr. le7 P'Undt\n, 1812 N.wpart GOOD Granda. lhhlln. KUI'UIDUI, nilbed.. Pennaaent c:oupM With FOR SALE -PractJcally J"'l\'W ac-IIIYd., 0oata X.... 48-tte Story 6 Clark, O.U., Hallet 6 baby. Ref~ fto1 Your- cordian. made bJ SopnnL Phone Devil. KlmbUl. Weber aa4 otb-1t.one 121\i No. Maple, Burbuak, Harbor 1-.ll '7&-tfe ~ roa 1UL11 a en. Prtca .tart at Nl'5 .. 'J'tora.. C&llf. Phone 0\arlltone ~. FOR SALE-Tyo m.tched n.h-FOR S"',.. ~·--.,.,_._.. o.n..5chmidt, Saata Ana. ~ ~tp •-· chalrL Call Harbor ~14-W ~-....,. ,_.._,inp, No Main 10-tfc ~.,...---.....,....,.------.&.--.....; .,,. T5-4tp. •tudio couchft, twin beck, lampa, ' ' LOCAL DENTIST and wtfe wtah ------~~~---~ chainoo, .arne rock maple. 1211 Radle Repain to rent t'\rallbtd howe or apu1· Steel Kitchens Col11na, Balboa utand. '78-2tc All ....._, tul*, etc. meat. No chJldren. no peta. Pb. GLASS ENa.osuRES FURJil1"ruRF. FOR SALE--Stove, "Beacon 6763 Harbor 421-.J. ~te SHOWER DOORS refrirerator. wa&Mr, dlnlrt~-BURT NORTON WANTED TO RENT-A..t. llfllr· Southern Counties room wt, two bedroom wu, 111 ODMt ~. N...,art ll&t. ure, .._ 1nM or ret IOf'lle llvtnr-room. Call betwt'm »tte untO lu. 1 ot 1 or 2 bedroom Supply Co. 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., Wf'CL and howe. ~ I'IU'· Phone S. A. 144 Cout Blvd., N. Thun. 527 Redlands Ave .• Npt. STZINWAY GJlAND. BMu~ lG-K. 'n·ttc Ph. ~ L11una BMch Helrhu. 78-ltc modem Ia black and allver. 0or-AYr SMALL HOOSE tad 78-1 tc poua tane. Tbll ta aa art p&aao. or wan FOR SALE-Kltchm ru •tove, U you an~ JOUr.__ bJ mu aad wife. We clo DOlt Venetian Blinds hidl ovm. «5 M St.. Balboa, ln "'lloddnae" thta lMtnmwt 11 clrtllk • amolr.e, ao ebiJclre or Steel and aluminum made to meu-or phclfte Harbor 20U..J. '78-2tp perfect for you. ~ peta. pt._. Suta Aea a.t-W ure and imtalled FOR SALE-Widcer chile tounae. priced Denz-Schnddt Plano Oo., or wrttt' Boll "X" Newport IW1 dlnette wt, library table, baby 520 No. Main, Suta Au. 10-tfc • N...,._'nmla. 1'7-tte Bayview Builders Supply buuy. two ru heat~. 410 ....cuL .uor011JII~ • Wlt.NT TO liNT~ or 1 ~ 818 Cout Rlway, Ph. Beacon !SOOT Acacia Ave •. Corona ct.l Mar. unf\amlllbed houN. WUJ ...... • TT-ttc Ph. Harbor 239f-J i7-2tc FOR RENT-11101 Motion pc.. Call Sua Part.r at Harbor 107 =ro~tt=---=s~ALE--=--=---=-N=-ecn--81=:-p ....... -:::Caf,:-:-e. FOR SALE-TWo metal SlnunoN ture Projecton-Sound or •tlftlt, or U. 5tfc 1\ftaonable. Call S.acaa 5111-11. beds, 01'14! upright atove, one w 1 t h or without open tori. liP'!' MJIICD.I..UfllOW 41 10-tfe ''acuum deanft' and odd end Fil..MS RENTED -Your own .;..;....-~·=~---....;;...;_......,.._ Q Eastside Duplex J • Clo8e to shopping center;-Both tddea comJ*tely tumlNl- ed. F9Ut''I'OOI1\A; two bedroom&, maple and wstertall llta.. nt'\\' Kelvtnator, nt'\\' WNtem Holly ~· Thfft rooms; one btodroom. maple eet. electric ref~rator, table-top stove. All ~ box aprlna and lnnenprina mattres~K"S. Lot 66x13!~. Corona del Mar Two bedroocns, ne'A! horne, Ia~ llvtna-room. ftreplace anti kitchen. Beautiful. . Price S10.~ -Tenna Back Bay View -Two-bedroom hmle. very dean, ~,it-aero. an fenced: bam, oorn.l. chicken home. Quick poMeMon. $7500 -Tenna Ocean View Lot Newport Hellhta. near Clltr Driv~ oo Redlanda ltftet, 50x135 f~ Price $1~ -Cuh ReI y On Reliance On Newport Blvd. 149 feet ln 1900 block . -· -................... $ 9,500 Sewn! houaes, cl08e ln . . .. ..... ·-· ... ; . .S12.!W»> Lido Isle Swell vtew ~both baya; two bedrooma, two batha, partly tumlahed, 45-foot lot. ftreplaoe, walled patio and bar. becur pll Newly ~ted. v~ clean. Immediate pcll! ron. Price $21,500 On Central Street hT Newport 100-foot busineu frontage~ whlch 50 feet lhowllncome ~ $225, with lncreulng leue to $335 per month. $33,500 -Half Down On Harbor Blvd. ~~......,..~-:-:------=~ picture .tlow at home, featurft, WANTED-Bualnftl or profs-FOR SALE-Air eompreaaer, ttOO. tables. C&ll Harbor 1881-J. IJlOrt•. mualeat., for parties, lioaal woman to lhare new du-Cl08@ ln. 90xl!50 1311 Seubore Dr., Neowport i7-2tc clubtl, churches. Harbor ~98-J. pies apt~rtment. C:O.ta Mesa. $8950 -Half Down Beech. ~tfc IIOATI!I. IJ17PPLIIC8 a 7&-ttc Phone OO.lnt'll hours, Beacon -----------5841. '78-Uc Z 0 RIC DRY CLEANING In Our Own Plant PICKUP AND DEUVER Phone BEACON 5798-J Lido Cleaners MARINE RADIO tranamitte-~. convnted gov't surplua, com· plete with receiver, power •up- ply for 6 volt .. 2 crystal freq., 3rd optional. •125; 20-watt trllllmlltters complete. $130. We are l[ov't licensed to l.nstllll. Cushman Scooter ft(>palr Work Frt't' E:.tlmate. On 5<-rvlcc and ~pair Aulstanet' given In llccnw appll· cations. L-C Radio. 1227 s. Mallow & Wyckoff Main St.. Santa Ana. Phone R BaJ .. __ M 1 •1 d~· 4312. 78-2tp Rar """ arne ~ ar .. ai'f' 913 Coast Hlw~ Bea. 5261-W FOR SALE......S..rt. plywood. IQUilre · 456 Newport Blvd. end punt. Good condition. light 78-tfc and port1ble. Call Harbor 682. __________ 98-__ u_c Newport Beach -----------78-2tc Gl Sh D Carpenters Available ass ower oors FOR SALE-Star boat. 1850: .. _ and 1 for reneral maintenance . . . maue to meuure n-open viking. cabin vtklng, gull. and ft'll&lr II&AL _...Aft 4' Graham & Johnson Realty & lnveRtment Co. 1664 Newport Blvd Day Ph. Beacon 5434· W Nl1ht Ph. Beacon 521o-:J THREE-BEDROOM BEAtrrV on ftve acres: I ~ bath•. heati'r. eiE>C. nngc: four acrl't fen<'f'd. fruit trees, barn and chicken coqulpmpnt: $25 monthly lnconw from oil 11~8!11' for two yea~. Thll II a real bu)' for $17,000 . Terma. atalled. Good deliveries. . $475. Vvtklng's Port, 909 Coast Builders Supply Highway. Phone Beacon 5033· o. ~~If ONE-ACJU: RANCJI-Two hou.es Coast Hlway, Ph. Beacon $00'7 78-2tc M-tfe and JJWWI ~. Nicely land- i7-tfc WANTED TO BUY-Balboa ----........,,........,......,..----~taped a.nd nice clean homes •---~J~ust--.~-• .,.,j-1;1~-"'-=---dlnghy In good condition. Ph. KEY 8 Inside and out. \hlcken 8nd Harbor ~R after 1 p.m. 11ac1e Wblle Yoa Walt rabbit equipment. Parlly fe~. ....... Reutnc A.l4 11-tfc VOOEL'8 hone oorrala, two blocka from BATTERIES --~~~1::-F::::-:1:-C-:::-:E~t:--100 Mala lit., llalbl& downtown C:O.ta Mesa. Price, o.derwoa Dnac Oo. S A C R · 101 Kartiw. Balboa llland $10.500. Temu1. U7 Main St. Ph. Harbor 51.5 28-ft. oommerdal fhhlng boat, N-tte Near Back Bay Nice three-bedroom home; large llvln.Jr-room wllh ftre- pla(oe at end. HanJwood noon throuKhout. Very clean. NPWiy redecorated. Half acre. Pri<'l' $10,700 On Broadway, Near Orange Street Nkt• tw~bedi'OOIA home: lallte living-room, dinette. kJ~ chen has plenty of built-In in~JtallatiOM, ~~ervice porch, KHJ-:tge, bsck yanJ all rene.,"'(! ln. Immediate poMeMion. llurry! Pri<."t' $:i0()() Down Corona del Mar Uke new. Home and pottery making ltUdlo. Two ldlnl. P1mty ~ molds, formulas, mat.ertala and future arden ... pennlt to manufacture "O.K." Owner to n!tlre ~ caw;e ~ Ulneu. .Uc excellent for mackerl!l n.hlng. A-1 condition Chrysln marine BU81Jif'1'.88 OPPOI&'I'UMITIJ:8 M HALF ACRE-Four-room ~. ' mglne. Muat sell Immediately, ANTIQUE SHOP-Doing rood acrOM from Cagney est•te, alto Price $12,000 -TenTUI TIRES We IUIJ'IIItH our "Capa" to Jut 20,000 MILES and that'• not all- WE WILL GIVE YOU .I $20.00 IF ONE COMES OFF Recardles. of Spet'd. ONE TIRE ~CAPPED IN 5 HOURS. a complete wet we Will can your car In the mornlnl deUver aame da,y. At.o-e Moblt.tatlc balance job we recap your tlrea, far No lead weilhta or • Costa Mesa Tire Co. In ~ar at 1760 Newport Blvd. COSTA MESA Pb. BMCOD 5141 AD for AI • Hank. $1500. S. M. Atkins. P. 0 . Box bullnt'll. 504% Wnt Central. near new oo.pital •ltl! over· 85:5; 2ll E. Bay FTont, Balboa Phone Harbor mo. 78-ttp looking ocean and harbor G\Jftt llland. TT-4tp room and double 1ara~re. Thl• ---...,..-~-:---=-:--:-:--:--~-....;. roallENT 0 II a r<'al buy •t $8875. FOR SA~ ft. PhUipplne ma- hogany 1~ boat. In water FOR RENT-Nice room for man. and whetol trailer, $1400 taltet. on canal front. near Lido Thea- 3504 MarCUI Ave. Phone Har-tcr. 402 ClubhOUM, Newport. bor 2497-W. 76-4tp 11-2tp FOR SALE--25' I.Gwman commer-FOR RENT-Furni!Jhed room with dal boat. Vny rood condition, prh·11te l'ntrance and bath. 423 all gear. Rea~~onable. Inquire Goldenrod Ave., Corona ct.l Mar. Auo. Dock 26th St. 75-tfc 78-ltp FOR SALE--Cabin cruller 22 ft. FOR RENT Singh• room, down· long, 4-cyllncler Starr motor. tuwn Balboa. Phone Bt>acon Ju-t pAinted. Will trade for 22 5435, dayt. 78-4tp ft. or 24 ft. house trailer or wUI FOR. RENT Room, gl'nllemt>n tak.e cuh. 7311 Seuhore Dr., only In new home. Prlva~ N"'J)OI'1. Ph. H-1493-J. 70-tfc hath and mtrance. On penln- FOR SALE -12 ft. •all boat A: sulll. Writr Rox "N" c/o Nrww- lall. rood condition. With or Tlmn. 78-lfc 11-w ACRF. RANCH btoautlfully located. Four-room houee, gar· •~te apt., another 1mall In~ unit. Thl• property will makP a nict> lndme. Aenty of room for further devl'lopmenl For a r<'RI buy -tbl• at $A950 INCO ME BUSINESS BIIILDING on two lot•. 8110 two-story Income, room for uther dt·v,.lopmt'nt•. Cl<*' In C'011~ Ml't& Priet', •10,500. TPrTT\11. without tnllt'T'. Reasonable. Ph. FOR RENT-Nice apt. to old THREF:-RF:DROOM ltiJC'OO n<'llr Harbor 181 art~>r 6 p. m. 75-4tc rouple only, who will water and Back Ray Nlt't'ly furnlthed. Balboa Canvas Shop care for yard. Sec own('r at on half IICrl'. slo.~. ., Salla _ Boat eown 436 We.tmlnateT St.. Collta Marine Uphol•terlna: Ml'tll. Rt>f,rencet rc-qulr!'d. -LISTI!"GS WANTED Harbor 207 -224% 2l•t St. 77-2tp Open Sunday• Newport BNch 71-tfc FOR RENT-NPw Dulux.e-room and private beth, tile •boWer • Fire EqUipment Teate c-<>-'l"Wo. PyNne A FC*D nftU. CO flsed aystft'n and ~ now avallabl•. ETS IIOION A GALVAN 1000 ODMt IOPWQ ft. a-c. 82 ....... •talt. Twt" or ~bte btdl. box Graham & .Johnson Realty ~prtn< anc1 lntft"'pr\ns rnatt!ft. & Investment Co. .... Unt heat. SpectaJ rates for permanent ruesta. Mracle Mile Mowl, 101 Cout HIP.ar. New- part 8Hdr. Ph. Beacon 529t-J. 1664 Nf'NJ)Ort Blvd. Day Ph. &.aeon 5434-W Nlcht Ph. S.aoan ~21().J 11-ltc On Mesa Near Harbor High Lot on IJVlne 1t.reet aCJ'OM from tennJs ~ at Harbor High IChool, near 15th atrec.>t. Lot 70x125, paved. All uUIIUee--$1500. Only $300 down, $!r.S per month. See our stan oo property. Half acre on Wl1IJon atreet .. . ·-... -$1800 Two and one-half acrett on Wil8on street . J4,500 --Both Zoned for lndWitries-- On Harbor 100x240 feet. west sldf.' of Blvc1 .. acrou from Wat.-r Co. otflre. See our lign on property. Price $15.000 -Terms -Half Down Opm 7 0.)'11 Every Week, 8 8 . m. to 6 p. m. RELIANCE REALTY & INVESTMENT CO. ,. A. R. nwtte Beacon MS'T-W and A.Modates J . W. Doek 1936 Newport mvtt., eo.ta M88 'ffl. 1 tc El Bayo Tract Home on Bay Ave. n .... a Bed Rooml, 2 BatM, on 1..ar1 Lot $26,000 ; Fumiahed Dl,lplex $26,000 2 BectriMiltr.OOI~W~~~m••· 1 Bath Down 2 Beclrooml. 1 Beth Up W.•LIJORD~ 100 E. Oletral. • Phone Harbor 158 '72-tfc. Trailer Court and Re8fdenee RIVI:MIDE-'I"fro.biiCiroam e- on UOd10-~t, lot. -dUD •, tar '"" traJ-... "!'--........ spa~tw..-.1 bWld!nl. Prfee ,11,600 COlt& ~~-Boat8 for Sale- Ctvome plat.cl OOWM ~· arw for yladlta. Vwr ftM ln· •ti'Wnt'ftta. ~t IIUI"pp~. A.unith Cllrclfe ., ~aba. nductton. Brlft4 -· Alao avella~. cloubl4l *'-" wanoh t. marine w~. A. L. MAT'I'RBWS ~ ................. 8amp80n Machine Works 2211 New..,.e....., l~ N.wpor1 Blvd. o.ta.... " ... Ph. &.aeon •1· Coat• u.,:-2te Two.New HOIMI NEWPORT BACH JNDUa. =.. '-aa.:'t:·::. . 1"'U.AL OORND LOT, IW 1011 CalJ liiiHNI 9 10, tMOO. OwMt-..... .... ......, 501 attl St. ,._.'» • ..... FOR SAL£.-'J'brw.roam .._. .. 1'01\ ~ ill iiii>, a£ low. C:O.ta ,._, ~ ft.lot.l .._......., .... clowD. Alk nm r......,.. u. c. ., ......... ....._ .., a. . Manha11, 211! So. Matn. Saata .... 0.... ft. ...... AM 5114-W. ~2tc .... BALBOA ISLAND 'Jbree.room oo«:ap, two-car~ an aood ~ doee to Eut Bay on .. Litt)j Wind. •• IIIIIMdlall poMilWIIon. OORONA DEL MAR Well buUt t~bedroorn ...... Lup ~ with f'lnclace. braktut room, ldt.cMD Uld •nat porch. Rumpw room owr ~ a.utUul ..., with buberue. Well landleapeG. Double lot, et.l to oc.n. • Priot --Gl,OOO GERTRUDE A. WALDRON AND WILLIAM W. SANFORD REAL'rok ~ Marine A w ., BaJboe bland BALBOA-ISLAND Thla WHk'• •pedal vahwl <>w- wiU ~ lenlt'ftt t.rm~. N..,. Day Front on 40 ft. lot. f.Jvlnc• room 161123 ft., tlr'W'pla<». two larp hedroonw. wall bfod; doublt' ,.,..,., m:t•l<llt •howcor. row boat, canoe ,.,., buoy, bar-b.que. FurnlahM. lnmwdla t.-PJIIII"IIon StA.OOO LINWOOD VICK Broker 1\alhoe Jal•nd Harbor &ta-M ISLAND REALTY COMPANY 201 Agate, B&Jboa (Aland Phone m-w BALBOA ISLAND Very attractive llx·bl!droom home on 40-foot Jot, nl"&r South Bey. Untumlahed. Inundate poe. leMlon. Can be made lnto two unlta. Attractive rumtture and dra~ may be purdlaiN!d If bu)'ft' <ietfiretl. $23,750 -Terms ISLAND REALTY COMPANY Harbor m-w '71-lte 201 Agate, Belboo llllsnd • a&AL aTAft D CriAJif08 41 IIOJifB '1'0 IAUf L0Alf8 1'0 Bffiii), ..,, IS 004 ..,.,.r~~t• or ..,....... 11\ADE-2 be-droom hcmM' In re- at.rlct~ dlltrtct In Paud4'na For home In N-port. R. L. Mc- Cartney, 821 W. Montana St. Puadena. PhoM 7·1RM 'm-4tp M.-poft BalbOa,.._... ....... &Dd lAu UIJ d "rt am v1a Llclo Ph. 11art1or 1111t WE NEED LATE MODEL CARS and Will Pay Top Prices SELL YOUR CAR NOW WhOa Pl1cel .... HJch. Phone far our caurtloUI buyw who wW cUI and lldYtlt ~ ........ OPA ,.W.&nl. oo0q ..-aiMf arn"iittt .. dlta~ CULBERTSON CHEVROLET CO., Inc. a.wa•t ... Of I '\Ia DilliN , ..... u.lnl. ~ ..... -0... --...... ~I· -e. ~~~---=:...,,..., • rwzss B. & P. Women, City Council Members, Hear Walter Longmoor Speak on Industry "All dt)' and C'OWitY gOW1'TI· ''llf'lp your pubUc oftldall, don't ....... Jnd 1 t'Clueat knock, A community 1J no bettn -ta .,. away .,...., n -tJ•6ft the ....nn]c ln lt. and It Aa -peope about local problmw. ..... .r-r ......,_ to rtpOI"II !Jl't•IWnled at wt\at t~y make it. FamUlari~ Cbe 8&D DWIO coofer~nce of trle younelt-wtttrln fli"'bl-aftd do I..HIW o1 California t.'ltlct~," &aid whnt you can to help". Walt« LoftcmOOr, prt'111dent of Uaing A map and quoting flcure~ tbe Allodated Chamb.!n or COm· the apeuker gave a comprehcnalvc ~ of Orange county, 1pealdna rt'IWTII· of the n11tJonal altuatlon dh "New Facton In the Selection In resrard to pnpulatlon and toea· fll lnduatrlal Lol'atlona" to mem· tJon of raw material•. and the ._.. o.t the Busancu and Profct1·1 val~ of dettntrlllzatlon of In· 11011&1 Wornf'n'a club at a cllnner dustry. With raw ma terlall moAt · ....ctD~ held Thurt&&y evenlns at ty In the west. which 11 unde· ~·t Park avenue cafe with eo veloped and under-populated, the ...... • trencl la naturally toward the COILit Mayor 0 . B. ~ and members where we abo havt' oil and IU f11 tha c:U:y council Weff apeclal for fuel, ellmJnatln& the poulbiUty aa-ta fOil the evt'nin& ancl ~ of lht recent b9mbahell of rail· jndated the a,waker'a '*a to road, coal and tranait atrlkct1 which dilrupted Industry In the 11llt e-=IUII!Ye StAiuff« reduc-... JMCIIocl olft'ft the ...,., ..._...t "->' to contour COlt· lrol -tMt r,;:eeu hee.Jt.h. ..... YltaJJ . ~ .... ,.wre. 0 cbup. eJec:.. =n.m or ....uon. No . lt'a P'fttle -It's -It.. """· u ·~utr .. ....,.. 1ft~ a ....... 'Ntr" OM f« an Appo&ntmeat 0,.. I .. hi• • WMil ~ -· 19 ' STAUFFII SYSTIM Eut. Jt will be necai8J'Y for Orangl' county to do aome careful plan· nln&. Mr. Lonamoor at.ated. for Industry will come, and the thing to do II to adopt a land-uae plan, plddng thole lnduatrlea which will brln& with them high clut em· ployeea. Colta Meaa, In partlcu· lar, muat plan carefully. he aald, for it can either be rulnt'd or made Into one of the m<Mit attractive a~u in the county. The apeaker wu Introduced by Oarice Brown. chairman 'of the pubUc affairt committee, and allo Introduced were Mayor R e e d , Cound lmcn 0 . Z. Roberuoo, Bob Allen, Muon Slier and L. L. Ja. bell. u W«'ll llll !larrY Welch, preal- dent of Newport Harbor Chamber ot Commerce. Other i\K'Ill were Introduced by membert. ~rtrude Collver prealded, and announced the club would enter- tain the county ooundl on Nov. 1~. The treuurer rave a remlnck'r that IOITit' or the membrrt had not paid their duea. and Elaine Weill atated that four bl&Dkt'll would bt! drawn at tht! nm meeting. Harry Welah wu winMr or the prbe. Other rusta wt're Opal w eat. Allee Loudla and Loulae Vau,chn. Coata Mesa; Gcc-nevieve Sylveater, ~ PhlWpa, Minette Van Wit-- men, Ercyl Pick, Irene MorTie tput preakknt of the club). Helen Plumer, Virl{lnla Bachmann. Mar l· lynn Wheeler. Polly Porter, Kay Nesbitt and Sarah NewUn. Kn. Lucille Stewart or Sculdt'. Ore. II a guest at thc horne of her aunt, Mn. Emil Bell, 30th atreet, for an ~finite period. COLORFUL NEW DRESSES CASUAL STrLa ... COLORFUL PLAiDS TWO-TONE D I IA.."'TS ••• SOLID PASTELS IN WOOLS, GABARDINES AND R.A YONS DESIGNED wrrH NEW DETAlLS FOR FALL 812Z8 I TO 15 -10 TO 18 r Tollf'lrit'!l Stl'ftt Floor ~ ....... _ ...... NeYer to be without ¥oqr favorite trqrance ... entrust it to Mary Dun- hill's "SCENTINEL" . . . the minia- ture perfume flask ... wary guardian . that lets no precious drop escape. ~ Glul stoppered bottle in gleem!ng metal container. •• New Home Inspires Gracious Hospitality. Mesa Family Moves To Colo. This Week --Harbor Feminirie Activities Hovtnc com'*ted their new Mr. and r.lln. W6Jtt'r ~ • BrWIDUNdlladn • haliDe a.t ~ Anabelm aven\llr, have aolcl their ta. oa HarW R+.....,. PbaDe 183T·R Coeta Meaa, Joe and Betty tCroc-boulevard. Coeta Meaa, ud .wttll Luau at Isthmus Draws Voyagers TA lnstiture Stresses Voting ker) De Teqlle, l.nvi~ a JI'OU(I their twill d , DM:k and 0.. St. james Auxilfary Costa Mesa Matron of friencla for an open hou8e. learn· are leavl.na t~ tut ot the .,... ------- To Hear Reports of Honored at eel that Mr. aDd Mrt. Hobart Loud for Olathe, Colo .• w~ they wiD National Convention S. tork Shower had alrea47 planned a aurprtae make their tuture hcltrw. Sixteen boall nytnr the bur&ee of the Voyar en ' Yacht club rode at anchor In the COY~ at the eut end of the Iithmus at Catalina bland for a r~nt> week end party. At the Oranae IDt.nwdlate puty for them. Mr. and Mn. Harold Iamea • 1 · are new owners ol the PI"'PPIrtr· IChooJ, Mra. Arthur Slplwrd, Pr"•'· Plana for a bendlt deuert Held at the honw of Mra. How-11\erefore Mr. and Mrl. Loud Mr Honeycutt hu -., cuat.odl.- dent or the 4th l>latrict ot thr Cal· bridge wtJl be made at the flnt ard Geniah, 118 29th atreet Thun-.took over u hoeta for c:ockt&lla of .the Colta Meaa park and II ifornla Conp-eae ot Parents und faU meetln& ot the Women'• Awe· and a buffet aupper. Pink and the aon of Mr. and Mn. a Teachen prealded O'W!r a Legl•la· lllary of St. Jall'lft Epbioopal day afternoon, a pretty 1 tor k blue uteri decorated the IJvl.n& Walker 2'Tth atreet, Newpan The hl&h apot of the affair wu thl' luau where the fcpod wu cooked In a pit l.n typcal native style. Followina the luau every- oM gathered~ the comp(lff ror a ple-uant even1nc ot •lnaln& and entert.ainnwftt. tlve Inatltute held Oetober 2nd. church. which wtJI be held Thun· lhower honond Mrt. Gaylord Blue room and yeDow dahlJu ceotered Beach · Speaker~ for the OCCIIIIarl were day, Oct. 10 at 2 p. m. at the tlonw of now~atreet, ta Meaa, u -the buffet table wbeft aandwichN, · M r 1. J~ Dalq, attunshlp of Mrl. ~"~e Yardley, 201 Aba· tat•ft• ...._ M E'-'-reUabea devUlecl ecP. Ice cream ,.-----------......,. chairman ol the C.C.P .T., and Mrs. tone ave';;;,•Ba.lboa Ialand, wltb 1 u.. "'"' n . UOK' and cake wer-e eerved. There w.ft I& rnemben and ~euet~ta at the luau, on board the followin& yachta: Commodore Van Oegrlft'a Te ton, Bob Croaby'a l.ephyr II, Dan Steve~·· Slbo- ney. Walter E. Cole'• Salty, A.rUe Toulouae'a Starduat, ~Y PurdY• Queat, Fftd Hunle'l Indifferent, Dr. Oarke'a Ne N, Mooaha, Roy Rlley'a lAdy Pat, Dr. Clftn'• Chrii·Craft, Mrt. De Lapp'• Sea Shell. Fred Blethem'a Vlnnett~. John Magnet'• Whll,wr. Hardwicta Va n De~trl(t 'l Tamara, Jack H.-lm'• R8nger. W. W. Muon's Roja and Gordon Molson'• Hey Day Geclrp Pe~. Lectalatiot! chair· Mra. Philmel' Ellerbrock and Mn. Weill aDd ' Mabel Ulve. Glfta lncl&adecl needed aarcSen man. Aana wen ~lnecl at thil Bordwenalua .. _..tina -.... Floral deooraUona wer-e PInk t.ooll, towels and aoap tor the new time for a~ to pt ,·ott" aea. Mt.n and white baby chryunt· bethroom, a ~cookie jar to the pole~ Nov,.,._ 5th. tlw The Rev. Ardya Deeli will tell bem1.1m1 but cent.,. oi lntftftt wu for the ldtdlftl, and many l1lOft SlAIIte Board ha,_ taJifta a ~ttmd of the ~t ameral tD!wndora the larp eouth window when tbiap. • to auppart ~tioa No. 3. and of the EPacope.1 church, held ln plnk ad blue 'treamen feU to Ebjoybtc the eveninl wer-e Mrs. CJI'POM No. 13. It.,.. brouaht out PhUadelphla and w1th the ~ a Uttle biUir buanet ln wtUc:h wu De Temple'a puftlta, Mr. and Mrt. that Uw P .T .A. II a DC~~topartlaan bllhop ot Canterbury u Ita moet a baby til. Standlnr JUU'd wer-e P'ranlr' Cl'Ocker ot Balboa. wttb IJ'OUP, b U t ct.ftnlteq political ctlttineuished &IJelt. preaent for the 8 pUr of tnnqui) ltorkl. 1be I whom the [)e 1"emppft hJI Ye been whft<e illuea eoneemlnc dilld wei· ~ time In hlltory. atork motif at.o aclomed thell'fticllnc unW the howe wu ~ fan are Involved. and th111 tlw The benefit bridae wiU be held moulded kle cnem whk:h w a 1 pleted; Mr. and Mrs. Olauncey ~a.nlzatJon hu lobbyiat In S11c· Ttluraday, Oct. 31 at Balboa Yacht aerved with oolfft after CAUl'" Campbell ot Hou.toa, Penn., par· rarnento at all tJma to prott'Ct club with Mrs. W. H. Hitchman u wen pla.yed and Pita opened. eatl ot Mr. De Temple, Who have auch ta.uea. • ~:cneral chairman. 1boN preeent wer-e the Mee-been vie! tine heft llnoe A~t; VocaJ muak wu IUppUed by ~ Claud Adami and Wllaorl Mr. and Mrs. Edward ZUbe, Mrs. Mn. CUrtll ol the t.acuna Rt>nch Alpha Gamma Sigma Yarbrouch. Irvine; WWlam m •. Doualu Bray, 11n. Homer Barllil School MUIIc: clepertmftlt. c .. _ Frid M tin HUDtinlton BMc:h; M&.ry Bl\llr, ot Anahetm. Mrs. Harry Schick, Seventy ettht repewnt11tivr11 811.8 &y ee g ()reaon: WUUam Palmer, Orpha and the K...-.. and Meadamea frnm unltl thru' out tht munty Blue, Cayton Bailey, J . R.eecS. Paul Sidney m.clcbearcl, 0 . Z. Robert· WM'e aerved a turkey dinn,•r at Alpha Gamma Slcma. junior ool· Norman, CMa1e Blue, F rank apn, L. L. BenDett. ~ Olaen, Ho- tht-Oranre Woman'• Club t-t .. UJI'. lege honor IOdety, hu elected of-Barnea, Ka4th GerrUh and c. N. bart Loud, Frank Beard. Eu&ene Senile Sailors Hold First Rae~ Mn. Gunnlna Butler, legl~lntlnn fleers for the yt'ar at FuUerton Blue, Coeta Meaa. La Pftie Jr. and aon. -" chairman:· Mrt: Hany Burdick Junior College. Prealdent II PhyJ. Sendin& ,Pfta but unable t6 at------------- and Mrl. Jrrrold Spanaler r•·rr«'· lis Ruby of FUJJ(·r ton: vlce-presl· te-nd were the Meadamea ~t r------------, aenlf'd the Newport Harbor I lh:h dt•nt is Ch!U'Iel Ruby of Fullerton: Sldlee, Newton Swnmera, Ht'rWl II ALL MARK 8<-hool Parent Ttacher A~~oda-llt'crctary-treuurer Is M a x 1 n e Funk, Jamea Nelaorl and G 1 en The Snowblrdll Senile Sailing I tlon. llunnc>lll, aJso of Fullerton. Funk, Coate Mesa; John Mc:MU· Auodatlon com{• out for Ill first 1 ChRrlea Ruby was chosen to len and Dan Mc:Mlllan, Newport CARDS racco Sunday. sailln~: around Shark Manuscr~· t Club hft'nd the general social commlo':ee Beach; D. J. Helma, Lon& Beach; d be<' need nd 1 n the IOCiety, and Mlu Lena n.cY· bland .. ha n annou .• a. Award's on by nold.l. commercc lnatructor In the Wilbur Lambert, Irvine, and Olar-Tom TupmAn, who came In 2C I l~n PIQM', SanlAII Ana. · minute~ hrhtnd everyone elle. wu Local Composer Junior colleg{'. has been appointed conCf'dro thr raC('. advlaer for the group. . I Members of the Fullerton chap-Thai Pirat.-Cutaway. Don M~. Danat>l Jnl{rllham, lo ,. a I tu ot Alpha Gamma Sigma and Mr. and Mra. Ja.nvs E. Caywood have ret~ to Loa Anaelea attn apendlnr two weeki u houw gueatl of Mra. Caywood'a aliter, Mn. H. E. Ru&rlea of Corona del Mar. Dlckf'tman, rr• wrd for Burt Rua· mUIIC tcachPr , com~ and Jllll'l.l llfc ml'mbers of the CaUfornla IWII. organl:tt't' of tht> affair. Others wu the receplent of high aw:ardll Schola!!IIC Federation will meet on racing ""t•rc L>on Pedersen, Harry When she attended the fir~• r:all Friday October 4. for a dl~lon Blod&t'U and Ed F'rlluor. Men over 1114'eting; of Mary CarT M "n r,. of the puri)08Ctl and Ideals of the 30 a re lnvitro to join, raet>!l to be MAnuscript 0ub, Loa Anrl'lf•s 1 honor socat'ty. -;;;;;;;:;;;=:;;;:;;;;:-:;; held evl'ry SundAy. Mondny evt'nang;. Septembe-r :lilt h T ho· PC n,.l'l rnrf'd Sunday for Mrs. ln!n'ahnm who writ.-~ u•1fl••r Ebeii·Boo k Sections Meet This Week thf' Ball nnn~:s trophy, the glorl· nam.-nf Grace Shattuck II ul flr fle-d ~:nrhc>fln". whit'h gONI to the Grace Bai1 won the flrtt pr11• r ... winner, Frf'CI Small'!<, for six t'ducational mmic on a plan" ~aut o· "'<'«'kl. Whl•l'ler csu1l<' in aecond 1 nam••d. "Play Suite". Thl• •UI If' Bvnk S«tion U of the Ebell und Wllkln10n ww third. II! rf'-wa.oc ChOIWn unanlmoutly lw all f'l uh will meet Wf'dnt>sday, Oct. port('(! by Velma Rllri:H'r, BY\ puh-1 jUd):I'S and was grAnted the I ;.•nrJ:I'I ~~ flf I p m. ot the home of Mrs. hcisr dlr«lor. Blum J)('rmllnent 1\Wilrd of " lto•.ou· S. H. Hryman, 307 Montero street, liful oil painting, "S )' c a 111" I',. 011lhoa. For Birthdays ....... ~ ... De. v ... x ......... LMipl :: o.tallle ,...., Newport Souvenir an4 Gift Shop %102 Oeeu Froat We Wrap Gifts ~· "Cap'n" DoD'• e~,a (!~ ....... 1711111• ............. .... ... .,..,. -....... o..r L':. ....... Combination Dinnen L':.. NewudU.-1 Seafood Sped•Jthe ~ ... r •• 1 uta••• BEACON 5465 L':. P'o..-fy • ...,.. .NIP& ~ N......,t ..... Den Mothers Hold Organization Meet P11th." i\~tslstlng hosteaa for the dt'sert Seconrl pri1.r on her 1111pr.pu1 rour!lt' will be Mrt. Roger Wood aolP. "Only A Drt'llm" and "''('tmcl smd Mrs. Margare t Dearborn will pr iuo In thr choral ll<>etlon loor lwr RiV(• th<' hook review on "Spoon· . lnditridU4Iaty for rhe "M other-ro-be · • • Dc•n Mntho•r11 or Cub Pack 105 met Thurlday at the hom" of Mrs. H. 0 . Aoyvt'y to discuss tht-yl'ar's plan~ And to 11rrangc for thr first wom<'nt' chorus. "Fint B1rd (''I handle". Spring," wert' al10 won by Mrs. Book Section J wtll m<'C!t Thura- ln!n'ahum. llf'l«'n Shaffer of Loll day, Oct. 10 at 1 p. m. at the Angdet won flrtt prl:te In the I home of Mn1. Wayne Harper. 116 vocal solo cont<•at. All winninc Abalone avenue Balboa IslaM Den I'IWt'tln~s which wr rP to be numbers will be J)f'Oitrammro at a with Mn. Merle VerBcrg and Mn : lous 'hom<'& rn oo u co ... .....,.. ~.,.. lf we do not have II, we l!Nlte it, you acc1 t:I)onnarcOitarie Shoppe We Are a.,py to 8erwi YM Ia I LeaiiU.. &16 N . Mala 8L Arcue B141a. s-t. A-. ..... - &6H WIIUUer 111"-. llMt IAI ~ I h~d tOOl\)' I l'larl!dayl at thf' var· puhlir con~rt at a lnt• r rl.otc. Con d Sh k hoi•-·-u- • Dr. Mary Carr Mnorf', famous Harold Woldenbcrg will give the Jloya who do not know what edurator 11nd compoM•r founded :boo~k~re'vie~;w;·;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;;~;;;;~ 11 [)(on tht•y ll<'lon~t. may call Mrs thf' Mary Carr Moor!' Mnnuacrlpl Boyvt•y for Information. It wu1 c:tub many yt'nrs ago Dr Moore's also dccldt'd that Instead of the American l)pt'ru. ·:C08t or Ernpl~" boys bringing refrt"'lhrnc:-nll u in wu lui prt'SI.'ntt'd at lho Phllhar- thf' J)II.JI, lhl'y would hrinlt ten monic, M!U'('II ·IS. cents a wef'k, hall of whach Is -------- rt'gulu duct 11nd th•· balancc to -------, be Ult'd to furnilh refrt'llhmt'nts. f'rt'IM'nl for ltll' mt'<'ting Wffe Mrs. Dorn Hill. prt'llidrnt of the Nt'"'J)Orl R<•nch Grammur school Pan •nt·Tt••ll'hrr Association. whach 111 spnnsorln~-: organization . Mrt. ViolA l'rrkins. coordinnlor ; Mrt1. E. R. Stl•rnll, Mrt. Gilbert Seal. Mrt. Dl11nche ftogrrt, trcuurcr: I Mn. L. E. N11ck, Mrs. Jack Roub. Mn . Jlf'lr n Gill and Mrs. Boyvey.l Mn. l\1Rrlr Sorensrn of Udo lslt• t•ntrrtl\inrd membcn or Grace P!U'Inr. N11tl\'c Dau~thtl'rs of the Gol!kn \\'rst. for u tvvcrrd dish I lunch• un ~«'r't·d In tht' patio. the diU' IJ\•In~t sJ)t·nl an srwan~: for the fall baunr. Mn1. Erna Watts and CLOTHES POR MEN AND BOYS I M n C'hrultlni' Dunham assisted I thrlr moth••r In llt'r\'101: the Placen-1 till gU<'SIII. 1---------------~------------~------ ·PASADENA LONGBEACH It Jl ..... ft. IIJ. .... .. ftle A-. •, a. ..... Stylt No. 718 Two Piece Black and Whi~. Brown and Whit-, Rayon and Wool Two Piece L umber jack Style EDYTHE DAVIDSON'S ~ IU NOin'll DOADWAY '1'1:1.-.on 1 • a • SANTA ANA