HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-12-11 - Newport Balboa News Times•"11 SAND CRAB ~ SAM . . H08PTI'AL Tlme runa ateadlly qalnst &eCllJinK the PresbyteHan hospital and the eftorta ot the faith- ful band of workera to tchleve the goal before ~ Aut of Deoember---Ul order to eet the Glenn Martin $100,000--&hould be reward- ed by more and more aub- ~ptions. November'• Read- er'• DIKest bad a.ahortarticle entitled: "lh a OUneee Gar- den,'' the atat ol wtUch told ol the value ot time and an outstanding il}lcrlption read- Ing: "lt'a Later "'Iban You 'l'b1nk!'' Whether you are Yr'Olidn&' to pin a com~ tenoe or to reallze a lite am- .. bition or to have the bat .tore or business in your town, time 1t111 runs on and lt'a later than you think U you would enjoy a happy lp8l1 of U , thus permit- tang universe to rush en y along. Can't rtt!l that blg hos- pital on the hlU overlooking Newport Bay! Can't you picture your own good health when arrayed against the patlef\tS who must use that lnstltutlon! ·Isn't it a wonderful thought to feel that you had a part in bringing back from pain and suffering some hapless hwnan! What profit one to gain great riches, which Y01J can't take with you, lf you cannot permit a trickle of gold to seep lnto a tund to 6eneflt mankind! A!!. always thoee in moderate drcum- , atanoes do their utmost to help a worthy calUie; Ia It uld.ng too much for thOle above and beyond the pale ol duty, to make deductible from income taxes a tithe of IUCh income and point with pride to an accomplishment 80r'ely needed! + + + II-* Prka. Back from a Mlek In the~ Juaquln Val- ley. · · .1' 'Wu on my usual Tor hard-to-get items --.:--.a found that meat prices are higher up there than home. 1lle range i.s from 10 to 15%; groceries. however. about the same. Stopped one night at San Luis Obispo and found the storeos full or mar- garine and salad dressings. When we came back to our cabin from dinner found a note written by Geo. Good· rich Bassett and just across the court were Mr. and Mrs. B. enroute home from San Francisco, where they said Jiving was Jligher than a eat's back. but that middle Cali- fornia and In the smaller . towns costs weren't so high. Could be. + + + Margaret uurunpme. In' the early thirties and late twenties when Newport-Bal- boa was developing, no one person left more of an im- press on her time than Mar- garet Burlingame. who. I learned. passed on. during my absence. Mrs. Burlin- game, whose husband. R. G .. built the Rendezvous and Balboa Theater. took an ac- tive and aggressive ~tnterest ·in dvic affairs. She organ- Ized the old .Civic League, fought for a public library.. importuned the city coun- dl for Improvements "-nd was a forceful element in the growth of the community. She was one of · the orJ:ta n- lzers or the lora) Christian Sclenoe Church. its First Reader for many yenrs and a Practitioner for a long time in Santa Ana. In the last year Dr so the Burllngnmes have been living at Costa Mesa. Her pass'ing at 6.1 will be mourned by many old timers who knew her as a woman of keen intellect and compelling J"'('rl'Onality. • + • Uvbl~. No qut'!'tion but ' that' people are beginning to worry about th<> ~l'('ater charges being made for all lines of mrl~. anct to figure out 80flle method of hl>atin~ the lnnated ctollar. Harrl('St hit are those who work on 'salaries and d~ite ralt~et~~ and bonWM!'S are stUI unable to make l"flds mN't. Alllo true that every time the unlont ask for a boost commodities must me to meet the ·ad- vance. AcijUstment lhould (OIInUnutd on Pier 7) . ' .. ,.,.... .. Harbor Family Accuse Maid BOUIDARY LIN~ OF lAY AVE. LAIDS Thompson's W.-ning Heeded On Suspidon of Grand Theft OlDER SCRITIIY OF BEACH CODICIL . By Oty on Semhore Plans · Catherw Mylfto J.un, 33, • Aatert!n1 that a nel1hbor bu t 'Of rw..r)y thrt't' min"'" thel lin~. '"h M'C'ma 10 nw .. he ..wed. - maid tmployed .oby Mt. and Kn. Did Santa Leave bullt • hoUw wt\k:h enc:roulwe COUn<'tlnwu lind nty Atty. Rol-"It u juat • qUNt~ ot aclfu-t-~rei :'I . -2 I ,.,. 01)' Att)l. IW-. James Rocen.l3QO WHt Bay ave-land whlch bu land 'l'lhlll!PIIOn c-xarnlnect mape rnent " .... 'n ..r the 0~ nue. Newport Beach. wu booked A 'lire and Tube ~ .. ~on ... _ dtv M-u--that ~. r.• IUhllllltrd to aict-rtaJn a t:.. Atty ....... ~ ...... ..,..,.,;ht t.o I ·--··· a Cia at the county jail M~ morn-..,.._.. '"""" ""' ,. ·-...... , the Ill J ""'"'..--· ---fill New.., l 8Mdl to C!baftle' tta lna on Ulpldon f and Uwft Stevena of 9 Bay aw nue, NrN· undc-prl•&lt'r 1' lltlon of the-land ret Mr. Pattf'non to admit that __ _... • tlwtr PI'IIIIIMJ to _. Poll • __.__.o.,: b..s ~ W land of 1.206 Eu Cen port Beach •PPf'aJed to membln r QUl'tltlon and tht'n the-dty th~ city would Mt bto r'ftpoMiba. ~~b~_.. ~ ol al . P. Bo t -of the dty council on Monda)' attorllf'y said the city haa no for the outN'Inlf', but ~~ former T. S. llc:Etror .,.. P. W . ...._ •••• ,.......U.. ~ for :bl~--•.a ato .. _"lone to .... ~.1: tral avenue, Balboa, doesn't know ev.nlna for h~lp. ~~ty to gh~> away city ~ d ty c•nalnt't'r «rlnned and NpU...S tlne ol Newpgrt Hdltlta Mw _. rllhe.ol·ftJ l• t h • II $ • .... ..... -u"" ·-, Whether It ll a Chrlatmu lift -...... that It v.•u hu ~lltf that the nountlf'Cl _,. ol u.tr .,..._. ""'"'--tnet 1a N--..., en. under the bed ln the maid 1 whJch Santa Claua place-d ln hll She aa.ld hn IUTW)'OI' UCI\"• Aftc•r ml>rf' tlt'batl' thcl laue be-city would havt' to lhare IOnW ol ladlN apparel lhop at -.... .._ ___ , room. carqe or not. taJned that While her ~n&J C:lt,J GUnf lnvnl\f'd and It br(.'amr rwoc-~~ rftponalbtllty ltrft't, Balboa, to DantciW ... 'n $ ....... lllllt el tj Amon& them. idioe aaicl, wu • contract C'alled for 25 feet ot land.. -•r>• fnr Mayor RA't'd to call At OM point durina the arau· W. E. Lut.wc.tn. .._ Gl ..._ ~ • ......._, ....... ._. ::r~~~ :; ::.=.: : Robt. Tuck :n~t ::7~:.-~~~herlhe 0::: ~fl ~ L Plltllt•rliOn f()r'mf'r d ty mrnt. Mn. St~v~n• lnt~rpoaed thfo boa. ~den pru .,.... .-..... _.nl'tr, who wa1 J)rH<"nt, to un-QU8tlon of whcothn Of' not rftl-..._ ..aw ........ ..._ ........ a pe1r ol pearl oomt. valued· at orwo •n o • '/ Patlt-ra(ln dtacloard fiUlllllarlty t'd thfo bay frontal.-"Aft« Wt! that It WVWd be ...... II...,. .Over I~ buc:k~t and tonp and fNt ·T7~y = =~ J: tanrle lhC' altuatlon, dfonta in the Bay aven\H' art'a own· Three Cars -~>q t.o ~ -v· $2!5. I v· t• n~l&hbor. with lht-altuatlon. H~ laid • rt'-paid the billa for thfo dl't'dllftl --,.. the ......... at Pollee w~re called Into the ~. s I( lm Ctty EnBfneer Webb lnlonnecl .urvry ahould Ill' mack by tht' didn't we own ll .. •he' ukl'd . 1800 .....,.... -.... .. _. eel that thetr mald wu actln& aus-that (h~re II • 1hortqe of four erty li nt'S Ilea-In 11nd r nd. mlnckd the-.-oman that •h• MVtr fv.IJ val\al o1 ...._ . th~y aa.ld, when the Roten nolle-th~ counctl that It hu been found dty to All'f'rtaln Wht>rf thC' pr~ The-city llt~nt'Y bluntl~ ,... In' Crash On ..... u. ............ .., .... pldoualy. Of H ld CNt ~tween all loti on the ave-lie cont~>ndrd th11t ft•ncee If owntod lt. ''You n4:vrr ow~ It," --t ---.. ==a At the time th~ article. w~re • 0 up nue and Mayor Reed concurred tetabllaht'd ovrr • pt•rlod or yean ht-lllld and thfon acldtod thal thll ---UTW found th~ mal d wu recelvtn1 that there wu 10methl.na wrona havt' bt-t>n aCOI'ptN! In rourt u wu a dtoclllon dfo<olclfod ln court w c ~ I .... .....,.. ?a the __.... treatm~nt for a lpralnecf ankJ~ at with th~ bound.ary line. f'lxtUI'ft l or the t'Xact pr'O{ll'rty Jltiaatlon aom. tlnll' back, en a :U.taiJaM fardaft ... ~,·~cl~ .._~ ...._ • thf otfl~ of a local phyald an. I w:, -v ._ - - When ah• returned, the poll~ Bandit Grabs $180 in I w I f c c · • ......... It .. .... report cllaclOied, ah~ wu confront-Seuhore Drive t ·asn t un utt•lng hr·lstmas Trees' by at~ a.rtr "'... • ... .. ~ .:=!r'~ .~'e.':~~:'~:::,~~~ Stickup .. _ Former Cit Otfteer' .. :::"!,=.~h~~.-:=:12 .. §i:~~~j~~'\t~~ .. ~:w:,.· ."~14-: = = In a Cold, Whipping Rain, Sleet Storm '1e'b~o:.=r the hoUit' and to hav~ worn th~ R~t Tuck of 6700 Seashore '""'""automoi!ON.,.... ........ ;ce~ fur coat out ~. drive, Newport Belich, ahortly In • crash oppJaile U.. & 1 • She then ukect peorrnt.Jon tD after 4 o'clock Sunday morntnr Persis Davia Hurt u c p But Balboa Party In the 2lm'blodl o1 w ... 0i1111tNJ go to the bathroom where lhe .. he ··~p()t'd out of hu auto near In Mesa Colllaion reX y B-·..a. ' --turned on th~ faucet nolllly and hll homf, accordlna to • report • "'16 .. t em Home .Vt'n~W, N"'IJIIrt ...... .. • t.ANTA ANA, Dee. 10 ·= .a-h b II fUed with th~ N_,ort Harbor o'clock Sat\II"CCQ an '-& Me --e1 a _,....Yd. .._ ma.,... er escape Y craw nr out dlltnct pollee on Morwt.y. Pf'rl.la Devil. 31, of 339 Walnut T Add The 0\rlltmaa '1'rH 11C0Utln1 ---th~ window lnto the yard. On Pia~. Coate Mesa, wu taken tD · 0 , ress wu hurt. .... at ta. ....u...t .... tl openlnr th• rate, however, lhe The pollee were aiiO called upon per ty hudrd by Fir~ C'hk!f t"rank In an au-._ ,_ • _. 1.ltll ...,_. ... ,._ ~ t I .. 1 tb t f Santa Ana Community hoapltal ~ ...... -ran Into the arm1 of -trolman L. 0 10 ve ~e.~ra 0 er ypea 0 <:rocker ot the N~.,......t Beach d ...... n ._ M-..a-~ .. ·-• .........__.. .. ~*we bJ U.. ONIIIIt ,__ -theft which ported with relatlvfly minor lnjurle. luf· ·· .-. ... .., u1 •n·-rTI -_... -V. Comecl. were re u f _ .. Mo ... ~ • 10 30 l c AI Fire &-nat.m.n' ex-r•-.........o much D. Kin-ol o.te ....__ ,...... ~ 0 ' hit .... ...... "Oh, ~·...._ me!" abe laid, but committed OVfr the W~kencl. ~~ n'-~. a. : a.m. n a 0 umn·, ..-•-~ wu .. ~ ---W-... ......__, -· .......... , collision at Tuatlil. awnue and dltflrolty In 11~ttln1 thto five Cfdarl ~ -.... .._.... Comec1 held her IDitU other ot-The Smoke HOUH at 109 Pilm 20th ltr~t. Coate Mesa. avenu., an auto *'"'-.. ~ ,. •-• .... U. Will '-fl~n arrived and 1he wu taken av~nu~. Balboa, reported the • which u~ now !.N-Ine cScocw.ud ,., . Drallll _. 1_ --..... _ ......._ ... t.o the ..... .._. fl Driver of the car wu JOM'ph C. ... .... _.,_ ---.. --•-"l1 to th~ Nt'Wport Beach pollee 1ta-juv~nll~ theft of a cuh reclltn Davla, 39, of th~ .. nw addrNI, for the harborw1cko Cllrlatmu pro-Balboa, aidMwlp!!d u. ....,_ ... _:laae .._--..t ta .. tlon and booked for craneS theft. contain In& $15 from their counter. who luatatned minor lnjurle. but Preakk-nt Robert Gordon. Sproul cram. machine and then lOt .at a1 _.. oo.w I a1 .... = Sh~ wu then tak~n to the dlltrlct Two boys ar~ k.nown to hav• taken wu abl~ to 10 homf. He wu ot th• Unlvenlty of California wtll In 1939 when the. party Wftlt trol and lhot ecn.. till 11f:Net ~ -~ ... uv..:.. • ... attorney'• office at Santa Ana th~ cuh-box. • drlvtna north on TuaUn when hll acldrna Oran&~ county alumni on to Idyllwild In March ol tniM Into ttw parbd e. Ill .._ r:" _ ...::.. ~ ..a fill 6.11 where the Roten ftled a com-Th• Bay VIew c:af~ of Cout car colllckd with one driven by U. poat·war role of the 1tat~ unl· for the dt)'Wlde protram thry Oty Enctnew R. L. ht...._ fill _..""""'::T.::!.. ~--•••sA. .... plaint of crand theft, and II now hlrhway, N~wport Beach, report· Harry H. Frederick, TT. ot 131 wnlty at a dinner meetln& Jan, found treft wit hin 500 feet. But ~ W•t c.ntral .,_, ..... ---::, ~ ~ at the county jatl. ed ttl place wu mtff't'd cturtnr Wmt wu.on atreet. Th• lattn 10 In the Elk• club, Anaheim. WednHd.ay wtwn they -.nt to port Deed\. • M t1ka fill ' at • "' ._ <Alsta Mesa C. C. Friday ntrht. A checkup lhowed wu not Injured, Tourln& the atat~ for the rtnt l.dyllwild thfoy found much of the K.lnyoe told paBea ....._. U.t ~ 1 that $45 wu mlaatna from a d1ar tt.t' aince 1941, SpnMIIl will ~ ·~ forHt land bared and homte t. he ~ the ......_ _. W _... I 4 ..,. _. Board Arranges January Dinner box while ll!S wu milled from Motor•ISts eanapenled by two ldentliU tram In& Pr"Kt.d on the IOU. out to .... lf tMn -.... .... ..: en .:!.. :. :--the cash reclJter. ~ 'JQI!ftnlty'a Radiation lebora-'I'My wtn fOt'etd to Jour"ne1 a IOonU.... • ...... f r?lia ~ a ..... , H_. ...._.. tory. nr. Lu1a Alverez and Dr. mil~ far:thfor, 6400 fNt Up, and ..._.__~ ...... tt •spat Th• homr of Clark Nobl~ at Mt'lvln C&lvtn, who win dik'UII tht'n tM tralla Wfft' 10 bed and _... • • • ••stn ,., t6t7 Eatt Bay Front, Balboa. wu T ld A thC' JatHt ctevriopment• In , h ~ tr•111mnous that thf'y had dlf· \A/oman Hurt ' o.ta ...._ .. _, .• ....__ ranuckf'd bctwNn 11 and 11:20 0 u t 0 Pf'll~tl~ UICI of atom I<' •nerlr)'. flculty pulllnr t hfolr tru<'k up the JJ I ,_ P'••• c.-• ·-_. Plana far the ln<vrporatlon of p.m. Saturday, Meala ~~ eaten PrNident Sproul 111 pr~nt 1a at,..•p Ul'f'nt It wu nN'f'INr)' ..,., ...., • .,.._U. ... Coat a M~aa and for the establl1h-by buglan and half • ~et of IIJVt'r-In New "Vork 11tif'ndinlt truatee to tie the-truck to • li"C'e and • I D lllln.d bJ the c 1 ~ ~ ~ mt'nt of • bank and • new poet-war~ waa takrn. poll~ w~r~ told. PI De. I mN'tlnga or the r .. rn<'jtiP • n d thrn to lmprovilfo hol•t• lind C'll· n oorway ....... Whktl WIUit - office bulldln~t Wt'N.' dliCUS!Ied at Mn . Mary P. Ball of 2900 West ate ay Rock('ft>ller foundllltluns Tht• lat-ll'nd • Wt'nch·linr to hrlna down t.o .......,. Ita doc pound Ill t.. (Continued on Page 7) trr wu l•r .. ~Jy .. r~~,-n.,iltl•• fcJr fl· lhl' nM'dN! t"f'dara. fUM C'ift1Vft. No Pf'Ot_.. ._.. the m('('tlng of the board of dl-n ... • ~ .... • nw ~'--t Uw • ..-~lea, ... --... nam1ng the Unh·l'rslty'a n~w rye-F.ddlr M~tCNf'IJ of thf' Mai'Nf•ll Of SA Store --. .,... ·-rt>Cton of the Cot~ta Mt'Sa Clam-Hospital Reports Mrs. lot ron, unv,.llf'd "' ll··rk<'lry lllilt llntl lwnnNt tllxk nb .. •rvl!'f' wu ea.. wtll RM~...-..t...s to the~ bcr of Comm~ which wu held California motor l1ll v.i ll prob-munth thr most rtnwl'rlul atum-rhl••f rl~tlt<'r snd Mlkt' Orll'ltll or ....... today. In the flre hall on Roche.t•r street McEwen Is Recovering ably have to walt from two to smuhf'r In thf' wnrld '"" rlty •tro·f't d••r;~rtmrnt w1111 _ -- COita Mesa, Monday night. • --I six months hl>forl" r~ivlng thrlr tlrt\'r-r "' thr truck. --N RrJ! Thl" board votE'd to rontlnuto thl" Attachl'll o r the Santa An11 1947 IIIUfomobiJC' lict'nsr plst~>s. 110o H-.....-• 1'tN• srout••ra Wt'rl' Ja·rry John Mnt William Umland. a W• o solicitation of •ignlllll1rt'S for thl" C'ommumty hospitsl rl"portrd to-rording to th<' Automohllr C'lub J.'f~ P10neer s~on, th•· r"s'''''r11nt owna·r T•tm C'rntrnl nv,.nur. 1\alboe, le can- incorporation papers to m a k f' dAy thnt Mn. Lllll11n McEw<'n. or Southl'rn CAlifornia, which r<'· h I 1UI(IIn, I hi' l~<•11uty ahop JW'fJprlt•· flf"'(-d tu twr home' u the '..-alt Costa MC"sa 8 city. ThP II<'Crl"tary ro·O"''n(•r or the Mattson rourts. v~>alrd today that tPmporary ct'r·l Taken By Deat tur und <'hid ('rt~<'kt•r < lfhrr11 ,.,. "' n rro•nk flll'dc:t.-nt In Sante Ana On 'Neill was dirt'ctcd to ·WrJtr letters to W6 F.ast C'cntrol av<'nur, R~tlboa, tiflcatrs. with 19-17 numbt'ra d('ll· r·c•ml'nniNI thr f\Hrt y. ~11111nl"y wht•n ahc: WM -t1 I h C" postoffict' drpartmf'nt In il' r<'CoVcring from hl'r rcc~>nt In· lgnall'd, will bt' luuE'd to cu <'O!IIIII Mr!l;-;::;-uno· of 11,.r Tlll'rl' WIIA only •m•• f'IIRIIIIIty knlll·k••d tluwn by 11 door. Washington and to one of the big jury. owners in lieu of two liccnst> 1 trt 1 , th ~ th 1 J•ohn~on •uffo•root! tw•• '""'· llr fl'll fo:nr .. rinlt " ck•vartm~mt atcft ... M "" h i 65 I • b th "-Jif M P onf'I'J' rrR en , '" ,. ,.,. II,. fl t 11 I II I h h r t bl ___,_ 0 y ht honks which has branches IIIII OVl'r , .. r!l. C,c.W('n, w 0 II '. lUI-p lll oel y e '-""· ornta otor !'ltiUrdlly or Mn• IAolll~/1 Myn·hn. 1 I'll ""' w lf•n " jtiiY· n•• II I I'UIII( nne n t If' • ----· ac I hi' UnltE'd Stairs asking that tht' lalnr d II fracture of the right leg Vehicle Departmcmt during thl' I 77. or 17th nnrt 111 /IIIC•' 11\'l•nu•· .. I I Continued un l'•lt! 8111' tl<lllrll Mn Umland WM hat tn tlw r thriving community be con1ldered whl'n shl' fell from lh<' bt'd whrr e11mlng rcmrwol period of Jan. 2 1 Slu· w118 llnrn In f':l 1.-,ws. Mt•, ---- -rill• t.y tlw Iota tr .. huMIIe ol 81 8 site. sh~> hRJ t~rn conflnrd for th<' past toUF rdb. 4. hl~clusiv<'. , loul h11td ltvrd In , • .,,,, M•·<n for I Costa Mesa Driver thr flllfullt~> dnnr whJc:h ..,.,..,. nennls Hogland. chairman of two and a hai r )'l'llrA with pnrlltiY· n er I •s temporary meuurt>, 111,. Pllllt 41 yrnrll , h111l 111lnw1od to 1wlila baoc9twardl thr parking spn<'t' rommlttPe, rt>-sis. Th~> mish9r> occurrE'd 1 as t motorists will bt' r('(tUlrNf tn k,., • ., 1 • Faces Orange Count lnt•1 "'" at,.... Rhc .._ ...,.... portrd that thl'l!t' plan• litre -o-WN!nrsdlly. their ('('rtHkatrs In 11lght in thr !'hi' 1~ lllr\ "'''1 hy onr •nn, loy 11 t'll•rk, 11nd latrr telu!ft 1o ... drivl'r's romnnrtmrnt and tl r I mt l, of Lnn.: II·"' 11 llu•••• ~rrnnrt · r• I I II II' rtl f treetnwnt to grr11sing and that the area for •-· · 1 ~· n~ Jo'mtt ,.,111 l!nlph ,11 (Oli!IIR J..<·nnArd Lnw•rn•• rurn•·r, ·•·"-r " • u N' or additional parkin~~: may either bt'l F. Kemper's Condition h1~16 pl~tt<:,"',",rc•mdAlln on all "•'· ,;,.,~ "~'' Puul •I ll•llland Mit-hi-v.·,.~, IHtt, ~rr ..... t, (''~'" M'"'''· wro~~ r•·ll••w• t h ,, JM~In, X·raya t.UIII gradl'd or finishrd. I Re rted J d IC rs Unll ro•p IIC't' 1Y no'W aln•·~ ~·on 8 ••r·•n•l:lllrht••r 1\t;,. Mil· I nrr•·~lootl lty llrnna•• JWlllt'l' lofl Sial· lrtko•n l11t••r hut from Wbk:b no Cliff Lionhara('r. chairman or I s po mprove for I hi' fnllowlng yrar, the Club ,~.~ Jlolw.'i .. , fl:tlt .. :.. And I WI) urrtlly nt~;ht on " drunk drlvlna ,,.,.,,., hiiJI yrt '"'"' N'O!tv«L lht' nominations committl.'f' for the --announces. . . 11 ••·l:l '"''ltl.tlll!hl•·r~ .llont'l and <'hnrg•• ! · 1947 officers, r('poTtN! that nom !-F'rro K<'mpt•r or Annhl'im, hrl)-The I pre-'Aar pohcy of IIISUinl! h othlf'l'n I,.,,,.., foil! I A dHIIghl•·r-'111•' JWIIiC'I' r••)t(trl """' '""' Tur City Fathe.a File nAtions would be complt>tE'd In thr r of Arthur A Krmprr of this two.,:; ~11'!11 ~{ car ill IQ ht• rt• ''' '''"'. Mrs 1-.h~ Myn•hn uf ('t"'lll nl'r'• ''lir t'rllahrtt lulu II pnrktod aD t iml' , 0 r I hi· JanUIIIry m('('t)nJOt rity and hlm.'lelf a formf'r rM!I · su~ n • lllnd thl'y will bl' l\1('<:11 I Jll•·kup lnwk nwnNI l•y J.:rn<'llt Protest on Pier The ei<'Ction will be held In FC"b-rtf'nt. Is n •cuprr11tlng In .S('a.sldl' mAtll'd to 111ppllcants as aoon a'< . Ef'khufl ,.1 r 1111 1 1• 'J. Hull l!ft,l ruary. Mrmnrlal hMpltal. L(lng R('ach. they bacomc availahlf'. R.egtsl ru· ~ un•·r11l J••n·w••s w 1 I I lw• un· ( Jrunr•· .,., mt,.hlno· ~ 1111 ourk•>~l .,_ S 1 h i _ .. whPrt-h<" w IIIII takl"n Saturday tion f<'('tl a.r r to be n.coJd •• WillA I '"'""''' cl lat,.r h)• '"" l.rnlu•l r•hnt._l kt 1u .1 .. , W 1 1 1 ot·rt m t was appo nit-.. •--• · • M " n. •• avrr y •trr·o•t t 1111 <'hairman of 11 rommlltee to In-<'V<'nln~t aftt'r taklnsr al('('pin~t tab-at the time of IIIPJ>llc~ttion dunn~; • I no·ndm~; "'''nl fmm T'11ul Y· d t) · At'llnr.: ''" • motw.t JNidre b)' ,.,.,mf'IJru,.n lllth Aflrn and 1- c:rcRJt' I he membership of t hi' let~ rom pounded from 11 doctor's thl' rrnewel period. '• l111 chamber. J'li'C'I!c:ri))tlon And to w h i c h he On~> of tht:' other m111tl~>rs undl'r provl'd to bt' allersrlc. discussion was the Importance of Word WD! rtollllyl'd of his lllncu I'SIAhlishlnl{ a rural route. throuRh thl' loc11l poliCI' ~tllttlon to Arrest Middle-Aged Costa Mesa Troop Man on Check Count I Honors Five Boys C'hE'Ster llamllton. !50. of 4()1• Trc10p 6, Cn!!tn M•·~11. n '' y h l•..tl. tlu• N••wtllflft f~ <lty R ta Gi $500 l '.,unl'll "" Mt.tn•Lay l'¥t'tlolnc vvlrod 0 ry I Vetl '" nlrtf'(• "" file• • pro( .. t by • T h ,. ~""''""I llllrlrur ltntnry "'''lfl• flf rwnrw·rty ~ ...... t ('loth loa-rtoollnfoo(l J~oiRI teo I h•· Jl11• IIV.rl f'fTlf'nf n"llcfMod bl!tw.n ltn•n~;•• C'••IHII Y l'ro•11loyl••rl11r• """I tho• dty nnt1 () M. Cam~[ ot Jtlllal fun•l n"w fll'lll lnl{ tl11• dtllCI fi:ttl l 'llff drlvl', Ne-wport, Nawftn, Plans alao wer-e made for the his daughter , Mrs. J111mrs F.sklns mrmbt'nhip dinner which will bt' I or Anahrim. with whom he rt>· hf'ld nl'xt month. sidrs. ))('I Mnr atrrrt, Costa MI'Sll, hH< ~OOIUIJ, rN'rnt1y lnltiAir•t r ..... 111))'11 "' "" ~f'II WJ,(•I(t drlw l,;·r :.!5. [)('(on afTelllf'd on Ill chorJ!I' nf I~· 111100 fhl' lndi111n11, tht• n••w hon()r ------ Mun.IC.Ipal Body Aga·ln Turns· ~~;;,c:g 0~0 f~:d~~;:rt ch~:· ;;,: :~;;~::~:~;::~,·~~:.:~~:~::::~; Maj·or•lty Agree Chr·lstmas IIIUthoritll's In Sai'lta Ana. l.t·wk Turll'y, Jimmy l.llrtRdRit•, BU~N ~of ftft _..oil w.......,...... b7 allhl nr to &1M! C..t (•uud at litO p. n.. &odaf. C'.out Ouard "''""" w""' mn-tlnuln,c Ow-lr tlf'llrrh t•Jday for the 4 I f<lOt JJliKI fiJhlnl( fTIIIIII'r tlllfll• rei by Uob O'N,.IJ, 'L'J. "' llallooa, off thfo C'CNUI. O'Nf'IJI lrft Nc•wpnrt llartltW at J l :311 11 m Monday nn hi I hoet, lhC' Plllnl'lll ~ . 11 rwl~othbcw rf'a->rl· f'd. Whfon tw fotll•-.1 ,, rf'tum at nl~tht • tiNtrrh wn• atArll'd for him 11nd 1•1• """'· NrwrJOtt I 1M '"'r"'""'''r'11 nffl<:f' ••ld tod11y llo·•v '""' nctt rf't't'lvl'd any worcl rr .. m tho • ,..,ul IC••~~rtl u to wt11•tlwr llu• ,.,,,., or 1 )'f'/1'111 wu round. &landers' Rook Shop Show a W orkA of Art D. own Noland's L·1cense· Plea I rr:~": ~~;:~n,shc ::;c:~o~ p::·)~~~ ::(;·:::~:.,::~~:}S~:~:·o~,~~;~i:~ G·lvt·ng Is Pleasant Task similAr t'ha~e end that he WM ,, "inl( " nf"W point r••r(lrd_ lor Georg«' K. Nol111nd of 118 23rd l that It Is not • 1<'11:1111 drvlct'. 1 1 r m ployro In CO!Ita Mr!Ca 11~ 1~ Tt ''J'l 6_ A•••rt ln~: thnt llu·r•• llrt• thiN' I Jt't tlw ••n•· lim•• In •he' ,..., wi»MM Tho• r11t11n•l•·r11• lti••k ~"''Jl Ill ~14 t N t Beach re~lvcd will not hiiVI' 11nythlng to t1o with leb<Jrr r and monagrr of n f)(lllltr~ """ ntlllntnln thlll th(• nld·fruh· 't•vhtl{ 1~ tlw """' •--alto MllrorN• nv• nw· 111111~, 1 Ill And, ll· strf't'' rwpor ' I I c.•• A k M be h• ""'''~'~ I 'hrl~tm';, .. 1-l .. ·lnu o·urtvl•rt-.......... nnnthl'r dlscoura~tin~: setblllck on It," NolAnd told the council. "If I farm. ;,IX s em rs lp .. ""'' I fhlnk "'"' mc•t Pf'OPitoo aUJJ f'llhlhltlnl( Ito•• l•lolll'tnl(a otf fl rcruup I I I I I Ill i h •••I lnt•l ., ,..,,mmt'f't•!nl nrtulr. 11n1l Jllr I 1ft Mon.dny <'Vrnin~t whPn t~(' ml'm· t " rRR. t w .~ vP ml' a<' 11nc~>j In Costa Mea .. Troop ' ' 11•••· It 11. JWJt to milk,. a ur Art hclll •luruo~; tha• <1arl•(maa tw-n of the city rounrtl acting to lt<'t C'tff relief. I . 00 tlutt "w< r1t,n l lott\•· "~ lf•trld " ~Jo •• w. hut• Jlllr••l.)l In tJw aph1t ot llt·-lfl. nn 8 motion by Counrflm,.n Bob I Noland and his wife l'lltch draw Gives Piers , Six llfl)'' whn wnnt '" J•••n '"" c 'lui''"'"" "' "''' u•··•l tn." 11 Snnt" l(lvlrt~~ My t 1triat~ «f't 1,.1• Arnon1: th• rn ,r•• thr work Ot Alll'n and Lt's lsbl>ll votf'd to an old lllotf' prnsJQn from thr !Ctatr I I • v SNIIJtrl Wl'r•• th,. ~ui•J•rl nl """ ltrvt•ll•r phtotrwriiJolwr thl• '' • hllfl llo·lt••r rllrtl )"'ar." auf'tl jJitlnto-nt "' Th• lmll l 'llddock drnv hill l('('('lnd application for 111 twforr hi' Willi p!IIC'f'd (In thr stst•• Sr\'f'rRI npplfrntlon11 f n r pi"" '" lnvi'SII\P Nrt·m••ny """""rto·ii "''" k ·••k••l '"'' N•'"'l•trl lf ~rf•or ·'"'"' ~t··~··· ~rrvln-statk~n liP' Jlnpr, Jlurt l'r• .. ·lotr·. J oan and ll<'f'~~r to put 8 dart skill fltlll t'Tle roll'l 1111 111 prnalnnl'r, Nolnnd Will wrrP approvt•d hy lh<' ~f'wpflrl "' Troop Six uf r,,,.,a '1• "'' r•·· r• Mtla•ntll if th••y lhtou,:ht I 1ort .. t-1 ,., uff1r "Mrryhr l'fln'lfnl'niaJJ.m la Ill·• Jlrllndt ,.. 11 d M:trda Jfos» In oprr~tt lon "' 230f; (){'('an Frnnt. for )'l'llnl onr or lhP ronduC1(ln J\t•11ch rtty rt•und l Monrtay I 1' ~t ly . . "'·'" ""w loc u• 1:'""' "" It ,.,,.,I' h•· r ,.,..,,n Anyway 1 think -Jc1flf"'l. I his !!('('Ond IIJlprllranl'f' bl'· or II CArd room In Nt'wpnrt llrllch J>Prmtl!! wcrl' lnurd to John p I ntr• 110)11 ll rl'. "''I M• .. k "' ''"'I "'~~~ ""' j.~<•llln~t a wily from thto ldra for; lhl' rl!y f~tthl'n, Noland I'X· 111' wns for 11rvrnl )'f'Arll prior to l!urmrl. J. !' ~!C"''IIrt, M J 1 1 LArry \Vt"":l .. r l'u••nto · .It"'•·, 'Jw·~litm• tl ""' ,,, Mr~ Wllllnm .,f ('hrlatmroa lUI an Ot'CUkJn fur A • y h JS Ill inN! thai he wish I'd to In~! all thAI " !IJlf'Cllll in\'l'.tll(lltlor on thr I Frank lin, Ht•nry •• K••ndllll nntl :'I K""'"Y nf ( hit'll~'" unrt .. rKnk II ttl\. I' ,,, -111 1'••11\1 '"''''""'"'· '"'' d llidrl'n Kt•l• tnday ~ t.hr ppolnt out ' ' rh .. "Am Uflf•mrnt di'Vi('l' wo that h4' ltllllf nf thl' l..rtll Anstr ll'll clilllrirt olhl'n. I I •outlmr, I lnni..) M• rr .. rrt II n rt (·.,, • .,,"' •I• I l-hr, .rr,hn SII'Ji[l' r.r '"'II ,,, )';""'" (;lnUJI -a Jollllr hfo... Organiat in Church coul" lt'~t thf' [f'litlllity of thr In· nttnrnl')''l oHII'f'. I ---"" .. 11 Rllhrrt•. "" "' Ill" Mo"<:• 1:17 (',.rnl '''' ""''· llnll""' l•lnnd,I Jnl( ''"'r~•·to~ In the' lll'rV\clr fur strum('nt In th(' Supt-rior Coul't.. '"-" tnVMitht'lllor hr Willi .... I Meet on wednesday ~ ---,r·:l\ II Ak•'n~'"' •·f 'J.Iof Mllrln•· IIVf'· cS r • h ( 'hrlatmaa nt-rvanca. I IJnyd Jfoti;iTirr . 15, 110ft ot Mt. H t ld the council that h4' ~ljtnf'd to prol)(' thr bomhlng of --... Are Texas Bound """· ll.tlhtlll l~lotnfl, ,lllt'k lllln!lon wuulcl lllctl to llrt' • Rood old ldda and Mn. lf•mld T. JIIJI:qrrale , WR ... Inf~rm<'d by ·~ ltlllf'l at-th(' old In~ An~rrlf'l 1'1m('ll hulld-N·~'fiOrl lrllrbor p 0 . t, :l"JI ' I lr. And Mrll. T r H····lll'r. Wt•llt •• , :llk Alutllllll' ~•r .. •L nullltlA )JJ. ('h~iAimlla ll((uln." Ora,.... ,who pl•ycd the ;......, .. tornl')'·6,!t'nt'tlll's offll:f' th11t thr11nr 11nci • yrar l11t,.r ht' Wlllll ns-1 Amr rlc11n 1.-r~on will ml'f't Wl'd· I • ntnl avl'nU<•, lf•ft f.>unday t~rr A.nl'l And lA~ <:•nc"" "' 1305 Jo.lv11 .;~kf'naon, book •ton em-tJu (' 0 1 t • MHa c::::ommunt~ lnatru nent cannot lM!' dl-clared IIIJrnl'd to lnvrstiRIIIIl' thf' b11ck· fll'ld11y JX.c:. 11 . ,., the.> u~rlon Hut, \\'••fit Trxu whl'rr th1·y wrrl' rAil· 1 unfit l•uUI<'VHrd, ( urm111 d.,.J M11r. plnyr: Olrl1tmu .. • I'DOd • eburttl, wu appotftt4'd ~ ol elthPr a lf'ial or lllecal drvloe r ound of Juran on the Darrow t~th and Wt'at Bay av~nu4', Nl'w· •·11 by the Mrioua llln.,u nr Dr. Til(' •MW~'" follo,w : rv••r In our family .. .....,..,.. I u. nr~t eonar.tatlonaJ Clburdl until after lt bel been ...., 11'1 eue. port &ach, at 8 p.m. 'nM!re will R~a father. They uprct to M,..., Wlllhtm ll"rvey, 1 t o r " think thll Idea of • == e1ti1 ot ... ta Afta, ~. T"..t opentioft. H• clalme "'"'""hlp ot ~ ~ no meetlna WednelckJ, Dec. l)t' ION untll the latr.r part of mllr'llllfl-r: I don't be.ll .. •ve Otrl.•t' Chrlltmu • tftU...Ir • .. tM ,......._ ..... • Ndtal ta .. 1f tbt Superior eowt ,.,.. (ODIIUDued oe ..... lb) 25, Olrtatmu l\lctlt. Dccftnber. mu ll 1oln1. comrnet'dal al all. (Conflnu.cl • .... ., .._ ~ IMt ....... 1a • d • b& Cl w a If v/ Ul ,.,.. VENETIAN BLINDS SALES and SERVICE P••·CNst Ve1etlu Blind Co. a..c-NII-I 013alboa c}far/rel ..... ~ .. "-., ........,. ..... Rartlor'• Ml IIIAIN .,_l CI.Ae..... BALBOA, (;AJ,JY. --.--.- Brand New Equipment for Rental (li:I(&NT II~ e POWEll aAWS • WHEEUfA&aOW8 AI& TOOL8 • 103 C.F.II. POUAflLE,AD c;JOMP&U80&8· PNEUMATIC TIUD 'I'ILtorou WITH IIIA.DU A.LIIO • -----------. OONCRETE BB&AIUNG AND 8ANDBIA8TING SEBVICE . I Contractors Ecpllpment & Supply tlln Newport A-., 1 IIDl. W_. el Mew-port IU~.' aouua ., atua &t.. eu.aa .._no-11eaeoa ~ IU\'ENIU~'Ilah .. EM& Central annue..acl M&lJI etr"Mt, ......_, where It ~-propowd to wt Up a }'OUIII c•f'nlf'r In the Old U80 clu, now 41 .. b&ncll-d. 11w!o ~M ,.b(,wiDK llundn-4!0 of -c::l\ool •·l•Udree wiMI portk'lpatt'd In the pt,.te Ua) poriUif' "•" ""•I•Pf'd by WaJter Ger-hardt. se-nmd pltotoc,.llfM'r. 0~ to obje..tlun to the elte for o youth r lub, a rommJttee Is now waN"hlnJt for a •ubtttJtute. G··t hat lit Photo. Parents frown on USO Club As Center for Young People Snm<' day Nl'WJ)Ort Harbor dis· his organization would IX> willing t1tl'l mny have a fOUth ll'rvicr_ Jo...open the Legion Hut for YOWltl- r•o nlr·r nut Tt will not he located (X'Oplc'a dane<>s on Frtdllt' or Sat- ,,, F.ast C'Pntrnl 11\'••nue and Main urday nil:hts. . ~,.,.,.,, l3~tlboa, ns was or iginally Ht• aaid jllnttor and ll~hl1nl: S\'r · t•IH11no:d vlrt• would onl) t•ost stx dollnrs. Too mnny hart>or dtstrict par-Rol.lt·rt A. Eul'tman of llalhua • nts hill'(' rrownt"d 0 11 that Sf'C· IslAnd ,who is district ..:o\'rrnor 11110 of town simply ~a Wit' ther <' for thl' Roy Scout~. propos<·d 1 hl' LADY HELEN • • -Presents Lovely Lingerie All done_ up with preciou& NK~~==tt-= Rayon Crr•pt' P<•ttt·Sllp in pink. "hllc Panltl'S in rink. \\'hit(' Rayon Cri'JX'. Sm . ~tl'd .• Laq;t• At>cl Surk,., fW)on Satin Rlue, Whttt>, Blush Pink. Sm .. Med., Large. .. $5.95 $3.95 $6.95 DEAUVILLE SHOPPE .orl· ll number of hars and ator('S formation of ll n org~nlzation 138 So. Cc.et Bh·d. tlllot sl'll liljuor In th<' neighbor-which could lx• the nu.us for OPEN EVENl!'I:GS TILL 9 O'CLOCK Lapu lleedt PHONE 8313 hr;,xl Tht•) rt"ar that thl' nt'ar-th1• l'StablishmNlt of a young JX'O· -:=======~~~~E===~~~==~~~~~ no-s& of lh<'ll<' plnccs mny havt> a plt>'a ctuh 1n Ont• o( thl' communi· ~ l)ad lnflUl'hcc "on th<' young peo-til's In thl' district. 1>1•· Such an organization would b<' At lt•nst that "'<IS tht> consPn· compoced or a group of oldt'r JX'O· ,,1s (>( opinton among the nint> pi£' who havt> a ltl'nuinc mtcr <'St ro pr<'srntatlves of harbo r w 1 de I~ th_e wella.re of the youth in th<' t.u:.ln\'SS and ci\'iC organizations d_JStrlct. Wtth such 11n ~f&Hnlza­ .,tllch m<'t Wl'dnesday night in tton, It "''as said, somethmg could •II•• USO Club, East Ct>ntraJ ave-~one to put the youth. ccntl'r l nu!' and Main str('('t, Balboa. in ldPa mto progr<'Sslve mot1on .. onothcr frulllt>ss session to estab-Sinet> thts plan was recctl'l'd I "h a yuuth <•enter. fav~ralJly, It was voted to m~t 11gatn In January at whtch lime It .'\11 rn·s<•nt &gr't>t'd '?at thl'.re is plannl'd to form th<' organiza-1 "otS nrl·d for a club "'hE're das-lion and do som<'lhln~e about the lilt 1 ~uung I>"'VPll' could congre-youth ttnter program In 1947. ..: oil• fnr social aria irs and danCl'l Am 0 n 1: the n •prl'st•ntatives I • '11 \\ t'•'k•'nds. pr('srnt at the m<'et I OJ: \\'(.•re l\1rs. Th · Galley 507 Central Avenue .Balboa Phoae Ha.rbor 1%40-B Special on Tuesday Dinner 5 ~ 7:SO . . --_, .. !t.HI iaAf 11 t••• I rt l.f I I I 1>1'11 I t ,l "ffi It l•t .. fl ........... _.,,. •• I I f I I I I I I I I I I :.,I •I I I :" Kiwanians Do Great Work Among Children of County It \\Ill> pointl'd out that their Don 1\kCallum or thl' AsslstanC(' • toJ, r'< hal't• vartous places I o r Leagu<'. :\Irs lll'riN'rr Mb rl'y of "'"·'~"n'. hut thf•re is no plaCC' for Newport llarbor Girl Association. th•• youn~: people. Mrs. Edgar R. l-lJII of th(' Eh<'ll Beef Tenderloin Filet Steak $150 I ' · : I K1wnninm~ 1n nthrr parts or • :on1t ~l'l!ni'IHno·" tho• nntf' :~s to T H E cENTRAL I N E R :I Orstnl!f' Count) 1111' !luln~ ~Oinf' s-.,. II fllllltlh 'rill~ 111Hni'Y ~{Of'S '" f • ; J.(ro·al Wttrk In I h•· "11.~ tof pl.lhll(' do•lll1lll' wdf,lr" "ork : Al'hi•·~·••mNtl , It W 1\lll'lilh' of 'l'ho· o\nHh•·•m KI\~OOIS C I U It • Nc•wpnrt ll•·•ghl,, r .. llrlng ll .. uto'· :-;,., o·ral o.•xpross<'d the hOJX' that' clut): Vlncl'nt Cl.jsumnno of thl' l tht· ('it)-of N<'Wport Beach would Am••ric11n LA•t;ion : John Vogel of 11irlwlr n youth st'rvicc Cl'ntcr as thP Balbon lmpro''"rn•·nt nssol'la· ;,n addition to their plans for a tlon: Robert A. Eastman, Boy n•"' mttn•<·•pal ltuildin~ In lht> Scout commll!ltono·r : Postmastt•r "''•n•t~· tJf thr Lido thcatE'r. Herbert F. Kl'ltnY nf thf' chamber ' nnnt J.:lllt•rnur of Ktllnnlnn C'luhs ''""'""' ~nlllh lu't·h•·!ltrll, which .. : in this rh~trwt. told nH·ml><•rs PC 1111111111' ~alii, ~~a" ·• wondc:rful : 1 thl' Nf•\I'Jk1rl ll nrt~.r Kt\\IIIIIS C'lub thlnJ,; tor that , ... mmunlty. I t h;" • at ilx 11\t't•ttlll: ~ l'lll.oy JHtt lilt II "''fl1 S II( ('lint'l•rts and Arlrln· MOl: lh•• m••nth••r'< at has ~old II' many 11~ 1000 tickets --..•·• • lht•tr lunr h•'iln tn Wh1tt•s C'oflt.'t'. ·11 11 rlullar ••rwh hn thiS type of <Hiwrs thnu,::ht that the city or commcrct.> and C'lydc Ashl'n of l i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~~;;~~~~~~ -hr•ttld "'' ;,stde pnrt of t!K' site the Balboa U.S.O. -~ t .. r 11 111 tl' r••nler where both old 1 G J F T T 0 /T R E A S U R E ;md )OUrtl: muld congn•g11Le for llold that forc·cast or fair <'Co-A J Shop In Ralboll. 1\ortint' sard Ill' o•nlr•rf;IIIIIMOt hnd mndt• an nnai)SI" of th(' typo• Tho· l.ul l11hra K1WII nl5 C I U lo ul "nrk ";•rwh or tho· k twilms C'luhs ,,,.,.,..,,rl> n ho~pttal 11nd II col- urt• duin,:: Tht~ n•port. h<• ~;ald. lt•C'I ~ lund~ for "ork nmon1: undl'r· • WIL'I to tw mll!lo• to till' stah• or-IJrlnht.:<'d chtldrl'n Famlllt>s With AU., • STEEL PLEASURE CRUISER : t.:nntu ttlnn n""d"d ch1ldrcn art> ('S)X'<'ially car- ,, ~··ru•5 or ll'rturH on national nomic wo•<~t~wr. Thr shadow or ~ and tnl•'rnationa l subj('cts. J ohn L. L<'wis' ey<'brows ill again ~-~~ \'m cl'nl ('u~umano. who r<'prt>-falling ovc•r th<' lund.-Omaha r-' ~ "·nt<'d th•· Am•·n can Leg1on, said "'orld·llf'ralcL • · -, "Wt• 111 tlw ="""'IIIJTI llnrbnr Kt· "d fur by thts club • w~tn1s duh .,,.,. a hllll' lax tn our Hnrltnl' 11lso noted that t h l' • youth wurk. \Vo• lin spnnsor the ="•'" Jl<trt I lnrhor Ktwanls Club has • S.·a SC'OUtll hut not ftn11nc•ally. donal<·d a largt> sum or rrlbn<'y to Built By Central Boat Works a-._ 1MO -Newport a.dl -Foot ol Sut St. GORDON a~ FINDLAY • At le~tst ti1ry ll:l\o•n 1 askt'd us Hw Prt•sbytf'rtan hospttol fund ~~~~~~~!:!:~~~~~~·~·~·~·~·~·~,..~-~~"'~'"~.,.~·~-~ ... ~"~'"~'~ .. ~,.,~··~·· for any mon••y,' Barttnl' tx•gan. 'Th" local cluh has also II"''" $100 -• · · ~~~ Th<' Whtttll'r t'luh sponsors a to thl' Tar ur lhC' Wt'<'k pro~trllm 11.,-.cra:e-..-...-.. .... -.:..~~--:"1-.:"1-.:~ hoy•' homl' It nlso ~:a\'<' from Following t h 1 s talk, retlrin~t Oftlae: JUO OoM& 81'9d. ·· IUGGISTIONS Robes -$24.95 & $29.95 100% Wool. Quilted Crepes Sheer Gown Sets $29.95 -$34.95 La~ Trtmmed Hostess Gowns Nighties $24.95 $5.95 & $8.9S. l...n('{' Trim $4.95 to $7.95 $3.95 to $9.95 Bags, all types $7.95 to $22.95 Imported Handkerchiefs 65c to $6.00 Sparkling New Costume Jewelry Att ractive!y Prict'd Slips La~ Trim Blouses DRESSES-SUITS-COATS Formals --•Formal Wraps Wedding Gowns--Wedding Veils Millinery • MALCOM] fASI:IIO N S~OP fOR WOMEN -NorCia 11a1a 8&. S..ta AD , ............ , .... ,Jt~'lil'fliil'lliil .... .. $35C) to MOO l•>r that home and lJfl'~lllo•nt Fny IJlowrr and sect'C· It J:AVf' ~5Ait 111 un•· tim<' to tts tny .J11n R rts('()(' 11111d that tht'y youth work mov<'mt.'nl, Rarlme "nutd ha\'(' th<' 1946 achlt•\'t'ml'nt 11ald. It nlst'l provtdc·s funds for report of tht• local C'lub rl'ad) be· thr YMt'i\ an<1 fnr hoy sruut furr tlw r iM•· "' tho• month. work. Ttus r•'l"'r 1. 1 hry Sllld, wnuld CABINET SHOP SERVICE OABINE'1'8 AND MILLWORK T. C. JOHNSON, Supt. .,._: a..rt.or 1111·1 11w Snnta Ann Kiwanis club ro•lntf' mur•· t>f th<' AC'tivltl('S In ~~---~--... -----------------~JXInMIIr~ tht• •t-Il cluh It also which. thr locnl club• hns played ~.,,,,, ;-; 1 ,, ;-,,,, •·•,, ;,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ~ aponsorll undc·r-pnl 1lo•J.(o'd chlhirt•n 11 pnrt clurtnt.: I ht• pro•:s••nl )'('ltr. nnd It halt J.:ll'o•n 11 lllrl:t' dun;ltiun Tlw nlt'<'l lnt.: t'lust•d \\lth a pro-• tn th<• l'rl'~h)•krlan hussnta l fund. po~al hy Itt•• n••wly-elo•••J pn•!lldent 'fhl"lr d uh nl!lo plill'o'!l a milk bot· Tht•fl :'okEirny that t hr rlub mak<' • II<' on tho· tahlr• and Wf't•kly con-th•• )OUt~ pru~o:rum part of Its • trlhutlon~ run as hl~h ns $6:.!5 1~\.17 tl'fhwl•'mo·nts CASHMERES!. • Household Appliances • Washing Machines • Heating Lamps • Radios • Broilmasters • O'Keefe and • Plugmasters Merritt · Stoves -· ISLAND APPLIANCE SHOP l..c>C•at.-d at Cox and KPf'IPr l 'nlon Statlcm ·-(•ark & ~I~Jrinr A\'f'. (•iwnt• llarbor ~~~3~ or 1391 BAI.BO:\. ISI .:\~U It's ,.,th Ksier dwl falllos off • Jog· Just uy Chevron Supreme Ia your tank. h's tailored to you.r cat .,.jth the WM skill that perfected Standud's .,.ar-provrd ftying fur b. every ride a ioy ride I• Nt"' blending agents in <llrvroo Suprtmt givr rou lAJt .. aaru, smooth arctltration, pinglrss perform.tncc. ll's tht fintu motor furl Srand2rd t\·tr productd-you can bank on nn7 uip being a pleulll't trip ,·ith CMvron Supreme! Clayton Thompson \\'holeMJe DlstTlbutlon Pbooe 1M Res. Phone 1094 Beautifully Hand Fi.nished, · llnported . . ~~ AUSTRALIAN CASHMERE . SWEATERS '1495 . · Pastel blue only ................... . , Other Sweaters from $3.85 . _, FOR TIIAT PARTICULAR MAN SHOP AT: . • . '• ·~otc:::: -· 8-'RTSWERR BALBOA INN BLDG .. at Foot of B:~lbon PiC'r. Ph. 10fl5 • • ltours: 10-6: Evenings: ~Jon .. \\C'd., Fri., Sat., 7 to !'I • :. t 1 1 It I I I I I I I I If I I I I I I I I I I ~~ f I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 t . I ~ ' . Pen~ Pencll Sets Costume Jewelry +Many Charming, New Designs WATCHES tor Mt'n and WonM'n Satlon.ally Ad\'l'rtllled ~akH 1\len's Leather Goods .. Roberts' Special CHRISTMAS OFFER One Dozen Christmas Pictures Studio lloun: 10:00 L m. to '7:00 p. m. Dally Otht>r Tlmt' by Appolntmtnt Wr Spt'riallzt> In \\'t>ddin~s and Copyin~ Old r•or1raif8 SANTA ANA .J ! -- ! i; !! .. ~ . • -• • ~ I" !i . il • ! i ~ ! ! !! !! !i i ! ~ -!! ' ! .. .. t ! ! ii i -.. -• -! !! .. i i -• !! • ;; ~ ;; -! i . p i !! i I ' I Contractors' Rental Eq~~-ilt ... , ......... ·~-.... .........-Gee---~ BUILDING ud OABINE'l' SEBVIOE DUTGH HEACOCK Ph. HARBOR 502 or BEACON 5508-W 11Ut ud BANTA ANA AVE,. 008TA IIE8A ~ m I B ! I N A $ May we sugges t as a Christmas Gift any o f the folWwing: FOR THE HOME Philco Radio General Electric Radio Hot Water Heaters Household Electrical Fixtures Electric .Refrigeration Electric Ranges · Hot Water Heaters Household Electrical Fixtur~ FOR THE SKIPPER Searchlights Ship-Shore Radio Kirsten Photo-Electric Pilot New Lighting Fixtures Batteries Motors Generators f!.,ire Fighting Equipment • SINCE 1920 I ~ 1000 Cout lllway Phone Beacoa M07 ~ Ia ... ~WU1111qt41a-8todrtoa-8u Dteco-o.ldaDd ELECTRICIANS ,. ... C-O-Two Fire Equipment for FACI'OaY, PLANT, 8TOU. OFFICE. FAJLW, HOME Prod::c?~'!!f ~:ee.r&~f!1: vears Vocalists Tour Balboa Isle Singing Songs of Yuletide TM COfrun('rclal production oil oT tM Cl'l~mleata propytt'M. m&or- syntlw tk j;;lyet>r tn, a dn>am of lnt> and caustic' IOda. A{'('Of'cl1n_a th<' rht'mkal indtatry for mo~ to tht> a nnounet>mt'nt. tht' plant • than a N'ntury. "111 tx-a N'tlll!yfouti}lff will t•nd to atu d)l pr~nt . whl"n Shdl ('hl"mical Corpora-wldt> flur tuntions In prtN' and r att• I "1••u• l•lo111l1 wtll 11~h1•r In thl' Mr ll•·•·l. '''"'"' ll•n\,.rtt with tton's Si'\1'1\ nu lhu n dolla r tt)Y· ("UITI"nl shortaltl"tl. '.1 11'111'·'~ "'·'~'"' llortl~tht who•n '"" ,011.,.,1 '"HI~''""'' "'"'" ,.,. ('('rin plant IS COnll}ll'll'<i early In I \''ilh ttn ll!ISUrt'd SUpply Of aly • 1'11 •lo 1' f lPIII o•ltllrl'lw~ \\Ill 111111 lll':onl 111101 oh io• lo• :o ,,,,,..,,,,\ ,,( l~R. !ll'{'Ording to J . t)o&t~MTit')'t'r, C<'rin, m ttnuf8rhll't'rl will bt' ton· lit. 1•1 '"''· ~ln,.;lu,.; I"'"""'"'""""~ 111111,.,1,.1,. ""'"'' '"'""' 11,.,,. 1,. ... 11 prl'alldt•nt The plant will bt' lo-('tlllr&RI'<I to int nldu<¥ III'W J)C'Itl't'· ro'l'11111"'''111 ••I 1 h1· ) Ulo•t "''' 11111 •'"""'" t tw ,.,~, ,.,,. tlo•ll fou111t n tl••d In lltlll!iil!tn, Tl•Xas. I ttmt' prlodU('IS u~lnj;t It 88 till' btt lt-1 \ l'ltlill, , .. J.tt.·s, ')•to·m 1111 · ""'" 111 rho• o•nthtll'l u,,1111: 1.,,., lJurinJ: tho• wnr tht' unpr{'('l'· or as an Importa nt r11w mat1•r htl.l "''1 ' .t h "" :'• 1!' Hu.tt .. 1'"'" '"'" ••I ll••t h.ollfli: •'fh<ll t:h ht:ht~ -<1• ntl-<.1 dt'mnnd lor J:I)'Cf'rin for com pany o ffld811 58td . I'· "" 1·1 111.1 '"''"'''" '""'· \1 111 lou •h·· ···lo·hr.llh•n -o•xplllSI\'1'!1 (1\'t'f'IRn t ht• suvp1y Top iJt'llet'-tlm l' ('Pntlltlllt'MI of ,.,, ' '"' .......... "'''' lh·· 1'1'•'1111) ll:oll \ "'''''"""'· 1~1·"''' 1'/ltllo'rll • <•nmnw n'lHlly a,·nlla hlt' frorn nat-~Jy('t•rm w ho h tt\'1' uwRih'<l this 11• ·'• '1 d "''""' "' 1' ''"' "'' •topfol\ '"'"'''' 'I"''"' ', t·~ ltt~:hl) : ur ul :uumnl ttnd \t't:t•tuht,• fa ts. dl'\'t•lopomwnt \\tth ~rro·nt intl'r-'St ,.,.., '' ""'' '" '" ''' ·~""''"' "' ••I t111· no 111111' 111 \\hid• Mt· ll•"'k •I flt'<JIIlrt·mo•nt!l wert' nwt only by llrt' rnnnufni"Titl't'MI llf 11 Inn« .11111 lu• 1 '''"'II'·'" to·ttk \l tlh tho· h~ol '''Ill•· thto•lh 1o \IIIII Ill• nlto•r ( lllw Stti\'IIJ:I' of k ltt:ht•rl. fUilil in rn•l-of rlvilian ~;uods mr~udinl( r;ur-I'' I rl I•H•111t " rhnr.•ur.:hturo•. •·• tn,th• 1111' 111 ,,~., 11111 11 ,., .. ,.., •• ,. -htlnS ,,, Arnt•rll'ltO honws. h tCI' ('()llltiiJ:S fllr 11\IIOrnohUH lind Ml I ,, ,, """' '""' l'.trk "' l'flllt'< II. ,. II 1.1 •n•l "'"''" um l \\ ,. olo•t•Ji : Syntht•tl't manu far tur t' or ~;1)·-r••frll:t'rators. ttthru'('() nulnufllrt-..: 1 1 1 1'"' ••I'J••ur urw••" ••I 11 I~ ·'1'1'''"'1111•• ht• ''"ll"'rllll••n .. • l"f'rtn hy a proco•u dt•,('(o(X'd in ur.•rs ttnd prudur.•rs ,,r mtro~t1Y-t 'l tt• " r• l.on•• ~-'•"'" th.• '"" "ho•n lnlt•t , ,..,, ,•11 • thl' laboratolrii"S or Slll'll [}(o\'('(Op-n•rin and d}nlltnttt•. Olhl'r im· 1 II., olllk ,,,, 1'1111'''"1" t .. u,.., "" Soflltolll\ • ml·n t Company at t-:meryvtll«', C'al-portanl ust'S 11rr in the pr-lduc--"' 1 .1 •• ''" ,.,,,,,,,.,, h,.;hh. "·"'' :0.11 For~\tlw nt'" 1"1111 trlhut,. • lfornia wtll add to th" supply now tion of Cf'liOVhllnt', films. do•ntl· I• 11 '''"''•· "I' '"' ""''" lo-:utrn~: "' lho· "'""'li'r 111 """ h 1111 .,f tlu• • tx-in~ot produet>d by thl' soap manu-' frtr<'s and tml<'l artlc.lt1'. drugs lr• 111 tho ''' "'I'•· '" l'\luttll•· unol l•u''"'"'nu•n "r ,. ""'l"'rll lln.: 111 • fact ur€'rt, Ooltl'rnl<'Y<'r 11111d . and phnrm,tro~uuruls. prlntcr'a 1'"1 h "• nth • I t.-d~··s otl ~:ro .. ·n tilt'' pru.:rum In Shdl Chemical's ni'W plan t. tnks. tt•xtilt• dyt·s, rosnwtlrs and lrollotllllll.!• "''''' h•·•·ll tlll.h-.1 tu II•• ul•o• o·lt··•l tho• •'•'lllrlhul lnnA ~ lth'<'t'rtn w t il IK-• manufactun'<i paper. II:"' til• ""''' " l··~tt'•' 1t•111'h -"''''"'II\ tho• I 'd•~•'" ''llllllllfl)', fht• ; I s}nlhl'tically from 8 stablt> aupply Sht>ll's sri«'nlists. havinK ron-""" Jo"• ph 1\ 1\t"'k, \'t•h •nm t .. lqohtttlt' '''"'l'"n''· Muhnry A io d urtl'd pilot plant produc·tion or ~ ...... ,~"' t1h ~t lltl "'nuto•,\\h•• 'lt•l 'ul'tl1t\ t'1t'\'flll'lllll<, ll u l l'h :I Bulkhead Asked I syntht•tic ~:tyN·rin (1\'t'r ". tong prr-'."' 11111\ ''""'"''' honu· from u t'"''' l t.-uo•o•·k rl"· htnl•l"'ll '"mtr~tt·tt•r. t • lod, alate tha t II m<'•'IS all rt>qulrt•· rat '''I'"'"''""· ""'''' tlw IIHihn11 ('~orJ lt•·•·•l nf tlu· w .. ,.,.,Jy Af\l'rt-; By Ji·m Cagney ml'nls as 8 hhth qutttlly chl'mlcall)' I hlutul l'llhllh'" ~t.-n·~ ''~""''"""II· fllt'llf> o•ntt-rpt ihl' lit tt l "' (.,. r I .I purl' product. 1\tanufacturrn us-. SJ)olfl~ul ' ,,, Ill<' I 'hn~llllll> pr.l \\'o«lnutR~N' or tho• ("II\ tl( Nt'W· : F ilm artor Jam<'~ Cu~:m•y's ap-1111! glycl"rin in t h1•1r proet>tl&t-1 find ~:r.nll, 1 ·~• 1111111'' lt:td .,·wko'\~ JKII'I J\{ondl I •! JJiicution for 8 llt'rrtllt lo bulltl l that it puss••!~ thl' ri~tld l llcd(ica-, 1A hwlt "'"'' lot•o•n 111 ,. t tt I I ··•I "Th1• 1-:tltl't'll 1'(1111111111)' -··nt twn ; 11 hulkhi'IHI nro111nd C:u;nP)' I."lnnd t ions impost'<! on their producta. , '"""'~'"'!'' lhP ''1and ""'" rnun t lll'ir ••lt••·t rk U.:htlnw .. 1 m N~WJlOI'I ll:~rl~·r d:~trkl was ----!I 1 t k - • •rlf·t·:r1 h•• thl' ]\.,wport Rt·ltdl CASTAWAYS' CHATTER ''"''' mo·nl tto II III I' II ~urvt') ltl , '"' o·tllolll how l!lllt'h ll~hl ill~( W•' • (."tty (.'uunt•tl Mond uy t·n •ninl: hl wo•u1d no·•·•l. ""'' tlw n. "F ,rRyth•• :I th,• hnrhor rummlt:rc ~ By NANCY NEWPORT mlclo•ol, "tho• l't•nlJIIIIl~ ~alol II w1111hl • 1 :111' Ctt,;:•u·~ IIJII hc-ntinn \\ II s "-_ lt11<1k 111 1111' po\\ o·r \\ 1\,•ro•l'o•r Wt• .Jiri'S<'nh~J hy n. L. Pattcrs•ln, run-FIRST Wllltr' o· CHRlSTMA~ !':tllh' ~·''""'·') nr~ht "' . ("Itt on' , .......... II 111111 lito II \\pllfd rur nl•h : sultrn~e t·n~lrlf't•r or N t'"' pn r ! Don caml' bustltn~ anto Castawu)s' l"lul• \IIIII"' lo1~ '"'''IIIli 1111•l '""' If to• us 111 11 I'"' rnl•· .. P I'Wach und ft•rrm'r c tty l'nRtnt'«'l 1 1 fulls ur baublt'~>, uns«'l and t inkltng I t'lllko•t' "'••"'n""'~'"'· tilt rttnlt'rll 111p . - -' IIOUDAY t•RF.-\'1]';\\ UH.)KI'l IIOOU~ ph !lt•ulo-r \\1'111 nn, r.•nlrllotltt•tl ~ rl· IF SA1i HOAY N1GII'J''S ('Itt 1\\ 1J II'\; I'll~: 111.\'FF '' an~ tl1t· lt111'k ''"''"''"'' l:ulll••u llntl , J '-. "'-· lt·ritPrion. folk,.. wt• lln' up to our no~·k .. 111 11 ~: • .t,, l'hii•IIIJ'" "''"'"n "''' ko'il foot tft1,,. ''"'' 11, lll-t~tll ~. I ,.,.,~ry t ahlc• full nnrl pu rty llfll'f,' 11111 f)' • h.tllllll: 111 !I""'."' ,,,., tho• ll~:ht~ ""'' h..tl~ 111 11 , . , ftn' walttnl: thC'Ir tum' AND tf • Irk·· '"'" ,\1.1. tt\ ~;n "'" :--,• r " ~lr•• t I """' Jt•rry J ohnson ndtng Into '""'' "" , tru,·k l•~tol ••I ulfh 1.11 '''"~•ruthtn' Mt lt..tol w••nt lo• Carr's Feed Store Hay aod Grain Quality Feeds -1-o.Di DeU...,._...._ IU& 18%'7 N~WJ10r1 Bh·4. OOSTA MESA Balboa tn":" lor thl• chy-trimnHn.:' ,.,.,, ll.•ll••·• hlo· ,, .•ll•·aol\ ,1 1~,. J\ll<:t'l•·' ''' t:•·t tlw l 'htl!•lma• T INSEL TUW!'.:~ -lt!'ll~ I'd llkt• ot pll'tUJ"l' uC Uon atop l11• 111 l..o·t~ •I• I' l.ulolo•r lllllflllll: M1•hur~ & :O.to•l '111 lllo'\ Ht•·ut "''' a (.'hn-tmu:-OOUI~U··· ltn tlw lll>ITII"''""" "' I!PII th.· l<··uut.~·l 11\•'1 l .. ral rln\• hok•kllll: "'' llu• h)Mit'lll .. tlw ftreplaCl' \l.htt'h •~ ul:-0 llrtppm~ ( 111t•tlll.•• 1 ~·11•, h,.fh anti 1 th· ..-.. , "' It~•· ,,11rt · 11(\n~ i:lllorr! E\t•n th1• l•t.~lf· hlontl A.:'\1.;1 I. """ ,,.I .. 1•'1' h .otup .,-,;r q,.. "''' ft''' "I Ill!' o·hllllro·ll tht• tn:<t• hns ht't'n J.:l\'!'n XffiA-XI\1 1\:--~Ill.~. ·•lid " ,,,,, du•,.ko·ol I 11 "tnrtt wh1r h prnrtic·ullv huN" tnlo t111 t•lm;" t·,,,,.,,. i\lto·r 1tll " "' ''"111110111111' 1-.or,ltllo• ~nlll "'hY S IIOULON'T un ANt>EL IX' hupp)' . '""' Sunta t 'I·"'~ h.t• I,•J.•~;mpll••ot \'a knO\I.', b")'" nnd a.ttrl~ th•·•··' '""1o·th1110: '''""II 11 HEAL lltul lw "ill IH· nnh ''"' ~:hul '" C JIRJSTMASSY FIREI'l.ACE thnt t'ullll·• utulo·o lltl' ll•·tod ••I :O.Il 'STS ''''' lito· 1,1 .. rul In t lu• olrt) ti~ru•. Ill> Car Ill> I am ('tlfl('\•mo•d. ''"IX'c tully '' lh'n ~ ,, olun r "'"'' '''" nl )"ll' n~ h1• nl.:ht~ nr•· w,.JI tf•k•·n-up 1own likt-!l<•ntimt'ntnl M E. Cor ins tnnro·! lr', tho• old S I'JiliT they 111'111111: 1111 ••I 11111 thiiiiMntulll ul I gil'<' out and thr mon• or 'I'm .1 St-:E th• "'""' 11f rt 1 t:t-~r· ,,.,.k• l1ll•••l '" tlw ttrltntrlillll 1.;1111 AND \\"f:DDI!'c: Kt.I.IJ-1 1Atth nlo•,. llun~:~ I•••· Ill•· nntlnn'" RING AG AIN at I hi' llt'Brl~> und Flu" "r' r 11hlo· ftll' l ltury < .,,,... I( II 1• 11111t 1"'>'~ .lflntl, who ha~ rtrncd thl'rt' rrgul11rl), 1olto·r ht~ Suturdny su•l w•th Slln lu 1 -11111•' 1~ ''" ,..,.1,,,1· t . I i'U>St>ma ry l..aJJinndl(' lllury direc-t• :O.Io·o•t lilt• Mt~!<U~> Hoch•> Shnw 1 1 I '1 lit -a nd RO!l<•m ar)·. Nntwna l lwauty (.'tlltt•·•t \\'tlllll'l', IS ont• ur Jlolly-r Vt' 1>' liJIO'<'Ifol uorpl"''''· hu t It Ill wood's MOST beuullful ~ not k11own wlwtlt~·t lw "''Ill 1111111 H arry IS also VPry busy pron\1111111-: 11 BurcHn<'l'r JWdio &•rial "' lh•• 11rlllll(l· t'o•IIIIIY "'rt•lrl ur which [)(m ha~ lx·t'n hntttng out "'h••u n•ll wn ttn.: P IXIE st orier~: Jtl ""1111' lltlfl•r fu•lc t In llw t'fiUnty l-or commg tn last In SC'ntll' Salhng l!lu't"' n IAT guy~ I'll tx-t he "llut ynu ,.,.,, •pr••lld 1111' Wllr ll l has his pira.t<'5 raasm g, orchtds. and l 'A:>;AitY btn1ll ,whc•n not punc-h · sround th11t I'll '"' th1•rr•". win-d in~ clock wHh cut las>-. All n~;ht. Mat! IIIII Mt'sa, I M M AD htYuusP tho• "'"" with th . toni( 1 w 1 he s nt'ver m ade a Pesll a t mt' w ell \\'110 t'Vt•r hl'ard "' HAPPILY lll'nrd wh 1 11,.,. r ' 1d no Y I MARRIED PIRATEs~ 1 " ftrt>Wt n • H F.'M A 8HIIlT-HOA&DI:It. TOOl Amnn~: tho• firms whn hrtvt• 4 .... I NUW I t'8trh htm makln.lt a tiC'& I wll h 'htrt -d••'ll:lll'r f1or••nN• nrnlf•d lltdr piiH'•·~ nnol ••·I IIJI F owler of Laguna who I.~ tm(JOr1 tng R t::AL '"land rtlatt•n,.ls 1Ahto•h lh••lr lll•plny wtnrt.m·~ r .. r t111· 1•·•- shP gunrant<'f'S wtll out-louol 11nd toUt -asland Al.l. 1>-land sh1rt!.~ 1'111 tlv<' lll'lll nn Ill''· f \(•lo 1\111'11'• \11r "''" rltmng Wtlh Rnlhto.:t h11' J oltnny Aht•ll, c-h;wmm~: Mr11 IJ•ur' l lt•ty "''"'''· 1 'uttn~o:•• ltn nu l 11 n tl f A I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I •t I I • t f I I I I I t I I I I rt I I I t I ~ Art'nlt and 1-:"fl:''OU~ tlau~h••'r Pat Tht'M' thr•••• lu11l IH~~n up lhrt•• \\'111flo• Sltolp ,..,, •> tht· ,·11111,,111 nl~ht,. runnmj;l '4-'<'n Tllln :E \IIII•IU~< wtld .trttl \\ 11.111'.1! '""'' l ilt· St•t•ph ~1,.,.' \\·1, .. 111111 ~ Fnn t1 dudm~: thl' ono• I <'lllllrthUINI' I anti STI LL Julmn1 ha• Ill Jlf'>ltH>It• . . . ', , I( A~(JTIIER' \\'IIAl-s lh•· n1111tc•r wrth lhc,_,. \\'tJ:\;I/ ... 1!1'1 '1. l~t·rwh-< •·nt••r "111,1''~ I lllk A'"'11'' ·~·• l'tllllht•r rnlrl-\\o•n tht•r lohtrl• }IOU I at I) Ill '""' -"1•·• t•·•h"l' "' )HIIr•. 1:. '"'.''' "' •S _111111110, n ... To) Juhnn~ do I l:••lla 1 ... a SALJ.:S:\1.\N rnr Y<l ·. 'II II I" ~lwp. SIIW)ol. h••lllt ·'•\\•It \ IIIII I UTIIt:K IU:CH 1.1\K~ \\t:K•:: '"" l•l .. lld 11•••'< '""I' I "Cap" nn1l :0.11 '-\\'alto•r lh'(·kruun 1•1 ~:•••I nlol H• ,._ :'1.: S l,tli"l\1 H ,_,,.,, '""" "' I• '' 11111111111' •rp '•·nlctt.oiJIIIII: Ill•· ('al\m J !'-rtulh• tl 'ul rlln• th• h ... ,,. 11'"'"'·"1"'1; t1 11 •'' oltlt•lllll•llf' 111 I"'" 1111•• ~l:liiPII I :0.11·• ( ";op hko•, tho • ~ ""'"''' T.ohl•• \\h1111 •lo• fo.ok•·ol ~-'I•IHt• ft Lit!' DEFEND YOUR HEALTH WITH Holiday SALE OFF WASHABLE RAYONS PART WOOL & ALL WOOL ASSORTED COLORS & PLAIDS THE COLONY MEN'S SHOP !l)o( I So, C'oasf Blvd. f'hone 4824 LAGUNA UEACJI , th<' Nlltl "'" ,,f 111 r J,:., k l o~r "'''II. 'llu• Ito" '""• 1 .. , • d k111, .rnd t\'l•·•·ll ••I lh• l 'lt \1 l'u I 1>11111' \\l'n• ol1111111. of lfl• I I ot I \ oll.o1 • t.rl•l•. 1 Ill• r•••l I• II 1111 tlt• 111 11 ' Urtl ""I ,,,, 1 ,, ol r """"' •I '' Jall'"li• • I • ~~~~~........_................................ . .......o.L....:.t........o.L....-o.&.......W.. • . : .~ .· .. .. ~ ..... ~· ..... ~ ..... ~ ..... ~~:,.-.~-=~-.:-.-=~~-~,..- It Will Pay You T o Visit Our Sto r e in O ur Tempo rary L ocatio n 1760 Newport -.Hh·d,. In Dennis H ogland Bldg. and Texaco Statio n I h• ~ \\I II' ltl\ II III~: I htll ''"" '•'\'ol up , .. , ~II lid 1\ 11!111 h lfl, .. .. ~ ••• Ill'"' "'''"''' htUI llht• tq lfl)..' "'"'"' IH Jl• t\1 HI\ ,. ,., .. ~.,., I .... , 'ti iiUl ... o.!UIIdJ tll t ~~· 1'11\'1 .... \\II) h••dlfht l t\1 11 !loll!• dl t \I "' Sunrl:t)' S•·ntf•• ~"''"'""' t ....... 1.1~1'1·.:'\ 1•1•1••11"" •,1,1 ~tl l\fLt~ ,, ' •'fll qJ• , •• , •I• ....... I I ,,, St :\11 '1 ~ tl I I .... " I IIIII ~~· ,,,. Of' )'I H'I.I, .:•' S\'~1 '1 .,,,, ,, I t .. \T IIt:IC I " 11,\1' llt.l ''l (jl'41rt:·· anti Adu llu,l tiL t l ,,, r.uttHI. 'II III ''"'' Ill• lllYLL\\'11.1) luuclly 111•• 1 .• m.,1 . 11.1-:S 'I :\11 \I 1 'I I! ,, II ""I r•o.lf lng Itt tho• ,,lei l;.~,, \\If., lo \1' 1111 If•• I!• I It• ••1"1 \1•111 ,,.1• ,,.,.,., ........ 1><~111· l·.f\\fll, "'·' " ""'' 11 .1!1' I I loll'"" I ·I· I ··n~··n\111·· I I•Un h•·r· :"olll:tt t dr t • I' lfl J.,.,,., L· I o+l f . I ' tV. ,d .. 1/11111' \\,t• 'llf'••:rdtnlo; Al.l. "'' 1 " I "1.•1 ,\1• I I I I' ~1 '1!1 \Ill'-', IX tiJI E I 1~ •. \ It I 1.1. I< I 1.1 ' \1\ I• IU' ~TI lilt> \ 11.1. \l •t ... J ... iJ.,:Ilrl.t htttna.:: tJl,, ""'""'''' ,, r ... ~uu I J .. 'It • " .... ,HI , •• ( 'tttrt ,,,.,..,. :\lr•. l'1111111d •""' ,, I • Ill\ \1o I• "' hoi• I·• ut .ut, ... t,.tnd\\tll•t'JII.HI I" lit''''',._,., ,,l l•n11 '"' 111..; .. n·· Ill 1 """' I 11.1!1 II ,, I I'' II ~ \1 • • ,, "' I• II d ,, ""' .. I dlllt"'""' and 1111-1 ;"" I I 1 "'I' r • t • I 11<1 I I \1 '1 • I •• , •. ,, .. ·"'' l..tj;lllld "·"'"' ... I ... I I'"""" I'" IIIII,! Itt•· tl•·:r l, l•tO "I-"··II ltoilll Ill I! •. ·"·· \1:11 '-l'-II• '" "I ,,,,,. 11.\T-FI 1.1, ctl "\\II.., Ul 1.1.1''• \\1111 1'11,\lt;\ll;\t; l'l·.•rl•l.l,, \ '' \111!. I I• '" ·'"" "''' "'r '•' II• .o l~ Jf' anol I'·"'~ n,.. I \ • \' • tlo• '''" ••I S 1\ '"'" tit.• C'wll• '""'·'"' "' I~· II~" I I• th• 1 \\ rt "" 11• ·" " "' II•• I J. ,,.,,1 lll"ll)I'HII~. \\..(1, ,ulll .\lr I 1: l l.oiJI 1tllro11 ll.oll•··• 1.1 1 .. 1 :m rt :\It' J ufm A. 1\11111 "' 1. I , lit• I •"' \\ l.tltlo• II "' ;., 1., tit• t . t' B n llh ••I l 'l t\l II· • •rl :O.Irtd '" '-·•••1·• """ 1''1'' ·•11•1 :\It • \\' .1 :'\:11h•l•·t ••I ill• I ' I ,..,,,w Huth 1111tl H"l' .I,. '"'' 11-.1• ·""' llt11t•· 1\rll•l• r :tn•l c; .... ,.:•· ,\\"" .ttl .. 1 1\.dl"'" . tit ""· :\l1• "'" 1. 1•• ·'" ·"" l lt•ll) llt•nn ali c>l 1h1· l•l1111•.1-• l l'o<tthfu ~·tr:\la•lo·t ' ••I ·, II .. ol •• ( 'oml'otiln•·•· .Ia\ t'f'ol II rut ""''''" 1• I '"" ul ll:oll•loH I ub" •:oV.• ,\ltltlr•·d ·••••I II• •I :O.Iuo1 ,. ••f Ill•• ~·••I .111p 'I· " I•IHy," and tl,.. 1-"r•·•l \1/ I;,.,, ''I'' ~'otlll 'IIIII I· 1 It 't :ol•' I I I. trlid W I d I I ;\lr~ l'c•rl S:mk1•) lol B;tllt"" '1 • \l"l lllrtll,. lllltl c;, '"''" l .llolllt. ,,( e laVe a neW .an CO mpete ine l 'll l\1 .. and l!olllo• ;rnd 1\rll I·•· ·I Balltuu hlc•, 1111' \\'••n!lo·ll llo>l• f D . d J I W t h 111111 llarlmt l ltr\1 of ,-,, ~1 Watch for Our Signs o tamo n s, e we r y a c e s, ~ l\t r .. (1,,rl;., l.lll)lt• '" 11··1·' I• "/"'"~' ltl•n•·h. u••r ''·""I' ...... and Silve rware. C'h:llling Wlflr l>on /IIH~lt '"' "'". "'' 1111 pflll'l'' tn ,;,,.,.n\\r•h \'olt .• , •• . N.Y.<" Sho· kno•W all Ill •· ol I• \\ Yurk plur·••• i•lld I•·•" lot<•ll>;lo' Gifts. S ta tio n t.•ry. Cards h1m n tro·mr·ntl~ou!l ll•·:oi'lw•••"' 1 t l:•lt•-hlll a nd ,, lot,: I'''"'' • I••" T O,\'S and G a n1l'S. wltw h ho• 1 ~ 1-:'•tnJ.: '" ~prn ·• "• IJ I i\nd lh••to• ...,, . .,. 1 .. 1k• 1' "" A, "' u•u;ol It" • 1 •"· \1 \ ·, ,. Larg e s t selectio n o f Parker :,J, lrnm Anah··illl, l..itJ.:IIII;o 1111'1·• '•' '"''• ll•oll\\\<••" '''"' '''" ~~ .... ~ h;ot 1111d 1\IIIU-.1\' llt lllt~• I ll••ltth untl !•.,,,,,,, .. , '"'' E ver s harp and Schaefe r p e n s and VAN'S '" 11 ••·p r•·"'"''"1 ,,,,,,. tit•· "' • 1 • 1 ' \ t:K\ llt.l.ll \ rt; CK'TUI'I '4 p e n c i ls. and p en set s. c;ulghl lry Torn \\'oolofllllll\' I • "'" "''" "'"'"''"' "' \< •••••• ' d i't U''-•'<l un phttrl•' \ltlult• I " 1 l.tuu '''"I"'" n~·· ,, t ti l• •\ Reme mber, w e are h e adquarte r s Jewelry ::~~~:,Tr':.~:nmTEH I;OTit•• I W JII~S I 'I\ .... tl\\loi i.Jo' t f or the famo u s IIALLMARJC. Th .. 1,,,.,.,~ t·urnm•n~ .. ,.. ... ,,, 11r .. 11 l•l• :rnot HI •YAL ~, ·.J•, '·. Gre etl 'n g Card s • • a T1 d ... t.l••wl "'" lalkrn~ (1111n' \Ifill I •·' I '•llt'lllltl' •"'" I"'""·'., ... "··~ ·• 1; I ~-r S lllll' untl hlllh r k "'"'' 1!~ .• \ 1. , 1 '''" 1 .11 11 • ·'' L k ' S \\111,\' \\'E ~I AISTAIN A CO~IPI.ETE WAT('JI ouc I'•" """ l1m:r l\1 11 pt• ,.. •r.urumtro.•" 1t "' I••"'" & .Jt:\\·t:LR\' ut:PAIR llt~PART;\tt:ST s ·'"" pl.onntrl~ ... '""'' .... '''" I' •• ~··lnl' ,,, ' ... I .. , ... , •••• , .... ,. hulldanl!. fnr c·.,,. .. ,"'·" I I,, fl tl'l l it•h I •••• rn• ,,, 'fIt Specia l o rder S t t · r·,,T,.,, TJ I ~: ... ,:.;, , •. ,, ,~.H I • ""I: J I d d . a I 0 n e r y I Ill\ I' nnol ''""' I,,,,"' •• h I 'I); lltl'•"•· I •·I lol ,, .:•d IJ It . I ewe r y rna e t o y o ur o wn es1g n . JM''"" s:.,. ''"'"· r n : nLJ '. \l,t. (J\'H t '1'111 \''''~I I • , , 1 :'\ .. .\'U ! lt.t\'•• ~••r•n MH'h n F ,\.._1 I' \T I:>;(; 1•1,,\1 'I · Dinmoncl sc-tt in~-: a n d cng..-;;~,·ins;{ AT c mu..,11 \~'" 111 T ('St ; ()('I{ J,A.\'-A\\'Al" PI..AN • M. \'an Oriml.-n 1 ~..,. "'"' :-..•vn tlrt•PI"''' rn I• • • '""r1 ""''" ,,,. wl lwt. 111 thr 1 d 1''1t•ll•t. th1tt t·••lnrf11l •·h;tr:t•l•r.l·.l I.LY V.1t' 10.,\I.I.Y ""'I"'• " , A ~MAI .L n f.:l OSIT \\n,L 1101~0 • (1~ f' ~. l .. mlrk~ f~t•flllllt•r c·u~ffltl1•'1 h;rd Jll I • . ''"''' up II JIIMc ,,.,, .. 1 Ill• I'• I A~\' ITEM l 'NTIL CHRISTMAS II IJ<II.ll f'Cil 'll lll'l l(S' I '1111•1 •,ItT lhl, lhtnt.: 1~1111 I ,,, H """ • d 1788 N B) d Q t'ARTER' l(nlm\tll'H tlw """"'' • """1"1~ Kl'l1y Yu i;t\•· 11 ~"> th" Jewelry made to your or er. ewport v ., Costa Mesa woH.D wtth a r .<JLI>EN n ::-;('1 , ·•"'llnd 11 ,,n· 11 AI ~'T f SC•t'<;w ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·llfE ~CE haA ~tla ~ ~~ "'l'h D IAMONJJS 11n' 11t iJ'II11 ~ .. I JOOOOOOLS I • 1 ~J _LI J ·I' Sf1NTQ flNil rtlllNITUilt CO. .4 26 w rounw """ It tAIIITA ANA, CAI.tJ'OQ.UA 1'1. \ Tt I Ill \I ROCKERS! -~- 1 •• \ltt.t. M •. l .t;« TIO'II "' In """' C ftlt\'t•nllonlll 11n11 "''''""'' '41) ""' oc ( \"1111, \1. CHAIRS \\ ltlr \ Mtlr l\ "' ('OVERS and FHA,1ES TABLES "HUt fC" nr l'f:ttiiiU \t11nv MhAJtt .... ~tnt! I lul•h•·" ('OUHC.TI. :, iJ ~· SHAG RUGS TH AIW (, •• i\\IUI'Jt ANU COUnt TO 'urn nt:mcouM YI"I.J. _MIZY. BABY BEDS! for N ATilK,\1. Olt WIIITr. 1ri S IMII \\'ITII Heeorativ(' Panels AU, MTYII.M ( '<>m iJN>h<-rtllh •t• 1'4riN'IIIIII In Our K•h,v U••ttf. I. AMPS! UCHIHHIK . • t"I..OOK S'LIPPER • TAIUI! CHAIR •T~ """' lh•· C·lll Ill \dd l'lt•11•tt,.... •tt•l f'ntnfnrt In ,.,,., lk••l,..w•m "'" .w.-~.., r.arly ftf:AI T il 1'1. ~ ..... "'"-MAGAZINE RACKS " ~IIIKY. lilT \M A ••II"T AUMIJCAI, RECORD PLAYER sst's • .,.,.. lip .. " ....,.,,. All Electric ' ~ ........ .., .... .......... , ..... ............. ONLY l%MORE . . SHOPPING DAYS ·UNTIL 'cHRISTMAS Tlree Cars In Crash Tile lmnmll a. -~· Is a Mat .._ •• 1s a a C111R • 01111 • JW ...., a.-....._ 1W ... amtNY -UNCB wlal IIOr BOLY POIIPB Weill -..., u• .. I .....,_ 11 .. ,. .. a-a......... c... ......... WILL BE~ lan. thra Feb. for Alterations Re-Open March lilt -·-Seuon's Greetings -·-• Cottqe Do Nlll a Walle Sllop c.ea ... I . Used Fat Mak• Laundry !COapl It Wasn't fun Cuffing Webti Directed Get Drain (A)sts City Enltneer J. B. Webb wu directed by the city council on Monday evlllinc to ucertaln what I·N ... t7-&.A·Jf~ ....... , ........ ..... All' ..... -Or•tJtr ...... AJI...,.. II:&Hlm'I'B G. IIlLI. Ill &M& 1ltll II&. Olda ..... ~~-----Trees fOr ¥* Program Jt will eaat to dlm&Date the llood· .._ __ ....,.,. ______ --J (Ow¥ I bwM .... 1) the entrance to, the dty and theM water~ that ~Y ln· -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ wu pulllnc broke and the Mcond ana,.Jn the proceu, 11 not alrea ere .... res1detOa In the area I lime he wu llltJnc a put ol a tr~ Bay lllaDd. tree and aprunc a kink lD h.W 0.. ell the tna wu liven to ~ • tbe MCODCS Ume that the back. atedentil .__.. chan¥ area of The weather wun't &ny too the Newport u.bar Rotary club .a. lllan( We call*'~ matter comlortln& either. It ra.iDM tn1m for the Bala.c.. ..._. celebration. to Uw attation of the city body. the day the party left MN ...U 1'be lat tJ'M ._ ..... to tbe ID the ftrtt lnatanc:e, the city after they drove away troa. IAIJS-bulint'll men • 1 auodadoo at fa~ 1nltruc1ed Webb to do Jwlld. Several of the partJ wen Newport &each wh.ldl a111o plana ~abOut it. au!ferlnc the anltfies today be-a eeetlonwide Procram btctM1nc · W ... NJd Monday that a lack CIUit' of coldl. They 4ldn't have tonl&ht (T\Iesday) ~ ...... fit dty fundi prevented h.lm _from ralncoata. J~ L JMidnc tnor'e than a few ~nd- And then to maa matt~ even ......_ ~ ~rateful to the IDp 111 the &Ma. He l&icl he wuulcl • coSTA MESA LUMBER CO. fl, L HO.T.TLU • .... .__1111 worse, it hailed _.·or the daya. Qty ot !feWP..~~t a..dl Cor tiW make a aurvey of the coat and So when they~ -...t tllrouih, 1eaJa o1 u. tiw:Jl and ltrftt «»-npart beck to the coundl when they were aock~ Ia tbe race with pa1n»nt em~ who aCICQI8oo It mMta qaln on Dec. 23. ._ _________ _, ~!leta. u blc u peu. P&1M4 w and pAtched Iicht tn to ----------------------''----- "11 took ua one day to load help w cet the trees for the local the blc tree on the city truck," celebration," the Balboa Improve:. said Jerry Johnaon, who described "*It AModatlon praiMnt con- a part or tbe atory of the adven-eluded. · ture. "We had to make our own roadl ne Penlateat TJpe to cet to the apot where the "How you have dlanced! You treet stood and thea we had to Uled to have thJcll ~lack hair and usc a cable from tree to tr~ un-now you're ba.lcl. You Uled to til we could eet 1n a po~ltlon to have a ruddy comple.xJon and !¥)W where we could pull down the you are paleo You Uled to be trees we wanted." atocky and DOW you're th.ln. I 'm The party wu forced at one aurprl.aed, Mr. Canntnc." point on the ateep terrain to place "But l'm not Mr. Cann1nc." E. J •. (B•d) -Jacklin OOJf'I'&&DI'Oa - CEMEIT WORK Flaptone Work -Cement Block Fences ~ ..... -... « w •• OAU, 1 II I ·I roa I!O'OaM.&'nON a 40-foot chain line up one tree "Look You've even chaneed .c .. 11'"' 1 houH '"d two~ c..,.,. talloa Olf IMP auda. That In order to make a hollt to 11ft your name." '---------....,......-------------J Ia wt.r Mra. Jay McArdle, liNw Y~ cu,., aeoa Ulat _,.are aiii•Mod, the big tree Into the truck. "We ~w•~~~~··~~~~~~~~~~~~~ l w~~n~t ~~ther--------------------------------­ fat turfttd o¥tr to the "' .. t Mater. o ... peu"d of fat ul¥age "''II" IM tree tell the wronc way, but no latto package o( graftulattd -.oap. or ••• ba,.. of rellow lau .. drr yap. one was hurl." M . • t A Johnaon aald he wu 8Cratched Noland Loses . a)orOnt Y Chgr•· eetmas ~~Qk~ ~~d ':~~~ h':: =:!: f 8 the side ot the mountatn. "For I some ~nds,'' he added, "I wu Sec d PI (Continued from Pace One) mighty scared. Lucldly I crab-on ea lndhiduaJ. If he thlnkl 0! It u bed .. some bruah and broke the a time when he muat outdo the Can. The Balboa reataurant.eur ll&ld other pt>tson In purchuln& a h.lch· he hopt'd the people of Newport (Continued n-om Pqe 11 priced clft, l hen Chrllt:mu does Harbor appreciate what the party copyrl&ht luued ln 1934 for ~ become oommerd&l. But It he ceta had to 10 throu&h thll time to Noland aales 1,stem wh.ldl he Into the epbit ot enJoytnl trtendl get the cedan tor the Chriatmu would operate tn conjunction wtth and relatives, Cbrilt:mu 11 fun." I pr~a.m. "It wu a harTuatnc ex- the dart aklll game which he wu h. "ShoW· peraence for aU of ua. Betw~ until Jack Haneon. coac · · I the fog. sleet, snow and rain that .uldnl a llc:enae to operate manah.lp hu a tendency to over· we encountered It wu no picnic." - the cue could be declcled In the ahadow cood will at ChrlatJDU Johnson, who Ia pretldent of the courta. time, 1 thJnk. I alwa,s ha" •I Balboa Improvement aaodation, ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:. He uid that the atate would h 1 f ood time at O!riat-co-sponaon wit.h the chamber of ~ w a e o a I · commerce In the harbor dlltrict ckrtve an lnoome bued 00 the mae, but I do believe we could all yule proeram, aaid the party came FlOIEICE IAIERY .............. _ ..... C.Wplete V ariet;y of ~y!-:::.~ ., 1lr ---Fruit Cakes, and the U111al Line method of the uln tax now 1n do with a little lese ahow .. Chlld-.1 home wtth five cedar trees. operation from the ll&les of hll ren ,oould know the atcn1flcaDce The biggest, a ~foot climber, producta. ot the day and learn the tr\K' II now on a barce In the bay. It Conalck>rable 4e~w followed .. • is being trimmed. with Chrlatmu Chrlltmu aplrlt. I ornament• and soon wtll be llcht- with the city attorMY uldnc Loll Chacon. merchant: "I thJnk l.'d for all to view It at duak. IJ ~ II J -J . Noland whom he wu brtnrtnc the that when Chrlstmu time rolla The tall tree Ia the contribution ,a.,.. -v~ actJon acalnat In the Superior-around, we 11111 are all Ullla CIIIUd· ot the Improvement association to HAR.OR 2416 3448 VIA DPORTO co.-.-o.ITC LIDO THCATitlll Court d h the f ren again and cet Into the ~I Newport Harbor' a Chri.atmu fet· • an w t'n ormer of Klvlng and reoeivinc ~~ Uval ~~~~~~~~~~t~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~--------------------------~-~--~ ~~yukedhlm~m~ev~~ Thewar ~~~~--~~-~·-----------------~----------------~----~- the applJcaUon. Councilman Isbell apprt>clate Christibai even mOre. ,----------------------------·-----------------~ aaJcl the council only had to act Ex-aerv1cernftl really want to on whether they wanted to throw D\ake aomethlng of the day af~~ ~-----------------------the Ocean Front area open to yean of death and destruction. HERE'S WISHING YOU · A Quiltie Robes ·For Baby, Little ·and Big Sister A woau.n 1tart1 in early to want .,.-edltit'l to we.u" for Chriatmu. Surpriae her wfth a robe that will make her mouth "wata-''. DeliQtc paatela in plain or floral crepa • • • pufecdr dctaikd with notched c.olla.n, alf bdta and full crepe lininga. Siza 7 to 14 ............... -... 13.75 and 16.2.5 lila 2 to 6 ....................... -.. 10.75 and 12.9.5 •. IOtnflt 5trm ..-d S)C I I FN ...,_A,.. cambllnc or not. ''The policy of the city council hu bettn to kt't'p that clua of lamft out of that area." nld Isbell. "We either have to turn Poliee Reeover Car Stolen From Driver down thll appllcatlcn or throw the Nearly' four houn after he had whole area open to cambllng." reported hll automobile stolen Councilman Bob Allen then from outalde the Stag amuaemm.t made a motion uklnc for denial parlor at 2211 Coast boulevard, of the application and Councilman Newport Beach, wheft be ! LH Isbell HCOnded lt. The coun-parked It at noon Sati,D"day, cll approved. Newport Harbor · dlltrlct pol ".All rl&ht. thank you," aald re-covered the machine and re· Noland, abruptly, "that·~ all I turned It to Ita owner. The auto wanted to know." wu found parked elsewhere. LINENS FOR HER • • • TOWELS • Bath size. col- ored White colored ers' in bath .& size 1 • Bridge size • 54 square e 54 X 70 MEN'S SIZE in colors and plain white. Lovely assortment of Guest Towels *** FREE FROM THE BOBBY SHOP Toys at Cost · For Child ten of All Ages - South· Coast's Complete Stock of Toys GIFT Moved to . --:' .. The Bobby Shop's New Toy Store . WRAPPING .. Formerly Van de Kamp'a Bak~ Shop Nert Door tQ T1le Bobby Shop 111 East ceirtrat lD Balbo& BUY FOR LESS WITH LEISURE IN BALBOA PLENTY OF FREE PAR&ING SPACE Avoid: v City Crowds V Traffic Jams V Dented Fenders Ia Over-Crowded City ParldD& Lota 711-713 Eut Central Open 10 a.m. to.9 p.m. Phone Harbor 1158-W, Balboa .. • O.LCULLY INCOME CtOTHES POR MEN AND BOYS !tw..,.U S(MJ!d 8~ ,., ........... ........... ............ .,. R~ . Tbla ts not a picture taken in war-rava&ed Poland, but a daily sc:ene in a alum alley in Chicaco, where, according to Collier's maaazine, "it is not unusual for three families to live ill a three· room a p a r t m en t while home buildin& is at a virtual standstill, mired in a bo& of restrictioJU cre- at.d by contractora, unioJU aod ,.Utkia.ns ... Ia oae of a Mdll of artklel3 ...U., wby haw~e~ are net be' biUlt iD the United Sl.a&ea tom the clemand. CoDier'a made· comprehensive atudJ Of COD tloJU in Chtcaao. It fOUDd that ~ Dation's aecond laraett city ~ 110,000 dwelliDI uni&a fOr vet~ erans' familia alODe, ...S .-td!· Uonal thOIUIDda few M&r ~ Wa. Yet. by late I •••'* .-k bad completeq ~ • UOO of the 20,501 ~ "'tAr1ed" .mc:e lut ,...,.. "Yh.yf . Typical iD IIWI1 ~ of ,.,.. •• , t.._'elll .... condilloJU In other ciliea, Colller'a found the principal reasons for the b.reak4Pwn 1n home bulldl.DI tn Chicaao are: !-Material shortaaes. with the Ch1caco Home Bu1lders A•~O!'Ia· tion charein4 that 70 pen~~nt of · ecarce ... terul 1a heine d1verted to mon prol&abJ. nod-bouainl projecta. 2-Sc:udty of lkilled workmen. larltlY attributed 'io ti(ht unloD control ower apprentice trainlna . ~ve pra ctices en. forced by buildlnJ trade Wliona. 4-Arch~c bllilclinl code, which bara pre·fabricaUoa a.nd prennts the adoption of new construction. methodJ aod the use of acceptable aubaUtutea few-materials. ~llllnoll' o.t..-.. tu lawa aod land C""' 1 & • proceed· tAla. larltly filii s1tk for Chi· ca1o'a "bousina detnereq: aod the "d.ecQ of wbole Detpbor• boocla." ,,. Going Up! Bandit Robs Robert Tuck - Order Now for Christmas and Save Kaar Elll-Co. Ra)iophone, Inc. ww--Tra~ 24-Hour Radio Service 1f you bava a lnlilding problem ... HOME---AUTO MARINE RADIOS REP AIRED 915 Coast Highway Newport a.C!It e c .. he oMd for .. i•pl•••t ..... ••icle eheher, ~air ehop, •llilll•l ehelt..,, IMCii., ~ IH ih-of other h r111 eod -••rciel •pplioetiou. Durohle, ir•·reeiuant end .... therproei, .. •o-o .. t 24• io ••llileble aow. C.ll w write •• to*r. , 1 • • • 1 • • HI } • • ' . '1• .. lu .• How's Your Timing? -o- y our car may need thls four-point check: • Motor Cbeckap • Valves UKI Carboa • BrakM Checked • lp.ltioa Sen1Cfl --()- MOTORS REBUILT Midway Auto Service 1501 W. Ceatnl Ave. Phoae Harbor 2060 for Trouble EV'ERYTHING .. Quilt)' REFRIGERATION Air CoDdJtloalac Eqalpmeat 0... . OllllhMI4II • O....ten Walk..._. F_...._. Mool• Badl Ban . BootM ()oaaplete Jl&rtlete Oate. Ete. Ptaaallllf "'WI:BEil" DI!!A.LEII8 aaa.t....~-..•m'"n ~ .... STARCK'S . CAFE Beer Mixed Drinks -Short Orden "SPun ROW!!, Mmwgn-JoeuHtNl 0QutST, 0 """" 107 lllt Place Newport 8eaeb H A N 5 E N ' 5 ttoo 0eeu ..,.,., • Confectionery & Luach • • Malta • NOW OPEN EVENING& Sandwiehee • Hamburpn •••• , ••.. OllldJ • ' 1'0& IN8ULUfC. 1HZ Howard W. G.rieh 1-N.....-rt ........... 008TA KUA .._. .._ 1181 Automobile • fire Accident • Life U~nM a.nd Cnntract Bondi Writ tw1 I l'tl .... I I IJal• I I I f I I t I f I t I I I ' . ALLMARK · '. 1: ... •----CARDS ·for Christmas -. .~Costume Jewelry~ 1: SheD . . a.ad Jn.n.n .Jf'wf'lry - Vueex~ : ....... :: eo.tume .Jewelry: • Newport Sou\'enir · i and Gift Shop • llOZ Oeeu l"roat ULJ:CT BOLIDAW ·GIFTS 8TATJOH&&Y PAAU OHOCOLA~ VIIJU8TMA8 V AliN The Blue Salls ................... GIU. BO.OKS • ,.AI~ AOJ'.III e Tht' M011t C'nmplrlr SriC'('tion In Orlln~t! rcl\mly 0 Ff'f'Ufl« (:ard., IJLaUo-y, (.'llrt•'-e Wrapptap St-Ill~. Rlhbon• Tir•. F.tc. Estrellita 's 104 No. MaJa I'lL 1111 "ANTA ANA LIDO I•LE • • • wr: o ,.,.tr,. AN UNUa U.&I.I.Y ,.1N il-CDo.4,..LilTtri.Y ,.UIINiaHilD ,.ou• ai'O.DD o.4 HOM& ON LAIIDC aiTtr, THr: ,.,.1ctr a,.• • .. .,. .• oo •• o.4.&TII:.IALLY UN Oil" llll,..IIODUCTIQN coaT. •HOWN a Y "'"'"'DINTo.41lNT. ~--~ .. p. a. ,._,.,., .,_,_,.r._,,,," realtor• ... .. ' '• ., .... ,.: .... ,._, ..,, 1: W@ Wrap Gltta : :=.~ ................... :! ........................ . PRECISION FREQUENCY SERVICE • CaU Rarw 1880-.1 for UDIO PBONE II'Rr.qVI'.NCY IIEA8URI'.JII2n'8 ................... Vhedat DELICATESSEN and Food Store •ae,......_., • Cooked ..... • Hoaem·&PIIe • Table Lasarte. • 0 t avallable Ia the anr- apfood.-o,.. SHOP at WlfS • For f'aDeJ OI'OCIIItel. -Food. ud ta.e -..:.e•ortmeat of .................. Ana. 8L1 East Central BALBOA ...., llarbcw 811 PuBLIC NoT•c•• Th,a uu.t,..r.tcn,.r1 if••• h.,,.,.,, Nlrtlry· th•t h,. a .. • ""''''"tina Auh)"'utl•tt anit f;,.,.,.o.r t' .. hHtn« "' 41)1 2tth fU,.....t. ,_.,.. P••rt u ... , h . f"',.llfornfa. unt!.r lh• :!~!!:t"";:h,.~!"'',.n':,"n~';,,_~·f •~t'!f /,~ 't! • •• ,. ... " ... (, ,,, .. ,;. , .... ,. •• ,.. l'tfll'fth ._ ••··•" rHun,. tllll1 at1ttr,.,.. I• •• ful .. lt~wa '''.,It J t•ttu M Uutl,.t 771• f"t~~~H'II Ht P\AWI"tft .. _.Ill h i'•flf .,,,,,. •• ,,..., ,,,., ........ 30th ,,.., "' Nt•V"'tu t""' HUA 1"11'1 M IH'TI,J':R WIAT P: tol" t 'AI II'V>It'IIA. , . ., ..... , v ,,,. ''"-"Nor: ... f In I hh• -~,. h •1•, ,,f "'"""'"'''.-.' A. I I l'ttf; ,,,.,.,,,.. ,.,,.. lti"r-•tl w R r1 ... • • ••• t,.ry l'ultlt• tu "'''' f,,, u,,. ~~~ •, ''"' v ""'' ... u,t.. t•••·llnl( thfllr-('o'ln. :'.'.',~~~~: ,,,~::;~ .. =~·~·.'.'"11 ,.':t.~:t •.;"'"uufr:~. ", ... ..," f· ,.,.,. t~, t..-t h .. Jlfllr-.,,n wh"• / ,.,., .. ,. It~ •uh•· ''''"''' t., tt.• Within In •'''"""'"' hn •l ,.. ku•.a.l.-.t_.•tt tv rn,. th"l ''"' ..... , "''"' tl'" ""'w• I ''' '-"'',.,.. wl111r• ••t I h••• ~r~ ''"',. Jp• ,,,. hen~ """ ""'•"" my •·'''' htf ,.,..,., th .. ~'tay "'"'' y.ar tn tht• I 'r t flrt• 1111" f lf Itt •h••Y, wr1tt"n rfl Y.ll W lUll flO". l'o•,tltt y f'uttll•• In ltttft '"' ••ttl t•,,ut.ly •tt•l tUAifl M~ rum f'HII r~, tul.:•''i:; ":f '";:. ~~ . Jt41 ---NOfiC.I. Or '\AI ll 0,. 'TOCK IN 8ULK Ftlli!WOOD-111.00 COfl .... Santa Ana .,_R. .... CESS POOLS anct CEPTIC TANKS lrwtaiW ~II ~o-e,. o.tnet nrtllll ...,. 01 ...... CAD Wartt 0..= ruua- J. R. llt<:OUIIOK ItO Vlctarte lt. Clllla .. ..._..., ... f'OIIl A aauWI Niiii 'll ,., .._., .. -........... AL LACH1IBYIIR SIGNS IIOVBD BEACON ll'fi.W 1691 East 18th StrMt <DSTA IIDA IUT. a..AD JIIIOOUIC'I'I ---a.AJUC ... ,.. IINilllllll ................ liOIIOtt.lt.-....... N.wport -..ct. M-Ill RADIO .a.u.a A 8DYJC8 .......................... TRONART. INC. Radin.~ .... .... .... ~ ..... .... Ph. H. 1B-K 2101 W. Ctontral, Newpert ..... ,...*"' PHOTOGRAPHIC EQUIPMENT :\ '4 x4 '.4 Gran~ 2.5 Cooke lf'na Print,.• Eftlaraf'f' 4Jl!\ Rn' 0 J')ryf'f' :.t<l Jl211 ft.ri• Jr. 1'rlpod .1225.00 1115.00 ·~.00 • 30.00 Othl'r lt•·m • lndudln~t · t an k 1, tra,y., hnnl(1•ra, llaht•. l'tC:. ~ C ar::natlon Av•·. C't)rnna 41-1 Mar, Harbor 117~-J. altl'r 6:00p.m. Z 0 RI C DRY C"LEANINO In Our 0w1t Plut PICKUP AND DELIVER Phone DEACON 5~.1 J.ldo Cleanen 458 Newport Bml JAMF.S !:. Mc:KE!: M·2te General Contractor 120 llarr\Uirlte Ave. COrofta &!I Mer COOPERATIVE ROOFING CO. .. tlo u'"'''., IIAI.IIKIIT N-and D-afr v"'"''''' ~" &..wl' l•ut. ,,., 1ft l~t-411l, .. • rmurn't1U roa a.u.a 11 amaacAL a UDIO " ~·~·~·~·~-~~·~,.=------.,=..! _._._,_._,_._ .. ______ ,_, a.u. _.,.,.. " ~·==·~·:.:•==•=~=-=------•- . FOR~ del Mar, 6 FOR SALE-100 lb. cap. lt'Y box. RADIO HOUSE CALLS-Balboa Grab ._ J h Realty ft. lot. 1 ~tram ldloo1. lOUth G. 1. LOOK-Immediate ~ Want Ads 8MPLOIIID WOMAN for houleWork tull or OaDtlauld part Urrw.. Uve ln or out. Good waaea. Harbor 1992. •!l_c 1115.00. 3M Avocado St.. Cceta Now that addltJonal ~ am C¥ 0 naon ol Blvd. loocl locatioe for lD-alon. For aale by ownu, four ~eu. p~ &aeon ~2().J. tent tedlnlclana are avallabae, FIH'·bedroom home, completely 4; Invesbllem Co. • ~W rooma JUil decorated. Can Pllt ~4!tc we are able to maka Mrvice cau. furnuhed. Good location. lm· leN Newport Blvcl. came. Olmer; Pb. H· ~ttc on extra bedrQOm on 50xl!IO lot. ---~~.,....~~~---::~---:-~. on larae oonsolea. All W'Cirk mediate ~ion-~~=-~--:-:---:-:--:--~ CIOIIe ln eut aide. Cceta MeaL FOR SALE CHEAP-One twtn auarantf'ed. $}2•000 i>lly Ph. Bucon MM-W OWNER will ~II equity ln lot 'ley reuonable, alto temw. Ph. HELP W AN'I'ED, M.Al.E-Local fftlm lftC*I1rw pqll or trawll.na ln ~ f01 tron lwd and Spring. J)(>rfect HENRY W. BR.AINERD Nilht Ph.-BeacoD ~().,J near hllifl achool, !10 by 12'7 ft. Habor 1243-R. 9e)-2tc\ ~ conc!ltltln. Phone Harbor 1666R New Owner S.O.S. Radio Tenna NEWPORT BLVD. Phone Harbor 1805-R. ~2tc 9!>-ltp 300 Marine Ave. Harbor 780 ::::. OtllD. l It .younelf. No money reqwa-.ct CESSPOOL and aeptlc tank work. Good tncorne. You are ~ bou. Apply Auatln StiMllo, "' No. Wain St .. Santa AnL 87.8tc PhOM Santa Ana 6079;R. 90-tlc Mechanical Toys a.etnc and Mechanical Traina, Doll Buulcs, Dolla. Tel~aph Seta, Ve&oc.lptdtl1 Toya, Steel WaTHE TOY SHOP M Marlbe Balbua Ialud ~ HarlJ91' 229'.!· W 80-tfc ROOFS W. J. BENBOW Phone Harbor 1012 J 82-tfc DISHWASHER WANTED, DAYS -75<: per hour, two me ala. Cout-Hl Care. ro4 Coast High- way, Corona del Mar. 92-4tp aAL1C J1111801iLL.A.NW • SOIL PIPE :t ln. and 4 ln. 512 35th St., after 5 p.m. !15-1 1 VAC\JUM CLEANER-T•nk ty p pe ~, .. ~(')~Jt~S-A":"'L":':I-::--1:-:-(J(~)-:I":"'I)--:-h.-,.-r-e7f r-tg_e_r_a • 81-tic tor In 6:ood condition. $35.00. · d Fi 111151 Suns··· jt£uJd. Costn Mesa, Electnc an re Rc•IWt)l'n 17th ami lAth off mon-E quipment Testa rov111 !t!l-4tc All Qual1fft'1l Pt•raonnel I F'CJH Si\ I.E Lart.:•· ThC'I'IIII<rll} C-O-Two. Pyrcnc &. Foam retula. J.:llll ht•llt.·r. 16.0fltl B T ht•atutL: CO. tl~ systl'm and Portablee caJ}ItCit)' urnl rwnrly rww, ,:t5. ll()W avallabl~! S. A. M••yt•r. 1116 Via Mt•n\t>n••, ETS IIOKIN &. GALVAN No•I'-'Jl(•rt llt•Ju'lt Phone Harbor 1000 C08Jil lllihway 1846-J . ' 9;>-111' Ph D1•aeon ~107 91-tlc ~ . ~~--------~---~--------2 MONTJ:.:REY ~lyle h<>d divan, :.1 • Radio Repairs emllcnl ct'Jnrtltum; all ~ 10riet1, $40.00. Coli Harbor 9: 95-2tt: I chutrli, I tahlr, l lar,;C' O'Kede All makes ; tubH, etc. ------------,1-& M••rnll twoh'r Compll'te B 6763 FOR SAJ..E -Patr of sllwr IP Sl~ C;.ll llarhor :..'767-J. uft~r eacon foxes, almoet rww l'hon£· liar-5.30 9'.l--ttc BURT NORTON bor ~w. 95-:ttc --·~-..,;r_m___,___,,-----,---,---:---:-9~ Cout Hlpway, Ntwport • FOR SAL£ Four-burner ht.:h 23-tt ' or Beacon 5615. Balboa Is land 1 lupii'IC, furnished. Excellent lo- r n linn. Near Bay- $16,500 Corona del Mar ,\ ttrn<·Uve. modern two-bedroom l11>me, Fireplace. patio- $11,750 \'•·ry rih.--e two-bedroom Home: ltrc·place, patio, dlning room-, $10,500 5 ROOM. LARGE LOT- Priced for QWck Sale. TiiREE-BEDROOM etucco near Back Bay. Nicely furnished, on half acre, $10,!100. MODERN five-room atucco home, "' acre corner. Gue~t room. SOme fruit. Nice chicken houee &nd barJl. Ptlce $11,7!10. HARBOR BLVD. 60x300 ft. PUNO ':'\JNING and repe.lrinl. J. B. Brown. Write Box m. Itt. 1. • ero.ctway, eo.ta a&.a. '78-tfc 1-0l!R·ft. Kelvlnator c•lf'Ctrlc rl'·l ovl'n stove. two double bt·ds. -----------::----~c frtacrator; 1 ama.ll Inc-yell' and sprin~:s and matlresscs: one 0008, CATS a PCI'fl aa Three-bedroom home: new. attrac- t Royal vacuum cleaner: 1 ulll· double dl.'cker lx-d. misc. tabll'S, ttve. landscaped, fenced, fruit Costa Mesa SPLENDID MOTEL, court or bualneu alte. C1011e ln down· town Colta Meaa. Price 147!10. Terms. lty Slmmona double bed. Har· "hal-. •~.mrw,.ntc. 311 ApoiE'na, FOR SAL!-: -German roller Can&r· trecs--bor 1861 J 95 2t ~ • • "' •-• II'~ ,pcdi~;rt•ed Fl.'malett and • · · c Bnlboa Island. 94-2tt· .:u11ranit•l'd singers: also case•. -LISTINGS WANTED----- Open Sun~ CORBO~ & RAY CO. General Contractors Complete Building Service -PHONES-- Jiartx:r Ut7-R Harbor 15»-W Order Nowl ·I'RUIT TREES ~ Winter Planting BoUW. Broe.. NURSERY I fl ..... 87-tfc -Jl.tlar ~ard o.ca .._ .._. aoo •ttC! -··-~A'I'IO· II LADY'S GRIP, brand new, 116. Phont' Harbor 1516-J. 95-2tp Harbor 1922-R.. 96-4!tc Special Bargain Daily SPECIAL ANNOUNQEIIKN'l'a II 1945 Wl%ur motor blkt>, kid's New and Uaed Furniture Bought ICOOter, amall lldewalk bicycle. and Sold ... Phone Beacon 5538-J Carpenters Available lSS:S Ocean Blvd.. Balboa. 94-2tc Harbor Furniture tor general malnttnance FOR SALE-One ~tlrl'• and one 1962 Harbor Blvd , Costa Mesa and repa.Jr boy's rl'rular sl:te blcycll't, both l 89-tlc O. Z. ROBE&TSON Like new. Call Harbor 2769-W. --Call Harbor 83 ____ ...__ ____ 94_·_2tc Unde r New Manageme nt G.E. CHRISTMAS tree lights for C"lt·nrancl' 110 L1v1n~: K E Y S muiUplc atrln<>s, Five IO 8 CUll· n g 1 Wade While You Walt • , 4)()111 Ul I'S timer, while tht'Y last Lido VOGEL'S Electnc Co . 616 COIIIt lll~h-Harbo r Furniture 100 Jot &In 8L. Balboa way, Newport B<·11ch. 9:'>-llc 1!16~ llurllur lll\tl . l'osta l\f•'S)I 108 Jotarl.ne, Balboa lA1and I 1-: R. Snuth ~-trc on-te 60 Bicycle8 for Sale aoATM. MUPPU'I'.8 aa roR Rr:NT •• from Enaland, Fruncl' and Am('r-FtiH ~1\J.~: Bmtl rn•~lrln~ a<'· \\'ILl. LF:T For llu~tnMS only. ICII -New 11nd Uso'fl C't•mvdll l•• 11 fl l>t>.tl I-.,11.1J1 nl fpur r•~•m hnU~t·, on Newport rondlltnn. South 'I do• Llllot 1•1·1 Ill\ d Cost II l\lt•SII PhOnl' liar-VOGEL'S, IOfl Main St . Ualhuu t 13 11 J ""It 11nol t 1\1 nt·r f.•~ Au.:.-1• s 111. .,,r · ,.... p Phone llarlk•r 14~• lY.>-1lc 6R7R !I~> .. Jic FOH HF:NT -3 shops fast grow- VENET'IAN BLlNDS-AJwn1nwn, SNI tWill HI\ to lr~tllt-(or a :'1:•·\\1· In~ t•ommumty Prt•fl'r lipt'C. alftll, wood. Call ua for tree •U·, rurt dln~hy ,,r 11 · rltn~:hy i\lust ft'lOfl ,;hnp. hl'auty parl~r, sh<X's, mate. kenovation 6 re~ ):)(' In good NhotJlf !'hun•• llurh"T children lllftjtt'ry, mens R('C('I· So. Co&at Venetian BUad Co. :.!Ill-It ~1;-..:!tc sMit'll. 310 F:l C'nmmo Real 001 W•t l8tb and N.wport Ave., I !Itt ~an Clrmt>nte. Phone 411 CG.1.a Maa. Pb: Beacon ~762·W. OARC;AJN .! •·>rl••·•·)luult•r ntllt<' 93-3tp 38-tlt Ilk" n··" $1'1:i JJII 1-'tlllt y J\\('. --... 01 ___ _.. ..,,_.,._ Nt·wport n.•ttrh 91>-lfc FOR RENT-New Duluxe room •-.-......... -----and private bath, tile 1howu W 0 O D S ACRII''Il'J-: Rt'd Wln~: Mannl' stall. Twin or double beda, box Delivered Enginv. Exc.·ll•·nt rondilion. 4 spring and lntenprlng mattrea- H. W WRJGHT cyllndt>r Inuit tn n•\'t'rse $395.. It'S. Unt heat. Special ratee for Ph Be. 6666 Jnclud•·s tachoml't(•r prnp. shaft permanc·nt gueii.J. Miracle Mile • aeon hearings. ftt'llr ll11ns Dtckmtm Motel, 706 Coa1t HJihway. New- 11M .Newport Blvd. ~tft Wayr~. 951fc port Beach. Ph. Beacon 5299-J. Steel Kitchens F OR SALE-F'raml' or :.!6' round 7~tfc GLASS ENCLOSURES · bottom hull. Ready for plank· MAKE Re~rvatlons now for your BICYCLES SHOWER DOORS In&. :l:l361 So. Anaheim. Costa holiday guM~ts. D<'lux room.. ..... ._... • ._......... Southern Counties Mesa. 94-4!tp Home llkr atmosphere. Ratea ~ Supply Co. 30' SUP for rent In Newport $1.50 to $3 00 Costa Mesa Hotel. Me ltiMa M.. ..._ Ph. SS:S2 Laauna Beach Bay. L. A. phonep. Pl. 14028. Phonr Dc>aron !l42A-J. 93-3tp -..... ..._ IIAM4. M8 Forest Ave. MU. 844!5. -93-4tc WA.NTED TO RENT .S M-ttt 9e). -------....... -----~ --~----=~-"""'::"---1-tc F OR SALE-23-ft. Ghr,Y51er pow. HOUSE or Apartml.'nt in l':l'w- ..auft ...._ II Auto Batteries tred commercial tbhlna boat. port or Costa Mua. No rhlld-iiA&rilfi ... IIACIIIND..I:SS Rubber Sepuaten Ptlced for quick sale. 276 E. wn Phone Harbor 193, al'k fu r ....._ ___ D., Wa-ea J8.aonth _ N .'75 Ea. 19th St. Coata Mesa. Call afttr Mr Revta. !Y.>-~tp ~ • ·•· OU 6 "''('('k days or all day Sat and '1111111111_.........., Compounded Motor Sun 91-4tc au ' I A1Pt-Pb. HattMir l'JI.W a.non. 70c L'OR s t L• 16 f Cl k Do Vr Be ~h r A .r.-I. tn er ry, I a Ot . 4 oars. Make offer. 1<!(1 l.">t h S t .. UC11 ODMt JtlwQ, Mar Western Auto Supply Newport Reach. llarbt)r 19Z.l-R. 15-tlc Authortud Dealu 94-4!tc --------------1838 Ntwport Blvd., Colta Meaa n • f.OirT -KUten. 8 monthl old. ~alrt'd, a:ray. whltl' chest and belly, 4 white paws: Name Bobo. Plc ue notify Cannom. 1065.W. C~ntral Ave. ~-lip 41-tlc Immediate D elivery Wcatrrn !lolly Ga~ HanJ;t'' Philc'tl FrC'<'t!'r' FOR YOUR NEW lltck!i' Marlnl' t•nginl' or pnrts. S4.'t> "Jim'' Vl\n Flo't'l, fncll•ry .dt~tnlJutor, 3311 Finlt•y "'''. l':t•wport l'k-nch. Ordt•r nnw for mld-wmtcr de.. llw•ry liS JlrtL"-'9 an• surr lu 1\tlvnnc-('. ~).tfc -.LQI'IOI:l'fT "'ANTED II !\ !'II. I 1. ;;...__. ___________ .,..,...-Dun-Tht·rrn Balb oa Canvas Shop_ QAJlDENER -Tall. prnonable, 011 ltt>nt•·r• ~ apd, white. Export on Chrt>tnl' IHnl'th• St•t" s i!l ~l:i Snll~ Hont Covers Matmr Upholstering llnrhnr :!(17 -:.!:.?·P~ 21st St. la'f", flowtn, trtes, 1hrube, RNl, ntal•'. Tan ~-lath houae llnd ex- pert propaeator. Coocl. cll'an work. Rates S1.2S hour. Write Box "V" clo New~-Ttmes. 93-6tp Nl'"'1tnrl Ocnrh 71-tfc DIPLOYII'ENT WANTED WAN'TED-MtndlnK ano1 chlld- nn'l ~ng. Will r~U tor work 11 ~-Write &~·o" c o News-'l'lmn. 94-2t p IICIIPLOYIIE.NT OF'FF.RED . WELL PAID JOBS with Real Futures for Young Women as Telephone Operators Santa Ana f'urniturt' Mt'SI('.\L • Ri\lliO ,, . .., \\'•·sf ·llh .c:.,,nf,•t Arl rt ... ,, !I~>· lit' Ft II( !',\I .~ Sh lnW:t) J"lnnu. ·,I· lf1 . Jlf•tf•·• t l'nnr1 ~111(1 So"'(' 11! ------------------- COMPLETE HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE Free Estimates KJtchen and Wall WIIShlng F1oor Oe&nlng and Waxing Window Oeanlng C-eulkln& Pain tint All Work GuiU'antt't'd Harbo r . 379-J Al's House & Window Cleaning Service I 1:.!11:\ C~pro'<<t "'''. ~nnt.o An:a nt ph!'nl' fl•• lf'llll :'iil :! !Il-Iff' DANZ-S 'HMIDT PIANO CO. ~~0 No. l\latn Sl. Snntn Ana ZF.NIT11 mnAAII'·. 7 IUIK's, nllrnc- tlq• cahtnf't f'••rfert cund. Low prier. !l:.:~ W. .1\l~TIIc BAllY ~'TIIrtd IIIJ;'h ~;rad!' make. l 'st•d !':ow only ~R."i. Term~ STEI:-.1\\' AY I:Tnnd, style n . 'l11!' world~ must wonderful phno L'st'(l1 ~.,.,. om•·tlurd now from ni'W ttldhy's prlet•. GOOD u~rd pracl kc plnnn. Only $69. Or will rent. GRA!':l') ptnnns. Wcl1t'r, Stein- -------....----86-_u_c j woy, Kimhnll. Rnworth. MPh lin In mo.t communlttft bttrtnnen re-WANTEn TO BUY ll 11nd many others PriCl'd from cetve bue s-Y of f30 for a ftve ------------$;~'\ Up . day Wtek, wtth ~.xtra s-Y tor over-Will Pay Cas h REP("'!'~J-;SSFD spinet ty~ mir- ttaw or ctaty at certain houri ol Fo; your furnjturE' 4,r whnt hnvt' rnr pWin_n A ht•aut~·-_ F'-!11 rkh ·a. day. you. Phllne RcA ron 5656. I hllw. :\uw only ~.295. ferms. J.wn wa1e In~ tM lint two C 1 F . I GORCF:Ot'S nl'w atyltod upholst- . rean--paid VIIC&Uofw. raw ey urmt~re Co. cr··d plnno "ilh mirror splnr l 1812 Newport Bl\d . t o,lll M•'Sa t)'Vt' pnh•nl. Was I'XChan~f'd LNrn ~Ia lntft'Htl"-wortc at !l'.!-tfc for lar.:t• ,;rnnd. \\'til 8!'11 for JDOd pey ln )"'Ur own cornmunJty. h11l. S:?"q All kinds tYJ)C'wr ltrr rthhoru In I DA!':Z-~CII~tiTlT Jlh\Nu co. You work wtth friendly Pf'OPI~ ill atock at the Nt•wt~-Ttnl!'S. pleuant otncee. 5~0 N<> :\l.un. S.mtn Ans 86-tlc I:KcfUent promotion ~bll.ltls. APPLY Southern California Telephone Company Portable Heavy Duty Flood Lights 1d<'lll ,,.,. lt. l•'h lltillll'' \1,11 lfh' 1) , •. Course Corrector fur Yachts Azi muth Circles Yacht Cannons and Lyle Guns Rosewood Lumber Vt'l")' &autiCW for y,,,_tll T'lltllrnan~.: ""'I l'lnqtll'' Al110 onE' small YACHT DINGilY 01n•l ''''' RL'URI-:R 1.11-'E Ju\1-IS. new . ~It) l'llch W AJ11TED-Thrl'<'-bedroom hou• ... for '~>tinter ~nta l or nnt• ~··11r lrrtsl' Rrfr rl"nC<'l! t'lln IK' 1:1\t•n . Cull. rt~ll••l'l . C'ttru~< 3.'VIJI !J'i-fl ,• Rl-:~I'():"SI ALE •·x•·•·Ut I'•' dt''tro·~ furnisht·d hum!' ur ;q111r1 m• 111 until Jun•' I lkt" n" "'"' • 1 \) 1 •• Htrhlll'd, La .lullf> II••Jdt and •r,•nm~ C'luh, 1.11 ,lnll;t, c ·~·laf Phon•• Gl!'nrov•• !l--t:,7l7 9:l-l1p ~'ANTJ-:0 TO R~;:-;T Ttll Juno· 1 or lnng('r, unr or t''" b.·dl<••ltl furnisht"d hou~(' or npnrtm•·nt Ur~:rntly n!'t.•dt•d b) \'1'1 uno! wlf•• 1'\o childn•n nr I"''~ lloo\ "11" t' cl :'l:o'\\' 'l'll!lt•~ JJI ,-'I p \\'i\:-.rl-11 'fti Hl-':'1:'1' '1\\o >h,rl r·•••m fllrtll•lwol nr ttultlr Jll'h• ol h••Ust' or apart nwn1 \\Ill ',.,.,,,, h~ ,1\llw l 'r.:• 1111\ '" ··•It ol ''·' ,.,., r~nri lrtr~ul~ t 'Ill ·''" • • l llorhur ..!:'>li-\\ '•I .''J \\'A:'I:T TO RF.NT 2 or 3 bl'tlrm unfurnt<th,.d hnu~r \\'Ill lt•a.,• Call Sam P11r1o•r nt flnrbor i••~ or 13. 35-lfc APT vr Sl\ti\1.1 , lllli'SE wnnlo•fl hy mnn and wHP. \\',. do nnl drin k nr 'mokl'. no rhlldr<•n or pt'l!' P lwnr ~anln ,\n.t 11'1'11-\\' <>r \'Tit(' Omt "'X :-.;,\\purl I\:~ I· hoa ;o.;,.~,·~~-·nm~"l! 37-t fr 111 1\':'l:\t: Nl·l'liJ·.II 1-'.!_llt V E T E H A. N ~ 1.1!'1 Your \':H'trH'il'( \\'1111 Al\u:nrt'A:--: Ll.<~ll•:" \\' A:'\'T TO ro-;;o.;T FurniRill'rl 11r unfurnfs hrd houst'. :.: or 3 h, d- roms will lt'Mit;( l 'h•Hh• !1111 h·•r 707 ~1 -11·· PEAL ESTATE • I . 0 0 K ' lllt'flllll' "'''I" I'~ It'""'" h l.ond • 'I : " I l,t1f Itt 1 ,. ~ .11 1 ',, " 1-11 "'' J' 1 .\l uh r.tl riL:hl< c; I 41 t •,.r 1 .. 1 ,·,.''I::~ lo), • I. Ia, 111 I It •l'lllk•l :'ltrrtfu•.· 'I• 1 ('o>t It>! ;.,t,J'III. ,\~;.tlo >ll• • (\lSI\ ''' ""·' Thr•'t' rc'"'"• Inti l•tlh or· '"•·· tlt.tlo• ~~~"''"""'n H•'ll' •tl• I 11 I ll'fJ. t'(>l II!' \ '••'1.1 \),'·I lf.l\t' fl\•'-1"4"'-'nl I "u'' \1. •. \\t !"olfl1il ,\1\lt l1 ·I ti.,.J, 1\ lhlo •··ho.lrt ... ltl1 hoHUo' If.,,.,, r Lh ri:\C~ APPI!EC'J.\'ITi l Fl'a nci:' .J. H l)r\\'at h \ HriN': 100 E. Bay Avenue, Balboa 114" No. Main Strftt, Santa A.na -Call Clllltll Operator ,. 3:.'~ :.IRth S t SAMPSON MACHINE WORKS n, .• ,dl•nrt': lforlll'lr IX~Ij H •tte 1604 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa, Ph. Beacon 5801 95-2tc 116 35th St. ll!lrhor 192:.1-n $13,600 JOHN E. SADLEffi REALTOR 302 Main St., Balboa Phone Harbor 2034 _ Graham & Johnson Realty & Investment Co. 1664 Newport Blvd. 1~5 Coast Hlway, Corona del Mar Phone Harbor 741 Day Ph. Beacon 5t34-W Nl&ht Ph. Beacon 521~J 95-ltc 94-ltc RELIANCE REALTY & INVESTMENT CO. A. R. Ebrite Beacon 5857-W Harbor 1271 and Associates J . W . Doak 1936 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa 1435 Coast Hiway, Corona Del Mar Bring Your Buying and Selling Problems to Us Corona Del Mar One-bedroom home on two lots. 30xll8 each; gar.lgc. Price $6930. Terms. Corona Del Mar Special Brand new, vacant, one bedroom, modem, beam cielings, comor sink, bar in kitchen. floors-hd. pine carpeted to wall, knotty pine and plaster interior. Priced -'$7000 -Terms €arona Del Mar CUte new, completely furnished home of knotty pine lntetior, high beam oeillng, hd pine floors, California ftreplace, new table top stove with grill l lfl garages. Price S 10.500 -Terms • Corona Del Mar Ultra modem 2 bedroom, large living room with huge flreplaa; , modem kitchen with snack bar to dining room. 1100 sq. fcc.t. • l'ri•·<' ~ w.:;oh . Tt•rm~ RELY ON --~ !RELIANC~ Corona Del Mar 2 homes on comer with rthl. g:u-ng('!';. nr11nrt new- vacant . One is a 2 bedroom home. other is 1 l.X'droom home. Both partly newly furnish<'<!. Very morlcm . RPady to mo,·c into. Fcncro ~nd l;mdsca[X'rl. Lot 65 X 120 com er. Pri('(' !:'2~.000 · TC'rms Harvor Blvd. , _Corona Del Mar Lots Residential on Marguerite ... · Residential on Narcissus 2 Residentials on HeliotroJX'-makc offer Newport Beach Home $1M() $1750 Nearly new two-lX'droom home: ,·cry modem: com- pletely furnished: four-room Apt. over large double garage. Both hom('S being vacatro J~mroiately. Price S1 5.R!10-terms. Lot 100x240 ft. at 1R.13 Haroor. C'loS<' to Alpha &>ta Mkt.. $15,000-t<>rms. ZonNl for wholesale or retail busin<'SS. Slm't' no\\' unckr cnnslntrlinn on next lot. Half Acre Ranch NE'ar B.'lck B:ty; thrt't'-hffiroom slurm hnmc: mm- pletcly fumis~ro ; l'('('{'nt !~· n:-<l~'~'nt-n te<l : ~:mi~·nod floor.;; lont.: li\'lng-rnom wtth fn'l•pl rH'<'. Pt,C't' S.-<!l~O. T£'rms. Open 7 DAys E\'ery \\'N'k. 8 :1 . m. to 6 p.m. RELIANCE REALTY & INVESTMENT CO. A. R. Ebrite Beacon 5857-W Harbor 1Z71 a.nd Associates J . W. Doak t936 Newport Blvd .. Costa Ml"SSl 1435 Coast Hiway, Corona Del Mar , 9e).ltc REAL ~ VALUES HOMES -INCOME -BUSINESS OPPOR'nJNITiliS INSURANCE --Exclusive Listing-- BUSINESS PROPERTY ON NEWPORT BOULEVARD Tw()-bedrocm Spanish style stucco modem home with a den. Close to heart of town. 60-foot frontage and 150-foot depth. COM- PLETELY F1JRNISHED. Hardwood floors 1throughout . . . lots of tile. THIS IS AN IDEAL HOME and BUSINESS OFFICE for a IX>CTOn. DENTIST OR LAWYER. This is an EXCEPTIONAL BUY at a STEAL. Full price only- $15,000 B. A. NERESON REAL ESTATE BROKER AND ASSOCIATES Phil D. Soloman -SALESMEN -John Bondra Phone Beacon 5225 1972 Ntiwtx>rt Blvd. Costa Mesa 95-ltc ----------:--=::-:-:=:-=-----..I REAL ESTATE W .urTED N AUTOMOTIVE a TIRES FOR SALE-1939 Mercury club coupe. Radio heater, good shape. $1 200. Can he seen at 1:.:!06 East Central or Ph o ne Harbor 1395-R. 95-4tp QUICK SALE-1940 Hudson \'1!'· toria Coupe. Immaculate thru out. Original mileage. See to appreciate 51200. Cash or will trade for late modi.'! Sedan. Call Harbor 1475-W. 95-2tp FOR SALE -lnlernatfonal 1 1~ ton Clal bed truck. 158 in. W.B. Duals over load. Spilling• 12ft. bed. Good condition. Phonl.' Har- bor 2447-R. 95-:.!tc FOR SALE-1933 Graham roupe as Is, 5175. 546 15th St .. New- port Heights. 95-2tp '39 OESOTO Coup<'. excellent con- dition. G. D. Bratton private uWnl'r. Bay Shore Camp, Coast lltghway and 17th St: 515-ltp l!J-11 -Chi''. 1lz Inn pickur. f:X<"'I" 1 t~>n:~lly d •·an :'oirw Hin~;s. !':<•\\' )mint Brakc•s. Low :'>lall•a..:t• 311 ll:.rp•'r. l\tid"a~· City 97l-llfl WILL TRADE-Loti on Lido Iale alao lou on PenlniiUla on pur· chue of 2 or 3 bei!room boule ln Harbor diatrlct. Phone Harbor 101 81-ttc MON'I:Y TO LOAN M LO.vil:l TO BUILD, ~. ~ modemta. or ,..ftDano.. Newport Balboa r.der&l lla'ftllp aDd Loan A-oc•attOD. 3333 VIa Lido Ph. Karbor 1100 NEED MONEY? See ~ for Q~ Helpful &?rv1ce on Your 1'lhandal NE'eds -Loane on ""-. ~ Furniture Salary Car or Other Security Phone First fbr Quicker Servtce Hours: 10 to 1 and 3 to 5 (Closed Saturdays) F<IR S ALE HHl Wtndsor Chrys-• lr r fflu'r-door l'~"d:~n, c•xrl'llt-nl t'Pnllition, luw mil>•<lJ.:t'. Harhor 1!1\l:!. !)·l -Ife 1-'1 lR SALE '·33 Plymouth t:'t:>UJJI'; J.:ntll'l rnr;tm· a nd tirl's. $:!7!'1. ~lG DON 1 IIUDI)LI~STUN, Skipper :J:lrd St . l':t•WJ)(lrt neaeh. 9-1-:llp Hcrcoafter If we recap your TIRES We gu11.rantce our "Caps" to last 20,000 MILES and that's npt all- WE WILL GTVE YOU $20.00 IF ONE COMES OFF Regardless of Speca. ONE TIRE RECAPPED IN 5 HOURS. tor a complete set we will Cllll for your r nr In the morning and delive-r 111me day. Also-a $2.00 M~>bllstotlc t\alance job when we recap your tlr~. for $1.00. No lrad weights nr "extras ... Costa M esa Tire Co. In Rur at 1760 Newport Blvd. COSTA MESA Ph. Bcaron 5743 Ask for AI or Hank. IRI ·I·~ N('wport Bin i , Costa.Meaa lll'tn·on 5:.?~0 I (,\cross from Alpha lll'ta Market) 95-ltc 1 AUTO !Sf.:RVIt:J!: • INoW.HERE ' I Your outhori:wd Chryr~ler­ l'l)·mottth o, olt•r . Authorlz< d parts Complctl' Lubrtcutlon and I Matntennncc E:xp<'rt Mrchanics Krnrtnll nnd Qunk~r State oU. NEWPORT liARBOR MOTORS 2616 W, Central Ave. Phoftl' Harbor 636 83-tte TRAILERS II 1'RAli..ERS FOR RENT -Do JOUr own hauUng and movtnr, .AD new equlpmtnt, $2.25 and G.JC per day. We furnish the hltdl. M)'Tehn .Bf'CMI. Senrlce Statbl, cor. 17Ui & Newport Blvd., ·o.ta Mesa. tlkft • WE NEED LATE MODEL CARS and Will Pay Top Prices m..L YOUR CAR NOW WhU~ Prices are High. Phone for our ~ buyer who will caU and advtle you regarding OPA regulatlons, ceU1na prices and arrange all.detalls CULBERTSON CHEVROLET CO., Inc. ~aDd 0~ Dalen IOOl W.-t Olatnl., N..wport a.da, D ac.a, a.--. a.ctl ......... ! __ FreJa Daily Del.lcloua ._ roocs. Or, complete tqlilJ!manl wben 1<* want t.o cat.eb your own. DRAFTING ·SERVICE ROY M. WATKINS and Associates ·ll.lv...&~ Busiest holiday season All year lo ng we have been building Ufl our tde· phone plant-adding long distance facilities. Even with this expansion; the huge volume of evt:r) Jay calls keeps our equipmcnt busy at pcak capacity. We will do everything we can to handle holiday calls promptly, but with the extra volume of calla cbe still bC unavoidable ~lays. Thafs why st chat-if you place a friE'ndl)' holid:ay Ions .,., ce call, you do 10 on d ays other than Decem· --ber 24 o r 2,. TO.d,... L • Southern California Telephone Company 115 Pcalm, Dalboa • Harbor t«t MORE way1 to wo to MORE place• EASTI ~:,.,, •• ,, ,,,,. ,., , •• , dt/~ ., 0. East one way, come back another ... a:u OD one round trip ticket.,fio auyu·h"~ East ... ALL the w~y. by G reyhound. Go at the time that suits joM best, .. take your pick of more, better-timed daily departures. Go Greyhound East ... and get ,or1 for your money than any o ther way to travel. 2'7 DAIL\' TRWS EA.~T FRO~ I.OS ANGELES Mew Tertr •.•• 4S.21 -...-,.u. , . s. .. s o,~ Jray Farn , .. 1 .......... J6.1J ._ ... ~lty ••• H ,70 w ... ,,.._ .. u.. ,. NawOrt•-•··MM ,.,.,,,, ,,J .. ~/7 .. C. C. Swafford, 6<»4 Cout lllghway, Dt-aron !"..122 GREYHOUND •• ,,,,. !""' ,.,...,. '" Civi( Leader Gives Hundred Books to Costa Mesa Library W Carl Sfll'n~~ of tht' bluff Illc Memhf'r of \he Wl'dctin& - 8<'('11on of Costa Mt'M and fOF c.---McCUllen. Scrla:-.comlc ~I )'C'Ars one-of Its ll•ading civic In~ of white -boy and jfirl C'OI&aln• booett'n, hu don~~tt"d 100 book• 11nd their colorc.-d rook In a Cof'Or· to the Coi.ta .M~ Public.....Ubrar)'. ;·~.:aa k.lll.:llw. Quallt)'-C'Id Rick· IIC'cnrdln~o: '" u rt'pnrt assut'<l b)' '•·II~ Sumn••r. A new el on the raCf' the library todlly. I o.tUI'stlon fAir to hoth whlh• and Thry ar•· us Collowa: 1 t'Oinrrd. Jo'ully ('(1\11\l to Ulll~tn F IC"TT0 N : Thr Life Line -I Smith's Stran~<' Fruit. The Good Ph)'llls 1\ottumt• l,Jndl'r<'O\'t•r al-H umor !lOok by II hott nf jokt'·l lit'<! ltl;l'nts In eM tern J::uropt• The I smhhs •'!d carttKmlata. Olllf'r S.)X EJennnr Clnrk. 13ank I'\ONFic-M0 N: flrlftwood Val· cl1•rk tunwd communist. An~tulsh t;oy ltllustratNI l Tht:>iKlflra Stan- 1 -Grarlllr1110 Ramos Mau\'<' ta l<-wt•ll FII'IC'hl'r lntl'rC'IIIn~ account of a Rio d<> Janit>ron. Tht> ~ran· ot IPf'<" men huntln~; in northt'rn ' dalous Adw ntures of Rrynard thl' British ("olumbaa. How mt"n and Fnx. An old, old satin• of th1• a nimals survlvt-AI 60 di'RN'C'S be· human nnimal. T orn•nts o C low zE'ro. Tht• l'loc'tors Mayo til· Spnng -Robt•r t P8ynt> Finely lustratrol -II n. Clapt"UttiE'. writtt·n story of a Chint~<' itlrl From lndlan tlnwe t& tht' famout tnd ht'r brothcrs who fl~;hl for c-linic of today tht> "ne-w ways." SouthPrn Califor nia ("ountry- "Amt•ru·a Is In t hc Ht•art-Carey Mc-\\'iJilams. Nothln& omit· Carlot Buloaan. Young Faltpino's tt>d pita mHny a chu('klE'. ThE' IM'st adv<'nturt'l on tht• West Coast. )'t'l. California Lurc-EYPiyn Nt'u· ..-. . . . '. • . . . • ~I'UKTI''t·'l~tU:tUtP:l'\ Ul,t:.--.1. II. Mill, 1:1.,,_, Nf'wp<trl ttarlllor ~ 'l""'"~•h4vman and •kll'l""' uf "'" .. ,,.,"'" l 'at" fl•hlna '-••1, ad-drr -• thfo l'fWirttt~htna ,\twotoc•latlun "' s .. .-,.~ ... Harbclr. lnf'hMlf'd I: In thor ~<·lurt~ •~. ~fl lu rittltl, Hurl lh•hrrt-•. J . H. !'till' t,, \\', : Ktnac, t rank Unnl'll, J, H . .\1•·'•"> afld lla rr) \\rl•'h. t ,. llu~h ~lt'MIIll\11 l'ltt•l" " t : ~~--------------------~---- Do .... Your Christmas Shopping EhleR's Tradln' Post 2100 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa at AN11Ql1t:~. t'tiRNTn RE. OLU lAMPS. CHINA EAUtV AMERICAN mASS AltkJ: l 1MF.Il YllRNmlRt;, STOVES and Marlnr ~\'~fl. Rlt•yc• etc-4, boqht IUid IIOicl .. taM N-.ort llcluln!Ud, O.ta ~~­IIUt.lON Ntt OPf'tt a to to t•. M. o.u,, • te t 1". 111. •• .....,.. cnbur~o: and Osnr Dwla. Ncarly 300 ilf tht' bfost phototrrapha cb- talnablt' A beautiful book. Brazil, Giant lo tht' South -AIIN' Hagt'r 1 and Jilek it> Martin. Hundrt'dl of Newport Harbor I photogT&pha of our good nt'lghhor La kt• Pontchartrflan -W. Adol- ph<' Roht•rts. Nl'w Orlun.a' watt'r I Fishing News : C'LOMI:Il MUN OA\' _Ha_tclt~ -~Mostu TESTED Th1a ldentiJlc lDatrumeat tella u.a what' a wrong wheD you bring your wa1c:h lD, and it tella you U'a riqht when you take It away. Faater, mof. economic:al repair~, with printed ~ of ac::curacy. Ted Brown brlnp a watch and jewelry repair ~rt­ ment to CO!Ita MHA that ls the flnel'lt. We have the be-st workmen and cqulpment Cor expert repolrlng of watdl•. clocks and jewelry repaln. rcosort. Krlf'l-s bJ Sportfishing A8sn. of Newport Harbor ro.... I • I s flllb t IIIII~ ,.: .. wl r .. , " '"I"'' IIIII II '"I I AN•c•unts of rfl'nch, Spaniah, HoH'l; •'••ol 1~ ,111,.1., Ill•· f1,11 , .eo t•s, nn~ O· 11Xons, ua cr· fn•m '"" ll\o• 11.111 '""'" 11,, •• , 1, l du Ill th I It _ __.00 ' • ·""'' I • ••r :.'11 >olllt 11 111 "" ""'"·~I nlol. " n~. t" '' f>ry, """"' '"''''~~~lito·"'"''·""" •a•l•o tit• II • j k •t d ' G htlnn tuth' '" '"''tun~· • •n•· l ~lldwrrnuu l Y•' 0" II<' . "nr ' raa, ync .. , ~'""•'<I part nl tho• nii·YN•r-routl .. 1 fl h d II I Tl ('u " "" 1 h•• ~''" l••rt Jlltll ~~~~ o•lajll I S In!: an III'Y ,oojt. )I' r• ft~hlll" 'o'IH•nr1 \\ llh ""'·"'"'''' '""II "" '''"' I Ill'"" ••I Ill• lith' t11in Falls Cnunl F olk<' Ol'rna· "t111,, ,,.11 hll~~. '"" 11,,.,,,1,,, 1,,1111,, d tt • ~ d r th Thi d " 1·"1 1 '"'·" ~ •• ,l .. tt I"'"''" 11ru1 0 ('. ......st IIYS 0 (' r """ .. , h··· ,,,r, 4'1<'1111' Ill "oll llll'l' R"wh ()awn Ovl'r Zero IIIIUI· -"1'" h• 1 •·I " '"''I '''' """ nn•l trattodl-\Vllliam La utt'nct". Stor y ""'''"' '' ol r•wk ··•~I '""'' 11"'11 th•· I•·•• "'"'' I• """"'"t.: '" uft.•r or lht• atomic homh In the Nl'lm<' 1111 n 111 1"'11'11:.1 '1' I n•••n Fi~han~: "~'~""Ill toNI t•·•·t d····l• ~1,111 11,11111,. 1... 1".,.,, 1,,1• of Sanity-Ra~'mOnd Swing. PUC'l' 1 ~ w" ~ or dt>struf'tlon hy a tom ic <'nl'r~y '"1 1 "''' o.tl 11'"''-~ "11 ''"'h "'"' I""' an.: ln•m th•· •~'''"" I'"''"· r1t "·'""t \\tilt 1'111 111.11'1\t·r··l lho• '"" nn:lll '''1111! •ull;,, ""''""'"'• rnr Prh l'ltl' Monopoly, the F.nl'my I'll o·l 1111" lur ul up "a 1 It , ,.,.k •·••I '""' h 111 1 ""' n tt••n 11111 ,, '" ,.11 , 1111•11 llomf' navld l..aliSt'r llqw t o up In tlw lnJl lilt'\ ''""''' Sum ... ,111: ''"'"" a;,1,.1t ••nlm.: lattlt• n-.1 mNt thl' prohll'm in a dcmocratlc limo•• " flo,ho 1 ntlln '' hh'k~ t'llnllto:h lttoh Jl1•1111•111Jw•r In 1.,, o'llro'llll Ill way Th<' Pr<>N'l!s of Pt>rsuAslon-In h,l\o' 111, ta~olt llo•nl In lh•• sur-thr· ''"~ .. r tho.,. fl,h 11, I hi') 1•1111 <lydl' R Milll'r llow tn put your faro•, nil•·• hh\ 1n1: ""' has ll>'h nut J fl'lllly """W If tho;)' ,.11,r tc••t Jhack tdE'as acr~ 11nd spot othrrs' prop-,,f tho• ll•·lt\ \ pt • ""' o• ••I 1111' do"t'JI I"'"' }r•ll a jlanda. Education For Modt•rn II du•·~n 1 lt•k•• ·• ll<ho•rrn 111 ,.,,r) :-..; k 1 1 h "1 "d H k E! d.a r ('(! 0-I . ~ • • .. nuu· ··rt .... ~ ... .,,~ l'k\ltl 1 an I n<'Y 00 • n o U· Inn~; to• n• 11rl) 1111 11 wunn) ~l'lt'k froorn th•· Jlto'r' 111111 ,,.,, , .. ry I catton .. roue-al ton toward voca-~ \\llh ft~h ""' 11 tho• ll<>:tl tlnol'l f•·w hllhlutl nro• llr<lllllli A r .. ~ 11<!0. lh<' ~otood teach<'r. New World a ~nnd ~"''' In ta'h ,. k t It 1 1 · ,.. .. .. , ••r u ru '"''' r. r ,. W"tnw A-comln~. Rol O ttlt•y. All about ~ml'll ltlohana.: "" th•· :-lo·wpurt 1•1wa.:ht In llu• luu 1 'ntnnh·n·lnl llariPm, capital of hl11ck AmE'rtCA. and Bnlhtm l"''N' C'\onllnllo.,. run. 1 1 •~ ••'• trt•'fl c·unl Hlta•• tu h~e ul rnun) Riots and Ruins -A. Clayton ''"'~ .. r "''" k··• o·l •ulu fl:••w111,rl Powl'll, Sr Strail(ht talk from tht' COLD KO'I lttorhur "'"'" ''"Y '"" tlu• ,-1111.1 pulpit ur lhl' lnrgl•ll Nr'lfrO ch~rch Qt'flt'' ThiN 11-111111' I~ tlollt' "' 10 the u.s A. ror whit ('II 1' n d '"""' untlo•r lll:hl-"''"'.: doll Ill luI 1'\f'llr<:ws. V.'htl(' Mnn's nurdf•n-1:•'1 1111' lt~lt llt'Mr hatH! ~'''"'" 110'1~ Ruth Smith. Whitc, blondt.', Nor· In "hH'h 1 h••) 11r•• hotlll•~l 11l••nnl l die. gcntilt•, Prolc•stnnt, nntlve-~··•••!• ufl••r ~··•••II 1 horn, shf' tc•Ac-h1•s nl 11 Soutll('rn I Nt·~o:ro ~chonl fnr s.:lrls ond mt'('tl thl' Ku Klux Kla n. ' Th•· fl••r•oon1r11lllllt! ul 1111'111 (Ill•'•·~ tntlii'H I••,. tlh• o•l1ff, nf llt'l!llllll!lu11o t t I t 1t 1tMI IWI I I >ill t'Hil l .!l •I' I •I I I I I •t I I I I I if I 11• .,.. .. IHI!fetfllltl'lifl~- WE WELCOME YOU ro orEN A C.HARGE ACCOUNT <ao-eo -eo Da,a) Ma.rbro'a bwtte 70'1 to OtJmol In and ~ a eharp ICIOOUDt. Our atocka are eomp1et.e wtua the .... lVIII fll . ~ nn. Apei&Nl mAABROS clania ana, 111 waT •• n . 1'1100 , .. ' Ted Brown Aml•ric-an I lnur.:htrr-F.ra Jkoll t Tht•ml~(ln U vrly nutoblo~trnphy or u r.:ay. dl'll'rmonNI lnll'ntl'd nnd fru•ndly N•'t:rn t:lrl in lowo ,North ' Dnkuta and ('htra~tn. Arou. n.d thl'l llo 1;1'1 "'''"I l11r i\'tnt'l lt'llll-lttl111 --==========================:t C.rt•lft n rt111111 tmrl 1\rr.:•·nttnn Tho· 1 r I••JC,IIooltf\ ••I 11 lhuull•• loor 1\nwal II:WIIiLD World in S t I'Hul ltllustralo'<l t 1'7t'7 d!..~~Yd. -Alif'l' L. Slc-ko•lt~. "Anwr lcn 11 " I ,.,.,1, m .. , ''lllf'nt In ~:na.:luncl "u•\ l lw'''''' r-. II lnt n~ulnr: l•lr ""m•• In this •••umlr) ~·•ulh Ill rul Tr1h ~;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;~;;;;~~~~ln~~~ry~.;. .. ._._ .. ~._ .. .._' " I'·, lint• BAY VIEW CAFE Under Same Mahagement ••• Mr. and Mrs. Uoyd Wells At Ferry Landing, Balboa • Completely llodenbed • STEAKS CHOPS .. SEA FOOD JUMBO SHRIMPS 8 L m. to 2 L m.-Cioeed Tueeday • Fountain Se"ice Inspection or Our Kitchen Welcomed now! new post-war PACKARD - electric dry shaver -with/ .4 smooth ~ round ~=-~-heads TURNER'S 1\'llur F.IHtrtf' t\ptlllanCII O..al~r """ .... ltn8 tO~ \\'. f'nurth, PhoiM' IIU &uta Au lt~f • 111 }•«< m •H t 111dul tlu""l turf.,,c, m~,rc cuntn~ )ffA, m"'" "h~>k« .nt'•kc. Ot ):IOIICr\ \hl\ (' CXJ'CriJ)' "11h l P.ci..Jhl. Optntn):\ Jre p«>"JoJ I r '""!: Jnd '""" I""' Rcpu1ctl ,.,,,. butJ,:\ UMU\,fl\\,U) lt\C.'r tf..nc.Jcr \L.tft\ fuur ,m ... ·th. ""•n•l h(J•I' n1'"••' I H • ""l;ll unot 111d l•o<L til 101" I" ••· ••"" f• r .cu ~tr r 'h•'•"t.: ,n,, .. ,., \ ol>r1 '"' r11l•l•u cu•l"''" I ""'' t.t I ,. r till:!-i1h, '"'"" ,fu,t ,, I J 1 cl 'I ' fl , '"' c le '"-L:"'.,; Ill••'-,, '"l nl ;.·r .. •n lc~ttu.r ,,.,Jcl't•\IIU t'' I ~~ ~~~~~ "'"' ''"~"'' •f"(t<l m•·l"'· .,u. ''"''h''l'• .\ ( "r f)( • I If .. II..!' \II.! Sn H • try it · here today! ~Wm-a:-a I .... fl'o _, ••<~~ lwft ,. b. ,.,.,..a,u;,.,.l .. • wl• ... lolwft4orleft4 -•• t~o •l<1i110 of " -u...t . .,.., ou 'l lolota o l>ti.,o..t IC••II' peolo4 .., .... col4 lofft ol •lfttot 4rl•iftl .._,......., .... 4oft't ""'' Wftl-J•• ••• I ............. ft .. , ... ,., ...... ,,_ .. ... ,., .......................... 1,. -j MEN-WOMEN I Prostate ---Pelvis .,. , ........ -· ..... 1 .. ...... p nl• w -• el "-' ,.,.. , _ _.. .... ,. ... ,. _ ...... --~• u.-,.. .w to.t-,_, "-' llllpttl .. t Ha•• .. ... .. •lehlaf IT,R YOUR GLANI>S .,.., .. , ...... __. ............ , .,._,. .. .. ._....... 1..-...... k .. ,.. .. ,~ Hn ... fll -'• •rua.-.!lt• ••r•••-~"-• ..,.. l-tl- 0<. ~ r. -a. n. , .. r~o.r.. ,., 't~a4 ..... ,... .... .....,... , .... , ... lhl'h• I I!H r .. •IJ ..... Ini,_...L M '...,. ,..,...e. tiel•• Ia flf•rul• ..... ,.: • :14• A " ,,. " ,. r " ·-, •.... 'rb••...,. HANSON'S Shade and Linoleum Shop A New DoUdla« New FuJUU.. Venetian Rlinds Window Shades Delivery • · · In~tnlh,Uon Free Jo:'\tlmntc~ Fur QuJC'k Sfnol<'fl OaJI RMNm MC,I-.1 IlHZ 23rcl kt. c .. ta MtWl RALHOA INN CA FE ,.,. \\'lol•""l \'rartety uf Steaks, ChOJ>S, Sea F~ods and Italian FoodH In lhfl IIA rl><•r "'"" F.N1T.KTAI!'i .\tf:ST 'I/ HI UTI.\' -lll'to4Mf:J,J. MWP:P:'NIP:rt I llln.rlnJC yomr favurltn n~ludiN un thn JIA.\t.\tOS fl Y.f.P:(Tf(U' OKitA 'II Surf & Main St Balboa II arhor 372 • Before You Build or Remodel VWt Our lntf'N'18tln.c Samp&.! and J)I.~J•Iay fl,l(lfm C'Alnr lo.'Uidf'ft, piM · nln~.: nlrls, t'llmpff•lu·n..,. lw I siO<'k Of I'III"JIC.'I'- antl linr1IM1nt LUDLUM Carpet Woi:ks 1-...... ...._ l t. n.o.. .._._ A8a 11M IANTA AliA While They ~1 Mesa eYCLJ4: SHOP . .. -Tt~mporary l.ocoatlon- 416 IIAMIU'ON HTKF.F.T ('OMTA M~~A Turn P:a•l otr lfariHor Rlvd. "' "'""""'' Mtatlun • • • • • • • • Blcyclea Tri cycle• Scoo ter• Ronnie Chalra St r o ll era S kat • 1 Jettpa Hot-Roda _._ ww...-. ....... _._ SOS RADIO _ELECTRIC & ISLAND RECORD SHOP \\'1" ~11\1\1 ' ll••MI·. S l.lt\'lt 'I 1'1\I.U·i Limited Supply of .Radio Available for Christmas hnmrdlat~ lh·llvf'rr Nt~w • nn fwllcHt • ltadroH • t•ffii,C 0 • "'"'"' \f, • 11111'1 ,, '' • I'" K \tilt nt:t.r. a t.t.,t.lt \1. t .l .t.l Till(' e \\11,1 II\ '• \' llt'.l OICIHII V ISIT ot R Hl·:<'f)HO I H·:I'AitTMENT FIIH (1 1HISTMAS Sl '( ;( :t·:.~ONS • t 'NI\'t:lt."'i\1· At•t•I.IAS('t;."' G I'M \'mtr !o4lttlJ1plnl( ('um•f'nlf'n(•n \\'t• \\IJI I•• IIJII 'II IIIII tl :1 ft. rn. r ,. rall'hl 1111111 ('Itt l'ii H~to.;, ,.,,.,.,, Sttndtay ; ~PPLIANCE AND RADIO SPECIALISTS tiF.NRY 1\'. a.a1Jmtao NO Mart.. A"" IIALIIOA lliLAND llarber 1M ,. .. Ttarbor iiilj s~.'7m": ;::n • To Hear Stories of Feminine A t . ": t... ~ '· o zte• L~~h':n Women EE Officers, EnJoy C lvl les Christmas Party at Costa Mesa J:fome Combln1nc their Ouiltmaa puV tbe mot1t with individual c:akee _ with • ~ mMtinc at wtUch topped with Olriaunu bella ac- • By WlaUred Jlartn • • Antique Snop Provtdes Charming Setting For Luncheon and Holiday Dinner &-.a-1!!&.-.-1-R oUk:en fcr the CIOfnlq ~ar were . ,__.,_ .-.--~·· 'elected, memben of the Women'a oompanyina the deuert In ereen C·ub-5cout Mothers-Mlulonary aoctety of NeWI!QI't and r~. heaped with lnOW)' whip- Harbor Lutheran church met ped cream. Urged to Attend '1'\wtday evenlne. Dec. 3 at )he • Kn. A. M. MacAnany, who re- for C~~~~TMAS GinS • • Be Sure You Get Desert Confections Toffee ' . Nut BoD Cream Fudges Minta De. at .., , .... The CANDY House or at oar own stores at the_ Desert 111 Gate in , .... Sprlnp and aa s. San Gorpaio Ave. ..... Ill -~ * Car~ful gift wrap- ping of your Mail Or- der. Thompson's Desert· ·Confections· Burma Road Delta Gamma Alumnae asaooia·1 Brown Military lnatltute, San Mn. Arthur Allen or La Jolla, tion or Long Beach, which usuallY Olr~to. a te th~lr holiday turkey wife of an EpiJcopal ml!lllonnry! holda onr of aevcral mee11n. p at there wltb their (IUCIU , Mr. and ~ lpl"nt the wnr yenra on the aomc tf'B room, hl.'a rd about the .Mra. Wallace Barnet. Bu:rw. Road will be I)'X'aker at antique ihop opo'nt-d rec~mtly hy Mrs .. Barnr. Ia Mn. Chrlalle'a the rDHtitlc o1 thc Woml'n's AUlC·' one of their former memberl and hrlper m the shop and helpa care Ulary · or St. Janwa E illropal on Thuraday met at the thop or !nr the many lowly lhlnp. Sel· mwch. to be ...w at 2 p:m~ Thunr-Mr8 C'lf·m Christl••. Balboa Island I dom hilS any Thankst:lvtng dinner dly. ~. 12 at the JIOITM' of Mn. The faVJ!·room cottage 11 com·j been held In such a traditional c L. 'nlorA. 1541 VIa Lh1o Soud plctcly furnlahf'd with antlquPS, sf'ttln,g or one so ch~U"ft'\lng, tO£ · frum thr hi!J rug hraldt'd In bands 1 thr tahlf' scrvlcl' w111 or wondftiul of 10ft blut> and red. to the tabl<' old d.istws which had been U8ed Balboans H onored ~tnd chairs. dish Cllblni.'U. spindle-countlt'U llmf'S In the put r Mr. and Mra. J. E Van Will and lJArkrd srttle and cvf'n thl' pic· just such a pUrJX*'. dau(hter MarjorW or 207 Edge· turPS lln th(' walla EVI'n the kit· water, BaJOO.. epent a r<'~nt ch~>n, althotJ&h utilitarian with Its holiday at U.. .._,. of their aon· while ~~:as atove. re!ri~terator and In-Jaw ud ..,._._. Mr. and Mra tllf'd sink. haa lu ahare or old Ray S. ~ of Puent~. formerly hAnging ahelves and heirloom at Newport Beach dllh\'1 Other ruesu present were Mr. ' Ml.'mlx'ra hrought hmcheon with and Mn. Walter A. CrAll of th,.m and ate It In this old-time Whlttlt'r, part'nla of Ray Craie: atmosphPrl' whcrl' Chrlatmu di.'C· Mr. and Mn. R. H. Ray of Whit· oration• oddt'd to the COllY acene. tier. Mr. and Mn. H. L. Crall Mr~. F:,·cl)•n RH~~ presided and and Gordon, Dlant' ond Donnll' rMtnb<'n uMd Uielr hotteu ques- of Loll Aneelr.. Mr. Stan Craig tiona rt'gardlng ht'r treu urH of of Santa Ana and Mra. Julia Dunn chln11 and glus. particularly how of Loa Anaeles, Wayne Francia to tl.'ll the dltferenre tx-twl't'n old of Newport BeaC'h and Junnl.' and and ne-w and al11o rl.'&ardlng the Eddie Rafh. · reflnlahlnr of old furniture. •·· This date being the 45th wt'd· Thll lunche-on was the w cond ding annlvenary of Mr and Mra. to 1)1' held In· thl' ahop for on Van Wig a double cell'hratlon waa Thankaglvlng DIIY tht' Christies. In order. Be~tutlful door chlmet thNr aon. Cadt't Collin• Christl' of for thc-il' new homl' waa prt>at'ntt'd ~:1'1~~~~~~1' o!n:'rw:~e ~~I Altar Society Plans Robert and Mr &nd Mra. Buck l For Christmas lkan of Nl'wport Brach, Mr. and Bride-Elect Honored At Party Shower I • 1 HonOrinc Miss Marjorie M:?! 3014 Wnt Oct-an Front, M Sh•rJry Hann hostesud a 1 recently at her home, 1400 8ft. virw avenue, Corona del Me-, with Mrs. Jonnle Boyd u Ull.a't· ing hosteu. • Mill Mason 11 to be the bride of Douglasa Moore on Decem~ 21 at Eu~tene, Ore., and left today with her parents and aunt, Mn. Ra~ Townaend of Lon& O.ach, for the north<'rn city. S llv<'r bells and chryaanthemurna and candl~ In bridal white were used for a de-corAtive wttlne. Many lovely giftll wl.'re received by thr bride-ell.'ct and tht'y were prCSt'ntt>d In a clot hl"' baaket, ornamcntt'd with pink and blue crept-l.lllfX'r, rice, wt'ddlng belli and bows. Training ·.Course home of Mn. D. c . Wedeldnc. ~ntly moved to Newport Helaht• 1920 Church atreet, Cotta Mesa. • Den mothen who are attendlne Mn. Theodore Haber presided from San DJeao, waa a apeclal tht> C'ub Scout tralnin& course at the ahort bualneu aeulon. gust and memben praent were urranged hy Scout offlclala are Elcctl'd were Mra. Ernett Schultz, J he Rev. and ~-Herbert C. tandi ng it more fun than wor r president; Mn. Clyde Louckl. Roth and the Mt>$damea Kenneth th•·Y a.re playing game5 and doina 'Yice._pr.caldent; Mra. Wedeklnl(. Quarry sr Ernest Schultz Ed· h~ondlcralt. just aa the Scouta do secretary and Mn. Charlcj Seeb-ward Wlll~t. Clyde Louckl, •Rich· ttu·m. accordln1 to Mn. Loia cr, treaaurer. a r d Hubbell. Charles Seeber, lljm,nn .. co-ordinator. After the buslneu came a ao-RJchard Haber Theodore Haber The CUb Scout packl are spona-clal hour when elfu were ex· Mary WU)t~ Betty Bonham' orN1 by the Parent-Teacher a.uo-changed and carola auna In the Louise Roth, M. K. L:aurie, Ed: MallOn of ,Newport .Beacb Cram-toft &low ot candleUaht. Decora· ward Grochow Wayne ~er mar schooll and all mothera of ~:e,!:ad Wen arraneed by Mr. ~nneth Qu~ jr., Pauline Cui: C'uh Scouu are ural'd to attend ng, a charmina outdoor ver and D. C. Wedeldnc. thrse meetinr-th~ better to be· ~ne with cho1r bo,ya c:enterl.nc :n,. next Jl'lt'etina will be held rom«.! acquain'tl'd with the work t e mantle and another almllar at the home ot Mrs. Olarlea \\ h1ch their aona are dolJia. ICt'ne on a low table. Sftber, Newpwt boulevard, Cotta MN>tlnra ar e hel4 on Monday ~frHhment tra)"' carried out Mesa. rvenlnp at the Corona del Mar N. H. Yacht Club _____ ____.:_ achool and are for den mothers LaNoma Grauel and Scout mothen of Packa 110 Elects Officers L c and 105 of Newport Beach and eads horal Group Pack 106 of Cotta Meta. Dates Orticen and dlftcton of New. arC' Dt?c. 16, Jan. 6 and 13. t Harbor Yacht club for the Friday mornlne den mothen of Pack l 10 met at Mn. Muon'a home, 119 Cryatal avenut', Balboa Island. with the C\.lbmuter, I....H f'r•rry. to make. plana for the pack meeting of December 13. Christmas Program Planned for Church coming year were elected at • cloted dinner meetlna Saturday evenlna and will take .otnc:e at the annual nag ralaln& ceremony In May, which Ia the ofllclal open- Ina of the aummer aeuon. Mill LaNoma Grauel, chuchter or Mr. and Mn. Harold Grauel of Cotta Mesa. led her choral croup from the Elliabeth Von Klelnarnld dormitory whleh took third plaCt' on the "Hit Parade", the annual aonatest participated In by aU the aorori ty hOUIH and dormJ tortes of the U.S.C. campua ... M I 1 1 Grauel la majorln& J n music and felt highly pleaaed for It waa the !lnt time the dorm!· ~ ~ "Cap'n" Don s (JtUiawa~ (J~ ...... ~ ............... ................ o..r 11. D•••• Combination Dinners • 11. !fewudU....a Seafood Specialties ll. OPmf U:VEN NIOin'll 5 to 12 Plans are going forward !or the Christmas program of the A.uem· bly of God church. which will be ht'ld in the Ameriean Lt>gion -hall, l:ilh stn'<'t and Bay front on T hursday I.'Vening. Dee. 19, ac- Ct•Nhn~ to the pa.sJor. the Rev. Ida Sande. Evere tt Morrla or-Lido lale will be the new e»mmodore. Other of· fi~n are, vl~commodore, Wal- ter K. Lewla and rear commodore. Frank Sl.mpaon Jr. No one hu u yet bl'<'n appolntt'd to the potltlon tory had taken a prtz.e. '--------------' ~lttllfll.lil•l»lllltll~il+ llfl llfi lill i!I"-Nt:ltltll tllw .. (IN~IIhl""tl'tfllltttttlf"lll!il~lllli<IMIU,I<lltllltlltlllll!lftt ....... iO of aecre tary, at present filled by ! Mr. Slm~n. : Gifts ... Mrs. Frank Francia of Loll An· Fnthl'r Thomas Nonan of Our &l'les, Mr. and Mrs. John Forgie lA ad y of Mt. Carmel Catholic of Orovlll<'. Mr. and Ml"'. Ray church apokt' on the coming an- CraJg and Stan. Junnc and Eddlt'. nlvrrsary of the nativity at the i=========;___......;-;;;;: mcC'tlng of the Altar aocit>ty. hl.'ld at the home of Mrs. C. M. Harris. 1816 Fullerton avenue, Co 1 t a Mcaa. Mn W. J . Nevlllt' prt>$idt'd and plans wPre madt' for the erection and decoration of the Christmaa crib at tht' church. Ml'mbers are aaklnK !or donatioN of Oowen for the holiday seuon. Bridgt> was playf'd with Mlu Allee &st taklnJC tint prize. Mlu Maril)'n Hill. second and the con· solation prize. a copy or CuJ. bertson'a book on bridge, went 10 Mrs. Betty Haigh. All were wated at the aame table. Guests Included Mlu Maaon, tht> Mesdam~ Peggie Ber tulelt. Joan Ostercamp, Claln Ba.x1ey, Janice Moore, Donna Gallant and Betty Haigh ; the Mluet All~ Bt-st. Vivian Vaughn, Joey and Claire Steinbaugh. Kathlt'en Sa~­ Jelr, Marilyn Hill. Lorraine My- en, Jeanne Ann Gerrtah and Diana Marawarth. ·A miuionary from t h e Ken· tut ky mountains ~;u be present 11nd a group of people from La· ~:una Beach will bP. present to en· joy the pro~:ram in which many or t'he local members will parllci· pate. New dlrecton are Richard Ter-• kel, Bob White and Dr. Leater • L o w e while hold-over directors ! are Rudolph Kysela and Ira P. ~ Fulmor. :::: Cub Scouts Seek Toys for Hospital ~ • ii She ·Will Appreciate ~ltiiONDS 1-- TEDBROWN'S $99~ ........ ..., Diamond Solitaire A beautltul wallet made and donated by Mn. O'Kelly wu won by Mn. Shafer and a hand·c:ro- chl.'led apron wu won by Mn. Harrl.a. At the cloae of the ml'<'tlng the hottt'll wrvl.'d refreshmenll. II· alated by Mrs. Shafer . Thirty membera were prt'lt'nt. The nut mt'l'tlnr wUJ be at the home of Mn. J . A. Taylor. 113 VIa Quito. Ladies of N. H . Y. C. At Informal Dinner Solon and Wife Guests of Mayor CUb Scouu of Pack 105 are qain collecting toys for the child· rftl'a h01pltal and will bring them to their CUb Scout Chrlltmaa party which ll tD be held In the Taking "the flnt free day .._ Mewport Beach achool audltorlum hi.' had been home," Congr~ at 7 p.m. Wednelday, Dec. 18. J ohn Phltllpa and Mn. Pblllpa 'nley wtD alao repair toya and drove down from Banning recent-anyone wtlhJng to donate toya ly and wert' luncheon guesu at .may l'etYt them with Mrs. H. 0 . the hornt' o( Mayor and Mrs. 0 . B. Boywp, 1119 West Central ave- With the Saturday evenln& din· Reed, Cout boulevard, who are nut 01' c:all her at Harbor 1974. ner m~tlne and election of offt. old trlenda of the couple. . They .. , also be ll.'ft at the Red rers barred to Jadiea of Newport Mr. PhUJJ~ ..eurna Wa week CrOlla rooms on bland avenue u Harbor Yacht club, but with .. to WunJ.na1on to reaurne hla 1M Red Q>ou will be In charae lnt•ntlon on their part of belq dutt.. ol dellverlne them to the hotpitat . No J inx for left out of t.hlnp entirely. they Den Mothers met today •t the eW . . . Op Stanley Chamben !or a planntd y plana for the party. "If Uly Dache could o~n on pot-luck dinner With Mn. Everett Friday the thirt~nth. so can we: Morrta u ual.atln& heatiaal. In Harbor Ar Lido lslers Make atter all. hau and tampahadea Latu tn the ev..-. the men ea H I'd PI I I i I i I , ; I I I ~ ~ . N CD M Sh met at the LJdo Iale home or Mrl'.l HAPP ~ ttome or Mra. Boyvey to make look aJikt>" aaJd Gladys IMrt. H. joined the party, brtnclnc news~ 0 I ay anS Lynn Hu~thnl or the shop which the ele-ction. Present were Com· E t'd h rrl f : she Is 0 nln F'rlda of this week modore-elect • and Mn. Everl.'tl. Mr. and Mra. James Ray, 325 xpcc t o e or Ouistmu Is • at 15cr/)l' co!t HI ~-·a Corona I Morris. Mildred and Ed Gurlr)'. Coral avenue. Balboa Island, are Van Chamben. ton ot Dr. and • d 1 Mar g y, the James IWJt<'ra and Mr. and announcing the birth of a dauch· Mrs. Stanley Chlmbe:n ol Lido ,. "Tt>!t \\:111 be servt'd from 2 to 5 Mrs. Walter Franz. trr, born Dec. 2 at St. J<*llb'• I*, who 1.1 attending Dartmouth j p rn . FridAy at the new shop I The Dick Terkt'ls and the hospital. She ~ alx ~ ~edl fl h h I whlrh 8Pl'Chtll7es In Antiques drc: Char it'S Tanners Wt'rC down f'rom I three and 8 half---.. ~Uon r fome c~ni ~ e Con· i t'lrntlno And custom·madc iam"" Los An~reles. the latter stnylnlo( A six-pound, elltJt ..S a 4alf 11 f alnl a 1.r11r r s mSas the nnd lumpshadt>s lind will be serv-on nr t e r 1 oop, An thf' ounce aug tt'r was '-'""'· Trt.-r 1 ~ p 1 S . t Bags -$350 Up DOTTY DUNN 114 Eut Fourth Street Santa Ana It you Jove her. don't walt. Shower her with itlfts of j('w- elry and hring the marriage to a culmination with 11 gift of a beautllul solltall'\'. I "' ,.. bo d h 1 1 d d. h born ..-........ 4 en re am Y WI go to mokc Nl from :.! to .. ~n othe-r days Monty Broka~'ll wt'rt' down froml lh Santa Ana Community h<)spital week. nn at am pnnss or a In pnrtn e rshlp ~th ~-Pasa~na. Otht'rlocAI ~~e I~ to Mr. a~ Mn . Arn~d ~is~n. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jhu:hl.'s Is Mr~. nonnll' Gous::h who eluded Mr. 11nd Mrs. Phillip 330 East 15th street. Costa Mesa. '! hll!l A s1mllnr 11hop In Elsinnrt> and Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Park~". It wa~ 11 son, born Nov. Z4 to who''' fortt' 1~ dl'roralin~t. and ('5-thr T. Weaton Jayt. Artbur nnd Mr. and Mrs. Josl'ph B01:sey, Rt. Jlf'<'llllly dt·~IJ:OIIlto; IUHl Olllkin~t thP l ... atrice Wettermark, the SIIIVn 1. Box 3>18-C. Costa MI.'SR, .In IO\'I'IY mdl\·iduAI I a m p !I had c 11 tore Monacoe and Mr. and Mrs S~mta Ann Community hospital. whkh 11tr lus;:hlh:ht or nny room. Thomas Wet.ter. He weighed 10 pounds, seven Ted Brown hweler l1t1 NewPort Blft. Cloeta Meaa The Perfect Gift for the Mother-to-Be • A Donna-Marie Dress With Pt'rsonality of Individuality 'Donna .. ctJr[arie Shoppe IIIII J!j. Mala 8t. AnoaMit> JUdi(. Santa Ana PboiN' 3608 ounces. Balboa Island Circle Mr. and Mrs. Uhl Lovlng. .. 126 Gives to Church East Central avenue. Balboa, 11re nalhn~~ Island C'lrclr of Chri~t parrnts of a daughter, born Dec. rhurl'h hr tht> Sra ml.'t Tursda\ 3 In Santa Ana Cummunity hos· at Mnr Cn.!</1 with 19 ml.'mhrr~ pilAl. She wt'lghl'd seven pounds, prl'~l'nt l\tr11 Jo:. D. ~(')I irrl 12 ounC('S. I '" dr ,11t1nns and Christmas enrol~ Mr. and Ml"'. RAy Sumnrr, 1630 1 ",·r•• sun,:: Newport boutc,·ard, Costa Mesa, Thr r.nnl rrpnrt "'Ill ltlvl.'n on welrom~ n nint'-pound daughtl'r tlw =--:n,•·n•l~<·r to111aar And Jur\ch·l Nov. 2!1 In S anta Ana Community Pnn. "hir h hrnu~:ht in ~10.1.16. It ,hospi tal. ·was ''''''d to 1"1.1)' off thr huildlng Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McKa)'. fund pl..rl,::r of ~~511 tn wh1rh was 806llr Wt'~t Cf'ntral avt'nUf'. Bal· nddrd ~:.CI 1!1\'C'n hy l\trs. l\tArJCftrC't boa, are parents of a daughtl.'r, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~g~~~~~~~a~rl~~~w~n~,~m~a~k~•n~~~n~to~t~~~~~~~·· ~rn ~~~~~~weighing n1M I 1 pounds. four ouncrs. It was a son for Mr. and Mrs 45!0 \\'IIIUW.r llh•d ., Ea11t Lo• Anl'f'IH The Lamplight Shop -I OPENS ·Friday, December 13th WE INVITE YOU TO BE oJR GUEST FOR AFTERNOON TEA FROM 2 TO 5 Antiques . . . Custom Made Lamps and Shades . . . Decorating ·1507 Coast Highway, Corona del Mar uWhere Highways Santa Ana and Coast Meet" Bonnie Gough Gladys Hughes Chisholm Brown. 1~ Nt''II\'J)Ort avcnu<'. C<ll'ta r.tf'sa. born Nov. 30 In St. Jos<'ph's hospital. He W<'il:hNi dght pounds, four and a half ounCt's. Mr. a nd Mrs. Phillip Call'y, 374 Avoc11do strc~t . C'osta MI.'M, arc parents or a t110n, born Nov. 23 in St. Joseph's hospital. lie• tipped the scall.'s nt ninc> pounds, three ounces. It wu a dau~;htrr for Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson jr.. born Nov. 23 ln St. Jns!'ph'a hospital and Wt'ighlng six pounds. el~eht oun<.'t'l. A ~on wH5 born l'nv. 21 in St. J08rph's h<ll'pltal lo l\tr_ 11nd Mrs. J 08cph Kimnpapa, 2~1 Fullrrton nv<'nlK', Costa Mc'M. lie wris::hf'd slx pounds. 10 ounces. I Mr. And M N . Eu~,.nt> Quirk. 106 1 Adams atr<'Ct, flalllf\a. ar<' rt•cclv· ing ron,.r8tulations on thr birth of 8 dAughter, horn f)('(' 1 in St. Joeeph hospital. Sh<' wdghrt1 fi\'C p<>IJTid!C, 10 o1inr1''· Wt•ighing srwn pounds. thr,~c· ounces. a son nrrin•r l)('c. 1 :11 St. J()l!('ph'!t hn~p11nl for '-tr nntl Mn. Rohr rt MIC'kc>y. 381 IIRmillon strt't"t. C'O!IIII MI'Sa .. Mr. 11nd Mrs .tMk L<-Fr h.-r••.( 1 tO Pt>erl a,·t>nu('. RRiholl !~land. al"f' announcing thr birth of n son on Nov. 21 at St. J nscph's hos· BAYSIDE .PLATING co. We Claim to Have All the Silver in California Expert Silversmiths ---·All Work Guaranteed SILVER AND GOLD Tea &-rvtces -Antique Flnlshlng -Trophies -Jewelry -Candelabra Refl ectors -Bathroom Flxtures Baby Shoes Ceramics Marine Plating Badges a nd Souvenirs Phonf': Beaooa 611S, Dayw; Beaooa 5358-R, N1ghtw 1914 Harbor Blvd. COSTA' MESA -. pltaJ. Ht' welght'd five po\Jnda., 1~.-........ -. .. ~ .................... .--..-.. .-.......... ~l ~a~a h~ou~. +-------------------------------------~-------------------J ..