HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-01-06 - Newport Balboa News Times• INDEPENDENTS GIRD FOR CITY ELECTION FIGHT THE SAND CRAB By SAM Harbor Dis- trict's New Y car d<'vcl- prospects ill'(' ind('("d ·---···•--1 947 f"nded t h<' soml' eight million worth of building. a par with ow· sis- t y or Santa Ana and · placing N <' w p o r t •~•lle4lch a-. SN'Ond city of thl' -for· the:' p~nt. last year's proj{>cts to be finishl"d, not- tht> cit v hall. Griffith mammoth market em· TelephoJ'l(' stntcture. Scient'(' church , the proposed hote l Balboa Island on the the Henderson et al .aiiPJ"Drise on the north bay and the many uncom- business blocks in all of the city, augur or as great, if not great- 948 development than nn~dinl2' 12 months. + + • aad I...ou. Semi- ,., ... n'W>t .. t of Newport Federal Savings and ft'ftllll8 an atkfitiona.l chapter in the harbor aree'a growth. The last six months of 1947 netted a 209(--in- crease or $600.000 In total resources. while all of '47 produced 74~ gain. Gross resources are $4.429.321. quite a tidy sum for an 11- yt>ar-old. Tht> association had wisely decided to put off an extensive building pro- gram. 00!\ting more than $100,000 and instt>ad is build- ing an addition to its pres- mt quarters at 3~:\"\ via Lido. preferring to U."'<' its fund" for the advan(.'('ment of in· dlvictual home bujJder'!';. n m~t laudable ambition. Tht' organization is now in a posi- tion to put to work <'Very dol- Jar invc:'~tors havP to US(' on a 3r( guarantfl<'d ck'posil a(·· count. + • • II•• ('omf'S IW'k. Mar"l'hnll Tntl". formC'r N<'W~-'T'imN' <''· e<'lltiv<'. is hnrk on a \'isit 10 his hom<' grounrls on B :tlhn.t Jslnnd fmm .1-bwnii. Tnte'. who is promotional dir'('('tor of thP I l crnnlulu Star-Rullr- tin. is a hit "fro up" with t he• wa~· thP .lnps anrl Chinc·sc:• an• gohhlin~ m~t uf th1• chnic'f' pt'OJ1C'r1y in 1hP Isl- anrls. liP f'la ims t h f'\' ron- trot htt~ine~s ;mrl dtwing tllf' wa r madf' millions whi(·h th<':-· promptly s ho\'('IINi int n renl ~tatP. Housing is a~ had if not worse thC'N' than hl"l'l'; pri('f'S at'(' much h igh<'J'; th<' hent hrin,gs in('r1ia. hut-h<''s going hack to s\<111 work on a \'ast promntion to hring statc:'hood to thr Islanrls in 1949. making it th<' t1~th stat<'. he hopes. • + + $-100 R#nt a Day! Thi!'; is hamlv believable but thf" CO!'tll M esa merchant let mC' read the let t<'r which he had reccivro from his lru1dlord. ordering him to vacate t.hc first of the year and te111ng him hl" rent would be 8400 .a day until he got out. Few Los Angeles stores pay that confiscatory amount and If such greed is pennitt.ed Har- borites should combine to ~t the passage o( a Jaw clamp- ing down on such usurous methods. ~------------------~--------------------------~,,:--------------------------~ I LA R o EsT T w 1 c E -A -w E E K c 1 R c u L AT 1 o N • N oR AN or coAsT · s LA R G EsT c , Tv J T··Loy·· .. A.M .. PA; fAim Blow J)o"• .IODH A, .• ~ BALBOA M.ES ·-= .·.-:: ~.... 1at Present ""'"'" 1111' I ii<~· I •In I :1(1 ltutl' !\I i l oln 1111 t.l ll< etn :.':"1 Cou· ncl·l \'oo lttllh' i 111,111111 ,Jt.ll<'' _, .... _. ..... I 'llhth" '"'''r lh!• n11tlnn "VI'ImW. 'l\u k•" at lht• ,•anou. Predict Huge M.W.D. Use; City Asks to Join lln lll•r·lll'''" hu-lnMIII ant1 lmpi'O\/W'- 11 1111'111 ,._,..l('l~tlkUIA, Who hAYCl f~ '""""' n\ l>'ut a tr m(lnl'ary unl(l' I""'' •tnr.:lc·nc-N "f JlllrfWJef', wUI t'llll\'l'nl' In the• llt'llr (IIIUI'C', wttJt . · Juhan Hindi. chirf l'n&IIM'f'r and gt•ne•ral mani\J,tt'T of thl' Ml'tr~ 1•1h1an Wntr r t1 islnC't prrolctl'd t/1111 !:;outhrrn Caltform an!' wm ("'nsUml' an t•~temAINi 6fi.OOO,()(ll) l:llllt\nl\ or C'olllrtodn rh 'l'r Wlllt'r In 19411. 1~11 mu•t h I \ ll:lll•otr.l)' \Jt rt"0 1<'<'1 lb '"''"I" 11~nhlo' "~tl••r rl..:httl on lhto I 'otlnraof,, •· l" IIIIIP "'"'""''1'1)' llf't ft)l' .... l\1"'"'")' n lahl. tn !'he•-• alai .. ••f ,.,.,.ltldlll•·• wtw will ~ ,Annllllllto "" "' ,,f ""' tu.: In-, C'r(',\lf \ tl • t11 t t It 11'p\t~11Ut) l)t thrt·<· •'"'' r.•unt·llnwn whfon mu- llh'lpitl o•lt•t'lllon• 11r•· lwltl April 1:1.. 'l'th''•• t~uutu•tlnh•f\ an-: Mtn111 t l II llt't'(l, Ma•11n Sllw. Tho• 1111'1'1 ""' \1'111 111'1111: lilt' lttlllf d111l) tHII f'lll ltl 1;\I,IK'IC)(II,to.l 1:111· lun' l 't1h1rartn R 1 ' •· r As~ttC'lllt!On p,., ,,rt,·ol, p,.. ''"" llntdtkt:< sutd that Hw Jlflllu•tt·d r<'("t\f'rt ""'"1.:'' 11 11< "furth• r ,., ulcncT 11\tll thlB " !'•I"'·' of rft, l:t • ,, .. ~ arut t\\·n dll!lri(otc th tl llo rl.. • IIJ• tho• :11o•Crt• f'IOIII•n \\ ol, I olt'lll lo'l Jn<"lutf••l , ••1, d,,,,,.,, ••••.\nu hl'im, tc, '' I 1•11• tlurhronk Contptttn ~ •til• 1 '"" C:ll'lltl:tl•·. I r111•t ltulw•rl i\ llrn 'l\t<•n 111 hrr Nllln• t'il""'"· I A'IIIo•r hh••ll attd 0 Z. It"'"'''-""· "'Ill lw ld ltW'Ir IM'ata "'"'' i\prll, ID:\0 llOR!olt: ,\SU IIELJ('OI'Tt~R nH't 1..,1 """'" on Sk) llarbor a!rf..-td 111 UlaJN" Abbott rocll' hfor ho,... undf'r the roto,. of • l.o11 Ancel.-. Airway,. Jwlh•o ptc•r maklnrc ll" trlal run for a.lr mail wrvlcof' t'ODIM'C'I· Ill« thfo harbor an>a "1th Looo AnJt'f'lo"'. ~ IM'W ... n1or "111 bf'«<n INEWP.ORT BUILDING 11TOTAL. liR), Jl' 10F 57,837,832 SETS RECORD --------- J. F. Small, Bay Escrow Partner, Died Saturday l.t Curndr .lntni'S Clifton S m11ll, :'ll31 C'ro·~I\'II'W Ort\'1', Hay Shorl'l , rltl'ii Sat urdny Jnnuary 3. at his tempurnr> homr In C'tll'\')' C"ttn!M'. Md. Nt·wport rl(>ach IOflJlf'd the• 111un-'" Jr •·•e•nt cl\lt·llin~: al 311 Martnt' Thl' l"avy had Clllll'd Sm111l hBI'k ry In hueldrng for 1947 ""''h a lt\l'llll' \':ohtt• Sll>7!'i In tu'tl\·co duly In Octobr>r. Hr h11d tntnl of S7.R37.R3:!, o nly S16:.!,11i8 E Rn) Dnl'lli~lln. :JIR ll111rl !Wrwod as th•· nump bllsr com- shy 11f lht• fl mtllwn total Ctly oCnn unuf-d on flAck Pt~gl!') mandt'r a t S11nta Anll from 1942 to Rutll1tnJ; ln~jli'Cior A l't! N~lson 1945. had fnn'f"nl-t Annthr r S3R,:!10 CAFE PARTNER IS E•tahli!lhinlt hill own pharmll· wrnt into lrutldm.: 1n sulrurhnn f'f'IJir<"AI lmport·rKport firm-OrC"S· Nt•wporl. Tt~~:•·ther, thrst' figurt'll SENTENCED TO 50 mn rompany of lA4I An~tcoll'S In reprf.'l!t'n l nf'ltrly a ftfty pPrcrnt OA YS IN COUNTY JAIL 194~ whrn he• wns put on inactiVt' incrt•asc owr 1946. rluty hy th£' nlll'y, Small 11lso wr nt Pt•rmlls 1s~u•od in th•• last ftfl! t'n Ftfty day!~ in thl' County jail rnlo Pllrlnt'rshlp With D£'11n Brad- days of 1 ht• old y~11r wr nt to; I ""a~ t hr ~<l'nl rnrr c1nlrd ~ut ~ o ford '" th.-loeB I BAy F:~crow firm. Mrll. M ay 0 . Harris, 8330 w 'ltohc'rt Porr l'tfond11y mormng rn nr11dford announct'd that hl' was Lone 11. , 11 1 .... '" .,.,, , ""'jl df"n•t. !" .,. '1 u u•~· ""'••"•;, Anu !'\llflll \1 t I I I I f'ull lilt'!' fft• ('ofl~tal '' ,,, 1 ''"" 11•1 '"' hllhtw LIIS:tiM 1:. '' lo rorul llr• 1 "''" tit• I S11n ('), '·• " 11• 1 tlt•lrtrl ~'"'''' J:ff,..,l ,.,u ,.rtalll \o\'lll'rt• ''"' IIIII\ ft•:t\ ,. Nt•\\ JIOII Rt'lldl, \\ '""' \ "!1•1' tit I•'•· t11r111'1l down • cIt,..,.,. ,,, ~o:•·t 1"''' !\1\\'ll but .. II) otl \\'hnm no'l\ f•·•·l th•· ell )' thnul!l 111nke• o'\'r ry t'f(r•rt In Ill' indud. •I t.d .. rt• "tt lw It'<• In too." Is not Inn c-lrnr J.....t frtll Mrt,,r II f\ . Jt,., of ~ nn ,.,,,,~ l't•·ltpttllrAtltln I woult hr mndr to MWU for nnnth- t't' dlanr.· to $!•·1 :-.;c·wpMt lll"rll'h Into lh<' t1ru rrl'l nt.ntl)', thr I'll)' C'OIIn!'ll IIU· thorilrd n ll'llt•r In II(' llrnt lc• t ht' Coalllal \\'11tf'r tftstru·t llflJ>nu~ln~: th('TI Of !h(' rlt)o's dt·-lrt' In juln R.f'plr II. still ""'"ltrrl S'-ld th(' rt'\lld for m.-mh<·"lolp In ~ ht' rf'~nt>rl l11r Nc·_. port I n ch, nn Mpphrnllon h) 11 ~tldln of 1 otl'nc "''Ill bco nl'('rtJ· llaJ')I 1r1d thr mllltl'r would. thrrr- upon. romr llfl for anothn cit)'· .,.Wlt~. 37th St. Los Angelca, permit to I Nty Jud"£' ll11rry L. Blodgrtt's rw~~;ollatlnll with Small, In ttw pro- build two s tory-<>ight room dwell-court C£'U of buying hi• ahare of the In& at 929 VIa Lido Soud to coat I Twenty-five> days IICntl'nC't> wu firm wtK-n he wu notiflc>d of hU 160.000. Building wtll lncl~ thrH imJ)OM'd u tht> rnult of an I.M'ftt death. ' ~· T" ~ ........ r~l O'Neil car gar"~'('. I Dt-ctomtxor Z7 wh('n Port' wu piMt-Small 1eavt't ht1 w14aw, lj . . l'd up oo a complaint 1irmPd by PBtrica F'l'<' Sman : thrw cttl~a. 11-H0111a... Grlfftth Co· VIa L ido, permit to F:li7nhrth L Tighl". his par tn('r .JIIml'!l Clifton, jr , Michael Pat-p• 11'5 t'rl'CI n('On sign \lalm'<l Bt $!50() in thr Pn\'lltnn C'alr ult"r hf' had ric k nnd SUAanna, and thr«" broth- Ray TouC'r, . 317 F:. C)'prN;s, allf'~f·dly hf'<'""" intoxlcatl'd 11nd l r r11, W ilham NrwE'II Small, a mHt· Anahl'lm; to bueld onr story four thrttttrnr rl hrr wllh st kntlt' Jud~:r shtpman 111 thC' U. S N11val 11cad· room dwr llcng a t 542 Smrltu•r RIIKIJ:rll ~<USpt'ndt'd thr S4:'nt£'n<."t'l ~'rn>·. 'l'yrr 11\lfht'S Smnll or TUlliA, a\'l'n\ll'. \'alu~ $3000. at that ""'~' 11n thr str1•n~:th or Okln. and f'ommodorr John Smnll Andrc'W M S tarr, 61 :! W Ce•n · l'orf''" Jor-nmt~•· r11 hdut"' l •lf Nrw York City. tral 11\l'nur. pt•rmll In add twol Th1·n ;,c;1cn, "" J11nuar~ 3, ---------~onms. \\'llh hath In pr··~l'nl dYo l'll· tiiHth• I :tfrt ,, C'lln1flllltnl was. 0 k. St w·JI lnl:. \It lUI' $3<~W) !'l);nC'd loy nw Mml' rnmplainllnl r Ins ore I I IN' !lor L (;llthHns. 4:.!3 I Je•hn· on the ,,mlt <'haq:t• 1 M Aft R t II'OfJ('. l\\(t (•ttr s;:arro,:r ill 1'!6 .ltHh.;o• llllll!),;r ll lht'rt'III>~IO C'n· ove er en Goldl'nrnc! •He·nut• \'atur !'1:!0(1 !orcrrl "'" ftrs t ~w;r.rnt1ffi s•·nl!•oc" G ( $400 D Wm. 1-: Dnns, 11<10 So. Bny 1enrl 11n nrldriHllllll t\\<•111 )-folt· IittY!' oes 0 a ay I Front. J'><'nntl to rnak1• ulll'rllllon wa~ '"""krd fnr thP ll<rrnnd chnrjlr .l An ron Stlllf•rm•tn, nwno•r uf ( 1r 1.1)('111, «Nnty, dltllrit•l. nrr11 fiiHI rlr rlflrtmr nlftl t .... RI"""'rt'l' I n~ 1 nwht hr11rd nntonnol romm11nli,.r J11mf'11 O'l"rll flll"'tt1 fur ~tnw•m· rn,.nlllll)'·llnfrt lt•rl'li \',. l r r 11 n" llnuslnst prosrrttm ~n thnt "f;l'~ r.tn hlll'l' tll't11·r hnm...: '"''h n• ••ll nl'r-8 nnd rrnt nr~." :m!l uttr r n <Iron It rlrnunrl11 "''" ,f r '""""""' l'tn nntf n 1 hfrd pnrl\ tll•l'l't"l"lwllt '" lh,. llnll"t1 !'!ttl•"" "' n J"mn u t1 '"''C'IIn~t 111 l..r~tt"n lmll tn Snnltt ''"" I I'Nrll, Yofw l11 nn a \o•tor'• l••fl\'" ••I lll~nl't' "' rh11·f ,f I••"''" In \lrmrhr!!lt"r , "l If "'n<i h•·nnl 111 I•• flllrlmrnl Cnmmnnclr•r llurr\' Ali' n1r. NAnUN F.NTJ':lll' a Cl'l'at ~hUIUH for A.-...,- ln '"'riel t•,.,.,...""'· )''"'r ( ·o ... ...._ fk'fo IR WAAhiRtr\4"' want• y nM ht II• n"-a ff'f'IIRI of .......,Mr·acf'-111 ..,........, for IHit. JoliN Plfii,UJ""-IIU'. 'rnUr -...-.eattwo 111 tlwo c·-r- Adrian nllotson Found Dead Celllnc Zero, VIsibility ·Zero Adrltm )o' Tlllulllom. M tol "..'\Y:t ('<lf'al Avr . ll,.lb1111 lalknl1, dll'd h tlo: l'o lllur.: n •rn Vlllhlllty In Oran•' (.'uunt)' ht~epital a! 9:1!\ uro. altc acc-l~nla, ..-fatall\1 a.m. Monday rrom tM l'f'tUlt ol and ~ fUC ~M tar ~· 11 ~ .. ~11 "'lnt~~-::-1 re'IW hnu-· 111 hi• h~tmf• rlnth«'<i 111 An I leltnl(l' ''"""'Y Airport <lf· J)ltjnmll• '""' " lohthrtthl' 111 I( "m (ll'tllf "'"'"" l•ttlll)' rhnt lttcort• hu Tl!kt•ro In lht· "'"'IIIII!~ fit' ''"''' lw·••ll "" 1111 ltttffll' loor tlu• j)AJII fl\1' "'"''""' uft•·t lttrl\nl II ""' tltt" '''"~ ntul tlt•tl tltt• olf'ICI' nC ,.,.,, t1•tl l•t l'lullrp II !\""' 11 u( ('ttlt lf)JI tJ•I ~1•tf """ f'ttllt•tl '" fnt• •UHf "-lflflto: '' 'UflliHf JO ,. tloo• f11 onlt• 111111 11111111) ,,.,. llt•llrn 1/ •f o\ '''''"'' •hii iiiJ' lk'luho•t lllltl •n Htl tlllt'lffl"'lf•U'-t••Jtltltftufl ~,., t tt,t .. t ttl l'tlf, \\Itt rl tft•') h~ttl 'I lu t .. wl) \,,, ... t.tkt u In rtru"'n • t., a·•· •uu J utr .,,, t a f l 11\nlllllll ,\ Sn11111 Allll ;'\oo lltn•lltl 111!'11\l 1\ f'ltltool hll~ lt'J~•I II•ol•l• ur rHnr•'"'' "'' \\•·• •. ''''"''"", t1 PISTOL SHOOTING t •t.,tl ,, <to. t ,\11\ I I Itt.:\ I· .. ,,i.t c·,.,, .• ,,,,,, ''tl! llf'P'·" Ul ,,,,,,.,,, f t•\\h--.hiJ• t tttrl f•1t HIJt ,., 1ft\ I IIIHt I t•J"t''' Itt trl !Ill ' • •I• It I· t li • I • 1 tl fu tllr ••t 'l I) Itt I' ,, • '"' "• ''. fu•tl ,, , ,.,,.,., '•n,• .t • .tt •• '" '"' tlu • • th ltl .uw(\ ••n I h• 1 .. ,. t lo '' I• ~ \\ I l•t•ft tlltl, 1:.!:.11 I "'"' 11 I , ••11 II• ,,.,, "" ,. I" II' 1! Itt .. , 11 I ttlo 111 'Jtflt' 1\ ~~fit ftf 17th '"" \\, ' ~''''"h -.tt•. •• "' tlunt I ~ PENCin~~~~~o~~~~~~~,LITIES ~~::~~;:~;;.~~~~~fr:-~~~::~·~~~~: h·~:~;,~; now l'll"rllplt·~ nflf'r r i'C'I"h 1n1: 11 rr'fllll'~t h) M ~ F.w•l\ n lo~l .. rt•nt 1 J-',•~trr, Snn l•lrllt• IH• 'I l'••nun'l!l 1111 • 11•·• ·"' d •• • • l;rt'l'll, OYo'lll'l' ttf lhP itrllf)ol ly, '" rnn\ t· ''IS•''' h''' •· on .J iltl 1 tl• r F:11rl M•1r•h. l'l•fton•l c """'' e 'umm:tnli••r n~.,~ 'I n ... "'" 1) ... '" 'FLOAT AWES PASADENA CROWD \\'uric I• ,..._.,.,, \\'ot 1\ltlfot 111 '""""i'rl, thr Vllth..U. ''''"'"''"''""" 1'•'1'''-..'"lln r.: NI"Wfl'W't 11•'110'11 1\llllrHI\ nulhnn J11Jancl, Mit '"'It· Mil•· nn•l ('rlro•nll 111'1 Mar hill•' ~~'''rt't ly wutk•'li uut a t'aJno l"'ltln 'trult•r;:) \\•lth tht' ulrlm•t• nlm nf un•~·nliull '"" JII"Mif'nt rill' 1111\'t'rnnwt\t In Crwllr of an lnde-- fV'flil••nt nttl1 ,.. Y••t un·ntu'I'WCI Jlllfl)• \\'h••tlwr ~11d1 • tl'lrty will rnter llw ft~flhNimlri!W t'Ail\I)IIICn on • •·lty m11nn11•'r !lflltfnrm, or wf1l 1111'1 dy nllrntJII tu 111ln t'Ofltnlil 11f tlu• "''•lin• form ot ~ nuonk IIVVt•l'llllll'nt, Ia not ret rh•11r '""'' 11 l'lty man•,... will '"' ltO•h•'l1 Ia roru ldrrC'd 11"-b'. h~tWf•\lrr, hy IIOmf' wrll-lnf~ uhllf•rvrn Amona th~ IJI,Iq ~ prnmlnrntly for I two C'OUnCl1maft6e llaht In 1114' April •~ioN .,..: 8 11nt1y Mr Kay, IMur~~JKY; Joe. ll11ni,.J, runtreC'tor: ft..-ar-'-• """"'~~". Nt'lectn Stafford. •&ectltltil ('f'tntrarlfll", JaC'k c.oa.. otl; ~ 111m ~ntord. realtor Mil ... l">onald, boat workt OW1WI'. 'loud TUW Jte.Laa11eldtc Set for Jan. 14 Pl11n• ,,.,. ttwo N"-laundllna ol tlw 11ountt T•hl~> ol Harbor ...,.. ,.,.,., "''"""""· lmpr-ov"'nn'nt .... ""-'",.." l"'uh rf'Jll"l'llf'nllltiW. haw '"'"" l'f>Oif'lrtrd, l'halrm.n J If. I I.,.,, I flf'Jrllll r f'\'l'llff'd tnday. WI! It :t\ "'"''I• frtlnl tht' ,.nfii"P llllriNtr ltrt•ll lnvltf'd ''' IM'nd t'lrlfo.- 1'111•·•. tit•• art'tll"'t1 mN'tlnlt of thf" '"'""' ""'" '"' h•·ltt 11t 12 I~ pm. .l11n II "' thr Nt'""'JIIIrt lfarhor Voll'hl t'lult \'ulllt'\ ll11y Jr will torf .. IISr, II "'~~~ h·Arn•>rl In •''"'''' uf f(f'Jrllft \\'ftu <'l<j lt"l'la IH ,,. IIIIIIVtJiflllhly Ab• ~··nt hi "'"'"" T•hlr UIMIII\' ... 1·11 •1 "'" '"''' '" ""'''' ,, •• , ..... anti Nt'r' 11'1' '''"'"' tlt~lnll•l(rlltt'fi In " lhtt • 1 "' • '' 11o ttwell wtwn " '·"' "''"'"' •••e•11 •t I hut t1omnlrl'r Stll,.•nn:on 1ndwato•d th ol lltf· fr•rrru~, c;; h:tt1 rtrat;;t•n I•• t\4•'• '' h1t1\ ~··If :on• I .\lr~ C:ro•t n fl\ 1 t lt•lt•• a nfi ')utt'•· h t run~··n'l••ntc. t .r 'h' ''"''' lolli ldrnJ• T ho· t'illll<•' l'ltntr• ht "'"" "hr n '"'' r at'"" 1 •~ r••tt l frrtnl :tn f\1 r.•c• uf ~~··· IN'I '1 Antt M:.,,r r;1 111•r:tl '""" 11 \\'roorl~. I'S;\1(' !'lnti It " :otl ru• "'' ,.,,, J-: l. ~mttlo S uP., '"' I' •<I C'nmm.on1l1 r \\'olfl,,, \!••·•, '~''' C"'c\mmr•nd~·r~~~; and ,.,, ttth• • .... r I C'l'lllnly '~'"' I"' , . .,,;,,, 1 •, I 'r ~·•••l1 111 ll•·1 lo K l"n· II\ •'''ft tltt\.\ II It' l'hllll l!lnn lhrt'W • moorollt In ~oiiN t pt•r <l:11· !"olh••r "'"" llt'cin"' n ,., .. _,,1! rotil ,,,, '"'""' ro\\ anti 111111 I,.,," tonr\ ( ;:t\. tuu"•· .• nrl ltl'l'''''"•'''" nrt lfl.tktnt: pl.u'"' tu rnuv,• tn, tf ''II'" J9 W orlh ol, Baby Seat Stolen Here f ar "'""'" fur lttthlt"" mu'l hot' hard tu tr••t. Or •·1 .... \hi")' 1"1"''"" • Nl '""~''' AlllH'Ilf fnr ~~tum•..,•nt-al'tHand hrr•~. Att••n1ltn1: 11""' , 1\l••rt II•, I • ··ro• ('"mm·.nrl••r \ m , "' c ·,, "nn , Vtrr• !'oornm:otttl• 1 .1"1 " l't• •n . i\l1ju111111 ,ltohn o.; • .,,,,,, 11o 1p " \\'rl1111m lh nn•''' 1 "''' 1,1, "I I ""'fllnrl. rhaum:on 'f'1 '"'' ~ I•' KIWANIS PLAN INSTAllATION Nt'wport f'\1\\ .ent~ro , l•tt, ,. ~ .. d '""lr llnniJOd ,,,,,,11,,,,,,,. ,,, , 1 f eN"r~ tn n rftnn, 1 ,~, t• '""''' t,. r·lnninll ro t i :lit I• 111 'l'lo111 d " ,,.h,~n '"' n1tu•r"' ,.,,,, f)u 11 \\ ; ' \\Ill m•·l l "' t h• lfoul•' 1\oll '" I 'l'lrnnn rll'l M11r AI .,.~. ralf·. a rnntrh·•n••,. uf \hat natur.. ".,. •tulrn from a r•ar IH•Iun~tlniJ tn Frank K l'lf'h, 107 \ Ia P:m· tutll, Yo hll,. II "".,. parte rei nr&r '"" Arr h,.. ('a.fr "" ('oa•t llochw")'. \\'llh lh•· ,,,,,.,,,,. •l1l• , I ,,f 11,...,... hr·ado rl lo1 Th••••lolt • \1• ~:lrny mnkln~ \\ "" f1•r 1 It• "' "II "'""Ill, Ja('k !titulo 1.\rll ,,. ,,.,.,,.,, ol ''"I"'•'' H•lttf• fl•~tf 'ltu "' \ 1 lf•~fl'-trl • I'•'""' ft w fluut I h, fd ''' fl • ''' ,.,,..,,,, \\ittt .,., ' J tl• J •t•• •t t •• J r• tl \1iH f•h\ u rut flX ,,,,, 1,,,,, ,, ,, 'l.''' ~~~ th• Jt,,.,, I'''"'""' l•'~-1" ·~t .''"''· """~ Khr · 111• J 11 • t \\ t f I • f I 1 tl f fll llltufl ~ •I•,. tltl~ I' Kf'lr h •·a.ln,.d hahy'11 111'.81 at fl. "" flf't'lll,rnt .• 1 II r· .• , ... It• ,. "' "~ Vf<'l' Jlrf'lllll••nt. Hu" flltrlllll 11• "'CTI'IRry 11n1l J lun I flu .on! It• 1 ri'IIIIUrl'r. th 1•l• 11 J· flit t, lin ,t I ltftlfU "' 1 J 1 ,,,,11.-11 ,f l•l.tn tf '',. '•fl'f Uu• I I,,,.,'" •• I ,, ,.,.,, \ l'ht t'IUftrllltltll \ 11\\-1 ' 11 Orange County Population Now at ~~ ... ,.k, ·'·· '·' '"' .,.,,.,,,,., ~···· 'fHI "''' h tt • • f,.,,rk.,l.l•• tt•h ••f '""" Gt>rhnrdt photo Record Hioh of Estimated 173 000 ,,. ... , .. ~~, ...... n ..... ""'' '" "11 Tht~ MtiJC'r doesn't nr ro 8 n£'1h£'r or UJ>P('r Stllfl(' tO gnncl OUI th8\ 8 , toll!• I' "''"' It• It• d Ill IIII I \Oolol "grain" of S('n!W that convinr~ you thAI 8 pi"'p(•ny huy hrrP Is your OrAnst£' (' u I" nnpufatinn u or P ial'(' s I s n I I ftllfllt 111111 h ~ ,, ,, :\ol "I ,, "I homi'·Of lnmorruw. or a pmfitBblr invt'11tmrnl any rlay. • • • J M 11 n r ·-· I r . IIITIImPn n, • nn "'" " Milll'r, l"£'fl.l M<IBII:' brokc>r, in~ul"8nct'\ mnn Rnd bu...anNO.~ oppnrtuntty January, 19411. Is P5timatrd 11t 173,-S11'1 Rc-merdlno , San 1 '''It" S11n '·,,, """ •I• I ~1.,, "'' "' "'''" coun!W'Ior rs thr orijlinntor of lht' nnw-blooming Bnlboll CnvM< subdl-()()() an 1111-tlmr Jlf'ilk, C11lifornllt1 JOBI')Uin, S11ntn C"lar». Sh;•"'"· Sl• ""'''' kttl ''"' '''' "'I'"'""'' 111 "'1 \'lAton. His p!V'VIous nctivitiMI point the way to hi~ a('('nmpllllhmC'nls of Taxpnyl'rll' llliiiOCIIItlon u ld tod11y klyou, Sonnm11, St~tn\~lnu~ Sotll~'r. '''1 "''. ~ '"'"' ''' ''"' ~11''""'"111~ today. Tht' county;s JlnJIUIAtlon for Jan·! Tt'h11m11, 'J'ul11rr, \'f•ntur•·. 11 n t1 "Tiw II''''' """ • ••"\>. •·ntltlo·•l 8<-tng born ln Elgin. Oregon lutd Vt'l")' htll<> inrJIJ('ntt on his fulur<' u11r y, 1948. 111 up 5,CJ()() or thrl'r Jlf'rj Yuba. '" """' th•• '""'''''tttollt~·, .• fJr11•. for hi.' family c~m<' 50Uth to. Cala(Qm ia and his Khoolin& """" obtail'l4.'<1 aont from thr 16fi,OOO popula tlpn Populetlon of thr ••nt nf C11ll rn thr 11fl'"'"" "' th•· nmuntt '' ,. in Huntington l 11rk and Whtltll'T' I not thr rrfOf'TT! ll'('hool). Bprr whtch t'ltimatPd for Jllnu11ry, )!)47, and fornla top~~ to·n mill inn fnr .l11n-""lit• h "'1"''"'~··•1 II "'"' '" )ull..:• he. Pnlel"\'d th': coru~truction field. Hr fiN.1 ~Jlf'('llllizl'd In ltft'·.'W'IIlnJt.· It 1~ up 42 2-40 or 32 ""'r N'nt from uary 1948 lh 11_,1,...111 tlrm ··~Il-l fr .. rn lfw ..:r•·ul "l•t•IIIIIM' "'111• It bcm~ "spoHPd ' on many major <'ONotruchon pn:JJO.'<'t< all ovrr our tt'f'· ' · •-I ' · " I ritort. Latl'r. and for IE'Veral Yl!'llnl, hi' Wlll!i in ~rrnrral con.'lnl<'tton the 130.760 population or thr roun· mat~ F:atlm11trt. for ltw <J4 tvoUn· 1 l(r'''''' t1 II In Itt• ,.,rHtl•· 111od flit,, ....... ,, ,. ,,,,,,, ,,.,,.,,~: 1ft ' •• \ p '\ • • t H ,, I •U ' J IH \ tfr t•\o\' rf1'.1rt .11 •·l •• ur ''''"' 1h4 f lifflli~i~ll tHhc ttf .. ,,.,,.,,,, '""" .,.,.,,, ,;, th•• ntlur \\ lflfll t f IH I .. •UJ' 1\t .tt It ltttlt• I""''' rer '''"" •I Jtwt tfJ• fl,,,,, tht•W .,.,,,I id if\ '"''I '''" Ullttl ""Y q q ,, ( .,,,,, I ... I, 1·-.. I \••IIIII( '"''"'I' •kl)' 1• r 1 •t "•' f l•fl·•l "'"o" ltlrfl.-. ,,vt1r ft1• t't t tt f q f 11 t i'f tflt•uU J1ttrtf Jf' "'''\' art ••hH•Htr: U\arwu'l•·r ••r th,. • Ju"''., uur,.,nt r .. ,., 'fltt·v l4't•rr " "'"' k "" 1 h· • '"""'"·r·• rffnrt• t I •t ••n•""hlj'l h• n'" ,.,., • •I• •I fo .,,,. r••ttu,.111 111111 """'''' ""' ,.f '"'' llll•tllnl( ,fft t , ullu•...-l••t It •••rnu•l•'• •• tu ftk• t~\tf 'J1tt• t nUUtHftt'f' \\lttL lo• '"'' •I I•\ It• l'ttn 'I h• • hhfllt •• I ,., ,.,,,""''''f'·t• 'A HI '" t•J••·~~'•"tl .-t fl u ,but 14tt•·• lttfl #Ut\\ I \ I f ftf•l_••tfl JUtltl Form er Merchant Pol icem8n Now With SA Service \\ rllo•11u ''""'"''~ 1 t "1 ttl •' r I y ~''" '"' ''""' 1\1., ....... ,.,.. 1••11~ .. , 1 ,, ' '' '' ,,.,,.,.,, ''"' s~'"''' An11 \J,,,,.,.IIh." l'nh••· tutti t•ruh•t•flvt• "t 'I•'• "I• I 11 l••t1 loy f :IIIN·rt F \\ 111(1!1 I /10 Ol ot ll'lf llf(fft)' MIAMI TIPS HAT TO NEWPORT BEACH Miami, 1'1tlf'lcla, UPPf'd IIIH h•t tu N"" Jltlrl ,.,..,.. 1e ~ ,.,. ,.,., lrllr r from W. lltt'«t f 'hl•lttphf'r, dlrN tnr of ... llr• rl'l•ll•"'• fu~ tiM M._,. f 'h .. nthl'r uf (·, .... -..... In tw·k~tuWircll(t•c r~pe uf II,.. IH l Trruur.. w-. "'"' ... ...,,.... ........... .,. t "" ,,.,.., """"''""'' ( :.,., • ._ p11 .. , wrn~: ... ,..... . .... ,. .,, -., thr m•t atweru,.., ,._ ., t•hatnt.o.r trf N'""'"'rNI Ha- IUfOI I llav""'"'"' -aM -., .. -· ..... ,. ......... ...... work 11nlt during thl' war ht> did rupervl.'IOnRI work for thr J,t<Wrmmrnt ty 11t thP tlm r nf thr April, HHO. tin total 10,0411,1r,tr 11n 11ll-tlm,. frr1m th1 '"''n""1 ,,. ,,, ""~·•d•·n:• on 110ch ~ 1\14 thr .Japafle'!K' concrntratlon ramp at Parkt'r. Ari:r:nnB: aonsUII. I ~ak. n•·"""'flf'l"''~· m.•n) ''''"' l•"•ltll• Exceeds Abalone Limit tht-Rocky Mountain ars.-nal at Dt-nvt•r 11nd thr m11nn" hMr "' f'11mp ThP county Is onr of twrnty-Stall' populallon fnr Janu11ry. f•·ll ""' "11n·w w11y ~diMon wtu~re hi' was detail('d on the CQnstrun.tctn ('If 12 ""'arl'hou'lt'S <'lstht In thl' a tat£' which 1how " 1948, 1howw an lncr,.n•r of YIR."'IYY I · s, ... ,.,,,, tltunk• 1•1·· 1 xr1r•·"~' •I .1• ll•h \1• ••~·"· l•li I ·ry•trtl uvto. 11•11 II I I" v'"" Ht·r•l, :41 ~1 W1••t uuh''' t a\t 1\llt' ='''"'l_.,, t flttU'f\ l.tt' It• 'Il l r "' 111 ft \'1 noll' II I . 1'111<•1\lt e ·~ll,_ 71k ,)JUfltlrlt' ltVI'• 11'11 I 1 t~1 , .... , ftt.e." II. 1' ..... ,.. ICW'&I Cl etl 0 pr...W...t..,.. ......... W .......... ftw a « I ••t "" UMt IMIH. Jl01 ...... ,. ..... Hugh V. Splllers, Rt. l , Box rech 500 f~t long. 90 f~t wide 11nd 60 (t'f'l high Each wu cnnstnx.-ted jp'nwth of ~~w~n one tmd nln,. Pf'OP!r or foor Pf'T' r,.nt frnm th,. 111 '''" rnnny l'l•lllrot.ut•on wh'"'' 3"'-A. Hun\ln .. ton Beach. was flnl'd In a world'~ l"t'(()rd ol ~ght dll)/1. Hr latl'r worlcl'd on th• comtructlon Jlf'T Cf'nt durlnst 1947 the UIO<ill· 9,679~ rstlrn~tlr fot· JnmJIIry, lrot11VIIhthl d•rn,.llnn In r""l"m~• "' .. o( h-""tall 11nd otht-r 1•-e bUlldlnas. • • • Coming hAck to &Jboft ' 1......,7 ' 3 1 ~" 7.._,., 1 1 tt r lh • t 125 In Newport Township C'Oilrt 8/te;.'lhls war ~i<'«" h; ~tel"fd thr noel f'SIIItr bu!li!'l4'M. Hill family !ion found. Countlrs In thla lrf'OUJI '" , and • uowth or ... ,, ~·. fir '" " " ,.r . ""'" . 1' ''•I""' "'t Sat\JI'tt.Y for having 30 11balone con~'l'ls o( his Wlff'. Dorothy and thE'ir 1 ..... 0 I'm).,.., Johnnir and Jlmmlt'. Jnclude Bultf', C.oluaa, l>fol NOC'tl', 45 P"' cmt, from ttw 6.907.JH7 1 hl"lpl'd In thr Jlr'•JN t 1n hi• poueulon. The ab&.loM limit • • • Miller hu ll"V~ uaodatl!' brokn"'l With him 111 hil o(fic.'8, 15th Kern, Lab, L.auen. Loa Anaeln, PGIIW&Uon at the Urrw of the 1940 I ta 10. alr'H't and Central aventw, "On Your Way to Balboa." MH-Otd, Montnl!'y, Napa, Oran11, OIMUe. peradl!' Nrw Yru'• IJ•y na~ -.c •-•"'-•• .. "' • ............. _.,.... ity of offerings. Building 1·•lttr m~>n) tl•·ln)•. h'l" d r""" '·l'j Aft• r ttw nttiiYI"' "~"~~' ""'"'"''' """ .... -·----ltill loina up." the-1)~1· m for t,.a,.hmlt •nd has r d. l~am N>ntlnu"" t hr~h I duty ''' rvrry ""'"rlran " 'l'r~tri"J_.I, t;,tl••n pr-.t.lt,,u, m"tl" " '"''"''""'II lit II''"'" lftf' flellll h1·ro . t'louml~o·r 11f <'ttfltrn•·rrl' •f'C· ro•l ~tr) lllorr} W1•ldt l'ltjtlltln"ll ltl· <l!ty 11l1t·r numo•rrJYJt lrw,ulrtrs to vi,.* thr Hltry .,.,,.r,. I'I'N'Ivl'd .... , ..... ,, .. tllle ._... .. ,., ............. .. ......... , .. ".~ ...... Forecast Exte~ive Harbor, Upp.er_ Bay Development for '48 P·!llaj 2 Nt:w••oaT 8 :\LuoA ~Y.\\'M -TIM•:s ·ovER 200 oFFICES 'See Upper Bay - -ete Tl t:-.u"'' s .. "1~~~~r~~~FER~~~~11111 ON BLOCK IN JUNE LATE NEWS loF 11 STATES ON STATE PRIMARY 8:~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wh .• • FLASHES MANPOWER NEEDS S.\I'H,\:O.H '\'l't 1 •1"11 " '11'' 11 11'11 t .. 1' """11 8 yrar of pt• fro"' cht UNITED PRESS t "''r :!•~• JliJ!HII Jl ,,Jill'''" "'II lot• ~, •. .,.,, •. ,., •• ,~,rillton for P"''OT• .. :-;,\\'ltA\IL!'\'1'1 t, Jan I) 1 \'P t l "'"~~·• I•> C';olrl•'lnlo ' "'""" 1'1111· '" 'I til'• "'""'Y Pr oJccta lhool Co\. '"·"rl \\ ,,m ·n hit!i ;.n.: <~•hll<ltl'd prrmal") • l••rtu•n "''"' u11d• '" • rll prl•llm•mtry tTeatmc•nt 11,1um•••d k '""'''r••nr•· 1,r 11 "'P~I-.hHt•• I rt "'"' ••·t••t tt·d tud<~Y hy dunn~: th•· pus1 yvur may lolHn N'n slntl'll writ l~t• ll<'ld tn Muy 111 !'• .. tl'lal") "' Stuw Frnnk !\1 Jor-l.trl:" 1n tllf' lldd of a cco.npllsl M • Tr cwvt•lull l>lanJ. for Jlrt)("urtnl( tho dM . m• nr 1l11rrn~: 1948. a county.w ul• anne oor: 11t'C'f'8Jollr)' ik1ll1•d maniJj•Wt•r lu TI~•· llr'l trmo• till' "fAit•' prt•<l· 'Ur\1'} lllOtC'IIIt'd. Sai•J Day Ear y nu'C't thr· nt'Nill uf ""J)!Indlng l''··nrtnl •11111 dlrt•ct 11rl11111 rl~'~ Wl·n· Wtth fl cornprt-hcnslve aew~r11c, wc••tf'rn Industry l"''"c•ltrll•l•~l """'Ill 19<1-1. whl'fl the prt•l(ram undoul>tt'dly No. 1 on In C!~-'11w rnnfl'n nr1 , tn '"' urrdt•r 1"" ··l•><'lt"n~ 14 ''"' h••111 111 th1· th• lt~t ,,( tmmc•diate actlvttl.ee af-~reCy thtw drrl'l·rtom u f Puul Seharr••n-1 '1'rru• 1 1'n• '" 11 14111 rrm•· r'"'1L'ur•• f,.,.,,n~o: Ill•· l••rR•·S t f.Ortlon ot lh·· M o .. '"'.J-,'F'.AO ''IT "' (,N (', Jfln ht·tj( ~lltl1· cltn·••tnr 111 lndll,lflal 111" l!+-17 1''1:"1"11J1''' ·un••nll•·<l tho • •·•J•IItl) ••'(puntllnK population th•· n.r. '-• ' rrl.tl•un~. 14111 I• lll'ld 111 Still IIlii• ••Il l' I 1"0 1•'"' 111 tnttk•• rtw t'l>n•nlr l'•lll prnJ.:rdm ll<'\·erth~leaa' 111 6 ll!P) A !)(•tlll'hmf'nl uf U S \I I ~ (' 1 I lllttllllll pt'lltHon•·nt lw<''llll"' of rtw I I I d p W ''~l(on rrn .. ~ .. n .. mo nun )', , <)Ill r uc •·~ "' wr rmporlant deVt>lup- rnartll<'l, inrlu •nt.: aclfic ar Mil) llr '" lol. Wr.n •·n suu1 I •ot\'ln,! "' """ and ''\lll'n"· rn• nt• "llh haruor, highw ays and. Vt'lrTilllll, fi nd arm••d w1th tanks. Stall·~ In ndd rtrun I<• C'fJitf••r-V1ol1'1' ''' tlw J un•• I 111'1111111'\ .. r 1•1101 ~, lh•• alwaya Pl't'SStnr: ~ns a nd othf'r N)mltlll t'lto1r1111enr I''" "'~~·• d••l•·t.:llt•·~ '" th•• llt•tttonal prt•ltll'ntlo 1,1 WJIIcr in lhe fo,.·· aallt'd for t hf" Mt'd1h•rran1•fln to-~/.~~. t<~r~~~~~:<''~7.~:;,rt:~1\ ~~~~~h~r~·: c· .. n\ ••nl'""' ••I 1 h•· mltJ(Ir !••ltllr•ol 1, 1101 clay p11 rll1'' '""' '""' \\Ill 1111111111111•· • \'.lriUIII wartlml' !II'Cri'I'Y WIU tnna, ( 'ttlotrltdll, lflahtt, \\'yumln..: I'Jitllllfllol•'' lilt :::~ 11\t~flll•·•' ur tho • '·,,, •. , :-.,,.\\ ,.-.rt hay Is adrnltt· d d11mped on tht' norr11tron ttl llw ~''" Mo·"11-..'· and Monllona · nartooo.tl lf•~l"' ••I II• 1•'''"'"'·•11\o'' I\ IIIII' fur snm,• hil:hly mtere..tllt~ tTOftpi lK~rd••d IWn 1rllnttr)(trl• ------)(1 ~taf•• n~"t'r-nhi\U11 tl .and :!0 ,,Hit• ff• V••1ttf,m••nts 10 1948, bUt ex:.1·1 Their hi•IIV)' WI'Rfl{lllA 14'rrc· lo.n dt·d STATE'S LARGEST l"''llllloor• (1••111 •• 1o1 "'"'ll••t'l'll d1• Ill·•"~ ,,rt• ~till undf'r official CO'• 1 1 fnlfn landtnlt rrnft Tht• '1t•nthrr. ''" '' In ·loltlllt•lll .1l~Htl l•••rr• '"''"' ·r~< '1111"•' 1'111''""'' Tha t they '' ul nt'('k!i It'll n dny ahr afl o f th1• dati• CAR REGISTRATION I •UJ•·r·lur Jttdf,!l''l"l" \I ttl I•· "" 1111 "' t1 "''" fl, \o•lttlllflt•nt of t'fi;"jj;·, • ft,..l"(l for thl'ir dt•j .. tr)urt' In n PERIOD UNDERWAY h:.th•t " t I• t't .. :ol ron.tl am1 yachtlm! NIH'Y announl't•nwnt Ins! \ll•t•k I ,,,,.,.,1 tlol ''"' lot•l <J,,, .. 1101 I '"'"'' ' ,, ll'ootllo·r nr l'tlUJ'Se. 11 - llra\oy ".,...,...,. Takt'ft :...,\('RAME:\-J'O .Jun I; ll 'r'l ru,·ul.otln.; .urtl I lrro1• """"''·"ll•ll ol•tt "" "1'1• I tha t the k<'y t I • l•tJ~ 1, f1,1 '"''" 11/J:•, 1.., \Iotti It oil\ Jolllt'l ,lfll tho•rt• r•''-IS Upon "" Thf'rr '"'~'if!n. UI'N1r1ltnt.; ''' ll•u l 'l'lw ~,.,,,. lit p11rtm••nt t•l '""'"' 'I 1 11 1 1 1 111 11 •7 ·1 ,,.,,,11~' ql tho • wttr1·r harrier 1 1 announ<.'f'm •·nt, WIJ~ teo r••lnforc·~· •• 1111'1•·, ''"H"'"' ··II"'"'' "ttl Jlrtoh 1' "'" 1'' "' '"' '111 -tlw I·.,,,,, ludtwtty, ttnd Whc-t111 r w an hlv 1•'r»unn1•l tn l tt~lrnn 11ncl 1lol) '" 'l';dtfoornr.t'< lat~l..,, ,,.,.,, 1 Ill• •It til Ill• {f•m•· by hlg_h·lt"\• 1 Gnclan Wll t .. rs 11111. "' 14'ttll'f IJ••IInn fl'"''"·'' ,.,.,,.,.1 · •11~"''' 3610 COUNTY '''''''' .,1 , '"'"' undt•r the bu~ rronl ""'"'f'f'l'~ C'ollll(l ~···· thrnlll(h 111~1 Frlll .. y "' 7to ""'""'' ""11'1 ' RE~IDENTS GET , • .,,,,lllll•·ol "''" lopml'nt 11 "'' Uw mnron• • "\'t'lll lty ''"rrlton llu·1 "' tit• 11•'1"•' '"'' "' .. r Ill"'"' \o tU~>k r.lnrH: ltt'.l\')' "•81""'~ tmd h11•l•·• anol C'ulllutlll" ll ll'hl\n~ $203,809 RELIEF 1"''111"'111'"'"1· ur tht• lower harl••l <.ttwr •tJUIJiffil•nl Th••)' rode· '" till' 1'.111"1)1 ""' 1" 1 lllt'U,ur·•· thnt probnlo11 d~'-a'ld" In J•~••-•nd tr•·~k·. M · SM"RA.~t .... :O•>"'I ,)1111 1,· t i'J•r '''"'·'l"'' ~:•n••n1l lloJikt•,ln the hrrt -1 """"' ~ '·-u n ~ I o!Ol \t•lud••fo dll"t•t'lt•r l.llt.;hr II I ·n ... s1,11,. 1Jo·1.:111m1.111 .,1 ~1•1,1t l•or l1•'hhty tt~r·lf ft•w r <>allu tit" 1·: l.urnptun r••nunrkd npphi'Unt' 1 h h h \\'1"11.1,.... "'I•" 1,,, 1,,1111 ,,,,,1 1 1:to 1 to· r•uunt). 1 r<>UJi! t e harJ .. ,1 Thr~· obtlrn'f•n t"ltmr.lt'ft llu• alu o f t he-for()(' 111 1100 to 1000 rTK'n and aftC'r lht>rr r•·port~ Wl'l'l' clrt'Uiated the-2nd Marlnr 01\'t- a il)n hcadqUATtrra at C'amp LA-- Jrune. Nor th Carolina. iuut'd a t1rlt-r announcc-mt'nt. It aald a ••lmllJI ln<:rftnrnt" or tiM-2nd Di· vtalon had ..Uf'd and addf'd that all handa carrit'd normal Marini" Corp combat t'QUipment <1111) I hi' I'U7 "'"'' n·.:l~olr.\tlon j 1 •AJ 1'""5 l•·n.ton.~ 1n Cl n on••,. ''"""'''""'I''""' '''''"''· ~~~·nt .... ,JUo. on the hr•r· t'llrd rmd th•· I'Qrr••·t l1·•· urt• ~ h 11 tt>llll .. r ~:.'1'\'\,fln'l '" 11ltl a-··· Jl .. n· ""' (1t1nn..: 1 r hut fiscal Y•'••• olt~'tl•-d for rc·nl'wal~ H•·nt·Wols " J\ f "'"II~ dunn~o: Nuvl"mber. • ,,. '"''-''S, a rrc·boat and a 1.,.. r~tn l.lt' m11dr rlthr r tn pr~n or ThC"'ltl:hOU I lltf' •Ink li~.7'-'0 lrul 11nat, 14 <'rl' purchased, soml' hy m11ll, he s111d. 1 l d mrllvttf\Jnls "'f't'l\"1 1~'11'1""' tutRI-1 1'1'1 ~1n1: wns one, a conaultrn~: Lltmpton C'IIUttcmc'd IIJIJ!IH'ants. 1 d d in1: SIO,?.'IO.!l~. ur on 11\'t•r;r~:r uf • n~>;trl<'l'r rmp oyt' an a l~man h(>Wt'Vt•r, to IJI' Ct'rtaln tht•tr t'Or-~7 04 per fll'f'S(If'l Th" wa:c n Jlii)Tull maintained r l'l"t malhnr;t addrt'tll Willi prlnlc'CI on the fa<'l' nf the 1!)47 white stntP..widl• lncrra'of• ,,f 1.649 f)(>n· I'IN' llarbor Improved rl'teilltratlon rard. JCiont>~ tlurinR thr nmnth Even more• exteMive acth1ty In 1'he r~atration prriod will lht· harbor Is prt>Saged by the nt•w rl~ m ldnlaht F'<'h 4 MARINE CORPS hud~tl'l t:tf $201,860, thourh It •s BEGINS DRIVE not known how much of Jhil aum lhl" harbor commission t'xpec:U to EGGLESS DAYS GONE; MEAT BAN ON 200 BEST CATS o:o-;t: Ot' Ttu; LEO AC..'l£8 lett 011 Newport'e .-.ore u 1N1 ..... "" tilt' r raft •ho-~\'e whlc-.. drifted lato the beadl aad wu J•uundl'd lo 111~ In the heavy toUrf. c-t OUArd f"ffort. to roah·ace u, .. boat Wf"re unaucc·-tul and BaJboa Tra.,.,e r III'U called Ia to 'ahatet• tht• r~vt>r~. Jl!!ot!?_hy J acqueline Beckner WASHINGTON, Jan. 6. IUP I- ~ ~nt today announc:'t'd that eackw Thundays will ~ diCJIIIWd fTom Ita food COI'IK'f'Va· tlorl procram al tu IM'Irt ThW"'· day, but that m4'1tiC'U Tufoldays wtll be contln~ beca~ of hlr;~h nwa 1 prieeL IN WEST ENTER TO COMPETE CaJifomla Cat C'1ub will hold Ia 13th annuaJ cham1lloruhlp 11how at thr Hollywood Ma!JOI\Ic Tf'mpl~ thh• Satun!n.y and Sunday Umltl"d to 200 contelllants. ol· flcrals have aln-ady had to refuM mort" than 100 would-tit> C.)nlt>St- FOR I 00,000 IICtually upend durin& U\e year ltl.'mll inrlude m.ooo fo r a COWl\)' LOS ANGF.Ll::S Thr ll S Ma-wharf, $25,000 ror new dndalnrc rinl't bo•g1n .. n all nut dnve for 100.~ nwml~<'rs nf' thr rt>Srrve this mortth F:ll"\'l"lllh M 8 r r n e C'orJ')!I R~·~•·r'''' Dl• r rrrt h r a d - qu11rtc•r~o .tnm•Unt'l'fl lwrt• tuda) Thr M;•rlnt• n ·wn•· ts now 01xon to nr111t• 1 •·•~·rnn~ nl nthl'r brunches n( lit•• ~··nit~·. to tn••n 17 In 32 "ilia n•• tnllttnry l'!lllll'rt<'n<'l': and In forrnrr Mnr1nr l'urpH Women RL"$o•nrs. ·n wy may ••nroll at any Marlnt' C'orpc Arlll'i t y. or by I'On- taclln~t tht•ir nl'flrt'l!l Mar tnC' Vol· untl't'r n •cruittnJ;: Olfil'f>r In Dill· boll It Is Lf Mar~tllrt'l S. Or d<-- mann, 414 ~~~n F'rnnt and $10.000 f o r malntenanrc· drrd~ttnlt. StO,OOO for new ftrt and pntml hc•Rts. $10,000 for upper IHI) d<'\'f'lopmrnt, $25,000 ror "har- hor imnrov('ml'nts" not apedfh.'d. 'fllrn• ~~ '" addition a S20,000 un- Rpproprtnfrd rt>t~ervr and IZ.6M fnr harl.nr bond mtert'St and rf'- ltrt•mr nl Thr original $640,000 hond i~sut' ts rl't irt'd at $21 ,000 nnnuall)'. tht• balanrc uutst..ting LESSON IN DOUBLE-DEALING-Card playera are warned to be on the lookout tor crooked l&mblers U.Slnl cards marke<S with infra-red wrlt.lnl that 11 lnvl.a1ble to the naked eye but clear when viewed throu1b a IJ)K1&1 contact lena. Or. Bene- diet 1. C. Benell, of Chle&IO, demonatrat.e.a the technique bY ua1n1 the special lena and clearly aeetn1 every card held bJ AUce Johnaon. It leavea •UJ UtUe to the lma1lnaUon. dt•vt'lop nwnl , and ~~ nnw workmg on obst~tl'l1•< tn the p11th EXILED MIHAl CALLS SWEETHEART S11nllalum, om• of lhl· county's two most j.lr«''lsrn~ prohlt-m s -th<· othpr hl•1 n~ watt•r supply rs ('n· COPENHACt;N, Jan 6 1 UP 1 1'tlc-dlanrc In the three-month- old food-aa\'inr campt~iJrn Camt' u l'ftt.urant ownen In Nt'w York, Ph&Jadelphla and Oalcaco said tawy had cledded to atop obeenln& ...... "fMt" days beoUM ol public a gs ~-~-~---n. r.taiii'Uit owners lakJ CJb.. lllnaiiCle II "lmp-actJalb~" and la "'llwtJnc ~. ~ lnlll. Ei£'1\t~n nationAl champions an- Included 1n tiM-ffltrif'S from 1111 the-~~ l'latft. All proctoedl rrom lh~ ahow w1n 10 to the Lol Angell'S Soc:lrty for the JlftVffltlon ol cnJC'Ily lo ani· malL bring $367.000 C"hRirman Roy Edwards d ~he harbor commission said tha f' the mmmission probnhly will shortly dl~riO!Ir tiS plnns fo r UJiJK'r bay FOR ONE WEEK ONLY ., • Women's loafer SUITS Jackets and Dresses Regular $24.95 Values Greatly '10 Reduced t'tounlt rtlll( .... O'A n t•hslaCil'S to PrrnCf'SS Anne or Bourhon-Parma !<ltlullun \\'hill wa~ offt>red by tolkt'd b) tt•lephom• Ill h••r S\~e<·t­ "rtl:llll'l'nn~e I'XfWrts ru1 thr lar~t<'SI hl"art. rormt>r Ktnt.: :\lldlat·l ol ftnnnrrnl p roJI'C't thr c.1unty el't'r Romania, for nt•at b J:'l mtnuh -s rontt•m J•IaiNI. a s:n.uno.ooo "''"'rr-lhls altl'rnoon flit<' pro~ram ~prt>ad nvl'r 40 yl'ars, Mtcharl, who 11rri\1•d 1n co!llilt• In has mrt surh rl'sislancr In the Lausann<'. SwiiJt•rland. today call- •strrrullurnl arr11s thnt it SC'Cms Pd tht' Prtnl"t'S" at the• hnmc of hko•ly '" •·m••rJ;tt• m ~okPif'tOn fnrm, twr I'Qusrn. Prrneo· CC'Or i:P. "'1lh lt1t l•• ""'"" 11ro·:~ rm·rn'li lh~tn A rl'liahl·· suurt:'t• ~auf thry dt'· th• Jlr•·••·n! JOint IHI!(atl ~Yilll'm l'ldrd !hilt Pttnii''S Ann•• shnuld con tttl .. ,.fl ••f nnni'IJl·ll ''"'"< 11nd no t l••n\c ''" 1 .. 1tt,11nn• w1trl MI- a 1:1"111' "I ~<=tnllar~ tll"t ru·t~ l'ltot••l h11d It•·• rt ;1lol1• '" <.(•1ft1• clnwn 1\lnql lmJMtt'l:onl ~~tlrllltt•n '" rhr ,\I'" 11 ",,, ''llrl rt1, ~ <il•t·rclo·ol 8?11'' 111 ••!):-' 10 tlw 1':1·1o;l;ol .tr••.,q I th.tl \I win• I' 11111t1t• t fttrmt•r !"1'1< 1.nrt!IP II h ,,n/1 ( 11~1:1 ;\lo·~.l !!I· (~tlo•o II llo J, n •ltoolllrl IIIII I'Ontf' rrafl~ hill I' Ill o•ll 11ld1•rl 1\ llh f11r• ho•ro •I' lt.lfl l11•o II pJ.onno cl t';tt fto'l ll'Hltlur, H( ":tn1f.1t 1••n fla~tr1• '' ;, and lo I l<·t'l'n•n ••I lluttlllll:l"n Rrur h llr<trll 1 11 .1 l..o~un;o II• ;rrh tDr~lrul ~~. :-;1·al ll1;11'h IIJI,t:·l<'l 1 t anrl "''' S;1n ( 'I• 1111 "''' S m .ltr;tn C'a111111 run11-l hll•t 1'11111t Ill'• ,, • I '1'- lrkt !lr "'Jllillll' '" lu· rnac1o· l.•k•·- WISt' th• u1t• nor c; •• , .. ,,nn' •n l h'· trklll '.! :l ami 7. S:mtu ''"" al r<'ady h,,, lnrnwcl llt,rnrt I Stl- l'f<rllflo-l\loldjo·:;k" 1 urn.•c1 1 humhs d own 1111 Dr~t rwl 1 n. \\ hwlt h.t;. bt••·n ahanllnn• tl (C'onlrnurd on D;1rk Pllj:;t'l J,Year Grocery Career of Hogans Ends in COM t l fo'. 11n~11n. \\ ho has own••t1 n m arkr l on < '(111~1 H is:hway in Curo- na d <'l Mar l hl' pa~l 51'\'l'n )C'IIrs, will turn his stor co nnd fixturl's ov<'r to Ard('n Cannnn, Nt'wport Heights. Monday, Jfln 12. h<' an- nounC'C'd today. Thr transaction will re move from Coron11 del Mnr businrs~ d is- trier fl familiar name which many residrnt~. whn havco participated In that communit y's It r ow 1 h through tho;o pa.st r"w yeart. hnve ~trown to know . C. HILL Douglas Service St u t ion o -r•-t:.-N 24 Hrs. a Day t 'nr \'our C'<m\·enlr nf•e IS DO\\'STO\\ ~ ~EWPORT DP:i\('H Gaeollne • Tlrtoll • Ratlerles Lubrication • Aoo-rte. IF YOUR WATCH ., Ho~tnn orlr;~1nally purehasl'd the • Sweaters ' '· Cardigan and Pull-Over Types $6.95 to $8.50 Valut>s Slack Suits and Swim W t>ar Rt>dured .,. . .,., ,.,. ...... , , ..... Men's All-Wool Sport Shirts $750 Regular ~U.aO Men's Sport Shirts 5650 Re~ular ~9.50 \\'hitt> Stag Pull-Over Jackets ssoo llt.>gular ~K95 in Corona del Mar grocrry conl"t'rn from Mr and Mrll Mustard who. In 1925. es- tahlisht'd ()Ill' or lh<' first stores in C'orono dcol Mar ),QA Y HEARING ON WATER UNDERWAY SAC'RAMF.NTO. Jl\n, 6. rt 'PI -A thf'N'-rlR) hrarln~t on wnt<'r pl'nblr m.« orw•nt'fi in S<~emmrnto yl'!'trniny uncll'r nu~prt't"!l of 1 he )Oint lo1:1SIIIII\"(' l'I'Olmillo'o' c>n "'Otl'r rtrol)ll'mi'. Inr lurtN1 '' n 1 h f• rnmmit 11~ Rl:t'nlln '" a dt-<ru<-qion of -.11111' :Ill· ministrntl\1' fllnrlton" n•lnttnJ: h• wa ll'r i\1:<•'· pm rvw11l:< f••r stM,. ownrr-htl' 11011 "l"'r:ll '"n nl th·· ('.•nt m l \':tllr~ Pm)t'<'l nn-hrrn,.; rnn~ldo•l'f'{! Sl'nRII"r Hrmlfo,n1 C' lrtll••ntl••n of S.rn .lr~1q111n ,•,.unt~ I" rh:11n 11rm of th1' gro'ltjl Harbor Glass Co. AUI'OMOBILE GLASS BOAT GLASS aDd Boa& Le_tWtq Glue IMtaUed Whll• You Wait All WOII GUARANTEED D~e•tf•bit;ty Ia • ..... 11 ,_. ') roo. :ootte .. ltle 4epett4e .. lllty fill , ... _,_,..,,, "' "' ........ ........ tkt ......... ,... --' ... , lri•t ,.., ........ , .. ... lleble to••••• 1t , ...... ble pr14oa FRU ESmi:\Tt: • All W ork {iUAranc.-1 e I -DA\' ~F.R\'ICE e Prl~ R4-.uonabh! 1'711 Newport Bl\'d. ('()ST A MESA ...._..._,..,.w 'SURPRISE TREAT' · 1 Portrait Classes SET FOR REAL TOR to SJarl friday BANQUET THURSDAY At Grammar School A n•gulur mcctin~: which will rnt.'tlrJ.ourah' 11 SUf!JIIlW tn•ut for mc·m~r.;. tht>rr Wl\'('5, and ~uests olf llw !l:t•Wport llltrl.IUr Board or lll'ltltor.; wilt tl<' held Thur5day night at th•• ~cowport Harb o r Yacht club t ... gmnrng at 7 p.m . lmmedialf'l) following dinner, members, thear w h·rs. and guests w ilt enjoy a prl'sr ntation of Lht' nt•w film "California Way of Lire". sponsored by the Nt•wport llaTbor Chamber or Commerce. This pict ur~rn color ;nd sound •~ Jn <'!IICf'ptinnnlly fine por- tra)al of th(' advantages or this area. and Ill of s jl('cial mterest lo thos(' rrsiding h<'rt>. For thul r coal!on members are ur~:«< to bnng a'l ~:uests rrpresentati\'<' PI'Of)(>rt y IIWnt•rs of thri~ acquaint- ttnr·t-. '1'1ckt'1s a rt' limlll'd to 11 total ttf 150 and fiUt• ttl :miiCipalt•d de- mand . ri'S{•f\ II tHinS hil\'l' IJt'l'll rt'· slrrr r .. d tu lour l"'r mt•mht.•r Atnl)ll~ tnt1SI Jl(~tph•s lh£11 pcr- 11111 l••lygrny rho• S)'!;lo·m unrtrr "hlt'h a nmn ts mnrr11>ti Ito l';o'\ \'rat 14"c:>nw n 81 It'" ~mr tim•· th(' larg1• m ajnrrly of m•·n rtl'\'l•rthr- l•·~l> h\'f• an munltl:atl1\. :rrc·nrdin~: lu tlw Enr,\l'lttpac'ftti• Brrtannica. ( mr rl'a~<on t!< tl11• rtddl'd •'!IIJ.II·ns4.• t•f multrpiP marrllll-:1'. ioja¥1n~t llll tht-rr goal a rom- plc ted and appropriatt>ly fTBrncd portrait. pupils of Patricia Ruttll.' will meet Friday, Jan. 9 at 7 ,JO p.m. In the art room of Newpurt Beach Grammar school for th<•ir rlrtt lesson In dTawlng. C'lasses will be held u ch Fri. day evening from 7:30 to 9:30 lind n<'w pupils will ~ acoepted only d uring January. F'lnt term "'ork will IX' dt>voted to fundamental~ or COmf)OIIition, lawa or contr;ut hght and shadow, line and hal: ancco. Subjects will Include stiU hCe and as studen ts progr<'ls huma.n models wilt be used fo; quick skt•lching. A choice of med. lums will Include chan :oal, litho. gr11ph, sephia, on whit«-or tinted charc-oal or lithograph papc>r Th•· ml'diurn USt'd d urtng 1 he ~•'I'Ontl trrm wilt bt: oils and ~ub­ lt'CIS will b(' simpll' Still lift'S Tht·r(' will hi:· t.•cturt>s on C'om: I•J~tlinn, rotor ftnll l ht• ll'l'hntqUe ur (ltl pu1ntin~: and thl' mriJilr por. l111n II( the U•rm Wtll1ll' cf('\'Oio'Ci tu adl:tnrr·d t:'Om~itivn, purtra1ts 1\'llh ;~nil WlthOIJI Slllt lift• ond rlrscussrnns on the ('{lmpiNr p1r. tllrl' and framln~; L..'Sson pc•rtodt for thrs tcorrn wtll be lhrl'e hour1 Inn~:. • Before You Build or Remodel Vlllt w ........... .... ud ..... , ...... = .... .,.. LUDLUM Carpet Works 1 ............... ............ _ SAM'S SEA FOOD SPA Roast TURKEY FRIED 'CHICKEI $150 Nl!!W VORK CUT STEAK ______ ................ -... ·----·---1%.60 WIIOLE BROILED LOBSTER -···-----·--·-----··--··..$2.50 with drawn butter . BROILED SWORDFISH STEAK .. -.......... _,_ .. $1.50 FRfED COMBINATION SEA FOOD .. -·---._ .... _ .. .$1.50 FRIF..D SIIRIMP -.... SI.M RAINBOW TROVT ... .S1.76 Dot MlDoe Pie with Bra.ody Saooe loape • .a.a... • De•ert. Sam's Sea Food Spa and Fish Market .... : LoGe .._. .. , ....... aoDd IU-M IMl o-at JIIPwar (N-.r 8M.J ._.., DON'T WAIT FOR CAR TROUBLES And Be Without Transportation BRING YOUR CAR IN NOW IGNITION and Complete Electrical TUNE-UP $375 Labor CULBERTSON CHEVROLET c 0., Inc. L. L. HAGAN, Sen ice Manager Chevrolet • Oldsmobile 3001 W. Central Newport Beach Ph. Harbor 513 Bank of America BALBOA .MARKET, Re-Opened ·Boys' Records High in ~~~~~~~~~~CE Club Already Real Estate Loans llurh•)• L. lX·nnls und war,· hll\o·' Has 600 Members Wirh publica\lon uf R;tnk o r Amerlra 's 194? ~··ar r nd stalcml'nt of conrlition , showans.t all 1 1 na ,. hh:hs in d t'JiliSIIS, rt'I>OIIrt"-'S, lol!llt,~ a nd t•arnin~;~>. Pn•'ad<·nt 1. M G lannam dt•t•lan•d lhftt tht• mol$1 significant dt•\ •'lopuwnt du ra n 1: the yf'ar was 111 th(' grO\\ th uf ro'al <'State home loans {lnllOUOt'o'<i lht• pun-ha.~ u( thr Mt•n• thnn ti()J l>o)' hA\o• Ul · llnlhua !\turk•''. Maan & 1\n} A\\•· nuo• 1\ulboo. lo•nd.-1 tlw 1'\'\'1'1111) "IIO.'Ilt'(l Oo> · l'l,.•nna~. fMmo•a·lv [1. 1Jl6 An· C1uh an r • .,.aa 1\1,-...a n,-.,nL-"' lhl' .(o•lo'S l't'l-H1o•nt "'111 ~·stllhlahh n l'{'>.l· rlulthl'll:«' rM o·nl d~·ol'l' ua 1311JLM:.n. lnrlm1r'<l tn thl' 11~;~ M tllo'ml~<'"" ·rotal or all loans :wd rll<t·uunts outstandin~ U«'o•m llo·r 31 was S:!;. 492,9?0,000. whach w ns S??U.:!36.· 000 htj,:hl'r than I ht' pro•\'iOUS ) o•;ar f'nd. O f this total. mon· tha n :uu .. 000 loans ag~o:n•gat an~; Sl .:!·l5,noo .• ()()() W('r <' in thl• n•al t•stnt<• 1'1111'· gory a nd avt•rftg<'d about $5650 f'ach. Ciannana re,·e~tlt•d that th<'S(' loanJ ar<' being n·paad n l u rntc o f m o re than S:.!0.000,00\1 ft m onth, approxtmatlng a Quarlt>r of a bil· lion do llars a nnually . Pay-oH on lnatallml'nt credit loans ia evE-n STtater . a \'er agmg $90.00.000 a month on a tota l volume or loans m ade or more than $1,100,000,000 d uring tht> )'nr This produCt's a h igh deiT~ or liquidity and per- mits the bank to l'mploy IPndabl<' funds over and over in ml't'tlng the nH'ds or borrowers. Th,. Utilboa Murko•r was f.n un• U.tlt• Btlltllo•\ llall\• """' J m·k many ~~'~"'"" ~nuwn as "\\'u) '."' Stl'lnrnan 1'•11'1tn1~ St.~n·. Huh Tlar·· l'11arl,•s H, ~ ay ~tabhshl'd th••l nt>r, l )o•l R;a~ \\'allaurns <1>11•• t-'rlln· "lOt'\' an 190A ruarl vpt•rat.'tl It un11l kl'l F rnnk MrGnvran nnd Glyn 19-15 Who•n he ~>ld tu \\' (' (\XIIIO.'f Buftlf'd :-;o•W lntt•nno'(hbto• 01•'111· ftnd Fnlz Goo61'flS. 'twr.-uro• John l .~tno•, Plt'k Ho•a·tHhm Do'nnas saul also tha t tlw :-lmw Hill Rk hru'dlwn ( ;,'1111:<' l-4>rt,.n, t•fficu·nt hl'lp wall he' n'taanro 'and Ko•ath Pntt~o:'' .,IT) w,-.•k~o. RaiJJh that dt>IIVl'f'Y has b<•t•n mau~;ur· 1 llullund. R ~:,.. !\1dto•u am d p,.,,. a tt'd. Smnh N~'t:.enaor· m('mb<ors art' Tht> nlt'a t mnrk!'l top.•r.ttt~l an i Paul Van<k'hi<V'rl. Jam \\'nods and thl' SION' w iUl pun:haM"'ti also and Larry Sullivan will spccializ<' , an choact• mMts. Junior nwmb<-rs 1\.N' 8. 9. 10 and Ot">t>p f~L('f"S ms talll'd olfl.'r !)(or. I I ~<'an< of n.:•' lnlt'm wdlltll' mem- nes, rruats and \'E'Ill'table!' out or bl•rs art• 12 13 and 14 Yf'IU"S o1 ~cason. n~te &nior · m «'mb<-rs 1\Tl' 15. 16, anct 11 )'o'an of Ill:•' TO 11IE WOMW:N WHO WORK C\mt~ls to d('temunr r I u h \\-111 roar ,_, 1-coatlaue f all rour life! A* about MtotropoU· r hamptons or J11nUIU) urt• now taa'• a-..,___...~ your b<otng !lehedull'd and raw motho•r:- tu&are ute. have volunte<'n-d to hl'lp thP cluh WA&II!Df 1. waau t~-o hours Nrh Wf'f'k in lhl' aft<'r· _....,..a.,._....., ............ -noons from 3:00 to 5"()() pm Mn: ... 1 m .. Lire -ee. A. W . Frankel looks aftl'r thf' ('Quipmcnt detlk on Mondayli. Mn. Scotch tape, vanoua lllus, oa non Woods on 1\u'Sda.)-s. Mr.;. R.ny aale a t Ow N_..nnw. . Pagf' on \\'t'<11H•sda)'~. 1\ln. Ayron ~ Wl.w -A dVt'Ttlw ~Yi;i\li'NwYi;Ni'Nwi\i\Ni;N\i\1\1\~wY.;Ni'NwY.;Ni;NiA;y;'iYwo;;-. "'"nll'y took .. utter the ctesk on ;.• ThuJ'l!dll).,: and Mr.-Louil'f' Mc-- Fresh Daily "a"<• ... ...... Or, II $1 ............ , .... ,.. ........... ,_ .... HORMEN FISH MARKET -·- BAYVIEW LUMBER COMPAIY HARBOR 581-R IMMEDIATE DELIVERY --on- LUMBER WALL BOARDS SHINGLES DOORS MOULDINGS 701 3let S\., East of King's Landing Newport Beach -Harbor 581-R * * llunk oC Amtricu NATIONAL W .. ~•N·.:~ ASSOCIATION * C.lifo,..,ill'l Statu. ·idt &111lt Con Jnrsed S1111u'""' ofCoJulitio,, Dec~,.bu J '• '9'17 ll SOU.CfS C~•h OR Va•lt '"" ;,. ftd•••l Re~e"'e laRk Ow fro"' lanh TOTAL CASH , . s 743,310,001.52 B 4.619,9S1.62 U•ilccl Stat11 GovernMent OblovatoOfls, dorecl IRd fwllr tvl <lftltcd . . . • • State. co.Rty, and MvlloCipl l londs Other l onds aRd S.Cvroltn . StO<k ;,. Ftdtt~l acservc l ank • • Loans 111d DoKo••h . . . . • AcCrlled lnltiHt ••cl Accovnh aeuovable a .. k '•-•wt, Fvrnotura, F11tvrn and Sale Dt,olol Vawlh Otller Raal h tate OwRed • • • • • • • • Cn•-•"' l iabolitr o• ~cCHitll of L.ett.n of Cre4ot, Acc~tMut, .... h ofotwd l •lh • Ott!« a-ca . . . . . • . ' . . . ss.on,999,9Sl.U 1,ns.S24,606 " 290,411,114.01 91,216,014.1S 6,499,.00.00 2.492,979,7}1," 24,.21)23 42 ~.7Sl,l92.97 67)4U2 ._.,l12,110.AI 550,t02.7. TOTAl IUOIICES •• S 5,145,117,111.24 LIUILITIU ~ • • • • • • • • • • 106~)75.00 ..... • • • • • • • • 110,000,000.110 ~ ,.,.,_. • • • • • «1,515,9)5.61 .__ • • • • • • • • • •.s11,512.lt TOTAL C»fTAL fUNDS . • • • • • S 211Ut0,1tl.CD ....... ,_;we ~ L-. . . . . • J7.A*,AOt.29 ---j = _ _. ~~ ·. $J,oN,410,901.7ll 5,467 I" 162.15 ---l -I-2)72,711,260.0 ~ 0 0 L.Wrilitf .. Litten of Cte4it Hili M AcctJtO<, ...._,., Mahr • Acc.,IMCft .., .. For.,t• 1411 46,1 .. .)12 ... ...... for l•t.wt Racei•e4 Ml Alll•~~~e~ . • • • • U,2tJ,247.J6 ....... ,_ !...,...., T-. etc. . . • • • • 20,4t1,4UM --~~-J.GlAlliAIILITIU .• $5,145,117,111.24 ra.-..... ~-tl ......... ,._ .,_ /IIMtl Off~US ;, Two R,_ Citia of CAiifot'witl IU fiUCISCI e US AlllUI ....... ..._...., C.J.Jo-M -"" ,_-...... --,.,_,. .._.... z.-... M-.J.., T..,. ac•tll tnt•" et•een ....... u ••• ,. •• ,. •• ...... .... ..,_ ....... , '"" . C'rackf'n, 1-'nrlny-. Mothc>rs ~•Til an• nf't'C:IN'I to ht•lr and ~uhst nuti' for lh.-abovP lndtl'!l 'J'\4·o m olh••t'l' aro' also no.,-dN.I to h r lr on Satunllt)l' 'J'\4·u fatho•" llrt' now ht•IJ)In~ '" ihf' f'\'<'ntnR . M r Dwi.:ht Allt•n on Tht·~)'S :tnd Mr (' Mr\.nvrnn rm \\'(o(lnl''r!ny~o. but !'("'o•rnl m ort• (Ill hf'N an• nf'O-rlo•tl to tw lp t:;l\•o• I lhf' h•l~"' rnnl'l' artivita.'-'. It wa~ f'X· platnt"Ci 6 Days Winter Activities End For Boy Scouts St'< da)~ nf winro•r actavatit·s 111 Ro-KI·LI. loca l C"oun("tl C'8mfl, <'ndPd O..r 30 for llpprnl\lmatrly 140 Roy SC'OUIS and lf'adors, thus dama tnl: 11 srason dl\'ldrd tnln pt'rlrtdll ,,, t hrN• dRy~ l'lll'h, Of'. remh•'r 26-2R , and f)rr<•mtK'r :l/'4- 30, dunnr;: whach lhl' riHTIII w as Clllt'd 10 ('apnra ty o f fl. .. So'OUI• 11nd Scoutr rs Dtrl'<'l llllt pror;:rnm and Hrrttn~t~'· ments Wl'rl' llugh M W ilrox . L. M Lnngst n H a nd Nt'lson Snnd· ford. A CII\'11 ll'l' NlllSISif'd Of Ilk IIIli:, ~nowshnc hakPs. slt'<ldintt. 11 n d snow ~tam<'!' or \•araous klnrls. Mo\'ing piC'Iur<•s Wf'r f' sho~·n In the l'ven ings at campfire pro- I(Tama, S~al reetur~ of thf' I«''ffd pt'riod wu a demonstration on flrat a lc1 11dapted to 11kllnlil sltua· ttons. rondur tffi by Rnb S-,lth. first atd c-hnarm11n of thr local Rrd ('ross ch ap trr, who nl~o sho~·· o•d a film l'nlltl<'d "Ski ft(•vf'lll" I ·n 1irt('('n Smut units pnrttt'tplll· I'd 111 lh<' lwn period.~. tncludlntt Shtp :!11\. Tro.1p Jl;. 11n<1 EKplort'r Pnsr :\lfi of SPal Hl'IH'h Troop11 .:R. :."!1 :.no1 3~ n( S11nt11 A na , 1'nonp 9 o f \.nrdf'n Grovf' Troxtp 15 of Costa 1\tf'M . Troo11 11. !"1'wpor1 f\l'arh . Troop f..O. ~:1 Toro . Trno p 3, M idway C'lly. """ Troops 44 an<1 !'13 of Orange 1201 COAST DCA..IL[VMD c ono~ [){ L ~W\Ih.AL art ~uppUts craft malt r1 als ntm and camtra s portralt·c~ ~ographs · barb(r272W FOR BIRTHDAY & WEDDING CAKES HAMOR 110% Imported W1Dee aad Beer Dellrate.ea We ..,edalb.e Ill Wedell .. aa4 l!l'lrt.lldar Ottlla GENE'S BAKERY 101 CoMt Rwy. ~tel Jlu THF. R .\IUK)Il AREA CHJ.LDUN AftOn:,.,.,,. tr .. tHI to a frw _,._ u ._ a.llllea ...... .,. .. a t'llirlal maa p,.._at f rom tile IUw..a. el• Uld '" "''~••• al thfo \'""'' Brtc Ia R&lho&. l".od ..., .. doaatf'd b, C'lydt> l o.._...ll ... , .... V• .... ut lhr \ff'lno..-n.MII a~~d r AIIdy -turlltai!HI toy t•aul ,,.,,. Hltl'.ell, Balbo&. MNnbll" of U. V fl'l\' 1'0011 hwludll•c M onlf' U rl-.,.. altowft wnln1 Uw you ... •t..ra.. (\hoot" h)' \'o•lnf·~ l l11~ J r Homrigs, Back from V~terans· Aid Tour, Have Found Lifetime Work GIVE CHRISTMAS DISPLAY A WARDS TO BALBOA STORES 1\y 1L P. \\ RlOUT O tio> lo·t tho t.• .,I ,•,lultll "·'" _1 ,_ ~lhun t'hnt1ml>• •U•t•ln,\ :1 lin I llounrtl! rtnr1 his \\ ifo' Loll ·~ ~,.., ,,., h ll\o• rl'illrrll'tl I•' 1'"\ulholl (rum In o·~tll•"illllt: tho '" 1 "'''' k ,1r \\IIHI > )tn'1.:o •1 ''11 o•ltl;lrtlllll) nllol lhdr lutll u l \'ol•lllll~' ht~IJIIIIIIJ tho• ltlt·lloll• llul lnlol ul '"'' lllo'll lw·.>lll\ pf 11 "' /Inti \\llll1u\\ th~ tlllntl•'hlltlf lho• It 1111111 \\hO•" ""II. ll'tll.tll\ '"'' ol tho m pl.o~'· \\I'll' '1"1"11 '1~1 1" tho• fo>l ~ '"" 1111: ,.,.,,., ol111a.: '" I lo·· llulhol/1 Ttll\o•ltnt.: an .o 1'""''1 trtwk \\tilt l r•lm nm ttl• It nto ntut ""·11 ,~11,.,, lntltl'••'• n1• n e Jt""''wutii .. H "'t .. •k•·' 1 I h• lr Ill' I C'Pih•f'l lllll I ho· lltiiTli-llo!" I lno· mu.o I I 11111111 "'"") '"""" '" "'oil ,,, .. ,,. ( ;, '""' ha\o' loo .. •n Ill roll ot tho· 1/( st.••··· 1\ Cl'"' \ ,~ .... "' "hot•o '" "' IHJ\o• ''"''1·~1 :.'i> !11,1:\ malo•-. \l~llo·<l nw nt mu•l "'"''"'"'lou .,,111,. IIIli•' Fll•t I'"''' "'""''' ""' tho· Ill I loot,.J\11111~ 111111 tulkf'll lol 0\'o•r T ht• Oltlo r I~ ltoolo I I lloun" IIIII•'' \' ~· \\' l'•""l ~~:' llo II' ... II, I 3?/liMI '""'Poll'< lll"l'llal t'hiiiJI:o• !'Ito• ""''' , , ""IIIII "11" J:,ll Tht· I,. .. , o•llona.: ll••lltrti:• lrft net!· luhil •nil "•I 1111 ,. IIIII II> "..... I'·" s .. 011111 Jill I•' I.. I'IIN'I •. lllhll hm.1 April IIi ttnolo•t thl' uuspao•t·~ kt·l~ wr. thoot \\llh tho• ,,.,~•llalot ) "'II !JI :\ n( lttt• \'t•IProons ul F11rf'o1:n \\'ur~ (•\ldont Ill lu• \\olll. 11111lltootn tloo• 'lluniJII IIo'••l $10 ~H• lll\•'1'1 tit•• J)l>!<t ~. ="•'"l"lrt-Rall••ll fi nd pr,.l•t ho '' '''''"\"I ,,, lot ''"'" I\11IIHVI Inn M'l o•rnl anotll\ltlllU' l\IIIIH>fo hU~· t•rllll'l, I hoof ho• I• IIS"II• ,J u l 11 ano•&smo·n (lfl~lllltl tdf'a .,, thr· trip fu tur, In '''"'""'t •·anl uol ,.ns 10 • nlo·rt.tan htl!ipilllh7t•d \'o·t~ unci puhlu·•~•· 1 tar l l.orholr nrl'll tht't•tll:hotlll rho· I' ~ Cvr's Ffed Stor .. Hay and Grain Qudty Feed~ -1- ~'lvo• tlt~ll/11 nwun lt> "•'I" 11lvo•n Ill u o• S n tl' hnf>k•lott~· Bnlhu• I lartiWIIt ,. 1 '~~''"'' < ·rrfo·. l'nvallnn r.trt Shnp nnrl fo'lllplll rll•ll'~ .St• .. -inl nknllun l!o'~nl to t!Mo ~.tho~• TIWttl n •, S.Mtlh (' 1111 • I lt••11l I}' t ·.. I h<' ~ ra" Shoo11. Fn•lo•r ,,.,,.. n'fWltr 11nrt \'nino•> llny Jr t :lilli•"' lliMl ~1111<'11 !hill \'F\\' ~·"' hfllol ''' '''''"· f lw• NEWPORT BALBOA NEW8 -TUIIC8 p 3 Tt 'F,.UA\' No'"l'""' ...._,.h, C'allf, hn t. a-... age _ 194S Motor Vehide License Fees t l\\ llo'l' "' I" 1\ rllo• 1'"''''111o:l'f ntllntunl ollo•• oot't• tll'l(NI h~· th~· ~l alo• llll•l l.~•t~l C•''''l,lttll'tll oll't>lll'llllo'llt '"II"' tho· (,.lltowln.c'l llh.ll' Ill •kio'l tlllllllt.: lho•ll 1'111( \ 'ulofntttl.l "'"'"' \ o•hll'lo• lit"'""'' lttl<t..., •lito· .tuol ~~~~ .ololo• 111 1 "'"' "' l''l:htrntann tm o•:tJo•miAr \nllr 111 rtr• I'" lllh'tll ••I mnl••t• \'l'loto·l•"' 1lt•lllt~\IL'III l-'t!lu u:u) ~ 'I ~ t •lnd ·"'""11\t ''" t~'-t7 '''"''' '''~''''"''-'H t"'nnt. \~t 1,..,.. • ol•• 111,1• ko•l Ill \\li1L11 II !toll' t It ltl'llol '""'"'''"I OIIIIOMIIIt •>I fo'l' llo 1 a.:hl h.uad ••oohtliln •····· ~ .. " ' ...... ,. , .... ···~ • ~ "'loo p !\It .......... _ ... , • "·'"I ll./11 '" &.1111 l .tltt 1,:\l lo• 1\.:111 M ... ) ,\ M loo 11.:111 1.00 11.1\1 '" 'I 1\11 10.00 'I M lu 11,1\41 II ,01) 11.~1 f•• tt.Mt 10:,00 11.1\1 ... IIUICl II ... 111.1\1 ••• 11.!\ll ..... 11.111 '" ~~ l\4l 1& .... l 't,l\1 lu I A.I\41 1 .... u :II loo 14.1141 11.00 U ./\1 I" t.\.1\tl I M.Oit 1;\,1\1 '" 111.&4' ..... 111.:\1 lu I '1.110 141.M U .M loo llt.&ct ti.M lltlll ... 11.110 u ... 11.&1 In t .. M ll.M te.&c lu tt.H u ... tt.&t too U .Mt U ... !t.l\l Ill U .l\0 M ... U .l\l In U .H U ... U .&l too tA.Ao ta. .. !1\.&1 ... t•.&o ..... Dutch Heacock OIU'fa.AL OON'I'IIAOTOa PAINTING 0.tftdeN' RENTAL I)QtllPMENT IHII&I._A...._o-.. ·- Dir«'tly 84!1\ln c1 AlbA Brla • ....... '"" ll~lo·d f'tfJ.•\1 '" t "n.l\41 '!'UH ru 'tll l\tt ':M •\t t•• '! •• 1\41 ":It .\1 '" 511.110 ~I.M lu 11.1\0 51./1 1 '" ltt.l\0 I '! o\1 I u ll,IWI SS.M too 14.60 u Ill(:• 11\.&u Ill At " N .l\0 141./11 •• I'I.M I'J./11 loo IA.IWI 511,1\1 '" u .ao 11 ,1\llu •o.M ••. AI In U .M u .111c" n.ae U .lll loo •a.M ... &1 ...... .. ........ 46.11 M .&l ln ..... •t.&lloo n .M n .&t •• •a.at ... Ai t n ti.M •t.AI In M .M Voou l'a.y P.I.IIO 11.110 ..... ..... .... U .N --.., .. ... ..... .... tl ... ., ... ..... ..... .... .... ., .. ..... ... .. ..... .... .... u.ee .... ~­ Howard W. Gerrlah , .. N..,_. alii &Ill ()Oft' ...... ..__,w Automobile • Fire Accident • Lite lJelnM ud o.tnct Bondi Wl1ta. WILLIAMS & WILLIAMS ACCOUNT ANTS oncJ AUDITORS INCOME TAX CONSULT ANTS H11l, " .-.-.mm•'rna.l ltriiSI nnd l.m~. llll olf~ltntSI. round II llt•fintlf' n•'l'{l (11r flt'('IIJlllllfm ltl 1 ht•r npy am .. n~: th•• mnlo.~rrl tauuo·tl ,,.,,•rnn~ Ill 1111• f'S)f'hol "lolfb lht') \l~llo•d Tlw mo·n 11\io•rl••to•d Ill uri rf'· ~J~IIHio•d "''" •u •·h t··~l lh»l u nok r tn81rtlrtton ,, nwrko•d amprovo·nwnl wa" noto•ll Two t1H y rrtlo:lll:''rnt•nlll In •'lll'h ""'"" 111 r11n "'"' I~'' ur thrtoo• ,.,., k~o ro!l tht• l'lllil'lliS unc1 DIIJ .,._, It 1 e lUll .., ,._,.n-... OCMITA .._, oln'<l dtllflt,•n ttfro•t n C ,111•tmn~ I "'"' t•• to I lho• I \It till >II ·n .,•nf n • 1\o• \\'l•r Actvo•rll•r l..,.pa111 t' oor Tlu IC«<tui'M F.uty Ofne'f'o---(:clHTA M~A BANk a.tt• 1 Ofn.... ...._: .._... se-...1 ......... ,..._......._MI .... I Ill> I rurlc•r~o ullko· lto·o•nmo• t'llJlftl!l)oo•d an lhi'ar work c.-.mplo t an.: tlwar tour. thl' llt>lll- r•g~ hRI'f• (o und I hl'lr lift> "oot k Tht•) wall l'l:ontlnuo• In tlw m f't1tl'lll rf'h~tlllhiRhon work lhry htwr startNI until thr) 11rr no lonal'r n<'f'dl'd . llal snya "Thl' n<'i"d Ia 110 grt'a t. With the USO ttointt o ut of ulttl'nrt' and -o m11ny ~:nod rt'hab lr chnldans l(•llvan~t ihP SPf\'tCr thl' 'forttollrn ml'n· ~~r•• artttna only m<'dlocre 5l'fVII'<' .. TI1rouahour 1 h•' rountry tht'y founrl Bptsl hy 11nd fl'ar l ncon· sts ll.'nry or Amf'r&t'Anlllm was pro· do;minant In lht' n.yjnn's <'apHotl nnt1 Nl!<lwnrd lnltl wHitt 11111 1'1111· N1 atv• "lw·rl oof Aml'rlr nn Fro•(·- dom ' ih\'rt• was >~nlt·Aml'rtrnna•m a n.t rnmmunl•t u• llllitudNt 1'\'o•n "horo• !Jnp ado•11 that WAll r vld t•nt \\'11~ tho· rondurSl'mf'nt •1f tho· t••la larutn!« ~tntrmrnt rhnt """ o·.w hU) ll"I\C't' JIO~I ~~~ luna.:, !lto·n I llo a.:tln~: wall ho·.:•n rarln~; .. IJnl "IIIII ih:at ht~ •·o\mmo•H'I ol 1 rul'lc I,., ""' IHHttP• r..rl h 1 m an I man~ \\II)'~ llo· c·nuldt>'l ptaolu- ,::n ot•h I h•• \ ..tlol'll' IH•f;,n· All\ ••I tho• moll11111ol mnnunv nt•, 1''11tolrlt1 1 drt\'f' duwu m rlln lhnrnu~ltlar••" unol •·oult1n't park In ""'"'''onuolo·rr- a;ol "" ~~~ ~ '"r)"hf'ro• t h••> Wo'nl lh•· llotrTtrtf.!< rlas tnhu!o'ol N••" JIOrt - llrolh"" Jllllllphlo•t<. In l'o Hl'YI· \llnlll rho•\ rlroolo• th•ar 111wk tn a pnrnolo .orul rlt~l r ''"'" •I /urw lro•rl• nl p.omphlo•l• An• II ho·a httraolar.o Jl 11 ·'" I h• <'a II fttrnw llo • ""'' pitt•·, ,.,,..,,.,,,11) In F l .. n da '"" """"''1.:' '''"' o1 1-'o•••ltn~; ',.,' ~• rnm:h nl"'"' t II•• ,, ,,,,,.,, ''llf•·rana.: rrl'lnl "'' n t.li mallulj"''"'' nt-anol lh•· "'""" anti tnltol• •a •Hll•· olt•lt tllllilotll "' th• r ·tl·~ "'"'' n.ot. 11nt1 '""""'''"r' tho ll••mna.:• "all \'1~11 hn•ptlltl~ In 1 111~ ar•'lo fill II IIITlt' tonial lllt'Y h n\t f1ltlJ•I .. fl utal rt flUttt •tUttftl pa•~•n!: U''••rnll plan. lrnmo•rltlolt• plron' tn•·lw l•· ;on .1r1 l')ohtlnt unolo r 1 ho •pnn•••r~h•~ of lht· \'F\\' I""' ,,,..·,oil> arul lltlotllto•r ••xhahll •n Ft•ht 111or) oof ~"Ill<' uf ih•• \'r•trr an•' "nrk In ltv S••ntllo• Ar t (;,.ll,.r~ . • Honor Roll· · Prosperity Pluu:ars T. ~NJAY Anchorage of Southern Calif. ._ OtwMe,. • '-a Mua. o.n-n--- o..pletta ....... ~ • o-. ......... ,.......... . ._ ...,..,r .. .. •• V\e ()pert. DltAN W. CAMPBI!U. Lester & Co. •-Iller Loe A•.,.._ 810C'Il l!•eilallp ~t. ............ Vo,..,...... .,._,. .. Ill I!. Oeetral Aore.., R&lllo&. PIL llattMw toll Clark & Company lllda.trial . . . o ,...,_t.aJ ....... I'L Nttw-port .._., ~ Harbor U. Greeley and GrimeR Insurance AR'ency "SEE '\JS FT>R ronrn;rnON" len Main •u,...t U.rbnr tOM ... Raii»M I . II'. Woncta. Newp~rt B ,..__. M ......,_ Ets-Hokin & Galvan N.wport ~~~rh • S11n F'r11nrl_...,, · W11mlnjf11ln S11n fJI•'W' • Rtr,..k ton ELEC'TR.IC:IA N Ill ... ---M0'7 1000 ('~ "'' .. Franci R J.llorvath Real ERtate a-T•• .... ...t.--r..t .. raa ........ .. om-: 1!11 UIUI -tlarbor 11106-a B o._: 111151• -RartMJr •ttt-a Newpnrt I!I'Mt'll Padraic B. "Pat" Evans Life • Health -Accident All Types Personal Insurance llutlor 111M • tatO E. 8arf D r . • ...,... Dr. Marven J. Reitz Pi1}'lddan -Surgeon "'"' Of"'-: I'""'J)Jrt 8eadt Vu Na)""' Oalll. 'lMI W. O.tnl Hit ·V-N•JII Ill ... Mlnn•: Ra~r Ul·• ,..,_: ..... 6-1.., o.a. a lltrlt\ller, ,..,..: r . A . ....,.,.,.,. Vlea ,.._, RAJ V. llaraMJI, ,-,_,_ Seaport Boat & Yacht Corp. ft 1 OaMt Rwy. rtL ft • rt.olr aut. N f'wpert .._.. BoUfWM'd t "'l""r a st-....._ CM-TNIIWI ..... ,~ .. .,..~ • IID'Ifllil-li'lal • ,..,., The Gem Shop w ....... ,..., ......... ......,, ... _ ...... ............... '-nfJlEI! TODD 8R08 ~ TO DDS DAIRY QOALIT'I' AND IRIIVIf!'a IM ......... aal8treat-...... AM -...__ • 1 ................ ._ ...... ....... ---..................... ' ._ ....... ,.. VOLNEY IIAY. JR. Hay's Camera Exchange .,... ... o.-.. ... ,....... • o....w (~ .......... . .., 1!. O.tral ftA &II -...,._ Linwood Vick • Realtor • Ill Marl-A"'--...,._ hluMI llaftlor ttU·W . , . Rariwlr tu-M Ofmflral ln•uranM "JOHN J>ORY" CHOICE SEA FARE .r e PCW\JI .AR P1Uc:T.S e -~J-tftl at PU--au. 1-·W M. l't. RF:F:RE, Manqer ....... Culbertson Chevrolet Co. Chevrolet -Oldsmobile 1001 WMt ONtral Ave. Ph. Harbor lUI BOB Kil..I.Zn:R. MC~ Coast Properties Co . ..., .... _a...- "'We ..,_ Ow t:ntJre Harbor A,_" •1 &. O.tnl A---a.l....._...,_. - H. W. FOSTER Harbor Shoe Shop SYIOE MAKING ARTI8A.N • UPA.IIUI • o.no.. a.at ....... ~-Dr ........... ., ..... reot o..ton , .. &. Oaaw.l -....... -~ -··--··-·~··----.. In 11f1r r m~>ny ll••l:a}•. In• tlr11•n "''l After lhr nlta('{'ro M•• "l'l~m••·j '""' ... ·~ .... -·--·-tty (fA offf't'ings.. Bui in~ thl' """t•'ITl tor t~arhan"' And hilt 'd. Uw prost"rllm rnntlnut .. throu~:h 11111)1 of ('Vf'ry Amrrlf'An .. oosts are ltUI &oinl up. I I ~ ' " Ill Ow United StatH alon~ tht'T'e en 50 ~nt kindl or wood· ~ DURA LITE METAL WALL TILE .. FISt -0eoonUve .....,_, • Waterproof c.. Be Applied- New or Ola-8arfaoe C....t Tile. llooiiJII ... Jl1oorblc . a•·••II•IMtee Jz.te'hU. FREE~TE ~Given ... ILUIIJ08 2115 Paeific 1ile & Shingle &J. ... ...,.,.... Jfew,.t B • (WI. tlu• !'~:•·~;"' ml'l· (11'111 ' .... , ...... tiH' " u r l d ,. \' «' r 1 r n u h I o• ol 1t1 mnk• ~tn 11rt of ''"''"' J mrh '" Joollfl~llll w kll Suzy Toles Her Time, ArriYes Jon. 1, 1948 Conrt~ntly expPCtl'd hy her ~nta. Mr. and Mrs Luc:l\15 Smith, Ill or 432 Avocado ave - nue, Corona de-l Mar. as a C'hrlat- mu citt, Suzy diaplayt'd a mind ol hn """' and prft4"ntro hPI"'k'lf on New Year'a Day 81 8 :11 A.m. in Community ~plt.tl. Tht nr w dau~thtn of the N<•ws-l ,Ttln4'l' l'ditor and C<H>'I''llrr tlp~d lht' sr altt AI nine pounds. thrff I fourth!' Ql 11n ount'e. This Is th!" secnnd l"hild for thl' Smiths. the 1 oth,.r two and 8 h11lr )'l'llr-old Lucius Smith, IV, othPrwlsr knt>wn I u "Duffy". HoworcJ Huglt McMillon l Is New Resident Nnw Wl'll Mlahti!lhN1 111 llflmF Is ~·•un10: Howard llu~h Ml':'>hiiAn., fiNll rhild of Mr. and :'>Irs Hu~:h Mc:\1111nn, Wntmin~trr~ n\·rnu!". ~"•'"pori llt ights nnd third ,tl'nPr-~ ation Nl'ii'Jlflrtrr. He was horn OPe. 23 st St JO!Icph hl'!'lllllll and welghrd l'iRht pounds. fb·•· 1111nrt~. Mrs Jack Pilkln~rton or Clcn- dale, alatcr of Mn1. McM•IIan, who hu ~n with ht'r ainl:e hrr re- turn from thc hospitAl, "'""' hoTTW" Sunday, nlled by the illnt'U of her own t"*-o chlld~n and also or hlr' mothlr, Mra. Olear Moe, ln wt.a. ~ ~ had bet>n left. ........... , ... ___ _ I PRINTING STANDARDIZ ED to AAVt' you hoth time and mon('y. BEACON 55 2 5 A. C. Spencer II 13 {'out IDr;hway Francis J. • Horvath INOOME TA.X SERVICE Fedt-raJ and Stat~ orne.: 32ft ~th St. PbODf' Harbor UWl.~R RNideace: 116 S5th Sl PbOM Harbor 19!2-R • Feminine Activities CASTAWAYS' CHATTER a, HAMer l"&Wrvft l!WS is gnlng to w a wonderful y('ftr, mollt CoUu ~. and to thOSl' who art> unhappy because it MIGHT bt> a TOUGH one, rernem • tx>r this. hoys and ~;als, 1 give you thls ON"E QUESTIO N : T-Shirts Catalina McGl'l'gor Turf Sweaters C.1tallna Medllcott Slt't'veless Sport Shirts Wool Plalct!i Mt>n of C1Jif. McGregot· Dress Shirts Spit't' Oxford Sock s N<'\v ~alnnd Holepl'oof • WHERE ELSE rN '1'1IE WOaLD WOU LD YOU RATtiER SPEN D IT! I've just -got my fingers cJ"'SS(>d tha t the d ty fathen~ will make a point, ALWAYS, of preserving the chann we have right now, around our Harbor! If thfoy do. the folks themst'IV('S will remaln the grand people they arl', too. Ye8, I do belit>Vt> In environment inllumcing po.'Of>le, but Qt ~:OW"St' Utcy in. LUm can. lf they Jet their !oot aJJp, "PPiJ that envii'\Kimt•nl OR keep their feet on tht> ground and pl"eS('~ lt. CASTAWAYS' CL1'B STAaTS NEW YI:Aa JUOin'! ••• . . • ThOll(> who ar<' worrying about hard tJmH wiU be delighted to know that Cap'n [)on's club on the bluff. which Is rega.nWd 8JI one of tho-plact'S "ht•r<' you can throw an extra-special nl~ dinner party. Wll.'l not onl\· hu'llt'r than a hlvt> of bees over the holidays, Btrr started the New y,:nr off "'i th u TERRIF1C bung, In fact, tht> biggest W('(>k. l>nd since St•)Jtt'mbcr. I hnd a par ty or four wlth me Satunlay night and had to wa it for a tablt·. <•verything I could lit"t' wa.s taken exct>pt a couple of "deuces"! ANOTIU:B PIR:\TE TREASURE STORY .•• ... ABOUT CAUFORNIA pirate~~! ... who u.ed to take over ships and mu~r the crews or those who went ashore on a treacherous point abovt> Santa Bama ra! ... and buried at~ loot Crom )'e ~ship "Spanish Main." the genda~·caught the pirate!!, by smok- ing them out of a cave. but nt'Ver di~ !f'ld the eold! ... Rotter Fowler. Laguna artist who paints the beautiful natJve pls he rememben from 1acoe.ea. N-~ ~Idea. ao.ya loluM, Peny Joluuon, I!Wllde lolla· Tahili and writ<"r ol such songs as ''Tahitian l.ullaby" which you may •ton. lolla ~ • ...,....,... IUar, Janet IUnr;, Mar~taret IUpp, Lee hav<" hl'ard artist Rolf Armstrong and ShuShu his model singing Kal(llt, BUJ a..._.,._, l:daa t..aae, l olita l.anaard, Lo MIMI I.Aurte. around the fireplace late t'Venings last summer, 1s the boy who was Mary Lee IAwte, 11abJ J.Aurte, Dorothy LNI, Sa&RC'y UlllfO J erry pouring all this !'<-'W excitement lnto_Cap'n Oon's ear 'tolher nlct.t. He Uqo, Lee 1...1oa11user Pal lleM-ten~, J-el Maw110a. Jeft' Meek, wants Don to dir up the treasure hnder which only buzzes Cor rold. ('arl& Meraer, ~·IIUier, llatllJeea Meataa, Ethel Mitchell, Joy Says Fowler Junior : "Better keep it away frQm Pop's TEETH! ~Ut.chell, MUT lloralee, laekle PIUIIIpe, Velma Pridham. Ma.rtut FROM Ml' H OLIDAY BAT, A FEW NAME8: J"ltt.. PIUJ Saadenoa, MUT S&ebeapneaer, Karl~lllnc, ~ . . tht> J1m nlin,gworth.~ ot Costa Mesa. also the Chapmans ot Ann Mc.Pherwa. IIIII S.)'der, llobert Staat•. \'I!Jini~Lal.l1q. a.,.;::: C'o!;ta ~MI'M. th!' Rob Rnpps of Newport Beach. Ed and Ev<"lyn Field bar& Strl~, 1-T.a•tu.....l"~ 'hoy~e Tt'nny110a, SbJrley of CoronA del Mur. Barbara NleiSt>n also of CO!ita Mesa. Harold & Ann 1]Ulm..-, .llldde 'l'lioiDu, Betty Tippitt, Betty Vpcllk~. All<"~', Griffith of Kewport, ttw> Amon C. W('SIS 1\nd the Franklin D. Windles \'ouiC'Iat.. Pll)'lla WaUW.., leaalae Weat, Gloria Wllllt', Bob White, hoth or ~f'WfiOrl. and from Balboa Island: Bonnie & l.auanne Taylor' ~Hut Wll~ Jim Wood, ltalptt Rortck, Jim Rortc•k, Janw. Run-y. Jule Mnn.hall. DarlPne Taylor. and Dent Robinson. AJso saw Dr. & Mrs. W. T. MO<'IWY of Newpor1 Jl<>ach ~ RO!is MCN<"ii!S o( Balboa Engagement ol Carolyn Spicer Announced 1 At Formal Teo in Harbor Island Home 1u ·tist Burt Baldwin & Mr§. Rnld\Vin t•f the "Occnn Wnve" and CO>ot~ M"'"· who W••f'l' cntl'rtaming Pat Fl'rry, art director of Bulloc-k~. Dr. P hil Mo~an, rnll'rta.inrn~; f•w n l the Stan Laur<'l lahlc. John Haddon thr• Johnnr , Snhnnnow~ or thP t·E.~CLIJX'," c. c. Klafr at th(' Ht'art~ anrl FJnw('r; tablt•, Doc Jln..:lln~t"· lhf' F11'<'tWood &Is. Btll Cro!lby. new Voyagen;' Commodo~. t<'llln~t Cap. D. about a Scotch pipe "i th two ''Prns, thf' Oenr~c CoHrn11 •·nto·rtain!ng a t their favorite table, the f'll llf'l' Rmsh Mnn. whc!'f' rhl'lr nnm!' 1s tatOONJ, New Yea rs Eve; Jack Jlntrnn1 a t the Hearts &F1owl'ro;, Doc Crus a nd family. and fourt~'<'n nf th \'O)a~t<'~"' at the Mt•rmfXli'>P lftblf.' in the MPnnaid Room, the W. R ~lcRumr•ys, P. 0 Davis I'Otf'rtninmg eil:'hl at the Dttic Lamour tnbi.-LA~u Bnll z with four. F. W, Tomblin wit h <'ight. thc Parkmuns, thQ C K. ·~11 11'S, thl' Hull!<, tho> JIO'itingJ<, and the ~'is Johnson.~. Community Ployen to Elect Officers, Cost New Proc:Juction Harhor Community Plnyl'rs \o.ill hnh1 rhrlr nnnunl mPPtin~ Mnn- dny. J m. 12 n t 7 :30 p m in th1· Newport Bf'ach Grammar !<l'hOOI nuditorlum. Officers will b(> o'll'ct· cd and riVI' nr w boa rd ml'mbPn to S<'rvo• two-yrar t<'rms. Another boar$1 mrmi:K'r will b<' I'II'Ct('(i to ~erve fnr one year, to fill thr vacancy lert by the resignation of Don Dickf'nnan On the following Wednesday evening there will be a serond meeting at the auditorium with t ryoutt for the sl'cond offerln~<: of thr playo•rt, a main stage produc- Oon. ' MY LAt;GK FOR TODAY: You monkPy with an ouija hoard a t your own risk ! .. _ Don's pals Al1b unol Ore Boyd ar!' St'llling down on lht> quarte r-deck for a littlc ll~tht cntr rtainmrnl. Says Don to the Board, "Have you got a cute m•"'531tl' for Dec!" Say~ tht> boord: "LA>ave now!" O r ALL the guya Don real.l)· IOV(>IO to sre !!tick around, Its the BOYDS! Semi • Annual Sale of Custom Made Lamps 20% Discount on Entire Lamp Stock Antique Furniture and Brie a Brae reduced also OOIWN A DEL MAa MATIENNITY 8TYLU Washable Rayon & Cotton D p MJa Carolyn Spicer, "'"-~n­ '*«"'IM!nt w Cart Rurkr Jr. w.,. announo.'f'd at a l .. n al tht-honw of hfor pa'"'t", ~I r. and ,\1,., Wallr r S. Splf'cr, tlarbor bland. '""'brl~room-rlt..:·t, who I• t~ ''"" of ~r. and Mno. ('&rl Burke u . of Bol~~e, Idaho, "'Ill C'lalm hla bride ln July. photo by Seeley t~oMrt)' (·onUnul'd "" I'&«" 7) 81&8: t ton C Only Complete Maternity Sltop in Orange Co. i Let It Come As a Surprise Arnr•nt.: ll'·•g•" fpr alun11num rf'- porll•fl O\.••r ·,p \t :1rs a..:" w, r•· nlu- m<nli!l' eoll:tr o; (o.r "(lrt•" h HrS<'S, aJum1num "l"h'~'"''"• 'nakl'·lllllllf a lummum lonttl I• ..:t:tn.;, 0111d a lu- minum <;p<H1<.:•• huXPS Q:)onna o'11la'l.i£ ~fwp. Misses Suits Tailored Wool ___ Hollywood Premien!' Gralf Oassic Were 29.95 21.95 .J 3.95 ... 22.50 . ---.12.95 Petite Casual Gertsman Dresses Inna Hill Cotton 24 Y2 ... 8.95 Ann Foster Crepe .t ........ 10.95 Graff Golfer -·---.. .12.95 Perky-~n ..... 10.95 Skirts Gertsman Wool Plaid .... 10.95 IUS SORTB MAIS, AR<'ADE BLDG., SA.'"'TA .<\.'lA TEILPKONI: MOll Now 19.95 12.95 8.95 13.95 6.95 6.95 7.95 9.95 6.95 Sweaters Catalina Jaquard Martin Sli f)-on Shirts Were 9.00 -4.95 White Stag Wool Plaid. ... 8.95 White Stag Gabardine ·--5.95 Tee Shirts .............. ----· 3.50 Tee Shirts ·-------... _ ----· 1.95 Slack Salt&-Graft .............. 16.95 Sbo1111-Gratf . . ............... 3.50 Blouses Seersucker ... .. .... ·-------2.40 l Now 4.95 3.49 4.95 8.49 1.96 .98 10.96 2.49 MEN'S SHOP .lacketa-AJJ Wool ............. 10.95 White Sheers ... _ .. _ .. _____ 3.95 Rayon Stripes .......... 3.95 1.49 2.49 2.49 \\'•·~'~' !"fow ~-00 1.96 :.z.oo 1.49 1.6!1 .98 Raincoats w~ No" Men's ............. 18.95 11.95 Men's . 9.95 5.95 Olild's 8.50 4.95 10 00 1.86 Robes . f ·"o 215 Wool Plrud ...... 25.00 10.95 4:n;; tiM» su.,.,.,n ..... 5.95 3.95 Jackets White Stag 1·1 i :-\ '7.M R;'i() 4.95 'karounck!or .. 8.95 ll.!lfl 4.95 Belts . t.;,(l 2.95 Hand-Tooled Cordovan Caps 2.!1!l 1.75 Baseball 1.110 .75 .. 5.00 2.00 --1.25 6.95 2.96 1.00 .98 Linens Bridge Sets Table Sets Table Ooths . Embroidery PiecN Bunk Sheets 54x99 Bath Rag Seta Spreads ChenHJe Rayon . Draperies .------------------ 2.95 4.00 3.95 1.95 2.49 2.49 . Half Price 1.79 . 1.49 4.9i 2.95 ........ --16.50 . 8.50 9.9.') 4.95 Robes Chenille ......... ·-----......... 10.95 6.49 Brushed Rayon . -------..... 14.95 7.95 Rayon ........ _ ................ 13.95 6.96 Raincoats . ..... ____ .... _ ......... 13.95 8.95 Girdles Thmrny-In Pantie ____ ...... 2.95 Tummy-In Reg. Girdle .. 2.50 Romance Reg. Girdle ...... 7.75 Romance Reg. Girdle ...... 5.75 Slips Satin ................................ 2.95 Jt>rsey ................ .. ........... 2.50 1.95 1.49 4.96 3.95 1.95 1.95 ~-Ya-~ Off ~~(J~ Ma<k!-Up Drapes .... Woven Stripe Yardage .... Monk's Cloth Print __ OrafX'ry Crash OraJX'ry Crash ......... . S03 MAIN Stnet 9.50 3.79 1.95 3.19 2.00 5.95 1.85 1.29 1.95 1.49 Panties Cotton Rayon .49 .'71 BALBOA. .. to Manning Memorial Dinghy Series to_ Be Sailed Jan. 17-18 NEWS. TIMES SPORlS TufOolday, laa. e, 1148 Wltll J1ob Geier Thl' Wl'ather man didn't take my hint when I suggt'stl'd that he blow snow down from thf' mo~n­ tairu~ for Christmas. lie must h&V<' ~n miXl'd up and thought it wu the 4th of July. Robert Peter- son and Wil· lanm M orr Ia c-ompleted their first solo flights and l'njoyed the thrill that CQmrs but once in the lifl'llme of a p il o t. Crorgr Rl'gan. o v r rcoming a handiCIIJI Of h11VInf: bUt Ill\(' arm. rompli"tl'li his trnlmn~;: and did a s::ood jnh of pnssln~: n Private Fll~;ht Tt•st Oon McC1ymnnds and FrNI 0 !1\'il's ulso rl'('t'l\'l'd the-Ir privati.' IIC<'nsrs. ns did Rutwn Lasky Hu~n tuok hrs complck trainin~ and ~;ol Ius lict•nse m oni.' month's lime. Floyd Seamans. who star·tcd in lh<' school ten months aj;to with no pr!'\'lnus nylng, compll'led a commt'rt'lal flight CQursc and Is a n!'w comm<"rcial pilot. He Is now going on to become a flight laist ructor. Carl Phl'nhc, Orang~ County airport pilot. entrred the Army Air corps In January or 1944. tak· lng C.T.D. light plane training at the O<onvrr Unl\•erslty. After a prf'niJ;:ht roursc at Santa Ana. hr took Pramary Flight with Rankin's school in Tulare; Rasic F11ghl at Mintt•r F1t>ld In Rakrrafield ; and advanC'cd night in PhOI'nlx at Lukt> ffl'ld . He WM disehar~:ed from PhOI'nlx In August of 1946 and rrturned to Santa Ana where h<' took a Flight Instructor's rourse and IX'CIIJTIC an Instructor with tht• Mnrtln School of Avla· tlon Nll'l' going Carl. ODD FAM"S AROUT FLYING: It would S<'<'m that pllnl!! of trans- port planrs during tht' war carrlt>d lots of snakl's. For rrHsons of IK'· curity, high gov<'rnment an.d mill· tary officials traveled under U· aumed names. In order to notify d('Stinatlon ntflcials so that proper sl<'fl!l eQUid tw-' takt'n, th<' lettt>N V.J P wC'rt' addNS to the person'• naml' and m!'ant "Vt•ry Import· ant Prnon." Thry we-re soon re· ff'rr!'d IO 1111 \'IJl('n W ell. ao lf1ng Fnlkl'l, Sk\ ·RQb with us ni'XI WN'k and mrol'l Mrr- r<'llr Cox, nnothc•r \'rll'rAn pilot Sergeant Shorb 1 Says •••• I \\'rll, ht'rl' I am hnck tn thco mMI wondt>rful SJIOI in the world. Yl'p, tht• 8<-ach Arrn hn~ lht'm all t>t'nt~ I uscod to build boats around hcore as n clvtlian and sincl' returninll (n lhC' Army and lx>in~; Power Squadron To Welcome New Members In Jan. Regatta Adds To Winter Series Ttw nnn11111 Mnnnm.: Mt'morittl ChamJ.Iwnship Serle& fur saUlng 1~1 Powt-r Squadron ml'mhcra dln~;hlt•8 w111 hrln.: No•wport liar· \\111 hold a dinnt-r mt't'lln.~: Frl· llor anotlll'r In a mld·wlntt-r stri~ dn~. January 16. 7:30p.m. ut thc lllf r••t:altus wlwn tht'y lll't undo•r· Ralboa Yacht Club. to W<'lcome Wll} Jan 17 and 111. 1lw t'\'l'nl. nt'W nl<'nliK'rS from Othrr IIQURd· UJio'll 10 till t} fl<'l Of dlnl(hics, Will rons, Mrs. G. L. Andrt>WJ an· bt• twld undl'r tht> sponii<Jnhip of 1 noun('('(! loda)•. CaJ,fornllt Ynrhtm.: AssodRiion. Elc:ht nu.•mbl'rs have transf~rred Pro,•idinl: nn opportunity fni· from othl'r squadrons to the local the· lar~;t> ytu'hl skip!)l•r to dt'mnn· group within the past mon th, she strAit' hla rtn•'ll~· with thl' small 5ald. 1 be1at . the arrio'a wu tw~:un back J. L. Munson, N , (na\'igator) in 1936. At that limo• tht' I C ownt-r of th<' ('hC('rio II: U a r r y danghy d~'IIIKn waa st'IC"CtNi u a A!lhlon. N, tht> Edna 1..«' and Har· 1 one dcs(J:n class dln~:hy for lntt>r old WhN'I<'r transfrrrcd from tht' I r lub r11ean.: lx'IWt•t-n thl' memlx-r I La« Angel('!! squadron. cluhtl of lht> Southern Californla Edwin Munsey, OWnf'r or tht' Ya!'hlmg Auoclataon Ont' of tht' sloop K im transff'rr('(f from Lon& l .:uidtnl: h~:hta of this rllu.s wu 8<-ach Robert Damon from On·~ ~ E. Manmn~ot "hotit' unttrin~; 1 ·1 cinatti: T. C Kussmal, N. from work hdJ)('d makt• tho• clttss J.IOII- \o1umbus. Ohio. E. W. Fields. ul1tr r. . t• A. P . ladvanCt-d pilot) from Santa I In 1937 M11nmn1: p!IS~ aw11y I IS .,ILL f'LOWEil JI'Oil THE aou: Rtl\\ 1-11,.,.. '" thto Woi\'W'rt ... u ....... of tiiMo tlah ...... ty of Mk-111· Monica and Lawn•uc<• \\'ilk from 11nd t h ,. Southo·rn Cahforml'l l1l8 footbe.ll a-m Uult waJaopM llatYf'Nt~·"' l'ooulhf'tR C'allfornla Ia U. a-ftowl-S•w v-r'• ltay Cle\l'land, Ohio YtiChlirll: As<~odnti!on dt>rull'd thlll ~• • 0. u--.,..., ~ton to rt_.t.. u.rk IUfo•nhura, f'n!l; lUll t•rttula, t-k.lfo: ~-f&obalf'Ookl • .,..,t; lo .. n C'ommandt•r llt'nd<'r~on annnunc· A rhAmpaon~lup lt•ru•s ~hnuld bel "ll.ll.e, ~w11r :1~ LHJ.!!a~~ l~'~~l•••ln l: and Ht.-Muua, f'ted. Barkftf!ld-•"'· Wt to rta .. t . o•s thr: nppoin.lmt•nts for I hi' .class-ho'ld an h1~ nll'mory rnrh Januar)'·l· ~~= :;.f~ ..';,~. • •k \\o·l.,...lhf'ra<'r , tuii!Mw>k : 110"'ud Y~ •~•......,.k. 8114 1\ob !'S of mstruc-uo n to be· J . L Mun-The• Manmn~: trophy \IllS cast nnd --- son. N. chairman or Ad\'llnrt•d lh<' ~f'ri1'S w11~ lwld for thl' flnt STATE TURF CHAMPIONS-HIP' AT SANTA AN ITA Gradt•s. assislt•d hy Ht•h<>rt L 1 11ma• 1n I~ 115 \\'t'll a~ t'll<'h suc- Ro)d, J .N , tjuntor na\iJ.:IIIllrl : •·•••d•111: )o•ar, 111 tho• l.n~ An~:o•lt-s H urry Ashton. :>:, l'hlllrman of Yao'hl l'luh until 19-13 ''ho•n 1t hurl ~P<'Cinl Cl11sses B11yd wall so•r\ o•l lol ho· mu\ t•d tu Al11rnllu~ Bny 114•- as l'hHirman .. r Ad\ am·o·d Pilot •'11\1~·· or Wltr l't)Sirlt'll()ns In Los cluSSI'l', nssislt•d hy Ashton. E W An~;t•lo•s llnrhur In l~lfi il was Fi('lds. and Ala n Crnl~;, .I 1'.: tllt"'"d 111:111n ltl NI'WJioorl Jlorbor Clm<~f'S art' also ht·lcl an St>A· Yu1'111 l"'uh. man~hip, W<•nllw r, :'ll11lur :'>k· In H\17. ht•I'IIU~l' of tht• loss nf dwnacs 11nd S•~;nalan~ f'OJIUinrll} ut rho' I (" din~:hy to \\'hrn hair of tho• Pl}moulh ~-olony of Pill(nms dll'd duran~ tho•ir rust '"nl<·r in Amt•rwn. thl' sun ivnrs lo•\l'lhod lht• l:rll\'o'S and so-...t>d tht•m "'ith ~:ra1n 111 thr ~pran~: to conceal thrir IOSS('S fmm tht' Indians, according to the Encyclopardia Britannica. III'WI'r I) flo'~ und clll~~.-~. It was do•t•idl'd Ill llJII•n lho'' Sl'rh•S 10 all r11H51'S or dln~:hi··~ rnc'f'fl hy South· •·l'n Cnlif;1r n111 Ynchtln~: Asso- ritor iun mo ·mh••r,., and '" still pr..- st•nt lhr Mannln~ trophy to tht' wrnnrr or the I.C l'lnss Lm•l Yt'Hr's S<'rl<'ll had over 70 C'ntrles. NO TUBE, NO PUNt.,'TURES-Thl.s ring-shaped piece of rub- ber 1s an early stage or the revolutionary new automobUe Ure, wntch requires no Inner tube and la self-puncture-aeal- lng, being readied for the market by B. F. Goodrich. Molde<l Into Ita nnlshed form. lt look.s exactly llke the con.ent1onal tlre, though It haa several Important c1Uferencea 1n tnt.ernal construction. Saturday, .Jan to, nt S11nta l th.• It'' \1, '"'"', ll,llltlu·,al• , Anlln park Will h•• n'l'l·l••tt•'r dny 11 ,, ''"' ''"' h rhut c'uC'tc!l 'J' for { 'ahfnrn111 hor·~··s 111 ''"' 11hrt'· C'llllol! o1 . ~. ,. 'I'• ,. ~ •. , •. "11111,,,. ,,, \ Hlll'd rout• rtt('o.•-tJll) wo•t•k , Tut•S· oluy hl'int.: dark '11"' Snnln C'nla· lma H1tndic11r at 1 •.. "''"'"· t•na· hll'matie nf 1111• sllllo' l llr( r'lllllfll~ 10nsh111, ill tn hr r1m nntl lht• l••ad· an~: homc•-hn•d fnHis, (our·}t'ltr·Oidl t•nd up, will ,,.. St'1'11 an Ill' I iun. It wiO ho.· th<' fourih ~~1.1'100 11takrs ronh·IUo'·d so fur tlurm.: 1 ht' racin& season whi<'h "all ho· rllmnJCI'd by thr runnln£ nf lht• $100,1101) Srmta Anttn Maturity on Jan. :u. and lht• $100,000 · ~:unranti'NJ Sante Anata [)('rby on March 6, tht• rloa· lng day. Estahlished stars suc-h ~~~ F.. 0 . Sticoe & Sons· On T r us 1 with t'hnmpton radf'r, Johnny Longden up; Z. T . Addan~eton's Covl'r Up IBobhy Pt•rmanc>l and Rolling Hills Farm's ArtiiiC'ry t iiC'rb Lind· berg l are l'Onsadt>rt-d hk('ly start· l'rs amon~ thl• many nommatlonll made last Saturday. On 1'ruat won thrcoe stakl's last S<"IISun. lncludlnl the Sanlla Anllo [)('rhy, and wu fourth tn thE' K<'nlucky ))('rby and S<'COnd In Thl' PrC'nknC'Ss. Cover Up took thl' Hollywood Gold OJp and 'fhC' Sunsrt and Artlllt'ry dil· tin~:ulsh('d himl<l'lf with viC'tory In 18)1 \, " ' :-.;out , ( 'urullnu. 111111 Slo•oo t I··''· lh.ot liiii,ho•ol lltutl, Will •I"' to. til 1 It• lin•• "I' tlo11l Will . '" lilt I""' A '' '"", dt11 "'" tho "····k "til br lht llllllillh' "' IIH• ~II II M"l Pull ' lbho·" II llllllt op ul "' fru '""It' 11111 Thm '''"' 1\ H<lllll>o·r "' u,.. woo) II' hor" • "• o 'I• t'lo•tl 111 o•aHo•o Ptoam n• "' "' "'ll"l"'r • puhll~hrr~~ &nd1 mil" • '""'"''" fnocn ••II ol\'t'r tho• • •lltnla' ollo·uolouj,; th•• A~JI(' aat•••l 1'1• • ""''''"'" In l ..o•~ An-~ 1,~11'•. \\til I• Jil•-4• nl llll luonuro•d lriiNol• l( .. h. 1 1 :'lld •·un, 1•r,.~1do·n1 ot tho· """''•'''"' l'n'' nnd pult llalwr "' tho l'lulrulo•lphlll llullo•tln. Win ••·• ',. "' Jo,.nnntry sto•w11rd nnd 1 :ICrs ;\ld..o·w) I' In rrnwn tho.• win ntr (;m l'rnur E.orl \\'u,.r••n "'"I bt pro•,••nl In ··~•··nr1 11 Wl'le<.fln•• Pr'f'Sido•nr 1 ... •11:h 1\1 Hutl~un. llnoJ f:li'C'UII\ ,. \ tt••· rrt'l'lllt•nl ( 1 tnrlf'!l l H. ~11111o "I l ..tll' Alll:('l··~ 'l'larf Ouh, lnt w 11 I •·rllt•rtntn tho• not~hlo• \l•llur~ wllh IIIC'If ln!IIC·•I 111 u lunl'lu·oon In flu• 'l'l.u·r l,uh'Jl Prtliult•nl'• r11um Moro• lh110 11 hunlloo•ol h:o\1' IH't'o'fllo•d ln\'itullnns IO Atl•·nol California 01t Of Doors By VIC MINAHAN United Press Stalt Coc ret~pondent SACRAMENTO, f Jnn fi IUf'l o·ut to '"'' w1th th<' nr111t•d pro1vl"u Th<' lnnc • awmto·d rrfolnn of C'th lho•y mtoy lw• t•rnt)!hl 11nly on fornin's ~pori!< fashm~o: laws ~p-Wralno"Soin). S:o tur•la~. Sun1ho~ nnd , Jlltn•nlly 1!1 In ho•Nomr a r<' oltl} lwltdnys 1111~ Yl'rtr Anllr iJMIIcoc ''''' tlt••r n l'lllllurnln 1 AI lrAst. lhr nurl'llll or Fl<h olo.Jc'rl inn~ "''I rho• l.llf r "1"'11101; C'nn<U•f\'llllnn has ols ''"nll•tn uf •h•' nf thr trnlll •• '"""· T:olr ''"'' thnt nt>r.-ssary rhanJ;to'~ all drn"n up lhl' tr• ncl ro~··nrh "'" J •. ,.,, '""nrol ami writ prrsl'nl tho•m tor Ill• "''" a lato•r npc•nuw '" 1;1\• ~m.oll lash, aud r.amt• rommos<o~tn 1n "an rmrtal'lllnr ly IIIWr•oll l .,,, •·llu·:ul, 11 Fr1nro"f"' Jan 9 rond 10 hC'IIf'r olonn;•o• "' "In 1\ o1 HIALE.tll -Nam~d for the F I o r 1 d a m ce track. thLI striking black and white harlpquln print. two-plrre . ensPmblc wllh tom~ tor110 JackPt, buttonrd waist. and full-cuftrd III('('Vts wR/1 rP- rrntly shown nt 11 !IJ>I'CIRI ~how In l hP W n 111" r f • Astoria. Nt>w York. Th1· lu;l ••f chnoj;to·<; JU"PI"''' •I '" Sporhmo·n "all l~o· •••k•·rl '" tur th•• huro·ou 11 lon,:: anr1 r<~mplw.tl• r1 lh,.lr \ lo•w,, "" lh•• f'rl•l•,..•·d ~··· ( 111 ""''')'. 1110' ull"} u•·~l 111 rnnk- hvt :<port~mr•n whn arr mro·r• ''' ol vl~lon 1<1 lh• ''""11""''''"' San 111~: ht~:ta ,, •. ,.,, '"'''"' ,.,,, 11111.: tunl•. 1n rc•Arting th,.m an full ma \ ,.,, Fr•,,.,.,., ... nll'o lllll' \\'h• II lho• l'•tm· " "'"'"'' '"' '"'"' .,, ,, clrnmoncl cnph•• h} wrilinc.: ''' thf' hill """ ml~~inn llll'f'lll In '"'" Am·• I•• Jan 1 .wc•otrc1111~( '" lltt• \\'.,.lol ll•H•k l•:n ' ""rt' nro• tht> majur rhronc••l :\0 1111d :11. T ufr 'ulol. 11 "'II hl'l •·>•·ltti"''~lllo whirh '"" r·omml~<oton w 111 ho· 11~.k rtllkl'fl '" mrtk!' Ill•· 111lu11:• oHwlnl I'd In Apprn\'1'' I '1'111· 11111jlw Httlli'll h·~ "' o·o·ntrt~l 1. T hI' llf'VC'n l'Ummt>r trnul 2 G St 1 . ., _. T••llnll ur•· r•ll rt•llllllllo(, lil io'k uno1 ·~~·~n· whlrh f d Un5 0 en, rvtay l ··l•oy 1••·~111"'"· ,.,,. """ 1(11111111~ MUll as~illnl'd to duty In thC' &nch ---------------------------- ~· ., . ..,. ~ ron usr !!O mnn)' R O • S fi~ht>rmrn thhr yl'nr will 1w f'UI '" e-e11gn tore '"'"'' '"1111:. 1''"'"'""· loarruturo· llOtl NE \\'POKT BALBOA NEW8-TIII-E8 T l'P'.MilA\' N""'*""' Br6rh. C'aJU. "-· 1. INa Page 5 Record-Shattering Exhibit Seen For 38th National Motor Boat Show ..,_ NV\\' YnnK MollllrhtiRI m""· Jel H h Gets '·"'"'!: •. "''"'"'·,~·· '""' "-"·' ... '"'"' n • n ... ,.k l111: n f"'"""'w uf wluat th•• 1 lee T oph I'll!' ~··"~"" lll'lt\lol<·~ In tlw whit' ns r y 1 n11~,. fi1Ptu t-••nwuh\a,: "•·•11'•·1" ttl •olltcll t'l'llll lo>r aho•leo·rl'd Wllll'rtl, Will htc\'t• 1111 1l(ljkll tuaHh' lu In· 1,u• \VIlllnm hllllt'l' M1'fllnl4&1 •J•'t'l ["' ••t·ui•o•n• tr .. all '.!.'.! '" 4:.! "'""') 1 .. :w )'Wlf'l ollol h111 lt'rt n.rw I•, I In lt•nwth. :.!)1 -tlllh•lnt•, ll\1111) ''' .lo~on llt\Jm, :.0 1, whu ~·• It J\• ul rlu•m •••I \If' 1111 tl11' llo'loll'• wtt II ln•l "~'f'k nil'''""'" -lnn•hn..:. 111111 n<'llrl) :.!llO In '"'"""''ntt..Jn c-.•n 'ftl(<n,)' dur- utl"''" 11 111111 ""'''""ffl run~huuh 1111..: tho• \ ,~111\NI ""'"""'at Nt'W• 111\01 tlltlllh'M nl \ll~f•fll!l IIILt~ 1•111 ll11r1lor, lhf' AYt'l\nt ~~ \\'lUI 11 n'<'"fd··dutllt'tlllll IM11I hy th.' wit .. ~ nt lhfo lalf' r~ ,,f '/:II "'hlhlt11 ln•m :.!!\ atntMI, tlw )awht•mlln, wu l_,.,.'flll'd to Jf'laft ;ulth N11tt.tnnl M1•hlr ll•'•t ahoiW ho'I'IIIIIW'. laat AtiCUII nn th4> N)', a nt•·tlln~.: In {:rrmd Cc•ntral PalaN' llttlo• hollt W ulll'lt C'allf'd flpt 1\1'" 1-'rldl\y ''"'1111111 .• tt~11uary 9, Rail v.-u thfo final tlllfonod by a ,trl untlo•r tlw Rll-l<h'1'• uf thl' Nn-h\ f111l•h 1M r lauk' F11atlt (Jf tM "''"·'' A••o'l'tnthm nt En~tlnf' llnol SnowtalnlA ~'AN' lln111 Mnnufac•tun •ra nm ho .. t ho• ,......... ,.._ olo• .. ·c lllo"<l n• 11nt• o>f tho• IIN'AII'at nnlllk nl l'~l••ltrurn In th•• hi•tory •• r fl'('l o•lllluul11 lllllltln..: lrll II anti. •hoiW nllllllllWr. 1-• ..-,nlhlt'fll th111 roll pr•'' luur; n •o'" ola v.•lll tw• aur INI~I<l'<l Tilt' oll!iplO)!l til lilt' bt•nt o•xhlhlt ttr' Will ho· ruuno1o-t1 nut wllh n 1\ Iloilo· n.•;•t "' <'BI\1'11'11. "'''" It ttl l~•nl• 1111'1111: hydrupltulo'll 111111 ~~~II In~: tonol rnwln~: dlnRhh•A In tt .,.,.,.,,, "~""' 11111'111 olf I}'JIC'Il "nat ~l/1 ... Mil· o low o•n..:uu••. lotii!I<Jiim• /Ill WC'll •• ollo'llo•l, will IH• ttlf•·r•-cl h)' .~) 111111111• lno'ltll<'l'll ·nw ••·•'""" d;•\'oled tn 111nrlr1t' h11nh' nrl', url'1·uurlo-!1 lll'lt1 '"'r' u••• will hnUII4· mort• th1111 1<60 '''"'"''(lf'll TIPS ON WINTER SPORTS CENTERS, SNOW CONDITIONS ,lt•J1n Wll~ 19th Jn A """'ll"d f1efot oil 147 l10111~ 11-IIAII.y A tr\1"1 ni\Wwe nmtlflll lh<• fln~t 10 In the-.,...., """' ul th .. tiny I:J f~f'na. """'-· .:lr'l~ hoovo• Wt)ft II "1\ul nul 1111'," .w.ltt ttw> MIIW'U• ,.,.,,.,. ul Stnr hetnt ~tklflP'r 06ck Ut~hn c f\o't(llt• I "l'v~ .,._lll'd lllna-I w tul II, I 11'1111 111 tho• Srmwbird ~11~tht ,lha• f111Jlt four yo-..na.. Twic. r "'"'t ;.~lth. ""f'' :lht plnn-nnrl now, fo)r 111y l!ltli, f .:ott thh• hNauiiM 1 n~tlhY nntt I'm hRilfl)' " ll•'f~lc'(l h>' Mr11. lnt~lf'f', nnw olf IAWIII\Il f\c•nrh. lUI A IIJll'dal R\11'11"1 l or Kh'l llllilon>, lhn Jnaa.. 1 rcf1Jt\y wu cwllrlnally wnn hy tM lnt<' "'""'"",.__ lnakoe U Ul aWIIn'l of tl\1' J\4Arlnt> and nftd c-lub, with hla notf'd llow ~. on JurM" 13. IIIOR. ,.. bl~t C~tmu nraatta. widl It• )()l hoata and nv« 700 putkJI. putta, battf'fW'II the hatchN on Clftlt of II hfo JtTM I f'lll )'Mrt In Soulhlutd llnlbt1n l11l11nd S1w1rlt11tf {".oo&l hoAtlnc. ~tnr1• h11t1 llo•t'<lfllf' " elt'arln~t N'n· tc•r lor akllnw. •knlln~: and tohnw· l(llnlnll lnfo)rntl111un. Johnny Abf'l, Jnlcl toda)' "Wt>'vl' ~o:nl llw ronnl"<'tlonll unw." hr t'Xplalnf'd. "lo tt'll our f'ltalum"n "'hf'rl' anc1 wtwon tht' ~nnw I• rhcht for •1ntf'r •t'lllrla Wt>'ll IN• lllllil In !WI• tlwo 11111'111 1nform1•ll•1n alon11 tn anyonl' ln- l••rt>lllo-ri If lht-y'll t'nll me al th4> J~~lurt' •• "M ,. til r n I l hu:kllt>ra" • • • I 'nl~tro•!l IIQht l111ll• ICI "l'llrr" Ill· nc·~, • hnr11o• llnlmo•nt 111 11 rrn\4'd)' fur tulw•rntlntiltl' 1'rt111tln~t tn('n, ""'"''" nnrl l'hlldrt•n dh-ct bt•<.'aiiiiC' 111 l llo'h at1vlc-e provldl'd hy Uft· .cTu~loua lakcn. 1\ncl the full .t\C'c n1 1tory ~ ......,_ l'lsbtta .. M. D In 'nM-AlrM'rtcan WN!kly. th11t .:rrat m•11s:r.lnt• dl•trlbulf'd with nrxt ~unday'a Loll Anlt~IN t-:xnmh1••r COMMERCIAL Low Cost-Strong Permanent MORTARLESS INTERLOCKING BLOCK CO. tHI Hutlor Ill.._ Q()"T A MY'"' A l"hoae &e.oo. M89-ll "FtW'ICOIII'n Chlldrf'n" • • • F 11 1 lt<'Ad J F.dlrar lfoowr .. ,. t two homr-. ut t tw nat ton holct tJw N rf' fur jUVf't'lllt dfll~. fif'Ad lhl• lnlltturtiW U'Ude &8 1'hl' ArTWrlt'an WNidy, lM map· rlnr uf rf'al-llff' alorift ctiatrlbua.d with Y•)(Jr copy of Mat ·~· Loll Anllt-1011 •~•amlrwr. .... Upholstery Towns have turnr·d from hulldlng I101Hs to writing nC'Wll columns- Just g()('tl to ~how you what thl' ••lnfhcn~o: two~nt' ~r northern Cnll~~>lu l ri~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~: nnd one for the !loulht>rn pnrr 11f lohnny Ab•of'• RaJhoa ,... ----the <'liiRII'. aad lilporUnc c;.,,.,,. ., ..... ,. ..,., Army can do for you• • • • William M. Standish. 201 Genevn St.. Huntington 8C'11ch. Is now af· IC'ndlng the Army Flnanct' School at the Army Fln&nce Center, St. Louis. Standish rect>ntly re-en· lilt<'d In h is old £radt' of T /Sgt. for service with the Flnantt De· par~nt. Owing the war Stand· ish held thf' rank of Warrant Of. fleer and aerv<'d In the European ThtatC'r • Falrfleld-Su lsan is an unusual Air BaM. because the Trans-Pa· dfic Air Lin~ operat<'l out of thla field. and with a huge operation like that. the bue Is almoat a dty within itsf'lf This Air Line Is ont' of thf' many functions of the Al.r Transport CommAnd, thl' command that haa a rC'cord of 40 mJUiOn mileS Of nying OVC'r the r oughf'st territory In the world without n pallsrn~tt'r fatality. The Air Transport Command dellvrrcd the 01incosr Elxth Army. completr with thoW!and.s of Mon· ~rollan PllCk horses. when the Japs were batlt•rinl: thr Air BasC8 that prot~trd Kunmlng Not a man or horse was lost and thr hasct1 Wl'r<' MVed. )3('1Wt'l'n Vf:. and JJ-Days ATC rt>lurnrd 150,000 men from Europe to lh" United Stall'S to bl' tr11ined for halliE' against thr Jnpant'Se, and nt the he-ight of thl' for 1\11 ATC planr crossed th!' Atlantic evC'ry 8 mln· utes and th!' Pacific 1'\'l'ry 26 minut<'l' Thia is th<' outfit that needs men . . . men of aJmoet every specialty ~ .. If you arc a veteran there's a place for you at the Alr Transport'• bast' at FAirfleld- Suinn located bl'lw<'f'n San Fran· cbco and Sacumento .... Houal,.. Is a\'&.llable! • • • Pet. Ronald Oark , of 2817 Cen· tral. Ne1VpOT't Beach Is home all Northrrn Califnrnla'_. s c• o ~ r• n would run from May 3() tn ()rt :\1 11nl1 thAt fnr soulhl'rn C&Jifnrn1n from May I to Oct. :H II'Xt'•'l'' that in 194R tht> I!IHI"T' would 1111orl on lhl' S11turday nrarMI May 1 1 ITht> JinC' propo!M'd hy lh<' hur"'"' to dlvid<' the 11tate tor trout ar, aon ~ would hi' &lon~t tlrr northl'm bound11ril'tl of Mono 11nd Madt'ra cou:ttll'll. the wMttc>rn btl~· d,.r of FrN!no o.'Ounty, and lhl'n thl· norlhl'm bound!lrll'l of Kin~ts 11nrl S11n Lull Obl8po countlt'tl. 2. Sfl"('iflc lt<'E'Ihead sea110n• would tlf' announN'd; and known landmarlu would he Ulol'd to d~'ll· l~tJ~al,. boundaril't lnltf'l~d of town- ship And fi11h and r:ame dlatrlct hound11rl,.s. 3. A continuoua Y~'ar 'round tllrlprd hall!\ III'IUIOn wnulrt ll4' put lntn ('ff~t. with n r.l-pound 11nd onl'-fi!lh m a x I m u m limit For ~mnllf'r hns11 thr flvl'-tllh limit wnu14 ront I nUl' as WI' II ns thl' 12· inrh kl:~:l' limit. 4 A yrnr 'r flunrt hlark hua 11nt1. 2~ sunfi~h Marin .. Avf'. may """"' "" In fw • hit of rMnodl'lllnr - arouad lh" '"'"''"' •l•h• rtf th,. di•P'ay "lndu\U, at aay rau.. At pr-t. •rnly a low. wood-elat raJIInr ....,.,.t,.. til• di"PP•r• frnm thr pultllr. A.rt1•Ur U1.,. .,,. : but .,. far M pro\'ldlaer prol-tlnll f.w U111 l'lltt..,l•c .,,..,.,. a~ray...t .. UN! wtaclow, th~ ,,...,_ .,II M la.tf-tlvr U th" aldN oe a ba.bJ'• rrlb . ""'· • .U r al. autnmadr l*tol ff'lll ,,.,. '" ll~tht rtnr · -,..,.h .. c crv,.., th .. '""""· A ,_ day• latf'tr, a .1! autr>- lllatic tii~...S. That d.ld IL Ahf'll lrut•frrr· fld aU th" cu•• from lhr d l ... play wladowa .. d hf'Cut ,.,,.. tf'tmplaUnc th(-pr .. tty tlltlr '""",.. with a r rlllral .. ,,., WIIM la•l h...,d from nolh· lntr drutl•· had h,.fall,.• lh<'m. Rut a frll'ftd rtf ttur• had a trood thuurht. "Why," hr • h r "r r "rl, "d.-D'I h<' put up o·hldlf·n •1r,.!" ()n Marin .. """""rt <~unfh•h ~l'lunn with nn lll 71' llmtl hut R dnlly limit nf '"n hrtll~ rond 1 H t>rl' i~ w hat Rurt>nll l"'hl,.f Alnn ·-=~===:-=========' TAft hn~ to ~H)' ohout th" Jlrllfll1" rl l . 'T' I I 1 hrJnll:"ll' lK lUI I r•• •nm•• ro h•··orKnl nl "It hA"' lnr.c ~'!Non T~'MKniN•rl 11 11 lht> J)lllll Anrl hc-lt•r\, wllh nil hf'r wrlumo-.. \ n'l notr nn~tlanl! r·t•l(lllnlortnll hn\1• •I• • IIli th 11111 .. no· , ; .,. 1..,,,.1 llyr••u IT BUTS WORKING -Alex Linton, a 43-year-old nord .swallower, was photographed ln New York enjoylnc a anacll: of four 27-lnch blades at the same Ume. He ha.a been at It .since he wu 12. and uya, "It certainly beat.a working hard.'' ''"''•liN! ""ri'"J" faull11 Tho·~ r•t>1 I " •n rnn.ploral,.f'! 11 t11k"" long •••1•lv to •rnt1•·r.,tnnd lh,.m and "'' nr nll"mJliS In r~'m••miH'r th<'m ,oJ ''l'\'t>n -... h<'n "ll:fl"rtl! mn~•1lt ,.,,. hook thry llr<• rr ... ,owntly can""'" A fr.ol·l'andlt>. lht· unit lnr m<'IUI· 1" II£T'I'<'. 8~ •n -...hnt 1h" ~"''"'n nr ha~e hmll mny l11• lr1r r••r l:ton OPmf I A. II. TO I P. II. • 8DZI.DfG lrTEAC e o ·1 ............ . furlough aflt•r comrMtrn~t hns1c 1r11ining 111 Lackland Aar Rasl'. San Antonio, Trxas. H l' is C'n· route to his pcrm11nt>nl st11hon 111 Smoky H1ll Air R~$<'. SaliM. K an· Mll. Ronnre told 01.<' h,. exJX'('t~ to be aaai~tT~ed to one of the-C'rnAh and Fire-flghtrn Crewa and lall•r to attend the Air F~'s School In this apedallty. unnt.: h~;ht. Ill I ht> t~mrount nf IIJ(ht II h I I I · d od ---' b th n f d ~ :0 R Jlllrl <'U 11r 11mr 1on pr u .. -.-u y e ami' o a atan • 1 .. ;;~, r~tndlt• on a 5urfRN' 11 foot dis-~ P ;.c:;, uld that dnlly 1111m r •"r trout II mill! will not hi' chlll11'' t1 : ·-..... .... SHEP'S ltu OO&ft BIOIIWA.I' H&WPOIIT The cotto~ text 1ft' induatry In I they will remain 111 15 fiJah nr 10 Nnrlh \aroliM hu nlia('(f mor~ poundl And on <' fillh . Stl'<'lhr;ut I limit• will ll4' continul'd at thr"t' than SRfiO.OOO lor textile education 1 fish pe-r day In mollt plaC4'1, whllt Olft'= OW •OWD&I' •• Nor th Carnhna Slate coll('1te. In 110me arn• the limit will t~ .. ____________ .. '"fte -fill c-.. EMil" --- LET A FISHERMAN HELP YOU Solve Your Prlntln& and Advertising Problems! CALL SAM PORTER at ••• - m ,._I:WVU~T li4~13()~ VUI3LIIIil~t7 CU. ••• NCWfiOAT .ALBDA NCW.•TIME. TUWeeAY AND ~MU.eOAY - 3011 W. CENT"AL AVE. "''"Ah ,. •• ,. .. ~ ~- Poe 6 NEWPORT BALBOA NEWS-TIME~i r:MPLo\'Mr:NT WANTr:o u l rllaNrrua.E roa UJ...& • Kt:ALESTATEEXCRAliiOE ., IIOH'D '1'0 LO.&Jf • a&ALESTATE a u:.u..:sTATE a ~ Tl'F.SilAl' Sr"port S..el'll, c ..att. ~ ..... _IMII •11,\11\' S l'rTI:-.1\. Wb~h wmdow~. I o\\':-:~.R LI·:A\'fNG TOWN-::N;;, "'ILL TRAOF. Nice home In Lake-LOANS TO BUILD,-· lm~ C ORONA DEL MAR 3-ht>droom rurnisht.'d homt' on I I P N "'"'"" l:·ll'dl•l] \\ork. ',,. ('ul-Tlu;r i\IIIOOlloii(' wuher. S.lu wuud \'tlllllll'o Lono Beach, tor raodern1u or -----. We....... E "d c· I I ., .. ,, Rec rd R • UBLIC OTICES •-' • ·~.._,., ..-SOUTII OF HJG•lw ·\Y ast 11 r or nt>r oca ton .... ,.. . 0 evlews 1• ~··· '''" .!'.: •··ui'J uld l'h••r"' '" 111 I~'" "P' 1n~s oc matt--. t •• ~uoc.· t.r dupll'l\. tn Balboa, N•w-~ ..... •--t ............._ • • L 1 ---......... "' .... _ .. -~ frontagl', r'our-car garal(e m- 1 ,, ., ,, ..... ' ' '"') ..... 1 ·''"lr ,.~. II oil•·• !.,I.: '"r Jt-rr~ llru lltlld '\lj.!~. ll'llll>:t r.tlllr Phone Har. jJUil lkal'll, Colt a M~ or NEWPORT BALBOA FEDERAL Mus t Sell at Once nwrilali' poss .. uion. $6850. full c_,-, lluak-...... u •.. ,,, ......... , Jll"t':I'U II WA .K I 1-·llp ' 1 .. , :s:n-w 1-ltc l'ull\1111 dt-1 Mar. 1«-aaon, chanae SAVINGS ... LO ..... •'"''N. ~·wiiVo d Ph D -~-n ~ .. ,,.,,I I•• ,.,. 1 .. lu· lhr ~~~'""' • • .u~ ~ A BEAU"I1FLIL NEW 2 bedroom Jlrlt'\' '"'""" own. : ...,aeon .li.E.W VORK II'PI-Th('rf' ,_ •.t•""' 111111~ •• •u1 ... r.1 . ..,, 1 .. •••• .. '" £)U'LHYMEST Of'YEKEO oz. llf t·mplo)mc>nl Box No. "W". 3333 VIA Udo PI\. Har. ~ home. FlrepliiC'(', garage, patlo 57 13-R l'H·nings Lk>acon 5779-R. mort' 10 OJll'r" SIOI:IJl~ than \1'1<'61 :~. ','j"~;":::··:· ,. ·::·:.1 ·~~~:· :u1,'.,?."'11 ' F u H N I T u R E "' \\S-Times. 99-5tc 38-tlc or flagiiOIIl' "'llh e<mcrete fen-, l-Ife dc-l.h'fll)' bill I h1• l)iiOilOI(rllph II~ I·' , t, WI, :-iY.:",C WI! l"f(f;t W I 111,,, \\ 1\ "''I'F J I <':trl fpr ..:l•nl•r,tl h<Hl.~•· ' ~~ ld 'I k t II• , .. ,.,., ,...1 "" "~"I ''" "'"'~I "" "''I h Ph .. n• II• ur .. n :..:tii-H R E F I N I S H ED J~TUME P&OPDTI' M NEED MONEY? V<'nt•llan llltnd~. rut:s "E.S IDE".''('E '''11 67'~X· '165 on cntr "·ou n "'"' \t t nil he• •·rth '•I ,., ••• t~ • •i16) ·•• ·I l• "' , .. u.-... lt ·~·:!tJ' "' -~" ~ .. th,•-mlll .llol"·cl IIIHI~ Thnt ~~"h) ~!·.':!'.' 1!,,,, ll:·;,u~~·.·,;•·;·, .,,1 1 \ll'l.<l'\1~.'>:1' ltfoi--:--1-.R~.I • A~ Ylll" LIKE IT t 'A~II for home on Lido lair . ~vi~~':=~ APPRO X $-I(I(NJ IXJ\\':"1 •• nd o·l<•ctrlcit> 111 Phone Lk>acon ht'ltl"fi ol OJ ..... ra w~rc thl' run.,,_ ''"'"~·~ lor•• ...... ,.,,,,. Will pay up to $30,000 Reduced to $10,200 I 1\'t'S I ~tdl' Cosla Mt•sa. \\'alcr Columbut's IW\\ l'f'\'tlf'dtnl: cor thl' I ••• nl• ....... II• ... ,,, IL I '"'. loo~U•o \l ... I. 111\JIIII'U:' 11111) KEN G RENSTED ,\lu~l lx• WMtertront. Needa -Loana on 4 3:.! Dl'lhlla i\\'E'. ('orona dl'l !')713-R, ('\'E'nlngs B('acon 5779-R. Jo\1' du•·l from ''Tttstan o.nd 1'-'Jldo•" t<~~l' • ""'""""' ,, ''' "' :--,. • hlltll ··n .-,till)~" w•·• k 1',,11 G E MINNEY Furniture-Salary Mar tft 1-Uc (two 12-ln alh l suu11d) uirn•·~• l'ul. J..n " 1.1 211 :; l'•l~ 11,.1 11.,1 l ·l7~.Jt 1·11• :.!l:Jil .Mull'r Street · · 1'(\\0l•JIIonary. C£RTI.IC.An; OF ilO'iNo OUsiNi'&~o ---t'IISTA MESA i ll ('ll:tl>t Jllway, Nrwpm t Car or Other Security ll<•ll•n Trlttlh••l 1•, llt\"!"1 ttU•·~· Vl'tDIE.R I'ICTI110US NAME liAU M114('1:LLANF.OIJI't • l'llnnt·llllrlll)r 1070-W 1111·•11<111 ~i()J:!.W. 100-tfc Hours: 10 to 1 and 3 to 5 tiomnJ,l. bolrt•• N11r Is Tor~'''" fbll 1 ..... llur .. •u ,,,, '" •~hr .,.,,,,,.,. 1 1 'I o\:-.11 1 ;, •...t '""1JI uprn~ht , For Estlmatct I At'TOMOTIVE a TUU:S ., (0'-Ci Satunkya) ktdd!nt libnul l>o•1n,: Tr1~'"" l'h•·> "r''~1;1•:;•1 ,.~ .. ~~ •I 4zr, ll<olm••"ld ,,_-, II•"''"' IIIII 1--'lt• c,., {iuaranlt•i>d Work compel you 1ro lind. n.luntl ''"'' 11,. .. '" II•• I'll} .. , ...... ,,.,., .Brat"h 99-uc I ' •It ~A L.E 19·39 Studebaker , 'l'rllitnn and ls.•ld•· ,.,,. in lu\t· '"'" ,. ""H "' , .... ,,,,. ~··• '' <'•l""'"'~ I·' ol( .. '1.1· l!~W I 'lhhmnn • , 0 _ I'•• ~•d•·nl .,,..dan 10 good shape ~ In d<>f1311<'<' uf 1n .... , •'I'·'''"' '"·nail\ 1n~ , n '':.',. •• ':";:.~·~~ .. ":.·~;~;' ~:~"~n;•gr, ~· •••I• 1 "tilt "101l~hwhl lind ~ 1 lit s.\Lt: • ..-aulif1~-claven-'"''' hllmt::tlly, many extras Bar- art> mflkln~; lhr ni("Sl ul lhl'lr h., .•.. ,, S··"'J••rl llr"' h '''''"'~ IJI o........ ,,.,,. 'Ill "I rl old•· lur SIIIJ•' '" )IIV\)\rl•1 . '~osrc,·.· Ms·~·a. PhoneNS.PWport •'h ill JlrlC't•. Call Harbor l·.,.,.J ~ . .. L_ :4tAif'o uf \.•atH••rllllll un1l~~'r • dtt .. Cit•lliJ8 • _ I , II '-~· _ .,. 0 "·\1"' uwotlgh lhl' hour• r>( II AIAr-flll•·d , .. , •""'"'0~ Ill• ......... llr '"• V"l'koG ul l I (•lt.-... litl'tfiL; III/II ( h I ' aeon .. r ti111Uire a t 319 Marigold Co-1M.r1RI'~""I""' ... Ui nl~hl The 11r1s pr <irama a11d of !~~':.'!7~.ul:i1.~,t lt .... '}.:~!n•';: .... '"":C'1'i J\1 1/wll<' .'.111~. ••r l~·rt. llalholt Sll-7-\\ 98-Uc 1 '"' 1 del Mar. i -4tc. '' _H~ mwtc hltmrt ()n(' IS lndls1in)(llt.~l•· W•ol t '~nlr,., A•~llur l'o••t..,rt IleoiAlh 1 y,,. hi ('lull 1-llpt BOAft, tiVI'PLIE8 Iii .":!:,~ ablf' from thf' ••thl'r. Th1 synlhf'~>i~, 1'~"~~~~.:··~0~',!. .~·~~~~~~~~~.~~""' or •ld H ,1~ -.;,,I .I l'tlrt~ht 111811.,, SII•J H •H • ALF. -1937 Studebaker •.-: . .1.::0. ::._ ·: transmits, rv•·n throu~h wax. til<· •·u•lnu• ami '""' ,,., .. lhn "".....,., '" .X \I 1 .,1, B o als Priced to Sell . ~··llr1n. top shape. By owner. cloriOUI OJ'If'rlltil' art. l 1111•~olell ltler•ln u <•wner. ll.ll ""' lXI ' -~ 1 I'IH•n•· Harbor 1140. l -21p ~ N"COrdinl!f Wt•rc mad,. on I IIATEl•lil1!.~:.:;~~~~~ 1,.7 Fllft SALE rtun•~nnh;.-C"'Al,, HI (I Crul~orsr S!i.OOO. CWIIbo 1924) 1814"' Newport , Calta ..._ tJ1e atq e of tho• Mr'lropolatan '\eWJ><or1 flo-11<11 C&lllurnla l!J-l 4, IOSUrt·d Jlt.(.(l, 'ru::rlriN' 411-ll Aux ('hOOnt'r $7700. 1938 ()pf'ra, a furtJ1er fruit of tht> Me-l :.TATK or<'Al.JP'URNtA, J 1 ~150 l'at<h nr trod(· for f'lectrk SfJ".IMJ _JIJ.ft Spl Fish. (MltcheU) tropolllrln-Columbla alllann• whlrh ~~N1TJ. ~r.~~~::'ef~~.,. lMl.l :.~ovl'. n•friarrator, wa•ltr r Ph ·.ax Sf\iiOO at.art('(i with lhi> rrn·nt lldm1rabll' t>elore 'tnt , ,~....,D&Jiy ..,~ lla.a l ltllrbor 14C~J. Ask fur Franet-s ti E. MINNEY nocordlnt: of "lltan~·l and Grrtl'l." !:,~,......!~~; ... '~~,:;. ':~ ~~~~b~r,':.c,'h~o ~!. t0o1-4tp 711 Coa.at Hiway, Newport The Gpf'ratlc ftrt IS pJeulngly rurt>!lulq tutrument. and .,. llCiuM>wl l~·lll't•n :lt13:/-W. 1-tf evidc>nt al10 In thft't' n<'w alnl(letl Cldlecl to me lh•l he eu c:uted lh~ .,... POHTABLE Th"rmador bluwer C WITl'fJU'S my I>&Dd and IIMI 1.111• 1.IUI I 1 . ·• h .,...,. ] '\' ""f A S il Bo '4 1 Ford Sedan $1295 Surx·r Dlx Radio, Heater '34 C h e v . Sedan $325 '42 Ford Sta. W. $1645 Su(X'r Dlx. Radio S.acon &Dl (A«:rC* from A.lpba S.ta Karat) 101-1tc. ol RCA \'ictor OariiOiir J N'I l'Wr(l-<Ia )' of 1-.n•wr. lt47 I type ... ('( lrlC ('illt•r, ~v YO 1..1, • f\;, -. U\(, a st to m.ooo. IWM1, transmuttn« hunst·lf into Oon t:t:oRt:li: o IIASSitTT 4 K W Su1tablc fur home. otfict> tn tradt' fnr land in New !lhxlco ••Jo Dod~e p·l'ckup $750 ,.., I' Nutary l.ovbiH tn aDd for Ow ~~7 ru •.. 1" .,.__ ,.._ " o.>n v•OVann • vali.•t. catalogul'ti hi• l'•tun•>' .. r 1,....,.,., l!ll.aiA "' 11r plllnt .,.., JV " ,, c.Gat ......,n-1 AI .r:lll J.ll'r acre. Phone OL-7910 mutPr'l all but uncountablf• se-1 C'.aJIIonla. lrl\1, Balboa 97-tfc .!1116 ltok Clen Pl .. Loll Ancel~ ;\lutur ovl'r auiPd, New Paint a&AL -..An a ABOVE THE ARCHES -Front view; lntere~Una new 3-bedrm. home; 1\replacr, larce car. Price $14.600. Call Hub Powen. A&t- Har. 62-W. 81-ttc FALLBROOK Wlnterwarm 10 ducUonJ wllh wonderfultnfl,.ctaon' l'u!J -l...,. 18 :n Ill. L!Wl J&A.' lMi j :!h C.ohl. 102-:itc llldened with awe and eomplisslo", cr."~::.:~:u~£f~!m 8~.~~u1 NURSE Ry ~------------.:.; '38 Dodge Pickup $425 ::=m~~1, ;,~>' wi~t·~:~ ~~:·I • Til~ t •st•r:tcH~t::-:.:u dn t.en·~>y ·~· I I..Al'ffi~~. --SHRUBS ' ,.~!~~~~8~x~~n~NyaScht '{6 F ord Coupe $2195 acres 5 avocadoes. 5 lemun11, Good 2-bedroom home furnished Plenty ot wat<'r $35,000. MIKht trade, ownel'. llarhor 271. ,. lily ""'' "·•I ••~ • .,n•h.o•llniC • m,., "'"' and PLANTS •-I . 1 II Cl I R dl pUd ty 11nd smn-rity In IIIOI:IOl-: '""" _,, ""f1n.,..,,.1• hue,.,r.,. "' 4%7 1 111).-lll•rs Will) Marine Produces ""' o•r 1 1 1' u J. a · o, Etc. 10<!-2tp '"11\f' Pm.r Snn~;" nnd "llv 1 he· I ~!:J.~':;.;' r:~~17,!;;~n,,~~~~··;!!u~~·::t"~~"..:l. --Service Afloat Sllt'nl Jlf'llrth" n1 'Th" Mll~tr·r-ENr.I"KY.Itl''; r·c, e11d thai """' form 1 Hl'LUS FErtTILIZF.R 1 t ln••n .. An-' '-"'pranl• l '·•rtollt •• '""'"'-(! "' til• lulloo .. lu• I"'•••"• :!14:i J-;. 0N."on -Balboa "' " ""V .... _, > .ru..... "" ...... IU1d "dtJ,.....,.. oJ• .. r.,a 1 -n '>647 Kirltf'Jl, atdc·d h} lutrtiiiJlC J'U>ho•rl I••••· lu '"'" f•II('On ' . ' 101-2t Mrrrtll, demon~•rnlf'< tn you thc·l 11!,;':11~~~~~~.':, .. :\c~.!:~~:~~~cJ:.LI\•.:.J H o llister Bros. FLOAT FOR SALE-Cheap, com- rocstatk purify •• r lhP l'l<·a na('d lind I u SMI'rll t:n ~~Ill 111 .... 1. NtWJ)IIrl Nurs e'"" pi ,. w"th c l II .. __ dying htorotne of "Thnf,.. ~~~· ~~~~~~~~·.~~ s•'•lrrt"~,~;~,~~~.tc,~~;:: 1!159 llarllo; ,Blvd S(~:. fit ~~ 3~;_c~~:n~ ~~;:~~ Jn unflalt('rln<: rontrll.llt lA RCA j ~'11'NEA<I m'{ haud 11\le 111111 dtof "' 1 bort ('had Twltcht'll, Ph. Harbor VIctor's OPtorMtt~" l>twt$ rtwo l!l·ln n ... .., .. ~!1.A1~~~w..: 11 nca•T..:NHAC'II Costa M esa 214:/-W. •ttc alb.I-T('flor ,Jo;n r~rl'l' lind hlln-, I'IIV.l.l-'()1'( B l:IWITII Phone: lk'iiCOn 5200 tonP Lfonard w11rrt'n r.tn!Cin~: th(' Al 'l:l'ST lt. HUSTF::O. IIAI'll I 89-tfc FOR SALE-Lawson pump and krve-la-an-unhRrJ•¥ nu1111nN• 111-STATE Ol" t:At.lf'fJH:O. lA 1 1 bait tank complete, $75.00 Ub '-tl Forrl Coupe $1545 l'om ·••rt ihle C'lub. Rndio Hruter ·:~n Linco ln Zephyr $795 ·:n Stu de. Sedan $295 C()l)d Transportation Tit• ~" Cars C11n JW.r $('('n AI Our l'"•tJ Car Lot '" Downtown COSTA MESA WANTED-Lot on B11lboa P enm- sula-Not Ocean Front. P. 0 . Box 715. Costa Mesa or Phone Beacon 5039 102-:ltc FOR QUICK SALE -Costu Mrsa 3-l)('dronm h o use . hnrdwood floors. living & dining room car- JX-ted 2-r.ar gara~te. firl'plar(' $9500 Phon<' Beacon 6272 or 5566-W 1-4tp -nt or "L J>-L .. .• COUNTY QP' UHA!'Ia>.: I ... I Wa·-.. --,.,_.__ -J--·-Jl('\\' Bay Dlst""ct H-_..__._ Co """ II M>n4'J1W anu IWO ON TiltS Hllh o.y .. r """~u·tt.r lt47. U..K'>O ...... ~ ~--~ II ...... w-..-. duPI..I from "'Jllf' Jo'or~ of Of't!llny," before me. lllo und~ral ...... ., • Sotary I CJffiOMOMTERS Bal. uland. G-ttc TH EOD the aentirrwntal P~'P-fllm!'r nf thl' Pubh~ 1" "'"' '"' .,.,,1 t: .. unly and Rf'pe.l.rlna _ Prompt Service · 0 RE ROBINS 3-Bedroom home East side Costa Mc>sa. Largl.' living room Wllh Cirrplure. hardwood rloors, tile, 1200 Sq. ft. floor apace Fen('{'d hack yard, doubll' garage. $2800 down. halanc-e $56 00 ptor month & 4'"/, lnternt. Call Harbor 1586-J or Harbor 365-R. 1-4tc tJUrd act and tht: whoopln~ and ~~~~~~~r .. "h'""'~l.~~f.J::'11'8t.l ~'::tr~,..].~ Senalble Pncet \"nur Ford Of'aler S1ncc 19'.ll holterln& numbt'r of the fourth t:":: :.r!~~·:~~,.!:· ~:.~,-;: ~ "'!..~~ VAN DDniT 1:'\o.J I Boat Maintenance and n nd and CC'ntral 'nwy linJ Vf'ry wrll. yPt you fHI ... ,tiled "' '"" "'""'" "'"'""m•nl. and ~JU.LA.~:U"'I Repairing NEWPoRT BF.ACH lUre Uley mack th4' rt'f'ord$ wnllr :~::t't~~~~., "'~ 1""1 lher u -J E W i: L R y l-Ite In dinner jackt"tl. fN WJTNJI:SH WIJI>:HW P', I ha .. 1786 Newport Blvd. Coeta Mesa Six RCA Victor alnjlll'll f••atUrt ~ir~l~'·:,::;t 1';;! J':;11,.::;J 1:!~1k1:' 1h'1~ 31-tJc Frede rick Yacht Co. trttOr Jarne. Melton, harl!one W11r-r•nltll'ate flnl abu•• wrlll•n 1215 Coaat Hlway, Newport Phone Beacon 5615 BOAT BROKERS ren, and IOp'ano. Nlln Mt>rrimsn MAX Jfl!RWITZ WASHING ... HINES Blanche 'Jlttobom. Lucia Alhant>i<' ~::~ ~~~1,.11~ '""11 ror u..ld · JRAC ' 85-ttc and Zlnka Mllanov in arias from Pub -n.c. II. U . ll.l tH7 Jaa I. tMI U you don't haw ~ do ,.,w "W Favorlta," "J' Pa.glia('(.'J," "La "'llolbilll at KIJ81CAL a RAUIO PIANO! PIAN()! '11lc world'1 G6ooonda," "Du R h e 1 n g 0 1 d,'' Ttw News-Timet will nol be re-BILL'S WASH A TERIA HAida." ''TOM:a," and "Meflatoff'lf'.' tponalbl• for moft than~ lnc.or--• .. nwy,.. aJJ aunc W1th thP technical rect !Mrrtlon ol an advertiMment. competence you have ewry rlrht ~ t h • rieht to Cllll'1'tCtlJ .., tab for crant.cl. dMIIty &n.1 and aJJ .. and to LJ:V ANT PLAYS DEBUSSY r.ject any advertlNnwftt not Clllft• (Oalunlb&a; four U-ln.. alb; O.Car larmlal to rulee and reculatlonL s..r-t. IIAan&at.) ContalN eo much ._tfc: _.. .. ~a -......, ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-::;;::;;=--......:~:: ....... ... ol 'DIIMwy'a unique --tiUIDII U lT·tft most mndt·rn plnno. thr gorlf'- ow. SJ>In,., -Grand lkautiiW CIISI' nnd tont' Rc-posseilled.. Will !It'll for halanct' S avr rn.~ FIREWOOD CIUJ\COA.L A BRIQUETS PROMPT DEI.IVI:R'I fl v.-to 11x hundrcd dollara. f>An~-S<-hm1td P111no Co., 52) No Main. Santa Ana, TennL , .... ......_that Olear clt•rwe hla LANDSCAPING Wright Lumber Y ud 1714 N.wport Bhd. -~ -~ao. Smith. They Say ... Low cx.t ute llwuranCP provided wur... 1U1C1tr Ute state farm and ..... ~ plan pay~ the ba.J- Mela ol an liWUJ"fd vt'tPran'• con- ~ In CMe ol hla dfath. th~ auarulftlnl hill widow dear title to the JII"C!Pfrt y. ServiCIP to vetPrana In (lllnc da.iml qa.lnat the 10\'eTnmPnt and obtainlnc other rllhll to whlch Uley en entltlf'd Ia provldf'd hy county IPI"VVce orrlcen and cum- munlty aervlce ('{'nten in 142 Cali- fornia cities. lnooNiatenclct~ of opinion, Arl•-1111 from cha.n~cs or clrcunutant"('S, an oft~n Juattfiahl!', -Daniel Wrb- atPr. 11M' tempt'rnturc in the sun 1 centPr 11 Ct~timat('(! a1 ~~.~)(I,OUO to 60,000,000 df'~~ Pahrenhf'lt Puauc Nonca C:.ftTtFICAT(. Of' a uatNEU f'lc:tltleua "'"" ,...,.. TRa UNDICRSIGNII:O do be"by ~r· U.. •• ..,... eunducuaa a wbole-~J bt.llll-o.l ~Und Rt lleeocb, Callr('lrnla_ uad.r lbol fllwl -or l'acllk Pro-..._ Co. tUM! !bat eald nrm 1• ~Om· C:. ol t ... follow! .. pe....,aa, who•• -.wtt: Uld add-• •~ u follow a. IIDWlN P. SIIIPSON. 104 Ylower OoiU 11-. Calll:.i_ WIL!.L\.M II. • 101 J'tower a .. Cueta 11-. tUM! NOIUIAN IC. HACKf'ORD ~ ai .. Cl.. Coeta ~~~-. cam: .,.._.._, Ut~ hallu uu. latb 4AJ of &DWlN P lllllPSON W1LLLUI H. 81110'80N KOILiri.Aif IC. H.ACK70RD ?~~cti~~lA.J •. Tlll8 liUI daJ ~ber. A-, ... 1. betore ..,., • Nolar)' Publlr • ...,. lor -ad CowiiJ aad Stale, per· -"!)' _,... ICdwtD P. 8ampeoa. WUU.. &: _..,_ tUM! No,_ IC. ~ .._. to ..,., to be \.be per- --..,... wllec'rtbecl lo -~QUa ~t. and acknowl-..... to -tMt Ule)' eaw uted \.be -IN W1TNIU8 WRlCI\eOF I ba" ~ • •r baad aa4 Alnaed .. , ~~..:::.~,=: ,. lbiA (D4L) CLTDI: 11:. attl:ftWOOD Notary P\lbllc ID ud for .ud OINIIIJ' ud llt..ate. IIJ' Com-•'-loe • .., ..... Sept. 11 •• 1. .... -Dec. 11. II, 10. IHT; Jaa. C, lMI- caRTIP'ICATIE or: 8UatNIE.II ,.lc:tltl-.,a Firm N•,. THJ: UllfD&ft81CNI:D d~ be,..b)' c.t.lf)' that be •• I!Ciedll~llnl( • retAil paaat 1M&81-at toa-nnd 81 , New-IIGI't a.c.h, Ciallrornltl"' uader th~ flr- Uttou. tlrwJ -or Harbor Pa.Jnt Olllt.u and l.bal lla.ld 111'111 le rom~ ot \.be follo•n•• perwn. wbOOM -Md add,_ Ia u l<111o.... L0-•11: ,...,.. 0. WAt.Jal:". ~~~rd 81 , ~---·· WI'TJfE8a mJ bud tbta 6th 4aJ of ,__,. lNI. JOIJIEPH 0 WALDR "ATE OF C.U.lf'ORNIA. ) OOVNn or OI\4KOil 1 .. ON nua lUI ik7 of Jaauary A.D., ... WON -· a Not..., P\tbllr In c.n ollA ... t'IGwwl and Sltnabl Pluted COSTA MESA BHcon !WMI6 SPECIAL ANNOtrNCDIENT8. \.HARBOR TRANS FER LIGHT HAULING Hal Crawford 11.5 AJ...-.do ..._.. Rarbar n4 _________ _;_G-~Uc Phone Beaco n 5538~ 1962 Harhor Blvd. BALBOA M-tfc CB8S POOLS ud SEPI'U:: TANKS ~~ .. ()ranp Count;J Contract Dr1l11al Sewfto c.c.u.edan (AU Warll Ouarutt..ed) Nl l..-DOe Olrrted J. It McCORMICK )4() Vk'torta St. C.O.ta Mae BAYSIDE PLATING COSTA MESA -hold II Gold -SDwr • Copplr • ._ ------------.,.;tc AnUQUiel • Sped&lt:J roa JU:NT -u ATTRACTJVF. 2-rormt hnusl'. rra- liOnahle 307 Jslnnd 1\vr. Rnlhun 1-!ltt• ~---=--=-----------1914 Harbor Blvd Pta.. Be&. 5UJ FOR RENT To J unr· 15th .small Oar. Harbor and 1~ eo.ta .._. houJW tm R111ho11 l~lnnd C'r.ll Nat to lrlfothodlat ONrda 28-tfc II arbor 516-R J. 1 1 r Plenty of Good Tine All S1zee FURNISIIF:J') :!-lw'tlr'"'m h•1mr No 11mall rhtldrrn :"lit·" I)' d••<'- nrlltro Yo•Ar rnun<l l'l'nlal. :!RI6 BeaClllft 5089-J 9a-Ue --Lnrayrtlf·, :"llrwpolrl Br1u·h 1'))-----------=....:..: Compound Motor OU I sta1r" J.Jrp FORKED WlndahJektl A Ha~ Gallon, 10c FOR RF::o-JT ~~ munth """' -'· Coven mad. to orde-r. Al.to I'Su· -I d h -lc1ua A Ludte Sheeta for aaJp_ Western Auto Supply lot' ronm tiiiSI' II! ~.tllf.l '''"' N w ld Prod ''''". N•·" Jklrl lf··11·h1~ n.·.w•m 1 u-or ucta Company, Author!~ DM.Jer 5r>97-R 1 .'tc 301 Th1rd St., HWitlnitOn &act\ 1838 Nf'WPCII't Blvd, Calta MeN ----- Pbalw HWitblcton 8Mdl 178 17-tft FOR RENT :'1.·" :! t>, •lr·•••rn ~u.1 F n ~ . turm~h<·ri '"'"''' 1•,1,1;, ,1,.,,. -------------{I . Al.f. '1\tXf'<.in, slu 40. Phlm~· llnrl~<~r r!4;1 \\' • \ IIIII ., HARBOR «m11ll F'lr..tlf'nt c•onri1tinn, rP11-I fl<'Ai'On fillf>t-\\' : PI 8nnAhl<-P h .. n•• lhuhor 117. • I -It· umbing Serviee l{l(\--ltc F OR RENT -· St'l"'' al•· fum13h~ t788 Newport Blvd., S..con 5068\\ --hoU8rkc-Ppan~: r.w 11n Ph 1 hrhor IU:PAlJUNG OUR SPECIALTY I Fll~! S,\1.~: ;\,ol lon~tl l'rr'<~surt• 1191 or lnquir1• I:..O:l 3<~th St OantracUna and g ....... u-l •••k··r. 7·•tl 'I"''· tl~t'<i flnl'r' I l"Pwport ' .• . _....,. ftt'lt!oHn,lhh• 11:1 Alottii'Jllt, Bul· .11/ lfr __________ _:ln:...:._·tl=l t)illt l"land 1-<!te Flllt rtE:-;T I lo"riPHIIll IJIIII COOPERATIVE ' m•·n• ('""1111•1' I~ f'"'"""•rl WANTED TO BUY Il l <Jet·an ~·rufll "''·" 1,u11.a $Ito! ROOFING CO. \\'ANT~:n 'f\t Ht'Y (.'111• tor 1 ltp New and Repair • "' r"' trnn~porttwon. nts .. want "' -- Phone Beacon 52110-R t n~<~l. I ' A . llll'kup tro<'k ~ri:P l A.NTI!D TO a£NT U ~73 Elden Ave., Colt&.._ I SWI\tn. :t:lt~ W t'••ntrnl, ="'t•w-\\'A1\'TEP T'll rtl 'T h,.,11,h·tl lO-tlt ""'' Bt•IIPh Hl1·41p ur unrurtn~hNI ,:.t,. dr1~1111 ·ot•otrl -----------=:.....=1 W'J} p ml'nt nr holl~f'. )•'Ar ruomrt 111 , U YEARS SERVlCE 1 1 ay Cub rrrrrd llPA•·nn :11;~o_J ,., 11 1· t. r [N niE HARBOR AREA For your t\lnUturt, &; wtlat be.. 443. John Sn1lur•. C11\ 11 111 HARRY HALL 1 you. Phone Beacoa. !16!16. • l llt' PAINTING CONTRACI'OR Crawley F'urnlt\JJ"e Co. APARTMENTS A IIODIES u 274 Eut 19th Strwt 1812 NPWJ)OI't Blvd, Calta M .. Ph.~· ~13 Coeta .,_,CaUL 92-tfr ROt\J\1 TO RENT ''olh ~fl''''' n pn\'tlf'i:"' (,, .. "o•mntl """' 1 111 C11ll tk•tw•'l•n 1\t ,,. 1.' lttol 1 .~ 7 p.m. llftrhl'r 11~1~-;\l 1 11~ 'It• 30-Ut PICUON.U. Ndric:&-From lhls datf' forward 1 am not rnponsiblt> for any dPbt.l not 111rfW'(i for pPMIOnally Gl11d.,)o. 1... &-uel. I !lli ~ C. Ct>n- lra.l, Balhoa, Calif l OO:..&tc CASH for USED Furniture & Appliances "We Buy Afnioet I RENT. MISCELLAsr:ot•s u Anythlnc'' I Ft)R Rl::NT 1 )Ill!'•· ~p.11·, 1,11 ; GRANT'S t5h<•ri ii)U E.IIA) "'' lltlt~., Phone Sea. 5707-M I 1l11rhm 3711 1 ~t.-1~ Newport Blvd.., Calta Meu ;:L.:-:, ,:::rt:-:::-:-:::=-------~ r ' HF:"'T 11(1 tl't• sj~h l "II ~~~ RF:Aitll"GS Monday to t'nda)'ll 43-tfc.l rllt'lt• Mil•·. t~·-r1 ln•nt.t~:•· 111_ 16.11 I' Pulm, SAnta Ana. 7l P'UR.NITL'llE FOR SA.J..It a qutrt· IC11", l'••Mt lft):lm .... 1.,. IIUl'St lort~ ""~wt•rrd $1.011 b" rt 1 ' I ~ .-lll ' S \I L ' rono •' ,,Jar l'hwto• II,,, I• I ma1. Mt s 1>11\11' 1-4tp '· • .r. ~ lnr~:c dmmK room a .n I:IIPLO j S•'t>, '''ihl "ainu I . 4''CI'f'lll'nl ron-1·.'1, 'f'IIENT WAlfTIIO •, dttllm ~qulin• tahh'. 5 ~hairs IlEAL ESTATE L~('IIANGE l3 WORK WANTED-l.rocWic 1ft .., 1 ·•lltl lwst dllllr Huff•'' Wondl"r -t'JU~~TLISJ-~ lllllllnfHin ,. 1111 , ~-Plain or fan~. ~ .,__ rut l•u~ at $!..~11.1. rnr rach l!lct. f h 1 "I ~ urru~ ,., L11n:• f1r•·pl ", ' 1 BlrMrdlno Ave , NewpOJ\ II1H'hor7'~1-\\'m•llnrll(lrl~l-\\' t~rlll .:11~ hj;lll~< tllltl "'''I JWPta. ll-tfe l 1-1tl'l l~ut !ttl 'h I ,1' <IOI'I ll'llll~h•loi(J oiiHI HOUSEKEEPEH tnnd of chlldr~n 1' A GOOD BUY-, fllllnt••d. •1 '" IIIII•· ''' 'til he• 1 Wrtt• ., __ "W' ' .... 'r milt• h> Ink.• \\til "'II nr tr,,,1, "' -• ''''"~· lmros I S A WISE BUY f 1.-2tp nr hlly lflt ttr lwnw In :-.;,.,1 l••t' =:-::=-:-:~::o::=:-----:---.::..::.:.= I ' -, U }f I V •·•-u OAIOOlt lsl11t1d, or 1\ullk•·• , ,,, 1,' WILL TAKE ......... or chlldrbn In ...... 1 r P ou ix-\~ ilt' \ ...-~ ~ t•r \' II \\'11 ht·r,1 .. "'n 'lcl.t 1 my ~ ck)' or nt&ht . MNI J HARBOR FURNITURE Sl , Sun lwrnrwtmu, <'<~hi l'h Ames Luctwta. 313 ~lh St .. 1962 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 5849. I·Jtr Newport S.adl 1-2tp hold l -Ite lk Wtllc-AdH•rt 1St• t . • l~l:l'l FoJrd D<·lux(• c,)Upt>, extra t'l••1ut. Orlj;lnlll rtmsh. 7810 W. f.,.,.,.,, Front. NPwport Tkach. 1-2tc 50-ft. Watt>r Front Lot East rnd Lido Nord. Will 11ell or tradf' for houst• n!'ar Lido Club. Call ffarhor 1476. J-ltc~ rnR SALt:-1~6 J~p. complete canvu lop Q 1idct1. Xlnt. Ures, pam t & mt><:hanlcally. Ph. Har- bor 118-J. 97-tfc <!-bedroom house in NPwport lll'ights. Corner tllr sink. Pine noors. spacious wardrobes. Com- plf't c-d, $8500. Phone B<-acon 5713-R. t>venlnp Beacon 5TI9-rt. IlEAL UTATE • COSTA MESA BAY VIEW -HALF ACRE AND MODERN HOME ONLY $.3,850 DOWN! This 5-room modem home and hou.c;ehold furnishings for $8,500 only $3.850 down and easy monthly payments. This home ls W('ll arranged "·ith 2 bedrooms. modem bath, living room, dining room and large kitchen: gas heat. sort wn ter. electricity: Ideal location for truck or poultry r.mching: :~4 Inch water piping. ~.500 complete with furniture. down paymmt of $3,850. Shown by Rich· ard B. Jones. Box 1·t2. Costa Mesa. CaJlf. Office; Co-ta Mesa Hott-1. t 11922 E. Balboa St.l Phone: Beacon 5424-J . UNITED F' ARM AGENCY ~7 Financial Q>nter Bldg. Oakland 12, Calif. 1-trc 1-ltc C. GALEN DENISON-Realtor 498 Newport Blvd. Beacon 5197 Costa Mesa COSTA MESA 2-bedroom home. 1 year· old. Dint'ttc. fircplac.'t'. open tx-am C't"ilings. Double gantge. Large lot. BE-st loca- tion. C'lnsc to Ne"1l0rt Hci~hts. Only $9750~~2850 down. S!10 JX>r month. NEWPORT HEIGHTS New 2-hcdroom home. plaster interior. hardwood noors. breakfast bar. dual fumac.:-. Only $9500. Will G. I. MIDWAY CITY Ni('(' 2-bedroom home. :1 ycars old, p.,rtially fur- ni!'hed. StuC<'o and plaster with wood shingle roof . Tile drainboard. hardwood noor.:;, dual furnace. steel ''efl('tian bli nrls with draf)('S. Single garage, on largc lot beautifully landscaped. Back yard fenced "'ith gan:Jt'n spa('('. In restriC"tcd part of town. Take over G. J. loan at 4~"i-. Only $1600 down and $47 per mo. C. GALEN DEN I SON-Realtor Gro. T. C<lstor, Broker Ma rion Gregg. Salesman 4R~ Newport Blvd .. C~t a M~ Ph. Beacon 5107 1-ltc- REAL VALUES Start The New Year Right Own Your Own llon1c ~nt R~ipts Don't Pay Off 2-Bcdroom J lomc. only one year old. Completely furnished on '-: acre. ('nxxt distrirt. good soU. Va- cant . move right in. &-ttcr sec this one today. FuJI price, only $8750 1WO OFFICES TO SERVE YOU B. A. NERESON, Broker Frank Downes-Sa.Jesman 19'72 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa 1907 South Main Santa Ana Phone S. A. 7240 PH. BEACON 5225 1-lt£' I OWNERS LEAVING, MUST SELL Their Balboa Island Home. In fine loc-ation near ex- cellent bathing beach. Living room of matched red-,..,'OOd paneling is 15x27 with splendid fireplace. Tile kitchen a nd baths. Has three bedrooms. the master bedroom in this lovelY home is 14x24. Maid's room with bath. Convenient bathers' shower and dressing room. Because the house is so weU insulated makes it a most <:omfortable yt'ar round home. Completely furnished including Bendix washer. In purchasing this home you may thoroughly enjoy the mony facilities that onJy Balboa Island has to offer. $27,500.00 Good Financing LINWOOD VICK, Realtor Exdusive Agent ~n2 Marine Avenue, Balboa Island Phones: Harbor 2042 -2043 1-J te DOAK REALTY & DEVELOPMENT CO. Jim Doak Ph. Harbor 505-W Clyde Dook 318 Coast Hwy. at Orchid. Corona del Mar ''By th~ See" Best Buy in Corona del Mar Corner Home -Furnished Stucco. 2-Bdnn. modem . nearly new. Vacant. Large living room. fireplace. hdwd. fl oors thruout. Nicely furnished. ~bedroom can be den. Concrete patio. barbecue. Obi. garage. P rit't'd at $10.500. Will sell quick. just put up for sale today. Tenns or G.I. loan. 5-Room Home -$2000 Down 2-Bdnn .. dining room. extra large living room. fire-- place, floor tnmace. hdwd. floors, tilt" kitchen. double sink. plenty of built-ins. Shower over tub. Large service porch. Obi. garage. View of the O<'ean and Catalina on a clear day. $2000 down, balance $9000 G.J. note a t 4rc . We have the key. Duplex -Co rner -New 1\vo suites or rooms are separated by double gar- age. Each apartment includes 2 bdnn.t;., large living room. hdwd. noors. furnace, kitchen with nook . Front and rear patios. Priced at $15.950. tenns. In- come of $200 per month unfurnished been offered. Income -Best Buy A new. modem home with 2 bdnns., extra large rooms, fireplace. hdwd. noors, furnace. service porch. etc. And another 2-bdnn. home over doub1e garage and laundry room. For sale at $15,900, easy tenns. immed. possession. Vacant. Never been oc· cupied. Close to schools. stores. b\Lt; and beach . 3 Bedrooms & 2 Baths Home New, vacant. ready to be lived in for first time. Large rooms. nicely decorated. Fireplace. hdwd. floors. furnace, dining room. setviet' por<'h , etc. Prl<'t'd at $18.500. good tenns. In one of Corona del Ma r 's nict>St sections. New 2-Bedrm. Home-$9500 Brand n<>w ann !'hiny. modem. \\i lh fancy wood. beam redwood c-eilings, snack bat·. firepla('('. Lots of built-in5. Plenty large windows.:\ linm cl~ts. Large wardrobes, Yard is 40x60. t-a..w to ran' for. Bath('rs' shower and laundry are IO<"atNt in ~aragt-. Cl~c to sto~ in Corona d<'l M<lr. Furnished 2-Story-$8500 Up()E'r story hr~s culc living room wit h snac-k hat·. sun porch. kitc-hen \\ith nook. bath has stall show<'r. ni('(' bedroom with c·ross V<'ntilation. LowPr story has IJE'droom with twin bros. laundry room. dhl. gar. Homc is all elE"ctric. \'acn nt. We ha\'(' key. Ttmns or G. I. IO<m. House and Garage Apt.~$3000 Down South of lliKhway, 40-rt. Jut. near ben<'h. New 2-bed- room homl'. fireplace. <'lc. Guf'!o;t or n.tmpu.<; apt. over douhl<' gHrage and extra rooms. Vacant. money in escrow allows occup;m,·y. 1-'ull pti<'(' onl y $Hi.OOO. We have key. In Costa Mesa Sevf>t-al 2-bcdron!lf. nt>w hnn'!.es on t11l-ft . lot!\. Nicely fum. Ready. Pnet'O af $!17.'l0. tNml' or r..r. loo n. I ----- Newport Heights Lovely new :.!-bedroom and den C'oloni<tl. ti le bath anrt kltch<'n. No. 1 hdwd. floor.:;. Wa ll and floor fur- ~a~. Fin'pla~ \\ith ~Ionia! mnntcl. Extra lnrge lrvmg room "1th hay wmdow. &-rvi<'(' porch. patio, dbl. garage. Lot !10xl 2R Roof i~ t't'd:lr :-hinJ.des has Colonin l £'Vt>S. Ni<'t'ly ci('('orat('(! home. Jmmcd. 'pos- !"('SSion. $13.5(1(), tenns. I Corona del Mar-Nicest V<'ry well mn~tructro hom(' of 2 bt'Clrooms iind a ci<'n of comh(>d woon .. Fir'l'place, 01)(}r ft111'l:l('(', tile floor m bath"??m. Dmm~ .room with bay \\indow. One bedroom 1s ll mastt>r stze. Qualit y hom£'. Patio anrl yard a~l f<'n<'Ni . Dhl. gar. LO<'ated in bt>!:;t rcsi- ck>ntu\1 ~lion. south o~ Highway. BIO<"k and half to wah•r. Priet'rl to !'<'II qwck at $1:\.700. Litx-ral tenns. I DOAK REALTY & DEVELOPMENT 00. Jlm Doek Ph. Harbor 505-W Clyde~ 318 Cout Hwy. at Orchid. Corona deJ Mar "By the See" 1-ltc I • - Fe• I• I•• Activities tCOSTINt1ltP) Dr. lorney Kah Is First Sp.aAer On Por•nts' Forum ~oltn Espey , ScoH Odell j Instruction Closs o Appear on Firsf For Non -Cotltolics 01 Ebell Author R•.,iews Begins This W ••A "l'ho \\ '' • Ulo ,,,.. o'llllt'<l hull ~·II'' llli'<'lllllo! of 11 llt'W lllll'tlry ',lr-n~w ... tlul "-lh \\ .... ••• t'llffUih~t'\l ··1u'" h 'r thltl t 'ntlhth\~~ "iUl hf'ht \\ IHt I I ' I I l • 'I . (' • ' II III I 1111 $ It• • ollt "1'11tiK) 1'\l'lllnto: Kl llu • l nlhllllt• hAUt'' •~•dttl• t '-\\ th\ •''"•'\I I t'i't''1 '• t .a~';\ \\ t\.<~ot ''t•ft\f ftl 1\\\f'~ 1••r """ Lo " • '' 1 •t ltun•to·r Ill It' und.•r t h•· .t:t .. ·t "'" ool Fr11 ht•r ( l ·,,...,.lo·\ ''' tl ,. h l,lfhlo·• .-h ,, o k A••t hur .lo•hnsun l>r Bt'rnt.')' KaU.. formt•r chle ~h{jf), 'I" llolfll' 11f " f•ll'llh·o •·lt•rk I' u r I',,, o• ool tlo1• l'ln~• 1~ '" rhnknl p!!Yt'holu&llt Ill Santa Ana "ho "•· ol•,• 1 •llloto•nt o•l ( ,11111 lh'lltlllllt 111.,,..,. mtt•t o·~to~l """ tho· Artn)' Atr b11sc. will bt• tint .peak-t'o rt~tt ll•o• ot u•, !lot• lo-r .lo•loot J t 'ntho•ltr fAot h 111111 o'lllno·• "111 ho· o'r uf lht• Part'n ta' Forwn to be ·IlL,) .,., ''""<i<:nt~>llo•l!o' ho·hl rn;·h Motultt} nnal '11ntt,lfn) I~ st Nrwport Harbor-~"!: £iii.-' 1111,...,, ,,,1 • .,.1 "'"'k '" '''•'llin..:a Itt '1 1• ttl tow th•· Ill''' lllto:hschool auditortum6~Mc1Par-"'rato·~••u• ••t ~.h.o,o\, ,1.,111 hi• thn'<· mnnth~ Sponaunhlp 0~ cc:"' of t h f" )'•0\llh Ill I 'IIIII t " flh' ~~~~~ nf 11\!A:I -- I'III·Tt'achtor •• ~ ch nd '1•tna" ,.,., "" "'' "'" t .. · '''"' Girl Scout Association h ll>!h ~ehool. Nt"Wporl a a or tho tt01 , 1 ,,111 """ !.o 111• pro•-8 / , C'OIIIa Meta e ltmwntary IIChoo,la. flt•nto'il Fltol 1\ .Lan "' a t tho• lin;l r ans Annuol Me•tmg Dr Katz will a-ak on un· or th . · • . ·:t/)r-and aln . ' Atllhool ho 'lo'"" to• Ill• .:1\'t•n day.,Jan..:._~_at 7J. P-1~· Hla ~t b) tho ~rhlo·" t>t,.•lo. •h••t• 1111d on u.--y, an. .... tht rt.-11 , !ulo 1'11•11~ (,., 11... 11111111nl nw.-111111 n n!l ..to••·t "'" ot "" ""'ra lof 1 ht• l~lrl St•uut A!<llt'<'IHtltm ,,, N••"tl\lrt NEWPORT BALBOA N•WI·TIII•a Tl'D41H_\' __ N_ ('&IU. !.-·-•• INI Page 7 Pacific Heating Co., Inc. Residential & Com111ercial Beating Forc.d Air, GtoYity oMJ Floor Furnoc•• Harbor 676-R 1709-1 I Coast Hiway Corona d•l Mar STUDEBAKER SALES • SERVJCE • CHIU8TI':'NI'NG THE NEW 8TANDAaD OIL ftATION at Dallll& &M 0oMt lllctatraJ, eo-a clel Mar, are. Wt to rtctat. 814 B•Uerwortla, -•.-; Han)' .uh..-, .... .._. c.llfonla aubjfoct wtll bt' "Modorrn A~ch· t'tl to Parenta.l Undentandina." Dr Katz hu achlev~ national fame in hla tlt>ld and hu written arliclee on child, clinical and ab-no~loiY for ~ucaUonal publications. Ht> wru formerly a lecturn at Santa Al\41 Junior eol· lf."'e Bnd haa taught at UniVt'nltY of Southern Calltornla and at Loe Ani:t•les county H01p&tal School AI.,, ,,., tho jtroo.:n om will IJC' S t.'OII 11111'11 '""'" •odrtor oll the• ~~~ Aro~:o•l··• Dllll} No'"'"~• 11 n d lfucitnt ·•f ~ ... ctho•rn 1 'a hfl'rnla hltt~) ~""so· "II til ol the> II•" k Ia a '1\ 11t rl•mflfl"' of t h•• da)._ of th•· ~l'"•tl•h rrllll'h{>~~. I lnri>~H' "'''"'' .tt~··u!tllt'<l l•odrty l'~f'Jdll)'l nt n mnrntn11 nwo•t 11111 ho ·lol 111 Anwrlo•nn IA'IIItlll hall with h•11l1o•U , IUI~IAIIIIII h•11dt 1'11 a II d trtlo•fl l'<ttmnlll•••· \\'nnwn arr.•s('nt New Studebaker Commander Motors New Stud•beker Champion Motors PARTS $225.00 s 171.75 ~Ia --cer: lay ~ Oraap C...l7 ....,......_l; D. C . .._...... A d ... , ......_ _.. apr; E. a. <Nnph•ll, DIYWoa maupr, ... He,.~. ,.._adeat Newpon lluiMir C'Mm&.er of o-oce, photo by Gtortlardt Thl' lllliiUII I lllt'<•lln~t will ht• lltJ-\' WHILE TH&\' LAAT twltl Jnn 1:1 nt n piAl'\' 111 be• 1111· 11--Nick-.._ Third ''"'llko•t' "Ill t .. • Thtlll\1111 noottnNocl lnto·t ln l'hllrlt•' c•f the• ..,. ...... Brownie Troops En#erloin Mothers At CDM School or Nuninw. Thr<'<' otht•r spt•akf'rs will bco prf'S('ntl'd on thf' forum, which wtll bt' f~ to tht-public provided th\·rc• Is an a u endltnl't' of 100 or rnon·. Tt'ac•ho'rl moy f'arn ont' haH lnllltituh• cnodit for ··ach m<'t'llna. wrlh a muunurn of two M't'fiiU for lttt' aeriea F ollowrng t'IIC'h lt'Ciurf' Yo' Ouno '" "ho•w "nu• tlw' 1111111r 11n• Ml'll Rut>t'rt Klllrf,•r, f Grrat. 1'"''"'"••1 111 :o-;,'"'tnhc•r,l•I Mr" ~:.1 Mllll'l 11nd M ... RA11*'1 J415W.C.ntrel lyUdo,T~fHifre Herbor510 nnw In I•• ,, rio t•l·•o ,. nn thr nu-~~~;·;a;v;rr~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tlnnal "'' •• r IN''' "•llo·1'11 "(~u, I r Fuur Bro" n11• t rriOp!> of Nc·wport ll1trhor Gtrl St1lUI Auucr111ion ll(•ld u 1111r1y at Coron11 df'l Mar Grammur st·hool aud itoJrlum rt•· N•ntly "ith till ~·rl!' Jlrt'lll'nt and -l41 rnothf'rs 1\JC ltUt'<:IS i::SJX'('ially hunon•d Wt•ro· :\>Irs Alfrl'd Arnc:•s, f'Xt~ullw dlr<•rtor. and Mrs. Wiil· lt•r Cnlr. comn11s.run1'r th<-Cro ,, , ''"'' ••t th<-Nlno·tu·~. dt-..c'fl\~ ' I ho o \ !• I h'Oo't'll of II htrl r ollol .-ltotll\11111: ~;o•nth'lnl\h who h:t> ·'" ''' ,., \1 lll"htotn~; cio•~<lr•· 10 ""n t t'U t'\1-t IIH'l \\'hu 'UI''"''f'tb In hi' nmtotlollfl t1w l~<••lc ''''" I 111M l•·norttfut t"lutr,c·to•r "'l' II llt~tl ''YES·· MRS. JONES'' • NEW SHAD~ • Or Your Old Ones Made Like New • Broedfelt • Alphalt Tile • Venetian Blinds • Linoleum Come in or Col/ Us Hanso• Sllacte & Llnoleu1a Sbop Cer. Newport Blvd. a %Srd St. Enrh troop pn'Senl<'d u aklt und t'tlnduc·tl'd a ~;amt• T h ,. r £' wss group singln~t. a nd I'IICh Orownle "'"~ pr<'8t•n t!•cl wrrh a halt of candy Troops revn•sentN1 wt•re : Troop 11 ll'nders. Ml'l. J t>nkins snd lllrs. Watson; Troop 12 leadt•rs, Mrs. Wayne and Mrs. Crowl, who wu chairman of the party; Troop 17 -lrad('rs. Mrs. Rost>mary &an and Mrs. A. V Andrews: Troop 23-lendel'l. Mrs. Hl'l('n Dudley and Ml'l. Hultman. Blu•birds by tit• S•o Enterloin Porents Bluebirds by the Se11 held a holiday party rl'Ct'ntly at the horne of their leader, Ml'l. E. Stoneback, 2032 ,1 Miramar Drive wtth their parenU at guesta. Th('y sanK ~­ oil and prt'llentt'd gifts they had be#n making for the put month, allerwlll'd !K'rvlng refreshments. Parenta Included Ml'l. Vlrai nla Tohlll, Mrs. Ruth Seell'y, Mn. Ellzal><'th Hagen, Mr. and Mn. Tcx 1\rnnt-11, Fayette Blowt-r, Mn. Lucille Boun<U. Mr. a n d Mn. StonPback. will lwo o qu,'Sttun nnd anawer ~AJ 1:1'''' .o ''·'''"'~t lo·\lo'" In IX'riod Tlrnt' Progr oms Wl'rt• pl11nnt'd by par· t•nl l'<~Ucatlon c·harr nio•n of the p. T A auoctallons tn t'OOperatlon "rth Sldnt•y l>avidson. high ~ehool prrnt·cpa l 11nd Dr. Jttrnt-s Thornton. \'ll'"·Prt'sidt'nt of OraJ\It' Cout J unior collegt> Bob Hope Show To Be Broadcast From Fullerton Bob Hopr, familiar t o the mil- Ilona of radio and movie fana. wUl clve hil reaular Tunday broad- cut from Fulkrton Jun1or coUece 1\Jt'lday, January 13, u~r the eponaor.hlp of the Veterana club, It wu announCt'd today. The lhow, which Includes tM regular T\Jf"Sday f'Vt'nlne broad- cut, plua merriment before and alter the alr tlmt', Ia the flrat major broadcaat to be prewntt'd from F\.tllerton, and adda anothtT accornpllshmt'nt to tht' long llat by the F.J .C. Vt>ts c:lub. Labor day In the United St.atee was flrat Ct'lebratt'd by the Kmaht.a of Labor In 1882. It wu made a l«'ltal holiday by Conlf1't'U in 1894. !ll.•r •' '"" lw I" o' of t "'''"' Authuo Ito ''""' In tlw ~·rtf'~, l'ao·h In bi> ho lot ••II I Ito I hu ol 1'111ln) Ill f"fll'h "'""'" Ttt•ll•·lot !ur tlto• ••ntii'C' scrlt•a ''i ll It•• $..1 pitts ''" :ulf1 with tho• lf'llt llll: 1'111'1\l'tfy ul tho• Eb\•11 club huU>o" lorml• II ltl 1:!~. II 1~ not llk••h 11 ny t wlco·l~ will ,_.... snltt I at tilt o1unr., srwl Mr~ Rut_....rt Kllll'· fer, "'lou .~ tn rhnr~:o· of tlt kt•b l&l fl For ro"o'n ~tlllln' c:a ll Mrs l<olldo•r 111 R or rmy ml'miH•r t'lii!CIIt I"'' board Jll'lron• may llnrholr If~!\. "' tltl' F.hfoll lirlhcJay c~l~brotion For Smolllslond Miss Cfttn b lh<' roto)r for sumnwr- but Its 11lsn I hi' rolur (or C'"hrlll · mall tlml'. ~0 If Wll~ llppro~lf'IAII'Iy uaed thruul(h(lUI In di'<.'Orlltlona, r('. frl'lhmrnta. (IHIIrJ nnd h11lloon• when httlr MISI Mrrldith Mlllr r orletlralo·d hl'r fifth hlr thday a nrtt· Ye'lll')' on Do•r Yl st tht• hnmc• of hfr J)llrf'nts, Mr nnd Mn Nor· mu r.lllll'r t:lt MnriM AVf.'nUt·. Balboa h lnnd "' SAYS KNICKERBOCKER W• ••rviced your friend 'a car -Yea, +seq ''f+ 6U!A!6 U! 18A181.1n0 ep!Jd eM of ••rvice. IT IS OUR WAY OF MAKING FRIENDS. • • • • • • BODY & FENDER REPAIRING UPHOLSTERING PAINTING SPOTTING MOtOR REPAIRING BRAKE RE-LINING FRONT END ALIGNING ~-·· As Low As No Down ,oym•nt ond f 2 Montlts to Poy C. B. Your Foctory Direct Lincoln-M•rcury D.al•r . .. eo. .... Pb. a.ao. SGM-.1 Memht'rs of the Blueblr<U were Ethel Stoneback. Essie IA'Ster, Shelby Tunnell, Taja TohiU, Cath- erine Bounda, Jo Ann Hqen, Carol Blower and Connie Seeley. U. S. Navy aubmarinea account- ed for at leut 63 per Ct'nt of all Japaneee lOUt'S durinc World Wu u. Slllall lo:ll<'JIK wo•r<' P111ty nnd Jud)l l'r•·~<'Ott, )>.11~1111 Emhr'"'- Sharon Luwson. J\lrrlwl Kt'('~'"'· Martha Johnstnn nntl K~trt'll SPill· ey. I I II N. Matn St. Santa Ana . Phone 7171 • THI. A•eOCIATIQN. "'UTUAL.LY OWN&D AND LOCALLY MANAGI:O, NOW ENTIE"· ITe TWilLP'TH Y&A" 0,. e& .. VICIE TO THIE COMMUNITY. "'o"& THAN •ooo aooo "'•" eo"· "OWIE"e HAVE OI:&N P'INANCIEO IN TH& •u"CHA.IE ... I: .. AI. 0" MOO&.NiliNG OP' THEI" HOMI:e AND eu•tNIEa• "'"O"IE"TI & ..... ANY HAVI: CONI( TO THIE AeeOOIATI ON ,.D .. "IEP'INANOIN., ""IE"IE""ING OU" LOW COOT MONTHLY "I:· .. AYMENT •LAN. ...ANY HAVI: COM• .. L&T&O .. AYMENT. AND NOW HAVE D &OT ,..ll& HOMIEO. INVEa T O.... NOT ONLY LOCAL. OUT r•DM ALL •crCTIONO or THE UNITED OTATI:O. HAVI: •LAC&O AND CQNTINU& TO .. LAC& THIEl" eAVINDe AND IN· v EaTMENT r uNe• woTH u e . 'lit'& A"E CU""ENTLY .. AYINQ 0 U" TWIENTY··I:COND CONai:CUTIVE OIVI· OIEND AND AT TH& "ATI: OP' 3 % .ll .. ANNUM UNITlD &TATI:O DOVIl"NMENT Be WIM -AdvtTtl.ae '&wenty, Second Semi,c5\nnual Report of . Trogress "'We 'fleave >{ever 'Paid a CVilJidend at a '1\gte Less 'Ehan 3%" • STATEMENT OF CONDITI O N A• of Dcct"mf,n-ll, 1947 tArT•• ........... D P DtVfD8NDI ASSETS I..IABILITIES FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS -$3.987.018.81 ,.. ~-.... ru. ~"' ~ .n-..u, .. 'llo..,... Ia tM llo.--t •~• •--..... tar IIIOIItbr, P..,._blf ---by lb& bon-owoon 118111 IM lo ... U'O fiiiiT pMd LOANS ON PASSBOOKS AND CERTIF1CATES too... ,. .. .... ,... -rood llr -· ., ~ --"· ,_ ,_ ._, ..,, ..-d to~.,, .... -· of 1M •••-·• -•1 INVmi'MENTS AND SEO..JR.ITin) Ualleol ~tar. a..--._.. lll.fOO.OO. I'-* Ia h6-onl ·-Leu a.u . ., •. 100 00 __ ._.., ... '~ ... -beUJ .. .,_ ..... ,_ ........... -lo- .. ~ ........... 1M ·-.......... -..... ~~-. .. -..,...,._ will IM -·~~~~-ol IM IWoonJ •-LoMe Act CASH ON HAND AND IN BANKS -- --- ,. •• , ... Ia ...Sui'Od """'" olt BIQnl"" lO ... 0. rw ....... d aUoa 19.780.00 108,400.00 306,349.72 7.772.i0 ADVAN~ FROM FEDERAL JIOME LOAN BANK --~· AMoi"W't•.Une hu •••.,...11...U a•Ml.W.. • t.,_ •I 'Y'IIdl\ e llh tlu• ~·"· t-tW\k""' .,-...._ ,., m ....... our•.a ,.,.w.rem"n'- SPEOJi IC RES~"Rvu:> -· · · - -- -• -~-1~ u....W~ ••-...__ -WP ... _._ -~ OIIOuoJI, .. f41W'bt ·-._ -....,....,.. r .. t"'it~ ..... pn,,...... te __..,... ..,... • N _, ... _.otl. GENERAL R.ESf~Vl-~ -- --- --• --._,..,.. ,..,,,~NIId In ., "'D""'d...,. .. ,. tll.e au'-... .....,.lal,...,. lilt on•u•-•• -••• -_,. ,.. ..rn. f01 ron\JI"'.....,...,. 92R.250.00 534,768.49 1,713.61 130.000.00 19,893.73 TOTAL -$4,429.321.43 UNDIVIDm PROFTI'S 'JUrAL -$4,429.321 .43 'Thu .Auo04hon ia ch4rtertd by V•uted St4rtl Govemm~t a"d u 1upervi1ed afld n:dm&ntd by tht Ft.l(•al lll>mt l.oan &"~ .Ad"'•nulrtlllon W& HAVIl ... !EVIl" .. A ID OIVIO&NO& AT A AAT il L&ae THAN •"~> NEWPORT BALBOA FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN , ••• VIA 1 100 ASSOCIATION ~esources ln excess of-~our cOI'Cillion 'Dollars Nav c5\ccounts are cAlways rzvelcome \ ~. . .. ~.A. •AL.Mil" ............ WALTil .. o . OII'IOil" v ••• ~ ........ , 0 . A. MIIY... • ---- .. . OIOI If~a • T•t&IUI&e AeNrro eL.a .. eut•T Aeeta r•N'r f0 ~.l.tDINf err•NICil "HILLI•e A ................... .. O"AL.DIN. e . llAeTMAN La• .. • ,,...,.,,. .. , .. ~ o•,.c•• o•OYL ~1 011{ a•• .. ·•• ,j • •t:tiC e A "'I:Yt:• w •. lo41"A .... ~ A, .. AL 1o41l• WALT I" • • .. ICI:" 0 W TOWIN ICLl W A WIL IIU. -'""""' • • • A .. ..,_,._,. ... ~· ) Page 8 Nsw•oaT BALBOA Ksws.Ta•ss Revision of U. s. S. A. College T'UUDAY N-·port ...... I c.au. .. ... !, IH8 Revenue Act Costs Nearing NEWPORT BALBOA 0 M .• ,. N E w s -T I M E s The Stat(' Rar of \llll(ornill to-ne I JOn I doy unwd t h1• r111ssu"r IIY Con• • TIU.I:I'IIONU: BAUO& ll. .. AND ... l(rr•lll or II btll to dt•mioal{' <.:t•r· SA!'TA ANA-With t630,ooo ol ,.., lltlll ltvH J ~ ud Tburowtay ..UWnooaa. Vohallk' XL I to.rln 'fil•l'nmtnlltury provuunns nf boontl mroney f'xpended and about C'ne&a ....... !:dJUoe Publl•bf'd Enry Wf'dal_..y tilt• l!H :I fu•\o·nu•• Act" rPIIlllng tro SJSO.OOO '" f•odl•ruJ funda inYHted • 1 1 . 1 1 1 ·• 10 dat{' m Santa AN Junior w . Subac:rlptJon Pa)'able in Advant'f': $3:.!5 pt'r yt>ar In l lrnOI(f• i.nUIII)', ~I I IIOf I S II(' Mt I ,,. tht' bulk or the .. 'Xt.r:a" $3.50 per ye&r to 4th Zone. $3 75 ~·r year tn Hth Zorw 1 Till StuJl.' Bur rcsoluuon ur~t· ~ · have bf'en mt"t e:.,_A eJI- n. 1 I ( lhf' lull II~St'rl ' 1~ n~ • ...... CCin-Ernert'd u St'<.'Ond.nass mattt'r at tht' Postofft('(' '" !lo'•·WJX•rl ..,.•ur •· n~: J>llSb!llll' 0 · J•lf'llun of th•• "htborate plant 1 CaWornta, und"r lh•• Act ol March 3, 18Y7 j lha.~ ff'~t~.•n amf'nd".'.<'OI~ 111 th~: tllll lf'IJ~1t,'l'l within the ~t~ SAM D PORTER -. . . . • . . rublishcr HH-llt\<011(' Acl di.Sl rtmln8t n u-.ln ..... ~ Manager Harold Ya.tor L\:JeJuS s SMtTR. nr . . . . . . . MIIOUt,;mg l:.dllor .rj;AI~t "!Jif-5 .lrhi'HI~ lhf' CillO· 1111' Santu Ana 8o6rd ol Ed~tioo w. F. DlXON • • _ • • . • • • Ad'<•·rll~tll~ ~Otll:~'r mumt) t•roJWrtt li.)'&lr•m nf ~~ r••ptnrd tOI1ny. eJ-inUna ~lanl . .aotJ W. ('~nlnJ A'~· N~'ll')rt fWnc:-h, t ntlfornla .-rly nwnr>~hlp. tn that tht•Y dis · Jl,• s;ud that the conatructJon of . p f th c·t.; f N rt 8 h fl').:artl lhf· prl'!lf'nl. V('SII'!l, ani! lh llfrnl ut 17th and Bristol Official aper 0 e ••.J 0 elf~ eac <'qUal lnfl•r<'~t fll !h(' W1f1• Ill SUI'h hn'~ ~·nr.t $630.098 53 to date, ~ A ~a feb!.-Loea.J htatUuUoe hw (h'H •o '..,_ prhpr·t t' ~~~~ 76:! 6R gr)fog to cont.ract.or l'pon lht dt•ath cor ('llhr•r hu~-•\llc-..:xl lfon('r and the A!lb&lader A _.: I htrnrl "' ~ •I•. undr•r t h• r,ru-tor incldmt.als. ~uVe ,. 110~··d hilt, .m•· ll111f ul t hf' prop-Fr•r Instance, archlt~ took Member t·• t} uf th,. .t.·.~·dr·nt '"·'>' lw l~>ft almost a 1100.000 "aJJor• out of f tr1 tl11• sur\1\lnl: sproU~>f' wt thuut the totAl : archit.ect'a t~ to dato> 0 tnx llllht'ily Tht~ prov1sion ~·nuld u.mount to $83.362.17, While the rtutomatkally <•hmmnk the drs-~ll\1<' dJvisions ol ~ool houv ------------------------lTtrninnitl'ln Cf't>IJ if'd In the 1942 plannlni added $3481.49 to u.e T ... Calif • S din Into T b) ? Arn<'ndml'nts to th,. rl'\'t•nul' act coo.ts tor mspectinc the plan. and .IB onua pen g roo e. I llndl'r tilt' (JI OfJOSt•!l bill. rr'lll· t1orng some supervision ot CDr!· dl'nts uf non-community prt)pt•rty structJon. The report of State Contr.oller Thomas H. Kuchel 5lllh•5 would hBVI' lhl' Sllml' right Nr·xt large-st '""" ol the CIOII· eoverin~ the first five month~t of the 1947-48 fiscal "'. diVI!llnjl lncnrll(' fc•r tnx pur-!'TnJ('tJOn "extras" w.. for~· • f a•~ t .... at California may be spend ina itself I I"'"'~ 115 hilS exisllod In rommuntl}' l'81 Wiring; the blU wu 111,76(1 year 1n C ~ 10 "" prupr•rly ~<tliiNI fur mnny years. mon-than anUdpattd. Elrtra f.nto troub)e. -----..·wl'r ltn('S and uUU I From July 1 to D~cemb~r 1 the state ::;pent nea.rly Edison Ash OK ~11,?~~0111~o.!~l'~~· twice as much as it d1d durmg the comparable pen od 1 On $40 000 000 ·fh·· ftodt'ral government a year ago, yet, its income rose Jess than two per cent.1lst .... 0 r't9 .. 9'e Bonds ~:u\·•· 11 bullctings to the As It h h ' th t d d M "" ) fn•m lhr' Santa Ana a r e8U , t e CaS e.X~e~ .In e reasury r0ppe . . . " 1\irN'. and tht'n movt!d the at no off more than $100 mllhon In the past year. Sntllltt I" ( ""'"''IIIII I· cit s If 11 Cf~t lo the district i .• · I ( ·,,1111' •r•y lf~1k o lurlhl'r <;ti'P Ill ted 150 ' S ~I; Increased allowances for public school:-and more "" 11!111111'1!11; pro•~:rnm \\lwn II Ill '''11~0 ! II .000 on the fnO\'• aid f or the needy a~ed and for the ulincl contriuutf'd I ftlt·d ItO """'!''"linn "" ., •. ,., mh··r m.: ItO( n·m ~g· __ _ to th crrea•Ar out ay While the increa~e for the ~~ ""!' llw ' .rhfllrnl., Puhhr llul-NATIONAL GUARD e &' l.oC • , • 1111 <; l ttrnllll~~~"'' l~tr fll'flnl~"nn IO achools was made necessary by a con~t1tut tunal "'"'' ·rntt ~··II "' ,,""'" ••II\'•· hJ•I· RIBBON READY amend ment, and the aid for the aged and blinn wa:; cl•n..:. 11 "''\' ~~''"' "' :)411J WWI,cl(.l(' • • d btedl t b " . •rei,. 1 to ltr•• mt~rl~:u;•· l••nrt~ S Al RAMENTO. Df'<:. 30.-(UI'I un ou y nece~~ry. care mus e .._xl St:l 'flu,. 11'111~1 ~•·P In lilt• l'tiiTij)/10) 51 :0.1r·n who sr·rV{'d in the Califol· see that the state budget as a whole d oes not get too lottlllll'lnt.: ltrttJ.:Iilnl \1111 (r.ll .. w h} run Natumal Guard and entf'r••d far out of line with the state's average income cover-t··~· thrw ~•x11 dt•>' th• t•uhlrr 11f-r .. rt.·rat ('rvwe with it prior to ing & period of good times a nd not-so-aood times. fr•nn~: uf ~JO.IIIIIt )luerr·~ PI th•· l>••t· 7, 19-11 nnd serve-d to.r a year ,.. c•nmpan)' 11 ,•umuhrttw prd...-r•·d Ol nwr,. In th{' armE'd forces arr· The point is that it is very easy to keep boo~ting I ~lock, ttl .; pnr .. "' ~:.16 ~5 t)l'f I f'hl:ihlt· fur th<' statr Fcdt>ral Sen·-our ~ending on the basis of. current swollen revenueg, •llltro' wllh " dlmlt·nrt r~rt•• or Sl '..!~ Ice Ribbon , the State Dep&rtlllf'nt Sh d th fall h 1 'd b J ft · b .1 t r•·r sh11r... hy 11 hankrn.,; ~o:rnup M Vt•lt•rnns Affairs announCed tn· 0 e8e 8 arp y, We e e 10 a au SpO 1\r•ad,.,l hy The 1-'lrst Boston Cor· lillY with high commitments and not enough funds to poru1 u•11 ·and llttrns llull & c.,. T he ribbon Ia blue wtth fh t• adequately meet them. Of course, a good many mil-rnc wrucal gold r>trlpt>s centered on • d 11 h be · 1 Jted b th 11 flo ('(lmml'mOfiiiiC' thl' flv~ ~aN Jtons of 0 &r8 ave en WJse Y l'a away Y e of World W11r 11 service ot th~ state government for a pol'$ible r ainy day, but such We Nntionnl Guard. reae"es ean shrink very ra pidly when the financial -SUCCESSFULLY ----- going-get& rough. TREAT: 2,800 Ex-GI's California has enjoyed tremendous revenues in 0 ._. Dt&orden _ ...... uc~ Going To School the past few y ears, but we must not operate on the r-~e -PJoMtate o-w., SA\RAMEN1'n. Dec »-IUPI t• th th '1) t• ' d f' 't I O..tn • .. ._.... v-au-AJiprr•xlrnRIC'Iy 2,800 v~teran~ FORUM 01' P1JBU() OPINION U•-tilt' Talt-llarUey BIU pr~ 'iAl'" h,.tt,.r labor nlatloaa la the "'"utbland u "" -a...r 1M8! Mrr· r·hant. •ntl Muula.t•tur,.ra ..- ..tatlon. Loll Ancf'l...., wrote a let - '"' Ito Til~ NMn-Timn: •·t.~rhnr disputes In the t..o. An- ~d·os arPa Y.!'rl' shar ply noduced tlunn~-: th{' last quarter of 1947. "Tht• Taft-Hartley Act hu al- r .. at1y rcsulh'd in 11 re-duction or lnlxlr s trrf{'. Since Its eftecUvf' !lntc. August 22. the avt>ra ge num-l~o·r of new strikes·• per month droppt'd more than 66 pt'r cent, I •uvc F . Smith. pn•sidcnt of the association dcctart'd. "Los Angd,.~ w orkcrs num!K>r- lnll: 35.571 W<'rr• ln\oh·tod In a total of 77 strrkes durtng 1947. They 111~1 J ,5#"14.343 man d11ys of working ttmr• .. Aithou~:h th<' r.umbcr of strikes rrnd .. mptoy~'<'l affectE'd during 19-17 Wl'rr· lr•w1•r than the 134 <tnk!'s nff,..::tin~t 65.467 tn 1946, 1dJ.-pr01tuct rnn t tmf' increased hy 0111r(• thun JR5,0()1) man days. :16 day w11lkout of 1100 cabinet and fixture workel"!!, .AFL, and a 6 day shut down ot the WLi ter - tront involvin~t 2000 CIO long- s hort'meo. ''Lahor organizations 11('(_'0\Jnt- ablt• for the year's 17 work atop- pages: AF'L-40; CI0-25; other un ions-H). and 2 junsdictional disputl's betW("l·n AFL and CIO unlons "Comnwntln~t on tnc associa- tion's Y<'ar-md figur<'S. prnldent. Dave F Smtih state-d: "Locally we havt' seen w o r k stoppages sharply re-du~ during the los t quarter of the year. Com- pletely effectlvt' since August 22. the Taft-Hartley Act has alrl'ady resulted in Improved labor re- lations. • • Insurance p. •· palmer tHcououuD w. o. bud, inauronce counselor 3 3 3 3 vi_o lido, .n ewpott beach, eeltf. telephone newport beach, harbor 1500 * * SIGN PAINTING -AND- AD Typeeof Commercial Art Loc.W at WRIGHT'S LUMBER YARD 4 W. Pierce aw-·~ a1ND.-.aAOOM ...... ONrA IDaA ~ GORDON a~ FINDLAY oo~a AJm 111JD.D• om.: Mlt Ow&& .... ..... ...... tlt CABINET SHOP SERVICE OABINIII'I AND IIJLLWOU T. C. JOHNSON;Supt. ..,.......... .....,..,..__, Jack's Equipment Rental Contndon' Equipment • PLA8TD MJYDP • OOl<f~ MJYDP • TA•nne Phone Beacon 5508-W 17th and Santa Ana Ave. Coeta Meu assump 1on · at ese W1 con mue m e tnt e Y on _ RIP BJoM rr-re -fir(' ~:n•n~: to ~~·hoot with thelr bil l> the same level. In other words, it's just as important a-n ~ -a.-ll&eod PAid hy thl' lltatt> under CaJilor- to be earefuJ during prosperOUS periods a~ it iR dur-..._,. --'-16 -llJd. oi11'-"llttlr• C I Bill of RJchts:· -.y ... B...._ Dt&o.........._ th S I ( V 'Lar~:t•st ,;mgl<' amo•mt of this yl'ar·s 1oM mnn du)'ll was jncurrcd hy cmpluyr•s in thl' motion picture tndustry'lli jurtsdtcttonal c Ia 1 h where an aver age of 2600 workers l011l 669.500 days of work time. "Srnlth cil!'d strike totals for the rlrst two-thirds of th!' year as 661 involvi ng 32,R99 employes who lost productio ntim!' a mounting to 1,296.363 man d11~ llowcver . from Septl'mher throu~~:h Dt'cem - IK>r, he declared, corrcspondin!:! totnls were: H strikes afrt•cting ~~~~~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;~;;~;;;;~ 2680 rmployl'11 with a resultant r. ina a depression. s. .... B~ eaedl-(' talt> )('pnrtmt>nt 0 ~lft'aM •.oe .._ _ • • Afrarrs ri'Pt.lrtt•d today. WITB01JT 1J81NO 8U1WDY, Leap Year D&1J08, MEDIOINU, oa INiJEO'I'IONB ..... ~ The manhuntina teUOn ia on. Every unmarried _...,r,....""' •• A""::-.:::-:-,~~,- -'-II a legitimate target. And every unmarried Dr.&. r . Bell. D.c .. PILO. Thls n~~:urr· r{'prf'SC'nts Utt I{' chrtngt• from last Spring, offlciuls 5111d. Statl' funds art> available to vrtl'rans ~ h o hav(' lnsutftc:ient rights undt'r th(' fede-ral C . L BtU to complete thC'Ir educaUon.. ··Othn major work siOPPIIKH of 1947· a 31 day !!trike by 16.- 285 indl'l)t'ndl'nt telephone work· era: a 10 day work stoppage by 6000 rl't all food clerks, AFL; a PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY woman baa a license to track d own the man of her • ., n.~ &L N...,.n .._. eboiee and get his name on a marriage license-if ..!'!~:Z~~::._, lhe ean. ~~~-~~--~~~~~~~ AOOOtnfT.urT PRTI!IInAJfS a BVIIOeGM'& 11..D. History doesn't show clearly where th is ide a 111 --._-..;;;.;;.;;..TU=~o-~=;.:;._-.. --. loss of 267.980 man days. "Active new strikes in the ~ Angeles &rea fr om J a n u a r y throu~th August av!'raged slightly mon• than 8 per month,' Srnlth continued. 'while In the last tour months or the year this average dropped to about 3--a reduction of 60 per cent since thl' passage of the Taft-Hartll'y Act. With but one strike commencing In Dt'cem- IK>r . t>i~tht work s toppagl'l will be rarrled owr Into 1948.' • TUX RENTALS FOR • WEDDINGS • BANQUETS • HOLIDAY • I'ORIIAL EVENTS OCCASIONS Major'• !tl W. F'OUBTB 8T. EVENINOII BY PROSE II%0..W APPOIN'I'MENT SANTA ANA originated of making leap year a combination of 366 &e• -, ... -... ....,. -..... .... A. V. Andrewa, M.D. S. Hawkins days. Back in Scotlang, however{ in 1288 1 WILLIAMS &: WILLLUI8 rRY:.OIAJif • law W... d ' · th · d f I Bw'nr M•ri(CzD?901 8 ................ "'On tht> othf'r hnnd. the II'Jtiti- mktl' ;wtivlllf'" nf lahor unions hav.-not sufft•r!'rl. And. mn!tt im -1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~g port11nt. the indlvuiual employe I ..., passe giVmg e unmarr1e ga s a ree 1 eo-Jtuta u -._, ... hand at man--snaring every fourth year. The Jaw pro-1 Otftae: Ooeta ,._ a.u ~. u1 c-& Jaclnfa7 . ...,._ ... , ha:< madl' usP nf h1s new frN·dom.~ and ~u:trnntN'l'.' Smith N)nrlu!l.-d vided that if the man reft.LSed her without good rea-I BeL aaw <Joata M-. ~-o.r-..., ..., eo~ such as already beinl! betrothed, he had to pay l "TI1c•rr Wr'r" 49 l11hor disturh- nnr·t•~ fp1ckr•ting without llt rik,.l 1n Lns An~~:.·lr·<; durin~: 1947 1'wn nf lh!'>'l' han• conlinurd for morl' than 11 Y"llr Of thr• 1947 total. r\Ft. un1rrns wt•rp n<•rnuntalllt• lnr 1:.! l;rbor dislurhanr•••, the ('J() for •ix nod rll h<'r or~:nniZJII ion~ for nnt" ·· LIDO 18LE a nne which varied according to how much he was I worth financially. : . We don't know yet how rugged the 194R ~eawn 1 wdl be, but every now and then if you see a man da~h-I a o a a ing up the street with a blonrle in hot pu!'l'uit you can l be pretty sure that ~he isn't chHging !-lomeone wh<• I anatched her purse but ig Rimply t'xerri~ing her qu:ul-I rennial privilege. · · TWO AOJO!NIOfO • B·n . DOU ALI: Well, leap to it, ladies. We wigh vor.1 every !'ucce~:-; 1 ln your effort~< to take a hu~band . · (Hut h(• l'an•ful whose husband you take.) The Independent Voter When the renewal of the Whit<' H ou~<' lf'a~<' conw:-> up for consideration next November, the cl f'l'i:-;ion for I or against the preRent tenant will lar~el v he dl'<"idNI by the independent voterg of the counlr\'. &TRI.I:T &IT&a AT e s •ao I:ACH. WtrLL LOCATI£0. I:XCI.LLIENT IIALUI:. .. p. a. palmer ···"''"•'H' realtors ... ., ' o I ' • •)(0 According to the Gallup poll, nne m 'wr in ev~n· five disclaims any tiefl with either tlw Demorrats 0r the Republican~. Neither major party ha~ eno11~h pennanent strength to gwin~ an election. E:H'h timC' the nation goes to the poiiR. therefore. the politician!"!~~~!!~~~~~~ must work hard to woo thP indep<>ndent. w oup. WORTHINGTON A s of right now, ~y:o< Mr. GaiJup. the indt'pen<l- enta favor the Democrat.~ by a perrenlal!e of !>7 to .t:l. That must be sweet music to the ear~ of the Truman family, e~pecially in view of the housin~ ~hort a).!C'. But with the dectsion on the rE>newaJ of the leage ~ti11 1 10 months off the landlord~ may chanl!e their mind~. They're a bit fickle, you know. I ln'fact, a I!OOd many experts believe that in l'pit(" of the present sentiment in the President':-> favor. hc'JJ be turned out into the cold on January 20. 1 !"149. Ap- parently they feel that one of the other prominent eitizens who is trying to get into the White House will convince the owners that he'd make them a better tenant than Mr. Truman. But !<omehow we d o not think it will be Henry WaiJace. Jndepentlent Yntel' or no. ·•· § Refrigeration FJU:ON AIDIONU ..... l ..... AJr Conditionina ........... PreuurePump8 Centrifugal PumPI ._AIIPr .... All~ ....... can .... Bookkeeping Servi~e t}()LIN F. BROWN (llubor 11'61 8 AL80A YACHT CLUB Bayoldo Or .. Nowpor1 BNcll OENT18Tfi' Dr. Obed Lucas DENTIST Uotth W. Ceatral. llarber &&81 NE\\TORT BEA<'R GORDON E. BAPP. D.D.S. zau w,..t <Aoaua& PIIOCIII llarbor U l ..... N,.wport OlllllOPilACTOR Dr. Tom E. Barton CHl.ROPRACI'OR un OoeM mpwa1 Ooroaa del Mar lin Kftldell'a PBtlol Plloae llarbor IOU Georgia T aylor Pabltf' 8 tftln ~n'IOP So&ary l'ubllr Mlmeotfraphlnttt·Mallln,r ~nicla tOll E. Cf'ntral "''"· Ralboa Harbor 2661-R. 5'2M-W NEWPORT RA.RBoa VE'TERINA.RV IIO!'PITAJ. HoMI<'fl Patkl't, 0.\'.!\f. Paul l), Rut('bl'r, OX.:\1. Jln< !'l · :> P.111~. ml'l Sun. 101'! ~t:. ~'''"' Orin • CO lOT \ \1 f::o'A R'"'fl. ~L ~1l711: RM. Har. 4t1 DA T f!l<'liOOL Mortimer School H. R. HaD, M. D. Pil7&1daa _. e.r,- Houra: 2-5, by Appolntm.nt Tt>l~phone Beacon SM8 Ill Rroedwar Ooa .. Ilene IIDtoD II. lla.rnl1. M. D. I tol CoM& Rlwar Cor-. del- Office Houn: 10-12; 2-5 Pboae llubor lOll Forecast More I Money in '48 I F~~.~!,~!?.~~.i~n~ uP ' '-----=:::::::ooo::::=----~ II 1S a IHifl' hN llw 11\'t'nlj:(l' l'ali· S R. M M D f1•r:unn "111 ("llru "~ muC'h or mor,. 0 onaco, 0 0 HI l!lJfl than hr d1d t hiS )'t'llr, WrtS 814 BaJ Ave .. Balboa tlw fnrr•('n~:t (or u proS):J('rrJU> Nr•w llarlHw 11M Y.-nr mnrlr hy Stall• Frnncht!l•' 1'<1X I Offtee Boara: C(ommlslllonr•r C'hnrh-s J. MrC'nl· % to 5 P. m. cnn I lloDCI.a7 &b.roactt Fltda.J 1\!c('ol~:nn prl'dlctC'd th11t lh<' ;-----"""'-----_:, !111111· inroml' tax r .. v,.nur fnr lhl' 0 19-lfl-49 fiscal )'l'nr will ht:• S57.-T. P. Reeder, M. . :1()11,n00. as cr,mpllfrll wtth th,. ap- H E St• Ll ., ~ D pm-<im,,,, $:i:!.()(lft.OIIfl fur thi• C'Ur· • • ICK er, M. • rt·nt ) t'ilr ~"~~ Th .. s lnr•• rommr.;~hrnl'r nl~o rs- Otftae: Harbor eoz 11mn t~ that tht> Jrn-nc•hi~,. t11x on N'latlt--..,_ Rawt»or Tn-M •·nrtklrn ltnn~ Wtll jump rrum 111.._ !:============~ pro~lmllll'l) ~f;l t.OOO,OtKl tn ~7.·1 (~10.000 Conrad Richter, M. D. Prelf'nt Houn: t110 a. m..-n M~ S:lt p. m. • t :SO p. m. HOI-() w. Ceatnl Newp»rt a..cb l"'lloDe Harbor UCII Chas. A. Wylie, M.D. Waats aad Chlldrea OoMt mpwar aac1 1-'- 0oroea del Mar Houn: 1 to 5 p. m: Har. 1M5 OPI'OIR'I'&DT &.T.~O.D. ~ EYZ8 w:xAJIIN'ED LmNBJal DUPLIOATir:D _ ............ ...... ....... a....~ .a-... _.., ••• MWWI .. W .U.. Now oa Band: Tr;tn~IIIC't'l11 pl;t,lll' ,.,",." ha\'f' h('•'n do•St):;n<·Ct rur I h•' rro.tect 100 of I t'iN'trtr fans liJI:IIIn~t dust during ~tl'rf•J::I' Fir,. llnn!lnO'; rlr'strnys f'nrou~~:h I llntllf'r nnd l11mh•·r 111 huild l.lO.flllll l (I\ C'·room hnli!'~'S. , LUMBER BUILDING MATERIALS ---··&HARRINGTON · LUMBER ~ 9 I A\.. Bay Dlatriet Yard 518 Cout IDKbway Pboae BMooa 5111 At tbe Ardtee Plmnbing Contractor FIXTURES AT RETAIL SINKS, Vitreous China, Double WATER HEATERS, Standard Brand $25.00 $52.50 T oileh, Lavatories and Laundry Trays FLOOR FURNACES INSTALLED AMON WEST PLUMBING CO. -Pboae Harbor 1185-J - 2607 Ceatn.l Al·e. NEWPORT BEACH 8};.' 10'1 f'ora.l A""'. Ralboa bL DAY SCHOOL SOW OPF.S SCOTCH TAPE -t--SASH -DOORS -SC'Il.F.ESS -\\'IXDOWS STERLING CABINET & CONSTRUCTION 5·363 -...... .A.ntplw lH.. ...... ........ e. &..• •nnMtrL •· oL .....,.. ..... ..... 1 ....... _ NEWS-TIMES s.ppiJ Limited I MO N__,ort A"-Vollie DA.lton 1793 NEVVPOBT AVENUE COSTA MESA We r.ost ·our Lease and-Must-s~l-our Entire Stock All Sales EVERYTHING MUST GO REGARDLESS OF PRICE! Many Items Half Price Final SALE STARTS WEDNESDAY MORNING AT g o•cLOCK House c~~·~ 0 & Robes ' ..... ~ ~ BursSt~Cki;g;ool HALF PRICE -ODDS-'-~NOS Net Yardage All linens All lingerie 9 & 9'/, size only -87c All Dresses All Dresses Curtatns 45-& 48-in. wide -HALF PRICE HALF PRICE All Bobby Sox 52 '9~1oo55'98 -H~rF ~~~e YARDAGE MUST GO 22c: 6 Pr. Drapes DRAsrJcLv REDucED Snow Gloves & Mittens Monterey . Cloth wool $11.49 to $12.98 $19.95 to $22.98 $677 $1177 All Dresses All Dresses $14.98 to $16.98 $877 $9.49 to $1 1.49 $577 Plain Ecru -$483 Quilting & Coaftngs · Dresses Blouses Values to $7.98 Entire Stock $427 HALF PRICE $5.50 & $4.98 . Sweaters $297 Plastic Yardage 36-in. -Yard, 68c Chintz Yardage 36-in. at 87c 48-in. at $107 Dish Rags Bath Towels 7c each 73c to $137 Face Towels WashCloths .. 37c to 73c 19c to 73c Indian Blankets Reg. $4.49 -$283 4-Pound, I oor; Wool Boat Blankets $593 Bed Spreads Complete Stock -Many at 112 or Less 13 Pa ir Long Ruffled Tie · Back Curtains Reg. $3.98 at $177 Wool Bed Jackets 3 Pr.-Floral Patterns Chintz Drapes Reg. $10.98 -$563 ·curtain Yardage · ---for Bedrooms 45-& 48-in . Wide-S39c Drapery Yardage ---to $1.98 at 97c Drapery Yardage Reg. $2.49 -$159 All Wool Blankets Standard Ma~es S1Q98 Satin Comforters Regular to $24.98 -$1289 50 ); Wool Double Blankets Reg. $8.9~-$593 Pastel Sheet Blankets Satin Bound Edge -72 • 90 $243 White or Plaid -Sheet Blankets $187 One ·lot Skirts HALF PRICE $100 No Exch~nges ~ ORKIN'S·-Department Store . . Regular to $4.98 at $283 $3 .98 at $197 $1.19 Dotted Swiss 68c 85c Plain Colors Indian Head 57c sf~cki~gs All Purses 43c at HALF PRICE · Cotton Dresses All Wool Slacks White Outing Flannel 36 in. Wide-33c yd. Striped & Plain Chambray 36 in. -$1.49 Valu e at 83c All Umbrellas At HALF PRICE All Compacts & Jewelry at HALF PRICE All Handkerchiefs HALF PRICE ___ .... -· --····-· · B lldl 1'\flrr m"n) t1•h)~. h, .. tln"n •:''1 Allor lhr Olllr<'T'" nr,. "1'1•""'''"""' ou '" .... -·-----tty flA oft~.... U ., ng lhr K .,.1, m f~:>r l"ll!'hlnR AM hilS 1 d. thr pro~tTnm rontlnuH through I duty nf rvrr y Amrrlr11n .. costs· are IIM.UI &--• up. > • Stoding Capa -Foot Warmers $117 Nubby Knit & Lanamere -Cardi9an Sweater & Twin Sets Re9 . $9.49-$583 Slip -o~·d~Weaters Reg . $6.50 -$387 Percale Floral ' Prints Drapes~~ New Spring Prints $9.98 to $17 .98 38c yd . $783 . $1.19 Balloon Cloth Prints 68c $2.19 Imported White Organdie 39-in.-$157 Bras · Foundella Girdles HALF PRICE Denim Garden Suits & Slacks . . $147 House Aprons ONE -THIRD OFF CHILDRENS & INFANTS DEPT. HALF PRICE Children's Outing Sleepers $100 ladies Flannel Pajamas $3 .98 Val ue -$247 ., . No Refunds • .. COSTA MESA ,... • "".. • ..... ft •• IIJt,AII....,. ., • OIJU.J'. I • .. J p~ 10 NEwPoaT aAL a «1 A NE\\'8-TIMt.:s See Extens1·ve ~ TUI:8DAY N~ s-rJt, CaUl. laa .•• 1M3 [II~ '11/olcJ,.] Balboa Anglers !farbor Upper Bay a "HncH" To Elect Officers 48 Development y tC"t .,lllllllt~l from pa~:•· ~~ 1 Thr annual d inner me(·t ins,; or Wlnter has lald 11 heavlt'r hand rhe Dalboa An~tlin~: rluiJ will be· MPnnwhrh· ~tat.-hcttllh IIUI ItVI I· than uau~tl !In our murtn<' m<'n hr-ld 1n 'ttw r\r9o110rl Jl rartw>r Yacht th'l' :m• tulllln~o; " cntwal ''),. on Not only do w e hav<' thl' Sf'asonat rluh l"rlc1ay .ltln 1fl, at 6·3<r p m .... v .. r~tl t~·nt s.•wag1• ···<'~·111~~' '" slump but also VlrUJ X wilh \llrht· At that tnn•• unnuul to11r11nmt·ut I tho• •'0\lnl.) lon d lhr·r•· '~ talk ul Uorts of hronehitl~;. pm•umunia and t ruphio·~ u11d hullons woll hi' qw.nmruw tor tht· IA·uch .Jn. ''"' ju8t piatn mHfl-""rmtrd. I v.u:Uul}' of the jl.lint uutlall we. ' • South Coast is very 4ulJ•t wWcb CAndlda.tcs for tx>ur11 c,f rltrt-ct tht: muuth nf S11nta .\1111 rw••• ahould-11:i-Yt' ~ldffiHluh H•twt' """ for tht• nt·w Y•·nr nr•· Pr (' llt•ltlth /IU!Ih>rlfl•"-n'l li.:tll fOr<'l' thr rnon:-tame to r<-'<ltl\'t•r from his rt:· M . llN'Ilf', Sid Bor&tlt•r, Rny t':dl. 1'' •u• 1" '-~•11"' ""~~'1' •ll,tnc·h 1'-' a-n t and !Ct r1uus r•'l'lllnaiOr) in· P.oy 1 1av1d~on, 1\,..nt lliti'IINwk "•:II. '1 1" ltttlldl fectlon. r,NJr~o;r ll•tl~tt·ln. J ud lltJUJCQ, K•·ilh 11t•· 11' w '''•11' ·~·rll .,.,. -um .. <ttl· Skip Calkln!l is IIJipiart•ntly BI LN". Ur. S R Mun~tr•u. IIIII I'W~:.I v;ttH'•"' Ill lflt'l'l'fi!>IOI; th" ('oun~}' toughie Wh<'n it . ccmH•Ii to l'CiiSt-11'••tutu l'l'r•·f-, l'o·rt• Pl'llt•tl, C.·or~:t• Ill I 1"0 ,J,·n1d•·r 1"'llli'l' >nt1pJ!I) (WI I th · ril H d w . I' d c G v 11 •t 1 >-tnwttun a n·.~•) h unr .-r wa1 on 1 nc e varus ()(' . t an t•s rO!Is "" . . an or n " '''"'j f 1 (iO h 1 ·,h t J ay along INith the Ol''flcrs l\lr t)('rs will vote for st•veh ··xt.-n~r<ln ° 1 "' ·tn<' 1.1 Jl(' 8 and' Mrs 1-: L f«>ll f S ' M 1'h hoi d II· 1 1 · 11 . 1 W itS llt~•h l/l•nt•u llt I 'r;ollo ll11m. hy · · · z o "0 a· '' ar ""' '' l'l' '" I'"'"" the •·oH11lY wh•·n that r•·~··rvotr riDo, brought a brand new 45-loot dent. flrlt aod II<'Cnnd vlrt• pn·S· was l'n,trut·tl'd. 1111~ lm ... 1;; lt't't EJco down from San Pedro IIlii id•mt!t and tr•·IISUi•·r It Will '''" 1 1 , . rf I. th. d!l.rr il b<>ln week in the b1g blow. Nav1ol ar· point th<' srtTI'Iary Outgoinl: Pn~· ~'* 11" h"ru 1 acf' a, ' .,.,.}~. 'r •t tgo _..1 "··lkl d hi l · L'-.1 F , ul"'~l~ { uwn II l"''ltlll •. rvv o'( ""'teet ._.. nil ha not 111: tut :d<'nt r, nnk Lmno•ll nne tr'SI \ ll'e• t.hl' fl"lnl whrl"'· 11 Will e·m<"·~o;e• at I prat.e for' the crart'a Jl('Tformance Prt•srde·nl J . B. Mt•N11IIy ar" "'"•1· ~urfar•• of tit(• riv••r thanm•l. the· 1ft hug<' fOIIO\\'lnJ: St'l\8, "Nt>ve·r It rnatk1olly nwrnht'r~ llf tlw Ill'" lut•·r J.alf 11r lhr• di~IIIIWt• II• tx•l yaw'' hr clalms. hoard ,,1~·n olllrh < 'c.mpli·ltcm '" "'twd· Frc'<ldiE' C'rozt~•r, our stout h••art. , ult..-t :olw>Ut Apnl 1:; ed d<'nn of yacht brokers, sa) j S t An G t s.,,... !WOO \\'aro·r ...... t ~ may not l>t" lliiY hual~~'liS an a a e s Thb lin,., dt'llining lllltl••f1:rPIInlf but ndttJCT dod he hO\'(' VIrUS I n• w k ' Wll lf'!"< (t( th•· ro••f'l"\'011' hii •ITI 1111•1 troublrs. OJrt J3ohman too rt'ports Jg or man S 1)1 •. 'I•IPHIIon~ I.;IYIIfllt l' of lite• 1'>1111 busln<'ll fogg<'d in. II ugh Halt.!y ~~ { • C t t) •, ~uh·>tll f111'•• hn-.ln, ,, "~IJI~I··d Ia recoverin~t from lh(' mi!l<'ry. Of UJmpensa JOn u ... '-1\'f' '''"''' kOOO (,.,., f)( Will< I UN-BAlboa Mnrinr llnrdwaro· pnrt. . 1u111~t,ilh . "' :1 ,.,,.., h ( JICIS.'ilol) nen Larry Brown anct Vin Jor-Sanla Ana I'll) •lllJtl•l\1'< hr.l• • '1-l'JII,I~•i tnl'lrtrl!lli.: a .~Jf.Jo(ti·ICI , ... ,. frenJ('n, thc• rom H•r ls hlllr and ~:ninNl f•lr It••· .''IIY " dtvrd• nd 11'11"1 ,tnd 'lnltc'llll•l•~l '''''"' I .II\ hearty snd the lattt'r is "" "nlk· 1'1111'1111 11111: 1•1 !-•'~:l l3l "" thc•lf 1111.: ul rut•• i' ''\Jw..;·H·d "' ,,,11., 1,, l.ng corps!'.. "11~' rwtrll't' ot ."''' 1 v I' I' •·:ttJI '"11' mtd .l111111:tn -"• ttlt•• :uldtl '' •n:tl "ut- Orvillr Lyonll or th•· Ollllxlll Jo~qolt J l ottllll'lll I !l1:tlloH't I 'I '•'' Ill" I:.. t•:I.IA ,.,,.rJ '""" "'"''' Yacht Ba~<ln \\11S proltnl>ly ~m11rt. "' ''" '''"'' ''"1111"'11'alolln ltHIII !1111 ''"'1: ,,1• r:lli"n' 111 llt•· "'" 1 He-b<-111 11 IIJI 1•1 Pl<'I:On ll\lt•r lttt• llfloo lttnd hil' lllllt'lllllt d l th1tl !Ito• 1.,11 li.l•lrl 11 "'ll, :1 l''"li•'tol ll\t' l>ll• holidA}'S to ~·· h1s hrollto ·r nn•l /~11\lfiL!' IIIII llllllitl """ 111•'11'· I•" 1.,1 '1111 lu '''"'''' rlu· t'llltlll\ ;1nd lllit· al8tl'r , \vritl'< h•• ~~ Wl'll lout "I 'illlt• lo) il •·w t<l ,,,(,II ,,,,.,,Ill ;ol 1"1' \\,tlt·r •'••1111"'"''' C'an't tih ony hq~•n•'l'" UJI hl•rt•"11111 ''111 \\lltl,••r• (,w flu ·'' 11 ''lid \ll1tlt WMWI ,.,.,.,, ,,..., nf Wlllt•r Ed Rkh11rdsnn "' ctw l1111thn~ nl 1111' "'"''' It; l''"'' "til 111o1l<• 'filii,•." ~1'1" '' 111,1111 th(o 1111111• 11111111' '"'lllJllftilll'tl t>f 'l"tt' relttnt1 1~·1 lo;'llll'ol It\ lito IIIHio' 'lt"J " '"'' llt•o•d•~l• Ill tht• IIC'IUOnal quic•trw~~ hut t·n•f.,rl ,., dt••·t• 1~1 ''' Wtorkt:tt n·, ''"111JW11'' '""'I<• 1 :trld "'" t w.1ll•i 1":'"'''. a hapry noll·. "tron,• u ( us lta11.l tum •~·•t It\· 11.•,,.,r <'<til c>l rio• 1~.,,,. tlt.lf '""""'•'l'!jiJ•·'''""""" had tht~ r.o~ Anceks cli~l'.t~l'.. l•rt 111111111m c:all:.t•h• r crt•dl!o•tl Ill• I•· lltlo'lfltlllo•tl ,.,,.,,,,.r••d l•nll 11, w(' kncl<'kl'd 0 11 !h ... dour or 1\l .,.,,.,, (lrlll(ftllll ll!l(l '"'' nty "' ""'"'1'1111).; (';lltllllllll 11\o I \;,,,,:,I Paynf''s AllY Oi~tri{'l llnrtlwan·l llrhtl~ \\il_lt nlf••tlllll.: tit.-'II'""'' IIIIIIIIJ.:lt lho• .\l..rn,fo<tlit.tn \\;rft•r and found It lockrd und so don't l"r t hr C'lty. '"'''"'' ''"'l'''l!littn •·f lltllllllunltl l know whl.'lllf'r AI is m the clutdw~ c •mn..:•· 1'01111'~ ll'tl'illl!)' to "''' ol Vlrm or lnVI'TIIOry. Jncidl'ntatly, Dog Strays·, :\1\\'1. ,, ""'' ol lht• ""'w~· .. r 191>(, how would you Ilk(' to makt' nn In· """ ,..,.,.,,IITI llll•·r•·"l' hlo\1• 111 n und 1 wntory ol At's ~haotlc but ampll' Owner F•·ned I uno· 'li t' h :illllo•)lltfh)ll p rnJ•-<:t lfO<'k 7 ( llht•r-.. Will Ill• t'IH'Oiara~o;.-cl. Kt-nny Wilson of Chrll Craft, I li~o;hwll) cl,.,.,.l,lpmrnt in Hl4R hardy aoul. Ia not only aound In Mrs. B Fktc•her, of 111 Pl\rk llflfl<•nN ''' h" N>nll'of't>d in +hi' 'lJNCI MAHMOUD, JOWIC-aon ol Jbn Saud, ruler of 8alldJ An· bla, arr1vea ln N•w York hom London. He came to thla eowatry tor mt'illcal treatment and Will remain lndeftnltely. PINT18T8' PAV0KIT8 -Screen atar RU.a B&J• worUl ftuhea a smile that Ia typical ot the care or lila teeUl u practiced bJ BollJ· • 1WOOd atara, accorclkll to Dr. ;Daniel Jutton ot 8Jr&CUH, lprealdent or the New York ~tate Dental SocletJ, meet- ~nl tn New y ·orlt CttJ. Tbe~ 11 more to teeth care Ulan a mere bruahlnr or t.he, molan, be I&JL I AS CUTI A GAL aa ever ~ I the aras Ut Penny Edwarda, lm· . portl"d from Broadway to pep ap , the Hollywood ~eene. I I L wind and Umb but y('ltf'rday re--Avc•. Balhc:m lslnnd, wn8 finrd $50 S11n1n A1111 fn'l·wny, <'XTJ('<'It'd to par:ted the dt-llvcry of a n('w 46-su~)V'ndeod for on<' )'!'llr in cily rc'lhlr" rlrl\•tns.: ttnl<' hr twN•n Santa foot CC with 0 )1nc bridgE'· 10 J. l'mtrl Muml!ty a ftt•r h••r strnying A011 11nd Lns Ans;••lrs to holf an ~ Wright of Los Angf'IH. Grrm1on llh<'plwrd dog h11d bl'<'n hour. tlu•rE'by stimulating ovl'rtlow ~tered namt' of th" nrw crsft ltpprrhl'nd!'d by llumant• Offr c•rr or ~.A; Ans;l'll's indu~;try and popu- li DON·JaRan. \'tnl"t'nt Cusmano. lntinn lhat Is all'f'ady spilling into R. L . Boyd rf'porta nothln~ do-Tht' animal was re turn"d to Orang<' {'0\lnty Pmhll'm.c; of ~w- Jnc but he hu hla new turquolae Mn. Jo'lt•tchf'r aft<'r she proml!lt'd !'rlliCP anc1 wnt,..r supply thu~ rae .. bhw, doubl.e f'nct.d sloop DU-to t'r..ct a six foot fence t'nclosurt'. ag~avatinn. QUESA to krt"p him wann. Ofll~ Inadequate ll':f"T TO RIGHT; Moote 0~~. IIIII Cr)M•It, ltarry l..u;r;, Mr. and Mn.. llomr11{, olohn Keefer, Vl'l,oil Oakct..n, 1\arncoy Ro._,rt11 and Kf'nny ~tonoy, u Homr1c-weiN•uH'd t-:·k from 1'St\ tour for \'et-~..-.· rehabllltaUoo. ploolo by Volnt'Y Hay jr. A BIG GIRL NOW-Vlrglnla Grey's blonde curls and nice legs won her the movie role of Li ttle Eva In "Uncle Tom 's Cabin" when she waa nlne. Toda y those same attributes have won her a aeven-year contract and atardom ln the production, _:_So Thla 11 New York. • IIOID Celli Off Th<' {'()IJnty faC'I'l'o a S~>riou." pmh. You _...bly aaw on the COYt'l' IllS ll'm of hou:<ing it,; J:tOVI'mm('nt, but ot SundaY• Hom. aectlon of UN-On Trailer Courts IUly compl"l'h<'nsiVt' huilrllng pro-... Aaetlea 'l'bMa a full color gram ~" ~vt'ral Y"ars distant. -., ctl U. tuawtou. u.tnc room 1'op floor of thP ·hall o1 I"E'CCf"ds 't Cllc to the Al 'nttanya. Al, E ffective lmmt'diately II thf' will be n-modelc-d ~rhaP5 an 811• ,_., ...... and owner ct u,. BO(). llltln1 of rental llmlt atlona on all dltlonlll noor provided with in th" JVI(, recent!)' built a moclftn trailer courtl and "houalng ac· prHmt fnunf'work. which wiiJ givr 8dllbte home at Shore O ttfa over-comodatlon. IO<'aled In trailers and partial &nd temporary relief. But Jooldnc hutlor and wa. Home, ln eround apace rented for trallf'rt." tht-<'O!It. about ~100 000. Jikrly will Ita dacrtpdon of Ow handaome acrordln~ to the o rd"r iuut'd by po~~tpon" a full hulllfing program, Tlff&n)' rsklmoe, faJied to rnen· llowdn~r F.xJX'(flt"r Tight• E. Woods lhourh al"('hitl'<'t.~ an> now ~;urw.•y. tioft IOfiWthlnc which hu IIH-n In Wuhlngton, D. C'. ing ~urh nl'ffi.~ and will !lOOn !'('('· ~ AI and his frlt'nda chuckle Thia ordt'r will r ff<'Ct 7500 tr an-Ol'lUTl('nd th<' l)'fll' 11.nd location of -~ concrete and l tftl aolllnr slf'nt rrntal units In Orangt' roun· huildlng~ "if. 1111 and whl'n." Th~ ct u,. rarqe Ia exactly Of'lf' Inch ty acrording to Gr<'ltlt Wat!lon, l•.mbllhly would tlf' on tl'tf"· Rl\ll('X tao low to permlt •ntr&ne'l! t o r"nt control chl('f, ln~ludJnr thosl' sit(' and thr nn>a wc-;;t of it. All one ct AJ'a can, a too l tately Ita-of 40 trall"r courts. nrrummt advlln('ro In favor of tioft wqon wblch muat f~t'l' Still subj(-ct to rt'nt C'ontrol Rr<' building is that right now thr puit ln UN-drlV\'Way. apy1roxlmatrly 28,000 d w <'II 1 n g c-ounty i.'< paying n>nt on quar1N'S IIIOift' or WAY units or th(' pc•rmanl'nt typl'. in· l'qtla) to lh<' iniP1"1'51 ~hl\~('1\ of II n,. ANCHOR WATCH ronrun cludinr holJ!I<'s. ll.parl mt'n!A and hond i~c;ul' of $1.500,000 to $2.000.· certainly with the rullnc t h a t rooms In npartme•nt hoU5Nl and 000. So it~; 11 ('aS(' nf whNh<'r tn JOWft' muat Jive WilY 1o u ll Wh<'n prlvat<' hom<'!', Watson said. n>nl or crwn ynur O"'fl homr. tt eome. to rtcht of way but tht' A SR.lltfl Ana civic C<'nt<'r I~· ...,UC.tlon of thla Rule of th" B •td• T t I J'IOAAI thnf WO\Jid link thP Jll"('~·nt Road at tlnwt -ma lmpraC'tlcal. Ul Jng 0 a C'f)IJOt)' gl'YtUnd'< to the~ city tW'*•I. 1bt' other day a largt' V!.'I.Jel of Set R d fivt' hl(l('ks to lh<' w('11t , Is rn· a hunclred ton burden wa~ nosing 8 ecor COitni<'Jinl: ~tmnj;' Jli"()IN't from thl' Up the bay at 5 mfi<'A pl'r hour '•'n !;(lUnrt' hluc·ks of h(lm(' ownl'~ (Which fContlnuPd l'rom Page 11 fac-ing l'virtion from th•• '<flip 1w11 Ia hazardous In a stroa~e hl"'e'ks wid•' ron!:id<'r('(l for ln~tu. Wind and CUITt'nt) wht'n a small Drh·<', fl'l'rmlt to artd sun il•'r k '" ~ sloop on tht' starboard tnC'k ap-prr"""' dwrllin~:: \'nlu•• ~,()() ~ion. So 111111 pr(lj•~t whirh Wt)lilrl JII'OIIch<'d ht'r bows. A look out on G•·orrzc· Snnrho·s. :1!~ M:tr<'IIS lrrtns; rit~. ('Ollnty. stnlf' :tnd fl'fl· the bow of th" lllrgl' w•sst•l mo· nvf'nll•·. fl''rmit In •·r••rr noll' ,1,,1.\ •·ml ltulhlins,;• tnln 11 o't'lntNl l:'f't'\<lp tlon<'d to th<' hl'lrru;mnn. a thotr~· SI'W'n r~•m thvo·llin~ nt :1:.!:1 '1· ~1.1 h;ong:-111 thr loaln'lrc• II!< tht• "''"' and hor!l(' jiOw••r •topJ'('d nnc'l thl' ~:olfl "''''""'' \'nlur ~1 :0 ftOtl · ' I Y•''"' t>p<•n• Wille) ln!tt w11y whllr till' llttlf' .J S llnn~··n. ~r; l\tJ•nn•• 111'1'· sloop CTnurd triumpha nlly m·c·r nctr , l)('rmlt '!' nlllkt• ftflrlotlon!: '"I County School 11K> skipprr of thl' lnr~:r \'t'!lSrl prt·~rnt hutkltnrz \'nlltt• ~lf,OO aald nothlnj;. lookc•d ar lh(' ~tky ~--R Moll ... !. na\ Fronl J••rmot State Support WhtH thr r·nl!lne~·r. wo rr) lttl: In ~>rPI'I 1>n1• ~tnr~. fi\'1' roNHil 1111 ··11 -1 Up $J ,544,,•)64 · about hill nir pro•ssun•, ~nirl t':\l1· In): 111 112 Sl'l'ill•• \'"""' SIO,f)(t\1 ·) not b(' rcrordt'd. 1 P r\ Ct1<• ', 1~>7 1 'r"~" :1l'•'n1t•· Tt>Chnk ally tht• sloop skiJII"'r '",1.:111111 l knrh, 1••rmit 111 mak~ ( lrnm:•· •'"""'\' pcthlh' srh•••l" wu within h ts rllo!hts hill 1\'tlh lntr•r1nr nl!l•ntlltlll" :11 111 l\lr arl' I'''''"'' 1111. ~.'\ 'il~.fw;'i 111 q 111, t he who II' lt.ty 10 mnnt'uvc•r rn lonct I fncldt•n l'lttc•o•, ~•'1\ port. \' n lu ,. '<IIJ'IIt•rl lor 1 It•• o'l ttT• nt so·h111,t no raet' on hr mil;ht haw !:i~t•d $1200 w:rr, c•nmplll'o·d W1tlt !':.!.171 f:t'l up th(' situnliOn anct t'utlt'h•ousl_v E . Sl•e'kn··~ Il l :IR•h o:trl'l'l, for 1 ~1Jt>.4i, C'.tltlnrn111 Ta~p11~,.1 , ll\'<'n way. I fl''rmtl '" h~~tlcl thr•'•' r•••ms '"'c•r j "'"~'i:ti1Ctl1 ~:nicl 1 r.O"~ 1 ~;.cr:t~··· \'~thtt• !\~. Th•• 1"11111) • ~1:11<' !IIIJll ••rl lnr, COSTA MESA WOMEN GET 'THANK YOU ' FROM CHINA MEDIC JL r .. •ni•••Hry, :-.:n '}. fWR I'Ort H •". I!Lii ~~~ irwlucl··~ $:l_1~.!'\R1 fnr I ,, .• l"'rmi1 f<' huiid ronm~ owo•r gnr:ot:•• I nwnltory '<rltnol clt<lrkt~ 11 nrt !'I. \'•'h1" $.">1\()(l I :.'Wl,:IR:.' • for ~"l't>IHian· cl ist rll'l < .J.w 1 'nthrrinf'. l!l.'lR \\'. llil:h· ,\w·rnt:<' tinily ntii'IHIII~c·•• hn!'l' f•lr I l11nc1, _Snntn Ann, )V'rmit '" huilcl 1111~ )'l'nr's npJll>rttonmPnt ill 21,· A Jetter from u m t'dical workl'r d_w••lltnt. Ill fll!l Orrhid a\'t•nur fli-7 for rlrnwnflu·.\ rli~t1·il't s and In tar-ott China, thankin,:: Mrll. J. \ "h·'" ~tn.noo 10,762 for "'<'ondrar~· tlistricts. L Barnett and otht·r womrn of .\\arrl llarrm~o;ton. !'\IR Stllll' rottnty totnl I'W"irt): :1:.!.'119 Still•' Coeta Mesa, who hav(' contrlbutrd lfll!h" 11Y· rrm1it to rrt'rt lumht•r-npportionm r nt fur ptthllr ~f'IH"'t boqlftal rarments and kirtrd ap. Yl\rtl office VaiUI' Sl!i,OOO c'li!'lrirlll fur l!'l47-4R is nur c•f 11 puoel through thf• CO!!ta M<'!IR Carl Nixon. (l(l9.Jl Mari~:nld funrt m adt' up of ~110 j)('r pupil Br _...._ Am..... avenul', Jl('rmit to t'rN't two '"'" in a\·erllt:r dntly ntlt•ndanr•·-a.""', "'' .can R<'d C'rO!Is, was , t h fttld when the local eroup met s orr I rc'<' room dw<'llin~ts wilh AvrrARI' dAily nttrnctnnce hnsl' reeent.ly at the home of thf' chair-two rar garag('S. ValUE' $13,000 for the ttrh(l("il dist1 it·ts ,,( t he C'tllln· man, lin. Calla Vlelt'. Raymond A. Cantr('ll, ~3-35t h ly for 1946-47 was :.!5$72, inl'lw1. BuU O'Con ~lrt'<'t. ~rmlt to "rl'C't two story inlo! 17.S66 rlrmrntnry nnc'l R,!lO(> nor, na tional chair-four fam1ly dwt'llln~t. Valul' $6500. ~<'rondary. Slntl' npfiOrllnnm<'nt WINGt:o r .\ST IIF:It -Stated In thl' C'Ockplt or the Navy's newest carrier-based jet ftghter the Uru mm:111 Xf'9i'-'2 Panther, test pilot Corwtn "Corky" Meyer of Sprlngneld, Ill., cha~ with Capt. Lrroy C' Simpler. N:wy Public l nlurmallon otrlcer, before tliklng speedy ship up. Strrumirllrd. s~uare-tipp('(J-win~cd joo ts said to be able to do better than 600 m p.h Cruising Association To Show Harbor Films At Loclies' Night Dinner Stock Market At a Glance F<'mlnllK' equivalent of t h e "Yachtsmen'• lunehron" will be held Friday evt'ning, J an. 9 at Newpor t Harbor Yacht club wh~n th" Cruising Auociation of New- port Harbor holds a Ladles' Night meeting. Am Tel & Tel . --····-151% Canadian Pacific ........ 11% Dupont ... -... ·-······-.. -·· 185 General Motors ·-·-· 57 Goodyear . ·-... . _ 4:.!"' Kennecott ....... _ .. _ ...... 47% Sears ... -...... ,.. .. -.. -.......... J6iL Edison Electric . . . 28'~a Standard ou ..... _ .... 61 ~ U S Steel ···-···· .. . 76"' l)lnner will be !l<'rvt'd &t 7 p.m., S2 per plotl', and reservationa must be in by Wedn<'Sday <'Vening. For the program, Harry Fnrsyt ht' will show the• l':ewport Ha'rbor ~===:=::~:::::::::;;;::::;::~:::::::::::~:=911 fUm, "California Way of Lik" [~=O=B=J=J=U=A=R=JE=S~) Wife's Pet Cat Found Poisonttd I . 4. Garaer, 11!1 W. c-. b'al Ave., e a m e t.o pollee IMJMquart;era MoedaJ alter- •-aad Mkecl: "Where cu I bur7 -pet eaU" Tlae ulmal. a puUeular pet of IUs wtte•-. waa foaacl uad~~r • a~bor'• house, ~ PU't11U7 Ute vlctllll of poboe, GIU'Jier aald. Th.. pet w.. turafld over to llumaaf' Officer Vtaceat Cuaamuo lor dtaponl. Gar- ner lndl<'ated he may attempt to prN• ehar&H ..-alnat the pt'r•on rc-apnn.tble for the polt~ontnr. Cruising Asso~iafion CARL D. S!IIALLJI:l' Carl Darwin SmallPy, 78. died J an. 2 at his home, 2624 N<'wport boulevard, Costa Mesa. J {e had rHided ht'r c for 20 years. He leavt's hi• wife. Lucy B. of the home address; a daughter, Mrs. Oliv" Walcott of Ojai; two sons, Calvin Dennis of Los All· geiH and Stephen B. of Cin· cinatti, Ohio; ont' slstt'r, Mrs. Francis Vr<'t'land of Hollywood, a lso two grandchildren. Private serviCC"s werr conducted by th" Grauel mortuary Jan. 5 at H ollywood C<.'m('lt'ry. J . Jl:. VAN WIG fo Show Harbor Films At Ladies Night Dinner J . E. Van Wig, 78, dll'd early Saturday morning at his home. 207 Edgewatrr. ll<tlboa. Jl(' had IK'<'n a r<-'sirl('nt for a Yl'llr dnd a half. C'oming from Pur11tt• wh<'re lw was a \\''llrtul and nrnng(' ~o;row­ l'r fnr 3!'\ yrars. liP wns R nat tve !:on. born in \'rnturn t'Ollnlv JJ,. is Sllrl'iVf•d fty hi~ \~ otluW. fiAttir F . nnd n dau~o;h lt•r·, Miss Mnrjorie \'an Wit.:. of thr hnm(' addrf·!'s; rwn otlwr dHughtt•rs, Mrs. fl<'II.Y L•· Bm·~o;nc• (•f Purnlt• and Mrs. Alma M <Tnl~:. 1:.'7 :!7th $1 rC'<'I. nisn ft\'e• ~o;r;mdt•hildr<.'n: twn brothf'rs. W 1.. \'an Wis; of Full<'rlon nnd K.:'nnt'th W. Van Wig (I( In~:l••\1ood; two sisi('I'JI, Mrs. Maudt' RO(• of San Brrnar. dino and Mrs.~Stella M{'C'utrheon oC &-verly Hills and Palm Springs. FPminin<-('(!Ulvnlt·nt o C 1 hI' "Yachtsnwn's lunchron" will bt' ll<'ld r~1.1dny evc-ning, J an. 9 ut Nt•wport Hnrbor Yacht dub wh<-'n the C'l'\fisfng Association uf New. pon Harbor holds a Llidi<-s' Night m e(• ling. Dinn<.'r will be served al 7 p.m .. S2 JX'r plate, and rPsen •a tions must be in by We<ln<.'sday evening. For the program, Harry Forsythe will show the Newport Ha rbor film "California Wa.y of Life." · MRS. SANTA CLAUS--Busy ftngers ftylng, 82-year-old- Mrs. Catherine Hawkins. of New York C ity, stuffs her 300th toy tor children In Isolated rural schools spon sored by the Save the Chll drcn F('deratlon. She ha:. been working on I h P nroject since early summer. J Srrvic"s will tx-ht'ld WPdnt'l- dny at :! p.m. in th(' C'u!'tcr and ChrisiPnsen chapel. rtwina with int<'rm ent in Rose Hills MPmorial P11rk, n('ar Whltti<'r. IRA H. RAINBOLT Ira H. Rainbolt, fnrm<'r t'mploye at thl' J()(> Bec:-k bernt works and ff'rry, died Monday, Dec. '29 at Fallbrook. H<' was wr it known hcrp and was t ht' nr phl'w of Mn. Ruth RC'id anct Mrs. R06<' Katter - h<'nry. H e Is survlv<'d hy his wlf(', R uth and on" son. K<'nneth. both of Fallbrook; also S<'Veral brothers and sisters who live in Indian- apolis. Serviet>S wer<.' ht'ld Dec. 31 at Artesia with interment in Whit· tier <'t'metery. MISS CORA ZUMWALT Mrs. Cora Zumwalt. 88, or 114 1~ 30th St., N<'wport Beach, died In O rangE' county hoc;pttal. Mrs. Zumwalt, a natlvr of Hallt'ttlville, Tf'x., had livf'd in N ewport for the last 20 years. She was a mem ber of thf' Daughtt'rs of the Confed· eracy and lht' Baptis t {'hur~h. Surviving is a sistl'r, Mrs. Lutie O 'Rit'lly of Nf'wpnrt. Sl'n 'ices were hf'ld at 2 p.m. Dec. 30 in Grauel mortuary, Costa l\'l!'sa. Int"rment was in Westm1nstrr M<'morlal park . FF.RN E. fi't\LE FPrn F:. Galr. !'\7. Wl'st Victoria s!rel't .. C'tosa ~tl's;r. d il'd Monday m~:ht rn C'ornmunlt y hu~plt at. She \\'II<; horn in Chnnul.... Knn. and hncl rl'sid,..cJ tn Cnstn J\1(\c;ll for the ln~t 13 )<'nrs. 'Fnr "'" past thrl't' .\'t'ars !'h•· WR~ a r••MI•-r at First Chltrr h of C 'hri~t . St'l•'n li:<l, N~w­ JtOrt Bc•:wh. Slto i" 'Ill'\ i1 ••rl h~ ho·r hush tnd, l ,<:tllllt'l '•no· !>on. t'h;,rlt·s. e1f Rulli· nurr••. ;lid , tllrr" dall~hl,.r!'. Mrs. F.l"l)n Jo', r n \\'illlit/11~ of Odt•n, Ark , ;llr< :'.l:orj~tt'to lltirrnw< of I Arlln~I •HI 11T11I :IIi< !1 tllh n,.nr•rli c-1 o( ( toll ll'l rl••l .\l.o1 111"1 four j r;r i111do •luldt, n Son'' •' "til 1.. 11• Ill Thursrloy "' :.! p m "' (;r,,ll,.l duq1..t with tnt• rm. n1 111 \\',., 1 111111"• r :\l•'rn(lri· o1 1 ·trk FALLS BRING INJURY TO 3 OVER WEEKEND I 1' .. 11• "'"'"''" ttllllrt•·" 111 thrre I" oplo In :'\,•"l~lrl 1\. :wh Snnrrday 1 .1ncl S11nda~ ,,, . ., l111o<y A '-'t'\\l'nm. rural S:tl11 :1 ;\na. r. II II hill' l'limhing lin\\ n frt~rn :t (•(,IJrlfttr Ft'n f nf Fin· "'') 's S11ndr" <, :.!~ItO \VI's! Ocean Fo•ont h<l S11111l ·~ Sit•• SUli!AinOO "''~'~""" 11111 or 1•'1\" injurii'S. ~l r< ( · R l'ln<;kttl~. Anaht'im, "''l'i•d ,.,.1 lltt• ft·on1 pnrch of a f rt•·nrl. ~It-< \\' W Rarnf'tt. 204 Ah;.Jnn•·. :~nd hrnk<' her right :~nkl•· Sht· wns t nkt'n to St. Jot1· c·ph ho~pit:'ll lty thr Al Hnn·ath nmhulnnrt' Sl'n ir1•. • ~Dan. haa requeeted that all local Ruth Burns. 1701 E. C'"ntral for 111st \.'<'llr w ns from (unds mad~ dMpten and branches instltutr ' thttr own 'blood donor aen•o~ and a~·rnttP. r:.-rmlt to l'r<'Ct nron sl~tr~. up of $SO fl'C'r pupil for th(' ell'· ~· \i al~t· ~10. m l'ntary schools and $90 for !lt'C· Rt _.. a da.Y for typing for a \\. L. Bar nNI, 2(l8~ Coral aw-onctnn.· schnob Tlln'&l NEVER TOO YOOifG-A ttr1 cu'\ ltan too'ear)J :--.~ ............ -. ..-.'""""'--to develop her fashlon ~-. and three-JM.r-old Philli!: Ward. c'laughtcr of M.r. a~d Mrs !Inward F , Ward 2571 C'trC'l<' Dr., B1olhoa Day S hor<'s, fell '" thr hathrnom nf h('r home Sat· urday Sht' wns treatt'd for a ,ht'lld injury hy Dr. Gerald Rausa. walkine blood bank. Kftlneth Hill ~ . nue, Jll'rmlt to build two rar gnr': dll .. _ ___. ~ inveeU..te fa. ag<' "i th apartmrnt abovr \'alUI' COURT FOR ! ~PJI:JI:DERS ._ ..._ ·~-· at Uw next ~ · ~~ ~,.'!~ ct lin. G .• R Llnd<'ll . .1313 w. Bay a\'<'· Kl'nn<'th Tl. Kustrr, Colta MN~a. K tJaeow. ...._ Vernon nu.-. Jl('rmlt to build on(' story wa11 cited to appPar Jan. 10 in ..!. _ __. ~ ~ted wfth re-n v" room dwelliRif with ll:llrnge: city court aft('r he was &rrH ted Maureen, dependent child ot t.ht Ntw York J'Qundlinl Home · ·PINAFORE TO THI FORE-The pinafore comes out or the th1nb Wa llftt run to model prettJ clotbel. Her peach~ kitchen and onto Ule dance noor ln D'Laure.nee Roth'a aqua dun wool IPrlng coat, trtmmed wttb jlftled buttona, bu and rreen ta1Teta creauon with a dipping back bemllne and aldt-amocttngfor t.be New l.toOrl blp empb"'• wtdt men, wtde winged top. The demure plnafore covera a sUm whlt.e &Del a d~l_DOtcbed ~-Met cOiw,_ J~~~__n~r dresa_!lth full aleevea caught at the wrists -u~" .. :;"" -.... -~t wu Value $11,000. for driving 11t tht' rntt' of 40 milf'll ra .. .,.... u J'unAor Red ~ cftaiJ'Io pt'r hour in a 15 zon(' at 13th 11nd man. A N f'W H&mPtlbire 1'0\Jntry doc-Ct"ntral. Ttl. boer.. MrYft' l'ffrshmlnta tar -"o has 1t~dif'd abroad 0 ,_..--A Ear l E. Vickery. 1561 M iramar, A Local Presbyterians to Select Name For New Church to___. ___ W 8 .. _U ,... •. ..,. B lbo .__. n11mr tor thr n,.,1 Pr~!<b'/· .. ..._...... · · __. ott. J. C. a ..se. of ll'C'turea on IM Dart-a a. "'"' l<' .......... ult"ft to appt'Ar h)rM, &rtba 'nDoaen, UoJd mouth camp.~~ I~ yeara a1o. Thus, tx-fore Oty Jud~~:e H arry L. 81~-tt>rlan rhurr h ht'Hll: l'r~;anizl'd for Gebrle1. Banwtt, Law-a WUTftl, Dr. Nathan Smith actually found-f;t>tf .T11.n. 9 to anaw er tor a clta· lhl' Nl'wp.lrl l!arb.1r arl'a w111 be E. II. Redmoad. W. E. JohMon, eel tta. Du1Junouth Medical School lion which all"'" he did 50 ln a lt'lt'C'tt'd lnilo"1n~: 1t,,. rei'!)ar P.ul Nc:yman. Jenold 8putct.r now the third oldfoat In the Unittod 2S mllf' ZOI'lt'. Sunday ~··n·t•'<'~ to h.• hc1d a t and ll.r. Hm. Statee. · ,.._ w•--A ... ~•--. 1 · """' ._. .... ..,.....,.. e ev('n o clork· .l11n 11 111 C'hape.l ................... ---·-· By the ~a. 410 Coas t Hi~~:hway, Corona dt'l Mar, areording to an· nouncernent m ack-by the ~v. ll\omaa M. Gibson, pastor: The congrt"gatlon hllll heen in· \'lted to study IUitablf' nanwt and submit thrm this Sunday at which tim!' th" 5CI<'Ction will !)(' mad(' "Baptism or Vaccination" Ia announced .ru lhe sllb,J<'C't of thE' Sunday lt'nnon. Elunor Embrre, l'<tprano, will be soloist a nd Mar- gar('! Hack"tt. orr anllt. Ends Hospital Stay C.apt. Carl Herman~ of N{'W· pon Height!' N'tumt'd tht' day b(o. fOfY.' Ouistma.~ from Lons.r St-ach ~avy hospital where he hAd been SlnC't' Nov. 25. Ht' is stiU undt'r ob- ~rvatloo and '4111 l"l'tum F'riday for a dwck-up. ------Young People Frolic At Green ValleY, Lal'iell<' Gay, Rod Lippold and RoRer Nudd were younger mem- lx-ts of a party which enjoyed a star at G~ Vlllley whnto they ~ound three lifts Installed and skt- rng conditions PE'rlect. • Othe1"'5 in the group we~ Mr. Md Mrs. George Gay. and Mr. and M1"'5. Ellrl U~. M r. Uppokf i1 thl' ntiW Clt'rk Of Loll A~ CIOUitey •