HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-01-08 - Newport Balboa News TimesCruiser Blast Rocks Nort~·Shore; 2 Boats Damaged STATE MAY BUY ALL CORONA DEL MAR BEACH •N ORANG E --- \:~i, (\t l'tMIA~ ... II t\.1'1 .• I'.S.1'. lkt\\' ·'""''" :\\I'~'"' , ............. & ••• "-·~-.. -,.. .... "'" •l1 ''' 1: "' t I (I,. \ It' h 1"'' ...... l p , I I' Mayle~se Back As City Park EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA, WEST NEWPORT, SEASHORE COLONY. LIDO ISLE, NEWPORT H EIGHTS, BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR, COSTA ME$..A ,.":.~."'•: /:,~,·;;:," •. '~';:;~ •. 1j',\~~~~~~~~:."'::f \·uu·~u; ,1. Fht• ('t'ul-, ... r c· .. ,l~ ,, \\ 1111(1 1:1 I ... -1-.-.--· •• \.1f 111 "''''''· 1\:0.1 \1.\ ....... , \lolllh• r 1·1111••1 1'1,-.-.------,, \11\tiC '! ,,,.,., .... ""1 l 'nol"· ~"'" tuCI II\ ho • It ul ... ·•I· d I· ''• I" ... "' ·-a-lrt.r THE a I Jon ""'' lthl ,, ot .•••• lol dl~o'l'"" UU.tUI· "''' n .. r t it•" 1''"1" 1 t\ h )' thr 144-footer YOUNGEST LOOKS SAND He ·1 CRAB ~· av• y :!Damaged l\T oL or::st, /30-Day-Oid Bank Hds H If M.11· .. ~':.~:· .. :.'~ .:~\ .. :.~ .. :·::.:. 0,':;~./:.:~ Ito. I ... ••I ' .dtlt•l lllol .... u-.· n• .. (' II .) l"ol•l1• I'·" I\ lc .• 'I .:~~· ~·::.;·,::r.:·t,,\~:. B-R-R! AB ALONE DIVERS \VORI\1 11 .. ,.,., .. I•· ~'"''" "II"' lw- .... ,)... ,. I• I'"" dh I •• 0 I • '". ""' "I~ .,,, .. 1 .. , 1110• l'lly h .• u., , , , , ,11 " •. ., ··• '· "r•••• "· "'" ···t~j In I •tn ''''I tl J JIHI It tr\JI.It•l"' hn\'•' af• It ..l.h t-.. t u .~rot I I••• "utd ttn•l the SA M D(){'TOUS. Quit<' a huh-bub in S.ml a Ana m·C'r somt· doctor~ rdusin~ to n >sponrl to t'ffil'l"gt'llC'Y calls. whil'h is nothing n('\\, only that of- ficialdom hc:-c<tm<' in<'<'n~'fl when dt':tlh n<'Nilr·ssly O<.'· c:un'('(l. Of c:ou 1-st> sta·h thing:- happcned lx'fort:' cwn in this fU'ea. and Olll' of the main rea.wns. n<'Vl'r mPnt innl'd out loud. is th<tt ml'dic-os SC'ldom gt't pairt fm· attt'mling such cases. Not that tht>y arc> not l'ntitJC'd to thei1· mont:'y. but it ~imply opens again thE' subject of state-or national rontrol anrt i't llowan<'(' ~x'ing mack> for maintaining state paid staffs for such put"J)OI'eS. Doctors have to t'at t oo. but t hat does not excuse' tht>m from their sworn duty to protect l1le and limb in the IDGit ~~stances. ... cost ot being sick and hos- pitalized. Jlmm,y Fiddl<'r in a recent broadcac;t told of the case or A ctor Dana Andrews and said his first baby cost $35, his second $1500 and w h e n he become a star, S.1.')()(). Its lx>en tht> practire of many reputable physicians t o "soak th<' rich" in order to balance up t h<'ir" fe-e-s to thOS<' in tht> lowt>r brackt>ts. but I know a e<tSC' wh<'re a doctor when asked what an Opt>r- ation would cost. N'tortro: "SC'nci m (' yo u 1· finnndal st atement nnd I'll tell vou!" Anrl whv should !'Oml'· cinc- tors ob.}N-t to itt'mizin~ th<'ir bills insteaci of making a blankt't chni'J,t<'? Would it jropardizP tht'ir pmfr-ssinnal stnndin)! to do so? • + + Politicos. \\"t>ll. t h.-<"am· pniL.'Tl fnr lhC' cit ~· Pll"'l'tion nc•xl April has stnr·tr•<l !-.llllllf'r· than w as "'l"'~"tPd :mrl f rom all signs it p oints to 11 husy onl'. Ju:-;t h11\\ manv of thC' tht'N' l't'l irin~ rounciimf'n \\'ill run is a moot qtws t i<lll. :-.:ntl' alsn that 11 M'i'l't'l f'nnfnh is gnim: tn h(' h('ld to ric·k a list of anti~ In oppo~ the• l'it~· hnll g r nup . \\'hi('h is fin•'· hut whv S<'l'l'f•c·v" Conw 0111 in th~ Ofl('l1 hn~·s. tlw ,·nte•1-s will h :l\ P mnN' N'SII('('I f()r ~·nur sinh'. if n•u invit<' th!' wi<lt' world to 'yuur ml'i'lings. TPII thC' public-\\'hat's thC' mattt'r with our I<K'nl gO\'l'l11ml'nt, wh:-t t \"nil han' to n ff<'f" in tlil' wny of l'('(()lm ancl why yo u fN'I your hunC"h is qunlifiro tn rto n l)('tlpr· joh. TI1r~t 's g()(l(l pnlilii"S. • + • Enla.rgf'd Coundl. I h.'re's nn idea fmm a rounty R£'- publican wnrkt>r ancl a busy civic Jparlt'r. bronchro by Diane H illman. who &'lys: "'Why not <'nlarge tht' pres- ent rounC'il by elooin~ two mt-mbers f rom five !"o('('tions of the city and an elt'venth member ai lafl:e-. I n that wa~· aJI portions would get repl"{'- sentation. Of rou~ our mu- nicipal sU:ltus would have to be changro by legilllation or ballot. but such a course wru.ld enable all dLc;trict.-. in this sprawling cit y to hnve-a voi<X' in its ~ove-mmcnt." + + + Third Party. IX-spite ef- forts t o belittle the-eff('('t of ~Henry WaiJaC'e candidacy for president. thel"'l' <"an be no (ConUnutd oa Back P~) ... C' jJ" .............. ·-... _,..,... ity nf off€'rings.. Building costs are ltW going up." I An o•,plr)'olllll \\ hwh •ho~lk I ho• roorl h """'''' 11f H;olhwc hay 1:!,1 1 lll);hl ht•ll\ II\ oltont:o);l'cl the' Yank•·•· I I II II '''I"'''' C'I'Ut•e•r 0\\ "' d h~ 'tn .. n t.e, 1:.,11 """ I'll.: 1-: c ···no r:ol a,·,·nu••, l~ell>w• ,\oH>Iho•l ~ad11 , tho• IIII)JH~. rm 111•tl h) J ll\ Ca1le~:lt'. l't•\\ h. oil. ,., 1.,." • ._t llllftttl" d.&nl;a~•'"" t • • 1 h·· t•JI t '"'" ~lo••t'•ol a l lht• St•:u-r:~ft IHo.ol ~ ""1'. 111" \'.m k"· D lr:ad nn ..,,.. :ol11~11~l :ond h.orln'l ht•o•n IIM•I '"H'' S.ollerrlay. Juhn I larvo·,\, .,,,..o ·""" .. f 1 h·• ) ani and h t:< "alo-", ., ,. .1\•,oko·n .. ot at J·:?l n no "' lh• hl;o•t .ond o•foll• <I the• ltn· nnd har· l•)r dl'tA.O n nw n t '• 1-'u~· d <"t)lll'l nwnl~ .,f Co.-tu 711•·'·'· n alhoa ancl :O.:t•\\'(l()l't lluttlt•rl th·· nfun~ unrll'r M nlrul and mm•'<l I ho• Ita~ )a~ CIIJI (If da111:('r of IUr· th('r rlama~·· frllm lit~• rlanw~. Cau!-o' ut lhl' bilL'<! wa.' ~1111 Ull· rlo•t••nnrnl'rl h) thl' ftn• dC'fl:l.rlm<'nl lind ln."UI';IIl!'f' 111\IN<IIi;fotOr-. :t l 1>""'-" limP. MacKay •Not A Candidate' I '•Ill ltl lo 111 t' Ill tit I'"' d lftl-tt\ t 1 ~ O tt• • • I c ...... ,. lh••lu 1 l uo .1 1 ! ••th t I I 1 I j, • ~~ td ho ljt d I I I '"' l lllk• • II I ""''' ldtltt \l til !\1 tl1 I .. I II II \\ • l1t ct.,, ~1 \ 1 I , ''" ' " , t '' • t, 1 l w.rl ' o I ... t ' , \J. t rtc-f'(lh .• o·. ·••ul 1•\\II"I''Pt'l• h''' I cl•1• .. • .. 1 I I ll• "'"'' llo ,,, ,, h.•ll•· '"'"I .. •llol d&h• Th, ("tt 11 ,,, ' ttd\ ,,, .. "' t •' d<IN" ··~· ,,,, 111 .. 1 tlt11t ,, \ 'Ill ft "''" t. n'•fllh, • .......... t l•, J •· '"'"" f to,:lnn1l 1 !)),.. • '• 1 "' Ill• l•,ollk uwhrcl•· T <'Wlnkl•• I t.'l:l111d l"h""'" I l.ol old K 1·1·"''' ..... 1 1~·1( .. , t\1111• I 1011 Cite l rgent Need for More Small Harbors llno· lououl) has not only I hoi XI h F o•llc-rnl ('uurt o f ApiH'IIIt< )"11111:1''1 Sul~'l ltll (· .. uri jlu1~·· hu • In uldolonrt '" 1,.1111-: lite• 11lclt"<l , lh•• toldf•st lu l.•t·ul ''"'''"' •·toull .Ju'''" (;,,.r.,., """ 11nly rt•ro•ntly jur"l I "1'1•• nr• ol "' ~o no•u ctr."Uit Jud.lt Tho• )Ulflll:•·•l " Sup••rtur Jw1~:(· l•f :oil I ntlt•fl ~l.ol•' ("trcUII Cour\e, lJri!,.nl n•'f'd for llw ol•" 1"1' Hnl"·rt Gard no r. pro•sed1n1: "' •·r .uuJ '" such 1:. ac:tuaU,y the nat u( rnorl' •m~oll hArl"•r~ "" I Iran~:!' <'Olin I)·, 1ww I lt•pt 1'\o ~,.C,CIIe=~~:l··~~~~~tht Snuth• 1 n l'ahf .. rnln C'OlUI. WIUI shuwn all<t\'(• look I o1 ""' 11t 11 111,.,.1m>: 111 till' tnR; t·u mnuttt\f• .-f t hf• ~•·Yt . IIArlwor Ch11mlw r "' ( '••Ill Wt\C'n It mo·l M11nd .1) nuon Sand) Mad<">'· ('hRirman or '--ommlll~. pro•slc11n r.: of tty Oll(!tm\t\«1 who Willi Just 1M' C:ardnl'r whn. r!'prMM'nl I hi'· Tmporlant )'~c:ttt. J<llll pr,.~1do•nf l'ml'rttoo~ nf Hurnn rnt• •wlh'tll• ~ 11ml \IH'h l • luh~ In Nolle'l:l', ho f11f'd .Ill d t.: I' C; fl 1 d . tho• 1\.o ... ,)Clrl 11141 h"' J>ro•u mu• o•rl n• r lhrou~:h 111\\ <tl'hcw•l. hut 11 Wll~ 111 r"'tUI'!II th•• '"'''' d nf •"l~·r nnt 1\o' \\luo lt~lrl hi~ no•phi'W nt tu• 'I!Utr• 111 nu thorll•· ••n •·rorl} •tutly no ..... h"nor11 ••f tho• l~'"'"holo l 11•• 11( 11 hnrh .. r fll II r ••m.uno•o1 r .. r .luol.;o• I;Ai dno•r -om•• IHM' al llrltiiO ''""'' ~loll "h" h\•• on Jl:olhto;o l•l:wci. lf1 'o'o' t'IC'm•·nt•· rtncl on,lclll'l•ol ll• •h111r on lhC' """' 1<''" "' tho· i\nt"r" un mron '" Adclr<'~' :o I• II• o '" lh• H 11 """""u~·t t1r•'n ,Juurnal. Ju'-11r-~ hnrtrd nf '-lll•'r\ ,,, ..... tu ~·,nc "-u•·h r ;,, olu• 1 ·' I'" II 1 r .ul "II fill' ''""'r ., <tlucl\ 1,,. mrotl• pin'• ·n,. fltti.,:.•.-•n•• ,.,. rru d , 1\ nnt h• r ""' t t ··t t ''' , •• ,: 'II• r • ' hu•hl~ n ·•·••J1Hltru1t•il .tr1ult ,.,, t tH lllhm••rulutiiHl th .t ''''' •ff,,,, ""' IUnt )IU I I " h 1 lttf-.... Hntl If t uu IH· Ol tttlt h" I II\ 1tfHI t"'ttlf1 t\ ttf p lt .... t fth "'"" If, ' ttntt'tl til I•·)• d lh'Ut1~ to rt•t:ttlt C "·'""' i •ll.tttl ., '11t J, ... l11t 111" ''llrlt••fl \\lti th '' t \ :t\PI•" .n ttu ., •• • II ''·'' ''h' • ol ,,, ' """' , .. , '"1•1•" ''"I! lh• r.:"s l•·rl ''"'' o ""''' .,,. '"·"I' ''' •' f'11ri\H'fld0' u f f(., ........ flt•rttlt•ICH'I l 11hh~h U J••tth U)t nt h ,l'lll fnt lfu ttrttl "'"" tl• ,, h11 1 " IF1 th. ~'"''.'" ( "u:t"t c;ullrtt ·n it In II• ,,, \\ha• h t C"unt trHh rl un It , h P •t'l'' 1 PENCILLED PERSONALITIES lh l \1 '1' 1.1 1•'11 I'Y, C o>who•V .... 111 I ~:, • ""' • r1 •'"" "''"'" '" '''l•"t'te-.1 to lu '''"llld Ill' \\lfhHt lll,.,ttt• IU als '""ntli .. h '" tlu• ol"l"ll••ol ( "lol1111 { '""0 11 • 1 Ito ul•·n l·"t~u·h •t•oko••man '"' • ''"1111• II• ol 1"11 k o~HIIIlolt IN. '''"' tl tttt lt~ll"'' ttt-.,: "fllft'IHt'"ttt : o hooo • t "' •• •• olt•l lnduftl'd 1ft tlol• I""' 11,,.,. "' llol~ t lmr Uut p luoo• '" •' .,,,.,,., "">' 111 ••·•·urr INl3' I"''"'''"''""''"'" l•lt "ttt.lhlle l'•"k ''""''o'h 11 I"'"~'" utho•r 11\aa "' I•• .t "'''' _,,ltu·ttl'4l " I ,\ 1•'11'111 llllo'llll•l 1(1 ... , lip I 'IIIII I C 'n\ ,. 11• II l•llt k loy fuC.I ""' '"Ill• '"' luohcl l1) , ... nt .... \ ..... t \\Ill ~,,.. ... 11M .... H) R. I' \\ MICIIIT I 1111••1 " hill whlrlt ~ I f:.~"~~~-1 !htu UI!h u•l(l•l•lkotl .,.._. ~·l,hlllr.! lc nllcnr.: '"lllllh'N'IIII 1111.! "I""' Jllll'•' "llh'l• 11\o• hull I 1 1 t ... t.tt .... "''" 1tt~• tltt ' tH'·"' tut\•• h•·•~n '''"'•'It Hl httlt .,." ,, •. ., ...... t p1•p•• "41'''' '' 1 It' , .. ,~,.a ••h~tnlt..,r ol ·u ut th•Kt,nthl' ol 11u lu ... hH\•' Itt'''" puhli'lh•llfl th•• •hltttll•l•·'·''r •••ttun.,,.~. urul tht• l 'ururue 41J """''"'" •••t.:•u•hll~ ''"' noll~·· S·~•• hla1n1 "!•lu•ll, """ ,,.,,, 11111 "I'• '''" r·t\" ,._. •. ,,1"'" •·ith ttr 1\1•' l"hooo~ '' '•·IUoo>nlol llnltl o•llol\ •tiMIIJo: In lrclo• (1111 luu kllltt ••I tilt' o•tfy C'tMin<oJI and \\lo.ol .,f "" "lnl••t "'""'"~· I'"" llo>Anl 11! Alllorrvl .. lfe UW' "11 ••• 1.. ..... r"h· 1111•" '"' ,,, J!ealtors, J~auna o ...... n ''""'"•w lytna "'"''h ., ttw. "'I"'''' II•, "lu·r• tlu 'I"''' 111111 ,._ 1 • Jo·lly 111111 l'o•llr11n f'ulnl Ia lndud~ "'1111110'11'1111 11 .. 111111.: ••. ""''"~ o•oofl" (; uests, to Hold '"' In tho· JN'IIj4•rt, Uf'I'C'n .. ld. ~~~~ .... ••I tit•· m"'' ""'I"'""'' rmd 1 "''"'"'''''· "" of that land wOI dl\ron~o: oil\•' t.lr 1111111 .. 11• Dinner-Meeting rKJI '"' ar.tUIIt'd at l">n("P, prl~ Alr~tlon• ''"lilt: •• "" oto" tn llf'C'aua.o uf lno'l'\•a~Wd land v.,._, rh l,.lr'Y M·•n lmvo• I~<·•·" II""' II 1J,1wH An ''"'"llullun n w•·tlu..: .... hll'h .. :vrn turolly lhol\ach. Grt'f'n ~ .. tr Ill• ''""''~ tlf Allll'olo'll fur "'" IIWuq toornlo• 11 Jllrltl l-o• ll o•ttl l hr atah• ~'•IW'f'll tu takC' Pl-.fan )'t'ilr" 111 lu onl( lhlll cl•'llo•roo•y 111 ,,.,,. m• mho·111 111111 lhl'lr WIYt'•. 111111 Of lhf' l'rltlrf' Und l lrlp r.....a.w th•· llohlo·• nr hcllll''tl ,.ntl l'f'tol,.to· 1!1•• .. •• 111 eltr No•Wfllll'l ll"rlw~r ('<JnJna ltrl Mar T.,..111 l 'ond n t ll•••lt•lt"• "''Ill Ill' 114'111 .... ...,..lela llon matnna ""' ~ All • •t••rtln~t und••rtaktn.: tur lhfo ewlmi'I'W'ft, .artn 4Mfta, aa \t ....... , .... ,, 1 of ••tttlpmrnt ('(WI•Iata nt """'"""' t)nly " p11ir t)f trunk• lind ''""''' tim"" 11 l""r 1•f ..... lm fin• .,,,. nu~n tit\• '" f•(h•t"H "r h~•·utv fnnl oi•·Jilh~ I"'' lh•• 11l11ol"th' It••" frnm I ho•lr nH·k h"""" 111ul "" (11o•o• \loho•fl llu· no·•ol "' 1111 (•no•o·• th•nl '" Titt 'l"ntt th \•t • ••••· lumt. cl '" lo • .oll'lo 111 I• r• 11 cloo\ C 'otnllll""''"' Hh .,_ C 'o"fiPI••\ ( ',.rnrth ff'l11lh tlw tlh u w '' r11111 •• r•uru pl• \ ... ull ,fntlflltr tl I•• '"''t • •tUapuh n1 '' r • •Ptlf ' •I It\ t lu· ._-,,h 1.• C uru• ti t put tnt• rtf ·1111, '''u ut tid t'tl•fiiHIII rtl lrlt'IUrtt•lll fht• til\ lit~' """'' ,.,,.,,, lu luu 1. ,,., tnd llf•· lttH' 'f II l' tlfl tl lllttlf Hf t !If ott I ••I 1h• ttl• ttuwt"' u"·tl .ltturtl\ 1•1• I ~ "'' uul I '' I• It \1•1111"' ''' •• ,.,,..,., ''' d lfl tf'llflfl l ht ~f ,,,,. "'''" ,,,,, l u • It tltt 111~ t P IH!IIt It IHII\ ull \\ "' f• t f I t+lll I ftt :' 1 ,, ... 1 "' II ft I It n il uu• lw. •' ·r. '"1"' '' I ' I "'' .. I ,, t I HI ,, ...... ,,.,. •I '"' '" ,,,, •" "''''· r ,, '"' • •n· '".,,II f i fl tff. I ft tlo I k t11 It tfll fltr til t .,.1 tl• ''" dltl q ,. tlt\tl ,,, .. '"·''' d ,, J I It\ I ,, • t u ., f ' I'"" f •• '" ,, ptf to. I I \H ... 1 I •I •'• t• ••ff I ·••q", '''" " tl•tiJ' '"' till'' • 11 r ildPrrll 1 "tl'' '''' tit• •, II•• • 'I d """ t••d 11 '' ntt•lan,· t,, . ,., • , ,,, ..... , ,,! , •• "' ,,,.I •••• I I t. I •• .., •• l tttfll Itt• f tfl l nll(hl 111 thl' Nf'WJJOCI llarhur rltrtiN• IM:-IIolr wu llft'n!CI t1rout111 Yacht club al 1 p.m. th(t lq .. lalure br a-.w ..._ ~ w ..... ,.. .. I ! .. unl uf Jlr,.ltuo 1. will mjt)y 1 I" ••• 11111111111 "' I h ... no·w rllm "('ttl ''"IIHII \\'n\ 11! 1.1(••," ~I"'"~""'"' hy Jh•· :'\•'" , .. ,, t Jfudktl c 1trttnlw'r ,,f t ·,,,.uu••r•·· 'l"n k• , .. nr• l1t11rt• '' '" , tutu I .. r r ·~~ """ ctu. '" "'"'ll"llo·tl ,,,. lf1h1HI lt'ht'l \ltlt .. IU.. htl\t• lw"f•t t tt· "'I It' h off ftt f fiUI JN'I tiU'rttiH'f "lt\'tfCIIC K C \t t; 11:0. "I,IIC K f( "\ tlt!tkt I tl '''fl ,fftrltttiOt td Ttw dtp vltrd by tiM! •••te h•,.rwo un thr art'• to *'- '" t11ko· uvror II• manllll'f'IWflt • II I'll) l•llrk 1111' l"nllnMI now hM I It• "'" llo•1 ttntlo•r loltYIIW'nwnt I 3 AUTOMOBILES, FOG-BETRA YEO, END ON REALTOR'S CURB '""'" """ l1o '.' '""'"'' "" :o-htolll I II•· 1'1•'1 •hrnwl ''' loll( th•t ''"'k I "'' loo I ·•~•" ,\!•·•11 In l( .. to j •·lwok• 11 ,.,.,..,,,. clo•l M11r Y•••t,.rltay .,, 1\a•h•l"r ""'"' 11l lh•· t •upt l ttttttrtln.c v.rupr••tt th•• afttl• aiJ{ft • ·•'• '" "''"''"1'1''" 11'·"" "' llo• lrot•·•-· ••••111 o r llll(lrwny 101 U•twut.d fu•ll • ,.,..,1\,•f ,,. llu uutl -'1 u/\t1htu Bh tl In IHt hn- ol• 11 1 1' ( ~••••• I• ""'' rolo1•· 1111-1 i\111! l>f'(llrt• .. ,.,.,_ Gang of 5 Boys Wreds $135 Worth of W indows Thlrt, tit,....,. "'lrtolu.,.. -'" "'""'' '""' "'uri h-•u•r.• -hut .... , .. , .,.,, .. ,. ...................... .. I ~ " \\ ' II,.,.. :till I \\ I k•f'oUI l 'r uul, It\ " K'"'lt "' rhf" ,,." I""' ""''"" eorttmlrr"r •diiHtl '"'' -., .. u lh •• eU-.·1•,..."41 I•Mitt \ lUI rill••" ruul •IIIIK'h"l• \4,.,,. flu· "''"1"•,. .. .,..,...,., I '"I .lnl>rt S tullo•ll hnol lrr•lkl'rr htlll "'"'lllnt• l 11•1. 11 trowk. " lnw r-.r hiUI ,.,, UUittrlllth tf•· \\f•tl' IMirtf "' Il l• h "" tlo• ~"'' .,.11lk lor fr<~nl .. 1 l11• .. u ..... 11 '"''"'" .. r that ''II ''"'" 1111111" pull 11 1111 11,. will .. tft•• \''"'" ~''''' "h•n .. It.._, "' • r t h• t'tlt It "'''"' t ·nltu•n I '1'11111 :•·t ••I """'" i\nro wloo""' '' ut' ~11 .. 1 t t~r•••n·f• th• .. ,..._,.,.,, .. J l ottttl•' •td ""t'•P ••••1 • ,, .. ,,, d nVt•r ,,,, ''' •ltl•· In fl••'" .. r '-'u•tlt·tr·,. ''""' ''••• l"'''•tH'•r Nl•'lt"''• ' r ''' "'" •lt,•ftll\ ttdllr•·tl ,, ftt\\ I tf tlf 1\ j" 't\ f :11f ,, • .,, College Instruction Plans to Be Presented Newport Harbor Citizen~ II • • f 1111 It t1 *lt•h ltttUerl lfl It, I• I, .. , ••••• ,, ,,. h '"' REA LTORS II'J NEW LOCATION ,..,., __ ..,. ..... IKitll ""' , ......... . -.Uth• fur •I•"' I'''' lutt • \\ ltul .. "' ,,. .. '""'' UM ........ , II .......... ,. '"" IIIIth .,,,.,..t. ol"'""ll" a.~nuunlluac ,,. •~r .. I'MUI••\ ""'' ,,.,.." ,...lmlour ..... l It\ 1 h •· \1111• "'I tt.l I· .•olio ._, e•,,.,, ,,, '"' '"' ""'llflffll Hit •I Itt! I \1\'ftllt• •' I• u '-' 1 •I p1" •II• I ''' tfu· t·urtt ,_, · r. ,, , ''" . 1.. , ... ,., ·"~' "... ..:- ,,.,,, lttltl •rulfhtt tiH\•It fly ;\l,.r• than IIYI rl'pr• "'"' oil\'• < lro•rn tho• r .. :,~ltl :or<,o \\'oil I'OII· "'lit In lht• C':O(t•I•TIII ;ol flllntonr.:· lc•ll HNol'll lltt:h ~dll•"l on ~1"11· dll), .Jnnu:or~ l :.!lh. In <'omtrlr·r o·li~ IIC'Iollllnal orfr·nn~~ nf llrnm:• C'na~l Junit•r roll• ~.:r lluhharrl C' llcowo• prl"srrll'nl o f the hll'oroi of j I ru~l •···~ n( I hi' rollr~r· flt~t r wl Will ~r·n·o· :ts C"h11irmnn nf llw lmo•l'ltnl: Thl' prn~trnm wtll rncturll' a '<tlllrml'nt of "J-:du•·atinnnl Oh- j!'rt "'' s oof Or ani:" C"oa!>t .Junior Colll'~l' .. hy Dr Rrtsol II Pl'tl'r~on. o•niiC'~I' prrsodl'nt . 11 prr·~,.nt.cltnn or "Sur,·t·y Flndtn~tll of J-:dur:c t 10 n · nl And flc<"Ufllllional :"<I'Nb nr Or- Sf'Wll • n"'" ad\'f'r11alnr; brtnp "unhf'llf'vablf'" ,.,...ull•. That wu Ulf' pralw r;t ''"" I hf' full JMI«e ad wtak-h ,... In TuNdaJ '" paPf'r fM Orkln'• ~nt .. t.o"' t-l-t ....... Aarnn Rllbf'rman. pmprtf'o tor of tiMl alo"' Mild toclay, "Rftlalla ·~ -.mn.--uu .... u,_ wtaat I hM -UC'Ipat.d. PMpW •warmf'd 111 to takf' ad van t.ac'f' of t hf' aalfl. Th.,. momlq "'" t1M--thlnr; ...-an. 1 dOft't k11ow u· "'" t-an handle It or no t. Wf' dktn't l'f'l a~ to •t.ralr;tlt.fon ap laat~t." :tnt·· c-.. .._,,, ,\rt , .. II\ I •r .1 •~''' ... \\. ·rnnrntnn ''"••ll"t:• '"' 1•r, ... , rlont ,onol l""'llfa iHin lo• Ito I'• '"I''"" ,.f "Prt~pn<o·tl T•'rmon d \"Cit'llllllnal f:cloii':O flflll r .. r r lr.llll'• ("n·"l .lunir•r ("nll,.co•" Tit~'rl' Will Ill' n d1~""""'111 t• ,,, .. t1 rlorr1n~ "h1rh 111111 rl'pr•·•·•n l.ol l\" 1 nf tho• rtomll)Untl\' Will ho• l:l\'••11 npporlunil\' to ri'~C't In th•• I"'' pn<nl• m1•lo• Thr· purroco nf t h• ml'rlln~; 1< In ~"'"r" th,. p 11r 1"' p lllilln nf thr prnplr· on plannlm· thr r•ol ur;tltlln<,l 111 ••s.:r;om I tor lloo l'ollf'Cf' ~~~ II rr<11lt nf thl' m f'rl 1111: lhl' ltnnr<l n( tru~t ''"' \\Ill <tuh~l'•tH~'nlly fnkl' :ll'lrnn rl't.tnrd· 1111: thl' l'riUrrolrnn:ol prn~:rnm I•• Ill' off l'r l'd h~ I hi' roll"ll" nt'lt I ~ .. ptl'mh<r COMMERCIAL BANK STATEMENT SHOWS BIG 6 MONTHS GAIN I ·nw C'nmmc·r<'olll :-\Aiit>nlll Rank n ( Snnlll Ana In puhlo~hlnlt A !<llltr m,..nt •1! rnn,111nn ~~~ ,, rhr rln.,• r,f '"'""'c<. l 1t•r :\1 1~"~1 . ~how<. II lnt nl Ill rio fllt~fl~ cof ~It I· 1;~·4.!'170 "" 0 Th1~ lhl' hAnk caoc1 In JY>flll olllt out th,.rr '"-' yl'ltr. r"P""~~~""'~ 11 jump n f ~~:11\ ~ r~ durtn~t r hr six mnnthl' s ini'P Junl' JO . ) \lo , I I If \~ r .... ,,,.1,, 1: ........ . It• r "·''"'"'··· 1\ f ,,tft•-., J 4 ,.JI••t I • I••· t,,,, ,,,,,, ··•I t ., 1 tt .. •1.• ~tot r uu• :.\, I,J,,,,.( ,\, •• tuft d f,., It\ l ,lfl• lui rt.t f .:,1, \\ • J t• (•tr'tru·ll)o r.• ... ,.,., '" d "itlt f • t ;,,,, tt I ~·rtru'-ntt ,.,,...,,, '''"""' rtt:ttll~tr , ....... , \~···"''"'· .. .., .. llr•rw.,f "ho•fl ...... o•tl ... Iotti "''""'' ........ 1•1 .... '""''" """'""' ""' ~""'"·· " ,, ..... 1 l"•llo ...... , .. lko ... m•n -alii· "If I• ••ut ur uur h•••tt•. tu• .. furlom•t .. h Tit~ 11oall••r '4111 I•· lr fl "I' tft j11vrnllr •trlhllrt· t ........ 1'1"11'1• I I t·-~· I, :-.. oil I II i\ II I I"" •I '''''·It flit ltl•tflt d ••ttf "''''f' /ttfW ,,,,,, '"'' l. d '"''' •h·· ,,,w ,.,., I t1•u•l1 tfll• 11 ''I' ,,,. ttu \!l•ir"WUISr ol• 'II " olio llo• I"" k \\ •ll110111 ltolto tl•1• k . Sntrl'l Alllf, Jt ,.,...,.,. •• , r ttl th•• IHtlttnlnl.tl• \4f&A ltdol h 11oj111 •·•I 1 11.1111 1 "·Ill! •1:• ol wo•ro• lht• til~ 1 ' '' u nd tl11 .,., • .,,.,, 'J"Iu• tr•u·l~ w• r w ltt• ol uootl •It '' •·11 off cuocl•·r IIJct TELL MEDICS TO GIVE NAMES FOR LATE CALLS ''A"'I 11 ""'"' l'lo\~•··1"'" ..... ,,, I••' 1\111 I• ~"l'l'l"'d "-lllol11,. '""'' 111uo• t,,,,.,. ,,,,., rt"' r1f•t•r1mmt ""n' '" ''""•·r '"'' r ,_,,.,,. • fiH 1 tutli' , H-w trulfl uhnnd'"''"'t flftt,.. rtf ~ •••• ,,\ •l•fl' v.tll trt tk• tJu·rr~,,h,,' '•u l\ pt1.,1,1,.,1, ~"'' "'"" 1,, vtvln" hlrn ••Lttl:thl• "' ftt•lt•• ''"'' ltt•uu n ,.,.,.,, ,.,,,. ""''h'''"" ••r ll1ful "hut H\'Itl l•·rwnnJ-.M~trlrtr Terh. '' "'" ·".""'""''o•l ''"'"V l•v 11"'i o "ll~ ••I ,,.,,,,.,,,.> "''''"''· Will S111 torul Mr• Fom-..e I. .. :wtn~e jr. l!o ,..,,., ' ''''"'' M• d fl'lol '""'"oil '"'" flo•" "''""'' ''" ~·•• 1o " II~ I to( Sllnln i\nro d111f'l(t•ol llrnl lh••y """ tol l• • I"''"'' lollt•lt t1 lo~ ltiollo 111,1,. 1, 11., "'"'' ,1 "'"'''' 1,11, l111ol """1:1•1 .Srolorr•lny n lv,hf. In ob- \\ llh ;, '"""' 1·11'"'''" o''l• """"'' n111n1n>' Ito•· '.11 I " '' , tl• '"" "'"'"'"' fnllnwln~; d••11t h~ .,( f II I I 111111 oo rol r''"" Ill toh""lrlnna f-l I I I I r I I I •• •I I ti l on•·ll 1/1 "'~ ,.~ olll llt'llll" "1111 r-'" ,,,.tJ ... I\• ,,. ... , "'''' t•• '" UnlmH•i' •n•• v.. ,·"· ~~~• •ltl••h .rU•u nrut,. '"'"" ~~."J '''"''" ''' to•l o ~•"l llh\.'''11111 \o\I H• U~t·ar rlnu,:ht ••r .Jhflf'W·hodiM'!Sun-ln llo• :-; .. tJih l'o• olo• \lo 1•h t h• rt\'Y. I.Jn"'•••l \"1•1< I ·• I • '' 1 1 t 1 ' ' ( ,, ... ful I, d , ... t,n•· ilnd tn,u• • ,. hu'•"'"'"" ;,I ~ 1._ \1 '' 'I' I,..,. It' '' ,,,,,, "''' ••,. utt Yo ,., ttr1.t \ •tt It""''''' ,,, do "''' •l•~h •· fn "''~w··• tlhV rnurTIII1l: uft,...r hrln~ t.nkr n to u.~ll~•• J-t1111ot ulol•• ' "''" , eoll•. 111 \Not'"" ,.,,.h11no·•l 11"'11 n,.,,. h N orv•ol h,_tlillll SIP Ill• pr<"ofll •• ,, ....... w••n· ,,., . loy h tm Ill l 'r'l'• ... ·' "'111111•'1 h·~ll''l ll•ll nr. •1•·-IS.:IIiolo •I filol'"''"" .. , I "V.ol·to~,, 'I ~·· lftlo•l' Ilk•"''"'' """'' "'''" H: m•'rnlh~ o lrt . hut \\'JIIo "'" ......... , II rut u"' I•'Mn~Ulf'T\1 htlml'kll•· 1:1"''1' •• , rn""' ... Will '"' '"' I 1111 I fH "'I ,.,,,,,. "I• .... tt, ... ., II I• 1111 M••lfnwhol· IIOtltl'o• l'llld thAI th«'')' . ll••ln tn T•'"l' t'f'llf'Y"IIII ,., ·~·na ""'' •Ill •. ,,,II "' II 1\t•l•l \'tt k .••. tn) ,,,.,,.,.0, "'de • n•l or 11(1\ ,., •• , ••••• thnt lh••\ Ill•· ... .mo·llrn•• ........... ret ...... (rri'IIIIINI and fll•rvl ....... '' nn ••nthu,t:t'-llr t"'w"''''r nf t~Jr hstrf.>frr hrtlt "' 11 ''•Jrft''''h ',,,,, 1•1' ttlh •t 1tnt•~. :,,,,.1,ttn~ ,,, J•t •tt ll•tl 1,, 1.,,,,, • II( '"" llt>•lraltl•' .... :1) nr h\lnl( I I ""' II\ II ,. \\ ""'" ,,, o\n"lo•·orn to( th·· llctf•ltortl' f-:xrh~tnar. " Jlri· .,,~ t·ltntotff" "' r,.l;.xntu•n r~lbiiHu"" .• ,. •·tt~\ tlf ... d tlltl \ ,, ,.,: ~ ,. t:u \ of "" ""'h4 ·:~llt•n I 1\t """ ··I l lu lt,~, •. .,.,,,.,, l'itlftl' \,lf••l) llfi(\Mftt""fl f'IPnr1nR·hou~ for "'''"~ .or••l lll<~lntrorn~ "' w .. ll •~ ftl1 IIJU<IIN'<I .,,,.,.,' I d l•l '''" 11 11 :d l•·r Ill•· t••ll•··· ,,,. fit,. tlo•JI<III · "'l'l•lylnt.: l•hY~II'Iron 11Ift. It wu ,-.,..,tn hlll• '" tho~ "'"lrrthtllt), 'VI)'II Vk k I II•• ""'' lhnlol or :"<tort"n I '"n:olol I"'' nl .. '11111 v• .. l Jollhll•l\ tluo t :.It "'''l"'n,..J hy fhl' 1<. nrv:l M . Amhu- :O.Ir• \'oC'Ic •lo:or o ... h••r hu,lo~~nd'~ ,.nthu~lll>o• ,,,,., Ill• 11•" ltto•l j .,,n of Srontrt Ann hu• t .. •o·n ,.1, of.,..eo ...... .,.,.1•• ~•tnlln••no~l 1,,,, n•.nl' h•fll'•· "''"'I''" ~urlt an f"llChAn&tP hAVIn,.; ,.,~"I,'Tlt'<l fo'lom Allmllll\11"1li)Y(' WfWi< wtth th,.. l 'lt"o''•nn \h•••l'l l"•lfll•ol In th HII" "'" Jo,.l ,,f l'''l"''"ol•tl (,,, \1111'"" r••ll•un• '" f•orTIIt'rl) .... ll~lllltfll'ntli<Jn but ..... fC ll':ol'hllll( thl' )'l'llr 1n I hi' Llnrl'>t'Tih S<'h<l'tl. {'t"'ITI ~1'"'1 1 I If· d•tl'ltor' f•or lho• r••lll't•l 111<1 IIIYIIrl ll .lnhnMio"l 'r . 7f. 111 In •fll't'UnllnUt"l tktMIIJt thfo w•r . ......._ \'It k .,. "' N'<'• nl h' ,.ll'f'1•-tl '" a dl,.....,or ol tho• :""••"'1"''1 ll;orl,t•l 1' 111 1' • --fV'Ui t) Jl<tllrrl rnr 194R 1 nnrl flrr· d•·l•llrtmt·nh,llnlt throt llw hi~ hrlf•·l n otom, ho• thootl fl "'""' tit ... llltJ•I l·tft•r m~n) II•III)S. ho< d nwn •:·•1 J\lttr 111,. olltN'~ ,.,.,. "l'l"""'"j "'"' thl' !l}'"l•,m for tnnl'hlnR anrl hu td thr pr~>$tTAm l'nnlintti'S throu~:h d otty of <'V"TY Am,.rlrt~n " ••• """"' ••• " .. ..,utla!V' •'• ~. .. •, • Pace 2 ~"~.::zu"!!!;·~.~ .. ~"s;!~~.~~HUNTINGTOti_BEACILO_K'S SEWER 1DISJRICT THE NEW '48 FORD TRUCKS ; _ _ -Will Be Here , HARBOR AREA BOYS ' II CLUB MEMBERSHIP Democratic Central Committee .. 011 City Area Accepts Plan Foto.v·lews Reveals Plan for Namllll Delegates SANTA ANA. Jan. 8. without Friday and Saturday, Jan. 16 -17 OPEN HOliSt; t'ROM 7:30A.M. t 'NDL 8:00P.M. Cocn<> in and ~ the new streamlined models ... the most Important t rut'k showin~ in Ford histor y. • Valuable Door ~ Drawtq Saturday P. M. THEODORE ROBINS SALES SERVICE SWELLS TO 269 1 a dls.st"ntint: voict>, Sanitation Dis-1 I u•s ANf;Eu -:s-A plan for chalrm~&n will submit t helr recom-1 tricl No II, comprising Huntin"'· ·r\\ t•l\'t• t\ t ' \\ flU tJIIH t' 1.1\ I ., 1 B ""' "' to·l'llun or thl• TrumM dcl~ ll'leJldal~ Mi to the ~l~atl"!!l tnn Bt'ach and t>nvirons. was furm-J<llno'(l till' ll<o.),· ('halo rltllllll: I II I y . , "-i !' • 1 · .... tulfl IU trw J-X•mocrat c national and alternalt.'ll (rum till'lr reS'"'C· --' .... , .. ~ "--ard of .. ~son. 'II'"' Wt'1'K It nil tut.•l '"''roll•·•• lip I W L L y .. -""' .,.. u, '"" uo __ ,.. ·· now st~ond)> 141 ..lti!l A ~"'Mltton to I)(' held nt>xl July th•e dJJtrlcts. But formation of proposl'd District ·n11, 11," lnl•·rnll~ll·•l•· 111, mt•·r' G E R H A R D T '" Phtladl'lphia, Ptt waa announc-"At the same tanw, the county No. 4 (Seal Bt•achl ran Into ,oro• C'lllf"m'o• li!IVt•, ;\lll'hlo• 1 Snuth •·d 111d1oy hy Senator J . Howa rd chairmen o( t he countit-s tncludl'd unother dt>lay. J \ld;rlalh. ch11arman of the Demo-an each Congressional distract will Pr"t"~. ts a•>aanst th" pr~"nt 111111 tluv.urd (':.mplu II "\o•\\ 1111 v •~ ., ~ 'o~· I k .r•lll' :-.:ultunal f'Ommttlt>e. also be called upon for n•commen·lpropos"d S"IUp of D t'•t rict No.4 h fr ttwmt .. r-. •Iff' Jt•htt S\\ H i r' I, .._. . 1(:.: ., I H oo hurd 1."',.1, Jarn•·' La" rt n•••·,l \\hat hnl'ruvt'fl'lf'llt wo.W J OU \'u•o· l'luu rmf'n or the S tate Com-datton.a. Wl'rt> fllro by Paul Allison, on Mt'· llal• llludlt·) HaiJoh .\h·t ·11rd,1 hk .. tu .. ,.,. o·arrlrd out by , ... etty "IIIII·• tur (•och Congressional dis-"Otht>r party leaders, ancludang l half of SigMI Oil 6t Gas Co .. and Junt•'"' 1,.,111111 11111 1 ·11,.1,01,.11 "' :-..-.. "'"' Rt-tu"h duriq , ... Cleln· 1111'1. t•ount) chaarmen and other Unatl'd States St>nator Sheridan by r anch<•rs who hnvl' f'xtenslve • 111• ,, . ..,.. I• .orl•or"' of the Democratic party Downey and thl:' Democratic mem-· "--an-farmino a~r"a'•"s w"st or I Hu harrl 1 'a''"'' 111H I l.l'l(lo>' I r11no• " · · uo: ,. ~ • ,., • A nul h• 1 111,,1 h•·r 11,1, , .. lunt•·•·l•·tl \\ 1 :-.; tol.l.l. 111 IYT -'Envavl'r, an C' • .tarornlll or (' to be con.aulted bers or Congrt'U, will be consulted Smt>ltzer. • n h IH tua •· tht> final s'Nt"ctlon, as to their recumnlt'ndations and Jn addHion. city of Seal Beach lh'r M•r\11'1 .. I ll lh ,,, ""' .alh·rnc•on "''"l••rt pO•II(' Tl 1 de btl b d 1, w•·•·k a l th• c'l•lh ~'"'" \lr• ~·.r,t · A uulflt'd ~>ffort on ttw .. "'pan was ma pu c Y ('Stres. askt:'d delay for further study or I·•· ~~ S" ,,1,.r,ka :'\loth• 1, ur•· J.l a rt of t h e S•'llo•hlr McGrath at the conclusion "When this. work is completed, costs Involved In the proposed Ac .. u · II) • • 1 ., .. h c,r a 1wraes or confere nces with the state chalr ma th I chair _ .. ,,111 111~'1t.'fl fur ~alurtla)' ""' '" ml'rC ant., dty, 1 d 1 S F . · n, e V ce--district. It had once suggt>st~-.. ~uh~ta t uto·s, h11WI''"' o f(iclala and purl)' t•n t·rs n .ll!' r.anc~ man and Mn. Edward H. Heller. that it maght organize its own I ld Srhutt AI :'\lunll lind I r(-sldenu of the <ond Los Angeles. J oarung Wlth ham the National Commlttt'Owoman district with the city prop..r as loru• • .. 11 H t an l ht• statement wer e: Mrs. Ed-will pr·eparc a repor t based on the only entity involved. Hill Skclo•• pl..cl'<l for"'· ~•'••unn ani ar n r area for d 11 11 11 f S F' 1 th da 1 thlrtl C'hl•·•·ll\l•ly '" tho Sl'ni••r . t h., cleYl'lop-".''r .. e l'~· o a n rlli!C sco. ~ recommen t ons and sub-Super \'isors continued the hE'ar-hll~ko·l l•·•" 1, ,., 1111 11,. n •nlt·-t h,•ld men t 0 f th£> n.ottunal \:Ommtttrt'woman for Cal· mat at to the t>xecu tlve committee lng until Feb. 3 a t ~ p.m. On in 1946-47, upped to $6,700,000 this year. Allison said.. Rouchty, that 11 :.!5 per ~nt of the di.ltr~ worth. and Signal aJr«.>ady hu its plans to dlspo~~e of wute water into the oc«.>an, 10 would not uae the sanitation diatrlcl's lines if any were availabll'. Thus far, with the format1o11 or District No. 11 of HunUneto11 Beach, onJy four of the 11 prO: posed dJJtrlcu have ~n l ormed. Diatricts No. 1. of Santa Ana; No. 5. of Newport Beach, and No. 6, of Costa Mesa, are the only other ones. District No. 11 ori&· lnaJiy wu pr~ to be part ot No. 5, linked with Nl'wport Beach, but by mutual consent they wert st>para ted and District No. 11 created as a r esult. :'\tomiiH\' 1111:111 Ancon~ th•· 111111 ·l Back Bay. Sec-11urn1u , Jamt'll Roosevelt of Los of the s tat£> committee at ats next that datt>. at 3 p.m .. hearing on Hearings still ar«.> pt'ndlng oa all other distrlcu. exceptina No. 10. of Sllverado-Modjeaka Can. yons. the proposed plan for these areas having bef.'n scrapped. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I rn••!1int;•J<, fir~• s•·•·oonol 1111il third ond: An extl'n· A~J.:''1.•'S, J)(omocratlc state chalr-~e~~~~n~~llro for January 31 proposed f~rmation of Di~trict No. ~ plrto'o'' "' "' 111 t.rn111ntl :-.; •. ""'' ~ sive a dvl'rt!slnJ.: "t'" .tnd J~~h~ PS McE~ry, vice-"The executive commattec will !:· of Tusll{l, L<·m~n H~aghts, l~- 1 1.•·" '" ,\hlxotl 11nt1 !lilt\ Uo·11rd••n. a nd publldty ~;.;-::r":1.'~ ,0 1 we 111at~ . mmlttce. then Sl'lect thn deJnoatlo·n .anclud-'ine and surroundmg agricultural Veterans purchasing farma a.n4 Scotch •• Scotch •• Scotch By the Bottle or by the ___ _.... .... t-lh. L-e«< +Ire Way * Case NOW 5th Gal. Black & White ....... $5.55 Reduced from $5.X4 5th Gal. White Horse ......... $5.54 • Reduced from $5.~ 5th Gal. Old Smuggler . , ...... $5.57 ReduC'Cd from $.'l.&1 5th Gal. Gilbey's Spey Royal .. $5.56 Reduced rrom $5.86 5th Gal. Bell9w's Club Special . $5.50 Reduced from $5.87 OTIIEil POPULAR BRANDS INCUIDE: Johnnie Walker Black Label Johnnie Walker Red Label Peter Dawaon "Bells" Teacher's Highland Cream Dewar White Label Ballantine's, Hudlllon's Bay B. and L. Gold Label Haig and Haig Pinch Bottle King's Ransom Sportsman's liquor Store PhOM llarbor 170U 0(X'fl 6 a. m; t ill 1:1 p. m. Dick Mcintire Nightly Except Wednesday SEASON'S GREETINGS Vaux's -Balboa! Dinner Untilll P. M. FUN ZONE BALBOA Now Open SATURDAY and SUNDAY I 'J'Iw ·'""'"r" h••ld • 1'·1~0 Stl.•k <'flmpalgn fo r 1 l ' .!>du 'm,l'nt 1° ows. ~ .... I ds I d h be 1 h h S J •1 1 rl 1 1 ... d 11 t•r 1 ,,. pan mutually ap-mg both dt>legatPs and altt'rnates an · a rca Y 115 en se · homi'S throug t e tate Depart. r·nrhlllul•··· t'"lll• '' tn """II I "o• .. ut-a " I'll 11" on 1••E' a vanta&t''l .• h · If h · With ''''OO acr'S or Bois r hi ·a mt•nt of V('tt>ran.a Affairs save a.a Fr.mkl'l "'"~ far'' '"'" s;11111,.. .,1 '"" llarhllr .ar•·u as an all-year -t1•ttl\'••u , I .'' s tate cha 1rmcan of the I ere is disagrt•<•mt•flt , full das-·• l .a c . 1 • 1 ···mtk•t·utac r);trty an ahrornia t·ussion will be h(•Jd." Gun Club prro pi'rty undt'r leaM' avo;>ru.:t> of 50 percent on theiP ' l '.lllltoJII' "'" s• , . .., .. , l urro•nt Y • ""'"' n • '' ·" '"" 11nd resident h i 1 n 1 d h ' , and constdt'rahlt• otht•r 0 11 op.:-ra-fir£> insurance through a group urttl••f\\ •\. u •. • unit·''' fnt th• .... -.t • ''"''" OfJSt•Vc 1. an ... t e vice· ~ . ddl I ' 11 , ,, 11'111'1111 n JClhn p McEn ·n Scotch tapt', vartous ah:H . oa !Inns within this district. Signal con•rage .con'f'Tt, tn a t on to ptunlllt&;~ or <Ia ''"Itt a.:" 111r t lu • • ' ' 1 1 · h · er y, wt aale at the News-nnw. . stood an aSSt_'ISmt>n t or $4 000 000 other savangs., -. 1 muro lh uald I.UWII.Iu' i:o.UII .... t ,,. ,.,.. • ""~u I ~~~ t•ach Con(..'TC'SSlonal !-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;';;;;;;;';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ lslluJll"o th• 1,,1 1,111rllllalllll :"o.II.SI•:\ •llllt 'I STAFI-ORO-rh,.l rii'I\'ICI'·l·hatrmanofthc()(•m· I' \\t•hlh•r\1111'-. '" tu fllii!JfHt•d un I L t ltitd l ttiHtdt'lur. Mlra c l ···~·rutlcparty We II \1 1 "Tho• t 'on~n>ssional district Vlet'- l lh•· 1•'1''' "1 II•• 11111ol1 ••• 11'"1'' 11'' . 1 1 SUCCESSFULLY I IIHirl~ I "' ulol hll•· l11 w(' the Ci11 !\11(11AEL J . ROTUNNO _ Tlw t 'Iillo 1' ,, ••• kona.: ""'' •• nd !\·tanager ror;l l.;anrlv·ntx• .arlast, Corona del Mar . TREAT: mo·un~ nl .antlllllrlt.: II If, 111111 "'" .. t KOVernmenl fh•· ont' thtng that I am inter- linn IHolur. pr .. to•l••• ·"Ill "ro•ll tn~talled a' o'S i t•d in, of '" ""'' .,f ,,, ruoatroa 1"".1''''1~ al 'IIIl O u po.,. rour!W, ia the this llml' · ''"''' I reall7a• llC'autafication of lhttt the proto. the city w 1 t h lliB nu,...,, t "rt .• ~·· .lan. 11-9-111 Shirley Temple Ronald Regan in "That Hagen Girl" -AI- " Adventure Island" 8tarrf111C Paul Kelly Rhonda Fleming 14uD., MOL, T-. ....... ll-1!-ll W&ni!M"•N-Ttdul~r M.._. "My Wild Irish Rose" wtUa Dennis Morgan Andrea King ~tarh W...S. .la11. Tyrone Power and a c-aat of thou..and" "Captain from Castile" "Song of Love" l'tArrlntc Kathorine Hepbu rn Robert Walker Paul Henreid ~·uma~Anh>n .~ ... tu,...._ ,\r·tlon to thto 8"1 .... AlP"::: G ilbert Roland Anna Lee •n "High Conquest" !ilun .. ~tnn .. TuH. .IIlii. 11·1:!-1:1 Robert Young Robert Mitchum "Crossfire" -AI""~- Ila\ f' a \ 1\C'IIIIun \\ Uh Jack Haley Anne Jeffreys In tho• ( """''" 1111 "Vacation in Reno" .Inn. II "Black Gold" "tth Anthony Quinn h·ms of cIt} planting. This, .I:O\'t•rnment &t l' however, on a m.cny a nd Ute.t. w <'II thought thl' lot of our o ut caty-wid«.> t'fluncilme.n Is plan. J feel that not a happ)'l this would be I knto" ttwy cln the best th(')' a n add~ln· lout ""''' all. a highly tralrwd ducem~>nt to po- n op:.l•l•• c·tt) m<anager could, tora to s top and ld I " ··I, dfl I"" Jr•h IN?tter and at rc-sult in increased busiftl'U for niL I wnuld tx-very happy to help I 1··~• f'o)st to the' grl·ater bent'fat 1n any way 1 could to bring thJa tilt• an•a liS 11 unit. about Every ye~r The march of the years brings many changes - but the. mellow goodness pf Eastside beer remains steadfast. You can taste the quality in Eastside. No 6ner beer is brewed. 0111.114 Dleorden -MaJe and Female -Prorttate trouble, O..tro • lDteaUJl&l Conclltsou -HlP Blood ...,_..re- Heart Trouble -l..ow Blood ~ • A-»a -KJd. Dey UNI Bladder ,Dt110rder.- IMD1111 a.a4 BronclUal eoncll- Uo• --• WITHOUT USING 8VRGERl', DRUGS, MEDICIJIIE8, ORIN~ON8 l"ftte CoaaultaUon Plio .. for Appollltmeat Dr. E. F. Bell, D.C., Ph.{). lt'7 ftlld 8&. Newport Be6ch PHONE RAJlBOR liM Roan: Mood&,.. a Tlnanda)' --(''""'"'"'"" t o•:olnr••- Robert Mitchum Greer Garson KFWB 10 to 12 P. M -KMPC 4·30 to 5 P.M.- t<ECA 9 to 9:30 SUNDAY P.M. "Desire Me" -· --··-·--··· • Before Yoa Build or Remoclol LUDLUM ... ,.. .... ..,.., ._ Color IUk*. plan. nlDealdl.~ and llnoleum. We ltock f1 ~ ............ _ ., -- Harrison Pontiac At Harbor High Saturday night's baskc•tball d uAl Attrtdgt• led tht' locals to a nar- at Har~ H igh wtll bring to-ruw ~ tn ov('r J ack H ansen. Gf-or&e &l'ther the. Newport ~.farbor L<'r;tun Spmk and gang w ith 18 polnta. and Harrison Pont1~c of Santa A pri.'hnunary KMIW Wlll fea· Ana for th~ lt'COnd timr this ll'8 · tun• thl' ~ewport &>ach Grammar son. In the prt>vlous outmg, Bud ~chool a nd the• C<>sto M t'lll\ GrRm · Sunset League Basketball Begins Friday NEWPORT IIA.LIIOA NEW8 -TIME8 Ttll'IU&UA\' N-~t ........ t 'aJif. 1 ... "-IMa PageS * * • !nsurance P• a. palmer IHCOI,OIATfD w. o. buck, lnsuronce counselor 3333 via lido, newport beac h, cold telephone newport beach, harbor 1500 * * Public Play Golf w· e at the new lllowlck Course Oil W.t 6th St.~ MDe Eut ofllarbor Boulenrd ftoM 8Uta .u. 1tlW Standard 18-Hole Course-6100 Yards-P,ar 71 e-ONLY TWEJoiTY HINUTI:8 DIUVE FROM BALBOA-e • NEW SHADES • Or Your Old Ones Made Like New • • Broadfelt Venetian Blinds • • Com~ in or Col/ Us Asphalt Tile Linoleum NEWS-TIMES SPORTS lllltr St'ht,tll CIISit hiiS ft,.;htlllt.: II filii tn I hi' hrl't of a I hrt•o• j!llllll' So'rii'S •II 7 pIll. Tho• Lo•.:u 'I l>n'<kt•lh.tllo·rs suf· (,•n •cl ono• o(,''4°111)S(' lltt.:htS tha t l1<·· I IoiilS Jll~l "h!'ll J'\\'r ) httSkf'thllll tl'lllll Olli't' II "o•nSun II lll!=hf \\ho•n lh•• loull Jll~l w uulo1n'l I=" thrt•u.:h I Ito• ht"ll' 'fht' ~~~·RIS lo111111'd 1 ho• In\ rHhnt: fl••rlo nd11 Ett~:lo·s lol :!tl Jll•tnl~ Ioiii c•mtldn'l l'lll'k 1111 "'" loll' lhtlliM '''' nnrl 111111 l••r• loo~l :!li· :.:'11 Tho• low::ols. 1'001\ol l'o•llo·oJ tho• loull throu,.;huil' th• r,:ant•• '" I h o•) I" ,u k• •I 11 ln. t•ut and nround the Ho·clondlllll'" F or\\ ard llttd A I · lttdL:c' \\;t~ htt.:h 1•11111o'l lt>l lho lo••,olo, \\llh l'o'\l'll t•ulllo, \\lll l• ,11111 l.(o llllo'll o•l\>.~•·1~ lolltO\\o•tl 111111 \\ tlh 'I' pHUH-.. 'l'ht• lt•t•:tl."-' \\•·••· .d,o 't~hl ••fl thc·tr Cat •' ... t, .. , ... "' fht·~ unl\ 111.tdt ~ott• I Pn "'' ut .!:\ U h'' l:"et Lo\\• 1 \' cu •• d\ o! th• ~:;u.:l''"• I'PIIIjtllllh Ill• d tho• ll.o1IH11 II\ •' ••II tho II olo lo 11~• ;11111 IIIII II l..o •I th.11 '' "••' tu.·k~ l••t h1' •'·"H: th.tl lito•\ \\o 1 o•fl l hut II \\;o• lht lu\\· t '-I "it'i 1\ I h,af till\ II': !In h,,..., lh ltl t h· L.u . .:l• ... lu 1ttt.._ ,,.,,,,,, .u·r·-.•Ht· 111< Ill l."\\•1 ~ \\lhl llooOII>;h l \\llh hllll nil• 111 I'H flit''' ht~lt~h l"ltt••tt It , .. , ... ul !'uul h. r n \. ·,,hft•l "'·' SUNSET LEAGUE ""' nt:un.r. Fullo•tlo n 111 ="o·\\ J••rl ( •ran.;•• nt Sa11111 .\n11 llttnlonctnll H,•,tl'll lot lko\\rlt')' Open A1alnst Orange Hoopsten Nriiii'J~lt't',. \lnlt•n Hilth l<"hhOl 11n~k<'llill I k r li plto) I ho'lr Clrr.t CQI\• 'ft'rc•nc"f' f•ll' h \mormw m.:ht wtw'n th~ uwkl..-( lriHllt .. lwr.-•t 1 p.tn.. l lo•rnldcn.: tlw U..o.:tnnlll~ of t~ '4~ ~Unl<rt 11'111."'\lf' f'lll)', lhr fk\oblf> 111 111lo•r· Fritlli)' '"" p11 hoth A ,,nd II ,;otuuch 1n 11 duuhl<' lwadt>r "Ill l'lnrt tl\o' M'btnn wtth tht' \•ar· s it) 1=111111:' 1111n 11rthtn nt ~:15. c· ... ,..h Hnlph n,-.-d dh'd Jill· ll~tll·~ lot h1~ to•11nu In th<'ir prac· lfl'o• ~HtnO'S II~ t•\'tdo'IICC llf lhf'if n •;Hhth'!<S \'ursll}' wn n 7 nnd lOft .! ;one I 1 ho• · II" It' IIIII won 7 And lolol onl\ I All ,,·( I ho• h o•n\ )'·Wl'IJ,:Iil l t'llhl lntt Don Ward nro• '"'lllnninll tht>lr 111,.1 "·u,;nn fnr l 'nlun \V11rd hu olllo•tlto•r \~·ur'l' l'ilt.:lllllll)'. lt••o•ll s st11rllnt.: ltn<'·liJl Itt rom· l'rt,o•o1 1ol HF J 1111 \\ •·II~. L F Don \\',,.,1 t' l~111t ~o•tllo·~. G I'\U5tt'r l'tnkl;·y <tnd c; Smuko•)' Fry<'. · II" ••·um \\Ill lttkt· th•· floor "tl h It F Cnrllon :\ll'llr~. 1.1' Bob \' 111 ell••'. C Htll .liH'k~••n, (~ Bob Sktlo'" ·.11111 l ; I '•"I s,·hut I Orange County Field Archers Meet in Newport l'r tu t:u, 111•1• t tn.: ,,, t h .. c ln tnt.:•• ( 'oolllll \ ~'ooltl o\1\'lh I' \\ItO, hl'ld ...;,til tl,•\ .l,enii,U ~ 1, ,II ~ 1' Ut 10 '\o \\ too ol I 1: .11•lo "' pll•oor, 111 al· • o rtol . .,,.., 11 o 1 •• ''"" llunls •oll, '\o"t"ll l<tdllotol (;oorl. lla lloull h l uul. 1'11 k IL11 olo•nl.on, llorni'Y :11.11 '" 1111.•. l•olh oil S 11ntt1 Antt ollll \\' (' \1 11 t\hroll rtllll fl C ~'"" • t ul t ·,u. rut •It I l\tar I •t,!'U"''•'t1 a1 t ht• ntt1t'fll1,1.: \\'US 11l:ono, fool .o foollt'lo·o·n l:ork•'l fkld ;.oollfo,o , t•'IIIIJIIt.: ooptlflljofllollllll Iii ~ullahl•· p ·nuncl, ••lo••'''''" nf col· California Out Of Doors By VIC MINAHAN United Pn>ss Staff Corresponciml ntl'ntho•r 1wn 1n,.; ht~ ln .. t ~ o·ur on i llfl(' nr ( 'ulifurnta'~ fl1f10,J l'rHhu~lll~· 11\1' llt.;o•nt·~ It!' oulllnor,m••n '" '<ltll•·d to tako· llrto• ""'"'' uf tlw o•h~tnt:•• 1n l'lC· '" 0 I Hlo hd!H ol ''"' F t"h .tnrl J••t'lo•rt '" .... muro• O'llljlhll'<l~ d urtnlt C::u llo l'WIIntiS~Iltn Sollon. II•• ~~ c;o 11o•ral cof tlw Arm~ II II 1 llap t Arno~ld n •ltr.·d kno\\n !o till' n.oloun anti tht• \\olrlfl 11" till' 1111111 """ h Uol l up tho• ..:ro•Jtlo·~l .11r (orl'o· knu\\ 11 t{l man and k fl 11 Ill \'ll'l u i'Y 11\ o·r I hi' AXIS llut to \\'1'~1 ruast ~purl~nwn ilu p Arnolcl •~ 11 mRn \\ host• l111:· s:o·~• tnll'n•st tn ltff' t5 kl't'Jlllll: lht• ('ftUntr)''s f~t•lds and t:trt•llm.~ lfl'f' frtlln thr· d•'~troyln~o: rnrcmc·h· mrnts o( CIVtlbll~ion. th•· c·onunc \• t~r on ''''""'''rvatann .-flltc'lll uu1 T··:u·htllt.: 1lu• puhllt· hu\\ tu t 1 t•u I ~ •u tduut r.~~nur·•~~t•s , .. "'"' .. r llap ,\rnotlll',. ''"'"r•t•• "'•'11 .... ttncl lu '' ''l'"'loll•d W1tlo h:w - '"1: .o ~~~lot •lo•:ol '" lin \\lth th•• F1~h 1111d l ;a nil· ''" l~tnn'• pl. on tfl M'l ~~ II no•\\ llltro'ltll I hi~ )'I'Rr tu oloonl "tf h I Ito jOI'oololo•rn Tl11' no•\\ Vl'ltr'~ nnt 1 h•• only th1n,.; """' uncl••r th•• ~un ·and wr•'r.• nn t hll\lnt.t 1t Jliiiii·Nt•w Yt'nr 's Day hslu!'lnnllon whl'n Wf' 1••11 you thnt t rnfrtr \lf~:hlll fo r I o~h llrt' l!lllnt.: 111 t•om•• lntn Ulto• rlunnc 19-lR HtiHTING RARITY -Oernld Rnll Is shown "'ll.h the albino detr, onr ot naturr's rarities, which he baRRed ntar Oscl'Oia, Pa. Thf• c!N•r, which wrtghs about 100 pound!l, b almost pure white except for a small area ot culored hide. rit"t'r' ,.,,.~ , 11 .. ~~· ,,.,., h .tu. n•• ,.,, '" lttt ,,.,,,, ~ ~ .. ,, ... 'I " '~•I' o·~t"hiJJh·ol j !•llll• ll.tll••.o j,lollol ~ .. ool.ll\ ool An) nt• fu 1 11 IU • Ill f •1 tltt'• 't •t 1u \ \1 ,, I , '"', lu' :\ I',, t til <'OUnt~ ,, t , ,,.,, •·• '""' tft• • ,, 1 ~ '''' , -'"·' nn~·· ("u1ilt1\ I t•ld ,,,,, .. , ,, ... , ,,, '"'' IU~ "·~ '"-'" ,.~. fut llf"t• Ud\1'''1 I•• 1111tlttl .IU\ ••t~t l•l. 1\t ltrtd 11.,11,, tf "''•lttl111..:u n( I~ htllo~\\111•" ""'"'' l•ttn 11 ••"'-'·•fltl \11.1 ''"' h~t' uut ntulhall ,, ••• ;,I •I !'ol "''"'"''' I,,., '" •II .olllloollloo o••l ASSO ATED The Original Marine Dock !ttlil .... ,. ....,._, Gasoline --Uiesel •'ut.'l --Oil •'ishing Supplit•s Tit~ All in One Sfop Woy t 'N'dlt t 'ard• tlonM·.-4 BATES & SON Harbor 481 Thursday, Friday & Saturday January K. 9, 10 Only Swedish T wisf r~~~r·: 29c Nrh 1 l t·~ttlarl ~ :l:.!t· c•lll'h t ~~P..~IJ~.~.d MARKET SPOT, Balboa lslalld &1.! iA\'$\'4 "-pOl~ AU--ftll6 NOW IFflaM INIOUGH Adds to your MONDAY Sh • c • It hu b., .. n eliot opp1ng onven1ence r..~~';!;!."o...-'.!~a: ~~.!e.!!: S I :=.:--............ ..::;:~ ..... ••• aves you money ,.._,Jt:-=.-~ .. ~-.,"'---~ • .. 1~. ~ IJter 011r Jill .. "-_,.,.._,._ ••I-otr .. ,.,.., on ;, .,,..,,,.,." "'•Y eltop lot •II . ._ -..-..---... Hanson Shade & Linoleum Shop Cer. Newport Bh·d. ~ 2Srd St. Sine<' his r!'hrrml'nl from thl' army n t th1' o•nd o f World War II. H <tll Arnold hns dt'Vntl"d hont· ,t'Jf 111 tho·~•' prohll'm~ And \\Ill' r•·" .1rd"fl hy hO'In l: ••pr.nmtrcl I•~ ( ;m·,.,.,,.,, \\ arn•n to a ,.hoort lo·rlll oon tho ~·,,h 111111 (;:11110' l'urnmt"tllll llo \\Ill IM <~IIIII pro "Ill• fl( ool fllo' 1, tflUlll'-'-h •" "'"''' .. ,.tlun: ,,.,~~ I' )'.t\fl•• ul 1.-.'" ,\n'{• I··'· unrl•·f o1 I"'''···~ oedt~p1• (i h} th•· t uO)It\1'-'lllfl 'I' \\l!toh 1;1\oO, till' I•"' Ill tho• II nil <t hrt .. tl rl"''ll on th•• ~an .l!o/llfllln II\ ••r llf'ltr MPnlloc 11 Who•ro· lh• ft<h \\o lo' Jlollllllfn,.; 1111 llt:llin<l . tn • I• t•teu· ,,.,~,, •. n ,,., 'If• tu k••• ~~~ tho 111 lloolll o '''' nrn: ••no• ul 1111 o·,on;ol' llll'ro· Grapefruit ~ ~ II• Grapefruit ... ..':"".::"-~.:· 13• Peoches !:'•'·,::, ".;• 21• Syrup ...... •rto ""'~ lewralol: ;:,•""" lretlir l'flftdll'- f'lf.,....;.,., time o( •II ·,;,..,:••'f lo '"'"""'"-die edo OYrr rhiOlljrh M, I lttled Ul OVr 1t.-lf1 , In edtfotlun tu dolo ::::~ir,. eo.ta MflM Ph. J.Wacon 5004-J For Immediate Delivery A I.Jmit.e:l Sumlwr ' . ~ _ .... j. .t • Burner KOOKETTE :\PART:\IE~T RA NGE :.!ft"x:!ll" ( ·," olwl~.: Tnp J .nr{!c', fo't lll~· ln:-;ulal•'<l Own 17",17'''1~'. Spad ntts Rrnilt•r fr 4 lli·SJXI('f! A.< ;.A. Appro,·N'f C(IOki!'IJ! J1lltn('l~. f.: Ov<'n Coni rol P, Cook in)! Top :\I" from Fh10r ·"· Finishr•d in 13<-autiful Whitf' J·$ Libt'r·al Traflc-in AJiowam't' for Yow· Old St O\ C' AI .. ~ IIA\'t; GOOD st:u;cnos Of' I ·st:O (iAS RANGt: PI('Tl'Rt:n Only t:xrlu!!l\'f'ly at 1: f~U:CTRI(' RAN(if;.li; G RANT'S Furniture & Appliances Phon4' Rea. 5707-M I I ... 4' '"' tlt:tl ,, 1 f11' pht tu•ul •r .. ,..,. lh• '''' t ' r·tur. tl1 ,,, nt ,,.,, ftt,. c·.tu:d ltl'-ft .ul nl t'ttJtllr,IJtnt._• olH\\11 •lo·o :0111 l'foo lo•lt \\o'fll \\Jilt I f., f till • ut .ttUI t h• 't·re•t It ,,~t llJo loo ko o I' lho Ill 00111 ••I lho f'dll'tl n11h "'' f'\ ••d ''" H ho ll It flt •,•k T it, I o 'Ill I \\ ,,, a I I 11ff1o• j 11111 lh tl llu• tf• u• cl l•t \"tn\\ tUtu l'l Co't0flt' J'lfll~<•flt0f1' Sl) !'-o.~1 1llt1 1 \•t•• oil•· llt••loo~fo,l l•••n1ol•l II F no· to( I h• lltu • .oil ,,j \l;onu•· ... o .. h••t t;., ,tfttl til ... aut•' d• ~ •"• tl '" 11' ''ifll• thu11: no •\\ ''""'""r llt:ot lo•lo :uo· :otlt. .. ·t•·•l '" loa.;ht '"' ' It t• ol \\.olktnt.: :olww lito "·"11. ",," .. ,,( .. n.; fl•l•hll.;lol t ... ,pu d .d tilt' •H ·•''"''"' II \\11Jl\ ool il1• t ... lo loolloo\\ool lloo lll..'hl "" h .tlth IHtltl lht \ \o\t f' •til tf1; II \\ t\ tlit\\ U '-1 1t 1111 DURA LITE METAL · WALL TILE l,ermanrnt · lk-roratlvf' RWitproor . Wat4'rproc•r Can 8t> Appllf'CI on Nf'W or Olcl 1-lurfue Cemf'nt nlf'o Roofln~~: and t1oortng ltnmf!dlaiA-IMtaJlatlnn miT. F'STIM ATE Ot('('rfuJiy Gin•n PJI. JIARBOR 2185 Pacific Tile & Shingle Co. 2901 l.&fayeUe Newport BMdl, Calif. .,~ .. Qwoll.,. \11 .... ,-"'"""'-' Apricota o..:ol~.to! .. '-0 ~.:· ue Fruit Cocktail ;;;;: :.:· ~ Pimiento& .....=.·.::., ... •-·-IJ• Gf'Mn Chilia c.-~ 2 ::.:. 21• Gf'Mn &.ant l--o:: 1.,. GrMn leans ,";;;,'t; 1!:' 2r Cut &.ana '-'-• 2 ':.: 21• Tomatoes .~~.: .. ...... ·-27'- Peaa :.;:;;:.. ·-·-· .. ~m!!Mm Grapefruit Juice '::" f~ Hl)t·...,'ll f41' r.t I ,11\ f't TomotoJuic• ~ 3 •:.=; • ....._,....,JOtt CHI~ ,ni!SI '!Allin .. .. Pork & S.Ona .. -t_ "-·-22-tt\~ •• l.OI'\ f41t:t Pork & kona o....o.~ .2 '!:'.. .. 1 .. Ov.n laked S.Onse .. u •:.:· 23• Tamales ~:=: ~~·• , ..... lG- Tomolea v ... c....... "'• •• o .. 1 .. Tomal•• "'--•·· ot ...... II• Pink Salmon • .'~:.: o:. o:.:· ... Meat lalla & Gravy ".;.." 37• ~··~ Conned Milk • ... ,,.,., C :: 21• Grope Jelly w'"" Syrup .., .......... ..., ..... 22- ,, ..... 21• Coiled Fideo ...... A 0 0-... u• Moearoni <.J~ .. ;: ' ., ...... 11• Elbo Macaroni ':'o• •:;: 11-,,, ... ,.. ,, MAIGAIINI Sunnybonll • -3e- AllawMt ·-40' II~ Bonnet • ·-3e- O.Irich •• -.. a• Porkoy • --3e- OurkM'a ·-M- r----------------~ .,_1_...., .. _ FAMILY CIRCLE • 1 (.,,. •• ,,;,, jt . • 'I ll•lj•lnl o\rl••'"' • fo 1 omt ly I • •lour~ • t :.a(lflllj!; ,, .... ,,. •• ,,.,.. loy Juloo '""" V. 1 ovl•t • ,.,., •• ,., ',·n ... "· .. ~,. I A-1•-'•lte· WAnf'lt'tttt on lto4 raL~. M...-ulh en•l ••,..,.._ """' c, M .... ,,., .,,11 . ': ,,.~,. ...... ,. ,y· I '"'"''.,."'""I It f Cherub Milk r · k.., '"' Ut'tlllflo ""'' h m "'1"' I 0 IRJ 60 •~1..-.,.1. •~~ol t... olol,. In I "'f urorvr n.-., '"- olow·l, 001f,.1 .,111 le I "'Yiru"' '"1•1,.,11e#w)d .... ,,, .... , .............. . t t T II 1"-1 ...,., "'" tftu m ' "I"''''"' • ro". 6"· 1 ""'« 'uur ""•• J..., 10" '""' "•" ..._. h, II k p 130 ......... ~'<>nolitluno 1~., rorotoljt 11ft MUNJ)A Y ~h;u .. ~~~ .... 14.,, !!per 1 c::· ~~,_-~ __ . ••~no_ ... _ .. ,.._._~ ··tNI•t•r••lic•ie• Pinto Beans ~:: 19• 121''"'"'1t•oft.•,• '7•1 A,,.., .. ,.,. Salad Dressing 110111 ':: a ••• joo, 2(lr ; Quorlfll, 'F)c.. Salad DressingJUU-r:: I ut t•'• 21t~, <Ju.••• jet.62c. Cheddar Cheese Chiclten Gumbo ·o. ', ConK»mme .#; ...... leef Soup Bouillon Soup .•• Clum Chower 0• , Scotch &roth -··· •· ..... tttt , •• ·-·•·· .. , •.... . ·-···' .. ...• " .. ·-Chicken Soup '.;.':.'·;~; ••;;,:· Chicken Noodle ',..":';' oo;!.,"' leef Noodle--. .. o ••:;. .. Vegetable leef :.=:-'!: Creom of Mu.hroom o•:., .. ~~,, ... , ... ~ II• II• ••• II• II• II• 1 .. ••• • •• ... ... Chicken NoocUeo.-'"!.-11- Mu,hroom .... .,. 2 '"!.. ... 21• CJII'. 1111"" u ...... CELERY GUPES APPLES CAULIFLOWER •~••mnttt•K• 11110 ' UIU ,., .. Nft .. u. •. t .... ,_ .. .. sa •. loa ' •. 12• • • lnOB!I!!f Tomato Catwp ........ "~~ 1,. Chili Sauce-.... "" _.,. ... Meat Sauce -•--1 .. Whitellice .. ,, , ... _ .. ti ......... . Pink leone ......... 11• frvi<hed Flour •::::;-•:: 1• u ........ f ,.,, , ........ '"'· f)._.,, .. ,, Pancake Flour..,._--IP' tJI.J ......... ,.. Vanilla ..,_ ----.. .... T~tu '"<t' otlt<lioo 1~ .... ~ Muofer. J•••••r 12, 19U Na Mlet te ............. t-ot II SAFEWAV ....... Trop w llwt<ilulu~" ~ ............ ,... '--~---V:::-------__ '::'_. .i·-----------... ------------------------------.. 110 &. o.ina. ........ fh '"-"'• f • • H •• ..,U....,.II. UUY.I• ~· I .. I I j Page 4 I I I I I I I " " ., " SOU TH ..... , .. ,.,., ... £ l.cOOA·T·ID .. ~AVOt't&.lll .. tot1C £ H£AT. :. •~:o•oo"'•· 11.\o .ATH •• •u olT. ,.,.1c1: •:.o .ooo. ~ p. Go pol ..... r •.COf'OU!fO ... -. .,, ......... , " • .... 1'<1 '. ···~-· .... ..... '(( Purity -tl Accuracy t:r Dependability a--.... ...,..._:!"' ~ tlmr:. .,..... • ..,. - -..-.rtp--.. ~ ... .,....,a~-,.. __.,. .. Wp ,_,. ~r _. ,.... ... ___ M"'"III"IU. ........ _.......... u.w~., _.._ ........ , .......... . _.... ... .,....., ......... ,.... ~w ...aoa oaco JfSWPOin' n•••Am •••aoA ra•aw•cr - BREAD-TIME STORIES ( !tiT£HU ~T!IC!t ) ~--··. , )...C. '~ ·).1} ~~~JI,I~.!.> KUP IT CLIAN-that boncla1• on a bu1y fl,.. I•'· lind rot.u'd anti , tWMI with ketch tope. OIIIN IICI 1 c. row rlee, CMIIM arwl coeiM ""' .... ,...net ctt.. .. 2 ..-11 ,,.... ,..._,.,chopped fbte ' I ,,.... oniOft, chopped fine · t-\: C. MiMed ,.ra~n 1-11 C. Mlltf: "" c ........ u .. tt ..... ,.,., ft.ua alllftlretl5etth , ....... ,, ,...,., ... --ochMM .... teppi ... "aq '"' coe-.. ro~ •• bake 45 mlnvtet In rRodo:ute .• '""' IIJOD),..,... .. t IIIV!li'!OltY ;::xs > '"":7::,. ,~ "·--.-.- TAKI STOCK of your hovMhold meth- ods, too. Get ..,... "Good ldoot" from Weber's ~too•let, It's flfl, 60 pag .. , lllustrotocl. Writo Weber lollin g Co., Bo x 1730, Dept. 401, Willhiro-La tt.a $totlott, Lo• Angelo• :t6. ,. • -· ,.,., .. ·•-rt'•-· • ~ IJolrttt hy StmJ!l!_Qn Snuth. JUauilllt, plii}'illl! 1\o•f'thu l't•n's c,,;;;,:;:;, Ptflll(> Cona·rtn wtll tM' ilr!ISI \ltl II fiiW n il llUillht•f S O r lllll,;<' I HI llwh school, J llnU;trY 30, lindf'r thp I.N'• S11win 1 ro•ndr·r ·I I (lh(lll}', nnrt Ttw Ftthlh•rs hy Gt-o Mnny · of Yachting Group Sees Parade and Game By Television ~l r ~:d Fr":•:';':':;':•;:•;:i II Ray FrtJr11 tw ld "11•'11 ( Kappa Kappa Gamma Meets January ··J 5 Southrrn Orangll County Alu111. ntu• dub of h:npJ)!l Gammn wi\1 hold 11 lunrh1'0n meN in~ Tiu.1nday, J11.n. 15 111 1::':30 p.m. 111 th<' hom.• of Mrs. \\'illll'lm }''or~t kl•r, 459 lll)(h Ot<ivt', La1,'Unll Bt·ach. ,\sslstin)( hOII!f'U~·s w!JL hp Mrs_ ltotwrt t:flston of L..a~Un11 !Wad\ 11.nd Mn;, t>'r('d Johnson-of DaOn Po int Rt'li(-'rvations may bo• mad._, hy t:Hllif)j:' linrhor ~13-J, An Ph•ctric mix(-'r with n !)('"In small t•nnus::h to fit into tx•vf'rU)(t' ~;lasllt'S and shakt•rs is o n th1• m ar- ''' BETTY ROSE SHOP COSTA MESA JAN. 9-10 FRI., SAT, Hollywood Knit Suits Value to $17.95 5«]95 \lr. ""'t 'lr~. t :dwanl !'I. NUl .. t I!NII II•·U .. trnt,.. Kuad, .'>4anta ,\RA. :-.1·w Yo•ar's 1>11~. 1 )(II<'S tS tO I:Unlo• ;ot t";:JO (1.111 . tO 1!1~· pnrade 1111d Jnl..r· tlw hr.ll !.;IIIII<', 1•\'t•r tho·1r ;;.,".;;,~~~~ -~•·! [)urli\J.: tho • 1•fto·rnuo . .on GIRLS' COATS $23 95 vaL $1500 Boys' Cord Suits ... $7.50 vaL $495 GIRLS' SKIRTS vaL to $8.95-$395 I 1tn<l \I,.... \11<-f' t :t ... ·ntw-'"1" allo11nl tho• ~-S. C 'Hft,~,\.IK fur • s .. v.· \ ,.,,,., plo•'""''' o•tul~ to Mr:J<ku. Tho''"'' 1"'"1'1" .l&n_• IJI\ .1& M't''\lo•a11 t"''' "'"'"Ill r..turu !O_~~·'"" "'""'' -l lutWir,,· 1.\. s.·rn•d a huff••' 1unctwun. IMI/'Io'TV -rumy Swiss on.:aml}' tn 1-1 ~ fl!lll! ~I I ]•"' 1111,< !!:ll l•'l ll,\' I . w lnll· • 11 ·: l'h! ,l lltl l.ldC·IJ"Il \1 • !I r~oll ,o r 111 :JdCI t· ur 1Hr 111111h'l '"'.H " I I ,I , .. \\1111 •· no.al I • !1 • 1 ··s l ,, .. I ,1/ COFFEE MINCE PIE 1 \.~T n• !•1 f:o ,~•· " 1., •! I o \1 111<'0' 1':•• I• !Ill oolo !'"• Ill • , _,., lu>,lll•· 1:ur h• ,. " t" • ! •. ., . ' ' II·' ' . ,, I' .. " '" I' r•h•ll . II \11,.•1• tu 1 ' 1' o! lo \.11 ·I '" !Hoo!h"r ,.,,f,t I•_,,, '•·•I .,. ·~, ... r~ t., 1 1· , "· " ' ': ,,, ~~ ... I) lo• 11.1\•'1 .1 I ! ,J II 1• 11'•'>1. T ho• ,., • h T· I• •,' <'! rPIIT•~ "!",,. t l .. • I "• II••• \1 11• ,. I"Jo• ~ I~ :-;)>,If) .\ n>lllo (' j•l~ I Il l\ (,, ~ J ""~ o)o ~;.,, u,., ... ,,,, .• I• lid' "'''"''l' I< lit ,,. ••n ,.,.,,,, .. ,,,.. f,,,,, • ,.,,.!.ol ~··m •·tl mto d ,cl,,.t ,,,,. '"'' "'"!>lh> "' th,. r••nr. Tht• f · .. rr , ••. ,,,,.,, ,.,.. l Ia Shnrt comloln•·~ th~ a.:~-111<.1 C Hro P,• ~r ~ PI~ A L.o S•>r -r1 1' • 1-II •" • ,.,. 1 ~ l~ · I '·' ,) -1 "'"' • 1;oo a! I• • •I ' I· .I "'' I' , \I ''"'" H•l'"' ~·· ,. •,,J ~ 1lo•r I ··I • 1 ;, .~' Ill '~" t.ol>lo •\'"•""" olo• ,\' rp "Ill~ 1',,,,. 11 r.. : >•I· • !n • ,J ' .,; h 1'1" 1 '" I·, •• "' "II II "'1' < "''' "' 1.11"1 " •lrlt" ~of 1•.<•11<" I I,,~ .. ln :l II"\ n \o•ll. ~~~ ~·., II.! 11\III Y!l"~. Religious Leadership Train in g School Storts January 12 Th• 1 l u·~~· pro·s••nt wo•n • Larry \\'ht•<'lrr Dtano• ""Ed Witre. Frf'd So·h1·nck ;md , lldlt: Erickson 11nd Dom inus. the Da rby Mrte<t!f~. 1. l!d•·r~htjl 1 1·,11 nin~o: .· • nnd !\Irs Art Vun \Va rmt•r »nd ,,,., t1 I•)' lh•· l'r .. to'"!<llmt ~h";:~-;;;~ I hous•• s:u.-.sts. G('QrJ:t" S1rom And ,.f tlo" ,., ut\1}' will I~· hf'ld at tht' l_..('t' J ohnson. Mr. and Mr11. Burt F 1r•·t Chn~11 un t·hun ·h, SAnta Anll. RW!i('JI, Bart 11nd Jnn Ht•nd('rson. IM 't:"""nt.: J\1omday, Jununrr 12 for Mr . .11nd Mrs. Harold Coward, Mr. ,1_, ,.,,0~•·•·U111"<• :O.Innda~ 1'\'f'nin~. ond Mrs. Mnn.hall Nit-d!'Cker and T ll1s 1s lh•• rnurth ~t·hool to be Chnr lrs and Vrlmlt Barhl'r Dl'n- h..td. w1t h r<'.:-ist ralion doubling 1·ad 1 ~u('('t·~~i\'f' y•·ur t:Af'h o•vt'mn.: \,-.~~1nn Will tx•~tin a T 7 1• m with n 30 minutf' pre- ' n•1•· u! llud if>-\"t!iUII1 mntf'rials. Ttwn· will bo.• twn pPriod.~ (-' 11 c h •·•···mn~:. 1\ith a :,:'(1 minute• ass<>m- hl) l"'r uod I>.,IW<'f'll tloo• two class "'"ll!n~ F:,,.h d n~s ""Ill rn<'<'t for otw twn llf'nods l'lll"h f'\'('ninc. ni!I-On. Art Van \Varm1•r nnd C"h,•r l<'~ l:k-nni!on. only Mr hiJ:nndt•rs in tht• crowd. h11d 11 n •ally 1-:t'lod limt• "ruhhinli in lt." Co;ono del Mar Girls Entertain lor College Friends T hf' dlo~s,·s pl:um o·d rtrf' \"o•r y in-t•·r··~lin~o:. ;~nd 11111 . J.;l\"1' tl'lo(:llnr l Ttu• Mls..s(•S Jndlt• llo):un and l~!(•rnil.t lllnal f'nunc~l nt R f'iiJ:11lU!i 1 :-.ormil Ando•rson wo•ro• o:-o-)n>!;t•l ~.ducn t 1bn u niiJl tn lo·n<lo·r~hlp o•sso·~ ''' li nnt· n"I'IOl'k tundwon 1 I r11 min1! ll)n Mnndny .. lr.n !'> :1 ! thr bom i' I ·n,. l'l"~"'" plnnn••ol !Hr rloi~ n! Tlw lut!o·r·s paro•nos . Mr 11 nd yNt.r in(·lurlt• tho• f,.lln11.i111: ~llh· :\I rs llo•l t ('un<lun ;\IJol :-..1rt:i~su~. kch : H,-,w !hl' nihh· ('nm•' \<J I 'oroma d!'l r.IHr I 1~•·. To·:whin~: . Rl'l<'"~":' TIm '' Guf'SI!I wt·r~ 11 ~:rou jo uf cnlll'i:t' I (_ lfl!lSI;•~; ~uodonl' T' "',',drf'n '•" 'I !ri•·nr\!1 lndwlin.:-n ,,.tllll'/1 ll i~:t.:in­ t 1or1Jlllllll "rowt t:. h•• ~tml' "" !<!'ln and Cnro)l \\'nti'l nf L .. 'IS ,\n- ("Jmrrh \\'nrkmt! rnp•tho·~ _m thf' ~o:l"l•·s a mi ~ix o.:u·l• frnm Hw {'nt· R1 ltl!l"ll~ ;o.lur tllrf' M t llllllr<'n: lo·r~il)' of t 'nlifnrtuu !-':mtn 1\:or·l t;tlll•lmo.: tho• lh·ho.:1"11~ r.r••Wth .. r , , ·rJ 1 o:ora o'.llllllll' ,lli"''ors , ,~~' i\111~"1" ••1" t 'o>llll· )lllron~o: ("hn~tmn~ "•···k 1111") ~••loll "' \uulh 'Moo• l 'tmr.-tu·~' ,1),, <"lll••l"lnm••ol II ot<tlt'll ,.lll'!lll"r l'r••f.!l om fur !l ll•·l'llW<hlll <'~ T ill' IIIO.:h -.·hoMII pJ.1,,tn,o 1•·~ Sup. rmwrul. nl 111t1 I r,,. T . .-k A mnr•· ol• l;ulo·d i'ruo.:ram ut tho• •dlt"'l I~ llo•\1 11\0IJ]:o J,J,. >.!1\- lnO.: Tl>•' ll'lm•·< ,f !•·; .. t•·O"~. "nd no .. n · infnrrnalwn ,.)~ou t , "!1 o"llllr--· Mrs . Larry Johns To Review Popular Broadway Procluclion "•·II k ro•'"" 111 th•·.ot o•·•"IP I•~ r,., il•t•"Th• 11 1~ Xo·w~ ""'I pl;l'" ro •\ 11"1• ~." Will :or· !•'Hr hr l'<' oon Th•1r"l"'· ,l ·mllo~r~ H ll ntkr lh•• •1•'11"'"'''"" nf I I·~·~~ S1 •o·t onn~ I :ono l 11 .. r rho• :-.. w . pr>rl rk:orh 1-'tN•ll .-lulo New Honors for Crown Crest Kenn els t 'halllpu•n T llo• I "I 1 \.o~d.u\. tho· •II •• r o\lch;on ,, n •I ('II'"':""'' l'o'o•t 1y J•J, ''". Yul k•J It• I• ITto I <•I , . .,,.,,Wo :·,,,~! ko·llth 1-1\olll ,.oil<lt ''"nul h"""''' :'•uul" '"'' llu 11 /o\\11>1 !\;,> I·"•J••h ,,I lito :-;'!11 1:,,. ro.ot ,lm•t 1~•..: '''"" Tlu tl <•I Rocol .ul o•t ll•·•"'"' kn•"!I •"Tinno'I"T,\\oon o\<t'l,.llr "I I II r· o'II.Ulll'll•ll d.,c·~ 10 t1 d \\ .1 ~ twl•;• ti ·t~ •t "' I •t ,.,.II .. I •r, • t, 1'1·.·-·· f..l t ,.,y t••···ld ,,, ,,,., ... ,, f,., "1111\ins.: "' ··r ;, 'I '·' 1 "H' mo- Broken Lots • Extra Special • SLACKS, OVERALLS .. $195 • BOYS' SHIRTS ...... .$100 • PAJAMAS ........... . .. $150 • BONNETS, CAl'S ..... SO% • UNDERWEAR, Asst. ... 25c • SOX, ............. 5 pair $100 1761! Newport Blvd. SPECIAL FOOD ITEMS in Tins To Add to Your Package FOR SHIPMENT TO EUROPE Da ri gold Powdered Milk Darigo ld Pow dered Eggs Darigold Butter Cheddar Cheese Oran~e Ma rmalade Honey Roast Beef Co ffee Soups Beef Cube s Sliced Bacon ISLAND LIQUOR STORE 220 Marine Ave. Balboa Island l'honf' lla rl)(or J:-I!J-1 :\lr.. ,l0hn< h:o~ t f'l"• nt!~· ro•. tunH·d from :o '""" 111'1r>O •• ~ni,urn in 1'\"o'\' Ynrk Wh•·•··· ~h·· h.1~ •'11· joyP<I 1hf' ('llrro •nt tlwn rrp s•·,~on t~ •rl••d ,,,.,1: _'----,,,, .... ,,,,..,. ... --.... --....... --, ....... -...J Fnr pr<'s••nt;~t onn h<·ro• ."<ht' ""~ r hrn<<'n Ill<• "lltS!iono lo nt.: pl:o~ "llo•r n 1 Yl'~ll•tcl:o).. ,\ff• r m nny W•·•·k~· pnpularil) nn rlrna<iwa y 11 IS still pln)ifll:" 111 packo•tl h .. lls<'~ All rnf'ml)f'rs nnrl !roo•mls of Elo<'ll l'lrl' cnrd i;~lly in•·ito·rl to [war J ohns Thf' 11dmis~wn prier ('('11(5 -- County Education Assn. fa Meet Here Jan. I 3 Thl' No•Wtlflrt Rr11r h (;rammar !K"hnnl P/\rf'nt-Tf'."lf'ho•r As~ocintinn will hi.' h<l."'ll l o u crnur-of J!""of1 ('(>unt\' <'dut'a lnr~. rn('m · lht• n~nn~:;o' Cn1m!}' A~_s.,.l for Chil <lhood F:dur nt i(>n.1 . d,-.J Mnr srhoo! aw'fl· Tth'~day .. J nnu~ry 1:\. T lw I .:r:•rl" r·u"m mnlto<'r~ an1l tho' n">t>m nto>lh•·r f'hair m<'n. Mrs f: n \\"illi;"O m~ .1ml :\l r~ H·•l:tot•l l ~~·:~:;,:,hl><pll"lot r d l"lil"lll.11l, II~ ,1, l••fl f!"l~·m•>rtil T o•ti"Y ,,f ! ·::: 1 • ;orl<l oo •~ 1111' J.:l"t•ll p "'l '·:O.Jo•- llfldt•r~t.,t"l l l\<: '>1;1" l"holol,.,•n •· 1.-o!l ho• •• r•••d :o t :.! 1,'• !•Ill Pr To ·n~· 11 Ill ~I" ,ol< •1 ·I 1• '" l nlo·r-, •I• •1 ,.,.,., . .,h ,r.• 1111 '" d Hl f<'n•l lho• m• ,.,,.,.. H· \\ ~~,, Mesa Upholstery 28-10 S M'·port 81\"fl ('Mfa Mrsa Ph.: llfoaroh 5004-W OPENING NIGHT "BIBLE HOUR" ILLUSTRATE I> DIFFERENT! LECTURES ON BIBLE PROPHECY INTERE;STING WHAT ABOUT ' • • HITLER FAILED -Will Stalin Unify Europe, * BIBLE PROPHECY gives a Definite An swer' ENJOY Sound ~lotion Picture and "Singspiration" II HEAR the "Ambassador" "•I• Quartet ~AT. NIGHT, JAN. 10, 7:30 3 Stirring Lectures Sun. :'\ighl . .Jan. 11. i::\0-"llihll' l'rt•dil'ls World Emp<•ror ('nming" \\'rd. :'\ighl .. Jan. 11. i::JO -">'ignpnsls of tlw End" Fri. :'\ighl, .]a n. IH, i::to "Hl•awn -'lylh or llcalily'?" AI the SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST C H ---·••-•••• ••-••.,__r----••- H. S. P.-T. A. OHicers Nominated to F9urlh District Slate Michael E. Weisel New Owner ol Newport Plating Co. Alaska King Crab Whole Broiled Lobster wtlb Drawn But~r SauOB U~Jl'·Third Rl'tluctlon for \htldrt>n , Hou"' 4 t.o 12 p. m. CATERINO TO PARTIES AND BANQl'ETS CO<'kt&IIA Annable Ph. Harbor 7M Closed Tul'Sday THE QUARTER DECK I JANUARY CLEARANCE Starts FRIDAY, JANUARY 9th Lamps, nautical & hurricane $49!l $595 -$1095-$1295 Blankets Bed Pads, twin size $395 Double size $495 Pillows .$195 & $250 Coffee Percolators Vaculators Electric Plate .$295 $395 .$495 Woolen ~hirts, plaid & soli d color. Argyle Swca'ters $49a l $100 -$19!i ~ I f ee Shirts \Voo){'n ~Jack~. qray, tan. hrown & hluc Hawaiian Sport Shirts and Trunks R:\1.110 .\ nr.l t :"'. !-\1..\( 1\S nnrl ·1.\CKt:Ts " FOH ~tt:~ .\~H \\<nit:~ R!\0 Coa~t lli~lm ay Ill I S t :Wr'ORT Ut:ACII r'h. Of'aron :t'Hil tty .,r offf!rl nJ:t!':. Bullc1in~ cost.c; are still going up.'' Girl Scout Ann. Meeting To Be Held Tuesday Th.-Girl Sc·oul 85MICtllliun or !'Jrwpnrt llnrhor will hnld 11s an- nun! mN•IIn~o: Tht•sdRy, J nn 13 at \\'hill''~ Park nW'nul' l'llfl'. Rnlboa !:<lund. nt 11 11m Thl• hus1nl'llS mt•t•lint.:. 111 whteh nnnu11l rt'JlOrlR w111 IJ(' lward 11nd 1tff1CI'rs fnr lh!' ye·:tr. ··h-t"ll'd, "til lw f"llnw1-d hy lunehrnn )Irs H(lhPrt K illl'l1·r Is in C'ltRrt.:l' rend n·~arvullon~ rnuv hr m:tdr Wtlh hl•r nl llurhtlr-lfi5!'l-H nr "ilh Mr'< llrdph Dt'll\'l'h, llo1rhor '.!1)1.0 Riding Club Members fo Vote Monday Cot Losf? One Found )It• ll11'1lo•• ll·•;ryn f.J .-,1( ,, fttl'''' ,, .... ,.,., ~ .... r; ... , .• •' , , ... • "Ill~ ''' h• r llf•t,-.. ·•n•l til''''" \\hu tl j\; f,,,, '-Ud1 HU ltr11tn.d fill\ , . .,, It• I II '''"·I''"''' 1111111111 ' \ 11 IIIII ~ Counfry Club Teo Sc f lor Jon. 14 \\•<lll••d ol ·''" II ~~ tho 11.11 • , 1 H • 1 ~, •Pitt ' • I•JI• tu ut ·• I• Th• Juu,·· '"'' "''" f•'h 11f t '"' uud h11 "'' 1n!" 1 '' tl 'll• ..... , ;\11 ~ Htth 1\ llh1111t .1 t'lll \1 Ill 11\1• I llllo•tl 11 I '•ldlo I I • 11111111111 lt•l lfo• :-'1 it• ... 1' 1111 7!~ IHd•,.., •d th•• S• .,. l'l"lltft u1tl ,,., '' •"" \\HI t., \l1 lo11 II If ,\II l.lllf' 111'11\o'•'ll \\ tlrl1111).:· f 1• 111 l'.ollilol "'ll o111 ! \l1' ,!.,., 1•1 1"11 olllol f l.1111lo•1 ' I' ll).;lt•, INVENTORY HEADACHES! K .. p First«-the-year Records Neat and Orderly in the new - 'Pronto Economy' ~ ----- TRANSFER FILES LETTER OR LEGAL SIZE WIDTHS A ruggedly Built Storoge File, Built To Stond A life. time of Abuse, Yet Coala No More Thon Ordinary Fiborboord Boxea. l'n'l'RI•V ('()'O<ITnl't TlO"'f Ou•lf out of 7'5 I~ cor,.vQ;1t~cf b l"'•*'d, ""''"'flirt Pf't w U't •t~tl 0 ., lohPII • .,d on four cornt 'l of ar.aw•ra, No "~tl'f of Juoo .. 0 • If)' of h··""''f' ,,,., "'' '" ord•r to get at old r-r"'"•· Co"''"·" fprf •(l t .. .at yrfu '""" ,,.,_..-lock H "'"" ll'lt " .,,1.11 "" '" •"''"' ,.,.,.,., "' h Qh ., ,ov a•••'•· IIY \1 T il I f. Al'f 'f' \R \ 'Ot •: ,.,n rt t •d e H• • Yt o ,,., Q•~~"• ...... ,... ...... n rt •Q J'CHH ,.,~"''•' .,,, •• Gff e t ''"'· UM PRONTO Fil•• for Active Recorda as well as lnacttve Recorda . ---,........ . .... ~ 902 NO. MAIN PHONE 743 ---· • Statemt•nf uf ('undifion RESOURCES loans and Discounts Overdrafts U. S. G overnment Bonds Other Bonds and Se curities Federal Reserve Bank Stod Accrued Inte rest Paid Banking Quarte rs Furniture and Fixtures Cash and Due from Banh Total LIABILITIES Capital Stod C ommoF! Surplus Fund Undivi de d Profits Unearned lnte r.cst Deposits Tot a l A HOME BANK-, .. -· Dukh Bea~k amraAL ()C)Jif'!'SAOI'Oa PAINTING _ ........... c.. ... Dlrectl1 IW\lnd Alba ..... • 0 ............ .,. ............. PRINTING NHTH'r. lit' A S N I 'AI. KTANUAilDIZED M F.F.TI NU U f' IIU:MftF.~ 4 'l'h•· Anuunl M <•r tlnl( "' 011'1ll· "'r" "' ll1•' No•.,. 1'"1 I 111111••11 1-'•~f t, ,d "'--1t\ ''U'' urut I J•tttl J'""'"'u•tiufl '"II I" h• lol ''' I lw A"""'tlltlo~n' ••Itt" I U I \ 11 I t•loo 1\'o•\\ I"" I tn MW' you both t lll'W' nntt money. Bt:Af'ON A. (;. Spencer :u' IH17 $ I . 496,70 I. 3 I 3.57 3.983,510.00 2.882.399.28 II ,250.00 565.11 1.00 1.00 2,740,245. 76 $11.114,677.03 $ I 25,000.00 275,000.00 45,571.69 14 ,134 .90 10,654 ,970.44 $11 ,114,677 .0 3 Th e statement below apeak. for it· se lf. We fee l grateful to our many loal aupporters who are a part of thia ban~. ,,. .. ,\t ",.." ........... . ';Jo.-, 7 7 K , II 'l I . ,, :i Jl 'f'; 'Ufllt, I Ut J 9 , Uti I \lfU h U •l lt.U I 1 n . fi :; 1 • !, 7 u . 1 1 D 1-DO S ITS COMMERCIAL Nation_al Bank t .. \ST 1'01 ICTII STut.t:T a t JU ~II . . ' . • ''"'""I J M<IIIII 1 111r. I.I,H 2·1 t.e -tnA~V• f • I A •• ..,..,.aeut .... ~· . f I'l l: WP08 T B .l L BO.l II £W8-TIM 1:8 ' .-------------------. nru:::.,:;:~.:: ·~" ·~ ·· .... I Rise to Remark NEWS-TIMES $61,898 Mesa 15 Days Building Total Tiw 15-duy !l•~rlocl !rom Dec. 16 Otht"r prrmltl \ndUdr tho$~ 10 ,..,.,. 31 shuw£'d buildinK PLT· luut:'d to llfon T. La Mour, Jr .. or rn il• lullllilnlo( $61,898 In thf" Q)e.ta M•''" "''•·u l~ Irvin._.. Avt-.. for 11 dw('ltinK l."'·~··~r l"'rrmr, lor $1 3,832, wa5 Ill 1871 Matl,,'n'lt' Dr., S1980: Or· Pqe6 'I'SL&FBONEII: HAUOa U , II AND * BON. l ORN PIIILD"' When You Need 1-N -S-U-R-A-N -C-E PHON& • 8a JOHN E. SADLEIR h t " hd 1!\'f't')' Tu~ NMI Ttmnoday Alt .. "''""'... \'(olumr XI. A< "' '1•'1'-"''h ~··m•• llliSI-:I\·1 :•1~'111 1 !tw 1"11 1 alao read lh. 1,.,;uo•d ru lht~ (\'!11,. Mr~~11 Commun-viii~ II. Ht•rl}', 2560 N (""llllr! D!vd. c .. c.a Ill.,... l:d!U-l'uhll•hrd t::\'t'f)' M't-tl n,...ja)' uu.:~. "''"' II" f.r~l wt•·k~ ,.f lfHN, Ti>• '"'" •·nl •. 1!\l'li~lltl:l' .. ~r bNov_ 17. 11, _\t~•n .... ils t r·hurch for a Sund:ty to arid a bathroom a nd closet to , I hr· JHOIL'Ihllli V t,.., Ill Were 1 · t a th l't•lling a t lAA I Mnrt:Ut•rito• St .. Sut.m-iptioo P~blc tn Adv111n,..,..: SJ.~~ ,-.•r yrar 111 lln.orl.,;•· I •uHLI)', <lll•l•·~· ,..,. •·~1 ••·•··· ,,,.., ,,... '"'' 111,,,,. ,1,,. Pro·~rdl•nt had !liked f ., ru•·l ''" th,. nort 1 sldf' o 19th o..-t~.a llar I.J.:it.t vcr )'Car to 4•h 7..mto'; ~ 7!1 ,., ... ~·r:.or '" ~~~.' z,,,, I ,f th• !''"b.lo ·no~ .ol.r• nrb rrr rio~: I· .'\i"I·.VI'. 111 adtlllmn, t~ ..... .,'1'_ St . ~~;:. fco·t r•a.o;t of Harbor Blvd. 5400; Ch•rlrB Ray Bt·r~r·r. Jr .. 3RI 11M ... lt'l ~ ~· ....._ ........ U.l ,a Mr.! Entrred as S<"('("l1!d·f1us• llll.illi'T "' llw p .. ~t .. ffor-.· rn ;-;~:wl ~•rt U.•:oc '· "-/• "1 1 "' • ''"'1' · ''''","' " 1 tlo nt l'nllto <l t••"•·rs that 1;:0 With '·""'~' ,,,..1111 ,1 \\'lh•n (Vntroh; 1682 C'U!!lhl Mrsa St . "'20·. 1,, -~-----I I 1 ~ 1"' 1 r/"1. ..,. C'<JHia l\I('IU S t .. for 1\ fi:aTI!fi:(' at ~~:::::::::~~~~~iii~f::::::::::~ 'c;;:;-;;--;;:;c.;'~"""'";<"'-""""~·~"~"~'~'""''-''he•c_:•o•c•c.::"c' ~'"'c"c"c'1c• "'"·-1c•o·'c':-,:::c;;::;;:;: ).;, "11 '··"'1'' ''" '" '"' '' ,... 1 1 ·~ , .,.,,,., "'r,~o· ·· Thoae ,...__ .,... W. ~ ...... 1• 1 I!'" 'rr f rtru§. for uhout sl:rf F \\'hall"')' of 12411 f)•prt>Ss Avr . SA.M D. POHTER J•uJ.II~Iwr o " t•·l•rvd .,..,,k• !hr • prlf"'f"S !'0 $iZI'S L'Oill· Santi! An11.. fnr 11 t:at/12!' nnd LUCIUS S. SMITll, Ill :\l;t !W);on~ l•:r.l• l~rr T lo•' At •t•n•t>r 1111 to'"' '''"'11111t tlo ,. I'll.<' !'<'Htllul~ nu• nf 11 quntati....., ._I '''"'''·' .l>rJUt:l11 rlrot l><....-t If! '"e. ..!!Jll;o ... t:own-al 1-l""')l....,., -. ,,. S < , W.l-'.DlXON . . . . . . • ,\dl•·f111'r<l~l\l"n.o.;.•t 1 "tliii Oik o•ll l1o'\\ lotUII:•I~.r .. rl••• "'' l. . '" .••-'-'·.> '"" T. """ Prinlin~ J>ltu1t, 3£111 \V. f'l•ntr;ol Aw•nuP. :'\'o'IIT•Jt't ll•'lll'h. t'ulrt.n·nllt r"''"l .>'"'t!" lro1ru Jub• I, L~1Ui tu "'11"' •···rwr;•t cunuul O\lt.'t' Pl1~·,.,n"'"''·r~ ·nid lh•· OPA so nport $.1011. f N -., h i Jouw "II• I!H'+ \\'•· .t1<tnt •l•r ~~~ Pltid"''"''··s.,td uw•ry rt lllin&:ulah.,,, .. :-; .. , •h•· I)PA IH"I'ragt'd only 'To P. R. Du11IR[>. R• 1. l\ox Official Paper of the City ewport peac ~-··II ..... \"' "i, .. ultl h ll'<" •ll ·n·. 111 ',, Anwrl<'1 ':· ""I~ justifiable only 1!1~ lnC:h !Ia~~-and rf>J)()t lo'd Ill 7.1\t. '"r " dwr•llinl,( Wllh llll!iChc-d A l~ablr t..ot"aJ l n~lltullun ,.,. 0\CI' 10 ,.,...,.,. 1 !!\\ "I''""'"' 111 Ll.ll' '''"·'' ~"'~'''~I "' l11111.: lr> II IS lin l'fftocllve In-'••~· · t:.Orll~(' 111 1~ S. E . Ahhif' \\'ay. , @) \\-, •ltHUid •lr.rl• ,.,,, m01ro• 1\o '"llti" 1'1 m:nln.~l rnflation. I am 1~ lr lfw 1 !~16. 79 p1·r C('nl nf Tht• $R767, W . 1'. JdfrrS<;tn of 212 •, I""'''''' 111 \".rlol•••l"·' hr"'" r;,.,r ''''1'11""'"' rh;•l th•• time h111.1 COrne ,·,,nomurrrt r•'~ 111 Amt•r ica wt>re Ot-.•an n tvd .. Cororra de l .Mar. f•lt ~~~:t!~~A~i~~~~~,~~{~~r.~ Active · ,,, ..:•, 1:,.11.j '"'·'!"'· th•· 1rn1 hr.-"h•!l Ill•··"' f<tnt~ol~ can II-<'""(' no •hro~l "' tu·, . .,,j Jn lhr ~llmf' month, 11 privrtlf' ortrrr· 111 \051 Rrondw11y, M L.. , , , 1 '' .,.,,,, lr~.t .. J t•Wf~"'' I um oonvi~""--' ·,., .• ,, lulld,.•r ~h(lfl!\i d05r'fl ]:)(>. $9tl0fl: ,J R. JohnMnrt ~t t·~ '''I' emuer -'''"''"'""~'"'''""'''. ·· ·~ .... """ -··~ "" 1 tr!lt• 11 rltlf, ,.,.,,., "''~t loru•·· tlo '' ''" 1r lurtho·r continuafiCf' , ,,,.,. 11\•·Y ho1o l no meat 10 st•ll. St.., Ncwr"•rl B~·ach. to C(rnvert M of '-....-.-"'"TIIO"I \\orhw lloo IIU'II\0!1 \ oil ""llld oj, tlu• n n iJ<;rn'M t~y ]n !-'••]rtr•Ttll"•r II mR)oTily nf city ~l<rll":r" int(t II riWt•ltinl: at 1911 ll•"l'l·· """ r111 11;: till' till"''"'' "' fll••tr h .. tm !him l:•tOd." t•·"l•l•' 1rlo · f•~h 11nd poullr)", lx--MRrgrf•Tt• Dr , $1 500; Clyd{' P. -------~~~~~---~~~~~~---==---/··, d· I' 11 , ll\plro)h "' 1\.,o;Jorn,·r"n 1\ h .. 'iwl ltoal~ Pro'1ide111 TnJ. '''"'" lho•rf' was no mr•fll. and \\'hilt' of 190\ 1\1/ltl:relr Dr .. to ,, " "' "" tntnolr• d' '""" t1 '" Ill·"•· "" ~"'"' !1. 1946. wht'n he ,,,,..,. nl<'al WII.S n'pladn~~: lll'f'f. w nv••r t a ~o:aragf' inlo n dwr•llinll Wngress and the W nsumer '" ''" lllllllh'o•o !' iol '"''"''""' Ito .. ~,k ;,ff , ... ,, .... ,li. Thr• CIIICh I• of o\o II Ill lur~po!HIS" Thf' black mar-IUH1 tHhl lt hath 1111<1 ut ility f\1/lm at , . , . !h· ~.m .. • ton i•· q, !iJ\" loll~ 0:''""" ,,.,,.,,, tho• u tllin~nt•llli of pro-h•' "'"''"" h;ul n•l rf.'lution to O PA that mldrv-ss. 910tl; Paul Coopr:·r W1th Co n~re!';o; g-etttnj,! back on th(• Juh Wi.' :-h:d1 1 tr•·nr , ,.,,,,,, •~ "" "", "'' ,f.,llrr •I•" • r'. ,,,.,~···~'>~•H. rtistributors 1''" .• "'· ,olrh••II L:h :\1r IWwJr•s k<:'f11 M Co.~ta M··~a. ft>r n dw£·11ifl~r: nl undoubtedly have a ~rt·ttt deal more tal k-with·littly ,, t••t·~"""' Ill•"""", t., q ,., ... t,, " "'"'"'l•"'"ln·,.,. ,,, fit.:ht inflat~ r.oll<,rm: nl~'"' l11s H~• pric.··t. "''"'" 1606 s . F:. :tl~• St.. ~J;,f"JO : Mr~. • b h' f I' · 11 J r rtr t :,~•J, ·••1•1 1l t11~·· ''''" '"""' I•\ l••lunl:rr• <'•••J~·ru t il"i" mNhodl l'r•~HI•·nt '/"t"llnl:Otl kriJ••tl nPA f'(ln· 1-oluudo • llruwn. Rt .. :.!. llnx 3·111 to actiOn-a nut tht" IJ!h c o . .;t t• . 1\"lllg'. ut t'Vl'll t 11~ 11 •h .• t "'", nut work. , •• d•. ''"h ,,,,,.,.~ •h·u,,1 .... d :.!Q tu 25 1 ...... '~"nl t·rt " dWo•llrn~: u11o1 "Urt•"•' ve rbosity wi I h(' d c•ntlt•l t•hJf• .\' to ) a_mtll).!" ~~t!llt.'-'' ,, 'I '"' 'II••! ,, 1•1 I ·'' IIIII ' '""I''' '"' tho· rr •lurn of OOntrob ,, ,,, t.doJ\\ hliwk nlurkr•t I'Tko ·S min a dutrlo•x "' .!3191 161h Pl. • I I 't l IJ • illlrd llO I ~tolojod\\t ll l ~l lt••~<ll' "~ ,. "'"' body for.high JWiCl'~-LI.~Ually H_• ''1'('11:'111)! p(lltl_tt:tl t111, 1,1 1.,J'"'t"' 1,1,,.11 1,,.,~ th• ,,oJJ 1 .. l!r.-.,t.·nt .,.,.j,t"1 11'J' 111 :".:o-w York n11d othrr $.1/):t.J : Antln·w H LrnHo of l:t:l;l Part .... I f ff ...... 0.:11'11('11\'" 'll'r"' 'tl!l ll ~ I""''' 0:11 II Ill• ,.,, ... ,,,, ,... l .t .. n .. t I!OI">;••( !hut lht• OPA o'+'10'~ \\" ~·Irs! St . :"llnl-1 A mt, r .. r u )'-, lll~~.<:il( 0 U t,rt nj! ,.tJ · •· :-~,.. ·:-•· ' ' 1 ,,.,, r,, n ·mm•k that"''' ~hillll!l ri Wf'llonr:.: ur ~~•4" Unm .. ,t '''"''··· ! t• ••I 1\lo.ol !lo• l't•'t<lorll po l •tt• I I.\ rl r<ln"l W11rk. It wa~n·t evo:ort v .. for CQmbattiiJj! ~LJCh Jt!'i('f'::. ll·•frk ,.f tlu ~•· (III'IS bl'fi'TI' jnini111: ~;7~, Ewllh"t"ll Alll or<·}'. HI \, Th i~ hein.(!" an t•lf'di()ll Yl'iH', it i . .: tllPI"I' im p .. rt :ll_ll PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY 11· io ll-1\1111; dlnl"ll~ 1\'hti'h is II")'-flu.\" ,,., '" ;L(Id" l ~'<ln)(lm :rn•l f I.· · ' 1 ' ' 1 II 1• '" 1"1'\ll•' !li'A Vr11Un turr J•ITt"h 111 :.OH:!'J S W Elrlr•n ,,,.,.._ rom a po ltiCI<IIl ~ :O:l:I IH J)tlllll. 1•1 C!l!l\"IIH"l" 1 )I· I'll I It' ,, ,11 ,"' d .. ,, l·•·tto·t· J"''· uno1 :;.1110. 1-" t. !1\un:un. fnr a th\1'11 · that hi~ prrlili(•a l npp1 11Wilt ... an· l'l "~llflll:>i i,Jt · r~,r ~··;tr Al"("lll S1"\~'T 1'11\'"lf"J,\SSkl'iUIUlWN"S.Il.O. ,, dlo .i•tl!"" ,,, ... ,tlo" '"·~n· llo"ll!.~.l "'" "' 1 ~·71 s t: :.'hi Sl . -~I Ct!-17 , I inf! li vin)..:" cu:-:t~ t tJHn it i:-: \It hal t lh·· l•t"it'l' "l•il':tl, I ' ''"!loiHoli•lfl, ('(lllld SU]J/1()1"1 (ol lll t•~o i\u~:•t~l E Pttrrm:tn, Itt I . other wurd!'i. in~te:ul ,,f tht· 1\1"'' rn:t.it w J •:1rt i r ·~ fiL":hl 1 ,,,,.,,, n ... ~ l~l.<t, r.w .. , ''"'"''"t: a1 11:::: 1111 •1•1 '\o II \"PJof' :.'~ml ~~, Kt(;oJid . . .. ' " '"''''""" ,.,, I "'"""""'" A. V. Andrews, M.U. ' . "''"M~~~~hl" luolltl ... -........ -., ..... ing together ag-ain:ot tlw t·nnuntttl t •rwrn,r ~. hi.l!h pril"f' -thev <If(' f ight in,(!" <l)..'":tin:-:l ~·ad\ 11thrr. Thr• ('llll~lllllr• is cau'i::'ht in tlw midfllt··. 1 ' I' ,. Each ~iflf', 1of l'Hill"~i·, l'bi m=-t h:H it eh:l!lll'iiiJL.., tiJ public int rr\,~t. Hut neitht•J' !'idt• h;1:' ltt••·ll ,.,,,.,\' Clrn vincin,c-. The t:OI' ant i-in fl ~tl i ~rll hill wa:> hard I,\· tnnr t han a ge!'ture. It )!in·:-: tlw Adrn ini=-t r:1titnl littl power it doe:s nf)t already han•. On tlw ulht•l' hand the Pre!lidt•nt ca ll~ fnr wide pmn•r:o: 1.11 l'ttnln•l infla tion, hut he blandly i.cnot'"·" ulll' ••f tht· l1i.t: f:tctur contributing to infl:.ttiou -thr va:-:-t t:m·t·rtlntt•nt. burl' aucracy. The billio.n~ 5JWnt IJy it P:tth .r~·:u·-:tnd WI re rt-r particularly to the billion~ tltll l('('l':-',.:arily :"Jit'llt pump doll a n; into lhe ~we ll in)! mo ni'tary Ftrram with out producing good~ for thn~· d ollar:-: tu hu.\·. lnfb lion is ~imJ>IY an unh:thmcC> bf'h\'t'Pil availahll• C'a .... l . ,. (' ., . , .I ' . . . 1 and available j.COOd~. ' :I . Unl£>~"· and until. bnth parti(·.~ try :oi n('t•n ·]_,. to d1 l\'hat they can tn ~ol vt' thl, li \•in)! co~t pruhlt•nl f1·nn an economir. in~h·ad of a politi1·al. =-t;tndpoinl. tlw~ are rloin)! litllt• more th;m .(!'Oin)! thrllU)!h the motion:-: I Neither price!' nor lh£> puhlit t~rr heing-influellCl'l by the political mam•uverin)! in W:-tl"lhin~tun. Income Tax Time II The time has come fo• settling accounts with Une.le Sam for 1947. Income tax, you know. M.oet. persons have had their fuH tax withheh. from their wages and salaries, but there are quite a few whose income is from other ~urce~. This lat,te group must make their fin al tax payment on or bt~for I r (' the 15th of J anuary. ' Included In this group a re farmer~. ~mall hu:-:ine:o~ r.ropr ietors, profes.~ional men :-:uch a:o d octors anrl awyers, person~ who rete in!] $ tno m mnl't; in Hl.l from rents, divi cl£'nd~. !-'ales and =-i milar :-:ourtl':-; workers who hall no tax withht•hl. a ~ fnr I'X amplt farm hands ami hnusehnltl ~£>rvant!'. and thn:.:t• will had only a part of t.lwir t:1 x withh,•ld frnm tiH·ir pa) " ' ' ' envelope!l. I ' I WII.I.IJ\"IS & \\'I I.I.J:UIS I ttu....lno..,~ ,\I '"'•~•·m••nt l'mt~u I tan I~ Ulflr..-: ("•,..1• \1•·~• llank JUri~. I n•·a. Ml:tli-J l 'rt•l• ,\lo.., •• 1'11111. Bo o kk eepi n g Se r v i ce I"IU.I S •.. RKO\\"N ~llartHor IIIU ) 8"'LEIO.O V"'CI11 C\..UEI llhood• D· . No,.pDr1 tleul> DEI'Ir"TI MTN Or. Obed Lucas I Dt!:N'I1ST UotY, \\'. CMnral. llarbw 1611 NI!:\\'J'OkT BEACII GORDON .E. RAPP, D.D.S. .... WN < C..\l"al P.._e ll&rhor ...... N-ltctrt OBDOP&A.oroa Or. Tom E. Barton CWROPRACI'OR 1111 """"' ......... ....._ ...... lin Kendell'a Patio\ l"'lrMe ...,.., IMII STENOORA.f'IDO 8!:RV10& ' Georgia Tay lor J'ubltr !;Uenn l'ron1('11' Notary l"uhltr MIITM!(I.-nphtnc · :\1 aJ!Inr ~Y n·IN' tOM r~ f"l·nlnl A\·r ., """""" llarb"r 'tiWJI-U. o\"!ll."i-\\' VETERIN AIUAN l'lll"SII'l,\1" ~~~ I"I'H(ii:ON "' I "A•I lllr h\OA)'. llu-bcw Ill l ".<oroonatlrl~ I H. R. Hall, M.D. l'bl•'~'~""" .... d s.ra- !lours. i ;s; hy Appolntmaat Tr•lf'llhQnr ik•= .... '" Broad,..·ay .,.. .. _ MUtoo H . llluwell. II. D. I ' , .. , c;uaat mw_, I c ... r<>~~a .. , llu ' Ullin-lloun: 10..12: u I l'huar II arbor ·-S. R. Monaco, M. D. 814 Bay Ave.. 11aJbro. Jlarbor 17U Offkre BOUIW: % .. Ito p. ... llo.d&J Uaroacta ......, T. P. Reeder, M. D. H. E. Stickler, M. D. PIG ld w _. ::r- MOl w. 0.. OllleeL llwbor Ill ,.,.__._ -,... Conrad Richter, M. D. Prnc11t Hoora: t :IO a. 1n. • 1% M., ::ao p. m. • •=so p. m. DOS-() "'· ('f!DtnJ Newpart -..... -· , ... Chas. A. Wy lie, M.U. InfantA and Children (;out lltrh,.·a~· and .ta•mlftf! ('nrona ... )lar llrtllr.< I !tt::. r m. 1J.lT. 1015 I News of the Churches f:O~UI1JNITV lt '!S w ... t c~atral Ave~~ue {"OKON A DEL MAR I OUR LAI>V OF MT . C AB ME&. I'IWKI'Il. CHNGKEOATI ONAL Su nday Mallll('l: f'··rr·y Frf'd<'r1ck Sch.roc:k, Mlnlater R "m. nnrl 10 a.m. 611 ll<>livlropc Avl'nue Confeulorut: Saturdays from Coron11 rl<'l Mar 1:00 to 5:30 11rrd from 7 :30 to .-:"'"l">· .J:mu:u')" 11. 19-IR 8:30p.m. I 1 <) \C. n m. Church School. 1 1•1 a 111 Jll,t·mnt.: worship. St.-r· 1 '"' "no ;\l .. r '""" w.-.r~I "Jl. Srr. m1111 I•} ~\r ~d"'"'k' "'{."'r•·a tors " t t to ( !uo I. llAI.n OA I~LAND C HAPEL Zl8 A•ate A1'eaDe Rn. Ual"rJ W. Wld&e, Au oda tft Puloor Church School, 9:30 a.m. Murnln.:-\\-'otshlo, 11 a.m. ST. J OliN \'JANNEY Clru.<JH Balboa l.a-d Sunday Maues: I' a .m. rtll<l 10 a m. (yrar round) Conft'IIIOfl.l: Saturda)'l frMD 1:30 to !!:30 p.m. TilE NEWPORT IIA&IlOa Lun•~ cnuacn Hl'.lT Oiff Drive Nl'wport I l('i&ht. "'A Chang('lt'H Chrlat for a O..a11gln~ World!"' 9:30 a. m., Chut(:h scnool : 10:30 a. m .. di\·int' worlhip. Re\•. Herbert C. Roth. p!l/llor 1162 E. Wit.on St., Coata Meu "Come Onct'--You"ll Come Again!"' ASSDIBLIU OF" OOD )1. !<1. M1•MIIIan, Fa.tor Amutra~~ Lo!(1oa llall, 1.5\11 -.1 C<!atral Avre. Su11dny RchrtQl, (i:45 a.m. Morning aervice, II a.m . Evening evane;e\IJtlc servtce 111 '"TilE FIUESDL V" CENTRAL BlBLI!: CIIURCH Rev. o .. 1.bt Kla-. peat« Mf'f'tin~~: temporarily In the Sev- enth Day Advcnt.ilt ch.urch, cor· nt"r or Old County road and Bolla Ave .. Coati Mesa. Sundny school, 9:4~ a.m. Worship sel"'\'lct'-11 :00 a. m. Young JX'Ople's IK'rvicr-6 p.m. Evt'ning eva!lgeli~tit' ll'rvice--- 7 o'clock. Wednesday. 2008 A11ahelm Ave. REVF.NTII DAV ADVENTISTS Comer Dolsa and Old Country Rd. C011 ta Mesa Sabbath achool, Saturday morn- lflg, 9 :30 o'clock. Preachl11g l<'f\1ce, II a.m. KT . .JOACIIIM CRURCJI \'lctorla aDd Thurlll 8U.. ('nata MK& Mai!K'I 7 a.m. daily. Stmday 7 a.m. and 9 a.m. Confrsslons Saturday, 4·~ p.m. 1nd 7-8 p.m. PRt:SR\'Tt:RMS 1'111'R("II S t:\\ l'fiHT IIA MHHK i'itll!lll )' ~l•H nmr..: S•'T\'t~··· II <•'f'lo•·k ut l "h,ot•l h~ Tho• ~I'll ,liP t \•:•.•' llrr..:h w:.r I ·,.,,.11:0 do ! ~1:rr n. I "l"hHtlld~ ~· Grl•s•ltl p .• ~ l ·~ .. tTI.I, OOSJ•r:L CIIURc n ~2ml an•l Ehl•·n, C.'n<rta MN& Sundny ~cllonl, !:1:15 : morn!nR: --Pacific Heating Co., Inc. Residential & Commercial Heating Forced A ir , GrcJifity..QJH/..floor Furnaces Harbor 676-R 1709-ll Coast Hiway Corona dol Mar SAM'S SEA FOOD SPA Roast FlUEn NEW YORK CIJT STEAK .. _ ........... . \\'UOI..E BROILED LOBSTER ... _. wllh drawn butter BROILED SWORDn811 STEAK .,._, . $1.50 FRIED COMB~ATION SEA FOOD ..... . ..... $1.50 F RIED SURIMP ....... 1.50 RAINBOW TROUT. Sl.75 Hot MIDoe Pie wltb BraDdy S.uc. lloapa • lralardlr • D 1 rtr Sam's Sea Food Spa aod Fish Market n.o..: ....... a.dr ~H. ......... 8U--4G !601 CoW ID .. _,. (N_,. s-1 a-d!) ~w ••• .,.~ •p, ad.ju..f:meDI 01 'iiiHIIal -.b,slll -01" tJ repla~ -· pVbr ....... eeded -,_ .m be pl....d witb OW" IIK1'ica. Wa u e &.n "'Au. lbariMd f•c1orJ s.mc. a.tka:r.M-... ....., ~ ,.,.. -Special f actcry W.de Tool. and ou Y. •eb.- 111101 .,. F.ctcry Trdned. Qw .... , lr i• quOUAIIt..d- ud oar pt....,. ,._~ •. South TIIS Sill IS YOII IIAIAITEE OF ElPEIT IIOTOI IEI'All • SEIIICE 01 111111 I STIAnOI WOUIE IIOTOIS ' The d etailNI tax r eturn cl ot>:-::n't h;l\'P to ht • fillt ·l until Ma rch 15. hut in making tlw final p :t,\·nwnt thi month thr taxp<l.\'Pr mu~t han· hi:-' r il!111'•·~ in J!tll\1 ord£>r so M to knnw hqw mudt lw nwt:':-:. TIH• pnrhlt•r with most of Uf", a=-u~uaL i ~ a l:u·k \lr f Hmpll'\f' n •<· .. rd of our financia I tr:m:-::ad i<~n !' m·C'r t llf' na r f n 1m w h k our tax report can h~ made n_p. On(: thi~l)!_ th at 11·i. help a lot 111 the commJ! .\'Pal' •~ to dt•po ."lt liH'PllH' 1 a bank checkinK :t t't'll\lllt :L nd tlwn 1lr:tw :tl.!ain~t as nE't..•dNI. In thi~ WH\' a f'i••ar :mtl pt·l"manr·nt n•t•,r of caf'h rE'ct•in·d nnri' pai1\ nut i.; a v:tila l tlt•. It t"lllllt .SF.WI'(JitT U,\BhtiR \'ETF.RI.SARt" IIU!oti'ITAL OI'TOMF.TRIST 7:30 p.m. JI,IJd ·Wl'l'k ICT\1tt, Thun:day at 7:30 p.m. worship. 11 . F:~·n11gdlst ic li('f"ViCC'. M arinf• and G t•nrraJ lla rdwart• 7:31) I• m .. Mld·ll'r••k pnl)·rr mert· 'l :-l rtl at ('r ntral ~f'WJHrrt llf'li('h in handy :~l tinwf' likf' thi:o. Anyway .. Ja nuar,\· J!J w i!l 1 ... hl'l"t• ~h"rtl .,· a n Uncle Sam dPr:.:n't liiH· Hr lw \,t·pl waitirr )! f,r 11 h:~t comi ng-to him. Su, d ig down :md pay up. Hen ry Wallace's Hat I 11 ' h II 11 it d ':' d ' ,. By tn~-:ing-hi~ hat (whkh lw rw\'t·r \lt':tr :O 1 int••th Pr.rsillt•nl ial ring H t•nr_,. A.(!":tn l \V all:tn· d id ."11\"•'l'; thmgs: He ).!'<1\'f' lh•~ politkal rlnp(•:-:tcr:-: p!{'lll \' tt1 t;d about. ~h e Oemo1·r:tt:;: piC'n ty to worry :th o ut ' <ill rl th ,j l k ,. I Rr puhh ran~ pl enty to dna· kiP ahnnt. I ., •f ,, - Almn!'t everyotw fprob;~ltly indtulin.l!" himf't~lf agre£>s that hi ~ eh:mce~ u f <'li"etinn an· nil. Ht• i:'n even expected to equal tht> 4.:!1H,II:.!O p11pular '""ti• r Theodore R on:O:evPit'~ thinl-tt:ll'ty mm·rmt ·n t in 1!11 or the 4 .822.~5fl nf th<' .<:eninr La FnllettL• in 1!1:.!.1. y , th£> number of Pl i,l!ible \"n tt"rf' i:o mudt hi.clwr nnw th; in 1924 and about thrPr time:: ,:..rreatrr than 1!11:!. ·l I Ill ·-1 L•/ NeverthE>Ie~. the former Yi ce-prt~r-:idf'nt will 111 doubtedly rtraw vote~ wh£>re the:• hlll't thr D t>llHll"l":l the most. Take New Ynrk , fnr rx:ample. In thf' Hl.l Presidential campaign Rons-P \'f'lt .[!"til :l H),Il{l(l nwr votes than Dewey. But nf F .D.R 's-:t:toO,OtlO t(ltal 1 that state more than, 825.000 {'::t mr frnm th1~ rxtrrn lett wing American Labor party :1 nd l.iht•r:ll Jl<lrty -1 "' n ~c I If half of this radical volt' gne~ n,·N In W all:u: it will wipe out the Democrat. .. <Hlv:mtaJ,!e on tlw lm:;; of the 1944 res ults and tip the -17 elr l'tnral vntr~ t the Empire State into the GOP column. In ralifonu and Dhnois t he resuJlq may bt' somewhat f'imilar the race between the major party can didalf·~ ~~ ''t:'r .,, ~~J " if close. )' It has been said that thi~ vear·~ <"amp:li,l:!ll 1:o nnl a wannup for WaUace's rear' effort in 1952. Mayb 80, but he'll have to get a lot hotter politically than )' • • &!Wit ,.,., .. ·•11"•"'' u o ....... l'ark,.r. 1 1.\'.~1. 1". T. B u tterworth, 0 . D. l'•l+l ll. 1\nl•·hr r, 11.\'.\1. tlpwtnr ttl•t th-.. :1 . ~. tratl~. rn.-1 Som. f:l"t"',.'l P:X;U IIsr:n I Ill'! ~.t:. ~lo·~a Urh ,. I ( 'li"T \ ,\I t:l".\ l..r:Stoor:~ 111'l"LU'A"R:ll .... , ... ''"''"· ;\ll"71i; ""'''· lllilf . ·UIII ~._......_......,_ -III U W. _._a-"'-II-Mit DA\' 8CIIOO I. 111-..laT .... f'IJ Mortimer School COAST OPTICI ANS Sfl:! ('ural 1\\·r. . 1\rr.th .. a hi. "'~ ··-· '"·~. , .... _ .. .-I ... DA \' SCIIOUL ........ lla>h ... 1 1 ...... S U\\' lll't:S l'rrvrtJoll"n• tlll•~l 1\o"<'U,..\fol)' ~ • .I>.THtJ:a. -"'• ol • .,,,_ '"""-" l'rompfly ltt••••lrrod ····-···· ....... Jt•g·· II '" ~ ..... a .. oa Ml " 11. n II EL~;-I.Jjntctan I MODERN MARINE SERVICE SH ELL DOC K Balboa Island /{ff/ ECTft l\i.' l.lk.-r••..,llntot" *"l .. rtlto:hl """'I '""' nr,.·r """"' "httl '" <'\ ,....,., nn ltto• no'\1 1•-.::r. thl• '''" \o•11r l'r'""t ... ~ r .. h:o\r• ull tlu• •'lf'nto•nh uf •ll~lwn ..... "'r11rt.,., 11nd h"'I'I'Y •"Ullin~ "' 1111 ''" 11 lrt;t ... , .. ,~·. \\'r O'IUI "kll> II fr\\ 1-•·• In 11 howr!. hnl 1\1111 , . .,.,,.,, '" u~ ,,,. da~· at A llll>r. Tn 1:1"1 lhr '""~' ""' rtf !hnl "'"""'"! ,.,. ~h .. nlrl lh·.-II lhnruna,:hl.l . ''""'lli••lrt,, llnotlna,: o•orn tn~t ••·~t l~o· .,f h•l•l,.flr-'A. II ''"nlaln~ thrn llrtllrlt••••· IIH• '""" ~"lo:"""lll ..,, !hilt ""'ran...,,,_...,,.,...,. l~~o.•t d'"''l! ol )>.\ It '"""'"'"" 111-f,.,.,. 11 .,, ~-u ..... , ... _, ............... \ .. A lf'WIII lwwok h11• 11\An~ I'AC"" Tho· ....... 1'1111 luh ~+l;, "' thrm. t:a1•h unr 1~ "'""" ruwl nt' ... "'' ...... ~ .. ~ .. ~ '" " rll•• I ltr• •lrtr~-nf Ullf IJ\"1 ... fho-'"''"1>· G RAUEL CHAPEL T.ll: AIII: .. JII.l" rrs~a. nut.•'To.Ju ... -'"-' -Nit• ·-· ·- I CIIRII!IT l'IRJRCII Bt' T H E 8£A Cummwllt,,· Methodl.t 14%0 """'' Cr-otral ,,,·,.a u• H-e-'·· r::. 0 , Ciu ... tlrll, l'utor Church School. 9:50 a .m. Moml11g \\'orshitJ, 11 a.m. \'oulh Ft'll ow shtp. 6 p.m. l::wning Wurlihl11 7:30 p.m. Mid-wi"Ck prRy••r Sl·n ·•cc, Wffi· nt'ltluy; t"Q\"ct·t•d di~h dinm•r, 6:30 p.m . f'IKST •·ot;II~QUARr:: ('IJURCJI o•· t.:O!<IT A :\IE~A 1 'rang1· >1 ntl C11hrlllo .... anti Mn. (i. Willard S~a J'U IQrl l'hnnr n, . ..,.,.n M'!fl S undny Schl'ol !!:30 a. m . ~h>rmn.: wnrshrp &ervlcr-10:45. Lru~udo•r Sl"T\ ll'•· (j ·Jtl 11m . Jlo•H'IIn So•r\"Wt' j" p .lll f;n•nlng C\angl'lrsth:: ll('rv\c-e 7:30 o'clock. Wc-d11Ciday. 7:30 p.m prayer aen·in•. Fridll)" 7 :31) Jl.lll YoUih Ni1;l1t and Bible S ludy I . .,;T. J.\~tt:~ f 'II I'Kl"ll I'KUTt:I'OT,\ST t:l'l:oOt 111'.\1. li"!O!I n. l.ltln 'lwnrs ll:rrl••r 1 ~.11• 111111 thor ·l:.'t; Rl'l'. Paul MOQrr Whrrlrr. \'k11r 8 :30 a .rii !lilly Co:;mmunlofl. 9 :30 "111 1 "hllrd; :O:o·ll•••l 11 :00 a.m . Morning Pnyer and Scn110n 1F"irst Stmdlt}"ll: Jloly Communio!l. 1 11 0 :011 11.111 Tln trscl~ys · \lol~· Ct>m· munion 11.11d prn~·rn fi>r thr sick. I ' I I COST A MESA (;0:\01\.:!'fiT\' t:lll'lt CH ,r1,...ph II. Tho"nf>S<•R. Mlal•t.rr 1!4 E . 20th St. Ptt. 6N.. MI&-M Orurch achool. 9:45 11.m. Mornln~o: Wonhlp. 10:~ 11..m. Youth li[TOUIJIII, High IChOOJ. ln- lf'f"T!"K'd!lllt, Adult. 6 :30 p.m . Evl'nlng l€'n •lce. 7:30 o'clock. h(: ~\·~r !'(>t'lll:' likt•l.'· ln !Jrt if, hr i;-; til thaw nut the fr!,I[Hiily v ( mo:-:l ~·o te:s tu ht:-: ~and itla('~·. Jl i:o lin k Wilh th<' Commum~t ~ 1:-:-tno olt \"tiiU~ ~t nt! db:., , fo.r thc anrag-e t•it izPn to swallow. t.1. h ful l CH1JKCII OF CJDUST Oturdt a.4 Wale•t Stree .. L. Daut> C..by, ....... Servtcn: Sunday, 10 a.m .. Bible Study; 11 a..rn. Momlns wonhlp. .ng on Wt•dnuday, 7:4.."1 p.m.; ~~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~====~:~~~~ young p<'Oplr•"s C\llllgf'llsttc ll('rvlce 1m FridA)'. 7 :ol:i p.m. --- Chriatian Science ··m s T t'lrt'IU ·u OF" CIIIU~T !'fCIE:Ir'TI~T Udn Th~ah·r, {'~ntral ,\To•nu,. ouul \"t• Lttlo A hmnd1 uf Tho"· M••Thrr O..urch, Th(' First Churrh of Chrl~t . ScJ . l'nli$1. in l3m!011, M n~1AChUSP.II..L Sunday School nt !!:30 a.m . Sufl- day ~ornn• 111 11 11. m. Wcdm~11dny 1 Tt..,lmlOnl;•l Mrrting 11.1 1'.! o"clock. Hemtin~ HLiflm locntcd at 11 1 Pnlm ~trf'N, Balllooa. is O!)('n rlaily fn)m l p m. to 5 p.m f.!ie>'f}t SUfi· dars and holiday!; ru<ttllnA1\y oh· 5<'T\'fd . Thr puhlic !~ rotdlnlly ln\"lll'd !(I attl·ncl t he. church $l'n ·ice• Rnd U.\e thr• Rf'acllng Ho-oom f l .f'~"'"' T.·.,.J '~:trr:unrnl' ""I I·•' ._, · ;.t Ill" l.orll Jr•u• l"!ol• t, 0"1<1 lilt• rO I ~ n( 1;1.1•!. l Ori ,, .. ,,,,,.,,, ... ,,., th,. llnl> 1;ho.<t. I 1 . • rh '" 1 '"" "I'll•·'" "nr·l~ nt I I 1 I 1•' I, I o 1hl.t'l" ~Ill hi' th!l • •l i• 11 1 '' ,,: rltl' :'om•!.11· J.,.~~on· 1-'o '" .l•t n~ "'.~ 1 ~'""""':, In •II I '·•'I lr ' n, 1 !o~ :\l o oth~r f'hut>"/1, "II• • Fo" I I '),•" h Rl l'hr!•t. !'d· "''" r rn l'q.::o .n " H , l· t' ·~·a t•· lo om The ""'" t o•t.1t• ~ ~h,. ~ m.1n lomr frnm lolrlh. •····<'I 'll: 1'• (o•r 1111tl Jnhn altotit to ri ll Into th" l•'nll>l~ ll~kNI an 11m~. Tltrn l"••lt•r ~~lot. !:'llt•,..r 11nol tt::nlrl lr~nl I no:w bttl aurh a.oJ I h.H(t ,:l>'r I lh••r In Jh•· name or J~~"~ l'hrl•t nl S R7.llrrth rt~e up an<! ""n1~ An\! hr tonk him by lh'! rh!;ht hnn•l. 11 01! llrt,..l him nr· 11nrl ln111H'o!l~l••l•· hi• f<'••! 111111 ankle j lmn<>~ rN<'o•••l •trrl'o:lh And h" Jr~rt n~: 111> •rnnol , on•l .. ·~lk"ll. anrl PPI••f•'<! •·lth llwm lntn lht' trmplr . W"Dik lnt:;. ""'t traplnr. ano! prAiornl Crnl."' )h.ry n:<J(IIf t~d11y • mr• In '"."-rl· rnr• 1111rl ll .... ,hh ,.·llh 1\••r tn the ~<tii'IIIT<'~ "' "'.lrou~. ~aid "Th .... •• oltt::nl oh~ll tollnw lhrm thlt be- ll"''"; ... thi'J •h•ll lor band• -the 11 k k. •nd thfJ 1ball r~ov .. r.' 9o1lo hrll r vn him~ lie""""' •rldr,.U· 111r: hi• rl l•rlrlt-1. yrt ho d!rl nm u r 'Throe oltrnl 1h11l follow •·ow . bnt-,A~~~~-·thrm t.llal baUen ' ia alJ um. to «~an e.· Help Save Meat and Eggs • • ... Eat More Sea Foods They Are R ic h I n I odine LOBSTERS F I!ESH UAILY Alive or Cooked Fill>! of Dfi·p St•a Trout • t 'lflot nf Uod• ("od t-:.n.'{t~m SralloprH • Snrln1p • 1\halunr Stf'nk.,. O yst.-rs, tA'{fern & \\'N4fem • F ilr l uf Sh~l' H ead BAYSIDE FISH MARKET MIOI.ESA.LE AND RET AIL SEWPORT BEACH !8TH ST. AND LAFAYETJ'Z FHOS"E HARBOR •111 WILLI AMS & WILLI AMS ACCOUNTAN TS and AUDITOR~ INCOM E TAX CONSULTA NTS l "rt-pal'f' \'our Tax Rf'tums t:arl;l· O ffit'II'--{'OST A ~ESA RA .. N K RulldinJit Ofnef! f"--: ~ l\&SII..t •eett 1 • it!! Pllro.e a-o. 601 o-M ' ' PLAN • 48 DISPLAY OF NEW TRUCK LINE I AAU ~UII • 80Aft. BUPPUD F( IH S ALE -{"'ht'llp, l...lldies doth· 1 1111: Sll~;htlr uso'<l, s izl' 10. P U M P S T hli' ft~t publir !!hO"in~; an llo•n,·y roat. dri'!!.St'S. sk irts. also WORTIDNGTON .,IMOOIOt PIIOPSII'IT Will pay up to $80,000 CASII ror honw on Udo lalt. ~,ust bt• wntt'rfrunt a a&AJ. UTAft • NEWPORT BALBOA N~W8·TIIIIC8 P 7 -------------Ttll'lt81M1' N""....-1 n.-·111, t '.Uf. .1-. fl. IHit age :1. I 1. .. 1r"um htlln<' 1-:llfl It do' \ 'uott 11 • M.,... 1 -ttra.:·· II \Into: rtlt.•m with u __ A_L_DI_T_A_n:_. ________ a __ JLJ:.A __ L_E_M_T_A_n _______ __ CO HONA DEL MAR Sl•l'l'll lll-' 111\~tiWAY Nt•WIJOI'I Bt•arh of •h•• nrw 19-SS mat.·rnll) dn'Ssl's. 3UI:! l"umst•t· PRESSURE • CEN'TRJFUOAL mudt•l Ford trutk£ \Hil '"kf• pi11N'' .~~~~. Coruna de-l l\lar H~r~r For all Prf'UW"t! J an 16 111 11n "uJ)(>n hi>U~t·" '" l>t.• -~155 :.1-:ltc Soden R.dtlceration ~~ductl'd hy lh•• Tiwudorc Roluns/ Hl.A('K I"~':RSIA:-.1 LAMB C'Q.IlL 623 So.. Loa AnaeiH St;, ~nl dtal,~rshlp. lon.: Sizli' H Twwdu Sl)'lt• A·l Pl1<mr 46.'1:.! -·l lr "•lh thl' s1rw1mllnf'd n r w condtr11111 Bc-1H'On 5643-R. 2--4tc trucks · lhl' first post-wa r pro-1------------- ducts of lhl' Ford !.torur (',)mJ)I)ny l PIA:-.'U -Gond small upri~ht thl' main allrac:-taon. th!' SI:!S Jlarhor 1110 1-:ltp Thi'Odorl.' Rohms dt•all'rs htp will PORTAB'F~ Th d bl Wt'ICOmt' the public:-10 111 show-j ... • . erma or ower rooms ll'rV(An pltrt d IYJX' elt'Clrtc heatt'r, 220 volta, • L • • s Rn 8C'Ct'5· 4 K W S . abl t h ffl sory and USt'd \'t'hie·JI' dl'partmt•nls · · w t c or orne, .J ce t'\IR SAL~: 0UIII\l8rd ••n.:tn<' pra<'ll<'ally nt>w. 1947 9 tl 10 h.p J ohnson Pht•llc' l )ranl(t' 1~7 fiO..I W Ch11pm11n. \ lrun~l'. :.!-lip Boats Priced to Sell JNNEY !lfust Srll at Once G. E. M A 8l:Al"l'(L'\'I 1111'\\' .• I ~· 711 C<l/ISI IIIW~t}, No'W}IOrt r . . • 1(-uroom llt•M ~~·W, 100·~1-hot:h' l-tH~llo•1-teltl'fl~tfft ~ ~ -ot n, • ._,,,,, ... \\ .... <'lllll'l'l'll' f··nc.•, IIOND TO LOA.N M \'""'''"" tot11HI>'. rua.:~ LOANS TO BUILD. bu)', ~ modemlw or reflDanat. W• pur- chue trwt deed~. NEWPORT BALBOA FEDERAL SAVINGS A LOAN ASSN. 3M3 VIa Udo Ph. Har. ~ Rt>d\lt't•tl to $10.200 Al 'l'll• 1\ ~~~~·• I >1 •\\ :-\ ~ ll,oflft,o 1\\1', l 'oWIIIIII ,.., ltro>pl14<''· htu.,tw. .. ,.t 01'tiT"'', lilt' I ~\Ill ~~ II rl1"'r ~Ill~< 'I' 1-'t•tw,., bnrk > t~nl. tluuhl·· .:~<r~<.:•· $~11 ..Su\\U. llt~~W..flCr wuull 41(, -''. 1111•'"''1 1'all lla1 lou1 :~e;: .. u 1 4t<' AT t'llJle>'\'A PH . 1\ti\H IW At i'I'IFI I U .\ ~:1 U IT \\'eih \'to'\\ ••t 1111\ $2:.wo IN COHONA DEL MAR c ~~~~~t huy In a nil 'I' 5-m •lltt h\lftll• 1\.ct~•lly phlt• lnwr .. ...... fin--phu"t•, h nnt\\'t'toct nool' 111111 d uuhlc• ~1111l~··· \\'e•ll hl\'nto'\1 nn ill-rt I mntu..:•·. full prkc $1 J.~oo Tht'y will bt> Opt>n from 7:30 or plant. $3J.50. !115 Eut Cen- a.m . unlit 8 p m Friday and Sat-tral, Balboa. 97-Uc urday, Jan. 161h a nd 17th Thl're will be a drawmg for \'aluablt' door prlzt>s Saturday •h<' 11111. 4()-fl t'l'UIIll'r $5.000 I\\' ilbo 19'./4) 40-f t. Aux Sehoono•r $TitlO. 1938 $6fiOO 30-ft. S pt t'tsh l Mttctwlll '48 $6600. WANnt~ 1 .. , "" B11ll~<18 "''""'· w .. J. II OI.COMn IWII ;-.: .. , l\'I'Ml 1-'r••nl I' n Boll 7t•, 1 '.~"'" M•~11 ••r J>h,on<' 1!117 ,-.. ~~~• II'""' ''''""" ''"' M~tr 11 __ Bt __ 3_''-'"--~-~-~!_' __________ ,_n_1_-~_I_<' ___ ''-'-H-·r_ •• _._,,_,_··--~·_ta_a.:_, __ t'_t>_·~·--__ :_l_r, I •tte. S mnll. ul ... •ly furui ... lwd I lot"'ln•um hunw. On .:ul'td ,;,~,.,., Ft•lh,oct Jlnltu. NURSERY LANDSCAPE -SHRUBS and PLANTS G 1:: M1NN ~;y 711 C"U~Ht Jliway, Newport N--•. -w-S::-t-u-:d:-e--t-ru-<'-:k-.---:c":'a'::'b;-:ln:--:ch::=::a::M:I.Ia AVTOIIO'I'IVIC A TOlD Price $iSOO Good terms. Opening in New Locat io n Veterans and widows nt VNI'~~ra re«>ivc 10 poln!s prE'r<'rl'net-In Stat£' civil l('r Vict> uaminatlons. Disablt> V<'tl'rans r<'C<'ive 15 pomts. BULBS -FERTIU.ZER lk'11ron ~2-W 1-ttc WANT-Aux Stul Bo'lt to $2!'\,0IJt) In t ra dl' ((lr l11nd •n llif'w MPXIC'O at $20. p...r acrt' Phon!' OL-7910. :lHJ6 Ouk Gl('n Pl .. Los Angt'l<'lt 26. Cnlif. 102-:11 c 1 ~ ton. I!\:.!" whl'(ll baM', $1~9.39 Flncat A ~t e:oconoml· c11l truc:-k un the markt•t too.y. I~U Studt'bakl'r Commanck>r Stx, 4-door at>dan, 0\'<'rdrivl', t•lc Tht dt'Bn••st ust'ti car J have ever Sl'f'n. llurry 11 won't laat. Blan che A. Ga tes -Realtors G 1nny Gatt:s ~ · fctlol"' lncnmt• pn)Jw-r1y 1.111).:••. mndt•rn 2·h•'<tmom JIOR\t' uf n il \\'OOtt l'tlfl'll "tl't hlfl, with :.! ~'JNU"f\1(• fUr. nb;tu'Ct HfiiU1nw•ntN nnd I l'ipJ.-. .:nrn~. 1~'\"'fltrokod lrwnuw u( ~ 1 HO fll'r lllllfll h. 1\tuny untt~u\1 ft"'IUI'\.'W with fhW' tt.•tnlls thr"lt~hout Lol L-c liO x IIR. NIC'\-.Jy The Newa-nm8 wtll not be~ tpOnaible for more than one Incor- rect ln.aertlon of an adverUMmenl, re.ervee t h e rlaht to cor-rect);) ~ any .mt an ada and to rejtoct any advert~Moment not oon- klrmlna to rult>S and rt>JrUiationa. 68-tfr BUSINESS OUJDE LANDSCAPING Care of LaWN Flow!'ra and Shrube Planted It Hal Crawford 315 Alvarado P la<:t> Harbor 114 BALBOA 84-ttc CESS POOLS and SEP'JTC TANKS Hollister Bros. Nursery 1959 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa Phone Beacon 5200 89-Uc Watches • Ooc.lu • Jewelry CHROMOMTERS Repa.lrlnJr ~ Prompt Servtc. Senalble Pr1Cftl VAN DRIMLEN JEWELR 'r 1786 Nt>wport Blvd. Colla Meea 31-tfr WASHING MA CHINES lf you don't have one do 11JU1 wuhJna at F LOAT FOR SA.J...E.--ChHp. rom· pl<'le with concrelt> pill' hanaen . SN' It at 3:.!4 Bul'na Vtsta, Bal boa. Olad Twitt•htll, Ph. Harbor 2142-W. 98-tfc F OR SALE-Lawson pump and bull tank compl<'le, $~.00 like nt-w. Bay District Hardware Co. Bal. Island. 83-tfc Boat Maintenance and Repairing 1940 P(>ntln<' & Stntlon Wal{on, I'Xcl'll<'n l ;•undltlon. A rt•al buy ,,, $1095.110 Joe• !';it•k,..rt.t, S turtt•hakt•r 0<-aler, 3-ll:l \\' Ct•ntral ;\\'t'. Nt•wport Hc'lll'h IIMhor ~ 10 2-ltc I Tt IN PANEL Tnt!CK , 1038 c •to1•,·n•lo·t "'''"' fn<'t nry hull! <'111.:1111' 1\o<l) ,.,..,.,.ptwnltll)' r h•11n. 111111 1:•">cl tl·l•l~ lrtwk lll'l'S FllANn~ MCll"Ofl."· I ••·Solc> • I' I) muul h 4111 No ( ''"'"' Hl\'d LIII:Uila Hc•tu-h l'hllll•' I :l7H :.1-:.ltc Frederick Yacht Co. 1215 Cout lliway, Nl'wport Phon<' Bracon 5615 BOAT BROKERS F( )R St\1.~: 1'1-11 \' -fl P •·lu)l.r I r•r>ul"' 1.•"'' nlll•·:o..:•·. llf'\\' (>lotnl I 1 1r1~1n cl 1•\\ n••r ,,.llont.: t '.til llnr- 1 l••r li7..! or r>~lO \\' t '••ntrnl, lla ll>oil :.l-Ite 2 12 Mari ne A ve., Balboa lslaat'd l'ht~nl' IIIII'. IO:H -J --1-:\'t'ninl-rs liar. 7•Ui-M Ralhoa Island Hi,t~WII M l '·"""'" h nmt• on n•ar n f' Int. with pl••nty o r 1~11 •111 to hullei in fr•nnl 1-'l\\• Y'"' o lrt. ·n ils Is worth luo~ t nr mt" \\1· h :l\1' '<'\t•t'a l ~·'~~<~I htuldut~o: lot~ l11r -.!tic• New po rt I kil,!ltts I h r 1\ J:Pm II I $7000 !'\('\\ llll •l••tTI :! It I' 111111\1' ~ ... Ill Hl'l'"'•'t:ll<• 'J',.,,n ... ,.,. "•II c; I lratalled Anywhere ln Oranae County Contract DrWinc SeweT Conn~Uon 1 1 BILL'S .WASH-A-TERIA 4~ Newport Blvd., Colt& Mea I Phone Beacon !ITTO 85-Uc EJW Fe JHIJ 4 't~nvo-rtlhlr !'IJ(JfW' &autlllzl th'\\ '!II r . h 1HJH '. l.tt).:t• I •· fi i''I'IIH''· d. r .. twn b r.'~~o.. I"" h a th .... .;f:tll :-.hol\\1'1', ho•u lfliful \ lc•\\. 1111).:1' " 111d• ''' " ~I I .:-•1 HI --------------)!,u(llO, hi'IIII'C $1!.1~~~ I )"'IU'r _ 1.& ll;orlwor l:.!l:i-11 1·111;1-~·o lnt, 1111 ,.,,,, ... ,..., IIU81CAL .t. llAOIO cAll Work Guaranteed) Full llwurence Can1ed J. It McCORMICK 17-tft PI A!'\0~ PTA:-o.:o: Tho• wurltl's most nmdl'rn plnno. lhr 11"1'1:1'- ous S ptnt•t · Graml Ol'ltUI tfu! I'~JSI' And tnno• lt••·IMI~SI'S!\<'d Will St•ll fnr h11lnnC't• Sa\'<' from Ftlll SAI.F 1'\~ tllrt~muhll!' I'(UI~· l""'l"' nh•c•h.um·all\ I:<Nd. 1:!7 17th ~~ "'''"pori B<·urh :l-'ll(' IWO VIctoria St. Coeta Me .. F1REWOOD CHARCOAL A BRJQUETS PROMPT DELIVERY Wright Lumber Yard 1784 Newport Blvd. ft Vc• 111 six hundrt·d dollars. l>a nz·S<'hmitd P111nn C'o .. 5:.!0 Ft Ill S ALF: l!l:ltl S tud1•hukf•r Pro'l<idt•nl ~ .. rtltn 111 s;:OUtt l!hnf)(> mo·chanu· .. u y, mnny t•xtrns Tlllr- ~:nin pnt'<' <"a ll llarhnr IR:.!fl-J t•r lnf]ul rc• a t 319 Murll!•lld . Co· ron'l d,.l Mar. 1-4tc . Beacon !5069-J FORMED Wlndah.ielda A Hatdi Owen ~ to order. AJao PJu. IelMa It Ludte Sheeta for aaJe Nu.W&-Id Proclucta Company 303 Third St., Hunt1nrt.on Beach PhaGe HunttDcton S.adl 171 HARBOR Plumbing Service ao.u. 1188 N-,ort Blvd., Beacon !1048\\ REPAIRING OUR SPECIALTY ContractJna and Supp~Jee 97-U< COOPERATIVE ROOFING CO. New and Repair Phone Beacon 528().R 1573 Elden Ave., Coet& Meaa ~tfe COSTA MESA Beacon !1666 83-Uc :-o.:o Mam , Sanla Ana, Tt•rms. 1-tf(' roa~NT &J B A YSIDE PLATING ---------------FOil RENT 1-ho:drnom npart- nwnl <'ornnl1•1t·l) rurni~ht'd Gold • SUver • Copper • Br&M Antique. a Sped&Jt;y (l<'•·un Front Y••11r r.mnd. $100 I liP . &mora. :-.;,...,..fXlrl Brnd1 :!·lip -- FOR RF:NT & r.arRR" dPI M11r PriV811' room. ha th 6'll Poppy, C"nr(lna :.1-:.llp 1914 Harbor Blvd. Ph. S... 5UJ FOR R F::-.IT ~} monlh lt•llsf', 2· hl'dr~tm how-l' 51:! Santa Ana Cor Harbor and 19th, Coeta Meu Avr , Nrwport Jll'ts;:hts. Braron Nelrt to~taturdl•Uc 5..~-R 1-2tc Plenty of Good Tires AJISizee Compound Motor Oil Gallon, 7tk ~ FOR RENT -Nt>w :.l·l'l•drnom furnt!;ho•d homr. C"nsla l\k!:a. Phonr l lnrlxlr !'\li I·\\', o'n•nin~:s Jknmn fill&I-W 1-:!lc FOR JtEl'T S"INirttt•· furm~ht'd I hnll~l'kl't•pint:: ~'"''Ill Ph llarhor Western Auto Supply llfll or mquiro• 1:!.1 :lOth sr . Ftlfl SAI.E • 1H37 Si udt•hukrr S1>dan. top ~hfJJ)I' Oy IIWnl'r . Phunr I larho1r 1140 1·2tp 1939 Ford O.•luxr C'nUJX', I'XtJ'a <'lt•an, nri~e•nal finish 7810 W (k•,.an Front . No•wpo rt Bt•af'h. J-2tc FOR SALE-1!M6 Jt't'p, complete CJliWas top Q 11d11, Xlnt .• tirft, paint & mi'Chank ally, Ph. Har- bor 118-J. 97-tfc Ot.hen wtll re&d your dautfll!d acb u vou are rt'adlng these. RI:AL E8T ATE • ABO \'E TifF. AR\HF.S f'ron t 12 YEARS SERVlCE rN THE HARBOR AREA HARRY HALL Authori7.!'d ~aler , ='•'WJinrt 91\.tf<· 1 1836 Nl'wport Blvd, Colt& Meae \\'ANTI!:O TO IU:.NT U I 17-tlt l ________________________ __ vlf'w; lnt<'rf'S IJnt:: no·w 3-l>f'drm hnmr, rlro•plnr .·, Jar~:•· ~nr. Prle«' ~14.6110. Call lluh POWl'l'l, Agt. H11r 62-W. Rl-tfc PAINTING CONTRAcrc>R Z74 Eut 19th Strt>tot Ph. &-8. 5413 rot!ta Mt'tla. r allf 3n-Uf F'(>R SALE _ ~:•t•nn:-el p~ \\ ,\:\'"1'1 I, :l ,,r ' ht ''""'n' h••nt•· l'Huk• r. 7·1)1 ,11,._ u~cod ronro· !."1 l·•l~'c lauull (; I :O.IIrllll ') Ht·ll~1111.ohl•• ll:i A polo n.o. Hal· 1 :I I e 11:1'1 I 11.-ll\\ 1\ llo 11'11fl l11oa t~l;~n(( l·:!l1' ~'"·'-'·" :: ltl' :!-B(•droum Hou:--t> ',., ''" Jt, m• •l..tuw $1,!)111) W .. 1. fi ()J.<'OMR PERSOSAL U \\'ASTI!:O TO BUY II cr:--1· ••H n\t•H•dl"''"''""''" "' .1p1 lllrrll•llo d, II• II' '''"1••1 I t"ol 7 e· • .,"l l im 1\,I 'III'HIIIo 11< I ""') Ill". ,\I li!\:c;s :\lo•ncl 1) tc• Fllllr<)~ 11::11 L l':dm, S.<nLt An.t i quo '-11011' IHl~" o'l o•fl ~liN I h) lll:JI( ;\l r• (l.c\1~ 1-·IIP LOST AJiiO .'fH!ND I 22 l,e 1:-;T I l'•·r-uon ''"I llllff ''"I"' • cl I 1111111 l•••lh h111ko II H•·- \\,ll'el 1131" J.:tl..:"'"l' 1 l'h·•n• ll.ul~·r 11~· •. \\' .: lip EMPLO\'MI!:NT WANTED WORK WANTED-Ironing In mJ .. ome. Plain or fancy. 530 San BemardJno Av<' .. New porI Helena . 26-ttt \\'ILL TAKE r:~rr or <'htldrt'n In my homr dny olr night, :">·tr,.j Ar.:n<'s Ludwig, :1 13 301111 St .. l Nf'wpnr t Rl'llt'h I -21 p W ILL C'ARF: For rhilrln•n 1n m) hom•• Oo•nrnn ;)().13-ll 'l-1 II' \\'A:-o.:TI·II Tct lll'Y \'ar lor o·h• •I' ll;lll'l••rl'tl tun, ;tl~•l \\:lnt m .. tl• I ,\ I"' kup trw k l iPoll't:• :;.".11n . .!:lis \\'. c···nll;ol, ;-;, \\'· INII'I H· ·"'" 1111-l tj, Will Pay Ca~h For your turnllure or what hiiH you Phone Rr.sron 5656 Crawley Furniture Co. 1812 N<'wport Blvd ,. r 0111a Mesa 92-tf( CASH f or USED Furniture & Appliances "Wt> n uy Afm011t Anything" GRANT'S Phonl' Bea. 5707-M 1645 Newport Dlvd., Coeta Mesa 42-tfc. FURNITUR.E FOR SALE n H• frtgo•r:.lur, nt•w ~~~ Phllro I lmnu•lil.•lo• !11 '" o'r) at No•wport Vurnllurl' c ·,. . R:!'l Cnn~l I ll..:h- I<• 11 ol•l• '"'"'II•" I" "1•1• y, ••I~ "111 d t',dl ll ul11u I II ~• .! Ito 1'\\I J I I(( Tlfltl-1· ll•oii""IH ""'I"' Jt,.Jioua or ll:olloto 1 l•l.ond l'ur. lll•lt• d ••r ••nllll.lll•lhtl ) • "1\ •··nt.il ,.,., rl•·d t., 1 • 1 "''' .111<1 hth\ I '"ll•ttt '''''''"'"' l'h II\ 111 .1 .! It•· \\ .\:'I:Tf-1• Tt I HI 'I' Fut lll•h•·ol , •r IUtfqr tn,Jwtl .! f., tfr ·~tiU :q. n t llh'llf HI hnlt'-f ,, oil fpiJnd r·n·· r•'f'l•·rl It• ou•u n ;, •• _.,. .J ''' I Lu hnr 11:1 .l .. hn S ·111"r' e ·,1, II dl l·lfo• REST, MIRCI!:LLASEOl'R &.5 \\ "' 1• ·n,, Fl " • ~ h .! l lr l llilt.~l'lf 'h S,\11' t ',,q, \J ,,, J lu tlt f of tftl h till~ t 1 ll.tfth\u,,d 11•••1• 11\uw.~ "'""~~'l'-'"'''1 I f w h '' .' t "I I J' II d \'1 fl1 t ffl tf't ~·f-il ltl l"lenn•· H• ,'U'flrl f1:!72 111 ·, .,,~;. \\' I I 1 I' ~, tu d r•w•rr' f•u '""""' tl h•trn•· ttn 1 ,~,~•d· •. il'"'' J ... ,,,uul r;·-...r, It,,,., ''"'' t ,,,,. I olf ~ •• ,, •• ,., In•· n" •ltat• I"'''' '''"n, ~l>(;·,CI, fuJI I'""' ~.'IMMI 11•11\11 I'll ll•·~<ton l , , 1'\ H • \• IIIII('' II• .won ;,77'1-H t 1-11·· 'I\\ onol lu •c•lll llllt\ 1\r l .of11(1'11 Fllil IU .l'T llllw1• 'I''"'''· (urn-· •~hNI il~1 1·: lilt) A\1', ll!dh"a.l t',llfo ll••l'•lfll.l ,,,, t •,,,.,nh rl• I Mur llarhur 3711 1·'.!1!· Ft lit 11~.:-.:T c tfftrr 'I''~~'" 1nn :'>lt- rnl'll• ~111•·. l:.!·fl frunlo~b· Jn. •pur•• 1 t; l:i < 'o:•~l II tt.:h" ay, n •. l'ftlllo rfp) ~hor l'huno· llrcrl~•r I 11 7 l·:!lr , ;: lu th•••m hnll"' 111 :o-:o•Wfwlrt II• tt:h'' ('nrll• r Ill• <mk r lnr rl•••r• "1"11'1'•'" \1 Hrrlro•h••" ('om · plo•lo•d, ~:"ofMI l'llnllo• 1\••IH'un ~.;I :l ll ! \, "In~:~ llo·lll'll(l :i77!1· n DA RY SJTTI !';G, wash "•ndow~.j flr•1~. g:.rd1·n ll'nrk, •'II' t ·nt-1 lf't::l" hoy ~'.! }'N il'S nld Phunr HMhnr fl3:J fnr ~l'rry RnrMrrl 1-41p 1-lfl' '' '·~· Ht•IH'ntl 1;413-l ;.J.( t I' R_I!:_A_L_r;_~_T_A_TI!: ___ V[_(_.,-.-A-N_O_I': __ " I Fllil St\1.1-: 1\o•d, rn:c tlrt•~Sf"s,l ----------------111"'11-1 '\'1'1-' f,,, f.7 11 XIf,fl r1n eh • "''"1.: ,,,lifo·. I ~····ll··nl l'fllldi-CHI:STl.l:\'1-: m .. llllllllll h nm: • \\• ,. ul· ('"'1.' :0.1· ':t \\'ntrr EIIPLOVllfEl~T OFJT.IIlED ''"" II• ,,, . .,, .,.,1~-H L-4tc l fUI IIt'h•·rl L:lrl:• l •r• pl.u •• :-;,.. •11•1 'I·'"''''\ "' l'll••n•· l\o•ne·nn Jura l ~:a~. lot::hls, t<n<l \l'lll••r ~·7 1 :1 It ''' 111111'' II• 111'1111 "':o77~1 ll Costa Mesa $251~1 rlo\\·n -$;141 Jll'l' 0111. ul' will l:tk•• 1!},11 w •la lt•r m rl(l(') t'llt' in lr:tdl' 1\ln u ... t llt•w l wo II. r. honw. 1-'in'f)jllt'!'. Bt•atnt'(l n•ilin,. .. ~. !(!1700. g2500 do"' n . or will (~ I. 1\c•:tttllflll :\ h r . honu• I .Sifl.~ !1111 ITil. Lob of I i It• k i I dlt 'fl & h11 I It. He..., a ut I ful Ill m t-~wapo>~l ya rtl. f1•111,'ll ('hole"' .;,.,·lion . TniHI ptit"t' $111,;')(~ I. Almn.;t nt•w ~-!)('ll,·oum hotl\t• ~: . .'(M~I t"IL"h . h11lan<'f' -1••; and .;mnll m on thly J'liiYIIWHI,.. 1 hlo.·k from tmn.-.po r - t:&tron . ("hoin• nt~t..:hhorhood J-:w;t sh&t• Atlral'liw I h. r . honw nn hn lr :ll'n'. Bc.•llutlfully lnnd-SC"apro. ~i{)(l(l, Tl"nns. One-ha lf a C'r'l" nn W tosl -.lrt.•. l~th S t ~lli:-l41. Co0111l nl'i~h­ horhood. . 1 SEE US P'OR CORONA DEL M/\H AND ll/\I.I¥>A RUYS Blanche A. Gate Realt••r .... BEACON BAY C 111 n y C. a tes :!·Ill' Alt11tc•tl\•1• 1-l••rlt'•lltllt hnnu• a l 11.·,., .. ,11 J1.11v llou.-..c.• c'On\'f•ni••ntly lo•-:11•.,1 ·'''"lllltl lat'\'1' l•·•t lo t't111}-l"lt'"' C:OHON /\ DFL M/\H Unftu·ni ... ht'fl ~'-l••dt'l"•lll h1111'o•" f•ll l'l'lll 111l ·'";•t'l\' l•••"l" Bf-:A t '1'11-1 '1. (I( 'I·,\' l·'l ~t •'-='1' ,, "\I I j )( '1•',\;\1 \'11·.\\' 110:\11·~<..; l 'HI<'I :I• 1-'l'lt\1 "·~~~~~· 111 ':s:,oo 1111' rrcllll.tt'•' "" llr,•lll, 1\ 1·,11 1. I•'""'"''"" Ill \1 ·"' ill :::111(1 :1 lll<olttft llf'l J•r I ll\ llo'l N F\'f Potn BF/\<:11 LOT SPFCI/\ I.S \\'1• h:t\'1' l\\q ,.-, \ J l~l lrol 111 1 ('I I• lilt' l·~wlt l1ol fr-ont ... 1111 11 1t11 t' ... 1,.,, I 11111 1111h lo.wl< II• ,, :•·,· ;rllo•y (1<N• t•1 lt1 l•.oll l l.o\ I :11 So•lt•••l :111d ·'l•.t l'lltll'lt l hou~ ...... \\'a lkirw dt'-1.1111 ,. ••I '''" r••t'l Both for $77.:;,(1 \\'t ilt rl'=t '-llltt:t hk t t:llll'-1 OC'F:A N l·'l<r t'-=T '1\\lo ,,.,' "'"1111hl1· '\It' ltot ... to1t :t d (•:r n fM '•':tll l•·:wlt 111 :1 I''"'" ll••t•·lii,.II)H•,.I 1111 S.·;t.,.lrm~· Driv('. RA LBO/\ SPEC:J 1\ I. TnlJI.Y I H S T I :":I .f'l\'1•; 1 r,. .. lr·r ~tolll, :\ loath. S p:tltt.;h ~··m in H:llhn:t. Slllt,la nl t Il l\ l!ttlll ''' h•~• :. ltl1·11111•· A rl'a I va It 1<: ;t l $1 H .. "OO RA I.H( Jl\ HI\ YSff (}J< FS IICll'S EKF:EPER fond of d11llln'n \\'ntr Hlo\ "\\"' •; :\'o·\\'<·Timo•..; 1-2rr \\'i\l'TI•] 1 A cnnrl l'o•h.olll•• 101111 Ito '"I'JII) ''""""w rc; \1 11h H:1\\ · I• ICh prn cllll'l< \\ 1 1 flo Jl:l\11• h;h ' l'"•t1 (J ill•• ~1n1''' 11 ll]ooi< lf'rl anrl 1-tlt• F u R N IT u R E 1•111111•" :! ....... ,,. Ill \ diFIR•·. I I ---------------- . 11111,. ''' flok•· \\'dl \I'll or lr Ill•• fl EF I N I ~HED f"r h,1' lot "' h~~rrt• "' ~~ '" ,.,., '· 1:111••• r,l.nol ... ll•ll•1•• 1'"" ,, \\ II \\111'"'1••"11 '111 I , ..:, '-'•n J:•lllotrl'"'' t',dcf I'll "-"1'1 l·'lt• ~-HNI1'1111m lft~mt• ARE YOU PL/\NN INC 1\ ~I IMME H IIOME ? II• 1•1 C,\,\-·,·,~-1.'7 co,tld •nol e · .• hf :.!-1 tp 1\,\(IY :-;rtTI:-\(; lh \\HIIltln ··~· p• rt. ,, , rl 111 d •il•l c;u•· l l·1y, •••non~· ·llll (' (',nl l,d ll ollu>1 -· ~lfl \\ ,\, "1'1 II "'"''' k .. I" I '"" Ill r 111111\ ('I ll olo I•H>JII f.loltl I• I• l'lo .. no l1 11'llr>l' hi I ..'-.!If' 1\:-; Ytll' I.IK~; IT KEN ( ;rn ::\STED ..!l:lll :\lrno I' Sl1•···1 e., ~~ L \ ,\II :1' '' rhnn. II ar t .... ]flj'IJ. \\" l "nr J'\.1.rn ''' ~o. nn r.llll 1111• I" \\ Hfk I 1111 I If Cln.'lstf••'fl 1111< nu 1:<'1 1 h1• .1' olo j dnnl.'. INSURAN CE - e flRE e AUT()MORILE • YACHT e COM PENSATION "STU" DUNLAP D M&rtnl Aw. lo', l o\,1 I' II I'IUe 'I· ~1 7 .:.1111 1 .. 1 1 '.., t t I f II \ I Uf' ·\1, P:!-ITI\TF. I ~C0/\1 E J>R OJ>EHTII: S :-, t 'n1" 1 II! I (1 11111 h:t,\ IHolll l ~:diHIII ... I I . j II " I :i t '"'' .\p i r:ld' ' lo:l ''"''"'' , I: fiH"~. ,, .. , .. :-, l 1111 " ••n r: .•. ' ,,, 1 I.,,, 11• I I·" " , ... ·,1 til I ~;" I·· I I " I J II ~ I SOUTH COAST REALTY & INVESTMENT CO. 302 Mnfn Stl'N't BALOOA Pr. Harbor 2034 2-1 tc l,r••r n "' l11h\' hi~ Or1'''" ''''I 1\lrrr '"" I)IW,.,,. ~ "t't"" .. '"ld ....... ,--Aln("''\can.' .t offering!'. Ruilc1ing h d h&a t t1 thr prowam t'Qntlnt.M'I throuah uty o <"'('f')' l&re ltil1 &oing up." lh< •>~I· m fiJr l"ar an.: &n · L ()C 1\ 'I I· :"\ ( ) '\1:1 INSI'l·:<·rlf t:-.; 1'\\TI'I I• '''" '"'' .or11 l 1111'~· 1••<1 l'flf/111 hl•llll'' 1\1111 •·Ill\ ")1~-1 olotl\11 Ill l '\lllh l\1' I:/\ I.- HilA Ht\Y,<..;JIItl :/::--1'1 1\.t l•·l•·t~lr ll•·lll,v t ••,lrt•lt·d Jo'1w 11111n·, "'"1•1•·•·· rJ,., otl ·••" .o11 11•1•••"'"'''11 1 I•• ""'· f·;d l ;\1 r '1'111•111 ..... 1:.0 "1•11 "1-< ''"'' , . .ot "'·"Il l' tl•· 11.- •·a t • .,l :rl ::·,r·~· 1 ••, 1 lit ''·' •. - EAH L 'XI:' ST/\NL EY (! 11 V 11; It I ~. I, r; It ~: A T r. It :: F W I' t J ll 'I H Allll !llt 3Jl3 W f'T.N"T'RAI. l~lh ANO ffiVTNl. 8TS J1o; t"WJl')l'1 Tll'll rtl N t -wpt~rt llMifil T el.: II1111Jo..or Jl)l:l Tt!l.: Uooeoon !InN 17th and COAST llwy. 225 MARINl!: AVE.. 615 COA..IIJT HWY I N...-pon Beach &lbt"' laland c-dfol Mar Ttl.: a..oa. 57'1 Tel. Jlarbor JT7e T•l : ll.altlor 1&t8 4!-lk • lufl(l~'liJII"'I. \\ Full prtfc $.29.~ JOHN E. SADLEIR, Realtor S tnnlf'y A. Smith. A~"'C'Iuh• Jh·ukt•r lltla•l M . C on elo n-,~tlt"ffmtUI lo'nn•l Mttllbcnn TWO OioriCf:S IN n lHON i\ J)Jo:t~ MAJt l rl4Y.lllr ti07 ('(l(ISI lll.:hwuy llnrhor 711 or 2422 :J. Jtc RI~I GGS JJo• • BEST • • BUY < 't lST A MI·:<..;A ~H,w1m h eHI!i'C', :! IJ'"''"N •nt~. hnth, l'ltll:o.ftlc• '"11\\'t'l', :..!·1'111' .:111'111.:1', l)fl I 1 or till llc'l'l', with o'''~'" \'It•" l'rit'l'll u t ~!1,0011. Tc•nns n tn he• nmtn),'tocl. Fred -B R I G G S -T ressa Mcmhrnr ot the MuJUple U.Una Dlvblon Mione Beacon sm 2·lte Wt-: KNOW thnl ynu ltP.w)lvC'Ct In ~··t ttw wry B~-r out ur 1! .. 1X nnd "''' nl~l knuw Hut! yuu tmv·· bn*Ml )'t.IUr ''"'" •lutlon II OW !1.1 Wt• k11uw ~ lUX 'AUSio; you hav.o 11nt l~t,.'n In to*"' ltWftl• llf'niM. RE17ER l"'fllf• In NOW. 'I'IU 1'1.1-:X Ill\ 1.11< 1.\. ll<'owllfully 1Wfl 111-:llROOM JIOtJ~E l..arp furut•hN1 1\ Jll'h,• lh111 I• un-ho•111nf'd llvlncrronm C'oat• M..._ l~c•lh'\ "hlo· )'rlt'r $9,i:\O 00. 8tMould 0 .1. IIII PI .~:X I'IIH(INA fll-:1. MAR 0('1-:AN F ltONT I.OT n..autlfUI.. I '1uupll'ldy hu•ul~h•'tt I lnly $HI l'rnltcaul• 44) " Ho, Uli l t•l If "'ltd 11111111'(111111'1)' 1\ ·nun : .. : IIJo:l lftOfiM :~ IIAnl. IAY1'8 Thle you Wl)n't ftnd aaalft . llnlls .. : UayahtJf'f'CI llc-lnw rl' ae • 'fO 6 4l 11 ·~· P.fti~WUS&. 11rnth1r tlnn !'l .. t g.,,. thla lotby 'l'W• 1 1 1~ 1 •He "•M llrMlli n ,. w 1 '< tiiNf:rt 1.1 rr ,,,. l'lnly South ""''"' tw o1111•ctl" l'l1h I• 11 1111)' ... rnnl n11 lo•rt on flftlhoe olr""" """"' I'll"' $1 '• ~~ • 11 •1 lal11ntl l'llr·•-.1 1 lith I l fl 1~1t of l!"1 '"''~"~ St1l1l Ill :1 "''"'k" 1\Jo:TrJ.:H Ill If( I! Y f11r B:wk H11~· V lt'\\' l .ol . I~OY GnEENLEAF, .JIL allll ASSOC IATES :Il l:! w,osl (',.,,,,.,., "''"""' N o'\\JIIII'I l«c•ltdl. ('u llf I'III KII·Il:ti'I Hot' lfl:'ll-.1 ('til 11.11 1 ,\ 1'1·•11•• '''"o•'lll ll', 1·,\coll llljU!. llul'llul' 'J I!IX W :!-1!1• 1\ c;O<>I> Nl'w Yl'itr\ Hc"<,J uiH•Il : "Ow11 Y1111f' ()wll ll umc" C11ro11a tid Mar $7 .0.~0 ·,': Ncwp111 t l ll'l t:ltt '- $f i2 ()() 1110. llarh11 r I lci g la h $~()() Dr 1 w II L tdo Jc;lc $\0()() Balhoa Jo;;Jand $2~.0()() Ncwr11rt $.'10()0 lfarh"r fklt:lt t ... $~2 ()I) 11111 I ...... ~lOili hlllltf' 11111'11('· 1 "d v runwdu .. t Wt•ll lo- e·~t t• .. l A wry u lln tdh·" :.!-11•-..1· 1'1111111 hon1,. do'('fll'lllt'CI lov 1·:11'""1111 :c;:1100 rlerwn lilt I .• ,.,,. ~~;:! 1111 nil'), lnt·. I;'"'" & 111"""'11,· Clnlt•r. c--<1 I JM 'I' o"t'TII • 1.1\ IU :r·: •11:-.t iru1lv•· horm"- "'''"' "'"''" d t v "''I'V· ,.,~ r~·~''"' ull•·y-. ~''' (·~•I lo t o11 l 'rutin "-- llt •:tr· 11ulllu"'"' t • .._, Jt). 1'111 j,"' ,,.,.,..s ~ Jr.v••ly hrm~t• with chnrm .. "l'l tm. In l·:11rly 1\nu·r- 1'1111 \\'111 I 1:11 ntl':•' "l't. ,,,. till IIIIU' I :\l 'f•llt'fll C). I'll!,, Ill :! IM ~ IJ•• If 1111 flnt I If' f tfl ('t•O· lr·a l /\\••, loll..,ift•·..,~ ''"''' "'I '.CI' Ill'\\ ( •• , \' I l:dl l 'r~.~­ o~l 1 .. ,. 11111•·k -.;do• \\ tfh im- 11 11~1•.11•· ''""''"'"I. I IJ'!oflll Ill'\\' l\\'ll 1 •~1 1'1111111 111•1111' '"' \' 11llr1wiiVI• '"'"~""' 111 11'1' lqt rllllflllt• I' II I''' li lt'fol lll' IJ•~1r lro olo I "lfll\\fotM I l(o ,.oJ'\1 " 11 ~1 tf••'\11 l,,,f .11 ~.1:! IIIII Il l• ,.,,.,,, I "' 1'; 1111 ' I I I I • • 1111 .. ~ I ~,II( I •• J I •• 'I ,, '·' fl .. ''f '"' I"'"' '" '·' III Io••• I ... \ \ ' ·•1•1 If II ..... : I .II dtll Ill' lt!1• 11( l11 •II Ou r New BJ\J.B()/\ 1 ~1./\N J > o ffi(:c itt now opt n JIAI~BOI~ INVES'f MENT CO. HEAL.I OHS :iCJth nt W ( ~·fltt·;.l A¥ .... l'\1'\\JIOrt JS.•ad1 liar. Jf.()ll 2~1 M~trlnt• Ave. Baii i(KJ l "lantl lf:tr, 1 ~11 2-.tte ---·· . . .. -......,...._... ................. 8 NEWS-Till ES TIU'lli'OAY .laa. II, I Mil Stock Market At a Glance Am T l'l & Tt•l . 1 ~:11>, C1nlldJ.an l'an(Jc 1.! Dupoot 1~1 1, Cvneral :O.It>tot'l-r,-; ' \.ood~•·.,r 11 '· Krono'(·utl •11' • &>a~ :~~, Edl~on Fh•ec rie :!9\. .Stl\llclllnl 1 111 nl "• t ' s s .... , 7R William I. Cammack PalnUill' C'ontrar lo r PAISTISO • DF.C't.nt \TI"• AJIID PA PE KII \:-.OISt. ft. Bar. f7~-l. to'! Orr hld \H'. Corona drl M ar I I d I II 124-Mile Drive lrh Local Business Man ''l'VI' I:H't·n in bus1ness ht•rl' Cur two years und I dri\'C 1:.!·1 mrl''" rvcry da)-J',·c JUSt got to h nd a house" was Lhl' ns:ont7..t'd HPJ~·RI I hut l'amr Crum a IO<'al lm~trw~s I mun. Gt•utl:l' :O.ltnm•}, )ndtt hrok<r <ll 711 Cc.~t•l 1 ll.:hway. I ~IIIIIWY Jr,, . ., '" lkdluml~ ,1 .. ,,,.1 '""w dl,llinl·•· '" '""'' "·'"'' da) I If,. jJhtiiS tn lnultl a home ll.-n : hut in tho• llh'lllllllllt• \\anh 111 flntl a - Jack's Equipment Rental Contractors' Equipment • PIAI!ITEB K1XEB8 • 81ULL 8AW8 e OONCilE'I'E lllXEU • 1'ILAILEB4 Phone ~eacon 5508-W I 7th and Santa Ana Ave. Costa Mesa I htlll'o' \1 llh I ll! It' or ICIUI' ho·<lrCMIIII'I ""•t·h ll' ""l"n "'~ ""'''""'· .. ~,~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;~;;~;;~~;;~;;;;;;;;;;~ r .. und ""'' 1111 BaiiHo:l 1'1111111 I .... l "lito r ''·•). h111 11 \1 ... l;•k•·n "' ·1 1°,'1'(' I ~ol tho 11 ~IIIIth ~ 'IIlii I ~ 11nynn•· COlli!' 111 Ill~ n·~eu,.·• J n~:n:::~;M~~~=~~ H the Opening of 11 ~SPORTSMAN'S I I BARBER SHOP * I Barber H Reasonable Construction Costs I .. ~ ~ ., ' .. ·'[ h ,. .. · .. I ~ t I • . I t : •.••• f. .. .... I . ... ! 1' I -... _ ----•------~ --FAMED FLIGHT OF THE SNOW BIRDS THRIL LED CROWD-more w~ole-hea.rted "oha end eht" from the spectators than many ' JACK CROW ~ 35 Y~ars Experience I * ': Take Advanfage 01 Our FREE PLAN AND ESTIMATE SERVICE Even though this fl oral picture of Newport Harbor's noted 11cqualic of the b1gger w1nners. It was a sl.sr alfr<Jction in one of p.,,.,dona's !_Vent for junior sailors only ~ook second prile in Cl.,u A4, it won greatest lind most spedaculer pag N nls. Open 12 noon to 6 p.m.l SeU throu6;h Trustworthy 'I" •111 1 \\ ' II • I , .. 1' ..... " ll••rn VIr· \0111.1111\ I' \\4111 111 II I Cfh t\ l1h11 " IJft• Ju.,.urntw•· p••ltt'\ •n•l ho·lt• hl111 '" "'"'" "'"'"' IUHIII',\, \\I' Ill" I' It 1:1111(1 j!lltll fllf hH)'· __ __ ---j \\ \KKt:~ .1. \\I 1:-.1 t: lh I • ' nt d artrcl, M1 1'•t.tt "''·· 'r•• .. •• "•h ,.,, ... ' 'w 1 II ~0\\ It ' , I Mrl-t•puU~A• IJ h• ln•u••nr r I " New•· -:':..•rws 11ds. ~oorey & Poirier 100 PE& CT.NT I'"ISASC't:U • I .II. \. 'I t.l:' I '• e Md Rooma A Batlu • Oarac"" C'<ln\'t•rtt•tl Ito 11\ln~; 'I"·"'' r' • ,.,_ eatJma._ 4t akeka-• A•,.l•t In t•l•nlllnt: ""I""'''"" • '· REMODEL: Increase Income .,OoM&JIIPw.7 OOaONA DEL IICA& ..,._ UJ1 or Htl., BUILDERS !'11,urt:""" lllt'lr . !-1,\STA A~\ ~'hone 7P3 :-;;u ;d ( 'rah I I· o· I ., I d~tllhl tlt;ll l '•'f•llltlw;tll I• 1"'1'1~ h :t\t' ~~~·II ··r.•.tll~ 1!!1 ' I 1\ ,. I I \ I " I II· .•• It I I "~AJ O R 0 '/E RHAUL LN DERWAY ON B. I. \' Ar.l ETY STORE --I II ;Q~,,~atc:Jl! \\ .,q ,, ,. I ,, 11"1 IM· t'\l'''' lo•ol I ·, ,,, ,,1 1,1111 111•11 1' '"·'" ;t "'"'Ill 'I I \ ... " ·~ Sit ''"I "l"'r'lll't1 lty Rnh • ol IIIUI• I • IU '' 11'\(1, IJ"'I\P I \\ dl• l.o\\1,, 11•1\ l'o •mmrxlo•r•·l · "" '"' t••tl ll:.,·t .. ,,. Ynrltt r·luh, ... tu' P '••n''''' uti\' lnl• r.-..;r. d Itt 1 dl h .. .tt I 11'111' .;n,J, \\t' lo•:trn, • • olll\ 11111 111" Ioiii l11r 1111• ~111tth· • Ill ( · dllttlfll'l \''u'hl A~~O('Ifl l iml'!' \1 ol 1 t•:oll• o t'h 111ll•ll>n'-hlll Rr- ••• II Ill I I 111 llh· , ... d I" •J111· l.rr '"'I' •·llh 1 ·I•"''' .l,tlf I I"'" "'"I'' lh·· I ~·Ill'" 1':1111' t ~ .1 •• , • r " .... '' r, ~· ~ i "··e ~~11~' 'I l' '} r hur~ • """"'' ol I roo111 l'nt:f' I ) Ill I' ·' I II II• do ,filii IIIII, tn Jll , jill i ..:• '"'' r't1•tlll4'rl 1 ,, • I , I· ,, ""~ lu<t n ·' I ' ~ 'I 1''· ''' ,, I" Ill' I "l'·lllOtd ' ! I· h• lol '' "" :-.1 •\\'jllort "llh ,.,mpl •ot. """ """1"" r Tl,.. H11lloo:o •I 111' tnh •ru\1 , Y ·• "' 'I• t, ", ... ,, ... , In 'fu• ~11d.1 "'"" I Ito~· I ll I Ill ':1'1 "'' h i'• I I '!I I 11 1 ~J)tl('f' (1)1 nd .,. ,., .• l lftt' ~)r Ill II• \t ,, \\ .... iltld h HI .. fli t"' )iU'ht· .,t , 11• · I"' I 1\ til ;n:nm h•· honnro'O I f ' nth ' d ' '' ;, ntud,•rn. ''' ,, '·'"' ,. :tl tt v ·•" h· let a1 Sal\ftt ''''""' 1'1·• • tltooll l llln~. ;\I lltrh't"o I' I 'ol ,, ' ,,t 1 r , .... ,· 1h•· f1r st m ;1 'l'lu· ··urnl'lu·•1•d 111att•·r .,r n I. h I It , .. '" ''" • It til\!•" Ill tl ••. ,fun· ht• hu1J1 ,, I olf'ln l-: :00,( h••rtuJ·· '" .. yiu~lu f ltd~~ l'oolul too '''"'"'"It''' t"l~ lrom S :onla rlt~rh·•l'.o ''' Snn Ui<•t.:•t \\ I rol II I• 'I U fu '• • ··• •I Th• ('11.ht c; ... 11 ot ""'llol 1111111 "I ttlhlllll) workr'fl nut !'IICh y,•nr * Come in---We have something to Crow about. Also Sporting Goods * 455 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa, Calif. Between Newport and Costa Mesa· Wm. P. Mealey General Building Contractor -Complete Building Service- 2265 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa t.11n ,1n !ol'• 1n 1,,,.,1 "'"'" "";ol.t [ ~' 'l•o S<'Y A \\'o• undrrstnnd 1 1dn 1nt~ 1hr ru·o••,rtv od th•· ~~~111• ~~~~~~~~~~ thMr ~aster r alr ndnr fnr ~~~\\I ll ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~===========~ I) unci o11\ riPIII\! lh•" ""'1. •" 11 :============d 1 .. • ""'Ill 1-'l'ltru:•r)' 11nc1 wtll ,•Uh· ;; h.Hf Ill lho• ~~ ··r' l11 foto• lht• W:tr, It fo II 111 lh" Of'\\'l-JI<trH'r 11/: Sn(ln LESTER & Co. ...... e.-;---·· ol \\:1~ 1,.11nto•tl ·llfl . anti tho\' w11ultl .1 \~tf:S S. t 'KF.I':MAN ns aVIIIIAhlr . I ole., l11r111"h llfhlo•ll luo lll;ll•·rllun .l.orno• ... ~ Frc···rnan. I'll . or ~l.!.! :\lt·.orm hilt· }nu ar·· SIIPJIOS(•d to I r .. r ,,,. ll:orl•lr ftro•:l T ho• o·nnHtllfl•'•' o•ntlorso•rl thr r f- loor l-. nnw '" tm: m rtll•· h\ lhr Nn\'nl •\ffai,... rnmmtll<'l' .. r tho• •·h1mh•·r . t ':•:•t:lln (' \' \lt'"llrl\ rn:llrmfln In kN'p tho• C'uasl \.uarrl in th•· hnrhor. l•no1 nlftorN1 In 1!11 o•\r•ry. lhlr.~t fl(>"!tthlt' In ho•lp Tho· n••t•rl fror 11rlrl••d mnnrinc "'ilh thr pno;~thllll \ nf n r•·nsinn nf lh•· nwlhNI~ nf mnnrlnt: w••rr •l •~r·u~•l'r1 nnri 11 romnllfiN· wtll l11• IIJIJ"'o1into f1 h\ Ch11rmnn :O.t nr- lo;ay ''' mt•rl "''" thl' l...,·al har· l l.,•r t>lf11•irol~ lu·lh ''"' :tnd rn11n1y. lin an I ffnrl IO tl~~lq Ill nd!llnl! fll tlw mN•rtnl! lno'lhttl''> .1nrl 10C'hllr· 1 ~~~~· Urt'it~ 1 11H" rnmn1ttf•\• ttl<o pl:tn<: :.n ln - IN>~I\" r:.mp.w•n In ;td•l 111 1 ho • numl .. •r nr lllll"'rtnnt ~llf'hlin~; 1 l'\~'nl~ 1•1 lw iwhl lhrnrH;hnut lht· \••nr. l•1rl t• uhrl~ t1 •• r inc thr ~rnm: ~tnrl fall mnnth< Th•· -~~~·· ,., ·~ .. r '"' ro•('rnl l rrlo•r-!'oollo l'l'lft• t ·,r. ~ "·"" f'Mttnt• tl In ;,~ :-.n •'\· .unplo .. r "h '' t·uul•l h· ru·o·nnt· plt-ho tl Ill tlJI'-IIIro·rl 11111 \\' 1 In an Frunl . Balboa. du tl llf• rNtr1ytm: your d tnl.'(h} Cor t ho' ~lnn!ln\ tn St J•lQ('ph ho.pitnl S C .Y.A spnn~orrrl l\tannint:: Mt•m. •tfl• r ,;n .-\lo•noo·d tllnC'ss. 'morinl Champion~hip srr it's for ~lr Frt•t•rnan. » nl\11\'l' or r.tt I din$thies only lo hr hrld :II thr \'rrnnn. Ill . •·nrno• tn Ca11Corn1a N<'WJlO~t ll:Jrhor Ynrht rluh J an- :141 '''ltr~ ~~~~~ l\nd hnd lived on uary .t and 18. Thill rarr> nlway" Anai1rlm 1M }o•ano hdMr movmg promtse~. ~trc-at Sp<'1rl w~c-n lhl' lo Bnlhl\/1 t hr•·•• mnnlh!< 11~0. llr lnr~C' lli<_'P[l('r!l of l11r~r OOIIIll try was n rnf'mtwr uf \\'h1to• Tc~pl1• lhrtr sktll Ill thr tl:')' d inghy t'S· ;\l l'thnclt~• rh11rr h 1n Anaht·t~. the-pc•clally whrn lhl' "'"rl 1!1 pl:wful ;\lt>d••rn \\'nt,;hnPn .. r ,\nwnca of TOSV C.ftii.OSI R1\C K Fu1l••rl1•n. ;1ml h11d fur fiH yean To n y Ghlloni, n:l\'111 nrrhtlo'('l lwf'n a n11•mho r ,,r F an•l A:'wt \n Whll lllhptrd :"a\~ plan'< fnr Inc:~ I· flohurt, Okla ly hut I' W11rt'raft rlu ring thf' WAr I Sun·i, Ill\: at r· 111, "1rr-. Itt., A.: nnd l1111·r drsil(nrd ~any n ro~­ '"'" d:ou~hl• r~. Mr-. Ftho'l 1 'mland. ~l'rc1al Ci~hln~: hont hrr<', rr>lltrn uf lit~; lt.•ar l.:tkt• ·11111 :O.t r' )Iahti <'d frt•m :on I'XIrn!<l\'(' t n p to ('o•n-1 1-\onnr\ uf Stlvl'r:uloo C'am•ln, two tral A~rrirn fn r l h•• Cltn~tm.•~ ~ron<. 1111" It 11nrl ,l.,hn :\ F ri.'<'· holiday<: \\'r Sal\ htm on Ra~l>nn . l!tlan rl lhr nth•'r oav in rornpanv tlHIII uf 1-ullo•tt•ln .1 .. lo·p tl.ou.:hter. . · ' · Mr!' C:lnrlr!< llt•\o•tl•'\ 111 ll.llhoa. ":11h .lim RnrTI'II nnd li~lcn<'rl Ill lhrtl' st.·p~on~ • .1··\\1.'1 :. F n·tm an hiS talrs or plnr<·s \\(' had \'ISilrd (I( ~~ 111 [koch, \'u.;tl \' F'rrr~an I yrnr!: IIJ:o. of l .o~ AnC•'l•·~ and I lutl 11f1 Dt· T on.' d"~ir.nrd II \'•·~~~·1 for Crn· , mno·\ 111 \\',1,h111..:••m thro" sis· t.r~l Am~·nntn lrllrll' Whtrh h e d r-h'r~. :\l r, ltlo It•, <1 ;ontl ~11, E llA ll\r rr d 111 l)t'r~on nnd tlwn fl('\\ H.tf"'' 111 1 tkl.ohoo111,1 ;1111\ \11, o\nnA hnck \'111 P11n Anwrit'ron. hut not ,\hi••" ool II•.: 11 11 p; .:rand· hC'fnrt' hr hart uncl••r tako·n :\ t•ouplr I hllrho 11 ... n" 11· 1.!1 • ,, ,:rand· or tntrrr!<l tnt:: l'()fl'rpn~··" AI Snn I htlolro·n J osc-. l'llflillll nr Cnlllil Rira. h·· Tho jll.oifo< lo •l 1 1 ,,., In J'n '' n HI a .,, ••t d•~··•t,._,.ft HHl 1,, ttn\pt 1\ •n•tnJt;,••tl :1~1d thr t·•~'JHf"'11"" nl tho• ''""'"'" '', 1'1 "'""'" nf(,.1, •I !'--rt' 11 •' \\• r • lu hi ·•' I l<o Jl.rn fnund II crnllp nf !l;ufnr~ t'llt.;t'r fnl 11 ync-hc rluh nnd hriJll·d foumi whut is hrliw•rl tn Ito· tlw f11·~1 Cnsla Hu·an ynrht rluh Thr> wind~ arr fon,. fill ~nillnc tho·r•• nnrl thr rllrrt•nll' l'll !<lrrm~; llt;ot ('"q" R1r11n !<nilnr~ \\'Ill ho· ~:11lnr!< tn· d···-d Th· • II• .... ,,, ,. ,,t tt•rtft, ,.11t. • • '' ·•' 1n ll•h~· "'' •t fll••t'~t.'\ry, '"'' .. r 111. '·•~'~I'IIH' 11 t111•11 , \r11l>•lf!T \\Ithi!O'\ l:nlln l llun· \\I' d t,t·tl'-\,• .j lfl .._, lfh tl• f 111 H1t' I tiH I* l'fPI fll t~u \\ t J r. m (llf" • t&l•t'PI''"I ~'•• \\1n•h Ut 1••f,..,~l ~ut•h olltlt1111 l t1tltt'•rt1 \\'A~ ,,,,.,, '1'''''' ·'••hf1 l l.tfll+ll, '" J illlt l ,,.,, .. 'h'l!+ll t l lidfk ,, I tt f"l I 1 ~~ \\ I' 1 • f I i ,, \ , t 1 I "'' ,.,.t -·t ''" "' '•I h \1 " 1. "' tt ~"' '"'' t •" ,, \\hrn '' *' \\ '" tl'l"'"n't '' '• 11tl' "'' , I' dt "' f,, d\\ ' ... '"' '"u'n.' ••••• , "' '"' "'llht11'"'"'"•'1 ,,, lh· IJ ,,. ,. ·p .,,ct t'•tr'"UU•Iht t~l lf<; n•'l nltt tttl.: "''" BAYVIEW LUMBER H:\IUUH~ t\f fho• fllllHIII" 1••1'1 oil !'llnl:o Aro'llll,. I !':ttll h 1'"1111 I 11111 frlo•lli! _.tnrt• ri n ~hlp\.ll'rl II• r·· I hi' ftlll''' h.~t·d\\n<wl< fur hnrofhtlllolllli.: ;rr<• t•lol''' 'II hand In I h1• d·•n ... · 1 r"JIII'.II jltn~;lo·~ tl10tl <ur-ollnrl lht· J•ltl \\'.-ro•tn• mht r <o•o·1111: h11· hall;~ 11f m 1hnt:!111~. I~ \ 11' '"' "''' lo~ ::.·, ft•o I hml: -tlll'ko•rl 1111 lfo, 1:1'•'.11 \.r·.r·· Lon•· pir>r 1 hr•rr (;llllllnl pl.on~ loo,.. 111111 to 1 ·,, .. l,o flit'~ .tflo•r ollll'l\r11111.: It\ lut<lnl'~< rn ~ tn 1-'rlllll'l_.,.., .mtl l•••k aflo•t ho-. IH'Wiy hnrn ).wht t'llllo n11d ~hlpynrd LOIANCHllt MOtl\'WOOO lOHG aiACII PASADIHA PC)M(HjA I I¥11SIDI SANTA ANA UNTAIIIONICA M••brr Lo1 A•1J•1 Slorlt l!.xclu.t • 515 F.ut Central Ave., Balboa Harbor 2061 INVESTMENT SICUIITIIS TO MUT THE IHVISTOI S' NIIDS Laguna Federal Savings and Loan Association IA«UUl& Beach, California Statement of Condition December 31, 1947 ASSETS First Mort ga~c Loan!; Loans on Pil.•;sbooks and Certificates St()('k in Froeml H ome Loan Bank Unit('(\ Sta t<.'S Govt'mmt'nt Bonds a nd Accn1<'<1 lntct't'St O lsh on Hanel and in Bnnks . Offi('(' Building and Equipment. L<-s,c: [)('pl'l'<·iat ion [)('fcm:•rl Char g(.':'; and Othm· AsS«-ts TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES Mt'miX'I'S' Sharf' At·(·nunts Ad\·anr·C'S Fcdrr:ll ll1 mw L'>an B:mk Loans in Pr()(,'S." Other l.ia hili ttC'S S('ll:'<:i fie Hest•t·ws G t'O<'I':t I flf";('t'\'1':' l 'ndi\ irlt•rl Profits TOTAL I.IABI I.ITIJ-:S $5,%0.GR--l.49 21.!'>!)9,QO 7;),000.00 :t?6.!l54.W 4~~.'1-l!1.R7 m-<.:.?:1 1 J1! ' l .::'R-Uifl ~U-\:!Ii.lil) l .7" ti7!1 :'!tHl.lkl >l'-':.!.:1 IIi 7:t H .J:::.!.:-1:1 :'1 .: \II:! ();") I;-, 7 .:!::". ;·~ :\;"1:.! ,1 1: i!l.l II I Current Divi dend Rate J ', per a nnum Ch:ll'h'r-,'(1 and SuJ')f'l'\'i!'t"fl h~· 1 hr l'nilf'fl Stall~ \.m'f'nlnwnl I nsun-..1 ~~~· 1:-'Nif't'Otl Sa\'ings nnd Lcxrn ln)o.llt';llw<' C'orpornl i(ln '· COMPANY 5~1-H ~NN~~NCING ~~~ ~P~NING IMMEDIATE DELIVERY LUM~ER • WALL~~ARDS ~hingles • Doors· Mouldings 701 31st Sl, East of King's Landing Newport Bead~-Harbor Ml-B -. 477 NEWPORT BL\'Il. C~~~~L~ND ~E~L TY C~. t 'OSTA ~tt:.~A. (':\I.IF. ~ \ •.\\ . - .A~-)..: ·-LEORA S. COFFEY-Owner anc/ Manager, Specializing. in Beach PropertY in the Harbor Area, Cattle Ranches, Homes, Citrus and Income Property HERE ARE A FEW OF OUR OPENING (JSTINGS: 420 ACRES. IN AND NEAR BORREGO SPRINGS -17 ACRES Wmt !'I-ROOM HO~IE !'.'EAR TilE WILD GAME SFX:TION OF EL CAMPO, OWNER WlLL TRADE FOR HARBOR ARF..A PROPERTY _ LOTS AND HOMES TN CATifEDRAL CITY -i OO ACRES 1\"EAR ESCO!'IDIDO. Al\"0 MAl\"Y MORE MOUN- TAIN AND DESERT PROPERTIES. (X)ME IN OR CALL DAY OR F:VEJ'\1:--.:G A:\"0 TELL US YOUR NEEDS. WE HAVE'CONTACfS THROUGH MANY WESTERN RA~Cl l BROKERS. PHONE, DAY OR EVES.-BEACON 5483 __ ._~~~~~'-"'-....._,........,___,_ ... ,._...,.,._ ..... ____ _,_,_~,__._-=,...roc-~"""'"""'""""~~...,..,...,.,.__.. :'C" • ._.~ -~~~ •