HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-01-15 - Newport Balboa News TimesITY M GER ~LAN IS NO. 1 EL-EC-TION-ISSUE By S AM ('O!Wt~ TAX. TI1ur~ay was t hi' dcadhrw on in- taxt.'s and vou'd IX' sur- over t he h un·ying and yon in gt.'tting happy J"l.•turns·· in to Sam's l·an•r-nous rna\\. in on<.' Of 0 111' lllU!--t r expt•rt <H.-countant 's t he otht~r clay, gut tc a "kiL'k" uut or lis ll·n- to tht• woes and t roublt'S tho&' unfortuna lL'S 1? 1 hm ·e to prepare <'Si t· tes and guess within X', how much thl'ir· <.1ltTcnt r's income w or or w ould lf you paid enoug h or vuu do not han.• to "until Mar. 15. But the gl'icf with most of us is if you had a m•t incomt.' $500(1 or· St100tl you ha\'C rlig up a large chunk of dough. with t'vcn chances that it cost you dam ncar that much t o live and you Me, a trifle short. 0 me. 0 my! + + + Oil DrlllinJ;;. Sl:lnt rlrilling of off-short' ('XJK't'lant oil pools hac1 a not h l'l' inning at thl' C'itv -counc-il whl'n \\". D. Elliott." who li\'es hcr·c and has offil"I.'S in Long Bead1. sought to transft•r his tirll·· land lt•asc to the J I'Jf.:t'ns Oil of the Qu<'<'n City. At time the lca!'i(.' w:.s g ra nt- in J!).l;l t hert• was consicl- crahlc rlcha tl' Hnd discussion on•r its lt'tms. sonw of whit h had to do with gm·pr·nnwnt a pprov:d or who 0\\ nt 'fl IKlS· sihlt' offshot't' \\(•lis. RHiph J\taskt'~-marie a good point t ht• o t lwr ria v "lll'n lw ~11d drill in~. wh~tht•r· j1~t out· ~irll' the' l'itv or not. would lt•t the h:n-s'do\\ n on clrilling ins idr• tht•-munil'ipa l limit:-;. If'"' wa nt that kind of a C'i tv just \'i~it ~nnw of Oltl' nt•lL:Ii- ho rs and ';('(' \\ha t ha:-; h:q >- pc-nt'{l to them through th~ + + + .luc·k Summ•'~"'· i':otc• hy th(• public print ~ that Offi- Ct~r .SimllllPJ~ finallY L:f~t'!'-1111 t ht · n•t it'NI li!'t aft<' i· 1 ~~ n •u r~ of scrvic<•. C:tn r<'mr'rnt,..,r \\ lwn .lac·k lN'fl to pump ga~line• in a sta tion ht• ownNI opposite' what i~ nu\\' th<' .1\"<'w~·Tim(>s plant . hut whkh pl'Qj..'l'<'SS has 1'('- mon'fl. II<' hll<'r ht-t·amf' id<'nl ifit'<l with t hi' cnfort't'· mt•nt hranch of thl' l'itv a nd for \'<'a~~ collc't'l<'<l husi nt>~" licC'l1.S(' ta x~. !lis job was to \\":1' ch for n('\\" liC'<'n!'l'S t 0 SN' that t hl'~-did n ot ('S('<t pc-ami whil<' man\· n hu~int:'!'."' man U!'!.'rl to mtattcr at him. Jack w::ts t'<'Sponsibl~ for bdn~ing hundl'{'(ls of dollars into the' cit v's mfft'rs that ·m ig h t ha\·t' lx"'Cn mi~c;ing. H~ h asn't quit<' fle<"idro what to rio do with his spa r't' timt'. but he'll finci something-. nf'\"l'J' fear. + # + Rl-alh· \"aluM~. Much h as bN'n s.1i.cl about a drop in real £-Stat~ and la ck o f sales. but acrorain~ to many reports thcr·c has not l)('('n a gt'('nt chop in pri('<'S. A-:: of the d os- ing year a t..:. S. Sm·ings anci Loan le•agu~ rt"'pnrt indiC~I IN' the\' han' fimwrl up in t hi' la!'i t hi'('(' months of 1 !'1-li. anci th<' rf'port rontimu•-::: "Hnuscc; in t hP prir'f' da'f..'-('s of IN'S than $1 ;"'\,000 at'Y' nnw stmdy to "' ront.:. "ith houSI"' up tc, ~2~.non in thP firm d as.c;. Apa r1 rnrnt huilrtrngs. apat1mf'nt hntf'l!--. a nrl com- m<'rdnl IG1-:'Icll' A stOIY'I p'rOJ'l('l"t if"' a 11' mo,·inc: liP slow!~·. RNII ('<;1:-ttf" ~nJritiN aT(' 1 ik~wi~ rt"'nl'('t in~ srn rl"'· it y nf offerin,::s. Ruilrling cost." are &till going up." LARGEST TWICE·A·WEEK CIRCULATION • N OR AN G E C 0 A 5 T · 5 L A R G E 5 T C I T Y J Tucl:a~-·~~ 11 A.M., P .S.T. Ull\\' J onr-. .\\"f'Ml~'"' ,,..,... , .. ,.,., a ••. -. .... ~No, ·-"' '"•' lht ':-:.-: tht t•, >I I ' oltt ! It, ti ll .Itt II ..... _ .................. .. :00.1'\ttU:tc • rsusiness 1Council Tells-~ Aims /'ON LOCATION' F?R VAN JOHNSON, JUNE AL YSON f Santa Ana Gets IOf All Things) Cheetah , Ye O ce lot FISHERMAN'S LUCK •\ , totlllo ol 11( ht!~llll·~~ ft~Ut~'CI• ''""' llolltl tloo• o•ttlh'o' llurholl" •~·-.. 111111• of lo•o:o·llwt' liS 1111 ltttlo•tM'Id• .. t••lll 1•'111 t~ort \ "ht'l'o' !ll.;hta ta~ '"'" lo\oll•ol 1111 l h•• fntlh< .......... ,\pt II I tl\ ··•··· Ciotti~. ltll'lt\)' ~ flo II 11'\o•nlo•tl lhl'lt ulm!l 1111d ~ ~h""' lu .. r .... m .. a ...,._ ......._ l.l'l•·tl tllltttlto I tlllt' tu I•• llr hlf'Y• • tl "'" t\llo1JIIh111 c•t o'll)' ltlttOIIIC'Y .... II 11 l•ullo· ... \\f'rr lll 'lll•d yl'sh·r·. j cJ,t\ lu lilt' 'I" <'l:u lo• nl ,, 1111'·111'1 n111\ I• o't•IIIJ!Hn~ tn fttlt lllJ<'r;ol 11111 St•\••nl-···~th ,,re ... t•t , \\hf'ltt tt ~,,,,.&.:,tiP nutth\\,arrt fr''"' Sta t• lllt.:ll\\11\, loot·k • ( C"n-.CA\\"Il~.._· Nominations for Chamber Board Listed; 7 Directors Hold Office ("Jtslt. \\It~ lt•t1\t•r1o•cl 11\111 :0 lrft' :-o nO~ \I ll")\ 1\ 1'1 olll 11•11 "' tJOo' lo II If, r•l\o \ ;\l.oll•lll I " ltoMitf luutl ·•'• fl\lt', CCltnpl····· \\lfh (•jpf,, 1111!'1.d1tl •f nnf111noi1Htft" t .. r da 1 111\\00d \'tt•k ('u.t'-1 IIH•h\\ll}, tttr :'1 f••\\ httlldrt•ft frH•t h\ t ,u • 1,,,,1.., ,,1 llu "''''l~"~'l f ll:,thHt '\tt•l •trtt•l••••lt l1 "''tlluth l·: \\'tl :\l •tr 1 C'11fl\\\n :\t·o·er c ll1Jl t1\ ''" 11111 11 .. 11 t 'lllttlo-lin\•· lk·1'11 (,,~ :h:· '' ... h,,.titn~·,;r ~:·lU•,•H·~ ('f '11 ~,., ••I ('utnnl•l''• ,,,,•,tl•d nnrtunat•tl tnd tl ('••r••Utfltl ~t.u 1n thr-1r ft~rt lwumen~; ll•><h trltNI t••l.o\ llt •I tho lo•ll"''lnl: 1"10 nIt,,,. "'1'lt ""' e .. •I• • I It•' !It emil f\1111 11( "Ttw H1 ttl•· \\", nt \\"tlol.' .... t. 1 .. • n "·•Ill• t1 "' ""' .h I :e oil• II I "• IHIIh '"··••n IIIli! Juno• AI~ "nn. ·enrl \"an John \\ • •I ""' t••tl llt·• "'I I ;.,,IIIII I 'I""'""'' d ~on I· tt~<ll·" 111ol lt.oi('h I' \l;o•l•• \ ''"' I I,. ''"'"'"''too l111llllll"oll d I I• 1111 ' Tht· prul1'1pal~ "'' r•• ,., ,11, th• 111 I••· f I•·•·•· d ='•'" '" 1 I 1\• u·h 1 11"--'' • "-1 t ,, .. rl11• • 1•u--.t1 ·lu•·• til.t. 1. tn f.u t , ,.,...n tta,_ f'inl"\mnto-tt h 11ar.. n .. nun.•h tl "1th '" •' H rllo1 .... u ,. IH·tnt;: p r•·l•·•n ·tt au•t gruphw :ontl ohro·rt •n.ol ~~ •• 11~ ""'"'' '" I• • t o·tod, llulolonnl l " "'"'' \\tll IM• motll'd to nil nwmbc-rs drfniil<'ly "'rrond l<'nm"! ,\'lyhow.l Ton1 \V II• ntlo r~nn 11ntl R L. <'of-Thf')' are t.o til' r t'lurn«'d by n hu~:o· "hrr:okawn~" 1-ignlu,lll"tl le~ F nr· I .11lo1 f,l.•. I' ,\ P:tlllh r d.o~ .fan '.!7 Tho ) will hf' !V\11111 I \\'it~ <'I'C'C"Io rf nnn .11111'' :onrt \'an·~ 111cl Fth\ onl \l.lll<flo•ld htt\0' l11•o II o~l Ill IIIII•' 1"1' lh•• t•·~tlll.._ In l"' \\t:try ''-tiHl·lU' \\IIP ·;,t\\cd h :.,•k 11•Utfltfttl, '\tlh 1111 .. I•• lw 1 1tl'f,tl .tfHl•IUrlt't"ft :11 lh.-~111flt1UI dtllllt t \\ ,,nJ, thr t•u•·h u nut ont·~', hut ~ ;t~l ~.''pot 1 I hi•·• nunun ,,. .. n... rn•·••ltn..: nn I tw rucht n( I '" ~·· "'' r ol tt•t ... '-""'""" tl'l•·:.ro cl 111 to h • lt.•lll• II '" m .en I' tlo'i a-tn \l.tt 1\ot\ '·'"' kn"'' 'tlltl• \\h.tt tl \\to; nil ,1t. .. ut (' t-' 1."'trHI• r .. \\tlh '"" t .. t.. l ht•'f'l•tt' "''""""''' lur .ttH•Ih• Hut :11 l .. : .... t ltH· lt~""1 ;u1d•·rs \\'t•t t • 1• ··•··•I '''·" o~rt~ S ouH I'•IJ ••·t l.d~.~r· It 111tt•rt•~tt·tl I n 1\ olhn:o ""' '' t11 I"• • 1. 1'1• tl I loll I I F 1'''1111~ !'a 11ol\ :'>l;o• Pull Yourself Together; T oday's I r.'L,',:~~~ ~~:.~~~l~~~p~r '"· , .... , fl,t\" \\ttl h<• n\ • I' .I I 1111•1 ntt.:ht :\lr' n nrt :llr-. T-"1'·"' 1 111.11 j,, If \1111'\'t• h•tll ""!t•th :\lkllll ~IIIII' 11ff:11t' :111d ftil'll ~111;1 ,,.,.t ... ••ft ••r ;&nH·n~tPtl d·• l.triltt• ,, ... ·rh. I\\H iliiPU.tl tlhr• u .. ~.,, ,, ,,,,, .l .. ttn c· Ah-·11 ,,, c;' t"rr''' tnd ,.,.,.,, li t\ h f''' J•, .• , ..... tnd :".··1".,,. s~o,fr •. rtl l)tt•• •t, J •.nu 11'1 '•tf!l•tt ,,,, .. ,, turl ''''' "h''""'' t•I'Tll ''I'll• '• •• '*'" f 'ohtl \\Oh .. ,,, f p tw to.lt t'1· t•l•"''tton rtt·•• \\' ~1 Lollt'tnotJI t d ~ tu ttdhH t J'"l:'"'' th••rf~ ar•• l t"\ltt Ct•ttJL:• C~·udurt t ':tltl (' \ !1\11 tl• Ill• I' \dlh 1111 •"' '" 1., \lo•(',l ll\ II I ' l..:o•fld;ltl \\ .I •I·•'• 1 r , ~ ,, lt•·fl ru 1'ntntt .• c· .. 1~ Hltd•·n F 1n• h \\.dttr ~ -..; I' I •ti ll' II I t"l 1 11•1 \11 'I•·"' tllf l .I '-' llolfo l l Erosion Ex~erts Visit Newport Six Loca I Youths ~Pirate' Case Of 'Cokes'; Nabbe d T•wt t\ .... ,, .... _, th• ,,,. ... ,,lute tl• ·ut "''' f•1t t• '' 1n·· th• l"tlrth tntl lut ,, I '' \1 \1 , .... ,., "' \\ ''~•n '''''' ,,~.,ttllfn•nt ''' ''-llfH,tl•d t!tl7 1r1 •. ,.,, "' fH'If1i•1 •n•l "''1 '''" .... ,, ,,,, ·t \ I 11 , ... I'"''• tl • l•lt •. ''" IL• tu H\;t\' ,,,,,11 \\ ~•ttu •t , .. tf '• 1 111•1 ,, I!'' tt1•' 'llij,, t, 't\\ I\ \\If h II t• IHt "'''' J,,,, ,,,.l .. t tl" f·, d·t d I '"''"" It " llo•• tl• ·1tlltrl• f.,t F;.rm•'' \\lu• f•'••l ,,., • ~ .. , t 1tlll1 l'tl";' trt It •JIIIft cl It• th•lf "'I "Ill ol cl•·• I or"'"'" .\!'' '""''" 11111'1 1,.. J1 11d tn IIIII Jl ..... ol '"'" c ·, I I ol\\ Ill t . 1\· ,,, II .... ~' "I f , IIIII I fl., .. I I ~~· t ·~~' ,,,. I' • I t I'',, I lll"lllll 'f 'II"'' 1 1, t 1 "'H t J ~· I "' , .. ,, •n I "·"'"' 1 1.. f •I l~tl'-tO• .... ,,\1 n. p1•d·· ...... •jln d ,,,. n tnd ttlh, '' \\ hu fllld II' I • '"-lll'lt tit ... ltft el 11'-l \t II \\tIt ntll h •l JH 1 1, nt ,.,,,,,, 1 I,.. 1'1111• t1 :-:-, ,,, "' \1111\ Ul S.UI f ,t ft• '1'-~f"l I I' 11tf I \I f \ ht )t ( \ 1'1 f f•1 '' '' 1"•1 f II ttlu•l '1'•11 ... fit\ t~ \J ,...,,n •• ,.,. , ••uar -.1 It f I ll' fh1 t "' \ f tl t ••l1l1 f"111 ,f'Hittttlttpttt\"' •I lt\ I I . 'I IJ• l... I• ,, I I •• I' 1••1 f:t\ ·'"''"'' tltl\t .,h, t'fttllll \\" Hill t ,., 'I I f It ,. JtiiUt\ IJI .. d I , I t '""' u ttltll tt\t ufl n. ,,,, ul "'' ,,,,,,, c; • .,, ...... , .. "-n• .... ( h••• t 11h''. \ t•Jtr ultl tu•t•lut C&.·ullfU •I ,, .. ~, ,,.,) 'hu\\ tt :ah u\ t' .._, ... ~ ..... -. .. ttl ... " """'" , ... ,..till t,e•ura:•· '·""ll'""· lt-\.4)1 JIM\ IW•t. Uh tl. •"""""' •. ,, ' .... .. r 11f hh. tl tt IU I "' I ' t K f I ,, a-ll• t'UI t•wlrt\ In a ,,.,,,. ~~· .. "I"'' a•re .._.,_ .. r• It·~'""'''• C .. tu~tl•·t•·l~ '""U' •n•l .-:••n a lt•·r a p ·ar \\lth 11..- "'"' lewnll), C'h,...l•h, -.c-• .,....,..,« 2 ··tl. lw o·nll•••l " ollaclll~;rtt•l•• ruatuuu•l. . .... fUFit un It \\•1• t IKHt t•f \\Itt n I hlr't ~. "I""" t h•· ._,,., •. , n '''"''' \\tu·n d• .... , ...... uf ttir. un•l • an tu• ··~•··"'··~r· .. ,. ... h1 r anh tt1tl ... Ilk•· " ••·•w T h•• "' "'"' 1 .. ,.,.,. tol ll1o• ''·''''''' Hllol n nluuoJ, k nu\\ n. l\tUUio:.hf r f tl Ill C I nf rJ•I t\ut•·r l• Jt In t h•· t·.u $t&:"" n' " k ltt••n "( h•·•·t Kh'' It••• Jtttlt' u nt••mh•·r uf t h ,. ''""'''"" httU~~~tt•hulel nntl fnut, tu ti HUII1' II• Ill•· rnt•l•ll\ lla\itu.; "" • r knu\\n ''"' juu~l·· h.tltitn t lh•• •• ,. ... ., •• IUl' ""' ....... \\ ••• ''l!"' uf r • -.t l• ~,,., .. , ur '"' •t.!''' \ T h ut ''· 'untn '"'• 11111 '' t $5~.0,000 Selln In Pn•shvh·rian Hospital· Plrd~es ' I' •t I I Tilt: '!l T RtU'tllt:M anol t•t .. ,.-•h""" ~"" '""' ~ ,.,..._.,,,.., tu ttt l1 •ux thttc .. tnur r .. lu rnurrom nlcht of ltlc mld -•lnl .. r rr t .. hrld h) l'•nho1• ·\n1:lln~: ••luh al ''''"l"'rt lla riHor \ .. •ht t'luh. t ur ""'""'" •n•l "lnnt•,... turn tu ,,..,. 11. pll .. tu hy I tltdwor·k New 'lnh•r-fuuau·il' c'f llurbor-wide flubs Bolds 2nd Met~t: Cu I~ 'Nttufrnl' f.tJ ftl ttf J,;P\t IUfltl'"' l~h. • ''"'" H " pr•'"• .. "' "' 1 \\',, h••lt• \ ,. lhnt tht• , ........ ,,,..: ,. lit" """"'''I'\\ t tlu· '""'t tl" ••f u ur ln'Nt 11\•llo· '~'""""" til~ It ll•tt1 •'11 '" the '"''""' "' • '" .. r tho· munlo-tltatlt~ ltttl lh tot euu•tlo-lplll nlfllilll witt be '''"I•' o•ll h'lo•ttl ly ltllm lniAI•:rl'd." ""' .. '· "'"""•" ............ '. dlt d f•'t Ahht. \\'t•rt• "hun""""''' t•r .. •·J.a,,. .. fur a ,....... tuan••nl o ft ~ "•lr r •nt"toiJ t WI' 1- 11••\c tluo t. •In•••• plo•nly nf Wlll«!!r' ... 'lltol '" "'" ''"'''''"'"' of lJC'O• 1"'1 "' 111 Snmhrrn t ' llfur n.la....lna- "" •hn l. ''''I"' ~hn•tlot I~· IAkf'n and tn•~"•t•'ttt•otl '" ln,ur•' n "''*'f'' •"!P- ph· rnmrnrn~ur 11 I I' Wll h fhi' Trt- ',, .... ,. 111 l"'l"tllol lllll .•l•••lrf'd anf • \I~·• tool In "'" t II y In the' IW'd I• II tu I tit ) \t'ttr' 'ntt· •UMIIy ~ II\ nllnlolo· ""'''f llf'lnl[ limit .. ltlllkt•JI 11 httpt'l"llll\'e• l hll1 WI" I• ~Hr•• nur htlllrt· •llfii'IY •-· "Ad"'l"•'" -llalla. lot H,.... l"•rt flue..• ..,,.., Stnc..-11row1h fll 1"'1"'1.!1 "'" "not tit'\ r lnttllll'nt f11 '" '"'''"11111 lht'lll11... and \M loutlollul' "' ""r r ll)• Inlet 11 yr• loot1111l I •·•tlto•nllttl 11nrl VAI'Afl~ J\ tlt~~~ot 'll"'"'l''" fnntrtt 11l lfut'f HII Ult f ttHIII ftfiUfHHI• ttlflt t,tjl\ Itt f,1, ll t',l tftiUfllttt'l ntft.~tUith• M"Wt•r •IW """\'" , ... tlt~·l rtl••t C".•utHtl lt•ld fh,•u , ... 1 t tttf"t fiiiJ.! ,,.,.,, . ._l.t\ ,.,111," '"'1••""•1 '"I • ,.,,, whtt• h nal!l We tl •h• '•\\1••tf llu d htl ,,.,ftt tlult "''''' t.. l••tt •~,~tu1 ~r 1 ... 1 .~,1ul h•lt•\• .,,,, •Hntt ••lth~·r a iUI"'R. I .. tnttlltl• .. It• tdHI "' '· ... ". llh h\\ I\ ' .... tt\\ ,,. I .I II tC '.1 ... u~·~·uu ,,, IH '''''''"'' ''"" \4'lth othf"r ....... 11 .. •·•tHI•'' \\IH1It fulto\\t tl ._ , .. , •h••ttltiiH"•nuul•• tttat'Mir~IUt'ft •' l"""l•rn• J•tt"l' \\lllun llt•·h l I t 1 I _. ,,,, 1 th. 1.'1 ''' -'I '"'' ,u ttl u ho~ll ,,,, 1 1 nru pro •'~ 4•Ur ,,.,n,.. "n •• .. . .,,,a f '· 'h• 'ud d1 n ,,,,,,.,, 1 ~'"'hut 1 '' '"1,.., 1,. tu·lu "'· ''ur nuMit vnlu•hl~ 111-.t. ••I tlu •lt u11h11 uf ••IIH11l•l•'•'' tt 1 1 th• p .. t.•• ••t 11" l ttl•l '"lmJ.,-u\r"""-t -..4 r ... trnl -* '"''' '" 'l"'"'"' \\hat tho\ \llllool I' II• l h• •Il l th•\ "tll 1111111" ho-af'h -~~ ..., ..... f .... tlla..; Thr . It 1 'I' I I .. It • I I f I ,,. ' t1 \. '"''' ... '""''' A I" "'tilt ,,,, ,l.tll\1'11111•'>11111 I I I II\4MI uUiaiMn .. lnl( .. ur.l'lklf\ f o ~ ~ ~ •• ..,,.,~lM ..JIJ ~~~.:;:.~~;;"'")I"'' 1 "' ttlh<'r 00 ll''•tplo ronlrmpl•tlnl lhe ~ . r :1'1 I'IIIIIIW lrwllt•t1 n, •. ntll~~ ,. I -· .. ,• -·twl . ,.., ,....,....,, f'lt tlot"N'II ht """ GAIAl&> I 'I '' "'' ''"'~••·t ''"'T"' \ tll41:f"tl ... .. , "'''lltll•tt••tt uutl , ... , .. 111• ••• 1,,, "'1 '"''' 1,, .. ttt,,11, (, .. ,., 1tlf It\ t• flu· \t•nr r·nurtd t~auty and l•tr• '"" 1111 , ttlllll\ "' ""' lutriMtr nud ho•.._ \ .. Itt•\ Itt\ It t•f1t11' •ltoot ••1 ~~ .. ,. ''•••If ''''"'''·''' *••'1' ''' f1u''' •h••U itl tw• •H •lt•\i•l..-..llf"ff , .. I ••II• ht ft tft .. ~ ~, f1 tfl It d ,.,, n• • d '"' • ''"''' tl • tl' I I I rl "'' • '"'''" ltH I''"'" '"'" 1• '' ''' "' pi"" 1 •• '"'' 1 tll11u I( It '" ,, • I I \ j tl II I It It t• ,., Ill' ~ ttl , t Itt/ t t 11 ttl llrt.f• t \\ f tit fl '"' lr • 1 1 ""''' tl I' tlt tfl• '''I" I II• fl•1fl I \ltt't, r • ''""It' t•' '" '-.. ''" ht• I"""'"''' I It·" ' 1111 II I I ull· \\ It I r .... , Ill ' 1 I I \\ ' II I I II • loo I " ., ' ,,,. I• I f tttf'!ll d 11111 l'l"f''l'\ '1,. II• I !'•" I I II I I> II· • t t I I l11 It• •'. t}!!ttt , I· •I ,,, II I• H I ltHJ}•' 1tr " I tl o I I I ~ I . ·I t-i)f II •t\f h ,,, th 2 Marine Fighter .. ;· Craft Hit; 1 Dead f 'I f I \•t ft lIt fof f dtlt 11\lf" f I tft loo t lllfl\o lt1l1 l'•llh h t\\if\1.._, \olftt\ li t\ '""'' 1 IIIII:• t•lnnnlnt: n• In alll'ltld 11,.. 111 "111111111 tlllll'"'l"" 11f H~ 11 ''""'l '''"I tttllqth· ,,.,.,,.111fnn"l I " IIIII• • \\lilt f ilii ''"t"lolo•r~tflnn •• ',. It ! t t\t, "'' ,, 'II.. ''''" I I J 11 t # ·,,f, I'••' U \ \\ tltt I t •• I "11H' ''t\t U lttt Ut • I .. u r uUr yuqfh • It I ,,,,,, t ,, I \t II lttt Ill• '" .. ,.,., ..... , ............. ,. ............. .. t•J,.n: I loll tot'~~ rtl '"lilt II( htt• ltf'f'n 1'"" I '11 " II '11 "1 l 'l" '"l'""""l tttt•l tt •lr11111tl 1.,. •tu111t-d I ••H •t 1 ~.;"11''' ''''''''"\'''''" u ''''\'-of,.,. uuu•n•Un,;c If • .-'~'•· J l tllh ltl ~··'""'l \ • •I tlll .. llltll' ,, tit'\\ pl.lll fll"llj.>l'lt-4 f.uid•n \\. t 1t I ll•·lol ~1 .. 111' htf•• t ltt fulttt•• •tt u •unlntf f•n•tl \II '11' I lot I "'II .... \\ J••l l "f'..Uiotf lreofllt• aftol kf " t I II ,, .......... , 1'1 \ I .. par .. I• '" I' 11 1 1 . '""''"'' flo,. ltol•n •lll "' fttlltllr ' ., ' '11 111' ft ttulu' 1 "''' t \ Htul ·~ut\ 1 ,.,,,,,,,,. tl•·utuntl• t I I • '' • 1 I ,,If,, 1 t '' nl I fti~·h 1 llliHI "'It u ttUt • klltt V tw· truttft• nf I 1 '' 1 \l1 1 .. '"'1' ·'"''" Sutl II•• It'" • urut ptttklttj' Mt H.~ntlt'" \ ••· ' 1 '• " ""' ''"111' '" \\tlh 1 \I•" tov.1utl .. n ttttHf··•l c•Uy ••• '''' \\il '1""1' \1 tl•l ""'' lttfft• '"'" IJ-ttkln•' '"tlllrr.l 1'"1 1 1 s,, "'11' tdtu t • ' '1 1 f ,. '" I ·I· I 1 • ''"I''"' I I ' , ' I!"',, I ' f '''" ' .. 'I ''''""''"' !t C 'at~~llclat-, ... 'lltlllld .... , '" I''" Ill lhf" \futf t•HIUttlrtlltft~t 1 Htl tHt \tl r r 1Utt"l1 " •• H••l lutf 1111''"'"' II "'·'' I tUft I •I "1 It• ,.t 'I' I ... \ \-\ dl llfHtiiiHt• •• .,., It • "· \\ t It l1 f •• t ,,,1,. I tof l•lltl t•\ ''" tlurt 11\\'ft Mu\'••1 (' I ,,,, I , lltl ,., ... i' I f 'ltil • "' II .,I ... t I II I I 1'1 ,,,, tift ft td"i .... ,. I' dt• I ~~~II MI I ot ~~ t\ I ho t I . . ... I'll 1 I t .1 ,1 1,, 1 lilt uuf I·.• II, 1,.1,, j ! lf••d \1 l"flfl !"'\l lf r ltlifl f',,,_.rt \If. tt t111 ''"'hf "'" ,.,,,,. "''' tn .. 1 1 "1 " \\ 11 •h~ ,,, t1 •I• • ttl I• h 1hnl tt•1 ~ will t \\ • • I I I .... l o • I lo 'I I' •I • ... I •" 'llfl ...... , I ' 1\ tJ fti f"1f, ttl ht I\\ I''' 1'•''111flt d tn ftl• -'' ;n1'• nd • to.ftnFt'' .... ·rh•' \ • ... ,I. t1t II f l ft'-lt•f1 fllttfllt fl""'- ttltl 'lit '11Hiw..., n•1\\ lu tn._ .• m :ult 'f ~ \\ It,,. " " 1 "' •... It I I • IM •lll • tfltl , ... ,, I II ·· I I ' 111' I If I I • :\1 II II!, II I" "' ,,, l ut I 1• 1'1'''1 t \1 ., ,.,, lincoln Day Dinner Set \I til f I • ,, 1,, ",. '''I"'Htn f., lttnl '' '""• t•••rn · ....... 1\, lh•·rn I" fhf htt,\~ fllJt ''II'""' I I " 1!1 'I• II fl '""' I I '-tft• ""' "1-1 ltflftr'•tV • I •• " ..... 1ft "" Jt11 "P' il\'t11d rl••tnt.: '-tt 1f lht•\ frlt• t1 t''H C ·~·1 h• l t .~u i' "• n ,,,,. t1 '' ''" r.n,l 11'117 r•t llrl1 .. n n ... ~t.on.r .... l ''"1"'11 II ''""I II• 1\" ,., .. Il l I \II oolltttllool 1'11111 ,,,,''''I •• J ,1.-n1 11110 tudt\ f 'tH•Ifv •t If\ J n .. \n••l• "'''''Itt fq lllltl' .trt\ '"' U trnlttl 'fl u fh lt~ntch t fJt~ncl ft\P"t\•1 tl lf.nf.,,r lllli'''''•Jll•nt pt•·~'l itt1' of ''''' l.tktl1 to 1h• -.:t..ttnn "'"' \\Ill ht• :dl ''''' #rh~tt '" '"'''' 1•1:\• "·'" lu tn c t.tttt•tl ,.ur ~~~"' '''" l••••l··•' "" :• Itt"' th,f• t :llttrl'h f~> \\)H'n \'nt•)p ~:1m \\111 1 ("OIII't\0'1 !'.tl"n "Ill"' r11ll\ II ' •1•111" \\'nnt ytHtr (lfl!trtrrl~ pn~,_m,~nt nn (••I n~t d "n ~, '' , .... t lt~u "''r . \r 1 ,,,, d '• 11 F"r ,In' 11 ,,,, u I' ''''Jr , ~tlfn ll•·rl l'll~ •nron11 '''II .... th• • rn ... l••n prttlt1• n1 "" 1t • 1•.-1.1 '·• I , .... , Jt.t h ,_,, .. 1 t, ( ...... , w :II• '111" lui• l'•ll•·rt \llllr '""''''"r • 11 on.:• l't• e•l h'o\ tnt' "r\'• rl I or \f, • o 11 1111• l ll11\ \\ 111.,11 I'< l •• rri s:o\tnl'~ and pull )C•UI~•·If tn-·n:lll\ "'"' "' l l•p:>llnt· n t l" .od ,el \II•" t 1'1 , ... ,, • :II• "·'· :en1l I• II "· f1'1fllll • I .,,,I I It• lolotlf I I '•' 0 t• .. II ,,, ,, I (I,, I If • ( I I' I I t ~~. It ' ft ;,, '·· . ,, I " • I d •• t• 11 und 1' "''• • '' I· t' f ·,,,,. ,,, • J 'I• I I t 1:,, .,,,. ·~··· • f I •• I 'U\ '·'!("'' 1 ... f I.,, I I, I I ' ,, •I . ,., \' " I •• ., Ill t:rtlwr Tnrnllll'(l\\' it will ho 11ll tit• '"~ ,\m·•l•'-.,1ft•• ~of lho·ll't\•nllo• 'J'It1 jll\ontl•' '"I'' I• 111ft I j ,, I I tllill I ... J I• I !j ', 11\'r r I lln:11ol "' l "nr·~t.••• r'-. 1 '~,\ I J'"'' fl In llll'lr p:oro Il l< I I I ttl\ I , .. ,."' \\ .... " I ,,. ... tUn• :.ntl tl. I" ··d I '•) Harbor School Children Become Jr. Firemen • (·nrtllllll• tl •• , '··· I ••·' In One of Finest Courses E\'er Offered Here Controversial ll.orl~or t.;rlol11111'lr 'rhr,.ll ''" \'11'1•11 '11••11'11 With lh• ~td nl l ll" ~•h••ol\t:ol Tito•\\hnlo·t'<lltr" rirnt.: nf th•• ~1th nnn fith cr:.rl•·• """'' .·1·1t•h' h\ 11111!1•" I" r.no r;,~ .• < '"" \t•or• f,.r •'•1mplott•" ar• unrlo rl:oktn~ nn• nr th•· ftnr~t ;en•' I '''" \ n•r•·~'"~ I "l'h· , tultlr' I \\.II h ... ,, lht tr t.:o•l .• ' rnttr,•< '''•r to h•• u ff•·rrrl In Th• l •'t"n" nl !llf 1 .. ,.,,1 11111 1111"'1\'lt '"' )"''~' an•l turn th•tt1 Payment un H. I. Pavement Lish•d ~l'hntll duldrrn llr• t1 \\ •• ~ "' t.:ro :ol lh:lt '"'"'"'' •·I I'" ,. '"' , nrl ,,( Ill• ;,,h. c r ·o•!• ........ 1 ··~l.t\ ,,, I. I\ T o• I ol• I Ftrr prr \'f'nlinn hll< h•·•·n tntn• t ill' r• qouro•n 11111• h•11tr I" r \\••r•k •• e 111 Tit••'• h•.t•ltn~ hllfh:r·"' ol J A Cnnl 111n,.n1: 1 1 o·r11~ ,,f ln'"ITl' c1urrct n~ p:lr1 nf th~ rt·t:ulnr C'Ut th• tnur'' '"' 1K-.t nt• t:u1rht '"'•''!'"' •rut ,,r lh•u '-1'-'h ..,,.h,.,.tt ,, ,r nnft ,.,1 ~11..., \\ , ... tl1 , .. ,..,.1.'.11 .l nruhlm :tl hnlh ~rhnnl• nn :1 h'\<1~ ll:t~ "" rnu•·h :o< lh,. lhro• It< t;oro I• rnuP"I Ill k•·•f' lh t I• ''' fl'J\'mr•nl ••I ~>-.'til '•.' '" .J \: 1n•nllral \\lth 1hr C'll\' ftrr ctqrarl In th• •rhnol rlt,tnr l lh• r• 1• tnrl lo1rlp• • lrr. rtmtrrwtrlr f,.r th,. p11VIfllt of l mt'nl uhlrh ~urrn·1~,.~ lh" prn-••n• F1ro· C1ud 11nn h" ;"''"'·•nl r '.,ltr<t" 1•1 '"" toxt ··r• h:en•ll•d hilt·'' ,,11 )\.oft. .... 1 J u t! 'I•·• d "''' I l'rnm ~:rwh ~l'lt•l'ol hus tl' Jl:ottll!ltnr '""' 11 II\ llw r•'l'1tl:or •er·tetl• ""' htm'" ~I l.' lli'•:-1"1' :'l:rllrl~ thrt-<• Y"llr< Ill!" thl~ IYI • l"hl• f nnd •ltth d;,.s II• C"npt . .,,. ''h i'''' "''" hllm• ""'k and ~'I 1\ '"''"""I"'''' "I nf 1rr-t~ntnJ,:: \\';l4ii mnrlt' n p:trt .. , ,:,l"'r \ ~tud, nt ,., 1h• .... th nnrl #~t l n. ,, ,, , .. ''" lflPrl Jn tY.n ,. , •• " ,,,.,,,,., Ill• • ftlj"l I ,, •. Jl ~tt. '-·rnrt~.,... \\Ill hf' Jn'J"'rf,,r, Ju•n .. 'J"' I• t q , ~,h •ntl ftn••'' •, "''"'l•l• ''''" ft.:u•• ", .. unnt•••r~· t·d llh•• <llllt• f'tltlrlllinn rntir• lout nn• prO\I~Jnn h:t,_, pr·r\',.,Af"d Jt«; tn J\\\otrfi, fff lh• '"th·•' q h, \ Ut f f d~ l'i1 h l'l"trl•• ...;, m• nf 1~ •• Tht• ;unr,q"-d ,, 1•• tld1t• ,1'1• • II I .. ,nrur'tflnn Arrnrrltnl' ,, th.-. ('IY1•' idf n1trHI , •• fi\JJ f't'\ •·nlpltt\1 ~I 'df It nt ,,, I' .. ,,, n I '"'''''" tq ,.,,.,,,. ,,., •rt•l 11'"• ,,, ·~·' '·' , • l t h H m!~tt• m,•nnnr lor ftfl\' c:rhn~~l \\'til h•~ hH'-1 tl r1n th• ••'Jfl'•'ll·• ,.r , ',,,, . ) ,,,., d c;,,, 1\ l ,, :td1\ tf"rlal~o, '', 'II .. ' '•7'• ._., I 'n1 '' lpr1.,,..1,t'll ur ln~trurt nr no t fn ,1f 'l •nrr•''''' lfl'"l_.,,,,,n ll\ttl• h\ 1-.,,,r fl''l'>•k'•J~t nL' i' J';t~•r 1-,,,,.,,,,,,,, ,,, ·~,,·,,t .. , 1'•1 • "1 lh• • lultlr• ., "' th• or """ lt••-n• I'•· '' ''t"n r ·,.nftn• II ,, 1-$Wlr.r.k 11, 1"T th•' ('(HIJC:f" n t )f":t'"f nn,.. r-..nod ·•ntl ntu·tt..nz ttMttl.. If•\' ~"'' trt J '''"''•ll'h•'l t1 f t.• ~~•· f •l'•hli'•· •·I 1'1f''' 1' • '\rh \\(•• k Thr I',,, h hn~ .... n th'tl lh• ,.,ttt. n1~'• \trrt\tt1•"~ '" •' 1\\1 "'' 1... ~I",,. lntr,..-t ,, ,., f1\ "'t • 1' It'' ''' .,,,,It "' •I v.•:•• un•t•' • .,, I" r ,. n• I• ''''', t lth• 1~r•·•·r·1rP iend ,,,,~ rn•ht '" lnt• t)• f1tlf•ll' tn 'tu h·tt'''"' '''"' d•• \\•11 111 •••uh "'"'' tJnrt,r•' '"''"rn, :lll'tH•IIIfd J,, tt, ,,. I ·•'' P' ,,,,lut ~,h,•~l ,,fl"l'd~ frf· .. ~~r •''"''''''r ···, ,f f11• ,,,,\tH'I•" T•,, ~n~lfl rntrtt•:•l ,,.,c r~r~p·, ,, <'tl 1, l 1 q ·• 't'1'l , r r • • • 1 • 0 1• 111 •' ,\ r1 • .. ' ,f t1 r • '' , "· 'Jrtt' 1 r• r• t'' 1 I '" 1 '111• ltl•• l•u •lu 1 •t·" l••t" '"' • 'I"' ,,,. •·f ·," 1••1 1 J\, ' VETERANS ' ART SHOW ='#''1'"' .. ' 1f d'"1T t\1"1"1"' ht\• t}1 •t •rr. ,f lt•\•t'''' \\h••! tl1 •l.ll•!ttn t !11 trHI ~ ;rinf'!1ftrt rn11rt tl •tfl '~lrt'4.tf'ld ,,f ~It ff\•t t f 1} f1ftt.tfqrltttrt r'l\flfl ~ \t1llf h't't'l and lf lll ,,,,}I I 11 'If! otfl f 1J j d•1" or~ tn t11, t .. ,,1 l''"'"t ••11 'h 1• to•·" P • •· "·''· r ., ... "'' · '~' r ""•I• 1 "' l'i'h lh• m T t " hllttt. t,.1f .. 't tl wo r.,, 1"'111 rue il" th• ftr•n ,,( ...... ~ tnd ,, tu ,,r ,., t", ,, .~,, I, II P" I t ., "' ' ,, "' ·t \ t,IIJ'-~ ... ltnrl ,. ,,,,n l\ "' lqtif ..,, ••• r • 1"' I ,., .. 1 1,,,,., 10 t\r r· •t nt\ f•i-'•'' •tl ' · h \ tl, d r•r ,.,t.,th ""''' rr"r•· rtlttttJf \\ tf "' tt• f l.,.,.,,. \l,r ,,. "''' v ttt t"' •t , ,.,,,. t f,r .a, ·•I' ••• • ,,, ,•tt n n,rttJrtn J-•Jpf: W t thtt"dt\ 't t •ut.hSt'•u•S II C11~ F r,. In-• , .. , r l'htl II o\tl• · I' 1 .,.,.. •I , ., • , ,1,1111,1, , ,,. T'l 'l \"I" ·nn...: 1'/\Y~. 11 r·•"''~ -o ~1lnt "111 t ... ••n ~h•1" oel II•• I '\(lr r mnn~ rlt·l t\'-. h t~ clro\\n '·'·I' Arl•r '"' ""I'~"" tet e• IIJlf"llnl••htll• ,,, I• rln Nln'W"IOU. Ill ~~"' N('11 .ctHI ,,..,.,1\l'rn•·•kl thr J)'>~l• m for lnaf'htnJl anri hn.s tel tho prns:n•m ronllnui'S throuah l duty of I'VI'f')' Afnf'ri('an ," "'- 'I .. II ., I • 1 I •I '" ,, •I I ... .. I I \~ ' ' I lo I to! f lo 111 • tl• •••••• l ' '"II J'•l•·tl•ll' tfi . 'II · oil I • I I , • I 111 I q' .. ,,,' "''' Il l I' 1•11f '' I • tlllfU•t f t L-'llf f rt•tf ,, olf tl , I If t '',,.,Ill. J I lt fl fl ,, 11 , 10i. ~~~ j CITY IN BLACK BY $713 ,610.59 f,.' I q I \I I (1 1 t ,. I I I f j l e t f I I I I I ' . 1,, , I I • I I II• lfl .. '" t •• , ••• ,, • , • I I\ "" ttl I J J l I • .... I• , t tl \1 II If • I I , I I., I ,. ,I I. 1 .. 1!1 "'" "' ,,, '"' If f ''tlfl ! I I " II , •I ,, I o o, I I •' I I I ,I ,, I flolf t1 1 lt •l I 1l • \ft• td !Ill I' I'• I ' , , . ,,,, '•dtJI if I 'll I' ''I 'J It • l111l • ,,, •• t. tlo l '•f I t f t. d I. . •'• ~-I , I f'llll1fll rtf 1 'I f I 11 I ~ 0 '' I : t • I' ol I l•• II·• I ,, f 'J 1ll l1• I i 1 f li I I I • t , .. I I 1\ fill\\ du• • "· I I I, t ''"''' .. ,,. • • •l t I ,f HI ... Ill \~. I. I' l J tl I , . J • \1 . d , •• flllifll '" ,i "If 1,,,,,, • • I ~. I. ··I . f••lfW I • ,,,,,, "' .'1ft', td I "''I \I, ... f I''' ••• t II I I ,,,,,,. 'h ill • .. ,,,,.,,,, 1\f ,.,h t lruu u•utl "''·"''• J., tl1• t11onth ,,f f h ·t ••trtl"·r w 11a ,,,,, .. t1 11p ,,,fi ,.v t,v .J A (!un t~ ,,, • "'' t " "'' .... 1 $kt·. 1~.'1 ,,, ""~ l'ltl- ltt lo •I t,\ Itt• , H\ il tit filii ltn• ltftt. ''" ''1"'1'' '""''"'" J.,, .. ,dnttt,.... ""''"'"' d tq ~l lt!,ll.,l '•1 wIt h '" l•rf 1.' ,,. "'~''t .. ntftltW "ur'r-uof• • I• 11 1 111~· II t1 .J:tft# t• tfl (71 \.f.fO !'ir!') ,,,, "" ftlftttfh GIRL SCOUT HOUSE, TEEN CANTEEN GO UP SOON .. • I· .ti • • c' • IIII~"'"D PI l OU f "'I "' "' t ,... n••w lt~tnw ( lc.p.. I• It 1 ,,,.,, lo •" 1 ·,,Ill• •·o· '''"' ''"'"' I• It 1 "oil j,.,,,, J,. lllltlo•rw~t y 11••"' \\lift ... ,,..,,,,,, tl•ttl tr•nflt flv•ly plrtn4 IP d It, h1 ~'lfl 'Vtltlt 11tttt' rti'.Jtt Y.t'f'""k I • • • • .. 1 'IIV J•n •t••r!y l11r 1ttrd f•• 1\\•' II f1•1J hUff f)\th Nttt•4•f,t~ un 1 • "'' d "" w• ro· ~IJ,:1u •I Ire • l•tlol "t • "'"II) to I , ll y hnll Mttn• •1•1 It• 1•••" ut1111( Itt•· r.trt ~"IIJI v . ,, \Trot L~utrllf' Vln''''"'· htttld· "'I' •It •I• ll11trt, 1\tr ~ lttolplt JH-awor. J•••llt• I JttiiHII fltll )' 1\Jihfnn , ''"'''""\' l••r t,u1 ~,.,.,,,,.. M1tyur '1 ll IC•, d Mr• Jt.,lw•rl l<l lld,..r r •If '""I •1ff1• •· 1'11.tlnn11n, Mrs' \\'.1 1'• 1 I t '••I• • '''""1l~•l••r11 r : 11n<l \1r '''''' 'ltlfl ttl "'•t·rt tery f • I" h I tl 'f Pit Jlt "t u t h. • "'f•f'f": '''" '"''" lll•lltrii'H, Mt ~ Jo·rrold '''"'I'''' •lttoltlltrtl1 r1f T•·••n ('Jtn- '' •" I rw M11Vttr r I II ftl"rtl, Mrs. "11111 II• Shirl• • T~tp r~ow, C'ltllurcS l'rtpp, 1.< ltnv Jlr,wn. Rlr hl\rcl l•orH·•. ''"' '1-I llt 117RI nnd lion Mc-- l ':ellum. •t•ulrhr IIOtty prl'tlldrnt. Nr"porl llnrhnr t lnlon llllh ~hoot P-T~ Ia llpOMOrinc bcJdr. .. • • -. f•.nn !ltr UNITED PRESS -' ' '" , .. , ·- " lo " . ·I ' '' '"''to I " I>' I• I !I• ,l<ttl• -~· <I ,, od " 1 to• I''"' -• ~-.. 11~ for I''' ! I "lol!'l tu.o~ Llt.:hl tn.1 Clay Asserts He's in Berlin 'With No Fears' 1'•1 ~ , 1111 1., •I 'I • l• I • • ''' I''"',: 1111" •" I 11''11 • • 1 • 1+ '·• •I '' o<\ , I lo) '-' tl• 1 'loll't"d' r "I I"'",,. II )\II• lo ,\ \l1• IIIIJIH't\,.1•'1••11 1'•••1 ••l I\., 1 "" I hlnl, 11..-oh•i"ll• ol I l01t101 1 , , , 1" , " •I" '" lo I '"' '" 'I"' f• •I 1 "' \•·, !• "' ,,.,,,., •• ,, ,\~"nd~lh)11· ,],•• I i 'lll't•1m;,~ Smil• , '<'"'I • I 11fftl!t'tw J,t " pulo11o ...... lo olll•l """I' ""~ '"""Ill I"' ' " --1 '\• W(••t"l Hart .. 1 1• • 1,., . 11• 1 · ol•furnia \\ •:· !;,,,IIIII>• tti \,, 1"1'"'"""1' ••td \\1 :-.. 11 111 •,, I \ 1.1 \"It•'• \·unoiiNo• \i•h ·•l ~J:I0':"\11:\1 11 111 h•·••""rl• ,·,,,,10 1 •I· I '.I 1 1 I +I· [lf:JU.l!\1. J:.n. l!j 1111"1 Go·n o'tll'!"••l<i 111•1• piold 1lo11 111~ I I" ''''I 1 , , 1.1, I •I Lucilrl 0 . ('Ill~-, ('olltlnoou ll l•r·lll·l •ll•l••l .lw" :"''· 1'117 rontl lh• ,.,,, c•hk f uf llw l l S o>l""ll\•lo/11<11 ;,,,,. t1•1oll••t ,,.,,n111t•••l '" ,,lltll ll••••"l Nlltl Jonll!h1 t hut lw 1~ In ll.•rlin (1!-1 ••~""" t111• 1·Loorn• ""' ,, 1 ll.li tht• •l!••nl uf a t~•untry 1''''' '"''l !th•1t ·n1, 1111111 1,1 ~~--,'1011t,:\1<J I JTII'..,UI"f'llblo· 5tn·~~~lf1 "" un~l l!lil' lu· ,., Jll'"~' ,,. '"' tllr fl·h.,-,.f Sllf1 .• 1 lrtll'Nh lo n•m"'" ho•r" "'lt h no f>ti t.o:-.11 ,,,,•r ttw Y•"''' ""'1··•1 I It• \< ,_, .. ' • Iran; and no IWT\'<'' • •l•·~plto' loll};_~· - R~¥~1r.--lt>~t"lh...-\J.'l'!ll· H····· /Ill<"' 1 ,,. tlu· ~II II I•' r•·n--1 nTI Allies. IIJ• -.r.: t•·r ,.,.,,, ""'' tlw !<Ot lt ,,,.,·;ol In a fiJio"-..iRI ~·-·•· m• 111 "" ,-, •• p .-11r , ,.,.,,1"/wd " '"1ul ,-.r $iilf.l.·l~i-.. "- n-nt "'flronu l u o\ru•rt•l'n~ "''d l !•~l '"''/ ,.,.,.,.,.,,,tJ 1.o•h ,.,, •. ,,.,. ' t.he \mj'l""'' lhro·ut pO'I ol .~lt· rl In 1!11n'• !11" ~\.'•:1.:11.! or.:t 1,1,.,,1 1 1 t he H.od Arm~· Ml t•· .. tl no•wsp:opo·r Kuoho•l .,,1,1 lh•· ,.,,..1 11! !-:'"'"'" " It, • ' l h11t R<ISiilll llllf"ndJo ''-' f1•rn tlh-""'"' !1~;11 1 , • ., ,.,,1,-r 1111 ,.,,.I• •·x 1 I''·' t" ' fl • I •I J' i I 110 I "I I • :, "I''' ""''i'"' ~ .. Tr···t•ll)' for 1'<• 11., 1 I •I I 1 ,, I• II"·"'"'' •toni\ oiH! 1hC ITlOIII '" '" ,, , ,. """ 1 1• ,• ·" II" 'lu"lr"''~ Ll~o:ht on~ ,11, "' ''" J••" Ill'' 1 1'' \I I III '" l .h~.;Unll-Be:n h I :•t! :--,.111.,,trB.,II><-,a Hr('a·,,,. .. , ..... ,, .• "'' I I ' 11 .r.l. 11 ,, 111, .• ••1\ I ""''r o!oJ, rt~<·n tion. Tit• ,1 11 , '''"'''" ,,,,, •t·••ll """'"''· the trop~<• "' 1-,,1.,.,, ,1, ;••·•P'''' I•; 1•ool tu ~r;,rlon KVr •l \Ju I•. 1, r1 1 .. •••1-• ''" • r .. r rh splaye "'•II• " d•• 1 1, ,1\1 •)" ··••r"! '"rot '"II>< flolllin~o: Chn"'' ,.,,, ,.1,01 _1,,,..,1 ,,. , '''/'' '' ="'•"P"rt H a rh•·r ""''' ,11.1 1 ,,1,o~, .. "'' ,,,.,,, 1•1 '"'"''''n 111 thb cl:..-, l••o o ,,, th• '''""'''''~" rllspl11y :•' j•>il '" ol I '''"' II • I '">I HI\ I 'OIIIIho·) .1•-·) I lt.:lo• lo\o•f'• ,ool , '"'·"""'' l•luto '!liJ111I !Io•d II\ 111, \ .... ,_,,,.,! (,,,,,,,.,, .. 1 t'••ni- . '' • .o il• I 1<•1=•.1, !Ito• lul \11"•• uf 11, I"' l""''d l!l ll-1 I lt ;on~:•• (',.urtly I '" lo ·•l..•·d "'"''"""·11 <lark 1'1• tolo•lll \\ I. J ol! "I 111•'11' ):,":,::,'1":;~'"~;.,::~.,,~;: .,,_,! ,.,,. ,•,unt~ tr:m~r.•r 1h1• ·~·~ 111 l.w · ftmd' '" tlw .l:tnrl • '''"'"I l•t•tr""l r .. r opo•rattnn lito• loll!", l1111 1111' ("loUI\1 )' ("0Ufl"''l I -.w! n u •• !lot' l'(>ll ld nn! .... tluno• •' ........ • ·, , ""''I'' IIIHI•·r '"n•rliW1 1:-ondition~." I Sr.\\'I 'OKT u ,\KJIOK 1 •. \\\'S KO\\ l.t:K:>~ •·lo·t•t,..d th.-tr !ljH\ folfh-..r~ 10\ th.-ir annual dlnnn f'le<"llon •t "[li"""I IJ.:Io · i>ul linN I 11_, (>lll'dllt"'• Surlun '" <'&If> ,\lu nda ,, nlto:hl . t:h·•·to·d "''''"' ("ul. U. ('. ll&lll•r, [ll'..,.ldo•nt : .\II'. t "f'l'd ('".,.1.-r, \"l<-•·tJf.-..1- ••1 1,,11 ,:11 ,11111j,,_ l!UI Itt• ~.-ud thfll l d r 11t and 11. \\ \\"h,....ll'r, ..,...rl'lllr)'•ti'Pil~Un-r tr .. ~lf'<•ll'd l. IIUTT0;\1 lruny 1rfl: \\. 1. J u rdRn. ~~"'-t~mmll lln~th•-.. llull. \Jr.,_ U (' Hto uf'r, \I...._ :\Lo hul.., llrrtn.-r, Tmu Uulluwo·lt, \1 .... t "l'l'd f"ruoJt'r •. \lr ... 11''' '11P''rl li'!O'~ t.o.vulll h,l\t• l(l 1''· AIIJoorl Hu~kt,... tlt&uf'r "'"'"'I -TUI' lrum 11·'11 : ('hMflf'• \\a\·, Hill .Ioiii+'"", f'h11rllt' llult. ''· U. H<>n-11.- 1 "" 1 ••n il"" " 11Jlo•ru1tun lll llh~ll-:h ('ul. 0 (' Hllllt'r, !'Ot'UII)" Jun1-.., .-\I U\l&lltl, Cat•!. {". \". ·.\lo•('•rt ~·. 1'.-rry \\"IUIMIII...,II. t-'f'l'd ("..-.:,..J.,·r: 11 11111:ht I•· ]lf"'sihl~ tu t.o.IJrk nut "I .'\"it\1'1(1)., Hrf'ln.-r. phul" Ill lhtl"iii'OO.:I; 1'1 "1-!'~'"' f••t f.tlr m Hnn,::o-mrnl wtlh ..... ·""'"1"""1 """''" Harbor Costa Mesa Boy Scouts 'BRING YOUR WHITE "''l" ,.,_j~,~~~ •J.-•ttkJng tndtvnhml-! •' 1' ":"1 "'"' ""'' -~~" ""~· Unite 1n First Honor Court in Year SLIP'-YOU'RE TOLD I"JI1tn~o: ••Ill an)' o"{otJnty mon;:,>"'l 1"1' tlw l:_tir·. ._ . 1/llrhor lll"l•:o :oml ( '"''" ~1··-~a ol . 1,,,1 tl•.•olo •o '• 'I II• '" h .on•l I hi.' I('(Y<tul wt•fiil•tn Ailll'-' nu t "I tiot• ,-,opl!ut, t•·rul <lur•~ .,f 1101• ~llo!• \f,• '"'''' Clo.y •aid ; '1ho n>:o"'>r lrul<•r~ ''"lltnl>utlll" ,., '''11 1'1'"1" ''' •II· I r " .. ttl\ '"' ol 1o o\ I" "lo '"I ltm h<'rt' 1111d Jn l<'l<tl '' ~1.1}' !IW llll'l"l'l<'<" Jo• f••ll<lll< [/11"1"'''" tv-~'" Jo~l; IU tlt~l'liiOn~ Hr • Ill .,j 1 1 11!11\\:0)"~ IIIH"IU'Itnl! lu~;1111 11.1 \11! \\II.J j ,\\1 h. \\ \1[!(1·.:---. 1, ,.,,. 1l••• ulol''""' !10 GiiiX'rt Mr I WILLIS H. WARNER h· 'lll·· "' ~.,,~"""" 11":.ch. WILL BE ·HONORED lll•t rl.-1 ,\,.a rd• , Hoy St·outs omtll'ol m lllt'lr fir~t ll'mu·l ,.f ll"n"r "' n••:t~"l} ,, "'"r Fnrl:o,l m..:h! :o T 111•' \'•,.1 -• \l•·~a ~1"11111/llHr SdHoOI lll<i 1\ o\iM,, j ,l:utrl , .l<olm t;tll•'•!ll•', ''''"''"'"~!o ·1· m:•tl•• 111<" ill\al"l !~ \!h n I l:ot.-11, Itt·~ I 1');,~, .1/>d (;,,,,.. ll•'l" o]wl :•II• I ,\)!an 1.•"11 •~-~··•·••nd l'lllSS \lool••! \ol,tolo• <11111•7~ llo·to • ro·· !llolld• d '''''-'~ Ill<'~" rnusl f orm~ 1110 1r 1~•11 11lu1. ro 'l!'s'r"'"'n ('ant~ \\ ho·n a ppl) llli,: ,fr li('l'll~r rl'• Jwwals m y hll.~-f"om~tr·urt to"' 111••1 •'~t"'nol llttr•·~1 1,1,,1,1,, 1-,,1.,,11,1 •I· I :O.Iol l"ltf'~&lll t':.•unti.IWII Jtr"lll 1:•'~"1""' 111.\ all .. r•;olor•n< '" Sur•· 11 , •h .. u1ol Untlrd St111f-s oul hl'.ftitl'' lo·o•l •'llu•~l ~:!'11\3(\lli~t '•l'l•,rtuot\· . that II lhr Unlto•d St:olo•J> tJUIIo·d nwnl~' ol ,.;,-,,,.,: 1,',11,.1•• lto'•·ll.~,-~ 11,11 1 ' 1 1' 1 "·• (lUI tot llo·rlin lhl' po_ollllltl!l Ill lilll'h lt•o·• t""Jn l.wu" Till~: I 1" <"l i t•·~ 1md I,,,,. l•.llh \\, apoU 115 'I'rlr.Jic, Gr"·f·, .,, •··~ $111.7 14.R51 apr••r tlon-j11"11' 11 ~"11"': and l.r•n \OOOU1d ho'C'VIIll' t t•l ~:11s.,luw t 11 ~ tn O't)unt u·~. ~"11 ull•l !'•I 1111'' ahaky •nd at !hi' aarnt• tlrttf' .I ~ p 11n r 1 1 n nm•·nl~ 1 1 1'' hhl'o' 11 d.natT"OU&. Gr••at Britain •·lt•mrnury 1" 1' 111 " P'rarK'I' V.'OUid br furN'd OUI of 1oo '"1111 [ I•" Un II thf' Unitrd 5!111.-. ' It• lll"l:u • 'DJr ~bUlly of IIOml' nwn1~ l't.-. and ""lllddent" In Rl'rlin J• 11dml• · -<\, , ·~·~n ""' I'll t .. •t Out lhr poulblllt)' II nat bcH.·vrd i'f\111~ trmponry l'mt•rt-:•·n!')" 111111 If '1 ,.,.,.,.. t.:t be C"l t-11 thf' U nitrd ~fain i n~t. $2 f\:'i6 3:.'M: 111d 10 nt't'd)" lll!o'd. ttw IM•Ilt'h fur .--..,._ firm ..,..-, .brcauae of thf' J?..:W:t.:J-45: D···p.ll.rlm,.n t o f Mot11r "11 "1 11·' rn u.•(• dMwn-ftltatlt'd. It thf'rr wrrt JUC:h Vf'hkt.-., $2.4.RR.24M : 11nd ("hlld nrt• -~t In JOmf' out-of-tht-WI)' $:t,l!lZ.79:2 MR FfWI J STI tl lilA HI I, l'alio ~t. •Y n-t~tf'. thaN-who Shop. C'orun11 tl.•t M .. r ~ 11 mlcht br 11ht.. FRENCH S -r ... ,,. hnn··~r. cblrll ttrithout much emlo.,,·m I!: RED I"••· .,, ... ,.,. h<•f'n ,._L But not hf'no, or AKE A WALk on ilw l••,,rh In ~In Gtonn11ny, quo•SttHII Stllt'e I,ARIS, J11n 15 tUI"I I i•ro'f••r lhr FIVE ARRESTED IN TNT CASE munitt mrmbf',-,. Wll.lk('\1 out flf"<''"' l ~·•wht•s muional tut!Ol•mhly tonlt-:ht nflrr lou t :.s :1 hu~t· failing In a turt>ultnt k"!<Noo to n··~< m.m l"rn rn foiTf' the-r.•-f'ltoction t.t lhtfr fnV••r olf ~~I tnt-: NEW YORK. Jan. 1~ IUPI - J'1Ye Jnftl """"" ant"'llf'd by t ht' PB1 today ln con~t.lon with tht' if'lldl'r. JBI'QU<"!l [:l! .. n::IO!', 11~ ••l ••r) lll<'h ,.f !W'mbly fil'!it vi<"t.'-pn..,.Jdt'n1 ,,..,,.-h "'" ~r,ll Act ing P~!do·n1 Man·t'L Otf"htn, h a 1 •· M our a~ d\i~t o1 60,000 l...ba. ; m "n till 'n(T to Pa!ftUne for uw mO'Vr to blot'k thl• t ' .,....... Ul.,ltVUnd fOI"'tt'S. .,,:, ::,::,;~~~,:~:;::;~;~;:•• .'IU~f••ndl•d ~ ttw.e &rrl'lllrd W!l.'< imlt•flllH<'I)' Hf\d IW IU1d lh .... -l~GU~hl "'m)"Sit'r}' man" of tho• ('IJinmunb t 11.-ln:uttun i<l n•d•• C&llf, 23-yKr-<Nd Philip A.lr>t•r . whol, frnm thf' o·humlof'r l.two FBI aald, Wall ihf' key 11\ltl\ 1n llo·pulto'.,. "'f\1 11 do•l••~:a1u•n li• the-f'q)ioaiYr"' porcha.w•_ f'arllm UI'J:tnl.: him lu n •turn \\"h•·u ho• r.•ht~•-<1, !lu•r ,..,.,, utwltd "~~.-~ \\'hul t:••od I' lh<• Ol"f'Mrl IHHI ""~ tf llh" \<Uh· Ill" 0"1111 I u~•' tfu·m ft T!"' /f•,.• llUh· Ill' t.-,.,.)1 "''' n •IIWI lhr lull• r uur t<l""l" I'll IIIIIJ••• 1\IIJ I•• I o•:on"t ''""1:•'•1 1•11,1 .,,.,. •lii'·tlt<•ll~ rof n •· I II IIIII:! tho I• . ..-It I nil I'll I•• ~o:lruJ !'•·''''' o'l !tr</, ll"••rr na follow• I -.., 11 11• ,, ,, ~II'~ I ~•WI!.rd to u,. "· , :..;,,. II c"l''"'"•"'· 315 Central '" ~tj( ~/li1f1 11>m ltnL'io<ll l"';tl'h All thrr •• ,1" ,1ol, "'"1 ''' ('ummunlty d i~­ pt.11•. rht· 1 -r~t ~;mnt: to the RA:-in· 1l••••r tltSt>lny 111 f runt of !he pi\'il-... , t'n<lil M r~~-F irs t to tht corn· "'"'"'Y tr•••• "hll"h was erect('(! tn rlw "'ntrr nf lhr town. ~<·WJlOrt -llai!l(lu : First to K. 0 F~rn,II'Qflh . 11119 Wc'l\t Bay •VI'· nur (';;rllnl!. rlo·l ~1nr ; f'int, J•mr< an<! P nnald S lrffl•nsen, or 209 \hrtt:('lld HnllonA l•bmd: F t,.,;l to Funk l.tnn••ll, ~If, n11 y Shror('" OriYf'. 1~11:111111 rl<-HI'h · Fir!< I tO Cherh•1 \\' Hltlf /l(lmt· nr ·1\J Myrtlt. S:tn Junn C'api ~tr11 n o : The ('hrt<irnn~ trf'•' 111 lhr Cap\atran<J \h~"""' wn• 111oonrtl(•d first plaCl". .<-::on (1rm<•nlr F ir:!'! Ill lhr o•h;un\"'1' n( rumm<·rr o• for bulldln;:: olo-f'<U" ol 1<111~ In Jlfl'·flit:hl •·~lom11tMi ol h lint\' rt'QIIIrMI r ... r t/1<' fltt:hl from !".111 non•·i~l'(\ on l~"11"lul u. 1111 o\·er· wnlo·r olt~l 'tlll'<' rol :!A'JQ mil..-, :'\'!11'111 1\t\· T r,HI'I'IT' S o'r\11'" nnl'i- l!itltlr~ /1111,, :.rlw lo·d ron ·'''c•rngl! ,.[ .. nry ~~~ mtnulo·.s ··rr1.,· "''IJJ:N A "'~DO"' HA!t4 ""' rh<· lll('f'fllll:, "I"'IWfWIIIJ.: llw ""'"I L.u~·~l March of D"•mes Campa"•gn A N O!'OTII jo•nt~-ttnt l-nm1rnuni~t ~lflh• "hu'h t • =..:.:.-i': ;;;·i.;;:;;.;:;;;;;:i·',,',:.:,.·l"'1"' ''"1"" 1"'"1 , ... , .. ,., ... Underway With County's Today ......... Family W'A.UI!N l . ,, ~:••otl lwnrl " !lf·11•·r th:lll uU nil ilw lwn1h 111 1111' llol!·hl Hul-_,::: :-tt"':-:;! ~--~.;,.1 •1 I "''r l.yunn C'.ot..!\'nlf'!',o,; r~'liJ.:hl Fres h Cracked Crah Sea Food In T(•mp!ing \'ariPiit>..: HOW'\Il 4 to 12 p. m. CATERI'NG TO I'ARTIF .. ~ AND BAM~I "t.:J'S Cocktail" A \'ailablr Ph. Harbor 784 C10R'd 'fltC'St.la y Reasonable Constructio.n '' Toke A dvanlage of Our Costs FREE PLAN AND EST IMATE SERVICE W'm. P. Mealey General Building C ontr"ctor -Complete Building Service- ,._ ..._. ......_,. or &-oil NCN·W 2265 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa ·"l••ll"''''' '" :<:·-"l••rt llarl~,r ,lh•·.l ''1"'1"1 t•• h·· til<' 1un;•·'1 [IU •Irl'''' .Hlo / f'n•f•·~~toon:tl \\',,, lho• l"(lllni)", "'•rt'~ t'\ul•. '"" l•ot'.ol ~t:.n·h <of !"•'h•••l _'""l lo•ll:•n~ \\till..--h . .,d· I >1111• ~ , "''1'·"1:11 l:• b. ltnl \••rw~) 1!• ol j,, f ot"••l io'o rnl•l••. "lnlo- l••l " Thu~, •Ito dnl o· 11 tll m··~h '"•ntll oh"l'• \\Ill ,.,. nn•l•r !Ill' "''II. ····•1111~ .... 11 n.oll"""' ,,,rn· •lu·····l ~"!"'''''''" ••I lit•· 1l11!o"~ I''"~"' \lo·~ ''"''''"' Sull,.•t ltn<! 1''•'•"11111•: ""·"'_' '""'l_'r'~<·•l .. 1 . I\ ,o;, I'\\ jll<"•hl•t.l \••1111••1 "'" :0.\o• !"lllhotlon•l. :-\.ol h ,o\10 \J,. ,·,,,,, , u1111•to ,., w 11 11• ,,,1111 ,, • 11'""1. •1n· t·l••t•l••ll! ''") \' 11H"hn. l•l••lh" II/' h-11' f.,' II t!t•ll lft~tt• tl jl 1"11 1'1 HIJI 1111 (I 11 j.,,r II• 1 lo• I I• ol d ''' 1 otiS•' """' .A>HI J)HIII! 1"" r "'' ...... n " , '~'"' "'" till:'•' 111••110"' 1 .. 1-1 ,, \\till•. ll o]l ... , .,,.,,.,,,.\ :O.I.u d~n \\'lwo•l•l •••r· ,._,, '""''"'" .t ol[ 11 ,\• ,. \\ "I • • I ol •1"1 '' ll!o /llo ,; ,.,.11<1111 If, o • 1 lo,ll • 1~ '"'1'1 I It I ul • .111'1• 11.;-11 II l101 h 1 Predict 110,000 1 New Homes in '48, ),, \l<"tl•· !1+1'""'"'" ....... . II I !':, •II I I\< I n I ' • 1 I I I •0 Ill I I, •I 1' I I'- ll 1• 1!1• 1'" ol 11111•·1!!" • d l"ol 11 I \ \ • .,, 1: llud. l't••o.l-nt "' II· ,, ,ol.ht• ,.,,,,,_ .. ,,.,. , .... ,,,., •. , otl • .lor .. , 1-1 ' I ln. h • ,,j '" ,. '"• I HI • o I I • " It• ol II H\1) ol 'o ·I' !Ito I • 11 , ., · .1 1,1 "" • , .. 1\ ,, II ""''' l'o•OIIol 1" flu. I-.... '" .... t '· "' '"'''I I 'II ,._ . II I "' ,, ' ,, " I .. t II" 1 o • I • . •1 . In 1· , "-1 I "•ll•lllh' "' , ', 1 1!• \1 ,, II 1" j I• I • • Ill ' I t! • II • 1 I • • 1 I • 1 •I I "I !-,.,' , 'I 'I'"''"" 1'• 1•, 11 " I I "" I I I I • 1 ' 1 ~ • " \1 o • I J • ~·-·· \., llo. l ' d .... ., ' It I I I~ "', !"• I f •l .,j ol '"" 1' II. I • ' '''I ,., '" '' ' '. " ·•' ,, d ·" . ,, ' "I' •,I , •• ~,..,n•lllll-: .... , .••. ,~. t:o-nl•h It"'"""''" I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I LIDO IBLI a tl 0 D 6 0 •rr• n .. tHli/I H "'"'" '"' ,.,.,.,£ LO<::.,o .. ,-.,voouo,H.r ,,.,<::[ .,N O ltAaY H ::A""B TO o u •1.1r ot o DlJ .-r:A. .......... ~. H Q "'f , .... ~ .. ""''""~£ 110 •1 .. ., .. ,.., r u q,...,c:r: "l"'· :0 ll~OQOO '"'B ,, or"'"'""~LY IH o IL 1 .... 11.1: t :oo oon ........ p . a . palme r realtorl BAYV !£W lU MBER CO. ll.tl"l•"r .-,..:1-1: ) • Slllt Sl . ' AT TESTIMONIAL I fl':-.:TtNGTON BEACH s~'<"- ''litl ~111"-'l'l.'tS<•riat disrric t officials ,,no / fr·i··uds of SlltK·rvlsor Wilfis I I W;H'fll·r of llunt ingtoo l:k>uch Will hono r him ht 11 1<-Nt imonlal dmn,·r a t 1 p.m Thun;.day. Jan 12 '" th(' Gunlt'n (;m\'(' Youth C.-n. t•·r build.Jn.~:. Th;: oc-clllilon will bt' in honor or his 59th bin.hdt~y, Sun- day, J ill\. 18. W amer has coml!lt't("([ ntnr l)· •'11.-ht )"l'"1ll'!l l'N Yi('(' as 0 ran~(' I"OUI'\1}' SU[l\'1'\'iSOr. T;•slint: carrit•r «lrt-rllfl 11nd V- lotlmh~ togrtht'r, the Navy hoprs 10 adapt r ocke t w11rfare for ltUr- lat'\' \'ellM'II. F'irst firing wu wit h 11 upturt"d Germ11n V-2 from !hi' dl-ck or USS Midwny at ll('a. ' ·- Itt Willi Pelrs 6okltll , .. ...,.. ""'-r_,. (OIIIId lee! ._ ..... Beef Sin __ ._. IWtiiiiR lK1IOII Wlt<>t. Clc~aOto t..a~d IWtiiiiR SICTIOIII a.oto .... H;e~•ar "'""" Juic•• •.:25• •.:35• ·::17• -.:19- ~··1sc '!';:'13c 6IWIUIT ,,..,.,~-·~· 3" .. '·25 1'4otY•al (06--o• ta•,11'<1 °0"' f 6llPERIUn , ..... ~ .. y .. ~·-··· 8 Na <y•al (4.4·0' <a~. 19<1 ••" ( OUJI(.f ,yll0(;ald ~~:··toe Na•~·al ~-~ <<>~. ZOd III.IIIGI ' ii.\P!fl1m n,h Eu~lllll<n, ll.tll"'·' L~t.,ofl, l'hairn w n ••f th<· J[;o.-IH•I" 101'1"'' liSA ~. nl·d as •·h:11rnm n uf thr court l'•·nnp :-.;.,G.,{ ('ro~1 .o \] •. ,;, JWI•·d us ho~ts 11nrl••r tho• tl•ro•o•ttnn r.l IIWt r NI'OIIIII\:os lo •f , J["r"Jd ll:tll Hhii!••r Gnrdnn of H1<· (',,;!a Mo·sa troop lt•d 1h•• t•lt•dl!l" 10 llw llal! li nd blll"t• I hi• IIII"OCHtion. Aw;,rds .:ran!t·d tlw I]Jifo•n •nl troops 11nd hoys pr(•so•nt lnctwktl: Tr•••P :-.;,. 1 ~• (',.~1" ,\lo•,lo , l"loj:ot'l•·~ Sntt\h ... ·vutm:o~r.•t mad·· Tho· ;o11ards lltol)(•ft :-.;,,rm:tn. •I Ill•·' II I omit.:··~. Htollt•r t Vh·•·ll•·r ft r~l d.1•~ 1111.--l Hudt'1lu!)h \ 'llS)•·r . wr· "1101 drtSS -. Trn.·,,, :-.:u 6 l'osra ~,, . .,;,. ll:or- ,,Jo l [[>l!l, ~("f>\111111\!tl<•r marl(' 1/il • ,.,..,,rds Ho~-:cr Cvrdon ami Jt·n • :O.I••I'k n'('"l'ho·d 3 nH•rtt had~<·s J uck \\'o)("Jfj :tntl n (•rt Gnrtl,..)' r r- rt'tw tl :! mo•rit ltad gl·s Ralph H•·a :wtl E lwr.nd [).-•Ponlt·;· t·;H'h rr-Tront• "'" ;, ~, . ., j>Ofl lk-m;:h , Torn P••r kms. SI'OUI IIIIISII"I" nnd John !)Oyl•·-as~t~l ;ull . mad•· the •~·11••d I nwrit hnds:r 11 1\"ard~ J)o-)Uj(la.~ Ht'l}\'o')" n ·co•IW•d :-.;,•)s(ln Siioffnrd. Fidd ~"rrr-tary 5 rn..r•t hudt:··~-Jt(ly Wat km~. 6 •·~o·culi1'e nf I he l(){'a\ rounrtl pr(·. mrrtt ))adi!I'S , To•d Polrnan. 7 nwrtl I ~··n 1f'd <':t{'h ni'W memhl'r :ond lhl' l•art1:o·.< and :O.Itl'hou>l j)tl)'l<·. l nw n ; old scours that had fPIUrnrd to hllli~tr Tho•rr wt•re 6 ltf!ll c l11n ~routinl! m lhl jlll.SI )'l'o1T with 11 HW"<Td~ .:.nd ',! SN:nnd l'las~ 11"\"kt·rrhio·f l hdl'. "rttxlp ~o 17 ("orona d,..l :>ta r ' J.-omrs ,\ Mun~o:oltl. n "Sidt•nt of Conned l un.ch Meat " ... 47" ........... M .............. Flour ~''"'"'·~~ ':.! 1.01 .: ....... :-. ·····4 .. , ;,,...,., ... , Flour ""~•" "'""'""" '!." ... ,,._,. -· : , .. .\lloi"l" \'.-1111'1•·~ l ,.,.,.,.,,'~" Ert~:11 ~: l.:oltlj>lun s;ud thiol IQ fil!un · ht, l!j,IS !t-o s Ill<· "'"'••TISI shuultl ;uhl $.1 t(l his H•to f(·t·~ ;mtl rnund ~>ft lo 1h•· rwarl'sl tl•!llllr Tho:r,• ll"tll I"· 1111 f,.,,, lo-s~ tltun $0. lw :_tddo·d 1\w hx::•l llllmt·rl awarded T roop "'" 5 ami "J"r<)IIJ! !'(I, 6 .bann('rs ~r lulttllint-: Jh(•tr qu01 a of r'f'crli'tii- und complo'l m.: other nect·nar~ dl'('(fs for lht' ho nor. S li!r SCf>UI "wards Wf•n1 10 Troop No. 5 srouta Douglu Boy. '"l')', Boh 11•11. Tt-d P olm11n :ond Ror Watkin~ Lifl' S('(lut ""'ard~ w.:rl'" prr- st•ntM to Dous:!ns Bop'l'}". No. 5: Jack Wood. ~o. 6 and Rolx-rl N orm nn. Troop No. 15 . Bugle call adjourned thr Court of Honor. OGAimtS AU Popular 6ron<:!• .:::.. 1.31 S:.rt!..-11)" guaran1cu you'll lilr:e thc~c tvp -gradc mea t~. ;r.. .... , ... """'' I•""' r ...... o, c.,.,,~··•"" o.tc,.<..._ ..... . ---~ .......... , ......... -· ,.,.._, """' -~ ....... .., ....... ··-........ ... -· ....... -! .... :><.-......... ,, .. . IAI'f" FOOO COWS Barley Cereal •• ;;-;:, ~'"; 1 .. Cotmeol .r::;;.., ";;· 1 .. LAMB ROAST BOILING BEEF tiCI' wa ttMHII 59" s ......... "'" ... , .. 23" Dry Cereo! :;-::::;_,., ~ 1 .. Dry Cereal c-·· ~-1 .. Oatmeol ,_., •--11• Pob!um t•--a- PORK ROAST rw:~.. .. 49" BEEF ROAST.::~..:~·.:::::.. .. 59" r~.~"""it. r~n··r ~"" E•'•·• f MI•y 1\'.-,f. fo,,, Vi'•·'""~'"" :-;,,.,, .. f.tm""' .,,,-lt,ud• llu) au nil a '"l'I'IY dtJ• "'""~ o.hol~ pl~n1dul. ) nu"ll cnj••y 1 h~11 ""'I'· JUI•·y. "u11>l•·1 lui ""'"'· Winesap Delicious Rome 01" HD. MHtlll! lilt Jeftjl.U au 'IMOY UN Dill 110. IUW Ull ll([\l!JI till"' (AW l O ~fGIT.'IBHS App!r~~uce A pp!,.,ouce Pea cht'1 2 ~ •. :: 27• 2 , ... .... "" !_~ JUIC£S Tomolo Juice Tomota JJoce "' .... :~ 3 1:.:: Jnl'f" 11nt SYIUI'S 35' 25' II• 28' Grope Jelly --=--:-.. ~,.. 22" Syrup '""'""" ,_..., 21• J Vrg /,1! (O<II Gcldrr~ Cc>r<l C0111 ...... IS• 10' 17• 18• ""\..: .. ~·--=-' s.,n~)!;-"'"" A.l', .. ,,~t Blue Sc-n.,et Oel•,,h Par ~ay Du•~e•'• • ·~· -39• ........ 4D- .... ~ •. 39' ... ~ .. tl• • ·-· 39"' • ,_,, 37• Ground Beef r..-k...t "' V..kt..o: c..u.... Smoked Ptmla ...-~, ... t.llbolt. ~Iewing Hens ••••P.r••••..J•. UN<OOIID CDU.U Cream of Wt.eot • .....,,.. "·--. 17" 17" :zs· Cream of Wheel o-•;.-; C•eom of l!ic e 11 ... ,., Wheat Hearh ...... , ......... 21• Fori no ....... ..., ,. .. , ,., 21• Dinomite Cereal ,...., ':."'.~ 2t• Molta-Meol .... , ... 2 .. W heotGtrm '"'••• '';.·: 71" l!omoq ~Jol ,.,., ,., 31• W ftale W fteot Cereol ~: 22" L _ W fttot M~'ol , ...... B RE'AKT AST GEMS f flCSH G R;1.DE A . EGGS ~,,.,,., ... :: -~­ \':!. '01 r.: .... :1 D--69c ' (I"I!!_! A~-:'~1' Cofice Edwa•tl1 G:aflee ', '"'"'· . ..., ... ... U' .. , . ,,..., I & ........ Pdco• effective through Monday, Januery 19, 1941-. J.! Fever From Animals to Men 1-'<'Atunn~: a romj)l('lt•l)' r•'· SAN LUIS UDIS PU. Cui , Ja n mt'ldt•llt-d ston• wtth rh•a r "'''" 15.-\\'h ilc• no om• 1s mort• 1," an • llt~pl.t) ra~I'S, 1-: F ~lwll. "ho r••· that humans t•;,~n "catt•h" d ts,•a s. ,., ntl) IH,tUtrl'd tlw lttrnwr A n 111 from llntmals 1 han , c·to•rtnanan,, J , "··lr) hu,,n.-ss. ha" opo•nf'd t h ts file-t wus drumat1r a ll) t11 ,1u~:h• und, r 1111• nan11 :-;,." l'•'rl Jt•\\o•h•• s for th dur111.; tho• ,.,.,.,.11, ~tall' C'tln· h i 111; !~nd S t \'l'rtlau n vf \'t'lt'I IIIIH'I""" lto·lcl hrrr ~h··ll "til t'ltrr~ u 1'111111'1. II' ~~~~·1.. .. rht• ~•·s~ton ur ,, tt·nrh11 1,111, ,, 1, •ll ''"'' th.trnt'"''' uru1 ''·"t•lh" ~n l~·rruplt"'<"l llw t1r,1 ct:l\ 1,. 111 .. n.r '"" tiro trwrtry :tnlt \\ .tldt ,, •• noUnt't• l ltlll l\\0 nhdlt'.tl \\olk•l' i'·tll' frorn tlh· ~l»lti h~·,,lth d•·p .tr1rn• ,,, .... h•, h ll•: , I'\•..., ,,, 1,, ,, lhll 1, d Ht'Uh• I'Uit\llltlllh'hhlt• t!l'••\"'t '1 1" oltt••l.! '-\P\h\,uct .JUrl tl tlt~ \\tHh \'ll'f' lo.ttl an"' II 111•111 S oil 1 111 , 1, ~ll!il!UI um.ll ''-'llh d 1'1 '""'!'I•• t ho l •t ~-•Itt•) 1\ ('Loll.. .mtl 111 )tMH .. t\4 1\ \t ltl lll l till , ... I' I \ \1 J ' t ~~ Jt ' , t H l t '1 H h t1 f h " \,j 1\1 t •·nt I I) ', lt n nuh• "lit 1 L, t 'h· , 1 II , 1 f ~'' ,,,. \\ tu, h I'-It I"'''' t1 .., r•1 ~.lfll'ftl '.tli"'-llh' I fh II ' .... ,II q, ~ I II ' ll II h II. ' ,, u , .. , .. , ............... ,. f e\t l rt1.1~ ttt• PI• ,, fll u\ t 11 , , 11 l trt• ~t .tl!• I n L•, .\n .. ·, , , L..-.t 0 . ' . William I. Cammack PILintinc Contr~tor PAI~TISO • DF.('Oil.\TISG A.SD PAPF.HH.\S«a~G Pia. Bar. 8'Jt; . .,, 602 Orchid .\vi'. Corona dl"l ~tar - Itt~ 11 .tfll" 1:"-f I llliJII ..... til \\ilf h ~I \\•''1 "''''Itt ~\ olll '"11ttldd f• lhl t). tl .t "I' \t \ tlf I liP \t fti'IU.tl tn \\) ,, I • I''' .... flltlt .ilnh•'', '''' • '',., •·1111\ 111 th•· '' th ... )t,url•l ''' '' 11 • uulu• tlh•H 11 lh• tlh& ''' I '' '1•1 • I <lilt. f ,\JtJt.llt Ill 1\ 1\ttl I• ,'tlt,Jl\l''•llllt l t••lll • II• h~Hll '" tu .enol h• I' t lh• tl ,, ..... • ..... ,. Ill .. , d ,,, ·' 1 tkl I, ..... I hn4 h '' lth 11 '' .til t.~~r U• f nun "nl· 11 ""' '" tu1h1 ''"' Th• t11 ... , .,~,· ..:•''' tt ... U•ll11t I1111H l h i• I tt~' th1t H " ,, 111 '' I""'"' '" 1)11•, ,,lo11d ,,,,,,oil I Ill 1•1'17 '"' "· t llh ••I· I" I"' llltlll'·l'• d n.• \\'tso· Ad\'o'rliSt' I I ASSOCIATED The Original Marine Dock 28th ~ Bay Front Gasoline ·-Diesel Fuel --Oil Fishing Supplies The All in One Stop W oy Crf'Cilt Carcb lfonorc-d BATES & SON Harbor 481 J T h• '''" 111111 '"•r• F' I F,•r.l 1 l••to '""'-h 1• a 111 onrh "h rt-INol<' wit.b (·' 'I \.u1 h 'h T htllt\\tth\-..r,,,...,,"' t•u, •''"''·''""·''-.ton l ' ·~ : • U ttthl t t •n • •1 " t' ' t•t ' 1 ·• "l•lrt • •tt.::f' n l tlh .Jrl; .;:;J ' • th '" f'\ rr t"C"f-'1 r, uu l,nLr·~ the F ; ~lll~o-l 1-' ts r-'""'-.' the 114r&c-at t i t.. , l•'1tl~l h •1 t"'\t l h lHlt. j ----------Withholding Tax Refunds to Be Slower Th is Year f iUIHih I t \ l t i Uth h l\t t•tHp h l)\'!' \\htt tt'• lltt II \\llhh1lld tth' ,.,,,·-•tp iS ,, ,,,, tl l lllll" "'II h·· ,,, •. ur ''' nh•tuh ... '"'"''I tl11' ,,,~,, thnn l l:o•l lt't'o\l oltlll! '" t ~~·.-onliSIII" , "'''I"'""""'"'' "~t.·~ ''' ,-..u •. ,.,. "' 111 ln••rr111 H•••·ll•t. ll.tr n 1' \\I ''"' 1'1 \\t• \\ill h.l\1 111•'1•· tlhttl 1\\'t\ .tfttl I h~odl UUIIh•l\ IIU'tlftU J ., I t tlftfl ... ht Jtl ttt I,, I hi ... \t I' \\'1 ..... ,,,,.r .... ,ul, 111tl \\•· ,,.,., nt l' tutd,·r- \\o·ut :o 1111111 t•·l'•·•·ul fH 'I"o nno•l <'Ill """'" I••·•'•' "' 1\tlh .t huu l ft'tll hun.tr••l l•\\•t •tHill•t~f"c'~ than 1,,,, ~,.,., ·In ,,rtf,,. tn ,,,JI, 1 1 •• nd pr•h't•<:e H\.17 lltXt'~ ,,, tptu•k h ·'" 1""'-.;,,hlt.•, 11 \\ dl h•• O• t't ''~•r~ fnr u..; to ,.,. .. ~1 - ''""'' '•rtr~uh.t t•ftlnt1' t1111 '" th•· \\ l1hhuhluH• r• ,., tP1"-,, ... lntt~ :.' \\t' t·,,n lin\\•'''''· "' \\dl '''to pr••· ,.,.~, 'land .ol t( fo11 nt• fill II' (II"' II~ t h··~ f'nnl•· an 1 n ••ur u f t ... , Ed•·ard T C oot . promln~nt atot'lt brok~r or Los Anlll'll's. IS th~ n~w E · t" Pot<'ntnt~ or Al M11lnaltah Ttm plt or xamtna IOn th~ Shran~. havmg bt't'n unanimously I For Boatbuilder ~~~clf'd cht~f or 18,000 n ob lts 111 SoUUlern California. At Terminal Isl e MELROSE ABBEY I OFFICERS ELECTED ·rh·· n,,,..,,~ ••I l :' t ·" 11 s •• r, u·,~ It·\ otllln• r ' 'l'o•tlllllllll J,f.,ntl Na111l )-.1111•\ ttd S .111 l 'oolt•• l 'a ltlurnoa. 307 Marine Ave. • Balboa Island Announces the Re-Opening Friday, January 16th Featuring The Same Fine Food In New Comfort Bill Harvey • Dea n Bowen • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • Dick Mcintire Nightly Except Wednesday Vaux's -Balboa Dinner Untilll P. M~ FUN ZONE - In BALBOA Now Open SATURDAY and SUNDAY 1111UUirtf•t , lh.t f ,Hl tilt. n f •lrtlltt''l l ••ffw''' "'H' •l··•t•tl , ... ,,n ltt\ '''' (''''' ~'''~~'' •\tllllll:tt h in .,t 1th itllnu.tl '"''·"" u f d tt•*('hH:+t lt-.ul111t.: l1t 111 "'' tltPtLtl q tpnlnt l111 11l lth.' "' ~1, II""' ,\ldt•'\ ~""''~•·I Uh ,., \\tiJ h• L''''" l••t 1Jtm ttunh1t•r. lolllll 111 tho llll•lllo" ollll'o' u l lh••l 'l "d "l liH .I hlo t•r lou111 111 ftll '"'"'~ • '""'''""' '' rto. l'ormln,,t J,f:ond I l~olo J., rn:ontlo 1 "·''I'""'''" pa•·••·1 ' "·" Shtp~.oll .o ool tf l<'t111r•·<l, d•lll "' 11!1 IHo,ortl. \\', A :\loll~ • .ot tollotl' :-:111111 .ot'lt\1111"• on IIH· \ll''•l'l''lolo•nt onol '"'r••tury. 1·: 1,,.,.._. llo:wlo '-on""''"· 'l'•'l'llllll:tl H :\Jo-t '"~· "' ''''"', .11111 1 F· ,,. l•l 11111 '"" i\1 "'"'"' ~ "''" 1\1t:l. tun I •• "' :t~'-t"t.tn1 ,,.,.r .. l;er' an~t :tntl Fl Toru. ( · .• hf"rrull ..... ,,, I'' ncr ol lllllllat:o r f':t\ Uh.' nf lht• .It t\t •\\ t\' 11 1hl LOCAL Gl PROMOTED I"'"'' \\til l• l'•llllf'l•lo d ''"' "''"k II \\.I' ,tflfiCollllo'o tl, .onc1 :tofcltiiOin:tf F .orfu·l<l-!;;uasun Atr Fortt Baa<-. rmr•~'"' • "" "'" 1ol honflst'a['lllll: "', r" I a uthurtto•c1 by I hi' hmorc1 !luron~e t hl' nw.-t •nJ:: 1 Island Patio Reopenin-g With New Plans Friday Decor I 'a lii llrtl: I ;,.n i\ rdut• .1 t llc1, j r . l'llmmandln~ J::t'nl'rlll of lhl' Atr Tntn~pnrl Cnmmttrlli'~ En~trrn l'tll'ofu· \\'anJ::. ha~ ;o nnnlln<·••ll l hul I'\ I llurul<l r. I)( nmn~: hn• h•·o•n 1'"'111"11·11 '" ,,,.. r :o nk "' l'rll ,,,,. "'"''' ('Ia.-on ''"' l ' !" A or F01rC'I' llo·,. th• '"" n l :\1•·~ r.wo•nclollyn llt•nnon.: It I ,,, IIIII I "''' .u tift, .. , tl HJI \\ t tf1 ,t tlt \\ ( •ttlttf11 d tIt H11 of "111••/•d l'llt'k ""' 1 •·'1~" .... d t\IIHll,\\ooJ, ll h •.., .: ... tbt t fl ••'11••fl·l·d tn ... 1d· \\tth a "'" • • ~ •• ·, 1 "'' tilt tt •• rul "'\\ tfiCifl.' •. •"" '' tult .1 t thl• lfl It ""' "til 1 rt•"thh· lh•· ".•ttrn.: •·ap,1, '" « \1 '"' tnn• ' '' 1111' • "fl'. It t• nt ,., , t .t\t , .. f f1 ldd· tl t ·• .... I''" I I ' • "' I :tt I II ,, \' \ .... , Ito til • / l .. J\.' .. !;••\\• fl \\h,, \\Ill ftlt,\HI• Ill• ,;lrtH f llll· fttttd '" n• \\ t'•ln tJIII f • IJ11 ~.,,, wn nt '" Sl'll 11? Allvr r. :1"4:' In thMc> rohun M nrt :-u,~;:::r-. <'rtt!t r.l!tt r "tnlr. r:::n tid :r::-::rr:\:'> r.;; r:!lk;;::-:-::rr:1'\l ~:;W'!i~:.,".·; ·hai1NX"2CJ2w I ... S' 1 .. 1\1)1 ~~ • THIS BEAUTIFUL 1'U.:!-l:l·.J. FLOOR DOES · .. : -:-=-;;. THINGS FOR J ffj,-o.~ YOUR KITCHEN -~-=.:::..=-:_':.,:::: -::;-:::-_. Lucky I lome! K i!Chen • -.,:: ~-:-~--<;,..:;_=:--~ floors reach ne w hct,~th ts "'~-< . ---.:: __ -.. 1n hc:t ury. )tylc a nt.! p 1.1C· -~~-7 t icnltty when l:ud w11h '1 tlr-Y Tcx A1pho~lr Ttlc. ~ ThNc arc lo ads o ( nciri n~ ..........._... Tile-T t•X colnr1, rlus smnrr hur· dl'rS antl•oJ" tt.lua ltl~t.l•nserr\­ ro help you achievt tlo~ d ecnrau vc go al you're 11ht'r. ~~hat's mor<'-Ttlc-Tu fl o ors wipe dun nnd fn ·sh wuh a damp cl111h ... arc Slain and scar rt'sisrant' Your floor look' "ntw" aftN lo ng )'<'oHS o( hard wea r-hcc:luJ~ Ttlc-T~x (lhtin ant.! marhlc11cd color1 ,RO .strai_Rht tlorou_Rh 10 the hack n( the ttlt. Come in or rtlcoloont now for more info rmatio n. TILE-TEX ASPHALT TILE IL\~SO~ S lf..\I)J·; & LI~OLEt .\1 ~IIOP ( "' '1'1\ l••rl r:r. ,, " '!:lrtl "''- ( 1"1" '''"'" l'h IIJ.,._ •>n ,',IK)I-.1 L rAfAOtNa roMOMA I IVIUIOI SANTA ANA SANTA-IU 515 Eut Veatnl Ave., IWboa Harbor 1081 lO lollffl lHI INVISlOIS' NUOS 1-...ewporT DaiDoa News · Times l 1 1 -r '' ..... 1 T ilt II •I•H t'l V.f'<•rt 1\.· . ._h, c .. hf Variety Artists Involved in Guild Control Fight- "Drtarn Pillows" Appeal to Amusement Fans Hy ,I At 'K <:A \"t·:H ltnitt"'ll't\~ Staff l'o n"t'l\Jll.llld••llt N l-~\' Yl\1-'!\. t\'.1' I '11\t' Alllt'l1t';ltl t :llllcl "' \':t l'lt'l~ .\t'l t,l!oo _IS lho• ~i11111~''"' hut 1111).!•''' ••f tho• four t'llk t'l ,tlllllh'lll unton~ llllllflrt!ooill~ th•• ,\-.>4"'i,,t.-.l ,\,.,,,,..., .111d Arla,.f-. ••I .\lllt't' leu lllt.·l·',llr :\' ... ) ·nw ).!llild i:-in lht• ntid.;f ,,f ;, o'>llll t llll td ll whtdtpo~>tltl"'" '""lt' '"'''"''l ing 111\'\\t>l'l-.!oo 1••1 tlh' lh '\\ '''·" :\1 , •• '• \ \\ '' •1'1"''1Ul• •I , • ._, ., 4•1 ,,,, \ ..... ,.,,tl l \ Hu ' • ltl \ ., I•• I'H'I '"'I \. I. t ,, II I I ,., llh" t, '• I C'\)ll '1 q \\·h~ 1 .. J otllo fl , \\ I"' IU I t f I It \\ lit ) tol ,,, ,,, ·' '' .. ,, h. I• ,, • .. I I t• t ",,,,,,II Ill ol \t t \ \ '-ho hI \ , .. , 1' " •• 1 t'tul II I 11, lo,ttft I 111111 • OUt tt !\. I' ltot I II ltl• U~ltifl"' \1 \ \\ h h 1"' ,,, I II \\~ll t•ll\~ I J tf 1 )tl'\ \t 11 f 11 ht 1d U fl tfltl1 \t ,\\ tttltt\tll l hHI .tl \\hit 11 ttll t I I' \\t+llh1 t,, t ft•t•f, d l tl rl•JI1.trl lh il'l"'''ttll\; n lt h t'l' 11. •'hn•c•,, t ,, ,, '' th·· pltt\••t ••• H1llt •l•t• t t ... rtt lito .. ,,,H A ' ~~~ po:-•pun, '\ \t :\ \ '"'''1\, 1ll1t•lt til dd·nllo•ll 11, 1·,.11t• ""' "'"' t It t1 .. th• .. , •I• "" nt' ,,IJ , ~~h h;"' ·'" tU)tlfh~•l tlttt lth '"'"•llttt•n \\Ill fiCII I• I ' •I "' t. ..... II I 1!11-< ·" pfHI111to0 ollol •I' ilo. 1\h'l!ll .. I •Ill!• "t't 1 lllfnr Ill• d ' !"ltdlo ii"1111•HIIIIItol \1;\\ ha~ b •, uat.•n• '''''""' ''"', ,,,, :..'9, l<ilh '' ho II II p tlol lo.to 1.. lloo• l.o•l C)f t ht• 111 ·fh \ (, 111 il It\ IUOI t' .tl fiUI III '"''""'' ••I llh l·'o•111 \' 10 t 'l:,hl, 1t lp .._.,I uu tl' I•·• I '-'th h HUhtr\4.tn\\ l1t "'t\-.. t U t I h, "'", p1 ""···~ h\ tt h llf"ttl\ ltlhllt "' ''" F !>llr ,, ·, lt•$H1,, \l ;\'1\ \\llh ll '''"''''I"' J'l('l f11r01o I' Ill Ill I lot • 1111" \ .llhfo \tilt , t"lrt II"'•"' t h lth t11ht I U tth•ll' tlf 11h'F t tlf ,\,ti t \tt .. r ... n ptll \ Al!>turuan •• n lh• '''"''"'"" t :utld ••f Mu~lt'al ,\111•1'< otlld lho '''"''" •II 1-... Mi, rata"'' ttl U.11lttt 1\t '"', J\ htl: ,, II· I ,,, ''" .... 1111 " " •• 'on jttt.l 1• ''' '' llu h pt ''"""'"' tn f'(lllllnuo• '"'" l'ot>-" Itt• ott,'''" "'""" . II " .• "'" '" ,.,,,,.,,, ,., tntr "'11h 1 ,,. 1 ... ~t .• t.t. 1 t\ott • .,, 1 1 un \\hlfh '' ,, l•f·· 't/11 tth•'''''~t .tph or t"1'f1Hin td••l' ttl 1 h• ,lfll!J'~ 1111 n I \\'Orld. 'lldt ol' '-'it\.tll It C *••fUt• \I tr1 I.ACI<l '''"'''·" •II•• 111ul I t"l" \lo"l ,,( l h t ... ,,, ,, f•l ••l\11'• lit l'tf'' rh.-tr.u.--n tn ..., ~\ ,, o1r .. h. I 1Uh•11' 1'\'\h t ftl, ll~, It ~··•111 1 ft t' 1 '1 I , P I. n \\ "I 1 1' -• • t., 1 ' ,\ 'II'•' •• , It jtt ... • ' 'It I I .t. t '' • •• I 1 t nl' tl , I 1*11 ' I • II f t I I II .I ,, I " \\I I ' I I '• It f fl ~ II I I I I ' ,,, ... , u .t ... I I th \\ I,,. I' ,, '''• '11 I I 41' f do + tl !Itt I I I I I,+\ 1\ t 1 It h I.,, .• It !I ,,, II I " I"'' 'I "•· I' ,, .,J ,,, I " '.. I I tfl I It I ., tt.. I,, '""'"" ,, • l'lu "' , I •• • •·'I" t '' tiiHtl lth "'" d•'"'rtl \\ '' ''' •-•-' II•• nth It' t•, ,,, t. ,.,,.,, It It'"' I••• tt ''"''" 111 J ,,nd•tt l•tl h1"' lh\tt ho~n "'I ,'' tu 1 •• \ 'l·•th., 1 •I •h· -.It," tl'-o hI\ lu I It f11 \\1\ 1J1' fto J County Investors · Buy Over $7 Mill ion In Savings Bonds '••111 111 In l 'tllf1•11U til' tl\ \ "''' d ''"' .... : •II I II\ ' 'I '"' • H •. , .. l ... ,,,,, u••· \''I , .... , tlllh '" '"' .UIIttt•l ........ t ,,, t I+ ·I I I '''"" '•If\ II I \ tht t I 1+11 od I'"' l't t•• ttl\ 111!\11 \ IIJ 1111 f,i,tl '-Itt~ '•••· It. ''' "' •tttf'\ :-;. t 11 .. f lt,.ntl '"'' \'I , t • "'· tttln '• 1"' I ' tu.J t: .... I 11 I ... ' I''"''' ... ' ...: " t \ IIU ... f'.,tut .. "'tit !ttl t fl+ \t If I'll , Itt I til• d '-t l 1 l 1 \q ... ~ I h. I••• 1 '"''' t '''' tl"' f••t ttu .. 4 ltllflf\ \\1ft I' h•ll11\\"' I ' ~Jfiw' ,,, .. , • ' I ' .• ,,1, t . ... " . ' i I I: I ,., .Ill •11'611 1'\ I It 11f \h,t ~ ·,:\h ; t BUYS OUT PARTNER IN ALLEN MOTORS l(,,ft ~,, ... ,,til• h ,,, lthr•h"•tl fttt 1111• I• '' u l Ill' p.tt lth I 'I'" \lit II I "' ,,., ''"It ''''"'I I ••tllJt.lll\ I•Wll< I I ·,,,,..,., I tn fi\\.t\ ,uttl I'H' • tt•UH'••d ttl .. ll.tlllt "' Ill• , ••• ,"I' II , .. c ...... \1olot t•n tttp tUt\ When You Need 1-N -S-U-R-A-N -C-E PIIONit er 8U JOHN E. SADL.EIR ('oro-dfll Mar lAO/\ and 1101 <'<~ut Utah"''ay l'h11nfle llarhor 141 a lUI Jack's Equipment Rental Contractors• F.quipm~nt • 1'1.\ltTF.K MI''UtKM e t 'USt 'IUtTit MIXt:I&M e I'Kil.l. !U\\'IJ ITKA ll.t:ltl'4 Phone Beacon SSOS-W 17th and Santa Ana Ave. Costa Men Wlletloer tre a ..,.,. chaclr· .... adjuetaeal 01 v-at -bav.l or }J r•JII•c. -• pula ue aeded - J"'Ol will be pl..-1 wllb ow ~ We ue en 'Aa· tlwJri8ed · r a<1or' s.r.~ce ......_. -OUTf O..lqtaal r..--Special Factory Wada Toole ud ow lo£ oct.. ul<"f .,. Factary Tutaed. 0.. ., \ I• Q11UAA ..... -..... .,.__ ·-·w.. - Till Sill II YOII· 1111111 U: OF ElPEil MOTOI IEPIII SEIIIC£ 01 111111 I SliiTTOI UIOUIE 101011 ~ ·~ . --· o~ -,~ .· i J . -., ... \ ... ·--~ ., ·~ 1 . .._ .. South Coast Company Martn .. and Uf'IN"ral liard....., 2llrcl at (' .. ntral Nf'"'port BMc-h J(OY .. '\f't lllt•tt It• ptfl•t\\ 1·11\t '' t•nlurtrtr 1., :-;l.d l•~•ll \'•·•ilttt• ,1 l,..o~t kl' And .1 .. til t ·,,ullt• t•t h •r tft, hoy~ I I ....... ,,,. ...... \II• II I ........ , ..... , .. " thl I"'""'"' Ill iII ... , .. t Itt ',,, \I ,II I h· ., •. \\ I.,, fll I \\ '" '"' ' •• •II ... I\ "llh l h· ,,, I I .... ,,,,, •• , • "'"' 1--------------------------------, ... ,, "' :-.,,,' ''"" -tf St·ll It Tltrou~o:h C'la,..~i(i<•t l AtiVf•rtising '(:t fiRST PUBLIC SHOWING in Newport Beach ol the New 1948 FORD TRUCKS Friday & January 16th & 17th • • • • • • From 7:30 a. m: Until 8:30 p.m. T it•. I I •• I '' .... "' II• .... I· I : I·. •I " : I"" I I' II I \\I II' I • I "II It II h• ~·II' I I ' t I It• I II'"• ., I l r "' k ,., •• , ''"til II\ l ito• "'''" \1•11"1 f • .. ,,IJio l/1,\ 'llol flt'\1 J't l ... flit•) Jlf1•' oolll't I lllol••t l .lloj'o' "t '"""'I .and • ·•I•" ,,,, .. llr ,, ,.,,., l ~t•l •lt., • T ho ·\ ;or•• 1••11•'1'"' I•\ 1111 •,. 11• 1\ 111 11 1( I'll l'lllo• ol 'I' lf•11 ''lN I'\1 I t', f'\llfltfo I l'lll'lflt'. ;1 ~~~· "''' 1., •. ,, .. ~ \'"I" II ' "'ll "''l"'"' I \' >< OPEN We will hold feel that this is lNG in FORD HOUSE on these TWO DAYS bocausn we the MOST HI STORY IMPORT ANT NEW TRUCK SHOW- the FIRST POST -WAR PRO- DUCTS of the FORD MOTOR COMPANY. ,.. Drawing for Valuable Door Prizes Saturday p. m. Snlf"rtHIIII ruul :!Zncl 11 rut (4-ntrnl ~o~~ n. "entral Yo ur Ford DeoiN S:nc ,. 1921 THEODORE ROBINS '··\\ IH1r1 llf'J&A•h a•hone 11.\rhur ·-SALES SER VIC E 2~ Newport tsch. ,,., .. ,.,.., r.~t·o·tr·w liiiii!'S J Jl)'l'N I rllll<'r8 ' O'Kcdc-Mcrn tt Gns Hun~cs • Jo'ullcr Paint. Phone HArbor 116 Newport Beach .. 2205 Cout Blvd. • ~· , t ' . ' "" ~ -f ... ..... CASTAWAYS' CHATTER ., NANCY ~~aT .. NEU-IE TILE 1-'AfL\t F.R'S [)Al't:JITt.H tilt :\11 ~111'1111-.H 1'0 C UIDE llt:R"!! CAl' )OU thmk ••I .omlluu~ mna• hm' ' .onol THAI S 10 !:)(' lhl' IIIIC' Ol lh• l.:ol) :'-an• ,;,..,. ~lo•llo·tdl oll\1111•1 lho• llool · bor Pl(\)t'~"-Ill"\' planmn.; h• 1:"'' nut "' h' I(',\:'-'I' \\.\11 ' J'\1(> tll\O H)' bdlt'\'t'<.l I hilt tho• •llll''l 111\d ljiJU k'l•l \\I) f111 IIIII lf,otlo<ll 1'1113't'I'S tu l!lun('<tJoto•ly l •~· .. rno• t.olrh>l" 111 lla• • "'"' 1111 ·• lool do·lt,lol (UJ (•ntt•fiiiii\ffit•Ol \0 ll• (II kt~'f) II 1•11 llh' h.,;ld •Ill•• 1\ll• I "''Ill~ \\hal lh(') dad \O tlh lh•·•r ru,t ),;I'JUjJ ol ""'h'dh ... ,,, lho ( ...... n .. olo·l ,,,,, lltl;h Sc.•huQI Audllollll,lnl 1 JU.•I "'\0 \\ \\h,ol tho·~ II •h• \ 11. alii~ ul ·• C'.\1.1.1:'\t, ,\1.1. \I \U.S : : : ... ..• TIIl::Y 1'1:1;;1::1.> ~HtHI . :\lt-.:-.=• ,\:\IJ i\ ~Jl ,\1(1 I•. I ' hll\lll1! 'Witll.t.'SSt<d the run lUlU ltviK ol llll' lu.,t l"'t!UIIIl.•ll\'0 I <'WI ... ,J,•I\ I''"'" IJi(' that ltll)' l:••nt. 1111 1111111••• h"" •111111\ ulll.ol• 111 • ''" ""' "'''~ "'"I' hlh\--. . .'1! Into a .::c«l :u•toll ''"' "·"' ,, lnt tof I 111 du11t1: 11 • • "'"' ,,., ft'l~ ~o:••t tn und flltdl nncl h.o\ ,. tun • . and ~oprokml: o1 so:-.=t;·lltnt• 11 C'11r 11 llo>~l o·.•n ~o:..t ht~ f111·nd All \Ailma.nul Ultlllu:LWc. ''l.w..tw:. W.cn l•l~at.....r ~ .. '" lh~· .... •l•oflHI ...-•htt• bruml,)tiJ~>I \\ llh ho~o:h·pitdh"l 1'>111111 .1 "''"'' 1 I••·> I 'A:"'T ''"''' II• •II II: an OCUI\'t' :-o m UI'h hlj;llo'l I hull h11111o111 II • ol• I 11111• I) 11! II" I IC 'I 'I I. I ... and J',,. no clflUIIt lrurn t h" toll• nl tht 'h"" lh,or !\ELUE :OO.t:t:US TU l.l:o.Tt., T U \' ·'"·t.l::o. \UIC t . . . A.'\IJ B()ll 1\11\'lr S llo\HI" I 11 10 ''" 1h .t l:h '' 1111, ••1\• 1 l.htn~; h(· co.oll~ 11 ~:wrur, n"t '" 'l•··•k "' lh.ol I dl II<,; lo.ot ''"''' "'''' ~'OS out ltkt• Hh· \olh'o• 111 rl;o· 1 '1"1~'' "' I HOI'E lit: l.t:,\\t:S IllS ( \'~O' IICI\U::. Burt nu. ..... ·ll. l'lllllllln (Hill\~ ('\•11\lll<•t .... "' llh· So nllo· s .• ahn~ s.,. Phones: Harbo:-13 and~ Silver 1 eo to Aid Harbor Auxiliary 01 Children's Home Soc. n• • "' 't ,,, I I··· I '· It I\ ! t f1t l \\ 11J Lt I '\I I •t1 ll•llth f'~ ttl tttf ~.'''it'''' ll itl•tl \IJ,\I tf\ tHtl ltptr Jfllttol tl • ,,.· •• ~lit lt t,, ~IHh \\l'ltl"d'' '"'' tt\ .1 t1 "I I.• I I I ,, . ' ' 1~. " ' I llo I \1 .. 1 j lf tll I "' .f If t I I • 1 1 "' 1n•, 1 lt\.t "·' •"' •• I ... II· I,.,, : t • fll I • 11f j ~ " I I ' , I ,, •I ,, •I I· "'k IJ,., I' I,,. p I I ,•, !Ill l it II I I I ' ... t 1 .1.. v lJ.l Y .1\.1.1 ~~I At B. cS P. W . Meeting C'olor films of l'orway wer e Giving an account of lht• Chr is t. ,ho\1 n h)' floq.:hald Stephen! at ian Social Relations departmrno llw m••••lang of Rusant•!ls nnd Pro-ror tht• Woma n's Auxiliary of tho• f, .. swnool \\'nmt•n's dun t11kc·n h~ 1 Los Anf:o·lc•s dill('('Sl', Mt~~ .lan• 1 h• r J:o•t "llllf11o'r \\'ho ·n ~tw SJ>t'nl l llumphl'it'~ of Sant.o Anu ,,.,l-1• ''" 111111\lh~ an lwr 111111\1' c•ountry.1 Itt rn••mloo•r• nf tho• \\'t~~n.on's '''" Tho f•ll'lllr•, 1on• "''' nnly t'X· ll~n 11f St .lanws c·hur rh • 1 ,, , 1'''"11.oll\ I~< .outrful hut a r<' un 1 nw.-1111).! lwld 111 thl' h11m1' ttf \:r:. 1111• r. •tin.: .lo•'llllh h i ,,( l1f<• in lh•• P. llon alrl llnll. Tustin .cl • nu., 1 ,, ""' tlo "'' :':•· l•h•n• ~~ t'hair· C'll'lll ~1o·<A lllolfl ur l!t" <lulo " {'0111111111• •• whtl'h I T h ' .. dc'fllll'llllo•nl <llid .\Jr,s ,, 01 ,•lui h ill!: '" :-;.,,." ,.~ uml nwm· I h111111l~ri• •. lw lp<; nuxill~orit•s ,.f 1 , t' \\t It lrl"• t\ .. lt d 1•' '''l~ ~CliT\t' 1 ~1 OliS-.,IUn~ and p;tr1"1ht•<C;. n( 1)u• 11r lh• t•lo•llt .,,: ,, Ill 11,, r lo1•111 ! olt~>l'o•••· tn ftrnctil>n t•ffo•('ll\o•h ll nrl ''••Ill h\ f"'' .. ••f1 ... 1n t th' P•'·tun'\i; Januuu• th(' ru;un ins111 Ut lt~n~ ,,,,.,.,, ~l'>o.. S t• jjlll·ns 1., wnlilll 1 a" l , I h2._ rod ·~''' t he•. r,,-.>(1 ~nmnn1.1n k (I I n , c·111.1 'IITIIt~ ·111 1 h<•~tlllal :"an 1-amtly c•hapo. 1 ••t \\'JI" a ... r ~a,..;nt t ~ ' .. h ~ • 1 ...;,.;,tt)o II tth h• I' ltllltho•a·. llhc•J't' ):Ont: f'o•::ll' '' P:l mHn ~ n~t li'll o .ol 1 h• ,hflo ~ 11 , ,.. • .,111"' n for m:ony ~:m p, olru :oncl St R11rnah;" 11•>11-.• '•" n•h "h" h.ul ll\trl 111 thl' lo tlh· lit ll"'lt• ll••rt.:hls Among llunt•Q r f nPo·d• o Ql11' ~nld. \\'t'rf' hook<o fuHI ,., mantlllll ,. at t II·· h• ·,od " on,. o r h "' . · . _, f llllo t.:il tlm·~ or t f' ,-,t•arnnn <: [n. the• J,,.,,.,,,rul f tords '"'" Sllntl' o . 1 1 1 · · l I lh II d 1 r , ·v~:niLo• •II IUtC. 1011 su >SC'rtpltons 'Ill! " lom '' •·n • n •. P • c. • U"\t•rl mn~:a.llnr·~ lh" hom•• Ill \\hll'li llh•\' \\(•ro• . I ' I h Ill In • -hrou•·ht I ;\I r~. J n Gookt'n dt~pln' .. d II u •I n t fl1UOJ! t\ L:' """ I k ·' .. 1 1 lh m AI rhart <.hnll me whf'r<' lilnnk·o1ff< r-Htc' :tn,, un uJ!'-.ft a \ a l• .~ •. • • • 111t.: w:o<; 11 S')unnin~ 11 11,.,.1 wh;d' rnc rnllt•l'llnn~ llrf' da\ol rtbllll'~ CU•t). (\A.htC'h, "\J n t.''-' hOt ul ltH It ltl•'tlllu , ... ~fll t., I" Pl1) ffh l.:l ... lf,tlt l111 1{0 110' cnrllJJlc•lt•l) Ill )1111 '1 111111 \\of, 1-1-tll •Il l' • 'I"' loll" loo h• 'I• J,oo'h CI'\JOk uf BaJ~ 1:-.1•• lfl ~~~·· .J.11k • \\II•• I ~ 111o· 1 olllhof,,~ p.u l) .11 Ito• OI,.CtiiWIJY',' Club H" !hi• ~I•"' Ill jill". \\o thll •d.o~ o'\1'111111:' If lloo ll d ull Is t.llll .. n lh" ltlutJ "'''' ", . .,k, I II "'" t ,. > .. u ,, o·1 '"'"'" • • • '7 uTttEK <'tLuuusc; :o-.a~t:Tt:t:s t'oKT'' t.I~+UTt:KI": . . • • · • ,., · II'". !'Ill t lit • " I t tl dl),' "' '"" q I •• I It ,,,. h '" I ,. , ..... l ),,, •••• lll1ll lu·o·n ~old ll' J\lr" SIC'plwn~· Mrs ~l'lhi·rt Pe;:orsvl. chnarman I I I , 11 • .... , 1.1,.11v 1111 n\' ,,r supphc•s for tlw rom·nc·;:ot11,11 ft\t 1l \t•r IUl t it Ol! ... I J I , . 1,.,11.,_ 1lt.:ll ill\11 II hit•h tho• fntmo•r :mel ni~O for lh<' llUXI!I~ry. llsk••d fur """:oiPr" nnc1 m Niu•an<''i to tw 11 •1., ,11111' Ito puro•ha~t· unci hnn~ ._ :\l • 1 ·tct · h ltllmo• "'Ill • I . nry s t 11 rr·n" oml' ,11 I Jlnnnlnht unci 1\'llS uu11tor111'd to .• J,.. TilE LAST ~J\\'(J S111us•k•) n1~ht .... nn· ~•tt) •nt•·•ut''· l!•IH • 1 ill• tt I 11 P I .viii ho• II \O olf\tk·r-tul )•'Ill' oll•otmof lllil 1<•"11' the• < htll 1111 lifo loJulf 1' I llj ,, )11 );o, (IIIII: 11'1th lht• l!rot:ram .,1 nrl th••m . w a, u~ hu•> '" llw mul llt· vi •lllflllhl, ·'""'''II tho \loo ll cu~·l.o ,,,, 11 . • •• •• ~~•or•• fllilll" 11\llnl•t·r~ hy I'I.Hthlo•t l\1 :\Irs ~I J !"idwls ro•p11r tl'tl ~1 I ool• rnan i\n11.v'" r.oulrl nf I IHnlllll'l"n Bo•:ot lo Ritllln JU•:J\LI.Y l111>o~ '""I 1:·'~ Ill•· J •t Hu" l -111.:• "'"'''k• ''' '' ""''" II··• '"" 1 •I 1 "' lll;.t A ll11·thd.oy Ill tho• l)o •l to• l~•lll••ill l.ol1l•·. lltu l l ~<olllo' floolll Ill " \I• I ., h av1n1: 11 lurtlu.Juy ·'" ""''' ltw lu ou1111 'Jlu,no'"' • I '·"' rt,. 1: ..... olo 1 1 1 . lht'Jlull,,lonoi iiH•Itt>l,.•ll • lho•llul·.lh• 1 ~.-l ol\•l•.oiolll· I• .1 , 1 ( .. arb.nn,,uh;lla \'U)UJ.;•I '·•'U''''I •• tatt\tu·H·''·'' ''''' t l\lh ••••It \'. ... ''"'"''"' ~tllh• rl:tncl l"''"ldl d ;ot IQ pl:onnom: :onnllwr l'utlko II r.~ .. t • I• Ito· 1 111"'"'~ m o•lll\1' Sl~t• 1111-lonrl r·urnmo~:•• salt• fnr F o·hruon q ut•l for l>l'\'•·n 1111· Sllllt.;l~ f,•lli I\ \\•'1•· •Ill• 1111111110.: ••••I lo l ..tu N ortuns fJf ISu)'h<•r•· ('tot""'''' "·''Jill: lh•ll 111!:111 ull "'''"'•' ·" 'II• Stan Luuao•l llllJit• I Hho•r •··••··•> 111 ll!hlx1t' tit• 1·.11111 ~"" I• •·I I'"' W har'f Wo•rc· l'llliiii(.IIIJ.!IItllg \Oollh llwll 'ho•tl -f"h 11111' llulo Hwlo•• 1 "'"' lhl' lur~:o-.1 h<oe.l Willi tlto• !'011111• •I J.:lio''' tnJI \\II,\ I' II , uo I Itt I I• dotter lin·tchcn, and af >••u "••n• '" M ,. Ill• ,.,.,,.,, lnrl• 111 • kl• ol "ol tkoad In Amc•nca jw.t gnt:' IIER ,, t.:llnolo·a • t"Jl())f BAUiU,\ ISLf:: .. , Em!(" cl-Ht•ntlllmf>P 111 k,, llurh llurlo·~, l\lr &• ·"" h' d ,-,,,. bott Jr .. Ul R.of:~n~. Millan! & '11t..tmH 1-'o.,.l!•r . t-:•1 h•·r II 11 111' o· It"' A· Bablt Ril(')' o( the "fWd \\'llda". nnd '"'"'' "'"'"'1:' J•,.,,. t. 11111,, .\1 .11 p&ft ol thr Vqabond Shop. & Julrl' Nvnhnrp ... rrom ~t.a Mf'511, I saw Ann & 1-.oi>«'l l)ori<An. tho· lt.•.wnn H,,, Valkos, from Balboa the Rlcha.rd C 11 hmc•n~ wtt h ftrmll} llat·k 11· .onit a-rue. Maraaret Lyall. M d Mr & Mr.,. t: ... rr~•· It S 1uq;r,. "' l.~oloo l•lo• who Wer'f' entert.ainang that la m om; llullywuud rontl~.oe.<·r AIIH•II lilt) llalottc.-, and Mnr.. M alot lL'. • _ •. and ol OOUnlC' tho.-~UioJ c·orntrnt:••nl of lu lk• ln1111 ;el l "'''' IIH· U.S.!!! Oua LAUOH t"''il TOUA,': . IT SEF:MS therE' was lin OCNtn JOIJIIor, n ni\\'IJ:IIInr, an flirt u <Xlii.MODORE ot an out-of·lhe-hllrhur-MJhn~ Yurhl Cluh c·nllc-c1 rho• VOYAGERS, who proudly sallt'd his lowly yocht II• lluwuu In l hr· u.alulu I"'ICc.-and BACl<, WJTIIOUT MISIIAI' """· \\ath uth<·r ·~ has been Rbsortung the CIU1'rn'(' spirit or thf• ho•nt-h<omht•r ,.,_ Cap'n Don at hia Outaways' Club whN 'e t h«>y hll\'«' ht'<'n maktnt: a IRIIporar)' Madquanera. SO, lx-mlC u h ltlr httl' for tJannl'r nt lho• ~ ..Wna In rrom Cat.aJJna. In otw of our VI'!')' hf·~t fQf:•. 'arb ~.tlii1IY ...s ca)'ty CWHAM 'J rlj~hl ,;m ock duh up Uf\ tho• bc>arh nt 1'\ulholo, ...t WALKED uhort'. th~ lM b!"E'akfn~. to fmd Bill Crotlby, the ..., cornrnodore, waHma pallc>ntly "''llh thl' \'u>a.:P"' ftcm(JU' "K ol'k· mP" trophy under his ann: r • • I I I I • lllllilll'o tl 1 hr• 1'111h h:orl l1pc n :t~k,·<l 11 nd 1 hid t lwir 1 ra\'..lanr: l oa~h· ·, I I I II\ '"'' 1'1111111~ l'llilll'nlttrt .. r "" 1111111 '"""~!"' in s::~ I ' ' I J, ·' I ' :\l.ol'l·lt 11f 1 ''"''" '" t.o ko· dlnr~:o• 11f Thl' )k\' P ·tul i\1non • \\'ht•l )1 r \h•l, .. ~ \\"'''''' \U 'tl' I Ulll..,ll.t :tc. JUJ llluu1. ·httl) UhtiJ.I, Rarlun ('hrl,tl••r llntl \mtrf'll \llllt·r ln,1 ... ,., tu) bank •It• tlll\o' f11r llw ll:orhnr an·a Hnd lannt111nt'lcl l lw dati' of llw ann•tal \\ lo•·• 11 "'"' ~. 111111 • ""'" liarbO'Keil; to til• vJid hy ('httd'"''" , .. .., ... -. .W.ty at •-&W>\.1 \\'~\ • .lww :!L ol \\'a.s \IJl(.'d to do Ulls. ('hun~ n\4'+'11~ wo11lo1 IN' ,J.An . ·13 \It ' l'l•uu '' • • (•hi•lll h~ fi<••·km•r Tit£' pnto• (C\r t ho· t'\'l'ntn~:: wn~ rot thl' F'ho'JI rluh hou~e a nd !\lr~ h .• ,.. • ... . •• ,. It 'I . '· N f ' D hf u R b t G . . c' I s H F Ll II :1('<;1 of howls llronntrll hv lht' 11olwrt \'lllngranll \\'fiS ll!>krtJ 10 \Ia • \l ... 1\ ,, Ill • " .. I • ' '' 0 I ve aug ers , rs. 0 er nesser I r. I 0 . • . rani( in l~lnnd \'nl'i!'ly ~I on• lin II ~\'hleh lllkl' ch:rr~:c• of pla nning I he pc'>l ,,, •111111 Ill' \lo ' ''"''' •• ,, I,, I T 0 Present Stage Re~ue 111s Sunday Soloist Returns lo Low \\iiS won hy a gill'~' lurk dinno•r, thr turkl')''l bf'im: pro· r'(••rt• 111•· '"I"'' • '" 1 '1 '"'''' At p b t • Ch h ~ At tht• nl':o<t m('('tinJ:, Jan. 22, vi-trd hy the• Ri~hop's commit II·•· ''""' ondu ,,,.,,,lor,·· "''''''"'' "'' f.,,,,.,, l!whiJrds-M8rlllo reS Y ertOn UrC ('111 ~ 11 Frunkhu. Bafl,.1.r lsi· ~lilclrN:I Strtnlo•y, lt'J:o'llllth•e C'hnir· At lhl' dnsr of thl' me rtlnc:: lt'U 11 h;,, 1 •• 11 til"'"'·'·" • 1 "''' 1\lll ,.,,., .. , 1.1\d)' Loeb nncl :\)r o. Hulo•·rl A Crt•~So•r Jr , Will anrl. 111111 h.os 1,.,1,11 l'lllllll'<'kd Wtlh man, Will introducr J\ttss Ilecisell 1\A!ISI'r\'ro ~y M~.llall 'lnd •Irs rho• '""' '1•1• "' ,,t. •• '' '" "'' _.,. J., .. , .. '" 111• 1111111ongton Rt'at·ll 1 • I of Sal'ramc•nto who has the r cpu· Walter II. llttchman, a ssisting hos- 1 II I .. 1 "' "11""1 fur 11"' Sunlla)' mornon~: I hi' C '1~111 !ll••!.;o no·\\~fllll.te'l' for the latt'on of ttrc·sAntt'nr• ""rlin"nt fac\" tc-ss. with Mrs. Rarbre flOUrin" I'll' II Ill I ,,, Ill "'1 ·" , .... '·"· J lllt'.h •I '""'' '""'""rtum on J rtn• J I" r h I ~ ... ~ ' a ... I so·t '"''' 1 II IIUill') "' II I •• >rl·S· nast 1\\V _,., ar<:, as pa·•'II:Ortn" to r"· r<'"~rdt'n" IC""t.slata'on In an r'ntcr· \It'>-llo•nclrll'k'"~'~· \II'••·JII•·~IIo•nl ,3 , , "(J) t ,. " ' .. ~ .. " .. 1,1,.,. 11111,111n•· o•,r• '" 111 111 (-,,Jalllr· 11:11 ~ -· 1 •I~< .ot " " p.m . undf'r ~~I o•ro.on t·hur('h 11f 1'\:o•\\ port liar · h 1 . d 1 PI R . t f t ' bur Ill IH• hl'ld at I I <)'clock a t s umc· IS 3 \\' praCtl('(' an wrl f'Sttng mannl'r. Oy eVteW 0 eO Ure ntn h.os r r•·.tro·lt nn hlitlil ounal r•·· '' •· ·I~'"."" 'h'l~ nf Salve; S8nds Cit" I"'' h)' !h . Sl'u 410 C 1 lake· a rl'tr('slt, r <'Otn ,e on prl'para· De/to Gamma 1 ~eet,·ng 1 ltl\ t r till' fllru·1n1: nf th•' l•.oal•or ="" !Mo hnd ll!l&llted hy t ' oas . l~ tt Cl b l~ t m •l~·n•l ,, I"" .. • h h I' nc·itll ,~II< I ... 0 ,.,.. N at IJIChWio)', t'or<lnll dl'l Mar. II is lton frlr lt<kllll( lhl' ('t<hfornaa bar monne u mee s I ll:hl rhl nro·n Ill lhr ··~ I omc·s " ,, '1 I ·~ """ ,,.,. • . • ' A rt'adlng or Ruth Gordon's SUC· \\'o• : ro · "'"'kill'' fnr tmttrnl'o•ol ll.olll'hiN~ or I hi· \.oldr n W<·'t. .. nnoiUI1ffd hy Mnr~llrt•t lla~kc•tl, "Xnantm'llnlls 111 111" fall .MO:-JNF.IT CLUR of SouthArn 1 c t•ssful Oroadwav p llly, "Y,..ft~ I .. t I r '"rh w•·-c.·hulrmun of the music C.'Ommltl ('('~ I~ r • J ·~ ~ I• 1:""'',"" '" '"''lhtnto• 1hl~ ~:rr;ot " I" '"' '"r " e ._. Olrl l . "oro· ••nt<'rant: lht· urmy, Wht•rt• Califo rnia "111 hold a lunehron Ago," will be givcn tty Ger trude """"""I"''"" ·" ''"'" for tlw ch1l· :\tr•th•·r I ;,M•••·" " ""1ry adaptt'd. '" 1-.l• unur .1-.mbrl't' WAS solols.t at he s•·n .·o·d for r, ,. e )'('ars Col mt'etmg on Sat urdoy J onuary 17 llorn of Corona del M ar at the lhl' two ,.,.,t Sunday s • · · • ' llro 11 nl Iotti I\ "'' th•• llll'n :onrl '"'' ••··~··· w•.c:•·nt.cloun Rnd r~nlh• ,~ en ace-s F kl 1 at 1 p m Hotel Rosslyn in dow n nrxt mee ting of Delta Gamma 111,.11 ,.f '";"""""'.. of~ •h•• pn ... ~. \\hac•h has bN>n p ro-The llev. Tilomaa M. Gtbson '"'' 111 "as 11 pructa~:mg awyl'r t~ Los' Amtclcs • Alumnae. association. to tv> held '"'"' c1 tov h•·r ,,, " ''ng<' review 1111!•11•1, has chosen a s lhc subjt•ct tn tll<r nntl\'£' town of 'J'uC"Son, Art-, , 1 30 Tu d J ~20 I r at : p.m . I'll ay, 11n. al V t ' A t "ull•·rtnl{ :on alfncu durrru: " Ius sermon "The F:yt'gate or wnt• nnd '"'nt c1in•r tl) from the ScotC'h tape Val'1oua al:e.ea, on the home of Mrs. Spicer , Harbor Te pronfs h 'b~t _ ..J 1 "hoo·h o.h•· \\';,~ llnllhle to daner, Christionity," ro•ta'l rnom to llls new w or k. aa.le a t th• N~WI·,mH l~;lnnd . 0 Be X 1 1 eg ~lc ' \hr lan <IIHh•·•l nrt work an At All. d Arl .. ~ t "'" Ynr~ '"' ,, )f'rlf , rollow ont.: Je $ M ee II II• I IIIli h nf Ito I work 8ppt'Afl'cl An ''"'""" ,,r rlno\\rllt'~ 11 n cl '" '"' ·'"'' 111'1111 ltllncer ma~: •- ''"''" -,t... , x :\frortno·~. ""' l.11 1'"' 11[ ''' komi ever puh· ""', 1"'' 11 ptrlolr•h••tl In }"I"·~ ~~~.-'ho n t 11rnrd t o I h•• 1 ... "'"' rn11 1. ""' ,11111 mol ,,111, n ""'", • I tho l·••·k In lx-knn"ll ,. HI I.,I•J:•"" "'·'I ""'' ...... I , ""''(' ,. n .. "'" • tlol \lo thPr (;()(, ... I ,1,,11 nl hrl '"'" ''"'"' 1" fl•ll•n·. 111 11t11olo ,;,, olool .oil lhl' Art \\ou k • '" \'t\tf'r'u1·-. J\tltt "'""'' "'"" hniiC-~,tllf H u ,r., ·· •ll.tL:I ·•mR. 1 1111 :ol~ llnflf'r t II• d • ,., 1 "'" to( I l or-Tho of '"''' II •• ltr~t produ,., ol r•h l llomr ll.' "I I. •' "II '' th• '"' II ' I I,,,."'. \1 I• I• r~ n ( Am • II· ., , '\oii J••II ll'lr-• • 11111 n.: 1 1111 • '" ~ !II thl' Hunt Honor Roll • • Prosperity Pluggers '"'' \lit• <1 Art• • , .• 1 :11 l 'holl " ,,,,, ""''I "' I'" ut•·nfl. It \\" I d11hhou~•'. 7 ·;\1• 1 :-~l·oo L I\• n ''' 1111 1'111\'C'rslty ool : 'f I I l '""'I"'' n ( ',olaloor nr.o to, fore tho rr I •' r (tmru: , .. '\•1rll"~tnt: nr1· o<l (n rm<'rh ,,1 ~ •11,. nnrlfl.,tl\. l•·lk •lom·rn).! llo p1111rrwnt. I llf'llw1. w n•: 11n rncano~ r wa'h ll\1' ,\flo r 11" l•llhh• '11"" In h<·~k T. WESTON JAY Anchorage of Southern Calif. llco Cnlltlfln . Lauc.on & :\fa rttn Oulboarda Com plf'te Vacht Fumlah.lnc & Oea.r. Baumgartner Jewelers Diamonds ~ VIAL GOULASH ............. ~ tn..p ........ . , ... ~ ..... \'&Ne..l ___ ........ ..... ~.~ , .... ......, ...... tn..p.-···--'"""·~"'· ....... ,...., lreww enlettt In .ho"onlng. Add veol eftcl ... sonlngs; IHown veal, stl"lntt eftetrl. A.W tOffteto, green pepper, cel- ery. SIMMer several Minutes. Add water, cevor and coell slowly 45 Mint., ..WI,. ....,. water If neces10ry. Add MUr CI'OOM 5 Min"'"~ Mr¥1"1 eiiCI etlr w.ll. IF YOU'VE GOT a copy of Weber's "Good Ideas" booklet, send another Ofte to a friend. If you haven't you'll want this 60-page illustrated boolclet of household hints. FREE from Weber lolling Co.J lox 1730, Dept. 418, Wil- ahire-La lrea Station, Lot Angeles 36. -Complete Building Service- ..._ ....,_ MD-.11 or a-a 68CN·W 2265 H•rbor Blvd. Costa Mesa , l11rt11 ll l'.orn• ol fur :\lr~ Marttn "'" v ••t ( omp f'rnollc•tlln n.orln~: I :on hnn .. r~·n tn• mt .. r•liiJI In the I 1. 1111' \\nr Jlr• hns tnll.:hl <'Ia~~··< In I 1 1 I 'I k ·r 1 l ( n • 1 n.o 1o~n:o ·' '" "'"'" .. oct }'. rnt:o r j'llllnt Ill);, lo•mr>rrn, r~~~~·· .. r \\ hoont II< HI! h T ork tn~:t••n Is lh• lltd J'f'tHol llo ll\\lltt.: in hO'Iflii RI< ''' I 'I I .,. \I h \m o 11 1 on ••I•JO<>t•n t.lll\'1', 8111.1 1 trnuL." 1uut ,.. .:" , n •~ rur. . r• nt I \1111•11 Ill ''"' Olu .. Snot~ Ill ~~ ln'1'" ( 'Ioiii I IIIII " '"' l_.n~:llsh ll.oll~o:o he• '' ~h""'"l: (;,•o r ~:•· lh· 1 •11'•11• I "'''"''''' '\olaonol I . I ' r ,.... I •t I''"''''·"'"""' \oll l\111' ond .Inurn-, .1, t'n" P''r rttt .. , •• n~"r:t ;' ""'· \arlollr. dc•nc• Wllh lour111 1)(\Clk "'"1'· ·•1'" '"1'1' r ao d "" fo.,n••rnry nu ,,,,u,,tu p t.l••'n 1ht oa t',,,. '" "' 111 '· •··ollr·cl 11 '''""''h p<•rtr rlll 1 1 11 r '"' \ t1 loll lho I"''' Yl'llr ooul • '''"' • tl HI 1 ro l't'lll \Lei t'h "' f 1 1 II . 1 1 •t• f'tl'l\( l• f'!tftll f'l '\I ••rtn 1 \\ 1t \ t H :.' lA "I. II• 1 •k·l I·, •' " "'to "• I •I•IM'Ar I ·'" • ,, ,., 1"11 to( to( I II'• or;< \\ill 1.. \1 II. to ... , Ill IIIIo I,, II ·"'" \\ "'' rl'- "·'" II • l~o ortL: rtt.• lor~! ow•• t in~· 1,,1,d hor '''"''' ol It 1111111..: in I IIII \I" loollol ft "ll' "'' \1 11 1111 I Pres byterians Honor Notional Leader 'I'••~•'' hr II 1•1•11111 f i\'Ut• 11' '"'" 1 .. ".: "''II th1 '' "110r1 l't ... s.u ' '· .,,. I'•'• "'*' •·f c•un dlllt J•.u l•11 J"1ntl..•· , ..... '1f 1nn~ ll"ll"l 11\o' \\'ollollr T I"' lttw• Jr 1•1 1•111•11•' ,. til II '' I"'' 1'11).\\'. \l •<l•rolnt' ,.r lhl' l'ro•<.ll\ltra:m ''\rlllll• 'it;''"'' ttlt'lllll ll· lAX. IIIII h "'\' '"" olonn of llucc-,·nat•fi 'lllltlto II It• • '' • ., '"' '"'" '•'< ,., tfr"" it ItT t ekr;'\ti:f \\ il~ hr1ft J;e._t • ;. n<l" l1111flllllC 'll \\'holr'~t l'nrk At Bolboo Home I • lith <"1f1· ll:ollow t l~lnnrl 1 ·'"'""1: lh"''' llhn llllt•ntii'O Wt'rl' ~tnt lwr~· 'lul•,.f .l .. to, l•oltl!hlc>rs lito H•'\ f'ho '"'f 1\ Oul•'\' nnd Or t ·o~l:l ~~ .. ~I llo·lt~o•J "'" l'•i ht'ld 1 ;1o 1 ., \\' ~1.,,,.., of 1,~,..· An~:f'lr~· lht·or "1:111.11 rn• • '"'~ "' rt, home , h•• H• I ·on• I :\fr<: ~-;-.,1 .I C"ltri~l ,.f :\Jr., . \\'•••1• ~ "'"" I•' -'" ~:ut •I Til• I on Jlr fl .1 nrnhnm~ of l lt't 11n ~ rnnl ll.oll•n.o 111 11t 1.1 J•res· I ~~''"'·' ll• :ol'h '"'' n .. ,. ·n..,no:•~ i' ··nl ,, l.olo"'l'l t''l•l"l' ,,, lhf' Pr··~h\'· n. no•• I< .. ,.,, ~'I\ I'll '"'" pion~ '• l l'tn chilli h b•·on t.; llfL:llnll• ol f~r lfl,ll!o Ill hoolcl '' • ••oko•cl (oo d ~All', '\,"I""', 11 1 1 h 11 r \lr< .I \I :\lr' II. or 1 ~ l tunho k lo· 11 c a p- I'"" 1, ~~~ • H 1· ('o•nt•hdl ,l l"'""' o1 ,,., • h 111m.on n .. , ~'""·"I \lfr• tl ,. ····r~··O<IIn Till 1\• "' Ill• I lin:.: \\Ill l~o· hrld l.to\\PIII'o 1 1\r""n \lr :ond :\lo• 1-'t"h l .ot lt1"hl•lllo'"' \It• l l<1ri~, I t\ 1.; 1 tno k• 11 onol \II onrl 11'11'1111 .!.:..!. o\t• ,r, '''' 1111•, with 1 '". n'"lll·" ,, s .n ... 11 'h" '' t. n ....... '.. , .. " ..... "'ss. Surprise Party For Newport Matron \lo• II \\tfl '· _·-n ~,,,.., \\ I • \ t I ~ f J tl "'' ~ I i htt t\ tl 11 :o-.tl! •I ,, u, I •tjl ~I' ~, f • ,, \' . ' I I ···I •II I 'I '• I .. \\ ,, ' I \1 I' I t I ,, 11' t I I' 1 Mesa Upho~stery ll;ttTy l\lc 1\r'(' 23.l0 Sf'wport Oh·tl. COfltA Mr~ "( \ t··v · 111 ,, ·~ f eu I ea.~~, t •... t t ·n. ,~ ,1 111~ I' 1.• ~ ~ 1t 1 I I 111· • ,,, .. • r:at · \\', · ,-, tst" I ••n tho I I .•r I 'I rl·~ 1 .. 11.; r 't>oa I '\~ ,. ! '\,"I-" I I I .. ,! r • llf'llrlfln• CO)Ini~A110~ OIX:SERS F'ntur1nl' Our ;o..,.. Turkry o~ ~··•1•h Roll Orde-n from 5 to 10 -en n4'hta I • P'or R~rvaUons: Beacon :>465 Yacflt Brokerac-e a lnaurance Harbor 1:1--3«0 \'t. Oporto DMN W. CAMPBF.LL Lester & Co. Mem~r l.oa An~leoo Klock £uhanrre O<Jvemment, Munlr lp11I and C'ort~Grallon ~urltlr• 515 r:. ~ntral Avr .. ftalhol\. l'b. llarbor !011 Clark & Company ~fF.T.o\1.1 .IZI~C. ln11 11,lrtal .•. Clm :l mrntl\1 Sot SOth St. "''"'J'Orf Rf'A~h Phon,. llarl>nr !Mit Greeley and Grimes Insurance Agency ''SEE US ron PJ1()TECI10 N" SO% Main Sti"N't Rarbor !OS ..... nalboa I . B. Wonda. Newport Branf'h Maaacrer Ets-Hokin & Galvan N.wport Be11ch • S&n Frllncl!'co • Wllmlnrton S an Dt~ -Stockton ELZCI'RICIAN8 I'lL Beecoa M01 1000 Cout 81.-4. Francis J. Horvath Real Estate IMoome Ta:w Afon1~Fl"tll"ral . , . l"t.te o rnN>11: ll'!ll t ilth -lbrt>nr 1110!\-R R ome: llfl SIUh -lhrhor 'D'lZ·R Newport nl"a<'h Padraic B. "Pat" Evans TJfe -llea1th -Accicfent All Types P ersonal Insurance Darbor 11105 • J.'l'!O F.. l'lnrf Or. e .. lla lhoa Dr. ~farv<'n .J. Reitz Pil~"'ician -Sul):ron Two !'\ ""llflrt Rf-nrh ~KSS \\', C'l"ntral r'hnnr: Rarbor 4!1·R orn,.r •: \'nn Stn", CAlif. 11!'1111 \'~tn ·._nv• n••-d. l'hnnt: StAhl ~-IIW'l' Oeo. B. 8tr1rk•r. 1''"·: C. A. n .-rhf'"'-, \1N~ Pre&. Ray \'. Manhall. Trf'\A!IU~r Seaport Boat & Yacht Corp. n, Ceut Rwy. Ml. Rart>->r 5M!. N.--,ort Beedt 0.11,-.-t f'?at ... r a ~pnrtater a.t-T~ 8&U Bo&ta B&lboa -Balboa 1.-laad "THREE TODD BROS." TO DOS DAIRY IM\4 T.-rmlnl\1 ~lrf'f't -~1111111 Ana -F'nn,. !A.'\S "•-"•rt•• ... ,... . ...,.._,.."" . ,. .... r ... , ,....,..,..,.,_ o...-o..... . . ~ ... .,_ ..._ ..... ,._ Z'Kalt• 1?001 vm .t--'T.Y H " v .. m. llay's Camera Exchange f11m ..... c .. m .. ro• ... t 1 nl,hlnl( e C11ntlltt C~tm1•r11 r nrtrulh e !\0'7 F.. ('f'nl rn I RA 4!\1 -R AibnR Linwood Vick • Realtor • ~1! M11rfnf' A"". -Jbll>na J•l•nd BIU'bor t '!·O -W ... Rarhor 548-M G~nnnl ln41uranrf' "JOHN DO~Y" CHOICE SEA FARE e POPtn.AR PRTCES e • &. Central at Palm-RaJ'. 1089-W-Baboa M. R. BEEBE, Mnnager Culbertson Chevrolet Co. Che\'rolet -Oldsmobile SOOt Wf'st Crnfrnl A\'P. Ph. fiaroor nJS non "11 .1 nr:n. ~lr.R. Coa~t Prnp<'rf ies Co. ft,.r,llurte -'"""""""0 ''\\',.. ~·''''" 1'••' Ent1•t• Jl.uh•lr Ar~n·• 1101 F.. ('.-ntral ,h r.-n .. thut~-llarbor :!858 J l. \\'. FO~TI:R Ilarhor Shoe ~hop SHO E J\fAI,I;"'r. ARTISAN e RF.r,\JR~ e Cu"lom Rultt fi'andale ~te Dr. ~holl !"foh ool of Bdelltule P'oot Comfort ,oe E. OutraJ-Balboa ....... 37-Nob Hill CoRee . ·:: ~: Qe ... l o-; •t.c Pr.J~•• offectfvo through Monday~ Jonuary 19, 194L 110.&. O..tn&, ....... I We SUCCESSFULLY TREAT: Oland Dltordf'ra • Male and t'e male -l'rot~tatf' lroubll', Outro ·lnl4'•tlnal C'ondlllona -H l&h Olood l'rf'tiAurr - H-n Trouble -l.ow Blood P~•ure • Anrmla -Kid· ""'' and Rladdf'r OltiOrdl'r- "'nu" and BronC"hJal rontll· tJon11 • • • \\'ITIIot'T l'!illWl St"Rc;t;R\', DRt'GS , Mt~ntct:-<:t:S, OR ISJY.f'TIO:"\S t•ree ('on•ultatlon Phone for Ap&K>Intmeut Dr. E. F. Bell, D.C., Ph.C. I 01 22nd St. S t'W!Mlrl Rt•11f'h I'HOSE llt\ICIUlR 11!U U OUMI: Molltlll)'" k Thur'lda)' l'l'wport H arhor Lutht'ran ·~·lo•lortttt•t1 th1• So't\'nll ,.,. rtl\o1 ~.1r~ "1th 1111 llllflro•~SI\'r I' 111dlo ·h,:hl IIIL' '' r\ II'•• .11 I h.• I'll 11• I .J •on tl I" ondlo ~ f, 1 tho lo•l 11\oo '' .trs "•I• 111 ''' \11-1 ll lt>o r .. r~.nt.• \no 'l • 111•1 l''""l•nl tllol \Jr,, I ' ., .. ,._ ..:.-t·nlrr -q-mmt ~Jr••sact.•nl.l """Ill 'IIIII lo t tho•••no• or( It"' nt•\\ f•l• '"''' t \lr • \ tn:11H 1 Huo \!or J ' • .n I •lh· 111 ttom hrhto--rl thn<T" r>1 ll•t 11111 •I• 1• ''"''tho '' I'll' l 'utol .. · 111•1 '"''' '"" "' I Ill! f .... f,., tht• <;,4k'lt ,, I Ju W .. , Sluut_.' I'\ ,.,Hnt: .I"' I " T.1k111' o•flll'o' \\t't'•' \11 .. \'11 ' """ ll11• <!o'r 1•1 ''~lflo•nt ,\1,.. liolltlt•lo \\tlll'llf 111'1 •1'1 •'~1· • .... l11 thfl drat• ot lM mOnldDal •k!ctloft, and II ' ""~' •~• ,..,.~ lhat dny ttwy mUIIt 'h.• "'lll•tl'f't<d on ~ twfo•t't' Mn1,·h 4. tha t ltt•lu~>: lht• t"11>~<ln..: rlllY fo•r n-aiJttratlnn. All n •,ult•nt .. ""' t ht•n'f•>t' th•llfl•"'-h••l\•hy, t•f lhu !"-ot t''l-:1~1 1111 h•ll Hilt! I ho• llllll\1'~ of I ho• 11'j.!hl 1 ltl'!o .. t"II'Y II AI.I, :o\o•\\ 1•11'1 t>IHI·' ~r,\TIII:\ :-,,. ~ ,"f\17 \\ ,..q l''r-ntrnl ;'1,,•\\ 1"\C I ~·1111 :-;I'\ 1'11 1...; :-,,, 7t~l I "'"" II"' "' •'111,.. 1\1111 ..... t-'lltt' sr\ l'l••:'ol N1• 1 l 1 ' ~~ ., '""' \\I t\\lt' llroll••" ''''""' i .'l< 1\\;~I"J'IIo'l~lr t\Vrtl\11' '· ... , ... , •• d,•l ~, .. , •'111nk I .. Hl114'1\l\n, llo•tOOI)' t-: \\ '''" 11 ml l"'lltll)' •• \\ I •,...,.k,•r I lo•t• P A lt:"~lo•n I 1\'l' II It ttntlilo•l. I li'f\ t' 1'. Zut .. ., l~>•1• l-1on..,n• An•lt•rttlfl, I \o•t~•lv Ill ••1\ll I' I•• qiliiltl\ ,,, .111 1"1 1\ "l~ Ill ll t 'II'II:N """' IHI\'t• lhl• I, Ul'th ••t '' ..... 1. lh'•' "" 't"'" 11 lu·•-' 1~·1''" ~~~,,, • ..,, • 1 ... th~l\ ttlt), In 1l~o• )'< 1'.\ 1'1 I '"'" 1\o• " '''"'''" ,f tho• I tlo Ill ;\II' \lddl'o d 'l'rtt•l\. ~•'ITo'· 1 .. 1 ~ '11'•1 \11·· ,.,.1'11111' ~11.11'1~. '---::::~~------------_..! II I o<ill 0 I' lu Ill<' t '\11 '"1.1'\' ~·'·1•11 • l lullo-.1 Slnlt'll Ill tho• I'Hit 'l '•·r Ill""·'' !-1 olll,\'0 ,-----------------" \ h 'lnr' .. r th·· , .. ,,·i•''' "~~ I,.,.,,, l•1 ;\11'< fl "'"' I \\', d o•lum· I "' ''' '' "~"I 111•'1 :tS'I'I 'I( ro-:11\\': "-f Purity Accuracy Dependability llln,...!l 1!1 no n"o1Jf"('l4'r of llmf'. That'll 10hy wr, a• JH't''>~'rlv· Uon clrUl(Jdlllta, an al"•~• rPI!dy-1"o IM'Ip )'OUr dnrtor and you. \'ou l'an rome hrrf' ,.lth utmOAt ronfldfonN>, knowlntt we haore bJttbly llklllf'd J•har· macl•ta alway•·fi"Mh drup . BAMFTON BARBO& DRUG NJ:WPO&T PRA&M.\01' BALBOA J>IIAJUUO'I' • DURA LITE METAL WALL TILE Pennant'ot • O..eoratl\·e Rustproof · Waterproof Can Be Applied oo New or Old Surface Cement TIJe, Roofing and F1ooring hnmedJate Installation F REE ESTIM.A TE Cheerfully Gi\'Cn PH. HARBOR 21S."i Pacific Tile & Shingle£o. 2901 l..afa~·f'tff' ~PWt'IOrt 84>udt, Calif. Wf'd. thna !'lat. ,Jan. U ·l7 Tyrone Power and a c-.aat of thnUll&nd• "Captain from Castile" Color by TI'C"hnlrolor !'4un., ~lon .. TU4"'. Danny Virginia ,Jan. 111·19-~0 Kaye Mayo In !"nmur l c ;ultln~n'• ('nmf'dl 1111 ''The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" \\'MI. Onl.• .Inn. .,,.11111,. n11r1'1'1<;1, ,\rtlon J•rua.:.rnru .•. Ann Savage Robert lowery "Jungle Flight" -AJ- Don Castle lee Tracy .. High Tide" ro•l il lfW ",.,., 1.11 > Tloo• ,l.lfHI.il'\ '''II"" '( 'hr "'""' I '1111• II• hop" (,,j. • '""' d \IIIIo :\lro; Ill I• n 1\o'o•k•tn•m : ·'' I•·..;"('" l•'dd•·r I Tho lou•tn··~< n1••••1 1111.: \\ ,,, I ho•n Ill Ill \\flh Clh (,.fln\11111' o'olll\1111 1· I• •' ,ofltl '1"11\ Ill•'' IP It .·hl11.:ht lho• '•·nn Hh• \I 11 p, •u \nnt•'-c;;, ~~r~ 1 '"I"''" H .. 1 1t ... ,,., .. 1 .. rr. 111tt::. \11 • l:•rtn iol• \\1ll•'lll. l l<'JIII'I· 1111 "' "' ~IM'I't:ll ;-.:, c>tl< '"'" \1 \1 q, ll•thl•l'll 1.ofo• \Jooml\o•hhtp \· \It "'"I I"" :\1r" I it Ill' l!ooth -'• \\ C ~UIIh ' ( ~nlnnuc er\ ~~' 11 I' or' Ill l11d1 I \\'ollflo 11'• \\oil k, "I· P 111ltrt•• Cuh•r J11o uoo: p , I I'·'""'' I; I :\lr< F r 111«, So•hultt •ttt1 '''''t.11rt :\It·• :\l11') LA·• l.»urrr I Hho '' ilfo• Alt..r Ch·otrman. \lr• \1:111'11• rlt,. Qunn ·1, Fl':m~;( I· 1•rn :'Ill'~ Frillll'o'S S t·h11lt1 . Puh· 111'11 1, ;\If'<; M1lrtro•d Trll<>l\' Al'ti\'ilu•,.. pl:tnno·d lll'o; En~ll't Sunday hro'nkra!'t. !lfnthf'l"·, l b) "·"1'1111'1. F;ot h•·r's Oay hnnquo'l, Fnn1ily m~;ht pot lurk a11d tht• c 'tln,..tmas pnrty. \\'lth th<' cln"in~ nf thl' bu~tn!'ss IIWf't tnr: rf'frf'shmt•nt!l Wl'rr ser\'C'O hy · 1\tn; FrnnN"< S<'hult7, fl<l'l J)l'('j;ident. a.s hO!>IPS"· A f<'aiUI'I' or the lunch was a lx>aullful annl· l'l'r~;nry cak<' mad<' ancl dN·nrr~trd hy Mr~ E Ro th. Irish Program For E-bell Musicians "l rtsh Romance in Son~t." a p."lfl' r rt'ad h~ Mrs \onstr~nt't' Jay- ro •d. ~"' 1h<' tlll'mE' ro1r thl' rl't'o•nt mt·••t•n.: n f F.lx-11 rluh's musu-:o;;•f'· tlllr 1\horh nwt at till' l'luh housl' \\llh :\lr:< Ja)rf'd prP~tdtn~ l llu~tratinl! th<' stal<'mt•nl that 'th•• ln•h ~1111: frnm tho• rrnclll• In I ht• L!ril\ o• and ull o r I ho or ~Oill:~ oloiiH'I tliirtl.:' on lho•il' o·\ontl.o\ i tolo " "• 1 ,. 1 h·· ftllfnlu•r" ~IfilL! 111 I \Jr, 1,,.,,..,. Grt<'J'.••'I' Th•·~ mrluot. • of '('no hi•·" ancl :\l11s"' 1<." "Tr. .. l I ,, ft ,,, !.11," .:yr,·ncl•·mf'••r··.., !"I•• :om." ";\ly G••ntli• lln rp" anrl :.1 otl"lro I Hn)' a nd 11o'•'•n11p11nl· lllo'ltl~ 1\t·rl' l'layo•ct lo.l' !lfr<; .l,o~rt•fl :\1r~ 1.:11thl••••n Cnloman outllno•d prn~rlim~ for t ht• )'Nlr, \\'h11'h "111 <!•·11 w ith cl tffr n nt Jlhruws nr I Anu·rican music 111 cumm1•nttnr: on I hP arl<'rnO<Irl's pr•t).!l'!lfll. :\Jr~ ( "nlo'mll n hrn11r:h 1 "" 1 t "" I""' 1 hat l•n lrr•l:tn(J Hw ha rp '" 1 ""M t ... ;ur•••' J IC'~~•""...-'un. "'• UlUf'h ~" lhil' II t ilOill'l tw t'u ttfl'·•t· . .r, tl f~w :tU\ ;\Ill. ,\,U "KS . ltlt'll \ltU I .. \lt•IH" \1.11 111 ;,t:s llall""' :1\I'IIIM". ( · • .,,, a.• '''""'· c~t·l••hrah• t h.-lr t tnlde•n \\ .~,t.Un·~ tu :nh •. r ... :' r' • ._u rr,•nlult--d h\ tho•lr fnttr l'ltlldr••n. \ 1llnn,.r nntl "I"'''· h"""' ""~ ho·lol nl tho• hunor ui "'· 1&1111 \If'. llo•rho•rt 'lo·II.,IIMiol, tllol C 1111111~ llo•ntl :'\1 10 1'111'1 llo•la:ht .... 1••11 tu rl~:ht •"'' IJII\fo'flo'o' I \ld l""·'"' \lf". \l.•n '"'"'.,., \\*"'~'"· \\ 1111""' fl. \ll'll,.ruo'cl, \lr. uol \;r, I "h ·•·• •~ ''' llt•u· ttld "'"' ll••rt .. •rl t:. \lo•llullnhl. pll·•loo h I;,., 11,11,11 The R. L. McDonnlds Hold Open House of Golden Wedding Anniv . \II ""' '"-1!11" '"' I. Dr. Ralph Ech·rf Presents Thi rd in Parent's Forum Series Thursday , Jon. 22 'I tharh· ,, h... t. p.t II• 1pi~H· l'••n eld nf \1 ~, l<•ll•o,, ;'''""' It• \tlt~l, ..... nt t: ''' l'p f \t , ........ ~, .... , C'tlthl.ti•C' lhtll ,;,,,,, lt.dph I ltll P'' \II'' lht , n \\, tlflii\L-: ann~,·. 1 ....... \ un Sun· au tlu· 1\eH ttl' .. ,., Ulll ~~ II•' on ~~..., "' ,, .. '"'""' ,., ''" ......... n .. ,_ · ,,,....,l..4 .......... ~.. JJ. ... ;..;"1 I-' \\' I "1!1 'I 'hI-'ll, I lo•p II··~''",.,. olf \'o•to·t'>t N I tit•• •'oolllflh "'' oil' hb lt••l.;n•. And OTICES nil o•lho•t I"'"'"-lllt••t <'~to•tl ln ~filii "to I k .. r "'""' '""''••ttu•nt, r'"'""" '"1'U t: ,)y t'll.l.,..tl '"'~"~"~--•..:•'''''', ,, ''' '"" '""' 11r ll••lt·r \U,,1' t • 0 K T II t: C' II N • nun.tll••ll ,,J t111• ~~~~-·rlnh•totlo·lll of ,·nu t 'Tttl' Ill' \ ,. \'IT \K\' ....... •~ ,.r th•• 1 'II\ Ft~.:lno•f'r In .. t\\tlt '''1"t:\l '' U ti\.,..IIY. t oltll••ll tl~o o o•too 111 111111 C"lnlm " r I( t . t: T \ ' n (IT " F. K IIIII I lh• "'''" hn• IIIII '"'"n Jlf'f 'T ilt. r" \S U ,\l,l .t~\" ,,,.,,.,,,., ol , ""''"'I' ''' tho• romtrol''f l t1'1't,\ll'l. \1't It ll\ Kt:"n 111 ,1 1:•~~1 ·'"'' •nh•l mtlttl mannt•r, I I 1'1ct' Ill' I'Tt~~Tin' SO 111 """ ,1 11111 lhott n n\ 1-,. t1o111 olf :tlll:t \'It HI" T IIF. 1'1\lt: \Sit tho• 11,11 k ",.. '"' "'"' ro•11 .. m I'L\t t: u•· IIF.,IUSU AM Ttt t ,,111tttool ••r 1llq;nlh lt\t'ltlllt'il In '\Ill \\ IIKtl. \~U -\MS~,!4 .... th• ''''"'""'' foil tho• ~Atilt'. tlf' ~lt',T, 11.11 1111: "' 111nkln~ IIIW 11hj•,.•ttun '"II :\kl lona\11 trhl t'tol lllll n ... ut. l' Ill Ill ''"' lu. II" II·~·· ollllhlot'llllll , ... ,, ....... ,,, ........... lmpro\'1'· :"\o'\ll••rl llo·lt-"hh .1 llllllltl' ho•tlll-' 111 I o'k•tl "'"'''" '""' l'h P j Aot ,,f 1'111" ht•ln.,: P ll'l•lf\11 '" ,,,. .• ~ .. ······•~" .... r t111• .. ~-· 111o•11t, .. r lhfl~ffllll, ur utlll'r ar t, lollo\\l'ol ~~~ an ,,,.,.., htlll<l' l.anm tho l '111" '"'''' "' C"i!lifornll1 llw ~11 ,.,.,. 111111 Jll..:hwn}._ :\lnrrtNI 111 l 'o•tl'rl'huq:. 111. ;\lr 1" ""' •I• 1'•"'111~<'111 "' '''1111'11111"'111 1of tho• ~till•' n f t"11llfn1nlt~ .llflfl Mr~ ;\l('))nnnlll math• tlwlr 1"~''""1"1-'~ 111 I!IIP 1"' hit< plo· 11,,1,..,, 1~ lw11•hl' t.:l\1'11 lhnl lht' 11111111' Ill llt'lr'\111 unltl t'<lll\1111-' In lh'o•ro•t1 1l1 tho• fu·lol "' ••hllll Ill')'· ~lll•'l lltlo•tult•llt ·,.r ~lto•o•l11 olf llw tlw Jlnrhor ""'a thr•·•· )o•ar~ n~n l'ho•lu~\, \l ith •·••ll•'l'•' slulli•nll, I'll\ .. r No•llt••ll llo•ltl'll, hnvlnK ~tr~ MI'Doln:old's SISI<'r, M r ll . lw•t h Ill ll•rms o f lwlpin~ tht'rn lllllllo· "" ~~--··~•llh'lll "' ·~~~·t•r thr l'ht'h•· nrnttln, rnnw frum Sprin~:· unt1t•t'l'tuncl thc•ir "" 11 pc·r~unalil y '"~•· lltlll '''I"'""''~ ••f tho• com· fir ld, Ill for tlw l)('l'liSIOII Child· fl,., ,.f.,pnwnt "1"1 "'1111111>' tmpnr · -1ru•·ll1111 .. r 11 -'"'"'" y '"'"'''r 1)'1· rt·n pn•st•n t Wl'fl' Luwrc'nc<'. ('ldflltl tantl) 1" h!'lp tlwm In bt' IICII<'r I I'm '" 111 ""Ill' ~~~····• 11111! nllw r sun. who rnnkNl h•~ h(lmc wllh his par"nts. II•· is " nw mlw r nf 8 Jlr•·•·t-'""' ~tii•·Y• 111 uhl 1 "lly, aa oll'lt•rmlnlll '"" "" l'''""'o-dlnK ut tho• SlltW'I Iu1t•1111t-nt nf Slrc'f•\a Ott 1 'lly •:IIQIIw ••r , Mhnlt, 11rlclr lo lhe IItty ••·I fnr lhl' hnrlna on the n .. ,•uttwlll. "'''"'"' In lhc-eald ('\ty t",.tml'll h y hrl.-fly •talln1 tn \0'1'1 I inll llw Jti'HIInl'\1 Of llltJM'aJ. J'or o d• .. ••rtptloln uT arthl wnrk tf'fft'· rn!'f' I• ho•rf'hy maltl' II• the abow m l'nllnnc'tl ltt'1"•htt l11n uf lnlllntlon. IIAit•ll thl" 7th lla)' uf Januar)', parpnts : I krl.wrt , husl for th<' day family tlf sr\'t•n f'hildrt•n, Rnd has Ma. i\' U \IK~ . .lOllS SI('IIUI.M C'OI.t:\1.\' rut thr n,...t "'""' nf o•outlt·m l•llltt•tl II\ lto•tholutlun o•f I n· W ilham. who II\•·~ In nnllloa and thr•'<' f'hihlrrn of Ius own, whl<"h tlll'fr tw-autlful .. ·t'ddlnc t•akr at Uw ,.....,,uon ,.llk'h follt•,.rd riU. tt•ntlo•n Nn :WH.'i 11,,,,111ro hy thr •ltANK L IUNF.ILART. t ld llf I f I '· .__._. .hn. 10 In thr C'tlu,..h o f Ow M....aah, "'-"la AnL Thr bridf' Ia Mr~~t Mary \Vc•srotl "Ifill ctua y lim or 115 suv· ,_ ('It,. Cnunl'll uf -nltl t ,,Y 1111 \hf' ,,, .. '"1-k l!WI j the'""'"'' J ... nnlf' a ... u tonand, d•uc"t4'r nf \lr •nd M,.... '""' M. • ' 1 ' •• Orrn hou~r was hl'ld from !'i to l"<"t. t'T)1-f .,1 c ,..,,. M,._, and '" Junior Rfotll"f'd 4•-n uf .lub'" lla111"· .!tlth cln)' ur M11y. 1947, """' lhr J'uh J•n M, 1!\. 11~ ~11 m w tth 11 \\l•ddin~ rrtkf• s<'rvl'd. ·nw !'fl('akl"r ~~ nllw I hi' r hlcr _h •I"J, 1 ·,~1 ,, 1\lo••fl llo•th••l p hnt•• '" At,t•n•· ~'"'"' In Ill) "'"'"' 110 th•' 7th day ----------------- and many IO\'t'l)' ~1fts Wl'rf' r<'· of thf' Purt'nl t:duc11trnn burrou oof .tnnwor). 1 '1<1~ NOTU'J! UP' ANNUAL Cl.'l\'l'<l lly the cl'll•bran ts.. fur the ~tatr• ll•' ha.~ \\ntl.-n many St. Jomes Church Holds Annual Meeting, 1 ho·r•'"> llx Mnnd11y, th .. ·~th MI!I!TINU ur MKMIUaUI for tht> ort1C'IN< 'rnr thf' C'nlirflrmH Pftrl'nl· f p rill) ,,, Jnnunry, 194M. "' lhc-h uur Amon~: thow prl'lll'nt To nC'ht'r mn~nzlnl' llllll:hl "' fleets Olficers ond Announces 1tponsion rogrom .. r rnur ·····h>e·k. I' "" llntl lhf' 'Ill.-Annual MHtlna ot fM'Ifto clannrr "''rf' Ml·s~r!l nnd M<'~<daml'll ~torkton .Junior rollrJ:I', nnd hilt l 'nttul'll ,,101ml10'r nf thfo C,l)' '"'" ur thl' Nl'wporl Ualhoe Ffd. n L Mr P onald. Ilt'rhf'rl 1\h'· rlo n•• r"\tc·n~l\'1' rnun~r•lltnl: II n d El'"''"" "' oluorl'll """'''" ' lltl!h ~. h·~·l I· • tl""~'"t' ""'' II l 'uunrll In I hi' City olf Nt•wport r rlll s,., '"It" lind I .nan A~atk»>l l>un:tlcl rncl dllu,:ht•r. \\'llham Me •• l:llldanc<' "''rk \\tlh lu•th cnllf'l:f' pi""' '"' ''I'·""""' uf ohunh 1'•1•111' ''"'~'''''"" llo·ou'h " ''" """"' \\ho'll lind \\Ill hf• ht·lll "' lltf' AIIIIOMatlon'l llnn:thl i111d ~onn .... l r:t 0\\o·n. L•·•'n stoul••nt~ :m<t' th•'•r p11r••nt~ !Uh•••l I • '"'''' lo\ l•utlollllo '"' 1'1•••1111111' •11111111 ''l""h "''''' ""'I• llll l•r•oon~ tfll••ro ~t'"'"' lh•• """''• :\.'\.'\:\ \'lA l .ldo. N..wport • rt.:U!oolrt, n ..... ~ 0\\~;n. T ~ \\'o•lls, llr ,l:tnw~ II Thnrnton, \11'1' Ollil Ill I ""' .... l.tkllll' "' ,,,1 \II ' II I' II·"'''' , .... , .. 1•111 ,., \\ootlc ''""'' oor Ill tho "'''' .......... '"'lll'h, l 'lllllllrlll'l, "'' .l .. nu•ry 21•'· ,luhn llr• 1\o•r . ;\It·, Ph..tw nr,n~,nn, pro••orlo·nt o r ..... llrnnl!•' ("on•l "'''" ... ,. ol tl looooolllllll' I l••ll•h .... ''""'·'"' ''""11.11\ '"' M 1111 "' \\Ill I·· .... , .. ,, lo\ t loo ...... I'IIM, oil 'IIIII ... ,.,, ... k In ttl# aft .... l..l\lro•ntl' ;\lo-llun.tlrl. :0.11 Mil{. r!l .lunu•l l'lollo·~:··· \\Ill lrllro!CIUr•· thl' Ill Unll•li Il oilo 11•· l'ooll\olllloofl ''I ' '''""I' ..... ,11.111 "'!"I Atilt•·'-,, . .,, ........... ,., .. ,.II\ ''""''~. IIOWIII, r ... ,,.,. l'"'l-••· nf riN'tl .... ll.o•l-.1'11 llontun. rdattiiS fnun k Tl 1 11'1• '"'"'" .. 1 1," \111'•1•" "'" ""'' "'' ,1 1111,. ''""" ... 1• 11,,. ,,.,.,.,,,.. rntlfylnll ac la c1 l lltntll• :\11 ... llo•nl\lrl.llrld !Ill , .. ,,,1'1"'•' ..... ~··rio·• ·~ H'irl~ sr~m· fll.lll• ol "" 111111111 "'"''Ill' ...... , ... ""·"' .. 1'0 Hiol I '·"' """'"' '""" 111111 '"' 111111'1'1• ""'' llll<'c'lotra, "l'llf'OVI"' \lr·, \\ ,·,, "' t :~ ~~.'.!.,.,/,:~·n.,. t !~~~ ~·:·:,r; ~.'~;, ·~~;::a';·;, St .I'" t I''"' • '1•·•1 ""~'u'n h~ Itt \1 , \\ tu • 1· ' •· t ... , t• d t h •• t t e1 111 .,,~ •. , , ., , ,,, , '" '"~' It ... ,., d '" 1 ,. 1 .. u t" r• 'It'\\ lr•~.t pnttlrf''• made •lt nttnl•tt' , .. ,, .... t:t ,,,.,. ··l•rn•·n· ·r u.,.t,\, "'"'' •' tth t ltoll•hll'l '; ... ,, .•• \ \1••t ttntt t .tlttH h ill ,,.,, ... .,. "''''"""'''' ,,, ,.,.:npl•t•· ttu· "'' th• ,,,,._, Y'"'"· h•• .. .tnw "tuU Local People I.U\ :tnd ~1'\\IW~fl lf.qhur t1nlno ,'"11'• ·-u ... t '"",.,,.,li d''"' \\Httl•t ,, ., .. t lf u lt•H ... ,,.,,.:···"" ltUtl tlt \o\ ,., ..... "' .... A~·uw•luttun'a ftnan.- 11u·t1 .... C'hfl(th •• uul''''"t•L•nru 1t "·lt hl ·nw It•' I'HII '''""11' ''''''' I ''''''" '"''II lu' t•t•••' ltud•t '"'It'''''''' h••'"' "'"'''"..: ultpluth l lult'1Hullth•tt. h•nthttrl uu nutllne Now Recuperating th•· ,,-.1~~,,,.., "' I•• Thonntoln t1•" 1 '' '' "' ''" 1111 " 1 I••• loll ol "'"' """ ...,, • .,,,,,,.''"tho \\olhlll '"" llllltlll•• ull•l ''"' ,., "',. '"'''''"u' ,,.,. lh•• yt•Ar \948, II .. ,_,,. 'ttltl!'utn•.' l•.t\hhttn IIU'h M'huut~''d•<i t~··l•~t.d ,., ••lftt ll '' ·~'"'·I itttttf ·''""''''''''''''"'"t•n •Pl•nl ttHl tlw ttutuuttH••nuratwhutht!r \lr'• ('l11ill• S :'11•·,\lo~l',l • c· \ II I 1' I ,L' 1 1 1 1 1 ...._ PIHH'tpal ••'flfl'• •'< '' ""''" " .~ up\\IH• ''"'"' Ht.llt•""'l''''' tw hu"'"''"'"U'It\t' Jtt UI"' Y('lltnt«tUP" nn "' tl II pfl1 ~1 ·-'fi'l pl1 t\ h••'iHHd ~I) t'hlll'\'1 I' tn.tdt• , .. , f h·· l•'r· 11 r, '""'"' '1· l l~ I II tl l lt\uU I t il HI .II HI I.... It n t.tlfHI• I "•11 i,:tt \n l ~I uq·, 1.! .. ; " .. " .... •' 'h·· tiU't'llrtt( \\tl.l '. 'II•· "'•" l'"nllllo'<l \\lth a •• tl I '1 I f tl I I I •·•ll ... oloo ' 1111•'· 11hlf'h 1 .... 1 llrtlil !I 1•111 , /lflfl .~1111 1 "·'''"'' ''''"'"'" 11 "' 11111 11101 1• "'"111''1' '"11' 1" '"I' Ill'• '"''''' l•l lh•• ,'o\Y 1l11r ln..: lttt• :'o.l \\'1'1 111'1' IIAI.IICIA .. F:OERAL '' 11"11~ '11"'"" for 111 "'"~ ~h·· "' Itt• II fn lt""'''" hi' " flo~t'll"~loon ll"h'l'' ''""'"1111'''' "'11 11'' liP • •I '111 '"' "1''1'11 11' '' 111"111'' 1" Pr 11 • "' '' 11r l\1\1 "' 11 r··~11lt of Ita S AV INI::S A NII J.O AN ASS'M '' n•<'lllw'rat onr ul ht·r· h"m••, ~~>it t•·rtol<! Purf'nl Pt1tu•nt Inn rh:t~rnwn t••lnlool ''' :\II \\'h•·• lo•r IIIHI Ill • "'"''""' I ''"'l'lt•)'•·•· t .. •nrllt'lnl alllo(l(t•atlun I' A P•hll••r , 1~\. !lnmd\\11~, l'ol~tn \11 !Ill AI pll·~··nl (' If .,. llnl~to•ln. Rnwlun lt "'"'"' \\'lllo ,.. I .. ,.hi ur""'" ''"' ... , ...... whro 1'00Jw•rlllrt1 In plnnnln~: l ho• "I l-' a , .. Cl.ram. 1-'tlh.-Jan "· ,.,, -· "" \i'tlon. lirt' I" rmttt• <1 s•••·•·"' ar•• !11r~ llmu.:la~ lltnl'<lrv, ltinlO•n. It llnnhlll II.• II 111111\ r·hurl'l 1, IIIII\ 1,.11,h ''' l~o•rt•m,. 11 ---------------- !\lr .. ,.,.,,,..) IIH) .. r ''on Fillt.·r -('•"'" :-.1,.,,, l\lt·~ \\'nlt••r l "dh<. \\. h •h (;,·on:•· 1;~ :\lotio· \11•1 '"""" ,,,, 111 .. r " 1111 .. 1o11, 1• \1r 1"11 ""'"'' nu···l\ .. r •• r "''"J••rt no :wh arul :\1r< Bl•y•l '"'"~· l;"•l'l:•·" '1"111111'1 l!•l \\'h····· ''"'"""" ·'"''II """ 111 ··t,•t.tll PJ~Idflt•U Lt\\1'-, r\t\\fi'UII Jln:h p .. T A 1•11 n,. j\lthltl "'"'' ....... ttlt \tlftd fp .... kIf lut Jtltll'ttflt Jokn ~'ttll••tt '' hH·lr •I ht' uf· 1·1•\U'H'I' tn•utt""''' "''''''' Tfu ftq,(t-., ... ru••'"'•' t••lln\\•·•1 NO FINER ••• Itt··.,,,,, !tt,Jl" ............... ,~til f'.l•·t·t·d I,,,, ...... ,,., th. fll" f t•ltltll•d , •• , ,. •• ~ l flfttl'l \\Hh T to. m••ttn~ '"ll""''cl " 111111 h · "' '''" • ~. ''"" •• nn ·· '" .... ~ Storts March ol Dimes ,, 'I' I"" ••f "" '"'" • • 1 .. '" '" "' 1"' •., ,., .. , ,,., " ,,, ,,,, tl''""", , .. ., "' 11 h11'h \lr-11m" Hutt•o '"''" '" ""'' "'' '""'''' 1 ~ Campaign in Area I\\''"""'·" 1,, . .., '"" .. , •' .. ,,,,.1 •• ,,,, l( .. t.o l \oll •l••"' Office Typewriters! uul :\It ' FJnttO('t ,\ntt•r'•'n ''•••· t•Ht~r 111 \\llh tt~• ,,.,, u l-11 •J'• lufl~ 1~· ••h "''' ''''''" -..:n 'tth t, 1 111 ,J,.,,, .• rul 1 lut • ''''' :'\•" ntnnth t ho• m••llllt.: "111 1" I . hi l-1 "''~ l't llllfllf,\ 'j '"'" ;\lr• 'I' II• rll ·"''' lo \ :tiHI ,'lr• IO:.othl• • n ·, h 111.tl1 hoiiOit "''.. ·nh prn .. 't tnt lo•l Fo htl\;11\ \\IJI ho ,\11\olll Ill h olk :\111,., ... \lp: ,\nol• ''"n 11111 "''' • Lalk un lotk ''1111: ... t1f ,\IU•I I• 1 ond :\1o•• 111111< r \1111 -.one "1 ltftU' tfltf IU l lt,lf h t '-t';IJ,.tl l •tttfllh\ '-'utft•tltnd (tl f .. UI•t'1 fttl t;,,,,., IIIII• I (h i. tit •t .. \1 tl .uH f( )t .. "thl 11,11 '"'n•••u•• ~r . , .. ,,,l!ol,,,,1 h., .. ,, ..• 1 1:., ... ., ...... , uvl 1., .. 1, ...... ,""" ''" ,,,,,,, "· , ,,,,,, .... , ,~ ••.. ,,. ,.,.~ "'"''' ... 41,.., ht Ltllt t ftlt l nllhl \\~··~ lll•ll'-fhlt. llfltt tf' tf1fl tltltlll•t\1 11nt•J~•• \\tft '·'' ,,,,p, ,,tt)lt f o I 1 t:, ttlll \tt'-IIH , I ,1 ll>ollll, o'OIIIIIHII", Ill• 1 I'll• \It' l(ul I f !I 11'1 I \I I I 1 ' oiOI \lo \\ olo lo 1\ I' Ill ''"' "•J•hntut '''"' th• .S "'' t \ifttfH' :tl \\lu-·' (.-ft '~'"'''' \lt tt·d \1• ll•tf.,,llj,t t •I t ,ft, .t. •••~~~ 't e..,\\ h•d • .. •t;~M'ttl t1l•lt til••" ,IIHt .... tt"p Jt .lhu;t , '"''rul ''"' f,ll•t"''~tll\o"l '' ·dl '1• f 't •••-t \tt , lhrh 1''""'11 ,,h .... , .... "' '=••\trnl"r f,,, lh• \1.ntht.f '''"'''"h•·"'' I \1r \\t ... •• •pHl. I•'•'~ ht •·*~ \1t •ttl ''' \\dh•tn ,..,,,.k lq•f lttt ....; ~1.ttlf1• c'""" '"'' h• lfltHI11t 1•d It\ th• Ht\"tltl/dll q,, l'f"l '-•tt' \t 11 \\ttl l r•· I ''"1' "' "'''' ft .. tt q, '' I• tlu .. d '\Htn,1 n .1fi,,H 1nd J•tHuo·• •'-h•, f·•l 111,, lt.fl uu•· nl 11,, 111 .. "111 t •·t:t"'t•·t ••l u1 llu tf, "'''""'' '' t 'i 11 , tttd~·' l 'l.•n' \\'t•t•· Jtl'" nt:u l•· '"' tl·• '11'"""' ft•• ,.,,, "'11'"1d 11 ' \\ 1 .,,,It, I• I"• \~t.., '"''"'" '''' '1'1 l h•· •11. u••d tit "1'1~'''"'' tt.ffll1.l Itt~'-'•"·· :'\:u•h1 ' \\ltli'h \\d 1" tfu 1•"tltltft,' ••I ' •I l 111111 ''1' '•' '' \\,,I t 111 ''I P••ltt'tnl•f1 "·1 dut\' Ill r,,r,l.tnd \\l•ttl, .. rr ••• d ... 111Hh l till' t'tln•il· ,,,.''""''I ll 1 H··lll ... hltlf'"'" \\ti l,,, ht~• ""''d ,, fll .. t I ,,,~ lt ttlftl• •• , .t till l tlltllt" ,,,,, ~hill•·\ ... '1 r l~rt• 'fl1 \111 1'1<"111 \I· '''I I 1 •rul 1u tr t •"' "l it•• ",q, '"'~I J 1 tJII ltn '' d \ '"' •• '' '" \1, I till • ·' t • t• ,., ·""' f J t ' ' tl,._1 -I ltlfl .. uf nUl ltll•r\f t1 f'i\fllo:llftlt1ut1 '-' 1'\t'f] Ill th(• (' "~' I r I hi• '-1 '-'IIIU 1111•. an• rf'fttllnd to,Ltfltl a! 1.-a!--l ''"''I '11nd•r l"U;If'oiJtl••• fnr J,c'lflL: \\lth ,,;,, \'atll•hn hr•nr •nl• I t·al• "'lor~ h•ttldlfl• ''' 1 ... dd ~J l dil "u l t ,,,If, t •.• , I ~~~ 11'1'1 nwa) frum a u) I""' nr , 11.111 c~l:odstnn.-·""1 o•nff•••· 1,11.,.,._,,. '''" Mr \\'hi!• '"' p111'1~h lt . .ll ""' • ' .,. "' llllto r Slfii('IUr('. . AI~ .. irttl••rl.otll "'1" " "1"'1"'" New Ollicers Named County Educators Meet Here As Guests lor" "1~'11~'111'' \\'rd. thru !Oat. Jan. U -17 Thf" hf'ari·\O'annlnc .. tnry of a man .a boy, and a hn.-..e "Black Gold" "1th Anthony Quinn Katherine DeMille -('nmt•ttnlon t'rllln,...- Robert Mitchum Greer Garson "Desire Me" ..... ., .. ''""·· y, ....... , .fnn. Power Tyrone lo thl' R n1111111t lr ,\lh'I'IIIUro· "Captain from Castile" ('nlor h~· Tf"l'hnlrnlnr ~lllrtA \\'rd. Danny Jan. 21 Kaye 1 n !1'am0f' I Gnldwyu'a "The Secret Ufe of Walter Mltty" An "'""' 1\ot•l• • '·"' " •• 1 .. • n For A/tor Society ol G. S. Congress ol Parents ond Teachers "'!-:""''''"''I"'""'"" •'.1" 1"'' 01 Catholic Churches .,..,.. •. ...,...._..-----• a 0 ··:u·h Sunftt\ tUft llfh•l ... til lw·tn~· :\1•:1111" rl' of '"" "' Wt•~l llo-ndl llr naymund \ P··rr). ln~lrurlool h o·ld hy ~~ ,\1111• ' '''"' •h· ,\11,,1 '·" ""''. '"' .. , "" '"' ,, '" l;r;1no11Hif ••·h•w•l ('on~:r•"" uf l'hr· nf ps)<'h11lo1:~ 11 n d r11rrlrulum l t.:llolt11< A 111,11 , •lui. 1 1,. 1 .. .,1 , ,. 11,, ,1 llo• , 1,..,, 1,,, ,1 11111 , 1,., an<l T••a•·lo• r• 1\o·r•· "''~'' to ho11hlmt:: :t l th,.. l 'n"''"ill nl cnnl/f'rl ·" "' fl ,, , y, ,,, · I'• .. 1 '"' ,1 \II , 11 1,, 1 ,,,.1 ..:1 1,1111 IIH· m<'mlwr~ olf tho• l)r:tnl!l" ~noilh•·rn C":olofurma l lr I'• If\ pt.·'JC ~r'l"l' ,11111 \lr' \\),., I•• "'" \'"'""' 1 11,,1, 'l'l'""''" 1,, 11,. 1t ·,,,a11t, A~''"''·''r"n "'' \htlfthnurl "·'' fo rn1•·rh \\'ith t h•· C"ultrurn'-'t h'· lt·:HI•·r ,••l th• "'' ''' •••ul•l H•' 111,,u 1 •. ' .... ,,,,11 ,, , "'''''"' l 'olllriiiiOrl on th• c· .. , .. n lo do•l :'>l..trl!"l.tl•· P•'llllrlmrnl .. r t :clll!'llfl•ll ~1r• ('h(tnll lt.oll •It••' ''· ''"'" ,,,,, II lloo ......... "' "'" l 'l~ol·· ... 1 ..... lin .lununn I;\ Tht• 1'<111111\' tnt1 \\1111 tho· S ;on ""'I'" Sl •'' c:,rt~· nnrl t: .. ,, ... " ·•·ol ,,,, ,,,,,' '·· .. ,.I I II• ... I '""ftflilftun ., tl Oitlllltl:al flrllf•"'~-·rl ,tt lu·r~ rnllr·s:~ ('h;trlt .... IJt nt•fUt fl t''"'" t lfiJ•tl ,,, ,,,,il l!,,., fl tflllll I•' ... u•n tl h rChnt/;.t .,.,, fHr ·ulnun•c:· f tr p, r r\ ,,.,,k•· t)n I h• ~otttht•' 1 h~ urs.:•Hll'-1 '"' 1 th , t n• h ' '''"'' •I• • 1 , tttf , tt , 1 , ,, 1,. 1 ,1 1 v •1;oloor' nnrl t••arho r" :\11'·•rnrl"r<l:rn<llnt: 1111r l 'lolldro n' lotlwr loo ol"'", '" 1 .. 1"'" . .t "" \1 1 ,1 11 1 l oti 11,. 1,1, .,,1, 11 • 'r .ne•· t•tutnt\ .ttlr11t11"-t rntnrc; B•·' =1\J~I· "·-1••• ttft. n •I•' nut \"' 1 ,,,., '' ;1t·h· '' ''' '' t't•nthh ••·rt It\ tf,, nl•·:,nanl· .. (''hat "'" , tul111t " t 'trl''P•I \1t'-(~,,,,.,. ~•\'i••r t • lt\tn~·tu '''' .• nddu ''''"' , .• h11 1 \\'111 uut n •l;1 1 "'' nl· • ru'• .-~t:•n•l q u 01 •• •·atllt~tnt ri 111 ,,( ltu C'nr ,,, t d1 I \1 tf f ,,.. 1'· If\ • Tf \\"t \\til p.q'"''• tt thnut •It• l•tllltt•n r.. '"'' • fl\ "'" uu "' '''"' t th '" th .. 1·d ~ '''"d" '" '"' ""',''"" ·nur• '''''' ..... ,w•tt•h~· t " •••II ,.l ll•h•• I'' "'"l'ln~~r~•·•·· t•tnuk 1 '''" '"'r "' ,,,u '"'rtk• ' J.\ '''";' ., "'"'''ilf1 '"' ,,,, t\t.• ... ,.,,p, "'''''"' ''"' d .,. tu1 J i.tldn • ,,,d , 'I'IIJHn• n t I tl l!l tutl rt '\ ''" "''I t ''1 d •• I '-1 l ltotiJ j 1 I \1 (1 "'f I \ 1 tl f l' I 11 f •' I 't f I~' ,, t !I '11 ,, 'I. I' tt ..... ,, ".. , 1 "' ''1* n \h n,,, "'' 1\ 1 ·t I \:1 • I I \\'oil I o II \' f 1lf t ,,ddt I fl II\ \\f •t1 f d f I 1d l• I I 'I .. ,, "' ,,, lo• ''"'". lf Ill ,, ,, f d '• dl •' 'I Mar ch Dedication For St. Joachim Church t-ul th t d• dt t II r t1tft I '-I f tl ,, I If t • I\\. t I f I 111 ,, I ' 111 I 'I ,,, .... , \1 111 ' + ' , Ill tftj I ' I I I pit I II ,,. lfl• ,., til I"' ,, \I f' I d I I I ~ I"' , ... , ,, ., I' I I 1'1 ., ,. ' ' ' • I "· ,, I•' " ' I I \\tilt ., '1'1 ,, '"" "'' l d lf t1 11 \1t I ~ t\fOtond h . ' ' ,, . .,..._,,,. ' tf I I ' ... 111" 'IH. .,. ,. ,, \ . " I I ftlt ttflo If fj 1111 t fdffl'l ,,,. I ~ ~ I • ' I f ,, I I I t If I •• '1 , f ,,, llt•l t • ~ \ I • II o I .I .. I I •' I• ',1 t 1t '\tt'. ''"' ,. l't"l I • '"·I • ' I 'fl••·•l• •• \I• Ill .. I I, I'• ''" I ' .,, . '" '' ,,,, I , rl •I• ',, I•''' ... • ·I ,. ,, ... •I '4, I '•· " I '" , '11• t r t • I' ,, ' ·I I ,, f ll ·~~ \ .,,,fl ,,,, It ,,,t;, ,, I 01 1 I''' ~II t ... ,,,, fl ' IJll l ' I. Jtl t It ' t ,,,, ,,,," t"l ,,, fl • ' f ,, t •II •• I I ., ll o ' I ~ '"' I ,, '" d· I I "' "\ \\', ~ jl r I ' t • '•h' " 1 vI nul '' f • l I .j I II'' q ••• "' j. \' ,, \ , .. lilt d ,, I I • ' ,,1 ,,, lfl f'r.fl"" n ~ t•· 1 \Tt · \1 H• n J, "'"' ,, t •• •' ,~I •' ''''" 1 :. I I! •• th It! t I f·l I I It L.tlt .. t •. '' I···~ I '~ • ' •• If• rd "( ~l·qr)...'•""•f1 '''h""•l C.:;u·t:-. , • • ''' ,_,..,, ' n,' '""'"'""'' thnt \n • pt~ ... .,J.nl t,r ttv ttr,n~"'"' ',n •h' •\" • .,, •t "'~ ,,,., .... , .. •·Hf\1\' ,,c,nra:•t i'H' snhtwiurr·rl d• •l'"-t11r 'hlltlt• n• .. Jt ,.., "''' -,r. \It ~ Erlt'h A ll"l•:onr•r rnnn<·r ",.-.,.. rol'f'IP,I of K:ott lin ~rhnco1 And ,\n .. th• r '"'' 1" pro I • nt n I~· ,., .11 .:• n• r .t r·nn•(11t :tnt on lhr ,.,,,,,,<:I "''""'' ""' , htltlrr n i<; tn 1 1nonl'" ('01101~ ~rhnnl !;llfl"''lntPn · m.okP o;un · thnt l•·.orlwr~ 1'1'\• al cl• nt'< nrrirl', whn hAd R clillplay thr !ruth nhuut 11 rhlld'~ ht·h:tl'inr n( mnny 1\\'llllnhl.-puhllr11tions pul Rnrl pro~rMI~ t•r lnr k n r II In thr (111\ hy thl' N11tinnal All~atlon r.nrl'nts Tt Ill ffi()!tf nf'("MI~IIry thAI for rhlldhood EducAtion. I<'R!'hl'n 11nd pa rr nu work I~ M1u Lfoonard thm l•tr~ tt"'h"r hArmonloosly. lllnfl lo •••• •I J#~t'h ,, "' , , • •I'' ,, , '" · " •I 1• ' • rt~ rtn•• Fu,ll ,f I Y 11 ,.,,. r ... u.,, ••nt• ''" • ,,, h "''"• ,,f rt • I 'I'-• I.,., h:-1~ "" .,,,. runr •n fr •·••' f••l ,,,,,,, • ll<>r 1••"'' r lototl " •111 oil •h' 111 '''' rl'~tr f11r j<'t Nohr111~1 Th~"' mngw nr thf• l"nnnlt t1un~;rrnu~ ••f Rutw,.r 1.) """ lnnftAI' ll I hf' .. 11 ~r•·ll- 4(.04(.~ n.· "enxra1 I' I t f " • ' . •I· I I I oil. '"II ' I \'Itt" 'I I •• ··I ,, I·'"' I ., f ,, • \\.It I. ,,, I• ,, .. I• I .,, .,, ,~· ., , r~r .,, "' ,, t11, ,. ,, I I,,,. I ',,,,,, flflruh tlfnr~• I r ,, v t11• h '""'''H·· • tn• nt "-•II h• .,,,,J. "''' r 1\ "" t·ol lo••llr f••ll<o14 • •I t I•• n • • I •m· 11ttl1 rol••,h m••nh ""'"' ''' '"'' '""'' ,. r'""'" 1"''"1'''''"\ "" I•"'"'''' ,, " trololt· ThP nr'\t mrrlln.c will '"' h<'lt1 111 'J 1> m ~···h o1 11t 11:1 VIto Q11ltn W. ,_. hove the lotetl model Smlth·CorCMia Offlc. Tn-- Wflteft fof IMMEDIAT! DfliVUY. ASK TO SEE THESE FEATURES • Automatic margin .... • • Positive paper feed Interchangeable platen • Tabulator Set ood Cleat Segment shift • • Touch Selector, etc. YES e • e We •eave Them Smith-Corona PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS e f loulonq "'!'" e Tourlo •,,.lr 1 l•>r e All "'''und f tllmfl e Vat '""'• '""' •rof "' e 5pned b'lo''"' ••fo.t t•ry t ;uml Thin~ fur )'uur Ojjin•" 902 NOITH MAIN PHONE 743 ,AIADINA I'Oflll<*A liVIUiOI SANtA AHA ~.UnA -ICA 515 Eut Central Ave., Balboa Harbor 1061 TO MHT THI IHVUTOIS' HI IDS _j ,-.ewporT oa1ooa News· Times T 1 t I •1 .;nd T tit 'l"I•W ~cv. po .rt f\.:,,~h. Cdltf Newport tsch. 1700 r .tt·•·l n <· ~1111 tt£'!1 1 Jryers •. 1 rcmers O'K~ff'·Merritt Gas Hm,g<.'S • Fuller PalntJI Phone Harbor 116 .. Newport Beach .. ~ Cout mw. '----- ~ • -1' .. ... SPLIT BEANS-Mrs Louise Danllt, of F ort Worth, models prlzt-wlnnlng drrss 1n the Wealaco, Texas. 28th birthday celebration. being careful to k~p Ule costume dry to uold Ita sprouunr. Tbe beans. apllt wlt.h a ruor blade, were clued to c1re&S. In actHJf'll •·•tnhlt,ht•ol h) tht• Navy In 'l'ru!l hllont'IM uf 1111' 1'11 d fiC, ('IO.S'I4'1 tn till' 111'/H'Ih'lll tl~\' of En~lish t<r• 11"111 ror llw ""''"' <'hlldrc-n A NR''Y suhn4'r~tw, 1111' 11nh ~l'n­ eolng I"TIIft Whll'h pr"l ttl••ll II <lllhlo• platfurm. •~ hl'lflln,· Am•'l lt'''" l<'lenll5ts m11kr 111'1'\Jrlll•· s:t·uvtty mt.•vurrml'n 1" At ~I'll Thr Navy lodltY hll' ,. mnrr I hon 400 sh1p und stlltltm rti'""SPn tll'rs that liN' printt'C'I for, tit•• IW'nf'fit or Naval '"'rsonm•l whn AI'<' Iso- lated (rom rl'gular nrws ~>t•r\'tC't'S 1lw N ..... nn-will not be~ ~ble for more than ont> lncor· net tn.ertlon ol an adver tlHment. ~ t h ~ rleht to rorrectJy duaily any and all a<h and to reject any ad\'erti.HnX'nt not con- ~ to ruiN and r<'JrU)atlona. ~~~(' I LOft AlfP romm maholany dlnln• table and a1s <'hairs Thor wuhlnc mechl~ rt•cundltlonl'fi DriiJX'I , I.'IC. 700 C'!tmlltlnn, CoronA dt'l Mar 4<ltr tr~ aood\'W, MV SOlltcih way. also buai~ clllbttt A bus atopll. 603 Larkspur, Oarona dl-1 Mar ~2tp WILL HENT For 5 yean . bulinea..< Fi ll! St\1.1-. u w rqufrt·d r halr. or f;wtor)' location M . L Zone ww• .. uoun, Jo.dl complete with Bu- tttne tank and atove. wlnod tor 110 or 6 volta. Portable scrt>ened rnom, $5:.15 tnke11 all, W~k daya 1\<•AI'fln 5545. e\·enini;l lr sun- •16\s llarhor :.1:.!03-J . 3-2tc LOST-Stra.yt'd or atolt!n. Toy Shepherd dOlt named "Buddie". Whi\C' with broWn apot on back & t•V<'r <')'1'. Nl'"port dug tag No 2(1 5:ood n·ward. l 'ppC'r frcmt npstrtm• nt. ~l!l'1 Manm• A vi'. lllllh<>tl l&lnntl 3-:.?tt· 1111 ~;o· "wk1•r d 11111 "1t11 ftw•t I lii~•l:l I 1 \\'rite Box "J" /O ,..,, rut.:~~ 1.: na: :i-c7 I''' ho~ NI•II'·Ttmi'K ~lit !tEAL ESTATE a '""I' 1'"1 1·'"1' Ad dl•'"l' 11"1 :l lll.l tl!tiCI.I\1 IHJ~IE-Balboa ------------~ DtPL6VM£NT WANTED II S lTt'i\'1'11!." \\'ASTI,ll \'111111~ m<•thf'r Wlll n rr tor t1lllc1n n \\lllfo• ,ll•ll \\hlk ~I ;> IN] JW'I' "" k l"fl l'lltldrr ll '-~••• ~·"·· II• nt , •r•· '" a <•h•nn IIHI'•· h"rn' '''' I,, .... l\1\tl ,.,, .. ,.,, '1''1 111"' I 'II l "l to Ju I u l- 1 111 '"u "'' · ne at. Phon. CORONA DEL MAR --------·----·--llartxl r 1-1:.'!1-M 3-tft SPt:TII OF' IIIG HWAY , n 11l Jn:-..:·r· St·pnrut~ turntahNJ 1" "" k• I (llllj; rtl(tm, Ph. Harbor Must Sell at Once 11'<1 • I Jll'llllll' 1:.!3 30th St . F' t T r. ~ I T U R·E 1 11~ t '"~"""" rlr•l ,\!.tr 1 :.!It' H E I•' J ~ I S H E D '\, "r• 11 96-tfo· ,\ llt~.\t;TI Ft.:L Nf:W 2 bt-droom I m, ~ lr<•JIIU<'<'. ~;arng,•, patio "' I I.•J.."''"n•• 11'11 h t'tJO<'rctt• ft•nce, \ • II• 111111 lof1fll1Ji. l'U~ !'I!.\ I ~Ill \I •.t I!."' I 'XI ; I ...... 1 1•1• r• lu o• l'hvn•· J.l• .IC'tll lii •~I·H _,_.,,. 111 111\ llltlllt' doulm: tlto• ol.ll ·lilt· lt•1U1 tto ~!Mt .o tl.o) II ttl~•r lito·\\' :l lit ------------,.,.-~----------' , 1\'IJIU< WA:-ITEI> Jronlnl: In m) •rom•· l'llun nr f11nr·y :k1t) San llo·rnArdlnn 1\ l't' N (' w p o r I I lJI"I~hl!l 26-ttc 1\AB\' !"I'J"I'l ."I; w ,,It 1110!1•·111• lit••••. l:'ll<lo·IJ \\ttrk. 1 11' ('od ll·~o:\' ho)' '!'.! > o·ar~ ul•l I 'h11n•· lltul••r RJ:! fur .l•lr~ ll.un11rtl 1 1-·llp ' n F'Ol'NTAI N. t:IHL 1\~ \'t•t. I lht·: IT KE.\ G 1!£'\.'Tt:D ~(IJI \1 II' I :'I ttl I I I 1:0 [' \ \II ...; . \ l'lu•ll• II ,,1 .. r I••• * \\ , , " I 1 I ! II I ~ ' " t '•• '•'• .r •ht• • d \\ • t ,, \\ Jll 11 1 \1 •1 II , I 1,1, I J• \\.-1 , f ,, • •• 11 ,. I'''., '"' .,, 1 tl•• ''I'' iii· :'1 1 11 1.!h \\n I "" ' ... pi • " I \1 II '\ ''I f-111! . .-\1 I I J,, I' ~· dt\ liP I " I '.I ''" '"I' I ••. h• It .. ,,.,,. I I " H\1 pI' I ',, •• -... U• ,,, , .. ,~ :1 ~'''"~'~'' t lt'tll'• I t\1111 '"'I tu•\ '"I'"'., .\. 111·''''' '' ,, J ur lr.od• !111 Ioiii ~''' lu <I :111 (;.,Ill t nt••fl t \·•·~• • ch·' ;\1 •• :1 .... ,, "( 4'11 II ( ,:-;.-.ll I hI •• ~,-;., '-Ill I 10 t'( .th '-._'f l I ;\.t \\ Jifllt ~:Il l -~· I ··II II .•• ""' ~:II 1\ \ ~Tt.U TO ltE NT \' \' 1 1 1• 'I • .,. I ho droom .bono. 1 ' 1 ,,.,~,. r ""n' c . 1-:. Minnl.'\ iII I '11.1<1 1111-:hii'IIY Bt>acntl ,, :t. \\ 2-41• , 1'\ 1 1 .t( 'I'\\ t 1 llo ·rll'oom house 1,, 1 • l•.n"'"' ;l, no·11r Newpor1 I!• 1. ol•l• '''""I'~' 11\'IIJJII', Yearll ~-~' I 1.11 ht)r 131)(). 2-4t; I\\ • 1 1 •It fill!!·:~: lk<lmom hous• I ::til•"' ttl' ll:olhn11 Island. F)Jr '"'"' •l 111 unt nrnto;h••d. Yt>a'rh '' "' d II• • d1 d hy 11"1. wltc an•l lo,tlo\ I ,,., 11•·111 ro•(t•r€'nces. Ph II,\ 11:1-.1 2-4t~ \\ \;\TI 1' 'f'( I m•:."T-Furnlahl"<l "' unf•utn,ttt·tl :!-lwrlroom apart 111• nt •·• h'IIIM', yt·nr round pn· I· •" •I ((, ..-.. n rtf\:!!1-J or Harbo1 11.1. ,l .. lm S 11lnrs. \i1y HaJI. 1-4tr m : \L E'TATf: EX<'HANOE ,11 (;tJNDEHSO N 0({{!(; :l-~··· . -------------:: H ilt J·.\1'11,\."t;l:, flusln<'ss lot Ualhoa t lartwr f) I r, KCI.\~. "'' l'l'l.lt:)ol S.J Ill Yun I \'lll.u:••. !'l()' X 175' far 1 11r· 111~: ."1 l ';dtll~ llt~o:hway for r('li· --------:---:--:-:-:--::-:--·11• (I t 'rut" r ~~ •. • ... ~• 1\\ IIIII• 1'•.: It clo '"'' lo1t tn -"• wport, Balbon l\IA{;AZI."F 1\1' SAt. I· :-':~1 A'\; It lit 1\ll' Sl'lt•~lll•'l ~711111 1'1:\.~ \\' 1 11 "160 E , 1 . , . . "' • .1 11 •' " nt•r. .• . v<'r· Sl•"ttl\' (;,.)(1 t1o•.ol Photll llat· ~.r~~~~ ;ltJ.(I Spl ~I'll f;\tllolt•ll l 11n11 A\o•, J-:a~f" Hock 41 Cal - bur l~•l!•·R Jf 1-:,!lt•l Ill ~iliW (orno.1 ' 3-2t1l.j 1\1 A!" \\'I rJ I C A H ~'or It til '"'"' 1 ; E l\1 I!' I" I. y 1 ---:-::-:-:--::::---::---:-:----..:..= lllt~lno·~s nt•ft rlol' Hun ~"ltr o\\n 7 11 ( "''" llm:o). :-o:t•\l'l~lrl 'IU:\'Y.l' TO ••0 "·"' II l"'fmitnt·nt lnt<lll•'~' llutt~•·IHtltl llt'll'''" ~~~~:1:: \\ I-lk LIIA:"'IS TO IJI ILO, buy, Improve_ l\lo•rlil'lnt·~. Frwtt1 1'1 till II• h , ,.-, J-'L( i,\'J' 1-'l tH SAI .I·. ( 'hl'ltp, ("IIIII· ntodt•rntzt:' ur n •f1nance. W~ pur. t nll'l~, ~·arm•·r' .Supph••, II•~ 1 1 1 . ., 1 h11sf' trust dr !'dJ Ito• l.ot<l(l nrofot• \\'111•· (otr fittr 1:" I•· 1111 1 <'','n•·•,"'' l'l ''. '·'"!:' 1. 1\'E\\'1'1 lltT BALBOA FEDERAL ,. .f .So,. ". "' ~~4 hUt n.o \ t~ln, 1\,•l j ~A \'INGS & L0AN ASSN ttrttlttrq n,o\1 lo•t~:h'•. llt·pt I 'Ai\ I ~o1111 1 111ul I 1\JI<'Itt II, Ph llnrllor ~~~~ \' Lid Ph H · ~~-1!~1. ( lnklnml. 1 · oltf 1-llp ~H:..'-\\' !JX.t r.-1 ........, ta o ar. l!iOO I ~~ ~tA_L_E~M-Ifll~(-'-:Ec:-l._L-:.-\:-N_r:_o_I_'M __ .,-,:14· Ft Ill SAl.~. l.uw"•n 1n:rnp nnc1 MO:\'t~l' \\'ANTEO l6 nm ~AJ.~. I'<Nl '"IUipmo·nt rnr:l ltHII lank t'lllllltlt l••. S:.>IJII ltko Olf•rlof•od S\\ In~ j.;lll'lll:•' do·or no•11 l111v l ll\1111 I llordwar<' Ct1 tk•uhlo· sll•' :!1~1 ('11Jitn' Avo• llal l~l~11d ~-tfc Ball•<>n hlnnd :l-:ttt' 1 Watchf'tl • C'focka • Jrwe.lry C 'II Jt( )NC!~IETERS R.rpatrlnr -Prompt ~rvtce Scnalble Pr1cee VAN DRIMLEN Doat Maintenance Repairing Fredcri.rk Yacht and Co. l:ll!l ('nll~l 11111 ·~.:-..·-..purl \I ol '\'(; :\I ''-" f\',.,.ds S6000 tu ,, •rt 111 11 hll'•'"""s lor Harbor ·II• ,, '"''"'"Ill.: prtt(lt aharln~o: 1•11111. \\'rllo• II"" · !-:" r / o News- Ttiiii'S. 3-Stp I AI TOMUTIVE '-TIRES 611 ('OAST ~10TOR CO. ~·o••n• l'ly Heel ured to $10,200 A l'l'f(il:-\ $(I~~~ lK )\\':'~< .SI I t 1\\':'\ EH I 1.' '"" l•.lllltll A 1\' . ('orouR dl!l ttc I l:,·ctr.tHIIl fH.nu• Ens t stdl.' (.'osta .\lo ~" Lm t.:•· 111 tn~-; rnom with I 1n plrll·•·. han\" tJOd rlours, tile. I :!t~J S'l II fl>~1r spa ct.'. Ft•n<'t•d h.ll·k )~mi. tl~tuhiP I(Hra~o:t· ~:!8()') """ 11, hHI:onn· S!lG l.l(J P<'r month & 4': tnlt'l't st \rtll llnroor 31\~>-H 1-4tc t\T <'I lftf I."A IJEL ~1.\R i Bedroom Hume FttH=-:J:-;1 11-:1> n11 rltt•t'U<'. Ttlo• Stnk $7t100 i Bed room H ume :-lo·o·rl~ S•1111•• \\urk on It $[)5()1) Double Garage $:woo On Ftnf' Lot L evel Lot Wtrh F tnt· \'i1·w M llltY $2200 f.A)t With Grand View o f Ocean $2650 Hun' It om St r1 ,., lo) St rN•I duuhlf' Front .o~l' llt.(t Vlidl' Inside Lots $1500 W .. J. HOLCOMB t'tl7 Cw''' lflll:t), ('llrttJIII llo·l 1\lar \\'h••rt• Th•· Filii-:' Fl)" 4-ltr ·-.. Coastlawn Realty Co. HAS BEST BUY In Ccata Mesa. 2 bedrm. home on half acre. Small &UHt house In r e a r. chicken t1: rabbit equipment Family orchard. $7500. $2000 down. Ph. Hearon :>483. 3-2tc Li do Isle Water F.ront HAVF. BEAUTIFUl. 4 tx•droom hurnr, 3 rull l.lath5, maids room. prillltt> dock & nont Will l'X· t'han~f' rnr "lnsidt• tlroprrty nn Lirk1." ur dupii'X m 1\nlhua. l'o:!'W · 1.111r1, t•hroit't• lolls "til ho' <'011· sluo•rcd Tf'{ms nn l111htrW1', 1 h1 n· ff. J l:.rhor :.w:-,_H ttf t!'r 6 p m 3-:!tr F or Sale Dy Own e r --. I NEW T\\'11 AEnRUO~t llllnll' tn .:":l'wpol't I ll•t~;ltts. < ·.,,.n,•r Ill•· <tnk l'trll· flt•JI'" Sp.u'""'~ wm tl· ruhr s. St •wco (IUI~tclo•, pla!'ll•n ·ct in•iciC'. Full prtt·• $.'!~~~~~ f'all lkut·on 5713-Jl Ev, nin~-;~ Jl.•11· c-~·" !'1779-H. 3-tfr fi(l' x 1:!7' Curno•r Ltol in i':I'WJii'trt '"''~~~•" ur,..n. $11;1)(1 rull (U'I<'•·I ('nil ll••••l'un jl13-ll. l'\'t•lltnl:.; A•·:tt'lln :-,779· n 3-tt•·, ;-,o.(t \\'ut••r Front l..<ll ~:11,1 t·nil1 Lulu !\'ord \VIII •w ll or t ratlt• rnr hou~•· 11•·ar l.uln Cluh Call ll:u·hur 1171l 3-tft' FOR Ql'IC'K SALE lustrt l\lt•s:t 3-IX'fiTII(Inl h (l U S • , hllllhV<><1d rloor,;, 1t1 1 11~ & rlintnl( rt>t1m rar- P<'If·d :!•l'llr ~ilr:tt.:<', rort•plart• S95llll T'hon1' IJ<·ac un S.!i..! or !'•!l66-W . 1-4tp CORONA DF.L MAR F111•~,. $3.17-'> clr•ll n anti t'II~Y nwnthly f1R.Yll11'111~ fl\•• r()(lnll:, 11\0 lX'drOc)ll\S. IWt• t'ill 1-:<trll~l'. :.!0X2·1 Wtl h dnuiJft• II IJ~h I my llnu•P h1111 harthl'fwl\l IIO< ors • !louhll' floonn~; l, lrtr~f' k1tc·h1·n nnd sc·rv•c·t• bur. f'Xr<'llo•nt lorll- llnn with virw of IX'~ an. h•mh' nnly ):( months old fM • ;\Jn down, prtt'rd 111 ~ 13,7:-lO. Sho" n hy Rwhard B J on I"~. llt•x '..! 1.' Cns111 1\!f'!m. ofrtc•• Cnst11 :\1<'~:1 ho>tr•l 111!12:.! E Balh1111! n,., ... .,n 54:.!1-.J Un ited Farm Al!ency ~117 Ftnunc•iill C't•ntc·r n1c1~ 011klanll 10. C'altfornln ., 4-llc J EWELRY 0 0(' 'nmn Ph 1\< "">4'1S ;\llo II :\It~ I 111 Cu. ------------------------- 1786 Newport Blvd. Coeta MH& 3-lfr WASHING MACHINES If you don't have on~ cSo youa WUhlfl« at . BOAT llfWKJ·:IlS R.1-trr p u M p s WORT! IINI.1'0N PRF.SSURF: · n ;NTIUFUGAL For Ill I Pressure IIWII'( ('.,,.,, lflt.;hwfly II• .won -~l:l:.!·J '.lfi Clu\v. Al'l'a Sedan $:!1!15 CORONA DI-:L MAR -New 2 B.R. hom<'. gtlf'!'l apt .. lnd 1-y. anc1 gn1·. d ownstairs. Pri<'tc' M.lt to $11.000. Tt>rm~. Bf'ltt'l' hurTy! Couldn't he built for thAI nnw. Sodrn Rl'frlgcrll tlon 623 So Lo5 Angc·les St , Anahrlm u BILVS W ASH-A-TERIA Tran:-:pmtatiun Specials ':U> Pont iac 4-D. Sedan $:H5 COSTA Ml-::SA -New :l B.R .• hctw d. nr-s .. dual furTHH'f'. patio. cti.JI. gar., lndry. Bar-B-Q. Ncar hu~inf'~s. Lot 117,;; hy 1:!;): all fcnc•NI. S IO.GOO -$:l,200 down. balant,' $-!!).!')() rc-r month. G.I. loan. ------------475 N~ Blvd .• Coeta M,.. Phrmr 46:1:! :.t-lir Firewood & Fill Dirt TOP SOIL-EXCt\VATING 7381 E. Talbert Ave. li\J1Ir'riNGTOH BEACH ....._ H. B. !\192. a-4tp LANDSCAPING eve o( lAwna F1owen and Shn.tbe Plantf'CI Hal Crawford 11.5 Alvarado Place Harbor 114 BALBOA IM-tlc C.M.NEWTON Contractor Jlllfl¥ C'onstructlona. r~·modc-llng 6 RA'palr. U cc-NI(' & Jnsurancc- J>honlo Sanla Ana 1()9(}.\V 4-Stp CESS POOLS and SEPTIC TANKs lmtallf'CI Anywtwre ln <>rene~ County Contract Drllllnc Se-wer Connection (All Work Guarantef'CI) Full lnlur ance Carrtecl J. It McCORMICK Phone Beacon 5T70 FIREWOOD CHARCOAL A BRIQUETS PROMPT DEUVERY Wright Lumber Yard 1784 Newport Blvd. COSTA MESA Beacon 566.5 \.REASE THAI"' For n-stnurant. Phon!' IJ:,rhor :.11~1 4-:!tr FAITORY RF.ntliLT R:'"> II P fluda d('Jil·l mmpll'l(• with rrl'sh watrr coolin!( ~'Y"H·m SnM'ilorr nt St,l:;l1 Wtll· tnkt• latc-mod"l car nr l:t"lud hutlrltnl: lot '" I'X· chRnl:l.' llnrhnr :..~c •. n ll(to·r 6 p.m. 3-:.!k FOR SA I.E Ln h • 11111t'lt-l !'rwrc·l .K U!ill'AL • KAUU) lA Apttrtmt•nt "''·· p•ano Htrkhnnl. S3(l0 IMI lltuhnr \ ,~.:-•• J 4-ltr SOLO \'C!X Thl' ur~nn you cran IIIIA!'lt to any 111ann l (l nli' anc1 h•·nr 11. l>tonl ·!'rhmult Pl(lnn Ctt 5:..1(1 No :'tlnln. Sant.t An11 3-tlc• BAllY Sl'l:\'F:T fk t<:}' R•l'' S11o·rt f(lno' ~I'\\ !':tl\'' nnl) $:\-17 rtan7-~l hmult Pl~tntt , ... 5::0 ;\n ~l:un. ~;on tn Ana Tt•rms :1-1"' ~TFI."\\' A\' C:H ·\ Sl • J', rt.·r·1 r•mHitl 11111 (;,,. ..:• f•\1 ... ~~., ,, at I J,lH'f SIP4Wiu\t r rl•'\\ pru·•' 11.111/• St'lmwlt l't,olln I 11 -,:•u ~~~ ~1 1111 ~ iftl •• 1\1111 ,\ 1~·-'m:tll :--1/t' ~lo•lol\ ·II m1rrnr II(~· '1'111•'' :1·11• '!lfi Plymouth 4-D. Sed. $!100 ·:~7 Dodgt> 4-D. Sedan $69G '4 1 Chev. 2-D. Sedan Hmlon r nt.: 1.11-:ht~ $1!?-t:; ·.w Foret Cl uh Coup(\ $!1!)5 '-1 I J>l.Ymoulh \ollpt' ~ ll·l!'i COAST 't OTOR <'0. litO~ c·,, ,,1 lltl.'hll.n llt•:w<•n ~.IJ:t:: .1 ' , lo!M rf'frhwratur. ·l I'll rt ~-:,. L )I ,,AI l:' II I I II .. , r ( { ~ ,r. " • I ltc n-f'nt Nlnuillllll 3:!:. I lm '· llill· 1 hon blan!l llnrl10r :nni-M I"I•II\II 'H l 'l'\!"l I'· 1 1'1111 :'tl .. .t,•l ,\ F .. rd ,.,"11'• ,,,.,)_ • • • • \i • I l,lfltj \\ I I ' I ' I I 3·:.!11' 11, 1,111111111 , 111 ,tl '""'' 11111 • 11 111nn111' <ttnttlto•n :11 •• ,01, --------------t>. 1 p 1 1 1l '"llll•l•l•h rolo1111!. lt 1 tl t 1111 1 c BAYSIDE PLATING II• 1 fto '<l 1111( 11 If• >jllll• I 1 1..-.tk•' llt'\1 t IIIII <;:·•>-•, r1 • Gold • SUver • Copper • Brau AntJques a Spt'Cialty See Our Ad In Orang~ County Phon~ Directory ltllltlo I or lilt• '·'"''' 1'1 lllfl lll tk• I I I • I~ I . .. II Ill I' Il l ll I "1-'\ I "ottr .;tt 1 "I 'til "' 119 '' .. tl'lln:1 ' " 1 ·' ' ur ·•I' I 'l.trtl.'ttld ,.,,..,"·' tl••l \1 · · Jl•tt nlnh n1 '" ~···· "''lt'otm• 111 ' • ·" I :\ .!It :1 .'t (' ~ .. ,. 1 ~-''tll~r\1 .1 . J<t'\li Fortl '1-:\1 !'i l'l;";l·.l p11on11 (••r I'• 111, I• tn••nllt, ' ' · 'r- l •nt ~•lln\\ttl \\h•n '''" hta\ C'ltl\ nt~''"r ,, ll•tl ht 'tll lt•h••, l l,tll/ o..;, ltlliH II. '-.till I .\ti'l :l lit' II• \1 )'11.111 II• \1 Ill I' llflllllt'll· NO Vktoria St. Ccata Ms• 1914 Harbor Blvd. &aeon ~J Ph. Bea. 5113 ~1'1'\I 'TTip• llllrt"l'l•'"'" f{, 1..,.'"""' ,,, •I I\•' h oll1n•··· ·r, rtn .... .\nuilll'l r .... "'"~· fl lll/ "'''"1111'lt 1'1 11111 I'•• ;;:.\1 ."11 ~1.0111 ..; 1111 1 ,\ 11.1 :1. I fo· l.t 1,• II Ill I" I ill tilt'• tl I 11!1 . "lth ~~ '\, 111•• 'I II< 11 h l'tt .. n1• 11.111"'' .'.1"~' ""' ,,.111• 3-.:•r C'or. ll&rbor And 19th. Coeta Mesa ____________ -._u_c Next to Methodllt OIUrch 28-tfc 1 • •n :--.\1 1 ,., w. '•, p. , •mJ·I• rr FORKED Wlndlhlcl<h A Hatci Coven made to order. Also Plu lc1ua 4k Ludt~ Sh~ll for aale Nu-World Producta Compan) 101 Third St., HunUne ton !leach Phone Hunt.ln,ton ~ad\ 178 HARBOR Plumbing Service S>-tl• lliB Nn~-port Blvd, B.-aeon~ REPAIRING OUR SPECIALTY Contractin& and SuppUN 9'1-tft COOPERATIVE ROOFING CO. New and Repair PtlOM BHcon 52S>-R 2573 Elden Aw .• Ccata Meea »tf( 12 YEARS SERVlCE IN TilE HARBOR AREA HARRY HALL PAINTING CONTRACTOR 774 Eut 19th Stftet Ph. Bea. 5413 Ccata Mesa. C&llf »ttc PEKSONAL Plenty of Good Tires All Sizes C<>mpound Motor Oil Gallon, 70c 1 lit\ I It\\ I'\ m,ulo • '"' ll'-'"I' tJ '-Ill I ' XI! 1 ttrr-~. p.nnt ,(· nt• th •nl• ·•lh I'll II or· ~JHII• I IIJ• ltltt loo•r lJ ... .J 't7·11C I 11>r I'' onu F lltllt.:l"ll t>1•><lo•l ( •nl~ I· 1 •H s \1 1.-I'll' I ,, 1 ~ ht;,_ Tlu-.; 1-.:. ,, lP\••h nt ... trun .. nt 1 1, · 1 • ttd• ''"' r It 1111-So hmnll l't.Hl•• I ·,. l'h 1' ''" 111 '' I on 111 •' d ,J 11•• II • ll•olt1111t th 1'1•1'1 '''' 1, li t """'"''"' \\llrlttlfr. •.'II:\•• olin '"'" I 'll II' ,1· :0.111111 S IIIII 1\11 I :1 lit I 11 1 I".:J .,J I I 111•tlltl t ,, \l't \1 1 I •I f • •• Western Auto Supply Authorll.l'd l><'&ler 111,\1 ,1•\\l'\ !;Jt,\'\11 1-'111• I'"""' " II I rf , l .\I ,, 1·1·. 1836 Newport nlvd . C'01ta Mf'tll 17-tft II A GOO D RUY- IS A WISF: BUY 1..1"( l'5 I ll'lp \'1111 1\o• \\ tSt' ''"" \ l, ,, II '""''"" 1'' 111•l An,tl,,t u .. ,tf ,.,,,,Ht ttrth '-•~ .• 'J',., IH' 1 '·'"'·="1'11111fl lt .. ~ .,_., I·,, ~II I t .\111 -,_.,, :'~,,. \l.11n ;\ II• •• "I\\ !'TI 1•1 1.\hl 1: •. I •• I 'lit ~~~~~ I h ........ I' .• ttl 1 • ... ' fl \\I II I I ' *" I I ••• ~ \ •I t 11tf\ '" ... ·' 't I llt1'11' I I I h ~ 11fl I ~~ •• In II ._.•' • .. ,1 1' I' 1 'l'•'q~ 1 F••J: I'' 1 ,,,., ''•• "' \11 11 I: • .,,, 1 .\•• 1 •' 11• ttun1 h• tliPP IJI 111d \!.0 1.;1 f'l t\ ,dt \\ hll• 1hlo.; I"-"'1.fl •\ tt' d t' I 'nit on" 1 •tl• 1 ,,, '"''"··• l'hnno .1 ... '•"·'''' '• I I ol 1 II· 1\o~ HARBOR FURNIT UHE II· ....... "•'IIWI ,I I lip I 'Ill"· \\ ( '"''" \ • ..... I!• I 196:.> llnrltnr Bill! ( ·,.~111 ~k•n ,1 1,1 tl' I', I '\ t' 1 II•· ••·I II 11 t •1 •I l ., 3-llt \ l"llrtll'"'" 1 1 .. ,, --..: ' -------------to~•m 'II'·"''"' nl I ltltll•' p.ud Tl( \ll,t:ll..; 81 Will Pay Cash ._ .. -,.~~ ••·••nll• ''""'" llult .. l T1 L \111·.·1: ()\\''.' 'l.-.1,'s.·~. ~. For your tum lntrl' ar wb11t hAvtl ,.-:,;'1 "•1:1 n .... no1 ,·,, .... 1 <lol ·' '1 I I \\I t; "'" .. ,.'\I I )'Ott Phnnr A1'11mn 5(.56. 1 __: ·" · 'I' Crawley F\tmiture Co. ,l'I •H 1:1 '\'I' 1 "" 1-1. "" ... ,.,1 T.ht· .\J ..... t \l .. dt·rn 1812 :-/('WfiOrt n !l·rt., Costa M~t 1111111'""' If 11°1\ltlll \\tn'•l Tl~.\11 .1·:1: ('(l{'I:T 92-tf< I' Ill ,, ..... ,,, ~""'II ,\p' .... . I) Ill 1'.11,1'• ( ••IIlli.\ ___ C_A_S_H __ f_o_r~U-8-E---D---~· .. ::,',"'' :-: :l•·· , .... 1 ;',\:: ' ···' "' ,., ' ,, I I , Furniture & Appliances '"\1(' n uy A lmoet Anything" I'• II{ HI'\ I ... ·Ill ,\: '·"· •• I •Ill" '111 !lltliltt•<:, CJ(I J'•l 1\t ••h I 1:1 V•th "' . :"\o'llf•trl 1\o u·l1 1 ' Ill''·'' ,, II \\ I I ' I I '' ., \1 I lit l'l Fred -B R I G G S -T res sa Members or the Multiple Listing Division 634 Coast H ig hway BALBOA OCEAN P h one Beacon 5TI8 4-ltc FRON T Ouplcx on 50 ft. lot a nd ci()S(' to s tm'('-.. F:nch unit- 1 livinl! mom, 1 dining room , 1 hMroom. kildtl'n. Prir..' -~ 11.500. SOU TH COAST R EA LTY & INV ESTMENT COMPANY n.o:-..-Cr'f't'l··~·. Hf'nltor Mont<' R. l.tim£'~. Jn~w·ann• .J(JSl'phinc \Vc bh, Realtor :lO:! ;'\latn St B ALBOA l'h. I l:1rhor :.?0~-1 1-I 11· A GOOD New Year's Resoluti on : "Own You r Own Home" Corona del Mar $7.950 Li do Isle $5,000 Balboa Island $25.000 Newpo rt $~0()() Harbor Hei ghts $63.00 mo. *N ote l -hroroom home-attroc- t iv<'lv furnished. We ll lo- cate'd. :lO foot lo t on U ndine- nf':-~ r C lul>h ouS<"-bcst lo- r:-~ t io n-t£'rms. A lon•lv homf' with rhnrm -fum~ in E.11'lv Amcr- l':l n-\\'ITII g:u:nge npt. for im·om£'. Ex('('Jic nt lo- l'<l tio n. :!-ht•(ft·oom hn m <' n nct Btts. Hid~.:. r•n Crnt1·al An•., htt;;inl'..;. ... /0111'-?..:t•:tr m•w Cil\ 11:111. -Pri(WI fot• Ifill;')\ ... :lh'. Rr;m tl n<'w tw~lffironm honw -\'<'!'\' :~It r:-~ct i\·e d1•si~1-lnrg~ lo t-double ga r:t~ fii'C'pl:-1('('-n oor ht•lll1'1'-h ilrOWOOd n oors. ~:t. 1110 dnwn. hal. at 4 r;. tnlrrr<:t. l lllt'l\'SI \II •tr; on$~.!)()() :!I \'P:tr loan . a!' cnm· p:m:d to tV, intrrP<:t. SA\'J.:S nppl'nx. S:1.1!i0 cltrrin:.! lif<' nf lonn . Our New BALROA ISLAND office in now open HAR BOR INVESTMENT CO. REALTORS Small, beautifully furnished 1 lx>droom home. good street. Fffit•ed patio. On Full Price $7500 -Good Terms 2-Bedroom Home Double garage. Nl•a r compl~tion. South of H ighway. Full Price $7950 -Easy Terms 3-Bed room Home 1 1 , bath!'. PINt~tnt :!--.10 1'\' hont<' with \il'\\'. Knotty flint• int<'rinr . <·nm l"t' rh·<'fira<'l'. Soufh ofiTighway. $1 1. 7:;0 j OHN E. SA.DLEIR , Realtor Stm1h•v A . Smllh-llatl'l .\1. Condon-Far,•! ~tulligan • As_,..xiah · lknker-..; T \\'0 OFFIC I·::.-.; 11'\ C<HHINA DEL !\l AH 150;; or 607 l oa:-;1 Jlighway Jla rhor 7-11 or :.!-122 2-lt• ITS NEW -ITS CAL IFORN IA :{-Bcdtocll'lm 1 lonw. lur~l· livm g room with l>cautifuJ fiti.'plac'i'·. Dinin~ room. <·onwniNit t ill' kitr hf'n. 2 ba ths. Pullman lavallll'\'. :! wall•r tH-'alet~. Fen<.'t.~ pat in. Lat'J,!t' :!-car gat·a g1• with duuhlc• latmdry trnys. Lots of huilt-ins. Ctm\'1•nicn1lv ll.)(·att..'fl South of Highw~y nt'<tl' !'ch ool a nd cw·t•a rt. All this a nd mort' too. fl>l' only ~I :l,:ltiO.fl(l. See it at 606 Bego nia , Corona del Mar I.X'signt..'f! a nd Built. l>y T . IIORD S EELEY Crt •n<'l':t I Cnn tt·acl 01· Cow1esy to Brok<'l~ Ph. Harbor :.~:n 1-.J 4-lt.c ONE OF THE GOOD BUYS New momy 2-BN-II'oom a nct I:X.n h ome. U nusual loca- tion . Ovt'rlookin~ Tho A rc hes. Bay a.nct Orean. OWNER ··BUILDER w ill s.•ll for tost nf h ou se plus 15' ( a nd t't'asonau lt:' In! valuation. To ta l value np- proxima tl'ly $12.500. This home has a g ood \'if'w and i~ rlosc to s hops and thC'ater. Fo r Ba.Jboa Is land I ns ic1e Lot Listin~ In l::xt..'t'll<'nl Location . the right locations. see . ffiJB POWERS, A gent . . Harbor 62-W j. A. BEEK'S OFFICE Balboa Ferry Landing BA LI30A ISLAND 4-ltc F'umi~hro 4-h(•(h'OO.m . hom e nea1· South Bay .and sh oppmg cente r. Rllllt m 19~9. In f'xcellt•nt condition anct well pla nned fot· family living. BALBOA BAYSHORES BUY NOW FOR YOUR SUMMER VACATION. $3,000 down New hom('s . pl;\'at" hcnc n. h ighly rcstrictro. For details anrt appoinlm<'nl c·all. Mt·. Thomas at &>aeon 57·1R Offic'C' n t main ~.:nh• opcon dnily. CORONA DEL MAR R-:\ flULPINC LOTS -MOTI:L 5111-.:S South of lhl' llh.:lmay. -l'nn• is righ1. \\'J-:1.1. H~l'_l PPED BJ-:A l TY 5 110 1' on Coast Ili~h­wn~·. Guud IIII'Onlt'. H<•a -.onahl<"' l't'nl . ~\'( l :!-I?C"'Cimr~m ho11._....,_ 1.;11-,.:e li,·ing rooms. F o r'l'l'fl· ntr hPattng. 1-lngsl on" le iTill'f'. \'i••\\' lots . $13,750 and $14,.250 NO\\' IS TilE TI!\TE TO l.IST EASTf-J{ H E~TAI.S. NEWPORT BEAC H ·l·hNh't)()l~, :.1-slo t·y home'. dnst' tn b·~dl on <'Ol71<'r lot. I l~ls -.m~lt· J.!0 t·a~t..'. al..;t, l'ar purl in ft •n1w l y:11'd. l ps t<urs •·an •'a!-.rly ill' cYIIl\'<'l·t••rl into nn otp:11·tmt>nl Price $9,8:;0, w lth terms LIDO ISLE \\'<-lllo(':tff'lllll't\\t<t'l1 h\11 ;;tt,-..'ts. ,\tln1c-ti\P 1-s ln rv :l:))('(lronm fumr ... ltr'lt IH•Ill•' \\ tl It smglt• gar:t ~<'. Bric·k· ftl't'plttl'f'. I .ot-. of ... lnr:1~1· ;;p;lf•t•. Price furni shed ;f22 .. =i00 BAL BOA PENINSU LA EXCLL'SI\'1·: :'\:1-:1( ;JJBt ti{J H tt ll ). Fino• lll'\\ 2-1){'(1. rol)m ho rnl"', ~tttn:n~·on~tt1!1'lit>n . 1'11vpl:w•· :1ncl panC'I my l1£':1t. ~11"n\~llan .hltnrl:'. :!-mr g:tr:h~L'. End ()S('d remPnt J>:ltln. A goo d buy at $1 5,500 Lc•t "" shn\\' you I his nnt' - 3113 \\' CT.NTRAL :"\t."vpor1 IJ<·Hrh Tel.: Jlnrbor 1013 EARL W. STANLEY REALTOR COVE RING G R EA TE R NEW P ORT II ARBO R 15th ~'-Tf ffi\"TNE STS. -" •'"'T'''r1 ll.·11rh Tel.: Deacon S79t READINGS Monday to Frida)'s. 1634 E. P11lm, Santa Ann. 7 questions answered $1.00 b) GRANT'S Phone 1"\(-11, 5707-M 1 1 tr ~~--~~~--~~--~ F(IH HI-:"\T :-.;..-,h futno,h,,\ ~II P•·ri .. r Tr:1il··r l'nrt \ ·, t • 't I I t ""• ,\ 1 11 \\ 30 th n t \V. Central An~. :?2!1 Mnrinc A V<'. 117lh ftnd C'OAST Hwy, :n5 M,\R~F. A\Tf: 615 C'OAST HWY t •• h,n. \t I\ r,•;t~lln tl~ft' ( \dl J\, t "'" ~'.!•HI. ". :1 1 r, I 42-Uc. mail. Mrs. Davis. 1-4tp I 't '" I \ \11 -\ ·' ,:,, , 1,, I •I •• r " "i' '. I:. •l 1645 Newport Bl\'d. C'nat11 MM!ll Newport B<>ach-I lor. 1 GOO -Complete Building Servic~ 2265 H•rbor Blvd. Costa Mesa Bnlhoa Island-H nr. 1:1:11 -1 ·1 tc Syrvp ....... 1 Newport Beach 1'd.: Beacon 5748 t VlfftV, Ovrkee'a BaJbna Island Corona del Mar · Tel. Harbor 1776 T<'l.: Harbor lNI .. ..,... .... ........ 37• 4-ltc Nob Hill Coffee .'"'-:;: !.~ G- ,, rt c-v tt,.- Prlcet effective through Monday, Janwry 19, 194L Kusters Quality Cleaners Born Of War Experience F.Xt>t'rit"ntc rnrountl'r t>il in try: lng to g!'l dry clt•anlni; work dout• , durin!!' war st•rvic,• In th" U S Army Atr Ffff'C'M!, wn<; p81'1ialh r<'sponstblt> for cslllhhstmtl'nt o'f Kush•rs Qunl11y \lt•Hnt•r<; at \osta Mesa. Fred W. Kustc•r Jr captam m lhr Army Transport l'ommand nnd his brothl'r Captutn Kt•nnl'lt; I> Kustl'r Rth Atr Forn· m Eng- lnnd-wt>rr h'<l to •·stahltsh K us- ters Qualtty Dry C1ramng sl'rViCE' \'Ia diffr r.•nt atJIJrtJIIChPs Kt•nnNh who was fli~ht rommandC'r, It'd SC\'t•ral r a d a r nu~~tons tJ\'r•r Euro!X'. and rn.:o~t·d m 30 sortws wa~ transfc·rn•d bark to th•' t ' s: till mstructnr m th<' 111r forl't' short- ly lx•fort' rlost• of t tw war Un l!<r in,:: bnck to tus hnmt 111 ( 'orona California. h1s ""''' ~flltsfytn~ ('1\'tlta n work pro\t•d '" b.· wnh a rlr) draning plant n.-rorc lh<' \\ ar hnt h hu\ !o work- <'<1 Wll h I ht•tr f" I ho ·r F .\\' Kus· ll'r m 1 h• pr .. 1h1t·t1"" ol ,,,1111 .md I,"TR\'t•l (ow lnnld1n~ t'<•n•llllt'l ton. d<li Ill: lw:t\ y <''<t':l\ .tl • m· ·II HI Ill nd lt•\'l'lin~: contr:ort wurk 111 Rl\ •·r· Sid<' und Orlln);l' l'tiUnt" '· unrl m I he• op••rntinn of a loot'!:•' HI\ •·t~lllo· c-ounty cttrus aen ·a.:,• Fr. '<I \\' wt•nt 111 ~l lrl\\ ·'' '"l:.nd In l!HO un work for a <'<lltqi rucuon rompany and wa<; hnnt•· un \'IH'R· lion wht•n lhr Japarw~r· allackrl1 Midway. Enlistml'nl in thr• mr force followl'd and h•· was ass1gnt'il to the Army Transport command His dvih~ flight trnlntnl( and pilot's licl•nsc won 111 Edrli<' Mar· t in's airport in Sant11 Ana srvt>raJ Yl'8t!l bt'forc, was soon put to practical use by lh<' Army Trans· port Nmrnand, and ht• flew plant'S out of Long B<'uch nnd Palm S prings to nat ional and ovt·r~ea bllli<'li for th<' most of his 4'~ Yl'llr!l of Sf"rYI<'t' On termination of that work. F'r<'d worked wnh Roswrll H uff an old Corona boy- hood sch()(ll l'hum 111 ~;·(.'ncraJ contract bu1ldrng 111 th<' i"'f•wport Harbor d istract. Thl' 1"0 workrod IOJ.ll'lhl'r in butldm~; tlw «nat<' • ~ot ructuro• now .;racin~t th<" rornrr or S('VCnll'('nlh and N<·Wpurl UVI'· nur in Costa l\ksa F \\' t<ustrr. lath• uf FrC'd and Kt·nnf'th, who has lll'<'n acti\'f" 111 hl'lpin~; thr hoys r• 1 , -tahltsht·d "' th• 11 n•·" hu,.an' '"""· "'.,-. tn hu ... tnP ... , 1n < 'ur.,na tlnd In Hl\t'ISidt• fur r. )•·.trS I:J<o. f11r•· rN1rim:: and IIUilrlm~o; n f1m· to•flh' 10 t .1\J:"Un:t ft.~ •' •• Pa'l :\1.rl'ff•r o ( thtt c· ... tll1.1 :\1 o~,nnit• Lud.:o·, ""r\'t·d tho• C(ll una Hotary dub nnd Chnmhc·r of t '~omml'rf'•' The Newest and Most MODERN DRY CLEANING PLANT .. In This Area FEAT l J RI NG ''PROSPERIZEO'' URY CLEANING SER\'I('Jo; PI C K U P THREE AND DAY DELIVERY SERVICE SPECIAL ONE DAY SERVICE • Alterations • Rt"pairs Phone Beacon 6233 THE LATEST 'N MACHINERY T 0 B U I N (; 0 I I U HIGHEST THE (· H S T 0 M •; ItS QUALITY DRY CLEANING SERVICE KUSTERS QUALITY CLEANERS 17th & NEWPOUT AV.~Nl l ~ 1'1\a'f' 7 "' IJI'C'~Idt•nt ;,t dtff• r• nr 11111•'" nl11o laborl'<l as Cummand<'r of Rivl'nude Commandt'ry K"t"IJfl••lt .tuufU COSTA MESA PHONE BEACON 6233 r&S&OfN.A POMONA II VIIS I Of Ulfl& ANA IAHYA-ICA L-- Best Wishes to Kusters Quality Cleaners ON THE OPENiNG OF T"IS f"INE NEW CLEANING PLANT WE, THE CONTRACTORS, are of this modern CRANK BROS. ROOFING CO. 164 MagnoUa-in ~ of Costa Mesa J.umht•r ('u. C0111ta !'IPSa Phone Bf>a('un 53-tX-U WILLIAM I. CM1MACK PaintinJ,": ('cmtrndor f,02 Or«'hid -('orona df'l ~lar Ph. llarhM Gi .;-J proud of 11'uildin ~\ p hav1ng had part i n t h l' THE KUSTERS and WISH R. M. Ill 'FF f :1·n•·ral ( 'uul r:u1ur :r nil Huil,.,.r f ·. 0 . Hu\ :~>ti -lla iiMilt hla nrl -l'h. flarhor 1!1'! f( LIDO ELE('TIUC fO. ''''"''rul t:t. .. tri•· .\pplhuu·• ... -~:l•·drknl c untr: ... tur- .-,11; ('nu'l llit.:lma.\ -"''"I"''' fiA ·su •h Ht·~t•·nn ;,;,,,-, \ l'unstruction EV.ERY SUCCESS OVEitiiEAD DOOU tO. Willi ~lll•·r :nt llrmulwll~ -f ·,,..," M·~ I'lL fiA·su·ufl fl Jft!l S)11TII HIU)S .. C(). :\t'"l'"rf ,,,,., :\•·nr llith -('•~tu !\1t...,a. J'h, fl>f•I&A'Illl ;j IIJ'j GARRifK PLASTER CORP. \\,\I~D .& IIAJUU~(;TON Ll ~1HEI~ fO. SterlinJ{ Cahint•t & ( ·unstrut·tion C B. llarper -Supt. 2 1202 OranJ::P A\e. Costa Mt'Sa HARBOR GLASS CO. Steel Suh Olazln~~: & Plate (iluH ~11 Laf&)'f'~ A\·e. Newport BMeb -Ph. Harbor 866 ,\f~mbr,. Lf,, Atttrlrl ~loti CHh-~~ 51~ F.ut Ceatn.l Ave., Balboe Harbor 1081 TO MHT THI INVISTO~' ~IDS ~ ('ul"t llh\ a~· at Tht> Arf•h•-.c ~I'\\ IM1rl fl>f•lu·h, ( allfumha l'h. flf·n•·on .-.1 11 fHAS . C. FIPPS ('t'fllt•nt ('untrad.or f,(MJ !Ytni"" ,,,.,.,-C'nroea df'l Mar Ph. tlarbor 11!;1-W -Heaoon .;tX0-.1 !'.n'h -... ,.,~'-S.·rt-.·n'l -\\lrulu"" ~,-,,..,., ~··\\ l"'r1 A \1'. -"'"''-~~­ l'h. 1\f•IU'Itfl r.~i!i A rimnll f·1~t..IIN', "'''"''' t 'a.4'NI t1rr,la.cftl t 1:U Sc1. Main ~t. -Santa Ana. CaUl. l'h. '7nM or I r,zx..,J t'4ewporr oatooa News -Tim es n. "en1ra1 newport tsch. '"''"''·" • r .w. "w Hllnt•s IJryt•N • Jroncn~ O'Kecfc-Mcrritt Gns HnngCH • Fuller Paints 1 ' I 1 • ' ··" I T t II ~ I " ]'.;,"'f't •rt I\. ."h ( ,,hf Phon~ HArbor 1700 ' . Phor» Harbor 116 . Newport Deach .. 2205 Cout Blvd. ' ~··r: ~o-~·~-~alty Co. I •• Pap8 NIIWI'OKT BALBOA NIIW8-TIIIE8 '!!!!!!l:t!• Jf-,.rt ._,., c..-r. .. ... 11, IMI NKWPORT aALBOA NEWS-T1MES I Rise to Remark HO!'II. IOIIN PIULIP8 II t•> ~rr11 1•. •nyunt wh.oo ~·:·,•~· .. ::;:w-;ri;;;;;:li,iiiil:::l.:d--ll pa[lO'I"' kll'flwa """ ar.o ~ tr~"'t.: In r.::••l tuu:·k KTep 1 "''"I"' 11nd from lht• Orlf'nl I I II• u I a .• oJ.wd •hour ualna ~ur. plu• fQl)(b, 1rtatead Q/ acarCf! Whl'fll, 1" ......._ ., .._..., -• "hu,:l> 11 forcin1 up food prl~. '-01111~ =• e • at Wr·ll. I'm hol•l(lnnmlo: to under·f !u~·d n"') hAdn't tnt'ntkJcwd, I hi' I Wtu·H~ ~~ !In !IJitk u.llural baromt'· v.-.., ~· ..... VII__. ~!!onrl wh)' son><' r.:;u,·r•rnrrwnt tl'• <'lr~r·•l ~"'''tllfllt•nl f•ctortc.. Th;ol.l l•·r \\t~ n<'l'd • nutrrllonal ~lenct'. -(lao s 1 1 l!">rlli' sound lh•' wnr thf') dn AJI 1 thr} ,1<1tl, "u "artminl•treUv~t,' '11•·· f\rmmodily Credit (~,.,.,,. ~adinc thl" "'H'"'''"' 11,.,1.111111: "')' ~utw~1nmriHro.• hU I 'Mil" mlvlf•r> rf'ml'mbt•r, Is ~.,,.,. '"'" lilr~ rmlllon1 in propoeal In h•·•·n ""'•·nmw 11, , ht• 1'ro-111do•n!'• mr: rtu· IK"I"'Y'-'n S3.'W>).JOQ l!•'r •II •· '' "nil! dried Jlf'&ches the unlon" Jnt1Saae to<,~,~,,;~: I C.llfonri11 editors reached pn.••lf'l;ol o .. n 1 .. ~11w-.•• Jt '"'"~ t>nli"P'-j•••t inr nrrtl T•"Rr 'J"I'H' Pfftldo~nL'"hil• lh•:..~;ovcrnmf'nt hu~ ll'arC.: d u..lon Jt We1 almf'd at onf' * ' • " •nsurance It• G. Ill• I mer INCOIPOUfll w. 0 . bud, iti..UfOIIC• COUIIMIOI 3-333 via lido, newport beach, c alif telephone newport beach, harbor 1500 * l;olrunro: ,.,.,ultl ~,;N ttw «anw iid\'lce. on th~fr:r:wo' 1\trua and railins. jectiYI" only-to obtain \'Otf'~ 1 rut )"U ,.,,, " ,1 ·~t'h•· F'rr~t I"'"'' hi ·• loolal rust Qf one 'ptrono• """'1 ··mnmndltl(•t; 11rr~ In IUrplWI. thlz yf'ar·~ natlon11l ,.lf'<'tlon. · * * \io 11 ,,11 Ill• ~~'""' "1 11), 11 I•} 1 I , ,.It r,. ll"•l l li~~t\f<IIM , or IIIII I\ ltll 0 ;~Ill lit(' l't>unr tt rt'<.'Umlllt'tld Surrly, I h l' Chio•f I!Xf'cu\iW• ._.:. _____ ..;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ . Ct-ntral 1; \\'• !I~ ,, ~·· ,.,., rt ''"" 11~,· Lilt' \\, whl '" r '" u >t"'. or C1·rrl 1" tho• ro ·~rllo •nt " Th~·y 1nld tJoe.sn't ~·rlously lrt•ll('\'e, they llllli1, "•• .. , "'~·•nll"'l •h!ll 1111 ,,.,~m • ~~~~~~' """ •"til'' pnor:tic•t ~•.~.: ~o :un~ lr:od" lt•ndrnr.y t nl"~;;,;;;: thlll tnr~;t• I'Ot porRilun.!i will risk <!l h·•l"llont• ""t' ll•l •'lur •·•l trutll !'''''!'"" ''"""" '"· wraUI. Ill•· lmt•"c·t "n thr rlnmo•~tir much rnono•y In rxpan.!ilon ln>'t~•· t"''" I••• ,,,.,,, l•tll1111••1 o~'<'IIJ•" "''' r ""k\'11• "'h .. t did YO\I "' '"''1 1'' ynu ami m•· th11t m• 1f "n addlllonHI 12JJoPT t't'nl of the City of Newport A Des caw. Lec:al l .. tltat.l• ... ,.,, ch'"' •u l'•·er~ ,. ;. '"''" :'•rnu "'''''' "''''''"l ~·•l 10~ ,,,, 'II• l 'ro·~ort.-nl ahout "'"'' "'''~'"" orrflirlum Thf')' hlld on lh<•ir alrf'ady h i~;h A~tiv• ~ """''" "" ,,,,,..,, ""'''' "' ""' " "" '""'·' "' •-'"" '" """""' "'~"' ""'"' '"'"'"AA"' ""''''"· '" _ ,1rr . ,,,, 1-;!'.on•l t.un111, lf,.,ur:rrr ''' •h•~1r••l ,,.,,.,,,n r)' and not enour.:H ' r:,,r •h•· dmr('o• hit, whidr • Member _ .. '"'"' h• 11,.1 1, 11.,1• 111, '""""'"'~ ,..r~1.,,.:1t.;•••l•wdl 1<1•m•'l.·l~""r'' 1,.,11 ,,1111~ fc•t )'I!U. 1,~',,",';,;;~~;,:;1 . - Of -""".:;:.--j .'.",.·,',,",,,.~r "")''' .,,,II .. ,~.rtHru: ·""' '"'') ,,.,., ... ,'run..: sta,..r'""' ""'''·'''"" from lh(• ,111~,~ 1h.!t Ill• •lol'l m:on•lfacturtn vr•• ,,.,r, '"Ill) •ru•·•tion -----------------------===--1,,.:., d 11 , , ,.,,1,.,1""' rrh '~"'' 1•·r r,, '" .. ron.·r Ill•• do·rnand, ratlu'r If 1,01 hunt! ll'lf'm into~:;,;~~~ i~~~::~:j!~:~~ 'r 1 otul )'"" ll(h r~·· th•• t•r·r·~u\f"nt tr.:on ut~•l• '~·. '"'' lo, rnentr•••l•. ,1, 1 .,;,.,1 .~- 1 r to·ltolir•r ~ I'll•· luo·rn••r ' •1•~-l l<•••tll t'r; tlu· 1\<'~1 frmn Pl'odUo"rf'~ 1 f rnE ROAD AHEAD .lo'<'l • '• 1/ftlli<'S " tho> diff{'rrnN'f! IIi lndu.~lry 10 r.:;r•l 1'rumRn a5k~ t1 lh•• Or ovilll• M•·r· declaring hi.'l loJ.X '"•·•·•• !tu· St'j!IU'IIto· lino·~ of pn1-1 ·,;:;,,;;:,\'i~;; •III II h •ltolll•t'' "''"lilt mo •ro ·;o><• I"" 'J')\,• '''''"'''(,nut llwy-had ,,1 •fq•l onn " , 11 This ill the age of confusion. rlt~l't•"" "' .. u ... • rr~•nr: "'-"'' ''"'' •I•• l'r r·~ut.·nt thnt J.,.. •t~• • \\'lo•l• Ill• Sl~tto .onol \V;,r J>•·p.•r'-""~ P·•·•lrw•••)l lnrn WitS n.et'ded '"' But that does not mean it neerl be an a~e uf cyn i ~al n,. "" '""''''<! ~.,.,iJ,. r rnr ~~~··1 f,l .·u·n ,,,..J d ....... ~r"• l"tm•umpt'"" d tllloO!'o'ti.;I1 1''J'lrilOII '~. lh••l tool<! tl11• :01111 thlll tl "'''s hippe d 11•~•1 resignatiOn tO f&ilt.IJ'e--&nd Of the gradUal aban 00-l'<•ltl(rl·~• lho) "'''11<1 l:ok•• ·~n l.' J/f al•ro>:od 1,,. Woould hav~ to df!d uct ment Of rights and principle~ that t.nok tWCJ thOUSand t• r ,•,•nt "' t•, 1•'1 I'• fiT nl I>Ut l"'",j 1/!1• IH •lll lit<• rlnnlt'~\)C UloP, Tit"~ I tlu•io<>ro !'1.•.' ,.,.,. l:•k•'li: ffi•H••I:•l•" ~aut rtwrr-"T tl' .!ihort.qf'li or '"II )'l'l knot\\ Wh)' 1 Ritld I 11m .. ·o;wn m~.; ,,, omrlr·nt11nd somo• of !h• n ·purrs whtch rome tn The 1 ·,.,.~.:ro-s~. MHybo:• thO' (>('Onomk ud- ' tl\OrS .'lhould ~o h11rk lind hR\'e thror h••Hd.'i .!ipr ayOO with cooling ,ears of almost continuoWJ co nflict for mankin( to ,11,,,. r:'i r~·r ··•·r•t 1110) r:ok·· ,, ("""""rr r11rs ilnd of_acrap. ,.,.} .,.,,, . .., tlw) ,.,,n1 ''· ,,,, rr.r~·r r•·nt l rllrl rH•I. h,,,.,., .•. r. Advise on th(t!;•'' .'c"_"c'-'--,----------==..::~::::::~~~:_ __ _ aecure. •rut u( 1'/l('h U]tlfl lh's rm~l•ll'lll•n r .... int• I 11fl'li\lmr thry too .... ~r·· No one can minimize the problems that now con-sn 1'.\•m•· ,.,.,,~ ~~r·· .... ,.,r,rsl)' ~hort -'llrtm in•slrur"' .. 1 think ""'' NeWS h 'bJ t t'ri fur f<'rliii1N jrt<t "twn !ht'Y 'rrhnn•· o-llrt In Pill•bura: would front the hatlons. ranging from t e tern e spec er ni'Cd 11• 111111 th•·n · 11r•· at ,,.,~, tu"'' m '"ro·!l thM otl(', and a of unleased atomic energy down to such temporary lhri'f' ,,.,..,,~ .. w'"''' hr rtr•· r:,,. l•.r·at rHil tnu tong_$li.Jt.t&-nc•• difficulties as shortages of materials. The very extent ... rnmr-nt, Ill'!"" .~h·n down duon:•·r liJ Cullln{') "Slnrnbont'' I h td d to h 'llw ·~•unr·o r ~rud lh•) traot tr•l rl .luhus!l>n or Ow InTerstate Ct.>m· and number of these prob ems ave ac e -t t> con-lht• ron··~ul•'"' '""' ,,krnr: f•·r· uu·rn •. w .. ur.i h<~vr· S('('\Jred com·· fblion. They have, as th e old French proverb says, nl11•·r .,.,,u ld tu"'" ron llrtl';'"' .,,. ~.,~~··~~~ .. n~ ,.r.out can, In tan· ~ade it hard tO see the forest because Of the ti'Ct'S, 111<' t'r'f\111\111) of 111>' !'tiiUo!t}', ltUI >!1101i.:•• whlrh An)' railro,d "'af! d h f cl th t th ' II J !hAl tho• n•·NI ho·n • ""ulol h.wr· In ""'Jld h11W· undl'r~lood, but whorh ey have obscure t e a a ere IS r~a Yon Y r~· "'''ll:h"'r "1:~,..,~~ rt ... rnr·•••~:n 1 nrr~:trr turv•· nwth-d th~ w:~ ..... ,.~ one basic problem. and that all the rest hm~e upon It in one way or another. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY That problem is easily put : Sooner or later, the peoples of the world, including the United States, will 1,.... __ •.:.ooo:c:..:..:m_,.., __ .u<T __ _ have to make a complete and final choice between the B 0 0 k k ~ e p i n g ehimera of "security" and .the reality of freedom. S e r v i c e There is a dan~r in U8ing such words as "free-c..:OLrl'f r. aaoWN 8om" and "liberty' these days. Di ctators anrl tyranl.'\ ••L!~~c!~JLva have attempted to ~rvert them out of any Sl'mblance .. ,..,,.. o ... N-""' .. ac .. t.o their true meamngs. Hitler, after all, establi~hed oENTJan his alave l!ltate and fought hi! disa..o;;trou!' war for world lr----====------, IDilavement with "freedom" and "liberty" as his tallying call. Even so, the real free man can be de- te:ribed.' He iA free to express hf~ opini on, whether or tiot it Ia iD apeement with the majority or with the pvernment In power. m is free to worshJp as he Dr. Obecl Lueas DENTIBI' IMI!h W . O.snl. Han. 1 .. NEWPOIIT 81EA.VH E....._ He i• free to print what he thinks In a news-)=========~ per, or el&ewhere subject to Ute old-~blished wa of libel and public decency. He i1 free to work OOIUJON ll. BAIT, D.DJl. ir DOL work, and to ehan~~~:e job& of his own volition -._. "-'-" ~ 4lel.atiob frotn em-ployer, labor leader, or .._. ...._ •• ..., atloiiii he devises, or to volA! for the candidate ofj'----======-- PUl'IIJCIAJifiJ. IJuaGm .... .....,. A. V. Andrew1, M.D. PRJ'8101A11 -IJtJa()J:Olf u 1 c-t RJpr...,. . ....._ 111 I c--... - H. R. Hall, M. D. p~ ... ---Houra: 2·5, by APIIO!Ua.._t Tt)tophone BtiiCIOCit - Ill ....... , .,_. -- llllltGooii. ......... II.D. •• 10...111--r eo.-... _ Offtet Moun: ·~ 12; :1-S .,._Ban.·- OORONA DEL llAa OW LAD1' OF liT. CAJUO:I, oo..umn I lUI We.t c-traJ ........ ClfUJlCH, CON'OIIZQATIO!fAL Sunday Mu-: Perry Frflterlck Sch:rock, MinUter 8 a.m. and 10 a .m. 611 Hf'llotJ'ope Avenue Confrwalorw: Saturdll~ I Corona doll 11u 1:00 to 5:30 and from 7:30 Sunday, January 18, 1!U8 I :JO p.m.. 9:4.5 a.m . Orurch Sdlool. 11 :00 e.m . M.ornlr\1 wontdp. lJer. mon by Mr. Sdlrock: ''"llMo! Christian Indlvldualllt~ BA.LIIOA I8LAJfD OIUP8. Ill Apler .. ...... ..... a.r,. .. .......... " .... ....... Orurch SdJool. 1 :30 La ManUn.& Wonhlo. 11 U1L ST. lORN' VJA.1II1rE1' mru.cJB ---Sunday Muan: S a.m . and 10 a.m. (yur round) Confnaklnl: SaturciQS from 1:30 to 8 :30 p.m. 'I'IU Jft'WPO&T IIA.DO& Ltl'riii:LU OlltlJI(fjl 1027 Oltf Drtft N...-port Ht11hb "A Chanplna Olrlett ror • Cb~na World!" 9 :30 a. m., church acnool; 10:30 ... m., dlvtne wonhlp. Rev. H.,-beTt C. Rolli, putor llll2 E. Wilson St., Cc.ta .._. "Come Once---You'll car. Acaln:" In'. IOACHDC ORt7JUJH o, ..... "'''""tie llf'tli'"P lllh at:rl lOth O.ta•- M&Ue'l 7 a.m . dally. Sund11y 8 a.m. and 10 Pl.m . Conreaatona Sllturd~ty, t -5 and 7..8 p.m. PaE8Brn:aJAN CIIVJlCII NEWPORT RAABOH Sunday Mornlnc S<'rViC'l' 11 o'clock at ChnJK'I 1:1)' the Sf-a 410 ConS! Highwn)' . ( 'oron11 de! Mar Ho•v. ThomaJ M. Gibl;on pastor EIIIIC!I~. He IJ free to run for publle office on any N__. eboiee. He is free to engage in business under a oamon.wroa S R. M M D i: .. m_P':titive system which penalizes and favors none. Dr. Tom E. Barton •814 ... ,0:~&..;. • AssD~Bur:.s or ooD e 18 free to determine his own destiny, and he is not OIIROPRACI'OR 8 ..,._. ITM 1L !-t. McMUlu, Paator e tool of the state or any other interest. un o-t -..-, .t.ertc:.u Lect• R&D.. ••* o-r-... Mar orne. a..n: uut e-rr .. A•~ J,'\.1 ·~ Grund C11nnr llall"'" l~l;rnd Harbor 1340-W f't '1.1. 1:0~Pt:L C111J11C11 !:nol '""' P:ldea, Coata llti-Sun•t.o> srl\ool. 9:45; These are not separate, unrelated entitiei-1. Every <In ~·s PaUol --~ '=·!..!:.... -.._.__ Sunday •chool, 9 :45 a.m. .--.one of them is dependent on the other::;. When one ...._ ..,.,., IMI Evf'ninc evancellstlc service at 111orsl ,,, r 1, E\•nngei!J tlc '--Ill __ _!_~~~~~~~---' I ~=====-=-==":"=-==; I Momlnl[ service, 11 a.m . freedom is lost, all the rest are end anJ.!ererl . No die-orrotn:TJUST 7:30 p.m. tatorship has ever been establi~hed all at onct'. A T. P. Reeder, M.D. Mid·w~k seMce. ThurKey at right is abrogated here. another thf'rE'; the !"tatt> ~ize!" &. T. &au..worth, 0 . n. H. E. Stickler, M. D. 7:30 p.m. I :30 I' m Mid·Wii"t'k pray.,- 1111[ on Wednt"Sddly, 1 :4.5 roun~: people's evancP.llatJc ..,;:;;,;~I on l'riday, 7 ;45 p.m. bUsiness. then take~ over the labor union!'; new "in-~ PIG tzt _. .... •• h . 1En:8 UAIIll'fl:D Nil W. Oea&nl terpretations" are placed on t e rtJ,!'ht.s of free ~ll£>f'Ch LIEl'(lla DVPU OATKD orn-1 11ut1ror • and usembly-so it ~oes. !'tep after ~er. until the~~~~~~~-~..,~=-::~!l r~"':":'-: .... ~~-;:~-;:~~=~·;=j ""··-·-.... -·11 job of depotism~ is. completed. ,....,...., aa&e• Dictators trade on fear-fear of want. fear of Conrad Richter, M. D. hunger, fear of cold , a11 the natural, material fr:u·~. COAST OPTICIANS I:~.!.~~.,.'. Tb . . ~ •••• -.. ~. '-"-...... ey promise a ma,umum o,-materi al '':<:t·curit~·" to ..--.,... z:to p. ta... • t :so,. .. the tragically confu~d people they C>ntice. Anrl this '""-:rtpUrme nu~ A<"CUret.ely UOJ..(J w. Ceatral ' OII&J8T CHUIUJH 111' 1'IU 8&A c-aalt}' )latbo!1'-& IUO W•t Oee~ll'al A••-ae.. E.. D. Goodell. Pu&oli' Orurch School. 9 ::10 e.m . Morntnc Worahlp, 11 a.m. Youth Fellowship, 6 p.m. Evenlnc Worahlp 7:30 p .m . Mld-wii"t'k prayl"r aerviCf', Wed· Maday: rove~ dl1h dinner, 6 :30 p.m . wses another q ue~tion : Can a peoplt'. in return for 0 --=r!:.":.:r .. ~". ~~""' n.o.:~:,.,s;:: the surender of their freedom.-:. obtain mnr•• ,L!tWil ~. :t i L--'-·-"~· ~n~n:-::E~L~"~· ~""~'~"~'·="---' 11----:__:__:__..:.:.:_ __ J nMT =~~":s~ higher standard of livin~. a gT'('ater men!lUr(• 1•f pro-DAY IK."HOOL VETIEILINARJA.... Drane(' and eabrUio tection from adversity? M ""~"'PORT fiAJUIOa ........ ""' o. WWard • ._.... ortimer School \'1'::TI:.JU!<OARY nol8rrr.u. r-tora The question anRwer·~ itself. The J!ft•ate~l material ao: C'on.t ..__ &IOOa w. llor.re l'arktr, n.\'.M. Pt.o.e aeac-liM advancement in the history of tht' worlfl ha~ Lf'ell in DAY 8CJIOOL l'aul o . Rut .. hl"r, D.\·.~. Sunday School 9:30 •· m. lin.. 9 · 5 I tail~. m .. r. Sun. Mornlnc wonhip aervtoe to·e. the nation where there ha!" been tht' I!Tl'alN:t ;rmount .. &. .:-;..~::~··~.!'~~ ... __ IOTt s.r_ ~ ..... Drtve cruaader R'J'\'Ice 6 :30 p.m . · of freedom for the individual-the United Statt'~. It .... ~ .... -l'OSTA -'1F.~A Berean eerY1t"' 1 p.m. •-'d Hnap. 81!!&. l!lnlfl: H-. q.,, foil __ ,. m not accJ ent that the pay of the avcrag:(' Ameri <'an -----_ ~f'nln& f'vancellsUc ...,..-,,ce •• worker, measured in terms of purcha)l.i!ll! pl>wt·r, i:-: l :::~~~. 7 :30 p.m . prayer ten or a dozen times that of the avera)!'e Rus.. ... ian wrnce. worker. A still better comparison is found with pres-Frld•Y T:30 p.m. Youth Night ent.-<lay England, th e country to which we are bound MODERN MARINE SERVICE ~• 81•1" Siudy. the ciOBest by the ties of a comm on lan_guagl', inht>ri-sT. uMr:.~ cm TRc ll tanee and tradition. Socialism-which can be the \'an-s H E L L D 0 c K rROTl':~TANT r:•·•~t·ot•AL fWU'd of dictatorship-has aggravated every En~li~h Phont'5 Ha~'!: i'~~~'ld:d liar. 4: • .>6 eeonomic problem. It has produced It~<; good:-; for R.f'V. PAul Moore Wheeler, Vicar ~rt. not more goods for export i leS8 coal, not more 8:30 a.m . Holy CommwUon. iloal; less agricultural production. not more a~-Balboa Island 9 ,30 ,,m. Chu.oh SehooL H.eultural production. Worst of allf it has ~pped thr Sf'!!:. ·~F:!~':!d~~ H~ energies and ambitions of the peop e. There can never communion.) be progress in a state where imhvidual opportunity, ~-10 :00 a.m. Th~: Holy Com· fnftiative and enterpriSE:' art\discoura~ed, and the REFUCTlON,S munlon and pra)"'i'n ror the •IU. pvernment does all the thinkinJ!'. ":'TN'T'Elt DEJ.-H~I rrs Th.·r.· ·~ th<~t 11bno.11 lc>n r::: Wlntrr ., coeTA IIDA co..mcnr ntnj:!l whwh hnn~::~ rrlt'n<i!; d""'r tr'l;rllwr \\lwn ~''"TI~~ . ~·. CliU'&CB The IRl~too!tate iS not on )y Spiritually barren but Mnt•k und .nll~'tll '."llq fl, .. lhr in·Ho1e ol ,-.tr h"f!>•"" !lr•• H';t~; ~~ D . ncrm...,., llla!M« 'jailloelj~ly mefficienl. When we attempt to trade free-pla("MM to u. · 11"11 "hrn tnen.rs ,· .. nrtrr.· '"'1 m •rwh ''"1111~ t -ut E. tolll fiL P1a. a-181 .... "!! ua they ll<t)' "" ""-" nf llw lu~h.-•sr c.•mpl.m~o•nts n1w n11111. "::;, \'L~II 9 e om for. aeeurity, we lose both . This thought was per-to ","•,•hehr ,.,,. \\'hrn ... ,. ht•ilr lh··rr l'hf'I'T') \'•~····~ th.ot 1.~ 'a !",·! ~.~~ ...... Won'h· '•·' , •.. ~~ ... m .. ~~~~~~reued b S 1\{ tf'r "11: I "llh('ll! ''""11~1l'l!'"''-... .., «uu ~ e eel II . y B otmehnwt ~~ugh am, the most Lon~ "inlf'r rwnmjl:l' ·'"'' um .... r .... r...rl • ...-·"r'"· w,. ~, ... •t . Youth JTOUpa. Hlch tcbool, In-vtng rllS noVe ISl, 'Whe n he ~aid : UJ'O rtw ~unny .•11!0' nf "UI' n_,w ~··rtr I! 1, IIPI\ '"•' 1,111 ·~M.tn~ le'mWdiatf', Adult, 6 :30p.m. "'fa Dation values anythin(J' more than freedom. it ""·hnT "'': wnnl•'ll lu •!P ,..,,, ""·', ... ,, h.t\··· ,..,,..,,"' ,1;., ,, anrf' E'Yenlnc ee-rvtc.. 7 :30 o'clock. "' 11lan II ble:'l:•'r p n>Jo'o'l lor 19-1!», 111 .11, to••. L< ,~,., >( 1 ~, l~l'<'l;hlh<•n 6fU loee ita freedom; and the irony of it iR that if "i nlf'r I'Wnln~:~ • '•' •r.: II ot CllUilCR or rmuST I fa comfort or mo~y tha~ it values more, it will lose .~olht•r rk h. (')(llt'do.•n~-·· .-..... "'"!! "'llllt•r 1'\'~nmr::, h lh!-.............. d W.U.at Stnoete that too." Tbat·uys lt all ln a sentence. ~~11"~'·1s,ht 8 ~'tn11 t' "1""'"11 lh··lr fir..,_,,,, l~•l'•' t.~ l•k•' tho• 51~;; L. Dae.llfl CeaiiJ, lllaiJtl!!ll' ' II ~Ill I'~ ,1·. m m ratlnn /Jnd r.-..~1'''<::1 1::11 \lrnr .. lhr J't'om · Sorl'V'IC't'S : SWiday, 10 a.m .. Bible "''!\lrhnt.: ntnrn~. TI11s, 111.'1"'''' ."tit, 1.~ tho• l~'l17UTI<"\lnl •l ·l ·hf 1 like M 1 -•• The hope of thif .Dftion is that our people will wrntl'r o•w•nlniC! ' r~;, " lon!: Study: 11 a.m . orn "I ...,.-..up. tit b)' example. Tbe'llope of the world is that it GRAUEL CHAPEL ••nNtn on AD\"O:NTt8Tfl be able to break the 8hackles of oppression. The corner Bo~ ~\!.Country Rd. , of mankind liee in a reaffinnation of the riahL" _. ~u n'1'1•&~oa. "~• Sabbath achool. S.t\lr"daJ ..... •'-~~'-'~ual ~ ..,. --...,_, -Mia .._.._.,_..,...._ , --inc.Ulo'.._ ....,...... PrltPhJ ....... Ua.a. 2265 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa If I 1~f lu' 8L • Cbri1tiaa Science FJMT ClfUltCR Or Clf1U8T IJCIEl'fTI!'IT Udo Theat,.-, Ceatra.t """a" aad Vla Udo A branch ot 'I'tre Mother Ch·~oh. The Flnt Church of rntllt. In Bolton, ;;,,,;;;;ct;;;,.;;;;, Sunday Schoo! at day Service at 11 a. m_ Wedne.day Testimonial M~tlng 11t 12 o'clock. Reading lloom locatE-d 111 111 Palm l treet, Balboa, Ill open daily from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m . ('JIOI'PI Sun. d&)'l and holidays nlltlotll'tlly oh- •f'n'ed. Thl" public La cordially Invited ltlt'nd the church acrvl~ and the Rt'adlnc Room. Chri.,li:m Sr·if•ru·r I.P.·f nn Tnph· ·urt·· "~•'• ~ o:o,,r, ~not not rl'il, lh~t yo• n n•· "' ,111 •1 "'tit" J..,rll. ""' '''"' "I : • '''"'' l •· "I rio r nu, a~ ,.,. '"''' ' "·'!hi~ •T:'It •·mO'nt from \' "' • II lr '''" <'nlol.-.n To•Jrt of '"" ,;;:., ~.., t t" """ ~··tf')fl<l ... .., •,,,,, .. "1 I'll l•l'all•'h "~ nr Th" :. •ohrr 'lotlt l1 r;,.. For,t t '!Juro•h ul 1 ''', • ,..:, l.,r. on Jl,•t<1n. A :< r • • -·~1 l'l '···tc~ f•nm John t•'·•ll~ .. ;:.:,\w :t • rl a ln 'nHr.n ., ... ~ • k, n1 ttll'll 1 -u;rrol~. nf H"!h:t.nr. 'l'h~•·,.r.-..,.. t•l~ ~lsl••n &rnt un t"" J ··~uP. ":'.O)Irt ~ l..orot. hrhr<lot, h" "hom thnn lrn ··~I I~ •lo·k. \\"hrn .l•••u~ ''""'"· tw touw1 l hl\1 hi' h."l l~l n In rh .. ,_.n,, . ., rnur tl~)·~ alrPI<rty .... Th•·n thrr lonk ""'")' thft MoO!" . An<! .Tr~u~ llfl"tl "I' hi• "Y""· anol •nlol , Flllh,.r. I !h&nk lh<'P lhll thou bft~t hPard 111P .. , , A not .,.h.,.., he lhn• h:t.ll •Pnkrn, h" rrh•rl 'll'lt b R lnnrl "tll~f'. l ~,r;trn• ro:>m" !t•rlh. A.nol hP !hl\1 w~.o il<'a•l r1\ml' forth. hnttn!l hAn<! 11<1<! r ...... l "'llh «t~•·r dot/1••• .. Jr~n• ~ftlth unto lhrm, t..ooAr• hlm. And If'! him ttn " To:> ",<:o•lrnrr ~n<! Hflaltb wl!h ,;,., to lhfl ~rtl f'tlll tP~"!>IIl,.,. nllkPr Eddy ... rl\1" •. ''fr J••U8 1\ltOI\kenPd f.All\f'll• frnm thl' drrftm. llhl•lnn, nr dP:t.lh. thiR rorm'"'' rh~l "'" ('/lriH r out<! lmrornn• nn a f11l~" ~rl'l~e \\'/lo olar"• tn d11nl'!l I h i~ rrm~ummar" ~~~~ nr I hi' """'"f AJI•l o.-ltlt n enl'~~ n( •ll•·ln,. Mlnlt In hnl•l n1 ~n fnrl'vrr ln!ll~l In hi ~ nrd~r! l't Rir. 1\Mrl IO I O"f'tn m"n'• l'nllr" •rllf'ln '" :-.'n,·a! Air 'l'rnn~roor t SrrviN' of· ficia l~ I'SilmRII' !hat r-:ATS Inn~· porU N~tvy mrn for twn·third.• of the C'O!§t IM NR\'Y ""'Ould hll\'1' to pay commrrci11! transportation for ttM' ume men. - Pacific Heating Co., Inc. Residential & Commercial Heating ForcMl Air, Gravity and Floor Furnaces Harbor 676-R Corona d•l Mar WILLIAMS & WILLIAMS ACCOUNTANTS ond AUDITORS INCOME TAX CONSULTAJI!TS --Pftpiie y~ Tu Ketura. Early Offi~TA llm!A BANK Jlolldla& Ofrkte n-: ._.. 6UI..J Aeeld ., Ptto.t a-IOIG-M • Before Y011 B•lld or ite.nodel Vlllt o. .. ._ r • • I. ..... DIII*J ~~oomo. Color ..-plan· alocaldo,~· &Ddllnoloum. ""-"'-....... (lorp.- 0 pol .... .,;. LUDLUM Carpet Works l.Bt ........... Help Save Meat and Eggs ... Eat More Sea Foods They Are Ri ch In Iod ine LOBSTERS FRESH DAU.Y Alive or Cooked Fl~t of Deep Sea Trout • Fllet of Rock Cod • Eute.m 8(a0op!l • Snrlmp • Abalone Steab • Oysten. EMteru II: Wf!tlltem • FUet of Shf!ep llead BAYSIDE FISH MARKET WHOLESALE AND RETAIL NEWPORT BE.ACH SAM'S SEA FOOD SPA .. ·-·~~ . .t::-..0 ---~·~·111.40 Bot 11111N Pie w1t11 Bnwd) ~ ~ • ~ • D • Sam's Sea Food Spa and Fllh Market ..... : IMttl ..... e.n. ................. 1111 o..t ..... tral (N-.. 1111a.1 ...... , &1.0 &. o.tna. •· a SPORTFISHING WINTER EVENT, ANGLING CLUB FETE, SET - ..... Banquet to Be Held at NHYC TROPHY AWARDS 1947 Ull'!;t'lot Brt.t<Jdlu ll, lr···" \ 1 ,,. kl• llr c;o.;, l 'l11wk t'u~t ~!arlin hi' "'·I'PII \\' I( l•'toll lo•l' "'""'' :0.1111'1111 1111 :.!•1 I hi• lhl l!t~l & H•~ I 'I'"•Jth~ 1:.:1-~~·und .. ('It 1111111 I ,.f ( '~tlllllll'l t'o• 'f'l "f'h~ 1:, I 1• tluuJ. 11111\!lld 1:.11'1 l'tl 1••111111, Fi1~t Prllt' l\l.ulu1 h···"' l;wl;l, • 1-'r .111k S.t'D •·•· Tlol(•h,l ll.lr,.J.I' \\'1•~1-.'l.1 r••llnd, S<'<'flncl Pl'lll' ~l.ol lin h•"t\ \ t.1ckl•· I 1\ ko· & Folky T1 ~tph~ ~=cl I{ I ;,II :.:• !>' l . I" 'IIIli{, First IT1:ct• :'>lo4rl1n lltt·dHIIII t.od -.1·· • 1 ;,.u l'n'"' Tt'"l'hY Klt'l ft f.o~• _'.')'l 1 J•olllld, .. SlocOnd Pnll' :'>lill'lin . nl••tllu m r .• , kt.· llt-.·r~t l•·r Troph\ . Cliff lj11~n"'l l~<:,l t• pnu nol' • F'ir..t Pn.w 1\l11rhn, llt.:hl t;wklo· 1-'•·.,nk L1nn••ll 1Tt•phl AI l'a~ lit'. Il-l I. r•ountl:o. . St-cond P n11• Ma rl111, h~hr r.wkl•· Boat S.•r\'i<'o• lnc-Trophy , An hur 11:11-d 1;1:1 JWIUnof, F'in.t Pn.tl' :'>larhn. 3 6 t.n•kl•• :O.Ittl):art•l 1 ~111 r•·n•·•· Sl'COnd Pnz,. !\lurhn. ;\ 6 toH'kl•· R E l..'ll'l>th•·•· SmaliL~t Marlm • Ed i\llt•n Truph) 11\!1 i'"UIIIb 16!'1 pouncl' Shl.' Trophy Smc•k•• l lotlL"' Trophy n puond~ :'>l n. C.•u llc•l:-tc•m La.rgl'S I Y ('IIQ\\ Ia II :1 I> T:wklt· \lull Trophy :N Ita-II u L Arthur U:tnl Lar&<'st \Vl11tr !'\••a 1'\a" lion t .. :o•k o• :.!.'> lh-.. Ulfl:<"'l Spot f1n Cro:oko••· Smnk•• llt'lllo4' l'roph) Pc•n' l't•llo•t I ~~ IIIlo 1:1 oz L!lTJ:t'"l Alhat•oro·. l•i:IH lat·kl,, RflS Ua\'lt:bon T_ropb~ H"'""' Rutrnm :!~ lh· . 1\ 111. Sl'COnd lnr~tt'~t Alhat'Uio' IIJ.:hl r.wkl·· l'ol'l Orant,;o• Truphy Sam Pono••· :!7 "" I:! 111 l..iJI'I;f'!ol AJh:tt'Otl't'. :1 1; r;u·klc· Ao1h \\'1a11 Trolph~ Frank Llrtnt•ll :IH It••. ~ 111.. St'Cortd har~t·lol Alhut•nr ... :{ (j lll«'klo• !ll.onno• Snt .... Inc:. Tt'Uphy 'l it• lo1~·., 'I \\llllo·r <''•·Ill 1••1' 'I "I I I""' IIIlo 11 I• 1o lJ "'' 'l'ttiiiPI I'> I\\ 1111'111 .11 1: ,I 1,1111 .'7 '" ;'"' •lui tr••l'hl• l> "til ho • htiiHI••ol .tl~tUIHI 1u u~ rll:lf\\ \\ lflf\1'1~, .1, llw hll.'hl•r hl 111 rlw ' l\111l•o:. '''"'I 111.: Cluh ... 1111111.11 ol1nno•r llh't'lllll: '" I••· hd d rn llu• :->••\\'l"1rr II '' I ,,r \' rl'lll Cl11h 'l't nph~ '' tn n~'r" ,, •. ,~.. ~··lt•t·1 •'tl lro m a Inn ~ '"' ()( 1'""'''''""1~ \\ ""· 1."1 )l'llr. prtiPd llwlr "kill \\ trh roNI 11110 lnl'kll• 111'11111'1 ~\\tllrl· fhh Ill nil ullfl ldhul'oll ,. I !'•••• ac1 .it•tllllll: I'<I'C I An ··h •t'tto•n n( c•ftu·o••• "'" 1 ... hl'ld w11h rnt'mht•rs chtlf'"'"J.! frnm .. >ollll<• nf rRnrlulhiM lnr hoard o•f rllrf'l'tnr'. follm\ tnJ.: "hwh. t ho• hro11rrl \\'til o•t.•c-t a prc·sulf'nl, l\\(1 'u·c• pr.-..,d,•nts nnrl 11 tro'nsurl'r ;\ "•'t'rf'lary w111 1'1• 111'1'~~''""'<1 The• 14 nc•mlnt•t·~ fnr hnnrd of drrrrlt>r• indud,• l lr C l\1 B!"'IW. S1rl Bnr"r lo·r. H ;t) (',11. noy D tt\ 1d· .w1n, IC••n: ll•l•'ht....-1<, 01-nl"l:"r lfnt. • <tt•ln .• 11111 !l .. tt<•·, K••tth 1.·~· nr l>r E I. 1't11nkm :\0 II•> t'irst '!'una. ll~hl lll<'klo• SlaJ.:J.: Amu-:.·m .. nt Cu T t·,.phy A T An•na ~'9 II••. I :.I 01 St'Cond Tuna. li~;ht l:wkl•• Hn~~t' & l\IC'I{a,· Tmph) Ed Alll'n 1:!"• lbs S 11 Mnnurn 11111 Plt.:l:. P1•p1to P••r••1. P t•n· p,.1f,•l I. (~c~lriW Prn~s '""' (' r. \':111 llnr11 r lutcn1111: l'r:-...td••u l Ft•ank l.lnno•ll nnd For"! \'11••• Pro••tflt·nr .J R Mt•:"\alh ur•• 'llrtomllt 11'1111)' nw mh.•rs otf t hi; rww ltC•a rd 1 Tlw fn ll•"''lfll.: th". ,Jsw 17, tit• 'II' t :UITIO'i nf S•ltor htHij.l!<l4'" 11-1111 fur t>l•·llor•· IM•furt• It'"'"' u.:~tfn,l tullo•r tun la"l ul.:ht \\hlo•h T~t,... wnn. 1-'1,...1 '"": Hob Srllh-oo. Mmukr \ , .• ,.,., ,flm \\ ''""· lh o .. tf'r t•tnklt•). Hun \\ nrd, J nhu Talotr": '!out r11", C'~t .. •h Raltoh RH'd, 't\(o.p' llurft'll, -lim\\'""''· linn Ulc•kt•\, ,Jim '•·ttlt•'-t'rank \\alt.t.r : !'lrd '"". Ru.:r r 1\N•k, Uun :'llr Un"'f'll, t~rant. ll•ntlllnn, ,,,.,,. tlut••. Dill •·u•ta r ... n. l..argi'St Tuna. 3 ft l:wkll• .J n :0.!1':->u ll~ Trophy !llr~ l)lmnn llavul"''l II '• lh~ ~nd l3fl:I'St Tuna. 3 6 t;,r klo• lln~:~:~ lit: :O.Ic'Kny ·rrnph~ J aC'k Rurn•ll 11nfl F rank l.mn1•ll r 11'<1 nt 13 lh' I t•luh Will l'ltOrt('r II 11(1111 ftll' tho• ·•·<'"1111 "' Irs rnrd·\\ tnll•r mnt•k•·r•·l I lnurnumo•nts rIll h (' r mo• n 0 111) lrnn~; nn) tYJit' rocl nnrl rc•l'l thl'y d··~~rt• Thl' lrnt• "''" IIC' furnish.-.! o~nd "111 hrH't• 11 brt•1ok1nl! ~I nun r•f 3 J1oUnrl~ AM. LEGION, POLICE SPONSOR HOOP CAVALCADE l..argf'st rish by lady nn~;lc•r Lt•u1s Rn:'f·r Tn•phy Mrs. Donna Davrd~on Ma rlm ITI lh;.. 12 oz. l...argl'SI fl"h on rorl ami• n'('l 13 t•m•· w mn,•r for JlOf:\SI'S.."ion 1 (First timr l Dr Co•o lhu<'k Rroadb11l 428 lbs. Largl"SI fish on h~hl tnrklf' r :1 llml'~ "1nnrr for poss'-s.'hln 1 (First t imf') Al Paynf' -Martin 181 lbs., 4 oz Entry rr ,· \\Ill ..:o Into 8 jock t>nl whac-h woll II(' ·dl~lrthUtf'd to rhr fmil. socond and third win- :"'t•\\ 1•••·1 I lllllt<ll i\llh rll'ioll I A'I(• tun 1•1'1 .11111 lh•• ""''" t••lh'l' flo·· p:.r tnlt•nl Hrtt ~*''"'•nl1n.,; ., hn"· '<••1111•11 0 ••• 11,\,tl s .• run l.l\ .la nunr) :'1 111 7 pm ... ntn··· t.lt'tll'"f't'fl:c from rh•' l'\'1'· llllll:'s hoop ('II\ aka11·· .... oil ,.,. r•rr·· wnlood 111 tht• TN'n L'untcen L'Om · m•rt• .. • fur th<'lr ronstru<•t tnn fund -· LEGION HOOP STARS GO AFTER TUSTIN Nt>wport Jlarhor's Amrrican Boxing Weathers Storms, Scandal But Promoters Manage to Cash In $100,000 MATURITY COMING UP AT STA. ANITA Lt>gion bA.SkPtball tt>am will plAy By JACK CUDDY tht> Tustin L('Jtion SaturdAy ntght United ~ Spor1s Writer at 8 p.m . In Harbor High's Gym NEW YORK (UP)-Professional boxing weatht'red the Both lf'ams mixrd last Thurs· Tars Handle Fullerton in t-'nllll,.llll: 1 lu nmnHtt.: r hi' Src r uro1K) nf 1'111· Sun l'.•~qllnl. lh• ~·th $5(1(0 1 ''"kt•ll Ill ,,.,. ""'''''"t.: ~u h1r Sam1o Anllu '"" k •• plan nm~t ro r .. unrl ollll ttw "'""th '"'" Choice Fare At Library day and thl' locals topJX'<l tlw Tus· stonniest year in ring history during 1947. 1t wa.c; blasted by tinitf'5. !>7.48 unprecedented criticjsm. subjected to nearly continuous inv(.'S· Player conch llnl L illy or Tus· ligation, and tom by disputes that ranged from tht' flywt'ir;:ht 2nd Sunset, 37-32 out .. tAniiiiH! I urr "' 'l lll'llotiiS v ... r 1"11 l'tu· Ill\ l'lhlo llo '''1:". t in claims his men 11rt' prim•'d for to the heavyweight division. Wirh J•m W..tl~ shuwan~: thC' wny this nt'xt mniC'h and wtll try to Tht> fight ~:arne wa-. so 11plat -having ('()fltrJhUhod m~t 10 hoxmg with l!l point~< hh:h fnr th(• rvf'· brt'ak thl' ho mc··hoys r f'cnrd trN'd with abuse that it aJ)P('areod dunng I!H7 lA.•l'nf'VICh or C1iff,idr, ninl! In thf' ~·'<'ond ~~~n~c·t l('aguf' S u ch !\Iars 11~ Rill llltr\'('y, J11ck a t limp,; tn ll(' tht" "ugl) duckling" N . J • won four strai~:ht fll(hts d\Jr· l•llllnJ.: uf lh•• }'('Ar. NI'WtKifl'!l n lll· HanM>n, J c•hn 'llroukhton, Rill or l>pnn!t, bur it conrinul'd to lay lng lhP yPnr. thN'(' or lhl'm a.:nln .. t fn.hf··C'OUnt•·d -nur ~ullor!l nRIIC'd n Tiw ~~~~~ l 'u~qunl 1o1 I I lti nul••' Allur~ Tl" l'wpl•· l'lullt llnl•·•. "'"' IN•" ,,.~, rw '"'' O'lt01t'llflt·r·1Sitll' '" !lh , ..... \\lt,III IIWII \\'h ilt• rum1n~ "I' (or lh•• ~~~~1 1 w~1 ~""'" :nu· A."~··l' St11r: c'"''"'l S ··••t (rf Anira """'"''"I' •Ill Ft•h ::.r iollll fh•· S•·•r•·ul I'"''' Mlllt<'l•• ')n 11 ~•trrlnt: ,.,.111,.,.1 1s 111 1,, .. ~1 •. 1.1 :1111• Sr''''.'' '''"'''" c ;qro~1n11k•• Til~ lilt.: ...,,~·k 11( •·hnrtl) rroo·m~: 1 IIPIUihl , "'''"'" \11•• .l1ll, llnhn h11" IW't n ~rt fnr J rm :Ill 1,. 1'1 T 11ko• 'l'hls \~l .. mun lluy••• 'Mu• wh~ II \\Ill I nk•• In Tll•••fllo}. \'••ll•:ot ~-'"1111111111· IIII I'\ ''' ,,". !'-4-·11 lhi\'Hit.:h Snllu·ol:l\ ••I II• \1 "' •·k f, \\ .. 1101•11 ld•ll II• d l'lq,h Mo• Lawrr n ct' And Tl'd CO!!Mrd will gold{'n I'J':~S (()r promoters and to hruvywt•lghts. :17-3:1 (>R~ting on r ullrrton hl're <IUJ.{mt•nt L11l)'. Ma ny of th•• rnf'n prn\'lriP l'nt••n oinm{'nt (or fnn!' tW&Ic'ott Sf'ar1y Win. \\'rdn<'~dH)' night In hound hftrk havt• playN1 roll1'1(1' hnlt tfnn~rl). rhrn~Js.:ho\11 th•• wnrlrl Hill•~' ~~~ And<'nl \\'nlcotr fath(•r c•f '"\ 101" II••· rhrr k o r tlun~o:s •n fnr sL• lltnrrl'rl at tJSC nnd for t h•tf\ilntll •·ru lrn. trh•v•~•on and pl't'SS. C'htldr<'n d ... (,•ull'<l .Jr"·y 1\t.o-'lrn ha•k• r t..oll ,~ ""'H'"rrwt1 Ana Atr ll:J<~• fl''" 1\m .. n~ lh•• th(>U'Vtnd" OJf 111•·n IWIC'o• lln ll J-;lnwr Ra y nnt••· I<\ It \\fl• F ull••• Inn'~ 1n1t1nl 1.!•""'' S•nr t Arlll.t F t•un•l tttttft 'h• ,.,It t 'r,.,tt l'h•· ftuw Arul 'l'lh f'J••.,., IOfi.I H fltth Jno ,tl "'l'UU/tftt•ll ft,h, l h· l'•ut ~''"''"'" 1'u A pr('ltmrnnn. 1:111111' \\Ill •l.orr \\llll I ll'"~' lo•otlhl'r In lht• l 'ntl••l l''""'''~ 11' tlllolt.·nt.:• r r .. r J·~·l.ctut•' 1111• " .. ~ ..... illlll "'"'I" II"'" liNl It 1 1 1 1 Hnd· 1 '' htt""• "•~ I'" • .. t It• ' ,, , "" lh<• fr.w;,, ill 7 p m S Lolo·' anti m (nr••l~tn <"llnll h'' 11"''" ··~·11' •'I 01''11'' "" 1 11' "'"''" ~1•••l rt .. 11 •l•·1•nl 1\ut \\'o•ll• --------I I In ' t \\ \\II\' II Ill I ' , 1 I tl tiUII1 1 ~••••tn f u l h1nk "'' tt ft~r I 11•1-lh 1 1 1 1 llu•'t r•f :• tA••.r ,.,"'•t• n( ''••nl•'rl•l•·r.... "'" 1 .. ('"lldtl• '" tl '"' •• 1 ••h uu 1 ' 1 a: ' • .. ' 11 \\" 1 R 1 1 nwttl .. ·r o f .... , ... , 1 d It , ' , , .. 11 , ' L·nn\\l••d"•' 11••\;. 1n rh·· tlncl1·r .. 1•• r •.• , ...... \rt•; lh•· fnn' I hat hu,tnc '1 t'''11 "'''.en · ,.,,,' ttl••..: ''h•·n tfu fu,t qu '' '' r """ h • u•l• •t ''•'h " """ h 1 t th -. 1 \'' •·ttluun 41• '' ,,t, 11 ,., • ut • stanttins::: u f rtt•l;u J, tnfl 'Inc .. ,• th•~ ... ,,11 '-'H' ''" tlttt:artl\•• 'Putt "-• ,, •. ·~· n 'r•~f '"tlna;: •L:;eut'-t ''11h lfh tnl:n:d I ut .. Prt th•· f••nt• , ntl • I I J I ••• lh•· (;:tnt· n nn t h .. fltt.:hl .. r f 7 ·~ I ,,, '"' \." ,... tit t 0 hp· nunlt)("r of tit l.ul ... ,, u tftntlt t•llf' (,,·~· .... , I .I'""'"''' It' I an' .• ~,, •. ~ . ••• I ...... ~) J I·· ,., •••. ,,,, ,, •I I h·· t If 1\\ •t h\ ,, ,., tUn ..... , ok. f( fnt I"' I I \' fl I I I tlttl "'" :!l\\,t~lo IH ·' 'lll•rl ll'lal :onrl l ,,..,.11 _ ll•••rrm: 1,,111, """ .orrol t.:l\tnJ," 1111 F o .. m "'''' "'' 111 '' 1\" lh• .l to111., l r "'" 1 ,., , ,, 11 •mprrfN'I knm\lt•rl~:·· L;o n n<'h· r.--nl'\11:" "'" ·'""'"''" t tw f.l(.,d l.llllJU••Il '""' •• "·'"'I lilt.: th ,, ,.,, ... olt '"' \\ ,, ,, ('.,,. lr I! olph • ""'l' ··;,wh•l ,.. I ". •I••• dttU\':JUid "ord .1 :"\••11 :'>lo•m,.n.tl t•'·"lll•' 1111 111,,..1 t,111, .orul ,.,1~.11, rhoou..:ht II• • •I'• ''""'''I '""""' d lh• lull ., :-;11111 1 ''"'', 1 ,, 11 \ , , \1 ,.,,, 1, ,,,.,,,., ,1 .. .-h,ul \\t•n t h• tl ll'l"'lflfl "'" 1 1'1 1·, luala·• •n•l l•tf ·'1 t lu lth trt.eu, "' tl 1·f "" ,,..,,..,. Pub lie Course On Wt!~!t 5th St. ~ Milt~ F..ut of Harbor BouJenrd l'ttloae Saat.a Aaa 1018-.l Standard 18-Hole Course-6'1 00 Yards -Par 71 <_. •-ONLY TWE .• \'TY M1N1TI'E8 DRIVE FROM BALBOA-• ll·ont( lh•· IIIIo· '!111• I IIII: l•lflll,d• lhrotlqU •II•I .''i.'l 'tlol l Auti o \1 ,1 IIIII \1 I J., •·h """''''I C·l\•' lnlll• .1 •phi 11•••'1 I llll•l lton m ... lo• a \!:Oint' ol II lol :II ,\ ''"" t .. o •I II• I• •II •n "I '"' \\ 1\' 1111 I I"' T:t I... \\. I .. ... II IIIII • ' I" I" 1111 II " • ' ' I . I "''' tu lh ft••llt•·•t ,If lt•f h!t\ lf\l' 1 .. ,1 1 11 1 ,, Ill< t. , "'"", ,, ,, 1 ,.1 11 , 1 Corot7 AIIH l ot'l' l'uhlldh • '11••• C'hwu~·· IHtlll "·'' lloo('k \ 1 llo.•rl-!u 1·:.k··• 1"1 l-if ••l·" 1 '" 111 lllhltll 1 • "' I· '1 11nl~ tntpurl.tfll "'·"' "'" ul,.; ,·h· 1 ,~,.,, '· :l:!.:\J · ,. '"'''•·1\ '"' 111''' ;,td l'•':tt h ut h•• t•'f'fll\•1 1 ttl'"'' f"'h· 1 '••ltllfll'lll / ""' ftJ).'h ''''1'1 f••t "'''k'"' ''lfHPI • 1111 ••t• '' 11 II I I 'I 1" ltu \ '''''"""· I :.-·kiiH,: 1111 H ltJt.d of t '""'If ,.,., l ~t •h HH "'' I llflll It 11'1 .' I Ill lilt.: II' -IIIOtll h• 111.111 tUI\ ulh•·r· r•·t'''" tlfllll•~·ft'd \\llh II P HIIIf, \\tlh Hr ·,nn " 1 1i +t d hru1•h1 C'tllf \ ll•t•d l•,ql!lt It\ lr••\lnt.: nu ... ll\ 1111fll\••t.d1!1 I""' 111 '1 "11 11 't I "'""· ll.11 ••1l•• .1 ll·r• · • 1. •\\ IH'I1\ l l••n \\'o d "·''-''tltiH' '''"'d ,, \l, .... t'ittu• ''" It•• 1 ''' l•lt•" Ill' 1•••111 \\lilt ;l,.tlt• \\'11,• •I,OJ.:•'CI Ill ( 1H~·.-,cn. '"'''llli'-'' h•· h.ul I••'-~ h t"" llu l"r":••d •r••• ·"""'' \\1111 \\•II• , •I \\'h• '"'' J I lo l.dll'•d 1:! 111.11 ko ,., 1 1111 "r" lftd 11 I I ' I\ '-'• \"'tfl"'' t••••hor tl .,, .... llw••n••· I" l t~.;lll 111 :"\••\\ Yw k -t;o l•• ~,,,,. ~•·\>\ Yor k f'f)ftUlll'"''"" J • ·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~: '"k·•l lll• '"''"''' ,, ... follll• lo ••• li -1 1•11'1 11•·•1 h·· h,,,, l•·•·n nfl••r••l 11 \. •I'•• t' ,, ,, ,, ... , ,.. ,., . ·~· l"llt._,,' ... 1 !7• f.uill'lltn•• II• "'''' '' ._.,,, ' ~~ I,,,., ., I • -; ' II• ~· I • ' ~ I I ' f .. I tlr • n "' " " ... ,,, tf II d\ I t I~ I ll ,,, SHOES at COST They Will Last Only a Few Days at These Prices Nationally Advertised Lines to Be Closed Out • FIR.~T co~n~ • Sale NoW' in Progress Childre n's Oxfords flere were 5.50-Now 4 2.; 11 .95-Now 6na ltlllt~· nl ~ H~l(II'Nl '" I• "" " fwht 1 "hwh n• \ •·r \\ ·'' lu•ld Ill' w lmr ... I ""n' to tit•· 111•1 ,.,. r srt '"1111'~ l:, .. r .J;•nuru). t .. u .... tl lh•· t• A ,,, • .. ,.. \l'n .... 1:'·'"" Jill~ rlt.ol ln\1·,11· t.::tlo.,l hu\lnt: for !111• r•·•l (o( lh•• ~ l':tr Tht• h(-\trt).! t·nruru&'-'-S'•n ;el''' In\ "'IIJ.::OII tf IWhln.,un t 'lnrd S!tOO fl., 11 rnult ll( 1111' lll\1'-ll..:;•l t•m. "••llo•ru ,.,~·Itt • h·•lllttl"n H"' lt"h· '"'"'" \\,,, f•n• d . ~')(~~~ ;,n·d ,., ... tw•nol•·tl :\11 lb \' for f;ul1n1: lu r•·· JMH1 1t h1 th•" r,ff•·r 'f1h• t•orrlnll ...... ,,.n f•n•-.:1 lhl' :.'(llh ('•·111111'\ •·lull $.' "11 ~1 fill' do•;,ltnJ,; \\tlh llntl•l'\\nr ld l'lltl · .'If'''''' \\'h'• ,,,..,, d ;p .. frlitflit~l'l' .,,It,. I I HTl 0 11to.tr..fl1n t't•JII t•tl 141 lt'fll•\\ l hu lll'•·n"' nf ="·•' H"l'•·• • ~·t ll h (',.n 1111) llltt ldun.•k• 1 '"" 11 lrn••d 111m s;-lfW) "l1i!• t'IJitlrtll''lhfl "1 1"-IN'ftrft•d .l.tl;. 1 ~1 \l••'l:• Inti• l1nil• h lt•l l.trl • ,,L: ,, •.. , .. 11 '"1 lnl••t ll'ol rnllll\ U ,,, I ,_., 'tl • o •r· ,, II I fill , • •• I Protection --- I t11l'i It It •f '\\ ·tfllo.flll \ «t_J tf I t f ,, I ld1111 ftt•"'t \\ llt.,J.o" ,, ' <I ' \\ ' .. •I lit• ,.,.. ~;,,,.,,,,.,,, '''"'''' f ... f I. '•I II · ....... ''"" I ~ II •• I 1t I t I' 1 • ' I ,,, t(, u f ,, r .. t I II • \If 111 '''" .. ,, .. ,,, '"" ltl ,, I • ·~oof I I , '-ultrt • 'hlft \rd•t ••• Jl,, ltttll ••f \tttoflt t \ttd1tl r I '"'' I If f I • \tul•' \rut \\, ' •• , ",,.~..,. Htl• ~IIIIIH' \\ ,, I' '' ,. t flu I(, .. , 1'1 '' • ' If 1 ',,,, 1,' I • ' .... ,,,, ~ t..... f •t I ,,,,, "'-• ·• • I·,,,,,, l'fu \11" 1 t; til I'''' l ;,,, t. !I t• ld "· It \\ tf, t f ,, t f, l•t I ' j ,, I,., I '" 4. '"" I ' •••• I 't f 01 lh '" , .. ' t • ., ldt \I I 'f'hl Itt ,, f f ' I, \\ ,, I I\\ I' f j I I; I'. I ,. ·~··· ,., "' ,,, \,.,~· r~,,,,_,, ..... \ ''" '·.... "' u ... I,,,,,,, I"', I'" ""' · I I ,, f "-.h H ,,,, t ;"'"'' j,,., I I , I I If t\ 4 tip.... I" I . II , I I :. 'I t' I I I ' • I I I I I ~, I I~\ I '"'' , "I I"'" I'. t ,,,, J •• , • "t \t d '" .... !1 I dJIII ,, I I'll "I I!'""""' II • rltllt I Men's Shoes Thomasetti Leather Shoes Thomasetti C loth were 9.85-Now 6 r14t '" r .. ". 1... k 11•~ ''""' "' ,, ,, 1.~ l ~dh ~·,,, •111 ,,,, II 1'111 , • •d !fob PRINTING _,;:.. were Ball erinas 5.95 Sun Sand Sandals & 6.95-No w 4 2.; & 4 .-141 were 4.25-Now 3 2.1 were 2.95-Now 2 '!:-. Miscellaneous Selection of l iHI H.\I.HO.\ 1~1..\SU l1nlh f H!ht. t • \\t I• 01 d • 1 •·•t \\ 1rh lu Itt ""'II II•" d•·'lf t 11 • .. •" , I j •~tl• I f'ltlltJtlf , I ,~. IU\ I .. , f • ••• I'., CHURCH EASES RULES ON FAST 'I .. I I'• ' I ' I .. '. 'I 1• I • I I \,. I I ',,, 'It I I· 'I I' I .. \\I I•• It 0 1: • .. ,, '. l0 1 AN04: lll ltOllYWOOO lOHO IIAOI LESTER & Co. INVlSt MINT SICUIITilS TO MUT TMI tNYIUOU ' ,AUOINA ro.otOHA I lVI III Of UN1A AHA ._," **'" M t '"IJ'r v,, Allf(I'J Sloclt £wth_,, 515 Eut Veatnl Ave .. Balboa Harbor 1081 NU:_j I ·: I 1 I \1 I, II \1; IIIJ II I ! "' t!l Newport Harbor Publishing Co. I. ,I I ,, . . I lit c Newport Balboa News· Times T t 1 •I• \'I' •• nd T III'R'I•"Y l':c"'J"'I•rt &.,h. C.ohf \ I\ I'll \1.0 1 'I I II I 'h/1 I ""'""'""'' • r• ''"'''""''"It "Ill,,.,.,.,,.. tlf f'tfiiiJtttll'tlt tU"'III.t\ lt rttl lutf 1•••1 t '1•'•"-lti"H Ill fht• 'utt••HUI f,unrtl \nttlfr\ Ira t .. , \ua •·I• .... '·"'" "' "~ 'I Jtthl ',·,, '" ttu·'l..,.lh fuuat ... ,, .... ,ullttt·r ... ,,,,,," ,,,.,1,, Shop at PORT SM N'S li~U OR ... ST OR E The Coast's Ncw~st ~nd Finest Liquor Store Htot'll II II 111 l•t II 11 111. 2823 W. Central Newport Bch. HArbor 1100 S t: \\' t• U K T IC A I. II U .\ N t: \\' ~ · 1' I M Y. M I'll I 11'11 \\ '''" ""'' ll•·•wh. C Kllf. J o.,., II\, ll'o41' Page9 BARRETT'S CLING ,. • • • • TO 750 LEAGUE TOP • • llarhur 11.11 I.-II' II···"' I '""'""'" , •• , ''"l.j '" r ""111'111 1, 1d ,.,. 1 :-;, rnl• • ""''" I'Hnt•• u, th.~ 11,h 1 :-..• ~~:" IIIII•; I,,'','~,:·;:,, I ':,::, ~1\,\1\\llll,*"•'::,t .. , :t $ \I 1\ .. '"' Mttuulho~t" 11.111\II>IC···III \ II . • • • • • • • • • • • • ..... , tt , ........ I 0 UUit'l"" II • • • • • • • • • \f, '1t l(e-. t t 'tllh UI 1•."" ,.; ' ... , 1\1 • .'I '11u· c 'un•tlrut "'"· 111 1111 ''' Jtnl-'i"'H'"' ),-.tk,. It• ttfl hutt•@lt t-Uc'Uh&r Sf'll thnl 'lllWAOtl'tl •• lk l• 1 ''""" • ••IIIJ~·~· ,, .. r """'"" lh't•blt-lhro•llt:h Nrw• ~·.:11••• ftda ~tnt• • ~nlrrwn l'urtltuul ('hiU<' Everything In Tree Service Trimming \\'L..,ItnKF.Aillt aM llK~·AMESTAL nutr.M Ul'K Ml't:C'IAI.Tl' ••n-o-t .alhnal..-• 1'1\nn.. An...,.hn t iM 1 'nil ( •, •llt't'l Reliable Tree Service A ......... CWU. R-A-C-E-S I"FX \'OIJK Santa Anlb Featllre R.es at the Stac Every Saturday STAG CAFE in DOWNTOWN NEWPORT BEACH 2111 ('OAMT BI.VU . • A~ frons"'"' Partdq Lot Here are four Himplc twft:ty rules for all you kite flyers. If you r<.·mcmhcr t~cm and follow Uwrn carefully, you'll have nll of the fun and nom.• of the danger! 1 l 3 4- Fly your kite> in nn CJp.•n flt•lrl , awny from pule lint!! urul ovt:rhtud ub11truction•. Ncvor UH<: win·, tin1wl or mdnllic elring. If Y'''" ktt(· <·n ldlr·M in n prswt•r linf•, ld W• i111111• d 1;o!t·ly IJ••11't 1•1111 1 l'lll•rll• thn •·••II IJta ny ,,,., ""'~( t h•· lrtl•·. 1111d n linc·1111111 "'•II UJIIII' turd ..:• I ) '''" lot•· f··r yvu. t: 111 :-.c,,"' ('CI:O.II'A NY J. H. ESTUS 11.\101\\ ,\JtY. ------------------------ FIUGIDAII{E UEFIUGEJ[~TO US F:lcdrir• H11ng""~ • \Vn tPr lfl'nl<'r.< • Wnsllf'rM • Cll'nncn H.striiiiS Elf'•·trlc Clothes l>rycr.'l Ironer~ O'Kccfc-Merrlflt Ga11 Runge!~ • 1-'ulll!r Palnta Pbone Harbor 116 . Newport "Deach .. 2205 Cout BIYd. I ' , • ·- Page tO ~~:z•TN!!~_-:!!.!)'.:.w~~~:,-.~ ~.~NN B~INGS NEW RAC~~ CARIBBEAN · OBITUARIES ) ( ,q~~~czlcli ) ;oc! &~;~~=t ,,., r·· Sid Boerstlt'r h11s prnhllbly V!'n· Conndaan PIIC'Ifh' I I '• turt'd farth<>r afat."'d than nny of Plaront 1';'!1"- our o\h!'r m ar'lnr m!'n t hn• )'t'llr 1 ;.•no•mJ !\loll"'' r,,, Sid IJ now in F lorida . of nil fiiO!'<'S. \.uc><b•·Rr •I I Hlnoking thingh O\'o'r" and Will r<'· 1-:o•nn•~'Otl u; '. tu r n In 8 ro11plf' of m onth' s,.111.,. '\I ". Proff'~sono,.lly. S1ri '" 1'" np s .. C".al l.tlo •ooll praist>r olf hoats Whl'n )\OU huy Sr ontl•ll<l P al II l>olll , )Oil \\Unl II I0'-1" !"It~ II) I I ' S .Sto • I a .. l!santl·t!~to-d por t) """ kn•'''" L:=============~ hi'< hulls In tw ~un· 1h1ot nu fllitnk , .• The Editorial Circuit Rider t A ""H"-'•Wm ''' J:.Htorl•l ''mmrrH ltvfll ''•l•ff•rnltt •~~·••t'•l" ,., a, I. ~. M~I.AI'fllll.l._. .• , __ Ill filii) in~e; h•"l Itt 11 lt•rl'fllo "' rln rot nnd so )!Ill t all in ~hi llo•'ll 1urvc·y I hi' hull lnr ~IJU an1'11 hy I lnr h and If ho· prunnun(.'('., tl ""'"d·l you know II 1!\ S id hAll 11\l'cl thf' rich and ''llrtl'd liff' of a muo "hn knows hiS job nnd r•njoys tlw •·nn· fidt'n~ of m l•n of OPfiO!tlnl( lnlrr· ttn)t-. J"'n•• " ... " 4 tNT...,,,,_ .. .,.". Ifill ti•Ht \\ I .. 'II , IH f• I ~ I ',1 f, II' Ito • I' 11111 Ill Southlotf f'l •• I do'f•l< hanJworf' th(' "Cu- I "'·'" ha, (•\ •·r 50 "ht'Sis" to hrr , o, t111 on <Hvlln rarmK in F1oridn ottd t:ulr "Hl•·n>. Shf' ls stout, n< •· ••I I ;;, fn,l, lh Wll< prnvNI whcon ftlta. t CnniiOUl-d I rum J>.o~o;o ><' , •• ,, tl I IJ l'1 t• 11 .. "••II •' It It ~iiJ be lntcr('SIInl: to ht'nr hla ftrst hand apprnisal of Flon d11. 1~ f 1 f I I ul ft • J ht I lft t•f .1 It I 11., I Ill 1\ • l'k '" I hi' sle('ok 'fl ft •'IIIIo I Jlldw ~IIIlO" 1'('-na.nto I INTERNATIONAl, LAW If you put In ~"II nt 1111. )'"' hnvr m 11dfo it 11 point to know lho• mtr r- natlonlll lAW rf'll&rdan.: Ol'f'lln lraf· fie. 11nd som('limrs tht• prnclll'lll applicAtion of thr law l'(lvf's you a thrjll. ···rtu· n1u~1 p;t rf uf Pr··,ul. ,, "', d h· , , •• ''\ •J, tofil•·-t'• \It ·· ·n .. , ,.,, , .... ,, .... , ''\ 11111 Tr umnn')!, tax r·•lc.·~~ntnu·tHiulu"''· 1 •.n '' "' ,. t•d II lh• lltlll ol I ·H\ '..r "'\I '' ~.,111 tlr•• !\toni• •••\·I '• 11111~11111 llo·r·1 ,, 1 to 1 rtlfl. "\\tol' <lrf'f•r I"""""· :.ntl h1' r• f.-r.·n•'• tu ''" tn•·•• ·•""• ,;f ,. .. , p I' Ch' f T JIO''"""n '"'' ~ r<~~tld t~o· ,,.,~ k1ndl\ ~ tee tc urns d••-.·rthf"l 'f'lrt• t'll ll"'"''"'., r•··J In $1~6,162.70 : m"i"" n wt11pph1~.; ftroy l",J\·"'" T k $650 mn ... t 1"'"(11•· Ill ··n I "ln<'"kho~J\1,"' Mete r a e I' l! 11. •I ·~ 1 II I 1 I • ·I I ••I • ••••I t , ' '. f, , '• ·• t 1 r • .t t1 1 • «'ol •••• Tolldto·ol ttlll h<'re f'"'" II l .. ttlolo od do J•'l.o. on Old I ool hi'!' """' "" ,,,., l.t•'( \Vonn .. • 1., J.•, •II·· ( 'l•h~tna" brin~ I 11 •I ""11 •I' \lollh her. 1••1 "' J•lul ttb~,,... . l .. ot# rn on ... '" l'l~~l. •·ntil'('h • o'o,Jo til h.old\\•••1' ·IIHI With sii\, I llltllllo• fr• .. nl llal'anu to Miami fur '"I'"" nt. -h•· rotlf' nut a 90-rrul<·· 11 htolll l;!ttlo· fllC-loor da)lft. -r;,l •. on;o" •~ now n t S••ncrnft , "d 11111 '' l1t•1n~ Pudi,'(J for· ~Ill· '"" tht' wo·o·l<·t•nd . -----Our liltlf' 125 Inn ('li.·Nn\'y sub· eha.t"r was proet'C'dinl( nn l'olurlll• a t 11low 11p«'('d in (Of: townrd !':PW· port wh('n we aight••r n ltnl'r of. a t lt'A!I I 15,000 tnn~. Shl' lookl'd f'nonnoUl' as shl' appronr hro our port bow nnd our fi n.t lrnpluM- """~ to lllll'r roursr a nd !ll'ttrry out nf way 'WI' oiK'yN'I th;· '""'· tmw,.,·er. boldine OW' aflt"~d ~tnd COUf"&(' and W!'rl' thriliN'I to llf'f' h('r lllffdl'nly up hrlm nnti giw•· wny WI' fliiSSl'ff f'lll'h nl hr r w11 Inn n hunttrro yards and our wnkl'l' mln~tll'd brit>ny 1\1 l hf', l11dt.'n w1th frel~tht and fl/l!llll'ng('rll. ron! inu"d Mr-ponderout WilY to thl' Orll'nl and we aald "thanks. Mn1 Oi~." nlt huu~h l'flfJW•rn t•• hf•• '' ,,, •' ~··nta .t H r.:u I ,,, ..... t•C'fffl••tn~ H ... lht' lahur lltll l \\ork• rm ('ltr)lolta tlnns • • • 1\llhott~lo lj11• f1or•1 '' ,., t11f ... fn l d hn ·'-I Ii •' (1 It _. and r iUI home. rtTUE 8EI'NI:IU' c..-« .. ~) 'nlf' Wt'JI org11nizro punr srinrr nt!f't b&ckl'd hy II J)OWt'rfUl lohby 1n SaCTanl('nto is hfocomln~ notor- Ious among otht'r commercl11l fi~th· ft"rn«'n for tht'ir takr-all ml'lhod!l a.nd """ ht'ld at lr~L't par tly rt'· sponsible for thr ruf'T('nt fllln abortagc by those most afr('cff'd Some like &b Andl'r!IOn, Ralhoa lala~. think the fish "111 bt> beck. Bob I &)'W "It's just onc-of Utoee cycles." "Not 110," 1ays AI QlMa Vf'lft'an HUCnt'mC' fiahl'r · maa, "Ole tea Ia being aystf'mat· lcellJ ~." Wt' have tAJkl'd wtth ClOI!\ml!rd&l TMn up to 100 rnflft west ot ht'r't' who """ of lhf' C111inJon that tht' big purl(' ll'irK'r, 8WHJ~inc all with hla powt'r nl'fl', prner too many fiJh And dl11rupt properatlon. Hert' la the atory or Onl' or lhf' 1Htlto fellows with a brail who tHf'l only what hi' w11n t• "J Cr ll In with a IIChool of rish, ton~< oC them, all kinds. Whllf' J WIU \\'nrk· lnr the achooi a purse l('int'r l'aml' In aurroundlng thl' school and my boat with ht>r nt'lll ~ shl' hc-~an to haul. a couple oC rou~:h rhar- actft'l hoardt'd mf' nnd told mf' to atay wht're I wa11. H I had rnov. ed T would haVf' drt~troyt'd thr lr nt'U and catch t 1 t 11 y I'd 11nt1 watcht'd tht'm I'WIIIIow up thl' ~lc achool not bothering tn th~· thl' biR nnl's hnck. Whl'n they r ot through th.-cnptnln or thl' pur11C' N-ln<'r M"nt mt' ov!'r two boll<'11 oC fiJh." We art' wond('rlns;: alon~; with tt\(' opM'RION of hrRIIinl! l10nt~. mack<'r<'l boRt!l, !lporlll!!h('m w n. I l'tc., H lhf' pun<<' !lf'tnr r roulcl not be 'rt'Str k tt'd to the Cllll'hlns;: nf anchovin 11nd snrd1r'lf'~ nnfl th.-~" In quanti tit'S not to lntr rCc•rl' with I tht'ir propnga lion -------------------------1 DfiPI&BD BY TRB 8!A - Tbe pJJy atrtped Jeraeya worn by Portuguese ft.sher- mea tnapired t.hla colorful reeort coetume deat~rned for aet.reia Dorothy MCUutre. J'uhloned or unbleached mualln atrtped with water- proof paint 1o ahadea or ctt- roa. pink a nd aqua, the bloue lea•• one shoulder bare and en•elopea the arma ID hup balloon aleuea. B&&ct llnen pant.a are rolled to UM mee. I t\Jl lir't•l.) uh\Utlt', tht•rt• HfP 111 lt fJltHf t JI J1 l lll•l \ t. ,,,. ~f•1lohl•• oumt ... r' ••( ll<'nl•l• "h•• ''"1 1'"1 '' '. t· I HI 'Hilt •I I tln n'l r••uh/t th.tt t•nql"•l~ • .,, ,. 11 r• ·""'11'"' ' ' • • I ""'''"' l'•rht• ,,,,,, ... ''"'l '"~' l hrtt nr<' «~•• lion «<"~ lll\ul• '"' 1 1 1 " , Hrr-1"·arr t:pcr'ft nlrf'fH1) t;nt.., ;.,.~.I "."'''' flu • 1' •• ~ '"''' lllfl'-' • ' C:VIr(~ot'ltlo• t rlrtllll~~. th.:.tlll It' 111 ?:Uo Ill I I I I 1 11 11 1 t'flnl•• ,, th•· Jt~•n.roUII' \\ ltn r•, ··n I 'fnJtftUH.'.. .;( l. \I"'"'' . th•• d r\icf··nd 'C: • • • ~rhr ••· , .. U•• '' 1' 'Ill •.L~ ,_., r••' 11"' f' • 111 ~h.:htf'SI da ns;:• r th:tl !\fr Tru·11 "'' 111'1 '"' "'"' 111' man·~ ton~e;uo•-in-rh•·• k r•·o't>rnm• n· dntinn~ will .... oll'l'••pt.-tl h\ ("till l(l'('Sit .• • T«'rmln~ 11 n lltt1 (<or 1 "'' ' tho Lon~; l"lt'nrh Pr~<-Td··~nm not••<; lhlll "an on.-l•rNIIh .\1r. Trumnn 81kll indu5try nnd llusinc:-sa to In- n·~! lnv1~hl) rnr lnl'r«'a!lt'fl prn· duel ion Stmult Ani'Ou~ty ht• Jlllt- posNI to d• prl\'t• lndu~l r} nf nnt•· ha lf U( th«• funrt' \\hll'h WtoUid fo• nronC'<' IIIIC'h •n•·rr·n~•·rt lll'odurllun Thl~ rontrodor:•tr)' IIJ•JII'IIIH'h Ito tltr tnflntion problo'm Ill on n pnr Wlllt his I'<'COmmPnd:lllttn r o1r I OIT('illlf'd CANADIAN, BRITISH VETERANS TO MEET :\1t U ;uul \\ ufllt n \\ J111 '' r\ Ht ht tho· ('ut~.llh •• n "' llntu.h .ortn•-fl tnr"f' ''"'one \\ "' ld \\'.ol I 11r II h ;t\'t• i), I 11 fH\ IIHj fq I flli'l llfh" I• loo J,, ho lot ,,I )o, l' Ill 11• \1 \1, 11oll\ on IIi• \' ~· \\' lorn.• lt,tlhtt.t r ho n tt•• t tnl' \\rll .•II• u pt 1•• tf•·t• 1111 U• \\ tu lh• r ur nul In • t;,f ·,t,Jt,f\ .a ~. \\ I••• 1 Jl.ol '•·• I""' 1111 •u••h l't'lo•r· nn~ It•• \\ '"' T tt,\t t 'tt' \'IOI.ATUil--A polite but nrm t rnn tc warnt n~ ,,. 1(1\r'n oy an E~v 11u.m otllrer to a Sudanese mercha nt. ,., rouL«> to C:llro. 1\•r t rrspaatm~ a nd "rubberneckin~ot' on r.:~ r:~ m~'l m r r t hP nrwly r xca•a tf'd areas In front or t hr :'1 unu Y••a r-o~n SphinX Ht•l'••nl E•ypttan Uovt:'rttmf'nt PXI':JI';r1ll1111"' mark the llnil trmr 111e base or the wor1c1·~ Eigh th \\'1• Ht•·r hn.~ bP('n completely exposed. $590,000 Up For Hospital II 'om I II •t•·•l ft•otn 1',, ·, )I • Ptl .. td&t .. I II . I' '"·"I ul the ,~,, , ·"'', h I 1 f n d· il" ,. 1rt the J ''""' '~~~~ 1 •' J;,, ~ ••I :-='''''Ana. I I lu 11 t' '• Ill" '"" I I o) I II' I '" Ill ··' .... 90.· I llool SU(• t ., 't t. ·I I h OS· • t , • n 11. p••"-t'd ,;' I• I , to 11 • mt('nl I oJ o I ol I' o lot ' II llll • n ,. •' \\ , ••' •I 1 nur· ' h • 1111 • "' ,(( for \\1 1 ,. • t, 1.. ~ 1, 1 '• <·on· '• ... •' 1 • • , •I , I 1 1. tu'l\\'n 11. II I J:oul .. n AI'I,\Incll'r the ,, '" II ol ' 'I \\, t' I I ' I flt i8J!I r ach II ,,, ' llt•lJ(lO ~~~~~~~ :o\utl oloh :111 lult l • (1ntll \I t' knt"'' ll !oo •tlo• o tour I applwal tton 111 Rpprll\'t•!l, II •· nl\ll>l "m11k1• ha"t•· ,J"" I~ · f, 1 11. ··-on ntJI •• ,,n tl•t•rnun. th• '''' PI ott r hn"pll.ll 1.11'1l ' l,nto\\ hoi\ much "'''"''} ,,, .. trr• t'Oillh '"I .,,., , ... C '"' ' lilt I\ nf 11n11111 " I' ·" l'urflt•tl d1\ 1111; hunolo... It~ I Ito• illl· t"1t nt J :s.:~ptt.en~. nr,tJ nn~t•n~ .1rt pwturo r1 ttn I.e, pll.•n """'IIIII• n!o; Dutch Hearock GENERAL CO~TRAC~OR P AINTI NG Contrll('t.on ' t • •t r t1 I , 11 11 ol '' • 11 1l1 Cy j I t ~··I I ,. It 11 '" IJ I). ,,, ·''' ,,, ' \ ,, hy RES'ft\L EQtTJ>~JE:\"T IS%0 R11lboa A~Pe., C0t1ta M~ Directly D<•hinc1 Albn Ot'ln B~ Phont~: n arbnr ~7fU RH.: ~n &3~1'-\\' \\ I I np. .... !'d. I • "l(l(),. I tid II I ' t ' Boorey & Poirier 111(1 J•t:tt {'t:'T I'I'OANC!:D • F.H.A. TF.R~I~ • ,\dol It"''"'~ It 11n111.. • oarac-e• ronvcrtfod to ll\inJt qua rtN'" • l·'rt•o· •••llmnl••• & ~kl'!dol's. e AMI!It In plannlna imJIFO\'«'OII'nb REMODEl: Increase Income IUI"' ('u~t•l l llc:hw~~· <·o "n ' ' ut:r. '1.\lc 111\rhur '!I'!'! or :!'!!l t ~l BUILDERS Spur~tMn nlda. ~~\~TA ·"SA Phone 7833 19~R Motor Vehicle License Fees • h1 "'''' .. r ""' "'' l"'"('nger automobilt's nn' ut"J:NI by thl' •l.tl<' .1nd I·• .tl ""'·,·rn11,. 111 til'pllrtml'nl to UH ' thl' followm~; tahh• 1n II··•· l"lllll!lllh tho•11· l'otll \ ·aJifomia motor vclucll' licf'n~t· IIIXI'~. '""' '"'" ~~·~.Ito! .. ;1 1 tlnl•• ,,f rt'gistratton for call'nd~r Y<'Ar to dc· ,,,,.lrth ·lll ••I mnt••r l o•llwl1·, Delinquent Fcbrlllll*) ;,. . ' i I ~trl · 1'11 Lo-'11 I '"" .tnl•"llll ,,., 1947 whttl' n1: ~t nt ton ... • • "" ,.,,,,. h1 "1.. 1 "'\\ht.-11" t.t lls; (31 RNJd corn't'INI nmn~1n t of I Ill 11 ·h• h.uut <',1)1111111 I ,.,. '"" 1.1•1•••1 \ nn Pay FM' :Sow lh1t NI $ !U O Ito f !l . .'\0 omtnt"""'" S 7.80 S!R.IU to 1~7.1\0 :l ,"oltu ~.;u 100 \!7.M to '.!~.l\0 s.:.t '" ;,,;o S:oo t w.'!\1 to :e.M ;, ~~ '" ~t .. \o t.eo !9./U tn ~ll.l\0 •• :.t '" : .·.n 10 to 30.51 to Sl.Ml ; :ot '" M ;,o 11:00 31.111 to ~~.MI 11,.>1 In !1,.\ll 1!.00 S\!.IU In 3S .• 'WI 11 ·" t n 111 ·,n IS.OO S3 .. '\l to 34.MI to .-.1 '" 1 t.:.n 14.to 3-1.5 1 to 3.'\,:\0 11 •.t t" I ~ ;,u 1 S.to M .:\1 to J(l.Ml I ' ·,1 '" t :i ."til 16.00 MJ.I\1 to 37 .• )0 l:i,,"ol lo• II ,\II 11.00 3,.1\l tn SIU\0 II ·,1 ''' t."• ,\u 18.00 SIU\IIn ~!U\0 I·,,; I I" 111 .. \u lt.OO S9.1\l lu -10.,\6 t •: .'d '" t; :.u '!O.OO 40 .• '11 •·~ ~ t.:.o t;·.,, .. ,)(;,., ~1.00 41..'\ll«l -1'! .• '111 t II ·,1 1 ,, t•• ·,n 2!.10 4!.1\1 to -13 .• \6 '!' ·.1 '" •n ·.n '!S.to •~ .. ·u t" .a.a .. ">> •:o1 \I I" I ;,u 24.ot U . .'\1 I<• 4.\ .. ">0 :I 'of '" ! ·• .'\11 ·~&.00 4.'\./U to .ffl.:wl ''' ."ol to• '!I \U ~t.OO 4fl .. '\l In 47 .. '\0 '!I I I•• 'I 'oil ~1.10 47~1 tn 41l.~ '!I I'" •·, ·,u ~ .. 4K.~I In 49.~ ~;, I '" :1; ,"oil. ta.M .f!l .. '\1 to M . .\0 't"J \'011 I'•Y sso.oo 31.00 3~.00 S3.00 3-1.00 !.\.00 lWI.OO 37.00 SllOO 3!1.00 40.00 41.00 4'!.00 -1!1.00 • 1.00 4.">.00 41i.OO 41.(1(1 41(110 4!'1.00 ~lOCI ~1.11() ,'\'!.00 6S.OO \'IRGISIA S Al'LSIER Virs;:mia Chrtstlnl' Snulnt('r, nmc month's old dau~:hlf·r uC Mrs. Dorothy SaulnH•r nf Costa M"sa, dtN1 .J.m 13 10 1111 uranl:t' huJ.pllal. ik~ldt'S h<'r mutho·•·. sh,• " sur· , 1\, 11 h) hf'r ~:ranclpart·rH,.,. !\Jr. am i J\lrs. OM·nr l'holl1ps rol \\ u~h· on~: lim. I> (. 1 ir.l\, ,,t),. !<• n h '• , '' ,.,., ho hi ••I 1 1 11 m ttod.o) tn \\"o•,llnln~ll·a .\11 mw 1:c l p:u k \l ith lilt· Ho·\ t:. \\' ~'' .11·n., HIIWI'lt tp~ :oncl t irllttt•l llhll flloll') Ill 1'1.:11 l'l t. Rev. H. H. Hocker lo Lead final Christ Church Drive AI tho' J anu.orj hoard mr,•tmg "' 1 'h11s1 t'h111 ch h) thl' St'a. I 1r. ll:o~d,•n S. S N II'S, d1Sirlt'1 hUII<'I'IO· to·r•.tll 111. prt•M·nt•·d a l't'lllll't <on the pn•M·nt sta tus uf the• n •. ,,. ct1urch f'l:bJIC.C. :nw l'hurd1 is ~l'r}' 11<'1\f •·ompl.tton. hut 11 will lw n•·e. ··-~ar)' In rat>«' :ofldttlon.d funru In complt•t1• tlw fw·no~lnn~s KESPONDS TO SIGNS ONLY-Biackle watchl's attenllvrly a.5 his m istress. Mrs. Mary Vlmlns kt. or Hempstead. N. 'l ·• talks to hlm with her hand3. The Vlm lnsltls. a dr at mute I'Ouple. have trained Blackle. now 6 Hz, since he was two WPI'k s old, a nd can depend on him to wa rn them when the doorbell I t 1\ itS tll'l'llll'cl Ill l'all lhl• Ht•\', I I. II'\ 1 \ II I ft l!'ko I' uf U IS An· t:d•·' .111 lh•• dhtru 1 tn a~"~' m--Il"' fill ol ..rtnrt to ,..,•un• tho· tunru t... flll'lll~lllnt.:' 111111 r... tlw llie 1'11(11 Itt•\. llowl,••r Will loo· •n No'\\'• j~<oll lkaC'h from h ·h 1.'> thrott.:h rings or when their new-born baby cries. \f.,rdl ~. ,. Sergeant S.horb j Says •••• (~t•d ·antt t• •• 'uJdh r \\\' roUt014• In I 1111r 11l «looll~i r. f "' ho•rfltt•: Th.-rii)O!~t'l I""' iUlll ·Ill LhUil{il ri~:"htl'rt \.ud '' lett l'nlt.-n .onrl I Itt• '•ith r ~>ilt.:hlt'fl .. Thu~. """ ul M.trlhnrulll.:h'~ l't'l· •'rltll' \\rttl•• 11\o•r 11\lf hunrlro·d Ctrty yc•ar' nc11 Aimns t ti11tly '''' Ctntl, in tlw pr.·sc; ul lht• n·1IH11I, ,,, •llr nn• '" tndtt•:tl•· thai '••~••II'\ r•·1~ '"" "" IC th.11 "'' nrf' n 1,..,;. p)t• or short flll'nlttt )' \\hn It' •lr Itt•· ftn~ 1n t tm" 11C tl:tlll;l'r hut on th«• l't fllfnt t lonrt '"''I~ ul ttUf' 1 ~ :wo t ,. t' • '•sh n••• :tr.· prr•ne• ft> • 'fk f ,,,.~, famon11-1\orrt• · 11 •·an 1 "HI'J- Ik II h<t t•" • ( Jn1• f•f I IIUJllho r of f "p<llt \!rS'I nwn I\ hn ""''' l'l"('o·ntly , nh~l•'d In lh•• t ' S .\rnl\ a ~ttl I' ~ A1r Furt'l oc; Ko nnr•lh I. \\'.olko·r. :.':!IIi:! l.;ogomn St . ('osta .M.-!In \\ ·""" lllfllltl" olllo·noh" liM-ForH· Ct\\«·n~ rtlll'rt("•d lht• llunl· l"tt I 111.;!1 "' hu••l .ol :-;,.\\purl I!• 11'!1 Ill~ Inn llf•;H·h llo~IJ 'dll)(ol 1111d \\';tS ilo•l!il' loo•ott IIM•II.'Ilf'<l lo i)Jo• l•tfl · .ot'll\1' In lll:tfl) uf lh1• Sf'IIOUJ', IIC· l:t111l Au I·'•• Iii S.tn ,\nt''"'"· To \as llllth·S Jl,• \\Ill •ll'tl, f<'<'f'll'' lu~ '"' 1: ,,.,. 'l'r •ttlllnt.: l 'Jiolll «'lloll H:t•tt• Tr llntrtl: tl l ht• L:tt·kland plo ''''" o•f tlu ... 11·:u11onc \\'.tlk,•r A1r Jl,,,.,. 1\ 11l •111, 1111 11111 cof the f•n•• To·Cllllll'·l ,,1 "'11•••1-11f tlu• A1r l:'orcc.. A n·<'f•nl tt•l•'•'''' h) lht• S\\ISS 1 :'\atonna l Tuur'l>l At.:o·nt·~ stutcd At'• t~rt11 111' In I ht• S•'rlll'f' llt'I\'S· I h"l t I S . 'Oit1it•r< h.lll' dono• mUt'h f'lii JWr "Ann) Tim••s" nrw hluf' tn lll('rt :tllt' tlw J;tl(l(J 1\lll lk ''" r n Ullllnrm~ ma~ l11• nrdf'rrd socut for S\\1111 rland and tlw l 'o111't1 ~t at.-.. Aar Fnrrf' prr~unnrl. j Tho· Agl'nt'Y nport•·d that ;~.:o, . Rnnkon~; J\or 1-'r•r•'•· ofrJI't:tl' ro~-1 (')()() ~old11•rs hrt\1• vi~llf'd lh•••r <'l'ntly approl'l'fl t lw ('halll.'•· froun l'"tlntr~ and ottly :!1 htl\r' ho·•·n 111111' <lr:!h ltl lho• nt•\\ t'lllur wlulo• 1:11111\ nr mis~hl'l\'inr 11 ftn.tl <1··•·""'11 nn '>1\h• 1ont1 tn·1 · • • • ''t.:n• • " • 'I",.,, d '" I>~' mad«' \\'p nro• told tha t \.11~ lll.u~1lt·ll. Shtlrl l) r .. l'llhrl\ (lr I~ P J;wo•ntoa AI'('. Artor rh.-stylo· and 1nsogn1·o a n• c·u~t:o ~lo•s1J, nnw 11 S••rgo•Hnl wilt) tl•lt l llllll•·•l. t lw Quarlr•rmnlltC'r 11w 1'~.\'f'htllnJ;:t!'l R•·~parl'll l 'nll at t'"rfl' "111 ho•t.:m to pri)('Uro• ltH' ma-1 Rotntlolph Flt'ld To•xa~. h a J It 11 II Cur lh•· 11•" llnofoum,, wlllt'h tr"'' lt-d nlmt>"l !111· •Il l In· o•uuntry \\Ill h· rn·molfaf'ltll'<'d n\l'r ,, JWrtud ~tnl'o• cnhsto~c 111 thf' ,\lr F urc•• of !<f'H·rll l \\'!'o•ks !.11(1((~ hkt• I ~t.:l Jll·u~t1 .. 11Pnlt,to•d thruu~:h I hi' ",.·,. gooo na; '" hnn· ":'\,•on Sou t ~" !'ilnt:t An11 (lfftrr nr lhl' Ro•crwt· f()O'' I to~; S.-n ·ir<' snnw fo ftl'r·n month' :tgu It Oil J I htnk t hlol II I~ n 'tri· Flmd L ( 1\H·n~. 17. Rn111.-1,1 hult' t o his nlulitv lhl\1 he ha~ I funtm.:tun F•·n••h. todny !•nhstf'd .orh ,,nl'«·d so rapoc11t-K<·rp Cor thr<'r )'f':!rlt tn lhf' U S. Air 11 up Guy. Mesa's Complete Food Center ~ ......................................................... 1. l ~Friday and ~Saturday ~SPECIALS· . ..__._ ............................. ~ CERTIFIED GROCERS Member ol J MARKET OF AMERICA ~~~~~~~~~ I i II N EWI•OnT A\' t:. Ph. Bt:S{'on ftfl HI WE BUY RIGHT WE SELL RIGHT 39c 77c SHORT'N'G ~~~~.. 1,h. 39c MILK t:\ll!Mirllh'tl T t&lt 2 25 ( nn.. rnr c :\lh- tf'\ .. CORN on thr t·ub l'.!-117, 17 \I llhout t·uh ( tu t C CLOROX ('lt•lt.fl", Jllt•Ju·tu .... COFFEE .\11 l'••ttllla r Ito. SOc 1 z ••altun u ... Ht .. rt~,.... tl t. 1Sc llru~~tf, ~I.\ ,tft• Fomm t 'tohut,.lc•r~ CLEANER PICKLE JOYS ''•lllnn·h 39c II lot. S 11 I. Krarl ~llrou·t.-\\ hlat Sal•d tfunt"-!'IUI.If) 1'.\C K DRESSING c,~.61c ,.~, 35c TOMATOES ~lk <l'· 65c lltJI. ·'"· I T~tlt ('otn 17•• )I RS. STt:\\ t\ltT'S BLUING •:-~-to ""' tw~:utnr llttllt•• C ·~unaiiN·II'- Pork & Beans 2 , .. r 27c Snmlt n ot. 10c ,J \S -t"·\\1.\F. llnnl',._ 1'An" SOY SAUCE TOMATO SCE. 6 '"r 2Sc .... r-< hln,_ m-h.- 17r 18c Rolled Beef Cross Rib Roast Boneless Pork Roast !:~!.~ T.e~rk Sausage ..... 69c • •• b. 69c Tortillas Enchiladas Jt'\fRo s, .. Mince Meat Old Fashioned Ring Bologna Grapefruit 5 rur 2SC t'&n!')' Df'llrtou.c APPLES 3 ~.29c l.h.64c um:.25c .:..-.. 20c '·"· 22c 1 .... 49c l.arp s .,.,.l Oranges 4 ....... 1Sc Coffee Cake-Danish Filbert 3 rnr 27c CAKE Angel Food tt--au., , ... llrl.,u.. SSe A PPLE PIE •:,,rn ....... , \n~"""rf.__ '"~''""' 49C