HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-01-27 - Newport Balboa News Times~ I OIL COMPANY AGAIN D NIED LOCAL TIDELANDS J.--------------------------------------~--~~~~~--~~~-~-~~~~~-~~ J t A R G E 5 T T W I c E . A • W E E K C I R C U L AT I 0 N 1 N OR AN G I C 0 AS T . S LA R G E S T C I T Y S BALBOA ~IMES(~ Toda)'• I I A.M.. P .8. T. IW."· .loaN Avf'"'l" ,_ ·-. ,-.,, .,._...., l. 4-.... 11,dH"'t111th I( Ill' 17 1 . I up ~·i.l "" ,1.' 111 111• I t olot~o ... ,.,,lllllh" ;,.~t ........ hi''' ... -· .... -..... Council Stays Pat; 13-2 Vote ,, "'"''"'"''I lllllll'k ''" ( 'l14,111~1f.· EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA, WEST NEWPORT, SEASHORE COLONY, LIDO ISLE, NEWPORT HEIGHTS, BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR, COSTA MES.A 1 :::~'.' ~~·;~~":,~.:~··::·.1::·:.'~~;;:: .. ~~::: J:: VOLl ... E ... L Fl ,. 1 <· -.... 11 .• ., • ..... , ...dib~ 1 t:'"' 11,1 t'•• ,,, 1 .... ., llo·r•"''· r .. _, ~~~-~~=·=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'=~~·~r=n~-~~~~~~''=''='=·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~=·=~=.\=\=·~~=C=)R~T~R~~~~.A~(='I~I~,~C=A~L;I~F=~~R~N~I~A~,=T~t~l~~~•~•"•·~·-~~~·-\_«_l~~~-1:·~11~~:~M~~~~~~~~I:'':":~=~~·r~l:·~n:l:l•~•=l~l'~r~r~,~-~~~~~-·~~~~· =·~~~~~~~~~~~N=·=·~·~:t~n~r:.R~l 1,, ~111 1 tl~· ,1 1) 1,~,1~11~ ~~ THE I Asks Cl·ty R . l·se Park · ·· · · ~.~ ... ~~t~~ .... ••••• .: .. ·~:·:::~ ... :: ... ~·:::·~::: :. Attorney· May '"''''" 1 • " '<'"""· ........... n...t\ "'' "I"''"''", 111~1 t ho• f'll) 11f ~- SAND Tax Rate Total Of 12c Fight 1»11 Well' ~~.:·.· ~~~:;· ... ~~ •.. ~'~:."",'·~::,'~ ::.~ · With Pictures ''' '"·· ,., ...... """ .. "' .. r :I'" :l '1111• .lo•q;llh I \o Wlllll• hi lAM CRAB ,,,,., th·· ''"'""t: '""'""'' lh•• Mflr H:oll'h I' l\tus kl')', commwlo~r tJliS )• II"'''"" ""'' oo'lll 1." I I 'll\·'"''''"' ltotl llul T holflll''"" ..... \\llh 1•111 .. 11 ''" tlit'llflltln~o~ uti tu .. sut1) pt~.rk:! and pln)'groundl.: .. tll r . , ,, ........ r ""' , .... h •u•hull/nl 1" ""' :tu lltlt·l '11tl •111 \' •• ,.,.,,,,.)., uftt-'Ar · By S AM ,,.,•,.mmo·nJ,•cl )•'sh•rUtl)' lhllt ltw Ma•l-.0\•uol \llo lo ,lfolllloooll 1'1111 11''"''1 ""' "''"1•••1 1" •111" "·••llu···~""'trool l ')ll'llllt'- ..A ...... "' .. '" '"''' th '' •t• u h ,c ,.,.., 11 hu11t f, .. ,, lh•• ~·II\ •"•utu•tl II•• 'ni l .,,,,I. ''"'' I><'IH'h '"' lw ratS{" • ., .. ,,,, " "' "" 1,,, .. 111 1111t 111 • l I I up "u", .ul •l•lllu•, "u. •Uitl ,,,,,,l nun .... l h•• "'"''ltl ''' n.::nttt Jrt•tu 'u,,. i'\'fl\!'-1u u , .. \·nt .. , .. r \tf\• u, 1"' 1 '"' l''•'l"''"'a.:. ,,. 11 # I I 111 ,, \\I"' I llo •• h ._,,, t "1" llu• r .. ·AI t•oinl tlf thfo ~1\R' ·''~'''''' \,du.dlun \\lt' lt\t_•1t us ••'• t., ""'' 1,,,, \I th• •~•nl"-adtl,,l l•w •••'lt•alhH'''I p --..,fll\"-•111 '' ''' '' lltun III Ith It, ''"''' ••·•I lu \\tHlhl '"' t h• .u..:•nH•I\1 \\he·n ht• tu.ul••" kn•.-wn t '•P \\ lu .. "' ••• f, tuh n,: I,,, ..• '" ,, h· h td •""''"•:• ... "'" .. ,1-.. ~~ .. , .... u t.•h.u t).!. ,, h•llll ut 1:, t'\'tlls, Jt•·,, ttl 1 ,, 11, ,... It 1 u , n. Editor January '2'2. 19-J!{ I Newport I3a ll.x.Kl Nl'\\ s-Timcs :mtl \\'t.'~t Central A n•nue. N<.'\\ I)(JI'l &•ach. Californi;l. D t;t\ It St\)1: 1 n t'CS[XH1...;e to h•l"4·l, .... ,, ... , ·' tn.-..:J .uu ~r plant· uJ "' ,. ,., •d ~~~ ,·,,,,,.,, .t. ''''1 .. '' It• ''" '" • "'"•' '"Itt· ... 11\t t ' '''' '"''' ''""h'tl tH••·ttn..: nt Ul.,: .uut tn.unt.•l1 tfh'\ lu lollo\\ ,tur ~Lu t I•• ''~'" • \ k•t•t \\tit ''' ''" lit 'Hi-• '"" tutllt I ' It IM, \\ltu It 1tltlt' h·· llulhnl•"' h•• \\IU la I I 111 "'"' 11 \It •11•1 \11 \\ illlttltl l tlotl nl tho• n••lt!flllll'lll nllh<lll'..._ 1,.,,," f'""'" hlln ''"' ""·"' "'"1•·11 ll•o.lol -k ··' h I d 1tt~H 't \ Jhd ""~ 1ft' '••ktHtrt H,• ,,,,,..,., \\ll h tl•1• IH1It.••I1V ht f• yow · l'Oiumn "The Sand Cmb" in Tucsduy's issu<' of yOUI' JXIfX.'I' 1 am (S<.•Ifl fX.'I'· suadt'<i to make tlw fuiiCJw- ,\I lito •·•Ill•' 111110 , :ll.tloko·y ·•~ t·v " ·• I ' .,J, I' 11 h 11 111•1 1\, 1 111 l••t~·. tl11 '''' ,,, 1 .. 1t111t ••tl '" .. , t'l\tiiC •••tt uu·tltnnn () z. lh.d llu· ,.,,, t'lkiJH:'t;ah• Jruan· ft nd ,,q ,, I ul, I I I tiiHl-tP I••\•1• I I · 1 1 1 , ''" 1 "' '"'" '" ,,,,, • •1•1" ,, "'11 (oth··• , .... u Utth· ,,., ··•tntltu ... ~ a.lih \\Uti '' J•l ''.,:' ••IU :o-U HUt I h.•( ~ ,u ... , tul tttd I lt lt• '"''"-' Itt" ( .. I" lift, nf•1•\ t', ,, .. ,, ..... 1 If•. I. 1 1• t tHtdlt\\IUJ ''" 1h•ll 111 •'1' 1 .. tuth ut fh1• , •• ,,,., ttf tht•1t•nM-l•\ Ill•• htr,Ud 1•1 •·d \h ttl hlll \\hit'\ h o1\1 .1• ft\1 J•l tft~lll• l•llt t~lhtl :I ttl \Utt h h .. h •H'\\ H t'tfltt hh .. ,,...,,,,t lu! H""""'=''·'"''' 1n l•·•.)trtL: lh•• th.an tl!.1t •t ., ,, 1 ... HII \ lh .1,,, ~Mnt. Jllll.t•'"' \,.Itt•' ''" •1'' \'ut lu•• foutul t '•HatH•Un\t't""SU..-, l lo,.tlll "'' • uol Ito """''' Ill""' ll••l•'l I ••II 11111! IC•iloo•t t All.-. \\ •'h' , t.•l H pl.,~~~ ~uuut .:--Itt• 1 u\h.'r\· t•cl ,.. pi '''' 111 ... ,,_ 1 11 1 1 tlt fll ·r'"' It 'fill :-.1 "·" li\'1'1\ 1 tthh•tl, t•• rlh ,t 7-Lb., 3-0z' v~m I I I l•ltttlll. l ,qtlil t ... t ·"· fil• I .I lto.:,tH"t u~· """'' tht• ····rwh"' (~ I ., ''t'' ••I "'' I'""''" "'II •11•1 ,,, """ :\11\\111' II II 11·~·1 IHIII (''""~ I"""''''''· l• 11duw ,, '"'tl~ ~~~ Itt' , .. .,,, 1 ,, I• ,~ '"'"'" .• 1 G W.ld tf llh 'llll•ll lllolllll' lo tllloll'\ [,,, '""' l'lhtlltll J ........ l h lodl lnllh•ntlrnl rcw. "") ·'"'"'"'~ """ poll lllo•d ltUI l:nlloi "·· Ill ... , ••• ,lllhlll ..... , rows I ere 1tlo.ot, lltlilo ·t I""'''" Ol'lllli<llll'l'li, A.o ,., '•t .... "'' tllloo '" '""' I 1'1'"'" c·u,. '"'"'nf'\ ., .... ,..-1 I 'II I A II 11111•'1 ll11lt1111l 1'ht~tnp. ~111 It .old 111111111 l ito• o'll~ 11> tllo'l.;lll. tll(llt•.ollol o1 "' 11 • '' .ot II "', 1 "'"' 1 1 1 1 ( ,. M (' "'" lonol I'"'' lo•t~l) llll'o·u whnl w• l'a&rk .\lllOnn•t"•J<•t·ll'd Abu'"'"' '··'"''•'•'••1looto ol '"'' 11, :•",':•··.:1 ·";1., ';'ol,',:.t::1 1 1 1 '1':.';,', 11 Jfy 1lY 1et ltJII It•"''""ll '" 11 ro•'l•llllllt'IICII•tll'la ing comtnL'IlL': 'D1e first of your st.cttc-• ments to sh<X·k me was that "all theS(' thing!) makL• some of the old ti1nct'S grin a IJit , bec'.tusc that ~ms to havc been th<.' pt"Ogmm for lo, tht'SC many year~". 1f tbls latter statemcnt i:. true it should m akt." these S<tmt." "old timers" hang t heit· hl"ads in shame rpthcr than "grin a bit". Surely if th{'SC oiJjt."c- tivt."S have truly IJcot."n ap· proved for lo. these many years. then the same olrl tim- ers as well as many others. including the pt-escnt and preceding city councils have eith£>r been asl<'ep or very derelict in their duties. other· wise. a ll of these things would have been accom- plished or well on their way to accomplishment. The ex- ample of the water election ln which only 300 turned out to vote is a positive indica- tion of that fact. No change or improvement can be ac- complished by merely plnc- ing it on the ballot. Nor \\i ll acrimonious dehatc and name caJJing in th<' press at:- complish it. The vot('l"l' mu.c:;t lx' educated and fully at>- prizerl of the n('('CS.c;ity and d£>Sil·ahility of the c-hnnJ::<' or imprO\'<'m<'nt. Th<'Y must . in m anv in!'tance!'. be made to O\'eriook t h<'i r own p<>r.-onnl int<'resl s in the:> w ay of pn'- venting 1ax rai~. aaci to~ that the long rangt> inlt'n'SI!-; of thC' entirt' <'Ommunity dt'· mann th<' chnn$!<' or im- pt'O\'emmt. I rio not c~n!'irl£'1' that this \\'ilS cionl' tn tlw last 1\t. \\' .n. <'lt'<'tion . You st:lt<• thnt p<Vlph• ;II'<' not iniC'IY'SI('(I in \\';'I IC'I"l'. S('\\'{'I"S. l'l t'., f''I:N'pl \\ hC'I"t' tht>ir 0\\'ll littl~" nrhits i1 1<' l'f. f t>c·tNi. In this I do not a g t"N' wilh \'0\1. 111<' inl<'"'s1 shm' n ancl ilw l"ffor t put fot1 h h~· tht' inrli\·iclwll" l'l lll1JIOSin.c: thl' "so c-allNI" \oun•·il of Ha ri)(H' An'a Bu~inr"" Asso- ciiltiono;; rY'fllt<'s this still<'· m<'n t. P1'0plc• a IY' in t f't't"'sl Ni. anrl :11.,, rntitl('(l to knn\\' :til a hout t hc prohh•m:. of I lw c-ommtmitv. TI1i" 1·:tn onl~· bf' ht•mt!!h.t 01hout h~· :m nrlC'- quatc l':tmp.1iJ.."ll o f Nhll'iltinn. anrl it is your rlut~· ancl minr'. and thnt o f this counl'il. "" \\'C'll as the rity ('(lttnl'il tn brin;:: this knnwlt'<ig<' tn thl.' people. I nm in hN1rtv ng l"('('ml'nt With \'Ott r icll'll Of I h<' flU Ill j • fir-n t ions of t h<' l':t nrlirla t Ps offt"'t"('(l :'11 t hr ,\plil C'IN't ion. but. Sn m. just ~·m1 g'O out anci trv to g<'t n n~· of th<' "ciOZC'ns of such fJII:llifi('(l pcrwns" to J'l('rmit hi~ name' to tX' u~ n~ n m nrlicl:tlt'. ThC' exnt!'f'~ nnci nlihis rll't' )~ion. lrgHimrtlr nnrl illrhril· imate. and on<' m()!';f flN'\'a- l n :ll;o~. 1~1:~1. lh• l'tl) •·uun..:ll bo•at·lt,, olo •• tllihh • 1•·•11 ool Pill I 1• \' • H• h p 111111 lht• ,lo•ouin • n~fUI"'I -k I I·· • 1 .. ,,.,. "'' ""' ,,,, I .• ,.. ,.,. way ("lt .. • ... I'·'~"" ltnltll.tfll'o :"n :l'ilinUihurtl· pur "''' ''' '' II •' Ill•• pl11111o•o hn. ll.othllr 1,,1111111 ,.. ,., &;1 11111 ••1 lfr· •IIIII lltnl. ltntlt•t· ,,... l\IA\'OR 0 . U . Rt:t:U tum" fl,...t '<fiiUlt• "'~Hill In Slltnntn~ •••'n•moon~ whkh IDAucurat~ bulldtn~r OPf'rat.lon!l fo r Tl'«'n ('antef'n. H oldlnc tht-lltH'I'Uf>hun .. '' fo irt· C hi• I Fr.111k ( "" k t•r, "hllr• ,mltfn~: ltfll"'" 111 uf thl' mayor ', h'<'hnlqu" :tr ... 1uw1•h ll:unltlr t. 'lo'f" l•rlnl'lf"'l nf tht- hltth ..,.hool ; Jla&rtttd n.,,.,.,.,. •·hulrtnan "' I ho> hrla&rtl uf hwurJ"""'"" a&nd ~t no. .ll'rru ld SINlll&:lf"r, flt f'Oildr nl uf :\ "" JIO rt llarhor t 'ohm lll~tb >o('h..OI l·'aN"nt-Tr•:af'lwr """ol'l•t lun, ~l••u ... •rln~; hr>d,. an,_; .t lhr1't' 4'l'Ut 1.1' lur e·a~h &rfa,.. Uld lht '"'' ••I llhtUi t.tl nln.,: ()ff• ~.... e "'"'l.,;tH1h'nl tht' t'U) ~uultl hr ,..,.._ ~~~-~~~· U.\M'~M'U \ahlollholl Thi.a thr "'·"I'",,""' '""''"'" "' '"' "''""'" "1 "'''"!: "'1 '" '''"" "' ICe ~rvlce ,,.,.,,., '"'''"""'' ltw l'llfllrnl'l r iii.DI lhlto l'""'"•'•·o.l "'"'"' ~l:l<~IOU f.".'!' $72UIUI 1 '"''''' 1" 1'" 1' '"" 1'''"1"''' l111 thtlllnat u11hl•lo• tlw rlty llntfk lo otl l..tlo·r llll.,;tntotUIII \\1\~(oiUIId "ff th•'l""''"""l l'l utltll~,..,,l l•t'•tol•l•• "1 ll•tll•lll lool" 1''"1"'1 llll.'ltl<~tl l '•"llllf~t~·.,·l\~'f'WIII It.,.,._ hi• •'l•lllloott llo~tl tlw ('!" too ho• an •• do•!lllolo l'lwrl'!llrt', tht' matnl• "·'"' • '' ''' '"""" "'" • '" • 11""' 1 '" '1 1'' 1"' '1''1'1'1' '1 w ' I" 1'111 "" 1\ I hi• •PI 1111: No·wrwor t ''""""' ,.,,.,llnu•• I•• t'lllit ull 101"1~ m .tllll o>l llll'r<'lll>llll: 1111 '''" from ~10\\lh I"'""""' ""''' '" "''"" th•• 7 ·1•••trul :1 "1 "'" 1 1"'1 "'' 11. II• h · '"" '' 1\ ltk• h '"' ln•·ltul II)' ho•\olful II• l•~tn•lnM•'' ttu ••• ,., Ill!'-··-lt• ·····n•~ \\lt~ JJI8\,"\~ nuYt tu tu~.tlh' ,...... I len•t tit •' ........ lu,ld tf\t: ,,, .. ,,, • d .,, ttu ,,., \If'•' "'' .. ~' ttrU• u ( lht• ,,,,,,. t'-UtlltU•'I .... u.. for aeJ Mayor, Canteen Officials Break Ground for 'Tarpit' Con;. I rUt' I tun olf llw Tfl('n·( 'an· t t'<'n 1Tnrr11 1 ,::ot und t•rw<a) Sal· urday mnrn1nt.: w ith hri<'f ,.;round· brt'aking C'•·n ·monlt'S with llarhur high school hnnd OJX'nin~t t he pro· gram and master of Ct>r<'mon it•s, J..<oroy Rrown introducing Mayor 0 . B. ~d who spoke of th~ ro- Opt'ration 11nd support th{' T orpil has r rr('iv<'d nnct d.•scrv••d. Thl' m a)tlr 1urnr·1l th•· f·r~l s hov"l of thr• ~rnunci·hl'l'llk tn~ ancl l\tr~ J l'rrnld Sroant:l<'r. pn·~tch-lll o f t ho· llrtrhnr I' T A C'anll~·n ~ponsnrlt, J:lll'o• a l'hort ~pt~·.-h :.nd t urnr•d 1 h" ~N"Imd '""I • I ul ";" 1 h n on 1\lr (':dlum. !'lllflo·n l '""'~ pro•~tdrnl 11f Jlarhnr htgh !<puk•· for llw !'IUd ... nts 11nd t urne-d th•• first d irt fllr that J::rnup Stull• nh WJII. on n I'OIIIntf'rr h:.~'"· pr"' ool•• lhl' lnhnr for tht• Tnrpil'lo , • .,n,tnw· ta on !\lo•ntlll"r« ur I lit• hlltltltnJ• t'uno miJit·r· an l'lutr~.;,. 11( lh• l>rna:r· .• m :ami II 11 1'\n~'\ !'~. eh:oa rman .,f thf• l'loot riJ of tni'Or ptoruiOt'<, \\l'l'o iutrndtu·o•ll :tnrl Ill<' pr .. t:"r;m l \\:Olo t•ono•l urlo•ol h) I ho· hnncl VANDALS TRAMPLE 1 AUTO HOOD, TOP 1 TO TUNE OF $350 I .\ f> A r I I r· II I R r I ~· \1t•lou" hrttntl uf \ anllttll•m 11 '~' ma•l•· k nu11 n h~· t"l11~ r1 1 ;'rl••l\ o•, "''r · \'tt•t• '1aliun Jlrttpd••1ur , \\ h •• ... •· ·~n C'Arllllr ... duh ''""I"' """ olnrnu.ao·ol tu tho· ''''""' "' ~S:\() "h•·n nnknool' n I"'"""' lrampl•·•l tho· hooooot Rntl tup un tho• 1'\o•nlnt.: uf ''""· 11. Tho• o·ur , tlrh••n It~ (irlo'\\ ,.·,. """· "n-. flttrk•·•l '"'n•·lllh a 11£ht In froonl uf lluntlna:ton Ro•flf h I'"' illlotn ,., I ho• linw "' I h r twt•urr••no·r. t:l'"" h •·rl' In lito• p:tfl• r 1111' 0011 n•·r '' HI· fl'rlna;: a ""''llht•• '"" nrol f11r p.·r ,un ur .,...r-..un" r•"'ll1tfl,lhlr r,.r I ho• lllllllf\ttl', WI lho• hall .. t Ill ·~~~. hut \\US rc-lh~ nlljoolll\ .. t '"''. h,,,,. I '"' O no• "' '"'" hut:• , .......... '" ,,.,, ... , •. , '"" rnnk• lloo• ....... All· •hllllul! '"'"' nut .. ldo• '"" rtt,y bp J••l• d to~ tho '"''IS '1'111' l:lX rco-ol l'l oo "'' lu ,,., ''"" 1• 1 ~ltMII~I 1'1"" "11 lh• '·'"" 1111' "'" '1111 \;''''' lu l.1tl.:llllll II••IJ< h ruul•· ""'' ""'fl•hw·ll ln~ot Into Ml)'·fnlflt llct.- plutlll '" \'oln•·~ 11.1~ Jl' City HaS POII•Cy matrwd a ttt ... thr•'"t'•·n •l•·"·land n..si'"•'l""·''"'" ''"'' "' '''"'"""'"'''"'"I''" '''"1"· ''"''''I'""'""'''''' \\Ill lnnrb. .,,,...,,,,,.,.mo. I"'ttM "- 111' II loo 111 1'"1" ltn• "'"' l'•••l•n '""" i\ol11an• "lloo\\o'\• 1 tlutt lo n .. t ,,,,.,, lhnl lh•· tht..lnnrt• bfotontr to On Ho Ga C·t Co ·1 Assessment l)rotests ·· '"' ' ...... "·' .... ,I( ... • '"" •• ,. , ""'''"' • 11'" ,,..,,.,.,, I(IO\•·m nwt•• ...... ,..... rse mes I I y. 0~':1 on . . . I'·"' ''"'" '·"' .,.,, .. ,. 'II"'' lltl!h\\11\ , ..... , ,,,,,,.,., ll rt' '""' ,, '"''"" hn~ttltll fr) lw•IOr' on ·n ... C'll)' n O\\ ha~ II l••lh'~ O n I Again,· Citizens Find It All In Vain "' ":;::.:. ''1'',·,",::·· ·~·:: •.. ~·:~,,:,':·, I:·~"': I·.~· Ill\\ .... 11"' ,., ... , •. "'"1 '" ,. """' ·I~Oorll',t.:,'~'·,·:,',, k1',',, ',',',','."."',Anlll:.'. ,thr• ,,....._ tt1M'In1ut~ In nuh ''"" or flvr ~ " ~ 1"' l .ll't' hut, .. t.:ftnl•· .... \hat 1!'-I•OAAllllht\ o f IHt j't' tit, .. ,,., ..... r I I Th · 1 i 1 k t t 1 t 1 t 1 \ 11 p tu t'"' IU ul lu•t put •• t• 1 lw c-.-uut 'flwoo(llllo• :'\1<'1-:lrn~ \\;" 111\t'l' I' C'll)' C'OUnl'l 1{01 I tn I~~ nt•C It'll uno o•t II I 1•111 o'( \1' o•f'/11 ' tofltlll• Ill ill•' ••tllo ll '"'' "' 1110' It I '1'111' 1110\o·lln,: t••l llflh'f' I• rtlllf'l' dt•nJo·t l hh npphr lltloon IH '"' ''" "'"'''r a~~··'~""'"'~ ORRin )'l'S· C'I'UI' o•\••m pllllll 1 1 .. 11 .,,.1 111 , ,, 1 (' 1 11 " to•tntotlo•lo<~l lou• "lilo'h '"•Ill Kin• 11 up 'UC'h n gumt' nt 11 2 Mnan ~l l"l'l't, l••rda) But l ht~ limo• th<' b NW INnn "'''" "''''!1 '" '''''""'' 1'' ·nw ('••1'.-ltrl hllliM'h"ltl tl•n•••l ,111 \'111111•1• ••• , ..... •tfltt~· Bull\oit. th" 1 tml' w11 h nlot'f'lly as , was romp~~rulavdr mild ]tWllo f'l'l'l"'' I) n lunt.: I "on~ I htt:h ""'' ,,, ""' IJOrt.:o' •w••f'l 1,.,,.11.,,. caty fathl'r-. rnlltNI hf'hand a Stllll'· Up fn r h••artnR wm; l hr matter ~·fur n•·•t.:hbnrllOilli hu~ini:'SII nnd !\lorulll) •·oo·nlnlo( "Fur frum tM-Inl ment o r policy w hich "conflncol> ull of prol~sts on asst>sanwnu for IIII'N"'' 10 chiUlK~ tht• do•sttenullun ~l rlnRY 111111 ruur~W, 11 Willi 1111 hr ll· such conreulona to the bay fronl S(>W"ra an Seashore eo•y. W('ll 011 thv c:lt,y'a OWl\ pn~~~~Kty acrt..-u. and ck!~table .. an ordlnaJ"Y from Muin slrf'<'l to t h1• frrry Newport. Only ont" 'N'I'Itttn ~ ·atf'Pt't to tM ~ llut tht")' N1 .. ld r 11 ln nrtmc . hut nnl r11can~o: "" Oay lest. thai nf W . A . Meyl'r, Wli.~ n'· dt•nlNI Mr and Ml' W illiam ~17 otw, 1111 OJW' n avconuC'" l'l'iV•'I'I ancl hut two vcorbul bftr. ('11"·11n lh•·lr ro-qur~t It• r•'-'"'"' lot· City Gets H20 B11t It's Salty l'ro•\'hll"ly, lht• t'nlln<"ll hud 'l'('n I'B)i(I'S wo•ro' huriNI n l lht' I'll)' fallt· loll'lne~' thrlr ('nrnnn olrl l\1111' pt d tl" ~·H·nll<'ll "polw~ · •on till' /lln· o'I"S "1111, II \\'II~ inll'l'o·~llnt: lu llott', l••rlv ~olllalt'(l 111'1'0"'' (',11111111oon tnt.: of 1'1'1 11110 J::lm•'' tako• n huf· had nil J'l")'l'l'l' IO l••t:alfy IH'knoo-J· •tro•d fmm lht• no•W Hln c·hrr fO'ItnJ.: a• lht• nta\nr n•kr'<l lhnt flu• '"lt.;f' prnt••,tntanno., nf """"m••lll) loilllllin~: II""'''''•·•·. tho•\ u.:•····•l [lflllf"~ l~o· r .... uitKI, whllr C"nun· lo•\'tt'<l nn)hnw. I,,, lv •llllott Tum ll•·n•l••l""ll·, load loo rilrnan Jlrllwrl All•·n m.untllllll'll AI ll'n~t I hat wn' th•· ""'"'"" rJ I"'·'""" for""""''" 111'1""'""'"''''~ \\ ·''' 1 1111' 1"'' 11 "' "' 111"11'1 I I I I I I' I llon olfl ""''' I ",. '"''"'' '"'' r ... I 1:11 1 to ' I'" II') "11• • •'·" , lin· l"l•ll•lllllnL: •'fll!tn•·• 1 A 11 J\lontor lhrr•· lo~lflh• nf ' lolo••k lwl\\o•o·n tit 1"-ftttiNI and c·ollnt·llrtt:an () z \\htt ... nn u ltln.••"-,,, .. ,, il' tht· t"lt) ('oru n n tlfJ ,t, ..... , anti 1ht• fttihllf' II 111ftn l h fllo l .. ,, I•IHifl ",,.' thut ." Ht•lwt ,,_..n tnlt·l ft'i'll tl I ht• ,• .. nt· t'uttnt·tl'' .... ,.,,,,.,, fH"•· tn "-UCh fl1.t1· ltrurv \\'••II '· "put t It• h• h t tn •'h ,.,,, ' It I "II I I ' I '"' ""' "" \\ olo I " ... Ill 1111 fllt 0 t,t \4 ' J•• U'\ l:t"n f )4•t•n fpf'. TilP I lOll' fut·• pt•n lt•,ft,. h.tt1 ~#'nl lu tht• lt.U\M:II t ttfHIIHf lt • fHiultl• ltl.tl kt~othtlt lit.\ fUtl t'• U• I til\ lwt•k••n 'lnc·tt 1:....,1 .... pnn~.: •• h•nt..: ...,111r1• ,.,,, ..... .) h•· ':urf, prunttnt: ((tr ""ul\ "·'' th1• :tltot'lu'.llunl uf 1,,, tt .,,, ,.,11 tl 11,, 1,. Jt, 1 ''"'"', 21,000 Old Shoes Reprocessed by Salvation Army ""' th,, u,lf 'ht• '""" \Olll 1)11111 llr It r lloll1 """ ··k··tl ,. 1-11 ,, .• not ' ,,,,, ... unl~ t'nnliqtt•r \\h•lh•t th;•t'ttfltf t(" "'Inn 1tl t•rt r f t H t lllft tOtl "'"h \\0111 •r t•l•' ''"''' I lnr hao. l11 • tl "" t•l th•· t•·lln of .nln lh•• ·~·''''" at (" .. , .. n,, ol• I ""' 1, ,, 1 11, ... J, o1 h i' f'nntr:t('t lu fc•rt• ot\\:lfdtn,..: I"''} (•ntHl•thnut H••lwtl 1\ll••rt It ~tit\"·'''"" mf"n1 .. t'l'l\t'd rw·rTlU'-''''" ••• I ... , f lh· ..... ~I Hfll It ljl :":t•\'t•tth,-.1•·"'· t;••••rt.:•' Jl I'U fH1rlnt•·nt1r·n t ••I ,,,,,, tu.tk•· ' 'l"•·•t t\ , •I· 1 .... o(t••t~•t•l\ 111 1 I\ I \lo ll~ P\lt(ll to·d lho· f.tlho•t o. 1<11 tho ,111'\o'\ fof !Ill' 'I"~ d\\,1\ "" llooll"'•l ''''' .,f 1 ·, .,11 o1 ,1, 1111, Itt• I "11, 1 HI• '" , .... , '" lftl" 1 \t f tl hr. ... l, \\.,,. .nd ''"I " d• t ~~rr~ltfl i.;""''J,tl t h••nl•· ·-f \\itl..tt• uH~••rt,l' f,luntl tn ntd• r 1•• ,, .. •1tltfl1t Pd tlu J'u• 1n~ 1!f17. 'hf· ~itiVH1t"n t,,1 , 'th• ·~ 1 ,,,,,. .t ''' '''''" Ar fll\ \., ~ • .,.,,,1 \..:, 1, ,,.,, •·••nt• r !iit'l'\'· l•·n•·•· :.nd hr·••.tklnt' uf fH~'•fHI';' t•liU"Ins,.: nf ,,,.f' ''•'II q 11 1,. 1, ,1 11 1 hit. 1. ,1 11111.,1 • DuOIIrt)' rh:ora:•••l lh:tl c·,,~ l :n • 1 1 1 '''"" '" """' 1ft'-! tin' :er• .r' 11 1•1 •w• ,~~ d n 1nrt "" fii'P "11 f"tl "1 '~'"j d • ..... ,, .. ,, ..... ,. n liP h tul. ,., ~.;tn•·•·t' .J H \~'o•lolo h.ul 1:"'''" Ill• II' k 1 1 11 "I 1 Ill 11ol tlo;m :!1 1M tll "lllloo\\Jt\\:1\·" pnarQ ,,( ~· tnC, tt• •·• I\ ''' ·1 ' ' ol111 '"'"'·;uHf tf tlw Iiiio• lu d :o lo• lilt" ''"ll'>''lll \\ht•n ;t,.,ko•fl lu lo •o~l•· hi' wn~ rf'fust•tl \1 I tool\\ tl•' IIII I t ,' I 'I e prnpt•t l \', oolw ·h .... •:11 , t'ooltl ''"' I 'I ' "'""'" ,, lllilllllollrlo•d lhl'ulli;.hn•tl nuno•rlll•. '11'1'''" ..... ,.; Ioiii lo.tll l ~mu ll '"'''"' • Ill• lttolo •ol ,. I H '"'"I "l"•llo•tl '"'''I "''111'01'0 '" 1!1•• \i :u·, "''' J~•~lH IHIHI "'11 .tp4 ,11h .. r·qu,·nll\ c·h;,lflC• d tu -.. o und If•, P11"-"-1Hft to put'"' h ,...,. 1.' '"'"'"""" tlw lind• • '"' nl ft• t ll,ft1•1 1111tl J '~'""fll,JI•• :l;oiMM) p;aor~ !"n >••· II I ,· I lrn,f1 rt •o't•ftlo~•lo·• f••l' th• •Ill lit• •loo •l 'ttlo "I tho ,.,,,,,.,. "lnllt: lt• Un •·u ur~•·tln~t-.•n""l)!lt·1 '0fl r J•orlo" ,\hJIII llrloo I· "''"11, dl~lrll'l .. , four '''WI'I ··nlt'll'• l)u l\' rn tll''ll:ll:tlloon "' all t "'"' I" I ... , ... ,,.' \lo I• 'ollo·ol '" llotiOW 1111' nldrlill-:.1 I .. r 1 ,., ,,, f11\ 41.'' StP<~'Iill v:n' r 't I ,,,,, •. 1.·1•···1 \\ ,, .. ~ Rlft't'l In !'1 ,. \\ I"'' 1 t I .. I,. h t " Ul.l"'" I \\ '" ,, -!,., 'Uh' .. , f j ,, j •or '"'" 1 oof 1 '"'' '""''' will filii frum I.e. Alll(t•lo•• I lit ulll(h Whlllh•r, AnN· hr•im, ~lorlltt Antt, lol l .ftlrllllll ltl't!lf'h ~ r•turn, and •notheT wtll br f"ll t ahll•hr ct from t ,(MI Anll4'1.,. to 111\•o•rlllrlo• 11nrl rr•lw n 'l'h••••· lrfll'o·lln£ 1••1 ofrtN'• will olt•l•lllo'lt m rtll loo 11 ... c•ltto ... un thr '"t''' l•t• kill)' ot p llllll:olnlo( mull t1 lo lo 'I' IIIII !Itt• fllflll Will II<• n tl• d • Httut ff •rt''" f)• \\' p~"'tHI • I oli I \\til l'lt'ltfl\ t11Jtt't1tl lhf• tit '"' r' .. t 111u1t Itt nrul fttuu flu• • •lllltttlt\l,t• .. H•IJUPt•ttl fu l ..t• Art .... , ... Keep t•••lice Writing Tirkt.•ts \\••k •·n•l \t••lu ••••' uf I •"' "'I ' th• I•• ,1 l"'h" ............ \\Ill If\&; t l f ,tlt••ll C •, flf l,tl ltVt1fU it "'"'"" ~··''I ""' und 1\Jtlf,.m '''"' •t '"' • tn u\llt••••n •tl :.•"• n1 I' It lqttd q.,. t•••~•l of lt,.,...,.,., 'A itll Itt I lllt'l'" '" I •t~,•d fh t!ftfN II HI t hUt t f11 1tfl '' 1 ~,,. ... ,, • II ,, r·• .f ''' 1"' \.\ .... • .I• lit , \1 ,, ~1 ,,.,,,1'"' t.' N•" ftllf f fltl d i ll'lj 1rt H• ,1 \~t ffl Jl h '"''' ,,., ll1~'h\\.t \ lft1 ,., l'nlf 11, ,,,~··· t;.,. ... ,n I' \\'1tt•·t1 •·• I · •• ' I ,,, • I ••• ,,, t I /11fl1 ,,, ' ,,, A• or.ll--to ,.....etft,_ .. .... , .. ,.._, ....... ....... ............ « ( ... t ........ ..... ........ , •f oU wtiNII dill ......_ efN...,_n.._.w ........ .. .................... _.... ... .. .. , ...... u.., ................... ft.P.K~. "'-·-... ~ . ...,,. ...... ,. ,.._ ,._.,....,..., llay Y ............ a . t. r.u_...._, r. A. ~. MpeJCII.. r'-1-. _. A.c.-ll. ,._. ,..... """•-·-II wu pni11Wod ""'t muno nf I e 1.,,.,..., ......... "'"" ........ U.Uvf'. .... w ...... .... , . ,., .. _ ,., .... ....... .... ..... . II I. I'""'"""' n '''""''' l'lt)' '"""''"'' '""' ''"' •·ltv ..... 1nrll th•t I llwl l lut~l '""''" ll10• \ wt lm ~~ I wo I"'"'' "' 1111 k• ""'t '"'"'''I 1.,. nr •••ttl1•d tfuo 1~1\'11•1-'•· ,,f lt>t•h••' ,... 1••••"'•1 ((loUt hi• ('llfll rAt'l w\lh 1'- t11V l'vl••• I••II••W•~t with " plo·n tlutl '"'' '"'Ia-""'''"' "'~'"' ,,.,,,,,.,. ..... IWhl lu " '"""'1"111)' I" lt•tHIIraa: .. ,,.,,~. '''"'''n '''-tu tt•ttlfrt tht-II,.... l.ttuh Ill Ill•• ''"''' nl (',.flfllllli&, "''"'"I~'" It•· lll'kll•oWit'(flo!, .. t lhlll ,..,. "''" '''"' tltlnklu~: ••I f•l'ltlll ~ Chamber Plans Year Ahead !'•r\lt't' (J,·p ;ultlltttf, )••'O:It.•rcl.ty,1c·11 , Aflom••) Hol:tnd 'f1I••H ··WI'"'' ''''P "'''''"' "'l''n ln•' '"'"\ f i• ,1,1.,." J.if, :''• ,.,, J(,, ""'"Ito """"''"''oil thlll '"' "il" rnrnf't'o•d htm 111 ,, ... "·'""·' .nrl .• ('""''"''1 '"' "'"''"''"' '""" l'ooll l.•·••lli/O fl ft tllooot I"'''"''"' 11 ....... 1\oolllillt' ,, .. ,,I .......... 1 'It•·· No "'"''' ""''"'' ('IJIJI)II~ pl) ,., ... t,,.' ut th t· ,., "'' r 1, t.:• t ,nr•..-rn,,d htnl 111,1 h 1,,, I"' t\ ",,.,,.,, t o 1•· trl'-' til• •I ''" t ·, "'J ,1 ,,, .. 1 .... , k·t" • ,._, , .. Ill• ftu t1 ' n f '·• \\ 1.,,,, 1,~ ,., :•', ''''"' t \ ,11,j1t ••I '•ffttttt• '' • '" l•••lt lt•'' '''' "h t•l to '•rtc In\\ ·•fHI rnt~tl• :t ,,.,.,.,fu· :tp· "·'"' r•ru·•,,:wtuni: t•n th•· , ... , •tl avt·n tt•· ''' th•· ,.,,,., • ,, •. ,, ... ,, ,,,d ~''I' IHI• ''• '' '• u u "•"'' \1 '' ;\ 1'''" .,,,,, t \\ '''' ,, l,r''"' llurt u t~q· \• tt ,,. J•ttH l"''"hl••nt ll•·rh J•.tl IH iht l•llltlll loot f'lllllrlhllltllfl'l lo•l :mol ll'llldod 111111 'lot'' lol lht• <ll'lllnl.: ••f ;I I•'""' n ·•lrttw n l olo \ Jllo>IIIIIIJ' I' tl I 'll"''""'',.,, •·•I ~'• 1 ·\,'1111 l l· '''' .,,,Itt t . 1\o tlfl\' """\\Ill r•·llu•l'li-h rolne ..r •• td rlt<ftl\\l lf \\fUt'h ,,.1.11\\l)tl ~ ~··ff'l"'t Sup·rintt•nd;onl I.\\' ("t\. n lnn~o:th•·I UI''" ,,(!hr,.-•• ,,,, 1"1 •l tf ,,,d h ,• !I,, .. .,, 'fhlf•f '""' IHI hh·fl"'''• ",.,,.,u·· ,,, ttu '''"''"HI IttlhHtllf flu Ulltlttttl l llrl'ld•! nolt+UL:trll,tfulhut tt'hth \'t•lt l•fff,.rln),! tn\mt·cl···'· \H .'" rnnt,.tn :tnd th•· f;ul '\r .. qt r .• ,IJ. l•lltldtll•'"" II •tlt tru'lll' .,,,, .. 1 ,,,. \II •ll•ffl n flllt l •• itf• "' ·1···· .. ,, .. ,, .. ,., •• .Uht•tlttlr"(J fUll '"I •lr•t"tlfltnt: I hi' n:.ll~o:. i\nl"llnt• I,,,,, II··' "'" ''• It •IHII I""",, '''"'' """""' "' \\tilt 1111 ""' l•olt I,,·" I"' •• , ", ....... ,, ltJIIItY I ,.,., .... t_ , .... h•oot \\, ·•r• 1•••1\tn..: ,,,. ""''"'lnll\ Jf•· ,,.,,~ fn111t\\t·tl lt' J,,hn I'·•' ,,,, '' •~·· ''''h'' .,f ,.,,,,,.,"' ''' ''''' •• ,•7 J t•tt.-~• 1•t "' ,., '''"' I '''""""'"'''' "f,•w ,,,,... fhf I I II I I ( PAGING OWNER •tl 11 ''11 11' h•ol ••f II" ••••tlll l t I I ol l'ollt It••• \l ot'"ot t•,l'•l" h •llll) ltl••l pl1111~ fo11 • .... , •• h •Hl .. r I ' I ' ··r ', ... ~ hr \\htt m~rr·l\ prtrnt•., ,,,,, IJ , I I 'fl , • r •htltltt U IUtd lftt tfl~o,. ~l.tJOr f-.. JI •• t \\':l~ r.tl lf"'C'ttnC fn l.-t\10~ H••l• lr rr. .. ,t ~.,trt tfl ,,,.,,,, ('••I ••Ht d•l \1 11 ft•\\ l"bt\l uul fttllltf f ttfrt-•hfl\ ltn '"" '~tid \1 '"' h 't\• f'ttlnl frurn f 1 I ,.-.rvtrt" t ~\ Th•· hRntt''""''" httrn''""'''' •• u t •. ~. ,,,,,,. 1'•1 t.a,•ltv t\ .II th• v. •· t , ' '"''' ttrul '""l•lt· It(,. I multo .. "' trlflt\t;lll oJ, l<hu ~:1' ~',,""n ::."I I lll.tll 111'1'"1"1·•,~ hull to·rrh•r \\1\-"'"''"It" I''" I HIGH SCHOOL GETS I ••·•11.:• l.ott~' \\.o\ft• II ""'"' I"'' '" \\ •'•' S ul'plv "'"''' ~u l•'l)l _, • , , -' 1'• "" "''' rt t • r h'•••· 1 •n ., ,,, •• '''''''· ,,1 nil they t•unnut :tf(urtl ,,. htt\ f"\t•n II~· \.;tift h•· rlld nut,,, th• •'I ., • " .. ~ 1'1 ·~·~~~ ... 1 I•"" r,, '" :· .. Jtlfl' 'Hit ,,,. ,.1'*'' ···~·h\.\-'U\1 ''"'"'•'" ,,_,. I"''' ,1,1,1 ,,, •I ''''", lll ·rhu~•·n phtt•fl-., th•· l•.t-al CANCELLATION O F (', rattul ul 1:'111 "'''''" f ,fu. tt•l f ii V II• It• ''" tit• ,., 'A tu.tt l ltt••l•••1 • tn th•· f'lf\ ·..., mt•lhhd t1f , • n..: I rllnt.~ \\•· \\ttntlt•r•tl \\HUitt It BAY FRONT LEASE t '••t•r11,11, '1•tk 11'1 \\ ,,,., ····v. f•lr• 1111 •II• lt••-tnl ti iH•r••rurn und ~ 110 .t .._qU.tt• t•..-tt l..t"-1 I Tlw :tpplw:tll••n ••I " II \I,, happt·n. 11 olllt. t••l I '/ I" "11• '' l.otl .JI ''"I ' '1• ''"1" 1 "' '"111111''t'' l•••ll•lltoc Newport Post Office 1n Fight for Larger Quarters; Bar to Service ~,·,,~~,., ''" '' :• la•utd'' "' I ut .~\ h•"t'l , ..... ·h•·..ft ''"' '" ,,.., ,, ,, •. •·· ''"' l••triti, .. J '"' ·~t t·h:tn·' ,., fl,,,,,,, , .. , "' ·• ,.~, ""'!""''''' \\til t~t"ttl•lll\ '''l \1 Ott thr frlf•nflh •·r••fllltr•• Ttu·rt 1,11 It• 11 t·••·t• ,11 '''''' ,,, c·,.,,,,,,, und 1.11•,ltll• .. q, •. , Jllf Zt 'r. fl•••l• tf"' • fln:tll~ j:!ttl rtnrf••d ''' •l" t'11 •" 111 tf .. ~tl:•nntnt.: t'••mn1i""'''u, \\'''' • ,,. It K'""l.,.•1 hhn flrmh' h' th•• tl "·' '" • '"I'•'' ff,•tt ... r t ',uun I I II· IW'rllff u( th•· nrt·k ""'' h•· ""' Ill. I ,,,,, '""' '" •toll\ 1•1 ,,,, I argcut ~,·:.~ric Radrro Award L,eature Tho• :'\o•I\IMtrl Ho•Jil'll pt~>l of(wr. • ram1~ tl tnln 1 nl~ 131WI ~qll:•r•• f• ,., '" an lnlid"q":'l!' hlllllftnl!. ilo on th(' midst or a fight for l.or~o;··· (jllnrtcra. ,\ntl l'no.trn."lr•r \\ rllaam J\ltilm~. \\htoso d1;.111o I o•)(lo·nd~ It Ifni ;\l:o· rln•• i\1•• Jl:ill"'" 1,1:1nrl. 111 \tt h St 111111 In tho· o'll~ ltmtl<, !'1110 ln- rl:o' liFt! loo•llo t" ~,.,., lo'o• lo loll';tl r••s~tl• "''· phi' tt·tltrn In • nmpl• I•• lh 'tl•l ""'\\I' :trl' h:OI'in•· lrnuhlo·' "''"'1 ll:tl " ht• :tpftln\'d """'' """'''' In """"uh lit•· J ., r~ ,.., .. "" · ,k 1n . fn 1J f'" " .. h•• .1 ~~ 1 "-~• ,,1,1 ''·'" f,, ,.,, • 111 l llltllll(.' ·••1••'111••'' ~filii'•• """rt' W•· '' I! r 7""'"1.: "l'l'r"' door. nf • IIIII•· hltu k ""•"" I J> d Cl~. t () J>•• L, b 7 0 1',111 I• ,,,,. \\ "' n :o '"' ltnrl ''"""'"!! -:a lto-"''"':·~·. "."" "" ""' , ••• " Th•· '"'"''r '"'" ..... hi-, ... , ' ( f· .. '1 II' ''I' I' 'I"'' I ·\.en eZVf,US ·~··u -• \.&rna, r c . • (l ltt•t·nnv • :t,:oJ:,hlf\ \\'t• \\til mn\'•' 1""'T'~ 1"1c•·,n( v.·n~h•nt.: m:.rhfn•" h.V "1'1-"•'ntm•·nt ""h llttnllln•• I '' 1 '''" ••I '''' ..... ' ~. ,,.,, 1' ''"' :t • f'f fhr nHn•· ln( .. lfn.·•l ,,1 ''"'I ' t'~h · I 'f• f,'' •tl ll'll••lnlfiS' ~· \\• '' ff•·V• I'll'"'',., u• I''""' f·•t t•ttr I""' o fltt• 111111 th• n. llflll only wn~t thl' r l'llll"'' rof I. (; F•,h•·r 1,, 01111-r r \'lno•rnl ('n••manli. J .. ,, ''"" ,,.1, ll\lhl . 1, "'"'"' '"' 11,, , ,,1111111, S• ,,111 l i lt"""'· lo~·al tho 11, I\ ill \\o l11 rthl• loo 1:11•· l•orrd · 1 '''""t;,lwopl,, th• k!nrl nf '<•'r\ u .. "'1'11 v.•h"l'''rtlr-t•:tndt•• ... :tnd Jl11\·• "• '' "'""' ''"IJrnrd. t ,,,.,,, tl ~~ t 11tlltH' 1 v 1,.,,,,,,,,. tn t~ -..d•· thrtJIIl.''''''" lht t 'ouru·tl ur,..• llllllllt'h lllfloolt••l~ "' l 'uiHO. lin)' !',.,, ...... ltr!tl s. ftlllf s,.,. ... ,., OIHI 4(1 t ·,111 ~, ''''' ••••" St•fllnr untl• ,.,.... lt'l•llv '"' ''" "''' ""'" t·ll:l•ll•lt~ nnlf '"·,~~·r·'~::tl·, .. ~"~,.~:·.·~:;;·· .. ,"''· :-;.··"·SE-E NEED FOR HEIGHTS INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL 1 ;.:;"·,·;'t,t.':.~.:·:·'~·~~·:·~:·.t~:~::·~~;:;,:·:; •·•I·•' v.t,,,. l·•·ld I ,,,,,, •. ,, ~;,1 t tl•n t•t•l 't •'' ,, .. . ·n K II r 'Il l t 1 F:nt..l~'rt "h'· 'A'h llrrl lltlt't)IIIJI'r"'1 It,\ Jol•l•! "'''lft#,,, ......... 1 ,.,., .,,, ~~..;,,utf•·•" '""'•'lf t11 d lft.lt ,,,.. \.l ,+1 toHI I~ ,.,., •••. niUI~··t do It•• f\ Sh •I I'll.:• 11( Ollltll••\\f r 11' 1"'1'01' t' 11 ' '' ' • ., • l<'nt nnrl lN:;itimnl <' sN·m~ tn ''nrrto r ll• '"' n t•IJI'' a .... , f)(1l t r•,•tl•n'''''''''dt\\u'''·it·r1II\ I 1 1 1 t r ' ·'""" th· t 'lotfll tth nl d l'fU\\Itl ,,, ·~·arh fa~ot.t Fnd:t\ h••;u tl J!,.,.,, w, ... ,,tf, .f:l\ h· t•l "' "'' H·· 'I 'I, t I, ,, .. I···. r. '''It•' ""•tid .... t tw f•l• '" ,.~ ..... .,, th• ,,,,,I •tiVJ•qt,n-. L 1 1 .•• Tru•t~··-"tlttl ,,, 1.,,,,. ,,1,,., .. ,,,, it"' """'t "'' '• ,, ,1 • ,,, • .,, 'l J ,,.,, ,.,,,,,.,,., •• ,,. '" ,,( ll• ·~·~••••u'JH••L'f •tfll well nwk,. lit. "" 1"1• 'II ' o·ttr l.ulm• Ill an •. n~t~"Tl '"f"'t·Jnn •m '"' ' I''' tx> th:t1 mr ntion!VI h\' .John "" lh• uut•om• C. All<'ll in :'lnnlhl'r m lumn, thnt i" t hr C''l:l"''"h·a~ t inw rlr- m :-tnd(.'(l nf" c-it~· l'fi\Jndlm:tn at th<' o;;.'1lnry p.1irl. Fin:tllv \'oil f''l:hnrt us to hill"\' thr hiltl'h<'l :mil nt '"''"' intim:-tfl" tlwt l"IHl' mN'f ill~" hn,·r ~n IJ tn It~· '"'('1rll' \1 ith p<>1~n:tl r:r rnwh<"-. ThC' fn('t that il croup. m:ul•' up. "" tl is. of n'Prt'"4'nl :-t t i\'ro;; from th<' ,. n r lntt c: rnmmunit ir<: (C'onllnlll'd "' 11.1\'1< P:.J::I'I "\V, "' N l .'1-·••• ~·1 r· ,, ,, ,., . TU t'O( I'S I.Jt,JIT O' ,,,., ... ~'•~•·,ut:R~nu•n I.F.Cil~l •. \ TJ()' ~.rlnnlna: lt>da~. lh<' """ ,_ T l"""' I' &Hibll•hlrlll:. In I\H1 ln-tllllrnf'nh, thf' o·umplrto· "'4l~ of hnh a \ t•le·ra n "'" \ ''"""" a nt.l f'•lnhll'h ••11&:11•11· It~· fo r ('llllf11rni.o \ "'""""' piiUl. Tum to Jlt'C"I' lor l•~trt I. ,,,,11., \\hll·h f ·" 0 ,.,,., IH•ttta•l•·i m:lr ''hu••l"' uutltru• ,, 1'"'1"' wn~: ''"'' -.1 Ht'llfrt•tlht f d ,, •• •~''' U11 t '•'Ill• II "''"'l•t 't, Y.h•tt f•h """""''''"' "' ,,,,~ "''"' ,..,,. -.f Itt• tlt~t tUtft t\ ••lll\t fl 1 f\:tn'l"f'l ,,,,,,.-ttf11 \4 h t'h \'ft' •I rfUf', pnntiJ,_·,jJ\ frt ,,, ''ti ft I , I f I I 1,,,,J\. f•t C lf~•••f \~til r•~lt\• t ilt ,,,,,~r tl ,,._,Hit l ltHI' l '•tllrtl' ••ft r•••utl tlf'lll''" ,,.,,, ,,.r ,,,.,,,,n ,,f _.,,. ,,.,,..,~ cJ,,.,,1·r•·"'"''r 1,,,.,,,a,,,.,.", '·•·h. ·I t,,.,,,," , 1 ,11, ''•"' t..d.·· , ... ,,,, ''1''' ... ,,, '"''•'I''''"' '" ''" .,,.,,, ,.,,,.,. \\. ,, t\11\\ c;,.tr ktnc , ... ,.n that., ~~rr~t•huol •• , "'' ,,_. .,,,,, on 11 J)t)r1 ·~·luh tIL, 'I , I .. II I '·' ' It I• .. ,,, ( I ' II,.,... ,, J II •• ,, I , ' 'Ul • 1 I• ttur1 ttl lttt ptt•V't u m ,,. ··I , •11 'h• ,.,,,, ,, ti•J lllttt•nt nr····' ,,f IHn•l "'" lh• t"r ··n t I I I uli.tl • .,. I t ' I} I I i Th·· J•l • ,.,., lltlll Ill \I If I I,,. 'I ' '' ,.. 1•1 • 'f .... ,., u •• 4 ..... , 'll'"" ,, u '\\Ofl f\t*rl""t n .._,.h,_.,.•l tn~~·\\f~t~UI JI•IJ'ht •I'• t·d l \ ,.,.,,,1•' I 1 1 1 1 I h r '''''"' ""'~I ''""''' •t ,, I Itt frtf I I fin' fl I 'I HI tft " Ul l fJI "It ,J ,,,. ftt•• 'u•· • • • ''"'"' • " ~., 1 1• 111 f,, ;\n , ,,....,,1,•n 11, fJtl'"'"' 1 ''"" · .. • .. • t t-'•i•, ' , t 1 !••I• It. '' r I .... 11r1 ,,f :e hun'l p ..... 111. ( •• , ~-1;, (f~t rr th"" n n..:•n •I , .,. ' , J tft. f• .:.._ I I' •' I fJ I , .. f I fl n' ,, IIJ• t' 1\r·,·lt I···· "'''"'' "" ('~11···1 '"'"'''"'. '" ""' h 1 IWI)-IIflll t•l ont I•' I ' I .. ,. • • ''• fl '" th ''' l•f4'd••l ln ••I '"'*"'JnL:u•JI th:tl th• '1 h· :llOftft ,,,,. 1' ,,. r l llrt l••'l 1•1 tn!l ('hlotn,, II• I ~tat '• 111 """ n•. of• I"• '1.1 I'"" ., •• '· ,,,,, .,, t ft••f"'·ll ··fft("'• .. ,.,,.... t "'h"l' •, • 1 '''' fool llntft(,ol oo•n qf lht' V\nlfO •··•Ill• ,1tldol 1~on d l1 l11 o • \ ( • • 1.. I ,., f l • f "-I"' l•f t ''uti) rv"'"' 11 t'llf••frn.1 :tnd au .ttJdlt'•'· ft\ t"-i '1• t \.f '" ,.t( II !ttl l"'t)f'npr I •"I or L•f ''"'" •• If ., l'llfffi ton ( •, nt tlol ·I'' f I• C"otnn:o d•·l ~f II ,,, ~u· tu th•• rant~ndlll' •• r IJ,o , .... '' 1 ' \II, .. Ill 0 '' . ' I I ,,, ,, ,, .,, I'!J I t , t •• I ..... ,, I. .., •• f. I I , I ,. I . t fl • I J ••• ~ ' ~ • ,. •I I II f f I ·If I •t I •••• t .,1'"'' I t; Htt •f\\tflt \\1lt In •I 1 , u, t ·I• ,,.,,,,, l'•t 1.1, I'•. n.d f!,•l •I t,,,,,,,. f' I ' I II I I I I , ' I,,, "'' I I f '' • ' 'if,., , '.~I • \f I •• '• ''''to.. \\• tl f "'' q•• Hu ·.• j•t• 1 11 .,, tui ,l r .. , • I••• l l·•ul•llro• 1 •I.• l"tr •nllr fT rn1 orr nr~ nn j ttftl 1.-- f,l fltft ft I tftt• If tffl I Iff ... \t•r•l II II ''""' • ot• 14lt•otll 1111 l'o ~tn • t1 1 ut t•t• t.1 nl • ''''' rf'ttrtJ' fl' t-, \I \' I NJI IRr:U , ! 1.1\ t ... 'it, \Rt,V l ;f,P'T ., . T l 11' Tit I',,.,._ " •·cue " T tll t~ "'r: \ ~Til ICY ICr: I ftl 'Tt .JI IS "ANC 'IIUR "\Tf II," II\' IIITf'll. ~--------------------J I . •· Refrigeration Yllr.ON A"~PNlA It.. -.a lOO ._ Air Conditioning ........... Pressure Pumps Centrifugal PumJ)8 Call --•. • a. IAe AapiM 8t... A oat rtm ....,_tea t•,\1!1:'-.. tl l'o !'It• 1 til "' "" h tit' I ' 1H.-. tt tiHH'lt h••Ht tt I \\\II !d ' •I • I J •t' ,, II ' l{ .. tt. I I :-., ,, Ill ••• It I ., ttn pd•l\ fh.d tuo h ,,, t. 1" .·., •• , t ,, . ' , !I> I ... fl•,, ... i '*' .. ,1,. ,,, , .. ttl,, ... " ,.1. 1 .. ,_ "' '. t1 ,.,., '"' Ill 'o:l I ,,,. I HI I• .... '''"' el ,, II I ' ' tl 'I I I . ' ' .~, ... , 11ul ""' k• 1" "' t.r• act ltu•"" 11 11 f.""' uf lqUtlh 'flittU"" ltpt t•~ ... .... Pn' 1r-.u1 ''' ,,J.,n ''''" '"'''' ,, J•l• '"' tl uU '""'fit J'oith'' u l fft• \t l'o/1111' Tho• \'nlloll St.olo·,. \\.otnool lhol tlw oll a~tu· 111111\r nnltlo l.du •• l•nn .-·rft·t IJ\f· lato.t rt1tdtu,•lat u u••ht • .. ct .. n~:• r I h•• :\Jar ~luotl 1•11111 ftrll ala t-'rarfu l , ... •' • '1 I tfl f t I t I tl I ,,, II , •• f'l ' tt1•.. ., tt , , , ... ' .. r I t t II\ t' .. I Jf 'I t.' '\ ·IHt .. I u ,,,,,.,"II, .. t. ,, I J· ·, .,. ,,, '" I '• I• ' 11 •• I • ' ·~ I,, II ,,, •• I ''·'"'"' , •• I It til" I• I ',,, ••• ~· I .. ,.,. \ ·"····· '" ll••hthl\ \\'I h ttdUt tdln I J•nltl "'~"''''"''' t .. h \•th It pd lh Jt.un" f, ~••' '' • '' '" nft~ltt t • • "'' ' '""' tUdH " d I\ ••ld;'h "•' lh.tl lh• t'U' \\uHltl ,•ntl\h• ~~~IIHI 1 ,,.,,f,, .. ,,,d 11,,, ''''"'"' ,1 .,1,. I ~" t hn~ htmllltn~;, on•l th.ol Ho ot.wt 11 1 1 It .,, ll I IPfl \\utalft If" .. f••rt ten tr ;u'l• a". tht·l ,,,1,.1 \\ ,,, 1 1 1 ,, 1 1 ,, t ~ ,, fl"'·itlf tt( • ,h,trp lt fhh fltlfl' If) lth l .t ftll l1t l•f ff 1 I I• tO 1 I 1 I 1•, • ltrtt•t uf ~ft nt•h •'JMtll-. fltllt• I•'' ,~l'\\tf;t,•t ~UI\t \ \\#I tfl•ht d l ''':1:· h) t h• "lmt ,.,,,n It till Jtw ,., , •tit . ,, , ",, ,11 \ ,, •'h 1,1 1 h• 11"" pf ~·o.ltl >to~ k• ~1'111 h tl l!o• I oil I l'o•ll•l 1 11 tool 11, t , t tp\\.tttl •H\ lhlt'f' 4'1Htflf1• nt' Ul "\ , -J l tntt '''""'''' tt11 H• \ •IHil,t\\• tl h•1 lt,oltll• Slllll ~. ~••IIIIo i\frlt'll l"lf Ill. ' \1 ••I I olol• ,, '"'' II'• Ill til t•f II '-1 • I t I '1. tfH tlll!lt I J lit ... t'arl4o~ ~ ru "'''"" uf • fun twr ( 'ttllfu rnh• _..... •• .,,. •••·uuu1't r.att"' tu 4 •••\ ••ruur t.url \\'arrf'll I'"" hi~ tllun,..•r ,.,,..,.~'""' J .. nnr•ol '"' ~;ooltl ttnd ""Itt ... l'lw '"'' ,.,. nnr Ito at l••oul ttw nr .. t ul ( 'rallfumha'~ 1 t'\\ '"' k , l'*'•.tH ••H l '.u '"' ·'"'I J,, ( '' ,,,,,,, t·uurd \ lu • ""'' I '" I••' lit t1l>h t'"l' 1111110 nl '"'' k• hr .. kt• 1 tl 1 1 1 t t I ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (lfl I)H' ,,..,,,,.,,. St.H·k I '''hrun:••. J•l u ••""•d l••ld ti t~ ,.,,.,.,I :\J. -.:"''"' '' 1\t 1111111 lu.-111\ l'fo'llo\r•~l • ttl<' I 1 I I II 1 '1 1 I 1!1, I ftfh. ,,. H tlh' II ,, i \\11' .._, rw.> nu· ,,, .... , ft• '"'I"'' r lht• 1., .. ,.,, .,,, .. ,., 1 ~ 01 ,.•H•• .., ,,, ''"I t•Hllltl <lot lonc ln:"\•"y"'l.h"l' 1 1 I \ \ \ lh,...._."."' prn~rtttn ul ('t•ntt·nnlal t•t>h•· bratlu"'• t ho• 111 ...... ,.,.r) uf C •••Ill 111 c ... luma. t:l I turoulu •·uunl~. un .ltututtr~ '!I, 18.48. ''"''·rnur \\rur•·n .. 't'f'ltiNI Wllh ,~aJIIUrt', 'I" In~:. "Ttwr•• '" nttll·h lu ln- .,.,,.. "' 111 tho> •·•·lt·brallnn ur ltw-t• f'\'f'nt.., fur 11,..~ hrlnl{ teo 111lnd \'hldly '"" P'"l:"'" "hkh WI" haH' ruacJ~> dur- 111&' tho· ""' 11111• hundrrod yran-." S-T-A-G-E Wed., Jan. 28 Sun .• Fe b. 1 "The Philadelphia Story" A lhptha ... w <'>CifMIIIIy 87 ,..,. ... at The Playhouse Lapna Beach ........ .,_...., ..... laii ... AII.M • ''' tt1• 'tllo('k rn:•• k• 1 n·u,,,,,, .. t '*'" 1 • '·'"'' ' "·• 1 '" ''I L:'(•tu·rtt Y !'Itt • t' fw u, • 41 h\ I••'' ,.,, t f~ f •• rr•• k• 11 I I I""'''""" "I''' lin• "'"'" ,.,.,ltJ No RELIEF ~ r"rN 11111111110• II '"''' '''"" ''"' " ""''l ~r:r: ttl lfu• 0• \\ l u t tl' HI fltt ttl"' I FROM COLD AS ~·''"·'''"" '"' .... "'"' """k "~~: 8-Point Hiahway trt\nh uu.: ltttle t•f uu t'••""' 1 e-. DEATHS TOP I 00 ;\tliOtlwr ltll 1"1 ho• ~ 11"· '""''''I Proaram Aimed at .. • tH , ...... ,rhl•· cl•·f• r '"' nt ••t , .. ,, 1 uf ,_, t111( Ar.o . tl P t 11undn .. L~ ,,, ""' ''""'I ~'''"''"''.''"" l""'"'"' 'Death C:Orners' thtll"~tnd>o c)f wmko •~ tn !II' ;,lltl•"' 11\lltholollll\ tol ,,,,,, l urul' ;enol un- \Aoo•rl' lnld off lloda) tl!l l•ru lonRI'd •'"'llt'•·t.~lh ,.,,111ot ltll'f •'""' or ,,.,_ 1\IP I -Th•• o'Old N l dN•po I lnlu f uo•l SllpJlllo·s; '''S"•d \lolu:olholl ('ahl"' nt.o htlo!h'' '" t·ommlulon tu-a nd lo rn'<! uuJu~• r ""' tv o'urt ull pro oduC"Jion tor >oholl dH'"' P r l'unh'rul '''llllllllo'fl '" l h• rl.o) "''' •un•uh r1111: nn eight potnt mo l'llnt' lho· tllflo lo·nro• I• '"''It 11 •lulo• o'h omho r u( t'llffiffif'rt'(• hl$:h· •ronll'lll"n tlt,lll<'l nnrl to ~antlun ""' P••h.-1 1"""'"'" loctudlnl( " rh•tnrr I ·, .... ,,, \f, '·' "'1u1:on tl1~· ... ,.,,,"""''"'·'''"" ''"'' A priOf't l~ .. 1..\( K t'.\KM l .o\ROR JIEAU l "·''''... St.u•k. r .. rnwrl~ "UJ.I!.•r- ,, "' tn t•h:crlo(o' of tho· l.orm lahor ''' uwh ur rhc• I 'n11t·d Stall·~ Or- J• "''"' nt of A.:ric·uttun• 10 llrang<' '"""'~· h11s hc't·n !IIIIJ'""'''d farm I ol••r rc r rt•st•o\!111\'t' m the sam•' , """') lhr th1• ('a It forma DE" part- "" nt of 1-:mploynw nt. lh· w tll ha\'t' lot• t•fftC'<' at 5(11 \\'•·st Ftfth St . ~ '"'" Ana trwt. (tor • '·'"'"'''· •~ " ~mnllo·r ''''''Ill '"' • ~tuhll<~lwd WhE'rrh1 1 ,t~llnJ! m<·thuds fur prl'l'o•nlivn ill I'll "'''"'" Sanol.t\1111\ l •!•lllt I f., roo,otl tltlllflo\o'OII'tll'l ftnH w ould ••. ,, loo!o~o·!o. .. r s:ratn (nom •n~··cls and ''"I'''"'.:''"' m"'' foll.'hl~ ''"'''1'•11 undorl:tk•n 111 loK'Illlnns whrrr .u nemployment Insurance Tax · Returns Due Rl'turn:-((or «tat,. unt•mpluy- rnt•ut H1~UI anc•t• t:t~(·"\ f•1r ltlt• (tourth qllnrlo·r 11f \911 .on• """ l<hll•, ltN'CHfltnl: In n (';~rr<tlt 11ta11,1 atlflttllr·in-••fl,or~;t• uf I h ,. Sltnlll 1\n:o tomhr dt•lttrl nfftc·•· uf tlw I C'ltllfnt ma It• p:orrmo·nt uf l·:mpl"~ nwnt 1 "Into I'• '' 111111 J~·n.olt"' "oil ho· I d lltrl:l'll Jf fho fit '( ,, ltllt pittd l\0 I tot Ill f10ft' ,11111 :\\," lft.tll do•l'l:'lf'o·d . kmpl,.,,.,.~ '"'' 111 c.:•·d nnl 111 "ltil lt•l' tl1o• tll':orllottl•, l~tll 111 ~ttbnlll tlot•ll' l'l l lll'n~ ·" Jol"lllltptl)' :1~ IHtS· •olol• Ill ltl lfo I lol !'1~·\•JI 1111 f'lll{'l':O.~· 1111: ~:mpi0\'''1'' "ho :tn • 111 rt .. tthl <1f lhl·tr ll:ohtltl y und•'r thr· ,.llolf' t:n- ' mpl") "" 111 lnquranr·•· i\cl IH't' •n- ' tl• •I t10 <'11111:11'1 IIW ltlltlt111r-ln· 1'11,jt'l:' ''' 1 J(q Wt•,t Eif,;hth S rrrt·t. S~anta 1\011 Dutch Heacock O&NI:ILAL OON'nLAOTOa PAINTING Ooecraeton' RENTAL EQUIPMENT ut Balboa A.,.,, Ooeta MeM [)(rectly Behind Alba BetA WILL CALL FOR AND DELIVER Aft.y Work A• Exira or t '\111-Thne Emplo)·~t In PAYROLL ACCOUNTING GORDON B~ FINDLAY CONTRACTOB AND BUO..OEB Otflee; I 4 I II c-.t Blvd. CABINET SHOP SERVICE CAB~ AND MILL\\'OU.K T. C JOHNSON. Sup\. ...._1 BartJor Ull·l Sport Tops • • • Seat Covers TAYLOR'S TRIM SHOP Automobil e U pho lste rin ~ Boat and Truck Cushions 1505 West Central Newport Beach H AKROK '!I'!~ Enjoy Delicious Mexican Food at .fa P04ia Complete Meals from $1.00 2.588 Newport Boukvard COSTA MESA Opt<n a to 9 Dally BEAC:Ol'i MUl f'.loeed Moeday Inc. TIUI THE PLAYHOI'fllE nut GUILD- M••llnWhtl•·. flu· (Ifill jtfi'AI l'fth•l "toV<' In 1:\ o111) ~ llll'lll'll 'UUI h· ,.,,.11A.Ari1 lot .. thl' M''""''~' u nd llw Wl'lllho·mutn '~'u''(j It .:l••ontY flll"l'l"ll~l thrtl ~ulonurm111 lo•mrw-ra- tun·• wtll t•mo·r m••~• u l tho· ott- 1 1110 for 111 l•••t~l fon ullll'r 1\o•l•k ·n,.. ryrw fl"a~d mn:u nf a1r w tll f an ''"' (o\'c'r tlw ~:nst 1111d S1•uth '"'''r I hi~ wo•o•k lito• 1' ~ \\ • 1otho•r 'of I"" ltllh "' lloo lll•lllt'1 nnd ha~ ,,., lllo "'' """' l ro•qlli'Otly OCCUr o.ol~ llro• 10 USt' un f"rttiS to tht." II~ II\ flllll'llo\11 tho• o'fltt•lrltt'ltiOII 'l'ho pto•t.:o IIO, •llhtniiiNI hy 1'\t·tl I "''It\ t•f nn\y 5 ~~·r t't•nl Of 1111' uf loK'Iol "'";·~· ('otllt!'ltoHl lorw•. ,., tn ·· l'llllllnt·•n "' lhl' rhamlx-r • l.trlll 8\llrlli!C capiiCIIY * Sell It Through Classified Advertising * Ito· l'"lltlt•ll t1tl1 ~11111Ltlt110 1 11~11 11'1 ''•tl•\\ltl•• t'llll11t)llfo•o l>n hil,:hWII)' ~~~~~~~~§§s~~~~§§§~§§§§§§§§§§§~~~~§§§~~~§~~§§§~§~~~~~~~§~~~~~ • ..,.. u ~: llal'bor ua Rea.:~ uu-w ,._..,.. t'rh, II. l!\, t%; Mar. t, It, tl. •' 1;00 p. m .• OW· 'ftM.£ A FOU.ION MO\'lt:l4. .... ~ .. - Will A fUNERAl llll IE YOUR FAMILY'S INHERITANCE? W all rour •idow hew 10 prr ,.,.., lunrral -t ~both our ol dw iMUruet yooa ~ htfl W ilt friftd.t "-" 10 - -dw bur.kn ol red-as-~ fate_., lot luMral bilb can ~ ~ anilabl~, UDdH the Pomc Lawn PtOIK· doll Plu all fu~ral bollt .,~ ~Jimi""~ no mar~r wht:n or -~ dw IWM ocnort rc,.rd· lae ol how licd c ha t-11 paiJ io. Ia addicion, nrra cuh can be idtod lor "la.tt itt-" ••~natuy bllh ••d a _bl, cuh in<'()IM eo tide 1hc fa .. lly our. Y•• ••r ....................... i!ii; ;:.::---.. ilw coat It eurprialni!IF low . 1'~. dw JlorC"tC La ... P~ioe Plaa Jlft"idet c:.ll and lo-... n.lua, and rhcft eM ~ 110---Mall COI&pa. lOOAY lor free dHCrlpd•• fo14er. ... '*~MeA" ,_, l.A-Ufl Ill •• Mel co. .......... ._ .,..._ aA-M -1!1 -..... .. ~ ,_ woe:! -· Wtlhouf ~Of nbu,.rioe. a foldt-r np&.;oJ"' tiM For"' Lawn Prottcrlon Pt ... N~~------------­~~~-------- Clf7------...r.OW- ltl'f AI• it 'Nrt (hrooel l.-c •.. St-. ........ IJpfdaJirJn~t IJI- ll11ro·uu "lid Tit•· l1o·lllh toll from I ht• Iotti! ~••·tot•· ul II'Y llhl>\'1' 100 "1''" t tu'r r • •-t•· \''f•ll 1111' hll'\:1'~1 lll(IU>.Irt!tl l hUifluWO!oo 1111' 111 lht• flllfnmultll•· m rooufnrtut - tnll e<•n\t•r In llw LH>rr olt nrra and lhr •tM'l Jllnnt~ flf Pllt~hurs:h ~IIIII'" nflr,c tf'd hy n.llur~tl ~:a• ~hnrt n~ot• 11> nml shutt1'"" n~oo otll'lll<lo• \ttr h'"'""· l odtunlo. J', 11nc1 II unt11 c ~111u. \\'1'!11 \'tr .e1nin nod No•\4 York t\ 1\lt th•• otll\1 I ha111l, I'll\< I' 1ht• :o•ko·o\ tfo.ot 'lt1'1(tlll\ :ol~CI he h8!1t tl li llrtlt [tllrtl 'lo;o•wt••rl llt'lll'h nnrth "" "•fill••• I·•"' at lllltl Ot lld potr•nl~.tl I•• tftll11 11111:• r 11\o'O\h', ntlll fr11m ,.,.,,,,,11111 111'•'11~ 'IIHI tof I'XCt'IJ!IiVt•fl """'" """ l'll't'r ,., ... no•nrly ,,, 1'1011\'•·•lt·d lrnffu· t•nndoltnn•." tiJil"'r l'•·"l•orl '"'' I t~ flltl"ltotll Tho· J'h:tlf1lu•r o·:ollo-rt n1so fur 1,. \lltll I~'" l'un\llllo'l ltunk "'"'· •. ,.,,,.r •··~·~~·•·•''"" "'"'""" t h • ,., •. t n·tttnwnt •• nd d1•~osal wnrks "'"'<' Rnrt \<>('"\ I!Oi o·r nm•·nta 1n . ·n,,• v.lu•lc• 11( Snna1nlhon lll~trkl 11rtl•·.r '~: l1r1o•ln.l' · ·" rurldl1'"\lo I h "'" •htor•• flu• , . .,,, uf tho•<~~• trunk l""'~ahh· 11n • ffwt•·nl, mc)li•·rniU!d "'" r~ twf1 lhl'rl'll\ "'rttro• lht•tr ') ''"'" nf luclt'"'' '· rn11ol~ And 1 lt.:lt l" 111 .1111 tutur·,. "''' tlh· J~'\•·l ~lfl'l•h tn l '•tltloornt.o Tht• f>l lll:fllffi ftlt• IIIII II• o•c) Ill lllotlct• lht ~~· (,J. rt'<"nnllllo•tHio'<l )lllltl ~J'IIO)I""hiJl Of ........ t u olrrl•t "''"''"r, r .. r ,r•-'•d l''"l''''' :uofl \\lwn 1•11"1•11'," 1• ~hlo•nt• ,,( th• •lt•ltt•1 '" •H t11,,1 11•••lm.: ,,r '' ~llllrt'•' .IIIWIII: !'tiiMI, I) h t\•· ••\\•t.u.·· .... ,,u·• lh•·\ ,.,,.,,.,.,., •rultl11• ''*''" SOCIAL DISEAES TREATMENTS ON b', UPGRADE "'"" "'" lw l••llt.: Ito o '11111 ,·, ~ oll~--j I I I It • 1 r..r•umttl• tll'l ollllrt< in-l til• t .. r H ,.,,, \\h•• h ·H'• aw\ ptn •·l•u),.rt I' HI• • lc• ol lilt•'' 11t "'""' • "~ T h .t 1 "'"''' or •I• pr;,rti<'al" ·•-... tutt •t 1 u•ht'·"1 \\ t\ I" 1 t•n nlt tHp\,,1,~ ~AC'ttA~ll :-.-rn .. lnn •• c\'T'• fr•·•··"" "' "'"""'' "" 1 .. "'ttt•r•'<i :\lor.• 11111~ '"' lim•'"''' IIHIII\ l"'r ·I SHOTGUN NIPS I'" llh.trH'" pf '"'l'ltotttto•ll tu fll· ''"' lfl ( Hhl ttrnlit otlt f'Hm(llf •lhl).: • f tltt tit t fiJ11fiHIOif\ t•l IIHIH'tl.! •onor••ttl Ul~l'lt"•' lt•lllfllllll~ 10.111) LIONS ATTACK '11~11 "tltll•lo \',1111' lu l'lllllttiiTl· than (t•ur )4 :tr' aru 1h•· ,..,,,,.. ,,, '"""'''''"" '" llt• '"'.'"" .. , ...... ,~ Jllor1nll 11 1 nl Ptthlu llo•,tllh t r• \1\1 ., ''-o(;,,' •l l't \ lto•ll ludtW/1\< '•>t'lo•(\ to>llfl) '"·" k• d '' I llllt I ''II ,j itlll•lho I '1'1 I Ill I' ' l . I '-t I ttT,,,( , .. 'i\," ,.,, , ... T it<• pnlll'lpl·· ft'l"'" r .. r ,,,.Ill· 'Ill"' Itt Ill \\ '" t "''to .. '"' 1'111;• 1111' tn\''''"" 111 "" ''"'lrtl' h ll'h-··:·to~·· lH'<'<II tltn!; In llr \\'tltOlll I '""'' otllllll• '""'""' "''' ~.t\1'11 I \ II I d '1 I \. .. 1" \\•• ,, .... ••P t Plillll l~t' ll.d\o'r"'" llll't•c'lt•r o f I'll h lt•' ''""1 '•·.olll "11h "II• tl """''" 1 'Ill t<•lll•·• 11h• 11 r•·tth•tttfll ot1n1: II''"' )11•/lllh , I~ lho• 1!\llf'h "hotl'll'l fto•lll• )•fo>ll t• kJij, 1\ lho Ito "' 1\llh il fill lo\\,o\ o'•llt,fl'ltl'l \llll m• nt t••r11oel lu·ttlll:ht """"' tov 1111' I ~h••l~ltn tl\5('\llt r~ t>f lM''"''Illlfl • I 11"'1"'·""'" ,o lld Ill I• I•Wto•ll J'lo• l\\10 "''II lt;tol .......... '"" Pt• llall•·r~"" ~t11f1 thnt wtfh l "''""' ''"'"lott101\ lt•otllllt• tltolllltlt.: llt•l•• • ,., t11 '''''''"' tloo ;llttllllll IW~ttu·allln th•• u\•'r n.:•' tt1·utlll•'nt "''' I.Hut l'uthf .It•• t•.,.,k .. t ("en-''"' n II ;,tt ,. k•d th•nl r .. r ~~ l•htlli• I' rr n dll)ll, l'•'nlJIHI'OIII ' 1111\olll IIIII ~···I ' Ftllllllltl' '" ('tlq 1',,,. h "' II II · to I ,,, 1 ;,,.,,,,Ill, '" lll<'rt' lhlln 1\\oo )f'lll'' ht•fnn • tho• "''"' "' ~lt\1"11, "'' '"''" • tl1ploo~--..; t ' """ "·'' .t 111<llth' lit or hy tlntr.: 11n•u:to•tl ·nw p••nncl f1,r ,.,11 •1•111•\ 1 ... 111-: 1\t "' """' """h •~ t:t .tltl~ool ,, ''"'''.''" 11111 1.111•.1 the 1111: ~;•>n<\l'fh••:• hn~ 1 ... ,,., . .,, •ln11n 111 "tnllr qu.o•l•t• h••• lonn I rf'lnl -t('\ •'ral ".-..·k, to an ,., ,., ~~~·· ••f nnt• d ll). Ill' tuldo'<l ·~a REAL ESTATE OFF 'STRONG' !"Af1{.\:'II F:'\Ttl t l 'l't t"ult- f,rnla';; fl'!ll t'"'"''' lm'"'''"~ ho•cnn 'ht' nt•\\ ~~~nr \\Hh :ooltPU~ ut•1l\- tl~.' ~1:1\o• R••nl F~t11t. ('mnmt~· •tnno·t llulw rt H !'nutdo•r 1 •'t"'l I• ol ,, odll\' ~··w1tlo•r <.wt I h 11 I ho• ll~tr.ol 1 lonlltlu~ ~ltwko 111111: Ill lttt•lll•''" "' hi-rll\ 1~1ton tlul "''' .rf'IM :rr \' i\t II•'' Hit•• I•• 1111: 11 "nrltl pl111 1 t.:t • •und. ho11 111~ l:ort·•• tit or nil 11 1111 1r1•: nnd ,·on111l•'n''·'' "''' •·• '"'' "\:'•·\\ l I••• •I) ·, ll).:l'lnlltou .tl .11111 1 t 111 1 111 t•~1•·~t .... llt'•\ \at ..:• :qu\ \ .duHhle 4-COLOR MIMEO(;RAPH J\(; DIRECT MAIL :\1>\'EUTI~J~(; Sa nta Ana Letter Shop '!M \\', !'rd 1'1 • "nnta \nH WILLIAMS & \\71LL1A~1S ACCOUNTANTS and AUDITORS INCOME TAX CONSULTANTS Prepare \'our Tax Returns Earl)· OffiM--()()STA MESA BANK BuUding Offk-e noae: lleecloll 15118...1 Reellleece Plloae 8MC!OII 6010..M TILE-TEX ASPHALT TILE 11..\~SO~· SII.\II E ,~ LI~OLEl .:\1 SHOP ( ur. -..;,.,.,...,,, lll11l. A '.!~rd 1"1. (' ....... ~ •• _,, l'b. nt:fW'ron ~Citll-.1 Honor Roll • • Prosperity Pluggers T. WESTON JAY Anchorage of Southern Calif . £1co Cnd~no . J..au110n a Mart1n Oulboar6t Compltotf' l'Kht Fumltohlnl ~ Otoftr. YIW'h\ Bro"f'f'a«l! a lnaunn...- Rart>or l s--s+40 VI• 0!'flrtO OI:.~S W. C•\~l'RF.I.t. Lester & Co. MN:nbrr IAII Ancel" f't~w-lc F.uhanl'l! Oovemmf'nt. Muntrlpal and C'ni'JIOratlon 8fooc II rH1e<o , 1115 E. CA-ntnl Avt~., B alhoa . Pb. ll•rbor !eMil Clark & Company MET ALJ..IZTNO Indo-trial .•. Or~U~m~~ntal 801 10th 8t. Newp~~rt Beacla. Pbone R&rbor 1&01 Greeley and Grimes Insurance Agency "SEE US FOR PROTECTIOl"~l .. lOt MalaiJU.t Bart.or tOM ... B&lboa J, B. Woocla, H~ B,_. M•mpr Ets-Hokin & Galvan N~ ~cb • San Frand800 • W1lmlncton SIUI Dlf'ltn • StC'Ckton ICLECI'IUCIANS .... lleac'oD 540'7 1000 ('()ut BI..S. Francis J. Horvath Real E~tate IMOnw-Tall ~n-1...--Ff'drrftl ••. !'ltAt.e orn~: ~'!II ~lith -tlartHlr IAA~-K llo~: lift S~th -llftrhor 19t~-R :'\ f' Wl'fl rt 81'"" h Padraic B. "Pat'' Evans l ,i fe -Health -Accid<'nt AJJ Types Personal Insurance Bart>or 111911 • 111'!0 F.. !ilnrf Or. • Ralt)()a Dr. ~larYen .J. Reitz Pi1~·.;id:m -Stti"J!'-'On T\\o :'\ C'«'fMl rt l'k-n r h !'1~!1 W. Central t'hnll<': II arbor 4! l -R ornff,: \'nn SU\'1'. C.aJJf. M ill \'an 'xu,,. Rh'll. 1'1\onf': Stat~ 5-1801 (}«~, 8. 8t,.l'ilt:f'T, I"'""·;{', ;\, llf'rfworta. \'lcle PfttL RAy \', !Marahall, ,..,_.oN<r Seaport Boat & Yacht Corp. tn o-.t Rwy. 1'1\. lfartwtr liM!. S r wport n-ell Hollyw.od ('Tntwr II !ilrortat.l'r <Jal-TN~~ Sail Boata • Baumgartner Jewelers Diamondli J>.aii'IOa -Balboa llol-.nd 'TII'REE 1'000 BROS." TOBDS. DAIRY QtJ.o\J.ITV Allo'l> Sl:R\'10: 54M T erminal 8tN!et - 8 ant.a An• -P'o'"' SMI • ...._-.. A_....,.. .. aw-....... , ,....._ a..... a.. ..... s....,...n-... ,._ atatMt .,.. VOLNEY HAY, JR. Hay's Camera Exchange f11rn. ..• Carneraa •.. F1nJ11hlac • Candid Camera Portraltct • 50'7 r:. C',entnl BA t3t -Balboa Linwood Vick • Realtor • Jt! llartne AY'fl. -Balboa hlaocJ ll&rtiOr H41-W ..• Barbor 543-M (!eneral lnsura.nCf' "JOHN DORY" CHOICE SEA FARE • T'OPUT .A R PRJCES • b B. Clentrsl at Palm-Bar. 1089-W-~ M. R. DEF.BE. Mnnngcr Culbertson Chevrolet Co. Chevrolet • Oldsmobile 3001 lTP!lt C.-ntnl1 :\w. Ph. llaroor 513 J':()f' K"IT.f .E'F'ER. M\.R Coast Properties Co. 1\NLito f'l -ln'11Mlft('41 "\\~ s. '"'' t!w E:lllrc Harbor AT'f'"" 1101 1:. Cf'ntra.t An.-nAlt>o-narbor !8118 11. \\'. FOS'ITR Harbor Shoe Shop SHOE ~fAJ..'T.I:G ARTISAN e REPAIR8 • <"Wtom Built Sandal• Oradaat. Or. !kboll Sebool of 9clletatlftcl Foot Comfort 1041 E. Q!fttraJ -Balboa New Fixture for 4-Y ear-Oids Inaugural to Be on January 31 N •WP08'1' 8AL80A Jlf8W8-'1'1.81 TI'P:MUAY N-·pnrl .._.. .. , t 'a.IU. .IM. n , 1MI * Pares Som.orntn,: '"" m mrtJilr rlll'lnl( bfi·,..~ ol "111 h.• ,.,,•lu.ol't'l) 11or 4·)t•ar . .,,,, ~<oil 1 .. tho• lll.llll:llrlll thl'-t.'HH\111\.: 1ii',I~4\0 l'f "0(\fhl"f' SH••.I-\ ........ ,, ... s tllflt 1\IUIH W11rur11~ ''" Stttur.l,,~. J"'' :u. O\'t r IJI.• r•~t••lnthln 1 '• mllt•s 'l'hc-~·""'' ,\rulll M nturlt\' "111 tiw ju,. ''" r~o'l1 4·)'1'11r nlds ~n ~'1 .. porrunu~ '" r,,..,. "' 11 ma)ctt' srnk•·• ot th1•1r "" 11 to,;o• lw•f••n• brtnl! f«•'t'd "' ,.,,"'l~'to• ll~ltlllJt t~ldt·r ond "'"' ,. "'"""111'11 h••nt•s Tlw l•adln.: :1 ~, 11r· 11111~ ••I t hi~ o•urr.•nl teii!IOn I lot\, t~ ... n lrlll'to•rl o••ttth!l•h II '" I ho• 'Ill~( 4 ) t'llr IIIII" ••f ""rill r:wou.: ~·.-r t ht• I ~!I ~tntt I!Y.,, ro llt'\1 :II' :on t'.ll h p,.,. I nnm "'''"1'' t h'~u•.: '" ~··• ''''" ,.,",''' 1 u•tt~ 1 h•• ~tU1h' tl' f,,r r,..,, ,.,.n~uu 'I llltlllj;IIJ :tl lr r~ tlllll<'lli:.lh't.l thai l!l'l""' llllfo ,., ••I r • ..,~•rol I'I•'IM>I t h•na "Ill I" rt•llr'<'to'<i 1111d rll~trlhlllt'ti 111'1'1'tkl' 11n• Ill Ill" rrwardt'd, 11111rt ln.: In 1!1!\1 . 111111 Hit• nt>mlnlltlw• ''' th•· l lr•t lltt•·•· h,.,.,.,.,. t.• 11111•11 r•• ''''" 1111: J:J.~10il. $1.11110 and $."11111 r•• spt'('fl\ o•ly I ltho.·r dt~ltnl'll\'>' fo•tlturo·~ ttf tlw S11nla i\nlt11 Mlltllrlly llrt• th"l lho·r•· \1 Ill lw• 11 llrml 11111 Wl'll{hl * • • an sura nee p. a. palmer INCOI,OIAUO w. o bud. ln•uronco coun1olot 3 3 3 3 via It d o, newpo r 1 beach. c old telephone newport booch, harbor 1500 * t-4ADE IN HOME, CHURCH OR STUDIO Mra. ero-f.,-11 Woohburn, wlfo of tho diroc· tw of , ....... on MIIHIIm of k ienco aftd • tho flret woman over to climb Mt. Mcl<ift· loy In Aloolla, ohown wlth L t. William 0 . Hockett. ArffOy GNun-ll'orc ... and 0 . Rob- ert La.,,., Ulllllvorelty of Now Hompohlre, aecon-lne· tiM Mrth ~olr of North Amorl· .... ~lloet -""taht. Mra. WUhbur11 (lnootl 1.()1 An~· I••• Turr l 'luh, In('. All· noull<'rs Ill•• S~tntll 1\1u111 Mnturity ••• fllll.l<•r fll\tUro· r .... liS •lUI· of ~~· llllilnd• 111111 "IM>tll•lll "''•'11:111 t ndl I Clf I 1:.! JlOlllllb, ••.• nllm\'11111 ... ··~ 816 IIAVJIUl POITWIS Of lrWe .... ..,..,. • a n.: \1 lllf•·r rnnn.: prn.:nma c.··plf'd. e>n A ftrsl-plA<'<' IT\OIIt')'· Th~ ltrt· J•ro·tlo·liti:IWd plana "' wmnlnt~ h~tsla Pacific Heating CO., Inc. ONI IN fULL OIL •J6c:...m. In ..., tvr-11...-part&a fw ,..a..tlon ogolnot Uleley ........ Near.; Victim of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Warns Sailors of Peril Residential & Commercial· Heatinc Forced Air, Grovity aMI Floor Furnace• Harbor 676-R +----CCimJ\:Irllll: llillll•l\ltlo• l:ft$ IO II * 'tf * We feature your Weclclint Story in Candid Shots AUSTIN STUDIOS SANTA ANA 608°1 N. Ma.la Sln'f'l PHONE a•ea "TRAVEL ... by ..a1 me ..... .......... -,..... ... rotllftnttJ..,• )u~t ";uttno.: fur thr r1&ht l'nndlll"n~ und••r whll'h lu llrtkt II"" 11 1 h•· •·n.: '"'' ''t•·ral or. WaYN" ll.tq ,.•r do-s•·nt .. •rl Its l'f. fKta IJI'•1n thl" hunu•n s~Sit•m In a talk ''' nwml~<•rs o•f tht• llai.IIOII Po"rr Sljund rttn . ln~t Fru1tty nil(hl at tht-llt~lhnll \' IH'ht ··luh I laq.·r "h11 ", 1 h 1 hro••• .:u•· .. u . was Ol•'lt'"lll•' h1 ""'"''"d•· whilo· c-nr01.11•• '" 1' ''·'''"·' ''"' l>UIIlnll·r in ~ 1-•1'1.-1 <Tm..-tT 1\t\l'otll, hll' mttd.• ,, 'ttuh ••I ftltUiu,ut•• Hfl•t sa)• It•· I""' '""''"'tllh.! ''' "''rk \\tt h t'n~lnt•t•t ~ lfl o t II•, tH ~~ 1 tl\un· In IOI'Ifllllltlll '"lotH t h ,. hllllllt\1: Harbor t \lur. "'-tM•rt-. l'q ... Ml 1709-1 I Coaat Hiway Corona Ml Mar Meat Sllora1e _ Worrrfll Yaa? Nf'w Mark..t Wlll Mona &. ~ With Aa Abu.nclaac'. of • AIR • SEA • RAIL ar·ufo•'tl "~•~•h•Mirn. loader of tho oxpedl· tlon, pre~'" o wo"" Murtohlnt meal of a1,_e Rye frootod foodo which were flown ta tho t roup by tho Army Air ll'orcto a"d -roppocl fro•foll ot Hvorol pointe alone Ulecllmb. . .. . ~ Grant Pur~on, Chlof Ron .. , of* Mt.-McKinley Notional Pork, with another member of tho party, leota onow ~ldto over yawning crovoooa with 011 lc•••e. lnow w .. often, more tllan to t .. t deep. Tho expedition, conolotlnt of tl me" and Mro. w .. llburft, opont N lloyo Oft Mt. MoKI1111Ioy. TomporaU•r• oftoll clroppocl to 10 below aero. W111 ld Fo•IJ,\1 '"'·'' "" n•·r, 'II v 1 hut lllllj•r " ,, •h•ll•ol "l•·o.tl: ... '"'' 8 llt'\4 llt1 1 oi jtiiPI••tl l•t.tl 1111ol fl Marine Trac.·k Ttant Activat~d CHOICJ.~ SEA J.~OD! ! I VAN FLEET FISH CO • • BUS -TO AJ.L POINTS ..._ IAc'uaa JMO r<'lllltHIIttll '"' ht•• jlllh' "" l•lltl In IIIJI I'nlltltl tllll \\lfhh llot'l 1:11\t I'XtrA 1"111• h '" '"' r• 11111rk• Lambourne Travel Service Zit o-.t A"' ~ 8eedl GLAMOR OPENING SET FOR GOLDEN GLOVES SHOW ~~~~~. ~::f:~ .. ;:~:::hf':~~,::~~~~-~!}£~~~I~:~ "Jt ~till hotl• .t 1:" •II II !lh·•o•l t'rtl:ln• j1111 h ,, •• ,. .. ,,.,,ut. !loHHt I lnr!Jf'r \ntl lllltl•·r llu r 11:111 l'l•n dtiiOO\ lit" o·.on l1t• lnlotl Itt 11 l1<111l opo•rlllotr Alii I• ol• II"'' lllttnt"lll•. lht"T""' IS ul I• :1-t fl\ • J••ft't'lll ttf ol at 4'\l'r} • '"""'I !\ >lr•·om nf sir flo-.< frt1111 •1t•1 n t1• 1"'"' uf all bollh 11nrlo·r ""' M••nn,.ll1•· ma). th• rt•fot •• t•uuu· up u\ ••r t h·· transom 111111 .on "1"'01 f'!H·Iqut nr hr Jl4t·p1 ,,l,.n.: IIi•• hull ""'' up thriURh un ttl••n ,•,oi•Lil l••rl an•l Into lh•· I•· ,, 1\ ''"mm .. n m"rnkt• Ill m"d,.. l11 flu•"' "h•• rtu11k mun SIGN PAINTING inn~ ""Ill m•nJ:II' with lhl' orx-mng Willi ftob Gf'tf'r nl~:ht nurt ... nrr n t thr l'lml'~ Go ld· -AND- All Typee of Commercial Art Loeated at WRIGHT'S LUMBER YARD L. W. Pierce 11M NJCWI'O&T BLVD. LUMBER BUILDING MATERIALS & HARRINGfON LUMBER~? I ~­ Bay Dliltriet Yard Pboae 8MCOD &111 &18 Cout JDpway At tbe Arcbee ATTENTION OWNERS of Chrysler · Plymouth DeSoto · Dodge Cars We Are Equipped to Give You Prompt Service • Genpine FACTORY PARTS New Motors • Motor Overhauls • Brake Work • Motor Tune-Ups Toke your CHRYSLER-BUILT CAR to Chrysler FACTORY.TRAINED Mechanics NEWPORT HARBOR MOTORS \ nt'R A ''THOR17.f:O H ARRClR \RF.i\ Chrysler · Plymouth Dealer 2616 West Central Harbor 636 c•n \.11'1\ ,,,. II(JXtnl: ft)Urnnmrnl I'd hllft• to SN' what my lunl(ll "h11•h 1:1'15 undr rw11y Fc·hruary 4 look lrkl' afl('r 11 rouplt• o f day1 at llollywood lo~•~:tnn StAdium. o f thrll braullful smud~to· ""''"" Prrlurt• sl:tr~ "111 ~Jion~nr 11ma· lf1·o·n hal 1n1: 1 wond•·r "'ho·n Lt Is I<'Ur hnx<'rl< on thl' oprmn~: m~:ht ~;11111~: tn st art Sll(IWIIll: rnrd whllt· fn rmrr r•n~t C'ham(l!' l wtll 111'1 11~ hnnornry rf'frr<'r" Th•• ~N·nntl 1111:ht of rlw r .. urlla· ml'nt. Frhrunry :1, Will fo•o lllrt· Sl'ml·ftnlll l'llntl!l 111 tlw llfi\'II'P dt· I'ISIIIIl 1111:'1111! Wllh ri'I:Uf11r OIW'Il < 'on~:rrttulntlon~ 11r•• 1n ttnll'r fnr Onnulcl Furr.·n~ and 11 J IIIII OXIdf. "Ill t'tlfll• Ill lot 10 lwollt till I) with R lttll"'""l: "'tn•l 11\•11 ,., t•r thr 1\Anwt "'"'" 1,.., l"••••·n~:•·r~ "'•'rt' O\•·r, ,.,.... ",., .. ,, a ,..-ur-...• IO lhto l•thll111~ 11'1111 11 \\11111 till h••r ~tariiOilld 1~•11 ('toltlll 1111111""' Wt'l? rlt""' 110 !lot• \\t'lllltt•t lllllt·, d ivision <'liminatlnn8 Saturcl11y nrl:hl, Ft'llrURr ) 7. woll d<'l••rmtnt' lhf' rhumplonA m Hw t>lghl orx-n ch<IIS£'11 Winn('r s In th<' p()('n will win trips to C'htC'IIIo:O 1 wht'r t' on Frhrw1ry 23-:r.\ lhry'll 1 compc'IC' ne;:Rmst thl' rrrnm nf mid· l'rl\ arr Ptlol tlfJO.>II I ht' !'Om· plo.•l lttn •>f I ho •lr rirsl ~ul11 flll(hl~ 118 \Aot•ll tL< Ill Fra ncrs('n Rod· riqucz for th£• SU<l'OHOful con\· p tl'llon o f hl1 II wlndtt\\ "11• Hll\'11 0 11 I Itt• lt•t•, "' rnrt •hi• 111111 nn ll''••rhNlll h11tt'11 OJlC'II RIM II t• 1111' "'ht'1•1 nnd I ht• ('abln '"" nil 'li••n uft With tlw wind mmln~t onto the atarboard how, the monoxllk wu ~t llbnsr thl' port ~1111' frum sll'rn to lln\\ ""'' up thruu~:h tlw IIJII'n Nlllln "•ntlow and hntdo.. "hlt'h Fh~;ht It-s! "I'Sit•rn hoxl'rll \\'tnn•'r~ m the' \\. rt (' 1 11 d 1 N ... Tht· hn1 s from Ala5k:r must Ilk• m Y 1 Y "'I II \'rtnrr ro ,... • nJ'"'ntne;: su·to-<1 Ju•l Irk•• 11 dllnorto') York llh<'rt' lh•·~'ll hllttl•• folr Na· nur ('ahfo~rnul ~unshmf' llufrh 1 \. ltl r,j ll11m~ll•·ll nne! 1-:u.:o·nl' IINJIIo hn\• llnqx-rfl•'l-roh•~ lho• ,,,,., "n n llllna .o o·n • O\'t• cro.,.n:o ~~ o•rl I nm lilt' 1-:llo~ Aor J•'''''" Ill' •ultll•· ruul luortl ''' •I• ;:-.;.,,It" hn\o·r~ Will h1old ,.formnn· JU Hrrl\. r 1,.,11 l•••ll• 111 11,. \llrlt)U$ Southlllud Lilli'" 1n K..t<·h,lkrt 1 n '" 1(1'1 1 ln~flrll ltd until '"'' l.oll' •lult• rho•" \\hf• ,11nl\o' "''" l>t• m••111 r:.ronc• ••I ""1n1: 1 w ••••· ,..,. loltwwl h••• 1111 fo1fuu 11 fm Ill ·" llttll tlunm: ltlt• ~··rune! no.:ht ''''I""' \\·,.,,,.~ Si!nd• nne! n .. •k• r m .. n .. ~lll• 1111• I hlllltlro•ol 11111•'' ·•1 lilt lnonn.llllt nl ·'""'" II•) ""'' ,. lholl ~~· ,,,, ... than r ... ""C• n In ''"'I It ,, ""'' fol• tf , nil 1 hl,onk<o Tht• ltn :okf.o-.1 fllt:hl nf 1111' i\o·rll l•l••lfl. II•• •·II• t I• d• otl• 11 tho· n•l 1 In lttltlolonn to ltw·:rl l"'""rc. Squ.ulron "" '"'"fon•·tl '" ludok· ""' <)lll•·m. un•l 11 rul• r •lo·· lh lllrl 1 I• om' .. r ltl:hl' from San lllr t:ol, f:"t ,,, th• II'""''' l 'nunl~ ·•lrl••ld h·ll'lt•o:• hr'l ""'1''"1"' "'' 11 f\.1k• r<:fh 111 :onrl l'h'"'"'"· i\n,11n11 h~ tho tlo·n"• f"L: \\lolf'h , . .,,,.. on h• .HI:td1•· tho 1'1 lllltulorw" 111 I11HHI•j \\tll•·nmpc•tl' duo on)! lh•· l•••·l o•"" nr~o:hl "' 11 ,, .uort 1••1. th•n Ill "'''""'" .or1tl 111 t'XJH•t·l••cl, 11 "'" lw.1111oful :oil"''' k1 ofnlal1 lo lll'k• 111'1" I·' ""'k I Ullld lh•· t1;o~ -.•lw rlul• <I ftol ohr 'Aft••• I I• ,.Jtlo·d I h al "'""''""~~' Tars Falter in Stretch Again; Drop 30-28 Tilt fllcht It "'" I""'J•m•·rl nn•· W•·· ki lt ,11 111 IH ''""' ''"" Itt• •I 111 m:olt• , nnrl 11 •~ h~>pNI tlr:tl llt•• "•'ltlll•r,n\\\l'lf 111111 ••II lh• •·Itt'"''' "'"' m ;,n II ill 1'1\ •• 11~ lo loro•:ok I• I••Jihllnt '"' IH lp, tl l•••k "'' In l !llfi. lh,.n• W•·r•· ;,.;~,)(:l•t I'• 1 '"•llrly hulf "" h••lll '" 1.,,,.,. "" ltfll':tlrtl point~ 1n lilt' Pnat• tl mus••lo'll Itt '" 1 '·till 11 -•11• t , """ S 1111"' \\h11 flo •w Ill floe llt'IL.:Ith .. r Itt•• lttltlo·tl llt.ol of " """ kll•tlltll r-;, "j)(ort l l:orl••r l 'nu•n lllt:h'~ h•••·l ••f !l,~l(t,I MMo hotllr• 11111 ,,cl that many Itt, ttl• "'' 111 ;uq.t,,,,., h11rtl \\fl(l(i ~111l11r~ r·:on't "''" fnr fill~ tun•• lh•-r•• \\'t•r•· 7't4i"• '"', j •nwkll. t•nr' rontl ''""'' "" •'1111" o1 111~1111: II\' "n'· llusko·l r r 1 tf n y dt•nt" nf \\htrh lt11t AAI .,.., r•• f:1t ol t., tlw< l~Uhll• "'"I "·"'''I'"'' • I no~.;hl lit• 1 dtcln'l fl., II 111.:-1111 111111 Tha• t•·pr• ~•·111.., •'rcltr IH'I'III• nl" 1• r lo·r t 1111<111 lit•· "I"'"'"' I lho• •loffo•ro•nr•• "'"' !tnt· flo lrl 1:11111. 1111111() IJoqr~ "' c•Hirl 11~ thl' "'' J l lllrfll'r 111 1.!• d 1111 l•••l "I" r:ol••l• lu·int: .!~ Jlt•llll" f~tr lh•• T .•r• :ontl nrtl I• I 11 ~~ fnr l~t•ll••r Ill 111 '""" Ito ro•Rnr•l Ill• • I • t 1•1• '' 111 d.,,. •• 1 :lll f.,r lko\lnt'\·~ \'tklllC' I IPI\'••It lht• ft-<'tlrd ttf lh• llr lfiL.'I"f mtlllllllltft• "'11'111,11 '" IH .tlool Thll' rho T:or ... f:w• lht· lr11o;k• I · c·r,.mt~ :olrp•Jrt ,, IH•II••r 11111111'' '''II, rtnd "' for,l •11'11• ,.f 11,,,,.,., hnll ltlllllt' \\'llh " hl••11k llll!lo .. ok 1'•17. ;,ppr"xtmootdy ~'11,111111 h••tr• •·• 111'1 f1rto111prh rwt·:,,,,,,,.d hy 1hrf•(" '"'''" '" n #..!l tlt()ho m•lr~• "'•·rt· (ft."'" \\tt• ''()ana.:• r • ''''' ttl ,,., , ''"'' ,,f 1 rn". :dl hy lh•· mnr.:rn 11f onr• not n ~mel•• flll:thty nne! :tl!l1t•1f·•l I• :tk) •·xhnu'l nf '"""' htll ,, h:t~k· I It"'"' (lr;oOJ:t• .. ~ :t!-32nntl l h• nmnunt .. r nlinc \\:0' ......... .. .... .od f'll'nn I····' \\Ill! • ,, 1)1111011' S:mt" i\n11 h) 4:.>-40 hrforr lhr 11h:o1 lo •• 1n 19-lr. thr·rt· "''" o1" '" •~r•l•·r IOIIo) ,,,II 1,..,,, (,,,,,, 11 l'ltllln• ~ <tunk 1111: Tlw !'1111.,..., hrll't' "" fn lalolu•s , ondtt1nn' llrt 1•1•1 rr.:ltl 1'1•· ,, ,, .,..,, unt on l~'III:UI pin) (II IIo F'/I(I'S i\lllll "f fl.\'1 "\r, ,.o t INt!IOI on• kn11~11 '·"' "'l•t• ·• Th• J)<rll Ill'\ OUIIIlt: ~hl)ltlt1 hll\1' It IJ< •urpn~tnl: how mowh r tlllto, l •·lm~rn:m "·~ krll• •I "' '" ,,,." 1:11no In lilt' T:tn Thc·y had th<' tho• hnn111n ·~ "~ ;tllotrorl•• rnrr•· , .. , •~<kptl ton It '"'I t~ .. tl r IIIHtiiW <1'11ro• kntoltl'tl 17-17 • 111• h ulf.ttmo• At .fl\'1' f1·••! IIIY!\'1' St:t fll't•l lflt l''ntlrr Jlll\11'1 lllltf h;,rJ \\Ill ko•d tl :/1--lfl m:ort:tn hnrtznn IS lrJ<< lhnn l hr11 tntlo "If IOO)tl!lt' loll l•oltf'll f•·•l, It• lri '" Ill• llurd qrmrt••r, ~tdtlrnt:: f•mr rtwa~ 111 ••nr m olr hrl.(h. rl 1~ lu • :why dn ""' ~•·11•l h1111 It• 111• '""' m nn · tn lhlll a~ tho• fin11l pt·rulfl l<'r lhnn R'J mil•·• i\1 ',! md1·, hol'f "'m 1rr slt•rn. ot1111 ~~ lh• ""1•t L:tol un<lo·rw~> II I• AIHIIII 1:.1~ mil••• whd,. a t ''" 1•l10rr lw r:HI lw " ( 11111 r pro,.,,,. nut llsoiJih lll'r•tl'<l drar~o:r<~ lht•rf•· milt•s il i" IIJlJlTIIXtm:ttf'l~ ',!(Ill '"''''I ' trons Ill IIOkt• :oro • k•·· I' I,,.. '"'"' "I"'" lro/1' 111 thr·ir l r:wks ns ;o Awny C'un~t'(IUr·ntly. af on•• .,..,,ll''l"lll'n, partlrllhorly kr•••p '"'"''"""'' ~utltlo·nly·rt'JU\'I'nntl'tl llnwno•y rtm In t1f! <f•m" rt•ltl sr.:htcrt•tnl( flok• (ContJnuNI on B11rk 1'1111:1'1 I no·t·t .. rl rur Ill slrllllo!hl markN~ an nirplnnr ritlr Fnr"••rd Boh Pl'llrl'<' ~11nk llw Win·, C'linttJn ArmJ<Inm~: t••~trrl"tl t•• 'IWn~: "'""''' Wllh ro m1n111o• stntl fly 111 thr· flrnn.:•· ( 'lollnt.v '"fl"'' • 1 1!'> s'rnmrls r<'m:nntnt:: 111 ·"" piny-~· in l!lr11 Nnt hr1111: lli "' ott• 1111 • rfl lht• \\'111111111! I111J<k••l. lhnt 1~. ht> "'tiS lt•arnint:. 111• hurl '" ,_.", 1 hy 1irlw•o f tht' f11rt lhnt lhl' T11n. fnr h ie flrcl cnln fllt:ht II•· ""'"'" 1thlo had mnrlr• :.!R j')(llnts in 11 1100111 "'" 11irpnrt, htolptnC '"'' , trifl<' nw•r lhrN•·qunrl<'rl< of thl'l lhr mt•<'hnnknl work Anti ~~'"''"'!' >tlltllll'tl pl11y1n1: llml', rouldn't I F'nlt,....1n r-thr ~t:o.rr n ( lh,. """ hnn~: ''" thrnut:h d urtnt:: lilt' finol hr """"' tu O:lkl'r. C"l11 ll'llh rt • \'IIIII m1n111...,. fur ltJ<t· nror mnnf'y I ~rhonf whl'rl' h<• rnnlon"'"l fllrrH' J1m \\'1'1110 Willi h•~:h mnn lll:llln .tf'nd mN"hRnlrat wnrk ~""' •h l"r th•• 1'\'t•nrnt.( Wrlh I~ Jltllnl' I lhr•r•·n fl,.r, h•· jrun•·ti tho• ;'\:n'l' I• ""' m n r,. lhnn \'1 ktnli: RJun•· whq fY>ITIInC 11 1111r:~rhul" rtl'lt• r art•! pt•ll••d I I mnkint.: a ,, • .,... hrm1>• II•· •• r\• •I In lh•• l•r•ltmtnnn, :"'• "ll<trl'c l tn 'h• S••llllr P 1oroftr :mrl f••ll••\•m · n, ,., out.:unn• rl I )(,wn• y II•• ~ t7. h1• rl••rhar.:•• t•:omr In• k '" 11" 311 I 'lr''"''' r.,•mrv ""f"•rl "' "'' "''""''' IMI I'!Ml :\t"\\J)Itrl tlu. l'h.onll' ·on•l l'l•r rHhlllt• r oL'L'• r II• I'• •r• •· I.! 1 F li 1 \Vnrrl Co l l11• C'o,mmo•r•·lnl lo~'< ""' "' tu I 'I ,, ' , ":\' r • I ~·· \\'••11• (til'" ~hlr :ontl lntok I hr In,, I.,. '"' lt.nn• 1141 C ::-:o•llll·~ rAI•nc undr•r lh•· c; J lloll II• ,, ll·•h'• '' r. 11.1 l'mkll•) "''"' l•·:or llin L• ,l,,;j,.0 ,, f••l flo• Ill til • I I G Fr}l' :'-llorlrn Srhnnl •of All:olltoll "'", Tho I ' ~ "\ ,o \\ 10 1• 1 '~ I h •! \!.orono' '" r• kdio " :ontl 1\llllfltl••l <10 f rllllt'!llk 1111!1111' "nr l ""lnt: nollrh P<:l Tl11o1 ' toll f,,, n''". h ut I• cur• !>Ill ''' ""'' h f•11 1h1" o·toltomn ""~' ltv· "• • It Fishbowl Draw Saves 538,000 ON WELL RIG I.()S l,:ttlv '-''' 1-. ""'Tltlrd t.rnattly ••fJ lwt, '''""'' '' t • I 11011 Ill It \\'111 """ I' i\tlfllllth •rntlrm ,,,,. ""' n !Itt 1 "''I' t\o\'Strtl(·d u • h:en• • ,,. h•&) " ~ .. 1 tlrtllllll' rw f·or ._.,}< IH • ,, 11•hlw1"' I tit ol~ Ill)' ~1·\t•trel otl rn• rt ftt "'' •II •'• \ ,.f !t tf~ Uu• r.:•rtn• r"' t-... d\\ ~rtt .. 1f ~ltn I''',,,. •tttf \\ • I ,,' H• 1 •I ,f Hr., '"''n r• ,., , 'I" ••~ pt ' ftr •fi tht d•·jtl \\ tur It fl,, \ •I•' • t • d '' olh llwnl" ·rh,l , ,,. ,,t ,, 11 ,, ... , • ,, ,., ,, • '\:ttVtt l Oil t• "'' 1 .t .tf , IIJ'n 111 1 t! ''n~hilfA ,,, u '•· f;,..,t ,, tlltru• "' 1 • "'r:'l\\• "''''' k .. unrd I•"'''"" • t•1 •r I' plunt, tHnk~ end t tt'H' "'' "' •• ,. t ptt•tur''"'Pf' 1\ rlHriH d I' 11J. • '" ""t •·ut·h••tut-. J''~''' ,,, , ~ .. ,, •t fi, 1 ~~::§;:§::§::§§::§::§::§§§§~~§~~~§~~§~~§::§~~~ n" Wtllt' Arlv,.rt•~•· ond IVid•·rM I ~llot1• rl f11r '"''""''"' l ~ . II• "•t IIII I• 11111!111"1 nnd h,...,, t Oll!!tnned adl DO ~~~ lM job II Will fill 'I~ r.olh ttlltl "'r~. fit• Sell It Through Classified Advertising * I t·d hot Ill :0 momt·nt ·~~n~f· llow done. ftllrthlll t'T\ ~IIIII c'utdld .•l•' '''' llu f.'t .,,,.,,, \1tlllt•' I'•IJroC \HPdt\ ttut k l•'~ttn tutn•d .utt lt'f lht· fu ...r Hilt•· ~111u tl.l\ "olh l '.opllllll ,111111•' I .ft•hll· '"u fP rtth r t'tu\•''"''' "' ~1''"'Urt ""'k ""'' ''"'lltttll '1.11 ""'' hu• tk' n fl·•llh tt fu uel • ttut h ••f th•' l ••allll I !It t'k illlflt lout. I Itt• •IHflt>ll '"'""'' tll(otl flll<lit•ll •• , ..... 1111111111111' 1-d tudro.\ Ill Ml'tr ....... l .. ..,. Pia~. Q~~w Willowick Public: Courte Ttnl'k ""'' lh·ltl "'"\' \\Ill l>t• "'I" •lulo •I ''"' •l•rtn..: "1111 t~t•rtrlt) lu.·h '''lh>ttl lllltl J11111111 t'ltllo•f,(o• 0. Weet &til 8t. li ... EMt of llarW ... , .... ............... ,...., •• ullh .Juh"''"' r••llll•ftt•tt t iuf ~t ronrhn..: l\1 urmo• '''''' 14 oll .:••I 11 tryt>U f fl•r 1 It •• toll N 111 1 "1"'"1 lAo hll'lf "Ill l~•lltl••lt f,r I II\ llllllt' hrrlhJ Standard 18-Hole Courte -6100 Y erda • Par 71 Plan Now! Some people just wa it and wa it and wait! Smart folh do th inqs NOWf Th ere's no need to delay in build ing your home . Materials, methods. fin - ancinq are such now so that you can plan to bui ld and own a home that ha& the advantaqes that only modern bu ilding can qive . This Message Sponsored by the following : Harr Lumber Co. """"''" Auot, f '"''" ~ ..... anti 1'4h U ll"'r totrdllll Hayview Lumber ( ~ •. 1111 llhl ML-r:aat ,,r Kine'• l.aoullflc ( ~,sta MeHa l.,umher (At. l llh A: '"'"'I"''' IU\•tl., f ·,,.,.,. M..- ( 'ruwn Hardware Co. 1121 f ..... ····~. ... Uaniel Paint & (;lass ( :0. I!IJt,l ,,...,,,.,,, Hlvc1.--4 '"''" Mr ... Ets-llokin & (;alvan t.l•·• lrlt·l•n• ~n .... llr.!O-IfiOfl , ... .,., ""'' (;urdon H. Findlay fahinet Shop 1111 IMitl Mlr,...l Uuf(·h llearock, (;eneral fontrartur '!II Uotlt .. lot \ ' .. --( ...... ,, ...... Oran~(· founty Huild t•rs Ex,·hange . ,. ...... ",. .. \\'ard & llarrin~ton Lumber (At. ''''"l•"r1, I ullo•tlton, IAI(IIfta, ltr•-.. and lA llatw. Amon West t•lumhing (A.. ~fllll • •'fllral Av" -Uartwor IIM·.I .. .. Page 4 Feminine NEWPO&T BALBOA NEW8-TIIIE8 I-I b 0 Tl't:141lA,. N."'41Mlrl •a~·h, c..ur. I ... _!.!:..JHI ar 0 r WELCOME HOME! il Mus ically Speaking l1 Activities Woman Legislator Is Spea.er For Soutltern District Federation ol Women's Clubs .., '"fhl' Lei:ilh&lure in Acu on:· ts t It•· ~ub.it'<"l of th£> 'talk Mrs. Kotli- 1'1 11 T N•ehnWil', San Oiego. onlY \' 11n11H1 mt•mllt'r of lht> Stlllt• lt>J:b- l:otUr!', w1ll ~ei\·c whcn she appo'an "• (,.tt lurc•d 1'fll'llk£>r 111 th!' Ftb i. t'XI't:Uii\'1' OO:trd ffiL'L'liOI: of lht• Snullwrn lll~ll'll'l CuhfflrmA Fl'd- da>'~ schedule w11t contlnul' ul 1 3U J).m. with a musrcnl pro~ram orrlllll::l'd by Mrs. CI•Cfvrd Allen ot Orowlc) Newport Harbor P•t !91 1_ a, K ,\THI.Er.N <'Ot.r.M AN t'hones: Jluroo.:-l :l und :LOS.: AIIDUCAS I.EGION • By Winifre<.l Bltl'htt• • Residence Phone: Harbor 1637-H St. James Church .. _ ... _ _..,, ......_.... .... --loe ,..,. ........... ·-IlL.-.., ··-................... . • • ,.., ~f'wpor1 IU\'d. <'08TA M ESA • ,.._ Br..t-oa .u!t-W . ,..., .... -... --. ...,_ ... -..U7 ..... ....,.. .... ' 2 He ...... repair_.... lt'e ._ aiOIIT .... ftlaUTDIATE ...... o-r. .... I-DA 1' ASVJ(JI: .......... He • IL TK "' ., um1111 ~114--tall A-nc.alonl 10.000 ..-. o1-ruc h~hwaya. Go wtMft ~ .Ut to rob, GrW>''--4 _.., ticbt.-.,...._all t.bewql ]ll! Ylll TIIP Tl SliT YIIISl11 ~houDCt Jives mo~~.mo~ •ft.en. to MOr~ pl•ct't. Round·th• doU ecMdW.. U. ti!Md to 6t JOI&I' n ftl plu&._ n... • .,. ~ 1tJ!:u ,.,.,I ... YOIIIf , , , , • , • $41.U ....... I..AJ'Oltl • • • • • • • • ••• , CIII(AOO • , , , • , , • U .tl -NlAI CITY • • , , , , , Jt. 71 WAli41NOTOH. D. C. , , , • 4J,II ... WOILIANJ , , • , ... .. 1'1ai l' ...... /1.u ~,,,.,.., So.,lnot on l ovl'ltf lti' ,., .. ....... •-r Air.Co~dl'l~ c-~~- C. C. S\V AFFORD • c-c m ... , ..__ Mt! 8ell that 1.unvu11ed .......,., Newt-~ ada. uUc lc \\'hu hu~ rml I ftr•tllo 11 II\,.,. I h•· f(h:tf"'"lll... h> Ft rttll , ..... ,, .. , ....... ,., '' 1\' t1• '' u-.. .... Ill"'' ,,,,, I 1111 "I ,, II ILtll '''· .I" d !11' lilt-\\ "" I til 'rl ""'' Oldlll.t ,,,,,. rftltHt't ,, n tl r••· II•· wu, .1 )0tHtd ~flfl. Jtf lht• 111:•• nl "X to • n -•'1 •1•" 1 rr1~,: lu• mttth• 1 h) It adun~: As n pr uth~) 1,. "i>l•'llf••tl 111 hi" II II' 1 pulohc t't•rwo·r t "lll'n nmt '' .t" 11f ·•1:•· l.ltll·r In l'nn~ In ~·,uno •I lilt' n.ornt• (II "llrt l.t lilt ~!tunrl 'f II" flllt)'lnl: ut tho i""" '"'~ pht·numt•n,tl J\ t'rll 11 "1 o~lt• n( htm ·I nrn ''"'" rr11·•·d tllltt tilt· '"""I ~;nrl spin 1 .. r 1'\lnt.ul "·"'" """"('d mtu th•· l>01h .. r >•"m• I L1~11 · IJn t h<· ~1111:•· 1lu• '-••>'~ mnnn••r rxprf·~l!l'll nmlrthtlllv n nd du•,•rluln,.,,., :ontl ,.,,.,.c·lltn~; ~r,.,., fqlnt•so; ltt'C'Wnl"""''tl lit~ ,.,,,~ u1oH· \\'(' wmaltl Mt)' .. r lum ••~1 •• ~ 1 lhnt It• hl\d II 1:<1(111 8131:•' 1"' <o lit • \\hll'h is tnrlt.,'il 11 ~::r•·~tt ""' 1 '" :till ll[!ISL\\'I~o+.• ... -wft-.~"; ttlfl tr.:n•fl1 n~~~ thu\t ft I irlll I«• ''lHII't rl lit II,,, fl '" lho \tolllll..' 1:• """· hut lht· t'" ,,, 11111n ~ · fl" ,. • no'l· t1111 11•1! d r" un•···r 1 •h·• '"" I nf1o•NI. i I ~· • 11ll'tl I 11 prtl\ 4' All m•t•trlltlon '" hm1, 11ntl ho• pln)•~l ~ Wtlh unu~Uid 111·•· 11111! hli:ulllun T llltt:t· n \1.1111\ C Ul l't.t:"~ lr fl '''" cwort II arbor "'"' -.·~k for a .j,._. • .,.k .. C'tN&tOt'41104' r rut,... to Loo\Of'r f ""'""''" nu•l \11 '"''"' ''"''"· lUll 11nd >\nn 114-rf(, ""rae"' or Uw-l(: •• rt. ''""''f'r1NI air ,_.u•• t10•t. "llrh::u ul", lmol ,., 11"''"1_,.,., ... t.tl :wtl ''''"'' f•r•w·rwn tf)kf'. lObo-ahll\t', "' Ha lboa b ll•nd, und fk1b a nti .Jn nh ··· \\ ,., ... ,, "' UnltHI .. lUll I u.-... rty IIIII•. Ttw a••rh pl .... to make u .. ""'' tolop and pur t ur rnlr) t1l t .JI ... 'IIIItf ... lllftl lt/ f''"''t•t•lf .. ,ltlh\\llf(J fr11111 tlH'rt', "tOV(~nC aiOfl« lht' l'lll"l "'llf'rt'\t'r Jt ltHrk,. l:t10d, ouuJ ""''"' hmdl111; l"'rlltlt .. c·•n I~<· ublalnf'd. T hf'y "Ill C'rul~~e around Ill<' Up ur LcJ""' C•llfo rnlll ~~nd "'' l ht· c.utr •• ft&r '"" l.a I''"'· t'rurll lhl'rt' lht•.\ "Itt 1:11 on to Mu.atlan. Jlhnlo hy Ek'<"knl.'r Wh•·" th1• t'onl'•·• • '"" .,, .•. ,. II• • Adults Ai:lvised by Dr. Rolph Eckert lhll\'t•n r11u,.;hl lf1f• llltlo 1."11 irr , • hi< nrm~. :tntl kt~s··fl him \\;lh At Parents Forum, Sponsored by PTA Assn s I fl'l:vor . I 4Scrap hook lh•m 1 •:-:t .• utl.•••l-f,.l I'll·••·•• ''' 111111-L:lrl ''"'"'"oil.\ "'' hun righ t to) Troop 2, Girl Scouts S!ate at Hynes 1n~.; rro 1'111ltlr • 11 "" t1 '" Jo, '' 1 "' •1•1 .. olm.: '" hi~ <'hi\ airy. T h· l•h•· h11111o '"' d1111• h ..111t.i Ill&! o..uo. •~ •Ill•• •of " pTob1t"m child I •t·h•••l ~"" 1·11r ""'" ha ... • fllu.:•·•l l'r "~' tho 111 ontl shuw lhcm t hnt "'·''' tl I •• HuiJ•h l.•·k· rr "twn h•· • .111 J,.. }ttll111: un•• d11y, grow up th1· I''' ut•ht•l• llu Ill• '" ~ •• ntl r.tllltt, ~"'' 111· •h·.rr llll'nd. i\dolesa:nls lfnving aurh 11 wonrt••rful lim•· >-r••k•· .11 1h• 1'.1r• nt" Furum "''" t1.11. """ th• n rcvert back to lhr•y hopo· In 1:0 llJ:IIIn s•••n. wc•n ·l ·n wr•tlh\ ,.,,.n111~ :•I tht• h 1 )( h • 11111111 ""' 'f'h,) nrt• uruure ol' Girl SmutA of Troop 2 whn wr nt 'l'h•~t•l hiHhloortuu• lh••rnM 1\'t·~. antJ lh~·y need kind· •kalln~e Saturd~y ••v•·nin~; at l et'· "II has 11nl) I•·• 11 tlw las t ft•w n• s<, ltrHic•r,.lnndtng. and afectlon land S kating rink. J lyn<•ll crnnJrT<'!: lflttl 11 r· ha1•;· nllow,.d P uro•nr, nt•t•d u St·ns .. of humor NORMA N MENNE." Kr nneth Mrllnll WM a I Pf'l'lal our )"''11~ rn•·n 111111 wttm•·n 10 d11nn~; lh•s J.ol'rl(ll'l, And should not f.tUNII of the troop 11nrl olhrr l:llt·•ts chooso· 1 h•••r ''" n tnlllt'!i, bdurr • X flo'(' I ""' much from their chli- WI'rr Rrrtha Sll'vrnll, Lurlla Wll· I hot 11 ""~ """'' hy 1h1• p11nm1s tlro•n Th•· udt•lt'l<C't•nt 'Is confuat'd llama. f:vrl)•n W oodwo rth, L•ndn '"'' fln,_;m.: th• '""' 1 1141:~'. \\'e ha\'C' anrt t~ tnduwd tu lH' ideallatlc, a AdAir. Mc•linrt11 f'W<'htnld and Kl'nt .tlln"···d t llf'm II us frt•• dnm Wllh-drt•:tm•·r, mood). sl'ifish, end go H11rvC'y. out tnun1111; t11t·m '"'" lo usr 1r frnm nn•· •·XIr•·mo• to unother. G,,.,., Mc•mhc:•ra or lhr troop wrrr Mar y Wt• mu.~• .,.., llw ''"'lllllfJit• and th• m StX'IAlly \\nrth while act a•· 1 hlrvl'y, Mona !\fulhnll, Shnron I rsun uur 1'111ldr•·n how to hi' 'u•·· II~:· ronduc1o•d Or Eckrrt. A .\rt lllr,..·tur "' lloUdey S tatt" YllrnrlL Hl'lt·n ArmJ<Irons:. C'nro-I'"S~ful noluJI, and l"crl'nls Cun-11111 "I tun anc1 :tno;\w·r period fttl· 1)11 \Voodworlh, Slurl!'y Tylrr. •rar) 111 1111· ul•l "')lnl: 111111 IIJ>-1""'11 llw lt••·tun •, with many i n· H I'd S H d JWrnnrdlnc C011mN1 And J.ynn t••~lll'\ IIIII '"I I Itt 'Ul'{'('~~~UI m ltr-It It "1 '111: \II "' l'k tnt:: l'lCPrl'lsed II} I 0 t ay #age ea S Smith Uolldl'l ~ uf II II' troop ~rr I rl:t).(f' ,. hll~t·tl .. n trust, "lmtlnr '": olltlll·n···· t Plan Second Season MrJ<, Ralph \V•IIInm11 lind Mn~ luork·~:l·nur~tl• .one! l:t•t•·~. ( l( rlw f it, ",., .... " ~p<lnsort'd jolnll• 1 f-"rt'<l \\'nodworlh I IIlii !'TIII I:•' u( wt'll adJUSt I'd !X'OPI•• "' lh·· l'.lrt·ni-T r-:rdH•r Auocif, 1\1 ,, • ,.,., nt nw••l in,.; ttw hnurd ParC'nls who All.M~I•·d with trun~­ pc•rta tion wc•rc• Mn Rltymonrl llurvry, l\lrs. J111rry Slt>vl'ns lind Rollt>rt 1)>11'1'. 111< J•·r•···nl ar•• s urN'IIsful,'' 1uud I •Onll of :-.;,.w,.u·t llt•nl'll E lcm rn·• of •lll'l'l'lt•t" fur l lolltl;l\ Sll<l!•· llr. E••k•·•• lar~. ('•!Sill !\'It !<n ~:l••nt<'nlary and ·•l:rt ••rl trll tlulr ns~ll:nllll'nto; ftlr "f':tlt•llf>o \\hu fo•o•J th111 tho•ir ~l'\o'Jltlrl Jl111'11nr llti:h IChool• l lht• I'IJillilll; "t'l'llllt1 M'IISIIn pf JlfO• tttrl or ooy nrr too youn~ to m arry, MN•Iin~.ts ••art lltumptly at 7 ::111 f•'l'StHn:tl "''K'k pl,,y.; sol the Tu,tm nr 111111 tho• l'lu•tct• '' not n 1118,.. Jl m In t hr high 11rhool llllditOI'hlrn lll~:h !<C'hootl, "t••nin~; Jun,t ~R rnr • '". ~h••llld '"k 11\JI'SIIons, ond ••n Thu r•tlny, \\ 'I h Or Ja~s 'l run l•f lo•n \\t•f•ks. k··t·p on n ... k•n~: ~·••rwr or lult·r 'DlOrnt!"'· 'IC'\'·•·h.llrman .,r Or-ll:~rnhl T111 "''). fir• "ttlo-nl ,,, Fr • lh• t• "'" 1 .. n .. un'"''r '" ~urn•• .t n,.;•· 1 "''1 •1111111'1 ''"lie•~:•·. acting llttlul:t\ St"~' l rw ''""" nlt•l ltl ancl8 J. Horvath , .. , lht ..... "'' ttt1tl lht·n llw ynllnl; .• ~ mnclo·r;~lur fht llrttl.;l lm WIU l • rltllllt .~I,,' 1111\t tint ..... r Inti ""'"'or""lll''"'"tllll'~;lnlndouhl t urh n .. l '"'" lht• "'"l•r tllrm of" "'n' ·•' lh• ''·'~""' """'"' INOOME TAX SER\'ICJt; '"' •r ""II llto'l"h II• lll~ony )1111111: Sltlnt y Jl:r\ "'"'"' "''l•'rln lt ntl••nl or 11•1 lh• lorll11tt1111nl' ................ ~ I'< nplo It no t "t lllol~ .mc1 hfro·t'III•O tho• lnt.:lt '' "'"11 "'"' lht• 11t111lt t'llu-lit• l~t•ltl lit•" l""'''"n~ \\II II 111111- llfl ~ ,erl\ rn .• n Ia._;•·. '"'fHUSt.' lf IS •. tfiUI1 d· f•tlt tnu nl ·nl .. rt• IS no rl:l~ ,, n·· .,, , .... ru , ...... il .. dn I t"•l I " 1 1 drnl'""" •n ch.tr'~· 1 'H'r\1111' 111 1 1•· '"'"'' /1 1111111 wanls ' Stll111111 r ;ond \\ ,, 1 , .... ,~•n•tl•l•· '"' It•~ • ~~~ l~t nll up J\ \\'lllllfln who llr :\ta r 11111 111111•·•· "111 h•· th<' I h ,. 'llllltollt 1 unntnt.: o~tlm tnt- F,.raJ and Stat~ orn~: szs Zftth st. l •hlnk' It• r ilu~h11ntl b. llw onlv 111:111 'I" llk•·r :11 lh• "" • ••m: .1.1n ::!9. llllltnn Phoae llarbor I Ma-R I'" lit· ""rill. ~~ "'"l'l'lyln~:· lhul """t.: •'" ~~~~ '"I'll' Tlu \\ :11· and ~,.,.111.111 lll· 1111, '· 1 1,.,. 1,1, ,,.1, 111 D-Id-.. -·. I 16 Ol!:)(h •"''t. ''"'" I ttl .... II I'Pflltllt n···· \\'nm.·rl I Itt\\' t•f :\lt•nl;d t I·· IIIII I,,: .~. a r I I"OC'l'O ....... " o>o "' ~ 0 ',,. , .... , .... olll)ll. otl'.rlrl \\til .... Ph II bo !tl •I th•· !'·"''''" 1111 t•••ntlu<'l and no~lttlhllnlllrl ... l tlltl.!lll ., ;1'1o·n d-po nl-. 1111, "'"'"'111., 11111 111 . I ODf' ar r 1. 2-U "' ld.lllnnJollll" ,,.,,., " ltnl it'll"''' tl Rlll'llh: , ...... u ,. I" lht •I ttltl ,.,, !!'l:eeo~~~!!!!!!!~!!.!!!!!!.!!!!~~~~~ \\'l~tn ·' '"'''" rot• •·•u~:h n h•· ·"hll\•tl '' r .... """ ""'' ''' ------------Harbor Film Vie wed ~t• .,,,c ... '"' "'' c:1 . .-. :\1. ,.,, .• I By Members of Lido Isle Ya cht Club :\1· ml•t'r' \\llh lho lr f 111llli··•. or llw l.uln l •l•· Ynd11 ol11h t1ll•·•l the rlinun: r n.•nl .,f I h•• l.ut11 \\'II orf tn 1':1p :w 11y o•n Ft hl:l\' ,.,.,."""" .Inn- Wiry ~:l Ill tlw tr f11·~1 fllnn. r f 'lrl} .. r 1 h•• w•nr /1 mmmNior.··~ ••·•Ph\ "111 bfo .1'\'Rrtlr d lhl~ ~··:••"n f••r lh•· i'lnioT rnrmhrr" rc·•mpt'r I r 1nn. ar·r.~rrl•n~: to f'nmmorlllrf' :-.:u-hol'l• Pt•!'ft~rk. \\hn ttlllhnrd ~omr ur lh•· l•r••jrcts nn•l r:lN''< r lnnnt'd h\' tu~ ,.., atr and mrmhrn~ t'rtt• ''"'' "Tho \hlk~ i\lr :\l•·nn• ... , ... , .. 11 ""' \tldol 11•11 oil\ "' lh• "" \\Ill '' I \ I }f••ll~\\tHHI .!1 11 .. 1 I t Jll• .,, n1 .tlt\t nnd rh ·t.:h•.tl• •· .. ntt n•J .. ,.,.,.ll d\;atl- ahlo• """" .11111 f, .,,,,.,;I 1•1·"'" FJ,-.·, rtt ,. ·r u , "t', ... ,.,~ •. J:u·, .. tn:a..;ur·· f\ \\Ill h 1, .. · cnrurul o,;.r , th•• lh••alo•r lll'ho'l "lftt'•· ••ncl II\• rourlt•r n lorano•h I rt•k••l ooffiCt'S Ill IX' SJ "'' h II In ,., .. ,.~ •• , count}' Grade Delegates to Meet Each Month \'1r€'-rommooorl' Krnt Hitch -The first mt•rlin~ or lht• ~:rnrto• To Become Porislt,· Plans New Unit ('onso•nl '" un::ontlt .1~ o.tn 111. "''"'""'of \\'nnw n'10 duh< 10 Rrnw- 1, 1• htlo·111 f'HI'I•h 1n 11111110 "tlh lo·_Y. "hen lht• lntf't rt:tl Ct•unly l ho 1'1111\,.0IIUII "•'' 1;1\• n lu Ill!• fl'llt•r•tlllltl ht•:Hit n h1 tl~ Jlft•o;idt•nl. t'IHJVI ··~·al 1vn 11f :-;1 Jtuno·s 1111,,11111 \I!"' ~: .I Fnhlu '· :tl!ln n f llrawlt'Y. 1>1 111•• slallrltnt.: l'<llllffitllt·r· •If lh• ,.ffh•Htlh· ll'l'li'OIIll'~ lht• \ 1siiln~: '~" ''"!.!' lt•s r11ut•• M ' "' lh•· n 1:11· •·luh w .. nwn •lit' ""''''"'" lto'ld .t11 n <!I 111 "' Tit•• "t~·nuw n•o'f·tln~: or 1hc· om• l'.tlll t'itllrttlt .d 1 •0111_,.,11 11a~ nbo cl ·~ "'•""" "•II Ill' t·n!l,•tl In nrdo •r t.;t\l·n lu ,., ,., lh•· l trst u1111 Ill h1 l'r•• ... ltl·•nl 1\lr• l·:d"·•r<l A. ,, f'llrl~h "'"'"'· ,,1•1•0 n hnj: 1., 111, ('rnl.tll, San l tu•,.;u. al 111'1~) am \ "''"'· 1 h ,. H• , l'aul :\luun 111 I h•· \'l'l,.rlln'" M• lflllfittl hall. \\ h•·l'll•r • Ftflh nt I. S l :\Irs T D Shnnk . Tht• """'lJI-.. rumm•l ll'' • JW•·•tcl••nl \\'tlm:tn's r .lfllmunily A larg~ commlttl'<' from 11w hosll·!os club will st>rV£> hot {'OCft'\' und d onuts in the fup•r of ttw \'t'lt•runs' Mrmonal h.dl at 9 Jl) d m . u tradition of ~·'nutnl' !'IUIJ hu,pilalny nnd rrll'ndl) ,_;(•stun· ,,,.. 1'1 uh wunw n arrl\ t• 1 u 1\ t 1 l'nd rlWl'llns.:s MIJ'. J .tt•k n. nsun. 3G6 1.;: S t , nrawt,..~·. is t<lk u~ lunch run n •s••n ·atwns nut lall·r than Janu- ury 30. hy matl or phone t.lr~ rr .. kal 1111'1 ('<t llt•fl 1111 l'l(l'• •'llll\o' t'lll llllllll•··· llh • lin~: ,d 7·3o p111, F ell :J. 10 lilt• i'lanlt·r·, llot .. t llrtl\\ lt·y. . Christian Science ·Lecture Radiocast Jamt·b nu~sum "tll huld a ~:n~~'; l'luh of Ar11wlt•y, Will also <'XIrnd l'rl'•·lint'" rtr•<l !\lr< F:dwnrrt flwyl'r, IIIII' I tnl: I 11 n 1 1: h I I TUt·,tlll) I ,II S·,n Olt'I:U. Will n·~pund :"\l'wl,.lrl llsull\w Y;whl rluh for Rt·~1d1•nls uf this \'IC'tnll'' mav 'llln·l' Important reports Will bt• J J lht• purpo~ .. uf ''"''km~; c•ut do•latls ... d twar a krtun• on thl' suhj""l tot•nr on lht• mormng program. " uf or~;anmn,.; us .1 churt·h unrt to "Christittn Sf'i••nrt•: !Is Prol'lu:al \\llh Mrs Roy D. Lay. R l\•{•nldC'. :~'2:\ldt·r l'lllns fur tht> m•w build-dlstrll.'t Junior advisor. h ighllghl· Applit'atH'IO In E\Pryday Lift•" .. in1: lhC' achiC'vrmt•nts of thl' m any \\'llleh will h.-1·adiat•ust ovrr St a- llr'il:inul pl1111~ fotr lht• pat'tsh 111•tlvitii'S ()( lhl' Junior ml'ml)('r· li•m K F' \\' R 1980kc), Tuesday hnu••·. wltl<'h will adjoin I he pn•s-"hlp as lnld 1,1 I hi' a nnual Junior t'\'C•n:n~:. Fehruary 3. a t 8 p m., • 111 h111ldtn~. ltll\t' IJ<•t•n dtsl'urdt•d , . .,11,.1,111inn. l\lrs l.rorJ:I' G. dl' Ln-from St•\'t•nt•·•·nth Chu r c h of '"'''"liSt' t h··~ , ....... tlllldo•itUUit• '" """"· StRit' C"hatrmnn or lnrtilln ('hrtsl St'll'nllst, Los ,\n~.:••h•s. ThP l.d-:•• t·an· 11f no.,tJ, tt( tht• ~:row-'''•·lfl·tr••. San 011's.:n. who 111 IPndt'<l lt•t'llln r. Stm Anc1rr w Kolllrwr, or till-: rhurch l ht• ltnnwtl •·unf• rPnrc· ,1 lh•• N:t· !'I Paul. 1'-l•nnr~nta, t~ " m••mll<'r Tilt· n;·\\ urlll, ~~~ do·s•~;rwtl ~~~ ''""''' 1 · .. ni:H·~s nf i\mr riran I n-••f Tho• ('lu r:<lutn Sc~t·nc•· Rourd ,\rdult•t'l l'lulrn• r l•:llo·rtu•c"'k . "!II •l•:tn~. n •c.•nth hl'ld tn San111 F•• "1 t ... •t•lurt•Shlp •·un••sl uf n n ,.•m 111 ''' :.11 r, ,., ~ :\f and ,,.;,~ "'•o(·t•'<l as n c11ro'/'lnr :=============== llld \\ill lit• ll,ttl (,r II l'l.t•S room till I ht• t'\1'1 1111\'1' t'tlUnt'll ( r fl m loy th!' prtnllrf) Ot p:ll·trnt•fll uf the ( • tltl011 fll,t. \\Ill j;!I\L' nn OU IIInt' otf • lrtu d1 ~··huul l.ftl••r un. il will tlw lnns.:-r :IIH'o' r•rn..:rnm dt·~tJ::no•d '" tlll'ltl••tl In I tl nlf•rt•s and a In ht•nl'fil lh•• i\rnrril•an lnd1fln . l,tlt'lll'n. "h•·n tlw lh>rd untl, 11 Th!' ro•porl uf lf1c• annunl In- '"" Sl•u ~· "'''IH fill',. lor lht• pan~h stlltllr of \\',1rld AffAirs hrld In holtS•· \\ tth d.r~' roums "'~'''· •~ 11111• n~·t·t•mht'r AI l'tfi~sion Inn . '''ltnpl..t•·rl Tttvrr•id••. w11l hr l!h'l'n IJv J\lrs "''"1'1:(' J \\'h<•nl. l':l'WJ)Orl .Rt'llt'h. r 11.11rm:rn of lnlt•rnalional Rr la- l t"n'. whu ullrndt•d as lht• d•s- lnN's offtr •nl r l'prt'SI'ntall\'e Howard W. Gerrish 1108 Newport Boelevwd 008TA Mt:8A Plao• llea.coa 6161 Jeanne Anne Gerrish Honored At Pre-Nuptial Shower l.uno·ho•on "til I)(' srn·<'d hy thl' ltwal r luh m lht• clubhousr Ninth Automobile • Fire Accident • Life ~Jrcrren.w anct eontrict Bonds W rt ttm S hanng ho<:lt•ss dutlt's "'<'rc a1 1-"•r<~l .slrN•Is, aftt>r wh•ch lh<' Pt'l:l.!lt> B~'rtull'll and Mi~ D1ana Mar~wnrth, wht•n ,, m•scl'llanf'C\US llhOWt'r was hl'ld Jan . 16 al lh<' home of Mn Lloyd Wac:lt>, W rst· mlnslt'r rwrnul'. !Ionon'<! gUNit was l\llss J••annr Anne Gl'rrish d aughll·r of Mr and 1\lrs. Howard G('rrish of l':ewport n•·nl'h, whose marriHI:I' lo Rol'k•rl Walters ·of I Fulh·rton w•ll t11ke plaC<' Sunday, F rb. 8 Tahlf' llnrn~. a st•t of dishes and many p r<'lty lhtns.:s ft•r lhr kilch r n wo·n · rt'<'t'l\'t•d h~ lh•• hrtd{··•'l••t'l l..mw" "t•n· pl:1~ r·tl. pn11·s 1><'· mt.: wu n ~~~ .J••hnn11• Oo)'tl and :-.:,•ola I.< mk.• wh•l•· lh•· d OQr pnte "··nl In Vl'lma r ll~"n r;u,• .. ls P'''" nl W• ,.,. l\f•~s t:t•r - ro~h. ht•r 111111 h•••. :\fr, llu ward ( ;, r n~h nnrl llt·r '"'" r··•n·lnw. ~lr~ K11y l.••r-r1.<h ; 1\lr·" Jnek Boyd , :\It 1< rtutwrt 1 l~;l,•, l\fr• Lou Chr- n(tl 1•·. l\lr~ Cl11cl1• l\lc\.o\\o•n. ~I ISS I·'" nunt• [\)\·, r s: ;\II" .J:wkl,. Tnv- l .. r ontl M l'" ('~trul \\'oldl'nbur.g.l til ftttlrl lh•• ll,u hur ar•" 1-r .. m 1-'ullo •1•·11 "' .,. \It• Bo lh· • t l(lurlpll ,lful •h· :\1•"~·' B•·lt ~ \\ '"'' 1 ... k n. Ill\ I :rani ;-.:, tll.t I I.• lllkt•, \\ • ltl.o I 'l,;r k \', lin, I t 11.1 '' fl H.\ • II\ l'rulo o~ntl l\;o rltara 1 I J tl'l.~ . I lur ~po'f'litlty t'-un- u~unl pnnl 1111-: nf all IH"'"· \\'l'llrlm,_; In~;. tatmn .... ~oo·t.1l 1'm-ds ttll I) (k"' of ['lrlnl· lnJ: nnd rn~r a\ 1ng 111 modl"'l CO!'I t'Al,L HAJlBOR I~ o r IS WtiF.:"' IS LAtit'SA DROP I S TO SEE THE NEW CALIFORNIA FASHIONS VOIN SHOP- t'OR STYU:-!'IL'I>DED W OMEN _ Laguna Beach Hotel f..AcuAa A NIEIGDBORUOOD A ulomatic LAUNDRY~ Wonderful Opportunities Now Open for Big Profits in This Most Desiroble Business f n.. domutl lo trowi~~t ropidly. Tlllo morvolovt, co- pl.toly owtomotic lowftdry ''"ice lo fru iog womu from tho f drvdC)ory M wuhcloy, Avto'"olic u lf·••••ice t .. ftdriet w•• I .... ~. limo ood Mo•oy for coolomo11. t ' • • 0"!'''"" "''•i•1 t ood loco"'•• ;. this d.eo, pl.oM.. I -potooo. Nolt hi>O<hood Aulo,.otic leoftdriot ..... .., .. •-••• oacl ero hl,hly ovcunf•l I• ,,..u .... ,. •• ,..n • eltioL bconoot bvtl••n f .. .., .. oftd wifo, ""'••• hv1bu 4 .. , tlneto ,.rt lime, •• wo.., .. ol.oo. Wo t i¥O you c-...... .,.., ••• ,;.,. .. r•iu .. ., .... •• It .. .., ,.. ,... .. ... lterlod. 5 ('O('k prl'!"'ntl'd Mr F:ll•w1wlh And rt>pn's<'nlnll\'r~ of :>iewport Jlar- Mr MonAhan wh!' nr" -,.,.1' >n~illle bor Hi~;h Sdwol J>Arrni-T!'IH'hl'r for that finl' mnllon ;11rrurr "Th r usociation w~s such a success Newport Harbor Cnlifnmin \\'ny nf 1.11••." which that hy populnr voir. li mrl'ling \\'M l':'lhthltl'll nflrr dlnn.•r. will ~ ht>ld on the fourth Tur"-Publishing Co. • • 1•••11-ot roqwtr•tl: lo.twou $4000 ootl S I 2 000 d .. _.jiot opeo ""'"bor •I "'echloot u ti olhor feet.",. GM4 leutlo•• ••oileltlo If yoe t el •••· N• fr10chla~ fo .. l u ro th• foch . II' I 11 /••1 Hrd j f!f }obfuty -I«IIIIH lhf ftai/1 I...J'1 ta«hiw i1 " ,.,.,. IIIIIIIIIIIIK IINI thl fWII#r 1/uw;., ~bit ,..,h ,, ""111Mrl t'IKJ .' Life beco,.,., calmer with a new, ~~rything laundry machine in the hoUK I 8uc befo~ rou mvcst in on~ of these won<kr-v.·ashcr~-be sure } JU have th~ kind o f hot-w:UC'r surpl} it "'uJf h:1ve tO work propt"rly. It t.t~es abuut 10 ,~::.tllons of 140.Jc,cr('(' water in SO minutes to turn And an nutt,m:H•c g.u w.Ht·r ht·Jttr. ·k·sisnC'd to do tlur Vt·q rhin,(:-wsts ks) I•' buy ... less to OJX'ratt·, 100! • Writ• er Wire ••-"le .. ly fer Detello, ... 01111 ...... T h r c•'€'ntn~t r11nclulh•c1 01> • d11y or c11rh month mrrry nnlt• ~~~ lhr m,. m b r r 1 Mn J <' ~tuard, l'hlltrman.l Publishtrs of lht J;nlh<'rt'<l around lh• r•nn11 In 5101 Wl'lcomNJ . 'l'L mntho•rll 1ntrrrs1rd Newport Balboa AUTOMATJD UUIDRT IIIIIIUIII CO., Ill. ... s,..cJellofo ro ••-••'• l••*" le""or;0 , 7 WilT ITM ITIIIT • l OS AMNUS 1. C: Ll,.._. ,_, ·-· lltl, ... 1161, ... ""· ... 1111 • c•ltl l1ml' •t~n~;s c1r nr ,,, harber In brromm~: i'k'll••r ACf)Haintl'<l '"'" '"''' • ~ith srhonl nr''"'i~'" Sh,-also ! News -Times l>o )'tlU want to rC'nt ~ Advtr• putlinrd '"fl<'ll• pruwcl< thai lht• T UI!SO.\'t 4nJ TIIURSO.\Y I UMVSUAL CIPPOITUNtn '01 INVUTIIol~--ot-J•U•,.., .... IJII'VUTOkSt lrTWUN SU.OOO ANI) tiOO.OOO. CONTACT ft IT IIIAIL POl A,OINTMINT. ·~ In lhc'f' column• Jn'OUp could untlc•rtnkr. tncludin~: I Newport Ikach, Caltf. thl'~~~~~~~~"~rin~ofth•·i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;~;~~;~~~~ G.A A lmnqut•l 1n April. actin~; - ~ O..ne liS hfl!'lrll~l'll r.... llw urt rxhihil FOR BIRTHDAY & WEDDING CAKES U.\RROR 11 0~ lmportf'•l Wlnt-~ nncl ~r llf'IINl t t"&Yn Wf' llf'N'IAIIrf' In \\'f'ddlnr; UM1 ntrllld•,· {'al"•• GENE'S BAK ERY in llfnrrh. m•·nritn~: fo1111h:tll pr;w 1 tlrr jrrs··~·~. 1'1•· I Slc1n··~ "'" •d~on. prtrlt'lf'ul ":1~ inlrtlllll<'•••l lind ''' f••r••d rho • """ pi11t111~ ,,, tlw ~dhltll '" lltt· ...:r•"'P :O.Ir~ .J, rrold f'p 111.;1. r. t•lo·<•rl• nr rxplr1im·•l l'·u • 111 • T· '" h• 1 I'"' t"t•fill rt·. anti ·111<\\tlnl qllt•llun~ Anntllln•·· ,,, "" ,1, '" \J,.; h• 1 lj ~nC• rs l'lltrtl' """'''; t'-'1'_,\ l rnt~t t 1n.:: t r .-\\ , ... f't,,tf* -• f1 :\lrl' :'lll•rol .... ,,,,l ttll"hrttotl-11 to ttw rnttll"'" ''''""' II ~ 1 L I l 1 Mt:Vuf M~ ··Announces the Reopening of her T rea·sure Che~! .Antique Shop 1516 South fniL~t BouleYard • and Offt-"" an • Ext ensive, Rare Collection Heirloom J ewelry-Sih·er-China-Gias FUrniture ,• $8998 TO NEEDY COUNTY BLIND AMERICAN VETERANS ' , INSTALL OFFICERS SACRA~IE:'I:TO. tl'PI 1'\•••'<~Y blind JX'rS<ms 1n I >rnl11;t' rl.llll11)' n ·n·l\'(•d a lo tnl u r Sl-/.!l!t>C an ~tah· nul d urant.: J)(',·rml~<·r, 1!117, St;ltl' "'••n:ol \\'.If art• 11111 tlur t 'h u lo,. \I \\'ollt nh•·r·~.: n •tJOrlt'd lOOt<~ J-.lt'f'll011 ul ulfll'o'l'l< WIIS l l< lol l;t•l \\ .. ·dth'"l·•> nta;ht ut llh' :-.,,." · 11101 t·C•''"' M··~u AnWI'tt'•"' \', t· o •-o"" r.,~t n. nh·l'lin.: l ll'lllll•d "•n· (;ton I""'' •·umm:111d• r l' I· Ham ... -~. \\'olh nh<'rt.: S.tlt1 I holt lht.tlll!h· ht I h o•·tolltllll·lllll. r I lall't' \\'Hik· ulll lh!' st ''' fi.l.!ti I'< r~nn<; ,, .• , 1 .'ml 1 ,.., .• , • .,"'"''"tl• 1, I '~~"" \, 1· 1'11\t'd /ltd llnllt·r Ill•' O••'lly ltlind ltlf,,.,.,.,,l.ul C'ltll Bunn••. ll o;l•· l'""'~ntnt fur a tu11d u( S llt~l X~~,. UJ • ' I ·n u'hl '·il~1 rn, !i'l r~·-·.tnl·at "' an U\l'rlll!t' 1M r IJO'rS\111 "'I·"'"' .ltlcl ~ •• , ..... ,., n n.·al. s,., ''"'' ~7.'-19 "''"'' r· ami puhhr r.-l.tlllln.~ ••ftt-1 :-,,-.·tly ehtlcln n "' t tntnt.:•' rulln-,.,, I) rt'Ct'l'l'tl 11 tulul 11! S\1 7 111 1n \l!'ot111.: t il•· ht ami 3rd \\'Ni-l St:llt' Ultl dUtlnt.: I kt•t 111l1t•r. 1!)17, 111 •tl 1\ .. t , ut"h lll"nlh OH ml~ ,., I MC Women's ReserYe 'To Hofd Ann. Meeting of El T oro Bose •I tlt•t ''"'"'' lt ,fh1fh'"' ,\t I ll!l'• 1111 Ul"' 1•'1 '~~~ t \1 Itt Ill- ht UH' 1 ,tUdlh lt d h\ l•t• IHht 1' ••f Tl U.ta4 \' N Y. \\' I' 0 R T 8 A I. 8 0 A NEWS· TIM E 8 s .... "....,.' lkai•b. ~ .1-. ~1, aNa Page 5 I I ""TII\1 'I \lit; t I( \ \lt:M '''"'''''"" l'lh•d ' 1.-.:unt. r icture Frame Studio I il•1 IIUot.I \UU••I IIIIt h ' tf'l ll(' ,,,,.. 1 14111 '. H•hll ''••tl •••. II I t!tl,. .... , l't'llt •••• I ···ttl•.. ''"' ........ ·I·'""'''"' l'f .... JIItl•ll>' ""'' tht ....... ,...'"" •• , .. h w.alt.·nll('q: -11~!1 ... , •. :.t. II lt.• ·'''"I"'" 1'1111\t'lh' "' lht• All11'1'11',10 L•·~:-J hsH·d f>ld /1).:1' IN'rl~ltln~ flllld '" IIIII 11 1111. '1->th ollld <'•'lllral, Ft'h lill,l7:i mdtl tlluul~ an ( 'llltlurnta 4. tlurtllt.: U••l't:nllw:, 1!1·17 Tlu~ "'" All \.-lt'lillls. nwn nnll \\tltll.-11 7:U.I "'"· t ''""' l\1\ll. '"' '"' j\lh''''" \',d~ttth··· 'l''""' '"--· l '"I i" t lit ''""II " ' H··--· I \ I I ''"" q, 1nrktt1r ''" '"''1'1 '" t'itU ,-----...-...------~~........._ l.to'l 111 I• II Ill• I \\ 1(, Ill till• lllo II I• tlol I u .-hu•• .. I• t • 1\t.-.t ftl ,,.,.,, \\ • "' , , '''' d Au•u11•~ '" Itt" • 'tty nt • w-t•··tt t4•'tli h ~ '• llttf\ ••f I it MIIW" t-tr1tfl ( I ' 1hfo•l Hll~ ttflo4 I• • , .. ,t,tl f'ol ~nol t nl\ 1\11• h tf I•\ lllt1 llttdt•l lfttt fUitl IUI'IIJ ~tltt _,,,,. • ( \ fl ~Tttl\1 , ····"'AS~U~ II 1 !'("to I \ 11,..1 JloltUI ~ ,,. f• If IUt' I I~' k fli1~ It an anlTl'8S£• of I l~>!'i m'••a· NU\o'lll· 111.,, lll\llt•d tv till• nw•'lmt,:~ txor paynwnts. T h•· t.Hnl nnwunlt•d pAi d OUI WitS ~~~~-~·l!'i,ll7 """ II•<· ll\'t•l'lll{l' ).:rant IUIIIIUIII<'II Ill $:-11 Ill JH'r IX'rson lo•tl~l'~ 1111 huul hutldm~ n••5ts :1r.· . . ., 11•r·~ llttlnll•d Tha i's so tht• <'t.:I:S In Orangl• tounty, 3.66:.1 !X'r!>ons 1 '"" roll 11round in 11 srnull 1•1n -lt• n ·I'CIWd U IutHI or S:.•06,l:.!:.t. lll~ll·ad Of ~o:mn~; u\'<•r thl• t!d&l'· I HERE IT IS I I I I I I I I I New ).bedroom house in one of finest locations on lido Isle -55' frontage 300' from pri- vate beach. Extra large rooms with copper water piping throughout, forced air unit heat -2 baths-sunroom cpening on spacious walled patio . stove & refrig. inc. in price of $26,000-$8500 dn. ' + p. a. palmer INCORPORA TEO realtors 3333 vlo lido. newport bea ch, calif. Telephone newpor t beach, harbor 1500 SHOES at COST They Will Last Only a Few Days At These Prices. N ationallv Advertised Lines To Be Clo~ed Out e FIRST COME FIUST SERVED e SA~ .. E NO \~ !N PROGRESS Children's Sho<'s from 'len's Loafer Shoes 200 t\1 4 .50 we re 11 .05 !\ow 69:i 'len's llous<• Slippers were S.!l~ ~ow 3 50 Thomasett i's Play Shot>s in Leather Thomasetti's Play Shoes in Cloth Other Play Shoes for Miscellaneous (;roup a t 305 MARINE AVE. 450 and 6!l0 495 300 100 ~. iltllllitt ttcWcll trltilill .. ............. , ••• , ...... lrt .••• ltilll 114 4tsirt tt ... . ............. ..., ...... rtill£ ~ ...., • ,.. .. .. V aiioiaUiicai .. iNuGI"ii'EiRIIG 2 ,_,.,. .. r,-modtrn and abruJI or today'• rucarch and d"dopm~aL V MASIER IVIATIOI MECHANICS I ,._n---CA.A. cu.S.Gon) approvw for A;rplaoc ucl EaJioe 1iC'ftlteL Sc\ld~nl:l may nccr any Monda,. lOOM .... lOA II NOW A'IAILAal CAL·AI•O RCHNICAL INITITUTI NAND Ql'ffiAL All m•MAl, eUMIAU 1. CAlif, MNO'IID fOil vnnAid u-........., rov .,, t..nr ........................ -.... . ....... _ .... _ ........ .... W<nlt """-'.. , .. ,. oitoe4 ~, ......... -""doll ..... ~ ..., ..... all .._ ,_ el ,_ W.. ~ I• .,l,, Col-At ...... -.... 1,000 ........,..,....,_,. __ ., ._ ...... _..,..,~ 1 wl~~:n.c!:t ~v~~0a..~:m'.'-;¥,.,_. : lHOINiliiMO oiiiiOIANQ : =~~-~.----------------------~ .. ~.-­• : =.~0~0*~.~.~.~------------------------ : ern -· : ~ .. ~.~.=.--------------------------­·----o ....... o--....... -···• W-83 ('.\SUIUATt:l'4 I~ITIATt~U b~ tho' Omaha \\nmlmt•n, olan. IS, Aft4l ....... UI!I( '''"''o•r• ool I ""'I' '"· .\.\, of IOJUI 011'1[11, "hn "'""' In <'h&ra-1' of tlw laiUatlnn ..... 'h""" aiMI\'t'. Baclk "'": I rani.. I l:trl... ·''"' 'l"' .. '"• \\'a lt .. r ;\lt...n., olau•k C'ahlll. \ll'r,1n Urt.o"''• U"l&ht S"Mfurd, .1~-..-. Tf'~ll '""' lim I tt•loou C o'lllo·r "''": t:dward H rnr). ti4-<'•r,cf' l'rtM'k, ('har..._ 1'4ublf'tt (•lat4' "'p..-nt.ath .. l. l ola••u• ''~·''· ., .. .,..,,, t .. U..-n,. ... ol. :\1. Kt·~nnlch and KJo·hanJ 1"""''.-... t'n•nl "''": IA"K41y Rf'~IWII., """"'Ill lorh·'"'· -1111111'• "'"'I' hArd JU\d l..ouanlo• a ..... ,.,.,,ltt. Tht• l(rnut• 1"'...-d ..,. (amp Su. '!ll of ( oala M.,.. ""'"'"""'""I tn "f1ttil'h ,, "'' '••tn plt c. fHulhn,· 11'1 pf uu t1\ht 1' '' .1\ :ul:thlt• " I HIItH'I IH\ al:llat~ll '' f,, ll'k ,.,,,~,ut ttt ftnuUt.:h tfh t••• "-~' '" ut\\ \\ 1\,, tllH\ t\tt1 f11' It Hl t11•d h\ l't'l 'Ur\Uf lo lt••f' t·~·• rth\r "''-='''' ,,. llllllll lh, \\ 1\flh n \1u t llh'-c Ut • , 1 •nt , ... , ·r '-'•· t lt•·t.~" I t•• II ''"I h """"'I :'ol.olrt I t 'II•· '" "'"'''''' • l'tnk 11lltl '""" '"''''' t~<•as d•·l·-••r:rt•·ll 1 h•• 111(•111. nn (l afl• r r•• fro·~h1w11ts .. r pink "••t1ol•n.: I ~VII 11'1' ITI'llOI, llllt.:t \ f1•11l l'.tko• \\ilh Jllllk lt'lllt.:. awl l'lllf•••· \\ a•n • ~t•r\'1'11, ;, WIH'<'IhiH'ru\1 l'u\'t·1'1'cl With IHIIk :.11!1 "hll<' r r•·rl(' pofll'r, "'"" wh,.c•l- 1-tl In loollc·d with m an y lovl'ly t.:tfts. ·nil' door pn n• wn~ won hy 1\lrs Wlt~on Y«rhrouj:th Th•· ~:ural lis t tnc luded Miss \.••rrish a n t.1 h•·r lllOthrr, Mn H oward G<·rrash; Mr!l. Grovl'r L W'nltc-rs o r Fullc·r lon, m othrr of lt11• ~-:room-to-lw, l\lr§ l.loyd IX>ns- rnurt o f Santa Ano, Mrs f:V('rt•lte J)a•n">mort• and Mrs Adn W1lson or Lung I'War h . Mn R Mc<'ll'llan !':t•wport llt•aeh. Mrs. W II a o n Yarhruuli!h of El Torn, Mrs Kt'llh G<'rrl~h. Mrs M~trv•n Glhson . Mrs P nul Nonnnn, Mrs Ga) lorrl Dluf', :'>fr11 C1an·nt't' J ohn110n, Mrs. Wil- ham n lul', Va•ra F rank(•. Mrs { lrphn nltw. Mr~ I A-Roy Anderson anrl Mrr< C' II lllul' or (',~,a :'>f•·~!'l. rmd :'ofr~ ~: I I llrn•ll•·> and f'arol llrnl11•·~ uf I >rune<' Cartoonist Burr Shaler Slated os Speaker For Allied Arls Dinner Fnllowln~: I hi' I rl'ncl nf mn(lo·rn tmllll c>f l ltl' ynunt•a•r J:l'na•rniiC•n. 1\111 r ::;haf• r. ~rw•rakl'f' r •• ,. the• lfllr· l·••r J\llao tl Art~ rltnn• r· In llf' lwltl l•o II ltl "' :\'o·\\'porl l hrlt"l \':wht • l11h '' tllll•trat ll1~ 1 """ hn:h Tho llo •\\ 1':11111'. \\ hwh Jlln·ucl) h :, j i\ • I tl41 11l•'l1lht 1~ \\Ill ftll~t·t ''" 'II·· ,, ('H tHI '''"' '"'" th Tth•Stl/IV!I nl , ... h rn••n1 h nt i :\41 p m 111 thl' 1\111•·• "'·'" Lo·glun Ita II tn ('oslo Mo•sn ~•'llt'<htld•• fur lolllll!ht's •·••ro.·· nu>IIII'S "111 It<• anol l~t•r Hlltaatlnn \\llh c>lfal·rr~ of l'llll11' Nu 1. L.a. Ant.:l'ks. '" d 1ur.:•• H..Cr <'!!hnwntll '"" ho.• so.•n • ·u Ruth Gordon Ploy Rev;ewed lor FAC By Mrs. Lorry Joh!'s Mrs Larry John~. w!'ll known drama n-atir and rrvrl"wt•r, prc- S<'nlf'd llw pros;:ram at tht• mt't't· In~: o r ttw Costa Mf'!'a Fraday Af· IPrnonn c-luh. Jan 16 Fresh from I'\1·W Yu rk f'1ty W~M' Sh!' ttC't'omp- llsht'CI tha> rr•markahla• rl"at o f St'f'- ins: I R Jlln~' in 14 days. 11hc hrnu~;ht lh•• lntf'sl ne-w.; o r th<' l'llrrf'nl lh<'OtlJ'(' !<f'ASOn 1\mmu: rh•• pJ;,y• whlt'h shP lak •d lw·•• "'' r•• "Tiw Wrnslnw 1'\n, ·• 1111~•·1'1 nn an •w tu al F.ncllslt lo , •. al •·-·~·· "AIIr~:rn." tit<' l:alc-st lln..:•·r~ nnal llr.mnwr,.la•ln hit. anti "Hrlc.acf~t;-on" ant~lh• 1 tllll~l•·a l rr- ' II• "\'••a r ~ Aro" n n fllllnhln- l:rllpharnl tlrlay loy lluth \.n rdon. "I'" ~:Inn !<J)t'<'Htl ·ntlf'ntlnn. 11 tdl• ""' ~•nr) nf " 1:11 I """ '" alo t•·rmln• rl Ill 1.;11 on lit•• ~lal(f', f11•r· 1 amal\ ·, 1, "''""n' 111111 llwlr Ill• .. ,, •"' \'" :\lr~ .John~ t•h '' U1HI\.. , ... ,,,n •lit ' nl.ul•• h• r I I \ ll \\' dttttltJ\ l'fl )tl\ thlt• ~~~~· \\';t~ tr•l•"•lur·• d II\ :'olr' 1·.-f'll .lnhn· I t llr"ll II''C1 ht•1k of lu•lna' \\II h •·••r••••n< t h,.. I ~)Ok 111 1~ l"'"l"l"•tl '" '' '' :.r. h.-r• '' tl• •t ''"'"'' ... .,, tn•·•·•·"ll •·h.ur n,,,,.. ~h:of• r' ro~rtnnn~ llr•· f•llhh,ll•·•l 1'1 ''""'""' 11 1 lhr Iundt• .. n 1 .1•1· l'l l 'lllh•1".~"1111tlll\ I \flllni•l'llo,1 \It • llnroJH't -.:t~o .aror .-)>t•ndocl 'I '' Y~·r k•·r .end ''"'' 1 t• •11 rn tl"•• ... '· \\ Y~ er' en·• '"'\;""' ,., ru•rnl .. t4 '"""' ;uul nn th. \\·,.,., c·.,:, .... l tn tul 1t"·u ftu nd .... uul •ntr •wl•t••d ....,,.,,1~1•""' tnd .. n tln r,·hl )J,, ''''I '"' .... , ·n,. Lth.• ... ''' I• , I•' 1 h ttu•tk l"'h.-HU• ftl f'fiiiH' hn\\~ \t I •U'• .ettr~tl lt\t J\ ''' , .. ,,, th tf \\t 1h r••IH ,, \\ • • kh ,, l l• ' 1 uun,uc 1n '"' 1,, '" 11 J•rul '"•" t' ul '' tul' h· ~- 'tlltnt~•' l<•\t•'' ol l.llet .. elur. II•' ·•••d l'l••l1 J, ,, .. t.' '1, 11111 "hll'h 1• •nllll•cl Tlut~lla.:h 1·1'"''"' l wltraool ''"''''" '"I I ll"'"" \\llh ,I \\o<l•l Smith" \II• r;,f\ Fnl111•h•n11 .ow l \l1~ !'jt\~ ~hl4(•,. '"'"" '"' ,, .... ( ,.,.,.. ..... 1• t \ u l r· .. r ... nu IU \ ull. lUll 111fdl\t ,, ,,, pul•tlt'l""'• jl h• (,, llr lftUt; I'IM•'hi•t lf1 ,, '"" , ... !"h.af1 I ' ~lt"ll lu>tl~o .11 ~ tll lll ll!tii•IJ tnol .,. f\o tl lo,\ tho \\,1\, 111d \n.o'" \lo '"' r•oommollo·a•. \It ~ 1111 'II~ Till~ "111 t.. 1111' l lr~t annual l'tll"''''" , Ja,11n 11.,11 • \tr• II• "" Ill• • IIIII: tol t\llto·ll ·'"' anti l >r S It l\lon;,c·n Will l>o• 111~1 lllr·rl n~ ,,... pr•·••rl• n t ol 1111' orc11 nl z:ll l11n ft• ~O'f\ Ill IIIII' fu r till' 1llrll1f'r lOll)' lu• h.arl h~ 1'11l11111: :'.lr~ (' 1\t 11.-nkmq_ ll~trhnr 144. nr l\1r~ Rtt'l'l· ;trcl (!thm•·r , 1111r11"r !"1:17-11 Philadelphia Story /s Ned Ollering ot Loguno Playhouse Smart nnd soplli~IIC/:111-d nr<' thr words to d!'!~<TIU.• "Thr Phtlndel- phla S tory .. nnw In r,.h,.arsal 111 Thl' Pl11yhou~r. L.a~tunn O('arh. for •huwan11 Jnn ~ throuli!h F,.h I "·""'' :\lr• .1•·11 11 I·'"' '''Ill'''· \l1 • !In ' r1 Hnh••rts, M r~ S lwrmnn S olt· • r, r-1, ~ .J .I Jll'arl nml :\1 "~ 1-'1 111 I,., 11'11TIOth I n 1 h•· nr't cnrn<-r M r~ 1 '1,.11·1•· t\nrl"r'~>n l"'<ll ihtl••d two h•·llllllllll ":th ·r r11 lur" l1y Rr'l Rrnndt "•II • known C'orun11 dr l ~t:1r nrlt~l 1 · Th1• !'HI lUI a• In I hi' fltol( w:a• I• d loy Mrs .ln!lt·ph lfnmhlrl. 1 h•• , . .,1. lf'l't r r ad hy Mr~ Ard•·n lo~•n~ Mrs \.f'O Po\l'l' II thf' anrrnoon ExecutiYe-B~ord HS PTA 1 Holds Business Meeting "Fnr!'l'll!<tll of the l'ntc-rt Amment Sturlc-nr welfar,. hillll amountm.: \ ;olw• nf A !~how," sn1d \\'1"1~ Ol'n~-to ~5. lnr\Udlnl( hot lunrh"" s.nd murf', 1':-t pahle dtrl'rtnr or th!' pill)'. lhl" purr hiiAJ> nf "n ho nllr;tr:Y hfr '11rc-nn l hnrd to m11k•• whf'n tht' mPmhcor!lhlf'l In lh,.. f'ahformst C'r•n· m:llrradl I~ 8~ ro1p1d·rlrl' All II Is ~<:rl'll!l o r Par,.nts and Ta•odwr~ 1n 'Phtlll!lf'IJ'Ihla S ln r y' wrrr I'Oir'(J at I hi' f'Xa'a'llll\1' I•• •••I Arl!l In thnt n rast whlrh In-m•·•·tm~ot of Nl'votpurt Jla rl .. •r IIIJ'h l'lllllr ~ t\\n I• I r .. rmo·r'< rrl)m tllo' Sr-h()(ol P-T A Wh•·n lht'\ 1•1•' l ',,~,aflr-n,, rlil~hroV<;t•, nne! yuH hiiYI', :\1onclny an tht• rlli'Ult,Y 1hn111~ 11_,111 I l111nk, prr•tty s·•wi ln~.:rNitrntll nf llu-hll:h sd1nol. tnt an •·ntm:1hl~· J•llldllrtin n .. ntll!l for lhr• hutldlnlt l"'lllt I r;, c·1r11•l•• Z1 n1 :ancl l>wk Suitt-11nrt f1lrnc hrl11'1•·~ r.t 111'''•1 1•·•·•1• •• \.Ill lou! It h.t\1 h:lll " l:rr•:d dl·nl "' tn s,,.,,lln•·nl!l :onrl Slllllrt A It I \,I, 'I ,, f • t• lh I \lr 111 \\ l11tlto I "' Ill 1'1<11 \1 ,\th"•ll li '.!:\1:\ tlttl '' llu 1 t•••l\\ttfl ~ tthl ht p tU \Ia' 1,, II \\ •I I, .. '"' f'h I f Bridge Luncheon Thurs . At SA Country Club Jack's Equipment Rental Contradora' Equipment e PLA8TE& MIXIt&A • UULL llA ,. .. e OONCIUC'I'It 10XIt•8 e 'J'IL&O ... e Phone Beacon 5508-W 17th and Santa Ana Ave. Coeta Mea ,, Fly your kites the way the experta do- the 1a{e way! It'• easy to do. Juat remeJ!lber theee four aimple rulea: t 2 3 4- Fly your kite in an open fi~ld, away from pole linee and overhesd obstruction•. Never u" wire, tin&el or metallic alrin1. Be aure the cord Ia perfectly dry. If your kit.c catches in 1 power line, let go imm(•rliav·ly. Oon't pull! Ph one the com puny owning tho lin(', ancl n lineman will CfiiiW and g l·l your kit.u for you. PUINTING ~ 'f A N U A R U I 1. t: U to ~1\'1' \'1111 holh llml' :ttlt.l mmw~· U t: A (' 0 N A. f. Spencer IIS3 ,.,._, lllahwa)' METAL WALL TILE a-t~-Waterproof PNWAM~~t • DecloraUve C.. 114' AppliN~ .,. Nf'W or Olcl-Murface CJMn41Dt na,., RooftaK Uld 1'1onrlDK lanlnf'dlate latallaUoa Jo1Uo:t: Jo~'TIMATE Clw~·rfully C.l\'t"f'' MI. IIARUOR %1SA Pacific Tile & Shingle fAl. %001 l.arayf'tffl Nf'WJWJrt U..rh, ('aJIF. P u e uc NoTec~• f f ~ t 1 I I If /4 1 I , ...... ,.u. I Jt I I • t • f• I• • I I• •I•..,.• , .. ,.,1,~ 1 It 1t \ II t l f , • I• f11o I I ~ ot f t·l-.11 1 11 t t • ~·• tl I ""'' 'tt t I •,, •• J' '. ,., 1!111 I • , H•ll• .... I• I ..... ,,, I :1, 1 t '•• .',",' tl :,":·,I ,' , .. 1.1 ;:' "'•uti'"',;'~ t II 1 f 'Ill lh1> I If I ·tl •I ,.,.,. lt .. JII~" 1 I I to • f• f I 11t • I • It Itt 1 I II" \\\I It t• lf. 1h •t •tt tt •• 1 \\ t I '' I ,, I II • ''' 1l1111 \ tt r .. I .. II . I (\ ''' I I H • t \\ \ t k t If t \II ttt' • \I tl••t • lA t ..... ,, ....... ,~.~.• .. .. tt'J till t l ·" f ftltlttttV Aft • ' I ~ t , ' ft fl I • 0 • ,, v , ..... u, ... \ .·\~,:\I .,:~··,,:,··~\',',~";! ::"·w"r;~ I (t ..... ~oto ll I ,, ' I I I ..... pttt•• .. 1o1o t1 ... ,,.,,,, t • tf , 111 •·•I I• th,. wltlo II It •ft !It•• ,,. •tllfl t ".II ......... ,.., t fill ' ,, •' ··~ • ,, .... ,, ,,,,. ""'''"' I • • \\ ' I .. : t \\'It ,.. '',. , I, I hft Yf' ftl'ff t I •• I lit\ ftMU•f 11111l dfllj11!ff IUV ,,,,, ttl .. nt th• ''"v ~•ul v,,., lu tt•l• f'l t '"' ,., ,, "t "' ...... ,"' .. , '",. .. •• , \' f IJ': ... 'll,f',. ,t \Aft tl •l• "'"'44', f'ttld~t lu ~tn~t '"r '"'''' '''•tlrtl v .. "1' t't•l" Mv ''••rn,ll••l"'' • •t•''"" Mttpt II l'tM J'ulo J•H t, l't ''' ':l."l 11J4. ---- r t'rii.U' "''UTU F. N(YI'Jf'l-IS IIIO:nt:ny (fi Vt-:N 11111 t hilt. Will tw r "'dvrt1 fn r " 11111 1 '" k •tuk•· tnwk 11( " I'~ Inn rnllnl( foor lmm•·•ltnl•• drllvrry v .... " lolrl•.,.., will ~llhrnlt lhf' 'f"'f'l· t1r"""n" '"' '"'' '"'" 1111t ·n .. -ll•o~~r•l oof T ru•l•••·• "' ''"' Or11nl(l' 1 ·,,.,~1 .lu111111 ( '•ollf'l(" will nr•c l'fll '"'' hlal "" lh• unit \lhl••t• In llw1r lutllllll''"' '"'"'1 n a·nrly '""'''" lh•' "'' "' .. r Ill•· •ll~trlr·t lltrl~ will 1~ ro·" '" •I 1111 '" 7 :\11 1•111, M•.n•la\ l 'rl~t•llarv 11. I~M Ill I hr• ro((jr•t to( 11 t• 1\~onpl •of 'f'ao#O , .... ·" tht• c '''"'"' ,.,,,.,, .... ,., • ., 1 ••It• ,., I 111111"" 1lu· ~olal Sronlh I \w1 ''""' i\11 11 ...... I"••~"' :'ot•·•u. •. dd•,frlllf I lti\SII. II I' I T l llSI ,• • .·,I ,, f •I .... H'•ll t d ,,, ,., tJilft f-.. I If iiU'I t 11 t I l t!ftfitl I 11jto L:t I f 1'''' ltll! .'II ••• l jtl~ f fiH IIIIAII 'II n ii'IIN I 't .. ''''' u•' '"' ~"-4 •f"'"' ,,.. tt~ .. ,~t"'l" t'ltt~tllflltfl • I ,.,u t h• ;:,·.'::,. ··::::;· .~.·~.~· l::ii''~,\:','.','; ~~~.; ~~~~~.'.';':~; !\I" "" '""·•• • \' I •,_th••t illf' \'"I t•ftlll f .. •hl lft• "' tnt ''''"' t:'""'"''' .,..,~, ~""'• Ana, t•"u rl•tt•lu \\ l'l''lt'~~ Ill\ .... , •• lltl~ ,~,.., ·l•y ,,, ''*'"'"'' "'•" \' •'ATIIt1lltNI1: t'AIIIllt,I.O M1'\1'11: •II" •'AI.I.\IIINIA I 1\ti''T'' 1W 1\llr\...-tllt I M • h~ t hi• J»r11 •••r ,,f J anu"ry , ... 1 .,,.,,,,, m• thfl' UtHifll"llnflo(t N,,,al"' t'uhth In ""'' ,,,, ,..,.\. C""""'t ••"-" ~~~~ • .'";!;,~.~','(, ~"t'~~~" "•·· "~:'.'t; •-,. t h.. ,_, • .,, wh•••~' ruun~ t• •ub ... .. tU•,.•I t•• th .. •tthht t111n1t ,,,,... ... lUI IH .. f I ttttt .. llt ~ U•t •tl... AI'" I HI,. lret.f\t.l tf• ..... '''"' ., ..... , ........... ,.,,. ... ~~~. • \1 " ' \\IT'-..,.,...,. m\ ''""'' •'"' ""'I I at wat •I I" .Jllt4t•t.II:Y '~• t .. l, t•ut•h · tn .n,t ,,,, ""''' ,•, HI I\ Anti tfl~tfl 1'ut• ..... : """ , .. , n •••• 1,r.c1 \1, !'IIUTU'F. 1ft lhr Mattr r nf .lam"" 1 •. h rah UftA "MIMI" r\llr t l"(l ....... ,...,. ·n,.. unt1••notwn•~l I• rt'l''t•h •r r In l>lttlkt'lll'l•'l' nf tl11• """''" nnnll'd A(IH t•• 1.'1 ('""'" Mr•n llfld n,.n ..... l 'h•1•••· ~··uti "" IN• )'nu•nt • 1111 lll'- ""llllh r•••·•·ll IIIah' '" llu-undlor· •l.:n•-d lo'Hi\N t'fS Jo' QJ11'~1'NI-:R f\.'l!l Sn ~r•rlntc f;t ,,.,. An11rh•11 14, Cnllfnrnl•. l 'uh J"" :.!7. ~'!l. Jo't•b 3. 4, INA. Thf' N" __ ,,_ w111 not be ...... tponalb lf' tnr mort~ th•n one ~ I"N't 11\N'rtlon ot an 1dwrt1Nnwnt. N"Wrv... 1 h • rl-"1 to OCJn'eCtlr r l ... lty 1ny and all atll and w rf'jec't a ny advf'rt lwrnent not tlllftoo lormJn1 to ruiN and ~lkJN. .. .,. CA RPENTER Avnllnl•h• fmn~t-.IIAII'Iy lt..•m .. ldlnll a\ lt•·ew.lr .. Phunf' Santa Ann 1090-W 7~4l fl LAND~C APING t 'art nf tAwna "''"w"n and Shruh• f"'antecl Hal Crawford lt5 Alveractn f"'RN' llarh(w nt HAf.OOA M-Ite C. M. NEWTON ('ontrartnr I Ia ''"'' 1 '••11•1 r "' 1 h111•. r••mntl•·llnl Ill ll•·1'11lt I.I•'•·IIAt• Ill 1rtournnN' """"' l-'1111111 i\1111 111'111 w .. "''' cr.s~ I'OOLH Rnd S'F.'J '11C TANKS rn.tAIINt Anvwhl'rfl In t tf'llnl(t' f'ounty I 'ontn r t f)rJIIIna S.•w••r ( ·,.nr.,.Mirm I All W•wk C.u"rllntl'f'd 1 I"IIJI f OIIIITAOt-. ( 'arriecl .J. R. MrCORMJCK :WH Vl•·totlu S1 t 'oatil Mf'la ll<·n•~lll fl2 17 ... ,. roRMT.TJ Wll*hl•kll a llaldl f'ov"" mil~ lo or&r, Alita Pla~to ..... " r .IJdte AhNtll for .u.. Nu-Wnrld PMduct. ~y, 301 Third S 1 • lfWitlntt.on 8Mch. ~ lh&ntlnctoft 8cttdl 111, .... HARBOR Plumbing Senfee 1708 NI'WJIOf'l Blvd., a.coa ~ Rr.:PAIRINO OUR I!IPECU.LTY f'Gnt:nc~ and 8unlf'- IT-tlc BVIIINEA8 Ot1108 COOPERA TlVE ROOJi'JNt1 CO. New and fu!pair Mlnof' l1f'11mn 5:Rl-R .. l:'.?:t P:tdMI Av,., f'oeta ...... ~tt. 1:1 YJ-:AJt."\ !WTlVWY. IN Til~! IIAJU\On ArtF.A HA RRY HALL Pi\ I N'll Nl; f'l IN"nlt\ I ~)R :l7-t F:not ll#th SIN•f'l 'I I Ill 111'0 "I I'H~!III• "" r ia) hniiS•·. llmf)lllllllll: In ~!,., .. ,I I' •I 'h• '·· ''"~ i'.•nl an o·hllr ... ·l••r p:trtJ-nncl pnr1 lla1 h;,r T o an ( ·,.,,, • 11. 11 · \h ~IIlii\ ln :a~ r•rfll;al tf' lo•:His llr· "'' r,. nl~n :dlor\\o ol :\tr, 111111 '•l• ,1 ,,, lh•· 1>1111 11l '('I< l l•>:l••r -l 'ttl llllll lll'lf ,tl a•tll """""" 1 ll1' • n," 11 1nlo mstdo· fHm<~us 1)11 1••1 1• ol •111 Ho~ p1 ••l:r··--•·I llio I · ''• ""t'f ••ll I \ f'tt\ t ;t .nt 1 P ll, unci \Jr .., Hr,\d 1.• \\t"" 1'• "1•11'11 lllol11illll '-hllllld 1..-mnrt•' ••••:llpl •h•ll'l\•• ''l"'r ' '''' lh• l'a: l :·uhlll n ,,l fl•'-\1 tllf•r il"' tf1tfl( l·l•l1Jl11 ..... ,,~ ln tf." ,.,.,,, Ia 1• ~ l.111tl.' 1-\.alh• ran" I I• Jl 111ooo hr. It ••·I •••I "II ·n,. .. ••I " • I · Ioiii II'--c:.rnm· 1 "1·---~~ "'II ol!ll l 'l'h• ,. 'IV"-"'"'' nf :'.11 I '1\ol• S O I)'I III.H"' C'Af.II OH N I A It 1-. Ill ~ I) :'1: I () \1 I' 1 j" V I •''"' I; . : . 1: , 1•1 I II ' q I I I f t ' llo ' I It , • )1,,,1 l'lo ll••fl ~-1 I :l ('t•l" Mr•u . ('alit ~1 ltr . ,,, ,., ,,.,.I ... , I I II •• I :·.;• ·: rll\""''fiiiT\'rJIIS- ' ' II .. ... , fIll I • I t•• I I•JII '0# h •• \\ \'.I I J • f'•d; ,,. I ..... Ant•~·l, "'· \' I i fl.' 1!1 ,I I '\ 't I fll ft1 ' Jl If I I 1( lfl'n 1..;, r1 ,Jnhn \\ • ld••n. onll :'.1• I• alttlt 1• I ••1111•1• I ' I ' o\ I lo II 1 ,ut d··n \1 t1 1h•\\' ..__"' n t;tn "·*' Juf •Jft 11 \\lilt ,., ••• I t• h 1' f•11 111rhtl~ 1• r f.,rmunC··~ 111111 \lr .. r;t, n11 \\It~ II••' k "'' 1 ,a 1 l'lllllln,· \\ • alii• '-II 1\ .1.111 .'~ tr, l1• ol In fall lh• ,.,, oonn 'I Ill I'\\ •nd lnf·}tuhnt· !'und '' F• It 1. r•t~' •IJI"''"'• •I s·•·•d• •• 11r' • ''' • • t' .,'"'"'·"' .tiTla• l 'l"~ltnu~o·hnx l ''llllllm~tn ;\!r" ,I I ''"""'"'' r,.,.. 1111• rS lh• pl:tn' '•! •.• , '"'"''I• Hh I ••nn .. unt • d n, .. t tt,~, ,,,,.,Ill u\• •' \looro 111111 :1 ~~-~ •-•1 \\Ill 110•1 lho I Hill lit T111 "'·'' .,f • "'' '"""" l" u' ''' 1 h• ~nu~t ·,\, ""'' rn l ltt·tr u· Ann'•'"''' tTII rtl ,,f 1,,,. ttl I\.' ·• 1\1!'1" ('u r .. r l'l•fll'r UI'II<rll 10 lhf•: /lilt l'lll"(lllolto 11~ ''' lloo ('ultf.,r '" r, ... )''"~ 111 111 T''"" t'wm !""' J•.,r~·nt -T•rwt..-r 1.\:t.' mAd • ''' • l'll•n~ fnr 11..-c 11 ul11:*' c·.,u~l J1111 Advrrlasr fur I'IIJio ~>:t' "1111 tilt• II III''> to( l'IIIJI 1 I"''" I•• 1... ,.ff, 1 •'fl '-''' r,. nl•o oua PLt MRINO J. H. ESTUS 11.\IW\\ ,\ttY. FRIGIDAIRE REFRIC;ERA 1'()ft<;; Electric Ran~es • Wntrr Jfpaf,.r; • Wn1.h,.rs • (1t'ltOt'l''ll Rarll~ J-:)(.'1'1 ril' Clotlu•o; f)ryc•r; r rorll'"' O'Ke<>fc-Mrnill l.as fi..1n~cs • F\.JIIPr l'alnt.'l Phone Harbor 116 . N<'wpr,rt IJcnch I .. I I •II W• • 1, n , ,,, " I I I . . ' .. , . I I I I .. ',, . I I I II t • I It\". I I tl,t .. , . II I \ '' I I I '• I ~'' '•I I A I ••••• I I ' fol 1 I I t J 1 1f 1• I 1t •t • Ill II • .. ,,., I I ' 0 I,, A I• I• I ,f I t ''" '' l•rf * ' I •I, f 1! I •11 t t• f II r ••o I I I v "'' t ··"'' I ' I' , , ''·',,I tt •• 'I) I '"' tl•""t•lu• \~ '\Ill I •h•r· v.;tfl f f' flwt t "• 1ft• ~,, 1'1\\,\1111 l nt tnt .. I• "''"~ ,., ,.""', ,,, • ,,,, .. ,. •• r , .. , .._,,,.,. \''"' 11111111• ol '•I It , ( '.uloll11• f'IIIIJrf' 1· 11 ~, d t1 ll•u t H1 ,, It 1 •,., til'''" <:·11 nl~·r.r . .11111 17 l'h""'' liar H.:n 1 ,,,. S·~····h .• , ... , VIITIIIIUI 11/t:l , Oft fill!' AI thr Nt·W• Tim,.• --~~------~~---~------More Class Ads on Next Page I. r I , &&AI. 118'1'6-ft • 11&6.1. .......... 11•w•oat' a&LaO& lf•wa-'l't•••..,. ~ 11 •vro•onva •,.... • =----------Pge 6 'I"'JUDAI' N...,... !le!!r!, C.Uf. 1-. 11, INa FOR REN:r-RaiOO.. S.yshores J'OR SALE-1930 Font Ooupt. CORONA DEL u .& n l't7aWft"'U roa UUI • 1l\rl'(' t:Nodroom houae. fW"nllhed, Enelne completely rebWJt. HY· JIILA.&\o Want Ads SJ~ a month !lox :141 , Puad~na drtuhc.-brakt>$, l2m.OQ, 31~ SOU"m OJ' HIGHWAY LOT FOR SALE NEWPORT ISLAND -(])o6ce ClOI'tl8' Jt..l Jot. Sldrwalka and pavlnc both lidee, all utUidee. Paul Lund, 3300 Marcua Ave ., NewlJC)rt Beacb, Calli. t1 17, Calif. T-4tC Marieold, Corona del Mar. l:lar· f' URN IT U R E FOR ftENT SINJp1n11 room. prl· bor 1820·J . 7-'Jic Must Sell at Once Continued From Preceding Page R E FIN I s HE D Vllt• rn,rh, vriVI\(' f'nlrance 520 '47 BUICK S upt>r ~tt neatlY A BEAUTIFUL NEW 2 bedroom Marl.:old. C'Ofona del Mllr 7-llc new 'i. ltmt>. loaded wtth ntru . nome. Fireplace, aarqe, patio 1-n R RENT Ono· ro<•m and kllrh Call mornlnp Harbor UM-W or nap tone with CODC:I'ete face, o•n all f~trllitlcs SIOOO per week. l ·31p \'cn~tlan bllnda, ru,a. AS YOU UKE IT Modem Comer Duplex Dettrable Nelahborhood CX)STA MESA IAMI'l' .uo romm n KEN GRENSTED l.OST-..1 black Cocll.er Spank! l1311 W1Mr SU.t IJ'lp, &nawt>MI to "Cinder" hu COST A WESA tan hametl on. Strayed away 1 Phone Harbor 1070-W from Ca.ta Mt'u. Reward. Ph For Eltlmats Beacon !W)25 or Harbor t20. On Guaranteed Work 6-trc.-& 99-trc 113-15th Sr . ~wr•1rt nr~('h t'oR S ALE-New 1947 M.cury , 7-4tc Station Waeon. All extru tn· FUR Ri'::'IIT -'.! t;:-dr-;:;-apart· eluded, radio, heater, f01 lilh\.1. J l "th s etc., HArbor 304. 7-4tc mo·nt Feh 1st to une ., • o•o· -------·---- ownrr & aJ.mrlml'nt Sat11rd11y -.n!~.&~Q~D=·~------~· & Sundlt)' !Ill() Fo·rnlt•of. l'ortJnls - del Mar 7·2tc 1947 CURTI~WRJGHT Tralltr, '17 too 1 Se II equ It)' or tra6t tor $10,850 SEE OWNER 4~ L>ahlla Ave., Conlna ~ Mar trc Two Bedrooma Eaeh One Vacant for lmmldate r»o.. ~ ON. BAL. "00. MON'nf RALPH P. MASKEY 3411 W. Central Ave. Phone Harbor 402 ~3tc FOrt RF:NT 'J rOtlm kll«'ht'n••tlo• re~•l ...state. 289 Wlllon, Cosll 11partm••nt Sultohlt' fnr I nr :.! Mesa. 7-4tc NEW TWO BEDROOM home ln COASTLAND REALTY pc'ns:nn~ A\'llll!lbh-till Junt• 15th ;;;-.&.0;;;;;;;;1;:;, ~;;;;;;;;;,;,~W~d~i;triwm-i•ii &;,U. ft General .~:Ct~c trr-eprt~· -at I In a-ate, • ..,.,.., .... ew ~. WOIUl WAHTI:D-~.... $314.!50. Call Harbor 2211 . '-· ,..... er ~-1110 lu J..8tc. For Sale By Owner :ll 1 Gold~>nrod Corona drl M11r &EA.L UTATJ: a NewlJC)rt Htil)lta. C'Grner We 2 • ~. completely furnl&hed. NEW HOLLYWOOD m :D Rox . ' 7·1\c: ai.nk. Pine noon. Spadow w.,._ carpt>ted, throo~rhout. Wuhlne .... -.a Aw~ Newport lilllbta. • ..... WIU. DO LAUNDRY work In my hoorM. 246-l6Ut Pl., Coate Meaa. 1prin& ot. maltr"u Phoor Bra-• A · • 1 Val robes. Stucco out161k, plu~ ~ machine, refrleerator. Pouet· ron 5(17\. 7-2tc :.' nEL>R()( !M Housf' for r<'nt. 3:.!4 mazmg OCOrne ue Inside. Full pri~ I87SO. Call a.lon at cloee of eacrow, .1000. • 7-ltp Mann•• Aw·. Balboa Island~ Ph Newport Duplex Beacon 5TI3-R. Evenlnp Bee-down. FOR SALJ::-8 Pll'(.'(' lJunran Phyfr Harbor 54R-W 6-2tp con 5779-R. ~trc Full Pr1~ $6100. Good Lau~ avallablt, Mon· day or Fr-Iday now opton. W ill .ervt cSJnner pertlea and buffrt wppen. Reference'~~. H arb o'r lsrTS.III. 7-2tp Jr. DinJna aet. maho&an)': also LoW•·r Unit-3 Bedroorna 1 Bl d ,._ M • "'OR RENT. · C'oron• dl'l Mnr •T1 Newport v ., ~ta esa u~ta. tabll' paJl $1 75 111 r -Uppt'r Unit-1 BtdrocJm -~ u"'" d 7 ft""rlmt'nt vrar 'round or wlntcor Othen wiD ._ )CUr c:IMilllftMt Phont' Beacon ~ Onyx Avr., Balhoa hlan ·:ltc ..,.. J _...._ u ~· ·-_ ... __ • ...__ onl)'. Bay & Ocean vlrw Phone CIOI(' to Still Water and .... ·--· ·-..-.. FOIJ S ALF.-Livln& room fuml· Jack c r«nl' Harbor 2574-W Oc.-un SW1mmlne 7-ltc ...... ~. BEAt.rnnJL White Alaakan Fox rnRmble jac.ket, h1t, muff. tlze 14; ftd fox ~earl utra I4T1te. two aldna: run nt>vt:r worn WIU aacrlfk-e. N-SPf'td Q\Jf!('n wuhtr, electric pump, rcuon· ablt>. After 4:00 Sunny1l&-Mo- tel, Apt. 214, behind The Archea. 7-2tp Silver Plating • COPPP.:R. BRASS, GOLD Polllhlns A Rrflnllhlna BayRide PJatin~ Co. 1914 HArbor Blvd. Coate Mru, eanr .. Reacon 5113 ~trc Building For Sale NEW pre-fabrlcatfd 8 I'J&Ce 1t~l blcll. 20'x20'xl2' Qu<>nlf't type . call anytime WPdnHday or 6-trc.- rsday. 230 Prarl. Aalboa -----~=--=-==::----:::: nd. 7-ltc APARTMENT FOR RENT --El Mlrado 324 Marine Ave., Balboa FOR SALF.-&d linvt>nport, !:'COO Tsl ond Phonr Harbor 54R-W condition. Rcuunablr. 128 E 6-2tp 18th St , Ca.ta Mesa 7·1 tc F"()R ru:NT Llc1o bit Bay Front FOR SALE t~a.'ly WMhlnlt rnA · turnlshl"d IIJ.IIU'Imt>nl Wlnl~>r chlnf', l(ood romdltilm, rf'll~oln-rrntal Sl¥ Mr. Sldwl'll Apt. "S" a hit• 1536 01won Ulvd , Raltw)/1 1 I Arbor '172(1 36.~ VIa L I d o Harbor~1664·J 7-11(1 $(1ud. 4-tfc.- &>d dl\'an $)5 Afh•r 5 1°111 Wt'rk Nf("ELY r'I'RNJSHED ROOM & ctays or anyl1rno• Snl or Sun Prll'a to> hath, mAId Sl'rVtco•. 1409 W Ra)', Nf'wvo •rr n e .. r h S40 no JX'r month, annual 113 tupatnlrwl 1·1lp !'earl. O~tliJOA lllanrl 5-tfl' ~~ modem dlnlnl( sulh•, m1d-:l nr:DROCIM IIOMF: -Ralboa fll· J t'l ••lr•rtrk washo•r , :! I:IIS twal-anct Jlln 1~ ro Jun" lsr Phnno• rn, 9xl(l runr;t lloovl'r v:oruum Jlarhor 14:19·M 3-tk 520 Larkspur. C'nrnna dl'l MAr hed 7-21lL FOR RENT -Sep~~ralt> fu.rnk -------------hounkffpin~t rO<•rn Ph. IIArbor • 1191 or lnqulrt 123 30th St ., ----::--:---:--=-::::-::--NewporL 96-trc Complctt>ly Furn.lahed ~ J . M. MILLER, Realtor 15th & C't•ntral Harbor 1~ 7-ltc REAL VALUES 1 hrlrm hom!' on '" acre. 2 yrs Qld Good dlstr1ct. FuU Prte.'<' s; .. 1:;o nu I Back Bay Dist. :l twflrtr) l yr old Ranch t'pt' hnm.. un ·~ acre. Very &•oud d1s1 '.!·I'Kr l:Rr This ia really a ~;oud buy So•c 11 today. B. A. NERESON Broker !-'RANK DOWNS Salt>srnan 197:.! NrwpC'Jrl Blvd. t'OSTA MESA PHONE Boats Priced To Sell 34-ft Aux Yu"'l t!-\r11 (~·rl 193.'> $25011 30-fl !':pi Fbh. I Mltclwll 481 $fi6()(J Beacon 5255 :.!·rl)()m furn"ho•d apnrlmt "'"· po•r n}'lnt·nt lluml'<. foor o ldo•rly pro· pic• 311:.! Ero"l llo .. ·un Front. llnl· 7·llc ho11 7·:llp ------------ Patterson's LaiJding ~ Cout Hlway NEWPOJn.' BEACH ~2tc PhctSca1ly new t>lectrolux V8C\Ium ~aner, eomple« with all at· tadlmmts. Price $9.00 Phone Harbor 89-J or IH at 421 ~ R.uotrope Ave., Corona dtl Mar \. F. M JN:-.IEY 711 l \)11..5\ IIIWII), Nt''"1)Url ~aeon 5032-W 1 rro· For Exchan~e 20 F"T. AtrX. S AIL RUAT r (Or lot 111 h11rhor ~trt>a or Ctll!l a Mt'811 , J . M. MILLER t~enlrlll -Ita 1:164 7·ltr 6-2tc SNIPE _. Rnrlnl'l No ~tl99 good ~POR=--:SA.LE--:-:-::~-:-A-ut:-o-court:-:-::::---::ca~b::-;1-:-n. rondlt I on. Nrw Oaxtr r A Cicero aepu'ate kitchen It bath, with taiJa. llarbur 2151-M. 6-41<' aD ttxtur. .• ady to be moved FOR SALE-20~·foot Ga.rwood MOO. SM at 805 Vlctorla St.. Sedan 1peedboat, powt'rt'd with ea.ta llleea. Phxle Be • c on Chrysler crown and cquJ~ !113&-W. 5-4tc: with 20 watt •hlp to thor\! radlo telephone. For quJck aa.le by 8 E R V E L owner only $2000. After 5 p.m. Harbor 608. 5-ttc The G .. '8 ~ w ANTED-Prtvate allp ror 30' s..w Modell Available NOW ~. anywhere. Phont> York _ 1051. K. M. Wooda. 5-4tc Balboa Furniture Store GOOD BAIT NF.'T-S35000. caJt 100 Main St., Balboa Lona &oach 653104 5-4tc Jl'tiiiM Harbor 145 S.tfc ~ft. ~ 15.000. IWUbo 1924l USED RESTAURANT STOVE .O.tt. Au. Schoonlr m oo. 1938 In aoad condition. Call at M.ar .-ex>. 30-ft. Spt. Flah. IMitc:twU 1 Cua. Ccmer ol Marine • a.y ·cs 18800. ront. Ba1boe Ialancl s-3tc G. E. MINNEY ...... c:1Dalll • ,......, OIRONOIO:'I'!:RS ...---~a.mc. I zNe Prs- 711 Cout HIWAY. Newport &Neon 5032-W. l ·llc n.<>AT FOR SALE-OI•p. com- plete with concrete pile 1\anpn. S. It at J:l4 Buefl& Vl1ta. Bel VAN DROO.KN boL Olad Twitc:Mll Ph. Harbor J E W E L R 1' 21t2-W. !J8.ttc II&AL DITATE UCRANOa 61 Mod. 2-bedroo m Stucco LAHGF. L(IT, PaVI'd St., 3 lllk1 o•l\lll nf ,lwppinK d lslrtcl C'oot!IR Mcs~ TrHdl' tor Santa Ana or ll11rhor aro·a, submit nff•'r; own. r•r S .A IIY..I l 7-1 tc •oMD '10 LOAN II LOANS TO BUILD, tJ.Iy, ~ modern!~ or reftn&AC~e. We pur- chAM trwt dee$. NEWPORT BALBOA FEDERAL SAVINGS. LOAN ASSN. 3333 Vla Udo Pb. Hw. 1:100 •ttc. NEED MONEYT See Ut for Quldt. HelptuJ S4rrvk:e on Your Fl.n.udal Netdl -l..ouw on Furniture-Salary Car or Other Security Houra: 10 to 1 and 3 to 5 (Oo.ed Saturda~l ·- ~·: .... 1814~ Newport Blvd . Coate Mtsa 84;acon 5220 I Ao-a.a from AJpha Beta Mullet l 7-lto' 1'1. N~ m.ct. o.ta .._ FOR SALE-I.A~ pump and• --0-NEI'---W-.A.JifTm ___ ......,.. ____ ~ll S.tte ~t lM1k comple~. m .oo Uke ~~~---~~~--~~~-------------,._, a.y DWtrtct Hantwan Co. YOUNG MAN NN'dl 16000 to Bel. lalancl 113-tlc •tart new bUtlnNI for Harbor W ASJ!!NG IIACIIINIB If,.. -·t ......... ,.. IIUaiCAL A ILA.OIO ......_ at ~so=-Lo-=--~v-=-o=-=x~Th=-r-or_&_&n_y_o_u-can- ~'8 W ASB-A-'fDiA attach to any plano C'.()m(' and I'IRBWOOD aiAACO&LA~ PROMPT DIIUft:llY Wrilbt Luwbw YMI 11M MRrtol t .... CXWTAIIDLt ----Pl-*1 of Good Tlnl All .. CompoUDd l(o&or 011 a.a.. .. w a&em .Au&o Supply ....... DelAir -,.. ... t ..... o.ta 11-. lf ... D A GOOD BUY- IS A WISE BUY Let Ua Help You Be W'-e HARBOR FURNITURE 1112 Harbor Blvd. Coata M .. 7-ltc Wfll Pay Cub ... vtun~ ..... t ..... ,.. a-oa.~mL Crawle Furniture Co. 1112 Mewp~rt 819d.., Oafta lhN -til CASH for U8BD Furniture A 1£2!'=-"We ~ t ~ (J]lAMft PhaM Ilea. &'m·M hrat 11 Danz-Sdlmldt F'tano Co. 520 No. Main, Santa Ann 3-tfc.- BABY SPINET -Belay R.oet. SW'I!'ft tone. Ntow. Now only $347 Danz-Schmidt Plano Co ~20 No. Main, Santa Ana. Tenna. 3-trc STE.INWAY GRAND -Pnfect condltJon Qoracow. Save at leut 11000 CJ'IIrr nf'w prl~. -l)anz. Schmidt Pl&no Co . 520 No. Main Santa Ana. AJJO amall a.l:ze S telnway mirror type tplnet. S.tfc SPINET plano for rt>nt. 6 monlhll rent allowr<S wht>n you buy. Danz·Schmldt. Santa An1 S.tlc SPINET 1)-pe mirror p6ano. ~ poate.t'd. Pay balance. Terma. Another for llf!S. Danz-Schmldt Plano Co., 520 No. Ma1n, Santa Ana. 3-tlc.- BALDWTN madf aplnet t)'p(' mlr· ror plano. Ellinrton modt>l. Only 1:295. Thll la a lov<"ly lnllnlmtnt. Danz-Schmldl F'tano Co , The Home l'f thr WW'IIU<'r, ~20 No Main. Santa Ana ~tfc RALDWTN GRAND-Finr condl· tlon A !1 o Hamilton I(Tand. Another uaro I(Tand only ~. Tf'm'\8. Danz-Sdunldt Pumo Co Santa Ana. 520 No. Main 3-tfc HARBOR TRAN SFER LIGHT llAl'Ll~G Phone Beacon 5538-J 1 96:.? llltrbnr Blvd. lOSTA MF.SA 7-111' roa IIENT area. Jntert'Stlna , .. oru aharine plan. Wrltr Box "E" cJ o Nrws· Tlmt'l. 3-Stp Atrro•OTIVll: a TDlJ:8 II F OR SALE-l!M6 J~. oamp&.W C&IIVU top Q rrldM. XlaL tirwa, paint • .w<:hantcally Pb. Jlar-. bor 118-J. f1.f(C COAST MOTOR CO. Former!.) Allrn Mntnr ro lroR Con11t H r~:hwR~' ~oNm 5<13:!-J ':\R Ft>rd ('c>UJ'll' Rodu, $727 • - '4(1 Ford lluh roupr Radh1 llt'atrr -Good PRint $993 ~• Pnc.11:c' 4·d r Sroan ~ $697 '41 J>l)'l'TIOIII h null Coupe' Rral )o•nlho•r uph1'1Stl'ry. R111i1o, hf•RII'r $1291 411 PIICkllrd 11(1 4·door Sf.d&n Radio, Hf'lllrr. Nt>w St'lll Covt>MI Nrw P11inr • Sun Shadt> $1047 '3.~ Ood~:r• S••dnn 1!\4:.! Mult•r $495 . '41 c,.,., rollo•l :.'·rlo>Or :;Ntnn Rnd1o · II• :otrr $1192 '41 ~tllckh~tko r l"hnmplnn ('nul"' C'll'f'rrlri\'1' nnd nndlo"' $1195 l'lub COAST MOTOR CO. VERY SPECIAL! Dana Pointr--$9750 'i. 0 0 HM. IIOMt; Dinette, 11:1 sundt'<'k, lioulll!' garaee. '"'" down J)nymrnt 10 suit you. No·"' --t Corona del Mar-$2950 ESTAI\LI~III-:11 Pottery, excello nl lin~>. '.! kolns . r~'nl S20 per mo Dana Point--$650 ~:XC'ELLJ-.'TS tAts. $100 down, $:.'0 IJ('r mo Huntington Beach $6500 LOVELY 1 hd. rm. home. Laguna Beach-$15,000 BUSINESS &. IIOMF:, 2 bel rm. homr & romplt>lf· Apt. O'V" ar· age )Jha M l ahli~hed pott~. Sla<'ks of ordo·n., 1111 Ntuipmettt, kllna. molc1s, stiW'k on hand. Capistrano Palisa des $16,!;00 llF:A\ 'TIFt '.1. 3 1~ t1rnnm homt'. To llt'o' II In n loll~ ot Cun'l Ia)' I'IWUI!h 10hour t hiR MILLER & KELLER 7~ So Com•l Jll\d l.n~:una n ••;wh. ( ··•lit f'hun" Lso~:nnn 1:\4133 7-ltc.- C'OMMF:RCIAI. f'HI oPJ-HTY In Nt•wport no·nt•h I ' .!. tnnl' Cor· n1•r 'fill~ 1s nn,· "' II••• '"''' op-pnrtllnllll'• 11-11 111 tho~ .orca. l"r ar nr•" c·•• 1 ""' l.orHI >riOrt- r.~htn~>: I•WIIIII•'' ('.oil H···lron ~17 13-R I \o nlllo'' ll.orhor tMfl.J 7-tfc IIC\\'~F: In l':~lm ~Jtrln,_;s lnr ~ale (lr tradl' fur n .• u .... l "' llnlhoe J,IAnd f'hunl' llr1rl~<•r !'>Ill. \V 324 Mnr lnl' A\'1'. ll:olhPfl l~lnnrt. 6·2tp \. GA LF.N Dl·::'\;..;r:-;n~ Healtnr :'1:1·.\\ r c •HT Ill fi ,IIT'-' "'''"' .! '" olr•••m lt<ollh h.ooii"•IOd I f lo-.or'l lind .: ot .oro 'I' I Y $!1tltlll.IHl ( '( oS'I t\ \tl':;; ,\ 1-lll•ttrf)um II""'' >Hiol 1: o · o.:• "" lot !\!'lx:'(lcl Only $:~~no.no .: h~'f\r, .. H1l ht'tn•· .uul L!·•• •r• $6:1;:;n.on Tt·rm!' :-. ..... 2 lk!lf•• Ill """.. II I I' II 'lite.' o•looso 111 ••n I tl'l:• IIICI I, ' otnly $77fl().l)() 3·h••drootl11 111•111• ond 1:.<1 ••• ,. lint' hlt'<'k rr otnl 1\11• S•·1' 01~· Only $~7 .'l0.00 :l·ht•l1rotnm lh>m•· .ontl do 11. I:AriOJ::I' 11nl1 l'hork••n • •II"J'Tih·n• o In "' A<TI' J"Arll 1!1\ IHrlll<ho•ol $1 O.fi(lO,()(l ~ .. t,.~rtrt\t'lll h•Ht, t I"'' tn d,, , ·•111it <111.-T 1!..•· .,, o o, I 1.• n $20011.0\1 Dc>Wn $~7.110 pr r mn. \.<;ALE:\ nE~~J:-:0?\ Hl'<llt 11r IIF':'I:HY I \ "•·II' Ill ·k··· (;f'(1 1'\SI''Il llt.>l..o l M "Ill I'' c 'Ill I :c' s ""'''" 4AA '\;,,,, 1•>11 Jill ol I '•"f 1 \1,, 1 l'h II, 111 oon ·, 1'•7 7-lto :1111 M.wport Jlhod. eo.ta u .. G-tte FOR ftF:NT I.Ar~>:•' llo'W m rm•r hou~ patti> rurm,lll"d. '.! lll'd- roo.m, 'J bnth!t. lit•n Hvm~: room 3fl'flfl F.nriMNI pot1n. do"~llhlr gt~rR~tr. 611-tr lot. h'nC'O•<I s:ns ll<'t month . )t•,or round. or $175 1 till Jun('~ 415 lros. (',lf'onn lirl Mar ll11roor 1(1115 M 7-2rr 1~ C't)f!JI\ Highway Bfo•('('" 50.12-J Do you want tfl lll'll II • Actwor. 1-11 ,. tAw In 'h8P t'C)llll'nn.l. At Corona del Mar 2-Bednn. home, very neat. This Is furnished, $7950 . Two bedroom modem. very cla.s&y, $9250. Two bedroom modem , a beauty, $9700. ---- Two bedroom, modem.-Ask to see this. $11,500. 2-Bedroom, new and mode m . South of Highway ' $10.300 Otl<' lot looking down bay, $2200. ~auliful ocean front lot south of Lagunn and has grand view. $2000. Other lots south of Laguna. These a.J'e' large lots and have a view of ocean. $675. W. ]. HOLCOMB 15 17 Coast Highway Corona del Mar "Where the Flags Fly" OPEN FOR INSPECTION 703 -705 Poppy .-Corona del Mar 2 New 2-Bedroom Homes 7-ltc Ju_-;t completed. Foi"'Ced air furnace. Fireplaces. Flag stcme patios. Venetian blinds. Dbl. garages. Framed ror apartments above, now are sundecks. Land· Sl'aped. Fenced. <Xoean Vi~·. ,. 7-2tc NEWPORT HEIGHTS 2-bedroom home. Lovely neighborhood. Has nice hdwd. floors, QJ1.a1 furnace. tile sink. Counter table betwe('n kitchen and living room. Built for comfort· able infonnaJ living .. We recommend this one as one of th<' best buys in this area. Its ne w and you can move right in. Should G.l. $~.000. :~-Bed.J·01>m Stu('('o Hom<!. ThN'(> finl' ft>atures: plas· tt'r im•iri<', lal"gf' liv. rm .. tile sink. lilrgl' kitchen and ~rvi('(' poreh. b.1lhtub and sta ll -.howcr. vent>. blinds ami drapN;. dhl. noor'S nnrl l'af111'lt'<.i I hrvnul, du.al fumnN", on h1t :l(lxl:l7 and l<'ss than n yt>ar old . Butlt hy t'Ont rcH'tor for his own homt>. COSTA MESA MOO<'m 2-lx.-<lrO<m1 hom<' with ohl. ~n rage on fl~x125 foot lot. lias firw workmanship thruout. Good cor. location . $10,500 full pri<X'. and take over· C:.l loan nt 4 <'(. LOT S CORNER LOT -(.2• :.' x H O. \\'piJ IOOlt<'tl near high ~hool. NEWPO RT HEIGl ITS -:>0 x 1:!7 IN'1•I lot among many new homt"' IX'ing built -Sl\:"0. - EVA F. RHODEN Reattor 4711 Nc-,q10rt Blvd. Phonl' Bca('()n !i713-R Elton D. Barnett Pemel G. Barnett Barney Francque Brolwrs Ewnings, Harbor 10~6-.J 7-ltc Attractive Furnis hed Home 2 bedroom.••. Pt"ninsula Point -$21,500. Small house, set back on lot. fumishro, on Peninsula Point P lenty of room to add on. $9,000. Canal Front Home To rt'nt unlit June. 2-Be9;:~~partment On ~tral for rt'nt until J~. ]. 'd BURJIIHAM 2001 {)c>c>an Blvd. At Cnrnna dt'l :'lf:lr Harbor 315 5-4tc SOME CHEAP LOTS If you mtl't han• le\ o•l one~. t ht"'(' won't do 4 I.OTS at . ~lilt E.adl :'\ ~ at S:!llOn Fnr A II ~ ;{ L( l'T':' n I $:!fl( HI Fnr All ~{ :! I JYfS At $:.!()(H) 1-~or Roth W. J. HOtCOMB. 1~17 C.o:.t.o;;t W.t.!h\\;1\· t~oron>~ ri<'l Mar "Wh.-·n, th<' J:1a~s f'l) ·• 7-lt<' ' • DOAK REALTY & DEVELOPMENT 00. Phone Harbor 505-W 318 Cout Hwy. at OrchJd. Corona del Mar ''By the Sea" Corona del Mar-Nicest Very well eonstntcted ~ ol -2 bedlooms and. a den of combed wood. Fireplace, floor furnace. tile floor in bathroom. Dtnlng room with bay win~. One bedroom is a master size. Quality home. Patio and yard all fenced. Dble gar. Located in best resl· dentiaJ section, south ot Highway. Block and half to water. Priced to sell quick at $13,700. Utx-ral tenns. New 2-Bedrm. Home-$9500 Brand new and shiny, modem. with fancy wood. beam redwood ceilings, snack bar, fireplace. LoU o1 built-ins. Plenty ]ll.l'ge windows. 3llnen closets. Large wardrobes. Yard is 40x60. easy to care tor. Bathers' lhower and laWldry are located in garage. aose to store~ in Corona del Mar. Ne~port Heights Lovely new 2-bedroom and den Colonl.al, tile bath and ldtdlen. No.1 hdwd. noon. Wall and noor fur. nace. F1~place wt~ colonial mant.@l. Extra larp Uvtng room with bay window. Service porch, patio, dbl. garage. Lot 50x128. Root is cedar shingles, hu Colonial eves. Nicely decorated home. Immed. poe- session. $13,500, tenns. Best Buy in Corona del Mar Corner Home -Furnished Stucco, 2-Bdrm. modem. nearly new. Vacant. Large living room, ftreplace, hdwd. floors thruout. Nicely furnished. One bedroom can be den. Concrete patio. b&.rbecue. Obi. garage. Prict'd at $10,500. Will sell quick, just put up for sale today. Tenns or G.I. loon. Furnished 2-Story-$8500 Upper story has cute living room with snack bar, sun porch, kitchen with nook, bath has stall shower . nice bedroom with cross ventilation. Lower story has bedroom with twin beds. laundry room, dbl. gar. Home is all electric. Vacant. We have key. Tenns or G. I. loan. Duplex -C9rner -New Two suites of rooms are 9ep1U'Bted by double gar- age. Each apartment includes 2 bdnns., la.rge living room. hdwd. floors, furnace, kitchen with nook. Front and rear patios. Priced at $15,950. tenns. In- come of $200 per month unrumlshed been otfen.>d. House and Garage Apt.--$3000 Down South of Highway. 40-ft. lot, near beach. New 2-bed- room home, fireplace, etc. Guest or rumpus apt. over double garage and extra rooms. Vacant, money in escrow allows occupancy. Full price oniy $16,000. We have key. Income-Best Buy A new, modem home with 2 bdnns., extra )ll.l'ge rooms. fireplace, hdwd. noors. furnace. seTVtce porch, etc. And another 2-bdnn. home over double garage and laundry room. For sale at $15,900. easy tenns, lmmed. possession. Vacant. Never been oc- cupied Close to schools. stores, bus and beach. Home and Guest House South of Hi~hway in Corona del Mar. 90-ft. comer lot Very good pr"E."war c:onstruction. Main house has 2 bedrooms. den and 2 baths: 1400 SQ. feet. The guest home has living rbom, bedroom. kitchen and bath: 600 sq. feet. :\ garages. &>autifully landscaped yard. in R-2 Zone. Nt"ar the bt>ach. shops, school..s and bus. Priced at $26.500. Unusually libt-raJ tenno;. South of Highway-Corona del Mar N~· 2-l:xodroom home. Hardwooct floors, furnace, handy kitcht'n. snn<'k bar to dinettt'. Large living room. Doubl«' g:trngt•. Pri('(' $10.200. Tenns or G. J B<>tt£•r hUITy if you art' interestt'd. OOAK REALTY & DEVECOPMENT CO. P hone Harbor 5<Y.i-W 318 Coast Hwy. at Orchid. Corona del Mar "By the Sea" 7-ltc --------------------------------------------------- VlSIT US IN OUR NE\\' LOCATION Blanche A. Gates-Realtors-Ginny Gates 212 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Phone Harbor 10~W-J Evenings. llarbor 746-M Balboa Island \\'e hnvc some RF'..AL BUYS in 2·. ~-anrl 4-~lroom I lomes: also a few vacant lots. Lido Isle Channing home on No. Bay. Shown by appoint- mPnt. This is prit't'd to sell. Good financing . 4-ft. building lot on So. Bay front. On(' of tht• most sightly location.<;. Priced ri~ht and t''CI,•II<'nt tf'nn.s Balboa Peninsula &>autiftlt 3-bedroom home on Ort':rn !Jivd. Com- plt>t<'ly furnished. You'll want this. Newport Heig hts Brnnct new 2-bN:Iroom hom(', oak floors. floor fur· nat't'. garage. Beautiful. and only~'S98.')(). Cosa Mesa 0\\llf"r l'<lys ~H'rifi<'t' for quil'k sail". One ot th£' m<>f;t bt•autiful homes in Costa Mc-s.1. Brand n('W. Very lnrg<' liv. rm .. fin'plaC<', floor fum .. lar~e pictu~ windows. ook firs .. :.! largP lx>(lnns. & den for .1 brlm1s. I pati0. rlbl. gar. lndry. rm., ..:hQ\\'f'r. ('1().';4' to trnnspon ation and sfnrN:. in highl~· n':'lri<'1ro an~. Not a tract hOll"''· II<'N' is yo\lr c'hanN• to f;<'t a plnC'e httill for g-radous living unci <"'mforf. at an llh· u~unll ~· low pl;l'l'. \\'1' h:l\'t" sornt> r•xn •llrnt f'lt'Of)('rtiPoc to shuw votJ. Gi\'f' u:-:1 <'hnnc~ ... "'' fll'(lhll hlr ha\..-ju..-.t ~hat 'vou <tro lnokinl! for. • · BLA~(11t: A. GATI;.: Ht-a ltnh .(;J~":\\• GATES 7-ltc 1 wa fr11 l'd 1!\lt If I' I lh• • r ol I ,,, ,,,,r tl ' ,,t t\ Th· II h• nn llli NEWPORT BALBOA NEWS-TIMES 'I'KL&PIIOHU: IIAABOK l!, II A..'ID ............. EYHJ ~ ud Thllnda)' Aftf•raoona. \'olume XL The Editorial Clrcalt Rider ..... , II, let' STATE REVENUE / NEWPORT BAI.BOA l'fKWI·TIMEII p 7 UP 21 PER CENT T···;~.;;~;~~~ ~~~~:~ Coe&a 11-LUUoa .. ubUeht'd t:v~ \\'rdD..clay f4 qm~pm or r ... utor1U ramnwnt fr.lm raurt~rnt• .,.. ..... ..,""'"' '".-tltfuiiH·• .._ ~··•••· I• \, UU•'"' f,•t J Sut.crlptlon Payabll' tn Advaii~:C': !\.'I ~:> '"''" ) t•ar tn urangC' Count)'; $3.50 per )t•nr to 4th l'..ont•, S3 7:0. l'<'r )<'1\r to Sth Zont• &:nwred aa ~md-<lass mnttrr AI llw P•·~li•ffir•' in ~·wport Deach, C"altft•rntu. tlltdl'r t h•· At·l .,f ;\J,,tl'lt 3. 1~7 -·-., j , r Mr i.AI'(lMt.ll'l --·-,.,_ .... , "-~-·· ........ -h l'ilh t: ,, ""''' t.:'l ""~'-'1'• up l I • · • I At'C'Ht ~T.\"'T .... ttltl '''"" .... ~ ....... ,._.,q"' ·----------~""dill 1•1 ''" ,, ••• '•'I I'ILt Tlwr.•'< nn c1t<t•tlllltL: tlw f.u'l 1J1,tt P••-·•· t••thht~t•n' """'" ·'' SAM n PORTER . . • PunH~hl'r l lltll"' II ····nth Wllh•lllh't•.t Ill '"" LUC"l US S ~MITII. Ill :\lanll);lllj 'Edllor (;,•no·ral Fl,•t'lt'~'. "til t•'•'•'l\• n W F. DIXON "' · • · . · ~~.I\ ,.,.,,~mt,; Miina~:••r "'"'Ill 11 o•k, "''' 1, "'" hat •I 1'1'• .,, •I Printing Plant. 30 11 \\'. <'•·nltlll i\\'•·n11•. :-.;,."1"'' t llo·>H'h. Calt forn11.1 ''"'"'"ll• ,., '"" Ill• 1, ·, ·""' ,.,111 Official Paper of the City of Newport Beach ''"' '·'"'·' 11""111 '" ''"' '""'''' •• r A Dl'll<'fld"hlf' l.ow•alln~tltutlun t .. r Ch·,<r ·10 \'••nu l';dlf,.,.," 1 '1111''1"' '"·'1 '"' 11 '1111 '.\til b TUnH' \'t f11'1'H1 NATIONAL EDITORIAL 1948~;LO~ Active Member of t •nql ,u.~h tnn•• t~ L!P•H1~ ,.,,. '""tl:obl,· tn '"''"·i•·nl qt llortlll~ I•• tlt~o·l!lll .tl'•' lito• ot .. ~; ''""""!.: ltt•·ltt tl ''J•C•··fu W•' 'Plt1tl ,u lfl p .. ·rnHt dl•f (,:e,JU"U~·t1 t't lfltpt•flttu n 111t•tt• St•t11ll~ In ho• ltlllt l'o'lll•( 111 <il:h l. tho•\' ~.thl NEWS IS PUBLIC PROPERTY "Tho• puhlw " •.ttt1 I Ito• l .n~ An £yer y new~JlaJ>er-bi).!' tuwn and ~mall town-b. c"'•"' Tm, •. , "" 111 ""'"' tit'' th·· 1 b k t••ntlt•tlf'\ ""1"'111•'<1 h\ tlw \.t•n• rnl at one time oa· another . a:'IW<l to cover up, ho d ac •• Fl•·•·trw mol •· \"" "· ""' "'"' th:ot or kill a :-:tor~'· That :'Ul'h n •q ur:4:' o ften come from "''" pro,.,". 1o111 "'"' """"'' "'" minor p olitical officials )!o{':' w ithl)ut !'aying.,.: but they "1'1 I~<· t~<•tt.•r .. rr '"'"'''w 1f n h -, '"'" 'r:llt• 11( tlno·o·-. ~hn11lll tit~· also com e from other :'tllii'Cl'~ w er e the n<'w~paper s I'IIUra.:o· torut'IUl'th n ,, I~ '"'""' ... pruhin)! may han• uncm·er ed :'omethin)! unflattering-"'"''' 1!0011~ nt whAt mAy :o;"""' "' or downright inimical to ~onw readt·r·~ in te'te:'l. ""r""~onnhty hll!h prk;-than "" W · J F 1 1 f h 0 )) 1\1 l'onc1«: 1 A nrfN' whk h \I' til 11111 IC \ 0 \\' l"'l', ('111T e:'J>t111( <'nt 0 t t• a a~ 0 r11-ltri n~ ~nnrl" into lht• nHtrk,.l 1~ ''"' ing NC\\':', in an ar ti<-lt• in the 1'1''<:1:' l\le~:'PI1)!t>l', hac! '""' fur lh•· L't'OI r.ol "'• lftro• " t h i~ to ~ay < •n thl• subject for the gem·ral ed ification f" lltripl;-"I wit ~~ "\ ··rt .. .,l(. t1 h\ I' ' ' I ho• plltnn•·r~ .mol fl'l•·r• !'m1thn ·, ...... ,... .............. ..,,, .. , f'lltl -.,.,1( ., "'-llllt'r le ol '-'• ••.., '"-\IN• .,..,.., .. ,.._ '•'•r•l S....r1'* ~~ \o ent•r 111W .,. ..,.,..,..., ... .,. Ut. IJbu.., '"''~"• 0ryMtN \:otiJI, lfw ,, I _..,,.._,, .. ,.NI)O..\ ·••• ( U. Towrc '•"'• Ol,.,tU... UNC~UO.,.,.. ft ...... • .... , •Hn M U•or a u a.. u-. S&l .. u cw-u.v. \hi .,. •t '• ~"' .,,...,, •• \N .. \ t'l\&1 ......... H .,. ..... h1 .,... ,. ' •• I •\ ,.... .. h,..,",.~'•uoa. t)\M._,_,,u, -..1 .,\6 u. #..O.t"''IJ {it,-~·'· """ -..... ,.,..J "'~ t l ...... , l-,..l ..... ,b1.l\J of •to•WlM"''.,.. ,..,..,_n a \..,_,.. t •· l p1r\\,al. •lrt,..., ecweu .-...1 M4 ree,..•U~J ,,.,.1, • ..,. :"::;;),~::.!• u. • ..,., ,.,.,.. Mill.., • ._ w .... d,.,., ., u. TN • w,.. t-.lnu• I ll •"-&1'--.• -. ., •'l•o·•r .. 1\e _,.U... ,...f~•••U I\1 ..,.oleYl.J .... ,•,'-' • r •l #,'•f, ,:,..._, J\ L,._,..,CI,. Nofo~t-., ,..,1 ... M .. ,.. • 1\ • ·• ~ 1 •• 1<0 \.M <'r(AA1W U 4tn, W t'-_,., ~h•, W \. \t.' ~ ..... &!hlllte, to U. •lliM W 4 ..U tN•\toe~, eN .. U. ""'-at --,...,,-- NEWS.. TIM~ I"' ,.l I j .,.,, I ''\I,,, ...... ··I ,,,, ~t ,,, I I •• ..,,, '· \'I ' I" ........ I I ,. I I' I ., L • ,.,, II"' 1'1 • ... ' th ,,, ., • ,, .•• ~, I ' I I .,,,,I ,. \t lllh I 'I to l''i • It• ,, tf, I f, •l• I tf " •I ., d \ ''"'I Ill ,, ,, t llll "' Itt IH I !11t p f f I ~ 1 II' 4 "" I \ 1 111 tlti!ll ••I !Ill ... , .t. d I ,,, I I , .. , . I ''"'" ... ,, "' I"' 1"1• 1. h I ,, ,, 11 " .... I I II d• d f-' h, '11t;•t tl\(t ·'" tth 1, ... ,,, I ••flh lht" t·•• .. ~II,,,, th, '' tt-,!1 •••• II o..l IH 1'11t hd l1t1iiO \ I '• I'll• th, l•th'• I l>llto t•np tll t f 1"11 I thfttt ltll \ H•\\ H ··l tlh ,, dl ,, tft I 1\t' P t I tt"ll llh•l t tttd ,, • ,, ,,,.,,, '"' P• ''P'· tlu ·r ,, II"'''' H ......... I""'" "I •I "'"''"''"'' ft• l h1 "''''""'1IUH llhlt'lt"t Ut II,.. I ' .,w •.. 1 t \I Hllt" ••• ,, ..... , ... ,, "' It t ,,, I ...... \\ tt \I tl ''"'' '"' Ill'' "'"'I ''"' I .. '"''"'' '' " ·••· . .... ,.,.,,, I $1 ~7 1 A \'era~t.· In Oranf,!'~ fount,. . . Assrssnu•nt I JtlVY Jlookkt't'ping S e r ,. i r t.' I HI.IS t'. tUUIWN tlla.rl•t•r IAU) ., "' It\'-' ' 1\\ 1t , ". l•• u~,. ,,. l \1 l"oi•wlltlff ...... \h Hr. Oht.~ Lucas nt:NTI~n ttll': • 1 \\. c '"ntra!, llut ... r N 1':\\ I'C I ItT ftl':Ac 'II UOIU)()N F.. R.U•J•, U.U.8. tAU WNt ( ._ ...... l'h•*" liar~ Ul.,l N""l"'f'' nnaoPuc "TC)a Ur. Tom E. Harton CJ 11 HOPH.ACJ'Oil 1111 (._.. .,...""' C'omtut tho~ Mu A. V. Andrt'WR. M.l>. I'll\' Mit 'lA .. ..... "\'RUEUN •••• lll&h\u.y. llarw 1M I 'ttrotna d"' Mu II. It Hall, M. n. l'h)'.a···-..ct .. __ _ lluurw ~ ~. hy Apldntnwet T(;l,·a~w'"' n •.• ,..lfl 51MB Ill l\tttto4Wa)' ( .... ·- KIHoa M. lluln!ll. II. D. .... t '.-4 ,.,._, ('No•a ... -om • .,. IJ,)U.,: tO.l2; U 1•11-,. llubor •• S. R. Monaro, M. D. of ec 1tnr~: . . .. "~~~''' th·" •< ,,., lu•·h ff•·~~··~ ,.11,. "Every lll'\\':'papt·t·man ag'l'l't':', and many polttlcal l l""'''r" 111 '•\ ""'I ''"'~ t•·11c1, '" .. ,., off ice hold t1r :o; cnnt\11', that public uffil't•:' and tlwir oc-•" ~~~ "''" '''"'r•·•·t"•' Tit '' ~"""' FORUM l in Kl'fWI••II'a l"fttlo) ,,...,,.""'''', du. "' t ,,,d•l• Pt••l• ......... ...,..,_, IMII I,,, 111 I '"''"'' fiHIHt\ thl" \••Ht 1'------ R14 llay 'A "'-• IW'hoa "'"'~ nM otnc. • ._,., ttG Sp.m. ...... ,~......, CUJ)ant!' ar e J>Uhlil· JII'IIJl('rl\'. C'andicl:tt(':' for JlUhlic I'"''''''" 1 "" ltlt·lor r ''"'" I hoi\ "'''''' OF PUBUC OI'L~IUS !I•Ool'•' '''·I t•'t I"'"'", . .,,., UI"TCUIIr.TillaT T. P. Reeder, M. D. • • • I•.• 111 ntlt.dll ''' l~o• n111~ lu• itl'knm\ I· , •••• ol l•tlh .. , ·"· '"' , .. , .. 17 """ .--------------- off1ce alway~ pumt to th('m:'eln•s a:' :'Cr nmt;-; nf the ··tlc··d 11111 "~~'" ;, 'I"'"''''" pro. peupll• and not of special intt·n•st!'. I strong-ly :-<nl'pect cfu(·•·• ,,~ m1 n ···~~··· fn•t•·r tt111n that-thev belie\'l' thi:', at lt•a:'t their nwn intt'rpr cta-1 '~·· "1'!"'~11 '' "1'11ttlntJ, '""''" aris· s. \\'hat do ~·ou think will bt Ut .. Jtulilio·al lmpurt (~tlw 1 ": 1 •~·"• 1 11"'11 ~''"1 ''""" -I' I '' ,,., I'll..' I \ (. dlf llllll.l 'l'.d' April d h · t•lc·c·tlnn ) uf tht' !UnL., anclui!Jo•t•lht•., -..•1 rurlh r•·· ''''.I ''' '"" 1 "" '""" 111 "" (¥nt:t\· b~: thr !IIO·t'tlllt'd 8Ul'ohM'No C(JUndl Ill llurhur·art•ll uu .. i-'"""'I 1"' 1'11 1 '"' ·~ 'II.' I ''1 ;II'-. ~~~ •llOd lmllrO\'t'RH'Rf I&HoU-~-1 l'o•pttl 1 I to •: .,f lit• t'lllllll 1 /I I Ill . , . . 11 ht'n t.:'" t•rt.m•·nt (1111 'II t••fl1t•t~ In i i '* !pU •H l•f \l '''' ttiiTih'-1\dhH I U 1\ 1 ltl~ I' t 'ol.t tfU,th f\ lt1 lh c• at 00."-'"''""I" '" '"I Ill ""'"' '""' I ,:ttn• t1on of what con:41tute~ Jmhltc JH'operty. <l•·1u·r·s" pric·•'' urt•f .. •i~tlt\' .. "Think b ack to the time~ when vou han• been · invitee! t o :o:it in on m eeting:' of eit_v. county 01' :'late Thl' rNIIII'Itnn. hl'lto•l't•<; '"'' ~llf'· fT0\'t'l'l1m ent. Cl"enriE'!' w ith the JH'omi:-:e that every-rHm<'nln 11''''· ill nn •'nt'llllflll:lnl: ,.. ,.. <len thnt rrlr•· lnnntrnn '" n,.nr thing i~ off the record . Then WPr en't YOU cli~ma.ved tis Jll•ak. ltnc1 "mnny N'Onnmf<;l~ time and again to f inn that what you harl prot{'ctecl hll\'(' hr('n of thr npinion th AI If was :-t reet O'Q~!'ip a few hour~ lat er . H aYe ,YOU ever nnt• mnjor mrtnuful'ttlrin~: ('OnN'rn •"' tn(ll( thi' lrnd In ruttinl! Jl"lf'i'~ rover ecl a meeting o f a large audience only t o have othl'r romp:tnll'~ flllli'klv wnuld '"" ·~hnulrl ht• ~r··at " sa11l < '11111 S .I ll:trtl•·n. \\ 1111: S:•n~ llufll & Ill-· p:ur ~:trd, ('n:t~t II\\)', 'llnd I'm 1111 tn f111 11r uf :en) Hnprll\t'lllt•nb l't•ntolt• Shnttld "'''' ft•t tht• • nltrt' pn.~;rnm tf thr) rf'l:un 1t "" a plut- lorm It's al••ut 1 tnw ~<tllllt'llun.: "liS dunt• 10 or~.;ocm.w I hrnt.:>< 10 t hts an'n a ::-p eaker get up t o makf' :;;orne indelible remark~. '" """ Whr~h,.r c.r.·~~ rl'dtu·ttnn with the opening :-tatement confined t o an order to ·~ thnt hrrnk rr•mntn~. n( ('(\\Inti', h '11 '11 b rl tn hr <f'l'n ••• Rut thr puhllr "All or !Itt• JlrciiiOliBIS an· ftnt"," the reporter s that W at he WI ~,V W I e treate whic-h h01~ plltt1 for lhl' phtln<ophy !ollllf'd T \\' llt•ndo•nmn, N1·wport in confidence by the preg~. Never have I h eard one II( s:i'ltin~: if whllr th,. ~rttlns:: 1!1 rt•itllor .. ltut I don't ttunk lho·n· admOni~h h i:" Ji~tners nOt tO dil"CU~q. .what he is say-cn<>cl, \\ttl h(' hnrlf'fUI thHI Ill l~tns;: IS unythtnl: Sl:lrtltn~; 11hou1 ltwm. ln!<t th" turn In thf' run11 •,,,., 1 ~n \\' h 1 t in{T, N o. h e J'ust d oesn't want to ~ee it pr inted. for ri'Arh~-'.. f ·' 1)1', (' ll\'l' nl'IU' y a ('I )•lltanuf,;l'-,.. ..... 1111'01 fctrtn nr );0\t•rnmo·nt und,•r fear that he couldn't ~UCCPl'~full.v deny it. The public '"''v"r>·ra1.ahll'cllyudmlntstn•tor. l'tiJ1 b elieves what it reaci~ in the pres.c;.-but ~nme Tt mu~l hr r('m;-mtwrrd. rom. Jo)hn J Satlors l>n-d..:lng nf thc- 1 · ')) b · t .J 't t th h J mrnl" lhi' M:to11'rrt 1'rthttnl'. thnt hariH•r ""11ld ht• fm•· unrl l:lltntnl( C a,V It WI eg1n to ::;u~pE'C we u on ge e W n e ~o:trinc livin~t ro~t~~ nrr mnklng Ml'trupultl~tn \\'ntr•r dtslt'tl't ~~·r· St Ory, If IOIII!h fnr tht• :tl'f'rlll:f' fnmi)v \IC'I' Shtlltlcf IH• \\nrkt~l tin IIJ:IIIfl ''Whf'n \\'€' ~it in On (l :-:tor y 0 1' p r otect the puhJic t'llllltnttonc l"'~~tml,lirully "n~ lhi' A~ fnr 11h· plannm..: l'OIIIIIIIS""n rem arks of a !'peal\eJ' h,v a~reein1r to drop our pencil~ f<•W hit:hly nrl:o10I/f•cf lo(rMifllC h iiO .. f Olltl1 7IIOII1){ flrdinllllf"l''-· lhl'ri' Rrf' ,... lh•·•r \\:;u:r• ~rhNIIII<''I, 1 "" J:ri'llll'r '<tudt•·~ l'llrn·nll)' und<'rWIIY to at hi~ COmmand We <Ir E' ViO};ttinl!: thr pre~--freedom l~<•rnm1•~ lht• prnhlo•m (I( thr• 11\'rr. n ·nh•d) 1111)' lniiiiS 11( tht• t'XI~Itnl: we should be kN•pinC!' purr and frN• from obstruction ~. a~:•· r:cmclv Ottt of thi~ ~':••rw1n· ,,, ... m Editors have t old m e. ancll mu~t ag-r £'e, that a r eport er (nr '11'' (1'\\' rtncl '"" ~t····tlf'nln~l-I think thnl uur pro•!o..rtl \'II)' ha~. no m ore riuht tO "incl his new spaper to SUCh an <Jidi• (nr lilt' ~f'/lll'r mnjnril \' will :Oc11l trntstrators a,r(' Wllrkinjl to- ,... 11 l<rnw lht• rOOIII nf Rnothi'r rll'· 1\llrtl~ lho• \t'rl tlttnt.:s 1111· OtL'I· agTeement than a W e::-t<>rn tlnion ho.v ha~ tn lower nr•• .. ion \\'ht•nf'\'o'r rtw l'rt'fl l mn-, ,,., .. <"111101'11 l~tit1 "''"'II ac llh'lr t h(' toll r ates. IMtly i'nn nnl t•nl<'r th<' mnrkt•l pl.olfurnt fl I~ II l'lllllttt••fltl thlt• "I admir" Edward K ennedr, the f ormer A ssociat-rM "'"''' "•··n 111' 11'11 '' n,.,.,."~11'''~. "'"'l"rm ·•n•l "'" l"""·•"h ,.:.ny ~ ,-l'll t•lt.tl \\Ill lllrn 11" •lllt·nlt<tll I I••·· \lo•tt:lrt 111 Itt•• At•rtl • lo tltr;ll <'cl Pre1'." f nrPign rnrre~pttnd ent. for hreakinJ! the hi)!-11 h··ro· """ '"'' ""'mh.tll •'·"'" ,,. • I ht••U~'Ilt•Uf lh•· '' •I•• "'"'' ,,.... cl \ 11l11o "' f,o\ tlolo I•IPIN'II\ f111 l1ll7 ~~ H\• tu~··' .. I u~q I" t , HI•''" ,~ .. n' 1"''"1 111llt $'1h t ,,.,. 1!111• II '''"I !'1~1 ftll l••t.: ,;, ,.,,,,., ,., ... , ~ ... "{, fht• •IIIII'-1f tf, t:•t"tl•• '"" i ••t uu••l .. 1 ft11 II,,,..,, 11, 1 , ... t•uhla,lu d tn t h•· ~. \\' I""'" ,,., .1 .nu ,, ' :: .. • Tnt.l I, .. II• \' lh• '"'"'~ pu ldtt u l tht• l'fl) "' .... "I"''' )1 •••• h •••~tlt/t• "" Jtlll" h.t\o a ""''"II • rr ... ' "" '·'""' "' !."·'"''' 1"1'1" tl) "' c 'nil tht• 1'111 "1 tlu '1''1'd In htlfl~ lotfUH fe•t 1''-17 1>C u~ $1U.'~~t.f\:!.' Jtltuut 1h• ftllt• h tu • tl• tl llflll t•rtur t (ur tho I• .t '"'''',,~of ull 111 till' n:-·, 1'"1"''""''" "" .lunttltr\ I I~ l'tl) o•l "-•"t••tl lt.,,.h .. ''llllt;l•'<i '" lw )IIIJIII,I 'III Consolidate Offices for Over June 200 Political Primaries !'J\C1!A:'Itl 'J'l I I.._ II o• I 1111 I lh'r·r .~•• l"ltl to·.tl nflt•···~ Will he• 'UIIJo'('l '" th• ''"ll'"lltl:tl••l ltrt m 1u y d• 1 1htH th ·\t .Jun•·. tt \\U~~t, .... , •• rlo11 r.-t 1\ '" s •. , ... 1111 )' "' St11t•• h o~lll. !\1 .l .. lllnn '" loo• "" IHIIHW•'d 'ffn 1'"-f•U \\ htt It I ltlllti fillfl''l ltfP hi ht flufUIOfd••(l HUll o•l•·•·to'l.l ,,, tit• ,11111• I tl tn·t•l ''' 1 mot \ '""' 1"'"'1'"''"' t~rtnllll ) o•lo•t'll(llo~ 1\1 tho 'ltllh' llllh' .lurllltn JWttn l· I'd ()Ill tl WIIJI lht• Wt'ltnrl tlmr In ( 'tfllou IIIII' ftt~l"t} I Itt• flll"'lllt•l ll I ol rtlllllll I .onol I ho till I r·t prtllllll y ltf lt••Hl' h 1\t lu • 11 t """••lt•l•tlt •I fl• • 'IUII.tl••l t ·.tlrfnr rut t,,, '"'''' \\ul•'•l ""''' '-.. 'tfllflf,.ltli It) It I t•llfl" tl +tl tf l•lfl \*l..ll J" U \\,U IIUU' ft't'/lott.l ltf' 1\•• t'hU,•• uf l tw Vtt·.tl h:t\tUrtt •u l tttH' tt•d f1Uuh ttlt' lt·~·t"luttH•' tu1t t tJlltdt• ., ... t'ttfl"lll1t lhlt1111 , .... Ill tflt•ttf In 111ltltl 11•11 '" 1•1 •"•ttl• 1111111 und \u••• J1t't'~HI••nt1al """'''"" tt• tu• 1111 r•(t h l'tt l•t•t•up11pl.: \ ltt'l~tjt ftf t' :.!:) ,, .... ,. In 11011\'lt '''· JoU J ill tho "-l ;tt. '''~··tut.h ~'(l 111 H-.· ,,,.,, "t1tl l•• lt••lll ootlt) lllllttl"•to·ol tl"ltlo I~ 111111 a hout f•lttf '('11t • ""I"'' to r tu•h!•' ~hi I .. Numht r ,,f lllt.tnlllttrr•" rwr• """rv '" 'flthltll t ltlollhl11 to·' l11r •I• I• ···tit~ tn th• tUtHunHI ,.,,.,, rtO•trt 1(. ''"''"''til ltlllltllllllll 1.:1'•.' "'·'" '"""' , .. ", .... ,,., .. 1111111 ltiiUl ·, )o<, .. t lttU\Utlllflt \/ \l,l l'l•t l!l':-:t ~tnn· l'inc·e 1 !ll . tht' (;r rman ::;urrenclet·. All nf '"m· rl•"'n11'11 '1''" '".. 11 "o.:•un~; ,,. h,,,,. 11 ~;ro·11 t '" :11 vou are f amiliar with K e nnerlv'~ ta:-:e and thr f act that "''' • • "~~' "" '"'' "' '' • ,,.,.l,un: "' '"' . " llwr• ·., nn ~•to·h lhlnc n~ I lilt Itt .... , f I,,,.,,., til •I I'' 1ft ., \ c.I•'"'•W• •• It\ ,,,, ,, Ul \\ .... I~· l•t IIJ ''""'' fl '\1.! I thE' Army high com mand . mor e than a year later . ah-.. ,. ltttl,. .. r rort• ''""'1"1 •l•···hr•"' :'11]\'('C) him. '"' :\hn~1 •II• 1\pp. tl P• mrwr;,l I "KPnn£'clv Wet!' ;i top new~man in my h ook. I •rc""'~ "•'""''"''''"" • •t.1lolt"h• ~ '·'"·* - • • 1 '" PI If'•• 11 hwlt '' I h•· Ill' lot prw•· wateh<'d h im fil!ht polit ical and stuptd l'''n:'or:'hip ,, ,,..", •. r ('"I"''''""' 1, 11,'1';11, .,1 from Africa to Fral1('1"' to thl' point that t'l'l1l'llrs drf':Hl -'"' r ... , .. ,, \\tilt olto/1 "" nf 111.11111 ' t•d t o !'N' him ~torm into thEJir office:'. He had tlw I' tf"fltr•·r~ l\llf'kllll' ,,, I,,, nrl '"' ;, .. .... nU,_I IIYILOPMII~ -J I I 1-t II sotnllll UUfOIIIA '2:1:12 Telephones Added lltlre Since ! Wartime Slowdown . J llt'tlko·l• It o rttl• 11 tho ro 1 11 t U l!Ut~ tn hreak !1111 of tht• ti':I('C':'. Hf' Jow w lw_ w:~:' l'I J! ll.l ''"'' ~ \\ho ,, ''''"'~ ""'' ,. nd· nl< I HI' al:-'n \\':1:' :t\\':ll'<' that lH' would ht• h md1n~· thP J·t••·i:tlt\ '"''"" ··n•l til "'"', k111rl• 1 ~ prr:-::-e~ o f e\·pn· A P-mf'mh C'r n rw~p:'t p<'l' if Jw aJ:.,rt'N'tl ,, rlt~lrth"'"l~ .... ,. 1n ,,,. '" c 11·, :; 'I h ))' • J f th (' ) 1'1"' puhlio• ·' 1""''1' f'rtl'•' 1"'11''r 1 tiT \\'It 1 0 ( llll! t l(' ~tory 0 C' rerma11 :-'Uri'{•IH l'l'. "'n 1,., hll'ht·r 'I" ,j111 .,1 """" ! "P<·r~ona lh·. I am :-:icl\ and tirC'cl of attr nd inl! pn•:-::' "''"'I ltlll1tl'"l11 nl ",,,.,, II til '"'1111' tonfrrenct"~ o r· cm·ering rn£'eting~ tn hear puhlir of-111 111' ,.,,, ... .,.,~~ Tit•~ •• tlw 111t11 ! := f . · 1 1 ff 1 1 1 · 'l't ·\··•··m "hwlt m .• k•·, r .. , 1t1•11not z 1('1:1 ~ _ta k II l lt' rr ron . I~ _wa r t tmf>, '!1 1 I :11',\' :'.t'· 1111.,. ll ttrl prnlt•r•~ tltt• ft'''' mar 0 t untv J!' nect'~l':l rv: l'Ound m1htat'Y ~rcuntY. that 1~. kt•l .. f In p r acetime J can't think nf an~· rea~nn to drnp our • ~ .... l,JOO,ON uoo,ooe - lWncil~ Wh£'n the que~tinn of censor:-:hip ari:'('l'. Drew I Till' hll~ll' ,, "'''"'. rnnrhoclt•< = r , 'f h · · h' · · •It•· l.onc lk :wh ,.,," p, "'"''"'' ~ Par~on. e\·et1 1 e 1 ~ a~ tncmTrd a:-: 1:-: cntiC!' ~om <'-' "r•·~1 • 1"''" '"''' '"' 111,1,\'"'" 1 :! ~ time~ Sa~· he i~. make:' hi~ livi11l! recounting' What j!n(':' .,.,; 11 11h II • l' '" rnnv rtl II~ mnr;., 0 on in pri\'ate ml'etin~ in puhlic offi c('~ attended h.v ••r:tllllrt in '"' ""n ~p••ndtnl.! :o nrl ~ hl . J h . 1. th t ' · . · t f tl Ill .tf•Jilll'lltlon In ht< H\\11 p:~rtli' nu IC ~en·ant:'. t tnt\ e 1mc !s apn!·~pn a r or W ,,, i"" "''' lnrlt\llltt:•l ,.."" "'rtk•· l,IOO,ON -~' I ~~ I ~ T exa!' pre~~ to inform the pubhr n fftelal on the r e-.,, '"' h•·.trt .. r cnn .• ,, .. n """·rn· :-;pective beat!' th:tl \\'(' want the new~, all n f t hf' new s nto•nl r'IO ~t•l :tn I ':lmplo h\' and We WC\nt it Whf'n (IJ' h r fOr (' it h appf\11:'! ••N•nllmy on tl'< pnrl ltnd II\ fully • '' rl •m• tt ~ tnfl•t••nr,. fnr ltnlnlt r-"Rem ind them t hat what t hey cJ o i!' puhlic prop-r11pt o•oi anrf tn•r••:t'lnl: pr•otillrlt\'· r r t\·." •t, .. How California Veterans ~ay For Farm and Home Financing n tr\ 1nrn Itt•' ..,, r'\ 1~, ·n" 'r•t1 r ·n, mu~~ot ha\• r, ,., ,, •" tl hr nur h1• ,ft ... •·h:tr ~. ft •'"' t h . :, ... , h ,,, ,.fi, f th•n••l thlt t t•t1d t'lnn" T· •111 thr' •~ 11 \\ • 1ltl \\ or I • t, r •n ..,, , , ,,.,, 11111"' I t\1 ... I I' I I '" I.. 1)1 • . .,,.;,, .. ,..,. I \t fl f " flfll f t t• t t fl It • r t I\ • ,., f.,,,. q I '•· ., It • ·· • r It I . ''· 'I ! ' I• j .... II ....... ,, nrt I ',. r • .,,,h,.•r "' t1 t ' I ,. • 1 f "' ' • d·pqt,· •h· co.hn••••· ",, t .. ~-• ,. • f 1 •I t, 'I • rT• f:~ l I\ r 1 t•• ., I I .... ,,, I If ' I ' ' f" ,• , r , ..... , ,,, ~~ '11 ': ... ·"'·, "'" '" ......... . l ••• th• dr JIRrlm••llt :t~ un"lll.olol• I• 1 I pt~rdHt~•· tho• '' I• '''" ll tll f , I Ct\•• n a n uprwu '''"''' 1" "' I• ' .. th• 1 pr''f~rt\ =''• :tftJtr"''·'' r., , • "' h,., rh:.r1•• •~ nt:t<lt• I o\ If ,, r1 pnr•nvnt in ronn•'''''''" \\lilt'' J••• t•·rl pr"t"·rt \ J•un·hMr• J•r u\ '''''""' T ltr tloptlllrn•nl 1111o1 .tth I"' llrl tu hn1 f t,f IH'l t ll~tfdt 't •, I tf 'If• t,, <:; -.. .-, f,.r JI'H''~t't , • I "' rtt•· '" ~1 1 ·,on ,.,,, f+'"'"' ~~ I (Ill nt 1\ "'I'"' rn·•, tdd ftH''' 111 ,,,,,, ,, '"' :u._,.,,,, ·•rl ,,,., d I HH ~f 1h 1"'''"'''1 1}11 t. • t) \ ,.1'" ,.r "I ,.,~., .. r~ " ''I" f rl t•\ q,. rJ• 11·q ''',, 1 1 r .. ,.,, tt...... n*•' • ,, , 1 t1 't 1 ' f flo If I I If 't , .. , I J tl I ~ t I I Ill • • dlf f, r • r , tt , • f .. •I I I ' • ",.,, • . ·' , ' , t h '. \ . , ' ,. " •.,. f t 1 I l lu l~t ''"'"tlwr 1.' l'tl "rlrl \\ •t I I '' 1' If'' nu•~• t .. • n F111 lt1\. • n "" •'r ·1r•• t 1•• ,., "l'f•• r 7 1'11 1 nd I'~'I•W ,,, .I'"'· 11\ I l'lli .,,. , .• ,.It ,.... I r If'" I t ., • l.u·1· r ' • I ', •••• , t •I ,.. '.t I ' ' t • 'If I t r I I . • ' I •I , \' ,,, r' "'' •t'if f 1 t·· . 1, ., ,1 l , '1'' ,,, ', '*'•, , 1 ·~ 1 ,,, 111•01 ftt' oo( th1 plotf1 Ill' ,,.... I I )I tlon t•cl '" tn\ )"1 "'" II• "•t< ,, '"" ,,, 11 lr,•rn lh•• milt· ' or n,,, ·11 f••rr• ~ •tml• r r••n· ;nn~ nlhtt tlt:tn h••n•ll 1hl•• "' .-.r,•nunt of :dt• n.·u:•" Hf :.n" ,. nft• r .\pt t1 i . l !lli' tn tho• St 11f \\ ooilcl \\'nr 1, 11r ll ltrr •rrmlwr i' llllj In till' I'll~•· of ~\·nr TI I :'1 \\fill f!l' rfnrnlt cf mtlilllt~ du t) 11 h.tlo•l .. r <)r rt · I It ' '' \ \1 I •' I '' ''~ 1 t •' 1 1' .... , '1' t•• , li 4 I , •1•1 ,,. t '• •I n,.· ~ 11• ••" IM ,It • ••• t I I ttt\'h ii••IJ\'\1 '"· II• "'"'" ,,,., ,, ""''I'• "'"' rl ·, l oorn I''"'''" I t ,, ... Ill It· t·~P•I 'tlt l f 1 ,,, , 1 I ,.,,,,,tl 1''•1 .,, '\t~l t , •• , •• ,, I 11Ht1 ~· t h• ti·•·l·t ··I,,., tltflfo: ,,f(tf~ •)tol f•tt '1•0 ttf 'l'•'''t''• 1 f •f ftl ll tl 1 'ttUf ,fffll'-"'' IH"Idt h Hk tf1\•f I 'J · I,,,~''· \1 1' , .. t•l•fl .,, l lfl ,,,, m" '''"' u • '' "' ''''' .,, ····•u I· ,, 1 '., t"1,,, 1 • t• •t •I '' t~~" • , ,,,1 ,.,,~~ •• ,,,., ~r,,~,'" ,,1,1 ,,,,,,,,1 .,.,, ,,,.t .,,,,, , .. ,,, •"n nuuu'' ,. ' r "·" .... r\ ,, ,, '' 1 I Jt-J I I fl' i•tft If ffl,f ~I' tn If f•olilltf 'I' I • •I I •I I • II ttf lit f1ltJH1t 1/1 tl ., •I II t "'I I tllli l lf tt •" r t\ f,.t •1'1.,"'"''' t n H .. • ,, 11t pr''l"'' t \ '' I•, '' d , ... 1 • t' f'h rJ h\ n,, "'"''r .t l·h• '".:' q•hw ''"!'~ •·r •·t~•ir"'' ""·' ,.f h"n•1.oht• d1• • hart.:•• 111 1 • 1• ;,,, frt•nl 1 h• s• r. I I• """""'"'I ,,, ,., .. , ... ,1, Jf,,,,. l ''•t" ,, ... fiJ tlj It II,, ••• ,,,, '''l"''' f \.1 r nt•d tu :t t •• , I •'l"h rlv •lltnr-~•11t thl\ I • •'• of •ontl Mlt~JIHttt· lp tl••· ••r••n•••n ••I t1 • d.,,.,, •m· nl. t •J tn••c·l tit• n• r·rl" n( •It•· \ • I• 1 rrn ronrl Itt'\ l:tlllll~ 11• 11 fth~t •· ,,, .. rt ~lfh nf"r· --. ~~~~rr~:_ /J I I ~" ~ ~' 1 I .,, tll 1• ''I'' r I\ '•. In 1Ju ••I••· ·- j I . ., J II ll It I 1r1H'flt ,,, I" f \ '"' I II ,, ' ,,,, \ • ft I drl 1ft• I t 1 f ttfll \ It I I hftnn ttt t111 t• •1t11t • d 4 • I cl• ht .,.,. •1 .. ,, ·•· 'ru• rn IP •J• '' '''If ,, •111 1 tl \ of I'' '•J•• 1 '·. ,, , t, 1 • II ., qlllt ,,, '"•·· ,, d • ,, , '' t~· 111•(1 l u 11 ' ol ~ f f I , f 1111 I II f (l l " II" f•tt ''old '. ,, , f I ' • d 1.\ "''' tf• ul t I I I • .,, •II f 'II t 'I I,, • I ''I'' ,,f It'll ,, d I f• tl,, '-•\\f~>~•tf l'f t•h •'f ti Hii'• ,, ; tot d ltu •" \1 1tt u·• t 'I \1 ft •1ft l.t "' ,, . t ( ,, ,, '''"'"' I l\ I t ..... tddl it lflt I liH I I I I fit, I.' d ,,, q ,. I • I• f•''''"' , '''"'" llu 1 tttl u l lit~ ''•'' "' hd I I I I I \ •• I "' lilt \ ~ .. •••••• ,, ,,, 1f t• I• I•'' !f•l • '·"" \t lf1• tflit ftfl tl lf11 Ill til t'•. I •'••I th1t tf,, rl'llllfut •+I fu ltl I d• I..._ Ill+\\ f" tltllhl ft •t '' I \ Ill '" IIH • """'''''·· ftl• I II" Itt•• II t•dll••d lu ll lkl,ol 11,, IH\\1"1 I, .. '' .. .,,,1 "" •H•1 111 HI'\\ II .lh· ''''"filii\ ''I"''' ft, '''"'IOU• If.• "t\\ '''''" It' •••• I \,,,,, I ·I dtlr lfU' t I • I ,,, 1•·11 I ••I l'tl i 111 l111 lit• 1 I U'''"'-' ,,,,"" •••• fiiJIIil•• I ,., ''" l •lJr lflllf "' tf I"-\t tt 1'-lfiUi t f I • til'•· ""' t.~. '·Ill• I I I .td• Itt lht !\. \\Jtltf t ,t t' . , rul .,r tfu f'r •II-. I '\t h tfh I \tllf thl ,, "' ,. 1•·1 1 ,.,,,.,11 ""'" flfl f tlt , •• , It ' lh "''\II I I ·~eru, • tl,• ,, ,, ,., . ,,, '' , ...... \ I,,, ,, II ,, I I""'"""~~ ,., .... , f, ••. ··~ t ''I'''' . II ,,, I' ' tftl lfl •• \ ""' ' "I "'' I t t t • I I' Ill I,,., f I •• f ,, ',,,, II I" ,.. I I \Ill' ·'· I f t• ,..,,,,,,, trtd ''"""'"'' d1 •l••r• .,,.'I I I I If I,, • I •I ,.,,, • .~ l'i•ttl I ,, " "I'" ···" ' . '·It '''''''" . ,, .• ' •• ,,, ,,, I'' t ,,, f I ,,. , • I ' I I .. f " I ' ' , I• t j I , I ' ~ I II ' ' ' I ' ' " I 1 t lj, io ,,1 • l or ''If ft !ll\ \ • I • ' • ,. t ' d I•' fl• fl j I "" • I ''" •• I I ' ,, , ". 'I . ... q •' ,, J• I •• ,,,, ,, I •' • Before You Build or Remod~l \'Wt nur LUDLUM .............. L ancl 1•ln.n nint..: nl'l". c"lffll•rl'llt'ft~· .• rul llnolt .. Jm . I"'· sf'" ·k r,f • ·a q •. , q Carpet Works 1!:. T. Butt.erworth, 0. n. t •pwmo-trtal IU'JICiit EXAMINF.H I.JtN"JtM UIIJ•LICJAT&D _......,_......,. .. ............. _ .... ___ ,, ····-· ..-..oa COAST OPTICIANS ,.,. r-..... ._ ... -,._--., .. ...._,..,..... ,...,. ~~ oa-...._.,.., .._.... ---.. ...... - E. u n n ELE. OpcJdas DA~ 8CIIOOL Mortimer School ... o.r-1 A-... .._ W. DAY IICIIOOL NOW OP&N .... --~~· .. .._ .. ~- H. E. Stickler, M. D. ..., ........ ......... ... w. ( ... tra] Offleltt ''='--~ "' I ftl.ll Conrad Richter. M. D. Prt.nt lloun: ...... a · II 11.. ....... ,.. -....... ,.. ~ w. Olstr.l ,....,. ..... ............. N &wrc.-r ft•IIIIOII Vft'UIWA.a~ INMI'n'&L ..._ ~. D.V.II • .... 0 ....... 1 D.V.II. Jlna. 9 -) Dally, IIK'I. Bun. • .,. a.&. .. _ .,... OOttTA lfUA " ......... ..,., .......... Plmnblng Contractor FIXTURES AT RETAIL SINKS, Vitreous China, Double WATER HEATERS, Standard Brand $25.00 $52.50 T oileh, lavatories and laundry Trays FLOOR FURNACES INSTAllED AMON WEST PLUMBING CO. -J•lu•n., llarhnr II~ - 2607 ( ~nt n.l ,\ ,., •. Nt:WI"'KT IJF.AOII BAYVIEW L-UMBER CO.· llarfNir M l-It . . " . . . ...-. ;:;-::::--- : SAM'S SEA FOOD SPA.A .. Roast TURKEY I'IUY.U CHICKEN $150 St:\\ \ Otch ( I T STt . \h \\ IIOI.t. IUCOII.t.U LOUSTt.IC • , I ' 'It ~ , I I IHCOII .t :U ...,\\01011'1"'11 ~·r·t.\K I'ICit.H C 0\IHI' \'1 10~ S l·. \ I 'OHit Fltlt.ll ~111;1\11' '1.:"141 H.\I,IUJ\\ 'I ICO I 'I' llul ~lin•••· 1'1•· "I tit Hr1uul.\ ~aw·•· "' .... ,.,... • • .... , ....... ,,, Sam's Sea Food and Fi~h .\1 arkt•t Spa f'hottll'": l 11nte "''"' It ~Ill 711, KII'!·IMI 101111 II'! I 11,1 ~·!.;-.11 ~·! . .".11 . 1 . .-.. 1 ,.. 1 . .-... s t:;:-, ·:,.,n, ' ..... t '"..:'".," t '''"' "-'•' n •. .,,.., ,,. I :.--· Sand Crab IContlnuf'd from Pae c 1 I P 8 NEWPO&T BALBOA NEWS-TIIIB8 ~ag;::e~;;;;;;;;;;;;1T~~E8DA'f N-'20!! BNc-ll ('a.llf. ~ ... Jl, INA [11,.. 'ltltllt:A ~ Stock Market ~~l~i~,,;:;i,~~ ~;~.~(' (~~,,c:,:.~ B, "H rrcH" At a Glance Ut('(i iUld agt'('(.'(l to Slh'h a n _ : l'Xlcnl us wa.' n: .... ~Wt\.'<.1~ lo You sho uld ht' \'('f') mtl'rl's tM In Am Tl'l At Tl'l 1511'• proclut'' the IHtrmon y of pur- an ad~ntuN" at !14'" IAat Friday, Canudlan Pnnru· ~~~~ pt)N• whtdl l'"'ti-, indh-:tiPS •-~"''·"-" ""----'---J. A. tl«k'~ Dupont th;tl "e h<tvt• no "lwtch c.>l " Mhy.U.J.LI6o \..LilliiJJUUUU •• , CA-ru-rnl Motors s:n.. I II t )'amt CALPANlA. '"''h<'reln two Goud~car ·,~ tu hury . hill r a t wr "' '''' -n Marly l011t lhelr IIVt't . 11nd 11 h EtVt• ":o.~nok,,.l I ht• p1Jit' of ••-Kl'nnr>N'Itl 4~o "'-f thlrd Ia crltlcally InJured Sean~ . :tl~. Jll":lC'f'" In tht' intl't'fosl ~ <> II Slt'Cplne JX'ACW'fUII) In th(' cabtn S(o Chi F'.A1t .. on :!1\Ao unitNI t•rfql' r .... :t lug~···· ot ttw-fiaherman EAR TIPF: WIU Srontlltrll Otl ~lo.-1 anrt l••lfo•r :"\o•\\ pnrl I l:ti'IKII' aklppcr and Olll'n1•r F:d Ktn.:. lind l' S Sr1•el 7:1~. 1111' fal'l tha t, :I', \ttll -.t.llt' •1th h im a young unknnwn. but "noll lin g n o•\\ h,1, 't• 'f'll p1~·· wn' brAVo• 17·)'1'&r·•'ld llul TillS ..... ntNI 1111 lh;• polrl to·al pl:t l· .... u about '"" d ll)• 111(0 nurln~: [ OBITUARIES ) thf' niltht Kins unAccountably ftll'nl tha t Ita -. 1111t and '' 11111 awc*e alllll found quit<' an amoomt ~ ,.. l.tt•ing ll'tt'(l It\ tho"'' Ill !ttl· ot w atrr In hla cabln--al~l I h11r i 1 \" -.11111 lid lo · 1111 tll'l 1'1'· W11111 hl$!h. lit IIWAkeno•d tho• lAd Al.t"RI':U 1':. l.t':Al'tl 1'4'111 in •I Itt • pfrorf•, Ill thto, and In mnkm~: preparations to Funcntl s••n tl'• ~ "f·ro· f"tonohto 1•••1; 1-:l~tiiJI tn .wt ttlllJih"h t hat a bandon th«' E BR TIDF:, allppMI SatuN'Iny In Cn•u••l murturor) whi<'h , t•illwr throug h l;rd( and ft'll ('Milt !'-11'1111. lo} Ito•\. J "~ ,. fl /ol of JII~IJo'l' pn...,.•lll:tfiull Ill .Anacape .11 a wild. wrird. ru~:~e...O 'fhomt•~tm, for Alfrt•d 1-.lun~: l.o•IH'h II . •I ·t • 1 , 1• , lllf'l'\\ j~· rock, ~ with 1'11<'11!8, 1\nd 55, t•l ~1'1 l • lltlltlilloon S t . I ·.,~,,. )I 1 1~ 0 1•1 1 • 11. 1 • • • with t~mnR C'lltfa whlo'h hll\'t• Meu. "hn d iN! Thu~da) In 111 thn-:.~ tn ,ott thn n l\' h .l\o' '11 ~ rrodcd In to lov<'IY 11011 wo-QMI:t' ('nunty hu~pll .ol tofto·r II llrlo 'I fill' fHi lt'(l ,,, :II'I'IIIIIJIIb.h. t~U(' form!! toy t he Ct'lllh•u 81'"-lllno·,. .. l nr.·rntt•nt "II• Ill "''"' I :till l't'lllltldo•d u( a n 1'\· Thf' sur&C" tn th0tl4' wa ters is ron· 1 mtn~to·r pa rk. r••rir•no•o• tof "'' 11\\ II \\ lnh• ald~rahll', 11nd tht> turf grt'nt :\lr l.t·ul'h, """ lo.oll ll\•·ol til ..,..1'\·rn~ 111 :a lo1.;t,..l.tll\l' l~e11 l.'. f'nou~h to C'AJ'IIy drown n m11n.I C'usra !\fo•"''' (oor ••·\o'n ·''"'•· '' ()rtt• 11f llttt 111-.tl'id-. \\:ts r't•j· "I"" lad had this In front of hlrn.l stlr\ t\t•d h) IWO lilt'\''''· ;\l.ou•l• I~ "''lllt•d h) o1 H'J') JO\ ..Jhh• a lao hit unCOMCioull JkiPtlf'r. Mr :\lit) lu ld . oonl1 Mn• < :i'l!C'•' M•~t.•.l> · , ott\ i ri'll:hTTr.tn r:-mwft .lt•r'l'~' Kln.a. SUpplnc a dlnllh)' ln~tht .lla:Lil J.ILCool,l .. M-n lltl\\:ml, loons.: ... uw o• g nno • l oi 1oey watetw~anag< l<lm«'hnw I 1 1 • 1 I' 1 111 to paddlt-v•lth hll ha.rr hnnds ttnd t"R ,\SKLI' I' \fC\IY.It ll:-11'\\ ·"' · •"< ·'"' ' Itt his chl1rl:l' to II t; s ('1),1~1 Fr fillkltn J llfl•' ,\1 h llllh I, '" :'ott I .I•·IT~ "'"'111'~' \'t'l \ Gullrd hont tt•mporarlly &no·hon -d ol ::.-1!1 1 1..,1., :"11<,, ,,,, (',,,,,1 tlllll'h <'''"'~·rrH~I \\ llt•tli'\J,'I' I near Anacapa Lhcht. !\1tos11, •h•••l !'until\ 111 ""'' o ,\u .• ,,,.,.... '" 'l"',th •111 ·"" 011'·'' 'nll' u s. coo~ I Guarrl ru•hl'(l t'•tllllll\1111'' """I'" •I .oil • I ttl • ' lll't' Ill \\ hi• II lw \\ ..... llllt'l'l'''- Nr Klnlt to Vo•nturll hf>!C('lltlll, t•·n•l.-1 tlln•" ,\ "'''"' ••I lo 11111 • o'fl l tiHI ·"""'' -.p r:op" Ito Jn.; W!w-re ht• noW ilr·• lrt II l'I'IIIC'fol "'1', 11•• ""' lt'l llotl .onol It til "'"' (t-.•1 \\II II tho• lllqt lll'~ ",\1'1' condJtlon with ronrt~Uiton oof thl' 1n tlu• ·•~<·h '"' :If< 7' "" '"" fur "' .1 •ut-.1 rrw"' I brain ACT' JJ D W Phllhl'• .,f ~~~ 1 ,,1111, r 1, '"""''" lo> t11 rn~t•ht 11,k '"'' ~1 1'. Fditnr. SolromAr, CAlif l"nl'llr ('ypro•n "II•· ;\I""" '"'' rl.ott l'l••• "· \!1·• ;11 ,.',\'1111 •·n 1•· Ill' ;t• rn-.1 II,., .. Canyon" I, akif>l"''" 11nd nwnN 1•f :-,·1 .. 11111, f101pi.111 ... 1 (',..,, o \I, .. , • 1 J a conllt'rtf'C'I I c· \' P und ht• Nlm :oil rtt·o·r 1' ~ ~ 1011il Mr,. l.to 'tJo ~. 1111011 o•l ~tool o J!A l 'JI~' \SJ JTI 1\: penlon l~~>amC'd ot "" thl'. ui!'O I hilt ' • 1 1 • • KJ h d t I . . i\1111, ...... n. l.\01 • It ~ ollllt I Ill !fiX Jo' (';·n tr:tl ,\\t' ng a aJ)<'n 110 If 11n liTTl<•unt l'v!>IA M··~, 11 '"'' 1. \f,._. \ 1111. • • • . • ..• ot moftf'y In a ni'W motor for t hl' \••nllrt•n nf Ml"•~•rl " 1,,.,111,,1 • I. 1 fo.d t"••l•• \\ •· h.t\t l.tkt II EBR TIDE. Th" EBR TIP E had c F' orm• r .,1 ,, " r .. rk .ttttl ,, ,,11 tilt' ll l•·r·t~ l n 111'1'1'1 :'\lr· A,Jt. IN'anw1illc-drlft<'Ci 11nd JZon,. ""'Wikltllctro n ll<\ 1• 11 \l.otrtn ton'.;lt•llo•t•intllt''l '"'~·r'l:~tl­ uhorc, on A narrow M ntly l<'dllt', I)U-'Itlr of lll\'.SU tlllh lln y Arh·l'nt-'ln rly a lln l\o'(f l ht• f11ltn 11111 · rM'U'Ir a t~od~ol UAJ~CAif--"' dtun·h "r ('"''" M,.,,, '""l ion s nf lons.:·l tll\1' :"\o•\\port ablf' rodt and eactua tower rd <oono1u,·t funt•rlll ~to·l\lo· .. • ,,, 11 tl<~lll jt oOITlll li"t a nrt fOI'll11'1' t'llitnr abovC" the ltr&ndcd .. F.BD TIOF.. to hi' tml'lllltnt'l'rl luto•t· l ttl••rm•·nt n f lh~ N t'W'·T imt•' ~.m r'~J~'; ~=peruon In the wrll ht· '" \\'•• ... rmtn•••·l ~1•·rnnnul ;\11'\'t'f' 1 Itt• l,1dn b l1• C1<lh --.i.... · 1. __ ,._ tJwo W'tll«'l lind 1J11rk "llh .1 ~.ont,t Atht 1111111uur} /\JIJ.11"1l~ 11f ;\11'. J\.;htn n '.; ,.. ..... pt y ,......,. arranat<mtnlll t o '" dmrl:o-•-... . .. · 1 aalvaat what Ulf'y could tor Klng, l t11sl fliiN>Iton , 11 m 1~ht ~ ~Uy that br and rww ~naln<' "Wtll "''our :\lt~rriltl:r Llo~t~ •• , tinH•Iy to n~nin ~1.\' tha t thP In dotnc thla, lM liMa drar&Jnr llow A<'l\'nt'<' clln l'''"ht·t 111,, Mil'· Oflin inn~ I''P rr"-'l('(j hy tht' from tM EBB TIDE wrff nut r<'l• ror filllur«' Ill n n Olo r oa~:••' llo·flrt ( :--.lt-ws-Ttmi'S c·olumnb ts do notAofcl, and In marwu\lf'rina r!OII(' nhout Dr F:rm••t w """""'J> , ,.. n o t n(l(,,~.;.'1 rily N'nN ·t I hOI'l' r ~· (0~~ <'OUpll.' nf lh<'1tC' h1W'11 \t'llllnl: Ill )l'ltf "11111\ 10! I Ot.Mtl 11f lhf' roitor o r pUhlis h('r, .;:,.. ~~; now~~~~~~~= rouplf-c 1ont1111~ ltnlllllnl:l> ,.1·t·ur.ot•·r11'~' Snnd C rab n 'm a ins un- prop. the moft they wc-rv-wlnctw-d fort'C'ut• Jr'" tn Tho· Anwru·an C'\'OSOn'(l and tntall~· nhl<' to into ahor'f'. Too Ill(' they r~aiiV'd Wo•t•kl} thftl ~o;rf'IOI lllA~ItliiH' tlt!C l:tk(' f';tl'l' or him~lfl . thdr tracfdy. and they w C' n I trlbuh-d with ttt'lil Sundtty'~ Lt~~< I ~ and butlt a driftwood flrl' An~tt'INO t:umlllr r B•• \\'t~o· ,\d,,.rth;l' In the rodca wtt.h thf'lr boet hlrtt -------------------ud dry, and 1 rft'lf'dlnr tid('. Acr m . n.e OaJpenla. W1th h«'r -.pr cnw of t.hrft men. Ed- .,... """" dkwl mP-r. and the wrl'-w.ft noe1nc aklnc ANI- ..... ~table llhoftt ln a toe a..t s.~ marnlna. tVhm a ....... ... ~t'ftd. llnt.nded Mhoft lnatde thf' poundlnr aurl. On board thf' Calptlnia ~ at.o lin. W altf'r H itchman. wlft' of the writer. and MIM IA!a 1"r~r. •tf'r ot our ·~'PPl"' 'nll!w two ..... lndclentally, had. durin& t.tw IUbeequmt twf'nty-four houn t.tw f"JJd ted tlmel of their II ves 'nw thre. Calpenla mc.on nl*'d wartb illtlhc:Jft wtwft frantiC' tilt· aall w.ft lfw1\ ''for a liM." A brfnd MW 1.000 foot two-Inch tnw ropp wu brokm out ol ttw-laz- afttte and M«'f'k, In our pln t-s i7A'd, dlnchY. took quit• a bf'atlntt (and cas-bini) ln l'f'ttln.a throu&h tht- awt. 8Kiurfd to the L.C V.P. (and ......_ Uhoftl tlw Calpanl•'• twin ._.. rtanta took the l011d and the tow ~ parttd. Tht-tow line w•• JabortcMaly N"turnrd to ttw-\•1- pania. carefUlly l!llllotd. and ~mt bKk to tM L.C. V.P . Wt now h11d to walt for anothf'r tid(', and nood wu a t niM that nllflt. We watt about the ahlp'a wor k . atr or slr rt until nltrht , malt'hH, roffM', llnlt • nuhlll{ht hAd IIIN"IId,Y ho'C'n "'"' uhoft. Shrnalt •f're' arranl{('d. s• W. could IC'C' nothinl(, nnr '')\llfl l • W. Mar. At 9 p m .. lllttnllls from ('0 \' NTY:ki'OI NT tM nuttllght cam~ fmm shon•l JLAN('Iff'R \ and Wf' how our hook. StrAin '"""' takm a.nd Trem()('r t'U<'d In 11nd eut ott ~t ()(.the t rf'mt-ndous JIO'"T of the twin diMII'II' Thl' 11M t..ld and t.ht> L.C.V .P . wM rock~ off and In thirty mlnUtl'• 'Ill(' had her alon10:s idl'. In d('('p wat('l'. 1lley had temporully rl'pntr<-<1 holf' In lhtlr huU u biR 111 " mf'!On "I""lr propellc-r WII!J all ch<-wN1 up. Wt alood by ttw-m All nl~ht, and at dawn. •1th an lnCTf'a.sln~; wind. -h<wt' lllon.,ldl', ~tavc­ them our famous tow1n~ llnr , And towed thtom into Port Hucn<'l'flf', tR mllea distant. 1lw Calpa.nla !'f'IUI'l1t'd to Ne-w- port Harbor last Sund•y nl.:h t Tremper laid "No llliiiiiRe WRI eAf'd, and none wu ten&-rt'd." POINT AMN. M~ MEETINO Open ~linlt of tht' Blllboa Pfttlmul11 Point Community U · IOdation Is lt'ht'dulcd for J11n ~. 1;30 p.m . at th<' homf' of W . 0 . Smith, 1511 MiramAr Orh·c. Bal- boa. All property owner~~ and resl- dmt• ol the penii\Jiula •r~ urged to attf'nd. Be Wise -Advt>rtlM Carta Feed Store Hay ant! Grain Quallty Feedl ~·-...., ...... , ., __ ..., ..., ,_,_. ..... OOftAID&t priced ot only 7.95 Glovf'-soft ('Jkskin sandals for ('as ual lllCIIllr'llts n n". aoo fur months t o l'Otllt~. Sm:u1. nath'ring. l':t~1 tal and w o nck-rful w twn <'Xdting thin~s Ht't' ;tfl~<ll B~1th h rl\'<' t rnditionnl C'o hblt'r t•mftsm nns hip. \\'hrlt• nr "'ru I"('( I. S i7.('S 4 t n )\I ... . ~. H net l\t. '""' h~ "Center lor Cottons" 303 Main Street OMMERCIAL Low Cost-Strong Permanent MORTARLESS INTERLOCKING BLOCK CO. I Uta Harbor Bh'd. COSTA MF.SA PboM Bearoa M89-M Balboa 1 News-Times Los Angeles Reader In oq Carbon Monoxide Discussion Local Women Golfers Win SCWGA Play-Off Boorey & Poirier I :.>:..HJ :'\ n roudway l..t•~ AnK<'I<'I 12, c.Jtf Jart :!5, l !l-,18 l••·lol tlh' tmt· tnt·h output of thl' "'"" • 1 '" 1 1 lll<'h in <•rdo·r ltJ ''·•'" ,, mt•lt'r 100 PEa CENT FINANCED e F.H.A. TE&M8 • ~ a-A a.&a. • 0.,.... -.vt.ed to um.c q....ten • n. ...._._ A llletdeL • Aaabt Ia plu•'•' lJDIN'O•-*-1 .\lr .::om I o l'ttrlt•r. Publl.ahcr ;\(•\\ ,_ l'tmo ·•. :1111 I \V C'l'ntral '•"I~••' ll•ooo•lo f '11hf lol 'ont: ~~~·t·d .J)( m ilt·s ('l('r hour ', a11· ont rod ut•t·d : l"arho n nw o. ""''' tt'lll tuy OrMtl 3A',L au ""'~"" • rl lrom1 hlowl'r: f'h rhi)n S11n111 Ana Country d ub nf the E.as tr m division ...,on thl' playoff for the Southl.'m O tlifom ia Wo-men:,. Golf lltiOCttltion tl.'nm Ch1U'n- pionshlp y<'Stt>rday nt P oJO!> Vo•rdrs (I'Om lltvi£'m C. C. or tht• l\1ctro- pnlitnn dlva..ion 6 1., 111~. l(o :.!•,. REMODEL: Increase Income I•·" :\It ,.,,.,,.,. !""'""""'' rC'O t lhy MIOf'll Suf••t y . At 1!1• '11.;1!• 'I IIlii tof Mr J I' \i•PII ltll'o l lt'l~·o·tnrl () 12'·:. I,.,, 1111 \1 "" '1M•~•· to yuu Sat. 'J lth 1 .. ,.1 11,1,111 d lo~ U!"' tof lorak~· 111 t•CIIoltn..: """ arttl'll'll on carll(\11 1 11 ,,.1.,1 s1.,.tl .,1 -:7 mtl.-.s 114.r "'' ""' tl• lo '''' "' lit tntf'rnal C<tlll· '"'''' "-u ''" lntr·tl(,lut'o•rl C'arhon lot;•lo~on "'"'"'· I nrn OftCIOIIing 11·•·11"""' ol 'lll lloy Orsl'l' 911'; • It• •· '"'" 1111 ••ri;-tto~tl olupllcatt t'" ,, 1 111,.(owo tJ rrolm hhl"o·r · (',1r. Jolt• """' .. 1 I• ''" romductC'd h~ . t,,., "''"''~t•lr• 1('0 1 thy :\lotu•s '''"'" I '''' 1\ 1 ·., uf l..os Ang.·h·~ -.• It t, \ppl1ano·o• Ht·to•(•t(Jr) nunc "" ' I• olo "'' t( tlt•\'ll'oi which \\3• \ ll•lllt',ol•lt umount of Slllll RC· •Jtl•lo• •I tu .. n tntl'rnnl rombuauon 11,..11,,1,.11 1111 1h1• shanktnl! tuht· tfl'lllt ·n .. o•unlt•ntll 'or the r• •• ,,, .. o ·\hloll~l tJi llil'l 1•••• "I•• .. k lor thom~lvea. I r is t '" '" llt•l•ll th,ot o•~trhon mono,ool•· llJ 0 J.:• II• l •tl• tl it} tnlt rn11 f <.'OmbUS IHin 1 ,f ore n ''''~'""'' Iii'''' 111 In I h e elthhlb l 1{, b M •d I I'•"''' f'lon loo• l't•tlttl:c'd to zero. ·nv ar on onoxt e "nlo r "looo hrts mrtdt> a l tU<h 111 l'h• "lll•J••·• would II<' pit'~'" q',.ttltrtuNI frnm P <U{C 31 t111111•h ~1•11 \\ltlo rony othl•r inllll · •I•" ton Ill•· \\d olho•r· s uit•, Bo•ll<•r Ill ,, IIIII tf '"" III'Siro• II. ·' Iiiii• 1\'o•t and ll8rl•. I ;\I t\:-\ Tl-:!lll)l.ER \1 lu .. t '":ns ur tnllllOXtclo• l.rn···•. ••I'• n up, or Itlll'r cuurSl', ICI':l'URT •I I .... "· k··· LJ L'liUIJllllt'tll ....!0 j!Oud Ill Ill I onl•tqc.• "'" h YOJ![ ~ .... orit.~t!"" nrriM' .-nrily luo\ In!! I!Ur • ''"'"" ,....,. l'romlowto-d lt'SIS, &>pt. r11 1 otll" tt'lo•(•llun• on t~rdrr "'''' ol ''"· r .. , .:7 IHI7, una Oorl~tc road,lt•r 0 ;,.1n~: fttrt lwr to1 prt•\'o•flt 1111~ 1 "'"' • >'\,111111•·• .•• 1!1:.!3 mud(' I, l'n.:on• o1, 111ol . 11 111~ 1 ''''" h1• w;o~ rlr}. ..... "·-t 17 I· q, "''rl' conduol• •I I,, k otll' "'"I'" Ill'''· llllllllnt.: t ho• "'''' dou,• lot ~1.onol1ord Olt'tlo••l' '"·'"'' I'll"'~ ttp htl;lt alom~ IllS '"" ,.,. r .• l .. tl.olt-11 IIO'ItJw. , · .,.,, 11, ln •• ntl•tl 11.on,om \'t•o II • ul•l• • I nl !lot• lt-sl Willi I•• ol •tl otut' ·" lt:ol orol-. ontl un~•·fl h<totl · •, llltttlt '"' ·'lll"llnts of cml•·• '"'" ""' ''' "·"''. ,ll.ott-1' on lllltl- "u•fHt\ld • fit lf11 t•XhuUtt ~ '"'' dl•· nf 1f tHI'ttfl 1, ll\lf tn tlfU' 'Hit' \\t,. •1 Hu ""''"' ur••rulc._ n orna,l•\ •nd ' t u 0111 (tun• hq11l ;L' pn .... •ttol \\It• II 110 " trtlrOOII{'l'll 11 tl•l t1 • :t ltth lol '' olo· ... ·rtbf It bf•l"" II 11(" 1 "111111111 II 11(1 It,\' Sa\ llot.: \\1 • 11 •11 "'"~ lnlrudurf•tl '"'' 'lit•) h ''' o· .• ll.·ol lh• 111 ,rook I'"'" ·1, 11 11111 .. 1t1 111 Aemr hlt~ll•l 1 .. 1· \• 1r'. 1 111 1 r~1111; 1n t.ok•• tho o 111 •• '"''of I•\ I' II F lit. fl••••· lonk ""' ••I th• I" I 1 •IHt•r•• !It ltotl ~··t hol No. 6i71't TIJ, J)tlll• r '""""''"II nw••IIIIV ..;1/t '\,. Ill \\1" ll•••d. Tiw Air II I' oll••nrlt r! h)' 57 l~tl.tl •o\\llt'I'S ;tlltl •nlt••l'l" <I It• tho• I'Xit Of , 11 It ho II \\l\1 ~. h.otl ,,.., l.:llo''\li lltll't' ''' • • '" ''''' I o ,.,,, a 1 Inch 11ut-\ "ltln~-t ''"ntm:ondo '"'· ("umno.our l• 1 , 1• r ••f ,.,.. lol>~'l "l ', rtnd furtht•r r•·· l lllt~o·ll f rom lito• LAJ~ An~:l'lo's ohto, •I '" '1 mt•h T hl' total \!II q1111~~n Lan) .\lcll<Jw.-.11 frnm l llllu "' .111 tnl rodu~ was 1 ; l.1i'Oi: ll··;or h .onol H. <: n, ... d from o tthll I• ,., 1• r rmnutl'. The iolhru: .,,,ntn :\loollH'Jo < 'untntftrulo-r lllll~t·ll 'l••tl "' lloo 111••lor was~ molt·' ond hts wtfo· '"" fl~t\\n Croom ~1111 1•' l;;,.,r l'ho "olumt' o f air J•W I'• tlroo tn tlh tr •·rutl>• r ''' lilll'nd l •lllt~ol It\ tlo• llltoW<'r wu do•ro r-•h• m•'olllll: ,11 \\htr:h Bart llo•nc1••r- ""'" d '" 1 t'(!ltPin~: the air lntnkl' sun, ll>l':tl <'Omm.mdl'r, pn'sido ·c1 Rhodes Mid-Winter Regatta Set For Feb. 21-23; New Trophies Seen Rhvth ' t•lall~ :\lttlwlnter Rc~·'"' \\'hllo• 1~ o•XJlt't'ltlll: tu linn~ nlun~o; •~ ~oo·ho•<lul• <1 (nr Fl'hruary, 21, :.!:!, un ull wt n r t'l't'\\ "hwh "ttl In· .::1. 1 · .. n,·t•t .. ,. \\'urfll'man . autll'l't dudl' Go rdon I lolrvmb. "'••ll known '""' , , r• tan ~>nttl today.. ~ttn f rant•t•<'<J ~ntlmakt•r. Juo.• :\h'- 1-'tr..t ll'am Rurh Mt'<'ullough-1.-nu,..•· W«')'ll' (RJvil'ml tiN"I, :\htr- l:lln•l Bu~hunl -I'!Jlt·tcia Jo:mi~o)n t~ A. I !•,.t •. J>l-" S{'('()n/1 rrnm -MN Pau l Ha ll . :\1 n., l'l'rry llnpkin~o !S A I dt•f. MN:. Shuho•n.:.a .. -. Whlto· tRivlo'rnl:.! fl'"· to I pt. ·n ut'fl lt'«m M n;. V1Vi«'n F:lliut- Mrs. Ma rion Garibaldi IS.A.l drf. Mr'. Rt-dftl'lfi·M!'l. Mon..• 1 Rl- llio>ral 3 pi~ to 0 (lRtl S U\' \\'IU, PRORATt:U Mrs. N('llil' l\lam• Grundy, 924 ()Crnn 11\'('nU!'. No•"T.IOrt . wn,. lt>ft lhl' l'~lutt• oC f>r. Got•don M. r:runrly, loc·nl dt~~·tor who dit-.J ()o-.' 16. Sh,. u~kNI ~UJ)t'rinr <'llllrt fm• prohll1<' of Ute will, li~~~ · · i+'O-'W'OT'thl n ~xws." of s 1 o.oon Mesa ~pholstery Harry McKee 2850 Newport Blvd. Co8ta MeA& CABfJ\t'"ETS 101 Coul Hlcta-y ooaosA DEL MAR BUILDERS Harbor UH or Uti., ' Chrysler Marine Engines Direct Factory Distributor *fr* SEE THE New 20th Century Models • Ace • Crown • Royal M-!~9t b.p. l\1-!7-115 b.p. ***-Service and Parts Available at All Times *** Kenneth E. Wilson Co. Chris-Craft Dealer 925 Coast Hiway Beacon 5271 Seli It Throug-h Classifi ed Advertising oooas SCREENS WINDOWS STERLING CABINET & CONSTRUCTION 5363 l·.ntrnnts (11r th<' Regatta \\ttl I Alrl'sc ~tnd Frank \\'ll!!~o·r. th<• tnt - run n prl'luntnnr y race February l£'r two t11•tnl: tnp Stnr loo•at sktJI· 1550 Newport A...e. I I, ho l(onntnl! at 9 a.m . off thr li·X'~~r~s~f=ro~n~l~S:a·~":_: .. ~·r~a~n~{'~t:S~(.'O~I~l=a~y-~~~~=~~~~~===~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ VoWe Dalton llnlhon Yao•hr Club dock and - ftntshmg lnstdl' the Loll An~o:~·lo'S "1'11r:ht Club nnc'hOrA~tC. T h r Rhodl'!l ~latlon pt'r- petual trophy w\11 tx> rtvcm thl' Wlnnl'r or thea ra{'f' A pcrpo'tual troph)• for thf' Win- nl'r of tho• Southt•r n Cnllfornln "(lid\ I In!( ll.~footll'lll I IIIII l:hlomJ'IOnthip has llf'<'n dnnatt'd b)' Bob AUen, "ht• <lltl~ T G ~h•·n' numbe-r :..~1 i\lsn In tlw nl .. fon~ for ttw- ~('"''A. Mtflwonto'r Rl'l!fllln and fur th•• ~·""'' r unrt i.Hhtor I lay~- 1!111 tns :trl' nthl'r trnpht•·<. \Vurdc-- m:tnn hmt<•ll Fnr 1 Ions(' "hn tlu nm plan on rnmpt"ltnJ: •n tho 1'1111\lnl:-to'gatta. tnwm~: ts IH'tnl! arr.ull:o'fl Both rhnll•· thnl 1\'tll ront.•r th• tilt'(' and thll"'' t11'~u·tollll nr '"'' 1n1: should l••:t"' t hi tr n.lm• ' '"' h t hl'lr sec- rt•t nr)' II tc r"'l'"r"ol 111111 tt l leut un(' ntnn h•· 111 •'•ll'h lw•11t towt'd :1nd I hill !'ll!'h 1Htlo1 lw 1 'I !lipped 1 \\llh r:••"l ln\\ hnt·< SfiTF."4; M nn\ ool \'0111 IU'e r~wuro· 1 1t:11 1\tll I tnt! " a well knr1\\n lblho"' St,tr l•··ot '·"lnr and "··· "follo·•l "" o·r· \\ till nl~ny of llw fnct south~'rn t'nltfornia 6 ru,•lr,, f••r '-•·\•r~•1 '' tr' C.oorge Flo 11/ \\" 1\\t<'• ""'''! ohompion 111 th•• S• 11 o 1."' .uul tldlnllely olo'llltlllqt ltlt rl !hal lh' \\til bt> I l••ll•r tn rh. l >l~t•l' ..t,~, when, , "'' o·pt (oor .111 • n"' '" rnundJna I ,, nHerktT, h•' \\ ,,, • 1 t '' n• .,r tht~ '"I' ttl thr• t ,"'"''" • I!• · tl la In • t• h r to • ol thooq h 11 " \\Ill thl' ft r<l 1111\t' l11 It 111 1 I• o '·"" d lh•' I•• ot H""' rr ,I \\ lol•· n. 1 to bc- "'11('1" r1 11111t "" 1.,. ot .l lloh<'r t \\ h o I• . toll no t oof '\ • .'•' It IS n.'- o•otolh 1••11•11•"'' \!,.,.,:.,, :-:rark'll I "" :\'• 11111 II.~ ''''1'1• •I lu•r In Sun 1·1 '''"'"' ' ''' •' ,,,, ''111 h<' 1 ho• (,r q "' ''I •' ""I• •I to tw- 1 o'·•~I HII••d•' f>• • 1 ""I ' I• ntuolly • , t ,,,, t ") 1 h tn •' , '"' ... ,n,~ in· 1 '' re '''"..: 1' • nt t ~ '"·· ,,, our "'h• •htl• \It \\ '"'' ,, ol~o a (Pt ,.,, ' ~' ,, • 1 , .. , ... u'··t t n o1<'. "·" '" · "' '" •I " •I ". • I , hr~mp­"'"•1 I('' Ill l'ltoi ol Itt\ 111 o Ill' I!! '' IH•~'"' ••tflul•,,eft•l •' nl lth' Pa· ,.,,,, t ·····~• \ •· ld••~tr.· , ...... 1,.., ltion. I' ... , , .. ,, "''"'··r• . t tlo. ~· Francis \'.l•hl l ''"" 111d I• or ,.,.,nntodor<' i ••f tho• ~I 11 l I o<' \~"~~'''1'11111 Bob ,~h.•nr•' h ''"' • '' 1' h. n on th<" hotUI lol lllltoll oil • I tho-..• job!!. (~o·Ort:;o ~ lo II/ 1\,o, k111olh nffert'd thr• ""' 111 ht< "" II lto\NA- 111 '1.1 1 •It• or1\ n11·k 1 t"l•·fl th<' lit IT':\ l'llt \( 'l.Y I '" li •. lo Whit<' f11r thr NtriiiOI: m11111 tnt• r ~c·rlct. MEN 0. ••• h•',. tlar~•rt.t • l'~tt•~• '" .... r •flo4• u• htu·k nf .,,.,,. ''"' '""' ~· .-... Jumt•'· lrth•htr "t-wl ,, tftiiT1' f,,.,. .. l•c ••~t tt.rrOtr • .. H,. t l.....,• •• rlttc" u., .. 1" , .. , "'' ... ,.,, •• IT'S YOUR PROST ATE Uttr ,..,.. ... ,~-,.,,.,,..,.h ·I, ; ,, ... ..,_. c• h ''""''ff'•'" ,,. .... ,... ' r•r..,_1'• 4t•c-'e • .,,,-,"-'"' lftllr••"'-.. ttlt r t "' • t 1• • rt. t ... , ·~~~· ...... ~ • ._ P.tf I U.th ..... t &:II t t ,.,..," 'lllf'f',,..ll,lnl ",,._._, • Uttur" t• A \It In "• t• '4 Who'& j1mming" • wrenelt · in fftc. c9'~? ~ 3 Onions Block Labor Peace-Refuse Wage Boost Already Accepted by 1S Other Railroad Unions! Thl" llrolherhond of Lornmoll\'e F:n~:i­ n•~'nl, Hm t hrrh .. ooi of I .h<'omcot i"" ~ore­ "'"" 11nl1 E ngiol'ml'n anti the ~wllch:swn't l 1n10n of Norlh Amo·nl'll, l"''lll"\"'"<'nt ong 12!"•.000 l'ftilrwoti rmpi•'Y~"'· hn"<' refu .. Mi to n~'<'t'pt the ofT,.r of th" Hntlro11da or a wng1• trwn-a!IC' or 151) r¥niA an hour . Tlu~ ia thl' Mml' incoenl'l" Aw~tnJf'il 1,000.000 nnn-opl'rRIIMII employN hy an arhllrntwn boa.rd in September. 191i. Thilt ia the Mme lnc-rclt.'M! ai'C('ptf><i toy 175.000 conducWn1. t.rninmen 11nd '"""' h nwn by 111(1'1!f'rn!'nl fin N ov«>mbfor 14, 1947 AJrrt'«'m~n~ have l)f'('n m11rlc worh 1.175,000 rmplov..-. r>epi'Y'flt'nt.t-.J by nino>· ~n untnn.•. Hut thNOe three uninM. l't'fl· ,_.nltnll only 12:'>.000 mrn. 11.1"1' rrytnllt tn Jl't mnl't'. Th<'V 11n.• d1'mnnl1in11 n(M mnnv n«'W worktnll 'rul«'s not emhrn.'t'd in t he IIPIIIo·mrnt. Wllh t lwo ronducWn1and trntn· -n. lncidl'n!AIIy. t.he S"1rchrn••n'A Uninn nf North Aml'nc/1 l"''pi'H('OI41 only Ahout 7'f. o f 1111 rl!ilrol!d •woll'honl'n. the nthrr !l t ~ hl'in~t n>JH'P!OPnl!.tf hy t he llmtllf'rh•l(lol ,,f RAilrN~rl 1'm tnm•'n 11nl1 1·nven•d by Lh•• IW'ttlt>rnf'nt wot h thnt union ~lri4'1' Thrf'nl Thr ll'llllf'rw of llwse th~ unionll ~('lrPRtl ,, 1tnkc-hnllot whtle nl'l[llllltl mruo Wl'rt' ~r oll in pnijli'I'M. Thl!l ito no•t ll IW'\'n't ,.,.,,.hut 1• t.Ako•n by unloln ll'nrlrn1 11nrl '"''~ nre ••lf'll'<i hv 1 "" l'mf'(OVI"' in the J)t•'S4'n<'!' of unh'n rrpn·l'r'n1 AI ,, .•• " \\'h"n dtrN.'I n••.:oltntonn.• fotol•'ll, th" ll'llrll',.. or ''"""' th,.•unt .. ll!l ,.. ........ , th j1un 1h" ri111to•l1rl• m n•l.onll 1hr ;-. '""n.tl ~1...-llloloo•n ll·•nrd ,,, 1'111• 1111'1 , .... '''" rho• dtsplllo•. !>Ill I hP 1\n orrl t••"k Jill o•tlh I 111 II( tht• o~ruo.cl flf t hf' t'ntflfl,.. ntul h h-' n ft'Arn•,.th "llf'rtlph n J,t ,,n,, ... ~•"•ln1'\r '1. 1~4;, ((I brtnJr fthoru t a ,..., tl••!'\n nt "l lw lln:ord ''" ,l,.nuftrV 1~. 1!1 1 ~. '"'''"'"' •·ol I~ mul•olot v tn I"''Itd l ,. m•~••·•·" n .. nl··· Jm'MI. 'l'hl'.ll'ntil'f1! :>( I ht' ll'll'•n• n-"[f'rttod thE> n"l'""'' <If t h" ~t •• lo.•t ,on llvruu hi arbitnr ... Tbto nulrO<~d• nrn Jltl•u. Jrttn I \'mr .• Tho• I 'ninn.• h:1vinl( n ·fou•NI too :nloolr:tlo•, tho• Hnoh'·''' l.'thor 1\r t ptn\ ul••ll 111r tilt' "PI~unlmo•nt 111 11 fno·t lutdon.: IMonrti hv th•~ l'rrtAiri•·nl. · T hP rsulr .. nob r •.•.• it i• ''"' ''"1'111'1"<, fJftllt..-t n~t·F"Q, r-mplo\'f·•. !"to• I. hqltl• N . nnrl t ho· ~.·n••rAipultlor l<~"kn•rl\ 1lo111 1hr uwh nul tth'fotf' flt ~Ht1H I Ittlo'4 ;trtd "' n1t de•tll!ifl, thrv ha\'~ nut nnl\' f')t•rr• d, '''r\' •·ffurc tn rttnt·h n (asr nnrl r••:·~·n •"'• ~ ltl•••n•·:ll. ltut t h~·\~ h \Vt• .• 1 .. ., n1• 1 ,., ••r\ ~·qtun•nH nt f\( 1111' ltnilwnv l.11h"r r\o·t ''"It"' 111111 lh,. nt'I:OtiHtlnn, ln c-dentH•r\, tH•I .trlut · • ''" uf l11lonr d t•pulo•,. II ~l'f'm,.unthinltahlr thnt lho··• :hrr.• unl•"•'· rC'ptl'l«'lllinr lo•,..,• rhan I ol pl'r r••nl or rni:rn:ul c-mplo)'t'li. and th0fl4' amonr lhl' hirhl'l!t J)Ald, ran ourc!',.•fully maintain thf' thrur n( • par- al)zJnrr ~triltr araln~<t the lnrrrf'~l of rhe en- lirf' counrr,·-and .. airutt 90 ~r cent of rhc-lr fl'llow f'mplo)'t'l. The-thrral of 1 Alrlke cannot JustlfJ rrant· lnr mort" fuorablf' rondltioll!llo 125.000 em- ployl'l! than hut' alrC'ady brt'n put In l'tfC'rl fur 1.175.000, nor will It 11lltr thl' opposilio• of thr railroad• ro un•arnntl'd .... , .. fn- trra.•l'• or tn rhanlff'll In worklllf rule• which arr nnl Ju•ritlrrl. \ ~tlanrr at the-bo1 hho"" • hat employ~ rl'~rt·'Wntl'd by the EnRint'N• Hnd r irl'ml'• rrat..t. Thl'y arr l mnnr thl' hi~lu·•l p11fd 111 1111• r"nl.• of labor In thl' l'nhl'd :->t•l~'"· H not lhl' ho~hi'SI. Compare t~?~e w::~es with what you make! Hf'n-i8 A Mmp'1rLII•"'n u ( A\flft'lf" AnnuA l NHn• inKJ H( rna•nf'f•r• ,,hl ,.,,..... . .. , ...... ::.::. ~· -~~.... -~ c.u ...... lln:nwn (olf t!l:t9 1 .. ,.. tin Ill I ·•·o~hl • • • • • $.1,966 _.,,, nnil 1'' f7 \ ,..., t...,-.··nl "rut \\'t~\1 ) t~~hnwn , ... h 1 f I !:i '1 u ,.,ui ···'" .. till:: I !l ~=-~ t•nrntnJ • wnutft h'l',.. f<•tt•l ,..,...,-.:tll I hrHUJ:~' ~.~~~ ~n '' thf'll 1'"• t "'""" ',,ri 1"'' hnur tn• ,...,,... .,(. "UMEN fo•,...l hv lhf' ;"flllr h Hot,ttl I• n ••hi .. , . , , 2,7:\il ~t nrt '"''"' 1•••1 h \ 1 ,. l;o• .. :tl And \\'~v\ $1l 1\!6 11.11'9 4 ... ]"t' 4,0"1 uru•'n lr.-•d~'r--. t It~ t" t>n R nrt P~n..-1'1' . .. 2 71~ 4."4" on ••IT ... 1 ,,,,..,.rlt·•ul "" llnnrl Fl'f'IJhl tTI>r'tttJh' :!.l"'tl :1 11 oo f'nl\,t"\,''\rl9Ci Yl\rrl 1 •••~.1 ''"~ f',tl.!'; r. th\1 4,'. 1(1 U '''~'~~·1 ~ •~· •" n· putHt 'rnln I nt,.r-'Alf' C'nmnwn"f" t ··,mm•¥• '" "t , . ., 'Fun ,,.,.,., s~•t 7 t • uni\tNl n11 A.flta of ftC"hu•1 liru~ (or hNt f"IQ:tu muru• rtt \f ~. t \\"(' or•' I'" •l·•lo.·1~ 'It~ "0•• t>tlw· ~,J, r·;.,...,.,.••tn t.AI~ with ,\'Oil •H b r-;t h,t,. t ,.,.,\. : •II• r8 "'~"''' &T"f'' .!D" •• •r::-...nt t.o evcr,Yttt..-1 '