HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-02-03 - Newport Balboa News Timestt:"" \ .' • r ~ R. L. AL ·'EN, BALBOA, TO .FILE FOR COUNCIL . ------------------------------ \ '· t I ' I 'I Mid -W ee k Edition \,, lr r I'·•· r, • ', ·I t • trl.rlr,·rr·. I N 011 AN G E C 0 A$ T · 5 L A R G E S T C I T Y ~ BALBoA··· ~IMESc~ Tuday'a ll A..JL. PAT. Uow .IOIIM Av.....-,._ ·-..... . • _ ...... 4. ..... ~ ... lnoh"lll.ol• 11 1111 Ill' )1:\ ILuh :.r :7 up 'i \'I I Itt 1t•"" ,l.' ~'• hJi U7' \"dhlllh' ~·' ••• , ... h .... , ..... Says Will Run As Lone Wolf lhoho.•1 I I. A lim, J\albc• tNA&MIIIa EMBRA21NG BALBOA P,ENINSULA, WEST NEWPORT, SEASHORE COLONY, LIDO ISLE, NEWPORT HEIGHTS, BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR, COSTA MES~ j ~:~~~~i~r "(~:~ :;;tft~,.-c~on cte~nl= YoLUII.& X L ' .,.. Ceata pel' Oopy ~~\\.'1"() BEAl"ll, ('.\I .... OKNIA., TtJJI:IIJDAY. mr •*' £Z • NtlMIUta • uol'illllllll In thl' ron~ .i-~..:__;;,;..;;;;.:;;..=======~r----==--=-.:----=--===:==========;;.;~~;;::::::;;:::;;;;,;;;=:::::.:;;;;;;;;.;.;;.;.;..~,;.,;----==-=-===-~..;,_:,:,_---":;....-.:..:..~.;.;;;_:..=~:;..:~...:.----......:.=~=-.:....-..... ;.....oo--......o ..... _ _:.:.:,.:::.==-· A11r11 "'''"'~'~•~' C"lf'<'tkln I S t l llo• Ill 1\Vl h t hr C'Ofttu..d wtu-THE ue 0 Drougbt Insurance . ll&ll~~~.'::.'n.~~~~=~ ~nl bl'f'laklac droucitt rondlllo~ttt briac lato ...., ,..,.., &lie rr-· II\IW 11 '"11"wll mt•mtwr. 'nwy .,. SAND R 1-.r ~ of 8outlwm ('aUfo m.la C'•onvnuniU.. apo11 • ....... nnt 1'\•latM!I ecoyer able IUWlllfhoquaw waur au~y. t'aiUonlia'• \1&&1 waw Mil*_... 1\tl. Allo•n, who hu bfftl t. .,_. tbe ('oWnwio river,,. _..m_.. btolo•. 141••n oe Uwo DJaP..,.. "ttte ~· Al.,ll.lno1 Llnlbota al,.... UUO. lw. CRAB of tile ~1 -wlh-... IM'Ciuc·t ))•lem rrom A.,.._ "lth hi~ founll)' 11.!,_:\14 A,.., ... .,.. 'Pi b I . Jl1• will Min lndtlJW'ft(lrttll)' fiJI ... n ~~ srr-"''"w~t ttlt'"' ,.ottt~ca~ ....-t¥ • ._ 'U •11hl, l•tlnlln• oot thet he a. ""' By "" II l'\•fU(1l1 tkket but \hat ..... ShMff James M usick is tho• "" 11 "lw'll••l"''nl'ftl fk'k.t" • .,...._ 8 A M target ol a suit, ffitod in s uperio r In~ '""' "th•• cl" I'OUnril llhatu.a. · court Saturday, which aims to re· '"' •••lilt no-.1 In the publk' ut t* GREAT WORK. Down oo Central avenue m>ar the Standard Oil plant, epoch- making construction is un- der way by the high school boys and girls or this com- munity. 'The big shots call it Planni ng for Youth. but the kids style it a Cantt'l'n club where they can enjoy them- selves and have run. Main thing is that they are work- ing out most of tht' cit'tails or the 515,000 expenditure themselves. The city gave 'em 100 feet for ten years free and work has started on a building that wiU be put up for half its cost, due to th e helpful genel'06ity of Architect Dick Pleger. Con- tractor Bud Gordon, son of Su~r.·isor George Gordon; Electrician C u r l y T r i p p. Plumber Holbrook. etc. . •? • + ~ LowML Survey completed several mooths months ago revealed New- port. Harbor youngsters are secood lowest in the county from a bit-in-the-teeth. way- ward standpoint. so the de- cent kids, vastly In the ma- jority over the nauahty ones, dedded to do ~ thing about lt. Hence the es-- tablishment of a recreational center for boys and girls and when it is done the pla~.-e will be run on clean. snappy lines. Happiest part of the whole entcrpd sc is that the boys are doing most of the car- pentet· work nnct the gil'ls will h<t \'(' charge or intl'lior dcc.:orat ions on its completion. You ean't tell me that hoys and ~irl~ won't snap uut of it W h (' n gi\'Cn l~pOn!'lhiJity and ~omt•lhing to dn. + • ('. of {', T hat ·l 1,000 -\\·o r'll tt'Stimonial tu llarry \\'ekh was as it should Ut'-giving t o a S,."'IY who has d<'\'Otro his life to communi! y devclop- m<:'nl. \\'e hea r thrs and that about what th<' Chamher· of Commen'(' could or didn't do, hut lx•lie\'<' m<'. broth<'r. when you c·an get :\50 J)('Op!c- to pay S:tOO ench to uth•ncl an annual mcctinJ.{. and Whl•n that is by far the largt'!-1 !'("S· sion of its kinrl C'\'C'I' hdd in theo:;(' parts-well when ;\'OU can do that. t h<"rc must hC' somc-t hing the chamber· has that hd ngs out thn 1 lar-g<' an aggr~at ion. \\'ell'h S.'l~'S he's working for a Iotta l"lOI';~ and th;1l when thc•v want things thnt ar'('n't j u;t right. his joh is to cl1o it right. That's w h y he's ll a r ~v Wekh. · · + + + .lunjor CoU~ Hub I I owl', Doc. Pet<'~n anrl thC' ~~ of the committee rtirt n bang-up job in S<'pHra ting the WAA from 2·t~ n<'rcs anrt 71 builrt- ings on thP old Snnta Ann Anny A ir base. This paves the way for· a constal .Junior Coli('!:<' and it Is hopert to havt' th<' details m mplcted in timf> for t he n c x t tenn. + + + City HaJJ Sit.-. Earl Stan- ley dirt a bit of "kirlrling" th<' othf>r' clay whC'n hf> signro the writer up for a lea!'<' hotel on a chunk of Cliff Ha\·Pn hy stating t hnt m;\' $;l"Ollnci w;u; whf>rc he wnntert to huilfl n d t'y hall during th<' late m n- tro\'C'rsy w •e n h e was n councilman. Enrl took m<' up thPrc nl t h<' time n nci maciC' me st urnhlf' owr rm·ines anrl w('('Os. Jrc-._,,icl I f'nulrt n0" at'l A fl('fllC(UaJ \iC'\\' Clf thC' city hAll on t he o;itC' h<> ~'lid I wanterl. cover two pinball mnchln<>s h•' '""'11 " st'iz.ro J an 4. That or payn wnt Allo·n·~ t•uhlk drc•l•kln to Nft tft of $1200 plus $200 costs. lho• funtw-omln11 f"lf'("tkon l(twe hb!t Tha t is the lalt:ost tWIM In tho• Ill<' ofuJhiO·tlutl ttl ........ lM nnrt county's Wlll-'o-lh<"·WI~p rl r 1 v ,. nvnw;~ "'"'llhlatC" In a llaht ~ ngamst ltlllllloling whach p.·nodl· ~~ o'AJIN'to'<l Itt '"' hotly I'OfltNI.cl cally riUI'l'S Into hl•IJdlllll'S 'lltr'o'O' hll'lllllho•l\111, M~r 0 . R. usu11lly wh<"n the ,.h,.nCC run.., intu ft,.,.,,, Mot~t•n ~llo•r llnd Robert ll'gal C'Wote r-action. • t llooh l A lh•n hn~o· nnt y.-t ~•aw Un l>o.'C' I. Mu~ol·k nnnuuneo'fl "hl'l hl't ''"') w ill frlc• nr not. IIOW• thl' Midden dN•iswn tO abandon tho• ''' ,.,. ft, . .,, n111l All••n nr,. MCJW'('\4'd p rvsc<:,ulu>n of ~\'l'n coun l)' ll't-t· In tl•-t'IHI~· lho•lr lufl•ntlon to fi'- cll'nls char{:l'd w ith t he illegal cop-SAN DIEGO '"'.,..tly t•rntio n ttl punch boun:b folio" lllJ.: . .,,,.,..,. LluJOhu'llll ( 'lUMI·~ u confo•rrnct> wilh D~:,tnct A ltur-AQUEDUCT t•rontlllflol•·-. 111nnlnw ••n "t•lt)l m&a• o4•y J aml'S A. Davi.S. lie said a t 9 HlW[ST UNif Or TH( ll~f'r [}lnlfttrtlo, 111'1' f'IIIII'C"IM! to ct.- lhe tim e the d edston "II~ c-MfTROPOltT"ItAQUtOUCTSYSHM t'flllo' In lh•• nt•llr fuiUI't', promplcd ua. lin el·on um y mow ~ ~. "-'--"·•.....,.,~... ..,,.. lnth•r thro•r will t ... 8tninldJJ The lntcsr legal mov1• Is of 11 ' ; M.•.• ,.n.-,.. ,.., ...-lolll"k•"1 h> bu~ln""• nnd lm~ diHl•rent n aturt', ho~''"•'r. Ttw .-~-~~.:.'':::! ,_,..,.. m.·nt 11".,"''"1100" wtw-....,.-. Santa Ana AznuS('m l'n t Cu. in~ll· __ ,__, .. ..,.v,_l#........,,.,. ""' hnni •t ~ IIIPlrw up • tap gators or lh<" suit, allrs:r tha i lh\'ir ~ • ..._.,..._.._ •• --. .. ......, numbfor nt ,.....,ft'll'd ..,..,., ~ __ ............. OW..CIRMJ company is r ntitled 10 two "puJI· ....., A~ down" machln<>s vuJuro a t ~ --i~~Hi,_......, ____ ~ <-a. . ...,. each and tha i the ~<hcriff had ~ seized them "Without con sen t ol ~ the plruntlfCs and w llhour right" IO do so Publkl t 'orceod A.t"don In Novem ber, lh<" COUill)' board of supervison1 approvro the antl- pmbaiJ ordin8 n<'<" askl-d tht-pre- VIOUS Fe bruary by Mu~lck. ')'l)cy d1d so nft <"r consJ<k•rabl<" pubUc pressure hud be..>n b~hl to bear. Tht' board's B<"tion still left It~ question ol punchboard opt"raflon Open IO doubt, hoWt'Vl'f. No s~ cine ban or Lhoe~e machines was contained In the onllnancle aJ. IMIIIh one ....a-.e&...&M.-.... ment outiiiWII "~I~" whim aft played for coin.~ or ilugs with an "unprt'dlclnblc ou rcomr " , ....... • j 0rtK'If Iller....... ... In IMn 1~. 0tMr whk-h •llf' hill Nnpi ... It l'f" "Autumn fo~ovo•," ... ......, Su1111." "f h '''"'"'·" "My A w,. • t l.lltlt· J,•l•l• Jo'lo"'o•r ," ''Thr• i\1•·\1• "" \\'1111 ,,.,.. " n It nlhf'ra \\hh II IUt' llltW Ill\ tltf' n11U'III•t 'II ................. r ,, n nwmho·r ot Th<" ord lnanrr did ~>pt'CI(Icltll) bnn lhe m nnufacl u rl', uwnf'rshtp, ~tnr·a~o:<'. kt•l'tun~.: llll'-!'•·~~ion, rt•n lnl, ft'il"ln$!', lrndlng. gi\in~; a way. 1 rall>llt~t 11111: nr t'Xf'O'IIIJ.: fnr ... nl•• o r lea'<(' ony pmha ll 111 •l111 nl:t· r•hin,• fnr """'" •'"Ill' t•r ,Jul.~ 11n· no'l'l'."-llt ) lur' pia~ "tl II "ooJtn•m t• unprrdio·t:ol•l•· '" '"'' ploo)'•·t " Exo•mplo'il 11om prm 1'in11~ nf lht• otthnrt"'"t• \\••n • • •liO ... •JA'rttl••tll "o·o.:hm~; m at•hon•'' c·or.;:ut•l t•· .1nll ~t:\\ UlfCt:( TOIC~ uf th,. '''WIMorl ll11rht1r ('hlltttiH•r "' ( "''""1:"''' Pft-for ,.,..., furuuol Jllo•h~rt•. J...tt to r:.:h:, hulluou ru": .Juhn llfottlf'll, l'aul Palnw r , .lnhn \h..tl, """' l'ori#r.lluht,.rd tln\4 o': uolttollo• '""· \ uln"' 1111~ jr., It••' Urt~ndt, ."nntUtn l'aboot. ~ .. mt, 'I•" ~"'. lllllph Ma•olu•y, Ur. ~"'"'"" I'•·•-. '"I "'-'" "'tnUunl: ,,.,.k ro•: \nton llrr"hr)', Marion J) ,,_, IC 1.. c ollh, a nd I'. T llunla t• Kt:Ut:\'t:D TU JIA\'P: JI"P:S C'AI'Mt:U by at'f'a..t&l '-111•11 of a "'"' "hN·I, thr llj!hl .,..,,." ~""'"' •"""' "'"""ocl lulu tho• 4-.• ollh•h lllhlllf"hlt• lho• ru .. t, horn"'I f'ltfl foor..-e .. t, Mild f'lllllt' l1t ,..._, llj .... d<o ''"""· llu 11 I '""'"'''· "' I'""''"'"· lhr tlrhf'r, "'"'"'""'' c•ut .. un hi• lo•ft '""' l'toll ''"''""'· hi' , .. ,.,.. • .,K••r , "'"'' uf I'"""'"•· PW'atot'd •llh " '"" lorul....... 1 hr oo·~·loh•ul '"'''"' ''"' "" tloortNor t""''"' 11rd. abuul IIIN"-<tllllrio·r "'"'' nurth "' \\ ""''" "' ,.,..t, Ill IIJif.tru\lmatrl) li:OO l'un day aftrruoo"'· "''"I~• It) llt••·k 11• 1 '"'" A111'• ,,., lor1111C'h, N~ttlonal It 11~'11•' •• r 1\lth •r, •• , .. l rf'nWOnlf'ft! \11"' 1'1111 "''"'"'' Man~lpt • lult :0.• hul" rt r luh. l.too•llt• f'almt'l' r.and\ \ e•ndtt~ Hnd uth;q d~·' I''•... ----------------- "r••l t;lllllll: m1·r••hanrhk "hiC"It tho• J.l''l'-fllt 111•1'11111.; I hi• !'IIIII kiHI\\' h o• "ill ulol:ran 111o• u rtlan:lllo'o' •l·~·lur.•rl :rll 1•111 l>;oll nn ll 'loll m;,.h rn•·' "J•Ihlot' llllhOi n•••••" and rntoll•· l ho'tll luohlo lol '"lllll't' 1111tf lh•• opo·ratfOI'' •llh- l•'o'l 111 $:'l01) fill•' or J.lll fnr '" mctnlh• 111 hHih II IHrt\lllt~l lh:tl nflf'r :lO lin)~ lnw torflf'f'r<-m u-. pr~<l nntw•" n( ml•·n ll'lll lf•ll•·•lro~ mat•h •n•·• "'Ill'< I. llw n df'l-1 1 (o~ lhrm Chamber to Elect Officers Tomorrow '1'111 '""'' ol nf dlr•·t'l'''' 1\ Ill hnlol t h•·ir for' I "' r.;:ulltlllo~>n m•·•·llnr.: hlmrur u\\ n•""' ·•• th•• '' \\JM •rl ll;u hnr \'111 hi C"lu\} Afll'r lunr h llll' rltrf'r iiH' w1 ll hnld 11 n rfl('t'f'ti: spo,l'lnl ~""~ion 111 •·l,..rl (oll' Ill•· I'OIIllllJ.: o•h.omlk•r I' \t I, I' \1.\tf:lt. un l•·hrolf uf f'ltlt..f'Oo, 11f '""JI'>rl n.-arh. 1''''"' nh '..:rrofl<l 11ltl 1111011' Jloun \\ d•·h lht-hlnd mlt·,.•r•hnnr , hrohtlu~: f,.lrll•r 1 "llh liHIHII "''""'!:" b<tnd In tukt•n nt •I•Jlrf'datlnn fur '!,'\,,, • .,,...,. ••ut· •trollflln~; '"·'""' t11 hH"ul l'hllmll<'r nf rnnurn•rf'r. \tr•. llo•rlw•rt li••un~, ""'" "' ••ut&:ttiiiiC rh~tutl..-r ,,,_.,.,.nt, t:arl \\'. Mtanlr)', ''"· 1-l~tnlr\ ""'' Urtod••n .J I no• It ""'"" •pe•,.....la tlnn. t>~•••l•• h) t ···•lo ""' Little Eleanore Embree, Costa Mesa Mesa Chamber Queen Pat Butler Adorn Official Elects Directors Opening of Costa Mesa-H.B. Bridge '.~~ .... 111>11 \\ ••• ~ .......... 'h" hnurtf uf riu • t l•n' "' "•• tl '•WI \\'lth UN> ~rr.rloua IM-tp of lilt~ l':lf'Annr. t :rnhrf'<• nf '"~I'"" Ro•a r h rll.tllol~ r ''' o•ottnfll• rt'• '''""''' 1 tn and Patrtrla DnU.-r of ("o•ta Mf"a, tb,. nrw a too,uoo Ad•rnlo •tN'f'l lh• 1,1 .:11111 ltrtll "lll<'lo 1\ 1 >tt- hrtdl'ft, wllllrh fiiJf'ftA a diN'C't rout.f' brlwN'n C '"t" .\tt..,ll and tfnnllnl{1ot1 l••nr1N1 hy 1 ~1 111,,111 .. , 1, .onrl '-=''' ,1 ~ ~arb. •·a• df'CIIcaW In N"rei1MR· ·-lea held ~atunl•y attem-. llll:l"n 1-:.·.wh nwmh•·•~ oof lhr I,,,, 'llo•lr>-tloo) Llltlr !\lr's Emhl""f' llr•·~"•-d In ho:-rrrl t•f ·IIJ•I"\1'"1". Quo~·n• ltulh ~ l•t·to·rl ;on '"''" I ' ''"''' '"'"· 11 flowm~ ~own and lnppt-d l)y n H<t~m•ontl "' !".onl:o Ana ('nrnl)ll It W H:orton• .1"'' t•l 1 ,oo \•'r. crown u f ~olrl, t'lll I hi' rihhont llutl<" ol llunllnJ.:ton f\t•n•·h unl'l llu~o:h llro\1~. F o·•tl .I I"""', ,\l,..ll which olfi('Hl lly Olll'lll'rl '"'' """' Pnlflt'lfl n llllo'r nf r oo.l n Mf''-11, f:roo l). )11111 lllllltll• ........ llnll :\lilY· 200·f(>OI nn r ry It) llaffat• rr•po•• .. ••nl:tlt\'•·~ nl rlw llun'lng lor flr ltl, llnrr)• Mr Ko••·. \\ ol• \1 ll•·r, • 1\Ntr h 1111rl S;~nl;r ''"" • h:omr ... ,, "' ('l~fl•• fttt•1. l tH\Itl 1 H11w M. l1w hrtdg!'. IOCAINI RpprOlU· I' 1 II 1 1 \':on I 11 1rnl< n 1,.,11 \\'• tl• k•n•• :on!! ~~~:;1Y,~";1,..";~1"~1;~';;,' 1~r .:/'"~~ ;:;;~~~7~'~(;,,,,.,~r: '' 11 • 1 rl ) <t nt G !'\ w ,..ll• tk.nrrl m•·nol·• 1• "111 1'1'1"1•• <.,..n..,lrurllon,wllh !>IN'I N ·· l l'trlu r" on f':o,;•· .:• •I•·• I "''"'''' li••m ,.";,1 '' 1h1' lnfordn~: nn<l rf'J)n'~t·nl .. lh•· ru ~t 1.:1''•111' ma)'1r htl(h"fl) con~t ructlon In b• SODERBERG NEW l 't 1' 11"'1 •1• ""'' "" I 1 " II••Jl· 1 1 o h 1 fir'• • ns:tt•· • 1 \\h•1 II· 11,. tl " ·tal\ :~~:f'IN 111 ran~:l· ''"unl~ l •• MASONIC HEAD tn•p·.ruto•n "' ,, •·r••l' ••II •h•• . Art.tm" "~'~"'' Will lr ol'l rhrrf'"!l} • 1 ....... ,.,. E S•"l•·rl~·rc (',,,,,,, ot. ,.,,,1 ronrl I''' IIIII"'"' ''"" I ,, " \1 I I I I . 'I I '' nt .. I I I '-,trflfltf \ , ....... f ~,,,,1ft h rl till• from llllnllnJ;;Iun ll••Jit•h ''' "hnl I 11 0\.1 ' 1' " '"' 1 " • "'" " ,.. '" ~\'Ill Ito• !IW mnln L:illf' nf flr a nur pro lll•nl "' lf otlol•l 1•1 '!II I \1.1 ll f1'11 .. " I I I., I . ' s .... , .. "' ll ,,,<.tc. \~t llrt Ill' ('on~t Jumnr r nlli'J:l' on lh<• "'"'' "" 1' 1 •' ' " ,. I' • Ill. n1H · ~ • ' qrt,.. t)f lh" Snn ln Ann Arm) Arr "111··r o•ff ,., 11''11 "I ""' llf'fln. .. rr '1 h)· '"' ''•1'11~~'111"'1 •I "I-" ha.c;.('. ,,,,.,.,,.. \1• .. l'''''tdtnt •nrt Rr-x k"•' ..-,n tntll\ttltJ,,I ~•n '"t'f")n Th• llr11l.:r """,.""1"" 11 d 1p of th•• h ol.!h\\to) ln•tt llw S nnlll Anll rl\'t'l' h··d On hantl fnr lh<: ol··dt• ;otron ",..,..,. ~ta~ ur n l'n!V1n ~mil h of San r n Ana. Mu)·nr l'rd Rnrll~'ll ol llunt· t\lhllf..'ht ,,.., r"' of"\ ~r•·t•"ll•·r • "'''· Poanrlt" .,,1r1 l•lf•···· I tt •· I ddh ,,,~.,,-' I ''" '"''"'' l•lht.'t ''" th llt • 11J1Ul.; p rt 'ltl•t1f Httl, lt••-.1 Snru iP "' '''''" ,., H)h~t•r nf r•rr. K "'''"'"' t ~ H \1•(', q,,.., ,1 .,. mronl"~ ron•l onln ttl•rr"f'<l l lrnrtrr "'""'"'' ~ontl l lt·nl\ fl,,nv n t olio I \'tn10·nt ''' 111~ 1"1' "' "-• n •''IT rf'rll "til IN· '' oolo•1l a l thr moll II fo t•l1f11r•· lror I Itt • n it '""""" nt r•'l tJ tf f' ••• 'If\._ .. 4 h 11 J••r 11'1f1 ."1 n u ll lf •H l·h····· h\ c ···till .' 'Real Gentleman' Harry Welch Hai.ed on Birthday Anniversary as Chamber of Commerce Holds Fete Tlw , . .,,,., ... ,,.,.,.,, oof flu• ltlrlh1l11\ IHIIthto"""" u l t .... l(flllllt Hltt uoan rtf C,rau~,tr ( UU"-1 f h~t ltlt .. •r• tt, C HtiiiiH'tt•f:•, MUtt ftttt """""' .,,.....,.r\ NUt•t• uf an..-tthr r \t'ttr ',__ "',.,.._fu r th•• '''"l"'rf llarhur ( hMtnhrr uf f 'uttttl.,..rt"t'" rulmlna t.-d, 1•-t 'Th",."''"' IIIICht..,lll a ••'• ,,..,,.ltraUott fur .,,..,,.,,. rnal,.l) /1.1Ct tm• '"1,.'"1'''' "' th,. • :'1/t>•·l'"'' llarttnr \'arhl •·luh. \\ • •II•· ol '' 1•• '"I l fnr ,~ \V•I,I1 f••• 11 .,,,,,,,, dtl tflft "' \\ 1ll•t "'h•• I J •Hl' I<L···•·II ,,..,,,", ..... I I·~''' ,,,., ' I< :·~···· I • ,,. f.'"''''" II ,, I 1111 d tll• 1••' I ,,,, 1'11)( lfJIItfl ''" IIIIUflt'll :-;,,,,., I lllllolo,ot tf H""" If•' f••t ,,, "••nh 1• •I ,., tt'l· 1'1 ut tr • t I'' t.. ·•" tit•· • t t ''' ft~tlptt J' uf •·•ntf11•1•• ''"' '•• \td tl• \1 k•\ l l•thftlltl I f lu~•· ft I t•lhllt ht ~o. , 1 d tr••• "'' ''"' ~ ''' •t • -th f' ,\ I' tllfl~·• .lnhn l•~uli•" l':tul r•,ttnHt ···''" t il lu httt ,,, • .... "" ,, 'I'd•• ,,,fill\ l (.t\ ,, tht• f ftt/I'U 'I \\)t I 1 ~, II ,,,, Iff t. ''"" I " I' I """ lft I''''''"'''' huu ''''" \l••••' '''"'" JI•J h•\ \1 tth•ll c· , .. ,.,, tnl"\ ,., ntl :ttHI t " 1 t It• I , • I • " t I'' ~ I ·' 1t1•tt h.• ""' t h h. \\ tl • ,. flo\\'t't ' "' tnk•" 11J I 1 1" • • '' d Puint Association Council unru\ ,., ~,,,' C tn J.-•h tl f n l tf,, 'It If' fu' tl "'" l•"'r""'·· ,., •.• , •. ,.. 11''1' H·acks Kt•nh~ fHI•''' tl tho t, h'l''' 1 ti,I •''H l1 t: ( 1 n J•r··~•·''" ,.J,u h ht I t '•'·•I I 1 ,,11'"'•' I '"''' rtta·h' "' t h• May Get Light Scattered Rain Here Tomorrow ,,,.,,,,. Itt hf .... , ..... ,,,,It'd ••• IIIH) fit\\ Itt If.. •Ill\ It fh I If I '-It• tit f••l tfto II ttftnt "' I flttfll t ftt fHftl' I f II t' tl tflitll; ftf tfl tlt'ftU I lf1tl tt I d Ill t••t \ '"' ottiii•J: t" Ill• t "' '''""'' ltttfl t11 1t1 II• "••..:·1· I ~ I I \ '"'' ,,,,, h•t"''' rlt I ttlt• d ,, lit t\, t fit rtf It 1 ''''" '"" . I· ,~;·fHtt 'lttu liltlllt' ' ",, flot 'Ili ff\\ \4 iflt "'f .tftt f11J 14 • '"''f'd'''' d h\ "truly II Jf v • ttl It lilt••,. "uut Iii ••• J, I I llttl\ II •• f , I \\ ••• t '"'' • tUtlfJ'h ... I I '• I II ·•'''" •• I ·'''" • 'I d· II fit ' II ' li .... , ••• .,, , •• , tht \t tl .,, t ,,,. lllfiH' f llltq•H• ''"''It I \•/Il l. ""'' ,,, IUkt UHh• Vhli ft " ... .. ,,q,. "' , •. ,.,. '" \ lfl tltl· ''''I \\ ••tt Itt!), '" "'' • ,.~,,.,., •n '' "·I•• r •'II•• 1 Ill• '"'''''I J,,, ,,., ''"'""' , ... tl '''"fl•h t h f!d '" V••lopna .. nt• ~.r til• IH•'-t \f'rll ht!rl I ftt~"'' "' \\' ,,., \,;,fflffh Hltlt•••rt th• r••lnl•"l 1111 otllll1••dr>ol•· Jlt"hlo·m s 1\r)llo•olo 1'•·11111,111:. 1•.,111, , •. •• 11 111111 rnnfrt~ut u1s,: th• '''llfHUHrttt} 1 ,,, '''' , .... ,111\ ft •llf••·d f(q hu -.. j '11''1 ''~" Jlr11rl•·h ,._,,.,It I''',, ut•••t 't ,, • I• ·,,.,,, d • ,.,,,.,.,,11'"' ,,,,, .,, • ''"'' m""''' ''• ,, .. ., ~t.utl•, .,..,.,, t.~ul • d• u• • ,,,, tt .. '' ,,..llt t• ,,f '''·"'''''" '" t h t• 1·hnrnt•·r , ft• ,.,, f••r 'h•· 1 •t I"' 1 'h•· , ''''""l' , ''' , l··t t 1,,,, ,,, ,,.,, TotJMlltlf\f'fl' or Jt,.,.,. .. fWH tdt ,, f (tlf flhiiHt t•uflltf '''''Hift•t ···d hi 1-':u~tut,·n:e , Sur•1 p,,,,,,, "':11h l•t • .. rr,,.,. H 'fi·a·l'-lr nltHH lfll'•hd Traffic Trouhl(•s For Four llere l'',j"' \\'lltn•·• • I 1tii!Ntrr~tl. Na- 1"'""' A•• .. •lrilllrll ul i\utlonr11 nnd lo~11111 "'''' tt rul 1111 h•ollnrnry nll'm. lw·t .. r I ,,., "' ~ 1•·111 ""''"'' y i\ \ ulllrtu· 11! Jo<w•lnJI, l'llllrd At• IIIII••• \4 11• p11 hll•l11·d h)' I~ 'l• "1"'' I I lou I~·• l 'llltll~thloi( I 'u School Board Meeti M• tttl" ""' ool flu '"''" •I uf fflr ,, \\ r••l ' I''" ..... I' I Ufl!llllll ····~· 1\ d l Jill • t l•otu1:lo! uf H Jolrt lfl lhf' No"'"'' I Jt,,,. lo 1'""11111111' 11<'f1t•ol ,.,,,l,fu,,• I """'''"" I• • 'I• o I• ol 101 n ·llll'f ,,, oo111ul ,,,,,, .. , •I $'•'-1.1111 ·JK"hool l••nd '"'"• f,,r ,,, .• •I• •I t'XJ.HinAfun ftl jo• $70a,OOO in Building Here A lllo• ... l llto o••· qiUolll'l " '" II mll· loom •l•tlllll• Ill ltuiltlllll( po•rmlt• "' ••· 1,..1,..•1 '" lito· l1111hu r nrf'll ''"""'' lit• """'11t ,,, .lltnurtry, A. \! N••l"'" f'll ' lot~II•II IIJ: h•~t•~·tur ''"'""""''''' l••llo)' t\•·111111 lot&) 1'11111•· Ill !7•1.•1 •;1 ,, . .,,,., lm•lull•·•l "' lh•· J itnuuo} llf•nnlta l''<tl'"' Wll~ I Jo,. •tkn} l•u o'hn~t rue:- 'lot11 "' Ill•· To•o•11 1 'n11l••••n hCIIItHnc Ill 171-1 \\I ('o•lltllll ltVI'IIIlt• "J'he "T·to I'll · "Ill • .,..1 "" ··~t lmntl'd $W~) ... ,,_,.,,,,rt, t•• H'"' I ll·"''''' '"''I I.\\ c •n \•·tl ,.,, ,,,, .. ,,,,.,.tut 1 It I H '\I I I r I ' I I I ... , •• I I Ill' Ill •lr•· ••• "'"" II fill (""'I ··~ I'IVIIII: t•·nnltll ln -rl~~:: •• ; I ,:·~:,'lr',l:~~~t •;: ;,~1·•; ,; • .. • ~ I• .: •; I ::::·:', .. ,;.'1 ~. :,:;• ;,;:: ~ :·: • .',' ':: :~'.',;:;., ,::;• ::: ·; ... :;,: I ;~•: ~ ~;;!'' ,: ~·:·~ 1·.~·::11 ';.:1,1,'~; ' '"'"'fl " hurt""'' \\hlf'h ,, ,,, ,, .. t·l\•' tld ,,,.,, ''IH" ,.,,,., t • •• ,.,,,fl~f ,,.. I,,., • ., ,.,, l fld ltt \lnlall••n• "'' tt '"'' ,.,, (;r,-tlon ~~.f\f'fl, r•·r"Ynff to huUd. lll)fl·WHif· l'irt'lllll tJIIJI s"'"" Mrof' .,,, lofiiJ """''''' '"""' ··I toll•·\• '"' '"'""'' ...... 1. 'L ~···rv. I fm nlly IIWo•lllnJ( Ill 2ICM6 K11y ror,..,,.,,,.,, ,,,. ll•·lnt• i\thlr '" t it• 1• '''"''il • r· .. ,,.,l "'-' 1ltltrt .. : flt"N trl F~<lflt Jo::..llmfltrd coat Fnunrlro l111n 1 1'••1~'1\' llo Hnlt Allo·n Ill ""' ,,,, • '" 1 •II•· '" 'lllllll.lllulo I "'"' II "" lu• lit'""" Kt7 I ,. .. h',lf) (t,r IH'Iu •·v••ru• nttC 1n '''' hiiiH! .r •• tut •·f • ''' u "' ,.,,., trtt• ,,,,,. ''" ,.,, '''1''''•'1•• 11'' tt•u• "'"''' • •t•·•t '"' t-: .. ~·htl , a•·r rnlt tu build a At,_ Jl t•r•·~r·n••'tl u I t••l,t•·· ''• S und\ 1-htn ~•I • 'f"' ''10 'l' , •• , tttdt 1111 I"''' h~ttH '" 11 t -.r •• ry, 1 motu dw••IUnj{ nt 701 Mnr Ktt\ fttr t .. -. 'fffl11ftl,. tl tlttl I .. , I ,,, ' 'I I ,., ,,. .. f ,,,, ". •' • • :rl ouJ. 1''11' ,., .. , ·•·•Ins· ,,, 1ft II ,,,,. fl\lt'n tu•, c· •• rnnH tlt•l Mur (~OR. ""''""' "'" tn '"''""'', flt'•J•' 1 "" ''' ''•' •h• •"'f"''\o''"" p i f•f '• ''''" ,,,. lltJ fiiJ'h\\11\ I h W•·•·"• ~~.J.W) S.·ofl ul•~) tr.w.tc nut a l'nonl llll' 1111 ''"' "'"''''"····· ••• ( ·. "'''" " • ,., •. "'• ,_ ... , .. fll'~' "''' •1"11111'11 lol lit I """ '1'11~1111 ···rmll f•lr lo ~·mllltr "'""'"'"' at _;..., fJ\'•" f••r lht• rh ttt t"'' '" 1 H• f •Il l 1 ~ 1 ''''' 1'•1' '''' 1'"1' • tt •·ttl ••f 1 1' " to ''I'JI'•Itf t-• 1' t\ tt1f' '"""l" ,.,,__, f••r 701•.; It he ftrtur•· f"'''l'''''\ ,,,, •• ,,,. ,,,. ",, f"' 'I"'"'" J 1~'·1 ,.'1 ~\rtf.ttt'' ''""1'•"1 ',,.._, 1 lllelr•h \V,.InUtt, I athry, 4 rot.n IIIJhh;olll 11"", ,.,..,,1 ,tf tl, 111 I r• .. ol. It•. •ol •I p l l\l'l'f•tn•l llflol '1•''" 1" 'l•r• 11 1-•lo '• '"' '1111.ol 1IW•·II11111 111 412 lhf'lolfl, C"on .nn ct.l 1,..1 ,.11\.,~ n1.,,.1 ,,,, ,,,,,., Ht"'''''l''''''ll""" ••1 •·1 ,,,, th• f""•"''l "h''l~'''"l'l'''*' 1111 uul '"·"''~' ~t:•r {·,, ... , JJ«(JI f-'lnth '' •l:,~rl•••t tht• n, ... ,. ''' f;,t .,,,, •f• 1 ••I ''''' •' fltfll1'••· ''11''1'"" \..,',, '*''" f•u t lt,lfh' •'• ,. I t '·'ll'a~tuu, t ~rtl ut y, 6 IYM.-n n•l"'r•H<II' \, "''"'''' ltJ•h•h \11t~k· 1 I'' llr• \\ .. ol•' \1 1 ,l.otlt'l ll.ttl t•l ,111 q,, '\", 111 1' h 1'•11' tlw•·llln~t nl :'IIIH l o~rricllp!Jr, (\11"01\A ,,,1,1 ttl "'''"' ,,, JUit\ ,,, I' II ' tttd rnftl •• I, I, v , • :.,., .. ,,,,. d ,I ... d lttd ,..... \A.t r• "' ltfdr tl d··l ~''" Jn 1ttlt1111nn "' ''"''"" ttu ·, "' • '"'''' , ..... ,, t 1·1 •h•1'•h 'h· '''''''""~ ''''" II·•• ' Jl,,.,n.·l f• 'J'tttJf• h•-.k '"" IJl'T· llNII.JJI ' l rthut•· I•• \\'•l•lo ""I I•'"' I I• ''1 'I r: .• u ..... -.rj.,, 1•' ""' ...... ,,, ''""'' IWII Iotollrtlnl(~ llt fi09 l'hlm••t ···1•1 .. r "'''" .,. .... ' ",,I ,., oil, '"' or •l f·•ro•l ,,.,,, .. ,. • ,,, ol '" llf •l~ II ~·.r, 7 '"I 11111111' flllll rm l'lll'f•Y IIVI'nlll', ('lnlfln tiel to r•r-.vtd' un ,,.,,.,111,,,, "' J ,, • ( 1 n11•tll • I• " tl• ,. .,, u .. , t h• I'• " 1 '•' • tttd• ,,,,., ,1 ''' f1 Jue d \lu1 f'.Jif h wtlt t~ ,. 1 ,-tury. 4 lh" rhiom t.•r j· • ',. ••" •• Ill• • •lru•t "' 1 '1111"1 rt••m of-.,..llln~ot Totnl t'lltii'NII~ Kf'nn)' fi'\it•"••l th•· :tt•t p Ill •• , ,, tht' ofl ''*• I '''"'"'"''•· .. ,,, "' I d' ,,, ,,,,.11 ••• \t\t f\ l,itl \1ul ,.,~, Jl!\f-..-. II\" r hnmlot·r thrnnw 1\Mi otnol nn.l" to o· ''''"' th•or ror•v·nt l•tt'l\· ,.,,,,,, 1•1••1 '" 111'1•" l •lo Ill ll 'I' llulohdl, I 1110 1')1, ~film· nn~Jn,..,.,.j th:ot th,.. nr~h· ••l11 'I'll 1'1'"' ·•' \I ''"' '' 1" • J•l' '''' '"' "'""'' ·~, Ill '''' :t•, IIIII< /11111 lly rtw .. lllnl( 111 ~l'..l·l4 NI'Wport I11•~M rof tllf'N''"'"' .,..,~rid m•~·t tli•o .... ,,.,, 11 It I '"'I I• tlol111 (f'nftllltucocl "" p._.. I) .. . One · Out of Every 37 In County On December Relief Rolls e 2 Nt:wa•oRT BALBOA st;w s -TIMt:s •)t•) In Boys Tt t."U.\ \' Sr\\ .,,rt R•• ... h, ('aJif. l '..tt. S, 191111') .. Acc1se Soviets · LATE NEWS . <:lub, Directors Total of 4663 Listed For Public Aid ,, Formt'~ Orange Hi TO SHOW MOST lnst rurtor to Head · VALUABLE LITTLE Dun's ;\(; School PETS ON EARTH Of Iran Lie FLASHES . 1 old Yesterday t!t 1.!111 fr Jl,nr n t\ fl,t I IIU~" ••f l fJI' l•to tttl loj tftro I 00 f• tof Jl<ol \ t\fftff'o It " ,. 111 ltl \l .. n.t ,, tttiOit 111 • WA~IIJI"GT'O:'\ •1'1'! -Tiu· 'Unlt<'d Stnt (~ II)(\,,, ltl't'11~t'<1 lhr So\(('t l l11ifln t>l I) 1111: ttll(totl A1111 II can nct ii'ILil'ii In I ran an•l fl:tlly ro·· jectrd Rusafu's Jlt oh •st lohout \ '"'• of U S nA\'RI \1'5St·l~ In l tnll1111 porta ll.S "withou t fuundntln11 " f.,,,l rl1t UNITED PRESS I ._ ·, \ 1 ulluwut~>~ t h <' LOS A.SG E L ES. Ct:'lt•ltrn tl n~: '' '., ot •• o ... ut\ 1 .. 1 D"t'<'mber. , lht• :.!!lt h a nnh·c·rsa ry 11f 11w lurth " o,,.. '"''"' 1 h"t Santa l'tli, ·"""·' "'" 11111 or I'Very 37 t'' of thl'ir indUl'try, r nnd w rs from 1• o•)'f• "· • ' r•• 1 • ••nl •·I tht• popu. '", 1" "''II! 1'1 '""''I:Uralt> nil parts n( ttw countv '' 11 d • " '· 1 ,, tiltut ,. pr .. ~o:ram, . . I Ill ot, .. n 1·" '"'tho 11111111) rolla to ' ' 11 1 Hw·~•·ll, flf 1111, col-I play thrlr .best anim als ul lht' 5th f ·,, ,,, I 'l••l'f t '" ,, , .. ,,I \\ ... ,. H+ It II\ AI -·n w d unl r•l'lturf mark•·•! tlw rtr~t Amcrir:m t'nUnlt•rntrc•r,_il, 1n t it .. ••propagAnda "1\r .. "ltlc-h till' Ru~· Nehru Acts To Curb Plots t I 1' ~~ .. ,., 1 1 I~JIIH\\t l llu· • I•' IJ••fl 'I I ·'' HI! I •. I ' ,,, • I ... '"· I 11 • • "·· •hr • • 1 • 1 lit•f. ( 'ulifo r m a I 11 ' 1 1 1 1,1 1 ('I 1 I annu111 C'hmchllla show ~·n F .. bru· I o\fhtl• l''o ' "'' lotllloll ''lid toduy I to L' \o I ~~If ) r II ta r (•5 ar y :l).;/2. 111,.11 •1 .,,1 th•· 1, till!\ 1663 I '' foollllt'l' lll{rtc•ultura l EIC\'t:' C'h' hill • ' " • • J)l'O-I I • lo d 111,11'\JI'IIlt' Il l Orangr nd lnt ns lnpt' .• 11"r Wl'ro· lnl(lOrl· t•'• '' .,.,. • ol l"tltlw r••ltd during •ll• 1, 1 .1 . • o 8J1 f'uro rorn Chill' un ''''''""'' .illflll·tl').l , l()o!K, rtti-111' '' 111 ' ""'''"'!:•• of Fehruar y 'l:l 19:l3 From thost• I 1 1 f • 11 II•· Jtt ttl{t'ilfll C I . ' 1' "'' '' 1 " r••pu ;tt u.n o the I . , . :'h nchtllas, which wc•r<' rmst r ais· "'11n11 t t::l •~"' flu·,.,., rr·ll .. f pa.ld 1 '"'' 11~ '•'"1111111 r or a vo-cd exclusively in So u tht·rtt C'llli- I I" till :-JE\\' Ill· Llll tl 'l'l l'l liflt I ·'I• ""I ,,,,,J ''" • ''''""'' ''"' P.llnl~lt·r .llt\\a h:tt loot 1\• ht •t l~ttl,tl II.' 11,, 11,t,. 1, 1 ul 1,.111, .t II, 1, llEDfl OFFER TO RETl'RN EIGHT f'IIIPH TO ''· R. "ill kPI't l ht• lift• lol h•~ l lltlllllllllfl I I nth ,, ,,, It •'·" 'I'• '" \\ j I ~~~t'~,~~~:::~~n:~: .. '\:)·•~~~~~;,',',',;,:·•::~1: "''" "'"''"'' "''"'"""' ll1ul• n lto'mts ta hlumt-d fur tit•· A••·•"ll1a '·'"'''' "' '"" '" \;t ,ll tlh 1 "'I"' liOn of MnhnndA!< K \.tmtlh l \rtko•fl ) .I '"".. \1 tlolo, ·'""''" ' ·~• tlltl ... '"""') '''''"'1: 1.>.~4.'mt)(' ',., .• , ""' "''tt·ltl('llfltmal na ture fornia has gro ' h d f 50 1, titll• tl -.~·;ki,i>H.! r 11111 I • • II• '• tl 'rh•·Y Will II(' a imed 000 w ith br _, w n 1 a er , 0 •• , ,1 ", ,,11), 111 "11,1 wtsht>s 10 go . e..,.e rs ocat<'d tn prac- • 1 :r '"' IJ''IIJII•· rt Ct'IVing re-lie f, ''",, 111 111111 "'""' ~~~Jli'CI Q( th e ttcally evt:'ry stair a nd in Cana da. W A.."iHINGTON ct:Pl Thr \It ( III II III k IIIII \II" II 1\1111• ollll .Fin t 111 a dram11t lt· m·~·llnl( r,t :-.. 11 l ttt• r11,..111,,1, 11,, 11 '" 1, 111 , tlw Nat ton;ol Ass••mhl). lli<n ttl II IIIII '"r"•••l \•Itt I ••Htol.. 1'.••11 I:I!>~Hntk m AS!> ntl'<•tln~:. :'\o•hru ttlo h.lt••t .1 ttttl )l.,l .. 11 -.; ,11.J,1, t'hllll••rtj,~tod thc· f•Xt n ·m"l' tu It h.• ,11, (h it• It 1, th• 11," :-;, 1 1.,, •ohOWdll\\ n I 1, II lu 1 .1'•"-' "''''' "". tht• ;ud to lht' neec~y 11,1,1 .,1 , ,,..1111111, or 111 an ad· !7IC't'd at St .200 a pair . C'hin· ·•l:•·tl rulb, t3J rt't't'I\'M rellt'f u 1 "'', ,1 , •wulrur ,,1 srhunl R.S we ll rh~llas arl' the most valualtle till It> "' • tl\ "'""'·-'~I a~ d•·rli'ndt-n t cftJJ. • , , ,1,. I• 1 "'" "hu rs just in· a nrmals on .earth. . <lr• n ''"'' '·" u> l(l'nt•raf county 1 1 ,, 11 •n 11,,\lnl: a nu'r r garden. This year s Chlnchtlla show will ttlllr t.:•·nt.s be held in t he C'allfornia State J::x- tl.r••llt.:lll•lll IIH· s ta ll', one .out I> o· tr• position ln Exposition P ark, Jo'JR· ' I • \. r) lli , ... .,,,,.. ur :l H Jlfr ~nt ~ewer IS act ueroa a nd Exposition bouk•vard. Sovl<'l ltOVl'rnrnt•n t lt'lth•y 'tth- mitlcd 11 rtolc• olfrr tnlt ,,, ro•t ttrn t o thl' l'n ttf'd .c;lllt•'!l St•l'"n '•'k · ~ and one dry t'llrJitn \'l's~..r wtllctt ftUJ~gia r('('('iVM dunnt:: t~ war under lend ·fi'U<', thr• Statt' IX-!)Ilr tmr nt nnnnu111't d 'nle Unitt'd Stairs •upplwd Rusala with 9r. lhtfll! during th(' war undt>r thr lr nd-lrnsc· prll· ¥nm. Thf' S till(' Ol•pnrtmt'nl u ked the-Sn1 l <'t ll11it•n 1n .Abr~n. 1946, f'ftho:1-tn rt"turn thr ahlp. or to fii'Y for thr•m The announet'mtm l to11l1tht WM th•• first Indica tio n of Scwl('t wlllll11:· rM'tll t.o rt'turn 11ny of thco ahiJ18. ''\\'• .. (to "''' dt"'rrv•· fh h.,, lfl , tf , ,111 I!• t",, \\ •o•h·'.t.' , , thr JitO\t•rnuu•nr If "'' ~··•""''' I••U t, l • It• ~I tt '"' ••I 11 ,u,d I ,,, " "' 1lw JN'I"''"'""'· was recrlvinl F from 10 a.m . to 9 p.m . both da ys. . '"I "' I,,,.,"''", tho• as.sociatlon No. 8 ormed The re Is no admiSSion charge. "" r•ntl lt1 tl11" 111\\lt·t<~n·" .tnt1 \ aul• rl<~• h \ su~t . SfN"t._'h ••• ttfl\• t 1111'1111~." ;-.;, hrll Iliff! tho '''" mltl• I I 1 h t"' 1\ ,,, ~~ t 1 J 't' t1 ,,,,., •• I tl II II •I I \ ' ' I •• I I I \\ •· ,,.,. •J•·t•·rnlhtt"tl ,,, •t. •I 11,, 1 ·~~· ,, ,,, • , \\II If ltiJ IM'Ilfllo• I< hit ~llttttf flit o •II flit J I \I f ,, •111 r:an.tl huta••l fU 11 l fuufu "'' ,,,., • ,, , 1 '"••·'\ dt ,, .,1 " ,11 1 h•· ,,,ut tu tlu ''""'"' ffh•t•tau.: '· h·l• d r··· 111ft ... t ,,, '"' tt t llfl ,,,J A" fWlh•'• nntl •f •t•t "''''"''j .,1 ''" ''••ntt1;, ,, ittU'''' h· -'aN h•\·1' lntt'ns lflt>d ~·it hin th•· la1t two ~·t'<'kB by fo ur vrotv~t<~ about Anwric11n actlvUiea t h (' wor1a over. ''lfllt4IS 1111tlo•cl 1·"' ''""''' It• ,,tj., ... 11 ·r 111 1, 1 •h '" ttW tto '''"It •tUIU tt•t -... tf1 ·til hw 4H~t·~. \i.t'lkffll' H'• .,.,,,,,,, \\dl ,,,,, •• 1 Jdllt ,., "'U~J~t'l ' tfl It p)qt f•••''"'""rtlllt• tJw fh,f ,f lito fJI••P1h \ft ttl~ "'toitt'tl :\l.t~li.Ho 1 ,\tltf•tl h .t1,1111 \\III Io. IIIII• I I 11 loo o 11 oloHit .1 1 tho• i\rnrl. "''"''' ~:.1,,..,,,1"11 ''"'"''''·l•·li•lo 111 t•l ol•t ,,, I"·"'" hnrt n lho•r I•'Htlo•r. I" " • I I It~ I h H '""-' ,,,, , •.• 1 \\I I,, .• Jll '"''' Answn-s to the o lh('r twu vro- ...... arr !wing di'IIJtl'd. f~unt1hJ, fht• i:tt\t'l tlU1 'Ill ftllf tk tfoc U• 111 ( '••~tt t \),' tf, hI' dt•tl.ilt tf r,,.,., ~p··rlr ... ''(,. .u: '"''' ""' l ltn· ' 1 ' ''"'' f, ''' •· '"" '" '"' < ''''" Mister Advertiser: THE NEWS-TIMES CARlUED THE. LARGESr tlu lllllllitnt• II\ lo.tlltttnl.' 1111 ('rJ. "'' tlllto 1'• ·'I" 111 '1 to ldo ,J '''"""' th• '""''' 111 111, 111, fl, •I tt tl1• t 't th \nt•• Hrrnh ~ .. Ht.eu11 •llhd t.y .tO) ,,,,. '(111 ,11 .. 11n,., t.H 1t11 L:'HU•"' rrlt)o:llttl~ l(lloUp I I MUfl Santa Ana Schools Gft · $4400 to Use For F.Afucation of Cerebral-Palsied SAC"RA:\1E !\'Tt I I l 'I' I Mom · thnn ~l'it•rroo lt:t.s l><~t•n llllll('att'<l hy ttw S tair r.II'J'IItrtmt'nt uf El'lu· r a tion In '"''' Cnlirotnlll Nmn ti••s nnd t ltro~· o'tlin from thC' $250,0110 lund rrr•lll•tl loy tlw lrgl~llltUr<' lnat ~ l'llr to ''~'"' 111 1•ro1 ttl•nc.: ~f"'t'H<I rlfUc11 lit•11nl ludltlit·~ f•tr r•·t t'ltrnl· pal~""' d uldro•n ~untn Ann t'tl} ~•·h•••l~. $-1 1111 Sttn Ill•·~>~" •·•ty llt 'h•••''· ~~~ . .-~• ~~~n l.u" < lhl'f'" "'11111\ "'""''' , -,.,,._, ll11tl tlw S :w l:t ( '1111 ,, '~""'' I "'lttl()h ~ 111,1~.1!1 '"''"'' I!· lwl • ""~ throughout ttw '''" • •.·11 •·uurtltt'l' tfllallcd 278 . '\'•I \ 1\:'l:i\ t 'rratlon of $300 GAS RANGE TO BE DONATED GIRL SCOUT HOUSE ltt7 t• "lA~ "'"tntllltml1 •·stlmate ~f "·'"'' '''"" ''"lrrc·t ;-.;,. K. t>m b rac- '' • .,.,,, '"' J~tnuar} I 15 JO,()tB,. ' I. "'1m 1 II• .u-lt ~•llllh La.:una I '" :--1 •'· 111<11 ,,.,, C IJ<I)'m<•nta for '"" ''''n or} ••'(t• m llng thro ueh I" • • Htlot • :"""ltnt•·•l tu $13,574 . • r: .. , .r, 11 11 ~ an ·nmpltsh<'d 1ol I' ' 1 ..., •' ttloil ""'' 111n..: "' a SPf'Cial Louis J . C'St·n ar . spok<'Sm an fur '-t •'· \\ltlt· to•ltt f rolls ~how 181 . "'' 1 • ••I tho Huard of Super. Gatrc•rs ond Sattl~r Corp., said 10• 17 • t ' I'• '' rn~; "'1'1 11s nl.'t•dy aeed · t 1' "'' lo•.tt tw d tndny day that his romp11n y will join 1',14;:1 ·•~ tt•·•·d\ h lt,ct, 33,09'J ~~ ,., • ltfth """'''""" distr irt was IO<'Ill d <·aft•r J ohn F. Vo~wl in S:IV· tl•t• ""' 11 1 ditlllt·t•l1, tnd 54,977 81 I· "' d '" !Itt• ltount uf SUJ)('r\'iS· ing nway a bra nd-nt:'w uutom n ttr ,., '"'' d ''"""" tmf•~:t·nts. ' '"" ''· ''''' l.t>t rlay for a dti· gns rang<' fo r use in the• nt.•w Gtr l '''"'"'''~"tlh mtJfl'lhanoneoot "' '' ho· ,,.1 up fu r lht· 1948-49 S C'(•Ut .. Liltlt' Jlousl'" n ow ht'ing .. r ,.,,,\ :111 IK'tlJll•· on rdief rolls '' 1 1'•'1 huilt o n Central Avt·. in Nt•wport d•utttt I ,,,., rlll .. •r tnl'ltrdt-d Alpine 1 •'' t dt'' r•~'" nlr·•·udy form r d B<>ach, I•• I "''''It·. ~L1tl1·rll. TuoiUI'Tlll(': " ti t '"1Hl ll'•l\'tdt· sys1r m Art> No. The girt, thr la tt•s t, fuiJy.auto· I''"" 1 1-•k•·. l\lunu. MariPQaa, I '·'"1 t AttR • Ntt. 5, Nt:'Wport rna tic. clock-rontrollt•tt gns range Httll•· s """ ('ruL, Culusa, Yuba, f,, ·' I '" ti. <'o~tll l\lrsa , and No. huilt by Gafrr rs a nd S attle r. is lo;l'lf• 1 Tdl~tm:t. S IVl Luis Obiapo, II I Itt tt l >Itt: I On fk •ach . l'altl(·d a t $3(1(). llurttiH•Irlr, S"ki}uu, and Rlvt>nicko. -----;-;:;:---::----=:-::-----:::-:-:---------- ' · .... 11"'. "''" rC'h'''"<''Y light~-'George,' Robot Plane Pilot, Hailed l1d '"II•. 1•·11 • r than one out of r.r,\. , ... lull· II s u n Mtt tro. Solano. As Means of Making Flying Safer M.tttrt. t 'nntr,, I ·u~tu. P lum aa, Laa- , •• 11. -''"""'r•·> ;,nd Alameda. fl} CHARLES COR OORY \\ ;,r ntnt.: ·'l.:·••n~t a ny furtht'r l't"-United Prt-ss Aviation Writ<'r t,,,,,ll .. n •n tit•· ndmin l.stratlon Q( \\ AS III!'/Gm:'ll I L'P) _ .. Watch 'him' takl' us in .. 11 '" r. '"' r.,,1,11)•·rs· auodatJon l"tw nt.J!oo4o d rppr<l ~:••ntly and W<' glldro towa rd W a.<;Jllns:ton Na· , ... c1 J<, ltd I'· I) 1111 nr"' are a lread,y a htt.: 'hilrt• oof 1 It• II>IRI cott ol fOV· • t nrn··111 "' t '~tilrornla. Un~ ''" \ t!hllltoono; o·:m Jt'Opardiu the '•'·•I , .. r\ tP• ~ ••1 ..:u\'t'rnm*Mlt." '''"'·'' Atf1lvrl 1lw l>ougla~ OC-3' th ruttll's ~>a.'<t'd back Wlthr.ut I t'lhfo• olllf I lo ' " .. , lndl't•t1 t aktng us in '" tlu• nrn" nv, ~~~ Hnndy Mulhf:'rin. • I •• r "' t h• C'l\ II -'••ro11nut ics Ad· '"" l•lr:tltlllll' r Itt.: h l tnSpi•Ction '' t1 I ''"d "Ill'" \I ould Junior Firemen To Get Badges TOTAL NUMBER OF INCHES, IN BO'rn CLASSJ AND DISPLAY ADVERTISING f>r lln> 1: Stmr,..,•m. Ji<lult• su pt·r· tnlf'ndt•nt nr JNhlh' Ins I rurltu11, ~nid nlltM'II IIun~ ltltllllin~ot $15A,I!kl '"" c• l1r1•n 1nad <' ~~~ follows : .M()Ci•••tu <'lly ."t'lh'>OI~. 3,750, I ·r h, "'u11r·~ 1"'"' '" , .. 1unrl\ tnltll lfl•tl h) It ~ ,tf fttn•" l tr S tllll• ""'' 'ltlll lrttt•ll111 l'ottnly 11ISn h." "1'1•1•• 11 '" •hat•• 1n t lw mun1•y hu t lh.tl lilt· llttttt•u•t th•• rounty r:tn n utld t h .... ""' y••l '"'<'n dt•t•td••tl ll)llJII II• \\ ,,,. ---------------------- Tit· rrr•l k{lll\1 n U!'l' of the dJ. '' ,., tor•rn•") In th(' l'ntt<'d S tatea 1\t" 111 ('t H"i"'" rt•unl}', P r n nayl- 1 an•a . 111 JS4i><, "''cording to the l .ttl'\t'lt I•:Ct II lot Hrillllllll\'11. · If,." •~ lwt tt•r k11nwn a mung atr· Badgt:'S w ill 1><-pri'Sf:'ntro ml'm· m• 11 ••~ (;o•vr~t•." th1• riJPctric au· ht•f'!l of lh£' junior firr dr p artmt:'nt '"'" oltt' J•tltH 'J111s autnpiltH cl0<'8 hy firr drparlm<'nl and city offt· '"'" t h11 11 fl} 11 l'tlntpns~ rourst' In r ia ls on W i'dnt•sd ay, F C'b. 11 111 4 ·' tl• • 1 mntlun "I lr" rnn '"' tunl'd P m., it wa s a nnounrNI tndny h y tn '" l't•ry high fri'IJII•'n ry rad ln Phil Hnydc•n, r ity Ctrr inspt"('tor OF ANY HARBOR AREA NEWSPAPER DURINGTHEMON11 1 OF JANtARY ANOTHER REMINDER • THAT T HE IN TilE NEWPORT HARBOR AREA . AS TiiE MEDIUM TO HELP MOVE YOUH I otllt;t'' f111<f ll'tiJ rJy IH'roS~ ('f)\lnlry Thr jUnior rirC' d r pnrlmt'nt (~ II It ~tr:llfolhl lin(' clt'llj'lilt' w ind f'()tnflOSI'd of nfth lind s ixtl) gT!Id · ' •t ltt l tttn~ 'rhNt "he" wtll IHkl' •·rs In t h,. Nt•wpnrt Ot•uch and 1111• Jtlnn•· In Cor 11 Iandin~. C'orunn dr•l Mar <'I I'm r n 1 a r v ''G•'Or~tr•'s" JlrOwf'~!l ~ 11~ bl'in~ SC'hOOI<~ w h11 ar e !ltudyln g n l"'.•un;. drmon•trlllt'<l h \' Mu lhf'rln nnd m rtrr• prPVcon !ton, !lpnnlor~ h~ F.d,•ur not.:••rq, tw• ro-pllnt Tht•\' I h" l<t\\ lints C luh a net d it·t•rtt'f1 It~ do It ln t n r th••tr rJ~tnL; Whf'n tft;,,lf.lld• n b irch ·'' • 1o:1 u11ndo•1'1, ''" 1·kln.:: I•'<~· I J .. nw~. l:ft~fll:"~. :tnd )nrd.~ tll'o ••rat 1.111 11 "" 11111t '''''"!.: n··~ fit•· '"tnt: "'tuttnt"'ll hy thr pupil' 111 \'l('(•s "" ''"'' •• ,r ''·'"I will ,,.. lht•lr l'lltlf'l•ntralo•d I rrort lr) I'll '3fc•r Anti n,,.,.,, tdlultl•· j 1h•• I'll~ nf firl' h:t/:ttti.< An "' \\'hl'n tl11· "•·athl'r ~:• 1~ t'~l"'· "'"''"''" t<. nn t l't•n~ttl••ro•d l'om l'lalty lt.tl't •·c;,.,1 ~. 1 ""'"' lllt•r•· pl•lt• tlttltl all ha.r:rr•l• lt;t\1• '"'" l lh~tn t''l'r Tit·• au ltll"l•tl :\lui-1''"1'''' I h~ fl1t· ''"11'1 nr t h. h t'lln ,,~, ",.1,.1, t ttlt•l·l• 111111 ftr"l'''' •I 11 h11 h tlnu• :o rq~·ll hiiD111tt~ f'itll ,,, h:o' IJUtdo,t I fl•· "' Ill• ,J "' II •·· '''"'' "' :'II' I Inn~ II nri t1t It r 1:• I' lit 1 1 , II" l'llttr"'"r. '"' ''''"' ,,,,, ""·1Start Studv humnn ptltll< '" '"I• ,., "' '"' · • '''"n··,. 1"''1.:" .... ,n,, •.. ,, "' , . .,,. Of 'l~oootom"·' •lnnll} lllltHnr: krw lt ... -•ntl It '' .. , . J fc't• 1'1111 11>\f•r tho t·nnlt<•l "ll'l loo'• .._,\('1! \;\II ''I'll t1 I'• 1 h "n •I r:ult•' nl11• nn:tt·, ""l"tlt tll'••: ~~ "' I •· I'·"'"" 111 t•l \It '" t1 11 , t'.tn 4\t•f 111. '-t••t "'' ""'" hJtt\\ up l:l• fh Joel. I\ It pot tt·d II ., '"''·" ••• , I 11n Pnt.:•nc• n •n !'••n k nlll .tlttl " <'till~ ,,J l~t!Holtotl\1 , tho• ",.,tt l 'Ct'OI'f.!o· .. 11 11J JU~I l..o't'f' l il ltll.; lho• l~·tlt II lt •f••cl ,.,,lltltrt.tlt•tll ttl lllt,·t plnn•"' hnntf' ~un~t• •·f tlw •\•Htrh f'''''"=--111 lh• I l\l lllhl'llll ~Ill 111 lh•• t•nt•kp•l. lt'llfll.tl l••lto· 111 lh•• lor:ttl1 ,,.,, 1 111 .. 1'1""''11..: '"'' '""''''"ll''"~ "1. ,, r .. r ,, .... ,.,11111\l'd r .. r lh•· .. , ......... "' 1 n11)' ddlo•t'lllltt tn tltt• ('llh~·i••int· llt.1t 1111111\ oolcl t 'hr~tnto· ,.,,,,.., '•·I 'r~ \l hi•·h !liAntl :ol rt~ht and ··'"" ttt<ttnlll • whu an• nnls•·y. iutrut'l· I lh(' in~l rlltnl'tl\ lt:ttfi•J \\ fl1 11 !Itt• ,tiiJt•, llttt'PilJM l':t fll t' oli11J ot~•<:IIIJ fl\1' 1JJIIt111' •~ nn lito• lwum Rr>o.:••r< h.trl •ftlll'l ''"" 11 :ttttl ho•c•om t• r•·:t~lln:thl~ 1 11nly Ito hnn(llt• l:t11rllnc.: to:co:tr 11ntl 1\o•IIIH h;t\• rl p:tll•'n ls ," Ilk t1• pal f. * * • lnSUfiiiiCe p, a. palmer INCOUOIAUD w. o. buck, Insurance counselor 3 333 via li do, newpo rr beac h. cali f telephone newport beacfi harbor 1500 * * Jack's Equipment Rental Contradon' Equipment Phone Beacon 5508-W 17th and Santa Ana Ave. Coeta Mesa • Before You Build or Remodel Vlllt Oar btter.Uq SAmple ud Dllplay Boca. Color guides, plan- ning aida, oomprehena- and Unoleum. lve atock d carpets $. LUDLUM Carpet Works 1 ............ .._ .......... ..__ MNT•.U.A LUMBER BUILDING MATERIALS Plumbing Contractor FIXTURES AT RETAIL $25.00 $52.50 SINKS, Vitreous China, Double WATER HE~ERS, Standard Brand Toilets, l vatories and laundry Trays FLOOR URNACES INSTALLED AMON WEST PLUMBING CO. -l'hone Harbor 1185-J - 2607 Cenfnd An. NEWPORT BEACII rJnJI!I. TIW) rlt.:ttr•' "ll'h tllll•l· ml'nt said. , 1 m ollc Otl:hl 1~ tht· nt·Jo.t 'lt'fl lur Tht· Lnncl••) P ortc•r t 'l1mr "'l~i~~;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~iii~;;i~i~ th (' Alrltnt'S !"1'\'l'rAI n (I w llrt' s.m F r 'tOI'ISt'll ·~ hanl'llin~ lht• leslln~: and f'X(lo'r lnwnling '"'h ~htdy m r•onnl't'lto n with Sturkton tht:' S)"!!t Cm. oll1d ~apa SIAl(' hospitals. MERCHANDISE Sport Tope • • • s~at Con•rs TAYLOR'S TRIM SHOP Automobile Uphol. t crin ~ Boat and Truck Cus hi ons 1505 W eat Central A Newport Beach R..UUSOR 1910 Enjoy Delicious l\1exican Food at .£aP~ CGmplete Meals from $1.00 Jal8 NewDOI't llcMIImard COST:\ MF ... ~A C,... I tel...., B&AOON "'" c'lowd Monda~· Sell It Through Claalified Advertising '(: • Honor Roll· · Prosperity Pluggers T. WF.STON .lAY Anchorage of Southern Calif. P:fl'n Cnrl~" . I.AIItW>n A \fnrtln Oul hntHIIo ('omr•lr tf' \'llr ht F'umlohln~t It cir11r. \'111'ht ON'kf'rllt:r It ln•llrl'nt'<· ll11rlw•r ~.'t--..,Utl \'1" Of"''''' lli':AS \\'. C':"II'IH'I.I, Lester & Co. \ll'mt..•r l.o• A ncrtr o !'tnrk f'v h.,nr;r Ott\'t'rlltiiC'nt. M unlrl l"'l nnll ('nrtu•rt\llnn SN-11 rill••• M:. F. ("r n tml \\'1' .. Onlhon l'h. Hr~rl>o•r ':!M I I . ft. \\'n.;ft' Sf'wpnrf On~nrh \hnll~;••r 'Et~· Hokin & Gah·nn ""Wf"lrt n.'1C'h . ~"n Fr'lnl't't•~· -\\ l·nl •.•. !'nn n ... ~ ..... ~· ··k lotn f'l F:CTfliC'I,\'\'10 1"91 RNu-ftn :\ .. 111 tl)tltl ('""'' "'"' Padrair R. "Pat" E,·an s Life -H<'alth -Acrid<'nt All Types Personal Insuranr~ llutlnr lfltNI • IS!& r:. flart Or. • 1\alhcloA Baumgartner Jewelers IMUrf'd Oiamond8 "THREE 1'000 BROS ." TO DDS DAIRY QUALJT\' AND SF:R\'lCE eM ~rmlnAI S trN-t -l'lanta An a -Fonf' SA\~ ·---....... A•lwiM . ·-,..,, .. r.-.. ~c ......... s....._ ......... ~ Daltllo 1tw \.OLJI'F.Y HAY .. TR Ha y's Camera Exchang(l Filma •.• C'alnf'ru • . . f1nlahl~~te • C'anctlct Ca mt'ra T'o rfralh • 301 r:. C"~ntnl RA 451 -O.lboa Oeo. B. 8trtdrt'r, prM.: C. A.. Rf'rtworta, \loe Pftoa. Ra,J \', Manhall, T,_.urer Seaport Boat & Yacht Corp. '" o.-t RW7. f'1L lfartw>r Mill. Nf'"'J"'rt a--. n.u,....oo <'rut•r It I'JWirtater ~-.TM11 Sail Roate FHA HOMES MESA RANCHOS (Corner of Flower & Tustin in Costa Mesa) I Harbor Events s Oelrr The Wl'alh<'r man mnd•· a .:ood try at giving us ra,n ll1s t S unday, but j uat couldn't q u I t e mak e it. or COUI'I<' it Isn't very good {ly- Ing w c· a t h e r whcn It rains but the country surt'IY nN'dl It, so we are fildn¥ it up with the wt'athcnnan to have it ndn I'Vcry night from aun- 1('1 to aunrls<' and then clear up d uring the> days. Cong ra tulations arr In order for Chestc>r Row!'ll who rompleted his first solo flt~tht and for Harold H umphrirs and Roll('rt W right who rr("('h'••d Pn\'atr Ptlot tickets. C1inton Arm-. I rong rc>("('l\'ed hts lnstruml'nt rutin~;. T ('n plant's CArryil'li: thirty pilots and th••tr frll'nds madt• thl' break- fast flight to ~I M.tr atrport last S unrlll)' Tht~ wa.c; th1· Hurd ihght of tht• Shl.'rttr~· Al'ro Sltuadrn n. ODI'\ FAC'TS .\BOUT !"LYING: It 1s hnrd to IX'li<•\'1' t hat 11 plnne explndmJ;l rouht savr A ptlot's lirl', but durin~ thl.' last war, Lt !)(-An was forCC'd to ball out or his ship w hi(·h twd !)('en badly damai(E'd hy gunfsr" His chut~: faill'd to Opl'n, but thC' ship In reaching t h e if'OUnd fiP!lt t'ltpl(l(t('() a nrl hll'w hl8 parurhutf' ttJ'lf'n and hr landed with only minor lnjurlrs. JIOW IT IS DONE· Whnt eff~t d ()('s "md hll\'!' on nn lllrplanl' 111 night and how is it rorrf'Cted? Thr!!f' arl.' two qut'stlons which arc tht' h!trd .. st to a ns''''r and make> undl'rstond Wtnd, tht' horizontal moH•rn!'nt or atr o\·l'r the ~:round. has Rbw lutr ly no ertt'Ct whatever o n tht' control, the ratr• or climh or thP airspt•t'd of a plane> in the a lr. It is only the relationship tx>- twN>n tht' plane> and the ground which ls afft'ctcd. Wht'n some por- tion of the pla nt' ls In contact with the grnund, t he friction from that contact v.111 r<'tard that portion or the plane and thc>refore a deflnlte effe-ct of lhl' wind will be noted. Once In thr air. la a blimp af- • fectC'd more by the wind than a Cub type plallt'! Save thla column each week for a complete l'xplan a- tlon of thla most misunderstood item in flying. 11t'J Newport llhd. COSTA KUA Pboee II F.-. 5lt 1-W TbeJ don't romr too t&rnAII, dell- ra~ or ooetiJ lor our eXAet, de- IM"f'CCable " at e h r epa ir ~~e>n1oe. l t'e d-RJOBT here. California OufOf Doors Carver, MrNally, Blinn Lead in •Half Pinf ~rieR NltWPORT BALBOA NEWI·TIME8 I Tt'rJ'nA\ N""P"'"I ...._. • .., t '.UI ......_ a, ,.._ Page3 By~C ~~ I United Press Staff Correspondcot 1 S A RAME_~TO ll P l -1lw 1 Thl' 1\~o<'t«lwn has llct•n .,.rcstl·1 km.: of liJklrts fish the> ramhow ln.: \1 1\h tlw t•r••ltlt-ms nf tht• -~~Itt trout shnultt !)(' much In l'\'l<kn<·t• s•·n~<lll, rl'.;ulstt "'" h) fl) \1 "~ s. tuul in tlw lltrl'ams of C~tlifornia this ~··tlttt~ up 1111 uti\ l~•lry '"'nunlll•••· Yt'ttr. lh•rt•. In J.lllrl, ill whllt th•• hulll'llll For n••url)' 11 null ton rainbows tuu to say: w •·rc> planh'{l 111 strt•Rms and lakt•s "At h'll~t om· 11d,·an111.:'' tuf thl' throughulll tht• ~1«1•• hy th•' ~tall' split ~··IIS\)nl rlfltnl('d ts tlutl It Oh'ISillll ur 1-'ish lind Ganll' IllS I hill> lt·ndt•d ln rt'I'On('lh• tltt' I'll'\\" year Thts \\as ont' third mort• nf th'"''' wht' IR\'ort'<l an t'llrl) !'I'A· than wt•rt· plantt•d In 19-16. son a nd th•t~l' pr l'f,•rrm.: 11 )lilt• n, ftllft Rl )4~.\l l t>' ;,, lollf J11111 ' 'llll"t'lllt'lt •'••Ill IIIII•' 'lfl"ltnfl' m tho•tr \'1\M•'ll~ \\1111• 1 "'1"" noll! l 'tlll••n t 'rtt\•'o" Ult•1 I """ ll'nrb I hr I hnnpl\11 ) H••l: n ' 1 '' •. , "', •·.., ''" i''-.'" I"'' t ICn\. \\ lt~l·· 1 1\o'tltll• f\1, -.:,11,• • 11 .. 1 ~h••l h•l"' l lutlll\ I llh<lt 111 l •'l'i: 1\o•~t••h \\lilt I ••'Ill' "''' 'I"'' \\',11 ,,., "'"" .. =--··· STUDEBAKER SALES • SERVICE • New Stuclebater -co~ncfer Motors New Studeba er Chempion M~tora ttl UK\' \\ llli.F. T Hill' LA8T Joe Nlekertz PARTS $225.00 $178.75 3415 W. Central ly Lido Tlteotre Har~r 5 I 0 Th1• ll!'tunl numbo.•r plantt'tl wn,; mw 983.655. and tht•)' wl'ighC'd a tota l "Th••r•' has h1'<•n, lltJWI'"<'I', of 11:!.336 pounds "rill di!ISntishH'tlon o ,. ,, r I''"'' I· Hlttlt· Ill llh I t•lttll.tt\ lui• t ,.,.... 1'111•11•' ··.tllll-." '<'I···~. till Nt'" t••• t llnrl" '' \' nt'lll 1 'lull ':::~ -==-=;~~~::::::::-~--;.;;:;~~~;;::;;;;~;:~~;;~~ ftU\T l'li.CIT"4 HCI pr.r.a• ,1 I clrasth' <"-lrta•lm~·nt of ha(l und San ~'rnArdtno . rounty, I:•H al-'pos.1<'5;.1on llmlls And th•· lt'n.:rh of most half the totar--430,2RS. Lo1~ thl' or•·n II<'IISOn llw most rlraatlc Angt'lt's ~ o u n t y got about o ('\'r r imJlMM 1n ttw f11~.,. of 11 quart.-r--·11,500. Plants In oth<'r ronJ!A•r\'lttlvt> and authoritattve ,.,. rountt<'l Wl'rr a11 follows: Mono. tlmatt• of 110.000.000 ducks 1 Duc>k 74,ROO: Rivt'rsl~. 57,150: Vt>ntura. l nllmilt'd surw)'l and with two 51,120: San Dtc>go, 45,000: Santa &liCC't'Siful brN'dinR 1K'a11ons 11946 Barbara, 32,850: San Lull O bispo. and 19-17 1, thC' drastic restr iction• 2 1,400: F're~~no. 25,200 a nd Oranl(c>, imp!l8C'd . just don't m nkl' lt'nl<• 4,350. to the I:Tl'at numbt'r of duck hunt- • • lng eportsnwn of the W<'S t." The> nt'Ophytt' garnt' wardc>ns tn training 11! the> stall' ward<'n school near Asilomar. C'al., apparently ~ real t'ager beavers. Jn· a routine ch~k of 3.21R flsh- l'T'rnen and huntc>rs as part of thrir training. 1 hr future wa.rdl•ns ar- r('!lted 67 gai'YW' law violatOH In a two-ds<y sprN' on Monh ·rl')' rounty lwal'ht:'S- E\'t>n morr st•\'l'fl' crltkism . hOWl'V('r, Wall )t•\'Pllt•d by I he Ill!· aocl11t lon at fC'd•·raJ off•clals for thC'lr 5tatrm<'nts t hat no mattr r hC1W fa\'orahll' condlt tonll lhl' Pactfk rlywK)'. tht•rt• nn lll)('rallution of bag limit11 Sln~tlo·d out fnr criticism on thl• !l('()rl' "11.s Altw rt Oav. dtrt·r lor of thl' fl-d('rlll Ftsh ~nd Wildllfl' 1"-1 lU.,\tcT ul,. TY.X VI l lt•t•t• '" ttt. lte•nt t o f 'l'••'n" t•t 1 \\ ht'l't'\ ,.,. thl" 1\t'U\\ .... ,, Ula• '" J,,..,., lll•llolrll'l•lll .nttt • h11nl • :11111 ,.flll'tllb· "'" ht ltd ltltlltll lll\\ Ill tllkt• purl In lh•• t',lllrrtl llot\ll ,,. """" "'"''"' , .. ,, "l'•'kt•ntl 'l\1 ,, "•·•l•·rn .!!!\ o'ttlt~o· uwh h~ tfrt•phHh'<ll( nt •· fttlli'Ut.: t lu '"''' t:•''"~ I ~·n Cnuhtt • \1 ••rhl tt·•~'"' ""''' ••r . I 'lllifttrllllt "Ill t•f t lRkllttHl It I Ill tho• tu·w IIIII I 111<'1~·1-'r•·tl Amh•h" hliiN', Sunk l~t I( ill.''' ( tmn~>:•' 1111• h•'"' 1 .. p k k '"" IIJ', 111'1~11 .... ,II ""' nl\mr mm1t~ '"'""''" YO"ftr-"'"' "" ttttt l~<•llrtllnl! ''·' l•lt•·tlot 'l'urnhull lo;t•flt llflo'ho'\~'k, l.1tl11 J~lt•. \\Ill ,.,. "'"""" rd··•·~· \lhll•· .I cltl" Most of the> arrt'sts wr rc> mad" f n r pu~S<'ssion of u ndl'r ·Bill'd S<•n 'tt'l', .UM \\'F.I..ul C Na. H) n,_-•urtac lh•· thlrtl •ruart••r nl liN-ba• 1 f i f "!'uc>h a n atlttudr Is nnt. 111 kf'~l CUlM' pla)'f'd IN!re a..c L"Y''<Ia) nlcht """" an ar.,uwod .-a ( ·, '"' k•·r •'I !'\un I '••-..:•• ''Ill t ,., .. H •I ~I"'"'' \I tilt tlh tlo t'll II' <')•' llllltl \\ hll h h t• •••. , •. ,1\, .. t" .. _,.,,1 .)l'ttl ._ luwk cams,. or nr JJO«..~'SS on o too f T , .... ......., •---~·--llutl ' .. _ h ·~ •a Sl'tllt'h tal'"· ''"rl'''Ut "'''''· ''" m an}· of tht>m . Sl'vt'ral fishl'rmen th•· npomon ltf th<' dlrt'l'tor s or 0 .,.. n....--11P ~--nc "" ....... • ·"··~ · Wl'rt' found hunttng abalo ne out your ltM<OI'iulltln, in k•••·pin.: "11h 1~1111 '' h~ \~·•It""''' .,.,,. "' tht· N''"' -nn-~=~~~~ ll;da~~~~~~:, ~;.~~~~·~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ .. :,7: ll•~~·i.~~~n~:~~::;"r~~·"A.:•··, BIG FILLY -MARE SPECIAL AT SANTA AN 1-G\ SAT. fishin~o: liCC'nM'. Tht 1hr• l'lnr!l I hrn pri'IIOSNI n I Rut t hi' htggrst rntch of nil wo!< 11r11..:1·a 111 ft•r "•·~lt·rn ~Jlortsnu•n 111 Tlw Judy 11'\~rlld)'at ~tnd Molly :' •' •• I, • , ' tilt,, :\L11 l:ttl ll" "•II l\1111•• I 1 1101 I"' ''""' h111 n '' ••Uitl m ad" by stut'll'nt-who RIT!'l'll'l'l ur.:•· lll"'" C'con.:r••s,; It would t 1•1 l\l•o('•u·l\<: uf I hi' turf .:••t into thl' ll1rn••• • ""'' "" tlw f tllw~ •wei I" '' l.tt'l"' II "'"' ,.,,,,.,, ••·..:n1H thrc>r mrn n<'ltr \nrm<>l fo1· fll'l!l· protliolt• th11t r•·r::ulatwn~ !'httll l)t• hm••li r::ht ut ~anlu i\oltn th1• w~k "'~•·· '"'"'''""' '" •~· tlw '"'' ht•t t~·~t f11tlll a.•ssinj.! dt•rr out nf M'nson. At thllt, hy fly\lays Anrl in kt't'Jlinr:: with Wllh tht• runnln..: nf th•• $!'\tl,OOO "' 1h• I ••' '" "IH th•· Itt..: 't 'uJ• I llllh'l• I hil l ,.,.. t•h..:lhl• I••• th• cvc>n th" lt•nchc>rs admitlt'd thl') ·•I'IUitl ctlndltll'lns in I'OI'h Oywa}. S n n I n :\lar,;:.Hil • llundlt'llp AI n. ''" "' '"" ,,.. "" Ill\ • hl'lltlo ' Jt1.: 1'11p 1111,1 ur•· !'"'"""" ,,, lh• k nc>w thl'ir 5t.uff! 111 I'St ahhsh an nd\'lsory l'f\rnrnll· 1 I Ill'"'"'" tln :-;,,, .. ,11uy 11'1' tlw ·''"' q,,. 11•1 "' th""' •1111 "' ,-.:.,nlrt M1or..:r•t tilt 11r•· ll·lf'l'' h '"' • I"'" of r<'prt•st•ntnttv•'ll from tht• hl..: s p<'t'llt l ,._r ftlltl'~ 11nrl m11rt'll, "'""'" ·•I• ,, •• t.tl • ,,,,hl••ho1l 1,.,1111,.11.,"· l\1•• i\.:11111 Mill~ 1 ~,1 ,.,11 "\\'here d o we $(0. 'from hl'rr •" ~•at••s whk h would kN•p thl' !1'1.1-thr•·•··yi'Hr·t•ld anti upwnrd, And • hill• '''",, t l.·o•~tn fl••··f rt1111 1'1'•'11\ Mnl!t:lr That's thl' qui'Stion u ked by the •·rnl n~t•·nry mlnm wd u~ to opin-1 \\til ltron,.; •ntu a\'lton tlw h•udlnlt \ltll 11,,,1 ~1 ,1 ,1,.-~ :\I t~' c~nll•' s .. m .. .,f th•• lhr<'<' ,.,.111 ••ltl 111 Duck lluntPrs' Asll()('ifttlnn or Call-onn~< of huntt'r!! in thr van ous rn!'mlwrs ol t h1• tM.•·eRIIt-d "'''"kt•r fornia In a ri'CC'nl bullc>tin . I Rrt'/1~ IK'x. fn•m ·''~"''111 10" '' '""''' 11111""11 lw~ mu\ ""'" ta k•• 11 11,.1 Ill tlu Sitltl>t !\lru l:ltltltt, 11lthnur;h lht Midget Cars Open Season In L. A. Feb. 15 Southl•rn C'nhformR's m•~thtr mtdstet suson ~:cts off t o a fly. ing start Sunday a ft!'rnoon. 1-'1'1)- ruar y 15, with lht' l!tngin.c of th!' 200-lap \'alt•ntint' Sw!'l'pstnk~ 111 the Los Angrlt'!! C'nh!lt'u m The rll<"t'f('st Is sanc>tloncd h)· thl' AAA. tnp govl'rnlng hody for autn- m oblle racing in the Unitl'd Sl8ti'S. This is the same group which sanc- tions the Memorial Day claulc at Indian11polie. Bill White, vetPran promoter or apHd evenll. wtll atace the thrill ahow. More t han fifty of the great<'lt drivt'rs In the WH t will take part In the> lo ng grind, White> said. State Fair to Boost Horse Race Purses The fii'SI hll lf u r lhl' uUUi tcnclintt ~nntu Arlllll Oll'f'llnl: hrt~ 1-....-n ron· l'lUdl'd 11 nd the• llPXI (tVI' WC'Ckl I Will SN' 1 Itt• h·ad UIJ to t hi' 11 th l•unmnl.! "' '"" •••h••r SIIIQ,f)()(l turf ht•lulllnl'r~ Tlw S•ulla An I I A llnnd1rnp IFI'It :.~1 and the> Sontll S A\RA!\IFI"TO 1\JP I -Th(' "'"'" ll••rhy t Mll'tt'h fil C'allfnrnla S t ntl' F'nlr , Aftl'r l'llrO· in~ ll sno,()()() 11rnftt nn tiS 1~17 horsl' rAcint.: mPrt, I~ hoost lng pur~~ and olht'r uttrnrtlnns fo1r I hi' 19<1R r"l'tnl! T otal purs~ will bC' boostl'd rrom $7~.600 fur R1 r ncc>-In 1947 In $11 2,500 for 99 ra('f•s nt this )'l'nr'@ ~tate> fair. Thl' minimum purv prr race will go up from $700 to $900 for both harn«.'lls a n d running eventa, E. P. Green, lt'CTetary- manaaer, ll&ld. Th~ bitt r ace of the mN"I, th~ Governor 's Handicap. will stay at a $10,000 pUF'It', but the Inaugural Handlc11p purae will he ~IE'd from S1500 to $2000 a.nd the> Labor D11y lfand s<'llll Jrom SIOOO II) $1500 K. C. All Stars, New York Celtics Here Tonight Tht• lammtll Nl'gTO K11nsas C'lty All StiVI will play tht' New York CA'ItiC$ in 11n nhlbihon buketball pml' at llarbor !Ugh tonlaht at 8 p.m. The two team11 ar(' com- poeed of some of ttw top Olrht profrulonal play.n In the COMtn· try. Laat I('UOO ttwo AJI Stara WOfl 128 gam<'S of 135 played. th• ~'li ''"'' dl""t.'l n••· tttnutn.:_ ITlltl•, ""' 111 t•'l f•lllll Ill I hi~ c-.'"" M•·t 'r• ur) "til fl)· '"''"' I '"''''' I•• tlllo • Ill I ~"'"""')' \\'ill I . II• ,,. I· 11•1• ·~ ,.,, llltlt~h••ll tu•k ol "i'l"'"'"t.: "llk r '"''I mort "'•'IUot •nt•tl 4'UtHpnh,:nt•rll t" lt•~"'tl:f\tl t•tl II• pr••t I\ •••\ I' I&' "" t•lftl) In I lu "''a~··n """'''•·r: Mr" ltuhlttl h•'l"ln•• 111 llw S u ntu S u"'"'tt, I t"' n.•••••t1 .• 11' tnntlll ,,. ""''"J.! th•· 111p o.tnktllttl l"l. t 'uml)' h nno• 111111 lll ho'n• mr•) I",,,., nh·t' i1n~l ~1thh t ... ftultul :uuunw tt11• nutu•n•~"'• Hi~h School High Jumper, Victim Of Bark-Rreaking Fall, Recovering .. Jll• ~ ltn\lt''· It\, of :I IIi i\1-rl•·-ly/t•tl fr11no tlw htJI" ''"" 11 "tu•n h• !/1\'1 l!allkJII ''''""'· "ltu lu okl' ••nt .. r••d tllo' hu~jttlul Tn1.ltt) Itt· "'"" '"' lo •o ,. k hll:h·JIIIllJttlll: Itt~ I 11lol•• tu rr.IM· hi~ ttrm~ ""'' htttl \\'•·•In< "'">' at llitrhtlr llltth Al'l1ttul, ""'"" ~lll:hl fo•dtnl: tn hi~ lo·IC• ll tut '" ntwn l•dly tm tlrn\lnJ,t 1n S t J,,.. fN•t l ltllll>t t"l llllnr h•-. atlltt' ltll') l'jlh ht~liJhtnl l•rt• N•nl1tl••nt 11f hi~ tv•mpll'lt• n· l tavlt'fl, n<'rordinlt to co a c h <'01\'o'r y Rul ph ~. wae lhc flrsl atu&-nt Jllt(h jumJlinll nvf'r ttw at•ndud tn 18 ~.,.. to eutft'f Injury In tlw ••"·duet ft6l. n"'"f'll dovf', lr~~~t•ad ph)'11iCIII N1ucatlvn hll(h-jumplnc roul'llf'!l 111 thl' ""'"' hh:h Jchonl Suff('rlnl: 11 llltl'hlnod fourth Vl'r1l'h""''· )uun.: I l'ltVh·"· "II' par"· 11f jumplnR tilt' (lt•l•· 111111 l11ndNt on loll UJII!t'r l11w k, f111lln~: to roll. "'' l'tlfrllnw '" n ... ·d Tars Hot -Oilers Cold Nettles Chrysler Marine Engines Uirl'd Fartory l>iatributor f,n':rtr SEE TliE New 20th Century Models • Ace • Crown • Royal M·U -Wil+ fil:ft:r Service and Parts .Availabll' at All Tlmel' 'tn"r* Kenneth E. Wilson Co. <'hris-fraft J>ealer ·~ • 925 ( 'oast H iway Hearon 5271 NOW! 8-Hour Service • • • ON- f.omplete Overhauls New Short Block AHsemblies (.~amplete Engine Assemblies BrinK Your Car In at 8 L m. and have It back by 5 p. m. the lame day. Courl•sy Cor At Your Disposal Lured by the r ich prize monry, which Is always top!l nt tht' \oil· lt'um, evc>r y "name" dri\'rr tn tht'SI' Jlarts w ill txo at tht' startln~t line. In 1946. Whitt' paid out SI ~.­ ClOI'l In pursl's Las t yrar . \\'hil<''11 5C'IO-Iap cla$sir nt thr \uh5Nim, paid out tlw hiJ;:JCt'l'l purSI' for 1947 Th('rl' Wlll lw on<' mor!' day of racinR 111 till' I94R fair nnti c>ach dny'A prngrnm will carry 11 in · !!l<'nd of 10 rnN'I The> All St11rs arc> 11'11 hy a on•· armed htd, Aoid Oull', who p ltt)•'lt dl:apll<' hla h11ndil'ap. for 3 yf•'tr• at Tl'nn<'SS\'(' Still(' The c.•lttr-. 11 Rroup of lnrm•·r coll••i:•• s•·••• from 11rnund N"w Ynrk. IH " un•· of thf• up nnd <"nrnln..: '''·'""' "' th,. prol••"''"nal world Th• \ .• ro· lc>d h) "Jfult" l fuJ.Ifitrtl f.' fi I • II Fiery As Newport Clips H. B., :17-34 Boh s .. w"" .... 1tnc ht• ._, a&n ... tor ,..,. ••·•· pur "" • ""'"' 5 1-'al'tory Trainl'd Me<-hanin Danny Oaks, 19-17 Pac:ifil' \oast l'hRmpion, will h!' t hi' Numbr'r Onr l'ntrv. alt1111: with ~uch throttlr pushin,.; crt•llls ns Ouk•• l"olon, t:d lla dd11d. Johnn) Md>uwl.'ll, Johnn~ Parsons. Rull!'l JOI' Gllr!lnn, Pt't'- WI'C 0 !!11 arl'l' . .l:wk Mc-Grath, tilt' hot·rltd k in.: anrt !'nmmy !lank~. th<' pndt• ttf AlhAmltra. WOMEN'S BOWLING LEAGUE TO PLAY \\'omr•o l\(1\\ ll'r~ rt'<'rllol••d frmn Cnsl/1 :\1•'";t 11 1111 l"o•Wpttrl llf'ltrh /Iff' forn11111: II hOWII nl: lt'lll!lll" AI 1tw \<1-::a !\lr•sn R••tT!'ntinn l'l'nlr r Tlw~ "111 nw••t t'\'t•r~· :\ltmdu~ n11:h1 at Rpm SPORTSMAN'S LOG Tilt' Dtvlslon or F'lsh And Gnml' rt•mlods local SJ,nrts- m••n of tlw fnllowmg rl'~ula­ ''""' "hirh npply to current· hU111 ln~ nnd nn~:ltn~:: J ttt•kraltluts All )'l'llr Opt'n 1!4·nst1n, t'l\('t·pt San lll'rna r - dtno, U.s AnJ:I'It'S. O rnngl', HIVI'rsidl', s<nd San lJic>go I'Ounti\•s. No bal( limit Prl'dator)' An1mals No l'lo'lr•d ~" ''"CIIl nn thl' trt ktng fll w•ldrnt'~ Wl·alll'lll, an d skunks. No hng ltmll. Aloltlottw~ ~:nd•·rl .l ttn 14 lr•r Wtlh ;,n '"'''•'1-:" nl '" 1• "'~ 1\ l:<lnll.' ol\o·r 1111 t'lll••lld•-11 t• I •••I fair ,.,hlhltltlll uf ullr-n•h•· l ... ..,,,.,..,,r, on tiM-ltN·•I herd14-<Mod laat l"rida,. ntt(hl '" '"'~'"·"' tr ... , tt..-~~o""/'"" ,.., ... ,, ''"'''" auch No Down Payment -GMAC Bud9et Plan vJI<Hol "'""""" ttt • hi.: \\'111 11\rr 1'"''''""-y unll••frat,..l llunlhtl£14111 ~!· .. ~.:;s•~~~'"'"' ,,, .. ,.,,.,~~ ;, If,"·"' ,.,, ... ''''"' II··"'''' '"'"·I CULBERTSON ~<'"'tK•rt II ,, • to " ' I~ ~.:••·•· " I I piny 1n I hi' I" • hnmu11 ~ 1:1111 •• 7 Jl rn. PINK 'S DRUGS LEAD 800 COMMANDINGLY Pmk'~ I >ru~;• f11r nut m fr11111 tinn 1111 th•· Ill•• pl11y. •·onttn•J• '" •. ,n :•• l\1 ..... ,, H· It I wh11 frt•fn rth 1•• t1 l.ul 'Ahtt ,. •I \\ tftl "'"' "'"'" t•hn •·d utt .tl. r t I)• l•lap"l II' ,r ''''' kt~•·" '' "·'' r ' I • '"''' "tlh II l••tn'• •fllllttr lho•ll n11:111 tl "·•· 1.111!\ llltl lo~l• ""' l'\••!11111: 1httt f ht• tJiJ•I"' l'olfl, ,,f '-h t11' 111; J ut tr~o t ttftltfU.tUif•tl t ht J.,'Uft\t 'hnttlt'f"" "'''' ,,,J,J,t th.tll H •I• ••I tlttt~u.·lt th, ttlu tl ft ,tUif .lt ._l)C mnrkt•H•I tn \lthl "' t•lt• ... "' tit· ,.,,,, hltlttt•h·ft th•' L:,,.,,, ,,...,1 nflh .:urn•· •''-JM c•:dl,\ tl• th• IHq qtt.u ''''11 "'fit• 1"'1111'" '" '''' In t t•·t f•,tl 11'1' Who n •ltnl .o flo 1 flooi 111tl•·ol "lito• '" •1 •IIIII 1" 'otdltrll' 111• llo ' Of( t ht• hqup \.\ IU• h I h t' •11 ' H•·ol ""' '' "I t" II 1' It n ut'" t.:•·t h.t•k tu ·,,fll•' It '•••k l u•·• ""' lllttu•••.,f ,.. pll l'lllk", 1 11111:~ " y , 'A'R" ••:•'"' t h• 111 , , , ,.1, f Ill& It• ',d :, .. llttttttrw tn tt lt.•1u h lutl•••l Itt L n• Ill' Ill! k··" •• ,. I I ,...... Ill• I I"" I'"''' lit· llll•ko•l 1:1 lrihut•·•l ll 'l'·"kllrt,• 1••h 111 11-. l 'llol,,, ''" I or lll kt "" llt •oll~• ",,,,.,, II• 1 I !')'n lJI'-ttU '-1'.111\lt t' ( 'rll\\ fttnl l ••••r.:• 'I .'1 , .. 't.,~tnuhnL' ''' •• ,,, ''" I ., •II ,,., l llhh Ut ',·nt~t• \\ht•h lftlt\ .,,,.)\, .7 t•·:--1 u f tf trt 1. 1, If• otdl It• tltud r•lt•• tu IU•\\ ftut•·tl l,\ t2 ft) "'" llfft'f l to~f tf il 1 toft ft flfl ~I t It lf1f I "\t \\l-•tf Urld f•ttllt ffttlt CHEVROLET CO., INC. l. l. HAGAN, Service Mana9er Chevrolet • Oldsmobile 300 I We,t Central N~wport Beach Phone Harbor 513 T••n ""111''11 lt:t\•• 11ho arl \' "11'111· f1rd trll<'l1111uo In I"" ton pal• r nr rordonc '" :\Jr,. Altl"r" l\o" 111111:. :\a7 E !lith St c·u~ln :'llr~:o. dt:~~r-~ man nf lht• no·\\ lt•.tl:lll 11111 , 'h•• s11y11, ttwrt' is ro••m fnr rtntfllwr ten 1'\n 1ly and JlO""t"''~IOn h" 1: ltm11 · 10 Rhalnnl'!\. nn m nro· th1111 f l\'(· nl \\·h•rh m11 v llf• r·•·d <Jon 'to 10 M tnt mum . l:tl.l' li1111 1' r r 11 sh..tl. ",. v r• n In 7~)11 I• •L.!''' • "" 1 .. ,,,, .. , r• II'" It• .tl" t••d • d Ill' "''"'t•\'Hit u rl"nf•Jt" , .... Slon'" l':olnt•·n '"'~ •'V•·n ''''"'' th, lu • II''•"'''' !).!) ,,.,....,,,,.,, ,.,, ''"' H un t \ I ' I' I ,-.---_----------------, A 1 prc>sc>nt II,.. m• m tw•r•lup tn· clud('S: Lurill•• \'rrt:ol. ~.'(,1,, (;ro•· I~, ;\l:t\111•' 1\o•hop, lll'l••r"~ ;\l;ttlt· '""· ~~~~~~· Ld•a. 1\o•l ty 1 h·r•rl~ \'l'r()ntl'a Sl:t I,., ll:t1 nrt I t• f tan· durnnd nntl ,., H11 11n11n ~~~ "l'll 11!1 Mrs . DQ\\ tllnt: Be W ise A•h·l'rt i~t· Howard W. Gerrish Ull N.wport ..........,.. 008TA IIUA ............. ""'"'' t.:r"' n si' nnd '• m•·h•·". I' 1 n k, six mdtr«, hlttt'k. ftVI' llldll's. 194A lolih· tnt! ll<'"""r' rr·quirNI. ~lnflt·ll nns11 -No r t .. ~··•l "'tt<t•n l•.ull :t nrl ,,., ... ,,,,on J,;tl: 111111 ft\1 Jl''l dot) ;-.;., ~.d.->tllll\ll'tl IHIA lt~hlnt: II· t"f'fiM' rt"-f'Ufl•(f Ft~h Tak tn~>: of ltn'~~. •q J. m•m. ~l!'l'lhroarl, I'Ttlf1sh. tlun- f•~h. I'OCk ll''l, CT'IIhs, f'lllntS, nnrl lolostl'rN 18 now lt'gal in ~orne· nrl'lt~ Cnnllult fl11hh'1: lnw Ail.,tr al'l for drtntlr·d ln- fllrrnlll hm I !UA fishinlt li- ••••n<~· rl'IJUir!'d Thr· r·nml•ln<'t1 as!'l'll' of t h (' Am1•ror an h•rm•·~. Al'l'nrrlint.: trt F rtl<'rlll ~l:'lll!oltM. is Ill h illion d ollar" J~·f11r• lh<' la~t wnr lht•r wr•rt• r'Y1 hilllllll Casino Cafe 'lllJltlllll(• lt tlt••ll • I!• "'' S \Otl"-ntt' fl.e1;1tr 1" ~'''"it u •. ,.,, ;'''''''' )llt\'1~ "ntl (;,, \\ _. ... . I ·'' 1.! $705,000 in Building Here The t dl )ut\ \\tut~t.t•ltttlt •h I' rnhnth l•••k• d ...... t .. '"• ' r tJnC) c:u u.; of • '"' I \\ '" It •• t '"' •. r • I. • • I I., I I I I I 1 ........ ' \ .,,, t ...... AII•H '• '"' H +lttq It t'ol I t I lltl•l lo ............ ,I \A't+ '. I t I ' I .. ~,,, •"• ttl ttu' lu .. t '"•"•, thltlli\ 1. *\• '' 11 p<ort l lt•tj.;lll• lt.td I l11111 I l1o II ""II ' I ... .. " I t l. WO\) "'"' II\• "'"" ,,, • "" 1~ L.un.:•·h thtulf.h '' •I'-•~ .. ._,' ,..-:H t t"1UIIIt•ll•d tl,, lf,,ll 11, .. ,q,h ''l IIlii tit•· W lllh :\() JHJI \\•II"" \.\ht,\\d ~'•I '~·• luf11l, Ill 'l.u I frtl-: t Ill • • tttu ''''" t It• ~ltnh·tr)1h• ~4"'"''•"''''' •''"''' th•· ·r11 t,. p11ll :t" :n -.~ ,, , 1, u •• '' c1"'''11'"'' 11t •\tY7 ''''"' • '''·' f ,,,,,, 1 rll') Mnr·. J-:'lllllltt•·d "''' 't l••••f• ,. ~·' f II ' I ,. \ ,, . I I ' II ,, .... I• • I . " '• "' • r ••• ...,, I'll ..... ' f"l• 0 1'1' P'' 'JU I'•~ •tt '' tt·n f •• '"', ,, •• 'I .,II ~~-·~ ~ I I ,.,. . '' .·t . ,.,1 I /•.~ 1•.1 ,., A t1 tit• 1111 II H• • tiiH I I' I \ "' I tllfl'ft I l o~,ldi tl)' •• t I l'o "''" I· lllllltl"" •. I (C'nnUniH'd rrom l'a.c•· I • Wnllt•t I I l{n <1•1 • I 1 .. 1' • "" mrrt'llll l•uolrluw ·•' :·~fl \\' 1 ·." I I. "~" ,. boulrvnrll i-:•1 11n111t•tl I' r I '"' 11. I rnl llv .. nu•· I· •I 1111 •" ·I • ···I SMf)ll 1.. T ('lot on••\ I ""'' -. I • t)l IIWriJon.: Ill :\:/;1 .( '111 st) II~ • to •!• I •· •'" lf'l If• II'"' I h: H r 1l;a•ft I ltf\ :1 t 111 •l' ·, tJ Jr' ""'· ~''"'I"'' t ' ",,, •• ltl·•t I • .-' \ ltiiWt 11rnltlt•<1 ,.,,.._, S~liM" M"" 1'f~'~Hlll p• ,. .. ,, ,,, "'"'' .... ltl t fld l • •• ' f 1 '''' \\ f tu '" '' ld t t •••fl tl •Httf 1 ,, \\' II Km~.:. '.! •1"1\ I I·•• ly huiloltnl' ''' 'llfl pit •• ,,, l~•ul•ftttJ' Hf ltftr'", ft .. , II ~ ... d"···lflrtl! It I ll:t7 \\' It,, .• t ••' $.100 f-:,ltnlltlt'll ,,-.,.1 ~'llMiil \ '". ,, l' I t "''II'''" ,., , t t. \.,,, II 1\111 I )Ill <I .I '' ~ 't .. '"~"., rttldt'l"" I !I ,., I J, c· (':u~on, '.!. "'"'' ·, I ••Ill Cif1tt 11m /If 111; ('tt,t'l hq•J \• t\ t '11 t I I It• lf•f I ' t f 1 ", f I Jf lflt t\• ll"•·ll•n~: "' t:ll 111"'1 '"'" •· m:tt•~t t·oq $101••• I 'f· run:t tf,.l \1't f f<"'•uu:•'• d , , t 1 ' f '''•1ft • tf, I \l tr lift ,,,, •I • 1 II ~lroK••II",. .! ''"'' tl) dwl·lllnl( ''' lin:, ,,,, ... ,' ff••l l\·1:\r J-: ... ttn''''ttl ,,., "";'"'' =""rm:on F F r .• J,n• ""'•:JIInt.: 111 I! 1.' F• 11tl• d ''. Ill rSf\1 ~t;n· Jo:~o.tlfp.!lt d •··~·· ,~ .. ,.~ \\'.JJ :\tnn~·'n ·,,,.,,"1dn· l! al 4600 \\' l ••·ttt ~·,,,,, I :• mat.ci CQ!<I $Jtt1H I D. W, Mr Mtll.on I ''"' 1 t' • $7000 \'' ll:o•ll l• ld ' '.,, \ t"nr•nl ltv.' 11111.: :tf ~~~~ • ...' \\ \1 tl IIIII'•· lltt\ Sh••t• $111 (;_, fiJI I"" F It 'm 'f""" "'" t \\ :vfnltu1t 1 '''•f \ • ••fl 'fl' ,, ,.1 I •• I •n~.e 111 ·1:.•q~• t"••·•'' llt$'h"'''' t ,, r••n:e tl• 1 \t " ,, ,., .r , 1 1 ~'lfl(lll ... \ ....... . T• t I ,, .. I, II I lit I ft, I ... u. ,. ',.II II\ ""'I ·t I I Ill' I f t f'il ~ I I ! I 11 U \1 t# IIJt I I II ••• ' I,, I \ ,Jil l , J t • t • tl I l ot I ' fit I f , t It• •II .... I• I ',. I • 'I I' I II I • ,It,, •I• I I •J•, I tit l o I I '0 •• 4 ., . MIt '"" I I "'" '"' •• I. ' .. ~. M a Btoe.d ~t ro·•·t I .·•or• ""lOifl ''"'"'";'"""-'''''·''·"' u ··• .. ,." ,.,,,'I h i :l JJ '' \l tf~tlri·H Jtt l\t ), IHtt thd I,,,. tfn,, fp1 1 tl j • ~~~ tff1l1 ' l"troJ ~~~~ f.jJ t I el d \ J l ;,t ~1 t" ,J Sttu1• •ut 11"''' I• I' 1 11., ,,,,,, ,h,,Jl <)wf'llllll' '''ill.' l·••ttl• d I lo 1 •• • I ''''' ol f ,.,f, rn:et,o;f ,.,,,, '-~Jt-•• t , ., , , , ' ,~-.~~~' I ftolto I I J Jf..(llll I "'' \, I, \\ I ' \I• \I. I' I ,' •l•ot I 'I 'lilt I roon., ..... ,Ji u t&,:h l -.-~.}1 .,. l tl"• I 11 I ,,,,,. IAtinml•·•l '""' $1-!.f••fl I· 1 \I ' I ''" ,,, •I ,,,,, ~14 ,,., l'rofd n. Jt·nkln"· I ~···1\ ""'II I ·'''"' '~'"''II I , .. r\, ~. •••orn •• fill , •••• n .. ·llm. c·,,,.,,.., tlol I l\4'• ""··· ·" :j'\11 All"' 11\'I•OIIt• 1-: II· IAtlmiiiNI rc"l $11).1YJO 1 "''""II '''"t $1¥U) No toot ofool ~•antiar t! Hn tinA Oil• arr dU.. tillt·ll 1110".~ w hutn cleanly and wh .. ltvut watll Heat you cant beat \'tnt 01n cnwtt 11n ~tJllulartl I !'.IIJvt' m I u rn a!,.( )it (urdc:aa, I I l'l•t·n, I llllltHIIit .. l ··~·It No 1.noke to cho lco• r .. C',. d rllp'• • '""" ,,, IIUI- •mt.l.r I• all rt fi nt ol o u1, wun '1 blelkl'rt )'our wallt. HI AT I I I Slarufard of California Product1 ~, r I I I I I I I I r •-----_;.. ... ---------~ Clayton Thompson l'hoae IM I -.. Pa• 4 NltWPoaT BALBOA NEWS-TIMEs ,..e TtJUDAY N_,_. a.-~ r._allf. f'..h, I. IMII Newport Hor~or Allied Arts to HolcJ lnslollofion Dinner oncJ lenelit lcnoor Harbor Feminine Activities A"itucle ol Parents Influences Development 01 Chilclren , Says Dr. Durlee, forum Speolcer "I:W a happy, rrlaxed, a«urt• adult, and your child will not shrank from the natural proccu of growon~t up," atat<od Dr. Marion Durfo•r, whrn he spoke at the fourth Parl"nt's Forum ht>ld at the hh:b school audltorlum M Thw.- And no admtulon II charaed. The lut in the series wilt be presen ted on February ~. at 7:30 p.m . at thE' high school auditorium, when lht' only wo man on .the program, Dr. Merle Taber, Will prt'sent u ~ IOpW, 'Tht' Vital Role of Mod- rrn Fathers " Each topic hu been chOIK'n to offE'r step by step aid to mod('rn parrots a nd ll'achel"'. ,\ QUt'l!lion und answer IX'riod fol- lows each lecture. Oil ,ointing to Aiel Cltvrclt luiiJing Fund An oil painting dorw by Mrs MAdan 1d&k.cly wilL bring In addi- tional funds for St Joachim'• dl\.ll'ctl wh('n orr t>rC'd At t tw nu 1 ~line of the ludit ... ~:ulld. to lX' held ThW'IIday, Ff'b 5 at 7:30 p.m. at the church , Or11ng,• U\'t•nuc he'· tween 19th and 20th 111rc-Ns Mnr. AJ U «'tart \I.OIIJ Lc-In r hargc of the dra winlt Mra. Earl Scht-1~ and Mra. C. N. Han-w wf'rc In chu..:«' of the food and «'lolhlnc 11111" ht•hi .IAn . 24, from which prOCt't'dt or $125 •~ore rt"all:t•-d. Thl' aiM> ~ot·>~ to- wvd lht' hulldlnj; fund Sunc/oy Dinner At The Gol/~y ·Is Churclt lenelit A ll(ondll dlnnl!r, to h·· s..•n'l-d Thrill Shop Loan To Long Beach Group Brings New Stoclr. J\nnuUtt•'• nu fll "., ""' ~ •. ,.,, "•'f'lc I• 11 muct lllll••rlsrnt !'nr on fht r:oh 11tlar uf !IJN\ l••rt IIIU'IJor AJilt.-d Arllt, lnr rn ol llwr .. 1\ til 1\1' two \'o•ry ~ll''<'t:tl ,., o·nt' t on Tuc·sday, fo'l'h. 10 a1 1 ;\to I'm tlw inJ!IalluflnJl W.nn\:r wiU IJt.o bc.W 111 :o-:e\1-~lfort llurl-...1 '''"'"' ,.fool• ~1th I tr R S Mt>nll<'" ".oro ·ll •~' no·l' JWI"<Irknt ~tnll "" Snt•rrdtl\ "Ilk thol tlu •'~"'''''" l ... ,l•t• Fcb 11. Alllt·d "'I" '"II t.;t\'o• ·,; T hill I ShooJ• .ot II'• .'.'n•l 'I'" I I hll7nLor Ill tho• Elwll o·h1lo ho~u~o· I'''" tw•r I hH~ 11 "l••t•li"n' Ill II;. Gul'•t ~ lf'akr·r rnr rhr d l I hilllolttli' ·•tHI 11\llt til""''"'''',,, ol Ill I I I I I .. I' . nnc r Ill lil lokm..: """''''""' "' o•l•tlilllll' " H'lll'N't'>rall'n .urrSha ft•r, l•llnllilto· l•••k• ••I luoll>oolo"ld l natiOtllllly knol~<n f<1r Ill~ t'JtrloworL~j, 11 1 1 11 II 1 1 11 • , t It • ... ·uu t',t 11 .., ••Jl, ., If rn t hp ~o•w Yolrko•r IHHi utlu·r lll:tW·j •••r IIYI \\ ot.tl tl , 1 ""'' oloorf1 .. 11 a:ttno·• lt••J••n 'lltiOru. fur t ho• clrnnt•r II 1 1 I. 1 I ~houllt IN• mmlt> l'tth M,... (' !\f '" ,,. 1""'"1''' ,,,.. " "" Tlrllkln~. ltnrlw1r I ll for 11t1h l\lr' I l,o.-t ""k fir• l 'lodolro·ot • ·''" Rk hnrd l)fhml'r, IIIH-I>to~ ~.:n.Jt "''"' ,.f tho ::-,,lo\111• 11"~1·•'·•1 111 ·n14• hu.thnr is h••lnJ.:. ~1,.,.n 1,. 1 ~·n,: H' • .. ·t. h,.~~,~~~· .. ,. 1 11 1,,, ••• rttl$1' luntb folr t ho• purr!"'"' ut ''"'"fllll• 111 Ill 1'1' 1111 ' 111' lllillli!'l 11 $:lOCI p:un tllll( flor No'"l"•ll I IIII · "'1111•11' ''''"'~ '"'"' Ill• II'< 111111 Jaor l 'nlnn lfil:h S<'houl Jt "oil n. olulth ••n' 1" '""•· '1•1•••• I .11111 chO!Ccn r.t tlw 11nnual o·'<lul>ot 111 .~''") "'' 1111 '"'''"'' llulol ·" t wl• • h.> hl'ld rot tho• Kchunl In M:1rdl. flk ''""'"""'•""' "' '' "'''"' on unllo•r thf• ~1,.,n~11 ,t1111 111 AIIINI •'\oluuwo· t,or tho lo.on ••I 1111 Ill• Art• ~ll.t' f'Jt f'u"' I"'''' t -. ,, ... , •t "' "'' lo•tt&;llo• lo•r I ilo 11 1111111.d 1 .. 111 Ill loo Hlj.;• 1•••1 1\ of II" '\o 1\ t••l I ll 11 I• tl \':111ft I ioolo Tlh I .,,.,· ... I'• I It , ..... , .... , .. ' • ,, 1 n~· , • 11 • "' • 11 '1 , 1 n Jl1, • Sunday, Frb II 11t ,,. Glllll')', !'>07 Mo mltt·r~ und tr Jo·oul' ur•• h<k••fl Eut C'f"ntr11t A\l'nU<'. B 11 1 h 0 11 lo l~ontrllouto fro tho· lmnuor. L:l\ ana.: f~h lhr 4~XlflC'rallpn of Mrs ••xamtolo·., .. r th••or "'" k ·•'"'' nil A nlt11 &xton. proprietor. will h.> ~torts uf t hon,;~e arc· no,.,,, ol r .. r that SJlQJI!ON-d hy the Alta.r socwty ol 0111~1 t••I•Uiur olrt>~ortu~ •h·· F;._---tt.t-~m,l"rtlrrr-m-rkrr.-,.'7111ra-nr,rl..!!¥,...1•~t-!.>tlt•""'.._.,_.,.~,~,. ~'"""' ,....., 1 ..• 1,. · ool. I "' ''''' '1;,1, "'''""', Carrnrl I S t J I VI nr•' 11Pt'<io•ll llntl 1111 k1111l' 11l 11wok I 'lot 10 '11 It. 11' '" 1"' II•· '"'"" '\ .. M ;rd ,\.1°10 """'') •.II l••wl• 'l lfom.no"'' ,h .. ullt h··l '"' 1"''1'• '"'"'"''"' 1' '"' 1"""' rs. >' ,. wn. vr•·~•rt••nt of 1 11 1 ,,, 1, 1 , " 1 ,, I'''''' , ,. tM A=t StlC'Irty, will be.• In m araa li'OIII:hl '" lho.' lhllohollo~•· "" Frl ' "' •• I L #} .... d t tl ' Ul .. d If •• I I J A U pro u ~111 hr tet u 1de for #'0Y 1'' o·n na.:. r •·h I.> tbl' f lht• churt"hl'll. Servin~: Alllt-d Arl>~ hu~ 1~<-.·n n "''"""" 111 1' 1' ''""' 1"' '"""''"' 11"" will br from 12 noon to R p m and Inc ora.:tonl7atouu f<•r , )• 111 1111tt "'" "11 tlo•pl " 111 '"' I ''I' 1 lhr publa<' i• InVIted. lw~ ootfo·rl'fl llltll'h 111 t11•· 1\1') nf lito• "'II i-111 11" lh •1 'Ito I, 'l /111 --------pro~o:o nm~. "'"'~' srw•ook•·n• lllo\1111( \ Ill• ~ IIIII I To oul. I l.l·tf" •• 1\ '"'" Mo#lte-' C/uL. rl'pl'o fl'nll'd mnny pto11,.15 11( ,1 r 1 •• "Ill!• ol nur o111\ 111 '"'' .oollh"' • • g \\'ith till' llarht•r r.ro•u ulro·.tclv II hill It\ ·o'l Ill• IloilO '' •·I tho '·''' lo MH# W flflnesJoy ml'<'f'll (lot nrllsU Allll•fi Art~ illb In tlw lnm<•u• mntoun l'~~'fllrt• Vl't· a communi!> nr~ Ml'miH·Nhrp 1n ~•on "' 1 lu '''''' " I•Joll ,.f • I• •·· it b nnl)• $.J po•r )'l'ar Hnll a mu-I tit' Sll\o • l11•tro• o .ont!lo ''"'k~ fur teun nrl' wr lcomt•(l 1\f,•,•tong,. llrt' ""•··~•tn~: to;ltl••. 1••1.• tho·l \\lth '' ,. hd d 0 11 the III'Cl'lnrl 1\ll';.dny I'\'('· Ptotl ~rnnrt ''""'' Jlll'ko Ill fur "II· nina of r ach month 111 th;' 1-:hcll mo·n oond 11 lnrr.:•· :t"••HimPnf .. r ctubho~. wnol ""''ll t••rs """ ~:orl•' dro•s"·s. lilotMn' club ol Co&ta Mesa a.uwJ No. 157, Onler of J ob's DouPaten, wW ~t i'rb. 4 at 1:30 p.m. With Ml"'. Dor1l Racan. Balboa laland, ..-ith Mrs. M. 1.. a.Mlrn u .,..,,,. tto.u.. .......... IIUGGI8 aiGHf AND aiADl' ,01 SCHOOL 01 ~LAY Costa. Meso PTA Ne.cls Actors lor lenelit ,O'f All Co&ta Metl4nl who have an lnn4"r uraco to trf'ad thl' Thespian tJo.rda m t.Y aatwfy that lonctnr and clvr valued aid tn the> local IChoola by appearing for tryoutll In 1 play to be prl'tk•nted hy thco Coata MMa Elt'nwntary School Pan-nt-Tuchrr UIO('illtlon. Board l'llrmb«onr of the P -TA .,.., Pf'Nt"ntlnr a pia> to hl'lp raiJ<' mont')' for tilt-purchaae or 14 panoe nM'dt'<l by 1 he sc.hools. 1liM<> lnll'r MrtPd In 111kln~ pnrt on thl' play •houlrl romP to the Marn IChool audltorrum at 7 3fl 1• m WC'dn«'Sd., t'VI'nlng or lhll WN'k for thr prt'Hmlna.ry tryoull. 'Lady Witlt the Hots' On I&PW ,rogrom Mc>lld3 Ka)•, the "Lady With the ll•ts," Will cnll'rtllln llle'mbrn of thr Busl,..... and Proh'J~Ional Wo- m«"n's club with ht'r vl'ry lntM'cst- lnll rt'VI<'W of fl'Tlllnlnl' hl.'adaear of yran gorw by, on ThurJday, Feb. 5. It n· utlu•o r l•·on~ 'fhl' ~htot) ll't ••t~·n froom 111 am till 4 fl m ·ruo•sdt~)S lhrnugh 1-'ra- dH y, and thosl' "ho p~~trnnizc lho• thup ns well as thosl' who I'On· trll•utv nro· N.fUilll)• helrful In thrrr aiiJII~tllnCI' to th•· r<1m mun1ty, all all fJroort'l.ods a.:o ontu charW•bll' •·hunnl'll American Legion Aux. Meefs W illt C . M. Unit, Initiates Members Ml'ml)('rs of Amt'r lcnn v~o:lon IIUXIIlllry, Nt'Wfl(trt llf'nr h post :.191, wrrr I:UI'sts of rMrll Mt'Sa IA'~rnn nuxillnry rrct'nlly with thl" :.tlsl do~1r1e1 llrall h•am Initialing two ml'miM'rl fr•r rach ~eroup and a nl'\\ Jf'('n •tary for tht' m('sa unit Pro'llldt•nt Dvrrl~ Ludi WIIJI In rhllr~>:l' and Jlt>lcn Plllmnr was in- siiiiiM a nt'w IM'Crt•lnry. Alma 'nlom(le(m u1 tht New - port unit WM an honor C'd gut'lll and Wl'lromC'd Into hl'r ranks Julia Thom r-on 11nd U.1l11 McMillan. Nl'w nwmbf'rs o r lh«' C"ost n M«'stt un1t wrre Alma Swnrlz &nd Flor - o•nC'f' Oavt'y. Coming Melotrtorphosis 01 T uslin High School Told by Holicloy Stage This wr•t•k Trt~tin Hl&h IChool ·~ n husy plac·•· Of course, replar riM~I's art• l><'tn~t ht'ld and ~~ nC'IIvrtit~ rontrnur to flourilh, but llom••lhrnJ;! has hrt•n addrd. A t'nrras of 111-st~no·rs is imaglnatlvrly r<·vnmpin~: thl' auditorium, the rmlto und !111· rrnnt hall• Into an rnllmnll· c·ulorlul summer theater fur !hi' fnrthmmlng t'n tertainment M Ontnl:" l'nunly Alul' prin ts and ~ko•trhMI an• lll'tnlit dr awn to out- hno· t h~· onrnproJ\ f'mrnls. Nuw thnl tl••• lo•nsr for the build- Ill!: has ho~·n ~11:nM ho>t Wl't'Tl Holl- dto\' Slll!:l'. lnr•. nnd tht' board ot trao~t•~·~ of thl' Tu81in High IChool <lihlrtC'I, thl' nttrnrtlve plant 11 unclo-r~;nont.; llrnstrr rhnn~:Mr -on P.'ltwr Ry lhl' fl n t of June, aU plan11 will !)(' comrli'IC'd and a bet- t('ry of youn~t men will fit t dr11wlngs IOSCNht'r. Then. on t ··w·ninJ,t or MonrlAy, June :2R, the first produC't ro n OJX'nlng A wrond "umml'r !<I'll liOn of lt'n v. o·l'kl w!ll lw f'lr<'Sf·n 1 o•d. • • IMdlty llvlt .., Khoot •A4 ''•~tre~~.a4 wear. a,.w.n .,. ltyled to Membe-r• are rl'mlnded I h t' mHtlntt w111 bt• hdd In lhf' l:;lx-11 eluhhoull(' ~·llh dlnMr Jl('tvcd at 1 f'l m. hy Mn~ Yt'Unt.;, and thnt spN·ial rt•llt't\'llllons should h•· made with t>lltwr ~ue Horvath nr Nathallr Mkh11ud GIW~ts rrlsu inr ludt•d m l'mbf'rs nf lhl' IA'a.:lon fiOtlls ond nftl'r tht• ln~t11llatinn b o th mrmhf'rs and 1:111 ~~~ Wl'tl' ~t·rved rrlr•-shmo•ntll nt I'Rndlrlit t ahlt'!! (In tho• hostt'11~ l'flmmllto•r Wi·tr 1 h r· Mf'sdnmf•$ llnltlo• Tutt. \'loll'l \\','hstrr and Gc•r11lfilnl' Gru!J(' Skrtch•·~ call tpr a n Intimate, rmy luhhy of pllllll'l ~hadl'd 1\lllls. mntt ln~: rnrpl'IS. fluwl'rs And \lni'S n ·minHooct'nl of thl' South ~. 11•. Rntl IArll;l'·!llzC'd f'lhii!Ogi'Aphs Of the <•••mtuony playl'u Thl' Jllltio. too, "hl'rl' e~,rr,.,. :.nd rrfr,.lihml'nts w1ll I~· l!t·n •·•l duron~t thl' lnto·rmis!IIC>n~. will o•m·•r,;o• t•ll li h<IWt•r of flow!'rrn~; plnnls Wnlt .' l'r \\':olko•r, hnrllnrlturr~l ur l.n. r.:unr• 1\"IICh, hn11 IH•t•n rnmmos•~nn­ •'tl h\'llulrdny S tnl!l' to ~;rm• ~l'llrl'!l nf Jll'lll'd planlll Ill ht• on full hltl'l- """' h) lhr rnldtlll' of Junl' 1\'hrn tlwy "ill hi' mo\'l'cl rrnm tlw \\':alk- ••r t.;arr1r•n!l to lhc lht·nrrr .......... l.o4 ... pra4 to ..... hltDM.. --QPMiltf Soon- Tots & TeeriS SHOE SHOP ••••••••• Grocle Mothers to Sew For Football Squocl The nf'wly ot~tanlzt'd Gr11dr Re'p· ~lat lvMI IR.onm Mollwnrl, I)( ttw> h ll(h ~ <' h o o I will mN't on WNfnt'lday night, F('hruary 4. In the-llf'Win,; room of tilt• ~l·hool, to mc-nrl f'l"ll('tiCI' footh&ll Jl'rlf'Yl' ror Uk• athletic d<'partmcnt. Ml"'. J. C. Stuard, chairman of the croup, and Ml"'. Marvin Wll· cox.. homrmaklnc chairman or ~t Harbor Hl,tt P -TA. will direct the nwndlnr. Any mother .. w.lcomt, Whether ahr CU\ op- .ratr a wwinr machln., or mend by hand. T1me • from T to 9 p.m. Min Domo#h Ill Friend~ ot Ml11 Franc coa Dunoth, promllwnt Coeta M-. dub W'CIInAft, wW .,. IJ'ievt'd to IHm ahe &a very Ill a t hl't home on J'Jower atreet which ahe 11\aree With her aliter, ...... Bertha nuot- aon. Mila Damoth 1\u been •uf-rertnr alnce Suod.ay nicht from a heart allmmt. Mrs. Hughes Tops FAC Bridge Players ~1nc• tahlt~ wr·ro• on ttlay "'ltl'n tl11• llru1,;o· ~'l'llnn nf Frrday Af· ,,., lltlllll f'luh mr t Wh lnt•sdny, J an. ~'M nt I :.1 .311 In Amo•r·lrnn Lt'gion hnll lor A dr'Sl!f'rt lunr'hl'lm lk'auriful m I "«' d n nwrrs ar· rnngl'd by Norman's nUI'S('ry cave I ho• rtt:'t'Or&ll\'r not o• Mn A . G. Huahrs won flnt prlu for hlah ICON.' and llt"C''nd award Wl'nl to Mrs. E . I. Moort Ttavcolllng prlu wen t to Mra. D. Ward and Mrs. Whltc>ma.n w u ronsolt'd. Uoett'IJI('S for the day ~re Mrs . t' F: Twichell. Ml"'. J. B. Snod· rrau and Mn. Gtoorre W. Powell. New Cosfo Meso Home Open.cJ For Benelit lriclge Lunclteon Mf'mbrrs of St. Joachim '• guild t>njoycd the hoapltallty ot Ml"'. Olrla Aaby lut Wt'dnesday whm slit-. OJ)I'nf'd h('r new ho!'llr at 1232 MMIA Ofl\'r, Coeta Mesa. ror • hrldal' lunchron which wu at- trndt'd by 68 wornm. F:w·ry pllln ((lr llw do·li~ht anu t•omf .. rt t•f I hr f>\1hl11· i~ l><'lnl: ,..,,n. llldl'ro-d nnd 1111 "rll Ill' In ti':Hit· nl'"" v.hrn thl' lr,~;ht" dtm "'' r rht• lllld1rno•r Rllf1 fill' I'Ur!/110 l'i'• ~ o)O fhl' first R('f Of lhl.' Ofli'OIIl~ 111.' trnr tlun. Committee Named for Atwater Kent Auditions Cl~ra sla". film and nl'ws Jlf'T· aonalltl1'11. 11nd out!lllndin~ fi~:ur~ In the music world Wl'tt' naml'd to- day a. th«' ttl'nf'n l rommlllrl' for thr 1948 $15,000 Atwatrr Kent auditions Rcopr~ntlng the Opl'ra art' Uly Pons, EzJo P inza 11nd Rich~~rd llo- nC'Ill. Tht' film contln~tent int'ludrt Grt"t'r Canon, Rrllll' n u r k r C'harlMr Coburn, M11ry P irkf<•rd: Walter Pidgron , i.rnc RAymond and Sir Aubrl'y ~mlth Musicians ron,.bl nr Jost' llurbi and Artur Ruhmslrln (lt hrr~ ~'"''· Ina on lh«' romm1ttrr nrl' J\lr~ .fultlfli Takln~t prl7r•s for high ICOrt'l wrr(' Mr• F.arl Schctnf', Ml"'. J ohn Gorman. Mrs Kln~t and Ml"'. U..). nard_ F:vl'ryonl' prewnt lAVe a dollar. whtrh "ns t urnt'd over hy thl' hostl'tiS hi gn lt>Ward thr church hullr1rng fianr1, F.arl "'llrt«'n, Wlf•• of ''"' ~o:nwrn~r nr CaliforniA . M n ~ n r Fl~tuho•r Rov.Tnn of Los An~>:l'lo·~. l'•n 1td l\f Nl'lson, l.:ld~ !\lrnrll 11nol :'>!.on Rohf'rts Rlnrhart. · PriU'S fnr HI I' nwltt ltlnS writ Ill' dlvutC'd llm!'n~; ll'n nwn And "nlllo•n \'t>CIIll~t~ 1><•11\'f'o'n r)),. 111:1' ,,1 1~ and ~ Applil'n1o11n blnnk~ nt~y !)(' nhiAinl'd fr"m t h r A'" .ot<•r Kt>nl Fnunr1a t 1110 I' ll 11<1~ 17>11.1 Hollywood .'11 C'tll lnrno.r s P E C Exquisite .OIL MINIATURE I A L FREE WITH $10 ORDER FOR PORTRAIT Yo11 M~tlf Iring Tltis AdYerlisemenl Pboae Harbor an Patricio V ~1/eley Is Ebell Speolcer f'l'trkin \'allt'l•·r. Wl'll known ynun~: ll'l'lllr!'r, wrll t11lk nn "Youth Lnnltll 111 Fn~;IAnd" 11t 2 p.m lnur~d11~ nt thl' Ebcll club house. OITF.R MOTU-PROOFING "('ontrnr) to . ,;t'nl'r&l opinion moth11 nrr rqunlly dt•structh·r win- t••r And ~ummrr!'' That Is tho• pr .•ml!l<' Monil<'·lnl!urt'd Moth· pmor rh-anln~: ~n hy In Insuring t'' •·r~ r.:nrml'nl to h<• mo th-proof !'ox monthll follov.ing clunl~ by tlwrr method. llnrtlflr &-r\'ICI' Laundry and Dry C1N1ncrs, 113 Palm atrect, Bulhoa off<'nr this At'r,·l~ In tht' Jl ar hor IU'Ca. Thl'rl' Art>"" rn 1r~ I•···~. ·'"'I tho• r1rnt1hn•• fnr ''""'' ~tnnt• 1< :\1 u 1 Lenten Series Features Famous Books 1\!'~:onnrn~r F••~'> 1:.' And '" 1~ ho 1,1 <'A<'h 'nlllrotrtay i'\' nm~; •hu on~: vnt nt Curo>nll do •l ;\l.or t•1, •I•\ tl'rlnn rhuro'h ·~ " "'' ,,., .,r 1 ~ vii'Wll ft•n lurln~ lho• ho••k• ,,r 1 1••\;l ()oogiM. F1NI In 114' rr\ h \\ o•rl \l oll I 'I• "Thr Roll('" nnd fnllo•~onc \Ill! t-.·1 "MIIItlllfiC'o'nl I )~I'!LIIOn." "Whitt Bllnllf'rs," "Fnrjll\'(' \ 'll lh1r Ttr~-1 JliiMI'!I." "OI~putrd f'n~Mil• tillli "GI'ffn Urht." ~HE LOST PURSE; PLEASE RETURN IT .\Irs M~or~enrcl Nrc·m('yer , widow uf1 " fumuWl Nt•w York editor, '" "' to lhE' F:piscopal church ~ttlurda) In do soml' work. and en- rnulo-lo~t ho•r h1llfold out of the c•:;r Amon.: the ronlrnts wu near - 1) S:OO 1n m o""'y· hl'r drlver'e 11- ,..,~ .. and othC'r important data. While she can ill uHord to lose ·j11J,14jfl Ul !iiUIIII" 5I .:1411 ,(.JUUW 341 1) rl'WRrd the fondl•r of It Is rc· t "' nl'd lo lwr at J()O Vin Mrntone. l.ulo Isle. lll'r ~trah•ful lhnnks in nh :tnc•• Co sta Meso Matron And Gronc/sons LeoYe lor Detroit · Mrs. P , M. Thompson. 354 Avo- cado strt'<'t, C011ta Mrsn. l<'f t S At· wday with ht>r IW(l ~:randrhlldrl'n, TQmmy and S klpJ)<'r J)u\'rs. for 01'· trolt, Mlrh . w her t' 1 ht> hoys will rrjoln thl'ir pnrrnlll, :'>1r nnd l\lr'i. James D. Oavos, who arc now lo- cated In tht'ir n('w hnn11• In t hut dty. Lutheran Church Seats New Ollicers, T eUs Year s Progress Tlu• Nt'Wfllll't I lltr hor l.ut her an l'IHII'l'h • lt..•l'll'd l'ight nt•w officers lu st·t'\l' us ml'mbt•rli o f thl' church t'Hun('ol al Its hl-unnual t..'fmgr.•gu- loronlll nl<'t'l in" hl'ld ,.,.,.,.,lily 'f'ht• frollowm~: offlrt•rs wer e l'lo•r iPd Ill Sl'o'VI' 11\t' II'O y e 8 r ••·rm· \'IN'·torf'Sidl'nl, Or. C. A. l<on.:m!!n; treasurE'r, K A. Beck- <trom: dl•at•ons, Rlch11rd Haber, Hll'htlrd Roth and Thc•odore Hab- oor. t r·us lt•t'!l, Ed w a r d Grochow ll;1rold F11rcou and F: 11 r 11 r 1 i Schultz. Slnt'i' t hr• l'll't'l ilm lof o ff1c••rs to lilt' Churt'h COUOI'II Is "Siaggt'rl'd" ~to thnl only hal( of rts members 111'1' t•I•"Ct••d Noch )'E'ar, the follow- Ins.: uffict•rs rr main on the council: J)rt•stdl'n l. th1• Ro •v. llcrbert C. Hoi h ; ro·cordan~: sf'Cr<'l ury, Ken- nt'lh L. Quarry. rrnuncrul Sl'Crt>· tary. \Vh) "" Ro•U((t'r a rut t•hurch ",. h on I supcrlnlt·ndcnt, M. K . l.aurt('. In his HOni!>t l t'•'j)<lrl t•l thl' ,·on).!ro•,;utton, Pastor• Ruth an- n'tolln('o•d fll\'111 altlo• pru~ro·,;~ do•Splh· llw olrffit·ultto·s lht• ('Ongreg&tion h.tl> fllt'l'd dwin~: tlh• past )t•ar. :\lw •ll ul 1/w l'<mt.:ro ,;a loon's effort 111 1!117 has lnotl lo Itt• diri•Cf<'d to- 1\'10 rd ltw IIUdflrnJ.: vf 1 hi' first. unit uf I lw 1r jii'OfXIS•·d l'lturc·h. Since l his work IS now compl1•tcd and llot• t..•un.:r·o•g,tllon rs now per · manl'rolly lveallod, the pa.o;tor <'m- l•h..t~tlf-d t hat during thr coming Y•·or t he rhurch must undertake I hi' l'Xf)<lflslon nf its Sl'r vlccs to tlw community, Mcmllf'r!l of lhP church council wt•rc offlc:ially installed durina the r\'ening VPSPf'Ni scrviet> at 7:30 on Jan. 25. The nrw offiCt'nl Wl'rE' !It's le-d at t h r couucll's regular monthly mi'Pting on Monday eve- nina. F eb. 2. -------- Recreation Court Is Proiecl ol Young Churchmen Plans fo r n rl"tTt'alion court for vollt>y and basketball were made by lhl' Ynung Olur chmrn's league C>f St. Jamrs EpiscopAl t:hur ch when lhr)' Ralhert'd S unday E'Vt'- n lng 111 the ('hurdr for a n organiza- tion mt•r•tln~: Appoint I'd as :r com mot II'C m chargt• of tho• proj('('l \\'('re Bob YnrdiC). J1m llilt'hman und Larr y Durk('(' Ooxll' Smith \\Ill continue as pri'Sidr·n t nf thl' ~;roup and Nancy dc Rouluc Is sr•cretary-lrt'asurer. Thry will mt>cl E'ach Sunday eve- ning In lhl' varinus homes until l<Uch tlmr as thE' p:trlsh hall is rompiPtl'd nnd will hove a s tudy program lc d h~ the \'ll'nr. the Rl'\'. P:rul !llo .. >rl' \\'hi'Pirr. The• no Xl rnt•c•tin~; wrll Ill" Frh. R at 1 11m. :ot till' home of Mls~ Smirh. 127 Ahalonl.' ""l'nttl', Bal· ho:a lslnnd day, Jan. 29. at 7 :30 p.m. II Musically Sp_eakin9 ~ ~ .,, llATHJ...EEN OOLEMAN II "Why do we have children that tw>I'Qml' nt•urotic and hav<' to ha\'C ht•lp?" askt•d Dr. Durf~ "In the fmnl analysis. it ls bcCIIWil" the child hils not had lhr right pat- lt'rn srt In !'he home. The proc-ess ,f grow1nr.: up Is vague to the child. If lht-pnrl'nts are hAppy, give the child a frcllng of supJlOrt. nnd success which sllmulalC'S fur· thrr succE'ss. then 11 child lookll Folk songs may bt: dl'fin(•d u forward to t hl' duy he will be hoort throbs of lhe pt'OJ)t<'. The ·~:rown up.' lf lh<' parE'nts are so 11rigin of words ltpf'lr rnhrnsivc for the child that nr mWiic may thPy Instill l eur, thrn the child IK• lost in an- will rc>ac( accordlngl,y. A doting t rquoty, but the flllrt•nt will retard lhl' child's de-~CIIt!:§ still have ''d npmrnt through frar. Then hl' J)(lWt>r to s 1 1 r h<•comc•ll a cnsl' for the )'15yehla· 1 h r emot ions. lrlst . A me r i co Is "Thf' numbf'r of bordE'r-llnl' young, nnd its I'ASI'~ found durin~; the war In folk hallads are th<• armr-d forcrs was appalling, I' r inc i p all y with l>nl' out of ••ight heing thus those o f ~h e l'ln~~ifif't1. Dirl'ct Sf('JIS hackw;ord cw~;rn and · the in I rnrin~ llti'S(' hls tnrir-s show ,.111, hoy. Per- l hut lhl' fomlRII\'1' ngl's frnrn nnl' l111ps th<' greatest collt•ctor of folk tn ri"P arc thr• mos1 important song,s is Juhn A u 1max, ne>w al· ~ • no·s In which the pnrl'nrs St'l mnst l'ighty Yf ars of a~:•• A ,~:rnd· 11\1• Jmtt.-rn for thr rr child's lat••r uatc of llarvard. hc has lrll\'clloo 1H·hn\fnr 1l hi' ri'Sfll'l'l!: his pnr-till' ho~;hwnys nnd byways of ••nls. thl'n he will J::ill!t' hrs valuc·s America for o v t• r fifty years, •m " s1milinr sfandnrd, ~rarching for songs. 11(' hns dug llr. nurft'e Is dlrcctnr of lht' out th1• words ond tunM of muun- C'hlld Guidanrc clinic of Pasadena. tuin mt•n, <.'OW punchers. l'Otton Thl' serlrs is sponsored by t he pickl'rs, railroad workers. mr n In P:rro•nt • Tt'achrr associations of prisun and mt..•n t ramping the Nl'wport B c 11 c h Eelemt>ntary, roads, men with h<>a rts of joy C'O!Ita MPsa E lem t'ntary and NE'W· and men with hParts of sorrow. pori llnrbor H igh schools, with the Not only does he collrct l'ttese coopera tion of Sldnt'y Davidson, rare trcusurt'S of American lore, hl~:h school prln<'ifllll, and Dr. h~ sings them, too. with convlnc- Jarnt'S Thornton, vlCI'·presldent of lng lustlnna and punch . tlis cow- rile Orange Coast Junior collrge. boy yodt'l.s, o nce heard, can never Thl' adult educatio n departmc>n t be forgotte n. of the state usumf.'S the E'Xpense. (Scrap book Item) MATI:I'tNITY aTYLD Washable !!!~0~17& Cotton ! Only Complete Moternity,Shop in Orange Co.~ Let It Come At a Surprise • • • r_]jonna cMa>ri£ ~fwp. 515 NORTH MAIN, ARCADE BLDG., SANTA ANA , TELEPHONE 3808 Weddinr GDwns • Exquisite New Gowns for the Bride and Her Entourage • Wedding Gowns • Wedding Veils • BridesrnaJds' Gowns Let Our Wl'dding Consultant Help You Plan Your Wl'ddlng • Phone 0821 MALCOM'S BRIDAL SHOP 1011 N. Mala . ACROBAT SHOES Keep Young Feet Comforlol/e, Safe onl SNAHT Stylet 11111 crieply new, colon py ADd modiab, Your you~~~~tten 11111 well dreued for all C~Cc:Mioae. Aaoa&Tiareaoudly OODitnided, •• 6ra of arch. Iaibie of tole aad Poatue Oat 110 carb pro11atioa (Wle tunaiJI&). Mudea dnelop Daturally , •• aud you mow your younpten are cocalortable .. AtaOIIATI. Ruged leatben, npertly made make them wooderfuJ nlUM iD MDfer wear. Otooee &o. our wide tile raap. l.ookl R;qiJ Arch-kups our {$ growing rightl l Captin tla« ad•..,rure book about TumLiiu I om and J1yin~ n o wotb each pur of Auoloua. SHOES FOI IOYS AND GIRLS ~~~~ -OPENING SOON - 409 COAST HIGHWAY CORONA DEL MAR ..... 0 Hotel Coming Along Slowly; $250 For Name ~.-port BalM& S-..,_.: N_,.n ........_ ~ ~. ·~ S, INA .... I ~~~~~~n~~n~~~~~?.,~~~~.~~~'Ttl"''""~~.n~~~~j~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~---~iliii~iliiiiiil~li~~~~~~i!ii!~iiii~i!~~~~~ij~j Tht' grandio!<«> hot«>l d••vt'lor;.- ment promised for this sumnwr by KMTneth P. Sctlmidt, butldM', and associatl'S will not be rf'ady until somPtime nt'xt year, Earl W . Stanley, rt>altur, told guests of thP mamb<-r of commo·~c·~ an- nUll! bnnqu<'t ln.~t Thut"11day night thl' Orant,:l' Count)' schools an• lll~:h sdwul. ltt'll\ •II··~ ,,f So•••utm~:. Jlhlll st•vt•ral JlMIIt•ipntin~; In the Ooy S t'Ollt Sun(tu) nlll'anuon lh•• ="•"I' lll•rll ll!II'I•W und lru•Jitran" ~ti.'la on th&' &·nut-0-Rnma, F~brual)" 7 Md R. llarh11r bunct \\Ill phi) umk1 tho ~tu~tt' h)' Sn 111s 11nll C'Uh!< 'rho•n ' 11t lh<' nt•ndN\OUS llaltrO<lnl In thro•,•th11\ 11f 1 .. -.. SA\\ Ill t"ltU\V<'II 1411" In '"' 11! h•ttJI\ 1Wt1 lm: 113fl\C' JlaiiXllt ·n,,~ as tho' lnr~;t'SI lll'll\"ity h~ tlw Snnln AlltJ lh~o:h sehoul cnh•rt~Wlt"D, 01\l' o/ wtuch Ill ICI th:n th(' St'outs <lf this lln'll ha\·e urdwslru. •t an••"lo'<l h~ llml!;l.t<. pr<'St·nt tht' I :nch• Seout eward. o'\ o·r 111 h'mplo•d. :t<"Nor\lin~ to =-:,•1-L:omo•lll i""' hal:ht·'lt :ll"hh'\1'11\1 nl In Seoul· snn Sandlorrt. fat•ld I'X<'t.·utlv<' Th,• •·\"o•111111: 1~11"111111 u f Ill•• 11111,1· 1111-:. ''' n11w Sn1111~ '""' "'"' Sctaut· Fd\\ In Co·nl' Austill 11 playin~: <"Ill 1'1'\IJ.:r 1111 •• 111 I• 1•11• tl h) 1 ho· 11111sto r walh urdw~>tna from Lll••un" Bt•llt"h "'( · .. ,,,lttl1o"' •to· ,. t J' 1 ~ " "" ' ;Jilf.!o' ''"" ) '• Ill 1 1111;. :-\o\lllh. ( • u h Sc'Oulll and lill:h <,~·11·~·1 S:otua·day afkrnoon. ,\nwrlcan Follk n II II •• e \ 11"tollp . Tit!.' hotl'l. to b<-loroh'd on two- and-a-halt mUe I o n g Inspiration P oint, lyln~~: ba)ward nf C.oast H ighway betw~n Bayside Orivt' and Marine A\'1.'. wiU IX' started "within two months" 'he said. Aus tin will lw follo,wd h)" L; .. -oq;1• 1111(),.,. H 1. llll~:•·~ titn•,-t1.,11 s ...... .,. s,-,,uts 11r·•· •••111111: ttckt'._ s. Glll'l> hund from Gardt•n GrOV(' Ulh<'r th.m llio· 111USH"<II ~~~~····t. to """ s .,.ut-(1-Ham.t thffllll:h and M1ss Anlla Axford's urdtt·stra till· shu\\ wall '"~'''" --------------------~~ In the m<'antime. Stanley Is offt>ring $250 to anyonl.' suhmittinsc ll. suitable name for thf' projec{. All tht'y haw to do. he said, is sf'nd as many namt•s ns tho•y like to his office oo Balboa Island. f-'irst one sending in 11 suitable nanw wins. Thf' devf'lopmcnt \\111 lnclud<' a sht>pping Ct•nt<'r, R station, a tll!'atro·. drl\"f'·ln. At lh<' north t•nd. vn tht' bluff. lhf' ntnin holt•l will IX' built. Jn- C'Iud<'d fhf'rf' will bl· It httllrtxtm for "nnmo•" hnnds. a nur!'t·ry complt·tl' w ith it~ own o1inin.: rolOm. J>lllling ~rt·t'n. trnnis Ctlurt, howling ~:rf'<'n a ncJ ~w1mming po<~l Two hundred ttnd fifty n .. tm~ w111 Pao·h hJ\ t' a \"lo'W or tho• harbor (lrld 0<'1'811 and ""Ill hf' M'Co·~sihlo• 111 u l'll"i\"nlt' :!~'(\. foot ht'ndt •tn I It,-. hrn 1 hrou~h an unrlo•rpass runrun~ Untlcr Bay~idl" Dri\·f'. At(("lfiTt:('T RI'HTn' ~·ltt"TT I'"'"'" lu mooeto•l ul )13-ac•r" huto·l do·H·Iul••wnt, a nanw fnr wh&r .. N"altor t:arl \\. Shullr~, third to lhf' It'll nf S.•butt, ... l .. '" \\Orlh 1'!.\0. Thai'" rtcht. l "!l\U \\Ill lw paid b~· 1'411U1h·~ Ill llw rt ... t a-.e.-...on -..ndln.,; In I& lll&toh• d<..-mrd "Uitl&hlf' fur lhf' IJtranollu,... clr\""lo....,-t whlo•b \\Ill '"'flll>rt ... • a bulf'l, a \"lllk&tt' """t•IJIIII: t•o·nlt•r altd a llllllt•l. Tht• rntrrr•rt ... • \\Ill br• IO<•af•od oa • ·~·,-milt• "'"" loN·att'll br•h\1'4'11 :\larlnf' h P. 111111 n ... ~-.~d .. Urh·· llfl c ..... , llll(h\\ay. 'fhl' nrt'a hi' I Wt'l'n 1 h<' mum hoto·l a nd ttw sltoppin~: l"l'ntcr Will I><' dottt'<l wath rottagt• units, •·ach \\ith on unohstructl'<i ()('('an \"it?w a nd romplete maid service. The highway sidl' will tx-devoted to ..:aragcs to !l~clter 700 car~. PuaLrc NoTICE CERTIFICATE OF BUSINESS F lctltlouo Firm Name THE UNDERSIGNED doea hereby renlfy tbat they are t'Onducll~ ~l t~~. a~affl~.~~ u~fJf~wJ.~· fle~7tr'oo!! firm nune of Jl'l'"l!d and T'NII BrltrP. Re.l Elttate and that .. td finn lo eom-poeed or the followlnc IJIIMIONI wtw.o namu and addrei!Ho are ao follow•. to-wll: rRJI:D W. BRrGOS. 811 WHt Cn· !r'R'r.~""~~"imroo~~ ~ ~w~~~..!i A.-.aue. Balboa C&llforata.. Wit~ :1. hand Lhta 22nd day of JuuaryiriED W. BRI008 TRP:SSA M. BRIOOR M"ATE OF CALIFORNIA. ) ('Qti"NTY OF ORANOE ) M . On thlo 22nd day or Jan11ary. A. D .. 1!14~. befnre me. A. Sandy Btelnor. a :Sotary Publk In and for the aald rounty and atatt'. ruldlnc thel'"l!ln. duly rnmmlMitlne<l and nrom , per.tmally ifll81r~o.~w~"to8~=~~ ~~: ~= whoae nam.,a a re oubllerlbed to the ,..llhln lnatrument. an.J a<'l&n.•wledtred to me thai hf' t'liHUttd 1M MJIM. IN WITSF.S.~ WHBRPX>P'. J ba•e h"reunto ..,, my band and affllled mJ otrl•lal ... at the day and year In UU. C'en lflcate rt.-.t aboYO yrttt.ee. I SEAL) A. SANDT BTI:fNEJl Notary Public In and for eatcl County ud Btate. Wy Comml•lon ll:llptrea Jurw-24, 11110. 1'\lb.-.Jan. 27, P'eb. I. 10. lT. ·MEN De , ...... _.._, r.a-Ia ..... ...... -..... ef .._, ... ,_ ..... ..... .. ... ,. ......... ... .-...bf or-t.. .., '-"'-,_ ._, ..... ..... , ................... , IT'S YOUR PROST ATE Oer _..., -n~laolnolr M r -rot.._ rwatto. "'• .,.._N• ~Jill• ....-,-Ne 1~. K. F. aKLI-D.C., Ptl.C. ....... ..._. ..... a.w.IIM .............. o ..... e A..lr ... a P.M. P ueuc NoTICES CI:RTIF"ICATf' OF" DOING BUSIN£55 UNO£R FICTITIOUS NAill!£ I tht"' Un•t,.r,.t.:n•"'J ht~r~t-h) 'rrttfv 11•111 t nm • , •• ~u, l l'*'-' •1•.-. '' a••u• •• pf ._,, n••rol ~ '"' ht·"' 1tud fahrlf' ,·f~· .. n•n.c: l.,. ... ,,.l"tc •n•l •h'~ll+&; sl r"ttA11. whtt h ~·ld hUI!IIfllflo"-'t IH I 1M tttl't't 1\t J9n3 V.'ttt C"',·nt r11l A\•.-nu" In th,. Ctty •'f Nrw-n~trt R,.hrh. f't1tl11t y ut Oran«e. StHte ,., CsiUHM111_. And ta HVftn~tPd •nll • ''""' ~hart. d hv til•' '•ntl••r thf! fh m nA•n • and 1}G.',~ h~101~·::~~~!"1n~~,!i~N~~~~ a11 "8 ro;adway C'IPiln~ro"") I eon the lllllt ownPr and f.'"PriPior or o tll1 bu•l· n•u and my •II n~mf' and at1dr.-oo ..... u fnllowa V Cathf'r1n~ C'orrlllo ••oldlnl( at 101 :Sur1h Cam ... y sc..-t Santa -'""· Call· lomla WITNESS my haad IIIIo 23rd olay of January. 1941 V, CATIIJI:Ril\'1: C'Ailflll.U\ STATE OP' C'ALIY'ORNIA 1 C'OllNTT OF ORANOJ!! ) M . On lhlo 23nl dar of Jaauary. 11141. hero..., me. thf' undPnlped Notary Public In and for aald Coun~ and ~~~~~~,.C'TR'n~'l.W"~n vio r:.n:~ ~ the Ptr..-n whOM name to oub-...-rl~ tn lhf' wllhln and rnre&olntr lnelrumf'nl and •lw! a.-lu>owledaed to "'" lhllt ohe Uf'ruted lhe ~~~me. l l'>EAL) WlTNI'lSR mv hand and 11rt1o•1•1 IWit.k C 1:. BRADLET Nntary P\lhllo-In and lnr Mid C'ount y •nd State. Pull Jan ~ ,.,.b S. 10, 17. lt-48 NOTICE OF" INTEN0£0 MORTGAGE U"dor S«Uon 3440 Civil Cod• of the Sute of ~llfornla :SOTtr~· IS IIF:REBY GIVEN. Th .. t:\'P.I.VN A SMlTH and AL· ~J;.~; .... ~;. ~t~'L~,. .. ~ci':~~~~: ."::hi': C'll y tjf Newr>oort l"'•tUnty of o .. ntrP. SlatP 1"11 C"AIIInrnl ... lnt~nd to m0r11....., '" 1':1.114 C' JlOWLP.S. M"r111MII'..,., wtan.•w nt1{1rti'll!.l" II' l~J Bruwnlnc Buul.-. vMrol In lh" C'lly nf l..ooo An•~'"" f'uunt)• ttf 1 ... •:-An~t•lfl.-. S tftt,. vf C'"Ah• !u~~~ ,,:•~:::~~~~ h~~,'":~~·r:r.::~ ~! !tt;;-.:,\:1~ j:j~~~· ,•;,n•:h~~~~~~ nr•'N,.1;,'! l'"r-1 llf"ftf h C"nunl y •·I Or""""· Rill" •·f ,-."llfnrnlr• ""'' lh"l An f'S,.cutf'Od tu•·rt.c"~" "' ttl#\ Mnt4-wilt hfll tt,.ltvp~ nntl l hf'l , • .,n!llft .. rHU"n tht-n~·t~f paid at lfl IIIII n'• Ito• k 1\ nl. tm thP f UUrth day ,., F'"l1n1Kry. 1!14A ~I lh" lllW ulfl~e Of n .W(IOO JI()WJ,F:R. Allurnl'y Ill Law "' 621 !'Iouth SJ1rillll: SlrHI In lhe Clly ~~a~t~'"'-.:"~:111~~r~l~unty •lf LA• An«ftl,.,., DMif"fl J""""'Y %2 IN t:\"l':I.Y~ A SMITH. Mot111lC<>r Af.Bt;RT M !'KITH Mor11(ACOr IIR 13~ l'ub F•hn1ary 3. lt-48. In the t1. '-S. mod<'rately ectivt' military J)<'rsonnrl rcet'lvc a mini- mum dl<'l of 3.600 calorlel per day. Ovt'rscu, active lroope re· cciv<' 3,900 calories per day. Be Wise -AdvertiM Pre-Lenten Dinner Under auspices Alter Society of Mt. Cannel and St. John Vianney Oturches Sunday, February 8, 1948 Served from 12 Nooa uW 8 P.M. at UTHE GALLEY" 50'7 Oeetnl Aveaae, Balboa, CaUl. Adults $1 .50 Children $1.00 CV ... lll'-1 ------------~-------·--------------- "'Thnt h No Submtult for !tU4I11y" Prospwud Clcanm~t for That New Look FRESH, SPARKLING CLOTHES IMMACtli..ATEI .. V CLEANED AND PRESSED B\' l!S. Take edYeatatre of _, Pklk-tJp a.d .,....lvt!I"J t'W"'- or •lop a. ,._..u. Ample drt.-e-lD putdn«· ----------'PuBLIC NoTICES I tJ,•,·tt •c• 111' ~l lalo• ''1 ( "nll(o,rnl~> ----· r•'f'•ld,fl J :11111111) 11. l ~r..!t. In LP:fl \L }'liOTIC'P: 11<)(\k ~\41~ u l l'tol!• 3'><1, ol In ttu• !lflll"r uf .lamf'tl L . Rral) I>RA "l'4hf'" Allrct'll R111krup1 Thf' llnrll'l"l'lj;llt'd IS ri'CCIVt'r in hnnllfuptcy of the above named stn~ nt Cmta M t.'!'ll and BalboA PI<'UI' sl'nd a ll payments on ac· ._.,,unts rf't'('l\"nblr to the undtr· IIKJ~ed. FRANCIS F . Q UriTNER 639 So. Sprmr St. Lot An11clet 14, C•litornle. Pub. Jan. -n. 29: Feb. 3, 4, 1948. SOTICF. OF TRUSTEE'S 8ALE No. 1%11 On We-dnHday, the 3rd. day of Ma rch, 1948. at 2:00 o'clock P.~f., 111 the South Front Entrance to Lh<' County Court HoutH', In the City of Santa Ana. County of Or- ange, Stat(' or Ca hfomia, RelianCe" Till<' Compnny, n corporation. 111 'l'rustee undf'r lhl' IX'cd or Trust rxt'<'Uicd hy Ralboa Covl'S. Inc., a corporation. r<'COrdcd May 6, 19-16. in Book 1407. Pa~te 1R9, of C Hfirial R<'C'Ords In t h<' officxo of thl' Rf't'Order of Orangr County California. and hy N'ason of dt>- luull In thc payment or pt"l"· formanCC' of oblla:atlons secured thereby, includln~t the breach or d,.fault, nolle•' of which was rr· cordt'<l UCID!x-r 14, 1947. In Book 1:'\!lt'l. Pagr 77. t>f Offll'iRl Rccord! 1n the offk!' uf l hf' Rf'cordl'r of Ornngt' County. Cahrornin, will scll at pubhc Rtrclion In lhf' hiah· ••st hiddr r for I"Rih, hi\\ ful moncy or lhl' tlnitl'd St&I<'S. without \\arranty os to tltlf', posseulon, or rncumhrancN!. thl• interPst cun- \"<'YI'd to said Trusl('t' hy said Dtoed o•f Trust in prOJli'rly l'llUAie in lht' County of Oranat>, S tall• of Cali- fornia. 111 portion of which prop- erty hns, sut)S,o'qU('Ill rn the date or recordation or uid dC<'d of tr ust. betm subdivided under the nnme of Tract No. 1011 , u shown on a map rPcorded In Book 36, at par~ 37, 38, 39 and 40 of MiscellancoUJ Mapc. recorda or said Orange County) dN!crii:IE'd u follows: B<'~tinninll 111 the point of in- trrsection of the Ct"nler line of the California State Highway, as said ttnter line Ia described in a dt'ed to the State of CalJ- rornla, rerordf'd January 11. 1924, In Book 505, at page 84. of Deedl. and th~ Westerly line of the 100 foot right or way formerly owned by the Southern P a c I f I c Rallroed Company, end runnlnr then~ South 11' 32' Wett along the Westtr'ly line of wd 100 foot right of way «1.25 feet to the lin~ of ordinary hl&h Uck of thl' Paclnc Cc.!an In Nt"W- port Bay. u l'ltabllahf'd end deslrnetf'd "NCKth Un~" by the decree r~n&red In th~ Su- J)ftior Court of the "Stat~ of California, In and far th~ County of Orange, In an ac- tion entltll'd "City of Newport R.>11ch. Plaintiff v. F . M Slr- hridg(', el nl., Dcfendanta," Casr N o. 23686, a certtflf'd <'QPY Of Which dNTPe•Was re· r ordt'd S<>ptt'mber 19, 192R. In Rook 201, 111 J>lllt" 2:",J, of Otrl- cial Record,. thf'na> alon(it said line of ordmary hi~h tldc lh<' rnllowina cnur~•·s and di~­ tan<'t's: South AA• rl4' 01" Wt'sl :\ftO 11 fN'I: North AA" 41>' rl4 • w .. ~, 4!11 113 '''<''; :'o/orth Rtl ' 27' Wr~t 16R 41 ' I• ••t And /l:urlh 7.1' 3-1' ~()" \\"rst t o tht-moll'! Snulhrrly rnrnrr of lhf' lnml t'I"IO\I')rd to :"Pwpnrl I ,r,..dcan~: rnmp- ;lny. 11 Nlrl••r:tlllln. hy rto·•·d rt"C'<Irlft•rl Nrl\ "llll>t r :!:>, HIJR. in flnok !lf\!l, 111 1"'1:" :l:l:'>. nf OUtl'illl Rt•!'nrrts. 1ho•nf'<' :"Mih !l' 'L7' Ea~l nloon~: lh,. Enslf'rlv llnf' nr llllltl lnnrl ""n\"f') ,.,, ,;, ;'1:,-.wpttrl f)rr-dctnl: ('umpnn y 1 ~ o1l• llt••nt'<' 1-:A~Io rh nl•1111: N>Htl ('t•Jlll•r llno• 111!11 >111111\: lhl" c•·nto·r hn.-nr lht• rt•ltl f!ruJN"rty dr•seraht·d In S~tld olo•t'd r•••·vrrlc-d tn 11fNlk ~l()!l. 111 IIlii(•• R4. nf l k'o'<ill, rt•rords of Slllrl Or><nt:e Cuunty, to HU! point of bf'~inmn~: . EX C E PT I N G THF.RE- 1--HOM any portion ftwrf'Of lncludNi within rht> two-acrr parttl or land df'tcrtbed In the df'f'd to thl' City of Nrw- rlOrt Bearh rt-rordcd AU~tW!t 12, 19'..!1. in Book 403, at page 137. nf Dc•"'ts. r<-corda of aald Oran~:P County : A L S 0 EXCEPTING the Easterly 30 f<'t't thN'f'Of as ronvtyed to the Southern Pa~nc Railroad Company by dl.'<'d r ecorded Jurw 12. 1931 . In Rook"'• 489, Ill png(' 70. of Otrlci11l Records, In I he offlct' of the County R4'C'order of u ad Orange County . A L S 0 EXC"EPTING those J10rtlon5 convf'yed to the State or ( 'allfnm la hy drt•d r<-corded M n)· 4, 1935, 1n Oook·749, at J)Rii(f' 262. or Offuolal R<'COrdA, ond hy ~ r ecordt'd May 26, 1942, In Book 1137, at page !\4:1, or Ortlcl111 R<'corda, In the nfri<'t' of thl• County JWrorder uf 11111d Orang!' County: A t.S< I F:XC"F:PTI NG from lh•' aho'•' dt·scrth,•d n ·11l pro- JI(>rty All 011, 1:11~ a nd Olh• r hydror11rbon !iulxlllnCNJ 111. under and upon sn1d """' ,. rlr~rrillf'd rPal proJ)I'rty, \\ hlf'lo said m i. gas and tllhcr ltydr .. - n •rhon suhst nnct'll wt•n• r··- Sf'r\"cd by Frank M ~~ ru bridge ond Myrtle F. Stro- hrldgr. In a dN·d rtnt('d :'ol11rdt 2R, 1946, to John M Moll•·r. a marriPd m a n. to lh•· ahf\\"t dcscrlbed propl'rly, Al~O EXCEPTING Lot :!7 In Trnct No Hill, ll!l shoo\\" on 11 map r!'cordf.'d In JI;Kok 36. at pag~ 37, 38. 39 ancl 1q of Miaccllan~'OUI Mapo;, ,,.,. I orda of said ()rnng•· Counl\. for thc purpose or p8yln~ llllil- gatlons sPcurcd hy Slud I>N•d c>t Trust, lncludJng h•c11, chargr.s, anrl l <'XPf'~ or tht> TrW!tre, sum' <'XJ)I'ndcd under the ll'rm! lhl'rf'l•f.l lntrr~t therMn. and $11\5,000 01"1 In unpaid principal of "'" nol"l •~red theN'by, with lntf'rMI thnron u In uld nott . and 1111' I pl~cntary •«reeTilt'nt providrd Datt!d Feb. 2, 1948 REUANCE Trn.E C'OMPANY ICorporat~ SNit By J . A. Harvey. Jr VI~ Prf'aldrnt By Robert P Knl'eland Au't S<'crf'tary ~b: Feb. 3, 10, 17, 1948 II 1lw N.,.,._nn-wtU not be ~-I 'J)Onelbl• fCK ~ Ulan orw lncor I Fftt lnwrUon ot an edYft'tiMmvlt. ...._," t h • richt to eornct))' cl .. tfy any end all ada ar.d to reject any edvertiMment not f'Ofl lormJnr to rulet end rfiCUI IIInM CONTRACTORS F or fll>ll"ldrntllll nnd Commt'rdal Rulldlns:~ &R-ttr II FllK! Sf'rVII'f' In Frrr E•t lrnhlo·~ J. L. BROWN Phnn!' fi,.nrnn !l:!!"•5·W H. M.LANE RF:AL t:STATE 101'.16 c· nu rt /\\ 1· N Ntr Nt-wprorl l'lf'r F:~lahll~hf'rl Sinrf' l!l:lO R l lr fl-11• CARPENTER AvAil!lhlo• Jmm•'4!1111•1y RPmroldtn~ & fu pnlr SA.TUR .OAY LAST DAY Everything Must Be Sold •• Costs Slashed 1793 Newport Blvd. DRAPES All Fully Lined Drapes $4' S:J . pa1r Balance Drapery Yardage 73c Reg. $7.95 100°/o Wool 3Y2-Ib. Blanket $427 • Costa r-Mesa Satin Bound, Plain Colored Sheet Blankets 72x00 ~98 \ Quilted Satin 100% Wool Comforters $783 - All Woolen Piece Goods Values to f4.98 $497 . I Yard One Table Piece Goods Values to $1.98 87c Bargain Table Everything ~00 All Aprons Y2 Price -~­ Perfect NYLON HOSE 971 Children's Slacks $3 .98 Values $157 Balance Bobbie Sox 17c Balance of Disposable Diapers 97c All DRESSES One Price $577 --"- Balance of Gowns and Slips One Price $200 ALL ROBES $348 All Children's Pan ties 19c ( G I R D L ES A II S w i m S u i t s Phone Beacon 6233 17th aad Newport Ave. OOSTA MESA In lhf' '" nlf'r hno· n( thl' r"all- fnm iA S lat,. lltl(h\\11\'. a~ s111d r••ntf'r hno t~ t1.-~rrallf'd 111 11 Phone Santa Ana 1090-W M>1 1 ~00 $300 More Class Ads on Next Page ~~~~~~~~~~~~~!ill .._ . 1 • Pap& lf&WPOaT IIALIIOA NI!W8-'11.1!8 BOATS, IJUPPLIDI D IIOJIIIKY WAJrn:D • llE . ..;.::..-'_L_UT __ A_TE ______ .,.::. a&AL DTAft FLOAT t"OR SAL£..-('h~ap. rom-YOUNG MAN Ne.dl .-oo ID pl~t.r with oonc:Tete pUe hana~n-~t&rt "''""' b1.111lnc. f« Harbor CORONA DEL MAR 8ft It at 3:14 D~na Vlata, 8aJ aru. Jnten ... tinc proftt lbu1ne boa. 0\ad 'J'W1tdwll, Ph. Harbor plan Wrltt' Bull "E" e/ o N~- 21U.W. S18-trc Tlmn. Utp Must Sell at Once a.u&~ua • 'n~PAY M!WJI!!! ...... Calli. .. ... I, IMI Want Ads :::.fJl..Tll OF HIGHWAY Continued From Preceding Page ANTIQUE Mahotrany dwst, Spinet desk. walnut drop lt~al tahle , laf'lt' ropro<'r ke ltlt'; 11110 just r«'el\'f'd ahlpllll'nt of t11hlf'Wano t11 lha~ ot blue and ydluw. P'OR SAL&-Lawwon pwnp and AUTOIUlTIVE A T1&U • A llf.Al'TlFUL NEW 2 bedroom bait tank coml)iet~. m (jl) likl' ROSWF.LJ.:S GIIT SIICJI~ 1476 8<>. Cu&&t Blvd. !leW. Day Diltrlct Hardwllrt' ''' We Have Sold ll'•mr Ftrt·pla~. &are~. peUo Bal. lalan4. 83-11~ Ovet· }t.•OO Used Can nr rtu~;slon .. wuh concrete fen~. 1 \ rH 11.111 IJiintb) rU¥1. ,. In Thl.s A r•·u unit Hav.-BHn Doln.: Wat~0~~"'*7 50 --~..0--\'-0_X ___ T_h-t•_o_r_J.!_un_>_u_u_~:_·,,-n llwun<"U ( 'mlllnuully for 2T Yenn ,..~~.-altadt lo uny ('lltHlll ('unlf' and r A RS PRICED TO BELL I ft.to~bJe~ ~ • ht'ar II n~tnZ-SC"t\mldl Plunu L'!l 520 No. M•Jn. San<u Artu 3-ttc ·II hord .Sulll'l IlL"· Sedan VAN DRIJlLEN OABY SP I:-11-:T O•'l¥)' ROM HIHiin, I lo·tol••r ...... .l:t7'1 -·----------,,....-- J E W 1!: L R y SwM>t ton•· Nt•" """ •only ·:14 < 'h•·v St•d/111 .... 3:l~ EN C. M. NEWTON \7118 Newport Blvd. C.O.ta Meu $347. l>am -Schrw dt I'IHr)t• ._.,, :~>~ llt.ttll:" I'lc-I<UJ.>. Motur C. l;AJ. DENISON ,_tic: !)20 Nu Main. Srontn An" < '"'" huult-d. N"w Paint.. 7'11'1 Realtor 1[1 ----------..::....:~ Tt'f'ma. 3-tfc 47 ~·ord S upt·r Olx Sedan. qOntractor WASHING MACHINES -n .. d~n. rteatt-r .. .._. l 89fl ~EWPORT HEIGHTS 11ame Conatructlona. remoclellna U J'OU cta.'t haw -do __... STI:rNWAY GRAND -P<'rfK1 '46 Furd ('unv. Cpc. Radlo ....._ at ,__ N ndlllon. \M(or~tt'tltu Saw· at Jll'lll•·r ..... ~1.15 I l"•l•··••m home and sun room. a ~. Uoenae • lrwuranoe !rut $1000 owr nt•W prtCt' l1anl· 11 l-'nn1 Conv. C'pe. RacUo )l!tUillc ~:urage. Prewar built. -.,Santa Ana 1090-W Utp BII.J../S W ABH-A-TERIA Schnudl P111no Co. 5:.!0 No M11tn lll'al•r ........ 14._,.'~'~.1 • $8600.00 Santa Ana All" am.oll t.lll'l 31 ~~11rd JWadster .... _.. ~··· ~M'CD ~ 6 KMdl •'75 NPirpart Bl¥4., ec.ta .._. Stein way m1rror IYJ>t' 1p1nf-t '3oJ Ford ~an New Paint 295 ;\•" --lll'droom home. Hdwd. fln., CtJiwwa _.. 10 ardlr. A*...._ PbaDe Bncoa STPO 3·1 re '41i Plymouth Spec. Sedan. 1"""'' uml gur$a8gcl1. SO OO ..... 6 IAdw ...... tar _. lf-We Radlu. Ht'aler. etc .. ---· .,..., 07 -.warY J"tooducU ~ SPrNE'T plano t11r n•nt. 6 JMnthf '311 C1\I'V, St>dan, u ia .... _ 17., _ • Lacuna fl<'ach LANDSCAPING Cart! ol La\lmll no-ere and Shrubll PLanwel · Hal Crawford 1U Alvarado PliiCW! Helbor n• BALBOA fM.tfe 9-I tc $10,850 SEJ.: O WNER t:i~ l•ul\llu Ave., Corona del tfc \I lor Modem Comer Duplex Desll'able Nel&hborhood COSTA MESA Two Bedrooma Each One Vacant for Imm1date ~. % DN. BAL. $100. MON'Mi RALPH P. MASKEY 3411 W. Central Ave. Phone Jlarbor 402 5-3tc Amazing Income Value Newport Duplex Lower Unlt--3 Bedrooms Upper Unit-1 fk•droom Cloae to Still Water and Ocean Swtmmlnc Complet~Jy Furnlabld See J. M. MILLER, Realtor 15th & Central Harbor 1l64 9-ltc COSTA MESA BY OWNER -5 room modem hOITW.', cholct!, c:lote-ln location, VISIT US IN OUR NEW LOCATION Blanche A. Gates-Realtors--Ginny Gates 212 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Phone Harbor 1034-J Evenings. Harbor 746-M BALBOA ISLAND: • 2 Units. New. Today's best buy on lsland .... $25,000 BALBOA PENINSULA: • Let us show you our two, three and four a R. homes. You'll be surprised at the good values. CORONA DEL MAR: New and beautiful. 2 B. R .. large Jiving nn, fire- place. South of highway ............. _._Only 10,750 ~good buys in 1-. 2· and 3-B.R. homes. NEWPORT HEIGHTS: 2-Bedroom Home. Ranch-type. Double fireplace. Take over G.l. loan. Payments $42.00 month. COSTA MESA: 1 B.R. almost new. o/.& acre (100x300) 11 ma- ture walnut trees, berries, young fruit trees. all kinds; very artistic home; fireplace. G~. Terms. ·-...:···~·-·· .. ·--·--...... ·----··-·-.... __ ...... _ ... 8,500 BLANCHE A. GA ~Realtors-GINNY GATES 9-ltc -,....at.. H•tinl'la a-c. ....-DDWOOD l'f'nt allowt•d ~~o hrn yuu bu~ ',\.; Olds 6 Sedan .,.____ 3'·· ..... a.tSac1oa 8teedl ua ~ ~ Dan%-Schnudt, Santa Ana. 3-t!c 1 I.! l,.'(!tO<Im hnmt', dbl. l&ra&e. beeu- .. OIA.ItCOAL 6 IIIUQtJmW THEODORE ROBINS 1 llfUII) lund..capcd. Temu can be SO or 100 foot fronta&t'. Fur·------------------------ __ .;..... _______ ~__ PROMPT Dlft.IVJ:Irl SPIN IT Typr mirror piRno Re-I ·•It wogt'd to suit buyer . pout'Sit·d 1"'11y hnllln('j' TPnn• Your F'c1rd [)(•aler Since 1921 CESS POOLS ud Wright Lumber Yard Anothtr for $1~ r>nm-Schmldt nahed or unfurnlahed. Priced right. Cuh deal. Phone ~acon 5888-J. &.tic SEPI1C TANKS l71M N....,...rt BIVIL P lano l'o, ~:.!0 No M•un. Sant11 1B46 Newport Ave. I COSTA MESA COIITA MI:SA Ana 3-ttr :"• ,.1 to West Coaat M.at I l~t•cln10111 humt· and caraae. FOR SALE OR TRADE-80·acres deserl land cl011e to Marine Sup- ply Depol & Jllghway, Daeget. California. Water & electricity available, will trad<> tor propt'rty In Cnsta Mes11 or vicinity or l11te model l'ar. Harhor 2337-J . 9-21c .8eecon ~ BALDWIN madi• ~ptru•t 'H"' mlr-CY1STA MESA -Beaeoa 1207 $3800.00 D-Ue: ror planu t;IIJu~ft,n m~odrl Onlr -----------.::.&.._1_,. O.tnct Drtl11nl ...... eau.ctlart sm. ThiS 1.11 II lu\'1'1} lnilrunwnt :-; •••• rty m•w 2-b•>droom home in Plenty of Good Tu. Danz-Schmldt Ptunu ('o. 'l'lw .SIIflo•r I >he 19..n v-II Ford corwt•t•l I I>· •I lr~:ullon. (AD 'work Guanateedl ruu r.ur.n. eanw All Bl 11hh• ruUI11' Lt•ss than 500 mil• '· $u200 00 . zel llnnw nf 1111' \o\'urltl7• r. !'>:..00 1\:u S:.O:!\t•, :.t2:l v Buy Front, Bell••·•' • 0 • Compound Motor OU Calion, 'JOe Mllln ~nntR A1111 3-lfc j J<.hw ll S--Ilo' -"\··W :.!·lwllroom hom.-and garage. New View Home J. ll McCORMICK UAI.I IW I ;>: r.HA 'I;J J Fin I' cundl· lion r\ I~" ll~ttnlltun ~:rnnrl An11tlwr 11s1~l l(r llnrl ••nly s.'Kl T••rms I 111111 S!'hnmlt Ptunu , 'o S11nlfl Anto, •,:to Nl• l\111111 3-tk F'l>R S ALF.-1946 JMI), COII'Iplew <"h•'•' 1n. IIIOVaa lop Q IJdea. XlJit. tlrw, $~150.00 OVERLOOKING Entire Harbor area. 3 hr .. hdw floors, firl'plarr ronst ru<'llon and in~1de finish exceplionnl. The (tnest Wl''ve ever or! er<'d. Ml Vlctorl1 St. COat.a M-a BHmn 82:17 Western Auto Supply A uthnrtr.ed o-lft Jllilnt & mc•chanically. Ph. Har· - 1111-tlc t.or llR-J t7-lfc :I-I well o)l•rn honw und gara;:e. HARBOR PJumblq Senfce l&18 N~ Blvd.. Ca.ta Mat n -et. iiWEc -:-;;u-AN S U 11 N C'OONTSi& r7 BLTIC 'K !:;u[ll•r S<'danett Marl} I $~750.00 r1•" :.! ton•'. hmd(•d with Utrlh 1 1 < "F.Mt~NT & CARPENTEH 'f"oul&, VIIMJUnt C')I'Utll'f . :.! Whpo•l trnllo-d, alrplarn-llr~. pnrtahle flhonr). ~aph, di '<'P trl'l'll'r, mf'n'll IIUIII', alz.e 38 It Su·t.aon hat 7 '-. um- brfolla. tf'nt. htwn mc•wer 304 36th St • N t'WJICJrt ~11Ch I htr- bor 1527-J 9-ltc HA RUOR TRANSFEH U (;IIT IIAt'I.J~c ; Phone Beacon 653 1911.! ll11rlonr nlvtl ,1 'I IS'!'J\ M I;...;/\ l' 11 11 bor ,._... 1 .1·11 ... 1110111 twnw. Prl•war built, on n mornrng!l ar /Uo,...w );u~;" lui ________ 7._3'P $10,000.00 RALPH P. MASKEY 3411 W CPntral Ph. Ha r . 402 9-t!c 1,. Newport Rlvd., &>aeon 6117 lla'.ADUHO OUR SP!X1U.T'f O.tncti!W ........ t-lfc -J ~·~1ft !'ALE Nc>W 1948 Mercur' I -St~cm W11~:on. All utru In !-1>~-droum hum<' anti ~tarn~.:e. In 9-ltr d1idrd, r~trlio, heater, toe U&ht~. ~:•ul lucalron. S2.000 down; $50 l'lc., llorlx>.r 304. · . 7-fll· IJO'r month Nice Building Lol in Nt'wpor lh•ights, $1350. Call B eacon 5713-R.. EvPnlngs Harbor 108S-J 9-2tc COOPERATIVE ROOFING 00. FOR SALE -Until Wl!'dn•·sd&) New' and Repair C'\'l'nlng, Kl'nmMI' rlrrtric wnsh· ..... 8Mc!oD &a-R rr. Ilk«' rww. G1rl'• coal, :.! pt('('\' wool rrull. vh•ll lt'tl •klrt, all slu.· ~ .W. Alf6-, o.ta ~-12, Harbor 107U·J 9-Hc 12 ftAAI a::llVlCS Df 11m HAABOR AMA W AJn'I:D TO BUY II A GOOD BUY- IS A WlSE BUY Let Ua Help You Be Wlu t-'<lfl HI-;N'r -Artn~o•mc• ruom Jlrl- \'8le o•nlrrtnl'l·, ~:o•ld "'''"'• nt•ar 11)1 llll:h"n~·. 11111111•·~• dtJtrlt'l & hUll«'~ ft113 L•rk'JJIUr 1\w. t'•m•r•u tlt•l Mnr !I 1111 t'OR HENT Furn1~hl'rl ',H~t.•tl tiOI'>m h•Jillll' T IIPJI!In dlx J<luvo•, El<•<'trohu rl'frtgrrator kl5 ()() mn. Nu l'holdrt•n or po·t.s 1101J•• In, Cn~~ta Mrsa. Phon~ Beacr•n 5ftlO.J 8-21 c HARRYIIAU PA.IN'l'DfO OON'I'ftAcroR 274 .._. 11e11 atrwt ...... M1J c.a.ca ..... edt HARBOR FURNITURE ROOM wllh vrh•al(' bath ~ priv- COAST MOTOR CO. HOII FROESCHLE Ju ,,. lt•IISt Hlahway lktt<'On 5032-J '4() (1WHO)t>t :.!·dr. SfdaD $1074 ':l.'l Ford Cou~ Gnucl filii n I. liund rubber. Run~ ~;ood. $494 »-ttc 1982 Harbor Blvd. Coeta Mt'tla ntl• NllrllnN' In new home on 9-ltc Balboa Pt'nlnaula. Call Jlar: . , I C.AL u :-:w-:-.:-:-::,.,..,..,.=,o~=ro==--=B:-:-U:-:Y-:---:-:u--....o-:-.::.h~l.,.:.,:.h ~9-R a!lt'r 5 p.m. Mtc :.!:.!00 actulll mllt'tl. RacUo, heater, '47 OhD Conv. Coupe. .ru, • ~. --.. ,. HydramaUc drlvt'. Thla ear 11 .. DWAJU>-1'« bafo leadl.nt chair. Phont' Harbor 21~J. FOR RLNT-Balboa Baysh<Jrft. just two w~lu old. t. ·IP t <• ot ...,._ Wbo ~ltc Thl'ft bt-droom hoUM, furnlaMd, - • I 8 -•• ,....,... CIIIUJlle wm P•• Cub $1~ a month. Box 2.41, Puadena '41 PlymouUI Club Cou&le 81 -t. a..da PaYtWon ..., ==l=T,-:Ca.U=:-:'=--=------7-4_.:..:.tc: Real leather ,....._,laterv, i.:.. .• L ,. ,.... ,.~ .. -... , ~ . .. ... .., ., ~ llfllllld. 3ea. 1T. ~ Bar. ,.._ ,.._ .._ ...._ FOR RENT -One room and kltctt-hMter -T-4tl: Crawl-Furniture Co "" all fadlltlea $10.00 per -~k. $1291 ~ Alllt n17JID • .. J • 1 I 15th St., NewpcM"t ~ach. -• 1112 Me.,_t Bl¥t... o.ta Ill-. 7_.t.c: '29 Model A Ford Coupe UleT-1 bMdt C'oallill' lfanlel D-dl FOR RENT _ ""--~ ... _1 .. __ ~tter buy this on~ quick. ,... ...,..... to ~ baa .....,....,. .. '-...... tu ..,.,._ on. s~ aw., CASH for USED spertnwnt y~ar 'rounct or winter -fna only. Ba.y a Ocean view Phone '35 ~lute Sedan . ....._~-=--~.Ph. ~~~ ~lianeee Jack Grct'nc Harbor ~74-W $393 &-tie AQYthlnc'' 6-tfc 1.08T-Billfold eontaln.lna aiJP'Oll. Q"lU ~ FOR RF.NT Udo ble &y FTont COAST MOTOR CO. 150. driwra Uoma4-, etc. Mar Phone~ ~-M furnlahMt apartment. Winter 10M Cout Highway ~ mun:h. Udo tate. Ub-l .. N.-por1 Bl¥4.. C.O.ta Kf!N rf'ntal. SH Mr SldweU Apt. "S" Beacon 5032-J ft'S1 f't'WaJ"d fOf' noturn. Mn. 42.tfc. Harbor 2720. :\6.5 VIa LIdo 9-ltc Jtr.raaret NINTli'YPr. 100 VIa Suud. 4-ttc AliT08 WANTED Mrntone. Ud(l llle. 9-ltc n7mfiTUall P'O& S.u.ll II NJ('J-:J.Y F\lRNISin:n llOOM & • -...o,....,.... WAJI'IWD • FOR S AJ.F: Rl'fri~tl'rt~tor \.l'n••rtll T'rhnlt• h11lh, m 11 I d St'tvl~. J.:ll'rtrlr Mnnllor ltlll, f. ru It ~f1W J)('r monlh, llltnunt. 113 WANTED nr..m.kinc. aport jac:kcota, aulta and coata. Altf1"aUona. 1m w. OPntnl Kar: 19'73-J. 8-4tc In I{Ootl runnln~: urrt••r ~<lllfi ""'•rl. H11llocJn llllnn<l s. tfe 6 Ford Sedam;;, CoUpE'S (IC(•nn F rnnl. N''".l><•rt lknd1 KF.ST,\I. r.xc·u,\sca: St't' Saturday A Sundny F••h wcaa w AH'J"ED.-,.lroelftl 1a .., ._. Plabl or fMC:J. 530 Su .. wdluo Ave .• Newport 7 & R !l<.!tp Sl lllTll PASAUENA l\lu!lr•m 3 '40 · '46. Will 111\Y IC>JI pl'ii'l• ror gooc-1 l'klln "'"'' lllttllbta. .tf, FOR SALE 19-11 AJ)I·X wrt~hlni: mr~chlnr ( ;,1(1(1 f'1>nrli11on 111 lhlrlll:l' •lx .)'l'nr'll l.tkl' """" ~IIi Tu.~lln, !1/f'wpnrf llr•l~:ht<> !1-:.!lp ht•flrtlnnl :.! '• l111f h~. 011li!1~ ri~HII lit hHih unf111 ""li•·ll. lll>twwu•; THEQDOHE ROHJ:-.;~ fpr I lollt~H• l~l,,nll :1 11r 4 h· 11- ' "'"" un(utnl,lh ol II ,, r h,. r J:'•7r,.J !l-tr.- :!:.!ncl & c.•ntral :-.;,.,, J••r• !I I tc: iJALi OR FEMALE-Expcrlt'nc- ecl bookkM-prr, full chug(', locsl U'fll. Plumbma Mlp-rlf'nN' prl'- lerT'C!d. Salar.,. oprn. If uhor SIMMl)NS U•Juhlt• Itt'<! JJI•rl•<t'l. WANTF.Il TU Kf:NT U TRAIL.EAI't linl!ft• mallrc·s." rl•·nn rl~t•.ip -~lfl -----------= •• ll9-.J. ~p ...... ,.,. .. A.-oUII • J'OR SAt~ Tabt. 111W with 1 H.P. molor. 216 TUJIIn, New- port H «'IRhta. 9-2tp Doulll~ bed. tprln~rs. mllltrt'a, mlr· ror, cht'tlt of drAwcr5, tablco. ~.00 takes 1111. m F. Ray l"ront. BalllOa bland lt-o4tc POR SALE-K<'nmot'l' wa•hln~t Machine. Good runnln~t orltcr. A berrain at $40 .. P"ftod Jacobs, 32nd St. N•'wport 1\('lll'h . g. I 1 p FURNITURE REFINISHED AS YOU LIKE IT KEN GRENSTED 21311 Miner Str<'t't COSTA MESA Phone Harbor 1070-W F'or EatlmatN On Guanmt~ Work 99-tfl' 5D W . Ocean Jl"ront. Phont• 8 ~ Harbor unn 8-2\ n t ft (J('!'M'T'sl Elrctrlc frN'z.er, ~· " •1111 in c:utl', S2f.S. Pjlew priN>. POJJ SALE-NatJonal cuh ~ria· $3\4 50. Call Harbor 2211. Ia In lood condition. Regular 3-Rtc. .... $9.99 rlnr up. Prl~ $139.00 .OAT8. 8UPrua • Worth •1'75.00. Sportaman Uquor ------------8~. 2823 w. Centra.t Avf'. For Exchange Newport Beach. Phone Harhof' 20 IT A\"X. SAil. ROAT-F or 1700. 8-2tc lol tn huhor Rr<'tl or Coata PqR SAJ..E-..-4.burnf1" dlx. l'lt'Ctrk Ml'la ranp; cold apot refr!«t'ratnr: J. M. M.ll .. LER llm&O ndio; flnskle tet and-1!'\lh & C~'nlral -Ha 1264 lrorw, ftc. wrourt'tt lron. Har-H·llr bar ~II. 8-ftc --:-----------Boat.c; Priced Tn SE'll · Silver Platimr 34·ft Aux Y:w 1 •S(•n c;.lf'rl t!l:t-, OOPPER. BRASS. ck)LD ~;,!;l(M I Pollah1ftr6 ~ttn.iah.inR M-ft Spt F1sh r;\l llf'lt••ll 4~1 Baysi de Plating Co. c; E ~~FY 1914 H.arbor BfVcl. ea.ta Mf'U, Calif., Be.ooa !5ll3 111 Cons I I lr~ .t~, :-.;,.wpot 1 &-Ue Sf'll,onn !".0.1:.!-\\'. 7-tk ------------SNJPF. -RRI'i n,.; 1\:(l. ~'\9!"1 J:O.I(I SERVEL condition, Nrw Baxti'T A C1rPrv aail~ lhlrbnr 2151-M. t>-11<' The G A S Refrigerator 40-rt. CntiSt'r $~.cx10. (W IIho 19.!4l 40-tt. AttX ~choon..•r $77110 1938 Some Model.s Ava.lhtble N(YIN *<)0. 30-fl. Spt Fiah IMhchl'lll Balboa Fm-niture Store 100 MaJn St .. Balboa '48 18800. G. E. MINNEY 711 Cout I Uwny, Nrwport Pllalw H&J'bor 14~ 5-tt~ BMcon 5012·W l·tfr .SI:o-ta.l. t:I-Vrt.l-'~11·:'1: \\1"h·~l :1 l9-17 1'\'HTJSS-\\'HII:IIT l1•tler, "r I row•m runu~lwcl ·•1111rlt11• nl :.'7 f<••l. !'o·ll •·q11111 .. r '' '"' tor "II h 0:"'''"'' 111 t 'urtHl8 d.t ;\l.u rf'n I '"''nit> :..11<•1 \\ '"''' 1 '••Sla l •,rn•un•n• t•"f""'"''"lt· ~,, .. , ;\1•""<;.t 7 4tc 1•'1"'' rrol•rn l 'u , 1:1111 ('t'ltSI I l>t.:h" ll~ I 'ul o>n.o •I• I ;\l,1r I lnr l•w II II •1 lie REAL £hATE ElU'tiANOII!: t3 Mod. 2-bedroom Stucco l.i\IU :1-: 1,1 •T. 1'111 ••<1 ~I . :l hlkl' l'ltsl nf sh•>pptng cllslrlcl c·,,.,.l 1\lo•~u Tr11l1•• fur ~11nl11 Ana or I lllrlklr 111'•'1• ~llhml l nfh'r. nwn- t•r SA 10::1 !I· It• HONEY TO LOAN M LOANS TO BUILD, ~. lmprovf\ modernize Of' rPflnanoe. We pur- c:hue trUit dftdl. NEWPORT BALBOA FEDERAL SAVINGS A LOAN ASSN. 3M3 VIa Lido Ph. H.,., 1500 M-tfc. NEED MONEYT SN' t '• tor Qulc.k, Helpful Scf'\1C'I' on Your Flnandal N et.'<il -Loana on Furniture-Salary Car or Other Security llours· 10 to 1 and 3 to 5 < Cl«*'d Saturda)'a) -~,._~ ~-p: ~:;.~ Y...£Y 1814 ~ Nt'Wpott Olvd .. Coeta Meu a-con 5m (ACI"<* trom Alpha Btota M&rkl't l 9-.ltc COM:.tt-11• 'l1\l. I'Htlf'l'ftTY ln N ,•wt••rt II• 11 h c • 2 '"' • t'or- nt•r Th•~ '" ""' PI th• 1•·1\ ~ J'"fl IIIII I II " )I( I HI 1111' .lr N. ;-.:,.,.r ,,, ... ,.,,' 11.11 l;•n·l 'l•lft- ll~hm,.: f.t~ohll•'' l '111l l•.won 1 !'">ll:l-R 1"\•·tHnt.:" 11111101' 10f41l·J •• tlc: For Sa le 13~· Ow11er 1:'.: EW T\\'ll n FI 11tt li 1~1 Jl,o~,.,,, In N•'"l't•rl ll11t.:hl< c .. nu r tile ~mk. l'•n" flonl'' !.'pm·Jnus 1111rd· rnlw~ S tu•••·, t>ll l•ul,•. p',"h·red in!111k Full pr.,.,· ~)<7'"1 t'alJ Afonroln :111:\-H I '''111111" ll•••- ron 517!1-H J.tfc: 1.t rr Fe •H ~AI .t- l"F:WPOHT ISt A:'\1 I ('h•·ict! rorner R·.! '''' Sttl··~ "''" .md )VII"inl! l>~•th '"" "· ·•II t:·•htu•. P 11ul Luntl ;\.'\o ~~ \l.lh'll A,.~ .. Nr~l't•rt J\,·,wh. c·,, tf tt REAL \'ALl'E~ Rrnnfl "''" -' lvh111 ""'' , · i• A hthlll lar~•' loll 1:•••1 •I • I' 1~ , •• ···11 ... , ''"h :-.. ,1; •• (.\•mpktf'\~ (IIII;,.Jt, d ~ 1 II """11!', E:t~1 ~l•t• .. hlk, '''' 1 '''"· :-.:1rt'1~ Inn l•o·q...,J I J• k n .• , nt '"'''' 1'111 \ ~;-. ,, •• 13. A. :\Eia:~o:\ nrnkt•r FHA ;\'I\ 1 1\)\\':'1;~ S . .J. 'Ill Ill l'r:'-' !\··111••1 I 111\\l Ct •!''f' \ \11 "·' l'llu:-.:1-: Beaco n 5::!5/l C. GALEN DENISON Rt:!altor IIJo:NilY (' VAl11,JIN, Broker GEO T f'•\STOR. Broker MAiliON I,RE\.C, Salt'lman ot!)fe Newport f\lvd., C'"osla Mesa Ph: IW'acon 5197 ()c(>an f'ront Lot R·3 zone. nt'nr hUJtn('ss district. Has exC('II l'nl Income posslbllitil's rf you build for rentals. F'ull prl~ $5000. Call BeaNn 5713-R, Evenings Har bor 1086-J. 9-21c Otban wtiJ l'ftd your ~ 9-ltc adl u vou are l'ftdin1 t.heae. At Corona del Mar SOME CHEAP LOTS If you must have level ones, these won't do. 4 LOTS at $800 Each 3 LOTS at $2000 For All 3 3 LOTS at $2900 For All 3 2 LOTS at $2000 For Both W . j. HOLCOMB 1517 Olast Highway Corona del Mar "Where the Flags F1y" 9-lt.c NEWPORT HEIGHTS ~bedroom home. Lovely neighborhood. Has nice hdwd. floors, dual furnace, tile sink. Counter table between kitchen and living room. Built for comfort- able infonnal Jiving. We recommend this one as one ~ the best buys in this area. JLc; new and you can move right in. Should G.I. $9.000. 3·Bedroom Stucco Home. These fme features: plac;- ter inside. large liv. nn., fireplace,. tiJe sink. large kitchen and service porch. bathtub and stall shower, vene. blinds and drapes. dbl. floors and carpeted thruout. dua l furnace. on Jot 50x127 and l£'SS than a year old. Built by contractor for his own home. COSTA MESA Modem 2-bcdroom home with dbJ. garage on 68x125 foot lot. Has fine workmanship thruout. Good cor. location. $10.500 full price. and take over G.f. loon at 4 ';i-. It's a beauty. LOTS OORNER LOT -621:! x 140. in Newport Heights. Wf>ll lcx·a ted near high school. 8 GOOD Lars in Costa Mesa. all togethcr-R-2 Zone. near Newpor1 lleighL". ,!. iilu'iifl' Elton D. Barnett Pemel G. Barnett Barney Francque Brokers EVA F. RHODEN Realtor 470 Newport Blvd. Phone Beacon 571:1-R Evenings. Harbor 1 086-J 9-1 tc At Corona del Mar 2-Bedrm. home. very ne-at. This is furnished. $7950. Two bedroom mod£'m, very dn.o;;sy, S9250. Two bedroom modem. a beauty. S9700. Two bedroom. modem.-A!'k to ~ this. ~11.500. 2-Bedroom. l'l('W and morl£'m, So\lth of llighway ~1 0.:-\00 One lot looking down h,,y, S2200 Beautiful ()('('an fm nt lol ~1th of L:u~unn nnd has grand \iew. $2000. Other tot~ south of L.,_~ma. Thl'S<' a)"(' ln t"RC lots and have a \'iew of OC'('all. $675. W. j . HOLCOMB 1517 Coo.st Hlghwny ('orona dt'l Mar "where the Flngs Fly'' !'l-11<· We Have Some Rentals Available to june 15th * VERY INTERESTING CORONA DEL MAR HOME 3 bedrooms. 2 baths, den. living room with' fireplace. Nice location. $16,000 Unfurnished ISLAND• REALTY COMPANY 201 Agate, Balboa Island Ph. Harbor 377-W 9-21.4 DOAK REALTY & DEVELOPMENT 00. Phone Harbor 505-W 318 Coast Hwy. at Orchid, Corona del Mar "By the Sea" Home and Guest House South or HJghway in Corona del Mar. 90-ft. comer Jot. Very gOOd prewar construction. Main house has 2 bedrooms. den and 2 baths; 1400 SQ. feet. The guest home has living room, bedroom. kitchen lnd bath; 600 SQ. feet. 3 garages. Beautifully landscaped yard, in R-2 Zone. Near the beach, shops, schools and bus. Priced at $26,500. Unusually liberal terms, Corona del Mar-Nicest Very well constructed horne of 2 bedrooms and a den of combed wood. Fireplace, floor furnace, tile fioor in bathroom. Dining room with bay window. One bed{oom is a master size. Quality home. Patio and yard all fenced. Dble gar. Located ln best resi- dential section, south of Highway. Block and half to water. Priced to sell quick at $13,700. Uberallef1DS. Duplex -Corner -New Two suites of rooms are sepe.rated by double pr- age. Each apartment includes 2 bdnns., large Uvlng room. hdwd. floors. furnace, kitchen with nook. Front and rear patios. Priced at $15,950. tenns. In- come or $200 per month unfurnished been offered. New 2-Bedrm. Home--$9500 Brand new and shiny, modem. with fancy wood, beam redwood ceilings, snack bar. fireplace. Lots of built-ins. Plenty large \\oi ndows. 3 llnen closets. Large wardrobes. Yard is 40x60: easy to care for. Bathers' shower and laundry are located In garage. Close to stores in Corona del Mar . Income -Best Buy A new , modem home with 2 bdnns .. extra large rooms, fireplace, hdwd. floors. furnace, service porch, etc. And another 2-bdrm. home over double garage and laundry room. For sale at $15.900, easy tenns, lmmed. possession. Vacant. Never been oc- cupied. Close to schools, stores, bus and beach . Newport Heights Lovely new 2-bedroom and den Colonial. tile hath and kitchen. No. 1 hdwd. floors. Wall and floor fur- ~a~. Fireplac:e with N?lonial mantel. Extra large hvmg room w1th bay wmdow. Service porch. patio, dbl. garage. Lot 50x128. Roof is cedar shingles. has Col~nial eves. Nicely de-corated home. lmmcd. pos- session. Sl:l,500, ·tenns. Best Buy in Corona del Mar Corner Home -Furnished Stucco, 2-Bdnn. modem. nearly n£'w. Vacant. Large living room. fireplace, hdwd. fioors thruout. Nicely furnished. One bedroom can be d<'n. Conl'retc patio. barbecue. Dbl. garage. PriC'cd at $10.500. Will sell quick, just put up for sale today:Tcrms or G. I. loan. Furnished 2-Story-$8.500 Upper story has cute living room with ~;nack bnr, sun porch. kitchen with nook. bath has stall shower. nice bedroom with cross ventilation. Lower storv has hedroom with twin beds, laundry t'OOITl, dbl. g81:. Home is all elcdric. \'acant. We have key. Tenns or G. I. loan. House and Garage Apt.-$3000 Down South of Highway. 40-ft. lot. near beach. Nt'w 2-~­ room home. fireplace. £'tc. C'J\1est or rumptLc; apt. over double garng<' anci t'xtra MOms. Vac:m t. mon.-y In escrow allows ()('('tlpancv. Full prire onh· ~1 ll boo We have kt'y. · · · · · South of High way-Corona del Mar New 2-~room hom<>. Jlardwmd floors. fm11are. handy k1t ch<.'n. snat'k h<tr to din<'th'. L:t r'J:'(' living room. D01.1bl£'_ garage. P ric'f' SHl.200. T<'nns or G. 1 Better hurry 1f you arl"' intPJ'('SINI. DOAK REALTY & DEVELOPM~NT CO. Phon<' Jlnrhor !10:1-\\' · 318 Coast Hwy. at Orchid. Corona del Mar "Bv the Sea" · · 9-ltc NEWPORT BALBOA NEWS-TIMES ~ND: IIIAUO& U. II Al\'D Ml ~pUon Pa)•able In AdvanN': S.'\.:!5 ()('r ycar In Orange County; $3.50 per year to 4th Zone; $3.75 pcr year to 8th Zom>. Dt-.ecl • ~ ... matt~ at thl' PustoffiN> in-Nl'wport ·Beach, California, under the Art of ~1arch 3. 1897 LUI D. PORTER Publisher LUCIUS S. SMITH, lll Managin~t Editor W. F . DLXON • · · Adwrtising Manllgt-r Prtntlns Plant. 3011 W. Central Avenue, NewJ)<lrl Buch. Call!ornla FORUM OF Pl'BUC OPINION n... l(l'1Wtllnou ••h<~&l '-I'd ~111 _.. att""pt to -'r ._ Yetef'll' •llfWU\'al fvr a f.\Otl.tMIIl bond a-. .. to be IIWd for ~ ... ~ ••· panlllon In S!'~'JM•rt ftNwoh. lhl )OU • -~ -~Mtww·•w .u,~rt of ,~,. ....... "~ 1 State's New Labor "lll'flfult•l), 14Hys !'ian(!) M11r· • • • I'll)', ll urhvl'-111'1 II rl·hlllll', "I h l' MedtatJon Servtce Off. . I p f th c·ty f N t 8 h lwond ·~Sill' l'hlllllrt lw ""l'l~•rlo•d, d acaa aper o e • o ewpor eac '~"'"' 11.·o1x·~··d ~dm··• ~~ t .... •h·· In Trouble Alrea y A ~le Loc-al la•Utulloe few Ovf'r to l'ean Cliff Jlnq •n un•11 nnel '''•111111 In· Aetive f)· . Member of 1 New School Bond Issue lj udt' lht' tith.'7th und ~lh ~:nul.os SA('RAMENTO ~llPI -C'llll· \\''1• hit\'•• nn ,,,,·n·n•"do•ll J1tuuteon furm11 '5 n<"w lul10r mNtlatlon lift'· m 110111 lht• N••"'ltc.•r• oHIO Cnru11a Vkt• Is runnln~ lnt u trouhlt' with dt•l Mar Sl'll<'-lls nnd now lull!! many lh<' Nntlnmol L u b or Jl.(>lllllonl duss.'S on hlllf·fllly so·sslun h11sls. Ru11rd In d•'<'idln& -"'hictl a~rrncy The <'051 .osumalt· 1s only flflt·,•n ~~~~~ int n l11hor disputa, Paul C't'nta ()(•r $10(1 I\Sllt'l\.~1'(1 vahmllun S!'hRrn•ntwrg, sla1t' di~IOT of In· snd Will dt'Crus•• to lt'SS than lt•n du5trhol rl'latlons said toda.)'. C(•nls Tile PXJ)IIIllllon or th•• arCit St'harrt•nbl'r~: t 0 I d Gov. Earl must lx• pru1 ldt'<l lur" W11rrrn and othl'r 11111r drf»rl· • • • m£'nt ht•adt! that lht' r~r•l • f N rt B h IIR~>nry had "n(lt JlvPd up to IU The physical need for expanSIOn 0 ewpo eac "Of rounw." SIIIIM \'oint')' lillY lljtn>t-mc•nt" with ttw atate that grammar school facilities is being felt here as another ~~a;;nY 'r~~~e14~1~11°::~~:"~ts~r~·~ tht> stnte IIRf-rK')' sttoold handle "' "minor dispuiML." example of the Harbor area's tremendous growth. ns~·~snwnt5. but pro~:r<'ll" and u-. .,.,(' rrorrat mt"n lt"t'm to con· h h C r pansiOn t'lln't bc StOiliiCd. W<' llrl' slc1rr II minor dispute only at 01\C Without arguing the question of whet er t e a 1-~trowing and will rontmur to I,.'TUW. Whll'h is Mt in danjll'r of lprt"ad· f . "Y"'tem of practt'ct'n" education is fillin(J' th& Alrl'lld}' th(' Ol'l'rrrowdinR ill d···· in••." lhl' dirN.'IOr said. "In 1111 orn1a ;::. " ,.. " "" nmt•ntal 1('1 uur rh1ldrrn and more ., h h .1 f h 1 h my h•n..: t'Xtl<'rh•nr(' In lahor """ bill for OUT youn~sters, t e S eer neeu 0 . SC OO OUR-~rhuols llrl' llt't'1>11Snry Tt'll• '"'11' l11tiuns. I hlll't• foond th11t then! • d tte d t f 'l't' . b 'ous mall's of cotl lll'r CRIIIIa nn• low ju~t i~n·• llny !IUCh a llituatlon " lng an a n en a ct 1 teS IS 0 VI · and It's 11 JCOOd pril'o• to Jlll} In aid· .. In spilt' o~f lht• trouhlr. thl' alai<' When we send our children to school, we want them tng C'UilllllU!'d I'XIIIIn~•on. mo'Cilallon lll'rVil'l", ('J'j'Ufcd hy thr to have safe. uncrowded classroom snace. W e want • • • 19-17 ll•~;l~laturf' and In ~xlatonoo ~ ''~ hundn-d P""-"""'·" f"fnphll~ !{ln~·1• "S(•pl. 19. fills m aifl. 11 ''j(Oci:J them to have the best Newporters can a fford. s iU'S Wally Gt•rhlll·dt . phOIIII(· r••rnrd." St•hllrrt•nl~t•r~: dc<'lllrt'd. lt That is our part..-the taxpayers t>art-of the job. raphrr A ON~' 81'111)(11 l!t '" lint• 11118 hitnt.ll•od f:.CI ('!lllf'!l during Ita with thf' lll lwr l"·ndlnl( nnd much 1·x~lstl'nN' so tar. cumper<'d with The school teacher's responsibility begins after we nt't'dl'd 111111rfl\'l•nel'nt s or lh(' arca Pill)' six l'll~f·!i In tht• ··n tirc prt'- have Provl.ded the phys .. t·cal plant. .. It has ·t'O~(· to thl' pt1int nnw thnt 1'•-dmg rt·nr. hi' r,-portrd. it 's <'i tho•r RO alonR With the tim<'s Possibly sometime in March an election will be and the ~trowth or ~o:l\'(' the entirt· f •500 arf'a back to thr Ind ians. w" Called tO seCUre apprOVal Of 8 bond iSSUe Or "' ,-must fact' lht' additional COIIII of 000. That money will be used to buil_d_15 elassrooms, sum dM·rlopm,-nt and pay them . unheslt11ntly .. shops, a Jiymnasium, library, cafeteria and aud1t_or-_____ _ ium. These facilities, to be used for junior high school level of education, will be housed in a plant situate on 14 acres of land near the present Union High school. In one wart lmc ycar. Navy food supplica for men lncludf'd tKlO.OOO.· 000 pounds or !Mat; 1,400,000.000 pot:nda :>f Vf'Retablca: 500.000.000 pounds of fruit; 400.000.000 pounds of blaculu. nour and bread; and 70,000,000 dozens of t'ttP· In active thl'att-1'11 of World War n. the ratl' of Jlll)'chlatric rasuolt1<'1! was tw.o or three tlnu that of World War I. accordlna In tht• 1947 Cncyclopafdia Brllan· nlct Rook or the Year. '~be chief I'IIUI<' of the lncreue appeared to lit' in the fact that warfaff wu mort" terrHyin~~: In World War Tl 1 han evt'T' bdort-and the rnt'fltal hazards were CONI~ably creal· er than tOO.C encountered In the trcnch 'lll'arflli'C of 1918. We must begin making plans to support t his ex- pansion program. It is our duty to give the children of this city, and the children of the people we are ex-PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY pecting here within the next ten years, an adequate A00017J"''AJft' PBniCIAJf8 a 81711G80Jrii,II.A school plant. r-----------, Let us do our part in providing the buildin~g. Then, B 0 0 k k e e P I D I' let us require the teache.J:S we employ to give us a 8 e r V I e e . . f l OOLDf r . IIIM)WJf good return on our investment by practtcmg a use u Cllarbcw .... , system of education. ..~/d:0~ ... "~.!,,.c~ DDI'TDI'W A. V. Andren, M.D. PBY8101A.K ... 811JIOa)N UICeMtJIIP__, • ....._ .. o.-... _ TilE AMERICAN WAY Say \\'ater Situation PointH Up Need For Watershed Management SM'H\\11 '1:'1\1 11'1'1 nC't•d fur , fo, I 1•'1 IHIUIHio:<'ll\1'0( 11f WAII.,...III ot •11'<'11• I" 11! llnlllllt'llll y af'Kt.•-n h\ t';llll••rnlll's f)N-..·nt crlllrlll ll ''' 1 "'"·lllt•n. t'h1..C L~h· S, \\'1111• ••I tlu• I' S f•1n•st lk'n 'k•• aaltl low1n\ In h1• ''"""' ro•purt. 1111' rhll'f U1<:. '"'' •1•'1 l1o'f'lllro·d th111 Iouth pnllt'('l '"II of wnlt•,...h•~l Ill~''" llnrl r•·f'hllll 1111:: nl trf'f'S ~onrt ~tr,.,.. J. nm""''Y lu nuunlllll} tho· hlllh mountnen un·a "'" ll•ralwda "\\'1• nro· flll) In I: n hUJCI' prlc.• every )~'•lr In hell\)' fluod )01111('11, tTTUtu· ;.I ro·run IM·ht~VIvr. rrdul'tod wa11·r 111111lll), ~"llhnt'nllllion. •nd In mHn} ullll'r wn>• lur t.>ur IIIII• urr tn 1:1"' t•n•lllllh cart' tu llw hlahl11n11' lhcot wntrr our \'OII•·r•:· he ~nhl 1')flh'ul II'•HIIllo <If rnll·manlll(<'· nwnl uf ".11•·• stu•• I ''"'I" nrP "hi.,; rivt•r" 111111 'rtn,h" llcMl(l~ on th,. ont• h111UI uull .el 11111: ''ll "' re·~•·r vult ~ ltntllllllo•l ,h,ut uw•· ·.,, num· erotl~ llo• •'f 1nn~ u f t ht• (•n,Utlt'). h•' ~~~r.-1 ' ·~~ay \\'11 11!1 llrl(o'fl IIIIIN' UIIAtrt'llnl nowl(l <Ylnl rPI JUri 1'}'11 unrto·r I ho• fo'fll'ncl flttc.MI t~lf11 n•l Ill' I II( l!l:lli lit• llhltl llw "utk h11d IO(•t•n ~r!'fttl)' n1rt~tlh-d rturlnw llu• ""r hut ha~ l>t.,'ll n11unwd 'un 11 numl"•r nf prfl)l'<'lll lit• ~11icl t hnt tlw nallunll l fur• ''"'~'· l~trw,.ly In th•• Wt111t·rn •'""'"· prm ltlo· 1111 or mt•l uf tbt· W~tlrr for mon> thnn 1,11110 r ille·•, fur :/l,(lCIC) 81Tt'11 t•f lrrll(llh'll l1111d IUl(f for more HIJ1ll 400 IJCJWc•r 1 .. , ... Jl'<'tll. DOUBTS CLAIM DRUG IS NOT HABIT-FORMING SACitAMFNTO t lll'l ·nu• ~IIIII' Ill\ 1~1"" uf nnrr'olth• o•lllou f'•·· 1111'111 tl1111h1~ IIW l'lrlim 11111l1o• t .. r II 111'\\' tlrllto: o'lllll•tl l lt•ml'rltl tl uot II It< n11n hnhlt lu11111 111: Mahatma Gandhi• H R.. Hall, M. D (1\o•r mud1 of th•• h11:hluntl lilt· • • ft'f',h.-1 lit(•&, 1\1• ~IIIli, 1111<11\lfth• . J>r. 0~ IAicu ~ _. .. IW fin· I" otectlon, r 1t 11 It t' mnnnl(t'· Tho• th\ l•l"n l'llo•lt llu• ,;,.,.,, ,f 11 :n.,,.,,..,,hl t ~"' An.:•·h·• phyalo•lun "hu 11 "" nn ··~to.,l 1111 l>~.,llnl( '"'"'' vrt'll>l'rlpllurul Th•• du<'tor w•• Ill· llrrllnl( IIOIIf'• of lho• oln111 lu hll "" U tHtt• When Mohanda~ Karamchand Gandhi fini~hed h1S DEND&r Hours : 2--5, bJ A.ppala'-t I'Dl'lll Jood rnnutrh '" mMintu ln 'recent ~ix-d av fa:-:t which ha d forced Hindu and Mos-lo•rll l;l' cuvo•r. nne! CoV>tl fnr • .,., J'lr'lll'· , · ' I !Ill~ W. O.II'U. ...,._ •• T~~ o..eon a8tll •1"" nrl' o•tltlut:h '" tll ul•'f'l thl' lem learll'r~ to prnmi~e peacf'fUl ~etllement Of differ-NKWPOJIT II&AOR Ill ~ o.ta... "111'rllhl'd.t~ Tl11· ,.,.,,., I• n•••• "' I hi• l1l1'1•l"n \\II h II II" th IlL' Ill I lot-• 111ul ul ht 1 t'H'-P'-"1'fwut••'-' u,, • luun nt~l tq lw• ~~~ ' I leo 1111 '""" "lilt I ence."· he tl<'"l.·l r('ll : "Jf torla\.·'.s ~olemn rl<>d"e of '~============! r------------, lltll ,lu· •n ul , .......... •'1111'"' \,. t"'-r Ut'JUI \\hf'r .. f1h•l• "IW'•Ith t••d pe:tce i!' fulfill Nl. it will revh·e my intPn!'e wi!'h be-MDtoa .. 11axwe11, .. D. 1 ••· :ot m(•nl I• n••"l"' 11111 " , "" f l'f 1 · • t OOBDON r. BA.PP D.D.S. .... t•rnhl~ ru ... "''''' ,,,, "'""'"'l: for<' C ocl to lin• m~· full ~pa n ." 1 e. c Otn)! ~et·v~c~ ol • 1101 CGut m..., __ _ humanil\·. That !'pan. accorclm~ to lf'amed optnlOn . aaw weat o.tna o.r-... -Local fhapter Urges fitizens tu 1·.~ at )pa~t 1 ~:; rear.-. ~Onl(' ~a~· 1 ~~." I ..._, nan.r ... ., Office Hours : 1~12 : 2·5 R k () . J> • ~7,.. oru• (,00 . Newport ..,_, narbor Ita ac fiVe f () ~aase ·l' a, '"'· But Jnrl i::t's ~nintert 1\1:thatma wa:-not to achieve ~--------------------his "full ...:pnn 1)f lif<'." Thi~ mnn who ha d ~o oftPn cm:aoPUoroa trmptf'd ~~(':tth lhroul!h hi~ f:-~~t:-; did nnt rliP from hunrrPr. ln!'l<':ld. drath cam<' from an ::t!'!'as!'in's hullet -n violent ,..nfl to the C1'£'<tt apo!'tlP of non-violence. Tronirall v it w;-~:-: G:m<lhi'~ in:-i:.:tenct> on non·Yiol- <'nce thnt 1~;1 tn hi~ a:-~::ts:;inatinn. T<•n::; nf thou~an<ls of Hind u.s whM<' familie:-have heen ~l au(!hterefl or ahducterl hv Mo:-:lrms are hitlt>rl.v oppMPd tn peace. T hev want ~<'veng-<'. He wa:; l<i li Nl hy a Hindu. It. remains to hE' ~en what will happen nnw in India. At fir~t glance . it woul rt appear that his stabliz- in~ influe ncP has heen lMt. Y f't. it if' not improbahle that hi~ ~piritua l pre~tige will rem~in undiminished and will continue to have a soberm~ effect on the d i!'!'iclent factions. The world must ernea!'tly hope that it will. Dr. Tom E. Barton CHIROPRACTOR lJJ '7 Oout lllflltra1 Ooroea ..,liar (In Krndtll'l Pallo) ..._,De ~!arbor IMI OPTOIIIE'I'RIJIT E. T. Butterworth, 0 . D. OpWmf'trl•t E\T.A EXAMINED L&N8U OUPUOATJ:D ..... .._..... ............ auew.~ .. --..._•u IIWWI'Oft -..a. DAY 8CROOL S. R. Monaco, M. D. 814 Bay Ave .. Balboe Harbor nu Otftoe Hours: % to 5 p. rn. lloaday tJarnucb P'rtda7 T. P. Reeder, M. D. H. E. Stickler, M. D. ~IIOdH.....­ MOe "'. OI!Dlral Otncle: Harbor 80! Vll!tlt-.PIMJee llartMJr '7'7t·M Conrad Richter, M. D. Prelent Hours: M ti CO-h I t:IO ....... lJ M~ or mer .;:)\: oo s=-P. .... ,: .. P. .. 101 Coral A'f'lll. BalbM laL 1101-() W. O.tnl DAY 8CROOL N-..rt .._.. NOW OPEN ..._ li:utlor uti .. 4 ·Mftll-.......... The Business Story ... -=-'-VEn:IUNAUAN A New York arlverti~ing firm declares that Ameri-SCOTCH TAPE ~=Y=AL can business ~hnuld !'pend $~ hillion annuilll.V to tell Now 00 lland: Horace Par'ller, D.v.M. its !'torv to the nublic. -'-.._, o. Butcher, D.V.M. . ,. h Hn~. 9-5 DaJiy, Incl. Sun. P oi nting-out that that am·ount i~ ~pP nt e!lc. ye~r NEWS-TIMES 1m s.rH M-Drt•e to advC?rti~r its pro.~uct.« Hanrl ~_lot f!lOre bllh~~s 1~ Supply Umltf!d Boap. ~~/''~"u .... ..., flirrct !'e llin~ cm:ts, the adv~rttsmg-ftrm a~k~. Isn t ';:-=:-=:-=:-=::=-::=-==:=:::==::::::::;~:::::::;:::::::;:::::::;=::==:::::==::::::::=; it about tim<' we? Ui<Nl ~orne 1mportant mo!lev .}~ ~II ,- thP sv~tf'm which rna k<>~ the prorluct.c: pol'~ I hle · That':-: a gonrl fl\le~tion-n f11l<'Sli~n which husin~ss as a wholf' c~n no long-Pr afford to l~orC?. Of cour. e. som<' inrln..:trin ll<>n rl <'r~ haY<' trirrl to mfor~ the puh- lic on thP fact!' of hu~in es:-: lifE'. Rut the tnh to h e donr in thi~ re~pl'ct i~ ~o va~t th;~t thp~· han h een ahle to no little mnr(' than ~cratrh thr ~nrfac<'. . . . . At the prrc:<'nt t imf' inclu~tn· i~ heing-.rrtttC17.f'(1 ~-~ 1 :::omr CfWHi('rs hecau:-:e tl~e owr.all p~o.flt v~Tum~ t:-~uh. tRnti:tlh· h icrh er thnn m rrrv1m1~ 'r.1 r~. '<'1. httlf' is ~ai el nf thl' fn ct:' thnt wnrk<'r!' sttll htkf' h~.me t<>n timr<: ::~.:. mnrh a~ stod>holnE'rc: rrrt. th;tt t nfla'. c: <'::trn· . ' (' from a rrrpatlv in cren ~rrl productiOn \'fl l· tng1l cnm ' ,.. · '· · h t appear um~> th:tt not all hu~ine,c:r~ are mar\tnt! w a t o h~ la,r!!P profits. anrl that ~hP ~tnrkholrlrr's dollar hac; hrr n chE>:lpenC?ri hy inflation JU~t as much. a~ thr wnrk<'r',. tlollar. Manv pf"rc:nns han• yet t.o real iZ~" that bu~in~~ pro~pC?rity is e~~r)'ltial to thetr qwn pro~- reritv. bl' A I th y ~'fl. bu~ineR..c; has a storv to tell the pu tc. nc e "oon~; a~cl more completely it' tel!'fl. that .story the better it will be for hwines!1+-and the publtc, too. April 13 1 .. 1 hr rtnt.-of the municipal 1'11'('1 lr)fl, anti ll reslrtl'nl~ ""1".,..' to vntl' 1h11t filly thry must br rr~;i~trrt't'l on or bt•lnn• Mnrrh 4. th:e t hrin~ thr clll!'iing day for ~""l·.'i~lrntlnn. All rr-.ift;•nt~ ~~,..., 1h1•1"1•fnr nnt ifil'd .. h•'rrhy, nr thr p1111'M 11f rrgisl rnnun nnrt IIW nlfnws o~ the N'gl~r.J~. nTY JJ ALI~ Frnnk L ntnf•hl\rt, !';t'Wfl"r1 '""1141t)' 2 fo111.F: STt\11rJ:-1 !"o 2 F. W r>a)nar'd :!M17 w ..... r"··ntrnl [lt•tliiiY ='"" llrtr1 .'1 FlrtE ST,\11(1:-o; :-.;., F. W. f'mr-k•·r. T.orp. 7111 f-:a,t Bll) A\'l'nlll' P. A. Jfnyrli·n, J)rp R:e ii!OR 4 Jo1 1tl-: ~,.,,nn:-o; No.'' .:\~1 ~l:enn•· Av••m••• Jlnllt<NI 1-luntl ;, 42H Mren'lu•nl•• Avrnu_. ("lrrrlf111 t!l·l M11r 11. 11. R11n•l••l. f)o-p. c ~o: l.ut~<·. I ~t•r• Flot rnrr• Andrf'lll'lfl, Dfopul\' In om.-r '" q ••nhll n~ nn F:u=:rron a r"1'11F::'oi mu" hnv•· th•• lrnl;'l h nl ri'~H1o·ttl't• IIA ~hr~-n h•·N· hdr>w t .. ·fnre f'll"'fl''" •lny : In thl' ST/\TI-: · •.. -1 yo·nr Ro• 11 "1117''" ut tho• In thl' f'Cti':O..:TV ... · ro tiny• l'nil•-.1 Stttl•'!l In ~hi' Prn:n :-:rr -.. 4fJ 1111>"' oo !11\YJ!. J)l) nnt walt REC1STF.R NOW! F. W ("Jt(")('1{F:Jt. Drp R<>lli11t rar.of Vnte1"fll In nreft·r to ..... , '' II' pul•lw ttt t• h~'"f f"' ... ""lblt Ill "'"I fit tht rnin~ (lfllljt't•l '• " q.. \tu• ''' ,,. dlonHI llo·tl ( '1"" ,, 1,1.,,. "• • ·~l.Oi,rl d111 tilL' It•• I'll" \1.111'11 111111 ('lltlljllttl'll "'' I I '" 1)11•'1 nnnUnf•t•d '""·" llur ln1• 111" 1.~,, •• 11 '''' II••" I(~M n·ud~t•ol "'" I• ol ' IIi II 'n!lltf·r ... ,., r "I .. ' ·•' "" ·tntf "' 1 • •" "' ,.,.,,, "''-'"d "" • fi, , .. nd --~ 'fllt•-..t• 111 ftl I tf; \~I f '" I"'' ntwd In fJHtjw tft tntt I•• •It• It tut d Hlt' l'lttlllhltiOOI ''"' \1 •••• llu lllll>!llrltll•m ,.f 11 "''' "1l pl .. •urn tu "''I'J•h '' "' 1 '''" .,, tt. ,,ntivf"'!\\'.tl lu.ut•h.•rt • •··•h• puh •·. fur thr p11•l111 '' '''' 1111 '"", lfnll hP•· ~fii•H d llflll•fl tl l'f•,tf•,l f" t i t IIIII•• littih•t ld,ltlt' l'fu ,,, ••••n.tl Ht• ... .tl I''''' 1 ''" \\Ill Ink• 11,.111 !111• (• Itt It\• \t "" ht f1111 tl "til I" 111 I ~til ••I• t ,,1 11 ott f11 tdlflf iH" f , ., flf t'f. I i.j, .. ,d lltlt \I It I t il 1•1 116't '1111, f f11 ft• d l I.,~ "' \\Ill f flO I IJHU t11 "II t•t.~ Ill lifldl+llt+l 1111\dll , .. ,,,,,,,, • ,,.,,. otlld lu•-.p•t .ll ,, .. , • tflt"' und H•l "''''""' tt!lll "''"' Ill II" tlti fiiH 1111 Jt+tll Jltllll \~ II• I 'rl ,, I\ u •1d1t~t J•t•\•Hiu;rt Htul f 1t~l ·'"' n, ,.,, .tt .t, "''', , • ,,, "''"'"' I 1 I• ttol• ' J 1 ho l(o 1l I I" I lilo t 1111., \• II f I* tit I '-lUI lit fit"'"' f•1 fl• IB 1 1J'HIJ )t;tf 1/1 I ltltlpolfi"IIU "1ft. I , .. f \I,, President's Budget Proposals Mean Average Cost $:tl5 Per County fapita TIM! pnotok~MII'" l~lf. 7 Nlllnn ht1411frl l'"'ror,_j fur n .. ·al IIIUI•tlf. If !tdnpe.M hy Ntnr,._ Mllhuut ,.,...,, lh"'"· \OIIUkl Ill' an ,.,,_,dltu"' awu- lrrllln Ut.at ""''"•"' ~~~.\ fur "'"r) man, ,.""'""· .,,., rhlld In f'a.lltnr· nla, """"pat'f'd Mllh tltr nallunMitlr ••r racr uf 1'!71 ""' rattiiA, ('a ll· ftrrala Ta,,_,,.,.... a-w·lallun ••&ltl..._.r--------------. ·~· I F'for llw ll'~•11h• ••t 111 ;,nl'• •·•·•tnly, I hill m(•lln~ HIHolll ~·,7 ,.-,·, IM•I of LETTERS TO TilE NEWS-TIMES , ,, dr•rlll ""''''""'' 111 ,, .• 11111111' r .. r ,,,. Yt'llr, '""''""'I $.n·. 1• 1 ,.,,,,,,I :._-----------...J tnr C•llfnrn111n~ "'"t tlu• • ''""'} ~ I"''''' ;-.. •. "'' Tim••• I I i:l,I,I('J(J t·JIIIIlllllo•ol l••lllilull<~ll f,,, 111111 ~~~ l<~nlltH')' 1, lftlll A~"'""" 11•111• or I n·1y ''"". tond ''"'II J t•·11•l In 1 tllnhlr• 11rot~·1 I) In tl u• f't•IIOI \ rnr 1 •1011 ''"""''" 1 "'1~·• IIIH•III '"''"'' I'M7-4R Ill ~l:t l,l~•ll!t~;, owl '1"''111111' tolll""'''"ll•·• 1111 II ( 'itltfurTllltr" 1••11 ""''''' II ;, 1• 1 •II• or 1,, 1111' II• k• lo·tl lly ,,,,. 11'111•·• '. nt or ftu , •. ,,.'ttl ,,., tllll hll1 flft j ····~dft I ''•'ll•·ttdn·~ ... '''•ht• utM,Uf ••uly htwHH ? 1•, , , nt ••I ''l' '"''l''' tl•• • \t t •• ,,,,._.,H! uu•'llh•'t' ,,f t lflt;n, "" thut t ':rllft,, n11t I••• , .. ,,, t" • dun' nu,tor lHk• '-hnd , .. ,,,,,, 1 ,r fe•ch·r hl '"' .. "''""~ '" ,,,,,,,d,1.,t.t... ···•'•" 11 ,.,,,,,,. ,,, t)t;tt I'Hint l11to:lwr lh1u1 lho ""''"" ol '''''" • It'' """ 1 ·, ulr .ll IIH ' lllol'l ''' 11·11tl tfU' lttl3rtlti1Utf lt11l '•tUI t J••fff I hI tf1tflt "''I Jt fhtt~ •'••' Th•· ~''"' ·, l"if ljl,,. ,,f .• ~·,,, ,· ''" .II II,,., .. •til , .. , ,, , .... , .. '"' \ hiiUnn urul,.,••·tl f ,.~, r.tl "I" ruJ1u,• ' •• 11••'h•t .. • f111 tu tt.•hiHUJ~.. 'r'l1• ... l·fO~ranll "II'' tl "" •• t I' t f \:1 .. I ,, •. I Jl o uul llf I hill l'hrl t~ P nf'•·. Y.hltltl '" ~·\ 1;1 ''-'''"'"' •I '" •'"'"' " ..,.,,,,,"'.,.J• "'''''.,1 \tl•t• •·I •u ~ \,,, fPth ,, • .,, rltl• prtJJ•rt\ h Jlf'f'd f~:.!.!.t ... •, f;,tt ft.tuutt WILLIAMS & WILLIAMS ACCOUNT ANTS and AUDITORS INCOME TAX CONSULT ANTS l.,..pe,., \'tmr Tax JC.Ofurn,. Y..arly otnr&-C.;ORTA Mt~~A OASK RullcJinK cwn-Pltf-., ,.,.._, .. 1\at...f ~ ~'bone! ""-6010·.'1 N -.; " I' 0 ll '!' U A L U 0 A :\ 1:: \\ S • 1 llU: S Oaue ·71 Tl F.MI''" Nl'~pnt't 8-11 f allf._ !':..tt. I, , ... -·-~ "''"'lallrl111 •- ... COLOR MIMEOGRAJlHJNG UlllECT MAIL AUVEitTISING Santa Ana Letter Shop Ha•lct ""'"""· l'l \, 111:\11 toe w. ant IU., ...._._ Aaa Aftl'r" p.m. lfar. ti\Oil·W COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS Low Cost-Strong Permanent MORTARLESS INTERLOCKING BLOCK CO. ntl Rattlltr .. ..._ t 'OftTA MUA Pboee ....... 6489-11 SIGN PAIITIIG --~--~---~- All Typee of Commercial Art Loc.t.t at WRIGHT'S LUMBER YARD . , L. W. Pierce BAYVIEW LUMBER co~ I I I I I I I I I ,......_ .... HERE IT IS New )-bedroom hous" in one of finest locations qn lido Isle -55' frontaqe 300' f rom pri· vat<t beach. Extra large rqoms with copper water pipinq throughout, forced air u!"it heat -2 bat~s -sunroom oponinq on spacious walle d patio - stove & refriq. inc. in price "0/ $26,000-$8500 dn. + p. a. palmer INCORPORA TEO realtors 3333 vlo lido, n•wport beoch, collf. Telephone newport beoch, horbor 1500 SAM'S SEA FOOD SPA \ Roast TURKEY nut:u CHICKEN St:W \'fUtK ('I'T Kl't:AK WIUU.t ; IUCftll.t:n IAUi.~rtm "'*" dtll\o\U lttttt, t $150 IUlUII.Y.U S\\'UICUt'Jl'<ll "'Tt:AK ntlt:U ('U~IUSATIO~ SY.1\ t'fHHt t 'IUY.U l'iiiiCUfl> $1.."141 lt.\J~IlHW 1'1COI 'I' ll••f Mln•·f' l'lr "ltl1 Unuuly Saeu,•r ~"'1,. • ~•lad<~ • l._rh Sam's Sea Food Spa and FiHh Markt!t ~2.r.o $'.!.00 lC I .~· ~I .!\() $1.'7~ ftft•-: l..nn« ~lfl IW11·111, 1102-Ge anft IIU--M \!IMII t ua•l lllrh"'a)' 1 t Nt~ar """" ""-JIJ : .. r-es ~~•••oaT aALBoA NBws-TJMJ!M [ OBITUARIES 1 Realtor~s B1sl1ess Rush Gets TUDDA... N.,..,. • .._,.aa. o.uf. ,. ... ., .... aok, =-========~~ Him Out of Bed at 3:3ct A. M. Ex-Loeal C. of C. Sec. Dies at Mesa Friend's Home stolt>n from the hot'ne of Mra. Emil L. Pano~, 1.00 E. Bay Balboa. 0.. Yoa Keep "'llat 'roa Ba.-ef Ket"pine money is harder than ma.kin" lt. The Met ropolitan'• ~ will help you meet this prob- "Wtwre ean I moot my boal?" II pnlbably ~ ~~ frt'Q~IIy hfud q..-Uon alone the Wlllt>r· front. nw sUp lllfldlnp lind Pn· chorqN can no lonrf'r COJX' with 0.. Pf'Oblmll of 1p11~ and lk-m11nd. Fact ll. w~ are growlnr so rut ftO OM can It~ up with lt. WHO'S BIOOaTf 111 a ~nt aW"ey It was atatC'd ~~ the poru ~'"'C't'n Santa Barbva and ~n DI«'IO hartx.- ''7,000 pleaAir~ "craft." Ofndal n~ ahow ~ have lOme 4,000 boetl in JJtt.le old N""PPf't Har· bor. Quite a ~ad owr our allt~r dUM. Am Tt>l & TPI CanAdian Pacific . Dupont C'o<'f\e-ral Moton. Goudyrar Kennecort SHno S<l 011 Edi:«Hl S tandard OU tJ SSt~ 15lll. 11"1(, -178.,. 5.'\,... 43 -· 0 46" .. 33% .29 .59~ 75% Rent CGntroller Disapproves 20°/o County Rent Hike IDJOW ROW SANTA ANA -Housln~e Exp.•· OW'r at Cllril ChrlaUer'i b landen an aowie...nu~ vohun" well dH~r ngne E. Wonch disapprovt'd WOI"th your attftlt.loft. Chris, lnci· th~ ~nltallon or tho:> OriUlj:;«' 41tntally, ll a Btu boet aJdppeor of County ft.tonr Advl:«1ry hoard for a m&n7 yeva' aalllftl and haa a.l· 20?'r I~ In the ~:e~l 1PVt'l ftedy cltcftt.ed moet of tM boolu ot ""'' b«au..~ It wu not accom· t.. NWIIWDI'ftdl to ~ Jn (&oet. ~-I-' b h '-~ Wt'W an Idea he -l ot hatea to .-.uoru }'.I e n~<;ftry su..,.tnn. Jllll1 wtU1 U\7 ot hla nautical col· tlatlnr PVJ<it>nct' n-qulrt'd by thf' iecdoD Hou11lng a nd R.Pnt Art of 1947. M ~OM o1 hll beet Nlll'n The hoard baM-d It~ rPCOmmrn· toda.y .. ~·a NAVIGATION ltaUon on incrPII~ lltXH m nln- liAIUMERS AND N.AVIC.\.. len&noe and oporatln~r ~--===---~rei;tS~;;;:;;;;;~ Clllriiniiia fn While Wnndlo nntNt that tlw tJw laat fracu dnf'loprd aonw> hoard had submlttNf f'Onsldrrnh(l' new and h 1 g hI y 1trumllned lnfnrm.atlon In ln1·n·a~!l In t'O!>t~ lnPthodl ol navlutlon and Polowe. nnd 11 '>Uh!>lllntlnl nmount or rlntn a fonnft' lnatructor In the U.S . on trox rntl' lnrl"f•ll!ll'<;, ht• -.uid ho• Navy doubt18a hu ~ n~· Willi rNtuirNI to rll~nppmvt> th,. n·· wrtn~ to offer. romtnl'ndntlon llf'C'IHI~ II tlltJ not Kraucht hu a METEROLOCY mtTIJVIN' thP 1'\HTf'nt )C"nr'~< clp('r· W ORKBOOK that WO'.Jid atlns {)O"Itl~ nf the J.ruu.J1o•~ -uya&Dor• ... weathn f''Yt' and would l:l'm·rnlly In thP ('OIInl) "''h tht•lr e«talnly ClOI11t' In handy If whllr "P''rlltln~ f)')l'it iiHl on lh•· mtl'fl· 011 IOI'IW crulw or ntMr you wt>rl' mum rPnt dlotr m· f1l'f'"""' t>vlrll'nrt• out o1 touch with SIUl P«in• tl( 11 unifm'TTl t n' lnt'rNL"' In• t.hl' Marine who brolldc-ut the Wl'nther arNI at 0100 and 2000 earn day. ~lot•clfirnll)•. hf' told thf' ltn.1t<l We alao notf'd a ftiM' MARINE t hat MIA nn ln<'l"'ll-in thP unll DIC110NARY (Eddln(ton) at a C'Mt ol mnto•rlnl nntl Wll~r rni~·· .., modl!nu priCf>, which we for l11bor "'hich It pn-lll'nttd 1~ uf would lUre to mmpare 110met1me lll~ltk'ann-only to thl' exlt'nl .SUI our own mUitY UUJe Die-lhlll comparnliVf' oppratlnf;: ICIIIII'· tlonar)t ot Sea Tforma publlalwd mrnt11 r.-fll'('t tho-extent ot ~urh In ~ a quart~ 01 a om-IIKTf'll.<~'*. tllr7 1180-"Whltl' your norommrndJitloo In- We tJrowiM ~ ~Jy clucfi'S rPJ'l"'l'st>ntatlvr OfX"MMtln~: a ~ rnariJw \•ol~ at C'hrtlt· stnlemrnts for llllC In rll vI rl u o I llr'a and ~nd a vlall when houlf'tl In the-rity ol Santa Ann." ,...... In a tJrowaJ,. mood. 0aru Woods advtuod thf' bonni, "pNlOf llllte6t a eonfta1 lnv1taUoft and o1 the opf'ratlnr ol tht> landlord~ ,..~ ..,. to ret eome I1Wet en-~ 1n IN tu't'a "':oulcf ,.,. ,.,_t and helptul know how quln!' a ~ rt'pt'f'M'fttlliiYt' J>f'Ofl· ,..-. wf\at )'OU tab honw Pf"('lum nf lhl" vnrlou• da.~.-of OOAft 011AIID .-ccai J)f"'pf'rty In dlff«"N!'flt 1ocalltlf's In Ill a NCIIIt atatement flrurH for tiM' a~N," ht> said. ... r.cuee Included weU ~ Ht' advUI!'d thl' bn8rd tha t h is 'f#XJ ICII'tloN by ow Coa.t Guard dfonlal Is without pn-judJct' to n .. ....,.. wark. If all our boet N'CONII&on~tlon ol tht' llubjf'ct hy ..,_,.. W'OUid cltwte 10 or 15 the board and a !\(OW r«omml'ndn. ...... t&ldnc the u.s Pow\!'r t lon baRd upon lnad(l(julldf'O: or ..... .., eoune "' e~taey the lt"Mntl N!'flt lrvf'l In the llrf'n. ,.._, t1111 Olut Guard could Sen that unwantect • til* budpt and our taxft. If '-tl I .... r.uowact \hroluP with t.hrou&h Nf'W'I>o":"'.nMa ada. .......... ClOUIWa they coWd • . =b' ..... the eoa.t Guard. . ALW.&J'll OOIR &ACK ..., I.JIDa. t1C lhlp'a n~r and ,.._tft' who left the Harbor 10m(' Urnt qo walkeci In Hon. John AbeU'I Balboe bland SportlnR Goocll aloft the other day and et.artJed Ul with hll dtyflt'd, col· lar-and·tk appc'araftct'. Roy hu fCII"Mken the undpaper, caulking JDallfot and paint brush for • Al'll· Ina job but aays 'Til be back IIOIM clay to atay." Oft 'Ell YOtTMO M-. Molly G&lbralth runa an t'X· orllent nunery school on t~ J.. land with swinstW and lt'C'Icr tot· ten and everythlna. Parkf'd In front ol her JUlie to ta' IChool lht> otbn d~ wu 11 Navy .lt'<'p plainly It~ "lU:CRUm NG SER\' • JCE." CALL IIADOillt ..... Newport Harbor Pllbllsllllll Co.' Publisllm of ''" Newport Balboa News-Times ~y •nd THUU OAY Newport Such, Calif. Mesa · Upllolstery Harry Kc:Kee 1150 Newport Bhd. o.ca ... PIOT£CTIOII WMEII YOI •uD IT ••• TilT'S A llllll OF AIEIICA sav1•cs accou•r In foif or 1ton11y waother, o tovlng1 occount Ia the -ld't be1t confidence· bvilcf.,. 11 rov·,.,..,, olraody o r-ovlor tov1ft8a ~.drop 111 todcry ot )'OUt "•lghborhooct lonlr of A,.,.rko, ond l•t'a g•l &.Iter ocqvoinl-.11 ISunk o£ Amtrint tcATIONAL f:t\f,,~ oUIOOATIOM C•l•'•••'•"• s .. , ... l. •••• ...... ''"''" t t•ttof u•ttt•ll fttNtUot• •••••• •••••u , ....... t •t•t• ALBEAT E rOESE "'AI'MIRf: Srrvl('('S wt•rt' ht•ld tn J. '' n 1-: ft1'1tm Sll1 t1rd" )' tor-A~h<'f' 1 fo:u11 Pn Warmirr. 4•1. Puc,(w 1\1• c."'" lit•~. "'ho dlt•() \\'o•<hll•'-•1111 I" lht '' looUII uf ~tn lllllufi\Pt.ll•' .... , Ill• HI nt•,,r hi~ h u!Tll' ~tr \\ h~m1r<•. ,, "'''''" "I ,Jup lin. :'.lo ('oHIH' In ( ".tlofllllllll :1 I )l'!lfS 11).:0 11r11J lllt<l ll\t l'l 111 ('•••Ill M•''il '"' lh•· f'/1\l l•tUI' 1••111 • ,,, 11 llli fl 1 "''"'""I•" I'OI d• n• r ~UI"\ 1\ Ill I' Ill 1 hi~ ~ lft• l.t f,o •I da~ht. 1, \1l11.• 1\.orhar:, \\111 n11r•• uf Nt•w Ytll k . '"" hrut lt•·t~. t • t 1 and F II \\'n}fll"'' ••I J .un~: IINlCh . hi~ m~ttlwr :'.lr» ~ n ·•t• '"'" W 11 I'Tnil'" uf t..on1: 1\Nwh, nnli fnur I M~lf·r~. !\trN Etlllh Mnnll:flnl•·l 1 111 llr~li}'Wntltl 11 n tl Mr' IW·rn11 rl111• 1\u~t 111 ~lrt-:\II rt lo• l-'11trl•u1rn uurl Mrs Mlldrt•r1 i•r•rr}. "" ul '"'"I' Jlf•urh \.rulh·l mnrt Ullr) of C ·,,."' M•·~a t'OtHIUI"I•••I funt·rlll :«•rvw,.s 111 Put· tl'rson-Sntll'l)• rnnrtuary tn 1.on1: Jw llt'h lnl!•rmrnl ~ .1~ Sunn} 1do• ,., mrlt r}. I .nne II< s.r•h M~. t:UITII ('IIAN Mr~ l·:d1th Clllcn. 57, of HJ'J(Ii! Wtwn •·hum-~tore RA.>altor E;,rl fo'Jr111unr• S l . ln~;l!·w•~<.d ll1rod Fn-\\' Slllnl··~ ~hown above b\t•ll.- t.lay 111 h•·r holfl(' l t~t·nntn~; tu~o ~1gnature to IM!'•·· Mrr f"'tr.rn.ll nnlf\"• nr'lT• hTi:-•n-nliiTI·~I nur n•1 "'''' ro appru\1· l11..tl '" lnl:lc WtM•I lu1 llu• Jrll.~l I m;cld) !"~I() !"""PI~· apprauilng th• "' ttm~· )••hr~ of l.o-1 Siltllrt.!ay s ~adlillt' In " S11n wmt: 111 ,. 11 ltr••l h··r. \' I 1•1'111 1111: l.·.c ···holt I property In Jl.ol C'twik ••I ( "t•q:o Ill• ,;; "'"' ,, •t•l•·r ""·' 1'-•~ Sh11r•·~ hf• probabl)' tl d J\1 1' 1 .,_,.,., Sl<•l'l "' rtl 1\ '""''' 11111 t.-•kun Wllh thl' pallet'. ('1t~. 1\lu !:•1 1\llt'n •• ;·rnw cl lx>gllll null =-'• n II'•, ",.,, twirl ut 111 , '" 11•,. lltlllnd S: •n!r·y·~ ufllc<> at ~ ljt tocl11) 111 ( ;, .1111'1 rtlurllllll 1. t ·,,...; 1 •' l:t l•<rht•t• t:llt tum OUt df l..o •I ~1,..;1 lnl••t "'' nl ''·'~ 111 ~ •''' II~ :i u rn ubvut 25 ctistonwl• h ,t\ ( J1 ( • IIH 1t I ) f 1\,\ '>l t. JICHA O~H t-·uue•tul .t.t 1\U't''\ fur l \otrl 1: I lo.h utrlh. 1.1. uf !~II ,\u,,lu·uu ""'' 1 (',.,,,. ~~''·'· \\hu tlt•·ll Sui· 111 tl '' mw ntn~o: 1n SRntoo A 011 C 'om· munlly h•l\llll.tl \\•·ro· h .. ltl l•l<lll.)' 111 '1. p m In l;rnuo•l mor11111ry, ('usia 1\floMI ltv !11'1" JIISI'Jih Thumpson lnt•·rm• nt wa s In \\'cs.tnumt••r M••nt,.rt«l f'llrk llukun11t. knm\n ttlont: th•• hnr· h<lr rnonl ..... ·~:dclh•." duod ur 1\ r.•r.-llral h••ruurrtH•It~' following a ht·nrl """''k F•·11'111} <'lr ntrll:. 'Nell· llkNf hy Jnenl f•~hl'rmo'n llolromh. l'rf'Wt•d on tlw <"r~>scf'nt out of llnlhon tor Loro•ntzcn thr past I our st'IISIIn.~ ", , ,. 111 lim· and Stan ley's staff, """ h:.rl orit;imtll}' l'XJ>('Ctl'd to •• 1.-n 'h•· .. rril:t· ;11 7. threw opt'n 11 •• r .... p .. lh •1 1H. 40 h•tl-tn Ray Shon•s lo. ol Ito•• n •n:op1~·tl l!fl 1 th'lt'~ nil ,., . .,. 11 ''" 1 tontl 4 :4 lo ts m Cliff 1! 1 " ann lwr ~ unit'~ »Ubdlvll'· •I " II 111 '"'"" ~old. '' onl•·) ror1•l hi' lllrlt~ had ~·nr t r r f,,• ttufh'•"' fn p "~•1•ft•. 'Oint• Of .,, h• •11 h •d Uladl' tt•ntroiiY(' r~rvn· ... Inns,: a~ 1\\0 yt•!lr~~ t\J,tO. More bOld thiUI the others, a thle( jackt'd up a 1941 Buick be-- longing to Don R. Munson, 543 San Rernardino. Newport H eight&. W.ul&EN I . WEI8EA S uff.,ring 8 heart Al1Ack whlJ. The left front Wht'C'I wus rcmovt'd vt~lting at the Whitewater dt'Sert trom the 8\lto parkt'd tM-hlnd the home of Mrs. Katherine McK~zJe Munson rHid4?n~ lx-twf'<'n 8 and of Co«ta Mesa. G<>orgt> Corbett 9 p.m. Sunday mght. Macleod. 58. liit"CI"t'tary of the New- port llal bor Chamber of eom. m(•n't• r~ 19'~ to 1933. dil'<.l Monday in Lomu Unda sanitar- Ium. .., ..,.. M., x...-. -. . ..._ a.A. ,., 11-..,..ll... LU• ,_.,._ ra. Mn. Katb.leea Colemaa Certlllt'd Teachl'r ol The d~a~~. who lin•d at 149 South Catalina stn-et. Lll!> An· l:••l4?s. hall tx-en a copyreadt•r for the Loa Angelt>S nmes for the past flvl' )'Nil'S. J II' was a mt>mber of thl' California Stall' Bar and had been acttve in both newspaper and chamber of commerce work. Privott> S(>rvi~s will be con- ducte-d Thursday at Fort'St Lawn mortuary. More Petty Thievery Here Pl'lly thlevl'ry continued in the Harbor area today with pollcco r..- ~lvlng continuous complaintl from local buamPss houae1 and residl'nta, r rom tht· washroom at 3512 Occ:>an Front, Billie LH Davia rt>- ports the lOllS of a powt>r drill nnd S<'\'t'ral machint> drills. Estl· m11trd loss or th(' ('(cuipm~>nl was ull{)ut f1ft ,v dollars Dick Tolstro. 409'1: :l9th atr~t. Nt•wporr rf'portrrl tlw Clwft of n dor) \'!tllu·d at $31111 from th,. bt•nch I;(( !'\, ''llo•rt P~<'r l.aundr_v bundlrs. quiltt>d satin rul~e and a navy IJiuo.: dress PICTURE FRAMING CUSTOM MADE FRAME8 Modenltt>IY priced. ........ Picture Frame Studio , .. So. c-t ., ....... Carr's Feed Store Hay and Grain Quaftty Feeds -t-.,..., Dill_, ·--lUI IM1f.....,..,.._ 008TAJDa.& PIANO tat Tuatla Ave., Newport 8eedl See GeM FOR BIRTHDAY & WEDDING CAKES BAUO& un Imported W'blee ud -Delleatnua " ................. ... ~o-ar- GENE'S BAKERY .... OoMl ...,.. a..-. ....... CALL FOR AND DELIVER A•J' Worll Aa Extra or Full-nme Emplo,--\ la PAYROLL ACCOUNTING W.~. OARD~ • Boorey & Poirier roe PEa CENT PINANCJ:D e F..JI.A.. '1'1:&118 • Add --a BaU.. • 0.,.... _......,. to u.t.. "...,...... • Fr-. •ttmat.ea a aketdlea. • Awllt& la pi_ .... bapn•-~ REMODEL: Increase Income 107 C'Aaa\ lllc'lawaJ' CORONA DEL MAll lla.rtM»r UH u %HI.., BUILDERS Sporreoe BJq. 8ANTA A.NA i'tM>"U 7tu GORDON B.· FINDLAY OOJnL\DI'Oa AlQ) BUILDD MJI o..& Bhol. .._ ......._ &II CABI.m:I' SHOP SERVICE CABINI:I'8 AND MJLLWOU T. C 10HNIION, Supt. .., ......... !'11r1 1\'lnlt Hrt• hill wifP. Vt•r ll : •'lr.;hl hrtl/ ht'l s E\'o•r('t 1. Tnylor and Dllfllf'l nr Arkon~as: OW('II ur ' (Jklahmnn, ( 1111rll'il of SAn lwr· nard1m•. •~·rt·n, Roy and 1-'m as ur CaJifurnu1, 11nd thrl'o' slstt·rs. Mr!'l r 1pat Sumnwr or San Bl.•mftrcltno. Mrs. G<-<1r1:t> f'roctor or Luulalnna and Mrtl, &slit' E:va.ns of Arksn·l SEW UIRF.<'TORS f!!ltleW at tlwo unual dhm~r m~Una of e-ta Me.& <..,...._r of c-rae laat nl&hl In liMo AmPril'-a...._ hall ..... ~ft to rtpl. f ront row: Fftd D~y. Harry Me"-, loeeplll C'a rw•r. ~l.u \'UI D,..._, .... \tayfiNd, Don Wrdf'kiiiJV l.eroy P. ~and Hqtil Davt., aM lledr ro•·: c;. W. W.fla, Mea 0,_.,, Walt Mll~r. Doa Hudd'"loll, David E. lUna and L W. Barth•~ Pacific Heating Co., Inc. ~ photo by Hugh McMJUan .... . C '()A!OT .n ·' IUR nU.I.t:ca: I'Rt:)oiiUt~ ~T K....at II. Prt .. l"on. ll'ft. .nd \'loor·l'~drnt Jan-Thnrntm• ~mil•• llol'lr huJopln,.,.. a' \\ illlll8S I I·. Kin-. ""''''"nt '"l"'r1ntrnolt·nl In rhart;•' of t.n~l..,...•. c•ulut .. to a4lmlnl-t rallun ufflc"" In 1'"' of '!I :'I :u•r, ... t.:h t•n to o•ullf't:f' •ll•t rlt•t h)' 'War ;\_,.t• \olmlnl•l,.,.tlun '""' "'""k. plloolot It\ 1 .. •11 tdt I County Supt. ol Schools & 4th Disfricf CCPT Unite in Conference lor PTA Workers C•tHl\llhtt\ I t'k' ,,( 1h• hnntt ftn;l '-! trt \t t '\lf 1 t• ,, 1 \\, fr4'. 1111' '<dlt"'l th.11 ru11 <Ill'< t c~fulll 1.. I •all t '"'" \\ 1: ''I'"" I •••tin lcl.olllllll lhttotlt.:h ,.,.,,,don•l•·.t •I '1'"1'"1 '''' 11·" l!••ltlltf•,•m· It' \p,lt, 11 till \1;~ I I 'llh· ft Ht ••ll 1lt, l•·•tJ ••J thl' t. tt'h•l"" •l '•·~d li11h '"' ll''"'.t''l' I t .. C. .111.! lht• )'""''' '"'''' "'lll111<1l I" I' I', 1 '·Ill it I', .,,, 11 , .. 1 o<o<od .\l r• I thl '"' T \\ . .tk• I !hu-t) lho I 111, 1 t ., It 'I" 11o,, 1 \\ ._ vl'n \ H •"' pn ,ut. ttl \ • •• 1t!•tt U\ t t ··"""', '""' tl( p ,,n•"IC:: un,f Tt•,lt lu-1 ' \\h• 11 _•t •l rt flrc•s••nlolll•< nt lho· llo .m..:•· ,.,.,:111) ""''"I' nntl ~· .. noth l ie< trict. I' t' I' -T nwt ,11 llw ;\ml"fll'ltll L•"l.:lnn hnll 111 t lrflnJ.t•' tln \\'r<ln•·"l,l~. ,Inn :.!>1 fflttl '""''''' '-1 • tl• '. h 1 ... 1 ... ~nt "' ,,, ... \\ ,,,, ... l•hh· Tlh ' •rH~ t~ "' ~ ", ... '"' "ut· ~'''"'h ••I th•· ... .,."'"', , , 'II "• .:tv- • f\ ,, rt. th.•'•' '"'' \\ '"" dr •'...:rd. 111 \It • \1 1111u "'I'"' 1 d •I -·rirl pr• "'"'' ''' 1nd I •n' .. , "ut•··•·•ns. . Thruus.:h unct.,r._t.,ruhn•' ''' •' ''' ''' •nc•· e ·, ''"'' '"*I"" • U1'•tul, n• nl om I•~""' r rdlllllln~hllll' '" 111 "'" Ill• ,,·h·•''' 1 'Ifill• r 1, "' .,..1 1 .,) ,.1 ll:15 hunw :tnr1 lho· ~c·lul(>l f':uo•nt< ·''' l·••lll ~· '" 11,.11~ 11 , ••• 1,1,., 111, d by llo"'rtlnw~ nfrn1d of tho• lt•tu•ho·r• llh' l'~qltor·•·<. 11 ,·r•"ll' ,.f 1111'lvl' Tht•) 0 I'('Sfll'('l thi'IT lllllllthnc: .~ntl • '"'Hll! m• II ,, .. Ill "tnlot 1\n.l r'llgh fM'I mfrnnr Th" .sam•• •~ lrll• -.cho•'' IW•·•·ro•lon..: 1 tw ,J1<,·ns<ton. or th•~ mstrur'tnr. \\ r mmt tr\' 1.. ;..·, "'t•crt tlul~·r ll ll:~l !'r hool ANtU amt thl' Admmtslrlll!lr!l w11h f'.T ,\ 11 ,. r• pr. •• nl• fl 1>1 :'11• ;tnd lhr pmlllo·m_~ In I~(' . honw. nm1 \lro; ,I,•••'Jth 1 f.tmbf, 1 ''' < Rob- "hllr f' lhl' rrliJlOrt.<;lhlht~:. of It"' . 11 1\llltl•, ~lr• l111r•n \\'•·11~ llrhool \\ith tl:r pnrrnh•. llCr1>r d· :O.Irl' .1 1' ~~11•11•1t. "" lhrn 11~: ln~t to Mr~ \\alkl'r . tltl'l< .1nd \Jr, !-'p 1nl'l•·• ,,.1111or t Stllnlry \\'ttrhllrton. F ullrr tfln ll·· ... ·h 1 ,, llh 111111-\ I' r \ TIWmhcn dislrlrt ~upt>rlnl~>ndl'nt. ll('trd A!< prr~··nt 11 • ro \lr, 1:, 1 • s, lit>r morlrrlllor of lhl' pant'l d•sc-ussil'ln a nrl ~tr :•nil :'\l r< H1111·11ncl llllr · whkh fnllowNf Mr:< R R f'lO('hnJr ,.,.~. ~fr< ,, I l lo1n 111• \1 r• ll•'l m.s, Annht•lm. Mr!' .Jrrrold Span~:lrr. nne! Mr~ .l:t\torl \·,,~•.1 ~II'M F:I('- Nt'WPI•rt · Mrc A L. Giltl4'rl of lll•'lll.lf\ 1' t· •\ r• Pr··~rntA!iYet SnntR Ann: Mn1. Mnrjorll' T'llffl ••l , W<'r<' ~lrq RH'hllrtl llPn411r md prinCIIIlli nt lh<' John Muir s.-hool.l Mn1. M.trr.· ~llh>t.1 1, ' "TRAVEL ... tty .. , ,_ .. .. ,, ......... ,.,.,. ... • AIR • SEA • RAIL • BUS -TO AU. POI1'>'T8 ...._ 1...-JMO Lambourne Travel Service l~t 0c1eaa A-.~._ .. .. Franris J. Horvath IS('O~IE TAX SEH\lCE Ff'df"ral and Stnt .. Ofn~: ~'!~ ~th St. f•hon.-llarhor HW:i-R ~ldf'nrto: 1 Ui S.ith St. Phonr llarbor J!l'!'!-K "'NUAOE8", 11·tt.. ,.,oop. "-"'t on the-bf'acoh 2 ntiiM north of llunt~ 1ac1-BMortl at S:U' p.m. !i4unctay. th•n~r t 'rand" (. l'lmJ.I••o n. l ..nnat Bee«'h. and 11. L Rk'hmond, aJ..a ffflm lAne 8r&4'h. '""'" aboard thfo boal •tM'n It 14'f'nt on tlw hf'•u·h. Thr lwlat .... frnm S r '"J"'rt Har· bor. fihMn Ill Brrkn,r ASK HAS YOUR BANK BEEN ROBBED LA TEL Y7 tta. .. .) "'" !lank ,,. .. ,n rullll•.,l lat••ly~ If thf' rflflhrr' "N·urn-.1 In trUI,It. ath ,,... ~·011r hl\nkr r of thr armun ·d trur k to IW' aold hy \\'ar A"'"'' .\drnlnl'· lrallon, at "" lnh·k ._ntl trAil· "' ..aJ~. IM \\". \\'aAhln~~:tun. Monday, t'Pbruar)· 9. Thl" touah llltlr' llNllll,\' ha • a 4xt tlalf trAI'k clrh·r, and hP ..,..una rtM)m for I'! arm · f'd lf\IIU'd". It \\.,. In u .... "' tb~ li'ae 84'rnardlfto army air n~ld, "'b"r" 1111' poAI nnanriJll otflf'f'r f'joyl'd f'nm,e.-t.-lm· mnnlh' frnm flllc•kn()<l durln~r tlH' \\~r. rf'l'ord" 1111<>w. Tllf' t• othrr trur k11 fur ll&l4o lnrhldr ...... rhr mlr al nrr truC'Ic, h' o 'an"' four b11011 lrnrk•. ttlr,... t-k trurkt>, two dump tnJ('kll, two trutnr truc-ka, Uld lh~ rNt atakr job!~, ..,m,. of llh:·hta rapac-· lty. Thr ('Xpt'riml'ntnl d rw•lopm('nl contr11ct for thl' R-29 lklmlM'r was Jl't In t 93.'l, nnd it '''"" 19-13 ll4'· fo re thf' first prodll<'tion mocltol c11me off the assl'mh1y lilll' PRINTING STANDARiliZf:n to save you both time and money. BEA CON 5525 A. C. Spencer 1115 c-t ......... , !Youth Welfare Drive Mapped "\CIL\;\11·.:\TI 1 Ttw ~h:lJ'~<' ul I · . .rrf '' n1:o, ~nlllh ''' lf.•l"•' "''Ill ol· '' • .,( 1111' 111111r•· o·nwr.:•·cl l•t:U "'''' k·•·nt1 frtun l h•' ll\'<1 d:oy C•1n· f, r. "' ,. "" \'nulh l'n•hlt·ms rnlltod II\ 1 •"', rnnr ~.arl \\'arrf'n :.1 .. 1• lh .• n .!.1~•' •• hlo:l"ll" rt\11", 11 • 11 '11" '111t1 ' thlt':tl 11111111 lo'ild•·r~ (rllm 1tlt f'llrl• ref lh•· s!.tiP Jrr1rd \\'•11 r•'ll l'!t~<• l ilt· ~-II'Tll!l'H'!IIO '"'''''"'I! h) ~11111n.: ''lht' t;rNll \ r1h11' froln1 tfu• t'tlnfl'rt'fl('l' \\111 o•unw nnl~ 11 h• n "•' •ll'lll;tll\· :1('1 1· 1 II•· ·•n<l • II• r.:11" t•ur n mlllltlnll· It'" al .. nl! lm•·~ ,,r ~nlllh Wtllnrl' 1 J•l• J~o:• •''''f) 1111111! ft>r 11 rnnlmU· llfltt• .. ( l hl~ 1\nfk fur tho• 1\l'lf,lrt' Ill ) ""' h •. I Ht•<"umm .. ncla t l••n~ t'AIII:In~ rro'm .1 n •lurt h ••f ro lei: I"'"" pr·wt c<"t'~ ''' tmprt>~Nl •'mt•lu~m· nl ••Pil<'flltnll· 1 "~ nnd 11 rontlnllntc(ln flf rrnt con- I rol~ '' t'rt• ~llhmlllo•d hy 1 h•• 13 p11nrls considt•nng inrlil•iclual youth flrlohlo•m~< I."•U h1r.:h ~chovl nnd cnl·l I•~:•· ~turltnt~ loklk 1n .u'lll•' pnrt In formu1.1 ttn~ th•• (1.'101'1 n pnr(~ :111 ~~-~ rrtrn" mnnth, nr lfltlt) mrn 11 clny mns t ht• ••nh~t••tl thrnu~hnut I ho• I 'nitf'c1 Stalt•l' to lc.•'<'P our ~:nn•timr :trmy a t it~< nl!th"l'll<'rl 1 lllr<•n~;lh of 1.07\1.00() m('n I OPEN I A. K. TO I P. )1. • SIZZI.I.NO 8Tl:A~ e Detldoclll Rambarren e Bome Babel Ptaa SHEP'S lt11 COAST mOII"'AT Sf.:\\'PORT '"'nM-Rome of Oon4 Eat." CLOUD ON MOSDA 'r Residential & Commercial Heating Forced Air, Gravity and Floor Fu1naces Harbor 676-R 1709-11 Coast Hiwey Corona dftl Mer Not Pretentious • • • No ... not the larg<.'St home in th<' neighborhood ... but one to be justly proud to own . For a comfortable. livable hom<' such as th<' one listed bPiow ... read the Real E.'lfa te columns of the News-Times each Th~ay· and Thursday: • CORONA DEL MAR : • New and beautiful. 2 B. R., l arge liv- ing rm., fireplace. South of high- way OnJy $10,750 For further lnfonnation and details regarding this property, tum to the Real Estate Columns in this issue of Th~> News-Times. The Only Harbor-Wide, Twice-a· Week Newspaper