HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-02-05 - Newport Balboa News TimesSolons Hear Upper Bay, FreewaY Plans RAIN--BUt-wAfER PERIL HERE AS WEL-LS F-ALL VOLU10 XL S Ail A NNIVElCSARIES. Febru- ary is a month replete with distinguishro events. As far as I can dig 'em out. the~ are five anniversaries this month. all or singular import and denoting prog- ress in human affairs. To take them in their order on Feb. 11 will be that of Thos. A. Edison. whose discovery of incandescent lighting. in addition to many other in- ventions, marked a miJestone in American growth. Then again we observe that of A. Linroln on Feb. 12, whose fight to free the slaves or the south has left with us still the world-fraught r ace prob- lem. beroming more danger- ous wit h the years. His . speech on "half free. half slave," cannot endure was as historic as h is Gettysburg address. + + + Wuhiqtoa. On Feb. 22 ls George Waahingt.on'a birth· day jubilee, ~o. an average man, set the nation free f rom tyranny and later as Its first president. aided in the enact- ment or Jaws that a re as po- tent today as they were a ~tury a n d mo~ ago. A li ght nnd airy touch is added to February's anniversaries by ValE-ntine Day on the 14th, \\'hich is important in that the t>xrhan~e of gifts and ca1'flc; has brightened a d r a b universe. E.c;pecially when you learn that some 300.000.000 Valentines will be ex<•h;mgerl. Then on Feb. 2CI i" l ":' p ~-e~1· \\'here th<' s hy man is capturerl a n d l·~ht t o tlw Alt<~r. anoth<'r fl'eedom for th<' ~:;r_:ls. who. however. must n--sume thr• < ompll":< duties nf marriage r•nd par'C'ntage and wayward you:la with a sh HrJ)(>r rMii- Z:l tinn nf troublesome PTOJ:t- • + Con~. If it is trtw it <"osts t hf' coon try $150.000 n clay to ma intain CongrN\.c;, the question ari!'CS whether Its w0rt h thf' prir<' :lnd are we g C' t t i n g our money's worth? Many would say we Pre b\11 The ConJ!res..c; today 1-; differ('nt from that of Col- finial dflys and tho~ olr1sters would shiJ(Jcler in their shcx>s <·ou1c1 they crazP on th<' vast rxpendit til"("; t hey m::~l<c of the people's mon<'~· to save fiUr Worlrt populntion. WhiC'h hrings to mind a ,'('mark or Fnrn)rr J>re!.;ident Hoover who snid: "It i~; a N'markablc commrntary, on the frw en- terpriSt-of th<' U. S. and thl'e(' o thf>r dC'mOC'raci('!' con- taining onl~· eight perwnt of the world's poptllation are supplying 90 perwnt of the goorls moving in world com- mer<'<' ... + + • Va.,.t Entf'rpritw. T ook R slant at tht> n<'W Rim;mfs Foort <'mporium ne-ar the Lido Islr ('ntrnn('(>. s(·hf'{iul<'d to opm (':lrly in Mar-rh. ann was amazro at its gN'nt p~ portions. C'hRttro with the> Weh(>r FlxtltN' Co. f'X('('Uttve lnstt~lling thP fixhl~ :mrt h(• told t~bout the extensi\·rn<'S.c; of !'.1mc. Askm him how man\" thousands or peopl<' it Jle(>(tro to make it click anrl he st:llr<i that hr travrls thr t>nti~ \\'CSl<'m ('()ast and th<' hnrhnr RN'a is th<' fastl""t Jrt'O''·in~ communi!~· n n y- whrre. "Look at the M~. nt alJ the ootlying secti~ hert> Thl' hl'aring OJ)I'nt'd wit h a brirf re\"ii'W o r I he p.•llltOn of G<'Orl::l' Ellis of Bul'na P a rk, who ask~'<! t'Onsideratlon of a rl'vision in the fr('('way plan prov1ding m o re rross· lnga. Then Kl'n ny took his fwt to re- view the over all nct•d fur mor(' Only 2 or 3 Beer Bottles Where Torpedo 'Seen' ya cht accomodat1ons 1n Newport Th!' C'08lll Guard Statton tod11y H ar bor. He I.'Stimatt'd that oprn-r('fX'r t .. d a ll CIUit't tn h11rbor and ing of thl' uppc>r bay wo uld pro-coa,;ta l watt•rs h<'r<' tn spill' o f vide bt-r ths for an a dditio nal 3400 I::Ul-ts und squalls and R rumur('(f boat.l. He wu corrobonttd by tol"p('do adrift. 0\arl" Dlcct-e, plannlna Jli!'rct~ 'nM cuata and ~qualla hit Inter - for Orange county, rn em~ldng ffently Jut n1~11nc! thll morn. the h11ndic11p to lht> u ppl'r hay's mg os frl'l'hrnlng "1ncls hrou~ht development pri.'5C'ntcd hy thl' low light, tnfrc•1uent n uns to th(' hnr· lcvcl brldcc which cnrrtt•s hi~h· bor. Wily 101 m·l'r thr ronn('('ttn,;: llut. •n 11ny ''''t•nt. thl'y w•·r c u f I'SIUIIry. a mnro· tuOJ;tlhll' nalurl' than 1tw ln1ar lnt"rl'•tA Told flonl 101.: torp••riu "lurh n rl'sldl'n t Rrnd llt•lli~ nnd P oul Dmsmoro•, uf l.n~una B••11rh said hf' s;;w rl'prt•lwntin~; thl' Trvinl' ('o whos•• l ht uu~h h•~ fh•ld ~~~~l<~t·t' land holdm~s \'lrlunlly (•ncumpass Tiw l.lt~IIIP•n l"llll•·d I•K·al pollll'o· the UIIJX'r har. tiJid thr hf·arin~; wh••n h•• thr.ucht hf' hod Sll(htc-<1 thai thl')' fa \11rt'<l I'OnslrUI'tifln thc• nus,lr• flmttm~e clff $(-lutn L.n- of 11 tutw rolhr r than 11 hnfl~.tr'l ~una 11111 n f;o·nr<·h hy ( "llrtl'l Ciunrfl Hr llis said i_l WIIS his OJri~ion 11 pntrhl fnund nnltun~ 111 tlw llrt'll t':'l:>e would d1s1ort lhr l••r rnm nnd "MIS!oiOn ll<'f!all\"1•.' lhf')' saul ln. h1ghw11 y appronches lr:<~ t han 1 tiR}. "<'Xt'I'JII lor two or t hr•••• "·ou ld hnd~r ron" I rurl 1on. If•• "" fltl<tllnl:: llf"•r tx•t t l••r-" ~·,m:~·;~.'~;..;;h;:.~7"1 t·rns~in~: w idth j BOND ELEC-T--ION ( nuirmnn G l'tldt•!-o IJI'IIU~hl out lhr 110101, in d•rr•'l 'lU~Iinmn~; nfl SET MAR 16 111'1111" and Pin~morr that thl' 1 smgl•• land owm•rship. vrglrd in I hr In In,. (',.. wnu1d not J•'<lJI· ardl71' puhlil' intrrr .. ls if l hl' pru· po!'N! d f'VI"IOJlffil'nl "•'rt' IIUihn r· i71'11 Thl' N<'"liOrl J lar1 .. •r (;rammrtr "l'honl hc •ard •·nlrd Tw·~flay mghl In l'l't M tu rh 16 ~~~ lh•· dille' In ASk Cll 17!'fl)l f11 RJ"Jlfl)\"(' Jlll!l,lll.(•• •• , .... ~ .. ~· f"nnru .. l'd ur II S'lllll.fWI(I hond l!I~UP to II<' Thl' Oran~t· l'flllnly frt'I'Wily w ill •l•t•ll for ~ro'l~ ·O•'"III'd t'XItan~iun prohAhly r n trr Ill thr inh•Ntt•('l tnn nr [ll ' sc•nt rorililit'tl. nf flnl!tn r tunt :md W l'<;lmtnsll•r SIIJN'rtnlr•nflt•nl nf s ··It n •• I ~ Avr t1n lhl' IIUII"kirl~ f)r l Am~! llur >tt'l• ~:n~tl.!n ~11111 ltxl:ty lhnl Rrnrh, It '''liS hrou~:hl out h y F'rf'd· r\'Pr} ..rrnrl wnultl h•• pushrd In l'rtl"k !'ykp~ n f lhf" Lon~t lkach mako• ltw l•••hlu· 11\\llf"{' nr ,.,, C'hamllt'r flf ('nmmrrN' 11!1 ('f!Uf'lill' t•rttll'k1 f"flOfhiHin nr lhP Jlf<'!l••ltl rrum lhrrr 1111 ""' i~ ~1111 In h< u\l'r·IIIXt•<l pl:mts "hil'h nro· ~1\HW agro•r•d upon 11111 l'!"houhnc 1n shtfls Thr proh · Thr Trvlnf' <"o """t on rt•ror'fl lt•m. h•• s111d. If; prtmnrt1y nn,. ro•· ll~ fR\'Ortng It~ !'XI rn~lfln lhtnll):th rll'l"ltnl( lljt• lrrmt•OIItlUS l::rtiWi h o f IO lhr• prf'S<"nl tnl!'r.<P<"IiOn Of ~•'W· :'llt "l•ll I l it nt·h fM1rt Rtvfl , MnrArlhur frr roW:t} a nrt Ens•J.:n ""'fl rh.ll, tr 1111~-.·•1. q,. lhP ~ Main l>lrrt•l t•XIf'nllion rrom 1._., ..... \\ulllol :ol'lllloll) ,., ... 1 ..... Ill)(· S:tnr,• .\1111 Fn•tn 1h:1 t junrltlrr , Jlll)'f"r nhout 1:1 <'""''~ ll''r ~1fllt ,.r llwy say t lw~ '"'"' the road In n<~••l'l'•·fl \'ltlll.lfl•lfl 11""· anll :rl"'"' lrA\"t'f~l' tho•u prnpo·rty in II &;t•n. 1 ntnf' c·••nl< It~· lh•• lr fmtn:tl rla lo r r nlly n .. rthra~rrrl~ rii 1 t•tinn until 1:!:1 yr·nrsl 11 intl'r~t·r t>, llll{hwny 101 10 th•·' · \ tf"ini t) n( F.; 1 .. n. I SON-IN-LAW QUELLED UIJ;:Unll Brnrh nnd othrr ~oull• c .. l.nl} 111:c r. ~:... ho"' "'f. p~-~ .I II E<tu~. 1205 1~ f '11a.•l bolllt·· srnlrd an nltrrnntr r ou1r which l"llrrl hnd t•1 rt•snr l It• poJtc,. lw lp \\'n uld rarry thr· fri'€'W8Y thrQUJ;th I in qiJPihn~.t In-law trnuh1r. Wl'dnt·fl· ('n«l ll Mrsrt and t h rough thr Trvin l' rluy ranrh nn a h nl' rou~thly JlArnlll'l Rnhc rt Tlm ll'llf"r. 11 snn-ln·1aw nnrl 8hout lhr<"l' m ilr'!l tnlunll o f ,,.~,~ l)(.ok••fl f•tr all<'~tt'f!ly dislurh- lhr pr<•st·nl NlnSt roulr. 1'"1.! lh•· Jll'rtf"•• and hrlnJ;t intoxit-nlr-d This Is imporlunt. Maynr r G . Th11tdwr w11• rr lt'llllf'll nn h1~ own Kimhll' said, 10 hrolp rrlirvr l..st· rr•f'lll:nll''"~'' t" llflloi·Rr on llul h gun11 l'll'nl'h'• pn•s.<1n~ tntrtc prob·l c•hrcrJ;tr!i F1•h 14 in I'll) rnurt. :>I••"'· ll'm. J•lr l B<"arh Catholic Welfare Bureau Notes .. Increase In Aid, Money Requests IN ORAN C:~O AST 'S LARGEST C ITY I BALBOA M.ES~ Today'• II A.M.. r .8. T. Uow .loaM Av,.,..... ""-·-..... . .. _ ...... &. _. .. .. 111!1 IM 1ln I TI 1(,111• 1!1 1,'\ .... ~ ... ltdtllo•' ,1,'17 olll :Jt\ , ... IIIIIU" I _, ...... l '".II" .. _,.,._._ Pumps To Go L~wer; Rationing BRING BACK THE CANNON, BOYS; All'S FORGIVEN t:hamher of Commerce lie ad~ Kalalh t•. M•"""Y· llf'ltl proottllltf'nl "'•""'• '4""'· f'.l.-c•tNI IIU" II ............ I ul UN' C ..... , .. ,,.., flf C., .. ., Th~r•· \\Ill bf• no qu .. tt••- MIIMI wh... aad lf a .mall, ..uq,..,, lrCJII c a • • • • .. ..... ..... &e ·~· ,._ ............. nlf'""' ,_t .. rdey . ........, .,.. Hf'rh Kf'lln.). vtt .... pr...Wf'fll ; fl'anl Port#r, ,.,..,...,.........,,: a nil ~ Ma ... u), t,_PN. ,._ "'· ......... ...,._, ., ta. ............ t t. --~·... . ....... ....... man'OIIJp of Uw ltul lltN C'ro. fUnd f'UIIpeip lor UN! N ..,.,_t Hamor dJstli«'t. ll wwl aD· nount'f'od today by eM local or· pnluUon. Hrftdr,_ l• -at· IAH'IM'Y who pnwottc.d Ill l.oo. Aa.rN ... for a a11mber ,., f "AI' ~fol'f' oomlnc to dtla clty, """""" hf' '" w!Miy knnwn. H.,. ....ad•"' at 200 VIa Kan ~mo. IJdo '"""· At'-tt f'Vrry day tlllat • •mall. anll•tll"• lrun ..... ,. .... I• "'""'•). t."urtll,.rm ur·f', th••rr·~ • r.,.. '4 arfl I•' olvl'd. ,fWII htltl ••Uih' Ill lht• \\'••ttltlf'l III•I.,I'V It• I•' ~~~~~ unly 1 WJ lni'IK'II .lllh f"ftlllfllllf'll ... tth nrul ,. '"'1mnl of Local Red Cross 1948 Campaign Plans Underway !'O .... m. tlllr •m•ll. ..,llltU'" l'h ·. m ) .. t.·rlullJII;\' '..,1•hf'd rr,.m liS() \'Ia l,lcl c• :'\urtl r•~ c•c·nll). AI any ra l••. l ho·ro·"• an ad tof""'"" hr rr In I h i" pA- prr thai t .. IJ, tho• "t""· RALPH MASKEY W AA J4;ngaged in UiMposing of Rest ()f Air Rase Fringing -College Site C OF C HEAD MRS. J. B. KERR ,, .. ''·"'" .. , ........ , ...... . FALLS DEAD IN , \,l 11t•U f t 11 I \t ,,k, \ ptt•llt Plan~ rur th·· olnOillll I".UUI•:CII'to 1110 hi '· "f'• I' I ,. h •• "'"' ,, ' Ar•• '""' l"N·IIll.! work• r1 '"'' 1•1 It" BALBOA HOME llll tlllll .,., I I'' I • d '" ~· 1 • til• R•·rl ('ro-.~ F11n•l l'l:uu11n • ·t'fln ·" "l••t 1 II"'" • 1 1, ''"'" • • I , . .,,,. mit ••·•' • .._,n.ll'ri'-UtL: ~'~'o" S1J,, " • tt, t1 .,., "' '"' 1't.1>' nr l 1hl11jl ll:t•~•·ll . ;\1r.. J.d..:,. Mr~ .I II I\• II .. It d· ... II I I ..... ',, '" '"". \\.lit I IIIII llil1,l\h'l' ll1•h•nl ttukro·,Mt' ll:t!• mnrnln~ 111 uhnut lil t 111 ,,,., ••·· 1·•• ,,,,,,, ,, ..,,,.,, I'••••·• Sl'l'ly, Mr~ <'uri Zamlc••h ltnl:u •I :tp.llrlml"llt 111 tlw llutt .. ,' ll11t• 1. :li1 1 l<tthlt 1111 "I "" '' "' .,,.,.,, tond \\'r1~111 • .John All• n Hnll t' h ;\fRln St. If• "' h• ""' 1, • '' 11' I'" • oo l• "' P rll'<l C':wl'W .. r th•· ~uttt1• 11 tl•:••h ""'II• '"'"' \1 ,, 1\ ,, ",. • I·.'' o1 Funf)li!i ~nlnl.! 1u 1h•· ~h1111nal n. ·' l,.•lte•\t"d fft ha\t Itt·• tt I• t•• ... t ••• , ... ,.,.I tiH~ '' ,, , \ \\' ,, tr \.\riJ (•ru~s thi~ y~11r \\Ill h• ,,,,.<1 ' .• 1tack 1 .. ullttPf• f t '• \I '' "I"'' ,, ~a" ro•plen1'-h fund~" hh"ll "'''I • ~:rl'lt ll l lr. S. Jl M•m:cl'u "~~~ • til• II I• , , •" 1 11 •· ''"'"""' • d drplf'trd dunng 1917 h~ lh•· ~'<•' tu r np~trlm,.n l lo} ll• 1 l,o:,b.ttlfl • ,10 1, ,,,, ,.,11 ,111,, ,., 111 h•·'t \••nr frr H•tl C'Tn'• •h'l'l"t ' \1\hr-n --.lu 'utr••••l tfl •''"' •' 1,, •" \\11, 1 P•''' lf••'·'··••l uf)f'rAIIfln~ l'lifll'l' 1'1:!7 In llllrlllt•·' ahcnJI 9 "m 11•· "" • oil• ol '• "'' ""'" ,.,,1 ,. 1 t• 1 ·II• l lw Am••r w1111 llt•d I "rr1s' h11~ • '' 111 tho• ~··•·fllttl. litl.tl ,, .. ,,. k lmrkr1l liP"" a nnfiHnlll Ill•~~~ J•t • ~ram whtrh \\Ill f"\O'flltlitll)' Jll . Runaway N. Y. 1id•• lt1t~ttrl nntl , ... d· n •·••l"'' Wllhfllll r h:.rgt• f<•r l h•· J'IIMitlt·"' Boy Pt.cked l lp 111 an.111n1· whtl n•••••t~ l hrrn T lu' mllionnl t.Jocre l Jll"fllo:ram Rlnnr· \\til H H ld • C A t'or!<l nn l'llllmalf'll ~JIIIWlO,IW~I llur-ere, e In~. . tnC I h1• n••>~l rl~o·n l Y<"llr Th•·~•·.l IHI<Io-rl lu lhf" t•tJrrr•nll~ "l"''rllftlll'l .lcol!r•ph .1 l;.,n• 17 ,f I •·Ill )JfOI.!rllms for vr•lo•r;m .. 11n•l 111,.11, : 1~1:\nd. Nr•W Yt11 k I• h. "."" d · I 1111 l~·r .. nr lh•· nrmr·rt fnlf···~. 1111• I· r·rt In jtl\'r•ntl•· ''"'''' II :-: .... I /\II' n:cltflnnl arliVillf·'! 11nt1 ht•11llh anol l•trlny nrtr·r h:t\111:' '" •" "'''"' "" .. ;,rr•l) ~rrvi•·•·•. Wi ll mak•• J~IR tlu· Arr lu·' ln tth'• It•" I ''"" · II yt•ltr of j:!rr•;cl fl<'ltt•r•tlmo• llf"hlf•\P• Wllh l"llir1 nntl V, lilt "Ill\ lr r1 W I \~ I j II • I ' I I • I II• ,. • I' I I . 'I I' ,.,,,, .. ' t I j I .. II •• II . I I , I •• .\ I',, ... , '. """. I t I " •' ,., ... . ,. If • I I" \ fn I tl '····ld I,, ,, "It I '" tf I ,. I ·' f '•o~td• h•tt AIRPLANE S CHANGE, HENS LAY IN PEACE I., • I \ ~11 ' \ t I ..... ; ' ,. I I,, 'I'' . ,, ,, \I,, t· .•• ' "' lfUIHI llloft\ ttth1 •1•Hd It\ flitt'-\ "I h•• rc·a l 1""1"''', 111\'l•lun ur \\ AA I• -••af'd In ""tr'•ll&ltl>fta lor lh•· '""1""'"1 uf fh,. rrluAhthll tiulllllna• and lhfo ,..... uf lhfo .,.~ l rhtl(llll( llw """'" ! Ill,.,.,..... nl l•nll ,... ... ,.u,. halldood ,,.,,., araU• lo &.e.. " ·~·.~:.·.~;~: 1~:·~~~.~~::::::· ;~.:·,·~·~ ........ PosHihle Prowler ltftU .. f• If• d In t-t~l• •·•t \\' .. de" 1\•t llltflt•l t 1-t tttrt ''''' t • •1• Hal l'ttflltl fl,.lt lrt•' f ltl rii'-J• .... 11 It"' \ • It I til' ""''"'.,,~. ·'"" "•· I'"' \'~,tJI , ...... ,, \\Jill 1111 lntool f i1 U Ht • 1 f ·,.,, t f I H II• 1t t ttl j, ~·· ttf I t• ••I" ,,...,, "''f. '"' \ lu•rn .t l'"t'-' '""''" "' I I fttadri"U'"-ltfttl /1;i ,,,., f' ttl Ltltd I•HI ' ttf Ill• J'ft\ It" ,, .. ,.,·, ~l :•tw ~•··~· S111t l11 \1111 All Seen in CDM by Woman GueHt \\'lucl IIIII\ 1111\P llo't•O II Jll'f.wtft " .. ~ ''"I•" ···•! Iff luc'hl t•·lk•• tw ... ,,,.,, ,,.,, '• •t•·• ''"' W A lhtrlnn, I•••• (h••llll Jll vtf , C"or•111111ld Mnr •ul•l ho 111111 h la Wll•• wo•nl rnr • '-··~· \\ ,, \\ulk ut ~tiNtlll 111 1' rn lf'IIVII\1( n Atltttlllht, ,, ..... ••"''"' , ... , .• , IN·hlntl .. ,.,,. '' i #tfl I ,, .. ,, .. ,,_ ,, .. ,,, "·· ••II•''' •fHII '""'"''',.,II 1111 • • I >ll I I I 1'1"1 II 11 "lilt II 1•~1 I" 1 , , ttf pul II• 1 .. ,,. f•• ull•t\o\IIH• • 1'111111 '"'"''' .,.. II '""'', \\ •• ~. •••• 'I,, I till\ ••• lfH .,,, tl Itt., ... ,,,, 1•1 ''' '' .,, II d It fu II'• rl lt11 t ltlntf I r••H I"'''·'-,,,, ... , Vt .o-. I ,, ,,., t ••••• , •• ,.,,u ' \\til tl'l fll• tl I.J ,, I\ '" ~ , I I "'' "'' ,.,,, I ll I f If t h q H d I Jll··~dHII' liP '''"" "~' ,,,, ,, ' " I ,, ''" , ··It· I'' HI "ht• h Ul \\'" II• t ,., ' Wt•r•• cut\t• t !Jhf' ...... I• t••r 1•·•111 ltll(lof••lu •l lrv 11 Jlf'llwh•r ,.nlu••• ~· ,,. UttuhJ• t., ''"'hit• ltrt)l '"'"f*l• h;th 'tuu u• ,,., urt•·r 1t "''"r•·h otf I Jw \lo III II \ FIRST OF NEW YEAR COAST ASSN. MEETS IN LAGUNA I · .. unlv t ·unMI • ttr•,ll•tu nt ,,f ,,.,.,, ''' rth l 'l I \II" t h tf t Ji th 'llflff ,t q • t tlt•tfl \ f jp,f lit\'\ \•·ut'M -'''.JIIOU hi lho llltolf.tt4.1 ,,.,, .. mrnt. t•t•nta In ht~ Joll'k•·' lfp Ioiii ntllltnt tl 1• • tu lt.od I• f I At lh•• last m•'f"lllll: ,.f IIH' tl1 r e<:tora of thl' locAl brant·h. V ( 1 C II"Umttnn. l'nmmanrlo•r nr lh• Am••ric·un Lr~:ion JIO'<I. Wll~ np- Jitllnl rod lo ~rrw• As hi1Ytrl rlrontlr t·hnirmnn rnr Nt•WJIOrl Jlnrhnr 11•· w11l hr~otln Rt on ('(' to arran~tr f•1r lli1Yif1 I~ pin~ in thl~ a rra In t•••n· nr·r tinn with th•· WAi k lnl! nt1~><1 llnnk tt pnnRorrrl hy th•• Nnll•m:d Tto r1 l'rnc'l. Wllrktnl' 10 ''"nn•·•·t,m w1th 1~w N>lllht•rrt ( Iran~:•· ( '""''" (n npt•·r t•••mrn11 ,,.,. I 1r .J '' '' 11 11, ,, \\Ill 1 .. tu lei 111 ~~ .. t•r··~lfl•lll (' (; (l(mot.t,.·~ luofllf" lqWII foiii(UIIIt 111•11• It, "" T•~o·"lu)", fo'•·h11111 ry trt. to l t; :111 ul IIH" \\'111ft• Jft•ll~l l 'af•' H I pi ,,,, I d 1r., II ,,,," t •r Ut~''' 'rllt t'ttllt ,., IM lot uf, fi ,,,_ flu ('111('11\ 1\II JMU t f n••tlft"t"'t f tlll~'~ ttf (,,~l it \1'"*" Krnh~hNtr nr th•· ( lri<OJ:I , ........ ' M•·llwal n~"'ll'lllllnn. DORY OFF SAN DIEGO hOI'Ylt' w ith out 1~ '"""I•••• O ffl('('no nr•· h•·l•ltn)l turn In jtlvt'nlle h om•· .• r •• t t • ,., "til t' word hi.' WO~ II Pll'lnl\ o\ d• 11111111' 111 rrom l.lnroln llu ll Ill "(, \\ y.,, ~ SOFT SHOULDER STOPS SPEEDING DOWNEY HOT ROD ,\tt J••tl \1tH •f \\thtu"1 ••1, 1\ ruuul.-1 ••f lh• lttlll•hflt' \\t f t f1.,t-.. tj,11 1 d q ,, 1,.,1 Jtrt ,,.-1•11rf l""''ft f•,r ''It'"" 1•111 1••111•" h\ flu l t~tl ftlrl \\IH II 1 f11••kt'll 'I\\Hf•t • itt lttV ulf ft ttf • tltUUH.-' fh1 \\+II , ' II \\h•·ll II\ 1111111\ II-!llt.f-~1 )llf fJ wo•t• •••HJ•IHtt•ol l}l.d '" rh '' '''''fl llt•U ,,.,1,. .,1, ... , t fu '''''' '-h qtUtt ttt •tl lrt '''' )(.t"l htultlhtV~ '" FftiH .. th• \ "'''''''"I l.it I "'' J:l:\ I ,,, 1' ,,,, ... , S~tfllt Ut ',IJ . 1 ''''''' "tlt'fl h' ttUftlt.-n .tthlt•ltr '" ltJ., ,.,.,, ,.,, .. , l pt '"·'" ,,, ~~~·" llfl J' ...... , .... TELL FILING DATES I rl f +I tl J f tlli ''····It .,, .,,. l'ullr·v "'""' P • l••r I'~IH wlll Ill' '" ··ulo,ll 111••11 1•11•1 l"olllllllllll•(' ''"••·,,. .. 111~ "''' 1 ••. unnuunr·•·f·t Au .,,.,1.,.,. 1 .. 1 " I 'IOJ'rhttl ,,r W111k l1o1 1'111' "til lw lfl•lf'IIMtf'i) CARS DAMAGED ftAf·l n~ H J••lt•' t,1 ,.,,. l lf 1 d I•' • '• t,. til •J• ovoirt n lwkt"! '"'''"'' t••' le t. •• Gftfl)•-t . II( •·1. 1 1··~11· ,,. flo• ''·" ,. '" •' '"•'H' l•lt l .. r,. 'J,; .,,,,1 ' ,,•ll•ltf• v. til 1\ '•'"' I ,1 It f •• liW ,.P:,\ Ill 1.1. KII.I.P:U All '"''"'''"lollo· tlrl•• 11 It)' MIHo •••II M M••n •·. >17:• l!"tflt S f , Nt'W· f"•l I llo 11•lrt• WU\ 'lll!hiiV tlfllllfll(f'!J ,, • ., .. II ~"' •lrtwk lr} 11 m11ehlrw fl ·lln\1111' ~·~~ ~·••II w lotlh ""' rlt l\o·11 t.\ """"" W ,·1,11,,., rnul,. t"llid Ill ft ••ltf 11! "l'tt•t: lt•thllt~' 1111 •Ill• \''"'' ttlll\ h•l!lpltnl '''' lllf'lll" "'''' t• tl ""' 11 ht~ Ill lifo fl\"••rtw 111 •I •·I• llol I twt. d •'· ''" 1, ,, "Ill 1 .. \l••l• h I "' \\ rtl .,~. ,,, ' ,,. ,.,. "'''H •·'t , .. ,,,,,,,,,,,. ·n,.. u• ,.,,,. '" ~.,.,.,,rr~ t1 ,., lht· '' • • •I•''"' •I lo\ ~~., 1"•11•·• •tf ttol•·n"'"•ll .,f 17•1•-')J rutol ruallfl o\ ~uhst11ntlnl lltcrCAllf' 1n rt• l)(f!R inllivlrlurtl:< wl'rr• I(IVI'n n!l!lt~t· 'Ill•·~·~ rl}r l'!'r\"11'1'!1 nnll flnnnrw1 Rnl'l' hy lh•· BurNcU la~t Yt'llr A ll~hlnR (!lor~ fl'll'lfl••rl Ml111• II Wny ,...... t h• II.,,,. ' I .... d • " ... d , .... nul••ll h) lh• C':tlhultr \\"r1· :O.:o•f•lly prr«rm~ ol I vr·ry crtf'd nr o h •·rl' .l:.n :11 "''' r .. unrt ,,,,,,, IIH "II • t l ' •• '' , ,,,. , 't ,, t ~ ''" ''"' •h•l lhJI• '' t•• the lu .tl h i'''' \.\ ••• 11 ,., f'~ttthtq,• lu ('run•• '''"'''" ~h•t• tf """ d t'-f•ltl•ft•tf '''''' \1.,-.H ftttll•d uUI .,. frunt ,,f hh~ .... , '"'I Ill ...... , ,. lo .. 'II<·VIIrtl NI••Jt fnn· flt~rr•.ru 1 1r11nc•• t "uuntv Ill'<· "rvf'ft wh••n I hi')' llfl' Jnrlll(ihl<• nllr1fl nH S:t" I 11• t'" N o•w1••r I H• '" r, J••lt• • I~ 1 111 If trirl. 111 It~ 1!1-17 Annual llr'l'flrl l lur lhr· 111\·'~IPt••rfooll Jlrfl~rnm.~ ur Dit·k Tnl~t rn, >1'1'•'~ ~Ill\ St r ille••· 111 tho \1, ''' ,.,,, 1" '''"" CITY'S TRADESMEN HELP PUSH· TEEN CANTEEN .. uhnuttc•d l" II F K•·nny Chnir· 1.:1 n••r11l ll~~~~tnnt'"" tht• ow n• r wn'l fl()ltrt .. rl ltv I"'"'''' nnrt p111.,11,.<1 1 ;.,,. •• , ,,. "'' t.•·' mrtn nr lhf" !';r \\pflrt Jlathor ("nm· 1\•·nn) ~lt •~"·c1 pariii'Ulnrly lht• lhi~ mtornln.; 11ft• t ltw\" h11tl I' mumt~ C'ht~t f:tr l l hnt all 1\ttrk linn,. loy th,. r,.1,, •I n u 1111., Ill• """•'' f1,,1, 11 ,, rrtrl ''111 1111'111~·11 ''" ·"'' "1• \In• 'f'l, d tl I •I•" , t .,,,, , .. , \ .,. . ' t II I .. R••v Alrl1•n.J R··11.l 111•·rtt•l:tnr1 1 ,\~:•nry rn•t lh f' hWh ~oM:tl wnr k ("ort•t r;1111rll ~t lrl t"" tn I '·', liiJ irlll hi ~"~' ""'" •11•1 ''''"' :\lr~ F l,.r•·nN· Rurt ""~. ,.,.,,,wor k ~t •• ndttrrl~ 11f llnlltonnl lnrntly wtl· B•·11• h r;,,n>··• ""''''\'" •·ff th• I•P .. ,I, '1 ' t • • ,,,. • ·• of tt1fl r tHttf unrt 1n ttn , ,,,,' ,,,J • ., . .,,, '· ,,,d • ,, R••l h:u k ''rt I fu h~t'h" 'H 'q t ''1••t I ', .,. t I ; • 1 1 .. I 'I I \\ ., 'rj d I ... ~~ I \ I ·tr I' Itt 111 ~"l"'rll'tor nf Or 11 n:• ~""''""· •I• ( •r• IIJ.!''"'"''' 1 Wh••n tlw l"lltl ~,,. 111k•·n. Trd· lit'rvo• II jlrPilt dt'RI or IJf·ll~·· fili i I tk•· .oi l Hill F.· • .th··r nr~IIOI ,,,..,.. "•1•1 tlot•r l' \.\11~ f'oompl•>l• ll\h· lhf·lr ~r:cr•lfiUnd ""II' Ill 0111'" /tlll'ln• ~·r•tnc ()lfiOj.!t• C'onml~ in,;: r-.pupnwnt nlll'lurl'l •,nt1 t • r nunt) · ~tt~lt'(l M r lv ""' '" ~um· ~"·••hnlw \\ • ll:.r• Jlur•·llll '" "'1'" •·~cltlt •I tl1• 1 .. ~~ .• 1 !o:V•t 'I It• •·· ,1 m ini:: 1111 thr rr port. "t-'IVI' hun drN11 porll.'ll hy \Uiunt~ory <•r.ntnhut10n~ \.\nll r••r•n tNtl) t•n.,,n NnJJ'> ••f rt~ 'Wtlt It It "II•·Uitl• • .uuJ ' •l ' ,•' ,, '• f " ''" th•,~• tS ,,, It,, turnr-d I'""',. •II\ 1111 1~11 ~ • '' thlr ty•IWO (ll.mflll'll, I"'fTTflrlllin lt C'ul1o•('IN! t.y lht• f"ommunity ('ht•'t llny f(l'llr lklrtd·"CJ ~''YI ,,.,I .,..,,H, f'ffH\111~ ,,, '•;I .,,,,, ,,,.,, Ill'·' ,,,,,,. I t\ ffl t•l a tttnp I tlt11"1' ,,, II•• P'"ll' "' hti-:lt ,, 1.,,,1 ,,,qrh-. \\'t,rlunv •ua l•' tt.. tJI", f '1 •rru '. I· ,,r.ru riJ, 1•1un,l,ar•.: (·,.,,. • I•" ••f l:•t•l 1,., of• •• It "' 1,.,. II :\1 t ;fr lllo r, llrcrhc tr I '' t • '" fir• I• l'l•uut.111~' ..;, 11 •·~. \\"n~:llt 1.110\llf"·r I II \\ol,l •• \ '''•"'''r \\, 1·., c · \ltk• ll o111• fC,,, Shrcffl'r lt. , ' I · ••• II flod Ill•" II Ioiii lit• , ollill Ill ""'' ( ;,lhltflll t, I fulhn )k 11"1 d•tott llll•ltl l"lot•f l 1 111k t II ..• :. " ,,,,.,,, "' "" '•· "'I''""""''""'",,,.,. I\ '''IIII,Nt•IJtOn \1 1~. 1 '•·I II••••·•' \\ Jt,••lt.t ... ISI.•Ifru.t ~ui.Jtq W.tlkiA•urd, LJdo p,, -1 I•· •· tl• 1 \I.-1 •• , "''" 11 •,1.1• • 11 I•. \\",•II• 1 S JI"'''· Lt''l Knott l "rut \, II I lt"t•m:.n. 1, II 1111•1 T ... ~:tll(ur • Page 2 NEWPORT BALBOA NEWS-TIMES ! THt'ltfiiOAY Jli-por1 l'lfoaf'h , ('alii. t'..tt. II, lt-411 1 LATE NEWS FLASHES Jrorn cht I~ Foto-Views Agricult~re Dist. Handed ~ob SEE and DRIVE Of Stagmg Orange Co· Fa1r A I narsday, Friday & Saturday February 5, 6 1 Only French Butter Rolls 6 ••• 19c (aeruiut.r &!4' do-) 1'7r lk,ua ~ ... fecan Spice Cake -· ~?~ MARKET SPOT, BalbCj'a-lsland - Reasonable Construction Costs UNITED PRESS Turkey Calls Home Envoy To Moscow GOP Paring Truman Budget \\' \1'111'1; Ill'' I I I'• Ito )IIIlo Ito .on linn I Ill 111 d "'• '' '• llool I lo '' f•wh·•·t •I! ~.rt, t"" t ... t t\ lit' 111 'd ll\1 1111'" fHI I f I' I otf fill' \• II t,\ HL'I t ~'liU' ftt ('It I h• tl 1\ ._;~ •i4M I •~Mil~~~ 111•111 l'l"l'h 111 T111111 ''" ':l~l,l'~ii(.'M~IIo ~( tt_.•,d 1'11'1 lllitlt'o•l In lllltltll\111 thl') ''''1111'" ''"" L:tl\t 1 flflli'ltl IJI'( It,., 1pt-. (;lt fill 1.' By I WALLY G E R H A R.DT '- 1 ..... , ''·'r t•·t•••ft n, .. '• ,., .. 1 ,,_ • I ··It "I' '· II· 1111•11.'11 Jll •·II) tu ,,.,, , .• tnp•·l - t " • ..n ,, ,,fi~·n tft,o• I, I I • t HrJnro, \II ,. .oil. .,, ~_,,,., !tH II .lfi ..... I", .•.. h •• I II , .. ..::··1 ''"'·• 1\11.. { lranr,tt.' County r ortt c>l :-.•upl"f'\"tSOrS sotv('d tift' • t ""' .~r "ho Is gomg to run '' ''' on..:•· t 'uunty 1-'arr lly un- •'• '"fl' Ill'""' 111 t hr c'On · .... ,. "11h th• , , •. , '""'" nf Ari- r ' •lut '' '' \l, \U.'tl, tf \\as Siud '"' '"" h.•~ 11frinatly and • •II nth I o\h!t•d l;nin~; to I,IH• , ''"' 1 011111 loll ,, l.dr and fma l "", 11 • I t h• .-\ltluna·C"ah(nrn•a I • • "''I'"" " o;•w l lla}m .. nrl , ,.: ·"'" \\ 4 h1••f •·nt:tnf"'•'r nf tht"'\ , ''" 1<11, r II,.,, HI It( < 'IIIII or- ',j ' nt II( I ho.-:•• IU itl H•n(itHU'I' '""'' 11 nn · ":"ow "''h lhr 1 " '"L' ''' th~· oth••r stat(•s trpr~- • 111• •I '' :-.oil l.akr City, ll is anlm ously n~.;n.<t••nt: that the job t)('1on~::•'i'l '" thot 3:'nol At.(nrulturrtl Oistrir t As~•tt.·•atum Supt:r\ 1sor \Vdh,. \\',ornr•r got tht'-c1o•CJsum· a flt•r prc•J>,.Inl: ·for II flkt illl.S\\1'1" 011 th<· !IIHI ... r The· A~r wullur~tl lltstrwt h 11 d prr- ' wu~l)' :oskt•d fnrrnall) lo IH• tit•· "'Knrttl'll :os th.-"la•r hourd." 'Ott• hourd •nd•ratl'<l al"o tha i it would "surrt•ndcr" thl' $138,- 570 fi9 In s tAk' fair funds now nn hunrl hut would s upply no county monry. SupC'rvisors snid that while l hr $13R.!'i70 69 Is on drposll with tht' <·ount y fur fnlr f.lllt[)()Sl'S, 11nd can be ust'd for no o llwr purpose, this m om·y will hr surrcnd£'rt'd to lhr Agri<"UI 1 ural d1st rlct. Generally, th!' board rxprt'SS«'d ·d isfnvor at Any m0\'1.' to US(' rounty runct.;; for su<·h an exposition. Ac tion c a m t' unanimously as Supervisor W illis W(U'l)cc..ol Hwl~ ngto n n <'arh J)t!'l'Sc•d fnr n dl'· c•ision. "Th•s ttut•s l iun kt·t'JIS hnn~:· in)! tiro·." hr ~:ud "If an)onr Ill l;uint.( '" do an)lhon~. lim(' Will ht· runnm.: out nn lhr m." Star Drivers Push Safety <-. l••t.ra I IIH! 1 < ·11 \'<·a r< ot o·nm- p1Nt·c1 !>o•r\ ll'•'. Tht• (';d1f<t1 nHt Star nri\'<'IS. Inc·. ilfl' '<(•IIIII~ up tl f'llm· pm.:n ru o·roo·uurar;:r ~~Iff' clrh1nr;: lhl'tllll!h tho• no•XI lt•n YI'Jif ll, it WIIS ro·pnrlt·d h,. n .. ~ n lllhhill. lh!' <trl!'llll/al ion's no·wly ••h•f'h•d pr't'SI· d<·nt . If you haw· a safr drl\'inr;: ti'C'(lrd olf "hieh ynu .. r.· proud you an• The 1948 TODAY! America'8 Moe& Ecoaomlcai Low-Priced <Jar SHOWROOM NOW OPEN EVERY DAY WEEK DAYS - 8 A. M. TO 8:30 P. M. SUNDAYS-10 A.M. TO 4 P.M. Orange-County-Willys Go. 310 East Fifth St. Santa Ana Phone 0753 Jack's Equipment Rental Contractors' Equipment e PLASTE& MlXEIUI e OONoa.ETE 10XEB8 e SKILL lAWS • 1'llAD..EII8 Phone Beacon 5508-W 17th and Santa Ana Ave. Costa Mesa T aAe AciYantage ol Our rnnr•ll" l11 1!1111nn1: .1111\' I I'll"' "'" l11• n• .• rt) ~:t.••~·.·~~~.•~w• IWII<' rh.1n :'ltr 'l'nlmiln ''"lllll.ol• <I Th ol \\ullltl rn•'llll II M il pith l•f ~lti,IMWI,· ••~·r~•• fnr llo'C o•u tt m~ 11n1l d1•hl ll'diiC'IIIln ''' 111~ Ill !111~ I"'"' \\tor J,ll•rlod, "'' ''""ilu \\<<if ,.,.,,.,,. t(• attnwt llwrn ''" Jld• '" IJ<'I•""'' tha i spct•dy Analyze Studies Cancer Survey t•ntitlt'<l m California to rccog ni-;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;~~;;~;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;~ lion 11s ont' of lho-<1' who s trivt• tn k('(•p tlw lurchwny~ strc;ors a nd ltyways frP<' from Rrl'ldrnt FREE PLAN AND ESTIM.ATE SERVICE Wm. P. Mealey General Build ing Contractor --Complet1e Building Service- 2265 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 'l'ho• ~··nato ll"u~•· hutl~:t•l ~llh· ''"'"'"'"'"' tt~:r••••d '" appl) at l•·a~r ~-'.r~MI.~U'I,IWM I Itt rt•tiUI'flllll 11f tho 111111110111 rlo•ltt RAIL STRIKE THREAT POSTPONED TO APRIL ('111('1\(;11 I t 'l't llo·l•ll'<;o•nl<i· II\'"' ,.( I ho· rn.ojur tllllr uRih And I h 1 • t' "l•'l ,olllll! hrutho•riHitlCS.,. tCt••d ttwJ,,\ lu .tn ··~ft'n~lun nf ''"'' lnr l~o '" 111.:' l11 ,, Pro 'ulo-nlml I r.,.·l·foud m l' '"''"I '" th•••r "'·'!:''~ .11111 rulo·' ""I''"'' • • • : Tlllo~l~l-.:'11, Newport J(, ,,, h I ii':JIIIIn.u Sl'huol, Newport Ho .ot·h I ""''''''' •hat -:,\1 ·n ,\ \lf::'\TO t lJP I -The •I '" <I· partrn<•(ll of puhlic health •I to>da\ 11 hn compl£'1t'd an an) >-had e o r r •••l '" ~;ood, from "t'arh•t to lh•· d ,. 1, > cr imson "' "' ,,, ,.f ranrt•r s turl1rs con- h d 1 A 1 o)u.·r. •I 111 nl hi"r st aff'!' as one Stf'p ' II c·s. a II I t' I ( dtarl tUN!(' I \ II Ill ' II I II" I\ I' In\'(•<; 11:8 I On .0 , c·r ood r-"• '"" "' t•rcJt•r•'ll hy 1 hi' If'~ IS· ~ !::I ' pa o' n• ,of tl <; 1'1-17 ~I'SSIUn, llt·u Et r Y f O 1 , ltl11 •1r) nf suh~t11ntrally all 'lllllllll'r It " ·•. ·•crufw.ont puhht•a tions on ;~";~:!s~o;'~f;,~;r~ "''' '"'art·h pur ';:~:dhycll hl~~~ •n..: to the• lan. I •I•' I l:""'fnmo•nt "' ol ~kill. H ow ''" "~ ·""' ha• h·' II l'tl'IT1ph•tt•cl, I· •I• p '' IIlio nr ~aul • "'f . """"'' ·Ill~ l'"lnr can b<• 'I I, "'1"11 tnwnt .olsn ha<~ <'Om · In 11 stato• "•d<• pro~rllm to c•n- rouras;:t• snf••r R<•ttt•r dri\'inrc hnh- IIS, Tht• ('ahfnr'nHt Star Drt\'f'rs, In<", a non-pru ht nr~:nnl7atlon With hradqunrtC'rs m Sa<"ramC'nto. r!' l>rt•pnrrd to l'l'rt•fy the or)('r nto r's safl'l)' rc•cord and '""ur tbc• ''l'· hi<'IC' OJM•rn tnr nn o'mhlf'm (nr lhr \i"hu·lr "hu·h Will prn\'ldt• vi~tlolo• pro .. r t•f 1 ht· c·:1rc•fttlnr~-. uf t lw ll(ll'rlllnr's d n1 1n1: Orange County Nurses Ask Raises Tho· do·c·t•lull l•~~ftllorwcl 111 11'11~1 ~~;;~~~;s~~;;~~~~;;~~~~~;;~~~~~~~; Ulttll ;\pnl ~~ lho· o'HIIit·~l J,oO~!IIhlf' ----0 0 9 4 0 9 4 9 0 0 0 4 • 4-4 4 oti;i 4 9 4 4 4 0 4 4 d.•1•· fur " 'hn·uh·th·d n .lllon -\Varl•• -------r111l strlkl' """"''"' '' dq~·nd~ on lh• I•'• ., .t 1 loou·r h"''" ••·a) r"''"'"' of \\o•,tro•t ·, 1"1"1011111y :1 nd typt• 111 I• 1•11 <'<rllltlllln, m C'.<llforlll·l atlrun ''" 111:"11111111\ l'fft'<'ltVl'nt<s.• ' '" 'i•·l't.ol •·mphiiMS "'' t•ant•t r !'.d :u I• •..: tnor.-n•',u ly runl nlt•n - ~~~r:tl<' \\till r• ~~~·n'lhllllll·' nntl qll.!loflt':tiH•n•. :one! 111\IWh\'o•nwnr., In t·•-rt:1111 1~ r-onn• I 111 ill'llo't·, Ill· ol;o) \\ ••r,. ·••kl'cl lt)' I hi' ( 'altfurno11 ~lalo• :'\llt'o,l•<' "''''l'lloi iOrl fn r tho' nf t ho• ''"'•·r llol 1 111.,111,. tlln•·""'~ ------------------------------- CA I TEHeRAn LOOMS $150 Prize for Water Color Adde~. ULTRA VIOLET RAYS ~.; :'1'.':.'';~ .. ~~-~~.'~-.::::~l<;·s11';.~;~~~~~~~ Floor Feature for 3rd Annual Art Exh1b1t , TO FIGHT COLDS ""''m'"1 • In '' lf'll••r to I ho· hnartl .. r ~UJ1f•r-- C•rtefcraft Floor Looms Are Used by Lead3,g Professional Weavers Throughout the World Tht Cutercrllfl loom IS nolt'd ror: • fUr4'tlctJil a • d Pura.blUtJ'. Made r nlitl'l)' of l<'lf·<"ll'li F:ul- "'"" hlrr h 1.nrt mnplr. l!l'<"llr(•ly ho1tt'd t~rllwr All rnll·hrl~ p8WIJ. brllt krl~. and t>llwr fll · tin~:$ aro· mud•• or h•·tt'fllllh• 1'1'1.'11 1ron e t 'nlfurm \\'a rp Tra.olna . Thl' far p hi'Am Ancl l'lo)th ho'Am llrl' holh (•unttnllo'(l loy 1 11 tl'lh'l ~ l llPflhlr nf (!l\'ln~ II ~··nsill\ I' 110 · .'UJOtm r nt In !hi" INlsinn "" lh•• Wflrp. • FA'OIIom)'. C A r I !' r c r a t I Studi~ mnnufa!"tun•s f I o o r l•lC'•m< 111 uuml>o•rs that makr It ~~~~~•hlf" In t'ffr r thf"St' impor- IRnl qualilh•s. '"~ lifr and hint'l l"ll'd dlwien<'~. al 11 n I'X· I 1•\IIWnltfl~ l~tW prl('l' • \'t•hallllh·. T ht' Cnrli"rrrn(l I '"'Ill hll' ,,.:,.n ltrtl\'o•n <'itllall~ \\o•ll ~Wt•·rl to• lht' ~o'\'l'rt• dt•· 1'1,11111• ol( tho• t'•\1111\li'JTiltl \\PA\'• ··r. tho• f'r• ,.,,,. <'••n tr,,l rc~tuirf'd ,,, 1h•' "'''" ,, •• .;;ll.:ll('r . or fth' 'III'Jtht 11\ :u.d i l'P • ;1,,.._.,., tl h~ 1 11H'~• \\ t1 \\, ·•'" for pk.•'•atn ' • \fltlo•nhon• •·· T ill' I ·,~r·to·r· n ~prt'(l anti t:a•r of ()p<'r8· , o •I I I"' 111 • h.on.l•o•lll• l1 fill· tlon. An lniJIVflnnt frAIIIrt• nf t•h ol II t'h tl•u ·tt·l· \ ,,.,, .. ,,., t 'lr C"'n rtl'rn ufr '"'''" I~ t h I' .. I " ,, , 1o·d h t k• 11 ,,, twnt·h h111ll 1111 '''''1' ''"''' til(' ,. •• '' ; , ,, ''' '"''"'' 111 looM "tth 1 h• trNtdiN h111~rd , 111 1 '"" < tW' ""'" tht• h• n.-11 Th1• 1;1''''~ a n •'X<"t'l•lil 11AIIy Inn~ tn•ndlc • \ ~clo·, '·''" 'h~<ol. Th••• \\lth tho• llllo•nfbnt ~;n .ctt•r •t• '" •·· 1 • ,, ul lf'\'('rftr f' Hf'inJ: hlnJ;t'C'I (ft\fll 1111• ,t,l, 0 0 I I '0 I h of tlt•·..cl Ill frt>nl nf tho tc •• m . lhr fc'l't {'ltn '"" • 1 ''"" lo '' • '''' 1 !)o Cjlllc'kl\' nml f'IICII) m n\·l'<l I d oil• ol f, ' '1 t I 11 'I• •• ,tl o fl om on•· t r1•nrllr· 111 onothrr "''I• 1'•1• •I I "• r ,. ,. "11- [)('tlgnM (olr r11p1d \\t'll' Int.! •·r~. '! '1111' • '' n •··I <tnt!l•t 111 for Inn~; (li"riocb \\ilh A m ini-u'1n11 ,.,,,. I, fl'l "•rl'h n( mum or fniiJ:UI'. I ho• ~II· II 62 West Un ion Street, Pasadena t I Cal ifornia Tf'~phone SVC'amOre 37-148 Sell It Through Classified Advertising - PI • ofll,\ Ill tl 'l'• A l'<•or iA 11 .. t • 11 1 · d 1 • 1 . With ~o·vrrAI ~outhhml 11r11~1s T ilt' o•ll.lllhtl wll ll~t•Oil<ll to tho• I "'r · 1''111'' '"II Ht ·• n I )t , • · • • 5:r11mnt or '''ltowol IS ft~o:h t m~: C'Om-.. •I 1 1 • 1 . . '"' o·nclv ~•"ntf• Ill'' lho·lr lfll••ntum~ l1Uhllr "" J:o rtdll\ Sallll day .ncJ ' ... •• ,. oil IIIII 1111 I ll nHtl ,, r . , •.. ' .. · • · mon c•otltl' \\llh ullt'.l 11ulo•t ra\'s th . ·• 1 1 th 1 r t •rl to .. nto·r thf' thtrrl ftnnll.tl 'II 1 o'X· ~mul:.•• afto•r no«n' hc•l\\t'•'ll :.! .omll · • ·""" •·• '"" '•''' •• ' nn' • • • ' J ohn llltnl"l'· pnnn ral11f Lnurk~ ·"Ill • 1 · • tl 1 111 • "'"'' Mhrl'h ll thrull)!h ;\l:urh I I ·' o'l'lcwk. ;~nd ;u.:;u n m lho•"' ''. School. ~n•rl lh•· 'A\'<; w nrk Tht'\ 'ro· ' ~:••." .: unr• Ill ~~ "'' ru>:< tl tht• It orAl h111h .. r ho••l ann.,unt'f'· 111111:~ nf thus!' cl.11~ II('"'', 11 1 .ontl -lor l•llhlt< h• .tlth n11rstn~>: JIO!>IItuns · I'Uppr••••d to • llnllnal" ~:•·rm~ from 1n t~r~ •• • 1 • 1 •I • lh ' "'' nl hA~ lwc·n mnrlo• or fl ~··rond 'l II l'ln<'k Tt•lt \\ •II hr "1\ '"' "'". • ' ·•"I!' I""" ~ an K 1)\\ osc I 1 thr 11rr 1 , , rl • <·· t r " •lt•tllll\' ll'nflltl' nu~ Will ho· n 1111.! 1111· »fto·r n•••n ,, ~'""'" '" '"''! I I I I IlL: on •• r fll IIIII -• Ounlc'll ml'trtllo•rl l<t'\o•ral r:t) \II~ lr· • · · unl I I t ·Ill '"'"' (1( ~q-,o t .. r \\hlo•r ''''"r Mr, ~··h···· l'nn·nl· r.·.ol'lwr ·'"'0('1 '''""· J .ont.:o "' ~ pu I IC '"'' 1 . • • IAm[l!' •n 11 f1r~t ~:raolo• rl.,,.~ tll(lm mtr' ... 1 1 ltl n. 11 • , " ' c \I 11• :1 km•. d t,olllllil n rll~o•lu~t·c1 1 h• "'~l~t.onc'o· L• a~.;uo· ·' n •I the • • • "' 1 1 I! 1• '"IX n I. nr!' 1 11 11 1 ( 1 I llr !'lltd II'S I« '""'"'i'l tho• lamp!' .uuJ lhl• 1111 ,., tur u l pulolol' h rnllh 1"1 "1 ~·filii' tr <t }~'~•1~ 1 •rot llll'"" "~ ;.n!l l 'rolfo '>h•nnl \\,,. cut l'l~nlt'f'l!'m tl11 o· '" <'ololl' h) a t n11r,.1n~: fill\\ f:;l! Ill tho• ~·liWI·~·~-1 1\\" "' o 1·1 ""'" nr I h·· IWhull ~ r•·r · ""'"'" duh ll'fl 'l ''5 1 1 · • ··-'-' llloono nl ol"l'l;" "111 t~o rmulo· ontl __ ..:.:._ "'r l'l'n ~ ran~:•• rn Ill\• .. :ol111 ~ urlllnllnrr a l- Ilt•' lotdo "lu••l " 'l"'"'''rtn~ rho COLLEGE HEAD ON COMMITTEE •.h."u~h •.n Jlf;"~rtu·;:,:hr nu.rsl's rc· "••••·r , ulnr I''"'' ;\l•'llll" •~ ol( lh•· ''"' ~-1~1 and _, __ (1, t ho <llfll'r-1 J,, l<h •II)'' Allw•l Art< l'hth 11r•·l l•r rt"il 11 l'o·t1 r'""· pn-11t.11 r, !ll'holOI flmon{'f', \\Jih par twlllflr 1,111_ '""r ~:!·Ill ami tht• rllr•·<'tOr $:/1>11 lo Ill.. tnt.: t ho· oil p:tlnlont.: ""·•n l .,( c tr·m~.:•· '""'"' .lllntnr , . .,11, I!• ha~ phnsl!l un tht• "l"'rll tonn 11( i\<~t·mh· In pl:l<'!' uf lhc•;:c• Mol:tn('lo, llw .~~~~ '" ,.11 ln\llo'i'l t11 Jtu\ 1 !'lilt''""· ly 11111 :.!1'_1() a~""<'lfllllln I~'I>IJOSt•ll A ,.alar) <,f, 11tlalo• '""'' \\'ol\tlo' l .. ot '"rn •I ,,,. '"l"'flnlo n<lo ·111 ,.( puhlu-tn· Tt ill Anl il'fi)MPrl th:.t tht• c·c•m -rnn~o:o• vf S-'·11'·~10U for Jlllhlll' tul t..•.:om.o J\,•:ll'h', \\'alii· Zinl •I nwt 10>11, to ~··no· "' ,, '"''"''" 1 ,.f mit 11'1' wrll mllko· n·romnw n da t w nl' ht•AII h <I"" nur~t·s. ~1/KI·~:n;; fur "·"' '"'' n•d 111<'11' lllllllt'•, :llr-!1 " ''"'' ·"ld• t'olllllllll•·•· I" h·• to lh!' l<'f.:l.•li•tuoo• fo r •·h:tn)!<'S "' IIH• l<UJlt'r\IHor·s_ u!. !~ulJitc· ho'AI Ih I ••·oktr" '""I c lth"r n,\1\lo ·• ,tro· """"'' ·•' !It< '1'•••1"' tll\o' I "Ill· prol'lslons n f !Ill' l•rr•sf'nl '"" dPal· "'""Int.( llllll $1.i{I . .,>~.J fnr tho• til· I H'IIIl! rt•o'o·l~t•ol "~ ;\II·~ Pun.''"· :Il l '"'"'''' Ill\ Sd~o• .. l l'tn.orl\'o•. l'ht~ In!': with tho• lll•l••rlionrrwnl or ~cctnr (\( puhlw h1'1ll!h nur~in~; ('l~'llol "'''· ll:olhnll h l,oncl. '"l ''nmmll!•••• Will "•'11"0''' '"''"''' .,( SIAl!' llllllllt'S to pultllc srlu••l dts fh•·~l' t llnt.:t•!< llro• <ttato•\\'lcJ•• i<lrtnd· t•hro n:o• o f •·1111 ""'~ l••t.!••l111•"" o(, ·.t 1111.: ,11111 l ·••l·'•r lrlcts arcls wtur h lh(• us,.~IU I IOn has set · for tlwsc· publiC ht·Hith JJOsillons COUNTY FARMERS DECRY REAPBORTIONM EN J and whu·h 11 l•·rm<•d "rl'lt~on:tblf'." r Tht• :l~SOi'l lllllln nlso askrd lhnl A rrsolutlo11 ron~mn•n~ tlw pr•·~•·nt d rl\p to fo'III~Wlrllon tho· ''"'I' S•·nate 11~ "unjust And molil·· '"ua· ha~ lH•f'n unllrHnwu~ly rn· tlor<f'li hy dirrrtors of lhf' As · !IOCIIII•'ii F'ormnl< c•f Oronter ('nun· ly, William F ( 'rnddy, tts~oc•a· linn prf'!ldC'nl, rl'portt'd )'t'!!IC"rday "ProfNI~InnAI J)f'tlilon • ('lr<"UIA- Iatont now ArC' a rll\'<' '" Oram:r count y, fl(llirltm~ StltnAIIIrNI fnr this propc>1181," <·rodd y pomted out ''Thry hnvr t>C-t•n Armood w it h ~·'m•• \'<'r)' C'OfWincln~t •1111'1-lalk, hut thrlr ar~tumf'nts, wh1rh an• t~lrirtly nnr-aidt'd. R<"lun lly m"ri'JII'('SI'n 1 tlw f~trll' If thr \ .. r,. ~U<'<'• '-'1111 on ,ot.lllllliiHt tho• rt•qUiro•oj lllllllloo r o r ~•l!natutt•c. tl11• r•··•llll<llntou nt inolollll\"1' ~\Ill ~:u In lh(' :-.;,.,,.,nl• r hallot Crudity llp)'t'Rh•d In \'1•1•·• < ''' "tn\'i'SIIt.:ali" thr mranrn~ ttncl '"' pltr alhlns nf thu; tnoltatl'•' l~o l .. r. ~<l~tnon~; Any fll'lltmn "l 'ntl•l •h·· Calt(nrntn <'OnslltUtwn lu • \l•' un I'd . a!'.~rmhlymrn a r,-rlr<"lo d on I hi' hll~is or J'lllplllnlloon. ·•tul ,, ltn· 1ors arr tll'<'lcd 111 '' "'' •• 111 ,,., ~;r.1plucnl llr"a~ "If lht• r•'ltflJ'oOrlh>nlll• nt ,. '"'' •'•'S!>ful. ~•·mtlor!' ,,t~.. w .. ulrl l1• Chrysler Marine Engines ()ired Factory Oi~tributor ~-·.~-or:·.- SEE THE New 20th Centur~· Model s • Ace • frown • Unyal ~-~~fl'! h.p. ". '!1-11., h ·I'· ,, f:t~'~.~ Service and Parts A vailahle at .\11 Timl'S I 1.'• hI' Kenneth E. Wilson Co. Chris-Craft Oea)('r 925 Coast Hiway Bea<·on 52il selt'Ct t'd on the hn~is or popula- tion." CToddy SAid, thus drprlving m ost r ur11l arrns. indudrng Or- an~tc rounly, of fair repr€'$tnla· tlon In thr St•nAI!'. Thr majority vote in both houses wo uld th!'n be rontrolll'd by the citil'5, notably Los AngC'les, San Franci!!>CO, Ala- mt'da. Oakland and San DiC'go. W'h.fh.r It'• a m•r• check· •P. adJu.tula nl or qaoaral -tunal -or tJ repiA~ aur patti 'u a o-.!ed - ,_will b. plNMCi wtlb our ~ We an1 an 'Au· dlori..d factory S.mc. IILttioD"-cany Oriqioal l P..--Sptldal faclofy Wade Toole ud OlllJ' V. t h- alli<' &r. facb'y Tr.u..d. Ou ... \ I• quauntaed - ud ou a--tMaODabk the presr nt tl 1~ ct•nt per m il<' Cflr «llnwancc IX' r hllnl(t'd to $20 n m onth plus 6 ct•nls 11 mill' And thai two wo rking days a month vaca- lron be-nllowrd mstcod or the pTPS· rnt 15 wor kmg days 11 )'C'IIr An accumulation o r 100 days sick IC'aVe WM 8!1krd In piiiC'!' o r the pr('!l('nl JO..day a!"c umulation pro· ,.,siun. Till Sill IS YOII 1111111 EE OF EIPEIT MOTOI IEPIII SEIIICE 01 IIIIlS & STIIflOI USOLIIE MOTORS South Coast Company MariiH' and G~nt'ral llardwart- 2l'nt "' C.-ntraJ Sf'"·port Rf-aC'h Sport Tops • • • Seat Covers TAYLOR'S TRIM SHOP Automob ile Upholstering Boat and Truck Cushions 1505 West Central Newport Beach HARBOR 19 .. 0 Pacific Heating Co., Inc. Residential & Commercial Heating Forced Air, Gravity ancl Floor Furnaces Harbor 676-R 1709-1 I Coast Hiway Corona dei ,Mar ASSOCIATED ne Original Marine Dock %8th a Bar rr-t Gasoline --Diesel Fuel --Oil Fishing Supplies The All in One Stop W oy Credit Oarda Boaored BATES & SON Harbor 481 FtrA HOMES MESA RANCHOS (Corner of Flower & T ustm in Costa Mesa) Last Unit of a 140-Home Development o(t.~ f\\\ 9;,e~"o \\~ ~~ ~ ""~ "-''~ ~ ~~,~-( ~ .,.-' . V' _1.\\' •• , , ·~~ ~~7 ~~ • ~g~o ~ot\·G\'s ,CO~ uo~" tot st300 Sene/ for Descriptive Folder MESA RANCHOS 1151 E. 17th St. Costa Mesa, Calif. a GEORGE HOLSTEIN Casino Cafe on a Cocktoil Lounge * SerYing Complete LUNCHES on a DINNERS * 202 Moin St. Balboa, Calif. c,.K~~ ~----fer MITAL WCATHI. ., ..... Save fuell C.~• 1 he real 1 hln•-llf•· time m•••l 4ooltn.... an4 ~~.--~:: ·--~~t!lc,·;~::.'7c!!: dr•ft•. l.,~., our 4ult •-.4 ...... s. •• ·~. n.., ~, ·-'""'"...-h•. Factory-Trained Mechanics Tl\H• u e n••nY •~•lkt-•trtp Mf"9 • lc·•• but only ont-C:hembrrtln M r .. "n u# ....... , ... ,h"• ...... h tnll *'' •ry ""~..!' .. ,:-.1••-· Q"ldL -..u.onr. NEW ADDRESS: 521 East 1st St. Santa Ana Pbooe 0111-W 'fbltJM:IUI~ ~--~·AMIU_ *** Harbor Events ~~~ SOUTHERN YACHTING IS ACTIVE NEW YORK Fnr hlue wtttl'r windJnmmt•rs. nrxt S 111 u r d 11 )' hrin~:s thl' S1r' Thomas Lipton Trophy RaN'. a 30-mlle contest orr Miami Jl(>ach, as the wlntt>r yscht r acing schroult' begins In the l'IISI. Th!.' Miami·Nassau Race ~:ets undt'rway on February 10. w ith 11 list o r entrlt>s ln~;ludln~~: H an'f') Conovt>r's S'll"-'1 IU>\'OOOC, lut year 's .. ;nner. Thl" 15 th annual St Pett'rhurg-llavana Ract'. won las\ year by thf' 51-foot C)Jban cut- ter CiC'lon. will hring a n imprNI - sive Clet>t to the starting ltne on !lla rC'h ~- MolorltOnl r acing for the r idt>N In Flord ta's SQ·l'AIIt·d graJl('frutt circuit. held at a later date tha11 Ill tht• past hy agrrrml'nl or tht• APOA and local gm·,•rnin~: hodi<'ll. in<'ludf'S N'~alt;o5 r () r tnhonrd.~ and u1ttlx111rd~ . 11 1 Jack~U~nvillt• M:orc•h 7 Cnt"<J:t, Man •h 14: Mount Oora, March :.!1. anrt La ke land. March 2R F;,ght r t'gatlaf ar<• slat I'd for t hf' month o f April. PICTURE FRAMING CUSTOM MADE P'BAME8 Moderatt'IY priced. ~ Picture Frame Studio , .. 8o. CoM* BIYd. Help Save Meat and Eggs ... Eat More Sea foods ~-They Are Rich In Iodine LOBSTERS FRESH DAILY Alive or Cooked PUet ol Deep Sea Troat • JI'Uet of Rock Cod • F..utera 8ca1Jos-• 8ilrlmp • Abaloae Steps • Oysters. Eutera a Wedera • FUet of Sheep Read BAYSIDE FISH. MARKET WHOLESALE AND RETAIL NE\\'POaT BUCB ti!Tn !'IT. AND LAFAYETI'E PBOHK BAUOa Ill DICK M:D4 I YU .cl .. Mawc1l• ... lic .....od)o- IIWII~ .... ~ Old N P.M. ........ a ............ 11 r FUN ZONE In BALBOA Now Open SATURDAY ' ' and SUNDAY Nine Boy Scouts and One 'Scouter to Get Highest Honors at Scout-0-Ramtt Nllw llo)' ...,,.. aad oot· 8<-flutf'r \rlll l'l"f:!.'h "f' tlli' htatw.t award thai ~1ut1n~e .,,.,,.., liM' t:aclf' badl(t". In a Nni(Uiuly lm,...._., .. t•f'rf'- niiiR)' tM-fu"' lhou..,.nd" of JM'I"!o()ft a Rttnday f'\'f'nlnJC al tltft !Wout-0 - Rama.. ...,ta .,,1..-.,•ltlon of thfo nran " l':mJIII"f' A"'a t'<>UIM'II at tlw Rrn- ~\·ou" baUn.Niftl In ftalhoL • 8 29 ,, •:ttm·cl .. r t-:tt~:lt· !'r•1111s "111 Tars W1n 3 • '''l'urt till' ta•n rnnllulat•·~. tho• lar~.:-' ··~· numht•r t•wr In rl'l'o•t\:t· thr To Go Into 3rd ""'""11 111 nn•• pn•!l<>t11Ht t<m 111 thc• htl'tnry ol 1tw I•J<':•l t•)Un C'II, h1 llw Sl/11.:1' nr th<• hullr<)ltm, Wlh•rf' thl')' \\111 he '\\l•lrom('(l hy a t'l'll•hrtly, n~<m•• a~ ~··I unknown, who w oll bt'gtn tht' rtlltal Of lhr pri'SI'IIIa - ttnn Thl" supr l"mt" honor lhat a th •nds thr rf'f't'h tn~t or thl' EaKh• 11ward will hr ~harrd by lh<' lalhc•rs ll.Jid mnlltf'r!' nf lh" Sc:-nut~ as lht' badgc·s will rtrst I)(' JJr••s('ntNI t o lhr mo- \h(•r ()( rHrh hn)• Folio" ing thi~. lh<' fulh\•r wl)l pn·5l'nt to the• motht'r 11 r.os.-.. A S)'mhol nf thr triumph or hN linn, 11mt shr "til 1 hrn prr !lf'nl t hC' hacll(l' to 1 ht• b<J)' AJ a j)('rmnnl"nl n •mtnll••r or l hr OCTII~totl, t ht• IJ11y Wtll Jlri'SI'III fl mintMtun • of tho• h11dl:f' to ht~ mother Rt'rt•tVIOK thf' rovt•l1•d uwnrd ot this r•·rrmnny will two Larry nnrt Crl'nt• S tomnn, Troor• :.12. Snntn A1111 ; llo1111ld MC'rk<'r, Troop 22 : Ralph Reu ond Roger Gordon, F:x- plorer P011t 306. C'oeta Ms11 : and Genr gr Shilltng and Roger K isnl"r, Post 316. SNtl IWaC'h : Jo'rt'd Lu.~k. Troop 16, SNtl Ocoarh ; And Gary H (•ffm•r, Troop 53. Orangt' OILERS DROPPED IN C.I.F. LIST \•r u can't sa)' llaltll• n r(od's NI'W(XIrl llnrhur T ars nrt•n' t still tn 1 twn• pt 1 1'11ln1: T htal "11$ t11·mon~tru1t•d &itlltn 1\.t••5dll)' nit:hl wht•n lhc' roiiiC'k- tno.; SH1I11rs fr11111 nur to" n rollrd '" Pr O r11tt1:•· llt~oth m ttlt' cllrUJ '"" n In a ~:amc• suddPnly sWiiC'hrd frnm 11 r~>~tular F'rtdlly dall" ~rr. Nrwpnrl JR. Orllnitt' :l9 The wtn wa~ lh•' morf' toothll/li'T\(' tn lh'W nf lhr lnrl lhnt Ontnl:l' had earli~>r nlrkfod Nl'wporl 32-31 Ill lht• fln<t flf II IIC'r iH of lhrt'\• r;mfo·t •'tiN• l.:iHlW~ the.> Tan lOIII e ll h) thf' m11ro,:m or one.> bllakl"t :o-;,•WJKort nnw (>C<'UpiPS I h I r d ltll•(~· hdunrl l lunlln~:tnn IJ4oach, "hom 1 h••r ronqul'r <>d Ia• I Fri- day nt~;ht Ill 1:1\'t• thr Oilrr-s their omly fus$ ur 1 h• sru~nn. a nd San In Ana. Wlltl!«' Sntnl!l hllr<'ly MiKed f' rt..·l"dsm••n. Snnln Ana hu alau lost only oni.' l!anw. It was Don Ward roarlnK throut:h the Orangco dt"ft'nll(' th111 J~BV••d tha• w in Tuf'l!dlly nl~:hl. H•· llh'<l away 17 points to p8('<' tiftlh tco11ms in II<'Orin.: J im W<'lls. who '"" orr his I'·" I agamst Anahrim. was Wf'flk uf fl'nSIV<'IY a~:aln u h<' man .• .:•·•l to rack up only ~be points to tt ul llUSII'r Ptnklf'y who tnllirrt 11j!l1t T h P ('I F !"nuthl't n g 1'<'ttun Tnl~tn1 IFirnf'rNI thrN' a nd Itt• k•' '>''('('kl) """~ 111:11111 flltml'd Jlunl-:tnd \-\'alt7 I"" l'll('h 111 NIOIJol. '' tngtun RNII'h "" lh••tr lt~l or """lY•rl'!< scnrin.: ,;~~' ~~:~'·r 1;;~',';'"" llut l ht~ tim•·, ~.~~o7117•rbor c:•• tH I 0•,;.7,~.: ~r·.~l ~·~··-' s, ~. ' ~: ' 2 ', ' ', ·~ ~~~~.·.,·: L11•t w.•,•k. lh•• chl,.r~ \\•·r•• ftfth ~ " " • 1. t~hlntl ('"urnptun. Jt•\•·r~ttlt\ \\"lut .. ::t:'t!~> .;~• !~ •t,•~. ;.~:·;:~1 ·, tlf"r nnrl ~ .. nntn 1\t unu"n. :;,, nttk "u''" ~""•1M''' If ...... , ·rh14t \\'f•t•k th•" h:-.1 as . ( ·un1p,nn. Yl nlt£ .::• nrMna:•· ,.~,..,"." ' • 111\'r•rstrli', Snntlt Mlllltl'a, \\'htttt1·r. SUNSET LEA GUE STANDINGS H11rhank, lll~":~'r C , Alhnmhra . :-;,,11,., An. ~ ~ P:!-7" ?,(:~ p, 1 llofll•·r ~I>, lluttltrto.;.ftln O.•nch """'"'"'"" "''' •. 1 !1'• t•'· unrt !'(•u fh Pa~;~rl•'na. ·~::n!l;;~n Jtruhu r .: ;: r~~ .I,~.! i\l~o nnnuu nr'••d hy thl' C I F , •n•••~· ., 1 :••>~ ··"' , • ,.. '"" M••·nnrl mc••ottrto.; ror lh•• ~~:,;;:;;.. : ~ ~~J ~:~; :·,· - ' Boys' Club Wins From L. 8., 51-:12 { 'tu, f l \l\lt11H! I h•• lto1"" I tn~ t'\ t ttf"" ol lho• ll oll••l \tol l\ool • t'htl• •h,ttttt 11tt I'''' ,,,.,.k \\ '' th• ' .• , ,,,,,, ,.,,,, "''' \lith"" I I"· I ·· .. h ,,,,," '.,.,,, l'ht "\.Mi lt ''· .......... """ "''" ., .,., .. , , ,,, r tl ,,, .\.' ,t,." I'll \to lou!. lol llo•l" t I """"I 1 '"'' 1(,,,.,,, '·'''""' 1'1111 :-;hoi I• I ,\t 111 tnol '••Ill• ~ IIIII ,lltll ltttlo • It, 11 Ht• Up lht• It Ult lt•l lttt "" .• I "'"" l'h· loolltt\1 1111' o•lu lt IIWIIll~t•t ~ l i'IH) • •I ohu 1111: t Itt· 1111o't ttll~•lttll-o•l I tltt• ~111111 till \ llto'l•l I A'I-:IHII 0,:1111,11'~ "' lloo• loi~·lo "1""'1 Mtko• \;nltw•. l .••rot~ l'lltlo•t'~"'' .IIIli 1-\lltt••, l iroVitl I ',lth'ho•lol 111111 lto•lto•t I \\\"1(11\tttiM 1 \\o•t'o' olll ;Ill' \ltlllllttl: 1••1\111 \IIIII 11 ""''' o>l :!X. ·'-"' lln.,·l , l'ol tu .. hall \\',,,I··~, i\t m•uul Nl'ltlo·~. l\111 I St 1111111110: an.J n ... t. 1111 ~-'•'1'1-:11"'" "n• th. •"h•·t •··art\ "1th " .,."r' ••f l tl lltth ,\ltltttlo.;o• •11h10ttt11to•tl 1111 Milt r h li Rlltl t :1 I ho llntht~t ,\to It C'l11h "'" J••lll IIH' \tl ttlho•t S.•lllht•rn l 'nltlo•t 11111 llu1 ,· I 11111,. ttl lltl ••lttntnrtllntt ltH~kl'llmll lultl I otnm•·nt 111 M•ttr Cnll••st•· In I'"'" '"'"" (~11111<"' ror llw l:l lind 13. ttnd ''' 111111 I~ YI'Hr nlc1 11~'""1"' .. ,.,. •"'""I" I'"' fur S11111rd11). Mllt•'l• t• t;r""''" '"' chr ltl nml 17 y•·~~r ••hi ttl:l' O.:'""'' nntl 114 '""' n ld •••••• 1'1 1'111• lift' ~du•lul···l ''" ~Ill o.nho\, Mrlff'h 13 ------- ~;)O,O'lO Sa nta l\1argarita Is lleadlint'r At 1 1-tt; Miles Saturdny i h1 • t •t •I 1111 1 l tt't1111 lut It! It ,\ M't t'1 '· ;\ \• IH nhl"\ tUU4 Ill• 11 1 .. lttL'Itl•rltto ol 1111 tho r. ""' . •I•• "" ""''" 11 ... !' I ttl I \J o , ol tl.t 11 •:Hiol "I \\ t(i iu Ill • • o Ill• d 1•11 ~ ollt11l.11 h •h 'i H'-I "••JI•--I.tdtltd ''"''11d 11 ·~ tit 1111 Ito '" 1 IIIIt h I tllitt·d l"t l I It• f1 ,,, " , .. , I H Ult ' It I (11 t\\ II "~jl•'t'l ft•ltl 1\h• II tlu 111•11111111\ltlll• \'lll~t• 1111 .l.tll \1 Th. "'''' 1 ,\J 1r1:11r ttll "'·'" llw •·•·:1•1· In•• '-•"••• ''·"""' .. r f•tHI tn l''l'•t \I'IU•I\I'h f.,r tl11• !In • ""••I '"'uk••r Sl'l< It o.;l"'" n hh' ot•t .. uttuul \ f;w fututt• "'·•hnn:~ I'll tlto l•~t••·•ltut.: ltlllll Itt p ll1n· ltH·t• Ill• Ill~' t t·•~ll"ll'i Ill 11\t• 1\t~l\o.._l bt 1\ "' '' i\ 1-. I It n lll lltt'\ flll't' ·~·m·· lh• :11 .. 11' ~1..C 'nrl)• ""'' J udy ltl,ttul\' 1tl ll11 • 11111 \IIIII IIIII ,,_., •• ""' It• '' '" th•• ••l" u !4hu t.t Atttl II 11tllttl11'ttJI ~1.11111 "'" I tilt•·• 11tH I 1111111'' hll"' \\ttl~ tltt~ :' U\t .t ~1hr~llrlfU St•t• I loollotl Ill 11 I I \ h 111t ,,.,,II kt'o'll Wll h tht• ''' ,, ,,..,,.,,..,: "'~'r tluo ••ANI , I I,, :1 tn t h• lu~l "''"'" 11tt11tl110.:' II Ill" l1<•• n 111 llolll (Jtl t-11111 I . \' \\ l11t 111')"011 1\11111,.111111 In~ I \ 1' II I j"'"''ll \\'m ~ 1 lttl'unr .lr • .. to· .. lr) I 'I wilt 1 1'1leit 111111 II I' llt•tullo•y'• Fh tn..: 1.•·•· •1!1:\!lt Foor~lw wr•t tl hu~ '"'''" c 'nllltlll llttlilwr. llttll•l••l tt nrf l'rttttltlll• A II k••lll Ill• hit .:•· ful 111 • l••tltt.:t ••••• N r; W 1• 0 K T 8 A I~ II 0 A N f, W 8 • T I Ml F.~ p 3 T tll Nl'lH,\ \ S ••" M>rl ft4"ac·h ( 'allf. ..,,._ :\ 1e•11 a e • * * • :nsurance p . a . palmer INCOU O IATI O "' (I hvl~. in•uronc• coun\oiO• 3333 va a l rd o , newpo rt blh1 Ch , o ld le"pho ne nt'WPO• t, booch, horh01 1500 * Pia~, ~o}!. WillOwick Public Cour .. On W~t ~lh ~t. '~ MU~ r.-t ol Harbor Doa.leYud ........ "-• ..... ,. . ...., Standard 18-Hole Course • 6100 Y erda -Par 71 ,_,a.u.a., •- 4-COLOR MIMEOGRAPHING l>lltECT MAIL AUVJ4~RTISING Santa Ana Letter Shop avtd hrunka "· " l0!\11 AltiPr a p. a ..., ..... w WILLIAMS & WILLIAMS ACCOUNT ANTS onJ AUDITORS INCOME TAX CONSULT ANTS ' t•n-pan• \·our TaJl Ret ...... t'Aity c )ffll'f'--(X~T A llt:8A BANK II.WI•a Of""' ,._ll_l ...,_ ._ ... ftf'.W..-....._ ............. All 'IIUS liSTED Alf lfR(TIYf TIIIOU6H liD MOIDAY, ffl t, 1t .. Joilt thr ,.ractf'l llrre'• a SAl. you ron·, alford to •IMI lt't '"' dlaaee 10 -~~ worth •h•l• ... llljl• "" ,...,.., ftMtdo .. fo-t.u!Wio 1b 1i•~ rv.t~omrr• .,..,..._,, day in whtrh to toL" •·" onto_.- of Saff'woy'o ln .... u~ rntl ptict!-. all advrrll•rol lolur • are elfmiv" thro,.,h \f,.ooloy ~AY SAVINGS I & M leon1 -..•.-:---,. ..... .. I & M leona o-•·• •. " •• ... 22- Hot Sauce ~;:;. ~ 2 '·,-;.: .. )'IMI kno• and It~~. In,..,.,,.~.,, ......... ""t!"<'f'1 wlf .. r do.. .. .-. JCMI'll 6nd CMtlotand•"tt .. Ju,. .:..t, 1trm r nttM ~frway'o nul otandinc "'"""Y l.ark 1uera11lH At~ol •••h •• ,,,,,.,I to .. ,,. you -1 t;t,,..-~ ,.._, .. 1"" li•lal 1 ... 1.... ,,,..,'II II"' yvu t n i>lee of what'• '" •turr for YOII durinc Sar .... ,.·. I Ill_, r. ••• l. ~., ...... 5"ECI.t.L ,..ICES ON QUANTITIES. SEE fLOO. 015"LAYS AT YOU• SMEW.t.Y TOMATO JUICE :: ..... 200 ~:: 27• •'nlln••tl tfl th•• Q•·htwol y••:•r II wall F' d N hi' G Jlw••m~;,·,,/'~ .. ,.,'~ ,.., ·~,.,~,·;,·~~~~~~~ ' fuk•' pl:u·•• a l ttu• ('ufnpf•JU ("ol-lwttu ,., I•"•""> A•• • Chill Con Corne ..... -rt• ........., •. ~ ...... .. IIW TOMATOES CANNED PEAS SWEET CORN ~~-:m GRAT!D TUNA ~"= 19• 19• ~~~ .. ~ ·:: 35e ~ .!'-·~= 13- ~.~II ...... .,, • '!: IS· It·~:•·. Sutltrrl:o.,\, Fo•loru11ry 7 Rl 10 :Ill a rn l!o lt•ltl:ttin.: lror tt11 ~r•ltolt '' 1 "'" I H JH. I !11!1, I ho• pro- l!l'htll .. 1 ~t l ltlo II•'' fo1r tho• pr•·srnt '1'111''''' 1 It ltd lito ~.:«•·1'1111\o• C 'unt· O.·nl'alh Ill•• ntlt· or nwn """" 11 0.:1'1'111 . --• I h<• 1"'11 t• ttlll(ltl '' th:on tit" '\\'llrd 1-:<1 II l,ytfool "'"'··· ,,.,"1"' "'II "'' ,h .. m .. ~, WORTHINGTON ttl, .. , U1tt l '"I"''' ttl• ,.,,. ''""'"ll•·r- ' e 80'>' I.ISO I!" "A MI'ORT \'()t;'I .L ESoiO\'; A 81'0RT TIIAT HT.I...,. KF.f:l' \'ot· IS 0000 PII\'RI('AI. C'OS- IliTlOS. Mesa Recreation 111111 N~wport ftl¥d. ('OMT A MF.HA MI. IIF..AMm M)r.·W , . . ": __ .,.. Refrigeration P'll&ON AJOIONIA ............ Air Conditioning ........... Preuure Pumpe Cenbifugal Pumps P'w AD Pat ,_ _. AUU. ...... .._. Call .. MODERN MARINE SERVICE SHELL DOCK Balboa Island 1tanc:ho Sovp ~:::.: ~·· · •• u• Muthtoom Soup 2 ... ~..:· u• --TOMato Soup ._....~ ":!... .. '-onuf luHer I ,. 10• 11• .......,.. II •• 1'-1; 'eanut lutt.r :;::. ' .. ~ 5 .. Julftbo Olives ,,_, • , .. ·•• 29- Ebony Olives .. ,. -•-· ... 20-RIPE OLIVES You'r~ ,.,,.,.. ul tnutf'l ''",.t • Afmp rw ttl I' 1uul '"' J<· "f 1l1mmf"\J ,,,..... •• ( ,..,. ,.~\ r ••• ,,,, f.,,,., 1 .. tuft "I • 0 I r Pure Lard """. (U IOI!l Sliced Bacon :'::. ..75a Skinned Hams =:.:t:, •. &sa Lamb Roast ~~= .. &Ia (lllldleef ............... ... Unr s...w~~~ .. ._ "" S,.rerlbs T ..... -u •• a.. Slnllifowl c....,_,,..,..,., Sbl Hlllbut .......... •. ss-•. u- •. 53c •. &t' •. 59- BUDGET WEARY? For fW'"' t•f,.tt• u• •tit •· f.u 1 foorl ,f,,tl•r• Hr J•tl•, I r r Wrl~tht'• ••'" I•""'•" \ I'""') M#al·;· 1n th,. , u• ''''' I .u 1lv Cirel,.. l.•t Y"'" "'I'' ,,,J,, 1 ' IMI/1.1 tlltl.l ... UQT IIIUI NOW ONIAU ... Sc Apple Sauce ,:;•. V.& Apple Sovce Gfapefruit ··-••• f_r,~~~~>•'- Peach•' • -·· '···• ..... ADfifOt\ • , 1._,. ...... ., •••• 2 ':;: 17• 2 ·:.: Jl• .... -... , ••• ·-21• .... ·-Z3• c.ANNID JUIOI .. 0 •••• Blended Jo.,.c• . .. . Grap~f•v•t Ju•c• ........ li• .. _.. ... _.. . ,. G ropl!lrutl Jvu " ·····-.. . . .. V-8 2 ~ .. "'"'• ·-- l•bb,. Tomnl., J., • c •• • ••• 25• • 10 .. ... Jo ... - tOII DAU IUNMOI'II ··= 35• 18• , .. ... CANNID ~ Mea t &all,·--, . , ..... Nutre\hua -:,_·-~:; SovtOQ~ 1 "', • ,_ Beef & Gfovy • -. Pork SoutOge •··~ .,~ ...... ,. ·---.__-17• ··-... 17-....... ~~ Slk ed Gfeen hoM ••--1,. ·~ ....... '··"" .... , .. ,. __ ... Highway Ieoni ••• ,_ •• ......._ .. twf .. _.. GrMn G iani Peas ,_ -1 .. Highway Peat __ -14• Country Home Corn , .... -1 .. #11 ....• _,.. ••• ,., ..... ,.,-. c.... ...... Nlbleh IJ>oo"oo•t ... ,, .. -17• Golden Corn ··-•--1,. • .. ,.\._...,..IJ, ...... ,. TOIIIIOIS t .... ., •• ,..,. ... ~d Yee-AII ·-·· ' ... ~.~ ~~ Willi . .... --... ,, . (herub Mli Lunch Melt "•th tll•t \ ..... flf -..,.,.u .._. .. .._ afrwoy llfil'ljlo yuu f1utt• att•l •··~.-tololo • "'II" 11 0111,...,) 'jualtty, pto-Jt,, 1 .... (MIIIoof (,,. full Yolur- APPLES UllttiU .... ..... ,, 4\1 .... ,.,._, •• AIIJOU PEARS~ CELERY CABBAGE=~~,~~~ " .. "" 1•111, t Ill •• 17-,. ... - ..... -•• NEWPORT BALBOA NEWS·TIMES, H b Tlll'ltl'llAV ~""1-t JlfoAI'.!!_, ('aUf. F1·b. 6. 19utl • ar 0 r I Femi'hine· ACtivities PaJte 4 Laguna Shop Sells Fabrics, Gives Aclvice In Unique Service "TRAVEL ... tty all ,__ .. -.--n.t. ... • AIR • SEA FRIED JUMBO SHR IMP Ph()nt'S: !!,,rho:-l:l IUld 208 I YMCA . YWCA l lnc/udions of Cosfo Meso Church ~•\of, II.\ otol \ ('.otl tl!.h I' I 11 1 j I •• P I ,, fllffl I •I I .I ' " • ru• •' ,. I ,,.,,, tft• ' I rt f If) tf•f I I II lilt I '" I .. II ~ i " 'h '"" II \ •. tl \' • • ~klt'l-ttt -Pftftel On Program lor High School PTA The Yardagl' Shnpfll' at 197· Hl9 Norlh Coast Roulevard in LR· j:UM R<oacll wffi O(X'nlfS dOors tn 1 hf' puhllc. Mondsy, F!'bruary 9. 11 Is owne-d by Mrs. Lillian Cooney l•f 250 lli~h Orivt•. She has s(')ectt'd FIJIIvwin.: the pui1<'Y uf Inform· !\Irs. Rlanrht• 1\tPy!'rs 10 be the ing part'nts about tilt' st'lhocll pro-buycr and mnnas:<'r or hl'r shop. ~:rom, SIUiknts und tht'tr ll•arh1•r. Exc·llln~: fabrics in purc silk , Lynn llughl's, will pn·s~·nt 11 (lllllt'l discussion usins: 89 lht•tr lopic, hrocndf' satins.. French and Swiss • RAIL • BUS -TO ALL POINTS ....,_ IApaa litO Lambourne Travel Service %lt <>-a Awe. IApaa ae.e. For Your Special PORTER HOUSE STEAK ON A PLANK 1 .. \ 'I I " I" I . \II I" II II ' ' IIIII.; I I ill I • "Studt•nt Courl," wht•n th~ Nt'W· imporlation~. Cohama woolens in port Harbor Jli~;:h School Pun•nt· thC' nt'w t:prmg conversation solon Tt•ach!'r associatlnn mrt'ts Turs· ad llh. t l·partl'l', <'11'., qulllrd da y, F l'bruary 10, at 7 :30 p.m. n t taffetas. Dt·mbt'r!: she<>rs, fIn I' the school rnh•tcria. ltm·ns. courni:£'0US Gall'S prints in Va I e.n tine ••• Onl'·TIIII tl H~lun l••r nuttlr~-rt JfoUI"!! ·I to 12 p. m. CATERING 10 I,ARTJF.S AND BANQI'F.TS Cocktalh A \'a.ll&ble Ph. Jtarbor 7K-a aCW'd TuC9day for aa Old Fashioned Sentiment Woo your Volentine with a gift you know she'll love ... sliown ore but o few from our cupid's collection of accessories. ft11 I 'ltdl• I ••l•ft\ttl1.1 l{t \ .loH' 'Jiu II I • 'I ·" d 1(, \ 'I"'''"" t;tt tttl : I toll'\.-1,1 '""' 1: ... , •'• d 111 tlrt ...,, 1 \ ,,.,, tl tht I f 1dlt1 I I I,,, • I J I ···k """ I J Ito ' ~~ I It I 1 t ' flfltt I It I tl •d 11 jl It .. fT11,\\ ·r "" 111\ 1 ,,, • , ... , n ,,.,,,, \ • I fin 1' Y\1• \ , ,,,, I tl' nr.:. tltJit It ..... "I" I I II"'"" """ ''''~'~t al • f IJ I • .,, thll Ill tht 5.00 Hondboge tflot o re Spring reflectlone of foW!ion ouuronce . . . creative ttylh 1ft bladE plo.tk po .. nt. -'.00 to 10.95, plvt taa. Specfol Vofeftffne purchotel Dolnty whl .. h n Modelro "ond emb·, l~•rd "onkiet •• , coetume refrethera •"•'II love. Petol-eoft da.eldn glovet , • . -4 buHOft '-nolt! In o b.autlful eeiMtlon of poetel tone.. Shops . str .. t floor MOST COMfORTABLE FORD TRUCKS mR BUILT! ......... ,.. .......... ..... ................ ~ .......... r .............. tnebl Ye•.,. JOl 'em on display! The brand new ford ~ §!i!! TriKk.t for '48! Nnf engines, up co t•.J h.p.l New BIG JOBS, up to 1 1.~00 lba. G.~.W.I New moder•. m•cr 1 W of 'em! New K!Woo Dollar Cab! A brand n~w 6 1 '1 h. Pickup po...-.d by yo., choice of ~ither 95 h.p. Siw, CM' a 100 h.p. V-1. New inte~tral-ty~ rtar axJe: .WU come ouc (rom wbeel enJ, plate at bousiog ,.., Jint acceuco pillion, ring gtar, dift'uential. Aod aU tbi.t MWDett muses with the unpual· Jefecl kaow·how o( the tniCk maker wbo bat ballr mon tnldu chao aoyoM else I ........ 1' ................ .... .,...,.. ..... _ ...... ,., ............ ,.. .. _ ...... , ... -.... .....,,_,.IlK-' • La.. .. 1t1i1 Fwf 1-s ... u, Mt-IlK~ ... _ ..... ,.. ..... _ _,_ NOWI ..... loo. C••fatt II ... MilliON DOUAI CAl vn••••• TJIEODORE ROBINS ~ ~ ...... .. Your Ford Dealer Since 1921 \\ llll.t': I' :o4 \('KAMI'!NTO all•·n•lttrl( f•H\I•ntur \\ &rrPn'a 'rout.la ,.,.,.,,.,..,~ •• )fr.... RaJ .. O..ww (~hh\\11 "' rl~o-ttL, with"""' Y.•rl \\·..,.. ,.. ... 1. ~''"l"ut IIIU'bftr otrl koul , ""'"''"lutlt'r, ,,.,. Invited to the l(t~\<•nwr'• """'''""· waa e...., '" 1111 o 1 llw ""' htd~ "ho ha!l loft«. hN•n " frlt•o11l oof Cilrl !iWooutlac. 0 11 It• orout.: uf tfwo UC'Ih1dfott u t 1J1e '""I""' llurtwor N>UJM'II, their 1r1Jtt• tur 11 "l.ltth• tlvu...-" &nd the "llu) " Uu11NI" t'IUHI..&arn, ,..,... \\ "'"'" ~:m•·l,u•ly Vn"!!eDted M ..... U"""'' "llh 11 ""'"'lantlal r'-·k. "l11• h "" '"'' ,.,,o,..--.1 II, "ould ....... ll 101&;00 , .. , lh•· s .. wport Harboor Oolol ... hill "IJIIh• llo>t.-". Pl&ftll ,.,.. """ , ...... , .... ". ,.,, the croun•l Ill•' ·1.111~ •.•. ,, ... , .. n, "bkh "Ill be h•·ld 1 rltl:" ''"·nln~e. t''f'bruary 1:1 ol •. 111m! h•· 111111 11th"'· Don Cossack Concert Draws Capacity Crowd II.' • I l V I II' "'\\\'IS II! I ,, I r !lu I .... lh:tl mnn·. 1.-t. 111 1 Ill IIISI Muntill\ t ,.•Itt ... , ", •. , ''· .,,,,lucllnJ.: }uUr n Ce lebrates On ~"r-lu r.1 From Jopon 1 ''" 1 ;, . .,1 g•• l\IC'lntf'e, •, "' II.• p.tsl ycotar in , 1 , d ••· lw h11mt• ln tim(· Tht' F iv!' Minule lnformatlvr l'Oiton and many other matl'rlals talk will be s:iv1•n by A. 11. Pow!'ll, ur(' ft>aturl·d. instru<:'lor in thl' ~hop drJ)llrtmt:'nt. EsS('ntlul lo your spring ward· A hril'f trihule to founders of thl! rulX' ure tht• lovely trimmings - Nallonal C'ongr<'!l!l of Parrots anti l'UP settuins, smart buttons, peas· Tl'nchl'rs, Mrs. Allee MC'L..elln Bir· unt lns<'rtions, clcv!'r belts and a ney and Mrs. Phoebe Ap!)('rson IX'nuliful nssortment ot n owcrs. lleant. w ill be made by the chair· Vogue. MC'C'all and Simplicity pat· man. Mrs. Gll'nn Whitlock. Musk ll'rns ~ckon the new-you. And will also be prrscntl'd by studl'nts a unique scrviC't' of this s hop w ill from thijt departml'nt. he instrucliun in sewing. Ir you Mothl'n of sophomorl' studrnts \\tlsh to ma kt' a 'coat. a suit. dress will net as hostrsses ror the so-or slacks. or I'VI'n cl~'\'r'r to~s Cor r ml hour. the tiny tots, visit this cozy, in· form11l shop . Newport Bride-Elect Feted In Fullerton Fathers & Sons to Hear Capt. Constantin Flink ~!:my low•ly s:ifls 'o4•·rl' n ·c<'ivcd A Fathl'r and Son bam'lUI't will by l\lt<S .Jc•11nnr Annr Gl·rri~h whl'n ht• held Tul'sduy, Fl•h. 10 a t 6 :30 <hi' w11s honor,..d wl.lh t• prr-nuptlal p.m. In Nl'wporl Harbor Luth!'ra n sljpwr r J;.n 2$l nt 1 hr home or church, 10:.!7 C1irr Drive with Cnpt. Mr'!;. J lnrry ~lnxwrll. Fullr rtun, Cunstantil) Flink, whu ha.s l><"vn with M rs. WRn·rn Mnxwl'll 11.!1 much in the m•ws of la h·. ns "~~~~ling hn!!li'S~. spt•ak<'r. R<'scrvations should be A BAG A SCARF A Cashmere SWEATER A Custom-made BLOUSE from 1737 So. Coast Blvd. Ph()nt' :l302 '" ,. "'"' '"'"''' with achim· 'I • " 111 •'·'"(I IIII\ \\lth th1• ll•n 1. "' lof· hll'lhdll) nnnj· 'l111 II • 1'1'1if'S an till' mid- It .I IIIII 11'\' naughtPr of Mr. nnd Mt·s. made by calling &aeon 5438-R. Be Wise -Adverllae ·I' .. ( lh• ''"" (',.• •• u·k 1'110lr, lh ,,. It ·= tP '"''t lt~ t th t IH•r\lS \\'AS t 0 ,, ''" tlrll •.• ·•·il·ll ,,,. 1111' l'llptl• tl \ 11t•lu"tl4 •· \\I "' ul 11 .dlun l~·t t'ltnlo would "'l""u•h 11.1\ •· "" pktC'l' In th• 1••furrn111•• ,( 11U:h tnn liturgical '""'" oor t h• "'"''"'r Hu.t~l!O-Slsvw h 1 u ~ .1 Ill"''' J••r!t'<'l bll'nd th8n 1' o~ ·"'·""''' .uul 1hl' correction •I ~·ntt ""''' !:wlty pitch would 1 ,,, tt r ••I·· 1 .. r ,, IH·IIl•r Jl('rfon n oln• • 1 '''" oil\ 't~·akang. IIOWt'VC'r llu• 1'""'1 lr o" ,, ,.,.r} pri'Cious 81 11 oh1111 , , '""I•I•·H· lack of pr<'· '' '"'' :-. .. 111 on' • lttrtr~ and choru~: " '1'1"'"''" ·llllctcd with d•· ho-r 111 , 1 l'' '" !o·ur, nttf'mpt tt• ,.,,.. • ""'l""'"'o''' from all lanrl· o~ttd tll•"trt(•'" r• l"ol 10 the Cos· ""'·"..... l'lu r t • ~ .. rHUrt' lA dra'A'fl o·'o I• •I • ' lt••tt• Ru~slon churd 11111•11 , tl Ill• r whn""~ of Sla\'lt' looll; ... , ,. 1n1l t• 'un~: in RUAIIan "h1ch. l••r IU•"' of 1 he singrrs. 1~ 1111• nrt ll\1' lnnJ:ttt• H•·cnU!IC thL' 11111<11' '' "lt.ot 11 "· l'~<i·iitl11ly and IJn:o.,, 1 1lolv noa,;1•ttl1111, on•• ml~thl ·•"~ "'II • "I" t•l In fmrl Pollya nna ~:1nrio11 In till• wrlllnl!::' of GO<'tN 11s tn h•'nr lh• 'If' ~'"1:' ~unc nn)' Wll\ f'Xrrpl Wtlh th1• lf'l'l'ol tJ: dy· ntololll' nnl1 \'OI'Ill 1 mgr • m pln)Td 1>1· lh• ~·· mnstrr• "' II • lor• t'lf llwlr t•nunlry. ~ .. lllo>m if f'\'1 1 will lho• l'llflt '• •·t· t.:~·r lu• trrnh'<l lo 1 mor• pr• • ,.., •. ly dt~nplinf't1 s •nr·•• m:.nn•·r 11t oil thl!• ~:roup nuunl,..tn~ ;-.;, '' r. 11ur- tnt.; lh• fomml pnrlmn nt lh•· pro- ..:rnm. \\'n~ th•·rr A r•·1n\ tliun f1 •m lh1• m1lltnrily po•rf• cl nllo• tlu "<' mrn pl:l\' lw'fnn· an nu.t1rn• • Tholl • n~ulfnwnl 11f lntll\ulu olll\ 111 oki'S J!(t!:~tthlf' n n••t~o•n~f' '" II·• •·,.n· rlul'lnr whll'h •~ n '"'"" t t ful • htnl( It> wa1dl nnd lll'nr Th·· <'"'""'' 'nr o•f 1h•• C'o!:~nrk~. "''"lruk• tr Ill alok. \\11h lho>~ l"'t!••t'lton "' •''' II· I lflh tn iH•t'tJOlf' uc;; fl••arh IIH h- '1 ru~1\ t' ns i" 110(0~•111•• \\·h· " tf1t, r' ... liun t h•• mu~lc•nl , n. r~lt'til; oJ ''''"r '"•'Ill) odd mo•n ( )( tmmf'nS•' r-'(lllllir ;ql(• d tr(' I hl' dooiii'I'S whiC'h rtrr lt11•'u•l••d 1111 1111• prc•a.:rnrn Th1•s,.. tl.on•,, 1rf' '"~ mul'h n pnrl n! 1 ho• 11 ''"'·11 pn'ls~rtHH :'" 1 h,, t,;ln~trl1' \• rn· panlf'd hy hAnd l'lapp111~. 1 1111· hnurinrs ;mel 11 rhythn1w I'll ·111. thr dnn('l'rs l!t' throu.,;h a •• t to'!l O( fr11n1 1r l•'IIIIS nnd l:)'rnltlfl•' th.1l m11kr th•• wildPst !'rforts nf a war l im,.. "jltl,..r·htll:'' n<o•ttm•' n ~or I n ( mmul'l n~po·l'l n. ,,,,., '011' familiar "RussiAn Co!l~ark ''·"' , .. I hi'M' m<'n nrld \'artn 111111~ "ln. h dt'f}' dr5crlpt ion. The Don C05snrk~ nr•· ro•rt .mh onr of thr hlghlh:hls or 1111~ , . ,;. rcr t s!'ason. not <'nly '"'1',111• 1•! thr1r sm~ting nhthly. hul h••1 llh<' thl'ir !)('rformsnc<' lndto·n1f'• !I ol th('y know Whllt lh('}' nrr II• na.:. 11nd mClrt' Impor tant Y•'l, J..• •W lhc>ir llmllations State Education Chief To Speak On Dromo "llow DrllmnllNI C Jl n F'"'' h YllUr School" i~ lho• ~Uh iC<'' .. 1 n ndffrt·~~ 1 o hi· ~:1\·,•n TuN:fl.\\. I '• Hl ul lhi' F:rlt~lln l<<'h~11 .'•~ •. t 1 ~,. :0111:•• ;w r nuo·, !'anln .\n.o. 1>1 °~. n11n! 1 Alll~ll.oh•, .11'l 011): •'l11o I ''~Inn fl f o·•hwnlt"n, Ctt,,,,, :"11111' l'q~u•m· nl .. f ..:.t, .. · ,. . To•:t Wi ll (!,• •••n •••I at :\ I''' I hi' nw1'11111.: "ttl ""'' • n•• II I l ·, T1'llt'ht r-:. P-T ,\ "••rk• r• I' , Jtnd nn~"'"'' 1n1, r•''" r1 " 11 ·, 1 "' nit• 1111 l"n l'ral ttll'ml• t} lcM· tl , I• nl• nl It'\ "' "'"'' I h '· \ \ 1'•'1'1 II• (!, pr' •· nl Mrs. Kahre Is Hoste ss I To Social Club ( ~lr• '' 011111 1-\ oltt, ••I \ •' ''•llU•' tn'•tf•lth•l tt. ,, 1 d uh )n,l T•1• <tl " • '• 1111 • t\ftt r 1lh' hu'Uh~ ... n ••. · Sll<'l:tf honlr \\ .t~ ht hi ,\IJI·•oo •I pr•·<••nt '" t • thr ~lo '1111111• • \\ lo.•m li•"II H'•m. ll·trn 11 .. •.1 lt\ol><·rl ~~~ Jl, t'll11>1l, 1;.1111 11nrl ~~~~· \\'1111 lloura..;11n II 0 I\. d I '1 "r•t'k ltnwt•\'l'l', 11 I '' lll,dHtr~;c• from thP lluwan l K Crrrish, t h(' hride-l'lcct ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;., cs In marry Rohf'rt W nlll'rs of Full••r lon lhis comln~: Sundny. I •, ,, · '" 11111. 27 And on 1 olo • '1'11in~,: 1•njoyl'd both t l'l·tS itlld hirl hday dinner o1 '' I"''"" nl h•s pan•nts, 1\tr. Camc·s ~&·rr!' plnyrd, prit.l'~ hcln~: won hy Mrs Crovc•r Wnlll'r!l and Mrs . .John Oi·c•son Aftr rward th!' 1dfl s W('rt' lopc•nrd nne! r('frrsh· ml'nt.s ~rn•rd Lighting fixtures "'11 \l1 ' \\'tlham Mcintee.' 514 I • '\ • nil• . 1"1•\\ J••rt llt>ights. I'•• ·• "' l11r 1h1• ~·d..t>ration wen· \lo ,,,d ~~" Marts N<•wland and ",., "' . .nd Mrs Wayne Hofer •l.ol '"" ~lr and :\Irs. \art Me· It '• 1 ""' f.untl), l\lr and l\trs. "' • 1111 111 \\ ,.,, and f:lmily; Robert II• "" • ·I lA•n~t lkilrh and Russc·ll 11, ur~ of Huntington &>ach. Pr,..~ .. nt Wf'ro• ~I ISll Co·rri~h and hf'r mnlhrr, ~lr<o G•'rrish: also lhr Mr!'rlamt•s Ko·t1h Gt·ntsh, Wtl· liam Griffith of nn•:1, G II h c' r t S 1 r 11 w , Rundall I lnw!', Edwin Smith, J ohn Rcc•.son, llnw:1rd MAX· well, H. llillsrht•r, G. L \\'altl'rs and thr husll•ssi'S at - La Pierre Home ·Appliance 228 Forest Ave. LapDa 8eedi KELVINATPR The Opening of Pboae 66M The Y ard·age Shoppe Where: 197-199 North Coast Blvd . Laguna Beach When: Monday, February 9 Imported Fabrics C~hamas -pure silk prints. woolens, jerseys Brocade Satins Taffetas Printed Rayons Bemberg Sheers Shantungs Fine Linens Gabardines Sateens Cotton Prints Broadcloth Shirting Terry Cloth Featherproof Ticking Hope .Muslin Outing Flannel TRIMMINGS . ~· Cup Sequins Flowers Belts Peasant lnsertiona Buttons Pattern Service Sewing Instruction Yarns Pins 1 Missiom fo S. Held At Catholic Churches 'Symphony Orchestra Presents Pianist, Wins Acclaim . · · Ash Wednesday Opens Len#en Season A t P uauc N o TICE N EWPO KT BA L B O A N IC W ~-'r lll l';tt Pa e 5 1'11t'NNII U ' N .. " or t h.,..•h, ('allf. ... ... a, 1 .. 11 ( KITEHEN _T!ICK ) ....... ·, (I ~~ 6 .......... . WAYS WITH AVOCADO-ocW on• coclo cub. a to clear chiclcon brott. • , • or molco a flth sou co~ of purood avocado stoppod up with chill ond limo julco. ( HOt1SE_!OLE. HINT ) -----: ll ~ 0 ----·.- ., YOU.VI FOIGOnEN to tot aoMo ahampoo and aiMply muat woah your hair, bo"ow some of r our huabond'a ahavlnt lothor. It worlca fino. ~ SALMON LOAP t c.c-...1..,_ V.c ......... ,. , ... I c.Mft lt,.Mc-att ,,... ..... v.,....~ , ... .._, .. 1hfl.w.,. .... ro~o~,._ . "'-"· _, ............. .. ~~ .......... , ... .., t~.c1oeppM .,.._ 1 ~. cheppH .-...,... hot oil introdlonta together, mix well with fl olcod flah. Place In lf901od loaf pan and boice In Mod· oroto oven 35 mint. In o pan of wotor. Sonro with tomato sauco. l KO'r!~'S _!!EE'!lt -:;_ ... ~~~ "~ -.# YOU CAN do things IM"•r and fastor w ith tho holp of Weber's "Good Ideas" booklet, 60 pat•• of lllua- tratod household hints. FlEE froM Weber lalclnt Co., lox 1730, Dopt. 441, Wllshlro-La l roa Station, Lot Antolot 36. Fnth••r ·nwmas P ;l:oJ<mu n :u1· I noun~-s 11 l'otl~~~~·n ltl h•• ;•,ondu.,lo•d 111 St Jl:hn \'i11111W) l'hun·li. IIIII Jl()a !~>lund (r,lm ~-'••b ~-!:'> It) Fatlwr 'Edwrml n( Sinn1 M:ldrt• lltonslo'ry uml 111 !Itt rurnwl l'hurch, !'\,·" Jl(lrl I h•:ol'lt h•om t'dJ 1:>-::-.'. 'flw uhj;'ct tJf ill!' l\1 ISSIIIn I~ I oo offr r t•:o;traurdlllllry opporlltnlll,•s for lwllrtnl: the· ~ord t•f G«1 ll{ld for l'l'l'l'll'in}.( lh•' Sunn11wnts. · "Th•· 1'hurcl1 l'nrlrhNI with sp.•· l'llll flll'ors lhii:O.l' 11h11 rnakl' llw Missmn w.•tt w,. should 1111 !'arn· o•sll) pruy C~oo lh111 not uno• nwtn· h••r of thl' 1111rlsh 0111y futl tu prtJftl hy I hts' ~t'IISOfl n( }.(I'UCI'," S ord Fullwr 1'\oonnn. Lenten Sermons Listed At CDM Clturclt 1"0N5T.t.lll f '" $ALl: St. James Church 1110,11'"1 n • '"" ,,, 11r"' r .. ~•Tr 1 '"'"'''l '"'''''n" , .... TH r ''l "-" 1•'1\1 • ''' "' 0 1 (l t V O t 1\nrfllhl !:'tnlj .... 'III-Sm lth , plaJlO \1 :0.1 , , , 1 puo<'•'l~ll , IHII olo LC'~ ll'l.t I I ' I llf !'01'1\jTV CH p , •s u e NoT•~• ' • \' 1 I t (l' ..,,,,,,,, 1\I ... TF 0 1" CAl l •<lhll~l,pi'I'SI'Olill.,:fWd hOVf'IIS(OO· 11 1'' ", l tllloll 'I '"'" \\Ill l liHNIA "'ltlllll"' ')'J,,•I'tl\ o l :'\o'\\l"tfl llo'tll'h, h~ ·~·· "' ;~:,,, :l Ill c 01inolr Will out; ~ ;1\, I \ • \\ ""'''''" 1·. I , 11 It I ' I I'" • II ,, ......... nr•• ""' lltt•••ll..:lt II• I 'll\ t 'oulh'll. ,,,.,"11 ~IAn<hn~t in her peclocman~ • '• ,,. ll•l'll"'; ll1 '''' A'•·••..l-, .. '\.uU• Al•ll";-1 ""'"'" 11,. 1,,11,,"11 11h.' \ lrunt.:•" l ·,,un' ~~ S)'Tl\f*''-ln y or· Th. f I \' ' , h.• 't I " ""''' I •t I • • ' I '" ,, 'I ( ·rh )!\ l • ,, ehnulh'•' ""' :W"\ dlt'>'lru's l'(lfll'<'rl a t L~tguna &11ch 111' I t• 1 • '"' II·•" I'""""""'''" '' '' t 11 1 ..,',,~ 1 1 1 ,1~r .,1 '"" I'll\ ,,f ;~:.'"'"'1'1 ll••:t~•h 1,. l.o>l F rtdny. Slw piiiYI'd w ith nt· 111 1 " '11 ' \• "' 1 111 '"'' "•' '"' ,. 1'1 1 " ''' '"1""'• 1,. 1,, 1 '"'" "''' 1t 1,,11 ,u11n1 to SN· ... urant"\' und s' r\·n.:t h nnd Y.'IUI par· 1.1 • '" ' 1 • '· 1 It' t h· '" " r 1 , ,,, • •h t 1 , , 1 • .. r •11 t ,,. ,,., "t 1 ",,, \ ,,, ~ ,,,1 , ,, '"""'""• "' c'hftn~ t'.~11111~!~1rl~1 .. ,~~~'.'.',:: ,',~ 1 ~~:· t.',~;ll~-Sill· 1 "'1 , 1 , 1 ; : :; "' ~1d',':' , ;~ .::·, ,',::·1 11111 ;· , ;· 1 1 ', ~. '•1: • ' .f.:::. ·:1 ."' .~~·::•,, : ,, ::~ :~' ... ' : "' • 1 Itt· ,,, """tnt u '" t •f t IH• l ll" t rl•·t ' ~ ~ 1 '' ~""" n l•1 1 '""''•'1111~ Mn t• :-;,.,. 'f'ht' tllfft~ult 11Ut'IS Of thn flutA ll ' l o •' " \\lu ' l,t ll tll r 1lt •II' I I 10 111 II I " • 1'" ' ' ~ ' ~I I II • 1 1 1 11•11 '1 111111 " tho lo 'o•f Ill tlw lt•lhtWhll: , I It au ul1l• ,, '' .J,,, 11ttu .. ,.( th•· 111 1' ,1 1'1,11 , '1', '1 '11 ,.::,. tuld tllano wc•n • •·xtrc•mt• Y WI' 1 I 1• , '' otl ,, • '" "II I 'If 1 l..M' (' •I It •It• q .. j '" 11'1• tl 1•••1\ II I ' I r I I ' I •IIH "'' I•• 11 ' lw nrtlo·d hi n rt~'lur l n on 'tc II I ,, "' t.l ........ I .......... Ill I• ... , ...... ' 1 ,,,, 1•1 111111 -~·. 111 ... ·1. ::\, No·W· S11win n n;J h1• 011JOIII(t•d lh<' or · ' "' '1'''' ••ll•t•L't lt.•ll ""' ''" ····"• ''''' .. 1 I•• '''"''''' 1'141 I"' I I~"' 11•·•tt'h '1'1 11•'1, t 'lt-. ,,f No•\\' "''h . ..,, ••tt •··•· l •u~·l'"'"'"''l''" ''· : • ._, ·f T\\•• tit ,.,'~,, ... ,,''-._:'" rh•·1<tr11 11nd tllnnl!>l with ohllit)' T l 11 1 , ,11 1 1, 1 , 1, 11,.,. , • '''"' 11 1.,1, llo· "to 11,, lu ,..,,1 l'hlllll:•·ol ,,, ,, I \\ I "· ,, )\ ,, ,.,, ... ~;, ' 11h• ()ran.:•--<. ... o\lnt). Syrnphon)' •· ·•·• ·• ""' '*'"'~"' ,. ... '11"' t••••u H .' 1\.-..J.I'''-'' ''''''''' ''' n ,,rc·tu •st ru fuU11ls u t"11mmunity 1 •It 1 •. '" '' " 1" ·' 11' . "•IJ • .·: 1 ·.,'"f..· ~ '•··.,. :•.:· .~',''"' ~::1 '~~" ,,'.!::-'· I t ·, ·•""'' • 1 ,,,1 1 '''"' 1 h't nn•ll fur muslr llntl mu11k appn'Cia· 1 " 11 " ' '' 11 ''' "f 11''1' 1 '''" I '1 11"' ''"" 1 II••• "''' 1 111 tu•ll• ''"' ~1·'1 '11• '' ' '11~o• ""''''•• 111111 m liiHtlll ' ,,, ,, • '"" uf "'"I' I ' I •told l qtlt-,totHt•llt I II I u .. n And has ht'('{lf"Of! L& \'t•ry popu· rti· ,, J .. , ' 'h" '' 1,, ···,~.· •• I ,',,',·.· n '',',',· ·,'1·.~ ·,·,' ~~·":",,'.~ l•\1. ···•uu· ',, '''"'"'I !':·· '"'• (4\ "\A lar unt• J\nuthrr conN•r t has bf.en ,, I I '" I h h s,,t\lt •• ,, ,.. lttft• ,..,.,, It , .. ,r .. t •• , ~ttl lr.:; ... u.t.nl• ~~·· ~'""''''" tl ••Ut'"i '" llh' NF\\ ' )U 'I I by II loc11l group for 1 1 1 1 I 1 t 1'1 •It 1' It \1 Ill 1\ :'>II '\\'!" '1'11\11:.". II 'c.: "~ ,., -fth\flllh I • t· 1 I '' tl1 h•' <"hur d! , :. ,·,·.~~ ','1,' -,", ,,~.~~· ",'.~,,11", •1',',','• 1'1',,',.'",, " 1 1 t lh • n r futur~ det11ll1 or whlrh -" --· "' "'l'"'~'r .. r IWI,. .. rftl ,. rn a"' on I t'll t. llt'lt•~•l 1•·1 tlo1 , .,,,11•111,111,.11 , In~• 1 ,, . 111., t, :•:· t •• ~,. T rftol "til 1'14• announ <'t'd llllt>r )I 11 " 11 k 1 t• , I" 111l•·•t, l'lll•li,ho ol """ ,..,,·ullol•••l · ' tu •. ,,,., • unttf \Pill .'~ t :· /:. •: ·,: .~;·,11 '!.f~~h• ~~· .. .,. In 7h; I " '""'" • 1 1 Ill• \\' :<.onol'l• ooo•l Ill lho l'oll .. r '' ll)'o•tl llo••.,·h otlln &·~:lnnin~ sunduy, ..-, h ~. th•• Woman's Auxiliary N 1,.,.,.1 ~ ,.,,,.,.,. """"~"'' .,, .. 1 ''"'" t.•kr l'lto'l t "'''' ,,.. '" '''"'"' Rev. Pl.'rry Schr()t:k will fJI'Nlch ll ewpor f Beach wscs .. I·· •••. 1111 IMIIIIII • ······~·· ol II hit II ''"'"hilt r II• ""''''•'lllltlll · r h To 1 ~eet Thursday M · .····.·,~~ ','·,'.','. ""''"' 110' .. , ... ,, 1'''"'" • r ' 1 • Sf'rtc·s u Lf'nl<'n sermons · on I I' fYf f W c/ c/ 1 111 1 o•l•Y '"'rl t 1 1 1111 1 It' ot<r•·· ····nt•r~tl lh('fllt' "(,lriStlllll Affll'-ee s e nes or. ' I • • 1 ... •~•·· ~..... 11<41 .... ,.,,,,~ I hohlllllll .. ' WI!' lnlt•fw1111'Nt "' f s I t ,,,,. tt , 1~1h ·• q ,., f".-t n••n ' malions." Topt~ wtll bt• "I l$t•· Tht• \\'oman·~ Auxiliar y o ~t '""''' n. 11 11 \\'!"•·~ 11111 , .. ,. ,,, 1 ,., , .. 1 ... k,., M .. 1 _,., ·'' ,, '"'"'"' 111<'~'11111' nf th•· '"" li('\'t' in God.'' "I Oo·lil'\'o• in J1osu~:· .lanw~ ~;pi~<'•llllll rhu rch will meet 111, ,,1 \\, "'" • • .t" ~-'• I~ 11 "' 1 .111 ,,1 11 ',' I .. ~,"' 1.:·• • .' • ;/ •;· "'~~' ... \\', '•,•;,"' 11•,'! l'"""'·ol ,,( ''"' ('II 1 ••f No•\\ 1••1 1 "I lti>l11·1·,. tlw Bthlt•," "Cit~u·:u·t• 1 a t :! I'm ThuN~dK.)', F'f'b. 12 nt ("j,111, h 1, "" ._, 1 ,111111 11 '" .II , ,, 1 .,,,,, '"" ,, 1.,11,1,. "" 1 "' II• 11 It lll'lol ''" tit•• lith olav pf 1.; S nlvalion," "I Bt-Jievc In the 1111' h.,mr of Mrs Rnh••rt Prnl'!lol, lflllt "·'"""'" ,, 1._. .,,. l•rll : "~. '.::·,"··: 1;\:~"; .~:;~.i-~'1·,,·;•.•·:.1 l ~···utl•·• I'll .' ''"I ""' '"'"' l'ins.:d11m of God on l-.11rlh," "T h•· 'l 'l 1\1'IH'tll lll't'nuo•, <'oro na do•l 1 1 11 '"'''"' 111111 1uloopl"l "" lh•· :'1;11, Chrlsttnn l.if1• IS n t:rtJ\\Ih' 111HI !\tar Mr" PC'a rsul willllf' aMilll<'d """'' '''"1""1 11'"'1"' ··tt .t. :',,'.f.'l:, .. ; ·.~. ,',".,',';;~,"::;'',j,1··•;;:1 ot,11 ••I ·'""""'' 1'1111 111 t ho· 1'ot1· "JIC':IIt·n und l ll'llllrl' l)l''ll'l'ljlllull• Ill hoo•ll'l~ dtllto·'l by hrr m o thl'r, ~:''\'';, ;:·,, '' 11111 lllol l'l'"l'l 1111 1,:, "ol' , 1,, 1,'";,::,::·.,"'',~1";',1,,1:"'/.'r l l'otl lll•ll ll l ll l•l'lll 11 11\t'l'lllllt llll'rt' t•f Lilt•, r"Ht lh•• Nhnlt S •-t Plat"'~..;" "Irs P.1 1.. ~•'f"h•r. '' • •• , 1 • •• •"'''''"' 1. ••t••fl ,,( 1•' tht• tnlt••\\lru· t••lt ,.,,II \elf•·. SJ• Jtk•·r fur thr• nft••rnnon '\4"tll ' • • • .,. I 11 h •· ,., , .... ····•· 1 On Tnursd:ty t'lt•nms.:. 1-'l'h, 1:!, C f Cl b T l '11 ''· '"'' "~"'' ""' J•ll• 1"''11 lhl· mid·llllk Ll•fl lt•n S!'r\1(.'0' 11'111 ho• Mi!t~ Mnn.:An•t Hrnwn ,,, lhl' oun ''I u eo 1 ... I •••• ,.,,. 1\Yt-:H l'll\l:'>lt'l1 :\U..N /'111•·11 f••;tlllll' II n •l'll•\\' .. r "Thl' Ruht•" l'o'partnll•nt of Chr lsllnn E d u· 1•11'1 ' ' ' .. "'"'I ,.,,, , ... , .. , : .. '1 ,: .. '' •. '.~~".''·~1:,:.~;:' ....... 1.1t• "''' f l•lu•ll IIPlto•tl•ttll, n ..... , 1 d I I J\1 l'lllton fo1r lhf' Oio<'('SI' nf Los An· • "" 1 ''' '""' ~Ill 0.: 1'1'1 '1'\l.'lll\11 N Nutto• •r Llny IMu~o:n~>,J:il'l'll '>' r" 1:<'11'!1, for wlut'h thf' Ri.'\'. PAu t 1n "'•' "'1 "· "''1"' II '"1" '111 1 1.''11 111 II'.,,., ... ,.,.,, .. 1\11."11'\'1' ~~tl '!':t 'IIMVN Nttn•• 1~1;1~r~nr,,Rf ~:1111,,1°11(, 1.!~1-01.r11~11'· ... ,M11 •·m,,,: Muort• \\'hl'do•r Is ehalrmon.R "11'1 1 ',,... 11• 1111' '""1 \11 1 :,,. '"' ' ' ' 11 '" .,,,., '"' "'""' 1\'1"1'~ !"T 1 runl1 I. ltlnt•h:~rt. -i:'l \., '-"TW ___ '-''Hil l'1•,·•r ,,,h,,,,,,, ..... "1 to.. 1.11 I n ."' .. ,, • ,. IHt" hiiSit·!(~•·s u t lh<' social hour. G• "II.'• 1, 11 , 1, 1 1,,11 ,J1 111 ,11 11,., -------I'll\ < 1o•rk D t.~ rt• R • Th•· nl~o·•·· '""' f,.r•·~tnhtt.t I• r. fYfO tmer estgns "'' '''" 1 •• •• " ''" '"""''' ,.. "111.' ' ",.,.," 11 '" SAO ,11111, ... 1 ""ct ,.1,1,, .,,.,.,1 "1 111,. 111~a Newport To wnsend Club As Organist At "'"'' 11 11 • """ \ ~tu,Tn :·Mit ,1111 ,,1 """""' 1', ~~~~~ T 8 H t t t.~ s St J Cit , •h•· ...... , .......... futur .. "'·tth ........ . I I 11 lt1':1 ,, Mil~'"' o e os s o rYJesan • ames urc M · 1 G'lf r emOf/0 I S '~"' '"'"'"..,· '"" fur htlum .. uun l'ult .l'"'""n :-, 1111~ ;l:('wpnrt ll<•nd1 Towns•'nd cluh wtll mr•f'l n1 7:30 p.m . T\t<'Sday, Fo•b. 10, at llw homl' of Mr and Mrs. A. S. Th<omp110n, 312 Sa n ta Ana A\'f'nUt'. N(·Wport llclghts a nd m l'mbcrs o r Cosla MI.'Sn club will be lllll'l!ll8. 1:: F: Proud of l.a H abra. chair · mnn o( thf' f'Xf'Cutiv<' rommiiiN•, Townso•nct cluhs of thr 2'1nd d is- trict , will l)(' the Spl'akcr and I hi" publit' Is lm·ttl'd to otlend. A aocial hour will follow. with rcfr<'Shmrnts SC'r\'C'd. Pot Lud Supper Tuesda y Nigltt For Community Players I I"' hor Co01muni1y Playl'r~ will ~;atlu ,. nt f; 30 pm for n pnl lul'k ~~~p~r wlwn lhr y 1111"f'l Tursdny, FdJ 10. at Nl'wport IJ<'nch F.k· m t·ntnrl' ~1'h11t1l l::ach woup U. .1~kl'd f(o hrlnK a covl'r<'d dts h. salad 11r dC'sst·rt and their 0" n 1 nhh· S('n ic•·· Coflr·e will be furn· t!llwd Gc·rl rudt H orn will glw a dnc· tn:t Ill' I • I f"\1' of I hi' fll'llllfi\\'H) l'llf'l'l'~"· "\'•·"r~ AJ.:o," 111< thf' pr('l· 1'1'0101 I :1'1 r) On!' tnlc•r• stoo l tn I ho f'lll)t'rS IS in\ 11t·c1 ICI Rlll'nrt Annoumv'<l r.'C"t•ntly a t lh<' an· nual mc•l'lins.: of St. Jam,·s E1li•· <'opnl rhurch. lhl' ro'llignallon of lhl' nr~-:anlst , C.'Orgo> M ortiml'r, take-s l'lft•cl I hl~ II'N'k. IRS I Sunday l)l'ing hill finAl day 111 Uti' ron11olr . llr will. howC'vC'r, r !'maln with lhf' choir as a slngt>r. "Mush• has l.K'<'n my hohhy, not my \'OC'AIIon," said Mr. Mortimer . And it Is one w hkh h1u glvrn him murh pll•osurr durinJJt a lonR hfNimf' Whiff' Allr ndlna.: Oxford untvf'rlllty, from which he rf'Ceivl'd his 0111Slt•r 's dl'l;rl't' In 1R86, h i' ~l udll'd v.-lth J ohn S talnrr. or gan- '~' 111 St. Paul'11 C'n thl'dral, Londo n. whu wa~ nl~o pr11ft'!1S0r of m u81C at I h•• unll'(•rstll Lfk,. hill <'t'lrb~llll'd ti'&Ch<'r. Mr Mnrttml'r ha~ t'umi'JOIW(I m u e ti To Be Dec/icofed """"' ""' •·•n•ll) '""mM' ,.,.,.. ------------- 8 \\ \RHr.-. .1. WY.II4P:Il l.r.u \1. NUTIC'P: y Presbyterians ~·T :.~ ..... ' ..... ~ ...... rt. • A .... , \tl ... ruttttl41'-• f.th ,._.,._.. t • \ flh flit It fl \t I \ lt't" 1n \\ hu·h Rlfl< '" '"' I"'" .... "''" ., ... "'''" I;----:.,;------------. cnt••rl t• •111111 •1111!'<~1 (ur lh•• Prt•\ hl'l••rloH1 t h•ll o h .,( !'\1•11 l••rl lloH hnr th1• '""''·" 1 F.•lo ill nl (1111\N 1 ~~~ lh< .._, 1 •1111 l 'tlll~l 1fl1•hW:t\. C"11nln,1 11. 1 ~!.11· "l.1ll< :w ol 1:11 ,,, .. 1~ lltt· ~1111 jf"t'l u1 It, "'''tiVfl In IH J.:t\t U t•\ th• I\:•"'"' fft, H• \t'lt '"' "l1tuUlH' M r:n''"" l 'lt ,UI•II b< 111 trol Ill •h· '' I n•l•1•·•· "'lli olllo> \\'til I '"''*''' Ut f'iltlll fliiOI• •I ,,,, 'I A 1: lltwk• 11 0.• ~·~1 '""'' Itt A•·ll 11 • Atlvo•i ttY tn •Jt' ,. ,..,.,• .... ," Willi am I. Cammack Pai11Ua1 c•oatnmor I'AINTINU • UFA'UKATINCI A!'D I'AI 'F.IUIM "CIINCI MI.. liar. 11&...1. ten OrcohAcl AYfl. C'oor·una dool Mar ....... "'"""'' .,, .lam,.. I~ "••h llftA """.,M All,.....t n ... krvpt Tlw "'"'''' ••~tn•·•l Ia r•••.,•lw•r In lmnkt11p11•v 11f llw alMIVo• noun.t-11 ,t111 ,,. 111 1 ·.,1,11 "''"'" """ l\11lho• l'h•IIAt• "'n•l 1111 I"'Y''"'"'• on 11c• '~'""'" r<'t';•lvah1,. 111 1111" 1111ctf-r •l~:nrd "'HANI'IS F ~I 'I'I'"'I'N.~R fl,1<1 Su !'tlflll\1 S l I"" Aut.:t•l•·• 1<1, l '!tllfnrrtlll l'uh ·'"" ~·1 . .:•a , ~ ··h ;\, 4, 11._-ut, musk fur the I'Jrl:an. lncludln~ot 1r;..-.,...,...._....,..,.._...,....,...,.,_..,.,.._..,.ir'iir'i;oo.,.......,....,~ .... ..,.-,....,...,..."' ~nm,; fin!' anthl'rru; C"nmlm: In C"nl- l(orntn In 1914 h<' h11s h<of>n nr~tani!lt m 0111ny Sou 1 h,. r n rnlifnmlll rhurcho"''. lndudlnl( tho• F' i r !II ( 'hur<'lorJ (I( C"hrlst, S<'io'nti~t. a 1 l..on!:t S.·&eh and Paudt>n 11 11nd a l tho• ftrs t un d l>'Nlnd rhurt'hr s. l.u~ Anr:••lt•• In f'a~tulrnn ht• plnyNI :11 lh•• l'r"''"'''rtltn. llaplist 1111•1 All S •1101' t;;••'""'"'' churcht>s. ·n,, N""""' ·nu .... will oot hi" r,.- •t••n,lhlo• '"' 111111 ,. 1 h11n onr lnl"''1r ,,,., h uu·r lt••u n f Itt• ,,h •·rH•• t04·n1. ··~··"•• I ho• rl.,:ltt In 1'1111,...111 ll<oAifV IIIII 111111 hll 1\1\a 101\lf Ito .. t '( INTJ :Af 'TC >HS I I.. I' I ..... 1, ftll " "'''" t '••PIIII• rt l1\f lttH11IHH'N ,. ,J. 1.. BI\CIWN , • ., HU' .,. ,. ••• ,, ·., ,", \V \0~ AHOillt I+Oll YWOOO LONGaU04 LESTER & Co. IN\IfSTMlNT SfCUII11lS TO Mfn THI INVUTOIS' '*IDS Stnl'l' ('001101: to llulhl"'ll h l:t I 11 ht·rl' h1• loas n tutnrln~t I'd""'' 1\tr, Morlim('r hns brrn nn:·"" ' fl'lr thr 1<1<'111 r hurch ond hn" """' murh In huildlnJit II up. I I•· 11 • lar~:..rr tn~trn01rnt11l In ~· ,.,,, '" the• ftn•• nr 1<11n und In trlht•t1 t him 1\ hrnn7.1' plnqu1• w ill hi' phol'"'l 1•n 11 Also. Ill C"hr'lslma~ m. t11l'lt 1 nf thl' Blshop'!l rommfllr• J.:lll hlrn 11 ~:rft orclf'r ns n 11111•·n '''I npprl't::tlll ion. 1 If. M. LAN E IH:t\1. I "1'/'1'1'1 ~11tfMl ('t•lll I A•• PASADfNA POMOHA IIVftl!DI • SANTA A"'A SANlA -ICA l'ofr,bn-lAs A"I'Us Slotlt Bxtb_,, 515 Eaat Central Ave_., Belboa Harbor Z061 MOTORS g~ Reconditioned New 1947 Motors PONTIAC 6. $219.00 PONTIAC R $247.00 with Geau.lae Pontiac Parts PONTIAC 6 .... $140.00 PONTIAC R $16.'';.00 W ill nt ·u to ·n Modf-1" plus installation Come in for FREE estimate One Day Service Ask about our convenient BUDGET PLAN ANY MAKE OR MODEL ALL WORK Cost On GUARANTEED . Low Needed Repairs Mr" P M. Thompsnn oof < ·,,_.., :\1•·~:1 nnd Mrs C1if111n I tall '" 1 Act 118 ors.:nnt~t ((Or n fc•w m11rt llt until lh!" lallr·r lakH m ·•·r 1~ 1 manl'ntly MORE THAN ONE ~)~~~~~.:A: : ~~~R I Hun !ln~: !ll'ason~ rnm1• :tn(l s.:n hul nlwa~~ lcavl' lhrlr mnrk in lit• stori~s that 11rr WO\'f'n ftrrottn•l th1•m. j I A':. Moffa I, who IIVI'I In It• lulls nurlh of hl'rC'. tPilS nn<· A "' thc tl11y h•• hatl t hr stlltnllon · "' hand " whtll' tlf•f'r hun llng A fl<'r wnunriln..: a dl'<'r. Moffa t Jll.lr~Juo•tl In on foot Whrn hi' fmal- ly romrrl'd it in A r11vinl". h(' d'- rovrrl'd hi' hnd lOlii hi.s 11hrlls. Moffa t lun~el'd a t lhl' dl"t>r Ant! ~:ral'plnR It hy lt11 horns. wrl'ttlrl1 11 Into a rrl'l'k Thrr r he won thr hnlll<' wh,.n thl' ~r drownf'(j. Mesa Upholstery Harry McK~ %S60 Newport Blvd. Coeta .... WOMEN ,._ ,_ ., .. ~ _ • ....,., ra~... '" ........ ,.,....,_ M .. ..,.. fill ........ ,.,,. '''" '"""'"'•••· twmp•. l"hahf, •IWII ,.,_,.,, f H,.,...,.. -.111 hfof_.,. ''"" ....... , ........ , ..... a. ••.• ... alclllof It's Your Glands O r . r.. V. ftr.l.l., ft.(· .. '"'·' un n..,. "'-!" _ _. ...., • "'"' 11 " Valentine FLORAL AR RANGEMENTS In SANTA ANA: In LAGUNA BEACH : C'or . ftrflad"'•• •t J.lflh Pll~ (1.~ ., " ... ,. •. ·• 1'•11" l'hmor I ~~ AFTER WE INSTALL -~~~ POl ANY OLDSMOBILE MODEL. '37 THROUGH '47 Here'• how to~'~''' nC'ftl ltft tn Y'•''' r,Jd r11r l Thit rt~lurly nrw Nor rebwlt OldiiiVtiJOll' efll(lltt Will ll•ltl tii"W ,,.. ''· 1 .......... , and perlonn•ncl' In y••llr Iii''""' ttt••l"l II '' (.ort•.ry l~tull w1llo "'"w tnatm al• ""'1"1:"'"'' tlll l"ri"'IC 1 yl.t••'n 1.1 ... k, rr1otrlt•lt"n , tirnin1 cham. ltt•l· .1 .. vttd ''"I' A1 ••l "'• • • • .... 1 .• 11 11 111 y•N r e.r now, AC"fttf diHI( ,,, ()Jrl,u,,J,,I, rt \'!lot, I . : ... ,,,,~tt l''"' C~tiJ tod•y for fill rtctly "1'1"'"''"" ''' 1-:-"i It • h:• • '' '"'" ttvu.t .. l,le. YOUR {)~ DEALER McLEAN N••u1 N,.,, ••• ,, l'1t•r I .ol~tloll~l••~l ,...;,,.,, l'I'Jtl I ""'' r.A R I'J.:NTEH """'"'"I·· ''"'"' '""'' lr lt••tttuldiiW It II• p1111 ·- l 'llltiH' Santa Aua Jfi!I0-\6£. 7 ..411' C. M. NEWTON ( 'nnt rurtnr I lttmf' I 'to nol ,.,,.,, .. ,... rrm••l••llrtl( AI rt"Jl"" 1.1 ... ,..,. ot-lnallrlln•••• l'lt•<nl' s ....... Alii! ''~"' w In IJUrf'Y.ll Wln<l.altlrloto .. JIIOI <'t r ·~ m•tlt-'" tortiftr Al"1 Plra. lql .. 6 l.ur1t• ~two•••• tur aaJc N~Wcwld r>rr~nl"l• f'umf•ny ;\03 Thtrd 8t . tluntlnr ll.on o-il I""-lfunUnlfl<lf1 n..,., 1ft llll).tfe CESS POOLS and SFP J'IC T ANIC5 r"'tall.cl Anywhw-• ln ()r .... ,. <'ANnty r_, tract OrtJIInc s.w.r ('.cJNWdkln IAII Work Guuantaedl P\t11 llwuranoe C'Nrif'd J . R. McCORMICK ·w11 Vl<·tl,rlto S t c·,,.,,. M,..,. Jl.-IIC<in fl:tl7 HA RROH 1 Plum bing Service ltlr.JI. N•·"' Ill or I Ill\ of . 111•111'1111 r.1 1"1 I Rf:f'AIHINC: (IIIR S J'J':("JAI.TY C'oofllr11r lln1 and Sups.IIN I fl I,,. I COOPJo;JtA TTVE ROOFING CO. New llnd Repair J>hun,. 114-llt'ttn ~2'1) R ]!\7:1 l':ldnl Avr. t'<.efA MM~t »tte ., tlc:lt a tJIII Nr.M omna 1:1 YEA~ S ERVlnt IN TilE JIAROOR ART.A HA RRY HAl~ I'AlNTlNG t''ON11lAC'TO" 174 E att l!llh S~l II l'tl Rra :'1413 <'••t• Mtea, C".a1U., 10-tit ri:JUIJON AL " S."'' n~-:w Ann ~-'••r lnr., t.wuna to "1'1'' o•nl~o•tl•lnn ••f IM'~''""' who trnmt• tl "" '<Hi l '1ullllftc' <'Oitpo tlllrkt·•l 111 llunl ll(•llt'h l'"vllllon Sal nl~thl, Jan 17. l'holllf' tl11r • ~'fl 7-4tc \\ 11.1. T ill-: MAN t•rh In& lhr b lk. "''''''~' "11 h ~'lllf'nky •prlnp olu\\ II ( 'o•nl 1\1'1' lttMI Wl'f'k Jllt'&N ~•··· "'"'"''' IO:nt n~lti\W n l Auoc. ~··nl·~· ~':\ 14 \\' I 'rnt N1•wpurt. I~ to 1-,,-,-1'(-T_A_N_I_)_I"f_U_t_l\_l_t ______ ~ R)o:\\' Al,.,.tn ____ _ Foot n 111111 ••f '!111<11 Mnti.QIII' Iron t'IUIII•>n, \\ hkh II"' Ol)'lltl'riclUily '"•"1'1""" ,.,, ft'Hfll H.'\11 "'" Lido Nnrd Ito lUI II & rc .. '\'IVfl r-•rd 111 No•\\ • ·n"'r • Nol 1111"111~ ... k .. l l0.2tp 1 1 I~T 1 ltlt~o•k l 'ot>k•.,. SpAniel 1~•1•. "".""n tu "f,nl1••r" hu IIIII ""'"'''" 1111 SU'II)t'lt IIWilY It till! t 'u•lll Mo •n lti'Wttnl rh. 1 \,•"''"" ~~~~:'> oll ltotrhnr 4:..*0. 6-tfo fllhel"l w111 retet1 your l'luaiftlord tacla U VOIJ erw "*"'ttlnR' thNe. • llro•IUttllnklttl:, •1•n·t lorkl'l•. 11ulta ftlld Nonie Alh·Ntlluna 1!'117 W. l'··nlrlll ll"r 1!17:\.J ~to WllRK W AN'I'l-:11 lrontnc ln .. ltt<lfTirl' l'>l•ln or fa.rte7. UO S.. 1\l>rnllrdlno A \'t' • N t w p o r t ""'lhll •tte M /\1.1-: n it "'I•:M At.~: ~:"l"''rlrnc> •~I l~tM>kk•"'JI"r. full t'hMrt~r. hl<'al 111 ,.,. l'lumhlllll Plljll•rlrnN' ......,.. frrn'11 ~"lilt)' IIJII"n Harbor ll~ll J ~tp ........ (-.a...ufWIC)(78 • PUM PS wonnn NOTON rn F.S.'> un Y. • CT.'N"MU ruo At. ... or •II ""-u,.. Sodt'n R,.fri!Cffa tkwl ll:Lo1 S<t 1.1111 Ant~c•h•• S t . An~ ''''"'"' w·,.-10 Ito ~·,II! :o;/\1 I Full lo·n~:th mlrrfl(. ''""'"I" ot l. ''"'"'"''' tAhlc•, lout. f• 1 •l··~k . hor•t•ll •I I"'"' l111rhnr '"It: 10-4to I I •It S ,\1.1 hi • ot II o•l1 <'II 11.: I<' hu:\ '"" otl•l•• Itt! hlll(t• hlofnt' '" t lof• 71111 lh uull 41 N~""ll"ul ll••h•ht. '" •• ,, ~~ ••• ~~uhln~e rn• •·hln•• ,., • •I • ""'II"""· ''""IIIWI ""'' I ,·\1, I ••• '" '""'· Jl"lt~Qe lludw•1 t•.r.l I 10.111• I lon1l1lo· I ..,;I •1•1 lnw•. nt~•ll ro•u, mlr · rut. • f1; "' ul olt.I\Wt•n , t11hlr , S.:l'\1-1 l"k' • nll :1:.''1 1-: Dey ~o·,.,,,, 111111"'" l'lutul f'..4to· Si lv1•r l'latin.l{ I "f tPI'I 'II. IIIlA~~. (l/)f .0 l'ooll•llln;: It lt,..,llllthl!tlf Ua.v~icll' l'latin&! Co. 1••u """"" 111v1t I ·.,,.111 l\f,...,, ('niH , f~AI"OO ~~ 13 6-tlr -------------------- SERVF.L Ttw <i A S R('frigerator ,C:oon t•• M14 ·1• 1\vttiiMhlr NOW Raltmn Jo''urniturc Rtore IIIII M11ln :'(t , n slhl)a l'lt• •nf' f hrlwor 14~• W ntrt,., · O nd ll J....,., f , lftt IN() M F:'TF.Tt~ A~twlrtnc rrmnpt lenW f:l'nal ~r Pr1ol'o VAN ORIMLEN JP:WEL I\T JTIIII8 N...,.-.t mvc~. C'..-ta .._. S.tfc: fil'ndi~ & MaytaJ(B .lut t WntllnK ''' lko tJIII'd a t Bn.L'S W ASH-A-TERU! ""' Neowport nms.. r..-ta .._ Phont· Hearon ,-ro IO·IfC' P'J HEWOOTJ <11AR(YtAJ. ~ nTUQHI!'I'W l'lt' 1MP'T I tJ-:I.JVY.ItT W rt~ht Lu mhcr Yard II~ N•·•r••rl r.lvrt ,., •''1'A Ml~~~~ "' "''''" !WII'th Plenty of c;ood 1'1re8 All SfzeR Compound Motor Oft f:tt.Jlnn, 7Uc Western Auto Supply Atllhorrl7.1-ci I'M.!~ IH.38 Nwwpnrt nlvt1 , <'Gm~ ~~­ lT-tlt I I ,...,. """"'lallrl .. Ia m.- N ... "· • • • .. 1l ,_ .,_ •-, • .., no..-,, MOTOR 8E()()ND li MAIN co. ~ANTA ANA PIIONY. M<tt More Class Ads on Next Page II• Page& NEWPOBT BALBOA NEW8-TTII•8 roa ....-r -a .&ITI'OS-w.urn::D -----· MAL D'r"Aft a -.&.~o.rAm:-----4-• a&L ~A'I'II -- WANTED THUILSPA\' 1\I""'POrt 8...,. .. , ('aUf. ... ... I. lMI 3 UEURU()M Furnlsh"d arau· MVI'IlC'AL • aADIO .. nll'nl by t he )t•nr Ifill \\' Hll) ·Want Ads ------....,.,---::----Ave •. lJ\41W'!.' Ulllil:tii'S IO.:!Ijl STF.t:-.'WAY GRANn -Prrft·ct 5 Ford Sedans, Coupes I'Oiltltlittu Gnr~<~•US. Sa\1· 111 KE~T:\L r:XC 'tlt\~t;t: Contlnued From Preceding Page 1<'11~>1 ~HlllC' ''"''r n .. w (lrll'P f\Anl· ~thmTO! r illnl• '" ;.:!0 No Mntn S~tnlu Ana. AIJ>u ~Mil J l.ll• S letnW.t) marr .. r ~~Ill' •ptnH 3tk ~~ ti 'TII l'i\~,\111-:;\; .\ l\to(krn 3 l•·dJo Jllfl 21 • I lot llh , ITIIIfth I 110m A· ''"'"· uulurllt•h••l. ~,.,., ... ,u ... foil" llalloult hoi.Ultl 3 Ill I ht.·d · ""''" unlurnh lwd li n r l11• r l'l7~-.l 9-lflo '40 • '•16. Will JliJY top p~ lur good clc.a.n-. ooe&. . ' THEODORE ROBINS I 4!'2nd & Co•ntral -Newport 10-111 C< ,ASTLAND REALTY Hl'••HT IICI~I ES & f'ABrNS In . ,,.,,' lhruw uf thc bl'ach at ''"""'" t'..rt)on Also specials 1 ·• 111• l•lt1ll hum,·sit••S. .... •;'\11-. I·' H II I 'I'RAOES TOO. 1'11•1111 I '·•} or Evening ll•·•wom 5483 H>·llc r\f'w View Home ------------------------- COSTA MESA BY UWNJ.;R -6 room modern home. chmce, ciOSt'-tn locauon. 50 or lUU foot rrontagr , Fur- .n.is.bcd DC unLurnah.cd... Priocd nght. Cuh deal. Phone &aeon ~J. 9-lfc MI.& IIIM'ULANI:OV8 10 SPi'l'fT\I~""' l•lo lfltt Ito-. RA.l);;.:.;...._~JU_f'_I_):'\-,~--~-,L-tc-:-3-1-,,,-nd~~-:-ho-r! f""'" "''11 J•,,~ l~tolum' T• 1 111' Auuthl'r l•tr 1'1.• ll.HII Sl'lallllth AFTOMUTI\'E A TIKDI 511 KEAL & .. TATE f1 I' 1 1!1 • K JI0;\;1; Entire Harbor FOR SALE OR TRAOt:-3) acre'S dl'lR·rl land clC>l!(' to Marine Sup- ply U..•JJOI & lftghway, Oaggl't. C'ulifnrmo. Wall.'r & clectriclty availahlc, will 1 rndr for proj)('rly in Cos!u M1•su ur vicinity or lltte modl'l ear. Harbor 2337-J. 9-:.!tc wev•·· 10 ltll•l 5koff l'h••ar Ph l'lun<• 1.;,. :;:..~• :-,11 !lluln, s 1111,,, Herl10r ltc'l.'i JO.:w· 11 1'11 1 \'Y ( 'IIIII l>IIIJM', f ttCHU, CORONA DEL MAR I , , , :1 lor , IHI" floors. fircplaet•, •• "~' 1 I It'll• ••• 1111d anside finish CASH for USBD J\nibJre ·1~ADCII .... lklJ t A.n~' GRAN'MI ...... an. 1110'7·111 Anu , 3-!k BALli\\' I;\; D11tdl' •CIIOI'I I) I• tntr· rur I"""" Ltlorwt<•ll mudrl t tnly S~"l!'o Thts '"to 1"'"1)' an;,!rumo·nl 114 til l , 1111: ll~hl•, II•'" lol'l•,., o·X· ,., llo 111 111111••1 Ill 11.11111 $11!1;'"o t'.oll ll1orl1<1f 11'-I!I·J !tll•·r t.i p.m It>· II I' Donz-SrhmH1t l'lanu I ·,l,, T is• Sllt~·r 1•1'1 1!).17 \'.H Fvrd t'lll\\'t•r•· Jlnm•· t•f Ill•· 't\ urhiJ>~'f, :>:to Nu uhlo· n•lll"' L<•!>l> thun 5tMI lllilf'S, 1\tntn. Santll Arw 3·111.' ~.:::~1!'\ :.!.!3 ~; 1111} Fnmt. BttiiHIII J~l1111d ij.•ltC F•JR SAI.F.-1~ Jrep. complete canva. top Q atdua Xlnt. Uree, pAin! "-mt'chanlcally. Ph. Har· bor llR-J 97·11c F! tR SALE ="~'" 19-18 Mrrcury Statton Wu~:on All cxtru In· duat'd. raCJio. C'BII'r', fori~ts-; t•tc . H arbor 304 7-4tc S0u'11 I OF IIIGJIWA T Must Sell at Once A BEAUTIFUL NEW 2 bedroom hom('. 1-'lrt•place, aeraae, patio of rtaestone with concrete fenc•'·J Vl'nl'llan blinds. rup. $16,850 I SEE OWNER 432 Uahlia Ave.. Corona dt•l Mar. Uc COMMERCIAL PROPERTY -l n N~ Beach C-2~. Cor· n£'r. Th'-Is one of the ,_ op- porl umlil'll leU In thla IJ't'a Near n£'W cUy ha.l land apor!· fishtng factlltlt'S. Call Beacon 5713-R. -Evenlnp Harbor 1086-J 7-Uc FOR FU:NT-Attrai'IIVl' n.om. Prl· CARS PRICED TO SELL For Sale By Owner vat~ c.ntranet•, Ruod Vtl·w, hl'at NEW TWO BEDROOM home In • ", t•lwu.tl Ttw finest we'vco • " r "' (, 11'11 HALPH P. MASKEY :\111 \\ t '<•nt r·nl Ph. Har. 402 9-tfc Nict> Building Lot iq Newport Heights, $1350. (.'all Deacon 5713-R, F.wnlng11 Harbor 1086-J. 9-2tc A TIMELY BUY FOR SUMMER Fin(' Lido Isle North Bay Front home. 4 bedrooms and maid's room. In top condition. Low down pey- mmt $12.500. Flrst year 4% interest on balance. tlnfurnishl'O. Private pier and beach with fioat. '111is piaL'(' is a bargain for the right party. Sf'vl'rul rhoice Bay Ftont sites on Harbor Island, Lidu Ish•. -Won't last long. -Let's negotiate. For the rl~t locations, aee HUB POWERS, Agent Harbor 62-W J. A. BEEK'S OFFICE JM K;wpt BML. <:ata .._. ,G-tfc. W .ANTED-Plano blond •pinl't In cooc1 c:onclltlon Cuh Phone' 101 H.ighWft)', bualno'11.!1 dtltrtrl '<II Fort1 ~U[lt'r nix So•dJan & bUIH. 603 L.arksrur AH'. H11dln. llo·rtl••r !1:17~ N~-wfll'lrl H~ighta. Corner tllP I 10-ltc Corona del Mar Hl·llp •;w ('lw\' S•'ilnn 3:.!!l sink. Ptnl' floors. Spacloua w ard· ------------------------'31-1 n 1 1 k M rohM!. Stucoro o.utelde, pluterel1 1 Balboa Ferry l..andini · Jlarbor 183&-J . 10·2tc nJallfiTt1U roa u.u as Barket' Bn, Montt>rry dawnfiOf'l A ehalr at ~. and 2-pelr clrapea. aohkn WIM, $25. Manto·! dodc $7.!50 It St!').; ma.n'• bi- cycle Sl8.; Clrl'a blcy~ $7.50; Upriaht plano 196. Phone liar· bor 1!N7·M . 10.21c J"'R S.ALE-Rl'trilrft'alor GeMral t 'ClR RENT-f\•hruaq• 9, rnmn & '" co• 'I•' "1' "1•"' 1·ns'ttl•• Full ttraC'C •G'?IU\. Call .,,-,r •·t 1 t l\'l•r'llltlllo·ll Nt•W 1'u1111 750 _,...., h1<lh S<·purul t•ntrnn•••· ,,.r.l ,. 11r · .17 F 11 . · 1 1 S 1 H••ar·or1 ~713-R. Evenln11 Beo gold, ('OrtHIII dtl Mnr lh..rbor I ur sur~o·r I •••• "" _ron 577_9-R. 3-ttrl 10'.l.1·J or llsrhM 1<7 lO<.!te ~~~~in, llrltt••r 1K95 '•lh ~ orl1 ( '1111\' Cp•• H1ulau FtiR Rf'NT Furn1shrd I l~·tlr•,.•nl llo•lt!f'r :tii'J!; 1,( >T F< IR SALE uv:trlrn••nt, Ullllll•·" J~otd 56:"diCI •,11 Jo'nrd t'on'' t •1.,, JtMIIn NE\\'I'IIHT ISLAND -Ololc•· ~13 U.•,.:unla, ('orunK <kl MAr Jl,.ult•r 1 t!l!i rtorno•r R-2 11'>1. Sldewalka an11 Jlarbor 676-M. tl}.:.!lc ':Ill Ford S•-d•m Nr•w p111n1 :!9:1 I•·•' an~ hoth !ooldi'S, all uUIItles I AITUAr rJ\'t, 1 nwom &JlM !m•·nl, '•Ill J•lymtJUih Spo•t' So•flnn, Paul Lund. 3.1(10 Marcua .Avr dt.•an Itt rt•IUiOn~thl•· 3U7 ltilund RrHIII•. H•·n••·r. I'll' l~:l !'C'WJMirt Br 11ch, Calif. tr A\'C l(}.;!tc '30 C'ht•\' S.•dun. us IS n ;; !lectl1c MonJtor top, 6 cu. ft. FOR RF:NT Nl~ alnel•· roum. 1D lood n&lU'\lnl c:Jr'&r. 2406 '35 ltl<l'. ~; So·dan 395 C)('f'ron Frt•nl t..nt. R·3 z.one, near THEODORE ROBINS hustno•ss d istrkt Has exCil'Uent lnl'(lntl' J'IOSSiblhliH if you build tor n•nlals. Full price~. Call Your F'orct [)(ol\lcr Sane~ 1921 1845 Newport Ave. 0ceua Fnxll. Newpll't Bead!. Corona dt•l Mar. $10.00 Wt'<'k See Sa~)' It Sunday F•b. or 1.35.00 monrhly Tl'll'phone 1 It a. ~2tp _H_•_.r_bor __ J..._ __ J_~ ____ I_O._l_tr FOR FU:ST Onc pen10n. furnlah· twaron ~713·R, Evenlnp Her· hor lllAA·J . ~2tr POll ~1 .. 1 Apes wuhlna I!MdWie. Good eondltJon.. ln ......... atx >"'.,..· Ub new. 216 1\IRill, Newport H.tchta. ~2tp t'd epertment $35.00 J)l'r month, Nt•xt '" WNI Cnut Mf'al F'lNt: :> ROOM HOME On '4 acrr in C!>Sta MC'Sa. $12,000. with JSOOO down. balance pa~blo S."ii (.Ill fli'r month. Thw w " ranrh l)'pt' humc completely fur· m5htod :.! bf-drooms. 2 balhll. larR" cnrll:ll'ed JllltiO. Shown h) Rirh;ord n. Jon('ll, Box 242 C:O.tn Mrsa tOftiet• Costa Mesa Hotelt 1192'2 F. Balboa. &-aeon 5424-J )'t'ar round. 215-29th St. N(•W· COSTA 1tH~SA lk'aron ~7 port ~ach. tn-2tp hold 10-ltc ROOM with private b.lh ~ prJ\•. TIL.AJI.EIIII n FURNITURE REFINISHED AS YOU LIKE rr at• contra!K"(' In nt>W hClml' on Balboe pc.oninsuJa. CAll liar : 2669-R alter 5 p.m. 8-41c FOR RENT -Balboll Baywhorrt~ 'J'hrec ~oom hnUSC', rurnUihc.'d. 1947 CURTISS-WRJGIIT Tra1lt>r Z1 toot St'll ('(JUity or trlld<' for ri'AI rstnlr :.189 Wllaon. Coata MHP. 7-4tt· .,.EN GR_EN_ STED 1150 • month. nox 241 . Puaden• TRAILER OWNERS! t A 17. Calif 7-4tc WE JUST OPENED United Farm Agency !1()'7 f'tnnnrial C('ntcr Blda. • 21Jll IC1Mr ltrwt 1-'0R RENT-One roc>m and kltch· The Most Modem ..... ~~w ttn an radllti" s1o.oo ~week. TRAILER COURT Oakland 10. California 10-ltc r.. r:.Umatae 113-15th St., Nrwport ~~~~ in Orange County o. au.rante«t w.n Amazing Income Value Newport Duplex •ttc FOR RENT -Corona del Mer A Compl~ ;:.;a~tBathroom i a ft. o.n.aJ Decutc: trtner. apertiTM'nt year 'round or wlntn Lar La A -and Dryt Yard Lower Unlt-3 Bedroonu Upper Unlt-1 Bedroom only. Bay It ~an view. Phone IP un .... 7 nc lltlll In enw .... N.., price. Jack CreeM Harbor 2!1?6-W. N"' Wuhlnl Machin" •t.JIO. cau Harbor 7ltl. 6-Uc - Ute. =~~~~~~-=-.....,,.---Superior Trailer Port J'OR SALE-OYt'ntutftd dlvan FOR RENT-Udo lale Bay Front Comf'r 211t St. A Tl.lalln Ave. Cloee to Still Water and Ocean Sw\mrnln& ud d*n Call Harbor ~M furn.lahtd apartmt'nt. Wlntn mSTA MESA · 10-ltc rental. See Mr. Sld~ll Apt. "S" 3 Blocka Eaat of Newport Blvd See Completcly Furnished FOR SALE-Bed davenport. pre- war eorwtruction. 1409 W. &y , Aw., Newport Beedl, UJIIla.ln ~bor 2720. 365 VIe L~-~r~ J. M. MILLER, Realtor __________ 10.--:--:ltc 15th&: Central lhubnr 1:?64 NlCEL Y F'URNISIIED ROOM A ILZ.AL arr .AT& • l().ltc Private" bl\lh. m 1 I d ll'rviOP, --Pbolw Jlarbor 193(}.R. 10-ltp .OAR. .,.......... • 8oate Priced To Sell $40 00 pe-r month, annual l\3 Pt'Prl. Balboa bland. ~He IlEAL ESTATE ltXt.'RANOE 61 M-It. Aux. Yawt Ilk• Got-rl 1935· Mod. 2-bedroom Stucco 12500. 10-ft. Spt. F\ah. IMHc:Mll 48) LARGE LOT. Pa\rd St . :\ hlk• 1860(1. "1151 ot shupptnl: dt~tnrt Costa C. E. MINNEY Mi'-11 TrAdo· l11r ~ant n Ann nr nt Coe.lt Hlway, Nt•wport llnrll("or arPn suhmll nffrr , ''"TI· IIMcion 5032-W. 7-tfc f'r ~A. Hi'll lt).Jtr to-ft. Ou.laoer ~.000. (WIIbo 19241 110llfE1' TO LO.uf N to-ft. Aux. Schoont•r $7100. 1938 ~-30-ft. Spt. l"lah. (Mitf'helQ LOANS TO BUILD, buy, lmprovf', '41 1680(). ""*miu or rcflnanot. W• pur- G. E. MINNEY cJIJ~.M t.ruat d~ n1 COfttt lllway. Nl'wporl NEWPORT BALB01\ FF.DERAL 8MClon 5032-W. 1-tfc SAVINGS A l,OAN ASSN 3333 VIa Lido Ph. Har. 1!500 n.c>AT FOR SAL&-Chup. corD-38-Lfc. ,wte with c.."'nCr'ele pllt> ha.naera. -----------&. It at 124 Blk'na Ville. Bal At.'TOIIOTl\"1: A TIRF..S boa. Clad Twi lctK'll, Ph. Harbor 21G-W. 98-tfc .Jil-Ql r·lt\Xi u().)v~ AIIM4lhll lWII\IJ ~l WANTED-Sml\11 4 cyllndrr motor for 20-ft. f1J!hln1t hottt H. H. Wt>blltl'r, Rt 2, (l;)x J68.A WUaon Stt. <'o'-la Mrsa 10-ltfl ·o~ llOJ.OW J.S'v'OJ HHS FOR SALE-LAwson pwnp and uup.>s .IIJ t-'J•'ll"'l·'l'"l~ ;Ct•l .11 ,l bait taJlk rompiCit', m 00 Jlkt' lj.JIIti I~) pUll olJ,>IU. H~ V ~o,.>J,>Jf MW. &y Dlatrlct Hantwan' Co. - BaJ. 1ala.nc1. 83-tr c Jlav<' ltlracll\1' 15-ft lnuneh &. private dock. nil In fair N ndl· Uon lnhoard mfllrlnt' motor Will &hare ~ Of ll{lmC With "0mt•· one Wtllln~t & ahlt-to k"•'P lu 1ood rondltiun Hnrhor lhllll l O.llr • For Exchan~e 20 FT. AUX. SAIL U0 AT-For lot In harhnr an•n or Cu~tn Mesa. J. M. MILLER 15th It Cen tral -11" l:J&I lf·-111 II'OUV..U. • ltADIO 09(;$ -. &9 t (;$ li llJSn :iO.i 660[$ ill lltU1<JIIII lll,lJ V 'J ,l\UJJI '<l!ll1111 11111~o•~ .II••P·i: l•'l'lJ·''''I..) 11-, lt)f! I$ J,"l •IIIJ f>''<l~l ),>pl.'ll 'O!PUU 'IU!Il\.1 ·"'' l': .ltltl•'.l ,\IJ ... ) ·~I ntH.UAid II'' SOLO VOX-~ orgM you Cl\n ,,\.>U ·'11'1 """' pun ~llrltYJ attach to any plano. Comr 11nd ~-P·'0·' 111•'S "·'~ ·.HtlllllllJJl\JI hear it. Dtuu·Schmldl Plano Co !i.IJ4~>",\\ Jll'111~1lu1.\\ '"•111'•'11 520 No. Main. Santa. Ana . J.lfr <'IP11U '11111'·':' 1.'9 .•llii'Jlll,l 11• FOR S.A.LE-SchaUer Grand P iftn<• S55(). $250. down 125 month on balanct'. Ex<X'IIent condition. H&rbcJii 1861·W. 10-2tc BABY SPINET -~r.y ~ Swftt • tont'. New. Now only Nof1. Dan.z.Schmldt Plano Co. 520 No. Main, Santa .Ana. "''wnw. J.lfc ~ plano for rent, 6 monthe tent aJJowt'd when )'0\1 buy. l)uz-sdunJdt, Santa Ana. J.tlc t6tt '1"'~'!1 ~unu '..I~QTU pl•~) IUtl!d ~ ~"''·> p.JO.-f S.'t. r~t;t(ll~ Ut\,Uo'\f .<••l.f3tH ~,lift,> W• ~~~ :r1JOS30U.of flll\1 '00 HO.LOW J.SVO.J CORONA DEL MAR NC'\\; :l unit npt.-o\\ nl'r mo\'ing. hrlwd. Or., :1 gar .. bnrbt'<'\K'; many f'XI ra!-1. Income S5000 -Priq· $29.000. TN-m!'. Own<>r ~nys !'<'II. -SPECIAL this wf't'k only in ('omnct rlf'l Mar. N<>w ti-mnm hom£'. 2 hath!'. dltl. ~arag(', pntio. l)('t'lln !'i!k~ nr highwAy. Prit't' Sl•l.llOO T<'rm!'O THE TAVERN CO. Heal r:: .. tnh' nrokN'S t:«H Co;~st llh.;hway Cnrona dt'l ~1.tl', Cnltr Phonr-II a rhor 17 11 It I.} I<' WARREN M. BUCHANAN llPnl J-:-;tatt• -lnsuram'{' -ln1 Olllt' T;" COSTA MESA EAsr SJDf;_~ 1u·~. goocl sanct~· soil. inigilfl'(! 13<-st buy nn t hr ~!Ps:1. -~~;.,en :\-BEDROOM. 2-~101'\' fram1• hnu~. d•~· in. nn IPI RS,aQO. ~!lOOO with 'tcnn~. ~·{)()() rM n ca:'h dt•;d Bctt<.'r hun-y on this nnl' CHOICE Bt!ILDI:-.:1. LUTS in C'O!'IH Mt•:-;.;1. Prit'\"11 from ~900 to $1500. HALF AC'RJ::. rl~· in. Costa MP~I 2-BEDROOM HOMF,--hranrl nC'w. hctwrl. rtr.:: .. rlhl. ~nmg<.'. in nit~ nl'ighborhocxt on \\'t~l sidt'--~1~){)0. Should G.t. S t::?:")(l.OO bu\'s 11 comronahl(' 1 lx-Oroom hom laflt<' lot with It'\~. ~lOon rlown. t- NEWPORT HEIGHTS Completely fumishro :l-hdrm. :-IIIC'\'0. prr-wnr h111lt Q\\'ll('r mo\'in~-t. Firl'pl:u't.'. h~\·rl. gh'l'. On t>:l-rt. h' 15(}--ft. lot. A lon•h·. comfot1ahl,• home• in tlw l .. •~t nei~hborhood. ITiC..--d to ~II. WE APPREC'lATE YOL'R Ll~:'>l\.$ WARREN M. BUC HANA N REAL F~-rATE C':Sll~A:'\C'E Sl~ril't M. King. Snll'l': 17011 :! Nt•\\>poJ1 Aw .. COf'ta 1\tt:'S.'\. l'h. &':won t\:t;~ • IO·ltc VISIT US IN OUR NEW LOCATION Blanche A. Gates---Realtors-Ginny Gates 212 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Phon€' Harbor 1034-J Evenings, Harbor 746-M BALBOA ISLAND : &>autifuJ 2-Bdmt. home: garage apt. nnd 'extra bedroom and bath. Less than year old. This is the l~t buy we have on the Island today. $25,000 - SlO,OOO down. Don't let this get away from you. 2-Bedroom Home :1-Bedroom Home ........... .. $13,900 $17.000 We have a few BUILDING LOTS still available. PENINSULA: :\-Bedroom Home. romp. fum. 2 patiOG -$21.000 2-Bedroom. New. Many new f('8tures. A beauty at $15.750. -Ask us about others. CORONA DEL MAR : 3-Bedroom Home under construction. If you have your own rolor scheme. let us show you this now while there_is time to finish up YQUR way. Thi." is a honey and you'll like it. \ New 2-Bedroom Home, combed plywood in living room. fireplace. a little gem at $9500. A place you will want. 2 bdmul., large liv. room .• fireplace. large Oagstone waJied patio. $10,750. A few good building lots. BLANCHE A. GA TES-Realtors-GINNY GATES 10-1tc BRIGGS •• BEST •• BUYS LIDO ISLE -2-story stucco. tile roof. 2 bedrooms, 2 baths. fireplace. patio, 2-car gar .. rdllge & ('('frig. incl ... 45-ft. lot. near pier. pri('('(i under market. SMALL BOATS -Mfgrs. small craft. good loca· tlon, old established $9.000 -~ Fred BRIGGS Tressa 634 Coast Highway ffiulll plt lrsllng Oms1on · w r.rrr l;pitW Ph. &a. 577R R<'S. Ha r. 2476 ~rrw 10-ltc - CITY TAX LOT BARGAINS Ctx-<:k our list or CITY TAX lots whi<'h hnvl' ju.-.t rome up for bicts. Many <'X('('Ilent VA LUES. Corona del Mar $7,400 Balboa Island Newport Heig hts $9,500 Costa Mesa $8,000 Harbor Heights f63.00 mo. Lido Isle $17,300 Store Rental -Nl'w 2-R<.'(Iroom llomt• - South or llighway. T<'l111S. -TO CLOSE AN ESTATE. :\-bedroom home in BEST IOL~tjon. Exrellt'nt con· ctit ion. -2-llf'rlt'OOm home-2 yrs. olrl. Can lX' h;!nctlro tor as little as $1500 down. G. I. loan of $6.500 now on pro(l('rty. lint. at 4 rt ) -2 new ~-hdrm. hom<"S now und£'1' mnstruction.-Very I<~~<' lots. Will ta kC' G.l. loan. -BRAND NEW 2-b<.'dnn. home -\'t'f'Y attrnc11vc d('Sign -lnrgl' lot -RE- DUCED to ~2.900 down, bnl. at 4rr int<.'rest. -~ &-drnoms -2 naths. dnuhlf' goar-·ag<'. Stre('l to !"II'N't. Part)~· fum. T('nns. -Comer lomtion in N~·· port on OCEAN FRONT. SPECIAL PRIME inC'Om(' propcrty -R unit~ ()n ~~ lflls nn Q-ntrnl A\'t>. AmpiC' !'p<l('(' to h\lild ndditi6nnl units. $4~.000 -terms. HARBOR iNVESTMENT COMPANY Realtors 30th and W. Central, Npt. &-ach 229 Ma.r'ine Ave .. Balboa Lsland Har. 1600 Har. 1331 lO·ltl' COAST HIGHWAY FRONTAGE Highway 101, city lim1ts of Newport Beueh . 8•:.! lots with 85 ft. frontage; total area of :l0.400 sq. ft. Oloke-locat-ion for Motel or i>imilar de\'elopmenL Priced at $15,000. SOUTH COAST REALTY & INVESTMENT COMPANY Ross G('('('l<-}·. Realtor -Business Opportunities Monte R. Grimes. Insurance -As...'K>Ciate Br'Oker Josephine Webb. Assodate Broker 302 Main St. BALBOA Ph. Harbor 2034 10-lt~ BALBOA ISLAND 5 Rooms ---$13,900 Location of this 2-bedroom home aJiows unit in front. BALBOA BAYSHORES a set.'Ond SAVE MONEY. Apply your rent on the purchase of a new home in Bayshores. Highly restricted with prlvate beach and mooring privileges. For fUrther details phone Mr. Thomas at Beacon ~748. Office at main gate open daily. CORONA DEL MAR Motel Sites -Multiple Unit Sites -R-3 Zone - Excellent Value. 50-ft. comer lot -zoned for business -Price wilt surprise. We have several very attractive 2· and 3-bedroom homes. A pleasure to shpw. HURRY TO TI-DS OFFICE WO'H YOUR EASTER. SUMMER AND ALL YEAR RENTALS. NEWPORT BEACH Only one Ocean Front lot on Seashore Drive comer. This is a very desirable lol First come, first served at $3,000.00 LIDO ISLE A choice selection of Lido Isle homes designed for gracious living. Now is the smart time to buy before the summer season. $19,000 Up BALBOA Brand new 2 unit income on Central Avenue. Con· venient to Ocean or Bay -get it now before the summer season at - $21 ,000 NEWPORT HEIGHTS Attractive, well located, 3-bedroom home wit)l over 1400 sq. ft. floor space. Double garage. Reasonably priced: furnished or unfurnished . Well located Lots ---$1500 and up .. ~ ~ -"'-...~ E~RL W. STANLEY ftE.ALTOJt COTEJtiNC QJtiCATICit NEWPORT KAitBOJt aw w. CDM"''U.L 15th AND mvnq m . Newport a.dl Newport a-dt Tel.: HutJar 1013 Tel.: e.a. lmM 17th Uld COAST~. Z15 M.AJtiNE AVE. 115 COAST IIW1'. Newport BeKtl ~ lllan4 Corona del Mar N..: 9Mean 5'741 Tel: Harbor 1776 Ttl.: Harbor UMI 10-ltc At Corona del Mar SOME CHEAP LOTS U you must have level ones, these won't do. 3 LOTS at $2000 For AJI 3 3 LOTS at $2900 For All 3 2 LOTS at $2000 For Both W. j . HOLCOMB 1517 Coast Highway Corona del MAr "Where the Flags Fly" J().ltc We Have Some Renta ls Available to june 15th * VERY TNTERESTIN\. CORONA DEL MAR HOME 3 bedrooms. 2 bath!', ctcn. living room with fireplace. Nit't' loc:·ation. $16,000 Unfurnished ISLAND REALTY COMPANY 201 Agate. Balboa Island Ph. llart>O,. ;n ;.w 9-2t~ At Corona del Mar 2-Bedr-m. home. very neat. This is fumishccl, $7950. 1\vo bedroom modem, Vl'~' dal'Sy, $9250. Two bedroom modem , :r-lx'auty, ~!1700. J --- Two bedroom. moctem. -Ask to ~ this. $11.500. 2-Bedroom. new anrl moct<'rn. South or Hi~hway $10.:\00 One lot looking rlown h.'\y, $2200. Beautiful occ;m front lot south of Lc'lguna t~nd has grand \iew. $2000. 0th€'r lots south of Laguna. Th{'S(' are IEII"Kf' lots and havE' a "iE'w of ()('t'an. ~7fl. W. j . HOLCOM·B 1517 Coast Highway Corona del Mar . • "where the F1ags Fly'' 10-1 tc NKWPOlfT IIA"UIOA NEWS-TIMES 'I'EL&PIIOND: IIAJUK)R lJ, 11 AND M8 -1 Rise to Remark News ot the Churches . Pw"'·to1 lh..., heed&y aad T111ur~y .\fu.naooaa. \'olume XL Ooeta M-J:dlU-Publlahf'd Every WNIIINday HOS. .IOHS a•HtU.II'S ,MT t'ttl'RI<Qt'A&t: t 'IIU.OII Ul'K I.AU\' UP' )!fT. C'A&MKJ. OF C ti~T.\ MMA IUS \\Nt C'f'tllral Auep ilubecrlptlon Payable In Advan('(': $3.25 pcr )'Car in Orange Coun t)'; 13.50 Ptt )'car tp."'tb Zone.: S3.75 per year lo 8th Zane. llatered as &-cond-Clau matter at the P ostotrice in Newport Beach, California. under the.. Act of March 3. 1897 SAM D. POR'fER Publisher LUCIUS S. SMITH. III -· Managln~ Editor W. F . DIXO N • • -• • • • --Adver tising Manager Prtntina Plant, 3011 W. Central Avenue. Ne wport &aeh. California Official Paper of the City of Newport Beach A ~le Local lnatltutloa for Ovl'r tO Yl'an Active @) Member _ · of :-::> (. California Way of Life--- With Tongue Hanging The California Way of Life, predicated for, lo. these many year?. on the.J!lm ost primitive wor~hip of Sun. haR it s tonj.!Ue hanging·out. The California Way of Life i~ fast becoming the California W a?.te of Life. One of the Go1(1Pn State's sun-hath ed Rab~·lon~ ha!' ~early felt the scourge that is hef,!inning to spread lil<e a paraly?.is throu):!h the Sunny Southland -w~te1· ~h ortaj!e. Newspapers which have been known to howl v.;th glee wh<'n ::tn un?.easonahle rain storm hit Florida (or anvwhC're el~e in . thE' tT .S.A.) arE' u~inl! doubl e hlacl< barme1·!' proc·laimi ng (:-;omewhal wi~tfully) "Shower.-; Dtw to End Drouth." 'fhat the oVE'I'-zealou~ u~e of ~0-point ~treamer?. i?., in it..:;r lf. no cure-all ha~ b('e n demon!'traterl hy the sin$!Ular fact that, up to now. not a cloud ha~ darkenerl the f:ky. Perhaps. we Californian?. had better begin put- ting a~ much money and publicity into a drive to protect out water need~ as we did making touri!'t.~ sun-tan conscious. There are two challencref:: .Metropolitan Watt?r piped from the Colorado River. Anrl rle-f:alted ocean water. There i~ a limitin,l.! factor to complete dependence on Metro Watf'r. Other ~tate~ bordering the Colorado need w:ttPr. too. (Or are we f.!oing down to the bittPr arid E'nrl arguing' ~t~t.E>s right~). De-~alting the ocean water on a hig-~cale anrl do- inl! it at :m economica l co!'t will unrlouht<>dly im·olve difficult nrohi E'ms. Rut thC' bright future of the We~t will he hadlv dimmrcl tmle:o:: a va!'t and rl ependahle surnlv of watf:'r can hr dt"vr lopE'rl . Natur(f ha!" provi rl N1 <Hl inexhau?.tihle !'()Urce ril!ht on our ~h or<'l'. It':-; llll to u~ to find out how to mnk(l practica l usC' of it. 1\fan'::~ intelligence and incre nuity have fren uently proved that the "impoggihle'' can be achieved . It ju~t tak£>~ a little longet·. that'!' all. Are We Ready to Sell Out? 'l1le S tllh' oll Cllhfornin "111 suf- fo·r 11 l(l<s. With tlw rndml! of this )' u•. "hto•h (p\\ ''ullt.ll'ntuns rrah/1' n~>w It "all Itt· nu lo">ll of 11 t .. ss, Ut't'fiU~~· vi t ht~ unron('('rn, nnd lho)!!\' llf U!o Whal lllll) hll\'t' to C"arr\' on nddtttonnl loud tn thl' l'un~rt·~s. tf IIW \'••lt•rli ~··nd us l11u·k . on· trouhlo•tl alJoUI at. <:vn~;t·o•s:<nutn t 'lar;'lll'<' 1-'. L..•u nnn•lUtW••d a yt•ar n~;o that lw woutltl rl'ttro• I hr t•nd o1C I hts I erm. I made• n ~1"-'o'lnl trip t.1 San 1-'rnn- c•tsl'o, to nl h·nd 11 danrwr gi\'rn him h)' lht•. fnt'lll lcnclt•rs . .,!lhortly uftt•r lhnt IJnllOUil('('Oti'Jlt HIS rt'll· sons nn'., h•~ Ill: I', tmd tht· conrlusion t>f :\:? )'t•llrS o f runt tnUClU~ St•r\'IC't• In thr III'Ul!O' liP wns born in Lakr-t'lmnly. ~:rndunlt>d from Sta n- fo rd. I I Udt(•d Ill\\, lind serl'f'd IL'l clis tnr t nllornl'y of Sonumn t'f1Un· t)', hdoro• he· C'llnw tu Wn!tlun~:ton '" Hll7, to rC'flrt'M'nt t lw 1st d is- ' fll'l A fo·w \\l~·ks 111!1'1 t'tlnl!l'l''~mnn Alfrrd J Elliott "' th•• lllth d i•· lfh'l, IIIIIH>UIH't'd that lit' WOUld not run rflr ro·-o'lo•ctuan lla:< ao•a· '""~ ,u ,. 1• nnntal 1o11tl l"'l'll"lr.'. m unrlt•ro,l.olldnht.· lllnt.;u.at:••. ho· '' a ltttlo• r. •I·IIP \\lth II puhllo•nl )ollll· ,. t 111n "laao'lt t•·rmat» tum to ll(' .tl IHC'ko d, an 111 ... ''" n p.ort>. hy thul ..:ruup .. r II nil~"'""' l lo·nH'('fltl~. all•·~:o·dl> lth••r:ol'. 11nd Cat·tually oo•mmum:-11\'. \\ lau \\loU Ill nut o•\'t•n l(•('lll.;ltllt' !Ia• \•rtnt'IJIIliS llf J,.f. f••l')oflll .,,. ,l;wk~"n t ln tlw ullwr l111ntl, I It" lkpuhlh oil I' 11f hiS tl is· It ll'l, \\Ill• a t·o• •·•tllal ho•ndtl'l.,rlo'~ 1•f In" o·nitrrot.:o·, Itt• 1111111 knn" lo•tl~;t• unc1 tu~ t~ ypuf'oi P"'*"'fh'Ol'4\ ha\l' J"•rmat to•l1, untl somo'llm;•s en· t'llllra~:;•cl, PllJIUIII'Illlt tn tlw frt•· fttlo•nl ly l'e•t'UITIIII: ( 'OIIll!rt·S~IOnlll ri\Ct•S. I nm nut dt~l'ussln~; tlw tMJhtlc- ul ft•atun •S uf tht• SIIUII!IOn It IS I'IHllll!h I hat Elliott lms dccldc-d not to run ogaln. I um lnt('rt·sH-d only It~ thu n·sults. in th<.' Con- gn'~>ll. Nu tWu mt•n l'OUIIJ t.._ mnrl' dtf- (f>ro•nt than th<'st• twn. AI Elliott "us horn m Volu rounty. He would 11'11 )OU. jokmt.:IY. that "h<• wns born m a t'l>rral," and he has h;'''" a su•·t·••~o. lui fnrmf·r ltrtd liVP· hiOC:k rat~t·r stll htl> llfl'. F ur the pnst 19 )••ar~ hns lw'f·n lht• m.an- rtt.:t-r uf t lw Tuturc C'r~unt y F nir I II' SIJ\•ako; 11 luni:U•tlo:o' "hkh ort•·n muld not Ia.• t" ant I'd m tlw lamtly n•'"SIIIlllf'f '"hat h Will l'ltrry I hi!l h•ttl'r, hilt whu·h t•caultl Ill' unalo•r - '''1011. o•\O •n '" th" d;trkt•st rtays .. r th,.. Nr-w lknl. l1y tho• I.Juro•nu- rrnt" nnd thl" \\lllllfi·IH· rt'l(tllators 1.111'11 mun hnd hts plaro• tn the c 'ronrr··~>ll•mtl pwturc· What witt t 'nhlorntll 1.,,, ... \\',. lol~o· till' 11111k· In~; nunorlty nwtnhC'r 111 tlw ('n111· rmlttot• tm lnl•·rst n t<' und Ford~.tn Cnmm••rl'•'. whwh hNars All trnn~· lll'lrtntinn :a nd communicuttonslulls nnd whirh. und•·r the into •r srult> I pl'lo\·i~ton• 1•f tho• Cons titution. in · truduct-.~ nnd nets on m~~rt• bttls thun I'~~'"IJh' r••nhto· \\' h c n tl\1' 1),-fftl't-'f Hlk f'~l'l)' had ll ,mCIJQ_rlt)', I ht•fl l.,o•U \\liS I ho• clHtlrm8n or the t"rumll '"''· ll "ll~ Ctarcn<T Lea \1 "" \\ o•nt 111 tht• \\'hill' Jlouat', unolo•r hoth Tto·puhht'ltn Li nd oemo- l't'llt h' Pt'o't'tolo·nll>, rt'l>l)l'<'ti'd. llkt>d. nn(t h'to•n,•d tol, ~~~ llf'Okrsmlln for I ho• Ddq:utrnn. T t IS 1-:lhott 's ktH1WI('111l~' of 8(1rl· t•ulturo•, ancl !Itt' prtll"t.'<!Ur<'ll or tlao• llomso•, 11s "''II "' his Ul'livcrsal frio·ndshtt~~>. to wludt Llw t'allfor· num s Nm~tnntly turn Undt'r th«' rult•s. » moatinn to rt'<'unnnlt ana)' lw mnrlt' hy tht• mrnolrlty pllrl)'. I t l111s ht·O"n thr 1.<'1\ unwndmr nt. or thl' Elliott nm•·ndnw nt. nr the motion to' rt'l'tmunil. by 1)0(' or ttwm, whk h htts mon• than once snvrd tlw d>tv for California El· ho lt-is tlw si·ninr mino rity m<•m· ht•r on tlw Cmumltt•·o' nn Public Works. '11u• drlo•~;ation will lt>St' two ll<·nla~rutk nH'ttlll('rS, hut tho' Rc- puhlll•an mrmllt'rs wtll rt>grt't the los,. ao; mud1 AS 1 h•••r ""'" purl)' •ht•uld ro•~;n·t II 1-:"N't•t tn ruN' IIISIIOOI'I'S, l h<' d<•I~;IIIIOil knoiWII 00 t•·lll~ Ia no·'· "h• 11 11 '"Ill''" hi l'nl· alou na.t pt~uhlo•m!< I I \\'Ill llll'llll lll('l't'lu .. ·d rL'SIJUOSl· luJatu''l foil U!ho•t• lllo'tlliH•J':l llf thl' tlo·lo·t.;:ol 1un I '11111111'1\', \\I I h I h<'lh' 1 hillll!•'<, I \\til ll)u\ •' hi ~··Vo·nth 1 anktn~ m••ntiH'I ol( I ho• tlt•lo•j!lltln n tn potnl M ~··• \ ll'o·, 11nd Ill fifth r ;ankllll! ll•·puloho olll rru•tulwr Sl'n· 111111~ 1~ tlw ha't' of ro•~t••n!llhlli ty, :11111 Ill '!IIIli' o•,to•lll. 11f !llll'('I'!UI ho·t·• I ln•· nil to r me rtlh••r will !Ohort • tv rO'I tro·; twl' t'•HIW frnm d l,.trwta ~~lth cll~tut'bllw\ "'"~'' .tt•<'llttn n •· ~utt. In n-n'nt yrun1 :rmu· m;ay. I~· t lw ~.tn•nt ho•l\1<-r . hut 1 rtso• to ro•mnrk t hilt tlml' 1'1111 11lso l10• ''"' ~r(•llt d isturber, 11nd in this lnst anc~ will lay a ht~n\'y hrmd on t 'altfurmn. us thl' ~llh Sl'Sstt•n t•nd.~ '111r f1•ahlr<' "'Ill ~how what these mrn have mt'&nt II) rho• ~tato• I say nnw, w•'ll In lld\'llnCC Uf thl' o•nd (I( thl' !11'!1111011, that th•·Y \\ttl l10• mlslWll. nnd nu'l'oh,.ro·s mc•n · thnn m !hi» of· fiN' CHICAGO BUILDING CODE BEST SELLER I'IIICA\.C) cl 'rl Th,. mum l'tp8l rl"' .. ro·nN• hhrllr) h11~ 1~:~•1 10 ho'nV)' rush om tho• mllnu·tplll laualdlnlt o'<lllo· litis >•·tor, Hml 1-'n-tlo•r·tl'k RNc, loo·a•l llhnut:on: 'iurl· "It" ,,.1, till'"' :ami 1'''""1"'''11\'1' homo· fl\l'n•'l'' whn h•l' o• l••ott.:lol n ul ''• .11 ,., ••1111 l '11hrlllt• ..,.,, aaol :\tn 0 . WIUar4 8t_,... ....... ,. l'ht!UO' u ........ 61!41 ~111\dlll "''"'"'I !I 30 " m Murnln.: "•ll'•htp st•n •lcr 10:~ t 'ru ... ut. t ,, , ',,.,. ,; ~l I'm J\(orollll •••• '.,., i' I' 111 1 \·rntn1: o ',oaa~;•·ltst lc at'rv\0. at T:31t o't·t.ll'k \\'t-dn•"' l111 ; :\1\ 11111 prayt•r IM'r\11.'\· ~·rld"l -; :\II 11 n1 \'outh Nlaht anol l'lhl·· !' 11111\ C'l)ftON .\ UEL II All I'OliUU•NIT't' Cllt'lU II, t 'ONOREOATIONAL ~rry ~·n·tla•nt•k Sl'hruck. Mtnlater 611 ll,•lu>tr••P•' A''""'"" \'•1r11n11 4rl Ma.r Sllto•l." l'"o l•t "·"'' I( I filii e ~~ II "' ''hutdl School 11 Ut "'" "'" alltot.: ""rshll>· St•r· II "II I•\ \Ia ~.lllo••lo. 'I 1\o•lio•\t• l•t 1: •• 1 Tho• 111•1 -<orlll•lll ,,f •' l • t l• I ""~ t h ""' ttll I hll•' •II .\lllllllollh•lb DAI.R4l \ 11-41,-\NfJ l'UAP&L 1 t ~ Ac•t"' A•n•- R""· llarry W. w.Jt.., "-"oclaiC' rutw •"hun h s. hoiOI, !1·30 am l\111rn11\~ .Wolr~hlto, 11 a m ~T . .1011 ' \'IASSE\' C'IIIIR('JI Uklbua l•laad ~llllllll\ 1't11'"'~ l-l:atll "'" )ll ,otn 1\o'llr roountll C'olnl•·,~t"u' S .aturdnya from 1::'111 '" l-1 :Ill I'"' TIIV. NY.\\'l'ORT t iAILftOK 1.1 'TifF.IlA N Cl JtJllCJI :"umln\' M111t~•·' !' 11 Ill 1011li HI II Ill c-,lflfl"fll"n• ~~~turd">" f r n 111 1 111.1 ''' ~ :w """ fro1111 7 :~() to 11 :w 1•m ''TUF. YIUF.Sill.\~' C'F.NTllAI. IUftLF. I fit 1Rt 'II R""· 1)"·'-bt Kt•n~an. 11a•tar M!'<·ttn.: ll'lllf'IC\rllrlh In the> :o::. .. ,. 1 •·nth I'll)' Advo•ntlat r llllrt:h . !'<ll • ncr of O ld l 'nunt)' nllld and llo\a~~ """. C'~ta t.ll'tl&. Sunday achool. 9:4~ a.m Wonhlll 14'rYlt't'-11 :00 a. m. Youna l'fiiJlll''l 14'rvi~ p.m. Evf'nln(l IWII r\Cf'llaUe awvlc.-· 7 o'cln<"k. Wl'dm'tldny. 2008 Anah.tm A"- ---, MT. ~OAC'tllll CIIUIU1ft llraalf' .\\' ... Uf' Rrt""'"' ..... aad tOUI C'ctata M- M~taal'tl 7 am dally. ~unrtn\ M 11 111 11nd Ill 11 m . t 'ontr~'"'"' S aturday, 4·:'1 p m. and 7-R 11m f O!"TA MP'.IH C'OMMt NIT\' ('llt'K.C'tl .luv lth tt. Thmnpaue, Mllll•tH l '!t F.. '!1\111 l'lt. l'h, ft-. &IU .. M (.,mr m "1'11~><•1 •l-4!'t ann 1\11'rllll11' \\'ou >~loltl itt 'Ill n Ill Yt>lllh 1:'""1"" l lt~;h al'lal•nl, ln- lrrnll•oltnto·. Atlllll, tl.Yl t• m F\'t•nln~ "'rl'lo'•'· 7 :\11 u'fh)C.k P'l'l .l. CIOt'I'F.I. f 'fft'RC"11 U ad aad F.l•t..... C 'Mta M- Sun<IIIY •rh•••l, •) 11!1. mnrnlna "'"r•hlp.· 11 I-:\ nn~riiJtlr l()f'VIN', 1.;1(1 I' tn . Mhl·wo.,•k vrll)'•·r mMt· '"II ••n W••dn••ad11y. 7·(!\ p.m.: 11('7 Cliff Prlve !'>t·wtMut lh•lahu "A lltnn.:t•lt•u C"hrlat Otllnto:Htt: World!" l'ounu Jll'flp lo•'• ''''"''iltll•ttl' wrvlc:.. for a on F rld11y, 7 :45 p m 9 J(t 11 m r hurrh achoo1: 10 :30 a . m . dl\'anr wonhlp 1\t-v llo•r iM-rt (' Roth, putor 1162 t: \\'tt.on St., Coata )(ep "Coml' t lni'C'-You'U Conw Aealn'" A8!4LWRUEA OP' OOD II. !4. MrMIIIaa, Put« AJB~tr .. lA<I1-n.u. ··~ aad <~•tnl A..._ !"undnv so•h•••l. !I 45 am Mornln& arn 1N', 11 Lm Evrnln& evana«-llaOe ae:rvi<» at 7::\0 pm Mid '"I'< k l<'r VIrt', Thursday at 7:3(1 pIll CIIRI..-T I Ill 1~• II RY Tli'E 8&A t'•nnmualty Mrtbodbl U !O \\'Mt l'""traJ Av,.._ a .. ,. F.. n. :luod..U. Put« •·tm1u·n nP c·mu,.T Aturrll aad Wai•ut ._tr_.. L. OU..f' C'aally, Mlalatflll SforviC'MI . Sund•y. 10 am , Olhle Study : 11 am Mnrnln& wonhll' Chriatian Science nPT C'lllllU'If OP' C'IIIUJn' ""JE.JifT1"" U4o T111Mtrr. t•,.tral A,.._ ... \'la ...... A br~~nm of 1l\l" MothM' Olurt!h. Thl' f'1rat Cl\urm of 0\rlat. Sc-I· t-nllat. In lbton, Muuctl\ .. tt&. Sunda y ~hool at 9·~ a. m Sun- day St'rv\N' 11t 11 a m. WMlnl"eday TM1tlmonl11l Mf'f'tlna at l:l n'ch,.·k n.-allh•~; llurlm locatrd at l I l Palm atn •••l. Jtnlt1011, Ia c•J••n dally from I p m tn ~ p.m t'liN·pt Sun- dayw and h~ottdr(yw natlunatty ob- at•rvrd ono• prtt)ltn~.; of :.1.1""' '" lnro• wo• had 11 dwnt•t• 111 r•··•!rd•·r 11 .. ,.,,.,, 11 "• 11'"'' '' :\1! •1 m Mon11111 \\'t•l ~lup. II t• m So'l'mon 11w puhllc 11 mnll11ll)' lnvltrd to •tt•·ntl thl' chur('h ••·rvlrMI and 1JIIc! lht• nudln& nourn T lw !'IIIII• I' IIIII' .,f tho • 2411.167 lo} 1, "t"l' "llrulh••r·" All " rt•IOII•'fll'•' at••rns kt•pt nn ltll' In thrl Yuulh fo'('IIUW~<hlp, 6 .30 p.m. llhnorr It h,1< almP<I .. ,·,ry pl•·l'r P.Y1-nlng Worahlp 'r:30 p.m . or l•rtnt•·ll tllhlll r "" muntctpAI Mld·WI'f'k prayt•r a .. rvlce. Wf'd-no'tlday ; Ct)\'t•rcd dl.ah dlnnn. 6:30 ~:m •·rnn"'" t tn Cltt~·a~;o nnd utll•·l P m . .\nu•aau an t·ttto·~ con It s sht•l\·rs I PRF.!o!RVTY.RIAN I lll'R«'II f:11ri .. thn ~ .. j,•ru·c· l.t''"''''t T, · ! ·~pirit' PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Nt:\\ I'ORT IIAilROR I 'hrr I~+·! loy I ho• ~•·11 410 c·,.sutt lltRii\\'oa)' C 'urun11 c.lo-1 Mnr "I •• a' • 11111 I 11 !111• It• lo Ioiii In II ,,. ''I' I I' II " lo• I h tl Ill" l-l•lt ll • ' ' • I t ~ I \\ I t I I II \ ' I 'I f ' I • I f I ' I I .•• ,, ,, I I tl t IJ II I lltdll "'" "Ill lu f ll I f "' f 't I ~· ttl .... qfllh t) I H'' ' • t ~ '' ,.~, 1 '•I In ttl I A('('Ol 'STAST f'H\'~I('IAS~ • ~ltRnF.OS~. \UI Bookkeeping ! A. V. Andrews, l\1.1 ). \loornin~: \\'"r'l"l'· 11 11 m Sc·mtufl !'lUI•J•·••t .. c;,J,, nnft 4~1'*'''"' .. lt•·v ·n'""'·" t;•"~"''· l"•~•·•r 3.'\.l'-. r;rnnd ('unnl I ,t• h• • uf !Itt• \f~ttliti f ',llt• h , I •u· I t t I It t•f I I t !'• J,_f1 tt .. 'I I I ,,,, lu a ..... '"'"'' .t i '"'''''" ~l ~t1Jitf"'4f I• l,,t, ~ II 11 ' • I \\ ..-~ ,,, ... ,.eht 111 tu 1 .1• 11 11 ,. lut "' ••I \\lilt • Continued inflation promi~eF-to make price con· trol the numhE'r on£> rlome!'tic political i~suE' of the year. ThE' controver~y ovE'r price control i~ in ~om£> r£>~p£>cl~ !'imilar to the acrimoniouR debate over how to prE've nt thP ~pre::trl of communi~m in EuropE'. Eco- nomic ~eruritv i~ empha~i zerl a!' the foundation of faith in the in~titution of democratic govPrnmf'nt. The fear i~ preval£>nt that the neople of the U nited State~. a~ wf'll a~ the pt>ople of~ope. will abandon their faith if con fronted with the a palling in~tahility of un controlled inflation anrl rli~rup ·on of traditional matPrial vah1Ps. Thi~ anprnnch is tt·agicall~ fal!'E'. It dPn ies the exi~t('nce of ineals anrl prin ciple~ which set man apart from the lowrr anim al!". It i~ re~ulting in Service C'CU.JS t'. RROWS ( Jlarbor t8.U I aAI ... IA \A('IIT t I I'll f'Ul'!iiiCI.\S and !ilnu;r.os I I I ('oaat Hlp way. ttarhur r.l\6 ('orona clftl Mar I, ~------------------------------------------~ .. ,.t4~ Ur ,,. • ....,., ...,.._ flnlbo11 l~lnnd llarl•ll ::~l·lfl W MT . .IAMF.!ol C'IH'Rt'll PROTE~TANT F.I'I~C 'OI'AL S'!ot \'Ia IJdo •I• \II t '"'I ht•l •l•uttl• "'~'' h• lt•)&tl• tl h lttt tn ttllllh h fhMf rl~t ltiiUtl ,., .. , ,,,,,.,. ,,,.,,. ,., ..• h•· ,.,. •• ,.,.,, . ltuf "'''''' '''" I,..,,,.,.,,. lt••f11•1 If llo••J' ~ohl I lol• lo """ •lo~!l, IIIII • ft.*lt t)UI •I• \ .r-. ''"' l•r II• • l1• lm t. th•' Jll th• •· ttl Ill•• ,,..,I Itt 1\n•l J• .. u .. ~~~t" th• It rhwwlth• lttttl rnltl Hhln fht Ill, rf ~ lflfll I Hfllll IIHI :'f\I II H l1~' I • tlh i•l••l UP·•"•~t hht~t·• U tut'f\ •llloll th• 11 lal• l.too~•ln11o •'·""'' UY.STI~T~ Ur. Obed Lucas Dt:NTIST propMals that hf're in our own country will wipE' out 2202 ,, w. C'f'tltr..a. namor 1410 frPe rlom even before the pinch of pMtwar rli~locations Nr.wroRT nt:A<'JI H. R. Hall, M. I). l'hont.'l Jlsrbor 12:\ll 1111d llnr 4:lfi H~v. Paul Moor ,.. Wh,.l'lrr, VIcar 8:30 a .m . H oly CommUI'llon. llcootN : :.!-5. hy Apfllllllllrl' 111 \1 30 A.m . Ch ur1'11 !"•·hn<!l Tt-I"Pffnnl" a-ron IWU" 11 :00 a .m. Mornlna Prayer and Ul Rroa.dway ('n.ta "''-Srrmon. IFint SundAya: Holy llltl 1r 1 • .•• , '"'' •t"'"" ''> lloo• •1•1111 nf f:wl. t it• It th ,. k ltU'•I•Htl Of f:u•1 18 I Hlllt' H1tf11 \II I " are really felt. The~ nropo~al~ would involve exten- ?.ion of governmental activity and a uthority on a ,_ ____________ 1 1'ommunlon.l l-::===========~ ,..-------------~· 10:00 a .m . TI1undnyw· Holy \Am· ,.... Milton M. Ma.xw.-ll, M. U. , 1 munton and prayl"n for th~ sic k.' ~hry IIAk~r ld1IV "'"~• Ito "~~..t ""' •· 111 •I II• 111111 «II Ia 1\• v ,,., th1· Sl t lt•l!aoo•• " ".l•·ol!' •••IAI•II h•••l IIi tlu• t hrl.,tiAO f'rU tit•• lll ••t~••ltttt fur nil ('l~tt.lliotlll)', n, .... t .. ~•. ~'"' I•• "' tnr f 'hri•H '"'"" ,.,,. ''"'''' .,_ •II• ,,, t f•t•l• r.-nnw, 11111 lt•••y wrr,. lh· tiJ ''' '"' l 'htl•llll •· In 1•.,••• u Ill•· c htlot "rdtU tu '"""'' HI•'\ f'hriJ~~:t' ""'''''" 111o•l Ira lo• ~I lit•• olo lo ao '"II "" IIH• !l.Cale that would irreparably injure the cau se of GORDON E. RAPI•, D.D.S. human freedom for which countless hundreds of thou~ands of American citizens have givt>n t heir lives. 1801 c·out Hlway 11 RVD'nl DAY ADVENTII'ITII ('orona dl't Mar I Com« Bolae And Old Country R4. from the revolutionary war to the present. l"bont~ llarbor 421-.1 N~rt 8ee.c'll Offu•,.. lltllrr<: 10·1:.1 . 2-5 &Ubeth !::. -::-urcl.ay ....,_ Durin~ the next year. campai~ promises and dema~ogic speeches wilJ be the order of the day. If there is one thin~ above all others of which we must be warv. it is !'chemes to combat inflation which undermine representati ve J!OVernment hv empowering a centralized government to "direct" the nrorluctive activitit>s of the people. Even if such device?. could control inflation-and hi!ltorv has proven they can't- Pbont~ Harbor lOft In&. t:JO o'doek. the nrice would !'till be too hi~h. We ~hould rPmemher rlurincr this cominS? year that tht> cHQ'nitv of the innividmtl mea~ured in terms of nersonal fref'rlom from political coE>rdon of any sort. i~ nrirf'll"~!l.. It c~nnot ht> tradNL hou(Tht or rom- ('HJROf'KAMOR Dr. Tom E. Barton CHlROPRACTOR 1!1'7 (:'out HJpway ('orona ._, Mar tin K• nfl•11'• l'atu.• OPTOMF.TRIST E. T. ButiAorworth. 0 . D. ()ptotMtrt~t F.\'F.!il t:XAMIS t:lJ I.F.S!U:~ Ut'J>LJ('A'IT.D promi~Pd . <'ilhE'r in F.uropP or in the lT nit<>rl ~tate~. ~·, ;·':.-;:,.':::;~:.':.. ":.!. ~.~.~~,:;:/\,, Tt can hi" prf'c:prverl onlv !'o Jon(!' aR prople continue 'M"'"NT , .. "•• to Q'ivP it :1 hirrh<'r v~J ue th::tn any othE'r po~c:es~ion - inclurl inl! life it~elf. Blood Money • Dltrint.r fhn rrrrnt wnr. h'll!l' l!fl\'f'rnmrnt horrow- inl! nr,.ni ''"t fnh1rr f:•'< p;wmrnto:: nf nrint f' rili7Pn~ tn mf'f'l ino:::lfi:lhlr milif:-~n· ni"P rlc::. <=l't nff :111 f'('nnn mir rh:-~in fi''H'finn of inr:1lrnl :~hlr r-.;tPI1t Som" nrnnl,. COAST OPTICIANS 1111 ~ ....... {'--...... ,__ --•111-W PI'MCirtpUona 1'111f'd Aoountely 01.._ 1•rom1•tly R.Nia.lred ott• .. n .... • .. A E . Jl Tlfi£1..E. Optician IM \' ~ tWOI, i\lortim<·r St·hool C'Otn~it thf' I"M''' rrof' h lv•lin(" thp nrf''=l'nl n11'l.:l' nf fhi..: ~()! ('nrrtl \H . R~tlbna hi. 1 rC'nrlintl nroc::nf'rih· Tn :1 ~t ntf' of thf' r n;,., m"'<::!lfl'l" U.\\' ~('IIOUI~ '0\\ CH't:' \lloN if\lr'N \1 \ to '""'..,''"·<::. th" Prr.:irlflnt \\'N1f c:n f'.,,. :''= tn hn;•<:t th:tt "Th" ~tn.,7in(T flrnnn"T)ir nrnf"l'l'<::~ of thl" n:v't tl"n ,.~"f' nnint<: thr w:-~y fnr thr nl"-.;t t Pn . Tn no .. ' .. ,,,.,..,,., tt '""*'" t1 , S. R. Monaco, M.D. Hf4 Ba\' Avf'., Balboa RartJor nu Off tee Hnu no · 2 to 5 p m Moatlay ttaroucta Friday T. P. Reeder, M. D. H. E. Stidler, M. D. PII,..&C'Ja•u• and ~ Mot \\'. Cf'ftLnl Offw: Harbor 80'! Nl~tht-J>tuonr llarhur 11'!·M Conrad Richter, M. D. •·r·-• ut ff•,\lf• !'1111 n rn · 1:! M . 'J ·;Ill 11 m · ·I :Vt p m 290~..(' \\'. ('o•nlrlll 'lrw11onrt n-.·h a•hun.. If a rho or 2 t();, "f: Wl' on T II \till n It \'f:Tt~IH' \tf\ llfi"I'ITAJ. tf"'""" l'•rk,.r. U\.\t. l"10ul II, l'lll<·loo·r. II \. \f, fl r • f f 101~ ~ t:. ''''"" Ur1\,. , .... ., ' ".til' ,, ...... n.-... ;'ill1fl: "'"' ""' lfUI nfh,r ,,., \'l"nrc: h:~,·r r.,,.m,..rc::. hnc:in('c:c:mPT1 ;tnrl wn(Tf' thP eart h 1111 :-tt<'h a ,·a~t ... calt·. ~,.,·•·r h:1d IH· c·att--•· r~r""r• P':-tfl " o::twh rrrr:~t fTn in:-." of manldnd :-:t·t·mNI ~'' ()ark. Th,.. T'r,..c::j,l ,..,,, c:hnnl r1 1"1" r"m i'lrl"rl tl-.nt rlnrint" Thc·r£' an• :--•Jmf• wh11 will vi('w th e· l'n·~id•·nt'..: rc·· tho<~f" ff'n ''"nrc:: millinno:: fliNl in rnmhnt NPYPr hnrl mnrk a~ ~ht>Pr ~::tc·ril,..g('. TPn mon• vc•:tr~ of thi :-~ ldncl h i~.:tnn· wi tnf"!'c::rn ~urh :~nn:-~llin(T rl~>c:tn1ctinn of tiff' r,( "prO).{!'('~:--" wc,ul cl mPan the cle!'tru<:ti on of tivilii'.tt· :n~cl prnprrh·. \Tcwr harl !'orrow anri hitt('rllt"!'C:: vi~itPrl 1 tion. rr • ....._ aervt~. 11 ..... "'""'"' · Rl!I'Ll!C"T 10 N S AMBmON: AI•JUI two C'C'nturlo"' olio ~;,lwauol t..,pf·no·••r '"'"· 'I I•· that st nvl'l' tr, t01otl'h a -tur, t•ft,.nllm•..., ''''"'1•1•·• .. n 11 ~"''"' The pE"~nn """ '""'' ht• ~Aooork 1'11!-tl f!Jt), 111111 •1•4'" It ••ffa cl•'flU)' Ia ht-af!NI lur ttl•• ''""' Th,.. t•·•~"" "'"" •II•'""'' •of ~t.lr• ab0v4!,' whllt> 1:"'"1: 1 hnM~:h th•· m•1t ''"" "' ""' k will •ur.·ly stumbl«" on ra "1 11" To hi' 11mlolt tofllll I' lttottlul•l•' II•IW••v••r too ull1ow '''""''" '" lo<• hli~ to cunt .. m (.otJrlll') 11111111' hy ••t.l•• mrt hi vt•lolla I• '" ln••tt• lin ohlttar le thnt wtll I lip "' .,.,,... "' lulf• llo·tll'h ""' l<ot I• 11••• t hln~t~~ but don't ''''I' 11111 until >'"' kn••W ""' •• '"'" ''"'' ""' ll~eh I. GRAUEL CHAPEL ............ , T•• n ra"'"''' "'"'••·"'· nr•&t"!'nu ,._,-MI • ·---..... • Before You Build or Remodel plnr1 rtlr 11: :tlc\s. r·omr .n•lu-IL'C n nc1 llnnl,~tm IVf' lrtlw·k of I'IH "J)l'f" LUDLUM Carpet Works ............. IM.. • ~ture 11 t ,IM,IM mt-mlH'rtl ~·Ill obtltrwe Roy lko11t \\'nk, t'tlll. ltth, •arlll•r the lftlt annlnn .. ry of thto o runlutlon. Th" ytar Bey ~Mta art tMphl• alalna ron•l'rvallen of food and 1111111r11 r-urtn, J1a11tl .. raNhu. '"'"'>' 111d lh• pnnntlon, homl' tPpaln 1nd l"',...nal Meith """"' up. Kcooullna prumolt• •·orld l"'•tf' throuah Worl4 11•'-•" .... prart~ral h•l' a mona U nathm' "llh 4 •• 11',711 .-.mtle~ BAYVIEW LUMBER co~ I I I I I I I I I r llubor M1-R HERE IT IS New )-bedroom hou1o in one of fin est locations on lido Isle -55' frontage 300' from pri· vate beach. Extra large rooms with copper water piping throughout: forced air unit heat -2 baths -sunroom opening on 1pacious walled patio - stove & refri,g. inc. in price of $26,000-. $8500 dn. • ·- p. a. palmer tNCORPORAT!O realtors 3333 vlo lido, uwport beacll, eatlf. Telephofte newport beoce., harbor lj()O SAM'S SEA FOOD SPA Roast TURKEY nu~u CHICKEN $150 :\'t:\\ \'fHLK f 'l 'I' STt:.\K \\ IIOI.t; IUCOII.t:U I.HH."iTt:U \I, • I' •I• I\\. fl ,,.,, ••• IUCOII .t:lt S\\'OtCJWI~II ~Tt: \K t 'IUt-:U ('0\IIU:\',\'IIfl:\' SY.1\ fo'OOU nut:H SIIUim• !li l ,;-,41 IC,\ISilOW 'f'HOI'1' llut \fin•••• 1'1•• \\It h Urand~· S.att•·•· M<tlll"' e 14AIIlfl• e 11..-•rt• Sam's Sea Food Spa and FiMh Market t1tnnr-oo: lnn1r Rf'ef•h ~lt. ~tnt• and lt'!t.o/1 ~2.1';41 $2 .rl41 $1.00 $1.f.CI $1.71) :!Mil f ua't lflahway c Nl'&r ""al ~) 1 ' ' PageS NEW PO B T BALBO A NEW 8 ·TIM E8, .---;...,;;;;;;;.. _ _..;;,-=.....:::;...., -,-;.;._-------------. !ftt1UD.U Nf'~·-~ ... c.w. __ l'f't». a, INII Stock Market Sergeant Sllorb Freedom Train B~lboa Assn.. VFW Plan Easter Wee~· N AVl' &IJ8EilVE MIZ't ............., .• o.-.-, &oae" ... Matlelinc carroll's m 06t dra· mauc rolc camto wll('n she l~ &!tide a mtlllon-dollar film ('(lfll ract to do volunt('('r war work. Rend h€'r hea n-wannlng story in th•· ~ Wcek.ly, lhJU great rna.~:· azme distnbutt'd whh next Sun· day's Los Angelt.'S Examine r. { ,q=t~~] ~5ft~:~~~~~·-;; l ~·~:;:~.&~:tt~ce 'if~ "';·~"~"';n~~~.:d.:u;;,; ~~~.~ ~:~~"~~~~ -"· ... ' ; •• ._. f • .t ~1u1ul 1l "h •h "' t I • ... · a.:M.-u 1.... ~····· u " par I lU (' n I I l llll•·n• '!!i . .., Wl·rk In n s 1tnal 1orm Ia a jol I ,. I I ... , •• ,. r i>Undo tion r <>Je---.0 Laguna Beach'• lead In otfmnc municipally· sponaor t'd actlvltit>a durmg Easter Wet>k, whlch caw 1mpetus to lhe innux of vsca tlon- ers without Ole usual mlachlevloua nuisance ca.used by teen-&ge.rs set.'klng energy o utlets, wert> dil- ~·usst'd and a romparable program :tduptr•d Julntly by tht> Balboa Im- provemt'nt assn. and Vfo\V. A ~ling of tht' Bu.reau of ShiP' \'olunte<>r Naval flt>st>rve lJnlt 11·10. will be held at 8 o'clock Thunday (·venlng. F ebru· ary 12, In Ole U S Na\'al Re- M"r'Ve Tramrn.&. Ct•nter .J_Armory 1, U. S. Nllval Air station, Santa Ana, C.Wornla, the Eic\'enth Na\'111 d is- trict announ<'ed toda)'. (BJ Sue llltC'bmaa. plnr h·hlttlaa I• hf't' ...,.farlfta """bud) FANDANGO ,,. "" •mmaglnntl\'(' but ratllr r fnroloUJ na.m<' for a schoont'r ~llh a ~(l)h1 r• put.otion for ~viet>, a Jdl!.l(lnf'r th11t houl~'<l carae during t hi' wnr Yl'tl1'11 llkt: a ny comrnl•r c:lal ralnl'r 'l,crr WIIJI a Umf' thougl•. "ht•r1 ~hi' <"UI n fancy fandango nn tht· hlt.:lt ~~·1111 and from what [ hrar, ,.,.,,. wlll do It agnin. I PAlfLI:'"ti PLA \TiliNG d.-rlhln .. "iu l-l'\t"1"t l'uUt-" '' "-It'"' r>~t>ry ~ wtv • 1 ' 'fH'" thf' Callforma ltln .. 1 :.••I) • .• r II hnd n hand m cnn lx-pround. A 1 • • · • lra.l Kr latl""' .,.,. n<M avail· 1 1,, 11111• "'' 11., h 1 d n• 1 "' • I lh• l-n ·••tlum Tram. ablr '" thr rmbtlo-In bo<;&llt•l So· ,1, 'I.' '• 1 111 lnl' u rs a lot of aoldi"'t In .,'1 • dul•· in this \'ICinity: ,''''''• tht• ""' t·rnmvnt 1•rlnt· '1" . f., h.l I • lopt;ll v '!'.!. S AN DIEGO Ill ~n t ~ tl t.~l"nu :!>e•~ \\ t! t tlo · -1•11 uffh ,. IU1DI'""''Ml ttiCla). S l.•lld.ll cl (hi ~~~ ' ' l sonw •·W CXN'p na W• I lo•••·"' ~:1-:!4-:!"i -LOS AI"· Th,..11 du• unlt'nl,., '"""" hk••d th<' r•lun thnt wns lentatlvrl~ 1,1 • 1 .., • frum ••·•·rt'l (i,.rman foro•lp l' S Sl•' I il '' •Hit.,liiWNI lnst May. Not only haw· ! 'lol ''"' :.'1i Ll J:'I:G REACH ufflt'f' ru ..... ,.,.. '" IUiahlt• fur m··~· or th•·" I )(l't•f)l lons hcen rem I . 11.00 fru m th•· ""'"•rla tM· ·~h· d hut m ony l'ulicl" In t h• (> ddl•n ' Fi t tlt·nl uf ll~o•·uu~t·nt ... Ciu,t•rn· oot llo:lll>d plun IHo\t• IK'cn furthl't \(1 g s rs q r·•·n~ tlwru'fi '(' • J t A • "'""' l'rlntlnll orne• ... Wuh· fJP e S rrJVe 18111110 26, II. <. Th•s Is" fllnn thnt cvt>ry veteron ''" 11tlil lt~·k 1111u •• ~ 1l holda man' ' Rrrmu·d Koch was appointt:'il, lwad of the association's commil- '"" for lnv(•Sth:a tio n of 11Clivltle.1 <.'(Immunity aln~:s, wlcnt'r roast. llunfirl's, s trf'et dances and ama: trur nights were propoS('d. All Naval Res(-rve OffiC\'rs and l'nllstt·d me n in San ta Ana a nd \'ICIOIIY art• cordially lnVttt.'d IQ atteod this m cctine. Anton Holmbcx-, a Danish postal clt>rk, Is rrcd1100 w1th lnvcnttnl: Chn stmas St'als as a means or 1:<'1· linK mon~y to n~hl tubcrculos•s Boorey & Poirier IW PEa Ol:l'fT nNANCED • F.JI.A. Tllalll • o\.s a.oo-. • ........ • o.,..... -...ted ..., u ..... qua.rt.en The F AN DA:'Iil a I "11~ b•ult In Shellbourrw, Jll.,,·!n Smt 111, 111 1 !);\I a nd 11 ro•glstPN'd '"'h l.loyd'!l IIJI Marconi et11.ysall r1g ~ch•A•IIl'l' &'\ fE't't long With It :.l'.!·fOIII bf-llrl\ lh ·r hull Ia like that Of II \.lvu~lt·r flstworman-flrw forward and full alt and he11vlly hutlt with doublc aaW'C'd oak rltts, n11tural knCf'~. ftc.. but ll you h11ve n•nd tht> romG~t.lc accoun11 of GIOOIX'~t"r tlstwnnen 1111d lh<'lr r11CYS to I h•• ftlhl.ng banks. yuu k now sht• iJI fitet u ahe 11 eturdy. HE GOT THE BIRD '"'•"''"' ''·'''J"'' that wnuld .,; !'llllll:'\t: t i 'P • Girl triJ>" •lift' hill! tlf a l'llrt•t•r that C&ll I'IOI ' 1 I II•• fll'l "'"I' born ht•rl•, h8Ve h•· •'flU·• I• d m "'')' oltwr field. • .. • '' 1l• I" • •·•<I ''' Mrs. R•cha rd I n thl· Vfo'W nwcting Munday, D<m Dtckem1nn WAB cngagl'd to do charcoal-crayon portral 1 un •a of m,•tnbt•rs and tt was propotWd that he do ltOrt~;,alts of the dcccaaed armoo furcH membrra of the llubor arc11. Tht' picturet~ will be !hsplayed u thcy lll'r finished In lhC' VFW's An g, Balboa. • .,.,_ wttn tr a IIIDB&dM!e. • Aa.Aa& Mt plu .... ......,.._ .. REMODEL: Increase Income 1be namf' of her flnt ownr r .,_ __ _.~ .... 11Qt:...Jmown ...btn:...bJ.tLW. 1II:Jl! 10011 80id to F.d Pauley thP oil man -St.auPn's frl••nd. Pauley changed her Mnrronl rig 10 glllf to tret more 1po.'f'd oo t nl ht'r In )ldlt wtndll and l'ntf'rrd ho·r In the Honolulu r are of '34 S lw wun ftJ"'t place In hrr clan that yl'ur and a~raln In 19.~ At 111 .. out~U•t ot tht• WIU' llntt MOld hl'r to th4' Stf'War t El')llipm••nt \o. and n Y'''" later Col. SII'WIIrl !ltlltl hrr to h<"r pr~nt owner. A. n MC'Ct•llum nf L•do talc. CLAIII C ARRIF.K McCollum Willi ltiOkln~ot fnr ""m•·· thlnr In which tn hnut ctum• from Bajll Cah fornl11 Ill 11 llmr no c:&rgo boals Wo•rl' to tW' found when hi' dl,C<WI'r«< thr !-'AN · 1>-ANOO Hr !1171'd up hl'r Jl')~!ll­ biUUt't, &-clded lo tl'ar oot hrr aaloo and etatcrooms leaving the nne trak nhlnf'll) and rt'ta.ln her ~· quartC'rll, IAIIt>y 1111d enrtnc room IntAct She wru equlPPf'd v.1th 11n Atlu I mperial heevy duty 1~.0 h p 6 r yllndrr ._,, and undl'r power he found htT capablr of 1 'l knot a. Soon u ahf' wu rudy, hcr holdl """"' fllll'd v.1 th let' and abe ~an R'ltU1nr monthly, n.lna to the clam CAmPI loc11tl'd a ll thr _.., trom Playa M11rla to Ma~td<'· lena Bay. Shr travrll'd rntlrPiy undrr power I'Xrrpt for thf' OC· eutonal atudyinJ,t r rf<'Ct nf a forr · IIJJ. Tht' clafT\1 ahe CIUTII'd WI'F<' hervt'tted 111 on g the brachn, lhuekt'd. packed ~nto :>-~~:allon c11na anc1 Iced. 1lle Jo'ANDANGO c·ould c:.ny 55 tOM of th<'m. Thcy wt•re lululed to Lon& Ik>ach and 1101/t to the Wrtt Cout P~t<'kmg corporl!· tion, Hrr ~ uturt lly ron~lstt'd ol el((ht men, thr<'<' or four of tbml MeldcaN. McOollwn who oftf'n ullrd lwr hllnwlf on tht'~l' f'Xpt'(1lllon11 ~,ltl. "She wu 11 WHnltl'rful !ltlllf'r un- troubled by till' mnny FI 'I'ISIInlll at.onna W<' f'n~"olllnter. <1." At llflt' Unw tMre wrrr 14 clam rurrlers ltl tM bullnf'H-)'OU probably r r - membrr lh<> El.l NOR, a I 1 n 11. ~.and lhl' BALl. fnnrf'rl t' OMwd by John Carr11dlnr -nnd there au t tlJI 11bout alx In npct-~I· Uon. A YACIITlNO LIF'Ir. AGAIN 'llle FANDANGO 111 now 111 tht' Udo Ptonlnaul11 In procl"!!s of ,.,.._ convt'nlon. Afll'r hrr m1my d•·m· on1tratlona of !IIJl'N'I nnd st'n· worthlnt'U, Mr{"olhun w11nts hr r u hla pr.lval<' ttlt•a.surt' bont. Jll'r Nlon and atatrr·non~ t•r•· b•·mg r.-.. buJit 11nd modemlrt'd with blrar h· ed teak ln trrlol'l' rn•fncln~~: tll~ old fa11hlonr d d11rk finish Ill' will rr · tll.ln hf'r .:nff rll! Antt wht'n th•· nt'XI Jt.,nolulu race Ia run. l ht' FANPANG0 will be! tkl'rt• wllh tht· r!'sl. n ftlrmlll· able challt'nl:l' In tho' romtii'IIIICin and ht'r ~on rf'COrd. Rel iable , ................ , Of'o ..... • .... .-lle ,._ • ....-c~ ..... !OV .....-• ftllell pi eecrtp. _ _...._..aa . ...-. ....,.. - • 1'1' 1 A n •. lrf'lt'(l C't111plo· h01•k••cl tJu• SHII\1' l1!oli Clll lho•tr IIIII'~ lll'ro• The wtf•· ~:ot the ltL\1 wurt.l. nn•l tlw fi5h. NlpUy Ulna Sat~ Errol Flynn Ida tu'ptno and Eleanor Parker -bi- "Escape Me Never" and LatNt MIU't'll of Th- '"nv> t•rNldrntla.l \'f'ar" 8tmday t.hru ~Y Mickey Rooney Ann' Blythe and Brian Donlevy ~ "-Killer McCoy" " .......... .,.Oldy N-aad DIUerMl!! a t'lwll Movtac" Weet.enl 1'\1.-cl Ia Alllltnlla! MJhe Overlanders" I:XT&A! LOUIS-WOLCOTT FIGHTS Sovf!lly: "a-dar ..,...,_,_.- Mlarta~v MJhe Pirates of Monterey" ~ T~or­ Maria Montez Rod Cameron _pt_ Tex Beneke aDd t.bfo Glenn Miller Orch. SlahCiy lhru ~rday William Elliott John Carroll Catherine Mcleod ~n- "The Fabulous Texan" -~llh- Aibert Dekker Andy Devine -PI- Ph» 5 f'OU>R ('A.RTOOS!'4 Bt'(1S Brssv OOSAI.O Orf'K TOM a .JJ:RK\' I'Lt"TC) • UOOt'\ _...._ f"'OTBAI.L Hlntfl.lc.HT1'4 OF' le-.1! ~ Uaru TUNday '1'1\'0 BIG FEATl'lll:~! Bob Hope Signe Hasso and William Bendix . "Where Tllere's Life" -A'-- John Hodia~ Lizabeth· Scott and Burt lancaster ~n- "Desert Fury" --In Tf'C'hnk-olor- S l• rt.. \\'f'dftf'lllda) f~. II Ray Milland Marlene Dietrich -ln- "Golden Earrings" also Walter Brennan Ruth Warw ick Dean Jagger in "Driftwood" , .... llttlf' "''""'"'""-1.11d l•llllf'~ ott u... w fl ..... ,..., , ... ,. ... .w 4t • • • k "II• "' 11 lt>eal truck driver. A ~·•·1•·•·•11 nl thrf'e ,_.. and 111" ••I Ill•• llallh's, unl' wo>ighing run•• m••ut ll• 1n tlw U. s. Nav\ '" t•••tntls, Nght ounces, and j tlu> _.,.,, ,,•n•otl up for a thr;. '' "'"' ,. ""l..:hinR: four pounds, )' ,., '"" 11 •n tlw c:-01111 ot E n • • • ''"'' •' ",.,.,. n ·rX>rh•d in a fair ~:im·•·nc .. t ttv l ' S. AmlY. He 1, 1 "" '"" '' m •·murial hoapital. I ' lin''"''''' r \\ llau..:hman who r•· I " ''"' d "11s horn dt>ad. "''', "''" '"' "•'~' 11nd two 80n· 10'7 o-t IDP-1 OOBONA DEL MAll BUILDERS llartJ.r IUS or zttl-.1 0 • • • 0 ; • ; • 0 ' • • 0 4 • • • • 0 i • 0 0 • ; • 0 • • • • 5 0 0 ; ; • • 0 • • 0 • • I •' :II'\ I ,., utml, Balboa. Durin !"l OBITUARIES 1 I\\ ~trltl \\"tr II. RIIUJ;thman M'rV< ,, ,1,.,,,,., ''"I'"' '"" Pantle fron• "===========..; 'l.·•·•·h 1'•1.! unlit St•Jtlt>m~r 194~• \IAifiT ,._ J O IINI«lN M ~ M R~ .ll-,......,u..,.....,. of ht~t-omeet-~ \1·· I E J uhnc;on, 52.-'-o.,-f ~165~ ..... ----.Ja_•--·~ ~ • 1 "' .oltl•· ".11 ""''' • xpcrh·nce-. wh•·11 '61 '~ n I ' S d1•st rn) t•r sank an t'nem • • ' I PI o•·•· c~""' n ;\lt·!<n, d iC'd Mon- 0 0 • un I~ rlil\l ,.,... IMlfh rna ,., "' · ahlf' and adut.•l•hlr . H u" " r blfi<Hif'd. lhP) ..,,. lu11kln.: for IOOflN' tlarbctr·an•a tluK lu\f'r ttl t•all at lht" C ururm tl•·l \l.or Uo1: ""'t ('at h~lllal ~'"""'''· Ttw~ , .. Ill makf' fin" , .. t ... ~., think . I'"""' II\ c; •• ,lt.utll •HI•m ,1 111, 1,h1111t ~Iiiii yar ds froll I •II• • nuun nt hi~ hnmt'. A con- Ill• ''"'' Th•• ,•oncu.~111on of t h • • ''" h•' 111111 ht·c·n working a t •l•t lh •lt U I:• ''"''" htm frOfl\ ht• '• '"" c·.,mmunity Mr thodlst l•unk I "' • h ~•Wt•>rl and ff't'lin~ ill, ·" ,.t hnnw wlwro• h•• dil'd shortly If You Rent a House at $60.00 Per Month, In 15 Years You Have Paid -$10,800. SWITCH DRIVERS ' LICENSE EXAMS n.. 1• • ""' rlurtn~ whic h Arm . ontl A ll 1-'ol<'l' ·,.,, ""nnt'l hiiVC t h I'' 1\ II• 1'•· ••f r• -••nh~ttng In gt'lltl• • 1 t .. • 11 • \lo•ndt·tl f•·om 20 d11ys 1 ''"'"''"'"" ''"""'"''"~'~''"'' ••• lltlll,., "'" ••t.:lllnuonll illltll d •t "" loo •'"'" 111 '"' • ""''' "' Ill• 1•1 •It•· '"'' lonond)••S of lt'rvice. tl!llltl lllhlll ool 111•11111 \t)llf'lo•' Ill l 'otl' :.'11 11.4)~ lht• ~rndt' and Vol '"~' ~ •. :'<1 •111 '''" 1 4 ''••IWt' '" 1"111·) "'" '"' lwl•l t'IPf·n and t il· t:lllllllll' Sii4''""" "'"""'lL. I • It : nd · '""·" • "" "turn to hl.!l old 11 ",o, ""'"''"" •·tl ''"'·'' I•\ I'"" '''I qnwn• •I h,. rr -••nlist!l duri11 S.JIIIfo ~. '' 111111 • \,11111111'1 Ill I lt:u .:• II '"I lull 111•\flllll ~ day1 anol ••I ,,.,. l•o~·.ol ''''"', lr• • ll•ttn: ,, •· 1 ••I' '" '"• ,,. r;u1 1'1· l'llh!lt In val1• \II'•' 'l lilr•n•• tlt1· ''""" •' '"''"" 1 1.111 ''''' 111 v;ll'anc·y pial•' ''Ill'\\ hi , .. ru•l. II• ~'"''""·I · llu·rt· 1>. nul ~ulfu·•••nt "I"'"' "'I '"''" l h•• •n•·om,. 1:-tx. 11nd brt'nll 1 II• t '' •rtt.:•· '" J!l .. r :'<lut .. r \'•·· "'"' h• '' 1 ••t•on II -Ellzab<'ll• l•t• I•·' .,ft '' • ,,, 1• r ""' c•• 111t.: "'" H.11 r. 1 t It• "" ntnl: .rtt·r. \ n '"' ,. r•f ~" c•fl• n. hi' had livc•d 1 o loo· l 'rul• rl . t:''''" 4:'i )'Pars and •' """'"'1 ltl•' Ia~ I '"'" yt•:'ir'<. hav- .11.' ,., Ill!' hl'l'l' frurn Dt•nvt•r. <Allo If· 1" •llr\ 11 •·•I 1~\· his wJfe. Mrs. • ·u 11• '"''"""". 11 ~on, l..A-R1>y nnfl d ollt.:hl•·r , llt•lt·n. ;oil of th•• Ctllit ll \!• ''' hlllllt' thrt'l' hrothf'NI, Wtl· '".,. 1•.•1 111 und l lnrry .Johnson or I' oo ldnl<l Ill . 11nd two ~isll'rs, ,,., 1111•'1 Z1 tzk•· Hntl Mrs. Agno•s I' •lnu r pf rtorkfnrd I 1'•111• • .11 ~··r\IC't'c; ~tnd burial w ill I~ luld Il l Rockford , 111. G raut•l nuortuar~. \ru<tn Mt•sa. is in C'har~:r ' ·••• •n..:•·m•~nls This Adds Up to -180 Rent Receipts Total Savings 00 II You Buy Now oncJ Poy Approximately $60.00 per month, You Con H oye o Lovely Home PoicJ For In 15 Y eors. P l U S- • Th~ Satisfaction of Uvhag In Your Own Jlome. e A Bettflr SoclaJ and Economic Standing In Your Community For You and Your Chl.ldren. f r'<f> lit~, "'-'• I \,tftUit;1,ttUU'ii \\ tltle• lh• \'C•hu·l, lu t "'' t•'ftl'\\ •• J ••f" I itiHtn Ito. 10 t•~··~r · ''\ .en•l at '' nP,.,.,, tr) fur UJ I ll f1nt1 tJiho•r tjlloorlt l"'o If n11r I.H u~. th• n. II<' up a.nd dolne. R \1.1'11 Ot'BI':RT SORMAN Wllh ;, lu art ror 11ny fate; 11:tlph Dubt•r t Norman. Infant We have a Brand New 2-Bedroom Home in Newport Heights now at $8750, and several more, priced to suit your income. S11ll ••('hlt'""ll· still pursulnc. '"" ••t \lr nnd Mr~ Cl:~yton :>Jor- t .. ·arn '" l.th•Jr and to wa.lt. "'·'" I'·~~' lla r bor houlr\'urd, Cost II Inquire At Our Ollice There's No Obligation -LoncfeUo~ 1 \l•·~a d11'd }l'Sit>rday in Commun. ijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiii 1 ' ""~rut a t BETTER BUYS OUR APOLOGY: Fiv~ Thousa nd Pounds of T-Bom• Steaks a rc a lot o f Steaks, but we ra n short la st week e nd. If you missed out on your BAilGAIN STEAK I>INNEH or wo uld like a REPEAT, here is an- other chan«.·e at some more o f the RA J\1 E HJ(;H <ll ALITY STEAKS and a t the ~A !\IE LOW PIUCEK \'our ('om pic• f., Sati..,fJU·ticln l 'nc-ondltinnall~· Ciuara.ntHd T -BONE STEAKS C\lt Any ·n,k knt'S." You \\'t"h Lh Porterhouse Steaks w ·onder ful for Broiling Lh. RIB STEAKS For F ryin(! or Pan Broiling Lh. All Cut from Our USUAL HH;tl Ql ALITY ME.\T •• i •••••• Boneless Rump Roasts Economical and v~ry good Lb. Eastern Salt Pork For fry in g or sea~on i n g Sliced Bacon , Swift's Oriole .L b. S k d P• • H -41o ft mo e ICniC ams,b""'·45C Swift's Prem. S hanklcss Lb. _j • West Coast Meat Co • C~O. "PAT" Fl....Al"AGA~ Wholesale Meats and Provisions UW'7 NEWPORT RI.\'D. 1'11. BMooa 5695 c~t• MNia e l\< •lllo·~ ht• par!'nts hr ts surviv- tl "' I"" •u«tf'r!l, Lu<"mdn nncl EVA F. RHODEN 1 1,,,, 1111 h•~ (:rnndp~~.rentll, Mr 111ol \lrl' Rnlph l"nrman of Grant, '·" •• nrl Mr nnd ~Irs J D. Jt•ans I .. r • · .. ~I;• Mrsn ~. 1' r•···~ wtll hr hd d Fnday at Ill :141 ·' m in Wrstminstr r Mcm- "'1" p~ork with thl' n ev. r. \\'lllurtl 1-.:tr·hrns nff•cinting and Arrangc- i"'''fllll by H arold K Grauo·l chaJ)l'l. REALTOR L. I 4'70 Newport BouJevard COSTA MBA Phone BEacOn 5'718--R A Real Clearance With Genuine Reductions On Many High Quality Items. We Are Clearing Out Everything Except Our Very Newest Merchandise. HERE ARE SOME OF Boys' Zelan Jackets ..... Boys' Raincoats & Slickers Sport Shirts-Men's & Boys' Wool Sport Shirts T H ESE F'I N E V A L U E S: . . Were$ 7.95 .Were$ 7.95 .Were$ 7.95 . Were $12.95 .. Now $1.00 .Now $1.00 .Now $4.75 .Now $7.50 T-Shirts ...... . Were$ 2.50 ........ Now .98 Sweaters, Men's ..... 25°/o to 80°/o OFF SHOES-Men's and Women's-Up to $7.95 Value NOW-49e-$1.00-$2.95-$3.95 Pair CANNON NYWNS DR~~ t'nr \\ ork -l'la~ -.,,..,._ SLIPS sow to l 98c Off Half Price KNIT PAJAMAS f'lllldren ~tu.-SIIA"ll 4-6 -8 $1 00 ( t"Ht In) 11.9~· So Ff'of't -• FLANNEL PAJAMAS --Half Price BARGAIN TABLES with many items up to 75°/o Off A PENNY SALE-(lc) Values to $5.95 YOU-.. CAI'T AFFORD TO MISS IT! (Ffr z PA"'fAICi<S) C);, .. ,, •• , ••• prl•t•tf ·~ .... ,., ~ ploto of "'h Sl,.pliti!'y ,RINT(O ~· Po"''" to tl\ow 'fOV WMA T IT IS, WH(U IT GOES. WHU( 10,. ~) ADJUST IT, ood WHII( TO f MATCH IT 10 ITS Mlr!t. ~ ~ $ .. lho ""'!''· ••• ttylot I~ .... ~ ~•• s,'"o''"'' 'o"•'" Co•o~oo ~ •' •~· potlofii -I'O•••H todor l q s~-~ PIIIIJfD PAmtiiS -lk. 20<. 25< 22nd & Ocean Front, New porl Beach , California Since 1914 OPt~N St 'NPA \·~ l '!:lW to .. :!40 a~. M. S,\n'RDr\\' ~l<iiiTS Tll.l. ~:SO P.M. .. ,